PIA Competencia Comunicativa en Ingles Tercera Oportunidad

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Competencia comunicativa en inglés

Lic. en Contador Público

Tercera Oportunidad
Maestro: Gutiérrez Acosta Enrique

Integrantes de equipo:
Solis Ibarra Oscar Alejandro 2129144
Ortega Sosa Aaron Gael 2031716

Ciudad Universitaria, 10 de marzo de 2023

In this topic we will see from the highest in the sky to the lowest
on earth,because we will see two topics that, although somewhat
disparate and separated in themselves, have the interest in the
scientific community, because we see the impact of an asteroid
with a satellite and a spider that may have more implications than
we would think.

A team of engineers has found a way to turn dead spiders into mechanical
grip robots. The idea, which sounds terrifying, is to pump spider carcasses
in Advanced Science. Researchers at Rice University in Texas found that
arachnid tweezers could lift 130% of their own body weight, as well as
manipulate circuit boards to shut down LED`s. A clamp is capable of
performing around 1000 opening and closing cycles before its joints begin to At this point we see that not only macro-scale things
wear out. However, engineers believe that the grips of their "necrobots" will work for our benefit, but we have various ways of
last longer with a polymer coating. It is hoped that the delicate tools can be using, even things as insignificant as a dead spider
used in microelectronics or to capture small insects. body to perform tasks that would be somewhat
complicated for our benefit, even being similar to
"It happens that the body of a spider, after its death, is the perfect
many movies we have seen of espionage, since they
architecture for naturally derived small-scale tweezers," Da said.
use spiders or insects in the same way for the benefit
The valves allow the spider to control each leg individually, and the scientists of those who use them. Perhaps this technology is
used them to move all the legs at the same time. They first hit the prosoma still somewhat distant ff those realities that we
chamber with a needle and attached it with some superglue. The other end imagine, but we see that it is no longer as imaginary
of the needle was connected to one of the lab's test kits or to a handheld as we might think. This technology, which although
syringe. There a small amount of air was administered as if it were blood, to something basic, can facilitate jobs that could be
activate the legs almost instantly. difficult to do, either because of the scale I use or
because I have less handling of small materials, here
Joints (articulaciones): a point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined.
we can see that it is now a little easier and closer that
Tweezers (pinzas): a small instrument like a pair of pincers for plucking out hairs and we have small friends who can help us even in our
picking up small objects. day to day. being able to help fix circuits if given the
Coating (capa): a thin layer or covering of something. correct shape and even see and get things that are
far fromus and in places that are difficult to access.
Polymer (polímero): a substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or
entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together.

Syringe (jeringa): a tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting
liquidin a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a APA
hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids. (Roman, 2022, 28 julio)

News researcher: Oscar Solis

The world's first planetary defense mission
successfully impacted its target last Monday, in
what was NASA's first attempt to deflect acelestial
body in outer space, showing a viable technique to
space against Earth. At an undetermined time, the
Space Agency will report if the impact divergedthe
object's trajectory. José Franco, a researcher at the
UNAM Institute of Astronomy, explains that “there
is constant vigilance by many countries in the
world, against any object that may come from the
sky and cause a problem on Earth. One of these
sources is space debris, there is a small one and a
much larger one. You must have a good follow-up
to guarantee that it is not going to hit an inhabited
area” The other part of surveillance – José Franco
points out – has to do with objects with trajectories
that can pass close to the Earth. For now, there is
This articule show us a reality that, in this time is low the probability, but none in the near future that could represent a
happen more that we think or more than we see in the reality, the asteroid danger; however, this possibility already exists in
belt its so inestable that everitime asteroids change their course and go to the future, it is important to be clear about how it
mars or jupiter (our two defenders of impacts) or somentimes in the moon. can be resolved with enough months in advance.”
Its scary think that it could happen, and we have to remeber that an asteroid
hundred of thousand years ago make the extinction of the dinosaurs, and an Attempt (intentar) try or get a chance in something
asteroid will imoact again, maybe the sice of an entyre city or contry. Its Against (contra) that opposes
impresive that we have the capacity to avoid that danger with our tecnology,
even if only it means to impact a satelit in a moon, but it means that we have Inhabited (habitado) that is not inhabited
another chace to do the things rigth,prepare ourselves to get another impact Astronomy (astronomía) Science that studies the
and desviate problems in our actuality, maybe in some years we have the structure and composition of the stars, their
capacity to destroy it and eliminate that problem instead of changing the location and the laws of their movements.
course of the asteoid.
Undetermined (indeterminado) That it does not
have clear and precise characteristics or that it does
not have defined limits.

News researcher: Oscar Solis


(Maguey, 2022, 29 septiembre).

News researcher: Oscar Solis

In this section we will see how there are companies that take risks and lose and others that, despite billing
thousands of dollars a year, take risks and continue to invoice those and more amounts, do their best to
continue increasing especially your profits.

