Game Loading With Extras

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Game Loading

Long Qi (龙柒)

GL: Chapter 1

Love Left or Right 1

Mottled walls, rusty fences and originally clear windows covered in stains. The faint
sunshine of the early morning shining into the old apartment was like rain falling on a dirty
robe, making it more dirty and smelly.
Despite leaving this place for a long time, Xie Su still felt the fear that deeply penetrated her
bone marrow when she saw this old apartment again. She was afraid of this dark poverty.
She lowered her head, tightened the collar of her coat and the spotless soles of her shoes
stepped on the fallen leaves. The walls of the corridor were covered with various
advertisements while the concrete staircase was full of potholes and even vomit. Xie Su
covered her nose and mouth. Her pale face arrived in front of door 201. She hesitated for a
moment before knocking on the door.
She lived here for seven years and never thought she would come back but…
The door opened and in the faint light, Xie Su looked at this teenager who was half a head
taller than her.
He was very beautiful. The ink-coloured hair was like dark night, completing suiting the
face that was as white as the snow of winter. He had amazing facial features: narrow
eyebrows, a high nose and beautiful lips. However, the lips were tip and the corners of the
mouth curved downwards, making him look indifferent and alienated.
Xie Su reluctantly smiled. “Xiao Xi…”
Xie Xi’s eyes were cold and his voice was like a stone hitting clear water. “Is there
Xie Su’s smile became stiffer. “Can I come in?”
Xie Xi silently shifted his body.
Xie Su walked into the house and felt that it was completely different from the shabby
exterior. The place was small. There was a cramped single room and the decorations were
old. The floor was cement and the composite wood tables and chairs had long faded. The
clock on the wall made an old ticking sound.
However, it was very clean and neatly organized. It was even cleaner than the three-storey
building where she lived.
Xie Su retracted her gaze and looked at the teenager. “How come you haven’t answered
your phone?”
Xie Xi frowned and looked down.
Xie Su spoke in a soft voice, “You are living here alone. Mother is very worried.”
Xie Xie Xi remained silent. Xie Su added, “You shouldn’t do this. I talked to Uncle Liu for you
and you can go to his company…”
“No.” Xie Xi refused calmly. “You don’t have to worry about my business.”
Xie Su exclaimed, “You are only 19 years old and dropped out of university? How can you
find a job?”
Xie Xi had no expression on his face.
Xie Su continued, “Be a good boy and be obedient. Mom won’t let you live like this. Go to
work. Staying in the house all day…” She looked at the computer screen. “…It isn’t okay to
just play games.”
Xie Xi glanced at her and asked, “Is there anything else?”
Xie Su froze.
Xie Xi told her, “If there is nothing else then please go back. Everyone should be waking up
in a while.” He spoke in a calm voice but Xie Su’s expression changed.
It was five in the morning and the corridors were empty. All the neighbours were sleeping.
In half an half, the people in the apartments would start waking up and Xie Su didn’t want
to see them, let alone have any involvement with them. She came here so early to
deliberately avoid them and Xie Xi noticed her intentions.
Xie Su finally got to the point. “I am pregnant.”
Xie Xi’s dark eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth lowered. “Oh, congratulations.”
Xie Su grabbed his wrist and anxiously urged him, “Xiao Xi, come back. Mother has married
him and I’m pregnant with his child. This time I definitely will be able to protect you.”
Xie Xi removed her fingers and said, “Take care of yourself. Don’t worry about me.’
Xie Su wanted to speak more but Xie Xi pushed her out the door, closing the old but
incredibly sturdy iron door.
Xie Su stared at the iron door and reluctantly told him, “Mother isn’t the same as before.
Think about it and I will wait to hear from you.”
Xie Xi didn’t speak. He waited until he heard footsteps leaving before sitting down in front
of the computer and staring at the screen.
What was different?
Xie Xi picked up the mouse and manipulated the characters in the game.
He wasn’t a puppet or someone to be taken advantage of.
Xie Xi’s father disappeared when he was two years old. HIs mother, Xie Su, became the
mistress of Mr. Liu when Xie Xi was nine years old. She slowly ‘boiled’ Mr. Liu for a full 11
years before finally marrying into the Liu family and becoming pregnant.
Xie Xi really blessed her. After all, she finally got what she wanted.
He sighed and put the equipment he gained onto the auction house. He hadn’t used Xie Su’s
money and was living on his own savings. He previously had to scrape together money for
tuition fees so now it was much easier.
It wasn’t easy to make money from games but Xie Xi’s luck in this area was better than
others. He could always gain good things that other people dreamt of. He didn’t use them
and sold them, switching the profit to cash.
Today was like normal. He finished and was preparing to go to sleep when a flower
appeared in front of him.
[The conditions are met… verification is successful… the game is loading…]
Xie Xi was stunned. What was going on? A hangover from the all-nighter? No, it wasn’t.
He blinked and the first half of the line gradually faded, while the next few words became
They floated in the air like a projection. Xie Xi quickly turned his head and the line of words
followed him, falling on the wall he was looking at.
An illusion?
Xie Xi reached out and touched the clearly legible handwriting. Suddenly, a dazzling white
light exploded and before Xie Xi could react, he lost consciousness.
Everything happened so suddenly and the dazed Xie Xi seemed to hear someone talking to
“Xiao Xi…”
“I’m sorry.”
[The game is loaded and the quasi-world has opened.]
Xie Xi opened his eyes while his mind was in chaos.
“Young Master should eat well, your waist is too thin.” A delicate girl dressed in a black and
white maid’s outfit said warmly.
Xie Xi didn’t bother to respond. He stared at the mirror in front of him, astonishment filling
his eyes.
The person in the mirror wasn’t him. The facial feature were similar but the clothing was
completely different. In the mirror, he wore a dark blue hat and a single shoulder cloak in
the same colour. The inside was a stylish double-breasted shield with a tight waist and the
hem was covered with gorgeous jewels. There were also black leather boots on his legs.
The maid pulled at the complicated cuffs of his shirt, carefully making it into a blooming
petals shape. She sincerely praised. “Young Master, you are so beautiful.”
What was so good about this… Xie Xi pressed a hand to his temple and couldn’t figure out
what was happening right now.
The maid said that he wasn’t in a pleasant state and asked, “Young Master, did you not
sleep well last night?”
“It was okay.” Xie Xi opened his mouth and was shocked by his own voice. It wasn’t as hard
as a man or as gentle as a woman. This voice was somewhere in between and slightly…
He didn’t notice that the admiration of the maid had turned into an explicit obsession.
“Young Master…” The maid whispered to him.
Xie Xi ignored her because of the words that appeared in front of him again.
[Welcome to the quasi-world. Please read the information board carefully.
Game Name: Love to the Left or Right
Game Summary: A sweet love game~
Main Mission: Live for seven days.
Side Mission: None
Number of Loads: Unlimited.
Props Carried: There are currently no available props.
Privilege to be Selected: 10 times the money reward, fatal injuries are painless, no death in
the game.
The amount of information was so large that countless thoughts flashed in Xie Xi’s mind.
Was he dreaming? Or had he really entered a game?
The game loaded… the information panel… and he was even assigned a mission.
Live for seven days? What would happen when he finished the mission and what would
happen if he didn’t finish it? Countless doubts swirled in his head, making Xie Xi dazed.
At this point, the words in front of him changed. A highlighted line appeared under the
privileges section.
[Please select the privilege as soon as possible. The privilege will be discarded by default
when he countdown is over.]
Xie Xi suppressed his thoughts. Whether this was a dream or not, he shouldn’t be careless.
He stared at the privileges that could be selected. The last of the three options was the most
attractive. If he couldn’t die in the game then wouldn’t this complete the mission? After all,
the mission required him to survive for seven days.
However, if there was no death then why was there an unlimited number of loads? Why
bother setting an option to be free of pain when it came to fatal injuries?
If surviving for seven days was a simple matter, why bother setting it as a mission?
There were many contradictions.
Xie Xi also looked at the privilege of 10 times the money reward. He didn’t know what the
reward was but these words were a huge temptation.
Temptation was a way of blinding the eye so… Xie Xi made a choice.
In one of the dozen of underground labyrinths, the silver-haired man flexibly escaped the
black mist that was exuded. “Damn, what are you doing?”
A tall man in black was standing opposite him. His appearance was hidden by the darkness
and only a frivolous voice was heard. “Someone picked me.”
The silver-haired man made a strange expression. “This person has really good luck.”
“Yes.” The man in black laughed. “Very lucky.”
The silver haired man cursed in his heart, ‘What luck? Old Jiang’s evil games are famous for
being in hell mode!’
He hoped it wasn’t a newcomer. He remembered that Jiang Xie had designed a novice trial
with a S-grade difficulty. So far, no one had cleared it. No… Old Jiang just said that someone
had chosen him so it must be the novice trial.
Well, he would ask for more blessings. “Lucky person.”


GL: Chapter 2
Love Left or Right 2
Xie Xi made his choice and the penal disappeared. There were only a small number of
words in the lower right corner of his field of view. [Mission Progress: the first day.] It
might seem strange but he could adapt to it.
Xie Xi stopped thinking about it and became startled. At some point, the maid had come so
close to him that the distance between them was one palm at most.
They were so close that Xie Xi found this delicate girl was actually a bit taller than him and
her facial features were deeper than his first impression. In particular, the pair of blue eyes
were like the waves of the deep sea.
Xie Xi opened his mouth, “You…”
He hadn’t managed to say anything when the maid moved back and bow, her appearance
showing she wasn’t offended.
“Gars, go down first. Leave the young master to me.” An elegant voice was heard and Xie Xi
turned to look.
In front of the dark brown double doors, there was a man in a dark black tuxedo with a bow
tie at the neckline and white gloves. He was tall and his facial features were handsome. HIs
hair was meticulously combed back. His temperament complemented the surroundings,
perfectly embodying a solemn noble.
The moment he saw Xie Xi, he bent over in a respectful bow. “Young Master, good
Xie Xi nodded. He was very uncomfortable as any modern person would be with this scene.
The maid called Gars didn’t say anything and just looked up at Xie Xi. Xie Xi smiled politely
at her and Gars’ eyes suddenly lit up. The joy in them was slightly exaggerated, as if he had
given her a promise.
The beautiful girl smiled sweetly and bowed. “Young Master, Gars will go down first.”
Xie Xi felt that something was wrong but he couldn’t understand because he knew too little
about the current situation.
The man in the tuxedo should be the housekeeper of this place. He led Xie Xi to a shoe
bench and bent down. “Young Master, you have an equestrian class this morning and Young
Master Greenton plans to visit in the afternoon. Should I arrange a dinner party?”
“Okay, okay.” Xie Xi listened with a stunned expression as the other person naturally took
off his shoes, making him feel more awkward.
The housekeeper seemed to perceive something and he looked up, his handsome eyes
gentle. “Young Master, you need to wear riding boots for the equestrian class.”
Then he took Xie Xi’s feet and carefully changed the boots for him. His attitude was too
serious and careful, as if he was holding a luxurious treasure.
Xie Xi, “…” He always felt weird.
However, his presence in the game was already the strangest thing. The other things didn’t
seem so strange.
Besides, the past European society was strict about hierarchy. A noble’s food, clothing,
shelter and transportation were indeed taken care of from beginning to end. His specific
identity wasn’t clear but based on the luxurious bedroom and complicated clothing, he was
undoubtedly a noble.
He didn’t say anything because if he revealed himself, he might be treated as a demon and
burned to death. Xie Xi only wanted to live smoothly for seven days.
The housekeeper changed the shoes and got up. “Young Master should move to the dining
room. Breakfast is ready.”
Xie Xi nodded.
The housekeeper looked at him and suddenly asked, “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”
His voice was so low that there was a magnetic tremor in his chest. He omitted honorifics
but his words were still respectful. Still, there were mo intimacy than reverence in his
Xie Xi, “…”
The housekeeper was still watching him tenderly.
Xie Xi struggled before opening his mouth, “I’m a bit tired.” He tried to make his voice
normal but his body was strange. The harder he tried to be normal, the more abnormal he
sounded. These simple words were a bit… frail? Xie Xi was frightened by himself!
The housekeeper’s eyes became darker and he immediately said, “I will cancel the morning
equestrian class.”
Xie Xi blinked and the housekeeper stared at him with eyes like the clear blue sky. “Young
Master, please don’t force yourself. Your body is the most important thing.”
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t want to go to the equestrian class. He didn’t know how to ride horses
and was afraid of revealing himself. In addition, riding was a dangerous activity. What if he
fell down and died? It was right to be careful if he wanted to live for seven days.
Xie Xi ended up agreeing.
The housekeeper also asked, “The afternoon’s appointment with Young Master Greenton…”
Xie Xi didn’t want to see too many people. He looked at the housekeeper and asked, “Would
it be impolite to cancel it?”
The housekeeper paused and when he opened his mouth, an undetectable heat filled his
voice. “You are unwell. I’m sure that Master Greenton will understand.”
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Then…” He didn’t know the name of the housekeeper. There was a
prompt in the lower right corner and he finished his words. “Make the arrangements,
The housekeeper bowed and his voice was filled with heartfelt reverence. “It is my luck to
be able to solve Young Master’s worries.”
Xie Xi was very uncomfortable and always felt that something wasn’t right. He had played
hundreds of games and was very experienced. The calmer things were, the more traps
there were.
The situation right now was too stable. The magnificent castle, the golden master, the loyal
and trustworthy housekeeper… If all of this was true, there would be no problem living for
70 days, let alone 7.
Could a game mission be so simple? Impossible.
If it was so simple then what was the meaning of the game? Moreover, it was the bizarre
game where he crossed into another world.
So much trouble just to let him experience the life of an aristocrat in old Europe?
No way, Xie Xi wouldn’t take it lightly.
He didn’t have to go to equestrian class so Randy waited for Xie Xi to change his clothes.
Xie Xi looked at himself surrounded by lace in the mirror and was speechless.
Randy sincerely praised him. “Young Master, your beauty is unmatched in the empire.”
Xie Xi, “…” What was the use of good looks? Could he live for seven days?”
“Your subordinate has made a slip of the tongue.’ Randy thought that Xie Xi was angry with
Xie Xi shook his head and said, “It is nothing.”
Randy’s eyes were very gentle and his movements became more mild.
After breakfast, Xie Xi read a book in the study and learnt the general background.
If this was really a game then the designer was meticulous. The castle was designed with
great care and countless details were just right. The portraits weren’t ordinary, let alone
these antique-grade utensils. Everything was ingenious and looked extraordinary.
Xie Xi was even more amazed by the library-like study. All the books were real and filled
with dense words, as if this world really existed. The study contained ancient books that
gathered the wisdom of countless people.
Xie Xi had a general understanding of his situation.
His name was Sein Hall and he was the son of a duke, a noble above other nobles. It was a
pity that he didn’t live in the duke’s residence, instead living alone in a castle on the
outskirts of the city. The reason seemed related to the duchess. This wasn’t recorded in the
book and Xie Xi could only continue to read the other books.
The background of this was old Europe. It seemed to be Victorian but many details were
Xie Xi was distracted by a stack of old newspapers. There was shocking news. There was a
vampire infestation and youths were dying on the streets.
Vampires? Xie Xi grabbed the newspaper and read it in detail.
It came with photos of the youth’s death. He was wearing a dark outfit but his body was
completely bloodless, like snow in winter. His eyes were wide open and the sky blue eyes
had long lost focus. They were hollow like the deep sea, spreading death and despair.
Xie Xi stared for a while, sure that his memory wasn’t wrong. The dead person looked a lot
like his maid called Gars.
Of course, the person who died was male and his maid was a woman. Was there a blood
relationship between them? A brother and sister were still brothers and sisters.
Xie Xi temporarily suppressed his doubts and kept reading the newspaper. He was very
concerned about this ‘vampire’. He wasn’t sure if it was a vampire but it was definitely a
murderer. The deceased person’s closest relative was here. Was this a hidden crisis?
The so-called survive for seven days mission already hinted that danger would appear in
these seven days. Being able to avoid this danger in advance must be the key to completing
the mission.
Xie Xi’s thinking was correct but unfortunately, the designer of the game, Mr. Jiang’s brain
circuits were very abnormal.
There were many ‘vampire’ murders in the newspapers and Xie Xi couldn’t tell if the dead
had anything to do with him. He could be sure that this ‘vampire’ was definitely a
dangerous person.
The day passed calmly. At noon, Gars brought him fruit and Xie Xi stared at her. He was
quite sure that she was very similar to the dead boy. Gars seemed to be aware of his gaze as
she lightly smiled and her footsteps became lighter.
Xie Xie Xi stood still, wondering how to find a chance to talk to her.
It was a pity that the housekeeper Randy stuck to him and didn’t give him an opportunity
to act alone. It wasn’t urgent so… Xie Xi could only wait for an opportunity.
Dinner was surprisingly rich and it took a full 1.5 hours from the first dish to the final one.
Xie Xi was tired of eating.
Fortunately, it was time to sleep after dinner. Xie Xi put on silky pyjamas with Randy’s help
and lay on the large and soft four-corner bed.
Randy bowed to him. “Master, good night.”
Xie Xi lay on the pillow. “Good night.”
Randy’s eyebrows that weren’t concealed by the candlestick were very gentle. “If there is
something then call me. I am right next door.”
Xie Xi nodded and watched him turn to leave.
The room was dark and silent but Xie Xi was used to playing alone. He wasn’t afraid of the
darkness or the silence. He stayed still for a while, trying to sneak out and meet Gars.
He had just moved when the heavy curtains on the windows opened and a slender man in a
dark cloak appeared out of nowhere.
Xie Xi, “!”
The even more incredible thing was that the extinguished candlestick lit up and the dim
light swayed in the darkness, like ghost fire in a graveyard.
Xie Xi clutched a corner of the bed and watched carefully…
It was unknown when but the man was standing by the bed. He had long silver hair and
skin that was brighter than snow. His facial features were beautiful but his eyes were bright
red, revealing a demonic colour.
Xie Xi felt his body become light as he was unexpectedly picked up in his quilt.
The silver-haired man’s voice was affectionate, the intonation slightly frivolous. “Small
Sein, has my baby missed me?”

GL: Chapter 3
Love Left or Right 3

Xie Xi, “…”

What was this mess? If he hadn’t been accustomed to controlling his expression then the
disdain on the face of ‘Small Sein’ would surely piece the vampire’s heart like a cross.
“Are you shy?” The silver-haired man’s brain circuits weren’t like a mortal’s. “Small Sein is
really cute.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “Put me down.”
“Don’t be so cold.” The silver-haired man blinked his red eyes. “I haven’t seen you in half a
month. Baby really doesn’t want me?”
Xie Xi’s goose bumps must’ve missed him very much. They were so happy!
“Are you angry?” The silver-haired man coaxed him. “Is it because I disappeared for half a
Xie Xi, “…” It was great. He didn’t have to talk and the other person helped fill in the setting.
“Baby, don’t be angry.” He bent over as his spoke, crimson eyes overflowing with affection
as he stared at Xie Xi. Words of love flowed out, “I will stay by your side every day and only
watch you. I will only look at you and only love you.”
Xie Xi’s heart tightened as he got a bad feeling. Sure enough, the silver-hair descended and
the man wanted to kiss him…
“Don’t.” Xie Xi reached out and pushed him away.
Due to his refusal, there was a chill in the surrounding area. The heavy curtains blew
despite there being no wind and the candlelight next to the bed started to shake. The
originally warm room became like an ice cellar and the man in front of him was as cold as
an ice sculpture.
It was broken.
Xie Xi knew he had done something wrong but how could he accept a man’s kiss? If he spat
out these words then the consequences would be even worse.
“I…” Xie Xi trembled with nervousness. His eyes shook as he bit his lips, unsure of what to
This appearance entered the silver-haired man’s eyes and became cute.
In an instant, the ice melted and the silver-haired man glowed with enthusiasm. “I missed
you too much.” His fingers gently touched Xie Xi’s chin. “I forgot about the rules.”
There were rules between them?
Xie Xi made countless associations in this moment. This man was 80% the legendary
vampire. His red eyes weren’t human, he appeared out of thin air and the cold from his
body was very abnormal.
Then was he the vampire who killed Gars’ brother in the newspaper? If so, this would be
too complicated!
Of course, whether he was or not, this vampire and Sein Hall were inextricably linked. Was
he a lover? Prey? Or was Sein unable to resist? It was hard to say.
Xie Xi didn’t want to anger this man. For the sake of living seven days, this silver-haired
vampire was definitely the main variable and needed to be guarded against.
Xie Xi nodded at his words with an awkward expression.
The silver-haired vampire smiled. “Small Sein, don’t be afraid. I have been waiting for a
long time. This short time isn’t so bad.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief, knowing he barely fooled this person.
Then there were gentle footsteps outside the door and the vampire reluctantly said, “I will
go back first.”
Xie Xi wanted him to leave immediately. “Okay.”
The silver-haired vampire took his hand and kissed the back of it. “Baby, don’t forget our
Deal? Xie Xi knew a ghost’s deal!
“Yes.” Xie Xi nodded, trying to get rid of this person first.
Childish joy appeared on the vampire’s face and his voice became more ambiguous. “Small
Sein, I really want to take you now…” Then he seemed afraid of scaring Xie Xi and changed
his words. “Well, I will wait for you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He probably didn’t want to be seen. As soon as the footsteps neared the door, the silver-
haired man disappeared as abruptly as he appeared.
Xie Xie Xi sighed and his tight muscles relaxed when he saw Randy.
Randy held a candlestick in his hand and saw that Xie Xi was still awake. “Young Master,
can’t you sleep?”
Xie Xi rubbed his eyes. “I had a dream.”
Randy put down the candlestick and sat next to the bed in a distressed manner. “Don’t be
afraid. The things in the dream are fake.”
Dreams were fake but reality was real. Xie Xi was afraid that the vampire would come back
and asked, “Randy, can you accompany me tonight?” If there was an outsider then they
shouldn’t appear.
The housekeeper was slightly startled. His blue eyes narrowed and his voice became much
lower. “How can I stay in Young Master’s bedroom with my cheap identity…”
Xie Xi persuaded him, “If you are here then I will feel safer.”
The words ignited a flame in Randy’s eyes. His always neat demeanor seemed a bit messy
as his tone of speech changed. “Young Master…” His voice was extremely tight. “You are a
well-deserved angel.”
Xie Xi who just wanted someone to accompany him in case of the vampire’s night attack, “?”
The next second, the housekeeper returned to normal and sighed. “Young Master, go to
sleep. I will be here to guard against all nightmares and troubles.”
Xie Xi wanted to say that the bed was big and it would be good to sleep together. Then he
thought of the housekeeper’s stunned appearance just now and didn’t say it.
It was just… the class hierarchy was strict and he shouldn’t make another mistake.
Xie Xi retreated under the covers and closed his eyes, but he didn’t immediately fall asleep.
He used to lie in bed every day, recalling what happened during the day. In the past, he just
remembered the game and how much income he earned. Today, he remembered too much.
Xie Su was pregnant and he inexplicably entered such a realistic game. He had to achieve
the mission of living for seven days.
He didn’t think about Xie Su or why he came here. He was more focused on the present.
The game’s name was Love to the Left or Right. The game summary was that it was a sweet
love game. The person who had an emotional relationship with Sein Hall had appeared and
it was the vampire.
From the vampire’s words, they had known each other for a while and there were even
rules. He could guess one of the rules. There would be nothing intimate until a certain
moment. Then what was the deal? He didn’t know.
Xie Xi analyzed it seriously and came up with a possibility Did he have to stick with the
vampire for seven days to survive? If he refused, would he be killed? Was this a multiple
choice problem for his survival?
Xie Xi felt it was deeply malicious. In fact, he was still seriously underestimating it…
Xie Xi thought seriously about how to complete the mission. He didn’t know that beside the
bed, the housekeeper he had placed his trust in was staring at him with deep obsession.
“Young Master, you are so noble and sacred.” The housekeeper leaned over and kissed him
on the back of his white hand. “How fortunate am I to be favoured by you?”
If Xie Xi hadn’t fallen asleep early then he would’ve definitely re-examined his ‘loyal’
The next day, Xie Xi opened his eyes and found that the small text in the lower right corner
had become: [Mission Progress: the second day.
Well… he managed to survive one day.
Randy had stayed here overnight so he personally served Xie Xi in the morning to wash up
and dress. Xie Xi wasn’t used to being exposed but if he tried to put on the clothes himself
then he would probably be stuck here all day.
Fortunately, Randy’s movements were light and there were no extra touches, so he quickly
Today’s clothes were different from yesterday’s but the style was similar. It was a gorgeous
white shirt with complicated ornaments and a lace hat. In addition, there was the slender
boots and jewelry that other girls would like.
Xie Xi had some deficits when it came to aesthetics. He didn’t distinguish between beauty
and ugliness. He just found things pleasing to the eye or not pleasing to the eye. For his own
appearance, the evaluation was 100% not pleasing.
Randy sincerely praised him. “Young Master is a natural aristocrat and is born for these
Xie Xi, “…” Forget it, he was only here for seven days and didn’t need to care about the
There was a music class in the morning. Xie Xi had been afraid of revealing himself when he
saw the old piano but fortunately, the body still had its memories. His fingers were placed
on the keys and he spontaneously played a beautiful song.
The music teacher praised him for an hour and the class finally finished.
After class, the housekeeper told him, “The Earl of Aix-en sent an invitation for you to dine
together at noon.”
Earl X? Who was this again?
Xie Xi didn’t want to go but was worried there would be some surprises if he didn’t go.
Randy saw his hesitation and suppressed the heat in his eyes as he asked, “You don’t want
to go?”
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “Can I not go?”
He was asking his housekeeper for advice. To his surprise, Randy couldn’t hide his
excitement. His thin lips trembled as he replied in a hoarse voice, “Young Master has the
right to refuse anyone.”
Xie Xi was aware of something strange and asked, “Really?”
Randy solemnly told him, “If you don’t like anything then you don’t have to do it.”
This was the case… Xie Xi seriously thought about it and finally decided not to go.
He only wanted to stay in the cast for seven days and was unwilling to cross the
“Then I won’t go.” Xie Xi replied.
Randy’s eyes lit up as he excitedly said, “Then I will go tell…”
The housekeeper left and Xie Xi was alone in the huge garden. He unexpectedly felt a bit
cold. It was early spring and he wore so much clothing. How could he feel cold?
Was it an illusion? Xie Xi soon felt a piercingly cold wind.
He looked up and found that the sky had changed. The midday sun was covered by thick
clouds, an evil wind was blowing and the flowers in the garden lost their brilliance. Even
the grass was frosted over.
“Why refuse?” A gloomy voice was heard and the silver-haired man appeared out of thin
air. He was wearing a dark cloak and his white face was bloodless. The only colour came
from his red eyes and blood red mouth.
“Don’t you want to be with me?” The vampire smiled sweetly. “How come? How can my
small Sein not want to be with me?’
His words finished and a silver bow appeared in his head.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened as the arrow left the bow and pierced him in the heart.
The silver-haired vampire held the blood-covered Xie Xi and whispered, “Small Sein, you
can only be mine.”
Xie Xi, “…”
There was on pain at all. It was just too embarrassing!
What was this situation? How could the vampire kill someone without letting them say
anything? Refuse him? When was he refused? Was the silver-haired vampire the earl of Aix-
en? Xie Xi just didn’t go to eat so why kill him?
The privilege chosen by Xie Xi was that fatal wounds would be painless. Therefore, he
couldn’t feel any pain despite his heart being pierced. Then another tip appeared in the
lower right corner. [Please load the file as soon as possible. This body won’t be able to load
the file after it has completely died.]
Xie Xi couldn’t afford to delay and chose to load the file.
[Do you want to read the file from the nearest point in time?]
Xie Xi: Yes.
Then Xie Xi returned to 20 minutes ago. The voice of the housekeeper Randy rang in his
eyes. “The Earl of Aix-en sent an invitation for you to dine together at noon.”
Xie Xi, “…” H-He would go!
Randy stared at him and asked, “Are you going?”
How could he not go? Xie Xi knew that this was an important clue to the game and nodded.
“Help me arrange the carriage. I…”
“You want to go?” The housekeeper asked again, his tone a bit tense.
Xie Xi was keenly aware of the tightness in the air. He turned and found that the
housekeeper’s blue eyes had become dark, like an abyss of despair was stirring.
Xie Xi, “…”
“You are going to see him.” The housekeeper Randy smiled bitterly. “You really love him.”
Xie Xi, “!!!” What was this situation now?
Randy approached him, his voice gentle but his expression extremely crazy. “Why is an
angel lik you tempted by the devil?”
Xie Xi opened his mouth only to feel the cold blade at his neck.
The next moment, he saw his body.
The housekeeper hugged his decapitated head and kissed his forehead affectionately. “If
you are doomed to fall then this is better…”

GL: Chapter 4
Love Left or Right 4

What was better?

Xie Xi’s head was separated from his body but he could still understand what the other
person said!
Xie Xi couldn’t feel any pain but the sight in front of him was too shocking? Who had ever
seen their own body from this angle? He also saw his death.
A prompt to load the file appeared in the lower right corner of his field of view. It showed
that the remaining time was only 10 seconds. What would happen if he couldn’t read the
file in time? Would he die from his head being cut off? What about in reality?
Xie Xi had no interest in danger. He quickly loaded the file and his head returned to his
The housekeeper’s voice entered his ears again. “The earl of Aix-en…”
After dying two times in a row, this sentence was a reminder of his doom.
Xie Xi looked at his housekeeper. Previously he hadn’t thought too much and considered
Randy a NPC that guided him to adapt to the game environment. He never thought this
person was a hidden boss.
Cutting off a head with a thin knife wasn’t something that ordinary people could do.
The thing Xie Xi couldn’t understand was why behead him? He was just going to eat
together. Did Randy have to react so crazily? Were these two people too neurotic or was
there a special meaning to the meal?
Xie Xi found that loading the file wasn’t very useful. What should he choose? If he didn’t go
then the vampire would shoot him with the arrow. If he went then the housekeeper would
cut off his head. Both options resulted in death. What should he do?
He could only try the third option—don’t say anything.
Xie Xi’s intuition told him that this ambiguity was very unreliable. However, all he could do
was take a step back and look a the situation. Fortunately, he chose the privilege of not
feeling any pain from fatal injuries so he wasn’t afraid of ‘dying’ several more times.
He didn’t say anything and the housekeeper called out to him. “Young Master?”
Xie Xi put on a confused expression. Sure enough, there was heat in Randy’s eyes and his
voice contained some faint expectations.
Xie Xi hadn’t paid attention before but now he saw clearly. At the same time, he felt a faint
chill come from somewhere…
The silver-haired vampire should be hiding and listening to their conversation while his
anger accumulated.
Xie Xi tensed and quickly took back his expression.
The housekeeper was already asking in a low voice, “You don’t want to go?”
Xie Xi, “…” I don’t, I do, don’t talk nonsense!
The next second, the enthusiasm in the housekeeper’s eyes faded and he frowned. “You
want to go?”
Xie Xi, “!!” How should he answer this?
The housekeeper’s mouth curved again. His smile was very gentle but there was no
temperature in his eyes.
Xie Xi clearly realized that if he said he would go then his head would be separated from his
body. However, if he said that he wouldn’t go then his heart would be pierced with an
What to do…
Xie Xi suddenly had a thought from God and said, “Let’s go together.”
This should be fine! Randy was going too so Xie Xi wasn’t leaving him!
A whooshing sound…
The sound of bone breaking…
Xie Xi felt a cool sensation from his chest and neck at the same time. Not only was his head
cut off but his heart was also pierced by an arrow.
The housekeeper’s voice was full of despair., “I loved you so humbly. Why do you want to
humiliate me like this?”
Xie Xi was speechless. Was taking him humiliating him?
The housekeeper gently held Xie Xi’s head. “I’m sorry, I can’t do it.”
The reading time was only five seconds. Xie Xi didn’t dare delay and immediately chose to
load the file.
A prompt once again appeared in the lower right corner. [Do you want to choose the most
recent loading point?]
The first time, he hadn’t thought too much. The second time, the visual impact was so great
that he just wanted to return to his body. It was only after dying a third time that he noticed
this detail.
Did this mean he could choose another loading point.
Xie Xi gave an answer. “No.”
The line of words changed again. [Please select a loading point.]
There were two loading points. Xie Xi ignored the nearest one and selected the other
Xie Xi’s vision darkened and he found himself back in the gorgeous four corner bed. He had
returned to last night. It seemed that if he wanted to avoid death, he had to find a reason for
this point in time.
The thick curtains blew despite there being no wind and the silver-haired vampire
appeared out of thin air.
Xie Xi inwardly thought, ‘So fast? There is no preparation time.’
He hurriedly recalled what he said before and sorted out the clues.
Due to his experience, he wasn’t too startled when the vampire picked him up.
“Small Sein.” The vampire’s first words hadn’t changed. “Has my baby missed me?”
Xie Xi still trembled despite his mental preparation.
This time, he was no longer passive and asked, “Where have you been these days?”
He had no expression on his face but the petulant words gave him a different charm.
The vampire’s heart thumped and he coaxed Xie Xi. “Don’t be angry. Everything I do is for
my Small Sein.”
Xie Xi thought about the two arrows inserted in his heart and thought, ‘If I don’t agree with
you then my life is over.’
Xie Xi pushed him. “Put me down.”
The angrier he became, the more honest Aix-en was. He currently put Xie Xi down and his
handsome eyebrows converged. “Are you really angry?”
Xie Xi sat on the bed and raised his eyebrows. “Should I be angry?”
“You should… Small Sein did everything right.” The vampire grabbed Xie Xi’s hand and
placed it on his face. “Don’t hold in you’re angry. If you are really annoyed then vent it at
Xie Xi, “…” Who would dare? He would just be pierced in the heart again!
Xie Xi took back his hand and thought about it. “What are you going to do?” This should be
the key to clearing the game.
The vampire licked his lips and spoke in an affectionate voice., “I found the sacred heart.”
Xie Xi was startled. The sacred heart? What the hell was this?
The vampire stared at him, crimson eyes full of explicit love. “With the sacred heart, your
body will be able to withstand the first embrace.”
First embrace? Xie Xi had heart this word before. In vampire-related matters, the general
meaning was that humans would become vampires when first embraced by a vampire. The
sacred heart should be a private setting of this game. It was said that humans became
vampires by having their blood sucked. Aix-en was probably afraid of accident and went to
find something similar to an amulet.
In other words… Aix-en wanted to turn him into the same type?
“I was going to surprise you tomorrow.” Aix-en kneeled in front of him and looked up.
“Small Sein, would you like to become my most beautiful bride?”
Xie Xi, “…” If he remembered correctly, Sein Hall was a real man. Um… he had no prejudices
against homosexuality but how could a man become a bride? Too weird.
Aix-en’s smile became strange as XIe Xi remained silent. His red eyes became tinged with a
black fog. “Do you regret it.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to die on the spot and exclaimed, “Who is going to be your bride? I’m a
Aix-en was startled and his voice filled with tenderness and affection. “Sein Hall is the love
of my life, my eternal companion.”
It was clearly a bitter love story but it was a bit creepy.
Xie Xi basically guessed this part. Aix-en made a lifetime vow with him but he betrayed the
promise so the vampire shot him in the heart.
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t know that tomorrow was such an important date. He thought it was
just a meal.
The problem lay with the housekeeper Randy. Aix-en had sent the invitation and Randy
must’ve opened it. Once he saw the contents, he became angry but he didn’t dare ask Xie Xi.
Once Xie Xi gave a positive answer, it meant he agreed to be Aix-en’s ‘bride.’ The
housekeeper cut off his head because of love and hatred.
That’s why when Xie Xi suggested they go together, the housekeeper replied that he
couldn’t do it. He couldn’t serve a Sein Hall who belonged to someone else.
Things were smoothed out but how could be break it?
The thing that made Xie Xi feel more pained was that he somewhat thought Sein Hall
deserved it?
Playing two people at the same time, death was the best gift for him.

GL: Chapter 5
Love Left or Right 5

Forget the housekeeper and the vampire showering love on an uninterested person. If Sein
Hall had been loyal then these two abnormal people wouldn’t have gone crazy like this.
It was very meaningful to look at the name of the game again. Love to the left or right, was
it to have him choose between the housekeeper and the vampire? However, the mission
goal was simply for him to live for seven days. Would there be other traps? Xie Xi simply
couldn’t trust this damn game!
Xie Xi was busy thinking when the vampire fervently said, “I will go back first. Small Sein,
see you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi knew the housekeeper was coming and the vampire wanted to avoid Randy. His
brain worked and he said, “I’ll go directly to you tomorrow.”
The vampire’s eyes lit up and he licked his lips. “I will pick you up.”
“No.” Xie Xi shook his head. “Wait for me. I want to give you a surprise.”
The vampire replied sincerely, “You are going to be my bride. That is my greatest joy.”
Xie Xi said, “I should prepare for such a special day.”
The vampire was very imaginative and said softly, “You are the most beautiful person I
have ever seen. You don’t need any embellished clothing.”
Who the hell would wear embellished clothing for him!
Xie Xi was very patient. “Tomorrow will be the start of a new life. Give me some time to say
goodbye to the past.” He was a good young man who was forced to talk nonsense because
of this game.
“Okay.” The vampire was very excited. “I’ll wait for you.”
The corners of Xie Xi’s lips curved as he tried his best to smile. “See you tomorrow.”
The footsteps outside got closer. The silver-haired vampire reluctantly said, “Small Sein, I
have been waiting for you for too long. Please be sure to satisfy me tomorrow.
The child Xie Xi was stunned by the second half of the sentence. Satisfy? What was the
satisfaction method? How as this game coded?
Xie Xi smiled stiffly but fortunately, the vampire Aix-en had love on the brain. “Don’t be
nervous. I will definitely give you the sweetest and happiest night.”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen and vaguely replied, “Okay, okay.”
The vampire was fascinated by him and thought he was just shy. “Then I’m leaving first.”
Xie Xi demanded, “You’re not allowed to peek at me tomorrow.”
Aix-en was stunned.
Xie Xi awkwardly explained, “If you peek then will it be a surprise?” The situation was
stronger than a person and Xie Xi felt that his integrity was being broken.
The vampire smiled sweetly. “Tomorrow I won’t go anywhere. I will wait for you at the
earl’s house.”
Xie Xi wasn’t reassured. “Promise me.”
The vampire suddenly held his hand. “If you do this again then I really can’t help it.”
Xie Xi, “???” What was this? What did he do?
His words fell into the vampire earl’s lovestruck brain and became—spoiled, cute, reluctant
to let go and lovely.
The vampire sighed. “These five years have been very long for me. Fortunately, you will
completely belong to me tomorrow.”
Xie Xi heard important information. Five years? They had known each other for five years?
The vampire gently picked up his hand and placed a pious kiss on the back. “Sein Hall, I love
Xie Xi, “…”
He might’ve been killed twice but when he thought about it, he might shoot the scum Sein
thousands of times in the heart.
The vampire had just left when the door opened and the housekeeper Randy entered
slowly with a candlestick.
Xie Xi didn’t pretend to be sleeping. The two of them said the same words as before but this
time Xie Xi didn’t dare mention anything. He just looked at Randy anxiously.
The housekeeper whispered, “Young Master, are you worried about something?”
Xie Xi’s eyes flashed and he gently shook his head.
The housekeeper put down the candlestick and worried over him. “Young Master, no
matter what you have to tell me, Randy will swear eternal loyalty to you, even if there is a
raging fire.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘I would’ve believed you if you hadn’t cut off my head twice.’
Xie Xi was very cautious and didn’t say much. He always felt that the vampire hadn’t gone
far. The reason why he fired the arrow without giving Xie Xi a chance to say anything might
have something to do with tonight.
Xie Xi had acted too coldly to the vampire the night before loading the file. Then after the
housekeeper came, he was very attached to the housekeeper. The vampire who liked to
peep and had a lovestruck brain didn’t know what to think. The next day, the vampire
deliberately wrote an excessive invitation and let the housekeeper see it.
The invitation letter between nobles was a public document read by the housekeeper
before they notified their master. Aix-en definitely wrote about the wedding and stimulated
the housekeeper.
The thing between Sein and the vampire had definitely been kept from the housekeeper or
else Aix-en wouldn’t have gone away when he heard Randy’s footsteps. Sein had obviously
already agreed to be with the vampire.
Aix-en avoided Randy tonight so why did he write an invitation like that tomorrow? The
changes were due to tonight.
Xie Xi made up his mind and prepared to make it through tonight. “Randy, I’m a bit sleepy.”
The housekeeper immediately replied, “Then have a good rest.”
“Good night.”
Randy didn’t say anything else. He carefully tucked Xie Xi in and left with a “Good night.”
The slender figure of the housekeeper illuminated by the candle went away and Xie Xi
sighed. He felt that the problem wasn’t too big and he could hopefully pass tomorrow.
Just in case, Xie Xi closed his eyes and pretended to sleep for half an hour before calling out
the name ‘Aix-en.’ He planned to say a bit more but unfortunately he wasn’t a professional
actor. He couldn’t pass the hurdles in his heart and really couldn’t say such things!
The next day, the housekeeper came to help him wash and Xie Xi looked tired. He didn’t
have to pretend. He had been thinking all night and didn’t sleep well.
Randy was distressed. “Young Master, didn’t you sleep well?”
Xie Xi stared at him and didn’t speak.
Randy also hadn’t slept well. He had faint dark circles under his eyes and his voice was
anxious, “Young Master, please tell me your unhappiness. Randy’s life is to solve all your
Xie Xi felt he was scum but in order to live well, he could only say, “Randy, how long have
you been following me?”
Randy was startled and knelt down in front of him. “10 years.”
Not one year or five years, but 10 years? Xie Xi scolded the scum in his heart and continued,
“From today, you are free.”
Randy jerked up, his blue eyes full of fear through his always meticulous hair. “Young
Master, you don’t want me?”
Xie Xi, “…” His neck felt a bit cold.
Randy was pale and his lips had no blood. “Are you finally tired of me?”
Xie Xi was afraid he would be killed but the plot was more unreasonable than he imagined.
“You don’t need me anymore? I’m not worthy of your love?” The housekeeper smiled and a
knife appeared out of nowhere in his hand.
Xie Xi jumped. Then these two were in love? That… let’s talk! What was he doing with the
“Young Master, I have never been greedy for your love nor did I dare to overstep. However,
why did you give me the light of heaven only to take it away?”
“Since you are tired of me…” The housekeeper’s handsome face was full of despair. “Then
there is no meaning in my survival.”
Xie Xi was stunned… the silver knife didn’t go through his head but stabbed the
housekeeper’s heart.
Suicide? The housekeeper Randy was dead? What the hell was this damn plot?
Was this a normal direction of development? Then there was no need to make a choice?
Impossible! Xie Xi didn’t believe this fucking game would be so simple!
GL: Chapter 6
Love Left or Right 6

At first glance, it seemed like the situation was broken.

The housekeeper died and Xie Xi didn’t have to make a choice. He could go directly to the
vampire and survive the seven days.
Would it be that simple? Xie Xi hadn’t forgotten what day it was today.
If he went to the vampire, would he have to accept the first embrace? What was involved in
the first embrace? He couldn’t forget what the vampire said last night—Satisfy him. How
could he satisfy the vampire? Was it just sucking blood.
It couldn’t be… no…
Was selling his body a shortcut to clearing the game? Xie Xi’s scalp was numb and he didn’t
dare think about it.
If this was an ordinary computer game, Xie Xi would’ve long deleted it and reported the
author. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a computer game but a real world game that couldn’t be
explained by common sense.
He couldn’t quit or give up. Xie Xi couldn’t know about the consequences of this death
without loading the file.
He could only keep going!
“Old Xie is really fucking shameless. What type of dog game is this? The silver-haired and
silver-eyed elf with a natural prince-like attitude, but his image was completely gone once
he opened his mouth. He exposed his nature as a dog wagging its tail.
The man opposite him was extremely well dressed, neckline tied tightly to his chin. Part
from his face, not a single bit of skin was exposed. However, dressing in such a way couldn’t
conceal his strong body. Combined with his unsmiling face, he had a strange appearance.
Yan Zhe stared at the water curtain. “It is really fucked up. If I was this child,I must kill Old
Qin Ge glanced at him and slightly raised his eyebrows. “Isn’t that the soul of Jiang Xie?”
“No way.” Yan Zhe rejoiced in the misfortune. “He actually put a soul in a novice world. No
wonder why it is S-grade difficulty.”
Qin Ge asked again, “Is the reason why no one passed the game because they can’t enter the
Yan Zhe said, “Well, to be able to receive the recognition of Jiang Xie’s soul, this child isn’t
Qin Ge glanced at the beautiful boy in the water curtain. “Is he underage?
Yan Zhe answered, “He is 19 years old. He just became an adult.”
“So young?”
“Old Jiang is an old cow eating young grass.”
Qin Ge asked after a moment, “The housekeeper is dead. Does he just need to accept the
initial support to complete the task?”
“It can’t be that simple.” Yan Zhe smiled. “First, if his blood is sucked then he will become a
vampire. This isn’t living.”
Qin Ge, “…”
Yan Zhe gloated, “The fact that he could get the recognition of Jiang Xie’s soul indicates that
the child and Old Xie’s fit is very high. Old Xie forced him into this damn game, wouldn’t the
child really hate him?”
Qin Ge argued. “He isn’t suffering. The first mission is a S-grade world.If it is cleared, he can
Yan Zhe interrupted him. “He will definitely clear it.”
Qin Ge looked at him with amazement, wondering why he was so certain.
Yan Zhe explained, “It is Old Xie’s soul that raised the world level. In fact, the mission isn’t
difficult in the novice range. The child is also smart and chose the right privilege. He has
already more than half cleared the instance.”
Qin Ge looked at the detailed data. “There is no limit to loading the file and fatal injuries
won’t cause pain. This really isn’t difficult.”
Yan Zhe smiled. “Unfortunately, the content of this game is too fucking terrible. That child
will have his three views broken.”
Qin Ge, “…” It really seemed like it.
“It’s a pity I have to go out on a mission.” Yan Zhe made a regretful expression. “I can’t see
Old Xie dying.”
Xie Xi didn’t know this and left the scene of death.
The housekeeper died and his blood flowed to the ground. Unfortunately, Xie Xi didn’t have
the ability to clean up and could only temporarily leave it.
What should he do next? Xie Xi couldn’t accept the first embrace but he also couldn’t go to
the promised meeting place.
He could only go to the earl’s house first and work on Aix-en. It was only six days so
perhaps he could drag out the time for the first embrace.
He thought this but Xie Xi instinctively knew it wouldn’t be so easy.
It was strange. The huge mansion was empty but it didn’t feel like it when Randy was here.
Once he died, the castle overflowing with stillness, like a grave.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid. After all, he was a person who had died three times.
He went to find the coachman himself, arranged a carriage and prepared to go to the earl’s
house to find the vampire Aix-en.
Originally, his plan was to use words to motivate the housekeeper and let him deal with the
vampire. He never thought that he would send the housekeeper to the road of suicide with
one sentence… he could only change the plan and delay the time with Aix-en.
The carriage left the manor and Xie Xi enjoyed the beautiful idyllic scenery.
This was a beautiful scene that couldn’t be scene in the bustling city of modern society. The
sky was clear, the wind blew through the grass and the lotus flowers in the pool were
shaking delicately.
Xie Xi observed carefully and couldn’t find any flaws in it. The game was more realistic than
Suddenly, the carriage shook. Xie Xi held the handle firmly and barely supported his body.
“What…” He was about to ask when the door of the carriage opened and the coachman
stared at him with a ferocious expression.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped and he got a bad feeling.
The coachman’s eyes were full of malice and resentment as he held a sharp dagger. “There
is no Randy here. Sein Hall, let’s see who will protect you!”
There was nowhere to hide in the narrow carriage and Xie Xi also didn’t want to hide.
He took the time to ask. “Why do you want to kill me?”
“Why?” The resentment in the coachman’s eyes reached the peak. “You are sinister and evil.
Who in the empire doesn’t want to kill you?”
“I…” Xie Xi couldn’t finish the sentence as the coachman’s dagger pierced his heart.
“Hahaha, it serves you right.” The coachman was crazy. “I want to see if your heart is black,
devil who climbed up from hell…”
His voice drifted off and Xie Xi read the file in time.
There were no extra options and he could only choose to go back to last night.
Then… he couldn’t let Randy die? He could get some information from the coachman’s
words. This body wasn’t a simple aristocratic son. He had too many enemies and the
housekeeper Randy wasn’t simple. It was only when Randy was alive that he could avoid
being assassinated by others.
Was it possible for incite Randy and the vampire to fight?
It seemed that his original plan was right but he had to choose his words more carefully. He
couldn’t let the housekeeper commit suicide!
He just made up his mind when the silver-haired vampire appeared out of thin air. This was
the third time and Xie Xi was used to this sneaky ghost.
The vampire’s lines were almost the same as last time but the confession was more
unhinged. “Small Sein, I really want to dig out my heart for you, letting you see how much it
loves you.”
Xie Xi was afraid his words really would make the vampire dig out his heart and spoke
carefully. “Don’t say that.”
The vampire’s beautiful red eyes were full of infatuation. “See you tomorrow. My sweetest
Xie Xi, “…” He heard it so many times that it didn’t seem so disgusting anymore.
The vampire went away and he dealt with Randy. Then Xie Xi finally arrived at the crucial
second day.
This time, he didn’t muddy up the water or act unclear. He directly asked, “Randy, no
matter what happens, will you be loyal to me?”
Sure enough, this was the correct way to speak. The housekeeper knelt down on one knee
and spoke in a pious manner. “It is my life’s wish to share Young Master’s worries.”
Xie Xi looked at him in a condescending manner. “Do you know the identity of Earl Aix-en?”
The housekeeper’s head was lowered but he clearly stiffened up. Then he sighed. “The earl
has long died. He is a vampire who only exists in the darkness.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘You’ve know it for a long time!’
“Then do you know what day it is today?” Xie Xi stared at him.
Randy looked up, a black mist in his blue eyes. “Have you made up your mind?”
“I don’t want to be something that isn’t a ghost.” Xie Xi raised a hand to Randy’s left
shoulder and watched him. “Can you help me?”
Clear flames burned in the housekeeper’s eyes as his thin lips trembled. “Young Master…”
“He is powerful and I made a deal with him to protect the house. Now he is pushing and I…”
Xie Xi wasn’t proficient at acting yet and couldn’t say the rest of the words.
Fortunately, this route was right. Randy held his hand and whispered to him, “You don’t
love him, do you?”
Xie Xi finally spoke the truth in his heart. “I don’t love him.”
The housekeeper closed his eyes, looking like someone resurrected from the dead. He
kissed the back of Xie Xi’s hand in a pious manner. “As long as you are clear about your
mind, leave it to me.”
Xie Xi was anxious. “He isn’t human and he is powerful. You…”
“Don’t worry about me.” The housekeeper stared at him, eyes full of unreserved loyalty and
love. “Wait for me to come back.”
Xie Xi’s concern wasn’t false. The reason might be different but he said sincerely, “Take
care.” He hoped the two of them could fight for six days and six nights to help him complete
the task.
Before Randy departed, he instructed Xie Xi, “…Please don’t leave the mansion.”
Xie Xi thought of the coachman who assassinated him and nodded solemnly. “I won’t go
anywhere until you come back.”
Randy’s eyes were bright and gentle. “I will live up to your expectations.”
He sent away the housekeeper and Xie Xi was nervous all morning and afternoon. It wasn’t
until it was almost evening that he was relieved.
It seemed this was the right way. He had to encourage the housekeeper to deal with the
The outcome wasn’t known but the silver-haired vampire hadn’t rushed over angrily.
Randy wasn’t here so the person who changed his clothing was the maid Gars.
Xie Xi didn’t think too much when he saw this game again. Only one day had passed in this
world but many days had passed for him. He had finally cleared a stage and he was slightly
Gars carefully helped him take off his clothes. As his shirt was being untied, she suddenly
whispered, “Young Master, can’t it be me?”
Xie Xi didn’t hear her clearly. “Hrmm?”
The girl, who was half a head taller than him, stared him in the eyes. “The things that Randy
can do, I can also do it. The things that Aix-en can give you, I can as well.”
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed as he understood and looked up at Gars.
Gars’ cool voice became hoarse and she no longer pretended to be delicate as she was filled
with a youthful anger. “Randy can’t come back. Look at me more, okay?”
At this moment, Xie Xi saw the throat of the ‘maid’ which had been obscured by lace.
Gars raised Xie Xi’s hand and pressed it against Gars’ flat chest, which didn’t have the ups
and downs of a female.
“Can you feel it?” The boy’s low-pitched voice was full of affection. “This heart belongs only
to you.”

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GL: Chapter 7
Love Left or Right 7

Why was there another one? Wasn’t this game Love to the Left or Right? What did it mean
by another person coming out?
There was a problem with the name!
We thank Xiao Xi for being a taciturn young woman who didn’t spit out his curses.
There were too many slots. Xie Xi thought he had sent away two big Buddhas only for a
man in lady’s clothing to be hiding in the house.
According to this left or right rule, there wouldn’t be another one right? XIe Xi hurriedly
shook off his thoughts, afraid he would be a prophet.
Previously, Gars had been very afraid of the housekeeper. He was always looking down and
had a pleasing appearance. Now his true nature was exposed. Where was the cuteness and
loveliness? The slightly drooping eyes were filled with something that had been suppressed
for a long time. The obvious change was extreme.
He said, “Young Master, my love for you is no less than anyone else. Would you please allow
me to serve you?”
Xie Xi’s lips thinned and he wondered—if he refused, would he die again? If he didn’t
refuse, he was afraid that the housekeeper and vampire would come out and give him a
triple kill.
Once upon a time, there were three good youths. The taciturn Xie Xi had to consider
whether he should die from one person or at the hands of three people!
It was clear that the former was more appropriate. Xie Xi firmly believed that despite this
game making him lose his conscience, he couldn’t move forward and back, as well as left
and right!
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Gars, you go.”
The teenager dressed in the black and white maid’s costume looked like he had been struck
by thunder, his beautiful face pale. “You don’t need me even if Randy is gone?”
Xie Xi replied, “I’m sorry.”
Very good, the scum man taught himself.
“Why?” The colour of Gars’ eyes gradually deepened. His face became whiter and his lips
were lighter. “Randy can no longer stand in our way. Why not? Or… do you not love me?
Due to my cowardice, have you given up on me?”
Sure enough, these two were also in love. Xie Xi’s slag male apology was very wise.
Xie Xi couldn’t leave him with too many thoughts but he didn’t dare say it was wrong. This
scum man could only remain silent.
Gars’ attitude was becoming more and more abnormal. His grief and despair covered the
blue sky like a dark cloud. His voice was empty, “You have given up on me.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Gars’ fists clenched and a blue vein bulged on his forehead.
Xie Xi glanced at him, thinking that he wasn’t far from death. His only choice was to try
‘options’ one by one so that he wouldn’t have to load the file.
“You gave up on me.” Gars repeated again. His expression was too miserable and his voice
was sad, which was very infectious. If Xie Xi hadn’t experienced death so many times then
he would’ve probably moved his hand to show compassion.
Gars smiled with self-deprecation and abandonment. He lost his soul. “You are right. I’m
lowly, cowardly and not worthy of your love. You rescued me from the mire, gave me a new
life and even promised me your divine love. However, I was too cowardly and too lowly,
afraid of tarnishing your love. I kept hiding and running away…”
“I was the one who screwed everything up.” Gars stared at him, voice reaching the extreme.
“I was the one who betrayed your heart and let you down.”
Xie Xi thought seriously, ‘This development, isn’t it leading to suicide?’
Poor Xie Xi’s brain circuits couldn’t keep up.
Gars weakly lowered his hands and his whole body seemed to have lost its spirit. He turned
and left with staggering steps.
Xie Xi, “…”
The wooden door opened and closed again, leaving Xie Xi alone in front of the mirror.
Gone? He really left?
No one died?
Xie Xi couldn’t believe it but he didn’t chase after the person. What if Gars asked him, “Why
are you chasing me? Are you remorseful and actually still need me?”
How would he answer. Did he want to say, “No, I just want to see if you went to a different
location to kill yourself.’
Endure! Xie Xi told himself in front of the mirror.
Nothing happened, nothing happened, Gars really went away.
Xie Xi’s intuition told him that it definitely wasn’t this simple but he couldn’t help thinking
‘naively’, ‘Perhaps this isn’t crazy and is just a small test. After all, the name of the game is
to the left or right. There shouldn’t be a third ship, right?’
Xie Xi changed clothes, climbed into bed and waited half an hour.
Nothing happened. No one showed up and he didn’t die either. Had he broken through this
small checkpoint?
Xie Xi slept and when he woke up, his task progress was halfway way. If this continued, he
could complete the mission as expected?
Xie Xi sighed and went to face the new day.
There was no news about the housekeeper coming back, which was the best news for Xie
Xi. Gars also didn’t appear again and his life or death was unknown.
Xie Xi didn’t have the enemy to manage what happened to others. He only thought about
how many days were left.
Randy wasn’t here and Gars didn’t show up either. In this huge mansion, there wasn’t a
third person to help Xie Xi dress. Xie Xi looked at the cumbersome clothing and wondered
why he had to go through so much trouble? Couldn’t he wear a simple t-shirt?
Forget it… He worked so hard to get to this point. Xie Xi didn’t want to attract any more
He patiently dressed himself, spending a quarter of an hour before barely putting it on. He
was lucky he noticed the steps that Randy took to dress him or he wouldn’t have been able
to get the clothes on.
After dressing neatly, Xie Xi was a bit hungry. It used to be Randy who served him
breakfast. Today, he had no one to wait on him and had to find food on his own.
The castle was large and the walls of the corridor were covered with portraits and animal
remains. In this era, these decorations showed the status and great wealth of the family.
However, it was gloomy and full of horror for the aesthetics of a modern person.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid. Since his father disappeared, he had become used to the darkness. If he
was afraid of ghosts then he wouldn’t be able to live.
He wasn’t afraid but a strange sensation filled his heart. Wasn’t there too much empty
space for a big house? Only a housekeeper and maid were missing. Then why did it seem
like everyone was gone?
Xie Xi kept walking. He arrived at the dining room to find it deserted. It was clean but not a
single figure could be seen. He remembered that when Randy was here, there were still a
lot of people. However, these people never looked up and there was no sense of existence.
Xie Xi waited a while and found that breakfast wasn’t coming. He had to get up and go to
the kitchen. His black boots fell on the smooth ground, making clear sounds that made the
whole space feel more dead.
Xie Xi was stunned when he entered the kitchen.
A room full of people.
A room full of dead people.
Xie Xi might not be afraid of ghosts but even he would feel nauseous when seeing this
bloody scene.
What was going on here? He held back his nausea and looked around. There were
approximately 40 or 50 people, all of their died. Their blood flowed to the ground and the
entire kitchen was dyed red.
He looked carefully and realized who they were. They were the servants of this house—the
maids, gardeners and coachmen.
It hadn’t been long since they were killed and thrown here.
Xie Xi, “…”
After closing the door, he took back his previous statement. This game wasn’t crazy, it was
completely insane!
Who killed these people? Who else could it be besides Gars? Why had he killed them?
Anger? Did he become berserk? Was it a momentary slip of the hand?
Xie Xi was a normal person. He really couldn’t fathom the brains of a psychopath!
He couldn’t eat breakfast after seeing all this. He walked out of the castle and breathed in
the air of the garden.
There was a small pavilion for afternoon tea in the garden. Xie Xi arrived and saw small
snacks that exuded heat.
What was this? Was Gars afraid he would starve to death?
Xie Xi really wasn’t hungry. He sat in the garden and wondered what would happen next.
No matter the reason for Gars killing the people in the mansion, Xie Xi was in danger at the
moment. Last time Randy died and someone assassinated him. This time, Randy instructed
him not to leave the house. Randy must’ve prepared some precautions. Now everyone was
dead and there was no one to protect him.
What should he do? How could he survive the remaining days?
He was alone in this dead castle. Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of ghosts but he had to always be
wary. This psychological state was really hard.
He was on guard all day and found that no one attacked him.
In any case, he survived until the evening again… Xie Xi licked his lips. Could he survive like
this for the rest of the days? He shouldn’t be blindly optimistic.
At night, there was a fight outside. Xie Xi opened his eyes and quickly got out of bed.
A heavy object slammed against the door and a man asked fiercely, “Why are you
protecting that demon?”
The beautiful young boy with red in his blue eyes whispered, “He is my master.”
“You are crazy. He is the one who turned you into this existence!”
“No, I volunteered.” Gars’ lips curved, his smile full of morbid attachment. “It was in order
to gain this strength and become qualified to stand beside him.”
“Gars Delin, you are crazy!”
“I love him and just want to be with him.” Gars smiled but there was death in his eyes. “Can
you not disturb us?”
The soft voice just fell when he pierced the masked man’s chest.
The masked man fell to the ground, blood seeping out into the dark carpet, forming an
extremely bizarre tattoo.
Then Gars saw Xie Xi and the bloodthirsty eyes instead turned into a sad sky blue. His voice
changed and he lost the crazy tone, sounding more like a discarded animal as he begged,
“Young Master…”
Xie Xi, “…”
“…You see, I can do it. The things Randy can do, I can as well.” Gars fell to his knees, his hair
covering his paranoid eyes, his voice pious and humble. “I have Aix-en’s power and Randy’s
heart. Please let me stay by your side, even if it is only as your most loyal dog.”

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GL: Chapter 8
Love Left or Right 8

Xie Xi whispered in his heart, ‘Do I have the right to say no?’
He thought that Gars was a simple, slightly immature and mad teenager. What was the
result? He was more ruthless than the housekeeper Randy and vampire Aix-en.
Killing everyone in the mansion because they would hurt Sein Hall. However, what was
actually the truth? How could Randy leave behind those who wanted to assassinate Sein
If there were no killers, who could Gars have an opportunity to show himself off?
Gars seemed to have left in a desperate manner but he actually did a series of things to
make Xie Xi need him.
Rather than killing Xie Xi, he blocked all other options so that Xie Xi could only choose him.
What could Xie Xi do?
He bent over and pulled Gars Delin up. “Don’t you hate me?”
The youth’s exquisite features were full of infatuation. “How could I? There is no Gars
without Young Master.”
Xie Xi touched his white face that was as cold as ice. “I’m sorry. I made you like this.”
“No!” Gars anxiously took his hand. “I am willing to do so. I wanted to become a vampire
and Young Master had no knowledge of it. Why apologize?”
Sein Hall didn’t know? Xie Xi laughed at himself.
Gars watched him greedily. “You are so gentle and beautiful, giving my lowly self your
supreme love. I just wanted to be worthy of you and strong enough to live up to your
So he became a vampire?
According to the information currently available, he could basically guess Gars’ plot.
The lowly servant receive the attention of his master. Due to his inferior status, he didn’t
dare respond and could only suppress it silently. The feelings became deeper and the love
heavier. Eventually, the young man could no longer suppress it and sought strength in the
path of a vampire.
It was clear that the boy who died in the newspaper was Gars himself. Yet he didn’t die and
became a vampire.
Everything made sense. The thing that Xie Xi wondered about was why would he show love
to a teenager?
The reason why Sein Hall got mixed up with the vampire Aix-en was to survive and to use
the power of the vampire. The motives for the housekeeper Randy were similar.
Then what about Gars? This teenager was an ordinary person before he became a vampire.
What made him worthy to be used by Sein Hall?
Xie Xi couldn’t figure it out.
The thing that Xie Xi was most unable to understand was the original owner of this body!
How many people did Sein Hall provoke?
He had to take it one step at a time. Now he could only accept Gars. If he didn’t accept Gars,
he would be killed by the assassins and could only load the file again.
Xie Xi sincerely hoped that the vampire and housekeeper didn’t come back half-way!
If the three of them confronted each other then his legs will be really unstable.
After Gars calmed down, the day finally passed. The two of them were the only ones in the
mansion but it was strangely safe.
Gars treated him very well, as if he was literally treasure. Gars was cautious and didn’t
show any other behavior, as if he really was satisfied to be Sein’s dog.
As a normal person living in modern society, Xie Xi’s mood was very complicated!
The mission finally reached the fifth day.
There was still no news about the housekeeper and vampire but Xie Xi didn’t dare relax.
Who knew what would happen in the last two days?
At dawn, Xie Xi found that the mansion was lively again and the dead servants were alive.
Xie Xi doubted his eyes and Gars softly explained as he helped Xie Xi change into a stylish
tuxedo. “Young Master, please rest assured that they are obedient puppets.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Gars observed him all this time. After seeing that he was slightly unhappy, Gars
immediately said, “If Young Master doesn’t like it, I will.”
“It’s fine.” Xie Xi didn’t want to feel tired again. In any case, they were all game NPCs.
Gars looked down but his words could frighten an individual to death. “I hope that this
mansion can only be you and me. I want to take care of everything. It’s just… I can’t leave
your sight. Thus, some trivial things will inevitably be handed over to others.”
His mouth said he couldn’t leave Xie Xi’s sight but it was actually Xie Xi who couldn’t leave
his sight!
Forget it…
There were only two days left and Xie Xi didn’t want to worry about the details.
“You can arrange it.” Xie Xi replied. “I believe in you.”
Gars’ eyes lit up and his mouth was full of sweetness. “At noon, Master Greenton will come
to visit. Shall I arrange a luncheon?”
Xie Xi had a headache when he head the name. He wanted to refuse when the bottom right
corner unexpectedly gave him a hint:
[Greenton Casa, your cousin.]
It turned out that this Master Greenton was Sein Hall’s cousin? Then what? There was just a
line of words? There was no special significance?
Xie Xi thought for a moment before deciding to see this person, just in case he was an
important plot character and missing him might be a mistake.
“Yes.” Xie Xi answered. “Prepare some things that my cousin loves for noon.”
At 10 o’clock, Master Greenton’s carriage arrived. Due to the ‘resurrection’ as puppets by
Gars, the mansion looked orderly and no different from usual.
Xie Xi went out to greet Master Greenton.
The blond youth descended from the carriage with a bright smile. He was dressed in a
double-breasted coat with a white shirt underneath that was tucked into his belt. He also
wore handsome leather boots over his white breeches.
“Sein.” Greenton stepped forward and took Xie Xi’s hand. “How many days has it been since
I’ve seen you. Why are you so thin?”
Xie Xi exclaimed, ‘I have died so many times, how can I not be thin?’
Greenton was very different from the other people. He was handsome and vibrant. He
seemed to be three or four years older than Sein, which was the best age for a man.
Xie Xi didn’t think much. He just felt this person’s smile was very bright and warm.
“Cousin, you also look thinner.” Xie Xi greeted him appropriately.
Greenton replied, “Is that right? I have been actively exercising actively. No wonder why I
am thinner!”
Xie Xi smiled.
He didn’t take the initiative to find a topic but Greenton was very talkative. The atmosphere
was livened up by him with a few words.
He saw Gars and asked, “What about Randy?”
Xie Xi replied quietly, “He went out to take care of some things.”
Greenton didn’t ask much and talked about idle things.
Xie Xi felt good about him. He thought this might be the only normal NPC in the game.
After a lengthy lunch, the two of them went to the garden to have afternoon tea and digest.
Greenton seemed to think of something. He said to Gars, “I have a good tea set in my
carriage. Can you help me get it?”
Gars glanced at Xie Xi and Xie Xi sent him a soothing look. “Go ahead.”
Gars looked down and felt there should be no danger. He bowed and left.
After Gars left, Xie Xi felt that something might happen. He never imagined that his cousin,
who looked normal and sunny, would suddenly grab his hand in a heated manner.
“I don’t care about anything else. I don’t care about the family or the world. Sein… let’s run
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GL: Chapter 9
Love Left or Right 9

Xie Xi, “???” If he was able to use an expression pack, the black question mark face was the
most appropriate.
Wasn’t this his cousin? Was it normal to look like this? Why did he fall for Sein Hall as well?
Or should it be said, Sein Hall was so mad that he didn’t even let go of his cousin!
Fortunately, Xie Xi didn’t know the identity of the game designer or he would search for
words to curse him 18 times!
He was so shocked that Greenton wasn’t surprised and even felt ashamed. “I was too
scrupulous before and wronged you.” He thought that Xie Xi’s shock was a joy that came so
suddenly it couldn’t be accepted.
Xie Xi’s heart was complicated and he didn’t know where to start.
Greenton spoke again, “I was the one in the wrong. I will never make you sad again.”
Xie Xi was anxious as he thought about Gars who was about to return. “Let me go.”
Greenton was stunned.
Xie Xi couldn’t understand this situation and could only test it. “We aren’t suitable for each
other. I have thought about it for a long time and figured it out. Go back.”
“You… want me to go back?” Greenton’s sunny face was covered with dark clouds as he
frowned. “You actually told me to go back…”
Xie Xi was numb. “Yes, please go back.”
There was no smile on Greenton’s face as he stared at Xie Xi. “Have you made up your
Things were a bit strange but Xie Xi didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
Not surprisingly, the handsome and sunny cousin pulled out a silver dagger and stabbed
Xie Xi with a blank expression.
Xie Xi, “…” He was too lazy to pretend to be surprised by this long expected ending.
Unexpectedly, the big cousin who was just blank showed a hint of astonishment. He saw Xie
Xi’s calm look and eyes that weren’t afraid of death.
“You did it on purpose! Greenton hugged him, veins bulging and an insane air around him.
“You deliberately irritated me. You… no… Sein… don’t…”
He was devastated as he intermittent spoke. He couldn’t form a sentence.
Xie Xi was already loading the file. He was curious but couldn’t ask. This big brother’s skill
was very precise, just like the vampire. It was a deadly blow that didn’t give him a chance.
It might not hurt but the countdown was decreasing in front of him. He couldn’t waste any
He loaded the file—
He returned to when Greenton held his hand to run away together.
Xie Xi knew that refusal wasn’t acceptable and couldn’t refuse directly.
He was curious about Greenton’s words after his ‘death’ and intuition told him this must be
a clue to unraveling some doubts.
“How can this be?” Xie Xi’s acting skills had increased dramatically and he made the other
person very upset.
Greenton exclaimed, “I don’t care! I don’t care about anything!
Xie Xi thought, ‘You don’t care but I do. Who wants to run away with you? I just want to
survive for seven days.’ Of course, he couldn’t say that and had to think about his words…
Greenton already set up the plot. “…Many people have died and the duke’s house and the
royal family are almost reduced to graves.”
Xie Xi’s heart jumped as he finally caught the focus after five or six days of confusion
He closely watched Greenton. He hadn’t thought much about it before but these sunny eyes
were filled with deeply hidden fear and anxiety.
Xie Xi paused.
Greenton thought he was touched and sincerely said, “I know that they owe you and I also
hate them. They took away Auntie and abused you. I am also very sad…”
Finally, the plot of Sein Hall had surfaced.
Greenton’s brow furrowed. “I am incompetent and couldn’t protect you. I could only let you
embark on such a road…”
What was the road? Xie Xi was curious. Unfortunately, Greenton seemed afraid of
stimulating him and didn’t continue speaking.
Xie Xi was afraid to ask anything else in fear of the hard to obtain clue going away.
Greenton watched him cautiously. “Princess Xilin died and the queen has also fallen ill. I
will take good care of you and spend everyday with you. Sein, can you stop?”
Princess Xilin? Oh, Xie Xi remembered that this was his stepmother.
Greenton didn’t say much but Xie Xi developed a framework.
After the death of Sein Hall’s birth mother, his father married Her Majesty’s sister, a proud
and extravagant princess. Presumably, the princess was very reluctant to see Sein. He was
bullied despite being the son of a duke.
The things afterwards couldn’t be guessed but from Greenton’s words, Sein Hall was
retaliating against those who buried him.
Was he ambiguous with the vampire and housekeeper to borrow their power for revenge?
What type of bloodbath had he started and why were there so many assassins after him?
Did he simply kill Princess Xilin?
Xie Xi looked at Greenton again and understood why this person previously stabbed it.
This cousin didn’t kill him just because of love and hate. He thought that Sein Hall was
obsessive and unwilling to stop his plan. In order to prevent a larger disaster, Greenton
killed him.
Xie Xi followed along. “Cousin, don’t worry. She is dead and I won’t do anything. Go back
Greenton stared at him. “You really won’t do anything else?”
Xie Xi was able to guarantee this. “Yes.”
Greenton was apparently relieved. He held Xie Xi’s hand and spoke sincerely, “I will
accompany you and take care of you for the rest of your life.”
Xie Xi didn’t need this person to accompany him and advised, “Cousin, don’t force it. I
promise you that I won’t turn back.”
“I’m not forcing it!” Greenton’s eyes were full of sadness. “I really regret it. Sein, if I hadn’t
been too worried and accepted your feelings for me early on, you wouldn’t…”
Xie Xi couldn’t understand these feelings of love. “We are cousins. It is my fault for
expressing love to you.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Greenton was distressed. “You have been alone and experienced
so much. It is normal for you to reply on me.”
Xie Xi wanted to say, ‘This is dependence, not love.’
However, he felt this remark was inappropriate and didn’t want to overestimate the game
Greenton sighed. “Let me stay, even as a sacrifice.”
Xie Xi blinked, not understanding the meaning of these words. At this time, Greenton
approached and bent over to kiss him on the cheek. “Sein, as long as we can return to the
past, I will let you do anything.”
Suddenly, there was the sharp sound of porcelain falling to the ground behind them.
Xie Xi pushed Greenton away and saw Gars’ gloomy face.
XIe Xi, “…” He told this person to go and he didn’t. Then this was fine.

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GL: Chapter 10
Love Left or Right 10

The gates of hell opened for him…

In the face of such a cruel ‘caught cheating’ scene, Xie Xi looked calm and indifferent, as if he
wasn’t a slag man playing two people.
Oh, this wasn’t true. Xie Xi wasn’t standing with one foot in two boats. It was four boats!
(TL: having two lovers at the same time or in Sein’s case, four)
Xie Xi, “…”
He became even more indifferent.
This happened to calm down the gloomy Gars. It was Greenton who took the initiative to
kiss him. Not only did Xie Xi show no response, indifference was also on his face. This
greatly calmed down Gars who was drinking a jar of vinegar.
If Xie Xi showed panic then Greenton probably wouldn’t live to see the moon tonight.
Xie Xi didn’t want to save Greenton. Based on the previous inference, this person was
probably the only one who wasn’t abnormal. However, this person killed him once.
Upholding the basic courtesies and sending him away was already beyond reproach.
Still, he didn’t want Gars to kill Greenton. Didn’t another problem occur when the
housekeeper committed suicide? Who knew what out pits there were in this game.
As soon as Gars appeared, Greenton took two steps back and distanced himself from Sein.
Of course, he didn’t know the relationship between Gars and Sein. He was just a gentleman
and unwilling to do intimate things in front of others.
Xie Xi saw Gars’ eyes soften at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.
“Sorry.” Gars didn’t show any sincerity or fright at all. “My hands weren’t steady and I
broke the tea set.”
Greenton unexpectedly wasn’t angry. Instead, he said to Xie Xi, “I will find you next time.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare reprimand Gars and replied to his cousin, “Cousin, your heart is enough.”
He said this but he didn’t think he had a higher position. It was because Sein truly was
Gars focused on the title of ‘cousin’ while Greenton focused on the second half of the
The result was the maid’s eyes gentled and his cousin smiled sweetly.
Xie Xi had a question mark. What did he do?
The shocking fifth day passed and he welcomed the night.
Greenton said goodbye to him, reluctant to leave. Xie Xi blinked innocently at Gars.
His cousin was moved and ashamed. ‘Sein is so shy that he is embarrassed to look at me in
front of his servant. I can’t imagine how much courage he had to muster to confess to me.’
Greenton’s eyes were sweet again.
Xie Xi, “…” Cousin, what were you thinking about?
Gars’ feelings were very useful. He couldn’t stand Xie Xi’s anger or fear. Gars wanted to hold
Sein in his hand, in his mouth and in the softest part of his heart.
“Young Master.” Gars said. “I’ll wait for you to undress.”
Xie Xi hurriedly nodded. “Okay.” He hurried to separate from the two people. He didn’t do
anything but he was inexplicably tired.
Damn person stepping on X number of boats, you should live well and not toss yourself!
Xie Xi washed up, changed into pyjamas and got into bed.
Gars was full of tenderness. “Sweet dreams.”
Xie Xi was afraid Gars would give him a good night kiss and replied honestly, “Yes.”
Gars whispered, “Young Master, don’t worry. I won’t hurt him.”
Xie Xi blinked. What did this mean? Gars wouldn’t hurt Greenton? Why?
Gars arranged his quilt. “He might be rude and too affectionate but I know your intentions
and won’t disturb your plan.”
Gars knew what he was trying to do?
Xie Xi thought that he needed someone to tell him his intentions. The key was this person
still had things he wouldn’t say. This made him anxious to death.
Gars didn’t explain his meaning to his master. “Good night.” Then he kissed the back of Xie
Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, it seemed this person wasn’t going to say it.
After Gars left, Xie Xi lay down for half an hour. Then he lightly got out of bed and walked
barefoot through the house.
The castle was covered with thick carpets and there was no need to be afraid of the cold
when walking with bare feet. It was just that nobles were well-dressed and would never be
like him.
Xie Xi had Gars follow him during the day and couldn’t act alone. He could only sneak out at
this time to investigate.
He was very curious about his situation.
The man who tried to assassinate him said he was a devil who climbed out of hell. Greenton
advised him to stop and said he was willing to be a sacrifice. There was also a lot of
information hidden in Gars’ words.
He always felt that Sein Hall was doing something big. If he didn’t understand this matter,
the game wouldn’t end so easily.
Survive for seven days, this task must have a lot of traps buried. If he acted perfunctory in
the last few days, wouldn’t he usher in a must-die ending? Xie Xi had played many games
and knew a lot of routines. It was impossible to clear this game when the fog of the story
wasn’t completely resolved.
The biggest mystery right now was the original owner of this body. What was Sein Hall
Xie Xi wanted to go to the study but he heard a conversation as he walked past a guest
room. The castle was beautifully decorated but it was old and the soundproofing was
Xie Xi quietly moved back and stopped at the door.
The wooden door was closed but there was a glimmer of candlelight coming from the gap.
Sound also leaked out because of this gap. Xie Xi didn’t have to stand too close to hear.
It was Gars and Greenton. The two of them didn’t fight during the day so they were fighting
at night?
Xie Xi held his breath and listened.
Greenton opened his mouth first. “Where did Randy go?”
There was no humility and respect in Gars’ voice. “Master Greenton shouldn’t ask about
matters regarding our house.”
He was so arrogant yet Greenton still wasn’t angry. “Are you taking over for Randy now?”
Greenton paused before saying, “Sein can no longer go on like this. The church can’t bear it
any longer and they will…”
Gars scoffed. “Where were they when the young master was wronged? That woman had a
violent nature and killed Young Master’s mother. She also abused Young Master. Why
shouldn’t he retaliate?”
Greenton exclaimed, “Princess Xilin is dead!”
“So what if she’s dead?” Gars questioned. “The queen is still there, the duke is still there and
the whole empire is still there!”
Greenton’s voice was tense. “What do you mean?!”
Gars smiled. “No matter what Young Master does, I will accompany him.”
Greenton was angry. “You are harming him!”
Gars’ feminine voice replied, “My only wish is to make him happy.”
The conversation between the two men stopped abruptly. Xie Xi was afraid to expose
himself and quickly left. He returned to bed, drank from his cup and replayed the
conversation he had heard.
What did it mean? Sein wanted to retaliate against the whole empire? How would he
This world had vampires so wouldn’t there be even more deadly things?
The sixth day.
Xie Xi’s right eye twitched after he woke up. His intuition told him that today definitely
wouldn’t be simple. The current calm was definitely a precursor to the storm.
Gars waited for him to get up and change clothes. Xie Xi had only slept for four or five hours
last night and was a bit confused.
Gars told him, “Young Master, if you are sleepy then sleep for a while.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “It isn’t a hindrance.”
Gars didn’t say anything else and helped him wear his clothes.
Xie Xi noticed that today was a new black and white outfit. It was very cold with a fierce
touch. However, the complicated style and embellished black roses made it 70% feminine
and 30% charming.
Xie Xi stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. The medieval outfits were based
on beauty. Most of his previous clothes were dark blue, light blue, green, light green, etc.
There were some dark colours but it wasn’t like today. The polite neckline, the cuffs and
the black rose on the chest gave it an oppressive feeling.
Sein Hall’s complexion was extremely white and his facial features were filled with a
delicacy that walked between youth and adulthood. Then there was the pale lips and dark…
Xie Xi finally noticed the abnormality.
How did Sein Hall have black eyes? Xie Xi was Asian and having black eyes was very
normal. However, Sein was European. Why would he have black eyes?
Gars brought him a ring with a black pearl and kissed his white fingers. “Young Master, you
are so beautiful.”
Xie Xi recovered and gathered the doubts in his heart.
He felt that today wasn’t simple.
But it was actually okay… for the whole day, the three people were inseparable. Greenton
kept his promise and accompanied Xie Xi everywhere. Gars didn’t give Greenton a chance
to get close to Xie Xi by also following.
Xie Xi was happy. The two of them were competing with each other and he had time to
think carefully about what might happen.
Evening arrived and nothing happened.
Xie Xi was very puzzled. He could pass this way? In 30 hours, he could complete the
Would it be that simple? This damn broken game wasn’t so easy.
It was when they were saying goodnight that this abnormal game was finally broken.
There was a loud bang and Xie Xi jumped. Gars immediately moved in front of him.
Such a big move was like setting off a mine at home!
Xie Xi stabilized his heartbeat and stared…
The door of the castle was smashed to pieces and a silver figure plummeted through.
Dust scattered. Under the moonlight, the silver-haired Aix-en’s clothes were messy but
everything else was the same. He strode forward, looking like ice.
Xie Xi’s expression wasn’t good. The creditor had come looking for him!
The vampire ignored everyone and stared straight at Sein Hall. “Randy has betrayed you. I
will take you out of here.”
Xie Xi, “…”
A dark shadow followed behind the vampire and revealed himself. Randy’s neat tuxedo had
obvious scratches but this didn’t obscure his temperament. It just added a bit of wildness to
his elegance.
Randy sighed. “I won’t let you hurt him.”
Aix-en’s eyes narrowed. “I’m going to give him eternal life.”
Randy’s thin lips slightly curved. “He doesn’t want it.”
Aix-en sneered before glancing at Xie Xi, his eyes deeply affectionate. “You don’t want it?”
Xie XI: MMP (TL: Abbreviation for a swearing phrase)

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GL: Chapter 11
Love Left or Right 11

At the same time, the housekeeper Randy also looked over. The two men stared at Xie Xi,
whom they hadn’t seen for a while.
Xie Xi was choked up and felt desperate.
He wasn’t the scum man and didn’t talk about love. He wasn’t the one stepping on two
boats but he had to face this deadly torture!
How should he answer? What should he choose? Sein Hall, hurry back and clean up your
Sein didn’t come back and his cousin Greenton strode forward fearlessly to protect Xie Xi.
The vampire Aix-en’s eyes filled with a dangerous and bloodthirsty light. “Get out of the
Greenton didn’t move. “Vampire, I won’t let you hurt him!”
Then Gars emerged from the shadow, showing a pale and delicate countenance.
Aix-en glanced at him and the red eyes narrowed. “You are still alive.”
Sure enough, he turned Gars into a vampire!
Gars wasn’t afraid of this ‘predecessor’ and even raised an eyebrow in a provoking manner.
“Young Master is mine.”
This sentence was like an explosion in the deep sea, causing waves to surge.
The housekeeper Randy looked cold. “Gars, do you think you can replace me by wearing my
Ginger was spicier as it got older (TL: The older the wiser).
The old housekeeper provoked the new housekeeper with a single sentence.
Gars’ fists clenched. “I am me. Young Master is clear about this.”
Randy sneered. “How did I never see how arrogant you are?”
Gars exclaimed, “I didn’t want to make things difficult for Young Master!”
The smell of gunpowder grew heavier and the vampire Aix-en added to the fire. “Two lowly
servants, how can you fight for my Small Sein?”
Randy turned his head. “You are evil and unworthy of the Young Master.”
Gars was even more miserable. He was a lowly servant and also an evil vampire. The
arrows shot through his heart. However, he said he would fight. The young man pulled out
a sword and directly stabbed it at the nearby vampire.
Aix-en didn’t stay still. His fingers caught the sword and he said sarcastically, “Hairy boy,
you actually dare play in front of me.”
Gars was anxious and his eyes turned red. The housekeeper Randy couldn’t miss such a
good opportunity. He and Aix-en had been fighting for five days and six nights. They were
exhausted. Now Gars was distracting Aix-en and Randy could take the opportunity to kill
this evil!
Aix-en was sensitive and instantly became aware of Randy’s intentions. He sneered and
stabbed back towards Randy.
Randy snapped, “Gars, hold him down!”
Gars used to be a lowly maid and had to listen to Randy. Now he had strength and had been
alone with the young master for so long. How could he listen to Randy? He thought about
how Randy served the young master for so longer and wanted to kill him.
“Don’t order me around!” Gars didn’t contain Aix-en but turned back to attack Randy.
Randy quickly retreated and shouted, “I forgot, you are also a ghostly evil!”
The three men fought together.
Xie Xi, “…”
He suddenly realized the true meaning of stepping on N-boats. He had to wait for them to
tear out one, two, three, four?
Oh, he hadn’t even talked about love before and didn’t want to know this bullshit!
Aix-en and Randy were strong enough to crush Gars but they consumed too much energy
before. Now they were exhausted and it was hard to win.
Xie Xi felt complicated. He prayed for them to fight for 30 hours and let him complete the
Greenton had no fighting power and suddenly made a mistake. He took Xie Xi’s hand and
said anxiously, “Let’s run!”
At almost the same time, the trio stopped and three pairs of eyes stared coldly at the hands
holding each other.
Xie Xi, “…” This cousin had no skills but his ability to find death was big.
“Don’t touch him.” Aix-en ordered angrily and pulled out a bow, firing an arrow.
Greenton was an ordinary person and couldn’t escape. Despite this, he didn’t release Xie
Xi’s hand. He just held it tighter.
Xie Xi couldn’t save him and thought one of the four boats were eliminated. He didn’t
expect Gars to use his sword to block the arrow, saving Greenton.
Aix-en’s eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?”
Gars explained, “He is a sacrifice. You can’t kill him.” Then his eyes fell on Greenton’s hand
holding Xie Xi.
Xie Xi took advantage of this to break free and move away from his cousin.
Greenton was full of sorrow and his thin lips moved. Xie Xi didn’t dare say anything in case
his words killed Greenton.
Aix-en raised an eyebrow. “Sacrifice?”
Xie Xi was interested. The vampire was clueless. Perhaps he could use this opportunity to
get a clue.
Gars sneered. “You don’t even know this?”
Aix-en’s head jerked and he glanced at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was speechless. ‘If I say I don’t know, will you believe it?’
The housekeeper Randy smashed Gars again. “You are just a failed sacrifice.”
Gars was furious.
Xie Xi listened in a daze but didn’t dare ask anything. In this situation, he could only stay as
quiet as a chicken since anything he said could tip him over the edge of the boat.
Aix-en wanted to ask Xie Xi but then his expression changed.
The door was originally smashed and the torchlight coming from outside was particularly
glaring, as if it wanted to burn this own castle.
There was no time for chatting.
Louds sounds and the clacking of horseshoes were heard. Then people pushed through the
They rode horses and were dressed in the clothes of the church. The old man in the lead
was pale and holding an old book in his hand. He stared at the few people in the hall and
ordered. “Quickly hand over the devil Sein Hall.”
Greenton stepped forward. “Bishop! Sein has already stopped and he won’t hurt any more
innocents. Please spare his life!”
The knight on the side of te old man felt it was easy to clean up these few people. Thus, he
was arrogant and his long spear stabbed at Greenton.
Xie Xi didn’t have to say anything as Gars and Randy saved Greenton.
The old man solemnly placed a hand on the book. “Sein Hall is obsessed with the wrong
path and killed innocents!”
The people outside held up their torches and shouted. There were more than a thousand
people present.
Xie Xi understood that this was probably the final level. Whether he could survive tonight
or not was the key to the mission.
Aix-en, Randy and Gars, the three people who wanted to kill each other had an
unprecedented moment of unity. They stood in front of Xie Xi and said the same words.
“Don’t be afraid. No one can hurt you.”
Xie Xi, “…” His mood was even more complicated!
The next one or two hours was extremely impactful for Xie Xi, who had lived in modern
The three people challenged the entire army and created a sea of blood. Both Aix-en and
Gars had amazing strength and a powerful self-healing ability. Randy had subtle
swordsmanship and a body that didn’t seem like a human. They stormed into the army and
cut through the human warriors in armour as easily as cutting tofu.
The screams and blood turned the castle into human purgatory.
This scene was so real that Xie Xi was pale.
At this time, Greenton asked safely, “It is irreversible?”
Xie Xi glanced at him, speechless due to the surging in his stomach.
Greenton stared at him, eyes full of guilt. “It is my fault. If I had taken you away earlier, you
wouldn’t… however, this is all I can do for you.”
He picked up Xie Xi’s hand and placed it against his heart.
Xie Xi’s pupils became smaller.
Greenton closed his eyes. “I love you and will give everything to you.”
As his words finished, the blood that soaked the ground moved and drew a sinful circle.
Xie Xi stood in the centre of the circle, his hand piercing Greenton’s heart.
In an instant, a red light surged up to the sky and an indescribable force surged in Xie Xi’s

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GL: Chapter 12
Love Left or Right 12

Full of brains, democratic, civilized, harmonious… The Xie Xi described by these golden
characters couldn’t accept this ghostly thing.
What was this situation? Why was his hand sharper than a knife? Why was Greenton’s
chest more brittle than a biscuit? What happened to his endless energy?
At this moment, a strange and familiar voice entered Xie Xi’s ears. It was the voice of Sein
Hall, the real owner of this body.
“Damned, everybody is damned.”
“No matter the price, I will bury them!”
A flower appeared in front of Xie Xi and he started to see Sein Hall’s memories.
The seven year old body born with exquisite loveliness was laughing innocently in his
mother’s arms. The image changed. The boy trembled as he hid in a corner while a loud
quarrel was heard outside.
“Princess, please control yourself! I’m the hostess of Duke Hall’s house!”
“You despicable woman, what qualifications do you have to marry him?”
The beautiful and arrogant woman slapped the face of Sein’s mother. The duchess made a
frightened expression. “Why did you hit me?”
“Hit you?” Princess Xilin stepped on her abdomen. “What can I do if I want to kill you?”
The duchess was pale. “No, I have…”
“I know, you are pregnant again.” Princess Xilin stepped hard on the duchess’ belly. “You
dirty blood, what qualifications do you have to be pregnant with his child?”
Sein Hall was terrified. He rushed out after seeing his mother’s screams and tried to stop
this crazy woman, but he was too young. He was easily held back by a servant and watched
as his mother was tortured to death.
Blood flowed as his gentle mother lay pale on the ground, the empty eyes desperately
looking at the world.
The woman who killed his mother not only didn’t get the punishment she deserved, she
ended up as his new stepmother.
Sein Hall cried and complained to his father about her crimes but his father locked him up
for one month until he changed his tune and admitted that what he saw was a hallucination
the devil presented to him.
Princess Xilin didn’t want to let him go but his father reluctantly protected him. Sein Hall
didn’t suffer too much abuse apart from cold treatment. However, the death of his mother,
the cowardice of his father and the indifference of the royal family and church caused
serious trauma to his young mind.
No one believed in his words or the cause of his mother’s death. No one believed that the
princess was a murderer and no one believed that the royal family and church were
sheltering such a demon.
Greenton was the first ray of light for Sein Hall. He thought his cousin would help him gain
justice for his mother’s death. But no… his cousin said he would take Sein away. Greenton’s
words were full of indignation but he didn’t dare to offend the royal family.
Sein Hall met the vampire Aix-en at the age of 14. He inherited his mother’s beauty, which
was like a blooming rose. The suppressed despair and hatred meant this rose was dyed
with blood.
Aix-en fell in love with him at first sight and was deeply infatuated with him. At first, Sein
Hall thought he would die. Then he saw the obsession in Aix-en’s eyes and felt hope.
This was a very powerful man. With the vampire’s help, he could retaliate against this
disgusting empire!
He took advantage of Aix-en and carefully planned things out. He wanted to find the Sacred
Heart, complete the first embrace and become an immortal vampire. Then he unexpectedly
saw a forbidden technique in Aix-en’s house.
If he had the blood of thousands of enemies and the heart of a loved one who sacrificed
themselves, he could gain the power of the devil and slaughter this world.
Just becoming a vampire wasn’t enough to wipe out the empire but it was possible with the
power of the devil.
Sein Hall hated the brutal Princess Xilin, hated the queen who sheltered the murderer,
hated the church that didn’t distinguish between right and wrong, hated his incompetent
father and all the foolish people who believed in this violent rule.
They were damned, all damned! He wanted to kill everyone and send them to hell!
Thus… the 15 year old Sein Hall started to prepare for this forbidden technique.
Gars was the first sacrifice he chose. He was a poor and helpless ghost. As long as Sein
showed him a bit of attention, Gars gave his heart unconditionally.
Sein had amazing beauty and a noble identity in the eyes of the world. He also had a
pleasant voice and gentle words. Gars unsuspectingly fell into a deep and affectionate
dream that he couldn’t extricate himself from.
His first attempt at the forbidden technique ended in failure bit he got an unexpected profit.
His personal housekeeper, the faithful Randy got a power beyond imagination and became
as strong as the vampire Aix-en.
This gave Sein Hall great encouragement. He knew that the forbidden technique was
possible. If he succeeded, he would gain enough power for revenge!
He started carefully preparing for the second attempt. This time, it covered the entire castle
and he would attract more enemies!
Gars was a failure. Sein Hall abandoned him and offered him to Aix-en as food. Unexpected,
he gained some power because of the forbidden technique and was resurrected as a
Sein Hall didn’t mind an extra loyal dog and Gars stayed with him as a ‘maid.’
The next sacrifice he chose was his cousin Greenton. Greenton was fascinated by him. After
Sein Hall’s confession, he became confused and wasn’t sure what to do.
Sein borrowed Randy’s power and killed many people, creating great fear and uneasy
through the empire and giving them a motive to crusade against him.
He needed more blood from the enemies for his array and deliberately led them to attack
the castle.
Once everything was ready, the array was activated and the forbidden technique
successfully launched.
Xie Xi gained the power of a devil.
Through these memories, Xie Xi finally figured out the game’s plot.
He felt great sympathy towards Sein Hall but he couldn’t agree with what Sein Hall was
going to do.
Killing Xilian and getting revenge on the queen and duke were beyond reproach. They
deserved it.
However, why bother feeling angry at the innocent people? They lived in this country
under such rule. Where did civilians get the right to choose? They were just living their
own lives but thanks to government pressure, they closed their mouths and ended up
bearing Sein Hall’s anger.
Sein Hall’s life was very miserable and his experience very painful. There was too much to
bear… due to this pain, he caused greater disaster and despair to innocent people. How was
he different from the princess?
They unleashed their pain onto those who were unrelated.
Why turn yourself into your enemy for revenge?
Xie Xi was stunned as these words flashed through his brain. His experience wasn’t as
painful as Sein Hall but he also complained about his father who left and his mother, who
left him alone in a dark room, so hungry he had to go through the trash for food. After
countless times where his trust was broken, he dropped out of school.
He didn’t act like Sein Hall but he was also immersed in resentment, lost himself and gave
up on his dream.
He locked himself in a cramped rental house, not contacting anyone or associating with
anyone. If this continued, would he end up venting his anger towards everyone like Sein
Things seen from the perspective of a third party were unusually clear.
By the time Xie Xi’s spirit returned, the castle had fallen into a grave-like silence.
The people who attacked the castle were dead. They were drained of blood and their
corpses were like dead wood. The shape of a person couldn’t be seen at all.
Xie Xi couldn’t help frowning.
Randy and Gars knelt down and spoke in a respectful and sincere manner. “Congratulations
to Young Master for achieving your wish.”
Xie Xi felt a powerful force in his body that was indescribable to ordinary people. His body
seemed to be filled with endless strength and his five senses were enhanced. It felt like he
could hear whispers from thousands of miles away.
He had endless power, a power that allowed people to do whatever they wanted.
At this point, Aix-en finally realized what was going on. He was surprised and there was
some anxiety in his eyes. “Small Sein, you…”
A hint appeared in the lower right corner of Xie Xi’s vision.
[Skill (Temporary): Devil’s Whisper – Will cause the sleep effect. Duration is 24 hours.]
It was now the early hours of the seventh day. The task could be completed in 24 hours. Xie
Xi sighed and used the sleep skill on the three people in front of him.
He was currently much stronger than them and they fell to the ground at the same time,
sleeping honestly.
It looked like… he just had to wait 24 hours to pass the game?
Xie Xi naturally didn’t go out to kill anyone. He stayed in the castle for the whole day.
Night fell and the time remaining was dwindling.
Xie Xi review the game. The first half made him feel like dying but the second half made him
feel regret.
He had studied computer science and once participated in the production of a game. At the
time, his mentor said that a game should create an awakening.
It was a work of art and not only should it bring surprise and happiness to the player, it
should also make them reflect and think.
The bell rang in the early hours of the morning and Xie Xi stared intently at the lower right
[Mission progress: the seventh day.]
The next step was to complete the task. He didn’t know what would happen after it was
Eh? Xie Xi blinked and doubted his eyes.
[The mission has failed. Please load the file in one minute.]
Xie Xi, “???”
Failed? Why? How did he fail?
Didn’t he have to survive for seven days? He survived to the seventh day. On what basis did
he fail?
Xie Xi stared at his mission target for a minute. After loading the file, he suddenly
Live for seven days, it wasn’t surviving for at least seven days. It was to live for only seven
days, no more and no less!
Xie Xi’s eyes were dark as he read the file back to the middle of the sixth night.
Aix-en was astonished. “Small Sein, you…”
Xie Xi rudely placed the sleeping skill on him. He didn’t have the heart to deal with these
three people.
After waiting for 24 hours, Xie Xi saw the seventh day was coming to an end and stabbed
himself in the heart at the last second.
“Um… it hurts.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘Isn’t this a fatal injury? Why does it hurt so much?’
This game was broken!
Xie Xi stared at the bottom right and it turned out that he failed.
He wasn’t a normal person right now and couldn’t die simply from stabbing his heart!
Xie Xi, “…”
Originally, he still had a drop of good feeling towards the game. Now… MMP!
Xie Xi read the file again and Aix-en was full of surprise. “Small Sein…”
Xie Xi knocked them out immediately. He waited until it was dark and started to kill himself
one hour earlier.
He stabbed himself with the knife but the wound started to heal. He desperately pushed the
knife in deeper…
12 o’clock.
Xie.hung from the sky.big devil.can’t die.Xi, “…”
It wasn’t good to be too strong. Why was it so difficult to die?
Xie Xi read the file again and was about to force the three people to sleep when he had a
He couldn’t kill himself. Was it possible for these three people to kill him?

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GL: Chapter 13
Love Left or Right 13
Death or immortality, Xie Xi didn’t care since he would leave this world after completing
the mission. If he disappeared and Sein Hall came back., it was better for this body to be
dead. Sein was already cynical. Combined with such a strong power, this world…
Xie Xi soon felt he was thinking too much. This was a game, not a world. Once he left, the
game was over. Would there be any follow-up?
Of course, the task demanded that he kill himself.
This time, he didn’t make Aix-en sleep and the silver-haired vampire finally finished his
words. “Small Sein, you… used the summoning magic?”
Oh, it turned out this was the name of the forbidden technique.
Xie Xi replied, “Yes.”
Aix-en froze and his eyes moved to Greenton, who had lost his heart. “The person you love
most is him…”
What was this situation?
Aix-en stared at him again, his handsome face in a frown. “If I remember correctly, the
sacrifice is someone you love deeply.”
Xie Xi understood and wanted to say, ‘You are remembering incorrectly. The sacrifice is
someone who loves me deeply.’ Then he stopped. Why explain it? Wouldn’t this
misunderstanding irritate the vampire?
Xie Xi stared at his cousin with a sad expression.
This look was equivalent to an agreement. Aix-en looked like he was struck with lightning
and killing intent overflowed from his eyes. “You approached me just for this forbidden
His brain patched things together so well that Xie Xi was saved the trouble.
“What else?” Gars looked up and stimulated his predecessor. “How could Young Master like
a person like you?”
Aix-en turned sad and angry eyes towards Gars. “What are you?”
Gars bit his lips. “I am also a sacrifice. Young Master loves me.”
If the atmosphere wasn’t so serious, Xie Xi would think that they were schoolboys
competing for his favour.
Aix-en was sharp as a knife. “Thus, you are a failure.”
The words caused Gars to blow up. “It failed because the other conditions weren’t enough,
not because Young Master doesn’t love me!”
As the only person who knew the truth, Randy couldn’t listen to this any longer and
revealed the truth. “The condition of the sacrifice is for them to love Young Master, not for
Young Master to love them.” The young master only loved him. What were these people?
Gars was stunned.
Aix-en’s gloominess was swept away by these words and he looked eagerly at Xie Xi. “Is
that right? Did I remember it wrong? I…” He stopped forward and took Xie Xi’s hand, his
voice trembling. “My Small Sein, you only love me right?”
Xie Xi, “…”
The eyes of his old and new housekeeper pierced him.
Even if he was bent on dying, he didn’t want to die like a scum man! Oh, it wasn’t his fault.
He wasn’t a scum man.”
“This is also good.” Aix-en was pitiful. He was obviously still skeptical but he deceived
himself. “We can be together forever…”
Xie Xi could only grit his teeth and become a scum man. “I don’t love you. Initially, I was
afraid you would kill me and then I used you.” It was finally said.
Aix-en’s red eyes widened and his handsome face looked incredulous.
The originally disturbed Gars was thrilled when he heard these words and stared at Xie Xi
in a devout manner. “Young Master, you have been wronged. I will deal with this evil thing
and stop him from pestering you.”
Xie Xi was afraid of losing a ‘general’ and opened his mouth. “You are no different from
him.” After he spoke, he wanted to stab himself. People shouldn’t say these things!
Gars’ long eyelashes trembled and his voice was a bit dry. “I, I have become a vampire but I
am still your Gars…”
Xie Xi had to annihilate his only hope. “Gars, I used you too because I needed a sacrifice.”
Gars’ face instantly lost all colour, becoming paler than a blank piece of paper. “Y-Young
Master, don’t joke…” His eyes were wide and the red colour seemed like it was bleeding.
Xie Xi didn’t love them but he couldn’t help feeling some heartache when he saw their
broken expressions. This was human nature. He couldn’t bear treating people so cruelly,
even if they were a stranger.
The housekeeper Randy was older and not as overwhelmed as Gars. He didn’t say anything
or ask anything. Now that he ‘eliminated’ two people, it was clear that Randy was the only
Xie Xi couldn’t let him go. Aix-en and Gars were hovering on the edge of blackening. What if
Randy protected him from them?
His idea was to have the three people work together to kill him. Perhaps it would fail if
there was one less person?
Being half-dead was too much of a torment. Xie Xi wasn’t interested in tasting it again.
He hurriedly said, “I’m not kidding. I don’t love you.”
Gars screamed, “Do you love Randy?”
Xie Xi had been waiting for this. He perfectly acted the role of a scum man. “He is nothing
but a servant. What qualifications does he have to gain my love?”
The silent Randy suddenly looked up.
Xie Xie Xi’s expression didn’t change and he even spoke with some arrogance, “A monster
who isn’t a ghost and a servant of low status, how can I love you?”
Was it almost there? Xie Xi prayed, ‘Please be sure to attack me at the same time, killing me
The first one to blacken was Gars. His face was gloomy and his pale lips bloodless. His
whole body was like a tightly wound string, filled with despair and pain. “You have been
lying to me.”
The real Sein Hall would probably trick him but Xie Xi was bent on dying and adding oil to
the flames. “What about it?”
Aix-en also couldn’t bear it. There was no affection in his eyes. It was replaced by
bloodthirst and disdain. “Small Sein, I will forgive you if you go back with me to the earl’s
house.” In other words, go back with him and become a prison of the house, never thinking
about any forbidden techniques again.
Xie Xi scoffed. “Do I need your forgiveness?”
The housekeeper’s low voice came from the bottom of a deep cliff. “You aren’t Master Sein.
Who are you?”
Xie Xi was inspired. This was a really good idea (trick).
His lips curved. Dressed in a tuxedo and under a black rose hat, the gorgeous boy smiled
and his voice changed. “You discovered it.”
“Summoning magic…” Xie Xi’s eyes were dark as he stared at them. “Who do you think your
Master Sein summoned?”
This was very different from Sein Hall’s temperament and it completely infuriated the three
people. Their despair found a breakthrough point and they launched their deadliest attacks
at him.
“You demon, bring him back!”
Xie Xi finally got what he wanted and died.
The timing was just right. They fought and at the end of the seventh day, Sein Hall’s life
came to an end.
Xie Xi saw in the lower right corner: [Congratulations, the mission is complete.]
In an instant, his eyes darkened like he was being dragged away by something. He left Sein
Hell’s body and left the world.
The Central Garden.
A man’s lips thinned as he leaned against a wide back chair, his slender legs crossed at the
ankle and his sitting posture relaxed. The lines of his body were so good that even with this
posture, he looked like a resting lion hiding his power with laziness.
He stared at the water curtain in front of him.
An image was fixed there.
It was a teenager in fine clothing. His back was straight and he had a very thin waist. The
black rose and gorgeous lace became the most wonderful embellishments to his dark eyes,
delicate face and cold and arrogant demeanor.
Jiang Xie leaned forward and smiled at this delicate face.
The water curtain flashed and the image disappeared. Then a line of words floated up.
[S-grade quasi-world ‘Love to the Left or Right’ has been cleared. The designer: X. The
person who cleared the instance: Anonymous.]

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GL: Chapter 14
Central World

Once Xie Xi opened his eyes again, the sight in front of him made him somewhat
He stood in a very bright place. He looked up and saw a dazzling white light. He couldn’t see
the sun or the edges of this place. There was a glossy mirrored floor that clearly reflected
his whole body.
He wore his own clothes, which were a simple white t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. The only
difference was that these old clothes had become fresh and clean. Even the stains that
couldn’t be washed off on the sneakers were gone.
Xie Xi looked around. His eyes widened as noisy sounds finally entered his ears. It felt as if
he had just come up from the quiet bottom of the ocean and finally heard the sounds of
Where was this place? The game was over but he still couldn’t go home? Or had he started a
new game again?
“Hey, did you just return from a quasi-world?” Xie Xi turned to look at the person.
The one who had just spoken was a young man in his early 20s. He was tall but very thin.
His blond hair was especially dazzling, his eyes were big and round and there was a curved
mouth under his high nose. He looked very refreshing and sociable.
Xie Xi didn’t know him.
The blond youth saw his face and froze. “So beautiful!”
Xie Xi, “…” He silently took a step back.
He just came out of that damn game and had a psychological shadow towards these type of
The blond youth saw his vigilance and smiled. “Don’t panic, I’m straight.” He scratched his
head and sincerely praised, “You look really good. You are a natural beauty…” Perhaps he
became aware that the word ‘beauty’ was too feminine and he hurriedly changed it. “I
mean, very handsome!”
Xie Xi could only give a polite and awkward smile.
The blond youth was a very friendly type of person and he introduced himself. “My name is
Zhong Jin. I am a junior explorer. You can call me Ah Jin!”
The name Zhong Jin was a good match to his hair colour.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Hello.” He didn’t introduce himself.
The current situation was very confusing and he couldn’t rashly introduce himself to
strangers. It might be impolite but it was better than placing himself in danger.
Zhong Jin wasn’t annoyed and realized something. “You are a newcomer!”
Xie Xi nodded.
Zhong Jin scratched his head. “I am also a newcomer although I’ve probably encountered
more worlds than you…” He told Xie Xi, “Come here, I will introduce things to you!”
Xie Xi’s head was covered in fog and he really wanted to know more about this place.
Zhong Jin led Xie Xi forward and along the way, Xie Xi was dazzled.
The landscape here wasn’t complicated but there was a lot of people. Most of the
pedestrians coming and going were wearing silver-white uniforms like Zhong Jin. A few
were dressed casually and their had a confused demeanor.
Presumably these people were newcomers like Xie Xi.
After walking for seven or eight minutes, Zhong Jin arrived at a blue semi-circular building.
“This is the hall.” Zhong Jin explained. “It is the place that newcomers must know!”
Zhong Jin took him into the hall without waiting for Xie Xi to ask questions. It was much
more spacious than it looked on the outside. The design was simple, or it should be said
that there was no display other than a giant water curtain.
Zhong Jin said, “Come here and follow my actions.”
He placed his hand into the water curtain. There was a ripple but nothing changed.
Xie Xi didn’t do it right away and looked around through the corner of his eyes.
The water curtain was huge and circular. Many people were placing their hands in it with
closed eyes. There were quite a few newcomers in plain clothes who followed suit.
Xie Xi retracted his gaze and also put his hand in.
There was no need for Zhong Jin to say anything. The water curtain in front of Xie Xi flashed
and something similar to a system interface appeared.
Xie Xi glanced at it and his eyes narrowed.
Zhong Jin explained, “Rest assured, only you can see your information in front of the
Xie Xi sighed with relief.
“I was also startled the first time. Isn’t the information that the terminal gives too detailed?
Still, you don’t have to worry. No one can see it apart from yourself.”
Xie Xi nodded. There were some doubts in his heart but he didn’t say anything.
Sure enough, Zhong Jin took the initiative to say, “You don’t need to look at your personal
information. Go check the mission rewards!”
Xie Xi replied, “Okay.” He started looking earnestly.
The water curtain showed his personal information in detail. It wrote from birth through to
his 19 years of life. Forget other people seeing it, Xie Xi himself was surprised by the sight.
He saw the name Xie Su and had some thoughts. He wanted to see his father’s name but
unexpected, the column about his father was blank.
What was going on?
Xie Xi had some doubts but it wasn’t convenient to ask Zhong Jin, whom he just met. He
could only temporarily suppress his curiosity.
He removed the overly detailed personal information and the other interfaces were similar
to a game system. The first column was ‘Quasi-World’, the second column was ‘Task
Reward’, the third column was ‘Items’, the fourth column was ‘Skills’ and the fifth column
was ‘Mall.’
Xie Xi opened Task Reward and the water curtain flashed. There was a clatter and then the
following prompt:
[You have cleared the instance Love to the Left or Right. Completion percentage is 100%
and you have received the reward of 1,000 gold coins.]
Xie Xi didn’t understand the value. Who knew if this 1,000 gold was a lot of money or not?
Still, he remembered that one of the option privileges of the game was to get 10 times the
reward money. If he chose that privilege, he would’ve received 10,000 gold?
This sounded tempting but if he really chose that privilege, he probably wouldn’t have
cleared the task.
Zhong Jin asked him, “How is it? How much did you get?”
Xie Xi didn’t speak. He opened the Mall and saw that everything inside priced with silver
coins. He realized that his reward was probably a huge amount of money.
Zhong Jin saw his dull expression and comforted him. “It’s okay. The novice tasks are
mostly simple and won’t give too much money. I got 100 silver coins the first time and this
is already lucky!”
One gold coin equalled 100 silver coins. Xie Xi actually got 100,000 silver coins…
Zhong Jin said again, “You shouldn’t spend too much money. There are a few things that are
the most cost-effective and it would be a pity to miss them!”
Xie Xi asked, “What are they?”
Zhong Jin pointed to his own body. “This uniform must be bought. It might be the lowest
level but it can resist a fatal injury in the quasi-world. It is a very cost-effective novice
welfare item!”
Xie Xi nodded and looked at the mall. This piece of clothing only needed 50 silver coins.
Zhong Jin added, “For the remaining 50 silver coins, I suggest you buy the common
language skill. The novice games come with their own language recognition but there is no
such benefit in the next task.”
Xie Xi searched through the mall and saw the skills column. The common language skill cost
40 silver coins.
Zhong Jin continued, “You still have 10 silver coins left. You can do whatever you want but
it is recommended to save some money. Don’t try those useless entertainment items.”
Xie Xi looked at his remaining 99,910 silver coins and thought, ‘Okay, let’s save a bit.’
Then a huge line of words appeared on the water curtain.
[Announcement: S-grade quasi-world ‘Love to the Left or Right’ has been cleared. The
designer: X. The person who cleared the instance: Anonymous. The world’s story is on the
shelves and you are welcome to buy it.]
The big announcement immediately set off the whole hall.
“What a surprise, a S-grade quasi-world! Which big person cleared the instance?’
“If I remember correct, that quasi-world of God X is a novice trail. Is it a n-newcomer?”
“Oh my god!”
“A S-grade world give special skills as a reward. This newcomer will be soaring!”
The speakers were so noisy that they could be heard from a distance.
Zhong Jin was also shocked. “Constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one
angry. This newcomer is too powerful. His first task is S-grade and he also cleared it! He is
really from the heavens!”
Xie Xi who didn’t want to recall that broken game, “…”
Zhong Jin looked regretful. “I really want to know the story of the S-grade world.
Unfortunately, it is too expensive. The text version must cost at least 100 gold coins.”
This meant there was a video version?
At this time, the water curtain changed again and a magnificent medieval castle appeared.
Xie Xi tensed up.
Zhong Jin exclaimed, “Which big guy is awesome enough to buy a full-screen public
Xie Xi’s face was dark. Sure enough, there was a video version. Was he going to be exposed?
He knew nothing about this ghostly place and just wanted to keep a low profile!
To his surprise, the person on the water curtain didn’t look like him.
Zhong Jin lamented, “Unfortunately, the instance clearance is anonymous. We don’t get to
know what he looks like.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief. At this time, he noticed the line at the bottom of the water curtain.
Designer: X.
Xie Xi wondered, ‘There is a designer for this game?’

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GL: Chapter 15

The water curtain started to replay the world’s story.

Xie Xi knew the actual situation and didn’t want to watch it.
Zhong Jin told him, “Don’t waste this once in a lifetime opportunity. A world story is very
important, especially the rare S-grade world!”
Xie Xi wondered, “Why is it important?” Could someone else enter the clear the game?
Zhong Jin’s eyes never moved from the water curtain but he still patiently explained to Xie
Xi, “This type of world is impossible to enter again but if you look at the plot playback, you
can speculate on the difficulty of a S-grade world and also figure out the designer’s
Xie Xi, “…” The designer’s preferences? There was no need to figure it out. He could easily
sum it up—a neuropath.
Zhong Jin exclaimed, “Oh my god, he died!”
The teenager wearing a medieval outfit was pierced in the chest with an arrow!
More and more people discussed it loudly, “Is this the first day? Dying from being pierced
in the heart, how painful would it be?”
Another person said, “Fortunately, there is no limit on the number of times the file can be
“Still, it is painful to die this way!”
Sein on the water curtain was resurrected and returned to the moment before his death. He
changed his words and said he would go to the appointment. Then he lost his head.
As the person, Xie Xi felt no pain because of the fatal injury privilege. Thus, the loss of his
head hadn’t been too deep. Now that he saw it from the perspective of a third party, it was
really shocking.
His head was separated from his body and blood flowed like a waterfall. It was such a
bloody scene but the housekeeper was still elegant. He held Sein’s head extremely gently
and spoke like he was whispering to a lover.
The onlookers spat out Xie Xi’s heart, “A neuropath!”
There were also some who had strange tastes. “Don’t you think the housekeeper is a bit
“Handsome? Why don’t you go and give your head to him?”
“Excuse me, farewell!” Who would want to experience having their head cut off and being
pierced in the heart?
Zhong Jin exclaimed, “Sure enough, it is a S-grade difficulty. He died three times as soon as
he entered.” The water curtain showed how Sein was killed by both the vampire and
Xie Xi was silent but he was confused about why the world story didn’t show the privilege
he chose.
This game wasn’t difficult at all when the fatal injuries were painless. It was nothing more
than a few deaths and he could always find the right route. There was nothing to be afraid
of when death didn’t hurt.”
“Damn, this newcomer is amazing. How can he stay calm after so many deaths?”
“His mental power must be strengthened. How can he bear it?”
Zhong Jin saw that Xie Xi was silent and thought he was dumbfounded. Zhong Jin
whispered, “In fact, the plot of this game is very difficult. It is very painful to die. Don’t look
at the fact that he can load the file. The knife and arrow killed him, how can it not hurt?
Reading the file can get rid of the death but the pain is still imprinted on the mind. It is easy
to cause a mental breakdown.”
This was especially for newcomers. They were drawn to an unknown world and were
already feeling some tension and fear. If they frequently experienced death then they
would probably go crazy.
“This newcomer died three times yet he could still be calm after reading the file. He also
found other save points in such a short period of time…”
Someone next to them said, “He is calm? After loading the file, he saw the vampire again
and not only was he not afraid, he was also able to flirt with the vampire!”
“This newcomer isn’t afraid to be an emotional master.”
The ‘emotional master’, ‘calm and wise’ and ‘strong spirit’ Xie Xi, “…”
Someone screamed, “My god, the vampire is so handsome! The silver hair is too exciting!”
“I think the housekeeper is more handsome! The deep, calm and hidden madness is great!”
“Why do I think that little maid… damn, it is a man!”
“Isn’t the name of the game Love to the Left or Right? Why is there another one?”
“He died again!”
“…This is really a S-grade difficulty.”
The plot eased until the four people were gathered together…
The whole hall was buzzing. “It’s over, the boats are overturned!”
“I bet the newcomer will experience a wave of deaths.”
“I bet the newcomer can use all four boats!”
“I bet the newcomer will smash the scum male!”
Xie Xi, “…” If he wasn’t afraid that Zhong Jin would suspect him, he would really turn away!
Sein Hall finally became a demon and couldn’t kill himself. The people watching the movie
let out the same laugh.
“Amazing, absolutely amazing! He was killed countless times but he finally can’t die!”
“I really admire him. He died so many times yet didn’t hesitate to stab himself with the
“Do you see the look on his face? It is real pain!”
At the end, the suicide attempts didn’t work and they weren’t fatal injuries. Thus, Xie Xi
really experienced the pain of his heart being stabbed. It was painful but also good. After
all, Sein Hall’s body had become that of a devil and the pain was weakened significantly.
Then the task ended, the water curtain returned to normal and everyone recovered their
Zhong Jin opened his mouth. “It is a S-grade difficulty. There is both physical and mental
His words were acknowledged by the people around him. “Dying so many times in seven
days, it would really make a person collapse. Even if your mind is strong and different from
ordinary people, you will lost some judgement because you are always wary of the death
that can come at any time. The secret to clearing this game is to cleverly use the four
people. If you make a mistake, you will die. Once you die, your mentality will collapse and
you will continue to lose your judgment ability. This is a vicious cycle.”
Their words made a lot of sense. If it wasn’t for the fatal injuries being painless, Xie Xi
would’ve found it hard to complete the task.
Not to mention, there was still a trap buried in the privileges. If he chose the privilege to
not die from a fatal injury, it would be impossible to complete the task from the beginning.
Imagine dying so many times in the seven days, trying his best to get to the end, only to not
be able to complete the task anyway. How desperate would a person feel?
Xie Xi couldn’t figure it out. If there wasn’t the painless fatal injuries privilege, this game
would be really hard. He didn’t know the difficulty of other games for the moment but
based on the reactions of people in the hall, he knew this story had a high difficulty. After
all, it was a novice trial and could only be cleared by newcomers. Newcomers were
ordinary people. It would be extremely hard in the face of such a plot.
However, he had the painless fatal injuries privilege. His three views were broken but he
didn’t receive any psychological damage.
Then why was it S-grade difficulty?
Yan Zhe, who came back from his quasi-world, quickly watched the story and pondered on
it. “Old Xie is still capable. The infusion of his soul increased the original B-grade difficulty
to S-grade.”
If Xie Xi heard these words then his doubts would be resolved.
The reason for the S-grade difficulty was purely because Jiang Xie injected his soul into it
and his soul was extremely picky. There wasn’t a match for many years, leading to this
game having extremely high trigger conditions.
The biggest difficulty of this game wasn’t the privilege choice, the dog blood plot or the final
reversal. It was the trigger conditions.
Let’s give an example.
A game might be difficult but it could accommodate 1,000 people at the same time. There
must be one person among the 1,000 who could clear the instance. Then the instance
clearance ratio was 1/1,000th.
Another game was difficult but only one person could be selected from thousands of people
to enter the instance. Even if this person cleared it, the clearance ratio was 1/10,000th.
This made the game extremely difficult.
This threshold was one of the criterias for judging the difficulty.
Of course, Xie Xie Xi didn’t know this for the moment and the onlookers didn’t know the
existence of the privilege. Thus, it became a smoke bomb that covered up Jiang Xie’s soul.
The dark water curtain suddenly lit up again.
Large characters appeared on the water curtain.
[Inviting the person who cleared Love to the Left or Right to join Yunge.]
The whole hall was quiet for three seconds before boiling over.
“Yunge, Yunge invited a newcomer to join!”
“The newcomer’s luck is too good! He cleared the S-grade world, got a special skill and can
even join Yunge!”
The area around them was extremely noisy. Zhong Jin was also stunned and eventually
sighed. “Really… powerful.”
Xie Xi asked curiously, “What is Yunge?”
Zhong Jin’s expression was complicated. “Speaking of which, have you changed your job
Xie Xi didn’t know anything.
Zhong Jin sighed and explained, “The Central World has three professions: explorer,
collector and recorder. Depending on the profession, the tasks accepted will be different,
especially when a team clears an instance.
Xie Xi captured a key point. It was possible to clear the instance in a team.
Zhong Jin continued the explanation. “In general, you can change jobs after completing the
novice trials. As the name suggests, explorers receive mainly exploration missions.
Collectors have collection tasks while recorders need to record the story, characters, etc.”
Xie Xi asked, “What about a designer?”
“Ah, did you see Designer X? He also started from either an explorer, collector or recorder.
He cleared many worlds and had t chance to design a world after passing a test.”
“However, this is about talent and not everyone has the ability to design.”
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. “That X…”
“God X is a legend and the current top designer. He is the only one who can design a SS-
grade world at the moment.”
Xie Xi, “…” It was a bit tricky.
Zhong Jin sighed again with envy. “Yunge, a newcomer who hasn’t changed professions
actually got an invitation from them. It is something I can’t even dream of.”
Xie Xi wanted to ask more X related things but Zhong Jin obviously cared more about
Yunge. Xie Xi asked about them.
“Yunge is the largest organization in this world, with the most talents. They have the most
resources and the latest exploration progress. If you join, you can share these resources
and progress.”
Xie Xi became even more curious. “Is X in Yunge?”
Zhong Jin hadn’t managed to reply when another line of words appeared on the water
[Inviting the person who cleared Love to the Left or Right to join Yunge.]
The hall exploded again. “It was announced twice. This is the treatment towards God X!”
“But God X rejected them.”
“The newcomer shouldn’t refuse if he is smart.”
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t want to join any organization but if this organization was at odds with
Zhong Jin said quietly, “God X is a legend. He is the only person to refuse Yunge’s
The Central Garden.
The silver-haired elf burst in. “Haha, Old Xie, you are finished!”
The man fiddling with the rose didn’t raise his head. “Be careful not to step on my flowers.”
“Your little rose is being stared at by Yunge!”
The man looked up with different coloured eyes. The left eye was a deep red while the right
eye was blue, forming a sharp contrast, as if fire and ice were colliding together. The
extreme heat and cold intertwining seemed incredibly lazy and evil.
He spoke in a careless manner, “Did he join Yunge?”
Yan Zhe gloated. “Yunge sent him an invitation.”
“Oh.” The man continued to touch the blooming roses.
Yan Zhe wasn’t happy. “Aren’t you afraid he will say yes?”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved and he didn’t say anything.
Yan Zhe spoke in a resentful voice. “I advise you, don’t reveal your identity. Your little rose
probably wants to kill you, damned pervert.”
The author has something to say:
At this moment, Old Jiang Xie hasn’t realized his crime [doge face].
Looking at Jiang Xie’s eyes, he doesn’t believe that he will be hated by his wife later on.

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access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 16
Assembly Task

Jiang Xie wondered, “Why?”

The silver-haired elf, who was like an ice flower, laughed like a duck. “You are asking why?
You designed that fucking world. Who wouldn’t want to kill you?”
Jiang Xie paused before firmly saying, “No, it is just a game.”
Yan Zhe’s face was full of gloating. “Don’t forget that your little rose is just an ordinary
person. He had to accept the baptism of your old rogue soul at the age of 19. He must be
doubting life!”
Jiang Xie refuted, “He isn’t so fragile.”
Yan Zhe dealt a blow to his heart. “He isn’t fragile. He just holds a grudge!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Yan Zhe saw the rare scene of Old Jiang being stunned and his mood was very good. His
footsteps were almost floating as he left. If his fans and sisters saw this, they would doubt
themselves. Wasn’t this their untouchable and high flower? Who was this stupid ass?
Once Yan Zhe left, Jiang Xie stroked the air and the water curtain appeared. He opened the
communication section and sent a message to Xie Xi: [Hello.]
The word sank like a stone. There wasn’t even a sound, let alone a reply.
…Was he really angry?
Jiang Xie thought this and the corners of his mouth rose upwards.
Zhong Jin had been talking for a long time. After his mouth became dry, he summed it up.
“Well, they are all characters in the sky. We can’t see them.”
Xie Xi nodded. It was best not to see them.
Zhong Jin saw that his little friend didn’t speak much but didn’t mind. He was still
enthusiastic. “Let’s go, I will take you to change professions.”
Xie Xi emerged from his thoughts and asked, “Do I have to change it now?”
“Of course,” Zhong Jin replied. “It is a waste not to change professions.”
Zhong Jin patiently explained to him the rules of the Central World and Xie Xi developed a
general understanding of his environment.
The place they were currently in was called ‘Central’. Of course, everyone was used to
calling it the Central World. Everyone who came here were ‘players’ selected by the central
government. Their mission was obvious: achieve a certain goal in different quasi-worlds.
Players also had a rating from beginner, intermediate, advanced and finally god. By
continuously completing tasks, they would accumulate experience and improve their level.
The difference between beginner and god level was huge. Thus, the time spent in the
Central World was different.
Beginner players could only stay for one or two days, intermediate players were one to two
weeks, advanced players were one or two months and god players had no restrictions.
Zhong Jin explained, “That’s why I suggest you don’t touch the entertainment items. Many
new players who come to the Central World eat, drink and have fun. They forget the time
and after two days, they directly turn to ash.”
Xie Xi was stunned. “Turned to ash?”
“Yes, our physique isn’t good and we can’t bear too much of the force of the central
“The force?”
Zhong Jin knew he misunderstood and clarified, “It is their will. I don’t really understand it.
Just know that the central government is full of power and beginner players can’t bear too
much. If they stay too long, they will be swallowed up.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Then in two days, I have to start a new…” He wanted to say game but
changed it into, “Task?” He noticed that although Zhong Jin mentioned players, he
described the game as quasi-world.
Zhong Jin agreed loudly. “Yes! That’s why we must hurry to change professions. It is only
after changing professions that we can accumulate professional experience.” If they wanted
to move from beginning to intermediate, they must first have a job.
Xie Xi understood.
Zhong Jin asked him again, “Do you have a profession you want to choose?”
He could only choose between explorer, collector and recorder.
Xie Xi was still thinking about it when Zhong Jin suggested. “In fact, you don’t need to worry
too much. As long as you have enough silver coins, you can change professions at will. The
loss is just a bit of experience and our time is based on when we passed the Central World.
Thus, don’t be afraid. If you choose a profession you don’t like, you can change it.”
Just losing a little bit of experience? Xie Xi stared at Zhong Jin and didn’t say anything.
Zhong Jin continued, “Think about it first. By the way, search for your next task as well. You
can choose a profession based on the next task.”
Zhong Jin’s advice was good and Xie Xi told him, “Thank you, I will take a look first.”
Zhong Jin smiled. “Don’t mention it. I’m just learning how to show off!”
Xie Xi smiled back at him. Then he placed a hand in the water curtain and carefully took a
look at his situation.
He could only stay in Central for two days. This meant he had to familiarize himself with
the situation as much as possible before proceeding to the next game.
What about after finishing the next game? Would he be able to go back to his original world
in the future?
Xie Su flashed through Xie Xi’s mind. She was pregnant and would have a new child. She
didn’t need him at all.
In fact, she always regarded him as cumbersome.
Xie Xi sighed, controlled his thoughts and looked at the water curtain. The most urgent
thing was to survive. This unknown place was far from the calm and stable appearance it
showed on the surface.
He observed all the buttons on the interface.
He clicked on Quasi-World and the first line was in grey: [Love to the Left or Right, novice
S-grade trial, designer X, has been cleared.]
Xie Xi stared at the designer’s name before feeling itchy. It was just that the level between
them was too big. This matter wasn’t urgent right now.
The second line was in blue: [Search for a new task.]
Xie Xi had already heard it from Zhong Jin. Every player could search for a new task every
two days. Intermediate and advanced players could sty in Central World for a long time and
could casually clear the tasks. The beginners could only search for one.
Xie Xi touched it and the ‘search task’ interface turned into the row of small funnels. Then a
sub-message popped up.
[Quasi-world: Lost Atlantis, the difficulty is unknown, designer X, not challenged.]
Xie Xi, “…”
It was lucky this water curtain didn’t have a physical body. If it was a mobile phone or
computer then Xie Xi would’ve smashed it!
He could only search for a task every two days and he couldn’t stay in Central World longer
than two days. Was it necessary to play this designer’s perverted game?
Lost Atlantis sounded more normal than Love to the Left or Right but the designer was X…
Xie Xi rejected everything about X!
“Wow, there’s an assembly task!” Zhong Jin’s voice was heard beside him and Xie Xi pulled
his hand out of the water curtain.
Zhong Jin quickly told him, “My luck is too good. I unexpectedly ran into an assembly task!”
Xie Xi looked puzzled and Zhong Jin explained, “The assembly task is randomly opened. The
general difficulty is very low and we can team up for it. Let’s go together!”
Xie Xi asked, “If I go in and come out again, will the task be refreshed?”
“Yes!” Zhong Jin exclaimed. “You just searched for a task, right? Don’t be discouraged. Us
beginner players can choose too few tasks. They are generally E-grade tasks that are
garbage. This assembly task is D-grade and the difficulty is just right. You can use this to get
rid of the garbage task. It is really lucky!”
“That’s right,” Xie Xi nodded. It would be great to get rid of X’s garbage task.
Zhong Jin didn’t know what task Xie Xi had searched. If he did, his eyes would be green with
envy right now.
The designer was God X! Lost Atlantis It was the famous blue quasi-world. The difficulty
was unknown but anyone with eyes knew it absolutely wouldn’t be lower than B-grade.
Perhaps it was S-grade!
Zhong Jin excitedly said, “Go and prepare. It will open in one hour and I will send you a
Xie Xi wondered, “A message?”
Zhong Jin exclaimed, “Come on, add me as a friend!”
It turns out that they could add friends… Xie Xi wasn’t worried about his name. In any case,
it was anonymous and no one knew that he had cleared Love to the Left or Right.
Zhong Jin added him as a friend and said, “I wonder if the S-grade newcomer joined Yunge.”
Xie Xi hadn’t joined. He might be agitated but he wasn’t going to bind himself because of a
It was true that there were many advantages to joining Yunge but XIe Xi wasn’t good at
dealing with people and didn’t like to be controlled. He preferred a free and unfettered life.
If it hadn’t been for X’s game popping up, Xie Xi would hesitate to do this assembly mission.
Zhong Jin was very warm and took good care of him but Xie Xi didn’t like to act together
with others. Of course, participating in the assembly task wasn’t just to get rid of X. He
needed to understand the difficulty of an ordinary player’s game as well as the use of
various props available in the mall.
He had a lot of money to spend and bought one of all items in the mall.
It was after he added Zhong Jin as a friend that Xie Xi saw a message.
[X: Hello.]
Xie Xi, “…” When was this person added as a friend? Was it the designer’s privilege?
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow and replied: [Great God, hello.] It was followed with a ^_^
Jiang Xie thought this was cute. His lips curved and he felt that Yan Zhe was thinking too
much. Xie Xi wasn’t angry at all… the next moment, he saw his goodwill plummet to the
Xie Xi’s goodwill towards you: -99.
This was Jiang Xie’s skill that had little value. He could see the goodwill of players below the
intermediate level.
This was the first time he had seen such a low score since gaining the ability.
Jiang Xie let out a laugh. “Vengeful little fellow.”

