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1. ALIFAH AZ-ZAHRA 2111040124
2. FERIANI 2111040042
3. RIZAL AZIS 2111040213

the approach to language testing is crucial in ensuring that

language assessments provide valid and reliable information
about a person's language abilities, whether for educational,
employment, or other purposes.
1. Discrete-point Testing Approach

Discrete Point tests are constructed on the assumption that

language can be divided into its components parts, and
those parts can be tested successfully
2. integrative testing approach

The integrative testing approach is a

HOLA language testing method that evaluates a
person's language proficiency by assessing
their ability to integrate multiple language
skills (e.g., speaking, listening, reading, and
writing) in real-life, communicative
3. Communicative Testing Approach
Communicative test are concerned TAG
primarily with how language used in
communication. Consequently, most aim
to incorporate task, which approximate
as closely as possible to those facing the
students in real life
4. Performance testing approach

HOLA Performance-based assessment believes

that the students will learn best when they
are given a chance to perform and show
what they know according to their own plan,
collect data, infer pattern, draw conclusion,
take a stand or deliver presentation
Based on Purposes

There are many kinds of tests; each test has specific

purpose and a particular criterion to be measured. .
Those tests are proficiency test, diagnostic test,
placement test, achievement test, language aptitude test.
Based on Response

There are two kinds of tests based on

response. They are subjective test and
objective test.
In conclusion, the approach to language
testing is important of language
assessments. It encompasses the
theoretical framework, assessment
methods, and evaluation criteria used to
measure an individual's language
proficiency accurately and reliably
Language testing approaches can include
proficiency testing, achievement testing,
diagnostic testing, placement testing and
language aptitude test .


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