Cryptocurrencies extended their slide for a second day

Wednesday as the market absorbed the potential collapse
of popular crypto exchange FTX. Prices were pressured to
start the day and plunged by late afternoon as Binance, the
largest global exchange by volume, abandoned plans to
acquire Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX after a due diligence
exam and recent reports of mishandled customer funds
and alleged U.S. agency investigations of FTX. Bitcoin fell
12% before 4:30 p.m. ET to just under $16,000, hitting a
low not seen since November 2020, according to Coin
Metrics. It reached its all-time high of $68,982.20 one year
Plunge (sumido): jump or dive quickly and energetically.
ago Thursday. Meanwhile, ether tumbled 14%, to
$1,128.87. The Bankman-Fried empire quickly unraveled Mishandle (mal manejo): manage or deal with (something) wrongly or
after a report last week showed a large part of the balance ineffectively.
sheet at Alameda Research, the trading company where
Unravel (desenmarañar): investigate and solve or explain (something
Bankman-Fried was also CEO, had been concentrated in
complicated or puzzling).
FTX Token (FTT), the native token of the FTX trading
platform. After some light sparring on Twitter with Token (objeto de cambio): a voucher that can be exchanged for goods
Bankman-Fried, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao announced or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a
his company was offloading the FTT on its books, leading to promotional offer.
a run on the popular FTX exchange and a liquidity crisis. FTX
counts some of the biggest names in finance — including Offloading (descarga): rid oneself of (something) by selling or passing it
on to someone else.
SoftBank, BlackRock, Tiger Global, Thoma Bravo, Sequoia
and Paradigm — among its investors.
I think we are all aware of what cryptocurrencies are and we are aware that they have been an explosion for, not only how volatile they
are (noting the irony) but we see that many grnte have seen great fortunes or great losses through their investment). Are they good?
Are they of help to the economy? Deoende of those you ask has been a blessing for starting at its lowest point. But now we seethat it
has now meant a serious problem for those who have invested millions in these and now from one day to the next they have been a
great loss, as many made sure to back their profits through crypto. This fall has been the largest in years because its investmentshave
gone badly, thus leaving its owner bankrupt owing almost six hundred million dollars through this drastic fall. In the same way we know
that this fall can be short-lived. Small prices attract investors back and could not pose so much a danger to its creator or to future
(Macheel, 2022, 10 noviembre )
Disney plans to institute a targeted hiring freeze as
well as some job cuts, according to an internal memo
sent to executives. “We are limiting headcount
additions through a targeted hiring freeze,” CEO Bob
Chapek said in a memo to division leads sent Friday
and obtained by CNBC. “Hiring forthe small subset of the
most critical, business-driving positions will continue,
but all other roles are on hold. Your segment leaders
and HR teams have more specific details on how this
will apply to your teams.” He added: “As we work
through this evaluation process, we will look at every
avenue of operations and labor to find savings, and
we do anticipate some staff reductions as part of this
review.” Disney has approximately 190,000
employees. Chapek also told executives business
travel should be limited to essential trips only.
Meetings should be conducted virtually as much as
possible; he wrote in the memo. Disney is also
establishing “a cost structure taskforce” to be made
I think we see and already know that companies have a single mindset in what
up of Chief Financial Officer Christine McCarthy,
their existence is: maximizing profits throughout their existence. Assuming this
General Counsel Horacio GutierrezandChapek. “I am
and seeing this type of news we already normalize and even with courage or
fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of anger, we see that these situations happen more often than we think. We
you and your teams,” Chapek wrote. “We are going to know that Disney is one of the companies that has the largest number of
have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions. people using its streaming service, which also often makes these news
Butthat is just what leadership requires, and I thank somewhat comical or complicated to read, because their main problem in this
youin advance for stepping up during this important part has been that they have not achieved the profits they have planned for
time. their service, thinking that it is best to fire and stop hiring people in an
indefinite period of time.

Hiring (contratar): employ (someone) for wages.

Headcount (contar personal): a total number of people, especially the

number of people employed in a particular organization.

Anticípate (anticipar): regard as probable; expect or predict.

Taskforce (grupo de trabajo): a unit specially organized for a task. News researcher: Oscar
Establishinng (establecer): set up (an organization, system, or set of
rules) on a firm or permanent basis.

(Sherman, 2022, 11 noviembre)

In this section we will investigate 2 very important issues in current education, which are the
effect of the pandemic on education and bullying in the modern era.

The pandemic generation

Students missed a lot of high school instruction. Now
many are behind, especially in math, and getting that
degree could be harder.