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GL: Chapter 17
Fairytale Town 1

Xie Xi didn’t know that he was exposed. He had been baptized by passing the Love to the
Left or Right game and knew the best way to deal with abnormal people like this was to lie.
He was angry but the other person was stronger than him. He would bear it for now,
stabilize himself and do great things in the future.
Jiang Xie looked at the red colour of his goodwill bar and asked: [Did you receive the game
Not only did he mention the game, he said these two words…
Jiang Xie was stunned as he saw the -99 goodwill become -100.
Cough, it turned out that -99 wasn’t the lowest.
Xie Xi replied: [I received 1,000 gold coins. It is really too much.]
What was the use of gold coins? The beginner players could only buy a handful of things.
If it wasn’t for the goodwill falling again, Jiang Xie would’ve really believed these clever
[It isn’t just gold coins.] Jiang Xie tried to redeem himself. [There is a special reward.]
Xie Xi was startled. A special reward? He had been somewhat curious before when Zhong
Jin and the others had mentioned that clearing a S-grade quasi-world would give a special
reward. He had looked closely at the Items column and found it empty.
Jiang Xie patiently explained: [The special rewards have a separate column. You have to
pull it down.”
It turned out the water curtain interface could slide… this was Xie Xi’s ignorance.
Xie Xi slid down and saw a particularly conspicuous golden icon—Special Rewards.
There really was a special reward! Xie Xi was slightly happy. He had cleared a perverted
game. If he could get a satisfactory reward then he would be a lot happier.
Xie Xi opened the special reward. A golden light flashed before disappearing.
What was the reward?
Xie Xi blinked and saw the Skills column had a small red dot. Was the reward a skill that
directly entered his skills bar?
Xie Xi was played countless games and was familiar with this type of interface. He clicked
on Skills and sure enough, there was a new skill.
[Summon Designer X’s body. The duration is three minutes.]
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie didn’t know what he did. He just saw that Xie Xi’s good feelings towards him
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1…
Jiang Xie immediately asked: [What’s wrong? Don’t you like the reward?]
As soon as he asked, the goodwill became -2, -2, -2, -2…
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi finally calmed down after some time passed. He looked at this skill of little value and
felt complicated. The so-called special reward was to summon X’s body? This was the
special reward?
Xie Xi then looked again at the message Jiang Xie had sent him. Did he like the reward? This
special reward was designed by the designer! How could he be narcissistic enough to
design his own body into a special reward?
Xie Xi would rather get another 1,000 coins!
Jiang Xie was truly wronged. The rewards pool was random and he couldn’t control it. The
reason why he guessed that the reward was bad was due to the sharp drop in goodwill.
This was also normal. Jiang Xie had once cleared a SSS-grade quasi-world and got the
goodwill skill as a special reward. However, it was only for players below the intermediate
level. At this moment, he thought the skill might not be accurate.
Xie Xi sighed and replied: [I received a summoning technique and can summon God X’s
body. I am looking forward to it ^_^.]
The goodwill fell by another 10 points…
Jiang Xie laughed awkwardly. This skill had a one in one million chance of being drawn. Xie
Xi’s luck was truly good.
Of course, he didn’t say this. He knew that the goodwill that had already bottomed out
would drop even further.
Xie Xi had a question. [By the way Great God, the public world plot on the water curtain, did
you buy it?]
Old Jiang wasn’t stupid and he replied: [No.]
Xie Xi didn’t believe him for the time being.
Jiang Xie spoke again: [After clearing an instance, selling the world story will give the
designer and person who cleared it gold coins. Yunge must’ve done this to decrease our
This statement… it clarified it wasn’t him and directed a wave of hatred at Yunge. The little
rose hated him but don’t join Yunge after anger.
Xie Xi didn’t want to join any organization and didn’t change his mind now.
He didn’t care about the gold coins. He just didn’t like his miserable experience being
someone else’s entertainment. It might be anonymous but he was still uncomfortable.
Since it wasn’t X, Xie Xi cleared up one thing in his heart.
Jiang Xie finally saw a green +1 in the goodwill bar. In front of the red -168, this little green
was really helpless and… cute.
Xie Xi finished and was too lazy to talk to him any longer. [God X, I am going to clear a new
game. Goodbye.]
Jiang Xie was self-aware and in order to not lose any more good feelings, he spoke
carefully: [Refuel.]
Xie Xi was suddenly reminded that the game he searched for was designed by X.
As a result, the point of goodwill that just rose fell again.
Jiang Xie, “???”
Old Jiang’s intelligence was really worthy. He thought about it and guessed the reason. It
seemed that the game Xie Xi found was designed by him.
Which one was it? Jiang Xie stared at the water curtain, waiting for the game to be
activated. He was a designer and had the privilege of watching ‘live broadcasts.’
Xie Xi had just left the water curtain when Zhong Jin ran over. “How is it? Are you ready?”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes.” He would go and get rid of the mission. He didn’t want to deal with
crazy people one after another.
Zhong Jin reassured him. “Don’t worry, a D-grade task is very easy.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Zhong Jin asked him again, “Did you change professions?”
Xie Xi replied, “I chose a collector.” He had studied all three professions. The explorer
received a physical bonus after entering the game, the collector had a vision bonus and a
recorder had an agility bonus.
They were beginning professions so the bonus was weak and didn’t mean much. Xie Xi’s
choice of collector was out of personal interest. Compared with exploration or recording,
he preferred collecting tasks.
Zhong Jin’s eyes flashed. “That’s good. A collector has a night vision ability and will be
“I hope so.”
They entered the game together. It was similar to the first time but the words ‘game
loading’ appeared in front of him, followed by an information board.
[Welcome to the quasi-world. Please read the information board carefully.
Game Name: Fairytale Town.
Game Summary: A beautiful town with simple and lovely villagers. They live surrounded by
mountains and rivers. Life is comfortable and the only trouble is the dark caves that
suddenly appeared at the back of the mountain. What is hidden there?
Main Task: Collect the dragon heart.
Side Task: To be refreshed.
Number of Loads: None.
Items Carried: Beginner collectors can carry three items.
Pending Privilege: None.
Yan Zhe sent Jiang Xie a message. [Are you clearing land?]
Jiang Xie: [No.]
Yan Zhe: [The little rose has gone to another world. Why are you waiting in the garden?]
Jiang Xie: [I’m looking at his instance clearance.]
Yan Zhe was surprised. [Is the released assembly task your design?]
Yan Zhe was shocked. [Old Jiang, isn’t it too low? You made a D-grade quasi-world? It was
agreed that God X never makes less than an A-grade world!”
Jiang Xie opened the communicator and saw Xie Xi’s name, followed by ‘Has entered the
quasi-world Fairytale Town.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Oh, it was deliberately getting rid of his game.

The author has something to say: The road to chasing his wife is long~
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 18
Fairytale Town 2

Jiang Xie felt deep regret at not seeing the live broadcast but his game wasn’t so easy to get
rid of.
He just needed to wait a few days and the D-grade quasi-world would be cleared.
He checked the assembly task. Due to his level, he had high authority. He couldn’t watch the
situation but he could see some basic data.
For example, the designer…
Yan Zhe also checked and exclaimed, “Shit, this is designed by those Double Beheading
School brutes!”
There were very few independent designers like JIang Xie. Most of the low-level designers
worked together in an organization. Yunge also had its own team of designers. Double
Beheading School was a similar organization, but the scale was smaller and more deceitful.
They had the nickname of the ‘New School’ because they were dedicated to killing
newcomers to obtain generous mission rewards.
“Little Rose is in danger.” Yan Zhe was concerned. “We are restricted from entering these
low-grade worlds and can’t save him.”
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s fine.”
“Why are you so confident?” Yan Zhe suddenly understood. “What special reward did the
little rose gain?” Completing a S-grade quasi-world gave special rewards. As for what
reward it was, this all depended on luck.
Jiang Xie replied, “Summoning.”
Yan Zhe exclaimed, “Old Z is becoming more and more miserly. How can this junk be used
as a special reward?” The Old Z he mentioned was ‘zone’. This referred to the will of the
central government.
“Wait…” Yan Zhe was suspicious. “Don’t tell me he can summon a holy beast?”
Jiang Xie asked, “Do you think I am a holy beast?”
Yan Zhe almost went bald. ‘You’re an old dog thief’.
The silver haired-elf shouted, “The special reward drawn by Little Rose is to summon you?
What the hell is this luck?” The famous people were put into the list by Old Z but the
probability was low. He had never heard of anyone drawing such a reward.
It was necessary to know that summoning wasn’t restricted by the world grade. Originally,
Jiang Xie’s status meant he couldn’t enter ordinar S-grade quasi-worlds, let alone a D-grade.
However, if he was summoned then he could enter a D-grade world or even a F-grade.
The even deadlier thing was that while the summoning had a time limit, the person
summoned would be in their full state.
In this full state, Old Zhang could kill a god or Buddha.
Yan Zhe wasn’t worried. Forget the few small fish in the D-grade world and the Double
Beheading School. A S-grade quasi-world and the full staff of the Double Beheading School
wouldn’t be enough to stop Jiang Xie.
Yan Zhe couldn’t help sighing. “Little Rose’s luck is really invincible.”
“It’s not all luck.” Jiang Xie spoke in a low voice. “It is mainly fate. Fate can’t be blocked.”
Yan Zhe, “…” He had never seen such a brazen person!
Jiang Xie said, “You go to clear land. I will wait for him.”
Yan Zhe, ‘Fuck, I have a toothache.’
His gaze shifted and he asked, “You should be able to see Little Rose’s goodwill towards
Jiang Xie hesitated. “…Of course.”
Yan Zhe gloated, “Let me guess. It is one point or two points. Perhaps it is 0 points?
Hahahaha!” It was a pig laugh.
He and Jiang Xie had known each other for a long time. He knew about the mostly useless
skill but didn’t know it could have negative numbers…
Jiang Xie had no sense of shame. “169.”
Yan Zhe was stunned. “So high? Impossible!”
Jiang Xie glanced at Xie Xi’s name and said, “It just changed again. 170.”
Yan Zhe made a shocked face. “How is this possible? Why did it rise? You aren’t together!”
Old Jiang replied calmly, “He is probably thinking about me.’
Yan Zhe, “…”
Slip away! He couldn’t listen any more!
Yan Zhe resentfully walked away and Jiang Xie looked at the goodwill that had fallen to -
170. How did it fall again?
On the other side, Xie Xi was carefully reviewing the information board.
The game summary and main task made Xie Xi suspect that there might be a dragon hidden
in the caves at the mountain behind the tower. His mission was to collect the dragon heart.
It was highly likely he had to chop up a dead dragon and punish evil.
How simple was it compared to Love to the Left or Right? It was different from the sweet
love game that required him to stand on four boats!
Thus, Jiang Xie lost a point.
Xie Xi glanced at the side mission and saw that it had to be refreshed. He pressed it and the
line changed. Blue words appeared: [Track the tornado.]
This… what… how could he track the tornado?
Xie Xi saw the relevant introduction on the water curtain and learnt a lot of settings related
to the task. There was no hierarchy for the main task but the side task was different. Not
everyone could get a side task and not everyone could get a good side task.
When distinguishing by colour, it basically went from white, green, blue, purple, gold… in
this order.
In a D-grade quasi-world, the blue side mission was already the highest level. There should
be a generous (relatively) reward after completion.
However, this tracking the tornado was a bit mysterious and might not be completed.
Xie Xi looked down and found that he couldn’t load the file. Did this mean that he would
actually die if he was killed here?
He could only carry three items with him. Xie Xi looked at the piled of things in his
backpack and picked the most likely to be used.
There was no privilege to be selected. This line was greyed out, as if it was unavailable. Xie
Xi estimated that the level of the game was too low to receive a privilege.
After reading it carefully, Xie Xi had a basic understanding. He turned off the information
board and a bright light flashed in front of him.
“Be careful!” Zhong Jin’s voice was heard in his ears.
Xie Xi couldn’t see in front of him but he could smell the pungent scent of blood.
What was going on? He squinted and finally adapted to the strong midday sunlight.
“Zhong Jin!” Xie Xi hurriedly held him, staring at the bloody hole in his chest with dismay.
“I…” Zhong Jin wanted to say something but blood flowed from his mouth and blocked his
throat, making him unable to speak.
His eyes widened and his body shook violently…
Xie Xi shouted, “Don’t talk! I will help you stop the bleeding!”
Zhong Jin used his last strength to hold Xie Xi’s arm and whispered, “…Be careful.”
Then his head lowered and he died.
Xie Xi hadn’t expected something to happen as soon as he entered the game!
He frowned and looked at the wound on Zhong Jin’s chest…
“Dead! Someone is dead!” A girl’s screams were head and many people approached.
“Crazy, Bai Xia is crazy!”
“Grab him!”
“Ugh…” Someone was nauseous. “There is a lot of blood…”
“Bai Xia is afraid to even kill a chicken. Now his expression isn’t changing despite seeing so
much blood.”
The former Xie Xi was afraid of blood but after the baptism of the last game, how could he
keep being afraid?
However, Zhong Jin’s death was too shocking. He didn’t have any deep feelings for this
person and even had a lot of doubts, but Zhong Jin died…
The file couldn’t be loaded but didn’t the uniform they bought help resist fatal injuries?
Didn’t Zhong Jin bring it into the game? Or perhaps…
Xie Xi was dragged by two strong villagers and tied up in an underground cave.
The Fairytale Town… it didn’t seem like a fairytale.
Xie Xi wiped at the blood on his body and thought about it.
The name of this body was Bai Xia. Zhong Jin died beside him and the villagers thought he
killed Zhong Jin, so he was locked up. The situation just now was too chaotic and there
were too many people. Xie Xi couldn’t resist and could only temporarily comply.
What about the other players? Apart from him and Zhong Jin, there should be eight more
people. Were they in the crowd? Or had they woken up elsewhere?
Xie Xi was treated as a murderer as soon as he entered the game. How could he go and
investigate the dragon heart?
In addition, was Zhong Jin really dead?
Xie Xi’s reasoning wasn’t disturb by everything that happened suddenly. Rather, it made
him calmer.
He couldn’t take this lightly, even if it was just a D-grade game.
He looked at his location. It was a dilapidated cage, wet and cold. The bars were red and
gave off the smell of rust.
“That…” A soft voice was heard from the corner. “Can you give me your underwear?”
Xie Xi, “???”
He turned and saw a shadow trembling behind him.
The light in this cage was very dark and it should be impossible to see the other person.
However, Xie Xi was a collector and had a night vision ability. Thus, he could roughly see
the person.
It was a 17 or 18 year old boy. He was pretty but his clothes were ragged. He seemed to be
hungry for a long time and he was injured. The scars covered his thin arms like a snake
winding around a tree trunk.
He had big eyes that were timid and covered with a layer of moisture, making him look
Xie Xi almost suspected there was something wrong with his ears. Such a poor ghost, how
did he have the guts to ask for such a thing?”
The poor ghost cried out miserably, “Little sister, please! I will get down on my knees and
knock my head against the ground three times. Please give me your underwear!”
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t hear wrong. This person was a pervert!
“Sob… I want to go home. I miss my mother, my father and even my small rhubarb QAQ!”
This wasn’t fake crying. It was really crying from the heart!
Xie Xi wanted to ignore him but couldn’t help looking at him.
Unexpectedly, this poor ghost continued to howl, “Please give me your underwear. I want
only one, please fairy sister!”
Xie Xi, “…” He had seen beggars but he had never seen this type of thing!
Maybe this pervert was a key person. Xie Xi suppressed his temper and said, “I am a man.”
“A man?” The poor ghost got up and stared at him with wide eyes. “How can a man be so
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed.
The poor ghost instantly wilted. “How can you be a man? I am only collect ladies…”
The word ‘collect’ touched Xie Xi’s mind. “Are you a player?”
The poor ghost rushed forward in shock. “My compatriot?”
Xie Xi, “…” No one wanted to be his compatriot!
The poor ghost cried. “My name is Song Qi. I am a beginner collector…’
It really was the case… Xie Xi asked with a dumbfounded expression, “Your main mission
Song Qi made a wronged expression. “When I go back, I will change professions. I never
want to be a collector again in my life! I am gay. Why should I collect young ladies’
underwear like a pervert?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 19
Fairytale Town 3

The sentence was short but revealed many things. Song Qi was really talented.
Due to the previous world, Xie Xi had a psychological shadow against the word ‘gay’ and
moved far away from Song Qi.
Song Qi was quick sensitive and thought it was disliked for his perverted task. “I also don’t
want to do this. The system assigned me such a task. What can I do?”
Xie Xi, “…” Thinking about it, he was quite pitiful.
Song Qi asked him again, “What about you? What is your main mission?”
Xie Xi paused. This crybaby gay person looked harmless and pitiful and his main task was
terrible, but these were all based on his words. There was no way to judge if it was the
truth or not.
Xie Xi had been alone for a long time and had basic vigilance towards everyone.
Song Qi looked stupid but he wasn’t that foolish. He tinkered with something and Xie Xi saw
a line appear in his lower right corner: [Name: Song Qi, the main mission is to collect a
town girl’s underwear, has sent you a friends application.]
It turned out they could prove themselves like this. Xie Xi accepted the friends application.
Song Qi exclaimed, “My god, your main task is to collect the dragon heart!”
Xie Xi saw his expression and wondered, “What is it?” Song Qi seemed to know something,
based on his expression.
Song Qi quietly explained, “My side mission is to collect a dragon heart.”
Xie Xi was confused but Song Qi was still talking. “This is the blue task that I refreshed.”
The main task didn’t have a rating. Whether it was collecting a dragon heart or a girl’s
underwear, everyone had to complete it before leaving the game. Thus, the rating wasn’t
meaningful. However, the tasks associated with the world were similar. Often, the side
mission of one person would be the main mission of another person, so the rating of the
main mission could be inferred.
This was a D-grade world and the highest task level was only blue. Song Qi worked hard to
refresh his side mission yet it turned out to be Xie Xi’s main mission.
If someone’s side mission was to collect underwear then Song Qi would be able to see the
grade of his main mission. There was no need to think. It was 100% grey and probably
wasn’t even the lowest level white colour!
The one who was harmed by the comparison, Song Qi spoke in a grievous manner, “You are
so lucky…”
Xie Xi couldn’t open his mouth.
Song Qi asked again, “What is your side mission? What is the rating? I’m telling you, I spent
a full 30,000 silver coins in order to gain the task of collecting the dragon heart!”
Originally, side quests could be repeatedly refreshed. Xie Xi didn’t know this because he got
the highest blue grade in the first place. The best two tasks in the game were given to him.
The system automatically determined that he didn’t need to refresh the side mission and
didn’t give him the prompt.
Xie Xi listened to Song Qi, who had kept talking. “My first quest was to collect the stinky
socks of the second child of the Wang family, the second was to collect Aunty Sun’s mace,
the third…”
He babbled a whole bunch. Xie Xi sympathized with him while pondering on things. Why
did he feel that the collector profession was full of stupid things?
“It is 300 silver coins for one attempt. I refreshed it a full 100 times before gaining the task
of collecting the dragon heart…” Song Qi wanted to cry again.
Xie Xi, “…”
Then Song Qi exclaimed, “The 30,000 coins were given to me by a slag man as the breakup
Xie Xi, “……”
Song Qi couldn’t help crying like a silly dog. “Why am I so miserable?!”
Xie Xi’s mouth moved but he couldn’t comfort people. He had to stay silent.
Song Qi took the initiative to be abused. “Brother Xi, what is your side mission? Come and
comfort me!” The two of them added each other as friends and naturally knew the other
person’s name.
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment.
Song Qi didn’t think too much. According to the law of conservation of luck, the main task
was so explosive that the side task must be rotten.”
The longer Xie Xi remained silent, the more curious Song Qi became. “Is it even worse than
my task of collecting underwear?”
Of course not… Xie Xi thought about it and realized he probably didn’t have to say the
rating. He answered, “Track the tornado.”
Song Qi, “…”
The next second, the little gay Song exploded. “A blue task, it is another blue task”
Xie Xi wondered, “…How do you know?”
Song Qi had a dazed expression on his face. “I met a buddy before who got this task. He was
so proud that his tail shot up into the sky.”
Xie Xi’s eyes flashed. “Did he finish it?” This task was a bit mysterious.
Song Qi replied, “I don’t know… I was locked up the day after I entered the game.”
The day after? Xie Xi captured the key point. “How long have you been in the game?”
“Three or four days? I have been locked up so long that I’m going crazy!”
Xie Xi was stunned. He had just entered the game but Song Qi had been in the game for
three or four days? What was going on?
Weren’t they from the same group of players? Or had players come in at different time
Song Qi still couldn’t accept it. He asked Xie Xi, “How many coins did you spend to get the
blue task?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to hit him again but couldn’t lie. Xie Xi was a newcomer and only cleared
one game. It stood to reason that he should only have 10 silver coins left, not enough to
refresh the task.
“This is the second quasi-world I entered.” Xie Xi answered vaguely.
Song Qi went crazy. “You got a blue side mission for free?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Crybaby Song went online and his tears almost flooded the cage. “Why… why did God give
birth to an unlucky person like me and a lucky person like you…” People who are better
than others should die QAQ!
Xie Xi then saw a prompt in the lower right corner. [If you have a good friend then you can
send a team application.]
Team application? Xie Xi looked at the pathetic Song Qi and sent the team application.
Song Qi instantly stopped crying. Teardrops stayed at the corner of his eyes as he made a
startled expression. “Brother Xi… you want to…team up with me…”
Xie Xi asked, “Is it inconvenient?”
“Ahhh!” Song Qi screamed. “Brother Xi, ah Emperor Xi, this younger brother won’t hesitate
to follow you everywhere!”
At this moment, Xie Xi knew why Song Qi was so excited. It was because teammates would
share tasks.
There was the team information in the lower right corner.
[Temporary Team: Xie Xi, Song Qi.
Team Tasks: Collect the dragon heart, track the tornado, collect the female underwear.
Xie Xi, “…” Was there still time to withdraw from the team?
Song Qi was moved to death. “You are my parents’ reincarnation, my saviour… I really
didn’t expect a living emperor of luck to be on my team. Ohh, life is worth it!”
Xie Xi slightly frowned. “Your mission…”
“You can rest assured!” Song Qi hurriedly said, “I will take care of my own mission. I can’t
leave the team but I will never drag you down!”
Xie Xi teamed up with this person because he felt Song Qi wasn’t dangerous. In addition, he
had something to ask his teammate.
“Did you see other players when you entered the game?”
Song Qi replied, “Of course. We landed at the same time and spent a night in the forest…”
He trailed off and then reacted, “I never saw you…”
Were they really from different groups of players?
Xie Xi told him, “I entered the game today.”
Song Qi paled. “All of my group are dead?”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Why do you say that?”
“A quasi-world will re-release the task if the players mortality rate is over 80%.”
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed. “It has only been three or four days yet eight people died?”
Song Qi was also stunned. “Isn’t this a D-grade world? A D-grade shouldn’t be so difficult!”
Xie Xi asked him another question. “What did you get caught for?”
Song Qi was embarrassed. “What else could it be? It is because of stealing…”
Xie Xi understood. Song Qi wasn’t familiar with stealing underwear and was arrested. Song
Qi cleared his throat. “What happened outside? I have been locked up for days and don’t
know anything.”
Perhaps it was due to being locked up that he survived. In a sense, this damn mission saved
Song Qi’s life.
Xie Xi told his story. “I just arrived here when someone attacked. A player I was with died
on the spot.”
Song Qi was stunned. “Died on the spot? Wasn’t he wearing a uniform?”
“Maybe he was immune to the fatal injury but the villagers thought he died. I was arrested
by them and locked up here.”
Song Qi sighed. “He must’ve been afraid of occupying his items bar and didn’t wear the
uniform. Then he is dead…” He was really dead.
Multiplayer games generally didn’t have the option to load a file. They had to buy items that
were immune to fatal injuries, have a medicine to survive or a resurrection skill… without
any of this, they were really dead.
This was a game but it wasn’t a game.
The two of them had just finished speaking when they heard footsteps outside.
Song Qi immediately whispered. “It is the person who brings food! Brother Qi, smile at him
and he will let us out!”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Smile?”
“That’s right!” Song Qi exclaimed. “You are so beautiful that young people won’t be able to
bear it!
Xie Xi, “…”
Song Qi spoke with a wronged expression again. “If I had 30% of your good looks, that
scum male wouldn’t have dumped me…”
Xie Xi didn’t think Song Qi was ugly and told him, “Don’t undervalue yourself.”
Song Qi was moved. “Brother Xi, you are really beautiful. No wonder why your luck is so
Xie Xi didn’t think he was good looking. Secondly, he didn’t feel he was lucky. His luck was
better than ordinary people but it was limited to game related things… His life in the past
20 years hadn’t been very lucky.
At this time, a young man in his early 20s came over. He was very thin, like a bamboo pole,
and the linen cloth was hanging from his body.
He was startled when he saw Xie Xi and then revealed a ferocious light. “Kill… I’m going to
kill you!” He was holding something in his hand.
Song Qi was scared to death. “A gun!”
Jiang Xie didn’t go clear the land. Yan Zhe was too lazy to go and waste time with others.
Thus, he dragged Qin Ge to the garden.
“Old Xie really likes roses. The big garden was filled with all types of roses.
Qin Ge stated, “It looks good.”
“Yes, it is beautiful. That little rose is even more beautiful.” The person worthy of fitting
with Old Xie’s soul was really beautiful.
Yan Zhe saw Old Xie and quipped, “The little rose hasn’t summoned you?”
Jiang Xie wondered, “What is so urgent?”
Yan Zhe said, “I just feel that you are waiting for nothing. He won’t summon you.”
Jiang Xie, “…” It was highly likely Yan Zhe had a crow’s mouth.
Yan Zhe thought about how Xie Xi’s good feelings were at 170 points and had a thought.
“Perhaps he is too embarrassed to bother you with such a low level task?”
Jiang Xie thought that Xie Xi wasn’t embarrassed, he was disgusted. Of course, he had to
maintain his face. Jiang Xie said, “He doesn’t have to summon me when it is dangerous. He
could also miss me.”

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GL: Chapter 20
Fairytale Town 4

Yan Zhe was smothered by the sour stench of this ‘love.’ He told Qin Ge, “This is how it is.
He is waiting here because he thinks his little rose is missing him. When I see the little rose,
I have to enlighten him.”
He absolutely couldn’t let Old Xie act so proudly!
If Jiang Xie knew what Yan Zhe was thinking, his heart would be broken. His ship was
already broken and people around him were plunging him to the bottom of the boat… it
was really unknown if he could cross this ocean of -173.
Xie Xi didn’t know anything about this. He was at the critical junction of life or death.
The background of the Fairytale Town was relatively vague. The scenery of the town was
old but the people’s clothing were modern. There were some hot weapons but it was like a
well-preserved ancient town. It was a picturesque and quiet place.
However… the atmosphere was a bit strange today.
The skinny man’s eyes were killed with killing intent and the hands on the gun were
shaking. “Kill you, I must kill you…”
He was the perpetrator but he was more nervous than the person locked in the cage.
Song Qi didn’t dare to breath. They had formed a team but this wasn’t a real game. There
was no team chat or anything similar. It might be sold in the mall but unfortunately, they
were too low level.
In fact, there was no need to communicate. Xie Xi could also feel Song Qi’s tension. He didn’t
know why this person wanted to kill them bit in his state of mind, the person was
extremely likely to shoot. It would be difficult for both of them to avoid in this narrow
If it was just one shot, it would consume the fatal injury immunity of their uniform.
However, they didn’t have any clues for the task and there was danger. What should they
do afterwards? Would the die in this game like countless players before them?
Xie Xi sighed and asked, “Why?”
His voice was like and calm but an inexplicable atmosphere filled the cold and damp
Song Qi took a breath, afraid the young man outside would go crazy.
The young man was visibly stunned.
Xie Xi stepped forward. “Why do you want to kill us?”
This question seemed to make the nervous young man collapse. His eyes were very wide
and his face so thin that the shape of his lower jaw could be seen. His hands were fiercely
shaking and his voice was insane, “Why… you’re actually asking why.. ha, haha, so
As he was distracted, Xie Xi quickly fired. A green light flashed and the young man became
stiff, his gun falling to the ground.
Xie Xi sighed with relief.
Song Qi blinked with shock. “Character freeze? That costs 10,000 silver coins in the mall!”
“It only lasts a minute.” Xie Xi asked Song Qi, “Can you use a gun?” His gaze was on the lock.
Song Qi knew what he meant and didn’t dare delay the time. “No problem, you move back.
This gun is easy to fire.”
Xie Xi stood in the corner. Song Qi picked up the gun and fired it at the lock.
The prison door opened and Xie Xi stepped out, telling Song Qi, “Help me lock him up.”
They couldn’t leave him alone in case he called other people. Things might become
Song Qi was stronger than him and the two people dragged the young man into another
Song Qi watched the frozen effect end and gritted his teeth. “I’m sorry!” Then he slammed
his elbow into the young man’s neck, knocking him unconscious.
Xie Xi glanced at him.
Song Qi explained, “I-I bought a fighting skill.” It was only a little bit but it was better than
Xie Xi’s skills column was still empty. It was estimated that he had cleared too few games
and hadn’t been activated yet.
The two of them didn’t dare delay the time and left the dungeon. They finally breathed the
outside air and Song Qi was refreshed. “I thought I would be locked up for the rest of my
After players entered the quasi-world, the time flow would follow the quasi-world. If
trapped here for a lifetime, it would really feel like a lifetime. This type of thing wasn’t
uncommon. There were many players trapped in the quasi-world because they couldn’t
complete the task. This lasted until they died.
Xie Xi wasn’t very emotional. He looked at the environment, his brow deeply furrowed.
“Where have all the people gone?” He talked to himself.
Song Qi recovered his spirit and became alert.
Both of them were collectors and their night vision was good. They could see slightly in the
This was clearly a residential area but it was dead silent. The beautiful two-storey buildings
were gloomy and cold, while weeds covered the delicate flowers. Clearly it had been left
unattended for a long time.
Song Qi whispered, “The description has a problem. How is this a good fairytale town? Why
is it so depressing?” He was a bit terrified and didn’t dare say it was like a haunted house.
Xie Xi whispered, “Follow me.”
Song Qi felt a strong sense of security. “Okay!” He felt that although Xie Xi was smaller than
him with a face as tender as a flower, the atmosphere around him made him seem 2.8
metres tall. He was really reliable!
They walked for 10 minutes and saw a brightly lit square.
The two of them stopped at the same time. Song Qi’s eyesight was stronger than Xie Xi and
he was shocked by the sight. “There is a person tied up!”
Xie Xi saw many people who should be residents of the town. Most of them were yellow
and thin, the hands holding the torches were like yellow-brown branches. They were
densely gathered together, giving off a sense of horror.
Xie Xi squinted and barely saw it. “They’re going to burn him?”
Song Qi’s heart sank. “…Burn him to death.” The flames burned and the man’s screams
made their scalps numb.
Xie Xi frowned.
At this time, cheers were heard from the crowd. Xie Xi and Song Qi were far away and could
only vaguely see, but they could hear it clearly. It was because the villagers shouted too
loudly and clearly, as if they had done this countless times.
“Burn him! Burn him!”
“Give him to the dragon!”
“Only he can calm the wrath of the dragon!”
The shouts were like the tide, bringing with it a suffocating sense of oppression.
Song Qi whispered, “They…”
Xie Xi told him, “Go to the rear mountain to see.”
Their task was to collect a dragon heart. There would definitely be a dragon in the rare
mountain. Perhaps this dragon brought such disaster to the original fairytale town.
A voice couldn’t help floating in Xie Xi’s heart, ‘Will it be this simple?’
Song Qi exclaimed, “Go, let’s kill the dragon!” This town was too strange and he wanted to
finish the task quickly.
The two of them were just about to leave when a sweet laugh was heard behind them.
“Brother Bai Xia.” The 15 or 16 year old girl was thin but had amazing beauty. This made
the purple whip mark exposed on her skin even more shocking.
Song Qi was startled by the sight of her.
Xie Xi remembered that the name of his body was Bai Xia.
The girl was so thin she looked like she would be blown away by the wind. She whispered
softly, “Brother Bai Xia, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You are finally back…
Yunren missed you.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 21
Bonus ko-fi chapter.

Fairytale Town 5

Song Qi glanced between Xie Xi and the girl.

The girl was very pitiful. She came forward and sweetly tried to pull Xie Xi’s arm. “Brother
Bai Xia, fortunately you have come back…”
Xie Xi stepped back and distanced himself from her. “I’m not Bai Xia.”
The girl stood in place at his words, the sweetness fading from her thin face and panic
replacing it. “Brother Bai Xia, don’t joke around with Yunren, Yuren is very afraid.”
Such a beautiful maiden, so pitiful and attached to him. An ordinary man would probably be
Xie Xi didn’t want to deceive her. Intuition told him that things weren’t so simple and this
girl was hurt far beyond a flesh wound.
“I’m sorry.” Xie Xi told her earnestly. “I’m not Bai Xia or someone you know.”
The girl’s eyes were widen and her black pupils expanded to almost completely fill her
eyes, creating a frightening shock. “How can that be? You are Brother Bai Xia… before…
not… but now… Bai Xia… Brother Bai Xia…”
She seemed too emotional. The words came intermittently and the meaning couldn’t be
Xie Xi frowned and wondered in a low voice, “Before…”
The girl interrupted without giving him a chance to finish. She took out a well-preserved
photo from her pocket. “Look, look… Brother Bai Xia… this is what you gave to me. This is
the photo of us together. How can it not be you? How can it not…’
Her hands were very thin and the bones of her fingers could be seen. She was holding the
photo like it was 30% heavier than her hand.
Xie Xi stared intently at the photo.
This was a photo of the two people. The man in the photo was blurred and only his outline
could be seen. It was also different from Xie Xi because the man was taller and burlier than
Xie Xi. The girl next to him looked particularly petite.
The girl in the photo was smiling happy. The curves of her mouth were full of the
temperature of the sun. She was slim but not the dead skinny that she was now.
Xie Xi was more concerned with the town behind them.
They were standing on a high mountain and the town was in the background. There were
rows of red tiled buildings and well-defined blue brick paths. Along with the ethereal
fireworks, it gave off a fairytale serenity.
This was the real fairytale town.
Song Qi also saw it. He was stunned and couldn’t say anything.
The girl cautiously pleaded, “Brother Bai Xia, you see… this is our photo. I have been
keeping it and waiting for you.”
Xia looked at him and spoke cruelly, “Sorry, I’m not Bai Xia. I have no impression of this
The girl was pale and her thin body trembled, like the last dead life about to fall in the
winter forest. “Why? You don’t want Yunren? You… you really don’t want Yunren.” Big
tears rolled down at her mournful words.
She was too thin. Once she cried, she seemed like she was squeezing out the last water in
her body.
Xie Xi glanced at Song Qi and Song Qi nodded. The two people left this pained maiden alone.
They walked away and Song Qi couldn’t help saying, “She is too pitiful…”
“It can’t be helped.” Xie Xi replied. “I’m not Bai Xia and can’t give her what she wants. Lying
to her will only deal her a double injury.”
Song Qi sighed, “Indeed.” Still, the average person couldn’t endure it when a young girl was
begging like this. Forget straight men. As a gay man, he even wanted to persuade her not to
Xie Xi asked Song Qi, “When you entered this world… did you see the whole town?”
Song Qi saw the photo just now and understood why he asked. “I didn’t saw the whole
thing but when I was stealing… uh… when I sneaked into a home to do the task, the
situation of their home left an impression on me.”
“What is it?”
Song Qi explained, “It was very poor. The house was a beautiful two-storey building. There
is a small yard and the decorations in the house were also very good but… there was hardly
any food.”
Xie Xi thought deeply.
Song Qi continued, “I didn’t understand the terrain and took the kitchen as the bed… in any
case, I entered the room and found a few grains of rice in the rice storage, as well as wild
vegetables that are difficult to swallow…”
He had never experienced a hard time so the kitchen left a deep and terrible expression on
Song Qi. The family was so poor that they even wanted to eat bark.
Xie Xi murmured, “What is happening in this town?”
Song Qi wondered, “Is it because of the dragon? In order to provide for it, the residents
gave him all their food…”
Xie Xi thought that if it was a dragon, the villagers might not sit back like this.
As a species, humans had always been fearless. In particular, they would do anything to
survive when conditions were extremely harsh.
What about the dragon? A civilization with a gun, they really couldn’t handle the dragon? It
was also a situation where they were so hungry they would probably peel off their skin to
Besides, his mission was to collect a dragon heart. If the whole town couldn’t fight the
dragon, how could he do it as a beginner collector?
The power of the low-level players was weak and they were almost the same as ordinary
people. If 10 players could accomplish the task, why couldn’t the town residents?
Of course… it could be said that this was a game and the setting of the game left the
problem for players to solve.
Was this the case? Xie Xi could never feel like he was ‘playing.’
In any case, these were all guesses and they were quite some distance from the truth.
Xie Xi suggested, “Let’s go to the back mountain to see.”
Song Qi nodded. “Okay.”
It was convenient for the two people to walk in the darkness. On the one hand, they could
see and on the other hand, they could avoid people. It was killing two birds with one stone.
It was almost dawn when they finally came to the back mountain.
They looked up and…
Song Qi whined, “How can we find a cave in such a big place?”
This wasn’t a computer game where a panoramic view could be seen by dragging down the
map. They were standing in a real world!
They were tired from walking all night. Now they looked at the huge mountain covered in
trees and felt like crying.
A cave in the rear mountain…
Who knew how many caves there were?
Compared with Song Qi’s sigh, Xie Xi calmly pulled out a magnifying glass.
Song Qi, “…”
Xie Xi raised the magnifying glass and started to carefully search.
Song Qi exclaimed, “A search mirror! A search mirror is 30,000 silver coins!”
Xie Xi told him, “Well, the search level is very low. Due to the limit on the number of uses, it
is barely useful.”
What do you mean, barely useful? It was too wasteful to use it in this D-grade world!
Song Qi remembered the previous character freezing item and now the search mirror. He
couldn’t help whispering, “Brother… ah, emperor of luck… how do you have so much
money? You can’t be like me… and received a breakup fee from a scum male…”
In a sense, it was a bit like that…
Xie Xi told him, “It is a reward from the last game.” He hadn’t intended to hide this from
Song Qi since using the character freeze. Song Qi hadn’t returned to the Central World and
didn’t know about Love to the Left or Right. Thus, he didn’t know that Xie Xi was the one
who cleared it.
In all quasi-worlds, the advanced quasi-worlds designed by the designers wee the same. X
was a big celebrity and the games he designed were on a list. Forget clearing the A-grade, S-
grade and even SS-grade games, they couldn’t even be activated!
The longer that no one cleared it, the more curious people became and the hotter the topic
would be. That’s why the news of Xie Xi clearing the instance had shocked the Central Hall.
“Oh my god!” Song Qi looked shocked. “Didn’t you just clear one world? What grade is it
that you can get 40,000 silver coins as a reward?”
It was actually 100,000…
Xie Xi didn’t hide it from him. “S-grade.”
Song Qi, “!!!!”
Xie Xi said, “My luck was good.” It was actually bad luck. What the hell type of game did he
have to go through?
Song Qi thought, ‘This is good? This luck is from the heavens! Hello Emperor, could you give
me a bit of your luck?
Song Qi spoke pathetically, “I only completed three E-grade tasks and this is my first D-
grade task. I also got a garbage main task…”
Completing the task wasn’t the same as clearing the instance.
After entering the quasi-world, they would get a main task. They could only leave the quasi-
world after completing the main task. Otherwise, they would still in the quasi-world until it
was finished. The main task couldn’t be given up and had to be completed to the end.
The conditions for clearing the instance were more demanding. First, they must receive the
core task as the main task and secondly, they had to complete the core side task. The side
task wasn’t mandatory. If it was completed, additional rewards would be issued according
to the grade. They didn’t have to be trapped in the quasi-world if they gave up on it by
The side task was okay and it wasn’t a big deal to spend money to refresh it. Therefore,
many people were unable to clear the instance because they didn’t receive the core main
It was only when receiving the core main mission that clearing the instance was possible.
The rewards after clearing the instance were top-notch, just like the S-grade quasi-world. It
made many people covet the special rewards.
After clearing the instance, the quasi-world would be closed and players would no longer
receive related tasks.
For an E-grade quasi-world, clearing the instance wasn’t difficult as long as their luck was
good. Song Qi wasn’t surprised when Xie Xi said he went through one world. Then he heard
it was a S-grade quasi-world…
Oh my god…
This wasn’t the emperor of luck, it was the god of luck!
..The start was too high and Song Qi’s heart was gone.
Xie Xi told him, “Don’t tell it to others. I don’t want to be too eye-catching.”
“Rest assured, I will keep my mouth shut!” The two men didn’t know each other long but
Song Qi felt that Xie Xi was cautious and serious. Since Xie Xi was saying this, he must really
think of Song Qi as a friend.
The emperor of luck considered him as a friend QAQ! The crybaby Song Qi thought he
should sing about the change to his fortunes!
Due to the search mirror, it wasn’t long before they found the entrance to the cave.
The two people descended the mountain with their bare hands. They were tired and
panting but Song Qi had brought a lot of items with the breakup fee. He gave Xie Xi a
physical potion and the two people temporarily gained physical strength.
This type of physical potion wasn’t cheap but the effect was really average. It was similar to
eating a meal. Apart from saving time, the effect wasn’t significant.
The entrance of the cave wasn’t big. From the outside, it was dark and impossible to figure
out if there was any danger.
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll go first. You be careful behind me.”
Song Qi nodded. “Yes!”
The two of them were about to walk into the cave when they were suddenly blocked by a
red light.
Song Qi was startled. “Is there a barrier?”
Xie Xi raised his hand and touched it. The red light rose again, blocking it like a door.
Song Qi used the brain circuits from playing games and said, “Is there a clue we missed or
prerequisites we have to meet before going in?”
“It is possible.”
“Should we go back to the town to look for clues?”
It was midday when they returned to town and the bright sun was high in the sky. The
atmosphere of the town was still strange and cold.
Xie Xi and Song Qi tried to avoid any eyes and ears as they pondered on where to find
information about the rear mountain and the dragon.
Just then, a man’s low voice was heard. “Catch him!”
Both Xie Xi and Song Qi were shocked. Song Qi pulled Xie Xi’s hand, “We’ve been
“Don’t move!” Xie Xi dragged him closer to the corner.
Footsteps hurried past as a group of skinny people ran like crazy, full of hideous
A dark shadow rushed past Xie Xi and Song Qi. It was the man being chased.
Song Qi sighed with relief and held his breath again.
A gunshot rang out and the man being chased fell as he was shot in the back.
Then there was an even stranger scene. The dead person actually climbed up again and ran
Song Qi thought, ‘It is a player!’
Xie Xi stared at the residents behind the man and found they weren’t surprised at the
‘death resurrection’. They didn’t hesitate to fire the gun again and the person who just
stood up was completely killed.
Xie Xi’s pupils shrank.
These residents were hunting players!

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GL: Chapter 22
Fairytale Town 6

The players who came to this world were all beginner players and having a defensive
uniform was already the limit. This was equivalent to a second life.
The gun went off and the man died.
It was too late for Xie Xi and Song Qi to do anything.
The villagers swarmed, not caring about the blood on the ground. They lifted up the body
and chanted, “Dedicate him to the dragon god, to the dragon god!”
They left and Xie Xi and Song Qi’s nerves were only slightly relieved.
Song Qi’s forehead was covered with sweat. “Isn’t this a fucking D-grade world? Why is it so
Xie Xi’s eyes drooped. “The person who burned to death last night was a player.”
They had been far away and could only hear pained screams as the man was set on fire.
Song Qi’s scalp was numb. “…Did he take so long to burn because he was wearing a
uniform? “This is too cruel. Immunity to fatal wounds doesn’t mean the fatal wound is
painless. He suffered from the burning pain, died, got an extra life and experienced it
Xie Xi said, “These villagers know players very well.”
Song Qi didn’t want to die. “Brother Xi, we have to quickly complete the task and leave!”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Do you want to disband the team?”
Song Qi didn’t react.
Xie Xi calmly explained, “My task has no clue and I must delay the time. Your task can still
be completed. I also have the character freeze and search mirror that I can give you to use.”
The setting meant that items could be stacked up 10 times and only counted as taking up
one slot. He had used the search mirror once and there were still four uses left.
Song Qi was shocked by his remark.
The search mirror and character freeze meant his task could be completed very easily.
He didn’t have to steal. He could use the search mirror to locate someone’s house to sneak
into. If he was discovered, he could use the character freeze to delay the time. One minute
was enough and then he could leave this world. As for the side mission, it didn’t matter if it
was completed or not.
The grade of his main mission was low but the difficulty wasn’t high. Xie Xi’s task was of
high quality and the difficulty corresponded to that. If the world was dangerous, it was hard
to say whose luck was better.
Song Qi asked him, “What are you going to do?”
“I can do it myself.” He had cleared the trash game Love to the Left or Right. This problem
wasn’t big.
Song Qi gritted his teeth. “No, I can’t leave you alone.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Song Qi told him, “I might have no ability but I can see people with my eyes. I can always
help you look in the rear.”
Xie Xi reminded him, “This town is very dangerous. The villagers know the players very
well and are hunting them in an organized manner.
“Then I can’t leave! If it wasn’t for you, I would still be locked up in the dungeon. Who
knows when they were going to sacrifice me?”
Xie Xi was used to being alone and didn’t mind doing his own task. “You don’t need to…”
Song Qi interrupted him. “For the sake of wealth, I want to complete the side mission!”
Once he said this, Xie Xi didn’t have a reason to persuade him to leave.
He glanced at Song Qi and declared, “I want to clear the instance.”
His calm voice hit Song Qi’s mind like a heavy hammer.
He grasped Xie Xi’s meaning.
Clearing the instance wasn’t just completing the task. It also blocked the world so that
players could no longer enter.
No matter the reason, villagers were hunting players.
As long as they cleared the world, players couldn’t enter and the killing would stop!
An indescribable feeling surged through his blood and Song Qi felt an unprecedented thrill.
“I will help you clear this world!”
Xie Xi’s main mission was likely to be the core task. As long as the side mission was
completed as well, the probability of clearing the instance was 80% higher.
It was worth a try! Song Qi blindly believed that if it was Xie Xi, they would be able to clear
the instance!
“Then let’s go find the previous…” Xie Xi hadn’t finished speaking when he suddenly
A man was approaching them at a very fast speed. Song Qi straightened his body, on guard
against the person.
Xie Xi quickly opened his mouth. “Brother Jin.”
The person who came was Zhong Jin. He saw Xie Xi and sighed with relief. “I managed to
find you.”
Xie Xi was also relieved. “Fortunately, you are okay.”
Zhong Jin smiled. “I have the uniform and can’t die!”
Xie Xi returned the smile.
At this time, Song Qi turned away and was stunned when he saw Zhong Jin. “Brother Liu?”
Xie Xi had been staring at Zhong Jin and keenly captured the flash of surprise in his eyes. It
was very light and soon disappeared, making Xie Xi doubt if it was an illusion.
“You are?” Zhong Jin asked doubtfully.
“It’s me, Xiao Song! I ate the roasted meat with you after we just entered this world!”
“Roasted meat?” Zhong Jin laughed. “I eat nutrient solutions all year round. ow can I eat
roasted meat?”
Song Qi blinked.
Xie Xi told him, “You must have the wrong person. Brother Jin entered the game with me.”
“Then I admit my mistake. We are from different batches.”
Zhong Jin asked, “You are a previous player?”
Song Qi nodded. “Yes, I came here around three or four days ago.”
This made Zhong Jin frown. “It has only been three or four days yet 80% of players in your
group died?”
Song Qi became tense. “Maybe I’m the only one left.”
Zhong Jin’s brow furrowed even more. “Speaking of which, this world has a problem.” He
glanced over at Xie Xi and wondered, “What is your task?”
Xie Xi smiled and replied, “Collect Aunty Sun’s mace.”
The startled Zhong Jin also smiled. “This…”
Song Qi reacted quickly and his face distorted. “Mine is even worse. It is to collect the
underwear of young girls…”
Zhong Jin laughed loudly. “You have this task…”
Xie Xi told him, “Yes, how can there be such a wonderful task?”
Zhong Jin laughed for a long time before saying, “A collector’s task is like this. It is rather
strange but such tasks are relatively easy to complete.”
Song Qi sighed. “It isn’t easy. I was locked up in a dungeon the first time I stole.”
Zhong Jin told him, “It is nothing. I will help you. The task is easy to complete and then you
can leave the world.”
Song Qi asked him, “What is your mission?”
“I am an explorer and received the task of exploring the cave at the rear mountain.”
Song Qi exclaimed, “Wow, Brother JIn’s task is definitely high grade.”
“It is hard to say. If the grade is difficult, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to leave.”
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “It shouldn’t be hard to explore the cave.”
Zhong Jin shook his head. “Exploration isn’t just going in and taking a look. I have to go all
the way to the end and I suspect there is a dragon hidden.”
“Is it the dragon god they mentioned?”
“It’s possible.” Zhong Jin told them, “You must be careful. This town is abnormal and the
residents are crazy. As long as they see an outsider, they will sacrifice the player and
dedicate the body to the dragon.”
Fear still lingered inside Song Qi. “We just saw a man shot to death.”
A solemn expression crossed Zhong Jin’s face. “We can’t waste time. I will first take you to
complete your tasks.”
Xie Xi said, “Brother Jin’s task is harder. You shouldn’t waste your time helping us.”
Zhong Jin shook his head. “You have little experience and I can’t help worrying.”
Song Qi glanced at Xie Xi, who said, “It is too embarrassing.”
Zhong Jin said, “Why are you so polite? We are all chosen people and it is appropriate to
help each other.”
Xie Xi smiled.
“Let’s go! I will first take you to Aunty Sun’s house to find the mace,” Zhong Jin told them.
They walked together and Zhong Jin suggested, “Don’t be too nervous. The more nervous
you are, the more likely you are to expose yourself. Be natural.”
Xie Xi asked, “Were the players recognized because they were too nervous?”
“Most likely.”
Song Qi’s face distorted. “I’m finished. Your words made me even more nervous!”
Zhong Jin smiled. “Do you want to wait here? I will first help Xie Xi find the mace and then
help you…”
Song Qi shook his head. “No no, I don’t want to stay on my own. It is terrible.”
Zhong Jin’s eyes slightly flashed. “Let’s go. Perhaps Aunty Sun’s home also has your mission
Song Qi pretended to gag. “Aunty Sun definitely isn’t a young girl. Of course, perhaps she
has a granddaughter or something…”
He really had a crow’s mouth.
Zhong Jin was much more open than them. He actually dared to ask the villagers for
directions. Perhaps it was really a problem of attitude. The villagers showed a good attitude
towards Zhong Jin and told him the way.
They arrived at Aunty Sun’s house without much trouble.
Xie Xi’s task definitely wasn’t to find a mace. Still, this task wasn’t without a basis.
Previously, Song Qi had mentioned the many side tasks he refreshed and one of them was
to collect Aunty Sun’s mace.
That’s why Xie Xi didn’t panic when they came to Aunty Sun’s house. This task was real and
there was no need to worry about being exposed.
Who knew that once he arrived, a thin woman with loose skin would rush at him with a
kitchen knife. “Bai Xia! You dare to step into my house!”
Song Qi was shocked but Xie Xi quickly glanced at Zhong Jin. Zhong Jin was unexpectedly
pale and took a step back.
It was clear that Auntie Sun was scolding Bai Xia and also facing Xie Xi, yet Zhong Jin was
the one flustered…
No wonder why Xie Xi found the Bai Xia in the photo to be familiar.
Auntie Sun shouted, “You are a white-eyed wolf, a cowardly thing. You dared smear
Yunren’s innocence and walk away! I will die with you!”
She rushed over and Xie Xi deliberately hid behind Zhong Jin. Then Auntie Sun rushed at
Zhong Jin.
There was a big change in Zhong Jin’s complexion.
Auntie Sun shouted angrily, “Give me back my Yunren, you scum! Give me back my
A soft voice was heard. “Mother! Don’t hurt Brother Bai Xia!” The skinny girl rushed over
and hugged the woman’s arm.
Auntie Sun’s loose flesh trembled. “You silly child, you silly child!”
Sun Yunren cried out, “Brother Bai Xia came to pick me up. He wants to take me away. He
promised me that he would take us to his world. Mother, we can all go to God’s…”
Xie Xi’s eyes were cold when he heard this.
Zhong Jin pulled Xie Xi and Song Qi away. “Leave first!”
Xie Xi and Song Qi followed closely and the three of them left the town, stopping at a
secluded place.
Zhong Jin gasped while Xie Xi glanced at him. “Who is Bai Xia?”
In fact, when they first entered the world, the villagers shouted Bai Xia’s name. Zhong Jin
was fatally wounded and it was estimate he couldn’t hear what they said. After all, the
uniform gave immunity to fatal injuries but not the pain.
The scene was also chaotic. Zhong Jin was recovering and it was normal not to hear clearly.
However, Zhong Jin’s face changed slightly.
Xie Xi pressed him. “Are you Bai Xia?”
Zhong Jin turned to look at him, the sunshine in his eyes gradually fading.
Xie Xi continued, “You really entered the world for a second time.”
“You have long been suspicious.” Zhong Jin removed his disguise, revealing the true face of
coldness and cruelty.

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GL: Chapter 23
Fairytale Town 7

Xie Xi had never trusted Zhong Jin.

On Central World, Zhong Jin had shown too much enthusiasm. Although Xie Xi was young,
he had seen many types of people and had extra vigilance towards strangers.
To Zhong Jin, he was just a newcomer who didn’t understand anything. The information of
the person who cleared the S-grade world was unknown. It was impossible for Zhong Jin to
know it, so what was his purpose in approaching Xie Xi?
Now it was certain that he deliberately led Xie Xi to this D-grade world.
Xie Xi had thought there was a problem with this D-grade world but he had no choice. It
was likely that X’s next world was filled with even more traps. This was only a D-grade
world and he brought a bunch of items that newcomers couldn’t afford. Zhong Jin might be
untrustworthy but it was definitely safer than that damn Lost Atlantis.
In order to get rid of the X-designed game, Xie Xi worked very hard.
In a way, Jiang Xie seemed to be worse than Zhong Jin in Xie Xi’s heart since the -173 must
be respected. Oh, it was already -175. After all, Xie Xi thought about X once again.
Zhong Jin’s face sank and he was holding a short blade that flashed blue.
Song Qi was shocked. “What are you doing?” He was trying to buy time.
How could Xie Xi not understand? He was always on guard and the moment he saw Zhong
Jin’s malevolence, he used the character freeze while Zhong Jin was off guard.
Song Qi exclaimed, “Fuck, I was scared to death!”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything and just took Zhong Jin’s weapon. This short blade didn’t look
special. In the eyes of modern people, a hot weapon might be better than a cold weapon.
However, Central World couldn’t be judged using conventional science. The short blade
wasn’t necessarily weaker than the gun.
Song Qi untied the hemp rope around his waist and tied Zhong Jin up. This was taken from
the dungeon. After all, he was a collector and naturally had to scrape every place he went
Song Qi said he didn’t want to be a collector but he actually had a collection fetish.
He was afraid of Zhong Jin waking up early so Xie Xi used the character fix on him twice to
ensure they had plenty of time.
Song Qi’s movements were more skillful than expected and Zhong Jin was still frozen by the
time he was done.
Xie Xi glanced at Zhong Jin before saying to Song Qi, “Let’s go.”
Song Qi was surprised. “You don’t want to ask anything?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to delay the time. “There is nothing to ask. We have less experience and
asking him questions is too dangerous.”
He strode away and Song Qi had to catch up, blinking in a confused manner.
As they were walking, Xie Xi asked him, “Have you ever killed anyone?”
Song Qi immediately shook his head. “No!” What killing people? He was too scared to even
kill a chicken!
Xie Xi replied, “Zhong Jin is different from us.”
Song Qi vaguely understood and he tensed up. “The reason for your caution…”
“We have to take advantage of this time to find Sun Yunren.”
It was meaningless to question Zhong Jin. He wouldn’t give them any clues about this game.
Moreover, they knew too little about Zhong Jin’s situation. Just now, they took advantage of
when he wasn’t prepared to freeze his body. If they delayed until the time limit of the
freeze was over, who knew what would happen?
As for killing Zhong Jin, Xie Xi wasn’t going to try it.
He was worried about the fatal injuries immunity.
A newcomer was able to buy a fatal injuries immunity uniform for 50 silver coins. How
could the veteran Zhong Jin be unprepared? If he was unprepared, why was he willing to
give away ‘one life’ as soon as he entered the game? Admittedly, it was a crafty escape plan
but if he only had two lives, he wouldn’t be so casual.
Besides, Xie Xi and Song Qi had no fighting experience. It was obvious that Zhong Jin’s
posture of holding the blade wasn’t normal. If they couldn’t kill him, they might be the ones
killed instead!
Thus, the smartest move was to run quickly!
Song Qi asked while running, “What is going on? Didn’t he enter the game with you?”
“To be precise, he led me in.”
“Oh my god!” Song Qi remembered. “I was also pulled in by Liu Sheng!”
The two of them spoke about what they remembered.
Previously, Zhong Jin was called Liu Sheng and he also pulled Song Qi into this D-grade
assembly mission. Song Qi had just broken up with a slag man and was angry. Then he met
a sunny and handsome person and chatted with him. After a few words, they decided to do
the task together.
They entered the game and spent a day in the forest. Song Qi was embarrassed by his task
and didn’t team up with anyone. He sneaked around by himself and was unexpectedly
caught and locked up.
Song Qi shivered. “An 80% death rate will reset the task… then out of the last batch of
players, only Zhong Jin and I survived?” The name was confusing so they decided to call
him Zhong Jin.
Xie Xi said, “He completed the main task and successfully left the world.” That’s how Zhong
Jin entered the world again.
Song Qi couldn’t understand. “Why did he return to this world? What’s the point of
repeating D-grade tasks?” The Central World’s rules were clearly written. Repeating tasks
in the same world would lead to a decline in rewards. In a low-level world where the
rewards were weak, there would be no rewards after clearing it two or three times.
Song Qi thought about it. “Is it to clear the world?” Clearing the world required completing
the core main task and side tasks. Some players would enter the same world in order to get
the special reward from clearing a world, gaining new tasks in the hope of reaching the
conditions to clear the instance.
Then Song Qi thought it was impossible. “It is just a D-grade world. The instance clearance
reward isn’t comparable to the general reward of a C-grade world. Isn’t it a waste of time?’
Zhong Jin’s strength was sufficient to challenge a C-grade world.
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Song Qi asked again, “Why did he lead us into this world? Where are the others? Did he
bring them in as well?”
“I’m afraid he has entered more than twice.”
If the person in the photo was Zhong Jin then he hadn’t entered the game only three days
Even if Sun Yunren didn’t eat for three days, she wouldn’t have the current thin
Song Qi’s scalp was numb. “What the hell is he trying to do!” It was too strange! The town’s
residents hunted the players and there were people like Zhong Jin with unknown
intentions. What was going on in this world?
“It doesn’t matter what he wants to do.” Xie Xi stated, “As long as we clear this world, he
can’t enter again.”
Song Qi heard this sentence and realized the meaning. “Brother Xi…”
“Let’s go and see Sun Yunren first.”
They returned to Aunty Sun’s residence and saw the girl standing alone in the yard.
She was immersed in a fantasy, praying for the person in her dream to come and pick her
Once Xie Xi appeared, her eyes brightened and her voice grew sweeter and softer. “Brother
Bai Xia, I knew you wouldn’t leave Yunren behind.”
“I’m not Bai Xia.” Xie Xi stared at her. “You really can’t tell?”
Sun Yunren seemed to freeze and a panicked expression crossed her face. “You are… no,
you aren’t Bai Xia. You just borrowed his body. I know, I know… I won’t admit it. As soon as
you came, Bai Xia will become different…”
Sure enough.
Sun Yunren couldn’t distinguish between Xie Xiand Zhong Jin because they entered Bai
Xia’s body and became Bai Xia.
In the eyes of the people of this world, there was no difference between the two Bai Xias.
However, players weren’t confined to the world and they clearly understood.
Xie Xi told Sun Yunren, “I’m not the person you know. I’m someone else.”
Sun Yunren stared blankly.
Xie Xi’s voice was a lot lighter. “You can tell right?”
Tears fell from Sun Yunren’s eyes and the girl seemed on the verge of collapse. “Why…
why… don’t you love me? You said you would marry me and take me away from this
broken place…”
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. Broken place?
He hadn’t spoken yet when a boy’s voice was heard. “Sister Yunren!”
Sun Yunren trembled and unleashed amazing strength and speed to grab the boy who
suddenly appeared. “Xiao… Xiao Feng, don’t tell the mayor, don’t…”
The boy shook with anger. “You are with outsiders again. You are crazy!”
Sun Yunren’s mental state was unstable and she held the boy’s hand like she was a tree
Xie Xi told her, “You will hurt him like this.”
The boy immediately looked up.
The two people stared at each other with startled expressions.
The boy didn’t expect to see such a good-looking person and Xie Xi was surprised by the
boy’s golden pupils.
The boy gritted his teeth. “A pretty boy like you is bullying Sister Yunren! The dragon god
will punish you!”

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GL: Chapter 24
Fairytale Town 8

Xie Xi looked at the boy. “I’m not the one bullying her.”
“You are! You outsiders are all villains!” The boy’s tender face was veiled with anger.
Xie Xi crouched down until he was eye level with the boy. He was calm and gentle, treating
the seven or eight year old boy in front of him like an adult instead of a child.
This move caused the little boy to be startled. He was used to looking up at people and now
he felt a bit uncomfortable.
How could this man be so good-looking, even better than Sister Yunren.
The boy’s tight nerves subconsciously relaxed.
Xie Xi whispered, “I just arrived here yesterday. I haven’t done anything or hurt anyone.”
The boy was surprised and bit his lips. “Yo uare the same, all the same. At first you were
good to us but then did bad things. The village…” He was wronged but refused to shed a
tear. “The village became like this because of you!”
Xie Xi was stunned. “What the hell did they do?”
“What did they do?” This was a switch that allowed the boy to vent. He accused the
outsiders of their evil deeds using childish words.
“You played with our feelings! You occupied our houses! You took away our food! You even
trapped us in this small town so we can never leave!”
Xie Xi expected the previous players to have done a huge disservice to the town but he
hadn’t expected it to be like this. Trapping the residents in the small town so they could
never leave?
He asked, “Can’t you walk out of this town?”
The boy was made. “If we could leave then we wouldn’t wait here to die!”
The overall situation of the residents in the town was very bad. It wasn’t only physically but
their minds were also thinned into a string that could break at any time.
Xie Xi asked, “When did this start?”
“A year ago…” The boy shook with rage. “It started when you outsiders fell from the sky! At
first, you put on a hypocritical face by helping us do farm work, building a house and soon…
The boy glanced at Sun Yunren, tears in his eyes. “Soon you showed your true beastly face!
You robbed our home, drove us to work day and night, humiliated and insulted…”
The cruel and dirty things sounded worse in the innocent child’s voice.
Xie Xi frowned, “Thus, you started hunting outsiders.”
The boy’s golden eyes flashed with a fearless brilliance. “Don’t you deserve to die?”
“It won’t solve the problem,” Xie Xi stared at him.
The boy said ruthlessly, “You won’t bother us again as long as we kill all of you!”
Xie Xi said, “I can make it impossible for them to come here but…”
He hadn’t finished the words when he felt the air splitting…
The boy’s eyes widened, full of panic and despair… Xie Xi got up and hugged the boy in his
arms, the arrow piercing him in the back.
Song Qi screamed, “Brother Xi!”
Severe pain immediately took over his whole brain and Xie Xi gritted his teeth.
The boy was stunned and looked up at him with astonishment.
Xie Xi endured the severe pain and whispered, “Go quickly, there is danger.”
The boy was pale and his lips trembled. “Why did you do this?”
Xie Xi whispered again, “Go to the rear mountain…”
The boy’s eyes widened.
Xie Xi pushed him hard. “Go!”
The boy stared at the outsider and clenched his fists before pulling Sun Yunren to run
Zhong Jin’s voice was slowly heard. “An inferior human, is it worth wasting a life for them?”
Xie Xi’s uniform played a role. The pain faded and the back injury recovered. His forehead
was covered in sweat and his face was paler than usual.
“Inferior?” Xie Xi’s voice was hoarse.
Zhong Jin’s sunniness had changed. He still had golden hair but the smile on his face was
cruel and arrogant. “You new people can’t always recognize their identities.”
He sprang forward and pressed his hand against the arrow piercing Xie Xi. “If you were
inferior then you would be dead right now.”
The wound had recovered but pressing against it caused the sharp pain to come again.
Sweat dripped down the tip of Xie Xi’s nose. “So you humiliate them.”
Zhong Jin smiled. “You misunderstand. I…”
He didn’t finish his words as Xie Xi kicked him and glanced at Song Qi.
Song Qi understood and ran in the opposite direction.
The two of them running together would only lead to both being caught. If they ran
separately, at least one of them could get away and find a chance to rescue the other
Zhong JIn laughed and didn’t hesitate to pursue Xie Xi.
The small minion Song Qi wasn’t worth mentioning. If Xie Xi wasn’t present then Zhong Jin
could use one finger to kill Song Qi.
Xie Xi ran as hard as he could and exhausted all his strength.
He knew he couldn’t run away and that Zhong Jin was playing with him, like a cat chasing a
Xie Xi still had to run as much as possible in order to buy Song Qi some time!
Zhong Jin was much stronger than they thought. They tied him up like that yet he came so
quickly. He must’ve easily broken the rope after the frozen effect ended.
Fortunately they didn’t try to kill him. The effect of the character freeze was too short. Once
their fatal immunity was gone, Xie Xi and Song Qi would be the ones to die!
Zhong Jin deliberately forced him into a small alley and Xie Xi knew he couldn’t retreat once
he ran in.
Xie Xi’s physical strength was very bad. After all, he stayed in his house all year round and
lacked exercise.
There was an item in the mall that strengthened his body but unfortunately, his level was
too low to afford it.
After running as hard as he could, he was tired and breathless. His hair was wet with sweat
and stuck to his cheeks.
In comparison, Zhong Jin’s breathing wasn’t chaotic and his footsteps were gentle.
Xie Xi’s brain worked quickly as he thought about the cards in his hands.
He still had one life, seven character freezes, a search mirror and the short blade grabbed
from Zhong Jin. The search mirror wasn’t very useful. The seven character freezes could
only control Zhong Jin for seven minutes…
Who knew how many lives Zhong Jin had?
By the way, there was the summoning skill that could summon X’s body.
Who knew if X was an enemy or a friend? The designer of such a perverted game, how
could Xie Xi use common sense with him?
Xie Xi stared at Zhong Jin.
“Your expression is really tempting.” Zhong Jin glanced over Xie Xi’s face like a searchlight
as he mocked, “It’s a pity that you are a man.”
Xie Xi suddenly felt sick.
Zhong Jin put away his smile and asked, “Where did you get your body freeze?”
Xie Xi deliberately delayed the time. “I bought it in the mall.”
“You only cleared one world. Where did you get so many silver coins?”
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Zhong Jin’s eyes flashed. “My luck can’t be so good. I picked the one who cleared the S-
grade world at once galnce.”
Sure enough, he was suspicious. Xie Xi wasn’t surprised since the price of the character
freeze was too expensive. Somebody who completed low-grade main tasks absolutely
couldn’t afford to biuy it.
However, at this point in time, it didn’t matter if it was exposed or not.
Zhong Jin stared at him. “If you are that person, I won’t kill you.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “What are the conditions?”
“Join my organization.”
Xie Xi asked bluntly, “Aren’t you afraid that I will pretend to join and then turn things
Zhong Jin kept maintaining a certain distance from him.
Rather than answering Xie Xi’s question, he abruptly changed the subject. “Do you feel
sorry for this town?”
Xie Xi had no expression on his face.
Zhong Jin said, “It is true that this town used to be like a painting. It was a very dreamy and
beautiful place. I know better than anyone. After all, I painted it.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
“I was only involved in drawing the town but I’m not its designer.”
Xie Xi understood. “This quasi-world was designed by your organization?”
Zhong Jin nodded. “Yes, we put all our effort into designing it and the zone recognized it as
a quasi-world.”
Zone? It was a word Xie Xi was hearing for the first time.
Zhong Jin knew he didn’t understand and patiently explained, “The zone is the will of the
central government. A quasi-world will only be opened after it is recognized by the world.”
Xie Xi asked him, “Since this town was designed by you, why do you want to destroy it?”
“Destroy?” Zhong Jin scoffed. “You misunderstood. I didn’t destroy it. I have been protecting
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed.
Zhong Jin continued, “After a quasi-world is opened, the zone will release a variety of tasks
and players will enter the world to complete the tasks. Our organization’s ability wasn’t
good and the design of this small village is very low. Most of the people who entered the
world are newcomers who don’t understand anything. The newcomers did their tasks
seriously. Later, they found the residents were simple and ignorant and started…”
A hint of pity filled Zhong Jin’s cold eyes. “My poor children were ruined by them. Shouldn’t
I give them a bit of punishment?”
Xie Xi stated, “Then you hunted players.”
Zhong Jin asked, “Shouldn’t those who are persecuted resist?”
“Not all players are guilty.”
Zhong Jin scoffed. “That child said it. They were all good when they first entered.”
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Zhong Jin said again, “I know you have many doubts about me. I do things that are too
extreme but it is for this town…”
Xie Xi looked up. “What about Sun Yunren?”
Zhong Jin’s voice was soft. “She is my dead lover.”
He continued, “It is my fault. I admit it. I designed her after my dead lover because of my
selfishness. I love her very much but I also know she isn’t my lover. I’m doomed not to give
her a future.” He smiled tragically. “I know you blame me for messing with her but my heart
isn’t made of metal. Seeing her like that, I…”
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed.
Zhong Jin added, “I pulled you and Song Qi into this game because I took a fancy to your
personalities. I know you won’t do any bad things so I hoped you would enter, not others.”
All doubts seemed to have been explained by Zhong Jin.
Zhong Jin stared at Xie Xi., “Join us. We might not be as big as Yunge but we will treat you
well and give you the best resources.”
Xie Xi wavered. “You are really protecting this town.”
“Of course. Why else would I enter the quasi-world again and again? You should know that
repeating low-grade tasks won’t give any rewards and it will also be reversed.”
“In that case…” Xie Xi walked up to him with a slight frown.
Zhong Jin smiled at him. “Rest assured, we…”
He hadn’t finished when Xie Xi finally got the opportunity to use character freeze on him.
It was all damn nonsense!
Xie Xi wasn’t a three year old child!
If Zhong Jin was really looking after this small town, it was better to quickly clear the world
so that players couldn’t enter. This would also secure a calm and stable life for the
Why did he keep entering? What did it mean to keep killing players? Wasn’t he driving the
residents crazy by intensifying the conflict?
Xie Xi used three character freezes before running.
It was a pity that there was no way to stab Zhong Jin!
Zhong Jin was frozen for three minutes. Once it was lifted, his lips curved in a smile. “Really
clever. No wonder why he can clear the S-grade quasi-world.”

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GL: Chapter 25
Fairytale Town 9

Xie Xi ran so hard that he almost lost half his life.

The good thing was that Zhong Jin didn’t catch up. Xie Xi’s heart was drumming because the
effect of the character freeze was too short. Zhong Jin was obviously much stronger than
Xie Xi and he was familiar with this town. It would be easy for him to find Xie Xi.
Xie Xi had to clear the world before Zhong Jin found him!
He drank a bottle of physical medicine, endured the fishy taste and went to meet up with
Song Qi.
He had mouthed something at Song Qi when they split up. Song Qi had a collector’s good
eyesight and must’ve read it.
It was the place where they were previously held.
Xie Xi didn’t take a detour and went directly to the dungeon. He used the search mirror and
quickly determined Song Qi’s location.
Fortunately, Zhong Jin didn’t carry the search mirror or they really couldn’t hide!
Song Qi saw him and had tears in his eyes. “Brother Xi!” He was scared to death and really
thought he couldn’t see Xie Xi anymore.
Xie Xi gasped and said, “Go to the rear mountain!”
Song Qi was nervous. “Will Zhong Jin be waiting for us there?”
“No, he doesn’t know what our mission is.”
Fortunately, Xie Xi had previously lied and said his task was to collect Aunty Sun’s mace.
According to normal logic, they would want to quickly escape the world and the only way
to leave was to complete the task. The biggest chance for Zhong Jin was to go to Aunty Sun’s
house to block them.
Song Qi remembered. “Yes, the task rating of the rear mountain is very high and the
probability of gaining it is low. He shouldn’t think they would go to the rear mountain.”
The two of them set up.
Xie Xi’s forehead was covered with sweat and Song Qi took out a physical potion to give to
Xie Xi shook his head. “I drank a bottle before we came.” The potion was effective for a
certain amount of time. If used frequently within an hour, the effect would be greatly
reduced. This type of low-grade potion would directly lose its effect.
Song Qi had no choice. “When we leave this world, we must quickly improve our strength.”
Xie Xi wiped the sweat on his forehead. “This is my second task.”
He needed to clear at least three worlds to open the talent system.
Song Qi comforted him, “It’s okay. Next time, refresh a F-grade world and it will be easy to
Xie Xi didn’t hope for this. He only hoped that the next game wasn’t designed by X!
Xie Xi was a bit tired and didn’t want to say anything, but there was a question in his heart.
“Have you ever heard of summoning?” He had no one else to ask and could only ask Song
Qi. It was trying everything in a desperate situation.
Song Qi was startled and exclaimed, “I know! This is my goal. I want a summoning skill in
the future!”
Xie Xi didn’t expect him to actually know and asked, “Will the things summoned hurt the
“Of course not! As long as it can be summoned, it will sign a contract and will be completely
obedient to the orders of the caller.”
“It doesn’t matter how strong the thing summoned it?” Xie Xi asked.
Song Qi wondered, “How strong? Can you summon a holy beast?”
It wasn’t a holy beast but it was similar. A human was also a type of beast.
Xie Xi thought about it and asked, “Have you ever heard of summoning a human?”
“Oh my god!” Song Qi was stunned. “There are a few powerhouses on the ladder who are
added to the summoning pool. Can you summon one of them?” Xie Xi had asked this in
detail so Song Qi guessed that Xie Xi most likely had a summoning skill. After all, he cleared
a S-grade world and got a special reward.
What the hell was the ladder? Xie Xi didn’t have time to ask as he grabbed the main point.
“Will they be the ones summoned?”
“Certainly not. The big people are very busy. How can they be forced to respond to a
“Is it just splitting the body?”
Song Qi thought for a moment. “It should be a puppet who inherited their power or
Xie Xi sighed with relief. A puppet would be much easier to control.
Song Qi asked him seriously, “You can really summon the puppet of a powerhouse.”
“Yes, but the time is short.” Xie Xi didn’t need to hide it from him. “Still, it should be
enough.” After all, the pervert who designed the S-grade world should be good at fighting!
Song Qi was excited. “Which bigshot is it?”
Xie Xi told him, “X.”
Song Qi was dumbfounded. “X… X?”
Xie Xi nodded.
“Ahhhhh!” Song Qi screamed. “I can actually see God X in my lifetime!”
“It’s just a puppet.”
Song Qi gulped. “I heard that his handsome looks are enough to break the sky. The only
man whom God Yan can’t be compared to!”
Xie Xi didn’t know much. “Who is Xie Xi?”
“The first beauty in our central government!”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Well, you look good as well… but you are too young and haven’t opened yet.” Song Qi’s 0
soul was burning. “When will you summon God X to let my eyes feast?” (O=bottom/shou)
Xie Xi silently moved away from him.
Song Qi felt his thick dislike. “You are a straight man!”
Xie Xi didn’t know how straight he was but he couldn’t understand what everyone called
good-looking. What looked good? Weren’t they all eyes, nose and a mouth? What was
They finally arrived at the rear mountain. Xie Xi had the search mirror and found the
golden-eyed boy with no problems.
The boy froze after seeing Xie Xi unscathed.
Xie Xi told him, “I’m fine.”
“Of course you are fine!” The boy felt complicated. “You outsiders have two lives!”
Xie Xi wanted to speak when he saw the text prompt in the lower right corner.
[Congratulations, the side task: Trace Tornado has been completed.]
Xie Xi was startled. “Your name is Long Juanfeng?” (Long Juanfeng= Tornado)
The boy’s golden eyes were full of vigilance. “How do you know?”
Song Qi was also stunned and surprise showed on his face. “Oh my god, Tornado is a
Xie Xi hadn’t expected it either…
He just thought this boy was special. One reason was this golden eyes and the other was
that he wasn’t as thin as the residents. He felt this boy was the key and never expected the
boy to be the important side task.
Speaking of which, Xie Xi remembered that Sun Yunren had called the boy Xiao Feng
Who would’ve thought that a person had such a name?
The boy frowned. “What the hell do you want?”
Xie Xi was always wary of Zhong Jin and couldn’t delay the time. He half crouched down
and the boy looked up “Xiao Feng, I know that you hate outsiders and they have ruined
your peaceful life. I can close the door so they no longer come here.”
The boy’s golden eyes shone as he spoke cautiously. “You’re not like them.” Outsiders might
be able to come back from the dead but no outsider would suffer a fatal injury for the sake
of a villager.
Xie Xi stared at him. “I need your help.”
The boy bit his lower lip. “The dragon god will punish you if you lie to me!”
Xie Xi’s heart hurt when he heard this sentence. The desperate child grasped such a fragile
Xie Xi promised him. “I’m not lying to you.”
The boy asked, “What do you need from me?”
Xie Xi questioned him, “Do you know what the dragon heart is?”
The boy’s pupils shrank, his demeanor changed and his lower lip was bitten red.
Xie Xi watched him. “I need to collect the dragon heart.”
He thought the boy was refuse but the boy miraculously calmed down, revealing an
expression that didn’t match his age. “Come with me.”
Xie Xi and Song Qi were both shocked. Their side task would lead to the main task? Wasn’t
this too easy?
Then again, it was just a D-grade world and shouldn’t be too hard.
The boy walked in front and took them to the cave they hadn’t been able to enter.
The cave seemed unfathomable from the outside and once they walked in, it was much
bigger than they thought.
Xie Xi and Song Qi covered their mouths and noses at the same time, unable to breathe due
to the smell.
The rotten, stinky and indescribable smell made them want to vomit out their last meal.
The boy looked calm as he stared at the bloody pool containing a mutilated and broken
arm. “…The dragon heart is down there.”
The two men were stunned.
The boy whispered, “Give the devil to the dragon god and the heart of the dragon god will
illuminate the town.
This bloody pool contained the players who died here.
Song Qi couldn’t endure it anymore. He bent over and vomited.
Xie Xi wasn’t much better. He frowned and asked, “Dragon heart… down there?”
“Yes.” The boy didn’t change despite seeing so many dead people. His golden eyes stared at
Xie Xi, “If you need it then go down and get it.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Song Qi, “…Oh!”
How should they get it? Who the hell could jump into a bloody pool like this to look for
Song Qi was pale as he stared at Xie Xi. “H-How…”
Xie Xi frowned and asked, “Are you sure that summoning won’t summon the person?”
The startled Song Qi: ???
Xie Xi sighed and used his only skill, summoning X’s body.
In the dim cave, a light flashed and a slender man appeared out of nowhere.
He wore a black coat in a very simple style. The rolled cuffs and slightly open neckline gave
a slight feeling of laziness. The light faded and the amazingly handsome features became
more profound. The different coloured eyes made his terrible cave more frightening, as if
he was the master of the abyss.
Song Qi was dazed as he stared at the person.
Ahhh, damn good! And… Bigshot, run quickly! Someone is trying to scam you!

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GL: Chapter 26
Fairytale Town 10

This was the first time Xie Xi had seen X.

He thought X was a bit familiar. Thinking about it, X seemed somewhat similar to the
vampire Aix-en?
The hair colour wasn’t the same and the facial features weren’t exact but…
This type of feeling was very similar.
In fact, X’s outfit was very simple and in a plain black colour. There wasn’t the cumbersome
medieval Europe style yet he inexplicably gave people such a feeling.
In particular, there was the two different coloured eyes and the laziness that seemed
immersed in his bones.
Xie Xi thought to himself, ‘A Persian cat?’
It was really fancy! He hated this person in his heart while he smiled. “God X, hello.”
Jiang Xie was frozen. It wasn’t his fault. This was the first time he was seeing Xie Xi.
He might’ve chased Small Sein for several days and his soul was fascinated by this little guy,
but this was actually their first time meeting.
Xie Xi was very good-looking. He had impeccable facial features, clean and delicate skin and
was like a flag standing on a mountain, fluttering straight into Jiang Xie’s heart.
—God X, hello ^_^.
Jiang Xie saw the live version. The little guy’s smiling face was exactly the same as the
symbol. It was a standard fake smile but it was also lovely to death.
His ‘mechanical’ appearance made Xie Xi sigh with relief. “Sure enough, it is a puppet.”
Jiang Xie’s spirit returned.
Song Qi’s 0 eyes were staring at him. “The living God X, so handsome. Ah, I’m dead. I will die
without any regrets!”
Xie Xi, “…”
He was still very wary and kept observing X. He saw X acting indifferently to the stupid
Song Qi and his thoughts were once again confirmed.
This was truly a puppet. Indeed, how could a bigshot be summoned so casually? It was
estimated that the central will created a substitute for the real people. This was just a NPC
with a player’s face.
Once he knew it wasn’t a real person, Xie Xi was too lazy to pretend.
He couldn’t offend the real pervert but how could he be afraid of a puppet that signed a
Xie Xi thought about his anger from the last world and was more and more unwilling to see
this fancy Persian cat. Song Qi was still moving around X. “Great figure, this is the legendary
golden ratio!”
Xie Xi smiled.
“The eyes are so exciting… don’t look at me… I’m going to faint…” The 0 Song Xi acted out a
Xie Xi gave a brief assessment. “Ugly.”
Song Qi spat out, “You have the aesthetics of a straight man.” The two of them had been
together for a while and Song Qi got to know this person better. Xie Xi was beautiful but
unfortunately, he couldn’t tell between beauty and ugliness.
Xie Xi glanced at X and saw that X still had a dull face. He completely put down his worries.
‘Okay, this is 100% a puppet and won’t run.’
Jiang Xie was an old fox who had been turned over and over in a pan of oil, how could he
not understand this situation? According to common sense, the summoning only
summoned the body. There was no rule that the actual person couldn’t come. Jiang Xie had
been waiting so long and naturally wouldn’t send over a puppet.
It was a pity that he came but was treated as a puppet. Still, it was kind of fun.
He looked at the change in Xie Xi’s face and found it funny.
The more Song Qi looked, the more reluctant he became. “We can’t do this to him! This is
God X. It might be a puppet but it is still top goods!”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Do you want to go down?”
Song Qi hurriedly zipped his mouth.
If it wasn’t for the beauty present, he would’ve already left the cave. This smell was killing
people. How could he go do to search for something? It was better to die.
Old Jiang didn’t know what he was about to face but played a show with great interest. He
bowed to Xie Xi and whispered, “Master.”
Song Qi took a breath and exclaimed, “God, my god… my ears are pregnant!”
Xie Xi was also shocked…
Jiang Xie’s words were similar to the housekeeper Randy. The posture of the bow, the
sloping eyes and the curve of the face were exactly the same!
Xie Xi thought, ‘Sure enough, it is that damn person.’
He didn’t forget how the housekeeper Randy had cut off his head.
“Help me obtain something.” Xie Xi didn’t intend to waste time. He needed to obtain the
dragon heart in three minutes.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Please give me a command.”
“This blood pool contains something called a dragon heart. Please bring it up.”
Jiang Xie was surprised for a moment.
Song Qi was almost crying, “Brother Qi, how can you do this? That pool is full of rotten
corpses. If God X jumps down, his name…” He felt like dying.
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t moved.
Jiang Xie stared at the blood pool with rotting corpses. He absolutely couldn’t go down
He couldn’t see the goodwill in a quasi-world but Jiang Xie suspected that if he really came
up from the bloody pool, his appearance would cause a 0 would be added to his -175.
Xie Xi stared at him with dark eyes.
Jiang Xie realized that if he let Xie Xi know he wasn’t really a puppet, there would be two 0s
added to the -175.
“Okay, Master.” Jiang Xie accepted it.
Song Qi felt numb at these words.
Xie Xi frowned and unconsciously exposed an alert look. Don’t blame him, Randy and Gars
were like this. They had an abnormal heart under the obedient surface!
He had died so often that he learnt to look through the appearance to the essence.
It was fortunate that Jiang Xie couldn’t see the goodwill in a quasi-world or the red -1…
Well, it wouldn’t be a fatal strike when seeing it.
Jiang Xie couldn’t let this little guy go down. How could he let Xie Xi touch the broken
corpses? Jiang Xie also wouldn’t dive down to find the dragon heart.
He couldn’t carry items but he had his skills. He could take out the object without going
Xie Xi saw X raised his hand. The darkness of his palm was obvious even in the dark cave. It
was a big strange, as if the black fog was too dark, causing the surrounding area to be lined
with a dark blue light.
Song Qi held his breath and didn’t dare blink. This scene wasn’t common. After all, there
was no such sight in this town!
The black mist gathered to the size of a goose egg. Then it lightened and fell rapidly from
the slender fingers. It was clearly as light as a feather in Jiang Xie’s palm but now it was a
heavy iron ball that slammed into the bloody sea.
For a moment, the whole cave seemed to shake.
Xie Xi looked back and there were no corpses. Only a large white stone was lying at the
bottom of a dry pool.
Song Qi screamed loudly, “Amazing!” What was the point of his worry? A bigshot was a
bigshot. Who could he raise dung? He only needed to lift his fingers to take care of it He also
purified the scary bodies.
Xie Xi was startled and thought, ‘Yes, he really is capable. I can’t afford to provoke him
Jiang Xie raised his hand. The white stone rolled up until it floated in front of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi grabbed the dragon heart and told X, “Thank you.”
Jiang Xie was just about to open his mouth when he was pulled by something and
disappeared into thin air.
Three minutes was really fleeting.
Song Qi was full of regrets at not seeing enough. Xie Xi hit him in the forehead and called
back his spirit.
Song Qi shook his head and sighed. “Really exciting.”
Xie Xi looked at him. “Do you like him?”
Song Qi laughed and wanted to say that everyone loved beauty. Then he remembered that
Xie Xi didn’t love beauty and replied, “You don’t understand the world of the face
Xie Xi, “…”
Song Qi was afraid of a misunderstanding and explained, “It doesn’t matter if I like him. God
X is too close to a god and I can only look up to him.”
Xie Xi didn’t fully approve but he admitted that X was extremely powerful.
Song Qi thought about the task and glanced to his bottom right. “The task isn’t completed?”
His side mission was Xie Xi’s main mission. Both of them had to collect the dragon’s heart.
By all accounts, it should be completed at the same time.
Xie Xi shook his head. “It seems the task isn’t so simple.”
Song Qi wondered, “Is the dragon heart a fake?”
They glanced at the golden-eyed boy. Unexpectedly, the boy had fainted at an unknown
Xie Xi quickly held him. The boy had lost consciousness and seemed like he had fallen into a
deep sleep. It was almost unbearable to wake up him. Xie Xi placed a finger under his nose
and felt his steady breathing. The vital signs were good. He was just asleep.
Xie Xi called to him. “Xiao Feng?”
The boy showed no reaction.
Song Qi glanced at him. “What’s going on?”
Due to X, the bodies in the cave were gone and even the air had become refreshed.
Xie Xi muttered, “It seems that this dragon heart…” He paused before he could say ‘there is
a problem.’
Song Qi followed his gaze and flinched.
The person who arrived had blond hair and ferociously cold eyes. His footsteps were light
and he gave off an unpleasant feeling.
Zhong Jin! He found them!
It was over… As soon as God X left, this bastard came. What should they do? Could Xie Xi
still use summoning?
Unexpectedly, Zhong Jin smiled at them and said, “Follow me, I will take you to complete
this task.”
It wasn’t a fake sunny smile. He really did want to help them.
Jiang Xie returned to his garden and Yan Zhe asked him, “How was it? What did you have to
do after being summoned?”
He hadn’t done anything in the past few days. He wanted to know the progress of Old
Jiang’s love, which was much more interesting than those boring love games.
Yan Zhe said again, “Little Rose is so good to you, he must be very happy when you met!”
He was happy, happy to use Jiang Xie as a excavator.
Jiang Xie calmly said, “Yes, he smiled at me.” The fake smile was also very cute.
Yan Zhe choked because he swallowed dog food after a long time. “What did he call you to
do? Was it a person from the Double Beheading School? He wasn’t in danger, was he?”
Jiang Xie really wanted to act as a hero and punish someone but unfortunately…
“He encountered a very tricky problem.” Old Jiang half lied. “I helped him resolve it.”
“Tut.” Yan Zhe didn’t doubt him and felt bitter. “Your goodwill definitely went higher!”
Old Zone, why did you make Old Jiang’s love road so smooth? Yan Zhe wasn’t satisfied!
Jiang Xie looked at the goodwill and saw that it was really ‘higher.
“It just reached 180.”
Yan Zhe was silent for a moment before shouting, “This is too high! Once he comes out, will
the two of you get a license to be married?”
Jiang Xie was very clear about this. “He is still young. I will take my time.”
Yan Zhe, “……….”

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GL: Chapter 27
Fairytale Town 11

Xie Xi placed the dragon heart into the empty items bar and looked at Zhong Jin vigilantly.
Zhong Jin didn’t care and took the initiative to show his back to them. “Come with me.”
Song Qi glanced at Xie Xi, who paused before whispering, “Go and see.” He bent over and
picked up the sleepy Xiao Feng.
Zhong Jin didn’t turn his head but knew what Xie Xi had done. “You are so gentle.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
Zhong Jin led them out of the cave. The bright light from the outside shone, giving him a
layer of light. Unfortunately, this was just a waste.
Zhong Jin walked ahead without any precautions and slowly told them, “This is the most
successful world the Double Beheading Group has designed. It took three years of hard
work before it was finally recognized by Zone and became a qualified quasi-world.”
Xie Xi knew all of this but Zhong Jin gave more of an explanation now.
“I participated in drawing the blueprint of the town. Aaron was responsible for the town’s
residents and many people were responsible for the framework and details. Dozens of
people worked hard for three years and finally made a F-grade world.”
A self-deprecating smile appeared on Zhong Jin’s face. “X is a person who designs S or even
SS-grade worlds.”
This exaggerated contrast was directly experienced and was far more cruel for him than
the listening audience members.
The gap was too wide and made people feel despair.
Xie Xi didn’t hear wrong. Zhong Jin said this was a F-grade world but this Fairytale Town
was clearly D-grade.
He didn’t have a chance to ask a question when Zhong Jin suddenly spoke.
“The designer has no heart, because God doesn’t need a heart.”
This seemed specifically aimed at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi faintly understood why Zhong Jin’s attitude went through a 360 degree change,
helping them instead of trying to kill them.
Zhong Jin continued, “We weren’t mature and couldn’t become real designers, especially
Aaron. He was responsible for the town’s residents but was too selfish.”
This time Zhong Jin told the truth. “Aaron made his dead child into a resident of the town
and gave him a new life.”
Xie Xi was startled and looked down at Xiao Feng in his arms.” “Yes, it is the child in your
Song Qi cried out incredulously, “If he is your friend’s child, why do you want to kill him?”
At Aunty Sun’s house, Zhong Jin fired a arrow at Xiao Feng and it was Xie Xi who quickly
saved the boy.
“Aaron’s child?” Zhong Jin replied. “He is just a toy.”
Xie Xi tightly gripped the boy’s hand.
“This is why Aaron was doomed as a designer. He is as soft as you and poured countless
feelings towards Xiao Feng, actually thinking of Xiao Feng as his own child.”
Xie Xi’s lips thinned, unable to agree with this person’s view. How was the boy not a living
person? He had blood, flesh and self-awareness. Wasn’t this being alive?
Zhong Jin continued, “It is bad when you can’t control your heart. When it wasn’t
recognized as a quasi-world, we can freely go in and out. Then once recognized by the Zone,
even the designer can’t enter.” They could only enter if they had a task.
Xie Xi frowned and guessed, “Xiao Feng encountered danger?”
“You’re so clever.” Zhong Jin smiled at Xie Xi. Unfortunately, his smile didn’t reach his eyes
and was cold. “Don’t blame the first batch of players. We were too incompetent. The town
was designed to be very beautiful but it had no self-protection ability. The residents
designed to be innocent and simple couldn’t see the beasts under the human faces.”
As he spoke, Zhong Jin was still indifferent, showing no pain or regret. “These types of
beautiful and fragile things will inspire people’s evil thoughts. Beautiful girls who will go to
bed with them after a few words, the town’s most beautiful house that can be wantonly
occupied, silly villagers who take the initiative to offer food and treasures… how can the
game players suppress the desire to destroy it?”
“The girls became whores, the beautiful house became an evil cave and the beautiful
paradise became a hell on earth.”
Zhong Jin’s eyes fell on the child. “This child got too much love from Aaron and was more
attentive. He saw the players’ atrocities and tried to stop them. Then he was brutally
abused by players several times more powerful than him.”
“On the grounds of doing the task, Aaron came to visit the child and lost control when he
saw this scene.” Zhong Jin’s eyes flashed. “He violently killed all the players.”
Xie Xi’s heart stopped and he told the truth. “Then you discovered that the world’s rank
Zhong Jin was shocked and exclaimed, “You really are different.” Admittedly, he left a lot of
clues. However, normal players who heard this would be distressed about Aaron and Xiao
Feng and angry at the players. They wouldn’t be thinking rationally.
Xie Xi opened his mouth, “Initially, this world was F-grade. Thanks to Aaron losing control
and killing the players, the world’s level improved the next time a task was released.”
“Yes. It rose from F-grade to E-grade.”
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “Then you started to hunt players, preventing them from clearing
the instance and inflaming the relationship between villagers and players, forcefully
upgrading the world’s rank.”
“Yes.” Zhong Jin laughed brightly. “As long as I kill you this time, the Fairytale Town would
grow to C-grade.”
The originally confused Song Qi finally understood!
His eyes were wide because he never thought it would be like this.
Fairytale Town was originally only F-grade. The world was designed by a group of people
but they weren’t mature, resulting in many loopholes. Aaron selfishly placed his dead child
in the world and came to see him from time to time.
The first players had evil intentions towards this undefended town and did many bad
things. The funny thing was that if they didn’t harm Xiao Feng, they wouldn’t be punished
at all. It was because the villagers had no thoughts of rebelling.
Xiao Feng was abused and Aaron saw his ‘resurrected’ child being hurt like this. He angrily
slaughtered all the players.
He thought it was over. Unexpectedly, the Fairytale Town that hadn’t been cleared once
again released an assembly task.
This time, the town’s rating changed from F to E.
The dozens of people involved in the design exhausted their efforts and only made an
immature F-grade world. Now they just had to slaughter a group of newcomers to make the
world’s rating rise.
They got greedy. If they kept going, what would the Fairytale Town grow into?
F, E, D, C, B, A, S…
There was too much of a difference! Even if they only managed to upgrade Fairytale Town
to a B-grade, the rewards for clearing the world would be incalculable!
If they were more ambitious and waited for the world to evolve to S-grade…
Looking at the whole Central World…
Among the endless quasi-worlds, the S-grade was rare, let alone a S-grade team task!
Originally it was for Aaron’s revenge and gradually it developed into something more
Zhong Jin intentionally introduced newcomers into the game. The newcomers had no
experience and their efficiency when doing tasks was very low. The death rate was
extremely high.
His group had only one purpose: to constantly upgrade the rating of the world. They would
do whatever it took.
As the difficulty of the Fairytale Town continued to increase, the appearance of the town
changed. The fairytale appearance faded away and became overshadowed by darkness and
The residents of the town were also forcibly grown. They became made and learned to kill
under the threat of their life and resources constantly being deprived.
Zhong Jin saw the disgust in Xie Xi’s eyes.
He didn’t care and just smiled. “Do you feel sick? Who knows how X made a S-grade world.”
Xie Xi declared, “It will never be like you.”
Zhong Jin didn’t speak.
Xie Xi stared at the boy in his arms and asked in a low voice, “Aren’t you afraid of me
clearing this quasi-world?”
Zhong Jin could continue to upgrade the level of this Fairytale Town as long as no one
cleared the world. If someone cleared the instance, the Zone wouldn’t release any more
tasks and the players wouldn’t be able to enter. Naturally, the rating could no longer be
Before Xie Xi, Zhong Jin brought in newcomers who knew nothing. Even if they were
fortunate enough to gain the core task, they couldn’t gain the core side task. If they did,
there were Zhong Jin and the others waiting to kill them.
This cycle created a higher ranked world built with blood and madness!
Zhong Jin replied, “There is no way. If I don’t help you, won’t you call X to kill me?”
“You really saw it.” The only reason why Zhong Jin would become so honest was if he saw
X’s body. He knew he couldn’t kill Xie Xi and Song Qi and wanted to send them out of this
“I didn’t dare look or else I would be dead.” He was joking, but how could he actually get
close to X? Zhong Jin continued, “Of course, I am a person involved in the design and have
special channels to feel such things.” He turned and stared at Xie Xi, asking, “Can you really
clear this instance?”
Xie Xi stated, “I will definitely clear it.” It was only by clearing it that this town could be
freed from the infinite loop!
“You are too kind.” Zhong Jin smiled. “Let’s go. I will take you to see Aaron.”
Xie Xi froze once he saw Aaron.
Zhong Jin showed a sincere smile that had never been seen before, as if he was seeing an
old friend. He touched the figure perched on half of the mountain and said, “Get up, old
“Aaron…” Song Qi was stunned. “He isn’t a player!”
Zhong Jin explained, “In order to protect that child, this fool willingly fell. This ridiculous
world’s level was too low and Aaron had too much power. He was forced to change back to
his original form.”
Xie Xi’s heart received a short shock.
At this moment, the unconscious Xiao Feng woke up, his golden eyes daze. Then he saw the
golden dragon in front of him and burst into tears. “Dragon god!”
The dragon had the same golden eyes but couldn’t say anything.
The boy trotted over, one small hand holding the golden dragon’s paws and the other
rubbing the delicate head. “I thought I would never see you again, dragon god.” He looked
up at the dragon. “I know you have always been here!”
The dragon stared at him, not saying anything and his expression not even changing. He
was a dragon, just a dragon.
Zhong Jin stared at this sight and the corners of his mouth straightened.
Xie Xi stared at him. “You want to upgrade the world, is it really for…”
“What else?” Zhong Jin laughed. “Of course it is for the reward of clearing the world.
Unfortunately, it was taken away by you.”
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed.
Zhong Jin urged him, “Hurry and give the stone to this dragon.”
Xie Xi asked, “Will it harm the dragon?”
“How can he be hurt? He is willing.”
Xie Xi took out the white stone and placed it in front of the dragon.
The dragon’s eyes shook before smoothing out. The dragon claws carefully touched the top
of the boy’s head before a ray of light burst out. Countless gold rays streamed from the
dragon’s body and gathered together, rushing into the white stone.
The originally white stone turned gold, like the sun in the sky.
At the same time, a prompt appeared in the lower right corner of Xie Xi’s vision.
[Congratulations, you have completed the main mission: collect the dragon heart.]
At the last moment, Xie Xi threw the golden stone.
Collecting it didn’t mean possession. No matter what the dragon’s heart stood for, it
belonged here.
Xie Xi failed to see that the golden stone he threw became the sun that illuminated the
whole tone.
[Congratulations, you have cleared the D-grade quasi-world, Fairytale Town.]
Xie Xi’s eyes fell on the words ‘quasi-world.’ For the first time, he felt that this wasn’t a
game but a real world. It was a pity that he left and couldn’t know what happened to the
Xie Xi sighed and placed his hand in the water curtain to check the task rewards.
It was just a D-grade world and gave ordinary rewards: 10,000 silver coins and a white
This stone was similar to the one fished out of the blood pool, but it was much smaller.
Xie Xi placed it in his backpack and saw the detailed description.
Name: Energy Storage Stone.
Purpose: Accumulate energy.
Description: Too weak. It is better to have an energy-filled stone. Please note that the
energy must be willingly given by the other person, or it will be countered.
Xie Xi was startled. The so-called dragon’s heart meant collecting Aaron’s power?
How was this energy stone placed in the blood pool and what happened after the golden
dragon’s power was collected?
He always felt there were many mysteries that hadn’t been solved.
Xie Xi looked at the communications list. Song Qi’s name was followed by the words ‘In the
He completed the main core task and was sent back to the Central World, but Song Qi
hadn’t collected the underwear. He couldn’t come back and was still in the Fairytale Town.
Clearing the game meant that the Zone would no longer release tasks for the Fairytale
Town and no more players could enter. Players who previously accepted a task and
entered the quasi-world needed to complete it before they could leave.
Once Song Qi came out, he should know more information.
Xie Xi calmed his mind and prepared to search for the next quasi-world.
He clicked on the Quasi-world column. The first line was still Love to the Left or Right. The
second line had Fairytale Town, following by the quasi-world level and the fact that it had
been cleared. The third line stated: Search for a new world.
Very good… he could get rid of that damn Atlantis!
Xie Xi sighed with relief and clicked the search button.
-New task, please give him a normal one!
The small funnel finished loading and a subpage popped up.
[Quasi-world: Lost Atlantis, the difficulty is unknown, designer X, not challenged.]
It was exactly the same words and punctuation!
Xie Xi, “…” He was haunted!

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GL: Chapter 28
New Task

Xie Xi literally wanted to rip apart the words ‘Designer: X!’

It was too obnoxious!
How come it was his game again? This type of ‘good’ luck, where did it go?
Xie Xi was angry enough to get liver pain and immediately closed this subpage, not wanting
to look at it.
What should he do? As a beginner collector, he could only stay in Central World for two
days. He had to go to the next quasi-world sooner or later and the world he searched for
was Lost Atlantis.
Did he have to go to this quasi-world?
Xie Xi calmed down and planned to wait. What if there was another assembly task? He
didn’t believe that he couldn’t get rid of it after refreshing two times!
This side felt stifled while Jiang Xie’s side had a rain of red -1, -1, -1, -1…
Cough, it seemed that Xie Xi had searched for a new task.
Jiang Xie was very certain that Xie Xi would definitely get a quasi-world he designed. After
all, the fit between them was too high.
He silently took back the message he wanted to send to his little rose. He shouldn’t provoke
the other person for the moment.
Xie Xi suppressed his temper and tidied up his belongings.
He got 100,000 silver coins from passing Love to the Left or Right. He bought a set of
character freezes for 10,000, bought a search mirror for 30,000 and bought the universal
translator for 90 silver coins. There was also the enhanced uniform that cost 10,000 silver
His level was too low and the items that the mall sold were limited. Xie Xi desired the fatal
injuries immunity items but unfortunately, only one uniform in the mall had such an effect.
Fortunately, the uniform could be enhanced. After being enhanced, it could resist two fatal
injuries. The price was a bit expensive and ordinary newcomers were absolutely reluctant
to buy it.
From the Fairytale Town, he received 10,000 silver coins and the energy storage stone.
As for the short blade snatched from Zhong Jin, it couldn’t be brought out because it wasn’t
placed in the items bar.
If he added and subtracted everything, he still had 59,910 silver coins, which was a huge
Still, what was the use of money? Ghost knows how many pits were waiting for him in the
next quasi-world!
Xie Xi thought about it and made up his mind to wait for the last second to go to X’s world.
Once there were no other choices, he would go!
Xie Xi spend a lot of time reading the information shown on the water curtain…
Then his communication column flashed.
Song Qi: [Brother Xi! I came out!]
XIe Xi said: [Congratulations.]
Song Qi: [Where are you? I will give you the character freeze and search mirror.] Xie Xi
asked, [Were they useless?]
[You don’t know, after you left…] Song Qi trailed off before saying: [Let’s meet up and talk!]
It wasn’t long before the two of them met, Song Qi holding two drinks in his hand.
Xie Xi was startled. “Where did you buy this?” There was no such thing in the mall.
Song Qi asked, “You haven’t been to the market yet?”
“The market?”
“I’ll take you to see it later. First, let me tell you about Fairytale Town.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.” He also wanted to know the follow-up.
Song Qi took a big sip of the drink. “Originally, the white stone is an energy storage stone.
The so-called collecting a dragon’s heart is actually collecting Aaron’s power…”
Xie Xi had already thought of this.
Song Qi continued, “After you left, the energy storage stone with Aaron’s power because the
sun on the horizon. Light was slowly restored to the tormented town and the villagers
came to their senses…”
“What about the golden dragon?”
Song Qi replied, “He gave up the extra power and actually became a resident of the town.”
Xie Xi was stunned before smiling. It was the long desired wish.
“He actually asked me to thank you. Thank you for saving Xiao Feng and also clearing the
The follow-up was very logical. Song Qi was involved in liberating the town and as a result,
collecting the underwear was very easy, no matter how ridiculous.
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. “Who hid the storage stone under the blood pool?”
“I don’t know but Aaron gave me a key. He wanted us to go to his house to take a look.”
“He has a house in the Central World?”
“Yes!” Song Qi looked at him. “Do you want to see it?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Let’s go.”
The Central World was a very abstract existence. IT seemed small, with only one hall, but it
was also big, with no boundaries. All players could buy their own accommodations from
the mall. The so-called key was just a permit since the house had absolute privacy and
Of course, players whose levels were too low couldn’t stay in Central World all the time. No
matter how safe it was, they couldn’t rest at ‘home.’
Song Qi invited Xie Xi to join the team and the two of them came to Aaron’s house.
It was similar to a scene change when playing games. They had just been standing in front
of the water curtain, only to stand in front of a slightly messy study.
Xie Xie Xi saw countless drawings with the front, back and sides of the figures drawn.
Song Qi muttered, “All the residents of the town…”
It seemed that Aaron designed them here.
Xie Xi’s sharp eyes saw an album. He opened it and saw the golden-eyed boy in various
It was drawn in crayon but was vividly lifelike.
There was golden handwriting every few pages—
Page 7.
I placed Xiao Feng in the town. Zhong Jin said that I am crazy.
Page 10.
I know very well that he isn’t a puppet, he is my child.
Page 18.
Akin says that a designer has no heart, because God doesn’t need a heart.
Page 19.
However, a designer isn’t God.
Page 22.
Xiao Feng smiled at me. I miss him very much.
Page 32.
I can never be a designer because I can’t help loving them.
Page 39.
I just want to give you the best. I hope you will be happy in another world.
Page 42.
What exactly is the real world?
Page 43.
There is everything I crave for, while there is only empty reality here.
Page 45.
It worked.
Page 60.
Why would you do such a thing to my children? They are independent lives!
Page 68.
Xiao Feng, don’t be afraid. This time I will protect you.
There was different handwriting on the large page. It was written using a black pen and
was filled with anger: Idiot.
Somehow, Xie Xi felt that the last word was written by Zhong Jin.
The album stopped here and there was nothing else.
Aaron’s words were vague. Xie Xi stared at them and countless doubts surged in his heart.
What exactly was a quasi-world?
What was the central government?
What about players?
Why were there designers, collectors, explorers and recorders?
What was the significance of the tasks released by the Zone?
The instance clearance of Fairytale Town was closely related to Aaron…
How did this task appear? Was it because Aaron put himself into the world that the
clearance task changed?
Xie Xi couldn’t figure it out.
Central World, the Double Beheading Group.
“Zhong Jin, what do you mean by this?”
“What could I do? He is a person recognized by Yunge and I could only cooperate with him
to complete the task.”
“We finally upgraded this quasi-world to D-grade. We were going to be promoted to C-
grade yet you helped him clear the world!”
“I didn’t expect him to be so lucky. He actually got all the core tasks.”
Then a hoarse voice was heard. “What about the energy storage stone?”
Zhong Jin replied, “The old dragon has power. I thought it shouldn’t be wasted and
intended to fill the stone with energy. Who knew that it would become a task item?”
“You’re just messing around!”
“It’s fine.” Zhong Jin signed. “Designing a world depends on talent. Rather than wasting time
on this, it is better to think about something more valuable.”
For example, the upcoming ‘open world.’
They left Aaron’s residence and Song Qi took Xie Xi to the market.
As the name suggested, the so-called market was spontaneously formed by players.
Players received rewards when completing a task and they could buy or sell the items if
they couldn’t use them.
However, the market had little significance to Xie Xi. There were a variety of things on sale
but not many of them were useful.
The two people strolled around and Song Qi asked, “Have you searched for a new mission?”
Don’t mention it or his heart would be clogged.
Xie Xie Xi nodded. “It was searched.”
Song Qi looked at his demeanor and thought the task level was too low. He comforted Xie
Xi, “It’s okay. You just need to pass it and new functions can be opened after three tasks are
Xie Xi also wanted to do it casually but he was afraid that wasn’t possible…
“What about you?” Xie Xie Xi wondered. “Have you searched?”
“I searched and there are no surprises. It is an E-grade quasi-world.”
Xie Xi maintained the same expression but he was very envious.
He didn’t care about the world’s rating or about surprises. He just didn’t want to see X’s
After waiting a whole day, no new assembly task was released.
Xie Xi hesitated before finally sending a message to X: [God X, hello ^_^]
Jiang Xie, “…” It felt like he was being soaked in the red rain.
[Hello.] He was stable.
[Can I ask you a question?]
[Say it.]
[How many quasi-worlds have you designed in total?]
Jiang Xie replied sincerely: [I don’t remember.]
Xie Xi, “…” This self-centred show-off!

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GL: Chapter 29
Small Gift

Xie Xi sent a message with no expression. [God X is so amazing!] He followed with a small
smiley face.
He was amazing yet points were deducted? Jiang Xie silently endured the red rain.
He naturally knew why the other person’s good feelings would fall straight down. The
words ‘can’t remember’ seemed too perfunctory but in fact, it was because of the Quasi-
World Protection Law that he couldn’t remember. The ones on the list were due to some
new achievements in his design. The Zone gave a full-screen announcement and it was
noted by many people. There were also many that weren’t announced, so he didn’t know
the specific number.
He didn’t want to lie to Xie Xi and the result was the -1 flying all around him.
Jiang Xie wanted to say something to stop the red rain when Xie Xi asked the fatal question,
[How many of your worlds have been cleared?]
Jiang Xie, “…”
He didn’t reply for a long time. Xie Xi thought he had something to do and was preparing to
cut off the communication interface when X replied: [So far, only one has been cleared.]
Xie Xi, “!”
[It is the one you cleared.]
Xie Xi, “!!”
Jiang Xie: [We are fated to meet each other.]
Who wanted to have a fated relationship with him?
Jiang Xie looked at the waterfall of -1 and didn’t dare speak. If he let Xie Xi knew that it was
his soul interfering with the normal search system, would it fall directly to -999?
The probability was as high as 99.9%.
Poor Xie Xi had to continue to test his survival. [The S-grade world was really difficult. Are
all of God X’s games like this?]
Jiang Xie knew the answer he desired but he couldn’t lie. He could only endure the decline
in goodwill and say: [The novice trial is relatively simple.]
Bang, -10!
Jiang Xie, “…” It hurt.
Xie Xi smiled. [Then it is harder than other games?] He wanted to change the word ‘hard’ to
Jiang Xie was tactful. [Not necessarily. After all, you are growing very quickly.] The
translation was that the game difficulty was there but Xie Xi was more experienced and
proficient, which would make things easier.
Xie Xi didn’t want this type of experience and proficiency!
Unfortunately, his next task was destined to be X’s world. He could only endure and say:
[What a coincidence. My next task is in God X’s world.]
Jiang Xie had long guessed this. [We have a fated relationship.] It was a crazy suggestion.
You big headed ghost! Xie Xi refused to accept this and his good feelings fell below -200!
[The world’s name is Lost Atlantis. God X, do you have any impression of this?]
Jiang Xie had no impression of it at all. He explained: [I signed the Quasi-World Protection
Law and have forgotten most of the worlds I designed.]
XIe Xi was shocked. [Quasi-World Protection Law?]
Jiang Xie: [Anyone who designs a quasi-world higher than the B-grade has to sign it.]
Fairytale Town’s rating was too low and it wasn’t qualified.
Xie Xi was silent before asking: [Then this Lost Atlantis is at least B-grade?]
Jiang Xie was also silent. Then he uttered the big truth: [I haven’t designed a quasi-world
below A.]
Xie Xi, “……”
Jiang Xie watched the goodwill reach 222 and quickly added: [You can rest assured that the
difficult is overstated. It won’t be as hard as you think.]
Xie Xi calmed down. In fact, the overall difficulty of Love to the Left or Right wasn’t high.
The unlimited file loads plus the pain immunity to fatal injuries meant there was basically a
100% chance of clearing it.
Then why would it be rated S-grade? Could these things also be diluted?
Jiang Xie continued: [One of the criteria for the quasi-world rating is the possibility of it
being cleared. The higher the level, the lower the probability.]
Xie Xi wasn’t comforted. [Are the worlds you designed that difficult to clear?]
Jiang Xie wanted to say that the threshold was the problem. He put his soul inside the
worlds so that other people couldn’t search the world, let alone clear it. The fact that Xie Xi
could always search it was because one, the fit between their souls was good and two, it
was fate. It could also be said that Xie Xi’s luck was good. After all, Old Jiang’s worlds truly
had a high rating.
Jiang Xie gave a half truth. [The quasi-worlds I designed contain my souls. If you get their
approval then clearing the task is a lot easier. If you don’t get it, the difficulty will greatly
Xie Xi couldn’t understand this and he asked curiously: [Your soul?]
The red rain stopped at this point. Jiang Xie looked at the -233 goodwill and asked: [Do you
want to meet to chat?]
Xie Xi, “…” If they met then he couldn’t smile!
[No need. I will feel sorry if I trouble God X.]
The red rain began again. Jiang Xie didn’t dare mention this matter anymore. He hurried to
stop the bleeding. [This is design related. You will understand more later. Just know that
the soul is a wisp of my consciousness.]
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. [Your consciousness?]
Jiang Xie had a hunch this sentence would decrease the goodwill but still said it. [For
example, the vampire Aix-en, the housekeeper Randy and Gars…]
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie glanced at the goodwill and relaxed when there wasn’t a cliff-style dip in goodwill.
[They are all my soul.]
Oh, Xie Xi was even more certain. Sure enough, this person was truly abnormal!
Jiang Xie tried to defend himself. [They are just wisps of my consciousness and aren’t
independent individuals. It is inevitably that there will be some extreme ideas in their
minds. Combined with the task constraints, they might do something radical.]
Oh, Aix-en shot him three times, Randy beheaded him twice and Gars stabbed him to death.
It was really ‘somewhat’ extreme.
Xie Xi couldn’t hide his ‘killing intent’ across the water curtain. [It turns out to be like this.]
Old Jiang struggled to survive. [In fact, they all appreciate you.]
Forget it, he couldn’t afford their appreciation!
Xie Xi calmed down and took the opportunity to ask about some doubts. [Do you know…
what will happen after a quasi-world is cleared?]
Jiang Xie knew what he was curious about and questioned: [What is your understanding of
Xie Xi was startled and answered: [Quasi… does it mean ‘to be prepared.’]
[Yes, it is preparing to become a new world?]
Xie Xi was shocked and the hand touching the water curtain trembled. [Then after clearing
a world, the quasi-world will become a new world?]
Jiang Xie explained to him: [There are three types of professions for players: a collector,
explorer and recorder. The tasks of these three professions are to test the world. Once the
instance is cleared, the quasi-world will be qualified.]
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying: [Designers create the world. After it is recognized by the Zone,
tasks are released. Then players will clear the world and clearing it will make it a new
[The details aren’t so simple but you can temporarily understand it like this.]
[This is the case… then Aaron and Xiao Feng are left in a real world.] He breathed a sigh of
Jiang Xie only appeared ‘Fairytale Town’ and wasn’t sure of the specifics. Besides, he was
only a puppet when he showed his face. Thus, he asked: [Aaron and Xiao Feng?]
Xie Xi had many doubts about the Fairytale Town. He might think X was abnormal but X
clearly knew a lot. The gap between the two of them was too big and there was no conflict
of interest. A chat didn’t mean anything.
Therefore, Xie Xi talked about everything he encountered in Fairytale Town.
Finally, he asked: [Is it really possible to raise the level of the quasi-world by killing the
Jiang Xie: [It has nothing to do with that.]
[Still, Fairytale Town did rise from E to D.]
Jiang Xie explained to him: [It is because the golden dragon entered the quasi-world.]
Xie Xi was stunned.
[The golden dragon killed the first group of players and was determined to guard the town,
causing the town’s rating to rise.]
Xie Xi wondered: [Is it possible for the quasi-world’s rating to rise as long as the player is
willing to stay in the quasi-world?] It was impossible. There were too many players who
stayed in a quasi-world forever because they couldn’t complete the task or…
Jiang Xie replied: [The golden dragon is the designer.]
Xie Xi was even more confused. [They designed it together…]
[This can’t be done together.] JIang Xie didn’t hide anything. [The so-called organization co-
designed the quasi-world but in fact, only one person on the team was inspired and
designed the quasi-world.] However, it was mistaken for a team credit.
Xie Xi was startled.
Jiang Xie continued: [As long as it doesn’t reach the A-grade, the dragon entering the quasi-
world is still considered as continuing to design it. Thus, the town’s rating continued to
Xie Xi understood some things while becoming more confused about other things.
Jiang Xie kept speaking: [A quasi-world below the A-grade is fragmentary. For example, the
Fairytale Town you entered is just the small town. There is nothing outside the town.]
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed and he anxiously asked: [Then is it still a real world?]
[Of course. Once it is cleared, this fragment becomes qualified and will blend with other
fragments into a boundless world.]
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. [What about worlds above A-grade?]
[They are frame types and will grow independently.]
This was the first time Xie Xi really felt that X was amazing.
[All the worlds you designed are independent worlds?]
Xie Xi didn’t say it but Jiang Xie saw a touch of green among the red. The pitiful +5 didn’t
comfort Jiang Xie.
He said so much only for goodwill to rise by five points. Would it rise if he kept repeating
Jiang Xie told himself: It is wishful thinking.
In fact, Xie Xi still had a lot of doubts but there was too much information. He needed some
time to digest it.
He was currently a beginner collector and at most, he was a bug tester. He was still a long
way from thinking about designing a world.
Xie Xi thought about it and asked Jiang Xie: [God X, do you think a designer is God?]
[No.] Jiang Xie didn’t hesitate. [A designer is more like the hand of God.]
Xie Xi’s heart tightened. [The Zone…]
[The Zone isn’t God either.] Jiang Xie reassured him. [Take your time. Everyone has
different answers to this question.]
Xie Xi nodded before realizing the other person couldn’t see it. [Thank you.]
This time there wasn’t a smiley face but JIang Xie saw the +1 and felt very comfortable.
The road was long but would eventually lead to him.
Xie Xi was very curious about designers, the Zone and the Central World that constantly
formed new worlds…
If he wanted to solve it, he had to go up step by step.
Xie Xi took a deep breath and opened the Quasi-world column.
Lost Atlantis. He didn’t believe this game could be worse than Love to the Left or Right!
He was about to accept the task when the communicator flashed again.
X: [I gave you a small gift.]
Xie Xi, “?”
They were friends so all items mailed were automatically accepted. XIe Xi opened the items
bar and saw a red and blue egg.
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking of someone’s eyes.
Xie Xi asked him: [Thank you God X. What it is?] A ^_^ was attached.
Jiang Xie saw this smiling face and couldn’t help glancing at the goodwill. Fortunately, it
hadn’t fallen.
[It is an elf who can enter worlds with you.]
Xie Xi saw the item description.
Name: Elf Egg.
Usage: Can hatch a lovely elf.
Details: Gold grade. Hurry to sell it. Exchanging it for money is more cost-effective than
raising this thing!
Xie Xi, “…” It didn’t sound like a good thing but the gold grade seemed high?
Jiang Xie sent him another message. [The elf has a passive skill that allows you to resist
three fatal injuries.]
Xie Xi heard this and thought it was useful. [Thank you!]
Jiang Xie stared at the goodwill +1.
Yes, he just needed to give more than 200 legendary elf eggs and it would become a
positive number.
The problem was… could he find a second golden elf egg in the entire Central World? It was
almost nonexistent.
Xie Xi clicked on the elf egg and the hatching countdown appeared on the red and blue egg.
He found it didn’t take up a slot on the item bar and was more satisfied.
After tidying up his backpack, Xie Xi clocked on Lost Atlantis.
As before, the words game loading appeared in front of him, followed by the information
[Welcome to the quasi-world. Please read the information board carefully.
Game Name: Lost Atlantis.
Game Summary: A great civilization that began on land and finally ended up in the ocean.
The fallen utopia, the shadow of the mermaids’ bubbles… can you get what you want?
Main Task: Collect the love of the sixth prince.
Side Task: To be refreshed.
Number of Loads: You need to find the save points yourself.
Items Carried: Beginner collectors can carry three items.
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GL: Chapter 30
Lost Atlantis 1

There was also another line which contained:

Privilege to be Selected: Camouflage, 10 times the money reward, fatal injuries are painless.
Xie Xi saw the painless fatal injuries privilege and couldn’t help frowning. This hint was too
obvious! He had to unlock a new death position.
Sure enough, there was a huge pit in front of him!
Xie Xi ignored the reward money being increased by 10 times.
In fact, this privilege was very tempting. 100,000 silver coins times by 10 was enough to
make people risk their lives.
Xie Xi’s current level was too low and he didn’t have anything to spend money on. Thus, he
regarded money as dung. However, not everyone had the opportunity to clear a S-grade
world as a beginner!
Once the level increased and all functions were unlocked, the use of this bonus was
overwhelming. From skills to talents to a variety of treasures in the mall, there were many
places to spend money.
Human beings would die for riches, just as birds would for food. If it wasn’t for XIe Xi’s level
being so low, he might’ve hesitated when he saw this privilege.
Now he had no such concerns and kept an eye on the camouflage and painless fatal injuries.
The latter was an old friend. Then what about the former?
Camouflage? Was this a hint that he might need multiple identities? Or did he need to hide
his current face?
Xie Xi had a bad feeling.
Looking at the painless fatal injuries… this was very important. A game with save points
had a high mortality rate. It there was pain, his spirit wouldn’t be able to withstand the
frequent deaths.
Um… which one to choose?
Xie Xi looked at the game introduction again and it was no different from the previous two
games. It was a vague paragraph but the bit about the mermaids’ bubbles caught his
attention. He couldn’t help thinking of the beautiful fairytale regarding a mermaid.
Lost Atlantis, wasn’t it an underwater world?
Xie Xi psychologically prepared himself to be a mermaid.
Main Task: Collect the love of the sixth prince.
Xie Xi was speechless. This collector profession was really messy. Why did he have to
collect such junk?
He had to collect the love of another person? He didn’t know anything about the sixth
Xie Xi stared at the main task and had a feeling it wasn’t so simple. He hoped this was just
an illusion.
The branch mission showed that it was to be refreshed. Xie Xi clicked on it and the small
funnel turned. After a while, a purple light flashed and a line of words appeared.
[Collect 100,000 tons of rubbish.]
Xie Xi, “???”
What a broken task? Why was collecting garbage a purple grade task?
Xie Xi consumed 300 silver coins and refreshed the side task. The small funnel turned and
the purple light flashed again. This time it was: [Collect 200,000 tons of garbage.]
Xie Xi rubbed his eyes. Was something wrong with his eyes? The number had increased?
A broken game! A broken task! A broken designer!
Xie Xi couldn’t reconcile himself with this and spent another 300 silver coins. It was a
purple task and the contents changed to: [Collect 300,000 tons of garbage.]
Xie Xi, “…” Was it too late to abandon this world?
Should he continue refreshing? What if it rose to 400,000 tons? Was he spending money for
a crime?
Xie Xi thought about it and decided to refresh it one more time…
The funnel turned and Xie Xi truly hated his ‘good luck.’
The little funnel stopped, a golden light flashed…
Xie Xi’s eyes brightened. The task rating was higher and it might be a good task.
[Collect 1 million tons of rubbish.]
Xie Xi, “………………………………”
The number of ellipses was how many times Jiang Xie’s goodwill was reduced!
Xie Xi didn’t want to refresh any more. He was afraid he would get 10 million tons of trash
and kill himself with his anger.
In fact, this was just a side task and didn’t need to be completed. However, after knowing
the truth of the quasi-world, Xie Xi always hoped to reach the instance clearance
conditions, so that it could become a complete world, free of bondage and free to develop.
In any case, this was a gold task and was probably the core side task.
Xie Xi entered the quasi-world with the seemingly full of traps main task ‘collect the love of
the sixth prince’ and the even more pitted ‘collect 1 million tons of rubbish.’
[Welcome to Lost Atlantis.]
The moment the words disappeared, Xie Xi opened his eyes. The angle of view was too
strange, making everything he saw look weird.
His first feeling was… he was lying down? Wait, where were his hands? What about his
legs? What was going on?
Xie Xi wanted to blink but found he couldn’t even do that. He shook his body and felt
unspeakably awkward.
His legs were gone, replaced by a fish tail.
Did he turn into a mermaid? The problem was that a mermaid should have hands!
Xie Xi wanted to look down but found his body was very heavy. He wanted to stand up but
that was even more wishful thinking. It just caused his belly to hurt.
A bad thought rose from the bottom of his heart…
He couldn’t be transformed into a fish?
As if to confirm this thoughts, his shadow was reflected on the transparent glass window
across the road.
A big white shark!
It was five or six metres long and had a huge body. It twisted around on the street with a
bloody mouth…
Xie Xi’s heart was filled with curses. He didn’t think he would become a big shark. In
addition, it was a fucking shark on shore!
As if a switch was pressed, screams were heard and people started fleeing. Others weren’t
afraid of death and took out their phones to take videos.
Xie Xi, “…”
Where was the sea? He was going to die of thirst!
He wasn’t fully integrated into this body yet. The combination of the five senses, his thirst,
hunger and pain made him feel extremely uncomfortable.
He placed his tail on the ground and moved on the land.
Hurry and move, Xie Xi thought. In any case, he had to move to the sea first! Why the hell
was he on land? He turned around and cried out.
Xie Xi struggled to shake his tail and saw his reflection in the window. How scary and
horrifying was this sight?
Could you imagine? A great white shark with a big mouth twisting and turning on land!
He was as chaotic as a headless fly when he suddenly saw a bright green spot. A hint
appeared in the lower right corner. [Discovered a save point. Do you want to save?]
Xie Xi hurriedly ‘swam’ to the save point.
As it happened, it was next to a mother with a little girl.
The little girl burst into tears. Her mother was pale with fright as she protected her child.
Xie Xi was also startled and tried to move his bulky body away from her.
At this time the street was a mess. The more anxious Xie Xi became, the less smooth his tail
was. How could he know where the sea was? He could only use his intuition to swim to the
After doing this for five minutes, Xie Xi was dying of thirst. The sun was shining down and
the street was hot. He was really going to become a sunbaked fish.
Even worse, he was still hungry…
His eyes dimmed from hunger and the pedestrians on the street turned into hot chicken
Xie Xi might’ve turned into a great white shark but he was a person. How could he eat
Although these people looked exactly like roast chicken legs. They were smoking hot and
emitted an aroma…
Xie Xi shook his head and forced himself to move forward.
Get out of here and return to the sea first!
Xie Xi didn’t know how long he had ‘swam.’ Once he saw the vast ocean, he felt like he had
returned to his warm home.
The great white shark jumped up, ignored the screaming people on the beach and plunged
into the sea.
It was so good to be surrounded by water.
He sighed with relief and didn’t get to enjoy it enough. At this moment, he felt a strong pull
and a female voice scolded him, “Are you here to be funny? You dare to compete for the
position of royal guard at this level?”
Xie Xi, “???”
He turned and saw a young woman with dazzling blonde hair. Her upper body was covered
with two shells and her lower body was a beautiful fish tail.
Person… fish…
“You are…” The woman froze and cleared her throat. “You look good but your
professionalism is too low. You turned a 10 minute journey into an hour. You didn’t eat a
human midway and didn’t gain any sub-items. This combat power is too embarrassing!”
Xie Xi took a long time to come to his senses. Wasn’t he a great white shark?
Why… he looked down and saw his hands.
The young woman said, “Okay, don’t waste any more time. Next!”
Xie Xi found he was sitting in a cabin. He got off it and quickly squeezed into a corner.
A male mermaid swam over to the young woman. “No. 826 reporting!”
The young woman cried out, “The test will begin!”
The male mermaid lay in the elliptical cabin where Xie Xi had just been lying.
Xie Xi was stunned for a while before finally inferring some things from the words of the
people next to him.
“It is too intense. The royal guards recruit every three years. If I can pass this test, perhaps I
will be able to serve a prince!”
“Don’t think too much. If you can enter then it will be a reversal of fortunes.”
“It is too hard. We need at least 90 points to pass, right?”
“At least you will be better than the person just now. Actually getting 0 points, I don’t know
who gave him the courage to sign up!”
Xie Xi, “…”
He didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment.
He finally accepted that he became a shark, only for it to be a test similar to a holographic
Listening to the conversation, it seemed anyone who passed the test could become a royal
guard. This was obviously an important clue. In order to collect the love of the sixth prince,
he needed to get close to the prince. Becoming a guard was definitely the perfect choice.
It looked like… he had to read the file.
Xie Xi couldn’t help letting out many curses the moment he returned to the shark’s body.
At the same time.
In the Central Garden, Yan Zhe quickly laughed. “Old Jiang is truly a big cow. It is lucky that
your Little Rose has high affection towards you. If the feelings were too low, he would come
out of the world and want to fight with you!” It was too stimulating. Becoming a shark after
entering the game, only for it to be a game within the game!
Jiang Xie, “…”
The more Yan Zhe looked, the funnier it was. “Little Rose read the file! Oh my god, this is
the first time I thought a shark is cute!”
Jiang Xie stroked his finger and closed the water curtain.
Yan Zhe cried out, “Why did you do that? It is a key moment!”
JIang Xie glanced at the water curtain several times and kicked Yan Zhe out of the team.
Yan Zhe was stunned. “Why are you letting me see it?” He wasn’t part of the team anymore
and didn’t have the authority to watch the ‘live broadcast.’
Jiang Xie replied, “He isn’t wearing clothes. What are you looking at?”
Yan Zhe, “……”
Who would fucking put clothes on a shark?!

