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Right not to be discriminated

In this paper I want to discuss about the importance of the right not to be discriminated against.
This consists of recognizing the equality of all people and protecting them from mistreatment for
having a different mentality than certain people in society.

My main objective is to argue why this article is so important in the universal declaration of human
rights, through different examples and explanations.

To defend my position, I ask you the following question. Are there privileges thanks to the right not
to be discriminated against?I feel that it does exist, and I base my answer on the following

1- Promotes equality: It guarantees that all people have the same opportunities and rights, an
example in this case is that a person cannot be denied access to jobs or good salaries just because
they are of a different sexual orientation, gender, religion or race.

2- It guarantee freedom: I mean that the freedom of citizenship is protected to be who they are, in
this case, people will make free decisions and live their lives without fear of being harassed, in my
opinion this is something very essential for personal development and fulfillment.

3- Promotes justice and protects diversity: It does so by establishing that each person is unique and
that we have the right to be treated with respect, for example, if there is someone who has
another ethnic group, they should not be looked down upon. I believe that justice and the
acceptance of diversity is essential so that societies can live with dignity and in harmony.

Discrimination can have a negative impact on the lives of other people, since the discriminated
person can be seriously damaged psychologically, all the mistreatment they receive can make the
person feel ashamed of themselves or, in the worst case scenario, cases, you hate yourself so much
that you decide to take your own life.

Finally, to conclude, I want to reaffirm my position, I believe that it is absolutely important to

maintain the right not to be discriminated against in the universal declaration and I believe that
work must be done to eliminate discrimination in all its forms. I propose that one way to do this
could be to promote diversity and inclusion. More than anything for this to work we must educate
ourselves about our own attitudes and prejudices towards others, ask ourselves, is it okay to judge
someone before meeting them? these measures will guarantee equal opportunities and rights for
all people, regardless of their origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability.

English essay -Javiera Molina 4 medio A.

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