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#WE0001 employees in decision-making

#WE0002 Transportation Networks

#WE0003 tourism

#WE0004 Building Effects

#WE0005 Distraction

#WE0006 Marketing in Companies

#WE0007 Personal Life

#WE0008 Mass Media

#WE0009 Tourism
#WE0010 Write essay [WE]

#WE0011 technology in language learning

#WE0012 wage cap

#WE0013 Experiential Learning

#WE0014 Write essay [WE]

#WE0015 work-life balance

#WE0016 late assignment

#WE0017 Old or Modern Buildings

#WE0018 overburden

#WE0019 employees' opinions

#WE0020 Classic Theater

Some employers involve employees in the decision-making process of products and services. What are the
advantages and disadvantages?

As cities expand, governments should look forwards to creating better networks of public transport available
for everyone rather than building more roads for vehicle owning population. To what extent do you agree or
disagree?Give some examples or experience to support your opinion.

For less developed countries, the disadvantages of tourism are as great as the advantages. What is your
Do you think the design of buildings affects positively or negatively where people live and work?
Effective study requires time, comfort and peace. it is impossible to combine learning with employment
because one may distract the other. To what extent do you think the statements are realistic? Give your
opinion with examples.

Should marketing in companies which produce consumer goods like food and clothing, place emphasis on the
reputation of the company or short-term strategies like discounts and special offers? Why?

Nowadays, people devote too much time to their job. This leaves very little time for their personal life. How
widespread is the problem? What problem will this shortage of time cause?
The mass media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, have an influence on people, particularly on younger
generations. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the opinions of people, especially teenagers and young people. To
what extent do you agree with this? Please give examples.
Tourism is good for some less developed countries, but also has some disadvantages. Discuss.
Talk about an invention that you think beneficial or harmful.

Advanced technology such as artificial intelligence can translate a foreign language easily. Do you think learning
a foreign language is still necessary? Support your point of view with your own experience.

Should there be a maximum wage for highly paid people? Is it good or bad?
Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work well in formal education.
However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential learning can work
well in high schools or colleges?
Scientists believe that the increasing average temperature is an issue. What caused global warming? Present
solutions to reduce its effect.
The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem? What
problem will this shortage of time cause?
Some universities deduct students’ marks if assignment is given late. What is your opinion and suggest some
alternative actions?
More and more countries spend large amounts of money on the restoration of buildings instead of on modern
housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this analysis? Support your writing with your experience
or examples.

Nowadays, more and more people believed that overburden can help complete higher quality in achievements.
For example, professional teachers, coaches believe that this applies to students and athletes, on the individual
and national level. What is your point of view? Give examples to support it.

Some employers take the opinions of their employees when determining the areas to invest in. Please explain
whether it will bring advantages or disadvantages.
There are both problems and benefits for high school students to study plays and other works for theater that
were written centuries ago. Use your own experience to discuss it.

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