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GL: Chapter 31
Lost Atlantis 2

The naked Xiao Xie was shaking his head.

He had experience so he wasn’t so flustered the second time. Now that he wasn’t nervous
about turning into a shark, he had plenty of time to observe and experience it carefully.
This test was very powerful and the holographic simulation was perfect. He didn’t feel that
this was a game and he was completely integrated into it. He really seemed to have become
a shark. Of course, Xie Xi had never been a shark and didn’t know what it felt like.
He shook his tail and struggled towards the sea. The shark’s hunger and thirst were too
real, making him breathless and dizzy, also reducing his physical strength.
He was hungry so the pedestrians on the street became fragrant…
Hold on! It was just a game, a game!
Xie Xi tried to avoid the pedestrians and jumped into the sea at the fastest speed.
There was another pulling sensation. Xie Xi opened his eyes and saw the young mermaid.
The mermaid didn’t hide her sarcasm. “40 points. At this level, you are still delusional
enough to join the royal guards? You are insulting the dignity of the royal family!”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Come out, don’t waste everyone’s time!” The mermaid’s eyes were full of contempt and
she was too lazy to look at this salted fish.
Xie Xi came out and number 862 lay in it.
This time Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry to read the file. He watched for a while and found his
The contents of this test were very simple. He just needed to find the sea in this strange
map. However, it was said that this contained a number of important tests that were crucial
for a mermaid. For example, the mermaid’s fear of land, their ability to adapt to harsh
environments and their sense of the sea…
There were many test items listed. Unfortunately, as a human, Xie Xi didn’t have any of
these things and was powerless.
Everyone’s map was different so it wasn’t helpful even if they saw how other people passed
the test.
For example, number 862. This mermaid brother was in a seaside town with different
terrain.He ran rampant, eating people instead of avoiding them and finally scored 78
points. This was much higher than Xie Xi but he didn’t qualify.
Xie Xi heard the person next to him whispering, “We have to eat more people. Eating people
adds a lot of points.”
Xie Xi, “…” Sure enough, his problem was that he didn’t eat people?
It might be a game and Xie Xi knew they weren’t real people, but he couldn’t open his
mouth. The game feeling was too real and he couldn’t imagine the feeling of eating people.
Xie Xi watched for a moment before the bottom right hand corner prompted him: [Please
note that the save point will disappear after one minute.]
Xie Xi, “!” Damn, he knew it wasn’t that simple. This save point actually had a time limit!
In other words, he had to quickly read the file and complete the test, joining the royal
guards, or he had to give up on this route and approach the sixth prince using a different
He couldn’t give up so easily. Ghost knows what other deep pits were waiting!
Xie Xi chose to load the file and try again. Since the save point was given, it showed that this
path was relatively correct and shouldn’t be abandoned.
The great white shark fell on the land again. This time, Xie Xi didn’t delay for a second. He
remembered the road and swam towards the sea. He had this ‘cheat’ of loading the file and
could keep refreshing the same map. Sooner or later, he would achieve the shortest route!
He came out of the cabin and the female mermaid had a complicated expression. “83
Sure enough, he just had to choose the right path and it would make up for the scores lost
because he didn’t eat people.”
The female mermaid didn’t show a disdainful expression this time. She felt regret. “You
only needed to eat two people along the road and your score would be sufficient.’ 90 points
was required to pass the test.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
He could read the file again but the people present didn’t know he had already done the
test three times. They thought he had such an amazing result the first time and whispered
among themselves.
“It’s amazing. His sense of smell is too sharp and he headed straight for the sea!”
“He is too calm. This is a 100% simulated reality test. Once I saw the shore scene, I was a
stupid fish!”
“His speed and explosiveness were also great. The big white shark is a bulky form but he
moved like he was in the water.”
“It is too bad. He just needed to eat two people and he could pass the test!”
“Why doesn’t he eat people?”
“He isn’t… pro-land faction…”
The pro-land faction? Xie Xi noticed these words.
As soon as they emerged, it was like throwing some hot news on the Internet. The room
was boiling over.
“I hate the Holy Mother pro-land faction!”
“Yes, the human race did this to us. Why should we live in peace with them?”
“Yes! Humans are scum. We should eat them and purify the earth!”
There were different reasons for the heated atmosphere.
“Shut up, you militant faction! Do you have any brains. There are six or seven billion
humans. How can we eat them all?”
“Stupid fish who only know how to kill, do you understand humans at all? Do you know the
extent of their technological development?”
“What about it? The ocean is much more vast than the land. This planet belongs to the
“I don’t care. I will eat humans. They eat fish and prawns all day, why can’t we eat people?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Then a fish said something fair. “Humans don’t eat mermaids!”
Another fish disagreed. “Aren’t they harming us badly? Based on the ocean pollution in the
last two years, all our offspring will be wiped out…”
The save point countdown appeared again. Xie Xi didn’t dare delay and hurriedly loaded
the file.
He became a shark and after many experiences, he saved more time and rushed into the sea
via the shortest path.
After he left the cabin, the female mermaid’s face was filled with shock and admiration. “91
points, number 861 is amazing!” Xie Xi was number 861.
Xie Xi was relieved. He had tried so many times. If he didn’t succeed, he would be really
“Congratulations.” The female mermaid smiled sweetly. “You have passed the test!”
Her words caused a burst of cheers from outside.
“So amazing. All aspects are against the sky!”
“He passed without eating anyone!”
“It is enough to prove how powerful he really is.
A group of mermaids praised him, causing the cheating fish to feel awkward.
This time, there was no fight between the ‘pro-land’ and ‘militant’ factions. Thanks to Xie
Xi’s perfect performance, eating people to gain points became a humiliating action…
Xie Xi finally passed the test and wasn’t upset when he saw the save point was going to
This route should be correct. He could get close to the sixth prince by entering the royal
Xie Xi was led away by a mermaid dressed in a uniform. He walked outside and was
stunned by the scene.
He guessed that he was at the bottom of the sea but he hadn’t expected it to be so beautiful.
Jellyfish fluttered in the water, the colourful coral were the most beautiful embellishments
of the sea floor and the buildings rising from the ground had the grandeur and majesty of
the land.
Xie Xi could barely feel the presence of water. It was like air on land. They wrapped around
him and merged with him.
Mermaids in water had more freedom than humans on land.
Humans couldn’t fly in the wind but mermaids could fly freely in water.
The male mermaid walking in front of him asked Xie Xi, “What’s your name?”
Xie Xi froze before saying, “Sein Hall.” This was the only English name he could remember
at the moment.
The male mermaid introduced himself. “My name is Thomas Monroe. You can just call me
Thomas… Xie Xi was silent as he remembered the train Thomas.
Thomas seemed to appreciate him. “You are very capable. You must perform well when you
enter the royal guards.”
Xie Xi cried out, “I will train well and do my duty.”
Thomas earnestly told him, “However, I will give you a few words of advice. Don’t hurry to
stand in a team.”
Xie Xi captured the key point and asked humbly, “What do you mean?”
Thomas probably saw his excellent performance in the test and thought he had a great
future. Thomas wanted to have a good relationship with him in advance and told him,
“Right now, six princes and two princesses of the royal family are adults. His Majesty’s body
isn’t good and the heir is still undecided. Everything is uncertain!”
Xie Xi had thought the mermaid king was very good when he saw the main task. He didn’t
expect for the king to actually have 12 children and each child’s mother was different!
(Note: 12 children, but only 8 of them are adults) In addition, the difference between the
eldest prince and youngest princess was only six years. The mermaid king sired two
children in one year.
The children were okay when they were young. All of them were cute and lovable, making
the old king proud of them.
Time flew, the children grew up and the old king started to worry. The eldest was calm, the
second child got the hearts of the people, the third child could lead the army to fight…the
others all had their own merits. Who should he pass the throne to?
By all accounts, it should be passed to his eldest son. However, the eldest son wasn’t born
to the queen. Then it should be passed to the legitimate son, but the legitimate son was the
least suitable to inherit the throne…
The old king hesitated and gave the princes many ideas.
By the time the old king realized the situation wasn’t good and wanted to establish an heir,
he was riding a tiger and couldn’t open his mouth.
Thomas advised, “The royal guards protects the entire royal family. You must be careful not
to get involved in these things.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘It is impossible to not get involved. I have to collect the love of the sixth
prince, meaning I must be close to the sixth prince.’
It seemed like the main task was helping the sixth prince seize the throne?
This was a more serious task. What was collect the love of the sixth prince?
Xie Xi was temporarily settled with the guards. The palace on the seabed had a huge blue
dome that seemed to recreate the sky on the seabed. The white buildings were made from
unknown and durable jade. They could withstand the long-term soaking of sea water.
Xie Xi joined the guards, becoming familiar with the environment and participating in the
training. He took it seriously, wanting to take this opportunity to improve his combat
effectiveness. Maybe he could use the ‘hero saves the day’ strategy to get the love of the
sixth prince.
He wanted to inquire more about the sixth prince but due to the disputes, the guards kept
quiet about the princes. They were cautious and never dared speak indiscriminately.
Xie Xi also didn’t ask in an obvious manner in order to avoid trouble.
After five days, the incubation time of the elf egg was more than halfway and Xie Xi finally
left the training came.
His assigned job was to stay outside the hall of official business.
This job wasn’t risky. The only requirement was to stand upright. After all, it was a place
where nobles and the royal family travelling. He couldn’t disgrace the royal family.
Xie Xi’s face was up to standard and he was placed here.
He was quite satisfied with this job. The adult princes would enter and leave the hall every
day. He just needed to look at the sixth prince and find a chance to approach.
Who knew that this first day would make him want to go on strike!
The guards weren’t shrimps. They didn’t have to bow down. They had to hold a one-handed
spear and stand straight up, their eyes following the pedestrians.
The shrimp soldiers called out, “The eldest prince is coming!”Xie Xi saw a tall man in black
He had rare black hair, handsome facial features and a calm face. Every step emitted an
aura that was incomparable to the surrounding mermaids.
He had legs… that wasn’t the point. The point was that he had the face of the housekeeper
Yes… the eldest prince of the underwater kingdom looked like Randy from Love to the Left
or Right!
Xie Xi, “???”
Perhaps it was because his gaze was too abrupt but the eldest prince looked over at him.
Xie Xi quickly shifted his gaze away.
The eldest prince paused before acting like he saw nothing.
If Xie Xi was surprised by the housekeeper Randy, he was really scared when the shrimp
soldiers called out, “The second prince!”
The man had dazzling silver hair and pure white clothing that made his facial features look
like they were carved in a dream. His manners were elegant and his eyebrows made him
look like he was smiling. It was enough to hook his way into the hearts and souls of the
people around him.
It was the vampire Aix-en…
Xie Xi was expressionless while the hand holding the spear was extremely white.
The shrimp soldiers shouted again, “The third prince!”
It was a person wearing a red military uniform, with a sabre hanging from his waist and
short hair. His eyes were big but deep and his lips beautiful. This was the maid Gars.
The eldest prince was the housekeeper Randy.
The second prince was the vampire Aix-en.
The third prince was the maid Gars.
Xie Xi: ^_^

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GL: Chapter 32
Lost Atlantis 3

He wanted to kill the designer.

Xie Xi shivered with anger. He knew that X’s soul was in this game and even suspected that
the sixth prince was the soul, but he never imagined that all three princes were X’s soul!
He wouldn’t admit it but after summoning X’s puppet body, it was really easy to tell.
These people were similar to X in some details. It was logical that they were brothers.
Xie Xi had a bad feeling. Perhaps the fourth prince was Cousin Greenton…
It didn’t matter since his heart would’ve waver.
The third prince saw Xie Xi and his lips curved with interest. “A newcomer?”
He walked up and raised Xie Xi’s chin.
Xie Xi, “…” This arrogant show-off!
The third prince was born exactly the same as Gars but didn’t have the weakness of the
little maid. His military attire was in stark contrast to his delicate facial features, bringing
out a trace of arrogance and wickedness. “Your name?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to say his name. He even wanted to kick Gars!
The second prince smiled from the sidelines, is voice melodious and charming. “Third
Brother is trying to rob me again.”
As soon as he opened his mouth, the third prince glanced at him and released Xie Xi. “Oh,
Second Brother wants him?”
The second prince had clearly only just arrived and he hadn’t even said a word to Xie Xi.
“Yes, I found him to my taste and was about to ask his wish when Third Brother came.”
He was lying through his teeth! The second prince was good at acting.
Xie Xi didn’t want to provoke these crazy people at all. He emptied his eyes and tried to
reduce his sense of existence.
The second prince didn’t intend to let him go. He stared at Xie Xi, his eyebrows making him
look like he was smiling. “Do you want to come with me?”
The eyes of the third prince stared at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi, “!”
At this moment, Xiao Xi remembered the terror of being shot with an arrow.
What should he do?
He didn’t want to provoke anyone but if he didn’t answer, was he going to die? He had no
save points and couldn’t read the file.
This was a crisis on the level of life and death. The silent eldest prince finally opened his
mouth, “What are you doing to a new person?” He looked at the third and second prince.
The word ‘stop’ was in his black eyes.
The third prince raised his eyebrow, closed his mouth and strode into the chamber.
The second prince was still smiling as he said, “Little mermaid, my palace will be open for
you at any time.”
He whispered it in Xie Xi’s ears, his beautiful voice and ambiguous words would make any
ordinary mermaid blush.
As for Xie Xi… it took tremendous effort not to stab him to death!
In any case, these three crazy people were sent away. As they were leaving, the second
prince asked casually, “Fourth Brother isn’t coming?”
The eldest prince also whispered, “The fourth prince’s body isn’t comfortable?”
A shrimp soldier replied with trepidation. “He said he had a headache and asked for three
days sick leave.”
The eldest prince told his mermaid bodyguard, “Take a look at the fourth prince in the
The mermaid bodyguard bowed. “Yes.”
The second prince casually told him, “Big Brother really has the demeanor of an elder
The rest of the words couldn’t be heard. Xie Xi only felt the waves between the three
princes and felt like tearing them apart.
Not only did the fourth prince not come, the fifth and sixth princes were also absent.
Xie Xi stood all day but there was no shadow of his mission goal. His desire to escape the
palace was also stimulated by these three abnormal people.
After seeing more people coming and going, Xie Xi understood the setting of the
underwater kingdom.
Ordinary residents were in the form of a mermaid. Only the royal family could turn their
fish tail into two legs. This was a symbol of power. The earlier it was changed into legs, the
better the prince’s qualifications were.
For example, the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince changed to legs when
they were three years old. The fourth prince was weak and sick, not succeeding until he
was seven years old. The fifth and sixth princes were four and five years respectively. They
were slower than the first three princes but still the pride of the sky.
You know, the princes and princesses of the previous generation did it in their teens or
even adulthood.
Apart from the eight adult children, one of the four youngest sons of the king turned his tail
into legs at the age of six.
The standards of this royal family were very high. All of them were excellent, which was
making it hard for the king.
Xie Xi was about to end his shift when the third prince exited the hall of official business.
His brow was furrowed and the terrible expression on his face was difficult to hid. The
guards behind him didn’t dare say a word.
He strode out, his clothes swaying with the stream of water and showing the owner’s anger.
Xie Xi was nervous and wanted to turn into one of the inconspicuous small shells at the
bottom of the sea.
However, the third prince saw him instantly.
He stopped abruptly and came towards Xie Xi with a calm face. He was half a head taller
than Xie Xi and his shoulders were wider. In his military uniform, he looked like a sheathed
sword, long and sharp.
“Your name.” His voice was as cold as a sharp blade.
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “Sein Hall.”
The third prince stared at him. “Are you going to Aix-en’s palace?”
Aix-en was the second prince… Xie Xi was full of pain. Not only were their appearances the
same, even their names were the same. In the end, was it the soul that was too lazy or X
who was too lazy?
He didn’t say anything and this seemed to irritate the third prince. Gars had been
temperamental when he was a maid and now that he became a military prince, he was even
worse. He held Xie Xi’s cheek and whispered, “Speak.”
Xie Xi’s eyelashes trembled and he barely opened his mouth. “Third Prince, the guard of the
royal family won’t go anywhere.”
The third prince’s deep eyes stared at him. “Come to me, I will give you a better future.” The
third prince was the best at fighting and he had a high voice in the military. If a small guard
like Xie Xi could enter his camp, the future was immeasurable.
Xie Xi lowered his eyes and whispered, “Thank you for Your Highness’ care. This servant is
only a guard of the royal family.”
It was a very clear rejection.
Xie Xi didn’t want to deal with this abnormal person at all. He just wanted to see the sixth
prince, collect his love and leave quickly!
The third prince wasn’t angry at all. He smiled and his anger was obviously reduced. He
released Xie Xi and said, “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi looked respectful while he was inwardly thinking of death.
Once the third prince was gone, the second prince also came out. He smiled but there was
no trace of temperature in his eyes.
Xie Xi had to wait for him to leave before swapping with the next shift.
The second prince stood in front of him and said warmly, “Open your mouth.”
Xie Xi was startled.
The second prince took out a small fruit. It was the size of the little finger and was crystal
clear. It obviously looked delicious.
Xie Xi, “…”
The second prince stripped off the transparent outer skin and placed it against Xie Xi’s
mouth. “It is very sweet.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to eat it. He was afraid it was poison!
The second prince’s eyes narrowed. “If you don’t eat, I won’t leave today.”
Xie Xi was even more afraid of this psychopath and opened his mouth.
The little fruit was sweeter than he expected. It was difficult to describe but it was certainly
The second prince’s eyes curved. “Isn’t it delicious?”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Go to my palace and you can eat it every day!”
Eat your sister!
Xie Xi told him, “Your Highness, please don’t make fun of your subordinate.”
“I’m not kidding.” The prince laughed. “I am sincerely inviting you.”
He was really a ghost. This slag fish didn’t even ask for his name.
Xie Xi was silent.
The second prince knew he was being aggressive and his voice was gentle. “There’s no
hurry. I will wait for you.”
Xie Xi, “…” Who wanted this ghost to wait?
The second prince left and Xie Xi hurriedly went off duty. The eldest prince looked normal
but Xie Xi was afraid to underestimate him considering the housekeeper Randy.
In the Love to the Left or Right game, the housekeeper Randy also looked very normal at
first and Xie Xi trusted him. The result? He cut off Xie Xi’s head and was more murderous
than anyone else!
On the first day, Xie Xi was favoured by two princes. The guards working with him stayed
far away from him and looked at him with strange eyes.
Xie Xi pretended innocence and immediately went to find Captain Thomas to apply for a
change in position.
Thomas also knew about what happened in the day. He asked with a sigh, “Do you want the
night shift?”
Xie Xi hurriedly replied, “Yes!”
The seabed also had day and night, which was artificially controlled. After all, mermaids
also needed rest.
The next day, Xie Xi changed to the night shift.
The first night was quiet, the next night was safe until the third day…
Thomas found him, “Sein, can you help me run an errand?”
XIe Xi had always been in his care and couldn’t refuse. “Captain, please say it.”
“Please send this medicine to the fourth prince’s palace. He has been sick for a while and
His Majesty is worried.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.”
He had no interest in the fourth prince but unfortunately, the sixth prince never appeared.
He couldn’t get close to the sixth prince and could only take it one step at a time.
The entire royal complex covered an extremely large area. The old king and his twelve
children lived here. However, they each had their own palace which were far apart.
Xie Xie Xi went to the palace of the fourth prince. He thought he just needed to put the
medicine down and it would be finished. He never expected the shrimp soldier to say,
“Please stay. His Highness wants to personally thank you.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to see the fourth prince but unfortunately, he couldn’t refuse.
He was guided by the shrimp soldier through a corridor and past a coral grove towards a
very secluded place.
There was a harp present and as Xie Xi walked through the crystal curtain, he saw a
dreamlike scene.
Numerous bubbles stimulated fireworks on the horizon. As the harp’s beautiful string
sounds were heard, they sometimes scattered. The colours were radiant and they were like
clouds in water. In this quiet place, a beautiful wonderland danced.
Xie Xi stared. Once the music stopped, the bubbles slowly dispersed and a man in white
looked at him quietly.
This man had long hair and his clothes were loose. It was only tied a bit at the waist,
causing his chest to be exposed. He didn’t care and instead looked lazy and sexy.
Xie Xi recognized this face.
He looked so similar to X!
Was this the fourth prince?
There was a light cough and Xie Xi discovered there was another person present. He was
dressed in long black clothes that were very neat. He looked 60~70% similar to the harp
player but he was more rigid. His clothes were tied up to his chin. His lip colour was very
light and seemed somewhat morbid, but his eyes contained endless power.
“A small guard coming here to give medicine, it must be really hard.” The man in black
stood up. He was tall and thin. Looking closely, he wasn’t any thinner than the man next to
him. It was because his body was too straight that he seemed like a cold and lonely
mountain pine.
Xie Xi understood that this should be the fourth prince. He bowed and said, “This
subordinate was just obeying orders.”
The fourth prince walked down, his pace slow but not weak. Instead, there was a type of
easy flow to it. “How should I call you?”
Xie Xi replied, “My name is Sein Hall.”
“You are a Hall.”
The fourth prince glanced at the lazy, harp player. “Old Five, you have always been close to
the Hall family. Do you know each other?”
It turned out to be fifth prince.
The fifth prince’s voice was low, like the bass of a piano. “Look up at me.”
Xie Xi looked up before his pupils shrank.
A small line appeared in the lower right corner of his vision. [Task Progress: 1%.]
What was going on? Why did it suddenly go up? Was the sixth prince here?

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GL: Chapter 33
Lost Atlantis 4
Xie Xi was confused by this progress bar and he couldn’t help feeling a bit dazed.
At this point, he was still looking at the fifth prince and his appearance took on another
layer of meaning.
Xie Xi was born exquisite and his eyes were a relatively rare black. They were dark, like
obsidian covered with dew. His foggy eyes caused a strange feeling to wriggle in the fifth
prince’s heart, as if he had been waiting for something for a long time and finally met it.
“I haven’t seen him before.” The fifth prince finally managed to say.
The fourth prince named. “The Hall family is widespread and big. It is natural not to know
him if you haven’t talked directly.”
Xie Xi was still staring at the fifth prince because the writing in the lower left corner
became: [Task progress: 2%.]
Damn! Xie Xi’s soul finally returned.
Was the fifth prince actually the sixth prince? Or was the fourth prince the sixth prince?
What was wrong?
The fifth prince’s slender fingers stroked the harp and he smirked, “Do I look good?”
Xie Xi, “!”
The fifth prince got up and the originally loose clothes fell to the ground. The V-neck collar
was almost open to the waist. His smooth chest could be en and when he walked, Xie Xi
could vaguely see…
The only thought that crossed Xie Xi’s mind—too garish!
This was truly the soul of the X Persian cat!
“Small Sein.” He didn’t know when but the fifth prince had leaned over and placed his
mouth against Xie Xi’s ears. “It is impolite to keep staring at people like this.”
Xie Xi was stunned to find that the mission progress had risen by 1%.
What was going on? Was there a bug in the system or was he blind?
In fact, there was another possibility. However, Xie Xi was a simple 19 year old young man
and couldn’t think of such a terrible thing.
The fourth prince coughed and told the fifth prince, “Mr. Hall is a guard of the palace. Don’t
tease him.”
The fifth prince seemed to have a good relationship with the fourth prince. His thin lips
curved as he said, “Brother, your words are wrong. It is obvious that this little guy is
provoking me. Look at his eyes that are staring at all of me.”
Xie Xi finally recovered from his shock and found there was a layer of goosebumps on his
He instinctively took three steps back and quickly pulled away from the fifth prince!
Unfortunately, this move was too hasty and seemed to imply something.
The fifth prince’s smile deepened. “Why don’t I go and discuss it with you later…”
He hadn’t finished when a shrimp soldier cried out from outside, “His Highness, Prince
Randy, Prince Aix-en and Prince Gars!” The eldest prince, the second prince and the third
prince came together…
Five souls were gathered together and Xie Xi really wanted to run!
It was a pity that the princes were faster than him and had already arrived.
The fourth prince greeted them. “Older brothers.”
The mermaid who came with the princes put down the gifts they brought and the fourth
prince thanked them again.
The eldest prince asked, “Is your body better in recent days?”
The fourth prince covered his mouth and lightly coughed, his voice slightly hoarse. “I am
much better.”
The second prince also spoke, “Father has been worried about you. He wanted to come
several times to see you but was persuaded by us.”
The fourth prince was anxious and coughed again, his pale cheeks slightly flushed. “I am an
unfilial son, letting my father worry…”
The second prince comforted him. “Don’t worry. Just look after your body and father will be
The fourth prince nodded and looked at the third prince.
The third prince seemed to have a bad relationship with everyone. His eyes were slightly
drooping and his words were shady. “Fourth Brother, you have wonderful music and a
beautiful person by your side. It is better than the gods.”
The fourth prince wasn’t given a chance to speak as the fifth prince raised his eyebrows.
“Third Brother, if you want to listen to a song then you should tell me. Why act so sour?”
The third prince glanced at him. “Fifth Brother only players for the people you like. Do I
deserve it?”
The fifth prince was pierced by the thorny words but unexpectedly only smile. He didn’t
answer in words, his posture saying that his brother had self-awareness.
Xie Xi’s scalp was numb as he stayed in the middle of the five brothers. He wanted to shrink
back and slip out.
Some people refused to let him go. The second prince asked in a surprised manner, “Isn’t
this the little guard from the hall?”
Xie Xi suppressed his curse.
The third prince’s gaze burned like soldering iron.
Xie Xi received the gaze but he was swearing in his heart. ‘We don’t have a relationship.
Why are you looking at me like that?”
The fourth prince opened his mouth. “Guard Sein received father’s orders and came to
deliver medicine.”
The fifth prince glanced between Xie Xi and the second prince. “Second Brother, do you
know him?”
The second prince looked at the third prince and smiled. “This is the heart of Third Brother.
How can I not know?”
The fifth prince stared at the third prince.
The third prince didn’t stay still. “Second Brother, weren’t you going to take him into your
The second prince kept smiling. “He refused to come with me. I didn’t see him the next day
so I thought Third Brother took him.”
The third prince glanced at Xie Xi standing next to the fifth prince and sneered. “People
have their own hearts. Why should I make it difficult for them?”
Xie Xi heard all of this and thought they were all crazy!
Who did he provoke to stand in the middle of this drama?
Xie Xi wanted to leave when he heard the eldest prince open his mouth. “Little Six, come in.
Why are you standing outside?”
The fourth prince was slightly surprised. “Little Six is here? Why didn’t he come in?”
The second prince replied, “He was standing there when we came. I don’t know what he
was looking at.”
The fourth prince coughed and went out to greet him. “Come in, what are you doing
The curtain opened and a tall man walked in.
Xie Xi wanted to leave but he couldn’t move.
It turned out that the sixth prince came early! He had been outside the whole time!
Then… the progress of the task just now was because of him!
Xie Xi sighed with relief and looked at the mysterious sixth prince.
He was dressed in blue and white clothes, in the tight fitting style of the underwater
kingdom. Flowing robes like the fifth prince were unusual. After all, flowing clothes of
ordinary material would become a mess in the water and wouldn’t float.
Under normal circumstances, the princes and nobles would wear clothing corresponding to
their status. It wasn’t cumbersome but there were be more material at the shoulder, chest
or waist.
The sixth prince was in good shape, no less than his older brothers. However, his
temperament was completely different.
The eldest prince was calm, the second prince was elegant and charming, the third prince
was domineering, the fourth prince was quiet, the fifth prince was sexy and romantic while
the sixth prince gave off a loneliness that was as deep as the sea. He had a handsome face
but the different coloured eyes showed a gloomy look.
Xie Xi only glanced at him and felt a deep-sea phobia.
The sixth prince didn’t look at him or speak. He just slightly nodded at his brothers.
The other princes seemed accustomed to this and weren’t surprised.
Xie Xi felt his heart drumming. The sixth prince didn’t look too good.
The fourth prince coughed from time to time but he seemed to be in a good mood as he
suggested, “We haven’t gathered together for a long time. It is better to have a light meal
The eldest prince nodded, “Okay.”
After all, he was the eldest brother. Everyone else had to give him so face and stay.
The second prince bent down to look at Xie Xi. “Small Sein should also stay.”
Xie Xi spat in his heart, ‘It is your business!’
The fourth prince invited Xie Xi, “If Guard Sein doesn’t mind, you might as well stay for the
If the sixth prince wasn’t here, Xie Xi would 100% run. But…
He bowed. “This subordinate’s status is humble, how can I…”
The fifth prince interrupted him. “My mother is from the Hall family and you are both
surnamed Hall. We are cousins. What is there to be humble about?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to go and daringly said, “Then.. I will accept your request.”
The fifth prince laughed. “Rightly so!”
Xie Xi found that the task progress had risen to 4%. He couldn’t help glancing at the sixth
prince. Did the sixth prince also want him to stay?
It seemed that this task wasn’t too difficult!
Xie Xi was confident and didn’t realize he was almost surrounded by five princes.
The first, second and third princes sat on the left while the fourth, fifth and sixth sat on the
Xie Xi was placed next to the fifth prince and the sixth prince was on his other side.
This arrangement was very good and Xie Xi was satisfied.
After the meal began, the fifth prince took special care of Xie Xi. Xie Xi thought that the fifth
prince was good. He might be abnormal but he didn’t seem as sick. If it wasn’t for him, Xie
Xi wouldn’t have a chance to approach the sixth prince.
Xie Xi smiled at the fifth prince. “Thank you.”
The fifth prince was slightly startled. The corners of his eyes curved as he said, “Try this. It
is delicious.”
Xie Xi nodded. He peeked at the sixth prince and was surprised to find that the task
progress had risen to 5%.
Interesting, could he collect the love of the sixth prince without doing anything?
Then if he spoke to the sixth prince and was attentive, could he leave this damn world at
Xie Xi felt warm.
He wasn’t good at socializing with people. Before he entered the game, he had a limited
number of friends and he wouldn’t say a word to the cashier when going downstairs to the
convenience store.
After the baptism of Love to the Left or Right, he had become much better. At the very least,
he had the skill of speaking nonsense to people.
“This is delicious.” Xie Xi whispered.
The fifth prince smiled and was about to say, ‘If it is delicious, eat more…’
However, Xie Xi had selected a piece and carefully placed it on the sixth prince’s plate.
“Your Highness, taste it and see if it is delicious.”
Then he smiled shyly at the sixth prince.
The sixth prince was startled.
Xie Xi was very embarrassed about doing such a thing. Still, this embarrassment was worth
it if he could leave the room.
He looked at the lower right corner and thought there would be a qualitative leap in the
progress of the task. Unexpectedly, the 5% progress actually fell a bit and became 4%!
Xie Xi, “???”
What happened? He could collect the prince’s love when he wasn’t paying attention but
once he did, he couldn’t collect it?
Xie Xi didn’t believe in such an evil thing and asked the sixth prince, “Your Highness, don’t
you want to eat?”
The sixth prince asked him, “What’s your name?”
Xie Xi was surprised.
The sixth prince quickly withdrew his gaze and said, “If you don’t want to say it, you don’t
have to.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to but the task progress had fallen to 3%! Why? What was the problem?
Xie Xie Xi replied cautiously, “Sein Hall.”
The sixth prince nodded. “Thank you.”
Xie Xi watched the task progress plummet to 1%…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 34
Lost Atlantis 5

Xie Xi didn’t feel well as he saw the progress bar rise and fall this way.
Didn’t the sixth prince like to eat? Did Xie Xi choose what the prince hated the most? Sixth
prince, was he superficially polite while feeling dislike in his heart?
Xie Xi was afraid this orange progress bar would return to zero and hurriedly sat upright,
not showing any more traces of concern.
Sure enough, the task of the perverted X wasn’t so simple. It seemed that the sixth prince’s
nature was very eccentric.
How could he gain the love of an eccentric person? Xie Xi didn’t have any normal love
experience and couldn’t figure it out.
He didn’t dare pay attention to the sixth prince anymore. It was only now that he noticed
the fifth prince on his other side was silent.
He felt good towards the fifth prince and was in the mood to reciprocate. He got up and
helped fill the fifth prince’s empty wine glass.
The fifth prince looked up at him and Xie Xi smiled politely.
The fifth prince spoke in a stiff manner, “This is the work of servants. There is no need for
you to do it.”
Xie Xi lowered his voice and spoke at a volume only the other person could hear. “Your
subordinate should pour the wine. It is thanks to Your Highness’ magnanimity that I got the
opportunity to taste such delicacies.”
The fifth princes’ eyes and lips curved. “The Hall family is honourable. You don’t need to be
so self-deprecating.”
Xie Xi’s fish tail showed that his blood was impure and it was also estimated that the name
Hall wasn’t among the nobles.
Xie Xi smiled in a dumbfounded manner.
The mission progress rose from 1% to 3%…
The progress bar was a very long line and the progress of 3% was small. Due to the bright
orange colour, it was very conspicuous and easy to see.
Why had it gone up again? Xie Xi glanced at the sixth prince from the corner of his eyes.
The sixth prince was stable as he seriously ate. He didn’t look at Xie Xi at all.
Was it only when ignoring the prince that the affection would rise?
Xie Xi couldn’t understand. Was the sixth prince mentally ill? On the other hand, this was
X’s soul. The master was so crazy. The soul was just an immature wisp and would be even
more crazy…
Since it would make the progress rise, let’s ignore him.
Xie Xi completely didn’t look at the sixth prince and talked happily with the fifth prince.
Xie Xi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. By the end of the meal, Xie Xi hadn’t glanced
once at the sixth prince yet the progress bar had risen to 8%!
Once it was over, the fifth prince said to him, “Go and find me when you have time.”
Xie Xi replied, “Okay.” In fact, he replied in a perfunctory manner. ‘If you don’t live with the
sixth prince, I won’t come and find you.’
The second prince was a troublemaker. He glanced between Xie Xi and the fifth prince and
smiled. “Your beauty is matched with talent. Small Sein really has vision.”
Xie Xi, “…” Fuck your beauty!
The third prince was filled with bitterness. “Fickle person.”
Xie Xi, “???”
How good of a young man was he? He made this group of psychopaths violently angry.
The fifth prince defended him. “Don’t say that to him. Small Sein is a guard of the royal
family. He is very talented…”
He didn’t finish his words before the second prince interrupted. “Yes, he doesn’t serve
those who don’t look like a king.”
Xie Xi heard that the mother of the third prince was a servant of the queen. She was noticed
by the king because of her beauty, admitted to the harem and gave birth to the third prince.
Once the second prince said this, the third prince blew up. HIs eyes were red, his lips
thinned into a line as he stared at the second and fifth prince, also implicating Xie Xi along
the way.
Xie Xi, “…” Get lost, they were all in the way of the sixth prince!
The fourth prince coughed, breaking the atmosphere. “Brothers, this isn’t good. Poor
hospitality will make my brothers unhappy with me.
The second prince smiled. “How can that be? You are secluded in this beautiful and quiet
place, filled with delicious food and wine. Brother should be very happy.”
The third prince wasn’t provoked by the second prince to make trouble for the fourth
prince. He scoffed and left.
As soon as the third prince left, the second prince glanced at Xie Xi and went away with an
ambiguous smile.
Xie Xi couldn’t help cursing, ‘Gaudy person!’
After returning to the royal guards, Xie Xi didn’t get in contact with the sixth prince again
and the task progress stopped at 8%.
However, Xie Xi felt this progress was very good. It had risen by nearly one-tenth after one
encounter. After becoming thoroughly familiar with each other, wasn’t it a matter of time
until he completed the task?
Xie Xi looked at the orange progress bar in a contented manner. He just lay down to rest
when he received a hint.
[The elf egg has successfully hatched. Please accept it.]
It finally hatched? Xie Xi’s eyes lit up and and sat up.
He shouted in his heart, “I will receive it.” Then a light flashed and something white fell on
his palm.
Xie Xi just felt that the palm of his hand was soft. He looked closely and his lips curved.
The little furry guy, its white hair seemed to be shining as bright as the stars.
Xie Xi reached out and poked him.
The little fellow twisted and the body that was in a ball gradually stretched out.
It looked like…
A small kitten?
Xie Xi thought this elf would be like the small creatures in animated cartoons. He didn’t
expect it to be a small animal.
He liked small animals and in particular, he had no resistance towards furry ones like this.
He couldn’t help poking it again. Unexpectedly, the small cat had a pair of white wings on
his back.
The little fellow flapped its wings and flew up. The short legs dangled down and its eyes
Xie Xi, “!”
“Meow~ Mommy!” The small cat slammed into Xie Xi’s arms.
Xie Xi, “…”
“Mommy!” The small cat stared up at him with watery eyes. “Uh… Mommy, you look a bit
ugly but it doesn’t matter. I don’t hate you.”
Who didn’t hate whom?
Xie Xi picked up this little fellow and stared for a while.
The kitten’s eyes, one was sky blue and the other was sunset red…
It was really a Persian cat!
Xie Xi endured it and managed not to throw the cat away!
The small cat was unaware and asked him, “Mommy, what is my name?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Xie Xi’s lips curved downwards. “Fork…” X should be read as Axe but he read it as ‘fork’ in
his heart! (TL: Remember, different Chinese characters.)
The small cat asked, “Fork?”
“Roast Pork Bun!”
The small cat was silent before he struggled to survive. “Can you change it? It is so hard to
Xie Xi was ruthless. “No.”
The small cat made tearful eyes. “Mommy~”
This call made Xie Xi even more determined. “My name is Xie Xi. I’m a man and I’m not your
The small cat, no, he was Roast Pork Bun now, made a wronged expression. “Elves are very
rare. All of you should treat elves as babies…’
Xie Xi asked, “Should I?”
“That’s right.” Roast Pork Bun cried out. “It is written in the hatching training courses. We
will transform into the appearance our mother loves the most and will be pampered. We
only need to eat, drink, sleep and occasionally spoil…” This was different from what was
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t care about this bullshit hatching course. His mind was full of the
words, ‘The appearance our mother loves most.’
Did he really like this Persian cat? Oh, he was thinking too much. He wanted to kill that
The more Xie Xi thought about it, the angrier he was. “What is your use?”
Roast Pork Bun stared with big eyes. “Aren’t I cute? Am I not likeable?” He turned in a circle
to show how cute he was. Unfortunately, his mother was blind. “Isn’t this Mommy’s
favourite appearance?”
Xie Xi, “…” He wanted to cover him with the blanket.
He remembered the tip in the item bar: Gold grade. Hurry to sell it. Exchanging it for money
is more cost-effective than raising this thing!
He should’ve sold this elf for money. Sure enough, X wouldn’t give him anything good!
Roast Pork Bun hummed. “In every quasi-world, I can help you resist three fatal injuries.”
His mother wasn’t normal. He had to try hard to survive QAQ!
Xie Xi asked, “What else?”
Roast Pork Bun’s eyes were watery. “I can also sell meng…”
Xie Xi, “…”
Roast Pork Bun wanted to cry. Wasn’t selling meng a skill? As long as he sold it well, he
wouldn’t be afraid to travel anywhere in the world. The training course was wrong!
Xie Xi was sleep and pulled the cat into his arms. He found the cat was too small to even be
suitable as a pillow.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t move until deep breathing sounds were heard. He just wanted to
climb out when he heard his mother saying, “…If I had known, I would’ve sold it for
Roast Pork Bun shrank back and didn’t dare move. This was different from what he
And… wasn’t a golden elf exclusive to wealthy tyrants? Why did he feel like his mother was
a bit poor…
Xie Xi used two days to study and understand Roast Pork Bun.
The name wasn’t wrong. This really was a roasted pork.
The only active skill: Immune to three fatal injuries. The advantage is that there is also a
painless effect. This skill reset after leaving the quasi-world, meaning it could be reused in
the next quasi-world.
There was also a stealth passive skill in the quasi-world. As long as Xie Xi didn’t want it, no
one could see this Roast Pork Bun.
As for the other abilities… he could really chatter!
Xie Xi hatched him and signed an attachment treaty with him. Thus, Roast Pork Bun
unconditionally relied on Xie Xi. If Xie Xi didn’t want him, he wouldn’t be able to survive.
Roast Pork Bun, “Mommy…”
Xie Xi glanced at him.
Roast Pork Bun changed it to, “Daddy…”
Xie Xi was only 19 and didn’t want to be a father. “Call me by my name.”
Roast Pork Bun didn’t dare think about it. He thought for a long time before hiding the
name. “I am still small. I can evolve after I grow up.”
Roast Pork Bun hurriedly said, “Yes, I can evolve as long as you raise me well!”
Xie Xi asked, “What is the method to raise you well?”
Roast Pork Bun, “…” This wasn’t written in the training course. It was written to sell meng
and live well! However, his mother didn’t eat the meng that he sold!
Roast Pork Bun stammered, “You will know after I evolve.”
Xie Xi smiled.
Roast Pork Bun cried out, “Really… I will really become amazing!”
Xie Xi carried the cat in his collar.
The small head of Roast Pork Bun hung from the collar and felt a burst of warmth… His
mother was somewhat fierce but didn’t seem to hate him.
Xie Xi met Thomas and Thomas’ eyes lit up. “I happened to be looking for help with an
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “Captain, please command me.’
Thomas smiled. “It is almost the holy day and His Majesty has prepared gifts for all the
palaces. If you aren’t busy, please help.” The old king gave birth to so many children that it
was troublesome to send them one by one.
This was an opportunity! Xie Xi instantly replied, “I’ll help.”
Thomas nodded, “Okay, then look at the delivery and make sure everything is the same.
After the delivery, sign there on that line.” There were many princes and princesses and
everyone was busy.
Xie Xi had to repeatedly go through the masses.
He took a gift and didn’t hesitate to go to the sixth prince’s palace.
How could he miss such a chance to increase the progress of the task?
Due to the job, XIe Xi received a brand new and high-tech product with a small navigator.
He followed the prompts and moved forward.
Roast Pork Bun probed his thoughts. “Mom.. cough, where are we going ya?” Did he add a
word at the end to act cute?
Xie Xi replied, “…To sell you.”
Roast Pork Bun, “!!!” After a long time, he reacted. This was a quasi-world. Who could
afford him? Boo hoo, Mommy is too bad QAQ!
Xie Xi’s lips curved and his chin inadvertently rubbed against this furry little fool.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t dare to scream.
The palace of the sixth prince was very depressing. No mermaids could be seen along the
way and even the shrimp soldiers weren’t present. It was like a cold palace.
Xie Xi vaguely knew something…
The sixth prince had different coloured eyes and his mother died as soon as he was born.
Soon afterwards, all of his mother’s family died and even the servants didn’t live long.
Over time, the entire palace shunned him. The old king had many women and children but
remembered him. Later, no one mentioned the sixth prince and even the old king forgot
His mother was gone and his father was absent. The sixth prince’s days were miserable.
Xie Xi pitied him and started to understand the sixth prince’s strange personality.
It wasn’t easy.
Xie Xi walked in and whispered, “Your Highness…”
There was a click as something was broken. This sound was extra harsh in the dark and
secluded palace.
Xie Xi saw that the sixth prince was writing.
The sixth prince was sitting upright. His long hair was untied and hung close to his side. He
wore very ordinary black clothes and his cuffs hung down from his waist, revealing white
skin that wasn’t thin.
He held a pen in his slender fingers and the pen had just broken.
Xie Xi bowed to him.
The sixth prince glanced at him. “What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi raised the gift over his head. “The holy day is coming. This is the gift His Majesty
prepared for you.”
The sixth prince was evidently startled. He got up and walked down. “F-Father?”
Xie Xi’s heart tightened. Unexpected, this seemed like the first time the sixth prince had
received a gift.
“It has been hard on you.” The sixth prince raised Xie Xi up, voice slightly hoarse. “Get up.”
Xie Xi got up and looked at him.
After seeing these eyes, he felt the prince was as pitiful as Roast Pork Bun.
The sixth prince was slightly startled. “Aren’t you… Guard Sein?”
Xie Xi smiled and said, “Sixth Prince has a good memory. You still remember the name of
this subordinate.”
The sixth prince smiled at him. “Sit down and drink some tea.”
Xie Xi wanted to say no but he was suddenly stunned.
There was a change in the lower right corner.
The task progress had gone up from 8% to 12%, but the colour had changed!
The front 8% was orange while the back 4% was blue.
How come there were two colours?
The sixth prince noticed his strangeness. “Guard Sein?”
Xie Xi’s spirit returned and he barely managed to smile. “This subordinate won’t disturb
Your Highness.”
The sixth prince looked calm. “Okay.”
The 4% progress dropped slightly.
Xie Xi suppressed the absurd thoughts in his heart and said, “I have to go and give gifts to
the other palaces. Sixth Prince, please forgive me.”
The sixth prince’s eyes brightened. “You haven’t gone to my brothers yet?”
“Yes.” Xie Xi replied, “I came to Your Highness first.”
He watched the blue progress bar rise a bit more.
The sixth prince said, “Go quickly and don’t delay your business.”
Xie Xi bowed and departed, his body in a state of confusion.
Why were there two colours?
The orange was 8% and the blue was 4%.
What does this mean?
Xie Xi had an absurd idea…
Wasn’t the orange progress bar regarding the sixth prince? Who else could it be?
During the previous meal, the fifth prince had showed enthusiasm towards him.
No way.
Xie Xi’s heart beat like a drum. Surely it wouldn’t be so pitted?
The task clearly wrote that it was the sixth prince, right?
Roast Pork Bun felt that his mother’s mood was wrong and whispered, “Are you cold?”
The little body moved closer to him as he spoke.
Xie Xi’s spirit recovered.
If this was the case, it would be easy to test out.
He just needed to send the presents…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 35
Lost Atlantis 6

Xie Xi was horrified by the possibility.

If what he was thinking was true… could he really finish the task?
Xie Xi sighed and calmed his emotions, deciding not to scare himself. What was the truth?
He just had to test it.
He went to get another present and headed to the palace of the fifth prince.
Roast Pork Bun hung from his neck. “Your heart is beating fast.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. He was so frightened, how could he not be unhappy?
Roast Pork Bun asked again, “It is because you have seen your sweetheart?’
Xie Xi’s steps paused. “Who is my sweetheart?”
Roast Pork Bun replied, “The handsome man just now. His pair of eyes were really
Xie Xi remembered how Roast Pork Bun said that Xie Xi was ugly when just hatched. Xie Xi
didn’t feel it himself but other people said he wasn’t ugly… then what was Roast Pork Bun’s
Xie Xi was afraid of his fantasies and explained, “He isn’t my sweetheart.”
Roast Pork Bun asked again, “Is your heartbeat accelerating because you are about to meet
your sweetheart?”
What was this mess?
Xie Xi’s chin struck the cat’s forehead. “Shut up!”
Roast Pork Bun was afraid he would be sold in this quasi-world and didn’t dare ask
anything else.
The fifth prince lived far away and his palace was as big as a town. It was fortunate that he
could swim as a mermaid. If he used two legs to walk then he would probably die.
To tell the truth, even swimming was exhausting. Xie Xi’s swaying tail quickly cramped up.
Finally, he arrived at the fifth prince’s palace. Xie Xi saw a luxury that was quite different
from the sixth prince’s palace.
It was obviously the same architectural style but one was cold and depressing, while the
other was magnificent with shining lights.
The two brothers had very different personalities.
One was lonely and the other was passionate. It was like the progress bar. One was deep
blue and the other was a hot orange.
Xie Xi didn’t want to accept this conjecture. He refused to admit that the different colours
on the progress bar represented different princes!
The fifth prince’s birth mother was the queen of the underwater kingdom. He was the only
legitimate prince who by all accounts, should inherit the throne. There was no reason to
Unfortunately, the fifth prince himself was extremely disgusted with the court and political
affairs. He was accomplished in art and was a famous artist in the underwater kingdom.
Such a prince must inherit the throne if there were no other brothers. However, his four
older brothers and even his younger brother were very good. Don’t look at the fourth
prince’s illness and the sixth prince’s different coloured eyes. They had clear minds and
were extremely adept at government affairs. One was a powerful person who tamed the
Lord of the Abyss.
Not to mention that the first, second and third princes each had their own supporters and
their voices were extremely high.
In contrast, the fifth and legitimate prince had the highest popularity and most noble
bloodline. However, even his most enthusiastic fans felt he wasn’t suitable for the throne.
Of course, it didn’t matter if he could become king or not. His treatment was excellent,
meaning the palace was gorgeous and extraordinary. Xie Xi arrived and was greeted by a
beautiful female mermaid. “Royal Guard, thank you for the trouble of coming in person.”
It was a gift from His Majesty. According to etiquette, as long as the prince was in the
palace, he must come forward and thank Xie Xi in person.
Xie Xi told the maid, “I will trouble you to inform him.”
The maid replied, “Please wait a moment.”
A while later, the maid came out and said to Xie Xi, “Please come in.”
Xie Xi gave the gift to the shrimp soldier beside him, followed the maid and walked into the
well-deserved ‘Crystal Palace.’ Even if he had seen the sea floor, the sight in front of him
was extremely beautiful.
The coral groves had beautiful colours that had never been seen on land and little fish
swam freely, like beautiful butterflies among the flowers. Not to mention the pearl white
luster of the porch, the fine carvings and the shiny jellyfish stretching out in the sea…
It was like Xie Xi was entering the Grand View Garden and he was dizzy from the sight.
Then once he got to the main hall and saw the scene inside, he felt that the luxuries outside
were nothing but embellishments.
The man’s eyes were drooping as he fiddled with the harp and sound emerged. In an
instant, there seemed to be countless flowers blooming. In the wide hall, there seemed to
be beautiful dancing.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened with amazement.
The sound of the harp stopped and the illusion disappeared. The fifth prince got up and
walked straight towards him. “Do you like it?”
Xie Xi bowed to him. “I have seen Your Highness.”
The fifth prince helped him up and asked, “You don’t like it?”
The tune was nice and there was an indescribable allure. Under normal circumstances, XIe
Xi would find it hard to say he liked it but now…
He hung his head and whispered, “I like it.” He felt like his teeth were hurting when he
heard this!
The fifth prince grabbed his hand. “There is another one that I have specifically written for
Xie Xi, “…” They only met once. What damn song did he write?
He was in a complicated mood as he watched the orange progress bar rise again.
Did it still need an explanation? Was he going to keep deluding himself?
Xie Xi wasn’t willing and tested it a bit more. “Your subordinate still has more orders. I have
to go to the other palaces…”
The fifth prince asked, “Isn’t there anyone else in the royal guards? Why do you have to
“It is your subordinate…” Xie Xi gritted his teeth. “If it wasn’t for this errand, this
subordinate wouldn’t be able to hear your heavenly voice.” The implication was that he
took this job for the prince!
He had just finished speaking when the orange progress bar shot up!
Xie Xi, “…” The damn self-centred X!
The fifth prince’s eyebrows rose as he said, “I was thoughtless. I should’ve sent someone to
pick you up.”
Xie Xi told him, “Your Highness is noble. Why should you remember these little things?”
The orange progress bar rose again at his words. To some extent, the prince was really
The fifth prince said, “Don’t worry over it. I will immediately…”
“There is no need.” Xie Xi patiently explained, “This subordinate has just entered the palace.
I have neither an identity or background. It will be hard to gain a foothold so I hope you will
be considerate.”
The fifth prince frowned. “Come to me and I will take care of you.”
Xie Xi said, “If Your Highness really appreciates me, wait for my position to be higher. Once
I can apply for deployment then serving you will be more logical.”
The fifth prince stared at him for a long time. “Then I will listen to you.”
Xie Xi’s heart beat like a drum. Why? Why was he doing this?
He was about to leave when the fifth prince asked again, “Have you been to see Sixth
Xie Xi, “!”
Xie Xi didn’t understand before but he did now. Was the prince thinking about the meal
they had together?
Xie Xi was a good youth yet he was experiencing a slag man’s dilemma.
He didn’t say anything and the fifth prince’s expression became more subtle.
XIe Xi’s brain turned quickly. He couldn’t hide this type of thing since the fifth prince might
Xie Xi told him, “I have seen him first.”
Sure enough, the orange bar dropped a bit.
Xie Xi swore at X in his heart!
The fifth prince wondered, “Why go to him first?”
The slag Xie Xi forced out, “In past years, people neglected their duty and didn’t go to the
sixth prince. This year, they specifically told me to go to the sixth prince first…”
He had only spoken half his words when the orange progress bar rose again.
Xie Xi felt a bit guilty. ‘Don’t be so gullible!’
The very good fifth prince was distressed. “It has been hard for you.”
Xie Xi, “…” He wouldn’t be able to hold it in if he didn’t leave now!
He left the fifth prince’s palace and looked at the progress bar. His heart was like a mirror.
Xie Xi hadn’t gone to the other princes yet but the facts in front of him were quite
If there was only the orange progress bar, he could suspect that the fifth prince and sixth
prince were swapped.
However, the sixth prince also had the blue progress bar.
What did that mean?
It meant that the mission task of collecting the love of the sixth prince was collecting the
love of all six princes, not just the sixth prince!
Six and sixth…
X, was your Chinese taught by your PE teacher!?
The Central Garden.
Jiang Xie’s garden was covered with snow.
He had been watching the live broadcast and naturally knew what Xie Xi had experienced.
If Yan Zhe was present, he would pat his thighs and laugh at him. “Old Jiang, you are green
with jealousy of yourself. Are you kicking your own head with a donkey?”
He would also say, “Aren’t you going crazy because of love?”
Jiang Xie wasn’t like this. Before he met Xie Xi, he didn’t think about love. After meeting Xie
Xi, he was really excited. He wanted to get along with this person.
However, he couldn’t be so stupid.
This wasn’t just a pit for Xie Xi but also a pit for himself!
There was no need to mention anything else. He just had to look at the goodwill falling like
a waterfall to know how miserable he was.
Why did the two worlds turn out like this?
Things were a bit complicated.
Lost Atlantis was a complete quasi-world. Not only was the seabed designed in great detail
but the shore was also a complete structure. Jiang Xie had only designed the planet but if
cleared, the missing parts would be spontaneously filled it by the laws of causality.
Jiang Xie poured a lot of effort into such a complete world. It was obvious just by the
number of souls.
Love to the Left or Right only had three souls while this world had six.
The quasi-world was released after a review from the Zone. Due to his souls, the world
wasn’t activated until Xie Xi met the conditions and was selected.
The core tasks of the quasi-worlds were mostly derived from the strongest will in the
If it wasn’t Xie Xi but someone else clearing the world, they might receive serious tasks like
seizing the position of the prince, fighting for power, racial conflict, marine protection…
These were very serious tasks. Still, it was Xie Xi who entered. The souls were basically
branches of Jiang Xie. They inherited things from their master and were very concerned
about Xie Xi.
The previous three souls were still weak. In Love to the Left or Right, they preferred the
death of the demonized Sein Hall and the task was to survive for seven days.
Lost Atlantis had six souls, meaning six souls wanted to be close to Xie Xi. This will was too
powerful and the task became—collect the love of the six princes.
They were eager to fall in love with Xie Xi, thus setting this core mission.
Jiang Xie looked at Xie Xi’s appearance on the water curtain and felt pained and worried.
What should he do?
Should he wait for Xie Xi to clear the instance and hope Xie Xi would listen?
Based on this bloody goodwill, he was afraid that the little guy wouldn’t even bother giving
him a fake smile.

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GL: Chapter 36
Lost Atlantis 7

Xie Xi didn’t give up.

He never knew there would be a day when he refused to be convinced until faced with the
grim reality.
Without seeing the third colour of the progress bar, he refused to believe that the task was
to collect the love of the six princes.
Maybe the fifth prince and sixth prince were the same person… okay, this was impossible!
In short… he didn’t give up and wasn’t willing to accept such a terrible task!
Xie Xi spent half a day on psychologically restoring his mind.
Roast Pork Bun rubbed his furry head against Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s heart softened. He felt his head had just been cured when he saw this pair of eyes
and… well…
Roast Pork Bun twisted his head in a stunned manner. ‘What was wrong? This meow
wasn’t ugly!
Xie Xi sighed and he inwardly contemplated the Camouflage privilege.
When he entered the world, he repeatedly hesitated but the final choice was easy. It was
true that the painless fatal injuries privilege had helped him through the first game but Xie
Xi speculated this game wouldn’t be so easy.
If death could solve the problem, what was the use of Camouflage?
The task was to collect the love of the sixth prince. Why did he need Camouflage?
At first, Xie Xi thought he wasn’t suited towards the sixth prince’s taste and wanted to
change his face with Camouflage, becoming more feminine or something.
Now it seemed… the damn Camouflage’s greatest use was in a crafty escape plan!
Who couldn’t collect the love of six people if one face could become six? Who could do this
task well?
Xie Xi once again scolded X in his heart.
He had been on his own for many years. When he was a child, he trusted Xie Su. Laster, he
took Sun Muqing as a friend and proved his own stupidity. He hadn’t put anyone in his
heart for 19 years. It was all good now.
The name X, he would remember it for the rest of his life!
Xie Xi thought as he gritted his teeth.
Try again. So what if there was a ‘misunderstanding?’ This big designer was still a person!
Xie Xi returned to his residence and stood in front of the mirror to try out Camouflage.
This privilege was an active skill that could be activated by a password. After the activation,
there was a prompt in the lower right corner.
[Do you want to use Camouflage?]
Xie Xi nodded and then saw that his face had changed.
It was far from his imagination but his eyebrows had changed, the corners of his eyes
lengthened and his nose and mouth had changed a bit. This change wasn’t big but Xie Xi
became someone else.
Xie Xi asked Roast Pork Bun floating in the air. “Do I look good?” He couldn’t feel much
apart from some strangeness.
Roast Pork Bun struggled as he thought about it. “…Ugly.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Roast Pork Bun had a strong desire for survival. “Mommy… No, I like Daddy anyway. It
doesn’t matter how ugly you are.”
Xie Xi wasn’t comforted.
He stared carefully and tried to analyze the face. A pair of eyes, one nose, one mouth,
weren’t all people like this? Oh, silly X wasn’t the same. He had a pair of different coloured
eyes. After all, he was a Persian cat. Jiang Xie in front of the water curtain was slightly
startled and couldn’t help coughing.
In fact, this Camouflage technique was more similar to makeup. However, it fine-turned Xie
Xi’s facial features and made his originally handsome temperament more mature,
especially the elongated eyes. His souls would be hooked straight away.
Xie Xi was very uncertain. Could this face grab the crazy people?
Now that he thought about it, the fifth prince was easy to deceive and the sixth prince
seemed more naive. Simply giving them a bit of warmth should work.
As for the other princes…
He didn’t have much contact with the fourth prince and couldn’t evaluate him for the time
The eldest prince was Randy. He seemed taciturn but who knew what was inside him?
The second prince was the vampire Aix-en who spoke sweet words. The progress bar didn’t
even move despite asking for the slag fish’s name.
The third prince was the maid Gars. He was very arrogant and had a bad temper. His
progress bar also hadn’t moved so it was unknown what he was thinking about.
Could this face impress them?
Xie Xi didn’t know and kept changing his face.
He continued to use Camouflage and his appearance changed in the mirror. At this time, his
eyes became bigger, his lip colour was lighter and he was a bit more childish.
Xie Xi thought this face was a bit stupid, just like Roast Pork Bun.
Old Jiang coughed again. It was a cute face.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t know anything. He saw Xie Xi constantly using ‘make-up’ and
thought that his words made his mother feel inferior. Thus, he comforted his mother. “It
doesn’t matter. Eyes that are as beautiful as mine are rear. Mommy, no Daddy, you don’t
need to be stubborn!”
Xie Xi, “…” Of course it was rare. There were only two existences in the world with it, the
silly Fork and the Roast Pork Bun!
He really didn’t have the strength to talk to this roast pork. Xie Xi tried to change his face
Unexpectedly, there was a prompt in the lower right corner. [The original appearance has
run out. Do you want to use the reserve faces?]
What was this? Xie Xie Xi faintly had a bad feeling.
What did it mean for the original appearance to run out? What did reserve faces mean?
Xie Xi chose to use it and there was another prompt. [Please choose the face type.]
The faces of people he had seen since entering this underwater world were endless.
There were the six princes, Captain Thomas, the trained guards, the ministers he had seen
passing by and even the group of passersby in the test hall… In fact, Xie Xi couldn’t
remember some of these people.
Xie Xi chose Captain Thomas and in the next moment, he completely became Captain
Thomas. His clothing changed and the even more magical thing was that he had the exact
same demeanour.
Xie Xi opened his mouth, “Roast Pork Bun.”
Roast Pork Bun covered his ears with disdain. “What a terrible sound!”
Xie Xi didn’t think it was that hard to hear Captain Thomas’s voice. It was a very good, very
ordinary voice with an unknown accent. It was very friendly.
Yes, not only did his face turn into Thomas but his voice was exactly the same.
Xie Xi found it was interesting. He could easily change into the maid who served the fifth
prince today, including her height. Of course, Xie Xi didn’t look under her clothes…
This technique was quite easy to use. He could turn into a person’s appearance at will,
which would be very convenient.
Xie Xi’s complaints towards X barely lightened up.
The next moment, Xie Xi became aware of a very serious problem.
He had only two original faces?
Xie Xi stopped playing around and carefully checked.
It didn’t matter once he checked. He wanted to kill X after reading it.
There were only two original faces and the rest were reserve faces. Did this mean he could
only use two faces to collect love? Oh, his true face meant there were three. Why was there
only three? There were clearly six targets.
Wouldn’t it be hard for him to use three faces to collect the love of six people? Was this the
rhythm of having to pedal two boats?
Xie Xi tensed up.
He tried to accept that it was six people and had been ready to use Camouflage to collect
each person with one face. He had three lives from Roast Pork Bun and two lives from the
uniform. He could die five times while completing the task.
Now this damn Camouflage told him that there were only two original faces. This meant he
must hook two princes with one face.
Well… where was the old thief X, come out and die!
Xie Xi had obviously underestimated the difficulty of this quasi-world. Such a complete
world and such a high degree of completion, how could it be easy to complete the core
Once Xie Xi wore the no. one appearance, there was a hint in the lower right corner.
[Original face’s remaining usage time: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds.]
Xie Xi, “!”
He immediately changed to his second face and the same countdown appeared in the lower
right corner.
Xie Xi burst out cursing.
Roast Pork Bun was startled. “Daddy, why are you cursing me?”
Xie Xi, “…” He really didn’t have the heart to coax the kitten. The remaining time in front of
him made his scalp numb.
Camouflage only had two original faces and they had a countdown. This meant he had to
collect the love of the six princes in 30 days?
If he couldn’t use this technique, his mission would be declared a failure.
Once unable to complete the task, Xie Xi would be trapped in this crazy world forever. That
absolutely couldn’t happen!
Xie Xi couldn’t help turning his mind to the reserve faces. They might be people who
actually existed in this world but there was a certain chance to use them to help. He could
find a person who couldn’t get in contact with the six princes, take on that person’s
appearance and then…
The thought had just flashed through his head while his heart beat faster.
The reserve face also had a countdown!
[Reserve face’s remaining usage time: 30 minutes.]
A reserve face could only be used for 30 minutes. 30 minutes to collect a person’s love,
even the god of love couldn’t do it!
Xie Xi finally knew the pits of this task.
First, there was the world game. He had to collect the love of six princes instead of the sixth
prince. Second, there was the privilege pit. If he chose the painless fatal injuries or 10 times
the gold reward, he wouldn’t be able to finish this task. Then there were the limitations of
Camouflage. Even if he chose the right privilege, it wasn’t easy to complete the task because
only two faces were provided. The last was the time limit. An original face could only be
used for 30 days. He couldn’t even do them one at a time and had to do it simultaneously.
Even if he did it simultaneously, he would have to run his legs off in 30 days!
Xie Xi stared at his fish tail with no expression. He felt that he should be an octopus instead
of a mermaid.
How could one leg be enough? He needed at least eight.
Six boats, two of them being steered at the same time.
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 37
Lost Atlantis 8

Xie Xi was irritated but he didn’t complain.

Now that he entered the quasi-world and accepted the task, he would go all out.
Hard was hard, perverted was perverted. Once he was big, he would definitely let the big
designer taste this!
This was the so-called hone a knife to chop wood. Xie Xi carefully studied this Camouflage
The original appearance lasted 30 days. It started from the moment it was first activated
and wouldn’t stop just because the face wasn’t used.
The reserve face was only 30 minutes but the advantage was that it wouldn’t countdown as
long as it wasn’t used. It would only start counting down when used. This seemed very
useful. There were many things that could be done in 30 minutes.
Xie Xi was puzzled. Once the countdown ended, could he go see the person again and re-
record it? Of course, even if it was re-recorded, he couldn’t use the reserve face to collect
Imagine that he went to the prince and after half an hour, he said, “Wait minute, I am going
out!” Then he swam thousands of miles away to re-record the face, ran back and collected
love again!
Therefore, this technique was limited and only the original appearance could be used.
Collecting the love of six people in one month…
Xie Xi took a deep breath, his eyes firm. ‘Come on, I can’t be trapped here!’
Time was tight so he no longer delayed. There were still the gifts to be handed out. He
would take the opportunity to run over and see their preferences.
He would use his real face for the fifth and sixth prince. As for how to distribute it between
1, 2, 3 and 4, he would try it one by one!
Xie Xi asked Roast Pork Bun, “Which face do you prefer?”
He changed between the more mature one and the tender looking one.
The kitten was sad. What should he say? They were both equally ugly. It was hard to tell.
Xie Xi was waiting for his advice. “Well?”
Roast Pork Bun could only blindly pick. “T-This one.” His mother really wasn’t easy. If he
grew up like this, how could he marry?
Xie Xi stared at the childish second face in the mirror and said, “Okay, I will use this first.”
He hurried to get a gift, grabbed lots and drew the number 3.
Yes, he would go to meet the third prince first.
Xie Xi arrived at the palace of the third prince without much trouble. He just needed to look
at the palace to tell the nature of the prince.
Unlike the luxurious fifth prince and the depressed sixth prince, the third prince’s palace
was solemn.
Like a sharp sword stuck in the bottom of the skill, it gave off a majestic energy that seemed
like it could cut apart the sea.
The third prince wasn’t easy and his background was extremely poor. As the second prince
taunted, his mother was a slave who had nothing apart from her face. After seducing the
old king, she failed to be rewarded by the king and was only settled after becoming
Naturally, no one dared discuss these things. Still, the situation of the mother and son must
be extremely difficult.
Later, the third prince was bent on joining the army. Who knew that this delicate prince
could kill and play a big role, gaining the support of the army.
He was so ruthless that no one dared mention his mother’s affairs, let alone scorn him.
Xie Xi came over and was met by a guard in light armour. “What is it?”
Xie Xi told him, “The holy day is coming and His Majesty commanded me to deliver a gift to
the prince.”
The guard stared at him before saying, “Come with me.”
Xie Xi wasn’t nervous. The palace was heavily guarded and ordinary people couldn’t enter.
Besides, the palace was huge and comparable to a city. It was impossible for the guards to
all know each other.
Along the way, Xie Xi didn’t dare to look around.
The atmosphere here was very different from the fifth prince’s palace. There was a row of
straight-backed guards who were like sharp knives, ready to cut the aggressor at any time.
Xie Xi squinted as he walked through a long corridor and stopped at the main hall.
The guard said, “Wait a minute, I will report…”
He hadn’t finished talking when a clear sound rang through the palace. It was the sound of a
collision between gold and stone.
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow and glanced at the guard.
The elder guard didn’t dare go in.
They could only listen as a scream filled the palace. “Get out, get out of here!:
Then there were quick footsteps. A man in a military uniform opened the door and ran out.
The guard hurriedly stepped aside and bowed. “My lord.”
This ‘lord’ was grey-faced and hurriedly nodded. He didn’t even bother looking at Xie Xi as
he rushed out.
“Waste! A bunch of wastes!” The young prince was still angry.
There was another crashing sound. He had probably smashed many things.
The guard looked at Xie Xi and didn’t dare speak. The general idea was, ‘His Highness is
angry, it is better to…’
Xie Xi also felt that the timing wasn’t right and wanted to change princes.
Unexpectedly, the angry third prince saw the people stuck in the doorway. “What are you
doing standing there? Come in!”
Guard, “!!!!”
Xie Xi, “…”
The guard walked forward in trepidation, his legs shaking. “Your, Your Highness…” He
almost fell to his knees.
Xie Xi hung his head and could only see the mess on the ground.
The previous sound should be the golden tea set being smashed into the jade ground. This
was the bottom of the sea. Ordinary things falling wouldn’t make such a loud noise. It was
enough to see how angry the third prince was and how much strength he had.
Xie Xi felt a sharp gaze on him, followed by Gars’ clear but ferocious voice, “What is this?”
Xie Xi bowed and repeated his previous words.
In the face of the angry prince, everyone present was afraid to make a sound. It seemed like
even the decorations hanging in the hall were quiet.
There was only Xie Xi’s calm and constant breathing. His words were respectful but they
weren’t afraid.
The guard by his side couldn’t help sneaking admiring glances towards him.
After a brief silence, the third prince ordered, “Put it down.”
He handed the gift to the third prince’s guard and prepared to withdraw.
He didn’t look up from beginning to end and didn’t say much. Now that he finished the
errand, he was going to leave.
Just as Xie Xi was about to withdraw, the third prince opened his mouth.
Xie Xi maintained his respectful gestures. “Your Highness, is there something else that you
The third prince stood on the stairs and said in a condescending manner. “Look up.”
Xie Xi forced himself to relax and looked up.
Two pairs of eyes met. The third prince’s deep eyes were like beasts staring at their prey.
It was reasonable to feel uncomfortable after being looked at like this. If Xie Xi wasn’t here
to collect love, he would turn around and leave.
So fierce! Who wanted to look at him?
“What is your name?” The third prince asked him.
Xie Xi had already thought of a name for the second face. “Colin Hall.” Hall was a common
surname in the underwater kingdom. It was similar to the king of the former world and
there would be little problem.
The third prince sneered, “Do you know Sein Hall?”
Xie Xi naturally knew this name but he acted confused. “Your Highness, this subordinate
hasn’t heard of it.”
The third prince stared at him and remained silent for a long time.
Xie Xi explained, “There are many people among the guards with the surname of Hall. Not
all of them are family.” The Hall surname was respected but not everyone was respectable.
The third prince knew this and his lips curved, his eyes flashing slightly. “You look a bit like
Xie Xi looked ignorant but his heart was perturbed. Was there a bug in the ability?
Fortunately, it wasn’t that pitted.
The third prince added, “Looking closely, it doesn’t feel like it.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief and whispered, “If there is nothing, this subordinate will go back
The third prince didn’t say anything.
Xie Xi lowered his head and prepared to leave.
Then the third prince grabbed him by the wrist. Xie Xi looked up at him in a startled
manner, “Your Highness?”
The third prince was worthy if inheriting Gars soul. He didn’t say anything, instead
reaching out to pinch Xie Xi’s cheek.
Xie Xi, “!”
He was so angry that he wanted to smash the entire palace of the third prince. At this
moment, the prince laughed, revealing sharp tiger’s teeth. “…It is so soft.” It was softer than
the prince expected.
Who was soft?
Xie Xi’s face hurt but he could only suppress his killing intent. He showed a dazed
expression. The third prince released his hand and his face became cold. “Go, I am busy.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He bowed and left the third prince’s palace.
Xie Xi touched his face. He sucked in a breath from the pain. His hands were heavy from the
desire to hit this spicy chicken soul!
The thing that made him truly furious was that the progress bar didn’t respond. It seemed
that the third prince didn’t like this second face?
As soon as he thought this, he saw a small red square on the progress bar.
Oh, there was a delay.
Xie Xi took out a small book and carefully noted it down.
Orange Fifth Prince → Sein Hall, 11% progress.
Blue Sixth Prince → Sein Hall, 4% progress.
Red Third Prince → Colin Hall, 1% progress.
The total progress was 16%.
Roast Pork Bun probed his thoughts, “Mommy, Daddy, what are you writing?”
Xie Xi put away the book and gazed into the distance. “The foolish Fork strategy.”
Roast Pork Bun, “???” This was bullying him. He wasn’t illiterate. There was clearly no
Xie Xi continued to draw lots and next was the second prince. It didn’t matter who was
selected. He would first go to attract the second prince like a butterfly.
The second prince was very popular.
He entered the Ministry of Finance at a young age. With his savvy mind and sleek way of
doing things, he became the treasury minister of the kingdom.
He frequently showed his face and made many policies to benefit the people. Therefore, he
had a high reputation. In the hearts of the ordinary people, he was a well-deserved prince.
Xie Xi thought that this second prince was the most difficult person. Could he really fall for
this scum fish?
Xie Xi headed to the palace of the second prince and stated his intentions. The maid who
received him stated directly, “Put it down.”
All the other princes personally received the king’s gift. It was only the second prince who
didn’t show up at all.
Xie Xi reminded, “…The holy day is coming and His Majesty commanded me to deliver a gift
to the prince.”
“The second prince is busy. Please wait here if you don’t mind.” Then the mermaid maid
swam away.
Xie Xi, “…” He used the big name. Please don’t forget it.
He couldn’t meet the second prince and was planning to change places when the maid
suddenly returned.
The mermaid had a complicated expression on her face. “His Highness said to please go in.”
Xie Xi was confused. Why was he being let in?
Xie Xi walked into the palace. It fit the second prince’s peacock nature. The palace was very
simple but it wasn’t shabby. It had a unique and simple beauty, gorgeous without being
extravagant. It gave off a bit of a royal air.
It was a great blessing for the treasury minister to be so diligent and thrifty.
Oh, Xie Xi believed it.
The second prince was talking with someone else. The prince was really good looking, with
long silver hair tucked behind his ears and flowing down his back. His figure was perfectly
outlined by his clothing. Every move was elegant and charming, the style of the royal family
perfectly interpreted.
He was talking to an elderly minister who was wearing expensive clothing. However, he
was like a shrimp soldier when compared to the second prince.
As soon as Xie Xi entered, the second prince said to the minister, “Let’s end it here today.”
The minister got up and gave a salute. “Your Highness has something to do. I will go back
The second prince’s smile was as refreshing as a spring breeze. “Thank you for the
reminder. I avoided a big mistake.”
“Where did I…” The minister was sincerely fearful. “It is the second prince who is
discerning and thinking of the people.”
The second prince smiled and the two of them exchanged polite words. The minister was
dizzy and saluted with sincere emotion.
Xie Xi’s sharp eyes saw the disdain and contempt in the prince’s eyes after the minister left.
Sure enough, this was a black heart!
He was probably called in to get rid of the old man.
Unsurprisingly, the second prince didn’t smile once there was no one left in the hall. He
didn’t look at Xie Xi and said to the maid, “Arrange the next ceremony.”
“Okay.” The maid said with a low bow.
The second prince, who could speak well, didn’t say anything to Xie Xi. He only waved his
Xie Xi, “…”
Not even looking at him? Slag fish!
Xie Xi couldn’t open his mouth. He could only leave the gift and prepared to leave.
“That’s right.” The second prince’s lazy voice was heard. “Have you been to the third
Xie Xi thought about it and opened his mouth. “Your Highness, I have just been there.”
The second prince raised his eyebrows and he stared at Xie Xi. “Look up.”
Xie Xi slowly looked up at the second prince.
The second prince watched him for a while. Then he smiled and said, “What is your name?”
He got up and walked down the stairs.
Xie Xi told the name of the second face.
The second prince smiled. “It is the Hall family again.”
Xie Xi was silent as he waited for this psychopath to do something.
The second prince lived up to his expectations and reached out to hug him, saying gently,
“You are really good looking. How about staying with me?”
Xie Xi was speechless. Who wanted to be with this slag fish?
Xie Xi was about to open his mouth when he heard the shouts of the shrimp soldiers. “Third
Prince, Third Prince, please wait. The second prince is in a meeting with someone and it is
The door opened and the third prince stood there. “What do you mean by a war in the
His voice stopped and he squinted at the two men standing close together.
The second prince surrounded the small mermaid, his movements gentle and his voice
slow. “Younger brother, you went to the army for a few years. Did you basic manners
Xie Xi was held by the second prince and wanted to break free, only to find he couldn’t
Roast Pork Bun was screaming from the sidelines. “Oh my god, Mommy is being strongly
Strong… what strong?
Xie Xi really wanted to cook this Roast Pork Bun!

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GL: Chapter 38
Lost Atlantis 9

The kitten realized he was excited and called out the wrong name, correcting it, “Oh my
god, Daddy is strongly hugged!”
Xie Xi staggered but he didn’t have the strength to break free of the second prince’s
He was much shorter than the second prince and there was a gap in their body size. The
second prince was slender but contained brute strength. His expression didn’t change but
Xie Xi couldn’t move.
The third prince openly ridiculed them, “Is this a meeting?” The guard had stopped him,
saying that the prince was in a meeting. As a result… the second prince was hugging a little
The second prince spoke in an ambiguous manner, “What is more important than this?” He
winked at Xie Xi. If this was an ordinary mermaid, it was highly likely they would be
fascinated by him. Unfortunately, Xie Xi was extremely immune to this face. Not only wasn’t
he affected, he also wanted to hit the prince.
The third prince had hurriedly arrived on business and he frowned as he got to the point,
“The Haiqiu Country is stirring up trouble yet you are advocating the reduction of
armaments in the north. This is simply being short-sighted and stupid to the extreme!”
He had the heart to talk about business but the second prince was ‘captivated’ by the small
mermaid and was absent-minded.
The third prince was furious and wanted to stab this shameless man…
The second prince inadvertently moved sideways, revealing Xie Xi’s face. The third prince
looked over and recognized him with one glance. This was… Colin Hall. His heart sank and a
murderous energy overflowed from his body.
From his point of view, Xie Xi’s face was red and his eyes full of water vapour. He looked
like he welcomed these desires but in fact… Xie Xi was tired. It had been a long day and he
was going to die of exhaustion!
The second prince suddenly relaxed his strength and Xie Xi was finally free. He gasped,
sighing with relief. Then he felt a sharp gaze piercing him.
Xie Xi, “…” He turned his heart and met Gars’ dark red eyes that were filled with anger.
The second prince didn’t suspect anything and whispered, “Third Brother, you are scaring
He blamed the third prince while his gaze towards Xie Xi were full of indulgence.
If it wasn’t for the progress bar refusing to budge, Xie Xi would really believe this person
had deep feelings!
At this moment, the red progress bar that had slightly increased disappeared like a flame
blown out by the wind.
Yes, the second prince’s lie was exposed by the progress bar while the third prince’s bar
decreased. Sure enough, he shouldn’t take care of this scum!
Xie Xi decided to give up on the unreliable second prince and tried to win the third prince.
“Your Highness, please respect yourself!” Xie Xi quickly distanced himself and even
approached the third prince to look for help.
The moment he said this, both brothers were stunned.
The second prince probably didn’t expect someone to reject him and the third prince
guessed what was going on.
Xie Xi continued, “His Majesty’s gift has been sent. This subordinate will go back!” He
turned back, his body tight with anger.
The third prince sneered. “Third Brother is really becoming worse, forcing someone to do
something like this.”
He spoke this sentence and turned to leave.
The second prince stared at the backs of the two men and raised his eyebrows.
Xie Xi swam out of the second prince’s palace, tired and angry. He was unaware of the
person behind him.
Gars chased and saw the little mermaid who was shamed to tears. The little mermaid had a
tender face, his eyes bright and round. He was like a small bubble in the water, crystal clear
and one that could break at any time.
He was so upset that he spoke in a rare warm manner, “Don’t cry.” There were no tears but
the red eyes already explained everything.
Xie Xi, “…” What damn crying? He was angry!
The third prince asked him, “What is going on?”
Xie Xi knew this was a good opportunity to recover the loss and spoke in a resentful
manner, “This subordinate was ordered to give a gift to the second prince. It was originally
good but later, the second prince inexplicably came down and…”
He got goosebumps as he spoke. However, he saw the red progress bar rising again and had
to stick to it.
The moment the third prince heard this, he understood what happened. “Aix-en was
probably dealing with me. He knew I would come to him and deliberately bullied you.” He
paused and continued, “I let you be wronged.”
Xie Xi lowered his eyes and shook his head.
The third prince patted him on the shoulder and said, “Go, you must be busy. I will find you
Find? Find him?
Xie Xi was startled and asked, “Your Highness, why would you be looking for me?”
Gars wasn’t angry, the red light of his eyes looking very beautiful. “Is it impossible to look
for you?”
Xie Xi was afraid he unexpectedly exposed something and quickly said, “What can this
subordinate do for you? I am dirty and messy…”
Gars replied, “This is nothing. I used to be part of the guards when I was younger…” He
stopped before continuing, “Yes, it isn’t the same.”
He made a slightly gloomy expression and asked Xie Xi, “Is your communicator on you?”
Xie Xi, “???” Communicator?
Gars asked, “You don’t? Then take this.” He placed a dark red item on Xie Xi’s palm.
Xie Xi knew that the technology level of the underwater kingdom was very high. However,
he hadn’t received his salary yet and didn’t have the money to understand it in depth.
He said, “This…”
“Wait until I contact you.”
Xie Xi glanced at the 3% progress bar and accepted the gift. “Your Highness, thank you.”
“Go ahead.” The third prince watched him leave.
Xie Xi played with the communicator in his hand, thinking that this was a good thing. He
could make use of it. He had to refine the data on the first and second face, saving himself
from being exposed.
He had the reserve faces and many difficult things could be done with ease.
The communicator in his hand wasn’t much different from the phone on land. It was just
that the style was more novel. It was worn on his wrist and a floating interface popped up
when pressed. He could directly click on it.
Xie Xi saw the only name recorded in the address book—Gars Atlantis.
This was the surname of the royal family. It was said that they were the only descendants of
this lost empire. Thus, they kept this surname to remember the empire forever.
Xie Xi turned off the communicator, wondering if he should go to the eldest prince or the
fourth prince. The second face didn’t work on the second prince so he had to try it on the
remaining two princes.
He had to guarantee one face for two people. Xie Xi only hoped that he wouldn’t become
confused in the future.
He was just thinking this when there was a sigh behind him.
Xie Xi paused. What did this scum want now?
“I’m sorry.” The second prince’s voice was really a foul. He deliberately lowered his voice to
make it pleasant for people to hear, so that they would soften.
Xie Xi was unmoved. He looked at the progress bar that didn’t move and was too lazy to use
this face on the prince.
The second prince moved around and stared into Xie Xi’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to use you to
provoke Third Brother.”
Xie Xi sneered at him. “Your Highness, what do you really want to do?”
The second prince was astonished and didn’t speak.
Xie Xi was disappointed in him and was too lazy to act. “If there is nothing, this subordinate
will leave first!”
He swam forward as he maintained the merciless attitude.
Aix-en was stunned before laughing loudly.
Roast Pork Bun spoke in an indignant manner, “Bah, the person who strongly hugged
Daddy is a bad guy.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help picking him up and rubbing his fur. “Don’t talk.”
Roast Pork Bun’s soft face was rubbed into a bun. “Wasn’t it difficult? He is strong, strong…”
Xie Xi pinched the small mouth and didn’t let it speak.
Suddenly, he released Roast Pork Bun and looked at the lower right corner with
A different colour had appeared behind the orange, blue and red progress bars.
The purple progress bar had risen by 1%.
Who was purple? Was it the scum second prince? Why did it suddenly go up? What did he
Xie Xi recalled his actions. Was there anything apart from the anger, cold words and
expression full of dislike?
Shouldn’t it be the opposite of progress? The second prince was insane! Still, this
unexpected joy allowed Xie Xi to determine the second prince’s nature.
The second prince and third prince were handed over to the second face, while the
remaining two princes would be left to the first face.
He returned to the guard’s office. He had just swam to the door when he saw the sixth
Xie Xi was still unskilled in this type of thing and felt panic in his heart. Which face
corresponded to the sixth prince?
The sixth prince asked softly, “Is Sein Hall here?”
Roast Pork Bun loved the sixth prince’s eyes and shouted, “Mommy, the person in front of
you is so handsome!”

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GL: Chapter 39
Lost Atlantis 10

Fortunately, Xie Xi placed Roast Pork Bun in stealth in the quasi-world. If people heard
what he said…
Xie Xi would really be his father and killed by him.
The sixth prince was still watching him. Xie Xi finally reacted and bowed. “I have seen Your
He had previously used Sein Hall on the sixth prince so he had to carry it through to the end
without being exposed.
“I’ve only recently arrived and don’t know many people. I don’t know who Sein Hall is.” Xie
Xi kept his head down and tried not to look at the sixth prince.
The sixth prince lived in a simple manner and had little contact with people. He didn’t want
to alarm many people and said, “He is also a guard here. If you see him, help me give him a
message. Tell him to come see me if he has time.”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes, Your Highness.”
The sixth prince left and Xie Xi was relieved. He had enough trouble dealing with the sixth
prince alone and now he had to use three identities to face six people…
It was like walking a tightrope. It wasn’t easy for a person to walk on a wire. Now he had to
walk back and forth on six steel wires!
Xie Xi went back to his place, locked the door and turned off the Camouflage technique.
He didn’t panic and lightly stroked his face.
His real skin: Sein Hall, corresponding to the fifth prince and sixth prince.
The second face: Colin Hall, corresponding to the second prince and third prince.
The first face: Jesse Hall, temporarily assigned to the eldest prince and fourth prince.
Xie Xi repeated it several times to ensure he would remember. Then he recorded the
progress of the task.
A 100% progress bar meant the task was completed. There were six people at the moment.
On average, each person was 16.6666%… why couldn’t it be a constant number?
Xie Xi thought about it. Perhaps it might be a good thing that it wasn’t constant? If it wasn’t
evenly divided, perhaps he could focus on one person and collect as much love as possible?
Then he would collect the rest from the remaining people. This seemed much simpler.
For example, the fifth prince was easy and he could coax 60% love from him. Then the
remaining 40% would be the other princes since the task was collecting the love of the six
princes. The difficulty between 1% and 60% was quite different.
For the crazy second prince, getting 1% instead of 60% was much simpler.
Could he really do this? Xie Xi was deeply skeptical.
Jiang Xie watched Xie Xi, who was biting the pen while seriously thinking, and felt worried.
He was worried that his goodwill would drop after Xie Xi knew the truth.
The number was already terrible. If Yan Zhe knew then he would most probably say that
there was no chance in heaven and earth.
This task certainly wasn’t that simple. It was 16.6666% for each colour. This represented
the love of a single soul because love was endless, so the number was endless.
Since all love couldn’t exceed this percentage, there was no way to collect 60% from a
single prince.
Xie Xi put away the small book and decided to go to the sixth prince first.
The sixth prince came to him specifically so there might be something urgent.
This was also a preference. Compared to the slag third prince and temperamental second
prince, the ‘simple’ fifth and sixth prince were much lovelier.
Time was life. Xie Xi immediately went to the palace of the sixth prince.
Once the sixth prince saw him, the dark eyes lit up.
Roast Pork Bun sang his praises. “Ahhh, the second most handsome person under the sea!”
Don’t ask who the first one was. There were only two beings with different coloured eyes
under the sea.
Xie Xi bowed and the sixth prince helped him up.
“Is there anything I can do for Your Highness?”
The sixth prince paused and said, “There is something I wanted to tell you.”
Xie Xi glanced at the active progress bar and was happy to spend time with the sixth prince.
“Your Highness, please speak.”
The sixth prince hesitated before finally saying, “Tomorrow, I’m going up to the land.”
Xie Xi was startled. The land?
The sixth prince continued, “Thus, I wanted to have a word with you.”
Xie Xi was tense and he asked, “How long will you be gone?” If he was gone for a few
months, wouldn’t it be impossible to complete the task?
His nervous appearance made the sixth prince relax, saying gently, “It isn’t too long. Three
or four days at the most.”
Xie Xie Xi spoke in a relieved manner, “I thought you would be gone for a long time.”
The sixth prince’s eyes flashed. “No.”
Xie Xi was somewhat puzzled. If it was just three or four days, why specifically tell Xie Xi?
Of course, he couldn’t ask this. The sixth prince was pitiful and probably had no friends.
Was this why he paid extra attention to a person who was good to him?
Xie Xi felt a bit ashamed when he had this thought.
“This subordinate…” He wanted to say something about when the prince came back, only to
suddenly stop.
There was a green light flashing on the jade table next to him. If Xie Xi wasn’t mistaken, this
was a save point.
The sixth prince noticed his pause. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.”
The sixth prince felt doubtful but didn’t ask.
Xie Xi moved quickly and chose to save. His heart was beating quickly and he had a bad
feeling. Why was there a save point? Was there going to be an important event next?
The last save point helped get him into the palace. What was it this time?
Xie Xi couldn’t figure it out for the moment and it wasn’t good to snub the sixth prince. He
pushed away the thoughts and asked, “When will Your Highness leave?”
The sixth prince answered, “Tomorrow morning.”
Xie Xi sincerely told him, “This subordinate will be waiting for you to come back.”
The sixth prince laughed in a light manner that inexplicably made a person feel sad. “Yes.”
Xie Xi was comforted as he looked at the 7% progress bar.
The sixth prince asked, “Do you still have errands to run? Go ahead.”
Xie Xi hadn’t finished giving out the gifts and didn’t dare delay. He left with a bow.
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t comfortable. This save point made him uneasy. A save point wouldn’t
appear unless there was an important decision.
Did he make the right choice? He didn’t know.
Xie Xi changed his face and went to give the gift to the elder prince. However, he didn’t see
anyone. The eldest prince was busy and working overtime. Xie Xi turned and went to the
palace of the fourth prince. The fourth prince was the only one with a legitimate reason to
not see any guests.
He was ill. He could say no if the king’s personal attendant came, let along a small guard.
Xie Xi was slightly sorry but he wasn’t in a hurry. There was no need to test anything. The
six people had already been assigned to the three faces. Now it was just creating
opportunities to approach them.
He was really tired from this day and fell asleep.
He had a dream. In this dream, he became a small fish and was chased by six big sharks. He
swam desperately and was finally torn into six servings for the sharks.
Xie Xi woke up and smiled bitterly. How was it a dream? This was reality!
Today he wasn’t very busy. He didn’t try to pick up a fish and instead perfected the
information of the other two faces. Camouflage was a big bug and he could do many things.
He naturally had to make good use of it.
First of all, he used it to become the steward of the palace and recorded the first and second
faces into the register of palace guards.
Fortunately, this was a technologically advanced underwater world. The authority was
verified with fingerprints and the iris and Xie Xi could easily pass.
After changing the register, he arranged a proper family background for his three faces by
entering the household registration management department. Xie Xi also used this
opportunity to find out a lot of prince-related information and was ready to go back and
study it slowly.
This was a squandered day but Xie Xi felt it was worthwhile. After all, he needed to hone
the blade to cut the wood.
The next day, a maid came to find him. “Mr. Hall, there is a request from His Highness.”
Xie Xi, “…”
For a moment, he couldn’t tell which face he had on. Miss Mermaid, couldn’t she call his
name and mention which prince?
Fortunately, Roast Pork Bun was taught and knew some things. He shouted, “Sein, Daddy is
now Sein Hall!”
Xie Xi was relieved to know which prince sent the maid.
The sixth prince didn’t have a maid, not to mention that he had gone up to land. This could
only be the maid of the fifth prince.
Xie Xi followed after the maid.
The fifth prince was waiting and greeted him. “Sein, come here.”
Xie Xi was pulled by the fifth prince before he could react.
The fifth prince was wearing rare formal attire. The uniform outlined his figure very well
and his long legs could make a mermaid die from envy. After being a fish for a long time, Xie
Xi really missed the taste of Earth.
The fifth prince noticed his gaze and asked, “Do you like my legs?”
Xie Xi, “…”
The fifth prince bent over and whispered, “In fact, my tail is also beautiful. If there is a
chance, I will show you.”
Xie Xi, “!” Why did he feel so weird?
The fifth prince laughed. “Small Sein, you are so cute.”
Xie Xi glanced at the rising orange bar and said, “Your Highness, please don’t… tease this
The fifth prince held his hand. “I’m not teasing you, I’m looking at you.”
Xie Xi felt the heat from his palm and felt… wasn’t this progress a bit too fast after a few
days? He would be even more surprised if he knew that 16.6666…% was the fullest
possible value.
The fifth prince’s progress bar had already reached 13%. This was also after some progress
had been lost!
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. The fifth prince thought he was shy and stopped teasing him.
“Let’s go, I will take you to a concert.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “A concert?”
“Yes. It is a song I wrote. I’m sure you will like it.”
Xie Xi didn’t hate it. The fifth prince was versatile and just casually fiddling with the strings
created a heavenly sound. The song that the prince wrote… Xie Xi was looking forward to it
a bit.
The underwater kingdom also had ‘cars’. Of course, they were called airships instead of
After all, there was no need for a highway under the sea. The vehicle shot out with a loud
sound. A mermaid’s speed wasn’t slow, certainly not slower than an airship. However, a
fast speed would consume physical strength. This was an enjoyable means of
transportation so who would willingly swim?
There was no need to mention the grandeur of the fifth prince. Xie Xi might not understand
the technology but he could see how luxurious his transportation vehicle was. It was
estimated to be superior to two Rolls-Royce on land.
The fifth prince treated Xie Xi so well that he was slightly ashamed. He might be forced by
the task and wasn’t doing this willingly, but he was still deceiving the fifth prince.
If the soul was like the second prince then he wouldn’t care. However, the silly fifth prince
was really…
The fifth prince asked him, “Is it delicious?”
Xie Xi swallowed the pastry in his mouth and nodded. “It is delicious.”
“I will ask them to prepare more for you.”
“No, I have…”
The fifth prince told him, “You are too small. You should move out and come to my palace.”
How could Xie Xi dare do that? He frowned. “Your Highness, please give me some time. I
can arrange my own life.”
The fifth prince didn’t force him. “Okay, don’t be angry. I will leave it to you.”
Xie Xi felt more and more guilty.
They had just arrived at the concert hall and hadn’t walked in yet when the fifth prince’s
communicator rang.
It was very sharp and especially shrill, like it was some type of alarm. The fifth prince
frowned and quickly pulled out the communicator. He glanced at it and froze.
At the same time, a huge screen was projected in the screen, the square clearly visible.
The third prince dressed in military attire appeared. His posture was majestic and there
was a deep look in his eyes. The words from his mouth blasted the entire sea bed.
“Sixth Prince Sirius Atlantis went up to the land and was brutally killed! How can we so
back when the land people are so cruel and insolent?”
Xie Xi was stunned. What? The sixth prince was dead?

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GL: Chapter 40
Bonus ko-fi chapter

Lost Atlantis 11

The third prince had been to a battlefield and wasn’t angry. At this moment, he was
impassioned and he shook the mood of the people on the seabed.
There was originally an irreconcilable contradiction between the sea and land. Now the
prince’s death caused it to ignite and explode in an instant.
“The land people are too deceitful!”
“How dare they kill our prince! It is outrageous!”
“The pro-land dogs are too optimistic. The land people are pooping on our heads!”
“Down with the land people! Down with the land people! Down with the land people!”
This slogan was chanted, the loud noise causing waves to surge. Xie Xi was in the centre
and became unstable from this vortex.
The fifth prince grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to the side.
Xie Xi looked up while in this bad posture and saw hatred in the fifth prince’s carefree eyes.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped.
He checked the information and was very clear that the fifth prince was part of the land-
faction. He dissociated himself from the struggle for the three and borrowed his mother’s
attitude, supporting the peace-minded monarch.
He didn’t want to start a war with the land people and hoped that the two sides would live
in peace, not interfering with each other. Now… the death of the sixth prince broke this
If even the fifth prince of the pro-land faction felt hatred towards the land people, imagine
the others.
The sixth prince wasn’t valued but he was still a prince of the empire, a symbol of the
The land people killed him, which was tantamount to declaring war on the sea floor!
Putting aside his task, Xie Xi didn’t like war at all, not to mention that he couldn’t let the
sixth prince die.
There is a new tip in the lower right corner: [Please note that the current save point will
disappear after 10 minutes.]
This meant there was no chance if he didn’t load the file now. Did he still need to think
about it? Xie Xi chose to read the file.
After a slight dizziness, Xie Xi returned to two days ago and stood in front of the sixth
The sixth prince was asking him, “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi couldn’t recall the situation for a moment and replied in the same way, “Nothing.”
Then he remembered the save point and felt a bit flustered. Xie Xi sighed and tried to ask,
“When will Your Highness leave?”
He shouldn’t have asked. It was only after he finished speaking that he remembered.
Sure enough, the sixth prince said, “Tomorrow morning.”
“This subordinate knows this is offensive but… “Xie Xi looked up seriously. “Your Highness,
can you not go to the land?”
The sixth prince was shocked.
Xie Xi decided to play a straight ball. “The land is dangerous. Why should your noble body
take the risk?”
These words flowed into Sirius’ heart like a warm current. His eyes lightened and he said
softly, “The land isn’t as dangerous as you think. I’ve been up there many times and it’s
How was it fine? He lost his life!
Xie Xi asked anxiously, “Must you go?”
The sixth prince’s heart was warm. He normally didn’t speak many words but now he was
talkative. “Rest assured, I will come back in two or three days.”
Xie Xi didn’t care about the progress bar rising and asked again, “Can this subordinate go
with you?”
The sixth prince’s body stiffened. He obviously didn’t expect Xie Xi to say such a thing.
Xie Xi couldn’t let him die again. He stared at the prince and wondered, “Is it okay?”
The sixth prince looked at him with puzzled eyes. “Why?”
The excuse that Xie Xi came up with was very lame. “This subordinate hasn’t been up to
land and wants to see it.”
“You just said that the land is dangerous.”
Xie Xie Xi blocked him. “Didn’t Your Highness say that the land isn’t as dangerous as I
The prince was so worried that he had forgotten.
However, the more he thought about it, the faster his heartbeat became.
For so many years, almost no one had taken the initiative to speak to him, let alone wish
him well. The person in front of him gave him food and sent him his father’s gift. Now…
The sixth prince’s eyes were extremely gentle. “Don’t worry, I really will be fine. I will come
back in two or three days.”
Xie Xie Xi was obstinate. “If there really is nothing wrong, why can’t you take a
subordinate? Your Highness, do you have anyone to serve you while travelling?”
“…” The sixth prince was used to being alone and there was no one to serve him.
Xie Xi said this but he hadn’t thought the sixth prince actually went alone and died in a
foreign land. This was too miserable.
He slowed down his voice. “Your Highness, take this subordinate to see the world. I have
never left the sea.”
The sixth prince couldn’t refuse this softness. “Okay, I will take you to see it. The land is also
very interesting.”
Xie Xi was a land person and how could he be curious about the land? However, he was
happy to be able to block the sixth prince’s death and smile. “Yes! Your Highness, I will see
you tomorrow!”
The sixth prince was swayed by his smile and called out his name. “Sein.”
Xie Xi was used to this name and replied, “Hmm?”
The sixth prince shook his head. “It’s nothing. You still have errands to run so go ahead.”
Then he smiled. The different coloured pupils gave off an unknown feeling but once he
smiled, the colour lightened. It was as if the clear sky was merging with the gentlest
sunrise, creating a gentle and beautiful light.
Xie Xie Xi felt awkward and left with a bow.
Roast Pork Bun screamed, “Really handsome! He is worthy of being my future father!”
Xie Xi raised the bun and rubbed his little head. “Who is your father, huh?”
Roast Pork Bun spoke unclear words, “Mommy is baba, ouch ouch…”
Xie Xi rubbed harder.
Thanks to his last experience, Xie Xi didn’t waste time going to the eldest prince and fourth
prince. He used the Camouflage technique to fill in the identity of his other two faces, giving
himself a fake identity.
It was lucky he had the reserve faces or these things would’ve worried him to death.
Even so, it was troublesome. Xie Xi could only hope that this time, the sixth prince was
successfully saved and he wouldn’t have to load the file again!
Xie Xi held Roast Pork Bun and went to sleep. The next day, he was full of energy and
psychologically prepared.
The sixth prince was really ‘poor.’ The fifth prince could freely go to see a concert while the
sixth prince had to go on a business trip, only bringing Xie Xi. In addition, Xie Xi was the one
who volunteered to go.
Halfway through the bow, the sixth prince smiled and helped him up. “The land is different
from the sea. There is no need to be so courteous.”
“This subordinate is stupid. There are some things I don’t understand so I am asking Your
Highness to forgive me.”
The sixth prince corrected him. “Don’t call me Your Highness or call yourself my
Xie Xi pretended to be surprised. “How can this be done?”
The sixth prince explained, “The land is different from the sea. They have abolished the
monarchy and their social structure is more equal.”
Xie Xi certainly knew this but still had to pretend to be surprised. “The land people are
really wild. They don’t understand courtesy.”
The sixth prince was patient. “Isn’t equality good? No matter the status, everyone has a
chance to get ahead.’’
Xie Xi’s brain circuits were attuned to the undersea people. “Still, how can civilians
compare to the royal family?”
“Why can’t they compare?”
“Only the royal family has strong mana and can transform their perfect legs.”
The sixth prince’s pupils shrank. “If you eat enough, who can grow these two pieces of
Xie Xi was surprised.
Roast Pork Bun was different and cried out with wonder, “A handsome guy speaking such
Xie Xi, “…” The good atmosphere was destroyed by this roast pork.
The sixth prince glanced at Xie Xi. “If you go ashore, you have to walk on legs.”
Xie Xi had walked on legs for 19 years and was probably more proficient than the sixth
prince. It was a pity he still had to act. “Is it hard?”
“It will be hard at first but don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
“Then I will trouble Your Highness.”
“Call me Sirius.”
Xie Xi called his name and the sixth prince smiled. “It is the first time I’ve felt that my name
is so nice.”
Xie Xi, “…”
The damn Roast Pork Bun shouted, “Ahhh, the handsome man can talk!”
Xie Xi really wanted to throw this roast pork away!
The sixth prince spoke again, “We will arrive on land in one hour. I will first help you
transform your legs.”
Xie Xi’s mana wasn’t sufficient enough to have legs but the sixth prince could help him.
Xie Xi nodded.
The sixth prince asked Xie Xi to sit on the chair with his tail to one side.
Then the sixth prince knelt before him and placed a hand on the fish tail. It was really quite
wonderful. The sixth prince always had a sullen face in the past and didn’t look at
strangers. After people became familiar with him, they would find that his character was
simple. It was just that he didn’t know how to get along with people.
It made Xie Xi think of himself. Before coming to this inexplicable world, he was also like
this. He was abandoned by his father, abandoned by his mother and isolated by the whole
world. He could only live alone in his own world, dazed and helpless…
“It might be a bit uncomfortable. Please bear with it.” The sixth prince softly told him.
Xie Xi’s spirit returned and he nodded. “It is fine…”
Before he could finish, he experienced an unbearable itching. It would’ve felt better to
experience pain than this terrible itching. It was as if his whole tail was lightly electrocuted.
The sixth prince look up and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, “Is it painful?”
Xie Xi bit his lower lip and shook his head. “No.”
“I have controlled the strength so it shouldn’t hurt. Still, I will do it a bit slower.”
Xie Xi would rather he hurry up and finish it. This was too uncomfortable.
The always unpleasant Roast Pork Bun covered his eyes with a paw, squinting through a
slight gap. “Good, good se*ual air!”
If Xie Xi could move then he would grab this roast pork and throw him away!
There was some silence in the cabin. Once the sixth prince’s hands were removed, Xie Xi
was finally freed from this damn numbness. He took a breath and calmed his emotions.
The sixth prince’s Adam’s Apple moved as he whispered, “Take a break. I will call you when
we are almost at the shore.”
Xie Xi wasn’t sure when the accident would happen and didn’t want to be separated from
him. “I’m fine. Your Majesty, stay here.”
The sixth prince, “…”
Xie Xi didn’t notice any problems with his words but the progress bar rushed to 13%,
surpassing the fifth prince!
Xie Xi was stunned and couldn’t figure out exactly what was going on.
The sixth prince coughed, the tips of his ears slightly red as he asked, “Do you want to get
up and try walking?”
Xie Xi, who was afraid the prince would die after leaving his sight, replied with a simple,
He had been walking for 19 years. How could he forget it right away? Unexpectedly, he
found that his legs were powerless and useless once he stood up.
“Eh…” Xie Xi almost fell.
The sixth prince quickly held him. “Don’t worry.”
Xie Xi grabbed his arm as support and barely managed to stand.
The sixth prince was afraid Xie Xi would be disappointed and explained, “You are used to a
fish tail. Now that it has become two legs, you need to slowly adapt.”
Xie Xi was a genuine two-legged being! Unexpectedly, he couldn’t walk after a few days of
having a fish tail!
“Your Highness, sit down? I’ll try while supporting myself against the wall.”
“It doesn’t matter. You can hold onto me.”
Xie Xi was still worried about the prince dying and wasn’t polite. He held onto the prince’s
arms and tried to adapt to his legs.
After Xie Xi gritted his teeth for more than 10 minutes, the sixth prince smiled. “Very good.”
Xie Xi, “…” How was this good? He was bow-legged.
The sixth prince continued, “When I just gained legs, I treated it as swimming with two
“You were very young at the time.”
“My big brothers could walk on their feet when they were three years old.”
Xie Xi’s heart stirred as he thought about the sentence the sixth prince just said. If everyone
could eat well, would they grow legs? Were the legs innate from birth?
Xie Xi told him, “You are no worse than anyone else.”
As soon as he said this, the blue progress bar shot up again to 15%!
Xie Xi was a bit excited. If the sixth prince’s progress exceeded 17%, did this mean he didn’t
have to pick up so many fish?
By the time they finally landed, Xie Xi had adapted to his legs and could walk steadily with
the sixth prince’s help.
The sixth prince said, “Drink this.”
This was a water retention agent developed by the underwater world. After taking it, the
mermaids wouldn’t become dehydrated on land. However, there was a time limit on it. It
only lasted for up to three days.
Xie Xi drank it.
The sixth prince saw the white neck. His eyes widened and he looked away.
Xie Xi put down the empty bottle. “It tastes good. It is sweet.”
The sixth prince smiled. “Get ready. We’re going ashore now.”
Xie Xi nodded. “No problem.”
What was the problem? He was a native land person! It was a pity that this thought
disappeared as soon as he left the water.
It was dry, hot and uncomfortable.
Xie Xi frowned. It was like he was walking into a sauna. He couldn’t open his eyes from the
hot air blowing into his face.
The sixth prince’s voice was heard in his ears. “Don’t be afraid. Try to breathe.”
Xie Xi held his arm, closed his eyes and breathed for a bit until he finally got used to it.
Who would’ve thought of this? A land person wouldn’t be able to adapt to the air on land
one day.
A faint coolness came from the palm of the sixth prince. Xie Xi found that he was covered
with a thin layer of water and the hot feeling faded. He was suddenly more comfortable.
The sixth prince told him, “Adapt slowly. There are no land people here.”
Xie Xi’s body was covered with a faint layer of water. If ordinary people saw this then they
would probably yell.
Xie Xi saw the thin beads of sweat on the sixth prince and knew that maintaining the water
was draining his power. Xie Xi shook his head and said, “No, I have to adapt sooner or
He hadn’t finished when he felt the air splitting apart.
Xie Xi was surprised but his dull body couldn’t avoid the incoming bullet.
It was aimed for the middle of his forehead and he would undoubtedly die.
Then the sixth prince took Xie Xi into his arms, blocking the bullet with his back.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Sirius’ brow was furrowed and his different coloured eyes extremely gentle. “…Go back to
the boat.” Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.
Xie Xi didn’t delay and immediately loaded the file!
The Central Garden.
Jiang Xie looked at the degree of goodwill.
The many days of ‘red rain’ finally stopped but he felt a bit complicated about the floating
green +1.
The goodwill had gone up. It was green.
It was really doing something for the occasion.

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GL: Chapter 41
Lost Atlantis 12

Jiang Xie’s complicated mood was just beginning.

On the water curtain, Xie Xi read the file and returned to the undersea kingdom. He just
returned from the hot land to the warm water, only to see the sixth prince alive. He sighed
with relief. This feedback was transmitted to Jiang Xie in the form of goodwill +1.
Jiang Xie was uncomfortable. The sixth prince blocked a shot for Xie Xi and it was natural
for goodwill to rise. Then why did it rise again after the file was read and they met?
Clearly his little rose had good feelings but Old Jiang wasn’t happy.
Xie Xi spoke the same words to the sixth prince and the sixth prince’s reply was almost
This included the sentence after departure.
“…Call me Sirius.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved as he called out, “Sirius.”
The sixth prince whispered, “This is the first time I’ve felt that my name is so good.”
“It sounds good.”
Jiang Xie, “…” The green +3 stung his eyes. In other words, Old Jiang caused the goodwill to
fall while his soul caused it to rise?
Next, the sixth prince helped Xie Xi gain his legs. Jiang Xie already disliked this part the first
time it happened and now he hated it even more. The sixth prince was his soul and his soul
was part of him. Right now, he was feeling green towards himself.
This authentic green, the green +1 was like the green grassland under the blue sky and
white clouds.
It was too much.
This time, Xie Xi didn’t dare delay with his legs. He actively held the sixth prince’s arm and
tried hard to walk. There would be danger once they went ashore. He must adapt to these
two ‘bamboo poles’ as soon as possible!
The sixth prince saw the thin sweat dripping from his nose and said, “Don’t be anxious.
Take your time.”
How could Xie Xi slow down? He resisted the discomfort and kept walking. “I can’t drag you
The second prince asked, “How can that be? The fact that you accompanied me ashore, I
already…” He paused and felt that this was too intimate to say.
Xie Xi understood.
They only met each other for a few days and the time spent together was even less, yet the
sixth prince saved Xie Xi’s life at a critical moment. This showed how much he valued Xie Xi.
He didn’t understand how a person who had seen a cold world, who suffered from the
injustice of being excluded and who lived such a miserable life, could have such a gentle
The prince accepted Xie Xi’s without knowing the sham and sacrificed his life.
Xie Xi was very ashamed.
This time, Xie Xi adapted well. Not only did he require less help, but he could also run on
these legs.
He drank the water retention agent and after landing, he resisted the dry heat and
sultriness of the air. He couldn’t let the sixth prince waste strength on giving him a water
shield! The sixth prince had to recharge his batteries and do his best!
The sixth prince asked in a worried manner, “How are you?”
Xie Xi wasn’t good. He was very bad but he smiled and said, “The land is really different
from the sea.”
“If you feel bad…”
Xie Xi screamed, “Be careful!”
His voice was heard before the air broke apart. This gave the sixth prince enough reaction
time. He reached out to protect Xie Xi and the two of them rolled together, dodging the
Xie Xi’s heart was beating quickly and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Despite his
many death experiences, his adrenaline was surging in this tense moment.
“There is danger on the shore. Let’s go back to the boat first!” Xie Xi hurriedly told the
The sixth prince was on guard and paying attention to the enemy’s movements. “Go!”
They moved as a dense hail of bullets were fired. Fortunately, Xie Xi had practiced moving
on his legs or he would’ve had to load the file again!
The two people escaped from the bullets and finally returned to the boat. The boat was
simple but it could withstand the pressure of the seabed. Thus, ordinary knives and guns
couldn’t harm it.
Xie Xi was startled as he suddenly realized a problem he had ignored before.
The undersea people lived under high pressure all year round. Their bodies were far
superior to the land people and ordinary bullets couldn’t pierce through their skin at all.
The sixth prince was from the powerful royal family. How could the previous shot be fatal?
Xie Xi looked at the sixth prince and found he was looking solemn, the different coloured
pupils much deeper than usual. They were filled with an unknown meaning.
Xie Xi whispered, “Your Highness, there is danger on the shore. Let’s go back first!”
The sixth prince glanced at him. “You go back first. I have to find out who is behind the
“It is dangerous.”
The sixth prince explained to him. “This attack isn’t just about our lives or deaths. If this
news is sent back to the bottom of the sea, it will lead to greater trouble.”
The sixth prince hadn’t publicized that he was going to the shore but he had registered it.
He had just left. If he returned straight away, he was bound to be questioned. Even if the
sixth prince managed to hide it, other people would be attacked if they went ashore.
Xie Xi had some vague conjectures. He couldn’t explain it and could only ask, “If it is the
land people who declared war on us…”
The sixth prince stared out the window. “Then we will fight.”
Xie Xi hadn’t expected the sixth prince to be so decisive and spoke again, “If it isn’t…”
“That’s why I have to confirm the truth.”
He turned to Xie Xi. “Go back and find a place to hide. No one knows that you went to the
shore and it won’t arouse suspicion.”
He was going to stay and find out what happened, but he didn’t want Xie Xi involved.
How could Xie Xi not understand? He exclaimed, “I am a guard of the royal family. How can
I leave Your Highness and escape alone?”
The sixth prince was stunned. His pupils shrank and an unprecedented indifference filled
his voice. “How is the royal family worthy of your protection?”
Xie Xi was unmoved. “Sirius is worth it!”
The words shocked the sixth prince. He stared at Xie Xi with unsettled eyes.
Xie Xi didn’t shy away. Forget the fact that he had several lives. He wouldn’t leave the sixth
prince, even if he had only one life.
This man died for him once. Xie Xi wouldn’t let him die a second time.
Xie Xi might have no friends but this didn’t mean he didn’t understand brotherhood!
The sixth prince sighed and handed a weapon to Xie Xi. “Stay close to me.”
Xie Xi hadn’t used this before and didn’t have time to open the talent system. He didn’t have
a gun specialization and could only pray that nothing happened.
Still, he had Roast Pork Bun. He used Roast Pork Bun as his eyes.
Roast Pork Bun understood and flew out to explore the area. There were eyes that no one
else could see, meaning Xie Xi wouldn’t hold back the prince.
The sixth prince was in front and Xie Xi behind him. The two men were focused and on
At almost the same time, gunshots were heard. Xie Xi followed the sixth prince and
repeated the message that Roast Pork Bun brought back. “The firepower is concentrated to
the left rear side.”
The moment he spoke, the sixth prince adjusted his position.
Xie Xi’s chest was hot and he didn’t forget to care for the prince in this emergency. He
asked, “Avoid it or…”
The sixth prince replied. “I will create a route and we will rush through the route.” Xie Xi
tightened his grip on his gun, his hands all sweaty.
After all, he had no experience and couldn’t be calm in such a situation.
The sixth prince told him, “Concentrate on covering me. I will open my five senses so they
can’t run away.”
This was the enduring essence of the Atlantis royal family. They had different physiques
from ordinary people and unique abilities. Once activated, their combat power was
It was said that the third prince activated his ability during the North-South War. One man
alone wiped out the entire army, giving him the name of Killing God.
There was Roast Pork Bun to pass on information and the sixth prince’s ability. They finally
rushed through the coast and pulled out the person hiding in the darkness, aiming a gun at
It was a short battle and the outcome emerged in a flash. Xie Xi thought it was over. They
just needed to shoot and kill this person.
The man gave a low laugh. “I didn’t expect to lead a wolf into the room.”
The familiar voice made Xie Xi’s heart jump.
The man took off his mask, revealing an honest face.
Xie Xi expected that it was the underwater people attacking the sixth prince but he hadn’t
expected it to be his guard captain Thomas!
The sixth prince was also stunned.
Thomas was expressionless as he aimed his gun at the sixth prince. “Your Highness, I can’t
help it.”
The cold words ended and he pulled the trigger.
At such a critical moment, the sixth prince was motionless as he stared in front with wide
Xie Xi couldn’t let him die again. He flew between the bullet and the prince, wanting to use
himself as a shield.
Unexpectedly, the motionless prince saw that Xie Xi was planning to block the bullet for
him and quickly hugged Xie Xi, turning to avoid the bullet.
His movements were too fast, faster than a bullet!
Xie Xi’s scalp was numb and his head was blank.
The sixth prince asked him, “Why?”
Xie Xi knew the sixth prince’s meaning. He was asking why Xie Xi saved him? Xie Xi barely
managed to open his mouth, “Don’t, don’t give up on yourself.” Even if he was abandoned
by his loved ones and the country, don’t give up on himself.
The sixth prince’s pupils shrank. The colours were too deep and were close to black.
He got up with a blank expression, killing Thomas and the others.
At the end of the disaster, all those who died were the underwater people.
Xie Xi stared at the dead Thomas with complicated feelings.
The sixth prince’s voice was calm, “It is the royal secret service.”
Xie Xi had long guessed it and he understood why the sixth prince had died the first time.
Based on Sirius’ abilities, he wasn’t as strong as Gars but he could retreat from these
The reason he didn’t was because he was motivated to die.
The moment Thomas and the others showed their faces, he understood.
They were the royal special guards. No one could give them orders apart from the royal
Who was in the royal family? His father, his brothers, his closest family.
The sixth prince grew up alone and never received any love. He gave up on himself after
learning that he was abandoned by everyone.
By killing him, the underwater kingdom could go to war with the land people.
This was the wish of his family and his family believed it was his only value.
Xie Xi’s heart hurt and he couldn’t help comforting the prince, “Maybe it isn’t what you
Outside the water curtain.
Jiang Xie reached out and touched Xie Xi’s white face.
The souls were a part of him and occasionally mapped out some of his memories.
He had experienced the same thing as the sixth prince. Unfortunately, there was no Xie Xi at
the time and he was born a dead monster.
Jiang Xie looked away and gazed at his goodwill.
The green +10 was particularly conspicuous.
Jiang Xie leaned back on the chair, a wry smile on his face.
He didn’t know if he was lucky or not.
The base red colour was too large. Despite all the green floating up, the green still wasn’t
that much.
The number was still -250.
Sure enough, it was really sad.

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GL: Chapter 42
Lost Atlantis 13

The mission of the special royal guards failed and the sixth prince was unscathed. The
situation was very delicate.
Xie Xi tried to persuade him with words. Unfortunately, he felt his own words were very
What was Sirius thinking?
Who could send out so many special guards apart from his close relatives?
The only difference was whether it was a father or a brother, but it was all the same for the
sixth prince.
Xie Xi glanced at the sixth prince. “Your Highness, are we going back?”
The conspiracy had been revealed. Would Sirius return to the bottom of the sea? Did he still
want to go back to the palace when he was abandoned by his family?
What should Xie Xi do if the sixth prince didn’t return? He still had his task to do!
“Go back.” The sixth prince stated.
Xie Xi looked up at him.
The sixth prince’s demeanour was different from before. His lonely and tender voice was
replaced with a firm will. “Why shouldn’t we go back? It is our home and where we lived.”
Xie Xi realized that the prince in front of him had changed.
The sixth prince looked at him and said, “Sein, thank you. I won’t escape again. I won’t be
cowardly and will face everything. I won’t give up on myself.”
Xie Xi was full of relief and nodded with warm eyes. “It is great that Your Highness can
cheer up!”
Sirius had been silent for 19 years. He hadn’t fought for himself for 19 years. Now he finally
had feelings that he wanted to guard, a person he wanted to protect no matter what…
This gave him a new life and the courage to face everything.
He didn’t want to be a disposable pawn at the mercy of others! He didn’t want to let his
cherished people encounter danger!
Xie Xi opened his mouth, “The bodies have to be disposed of. I will go to the ship to see if
there are any tools.”
Sirius told him, “There are storage bags in the back warehouse. We have to break these
bodies back.”
The presence of the underwater people’s bodies left on the shore could cause problems.
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay, I will grab them.”
Sirius was afraid that these special guards weren’t dead and wanted to send Xie Xi away to
deal with them. Thus, he nodded in agreement.
Now Xie Xi was used to his legs and it wasn’t hard to walk. It didn’t take him long to return
to the ship and the moment he opened the back warehouse…
There was a bright light. Xie Xi was stunned while Roast Pork Bun screamed in his ear, “It is
Unfortunately, it was too late. Xie Xi’s face and body were blown to pieces.
He later realized… the ship had long been tampered with. If the special guards failed, the
prince would be blown up when he returned.
The fuel used for returning was placed in the back warehouse. The sixth prince would
definitely open it when going back. These explosives were specifically meant for the
underwater people. Despite the sixth prince’s ability, he would definitely die.
The killer behind the scenes was really tough.
The explosion pierced Sirius’ brain like a needle. He turned his head and saw the blaze.
“Sein…” Sirius was pale and he ran at the fastest speed.
It was a pity that he was too late. The whole ship had been burned to ashes and there was
only the shadow of half a person.
Sirius was dazed, his eyes empty as he failed to understand the situation in front of him.
“No, Sein, it is impossible, impossible…”
He murmured in the midst of a nightmare. A red aura emerged from his body and
enveloped him like a bloody fog.
“Sein, Sein, Sein…”
His voice gradually grew louder.
“Answer me!” At his scream, the water behind him surged and a wave that was over 10
metres high crashed down.
The burning ship was extinguished but there was nothing apart from the dark wreckage
and the grey smoke.
Sirius rushed up and rummaged through the burnt remains.
“Sein, Sein, where are you? Tell me! Tell me where you are!”
His screams were almost made. He seemed crazy as he looked for possibilities in a pile of
Xie Xi was indeed blown to pieces but he didn’t die.
Roast Pork Bun judged that this fatal injury’s pain level was too high and he launched the
fatal injuries immunity.
Roast Pork Bun’s three lives were painless so not only was Xie Xi still alive, he wasn’t in any
pain at all.
He sank to the bottom of the water, looking at the pieces of his body being put back
together, his mood very complicated.
He heard Sirius’ cry and felt Sirius’ grief.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t go to see Sirius.
It was too difficult to explain why Xie Xi was still alive when he had been blown up.
The save point had disappeared after the guards were taken care of and it was impossible
to load the file.
Thus, Sein Hall was dead.
Dead people couldn’t be resurrected.
Roast Pork Bun was crying as he flew over and rubbed his furry head against Sirius,
clumsily comforting him.
It was a pity that Sirius couldn’t feel it. He kept digging into the mess, trying to get back his
Sein Hall.
Xie Xi couldn’t bear to see anymore.
Then there was a change in the lower right corner.
On the task progress bar, the blue colour representing the sixth prince surged to 16.6666…
Xie Xi knew this was the maximum value because the blue colour gradually became a full
He had seen this colour before. In the first world, there was such a green progress bar
underneath the number of days he survived.
Each colour represented a different prince and turning green should represent that the
prince’s love collection was full.
A while ago, Xie Xi could joke that it was a crafty escape, but now he couldn’t.
It was really cruel.
Xie Xi’s body was restored and he could move. Roast Pork Bun flew back and cried out,
“Daddy, quickly go to see him. He is sad!”
Xie Xi used Camouflage and replaced his face.
Roast Pork Bun reacted. “Daddy, don’t you want him?”
Xie Xi’s heart was pierced and he sighed, “This is better for him.”
He admired Sirius and regarded him as a friend. However, Sirius’ feelings towards him
were different.
Xie Xi was destined not to return these feelings so it was better to simply cut if off.
Once a person died, nothing could happen.
Time would fade everything.
Even so…
Garbage X, garbage task!
The souls didn’t have his consciousness. Silly Fork, even abusing them!
Xie Xi really wanted to beat up X!
Roast Pork Bun sensed Xie Xi’s bad mood and wondered, “We really aren’t going back? How
can we return to the bottom of the sea without Sirius’ help?”
Xie Xi had a small physique. If he swam back to the bottom of the sea, it would be really
Not to mention, Xie Xi didn’t know the path. If he swam back, who knew where he would
swim to?
Xie Xi knew that Roast Pork Bun was still hoping for Sein Hall’s resurrection.
Nevertheless, it was impossible for Sein Hall to live again.
Xie Xi didn’t belong to this world. He came here to clear the task, not to trap himself here.
How could he get back to the undersea kingdom? He couldn’t ask Sirius for help but he had
to go back in the shortest possible time.
Xie Xi’s brain worked and he had a thought. He could summon X’s body.
This skill had a cooldown time and should be available again after the last time it was used.
Xie Xi looked at his skills bar and indeed, the summoning X skill was shown to be available.
Since X could design a world under the sea, surely he wouldn’t be afraid of water?
If he was afraid of water, bad luck.
Xie Xi sneered. He couldn’t wait to push X into the water to feed the fish!
He used the skill and X appeared. X was very good in the water and didn’t look confused. He
leaned over to bow and said, “Master.”
The originally angry Xie Xi saw his strange eyes and more than half of his anger
Sirius was worthy of being his soul.
Especially the eyes…
Xie Xi thought of the poor sixth prince and felt distressed while also hating X.
Stupid Fork, a silly Fork!
After Jiang Xie was summoned, he couldn’t see the goodwill. Otherwise, he would definitely
see the wonders of red and green.
The -1 and +1 flew, the red and green colours mixing together was exciting.
Xie Xi’s face was cold as he ordered, “Send me to the bottom of the sea.”
Xie Xi was smart. “Do you know where the bottom of the sea is?”
Jiang Xie didn’t reveal anything. “Vertically downwards.”
Xie Xi stared at him because it was too easy to be reminded of Sirius. Then he impatiently
said, “There is an underwater kingdom. Can you send me there in three minutes?” It was
okay if he was sent halfway because he should be able to swim the rest of the way himself.
Jiang Xie asked, “Are any of your things there?”
Xie Xi replied, “I live there.” There were quite a few of his items.
“Okay, then I can send you to your place of residence.”
What type of skill was this? A dog nose tracker? Xie Xi was slightly surprised and thought
that this X really wasn’t simple.
Jiang Xie came close to him. “I will offend you.”
Xie Xi was startled. “What…”
He hadn’t finished speaking when Jiang Xie easily lifted him up.
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie explained, “The speed is very fast and you will be uncomfortable.” Xie Xi was
uncomfortable with this position but he couldn’t care too much. The speed definitely had to
be fast if he wanted to arrive at the bottom of the sea in three minutes. He would probably
be thrown out along the way if they were just holding hands.”
“Don’t delay the time.” Xie Xi thought of the poor sixth prince and didn’t want to show X a
good face.
Jiang Xie told hi, “Don’t be stubborn. You can sleep if you can’t stand it.”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Go!” What nonsense. What was unbearable and how could he sleep?
Jiang Xie looked down at him, thin lips curving slightly.
It was too late for Xie Xi to think about the meaning of this smile. He was shocked by the
sudden acceleration.
They travelled such a long distance in only three minutes. The speed was terrible. Xie Xi
had been pulling away from X’s chest and now he grabbed the clothes and directly stuck to
His head was almost stirred into a paste.
30 seconds later, Xie Xi understood why X had told him to go to sleep if he couldn’t stand it.
How was this sleeping? It was passing out!
That’s right. Xiao Xi felt dizzy and fainted.
It took only one minute for Jiang Xie to reach the bottom of the sea. He swaggered into the
palace of Atlantis and it was like the guards were blind. They couldn’t see him at all.
Xie Xi was unconscious, his fingers still clutching X’s clothes.
Jiang Xie had resonated with his soul after coming to this quasi-world. The pain of the sixth
prince lingered in his heart.
The taste of the person he liked disappearing in front of him was indescribable.
Fortunately, the person wasn’t dead and was sleeping peacefully in Jiang Xie’s arms.
The lost ecstasy was also fascinating.
Jiang Xie bowed his head and kissed Xie Xi gently on the white forehead. He was cautious
and afraid of shocking Xie Xi.
“Have a good night’s sleep.” Jiang Xie made him fall into a deeper sleep.
Xie Xi’s hands relaxed, his brow slightly furrowing as his thin lips moved, “I’m sorry.”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi’s dream reached the peak. “…Sirius, I’m sorry.”
This little guy was really gentle.
Jiang Xie stared down at the youth without blinking.
If he had met Xie Xi earlier…
No, it wasn’t too late.
Before the summoning time ended, Jiang Xie looked at the elf. “Come here.”
Roast Pork Bun didn’t know who this person was and asked cautiously, “Handsome guy,
who are you?”
“Your dad.”
Roast Pork Bun, “!”
His dad couldn’t be so handsome. Oh, his dad was really handsome!
“What is it?” Roast Pork Bun approached.
Jiang Xie started patting his small back.
This action was extremely light, as if he was playing around. Roast Pork Bun felt the
slapping of the hand and meowed like crazy.
The kitten’s screams were blocked by Jiang Xie and he was moved away so that he wouldn’t
wake Xie Xi.
Roast Pork Bun thought his life was ending. Who knew that after 10 seconds, he would feel
power surging in his body.
What was going on?
Jiang Xie told him, “Wait for Xie Xi to wake up and then ask him for some physical potions.
If you drink them, you can evolve.”
The small cat blinked.
He wanted to ask again but the handsome dad who almost killed him had disappeared.
Xie Xi slept and after waking up, he couldn’t figure out where he was…
Oh, he summoned X and asked to be sent back to the bottom of the sea.
Then… he was knocked unconscious by the speed.
He was really useless. Xie Xi wanted to return to the Central World. After completing three
tasks, he could improve his basic qualities!
He was back at the bottom of the sea and the hard battle was just beginning.
Sein Hall was dead.
There was still the fifth prince remaining.
Thanks to the sixth prince, Xie Xi discovered that he couldn’t focus on a single prince. He
must equally collect the love of all six princes.
There was also the side mission. Oh, the side mission could die. He just wanted to get out of
Roast Pork Bun was buzzing like a fly. “Daddy, Daddy, I’m so hungry!”
Xie Xi froze and looked at him. “What’s the matter?”
The kitten spread its wings and twirled around. “Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry!”
Xie Xi showed dislike on the surface but he actually very very pained. He panicked at this
sudden situation. “Why are you suddenly hungry?”
The kitten had never eaten anything before.
Roast Pork Bun actually felt thirsty and hungry and made tearful eyes. “I’m so
uncomfortable. Daddy, I’m uncomfortable.”
Xie Xi anxiously asked it, “What can you eat? Tell me, I’ll get it for you.”
Roast Pork Bun remembered the words of the handsome guy and replied, “Physical
medicine, I can eat physical medicine.”
This time, Xie Xi had brought physical medicine with him. This potion level was very low
but the effect was okay. Since items could be stacked up, he brought many bottles with him.
Xie Xi quickly took it out and fed it to Roast Pork Bun.
The kitten hugged the physical medicine and drank, the liquid overflowing from his mouth.
Xie Xi told him, “Slow down, don’t choke.”
Roast Pork Bun still felt thirsty after a bottle. Xie Xi hurriedly gave him a few more bottles.
After drinking a full six bottles, Roast Pork Bun finally calmed down.
Xie Xi’s forehead was sweaty. “Is it better?”
Roast Pork Bun flashed gold and a hint appeared in the lower right corner.
[Congratulations, the elf Roast Pork Bun has evolved to the beginner level and activated the
skill: Dreaming.]

