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Ashley A.

POVERTY  eadings in
Philippine History

In 2021, poverty rose to 18.1 percent despite large

government assistance. The economy has begun to
rebound but signs are emerging that the recovery will
be uneven. Prolonged loss of income has taken a
heavy toll on the poorest households. Poverty is the
most common issue in the Philippines that are being
over shadow by the government corruption, and a
political system dominated by political dynasties.
Poverty involves more than just not having enough
money or other resources to support a sustainable
way of life. It shows up as starvation and
malnutrition, restricted access to healthcare and
other necessities, social isolation and prejudice, and a
lack of involvement in decision-making. The common
causes of poverty in the Philippines is the currop
governance, Economic inequality is one of the most
reason which is the poverty is now the problem of
most of the people Economic inequality is how
economic variables are distributed among individuals
in a group, among groups in a population, or among
countries. Lack of Education people who lack
education have trouble getting ahead in life, have
worse health and are poorer than the well educated
people. Poverty is defined as the state or condition
where people and communities cannot meet a
minimum standard of living because they lack the
proper resources. These include financial resources,
basic healthcare and education, clean drinking water,
and infrastructure. It's is a person is considered to be
in poverty if their financial situation prevents them
from meeting the basic necessities of their own
family. Any family member who is unable to feed all
of its members a balanced meal or send their kids to
school due to financial constraints is considered poor
and to be experiencing poverty.

Our country is becoming increasingly poorer as a result of the unscrupulous politicians and governors who fail to do their duties effectively
and prioritize their personal interests over the needs of the less fortunate residents of our country. They continue to depend on those who
should be supporting these deserving folks instead since they don't know where to get their daily essentials. Policy can reduce inequality by
supporting employment and workers, improving access and quality of education, promoting inclusive rural development, strengthening social
protection mechanisms and addressing unequal opportunities so that we can improve life so that they are not another person sleeping on
the street. We have to help them so we can be a growing country without bringing everyone down. With that we can make it even better for
ourselves and our community and the people around us and we can make a better future which is the end of our country. We can make a
better future if we help each other and to build each others dream to have a healthy and a wealthy life.
Ashley A. Sanchez
POVERTY  eadings in
Philippine History

The common cause of poverty is poor education

some children are not so blessed to be attending
school, gain knowledge, and skills. They don't know
about what is going on about our society and they
are the ones who are most likely who can't get a
good and high salary income and it will become the
barrier for them to be most likely to have what we
called poverty because of the not so big income that
they get in their working hours. One of the most
important issue affecting Philippine basic education is
the lack of school facilities and resources to support
the ideal teaching process. Lack of school facilities or
the unmaintained educational facilities is when other
school don't have or the overcrowding of the school
like they do accept the incoming students who will be
enrolling inside the school even tho they now that
they don't have much space much left as the capacity
of their students has been growing and in an
outgrowing schools can lead to an unorganized
classroom setting that is more challenging for the
instructor to control. Not at all, students. acquiring
their legal entitlements to one. Facilities for schools
that are both widely available and well-
maintained.With less resources available to
accommodate the extra kids, there is a higher risk of
disruptive conduct and disagreements among the
pupils as enrollment increases. The incapacity of
people to learn specialized skills, such as cognitive
abilities, social skills, and fact memorizing, which are
essential for one's own development as well as the
development of society and the global economy, is
known as lack of Education. Lack of Education is not
the best thing to have because you will need that in
the future for you to have a proper work and for you
to have a good life in the future.

People who have received a quality education have a better grasp of their surroundings and are therefore less sensitive to outside influences.
Education is necessary for accurate information interpretation since it advances knowledge. A person with more education is better able to
comprehend their own and others' roles in society as well as their rights. When you have a good education, you also gain knowledge of
things that you can also use when looking for a job or when applying for jobs and it will also help for the future, it will be easier for you to
have a good work and you will have a better life that can also help young people who are not able to study through our cooperation our
country will develop more. A better access in our education can lead you into a better place that you can live and education helps you
develop critical skills such as judgment, mental flexibility, problem solving and logical thinking. People face problems in their professional life
as well as in their personal life. In such situations, their ability to make sound and informed decisions comes from how educated and self-
aware they are. Education is very important because it will enhance your knowledge about something and you will gain more opportunities
to come to you.
Ashley A. Sanchez
POVERTY  eadings in
Philippine History

Poverty is defined as a situation in which a person

does not possess sufficient goods or resources to
meet their needs. The most common form of poverty
is homelessness, which is characterized by a person's
inability to pay rent or other associated costs. Lack of
shelter is poverty, as defined by the World Bank
Organization, is characterized by a lack of sufficient
financial resources to cover essential necessities such
as food, shelter, and clothing. However, poverty
encompasses much more than a lack of financial
resources; the World Bank Organization defines
poverty as poverty in terms of hunger, and poverty in
terms of shelter. In terms of shelter it is by having
access to housing, you have a better chance of
getting things like food, clothes, medicine, and
hygiene. Homelessness can really affect kids in a lot
of ways. It can affect their education, their physical
and emotional health, their safety, and their growth.
Kids who are homeless often have to deal with the
stress of figuring out where they're going to live,
what they're going to do with their pets, their stuff,
and other members of their family and it also
includes the safety of the family that you are in and
most especially it is the one thing that will protect
you in any harm because you have a shelter that you
may live and when you have a house, all you have to
think about is your daily needs such as food or
clothes that you will be needing in the future. When
you don’t have a place to live, you’ll be more
vulnerable to health problems and other issues that
can occur when you have nowhere else to live.

We can help others who doesn't have a shelter by giving or donating them on what they need like money, clothes, foods or anything that
can help them to be more comfortable and by helping them with such little things is more than it surely they will appreciate it because of the
act of kindness that we are giving to them. Create awareness especially in this kind of situations we can start talking to someone. See what
they think, what they're feeling, and what they need to do to make a real difference. All of these things are important for making a
difference and raising awareness for the ones who doesn't have shelters and of they can give what they think on how we can improve this
kind of problems in our society that can help one another in this kind of situation. We also need to understand what are the reasons why
Other people who already have their own families lose their homes. The possible reasons are stress, depression, anxiety and many other
reasons for leaving their homes or not. So they have financial problems that they can no longer afford or they can no longer afford to pay
the household necessities such as lights, water, land payment or house payment.

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