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1. Arga Roihan S. (23020330043)
2. Faisal Alwi R. (23020330051)
3. Hazza Ariiq M. (23020330049)
4. Rasyid Nurdin. (23020330045)

Social Media Effect for Mental Health

Social media have so many alarming effect to the mental health of young users, who
reported feeling addicted to scrolling images on the app even though it made them feel
bad about themselves or, in some cases, promoted eating disorders and self-harm.

But it pursued engaging teenagers as key to growing its profits.

Serious mental health problems among high school students skyrocketed during the
same decade that teens’ use of cellphones and social media became pervasive.

From 2009 to 2019, the portion of high schoolers reporting “persistent feelings of
sadness or hopelessness” increased by 40%, to more than 1 in 3 students, according to
the U.S. surgeon general’s advisory last year on the national crisis in youth mental
health. During the same decade, the number considering suicide shot up 36% — to
about 1 in 5 high schoolers.

The effect of technology “almost certainly varies from person to person,” the surgeon
general’s report says, citing research that shows both negative and positive
consequences of teens’ social media use.

While some research shows time spent online leads to depression and anxiety, other
research shows it helps people form meaningful connections with friends and family.

More recent research has shown that social media platforms, including Instagram and
Snapchat, have made it easy for teenagers to find and buy deadly drugs, such as pills
laced with fentanyl.

Government should keep the pressure on to make protection of children and teenager
from the danger of social media.

Government and relevant authorities should establish the law against the bad impact of
social media


Red color sentence means it’s the reason

Title: Social Media Effect for Mental Health

Reason: Because in the text discusses various kinds of effects caused by social media, both negative effects and
positive effects.

Topic: Bad Impact of Social Media

Reason: Because mostly discusses about the bad impact from social media.

Main Idea:
- Paragraf 1: “Alarming effect from social media”.
This paragraph starts directly with the main problem and then continues with examples of activities caused by
the problem.

- Paragraf 2: “Social media engages teens to increase their own profits”.

Explain about social media that uses teenagers to increase their profits.

- Paragraf 3: Teenager mental health problems skyrocketed.

Explaining with the keyword "skyrocketed" that the increase in mental health problems experienced by
adolescents is increasing and at the same time the use of cellphones and social media is becoming pervasive.

Thesis= Paragraph 1,2, and 3

Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 become a thesis because they contain an introduction to the main problem to be
discussed in the text.

- Paragraf 4: “Data on the escalating national crisis in adolescent mental health”.

Because this paragraph contains increasing data from 2009-2019 which shows that adolescent mental health is
not good. And then continue with what data increases in that period.

- Paragraf 5: “Social media that has a negative and positive impact on teenagers”.
There is a word "varies" that indicates the effect of technology which is more clearly social media, the effect
is not only negative but there are positive effects also according to The Surgeon General's Report.

- Paragraf 6: “Examples of the negative and positive impact of using social media based on some research”.
Because it explains the negative effects caused by the use of social media and the positive effects as well.
- Paragraf 7: “Social media makes it easier for teens to find and buy drugs”.
Because this paragraph explains that illegal drugs can also be found and purchased on social media, and also
mentions the type of illegal drug, called fentanyl.

Paragraphs 4,5,6 and 7 are arguments from this text.

Paragraph 4 is argument 1, which contains data on the increase in cases of impaired adolescent mental

Then paragraphs 5 and 6 are argument 2, which explains more about the negative impact of social
media and explains a little about the positive impact.

Paragraph 7 is argument 3, which explains the further negative impact social media use can have on
drug purchases.

- Paragraf 8: “Advice for governments to protect children and teenager from the dangers of social media”.
Because it contains advice to protect children and adolescents from the dangers of social media.

- Paragraf 9: “The hope of making laws against the bad effects of social media by the government”.
The key word is law. Here there is hope for lawmaking to overcome the impact of social media.

Paragraphs 8 and 9 are the conclusion of the whole text. Because most discuss the bad effects of
social media, the conclusion is what is the solution to this problem, which can be done is to hope that
the government can make laws to reduce the bad effects of social media.

We agree with the text that there are many bad impacts caused by social media because the text has data based on
various studies on the bad impact of social media, one of the data comes from the U.S. surgeon general's advisory.
In addition, social media can also interfere with the quality of our sleep. When we want to sleep, maybe we will just
check whether there is info on whatsapp or other social media. Maybe at first we say that it will only be a few
minutes, but what often happens is that it takes hours. So that what we should have rested instead we do activities
again that end up disrupting the quality of our sleep.

And if the quality of sleep is disturbed then our brain will be difficult to concentrate which can result in disruption in
our memory.
Then social media can also cause consecutive suicides. As in the suicide case committed by actor Robin Williams in
2014. After the news of suicides, as many as 10% of suicides increased within 5 months in the United States. It also
found a 32% increase in suicides using the same method as the actor.
It can be concluded that if there is a person who is initially depressed and is in an unstable mental state, then this
person sees news of suicide, there is a possibility that this person will feel in line with the person who has committed
suicide. So the person will do the same because they feel in line.
So be wise in using social media so that the bad effects do not happen to you.
Linda (2019), Medsos Sebabkan Gangguan Mental pada Orang Indonesia. CNN Indonesia. Accessed on 1 September
2023 from
ALODOKTER dr. Kevin Adrian (2021), Jangan Abaikan Gangguan Tidur, Ini Efek Buruknya!. ALODOKTER.
Accessed on 1 September 2023 from
Santosa, Lia Wanadriani (2020), Kasus Bunuh Diri, Pengaruh Berita “Tak Sehat” dan Media Sosial.
Accessed on 1 September 2023 from

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