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GL: Chapter 43
Lost Atlantis 14

Evolution? Roast Pork Bun had evolved?

Xie Xi didn’t expect it at all.
Roast Pork Bun also hadn’t expected to evolve because the training course stated that his
usefulness was to sell meng and relieve depression.
Sure enough, the training course wasn’t reliable!
The little kitten couldn’t help feeling smug. He turned around in the air and cried out,
“Daddy, aren’t I good?”
Xie Xi grabbed him and rubbed his fur. Xie Xi had been scared to death since he thought
Roast Pork Bun was sick.
Although Xie Xi didn’t say this, Roast Pork Bun felt his worry and let himself be rubbed, his
heart warm. Mother was very gentle.
Xie Xi let go of his worries and asked about Roast Pork Bun’s physical condition.
Roast Pork Bun answered, “I’m not hungry and I feel full of energy.”
Then it was fine. Xie Xi started looking at the added skill. Roast Pork Bun was his elf and he
could see all the properties after the hatching.
Beginner Elf.
Gold quality.
New skill: Dreaming.
Xie Xi poked the word Dreaming and saw the detailed information.
Dreaming: It is an ability of the night. It can also be used during the day? After all, who
doesn’t daydream?
Conditions of Use: 1. The user must be in the dream of the target person.
2. The target must be within sight of the user.
3. Available only in a quasi-world (No world rating required)
4. The user can’t wake up the target in the dream.
5. The user can only enter the dream of the same person once every three days.
There were many usage conditions, especially the first one. This greatly limited the ability
so that he couldn’t freely enter dreams.
However, this was an extremely convenient ability for Xie Xi! It could even be called rain
falling from the sky!
With this Dreaming skill, he could go into the dreams of the princes and collect their love.
This way, he could avoid conflict with other princes and the chances of being exposed were
greatly reduced!
Of course, he had to do preparation work like contacting the princes in advance and
collecting some love, so that they could dream of him. Still, this was cute compared to the
previous hell mode.
Xie Xi rubbed Roast Pork Bun and his thin lips curved. He finally got something back. He
didn’t know what Jiang Xie had done but he was grateful to X for giving him this elf egg.
Roast Pork Bun might be a piece of pork but he was the cutest under the sky. Jiang Xie
finally earned 3 points on his own merits.
He closed the water curtain and sent a message to Yan Zhe.
Yan Zhe replied to him: [What are you going now? Aren’t you looking at Little Rose?] He
yelled this but he came quickly.
Once he arrived at the garden, he saw a large area of dead roses. Blue veins bulged on Yan
Zhe’s forehead as he shouted, “Old Jiang, what the hell did you do?”
He walked over and saw Jiang Xie leaning against the pavilion.
The man’s face was as white as the jade under his feet. There was no blood in his face and
the corner of his mouth had lightened. He looked miserable.
This terrible bastard wasn’t afraid of death!
Yan Zhe was swearing but his heart felt anxious. He raised a hand, his brow furrowed.
“What the hell did you do?” Jiang Xie replied lazily, “I added a skill to the elf egg.”
Yan Zhe, “…”
“You fucking added a skill to the elf egg in the quasi-world?”
Jiang Xie was silent.
Yan Zhe exploded. “Why don’t you die!”
Jiang Xie only said a simple sentence but Yan Zhe understood everything.
The gold elf eff was obtained by them when they were clearing land together.
An SS-grade team world and a golden core task, the instance clearance reward was
definitely a gold quality thing. Yan Zhe got a gold skill that went against the sky, Qin Ge got
a golden quality body and Jiang Xie got the well-known useless gold egg.
Don’t look at the fact that it was golden. Even the Zone had labelled it as a ‘waste’. This egg
was worthless apart from its self-awareness and empathy. The three lives it came with was
simple trash for a gold quality reward.
At the time, Yan Zhe had laughed at Jiang Xie. “Keep it and use it to coax your wife!”
The result was that Jiang Xie really used it to coax his wife.
Once hatched, it was only used for relieving boredom. Why add a skill to it?
The egg had a 0 qualification. In order to add skills to it, he needed to give it a pure body
first. The highest the skill rating, the purer the body. Based on the nature of Old Jiang, this
skill definitely wouldn’t be lower than a purple grade skill.
What was the damn point of this? He just had to look at Old Jiang’s weak appearance to
know. Yan Zhe treated him while raising an eyebrow, “Did you add the skill privately?”
The summoned body couldn’t do anything that was against the owner’s wishes. If Little
Rose didn’t order Jiang Xie to add a skill to the elf egg, he couldn’t do it. This was a violation
of the contract.
Jiang Xie looked at him like he was a fool. “Why do you think I am like this?” He couldn’t
stand up just from smelting an egg?
Yan Zhe, “…”
Die! This trash would kill himself sooner or later!
It was hard to help Jiang Xie repair the broken ‘bones’. Yan Zhe’s forehead was covered in
sweat as he asked Jiang Xie, “Is your world that difficult?”
He was angry but he also understood Jiang Xie.
The quasi-world was probably too difficult and Old Jiang was afraid that Little Rose would
be trapped inside.
Jiang Xie didn’t mention the bad task and only said, “He is still young and lacking
Yan Zhe had almost been trapped inside the first time he challenged a single player S-grade
quasi-world. Most S-grade quasi-worlds were complete and didn’t feel like a fictional
world. Reality always made people confused and many people were willing to be trapped
It wasn’t because they couldn’t finish the task, but because they didn’t want to leave.
Their beloved people were there and the result of their hard work… countless temptations
tied up the hands and feet.
Yan Zhe glanced at the dead roses and asked Jiang Xie, “Little Rose has cleared one of your
worlds. Your soul hasn’t become back yet?”
Jiang Xie replied, “This time, a few of them should come back.” Yan Zhe was relieved and
then he snapped, “You are relying on Little Rose, go and die!”
Jiang Xie thought of Xie Xi and his heart was tickled. “Don’t feel envious.”
In this dream, Xie Xi was steady and there was no need to worry about him becoming
trapped in this damn place.
Roast Pork Bun missed the sixth prince and whispered, “Will you enter Sirius’ dream?”
The sixth prince would surely dream of Xie Xi and Xie Xi could easily enter.
Roast Pork Bun’s heart was soft. “He is so pitiful…”
Xie Xi patted him on the head and didn’t say no. The sixth prince hadn’t come back yet but
Xie Xi knew he would return. Sein Hall had died but Sirius already regained a new desire
for life.
Xie Xi looked at the task progress. Due to loading the file, the fifth prince’s progress had
gone back to 11%.
Now Xie Xi’s mood was completely different when he saw this 11%. If 16.66…% was the
highest possible value for a single person then 11% held great significance.
Xie Xi remembered that he previously went to a concert with the fifth prince and the
progress soared to 15%. This was almost full.
Xie Xi didn’t do anything at all but the love of the fifth prince was almost full…
It was a bit hard to handle. No, he couldn’t think like this! Xie Xi needed to maintain the
cruel heart to complete the task and leave here!
He watched the sky getting darker and moved.
The sixth prince hadn’t come back yet and Sein Hall’s death hadn’t spread. He needed to
hurriedly enter the fifth prince’s dream to collect love.
Xie Xi had the reserve faces and it was easy to sneak into the fifth prince’s palace. He
became a mermaid maid and swam in.
The fifth prince hadn’t come back yet and Xie Xi found a place to hide.
The light curtain dissipated and the jellyfish lamps rose. The undersea kingdom entered
The fifth prince came back and seemed to be in a good mood. Xie Xi didn’t dare go forward
and didn’t know what happened. He quietly stayed in the bedroom, waiting for the fifth
After one hour, the fifth prince headed into the bedroom. He drank some wine and sang an
extremely pleasant tune.
Xie Xi couldn’t see him but could imagine the uninhibited appearance.
The fifth prince took a shower in the bathroom. Once he came back, he played the piano for
a while and sat down at the table, writing something on the desk. Then he went to bed.
Xie Xi had Roast Pork Bun go out to check the situation. Roast Pork Bun yelled, “Wow,
Xie Xi, “?” He didn’t dare speak.
Roast Pork Bun cleared his throat. “N-No fur…”
Xie Xi, “…” What the hell! Of course a mermaid had no fur!
Roast Pork Bun flew over, watched for a while before coming back with the message,
Xie Xi quietly moved out. Roast Pork Bun was the one with the skill but the user was Xie Xi.
Thus, he needed to come out because the skill could only be used when he saw the target.
Xie Xi gently walked to the bed and gradually saw the outline of the man.
Xie Xi, “!”
Roast Pork Bun whispered, “He doesn’t wear fur when he sleeps.”
What was with the no fur? This was clearly wearing no clothes! Xie Xi looked at the man on
the bed and his eyes hurt.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t think it was a big deal. “There is hair here…”
It seemed there was still a big guy hidden.
Xie Xi grabbed the kitten and stuffed him into his clothes. Roast Pork Bun struggled. “Let
me see, let me see.”
This damn thing, he didn’t learn well at a young age! Xie Xi didn’t let the kitten go.
Poor Xie Xi had to stare at the fifth prince to use the skill. The fifth prince slept naked and
didn’t even cover himself with a quilt!
Xie Xi didn’t dare move the quilt in fear of waking him up. He could only stare at the face
and use Dreaming.
Then Xie Xi appeared in another place.
Roast Pork Bun flew beside him. “Where is this place?”
Xie Xi didn’t know but there were words in the lower right corner. [The use of Dreaming is
successful. You have entered the dream of Randall Atlantis.]
The situation was unclear but there was no need to worry since he was in the fifth prince’s
Xie Xi wanted to get up from the chair when the door opened and a group of maids walked
inside in a line.
These words couldn’t be more apt. The group of mermaids really swam in one by one. Each
of them was holding a tray with many things on the tray.
Xie Xi saw them too late and an elderly maid smiled at him. “Master Hall, it is time to
Xie Xi blinked, completely confused about what he had to prepare for.
The mermaid maids were beaming as they revealed a pure white dress that flashed
brightly. “The gift that His Highness personally designed for you is really beautiful.”
Xie Xi had a bad feeling.
Another mermaid said, “Quickly! The wedding vehicle is coming soon and we can’t delay
the time.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Was this the legendary ‘dream wedding’?

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GL: Chapter 44
Lost Atlantis 15

The two people only just knew each other yet the fifth prince dreamt of marrying him. This
speed was really… like a rocket!
Roast Pork Bun also reacted. “Married? This prince is shameless. He wants to be my father
when he hasn’t talked about love?”
Xie Xi glared.
Roast Pork Bun helped translate. “Hmm, I know this much.”
Xie Xi, “…” This little brat needed a spanking!
The maids were waiting for Xie Xi to dress and he could only act like a puppet. He didn’t
dare mess around. One of the rules was that he couldn’t wake up the target of the dream.
Xie Xi had seriously considered this rule. It shouldn’t be simple to wake up. It implied that
the person dreaming shouldn’t be disturbed in his dream. It should be carried out
according to his wishes, so that he didn’t ‘wake up’. After this rule was broken, the person
dreaming might wake up immediately.
Xie Xi was in his room and it would be too embarrassing. Therefore, Xie Xi wasn’t grateful
for this gorgeous and sparkling outfit. He could only stiffly wear it
Fortunately, his stiffness was interpreted by the maids as nerves. “Master Hall doesn’t need
to feel nervous. You are beautiful and the person in His Highness’ heart. Even if you don’t
wear this outfit, you are still the most beautiful person under the sea.”
Xie Xi, “…” How could a man feel happy being praised like this?
Roast Pork Bun said, “This is the dream of the fifth prince. Doesn’t this mean that in the
heart of the fifth prince, Daddy is the most beautiful person under the sea?”
Well, he still couldn’t be happy.
The maids were enthusiastic. They praised Xie Xi while quickly dressing him. After all, this
was the prince’s wedding and they were very fastidious. Jewelry was placed one after
another and the auspicious words were endless. Xie Xi was a young man who never talked
about love. This was the first time he realized how cumbersome and exhausting a wedding
Fifth prince, you can really dream!
The maids finally finished and Xie Xi saw himself in the mirror. He wore a pure white outfit
in the unique style of the Atlantis royal family. It was gorgeous, extravagant and dreamy.
Xie Xi saw his face and felt that it was more tender in the dream than in reality? He also
seemed to be shorter.
Everything that appeared in the dream was affected by the subjective thoughts of the
dreamer. Then in the eyes of the fifth prince, he was this short?
Xie Xi really didn’t want to get married!
Then the maids cried out happily, “The wedding car is here! His Highness is coming in!”
Xie Xi didn’t turn around. He used the mirror to see the fifth prince entering through the
The prince wore the same outfit as Xie Xi but the shoulder lines were straighter and his
body was taller. The handsome face was full of tenderness as he looked at Xie Xi.
The maids were blushing with envy as they tried to suppress their screams.
Xie Xi wanted to change positions with them…
“Small Sein.” The charming voice of the fifth prince rang in Xie Xi’s ears. “I have been
waiting for this day for a long time.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘We have known each other for a total of three days. How long have you
been waiting?’
Unfortunately, he had to follow the dream. Xie Xi smiled, showing the right amount of
The fifth prince trembled and kissed him on the tip of the ear. “It was the greatest luck in
my life that I met you.”
Xie Xi was very uncomfortable and looked at him through the mirror. “…Me too.”
He was glad that his outfit had long sleeves and that his arm was covered. Otherwise, the
goosebumps would reveal his lame acting.
The fifth prince was very happy, his eyes shining like stars. He took Xie Xi’s hand and said,
“Let’s go, my lover.”
Xie Xi’s palms were sweaty but he didn’t dare say anything for fear of waking up the crazy
Once he left the room, Xie Xi discovered that he was in a large manor.
The corridors in the castle were extremely long, covered with clear portraits and
This was the first time Xie Xi used Dreaming but he knew it wasn’t this simple. Who had
never had a dream? It wasn’t easy to recreate all of this, even if it was a familiar place. The
fifth prince had very high attainment in art and this could be seen from these details.
Xie Xi allowed him to lead and walked to the spacious spiral staircase. The staircase was
wide and could accommodate three or four people standing side by side. It was only from
the second floor to the main hall but it had already reached an amazing height.
They walked down the stairs and saw a huge shark statue in the main hall.
The statue was carved realistically and it was unknown how it was fixed there, but there
was a sense that it was swimming in the water.
Xie Xi was gobsmacked. The prince’s dream was really detailed.
Outside the castle, there was an endless garden, the coral sea more beautiful than fireworks
in the sky. Beautiful fluorescent fish danced and created an unparalleled dream spectacle.
Roast Pork Bun was excited and he ran to catch the fish. “It’s so beautiful! This dream is
really amazing! This is a really good dream!”
Xie Xi thought, ‘It is worthy of the soul of a big designer. His imagination is really rich.’
He didn’t think much about it. This was X’s dream. It was impossible for someone else to
make something so realistic. The wedding car was stopped in the middle of the garden and
they strolled through the colourful scenery towards the car.
There were quite a few people around but Xie Xi didn’t know any of them. They should be
the fifth prince’s friends. It was worth noting that none of the other princes appeared, even
the fourth prince.
The fifth prince and fourth prince had a good relationship. Why didn’t he let the fourth
prince appear at the wedding?
Xie Xi couldn’t understand it for the moment.
After the wedding car, the dream became even more amazing.
The location of the manor was some distance away from the palace. Their wedding car
drove very slowly. It was almost the speed of a turtle crawling forward.
Xie Xi understood. This was the fifth prince’s grand gesture to show their ‘marriage’ to the
Roast Pork Bun exclaimed, “Amazing! The mermaids outside all have different faces!”
Xie Xi also felt admiration in his heart. Inside the big wedding car, Xie Xi vaguely felt that
the person around him was a bit nervous.
Xie Xi stared at him. “Your Highness?” Randall’s palms were sweaty.
The fifth prince kept holding his hand tightly. “There is always a feeling that this isn’t real.”
Xie Xi was shocked.
The fifth prince turned to look at him, eyes shining like starlight. “I am so happy that it feels
like a dream.”
The problem was… he really was dreaming! Xie Xi was afraid of the prince waking up and
quickly changed the topic. “Your Highness, I am also very happy.”
This worked so well that the fifth prince approached him and whispered, “Don’t call me
Your Highness after today.”
Xie Xi, “…” What was this setting?
“You are my partner and we are equals. Call me by my name later, okay?”
Xie Xi sighed with relief. Ah, it was just his name. Xie Xi thought it would be some strange
term of endearment.
Then the fifth prince said, “…Or call me Dear.”
Xie Xi, “!”
For the sake of the dream, endure it!
The fifth prince laughed. “Small Sein is shy again.”
Xie Xi was 100% embarrassed. He gritted his teeth and said, “Your Highness, don’t tease
Xie Xi’s true feelings made him grit his teeth but under the fifth prince’s dream filter, he
became angry.
“Okay.” The prince raised his hand. “I won’t tease you.”
Xie Xi pretended to be angry and fell silent. The fifth prince thought he was cute and
couldn’t help whispering, “Call me.”
The fifth prince pinched his white fingers and demanded, “Call me by my name.’
Xie Xi couldn’t provoke him and had to say, “Randall.”
The fifth prince let out a low laugh. “My name spoken from your mouth is the true voice of
Xie Xi froze as he remembered the sixth prince saying that it was the first time his name felt
so nice.
These two brothers… well, it was true that this group of souls had the same ‘origin.’
His heart softened as he recalled the poor sixth prince.
The wedding car finally reached the palace after crossing half of the capital.
The fifth prince was faintly uneasy. Not only did he hold Xie Xi’s hand tighter, his eyes also
Xie Xi thought to himself, ‘Is there premarital phobia in a dream?’ It was really a foreign
However, he soon discovered what Randall was nervous about. The wedding car just
entered the palace when the atmosphere changed. If the outside contained jubilant gongs
and drums, the palace was cold and solemn.
Xie Xi was somewhat confused.
The wedding car stopped. The fifth prince’s lips thinned as he stared straight ahead. “Let’s
get off.” It felt like there were enemies around them.
Xie Xie Xi glanced at the bottom right corner. The orange progress was 14%.
He suspected that it would become full from this dream. The fifth prince’s goodness’ made
him feel really unbearable.
This was just accompanying him to have a good dream!
Xie Xi followed the prince out of the car. The previously smiling maids who gave their
blessings now bowed silently.
The fifth prince took Xie Xi’s head and stood tall, as if he was a general about to embark
onto a battlefield.
Xie Xi vaguely understood after seeing the guards in front of him.
The snow white sails were the symbol of the queen.
They walked past the solemn ceremonial guards to the end of the road.
The fifth prince walked with Xie Xi and saw they saw the fifth prince’s mother. The queen
was wearing magnificent clothing and her face was as cold as ice.
The fifth prince’s eyes gradually became darker as he saluted his mother. Xie Xi naturally
followed suit. He was a commoner meeting such a big person.
The queen didn’t look at Xie Xi and shouted at Randall, “Ridiculous!”
Xie Xi understood that this was the problem.
The fifth prince said, “Mother, please fulfill your son’s heart!”
The queen was furious. “Randall, are you out of your mind? Have you become obsessed
with a sly ghost? You are the prince of Atlantis. How can you marry an ordinary guard?”
“He is Sein Hall, the love of my life.”
“Ridiculous!” The scepter in the queen’s hand hit the ground, making a loud sound. “You
have the noblest blood of the royal family and you are an honourable prince of this
undersea kingdom. How can your marriage be like this?”
Randall looked up at his mother with a look of contempt. “The noblest blood? An
honourable prince? I never cared about that!”
The queen’s lips trembled. “You are just messing around. Don’t make a fool of yourself! You
can’t marry him. Your father won’t allow you…”
“Father will allow it.” The fifth prince interrupted the queen’s words. “I will give up my
right to the throne and will marry whoever I want.”
This was tantamount to a deep-water torpedo hitting the queen.
She stared at the fifth prince in a dumbfounded manner. This was her only son, the last
hope of her life…
There were no tears at the bottom of the sea but the queen’s eyes were red and her voice
sounded like she was crying. “Silly boy, silly child!”
The prince’s eyes flashed but he was determined. He held Xie Xi’s hand and refused to let
The queen cried out, “Do you really think that they will let you go, even if you don’t want
the throne?”
The fifth prince was distressed by his mother but he was persistent. “Mother, I know your
concerns but I have never wanted to inherit the throne. I just want to live freely and be
with the person I love.”
“How can you think so simply?” The queen was heartbroken. “You are my son, the only
legitimate heir to the throne. As long as you live, you will be a thorn in the eye of the new
The fifth prince was obstinate. “I have no power and have never touched the government.
The new king won’t kill his brother.”
“This is my fault, my fault! I let you become so naive!”
The fifth prince no longer spoke, resisting with his silence.
Xie Xi listened to all of this, his heart quite complicated.
This was the fifth prince’s dream. The fact that he dreamt it showed that he had these
things in his heart. He wasn’t innocent. He knew everything but didn’t want to succumb to a
life he hated.
The mother and son fell apart. The queen stood there motionless and declared, “I won’t
accept your marriage. Don’t return to the palace if you want to make a fool of yourself!”
The fifth prince had enough and turned to leave with Xie Xi. “Let’s go.”
The queen angrily slammed the scepter against the ground. “Randall, you coward, you
deserter, you are bound to be defeated by the storm!”
The fifth prince’s back was straight as he strode forward, never turning back.
Xie Xi actually felt that Randall was a bit handsome.
Not everyone had such courage to resist fate and resist the shackles, seeking out their ideal
The wedding seemed impossible. Xie Xi didn’t know how this dream would continue.
The fifth prince took him out of the palace and walked towards a secluded street.
He was silent and Xie Xi couldn’t open his mouth. The two people were dressed in
magnificent clothing, causing the depressed atmosphere to be particularly glaring.
Then the fifth prince whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“No.” Xie Xi looked up at him. “Your Highness is very brave.”
The fifth prince stared into his eyes and asked, “Sein, if I wasn’t me, would you still love
Xie Xi, “…”
This topic…
Randall’s eyes were bright and filled with the warmth of the noon sun. “If I wasn’t a prince,
would you still love me?”
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed as the orange progress bar in the lower right corner suddenly
reached 16%.
If he said love, it would be full.
Comrade Jiang Xie, who was seriously watering the dried roses, heard this and couldn’t
hold onto his kettle.
What would Xie Xi say?
Once Randall’s soul returned to Jiang Xie, he would have such a wonderful experience.
It was just… his mood was very complicated.
Who would understand this mood of wanting to hear but not daring to listen?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GL: Chapter 45
Bonus ko-fi chapter. In addition, I have a sudden work conference I have to go to so don’t
expect chapters until Monday.

Lost Atlantis 16

The fifth prince stared at Xie Xi without blinking. His pupils contained the passion of fire, as
well as some uneasiness and tension.
This was fascinating.
It was purely charming.
Xie Xi smiled and whispered, “Aren’t you Randall? If so, my mind will never change.”
Randall held his upper arm in an excited manner. “Really?”
Xie Xi nodded.
Randall hugged him hard, as if holding a world famous treasure. He was filled with joy and
a desire to take care of something precious.
This fervent emotion infected Xie Xi, so that he couldn’t help smiling.
He didn’t hate Randall.
Jiang Xie continued to take care of the dry roses, thinking of Xie Xi’s words.
—Aren’t you Randall?
—If so, my mind will never change.
Fortunately, he wasn’t Randall or he would never be liked by Xie Xi? Jiang Xie felt more
comfortable after hearing these words and looked at the water curtain. He touched Xie Xi’s
forehead and said, “It is a bit clever.”
Xie Xi thought the dream was almost over. Who would’ve expected it to continue? The task
progress had risen to 16.5% and there was only a short distance left to the full amount.
Xie Xi felt that if he directly said ‘I love you’, it would probably be full already.
However, he couldn’t say this. It wasn’t just because of himself. He just felt that it would be
too cruel to the fifth prince.
Randall released him and said, “Let’s go. Leave the palace, leave the capital!”
Xie Xi asked him, “What about the queen?”
Randall showed toughness during his confrontation with the queen, but Xie Xi felt that
Randall cared about his mother.
Randall shook his head. Mother will be fine. Once I leave, she will close off her heart and no
longer think about the person who had nothing.
His mother loved the prince Randall, not the independent Randall. He was destined to be
unable to fulfill her wish so it was easy to break it off now.
This was good for everyone.
Xie Xi stared at him. “Your Highness, won’t you regret it?”
Randall was startled but he soon smiled. His smile was as pure as golden sand flowing
down. “No regrets. If you and I can be together, I absolutely won’t regret it.”
Xie Xi smiled and linked their fingers. “Let’s go. I’ll go wherever Randall goes!”
This was really sweet. The fifth prince smiled, his handsome face looking like a landscape
painting that was so dazzling that people couldn’t open their eyes.
He whispered softly, “I’m so happy. Sein, am I really not dreaming?”
Xie Xi tensed up.
He had to say some roundabout words, “If it is a dream, we would’ve received everyone’s
Randall smiled. “Yes, if it is a dream then I would have Mother accept you and make all the
sea mermaids sing for us!”
Xie Xi only hoped that Randall wouldn’t remember these words when he woke up.
Otherwise… it was too ironic.
He just said it wasn’t a dream when there was a scene change that only appeared in a
Fortunately, Randall didn’t feel that something was wrong. He thought that he left the
kingdom with Xie Xi, left the centre of power and headed to the beautiful countryside.
They settled down in a remote down.
The fifth prince still had some savings. He bought a small house and told Xie Xi, “I have
temporarily wronged you. Later, I will personally design our love nest.”
Xie Xi could design it. After all, a big designer… In any case, he didn’t believe the dream
would last that long so he replied, “I’m looking forward to it.”
The fifth prince was spoiled. Even if he was the favourite among the princes and princesses,
his mother was strong and the old king didn’t want to give him the position of this. This
was psychologically good for him.
The prince was born with a golden spoon yet he did all types of rough work in the dream.
He cleaned the house, washed the clothes and even cooked.
Xie Xi was surprised. “Your Highness… this is amazing.”
The fifth prince glanced at him. “I told you, don’t call me that.”
Xie Xi corrected himself. “Randall, how do you know all this?”
The fifth prince’s smugness was cute. “I’m not impulsive. Since I wanted to elope with you, I
naturally had to be prepared!”
Xie Xi felt it funny, strange and distressing.
The fifth prince really wasn’t joking. He seriously considered the future and prepared for it.
Xie Xi rolled up his sleeves. “I’ll help.”
The fifth prince pushed him out. “Give me a chance to perform. I have to let you know that
you didn’t choose the wrong person.”
Xie Xi was forced to retreat to the door. “Okay, I will watch from here.”
The fifth prince was quite skilled and his knife movements were excellent.
The food in the underwater world had a wide variety. Of course, there was no fire and the
undersea creatures didn’t like to eat cooked food. It was basically sashimi as well as edible
coral and fruits that were unique to the sea.
Xie Xi initially wasn’t used to it. After a while, he found that he kinda liked the food.
The fifth prince told him, “There are fruit sacs outside. Go and pick a few.”
This was similar to a drink. There was a special straw at the top that they could use to drink
delicious fruit pulp.
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.”
He went outside and felt a different atmosphere as soon as he reached the fruit sac tree.
A wave of killing intent brushed against his cheeks.
Xie Xi tensed up and a hint appeared in the lower right corner.
[The dream is coming to an end. Please feel free to leave.] This was followed by a
Randall’s dream was over?
This thought had just flashed through Xie Xi’s mind when Randall’s scream was heard,
Xie Xi saw the uniform of the underwater army.
Randall hugged him and screamed at the soldiers holding the weapons, “What are you
going to do?”
Xie Xi vaguely guessed what would happen next.
He didn’t expect the fifth prince’s dream to end in such tragedy.
He felt sorry but it couldn’t be helped.
Xie Xi looked at the countdown and chose to leave the dream towards the end. The moment
his mind was being pulled away, he heard the fifth prince’s angry voice, “Sein, no!”
Xie Xi returned to reality.
He quickly left the bed and hid behind a screen.
The fifth prince suddenly woke up. The movement of sitting up was too big and the whole
bed trembled.
Most undersea people were suspended on the bed. The fact that he made such a big
movement was enough to show how shocked the prince was.
After a long time, the fifth prince whispered, “It’s a dream… it is just a dream.”
Xie Xi hadn’t seen the last scene but guessed what had happened. It was a dream where he
had been killed.
He didn’t know who sent the soldiers but their goal was clear: Kill Sein Hall.
The orange bar stopped at 16.66% and didn’t turn green. It indicated it wasn’t full but the
difference of 0.0066..% was very small.
Unfortunately, Sein Hall was dead.
Once the fifth prince learnt about this…
Xie Xi didn’t dare think about it.
It was still the early hours of the morning and there was some time left until dawn.
However, Randall wasn’t sleepy. He got out of bed and put on a coat.
He didn’t sleep and Xie Xi didn’t dare go out. He could only hide behind the screen, fearing
that he would be discovered.
He didn’t know what Randall was thinking but there was the rustling sound of him
Roast Pork Bun reported, “The fifth prince is wearing fur… ah, he is wearing clothes!”
Xie Xi couldn’t make any noise and Roast Pork Bun guessed, “It looks like he is going out.”
This was the middle of the night. Where was he going?
Randall got dressed and went out of the room. Xie Xi waited a while before following.
He had a faint guess but he really felt complicated when he saw Randall go to the guards’
Randall had this dream and his heart wasn’t stable. He wanted to see Sein Hall.
It was a pity…
Xie Xi hid around the corner and secretly watched.
Randall stood outside the guards’ quarters, hesitating for a while before eventually
deciding not to go in. It was as if he didn’t want to disturb Xie Xi’s sleep.
Still, he didn’t leave. He stood there, as if waiting for dawn.
Xie Xi’s heart was like a bitter gourd cut into pieces.
Half an hour passed and a figure staggered from the darkness. Xie Xi saw it instantly from
the outline. This was the sixth prince.
Roast Pork Bun spoke on behalf of his father. “A cold heart!”
Xie Xi could barely handle staying any longer.
The fifth prince saw the sixth prince and felt a sense of crisis. “Sixth Brother, what are you
doing here so early?”
The sixth prince was in a trance and didn’t hear the fifth prince’s voice at all.
The fifth prince saw him go straight to Sein Hall’s bedroom and spoke in a disgruntled
manner, “He is sleeping. Don’t wake up him!”
The sixth prince didn’t react. He was pale and his different-coloured eyes were lost. There
was no light in them.
The fifth prince’s heart beat faster as he asked, “What happened to you?”
The sixth prince didn’t look at him and went to open the door.
The fifth prince grasped his wrist. “Sein is still sleeping. Why are you coming to bother him
so early?”
The name was like a blunt knife that grinded at Sirius’ heart. His hands trembled and his
voice was hoarse, “Sein…”
Randall frowned. “What the hell is wrong with you? What happened?”
Sirius turned in a dazed manner towards Randall. “Sein…”
Randall’s five viscera and six bowels (from traditional Chinese medicine) seized up, the fear
from his dream growing wings and flying into reality. “What happened to Sein?!”
“He is dead.” Sirius spoke in a soulless voice.
Randall’s pupils shrank, the veins in the hand holding Sirius’s wrist bulging violently. “What
are you talking about?!”
Sirius’ eyes were wide, his lips pale enough to be transparent. “Sein is dead, Sein Hall…”
“Shut up!” Randall was furious. “Sein is kind and showed care towards you. How can you
curse him like this?”
Sirius heard these words and stiffened as he thought about the warmth he received from
Sein Hall.
Randall said this but there was a great uneasiness in his heart. His voice trembled, “He must
be sleeping…” Then he opened the door and saw the empty sleeping quarters.
Sirius stood motionless and didn’t look.
Randall’s face was white as he kept denying it. “He… he must be on night shift and isn’t back
Sirius whispered, “He isn’t coming back. He will never come back.”
The angry and anxious Randall punched Sirius.
Sirius didn’t move and received the punch, blood overflowing from the corners of his
“Don’t be an alarmist! Sein, how can Sein… impossible!” Randall couldn’t believe it.
Yesterday it was still good and he planned to invite Sein to a concert. He also dreamt about
their wedding. How, how could…
Sirius spoke in a voice that didn’t fluctuate. “He went to the shore with me and went to the
back warehouse to find something… the ship exploded and he died.”
He was talking to Randall but also telling himself.
Randall was stunned and stared straight ahead, his mind in chaos.
Sirius’ eyes were hollow. “I’m sorry.”
Randall grabbed him by the collar. “What are you talking about? He went to the shore with
you? Why did you take him ashore? He is just a little mermaid. How can he stand the air on
the shore?”
Sirius was lifeless and let himself be grabbed.
Randall released him. “No, it is impossible. You’re lying to me. Sein isn’t dead. He can never
die, I… I didn’t have time to tell him…”
Randall staggered away. Sirius was frozen for a long time before finally walking towards
Sein Hall’s bed.
He sat on the bed, quietly looking at everything in front of him.
Roast Pork Bun cried like a silly cat as he flew around the sixth prince. “He is so pitiful,
really pitiful.”
Xie Xi also felt pained.
Whether it was the sixth prince or fifth prince, he was very distressed when looking at
It wasn’t that type of feeling. He just saw a friend in pain and his heart felt uncomfortable.
He couldn’t help feeling angry towards X. If X hadn’t designed such a broken world, how
could these two people suffer so much?
Then again, they were wisps of X’s consciousness. He didn’t know if he should be sad about
this stupid Fork.
Jiang Xie was seeing what could be described as red and green. One moment it was +1 and
the next moment it was -1. They rose and fell, like the ups and downs of life.
Xie Xi felt guilty and accompanied the sixth prince for a while.
The sixth prince had come back at night and swam all that way. He must be extremely tired.
He slowly fell onto Sein Hall’s bed and closed his eyes.
There were no tears at the bottom of the sea but the trembling eyelashes were more
distressing than any crying.
Xie Xi sighed and used Dreaming.
The task progress was already full. He just wanted to comfort Sirius.
[You have successfully used Dreaming and entered the dream of Sirius Atlantis.]
Xie Xi opened his eyes and felt a heat wave.
Sirius dreamt about what happened on the shore.
Xie Xi’s mood was complicated. He didn’t want Sirius to fall into this unresolved nightmare
“Sirius.” He called out the sixth prince’s name.
In the dream, Sirius didn’t smile. He just looked at Xie Xi with a calm that was frightening.
Xie Xi came forward to hold him. “Don’t be like this. I hope that you can live happily.”
His words were the last straw that crushed the camel.
Sirius’ tears flowed down and he hugged Xie Xi tightly, as if trying to pull Xie Xi into his
bone marrow.
Xie Xi sighed. “Promise me. Live well…”
“I’m sorry.” Sirius’ voice was hoarse and difficult to hear.
Xie Xi was stunned.
Sirius’ tears that fell on his neck were as piercing as ice, his voice like the cold wind of
winter. “It was my incompetence that killed you. I failed to protect you and I don’t deserve
“Sein.” Sirius’ cold lips touched Xie Xi’s ears, his voice extremely gentle. “I will make them
pay the price they deserve.”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 46
Lost Atlantis 17

Xie Xie Xi blinked and found this situation wasn’t right. The sixth prince’s state is very
problematic. Xie Xi tried to organize his thoughts and words but then a hint appeared in the
lower right corner.
[The dream is coming to an end. Please be prepared to leave. The countdown time is 30
There were only 30 seconds left so Xie Xi had to hurriedly say, “Sirius, I hope you will be
happy in the days to come.”
“Yes.” Sirius replied softly. “I’ll be happy.”
However, there was no happiness in his tone! Xie Xi looked at him anxiously. “Don’t be
blinded by hatred. You deserve a better life.”
He saw that the two different colours of Sirius’ eyes had become extremely shallow, as
shallow as a bubble about to break under the sun.
Sirius smiled but it was more heart-wrenching than if he cried. “Sein, there is no light at the
bottom of the sea.”
Xie Xi was shocked but he had no more time. He couldn’t let Sirius find him and could only
leave the dream. He quickly hid while Sirius hadn’t woken up yet.
There was no light at the bottom of the sea. There was a beautiful legend of Atlantis.
Atlantis was once a beautiful empire. The people could embrace the vast sea while looking
up at the bright sun. They could enjoy the bleakness of the water while appreciating the
warmth of the sun.
This lasted until Atlantis fell and they sank to the bottom of the sea. There was no light at
the bottom of the sea but the people of Atlantis created light and warmth by loving and
caring for their fellow citizens. Sirius was telling Xie Xi:
Once Sein died, the bottom of the sea no longer contained love and care for him.
Xie Xi hid in a corner and saw Sirius open his eyes.
Sirius woke up but didn’t immediately leave. There was no confusion on his face after he
woke up. He was calm enough to be frightening. He put his face on Sein’s bed and stayed
quietly for a long time. It gave the feeling that his body was here but his heart had long
been pulled away.
Xie Xi felt so sad that he couldn’t help swearing at X! What a broken task, turning an
excellent young man into this!
Once the sixth prince left, Xie Xi also sneaked away while taking the communicator that the
third prince gave him.
Sein Hall couldn’t come back here again. His true face could no longer be used and he
directly replaced it with the second face.
The information on the second face had already been filled and he even redistributed his
room. Xie Xi found his new residence and temporarily settled down.
Xie Xi looked at the task progress. The orange bar still had a bit left. After three days, he
would enter the dream again and it should be full.
Xie Xi took care of two princes but he wasn’t happy at all. If this was the ‘revenge’ trio that
consisted of the housekeeper, vampire and maid, Xie Xi would clap with praise.
The fifth prince and sixth prince didn’t provoke him and gave him most of the task
progress. Xie Xi was reluctant to part with such a good person.
He didn’t know what would happen after this. If he cleared this world, what would happen
to X’s soul? Would they stay in this world?
After clearing the world, the Zone will close the entrance. X’s souls belonged to the Central
World? Would they stay here? Or would they go back to X? Xie Xi was curious and suddenly
wanted to leave this world to ask X.
He just opened the communicator when he received a message from the third prince.
“Where are you?”
This arrogant tone made Xie Xi’s lips thin but he naturally sent a respectful reply. “I just
finished my shift. Your Highness, what is your command?” He also sent a smiley face.
The third prince stared at the little smiley face and the other person’s childish and cute face
appeared in his mind. He coughed lightly.
His lieutenant asked him, “Your Highness, are we going?”
The third prince didn’t say anything. The lieutenant asked again. The third prince turned
his head and cried out angrily, “What’s with the noise? Am I deaf?”
The lieutenant shut up. The third prince held the communicator and stared at the reply box
for a while. The lieutenant stood to the side, eyes full of curiosity.
The third prince felt it and turned on the anti-peeping device. The pop-up projection turned
black. The lieutenant felt regret.
The third prince was too lazy to care about him and kept staring at the reply box. He was
about to write ‘Nothing’ but this wasn’t appropriate. If there was nothing then why send a
Xie Xi waited a while but the third prince didn’t reply. He thought the signal wasn’t good
and sent it again. It was a direct copy and paste so there was also the smiley face.
The third prince looked at the two smiley faces and said, “Since you love to smile so much, I
will take you somewhere.”
Xie Xi, “???” When did he give the illusion that he loved to smile?
The third prince kicked the lieutenant. “Why are you in a daze? Let’s go!”
The wronged lieutenant murmured, “I just asked you this.”
The third prince turned back. “Hrmm?”
The lieutenant stood upright and gave a military salute. “Your Highness, the airship is ready
to go at any time!”
The third prince grunted coldly and got up to leave.
Xie Xi looked at the communicator and couldn’t figure out this third prince. He asked again,
“Where is Your Highness going with this subordinate?”
This was like a stone sinking into the sea. No one responded. After a while, a tall mermaid
in a military uniform knocked on the door. “Excuse me, is Colin Hall here?”
Xie Xi heard it and opened the door. “Hello, what can I do for you?”
The uniformed mermaid told him, “His Highness is waiting for you. Come out quickly.”
Xie Xi wanted to ask about where the third prince was taking him. It was just… for the sake
of the task, he had to put down his knives.
Xie Xi was ready to go out. Once he saw the airship, the blade in his heart became sharper.
Wasn’t this a military ship? It wasn’t true. After all, this was the palace. Even if Gars Atlantis
was an army commander, he couldn’t bring airships in.
Xie Xi cautiously got into the vehicle and heard the third prince’s voice. “Why are you dilly-
Xie Xi, “…” This fiery fish, soaking him in fish couldn’t reduce the fire! He hurried to sit next
to the third prince. The third prince stared at him.
Xie Xi reacted with, “I see Your Highness. He gave a slight salute.
The third prince frowned slightly. He wasn’t satisfied. Xie Xi knew his brain circuits. “Is
there anything on this subordinate’s face?”
The third prince raised his eyebrows. “Why aren’t you smiling?”
Xie Xi’s face was stunned. What smile? The third prince was a typical person who didn’t like
showing joy but anger would clearly appear on his face.
Xie Xi couldn’t provoke him and could only make a fake smile.
He smiled and the third prince instantly shifted his gaze away, staring straight ahead of
him. Then he uttered a typical line from a Mary Sue novel, “Just wait, you soon won’t be
able to smile.”
Xie Xi, “???” Crazy third prince!
The third prince maintained his cold air and Xie Xi didn’t find it easy to open his mouth.
Halfway there, the lieutenant brought them a fruit tray. The third prince frowned and was
about to become angry when the lieutenant said, “It is early and Colin hasn’t eaten yet. He
should eat something.”
The third prince still scolded him, “Do people only eat fruit for breakfast?”
Xie Xi hadn’t reacted yet. The lieutenant was used to being scolded and immediately said,
“There are some salmon and sweet shrimp. I will go get it.”
The third prince didn’t forget to show contempt. “A waste.”
Xie Xi felt somewhat surprised. The third prince looked like he had a violent temper but
this mermaid lieutenant wasn’t afraid of him? He also didn’t use ‘this subordinate’ and
spoke directly.
A moment later, the food was sent. Xie Xi really was a bit angry. The third prince told him,
“Be careful, don’t get it everywhere.” Then he got up and left.
He wasn’t there so Xie Xi felt more at ease. He carefully ate breakfast.
He didn’t know if it was his illusion but the airship that was originally flying wildly became
slower and more stable. It was like a sports car that became a steady business car. Slowing
down made it convenient for him to eat.
Once he finished eating, they reached the destination. The third prince had brought him to
the northern border. It was no wonder why he said that Xie Xi wouldn’t smile.
The speed of the airship underwater was extremely fast. On land, this trip would take two
or three hours with the plane. The airship only took 40~50 minutes.
The third prince got out and looked at Xie Xi. “Stay close to me.”
Xie Xi nodded. The third prince didn’t go fast, making it easy for Xie Xi to keep up.
He should’ve come here for some military affairs. Some people came up to report to him
and the third prince was serious and efficient when doing his work.
In order to avoid suspicion, Xie Xi moved to the side and pretended not to hear anything.
The third prince looked back at him. “Keep close. You won’t understand anyway, right?”
Xie Xi, “…” He wanted to avoid suspicion but he wasn’t given a chance?
The third prince saw it and sneered, “Do you understand?”
Xie Xi was silent. The third prince picked him up like he was a chick. “If you aren’t clean, I
will deal with you immediately.”
Xie Xi was used to carrying Roast Pork Bun. He didn’t expect to be carried like this!
“Your Highness, please put me down.” Xie Xi was exasperated.
The third prince poked his cheek.”To be honest, there are field exercises here. Don’t look at
the guns for too long.”
He released his hand. Xie Xi tidied his clothing and looked towards the corner of his field of
view. The red progress bar had risen by 3%.
What was going on here? Sure enough, this fish heart was an undersea needle? He was
Xie Xi followed the third prince and saw many things. The technology of the sea floor was
truly amazing. It was a different direction from science and technology but it was still great.
The third prince’s popularity in the army was really high. The people were respectful to
him but it wasn’t because of his power. They truly admired him.
At this time, Xie Xi didn’t take it seriously. Soldiers adored the strong. The third prince was
excellent in combat and it was natural to worship him.
At least, until an accident occurred on a training field and a mermaid was blown up.
Their group had just arrived. Once the third prince saw it, he rushed over at a very fast
The people at the scene were stunned. This training used real ammunition and was indeed
dangerous, but this shouldn’t have happened…
By the time someone reacted, the third prince was rushing to the infirmary with the
wounded soldiers. People around him reacted, crying out, “Your Highness, give it to me…”
The third prince had blood on his face and his glorious uniform was stained. However, he
didn’t care as he shouted, “Can you be faster than me? Don’t talk nonsense. Go check if
someone has touched the shock cannon!”
He moved quickly as he spoke and left everyone far behind him.
Xie Xi was shocked when he saw this.
The third prince wasn’t quite as he imagined.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 47
Lost Atlantis 18

Even Xie Xi could see that the situation wasn’t right. The others had many experiences on
the battlefield and it was impossible for them to not understand. The third prince gave a
command and the people present were busy with their respective roles.
Xie Xi certainly wouldn’t stay here. He sped up and swam to catch up with the third prince.
The third prince had two legs but he was much faster at swimming than other people with
a fish tail. It was probably because he borrowed some type of power that pushed away the
surrounding water, allowing him to go faster.
Xie Xi caught up and the third prince frowned. “Go back and wait.”
He was covered with blood and it seemed he didn’t want Xie Xi to see him like this, in case
Xie Xi became frightened.
Xie Xi didn’t agree. “Your Highness is looking down on me.” He didn’t have to be humble.
The third prince glanced at him and didn’t try to drive him away again. He just said, “Help
me call.”
The prince held the injured mermaid with both hands and couldn’t use the communicator.
Xie Xi quickly stepped forward with a slightly surprised expression. The mermaid was
badly hurt. His fish tail was bloodied and looked like it had been peeled, making a person’s
scalp feel numb.
Fortunately, Xie Xi had a lot of ‘insight’ and could withstand it. He clicked on the wrist of the
third prince and a black screen unexpectedly popped out.
The third prince said, “I turned on the anti-peeping setting. Turn it off at the bottom right
Xie Xi had studied this and knew how to use it. He turned it off and happened to see that in
their dialogue box, the third prince had given him the nickname: Little Cutie.
Xie Xi, “???”
If it wasn’t for this injured fish, he would ask Old Three what this nickname meant!
Xie Xi followed the prince’s instructions and dialed a number.
Once the other side picked up, the third prince quickly said, “Block off the whole district.
The person shouldn’t have escaped yet. Saul, if you don’t catch the culprit, I will cut off your
fish tail and replace it with Mars’ tail!” Saul was his lieutenant and Mars was the injured
mermaid in his arms.
The mermaid was clearly a little soldier yet the third prince remembered his name…
Xie Xi had some understanding of why the soldiers revered the third prince.
Along the way, the third prince moved quickly and his mouth didn’t stop. The remote
commands he gave were very reliable.
Xie Xi’s heart was obedient and he just followed. The third prince was holding a person but
he walked smoothly, looking in every direction while listening to the people he talked to.
His mind clearly analyzed the situation and he was truly powerful!
Once he got to the medical centre, the people were already ready. The third prince put Mars
down and said to the doctors, ”He was hit by the aftermath of the SX623 shock cannon. The
main injury site is the fish tail and his left arm is also broken. There is shrapnel…”
He described the mermaid’s injuries in detail and the doctors nodded before injecting Mars
with medicine.
At this time, Xie Xi stared at the trident on the third prince’s shoulder, which represented
the highest military power and felt complicated.
This young commander was worthy of bearing the highest glory.
After putting Mars down and explaining the basic situation, the third prince took Xie Xi and
left. Xie Xi was still worried about the mermaid but the third prince was focused on
investigating the spy.
This quality was really strong. He didn’t what should be done while handing the other jobs
over to the professionals. He didn’t waste time and this precision was as fast as a bullet!
Half an hour later, the spy was caught and the third prince personally interrogated him. Xie
Xi was left outside.
It didn’t take long before the third prince came out and shouted, “The bastard king of the
Haiqiu Kingdom, he dared to do this!”
He left like the wind and headed straight back to the palace. Xie Xi followed and received a
sign stating he was the third prince’s guard…
It was fine since he had to stay with the third prince a bit longer anyway.
On the way here, they talked and smiled. On the way back, the atmosphere was tense.
Xie Xi couldn’t say any words and after returning to the palace, the third prince didn’t let
Xie Xi go. Instead, they headed to the hall of official business.
Xie Xi had the sign and no one could stop him from entering.
Previously, Xie Xi was assigned here but hadn’t seen what was inside. Today was the first
day he walked in and was quite surprised.
It didn’t have a magnificent atmosphere, not was it extravagant and gorgeous. The royal
family’s extravagance also couldn’t be felt. There was a strong sense of simplicity in the
hall… or should it be called old?
Xie Xi saw the eldest prince, the second prince and several old ministers, but he didn’t see
the king.
The third prince saluted before immediately scolding the second prince. “Haiqiu inserted a
spy in the northern camp! You cut military expenses for your own desires. Let’s see how
happy you will be when they break the northern defense line and kill the king!”
Xie Xi was shocked. He knew the third prince was angry but hadn’t expected him to be so
direct. In front of so many people, he didn’t give his brother any face.
It seemed that the contradiction between the two brothers had become too deep and
Haiqiu was a neighbouring underground kingdom. They were the deadly enemies of
Atlantis in the early years and often ate people.
Atlantis always felt that the kingdom falling was a conspiracy of the Haiqiu Kingdom.
Given this premise, the two countries had struggled for thousands of years and never
stopped fighting.
The mermaids of Haiqiu were cruel and had a tradition of eating people. From time to time,
they would poach mermaids from the underwater kingdom and especially loved those from
the royal family.
In the early years, many young princes and princess were shredded and eaten by them.
Thus, the whole Atlantis hated the Haiqiu Kingdom and wanted to annihilate it!
It was a pity that the topography of the seabed was complex and Haiqiu could always find
shelters. They were like endless weeds. Give them a bit of time and they would be back to
hunt mermaids.
The third prince fought on the battlefield all year round and hated these people. Now that
they acted again, he would naturally be angry.
The second prince didn’t stay still. The moment the third prince attacked, he got up and
opened his mouth to refute.
The two brothers were soon quarreling.
The third prince said, “You only care about money, regardless of the overall situation!”
The second prince retorted, “I don’t care about the overall situation? It’s your head that is
foolish. Do you only have Haiqiu in your eyes?”
The third prince’s eyes narrowed. “Internal worries are uncertain. Do you also want to
create foreign troubles?”
The second prince said, “You are really naive. The land is like a tiger, waiting to benefit
from us. This rascal, you should open your eyes!”
“Okay.” An elderly man’s voice was heard.
Xie Xi turned his head and saw the old king surrounded by people at the door. The king was
old and clearly lost most of his strength. He maintained the appearance of his legs but
couldn’t walk. He could only sit in the chair.
The two princes stopped arguing as soon as he came. Then Xie Xi saw Sirius behind the old
The people in the hall got up and saluted. The king waved his hand but everyone stood on
the sidelines instead of sitting back down.
The old king sat down, looked at the people present and slowly opened his mouth. “The
matter of the northern prince, tell me about it.” The third prince came forward, his tone of
speech different from when he was talking to the second prince. He was methodical and
finished off with, “…The Haiqiu Kingdom is so arrogant. It won’t take long before they
invade the northern border. However, Older Brother cut the military funding at this time. It
is nonsense!”
The second prince sneered.
The old king said, “Your brother’s actions are also a last resort. The land people have been
acting foolishly recently and we have enemies on all sides.”
The third prince immediately volunteered. “Father, make a decree. Let me lead the army to
destroy the momentum of the Haiqiu Kingdom. Then we can deal with the land people!”
The second prince said, “Third Brother really thinks highly of himself.” The third prince’s
eyes narrowed.
The old king opened his mouth. “The two of you, don’t talk so much. Look at the noisy scene
you are making!”
The third prince didn’t speak again.
The king paused and looked at the sixth prince. The sixth prince saluted and gave his
opinion. “The land people are stupid but we need Third Brother in the capital to guard the
royal family. It is better to let me go and figure out the unrest of the Haiqiu Kingdom.”
After he spoke, the hall fell into a strange silence. Nobody expected that the silent sixth
prince who hardly ever left his palace would say such things.
The third prince immediately protested. “How ridiculous. You leading a battle is a joke!”
The sixth prince told him, “I know I’m not as good as Third Brother. That’s why I won’t use
just one soldier.”
Everyone present was stunned.
The old king asked, “Are you sure about this?”
“If I don’t repel the Haiqiu Kingdom hundreds of miles away, I vow not to return home.”
The third prince looked anxious while the second prince also frowned. The eldest prince
opened his mouth, “No, you have never been to the battlefield. How can…”
The sixth prince said, “Third Brother was one year younger than me when he overpowered
the Haiqiu army.”
The third prince cried out, “I grew up in the barracks since I was young. You…”
The sixth prince raised his eyes and stared at the third prince. “Third Brother, do you think
I am inferior to you?”
This was quite provocative but the third prince didn’t become angry. Instead, he came
forward and said, “Father, please think twice. Sixth Brother has never been in contact with
the Haiqiu Kingdom and doesn’t know their danger. I’m afraid he will…”
The sixth prince interrupted him. “Children born into the royal family should hold the same
responsibilities. What about fighting on the battlefield? I have to do it in the name of
He stated it calmly but the people present were shocked. The ministers who had always
ignored the sixth prince now looked at him with amazement.
Xie Xi’s heart was beating like a drum. He was unsure of what the sixth prince wanted to do.
Didn’t he want to live? No, this… was he really certain that he could repel the invasion of
the Haiqiu Country?
Poor Xie Xi didn’t have the qualifications to speak and could only feel anxious.
In the end, the old king clapped and matters were settled. The third prince would stay in
the capital while the sixth prince would go to repel the Haiqiu Kingdom.
After leaving the hall of official business, the third prince’s brow was wrinkled and he
didn’t say anything.
Xie Xi followed him. Then the third prince shouted, “Idiot!”
Xie Xi, “…”
The third prince turned to catch up with the sixth prince. “If you don’t want to live, I will
give you a ride now.”
Sirius’ face was calm as he saluted his brother. “Third Brother.”
The third prince was most annoyed by this type of stuffy thing and had a sullen air about
him. “Follow me!”
Sirius glanced at Xie Xi. Xie Xi bowed his head and didn’t dare look at the prince. He
shouldn’t be able to recognize Xie Xi… their faces were a bit similar but Sein Hall had died
in front of him. Sirius shouldn’t be suspicious.
Sirius removed his gaze. Xie Xi sighed with relief.
The third prince took Sirius to the training hall. Xie Xi watched from the side and felt the
third prince’s intentions.
The third prince might look like he was beating up the sixth prince but he was actually
tempering the sixth prince with the highest efficiency in the shortest possible time.
The power of the sixth prince was there and he wasn’t weaker than the third prince. He just
had too little experience against the enemy and wasn’t sophisticated enough.
Such a short period of ‘special training’ wasn’t as good as a real battle but it was better than
Xie Xi’s heart warmed. This silly hot-blooded fish gave a few drops of warmth to his
After they returned to the third prince’s palace, Xie Xi put medicine on the third prince’s
arm. He had to keep bowing and his hair fell into his eyes. Therefore, he requested, “Your
Highness, can you do me a favour?”
Xie Xi held medicine in his hands and gestured with his arms. The third prince understood
and raised a hand to help place Xie’s hair behind his ears.
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide as he continued to carefully apply the medicine. From the
perspective of the third prince, he saw the beautiful side face, the white ear that was like a
shell and the earlobe that was like a beautiful pearl.
The third prince’s eyes widened and his heart was hot. ‘He is young but his ability to hook
people isn’t small.’
Xie Xi applied the medicine and smiled, “Your Highness is so kind. The sixth prince must’ve
benefited greatly from today.”
The third prince was stunned. Xie Xi looked at him and smiled.
The third prince hid his eyes and replied in a hard manner, “What a mess. I’m just waking
him up. He is a boy who doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.”
Xie Xi didn’t pierce the prince’s cover. His eyes just curved into crescents, especially after
seeing that the task progress rose by 3%.
The third prince looked like he didn’t know who he was. “I didn’t use my full force today.
Wait for tomorrow and I will beat him out the door!”
Xie Xi understood. “Oh, tomorrow is also…” the special training.
The third prince raised his eyebrow.
Xie Xi had to change his words. “Poor Sixth Prince, I’m afraid he will be beaten up by Your
With this, the red bar went up by 3% again at a silly pace.
Roast Pork Bun helped his daddy sum it up. “The third prince is a bit cute, wow.”
Xie Xi almost laughed loudly.
Yan Zhe struck his leg while laughing. “Old Jiang, the third prince is really your soul. He has
completely learned to consider a loss of face unthinkable.”
Jiang Xie disagreed. “Am I so stupid?”
How could a person who couldn’t distinguish between negative and positive numbers open
his mouth to talk about face?
Yan Zhe laughed. “It’s so fun. You are so cute with your Little Rose.”
Jiang Xie didn’t need to see it to know. It was because green was overflowing from the
goodwill bar.
Yan Zhe was given an opportunity to reenter the team and watch the live broadcast
because he healed Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie thought there was nothing wrong with letting him
watch for a while.
Yan Zhe caught the key part. “Isn’t Little Rose’s task to collect the love of the sixth prince?
Why is he around the third prince?” He didn’t yet know that the real task was to collect the
love of all six princes.
Jiang Xie paused before calmly replying, “It’s my soul. It is natural for him to be close.”
After all, the goodwill was high. Yan Zhe couldn’t help feeling envy. “You aren’t a tribal
chief. How are you so lucky in love?”
Jiang Xie looked at his -250 luck in love and still remained calm. “It’s okay.”
He was worthy of being a god. He would go to hell to keep up appearance so he would
never be defeated by something like this!

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GL: Chapter 48
Lost Atlantis 19

The fierce third prince thanked Xie Xi by giving him dinner.

Xie Xi’s mood was good and he had an appetite. He ate a few more crescent fruits.
This was a special product of the sea. It grew on a type of coral and because the coral was a
crescent moon shape, people called them crescent coral.
Big white fruits that looked like coconuts regularly fell from the crescent coral. Once
broken open, the insides were really soft and tasted like bread.
Xie Xi was still a land person at heart and really liked this fruit. It was as if he was eating
steamed bread.
The third prince glanced at him. “Do you think I’m cheap like Aix-en?”
Xie Xi froze for a while before reacting. Aix-en was the second prince, the finance minister
and Gars’ brother.
He knew they had a bad relationship and replied, “Your Highness is very generous.”
The third prince pointed to the table full of dishes. “There are so many good things to eat.
Don’t just chew on the crescent fruits. Are you trying to save my money?”
Xie Xi, “…” It turned out to be because of this. As far as these brain circuits were concerned,
how could an average person keep up?
The third prince broke open a big lobster with his bare hands and placed the most delicate
meat on Xie Xi’s plate.
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “I can do it myself.” The third prince glanced at his tender fingers and
said, “Eat, you are as thin as a flagpole.”
Xie Xi protested, “I’m not thin.” He wasn’t fat either. He was just a normal size.
Who would’ve expected the third prince to put down the king crab in his hand and squint at
him. “You’re not thin?”
Xie Xi sat upright. He was very good. He wasn’t thin!
The third prince picked up a towel and wiped his hand with blank face. Xie Xi didn’t know
what he was going to do. The next moment, the third prince picked up Xie Xi with one hand.
Xie Xi, “!”
The third prince looked at him with childish eyes. “If you aren’t thin, how can I pick you up
with a finger.”
Yan Zhe laughed wildly from in front of the water fountain. “Old Jiang… hahaha, you’re a
poisonous ghost!”
With this EQ, remain a single fish for the rest of your life! Jiang Xie also couldn’t bear to
The third prince quickly released Xie Xi, placing his hands around Xie Xi’s waist and putting
him down on the chair. “Eat well and exercise. Once I can’t carry you anymore then you’re
not thin.”
Xie Xi sat at the top. This was a position arranged for guests. Originally, he should be sitting
He looked at the 14% red progress bar and was too lazy to care about this little boy. “The
strength of Your Highness is infinite. I can’t do anything, even if I’m the weight of hundreds
of gold bars.”
The third prince said, “Then try to carry me.”
Xie Xi, “???” The third prince gave him a crab leg and said, “You will be qualified the day
you can pick me up like this.”
What damned qualification? Who wanted to pick him up?
Yan Zhe hit the table while laughing. “Poisonous, really poisonous, Old Jiang, you really rely
on strength!”
“…” Jiang Xie was upset and turned off the water curtain.
Yan Zhe’s eyes became big. “Why? I was watching that!”
Jiang Xie told him, “Time is up.”
Yan Zhe looked up and say that he wasn’t messing around. He said, “Hurry and go. I will
send the fee for the bone setting.”
The next day, Xie Xi headed towards the third prince’s palace and just saw him going out.
Xie Xi thought he was going to beat up the ‘fat’ sixth prince. Who would’ve expected him to
say, “Old five has been at home for a few days. I’m going to check on him.”
In a way, the third prince loved his younger brothers. He might not get along with the
second prince but he cared for the fifth and sixth prince. It was just that his way of caring
was too unique and most people couldn’t accept it.
Xie Xi naturally knew the situation of the fifth prince and found it unbearable.
The third prince took him to the sixth prince’s palace. The palace that used to be filled with
songs and dances was very quiet. The mermaid maid looked nervous when she saw the
third prince had come.
It was just that the third prince’s reputation was too bad. It was highly likely the mermaid
maid thought he was here to beat up the fifth prince.
The third prince frowned and asked, “What about Fifth Brother?”
The mermaid bowed and replied, “The fifth prince is locking himself inside the house. No
one is allowed to approach.”
The third prince walked straight ahead and the maid stopped him. “Third Prince, please
stay. His Highness doesn’t want to see any guests. You entering like this…”
The fifth prince frowned and raised an eyebrow. “Get out of the way.”
The mermaid used all her courage to say the above sentence. Now all her courage was
The third prince arrived at Randall’s bedroom and directly banged on the door. “Randall?”
There was no sound.
The third prince cried out, “No one cares about your creative work. Don’t starve to death in
your room!”
Sure enough… the third prince was always full of poison when he opened his mouth.
There was still no sound in the room. Xie Xi’s heart was beating quickly and he was
uncertain what state the fifth prince would be in.
The third prince raised an eyebrow and was about to kick the door when it opened.
Randall only wore a black coat and his chest was exposed to the outside. His state wasn’t
bad but his eyes were cold. “Third Brother came so early in the morning. What’s wrong?”
His voice was steady but it made people feel uneasy.
The third prince stared at him for a moment. “You, these days…”
The fifth prince interrupted him and asked, “What does Third Brother think I can do?”
The third prince raised one eyebrow.
The fifth prince said, “I’m fine. Third Brother, please go back.”
The third prince didn’t have a good temper. Once he saw this, he didn’t bother wasting any
more time and nearly turned away.
Xie Xi glanced at the fifth prince, his heart filled with worry. Randall’s eyes were dark. Has
he been sleeping?
The third prince fought Sirius in the training hall and the two men didn’t go outside all day.
Xie Xi looked at Sirius and thought about Randall. He couldn’t let it go. These two good
people, their lives had changed with Sein Hall’s death.
This made him very uncomfortable. It might be for the task but he was actually bringing
them pain.
He couldn’t make any progress on the side of the third prince at the moment. Xie Xi
calculated the time and the next night, he sneaked into the fifth prince’s palace.
Dreaming was available to be used on the same person once every three days. It should be
available now.
Xie Xi used a reserve face to become the fifth prince’s maid and slipped into his sleeping
It was already the middle of the night but the fifth prince wasn’t sleeping. He sat on the bed
and stared at the empty space in front of them.
Xie Xi waited for three or four hours, until it became cold and the prince fell asleep on the
Xie Xi looked at his pale complexion and dark circles and felt heartache.
Looking at Randall, Xie Xi didn’t understand why people were so passionate about love.
Xie Xi activated Dreaming. He found himself standing in front of the fifth prince’s bed. Did it
fail? Dreaming didn’t work?
However, there was a hint in the lower right corner. [Congratulations on the successful use
of Dreaming. You have entered the dream of Randall Atlantis.]
Xie Xi was stunned before understanding that the fifth prince’s dream was in his bedroom.
The fifth prince sat up and saw Xie Xi, but he didn’t show any surprise.
Roast Pork Bun excitedly said, “Daddy, you seem to be a ghost!”
Xie Xi bowed his head and found that he was translucent, with a faint light emitting from
his hand. It turned out that in Randall’s dream, he was a ghost!
Randall looked at him before slowly spoke. “I am a coward.”
Xie Xi wanted to open his mouth but found that he was unable to speak in this dream!
It was impossible for a ghost to speak in the fifth prince’s heart?
Randall stood up and walked to him. Xie Xi floated high in the air and could just look at
Randall moved his fingers but didn’t touch. He seemed to know that he couldn’t touch Xie
“Mother was right. I’m a coward, a deserter and doomed to be defeated by the storm!”
Xie Xi was very familiar with these words. He remembered that in the last dream, the queen
shouted these words to the fifth prince who gave up everything. The fifth price bravely
went out and pursued the life he wanted. Now…
Randall’s eyes were red. It was said that he wanted to hug Xie Xi while knowing he couldn’t.
“I’ve always been useless… I was born in the royal family and became a prince, but I was
still delusional about my life. How can I have my own life? Where is real freedom? How
could the shackles flowing through my blood let me go?”
“I flattered myself by thinking I was brave and that I could guard everything I love. In fact, I
am just escaping, escaping from sorrow, escaping from suffering and escaping from all the
“I’m such a deserter and a coward. So what if met you? I can’t protect you, I can’t hug you
and I can’t even show my heart to you.”
“If I wasn’t so incompetent and had enough strength, if I had known more, I would’ve never
let you die.”
Xie Xi was shocked and understood the fifth prince’s pain.
He felt remorseful, blamed himself and was deeply immersed in doubts. He saw the
conspiracy behind the sixth prince and determined that Sein Hall was a casualty.
He thought he was too far away from the centre of power and didn’t know anything. He
didn’t know that his beloved was discarded and sent to the guillotine.
If he knew these things, if he hadn’t been deaf, if he didn’t shrink back in his ivory tower, he
would’ve definitely stopped Sein Hall and saved him.
This knot became a poisonous snake, licking at Randall’s heart.
Xie Xi couldn’t open his mouth. Even if he could speak, what could he say? A dead person
couldn’t say anything to comfort a living person.
Randall slowly raised his hand, slender fingers touching Xie Xi’s cheeks. He couldn’t touch
but he could look.
“Sein.” Randall whispered. “If there is an afterlife, will you please give me a chance to fall in
love with you?”
Xie Xi was stunned.
This was the first time Jiang Xie wanted to slap his own soul. Stupid guy, he asked such a
question so why didn’t he let Xie Xi speak?
Xie Xi’s soft heart meant he might’ve said yes.
Once the quasi-world was cleared, Randall’s ‘afterlife’ would be Jiang…
Good, because of this idiot, he missed a once in 100 million chance.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. Once he left the dream of the fifth prince, he whispered, “If I
leave the quasi-world, what will happen to these souls?”
Did Randy, Aix-en and Gars come from the first world or did they just have the same name
and appearance?
Jiang Xie’s eyes slightly lit up at Xie Xi’s murmur.

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GL: Chapter 49
Lost Atlantis 20

Xie Xi was distressed by his souls. Once Jiang Xie recovered a few of his souls, wouldn’t this
little fellow be in love with him?
Jiang Xie glanced a the steady -250 and hopes his souls wouldn’t die.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. He just entered the fifth prince’s dream as a ghost and the orange
progress bar reached 16.666…% and turned green.
It was full. The fifth prince gave him all of the prince’s love.
They had only known each other for a few days, saw each other several times and spent
some muddled time together in the dreams.
Even if Dreaming could make the dream come true, the fifth prince was really too good. If
there hadn’t been the progress bar, Xie Xi would probably think the fifth prince was
pretending. Now…
These feelings were really wonderful. It turned out the prince had fallen in love at first
sight and his emotions were deep.
Xie Xi was very confused. The fifth prince, sixth prince and third prince were X’s souls.
However, their temperament and idea of love were completely different from the three
psychopaths in Love to the Left or Right.
Randy, Aix-en and Gars killed him without speaking. They were so sick that Xie Xi was
always on the verge of collapse because of them.
Wait, Xie Xi suddenly understood a bit. Was it because of Sein Hall’s betrayal?
The more love they poured in, the more intolerable it was after being betrayed. The truer
the love, the easier it was to be blackened.
Imagine if the true identity of Sein Hall was exposed. In other words, the fifth prince and
sixth prince would know that not only was Sein Hall alive, he also collected the love of their
Xie Xi, “…”
Randall and Sirius would surely cut him into sashimi! If he thought about it, Randy, Gars
and Aix-en didn’t seem that bad?
Jiang Xie didn’t expect to see this magic number of +30 today.
Then Xie Xi’s lips thinned. The souls weren’t bad but X must be very bad. If X wasn’t a
psychopath, how could he set such a perverted task?
It was just +30 and it instantly became -30.
Jiang Xie, “…” Okay, this -250 number was very good and neat (heart dripping blood).
Xie Xi no longer wanted to think about the fifth prince. He didn’t have much time left. He
had to collect love and leave this world.
Once he left here, he could find X and learn more about the souls.
Xie Xi returned to the training hall. Sirius had left and the third prince was talking to
From Xie Xi’s perspective, the man was blocked by the third prince and only long silver hair
could be seen.
The silver…
Wasn’t this Second Prince Aix-en?
Xie Xi was afraid that the two brothers would fight and hurried forward. As he got closer,
he could hear their dialogue.
Gars, “…It is just rhetoric. Don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking!”
Aix-en refuted, “You have a wooden head. What do you know?”
Gars told him, “I can see through your human face and beast’s heart (two-faced) to the
Aix-en ridiculed, “You are staring at me with a pair of dog’s eyes. Don’t even think about…”
He hadn’t finished speaking yet when he saw Xie Xi coming over. The third prince had his
back to Xie Xi and only realized after turning around at the second prince’s gaze.
Xie Xi hurriedly bowed. “I have seen the second prince and third prince.”
The third prince pulled him over, placing an arm around Xie Xi’s shoulder and showing him
off to the second prince. “My little follower.”
Xie Xi, who was being treated like a chick, “…” Wait until I grow tall and then watch out for
your dog legs!
The second prince stared at Xie Xi for a while and finally remembered. “Is this…” This 1%
progress slag fish, he couldn’t even remember Xie Xi’s name.
The third prince said, “You don’t need to know his name or to know him.”
He didn’t say it well and caused Aix-en to become interested His eyes narrowed and he
laughed in an ambiguous manner, “Little Colin, you have become whiter.” As he spoke, he
reached out and tried to pinch Xie Xi’s face.
Gars knocked away the dog’s hand. “Don’t touch him.”
Aix-en wasn’t angry. He kept smiling at Xie Xi, his voice soft and pleasant. “Aren’t you
suffering following Third Brother? If you come to me, I will make sure you sleep well and
that you no longer have to get up early.”
From this, it was clear that he knew his brother well. The third prince lived in the military
camp all year round. He was disciplined and woke up early in the morning. Once he woke
up, he would find someone to do morning exercises with him (beating up). Saul’s greatest
wish in life was to sleep well.
Like a big dog looking after its food, Gars directly pulled Xie Xi into his arms. “Go to your
palace? Won’t you eat him until he has no bones left?”
His words were actually quite simple but Aix-en was clearly an old hand at this and he
spoke ambiguously, “It won’t be that fast. Little Colin is delicious and I’ll take it slow.”
Gars reacted by exploding. “Don’t even think about it. If you dare touch one of his fingers, I
will chop you up!”
Aix-en was accustomed to being scolded by him. “Little Colin is a man, not an object. Why
are you bullying him like that instead of asking what he wants?” Gars held Xie Xi’s arm
tightly while Xie Xi thought, ‘The explosive fish is the opponent of the slag fish.’
Aix-en spoke again, “If it is yours, you don’t have to protect it or tie it to your side. Third
Brother, be sensible and give Colin some space. Your arms are so tight that he can’t
Gars’ arms immediately loosened but he didn’t lose his anger. “Don’t talk nonsense. I know
my own people!”
Aix-en smiled. “It is getting late. I’m booked a table at Aromen. Let’s eat together.”
Gars opened his mouth. “I won’t go. We already have food to eat.”
Xie Xi needed to increase progress with Aix-en but the main one was still Gars at the
moment and he said they wouldn’t go.
How could Aix-en be thrown away so easily? He said, “Third Brother, I told you not to do
this. You are too disrespectful. You should’ve at least asked Colin’s opinion.”
He didn’t wait for Gars top open his mouth and just asked Xie Xi, “Little Colin, will you allow
me to buy you a meal?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Gars was fired up and pushed him away.”You are the second prince. How could a small
guard dare refuse?”
Aix-en smiled and wondered, “Am I a person who holds grudges?” He had his grudges
written on his face!
Gars knew Aix-en well and Aix-en knew Gars.
Gars wasn’t a careless person and didn’t want Colin to offend Aix-en. This person was a
madman. After all, his hidden arrows were difficult to prevent. Aix-en was sure that Gars
would be thinking about protecting Colin and deliberately said this.
The result was…
The strange trio sat together for dinner! Xie Xi was sandwiched between the two princes
and was in a real dilemma.
The second prince said enthusiastically, “What do you want to eat? Order anything you
The third prince sneered. “What’s good. Just order the special dishes.”
Xie Xi had no say and just waited patiently.
The second prince disagreed, “There are only the three of us. How can we finish eating it?”
The third prince scoffed mercilessly. “Cheap.”
The second prince didn’t care as he carefully examined the menu, “Little Colin, is there
anything you can’t eat?”
Xie Xi replied, “I can do anything.”
The second prince didn’t ask the third prince but he knew what the third prince loved to
eat. After all, they were enemies who had grown up together and were very clear about
each other’s taste.
The third prince deliberately said, “Add two more screaming crabs.” This wasn’t actually a
crab. It was a type of fish but it looked like a crab and it screamed, thus it got this name.
This fish was a famous luxury ingredient, just like truffles on land. It wasn’t necessarily
delicious but it was definitely expensive.
The second prince said, “Why do you eat that thing? It’s terrible.”
The third prince replied, “Second Brother doesn’t have to eat it. I will eat with Colin.”
The second prince, “…”
The third prince sent him a look. “What? Second Brother said you would treat us but you
are actually reluctant to spend money? Well, forget it. I will take care of this table today.
Third Brother…”
“Fine.” The second prince’s gentle and bewitching face showed rare signs of collapse. “What
is so good about this broken fish? It hurts people and is costly.”
Xie Xi secretly glanced at the fish. This screaming crab was quite expensive. One alone cost
as much as his monthly salary. However, wasn’t he the second prince? How could he be
short of money?
Um… Xie Xi hadn’t taken it seriously when Gars said his brother was cheap. Now he felt
there was some truth to it.
Still, he was the minister of finance so this didn’t seem to be a bad thing?
Xie Xi soon realized that the second prince’s cheapness was embedded deep into his bone
marrow. Regardless of how he acted as a peacock, his essence was a calculating person who
would haggle over everything.
As he ate, he scolded the third prince, “This crab leg is full of meat. Why aren’t you eating
In fact, the third prince could peel crab legs. Xie Xi had seen it. The third prince was
deliberately angering the second prince.
The second prince of the underwater kingdom picked up the leg discarded by his brother,
picked out the remaining meat and placed it on his plate. The third prince knew his faults
and threw away the plate.
The second prince angrily yelled while picking up the pieces, “That’s enough! I don’t want
to eat dinner with you!”
“Then why did you invite me?”
The second prince looked at the plate and then Xie Xi who was happily eating the cheapest
crescent fruit. “I clearly asked Little Colin.”
Xie Xi was stunned but not because he suddenly became the topic of conversation. It was
because the purple progress of the second prince rose by 3%.
Why did it go up?
The third prince grabbed Xie Xi’s crescent fruit and pushed the screaming crab towards
him. “Why are you eating crescent fruit? Eat this!”
Xie Xi didn’t like the powerful taste of the screaming crab. He picked up the half-gnawed
crescent fruit and said, “Don’t waste food. I will finish this first.”
He just finished speaking when he found that the purple progress of the second prince rose
by another 1%.
Xie Xi, “…” All these souls were poisonous!
The second child scorned the third child. “Do you see how sensible Little Colin is? You don’t
know anything about human misery.”
The third prince definitely knew how to provoke his brother and just said in return, “Give
me two Bai Xieqing.”
This was a type of wine on the seabed. The value was similar to the 82 years old Lafite
The second prince raised his eyebrows. “You want to drink wine? No…”
The third prince told him, “It’s fine, I’ll treat you.” He glanced at Xie Xi. “Is two bottles
Xie Xi hurriedly shook his head. “I don’t drink. I am allergic.”
The third prince regretted. “Then forget it.”
Xie Xi found that after his words, the purple bar rose by 1% again. Was the strategy for this
slag fish to focus on ‘stinginess’?
Don’t look at the third prince’s military origins. His alcohol tolerance was actually very
ordinary and he started to feel dizzy after three cups. He ordered two bottles of wine and
drank less than half a bottle.
The second prince was distressed. “You can’t drink yet you opened all the wine.”
The third prince deliberately poked at him. “How can you not drink? Do you plan to throw
it away?”
The second prince said, “Do you know how much manpower and resources were wasted in
brewing this bottle of wine? You know how many people these 300,000 pearls…” He
paused before continuing, “This is why I hate soldiers. All of you waste money the wrong
He usually wasn’t angry and it was rare for him to be sulking like this. Xie Xi looked at him
with much more interest than before.
The second prince looked at the dizzy third prince then at the bottle of wine and poured
himself a cup. “I can’t waste this.” Then he drank.
Xie Xi, “…”
Okay, the third child and second child were drunk while he sat to the side and watched the
The meal hadn’t finished when the third prince fell on the table.
The second prince also staggered. Xie Xi glanced at the two remaining crescent fruit and
spoke in a warm manner. “Second Prince, these aren’t finished. Can I take them with me?”
The two of them were fine. He could peel the skin and have them for breakfast tomorrow.
The second prince’s eyes lit up and he patted Xie Xi’s shoulder. “You are a good boy.”
He picked up the two crescent fruit and placed them in Xie Xi’s hands. “This year, we have
increased our funds and we increased the production of the crescent fruit. This is a good
thing. Many ordinary people use them to fill their stomachs…”
Xie Xi held the two crescent fruits while muttering in his heart, ‘I didn’t think the slag fish
would be like this.
The second prince’s servant took him away while Xie Xi sent the third prince back to his
There were very few people on the third prince’s side. Apart from a few guards, there
wasn’t anyone responsible for his lifestyle. Fortunately, the buoyancy of the water was
great and Xie Xi placed the third prince on the bed without much trouble.
This person had a bad alcohol tolerance yet he still drank.
Xie Xi saw the blue bruises on his arm and thought that the third prince had been on the
training fields all day. It was estimated that he was very tired, which was why he was
sleeping so soundly.
Xie Xi looked at the red progress bar and had a thought.
This was a good opportunity to use Dreaming and increase his progress.
He had thought that collecting the love of the six princes was an impossible task. Now
thanks to Roast Pork Bun’s sudden evolution, the difficulty had plummeted and Xie Xi’s
mood was much better.
He had to complete the main task as soon as possible. Maybe he could try doing the branch
task and directly clear the quasi-world.
Xie Xi had a headache as he thought of the side task to collect one million tons of garbage.
Forget it. Let’s take a look at the third prince’s dream first. Xie Xi used Dreaming and
entered straight into the third prince’s dream.
This guy was really dreaming about him.
Xie Xi’s vision turned dark and once he opened his eyes, he felt a strong impact.
He was shocked and hurriedly grabbed the person in front of him. Unfortunately, he hadn’t
been able to touch when he heard the third prince’s voice, “You evil dragon, let him go!”
Xie Xi, “???”
Roast Pork Bun broadcasted live, “Daddy, you were captured by the dragon!”
Xie Xi’s face was stunned. What was this messy dream?
He felt his body being clasped by a paw, followed by a low voice that sounded like the
second prince. “He’s mine.”
Oh, the dragon was the second prince.
This truly was the third prince’s dream.

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GL: Chapter 50
Lost Atlantis 21

Xie Xi couldn’t figure out what fairytale the third prince was thinking about.
Atlantis was originally on land so there were many land-based ancient legends.
The third prince was born into the royal family and his education was more comprehensive
than ordinary mermaids. He was exposed to a lot of knowledge about the land, including
various fairytales.
Xie Xi was on the short, dangling in the air from the second prince’s claws.
He didn’t have the normal burning sensation of mermaids on land. In the third prince’s
dream, he was a land person instead of a mermaid.
There was no burning sensation but the wind was so strong that he could barely open his
Roast Pork Bun was excited. “Third prince is the hero coming to save the beauty!”
Xie Xi felt his brain hurt. This was a really embarrassing dream.
There was a burst of sound and the third prince dressed as a knife jumped down from the
heights, falling steadily onto the dragon’s back.
“Let Prince Colin go!”
He shouted in a serious manner while Xie Xi was numb. If he wasn’t being held by the
dragon then he would fall and turn into meatloaf!
Outside the dream, he was the small follower of the third prince. In the dream, he became
Prince Colin.
So many plays were really worthy of the soul of a big designer!
Xie Xi couldn’t see the scene of Knight Gars fighting the dragon but they fought very
fiercely. He was shaken around, his head stirred up and he almost passed out.
Fortunately, this was the third prince’s dream so the third prince was bound to save ‘Prince
Eventually, the second prince declared in a cruel voice, “I will come back!”
The dragon’s claws loosened and Xie Xi fell. This sense of weightlessness made him feel
cold and he suspected that he would die in the third prince’s dream! Fortunately, the third
prince didn’t want him dead.
He gave up chasing the dragon, shot straight towards the ground and hugged Xie Xi just as
he was about to hit the earth.
The two men clung together and rolled on the grass for several laps before stopping. Xie Xi
was miraculously unhurt. His skin didn’t even receive a scratch.
The third prince was in a much worse state. In order to protect Xie Xi, his arms had been
rubbing against the ground and it was completely bloody.
Xie Xi hurriedly asked, “Are you okay?”
The third prince stood up with Xie Xi in his arms. “I’m fine. Your Highness, are you hurt?”
This way of calling him made Xie Xi feel very uncomfortable and he was astonished for a
The third prince thought he was afraid of blood and put down his arm. “I am competent and
failed to catch the dragon.”
Xie Xi had to cooperate with him. “If you didn’t save me, I would’ve already been taken
away by the dragon.” You missed it because the evil dragon was cunning and threw me
down. I know that you let it go because you were trying to save me.”
Once he said this, Xie Xi saw that the red progress bar had risen to 15%.
Oh my god, so easy to coax!
Xie Xi wanted to laugh out loud.
The third prince steadied him “I let Your Highness feel fear.”
Xie Xi was in a good mood and happily accompanied him in the dream. He looked at the
third prince’s arm and said, “I will help take care of your wound.”
“There is no need.” The third prince didn’t want Xie Xi to look at the blood arms.
Xie Xi told him, “You risked your life for me. How can I leave you alone?”
Then he pulled the arm of the third prince. The third prince was tough outside and it was
the same in the dream. His brow didn’t wrinkle, as if he didn’t feel the injury.
Xie Xi wondered, “How did you hurt yourself so badly?” He said as he carefully placed
sticky weeds on the arm and tried to clean it up.
He was so focused that he naturally couldn’t see the expression o the third prince.
Fortunately, there was the Roast Pork Bun broadcast. “Oh, the third prince is blushing.”
Xie Xi laughed in his heart.
Roast Pork Bun said again, “Daddy, whenever you blow on it, his eyelashes tremble. He
seems very ticklish.”
The pain became a tickle, this truly was a dream.
Xie Xi dealt with the wound while thinking about how the third prince’s arm was really
bruised in reality. Could it be that he fell asleep with a hurt arm, so he dreamt that his arm
was hurt?
It was really possible. Xie Xi felt funny and strange at the thought and handled the prince
more carefully.
Then the sound of horseshoes was heard in the distance. The third prince said, “Your
guards have arrived.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘It is true. The guards are always late.’
Next, the news about the warrior repelling the dragon and saving the prince spread
throughout the kingdom. As they rode high horses and stepped into the capital, the roads
were full of people clapping.
Xie Xi observed them and found that the people weren’t featureless. They were all distinct
and different.
The third prince wasn’t an artist like the fifth prince but the dream was so real. It seemed
they were all influenced by X.
This was great. It was no wonder why he could design real worlds.
The people chanted the name of the empire and the warrior, as the third prince and Xie Xi
moved in front of them like newlyweds…
Xie Xi had a bad feeling.
What happened when a warrior saved a princess in a fairytale? Didn’t they get married?
Xie Xi felt that his guess was completely correct.
They entered the palace. Perhaps the third prince didn’t know what the palaces on land
were like. He completely copied the underwater palace and even the appearance of the old
Yes, he placed his father as his father-in-law and surely wouldn’t suffer.
The old king met the warrior Gars and showered him with praise. He basically used all the
praise words possible.
The third prince was very humble and reserved. He didn’t need praise and was just doing
his job.
Unfortunately, this was his dream. Everything the old king said was what he was really
Xie Xi desperately tried to hold back his laugh.
The old king went around for a while before finally getting to the key point. “Gars, you’ve
made such great achievements. What rewards do you want? Just tell me!”
The third prince glanced at Xie Xi. Xie Xi was afraid of laughing and bit his lower lip, trying
not to look at the prince.
The third prince whispered, “I don’t need any rewards. I am already satisfied with saving
His Highness.”
The old king was a competent NPC and patted him on the shoulder. “You are so heroic and
excellent. You aren’t greedy despite your power. I appreciate this and have decided to give
Prince Colin to you!”
Xie Xi stumbled and nearly fell.
It might be a dream but this was too crazy! He could understand marrying the princess but
marrying the prince… what was in this old king’s head?
Unexpected, the third prince was still reserved. “How can this be done? I am a commoner
with no merits. How can I be worthy of His Highness…”
The old king told him, “If it wasn’t for you, my only son would’ve been taken away by the
evil dragon. You saved him and you are the great benefactor of our country!”
His own son… married off…
Third prince, the logic of your dream is too rough!
The third prince was still polite. “Marriage is still a matter of mutual willingness.” He
glanced at Xie Xi and asked, “Prince Colin, are you willing?”
Xie Xi was unwilling! He didn’t want to get married!
The third prince was prepared in his dream. He was afraid that Xie Xi wouldn’t say it
because he was shy. Thus, the dream arranged a servant who showed Xie Xi’s heart. “His
Highness has long been enamoured with you! You saved his life, regardless of the risk to
your own life. He only has you in his heart for a long time!”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, let’s save his goosebumps.
The dream of the third prince was very stable and there weren’t many troubles. The old
king had no logic and gave his son to an unknown person!
Xie Xi was too lazy to care. This was a dream and it depended on the dreamer.
This side ordered a marriage and started to prepare for the wedding. Xie Xi looked at this
cheap father and wondered if he had a grudge against Xie Xi. Why was he in such a hurry to
marry off his son? He was more anxious than the third prince!
The third prince perfectly implemented his plan and wasn’t in a hurry. He waited for
people to ‘beg’ him to get married.
It was a pity that this was his dream. Xie Xi couldn’t help wanted to laugh as everyone
moved fast.
Let’s pretend and see what would happen.
Time in the dream flashed and a few days passed.
For Xie Xi, this was in the blink of an eye and he didn’t feel anything.
He found himself in a garden pavilion, slowly drinking tea. His attendant ran in the distance
and panted out, “Your Highness, Mr. Gars is passing by the garden. You haven’t slept for a
few days while thinking about him. Quickly go to see him!”
Xie Xi, “…” Who was thinking about him for a few days?
The servant said, “Your Highness, Mr. Gars cares about your reputation and won’t see you
in advance. However, you are already engaged and should do whatever you want. Why
bother to wrong each other? Hurry and see him. I am sure he also misses you!”
Xie Xi wanted to laugh so hard that he almost cried. He was amused to death by the dream
of the third prince.
He just got up when the third prince ‘passed by’. The attendant shouted, “Mr. Gars, High
Highness has been waiting for you!”
The third prince quickly walked over. His steps were steady and his voice very calm, but his
eyes were hot. “It is very windy outside. Are you cold?”
Xie Xi shook his head, wanting to say that it wasn’t cold. Then he felt an evil gust of wind
and couldn’t help sneezing.
The third prince stepped forward and held Xie Xi in his arms. “By all accounts, we haven’t
got married yet and this is very rude. However, the weather is too cold. I can only
temporarily wrong you.”
Then he held Xie Xi a bit tighter.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 51
Lost Atlantis 22

Xie Xi’s waist was grabbed by the third prince while his face was pressed against the other
person’s shoulder. They couldn’t be more intimate.
The third prince continued to transmit heat to him while asking in a worried manner, “I
haven’t seen Your Highness in a few days. How have you lost so much weight?”
Xie Xi wasn’t good at saying these things but sure enough, his attendant started to sing
about how he was so haggard.
“Mr. Gars, His Highness has thought about you day and night and couldn’t sleep well. He has
become haggard from thinking about you!”
Xie Xi’s mouth felt sour while the third prince was pained. “How can Your Highness not
cherish yourself?
Our wedding will soon arrive. There will be many ceremonies and you will have to give
sacrificial offerings to your ancestors and pray for the people. How can you last?”
Xie Xi thought, ‘You are the one making me think that I can’t sleep!’
The attendant responded, “Yes, I also advised His Highness but he really can’t sleep. I am so
distressed that the best way was to ask you to see him.”
Forget it, some people’s heads were too broken to manage.
The third prince sighed. “Your Highness, promise me that you will eat well and sleep well.”
This time, the attendant didn’t help him speak. Xie Xi’s mouth thinned as he realized the
third prince wanted to hear him say it himself!
Xie Xi knew how to make the dream perfect but… it was hard to talk!
The third prince urged again, “Your Highness?”
Xie Xi looked at the red progress bar and gritted his teeth. “I also want to eat and sleep but
whenever I can’t see you, I feel that the delicacies are tasteless and I can’t sleep when lying
in bed.”
He said it! He actually said it! Keep the goosebumps steady!
The third prince was sweet in his heart but his mouth was still stiff. “After a few days, Your
Highness won’t have such a hard time.
Hard? No, who was the one having a hard time?
The attendant came forward to push the plot again, “Mr. Gars, it is better for you to stay for
a while, so that His Highness can have a good meal and get so sleep. If he continues like this,
his body really won’t hold on.” After he finished speaking, he wiped at his tears. It was
really realistic.
The third prince naturally replied,
“This isn’t appropriate. If anyone else knows, it will dishonour the reputation of His
What damn reputation? The only prince of the kingdom was already going to marry him.
Forget it, this was his dream and Xie Xi could only cooperate with the show. Xie Xi looked
up at the prince with eager eyes.
The third prince was stunned and his eyes heated up, as if he wanted to eat the person in
his arms.
The attendant perfectly conveyed his heart. “Mr. Gars, don’t be so rigid. Is there anything in
the world more important than His Highness’ body? In a few days, you will be sheltered by
the gods and supported by the people. Who cares about these few days before marriage?”
The third prince was still hesitating.
The attendant said again, “How can the beloved prince be wronged by a valiant man like
Xie Xi was going to die from laughter. What was this? The third prince was crazy enough to
block himself!
His body trembled slightly as he suppressed his laughter and the third prince naturally felt
it. Thus, his ‘thoughts’ passed onto the attendant.
The attendant immediately shouted, “Mr. Gars! You see, His Highness is shivering from
hunger. If you stick to etiquette, His Highness will faint from hunger!”
Xie Xi, “Pfft!” Who could bear it anymore?!
The attendant had the ability to turn everything into a way for the third prince to step over
obstacles. “Listen! His Highness is crying from sadness!”
Forget it, who was crying!
The third prince finally softened and he quickly said, “I’m stupid.I only thought about your
reputation and ignored your body!”
The attendant hurriedly said, “Mr. Gars, His Highness can’t stand. Carry him into the house
while I will prepare a delicious dinner!” He was a slave selling his master!” The third prince
whispered, “Your Highness, I am being rude.”
Then he picked up Xie Xi in a side carry.
Xie Xi, “…”
He buried his face in the third prince’s chest to hide his uncontrollable mouth. The third
prince naturally misunderstood it as…
The attendant sighed, “Mr. Gars, you should’ve done this earlier. Then His Highness
wouldn’t have cried so bitterly.
The third prince felt very guilty. “It is my fault. I’m too old-fashioned.”
Xie Xi almost laughed out loud. He was really old-fashioned! This dream was full of ‘old-
fashioned’ flavour!
The third prince decided that he was sobbing and gently patted Xie Xi on the back, not
wanting him to feel any more pain.
Once they entered the house, Xie Xi needed cold water to calm down his facial expression.
He bowed his head and said, “I have to go get myself under control.”
He ‘cried’ for so long that it wasn’t good to eat in this state.
The attendant immediately said, “Your Highness, I have the hot water ready.”
Hot water? No, Xie Xi needed cold water to cool down. His face was red from laughing!
By the time Xie Xi finished and came out again, the table had been set up with food.
Xie Xi glanced at it and sure enough, the table was full of seafood. The third prince was an
underwater person and didn’t understand the food of the land people. Therefore, these
aspects were all based on underwater standards.
The thing that made Xie Xi feel warm was that the third prince remembered what he loved
to eat. There were big crabs, lobster, salmon and a plate full of crescent fruit…
The attendant was particularly interested. His back was straight as he watched the third
prince carefully deal with the hard shells of the seafood for Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was really hungry and ate seriously.
The third prince was very happy in his heart while his mouth said, “You have to eat well,
even if I’m not with you. Okay?”
Xie Xi thought, ‘If you weren’t here, I might’ve eaten more comfortably.’ However, his
mouth said, “I’ll try my best.”
The third prince was satisfied.
After eating, the third prince took Xie Xi to digest his food and then coaxed him to sleep.
Xie Xi could only try to get some sleep in the dream.
Due to the third prince’s politeness, once Xie Xi went to bed, the prince pulled the curtains
and sat down beside the bed.
“Your Highness, rest assured, I am here.”
Xie Xi thought about it and understood what line to say. “Will you leave after I fall asleep?”
The third prince didn’t make any noise, which was counted as an agreement! Of course he
had to go! How could a man stay overnight?
Xie Xi requested, “Can’t you stay the night?”
The third prince told him, “Your Highness, go to sleep.”
Xie Xi couldn’t sleep at all!
The attendant came again. “Mr. Gars, you might as well hold His Highness’ hand. If he feels
that you are here, he will surely sleep with peace of mind.”
Xie Xi, “…” There was still this trick!
The third prince hesitated. “This…”
Xie Xi took the initiative to extend his hand. The third prince instantly held it and said,
“Outside is cold.” Then he placed Xie Xi’s hand in his under the covers.
Xie Xi turned a blind eye. ‘Okay, this is your style.’
However, Xie Xi still underestimated the ‘inconsistent’ third prince.
After a while, the attendant hurriedly ran inside. “It’s bad! Your future mother-in-law is
What? Mother-in-law?
The attendant added, “Mr. Gars, you must not let her see you! If she sees you, she will surely
reprimand His Highness!”
For a moment, Xie Xi didn’t understand what path this was taking.
The third prince was anxious. “I’ll leave now.”
The attendant immediately said, “It’s too late. She is coming now. She will definitely see you
while you are leaving!”
Xie Xi wondered, ‘Aren’t we engaged? How can it still be like sneaking around? There were
too many things in the royal family!’
The third prince cried out, “How can it be like this?”
The attendant was a bit clever. “Mr. Gars, hide in the bed first! Once Mother-in-law comes
in, I will tell her that His Highness is sleeping. She will at most open the curtain to take a
look and won’t pull off the blanket.”
Xie Xi, “!”
He knew this road! You really have many ideas, Little Gars!
The third prince froze while his voice was very tight. “This isn’t polite…”
“It will be even more difficult if Mother-in-law sees you in His Highness’ room. What if she
reports it to His Majesty and the engagement is cancelled?”
The attendant didn’t forget to add, “His Highness knows what type of person you are but
outsiders will definitely misunderstand you!”
Xie Xi laughed. ‘There is no need to explain but there is already an explanation to cover up.’
The third prince was persuaded. He raised the blanket and looked at Xie Xi. “Your Highness,
What could Xie Xi do? He had to accompany the prince in the dream by saying, “Hurry up.
Mother is coming.”
It was an invitation so the third prince helplessly got into bed next to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t care about sleeping with him in the bed. They were both men and sleeping
together didn’t matter.
At this moment, there was no waiter to deliver the steps and the third prince could only
stay, “I will hug you to prevent any accidents.”
After all, it was two people in a bed. They had to gather together to look like one person.
Xie Xi nodded and entered a hot embrace as the other person clung tightly to him.
There was the sound of the door opening and then a conversation between the attendant
and an old woman.
“Mother-in-law, His Highness hasn’t slept well these days and is very tired. He just lay
down and went to sleep.”
The mother-in-law said, “His Highness is really infatuated. It is touching!”
“Yes, His Highness is a perfect match with Mr. Gars.”
Boasting and more boasting.
…It was a lot of boasting.
The mother-in-law said, “I heard that Mr. Gars was born handsome and has the strength of
the sky. His personality is also very good!”
The attendant continuing with the boasting, “Yes, he is sincere towards His Highness and
fought the dragon, regardless of life or death. After the dragon dropped His Highness, he
caught His Highness and they tumbled to the ground. His Highness was unscathed while his
arms were bloodied.”
The mother-in-law blew another wave of boasting, “Mr. Gars is a rare hero in the world. He
is the only one worthy of our honourable prince.”
The two people sung the same tune and Xie Xi almost laughed to death. He thought about
how this world was written by Gars and couldn’t help shaking gently as he choked on his
The mother-in-law left and Xie Xi moved. He thought that he could finally get rid of this hot
Unexpectedly, the third prince got out of the blanket and asked, “Your Highness, do you
have a fever?”
Xie Xi, “???” What fever?
The attendant came over and opened the bed curtains. “Mother-in-law is gone!”
The third prince frowned. “Your Highness was shaking just now. Do you have a cold?”
He didn’t have a cold. He was just choking!
The attendant was also nervous. “These days, His Highness hasn’t been eating well and
there was a cold wind blowing today. Is His Highness feverish?”
The two of them said this and Xie Xi was affected by their trick.
He shrank back and actually felt cold.
The third prince got back into bed, still acting old-fashioned. “Your Highness, I’ll test your
forehead.” As he spoke, his palm fell onto Xie Xi’s forehead.
Xie Xi blinked up at him.
The third prince was relieved, “Good, it isn’t too hot.”
Xie Xi was also relieved. He thought he would have to experience the trace of illness in the
The attendant wondered, “Is he just cold? Perhaps the temperature of the room isn’t high
Xie Xi knew he hadn’t been cold but now he really felt cold.
The third prince said, “Perhaps the cold wind has entered his body and made him a bit
Xie Xi shook and his teeth chattered.
The third prince hurried to hold him and asked, “Is it warmer like this?”
Xie Xi guessed his mind. “Yes, much better.”
The attendant opened his mouth. “In this weather, there is no fire basin in the house. The
other bedding is drying outside. What to do…”
Xie Xi thought, ‘This royal family is really poor. There isn’t heating in the prince’s bedroom
and even the blankets are missing!’
The attendant continued, “Mr. Gars, what if the cold wind enters again after you leave? You
should warm His Highness first while I watch outside.”
The third prince was very embarrassed. “This is the only way.”

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GL: Chapter 52
Lost Atlantis 23

This was all he could do???

This embarrassed tone… Xie Xi really wanted to kick him out of bed. If he was embarrassed
then go sleep on the floor!
The prince was embarrassed and the joy in his eyes wasn’t too obvious. He held Xie Xi and
whispered, “Sleep.”
He was warm enough and it felt refreshing. Xie Xi wasn’t annoyed and deliberately teased
him, “Is this really okay?”
The third prince was slightly startled and comforted him, “It’s okay, no one will know.”
Xie Xi whispered, “Will you really not be seen? What if we fall asleep?”
The third prince told him, “Saul will be watching from outside.”
Saul was Xie Xi’s attendant and the third prince’s lieutenant in reality. If he knew that he
had such an image in his boss’ dream, it was unknown if he would keep following the third
prince to the battlefield.
Xie Xi spoke again, “I haven’t slept well these days and he has been accompanying me. What
if he can’t endure?” The implication was that Saul might also fall asleep.
The third prince comforted him. “It’s fine. I won’t fall asleep.”
Xie Xi looked up at him. “This…”
“You haven’t slept well for so many days. I will stay up and keep watch for you.”
Xie Xi whispered, “It will be hard for you.”
Probably not. The third prince since, “I will do anything for you.”
Xie Xi was satisfied.
Then he reacted again. What did it matter if Gars stayed awake all night? This was his
dream. What was the difference between sleeping and not sleeping? The trick didn’t work
at all!
Xie Xi thought that he was an adult. Why should he care about a child-like man’s dream?
The third prince didn’t do anything else. He just carefully held Xie Xi and coaxed him to
It could be seen that the third prince was very pure. His sweetheart was in his arms yet he
was polite and didn’t do anything. It was good that he didn’t do anything to annoy Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie relied on the third prince’s foolishness to increase goodwill to -233. He didn’t
want it to plummet to -999.
The next day arrived in the blink of an eye and Xie Xi saw the third prince’s dark circles.
It had clearly been one second yet the third prince drew his own panda eyes. His dedication
in the dream was truly admirable.
The third prince asked him, “Did you sleep well?”
Xie Xi replied, “I didn’t dream and slept very well.”
“Is there anything else that isn’t comfortable?”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he wanted Xie Xi to be comfortable or not and could only say
ambiguous words, “Much better.”
The third prince sighed with relief. “That’s good.”
He got up and his brow furrowed as soon as he moved.
Xie Xi understood. “Are your legs numb?”
The third prince shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”
His legs were still motionless. It was like they were broken instead of numb!
What was this? Xie Xi made a guess. “Shall I massage them for you?”
The third prince hurriedly said, “It’s fine. I’ll be okay in a minute.” Meanwhile, the ‘broken’
leg silently moved towards Xie Xi.
Xie Xi, “…” Couldn’t you say it straight out? Why beat around the bush in the dream?
Xie Xi said, “Last night you were afraid to wake me up so you didn’t move. It must’ve been
very tiring? I’ve had a numb leg before. It would be better to massage them.”
He reached out and touched the leg as he talked.
The third prince told him, “Your Highness doesn’t need to bother with such a little thing.”
Yet his leg was moving over again.
If he didn’t want it then don’t come over here!
Xie Xi muffled his smile and carefully helped promote blood flow.
A numb leg was being pressed. This sensation might cause an average person to cry out.
The third prince was a tough person, although he might be pretending and his leg wasn’t
numb at all. In any case, he didn’t make a sound and acted like this was a prosthetic leg.
His legs were long and strong, especially the calf. The texture was also clear and it was very
hard. Xie Xi’s hands were sore as he pressed against it.
“Are you feeling better?” Xie Xi asked him.
“There is no need to press it anymore. I can get out of bed.” He moved his leg and tried to
get out of bed, only to suck in his breath and start sweating.
Xie Xi, “…” Brother, this wasn’t a numb leg, it was a broken leg!
The third prince failed his ‘attempt’ and lamented, “Your Highness, just ignore me. It will be
fine after a minute.”
How could Xie Xi not understand? The prince just wanted a leg massage.
Fine. Xie Xi saw the task progress rising to 16% and decided to keep massaging it for him.
Xie Xi bowed his head and pressed hard against the leg with great difficulty.
The third prince’s pants were quite slippery and Xie Xi wasn’t used to it. He didn’t think
much as he said, “I will help you pull up your pants. It is too slippery.”
The third prince’s pupils shrank and his eyes turned red.
Xie Xi pulled up the pant leg and placed his slightly cold hands on the calf…
The ‘broken-legged’ third prince jumped up, miraculously healed!
Xie Xi, “???”
The third prince got out of bed with his numb leg unable to be seen at all. He cried out, “I
am fine!”
Xie Xi blinked in confusion, “Are you really fine?” Wasn’t there cold sweat on the prince’s
forehead? Xie Xi just wanted to give a good massage. How did the prince run away?
The third prince told him, “I, I will go wash. Your Highness should change clothes first!”
He turned and left to throw water on his face, the image from before still filling his mind.
Colin sitting beside him with a white neck, focused eyes and slender fingers… Gars was
afraid that the slender fingers would melt like soft tofu when touching his rough legs.
This thought caused Gars head to become hot and he wanted to pour a bucket of water on
his head!
Xie Xi had no idea what the third prince was smoking but he finally got up with sore fingers.
He changed his clothes and met the third prince, who said calmly, “Your Highness, I will go
back first.”
“Have breakfast before you go.”
The third prince muttered, “If someone comes over…”
Xie Xi hadn’t opened his mouth when the attendant spoke, “Mr. Gars, His Highness is in
better spirits and you should accompany him to eat breakfast. What if he doesn’t eat
Xie Xie could originally eat at least three crescent fruits but after hearing the attendant’s
words, he couldn’t eat half.
The third prince started to struggle again.
Xie Xi could only say, “No one will come at breakfast. Eat before leaving.
“Since it is Your Highness’ wish, I won’t refuse.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘How is it my wish? In your dream, am I qualified to have a wish?’
Breakfast finished and the third prince finally left. Before he did, he urged Xie Xi, “Your
Highness, please be sure to eat and sleep well.”
Xie Xi nodded while thinking that it wouldn’t be this simple.
As he thought this, the third prince said again, “Your Highness, you should pay attention
these days. I’m always worried that the dragon won’t let you go.”
Xie Xi told him, “I won’t leave the palace and the dragon won’t dare to break in.”
The third prince was worried. “I hope so.”
The prince was reluctant to leave and glanced at Xie Xi several more times.
Xie Xi wasn’t on the same wavelength as him and wasn’t sure what he wanted.
Fortunately, there was the attendant who understood this person. “Mr. Gars, if you have
time, please be sure to sneak in and see His Highness. His Highness is shy and can’t say it
but after you leave, he will be sad again.”
Xie Xi, “…” He wasn’t shy and really couldn’t say this!
The third prince heard what he wanted to hear and whispered to Xie Xi, “Your Highness,
rest assured that I will find a way to see you.”
Xie Xi was afraid he would break the act as soon as he opened his mouth and barely
maintained an awkward and polite smile.
Fortunately, the third prince couldn’t tell it was a fake smile. He felt sweet in his heart and
very great…
The third prince left and time passed quickly for Xie Xi. In the blink of an eye, it was noon.
The attendant urged him, “Your Highness, it is time to eat.”
Xie Xi had just finished breakfast and now he had to eat again.
The attendant sighed. “Sure enough, you don’t want to eat after Mr. Gars left.”
Xie Xi, “…” He guessed that such a sentence would emerge.
The attendant said, “You don’t cherish yourself. If Mr. Gars knows this, he will feel bad.”
Xie Xi spoke sincerely, “I’m not hungry.” He really wasn’t hungry.
The attendant complained, “You are so infatuated that the gods must be touched.
Fortunately, Mr. Gars feels the same way as you. The two of you are really…”
He started to monologue again. Xie Xi started to suspect that the third prince had seen too
much Shakespeare!
“Since you don’t want to eat, go to the garden and relax.”
Xie Xi didn’t refuse. The dream hadn’t ended yet and there was likely to be more things.
He went to the garden and had just sat in the small pavilion when the sharp-eyed attendant
called out, “Your Highness, it is Mr. Gars!”
Xie Xi was somewhat puzzled. Wasn’t this too soon? He was already back?
The attendant told him, “Mr. Gars is definitely worried about you and came back to see
Xie Xi followed him while thinking about what the third prince wanted to do this time.
He had just approached and hadn’t spoken yet when the ‘Gars’ in front of him smiled and
whispered, “No one can save you this time.”
Xie Xi, “…”
This voice was the second prince and this evil charm was the same, causing him to have a
‘Third Prince, your brain is too broken! This is your brother, your brother!’
The attendant shouted, “Ah, it is the dragon! The dragon broke into the palace disguised as
Mr. Gars!”
Xie Xi was caught by the dragon who flew up.
In Gars absence, the soldiers of the palace were like rotten cabbages.
Xie Xi was blown by the wind again and unexpectedly missed the underwater world.
The third prince didn’t know much about the land and was ignorant about the wind.
Therefore, the land world in this dream was very high. There was no wind on the land and
there was a huge wind in the air. Third Prince, what was this misunderstanding about the
The dragon indiscriminately bombarded the royal palace and then arrogantly took Xie Xi
Xie Xi was uncomfortable because of the wind and passed out in the third prince’s dream.
He woke up in a dark cave. It was a dark and damp place with a large pile of gold in front of
Well, he was taken away by a dragon…
The third prince was addicted to being a hero and saving him once wasn’t enough.
Xie Xi got up and saw the second prince sitting on a pile of gold and silver.
The second prince had become a ‘living image’ and his laughing appearance was generally
the same as reality.
Xie Xi could understand this.
In the eyes of the third prince, his older brother was a dragon who monopolized a huge
amount of wealth!
The second prince said, “I have already sent a letter to your father. If he wants to save you
then he must give all the gold and silver in the palace to me!”
Xie Xi understood. This was a kidnapping.
He was too lazy to care about this fake dragon and just waited for the third prince to save
Unexpectedly, this fake dragon still had a lot of drama. The second prince told him, “Stay
away from my gold. If you touch it, I will cut off your hand!”
Xie Xi, “…” Psychopath.
After a while, the second prince added, “The jewels on your body are mine as well.” Then he
took away Xie Xi’s belt buttons and even a small piece of gold on his shoes.
Xie Xi, “…” Psychopath!!
More time passed before the second prince threw him two crescent fruits. “You can only eat
this. If you don’t eat then you will go hungry.”
Xie Xi glanced at the two crescent fruits and understood.
It was no wonder why the second prince had so many lines… the third prince didn’t forget
to blacken his own brother in the dream!
A miser, always calculating costs, haggler and only let others eat crescent fruits…
Well, this was truly the second prince in the eyes of the third prince.

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GL: Chapter 53
Lost Atlantis 24

The third prince was probably afraid that the second prince would steal his Little Colin.
Thus, he spared no effort to blacken him in front of Xie Xi. This blackening continued for 20
minutes. There were so many lines that only the attendant could compete with him.
Xie Xi was chewing on the crescent fruit when the third prince belatedly arrived.
He killed his second brother without any effort. After fighting in a fancy way, the evil
dragon crashed to the ground and spoke hatefully, “I lost to you. I acknowledge it.”
Xie Xi, “…” He felt that the real second prince wouldn’t acknowledge his brother and would
probably want to kill his brother.
The third prince anxiously stepped forward and hugged Xie Xi. “It is my bad. I didn’t arrive
in time and Your Highness was wronged…”
The attendant emerged from an unknown place and shouted, “Warrior Gars defeated the
dragon. He received all of the dragon’s wealth and he will give this huge wealth to our
prince. The Galin Kingdom won’t have to worry about food and clothing for 100 years!”
Was he someone in a theatrical program?
In addition, what did he mean by the Galin Kingdom? Gars and Colin?
One hundred years without worrying about food and clothing, this dream was too simple!
Forget Xie Xi, even Roast Pork Bun was laughing like a silly cat, “The third prince called
Gars, he is a stupid fool!”
A prompt appeared in the lower right corner: [The dream is about to end. Please be
prepared to leave.]
It was truly over. The third prince was successful and now he had to wake up to face the
cruel reality! Xie Xi didn’t stop and immediately left the dream. He knew that the third
prince had been fighting all year round and was extremely vigilant. He woke up faster than
ordinary people and combined with the five senses that he trained, it was likely he could
discover Xie Xi if Xie Xi was too slow.
The third prince might be a fool in the dream but in reality, he was a famous commander of
the army.
Xie Xi quickly left and returned to his place of residence, ready to get more sleep.
The average person’s dream was quite short. Meanwhile, the third prince’s dream was very
long and lasted the whole night, not letting Xie Xi sleep.
Dreaming itself consumed a large amount of mental energy, meaning Xie Xi was very sleepy
at the moment.
Fortunately, the overall style of this dream was very relaxed and Xie Xi didn’t hate it.
After returning to the bedroom, Xie Xi washed up and fell asleep.
Before going to bed, he looked at the progress of the task. The red progress bar belonging
to the third prince reached 16.5% and was almost full.
The third prince’s dream was much simpler than the fifth prince. It was basically smooth
and filled with teasing.
Looking at them in reality, the third prince was filled with more ‘bitterness’ than the fifth
prince. By all accounts, the dream of the fifth prince should be easier yet Xie Xi ended up
This was probably due to a psychological problem.
The fifth prince seemed free and unrestrained but in fact, he was uneasy to the depths of
his heart. He was uneasy about his position, uneasy about the future and had no confidence
in his ability to grasp happiness.
On the other hand, the third prince was very different. He came from a humble background.
His mother was the laughing stock of the masses but his childhood was better than the
sixth prince. He threw his life onto the battlefield and hit the world.
He was confident and held his own fate. This meant he would be happy in his dream.
Xie Xi had left too fast. If he stopped in the third prince’s palace for a while, he would’ve
heard the third prince talking in his sleep, “Sein, Hall…”
Xie Xi only slept for three or four hours before his communicator woke up him.
A message from the third prince appeared. “Eat breakfast.”
Xie Xi was so sleepy that he didn’t completely emerge from his dream and he spoke
casually, “Not hungry, won’t eat.”
His voice was hoarse and he was still dazed from not waking up.
The third prince was sitting in the dining room, surrounded by soldiers who accompanied
him for the morning exercise. The voice spread from the communicator.
Saul and the others were stunned.
The third prince immediately froze and cleared his throat. “He is proud and pampered.”
The lieutenant blinked.
The third prince raised his eyebrows. “What are you doing? Go and wake up him. It is
unseemly to still be sleeping at this time.”
The lieutenant got up and hadn’t taken a step yet when the third prince spoke again,
“Forget it, let him sleep. If he doesn’t eat breakfast then he will remain hungry.”
It might sound harsh but it was dignified. It would be more believable if he didn’t keep
playing back the voice.
Xie Xi got up in the afternoon and was looking for something to eat when he received a
message from the third prince, “If I sleep like you, I would’ve already died from the enemy’s
Xie Xi, “…” Why did he sleep so long? Wasn’t it because the third prince’s dream was too
The cute dream of the stupid fool, the awkward third prince was only good at fighting.
Xie Xi slowly replied to him, “Your Highness, this subordinate has just woken up.”
“Now you are talking with respect? Impudent.”
Xie Xi who had no expression on his face: ^_^
The third prince’s heart was flying. “Hurry up and wash. I will take you to eat something
Xie Xi only just realized that the prince’s vehicle was parked outside his door.
After lunch, the third prince had something to do. Xie Xi became his little follower again and
followed the prince wherever he went.
Xie Xi still had a sense of urgency. The second prince’s progress was 6% and he should find
a chance at night to use Dreaming. He should fill the progress as quickly as possible and
then get to know the eldest prince and the fourth prince.
In the afternoon, the third prince went to the elder prince’s palace to discuss the task of
guarding the capital.
Xie Xi was waiting outside but he wasn’t idle.
He took the opportunity to collect many faces in the eldest prince’s palace. He would
reserve them first so he could use them in the future.
The two brothers were busy all afternoon and the eldest prince stayed for dinner.
At this time, Xie Xi was brought inside by the third prince and introduced the eldest prince.
“Big Brother, this is my little sidekick.”
Xie Xi saluted to the eldest prince.
The eldest prince’s gaze fell on him and seemed to pause for a long time.
The third prince said, “His name is Colin Hall. Now he is just a small guard but he is very
smart. He can make a lot of progress after more experience.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved. Sure enough, he still couldn’t adapt to the third prince’s style of praise.
The eldest prince told him, “Get up. There is no need to be polite.”
Xie Xi got up and stood beside the third prince. He didn’t know why but he always felt that
the eldest prince was looking at him.
He wasn’t being self-confident. He just didn’t want to underestimate the housekeeper
This soul in the last world was so bad. Who knew what this world would be like?
Did the eldest prince like the second face as well? This face had already been allocated to
the second prince and third prince. He couldn’t provoke another person.
Two people were already a struggle. He would be exhausted if there were three of them.
Xie Xi didn’t look at the eldest prince throughout the meal. The third prince thought he was
being polite and coaxed him “It’s fine. You don’t need to worry about making mistakes since
Big Brother won’t punish you.”
Xie Xi wasn’t comforted.
The third prince’s coaxing skill didn’t match his ability to provoke people. “You must know
that not everyone will be used to you as I am. I can indulge your small temper.” Sleepy,
picky eater, loved being spoiled… well, really cute.
Xie Xi wanted to punch him.
All night, Xie Xi didn’t dare look up in fear that he would accidentally provoke the eldest
The good thing was that the progress bar was steady and no new colours appeared.
Xie Xi sighed with relief but there was something even more urgent.
He had to find a chance to imprint his first face on the eldest prince before things became
Of course, tonight he would go to the second prince’s dream and fill up the progress as
quickly as possible.
Xie Xi had experience from last night. Today he got up early and blended into the second
prince’s palace.
He yawned and found no one was present when he arrived at the palace.
The second prince hadn’t slept yet?
Xie Xi strolled for a while and saw the second prince working in his study.
He was still working at this late hour? It wasn’t easy for the second prince.
Xie Xi hid in a corner, rubbing Roast Pork Bun while waiting for the second prince to finish
Roast Pork Bun was used to this rubbing and also quite enjoyed it. His different coloured
eyes narrowed and he fell asleep.
Xie Xi was also sleepy. After waiting half an hour, he planned to find a place to nap while
checking on the second prince every hour or so.
Unexpectedly, the second prince was busy all night. Once the day brightened, he headed off
to the hall of official business…
Xie Xi waited all night and thought about how he would be ‘tormented’ by the third prince
during the day. He suddenly wanted to forget about love and just sleep on the bed.
As he was returning to his room, Roast Pork Bun cried out, “It’s the sixth prince!”
Xie Xi was stunned but didn’t see anyone.
Roast Pork Bun especially liked the sixth prince because of his eyes. “He is in the place
where Daddy used to sleep. There is also the fifth prince.”
The cat could fly in the air and no one could see him, so his angle of view was much
Xie Xi’s mind worked as he wondered what these two brothers were doing together.
The sixth prince was going to leave soon. It was normal for him to go to Sein’s residence.
Then what was the fifth prince doing?
Xie Xi didn’t feel comfortable. He changed to a reserve face and secretly followed.
It was early in the morning and the whole undersea world was quiet. Most people hadn’t
woken up yet.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid to be found by the fifth and sixth prince because he was wearing
someone else’s face. He leaned forward and eavesdropped on their conversation.
The fifth prince said, “I will cooperate with you. You must capture the state teacher of the
Haiqui Kingdom alive.”
The sixth prince’s voice was cold. “Is the message reliable?”
The fifth prince retorted, “Isn’t it worth a try?”
The sixth prince glanced at the sleeping quarters and stated, “I will do anything, as long as
he can live again.”
Xie Xi, “???” What was this situation?

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GL: Chapter 54
Lost Atlantis 25
Live again? Who was he going to bring back to life?
Sein Hall?
No, don’t mess around. He didn’t want to live. He was dead, please let him enter the water!
Xie Xi was very surprised. He didn’t think there would be a strange thing as resurrection.
The background of this world seemed quite normal. The land and seabed all used science
and technology. How come there was this strange power?
Maybe it was just a rumour and the fifth and sixth princes had misunderstood?
Xie Xi wasn’t sure and his heart felt very empty. He had to check to see if there was such a
setting in this world.
The reserve face could only be used for a period of time and couldn’t exceed half an hour.
Xie Xi was very cautious with it, especially the important faces. He wasn’t certain if he could
collect the faces again and didn’t dare waste it.
Of course, there was a great risk. Just in case there were hidden cameras, he prepared many
similar faces to slowly change his face.
They were the type that made it hard to detect the difference from a distance or the back.
This was also dangerous but it was much better than exposing his original appearance.
Xie Xi investigated overnight and starting sweating.
There really was a record of this phenomenon.
Haiqui itself was quite mysterious. They were primitive underwater creatures and
completely different from humans. They were bloodthirsty, aggressive, lacked empathy and
even ate their compatriots raw.
They were particularly fond of humans. When Atlantis was part the land and the sea, they
didn’t hesitate to go ashore and attack. As long as they could eat people, they didn’t care if
they died on the shore.
Once Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea, they stared at the royal family and rushed over,
killing many princes and princesses.
Ironically, the existence of Atlantis underwater created a defense line that made Haiqui
unable to eat humans on land. The land people gradually forget the threat of Haiqui and
didn’t know that the underwater kingdom was helping them fend off murderous creatures.
This played a large role in the fighting between factions underwater. Atlantis protected
humanity but humans didn’t know. They just continued destroying the marine
Intentional hunting led to the extinction of species and excessive discharge of waste also
complicated the composition of seawater. The underwater people’s requirements for water
were more stringent than the land people’s requirements for air.
Land people couldn’t stand the smog while underwater people couldn’t stand the polluted
sea. Their skin would gain sores from prolonged exposure and their internal organs would
corrode. Heavily polluted areas were hard to isolate.
The empire invested a great deal of manpower and resources every year to purify the sea,
but unfortunately, the results were extremely low.
If the pollution was made by the underwater people, they wouldn’t be so angry. However,
the disaster came from the land people who were ‘protected’ by them.
How could the underwater people not feel hatred?
The most extreme militant group even wanted to place the lunatics of Haiqui onto the land
to retaliate against the land people.
Of course, this was very irrational. The Haiqui people might lack empathy but they were
still highly intelligent creatures. The people in power had even more brains. If the Haiqui
people were really let out, it wouldn’t just be the land people who would be eaten.
The state teacher of Haiqui was very mysterious. He was much weaker than the soldiers
but he had an incomprehensible power.
There was a real record of him resurrecting someone dead.
The former king of the Haiqui Kingdom was killed by the third prince on the battlefield but
he came alive again. The purpose of his campaign this time was to get revenge on the
enemy who previously took his life!
Xie Xi saw this and his heart started beating faster. “Resurrection is really possible.”
Roast Pork Bun said, “Daddy isn’t dead. Resurrection is useless.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Will the state teacher know that I’m not dead?”
Roast Pork Bun could be smart. “Then you can meet the sixth prince again. He is so
Xie Xi, “…”
He must be infected by the third prince if he wanted to discuss business with the stupid cat.
After seeing this, Xie Xi didn’t dare stay for a long time. He slipped back to his residence and
tried to calm down.
Thinking too much was useless. The priority was to seize this time!
He had to quickly complete this task and leave the world, so that he didn’t need to worry
about being exposed.
As for the side mission, Xie Xi originally didn’t intend to collect one million tons of garbage.
Compared to clearing the world, he preferred leaving here as quickly as possible.
Then what about after he left? A world that hadn’t been cleared wouldn’t be blocked. What
should he do if he searched for it again?
If that happened…
No way…
His luck would be too bad! Xie Xi thought about his luck in finding X’s worlds three times.
No, Xie Xi didn’t dare give up on this side task. He had to complete it and clear the world,
making this world ‘independent’.
It wasn’t for anyone else, it was just for himself! He must never enter this quasi-world
Xie Xi raised his spirits and found a chance to run away from the third prince the next day.
The third prince might wait to tie Xie Xi to his belt but Xie Xi spoke very well. He just made
an uncomfortable expression and the third prince let him go.
Xie Xi immediately changed to the first face and accepted an errand to send something to
the palace of the eldest prince.
He had better luck this time and the eldest prince had just returned.
Xie Xi encountered the prince face to face but showed some restraint because of his guilt.
“I have seen Your Highness.” He gave a bow.
The eldest prince looked at him and didn’t let him get up or leave.
Xie Xi lowered his head while he felt himself being examined. The eldest prince was
watching him, just like he watched the second face. No, before Xie Xi started changing faces,
he stood guard in the hall and the eldest prince had looked at him the same way.
Xie Xi’s heart tightened. Did the eldest prince recognize him?
It wasn’t just a change in his face. It also changed his temperament and many small habits.
It was impossible for the eldest prince to recognize him.
Xie Xi’s body was stiff as he asked softly, “Your Highness?”
The eldest prince finally opened his mouth. “Get up.”
Xie Xi straightened but didn’t dare look up. He wanted to get close to the eldest prince but
found that he didn’t know what to do.
When it came to the fifth, sixth, second and third prince, Xie Xi didn’t need to take the
initiative. They were all more active than him and rushed to help him fill the task progress.
The eldest prince was very different from them. He kept observing Xie Xi, full of emotions
that Xie Xi couldn’t understand.
Xie Xi could only put down the things he was carrying and say, “If Your Highness doesn’t
have any commands, this subordinate will go back first.”
The eldest prince replied gently, “Yes.” He was let go.
Xie Xi left without a clue.
What to do? How could he collect the love of the eldest prince?
Xie Xi went to the palace of the fourth prince but it was the same as before. He couldn’t
enter through the door and had to put the items down and leave.
The fourth prince was in poor health and wasn’t seeing anyone. Xie Xi felt helpless.
He didn’t receive any gains and returned to the sleeping area of the first place, intending to
clean it up. He might not often come back to rest here.
He had just returned when he heard a low voice behind him.
“Who are you?”
Xie Xi’s back stiffened as he became startled. He turned slowly and saw the eldest prince
standing there with a sullen expression. Xie Xi’s reaction was fairly quick. He was slightly
surprised but bowed first. “I have seen the eldest prince.”
The eldest prince stared at him, dark eyes that were rare at the bottom of the sea locked on
him. It was as if his eyes could penetrate through the skin.
Xie Xi’s palms were sweating. He didn’t know what was meant by this sentence and just
said, “This subordinate is called Jesse. I am from a side branch of the Hall family. I didn’t
know that Your Highness was coming over and acted rudely.
He replied in a polite manner but the eldest prince was still staring at him without saying
Xie Xi tentatively raised his head and met the dark eyes.
At this moment, Xie Xi thought he saw the housekeeper Randy and the infinite despair
under the calm.
He quickly lowered his head again.
The eldest prince seemed to blink in front of him and forced Xie Xi to look up. The two men
stared at each other, their appearance reflected in each other’s eyes.
Xie Xi’s face was slightly white and he couldn’t say a word.
The eldest prince stared at him and slender, cool fingers touched his cheek.
The sea was cold and their bodies were cold, but the fingers of the eldest prince were even
colder. They were like ice hidden in the abyss, causing Xie Xi’s skin to tingle.
Xie Xi held his breath and thought he would die at this moment.
He thought the eldest prince would break his neck.
Then the suffocating atmosphere disappeared. The eldest prince released him and his voice
was no longer cold. He stared at Xie Xi and whispered, “Sorry.”
Xie Xi was stunned but soon recovered his spirit.
“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” The eldest prince distanced himself and paused. “I
always feel like I have seen you somewhere before.”
Xie Xi was shocked and was too afraid to look up. Did the eldest prince really recognize his
He replied, “I have been on duty in the palace and Your Highness might’ve seen this
subordinate elsewhere.”
The eldest prince was silent. Xie Xi didn’t dare say anything else.
The prince suddenly spoke again, “I admit my mistake.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Excuse me. Go back and rest.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare interact with the eldest prince any longer and bowed. “This subordinate
will go back first.”
The eldest prince turned and left. The atmosphere around him changed instantly and there
was no longer the sense of oppression that stopped people from breathing.
Xie Xi looked at the back of the eldest prince and felt very perturbed. He always felt that
there was something wrong.
In the evening, the busy third prince came to see him again for dinner. Xie Xi pretended to
be ill and had no appetite. The third prince saw he was in poor spirits and didn’t keep him
long. The prince watched him eat and let him go after he was full.
Xie Xi changed to a reserve face and went to the fourth prince.
The eldest prince was abnormal and Xie Xi was also worried about the fourth prince.
This person had been living isolated because of his physical illness but no one knew exactly
how he was.
Xie Xi was going to take a look in advance, lest he be caught off guard like he was with the
eldest prince.
Xie Xi had come to the palace of the fourth prince previously before and saved many faces.
He entered without much trouble after changing his face.
The residence of the fourth prince was very quiet, like a hideaway at the bottom of the sea.
It was completely different from the tumultuous world outside. It was more like a hermit’s
Xie Xi smelt a cold fragrance, which seemed to be the aroma of a certain herb.
Roast Pork Bun suddenly said, “Someone is coming over!”
Xie Xi instantly hid in the coral bushes.
Moments later, footsteps came and Xie Xi saw the fourth prince through the coral.
The fourth prince’s steps were slow but not heavy. He wasn’t morbidly pale. His lips were
pale but they were like cherry blossoms blooming after the winter snow melted,
overflowing with vitality.
The fourth prince wasn’t sick at all!
This thought had just flashed through his head when he heard a low voice exclaiming, “Who
is it?”
Xie Xi jumped. He had been discovered!
He hadn’t moved and the fourth prince was at least five or six metres away, yet the fourth
prince saw him!
Roast Pork Bun screamed, “He’s coming!”
Xie Xi hesitated in his reserve face but finally didn’t dare risk it. He changed to a strange
face and rushed out quickly.
The fourth prince ordered, “Grab him.”
Some fish guards rushed over and Xie Xi was relieved. He just needed to pull away from
them and change his face.
Once he left behind the fourth prince, Xie Xi’s heart was beating quickly and he was so tired
that he gasped.
Neither the eldest prince or fourth prince were simple. He couldn’t act recklessly.
After a while, Xie Xi finally calmed his breath and looked down at the countdown for
There were 21 days to go. He had to collect the love of the six princes and one million tons
of rubbish in this time.
He had no clue about the eldest prince and the fourth prince was even more dangerous.
Xie Xi thought about it and decided to go see the second prince again. He would fill this
progress bar first and take the rest slowly.
Xie Xi knew he should catch up on sleep but he wasn’t sleepy. He sat there thinking about
the matters regarding the eldest prince and fourth prince. However, he couldn’t think of
any clues. Did the eldest prince recognize him?
Why was the fourth prince pretending to be ill? Who was the person who tried to kill the
sixth prince? At the moment, it didn’t seem like 2, 3 and 5 would be cruel to their brothers.
What about 1 and 4?
Xie Xi felt uncertain.
He thought about it until early morning. Then Xie Xi headed to the palace of the second
prince. This time, he directly headed towards the study. As expected, the ‘workaholic’
second prince was sleeping in the study.
It was unknown if he was dreaming or not.
Xie Xi could only quietly go forward to try it.
[You have successfully used Dreaming and entered the dream of Aix-en Atlantis.]
Xie Xi sighed with relief and when he opened his eyes, he found that his location had
Like the third prince, this dream was on land.
Xie Xi saw a gorgeously decorated living with crystal lights above him, a leather sofa that
exuded an expensive luster, a clean marble staircase that was like a mirror…
Then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.
Xie Xi jerked and saw that a beautiful tea set had been thrown to the ground. The porcelain
was broken and tea scattered everywhere.
Then the furious voice of the third prince was heard. “Okay, divorce. We are getting
divorced right now!”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Was he in the wrong dream? Why was the third prince in front of him?

