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The Character of the Word of God

Hebrews 4:12,13

Big Idea: Because God’s Word is sharper than two-edged sword, let us fully embrace it.

I. Divine – Its origin is from God – Heb. 4:12a; Psalm 19:7-10

II. Alive – Continues to be alive and imparts life – Heb. 4:12a; John 6:63; Psalm
19:7; James 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23

III. Powerful – Heb. 4:12b; Rom. 1:16,17

The Bible is active, effective, powerful, productive, capable of causing things to
happen! The Bible is "energetic" and never just sits still, never takes a day off, is
always at work, is tireless.

Steven Lawson says, "When we are hooked up to this book in humility and
repentance and faith, there is a surge of energy that enters into our soul."

Illustration note: A Hell-fire club member imitates George Whitfield and got
saved by his own mockery.

IV. Penetrates – Heb. 4:12c-13a – it bares open our pretensions and breaks
through our defenses.
Illustration note: Story of Tibetan Buddhist monk and John Wesley

V. God’s Basis for Judgment – Heb. 4:13b; John 12:48; John 3:18-20

Putting truth to life:

1. Let us believe in God’s Word without reservation.

No weapon in Satan's arsenal can destroy the sword of the Spirit,
which is the Word of God.
2. Let us depend on the power of the Word of God in our preaching, teaching, and in
the ministries of our church.
3. Let us remember that we will be held accountable for our response to God’s Word.

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