Quiz 2 GE 8

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GE 8

2nd Quiz
Lesson 1
1. _______ a work of Aquinas that is famous for its
arguments in proving the existence of God using reason.
2. _______ this theory proposes that humans possess
intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior.
3. _______ Greek word for purpose, goal, or the true final
function of an object.
4. _______ refers to the capacity of the person that can
help him make choices in an ethical way.
5. _______ the highest and most fundamental form of law,
established by God.
6. _______ serves as the blueprint for all other forms of law
and is the foundation of the natural order.
7-10. enumerate the 4 types of laws (Aquinas)
11. _______ laws that are not consistent with the natural law.
12. _______ laws that follow the natural law.
13. _______ general and self-evident moral principles that
serve as the foundational guidelines for human behavior
based on human nature
14-20. Enumerate the 7 natural inclinations
21. _______ concrete moral norms and rules that guide
human behavior in various practical situations while aligning
with the broader principles of natural law
22-23. What are the reasons why we fail to follow the
natural law?
24. _________ Latin phrase for “Even if there is no God”
25. _________ the correct and appropriate use of reason in
moral decision-making
26. _________ “hardened conscience”
27. _________ People with this kind of conscience tend to be
overly meticulous in examining their thoughts, actions, and
intentions, often leading to feelings of moral inadequacy or
28. _________ Greek word for “being necessary”
29. ________ the capacity to act according to principles that
we determine for ourselves.
30. ________ the mental faculty to construct ideas and
thoughts that are beyond our immediate surroundings.
31. Animals act according to _______, based on their natural
32. ________ the capacity of the person to act based on her
intentions and mental states.
33. ________ “self-law”
34. ________ “other-law”
35. __________ Bodily instincts and desires, such as the urge
to eat, drink, sleep, or have sexual intercourse, comprise the
set of human compulsions for survival and the propagation of
the species.
36. __________ choices that are determined by pure reason
37. __________ “a foreign impulse”
38-40. Carefully analyze each scenario based on the factors influencing the
decision. Indicate your choice by writing A for autonomy or H for

38. Chris chooses a career path solely because his parents want him to
pursue it.
39. Alex goes along with his friends' decision to engage in underage drinking
even though he personally believes it's wrong.
40. Sarah decides to volunteer at a homeless shelter because she believes it
is her duty to help those in need and her rational reflection has led her to this
41-43. Analyze each maxim whether they can be applied universally or not.
Indicate your choice by writing U for universalizable or NU for non-
universalizable maxim/s.

41. "I will lie whenever it benefits me, regardless of the impact on others, as
long as I avoid getting caught.“
42. "I will treat others' property with the same respect and consideration
that I expect for my own, refraining from taking what rightfully belongs to
them for my personal benefit.“
43. "I will take responsibility for my actions and their consequences,
promoting accountability and ethical behavior."
44-45. What are the 2 kinds of moral theories?
Let’s check!
1. Summa Theologica
2. Natural law
3. Telos
4. Reason
5. Eternal law
6. Eternal law
7. Eternal law
8. Natural law
9. Human law
10. Divine law
11. Apparent good
12. Real good
13. Primary precepts
14. Protect and preserve life
15. Educate the young
16. Reproduce
17. Avoid offending others
18. Live in society
19. Know and worship God
20. Shun ignorance
21. Secondary precepts
22. Ignorance
23. Emotion
24. Etsi deus non daretur
25. Conscience
26. Callous conscience
27. Scrupulous conscience
28. Deon
29. Rational will
30. rationality/rational
31. Impulses
32. Agency
33. Autonomy
34. Heteronomy
35. Arbitrium brutum/ animal choice
36. Free choice
37. Sensible impulses
38. H
39. H
40. A
41. NU
42. U
43. U
44. Formal
45. Substantive

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