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GL: Chapter 55
Lost Atlantis 26

Xie Xi found that he and the third prince were the only ones in the room. Then the third
prince was going to divorce him?
Here was the question. When did they get married?
They didn’t have a wedding in the dream, let alone outside it. He had only made it to this
stage with the fifth prince. How did he become a married man in the second prince’s
The second prince was unusual. The other princes wanted to marry Xie Xi, while this
person dreamt of him marrying someone else.
This shouldn’t be called the second child. He was clearly the third child!
Xie Xi was sure that he hadn’t entered the wrong dream. Putting aside the panel prompts,
the arrogant expression of the third prince was too exaggerated.
“You only know how to nag me all day long. What’s wrong with buying a car? Why
shouldn’t I buy a plane? What about my bets? Did I spend your money?”
Xie Xi was speechless. The third prince was really reasonable. It wasn’t Xie Xi’s money
being spent.
“You are still so small-minded after getting married. I can’t teach you anything! Isn’t it my
family’s money being spent? You can’t spend all of it even if you have 10 hands and 10
Xie Xi tried to follow the logic of the dream. “I am doing it for your own good…”
His path was truly right. The third prince became even angrier. “You know nothing. It is too
shameful! If you are really good to me, don’t worry about spending money!”
Xie Xi thought in his heart, ‘Second child, your heart knot isn’t small. You scolded your
brother so many times that the lines are smooth.
Xie Xi stayed silent but the third prince could still pick out the thorns. “If I knew you weer
this stuffy, I would’ve been better off marrying a piece of wood instead of you!”
Xie Xi, “…” Don’t find a piece of wood. Look for a mallet!
The third prince vented his anger and finally came back to the topic. “Divorce, we can’t
continue like this!”
Xie Xi didn’t have a chance to think about leaving…
The next moment, the scene changed and he was sitting at a meeting table with the third
prince. There was a lawyer as well as a divorce agreement in front of them.
Oh, it seemed that he could leave.
The third prince spoke viciously, “Aren’t you thrifty. Since you don’t want my stinking
money, take your junk and get lost!”
The divorce agreement was simple and rough, with one line occupying the entire A4 sheet
of paper: [All of Gars’ premarital property.]
It might be a dream but this was too careless. As the second prince and minister of finance,
shouldn’t he write the divorce agreement more seriously?
The third prince three the pen at him. “Sign it!”
Xie Xi’s lips twitched as he took the pen and signed his name.
The scene changed again. Xie Xi found himself standing miserably in the pouring rain.
Looking at this, he had successfully divorced the third prince? Well, he should say that he
was kicked out of the house by the third prince?
In the eyes of the second prince, he and the third prince had such an ending?
Xie Xi really wanted to thank him. He hadn’t talked about love and hadn’t been married. He
first experienced the taste of divorce.
These princes lacked understanding of the land. The underwater people couldn’t
understand the taste of land people standing in the rain.
The textbooks talked about how land people used umbrellas in the rain and the underwater
people were confused.
“Why do they want to use umbrellas? Isn’t being drenched in water the most enjoyable
“I heard that it is for romance.”
“It’s romantic to use an umbrella on a rainy day?” “It is romantic, especially on rainy days.
Men hold umbrellas for women and it is considered one of the most romantic things.”
“The land people are so strange.”
The land person Xie Xi felt that mermaids were even stranger!
The second prince’s understanding of the land was much deeper than that of the third
prince. This was obvious from the structure of the previous house. However, when it came
to rainwater, he was still unable to understand.
Therefore, Xie Xi felt no discomfort standing in the rain. It was a refreshing feeling like
standing in the forest in the early morning. It was true that for the sea people, the taste of
rain on the land was indeed comfortable.
Xie Xi, the poor ghost who was kicked out of the house, wasn’t too miserable. He felt
comfortable like he was soaking in a hot spring.
At this time, the owner of the dream finally appeared. A pair of clean black shoes appeared
in front of Xie Xi. He looked up and saw a silver-haired man holding an umbrella.
This hair colour was difficult for an ordinary person to handle but it complemented Aix-en
perfectly. He was born elegant and noble. There was no sense of disagreement as he stood
there in his suit, looking like he just emerged from a painting.
Xie Xi was slightly startled. Did this dream have a filter? Was the second prince so
“How come you’re here. Where’s Third Brother?” Aix-en asked.
Xie Xi understood. It seemed they were still brothers in the dream!
The ‘abandoned’ Xie Xi said sadly, “We are divorced.”
Aix-en was stunned and his voice filled with anger. “What happened? What mess is Gars
making again?”
Xie Xi also wanted to know what the two brothers were up to!
Xie Xi was a lonely and pitiful person without needing to open his mouth. Aix-en frowned
and told him “Don’t stand in the rain, you might catch a cold. Get in the car with me first.”
Xie Xi nodded “Thank you.”
“Why are you so polite? We are a family…” Aix-en paused and couldn’t continue after
realizing that Xie Xi was divorced from Gars.
Xie Xi got on Aix-en’s car and he handed over a towel. Xie Xi thanked him and wiped off the
Aix-en said, “I will take you to find him. I can’t let him fool around like this.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I don’t want to see him.”
A flash of distress appeared in Aix-en’s eyes. “You have only been married for a month. How
did this happen?”
It turned out to only be a month… he was very harsh regarding his brother.
Xie Xi was opening his mouth when he felt his nose become itchy and he sneezed.
Aix-en immediately said, “Are you cold?”
Xie Xi rubbed his nose and said, “I’m okay.”
“How can you be fine when it has been raining for so long?” Aix-en told him, “I’ll take you
Xie Xi immediately said, “I won’t go back. I have nothing to do with him anymore!”
“Okay, don’t go back. I”ll take you to my place first so you can change your clothes.”
Xie Xi hesitated. He wasn’t sure if it was suitable for a newly divorced man to change
clothes at the home of his ex-husband’s brother.
Aix-en spoke again, “I remember that you are a foreigner and don’t have any friends here.”
Xie Xi understood that it was necessary to go and said, “I’m sorry to bother you.”
Aix-en sighed and said, “It’s okay. Even if you are divorced, you can still call me Brother.”
Xie Xi’s mouth curved and he couldn’t speak.
Your brother! Which brother’s dream was so irregular!
Aix-en took him home. The second prince’s stinginess was embedded deep in his bones and
refused to let Xie Xi go. The apartment he lived in wasn’t small. It was more than 200 ping
and the decorations were also good. (Ping= unit of measurement. 200 ping = approximately
661 square metres)
Aix-en told him, “Come in, the house is warm.”
Xie Xi walked in. His feet were wet so he didn’t step on the white carpet.
He made such a casual move and Xie Xi saw the purple progress bar in the lower right
corner flashing.
Who would think that the most handsome and suave second prince would be so stingy!
Aix-en said, “Don’t pay attention to this. Go and take a shower in the bathroom first. I will
get you some clothes.”
If Xie Xi hadn’t paid attention to the progress then he wouldn’t have realized. This was truly
a duplicitous man.
Xie Xi now felt that his body was uncomfortable and said, “Thank you.” Then he went to the
Xie Xi thought about it while having a shower. Was this style right? Let’s change the gender.
A divorced man was picked up by his ex-wife’s sister and was taking a shower in the house
of his ex-wife’s sister? Well… Xie Xi muttered, “X is a really big pervert.”
Old Jiang’s knee was shot by an arrow.
Xie Xi was much more comfortable after the shower. Then he heard Aix-en’s voice from
outside. “I hung the clothes on the door. It might be a bit big but you can wear it first.”
Xie Xi whispered his thanks and opened the door to get the clothes.
Aix-en avoided suspicion by heading to the kitchen. Xie Xi was surprised as he took the
clothes into the bathroom and started to dress.
It was a simple set of pants and a shirt but the size was too large… Xie Xi didn’t feel that he
was much shorter than the souls but in these princes’ dreams, he was inexplicably small.
He was clearly 180cm. How did he become 170 cm in their eyes? Couldn’t they give him
back 10cm?
Aix-en was at least 190cm tall. How could his clothing not be big on the Xie Xi who shrank
to 170cm? This was the shirt. Then what about the pants? Couldn’t the pant leg take both
his arm and waist? Wasn’t there a belt?
Xie Xi had no choice and had to go out like this.
Aix-en brought him a cup of hot milk. “Sorry, I don’t have any new clothes. I’ve worn them
but they are washed…”
He froze before he could finish talking.
Xie Xi looked up at him helplessly. “Do you have a belt?”
Aix-en’s eyes widened and he quickly put down the milk. “I’ll look for it.”
“I am troubling you.” He didn’t think too much. He just found it funny that he was dressed
like this and Aix-en probably thought it was a joke.
Aix-en soon came back with a brown leather belt.
Xie Xi took it and tried to tie the belt. Unfortunately, these pants really weren’t right. Xie
Xi’s shirt was too long and it was hard to tuck it into the pants. The pants kept slipping
down, making him unable to put on the belt.
Xie Xi had some doubts about himself. Was he so stupid that he couldn’t even wear his
Or perhaps…
Xie Xi finally understood. Was it Aix-en who didn’t want him to wear clothes?
‘Sister’, you took your divorced brother-in-law home and you even don’t want him to be
dressed. These thoughts were very dangerous.
Xie Xi thought about it and asked simply, “Can you lend me a hand?”
Aix-en’s heart jumped.
Xie Xi looked at him helplessly. “How can I not do it?”
Aix-en gulped and his voice was slightly hoarse. “I will help you.”
He moved closer to Xie Xi, his slender fingers trembling slightly before his calm was
restored. He carefully passed the belt through the straps, fixing it and tightening it. Then
the thin waist was highlighted, causing Aix-en’s pupils to shrink.
Xie Xi said, “Thank you.”
Aix-en’s spirit recovered and he tried to help Xie Xi lock the belt, only to find…
Xie Xi was stunned. “The belt is too big.” The belt was obviously Aix-en’s and his waistline
was quite different from Xie Xi. There weren’t enough holes in the belt.
What should he do? It was too hard to lock and the belt couldn’t be used.
Aix-en’s next words were, “The house is very hot. Or…”
Xie Xi wondered, ‘Does he want me to just wear a shirt?’ Fortunately, Aix-en still wanted to
live. “…Let me buy you clothes.”

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GL: Chapter 56
Lost Atlantis 27

It was raining outside yet he wanted to go and buy clothes? If he was going to buy clothes,
why mention how hot the house was?
Aix-en explained, “I mean that the house is hot so you won’t be cold staying here. I will go
out and buy clothes for you.”
It sounded reasonable but there was still the taste of something being covered up.
Xie Xi filled up his progress as he said, “It is already troublesome for you. Don’t spend any
money. I’ll just wear it like this.”
Aix-en said, “My clothes aren’t suitable for you to wear.”
“The pants aren’t suitable but the shirt is good. Since the room isn’t cold, I will wear it like
Aix-en froze.
Xie Xi let go of the belt and the pants fell down with a clatter. He came out with bare legs,
carefully picked up the pants, folded it and gave it to Aix-en.
Aix-en only recovered after a while. He took the pants and turned his head quickly, “The
cow… the milk is hot. Drink it carefully.” Then he left with the pants.
Xie Xi glanced at the lower right corner and was very satisfied with the rising purple
progress. Sure enough, he had to use the trick of saving money to deal with the second
prince and the progress would rise quickly.
Was that really the case? Wasn’t it because he only wore a shirt and his bare legs were too
In front of the curtain, Jiang Xie stood up suddenly and his high-backed chair shook.
He clocked on the address book. [Old Qin.]
Qin Ge appeared directly in the garden and asked, “What is it?”
Jiang Xie asked, “What level is your equivalent exchange?”
Qin Ge replied, “Intermediate. The experience is just over 50%.”
“I have a prefecture level task. Let’s team up.”
Tasks about the SSS grade had a hierarchy. There was prefecture level, heavenly level and
holy level.
Qin Ge was slightly surprised. “You aren’t…” Jiang Xie had been staying in the garden for a
while, concentrating on the only child who chose him. Why was he suddenly leaving for a
Jiang Xie replied, “I will help you raise the level of your equivalent exchange.”
Qin Ge still didn’t understand. “What are you going to do with it?’
This skill was very evil. It seemed to be able to do everything but in fact, nothing could be
done. The so-called equivalent exchange actually wasn’t equivalent. The person often paid
far more than what was exchanged.
Jiang Xie said, “I want to team up with him in the next world.”
Qin Ge, “…” This was definitely due to the child. Jiang Xie’s current strength was so high that
the Zone forbid him from entering lower quasi-worlds. The highest world he designed was
SS so he couldn’t enter worlds that were lower than SS-grade.
Of course, the rules were dead and people were alive. As long as they wanted to do it, they
could, although there would be some losses.
Equivalent exchange could theoretically exchange anything, as long as the price was paid.
If Jiang Xie wanted to go to a lower quasi-world, he could indeed do it with equivalent
exchange. However, the trap regarding this skill was that the price paid was random.
Even Qin Ge had no control over it. Thus, he rarely used this skill.
Qin Ge reminded him, “Is it worth it? The price won’t be small if you want to enter a lower
“First upgrade the skill. Then I will study its mechanisms.”
Qin Ge didn’t say anything else. He had known Old Jiang a long time and understood his
If the person who made the request was Yan Zhe then Qin Ge wouldn’t care. However, Jiang
Xie wasn’t the same. For many years, this man had been bold, courageous and the most
reliable person.
Xie Xi knew that he had taken off his pants (he didn’t know) and gave someone a sense of
He was just trying to act thrifty to fill up the purple progress. Wearing only a shirt might
sound unseemly but it was actually okay.
The second prince imagined him too small. This shirt was the basic type that should be
stuffed into the waistband. The hem was long so it looked like a nightgown when he wore
it. It wasn’t a big problem.
Aix-en finished putting away the pants and returned to see that Xie Xi was washing his
Aix-en told him, “Put it away. An auntie will come by later and wash it.”
Xie Xi said, “It’s fine. If I wash it now, I can wear it tomorrow.”
Aix-en didn’t say anything and just praised Xie Xi in his heart. This feedback was
transmitted to Xie Xi through the progress bar flashing.
Xie Xi wondered if it would’ve gone up more if he hand washed it instead of using the
washing machine.
Forget it, there was a washing machine so there was no need for hand washing. Thrifty was
thrifty but he couldn’t have a stupid head.
Xie Xi put the clothes in and sat quietly on the couch. He thought for a moment. He had just
divorced so he should be sad. Thus, he started to stare blankly.
Aix-en said, “You are like this and it isn’t convenient for us to go out to eat…”
Xie Xi shook his head. “Don’t bother. I”m not hungry.”
Aix-en sighed and sat across from him. “What happened between the two of you?”
Xie Xi also wanted to know what happened between him and the third prince. How did they
get married? Why did they get divorced? Why did he have to go to the ‘sister’ and take off
his pants for the night?
Aix-en should know the answer better than anyone else!
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed as he replied, “It is probably because I am too annoying that Gars
can’t stand it anymore.”
“He grew up spoiled and has a bit of a temper. You have to work hard.”
Xie Xi didn’t think that the third prince was spoiled but this was the second prince’s dream.
However, this was the second prince’s dream and the third prince was always at ease!
“He and I are from two different worlds…” Xie Xi paused and spoke in a mortified manner,
“I’m different from you. My family is very ordinary and I’ve always been frugal. I can’t learn
this luxurious lifestyle.” This should be in line with the second prince’s thoughts!
Sure enough, Aix-en frowned. “What luxurious life? It is nothing but extravagance!”
Xie Xi spoke softly, “Gars said that his money is endless. I am too thrifty and don’t fit him.”
“Money is endless?” Aix-en didn’t have a good atmosphere. “Is there still endless money in
this age? He only knows how to eat, drink and play. He doesn’t know the value of money.
Doesn’t he know there are people who can’t even eat food!”
Xie Xi was dejected.
Aix-en glanced at him and felt pained. “Did you argue because of these things?”
Xie Xi said, “I talked too much because I cared too much.”
“He should have someone take charge of his bad habits.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “The bottom line is that I’m not suitable for him. Our thoughts are too
different. I’m really not poor. I just think that money shouldn’t be squandered. It shouldn’t
be spent completely or we will become a prisoner of money.”
Xie Xi’s heartfelt words were enough to make the purple progress bar rise by 3%.
He didn’t dare look up for fear of being caught.
Aix-en acknowledged his words and said, “You don’t fit but that doesn’t mean you don’t
deserve him. He is the one who doesn’t deserve you!”
Xie Xi, “…” Well, he was right about that.
Aix-en asked him again, “What are you going to do in the future?”
“Gars didn’t like me working so I quit my job after we got married. Now I have to find a job
again and rent a room.”
“Don’t worry, you can stay with me first and wait for things to stabilize before finding
another house.”
Xie Xi quickly said, “This isn’t good…”
Aix-en wondered, “What’s wrong? Even if you’re not Gars’ lover anymore, we are still
Xie Xi turned his head and said, “Then I can’t live here for free. I will pay you rent.”
Aix-en’s eyes were full of tenderness. “My house is already empty and it isn’t a waste to
have one more person.”
“I can’t stay here for free.” Xie Xi refuted. “However, I have no money now and can only owe
you first. I will cook and do housework so I don’t trouble you.”
Aix-en’s eyes lit up. “Can you cook?”
Xie Xi was slightly nervous. “Only some handmade dishes.”
“That’s great. I don’t like to eat outside and am too impatient to invite people to cook. It is
too convenient if you can cook.”
“It probably doesn’t taste that good…”
“The food will be very good.” Aix-en told him, “Then don’t mention rent. I will be in a good
mood as long as you cook the meals.”
Xie Xi got up and said, “Then I’ll go prepare dinner.”
“I’ll help.”
Xie Xi hurriedly shook his head. “No, I can do it myself.”
Unexpectedly, Aix-en didn’t follow. He didn’t dare look at Xie Xi since the white legs
exposed under the shirt were too eye-catching.
Xie Xi could cook because he lived alone all the time. He couldn’t starve to death.
He didn’t hate cooking. The fact that he could prepare a hearty dinner for himself was the
best reward he gave himself.
Xie Xi quite liked the second prince’s kitchen. It was very clean and the decorations were
simple. There wasn’t anything that shouldn’t be there.
He fried a few dishes and placed them on the table.
Aix-en was an underwater fish and only tasted a handful of land dishes. He was surprised
by the taste and exclaimed, “Delicious.”
Xie Xi glanced at the progress bar and laughed. “It is just decent food.”
“You’re too modest.” Aix-en added, “It’s very tasty. I’ve never eaten a dish like this before.”
The underwater people were obsessed with sashimi. They could be a rival for an empire of
big eaters.
By the end of the meal, the purple progress bar had soared to 13% and Xie Xi was in a good
Aix-en glanced at Xie Xi and whispered, “No wonder why Gars was desperate to marry
Xie Xi didn’t hear it. He turned around and asked, “Hrmm?”
Aix-en smiled and said, “It’s nothing. Rest early and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi nodded. He didn’t think he had a chance to sleep. He had used Dreaming many times
and understood that time in the dream was determined by the dreamer. One night would
flash past in an instant.
Xie Xi was still tidying up the table when the image changed and he was buying food in the
Aix-en wondered, “Will this type of hard thing be tasty?” He was referring to a potato.
Xie Xi froze at this jump before saying, “It is delicious. There are many different ways to
cook it.”
Aix-en stared at the price. “These potatoes are so cheap.”
Xie Xi suppressed a smile. “It has a large yield and is practical to eat. It is a very cost-
effective crop.”
Aix-en mused, “If the crescent fruit can also be so cheap…”
Xie Xi pretended not to hear. “Hmm?”
“Nothing. Tonight we will eat potatoes.” Okay.
Xie Xi wanted to buy some ingredients for beef stew. Then he thought about how cheap this
person was and gave up that idea. He intended to directly make salt and pepper potato
Sure enough, Aix-en ate the pure potatoes and praised, “It is really delicious.”
Xie Xi silently added, ‘It is also cheap.’
He was joking and sighed emotionally. ‘The second prince isn’t stingy. His heart is just too
big. He was always thinking about the common people.
It seemed that many days passed. Xie Xi cooked for the second prince every day. They were
homemade dishes made out of crops with large yields.
On this day, Xie Xi baked a sweet potato and the second prince tasted the sweet honey-like
taste. “Very delicious.”
Xie Xi said, “This is a sweet potato. The sugar content in red soil is high.” It was estimated
that there was a filter bonus. His cooking was actually very ordinary but he became a food
expert in the second prince’s dream. Every dish was amazing.
Aix-en said, “You should keep making this.”
Xie Xi wasn’t hungry and just watched Aix-en eat.
Aix-en glanced at him. “Aren’t you eating?”
Xie Xi had been eating constantly. How could he be hungry?
He stared at Aix-en and suddenly said, “You and Gars are brothers but you are completely
different. You have so much wealth. Why do you live so sparingly?”
In fact, Xie Xi felt he should ask this but he really wanted to ask.
Xie Xi didn’t know what Aix-en did in the dream but in reality, Aix-en was the prince of an
empire. He stood at the peak of power and wealth yet he was so frugal that even his
brothers laughed at him.
Aix-en actually answered him. “It is only by living this way that you can know the value of
each piece of money. Experience it in real life and do things in a practical way.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Princes were born in the royal family, surrounded by many flowers. They were golden
spoons who were unaware of human suffering.
Was such a person suitable to be the minister of finance of an empire? Was it appropriate
for him to be in charge of other people’s livelihood? Would the people think of it as a
It wasn’t suitable. Thus, Aix-en walked out of the flowers, put down the golden spoon and
lived a restrained life in order to be down to earth.
Xie Xi smiled.
Aix-en opened his mouth. “I’ll do the dishes.”
“It’s fine. I can do it.”
He got up and went to get the plates on the table. Aix-en was also grabbing them and their
fingers touched.
The look in Aix-en’s eyes became deeper.
Xie Xi was full of the ‘people’s livelihood’ and forgot about their messy relationship. At
least, until Aix-en held his hand.
Xie Xi looked up at him. Aix-en stared at him and whispered, “Colin, I…”
There was a bang as the plate landed on the ground. Xie Xi was certain that he hadn’t let go
yet the plate was broken!
He bent over to pick up the plate. He was even more certain that his fingers weren’t cut by
the fragments of the plate yet they were bleeding! It also didn’t hurt at all!
“Be careful.” The distressed Aix-en grabbed his finger and helped stop the bleeding.
Xie Xi, “…”
The two of them were very close. Aix-en didn’t let go of Xie Xi, instead clasping one hand
around his waist, eyes blazing. “If I had earlier…”
At this time, the front door opened and Gars voice was heard. “Brother, are you home. I
haven’t eaten you. You…”
He pushed open the door and saw the two people’s intimate posture.
One was his brother and the other was his ex-husband.
They were so close that his lover seemed stuck in the tall man’s eyes, their heads raised like
they were kissing.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 57
Lost Atlantis 28

The third prince was furious. “What are you doing?”

Xie Xi was startled. Why did the third prince suddenly appear? Wasn’t this the dream of the
second prince?
Why did he dream such a situation and cause trouble for himself?
Xie Xi’s expression was very much in line with the shock of a scum male after being caught.
He was caught doing something with his ‘big sister’…
Wait, he had divorced the third prince! Who the hell was caught!
The third prince in the dream was 100% an arrogant and unreasonable person, thus he
exploded. “You just got divorced and have already found a new home? You went looking for
my brother?”
He suddenly appeared. The second prince was stunned and didn’t recover for a while.
Xie Xi looked at his shocked expression. What was with this damn shock? Wasn’t this his
The third prince was bad. “Second Brother, don’t you know who he is? Don’t you know that
he is my partner? Don’t you know that I went on a honeymoon with him? Your own sister-
in-law. Are you fucking human?” In the end, everything was broken.
The second prince’s eyes were full of guilt as he said, “No… he and I aren’t…”
“No?” The third prince wondered, “You were close enough to be kissing and it isn’t what I
think? What else were you two going to do? Did you want me to see you fucking him…”
The second prince couldn’t listen. “Shut up!”
The third prince exploded even more. “Do you have the right to tell me to shut up? Are you
still my brother? Don’t you know how much I love him? Don’t you know how much I gave
up to be with him? You actually… even…”
The second prince was still acting like he was at fault. “Gars, it is just a misunderstanding.
There is nothing between us.”
The third prince had clearly lost his mind. He turned to Xie Xi, his deep love turning to
excessive hatred. “It is no wonder you always make me angry, no wonder why you are
ignorant about me and always go against me. You already have the idea of seducing my
Xie Xi, “…” He really didn’t know who he wanted to kill!
“You shameless…”
He hadn’t managed to get out the words when the second prince slapped the third prince in
the face.
The second prince’s expression was cold. “That is enough.”
The third prince touched his face with an expression of shock. “You hit me, you hit me!”
The second prince’s eyes flashed with something like regret but his words were firm. “You
don’t cherish him anymore but don’t hurt him.”
The third prince froze for a while before laughing with anger. “You said there was nothing
between you and that there was a misunderstanding… fine, it is good. You, very good!” The
last words were squeezed out through gritted teeth. He roared before going back out the
The room became dead silent as soon as he left the room.
Xie Xi had no experience with this area at all and didn’t know what to do. Aix-en was very
into the play and had a lost expression.
If this wasn’t a dream then Xie Xi really would’ve felt pain.
It was very abusive. He was interested in his brother’s ex-husband and then caught by his
younger brother. This future was really bleak.
Should he pursue Xie Xi? Then he would lose his blood. Should he give up? Then he would
feel pain drilling into his heart and bones.
Unfortunately, this was just a dream and it was a dream he made himself. This made people
feel bad.
It was as if heavenly sin was still alive, this self-abuse… couldn’t he just be honest?
Xie Xi thought about it for a long time and finally got a clue. He stood up and said, “I have
been troubling you these days. I will find a new place and not disturb you.”
Shouldn’t it be okay if he left? It would be too strange if he didn’t leave after seeing the
mess he made between the brothers. Of course, he didn’t think that he would be allowed to
Aix-en hurriedly said, “Don’t…”
Xie Xi stood in front of him with a lowered head.
Aix-en’s brow furrowed, his voice low and his mood complicated to the extreme. “…Don’t
Xie Xi stood still and didn’t dare to look up at him. Aix-en finally found a reasonable excuse.
“It is late. Stay here first.”
Xie Xi also didn’t know where he could go and nodded.
It was still too early to sleep but something so embarrassing had happened. Xie Xi
deliberately avoided the other person and returned to his room first. Before he closed the
door, Aix-en whispered, “The words that Gars said, don’t take them to heart.”
Xie Xi glanced at the 15% purple progress and his heart was filled with emotion. He wanted
to stop talking. “Aix-en…”
Aix-en looked away and didn’t say anything. Xie Xi paused before heading into his room.
They were like this…
Roast Pork Bun was wiping his tears. “Two people who love each other have a ditch that
can’t be crossed.”
Xie Xi had no expression on his face. “Love?”
“Aix-en loves Colin, Colin appreciates Aix-en but there is Gars between them…”
Xie Xi lightly hit the cat in the head. “You know a lot.”
Roast Pork Bun really know a lot. “Once Aix-en can’t stand it anymore, will he push Daddy
Xie Xi, “…”
It seemed that he had to take the time to wash this cat. In particular, this small head was
extremely dirty! In the middle of the night, the doorbell rang and Aix-en’s low voice was
heard, “Stay at ease and don’t toss about. I have updated the fingerprint lock and no one
apart from us can enter.”
Xie Xi considered it and didn’t make a sound.
Aix-en whispered again, “I’m sorry…”
What did this mean? Xie Xi felt uncertain.
The next day, Xie Xi didn’t mention the matter of leaving. He thought about it and decided it
was good. According to the logic of the dream, he had a mutual affection with Aix-en. He
should be sensible but he was emotionally unwilling to go.
Sure enough, the purple progress bar rose to 15.3%.
Thanks to the incident with Gars last night, the atmosphere between the two people
changed completely. The previous harmony became strange. Xie Xi didn’t dare look at him
but Aix-en was secretly watching. This secret look because increasingly heated. Once Xie Xi
glanced over, Aix-en avoided his eyes.
Xie Xi hurriedly made an expression of sorrow. As a result, the progress rose to 15.4% This
slow but desperately rising progress, it was as if Aix-en was trying to suppress his feelings
but couldn’t hold back.
Xie Xi felt a bit distressed until he remembered that this was Aix-en’s own dream…
Well… if he was happy…
In the blink of an eye, it was dinner time. Aix-en wasn’t at home and Xie Xi habitually went
to the kitchen to make dinner.
He opened the fridge and was speechless. This damn dream, how could he be so capricious?
The dream really did whatever it wanted.
Yesterday the fridge was clearly full of ingredients and now there was nothing. All the
ingredients had been swept away and even the soy sauce seasonings were gone!
The meaning was obviously for him to go out and buy food. Xie Xi knew that something
would happen as soon as he opened the door but ‘god’ had hinted it so clearly that he
couldn’t open the door.
He put on a coat and prepared to go to the supermarket. He just opened the door when the
plot came rushing in. It was unknown how long the third prince had been waiting outside.
The prince staggered when he saw Xie Xi come out.
Xie Xi, “?” He couldn’t guess, the second child’s dream, he really couldn’t guess!
The third prince had changed from his previous crazy self. “I’m sorry Colin.”
The third prince in reality wouldn’t apologize and the third prince in this dream didn’t
want to forgive.
The third prince sincerely said, “I was wrong, really wrong. Colin, I love you. I really love
you. I was just impulsive and didn’t expect you to really agree to divorce me. I thought… I
thought…” He shook his head. “I was out of my mind to separate from you. I regret it and
was miserable…”
Xie Xi waited for the follow-up plot.
The third prince continued, “Colin, let’s reconcile. I will listen to you and do whatever you
want. I won’t spend money and act extravagantly. I won’t make you angry anymore. Don’t
leave me… I really know that I was wrong.”
“I know that there is nothing between you and my brother. I drove you out and you had
nowhere to go. I know that my brother took you in and there is nothing between you. You
love me, right? Please come back. As long as you come back, I can change anything you
The third prince spoke sincerely like a scum male character. Xie Xi looked up and wasn’t
surprised to see the pale second prince.
He was carrying a shopping bag in his hand and seemed to have gone to the supermarket to
buy ingredients. Once he came back, he saw this scene and heard the third prince’s words.
He stared at Xie Xi with empty eyes like he had lost his soul. He seemed certain that Xie Xi
would forgive Gars and they would get back together. He was only their brother, a brother
who shouldn’t meet them again and disturb them anymore.
After perceiving Xie Xi’s gaze, Aix-en’s lips curved in a smile full of bitterness. Xie Xi felt that
his heart had been stabbed.
Stupid X, why do this? Don’t let go of yourself in the dream!
Xie Xi took a deep breath and looked at the third prince. “We are divorced.”
The third prince froze and the second prince was stunned.
“Gars, we have no relationship anymore. We said it when we got divorced. We aren’t
suitable and there will be no good results when we are together.”
The third prince was desperate and anxiously wondered, “Are you speaking angry words?
You’re punishing me, aren’t you? Don’t you still love me?”
“No.” Xie Xi was adamant. “From the moment we divorced, I stopped loving you.”
He spoke directly to make it clear and the two silly X princes were stunned.
Xie Xi glanced towards the second prince, his eyes trembling as he licked his lips. “I’m sorry
I didn’t meet you earlier…”
Aix-en’s eyes lit up. The shopping bag in his hand fell as he stepped forward and held Xie
Xi’s wrist. “Colin…”
Xie Xi looked away with embarrassment. “If I met you earlier, I would’ve definitely chosen
This was a confession and it was in front of the third prince. Sure enough, the purple
progress bar rushed to 16.66..%
Successfully! Xie Xi sighed with relief and saw a prompt in the lower right corner.
[The dream is coming to an end. Please feel free to leave.]
He woke up just as he received good news? This really was a dream. Xie Xi quickly left the
dream and exited the second prince’s palace.
The second prince woke up from his dream and sat on his bed for a long time. It was a
Reality was much crueler than the dream. Colin might not be married to Third Brother but
he was at the top of Third Brother’s heart.
Aix-en pressed his fingers to his temple. He didn’t understand why he had fallen in love
with his brother’s sweetheart at first sight.
The dream took care of the second prince. Xie Xi was quite surprised by this but it was a
good thing. In reality, he had little contact with the second prince. He could hide from the
prince and never meet him again, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Xie Xi slept all day and once he woke up, the third prince was frowning at him. Xie Xi was
shocked. “Y-Your Highness…”
The third prince reached out and touched his forehead. “You are too weak.”
He wasn’t weak. He just spent all night awake. Xie Xi got up and was unexpectedly dizzy.
Perhaps he was hungry from not eating all day.
The third prince held him around the waist and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi’s stomach made a noise for him. Grrr, it was starving to death.
The third prince was slightly startled before laughing. “You slept so much that you forgot to
eat? Stupid!” Then he picked Xie Xi up and carried him. “I will take you to eat delicious
Xie Xi was shocked and hurriedly said, “Your Highness, please put me down.”
“You are dizzy from hunger yet you still want to walk? Don’t move, unless you want to fart
at me.”
Xie Xi, “…” He was a bit afraid and didn’t fool around.
He had just given up his struggle when he heard the voice of the third prince. “Second
Xie Xi turned and saw the second prince standing there. For a moment, he thought he was
still in the dream! The second prince was surprised and his gaze fell on Xie Xi.
Xie Xi felt awkward. There was a slight blush on his face and some shame in his eyes as he
leaned against Gars’ arm in an embarrassed manner.
So close, they…
The third prince said, “This kid has no strength. I am taking him to dinner first.”
The second prince didn’t say anything and just slightly stepped to the side.
Xie Xi felt some shame but he didn’t want to make trouble. Since the second prince’s
progress was already full, he would…
Hold on!
Xie Xi saw that the green progress bar had changed back to purple. The full amount of
16.66…% had fallen back to 16.1%.
How poisonous
Xie Xi panicked. It wasn’t locked after becoming full? It could fall back down again?

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GL: Chapter 58
Lost Atlantis 29

Xie Xi didn’t expect it to be like this. The green progress bar could actually change back!
After all, the fifth prince and second prince’s bars were locked and never changed. Thus, he
decided that the second prince was safe after turning green.
Who would’ve expected the second prince to not take the usual path and actually take back
the love he had given!
Xie Xi didn’t dare let the third prince hold him and struggled. “Your Highness, please put me
down!” His voice was full of helplessness.
The third prince smiled. “Rest assured, I’m not tired. I can easily carry your small
Who cared if he was tired?
Xie Xi frowned and said, “I worked the night shift last night and slept the whole day. I might
be a bit hungry but I can walk.” In particular, he had a fish tail and could swim in the water!
He said this for the second prince to hear. The translation: There is nothing between the
third prince and I. The third prince just came over. Please don’t think too much!
Xie Xi was full of sorrow. Why did he have to explain to a man that the relationship between
him and another man was innocent? Why did he have to prove to a man that he wasn’t
messing around with another man?
Once he got to the bottom of it, he had to blame X.
If X hadn’t designed such a stupid world and made such an idiotic mission, Xie Xi wouldn’t
be so unlucky!
In a certain quasi-world, Qin Ge glanced at Jiang Xie. “What’s the matter?”
Jiang Xie cocked his head as he stabbed a demon dressed as a sugar gourd in front of him.
Qin Ge saw the ‘public enemy of the world’ that had fallen to the ground and remembered
Yan Zhe’s words. Doing a task with Old Jiang was no fun at all.
Jiang Xie couldn’t see the degree of goodwill when he was summoned as a puppet. Now that
he was in a quasi-world, he saw the -1-1-1-1…
Old Jiang was worried. Why was it raining red again? Which soul wanted to die?
Xie Xi’s explanation worked. The 16.1% progress rose slightly and reached 16.2%.
The third prince reluctantly put him down. “Don’t blame me for not catching you when you
Who would faint, you big-headed bastard!
Xie Xi glanced at the purple progress bar and gritted his teeth. “Your Highness, I won’t go
out to eat.”
The third prince raised his eyebrows. “What?”
Xie Xi didn’t look at the second prince but spoke for him. “It is too wasteful to go out and
eat. I can do it myself and eat simply.”
He thought that these words would cause the third prince’s red progress to plummet. Who
would’ve expected the third prince to be very interested? “You can cook?”
Xie Xi believed in the saying: To grab a man’s heart, you must first grab his stomach.
“The restaurant in the guard’s quarters has nothing to eat after dinner. I often work night
shifts and will cook for myself.”
The third prince’s eyes brightened. “What do you cook? I also want to eat.”
Xie Xi spat out in his heart, ‘I am dizzy from hunger yet you want me to serve you?’
The third prince finally remembered. “Do it next time. You are too hungry so we will go out
to eat.”
Xie Xi thought of the second prince and didn’t dare go with this person. “I’m not that
hungry. I still have a crescent fruit in my house and will be fine after eating a piece.”
The third prince was really interested in Xie Xi’s cooking and asked, “Can you really cook?”
Xie Xi realized he couldn’t get rid of this big candy. “Your Highness, if you don’t hate it then
stay and eat together.”
The third prince exclaimed, “You are really amazing. You can actually cook.”
It was impossible to walk away. Looking at this, Xie Xi was afraid he would have to cook for
the rest of his life.
The second prince listened quietly. His heart was poked as he thought about the previous
It turned out that Colin really could cook…
Colin was with him in the dream. They had mutual feelings and Colin even chose him over
Third Brother.
But in reality…
The second prince frowned and wanted to leave.
Xie Xi saw the progress bar had fallen to 15.9% and felt anxious. Be more patient and don’t
arbitrarily take back the things given!
He glanced at the second prince and politely wondered, “Your Highness, have you eaten
The second prince was stunned.
The third prince instantly opened his mouth. “Second Brother must’ve eaten already.”
The second prince replied quickly, “Not yet.”
Xie Xi’s actions were very reasonable. He was just a small guard and the second prince was
standing in front of him. He invited one prince and naturally had to invite the other. He
pretended to be polite, “I can’t cook much and this might be offensive, but I still have to ask.
Do you want to try them?”
The third prince said, “Second Brother naturally…”
The second prince’s lips rose and he finally showed his usual smiling appearance. “Okay,
Third Brother is looking forward to it and I’m also very curious.”
The third prince, “…”
Xie Xi said, “Then please wait a moment. I will go prepare.”
He left and could immediately hear the two brothers quarrelling.
The third prince’s voice was full of anger. “What are you staying here for?”
The second prince’s careless tone was restored. “You can stay so why can’t I?”
“Colin is cooking for me!”
The second prince had a ‘hehe’ expression. “He also invited me.”
The third prince didn’t have a good atmosphere. “You are a prince. How can he be rude?”
“You are also a prince. Little Colin was forced by you.”
The third prince’s hackles were raised and the second prince didn’t back down.
Xie Xi’s face was dark and he wanted to die.
Hey… maybe he should die? He had two more lives with Roast Pork Bun and there was the
effect of fatal wounds being painless. It wouldn’t matter if he actually died.
If the second face died, wouldn’t the progress of the second and third princes be locked?
Xie Xi quickly dismissed this idea. He didn’t forget that the Haiqui Kingdom had a national
teacher who could resurrect the dead.
Who knew what was going on with the national teacher. What if it wasn’t a big trick?
The fifth prince and sixth prince were already dispatched. If the god of war third prince and
the god of wealth second prince were added, the Haiqui state teacher wouldn’t be able to
run, even if he had 18 tails.
Then the fifth and sixth would resurrect Sein Hall while the second and third would
resurrect Colin Hall…
This image was so terrible that Xie Xi started sweating thinking about it! He couldn’t die.
Death was the real hell mode.
Don’t look at the currently stupid second and third princes. If they really ‘lost love’, who
knew what psychopaths they would evolve into?
The food at the bottom of the sea wasn’t very creative. Xie Xi made simple things and
placed them on the table.
The third prince was exaggerated in his surprise. “Colin, you really can cook!”
Xie Xi turned his eyes away. ‘You underwater people, this isn’t cooking. It is simply cutting
The second prince added, “Your knife skills are great.”
The third prince was worthy of being a soldier. He acted quickly and grabbed three dishes
The second prince’s mouth twitched as he glanced at this rascal.
For the progress of the task, Xie Xi had to say, “There is a lot of food. Your Highness, you
can’t eat it all alone.”
The third prince replied, “Don’t you know my appetite yet?”
The two prince said, “Yes, you can’t eat it alone. Colin is hungry.”
“I didn’t mean that I was going to eat it all. Of course, I will share it with Colin.”
Xie Xi told the second prince, “Your Highness, you should also…”
The third prince picked up a piece of sashimi and placed it on the second prince’s plate.
“Try it and leave afterwards.”
He was telling his brother to get lost.
The second prince wasn’t ashamed about interfering and was very tolerant. “Little Colin is
the master here. Is it appropriate for you to act like this?”
The third prince said, “Colin and I aren’t that distant.”
The second prince raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”
Xie Xi saw the shaky progress bar and could only say, “This subordinate didn’t arrange it
properly. There are too few dishes. Please wait and I will cook some more.”
The third prince heard this and immediately exclaimed, “Don’t go. There is enough for all of
us to eat.”
“It’s fine. Your Highness, please eat. I will cook some more.”
The second prince sneered at his brother.
The third prince pushed the three dishes away. “Eat it. Second Brother is really capable.
You don’t even let go of a small bodyguard.”
The second prince was unmoved. “I’m not as good as Third Brother, who wasn’t taught
etiquette when being raised.”
Xie Xi, “…” He really wanted to sweep them out of here but he couldn’t afford it.
Xie Xi had never eaten such a tiring dinner. Move a bit close to the third prince and the
purple progress bar of the second prince would fall. Be slightly friendly to the second
prince and the third prince would raise his eyebrows with a murderous atmosphere.
Xie Xi couldn’t move to the left or right and really wanted to die.
He was now certain that the second prince was the vampire Aix-en and the third prince
was the maid Gars. The only difference was that Colin Hall didn’t confess to them.
If Colin was entangled with the two of them as the last world’s Sein, he could guarantee that
they would either fight each other or kill him.
Xie Xi couldn’t understand it. Why did people want to steer two boats?
Weren’t they afraid? Wasn’t it okay to live well? Why did they want to be a slag man!
Then he remembered that he was going to steer six boats.
X, come out and die!
At the end of the dinner, Xie Xi was more tired than when he hadn’t eaten.
The third prince’s communicator rang and he had to leave. Xie Xi was relieved and eagerly
rushed them out.
The third prince also had to drag his brother away. “The meal is finished. Second Brother
still isn’t leaving?”
The second prince told him, “You go first. I will help Colin clean up.”
The third prince was determined not to give him and Xie Xi the opportunity to be alone.
“Okay, I was going to ask Father about the development of the 623 water cannon…”
The third prince jumped up. “Ask what? That is just burning money. Don’t even think about
“I have already thought about it. I just need Father to agree.”
Then he turned and left. The second prince knew that his brother was deliberately leading
him away but he was afraid this madman might really do something…
Xie Xi wanted them to leave and hurriedly said, “Your Highness can leave if you are busy. I
can clean up.”
The second prince wasn’t at ease and didn’t dare stay him. He reluctantly said, “Tonight’s
dinner was excellent. Please invite me next time.”
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t dare refuse.
He finally sent away this god and Xie Xi silently stared at the progress bar.
The third prince’s red progress bar was 16.63% and the second prince’s bar was 16.62%.
The two of them were really a problem!
Xie Xi was tired and needed a change. For the time being, he didn’t want to see any princes.
Thus, he changed his face to do the side mission.
Compared to the princes, one million tons of garbage had become cute!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 59
Lost Atlantis 30

It wasn’t difficult to collect garbage. It was terrible to collect one million tons of garbage.
Xie Xi didn’t even have the concept of one million tons of rubbish. He couldn’t imagine how
huge it was.
This side task was like the old man moving mountains. The difference was that the old man
moving mountains could at least move ores from the mines. What about him? What could
he do with one million tons of garbage?
Xie Xi was a bit angry but he wasn’t discouraged.
Compared to collecting the love of the six princes, one million tons of garbage was really
He had just finished a meal and there was some household waste. However, he couldn’t
figure out how to collect it.
Did putting it in his house count? Or should he touch it? Xie Xi tried various things but the
system panel didn’t give any hints. According to experience, a progress reminder should be
given if the collection was successful. Now there was nothing, so this obviously wasn’t the
right way.
Xie Xi thought about it… perhaps he couldn’t collect the rubbish made by himself?
Or perhaps there was too little rubbish?
It was possible that the garbage was already his and collecting it was just repetition. If he
could be repeated then he could easily gain one million tons of garbage.
Xie Xi went out looking for garbage.
The underwater people were much less harmful to the environment than the land people.
Their diet was very simple and there were no complicated cooking methods, which in itself
greatly reduced the production of domestic garbage. Their clothes were also specially
made. Most common mermaids wore shells while those in certain positions had special
uniforms. The uniforms of the royal guards were made of a special material that was
extremely hydrophilic.
This fabric was extremely durable and didn’t require cleaning. It also avoided the
production of household waste.
Food, clothing, shelter and transportation. He talked about the first two so let’s talk about
the last two.
The residences of the underwater king were all joined together because viscous agents
couldn’t stand the long soaking of seawater.
Travelling was very different from the mainland. The mermaid’s tail was much more
reliable than human legs. They swam faster in the water than human wings flying in the
sky. As long as they had enough physical strength, they could swim faster than most
Even if they didn’t have enough physical strength, they could domesticate large fish, which
were much faster than horses.
In addition, the airships used by nobles contained powerful energy. Water was directly
used and although the conversion machine was expensive, this technology did zero damage
to the environment.
The underwater people and the sea got along well and it was a perfect symbiotic state.
Unfortunately, this was broken by the land people.
The rubbish on land was dumped into the sea, causing huge pollution and numerous
Xie Xi checked the information and the images alone were shocking. He wanted to complete
this side task in the hope of doing something good, not just because he wanted to clear the
One million tons of garbage was just a drop in the bucket compared to the whole ocean.
In order to save time, Xie Xi took an airship from the royal palace. He had stayed in the
kingdom and saw the dreams and beauty of the underwater kingdom. Now that he came
out of the kingdom and went to the sea filled with land rubbish, he was completely stunned.
The images showed not even one-thousandth of reality.
The mountain-like garbage gave off a pungent stench and caused the seawater to become
turbid. He covered his nose and mouth but it wasn’t very useful. He felt a stinging sensation
from his skin as well as a distracting itching.
“Big Brother, don’t go there!” A young voice rang out as someone grabbed onto Xie Xi.
He turned and saw a little mermaid. She had beautiful red hair and blue eyes. Her white
face was childish and naive, like the little prince who begged the wizard in the fairy tale.
Xie Xi took a step back and the discomfort of his skin became much lighter. “Thank you.”
The little mermaid smiled at him and asked, “Big Brother is a foreigner. Why did you come
“I have a friend here and I wanted to see him.”
The mermaid’s eyes lit up. “What is his name? I can help you find him!”
Xie Xi felt ashamed about deceiving such a little guilt and said with slight guilt, “No need, he
will come soon.”
“I see. Then Big Brother, don’t get too close to that. You will get sick.” Xie Xi nodded. “Thank
you, I’ll be careful.”
The little mermaid was relieved. She shook her tail and said, “I am going to get some
crescent fruit. Big Brother, goodbye.”
Xie Xi knew that this was fruit was a welfare allowance from the underwater kingdom.
He said goodbye to the little mermaid. The little mermaid smiled at him and turned away
with her lively tail waving.
Xie Xi’s lips curved but unfortunately, the smile disappeared once he saw the mermaid’s
Ordinary mermaids didn’t wear clothes so their whole backs were exposed. This white
tofu-like skin had large festering sores and looked like it had been torn by claws. It left a
shocking mar on this tender body.
Xie Xi’s heart tightened as he called out, “You…”
The little mermaid turned her head. “Big Brother, is there something else?”
Xie Xi paused before asking softly, “Your back… does it hurt?”
The mermaid smiled with slight embarrassment. “Isn’t it ugly? Mother said that when I
grow up, she will buy me a dress so it can’t be seen.”
It was like a nail pierced his heart. Xie Xi went forward and said, “This injury…” He actually
knew the answer and couldn’t continue.
The little mermaid said, “Big Brother, after meeting your friend, you should quickly go back
to the bottom of the sea. Staying here isn’t good. Once a long time passes, your skin will
have sores.”
“Wait, I will help you deal with the wounds.”
The little mermaid was surprised. “Is Big Brother a doctor?”
Xie Xi certainly wasn’t a doctor but he had some healing potions in his items bar. He could
easily cure some trauma. He told her, “I can help treat it but there will be some pain.”
Unexpectedly, the little mermaid actually said, “No need, it will become bad again. Don’t
Xie Xi felt stifled and there was some pain while breathing.
“No trouble.” Xie Xie Xi took out a healing potion and carefully rubbed it onto the festering
surface. “Don’t be afraid. It’ll be fine in a minute.”
The level of this healing potion was very low but Xie Xi had bought it despite the
description. The note was very clearly: The injury is painful, the healing is painful. Who told
you low-grade people not to buy a better potion?
Xie Xi had never used it and didn’t know how painful it was. However, the note was written
like this so it was definitely painful.
The potion was applied and the wound healed at a rate visible to the naked eye. The little
mermaid only slightly frowned.
Xie Xi asked, “Is it painful?”
The little mermaid revealed a smiling face. “There was a bit of pain but now it isn’t painful
at all. It is so comfortable!” She turned happily like a kitten wanting to catch her tail.
Xie Xi’s heart became heavier. If she hadn’t long adapted to pain then how could a delicate
child have such tolerance?
The little mermaid was very happy and said sincerely, “Thank you Big Brother. You are so
good, just as good as Prince Aix-en!”
Aix-en was the second prince.
Yes, it was the second prince who distributed the crescent fruit as welfare and supervised
the execution.
The second prince had a very high reputation among the people. At first, Xie Xi thought it
was just due to his face. Now he understood that the prince supported it with practical
Compared to the second prince, Xie Xi’s actions were too insignificant. He shook his head
and said, “This is nothing. Quickly go and get your crescent fruit.”
The little mermaid swam away cheerfully.
Xie Xi quietly followed and felt even more pained after arriving at the small town.
The ocean was very large, the area far exceeded that of the land. The ocean was also much
more mysterious and unpredictable than the land.
It was like the China that Xie Xi had lived on. The territory was vast and not all parts of it
were suitable for people to live on, just as not all parts of the ocean were suitable for
There was a strict hierarchy among merpeople and there was a great reason for this
disparity in power.
The king lived in the deep sea where the sea pressure was huge. Ordinary merpeople
couldn’t live here at all. Ironically, the rubbish couldn’t reach the deep sea and only
polluted the shallow sea, leading to the ‘bullying’ of the most vulnerable merpeople.
The most suitable sea area for these merpeople were places closest to the land. These
places were places where the land people wantonly dropped rubbish.
The merpeople didn’t want to migrate because they had nowhere to go.
In the face of the land pollution, they could only bear it. Xie Xi finally experienced the anger
of the militant faction.
Anyone who saw this scene and saw their compatriots suffering such pain wouldn’t be able
to hold back their anger. Who could hold back their grievances and not want to punish
those responsible?
The merpeople were just living a calm life. Why should they get used to the poisonous sea
water, get used to their skin being corroded and get used to this endless rubbish!
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed and he returned to the garbage dump.
There was a shield that barely separated the rubbish from the tower, but the seawater that
seeped in still hurt the town.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of being poisoned to death.
He closed his eyes and entered straight in. It was a needle-like sting that spread across his
skin. The scales on his fishtail had a hard protective layer yet he could feel his scales falling
What the hell was this?
What type of monsters produced these garbage that couldn’t be processed and were piled
up like mountains!
Roast Pork Bun was distressed.”Daddy, are you okay?” The pan was slow and not fatal, thus
it wasn’t painless.
Xie Xi suffered silently, his brow wrinkled very tightly.
Roast Pork Bun anxiously moved around him, using small claws to peel off the dark water.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t help Xie Xi.
Xie Xi finally arrived in front of the mountain of garbage. He took a breath and hot water
entered his throat. It was like drinking sulphuric acid as his insides were corroded.
Finally, there was a prompt in the lower right corner. [Currently more than 10,000 tons of
garbage can be collected. Do you want to collect it?]
Xie Xi immediately agreed.
Sure enough, a sufficient amount was required to trigger the task. The target value of one
million was too large and couldn’t be reached simply by collecting dozens of garbage. Thus,
it couldn’t be collected.
Once Xie Xi agreed to the collection, another prompt popped up. [Your items bar is full.
Please clean it up.]
Xie Xi was stunned. He had a total of three spaces in his items bar. Could he collect one
million tons of garbage?
Wait, it could overlap! The same category of items could be overlapped. The things in front
of him were varied but they were all rubbish. Thus, freeing one item space should be
Xie Xi thought about it and called out to Roast Pork Bun. “Do me a favour.”
Roast Pork Bun cried out, “Daddy, you can stab yourself with a knife.” If it was so bad, stab
himself with a knife and then Roast Pork Bun could relieve the pain!
Xie Xi shook his head. “I’m fine. Help me apply these healing potions to the town’s
Roast Pork Bun was stunned.
“Can you do it?”
Roast Pork Bun quickly nodded. “Yes!”
Xie Xi patted his small head. “Go ahead.”
Roast Pork Bun flew away with the potions and Xie Xi managed to clear one space. He once
again confirmed it and like a miracle, the garbage turning the sea into a hell disappeared!
Xie Xi glanced at the items bar where there was a group of dark things.
He looked at the details.
Name: Garbage.
Grade: None.
Details: If it is produced, please dispose of it. The stench of the manufacturer is being
emitted from it.
Xie Xi’s bottom right corner finally showed the progress of the side task. It was ironically
green, the colour of environmental protection and the progress was 1%.
So much rubbish was only 10,000 tons.
What was the concept of one million tons?
There were still 100 endless garbage dumps.
The thing that made his scalp numb was that one million tons were just a drop in the
bucket compared to the billions of rubbish produced.
Xie Xi frowned and couldn’t feel the pain in his body at all.
Roast Pork Bun came back and still had some healing potions left. He anxiously said,
“Daddy, I will give you a potion!”
Xie Xie Xi didn’t want to waste potions and was about to say that he would just die once…
Then his pupils shrank as he saw a new progress bar that appeared on the main task bar.
Whose was this?
The eldest prince or the fourth prince? Were they nearby?
Xie Xi used a healing potion so that he wasn’t bothered by the stinging.
The next moment, there was a faint cold smell and a slender man in a blue uniform
His expression was cold. “Who are you?”
It was the fourth prince!
He saw the scene of the garbage being instantly cleared up!
Xie Xi stood up straight and didn’t know how to explain.
The fourth prince came over, an unfathomable look in his eyes. “Maybe I should ask, are
you a human?”

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GL: Chapter 60
Lost Atlantis 31

Thankfully, Xie Xi used the first face before going out. If he used Colin’s face then it would
be too busy. He hadn’t taken care of the two cockfighting people in the palace yet. If he
provoked another person then he would probably never fill up the progress in this lifetime!
Despite the use of the first face, the current situation was somewhat troublesome.
The fourth prince’s words were very intriguing. The underwater people were also human.
He asked this question because he was questioning Xie Xi’s identity. After all, it was
impossible for an ordinary person to raise their hands and get rid of the pile of rubbish
without a trace.
How should Xie Xi explain the scene just now?
He glanced at the fourth prince and said, “I am Jesse Hall.”
The fourth prince lowered his gaze and saw Xie Xi’s clothes. “Are you a guard of the
Xie Xi was wearing the guard’s light blue uniform. The appearance had changed due to the
rubbish but it could be distinguished with a closer look.
He told the fourth prince, “This subordinate has seen the fourth prince.”
For a moment, the surrounding seawater shrank back a bit. Xie Xi felt a cold and bitter
killing intent as the fourth prince raised his hand and grabbed Xie Xi’s neck.
His hand was cold and a fragrance came from it. The smell had some bitterness to it, like it
was a type of herb.
Xie Xi was choked but he was fearless. He looked up at the fourth prince with calm eyes.
The fourth prince tightened his grip and asked in a low voice, “Who the hell are you!”
Xie Xi had difficulty breathing. Redness rose to his face and uncontrollable moisture
appeared in his eyes.
His face was handsome and romantic. At this moment, the fearless expression made it
seductive to the extreme.
The fourth prince’s eyes narrowed and he loosened his hand. “Don’t lie or I will kill you.”
This last sentence was whispered into Xie Xi’s ears. He had no doubt that he would be killed
as soon as he did anything suspicious.
The fourth prince who lived in a simple manner, not only was he not sick, he also showed a
fierce hostility.
Xie Xi replied, “I am a guard of the palace called Jesse Hall. If there is even a bit of falsehood
in my words then please take my life.”
The fourth prince pressed him. “What were you doing just now? Where did the rubbish
Xie Xi spoke very bluntly. “I can’t say it clearly but I suddenly gained an ability. Thus, I
wanted to try it out.”
The fourth prince stared at him. “What ability?”
“I can eliminate garbage.”
What bullshit ability was this? If this was peacetime then he would probably be treated as
crazy? Eliminate garbage? How could anyone have that ability?
However, the fourth prince saw it with his own eyes. This person walked out of the shield,
stood in a sea of dirt and reached out. Then the disgusting rubbish disappeared.
He actually saw it so he had to believe these words.
Xie Xi was very calm. He was confident in the identity of the first face and his words weren’t
nonsense. He did somehow get an ability to let rubbish ‘disappear’. It might be obtained in
his items bar but in the eyes of others, it had disappeared.
The highest level of lying was to have 70% of it be true while 30% was false. Xie Xi didn’t
understand it before but now that he was stepping on many boats, he couldn’t not
The fourth prince watched him for a while, the dark eyes like a searchlight examining the
inside of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was honest while showing some timidity and uneasiness. His emotions were
correctly in place.
Stepping on many ships had some benefits. He would’ve died in Love to the Left or Right if
he hadn’t learnt acting. Xie Xi learnt the benefits of a ‘good play.’
The fourth prince finally released him. The prince was still expressionless and his voice
was cold. “You can eliminate garbage?”
Xie Xi was relieved and answered, “Yes, as long as I touch it with my hands. There are some
limits. It won’t work if the number of garbage is too small.”
“Come with me.”
Xie Xi hastened to keep up.
The fourth prince really wasn’t sick. No, he was in better than good health! At this speed, he
would undoubtedly win the 100 metres sprint if he participated!
Xie Xi had used a potion and was wearing the guard uniform but his tail was exposed to the
outside. It was corroded by the sea and damaged. He originally had an ordinary physical
condition. He wouldn’t be able to keep up, even if he wasn’t injured.
The fourth prince paused and came back. “Give me your hand.”
Xie Xi was confused but he couldn’t provoke this mysterious prince. He had to hold out his
The fourth prince held him and the next moment, ‘flew’ away with him.
The reason he called it flying was because this speed was too fast. The word ‘swimming’
seemed too weak and powerless!
Xie Xi didn’t have to do anything but he felt pain from the water rushing towards his face.
The good thing was that his ability to adapt was very powerful. If this was ordinary plastic
surgery, his face would probably be deformed right now!
The fourth prince looked warm and soft but he was this reckless. The third prince wasn’t as
good as this!
They finally arrived at the destination and Xie Xi took a deep breath once they stopped.
The wound on his tail had widened and the pain was killing him.
The fourth prince glanced at his tail and didn’t say anything.
Xie Xi didn’t mind. It was because he saw a huge garbage heap in front of him. The reason
he used heap rather than mountain was that the rubbish was spread out all over the sea
instead of in one pile…
For example, it was like a place on land were countless rotting objects and corrosive things
were floating in the air. The air was even dyed a dirty grey. This shocking sight was
something that the underwater people had to look at and live with.
The fourth prince said, “Let me see you get rid of it.”
Xie Xi had long guessed the prince’s intentions and was happy.
He calmed down, closed his eyes and swam in. He was about to enter when the fourth
prince shouted at him, “Wait.”
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “Hmm?”
The fourth prince started to unbutton his clothes.
Xie Xi blinked and couldn’t keep up with this person’s brain circuits… what was he doing,
taking off his clothes?
The fourth prince took off the coat of his uniform, revealing his sexy body. Not only did it
not look sickly at all, but it was also very strong from exercise. Xie Xi felt envious when he
saw this sight!
The half-naked fourth prince wasn’t uncomfortable as he came over and wrapped his
uniform around Xie Xi.
Xie Xi, “?”
The fourth prince was all and his clothes were long. Xie Xi’s uniform had a short cut due to
the curve of his tail. The prince’s uniform covered a large part of him.
Xie Xi finally understood and he said, “It’s fine…”
However, the fourth prince swam and stuffed all of the fishtail inside the uniform.
Xie Xi said, “Your Highness, I have an injury on my tail and will just dirty your clothes.”
The fourth prince swam back up with no emotional ups or downs in his cold eyes. “Go
ahead. If you lie to me, this will be your funeral clothes.”
Then he covered Xie Xi’s head with the coat.
Xie Xi, “…” You are so powerful, I can’t afford to upset you!
Xie Xi blankly swam in. Due to his previous experience, he held his breath to protect his
internal organs. Even so, his hand wasn’t shielded and the skin of the back festered at a
speed visible to the naked eye.
Xie Xi wasn’t masochistic. He was afraid of pain, even if he wouldn’t die. Thus, he hastened
to confirm the rubbish collection.
The progress bar of the side task rose to 5%.
This pile of garbage was 40,000 tons. Good!
He collected it so thoroughly that not only was the rubbish gone, the dirty water was also
purified. It was a pity that the injuries on his body couldn’t be restored.
The fourth prince frowned and floated there.
Xie Xi looked back at him. “Your Highness, I haven’t lied to you.”
This ability was really against the sky. It couldn’t be explained with logic.
The fourth prince didn’t seem to think it was evil and took Xie Xi’s hand again. “Follow me.”
Xie Xi didn’t have an opportunity to speak at all. This humanoid flying car was very fast and
rushed out in the blink of an eye.
Roast Pork Bun hung onto Xie Xi’s collar and was smashed by the sea water. He called out,
“Stimulation, stimulating, this is very exciting~”
Xie Xi, “…” If he wasn’t afraid of revealing himself, he would really pull out this bun and
spank him.
The fourth prince took him to another garbage dump. Xie Xi was extremely happy that the
fourth prince was helping him fill up his side task.
They moved back and forth for a night and Xie Xi collected a total of 330,000 tons of
garbage, making the task progress rise to 33%.
The fourth prince finally stopped. He looked at the clothes on Xie Xi and said, “Go back.”
Xie Xi hadn’t collected enough but he had no say and could only follow.
The fourth prince entered the palace and directly took Xie Xi back to his palace.
There was no one in the palace, not even a servant. The fourth prince approached and
ripped off the rotten clothes.
It had been so tightly wrapped that Xie Xi wasn’t hurt. It was just his left hand exposed to
the outside that was very miserable. After collecting so much rubbish, the back of his hand
was bloody.
The fourth prince frowned slightly and ordered, “Wait here.’
Xie Xi floated in the palace and waited.
The fourth prince soon came back and the cold aroma around his body was heavier. Xie Xi
saw that he was holding a small box in his hand. Once the prince opened it, the smell of
medicine emerged. This was the smell that was always around the fourth prince.
Xie Xi was stunned.
The fourth prince leaned over and carefully applied medicine to Xie Xi’s hand.
The effect of this medicine was surprisingly good. Once it was applied, Xie Xi’s hand wasn’t
in pain anymore and the wound was slowly healing.
What a good medicine!
The fourth prince covered his hand before kneeling down and applying the medicine to his
Xie Xi looked down at the focused prince and felt a bit embarrassed.
The fourth prince was really mysterious and hard to understand.
The medicine was applied and Xie Xi was also covered by this faint aroma. He didn’t know
why but Xie Xi had a thought. Did the prince smell like this because he often used the
Why? Was it due to the garbage in the shallow waters?
Xie Xi asked him, “Why was Your Highness there?”
The fourth prince didn’t answer the question. “This medicine has a side effect and you will
be full of weakness. Go inside to lie down. You can go back once it is better.”
Xie Xi wanted to speak but he felt that his body was exhausted of strength. He couldn’t even
maintain his upright posture.
The fourth prince wasn’t surprised and directly carried him into a room, settling him on a
Xie Xi hadn’t expected the side effect to be so strong. Not only was he full of weakness, he
couldn’t even lift a finger!
The fourth prince spoke again, “Don’t worry, once the effect of the medicine is over, your
injuries will be gone and you will return to the same state as before.”
Xie Xi was startled and opened his mouth, only to find that even talking was laborious.
The fourth prince whispered, “Don’t use this ability in the future and don’t approach the
garbage dumps.”
Xie Xi thought he had misheard and struggled to open his mouth. “Why?” The rubbish hurt
so many merpeople. Wasn’t he protecting them by cleaning it up?
The fourth prince’s pupils shrank and his voice contained no temperature. “Because it is
Xie Xi was shocked.
The fourth prince stared at him and explained slowly, “The garbage can be cleaned up but
as long as the land people are there, new rubbish will soon be born. Your ability is really
interesting but it is unfortunately uselessly. It will just make the land people blindly dump
more garbage.”
Xie Xi heard a bitter hatred in the last words.
The fourth prince’s voice became much gentler. “Rest, I will help you take leave from the
guard’s office.”
Xie Xi looked up at him and found that the grey eyes were as deep as a tomb.
The fourth prince left and it took a while for Xie Xi’s spirit to return.
He unwittingly glanced at the lower right corner.
There was a new colour on the progress bar for the main task.
What was going on?
The only remaining person was the eldest prince. How did it suddenly appear and had also
risen to 8%?

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GL: Chapter 61
Lost Atlantis 32
The progress bar of the main task had five colours. The green represented the finished fifth
and sixth princes while the almost full red and purple were the third and second princes.
Now there was the small white and black colours.
The information bar panel was transparent so the white colour was also conspicuous and
could be seen clearly.
White was the fourth prince so black could only be the eldest prince.
It was easy to understand but why did the eldest prince’s progress suddenly rise by nearly
half? 8% was equivalent to 50% love. Xie Xi didn’t do anything and didn’t even see the
other person. How was it halfway to love already?
Xie Xi stared at the progress bar for a while and changed his train of thought. Perhaps the
white bar was the eldest prince? The eldest prince might’ve been there when he cleaned up
the rubbish and the progress went up first. Then the fourth prince came out and Xie Xi
mistook it for the fourth prince?
Then this sudden 8% rise in black was the fourth prince?
Even if it was the fourth prince, this increase was inexplicable. Previously, he was
indifferent and then it surged after applying the medicine?
Xie Xi couldn’t figure it out and he couldn’t understand their thoughts.
Unfortunately, Roast Pork Bun couldn’t be too far away from him or he would have Roast
Pork Bun go and investigate the eldest prince.
Xie Xi couldn’t think too much. The medicine also affected his head and he fell asleep after
closing his eyes.
It was evening when he woke up. Xie Xi didn’t panic. He had already prepared and made it
so Colin went home to visit for two days. He had been really afraid of the crazy second and
third princes and hadn’t wanted to see them for a while.
Xie Xi was surprised to find that his injuries were all healed. There were still some traces
on the tail and it was estimated that the scales recovered more slowly.
This medicine was amazing and Xie Xi felt that the technology on the seabed was much
more powerful than land.
He had just left the room when he saw a mermaid waiting outside. “His Highness said that
you can leave if you wake up. His Highness has something to do and can’t send you.”
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “I have been a bother to His Highness and don’t dare trouble him any
Then Xie Xi left the fourth prince’s palace.
He was concerned about the black progress bar. He secretly went to the palace of the eldest
prince and found that the diligent prince hadn’t come back and was working overtime.
Was the black progress bar really his? Xie Xi waited for a while but the prince didn’t come
back. He could only leave first.
His ‘leave’ time wasn’t long and he had to complete the side mission!
Yesterday, Xie Xi had collected 330,000 tons of garbage with the fourth prince’s help and
the progress of the side task reached 33%. He thought this would be a difficult task to
complete but unexpectedly it wasn’t that difficult. It could easily be completed with a little
suffering of his flesh!
Xie Xi left to go find rubbish. He was just passing the original town when he remembered
the little mermaid and wanted to see her…
He had just swam to the edge when he felt the tingling sensation again.
Xie Xi looked over and his heart sank.
He had disposed of the garbage yesterday and collected 10,000 tons. At this moment, the
same place had once again become a sea of garbage.
Roast Pork Bun wondered, “What’s going on? Daddy, are we in the wrong place?”
There was no mistake. This was the town.
The words of the fourth prince rang in his head. ‘The garbage can be cleaned up but as long
as the land people are there, new rubbish will soon be born.’
Thus, this was the new rubbish.
So much garbage was made overnight?
Xie Xi’s head buzzed as he thought about the billions of people on land and their huge base.
Even if someone only made a bit of garbage in one day, this would be terrified when
multiplied by billions.
Just getting rid of garbage would really make the land people worse.
They would continue to keep breaking through the bottom line.
Xie Xi collected the garbage here and went to a few places he had been to yesterday. He
didn’t have the fourth prince so his speed was very slow. He was breathless when
swimming but it was good that he remembered the road. Otherwise, there would be more
Xie Xi got the chills. The more he saw, the more he understood the mood of the fierce
militant faction.
The garbage was cleared only to pop up again overnight.
Xie Xi could clear it up with one button. What could the underwater people use to clean it
He was just cleaning up the third pile of garbage when the fourth prince’s cold voice was
heard behind him. “Didn’t I tell you to stop using this ability?”
Xie Xi turned and looked at the fourth prince. “Your Highness has cleared up the garbage
before right?
How could Xie Xi not understand? The fourth prince said this because he must’ve
experienced it a long time ago.
How could the royal family idly sit by and ignore the garbage hurting so many people?
They must’ve organized to clean up the garbage but as the fourth prince said, it was useless
to clean up. Soon, new garbage would appear. On the contrary, the land people became
more fearless because the garbage was cleaned up.
The fourth prince sneered, scorn in his eyes.
Xie Xi stated, “You have been sick because you used this medicine.”
The fourth prince wasn’t sick but he was really injured. Xie Xi was hurt despite getting rid
of the garbage with one button. The fourth prince had to use ordinary methods to clean up
the garbage and the damage must be greater. The medicine could treat the wounds but it
had the side effect of fatigue. The fourth prince…
Xie Xi didn’t think about how much the seabed people paid in order to clean up the garbage,
only for it to pile up again. How desperate would they feel?
The fourth prince had no expression on his face. “Thus, don’t do this useless work
Xie Xi’s throat was tight and his mouth full of bitterness.
The fourth prince glanced at Xie Xi and whispered, “There is a flaw in your ability.”
Xie Xi couldn’t react. He didn’t quite understand the meaning of this sentence.
The fourth prince’s lips curved, smiling in a fierce and paranoid manner. “The land people
are the biggest garbage. Why not let them all disappear!”
Xie Xi was violently shocked and sweat dripped down his back.
“Let’s go.” The fourth prince took Xie Xi’s hand. “I will send you back. Don’t use this ability
anymore. It can’t help anyone and will bring you trouble.”
Xie Xi heard these words and his chest heated up as he held onto the fourth prince’s hands.
“Your Highness, can you take me to the land?”
The fourth prince was slightly startled.
Xie Xi told him, “I have never been to the land. Can you take me to see it?”
The fourth prince raised an eyebrow. “What are you going to do?”
“I have my own way of paying them back.”
The fourth prince’s pupils shrank.
He didn’t ask again. He just held Xie Xi’s hand and stated, “The shore is very hot. If you can’t
bear it, stay close to me.”
Then he rushed off at a very fast speed, taking Xie Xi up to the sea.
Xie Xi knew what it was like on the shore but he wouldn’t stay on the shore for long. It was
just a temporary thing.
After a while, they left the see. Thanks to the hot air, his whole chest was hot. He sent Roast
Pork Bun a look.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t know what Roast Pork Bun was planning but he understood this
look was to have him search around.
Roast Pork Bun flew up and watched for a while. Then he came back and reported, “There
is no one on the beach!”
Xie Xi blinked and Roast Pork Bun hung onto his collar again.
The fourth prince asked him, “What are you going to do?”
Xie Xi explained, “In fact, I lied to Your Highness before. My ability isn’t to eliminate
garbage but to collect it.”
The fourth prince frowned. “Collect? What do you mean?”
Xie Xi opened the items bar, looked at the 550,000 tons of rubbish and spoke lightly, “It’s
like this…” Then he poured the rubbish back onto the land.
This scene was amazing. Countless rubbish poured out of Pandora’s Box, madly pilling up
on the beach and along the entire coast.
This garbage piled up and became a shocking garbage mountain!
The fourth prince looked stunned and couldn’t recover his spirit for a while.
Xie Xi glanced at his side task progress bar. Sure enough, he took out the garbage and the
progress fell from 55% to 0%.
His work yesterday and today were in vain but he felt no regrets.
Xie Xi suggested, “It is useless to clean up the garbage. Then shouldn’t we give them back
the garbage they discarded?”
Pampering would only give birth to greater evil. Appropriate punishment was to let them
see what they had done!
A flame of hope was ignored in the fourth prince’s grey eyes that still seemed like a tomb.
His voice trembled and he couldn’t speak.
Xie Xi whispered, “I understand Your Highness’ mind. You hate the land people and want to
kill them but war is the worst way to solve the problem. In the end, both sides will lose. You
love your people and don’t want them to jump from one fire pit to another fire pit.”
The fourth prince was shocked and his thin lips became a straight line.
Xie Xi looked up at him. “Can I help you? We will return the garbage and use it to drive
public opinion on land. They will think they have angered the gods and spontaneously
think about their own behaviour.”
This was the best solution that Xie Xi could think of.
War wasn’t going to solve the problem.
It would intensify the contradiction between the people of the land and the sea and cause
both sides to fall into a disaster.
The underwater people must’ve thought of this method but they couldn’t do it like Xie Xi.
He easily collected garbage and easily returned ti.
This type of instantaneous behaviour was the most incomprehensible and inspiring thing.
The fourth prince’s spirit finally returned. His brow furrowed as he whispered, “This is…
just a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause.”
He said this but the white progress bar on Xie Xi’s side rose to 13% in one breath.
Xie Xi smiled.
The fourth prince couldn’t look away. “Let’s go, your skin will be hurt soon.” The air on the
shore was really deadly to merpeople and Xie Xi was indeed uncomfortable.
The fourth prince held Xie Xi’s hand and took him back to the sea.
Xie Xi was comfortably wrapped in the sea when he heard the fourth prince’s voice, “You
aren’t allowed to collect garbage alone.”
Xie Xi looked up at him.
“This is our secret. Don’t tell anyone, do you understand?”
Xie Xi smiled. “Is Your Highness protecting me?”
The fourth prince trembled, “You don’t know the land people. If you let them know your
ability, you will be imprisoned for life.”
Xie Xi was a land person and definitely knew them.
He found that this prince fish was very cute and said, “Yes, I’ll listen to Your Highness.”
The white progress bar whizzed to 16%.
Xie Xi found it funny but didn’t dare to laugh. Wasn’t this person too pure? Or was the big
designer actually pure?
Xie Xi retracted this idea and refused to believe it. X was an extreme pervert, there was no

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 62
Lost Atlantis 33

In the past few days of Colin’s ‘vacation’, the second prince and third prince sent him
Second prince: [Little Colin, what’s the trouble at home? Just look for me if you need me.”
Third prince: [Once things are finished, don’t act lazy at home.]
This translated to: come back quickly!
Xie Xi’s unified reply: [Thank you for the second (third) prince’s care. It is nothing urgent
and I will return as soon as possible.] It was followed by a smiling expression.
The second and third child’s hearts thumped. If they weren’t busy then they would’ve
rushed over to find Colin.
Xie Xi spent a few days with the fourth prince. His initial impression of the fourth prince
had completely disappeared.
Some aspects of the fourth prince were similar to the sixth prince. They liked one person
and did things their own way. Some places were similar to the fifth prince in that they felt
enthusiasm about being close to people. If Xie Xi thought about it, the fourth prince was
also similar to the second prince. His love for the people underwater was no less than the
second prince. Meanwhile, the sensitivity to danger was no worse than the third prince…
Each of the six brothers had their own characteristics while being similar to each other.
Well, they were parts of one person’s soul after all. It was normal for them to be similar.
Xie Xi’s side mission was finally completed after several ups and downs.
Collecting garbage was much more stable than collecting love. Once he reached the full one
million tons, pouring it out didn’t reduce the progress. It just stayed completed.
After a few days of running around with the fourth prince, the fourth prince told him, “You
should stop using your ability for the time being.”
They had traveled all over the land that bordered the sea, returning all the garbage.
This occurred all over the world, causing turmoil among land-based society.
The people arranged by the fourth prince started to mobilize public opinion, condemning
the damage caused to the sea and criticizing humanity’s self-destructive behaviour.
The land people knew about the underwater people but had very little contact with each
other. Many people were suspicious.
Now that the garbage dumps were returned, the land people realized that their neighbours
under the sea were angry. The garbage piles appeared so quickly and abruptly that they felt
the mysterious power of the sea.
Xie Xi didn’t come up with these ideas. There were professionals at politics under the sea
and they knew how to seize this opportunity to deter people.
Xie Xi saw that his ‘vacation’ was coming to an end and it was time to leave the fourth
The progress with the fourth prince was also great. In the past few days, it had risen to
16.6% and was almost full.
However, Xie Xi had previous experience and didn’t dare be neglectful. He made sure to get
along very well with the prince.
They returned to the palace and the fourth prince reminded him, “You must not pick up
garbage in my absence, do you understand?”
Xie Xi had heard this many times but he knew that the fourth prince was worried about his
safety and nodded. “Yes, I will obey Your Highness’ order.”
The fourth prince smiled. “Sit down, I will give you medicine.”
He no longer put garbage on the land but Xie Xi still insisted on cleaning up the heavily
polluted areas. In any case, the garbage could be stacked up and his items bar was empty.
He simply did it to benefit the sea.
He hoped that the lovely little mermaids could swim happily in the water instead of being
covered with scars.
The fourth prince also accompanied him and gave him a special set of clothes.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi needed to stretch out his hand to collect the garbage and his left hand
was still injured.
The fourth prince carefully gave him medicine and after a while, Xie Xi felt powerless.
The fourth prince said, “Go and get some sleep.”
Xie Xi couldn’t see him anymore and replied in a dazed manner, “Okay.”
The fourth prince held his hand as usual and took him into a room. This time, he actually
hugged Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s eyes slightly widened in a surprised manner.
The fourth prince stared straight ahead but his Adam’s Apple moved up and down. He
ordered, “Go to sleep.”
It was a few steps from the outside to inside the room. The prince didn’t wait for Xie Xi to
struggle and directly placed him down.
Forget it, Xie Xi was too lazy to care.
Xie Xi slept for a while and once he woke up, his hand had recovered to his original
condition. There were no scars at all.
Then he heard a conversation outside.
Roast Pork Bun was also sleeping. Once Xie Xi woke up, the kitten yawned and went
outside to look. “It is the eldest prince!”
Xie Xi’s ears pricked up and he moved over curiously, wondering if he should go out or not.
The black progress of 8% made Xie Xi feel very concerned. This must be from the eldest
prince but they had barely spoken. How did it suddenly rise so much?
The more he didn’t understand, the more curious he became. Xie Xi leaned forward.
He took a step and heard the eldest prince ask, “How did you do that with the garbage?”
The fourth prince said, “You shouldn’t ask. Just use this event to let the land people think
about their behaviour.”
The eldest prince paused and unexpectedly didn’t ask again.
The two of them were silent for a moment and Xie Xi almost thought that the eldest prince
had left. He didn’t expect the prince to suddenly say, “The attack on Sixth Brother, were you
the one who arranged it?”
Xie Xi was startled. He pricked his ears further and wanted to know who had done it.
In fact, Xie Xi had previously doubted the fourth prince. He did have enough motivation.
The fourth prince witnessed the suffering of many people and hated the land people.
Unfortunately, the underwater people always had a conservative attitude towards war and
wasn’t willing to start it.
If the sacrifice of a useless prince could be exchanged for peace and prosperity under the
sea, the fierce militant faction wouldn’t hesitate.
However, after accompanying each other for a few days, Xie Xi knew that the fourth prince
wouldn’t do such a thing. He didn’t need something to set off the fire. If he hadn’t been
worried that a war would bring more disaster, he would’ve already fought with the land
The fourth prince smiled and replied, “I want the land people to die but I don’t want my
brother to die.”
The eldest prince didn’t say anything.
The fourth prince wondered, “Fifth Brother isn’t right these days. You…” He hadn’t finished
when he changed his words, “What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi was curious and wanted to know what was going on outside.
Roast Pork Bun relayed it in real time, “The eldest prince turned pale and nearly fainted.”
Xie Xi, “?”
What happened to the eldest prince?
The fourth prince held onto the eldest prince and frowned. “You should pay attention to
your body? How many days has it been since you’ve slept? The government affairs are
never-ending. If you continue like this, you won’t be able to last.” The eldest prince replied
in a slightly hoarse voice, “Recently my sleep hasn’t been very good.”
“You only sleep for four or five hours a day. This is too little.”
“No, I’m used to it.” The eldest prince continued, “I’ve just been dreaming lately.”
The fourth prince didn’t think too much. “Proper rest is necessary.”
The eldest prince was about to answer when his eyes suddenly narrowed. “Who’s there?”
Xie Xi deliberately came out. His eyes were dazed and he looked slightly confused, as if he
had just woken up.
The eldest prince glanced at him and froze.
Xie Xi also saw him and immediately bowed. “I have seen Your Highness.”
The fourth prince walked over to him and asked, “Are you feeling better?”
“Your Highness, I’m fine to go back.”
Xie Xi didn’t know if it was his illusion but he always felt that the fourth prince was
deliberately separating him from the eldest prince’s line of sight.
The eldest prince quickly recovered and pressed a hand to his temple. “You are busy. I’m
going back.”
The fourth prince kept standing in front of Xie Xi. “Big Brother should pay attention to your
body and have a good rest.”
Xie Xi became certain that the fourth prince was deliberately separating him from the
eldest prince.
This way, he couldn’t even politely say goodbye.
The eldest prince nodded and seemed to look at Xie Xi again. In the end, he didn’t say
anything and turned away.
Xie Xi wondered nervously, “I suddenly came out. Was I too rude?”
“No.” The fourth prince took his hand and looked at it closely. He confirmed there were no
scars and glanced up at Xie Xi. “Still, you should stay far away from the first prince.”
Xie Xi felt doubts in his heart but he didn’t show it on his face. “I am a small guard. I won’t
have any intersection with the eldest prince.”
The fourth prince stared at him, still not reassured. “You must never let Big Brother know
what you are capable of.”
“This is a secret between me and Your Highness. I will never tell anyone.”
The fourth prince nodded and explained, “Big Brother has some psychological problems.
His natural emotions are missing and he is always indifferent and strict. He only considers
the pros and cons of doing anything and won’t consider emotions. If you let him know your
ability, you will become a bargaining chip in his hands.”
Xie Xi froze. “He lacks emotions?”
“Yes, he didn’t know any emotions, including love towards family or friendship.”
Xie Xi blinked, his heart full of doubts.
If there was an emotional disorder, where did this 8% progress come from?
The fourth prince saw his thoughts wandering and told him, “Don’t be curious.” Xie Xi’s
spirit returned and he hurriedly nodded. “I’m not curious!”
The fourth prince smiled. “You should pay attention to safety first, understood?”
Xie Xi was very moved. “Yes!”
The fourth prince looked at him and stop talking for a moment.
Xie Xi sensed it and asked, “Your Highness, do you have something else?”
The fourth prince paused before suddenly saying, “I don’t want to inherit the throne.”
Xie Xi was even more confused. He didn’t understand the direction of this topic.
The fourth prince looked down and his voice was softer,’ My mother doesn’t care about me
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “So?”
Unexpectedly, the fourth prince stopped again and smiled, looking extremely gentle. “It’s
nothing.” Let’s wait. In short, he would protect this person in the most proper way.
Xie Xi was puzzled but didn’t think too much.
He might have a big brain but there was no way for him to think a person he only knew for
a week would want to marry him!
Xie Xi left the fourth prince and headed towards the eldest prince’s palace, unlike his
How could he not be close? He must be close! The task progress was almost full so how
could he not go to the eldest prince? As long as he took care of this, maybe he could leave
this world!
Xie Xi changed to a reserve face and entered without much trouble.
The eldest prince was still in the study and there was a personal fish man reporting to him.
The eldest prince was really dedicated. His eyes clearly had dark circles but he was still
strong. It was admirable that his words were clear and didn’t contain the slightest hint of
sleepiness despite how tired he must be at this point.
Xie Xi secretly watched him using the servant’s identity.
The eldest prince was born with a lack of emotions? Xie Xi couldn’t tell just by looking. At
most, he felt that this person was calm and decisive.
The black progress bar must be him. In the end, why did it suddenly rise to 8%?
Xie Xi thought about what the eldest prince had said to the fourth prince—he had been
dreaming recently.
Was this the key point? What did he dream about?
Xie Xi felt uncertain.
The old merman finally left and the eldest prince pinched between his eyes. He finally
showed some sleepiness.
Xie Xi watched as the eldest prince fell asleep at the desk. Was he really asleep?
Xie Xi carefully blinked at Roast Pork Bun and the kitten flew out, circling the eldest prince
several times before coming back. “His breathing is even. He really is asleep!”
Xie Xi waited a bit longer before coming out. His steps were very light because he was
afraid to wake up the eldest prince. However, the eldest prince was in a deep sleep and
didn’t show any signs of waking.
Xie Xi wasn’t sure if Dreaming would succeed this time. After all, it was just a nap. Would
the prince dream? Would he dream of Xie Xi?
Still, the opportunity was in front of him and he had to try it. Xie Xi activated Dreaming.
[You have successfully used Dreaming and entered the dream of Randy Atlantis.]
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up. He succeeded! The eldest prince was really dreaming about him. It
seemed that he would have to go into the dream to figure out the mystery behind this 8%
Xie Xi opened his eyes again and was stunned. This was…
The dim sky, the gloomy castle and the strong bloody scent that lingered in the air.
A man’s low voice was heard. “Young Master, it’s time for dinner.”
Xie Xi look up and saw the housekeeper Randy’s dull eyes and morbid smile.
He was shocked. What was going on? This was the housekeeper Randy of the Love to the
Left or Right world!
He refused to admit he was mistaken. This was the junk game where he died many times
and in the end, he couldn’t die when he wanted to. He would never forget it in his life.
Roast Pork Bun’s curious voice entered Xie Xi’s mind. “Daddy has become smaller and your
clothes are so beautiful.”
He was the slender young man dressed in fancy clothing of Love to the Left or Right.
Xie Xi’s spirit returned. This was a dream and it was the dream of the eldest prince.
Then why was the eldest prince’s dream like this? Was it really the same soul? The eldest
prince had the memories of the housekeeper Randy?
Xie Xi thought about the ending of that world and his scalp became numb.
It was over! Was he going to die in the dream?

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GL: Chapter 63
Lost Atlantis 34

In the World of Love to the Left or Right, Xie Xi did a great job. His identity was torn in front
of everyone and he pretended to be the demon summoned by Sein. Finally, he was killed by
the three perverts and completed the task.
He thought he would never experience anything related to that world again. He never
imagined that the eldest prince’s dream would turn out to be the memory of his past life!
What should he do? How much did Randy remember?
If it was because the breaking up then this dream would be fine. He could coax Randy’s
heart and soul and probably collect all the souls. However, if it was after the breakup…
He clearly remembered the words he said to the housekeeper Randy.
‘You are just a servant, what qualifications do you have to get my love!’
‘A monster who isn’t a ghost and a servant of low status, how can I love you?’ He was eager
to die and really said many things!
Xie Xi was terrified and could only hope that the eldest prince didn’t think too much. At the
very least, don’t think of the ‘shocking revelation!’
Randy smiled gently but his face was too pale and there was no shine in his eyes. The
colour of his mouth was charming as he whispered softly, “Young Master, it isn’t good not
to eat.”
Xie Xi wanted to respond but found he couldn’t open his mouth or speak. He tried to move
his body and found that it was stiff. He couldn’t move at all.
What was this situation now?
“Young Master should be obedient.” Randy bent over and kissed him on the forehead. “I’ll
take you to dinner.” As he spoke, he reached out and carefully picked Xie Xi up.
Xie Xi couldn’t even move his eyes and could only be at Randy’s mercy.
Randy held him carefully, as if he was holding a fragile porcelain doll that would break with
a bit of force.
Xie Xi could feel his care but also felt an indescribable horror. It was as if he really was a
porcelain doll at this moment…
Randy carried him to the dining room. The decorations in the old castle were still gorgeous
but the light was very dark. The swaying candlelight made everything seem unreal and as if
ghosts could pop out at any time.
Xie Xi never expected that he would one day be scared by the dream of another person.
He wasn’t afraid of ghosts. He was just afraid of this scene and the man who killed him
many times.
Randy placed him on the high backed chair, carefully arranged the napkin for him and
gently raised his arm, placing it next to the knife and fork. Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t
move his arm to hold the knife and fork.
Randy said, “Master, wait a minute. I will go and serve you.”
Randy did everything by himself. It seemed that he was the only one in this castle.
Xie Xi didn’t want to wait but he had to wait. He couldn’t move at all!
After a short time, Randy came back. He was holding a silver tray covered by a semicircular
lid. It looked quite normal.
Xie Xi felt some doubts in his heart. He couldn’t even talk. Could he eat?
Randy put down the tray and whispered, “I kept you waiting.”
Xie Xi couldn’t speak or move, he could only listen silently.
Randy didn’t want his response either. He had a gentle smile on his handsome face as he
opened the lid with his white-gloved hand.
It was right in front of Xie Xi’s fixed gaze and he saw the plate instantly.
Roast Pork Bun covered his little nose and cried out, “Wow, what is this? Internal organs?”
Xie Xi, “…”
It was really internal organs. It was bloody internal organs!”
Randy kept smiling despite taking out this dark dish and he whispered, “I will serve Young
Xie Xi, “!” Who wanted to eat this?!
Randy’s eyes dropped and looked extremely gentle. “Young Master will eat this first and
tomorrow I’ll get you a human heart.”
Xie Xi, “!!” Who, who wanted to eat a human heart?!
Roast Pork Bun was frightened as he clung to Xie Xi’s neck. “Daddy, the eldest prince is
Xie Xi was also terrified. This might be a dream but he didn’t want to experience the taste of
a heart!
Randy was a well-trained housekeeper. His every move was elegant and neat. Despite
cutting the bloody internal organs, he still maintained his perfect movements and decent
smile. People couldn’t help thinking that this was a top steak…
What damn steak, it was internal organs!
Randy forked a bloody piece and raised it to Xie Xi’s mouth.
Xie Xi, “…” He wouldn’t eat even if he was killed!
Randy’s voice was full of pampering. “Young Master, it isn’t good if you don’t eat.”
It really wasn’t good to not eat but who was going to eat this damn thing?
Randy was full of helplessness. “You don’t like animals? That isn’t good. I didn’t prepare
any human hearts in advance.”
Xie Xi was powerless and inwardly thought, ‘Don’t use the tone of coaxing a child to say
such words!’
Randy gently coaxed him. “You should eat first. If you don’t eat then you will feel
uncomfortable at night.” Then he sent that bloody thing towards Xie Xi’s mouth. Xie Xi
didn’t know where the strength came from but he managed to move!
He pushed the fork away, speaking in a dry voice, “No…”
Randy was stunned. The fork in his hand fell and the raw meat stuck to the gorgeous carpet
in a shocking manner.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he was doing the right thing but he would rather leave this damn
dream than eat bloody organs!
Due to this resistance, he finally seemed able to control his body. He moved and looked up
at Randy.
Randy’s dark eyes flashed, like stars appearing in the dark sky. His voice contained an
unbearable excitement. “Young Master…”
Xie Xi’s eyes moved and he spoke in a slightly stiff manner, “Ran, Randy.”
Randy hugged him, cold lips falling on his neck in an almost mad manner. “You finally woke
up. You finally… you’re finally back.”
Xie Xi was stunned and could only passively be held.
Randy had always been calm and steady. There were few times when he lost his temper but
now he was completely out of control. He held Xie Xi extremely hard, as if Xie Xi would fly
away if he was released. It was as if this was a beautiful dream and he would wake up to
despair at any time.
Xie Xi’s heart was tense as he thought about what the eldest prince remembered, including
the last words he said.
Then this dream was a continuation of the quasi-world? Was this what happened after he
left the world?
He left and Sein Hall must’ve definitely died. The housekeeper Randy didn’t give up and
kept trying to resurrect him?
Xie Xi couldn’t speak before because his body itself was a corpse? His back was covered
with cold sweat at the thought. Sure enough, Randy was a psychopath. Normal people
couldn’t do such a thing!
Xie Xi thought about it and finally got a clue. He followed the rhythm of the dream and said,
“Randy, what happened to you?”
As he spoke, he felt cold liquid dripping onto his neck. Randy was crying.
Xie Xi couldn’t see it but he felt a bit sad. If Randy still remained after Xie Xi left the world,
he couldn’t imagine how much pain and despair Randy had felt as he held his dead love.
The certain thing was that it was impossible for Sein to survive. Randy carefully took care
of a corpse. How bleak and lonely would it be to spend all day in this castle that was a
“What is going on…” Xie Xi made a dazed expression and asked softly, “What happened?”
Perhaps this was Randy’s heart knot. The experience of the last world was mapped onto
this world, making him suffer from a lack of emotions.
The appearance of Xie Xi triggered his sporadic memories in the form of dreams haunting
Was it possible to collect all of Randy’s love as long as this knot from the last world was
Butler Randy was unquestionably in love with Sein Hall. However, the eldest prince
repelled this memory. Was it okay to have him accept it?
How could he accept it? It must not be a tragedy and should have a successful outcome.
Xie Xi was still slightly perturbed. The last world contained more than Randy. The second
prince and third prince were also there. Did they also have memories of the previous life?
What happened to Aix-en and Gars after the ending? The housekeeper Randy was so
miserable that the two of them must be no better.
Xie Xi didn’t know and in fact, Jiang Xie didn’t know either. He would only know once the
soul returned to his body.
Now it was the eldest prince’s dream. Xie Xi didn’t want to worry about those two and
would finish this dream first.
Randy’s body stiffened at his question and he calmed down. He released Sein. His face was
still pale and his eyes dark, but he was no longer as lifeless as before.
He whispered, “It’s nothing. You have come back and I won’t let you suffer any more harm.”
Randy didn’t want to say anything else and Xie Xi didn’t dare stimulate him. He only
nodded with a tired appearance.
He didn’t want to eat these internal organs and it was better to go to sleep.
Randy instantly felt his exhaustion and asked, “Is there any discomfort?” Xie Xi replied, “I’m
somewhat tired. I want to go back to my room to rest.”
“I’ll carry you back.”
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “I can do it myself.”
He stood up as he spoke, only to find that his legs were stiff. It was hard to take a step.
Randy’s eyes were pale as he whispered, “You just woke up and haven’t adapted. I’ll carry
you back.”
Xie Xi really couldn’t control this body and he nodded in reply.
Randy picked him up and sent him back to the bedroom.
Xie Xi couldn’t sleep right away and thought it was due to the glaring candlelight. “Put out
the light.”
Randy was startled but he put out the candle without saying anything. The room instantly
became covered with darkness.
Xie Xi didn’t want to sleep but he had to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep.
Randy stayed for a while before getting up and leaving.
Xie Xi didn’t feel sleepy at all as dawn arrived. His body was still stiff and he couldn’t bend
his knees while walking. How strange did he look?
Randy opened the door and saw him. “Young Master must be hungry. Let’s go eat breakfast
Xie Xi really did feel hungry. Last night’s internal organs made him lose his appetite but
today should be normal food.
Randy took Xie Xi to the dining room again, put him down and went to prepare the food.
The plate was uncovered and the steaming roast lamb chops made his fingers move!
He was very relieved at finally being able to eat a normal meal. Xie Xi’s fingers moved to
hold the knife and fork but he couldn’t grab them.
Randy’s eyes flashed and he whispered, “I’ll help you.”
Xie Xi waited and saw him cut a small piece. He was handing it over when…
Roast Pork Bun yelled “Daddy, that is a human heart. It is still steaming!”
Xie Xi, “???”
He looked closer.
Where was the roast lamb chop? It was a heart that was bright and bloody, as if it had just
been taken. It also gave off a strange heat…
What was going on? He had clearly just seen normal food. It was delicious lamp chops so
how did it suddenly become a heart?
Roast Pork Bun cried, “Boo hoo, so terrible…” He shrank back into Xie Xi’s arms.
Xie Xi couldn’t take it anymore. The thing that made him feel incredulous was that he
actually thought this heart was roast lamb chops. The fragrance was still floating through
the air, making his fingers twitch.
He patted the little kitten quietly. It was fortunate that the kitten yelled and let him
recognize that the roast lamb chops were actually a heart.
Why was this happening?
Should he eat this in Randy’s dream? Xie Xi looked up and accidentally caught a flash of
hostility in Randy’s eyes.
Xie Xi reacted to this! Yes… Sein Hall of the last world used magic and pretended to be the
summoned demon.
Then Randy was currently trying to test him?

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GL: Chapter 64
Hey guys,
Sorry, I live a few hours away from my family for work. Today I drove back to visit them for
a few days and forgot my laptop charger. Expect a few days of no chapters before there is a
mini mass release thus/fri depending on how tired I am from the drive.

Lost Atlantis 35

Xie Xi boldly guessed that the heart must be for the demon to eat.
How could normal people eat this stuff?
It wasn’t clear how Randy resurrected him but it was obvious that he was afraid that he
resurrected a fake Sein demon. Thus, he was testing XIe Xi.
Then here was the question. Xie Xi was sure that he wasn’t a human so why did he think of
the heart as tasty lamp chops? Moreover, he was becoming hungrier and the impulse to eat
was increasing.
If it wasn’t for Roast Pork Bun, he would’ve taken this heart as roast lamp chops and eaten
with relish.
Then he would be killed by Randy in the dream and the progress mission reset to 0%.
There also might not be another chance to use Dreaming!
As for why he saw the heart as roast lamp chops, it must be because this was Randy’s
dream. Everything that happened in the dream was driven by his will.
Randy felt that the person he resurrected was a demon, not Sein. Thus, he thought that Xie
Xi wanted to eat this heart. Under his strong will, Xie Xi originally didn’t want to eat and
saw this heart as a roast lamb.
Xie Xi felt this was too unfair. He was being wronged!
From another point of view, this meant that ‘past life’ Randy did resurrect a demon.
Otherwise, the memories wouldn’t be so entrenched.
When he thought about it, he felt that this damn pervert was really pitiful.
Xie Xi’s mood was quite complicated and he could only scold the stupid X to resolve it.
Faced with the sometimes fragrant and sometimes blood thing, Xie Xi held back and
frowned. “Why are you giving me this?”
Randy was slightly startled and his voice trembled. “Don’t you like it?”
Forget liking, who wanted to eat a heart?
He just thought this when it became roast lamp chops. It was roasted just enough, the
outside was crisp and tender and the aroma was delicious. He was so hungry…
He pinched Roast Pork Bun and the kitten called out. Xie Xi instantly calmed down and
replied, “Isn’t this a human heart? How can I eat this?”
Randy’s pupils shrank and an unbelievable ecstasy entered the depths. “It is my bad. I was
confused and actually took out this type of thing for you to eat. I with take it back and make
your favourite roast lamp chops.”
Xie Xi, “…” He was so nauseous that he couldn’t eat lamb chops!
Randy took the hot heart and quickly returned. He smiled and his eyes were no longer so
cold. “Young Master has been waiting.”
He opened the lid…
Xie Xi was silent.
How was it still a heart? A completely red, still beating heart! Xie Xi had never seen a
human heart but he had seen a pig heart. He heard that they were similar so… this was
truly a human heart!
What was going on? Did he show something? Was Randy still testing him? It came out
Randy told him, “Eat, you must be hungry.”
‘I will eat your big head, you damn demon.’ Xie Xi looked at this bright heart and almost
Roast Pork Bun sniffed it and exclaimed, “Good smell. Is this roast lamb chops?”
Xie Xi, “???”
Roast Pork Bun was greedy. “Can a cat eat sheep? It looks so delicious.”
Thanks to Roast Pork Bun, Xie Xi looked at the plate again and the bloody heart had become
roast lamb chops.
He didn’t move and Randy’s voice lowered again. “Young Master?”
Xie Xi heard the suspicion in his tone.
If he didn’t eat again, he would be misunderstood! However, he couldn’t move his hand. As
long as Roast Pork Bun didn’t make a sound, he would see the lamb chops as a heart that
gave off a pungent smell. It was too disgusting. He couldn’t eat it even if he knew that it was
really roast lamb chops!
Sure enough, he was a demon in Randy’s heart.
Since Randy was so certain, what was with the test? Just kill him!
Xie Xi couldn’t understand this type of mood. If it wasn’t the verge of despair, who would
grab such a broken thing?
The joy that welled up in Randy’s eyes faded again. “Don’t you want to eat it?”
Xie Xi knew that if he ate the lamb chop that looked like a raw heart, he would dispel most
of Randy’s suspicions.
But… he couldn’t do it!
He would definitely spit it out if he took a bite of it!
This type of physical resistance wasn’t something that could be changed through
Randy’s lips curved, revealing a crazy smile. “You really wanted to eat the thing just now…”
“Maybe the smell from the heart just now was too heavy. I don’t want to eat this greasy
thing. Randy…” Xie Xi looked up with Sein’s customary dependent expression. “I want to eat
snacks and drink black tea. Is it okay?”
Xie Xi remembered that nobles shouldn’t have snacks for his meals but Sein was often a
picky eater. Thus, Randy would sometimes ‘spoil’ him.
Xie Xi might have goose bumps at the words but fortunately it worked.
Randy’s atmosphere calmed down a bit and he said, “Okay, I will prepare it.”
Snacks, snacks…
This type of non-meat food should be better!
Xie Xi gambled correctly as Randy brought hot tea and exquisite snacks.
There was no demon in the snacks. They were actual snacks. Xie Xi was cautious this time
and poked the kitten. Roast Pork Bun was still missing the lamp chops and turned around,
“I hate chocolate the most. It isn’t delicious.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief, knowing that he wasn’t mistaken.
He was really hungry and in order to make Randy feel at ease, he ate a piece of chocolate
This thing that should be sweet in Xie Xi’s mouth was like eating dirt…
Xie Xi, “…” Originally a demon’s taste was like a cat. He couldn’t taste the sweetness!
Randy asked him, “How does it taste?”
Fortunately, Xie Xi was a human. He might not be able to taste the chocolate but he
remembered it. “It’s delicious.” He made a contented appearance.
Randy looked at him and said, “Slow down, don’t worry.”
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. Who would be anxious to ‘eat soil’?
Then he considered eating internal organs and the soil instantly became very delicious.
Xie Xi made a look of happiness.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie harvested a number of -1 that were as red as the heart.
Xie Xi was relieved after finally passing the test of eating.
Randy asked him, “I’ve prepared water. You should take a bath.”
Xie Xi was unsure if there were any traps ahead but… the time skip meant it was time for a
bath before getting ready for bed.
A bath!
Xie Xi thought, ‘I should be careful and see if there are any tricks.’
Randy bent over and picked him up. Xie Xi didn’t want to make a fuss and let himself be
He was very desperate to fill up the progress!
Once they arrived at the bathroom, Randy put him down and unbuttoned him.
Xie Xi responded naturally. After all, he had experience from the first world and there was
nothing to panic about.
His clothes were taken off and Xie Xi was just about to enter the bath…
Roast Pork Bun jumped into the water first. He was a kitten who was very fond of bathing.
He had just jumped in when he shouted, “Ice, how is this water so cold?!”
Xie Xi, “…” Sure enough, there was a trap.
Xie Xi quietly put one leg in to test it.
The water temperature wasn’t cold for him. It was very comfortable, like taking a bath on a
hot summer’s day.
“Hey..” Xie Xi took a fake breath and frowned. “Why is the water so cold?”
Randy’s black eyes were slightly cold as he asked, “The water temperature isn’t suitable?”
It was suitable, very suitable! If it wasn’t for Roast Pork Bun then his head would’ve
probably been removed!
Xie Xi showed the biggest acting of his life. “It’s cold. Randy, didn’t you say that you
prepared the water? Why is it so cold?” There was some blame in the words.
Randy wasn’t angry at his tone. His face filled with joy as he hurriedly said, “Wait a
moment, I will immediately heat the water!”
Xie Xi wrapped a piece of cloth around his waist. He wasn’t cold but he knew to take the
initiative to wrap himself up and make himself look cold.
Randy was remorseful. He blamed himself as he quickly changed to hot water.
Hot steam rose from the bath as Roast Pork Bun jumped in and swam happily. “Daddy,
come in. It is now comfortable!”
Xie Xi put on foot in and instantly felt a shock.
Randy asked him, “Is the temperature right?”

Xie Xi looked at the kitten swimming around and gritted his teeth. “It is suitable.”
Damn, it was too hot!
Randy was relived. “Go in. Be careful not to get a cold.”
Xie Xi slowing entered the tub while holding onto the determination that ‘a dead pig
doesn’t fear scalding water.’
The body temperature of a demon was very low. Warm water for normal people was very
hot for them. Xie Xi had to grit his teeth and also make a comfortable appearance. It was
Xi, get lost! Whip your body!
Xie Xi was furious. He was a living human. Why did he have to suffer as a demon?
Roast Pork Bun was doing a backstroke. “It is comfortable, so comfortable. A hot bath is the
most comfortable thing.”
Xie Xi, “…” It was too hot that he wanted to jump out QAQ!
He didn’t know how long he held on when he saw the black progress bar slightly rising. His
eyes lit up and he felt the water temperature becoming normal. Had he finally passed the
Randy no longer doubted that he was a demon? Randy finally believed he was human?
Could he finally be a human?
Hey, he was a human!
Randy’s doubts were released and Xie Xi was no longer so stiff. He took a bath and felt
Randy dressed him in pyjamas and Xie Xi finally took the initiative. “Randy…”
“Um?” Randy gently fastened his buttons. “Young Master, what do you have to tell me?”
Xie Xi looked down. “Was I wrong?”
Randy’s hand paused. “How could Young Master be wrong?”
Xie Xi replied softly, “I took advantage of so many people in order to get revenge, no matter
the cost. I even summoned a demon…”
Randy’s head jerked and he stared at Xie Xi with dark eyes.
Xie Xi was sad. “I have lost a lot and have almost nothing left. However, I still have you.
Randy… sometimes I think that it would be good with just the two of us. I just want to be
with you and not manage anything…”
He stopped, not because he finished talking but because of a prompt that appeared in the
lower right corner.
[The dream is coming to an end. Please feel free to leave.]
The countdown was three seconds.
Xie Xi didn’t dare talk nonsense and hurriedly left the dream to return to reality.
What was going on? This was the end of the dream? Had his words woken Randy?
Xie Xi quickly changed to a reserve face and found a place to hide.
At this time, there was a knock on the door.
Xie Xi sighed with relief while the eldest prince woke up.
He felt a bit sorry. It wasn’t a good time to wake up from the dream. He had just received
Randy’s trust and was going to fill the progress. How did he wake up?
He could only use Dreaming in three days and…
Xie Xi was stunned.
In the lower right corner, the black progress bar that was originally at 9% unexpectedly
became full, turning into a green 16.66…%.
It was full? He just said those words and it was full?
Wasn’t this too simple?
Xie Xi thought about it and vaguely understood.
Randy had been waiting too long, struggling for too long in that abyss of despair.
He didn’t ask for much. As long as there was a bit of warmth and hope, he would pay
A bitter taste spread in Xie Xi’s mouth. At this time, a voice recalled Xie Xi’s mind.
A merman with a secretary-like appearance swam in. He saluted and hurriedly reported to
the eldest prince, “Your Highness! The sixth prince is great and repelled the Haiqiu people
to the abyss of the sea!”
The eldest prince had just woken up and he said, “Great! There is another fierce warrior in
our underwater kingdom.”
The secretary continued, “The sixth prince has captured the state teacher of the Haiqiu
Kingdom. Haiqiu suffered such a big loss that they shouldn’t launch another attack for a
long time!”
The eldest prince frowned. “Haiqiu’s state teacher?”
The secretary lowered his voice. “His Highness seems to want to use the power of this state
teacher to resurrect a person.”
Xie Xi, “!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 65
Lost Atlantis 36

The sixth prince was too efficient! It had only been a few days? He repelled the invading
Haiqiu Kingdom and also caught the state teacher?
Haiqiu, what was going on with you guys? Weren’t you supposed to be fierce and brutal?
Don’t be easily beaten back to the abyss by the prince!
Xie Xi was full of curses and really wanted to beat up the Haiqiu state teacher. Couldn’t he
protect himself better? Why was he so easily caught?
Xie Xi was furious!
The eldest prince raised an eyebrow and asked, “Resurrect a person?”
The secretary reported, “I heard that it was a guard of the royal family. Previously when the
sixth prince was attacked, the guard sacrificed himself to save the sixth prince.”
“He asked to repel the Haiqiu Kingdom for this small guard?”
The secretary whispered, “The sixth prince seems to love him dearly.”
Xie Xi prayed in his heart, ‘Don’t ask for the name, don’t ask for the name, don’t ask for the
Unfortunately, this wasn’t Xie Xi’s dream and he couldn’t shake the eldest prince.
The eldest prince asked, “What is the guard’s name?”
“Sein Hall.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Roast Pork Bun declared that his daddy was already a salted fish.
Upon hearing this name, the eldest prince’s eyes slightly widened and a wave appeared in
his calm eyes. “What was he called?” He repeated the question.
The secretary had been following the eldest prince for a long time and knew the
temperament of the prince. The eldest prince was forever calm and never moved by
anything. Now…
He thought this in his heart but his mouth was honest. “Sein Hall.”
The eldest prince’s thin lips trembled. “Is there any information about him?”
The secretary had naturally gathered information on Sein Hall. After all, the sixth prince
was desperate to resurrect this person. The secretary naturally had to investigate and
report to the eldest prince.
“This subordinate will give it to you.” The secretary opened his own communicator to
transfer the information on Sein to the prince.
The eldest prince couldn’t wait for the transfer time and ordered, “Show me directly.”
The secretary was surprised for a moment.
The eldest prince frowned and his expression became abnormal. “What are you doing?”
The secretary’s spirit returned due to this voice and he hurriedly said, “I-I will.”
He opened Sein Hall’s information.
The photo showed a very good-looking person. His hair was like black ink while his white
skin was like a pearl lying on black velvet, radiating a soft light. His facial features were
beautiful and his eyes were bright. When he looked straight ahead, it seemed that the
scenery of the seabed was reflected in his eyes.
The eldest prince looked stunned.
He thought it was nothing more than a ridiculous dream, an unrealistic illusion of a
midnight dream. He thought there wasn’t anyone in this world who could make him pay
Yet the dream had become reality.
His name was Sein Hall. This was exactly the same as the dream.
The prince also felt the desperation and pain of the dream.
Losing him, obtaining him, suffering from loss… the ecstasy that couldn’t be believed at the
It was really all true. The person in the dream was real.
Sein, Sein, Sein…
The eldest prince inwardly called out the name and couldn’t remember where he was.
“Your Highness?” The secretary’s voice called back his mind. “What’s wrong?”
The secretary had never seen the eldest prince look so strange. It was as if the prince was
in an ice cellar, as if he had lost everything, as if his soul had been taken away…
The eldest prince jerked, his dark eyes hollow as his voice trembled uncontrollably. “He’s
dead, he..,” died trying to save Sirius.
The secretary’s heart was beating quickly and he wasn’t sure about the situation. Did the
eldest prince and Sein Hall have a relationship? Wasn’t the eldest prince lacking in
The secretary replied, “Yes, Your Highness… The ship that the sixth prince took to the land
was blown up and Sein Hall along with it. No traces of his bones are left.”
There were no bones left…”
The eldest prince’s head was buzzing as he muttered, “It was Father who did it, Father
killed him.”
The secretary was shocked and paled. “Your Highness, you… you…” This was too much.
Still, he didn’t dare say it out loud.
“He always had an interest in the land and wanted to be king of the world. However, Aix-en
and I wouldn’t fight and he couldn’t help it…” Thus, he used the special guards to attack the
sixth prince in order to arouse public outrage and stimulate Gars to go to war with the land.
In fact, the eldest prince had long known this but he never acted due to his lack of emotion.
Secondly, Sirius wasn’t dead and he wouldn’t let the old king do whatever he wanted.
Now… the eldest prince felt a pain he had never experienced before. His heart seemed to be
a messy mass of mud.
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised to hear this. There were only a few people who could mobilize the
special guards.
If it wasn’t the princes then it could only be the old king.
Originally, Xie Xi felt that the old king didn’t have enough motives. He only understood after
hearing the eldest prince’s words.
An ordinary father who had so many excellent sons wouldn’t be able to shut his mouth
from the joy.
An ambitious emperor wasn’t necessarily happy. In particular, things became more difficult
once his sons came to power and took key positions.
The sixth prince wasn’t favoured so it was natural for the old king to sacrifice him for
private desires.
The secretary was scared. “Your High, Highness, what’s wrong with you?”
The situation of the eldest prince was truly frightening. He was as pale as paper and his lips
had lost all colour. His dark eyes were eerily black and the veins on his forehead revealed
how much pain he was in.
The emotions that had been missing for 20 years were rising up again and it was enough to
drive a person crazy.
Xie Xi felt very anxious but he didn’t dare appear. He could only hide here nervously.
Fortunately, Randy’s mental strength went against the sky. He gritted his teeth for more
than a minute and finally calmed down.
The secretary was covered in cold sweat as he asked, “Your Highness, I will bring a doctor.”
The eldest prince waved his hand. “No.”
The eldest prince stood him. He was quiet but no longer as cold and ruthless as before. He
said, “I will go and see Sixth Brother.”
They left and the anxious Xie Xi also followed.
The previously empty sixth prince’s palace was now bustling. He won a big victory and
there were streams of people coming to congratulate him. The old king also gave him
countless rewards.
The eldest prince drove away the outsiders as soon as he came, giving a reasonable
justification. “Sixth Brother is still recovering. You should go back first.” It was a big victory
but the sixth prince had been injured. This was inevitable. After all, Haiqiu weren’t
Xie Xi was also worried about the sixth prince. He just sneaked in when he smelt a faint
cold aroma.
It was the fourth prince’s medicine.
Xie Xi thought of the wonderful effects of the medicine and sighed with relief. The injuries
of the sixth prince wouldn’t be a problem and he just needed a good rest.
He thought this but couldn’t help feeling guilty after seeing the sixth prince’s pale face.
The sixth prince dove alone into thousands of enemy forces, killed the other side and
captured the important state teacher. It sounded light but it would be really hard to
describe the price that the sixth prince paid.
Xie Xi couldn’t understand.
Why were they so persistent?
The eldest prince, the sixth prince and also the fifth prince…
The sixth prince could do things so smoothly because the fifth prince was behind him. The
fifth prince might be alienated from the political centre in recent years but he had the
power of his mother. He helped the sixth prince and the sixth prince managed to return
The person was dead. Why didn’t they give up?
Xie Xi couldn’t understand it. He never had such blazing feelings.
The eldest prince came over and waved his hand when he saw the weak sixth prince. “Have
a good rest. There is no need to be polite.”
The sixth prince stayed in bed and described his experience. He understated it but Xie Xi
was still shocked and terrified by his words.
Roast Pork Bun rushed over and rubbed his small head against the sixth prince. “You
worked hard, worked hard. Fortunately, your eyes weren’t hurt…”
Xie Xi really wanted to pull this little bastard back. Was the focus the eyes? The actual
person didn’t matter?
After the explanation, the eldest prince opened his mouth. “Where is the Haiqiu state
The sixth prince replied, “He is with Fifth Brother.”
The eldest prince was surprised. “FIfth Brother?”
“Yes, the teacher was injured and Fifth Brother took him to be treated. They should be back
As soon as he finished speaking, the fifth prince came back with a middle-aged merman.
Xie Xi hated this state teacher. If looks could kill, this state teacher would’ve been torn to
eight pieces!
The state teacher of Haiqiu looked like an ordinary merman on the seabed. If there was a
difference with the merpeople of the underwater kingdom, it was the webbing between his
The state teacher had been treated but his face was still blue and purple. It had presumably
eaten a fist. The eldest prince stared at him and asked, “Can you really let a dead person live
The state teacher didn’t reply. Then the sixth prince’s eyes looked over him and he
immediately shrank back with fright. “I-I can but there, there are a few conditions…”
The eldest prince’s lips thinned and he clenched his fists. “What are the conditions?”
The state teacher didn’t dare speak and just stared at the sixth prince.
The fifth prince’s eyes narrowed. “Say it!”
It was unknown what he experienced but the state teacher was completely terrified. “T-The
death time can’t exceed 15 days.”
Xie Xi’s teeth really hurt. They just needed to hold on for two or three more days. The
Haiqiu were really weak!
The state teacher added, “You must have something belonging to him.”
This was too simple. Sein Hall’s residence had long been sealed by the fifth and sixth
Finally, the state teacher gave the third condition. “…There must be the blood of at least
three people who love him deeply.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Roast Pork Bun exclaimed, “Three? That’s easy. Daddy has six people madly in love with
Xie Xi wanted to murder a cat.
The fifth prince and sixth prince had obviously known these three conditions. Now that
they listened again, they started frowning and looked slightly depressed.
The state teacher added, “If you can’t find three people then he can’t be resurrected.” The
fifth prince looked at the sixth prince. “Sein’s family won’t work. The third person…”
They finally caught the state teacher only to have their hope cut off at the last step.
Three people, where were they going to find this third person?
Then the eldest prince abruptly opened his mouth. “Use my blood.”
The fifth prince and sixth prince stared at him with astonishment.
The fifth prince explained, “Big Brother, you must love Sein…”
The eldest prince interrupted him. “Just try it.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 66
Lost Atlantis 37

The fifth and sixth princes were completely stunned. They didn’t expect that the eldest
prince actually…
The fifth prince still didn’t believe it. “Big Brother, have you seen Sein…”
The eldest prince frowned. “I can’t explain it but if you can’t find a third person, you can try
it with me.”
The sixth prince leaned thoughtfully against the bed.
The Haiqiu state teacher didn’t have the dignity of a state teacher and he whispered, “I-If
not, the array won’t start.”
Xie Xi really wanted to jump out and kill him. Say less words!
The eldest prince said, “So try it. If it doesn’t work, you can find someone else.”
He wanted to know if this Sein was the Sein of his dreams. If so, he could resurrect Sein. If
not, he would give up on his dream.
How could this type of past life be real?
Gloominess crossed the eldest prince’s face.
Xie Xi felt something bad. Sure enough, the green progress bar changed back to black and
the full progress fell to 16.61%.
He couldn’t read minds but he could guess what the eldest prince was thinking. The prince
was doubting the authenticity of the dream, wondering if Sein really existed!
Due to this suspicion, progress was lost, just like the second prince. Sure enough, the
process of filling up the bar using Dreaming wasn’t steady!
What to do…
What would happen to the eldest prince’s progress if he wasn’t resurrected?
If Sein was resurrected, would the locked progress bars of the fifth and sixth prince’s also
In addition, there were still the second prince and third prince!
Xie Xi stared at the progress bar and panicked like an ant on a hot pot.
Two green full bars, the black bar was 16.61%, the second prince was 16.62%, the third
prince was 16.62%, the fourth prince was 16.64%…
How could the instance be cleared? The big boss was full of blood but he had no blue left to
use skills. He could only go crazy with frustration!
In addition, this big boss might have a second life… there was a 99% chance that the work
would be undone.
Xie Xi’s head hurt as he grabbed the kitten and messed up his fur.
The kitten’s eyes narrowed as he enjoyed his father’s massage.
The outside also had a result. The sixth prince whispered, “Since Big Brother said so, we
will try it.”
Xie Xi didn’t know if it was his illusion but he thought the sixth prince’s tone was very
eccentric, especially when he saying Big Brother… there was a bit of teeth grinding.
If Sein wasn’t resurrected, it was necessary for the brothers to find another way. If he was
Xie Xi’s! Brain! Really! Hurt!
The sixth prince said this so the fifth prince also replied with a blank expression, “Okay.”
There was no need to describe how complicated their emotions were.
If they succeeded, their beloved would come back while there was also another strong
enemy. If they didn’t succeed, their big brother was still their big brother but what about
their beloved person?
Xie Xi felt very complicated. Should Sein live again and how would the state teacher do it?
As if trying to dispel his luck…
The eldest prince asked the state teacher, “After the array is successfully activated, can the
resurrection fail?”
The state teacher answered, “No, it can’t fail. I can only resurrect two people in my lifetime
and this is the second time.”
The sixth prince’s gaze floated over and the state teacher completely shook with fright. “It
will surely succeed unless he isn’t dead!”
Xie Xi, “…” This show-off!
It was over. He definitely couldn’t let the fifth and sixth princes know he wasn’t dead.
If they knew, the green progress would return to 0% in minutes. Then how could Xie Xi
leave this world?
Look at the fate of the state teacher! The current sixth prince wasn’t as kind as before!
The sixth prince stated, “Let’s get started.”
The eldest prince glanced at him. “Can your body do it?”
The sixth prince had used medicine and his body was weak. This feeling wasn’t
uncomfortable but it required huge perseverance to make the body listen.
The sixth prince took a deep breath and got off the bed. “We can’t delay the time.” He didn’t
make it clear but everyone understood that if the eldest prince failed, the fifth and sixth
princes would have to go and find a third person as soon as possible.
After all, there was a 15 day time limit. They would be powerless if it was dragged out later.
Xie Xi held the kitten and almost broke his teeth!
The group went to Sein’s bedroom and Xie Xi instantly followed, quietly hiding outside and
listening from around the corner.
He didn’t dare get too close and could only rely on Roast Pork Bun for a live broadcast.
Roast Pork Bun cried out, “They’ve started bleeding!”
Xie Xi, “…” This live broadcast wasn’t reliable at all!
Xie Xi was always skeptical about the resurrection of the dead.
Could a person really come back from the dead? What happened when they died? What
would happen after they lived again?
The ultimate topic pursued by humanity. Was death really something that could be easily
This might be a quasi-world but it was about to become a real world. Could it actually
detach itself from life and death and surpass death?
Or was it because this was a quasi-world that such a bug appeared?
Xie Xi still had little knowledge of the Central World and the Zone. He often thought about
asking X but the number of messages exchanged was still low.
Based on his current understanding, a designer created a quasi-world and once it passed
the review of the Zone, it became a quasi-world that could be entered. Collectors, recorders
and explorers would enter the quasi-world to complete the tasks and clear the world,
finally making the quasi-world a real world.
This was about creating a world? Then why were all the instance clearance tasks he
received so sick? Was it because the designer was sick?
Sure enough, X’s brain wasn’t good or how could Xie Xi get such a crazy main task?
Whenever Xie Xi thought about the mysterious ‘Central World’ and the very powerful
designer X…
Hehe, a dead pervert.
Jiang Xie stared at his goodwill.
Yan Zhe asked him, “Little Rose hasn’t come out yet?”
Jiang Xie, “…Almost.”
“How is it? Is he having a good time with your souls?”
It was so good that he sent a knife to hack at a poor person.
Jiang Xie was silent.
Yan Zhe felt this topic was wrong because he didn’t want to eat Old Jiang’s dog food. Thus,
he changed the subject. “I heard that you are helping Old Qin so you can personally
accompany Little Rose in the next world?”
Jiang Xie really couldn’t help it. If he didn’t go, he was afraid that his love at first sight
would become a lonely old life.
Yan Zhe said again, “You want to enter a world of your own design, isn’t this cheating?”
“Once he leaves, he should go to the open world.”
An open world was something that everyone could enter, similar to an assembly task. It
was a multiplayer task that could be accessed without searching for it.
However, the difficulty of an open world was very different from the assembly task.
The assembly task was still created by a designer. Meanwhile, the open world was derived
from the Central Government and was a quasi-world formed by itself.
The open world was randomly generated. Apart from designers like Jiang Xie, other
professions of various levels were free to enter. It was even filled with advanced players.
Such a world was hard for beginners. Compared to gaining a harvest, the loss of their life
was a more possible income.
However, Jiang Xie was certain that Xie Xi would definitely go to the open world to get rid
of Jiang Xie’s task.
Yan Zhe wanted to swear. “You old fox, you want to deliberately coax Little Rose to open up
in the open world!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
“Don’t think I don’t know your dirty routine. You will let Little Rose see the sinister human
hearts in the open world and then take this opportunity to gather his heart. Tut, you are
very bad.”
Jiang Xie was silent for a moment before replying shamelessly, “A hero saving the beauty, it
is natural.”
Jiang Xie thought about the last time the hero saved the beauty (the rotten pool) and his
heart felt a bit weak.
Not surprisingly, the array was successfully activated.
The blood of the eldest prince, the fifth prince and the sixth prince were all eligible!
The state teacher was frightened but couldn’t help thinking curiously, ‘What type of
outstanding goblin is this person to bewitch three princes at the same time? If Haiqiu had
such a person, would they still worry about not being able to eat people?
It was fortunate that Xie Xi couldn’t hear these thoughts or he would’ve hacked the state
teacher to death.
The eldest prince really loved Sein. This caused the eyes of the fifth prince and sixth prince
to turn dark.
The eldest prince was stunned and couldn’t recover for a long time.
The dream was real.
Sein Hall was Sein Hall.
He hadn’t even spoken to Sein Hall yet he had fallen deeply in love.
Why was there such a thing?
Were those dreams really memories of a past life? They loved each other but in the end,
Randy couldn’t forget him and brought the memory of a past life over?
Who would believe such a thing?
Even he couldn’t believe it. Even if they loved each other before, this life was a different
Xie Xi heard the array starting and almost rushed in.
He understood that Sein had to live! Otherwise, the eldest prince’s progress would become
less and less, the dream not playing a role anymore. After all, it was a ‘past life’ and the
memories would only make reality crueler.
As for what to do after resurrecting, Xie Xi also figured it out.
Sein Hall was in the hearts of the fifth and sixth princes. So what if he came back to live? He
could skillfully spin things around and maybe fill up the big boss’ progress while not
dropping the progress of the fifth and sixth princes. The situation was like this and
Comrade Xie Xi had to take the initiative to walk on the road of cheating!
At this time, the state teacher said, “The array has started. It will take at least 24 hours
before he will resurrect…”
Roast Pork Bun relayed the words and Xie Xi’s eyes brightened.
24 hours!
It wasn’t an instant resurrection? He still had 24 hours!
Why wasn’t it 240 hours? Then he could definitely complete the task.
Xie Xi calmed down. 24 hours was already good. He could do many things in this time. He
would use this time to take care of the second and third princes. Otherwise, once he was
resurrected, he would have to face six princes and might turn into a woolly ball!
He would use these 24 hours to take care of three people. Then after the resurrection, he
would stabilize the fifth and sixth princes. Then he would take care of the boss and finally
complete the task!
Xie Xi thought very well but unfortunately, fate didn’t let him go so easily.
“I can’t delay the time.” Xie Xi left Sein’s quarters and changed to the first face to find the
fourth prince.
On the way, Xie Xi looked at the communicator that belonged to the second face.
There were two messages on it.
Second prince: Little Colin, are you back yet?”
Third prince: You’re not back yet? Then I will go to your house to pick you up!”
Xie Xi hurriedly replied: [I’m on the road and I’m almost back!”
The two princes sent a message at the same time and the contents were also the same.
[Come find me, I have something to say to you.]
What was it? Xie Xi agreed because he also wanted to find them. He had 24 hours and
needed to fill up the progress no matter what!
Xie Xi went to find the fourth prince only to encounter the fourth prince going out. The two
people met and the fourth prince said, “I was going to find you.”
Xie Xi looked at the progress bar and thought he would make the fourth prince happy
“Is there something I can do for Your Highness?”
The fourth prince paused and held out his hand. “Come in.”
Xie Xi followed and found there wasn’t a single person in the palace. However, the fourth
prince liked the quiet and this was normal.
The fourth prince spoke the words he didn’t finish last time. “I don’t intend to inherit the
throne and my mother won’t interfere with my marriage. I promise to protect you for the
rest of my life so…”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
The fourth prince stared at him. “Let’s get married.”
Xie Xi, “!!”
“Are you scared?” The prince wondered. “You might feel that it is a bit sudden but I have
seriously thought about it. You don’t need to worry. As long as you are willing, my father,
my father and the whole ocean won’t be an obstacle.”
Xie Xi glanced at the progress bar with eyes that were like blocks of stone.
The fourth prince spoke again, “Don’t worry and think about it. I will wait for your answer.”
Xie Xi finally found his voice and stuttered, “I…I…”
“It is fine. Please give me an answer tomorrow.”
Xie Xi left the fourth prince’s palace, wondering what to do…
If he said yes, the progress bar would definitely be full.
If he didn’t say yes, he would lose all the progress!
He only had 24 hours left!
At this time, his communicator rang. Xie Xi took it out and saw a message from the third
prince. [You aren’t back yet?]
Xie Xi shook his head. He would forget about the fourth prince for now and go see the third
He replied: [I’m coming!]
He changed to the second face, adjusted his mood, let himself slow down from the shock
and entered the palace of the third prince.
He felt that something was wrong as soon as he entered.
What was with the expression on Lieutenant Saul’s face?
Why were all the soldiers peeking at him?
Why were the guards smiling while covering their mouths?
Xie Xi’s heart thumped when he saw the third prince standing in a brand new military
uniform with an uncomfortable expression.
Gars glanced at him before quickly looking away.
Xie Xi bowed to him. “Your Highness.”
Gars took his hand and asked, “What do you think of me?”
Why was he asking this? Old Three, what did you want to do?
Xie Xi stuttered, “Y-Y-Your Highness, you are naturally very good.” He almost stuttered
himself to the Haiqiu Kingdom!
Gars eyes were full of laughter but he worked hard to suppress this. This appearance was
very cute and charming but unfortunately, Xie Xi was full of horror.
Sure enough, this guy touched his nose and declared in an uncomfortable manner, “If I am
good… marry me.”
Xie Xi, “………………………………”
The third prince said something similar to the fourth. “I won’t inherit the throne and no one
can control how I marry. In short, you don’t have to worry about this. Status isn’t a
problem. If you don’t like the constraints of the palace, we can go somewhere else.”
Roast Pork Bun blinked. “Daddy, how many dads do I have?”
This question was excellent. Your father can’t answer it!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 67
Lost Atlantis 38

All of them didn’t want the throne then the throne would be angry. Wasn’t the setting for
the six princes to fight over the throne?
What were all of them doing? Giving up their inheritance for a merman?
Too incompetent!
Xie Xi didn’t want to marry such incompetent people!
Then he looked at the progress bar and stabbed himself. No, he had to. He couldn’t think
about whether he wanted it or not…
The third prince’s eyes were bright, there was a bit of nervousness in his heart as he spoke, “Cough… I know it is sudden and you’re probably happy… cough, you might be
too happy that it seems like this is a dream. Still, I have to tell you seriously. It isn’t a dream.
Colin Hall, I am really proposing to you.”
Xie Xi really hoped this was a dream. He wanted it to be a nightmare he could get rid of!
“Your… Highness…” Xie Xi barely found his voice. “We haven’t known each other for long.
You suddenly did this…”
The third prince disagreed. “What does the length of time matter? I like you and you have
to be responsible.”
Xie Xi was speechless. He wanted to say that many people liked him!
He hesitated and the third prince’s eyes sank. “You still don’t like me…”
Xie Xi glanced at the progress bar and couldn’t accept it. He hurriedly said, “My heart is the
same as Your Highness.”
The third prince was coaxed and smiled happily. “Since we are the same, there is no need to
waste time. Life is short, we should seize every minute and second!”
The third prince’s words of love were good to hear, especially after understanding his
personality. Every word he spoke was from the heart and his whole future was filled with
thoughts of love.
It was impulsive to propose after such a short amount of time but this was the most
romantic impulse in the world of love.
In particular, in the face of a lover whose status was lower than himself, such active
behaviour would give the other party a sense of security.
The third prince might seem reckless but he was actually thinking wholeheartedly about
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t know what to do. On one hand, he felt guilt. On the other hand, he was afraid of
overturning the boat. After all, there was the second prince…
The third prince once again spoke sweet words. “In the past few days when you went
home, I have missed you every day. Cough, I mean, I have been thinking about you and I
every day, yes, it was about us.”
Roast Pork Bun shouted, “Don’t explain. You’re thinking about Daddy!”
Xie Xi pinched his ears. Could this kitten stop talking and die?
The third prince cleared his throat and continued, “The more I think about it, the more I
don’t want to waste time. Since you like me, I have to take responsibility. I have to live up to
your heart and can’t let you have no name.”
The translation: Don’t waste time. Since I like you, I have to quickly tie you to me.
Otherwise, I will cry if you run away.
Xie Xi was so touched that he didn’t dare to move. “Your Highness, I am surprised but also…
very, very happy.”
Happy to die!
The third prince was joyful and took Xie Xi’s hand. “Then you are willing to be with me…”
Xie Xi no longer wanted to hear about marriage so he gritted his teeth. “I am willing.”
Roast Pork Bun, “Oh~”
Xie Xi wanted to rub this little kitten until he was bald!
The third prince hugged Xie Xi, directly pulling Xie Xi onto his lap.
Xie Xi, “…” Oh, this strength was really remarkable.
The third prince pulled him down and the prince’s eyes lit up like stars falling to the bottom
of the sea. “I will never disappoint you and never betray you. As long as I have all of you, I
will give you whatever you want. Colin, I won’t let you regret marrying me. I mean, marry
Xie Xi felt guilty and was too lazy to care about the words.
As expected, after agreeing to marry the prince, the progress bar rose to 16.66…% and
turned from bright red to green.
The third prince was done!
Unfortunately, Xie Xi wasn’t happy. He took care of this and now had to get on another
He couldn’t think about it. Think about Roast Pork Bun being bald!
Roast Pork Bun, “???”
“I will go tell Father and then tell everyone about us…” The third prince was worthy of
being an active person. He just proposed and wanted to get married the next second.
Since Xie Xi dared to agree, he naturally had a way to deal with this.
He coaxed the third prince, “Don’t worry Your Highness… can we not tell anyone about this
for the moment?”
The third prince didn’t understand. “Why?”
Xie Xi pretended to be embarrassed. “You are a prince, I am just an ordinary person. We
will surely cause a sensation…”
The third prince told him, “Don’t be afraid. No one would dare to bully you.”
“It is easy to dodge a spear in the open but hard to avoid an arrow fired in the dark.”
It was a reminder to the third prince that while he might have the confidence to take care of
Xie Xi, he also had to sacrifice some of his freedom.
“I don’t want to become a rare sight for spectators… not to mention,” Xie Xi continued, “The
time we’ve spent together is too short. I hope to spend more time with Your Highness and
get to know each other better. If Your Highness regrets this then I…” He bowed his head
and looked pitiful.
The third prince’s heart instantly softened and he spoke softly, “How can I regret it? Now
that I have said this, I will be responsible to you for the rest of my life.”
Xie Xi whispered, “Then please give me this time Your Highness.”
His cautious appearance made the third prince very distressed. “I will listen to you. I will do
whatever you say as long as you don’t cry.”
Xie Xi, “…” Who was crying?!
He managed to convince the third prince and said, “It is late. I should go back.”
The third prince didn’t want to let him go. “What is the hurry? Tonight…”
Xie Xi was embarrassed. “it will be suspicious.”
The third prince felt slightly annoyed. “We are about to get married. Why does it feel like
we are having an affair?”
Xie Xi couldn’t answer. After all, the second half of the third prince’s sentences were true.
Fortunately, this face was very deceptive and the third prince had a filter. He thought Xie Xi
was angry and replied, “Fine, I will listen to you. Go back and I’ll come find you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi felt guilty but he was already walking this rope and had to endure it. “Your Highness,
don’t casually come find me.”
The third prince wasn’t happy. “We can’t meet?”
“It’s strange for you to always show up at the guards’ quarters.” Xie Xi quickly added,
“Please let me come to you.”
The third prince raised his eyebrows at the words and smiled. “Okay, think of me and come
see me.”
Xie Xi had a toothache. “Yes.”
His cute appearance made the third prince fell full of sweetness. “Don’t go out and then
come back.” People who loved each other naturally thought of each other al the time.
Xie Xi didn’t have a toothache. His teeth were almost falling out!
He controlled his heart and stated, “I will send you a message.”
The silly prince was happy again. “Okay, send me a message if you miss me.”
Xie Xi nodded and then fled.
The third prince was handled and Xie Xi went directly to the second prince.
The vertical and horizontal directions were dead ends so he had to gamble!
As soon as he arrived at the second prince’s palace, Xie Xi knew that he wasn’t mistaken.
This ‘shabby’ palace had never looked so much like a palace!
Why would the second prince work so hard to take care of his palace unless something big
was happening?
Xie Xi saw the second prince and was stunned.
The second prince was always the most fashionable one. He had silver hair, white skin,
delicate facial features and eyes that were slightly curved in a smile. It was estimated that
most girls couldn’t resist him.
At this time, he changed into a silver uniform that clung to his body, perfectly outlining his
slender figure. He was like an elf prince.
Xie Xi was shocked by his ‘dressing up’, not his appearance.
Wasn’t the second prince asking for marriage? Why did it seem like he was going to get
married directly?!
Fortunately, Xie Xi was thinking too much. The second prince just paid attention to the first
big event in his life and made it so grand.
Xie Xi bowed to him.
The second prince didn’t get straight to the point like the third prince. He asked carefully
about Xie Xi’s return home.
This appearance was really gentle but Xie Xi felt anxious. Hurry up and propose so Xie Xi
could rush to the next one! However, the second prince talked a lot and didn’t get to the
point for a long time.
Xie Xi’s time was limited and he took the initiative to open his mouth. “Your Highness, you
said that you wanted to find me for something. Is it important?”
The second prince’s eyes became hot at these words.
Xie Xi had been proposed to twice today and couldn’t feel any panic or nervousness the
third time. He just wanted it done quickly!
The second prince was very cautious for the first time in his life. “I had a dream while you
went home these past few days.
Xie Xi, “???”
Why did it feel like he was laying the groundwork for 10,000 words?
Sure enough, the second prince made a decision and said, “I had a dream that you were
married to someone else. That person was rude, barbaric and very bad for you. He even
drove you out of the house…”
Xie Xi knew about this dream. After all, he personally accompanied the prince in the dream.
Once the groundwork was finally laid, the second prince stared at him affectionately. “I
thought about it and feel that this dream is a warning. If I delay any longer, perhaps that
tragedy will happen.”
Sorry, you’re too late. Your brother has already made a strong start.
Xie Xi was in a daze and the second prince wasn’t surprised. He took Xie Xi’s hand and
whispered, “Perhaps you think this is a bit sudden but I have been thinking seriously. Can
you give me a chance? I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”
Xie Xi, “…” He spoke so much, no wonder why he was a step slower. His brothers proposed
marriage as soon as they opened their mouths!
Xie Xi was an expert and had ridden this train three times. He acted very surprised, “Your
Highness, you…”
“Do you hate me?”
Xie Xi whispered, “I don’t hate you. Who would hate you?”
The second prince still had confidence and his voice was gentle, “Do you hate that I like
Xie Xi thought it would be better to blush but he couldn’t do it. He just trembled as he
replied, “You are joking with me.”
“If there is a lie in my words, let me be struck by lightning.”
Xie Xi hurriedly cried out, “Your Highness, don’t say such a thing!” He was so anxious that
the second prince thought this guy really liked him too and felt peace of mind. “No hurry,
we have a lot of time. I will slowly let you know that I am serious and really want to be with
“You are a prince, I am just a small guard. We…”
“You don’t have to worry about that.” The second prince was worthy of being brothers with
the other two. Their brain circuits were exactly the game. “I won’t inherit the throne and
don’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks. Besides, I’m not a little boy who doesn’t
understand the world. I can make decisions for my own business.”
This was really true. With the second prince’s power, no one could easily shake his decision
as long as it wasn’t too big.
The second prince spoke again, “You don’t have to be afraid. We will take it slowly. No
matter what problem I encounter, I will solve it and not let you feel troubled.”
Xie Xi felt it was almost there and gritted his teeth. “I am very happy to hear you say this.”
The second prince’s heart jumped and he asked, “You are willing to accept me?”
Xie Xi glanced at the progress bar and nodded.
Whoosh. The purple progress bar rose to 16.66…% and turned green.
Xie Xi relaxed and fell into the second prince’s arms. Aix-en hugged him and spoke in a tone
full of uncontrollable excitement. “This is the happiest moment of my life.”
Unfortunately, that joy would turn to sadness.
Xie Xie Xi continued his routine. “Your Highness, I feel like I am dreaming.”
The second prince’s lips curved. “Rest assured, I will make sure that reality is better than
the dream.”
Xie Xi smiled before becoming slightly worried. “There are many people who like you. If
they know that I am with you, they will…”
“I will protect you.”
Xie Xi was still worried. “It is very painful to lose a person forever. I am afraid that the
people who like you will do irreversible things.
This sentence reminded the second prince of another matter.
He naturally knew that the third prince liked Colin. Knowing the temper of his third
brother, wouldn’t Gars be upset after finding out about this?
Little Colin was very timid. What if the third prince did something?
The second prince sobered up and told Xie Xi, “Give me some time. I will handle everything
properly so that you have no worries.”
“I will listen to Your Highness.”
“Don’t be afraid.” The third prince’s voice was warm. “I won’t let you be in danger, let alone
cause trouble for you.”
He bit the hook on his own but Xie Xi unexpectedly felt guilty.
No, he couldn’t feel guilty! He had to run down this road or he would be dragged down to
death! After taking care of the second prince, Xie Xi returned to the fourth prince to accept
his proposal.
2,3,5 and 6 were full, leaving only 1 and 4.
Once the fourth prince was full, he would pretend to be the resurrected Sein and take care
of the eldest prince.
As long as the eldest prince’s progress was full, he could leave this world. The rest… it had
nothing to do with him!
Xie Xi was arriving at the palace of the fourth prince when Roast Pork Bun reminded him,
“Daddy, aren’t you changing your face?”
Xie Xi was startled and realized he was wearing the second face.
Fortunately, he had the kitten or he would’ve fallen into a pit.
Sure enough, there were so many people and so many faces…
Xie Xi was really a scum man pedalling N boats. In the end, he pushed himself into such a
desperate situation!
He changed faces, steadied his mood and went to see the fourth prince.
The fourth prince saw him coming and looked surprised. “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi adjusted his emotions and said, “I’ve thought about it.”
The fourth prince had a slight smile on his face. “There’s no hurry.”
“No…” Xie Xi took a deep breath and looked at him. “I can’t wait for tomorrow. I want to tell
you right now.”
The fourth prince was stunned and his throat was a bit tight. “You’ve really thought about
Xie Xi solemnly replied, “I’ve thought about it.”
The fourth prince confirmed again, “Do you want to marry me?”
Xie Xi nodded.
Okay… Xie Xi glanced at the progress bar, wanting to see the harvest after his lower limit
was broken…
Black 16.61%, white 16.66%.
Xie Xi, “???”
Black was the eldest prince and white was the fourth prince.
Why wasn’t it full? Why didn’t it turn green? He said yes to the proposal.
The fourth prince hugged him and asked, “What type of wedding would you like?”
Xie Xi was stunned. Did he have to actually wed the fourth prince to fill it up?
The question was how could he marry the fourth prince, not let the third and second prince
know about each other while pretending to be resurrected to cope with the crazy first, fifth
and sixth princes?
Xie Xi finally realized—
What he needed wasn’t the Camouflage skill but the body dividing skill.
Now he couldn’t attend to so many things at the same time!

