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Scene 1 (at house, texting)

Heidy (my friend): Hi Sherly! Long time no see, I was wondering if you would like to hang out
today, maybe going out to a restaurant near my house that’s pretty known for having an amazing
crew of chefs.
Me: Hi Heidy, I would really love to go with you! At what time are you free, and can you send me
the exact location?
Heidy: There you go, be there at 7:00pm and I already sent you the address, check the chat. Get
ready for tonight’s menu, I bet that we are going to have the time of our lives.
Scene 2 (At the restaurant, 7:20pm)
Me: Good night, sorry for the delay, I needed to finish some works.
Heidy: Hey, don’t mind it, most importantly we are finally here, and I can’t wait to try the food of
this place! Excuse me, can the waiter come to the table, please?
Waiter: I hope you both ladies are having a stunning night, are you both ready to order a meal?
Maybe an appetizer, a side dish, or would you rather pass straight to the main dish?
Me: Sir, I would like some seafood. And for my dessert, I will pick this delicious-looking
Waiter: All right, what about you, miss?
Heidy: I would like this filet and add some sauces on it for It to get some flavor. Finally, as a
dessert I would also like to order the milkshake that Sherly chose.
(10 minutes passed by.)
Waiter: There you go ladies, I hope you both are ready to taste your orders, if you need further
assistance I will be always near this spot, don’t forget the napkins you have at the side of your
dishes, and enjoy your meal.

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