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Written Assessment No. 3

Quarter 1

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

I. Read the selections carefully then answer the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each

I View and I Read

We, the Grade 6 class went to see the movie last Saturday. We got permission slips signed before we go. We watched a movie that told
the story from a book we read. We love it when movies were made from books.
We got to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us bought curls and fries, too. We all enjoyed watching the movie.
When we returned to school, we talked about things that were in the movie and the book. We all agreed that we like the book better.
Books let you picture out the characters in any way you want to picture them. It was fun to compare the movie to the book.

1) Who watched the movie?

A. The Grade 6 class B. The Grade 5 class
C. The Grade 4 class D. The Grade 3 class

2) Where did the students go?

A. to the park B. to their school
C. to the movie D. to their homes

3) What did the students need to do before going to the movie?

A. read the book about the movie B. get permission slips signed by their parents
C. bring their siblings with them D. do their household chores before going

4) When did the students watch movie?

A. last Friday B. last Saturday
C. last Monday D. last Wednesday

5) Why are books better than movies?

A. Books let you picture out the characters in any way you want to picture them.
B. You can read the lines of the characters so you could better understand the story.
C. Books are more detailed with the events happening in the story.
D. You can easily read the story again whenever you wanted them.

Ice Cream for Sale

“Cling! Cling! Cling!” Benito and his sister Nenita raced out the door. He took some coins from his pocket and
counted them. “I can have two scoops,” he thought. But then his little sister Nenita asked, “Can I have an ice cream?” Benito
looked at his coins again. “May I have two cones?” he asked. The ice cream vendor nodded. Benito and Nenita left with a

6) Why did Benito and Nenita races out of the door?

A. They wanted to buy something.
B. They wanted to open the door.
C. They wanted to find out what was going on.
D. They wanted to know what was making noise.

7) In the beginning, what did Benito plan to do?

A. Buy ice cream for himself and his sister.
B. Buy two scoops of ice cream for himself.
C. Buy two scoops of ice cream for his sister.
D. Reach the ice cream vendor ahead of his sister.

8) Why were they smiling at the end of the story?

A. They each got a free ice cream cone.
B. They made the ice cream vendor happy.
C. They shared a cup with two scoops of ice cream.
D. They each had a scoop of ice cream on a cone.

9) Which of the following best describes Benito?

A. He is selfish. B. He is a giver/generous.
C. He is thrifty. D. He is greedy.

10) If Benito paid Php12.00 for their ice cream, how much is a cone of ice cream?
A. Php12.00 B. Php 10.00
C. Php 8.00 D. Php 6.00

II. Tell whether the underlined verb is in the past, present or future tense. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.
11) She wakes up early in the morning daily.
12) The bus stopped a few minutes ago.
13) Mr. Gomez shall buy a house next month.
14) Sheila will sing at the concert tomorrow.
15) Tim and Sonny play basketball every weekends.

III. Identify the correct tense of the verb that will complete each sentence. Encircle your chosen answers.
16) My brother (drank, drinks, will drink) a glass of milk every night before going to bed.
17) Tomorrow, my father (applied, applies, will apply) for a new job.
18) George (brushed, brushes, will brush) his teeth twice a day.
19) I (graduated, graduates, will graduate) from the university last year.
20) Lea and Sabrina (attended, attend, will attend) the meeting tomorrow.

IV. Read each statement carefully. Classify them as to:

A. Text-to-Text Connection
B. Text-to-Self Connection
C. Text-to-World Connection
Choose the correct answer by writing the letter on the space provided before each number.
21) The movie Independence Day is almost the same as what is happening in our community today.
22) This scenario reminds me of my high school days when we used to go to malls after class hours with my friends.
23) That picture I am looking at reminded me of my primary years where I used to cry before entering my
24) The message of this portrait depicts the real situation of what is happening now in our nature.
25) This text/passage is the same as the lesson we discussed in Science about the prevention of the possible spread
of Corona Virus.
26) This movie is similar to the passage I read before whose author and editor is the same person.
27) The video we watched is somewhat the same as the story we read in our English class.
28) The character in the story is similar to my experiences as a working student who was able to assist my parents in
sending my other siblings to school until all of us became successful professionals.
29) The incident reminds me of our happy days with our grandparents when they were still alive.
30) The news report led me to recall the actual situation that our country is facing now.

- --- GO DB LE S S US AL L -- -

Prepared by:
Mrs. Donna A. Salva
Subject Teacher

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