More chapters coming soon.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 68
Lost Atlantis 39

Xie Xi was silent and the fourth prince called out his name. “Jessie?”
For a moment, Xie Xi didn’t know who he was calling… oh, this was the name of his first
He stabilized his emotions. “I hope it can be simple.”
It was best to be simple and not inform anyone. He could get the license and then fill up the
Obviously, this was wishful thinking. Xie Xi stared at the lack of 0.006…% progress and
wanted to manually paint the white a green colour!
How good was green? Fourth prince, you are so environmentally friendly. Why not turn
yourself green?
The fourth prince was in a good mood. “I also want it to be simple. I won’t ask too many
people or engage in cumbersome rituals. I will only celebrate with our families.”
Xie Xi thought about the fourth prince’s family.
The eldest brother had a ‘previous life’ debt, the second brother promised to spend the rest
of his life with Xie Xi, the third brother also asked to marry him, the fifth and sixth brothers
were wistfully waiting for him.
Xie Xi wanted to say, ‘There is no need to ask the family. Just us is enough! Let’s hurry and
get married!’
These unseemly words, how could he say them…
The fourth prince was still thinking, “We can go to the Muguang District for the feast and
find Xinren to be a flower girl?” Muguang District was the shallow area inhabited by
ordinary merpeople and was previously polluted by the land people. Xinren was the little
mermaid Xie Xi had previously saved.
If Xie Xi hadn’t stepped on six boats, he would really think this picture was very warm.
The two of them shared a common ideal. After meeting, they saved countless merpeople
and resolved the hidden danger of the sea.
Once they returned to Muguang, they would receive the most sincere blessings and these
blessings would make their marriage beautiful.
It was great, on the premise that Xie Xi wasn’t a scum male.
Xie Xi really wasn’t a scum! He just agreed to three proposals in a matter of hours… just…
His heart was a mess and it was inevitable that Xie Xi would act a bit perfunctory.
Fortunately, the fourth prince was in a good mood and didn’t think much. What could he
think about? Who would think that such an angelic merman would be his eldest sister-in-
law, second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law, plus add another two for his younger siblings.
The fourth prince could never imagine this, even if his brain hole was bigger than the sea!
The worried Xie Xi thought of a new plan. Couldn’t he use Dreaming to satisfy the fourth
prince’s desire to marry and fill up the progress?
If the timing was good, he could still pretend to be the resurrected Sein, take care of the
eldest prince and then complete the task!
He just needed to wait for the fourth prince to sleep!
After two hours, Xie Xi asked, “Your Highness, aren’t you resting yet?”
The fourth prince asked him, “Are you tired?”
Xie Xi was tired. His heart was more tired than his body. “I’m somewhat sleepy.”
“Then go to sleep.”
Xie Xi glanced at the fourth prince. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”
The fourth prince dealt him a serious blow. “I have some side effects from the use of the
medicine. My rest is chaotic and I often don’t sleep for seven or eight days. Then I will sleep
for three or four days straight.”
Xie Xi, “…”
The fourth prince added, “You haven’t used it a lot so there will be no side effects.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Seven or eight days without sleep? Was he joking?
The fourth prince thought Xie Xi was worried about him and patiently explained, “Don’t
worry, I won’t use the medicine anymore. I will stop for a while and transfer a few months
of work to someone else.” The implication was that after they got married, they would ride
into the sunset and return…
After a few months? Sorry, in 15 days, your husband’s face will change. The first face could
only be used for half a month!
The fourth prince wouldn’t sleep for seven or eight days…
Xie Xi couldn’t even wait 10 hours, let alone so many days!
The fourth prince was uncertain and he didn’t dare drag out the eldest prince.
In 24 hours, Sein must life or the great prince’s progress would reduce.
What about after he was resurrected? Even if he could fill the progress of the eldest prince,
how could he stabilize the fifth and sixth princes? Not to mention 2 and 3…
Xie Xi rubbed the kitten while worrying and Roast Pork Bun whined, “Daddy, pick a good
day and marry all of them at the same time.”
Xie Xi, “…”
This little cat didn’t know how to worry!
Then Xie Xi blamed himself. It was his fault. He didn’t act correctly and raised a bad child.
No, it was all X’s fault. He was the culprit!
Xie Xi gritted his teeth as he thought of X.
The fourth prince didn’t sleep and Xie Xi didn’t dare waste any more time here.
The fourth prince told him, “You are sleepy. Just sleep here.”
“I wouldn’t dare before Now…” Xie Xi looked embarrassed. “I will go back!”
The fourth prince didn’t force him and let him go.
The Dreaming plan fell through. Xie Xi had to think of plan B!
He took a deep breath and went to Sein’s room.
He was bound to be resurrected. The rest was acting!
Xie Xi told the kitten. “Go help me keep watch. Pay attention to the expression of the state
teacher. The moment he looks scared and starts shivering, hurry and call me.”
Roast Pork Bun didn’t understand and asked, “Why do you want me to watch the state
“If the resurrection doesn’t succeed, he will be killed on the spot. Thus, once he looks
scared, it is the time when I should come back to life but nothing is happening.”
The state teacher said 24 hours but this vague timing wasn’t easy to grasp. The state
teacher was the best way to judge.
Roast Pork Bun cried out, “Daddy is so clever!”
Xie Xi showed a tired and bitter smile while Roast Pork Bun added another knife, “No
wonder why so many people love you.”
Xie Xi threw the kitten away.
“Ah, ah~” Roast Pork Bun fell on his favourite sixth prince’s head.
The kitten didn’t belong to this world and the sixth prince couldn’t feel him at all.
Roast Pork Bun admired the sixth prince’s beautiful eyes before starting to observe
Xie Xi’s thoughts were correct. Nearly 20 hours later, the state teacher started to shrink
back. His eyes drifted around, his face was ugly and his forehead was covered with beads of
The third princes present were all amazing. Despite giving so much blood, they stayed
awake for 20 hours and their eyes were still sharp. They quickly saw the state teacher’s
unusual state.
The eldest prince asked, “What is it? Is there a problem?”
The state teacher glanced at the sixth prince and was scared to death. “No, no problem.
Everything is right. The array started successfully. I will surely, surely bring him back to
The sixth prince’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you panicking?”
Sweat dripped down the state teacher’s forehead. ‘It might be that not enough time has
passed. Wait, wait a while and he should, should…” He couldn’t say anything else. By all
accounts, the person should’ve appeared. Why wasn’t there the slightest reaction?
The fifth prince stared at him. “You better be honest and don’t lie.”
The state teacher shook even more, his webbed hands waving. “There are no mistakes. The
conditions are fulfilled. As long as he is really dead…”
The fifth prince couldn’t listen anymore and grabbed him by the collar. “Is he…”
The state teacher frantically shook his head. “No, I don’t mean that. I mean, he will
definitely come back!”
The eldest prince was calmer. “Will he appear in the centre of this array after
“By, by all accounts… It is also possible that he is nearby…” In fact, the state teacher didn’t
know. By all accounts, this person should’ve come back to life already!
The eldest prince declared, “I’ll go out and look.”
Xie Xi, who had just swam to the roof to be on ‘standby’ was startled and hurriedly lay flat.
He knew that he couldn’t rush in or teleport to the centre of the array. He could only retreat
to the top and lay above the array…
Then… he was still resurrected so don’t think about it too much!
The roof of the seabed was different from the land. The fish could easily come and go and it
was no different from the ground. Thus, Xie Xi couldn’t lie there ahead of time.
The eldest prince reached this height and saw the ‘unconscious’ Xie Xi.
Ink-coloured hair and white skin that was more beautiful than a pearl at the bottom of the
Sein Hall.
The eldest prince was shocked and the emotions he couldn’t hold back surged up, turning
his thoughts into a mess.
This was Sein Hall.
His Sein Hall.
His loss of control caused the surrounding waters to shake. The fifth and sixth prince came
out and saw the unconscious person. Both of them were stunned and it was the sixth prince
who recovered first. He stepped forward and hugged Xie Xi, ecstasy in his choked voice.
“Sein, Sein, Sein…”
He couldn’t stay anything other than this person’s name.
The first ray of light he saw that had been brutally taken from him…
The light was back.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 69
Lost Atlantis 40

The five people followed closely and stood still as he watched the sixth prince holding Sein.
He couldn’t step forward or say a word.
What could he say?
Sein Hall died for Sirius. They lived and died together. Now Sein was waking up in the sixth
prince’s arms. What could the fifth prince do?
After all, he and Sein only knew each other for a few days. He liked Sein, fell in love with
him at first sight and even had an incredibly real dream. However, a dream was a dream, no
matter how realistic.
Sein wasn’t the dream Sein and wouldn’t choose him.
In the days when the fifth prince heard about Sein’s death and desperately wanted him to
live, the fifth prince couldn’t think about it.
Compared to who Sein liked, it was better to know that he was still living in this world.
Even so, everyone was greedy. Sein was back and the fifth prince wanted more, but reality
dragged him into the bottomless abyss.
Sein would be with Sirius.
The two people had been separated from a life or death situation and now Sein was back.
The sixth prince risked his life to rescue Sein and Sein would surely…
The fifth prince was stunned at the thought of his sweetheart being with his younger
Was there anything crueler than this?
Xie Xi was pained by the sixth prince.
The sixth prince was too miserable. His father didn’t love him and there were too many
brothers and sisters to take care of him. He grew up alone and was abandoned by his
father. He was so disappointed that he gave up on everything, even his own life, until he
met Sein Hall.
A person who illuminated the bottom of the sea for him.
However, this light was fleeting and left a deep shadow on his heart.
How ecstatic would the sixth prince feel now that Sein was resurrected…
Xie Xi didn’t feel pained for long. The orange progress bar that he hadn’t seen for a long
time. The original green colour that represented a perfect 16.66…% fell back to the orange
The fifth prince was shaken!
Xie Xi didn’t have to know what the fifth prince was thinking. After all, it became full in the
dream but there would be a huge drop in reality. It was just like the second and third
He never thought that the fifth prince would give up just as he came back to life!
In other words, Sein and the sixth prince were locked too deeply and the fifth prince was a
rare normal child. It was natural for him to retreat.
Don’t back down!
Xie Xi never thought that one day he would say the slogan of a scum male!
The progress bar was still flashing which should it might keep falling. Xie Xi couldn’t care
about the sixth prince and quickly started Plan B.
“Who are you?” Xie Xi’s voice was so weak that it seemed to be carried away by the current.
However, all the people present were sharp and clearly understood.
The sixth prince was startled and released his hands.
Xie Xi’s heart hurt but there was no way… blame it on that pervert X!
“Where am I? I…” Xie Xi frowned before he could finish his words as he made a pained
He died many times in the first world and knew how to imitate pain. After all, he was a
person who had been shot in the heart and had his head cut off!
Roast Pork Bun was the first to be fooled and he anxiously rubbed his head against Xie Xi.
“What happened to Daddy? Where does it hurt? Are you going to die from the pain?”
Xie Xi, “…” This little idiot!
The fifth prince told the sixth prince, “He just woke up. Don’t scare him.”
The sixth prince was stunned and staggered back with a pale expression.
The fifth prince approached and spoke to Xie Xi in a warm tone, “Shall we go back inside
The ‘equal treatment’ Xie Xi cried out, “Who are you? Where am I? I… who am I?”
The triple questions perfectly set up his amnesia.
‘Who am I?’ The fifth prince was also shocked and he asked softly, “You… don’t remember?”
Xie Xi’s Plan B was more than this. He screamed and grabbed his head in a pained manner.
The fifth prince hurriedly retreated. “Don’t worry. Don’t think about it. We will go inside
The sixth prince picked up Xie Xi, jumped off the roof and entered the room.
The Haiqiu state teacher’s head was full of fog. Haiqiu had resurrected many people but this
was the first time such a strange situation was encountered…
The sixth prince put Xie Xi down and grabbed the state teacher’s collar. His face was dark
and gloomy. “What is going on?”
The Haiqiu state teacher started shaking fiercely. “I don’t know… e-everything was
normal… the person was also resurrected. By all accounts, there shouldn’t be any
The fifth prince’s voice was cold. “He doesn’t remember anything.”
How could the Haiqiu teacher know what was going on?
He had never seen anyone resurrected outside the array, even if the roof was above the
array! He had never seen anyone wearing clothes after being resurrected and had never
heard of anyone who couldn’t remember anything…
He even suspected that Sein wasn’t dead and was just hiding somewhere. Then the moment
the resurrection started, he swam to the roof to lie down…
Hah, how could that be?
The old state teacher felt crazy. How could there be such a thing? These sharp princes,
wouldn’t they knew that their sweetheart was dead?
Of course, the state teacher murmured all of these words inside his heart. He was afraid
that he would be slapped to death by the sixth prince if he said anything.
After seeing the prince’s power as he slaughtered the Haiqiu people, the old state teacher
was so scared he pissed!
Xie Xi was afraid this unreliable teacher would say something and hurriedly brought the
princes’ attention to himself.
It was very simple. He just needed to…
He covered his head and groaned in a pained manner.
It worked very well. The fifth and sixth princes immediately ignored the state teacher.
It was a pity that the closer they came, the more pained Xie Xi felt. His eyes became red and
he didn’t know how many tears he shed (in fact, it was good that he couldn’t cry under the
water). The bulging joints of his white fingers were obvious and he looked extremely
The fifth and sixth princes were anxious and panicked for a while.
The calmer eldest prince spoke softly, “Don’t irritate him.”
The fifth prince and sixth prince stared at him simultaneously.
The eldest prince told them, “I called Fourth Brother. He will come over in a while and take
a look.” Then he had the guards take the Haiqiu state teacher away.
The old state teacher cried out, “Your Highness, I saved your lover. Please don’t kill me, I…”
He ate so many underwater people yet still wanted to live, the Haiqiu state teacher’s IQ
really wasn’t high…
Xie Xi shrunk back to a corner of the bed and curled up in a ball.
He didn’t dare take a look or listen to anything. He just covered his ears, closed his eyes and
murmured to himself.
The three princes couldn’t get close but they didn’t dare to leave. They could only stand
there and wait for the fourth prince to come over.
The fourth prince wasn’t only an environmentalist. He was the best medical academics
under the water and was proficient with a variety of difficult and incurable diseases.
Xie Xi’s heart felt strange. They had just talked marriage and now the fourth prince was
coming to see him…
Xie Xi was really sick. He had a heart disease!
Not long afterward, the fourth prince arrived and froze when he saw the situation in the
Eldest Brother, Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother were in the residence of a small guard.
What was going on?
The eldest prince’s brow furrowed. “Fourth Brother, go and check what’s wrong with him.”
The fourth prince’s gaze moved to the bed and he saw the frightened merman.
The fourth prince’s heart sank as he almost thought it was his little Jesse.
Then the difference in the fishtails awakened him.
How could it be Jesse? That little fellow was sleeping peacefully.
The fourth prince’s spirit returned and he went over to examine Xie Xi.
Xie Xi knew he wouldn’t be recognized but he still felt very guilty. Fortunately, he was now
‘sick’ and it didn’t matter if he didn’t look at the other person.
The fourth prince brought out some instruments and carefully examined him. “His vital
signs are good and there are no problems. It might be a psychological problem. He is a bit
afraid of people so it is best to give him time to be alone and calm down.”
Once he spoke, the room sighed with relief apart from the silly cat.
Needless to say, the others could accept it as long as Sein’s health was okay.
Sein died so miserably. It was normal for him to not be in a good state after coming back
Not to mention that Xie Xi also wanted this result. The fourth prince’s words were what he
said in his heart. He needed to be alone and he needed to calm down!
The fourth prince was very curious about this situation but the state of his eldest brother
and younger brothers weren’t quite right. He didn’t ask anything more and instructed, “You
should go back first. He is nervous and in pain while you are here.”
The sixth’s princes eyes looked slightly dim as he asked, “Is he really going to be okay?”
The fourth prince told him, “His body is definitely okay but his psychological state… it isn’t
good and will depend on himself.”
The fifth prince’s eyes flashed and he told the sixth prince, “Give him some time, let’s not
disturb him.”
Very good! Xie Xi was happy as the fifth prince’s bar became full again. Continue to
maintain this.
The sixth prince frowned and wanted to come over again.
The fifth prince lowered his voice. “It is good that he can forget those memories.”
The words were very subtle and the sixth prince was stunned.
It was indeed better if he could forget those things. However, to forget everything else…
The fifth prince spoke again, “It is fine as long as he is healthy. We can talk about other
matters slowly. Do you want to see him in such pain?”
The sixth prince closed his eyes. “Okay, let’s go back and let him rest.”
From start to finish, the eldest prince was the furthest away. He just stared at Xie Xi and
other people couldn’t guess what he was thinking.
Xie Xi was aware of it but he didn’t want to engage in the past life matters. He might
immediately fill up the eldest prince’s good feelings but what about afterward? How could
he steady the fifth and sixth princes?
He had to love six people, not one!
It hadn’t been too long and Classmate Xie Xi could already casually pull out slag male
After sending away the princes, Xie Xi kept acting but there was only one chance to fool the
stupid cat.
Roast Pork Bun blinked. “Daddy is acting.”
Xie Xi stared at him blankly. “What else?”
Roast Pork Bun sang his praises. “You are very strong. I really believed it.”
It wasn’t him. It was the kitten that was stupid!
Xie Xi told the kitten, “Go out and help me keep watch. If a prince comes then call me.”
Roast Pork Bun was energetic. “Good!” He flew to act as lookout.
Xie Xi didn’t dare go anywhere and kept acting as a dog on the corner of the bed.
During this time, the sixth prince came and looked at him secretly, followed by the fifth
prince and finally the eldest prince.
Maybe they were afraid that Xie Xi would be uncomfortable. The three people didn’t enter
and just looked on from outside. They stood there for an hour before leaving.
Early in the morning, Xie Xi pretended to fall asleep while 1,5 and 6 looked in on him again.
This time they knew he was sleeping and weren’t willing to wake him up. They left after
half an hour.
Xie Xi actually didn’t sleep at all. Once he sent away the three gods, he rolled over and got
“Roast Pork Bun, stay here. If there is a situation, hurry and call me!” Fortunately, the
identity of these faces were royal guards and their residences weren’t far away. At this
range, Roast Pork Bun could barely reach him. Otherwise, Xie Xi would be walking a wire
rope and could die at any time!
Xie Xi changed to the second face and went to get Colin’s communicator. Then he changed
to the first face and got Jesse’s communicator.
He turned on the communicator and was hit by the incoming information.
Fourth Prince: [Wait for me at noon and we’ll eat together.]
Second Prince: [I have a job in the morning. I will pick you up after I finish and we will eat
Third Prince: [I am at the camp and will come back at noon. I’ll take you to eat delicious
Xie Xi, “…”
Who wanted to have a meal? He already felt full just from looking!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;
GL: Chapter 70
Lost Atlantis 41

Xie Xi truly had a flexible head. Previously, he wouldn’t have believed that he could find so
many excuses.
He was only 19 years old but he had gone through many things in life.
Xie Xi replied to the second and third princes: [I’m sorry Your Highness. I just left in order
to… tell my family about us.] He didn’t miss out on the smiley face.
The typical copy and paste made the two princes happy.
The second prince spoke softly: [Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I would’ve taken you
The third prince was awkward: [What is there to say? Will they still disagree?] The
question mark caused guilt and tension.
Xie Xi hurriedly replied: [Your Highness is so busy that I didn’t want to bother you. Besides,
this type of thing is better to say alone.] Xie Xi confirmed it several times before sending it.
The different content wasn’t good and he was especially afraid he would send it to the
wrong person.
After making sure it was correct, he replied to the third prince: [Is your Highness joking
with me? It is regarding marriage so I naturally have to talk to my family.]
The tone and mood were in place. Send!
The two people were probably staring at the communicators because they replied
particularly quickly. Second Prince: [Tell me in advance when you come back. I will pick
you up.]
Third Prince: [Would I joke around about this type of thing? Hrmm, I’ll pick you up when
you come back.]
Xie Xi thought, ‘Don’t pick me up. I will be frightened to death!’
He replied: [This isn’t a trivial matter and I’m afraid they won’t accept it. I have to find a
chance to tell them well. Your Highness, please don’t come over. They are ordinary people
and will be afraid.]
Something similar sent to the second prince.
This was reasonable. If he didn’t say too much, he would be able to drag it out for two or
three days.
Xie Xi also thought about directly letting Colin die to lock the progress of the second and
third prince. In any case, he had Roast Pork Bun’s pain immunity and dying once was
Then he thought about it and the risk was enormous. The situation of the second and third
princes was very different from the fifth and sixth princes.
At the beginning, Sein didn’t promise anything. After his death, the two of them filled up the
progress on their own. In their hearts, Sein was the white moonlight who couldn’t be
erased. The more they missed him, the more stable the progress.
This wasn’t the same with the second and third princes. Colin had promised to marry them.
If he died, what would happen? They would find out each other’s business and realize that
Colin stepped out with both of them at the same time.
Then was the dead Colin still worth loving? The fantasy in their hearts would be shattered
and the progress bar would directly fall.
Thus, Colin couldn’t die. He had to live well and stabilize these two people!
Xie Xi might feel tired and wanted to die but it should soon be over. Xie Xi looked at the
progress bar and felt there was only the last step left. He would leave the world or fall
down and die at their hands.
His fighting spirit was high and his blood surged at the feeling of a showdown with a big
boss. It was just that there were many bosses and the fighting mode was a bit strange…
He took care of the second and third princes and was free to reply to the fourth prince.
[Your Highness, what do you want to eat?]
[You can decide. What do you want to eat?]
Xie Xi couldn’t leave the guards’ quarters so he proposed, “I have always been treated by
Your Highness. Can I act as the host this time?]
Fourth Prince: [Never mind, we don’t need to clarify matters like that.]
Xie Xi didn’t agree. [Even if we get married, I can’t just accept Your Highness’ kindness.]
This was very heartfelt and the fourth prince felt sweet. [Then it is up to you. Where do you
want to eat?]
Xie Xi quickly replied: [I can’t afford to go to the places Your Highness often frequents. I am
also afraid that Your Highness won’t be used to it. It is better to wrong you and have you
come over here to eat.]
The fourth prince directly opened a video call. “Go to your place to eat?”
Xie Xi smiled. “Yes, try my cooking.”
The fourth prince’s grey eyes flashed. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Xie Xi was relieved that he didn’t need to leave the guard’s quarters.
The range of Roast Pork Bun’s surveillance was only so large. If he went out to eat, which
prince would see that Sein wasn’t there?
Xie Xi prepared a meal. He had just cut a few dishes when the fourth prince sent him a
message. [Jesse, we should go out to eat.]
Xie Xi didn’t understand his sudden change in mind. [Why, what’s wrong?]
Fourth Prince: [There might be someone else coming along. It will be too troublesome for
Xie Xi was stunned and silently prayed that it wasn’t a prince, please don’t be a prince.
As if hearing his prayers, the fourth prince replied: [I met my second brother and third
brother. They both want to see you.]
Xie Xi, “……………………”
The fourth prince told him: [You don’t have to be nervous. They are very good and in
private, my third brother’s temper isn’t so violent.]
Xie Xi naturally knew that the third prince might have a tiger’s claws but he was easy to
The problem was… he didn’t want to see them! His Camouflage wasn’t exposed but Xie Xi
didn’t want to take any risks. The second prince and third prince had already eaten his
cooking. What if it was exposed?
The fourth prince said again, “Then let’s go out to eat. I will come to your place next time,
Xie Xi couldn’t go! He couldn’t leave the guard’s quarters even if he died! Sure enough, did
he have to find a way to push back this lunch?
For what reason? He didn’t have a reason!
Xie Xi gritted his teeth. [I have already cooked the dishes. Isn’t it a waste if we don’t eat
The fourth prince was stunned.
Xie Xi said: [If the second prince and third prince don’t want to come, shall we invite them
another day?]
Then he added: [Is it rude of me?]
[No.] The fourth prince smiled. [They will all be family members in the future. I will ask
them. If they want to go, they will bring some wine with them. If not, we will eat alone.]
Xie Xi continued to pray: Don’t come, don’t come, please don’t come.
Sure enough, his prayed went the opposite way! The second and third princes were
shameless enough to come for a meal!
The fourth prince introduced him to the second and third princes. “Jesse Hall, my fiance.”
Roast Pork Bun meowed and exclaimed, “You are also their fiance!”
Xie Xi’s smile became stiffer. The good thing was that he was a small guard. It was normal
to be ‘stiff’ when seeing so many princes.
The second prince was polite and gently handed over a gift. The third prince also brought a
gift but he didn’t act according to common sense. He opened his mouth and almost gave Xie
Xi a heart attack. “Do you know Colin Hall?”
The gaze of the second prince whizzed over.
Xie Xi’s palms were sweating as he remained steady with amazing perseverance. He asked
doubtfully, “Colin? I seem to have heard that name but I’ve never met him.”
“Oh.” The third prince stated, “You have the same last name and your appearance… well, I
thought you were relatives.”
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “Hall is a common surname and I won’t necessarily know everyone.” It
was like the old kings. Who knew how many people in China were related to them?
The fourth prince was puzzled. “Who is Colin Hall?”
The third prince’s mouth curved and Xie Xi’s heart froze. Fortunately, he was still wary of
the second prince and changed his words. “A small guard. It is nothing.”
The second prince also smiled as he thought about how the small guard was his fiance and
Third Brother didn’t know. Then he felt pity and couldn’t bear to scold the third prince as
usual. He said, “Let’s go and taste the craft of our sister-in-law.”
Xie Xi’s tail shook and he nearly fell to the ground.
The fourth prince supported him and scolded the second prince, “Second Brother, don’t say
this. He is shy.”
The second prince smiled gently. “He will be our family member in the future. There is no
need to act as an outsider.”
Xie Xi smiled and didn’t dare look at him.
He knew that these two people would come and worked hard on the food. He used every
effort to make the knife skills different from before under the premise that he couldn’t
humiliate the fourth prince while not letting the second and third princes discover that he
was Colin.
His hard work paid off and Comrade Xie Xi continued to save himself!
During the meal, the two princes asked how the fourth prince and Xie Xi met.
The fourth prince had a good relationship with his two brothers and told them. They
nodded with relief and sent their own blessings.
The fourth prince was quite surprised. Normally Second and Third Brother bickered when
together and it wouldn’t be strange if they drew swords against each other. How were they
so pleasant today?
Xie Xi vaguely guessed that the two people were feeling complacent!
The second prince felt that he was going to marry Colin and felt pity for his stupid brother.
The third prince felt that he was about to marry Colin and decided to forgive his
incompetent brother.
Xie Xi didn’t dare pray. He was afraid that Colin Hall would be killed by his own poisonous
Halfway through the meal, the fourth prince spoke about what happened today. “You know,
Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother captured the Haiqiu state teacher and used him to resurrect
a person.”
The second prince wondered, “Is it the small guard?”
The third prince sneered. “Messing around.”
Xie Xi silently spat in his heart, ‘What right do you have to say that other people are
messing around?’
The fourth prince opened his mouth. “The rare thing is that Oldest Brother is also involved.
Big Brother also likes that person.”
The two princes were stunned. “Big Brother… likes someone?”
“Yes.” The fourth prince explained, “One of the conditions of resurrection is the blood of
three people who love the person deeply. Big Brother’s blood successfully launched the
Fortunately, Roast Pork Bun was acting as lookout or he would definitely say, “Your blood
will also activate it.”
The second prince’s eyes were full of surprise. “Impossible, even if Big Brother doesn’t have
the emotional problem, will he rush to grab the person that Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother
like?” The third prince sneered. “What a disgrace. Three princes going after a small
Xie Xi, “…” You are also going after one.
The fourth prince added, “The child seems to be stimulated and won’t see anyone. I’m not
very clear about the specific situation.”
The second prince said, “We can’t help these personal matters. We can only watch their
“Yes.” The fourth prince’s hand covered the back of Xie Xi’s hand. “Yes, watch fate.”
The second and third princes needed in a synchronized manner. Yes, it was fate that
allowed him to be with Colin.
Xie Xi felt very complicated after hearing this. If they knew the truth, it was estimated that
ten lives wouldn’t be enough!
The end of lunch approached and Xie Xi let out a breath as he thought he had escaped.
Who knew that there was a problem with Roast Pork Bun?
The kitten yelled, “Daddy, Daddy! The eldest prince came. He is four or five metres away
from entering the room!”
Xie Xi, “!”
The kitten hurriedly cried, “I have been watching serious but he suddenly appeared. It
seems that he hid his breath and I couldn’t feel him.”
Xie Xi expected a surprise attack from 1, 5 and 6 but he didn’t expect the eldest prince to
hid his breath and get so close.
What should he do? Four or five metres away, even if he rushed over now, it would be too
The fourth prince noticed his strangeness. “What happened?”
Xie Xi told him in an embarrassed manner, “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.”
The fourth prince smiled and said, “Go ahead.”
Xie Xi used his fastest speed to swim to the bathroom. Roast Pork Bun was still screaming,
“He is almost here and is going to open the door.”
It was too late… it was definitely too late…
The eldest prince would find he wasn’t there and would…
It was going to be a big deal! Xie Xi took a deep breath and summoned X’s body.
“Can you move in an instant?”
Jiang Xie was afraid there was an accident and felt anxious. Unfortunately, he had to
pretend to have facial paralysis. “Yes.”
Xie Xi ordered him, “Take me to the elf.”
Jiang Xie picked him up and instantly appeared in Sein’s bedroom. Xie Xi didn’t think too
much and lay down to sleep. He took the puppet. “Hide yourself.”
Then the door pushed open and the eldest prince entered. Xie Xi didn’t bother to look at X
and hurriedly closed his eyes.
Jiang Xie left the room and told something to the kitten.
Roast Pork Bun wanted to talk but Jiang Xie covered his small mouth. “Don’t let him hear.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 71
Lost Atlantis (End)

Roast Pork Bun’s eyes were shining.

Jiang Xie asked him, “Do you remember?”
Roast Pork Bun repeatedly nodded. ‘This handsome big brother was so powerful. His voice
directly rings in my head!’
Jiang Xie reminded again, “Don’t tell him I said it.”
Roast Pork Bun didn’t understand. Why? This handsome brother was helping his daddy.
Jiang Xie paused before speaking nonsense. “This is called good deeds don’t leave a name.”
So cool! Roast Pork Bun suddenly became a fan, oh wait, he was a cat.
Xie Xi didn’t know there was a person outside with the cat. His heart was still thumping.
This was too exciting and he might die on the spot.
There shouldn’t be a problem, right? He was in place and also dismissed Camouflage. He
was no using his own face. Camouflage was powerful and had an instant release. As long as
he remembered, there wouldn’t be any delay.
Only the eldest prince came. He deliberately concealed his breath to avoid the fifth and
sixth princes, not because of Roast Pork Bun.
This was an opportunity! Xie Xi decided to start.
The fourth prince was still waiting for him but he had locked the bathroom door and
pretended his stomach was uncomfortable. He should be able to delay for around 10
minutes or so.
This opponent was rare and he needed to fight for it in order to not have a long night of
dreaming! It was a good thing to be able to handle the eldest prince and possibly gain a
large amount of experience.
Xie Xi felt nervous. There was an unpredictable feeling like there was a big pit behind him.
The task must be completed as soon as possible, so that the day of dancing on the wire rope
is so difficult that he must be quick, or he will surely fall into mud.
Xie Xi’s emotion brewed a bit as he felt the eldest prince watching him. He frowned and his
eyeballs under his eyelids moved, showing the appearance that he was dreaming.
The eldest prince was a bit further away because he was afraid to wake up Sein.
Xie Xi certainly wouldn’t wake up. He cocked his ears and listened to the movements. After
he noticed that the eldest prince had retreated a bit, he whispered a name.
It was a very light murmur, as if he was far away from the world.
The eldest prince heard it clearly. Sein called his name in the dream.
Xie Xi feared that the eldest prince didn’t hear it and repeated it again. It was still very low
but contained a different type of tenderness and attachment, like he was calling a lover.
The eldest prince was stunned.
Xie Xi’s eyes were closed but he could see the progress bar on the bottom right. The black
progress bar rose from 16.61 to 16.62, 16.63, 16.64, 16.65, 16.66…
The rising figure caused Xie Xi’s heart to rise to his throat.
It was so fast and would almost be full!
Xie Xi couldn’t remember the ‘past life.’ This was too much trouble and would stimulate the
fifth and sixth princes. However, he could take advantage of the ‘previous’ life to call
Randy’s name in his dream. This was enough to ignite the infinite imagination.
Randy really thought a lot.
He was quite sure that he had no intersection with the Sein in front of him. Speaking the
name of a prince was taboo at the bottom of the sea. In the strict hierarchical kingdom,
ordinary people had no courage to call out these names.
Now Sein called the eldest prince’s name and spoke it in a voice full of affection and
He was truly Sein Hall, Randy’s Sein Hall. Did he have memories of the past as well? No… it
shouldn’t be there before but it was different after being resurrected.
Was it because of Randy’s blood? He loved Sein in the past so Sein also recovered his
former self? Once Sein woke up, he was confused because he had vague memories of his
past life. Thus, he wasn’t clear where he was or who he was?
This might be too good. The eldest prince’s heart beat quickly and he couldn’t help
approaching Xie Xi.
Xie Xi listened intently and once he noticed that the prince was approaching, he suddenly
opened his eyes.
The two of them stared at each other.
Xie Xi didn’t blink as a sweet smile appeared on his face and his slightly curved eyes filled
with affection. He seemed to have just woken up and saw his beloved lover, making him
pour out all his love without reservation.
The eldest prince seemed to have returned to his dream where he saw the young master
wearing luxurious clothing, leaning against his arm and smiling at him.
Sein really remembered it. He was truly Sein Hall. His young master, his lover.
Xie Xi couldn’t hold it anymore. He saw the black progress bar rushing to 16.66..% and
immediately woke up. The sweetness in his eyes disappeared and he looked at the man in
front of him with fear.
The eldest prince was stunned.
Xie Xi retreated backwards and shrank into a corner of the wall. He looked at the person in
front of him with fearful eyes, nerves tense to the limit, as if he was going to break in the
next moment.
This was tantamount to sprinkling salt on Randy’s heart. “Don’t be afraid. It’s fine, I…”
Xie Xi shrank back even more. He closed his eyes tightly and trembled, his fear reaching the
It was like when he saw the fifth and sixth princes after the resurrection.
The words of the fourth prince poured into the mind of the eldest prince. The eldest prince
was too distressed at the pain and hurriedly said, “You have a good rest. I will leave so don’t
be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”
It was a pity that Xie Xi couldn’t hear anything. He kept desperately shrinking back as he
tried to hide himself in the wall.
This acting… unfortunately, there wasn’t an audience or they would’ve surely clapped and
given him 100% approval.
Thus, people grew up.
Look at Classmate Xie Xi who grew from a 19 year old innocent little brother to a slag fish.
After the eldest prince left, Xie Xi stayed a bit longer for safety reasons.
Roast Pork Bun flew in. “It was very dangerous. Fortunately, there was a handsome person
to help.”
Xie Xi only remembered it now. “He’s gone?”
X’s puppet would disappear after three minutes.
Roast Pork Bun shouted, “He disappeared with a whoosh!”
Xie Xi nodded but felt some doubts in his house. He told the puppet to send him to the elf’s
side. Roast Pork Bun was outside the room and he thought he would move there before
going inside the house. The speed of the puppet was sure to make it in time. Unexpectedly,
the puppet actually sent him directly into the room and even on the bed…
Xie Xi hadn’t spoken so precisely. How did the puppet know?
How did the puppet know his bed?
Time was tight and he didn’t have too much time to think. Now he felt that something was
Roast Pork Bun felt anxious that his daddy would catch on and quickly stated, “Daddy, we
only have four princes left.” (TL: There was a line in Chapter 69 about the fifth prince’s bar
becoming full. If you read it early i.e. within one hour of release, you might’ve missed it)
Roast Pork Bun could also see the progress bar.
It was rare that this little guy was willing to use his brain. Xie Xi told him, “There is just a bit
left. It will probably become full as soon as I marry him.”
His Camouflage had ten days left. As long as he rushed to marry the fourth prince within
this time limit, there shouldn’t be any problems.
However, Xie Xi thought he would become bald at the thought of dragging out the other five
people for ten days.
Roast Pork Bun suggested, “Maybe you don’t have to get married?”
Roast Pork Bun said, “If it is me, I would be very happy if Daddy gives me a woolen ball.”
Roast Pork Bun liked round things, especially a woolen ball. However, the ball couldn’t be
hidden. If Roast Pork Bun played with the ball, the sight of a ball rolling around would be
seen by others. This image was too scary so Xie Xi didn’t dare let him play.
His words inspired Xie Xi.
He might be pedalling six boats and collected the love of six people but in fact, Xie Xi didn’t
understand the matter of falling in love.
He didn’t think much. The six princes loved him to death and his daily worries were about
not overturning the boat instead of how to make them happy.
This wasn’t a normal love pattern so Xie Xi didn’t think about a normal relationship.
How should he talk about love? Xie Xi had an idea. Perhaps he could send the fourth prince
something he liked. This would make the fourth prince happy while showing his love. Could
it make the last bit of progress full?
It was a lot easier than getting married and would save time!
The thing he was lacking most right now was time. Every minute and second was risky.
He didn’t know how long he could hide things. The sooner this finished, the better.
Xie Xi pondered on it. “It makes sense. I’ll check what the fourth prince likes later.”
It might not be found but he would try it first. If it wasn’t possible, he would change into a
reserve face with a higher authority to check.
Of course, now he had to go back. The fourth prince was still waiting for him!
Xie Xi couldn’t teleport this time and could only run back himself. Fortunately, he was very
familiar with the guard’s quarters and managed to reach Jesse’ residence in the shortest
Roast Pork Bun was still on standby as a lookout for Sein. He would watch the movements
of the princes at any time in order to call Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s heart was full of doubts towards X’s puppet and he also wondered what the fourth
prince liked. Suddenly, he stopped…
Roast Pork Bun wasn’t familiar with the world. How could he suddenly put forward a
constructive proposal?
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about the puppet again.
No, was it just a puppet?
Xie Xi thought about what he did to the puppet and his heart started thumping.
—X was a pervert. What would happen if he offended a pervert?
He was too busy thinking about this and Roast Pork Bun’s big eyes weren’t present. Thus,
he didn’t realize that his whereabouts were seen by two other people.
The third prince wondered, “Isn’t that Fourth Brother’s sweetheart?”
The second prince also saw Xie Xi and raised his eyebrows. “It seems that our young sister-
in-law isn’t simple.’
They had something to do and temporarily left while Jesse was in the bathroom. They
weren’t able to say goodbye and spoke to the fourth prince before coming out together.
Who would’ve expected to see Jesse Hall hastily rushing back?
He wasn’t in the bathroom? Why did he run outside?
The third prince instantly said, “I will go tell Fourth Brother.”
The second prince stopped him. “Don’t be hasty. Fourth Brother is fascinated by him and
how could he listen to our words? Wait and I’ll check the details.”
The third prince calmed down and also said, “I’ll check it out as well.” He wanted to see
what this little bodyguard is doing and if he was playing with his Fourth Brother’s feelings.
Xie Xi had no idea that his backyard was on fire. He returned to his residence and the fourth
prince asked about his health.
Xie Xi told him, “I might’ve eaten something bad. If it’s fine, I will take a break.”
“I’ll get you some medicine. Eat it and you will be fine.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, I have regular medicine and just took it.”
The fourth prince told him, “Okay, go to rest. I will clean up here.”
Xie Xi didn’t push back.
The fourth prince and Xie Xi quickly changed shifts with Roast Pork Bun. He hurried to
Sein’s residence because he was afraid that the fourth and fifth princes would come to see
Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the fifth and sixth princes come.
Xie Xi treated them the same and sent them away with skillful acting.
After taking care of this wave, Xie Xi had time to check what the fourth prince liked.
The investigation allowed him to find out something.
The fourth prince actually liked roses…
An underwater fish liked a flower from land!
However, there were real roses under the sea. The seabed people had a deep curiosity
about the land. Just as the land people liked coral pearls, the underwater people were
interested in land plants.
People would study things as long as someone liked it.
On the land, roses were very common and often climbed up walls. They were beautiful but
not precious. Now this thing was a luxury under the sea.
If a merperson wanted to keep a rose flower under the water, the price paid wasn’t small.
First, there needed to be a pressure-resistant shield and an air circulator. Not to mention,
there wasn’t sunlight in the deep midnight sea.
Roses weren’t worth the money. This set of equipment was expensive to kill someone.
Xie Xi thought about it and decided to buy it!
Such a rose flower was equivalent to a globally limited watch worth millions.
The other person was a prince but Xie Xi was a small guard. Spending such a big fortune to
give the prince a gift would surely move him!
Xie Xi’s arrangement of his identity was well down. He mortgaged his house and managed
to afford his potted flower.
Of course, he didn’t have time to go through these procedures and could only use the
reserve face to rob the rich.
Xie Xi didn’t know that his first layer of cover had been ripped off!
The third prince didn’t know that he would really be shocked by the check.
He stared into the palace’s surveillance and stared at Jesse Hall. He found that this kid came
out of Sein Hall’s residence!
As for how he got in there… the surveillance didn’t catch it.
Soon, Jesse Hall entered Sein Hall’s room against. Then Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother
entered. After they left again, Jesse Hall unexpectedly came out and returned to his own
The second prince also saw this and the two brothers stared at each other with shock.
What the hell was going on?
Jesse Hall and Sein Hall were the same person?
Big Brother, Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother liked the same person?
The more exaggerated thing was that Jesse Hall accepted Fourth Brother’s proposal and
they were about to get married?
It was such a fantasy that neither of them could believe it.
Xie Xi couldn’t prevent this. In fact, he used the reserve face to tamper with the monitors
but he had no experience. He wasn’t skilled in these things and couldn’t turn off all the
Not to mention that the third prince was the commander of the guards. He had his own
system to protect the palace. Xie Xi could change his face but he wasn’t a professional. How
could he clear everything?
In fact, if the third prince hadn’t become suspicious then he wouldn’t have gone to look at
the surveillance of the guard’s quarters. Who cared about what these little guards did?
The third prince opened his mouth. “We have to tell Fourth Brother.”
The second prince added, “We also need to tell Big Brother, Fifth Brother and Sixth
“So…” The third prince’s eyes narrowed. “We will call Big Brother, Fifth Brother and Sixth
Brother together to directly tear off his face and reveal his true identity.”
The monitoring couldn’t explain the problem. Since this person had the ability to bewitch
four princes, he must be somewhat capable. They couldn’t give him a chance to retreat, so
that the four people obsessed with him could wake up!
If time could be reversed, who knew how much the third prince would want to kill his
current self…
Xie Xi managed to buy a precious rose flower. It was a particularly pure and clean white.
This colour had been carefully selected by Xie Xi. The fourth prince’s progress bar was
white so didn’t this mean he fit the colour?
The meaning of the white rose was very beautiful. It represented pure love.
Xie Xi felt that he wasn’t pure at all but the fourth prince was very pure. The fourth prince
was worthy of this white rose!
Xie Xi didn’t dare waste any time and took the white rose to find the fourth prince.
It should work. The last bit of progress…
The fourth prince should like it.
Xie Xi felt nervous and a bit of panic but there should be nothing wrong…
The progress bar was very stable. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 had become green. Only the fourth
prince’s white bar wasn’t full.
There should be no problem!
Xie Xi entered the fourth prince’s palace.
The fourth prince saw him come over and was very happy. “Why did you suddenly come…”
He stopped as he saw the white rose in Xie Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi thought that he was about to leave this world and inevitably felt a bit excited. “We
are engaged and I didn’t know what to send you. I saw this white rose and thought Your
Highness would like it.”
The fourth prince loved it. He was born with special emotions towards roses and his liking
was embedded deep into his bones.
It was just that the bottom of the sea wasn’t suitable for the growth of roses. Thus, even if
he liked it, he never bought one.
Now Jesse gave him a beautiful white rose. He said they were engaged and he wanted to
give a present.
He bought a beautiful white rose that represented pure love.
The fourth prince’s heart beat faster as he took the white rose. He seemed to be touching
the pure heart of the person in front of him.
Xie Xi saw the white progress bar flashing and nervously bit his lower lip.
“Fourth Brother!” Then the third prince’s shout was heard. “Don’t be fooled by his lies. He
isn’t Jesse Hall!”
Xie Xi was shocked and turned to see five princes standing by the door.
Eldest prince Randy, second prince Aix-en, third prince Gars, fifth prince Randall and sixth
prince Sirius.
What was going on?
Xie Xi’s head was blank for a moment.
The third prince sneered. “You are Sein Hall!”
As his firm words were heard, Xie Xi saw a prompt in the lower right corner.
[The original face has been detected and Camouflage has failed.]
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “???”
This damn Camouflage failed? It would fail when detected?
Finished… it was the end…
As a result, Xie Xi switched to Colin Hall’s face.
He couldn’t turn into Sein Hall. 1, 5 and 6 were already suspicious. If they saw Sein Hall’s
face, the progress would definitely drop.
He couldn’t switch to other reserve faces because he had his back to the fourth prince. If his
clothes changed, it would be too late to gain the fourth prince’s progress!
Therefore, he could only switch to Colin Hall, who was a guard and had a similar body
As for the second and third prince, they were so shocked when they saw their lover’s face
that they couldn’t think.
This moment was Xie Xi’s only chance.
He silenced the second and third princes and kept his back to the fourth prince, his
shoulders trembling. “I’m sorry…”
At this critical and final moment, he would either be torn apart or ascend to heaven. Xie Xi
showed incomparably superb acting with his voice and back.
“I’m sorry Your Highness. I have kept many things from you but I have never lied to you. I
want to be with you but I have no chance. If there is an afterlife, I hope to meet you again.”
The moment he finished speaking, Xie Xi jumped and opened the distance. He triggered the
water bomb that he had carried with him in case he needed to die.
Xie Xi emitted a dazzling light and was blown up, leaving not even traces of bones behind.
He looked at the progress bar blankly, waiting for the final white bar.
If it turned green, he could leave the world. If it didn’t change, he would die.
Fortunately, he seized his last chance and didn’t give anyone time to think.
[Congratulations, the S+ quasi-world Lost Atlantis has been cleared.]

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GL: Chapter 72

It was over.
Xie Xi felt like a century had passed. His body and mind were exhausted.
Main Task: Collect the love of the six princes.
Side Task: Collect 1 million tons of rubbish.
They were both done. If these were really the core tasks, the world would be cleared.
Clearing the world was good because he didn’t have to worry about coming back to the
By the way, what would happen to them?
Xie Xi thought about the last scene and his scalp became numb. He was completely exposed
and all princes must be going crazy.
He skillfully used shock to make them lose their ability to think. He used the ‘sad’
confession to get the love of the fourth prince but this was only temporary.
He couldn’t imagine what would happen after he left and the princes calmed down.
Sein Hall, Colin Hall and Jesse Hall were all one person.
They loved the same merman.
In particular, the second and third prince knew that Colin Hall had agreed to marry both of
them, would soon marry the fourth prince and even played their oldest brother, their fifth
brother and their sixth brother.
Xie Xi, “…”
Fortunately, he would never return to that world or it wouldn’t be as simple as being torn
However, he was very ashamed. Thinking carefully, the six princes of this world were much
better than the three psychopaths of Love to the Left or Right.
The eldest prince was conscientious but trapped by his previous life.
The second prince was devoted to the people and as the finance minister, he was very
stingy but also cute.
The third prince was grumpy but in fact, he had a soft heart. No one around him was afraid
of him and sincerely respected him.
The fourth prince had a kind heart. In order to help the merpeople, he took medicine every
day. The fifth prince was the simplest but also the most sensitive and passionate. The art of
creation brought unparalleled brightness to the dark sea floor.
The sixth prince didn’t have the love of his father and went through a bad childhood.
However, he didn’t have a bad heart and even sacrificed himself for his father’s decision.
Xie Xi was distressed by them but unfortunately, this damn task forced him to be a slag
He couldn’t help thinking of the last scene…
Xie Xi thought it was really tragic.
He was miserable and the six princes were even worse!
He had already reached the Central World and felt some discomfort. This time in extremely
bright light gave people the illusion of being in the darkness for a moment.
Whether it was too bright or too dark, things couldn’t be seen clearly.
Xie Xi slowed down and finally adapted to the light.
He was no longer a newcomer and wouldn’t stay in the beam in a confused manner. He
came out and walked straight to the water curtain.
First, look at the task reward. It was an S+ grade quasi-world. If the reward was poor, he
would kill X!
Xie Xi had just reached the water curtain when he saw a big line of words.
[Announcement: S+ quasi-world ‘Lost Atlantis’ has been cleared. The designer: X. The
person who cleared it: Anonymous. The world’s story is on the shelves and you are
welcome to buy it.]
The news emerged and the people in front of the water curtain immediately made a fuss.
“What a surprise, an S+ quasi-world! It is God X again!”
“I remember that a novice cleared an S-grade world a while ago? Why is there another
“It can’t be the same person…”
“Impossible! A newcomer can clear the S-grade novice trial with luck but I don’t believe
they can clear an S+ quasi-world.”
“This person is also very strong. An S+ quasi world, they must have luck and strength.”
Once he heard the word ‘luck’, the legendary emperor of luck Xie Xi was expressionless.
He would be grateful if someone took away this ‘luck.’
The thing that made Xie Xi more speechless was the open purchase of the world’s story. If
this was displayed on the water curtain, it would be tantamount to a public execution!
Why was there the brain-dead setting of the world’s plot being announced? This type of
broken plot, it was a waste of money to buy it!
Apart from showing that the designer was insane, what nutritional value was there?
Xie Xi thought about it and his brain hurt.
To his surprise, another line of words appeared on the water curtain.
[Announcement: The Lost Atlantis world plot has been bought out by X. It isn’t available on
the shelves to be bought.]
Xie Xi, “???”
The people around him screamed. “Why buy it out? The world is cleared and it is
impossible to enter it again. There is no need to buy it out to study it alone. Besides, X is the
designer. What is he doing buying it out? What a big person, wasting money!”
“Yes, the sales of a world’s plot are good and won’t the designer receive a huge
“God X doesn’t need money!”
“The problem is that not only does he not receive the commission, he also paid money to
buy it out. If I remember correctly, the cost of buying it out is equivalent to a purple skill.”
There was silence at these words, followed by a simultaneous,
“I don’t understand the world of local tyrants!”
Xie Xi sighed with relief that it would be made public. However, he had done too many
things in Atlantis and wisely didn’t attract the eyes of the crowd.
Despite this, Xie Xi didn’t feel appreciation towards X.
X definitely bought it out for his own sake. He designed this broken plot which had no value
apart from making people think there was a problem with his brain!
Once the world plot became public, the one who received the most damage would
definitely be X. Xie Xi was anonymous and no one knew it was him.
X wasn’t the same. A designer couldn’t be anonymous. Thus, Xie Xi didn’t feel grateful for X
spending money to save face.
Then a third line of words appeared on the water curtain.
[Inviting the person who cleared Lost Atlantis to join Yunge.]
This was very familiar. Xie Xi had also seen it after clearing Love to the Left or Right.
Yunge spared no effort to snare ‘talent’ but Xie Xi didn’t want to join any organization.
He was tired and didn’t want to see anyone for a while.
Xie Xi finally opened his system panel.
The quasi-world column had the line: [The S+ quasi-world Lost Atlantis has been cleared.]
It turned out to be S+, which was harder than Love to the Left or Right. Then what about
the reward?
Xie Xi accepted the rewards.
There was a clatter and he gained 10,000 coins.
Xie Xi was stunned. He remembered that Love to the Left or Right only gave him 1,000
coins as a reward. Only the ‘+’ symbol was added yet the reward increased by 10 times? If
he selected the privilege to increase the reward money by 10 times…
Oh, forget it. Xie Xi’s level was too low and he had no place to spend money! Xie Xi saw
money as dung and was more curious about the special reward. There was a special reward
for completely any quasi-world S-grade and above.
In fact, this special reward wasn’t necessarily all good. Look at Comrade Old Jiang. He
received countless trash from the special rewards.
For example, the ability to see the goodwill see of all players below the intermediate level
(this might be broken. Otherwise, how could it show a value of -444?). Another example
was the ability to become handsome for a second. Forget the fact that he was already
handsome. If he wasn’t handsome, what was the point of becoming handsome for one
second? There was also the golden elf egg, which was known for being worthless apart
from being sold…
Of course, those without luck and the emperor of luck were different species.
Our Xiao Xie’s luck wasn’t the same.
[Congratulations, you have obtained a passive skill that will allow you to randomly take
away one item after clearing a world.]
Xie Xi frowned and looked at it. For the time being, he didn’t feel anything special about this
skill but it was much better than calling X’s body!
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment as he looked at the search for a new quasi-world button.
Did he want to search?
Stretching out his head or moving back his head, sooner or later he would have to face it!
The small funnel turned for a while before a subpage popped up. At the same time, he
received a message from X.
The message interface blocked the subpage and Xie Xi saw X’s words.
[Do you want to meet me?]
Xie Xi was expressionless. Who the hell wanted to see him?
Then Xie Xi saw the new quasi-world…
Forgive him. Anyone who saw this would explode with a curse!
[Quasi-world: Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas, the difficulty is unknown,
designer X, not challenged.]
Xie Xi stared at the words ‘Designer X’ and his head buzzed. Why was it X’s world again?
After coming to this damn place, he searched three times in total and they were all X’s
worlds! Was this a matter of luck? It was a curse!
Then X sent him another message. [Do you want to know what happens after you leave the
Xie Xi replied: [God X, how do I meet you?]
He wanted to see X and figure out his details before finding a way to kill him!
Jiang Xie looked at the blood red goodwill and said: [I will send you an invitation. Accept
and you will be transmitted over.]
Xie Xi: [Okay.]
There is a “^_^” behind it.
Jiang Xie clearly felt what it meant by a murderous smile.

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GL: Chapter 73

Xie Xi received the invitation and once he accepted, he instantly changed his location.
He had gone to a few quasi-worlds so the sudden change didn’t fluster him.
Xie Xi calmed down and looked up.
The scenery was completely different from his imagination. There wasn’t even a house
here. It was just an endless sea of flowers. The white rose flowers were like clouds of
heaven, a cluster of dreams…
He had to admit that it was beautiful.
Xie Xi didn’t have too much of a concept about beauty and ugliness but he had a normal
aesthetic regarding other affairs.
He liked the feeling of standing here, his mind clear and refreshed. It was as if all his
tiredness and troubles had gone with the swaying white roses.
He felt less annoyed when he saw the man with different coloured eyes not far away.
Oh, this sentiment lasted for three seconds. After that… it really ruined all these beautiful
Xie Xi’s spirit returned and the dislike in his heart quickly turned into numbers flying out.
How could X plant so many white roses?
White roses represented pure love. How could this crazy pervert know what was pure?
No! He didn’t understand love!
Xie Xi smiled, his voice polite and courteous. “Hello God X.”
Jiang Xie’s heart trembled as a red rain poured towards him. The taste of ice and fire were
proportionate in his eyes.
Jiang Xie spoke his name.
Xie Xi stared blankly. “Zombie?” (TL: Xie Xi uses the characters Jiant Xie that mean zombie
instead of the characters that actually make up his name.)
They were the two worst homonyms that Xie Xi thought of.
It was hard to hear and worse than the stupid Fork.
Jiang Xie didn’t need to read Xie Xi’s mind to know what he was thinking and explained,
“The river bearing spring will pass away, the moon declining over the pool will slant west.”
(Jiang = river. The character used in this poem and Xie= slant)
This poem was familiar. It was Zhang Ruoxu’s A Moonlit Night on the Spring River.
Xie Xi finally knew it was river slant, not zombie but so what? He was still a silly fork
Jiang Xie had long known Xie Xi’s name and there was no need to introduce it. Xie Xi was
more curious about something else. “God X, are you a human?”
Ever since experiencing the Fairy Tale Town world, Xie Xi knew that players who were
selected by the Central Committee weren’t all humans. For example, Aaron was a dragon.
Zhong Jin looked human but since he was Aaron’s friend, who knew what species he
actually was.
This wasn’t difficult to understand. If all the games were new worlds about to become
independent, the selected people must come from thousands of world. Forget other worlds,
the universe where Xie Xi existed might not only contain humans. It might have other
intelligent creatures.
Jiang Xie deliberately circumvented the topic because he was a bit distant from the child.
The good feelings kept falling and he was afraid that this goodwill value would become a
hatred value.
Although the current -444 was very similar to a hatred value.
“Come this way.” Jiang Xie moved sideways and Xie Xi saw a little pavilion in the garden. Xie
Xi couldn’t help thinking about Love to the Left or Right. Randy often took him to the
pavilion for afternoon tea.
The style wasn’t the same. The pavilion in the quasi-world was more grounded while the
one here was airy like clouds.
Xie Xi followed and sat in a soft wide-back chair.
Jiang Xie leaned over and poured tea for him.
Xie Xi instantly saw the shadow of the housekeeper Randy…
Jiang Xie glanced at him and suddenly said, “Young Master, please drink the tea.”
Xie Xi instantly stiffened and his eyes slightly widened. The result was that -1, -1, -1, -1…
flew towards the -444.
Jiang Xie honestly changed the topic. “I am human. In theory, we are homologous.”
These words really diverted Jiang Xie’s attention. Xie Xi was really scared but he soon
remembered the matter regarding the world plot. Jiang Xie must’ve seen it and knew what
Xie Xi experienced.
The young master was playing a trick on him. Xie Xi was in a fit of rage and Jiang Xie had a
wave of negative numbers.
Poor Old Jiang his ‘world shaken’ countless times and was now a true iron plate!
“We might have the same origin,” Jiang Xie hastened to save the precarious goodwill. “But it
is a parallel world.”
Xie Xi still wanted to know things and temporarily closed his prejudice. He asked, “Does it
mean our worlds aren’t the same?”
“You don’t need to use honorifics.” Jiang Xie continued. “In fact, as long as the timeline is
different, it can be understood as a different world. Your world and mine belong in the
same framework and are homologous worlds but the designer is different. There are
difference clearance tasks and after the world became independent, it went in a different
path. Thus, they became different worlds.”
Xie Xi was startled and couldn’t help taking a breath. “The designer is different?” The ‘real’
world where he lived was also designed!
Jiang Xie continued, “After a world is cleared, all independent worlds are real. You don’t
have to doubt this.”
Xie Xi’s spirit returned and he asked, “All the worlds are designed? After they are cleared,
the Central Government selects players from the independent world to clear new quasi-
It sounded like a loop.
Designers created a quasi-world where collectors, explorers and recorders entered to
complete tasks. They either discovered, collected, recorded or even tested quasi-world
problems. Once the clearance task was complete, it would become a new world.
In the process, a large number of players was bound to be eliminated. Then the Central
Government would select new players from the worlds and things would be repeated.
Xie Xi couldn’t imagine that his own world was designed. Who designed such a huge, logical
and sophisticated world?
Oh… Lost Atlantis was also magnificent and logical.
Thanks to this, Xie Xi instantly lost his curiosity about the ‘creator god’ of his own world.
Xie Xi’s mind moved and he asked, “The Central Government is also designed?”
Jiang Xie praised him and guided him, “Who knows? Maybe we are in a quasi-world and an
existence we don’t understand is trying to complete the clearance task here.”
Xie Xi was shaken.
It was quite possible, like a Russian doll. This might seem like the whole world but it was
actually covered with layers and layers…
It was ridiculous and very small, so small that the meaning of their own existence couldn’t
be found.
Jiang Xie told him, “This question can be considered but don’t question your own
What if he questioned it?
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at him and wondered earnestly, “If you deny your existence,
will you disappear?”
Jiang Xie replied very firmly. “No.”
Xie Xi was sensitive and referred to the first half of his words. “You mean, no one will deny
their existence?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Right.” This child was really smart.
No one could really deny their existence because once negated, their existence itself
became a paradox.
Negation didn’t exist because once it existed, it couldn’t be denied.
The truth of oneself couldn’t be denied so there was no need to ask questions about
Jiang Xie spoke again, “You can’t deny it but you can question. The doubts will blur many
things. What you need to do is to firmly believe in yourself.”
Xie Xi felt thoughtful.
He spoke these questions but they were difficult to see through. He needed more
experience and time to gather to his own truth.
Xie Xi still had doubts in his heart. “Why was I chosen?”
It was estimated that everyone who came to the Central World would be curious about this.
Why did he become a player, why did he leave the original world and why come to the
Central World which was the upper layer of the Russian doll?
Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed and there was some distress in his voice. “It is because in your
world, no one needed you…”
Xie Xi froze as cold moved from the soles of his feet straight up to his chest cavity.
In his world, no one needed him anymore.
Yes, his mother Xie Su was pregnant. She had a new child and a new family. He was just a
Jiang Xie’s low voice continued. “…And you aren’t tied to the world.”
Xie Xi understood.
His only tie in that world was Xie Su.
He hated her and complained about her but he still loved her.
This was his mother, his only relative.
Xie Su was pregnant and gave up on him completely. He knew that his mother had a new
life and finally let go.
The only tie was broken so he came here.
He was stunned but there weren’t many emotions on his face. This quiet appearance was
extra painful.
Jiang Xie didn’t know what Xie Xi had experienced in his own world but he could see the
soft heart under Xie Xi’s lonely appearance.
Even if he was abandoned, even if he only had himself, he was still strong.
“Very good.” Xie Xi sighed with relief. “It is good that I came here.”
He wasn’t depressed for too long.
He wasn’t surprised that Xie Su gave up on him. He also gave up on her and they didn’t owe
each other anything.
There were no ties so it was good that he came to the Central World to start a new life.
Well, it would be better if he didn’t encounter X!
Jiang. life teacher. Xie found it wasn’t easy to rely on his mouth to add some goodwill as he
lost points again…
It definitely must be broken. What a trash skill.
Xie Xi cheered up and had a new question. “God X, what happened to the princes after I
cleared the world?”
He wanted to know but after thinking about the last scene, he felt he wasn’t qualified to ask.
Jiang Xie pondered a bit before saying good things. “You don’t have to worry about it. It
won’t happen again.”
Xie Xi wasn’t worried. Such a thing happened because of X’s perverted design!
Xie Xi didn’t say this but Jiang Xie could guess from the falling goodwill.
He cleared his throat and explained himself. “The quasi-world might be my design but I
don’t know what the clearance task it. Even without the Quasi-World Protection Law, it is
impossible to know because the clearance task isn’t fixed. It will change depending on the
world situation.”
Xie Xi inwardly sneered but there was a smile on his face. “Then I got this task because of
my own reasons?”
Jiang Xie naturally didn’t dare say it was because of Xie Xi and took the initiative to reveal
the truth. “It is my reason.”
Xie Xi’s teeth itched. “The designer is able to interfere with the clearance task?” This big
Jiang Xie coughed. “If my soul still remains in the quasi-world, they will affect the clearance
Xie Xi didn’t understand this. Why did the six princes want him to pedal six boats? None of
them looked like fish who wanted to be cheated on!
Jiang Xie explained in detail. “You can understand it as after entering the quasi-world, my
souls woke up. They are essentially the creator and one of the factors in the quasi-world
that isn’t independent. The clearance task is affected by them. Once they are satisfied, the
world can become independent.”
Xie Xi still didn’t understand. “They are satisfied by me pedalling six boats?
Jiang Xie replied, “What if all of them want to become close to you?”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie was cautious. “They see you and want to become close to you. Everyone’s will is
very strong and joined together to become…” Collect the love of six princes.
Jiang Xie emphasized it. “If someone else entered the world, the task they would receive
definitely wouldn’t be like this.”
In fact, no one else could enter but he worked hard to clarify this. “The essence of Lost
Atlantis is a quasi-world that explores the themes of racial integration, sea and land co-
existence, environmental protection and art without borders.”
The tasks were all profound and serious but became love obsessed since Xie Xi arrived.
Xie Xi, “……………………………………”
So it was really his own reason?
Xie Xi’s fake smile became tense and he asked, “Why do your souls want to be close to me?”
Jiang Xie replied calmly, “It was probably love at first sight.”

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GL: Chapter 74
My World

Xie Xi couldn’t laugh at all. Sure enough, Comrade Jiang Xie didn’t deserve even a fake smile.
Xie Xi’s expression was blank. “Please don’t joke around.”
He gritted his teeth through the polite words.
Jiang Xie stared at him and quietly asked, “Do you think I’m joking?”
Xie Xi, “…”
“I said before that we are fated. This isn’t empty talk. We have a really high compatibility.”
Xie Xi didn’t feel it at all and wanted to smash this person.
Jiang Xie had to change the topic a bit more. “The situation in the Central World isn’t
optimistic and is facing the twilight period.”
He talked about business. Xie Xi didn’t know what he was doing and his attention was
dragged away.
Xie Xi asked, “Twilight period?”
Jiang Xie told him, “The Central World has been lacking designers lately. New quasi-worlds
can’t be born and the cycle is going wrong.”
“Why are designers scarce?”
Once Xie Xi understood the principles of the Central World, he could see that designers
were a vital part of the cycle.
Without them to design a new quasi-world, the collectors, explorers and recorders
wouldn’t be able to clear a world and there would be no new independent worlds.
If there were no new worlds, there would be no new players. After a bit more time, the
ending could be imagined.
Jiang Xie said, “The reason is unknown but the number of players who can become
designers is decreasing every year and existing designers are disappearing.”
This was a typical population problem. Older people died while the number of newborns
was decreasing. Finally, the population base shrunk dramatically.
Xie Xi didn’t think too much of Jiang Xie word ‘disappearing’ at this time. He thought it was
normal death. He might’ve come to the Central World but he had a limited life span and it
was impossible to live forever.
Xie Xi asked again, “Why are fewer players able to become designers?”
Jiang Xie spoke slowly. “Talent is needed to become a designer.”
Xie Xi waited for the following words. He didn’t expect Jiang Xie to say, “I don’t have talent. I
barely became a designer by being clever.”
It was estimated that the entire Central World would laugh if they heard this.
Of my god, what was this old joke. God X had no talent? Then who was talented in the
Central World? Look at the entire world. Which major organization didn’t want to obtain
God X?
Yunge’s top person had even ruthlessly declared that he would abdicate the moment God X
joined Yunge.
Now Jiang Xie said he had no talent. How many people’s faces would be swollen?
Xie Xi knew that God X was famous and said, “You have designed many worlds and their
level is high. How can you have no talent?”
Both worlds might’ve left him with a psychological shadow but they were actually very
Jiang Xie explained, “If I don’t put my souls into them, I can’t design a quasi-world at all.”
Xie Xi’s eyes slightly widened. “Then souls aren’t a necessity?”
He was strangely cute and Jiang Xie smiled. “Not everyone can peel off a part of their soul.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘Oh, it turned out to be a big pervert’s specialty.’
Jiang Xie patiently told him, “Every designer has a different method. I will strip off my soul
and let them build the quasi-world.”
It was like pinching a doll, everyone had different techniques. Xie Xi almost understood.
“That is also a type of talent.”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “No, this forced design of a quasi-world has a very large
Xie Xi vaguely felt there was a pit ahead of him but he still asked. “What is it?”
“My quasi-world doesn’t let anyone not acknowledged by my souls to enter.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie continued, “If no one enters, the world will always be fixed in the Central World
and will never become a truly independent world. Then what is the point of designing a
quasi-world? They are always dead.”
That’s why Jiang Xie said he had no talent.
He designed many quasi-worlds and the level was very high. This caused a sensation
whenever it was announced on the water curtain, making players shocked at his amazing
result. In fact, these quasi-worlds were worthless.
Quasi-worlds designed by players could be entered, inspected and tested by players. After
being cleared, it became an independent world. This was a complete cycle.
The quasi-worlds that X designed were very complete and beautiful. Unfortunately, no one
could enter them to clear them. If a quasi-world couldn’t become an independent world,
what was the use?
For example, someone built a gorgeous palace but the door was locked. No one had a key
and no one could enter. Then what was the point of the beauty and magnificence?
An uninhabited palace was just a decoration.
Jiang Xie saw that the other person was stunned and took advantage while it was hot.
“Fortunately, you came.”
Xie Xi opened the locked door so that Jiang Xie’s ‘palace’ finally had some value.
In the middle of the twilight period where designers were extremely scarce, Xie Xi’s
presence made Designer X meaningful. The worlds he designed were no longer dead but a
truly distinct and independent world.
It was Xie Xi who brought these worlds into the cycle and injected a new vitality into the
Central Government.
An old hand at something was an old hand. This profound and righteous trick of saving the
world raised things to -400. It wasn’t 444 so this was worth celebrating.
The next second, Xie Xi recaptured the main point. “Then only I can pass the worlds you
have designed?”
Jiang Xie replied, “…Yes.”
Hey, the -400 became -444 again. This was unscientific. It barely increased with so many
words, only to fall with one word!
Xie Xi’s mind worked faster as he thought of something more terrible. “In Lost Atlantis, are
the eldest prince, second prince and third prince really Randy, Aix-en and Gars from the
first world?”
Jiang Xie had a hunch that he would have to withstand a storm but he didn’t hide it. If it was
revealed in the future, it would probably fall even more fiercely. “Right.”
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised and cared more about something else. “Why did Randy have
memories of the last world?”
Jiang Xie paused but a dead pig didn’t fear scalding water. “It is because he can’t forget
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie told him, “You cleared the first quasi-world. Once the world becomes
independent, my soul will also leave. Then you entered the second quasi-world and the
souls involved in the design of this quasi-world woke up. Some of their wishes are so strong
that it will affect the world itself.”
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide. “Then Randy’s will was too strong?”
“Yes.” Jiang Xie continued, “In the first quasi-world, you left and Aix-en and Gars sacrificed
themselves for love. Randy knew about resurrection due to his contact with black magic
and wanted to resurrect you.”
However, the quasi-world became a new independent world. Once a world left the centre, it
would repair the traces of the players by itself.
The first quasi-world became independent and Jiang Xie’s soul couldn’t stay there. It could
be understood that the soul was temporarily sleeping like the other worlds designed by X.
Once Xie Xi entered Lost Atlantis, Randy’s soul also woke up. His last world’s obsession was
too deep and affected the world, allowing him to remember what happened previously.
Aix-en and Gars didn’t know about resurrection so they sacrificed himself after their lover’s
death, putting out their obsession. Therefore, they were somewhat concerned about Sein
Hall in Lost Atlantis but couldn’t remember the last world.
Xie Xi’s heart was cold. “How do you know this?”
Jiang Xie couldn’t know what Xie Xi had experienced by looking at the world story, but he
knew that the vampire and maid died while Randy wanted to resurrect Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie told him, “It is because I took back Randy’s soul.”
Xie Xi sucked in a breath.
Jiang Xie didn’t want to scare him. “I know you didn’t mean it.”
It was a pity that the taste of love and loss was imprinted in his mind.
Xie Xi whispered, “Why can you take back Randy’s soul?”
He really wanted to say, ‘Why don’t you take back all six princes?’
Jiang Xie knew what he was afraid of but was helpless. “I signed the Quasi-World Protection
Law. I don’t know which soul participated in the design of which world. If I want to recover
the souls, I have to wait for the worlds to be cleared. Randy came back because he only
participated in the design of these two worlds.”
23456 didn’t come back!
Xie Xi wasn’t distressed at all about the princes. It was because Lost Atlantis was cleared
and became a new world. Once he left, the soul’s identities were fixed and the souls
wouldn’t stay there.
The problem was the next world! If the obsession was too deep, they would have memories
of the last world.
As for the depth of the obsession… Xie Xi thought about the last scene. if there was no
obsession then he would cut off his head and use it as a ball!
If the next world he searched for was X’s design and one of 23456 were present, he was
Xie Xi was really frightened. He sat motionless, his face as white as the white roses behind
Jiang Xie was very distressed. There was no red rain, showing that Xie Xi was terrified.
He hastened to comfort Xie Xi. “No, it isn’t that serious.”
Xie Xi looked up at him. Jiang Xie explained, “As long as you team up with others to enter
the quasi-world, it should be much easier.”
Xie Xi wasn’t stupid. “Your quasi-world… can anyone else come in?”
“Other people can’t enter but I can.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
“Designers can’t search for quasi-worlds of their own designs but as long as you search for
it, you can team up with me and I can also enter.”
Xie Xi paused. “I remember that players with a high level can’t enter a lower world?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I have a way to enter.” He just needed to pay a price.
Xie Xi frowned. “Why?”
Jiang Xie’s current level meant there was no benefit in entering a world of his own designer.
Completing the task would only reverse the gains.
Jiang Xie replied, “You are encountering these things because of me. I won’t leave you
Xie Xi’s mood was very complicated after hearing this…
Jiang Xie continued, “You are the only person who can enter my quasi-worlds. I also hope
that they can become real worlds.”
These words touched Xie Xi but then he thought about the souls!
He wondered, “Can I only search for the worlds you designed?”
If this was really the case…
In fact, don’t blame Jiang Xie for this. The real cause was Xie Xi.
The reason was unknown but Xie Xi’s luck value was particularly high, high enough to be
In Xie Xi’s current situation, searching for X’s quasi-worlds was the most cost-effective
The levels of X’s quasi-worlds were high and they gave excellent rewards, but the clearance
tasks were much simpler than other worlds of the same level.
That’s why Xie Xi always got them when searching. It wasn’t his bad luck but his good luck.
In fact, there were two ways to prevent Xie Xi from entering X’s quasi-worlds. One was for
Jiang Xie to hate him. The other was for Xie Xi’s rank to be higher than the quasi-worlds X
It was impossible. How could Jiang Xie possibly hate him? It was too late to feel bad.
The second was also impossible. Xie Xi had to do tasks to upgrade. Doing tasks required
searching for a new quasi-world. Searching would give him X’s quasi-worlds. This was a
dead cycle…
Jiang Xie couldn’t bear Xie Xi’s distress and said, “Tomorrow the open world will open. You
can go and see it.”
The cold Little Rose cheered up a bit. “Open world?” Jiang Xie explained, “Yes, it is a world
released by the Zone and isn’t a quasi-world. It is hard for it to become a new world
independently so it will be randomly opened. All players can apply to enter. As for what
will happen, that all depends on personal opportunity.”
Xie Xi was grateful as long as he didn’t meet any souls!

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GL: Chapter 75
Equivalent Exchange

The open world gave Xie Xi life… ah, it was the courage to fight. He just got off six boats. If
he had to climb onto another N boats, he would really collapse.
However, the open world wasn’t easy. Jiang Xie saw that Xie Xi was interested and told him
a bit about it.
There was no limit to the number of players in the open world and all players could apply
to enter, but not everyone could go in.
Submitting an application didn’t mean a 100% approval.
For example, Jiang Xie’s application would be ignored by the Central Government. He was
too strong and a bug. They wouldn’t let him in.
For example, a newcomer who hadn’t opened the qualifications system was too weak and
wouldn’t be allowed to enter.
Those who had an opportunity to enter were generally beginner and intermediate players
who had gone through at least three worlds.
Senior players might also apply successfully but they had more options and in most cases,
they wouldn’t enter the open world.
Xie Xi sighed with relief. “I should be able to apply successfully.”
He would probably be part of the most vulnerable group of he entered but Xie Xi didn’t
care. Compared to 23456, he felt that everyone else was super lovely.
Oh, apart from X in front of him.
At this time, Jiang Xie sent a team application. Xie Xi glanced at him. “Hmm?”
Jiang Xie said, “The open world is dangerous for the current you. I will accompany you to
Xie Xi considered it and accepted. He couldn’t offend Jiang Xie. After all, it was expected that
he would have to appease the crazy souls in the next world.
Xie Xi had a general understanding of Jiang Xie’s words.
The quasi-worlds that weren’t cleared were fixed. Like the pause button was pressed, they
were sealed in the Central World.
Once someone searched for a related task, the quasi-world would start moving.
Players completed the task and left the quasi-world. The next players would enter and this
repeated until a player refreshed a clearance task.
Complete the clearance task and the quasi-world would become separated from the Central
World. All traces of the players would be wiped out and it would become a real world,
independent of the place they didn’t know about.
This was like the Lost Atlantis that Xie Xi just experienced.
Before he entered, the quasi-world was still. The moment Xie Xi entered, everything started
working and the souls woke up. They started to test the world as if they received their own
Xie Xi cleared the world and the test was successful. Lost Atlantis erased all traces of Xie Xi
and became a real world. As for what would happen afterward, it had nothing to do with
Xie Xi. The souls left along with him. If Xie Xi didn’t have anything to fear, he would be glad
that the princes didn’t have to deal with the aftermath of that terrible scene.
However, there was X’s next quasi-world! As long as the souls didn’t return to Jiang Xie,
they would be involved with the design of other quasi-worlds.
Jiang Xie said that the souls would be affected if the obsession was too deep and they would
even think about their ‘past life.’
Xie Xi was afraid of this. 23456 hadn’t come back and if they were involved in the
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas quasi-world then…
Second Prince: Oh, not only did you promise to marry my third and fourth brothers, but
you also played with my three other brothers, you slag fish.
Third Prince: Oh, not only did you promise to marry my second and fourth brothers, but
you also bewitched my three other brothers. You are dead.
Fourth Prince: I was about to get married at the peak of my life. As a result, my fiance and
brothers had an affair and he blew himself up on the spot…
Fifth Prince: I thought I fell in love with a pure white flower. Unexpectedly…
Sixth Prince: Have you been lying to me from beginning to end?
If they brought this obsession into Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas, how
could he still see this quasi-world?
Xie Xi thought that he could face five super bosses who were level 999 at the beginning of
the world!
Therefore, Xie Xi had to bring Jiang Xie with him. Such a bleak life, they should face it
together :).
Jiang Xie was very self-aware. He knew that the closer he got, the more this little guy would
run away. Thus, he said, “You are the only person who can enter my quasi-world. I must
protect you well.”
This was reasonable and there were no confusion emotional shackles. Xie Xi released some
of his wariness and asked, “Will your application pass if we team up?”
Of course, he couldn’t pass. Jiang Xie told him, “I have a way to enter but I need you to
Xie Xi still attached great importance to it. After all, if he was successful then the method
would also be successful in the next world. Then he could drag Jiang Xie to experience the
beautiful quasi-world of his design.
“What do you need me to do?” Xie Xi was psychologically prepared.
Jiang Xie said, “You don’t have to do anything. However, after entering the open world, I
might lose something. You must not help me find this thing.”
Xie Xi was startled. “Lose something?”
Jiang Xie didn’t intend to hide it from him. “My friend has a skill called Equivalent Exchange.
As long as I am willing, he can cast it on me. I can use it to gain access to a quasi-world but
it will randomly take away one thing from me.”
Xie Xi frowned. “This is too risky.”
Randomly paying a price, who knew what would be taken away? He might hate X but he
didn’t want anything to happen to him.
Jiang Xie’s heart warmed. This child was so cute. The goodwill might be negative but he
wasn’t willing to hurt people.
“It isn’t that serious.” Jiang Xie told him, The so-called Equivalent Exchange is focused on
equivalence. The right to enter a quasi-world isn’t a big deal. Nothing too important will be
taken away.”
Xie Xi didn’t approve. “It is still something of yours.”
“I have many things.”
Xie Xi was very alert. “What if it isn’t something outside your body?”
Jiang Xie felt appreciation and continued, “That’s why I hope you don’t help me find this
Xie Xi didn’t quite understand but his eyes soon brightened. “What do you mean by waiting
for the quasi-world? Can you gain back the lost thing?”
Jiang Xie laughed. “I can take advantage of the time difference. This garden’s time is set to
be relatively static. As long as the caster uses the skill here, we will go to the quasi-world
and no time will pass when we come back. The skill can be reversed in three seconds and
nothing will be taken away.”
This was the best plan that Jiang Xie came up with after helping Qin Ge test the skill many
Xie Xi sighed with relief. “That’s fine.”
It didn’t matter what was lost since it would be regained as soon as they left the quasi-
world. This wasn’t a big problem. After all, they always returned to the Central World.
Then Xie Xi had a thought. “It won’t take away your life…”
“No, the price won’t be so high.” Jiang Xie would try to compress his strength and gain a
distance from the open world. The prince paid wouldn’t be too great.
Xie Xi thought this was right. It was just entering a quasi-world so paying with his life
would be too exaggerated.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of X dying. He just didn’t want it to be from this type of thing. It would
be nice if X was killed by Xie Xi or his own souls.
Everything was said and the team was assembled. Jiang Xie was inclined to help Xie Xi with
the qualifications system and then help him buy an apartment full of roses in the Central
Then Xie Xi smiled. “If there is nothing else, I will go back first to check the open world.”
Jiang Xie replied, “Good.”
He couldn’t be greedy. He worked hard to raise it to -388 and didn’t want to see it fall to -
444 again.
Xie Xi left and returned to the water curtain.
He still had some expectations in his heart. If he left the open world, would he be able to get
rid of X’s quasi-world? The possibility was very low but people couldn’t live without
Xie Xi was inspired and started to study the newly opened qualifications system.
After completing three main tasks, the qualifications system would open and Xie Xi could
finally improve himself!
He clicked on the word ‘qualifications’ and a subpage popped up on the water curtain.
The first column was the collector’s specialization, the second column was the explorer’s
specialization and the third column was the recorder’s specialization.
Then there were countless small branches.
Xie Xi was dazzled by the sight but he could generally see it. The current occupation choice
was the most cost-effective. If he wanted to choose the specialization of other occupations,
it was best to change jobs first or he would have to pay nearly three times as many gold
However, his occupation hadn’t reached the senior level. After changing jobs, he would lose
all his current experience.
Xie Xi cleared three worlds. The rating of the second world might be low but because he
cleared the world, the experience given wasn’t low.
He was a beginner collector and he had 60 out of 100 points.
Love to the Left or Right contributed 20 points of experience, Fairytale Town contributed
10 points and the remaining 30 points were given by Lost Atlantis. It was enough to see the
gap between worlds.
Ordinary players would gain three or four experience points from completing a D-grade
mission. Xie Xi gained 10 points because he cleared the quasi-world.
The reason why Song Qi spent a lot of coins to refresh the side task was because of the final
reward and the experience value.
Doing an F-grade main task only gave a maximum of one or two experience points. Gaining
100 points was simply something that would never happen for a long time.
That’s why players in front of the water curtain were so envious when someone cleared an
S-grade quasi-world.
One task was worth dozens of tasks!
Although it might be harder by dozens of times…
Xie Xi thought about his own experience then the 60 points of experience. He couldn’t
change jobs or he would waste all this hard-earned experience value!
The good thing was that the collector’s specialty was quite suitable for him.
Collectors received bonus vision, insight, smell and load-bearing capacity. He could even
extend the items bar later on.
At this time, the benefits of gold could be seen. The things in the mall were still calculated
using silver coins while the qualifications started at 10 gold coins. This was equivalent to
1,000 silver coins. If it was compared to the rewards of F-grade worlds, people would
probably want to cough up blood.
Xie Xi was different. He easily bought the existing qualifications for a beginner collector.
He still had money so he spent a luxurious 600 coins on making his body as ‘light as a
The qualification of a beginner collector had the effect of running faster. Xie Xi thought of
his own experience and felt an urgent need for longer legs and arms.
He bought everything of interest and had more than 2,000 gold coins left.
If other players knew this, they would probably be so envious that they bled!
Are you kidding?
How many of them filled up the experience, passed the beginner’s assessment, was
promoted to an intermediate player only to still have a beginner’s qualification?
No money!
Can’t afford any more qualifications!
After saving the qualifications, Xie Xi felt a warm current pouring through his body. It felt
like he was washed from inside and out. His eyes widened, his body relaxed and it seemed
like his legs could easily run a marathon.
It was kind of fun.
Xie Xi bit his lips as he felt satisfied that everything wasn’t in vain.
Feedback was given to Jiang Xie as several green +1 rose.
In order to form a team into the open world, Xie Xi headed to the garden again. This time,
the white roses had become a sky blue like surging waves.
Xie Xi thought, ‘No wonder why the fourth prince likes roses. It is because X, the main body,
also likes them.’
Xie Xi met Jiang Xie’s friend, a tall and cold man called Qin Ge.
Jiang Xie introduced them and Xie Xi noticed that Qin Ge’s ears were pointed unlike
However, this was X’s friend and in line with the basic principles of similar things gathering
Xie Xi stayed away.
He passed the Central World application so it was easy to enter the open world.
He had just landed and didn’t have a chance to look at the task panel when he found Jiang
Xie standing beside him.
Xie Xi was curious about what had been taken away…
The man with different coloured eyes frowned slightly and looked at him in a
condescending manner. “Who are you?”
Xie Xi, “……………………”

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GL: Chapter 76
Open World 1

Entering the quasi-world wasn’t too great and the thing that was taken wasn’t too
Then X’s brain… oh, his memory didn’t matter.
Xie Xi lost his curiosity in an instant and stared seriously at the information board.
He thought he was bringing a master into the instance. Who would’ve expected the master
to change into a chicken? Xie Xi needed to stay calm.
He stared at the task information board. Unlike the previous quasi-world, there was no
name for the game. It directly welcomed him to the open world and told him to read the
following information carefully.
The next line startled Xie Xi.
Note: Disabled all skills, disabled the items bar, disabled any pets.
All of them were forbidden. At this moment, Xie Xi hated his teammates even more. He
couldn’t use skills or props while his teammate didn’t have a brain. In the end, what was
the use of his teammate?
Poor Roast Pork Bun was placed in the pets column and couldn’t come out.
Xie Xi’s heart ached. He placed the kitten into the pet space in order to not be irritated after
returning to the Central World. Now he couldn’t be taken out.
In fact, the open world wasn’t better than the quasi-world in this regard. There were still
many players. The people of the quasi-world couldn’t see the kitten but fellow players
could see him. There was no way to let Roast Pork Bun out.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of Roast Pork Bun making trouble but the kitten himself was too
precious. He treated the kitten like a poor high school student carrying tens of thousands of
As for the ban on skills and items, Xie Xi could still accept it. After all, his level was low and
he couldn’t use too many powerful items.
In regards to his skills, X lost his memory so he didn’t dare to summon X’s body. It was too
cumbersome to explain and the latest skill to take away an item wasn’t a combat skill and
couldn’t be used!
After this analysis, Xie Xi felt that there was no need to team up!
He continued to read the main task: (1) Admire the newly born sun.
Xie Xi’s face was stunned. What was this main task? He couldn’t see the rating for the main
task but Xie Xi believed that his luck in this area generally wouldn’t give him a bad task.
What was admire the newly born sun? Was it difficult to see a newly born sun in this open
Xie Xi couldn’t ignore the serial number 1. Did this main task have a follow-up?
He was temporarily unsure and could only continue looking at the side task. The side task
needed to be searched. Xie Xi searched and quickly got: (1) Collect a bundle of branches.
Was it that simple? He could see the rating of the side mission. It was bright purple so Xie Xi
couldn’t take it lightly.
The difficulty level ranged from grey to gold. It was estimated that it was difficult to get a
gold rating with this open world. Purple was probably the highest.
Xie Xi’s task of collecting branches turned out to be purple. Was it hard to collect branches?
Or was the system off?
The latter wasn’t possible and the former didn’t make sense. Xie Xi stared at the number ‘1’
and felt there was a secret in it.
It would take time to admire the newly born sun. Collecting branches was different so he
could try it.
Xie Xi continued to look down. There were no loading files in the open world and skills and
items couldn’t be used. Thus, a player only had one life.
Dead was really dead and he couldn’t be resurrected. Xie Xi’s nerves were tight and he
didn’t dare be careless.
It didn’t take much time to review the information board but many thoughts flashed
through Xie Xi’s mind.
It was only a moment in reality. Jiang Xie was still watching him with a hard to read
expression. It wouldn’t be shocking if Xie Xi didn’t know that Jiang Xie lost his memory.
Now… keep pretending!
Xie Xi ignored him and first looked around quietly at the environment…
They were on a high slope while wild grass grew freely under their feet. There was an
endless forest in front of them and a towering mountain behind them.
It was difficult since the mountain was bare and the exposed rocks were covered with
unscientific vegetation. The forest in front was also strange. The trees all seemed from the
same model but the thickness was different.
The wild grass under their feet spread out densely, seeming like they were copied and
So perfunctory! A world opened by the Zone should have more effort in it!
In comparison, Xie Xi thought that the quasi-worlds designed by X were very advanced.
It was probably the difference between a 2D pixel villain and a well-prepared 3D
Apart from some roughness, he temporarily couldn’t see any danger. Xie Xi retracted his
gaze and glanced at the master by his side.
He pulled out the acting skills trained from the two worlds and look at him doubtfully.
“What happened?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes slightly narrowed. Xie Xi smiled and made a familiar expression. He had to
test what Jiang Xie had forgotten.
Jiang Xie stared at him with a penetrating gaze. Xie Xi felt awkward and his smile was very
Jiang Xie approached him. “Why are you feeling guilty?”
Xie Xi, “…”
So sharp! Shouldn’t he be more naive with his brain gone?
Xie Xi couldn’t stand the feeling of oppression and opened the distance. “Why are you
asking me who I am? We’re on the same team.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes drooped and he appeared to be checking the system panel.
Xie Xi observed him and his heart sank. It seemed that this person still remembered the
Central World. He just forgot Xie Xi.
It was unknown how long Jiang Xie had been in the Central World and memories were a
complex thing. It couldn’t all be taken away.
Xie Xi felt a little relieved. This guy had lost his memory and become a fool but he was still
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie’s next words were, “Why would I team up with you?”
Xie Xi, “…” How could he answer?
He couldn’t tell the truth because Jiang Xie couldn’t be reminded of his lost memories.
Otherwise, these memories would be completely taken away once he left the open world.
Well… this was okay? Jiang Xie forgot him but they didn’t have much to do with each other.
If he forgot, he forgot.
Xie Xi realized that he couldn’t let Jiang Xie forget him. Jiang Xie needed to go to the next
world to face the crazy souls with him!
Forget about it. What would happen if X no longer teamed up with him?
Moreover, Xie Xi wasn’t sure what Jiang Xie had forgotten. What if it wasn’t just him?
Jiang Xie entered this world to help him. He might not like Jiang Xie but he couldn’t do such
a thing to a person who wanted to help him.
Xie Xi turned his head and had an idea. He blinked and glanced at Jiang Xie. “Master, have
you forgotten me?”
Jiang Xie was stunned and his ears felt like they had been scratched by a kitten.
Xie Xi told him, “Didn’t you say that you wanted to take me to the open world to see the
world? Did you forget all about it?”
Jiang Xie frowned and he seemed to be thinking.
Xie Xi had an idea and he didn’t feel guilty. The best way to prevent Jiang Xie from thinking
was to make a false memory.
In any case, Jiang Xie had forgotten him. Xie Xi just needed to talk nonsense and fool him!
Um… it didn’t matter if he wasn’t fooled. Jiang Xie’s doubts would just get him further and
further from the truth. Thus, there was no risk of him retrieving his memories.
Xie Xi used the superb acting that deceived six souls. “What can I do? Have you forgotten
everything about us?”
Jiang Xie was worthy of being the ‘ancestor’ of the souls. He paused and asked, “There is
something between us?”
“Yes.” Xie Xi spoke with some embarrassment. “It is incredible when thinking about it now.
I’m just a newcomer and was accepted as your apprentice. I’m really flattered.”
Jiang Xie stared at him for a moment. “I’m your master.”
Xie Xi nodded seriously. “You have also taken me to the garden. The roses were extremely
Jiang Xie’s eyes shone slightly at the words and he asked softly, “What colour was the
Luckily, Xie Xi had really been there. “Once they were white and another time they were
blue. They were very beautiful!”
Xie Xi answered well and Master X’s watchful expression decreased. He whispered, “Don’t
lie to me.”
Xie Xi showed a brilliant smile. “How can I deceive you?”
He rolled his eyes in his heart. ‘I can’t deceive you.’
Xie Xi barely steadied his heart and didn’t forget his task as he asked Jiang Xie, “Master,
what is your task?”
The master called Jiang Xie’s heart thump and he replied, “The main task is to explore the
underground labyrinth. The side task is to collect branches.”
They might’ve teamed up but they couldn’t see each other’s tasks unless they were shared.
Explore the underground labyrinth? It didn’t sound easy. However, the side tasks seemed
to be the same?
Xie Xi wondered, “It is just collecting branches?”
Jiang Xie directly shared the tasks with him. Xie Xi saw that the rating of the main task
wasn’t visible while the branch collection task was grey.
It was the same branches collection but Xie Xi’s one was a serial task and it was purple, the
world’s highest rating. Meanwhile, Jiang Xie was the minimum rating of grey.
Xie Xi coughed.
Jiang Xie told him, “My task doesn’t matter. Didn’t you say that I am here to accompany
“Yes.” Xie Xi replied. “Master would never go to such a low rated world and there is no
reward for clearing it.”
This sounded good. Jiang Xie asked, “What is your main task?”
Xie Xi also shared his tasks. Comrade Old Jiang, who had been unlucky for half his life, was
silent. Xie Xi wondered, “Isn’t it too simple?”
Jiang Xie answered, “You are lucky. Most guiding tasks have rich rewards.”
Xie Xi was curious. “Guiding tasks?”
“Finish one task and the next will appear in a sequence.”
Sure enough, there was a follow up task!
Xie Xi casually flattered him. “Master knows a lot.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed. “Don’t be happy too early. The difficulty of guiding tasks will
gradually increase. If you can’t finish the last task, you can’t leave this world.”
Xie Xi smiled. “I’m not afraid. There is Master.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi asked again, “Master won’t leave me, will you?”
Jiang Xie was stiff as he moved his gaze and strode forward. “Go collect the branches.”
Xie Xi saw his reddish ear tips and couldn’t help smiling. He was slightly reminded of Third
Prince Gars. Sure enough, the souls reflected the personality of the original!
Xie Xi followed him down the slope and went to the forest to collect branches. The branches
were really easy to be found. They were everywhere. Jiang Xie just needed to randomly
pick them up and he completed his side task. It was really lucky.
Xie Xi soon picked up a large bundle. Jiang Xie’s task was directly completed while Xie Xi
received a follow up task: (2) Find a cave nearby.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “What is the next task?”
Xie Xi froze. “You can’t see it?”
Jiang Xie explained. “Sharing tasks will only share the current task. Once a new task
refreshes, it needs to be re-shared.
It was like this. Xie Xi whispered, “So troublesome. Then I have to share it every time it
“It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to share it.”
Xie Xi had already shared it but he thought that it would indeed be more troublesome in the
future and nodded. “Okay, I’ll tell you directly next time!”
Jiang Xie’s eyes twinkled. “Yes.”
Xie Xi was aware that Jiang Xie still doubted him. It was understandable. An amnesiac
suddenly met a stranger who said he was Jiang Xie’s apprentice. Who wouldn’t doubt it?
Let’s take it slowly since Xie Xi wasn’t planning to scam him anyway.
Finding the nearby cave was also simple. This task was completed and there was a third
task: Make a bonfire.
Xie Xi couldn’t make a fire but Jiang Xie had a wealth of field survival experience. He had no
trouble lighting a fire. Xie Xi quickly searched for hay as ignition material and soon finished
the third task.
Xie Xi praised him. “Master is really good.”
The sky outside was dark and the light of the bonfire shone on the teenager’s white face,
highlighting the beautiful lines.
His voice was particularly pleasant and melodious, while his words were as were as honey.
If Jiang Xie hadn’t seen the -365 goodwill, he would’ve believed that this person was really
his apprentice.

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GL: Chapter 77
Open World 2

The open world disabled all skills and the ability to view goodwill naturally couldn’t be
The thing Jiang Xie saw now was the value the moment he entered the open world.
He couldn’t continue to use it after entering so the goodwill stopped at -365. It wouldn’t
refresh if the value increased or dropped after entering the world.
Jiang Xie had never seen such a low score since he obtained this trash skill.
It turned out that it could still be a negative number and it was actually -365. If he
decreased this score by one point every day, it would take him a whole year to get a score
of 0.
Why did he do to make this child dislike him so much?
Jiang Xie didn’t believe Xie Xi’s words about them being master and apprentice. He couldn’t
accept a person with such low goodwill as an apprentice.
What was he doing? Waiting to be deceived?
Unfortunately, he forgot things and couldn’t figure out what he was doing in such an open
However, since he teamed up with this child, he should take a look.
The bonfire was lit and Xie Xi’s side task refreshed. He said, “Master, the fourth task came
Jiang Xie was even more certain that this person wasn’t his apprentice. Otherwise, how
could his ears itch when he heard the word ‘Master.’
He thought this but his face was steady and he didn’t show anything. “What is it?”
Xie Xi knew the twists and turns in his heart and frowned as he said, ”Hold on for 10
What was this mission? Hold on for 10 minutes? Hold on against what?
Xie Xi didn’t quite understand but Jiang Xie suddenly got up and pulled Xie Xi behind him.
“Be careful.”
Xie Xi had strengthened himself using a collector’s qualifications but it was still the
beginner level. It was limited and he wasn’t aware of the changes.
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi behind him and picked up a branch. He slammed it forward and
there was the sound of it hitting something.
Xie Xi vaguely saw it!
He didn’t know when but it had become dark outside the cave. It was a darkness without
moonlight or starlight, as if covered with a heavy black cloth.
Now a shadow on the black cloth was shaking. It was human but dull and clumsy, like…
A zombie!
The shadow pierced by Jiang Xie’s branch fell to the ground and green liquid poured from
its neck. The terrible shape of the rotten head was revealed by the swaying bonfire.
Xie Xi had seen this!
Jiang Xie glanced at the child’s pale face and whispered, “Stay here.”
Xie Xi nodded and leaned against the wall in the innermost part of the cave. Jiang Xie picked
up the branches and confronted the zombies constantly pouring into the hole.
Xie Xi watched this thrilling scene with wide eyes. The open world had disabled skills and
props. Jiang Xie had no weapons yet he wielded the branch with such power!
The branches had been collected by Xie Xi and he was well aware that they were just
ordinary branches. They were even dried out because it had been too long.
Now it wasn’t an exaggeration to call the branch a divine weapon!
He heard other people say that X was powerful but Xie Xi hadn’t felt it. Now he saw the gap
between a beginner player and a real designer.
You know, X didn’t use any skills and props!
Xie Xi held his breath against the wall and didn’t go forward. He couldn’t help and would
just be a hindrance.
He knew the meaning of the fourth side task. Hold on for 10 minutes against the attack of
the zombies!
Could he hold on if there wasn’t Jiang Xie?
Xie Xi’s palm was sweaty as he held a branch.
Don’t mention 10 minutes. He couldn’t hold on for even 10 seconds! Normal players
wouldn’t be able to last against so many zombies constantly pouring.
Besides, what about after 10 minutes? Would this sea of corpses retreat? Impossible! What
should he do?
He couldn’t help thinking that if Jiang Xie wasn’t here, wouldn’t this task not be completed?
No, Xie Xi calmed down. Jiang Xie said that the difficulty of the guidance tasks gradually
increased. This was the fourth task and the difficulty shouldn’t have increased by so much.
The third task was just making a bonfire. How could the fourth task be fatal Bonfire…
Xie Xi had a thought as he looked at the festering zombies. The grass and stones in the open
world were designed roughly while the zombies were so lifelike that they were disgusting.
Rancid pus, blue skin, crooked five senses and twisted limbs…
Xie Xi endured his nausea and watched for a moment before crying out, “Master, it is the
bonfire that brought them here!”
Jiang Xie was surprised.
Xie Xi gritted his teeth, picked up a lit branch and threw it at a zombie. The zombies saw the
flames and instantly fluttered around it like moths.
He guessed right. These zombies were attracted by the flames in the cave! The branch went
out and the zombies turned back.
Xie Xi rushed towards the bonfire only for Jiang Xie to call out, “Wait.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t let the bonfire go out.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “But…” If he didn’t extinguish the bonfire, it would attract more
zombies and even Jiang Xie couldn’t hold on.
Jiang Xie picked up a burning branch and threw it out like a javelin. The zombies didn’t
seem to have much thinking ability. They were attracted by the bonfire but they rushed
over as soon as they saw a closer flame.
This was also temporary. The branches thrown would soon be extinguished.
Xie Xi didn’t know why Jiang Xie stopped him from extinguishing the bonfire but he
instinctively trusted Jiang Xie. Thus, he didn’t rush into action.
Jiang Xie took advantage of the zombies’ distraction and quickly explained, “Many of them
have no eyes and can’t see the flames. If the bonfire goes out, the two of us will become the
new targets because our temperature will attract them.”
Xie Xi was surprised and understood that the zombies were attracted to heat, not light.
If he had just extinguished the bonfire, there would only be the two of them left as heat
sources in the cave and they would be finished!
Jiang Xie picked up some branches that were still burning.
Xie Xi realized what he was going to do and his pupils contracted. “You…”
His heart was in a hurry and he forgot to call this person ‘Master.’
Jiang Xie unexpectedly smiled. “Such a clever little apprentice, your master naturally has to
protect you well.”
Xie Xi was stunned while Jiang Xie rushed out with the burning branches. The zombies
crazily chased after him and none were left.
Xie Xi closed his eyes and told himself, ‘”Nothing will happen to Jiang Xie. He can’t have an
accident in such a low-level world!”
Despite this, his lips trembled uncontrollably while his palms and back were sweaty. Even
so, he didn’t shrink back. He stepped on the newly extinguished branches, dispersing their
residual temperature onto the hard stone.
It was a pity there wasn’t any soil in this cave or he would definitely use it to bury these
dark branches.
Jiang Xie was naturally fine. How could such slow-moving zombies hurt him?
He was just afraid that the child would be worried. Well, he didn’t know if the -365 child
would be worried about him…
In short, he didn’t go too far because he was afraid that zombies would go to the cave to
bully the child.
Jiang Xie returned to the cave and saw Xie Xi quietly hiding against the wall.
There was no light outside and the cave was dark. Jiang Xie’s eyesight was very high and he
also had the night vision ability so he could see clearly. Xie Xi couldn’t see anything but he
did his best in such a dark and dangerous environment.
Jiang Xie saw that the trampled on ash didn’t have any temperature left. He also saw the
child trying hard to be motionless and his breathing was very light. The child tried his best
to look around despite not being able to see anything.
“It’s me.” Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “It is safe for the time being.”
As soon as he spoke, he saw Xie Xi’s tight body relax and the wide open eyes curved… it was
like a small cat putting away his claws.
So cute…
Jiang Xie had to look at the -365 goodwill to calm himself down.
Xie Xi saw the vague outline of Jiang Xie approached and felt relieved. He stretched out his
hand and grabbed Jiang Xie’s clothes. Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi approached him and whispered, “Master, thank you. Fortunately, you are here or I
would be dead.”
The ‘master’ was fake but the rest was sincere.
If it hadn’t been for the -365 goodwill, Jiang Xie would stretch out his arms and hug this
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “I am too reckless. It would’ve been awful if I actually
extinguished the bonfire.”
Jiang Xie wasn’t happy to hear this. “It is you who discovered that the bonfire attracted the
zombies.” He found it in such a short time despite the dangerous and tense situation.
Xie Xi was shamed. “I thought it was light and didn’t think about the temperature at all.”
Jiang Xie explained, “It is because you can’t see the zombies.” If Xie Xi had night vision, he
would’ve known that the zombies were drawn by temperature.
Xie Xi blinked. “I am reflecting.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi spoke again, “Master, a famous teacher will train fine students.”
Jiang Xie saw the brightness in Xie Xi’s eyes and could only stare at the -365 goodwill while
reflecting on himself.
The fourth task was completed as the two of them talked. Xie Xi sighed silently. He had
been afraid that 10 minutes referred to enduring the zombies’ attack for 10 minutes.
Fortunately, it seemed that it referred to 10 minutes in the cave.
Jiang Xie was very sharp and knew what he was thinking. He was about to comfort Xie Xi
when he suddenly stopped.
“Someone’s coming.” He lowered his voice and told Xie Xi.
Xie Xi opened his eyes as wide as possible but his eyesight was only slightly better than
ordinary people. He couldn’t see clearly.
Jiang Xie told him, “There are three people. Two men and one woman.”
He didn’t say anything else because the three people had already run over. Xie Xi heard
footsteps, rapid gasping and then some voices.
“There is a cave here. We can enter and hide!” It was a man who talked first.
Another rough male voice was heard, “Let go of me! You don’t care about him. I’ll handle it!”
Someone seemed to slap him and a woman said, “Chen Qing has been bitten by a zombie.
Do you want to go back and save a zombie?”
The rough male voice spoke again, “I can’t leave him. It doesn’t matter if he becomes a
zombie. As long as he completes the task and returns to the Central World…”
“You’re out of your mind!” The woman exclaimed. “He is dead after becoming a zombie. It is
impossible for the dead to return to the centre!”
The rugged male voice was angry. “If he is dead, I will bring his body back! Hey, let me go!”
He couldn’t bear it anymore and started to resist.
Xie Xi couldn’t see clearly and could only distinguish by listening. The rough man seemed to
be tied up and would soon violently break free. The other man and woman couldn’t hold
The woman said, “Kong Rongliang, you are mindless! Go die if you want!” She seemed to
release her hand.
The man with the rough voice called Kong Rongliang didn’t say anything and rushed out of
the cave.
The woman stomped her feet and cursed before chasing him. The man in the cave hesitated
a bit before actually following.
The trio didn’t see Jiang Xie and Xie Xi from beginning to end.
Jiang Xie naturally saw things clearly but he was accompanying Xie Xi in this world so he
asked, “Do you want to go out and see?”
Xie Xi looked calm and his voice didn’t fluctuate much. “Go and take a look.”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Do you want to save them?”
He was really a kind, little cutie.
Xie Xi wondered, “What is Master talking about? Who is going to save them? We can’t stay
in the cave forever. The fire outside will soon be extinguished and isn’t it a dead end here?”
Jiang Xie, “…” Oh, this was the -365 little fox.
Xie Xi said this but he couldn’t help looking around for the three people.
This place was really strange. It had just been so dark that he couldn’t see his fingers. Now
it was bright again and everything around them could be seen.
Xie Xi looked up and didn’t see the sun.
It seemed that his first main task wasn’t that simple.
Maybe it was because of the dawn but there were a lot less zombies. Even so, the forest in
front of them was still dark and creepy.
At this time, a fierce scream was heard. “Go, Old Kong, go and leave me alone!”
Xie Xi saw the two men and one woman. There was also a man lying on the ground near
The man’s lower body was bloody and pus was gushing out, exuding a rotten smell.
Xie Xi knew this man must be the Chen Qing who was bitten by a zombie.
Kong Rongliang was rugged and tough. He looked as powerful as his last name. He took big
steps and ran straight towards Chen Qing.
Chen Qing endured the severe pain and shouted, “I fucking told you to go. I have been
bitten by a zombie! Both legs are gone! If you come over here, I will bite you too!”
Kong Rongliang stopped. A blue on his forehead bulged and his lips quivered as he seemed
to be talking to himself. Unfortunately, he was too far away to be heard clearly.
Xie Xi frowned. He was about to say something when he suddenly stopped.
The side task had refreshed.
(5) Save them.
(5) Kill them.
Why were there two tasks for the number five task and why were they contradictory?

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GL: Chapter 78
Open World 3

Xie Xi shared the new side task with Jiang Xie.

Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows after seeing it and clarified for the confused Xie Xi. “You have
to make a choice. Different choices will lead to different outcomes.”
Xie Xi asked, “They are players. Why is there a task assigned about them?”
Jiang Xie replied, “This is a real world. Why can’t players become tasks?”
Xie Xi sobered up.
A quasi-world was a real world and players were also real. There was no difference
between then in the centre.
Everything in the quasi-world could be used to publish tasks and players could also be
assigned as tasks,
Xie Xi stared at the four people in the distance and his mind worked quickly.
The task was to save them or kill them. Xie Xi eyed these words.
Who was the ‘them’ referring to? Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang? Or was it to save all four
Based on the current situation, they were still safe.
Chen Qing was bitten but hadn’t become a zombie. Even if he did become a zombie, a
zombie with no legs would have very low fighting power. Kong Rongliang might not act but
the man and woman behind him wouldn’t sit idly by.
Then what was exactly the danger? Why was it ‘save them’ instead of ‘save Chen Qing’?
Xie Xi couldn’t see far with his current vision. He asked Jiang Xie, “Master, are there
zombies behind them?”
“I will take a look.” Jiang Xie looked around and couldn’t see anything. Then his eyes
narrowed and he stared at something in the back. “The black fog of the forest is spreading
outward. If this continues, the zombies inside will be close to them.”
Xie Xi understood the words. It seemed that in order to save them, he had to take this group
of people away from the black fog and zombies!
Jiang Xie knew that Xie Xi had made a decision but he still questioned, “What will you
It didn’t matter if he saved or killed them. Jiang Xie had seen this multiple choice question
and clearly knew what the focus was.
The most important thing was to look at your heart and make a decision. There was no
saviour or demon here. Not regretting was the true creed.
Xie Xi replied, “First save them if possible!”
He was an ordinary people. He couldn’t kill people for no reason and it was impossible for
him to ignore the life of strangers. All he could do was his best. If he couldn’t save them
then he would give up on the task. The side task wasn’t impossible and there was no need
to bear the guilt of killing for a small reward!
Jiang Xie wasn’t surprised and his lips curved. “Yes.”
Xie Xi had an idea about how to save them. The zombies were numerous and fierce but they
were also easy to deal with. They didn’t have a brain and only knew how to follow the heat
source. To save these people, they just needed to light a fire in the opposite direction.
At this time, Kong Rongliang had already arrived by Chen Qing’s side. He ignored the pus
and rancid smell of the lower body and carried the person.
Chen Qing still scolded him. “You damn mindless Kong Rongliang. Why are you saving me?
I can’t live. I have no legs and I can’t use any props. I can only die!”
Kong Rongliang was silent as he kept carrying the person.
“Stupid, you are a big fool!” Chen Qing scolded, tears and snot running down his face,
making it even uglier.
Then the woman screamed, “Zombies… zombies are coming again!”
The black fog of the forest suddenly accelerated. The zombies inside smelt prey and issued
low roars.
The last man was pale and couldn’t endure it anymore. “Cheng Han, don’t worry about
Kong Rongliang. Let’s go!”
The woman named Cheng Han watched the approaching dark fog and then the body
covered with pus and blood. Kong Rongliang wasn’t willing to leave Chen Qing…
She gritted her teeth and finally succumbed to her heart. “I can’t control them. Tian Tao, we
will go first!” Then she followed the man and ran towards the brightness.
They were well-qualified and their legs were extremely fast. They only ran a bit before
disappearing. Kong Rongliang was focused on strength. He was holding Chen Qing and was
probably afraid that too many bumps would aggravate his injuries. Thus, he ran very
He saw the black fog approaching and the zombies nearing.
Chen Qing’s voice was hoarse. “Kong Rongliang, you are stupid. Those selected by the
Central Government are wastes abandoned by their original world. I have long been
damned and it isn’t worth it…”
“No.” Kong Rongliang scoffed. “You aren’t a waste. I would’ve died in the last world if it
wasn’t for you.”
Chen Qing roared, “Then cherish your damn life! I didn’t save you for you to die!”
Kong Rongliang didn’t say anything and kept running.
Xie Xi was setting a fire and couldn’t hear their words. He only vaguely heard Chen Qing’s
loud voice saying those selected by the Central Government were abandoned wastes.
X also told him that he was selected because no one needed him and he no longer needed
that world. Were all players like this?
Then what about X? Sixth Prince Sirius flashed through Xie Xi’s mind. It was impossible for
Xie Xi to forget his words.
‘Sein, there is no light at the bottom of the sea.’
The fire was lit and Xie Xi no longer thought about it as he focused on spreading the fire.
Jiang Xie told him, “Give it to me. You go first.”
They had lit the fire in the opposite direction of Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing, so that the
zombies would give up on those heat sources and rush to this side. Jiang Xie urged Xie Xi to
go to Kong Rongliang first since it was safer.
Xie Xi answered, “We will do it together.”
“Why are you being polite?” Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “I am your Master, right?”
His smiling appearance made Xie Xi feel guilty. X definitely knew that Xie Xi was lying to
him and knew they weren’t in a teacher-student relationship!
However, Xie Xi couldn’t let him think about it.
Xie Xi told him, “It is because you are my master that we have to be together.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
“Isn’t it natural for an apprentice to follow their master?”
Jiang Xie knew this little liar was trying to coax him and couldn’t help smiling slightly. Then
he looked at the goodwill value to wake himself up.
There was a raging fire and the attention of the zombies was diverted. One by one, they
came to this side, causing the dark fog to spread over here. Jiang Xie and Xie Xi immediately
left and caught up with Kong Rongliang.
Kong Rongliang wasn’t stupid. Once he saw the fire, he knew it was artificially created.
Then Xie Xi and Jiang Xie appeared at this time and he instantly understood. “Thank you!”
Xie Xi told him, “The fire will soon go out. We have to quickly find a place to hide!”
Kong Rongliang nodded again while the Chen Qing in his arms started scolding him, “Put
me down! Stop dragging down other people!”
Xie Xi glanced at him and quickly looked away. Sure enough, this appearance was terrible…
there were pus and decaying flesh but Kong Rongliang didn’t care.
Jiang Xie knew what Xie Xi was thinking and felt this person was funny and cute. He moved
a bit faster, quietly separating Xie Xi and Kong Rongliang and blocking Chen Qing from
Xie Xi was startled and glanced at him.
Jiang Xie winked with his left eye.
Xie Xi stiffened and turned away. He thought in his heart, ‘Too flashy!’
Since this was disrespectful towards his teacher, he held back and didn’t say it.
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi’s fire wasn’t small. It burned for seven or eight minutes. This was
enough time for them to distance themselves from the zombie tide and they temporarily
hid at the foot of a mountain.
Zombies chased after heat sources but they were afraid of the light of the world. It was
relatively safe under this bright rock.
Kong Rongliang put down Chen Qing and thanked Xie Xi and Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi shook his head and said, “It is nothing.” He didn’t do anything other than lighting a
Jiang Xie stared at him and didn’t speak. Xie Xi knew he was asking about the progress of
the task.
Xie Xi took a look and froze.
Jiang Xie, “?”
Xie Xi directly shared the side task.
(6) Find him a pair of legs.
(6) Kill them.
It was a multiple choice question again. What was searching for legs? Who were they for?
Chen Qing? What about after finding them? Could they be restored?
The other option was more toxic. If he didn’t want to look for legs then he wouldn’t look.
Why did he need to kill someone? He still needed to kill them? Was it because Chen Qing
would die and Kong Rongliang would retaliate? That’s why he needed to kill both of them?
How was this side task so unfair?
Xie Xi watched Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie watched him back.
Xie Xi’s mouth moved, ‘I want to look for legs.’
Jiang Xie, ‘Wait, I will go quickly.’
Xie Xi, ‘I’ll go.’
Jiang Xie, ‘The apprentice should be obedient.’
Xie Xi, “…” He suddenly regretted pretending to be teacher and apprentice. He should’ve
said that he was Jiang Xie’s saviour and Jiang Xie accompanied him to pay him back. Then
Jiang Xie would be obedient!
Unfortunately, it was already too late.
However, it wasn’t difficult to find a pair of legs. There were zombies everyone and Jiang
Xie could easily find a pair of legs.
Xie Xi was somewhat disgusted by the zombies…
Kong Rongliang was saying, “What should I do? How can I help you with this injury?”
Chen Qing cursed. “What fucking help? I am dead. Even a god can’t save me!”
“You can be cured as long as you go back to the centre.”
“How can I go back when I can’t accomplish the task?”
Kong Rongliang told him, “I will help you do it.”
Chen Qing shouted, “You are dreaming. Wait for me to become a zombie and I will kill you
Xie Xi glanced at Chen Qing. Chen Qing was fierce towards Kong Rongliang but he was more
normal towards Xie Xi. “This little brother, quickly take this idiot and leave. I really will
drag you down!”
Xie Xi knew that he would have to face more disgusting zombies in the future and forced
himself to look at his half zombie. “What will you do when we leave?”
Chen Qing told him, “It isn’t a big deal to die.” Xie Xi replied, “Death is easy. What if you
want to die but can’t die?”
Chen Qing was stunned.
Xie Xi emphasized, “Seeing you like this, you haven’t lost your mind, which means you
won’t be a mindless zombie. If you become a new species, what if you still keep your mind
but you’re filled with a desire to eat people?”
Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing, “!”
“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “At that time, you won’t be able
to die even if you want to.”
The foolish man and half zombie was stupefied.
Jiang Xie’s ears were so good that he heard this even when he was collecting legs.
He smiled. “This little liar.”
Jiang Xie dragged back the legs where he saw that Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing were
quiet and a bit stunned.
Xie Xi was cleaning his ears.
Jiang Xie thought he would be afraid of this disgusting thing and placed the legs behind him.
“I found it.”
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up and he flattered, “Master, you are really fast.”
Wasn’t he also quick to compliment? Jiang Xie placed the legs next to Chen Qing and took
advantage of this to block the zombie.
He motioned to Xie Xi to look at the next task.
(7) Put the legs on him.
(7) Kill them.

