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Table A.1 Values of Factor of Safety

Material Steady load Live load Shock load

Cast iron 5 to 6 8 to 12 16 to 20

Wrought iron 4 7 10 to 15

Carbon Steel 3 8 12 to 16

Soft materials
6 9 15
and alloys

Leather 9 12 15

Timber 7 10 to 15 20

Table A.2 Values of Modulus of Elasticity for the Commonly Used Engineering Materials

Modulus of Elasticity (E) in GPa i.e.

GN/m2 or kN/mm2

Steel and Nickel 200 to 220

Wrought Iron 190 to 200

Cast Iron 100 to 160

Copper 90 to 100

Brass 80 to 90

Aluminum 60 to 80

Timber 10

Table A.3 Value of Density for Various Materials

Material Density

Iron 7870 kg/m3

Copper 8940 kg/m3

Lead 11341 kg/m3

Mild Steel 7850 kg/m3

Brass 8553 kg/m3

Table A.4 Result Data for The Arm

Name Result Data

Maximum Force on the Arm 14465.83 N

Maximum Bending Moment on the Arm 4339752.00 N-mm

Bean Thickness 50 mm

Allowable stress for AISI 1045 132.5 N/mm2

Moment of Inertia 937500 mm4

Maximum bending stress 115.73 N/mm2

Permissible shear stress 58.33 N/mm2

Maximum shear stress 1.21 N/mm2

Maximum deflection 10.84 mm

Angle between two arms for Honda Fit car 96.75°

XCG 1913.75 mm

YCG 2145.81 mm

σVM 115.7489 N/mm2

 5.021104

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