Colleges are now educating their first waves of

students who experienced pandemic learning loss in
high school. What they are seeing is sobering,
especially because the latest dismal results from the
national exam of fourth and eighth graders suggest
that they could face year after year of incoming
students struggling to catch up. In almost all states,
there were significant declines in eighth-grade math,
and most states also showed a dip in reading for
fourth and eighth graders.
The suspension of classes caused by the pandemic was a very hard blow
In interviews across the country, undergraduates
for the students, since most of them could not get used to it enough,
discussed how their disjointed high school
resulting in a large decrease in the level of education Because of online
experiences have trailed them in their first years of
classes, there are many reasons for this: due to lack of resources such as
internet or computer, lack of attention, not having someone to solve your college.
doubts. Fortunately this ah ended and classes returned to face-to-face For many low-income students and students of color,
but now we have to deal with the level of knowledge lower than expected who have historically faced bigger obstacles to
for each grade so teachers and institutions have to create a strategy to
earning a degree, classes seem to be that much
improve student learning and return to how it should be.
harder and graduating that much tougher.

Pandemic (Pandemia): (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or


Sobering (Aleccionadora): creating a more serious, sensible, or solemn News researcher: Oscar Solis

Dismal (Triste): depressing; dreary.

Struggling (Luchando): make forceful or violent efforts to get free of (The pandemic
generation, 2022, 1
restraintor constriction. noviembre)
Low-Income (Bajos ingresos): individual whose family's taxable income
forthe preceding year did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level
News researcher: Aarón Ortega

Social environments, the influence of the pandemic and the difficulties of age can multiply the harmful effects
of traditional toxic behaviors in social networks.
Behaviors such as harassment, adapt to the new reality and find in new technologies the ideal breeding
ground to multiply.

Bullying through social networks is a form of cyberbullying, and this, in turn, is a twist on the more common
school bullying. Although the definition of cyberbullying is still subject to controversy: “cyberbullying” is, in
any case, the most used term in the scientific literature.

Its more pernicious nature than the traditional one lies in the fact that it is more pernicious and causes greater
psychosocial consequences on those who suffer it due to the timeless and unlimited nature of the network,
and due to the echo effect derived from a lack of forgetfulness in the network

Cyber bullying is a very important issue to deal with as it endangers the physical and mental integrity of victims
and can affect victims even more than bullying in person as bullying through the Internet can reach many
people. More harassing people which could join in harassing the physical and mental integrity of the victims
and can affect the victims even more than the harassment in person since the harassment through the Internet
can reach many more harassing people which could join in harassing the victim, besides that the teasing will
stay on the Internet practically forever, which is why the victim will have more problems to forget it and overcome
it. That is why the institutions must be stricter regarding this type of situation and put a stop to them when they
arise and not when it is too late.

Behaviors (comportamientos): the way in

which one acts or conducts oneself,
especiallytoward others.

Network (red): interact with others to

exchangeinformation and develop professional
or social contacts.

Harassment (acoso): aggressive pressure


Pernicious (pernicios): having a harmful

effect,especially in a gradual or subtle way.

Forgetfullness (olvido): lapse of memory.

(Unir, 2022, 5 octubre)

In this topic we will see very relevant things about the world of sport, talking about the biggest
world event that is the world cup as the withdrawal of one of the greatest exponents of the

Gerard Piqué 35 years announced this

Thursday afternoon that he is retiring from
Barcelona and football. A goodbye that
translates, as he had always assured – “I will
never play for another team”, the center-back
has repeated – in his farewell to professional
sport. He has done it his way, on social
networks and when no one expected it, two
days after his name appeared on Luis Enrique's
pre-list for the Qatar World Cup. “For weeks,
months, many people have been talking about
me. So far, I haven't said anything, but now I'll
be the one to speak”, the Catalan defender
started. Piqué was passing those of Caín in the
Camp Nou, relegated by Xavi to a secondary
role; but also in his personal life, paparazzi
meat after he announced his separation from
the Colombian singer Shakira.

In my opinion, Gerard piqué's last seasons were hard because of all the squads he had played with, he
was left alone, the years weighed on him and it was increasingly difficult to remain as a starter on the
pitch at the camp nou, in the absence of Lionel Messi, Busquets, Puyol, Rafael Marquez.
Retirement was already seen coming a few seasons ago, however in recent seasons it was controversial
after having been unfaithful to his wife Shakira, everyone talked about piqué and it is rumored that he
retired because the next season they were going to put Shakira's name on the Barcelona team jersey,
everything flowed very quickly and although everything was very sudden, all the Barcelona or Catalan
fans left satisfied with the story that Gerard Pique left in the club

Retirement: the time of life when one chooses to permanently leave

the workforce behind.

Squads: a small group engaged in a common effort or occupation.

News researcher: Aarón Ortega
Announced: make a public and typically formal declaration about a

fact, occurrence, or intention.