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GL: Chapter 79
Open World 4

Xie Xi shared the task while his eyes were saying, ‘Did this big idiot and half zombie offend
this open world? Why did it always want them to die?’
Jiang Xie read his eyes but spoke irrelevant words. “You are very lucky.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Was it good luck to install zombie legs on a half zombie? Or was it good luck to kill?
Since leaving his original world, Xie Xi couldn’t believe in his luck. This ‘good luck’ brought
him to this life or death training course!
Killing was impossible. After all, this big idiot and half zombie weren’t villains. Why should
he kill them?
Jiang Xie brought back a pair of zombie legs and Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing both saw it.
They couldn’t figure out what was going on.
Kong Rongliang hurriedly said, “If you are hungry, I still have food here.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Chen Qing’s missing legs didn’t stop him from hitting the fool. “Stupid, shut up!”
Kong Rongliang closed his mouth but his eyes were still full of: If you want to eat, I have
better food here. Forget the zombie legs…
Xie Xi turned a blind eye and seriously considered the killing option!
“Chen Qing.” Xie Xi stared at the half zombie. “Do you want to stand up?”
Chen Qing was stunned and didn’t understand. Xie Xi had some ambiguous concepts in his
mind but wasn’t quite certain. This didn’t prevent him from using his acting skills.
“I’m not sure if there will be any side effects, if you can stand or even how long you can stay
He was born with a pretty face that was soft and tender. Now that he spoke in this tone of
voice that didn’t fluctuate at all, he gave off a sense of deterrence.
Chen Qing’s face was covered with dirt and only his pair of eyes lit up. “Can you let me
stand up?”
Xie Xi replied, “I can try.”
Kong Rongliang was more excited than Chen Qing. “Benefactor! Please save him!”
Then the big person fell to his knees.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Don’t be too happy. I’m not sure what will happen.” Xie Xi’s eyes were sharp as he lowered
his voice. “You saw it, these are real zombie legs. Perhaps you can rely on them to stand up.
Perhaps you will become infected by them and turn into a real zombie.”
Chen Qing calmed down.
Xie Xi stared at him and questioned, “Do you still want to try it?”
If Chen Qing didn’t want to then Xie Xi wouldn’t do it. This was Xie Xi’s task but it was Chen
Qing’s future. It was no different from killing a person without their consent.
This was a side task and it wasn’t a big deal to give it up. Chen Qing silently watched the
zombie legs.
Xie Xi didn’t speak and waited for him to reply. After a while, Chen Qing opened his mouth.
“Can you make me a promise?”
“Tell me.”
Chen Qing said, “If I completely become a zombie, please kill me.”
Comrade Old Kong instantly became tearful.
Xie Xi looked at the man with dirt and pus on his face and couldn’t see his original face. Xie
Xi nodded. “Okay.”
Chen Qing heard this flat and quiet word and unloaded his burden. “Then I will trouble
Who wanted to die if they could live? Who would be willing to give up a chance to live?
It might be stepping on the tip of a needle or walking a wire rope but as long as he could
pass the yellow spring and return to the world, he would endure all the hardships.
Xie Xi pretended to be calm towards the big idiot and the half zombie. In fact, he was
anxious and looked at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie was smiling. He saw this guilty appearance and once again thought this person
was cute. Jiang Xie’s thin lips moved, ‘Do it calmly.’
Xie Xi didn’t understand and confusion filled his eyes. ‘Hold it down?’
Jiang Xie stared at the -365 goodwill to calm down and slowly mouthed, ‘It is fine if you
align them.’
Xie Xi understood but he couldn’t help asking, ‘Is it possible?’ Jiang Xie thought of this
‘forewarned is forearmed’ appearance and his heart felt itchy like ants were crawling on
them. ‘Yes, small doctor.’
Xie Xi could only read the first half of the sentence. ‘Small what?’ Should he be more
Xie Xi breathed out and started to feel more comfortable.
The side task gave him such a hint which meant it was a task that could be completed. He
should be able to place the legs on Chen Qing. As for how to do it, he just needed to fumble
The thing that made Xie Xi more worried was that this image was too disgusting. Jiang Xie
had chosen a pair of relatively neat zombie legs but it was extremely impactful.
Forget the zombie part. The pair of legs alone were shocking! Xie Xi had died many times
and his ability to tolerate bloody images was much stronger. He had to do this.
Jiang Xie wanted to help but this task was different from finding legs. He could help find
legs but installing them wouldn’t work. Xie Xi had to do it personally.
He looked at the child’s disgustingly pale face and couldn’t help feeling distressed. Then he
looked at the -365 goodwill again and instantly woke up.
Jiang Xie smiled wryly. This was the first time he discovered that he had the M attribute,
otherwise how could he feel this way despite the -365 goodwill?
Then Jiang Xie thought again. He just needed to wait for this world to finish and the degree
of goodwill would definitely change. A conservative estimate.. perhaps it would be positive
Xie Xi placed the zombie legs against Chen Qing’s body. He looked at the two pieces of
rotten meat and could barely open his eyes.
Would this really work? Xie Xi glanced at the side task and saw that it was really
completed! The seventh task disappeared and a new task emerged.
(8) Use Repair on him.
(8) Kill them.
Xie Xi directly ignored the second option and stared at the first option. Repair? What was
Xie Xi shared the new side task with Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie wasn’t surprised at all and he
whispered, “A skill.”
Xie Xi hurriedly opened the system interface and entered the skills subpage. He had a total
of two skills, both of which were disabled. Now he had a new skill: Beginner Repair.
Didn’t this open world disable all skills?
Xie Xi read the skill description.
Beginner Repair: Put two things together so you can see their fate.
So unreliable!
There was also a line of words below: [This is a side task reward skill that will disappear
after leaving the current world.]
Now Xie Xi understood.
No wonder why Jiang Xie said he was lucky. Jiang Xie knew that this side task would give
him a follow-up skill.
The open world disabled skills but the skills gained in the world weren’t disabled. Beginner
Repair might only be available in the current world but it was still a great benefit!
Xie Xi used the skill and the zombie legs and Chen Qing’s body visibly connected together.
The thing that made people feel better was that the pus disappeared after the fusion. The
legs were still purple-blue but this problem wasn’t big as long as pants were worn!
Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing were both stunned. Once Repair was over, Kong Rongliang
couldn’t help asking, “Didn’t this world disable skills?”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
Chen Qing’s mind still hadn’t returned.
Xie Xi asked him, “How do you feel?”
Chen Qing moved his legs and found that he could really stand up!
His eyes were red as he bowed to Xie Xi. “You saved my life. In the future, you can give me
any command!”
Xie Xi finished the task and didn’t want to bear this favour. He poured cold water on Chen
Qing. “Don’t be happy too early. I will kill you myself if you become a zombie.”
Chen Qing was choked up. “Thank you, I’m very grateful!”
Previously Kong Rongliang hadn’t cried but now he teared up and had a runny nose as he
spoke words that couldn’t be understood.
Xie Xi, “…”
Saving people was really troublesome.
Kong Rongliang was really eager. Due to this grace of saving Chen Qing’s life, he wanted to
help Xie Xi and Jiang Xie with their tasks.
The half zombie had a clever mind. He saw that Jiang Xie and Xie Xi had an extraordinary
ability and him and the big idiot would just drag them down. Thus, he didn’t ask about Jiang
Xie and Xie Xi’s task, instead explaining their own tasks.
“Kong Rongliang’s main task is to kill the witch Xifu while my main task is to survive the
arena. Our side tasks are blue-grade and it is the carousel and experience I love you.”
Sharing tasks was equal to sharing information. Under normal circumstances, players
wouldn’t actively share their tasks. After all, players had a competitive relationship. Giving
information was equivalent to putting themselves in a dangerous place.
However, Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang didn’t have these scruples. Xie Xi saved them and
they had no way to repay him. Thus, it was appropriate for them to share what they knew.
Xie Xi was surprised after hearing it. These were all messy tasks.
The main task was okay. Killing the witch Xifu indicated that there was a witch called Xifu.
Surviving the arena was also understandable. The side tasks where the confusing one.
What was the carousel and experience I love you? The blue rating also wasn’t low.
Chen Qing added, “The witch is in the underground labyrinth. There was an entrance to the
underground labyrinth in the forest. Unfortunately, a large zombie was blocking it. We
wanted to sneak in and got attacked by a flying zombie…” Then he lost a pair of legs.
The underground labyrinth?
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie’s main task was to explore the underground labyrinth.
Chen Qing kept speaking, “The main tasks of Cheng Hao and Tian Tao who were previously
with us were also related to the underground labyrinth. They didn’t elaborate but my guess
is that the major battleground of this open world should be there.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Maybe there are other entrances that can be found.”
Chen Qing understood. “it’s possible.”
Xie Xi observed Chen Qing and let go of his worries after finding that this person didn’t
become a zombie.
He didn’t know if Chen Qing’s luck was good or this Beginner Repair technique was very
powerful. In any case, Comrade Chen Qing was half a person and half a zombie.
They saw that Xie Xi and Jiang Xie had no intention of travelling with them and Chen Qing
and Kong Rongliang set off to find the entrance of the labyrinth.
Before they left, Kong Rongliang gave them all his food. Xie Xi tried to refuse but the 1.9
metres tall Kong Rongliang whispered, “Please accept it, you must accept it!”
Xie Xi was afraid of him and had to accept it as a medical expense.
They left and Xie Xi finally sighed with relief.
Jiang Xie wanted to say, ‘Do you like being alone with your master?’
Then he steadied himself with the goodwill and changed his words. “What is the new task?”
This was why Xie Xi didn’t want to be with the big idiot and half zombie. He said, “I’ll share
it with you.”
(9) Open the underground game field.
The task had changed and the other two people had left. However, the new task was
confusing. What was ‘open the underground game field?’
Why was it open instead of enter?
What did the underground game field have to do with the maze?

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GL: Chapter 80
Open World 5

Now Xie Xi understood why Jiang Xie called this a guiding task. The one tasks after another
seemed to lead him towards a certain route.
First, collect the branches, find the cave, raise the bonfire to meet the zombies and then
hold on until he encountered the injured Chen Qing.
The next step was to save him. If this option was chosen, Xie Xi would get the Beginner
Repair skill.
If he chose to kill them? Would he miss out on repair and directly open the mission of the
underground game field?
Then what follow-up tasks would this underground game field lead to?
Xie Xi was full of questions as he asked Jiang Xie, “Is there another entrance to the
underground labyrinth?”
Jiang Xie replied, “There should be.”
“Let’s open it.”
Jiang Xie’s main task was to explore the underground labyrinth. If they couldn’t break
through the forest then they had to find another way.
Xie Xi thought that there were many pits in this underground game field but he had come to
this open world. It was useless to shrink back and he had to stride forward. He had to adopt
measures appropriate for the actual situation!
Jiang Xie looked at the black forest and said, “Open it.”
Xie Xi noticed his gaze and asked, “Master, do you want to kill all the way…”
He was correct.
There were two paths into the underground labyrinth. One was to rush into the black
forest, defeating countless zombies and killing all the way. The other method was to follow
the side mission tips. First, go to the game field and then the underground labyrinth.
With Jiang Xie’s personal temper, he preferred to put the zombies together on a string and
then directly enter the underground labyrinth.
However, now he wasn’t alone. There was a child around.
He was confident that he could protect Xie Xi and easily take him through the tasks. Even
so, this would eliminate their original intention of entering the open world.
Xie Xi needed to sharpen and grow, not be protected. Jiang Xie had stayed in the Central
World for a long time and was clearer about this than anyone else.
Only those who were strong could protect themselves and go beyond the reach of others.
Jiang Xie smiled and asked, “Do you think I can kill all the way?”
Xie Xi half-sincerely told him, “Master can do this very well but I can’t. I will drag down
This mouth was really sweet. Jiang Xie was dizzy by the child’s sweet words and would
accompany him without caring about the negative goodwill.
The truth was that all of Xie Xi’s ‘sweet words’ were taught by his souls!
Jiang Xie’s tone was very modest. “Even if I want to kill all the zombies, it will take some
time. Let’s go to the game field.”
Xie Xi, “???” Just to save time?
Jiang Xie became even more modest. “Besides, there are the side tasks and it will be a pity
to miss out on them.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie was shameless. “How about it? My apprentice, do you believe in your master’s
Xie Xi was blank because he had never seen such a shameless person. Then he pasted on a
smile and looked ‘worshipful’. “How can I not? Master is powerful enough to kill a god and
Buddha. How can you worry about small zombies?”
Jiang Xie shielded himself and gathered all of the insincere ‘sweet words.’ The more he
listened, the better he felt.
The task was simple and Xie Xi didn’t need to do anything else. He just had to open it.
A dialogue box popped up on the interface. [Do you want to open the underground game
Xie Xi inwardly replied, “Yes.”
The box disappeared and the side task refreshed…
However, Xie Xi didn’t get a chance to see what the new task was. It was like a switch was
pressed and the world turned upside down.
There was a rigid mechanical sound. It seemed to be ringing in the sky but it fell directly
into the human mind.
“The underground game field has started. All surviving players are invited to experience it.”
“The playground is open for free and all items can be enjoyed.”
“The game field is open for 72 hours and it will be permanently closed once the time is
“Players who enter must experience at least three events within 72 hours. Less than three
events and you will be left in the game field forever.”
“After experiencing three events, you can gain priority access to the underground
“The two players who opened the game field will receive a privilege.”
“Kill them and other players can inherit this privilege.”
“The underground game field is ready. I wish you all a good time.”
The voice finished and Xie Xi felt an empty, weightlessness sensation that made him panic.
Then a hot hand held his wrist.
Jiang Xie’s voice was heard. “Don’t be separated.”
Xie Xi also grabbed his wrist and the two men fell straight down. The panicked Xie Xi
calmed down and used the spare time to observe. The ground under their feet had been
taken away and became a dark cave with no bottom.
Darkness always brought an unknown fear, especially when nothing could be seen. Even so,
Xie Xi felt good because the heat from his wrist always reminded him that Jiang Xie was
After a few dozen seconds, Xie Xi felt his falling speed slowing down like an invisible
parachute had spread out. Then they steadily landed on the ground.
Xie Xi turned his head and saw Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie’s thin lips moved: observe.
Xie Xi understood.
In a short time, many people fell on this silver-white platform. Men and women, short and
tall, old and young, at least a few hundred people gathered together. Were they all the
players who entered the open world?
Xie Xi felt this wasn’t the case. After all, the voice mentioned surviving players.
The zombies had low combat power but they had unstoppable numbers. The players who
entered this open world also had no skills and items. There would be casualties if they
encountered zombies.
So many people gathered together that it was bound to be noisy for a short while.
“What’s going on? What is the underground game field?”
“This was opened by a player? Who are the two players? Come out to get beaten up!”
“Well, if they didn’t trigger this game then you would probably be eaten by the zombies
“Who knows what will happen in this damn game field?
“Yes! Perhaps this place is more dangerous than outside!”
“If you are afraid of death then shrink back here. I’m going to the underground labyrinth!”
“The open world released by Central shouldn’t be too dangerous…”
Most of the people speaking seemed to be newcomers, as could be seen from their chaotic
words and panic.
Xie Xi looked around and couldn’t see any acquaintances. However, he knew that Kong
Rongliang and Chen Qing would definitely enter.
The side tasks were the carousel and experience I love you. Now it seemed they were
events in the game field.
In order to leave the game field, they had to experience three projects in 72 hours.
Roughly speaking, this didn’t seem harsh. In any ordinary amusement park, people could
play 30 events in 72 hours, let alone three.
Still, how could this underground game field be an ordinary amusement park?
Xie Xi wasn’t naive enough to think that the open world released by the Central
Government would be kind to players.
If it was kind there wouldn’t be so many zombies eating people!
At this moment, the front became bright and a colourful door appeared out of thin air.
This was similar to the gates of ordinary playgrounds. It was a fairytale style with dreamy
neon lights and beautiful flowers on the pure white doorpost.
The doors slowly opened. The inside was dark at first before suddenly lighting up, like
fireworks exploding in the sky, beautiful and dazzling.
Xie Xi saw a gorgeous double-decker carousel, a towering ferris wheel, a thrilling roller
coaster, a big pendulum…
It seemed to be an ordinary playground but there was a place that seemed weird.
A stiff and young voice was heard, “Welcome to the underground game field. Please line up
to select a game event.”
They had to line up? Xie Xi immediately thought that the events of the amusement park
were limited. If there were too many people and the queue was too long, there would be a
few things that couldn’t be played.
No, Xie Xi quickly reacted. 72 hours was very long. Even if there were limited projects,
there was no need to worry about hundreds of players lining up.
He realized this but unfortunately, other players didn’t. They heard they had to line up and
rushed forward like crazy to get an earlier position.
It was impossible not to line up. There was a time limit on the game field. If they
experienced the events early then they could leave as soon as possible! The so-called
staying forward in the playground, it was the same as dying!
There were many people who had this type of thinking, especially in the back. They
desperately pushed forward because they didn’t want to fall behind.
Xie Xi’s position was interrupted and the people behind him swarmed. He was instantly
squeezed out.
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi into his arms. “Be careful.”
Xie Xi was younger and thinner than him. Thus, he was squeezed and stuck to Jiang Xie’s
Jiang Xie stretched out his arms and kept holding him while saying, “Let’s go over there.”
Xie Xi couldn’t move and could only say, “Yes.” “!”
It sounded like a kitten.
Xie Xi knew this person’s brain was damaged and was grateful. Jiang Xie was very strong
and blocked the crowd, making him suffer less. Thus, he said, “Thank you, Master.”
His master couldn’t play this game and was killed by this fake apprentice!
The crowd moved forward and they came out of it.
There were also many people who didn’t blindly come to the front. Most of them were
leaning to one side and looking at the front.
Xie Xi didn’t want to attract eyes and ears and mixed with Jiang Xie into the crowd.
Then someone at the front shouted, “Why is it a drawing? We can’t choose our project?”
The stiff-faced teenager stood there with no expression on his face. “Players are asked to
draw the project. If it isn’t drawn after three seconds, the project will be randomly
The man squeezed to the front to pick a relatively safe project. He didn’t realize it was a
He scolded the ‘operator’ and drew a card.
The youth stated, “Congratulations on the project: roller coaster.”
The man looked pale.
This luck was decent. In a normal project, the roller coaster was a very exciting game and
he actually picked it.
Xie Xi took note of it. “Only one is drawn at a time?”
Jiang Xie whispered, “If the first project isn’t passed then drawing others is a waste of time.”
Indeed. The man stiffened and the teenager said, “The roller coaster project has a limit of
12 people. Please wait.”
The people behind him continued to pick projects.
Xie Xi listened attentively, noting the projects drawn and the number of people needed.
In addition to the roller coaster, there were the rapids there was limited to a dozen people,
the bumper cars limited to 16 people, the rotating teacups limited to eight people, the
pirate ship limited to 30 people, the carousel limited to 20 people, the ferris wheel limited
to 20 people…
A third of the people had entered when the boy suddenly said, “The roller coaster project is
full. The game is about to begin.”
Once he said this, everyone looked over and saw the 12 people waiting for the roller
coaster suddenly disappear.
It was hard to see with Xie Xi’s eyes but Jiang Xie’s vision was better than Xie Xi. He could
see it clearly even if he was standing far away.
The roller coaster was an outdoor project. They might still be outside the park but they
could see the hovering track.
Xie Xi asked, “Can you see them?”
Jiang Xie told him, “It is an independent space.” He clearly saw that the roller coaster hadn’t
started and there weren’t any people sitting on it. Even so, the game had started. Thus, they
must be transmitted to an independent space.
Xie Xi hadn’t experienced this before but he could guess from the words.
The first set of people started the game project. Everyone was very perturbed because they
didn’t know the result.
The teenager spoke again. “The carousel is full and the game is about to begin.” 20 people
The carousel was facing the door and Xie Xi could clearly see that there was no one on the
wooden horses. He didn’t know where the people had gone and what type of carousel they
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “Let’s go, we should pass as well.” There weren’t many people
left and it wasn’t necessarily a good thing to stay.
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie lowered his voice and said, “Be more careful.”
Xie Xi understood what he meant. They had opened the game field and both received a
This privilege was placed in his skill bar and allowed him to be immune to a fatal injury. It
could only be used once.
In other words, Xie Xi and Jiang Xie had one extra life.
They had this privilege but the previous announcement said that any players who killed
them could inherit the privilege.
Since they had an immunity to fatal injuries, how could players kill them? Wasn’t this a
Xie Xi understood that this fatal injury immunity was likely to only be for the game field,
not the players.
Therefore, players could kill them and inherit the privilege.
They were about to reach the front when Jiang Xie said, “In any case, protecting yourself is
the highest priority. Do you know?”
Xie Xi looked up at him.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Do you remember?”
Xie Xi responded seriously. “It is the same for you.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
As long as they didn’t separate, Jiang Xie could naturally protect Xie Xi. He was just afraid
that some projects would single projects and he wouldn’t be able to accompany the child.
Xie Xi came closer and found the boy with a stiff voice was a zombie.
No wonder why his voice was so rigid and without any emotions. Still, he was very different
from the zombies outside. The colour of his skill wasn’t normal but his facial features were
neat and weren’t frightening.
Xie Xi took a light breath and took a card.
The zombie teenager didn’t even look. “Congratulations, you have selected the project: I
love you VS shameless.
Xie Xi blinked. What was this project?
Was there such a game?
He seemed to remember that there was a party game called this. The game required people
to say ‘I love you’ to people on the left and ‘shameless’ to people on the right?
The zombie boy continued, “The multi-person project supports a team entry. The current
number is full and the game is about to begin.”
Jiang Xie hadn’t drawn a card but he was in Xie Xi’s team and followed Xie Xi into the game.

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GL: Chapter 81
Open World 6
Xie Xi had become accustomed to the feeling of being transmitted somewhere and he could
even think in this gap.
He didn’t dare say that he remembered all the projects and corresponding numbers that
were previously drawn by players but he definitely remembered all the projects that
There was absolutely no I love you VS shameless game.
The zombie boy said the number was full. Did this mean only two people played this game?
If it was the party game that Xie Xi knew then it absolutely couldn’t be played with two
This game was either not the one he knew or there were other players and their entrances
were different from Xie Xi’s entrance.
Xie Xi was inclined to the latter reason because he watched the people enter and had never
seen Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing. It hadn’t been long since they separated and the two
people wouldn’t die so quickly.
Since they survived but weren’t present, there must be more than one entrance.
This problem was known as long as they entered the game. If it was only him and Jiang Xie
in the game, there was a high probability that there was only one entrance and Kong
Rongliang and Chen Qing had been killed.
He might not like the big idiot and half zombie but he had worked hard to save them. They
couldn’t die so easily!
Xie Xi opened his eyes and sighed with relief when he saw four strange players.
Jiang Xie was more accustomed to the transmission. If Xie Xi could think then he could also
think. He had been paying attention to Xie Xi and his heart softened when he saw the child’s
This little liar was upright. He said he hated them but he was still concerned about those
two people.
Jiang Xie glanced at the -365 goodwill and deluded himself. This little liar also cared about
Xie Xi no longer worried about Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing. He observed the
environment and the people in front of him.
There were a total of six people sitting on pink high back chairs around a pink table.
The round table was cold and seemed to be made from some type of jade. There was also a
white lace pattern on it that showed a girl’s heart.
Xie Xi couldn’t see what he was sitting on but everyone else was matching the round table.
Their chairs were a cool pink jade with a pure white lace pattern.
Beyond the round table was darkness that surrounded them on the sides, above their heads
and at their feet.
Xie Xi wasn’t as tall as Xie Xi but his legs were long enough to touch the ground. He couldn’t
feel anything so they were likely to be suspended.
This was very strange, making people feel tense and uneasy.
Xie Xi quickly glanced at the other four and saw that they were also looking around.
On Xie Xi’s left side was a girl with double ponytails. She looked 17 or 18 and her eyes were
wide with anxiety and nervousness.
The girl’s left side contained a middle-aged man in a suit. His facial features were ordinary
and his eyes curved, but the smile was very uncomfortable.
To the left side of the man was a young woman in a white skirt. Her dark hair was long and
straight and she had a quiet appearance.
The young woman’s left side contained a young man in a tight, sleeveless T-shirt. He looked
strong and handsome but his hesitant eyes revealed a bit of anxiety.
To the left of the young man was Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie’s eyes had changed after entering this
world and they were now a light blue. He looked like a model and the two female’s eyes
were nailed to him.
Xie Xi was on Jiang Xie’s left side, forming a circle.
Jiang Xie became aware of Xie Xi’s glance and also looked over.
Xie Xi pretended not to know him.
In such a strange environment with strangers and a game that couldn’t be figured out, the
best way was to not expose his details.
Then a stiff laugh was heard. It moved from top to bottom and sharp and harsh, like a blade
cutting glass.
Xie Xi saw pink leather shoes followed by pink pantyhose, a pink tutu, a pink bow and a
pink top hat.
The figure looked like a child of eight or nine years old but the green and purple face told
everyone that this was a zombie.
The zombie girl smiled and said, “Hello everyone, I am Love Love and I welcome you to
play my game!”
She tried to make her voice sweet but the stiff face and purple face didn’t make it possible.
Even the girlish pink colour became strange on her.
Xie Xi remembered a term from the Internet: Death Barbie fan.
He remembered that this was the colour of the lipstick on those girls’ faces. Now he thought
that the zombie girl in front of him was a Death Barbie fan!
As soon as she appeared, everyone looked at her, the other four people showing some fear.
The zombie girl was unaware of this and still tried to be sweet. “Before telling you the rules
of the game, please introduce yourselves! From…” She glanced around and pointed to Xie
Xi. “Start from the prettiest person and go to the left!”
Xie Xi, “…” He remembered that he was the emperor of luck. How was it getting worse?
The zombie girl floated beside him and happily said, “Hurry and tell everyone your name.”
Xie Xi opened his mouth and simply said his name.
Then it was the turn of the young woman to Xie Xi’s left. Her voice was really sweet, a stark
contrast to the zombie girl. “Hello, my name is Lan Lingling and I’m a recorder.”
The suited man to her left smiled. “My name is Pan Shenyun and I’m a collector.”
The next one was a young woman. She whispered, “My name is Tan Lei and I’m an
The man in the tight t-shirt straightened and said, “My name is Peng Chi and I’m a
Finally, it was Jiang Xie’s turn to introduce himself. “My name is Jiang Xie and I’m an
The name Jiang Xie wasn’t strange because the famous designer in the Central World was X,
not Jiang Xie.
After the introductions, the zombie girl was happy. “Great, all the people who came to play
the game are such excellent people. I hope you can find your own love in this game of love!”
It was estimated that everyone spat out in their heart, ‘If someone can find love here, how
big is their heart?’
“Next, let Love Love tell you the rules of the game!”
The zombie girl floated to the round table, trying to sound cute with her stiff face.
“The name of the game is I love you VS shameless. According to the order of seats, everyone
can only say I love you to the person on the left and shameless to the person on the right. If
someone says it incorrectly, the round is over and the person will accept the punishment.
You also can’t speak to the same person more than three times in a round. You will be
punished if you exceed the number of times!”
Sure enough, this was the party game that Xie Xi knew.
The rules were very simple. They just needed to remember who to say I love you and who
to say shameless to.
This was nothing but a resilience test. If they concentrated, they were unlikely to make
The other players were obviously relieved and probably felt that they had drawn a
relatively simple game.
Indeed, this was simple and safe compared to the roller coaster, big pendulum and jumper.
But was it really going to be that simple? Xie Xi didn’t take it lightly.
The zombie girl spoke again, “You might not be able to understand with just words. We will
play a trial round so we can quickly understand it!” She added, “It is a trial so there will be
no punishment!”
The girl called Lan Lingling whispered, “Punishment… what type of punishment is it?”
The zombie girl smiled in a cute manner but it was just bizarre. “Love Love can’t say much.
Wait for the official start and you will know.”
The girl was quite bold and actually asked, “How do we end the game?”
The zombie girl was disappointed. “We haven’t started playing the game but you already
want it to end. Don’t you want to play Love Love’s game? Don’t you want to find your own
She wasn’t cute when she was cute but she was scary when she was scary.
The girl paled and quickly shook her head.
The zombie girl smiled stiffly. “Okay, we will start the trial. Once you play, you’ll be as
happy as Love Love!”
Normal people wouldn’t be happy!
It was probably because of Lan Lingling’s question but the zombie girl floated beside her
and said, “We will start from you. Say I love you to the person on your left!”
The girl was stunned. The zombie girl had placed hands on her shoulders and she could feel
a biting cold through her clothes.
Her head was blank for a moment and it was hard to say the three words. She turned to the
suited man on her left and said, “I love you.”
The suited man paused before smiling. “Shameless.”
The zombie girl was happy. “Yes, that’s it! Casually confessing to people, of course you
should be scolded for being shameless!”
Lan Lingling’s face became even uglier.
Everyone knew that the zombie girl was disgusted with her because of her question.
The zombie girl urged the suited man again. “Continue, don’t stop. If you pause for more
than three seconds then you will be punished!”
The suited man turned to the young woman on his left. “I love you.”
The young woman replied, “Shameless.”
She turned and said to the man in a t-shirt to her left. “I love you.”
The man was slightly flustered. “Shameless.”
Next was the turn of the t-shirt man towards Jiang Xie. The zombie girl was happy. “A man
confessing to a man is the most interesting thing. Hurry up!”
The t-shirt man was embarrassed and turned to his right, telling the young woman,
The young woman was startled but reacted quickly. “I love you.”
Then she said to the suited man on her right. “Shameless.”
The t-shirt man shirted the direction in order to not confess to Jiang Xie. This was also in
line with the rules and was the key to the game.
A’s words were passed to B. B could choose to speak to A or C, so that there wasn’t a fixed
clockwise or counterclockwise order. It tested their reaction speed.
It passed back to the girl. She didn’t want to say I love you to the suited man and told Xie Xi,
Xie Xi didn’t care too much because it was just a game. He said, “I love you.”
Then he turned to look at Jiang Xie.
The zombie girl was excited. “Come on, this time a man can’t escape confessing to a man!”
It really couldn’t be avoided. As long as Xie Xi spoke to Jiang Xie, Jiang Xie must reply to
Xie Xi said, “Shameless.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “I love you.”
Xie Xi, “…” He felt weird.
Next, Jiang Xie should turn and say shameless to the t-shirt man while the man had to reply
with I love you.
However, Jiang Xie didn’t want to hear that and looked at Xie Xi. “I love you.”
Xie Xi froze before returning, “Shameless.”
He returned it to Xie Xi. Xie Xi could choose to say I love you to the girl or continue to say
shameless to Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment before speaking to Jiang Xie. “Shameless.”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “I love you.”
“Wow, it sounds good!” The zombie girl shouted. “It is like a real confession! However,
handsome guy, I have to remind you that you have already said I love you three times to
him. You will lose if you say it one more time!” Jiang Xie still looked at Xie Xi and said, “I
love you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“DHey!” The zombie girl didn’t wait for Xie Xi to say shameless. She floated to Jiang Xie and
told him, “You said it more than three times. You have to accept the punishment!”
Jiang Xie was unchanged while his heart was full of bubbles. ‘Good, my confession wasn’t
rejected this time.’
“Of course, this is a trial and there is no punishment!” The zombie girl kept speaking. “Let’s
try it again. This time, I will reverse it. Say I love you to the person on the right and
shameless to the person on the left. Don’t make a mistake.”
The zombie girl floated behind Lan Lingling. “It will start from you.”
The young girl had calmed down a lot. She looked at the suited man on her left and said,
”Shameless.” It was very sincere.
The suited man wasn’t angry and told her, “I love you.”
The girl looked disgusted. The suited man could turn his head and say shameless to the
young woman but he didn’t. He spoke to the girl again, “I love you.”
The girl quickly replied, “Shameless!”
She didn’t want to tangle up with the suited man and turned to Xie Xi. “I love you.”
Xie Xi’s voice was calm. “Shameless.”
Next, he could choose the girl or Jiang Xie. Xie Xi instinctively didn’t want to shame I love
you to Jiang Xie but continuing to say shameless to the girl was bullying. Besides, this was
just a game. Once it officially started, he would have to say it. So…
Xie Xi told Jiang Xie, “I love you.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi stared at him. Jiang Xie replied, “I am very happy.”
Xie Xi, “……………………………………”

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GL: Chapter 82
Open World 7

‘Who is happy? No one is confessing to you. Please don’t be passionate!’

Xie Xi really wanted to knock on this head and see what was inside!
The zombie girl floated to Jiang Xie and leaned back. “It’s you again! You made another
mistake. He said I love you so you have to say shameless!”
Jiang Xie had a helpless expression. “Can I change seats? With him, I might lose badly.”
The zombie girl was curious. “Do you know each other?”
Jiang Xie lied without blinking an eye. “I don’t know him.”
The zombie girl asked, “Then how do you…”
“it is probably love at first sight.”
Everyone present was speechless, especially Xie Xi. He really wanted to find a hole to shove
this person into!
Who knew that the zombie girl would be happy. “Wow, so romantic. You love him at first
sight? Do you like him?”
Jiang Xie smiled without speaking.
The zombie girl turned in a circle and his pink tutu became a small flower. Unfortunately,
her appearance was too miserable and she couldn’t be cute. They heard her say, “I’m too
happy. You actually found love in Love Love’s game. Too good! Xifu hopes that two
beautiful people will love each other. Love is my most favourite thing!”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed at the name ‘Xifu’ and he glanced at Xie Xi. Xie Xi naturally
remembered! Kong Rongliang’s main task was to kill the witch Xifu. Was this zombie girl
Was Jiang Xie’s nonsense to test out this zombie girl? Was it to worm out facts? Looking at
it this way, wasn’t God X an old hand who had passed through countless worlds?
Haha! X was a deceitful ghost!
Xie Xi thought that this guy was just messing around. It was a trial without any punishment
so he was playing!
The zombie girl’s eyes widened. “Geez, Love Love is too happy. How could I say my name?
Okay okay, the trial is over and the formal game will begin. Please remember the rules. If
you make a mistake then you will be punished.” Then she looked at Jiang Xie. “Your
position can’t be changed now. The happiest thing is to be with a loved one!”
Xie Xi noticed the word ‘now’. It couldn’t be changed now but could it be changed in the
There were quite a few people who heard the loophole and became thoughtful.
The formal game began. Anyone who understood the rules knew that the person who
started first was the unluckiest one.
If no one made a mistake and kept going, the first person would be the one to say the same
words a fourth time. If they said it more than three times to the same person, they would be
Everyone wanted to know about the punishment but they didn’t want to be the first one to
receive it.
Then who was going to start first?”
The zombie girl told them, “I will use the turntable. The one it points to will start first!”
As soon as she spoke, a pink disc emerged in the centre of the table. The disc was large and
there was a slender pointed in the middle. It was divided into six parts with their names
written on each part.
The person who started first depended on luck!
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xie, who remained calm and steady.
Xie Xi felt relieved. He thought that Jiang Xie’s luck shouldn’t be too bad…
The zombie girl shouted, “Begin!”
He purple fingers struck the turntable in a hard manner. The pointer turned so quickly that
his vision couldn’t keep up with its speed. At this moment, everyone was holding their
breaths. No one wanted to be first or try out the so-called punishment.
Don’t think it was easy from the trial. Who knew what would happen after it started?
The bizarre game field, gloomy environment and this zombie girl gave off a feeling of evil
and terror!
The quick spinning pointer finally slowed down and they could see the needle tip. The pink
pointer was shocking every time it crossed a person’s name.
It became slower and slower, clearer and clearer as it stopped…
The pointer crossed Xie Xi’s name and slowed down at Jiang Xie’s name. At this rate, it
might stop.
Xie Xi held his breath and stared nervously at the pointer, wishing that he could blow on it
so it wouldn’t stop!
Jiang Xie originally didn’t play according to common sense. If he was first then there would
be an incident!
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet as he saw the child looking so worried. He had encountered this
type of game many times. With his bad luck physique, he was selected nine out of ten times.
This time…
To everyone’s surprise, the pointer that was slow enough to stop didn’t stop. It was like an
old and dying snail as it crawled stubbornly over Jiang Xie’s name towards Peng Chi.
It only exceeded the distance by a few hair strands but the pointer did stop at Peng Chi’s
Xie Xi was silently relieved while Jiang Xie was slightly surprised. For the first time in his
life, he was blessed by the goddess of luck.
The zombie girl was happy. “Peng Chi! We’ll start from you. Since you are the first person,
you can choose to say I love you to the left or the right!”
Peng Chi was the young man in the tight t-shirt. The person who was very happy with his
body froze and blood drained from his face. “I… me? This…”
“That’s right!” The zombie girl interrupted. “Hurry, if you don’t speak in 10 seconds then
you will be punished!”
Peng Chi glanced at Jiang Xie before turning to the young woman and saying, “I love you!”
He chose to say I love you to the person on his right and the cycle began!
The young woman didn’t seem surprised and returned, “Shameless.” Then she turned to
the man in the suit.
The game officially began!
In fact, Peng Chi choosing the young woman was within Xie Xi’s expectations. He knew that
Peng Chi felt too awkward saying I love you to a man.
Peng Chi had a hint of luck by making the game go to the right. He wanted Xie Xi to say I
love you to Jiang Xie in the hope that Jiang Xie wouldn’t play according to common sense
This way, Jiang Xie would be the first person to be punished and Peng Chi could get rid of
the first person disaster.
It was reasonable and Xie Xi was a bit flustered. He was afraid that Jiang Xie would speak
This was a low-grade world. Perhaps Jiang Xie underestimated the game? Xie Xi always felt
that the punishment wasn’t simple and the game wouldn’t end easily!
Everyone didn’t discuss it but took the conventional path. They said I love you to the
person on the right and didn’t break the order.
This was normal. As long as the order wasn’t destroyed, Peng Chi would be the first person
to say the same thing four times!
In an ordinary environment, friends playing the game would naturally disrupt the order
and deliberately create difficulties. However, in this environment, no one wanted to offend
anyone and no one cared about playing the game!
Peng Chi was unlucky. He became the first person and could only experience the
punishment first!
The girl Lan Lingling told Xie Xi, “I love you.”
Xie Xi returned it to her and immediately said to Jiang Xie, “I love you.”
He was a bit nervous and his eyes were full of: Don’t do anything, don’t do anything, don’t
do anything…
Jiang Xie’s lips curved and he whispered, “Shameless.”
Everyone was stunned when he opened his mouth. It wasn’t because he said the correct
words. It was that his tone was gentle, like a lover’s whisper on a lazy afternoon.
The zombie girl held her face. “Oh, your voice is really good. My bones are going to be
limp!” It wasn’t just her. The other two women present were also staring at Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi, “…” Don’t do anything to die! Forget it, he didn’t break the rules!
Jiang Xie looked at Peng Chi on his right side and his voice was as cold as ice, “I love you.”
He had the ability to make these words so murderous!
Peng Chi’s face was ugly as he viciously said, “Shameless!”
He didn’t turn to the woman this time but said to Jiang Xie, “Shameless.”
The order changed from counterclockwise to clockwise but everyone was the same.
In fact, this was meaningless because when asked, there must be an answer. He turned the
order and said shameless two times to Jiang Xie. Soon it would be the third time.
The only use was probably to create some confusion. Some people might make a mistake
after the order was disrupted. If someone made a mistake, he would be saved!
Still, who would make a mistake? In such an unknown game, who wasn’t mentally focused?
None of the people present were newcomers. They had all experienced at least three
words. Since they entered this world, who wouldn’t be able to react to this?
Everyone spoke in turn and didn’t disrupt the order, sending Peng Chi to the ‘guillotine.’
Peng Chi also understood that if he was in their position, he would do the same. The result
of the turntable represented everything.
Bad luck, who could he blame? However… he wasn’t willing! Why? Why should he be
Peng Chi didn’t want to accept the punishment. He didn’t want to be their ‘guinea pig’ to
test how hard this game was for them!
The more he didn’t want it, the more nervous he became. It reached him again. This was the
third time. If it came back again, he would…
“Pause!” The zombie girl suddenly exclaimed. “You are really amazing. No one said
anything wrong for two rounds. Love Love is very happy and will give you a small reward!”
Everyone stared at her the moment she opened her mouth.
A reward? Xie Xi had a terrible hunch. He didn’t think this reward would be a good thing.
The zombie girl said, “I have a card here. It has been placed on the turntable and whoever
the pointer lands on will get this card!”
The turntable appeared again and there was a black card that fell gently on the pointer. It
looked like a gust of wind could blow it away but it was motionless as the pointer spun.
The players couldn’t figure out what type of card it was. They just knew it was a variable.
The zombie girl wouldn’t let them play the game so easily. She must make it difficult.
The pointed stopped at Lan Lingling to the left of Xie Xi. Lan Lingling’s eyes widened and
her face was uneasy.
The zombie girl said, ”Lucky little sister, pick up the card and read the words written on it.
Remember that the words can’t be bad.”
Lan Lingling reached out and nervously picked up the card. The moment she saw the
contents of the card, blood drained from her face.
Everyone looked at her nervously and wanted to know what was on the card. Lan Lingling
glanced at the zombie girl. The zombie girl repeated, “The words can’t be bad. If they are
wrong then you will be punished.”
Lan Lingling took a breath and bit her lower lip. “Forbidden card. After using it, one of the
other five people will be randomly selected and forbidden from talking for one minute. It
can be discarded and won’t work after this round.”
She bowed her head after reading and held the card nervously.
Forbidden Card! There was something like this! This I love you VS shameless game really
wasn’t simple.
A random person would be randomly silenced for one minute. This meant the person
silenced would definitely lose!
They only had six people and one person couldn’t take longer then three seconds to speak.
One lap was definitely not a minute. The person was forbidden to speak and since they
couldn’t speak, they were bound to be punished.
Peng Chi’s eyes lit up and he came alive as he heard the contents of this card. If Lan Lingling
used it then he could get rid of the first person disaster!
After this lap was over, he would say something a fourth time and accept the punishment.
However, if someone was silenced then this person would be punished. Once someone was
punished, the round was over and they would start again.
Peng Chi watched Lan Lingling excitedly, wishing that she would use this card immediately.
Lan Lingling didn’t dare to look at him. She held the card and bit her lips.
Xie Xi knew what she was suffering…
This card didn’t apply to the user but one of the five other people would be randomly
silenced. Lan Lingling wouldn’t be harmed by it.
In fact, this card was very disgusting. Lan Lingling didn’t need to use it.
If she didn’t use the card, Peng Chi would be punished. If the punishment was terrible but
he didn’t die, Peng Chi would definitely hate Lan Lingling. It was because he had a chance
not to be punished but Lan Lingling didn’t give him this opportunity.
If Lan Lingling used the card, someone else might be punished and this person would
definitely hate her. It was because they didn’t need to be punished but Lan Lingling
punished them!
Lan Lingling herself couldn’t be punished with this card but she would definitely offend
It was okay if the punishment involved death but what if it didn’t? There was no death but a
crueller punishment.
Lan Lingling looked at the zombie girl. “I…”
The zombie girl told her, “You must make a choice. If you don’t choose then you will be the
one punished.”
Lan Lingling was bloodless as she finally chose. “I will abandon the card.”
She gave up and Peng Chi was full of despair. This type of feeling hope and then having it
shattered was more painful than being in despair the whole time!
“Oh.” The zombie girl spoke. “This great reward has been given up. Okay, there is no need
to use it. The game will continue!”
The atmosphere was tense. One lap took only a few seconds but it was like spring and
autumn passed. Peng Chi was sweating and he was completely flustered.
No one made a mistake. No one could make a mistake in this simple speech game.
Finally, Jiang Xie glanced towards Peng Chi and it was like the death knife was at Peng Chi’s
Peng Chi had no way. He glanced at the zombie girl and Lan Lingling whose head was
lowered and finally spoke to the woman on his right. “I love you.”
Then the zombie girl’s stiff voice filled with a strange sweetness was heard. “It is the fourth
time. Oh, a person confessed four times and wasn’t accepted. They must be punished. Love
Love most hates this type of stalker!”
They couldn’t see what the zombie girl did. They only heard a terrible scream.
Peng Chi’s right arm was cut off. Blood splattered and the young woman was covered with
The even creepier thing was that the zombie girl picked up the cut off arm and opened her
mouth to eat it.

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GL: Chapter 83
Open World 8

The zombie girl had blood around her mouth and she chewed it like she was eating
something good.
If this was seen by ordinary people, they would probably turn around and vomit.
The players had experienced several worlds but even they found it hard to bear such a
bloody sight.
The young woman covered with blood frowned lightly without any fear. She didn’t look at
the screaming Peng Chi and slowly wiped the blood on her body with a handkerchief.
Xie Xi felt anxious but knew he couldn’t do anything after seeing the arm being eaten by the
zombie girl.
He wasn’t sure if his Beginner Repair skill was effective on Peng Chi but it was certain that
it couldn’t be used without the arm.
Peng Chi just lost an arm. It wasn’t fatal but if the blood kept flowing like this then his life
would soon be gone.
Lan Lingling finally looked up as she stared at the screaming Peng Chi.
The zombie girl finished eating and was happy. “It tastes good. Thank you for your
hospitality. I will help you stop the bleeding.”
She finished speaking and the blood at Peng Chi’s shoulder stopped. Nevertheless, it was
clear that the pain was still there.
It was good that the bleeding was stopped since he wouldn’t bleed to death.
Lan Lingling retracted her gaze, regret flashing in her eyes. She wanted Peng Chi to die
because she knew that he would retaliate against her if he didn’t.
Xie Xi was by her side and saw it clearly. His chest became cold and he couldn’t help
clenching his fists.
“Okay.” The zombie girl continued. “The second round will start? Who will be punished
Peng Chi had barely calmed down. He was covered in blood, his face was sallow and cold
while sweat flowed down his forehead. He looked haggard but his eyes were a dark abyss.
He wanted to drag everyone into hell with him.
Lan Lingling frowned and straightened her back.
The zombie girl said, “I will start the turntable to see who is the lucky first person.”
The pink roulette turned and the atmosphere was tenser this time.
They still felt a hint of luck before seeing the punishment. Now they knew they were
standing on the wooden bridge of hell and desired to live at all costs!
The pink pointer became slower and slower like it was gradually approaching the death
The pointer slowed down and passed Lan Lingling’s area. It came to Xie Xi and showed no
signs of stopping. It went straight to Jiang Xie’s area and slowed down like last time. It
turned slowly…
Everyone held their breaths. Peng Chi was nervous enough to die. If the first person was
him then he would be finished. These people would definitely sacrifice face. Once he
accepted another punishment, he… he…
Peng Chi stared at the turntable, wanting to hit it and lift it! The pointer stopped and stayed
Peng Chi was stunned. Once he saw that it was far from his own area, he was relieved and
Jiang Xie stated, “It’s me.”
Compared to his calm, Xie Xi was very nervous.
The first round was a real demonstration that gave everyone an idea. The first person was
in danger and more likely to be punished than anyone else.
The punishment was so cruel. Xie Xi…
The zombie girl looked at Jiang Xie and smiled happily. “Handsome people taste the best.
I’m looking forward to it.”
Jiang Xie laughed. “Thank you for the compliment.”
The zombie girl’s good mood increased. “You are funny. I like to eat interesting people the
Xie Xi, “…” Too naughty!
Jiang Xie didn’t care and just watched Xie Xi.
The zombie girl understood him. “Okay, let’s start the second round. Handsome man,
quickly confess!”
Jiang Xie didn’t disappoint her and told Xie Xi, “I love you.”
Xie Xi had been worried but he didn’t feel good when looking at this old guy. “Shameless!”
Perhaps Jiang Xie’s calm mood infected Xie Xi and his tense heart calmed down. In fact,
Jiang Xie was quite magical. He always gave Xie Xi an unreliable feeling but he also felt
inexplicably reliable. It seemed that nothing terrible would happen as long as he was there.
Well… Xie Xi took it back. This was just a delusion!
The second round began. Xie Xi said I love you to Lan Lingling and she rejected him.
According to the last round, she should turn to the suited man and say I love you but she
didn’t. Instead, she told Xie Xi, “Shameless.”
Xie Xi quickly returned it with, “I love you.”
It took only a second for Xie Xi to understand Lan Lingling’s intentions.
She deliberately reversed the order in order to catch Peng Chi off guard. He would be
immersed in the pain of his severed arm and make a mistake. Then he would once again be
The even more frightening thing was that she calculated that Xie Xi wouldn’t reverse it.
It was because if Xie Xi reversed it, he would be the first one saying something four times!
This was the first lap. Xie Xi first said I love you to Lan Lingling and she returned it with
shameless. The two people evened out and only said it once.
Then Lan Lingling said shameless to Xie Xi and Xie Xi returned it with I love you. The two of
them were once again even as they said it twice. Lan Lingling also said it first and Xie Xi was
If Xie Xi reversed it again in order to save Peng Chi, he would say I love you to Lan Lingling
and she would respond with Xie Xi. They both said it three times but Xie Xi would become
At this time, Lan Lingling would give up on Xie Xi to go to the suited man. As long as the
suited man kept the order, it would reach Xie Xi. Xie Xi must first reply shameless to Jiang
Xie. If he wanted to avoid Lan Lingling, he would speak to Jiang Xie once again but this
meant speaking to Jiang Xie three times…
After that, no matter what the order, Xie Xi would be the one to speak four times first
unless someone else made a mistake!
The even more ridiculous thing was that if Xie Xi made such a complicated reversal to save
Peng Chi, in Peng Chi’s current state, it was likely that he would still make a mistake first
and Lan Lingling’s desire would come true!
Xie Xi felt cold as he told Jiang Xie, “Shameless.”
Jiang Xie’s voice was full of relief. “I love you.”
Xie Xi looked up at Jiang Xie but Jiang Xie didn’t pause as he said to Peng Chi, “Shameless.”
Peng Chi, “…”
There were many thoughts but this actually happened very quickly. One person took only
two seconds and it reached Peng Chi in eight seconds.
He was tortured by his arm and his nerves had collapsed to the extreme due to the
turntable. Now it was hard to catch his breath and Lan Lingling’s sudden reversal made him
Peng Chi was stunned after hearing Jiang Xie’s shameless and stuttered, “I…I…”
“Hey!” The zombie girl was happy. You made another mistake. I love you, I love you, how
can you not say it?”
Peng Chi was horrified. “No… I… no…”
The zombie girl stated, “You must follow the rules when playing the game. If you lose then
you will be punished.”
She finished speaking and Peng Chi’s leg was cut off.
The scream made the scalp numb and Peng Chi almost fainted.
The zombie girl stopped the bleeding for him. “You still have to play the game even if you
faint. If you can’t speak then you have to accept the punishment!”
These words made Peng Chi bit his lip and swallow down his screams.
He lost an arm and a leg while the pain was consuming his physical and mental strength. He
was already almost at his limit!
He stared at Lan Lingling and the desire to survive and his hatred paralyzed his nerves,
making him strong.
The third round began and this time it pointed to Xie Xi. Xie Xi became the first person.
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie in a stunned manner. “I love you.”
Jiang Xie was very distressed but he knew better than anyone that this game wasn’t
difficult. In a higher rated world, the punishment wouldn’t be as simple as losing an arm.
The real survival was not dying and ordinary people couldn’t imagine it.
Xie Xi had to continue to grow.
This time Lan Lingling didn’t reverse the order. She knew that Peng Chi was prepared and
if she rushed to reverse it, she might fall into the trap.
The second lap ended. If there was no chance, Xie Xi would be the one punished.
Lan Lingling said I love you to Xie Xi for the third time and Xie Xi replied with shameless.
He would soon speak to Jiang Xie and say the fourth I love you…
Suddenly, the zombie girl opened her mouth. “Pause~ There is another reward!”
Xie Xi’s heart was in his throat. He guessed there would be a card but he hadn’t expected it
to appear at the last moment!
The zombie girl told them, “It is a pity. The most beautiful person must taste good.
Unfortunately, I can’t eat it.”
Xie Xi, “…”
The zombie girl spoke again, “Not necessarily. Let’s look at the reward first!”
The pink turntable popped up with a black card on it. The zombie girl fiddled with it and it
started to spin. The pointed slowed down as it came to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was nervous. If this card appeared in front of him, he would have a great chance to
save himself. If it stopped in front of Jiang Xie, he believed that Jiang Xie wouldn’t abandon
him. However, if it stopped in front of others…
Xie Xi stared without blinking as he thought of the worst.
He had a fatal injury immunity and could probably hold on until the end of the game, but
what about the next game? If the first project was this difficult, what about the next two?
Not to mention, there was still the underground labyrinth!
Xie Xi wasn’t naive enough to think that his main task had nothing to do with the
underground labyrinth.
If he couldn’t manage even the first project then what would happen?
The pointer stopped in front of Peng Chi.
Lan Lingling’s pupils shrunk and she looked somewhat nervous.
The zombie girl instructed, “Use your other hand to pick up the card and read the contents.
Remember not to read it wrong or you will receive punishment.”
Peng Chi’s face was cold as he endured the pain and took the card. His voice was hoarse and
gasping, like a dying person’s unwilling roar.
“Exchange Card, specify two people to change seats. The card can be discarded and it is
invalid after this round.”
He finished reading the contents of the card and his hateful eyes were fixed on Lan Lingling.
Lan Lingling’s face instantly drained of blood and his lips quivered. “No… I… I didn’t mean
Peng Chi’s pale lips curved as he revealed a comforting and crazy smile. “I will use the
Exchange Card.”
The zombie girl asked, “Who will you specify to change seats?”
Did she still need to ask? Everyone could guess.
Peng Chi cried out, “I designate Lan Lingling and Xie Xi to change seats!”

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GL: Chapter 84
Open World 9

Three laps had been played in this round of the game. Everyone had spoke three times and
the next person would be punished, regardless of what they said.
In order, Xie Xi was the first person and he should be the next one punished.
However, Peng Chi used the Exchange Card to change the position of Lan Lingling and Xie
Then the first person to open their mouths would be Lan Lingling and the person being
punished changed to her.
Lan Lingling was shocked. “No… no… I don’t want to change…”
However, she wasn’t required to move at all. She had already changed seats with Xie Xi.
The zombie girl said, “The game will continue. If you speak irrelevant words then you will
be punished.”
Lan Lingling’s face was grey as she stared at Peng Chi with unwilling eyes. “I didn’t mean to
harm you. That Forbidden Card was originally a trap. Why are you…”
“You are saying the wrong thing.” The zombie girl interrupted. “You have two excellent
men around you. Why do you want to look at other people? Love Love hates this type of
non single-minded person the most!”
Lan Lingling knew she couldn’t escape the punishment and simply used this opportunity to
question Peng Chi.
As soon as she opened her mouth, this round of the game ended and Peng Chi had a chance
to speak. He sneered, “The Forbidden Card isn’t your fault but what about after that? You
took advantage of my distraction to reverse the order and I lost a leg. You killed me!”
Lan Lingling cried out, “You are the one who didn’t react!”
Peng Chi wondered, “Why did you reverse it when no one else did?”
Lan Lingling gritted her teeth. “If I didn’t reverse it then you wouldn’t have let me go!” She
had to act strong to eliminate the hidden dangers.
The zombie girl stated, “Be quiet, the two of you don’t fit.” She sounded like she was trying
to persuade a bickering couple. “Don’t force yourself together if you don’t fit.”
Peng Chi and Lang Lingling’s expressions were extremely stiff but they didn’t dare refute
the zombie girl.
The zombie girl floated behind Lan Lingling and said, “I don’t like eating women but the
rules are the rules. They are set and I must abide by them.”
Lan Lingling screamed and her right arm was gone.
On her right was Jiang Xie and his left side was inevitably stained with blood. Fortunately,
he was taller than the girl and blood didn’t splash on his face.
Jiang Xie had never been so thankful for his bad luck. Very good, at least the child wasn’t
The zombie girl ate Lan Lingling’s arm and dismissed it. “Not good…”
Lang Lingling bit her lower lip.
The zombie girl grudgingly said, “Well, I will still stop the bleeding for you.” She murmured
in an unhappy manner, “The dead can’t find love.”
She spoke in a very low voice but Xie Xi was close and could clearly hear it. His brain
started moving…
The zombie girl exclaimed, “Okay, keep playing the game!”
There were six people present and two people were injured. Peng Chi lost one arm and one
leg while Lan Lingling lost her right arm. Both of them were suffering tremendously and
resented each other.
The situation was chaotic and if it continued like this, they would have only one dead end.
What to do? What should he do? Was this really a dead end? Did they have to keep playing
like this until everyone died? Impossible!
Xie Xi carefully recalled all the details after entering the game.
The zombie girl said many things, especially during the trial when Jiang Xie was messing
around. She said that she liked people who loved each other and started the game by
mentioning they should find love.
Xie Xi clearly remembered what the zombie girl said when Peng Chi was first punished.
—If a person confessed four times and was rejected, he or she will be punished.
The confession being rejected four times would lead to punishment. This sounded like a
casual statement. After all, the rules were set that they would be punished after speaking
more than three times.
What if it wasn’t just a rule? What if this rule was built on a certain purpose?
When Xie Xi heard this, he couldn’t help thinking, ‘Would it be okay if the young woman
replied I love you to Peng Chi?’
It was impossible because if she answered I love you on the fourth time, it was highly likely
the zombie girl would say, “If you love him, why didn’t you accept it earlier? It isn’t good
enough and accept the punishment.”
However, if she answered I love you in one of the earlier three attempts then the young
woman would violate the rule that she could only say shameless and she would be the one
There was no solution. Promising love on the fourth time would still lead to punishment
and no one would dare say anything different during the first three times!
Then was the zombie girl really joking? Her goal was to eat people?
If the existence of a game was to let players die then the Central World was too cruel.
Xie Xi knew that in the eyes of the Central Government, the players were no different from
thousands of worlds or even the zombie girl in front of them.
The Central Government didn’t favour players but it didn’t dislike them. Then… there must
be a way to clear this game. How exactly could they clear it?
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie sensed his gaze and looked back. The two
of them didn’t speak but Xie Xi was surprised to find that he understood what the other
person meant.
—Calm down.
Xie Xi was stunned. Yes, if he wanted to clear this game, he couldn’t be confused by
everything in front of him. The real clue would definitely be hidden inside the game and he
had to be calm!
Don’t be distracted by the game, distracted by the zombie girl or distracted by hatred and
A new round of the game began. The pointer stopped in front of the young woman. She
paused and said to the man in the suit, “I love you.”
The suited man replied to the young woman before telling Xie Xi, “I love you.”
Xie Xi hadn’t noticed it before but he felt a strange familiarity now that he was close to the
man in the suit. He replied, “Shameless.”
He turned his head and told Lan Lingling, “I love you.”
Lan Lingling whispered, “Shameless.”
She seemed to be in great pain. Her eyes were red, her body was shaking and she stared at
Peng Chi with eyes full of resentment. Peng Chi was the same. He placed the cause of this
disaster onto Lan Lingling.
In fact, they became like this because of the game. However, they couldn’t resist the zombie
girl and became angry at each other. The zombie girl planted the seed of hatred in their
hearts and they nourished it into towering trees.
The lap ended steadily. At the beginning of the second lap, the zombie girl suddenly said,
“Oh, there is a reward. Pause to receive the prize.”
The young woman’s expression changed. The reward might be a turning point to avoid
punishment but for others, it might be a disaster.
Everyone stared intently at the turntable. Lan Lingling bit her lip and prayed it wouldn’t
point to Peng Chi. Meanwhile, Peng Chi didn’t care. Compared to death, he just wanted to
vent his anger!
The turntable stopped and pointed at Jiang Xie. The zombie girl was happy. “Your voice is
very good. Quickly read it and let everyone know what the card it.”
Jiang Xie took the card and his pupils shrank slightly when he saw the words on it. The
corners of his mouth curved up in a smile as he read it. “The Opposite Card. After it is used,
you can only say the opposite thing. It can be used randomly on one of the five other
players or used on yourself. It can’t be discarded and will automatically take effect after
An Opposite Card?
Xie Xi was startled, the suited man was thinking, the young woman was somewhat nervous
while Peng Chi and Lan Lingling were flustered.
It would be fine for everyone if this card appeared in the early stages. They were all people
with fast reactions and their brains worked quickly. It wouldn’t be a problem to say the
opposite words.
Now it was different. For the injured Peng Chi and Lan Lingling, it was already hard work to
answer normally. If the Opposite Card was applied to them, they might not be able to react
in time!
The young woman was nervous because the effect of this card was too general and not as
fatal as the previous cards. The person who used the Opposite Card wouldn’t necessarily
make a mistake. If they didn’t make a mistake then she would be the one who was
As for Xie Xi, he saw the key to clearing this game!
Jiang Xie declared, “I will use it on myself.”
The zombie girl told you, “You have to think clearly. If you accidentally say the wrong thing,
you will be punished.”
Jiang Xie looked at her. “Randomly choosing is too bad. What should I do if I accidentally
choose my sweetheart?”
The zombie girl spun around, as happy as a naive little girl. “Oh, you really like him. Did you
really fall in love with him at first sight?”
Jiang Xie smiled.
The zombie girl asked, “Does he like you?”
“I don’t know yet.”
The zombie girl urged him, “Then go and confess.”
“I will.”
The zombie girl was excited. “I’m really happy. As long as you can find love in the game,
Love Love can always starve!”
Jiang Xie’s hint was obvious!
The key point was that with the Opposite Card, as soon as the other person said I love you,
Jiang Xie’s answer would be I love you. The condition for mutual confession was reached!
Would this game be over once Lan Lingling said I love you and Jiang Xie responded with I
love you?
Xie Xi watched nervously, hoping that the game would stop here!
Peng Chi and Lan Lingling might be injured but as long as they left this open world, they
could be treated after returning to the Central World.
Would it really end like this?
The timeout was over and the game started again. The young woman bit her lips and told
the suited man, “I love you.”
The suited man returned it to her and whispered to Xie Xi, “I love you.” Xie Xi squinted at
The man’s mouth was slightly raised and his facial muscles looked somewhat irregular.
At this time, Jiang Xie’s gaze swept over him and the suited man returned to normal.
Xie Xi didn’t dare delay the time and continued the game. Then it was Lan Lingling’s turn to
say I love you. Jiang Xie originally should reply with shameless but now he had to say I love
you thanks to the Opposite Card. According to inference, the game should end here!
Xie Xi watched them nervously…
Lan Lingling said, “I love you.”
Jiang Xie also said, “I love you.”
It was the only time in the game where the same thing was said. What would happen? Xie
Xi turned towards the zombie girl. The zombie girl was indifferent and didn’t shout that the
game had ended.
Xie Xi’s head buzzed and his heart was cold. Was he wrong? The game really wasn’t over?
Was this actually a game to feed all of them to the zombie girl?
No… it was impossible. There wouldn’t be so many clues if it was such a dead end! There
must be something he ignored. What was it?
The young woman obviously had similar thoughts but Lan Lingling’s confession failure
caused her to be disappointed.
As the next one to be punished, she was more nervous than anyone else. In this round of
the game, she had been avoiding looking at Peng Chi. She always spoke to the suited man
but this time she suddenly reversed the direction, telling Peng Chi, “I love you.”
Peng Chi’s reaction was fairly fast. “Shameless.”
The young woman bit her lip and looked at Jiang Xie. Xie Xi jerked. Yes, it was the order!
Jiang Xie was the lover so it should be Jiang Xie confessing and Lan Lingling accepting. If
this was the case…
No, Xie Xi finally remembered the key point.
Love at first sight. Jiang Xie paved the way at the beginning. He did a good job of laying the
groundwork in the game trial stage. The person he loved at first sight was Xie Xi.
Therefore, Jiang Xie had to confess to Xie Xi and Xie Xi had to accept in order to end the
However, Peng Chi used the Exchange Card and changed Xie Xi’s position with Lan Lingling.
There was a gap between the two people and Jiang Xie couldn’t confess to him.
Then was it impossible to end the game? No, it could end as long as Lan Lingling was
eliminated. Then Jiang Xie would be sitting next to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s heart seemed to be frozen.
If Lan Lingling hadn’t tricked Peng Chi with the purpose of making a strong start then Peng
Chi might not feel such a strong desire for revenge. If Peng Chi hadn’t used the Exchange
Card then this game would be over.
The final result might be three people losing their arms but it was fortunate compared to
Maybe she was thinking about this or maybe it was the direction reversing, the card or the
pain of losing an arm. When Jiang Xie said shameless to Lan Lingling, she replied, “I love
As soon as she spoke, the zombie girl flew over with a smile. “Oh, you are wrong. He said
shameless. How could you reply with I love you?”
Lan Lingling was dazed and tears dripped from her red eyes. “No… I…”
The zombie girl ate her left leg. Lan Lingling’s screams were extremely miserable and
completely different from her original sweet voice. Xie Xi was on her left and felt the sticky
The zombie girl sighed. “Okay, a new round has started.”
The bleeding stopped but the pain was still present. Lan Lingling lay on the table and all the
strength seemed to have drained from her body. She wept silently and the lip that she bit
was covered in blood. Was it necessary to knock her out to end the game?
Xie Xi formed fists.
A new round began and this time the pointer aimed at the man in the suit. This seemed to
be a luck turntable but not a single person had repeated. The first person was different
every time.
The suited man was calm and spoke to Xie Xi, “I love you.”
Xie Xi thought this person was strange but couldn’t see anything despite close scrutiny.
The game continued. Lan Lingling might be lying against the table but she still had the
strength to speak and could continue the game.
Peng Chi seemed to have adapted to the pain. When Jiang Xie told him, “Shameless,” he
reacted with shameless.
Two laps finished and Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at the zombie girl. The zombie girl came
over. “There is a reward! However, I only have three cards here. I can’t give you too many
Xie Xi’s eyes brightened.
This game really wasn’t a dead end! With only three cards, they had a great chance of
getting the Exchange Card. He could change positions with Lan Lingling and end the game
with Jiang Xie.
Exchange Card, Exchange Card, Exchange Card.
Xie Xi stared at the turntable and prayed. He was an emperor of luck. In the case of the card
turntable, he seemed to have a mysterious idea…
The pointed stopped at the man in the suit.
Just like when selecting the person who went first, the person who received the reward
was different every time. Xie Xi wasn’t surprised. If the game continued, the next person to
get a card was either Xie Xi or the young woman.
This seemed like a game of luck but it didn’t look at luck.
The suited man picked up the card and slowly read, “Exchange Card, specify two people to
change seats. The card can be discarded and it is invalid after this round.”
It was really the Exchange Card! Xie Xi looked at him excitedly. The suited man smiled and
said, “I want to use the card.”
The zombie girl asked, “Okay, who do you want to change positions?”
The man in the suit looked at Xie Xi with slight regret. “Let Xie Xi and Lan Lingling change
Xie Xi, “!” He didn’t bother thinking much about this man’s tone.
Great, this man must’ve seen the key to breaking the game!”
The zombie girl replied, “Yes.” Xie Xi and Lan Lingling changed positions and Xie Xi was
once again next to Jiang Xie.”
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie with glittering eyes full of anticipation. Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet.
No matter the reason, this child was expecting his confession.
The suited man told Lan Lingling, “I love you.”
Lan Lingling passed on the words and Xie Xi nervously told Jiang Xie, “I love you.”
Jiang Xie had to say the opposite words and he replied with “I love you.”
The conditions were reached. Was the game over? Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at the
zombie girl. The zombie girl didn’t move and it seemed like she didn’t intend to announce
the end of the game.
Was he wrong? Xie Xi’s heart was a mess when Jiang Xie whispered softly into his ear, “I
love you.”
Xie Xi’s messy thoughts were straightened out and the ups and downs of his heartbeat were
He smiled at Jiang Xie. “I love you.”
The zombie girl was happy. “Great! You have found love in the game of love. Love Love is
happy! Unfortunately, time is running out and the game is over. Players who haven’t found
love, I can only see you next time!”

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GL: Chapter 85
Open World 10

The zombie girl floated in front of Jiang Xie and Xie Xi, telling them, “Be good together and
love each other. If you break up, Love Love will curse you.”
Jiang Xie smiled while Xie Xi was in shock.
Fortunately, the zombie girl didn’t say anything else. She waved her small hand and all the
pink things disappeared. The players participating in the ground instantly fell straight
Both the injured Lan Lingling and Peng Chi sucked in a breath. Fortunately, the height was
height but there was buoyancy and they weren’t injured from the fall.
After finally landing, Xie Xi met a pair of bloody eyes. Xie Xi was startled and screamed.
Jiang Xie held his hand. “It’s okay, they’re all dead.”
Them being dead didn’t make it okay!
Xie Xi slowly discovered that the place where they landed was like a mass grave. They were
surrounded by messy corpses. Some had no arms or no legs. The even more terrible thing
was that all their limbs were gone and they became a column of bodies…
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t look if you are disgusted.”
He knew that this child was strong and wouldn’t say he was afraid.
Xie Xi thought this was useful. He closed his eyes and asked, “Did they all die in the game?”
Xie Xi frowned. “In fact, this game wasn’t difficult.” Even so, many people died.
Jiang Xie explained, “Many times, the difficulty of the game isn’t related to the death rate.” A
hard game didn’t necessarily mean death and a simple game didn’t necessarily mean
survival. It was because people were very strange creatures.
Their bodies were fine but Lan Lingling and Peng Chi were ashen as they lay on the ground.
They survived but didn’t have one arm and one leg. They couldn’t walk anymore. Then
what about the next two projects? If they couldn’t finish then they would be stuck here
forever. These dead people were stuck forever!
Many bodies were missing one arm and one leg. They had probably lived to the end of the
game but due to physical reasons and no one helping them, they could only die here
Lan Lingling and Peng Chi saw that they would soon become like this.
The young woman got up, glanced at them indifferently and walked towards the exit. No
one would save a stranger, not to mention the two people were so badly injured that saving
them was only dragging her to death.
Xie Xi watched Lan Lingling and Peng Chi. “This game seems to rely entirely on luck but
there are actually fixed rules. The first person selected depends on luck but everyone will
become the first person once. The card also seems to be luck but there were a total of three
cards and the cards we received every time were different. If you didn’t resent each other,
we could’ve ended the game in three rounds.”
At best, they would’ve lost an arm and still be able to act. Unlike now, when they could only
wait for death.
In fact, this was the trap of the game. No one was willing to be the first person or sacrifice
themselves. As long as their heart was unwilling, there would be various situations.
A Forbidden Card appeared at the end of the first round, which was tantamount to a
lifesaver for the first person to be punished.
This card seemed to randomly land in Lan Lingling’s hand but Xie Xi was certain that Peng
Chi absolutely wouldn’t have received it.
The game deliberately gave it to the other five people, waiting for them to make a choice.
The choice was difficult and determined who they would offend. This was doomed to be a
In fact, Lan Lingling’s choice to discard it was correct. If Peng Chi was sensible, he would’ve
understood Lan Lingling’s helplessness. She didn’t favour or bully anyone, she just
maintained the original state. All he had to do was pretend the fire of hope hadn’t appeared.
Unfortunately, Peng Chi fell into the trap and directed his disappointment and resentment
towards Lan Lingling.
Even so, if Lan Lingling had held steady, not been suspicious and didn’t act to trick Peng Chi
then when Peng Chi got the Exchange Card, he might’ve hesitated to change Lan Lingling
and Xie Xi’s positions. Then Lan Lingling wouldn’t have lost an arm.
Due to the gradually accumulated resentment and unwillingness, the two of them struggled
and Lan Lingling made a mistake, causing her to lose her leg.
Lan Lingling and Peng Chi also understood these things but what was the point?
It was already too late.
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie and asked him, “Did you realize the key to the game early on and
set up the foundations in the trial?”
He didn’t want to admit it but Jiang Xie’s nonsense was indeed the key to the game.
He caught the message revealed by the zombie girl and used the two chances in the trial to
pave the way for ‘love at first sight.’ Thus, the confession of the Opposite Card took effect
and the illusion of finding love in the game was created.
The thing that Xie Xi couldn’t understand was that there were certainly no other ‘old hands’
like Jiang Xie in other games. If they didn’t lay the foundation in advance, how could they
create the illusion of finding love? Xie Xi didn’t believe that anyone could find love in such a
shocking game.
Jiang Xie explained, “There is no need to pave the way. The key is to invest.”
“Love naturally needs an investment. The key is to use the Opposite Card under the
premise that the position isn’t swapped.”
Xie Xi understood. Normal people wouldn’t say so many words in the trial. The game was
set on the premise that all players were strangers. Then how could they find love?
The location was crucial. The zombie girl had told Lan Lingling, “You have two good men
around you. How can you go and talk to others?” In other words, only the two people who
were originally adjacent would have an effect if they confessed to each other. At the same
time, they needed to use the Opposite Card on themselves.
The rule of the Opposite Card was that it must be used by one of the five other people or
the person who had the card. It couldn’t be discarded. It was only when the person used it
on themselves that something would be invested in the love.
Xie Xi couldn’t understand something. He asked Jiang Xie, “Since it was useless, why did you
pave the way in the trial?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi watched him.
Jiang Xie was worthy of being Old Jiang. He smiled and shamelessly said, “I didn’t pave the
Xie Xi, “???”
He cleared his throat. “I just told the truth. It is ordinary love at first sight.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
Okay! To be honest, love at first sight was still normal!
Xie Xi believed that he would be the one losing if he tried to refute it.
A chuckle was heard. It was from the man in the suit who hadn’t left yet. The suited man
said, “You are really interesting.”
Xie Xi looked at him and opened his mouth. “Do we know each other?” This sense of
familiarity couldn’t fool people. Xie Xi should’ve seen this person somewhere before.
The man in the suit kept smiling.
Jiang Xie’s voice was cold. “The mask is quite good.”
His gentle tone that contained a hint of cold caused the suited man to hurriedly wave his
hand. “I mean no harm. I just wanted to help Xie Xi.”
Xie Xi was startled. The man in the suit reached for his neck and pulled. Something fell off
and revealed his original face.
Zhong Jin! The man who tricked Xie Xi into the Fairytale Town had chased him all the way
here. Where did he come from and why say that he helped Xie Xi!
Zhong Jin blinked and told them, “I wish you a happy game. I will leave first.”
He looked as if he was running away but the smile on his face revealed that he wasn’t really
Xie Xi, “…”
He didn’t expect to meet Zhong Jin here. There were so many players in the Central World.
How could there be such a coincidence?
Jiang Xie reminded him, “His face is fake.”
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised at all!
Jiang Xie wondered, “Is he the man you met in Fairytale Town?”
Xie Xi had talked about Fairytale Town with him so he nodded and explained briefly.
Jiang Xie warned, “That person isn’t simple.”
Xie Xi also felt it. “I will be careful.”
Zhong Jin had obviously seen through this game early on. He probably understood it better
than Xie Xi. However, Xie Xi had some doubts. Why did he show a regretful expression
when he used the Exchange Card?
What did he regret? Did he not want to end the game? He wanted to keep watching the fun?
Xie Xi thought it was likely. After all, this man’s character was really bad.
The reason why Xie Xi spent so long in this pile of dead people wasn’t to comment on the
He had been waiting for the suited man to leave. Now that no one was here…
Xie Xi spoke to Lan Lingling and Peng Chi. “I have a way to help you stand up. Do you want
to try it?”
Lan Lingling and Peng Chi looked up with bright eyes.
Peng Chi cried out, “As long as I can stand up, I will work extremely hard for you in this
Lan Lingling was also excited. “Please help me. I don’t want to die here. As long as I can
return to the Central World, I will give you all my things.”
“No need.” Xie Xi didn’t want to have anything to do with them. “It might not succeed but I
can try it if you want.”
The two people replied in unison, “We want!”
Who wouldn’t want to try it? As long as they could stand up and move, they had hope to
live and return to Central. Once they returned to Central, there were unlimited possibilities
for them!
Xie Xi nodded. “I can only casually find you arms and legs. They might not look good but
you can use them.”
Lan Lingling and Peng Chi seemed confused.
Old Jiang was more aware and how could he let Xie Xi do this? He had long gone to pick two
arms and two legs. He also divided them between male and female limbs.
Xie Xi still felt nauseous when he saw these limbs but he could only use his blank
expression to stabilize himself.
“Don’t hold too much hope.” Xie Xi told them. “It relies on luck.”
He didn’t have much confidence in this repair. Previously it succeeded because he used
zombie legs. Now he used dead objects and the targets were living… oh, these arms and
legs weren’t alive.
Xie Xi helped set them up and used Beginner Repair. The arms and legs connected together.
As for whether they could be used…
Xie Xi didn’t care. “You can try it for yourself later.”
Both Lan Lingling and Peng Chi were still stunned…
What was this skill? Other people’s arms and legs were casually placed on them! This… if
the limbs could be used then it was too much! Also, wasn’t it impossible to use skills in this
world? This person…
By the time they recovered, Xie Xi had left. After walking away, Jiang Xie wondered with a
smile, “Aren’t you afraid of them telling others about your skill?”
Xie Xi replied, “It doesn’t matter if they say it. Other people knowing about my skill won’t
hurt me. It is only troublesome..” His Beginning Repair skill made him equivalent to a milk
dad (healer)in the open world. Even if someone knew about him, they wouldn’t be stupid
enough to kill a healer.
It might be a bit troublesome but he couldn’t let people die because he was afraid of

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GL: Chapter 86
Open World 11

Xie Xi also thought about the privilege. This was actually very troublesome because the
people who opened the game field were given a privilege. Players could inherit this
privilege by killing them.
Xie Xi told Jiang Xie, “It doesn’t matter if they take Repair as a privilege. What’s the point of
grabbing a skill that could be used on others but not yourself?”
He gave a lot of excuses but he actually had a soft heart.
Jiang Xie’s heart was also soft. “You are doing very well.”
Xie Xi’s face inexplicably became hot. “I don’t want to save them.”
He immediately regretted saying this. It wasn’t a cover up!
Jiang Xie’s heart melted. He said, “Of course you didn’t mean it. It was just like picking up a
plastic bottle on the side of the road and throwing it into the bin.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie continued, “You just coincidentally saw that there were many arms and legs. You
have such a skill and it is easy to help them…”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen anymore and stared up at him. “Are you trying to coax me?”
The child was angry and Jiang Xie couldn’t help smiling. “I’m just praising my apprentice.”
He didn’t mention that Xie Xi had forgotten to act as an apprentice.
The game was too thrilling and Xie Xi used all his brain to think about business. There
wasn’t room to think about anything else.
Xie Xi suddenly couldn’t call this person ‘Master’ and simply turned to stride away.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. After all, the goodwill was -365 and he had to steady it.
They emerged and found that they were in the playground. Standing here, the scenery was
quite beautiful.
The ferris wheel, the roller coaster, the big pendulum, the pirate ship etc, all of them were
gorgeous and exquisite with dazzling lights. It was no different from an amusement park at
Xie Xi gazed at it in a slightly stunned manner.
Jiang Xie noticed. “Do you like amusement parks?”
Xie Xi shook his head and replied, “I don’t like them.”
“Speaking of which,” Jiang Xie said. “This is my first time entering an amusement park.”
Xie Xi turned to him. “First time?”
“In my own words, it was too boring to come to such a place.”
The words hit Xie Xi’s heart and he frowned. “You…” Were you alone for a while? Xie Xi
didn’t ask this question because he felt it was offensive.
Jiang Xie continued, “I’ve never been but this first time is very interesting.”
Xie Xi thought about the cut off arms and legs game and was speechless. “…It is quite
Jiang Xie wanted to give himself a few points. “It is interesting because…” You and I are
Before he could finish, two oversized light bulbs came over. “Benefactor!”
Jiang Xie choked back his words and thought, ‘The side task is right. These two goods
should’ve been killed.’
The people who came were the big idiot Kong Rongliang and the half zombie Chen Qing.
Chen Qing got a pair of pants from somewhere and looked pretty good after wearing them.
The zombie legs couldn’t be seen at all. His face was also washed clean, revealing a pair of
phoenix eyes, a high nose and thin lips.
Xie Xi felt he was pleasing to the eye, not because he was handsome but simply because he
was washed clean.
Kong Rongliang saw them and was excited. “I looked from afar and thought it was
Benefactor. It’s great that you are fine.”
Chen Qing wondered, “How many projects have you done? We just got out of the second
one. It was so terrible!”
Xie Xi asked, “You finished two projects?”
Kong Rongliang became excited again and the tears in his eyes were really unbearable to
look at. “It is thanks to Benefactor! We really have to thank Benefactor!”
Xie Xi was startled.
Chen Qing slapped him before solemnly bowing to Xie Xi. “Fortunately I have these zombie
legs or we wouldn’t have survived the game just now.”
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie were about to play the next game and it was good to know more
information. Chen Qing understood this very well and didn’t wait for Xie Xi’s questions as
he spoke about their experiences.
It was probably because of the side task. Kong Rongliang picked the carousel and they were
in team mode so they entered together.
This carousel wasn’t the childlike game of an ordinary amusement park. In the words of
Chen Qing, there was nothing similar apart from the name.
As soon as they entered, they were on a zombie horse that was rotted and rancid. It was
like riding a piece of shit. Those with weak tolerance instantly vomited.
Once the game started, the zombie horses started to spin but it wasn’t the spinning of the
carousel. The hoses spun in place and got closer to each other. The horses bumped into
each other but kept spinning. They were extremely crazy and horse eyeballs were thrown
all over the ground…
Xie Xi felt disgusted when he heard this and prayed that he would never draw this game.
Chen Qing continued, “The speed of the zombie horses kept increasing and fire appeared on
their backs, just like a fire wheel.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Then how is the game cleared?”
Kong Rongliang replied, “Hold on for 10 minutes.”
Xie Xi imagined the scene and felt that these 10 minutes would probably feel like 10 years.
Chen Qing said, “One of the rules of the game is not to fall off the hose. Once you fall, you
will be trampled on by the zombie horse.”
Kong Rongliang added, “The second rule is that the zombie horse can’t stop. If it stops, even
the person on the horse will be crushed with it.”
Xie Xi’s scalp became numb. “The zombie horses can be killed?” Stopping was impossible
then they could only be killed.
Chen Qing replied, “Yes, the venue is very small. 20 horses are standing together and it is a
mess once they start spinning.”
Kong Rongliang continued, “If your horse dies, you can grab someone else’s horse.”
It was easy to imagine how fierce this 10 minute game was.
The zombie horse itself was disgusting and it kept spinning faster and faster. A person with
poor psychological quality would probably fall off early and be trampled on.
Even if a person was steady, they had to be careful about their horse dying. If someone took
the initiative to steal the horse, the chaos produced would be indescribable.
“In our game, there were two groups of people who were enemies. They took the
opportunity to retaliate against each other and finally…” Chen Qing sighed. “Four people
survived in the end.”
The carousel was limited to 20 people and 16 people died in 10 minutes.
Kong Rongliang said, “My position was very good. In addition, my father has a horse
pedigree and I can ride well. Thus, I managed to survive.”
Chen Qing was emotional. “I really have to thank Benefactor. I definitely wouldn’t have
survived without this pair of zombie legs.”
Xie Xi paused for a moment. “Are the legs convenient?”
“They aren’t convenient but…” Kong Rongliang was thrilled. “Ah Qing has an undead body.”
Xie Xi thought he misheard. “Undead body?”
Chen Qing was extremely grateful. “Yes! I seem to be a zombie. No matter what happens to
my body, I can always recover.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “But I just…” He used the Repair skill. Jiang Xie said, “It seems to be a
blessing in disguise.”
Xie Xi finally reacted. “It should be that you were previously bitten by a zombie. You were
infected but survived…”
“I wouldn’t have survived if Benefactor hadn’t given me these legs!” Chen Qing spoke
This was really a mistake…
Then Xie Xi remembered his side tasks and thought about how many times ‘kill them’
If he had really chosen to kill them…
Chen Qing had an undead body? How could he be killed? If he couldn’t be killed then Xie Xi
would’ve offended the ‘zombie with a brain’ and things would’ve become very troublesome.
Xie Xi said, “Or you are very blessed.”
Chen Qing was very emotional. He was the typical person who died and was born again.
The carousel took very little time. They passed and played the next game. This time it was
according to Chen Qing’s quest and he picked I love you VS shameless.
Of course, they weren’t in the same venue as Xie Xi, They met a zombie boy, not a zombie
The rules of the game were the same but they had the bug called Chen Qing. Chen Qing
voluntarily took the punishment three times and once the Opposite Card was released,
everyone understood what was going on. They quickly used it and two sides confessed to
each other, smoothly ending the game.
Chen Qing asked Xie Xi about their game. Xie Xi told them.
Kong Rongliang sighed with relief. “Our game was still quite simple.”
Xie Xi was sad. Compared with these two, he felt that he wasn’t worthy of being called the
emperor of luck.
Chen Qing spoke again, “Unfortunately, all those who emerged from here cleared the I love
you VS shameless game. There isn’t too much information about other games.”
Only a handful of people completed two projects. Most completed one or died in the
Xie Xi didn’t expect to get too much information. If those who cleared the games could
gather together then the difficulty of the game field would be greatly reduced.
Kong Rongliang paused before saying, “Unfortunately, there is no way to form a team in
this open world or we could be together.” It really would be much easier with Chen Qing’s
Xie Xi told them, “It’s fine. I don’t have any big problems on my side.”
The two of them were reassured. Xie Xi had such a skill and they had also seen Jiang Xie’s
abilities. If they entered the carousel game then Jiang Xie could probably kick everyone off
the horses.
Due to the time limit, they didn’t speak anymore and split up to select the next project.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie arrived at the place to draw a card and Xie Xi told him, “This time you
They were a small team. If one person picked then the other would follow.
Jiang Xie immediately said, “You do it.”
“What if I pick a bad one?”
Jiang Xie told him seriously, “If I pick, I will most definitely draw the hardest project in this
Xie Xi was startled. “Do you have bad luck?”
“True me. My history is full of blood and tears.”
Xie Xi was strangely curious. “Have you encountered similar worlds before?”
“I’ve encountered them many times.”
“How did you live?”
For example, the I love you VS shameless game might not be all about luck but a person
with bad luck would be very miserable.
Jiang Xie replied quietly, “If it was me, I would probably go directly through the forest
towards the underground labyrinth.” He would rather go through the zombies then come
here and rely on luck.
Xie Xi, “…”
His luck was bad to this extent? It was too bad that he had to avoid ht usual path?
Over the years, Jiang Xie had become deeply aware of his bad luck. He never relied on luck
for anything and resolved everything with strength. In a situation where 99% of people
could live, he was only 1%.
Xie Xi felt a bit distressed and praised him, “Master is so strong. You don’t need luck.” Jiang
Xie answered, “I still want good luck.”
He was so pitiful that Xie Xi didn’t know what to say.
“However, I have become much luckier after meeting you.” Jiang Xie blinked. “Perhaps I
saved all my years of good luck for meeting you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Who would be distressed over this damn guy? Luck wasn’t given to him!
Xie Xi took a deep breath and picked a card. The name of the next project appeared—
chicken mobilization.
“It sounds good.” Jiang Xie stated.
Xie Xi wondered, “Is there such a game in an amusement park?”
“The I love you game isn’t present in a normal amusement park.”
He said ‘I love you’ slowly and Xie Xi unexpectedly felt his ears become itchy.
“It can’t be taken lightly.” Xie Xi told him. “Just like the carousel, this chicken mobilization is
probably no better.”
The zombie boy responsible for the cards told them, “The multi-person project supports a
team entry. The current number is full and the game is about to begin.”
Then Xie Xi and Jiang Xie were transmitted to the game area for chicken mobilization.
Xie Xi was startled. The scene in front of him was too normal. It was the ordinary waiting
area for an amusement park. Five people were standing in front of them, as if waiting.
Were they players or…
Xie Xi was still thinking with a long-haired woman among the five people opened her
mouth. “What is your name?” She asked Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie slightly raised an eyebrow.
A man next to the long-haired woman cried out, “Miss Yun asked you a question. Quickly
Jiang Xie told them his name.
The woman known as Miss Yun was very disdainful. “This is a group confrontation game. I
have enough information about it. There will be two cars after entering and they are each
limited to six people. We are still lacking a person so come over.”
Jiang Xie replied, “No, I’m with him.”
Miss Yun glanced at Xie Xi before telling Jiang Xie, “Don’t say that I didn’t remind you. This
game is very cruel. You will definitely die here if you don’t enter my team.”
“It is better to die than to enter your team.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He often got angry at Jiang Xie but it was quite refreshing to see others become angry at
Miss Yun froze. She didn’t expect someone to be so ignorant. The people around her were
heated up. “You don’t know anything! Do you think we would take you if your body wasn’t
Another man added, “You have an exaggerated opinion of your own abilities. Do you think
this is really an amusement park?”
Miss Yun looked at Jiang Xie and couldn’t help saying, “I will give you another chance. It is
very dangerous here. No matter how strong you are, you can only die if your teammates
aren’t sufficient.”
Jiang Xie told her, “My teammates are very strong.”
A man scoffed. “Once you see them, you will know what type of teammates you have!”
Miss Yun still wasn’t giving up.
The man next to her said, “Miss, it is about to begin. Let’s not waste time. The person before
was fine…”
Miss Yun stared at Jiang Xie before giving up. “Stupid!”
They stepped aside and Xie Xi discovered that there were still people behind them…
The chicken mobilization game had 12 people with six people to a car. Things were still
unclear but it was necessary for the six people to work together.
Miss Yun had gathered a group of powerful people while the rest were ‘repulsive.’
Xie Xi stared intently and realized why Miss Yun’s group had been waiting for someone.
Of the five people who fell there, two had no arms, two had no legs while one person was in
a better state and was missing a hand. Thanks to Jiang Xie’s refusal, Miss Yun had to fill up
the numbers in her team and took him.
The young man with no hand was moved to tears and excitedly joined Miss Yun.
Miss Yun was disgusted. “You are lucky.”
The four people left behind were ashen-faced.

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GL: Chapter 87
Open World 12

The four people left were all male. If they hadn’t lost their arms or legs then they would be
great teammates.
Xie Xi thought about the nature of this game field and wasn’t surprised. These people had
just finished the I love you VS shameless game.
This was also to prevent people from exchanging information about the games.
However, Miss Yun just said that she had enough intelligence. Perhaps she met an
acquaintance who played more than one game like Xie Xi meeting Kong Ronglian.
In general, these odds were very small.
First of all, this person had to complete two games and the second game had to be the same
as her so that they appeared in the same rest area. They also had to be familiar enough to
exchange information.
Even if they exchanged information, she had to be lucky enough to pick this project.
The odds of this were so small that it was negligible. The game field didn’t have so much
For example, Xie Xi received information on the carousel but he didn’t pick that project. Of
course, Xie Xi didn’t want to piece the brain-breaking game that was riding on the zombie
The man without a left arm gazed at Jiang Xie in a dejected manner, “You are too stupid.
The two of you will die if you stay here.”
The famous figure in the Central Government and the SS-grade designer X was called stupid
twice in one day. Xie Xi actually felt a bit… happy.
The brother without a right arm also said, “There is no point in being sentimental.
Brotherhood is good but…”
Jiang Xie interrupted, “We aren’t brothers.”
This was the point! He was somewhat annoyed with the missing arm brothers who
analyzed his life problem.
Jiang Xie calmly told them, “We are…”
Xie Xi always thought that X had no brains and quickly said, “He is my master! We are
student and teacher!”
Jiang Xie stared at him.
Xie Xi raised a smiling face. “Master, you as so kind. I knew you wouldn’t leave me.”
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “I can leave anything but I can’t live without you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
The no arm brothers heard this thick and impure taste and had the same expression. The
teacher and student were in love, no wonder why they had to die together.
Xie Xi was furious and didn’t want to find arms for them!
“You are going to die yet you are still in the mood to smile.” The one who said this was a
short-haired man without a leg. He was thinner than the people present and his expression
was the ugliest.
The I love you VS shameless game gave him a huge shock and the group of people just now
had broken his hope. Thus, his spirit was very unstable. “Do you know who that woman is?”
Xie Xi thought, ‘Who can it be? In any case, she can’t be a female version of X.’
The short-haired man exclaimed in a tone that scared them to death. “She is Miss Yunge!
Don’t you know Yunge? The largest organization in Central, filled with senior players and
even excellent designers!”
Oh… them…
He spoke such sensational news but Jiang Xie and Xie Xi were indifferent. Then the man
became annoyed, “You are newcomers who know nothing!”
The man who hadn’t spoken seemed to be afraid of pain and he whispered, “Her name is
Yun Die. This time, she brought a dozen elites to open the world together. There is also an
intermediate explorer. I have seen him and he should’ve received all the intermediate
qualifications. He is very strong!”
How strong could he be? Could he string up a group of zombies?
The man without a left arm spoke up. “It is no use saying this. They have got on the car so
let’s go.”
The short-haired man without a leg resisted, “I won’t go! I would rather wait here to die
than be fed to zombies.”
The man without a left arm raised his eyebrow. “If you don’t go, we will be missing a person
and the car won’t start. Do you want us to die here with you?”
Xie Xi heard this and knew why Yun Die waited for them to arrive. The rules of the game
stated that the car had to be full before it started.
The short-haired man sneered. “What’s wrong with this? You will die anyway!”
The other man with no arm had a more explosive temper, “You want to die but we want to
The short-haired man cursed, “Fuck, a bunch of cripples will just die!”
The man without a right arm cried out, “How do you know without trying? You might not
have a leg but you aren’t even bloody!”
The short-haired man sneered. “In any case…”
Before he could finish, Xie Xi stood before him and asked, “Do you want to die?”
The short-haired man looked up to sweat but became stunned.
The young man who didn’t need to use face cream had a pair of very beautiful eyes.
However, at this time, they were filled with an explicit intention to kill. His pale lips were
slightly raised and his voice was like an ice blade buried at the bottom of an abyss. “I can
help you.”
The short-haired man had a sallow complexion. “You, what are you going to do?” Xie Xi
slowly asked, “Isn’t it boring waiting here to die?”
The short-haired man was frightened. “If you kill me, you won’t have enough people. This is
also a dead end!”
“You won’t get on the car anyway.”
The short-haired man stuttered, “I… I…”
Xie Xi said, “There are dead ends to the left and right. Since you are anxious to die early, I
will help you first.”
After the baptism of the first world, it was easy for Xie Xi to pretend to be crazy and he
easily tricked the short-haired man.
They were all players. Xie Xi might seem soft but he couldn’t be regarded as a child. Not to
mention that he was missing a limb. It would be easy if this young man really wanted to kill
Putting aside this short-haired man, the other three also felt awkward.
Only Jiang Xie had an almost uncontrollable smile on his face. How was this child so cute?
“Fuck!” The short-haired man burst out before getting up. “You’re a damn lunatic.” He
jumped pretty fast on one leg and got into the car.
Xie Xi glanced at the other three and they also got on the car without speaking.
Not all of the four people were frightened and even felt some hope. These two able-bodied
people seemed confident. Could they be strong enough to act for six people?
They spoke about death but who actually wanted to die? They might lack an arm or leg but
they had tenaciously arrived at this second project. Who would be willing to wait for death?
They got on the car and the game begun.
A voice was heard in their ears, “Welcome to chicken mobilization. Please try to defeat
these nasty chickens! The high scoring team in the first round will be able to upgrade their
car and the second round will be safer! Come on! These chickens are too annoying. Be sure
to kill them all!”
Xie Xi quickly thought about the message.
The task was to defeat the chickens and the clearance conditions might be to kill. At
present, it seemed that there were two rounds and it was a team competition mode. The
team with the higher score could upgrade their car, which was more advantageous in the
second round of combat…
Yun Die had already set off early and had probably gained a lot of points already. Xie Xi
thought there would be a scoreboard and sure enough, he looked in front and saw a
fluorescent card. The words on it were simple and rough.
First Car: 22 points.
Second Car: 0 points.
Xie Xi’s group was obviously in the second car. The short-haired man started to speak
frustrated words, “How can we fucking survive?”
He was already in the car so Xie Xi was too lazy to care about him and sat down next to
Jiang Xie.
The four disabled people still wanted to live. They took their seats according to the serial
number and were responsible for one direction.
The car was round and had six seats facing six directions. Each seat had a long knife. Based
on this, it was obvious that the chickens would come from six directions and one person
was responsible for one side. That’s why Yun Die hoped to find a strong person.
Since attacks were coming from six directions, one gap was fatal. It was best to have six
steady people so the survival rate was the highest.
Xie Xi’s combat effectiveness was ordinary and he might not be able to beat a chicken.
That’s why he sat next to Jiang Xie, so they could take care of each other. The thing he
wasn’t sure about was…
“Can I put chicken legs on them?”
Jiang Xie muffled a laugh. “If the chickens are big then it should be easy.”
Xie Xi thought of that image and felt complicated. “Won’t they be too ugly?”
“They are afraid of death.”
“That’s right.” Xie Xi was relieved. “I hope they are big chickens!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi noticed his strange expression and asked, ”What’s wrong?”
Jiang Xie coughed and replied, “Apprentice, I taught you well.”
The stinky Teacher Jiang, “Don’t say chicken. You are I are civilized.”
Xie Xi, “………………………………”
It was good that Jiang Xie couldn’t see the goodwill refreshing or he would probably flinch
and zip up his mouth.
The car started and Xie Xi was able to see the chicken…
Unfortunately, the chickens were very small. They looked like normal, fierce roosters. Their
chicken crown was colourful and they didn’t seem seriously strong at first glance!
The chickens were small but the surprising thing was they were riding a zombie alone. It
seemed they could manipulate these zombies as they rushed towards the car!
The four people with limbs missing were pale and shivering.
This game really wasn’t simple. The chickens were simply fixtures while the real
mobilization was the zombies!
So many zombies… there were no end to them. Even if they weren’t seriously injured and
had limbs missing, they wouldn’t be able to kill so many zombies!
What about the two people who were physically sound? It was impossible even if they had
full intermediate qualifications. They could only run away from the zombie tide!
It was over, it was over. A real dead end.
The short-haired man said, “I fucking said it already. Getting on the car is…”
The man beside him cut off a zombie’s arm. The angle was just right and push sprayed all
over him.
The short-haired man stiffened and turned to look at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie had long been annoyed with him. Could this person stop polluting the child’s ears
with swear words?
Xie Xi also cut a zombie on his side and told Jiang Xie, “Help me stop them for a while.”
It was easy with the zombies. The four disabled people could be resurrected full of blood!
The first car.
Yun Die looked at the counter.
Zhou Wuwei spoke from beside her, “Miss, rest assured. We will definitely win the first
They had 26 points while the second car had 0 points. It was estimated that those people
didn’t even have the courage to get on the car!
Yun Die thought of that handsome and extraordinary man and lamented, “…I didn’t think
he was a fool.”
“The second car has points!”
“Why are you yelling? So what if they have points? With four crippled people, they can only
cut off a few heads…” Zhou Wuwei couldn’t finish his words because he was gobsmacked.
Yun Die asked, “What’s the problem?” She looked up at the scoreboard and froze.
How could this be?
Why did the second car suddenly have 25 points?

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GL: Chapter 88
Open World 13

Jiang Xie could sweep through thousands of troops with a single branch and now he was
given a long knife. He cut the zombies like they were cabbages and the zombies split in half.
The image was very ferocious but he still guaranteed neat arms and legs while also letting
the zombies lose mobility.
Ordinary zombies found it hard to recover. Xie Xi felt that the zombie that bit Chen Qing
definitely wasn’t simple.
The zombies fell to the ground and the chickens riding on them had no fighting power.
They fell to the ground and were stepped on by other zombies. However, there was another
batch afterwards and the number of zombies and chickens were endless.
The disabled group of four looked silly. They could see that Jiang Xie was strong but they
hadn’t expected it to this extent!
He could still have this much ability despite having his skills and props disabled. Who was
this person?
Xie Xi didn’t waste time. He carried a zombie arm towards a man without an arm.
The man with no arm used his other arm to cut the zombies. Seeing his movements, he
must be a capable person when he was physically sound.
“What happened?”
Xie Xi came over too abruptly that the man was confused.
Xie Xi asked directly, “Do you mind having a zombie arm?”
The man without an arm, “???”
Xie Xi was just asking to be polite. At this time, who would care if the person wanted it or
not. Otherwise, they would be fed to the zombies!
Xie Xi used Beginner Repair and the zombie arm was attached to the shoulder of the
armless man at a very strange angle.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie peeked at him while taking care of three directions and unceremoniously laughed.
Xie Xi’s face was hot and he wanted to destroy this master.
No, he first had to fix this! That’s it, cut it off!
He swung his knife and cut off the good zombie arm.
The armless man was blank and completely couldn’t understand what happened.
How did this zombie arm grow from his shoulder? Why did this little brother cut it off again
with a knife? How… how did it grow back?!
Xie Xi told him, “Make use of it to survive. We can talk more after leaving here.”
The armless man moved the zombie arm and was shocked. “I, I, I…”
Then a zombie pounced and bit his zombie arm.
The armless man was stunned and only reacted after a long time passed. There was no pain
at all and he also felt energetic. He directly swung his arm and threw the zombie away.
Xie Xi was surprised by his strength but remained calm. “You can use it and don’t have to
cherish it too much. The arm can be changed again.”
The armless man excitedly moved his arm. “My name is Cao Yan. Later you will be my
eldest brother!”
Xie Xi was at least 10 years younger than him and didn’t want to recognize him as a
younger brother.
They were all stuck in the car and these actions couldn’t be hidden. A zombie arm was
attached to a human body and could be used. This was simply…
Great! Yes, it was great, not horrifying.
They weren’t ordinary people if they dared to enter the open world. How many wonderful
skills were there in Central? Giving people a zombie arm or leg… well… it was very
Cao Yan excitedly used the zombie arm to fight the zombies while the other three were in
high spirits.
Since Xie Xi used the Repair skill, he naturally wouldn’t be selective and would repair
Jiang Xie was very sharp and had long prepared the arms and legs. Xie Xi went and give
arms and legs to Zhuo Liu and Zhuang Yu respectively.
The short-haired man who was previously disheartened was called Zhu Li. He had been
long stunned and now regretted his words.
If Xie Xi was so annoyed with him that he wasn’t given a leg then he… he…
Xie Xi came up to him and he stuttered, “I, I previously…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Xie Xi placed the leg on him.
Zhu Li’s eyes were red as he looked up. Xie Xi told him, “Talk less nonsense. It is better to
use this energy to chop at the zombies.”
Then he turned around, picked up his own knife and stabbed at the zombies.
Xie Xi was a newcomer but he had plenty of money. He only went through three worlds but
he filled up all the beginner qualifications, meaning his physical fitness wasn’t bad.
However, combat didn’t only look at physical fitness but also skills and practical
experience. In this respect, Xie Xi was very lacking. His strength wasn’t low and his body
was flexible but he found it difficult to cope.
Next to him was Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie kept on eye on him and made sure he didn’t get hurt.
In fact, this game was too simple for Jiang Xie. It was simple even with four disabled people
and a child.
The disabling of skills and items might be fatal for some people like Yan Zhe. If Yan Zhe
came here, he could probably only live by relying on his face.
On the other hand, it was good for Jiang Xie. After all, his fighting skills and experience were
integrated into his bone marrow and his physical fitness was the best. The lack of skills
changed this from a destroyed land to a small land.
He could clear all of it without any effort but then it wouldn’t benefit Xie Xi. The main
reason he came to this world was companionship, not to clear it. He had to look after Xie Xi
and watch him grow.
Zhu Li changed his personality after gaining a leg. Previously, he was a dejected dog and
now he became a tiger. He had probably been holding back for a long time. Once he
regained his mobility, he was hotblooded like a tiger.
“Boss!” Zhu Li called out to Xie Xi. “Go to rest and hand it over to me!”
Xie Xi, “???” Who was he called Boss?
Zhu Li held the knife in his hand and danced around. “Boss, you go to the middle and
protect yourself. If our arms or legs break, you will have to mend them. It will be
troublesome if you get hurt!”
Cao Yan opened his mouth and agreed. “That’s right! You must’ve consumed a lot of
strength giving us the arms and legs. Quickly rest!”
The other two were in a slowly lower position and spoke in unison, “Rest assured, we can
hold it!”
Xie Xi who was squeezed into the centre and was protected, “…”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Protect my nanny.”
Xie Xi glared at him. Jiang Xie’s lips moved silently: This is also strength.
Not everyone could make their teammates willing to protect them or gain the support of so
many people at once.
Jiang Xie wanted to increase Xie Xi’s experience but this experience wasn’t limited to
holding a knife and killing the enemy. Xie Xi had accumulated experience from the moment
he decided to use Repair.
If Jiang Xie wasn’t here, what would Xie Xi do? He had to use this skill. As for what would
happen afterwards, he could only deal with it!
The five of them held out against the zombies’ attack. Cao Yan’s zombie arm was injured in
the middle and became more and more inconvenient. IN the end, it was bitten by zombie…
Cao Yan held his arm and retreated. “Big Brother Xie, I have to trouble you.”
The 19 year old Xie Xi who was called Big Brother by a 30 year old man…
“Don’t call me that.”
Cao Yan immediately changed his words. “Boss!”
Xie Xi’s hands shook and he almost placed the arm in the wrong position again. Xie Xi
carefully observed and found that the zombie arms and legs didn’t have any resilience.
They couldn’t recover like Chen Qing.
It seemed that Chen Qing’s immortal body was due to being bitten. Xie Xi was wary of that
zombie. If it was also immortal then it might not be easy to break through the underground
The group of four weren’t undead but there was Xie Xi. As long as their bodies were hurt,
they could casually change the limbs. For example, Cao Yan learnt fancy arm moves. After
all, the arm could be changed and he used it as a consumable.
The closer it got to the end, the more comfortable these people became and the harder it
was to listen to them.
Cao Yan cried out, “Old Zhu, this leg is good. Do you want it? I’ll collect it for you.”
Zhu Li replied, “No, I see a stronger and thicker leg. It is very good for me!”
Cao Yan told you, “You will have on long and one short leg.”
Zhu Li told him, “What a joke! I already have a long leg!”
They helped each other and competed with each other.
Cao Yan shouted, “Zhuo Liu, that arm is mine. Don’t steal it!”
Zhuo Liu replied, “Are you crazy? Why do you need two right arms? Is it fun?”
Cao Yan explained, “I am right-handed. If I have two right arms then I might be able to use
200% strength!”
“No, I saw this arm first.”
Cao Yan shouted, “Who cut it off?”
Xie Xi who was silently watching in the middle, “…”
Could they respect the zombies who worked hard to attack them? Only the taciturn Zhuang
Yi was silent.
Xie Xi spoke with no expression on his face, “This is a female zombie leg.”
Zhuang Yi was embarrassed. “I always feel like I should be a female…”
Xie Xi, “…………………………”
Where did this craziness come from? In this bloody, cruel and thrilling zombie game, the
half zombies were taking it as ‘amusement’!
They easily gained points and the first car was stunned. The number on the scoreboard
rose like crazy and it was now at 44 points! The number was mocking them.
Zhou Wuwei cried out, “Impossible, there must be something wrong. How can they kill so
many zombies?”
The five of them did their best to gain 22 points. How could those repulsive people get 44
Yun Die bit his lower lip. “That man isn’t simple!”
Zhou Wuwei couldn’t believe it. “The counter must be wrong. Perhaps it is deliberately
deceiving us…”
“It’s gone up again!” Someone exclaimed, “88 points!”
How could this be? Killing 88 zombies with so little effort? This… this…
Zhou Wuwei said, “This is impossible, absolutely impossible. The open world forbids skills
and items. Even a highly qualified senior player can’t kill so many zombies in such a short
time! Not to mention, how many senior players would come to this small world?”
It wasn’t a senior player, it was a god level player.
In addition, the god-level designer only killed the first 20 zombies. The others were killed
by the half zombies…
The man with no hand was miserable. He thought he had set foot on Noah’s Ark as the last
survivor. Who knew that this ark was a fake and the broke ship across the street was the
real spaceship!
A black-haired woman said, “If this continues, we will lose the first round.”
Yun Die jerked. “There is still time. Hurry and grab points! The man on their side is alone.
Once he is exhausted, he will definitely slow down!”
It was reasonable for her to think so. There were four disabled people and a pretty boy (Xie
Xi: ?). The man they relied on would lose strength and there was time to catch up!
Zhou Wuwei’s spirit returned. “Yes! We can’t be scared by them. Their actions now are only
temporary. The disabled people can only help the man block one side. Once they are
exhausted, the man will be attacked by the enemies and won’t be able to hold on!”
There were still 40 minutes left until the end of the first round. It was impossible for a
person to endure that long. The disabled people wouldn’t be able to protect their sides and
once the man slowed down, this side could even up the scores.
However, as time passed, the first car’s atmosphere became worse and worse.
They were too tired and there were too many zombies. The six people could barely protect
themselves. How could they kill more zombies to grab points?
The score on the counter didn’t stop. They had 30 points while the second car had 130
points. They were 40 and the second car was 200 points. They…
No one spoke anymore and they couldn’t explain anything. Even if everyone in the first car
died, they wouldn’t be able to catch up with this exaggerated score difference.
Yun Die was furious. “He must be retaliating against us! With that lineup, so what if they get
the rewards for the first round? It is impossible for them to pass the second round!”
No one dared refute her words.
Yun Die spoke again, “I obviously invited him but he is the one who didn’t come. Now he is
desperately trying to drag me into the water. It is too much!”
If this was heard by the people in the second car… The group of four would probably curse
her to death. She had a severe and incurable princess disease!
Towards the last 10 minutes, the score of the second car finally slowed down. The first car
was exhausted and barely resisted the zombie attacks.
Zhou Wuwei’s eyes lit up. “Something must’ve happened!”
The man with no hand had a lean and pale face. “So what? We can’t catch up with their
Scoreboard: 122 points for the first car, 600 points for the second car.
This gap was so big it was impossible to catch up.
Zhou Wuwei sneered. “So what if they win? The survivors are sure to be injured. The
second round is very dangerous and requires six people. Otherwise there is no chance!”
The second car was really ‘covered in wounds.’
Cao Yan opened his mouth. “I’ve found that my arm is no longer strong or easy to use.”

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GL: Chapter 89
Open World 14

Zhuo Liu didn’t have a good response. “Is this why you stole my arm? Crook!”
Cao Yan was smug. “Hehehe.”
There was so-called sad music and a zombie rushed over, biting him on the arm.
Cao Yan was furious. “My beloved armmm!” He slashed his knife and cut the zombie.
If the zombies had brains, their fury would probably soar into the sky. How could they not
be angry? How could they not feel hatred? Chickens were riding on them and it was so hard
to bite something, only for the taste to be awful enough to vomit. They didn’t even have
time to do this before they were cut into two!
Well… the zombies were working hard.
Cao Yan didn’t abandon anything as long as it was easy to use. The most important thing
was whether it looked good.
Zhuang Yi looked at two female zombie legs on the ground and couldn’t make up his mind.
Xie Xi was speechless. “You still haven’t changed?”
“Changing legs is changing legs. Still, look at these two legs. The first one’s calf looks good.
It is slender and well-balanced with no damage. The second one is coordinate and healthy
like a living leg.”
Xie Xi was silent. “Ham?”
Zhuang Yi explained, “It is a living leg.”
Xie Xi, “……..” He really couldn’t understand the world of the half zombies!
Then Zhu Li came over and asked mysteriously, “Boss, can we install two?”
Xie Xi looked at his intact leg. “You don’t want your original leg?”
Zhu Li quickly shook his head and replied earnestly, “I mean, two on one side.”
Xie Xi didn’t respond. Zhu Li added, “If it is possible, it is better to have three on one side. A
six legs dance is absolutely…”
What six legs dancing? Was he trying to scare the zombies to life? Xie Xi was ruthless. “No!”
Zhu Li felt regret. “I guess there is no way.”
Cao Yan interjected, “It won’t work. If you want six legs then you need to have six hip
Zhu Li wondered, “Should I add six hip joints first?”
“No, the hip joints also need support. You would need six waists.”
Zhu Li muttered, “That isn’t good. It is too inconvenient.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He couldn’t tell if the people in the car or the zombies under the car were the monsters!
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “Everyone rest. The second round will soon arrive.”
Everyone could see the counter and the huge gap made them very relaxed. The other side
had no chance of reversing it.
Xie Xi could understand why they cut the zombies so fiercely.
Before they were injured, these four people were weak. They were very confident in their
ability but the I love you VS shameless game was too pitted. They had bad luck and lost an
arm or leg.
Finally, they came across the Yun Die team. This group had information on the chicken
mobilization game and directly sentenced the four disabled people to death. The tiger Zhu
Li lost his fighting spirit and became lost to the extreme.
After getting on the car, Xie Xi gave them new hope. It was hope similar to gaining a cheat in
an online game. Their arms and legs could be changed casually, adding countless
possibilities to the battle.
They were originally distressed about using their arms to block since it might be broken.
They were originally afraid of kicking with their legs since it might be hugged. Now how
could they be afraid? It was worthwhile to change to a zombie leg. How many zombies were
From desperation to good times, from hell to heaven, it was no wonder why they killed
zombies like crazy.
The score that shot up wildly showed their repressed reluctance and resentment.
They couldn’t see the expressions on the faces of the first car players but they could
imagine how colourful the expressions were when they saw the score.
The more they thought about it, the more energetic they became and the more they slashed
at the zombies!
This lasted until Jiang Xie stopped them. The arms and legs could be changed casually and it
was quite fun, but they didn’t only kill zombies with these arms and legs. Their physical
exertion wasn’t small.
They vented their grievances and opened the score. The other side couldn’t catch up
anymore so they should rest.
The next round was a hard battle. At the end of the day, the first car wasn’t their real enemy
in this game.
The first car didn’t know the situation over here. They thought it was as they guessed and
the man could no longer hold it anymore. The second car was on the verge of being wiped
Zhou Wuwei sneered. “How strong is one person? This is a collaborative game.”
Yun Die sighed with regret. “It is a pity.”
“There is nothing to feel sorry for.” Zhou Wuwei told her. “This type of mindless rascal, it is
useless for him to possess such strength.”
“He must have personal talent to be able to do this. I’m sad that such a person is ruined.”
Someone immediately flattered her, “You are too kind.”
“Yes, your heart is so soft that you are caring about a person who hurt us.”
The man without a hand got goosebumps as he stood in a corner. Kind and soft? He didn’t
know the meaning of these words anymore.
At the end of the first round, the second car won with an undisputed advantage.
An announcement was heard in the cars. “You worked hard to drive away the chickens.
These chickens are annoying but there are even more annoying big guys. Please be
prepared. The cars will be upgraded. After upgrading, please continue to defeat the
annoying chickens!”
There was a sound and their broken car instantly updated.
“Oh my god, it’s a gun!”
“A gun!”
“I also have three grenades!”
Xie Xi saw that he had…
Jiang Xie was next to him and smiled at the sight. “Very good.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Why do I have a bulletproof vest?”
The other four were unanimous. “To protect us…”
Xie Xi turned around and the half zombies changed their words. “Boss sits in the centre!”
Nanny or boss… Xie Xi couldn’t tell which word was more annoying!
The car upgrades should be assigned according to the previous battle. It wasn’t based on
how many zombies were killed but the ‘class positioning.’
For example, the tiger Zhu Li got artillery, which was very similar to his previous style.
The screaming Cao Yan got a submachine gun which had a very energetic outburst.
Zhuo Liu got a grenade, which was in line with his combat style.
Zhuang Yi cared about beauty. “This electric whip is very exciting!” There were sparks
around him.
Xie Xi looked at his long legs and realized, ‘Is this a female soldier?’
Poor Xie Xi had been ‘hiding’ in the corner and treated as a protected object. Thus, he
actually received a bulletproof vest!
Xie Xi wasn’t satisfied. He could also fight and unleash a bombardment! However, the half
zombies didn’t let him shoot. His previous hands were to give them arms and legs. How
could he touch such things? In fact, compared with guns, Xie Xi didn’t want to touch these
zombie limbs!
The car entered the venue for the second round. The zombies and chickens disappeared
and they stopped in an empty hall. The calm after the excessive excitement always made
people somewhat uncomfortable.
Everyone watched intently, on guard for any monsters that would suddenly appear.
A chicken scream was heard, followed by even more chickens. There was a whoosh and
chickens with colourful crowns poured out. This time they were running on their own feet
instead of riding zombies.
What was this situation? Everyone was a little stunned. This didn’t last long. In three or
four seconds, thousands of chickens gathered together and became a big rooster with a
height of five or six metres!
The big rooster was like a hill. The sound that emerged from it was so loud that it seemed
to deafen people!
“Fuck!” Zhu Li grabbed his head due to the pain. Cao Yan wasn’t much better as he covered
his ears.
Xie Xi turned to look at Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie’s hands were tightly pressed against Xie Xi’s ears
to help him block it. Xie Xi’s ears were hot but his mouth said, “I have my own hands.” He
could cover his ears without Jiang Xie doing it.
Jiang Xie was embarrassed. “My hands aren’t good. Their reaction speed is too fast and my
brain couldn’t control them.”
Xie Xi, “…”
At this time, the rooster’s scream stopped and Jiang Xie lowered his hands. “Hit it!”
Zhu Li couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed his weapon and fired wildly towards the
The sharp-eyed Xie Xi saw something red coming from Jiang Xie’s ears…
He froze as he recalled that Jiang Xie had god level qualifications. The highest the
qualifications, the more developed the five senses and the sharper the sensations. The
impact of the rooster’s scream on Jiang Xie must be far greater than any of the other people
After all, his hearing was definitely the best so that scream…
Xie Xi wanted to say something but Jiang Xie had already rushed out.
Jiang Xie had really reacted more instinctively than rationally. He judged the chicken’s
scream using his own standards and was afraid that Xie Xi would become deaf. Thus, he
first covered Xie Xi’s ears. In fact, Xie Xi’s current hearing level meant he would have a
headache at most and there were be no real damage. Meanwhile, Jiang Xie’s eardrums
almost shattered.
The four half zombies weren’t weak and combined with their weapons, the rooster couldn’t
do anything.
Xie Xi stayed in the car. His eyes were fixed to Jiang Xie and he couldn’t help looking at this
person’s ears.
It wasn’t clear from this distance but there didn’t seem to be anything different in Jiang
Xie’s demeanour. It was like the trace of blood was only his illusion. “Back!”
Jiang Xie suddenly called out and the other four responded quickly. They moved back and
returned to the car.
Then they saw that the dying rooster suddenly stood up and was full of blood again!
What was going on?
The group of four couldn’t believe it and released a crazy bombardment. The rooster was
beaten again but the next moment it was completely healed. The incredible thing was that
its combat power had become stronger and its speed increased by one gear. It actually
managed to peck at Cao Yan’s arm.
Cao Yan yelled, “My favourite arm!”
Xie Xi, who had been observing the battle, almost cried out, ‘What favourite arm? How
many favourite arms have been changed by you?’
Due to the ‘injury’, the four men retreated back to the car. Xie Xi changed someone’s
‘favourite’ arm while saying, “Don’t mess around. The ammunition is limited and it will be
troublesome if you use it all up.”
Zhuo Liu muttered, “This big rooster isn’t quite right.”
Zhu Li added, “I also think the legs are too strong.” HIs focus was the legs!
Zhuang Yi thought about it. “There seemed to be six lights flashing in the back. Did you see
He mentioned it and other people cried out, “Yes!”
Xie Xi had also seen it. “It was as if something rushed into its body.”
Cao Yan’s brain hole opened. “Is it a chicken?”
Xie Xi was stunned. This was really possible since the big rooster was originally made from
countless chickens. Once it consumed too many chickens and was about to fall to the
ground, new chickens were added? Was that how it recovered quickly?”
Xie Xi had long wondered about something.
Why did Yun Die value six people so much? It required six people to start? Then just
casually fill up the numbers. Wasn’t it better to start gaining points early?
The first round of zombies was cruel but it wasn’t to the point where six people had to deal
with it. Sure enough, the demands for six people was for the later rounds.
Xie Xi said, “I remember the light points. We will stand in one direction!”
The four half zombies were shocked. “Boss, you can’t get out of the car!” What a joke! They
couldn’t let their nurse encounter unexpected accidents!
Xie Xi was speechless. These bastards were treating him as a weak chicken! No… the half
zombies: it is more like a small auxiliary.
Xie Xi took the lead to jump off first. “Don’t be careless about the enemy or you might die.”
The half zombies immediately followed. Their eyes were fixed on Xie Xi lest something
happen to him.
Xie Xi didn’t want to give them any more arms and legs! Jiang Xie followed with a smile and
Xie Xi couldn’t help glancing at his ears. Jiang Xie was startled.
Xie Xi opened his mouth to speak but the big rooster started to go crazy. Just kill the
chicken first!
Their guess was right. Once the big rooster was hit, new chickens would rush to replenish
the energy. The place where the six people stood happened to block the path of the
chickens. The chickens ran fast but they had zero fighting power which was why they
previously needed to ride the zombies.
Once they blocked the chicken’s way, the big rooster couldn’t withstand the gunfire and the
battle was over!
Zhu Li went up to look at it. “The chicken legs are still intact!”
Cao Yan cursed him. “What do you want to do? You can’t even let go of chicken legs?”
Zhu Li asked him, “Don’t you want to try chicken wings?”
Cao Yan, “…”
“Boss!” Cao Yan asked, “Can you add chicken wings?”
Xie Xi stumbled and sent them away. “Get lost!”
They were psychopaths! The disabled didn’t die and they were talking around the big
Xie Xi couldn’t listen anymore and went to Jiang Xie’s side. Jiang Xie smiled at him.
Xie Xi asked softly, “Do your ears hurt?”
Jiang Xie’s smile deepened. “Slightly.”
Xie Xi’s expression tightened. “Your eardrums hurt?” He couldn’t fix this type of injury.
Jiang Xie was able to hold back his curved lips and the -365 goodwill couldn’t stop him. He
whispered, “It’s nothing… it won’t hurt anymore if you blow on it.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Old Jiang was unstoppable. “Or perhaps a kiss?”
Xie Xi’s mind returned. His ears were hot but his voice was like autumn wind sweeping
leaves. “It seems that I was worrying for nothing. Master is old and already losing your
hearing. The rooster’s scream was nothing!”
His heart was pierced. Compared to Xie Xi, Jiang Xie who lived a long time was really… a bit
old! Jiang Xie was dissatisfied and grabbed the person’s wrist, pulling him over. “Am I really
your master?”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie stared at him with burning eyes. “I’m really not secretly in love with you?”

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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 90
Open World 15
What was he talking about?
It wasn’t just Xie Xi’s ears that were hot as his face started burning as well. He wondered,
“Master, what are you talking about?”
Jiang Xie stared at him.
Xie Xi tried to escape. Jiang Xie looked like he wasn’t exerting any strength but his hands
were as strong as handcuffs.
What to do? Jiang Xie wasn’t just suspicious and directly asked.
He didn’t believe they was master and apprentice. Then how should Xie Xi explain why they
came to the open world together?
It was obvious that under normal circumstances, Jiang Xie wouldn’t come here. Now he had
entered the open world.
If they weren’t master and apprentice, why come with Xie Xi?
“Is it…” Jiang Xie spoke slowly. “We…”
Xie Xi suddenly approached and touched him on the ear.
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi broke free and his eyes trembled. “Don’t feel pain.”
The child kissed him, kissed him on the ear…
It was almost like a light skim but it was indeed a kiss.
By the time Jiang Xie recovered, Xie Xi had run back to the other four. Jiang Xie wanted to
ask but he couldn’t open his mouth.
He didn’t care that there were other people but Xie Xi was shy. What if Xie Xi turned around
and angrily ignored him?
Jiang Xie saw the -365 goodwill and held back!
After doing something crazy, Xie Xi felt it was highly likely he was infected by this group of
Even if he couldn’t find an excuse, even if he was afraid that Jiang Xie would think too much,
going such a thing…
Xie Xi also couldn’t hide forever. Once the game ended, what should he do if Jiang Xie asked
him again?
Xie Xi’s head was a mess.
Cao Yan called out to him, “Boss, are chicken wings really impossible?”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Why do you want chicken wings? Do you want to be a one-winged
Cao Yan explained, “If I have a large wing then I can slap away all the monsters!”
Xie Xi was speechless. ‘With this wing, you are the biggest monster!’
Fortunately, Zhu Li gave up on the chicken legs. He lamented, “I will have to jump around
on this leg and it will be too tiring.”
Just tiring? It wasn’t because it was ugly and crazy?
Jiang Xie was coming over when an announcement was heard. “Thank you for killing the
annoying big chicken. The last round is a competition mode. The track leading to the
treasure can only accommodate one car. Please prepare the two vehicles for battle. Four
wins out of six matches will allow you to qualify for the treasure. If it is three wins and
three losses, no one is qualified for the treasure!”
The last round turned out to be a one on one fight with the players of both cars. There were
12 people and six games, with four victories required. Xie Xi listened carefully to the
announcement. “If you lose, you can’t gain the treasure but you won’t be trapped here.”
Those who weren’t greedy would have no problems living.
The four half zombies spoke in unison, “Lose?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Zhu Li was very passionate. “Boss, just watch! We are enough!” The four of them would
gain four points and Jiang Xie and Xie Xi wouldn’t have to act.
Cao Yan added, “Boss, rest assured that if I lose, I will… cut off my own arm!”
Couldn’t he show a bit of sincerity? His arm was more worthless than his clothes!
Zhuo Liu laughed. “I’m not the same. If I lose, I will cut off Cao Yan’s arm!”
Cao Yan shouted, “Stop fucking around. Why do you want to cut off my arm?”
Zhuo Liu shifted his gaze. “I like your arm. Occasionally, another person’s life experience is
also a fresh experience.”
If this had happened before, Xie Xi would’ve ignored them and move towards Jiang Xie.
Now… he was afraid to approach Jiang Xie and had to listen to this group.
They were really relaxed. What was there to be afraid of? The first car might’ve made it
through the last round but they could easily smash the first car.
As for the status of the first car? They were a mess and several of them already had less air
In the second round, the big rooster was mercilessly crushed by Xie Xi’s group but it was
actually very arrogant. The hill-like body, the proud chicken wings and the healthy chicken
thighs, it was a strong boss and normally the abused players would be crying and shouting!
The second car had all types of weapons and it was easy to fight, but the first car only had
the long knives. These knives were good for cutting zombies but against the big rooster, it
was the same as cutting stone. Zhou Wuwei rushed up and slashed at it, only for the
chicken foot to…
Slam out.
There was nothing wrong with the chicken leg and the knife was broken!
Zhou Wuwei froze and was hit by the rooster’s wing. He slammed into the wall and
coughed up blood.
Zhou Wuwei was fairly good and all his qualifications were placed in strength. He
desperately swung the knife but the rooster was unexpectedly unscathed. It showed how
thick the skin of the rooster was!
Fortunately, they had an ‘attack strategy.’ Yun Die cried out, “Don’t worry. Stand in a good
position and try to attack its lower abdomen!”
There was a piece of soft flesh covered by feathers. Aiming at it could deal a fatal injury.
Zhou Wuwei’s face was ugly. “This rooster’s skin is to thick. They probably can’t beat it
even with weapons!”
Yun Die added, “Defeating it is useless. Without anyone blocking the position, it will soon
come back to life. Upgrading only gives limited weapons and ammunition. That man can’t
win alone.” It really was a pity. It was the first time she had seen such a handsome man in
her life.
Zhou Wuwei cheered up, organized his teammates to stand in the right position and started
to attack the big rooster.
All of them had good fighting power apart from the man with no hand. However, after the
first round baptism, they were exhausted and the big rooster was really strong. They might
have an attack strategy and know its weakness but it took half an hour to defeat.
The big rooster died and they were a mess.
Yun Die’s shoulder was injured and her whole arm couldn’t be broken. Zhou Wuwei’s left
leg was broken and he could barely walk. The other four were no better. The worst one was
a black man whose back was pecked by the big rooster and he was bleeding. It was
unknown if he could leave this game alive.
Zhou Weiwei panted, “Rest assured, the third round is a one on one confrontation. We will
easily win.”
Yun Die nodded. “The treasure must be ours!”
The price they paid for this project wasn’t small but there was a chance to recover if they
could get the zombie’s treasure!
At this time, an announcement was heard. “Welcome to the third round. Please submit the
list of players and the first game will start later.”
Xie Xi’s side was exuberant when they heard this. Zhu Li cried out, “I’ll go first! Don’t steal
my place!”
Cao Yan was next. “Then I’m second.”
Then Zhuo Liu spoke, “I’m third.”
Zhuang Yi added, “Then it is up to me to end the game.” He was the fourth one. If he won, it
was indeed possible to announce the end of the game.
Xie Xi had been hiding from Jiang Xie but he couldn’t escape anymore. He asked, “What
about you?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I’ll be fifth.” If any of them lost, he would gain another point.
Xie Xi was well aware that he had the lowest combat power out of the six people. There was
no way other than placing him at the end.
Xie Xi confirmed the order again. Everyone nodded and said there was no problem. Then he
submitted the list.
Jiang Xie didn’t care about these serious matters. “Xiao Xi…”
Xie Xi, “???”
What did he call him? Xie Xi took three scared steps back and nearly hit Zhu Li.
Zhu Li wondered, “Boss, what’s wrong with you? Why are the ears so red? If you are
Xie Xi, “…”
Damn, could he apply to withdraw from this team?
The first game also submitted their lineup. The first one was Zhou Wuwei. He had a broken
leg but he had to be first. The reason was ready-made, “I don’t know if there is anyone left
on the other team. Perhaps we can just walk through the game!”
The big rooster was so dangerous that anyone alive in the second car would only be
The third round couldn’t use weapons. That man might be strong but if he was still alive
after the first and second rounds, he must be unsteady.
Zhou Wuwei’s heart was on fire. He had to personally teach that arrogant and ignorant
If he hadn’t been so arrogant to refuse their invitation, they wouldn’t have suffered such
The list was submitted and the cars moved. They passed through an iron door and entered
a place similar to an arena.
After two rounds of games, the players from both cars gathered again.
When entering the game, the first car contained elites apart from the man without a hand.
In the second car, apart from Jiang Xie and Xie Xi, the others all had missing arms or legs.
They were miserable.
Now… it was the other way around.
The people in the first car were stunned. Yun Die and Zhou Wuwei were pale and disbelief
filled their faces.
How could this be? How were there still six people in the second car? In addition, the
arrogant man was unscathed?
It wasn’t just him. The young man next to him looked too good. The shocking thing was that
his clothes weren’t dirty at all…
On the other side, the first car was really miserable. Forget the injured people, even Miss
Yun looked like she had rolled around in a pigsty.
Yun Die and Zhou Wuwei suspected that they were hallucinating. Otherwise, how could
such an incredible thing happen? This man was strong enough to kill 600 zombies without
any injuries? He easily killed the rooster in the second round?
How could it be?!
Zhu Li and Cao Yan couldn’t describe how good it felt when they saw the expressions of the
opposite car.
Yun Die and her group had stabbed them before entering the game. It was true that they
were physically disabled and they weren’t suitable for clearing the game but did Yun Die’s
group have to ridicule them? Why sentence them to death? Why take pleasure in their
despair and pain?
The announcement was heard again, “The first game is about to begin. The players should
enter the competition field.”
Zhou Wuwei’s soul returned and he stared at Jiang Xie with a horrified expression. This
man was going to kill him! Soon he would know… he didn’t deserve to be Jiang Xie’s
opponent at all.
A white light flashed and one person disappeared from each of the cars.
Zhou Wuwei of the first car.
Zhu Li of the second car.
They were transmitted to the high platform in the middle. Zhu Li cracked his neck and
moved his hands and feet while grinning viciously. Zhou Wuwei was already trembling.
Xie Xi stood far away and thought, ‘Don’t smile! I can’t tell who the villain is!’
There was no suspense in the battle. Zhou Wuwei’s face was swollen and he unwillingly
asked, “What happened to your legs? You…”
Zhu Li punched him. “Speak less crap!”
Zhou Wuwei was extremely humiliated and could only shout, “I, I admit defeat!”
The game was over as long as he admitted defeat. There was no suspense in the match. The
outcome had been decided the moment both sides first appeared.
After four wins, the second car qualified to inherit the treasure.
The first car might be wounded but they cleared this game as long as they passed the
second round. The third round was only for the final reward. It wasn’t fatal if the reward
wasn’t obtained.
The announcement rang again, “The second car is favoured by the zombie princess. Please
go to the treasury to collect your special reward!”
The zombie princess’ favour? It didn’t feel very good.
Xie Xi glanced at the first car and saw the stunned Yun Die.
Yun Die hadn’t appeared in the four games. She held her shoulder while her face was dazed,
as if she hadn’t recovered from the shock.
The first car was leaving the game while the second car was heading to the treasury. They
were heading in opposite directions and were next to each other…
A silver light flashed straight towards Xie Xi.
Yun Die’s face was exposed and the thin blade in her hand pointed at Xie Xi’s heart.
She gritted her teeth. “No wonder why you are so fearless. It turns out you have the
She just had to kill him and this powerful healing would be hers!
Xie Xi wasn’t terrified at all as he stared at her with no expression.
Yun Die was shocked and found that the dark muzzle in Xie Xi’s hand was already pointed
at her!

