Day 1 4 Summary

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Day 1

Ethics refers to rules concerning upright behavior. It is where you gain knowledge about
moral principles, about right and wrong

Here are a few examples,

• I wrote a paper on animal ethics, in which I argued that the slaughter of livestock for food
on an industrial scale was indefensible.
• Maria read her company’s ethics guidelines and signed a contract signaling her agreement
to abide by them for the length of her employment.

Morals, themselves, are the practice of this knowledge.It refers to principles of right
and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

Here are a few examples of morals in a sentence:

• “My morals prohibit me from murdering people I don’t like,” said Tim.
• Children develop their own morals in tandem with a growing awareness of social norms
and values as they enter adolescence.

Day 2
Patagonia expresses its commitment to environmentalism via its “1% for the Planet”
program, which donates 1 percent of all sales to help save the planet.

Integrity – that is, unity between what we say and what we do – is a highly valued trait.

Compliance with these legal standards is strictly mandatory.

Ethical acts are generally considered voluntary and personal.
Hippocratic Oath, for example, is embraced by most professionals in health care today as an
appropriate standard always owed to patients by physicians, nurses, and others in the field.
This obligation traces its lineage to ancient Greece and the physician Hippocrates.

Ethical reasoning often is more topical and reflects the changes in consciousness that
individuals and society undergo.

Business Ethics guides the conduct by which companies and their

agents abide by the law and respect the rights of their stakeholders
Stakeholders are any individuals or entities that are affected by the business, ie: its
functions and its decisions.

Day 3
 Normative ethical theories focus on how people ought to behave.
 utilitarianism suggests that an ethical action is one whose consequence achieves the
greatest good for the greatest number of people.
 Deontology contends that each of us owes certain duties to others
Day 4
 Toyota first introduced its vehicles for sale in the United States in 1957
 Fluor, the large U.S. engineering and design firm
 illycaffè, the Italian food and beverage purveyor;
 Marriott, the giant U.S. hotelier; and
 Nokia, the Finnish telecommunications retailer.
Note: Kindly check your spelling on your quiz. Wrong spelling is wrong.

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