Assured: sure that something is certain or true
Increasingly: there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision. (BESA, NOV 03, 2022)
After finishing the World Cup
qualifiers on five continents,
FIFA carried out the draw for the
Qatar 2022 World Cup to define
the clashes in the group stage.
The Mexican National Team will
debut in Arab lands against the
Polish team, later it will face
Argentina and will close its
group stage playing against
Saudi Arabia.

After revealing the Tricolor's

In my opinion, it gives me a bad way of selecting or choosing rivals, Mexican soccer analysts
what "tata" Martino did as technical director of the Mexican gave their point of view on the
team, I think there are many Mexicans with a good level at the upcoming matches. Some see
time of playing, however the technical director only is selecting the national squad as having a
players who have had marketing and not football level, there are chance of advancing to the
players who have not played in half a season and still select it, I round of 16, while others
go in favor of the Mexican team because they will represent us, I believe that those led by
only have a bad taste of mouth what the technical director did, Gerardo Martino will be
instead of the Argentine team that we will face in the second eliminated in the first round.
game, it is the most prepared and is the favorite for the rest of
the world that will be the one that wins this Qatar 2022 World
Cup, with the team more complete and like the last World Cup of
its star player, Lionel Messi.

Choosing: decisions

Qualifiers: It means that it serves to select the best. What

is used to order or select.

Upcoming: That it is a short distance from a point that is

taken as a reference in space or time News researcher: Aarón Ortega
Advancing: Advance, move or extend forward
(World cup, 2022, Septiembre
(World cup, 2022,or place to enter it and 20)
Round: Attack against a garrison
Septiembre 20) APA
conquer it.
Our forests, rivers, oceans, and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate
our crops with. We also rely on them for numerous other goods and services we depend on for our health,
happiness and prosperity.

Environmental pollution is a phenomenon

that directly and indirectly affects the health
of populations, not only human beings, since it
also alters the balance of ecosystems. The lists
of dangerous substances and the limits that
must not be exceeded in order not to put health
at risk have been released.
This list of toxic substances released into the
environment seems almost infinite, and
the repercussions that have originated in
Pollution is ending the life of flora and the environment and health show great
fauna, every day its proportion on our variation from day to day.
planet increases, with humans being the
greatest cause of this damage, knowing We environmentalists
that humans are the most intelligent beings, frequently ask ourselves how many
incapable of taking care of their own planet.
malformed children have to be born, how
It is the source of life for everyone. It directs
many with intractable diseases that die in the
the life of everyone and determines the
proper growth and development. The good first months of life, how many children and
or bad quality of our life is depending on the people have to die of cancer, how many
quality of our natural environment. Our people have to live with deteriorated health,
need for food, water, shelter, and other how many more generations will there be? What
things depends on the environment around to expect for us to raise awareness.
News researcher: Aarón Ortega

Pollution: causes derived from human activity.

Toxic: poisonous or that can cause disorders or death as a result of injuries
APA due to a chemical effect.
(Tejada., 2022) Substance: chemical element and its compounds in their natural state
Danger: That it poses a danger because it can cause damage or commit
criminal acts.
Intractable: Not treatable or manageable
On this occasion we will talk about something that
happens in the place of Delhi, in which an
anomaly arose, a cloud that is very toxic and is
polluting the environment, and that is harming
both human beings and animals. animals and
other living beings.

New Delhi woke up this Thursday under a toxic

blanket of pollution with the worst air quality
records so far this year, since the air quality index
(AQI) remained in the severe category, above

, on a scale that includes a maximum of 500

points, pollution levels that can affect even
healthy people, and greatly affect people with In my opinion this is not something strange since
respiratory diseases. The presence ofdangerous we are doing this ourselves, human beings,
PM2.5 particles in the air, so small that they can people are the ones who manage to do this, since
penetrate the blood system, reached 588 per day after day we contaminate even a little bit,
cubic meter on Thursday morning, according to either by putting garbage out of the garbage can,
monitoring companyIQAir. And this is almost 40 when we drive, we throw some liquid, smoke, the
times more than the daily maximum same companies, with their large industrial
recommended by the WHO. It isthe worst time to machines are the ones that are taking part in
be out in Delhi as one never wakes up fresh from making our environment worse and worse, and for
this pollution, AFP said, thebody feels tired and this we must think a little more and start taking
lethargic in the mornings, and the watery eyes and care of it as must.
scratchy throat.

Index: List or ordered relation with some criterion of books, documents, coins, objects for sale, etc.,
of a person, company or institution, which generally contains a brief description of the related object
and certain data of interest.
Severa: That is strict and rigorous when applying a law or a rule.
Contemplate: Observe with attention, interest and detail a reality, especially when it is calm and
pleasant or when it is done passively.
Presence: Circumstance of being present or of having someone or something in a certain place.
Lethargic: Of or related to lethargy.

(2022, Toxic cloud covers New News researcher: Aarón Ortega


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