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"Rajasthan R.S.E.B. working form 1 July, 1957. When India becomes independent its overall installed
capacity was hardly 1900 mw. During first year plan (1951-1956) this capacity was only 2300 mw.
The contribution of Rajasthan state was negligible during 1&2 year plans the emphases was on
industrialization for that end it was considered to make the system of the country reliable.
Therefore Rajasthan state electricity board came into existence in July 1957.

In 1957 R.V.P.N. is comes in to existence and it satisfactorily work from 1 july 1957 at that time
energy level in Rajasthan is very low. The 1st survey for energy capacity in Rajasthan is held in
1989 at that time the total electric energy capacity of Rajasthan is 20116 MW. At that time the
main aim of to supply electricity to entire Rajasthan in the most economical way.

and the R.V.P.N. comes under northan zone. During the 1st survey there are few GSS in Rajasthan
and the Alwar GSS is one of them. The Alwar GSS is 2km away from the Railway station Alwar and
located near the Govt. polytechnic college Alwar.

The aim of RVPN is to supply electricity to entire Rajasthan state in the most economical way.

Government of Rajasthan on 19th July 2000, issued a gazette notification unbundling Rajya Vidyut
Prasaran Nigam into Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd (RRVUNL), the generation
Company; Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd, (RRVPNL), the transmission Company and
the three regional distribution companies namely Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd, (JVVNL) Ajmer
Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (AVVNL) and Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (JVVNL)

The Generation Company owns and operates the thermal power stations at Kota and Suratgarh,
Gas based power station at Ramgarh, Hydel power station at Mahi and mini hydel stations in the
State The Transmission Company operates all the 400KV, 220 KV, 132 KV and 66KV electricity lines
and system in the State.The three distribution Companies operate and maintain the electricity
system below 66KV in the State in their respective areas

Rajasthan State Electricity Board has been divided in five main parts are:-

-> Electricity production authority- RKVUNL

-> Electricity transmission authority-RRVPNL.

-> Distribution authority for Jaipur-JVVNL

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