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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 91
Open World 16

Yun Die suddenly attacked but Xie Xi was prepared for it. Her acting skills were so lame
that Xie Xi had seen through them early on.
Confusion, shock, being overwhelmed, Xie Xi didn’t know how many times he had made
these expressions. He saw other people acting and felt slightly embarrassed for them.
Xie Xi was very clear that once the four people lacking limbs appeared on the high platform
in a good condition, it would definitely raise suspicions on the other side.
Skills couldn’t be used in this world but only a skill could cause players to ‘grow’ arms and
legs in such a short amount of time.
Everyone had no skills while one person could use a skill. Then this person must be using
the privilege from opening the game field.
This privilege could be inherited by killing the person.
This was what Yun Die thought.
Yun Die didn’t know if it was Xie Xi or Jiang Xie who saved the other people but the
announcement when the game field opened said that two people had privileges!
Yun Die attacked Xie Xi because she was looking for a soft persimmon. Unfortunately, this
‘persimmon’ wasn’t soft but was very fierce!!
It was obvious which was faster between a knife or a pistol.
Yun Die was frightened. “You can’t kill me. My brother is an elder of Yunge. He won’t let you
go if you kill me!”
She didn’t know that her words meant she had to die.
Xie Xi was against killing but since he came to the Central World, he would definitely have
to experience this type of thing.
He gave Yun Die a chance. If she just left then Xie Xi wouldn’t do anything.
However, Yun Die was greedy and didn’t hesitate to kill people for the privilege. This stupid
and cruel person couldn’t stay alive.
Xie Xi didn’t say a word. He only hesitated for a few seconds before pulling the trigger.
There was a bang and the bullet fired.
The close distance meant there was no need to aim at all. Yun Die lowered her head and
looked at the blood coming from her chest. She couldn’t believe it even as she died. “You…
The people in her car froze for a moment before reacting, “How dare you attack Yunge’s big
lady! You are looking for death!”
They rushed up and Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi behind him,. Zhu Li and the others quickly
The two groups collided while Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi to the side.
The gun in Xie Xi’s hand had long since fallen and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.
He told himself that he had to kill Yun Die. Her bad personality meant she would be more
troublesome in the future. She couldn’t survive if she was really someone from Yunge.
Yunge was so powerful that once she returned to Central, she would use the power of
Yunge and cause endless consequences. This meant offend Yunge but as long as it was
handled properly, no one would know who did it for a while…
“It’s okay.” Jiang Xie was very distressed as he held the trembling hands. “You did a good
job, don’t worry. She can’t be an important member even if she is part of Yunge.”
Xie Xi had also thought of those. Those who entered the Central Government were
abandoned by their original world and had no family bonds as well. Everyone who went to
the Central Government also lost their ability to reproduce so there was no blood kin…
The so-called big miss was just a woman who borrowed Yunge’s name in this low-level
“Yes, you’re right.” Jiang Xie kept comforting him.
Xie Xi froze as he realized he had accidentally spoken the words in his heart. Then he found
himself in Jiang Xie’s arms as Jiang Xie whispered to him like he was a child.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie’s heart was pained and he kissed Xie Xi on the forehead. “If I had known, I
would’ve…” helped him kill the woman. Xie Xi might have to grow but there was no rush.
There would be plenty of opportunities in the future.
Xie Xi pushed him away while stuttering, “M-Master!”
Jiang Xie’s arms felt empty.
Xie Xi cried out loudly, “Please behave!”
His voice was too loud and the group of four who had ended the battle were confused. “???”
Jiang Xie smiled and blocked their view so they couldn’t see the red-faced child. Xie Xi was
embarrassed to death and wanted to find a place to dig into.
Jiang Xie came looking for death. “This is returning politeness with politeness.”
Xie Xi kissed him on the ear and he kissed Xie Xi on the forehead, it was really returning
politeness with politeness.
Xie Xi was furious. If he hadn’t dropped the gun to the ground then he would’ve… surely…
um… at least cut off one of his arms!
There was an announcement. “The treasure trove is about to clear. Please collect the
treasure as soon as possible.”
Jiang Xie didn’t care since he already received the best treasure under the sky. He had no
interest in anything else.
The group of four were eager but their bosses were busy and they were too embarrassed to
Xie Xi found a reason to get up and said, “Hurry and get the rewards. It will be a pity to miss
Jiang Xie listened and found that Xie Xi didn’t leave out even a single punctuation mark.
Everyone got on the car and it drove to the treasure trove.
It sounded creepy to receive the favour of the zombie princess but this was still a serious
treasure trove. There were no horror elements. It was just a relatively bright room with a
golden treasure chest in the centre. It was easy to tell that something good was hidden
Cao Yan spoke up, “I can’t do it. I have very bad hands and can’t open the box!”
The other people shook their heads and spoke together, “Boss, you go. We are happy no
matter what comes up!”
This wasn’t empty flattery. They could regain their limbs and pass the project after meeting
Xie Xi. For them, this was already the biggest fortune. They didn’t dare think too much.
Jiang Xie mentioned, “If I open this box, I might get the zombie princess.”
The four half zombies looked surprised.
Xie Xi stepped forward while thinking curiously, ‘Should I really let Jiang Xie open it to see
what he will get?’
Forget it, he always felt his left eye twitching and it was safer to do this thing himself.
In fact, the ‘zombie princess’ actually happened before. At the time, Jiang Xie wasn’t
convinced about his bad luck and had to open the treasure chest. As a result, he didn’t gain
anything and opened a big boss. This boss tied up Yan Zhe to bring him back as a wife and
they finally beat him to death.
From then on, even if Jiang Xie didn’t give up, Yan Zhe would never let him touch the
treasure chest. This old comrade’s bad luck was too great and opening the treasure chests
would be left to them!
Xie Xi gently lifted the lid and opened the box.
There was a golden light and people didn’t have to get close to know there was definitely
something good!
The four half zombies were excited. They were already satisfied but it would be icing on the
cake if they received something else.
There was an announcement. “Congratulations, you got a kiss from the zombie princess
and each player can choose to open one disabled skill.”
The people present were stunned by the words.
Zhu Li yelled, “This reward is absolutely great!”
Cao Yan’s spirit returned. “Boss, your hand is going against the sky!”
The skinniest Zhuo Liu flopped to his knees. “Emperor of luck, please let this unlucky
person worship you!”
Zhuang Yi was the craziest. “I can finally become a woman again!”
Xie Xi really didn’t want to know what skills this guy had!
Jiang Xie was still in honey mode and wasn’t very careful. “Shake my hand and give me
some good luck.”
Xie Xi glared as the thief’s hand touched him.
Jiang Xie was shameless. “Don’t be so stingy.”
Xie Xi turned his head to look away but his red ears exposed his mood. Jiang Xie’s heart was
tickled but he didn’t dare provoke Xie Xi. He just felt like a cat was scratching at his heart.
This reward was really great. They could open a skill in a world where everyone’s skills
were disabled. They might be low in level and their skills were ordinary but it was like the
difference between the earth and the sky!
The group of four started to seriously consider which skill to open.
Xie Xi had nothing to think about. He only had a total of two skills and the one to summon X
couldn’t be used. He already wanted to kill X. Why would he summon another damn body?!
The only thing that remained was the passive ability to randomly take away one thing from
this world. He didn’t think there was anything worth taking in this world but Xie Xi still
chose it.
In fact, the biggest benefit to Xie Xi wasn’t opening a skill but rationalizing his Repair skill.
The four half zombies having skills meant people would no longer suspect that Xie Xi’s
Repair skill was a privilege. This meant a lot of trouble would be avoided.
The group of four might be tigers when attacking the zombies but they were actually very
Zhu Li declared, “I will choose the explosion technique.”
Cao Yan said, “Mine is breathing fire.” Then he opened his mouth and breathed out fire.
Zhuo Liu was low-key in comparison. “Suspension.” He floated upwards but unfortunately,
the height was a bit low.
Zhuang Yi really lived up to expectations. “Transformation.” The Chinese man became a
beauty with red lips.
Xie Xi, “…”
He wanted to vomit but Xie Xi also felt their hearts.
They deliberately chose skills that were more eye-catching and would use the skills
immediately after leaving the game. Their only purpose for doing this was to help Xie Xi
cover up the privilege.
Xie Xi’s Repair, anyone who saw it would consider it a privilege. As long as they used their
skills, there would be confusion and no one would stare at Xie Xi.
Everyone had chosen while only Jiang Xie was still hesitating. Xie Xi didn’t want to talk to
him but couldn’t help asking, “Have you chosen?”
Jiang Xie hadn’t chosen. He hesitated for a while as he stared at the goodwill skill.
Xie Xi wondered, “What’s wrong?” Was it that difficult to choose a skill?
Of course, Jiang Xie wouldn’t expose the matter of the goodwill value. He calmly replied, “I
have too many skills and don’t know which one to choose.”
Everyone, “……………………”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 92
Extra ko-fi chapter

Open World 17

Jiang Xie faced the dull crowd and wondered, “What’s wrong?”
The four half zombies smiled awkwardly. After all, this was the boss and they had to hold it
Xie Xi didn’t want to curse at him because X really had too many skills.
This time Jiang Xie didn’t say anything bad. He was stating facts but not everyone believed
There was also a countdown for the skill selection. Jiang Xie stared at the goodwill skill
before eventually giving it up.
He couldn’t use this because it was too hard to explain. What if later the child asked him,
“What skill did you open?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I can see how much you like me.”
The child, “Oh, you can see how much I like you!
The hard work to increase it to 365 would return to minus on one second.
Um… Jiang Xie thought calmly, ‘A mature man doesn’t need to see goodwill.’ Thus, he
changed it.
Xie Xi curiously asked him, “What did you choose?”
Jiang Xie didn’t reply and reached out to grab the air.
His fingers were straight and slender and his hands were good-looking. The movements
were handsome enough. The group had seen his strength and wanted to know what type of
heaven defying skill he had chosen. In particular, the four people had stars in their eyes.
The next moment, Jiang Xie spread open his hand and a white rose appeared out of thin air.
Everyone, “…………………………”
Xie Xi was actually quite calm. Jiang Xie handed the rose to him. “This skill can turn any
object and even the air into a rose. However, it only lasts for one minute.”
The disabled group of four screamed in their hearts, ‘You took so long to pick yet you chose
such a trash skill!’
Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “Is it good?”
Xie Xi had no expression on his face while he inwardly wanted to beat up his master!
It was lucky that Old Jiang hadn’t chosen the goodwill skill or he would’ve seen a red wave
fill his view.
“What about this?”
He drew a circle in the air and countless white roses burst out, falling to the ground like
rain. This empty room was instantly covered with roses. The glittering treasure chest was a
backdrop and made it look as dreamy as a fairy tale.
Zhu Li, Cao Yan and Zhuo Liu were shocked by the fancy show of love and silently walked
The only one different was Zhuang Yi who turned into a beautiful woman. He held his face
and cried out, “Ah, so romantic!”
Xie Xi, “…”
He didn’t even have the strength to vomit. He couldn’t beat them so what could he do? He
could only turn around and walk away.
Jiang Xie immediately followed and whispered an explanation, “I might have a lot of skills
but many of them are trash. This one is useful.”
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t care what skill Jiang Xie chose. His appearance in this open world was
already the biggest bug. Still, the skill of changing to rose flowers was… really… really hard
to say!
Jiang Xie spoke again, “There are many zombies here and you feel disgusted when you see
them. I can turn them all into roses.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
“I can even use it when you gave people arms and legs. This skill just blinds the eye. The
nature of the item remains the same and it will change back after one minute.”
The nauseous feeling in Xie Xi’s stomach turned to warmth at Jiang Xie’s words.
His chest seemed to have never been so warm and even his voice changed. “I… don’t feel
Jiang Xie smiled, “You just don’t like to look.”
Xie Xi, “…”
This throat seemed blocked and he didn’t know what to say. Jiang Xie reached out again
and a pale blue rose appeared in his hand.
Xie Xi glanced at it and took it with trembling fingers. He carefully looked at the beautiful
flower and asked softly, “Why do you like roses?” His garden was also full of this flower.
Jiang Xie answered, “I don’t know, I just feel comfortable when I see them. It seems that a
long time ago, I was in a place full of roses.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Your garden?”
Jiang Xie cocked his head. “The garden in Central is a reflection of my spirit. It isn’t real.”
Thus, the roses would wither when he was injured.
Xie Xi stared at the rose for a while before whispering, “Very good.”
This voice was too low but Jiang Xie heard it. He deliberately asked, “What?” A god level
player was pretending to be deaf.
Xie Xi’s ears were red as he cried out, “Nothing!”
Jiang Xie pretended to be deaf. “The rooster was too loud before and I have some tinnitus.
My hearing might not be as good as before.”
Xie Xi really believed it and stared at his ears. “Is it serious?”
“It is okay as long as you speak louder.”
Did he really not hear it? Xie Xi felt uncertain.
Jiang Xie spared no effort to gain some sugar. “What did you just say?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie sighed. “Fine, if you don’t want to say it then forget it.”
Xie Xi still wanted him to hear it. He paused before raising the volume slightly. “I said… it
looks good.”
Jiang Xie pushed him. “What looks good?”
“The rose…” Xie Xi’s voice was low before he remembered Jiang Xie’s hearing loss and
raised the volume. “The roses look good.”
Jiang Xie was very happy to hear it again. “I thought you meant that I look good.”
Xie Xi had never seen such a brazen man!
Speaking of which, they came out of the project. The chicken mobilization and I love you VS
shameless games were very different. It was hard to say which one was stronger.
Those with high strength felt more inclined towards the chicken mobilization while those
with ordinary strength might say I love you VS shameless. After all, the latter didn’t
definitely mean death while the former was really deadly. All the group members were
good and received the last treasure chest.
The disabled four person team started their exaggerated performance as soon as they came
Cao Yan was most like a busker. He strode steadily forward and yelled into the air, “Hah!”
Xie Xi was shocked by him.
There was a loud roar and flames spurted from Cao Yans mouth. The lethality was
unknown but the effect was really big!
His actions caused everyone to look over. Their eyes widened at the fire and some people
gave a low cry, “This is the privilege from opening the game!”
The second one to appear was Zhu Li. He picked up a stone, threw it and exploded it like a
small bomb. This skill was more than the fire breathing technique!
The onlookers were stunned. “Did the two of them open the game?”
Surely the privilege didn’t look like this? It wasn’t very good and was shabby!
At this time, Zhuo Liu launched his floating skill. He flew too low so it couldn’t be clearly
Cao Yan was forced to explain for him. “Brother, this floating is very good. It will be useful
for a cliff without a bridge.”
Zhuo Liu fell down and gasped. “Well, I can’t go if the cliff is more than one metre away.”
It was easy to jump towards a cliff one metre away. What was this floating technique?
Zhuang Yi was also ready and his visual impact was the biggest. After all, a man becoming a
beautiful woman who was sexy and charming was too eye-catching.
Zhu Li also came to help him. “Brother, you… this…” He thought for a long time before
finally saying, “Your chest is really big!”
Zhuang Yi, “…” He raised his high heels and kicked Zhu Li in the butt.
“Stinky rascal!” The appearance was a beautiful woman but it was still Zhuang Yi’s rough
male voice!
Their performance shocked the people around them.
“What’s going on? Why do all four people have privileges?”
“It is impossible. The announcement said that only two people have a privilege.”
“You are silly. How could the privilege be such low level skills?”
“But the world has disabled skills. How can they…”
Someone reacted with shock. “Is it from opening the treasure chest?”
“Oh my god, impossible! There was such a thing in the treasure chest?”
“I only obtained a pistol.”
“We had all our injuries healed.”
“We only got one meat bun…”
This man succeeded in gaining everyone’s attention. “An ordinary meat bun?”
The person took out the steamed bun and took a bit before saying with no expression, “The
taste isn’t as good as ordinary meat buns. I always feel there is a zombie flavour.”
Everyone instantly balanced their hearts. This unlucky person was too miserable!
The disabled group of four didn’t have to expose their skills. They did it all for Xie Xi. Xie
Xi’s heart was hot as he whispered, “Thank you.”
They replied softly, “Boss, what are you talking about? We would be dead if it wasn’t for
Xie Xi smiled and didn’t say anything more. The purpose of his rescue wasn’t so noble. It
was more for him to clear the game. Still, he felt comfortable that he could save four people.
At this time, Xie Xi hadn’t made progress on his follow-up side task.
(10). Repair 100 people.
Xie Xi shared the new side task with Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie whispered in his ear, “It is fortunate that you were the one to open the treasure
If they hadn’t managed to open one skill from the treasure chest, Xie Xi’s side task would be
really bad. Repairing 100 people wasn’t difficult but so many people meant it was hard to
make sure there wasn’t anyone as greedy and ruthless as Yun Die. Saving people would
become a shackle.
Now he wasn’t afraid. The four people had put on a show and they came out together.
Everyone would think that this Repair skill came from the treasure chest.
As long as there was the premise that killing wouldn’t give the skill, no one would hurt Xie
Xi. Such a unique nanny, who would be stupid enough to break their own survival path?
Jiang Xie told him, “Wait for me.” He had a strong nose and could smell everything,
including corpses.
After a while, Jiang Xie came back with a bouquet of roses. Xie Xi knew what it was and the
corners of his lips raised. “I’m not that delicate.”
Jiang Xie replied, “If I have the skill, why not use it?”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “Thank you.”
“There is no need to say thanks.”
Xie Xi’s heart had just warmed when Jiang Xie deducted points from himself. “You can just
kiss me.”
Xie Xi’s smile froze. Then he took the white roses and went to repair people. There were
many who were disabled from the chicken mobilization game. After all, it was a game that
required fighting the whole time.
They were wary of Xie Xi but became stunned once Xie Xi explained his intentions. They
had seen the performance of Zhu Li’s group but they couldn’t fathom growing back arms
and legs.
Xie Xi gave a bit of an explanation and they couldn’t help becoming excited. “Thank you!”
Xie Xi shook his head and replied, “No need.” He was just clearing his task and didn’t need
their gratitude.
There weren’t many people missing a limb and he only repaired 12 people.
Zhu Li was moved. “Boss is such a good person!”
Cao Yan cried out, “No wonder why your luck is so good!”
Zhuo Liu added, “A living good deeds!”
Zhuang Yi’s angle was more unique. “The people are so beautiful…”
The people who were repaired were about to go down on their knees and shout. If they
really lost their arms or legs, they would’ve had to find a master to fix them.
Xie Xi still had 88 people remaining for his task. He wanted to cut off their arms and replace
it with a fresh one…
Cough, he was just thinking.
There was no one else to fix here but there was no need to worry. After passing the third
project, they would enter the underground labyrinth. The number of people with missing
limbs would definitely be much higher and he could casually do his task.
Xie Xi said, “Let’s go.”
The group of four were very sad about being separated. “Boss…”
Xie Xi told them, “Clear the last project and we’ll see each other in the underground
This made the four people cheer up. “Okay, we’ll see you in the underground labyrinth!”
They went to draw the last project and Jiang Xie honestly said, “You do it.”
Xie Xi also didn’t dare use him and drew a card. The name of the project still wasn’t an
ordinary game.
Xie Xi muttered, “Dreams come true?”
What type of game was this?
Jiang Xie came over to look. “It sounds very good.”
Then the zombie teenager in charge of the cards declared, “This is a two person project.
The team is allowed and you are about to enter the game.”
A two person project?
Xie Xi was a bit nervous and glanced at Jiang Xie. “Will it be a fighting match?”
Jiang Xie reassured him, “It’ll be fine. We have the privilege.”
The real privilege for opening the game field was a one-time immunity to fatal injuries. In
other words, they both had one extra life. It didn’t matter if this was fighting game since
Jiang Xie could directly give Xie Xi a life.
Xie Xi said, “Yes, if it is combat then kill me and I will clear another project.” Jiang Xie was
stunned before his lips curved. “Impossible, you can only kill me.”
Xie Xi disagreed. “You have bad luck. If I leave you, what if you draw the hardest game?”
Jiang Xie’s heart softened. “Before I met you, the hardest option would appear every time I
had to draw something.” It was still like this.
Xie Xi’s heart was pained and he didn’t dare think about what this person had
Jiang Xie told him, “We are thinking too much. I don’t think the game you drew will be so
Xie Xi was still worried. After all, the first two games weren’t good.
The transfer began and they entered the game. An announcement was heard. “The game is
about to begin. Please enter the sleeping cabin.”
Xie Xi saw two sleeping cabins that were placed next to each other.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth, “It is unreasonable. Shouldn’t we be lying on beds if we are
A double bed would be good.
Xie Xi, “…” He got into the sleeping cabin first.
The hatch closed and the game started. Xie Xi felt a thick drowsiness overcome him.
Dreams come true…
Was this making him dream? If it was his dream, why was it a two person project?
Xie Xi closed his eyes and fell into a deep dream. He was stunned when he opened his eyes
He sat in a spacious classroom and his head was a mess. He always felt that something was
wrong but he couldn’t figure it out. He was in his university classroom? But he wasn’t…
What happened to him? There didn’t seem to be anything wrong.
Yes, he managed to save enough tuition and entered his favourite course. He had been
enrolled for half a year. What could be wrong?
Xie Xi pressed a hand to his temple and calmed down. Then the bell rang and the class
became agitated.
“I heard that the new teacher is too handsome!”
“He got the title of professor at such a young age. Really amazing!”
“What is the title of professor? The research projects he presided over can change the
“Is he really handsome? Really handsome?”
“You’ll know when you see him!”
Xie Xi was speechless. He pushed up his glasses and looked down at the textbook.
Then the door opened and someone came in. The noisy classroom became quiet, so quiet
that a needle could be heard falling.
What happened?
Xie Xi looked up curiously…
A young man was standing at the podium. He wore a dark grey shirt, his cuffs were raised
to his elbows and the hands on the podium were slender and powerful. His low voice rang
through the quiet classroom like a cello solo at a concert.
“Students, I am your Professional Software Technology teacher this semester, Jiang Xie.”
Xie Xi looked up into a pair of different coloured eyes.

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GL: Chapter 93
Open World 18

These eyes…
The teacher had such beautiful eyes? These colours were really…
It was really fancy!
Xie Xi lowered his head and only hoped that the teacher didn’t have the chuuni disease
while teaching.
Fortunately, the class was quite normal and the classroom discipline was particularly good.
It was probably because Professor Jiang’s charm was too big. The females who gathered on
weekdays to discuss cosmetics and Korean dramas or variety shows were now sitting
straight and listening extremely seriously. The boys sitting in the back didn’t even sleep or
play games.
The quality of the class was particularly good so Xie Xi was in a good mood. He didn’t
despite the flamboyant Professor Jiang as much.
The students who originally ran out after class were now unusually studious and started to
ask questions.
This Teacher Jiang wasn’t an ordinary person. It was estimated that he had encountered
many storms. Once he encountered an idiotic question raised by a female student, he
smiled, “If you don’t understand this question, it is recommended not to waste time and
change majors as soon as possible.”
The female classmate, “…”
His one sentence caused many female students to at least ask real questions.
Xie Xi had a question to ask the teacher but the new professor was too eye-catching. Xie Xi
didn’t want to attract attention and let it go.
It was lunchtime once this class finished. Xie Xi headed to the library first and waited an
hour before walking to the cafeteria.
He had only 20 yuan left on his meal card and the money for working wouldn’t arrive until
Saturday. He had to eat less and less in the next two days in order to survive.
20 yuan was one meal for the other students but Xie Xi had to use it for two days.
If he didn’t eat breakfast, he would have four meals. He could only use five yuan for a meal
and this wasn’t enough for ordinary girls.
Xie Xi was very hungry. He could smell all types of scents as he approached the cafeteria
and gulped.
He wanted to eat spicy food, bacon, ham and meat! He also wanted hot and sour noodles,
pancakes with fruit… the oily cake was also nice to see but unfortunately, it was four yuan
for a cake and it was only palm-size. This was too inefficient to eat.
Xie Xi’s goal was the rice and vegetables in the centre of the canteen.
Compared with the variety of snacks, the school-subsidized meals were the most
affordable. They might be unpalatable and there was occasionally the smell of tomatoes
and eggs but overall, this was the most cost-effective!
A dish that cost two yuan also contained rice. Xie Xi smiled as the aunty gave an extra
spoonful. It would be no problem to become full if he ate this much.
His meal was controlled at three yuan and the remaining extra would be for breakfast!
Xie Xi came so late because the fish and meat had been basically swept up in the first hour.
There was no need to line up and Xie Xi could buy the cheapest vegetarian food without
His life was getting tighter but Xie Xi wasn’t willing to let others know. He wanted to finish
university normally instead of becoming a special existence under the gaze of others.
As usual, today Xie Xi bought cabbage stew with tofu, two spoonfuls of rice for a total of two
and a half yuan.
He found the most remote corner and sat down to eat. People who were very hungry would
feel that everything was fragrant, even if the rice was sticky and lumpy.
Xie Xi was eating seriously when someone sat opposite him.
He was slightly stunned. The first thing he saw was golden fried shrimp, a whole silvery
pomfret, potato stew with brisket and even the soup was a small pot of good mushroom
Xiao Xie had never seen such a good canteen meal in his life! He couldn’t help looking up
and saw the man whose eyelids were drooping.
Xie Xi immediately said, “Hello Teacher.”
It was the fancy new teacher! Jiang Xie looked at his plate and frowned slightly. “How come
you are eating so little?”
Xie Xi tightened his grip on the chopsticks and got a slight cramp.
Jiang Xie didn’t agree with this. “Your body is growing so don’t think about losing weight.”
Xie Xi stared blankly.
Jiang Xie pushed the shrimp and pomfret fish to Xie Xi. “Young people these days, your
aesthetics are really problematic. Why do you want to be thin? A man should be strong.”
Xie Xi looked at the golden shrimp and the fish with a rich aroma and his hungry stomach
hurt. He swallowed his saliva and said, “Teacher, you eat. I don’t like to eat these things.”
Jiang Xie told him, “Fish and shrimp are high in protein. Eating them won’t make you fat.”
The misunderstanding made Xie Xi very comfortable but he didn’t want to accept it. He
shook his head and said, “I’m allergic to seafood.”
“Okay.” Jiang Xie pushed the potato stew with beef brisket and mushroom soup over. “Then
eat this.”
Xie Xi hadn’t eaten meat for a long time. He saw that it was real beef and hesitated. “I…”
Jiang Xie interrupted him. “This is homework. You must eat up.”
Xie Xi didn’t move. If he ate this meal, the next meal would be even more uncomfortable.
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie stood up and said, “Those little girls saw me again. I will leave first.”
Xie Xi’s mouth dropped open. “Teacher, your dish…”
Jiang Xie had already left at a very fast pace.
The person had gone and the potatoes stew with brisket, the mushroom soup, the pomfret
fish and the shrimp looked pitifully at him.
Xie Xi’s Adam’s Apple moved up and down. If he didn’t eat then these dishes would be
wasted. Waste was shameful. He also couldn’t carry them to chase after Professor Jiang.
Sure enough…
Xie Xi picked up his chopsticks and poked the beef brisket. The beautiful beef brisket
bounced and a fragrant scent came from it. The sauce covered the potatoes and everything
was just right.
It would become cold if he didn’t eat and this was also wasteful. Xie Xi’s chopsticks were
suspended for three seconds before finally making up his mind.
Eat it! He didn’t need to eat but since it was here, he would eat! In any case, the teacher was
gone and it was better to satisfy his stomach than a cheap trash can.
Xie Xi picked up a beef brisket and ate it in one bite. The taste of the meat made him happy
enough to die.
Really tasty! So delicious! By the time Xie Xi’s spirit returned, he had swept up everything
on the table. Even the soup had been eaten with the rice.
At the age of 18, it was just right to eat more. Xie Xi was often hungry and he rarely had
such a satisfying meal. He felt that he didn’t need to eat at night and could save three yuan.
If he went to work, it wouldn’t be too late to go home with the night bus!
Xie Xi’s heart was beautiful and his impression of Jiang Xie changed by 360 degrees.
Teacher Jiang might be born fancy but this teacher was still good!
In the afternoon, a senior of the school Sun Muqing found Xie Xi. “Xiao Xie, are you free
Sun Muqing was a new receptionist when Xie Xi entered the school and took great care of
Xie Xi. He was grateful to this enthusiastic brother.
“Brother, what is it?”
Sun Muqing’s eyes brightened. “I have recently received a job. If you have time to help, I
will pay you a salary!” He knew that Xie Xi lived alone and wasn’t well-off. This was no
different from a timely rain for Xie Xi. He quickly responded, “Good!”
He had to save tuition fees for the next semester and was willing to do 10 jobs! Sun Muqing
patted him on the shoulder. “Rest assured, I won’t treat you badly.”
Xie Xi told him, “Brother has always taken good care of me. I am very happy to help you.”
Today was a really lucky day. Xie Xi sat in the classroom with a full stomach, fully satisfied.
The afternoon classes finished and Xie Xi questioned Sun Muqing once they were over. Sun
Muqing said there was no need to rush and he would tell Xie Xi after two days. Xie Xi
nodded and returned home.
He didn’t live on campus. The accommodation fee might be very cheap but Xie Xi couldn’t
afford to spend the money. He didn’t mind wasting half an hour running home.
Other people had to find the time to run while this was his workout! He was the only one
had home since his mother Xie Su had long since moved out. He was accustomed to living
by himself.
The old building was shabby and the sanitary conditions were extremely poor. If there was
time, Xie Xi would clean the hallway, clear the small advertisements and do what he could.
However, he had been too busy recently and hadn’t cleaned it for a long time.
Xie Xi was breathless from the run. He looked at the time and saw it was still early, plus he
had eaten enough at noon. He grabbed a broom and started sweeping the hallway.
There was no time to clear the small advertisements. He went back to the house to grab his
glasses, wiped his face and walked out the door.
Xie Xi was covered with sweat. Once he walked into the winter weather, he couldn’t help
shivering. He wanted to take a shower but the water heater at home consumed too much
power and he couldn’t bear it.
It would be hot as soon as he ran. He would wash up once he arrived!
Xie Xi breathed lightly as he ran to the Light Smoke Bar. This was a job he had found a
month ago, serving as a waiter at the bar.
This job was quite suitable for Xie Xi because the time period was good. It was from 6 p.m.
to midnight and wouldn’t affect his normal classes. The salary also wasn’t bad. He just
needed to wait for this week’s pay and his living expenses wouldn’t be so tight!
Xie Xi entered the bar from the back door and a youth he worked with, Xiao Li told him,
“You are working too hard. You can take the bus. Since you have a student ID, isn’t it only a
few yuan?”
Unfortunately, Xie Xi didn’t have the money to recharge his bus card.
Xie Xi replied, “I’ve been busy recently. Wait for next week and I will renew my bus card.”
Xiao Li continued, “It is also okay without a bus card. Isn’t it just one more yuan?”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything more about the topic. “I’ll go change my clothes.”
“Go and take a shower first. Remember to blow dry your hair.”
Xie Xi headed to the locker room. He felt much more comfortable after a hot shower. It
must be the lunch that was giving him plenty of strength!
He changed into a small suit and pushed back the hair covering his eyes, revealing a smooth
Xiao Li came over and cried out, “This face, really…” He had seen it so many times but it was
still so good!
Xie Xi smiled at him. “You’re also handsome.”
“I only feel handsome when I’m not with you. Once you come…geez…”
Xie Xi didn’t like his face. It hadn’t brought him anything good since he was a child.
“Come on, it’s almost time.” Xie Xi distracted him. “It is time to change shifts with Brother
The bar had a clean and elegant style with a good atmosphere. The elite workers liked to
come here to relax.
Xie Xi was particularly low-key and invisible in school. It was just that working here meant
he had to expose his whole face. The moment the exposed his face, he would always get
into trouble.
A middle-aged man who came here for nearly a month had already set his eyes on Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was uncomfortable but couldn’t do anything. The person just watched him and
ordered him to deliver wine, nothing else.
At 8 o’clock, Xie Xi went to the sixth booth to deliver wine and froze as soon as he arrived.
The man in the middle of the sixth booth was also startled.
Xie Xi quickly bowed his head while his hands were sweaty. It was the new professor who
came today, Teacher Jiang!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 94
Open World 19

He didn’t want to be recognized or for anyone to know that he was working here.
Xie Xi put down the wine and left without lifting his head.
The other party didn’t say anything and hadn’t seemed to recognize him.
Xie Xi left before letting out a sigh of relief. It was natural not to recognize since his
appearance was too different and they only met once at school.
Even so, Xie Xi didn’t dare go that way or deliver anything to the table.
Xiao Li told him excitedly, “That person is really handsome! A heavenly dish!” Xiao Li was
Xie Xi reluctantly smiled at him.
Xiao Li continued, “I don’t know who he is but did you see the watch on his wrist? It costs
enough to buy us food and drinks for half our lives!”
Xie Xi remembered his classmates’ gossip during the day and knew that the young
professor’s family was very good.
Xiao Li gave high praise. “He is rich and has good looks. The best in the world!”
Xie Xi couldn’t say anything. He hadn’t told the people in the bar that he was still studying,
let alone that this was his teacher.
Xiao Li knew that Xie Xi wasn’t interested in men and after sensing his disinterest, left to
talk to others.
Xie Xi went to the bathroom to try and calm himself down.
He stared at himself in the mirror and comforted himself, ‘I wasn’t recognized, I definitely
wasn’t recognized!’
He washed his face, the cold water dripping down his cheeks onto his neck. It was very
cold. Xie Xi quickly dried his face but he still felt cold. The bar maintained a constant
temperature and he shouldn’t be cold wearing this. Sure enough…
Did he catch a cold from running while sweating? Xie Xi felt some panic. He didn’t want to
catch a cold because the cost of illness was too high. A box of cold medicine was more than
20 yuan and he couldn’t afford it.
In fact, a cold would go away on its own after seven or eight days but it was still too much
trouble. Dizziness and headaches would affect his classes and also work. If his boss found
out, he would definitely be forced to take some days off.
One missed day of work meant less money and Xie Xi didn’t want that. He couldn’t catch a
cold, he couldn’t. Xie Xi poured himself a large glass of hot water and gulped it.
Once his body was slightly warmer, Xie Xi suppressed some of his worries. He would go
home and boil ginger soup. Maybe it would be fine!
Unfortunately, tonight was particularly busy. Xie Xi ran back and forth to serve drinks.
After running a few laps inside and outside, he started sweating again.
He was already dizzy during his break. The human body wasn’t made out of iron. He hadn’t
eaten well every day, was malnourished and worked very late. He had insufficient sleep
and fatigue so it was natural to fall sick.
Xiao Li noticed his condition. “What’s wrong? Your face is a bit red.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “It’s nothing. I just need to the bathroom.” It was almost 11 o’clock
and almost time to get off work. He intended to persist until then.
Xiao Li urged him, “If you aren’t feeling well, leave first. I’m here.”
The boss would call names after work and deduct money for those who left early. Xie Xi
shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”
His body was hot and cold and he was so miserable that he wanted to go home and hide in
“Xiao Xie.” Suddenly, a rough voice speaking in a flattering tone was heard behind him.
Xie Xi tensed as he turned his head. “Mr. Wang, what’s wrong?” Behind him was the middle-
aged man who had been staring at him for the past month.
Wang Qingshu stared at him greedily, his eyes filled with shameful desires. He handed a
glass to Xie Xi and said, “Accompany me for a drink. You can see that I have been coming
here for one month.”
Xie Xi retreated. “I’m sorry Mr. Wang, I can’t drink.”
Wang Qingshu urged him, “What’s wrong with some wine? Drink it and you’ll see.” He held
out the glass with a tough gesture.
Xie Xi’s expression wasn’t good. “Mr. Wang, please don’t embarrass me!”
“You call this embarrassing you? Is it so hard to have a glass of wine? I’m been coming here
for almost a month!”
Xie Xi retreated to the wall, the cold wall making his head numb. “I’m just working here, I…”
“Don’t you want money?” Wang Qingshu’s tall body covered Xie Xi. “Follow me, how much
do you want me to give you?”
Xie Xi’s head buzzed and he raised his hand to punch the other person. Wang Qingshu’s face
was cold as he was hit in the face. “You aren’t giving me face!”
Under normal circumstances, Xie Xi could run away but now his physical condition was
extremely poor and his legs were like lead. He couldn’t lift it at all. The previous punch had
used all his strength.
“You might not drink but you will have to drink today. Once you drink this, you will see…”
Wang Qingshu wanted to use strength to pour it into his mouth.
Xie Xi knew there must be something added to the wine. He shook his head and cried out…
Suddenly, the glass fell to the carpet and red liquid splattered all over the place. Wang
Qingshu was stunned and shouted angrily, “What fucker is meddling?”
Then a foot came over and kicked him in the middle of the chest. This force was very big
and Wang Qingshu fell down.
“You… cough…” Wang Qingshu touched his chest and kept coughing.
Jiang Xie walked out of the shadows with a cold face, hands in his pockets as he declared in
a condescending manner. “Get lost.”
Wang Qingshu’s face changed as he struggled to get up. “Wait, you wait for me!” He spoke
these words but staggered away.
Xie Xi leaned against the wall in shock. Jiang Xie stared at him with a light frown.
Xie Xi bowed and muttered, “Thank you.”
He didn’t dare look at Jiang Xie for fear of being recognized. It was very embarrassing to
work here and now something like this happened…
Xie Xi felt indescribable humiliation. He wasn’t afraid of poverty, suffering every day or of
being hungry. He just didn’t want to be treated by the public as a beggar.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything but Xie Xi felt his gaze like sharp thorns. He couldn’t stay a
moment longer and suppressed his body’s trembling as he turned to leave.
“Xie Xi.” Jiang Xie accurately called out his name.
Xie Xi stopped, the blood draining from his face. This person recognized him and even
remembered his name.
Jiang Xie approached him and asked, “Why work here?”
Xie Xi stiffened as he felt dumbfounded by this question. Why? How could a person with
Jiang Xie’s family background understand his life?
Would he work here if there were any other options? If it wasn’t for a lack of money, how
could he do this?
There was no way Jiang Xie could understand. The wine he drank tonight was a few months
of salary for Xie Xi. How could Jiang Xie understand?!
Xie Xi didn’t look back as he replied stubbornly. “I’m an adult and it has nothing to do with
Jiang Xie’s brow furrowed. “The thing that just happened, you…”
Humiliation rushed to Xie Xi’s brain and he couldn’t help raising his volume. “I could’ve
solved it even if Teacher wasn’t there!”
Then he left. He didn’t dare go anywhere with few people. He could only stay in front and
work hard.
By the way, Xie Xi regretted what he said and wanted to slap himself. It was Jiang Xie who
helped him just now. If the teacher hadn’t been present, it was unimaginable what would’ve
happened to Xie Xi.
He should’ve thanked Jiang Xi and explained things clearly, instead of saying something so
Still, he couldn’t help it because he couldn’t suppress his mood. Jiang Xie must be very
disappointed to get such a response after his help. Xie Xi’s heart trembled and he only felt
more powerless.
In any case, he and Jiang Xie were two different types of people and there would be no
further intersection. There was nothing to regret.
Xie Xi stayed until midnight and his head buzzed once he got off work.
Xiao Li asked him, “Are you all right?”
Xie Xi stared at him and only reacted after a long time. “No, I’m fine.”
“This won’t do. I’ll call a car.”
Xie Xi quickly shouted, “No! No need!” His place wasn’t far but it cost 10 yuan for a taxi. He
wouldn’t take a taxi unless he was dead.
Someone was waiting outside for Xiao Li and he couldn’t afford to care too much about Xie
Xi. “Then I’ll go first. If you really aren’t feeling well, you should take a day off tomorrow.”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes, rest assured.”
Once Xiao Li left, Xie Xi changed his clothes, drank a large glass of hot water and prepared
to go back.
He went outside and the cold wind of early winter hit the back of his neck. Xie Xi hugged
himself tightly, shivering from the cold.
The weather in November was extremely cold. He only wore a thin coat and felt like he
would really die of the cold. This should be a fever.
Xie Xi was freezing and couldn’t help stopping after a few steps. He huddled by the road
and suddenly remembered the little girl who sold matches.
People wouldn’t realize helplessness and despair without facing a real predicament.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi didn’t have matches and didn’t even deserve dreams.
A black car slowly stopped in front of him. The window fell and Jiang Xie glanced at him.
“Get on the car.”
Xie Xi stood motionless where he was.
Jiang Xie frowned, removed the seat belt and got off the car. He approached and saw the
blankness in Xie Xi’s eyes.
The youth had overly beautiful facial features and there was a layer of redness on his white
face. He was like petals blooming in the early morning, fragile and delicate.
Jiang Xie’s heart tightened and he asked, “Did you drink that wine?’
No, he should’ve arrived in time. Even if Xie Xi drank a bit, the drug shouldn’t be that
Xie Xi stared blankly and couldn’t respond at all. Jiang Xie reached out and touched his
forehead. ‘How are you so hot?”
Xie Xi finally saw the other person and his feeble pride soared again as he removed Jiang
Xie’s hand. “I’m fine.”
“I’ll take you to the hospital.”
“No!” Xie Xi immediately exclaimed, “No, I won’t go to the hospital. Don’t take me to the
How could he only go to the hospital when he only had a few yuan?
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “It’s fine, you don’t necessarily have to get an injection. Just a
checkup…” He thought that Xie Xi was afraid of needles.
Xie Xi shook his head violently and resisted. “Don’t take me to the hospital. I won’t go to the
hospital…” He begged. “Please, please Teacher Jiang, I don’t want to go to the hospital.”
His voice was hoarse and he sounded petulant…
Jiang Xie was startled and his voice became slightly dry. “Okay, I won’t take you to the
hospital. Get in the car and I’ll send you home. Take some antipyretics and have a good
Xie Xi replied, “Okay…”
Jiang Xie opened the door and helped him into the car. Xie Xi was cold and couldn’t help
sinking into the hot wind coming from the car. The heater in the car was very comfortable,
confusing Xie Xi. For a time, he couldn’t tell where he was.
Jiang Xie sighed and drove the car to find a pharmacy. He would first buy some medicine
and then have Xie Xi take it when he got home.
Jiang Xie bought the medicine and returned to the car, only to find Xie Xi had fallen asleep.
He was huddled into a ball, his white wrists exposed to the outside. He was too thin to hold.
Jiang Xie remembered when he had seen Xie Xi eating in the cafeteria. It would be strange if
he could gain fat after eating those types of meals.
Of course, Jiang Xie hadn’t really thought that Xie Xi was trying to lose weight. He said those
words so he didn’t burst Xie Xi’s self-respect.
At the bar tonight, Jiang Xie recognized him at first glance. Jiang Xie guessed that Xie Xi’s
family situation wasn’t good but hadn’t expected him to be working here.
It might be a clean bar but it was still a place where fish and dragons mixed together. It
didn’t feel safe for a youth who just turned 18 years old to be working there.
In particular, since the growing child… looked a little too good.
Jiang Xie called out to him. “Xie Xi?”
Xie Xi frowned and shrank even smaller. Jiang Xie’s heart was tugged and his voice
softened. “Where do you live? I will send you home?”
Xie Xi instinctively shook his head. His place was very cold and he didn’t want to leave this
warm place.
Jiang Xie bent his head and whispered. “I’ll take you back with me first. You can’t be alone
like this.”
He didn’t know Xie Xi’s specific situation but a student working so desperately meant there
must be something with his family. It was likely that he couldn’t count on his parents.
Xie Xi was dazed and in his trance, he seemed to return to the time when he was very
At the time, he was ill and his mother stayed by his bedside. She fed him, wiped his sweat
and kept telling him in an incredibly gentle voice, ‘Don’t be afraid. Mother is here.
Everything is fine.’
Was this a memory that belonged to him? Did his mother really love him?
Xie Xi always felt this was his own delusion. He was too eager to be loved and created this
It wasn’t real…
His father left him and his mother didn’t want him. He was alone, always alone, and didn’t
know how to live.
“Don’t cry.” A low gentle voice entered his ears, filled with deep heartache. Xie Xi suddenly
opened his eyes and the scene that entered his eyes was completely strange.
The chandelier on the ceiling was like a beautiful crescent moon and there were even stars
flashing around…
This wasn’t his home. He didn’t have such beautiful lighting.
Xie Xi got up, the sharp pain from his head made him groan.
At this time, the door opened and Jiang Xie wore a dark grey t-shirt and cotton trousers. He
held a plate of hot porridge. “Have you woken up? Are you feeling better?”
Xie Xi fell dull. He looked down and found that his clothes had been changed.
Jiang Xie told him, “You started sweating after taking an antipyretic last night. I helped you
change your clothes.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie continued speaking, “Do you want to take a bath first or eat?”
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “I…” His voice was hoarse.
Jiang Xie placed the plate on the bedside table and his lips curved. “You said you were an
adult but you kept crying last night. That’s why your voice is hoarse.”
Xie Xi, “!” His face flushed.
Jiang Xie said, “I said I would take you to the hospital but you cried that you wouldn’t go. I
fed you medicine and you started crying. I helped you change clothes and you…”
Xie Xi felt his body was burning up. This was impossible!
Jiang Xie chuckled. “Okay, don’t pretend to be an adult. A little kid crying is very cute.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 95
Open World 20

Xie Xi felt ashamed after hearing the words. He cried and screamed at a man who he only
knew for one day. It was also his teacher…
How could he be so stupid?! It was just a cold but the heat made his brain silly! Xie Xi was
annoyed to death and hoped it was a dream!
In fact, last night wasn’t exactly as Jiang Xie said. Xie Xi didn’t cry but he cried silently. He
closed his eyes and silently shed tears.
That appearance was so painful that Jiang Xie only looked once and never wanted to see it
What type of life had this half-child lived?
The tears that flowed down were like hot magma, making an indelible mark on Jiang Xie’s
heart. He didn’t want Xie Xi to cry or recall those hard memories. Thus, Jiang Xie said these
words to help him unload some of the strong determination and also to be closer to him.
“Come on, drink some porridge to supplement your strength.” Jiang Xie gently stirred the
porridge with a spoon and waited for the temperature to cool before sending it to Xie Xi’s
Xie Xi still doubted life and couldn’t understand what this person said.
“Ah…” Jiang Xie really treated him as a child. He brought the spoon to Xie Xi’s mouth and
had him open his mouth.
Xie Xi’s spirit returned and he stared at Jiang Xie with an open mouth, very speechless.
Jiang Xie blinked, not embarrassed at all. “It seems that you have really woken up.”
How could Xie Xi let Jiang Xie feed him? He saw the porridge which had obviously been
cooking for a while and his heart was hot. He took the bowl and said, “I’ll do it myself.”
Jiang Xie didn’t tease him and handed him the bowl. “Eat it, the temperature is just right
and it’s going to become cold.”
Xie Xi bowed his head and stared at the porridge. “Thank you.”
“Why so polite?” Being serious for one second was probably the limit for Jiang Xie. He
added, “A teacher for one day is a father for life. It is natural for an old father to take care of
the children.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Sure enough, this teacher wasn’t normal!
“Quickly eat the porridge.” The old father said earnestly, “I have been boiling it for two
hours. Don’t waste it.”
Xie Xi’s heart was warm again. He was confused while burning up and must’ve said a lot of
things to Jiang… this person’s mouth was shameless but he was a good man.
Xie Xi nodded as he scooped up a spoonful of porridge and placed it in his mouth…
He almost spat it out!
Jiang Xie was very confident. “Is it good? I put in sea cucumber, abalone and lobster. The
nutrition is absolutely enough and the taste shouldn’t be much worse.”
Xie Xi stared at the bowl of expensive seafood porridge and couldn’t hold back, “Teacher,
have you tasted it?”
“I couldn’t estimate the weight and didn’t cook that much. That’s why I didn’t try it.” The
child needed a big meal and he was afraid there wasn’t enough.
Xie Xi’s lips curved as he asked, “How many spoonfuls of salt did you put in?”
“A spoonful, the recipe… cough, I mean, you have a cold and it is better to have a lighter
Xie Xi didn’t miss the word ‘recipe.’ This person looked up a recipe to make the porridge.
Did he check the recipe and put in half a pound of salt?
Jiang Xie saw his expression and asked, “Is the porridge salty?”
He picked up the spoon that Xie Xi had used, tasted it and rushed to the sink to vomit. This
saltiness was enough to kill people!
Jiang Xie returned and gracefully collapsed. “Don’t eat it. I’ll call for takeaway.”
It was the first time he cooked but he countered such a thing, Teacher Jiang felt very
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling and asked, “Teacher, how big is your spoon?”
Jiang Xie pointed to the spoon in Xie Xi’s bowl. “The same as that one.”
The spoon in Xie Xi’s hand was big enough to hold an egg. This big spoonful of salt, um…
He laughed loudly. “The recipe isn’t good. It didn’t tell you how big a spoon to use.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
It might be humiliating but he felt it was worth it to see the child laughing comfortably.
This seemed to be the first time he saw Xie Xi laugh. They didn’t know each other for a long
time but Jiang Xie was certain that this child must rarely laugh.
Xie Xi felt that his body was much better. A fever was deadly but once it burned out, it was
easy to recover.
He got out of bed and said, “Don’t call for takeaway. It would be wasteful to pour out such
good porridge.” The thought of not being able to eat sea cucumber, abalone and lobster
simply pained Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie protested, “It is too salty. You can’t eat it.” It was so hard to endure the
embarrassment but this turned out to be a bonus point, not a point deduction.
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll cook it again and it can be eaten.”
“You are still sick.”
“It is just a little cold. It isn’t that serious.”
Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi’s feet and immediately said, “Wait, I’ll go get you some slippers.”
“No need…”
Jiang Xie had already left and soon returned with a pair of cotton slippers. “There is
underfloor heating in my house but the kitchen doesn’t have it. You just had a fever and
need to be careful.”
As he spoke, he naturally bent down and placed the slippers on Xie Xi’s feet. Xie Xi stared at
the wide back and his heart was hot. A thank you filled his throat but he unexpectedly
couldn’t release it. He only knew that thanks weren’t enough.
Xie Xi asked, “Teacher, have you eaten?”
Jiang Xie didn’t have the habit of eating breakfast but he was afraid to teach the child bad
things, so he said, “I’ll eat later.”
“Then wait a while. We’ll eat together.”
Then Xie Xi left the room and became stunned. It wasn’t because of the spacious apartment,
the elegant decorations or the expensive murals. He was stunned because…
It was messy! There were piles of clothes on the leather sofa, magazines on the carpet, a
few empty cans on the coffee table and there was even an ashtray on the projector!
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “I live alone and I’m not too particular…”
Was this a matter of being particular? Xie Xi lived alone in the cheapest old building but his
place wasn’t like this.
It was obvious from the bowl of porridge that this elite scholar didn’t have much life
experience but Xie Xi hadn’t expected it to be so serious! He didn’t say anything and headed
straight to the kitchen.
Jiang Xie didn’t follow and quietly cleaned up the living room. He could at least hide his…
um… his possessions…
Xie Xi entered the kitchen and understood instantly. This kitchen was very beautiful and
could be used in an advertisement but unfortunately, there were no signs of it being taken
care of by its owner.
Xie Xi could imagine that since the kitchen’s birth, it had probably only produced a salty
bowl of seafood porridge. Jiang Xie had probably run to the supermarket in the early
morning and bought everything according to the recipe. Even the can of salt was just
The spoon that was the ‘cause’ was also left in the salt can. It was funny but it also warmed
up people’s heart.
Jiang Xie hadn’t slept all night. He took care of Xie Xi’s fever and then bought so many
things in the early morning.
This seafood porridge couldn’t be eaten but the person’s heart was clear. He wanted Xie Xi
to eat something nutritious and digestible. He couldn’t buy it at the time and simply had to
cook it himself.
This was the first time Jiang Xie cooked in his life. Xie Xi felt this was highly likely to be the
truth, so the messy scene became clumsy and lovely. Jiang Xie was a very good teacher,
very good.
Xie Xi rolled up his sleeves and prepared to remake the seafood porridge. A bit of salt was
okay. It was better to boil the porridge more so the taste would mix evenly.
Porridge was generally slow to cook but it had a faster method. The fast taste might have a
relatively poorer taste but it saved time.
It didn’t take long for the real seafood porridge to emerge fresh from the pot.
Jiang Xie was quite surprised. “Child, you are very powerful.”
Xie Xi was too lazy to correct his name and said, “Eat it together. The ingredients are good
and it would be a waste to throw them out.”
Jiang Xie tried a mouthful. “What is this? So delicious!”
Xie Xi blinked and teased him, “I wouldn’t say it is delicious but it is edible.”
The porridge made by Old Jiang couldn’t be eaten at all.
Jiang Xie spoke quietly, “I’m not omnipotent. It is never too old to learn.”
This person could really speak!
Xie Xi smiled. “Teacher is right.”
Then he seriously ate the porridge. Xie Xi hadn’t eaten last night and became sick. The fact
that he could eat a bowl of porridge in the morning was extremely comfortable.
The two people were satiated and Jiang Xie suggested, “Leave the dishes here. I will have
my housekeeper clean it up later.”
Xie Xi replied, “There are only two bowls, what’s the point?” He washed it by hand and then
tidied up the kitchen.
Jiang Xie watched on with a strange heart. What type of circumstances did he experience
for an 18 year old boy to be so skillful in housework? This child was really too painful.
Jiang Xie had classes during the day. Before leaving, he said, “Have a good rest. I already
took the day off for you.”
Xie Xi was in a rush. “I can still go!”
He couldn’t delay his classes. The freshman course was particularly full and missing one
day of classes…
Jiang Xie told him, “Rest assured, I will take the time to give you makeup lessons. Do more
with less.”
Xie Xi hesitated.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “I am already said you are sick and can’t get out of bed. If you go to
classes, won’t I be lying?”
His words made Xie Xi dismiss the idea of going to school. “Then I’ll go home and rest.”
“There is no rush. I have no one else living here and you can sleep peacefully.”
Xie Xi wanted to say something but was interrupted by Jiang Xie. “You can see that there is
still half a lobster left. If you don’t eat it at noon, I can only throw it away when I get back.”
He casually talked about throwing away something that cost so much money! Xie Xi was in
“Then you…” He asked Jiang Xie, “Are you coming back at noon to eat?”
Jiang Xie wanted to come back but he had an appointment with someone at noon. “It is
because I can’t come back at noon that I hope you stay and eat it.”
That’s how Xie Xi was caught. Knowing Jiang Xie’s style, he had no doubt that the fate of this
half lobster was the bin.
Jiang Xie left and Xie Xi took medicine again. This medicine was also bought by Jiang Xie.
The price was unknown but based on the packaging, it probably wasn’t cheap.
The money couldn’t be paid back but there wasn’t a problem. Jiang Xie didn’t care about
money. If Xie Xi tried to pay him back, he would probably refuse. The situation was clear
when it came to money.
Xie Xi looked at the messy house, rolled up his sleeves and started to clean. He couldn’t do
much but he could help Jiang Xie a little bit!
Jiang Xie came back at night and thought he saw wrongly. Was this his house?
His family is hiding a snail girl? (TL: Based on the Chinese folktale. One link:
The next day, Jiang Xie went to class and wasn’t surprised to see the child sitting
unobtrusively. He sat in one corner and listened seriously to the lecture.
Jiang Xie found him after school. “Come with me.”
This was very teacher-like. Xie Xi followed him to his office. As soon as they entered the
room, the teacher’s illusion fell to the ground.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Last night, I came home and thought there was a snail girl at
home…um… should it be a snail boy?”
Xie Xi had cleaned his house too well. Jiang Xie said he had a housekeeper but in fact, he
didn’t want outsiders in his house and preferred to do things himself.
Xie Xi was a bit used to his non-serious manner and replied, “Teacher took care of me
“That’s nothing.” Jiang Xie asked him seriously, “Are you going to keep working at the bar?”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted and he wondered, “Can’t you find
another job? What about tutoring?”
“I have two tutoring jobs on the weekends.”
Jiang Xie was stunned. “It still isn’t enough?”
Xie Xi had never told this to anyone. “Just tutoring isn’t enough. I have to pay next
semester’s tuition fees and there will be many practical classes in the sophomore year. I
have to… buy a computer. The freshman course is very full and there are classes all day. I
can only go to work at night and the bar is the most suitable.”
It took a lot of courage for Xie Xi to say these things. He was accustomed to being alone and
swallowing down all his sufferings. He wasn’t used to relying on anyone or talking to
It was useless to say it and sympathy would only make him embarrassed. Xie Xi was
grateful to Jiang Xie and didn’t say this to seek his help. Xie Xi simply didn’t want to deceive
him or for him to misunderstand.
Jiang Xie was surprised.
Xie Xi reluctantly smiled. “Just… wait a while. It will become much better. A senior I know
has a project and I will take time to help him. If it goes well, I should be able to quit working
at the bar.”
Jiang Xie’s spirit returned. He was distressed but he couldn’t show it. This child’s pride was
too strong and his heartache would just be a sharp injury to the child.
Jiang Xie adjusted his tone. “How about working for me?”
Xie Xi was shocked.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved as he teased, “How about being my snail boy?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 96
Open World 21

Snail… what?
Jiang Xie explained, “You saw the situation at my place. It really needs your help. My
contract with my previous housekeeper expired and I didn’t like her 60 minutes blind date
routine. I wanted to change…”
What lies! No domestic housekeeper would introduce herself to her employer so
unprofessionally! It was a pity that Xie Xi was inexperienced and fooled by Jiang Xie.
“If you come to help, I won’t have to bother finding someone else.” Jiang Xie asked, “You
won’t introduce yourself with your preferences, right?”
The topic shifted and Xie Xi was completely taken in. “Of course not.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “That’s great.”
Xie Xi saw the teasing in his eyes and finally recovered. “I’m not a professional and haven’t
done this type of work…”
Jiang Xie interrupted him, “You have already satisfied me. That’s enough.”
Xie Xi paused. Jiang Xie added, “You need work and I need you to work. We hit it off so why
Xie Xi was still hesitating.
Jiang Xie started to talk nonsense again. “You are still young and don’t know the pains of a
single and handsome man. I am busy with work and don’t have time to clean up. I have to
use a housekeeper but they’re mostly women. I don’t dare use anyone too young but it isn’t
easy to use the old. You have to work anyway. Why not work for me?”
He started fooling people again. “They saw that one day as a teacher is a father for life.
Shouldn’t you help your poor, lonely and helpless old father?”
Xie Xi, “………………”
This wasn’t a teacher for a day, a father for life. It was a teacher for a day and fall into a pit
for life!
Jiang Xie saw the child’s face finally loosening up and asked, “How about it, my snail boy?”
It was probably because he practiced talking as a teacher. Jiang Xie’s voice was particularly
good and made people’s ears numb.
Xie Xi’s ears trembled and he finally opened his mouth. “No.”
Jiang Xie was stunned and thought that his fooling around plan had failed. The next minute,
the child said, “I’m not a snail but I will accept the job.”
Old Jiang was as happy as a few billion yuan falling from the sky. Xie Xi bowed to Jiang Xie.
“Mr. Jiang, thank you.”
He was aware of Jiang Xie’s kindness. The reason he hesitated wasn’t because of the job but
because he felt the debt owed to Jiang Xie was too big.
Still, this was really tempting. He didn’t have to go to the bar to work and wouldn’t have to
see many people. It was great. Moreover, Jiang Xie really needed a housekeeper. If the
contract with his previous housekeeper had expired then Xie Xi wouldn’t be stealing
someone’s job.
He didn’t want to miss such a good thing. Jiang Xie was in a good mood and he slightly
showed off. “It is decided. Then how about 200 an hour for the salary?”
Xie Xi looked up and blinked.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Was 200 too low? How much was the tuition fee? He previously asked an assistant to buy a
computer and seemed to spend 50,000 yuan? Well… he had too many inheritances and
didn’t have much concept about money.
Xie Xi wondered, “How can it be so much? Teacher, which housekeeping company did you
find before? They swindled you.”
Too high? Jiang Xie continued speaking without hesitation, “Is 200 a day a lot? You have to
clean up and can also prepare breakfast and dinner.” So what if he didn’t eat breakfast? It
wasn’t bad to get up early when he was in good shape.
Xie Xi was obviously relieved. “I heard you say 200 an hour.”
Jiang Xie was calm. “You heard it wrong.”
“Good. 200 a day is also very high. I…”
“Don’t underestimate the job. I help you can take the time to help me source documents
and also act as a small assistant.” Teacher Jiang racked his brains to rationalize the money.
In fact, 200 a day wasn’t high for full-time housekeeping but Jiang Xie wasn’t aware of the
supermarket and kept watching Xie Xi’s eyes.
Xie Xi’s eyes also lit up. “I-I can also be your assistant!” It was so surprising that he used
Jiang Xie corrected him. “It is a small assistant.” He said this while thinking the child was
Xie Xi thought of his lacking experience and nodded solemnly. “Good, I will live up to your
Jiang Xie was full of: cute, cute, too cute!
At Jiang Xie’s insistence, Xie Xi called the bar in the afternoon and resigned from his job.
The boss already knew about what happened last night and felt very guilty towards Xie Xi.
He knew Xie Xi had some circumstances and said, “That’s fine, you a temporary worker and
you can quit if you don’t want to continue. You can rest assured that I will have the finances
department send you the remaining wages tomorrow.”
Xie Xi was very grateful and thanked him.
The boss also appreciated this child. The child might have a face that was easy to get into
trouble but he was diligent, low-key and followed the rules. It was impossible to not like
the young man who worked diligently.
Xie Xi let go of his worries and Jiang Xie told him, “Let’s add each other on WeChat.”
“Yes.” Xie Xi scanned Jiang Xie’s QR code and added him as a friend.
Jiang Xie looked at the second-hand domestic mobile phone and felt pained, but there
wasn’t much he could do.
After adding each other as friends, Xie Xi received a message from Jiang Xie. He opened it
and was startled.
Jiang Xie had transferred him 6,000 yuan! Xie Xi didn’t have a chance to open his mouth
before Jiang Xie told him, “It is a one month advance of your salary.”
Xie Xi exclaimed, “No! I haven’t done anything yet!”
“You aren’t going to listen to your teacher?”
Xie Xi, “…” What was this?
Jiang Xie took his phone and accepted the money. “What’s wrong with giving you the
money first? You won’t run away.”
Xie Xi watched the 6,000 yuan and his soul flew away. “You didn’t need to do this. The bar
would pay me tomorrow. I…” He was lacking money but he would have enough once the
bar settled his wages.
Jiang Xie was absentminded. “Oh, there is almost money to buy food.”
He held the two mobile phones directly, using his phone to transfer to Xie Xi and accepting
it on Xie Xi’s phone.
Xie Xi watched this operation and was dumbfounded as his account received 10,000 yuan
Classmate Xie who had never seen such a huge sum in his life, “!!!”
Jiang Xie returned the phone., “Okay, I’ll give myself to you for the next month.”
Xie Xi was too shocked that he was oblivious to the problems in the words. “This is food
money for one month? There were only two meals a day. What did he eat?!
Jiang Xie answered, “How can it be one month?”
Xie Xi sighed with relief and was about to say, “You don’t have to give me so many
Jiang Xie continued, “How can 10,000 yuan last one month? It is a week.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
Jiang Xie spoke again, “Try it first. If it isn’t enough then tell me.”
Xie Xi couldn’t endure it anymore. “1,000 is enough for one week, let alone 10,000. Teacher,
what have you been eating?”
In addition… the teacher’s salary was so high! Xie Xi wanted to be a teacher as well!
Jiang Xie leaned down. “In short, don’t worry about saving my money. If you want
something expensive then eat it.” It wouldn’t run out anyway.
Xie Xi’s spirit returned after a long time and he said, “I’ll keep the books otherwise I
shouldn’t use it…”
Jiang Xie thought about the child’s careful bookkeeping…
“Let’s go to the supermarket.” He would buy a bookkeeping book!
Xie Xi thought it was buying the evening ingredients and said, “I’ll go on my own.”
“No, I’ll drive you.”
Xie Xi thought about it and didn’t refuse. He just started working and it was natural for the
boss to review his purchasing ability.
The two of them went out and appeared in the parking lot together. They got into the car
and Jiang Xie said, “Fasten your seatbelt. We’ll be going to a supermarket far away.”
Xie Xi asked dutifully, “Do you always go there?” He would have to keep buying ingredients
How could Jiang Xie often go to supermarket? The number of times he had been to a
supermarket could be counted on one hand.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Far away is good since it will avoid suspicion.”
There were supermarkets around the school that were large and very lively.
However, there were so many students at these supermarkets. If they went…
Xie Xi felt warm. “It’s fine.” He thought that Jiang Xie wasn’t willing to let the students know
Xie Xi was his housekeeper.
Jiang Xie let Xie Xi keep this idea and opened his mouth. “I’m too handsome and if we go to
the supermarket to buy food together, I’m afraid they will misunderstand us.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie felt a bit nervous but he thought it was worth it when he saw the child’s red ears.
Xie Xi stuttered, “No, no that won’t happen.”
“It won’t?” Jiang Xie wondered. “Fine, we won’t detour and will go straight there.”
Xie Xi was anxious!
Jiang Xie understood and his lips curved. “I’m just joking. In fact, I don’t want to go there.”
Xie Xi’s nerves were still tight as he asked, “What?”
Jiang Xie explained, “I’m a big celebrity and will certainly be mobbed by little girls if I go to
the surrounding supermarkets.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie was serious. “You saw it before. The girls from the class next door blocked me.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to talk. He turned to look out the window while inwardly thinking,
‘Teacher Jiang can never be serious!’
Jiang Xie drove for half an hour before finding a good supermarket. The two of them got off
together since they didn’t have to be afraid of meeting acquaintances.
Coming out so far, how could they meet anyone? Xie Xi pushed a small cart and carefully
selected ingredients. Along the way, he asked for Jiang Xie’s preferences. Jiang Xie couldn’t
say anything and just replied, “Let’s see it first.”
Xie Xi asked him, “Do you like to eat fish?”
“I don’t like freshwater fish.”
Xie Xi nodded and went to the seafood area. Jiang Xie seemed particularly fond of seafood
and asked, “Can you make takoyaki?”
Xie Xi blinked.
Jiang Xie told him, “I used to eat it when I was very young but I didn’t eat it later.”
Xie Xi thought about it. “It isn’t very difficult. It just needs a special machine.”
“Does the supermarket sell it? Hurry and buy it. We’ll eat takoyaki at night.”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “This place doesn’t have it. I need to search on
the Internet and it will arrive in a few days.”
Jiang Xie felt slight regret. “Okay.”
Xie Xi’s heart was moved. “Do you want to eat it?”
“There’s no hurry. I can wait a few days.” Xie Xi suggested, “It is generally sold in malls. If
you want to eat it…”
Jiang Xie told him, “I want to eat the things you make.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 97
Open World 22

Xie Xi smiled, “The takoyaki isn’t expensive and it should be very close. I’ll go buy it for
Jiang Xie followed his brain circuits and said, “The problem isn’t how expensive it is but
that money shouldn’t be spent indiscriminately.”
This saying… it made sense but didn’t it seem like there was something wrong? Xie Xi didn’t
Jiang Xie continued, “There is no need to spend unnecessary money. I’m not in a hurry and
will wait for you to make it for me.”
Xie Xi was in a ditch again and nodded, “Yes, wait a few days and I’ll make it for you!”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved in complete satisfaction.
It wasn’t until later when Old Jiang bought the machine to make takoyaki that Xie Xi came
to his senses.
What was money shouldn’t be spent indiscriminately, it shouldn’t be wasted?
What shouldn’t be spent was the money to buy a machine! Having this type of thing at
home was the biggest waste!
Unfortunately, it was already too late. Now Xie Xi was shrouded in the dazzling aura of
‘Teacher Jiang is a good person’ and his filter was especially deep. It was easy to be fooled.
They bought the ingredients and Jiang Xie turned into the stationary area. Xie Xi didn’t
suspect him and thought Teacher Jiang was buying a book to prepare for lessons.
Jiang Xie saw a white book instantly and picked it up. “Does this look good?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie glanced at the notebook again. “It doesn’t look good?”
The milk-white book had a few… they were probably rose indentations? The shape wasn’t
round and it was very childish. Jiang Xie opened the book and the colourful paper inside
stung Xie Xi’s eyes.
Teacher Jiang, a bit man actually liked things like this. Sure enough… um… Really fancy!
Xie Xi smiled and told him, “It’s very good.”
Every person’s aesthetics were different. He didn’t agree but he shouldn’t discriminate.
Who cared if it was a big man and big woman, they all had to be respected.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Is it appropriate to give to people?”
Xie Xi was relieved. It turned out to be a gift… that’s fine, young girls would like it a lot.
“It is appropriate!” Xie Xi encouraged him. “The other person will certainly like such a
beautiful book.”
“I also think so.” Then Jiang Xie handed the book to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi looked up at him. “?”
Jiang Xie grinned, revealing his white teeth. “I’m giving it to you.”
Xie Xi accepted the girl’s book with a stunned face. “Why give it to me?”
Did he look like a person who would use this type of book? What type of misunderstanding
did Teacher Jiang have about him?
Jiang Xie told him, “Didn’t you say that you wanted to do the bookkeeping?”
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “I already have a book. There is no need…”
“It’s fine.” Jiang Xie interrupted. “Hello, I want to check this out.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
The brain circuits were currently going through the following loop: Jiang Xie’s mind was
full of the child and the white hands holding such a lovely book.
Xie Xi felt this book was picked according to Teacher Jiang’s taste and Teacher Jiang was a
man with the heart of a girl. He wanted to see Xie Xi use such an embarrassing thing.
Xie Xi solemnly declared, “Teacher, rest assured. I will use it well.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
Xie Xi’s guess was strengthened!
The two people bought a pile of things and went home. Then Xie Xi rolled up his sleeves.
“Teacher, you must be busy. I will call you when it is time for dinner.”
Jiang Xie didn’t want to go do work, he wanted to see Xie Xi cook.
Xie Xi comforted him, “Don’t worry, I’m used to this. There will be no problems.”
Jiang Xie couldn’t continue staying here. “Okay.”
He went to the study but his heart was itchy as he thought about the kitchen. It was
wonderful to have another person in the house.
Xie Xi made a meat and vegetable soup and when he placed it on the table, Jiang Xie
couldn’t wait for Xie Xi to call for him and came out.
Xie Xi laughed. “Are you hungry?” He thought Jiang Xie was too hungry to wait.
Jiang Xie was a bit hungry but it was more because of inexplicable expectations.
“It smells good.” Jiang Xie stated.
“Try it. If there is anywhere that isn’t tasty, tell me and I’ll adjust it.”
Jiang Xie nodded and sat at the table. He couldn’t wait to move his chopsticks.
Xie Xi watched a bit nervously. He felt that he cooked well but he wasn’t sure if Jiang Xie
would like it.
Jiang Xie was stunned for a while before smiling brightly. “Delicious.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief and also smiled. “I’m glad Teacher likes it.”
Jiang Xie saw his smile and thought in his heart, ‘I like it, I like it so much!’
“Come and eat together.” Jiang Xie called out to him.
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, I’ll eat in a while…”
“Don’t be so polite with me. It is boring to eat alone.”
His words poked at Xie Xi. He knew better than anyone how lonely it was to eat alone. Xie
Xi originally thought it was very inappropriate but now he felt it didn’t matter. They were
both alone and understood what it felt like.
“Then I’ll gladly eat.”
After eating, Xie Xi cleaned up the dishes while Jiang Xie used all his strength to control his
hands and not help. After all, this was a person he barely convinced and he had to hold
He could control his hands but not his legs. Jiang Xie walked into the kitchen, saw Xie Xi
washing the bowls by hand and immediately said, “You should use the dishwasher.”
“The dishwasher is very easy to use.”
Xie Xi replied, “I won’t use it.” He had never used this thing before. Jiang Xie also hadn’t
used it but the modern electrical appliances were very easy to understand. As long as
people didn’t fear it, the usage could be figured out.
Jiang Xie told him, “I’ll teach you.”
Xie Xi didn’t doubt him. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie quickly glanced at the operations panel and pretended to be proficient. Don’t
worry about doing it properly, it just had to look like he did it.
Xie Xi didn’t understand but he was very supportive. “It was originally like this.”
This was probably it… Jiang Xie asked, “Isn’t it simple?”
Xie Xi continuously nodded, “Very convenient!”
“You should use the dishwasher because it has sterilization at high temperatures. It is
better than washing by hand.”
This child’s hand was so tender. How could it always be soaked in water? Xie Xi sincerely
thought, ‘It is good to have money. I want to be a teacher in the future!’
After finishing in the kitchen, Xie Xi picked up the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning.
Jiang Xie was rushed back to the study. He used the excuse of getting a glass of water to
peek at the work. He saw the heavy vacuum cleaner and then returned to the study. The
laptop web page became Taobao and the search content was: the best vacuum cleaner.
There was a sweeping robot? No, if he bought a sweeping robot then Xie Xi might feel there
was no work to do. What if he quit?
Jiang Xie picked the most expensive and lightest cordless handheld vacuum cleaner.
Xie Xi used the washing machine to do the laundry and placed them to dry on the balcony.
The clock pointed to 9 o’clock. Xie Xi moved in a circle to check and after confirming there
were no problems, he knocked on the door of the study.
Teacher Jiang, who was picking a washing machine in the study, called out, “Come in.”
Xie Xi came in and stated, “Teacher, I’ll go back first.”
Jiang Xie looked up at the time and got up. “Yes, I’ll send you.”
Xie Xi hurriedly refused. “No, I can go back on my own.”
Jiang Xie’s house was a bit far but now he had money and could take the bus.
“How can that be?” Jiang Xie acted sorrowfully. “A teacher for a day is a father for life. This
old father will naturally send his child home.”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “There is really no need, I can take the bus.”
Jiang Xie told him, “You are working for me and it is the boss’ obligation to take care of the
safety of the employees.”
Xie Xi wanted to say something but Jiang Xie had already put on his coat and grabbed the
car keys.
Xie Xi told him, “It’s too much trouble…”
“Quickly get in the car with me. I’ll take you home.”
Xie Xi, “…” He could only trot to keep up with this person’s steps.
This week, Xie Xi was very happy. He lived well and never had such a long lasting good
mood. The time he spent smiling in this one week might exceed the previous decades.
Xie Xi liked this job and he also liked the humorous Teacher Jiang. The most satisfying thing
was that every meal was eaten clean.
This was undoubtedly the biggest encouragement for a cook!
Xie Xi also liked the new vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner could actually be so light. Not
only was it wireless, it was also extremely powerful and there were seven or eight different
heads that could be changed.
There was a suction head that was specifically used to clean beds. Xie Xi used it for the first
time and then told Jiang Xie, “You see, it is full of mites!”
Jiang Xie’s eyes curved. In fact, these were just cotton buds but he wasn’t willing to tear
down this person’s thoughts and agreed. “It is really scary. Fortunately, you cleaned it.”
“I will also go clean the sofa.” The vacuum cleaner was used as a toy.
This week, Jiang Xie was also having a wonderful time. He had been lonely for 20 years.
This type of happiness and satisfaction was unimaginable to people who had never
experienced it before.
The two happy people had their own little troubles.
Xie Xi’s trouble was that Jiang Xie would send him home every night. This was too much
trouble but no matter what he said, Jiang Xie still insisted.
The trouble with Jiang Xie was that he was too greedy. He wanted to see the child if he got
up in the middle of the night.
On this day, Jiang Xie had a meeting and it wouldn’t finish until 9 o’clock. Xie Xi asked him,
“Will you be coming home for dinner?”
Jiang Xie sent back a WeChat. “Yes.”
Xie Xi waited for him at home and waited until around 10 o’clock. Jiang Xie had spoken
from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and his voice was hoarse. He was also a bit tired.
Xie Xi saw him come back and quickly reheated the meal while also making a light soup.
Jiang Xie leaned against the kitchen door and said, “There is no need to bother. That’s fine.”
Xie Xi didn’t budge. “It’ll be done soon. Teacher, just wait.” Jiang Xie waited at the door,
staring at the apron that was tied around Xie Xi’s waist.
Xie Xi turned around and was startled. “Teacher?”
Jiang Xie was surprised and his brow furrowed. “I’m tired. I must’ve fallen asleep standing
Xie Xi smiled. “There is a meeting for eight hours, who would be able to stand it? Come, eat
first and then you can rest early.”
The two of them had dinner before Xie Xi said, “Don’t send me back tonight. I’ll go by
The teacher was too tired today and couldn’t drive him back. Jiang Xie leaned down. “I have
an idea…”
Xie Xi was putting the dishes in the dishwasher and only realized after a while. “Hrmm?”
“The idea… if you agree, it will be a lot easier.”
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “Teacher, say it. As long as it is within my power, I will
certainly agree!”
Jiang Xie’s voice was slightly hoarse and continued a different taste. “Move in with me.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie already dug the pit. He squeezed his eyebrows together and made an exhausted
expression. “This way, I don’t have to worry about your safety when you go home at night
and you can also prepare breakfast for me in the morning.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 98
Open World 23

Move in? It was really within Xie Xi’s power to do this but…
Since Jiang Xie dared to open his mouth, he was naturally prepared. He was completely
ready and just waiting to release it.
Xie Xi was silent for a long time before whispering, “This… it isn’t appropriate.”
Jiang Xie explained, “I’ve always had the problem of not eating breakfast. I know this isn’t
good but I can’t change it.”
Xie Xi’s lips moved but he didn’t dare answer.
Jiang Xie continnued, “I can buy breakfast outside but you’ve already discovered that I’m
picky. The outside food is either too oily, too salty or not very good. In short, I don’t like to
eat it.”
This was really true. After spending a week today, Xie Xi noticed Jiang Xie’s preferences. He
ate most things and wasn’t a picky eater, but he was picky about the ingredients.
Every time they went to the supermarket, they had to buy the best things. If it was a little
bit worse, he would frown.
One time, the supermarket sent a small bag of a different brand of rice. Xie Xi was afraid of
wasting it and used it to cook. Jiang Xie ate it and found it tasted wrong. He didn’t say to
redo it but after eating, he said, “Use the previous rice.”
Xie Xi was surprised at the time because he couldn’t taste a difference at all.
Xie Xi hesitated. “If Teacher wants to have breakfast, I can come over earlier and do it for
“You take one hour coming by bus. Since I get up at 7 o’clock, you will have to get up at 5
o’clock. Isn’t it a sin to not get enough sleep when growing up?”
Xie Xi knew this wasn’t realistic. The place where he lived didn’t have a direct bus to Jiang
Xie’s place. He had to run more than 10 minutes to another bus stop. If he really wanted to
make breakfast on time, he might have to wake up at 4.30.
It was okay for two days but he wouldn’t be able to endure it for a long time.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “It is convenient if you move in. I can eat breakfast and you don’t
have to go back and forth. I also have an empty room and it is a waste to leave it empty.”
Xie Xi still thought it was inappropriate. “The accounts aren’t calculated…”
The two people lived in different ways.
Jiang Xie continued, “If you move in, we can go to school together.” Xie Xi wouldn’t have to
spend money on the bus fare to go to school.
It would be false if Xie Xi said he didn’t feel warm.
Jiang Xie released all the reasons to move in. “If you live here, I won’t have to send you back
at night and will save a lot of money on gas.”
Xie Xi’s face was slightly hot. “You really don’t have to send me back.”
“It is impossible not to send you back unless you move in.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie released the killing blow. He sighed and borrowed his hoarse voice to commit a
foul. “A person living alone is really boring.”
Xie Xi was instantly distressed.
Jiang Xie knew Xie Xi’s soft belly and quietly stated, “I occasionally wake up at night and
feel the house is empty and as quiet as a grave…”
Xie Xi quickly said, “How can such a good house be a grave?”
“It isn’t as good as a grave. At least a double tomb will have two people sleeping together.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
His distress was gone in an instant!
Jiang Xie had done this intentionally. He originally wanted to show weakness to stimulate
the child but after seeing that the child was really sad, he just wanted to amuse the child
and make him happy.
A gentleman didn’t need to use these tricks.
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “If you move in and make me breakfast, I will double your
The offensive using money was really bad!
Xie Xi had long wanted to move in and have personal company. He knew the taste of living
alone more than anyone else. This type of emptiness… it turned the whole house into
another space, one isolated from the world and full of stillness and cold.
Xie Xi knew this so Jiang Xie definitely knew it…
Xie Xi muttered, “I can move in…”
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped and he held his breath.
Xie Xi gulped and continued, “I will be responsible for your breakfast. If you stay up late, I
will also cook you a late dinner. You don’t have to give me a raise. I will… I won’t pay any
rent.” His voice was really small by the end of his words.
Jiang Xie wasn’t deaf and his ears were excellent. He didn’t hesitate to clap loudly, “That’s
Xie Xi still felt embarrassed and formed fists. “If Teacher every thinks that I am trouble, I
“The water has spilt and you can’t take it back!” Jiang Xie was afraid that Xie Xi would feel
“I mean that if Teacher thinks it isn’t convenient for two people to live together in the
Jiang Xie didn’t let him finish. “No way.”
That day would never happen.
Xie Xi smiled and nodded. “Okay.”
It didn’t matter. If that day really appeared, he would quietly leave. Jiang Xie sighed and
couldn’t resist his restless heart. By all accounts, he should be reserved and let Xie Xi move
in tomorrow but…
“Stay here tonight.” Forget it! Don’t talk about one night, he didn’t want to wait a minute
Xie Xi was surprised. “Tonight?”
“Yes, you are going to move in anyway. There is no different from tonight or tomorrow.”
Xie Xi smiled helplessly. “I have to clean up.”
He said he would move in but he didn’t even have a change of clothes or toiletries.
Jiang Xie got up and walked to the front door. He opened the locker and many things fell
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide as he stared at the pile of items in a stunned manner. New bedding,
pyjamas, home clothes, bathrobe, towels, mouthwash, cups, electric toothbrush, toothpaste,
cleansing soap… there was even a set of men’s skincare!
“This…” Xie Xi was shocked speechless.
Since Jiang Xie wanted to persuade the child, he was naturally prepared. He had good
intentions as he bought everything except for underwear. He was just waiting for Xie Xi to
This huge pile of things showed that not only was Old Jiang careful, he also couldn’t wait!
Teacher Jiang casually spoke nonsense and fooled the stunned child. “I didn’t say it in case
you thought I was joking but I have prepared these things for a long time.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie looked ‘sad’. “I have a distant cousin who said he intended to test into X
University. He intended to live here and I really hate living alone. Thus, I prepared all these
things for his arrival. Who knew that kid would fly off like a bird and go abroad.”
This was a perfect reason. It covered his own craziness and also brushed up Xie Xi’s pity.
Xie Xi was fooled. “Teacher has a cousin?”
Jiang Xie replied, “He is the same age as you but far worse than you. He isn’t sensible at all
and I can live leisurely without his presence.”
Xie Xi glanced at this pile of things and felt that Jiang Xie had been really looking forward to
his cousin’s arrival. Really… it was heart-wrenching.
Xie Xi thought about it. If he had a cousin who wanted to live with him, he would… would…
No, he wouldn’t do this! Poverty meant he couldn’t afford so many things!
Jiang Xie didn’t want to add any psychological burden to him. “Fortunately, you will move
over or these things will only gather dust!”
Xie Xi’s lips curved uncontrollably. “Sometimes I always feel like…”
“Everything is just right?”
Xie Xi smiled and shook his head. “It’s a coincidence.”
If everything was just right and natural, if it was predestined then it was too beautiful to be
Xie Xi, stayed here, not because of the pile of things— he still had to go back to pack
tomorrow since there were many bok=oks and other things to bring.
The reason he stayed tonight was because he didn’t want Jiang Xie to send him back.
Jiang Xie was very tired and fell asleep leaning against the kitchen door. How could Xie Xi
let him drive?
Xie Xi couldn’t bear it.
In light of Jiang Xie’s sleepiness, Xie Xi ordered him despite it being only 10 o’clock. “Get
some early rest.”
Jiang Xie acted tired all night and it was really unseemly to be energetic now. Thus, he
honestly returned to his room.
He stated, “I have a bathroom in my room. You can use the one outside.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.” His room didn’t have a bathroom and the only one available was
next to the living room.
This location was deep in Jiang Xie’s house. Xie Xi had to go from the guest room past the
study to the bedroom. As long as Jiang Xie didn’t close the door, he could see the child
running back and forth in pyjamas.
How could he be so happy? He couldn’t see it tonight since he had to go to sleep first. But
there was tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after that…
Jiang Xie was startled. He didn’t know when the smile on his face had filled with such
Life was really like a dream. The first half was a nightmare that he wanted to quickly wake
up from. The second half became a dream that people were willing to indulge in.
This dream was so good. What did it matter if he didn’t wake up?
The two men slept opposite each other.
Xie Xi slept particularly well. He lay on a bed that was very comfortable and slept soundly
in a room that wasn’t cold. Jiang Xie wasn’t the same. He was so excited that he couldn’t
sleep. He was very sleepy and tired but he couldn’t close his eyes.
The thought of the child sleeping next door meant he couldn’t sleep!
The next day, Xie Xi got up to make breakfast. Jiang Xie stayed awake until 5 in the morning
before sleeping for a bit. His ears were excellent. He heard Xie Xi getting up and
immediately woke up.
He endured in bed before finally getting up to wash. He calculated the time and left the
Xie Xi saw him and smiled. “The noodles are just cooked.”
Jiang Xie stood in place, watching the thin light of the morning fall on Xie Xi, like an angel
falling from the sky. If he could see this sight every day in the future, he would have nothing
more to ask for in his life.
The happy days were particularly fast. In the blink of an eye, it was winter vacation.
In the past, Jiang Xie had been too lazy to celebrate the new year. He ran to foreign
countries to do academics and was still busy. This year…
He wouldn’t leave the country even if the President of Country M came to beg!
Xie Xi asked, “Teacher, do you have plans for the new year?”
Jiang Xie pondered before replying, “Yes.”
Xie Xi lowered his eyes. “Then I…”
He hadn’t finished when Jiang Xie interrupted. “I bought a six pounds king crab as well as a
large number of raw ingredients for the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. How about using it
for a new year’s dinner?” (TL: A type of Chinese soup. Wiki Link:
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie added, “I also bought red paper. Later we should write blessings together and
stick them up.”
Xie Xi tried hard to endure it but his eyes still turned red.
Jiang Xie saw it and felt distressed. His voice became softer, “The two of us will stay at
home and spend the new year together, okay?”
Xie Xi’s nose was sore and he didn’t dare to say anything in fear that he would cry. “Hmm!”
For the first time, he experienced the taste of the new year.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 99
Open World 24

For a person who was alone, the loneliest time was during the holidays.
Xie Xi understood this and Jiang Xie also understood.
Now that they were together, this year would be quite different from before.
One person plus one person equaled two people but it could fill a house with happiness and
At the end of the year, Xie Xi started to clean up but Jiang Xie said this time should be for
His argument was justified. “You should take a vacation on New Year’s Day!”
Xie Xi told him, “It doesn’t matter.”
“No, if I am on holiday then you should also have a holiday.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “I clean up my house even if it is a holiday.”
The word ‘house’ sweetened Jiang Xie. Forget, sweeping, if Xie Xi wanted to clean the whole
Earth then Jiang Xie would accompany him!
“Cough…” It was dangerous but Jiang Xie hadn’t lost his head yet. “I should also clean up
our house.” He couldn’t help saying ‘our house’ with a beautiful heart.
Xie Xi also heard it. In fact, he had been slightly embarrassed when he said it and was afraid
he was being too much.
However, Jiang Xie replied to him using the same words. The warmth in Xie Xi’s heart was
something that even he couldn’t understand.
What was a family like? His mother Xie Su wasn’t family. Jiang Xie must be.
Xie Xi no longer insisted and cleaned up with Jiang Xie. Old Jiang was proficient in all types
of things and started making a disturbance.
Xie Xi picked up the vacuum cleaning and Jiang Xie took it. Apart from spending a while in
his room, he spent a maximum of three minutes on the other rooms. Xie Xi picked up a mop
and he grabbed it, going directly to Xie Xi’s room, cleaning even the bottom of the bed. Xie
Xi picked up a rag and Jiang Xie took the basin and directed, “There are a few books from
your last place. Go find a place to put them.”
As soon as Xie Xi returned to his room, he was almost blinded by the shiny floor! Amazing,
this floor… he was reluctant to step on it!
However, only his room was so bright. Compared to the outside, the floors of the other
rooms in the house would probably cry out, ‘It is the same floor. Why are you so good?!’
On the 26th of the 12 lunar month, Jiang Xie told him, “Let’s write the blessings.”
Xie Xi blinked. “Shouldn’t it be written on the 30th?”
Jiang Xie hadn’t spent the new year seriously but he knew this very well. “After a small
year, we need to do auspicious things on even days.” This would definitely herald that they
would be paired in the coming year!
Xie Xi laughed. “The 30th is also an even day.”
Jiang Xie arranged a clear picture. “We will write blessings today, buy new year’s goods on
the 28th and not go anywhere on the 30th as we enjoy a New Year’s dinner!”
Xie Xi particularly liked the feeling of a ritual and solemnly nodded. “I will listen to
Very good. Jiang Xie didn’t dare say it but love was overflowing from his eyes. The red
paper was bought a long time ago. Jiang Xie brought them to his study and rolled up his
sleeves to grind the ink.
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “I’ll do it.”
Jiang Xie told him, “I’ll prepare the ink and you write it first.”
Xie Xi felt ashamed. “I haven’t done this before.”
“It doesn’t matter. Write a blessing and then put up the blessing. Next year, the blessing will
be fulfilled.”
Xie Xi hadn’t used a calligraphy brush before but he liked Jiang Xie’s words. He picked up
the brush and wrote the blessing like he was using a pen.
He smiled. “So ugly!”
Jiang Xie praised, “It’s very cute.”
“It’s childish.”
Jiang Xie was serious. “It’s really very cute.”
Xie Xi’s heart was warm. He picked up the brush and wrote carefully before…
“It’s really hard,” Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Teacher, you do it.”
Jiang Xie picked up the brush and casually moved it. A big character that was a dragon
flying and a phoenix dancing appeared on the red paper. Xie Xi’s eyes lit up and he praised,
Jiang Xie’s mood was good and he changed the font. Xie Xi was gobsmacked. “Is this a thin
gold body? So beautiful.” He knew the font since it was recognizable.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Do you like this?”
Xie Xi nodded. “I like it. It seems simpler.”
Jiang Xie handed the brush to him. “I’ll teach you how to write it.”
Xie Xi didn’t think too much as he said, “It will take time. Don’t teach…”
He paused halfway through his words because Jiang Xie stood behind him and held his
“Relax your wrist and feel the gesture.” Jiang Xie’s voice entered his ears like a hot breeze
and Xie Xi’s red ears trembled.
Xie Xi held his breath. He tried to look at the red paper but he simply couldn’t concentrate.
“It is like this.” Jiang Xie’s arms move and Xie Xi moved along with him over the red paper.
A beautiful thin gold character appeared on the paper.
Xie Xi was in a daze and could only feel that his back, ears, arms and harms that were being
held was hot. Jiang Xie asked him, “How about it? Do you have the feeling?”
Xie Xi’s face reddened and his voice shook. “T-Teacher!”
Xie Xi bit his lower lip to calm himself down and stated, “I… I’ll try it myself.”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Okay, try writing it yourself.”
Xie Xi kept his head down and lacked strength in the hand holding the brush. Jiang Xie said
again, “Don’t worry. If you like it, I’ll find time to teach you later.”
“No need!” Xie Xi put down the brush. “This is still too difficult. I won’t waste red paper!”
Jiang Xie saw the child’s red ears and his heart itched, but he resisted. Take it easy…
everything would come slowly… He was seeking eternity, not a momentary joy.
Xie Xi needed to calm down. He moved away from the desk and said, “I’m going to the
“As you come back, please get me a glass of water.”
Originally, Xie Xi wanted to make an excuse to not return to the study. Not that Jiang Xie
said this, he had to go back.
Xie Xi went to the bathroom and washed his face. He stared at himself in the mirror for a
long time before finally giving his brain a slap.
‘What are you thinking? This is a teacher! He’s still a man!
Don’t be confused about your emotions just because someone is good to you!’
He gave himself a fierce scolding before finally calming down. Xie Xi sighed, dried his face
and went to pour a glass of water.
There were two cups on the table. They were identical porcelain cups with a half rose on
Xie Xi had long known that Jiang Xie especially liked roses. When he first brought the cup,
Xie Xi had frozen. “A couples cup?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “If they are really couple cups, the flowers on these cups should be able to
be joined together.
Xie Xi worked hard for a long time before saying, “No, it is smooth…”
The two cups weren’t a pair, they were just identical. Jiang Xie explained, “I think they look
good so I brought two back.”
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. “How will we be able to tell which is our cup when drinking
Jiang Xie ‘suddenly realized. “Oh, I hadn’t paid attention.”
As if he didn’t pay attention! He held back from buying a couples cup because of this!
Xie Xi suggested, “It’s nothing. I’ll put a label on my cup.”
“No, it’s such a nice cup to place such an ugly thing on it.”
Xie Xi hesitated. “That… Teacher can leave one at home and bring one to school.”
Jiang Xie answered, “The school has a whole set that is cheaper. This is quite expensive and
I’m reluctant to take it there.”
Xie Xi heard it was expensive and also felt reluctant.
Jiang Xie suggested, “Let’s use it like this. I’ll place it on the left and you place it on the
Xie Xi also liked this cup and nodded. “Yes! I’ll try not to put it in the wrong spot.”
He was attentive and didn’t make any mistakes, but Jiang Xie was sloppy and always
misplaced it.
Xie Xi corrected him, “Teacher, my cup is on the right and you have to put it on the left.”
Jiang Xie blinked. “I have to put it on the left? How do I remember it as you putting it on the
This was originally a minor matter and Xie Xi didn’t remember clearly.
He wondered suspiciously, “Did I remember it wrong?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “You remembered wrong. I always put it on the right.”
Xie Xi frowned. “It’s like this…” It turned out that he was mistaken.
“Don’t worry. From today, you put it on the right and I’ll put it on the left.” Xie Xi doubled
checked. “I am the right and you are the left?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
The next day, Jiang Xie picked up the right cup to drink water. Xie Xi cried out, “Teacher,
you got it wrong!”
Jiang Xie hit his forehead. “Look at my brain. How could I forget?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Today, Xie Xi went to pour water for Jiang Xie only to find that he couldn’t tell who the cups
belonged to.

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GL: Chapter 100

Open World 25

Xie Xi felt that the right was his own but also that the left was his own. He struggled for a
moment before closing his eyes and casually picking one. Any one of them would do since
Jiang Xie had already used both of them.
He hadn’t thought about it before but today, Xie Xi’s face became hot and the hand holding
the cup lacked strength.
He spent a while mixing warm water before taking it to the study.
Jiang Xie was still writing blessings. He was focused, his hands slender and the exposed
arms were also powerful. Many times, Xie Xi felt that Jiang Xie wasn’t a teacher who stood
at the podium or a man holding a brush.
He didn’t have the atmosphere on him but once he did these things, he made people feel it
was natural.
Jiang Xie was amazing. He made people feel that he could do everything well. This type of
self-confidence that came from the heart was something that Xie Xi didn’t have. Even if they
were alone, even if they only had themselves, they both lived different lives.
Xie Xi’s lips curved and his eyes were gentle. He was really fortunate to meet Jiang Xie,
really lucky.
Xie Xi came over with the water while Jiang Xie was writing. He got up just as Xie Xi leaned
over, the two people nearly hitting each other.
Jiang Xie held his hand. “Be careful.” If the cup spilled then all the words he wrote would be
Xie Xi’s eyes curved as he smiled.
“What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi told him, “Teacher is stained with ink?” He pointed to the left cheek.
Jiang Xie smiled. “It isn’t good to eat ink. Is it this side?” He could feel which side it was but
he deliberately missed.
“It’s here.” Xie Xi kept pointing.
Jiang Xie accurately missed the correct position. “Here?”
Xie Xi felt helpless. “Don’t move. I’ll wipe it for you.”
Jiang Xie immediately put down his hand and moved his face closer. “Hurry and wipe it or I
will become a big cat.”
He leaned closer, his different-coloured eyes making him look like a precious cat apart from
the ink. Xie Xi picked up a paper towel and carefully cleaned it.
Jiang Xie stared at him. “Can it be wiped off?”
They were close and it was like his ears were being blown on. Xie Xi was red as he said, “I
can but… you should hurry and wash you fash.” A dry tissue wasn’t clean.
Jiang Xie smiled and deliberately asked, “How is your face so red?”
Xie Xi, “!” His eyes looked panicked and it was like a certain person’s soul was gone.
“Is it red?” Xie Xi opened his mouth, his face even redder. He placed a hand on his face and
reluctantly muttered, “Probably…”
Jiang Xie cleared his throat and helped find an excuse. “It is too hot in the house?”
Xie Xi immediately exclaimed, “Yes! The temperature is a little high! I’ll go adjust the air
Jiang Xie stood still, his whole body feeling like it was floating. “Okay.” It was fine to lower
the air conditioner since he was in desperate need of cooling.
The two people finished writing the blessings and Xie Xi placed them on the ground to dry.
Now that he was calm, he stared at his lame words and smiled. “My writing is so ugly.” It
was like an ugly duckling mixed with the swans.
Jiang Xie spoke like he knew what Xie Xi was thinking. “The ugly duckling grew into the
most beautiful swan.”
Xie Xi wasn’t interested in practicing his writing and said, “Unfortunately, it won’t grow
“That’s fine. People who know how to feel appreciation will always regard them as
This was too straightforward. Xie Xi’s heart jumped and his hands clenched uncontrollably.
Jiang Xie stopped and changed the topic to give Xie Xi a chance to breathe. “Let’s go. It isn’t
early and we have to buy the new year’s goods.”
They changed their clothes to go out and Jiang Xie told him, “Just go to a nearby
supermarket. It is estimated that the roads would be blocked for the distant one.”
It was the 26th of the 12th lunar month and many people were on holiday. The roads
would undoubtedly be blocked.
Xie Xi had no opinion. He didn’t think there was anything lacking at home but now was too
convenient. He might not need to buy new year’s goods but he could buy fresh ingredients.
Still, it was New Year’s Day and something would seem missing without the goods.
He and Jiang Xie had never celebrated the new year with anyone else and they particularly
valued it. There was a type of compensation mentality, as if they had to make up for what
they missed previously. Even if they didn’t have anything to buy, they should celebrate
The two people parked the car and entered the supermarket together. In the past few
months, they had often visited the supermarket together. They ate at home all day and
buying ingredients and meat was indispensable.
Jiang Xie pushed the trolley while Xie Xi chose things. Jiang Xie asked, “Do we went to add a
new bowl for the new year?”
“No, we have enough bowls.”
“Adding a new bowl is the custom.”
Xie Xi thought about it. “I remember that adding a now bowl is to pray to add new people to
the family in the coming year?”
Jiang Xie really didn’t know this. “Is that so?”
“It should mean to have many children and grandchildren.”
Jiang Xie instantly gave up on the new bowl. “We are enough. There is no need for more
His words made Xie Xi jump and his thoughts become chaotic.
Jiang Xie added, “We should buy some paper cuttings. We can’t only place blessings on the
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie picked up some window paper cuttings and threw them into the trolley.
Xie Xi glanced at it and whispered, “Isn’t this used for marriage?” There was a big ‘double
happiness’ character on it. (A symbol of good luck, especially for marriage)
Jiang Xie replied, “It doesn’t matter. A new year is a happy event and we should have many
blessings to place on the windows.”
XIe Xi stated, “This is a double happiness.”
The word was for marriage but there was also the meaning of double happiness!
Jiang Xie pointed to the character. “You are on the left and I am on the right. Won’t we have
happy things in the next year?” (He is referring to the characters, which are 囍. Wiki link
with more info:
Happy events were the same as happiness! Although a happy event was truly good! But…
Jiang Xie pondered. “Child, your thoughts are very dangerous.”
Xie Xi suddenly looked up, feeling like his mind had been read.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Is it hard to be happy in the next year? Don’t you want Teacher to be
Xie Xi, “……”
He found he had no chance of winning when it came to ‘reasoning.’ Jiang Xie’s plot
succeeded and there was no need to mention how happy he was.
How could Xiao Xie be so cute? It really made people want to fool him.
Then Jiang Xie thought about it and felt distressed. The child was too lacking in love that he
didn’t know how to properly refuse when someone was good to him.
Jiang Xie didn’t want Xie Xi to refuse. He was willing to fill up all of Xie Xi’s missing things.
They were almost checking out when Xie Xi remembered the soy sauce was almost
finished. The soy sauce section was slightly far away. Jiang Xie told him, “Wait, I’ll get a
bottle.” Xie Xi asked with no confidence, “Teacher, can you recognize the right type?”
There were many soy sauce brands and he was afraid that Jiang Xie would buy the wrong
Jiang Xie replied, “Is it okay to buy the most expensive one?”
Xie Xi, “…” Well, there was no problem.
Xie Xi felt went to line up at the cash register. He was standing at the end of the queue when
a voice was heard, “Xiao Xie?”
Xie Xi was surprised and turned to see Sun Muqing pushing a trolley. He smiled, “Brother.”
Sun Muqing smiled slightly and scratched his head. “It looked like you from behind but I
didn’t expect it to be you.”
They hadn’t seen each other for a while. Originally, Sun Muqing had private work that he
asked Xie Xi to help with but Xie Xi accepted Jiang Xie’s job. He couldn’t do both and found
Sun Muqing to apologize and refuse.
Sun Muqing didn’t say much. He only said that he would find Xie Xi if there was another
Xie Xi felt a bit guilty because of this and chatted for a bit longer.
Sun Muqing asked him, “Are you alone?” He looked at Xie Xi’s shopping trolley and found
that many of them were expensive items from the import area.
Xie Xi was slightly nervous as he replied, “There is a family member.”
“Oh.” Sun Muqing didn’t ask much. “You look more energetic than you are at school.”
Xie Xi always bowed his head to hide from people at school and they generally didn’t notice
his face. Sun Muqing had more contact with him and knew that Xie Xi was beautiful. He just
hadn’t expected that Xie Xi would be so beautiful with no glasses and his hair pushed up.
Xie Xi smiled and didn’t know how to answer. He was a bit nervous and afraid that Jiang Xie
would return at this time. He felt it wouldn’t be easy to explain if Jiang Xie was seen by Sun
Fortunately, the person in front of Sun Muqing finished. Sun Muqing went forward and
said, “Then I’m going first. I’ll see you at school.”
Xie Xi nodded. “I wish you a Happy New Year in advance.”
Sun Muqing repeated the same words and checked out first.
Xie Xi waited a bit longer before Jiang Xie came over with three bottles of soy sauce. “There
was a promotion. It said that if we buy three, we can get one free.”
Xie Xi blinked. “Buy three, get one free. Is the free one to be sent to us?”
Jiang Xie’s face had a question mark. “It isn’t given at the time of settlement?”
Xie Xi laughed. “Of course not! We have to bring it directly when we buy it.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi handed the shopping trolley to him and said, “Wait, I’ll go check.”
It was rare to see Teacher Jiang’s mistake and Xiao Xie’s mood was particularly good.
The two of them bought a full trolley and filled three large shopping bags. After putting
away the shopping trolley, Jiang Xie carried two bags while Xie Xi carried one.
They placed the bags in the trunk of the car and Xie Xi sorted things again because he was
afraid the bottles and cans would collide with each other and break.
His back was turned so he didn’t see Sun Muqing in the distance. Sun Muqing was far away
and only saw Xie Xi acting intimately with a tall man.
He froze and sneered in his heart, ‘No wonder why my private work wasn’t accepted. He
has a gold lord and took advantage of his good looks.’
It wasn’t too early when Xie Xi and Jiang Xie returned home. Xie Xi started cooking while
Jiang Xie wanted to help. Xie Xi couldn’t stop him and had to give him the task of washing
Comrade Old Jiang did a very serious job and the skin of the tomatoes was almost washed
Xie Xi smiled at the sight and almost cut his own hand. They cooked the meal and both of
them were a bit tired after eating.
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll take a shower first.” After going outside, the most comfortable thing
was to take a shower.
Jiang Xie said he had something to deal with and went to the study.
Xie Xi went to the bathroom with a bath towel. He just washed his head and his body was
covered in bubbles. He was able to wash them off when the original rapid water flow
suddenly… disappeared!
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe it.
There was really nothing. Two drops of water dropped from the shower head and couldn’t
even wash away a small bubble.
Why did the water stop? Surely they didn’t forget to pay the water bill because of the new
No, the water would stop just because they forget to pay the bill! A notice would just be
posted on their door.
It was over. Surely a water pipe wasn’t broken…
Then Jiang Xie’s voice was heard from outside, “I received a text message stating that a
water pipe in the area burst and is being repaired. Can you wash?”
Xie Xi couldn’t wash. He was covered in bath bubbles!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GL: Chapter 101

Open World 26

What should he do?

If he wasn’t covered with bubbles then Xie Xi could wipe himself and wait until there was
water before continuing to wash.
Now… what to do with so many bubbles? Did he have to go out in such a sticky manner?
There were no movements inside for a long time and Jiang Xie swallowed dryly. “Are you
covered with shower gel?”
Xie Xi helplessly let out a sound of agreement. Unspeakable images flashed through poor
Jiang Xie’s adult brain. He coughed and said, “Just wait, I’ll go and bring you water.”
Xie Xi froze. Jiang Xie explained, “There are two barrels of drinking water outside. It will be
enough for you to wash your body.”
Xie Xi finally reacted and hurriedly said, “This is too wasteful…”
“I don’t know when the water pipe will be fixed. How can you come out like this?”
It was slippery in the bathroom and would drive Jiang Xie crazy… oh, Xie Xi was going to
catch a cold!
Xie Xi didn’t dare overestimate the efficiency of the maintenance team. This close to the
new year, how could they repair it in a few hours? How could he wait for so long while
feeling sticky?
“Then I will trouble Teacher…”
Jiang Xie told him, “Is it fine for me to come in?”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened with panic. “Why do you need to come in?’
Jiang Xie’s voice was inexplicably lower. “I have to get a big basin.”
Xie Xi could only whisper, “Okay.”
At this moment, the two people separated by a door were nervous.
Jiang Xie had long been clear about his own heart. He just thought this child was still young
and anxious. He had to boil the child slowly with warm water like a frog and he had to
endure the wait.
Xie Xi knew he wasn’t quite right but he was still confused and didn’t understand his heart.
Then the door pushed open and both people experienced a great shock. Jiang Xie couldn’t
help it and Xie Xi also understood.
This bathroom was big and had no obstructions. Thus, Xie Xi had nowhere to hide. He could
only stand there covered in bubbles while blushing.
Jiang Xie glanced at Xie Xi and couldn’t remember what he was doing.
The young man’s hair was wet, his eyes were teary and his body was glowing white while
covered in bubbles, making the body look sexier and more charming.
Jiang Xie stared without blinking and Xie Xi felt like his whole body was burning up.
Jiang Xie tried hard to move his gaze away. “Hmm.”
Xie Xi’s voice trembled. “The basin is over there…”
“Oh, right.” Jiang Xie’s voice was steady as he walked straight to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “Teacher, it’s over there…”
Jiang Xie’s spirit returned. He managed to control his broken legs and turned to get the
Once Jiang Xie left, Xie Xi placed his head against the cold tiles to cool himself down. Just
now, Jiang Xie was coming over…
What did he come over here for? Xie Xi couldn’t think. He felt that his head was going to
Jiang Xie took a while to warm up the water before bringing in the large basin of pure
water. This time, he didn’t look. He just put down the water and left, his eyes clean and not
daring to even glance at Xie Xi’s toes. He couldn’t look because he didn’t have the water for
a cold shower!
Xie Xi’s face was hot when Jiang Xie looked and still hot when he didn’t look. It was because
the previous dodgy look was too… it made Xie Xi want to cover up.
Xie Xi tried to tell himself, ‘We are both men. What does it matter?’
Still, his head was full of Jiang Xie’s burning gaze. That… the look wasn’t nothing.
Xie Xi suppressed the thoughts in his head and washed using the water in the basin.
The temperature of the water prepared by Jiang Xie was just right. It wasn’t too cold or hot
and a small bowl from the kitchen was also prepared as a water scoop. After all, a real
water scoop was rare to see in a modern home.
Xie Xi soon washed off the bubbles and dried himself with a bath towel. He changed clothes
and went out.
Jiang Xie was in the living room and the two people happened to see each other when Xie Xi
went out.
Jiang Xie asked, “Is it okay?”
Xie Xi’s throat was tight as he bowed his head and replied, “Yes.”
The other person suggested, “It’s still early. Do you want to watch a movie?”
Xie Xi wanted to refuse but his opening was, “I’ll go and clean up the bathroom first.”
“No hurry, I’ll wait for you.”
Xie Xi wiped the group, washed the small bowl and put away the big basin, dawdling for a
long time before finally coming out.
Jiang Xie patted the spot beside him. “Come.”
Xie Xi sat down and looked for something to say. “Would you like something to drink?”
Jiang Xie suddenly asked, “Do you want to drink red wine?”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie got up and said, “It is fine since drinking a bit helps with sleeping.”
He went to the small bar on the other side of the kitchen, took out a bottle of red wipe,
opened it in one go and soon served it in two glasses.
Xie Xi stared at the red liquid for a long time before finally recovering his voice, “I’m not
very familiar with drinking.”
Jiang Xie joked, “We’re both adults. Drinking a bit of wine is okay.”
Xie Xi took the glass and spoke slightly nervously, “I don’t know how to drink. It will be a
waste of the wine.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “It was born to be drunk by people. It isn’t a waste if you drink it.”
Xie Xi stared at the bottle of wine and couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t it very expensive?”
“Well, if you drink one bottle a day, I should still be able to afford to raise you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
There were too many things in this sentence that he didn’t know what to focus on! Jiang Xie
tilted his wine glass and touched it against Xie Xi’s glass. “Taste it.”
Xie Xi took a small sip and then… he frowned. Jiang Xie knew why. “How is it?”
The child was very honest. “It isn’t good to drink.” It was a long way from grape juice!
Jiang Xie laughed loudly. “You are still young. You will know the benefits of this later.”
Xie Xi didn’t agree as he glanced at the glass of red wine. It was so expensive that it was a
pity not to drink, but it was really hard to drink!
Jiang Xie took the glass from him. “If you don’t like it then don’t force yourself.”
Xie Xi felt relieved. “I’m going to pour a glass of juice.” Juice was cheap and delicious. Why
didn’t people drink it?”
Jiang Xie smiled., “Okay, you can drink juice and accompany me.”
Xie Xi was slightly surprised. “Teacher still wants to drink?”
“I’m in a good mood and will drink a bit.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare think about why he was in a good mood!
The movie playing was an old film called ‘The First Kiss’ and entranced Xie Xi for a while.
There were many rich people, talented people, sentimental people and barbarians in the
world. Only this person could make you laugh happily.
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xie. Then Jiang Xie turned his head while the corners of
his mouth curved. Xie Xi unconsciously smiled as well.
How lucky was it to have a person who made him happy next to him? Perhaps Xie Xi’s smile
was too moving, perhaps the atmosphere was too good or perhaps it was the alcohol. Jiang
Xie finally couldn’t resist anymore.
He touched the back of Xie Xi’s hand and wrapped his hand around it. This was an
ambiguous move. It wasn’t a simple handshake but was a touch filled with affection.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped, as if fire had passed along Jiang Xie’s palm to his chest cavity.
Jiang Xie didn’t use any force. He just covered Xie Xi’s hand and Xie Xi could easily pull it
away, but…
He didn’t want to. Xie Xi’s face was red and slightly intoxicated from drinking juice.
Jiang Xie thought this person was going to pull away and slightly raised his hand.
Unexpectedly, Xie Xi actually interlocked fingers with him!
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank.
Xie Xi bit his lip and his whole body was shivering, but his hand tightly held onto Jiang Xie
as if afraid this person would leave him.
At this moment, the steady boiling of the frog in warm water, the waiting for this person to
grow up… all grew wings and flew away.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet, warm and slightly distressed. He pulled Xie Xi’s hand hard and
brought this person into his arms.
Xie Xi’s heart was beating quick enough to emerge from his chest.
Jiang Xie called out, “Xiao Xi.”
Xie Xi’s ears were numb.
“I like you.” Jiang Xie whispered against his ear. Xie Xi’s voice was blocked by heat and he
couldn’t speak. If he opened his mouth, he wouldn’t stop crying.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “You don’t have to rush to reply to me. I can…”
He hadn’t finished when Xie Xi stuttered, “I, I…”
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped. Xie Xi shook his head and mustered up great courage, like a
drowning man grabbing onto driftwood. “I like you too.”
He liked Jiang Xie. He liked the countless warmth this person brought him, the way he
made Xie Xi happy and let him laugh every day.
It didn’t matter if Jiang Xie was a man or his teacher. Xie Xi was certain about his feelings.
He had been alone for 18 years, waiting for this person. Jiang Xie held his face and stared at
him. “Say it again.”
Xie Xi stared into his eyes. He had never seen such good-looking eyes, the deep red and
deep blue as beautiful as the sunset over the deep sea.
“I like you.” Xie Xi was certain of his heart.
Jiang Xie leaned down and kissed his trembling lips. The tender colour, the sweetness of the
juice, the texture of the cute lips…
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide and he was completely paralyzed. His heart pounded and he
couldn’t think.
Jiang Xie wanted to give him a gentle and delicate kiss but who knew that he would go out
of control as soon as he touched the lips. He wanted to kiss Xie Xi, possess Xie Xi and
convey his hot heart.
Was there anything luckier in the world? He liked a person and the person liked him.
By the time Jiang Xie released Xie Xi, Xie Xi was already dizzy.
Jiang Xie leaned against him. “I’m very happy.”
Since meeting Xie Xi, every day was happier than the one before it. He always felt that it
was impossible to be happier, only for the new day to give him new happiness.
All of this was given to him by Xie Xi. Xie Xi added an infinite luster to his pale life.
Xie Xi gasped in his arms. “I’m also happy.”
Meeting Jiang Xie was the greatest luck in his boring life.
On the 28th of the 12th lunar month, Jiang Xie pasted the blessings and wedding word on
the window and spoke shameless, “Look, shouldn’t it come true?”
Xie Xi, “…”
“We are overcome with joy because we will receive unexpected good news and there will
be two simultaneous happy events in the family…”
The front was okay but the back was crooked. Xie Xi couldn’t listen anymore. “There won’t
be a child!”
Jiang Xie blinked. “I just wanted to say that the confession meant we got together earlier.
What are you thinking?”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie’s tail was almost up in the sky. “Then do you want a child with me? Unfortunately,
it isn’t possible in this life. We can make a promise for our next lives but it is dangerous to
have a baby…”
Xie Xi directly stuck a blessing to the face of Old Jiang, sealing this naughty monster!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 102

Open World 27

On New Year’s Eve, Jiang Xie and Xie Xi kept watch together. At 11 o’clock, Xie Xi was so
sleepy that he couldn’t open his eyes.
Jiang Xie leaned Xie Xi’s head against his shoulder. “Go to sleep.” The little head was
nodding off like a sleepy bug.
The two people had expressed their feelings but Xie Xi still hadn’t adapted to such an
intimate move. He sat up straight and exclaimed, “I’m not sleepy!”
Jiang Xie held his hand. “Then wait a bit longer. It is almost midnight.”
If he slept now, it would be hard for him to wake up in an hour.
Xie Xi stared at their hands and asked curiously, “Why is your hand so hot?”
Jiang Xie replied seriously, “You are by my side so I’m hot everywhere.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie got no response and he had no more scruples as he completely exposed his
nature, “There is a place that feels the hottest. Do you want to try it?”
As he spoke, he picked up Xie Xi’s hand and moved it to himself…
His words were too evocative and he was moving towards his lower body. Xie Xi’s eyes
widened, thinking this person was going to…
Jiang Xie straightened and placed the hand on his chest. “It is the hottest here.”
This was the location of his heart.
Xie Xi blushed and shouted, “Teacher!”
Jiang Xie faked innocence. “What? These words of love sound good.” Xie Xi pulled back, not
wanting to care about him anymore.
Jiang Xie asked with a smile, “What are you thinking in that little head of yours?”
What was he thinking? He… Xie Xi was so angry that he moved to the side and away from
this person.
Jiang Xie immediately moved and leaned against him. Xie Xi moved and Jiang Xie once again
followed. Xie Xi moved again…
Jiang Xie hugged him and said, “Okay, try to move again.” He directly picked up the other
person and placed Xie Xi on his lap.
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie was a real rogue. “Don’t move or you really will feel something hot.’
Xie Xi’s face was bright red. He didn’t go anywhere but he was angry enough to think about
domestic violence!
After all of this, Xie Xi was no longer sleepy. The New Year’s bell rang and the two people
watched the screen together.
The new year had arrived. This year, they were no longer alone.
Jiang Xie lightly pecked Xie Xi on the lips. “Happy New Year.”
Xie Xi also whispered, “Happy New Year.”
The two people stared at each other and saw themselves in the other person’s eyes.
It was amazing. They could feel so happy and satisfied after seeing themselves in the eyes
of another person.
Jiang Xie kissed him and Xie Xi hugged his neck, clumsily but seriously kissing back.
The bells echoed in their ears and the blessings on the TV seemed to cheer for them,
cheering that the people who had grown up alone finally met each other.
The two of them separated and Jiang Xie suggested, “Sleep in my room tonight.”
Xie Xi’s back was tight. Jiang Xie buried himself in the other person’s neck and took a deep
breath. “I won’t do anything. I just want to hold you like this.”
In fact… it didn’t matter if he did something… Xie Xi nodded and whispered, “Okay.”
He also wanted to hold Jiang Xie like this and be together through the night. It was
something Xie Xi had never thought before.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet and he couldn’t help saying, “Don’t be too obedient.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Jiang Xie held his waist. “Or I will keep pushing.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
The other person’s hands were in his clothes! Teacher Jiang had the heart of a thief but he
had no courage. He held the person tightly all night but didn’t dare to move for real.
He cherished a person too much and was always cautious. He was afraid that Xie Xi
wouldn’t like it, afraid that Xie Xi wouldn’t adapt, afraid of the person’s pain—
He had too many scruples, more than the person involved!
In fact, Xie Xi also felt itchy. The two people whose hearts were connected felt this
closeness wasn’t enough.
Xie Xi liked Jiang Xie, he liked this person so much that his heart was full. He wouldn’t
refuse if Jiang Xie did something right now. Liking a person would give great courage but
would also make you as timid as a mouse.
On the first, the tired people stayed at home and didn’t have to go visit relatives.
Xie Xi received a message from Xie Su, a simple ‘Happy New Year.’ Xie Xi glanced at it and
deleted it.
Five years ago, Xie Su had invited him to celebrate the new year with her. After Xie Xi
refused, she never mentioned it again.
Later she made phone calls and these became text messages. Xie Xi felt that after a few
years, Xie Su would no longer send even these text messages.
In fact, Xie Xi had a good understanding of Xie Su’s feelings. She was his mother but also the
one who most wanted him to disappear.
The present Xie Xi might not need her care but he was still a burden on her heart. If he
wasn’t there, Xie Su would just feel relieved.
Xie Xi often wondered if he was biologically related to Xie Su. How could there be such a
mother in this world? A mother who gave birth to a child but didn’t want to care for him.
In the blink of an eye, the winter vacation was over and Jiang Xie and Xie Xi had to return to
Jiang Xie, this teacher was still ‘tired’ and held Xie Xi’s waist in bed. “I don’t want to go out.”
He wanted to be like this for the rest of his life. Xie Xi no longer felt awe towards him. “How
can there be a teacher like you?!”
“How can I have a student like you?”
Xie Xi raised his eyebrows. “What’s wrong with me?”
Old Teacher Jiang had no self-respect. “Good student, you haven’t kissed me. Your old
father is almost starved of oxygen and will die.”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry as he hit Jiang Xie’s head. “Get up!”
Jiang Xie leaned up and pressed against him. “Just give me a kiss.”
Xie Xi pushed his head away. “You haven’t brushed your teeth. Go away!”
“You are so sweet that I don’t mind.”
Xie Xi snapped in a non-angry manner, “I hate it!” Jiang Xie headed to the bathroom with a
messy hairstyle, quietly muttering, “You hate me…”
Xie Xi stared at him through the mirror.
Jiang Xie took it out of context. “You think I am old, you think I am 10 years older than
Xie Xi turned his head and stared at him. Jiang Xie squinted in a pitiful manner.
Xie Xi thought, ‘You aren’t 10 years older than me, it’s more like you’re 10 years younger!’
He turned his head to gargle, put down his toothbrush and pulled down the other person to
block his lips.
Jiang Xie’s eyes were full of laughter. It wasn’t a deep kiss but he was satisfied. “Good, I feel
that I am 10 years younger and can love you for 100 years!”
Xie Xi was amused by him. “Who wants to love you for 100 years?”
“Child, you’re a bit greedy. Do you want to love me for 200 years?”
He thought that Xie Xi would ignore him. Unexpectedly, Xie Xi whispered, “We will be
together as long as we live.”
100 years or 200 years was good… he didn’t want to be separated from this person until
the end of his life.
Jiang Xie was stunned by this sudden tide of sweet sentiment and almost couldn’t bear it!
School started but the two people’s days were still fluttering. Xie Xi strictly prohibited this
naughty monster from doing anything in school.
Teacher Jiang sighed, “Am I such a person?” Then he caught Xie Xi in his office and kissed
Xie Xi wondered, “Teacher, you’re not one of those people?”
This man had no shame. “I’m someone who loves you to your bones.”
Xie Xi, “!!!” What about your face?
It was noisy but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Teacher Jiang was an elite in front of
other people while completely maintaining a high and noble flower attitude in front of his
female students, an abstinent and dignified man who shouldn’t be desecrated.
Xie Xi had never seen such a high! And! Noble! Flower!
One month after the start of school, Xie Xi vaguely felt that Jiang Xie was busy with
However, Jiang Xie didn’t mention it and he didn’t ask. Xie Xi was a bit perturbed. He didn’t
care what outsiders thought but if this relationship was revealed, the one most affected
was Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi himself didn’t matter. He just didn’t want Jiang Xie to be hurt. Jiang Xie had his own
career and own ideals. He couldn’t be ruined because of Xie Xi.
Nevertheless, Xie Xi could never leave Jiang Xie. He wouldn’t leave even if there was a knife
in front of him. The last thing he could do was let go of a person who deeply loved him. That
wasn’t love, it was the deadliest betrayal!
Xie Xi knew Jiang Xie too well, just like Jiang Xie understood him. They were lonely, equally
as lonely as each other and had enough of a life alone.
It was hard to meet but they were like two puzzle pieces fitting together. If they were
separated then they would both be incomplete.
Xie Xi wanted to have no scruples and be open with Jiang Xie. He had to dissolve their
current student relationship as soon as possible.
He had to work hard, finished his studies early and walk hand in hand with Jiang Xie in the
bright sunlight!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 103

Open World 28

Xie Xi’s birthday was March 17th. Jiang Xie told him half a month in advance, “Wait for your
birthday and I’ll give you a surprise.”
Xie Xi never celebrated his birthday before. He didn’t like birthdays or this word.
Birthday, the day of birth. He hoped for a long time that he had never been born. If life was
destined to be lonely and boring, what was the meaning of being alive?
Xie Xi couldn’t find the value in his birth so his birthday wasn’t a day worth celebrating.
Of course, it was different now. He had Jiang Xie, a tie to life who gave him warmth and the
power of life. He wanted them to live together day after day, year after year.
Once he heard Jiang Xie’s words, Xie Xi was inwardly very happy but his mouth wondered,
“What surprise? I don’t want to be surprised.”
Jiang Xie changed his words. “Then I’ll give you unexpected joy.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘You are my unexpected joy.’
He didn’t dare say it, not out of shyness. It was because this person’s nose was already high
in the air. If he said this, Jiang Xie’s tail would probably soar into the sky and not fall down!
Xie Xi smiled. “Then I’ll be waiting for Teacher’s unexpected joy.”
Jiang Xie kissed the corner of his mouth. “Make sure you are happy enough to call me
Xie Xi, “………………”
He wouldn’t kill this person!
March 17th was a Sunday but on the 15th, Jiang Xie had to go somewhere for a forum.
In the early morning, Jiang Xie was very heated up. “I want to accompany you on your
birthday. No one can make me leave you.”
Xie Xi was held by him and couldn’t move. “Teacher, you just don’t want to leave the bed.”
This guy’s problem with leaving his bed was growing every day and he dragged Xie Xi into
Xie Xi was a self-disciplined person who never slept past 8 o’clock. Unfortunately, once he
slept be Jiang Xie’s side, he was forced to go back to sleep whenever he woke up. Once Xie
Xi was almost late and didn’t let Jiang Xie kiss him when leaving. He was also silently angry
in the car.
Teacher Jiang had coaxed him, “It isn’t a big deal. I can give you a leave of absence.”
Xie Xi asked, “What’s the reason?”
Teacher Jiang declared righteously, “Accompany Professor Jiang, a well-known scholar who
will change the world in the future, to go back to sleep.”
Xie Xi, “……” Have some face!
The meeting on Friday should be very important. Xie Xi was afraid of Jiang Xie skipping it
and said, “If you go quickly, perhaps you will be able to return on Saturday?”
Jiang Xie sneered, “Are they worthy of wasting my wonderful night? I’ll be back tonight.”
Xie Xi pushed him, “How can you come back tonight? Get out of here!” He thought it needed
several days.”
Jiang Xie didn’t let go. “I’ll return late in the middle of the night.”
Xie Xi thought of him running back and forth and felt very distressed. “Just return Saturday
Jiang Xie stared at him. “What are you talking about? I am already desperate at missing the
hug and kiss before going to sleep. You still want to deprive me of my morning hug and
kiss as well as breakfast filled with love?”
Xie Xi, “…” He really believed in this evil!
Jiang Xie insisted on sending Xie Xi to school before going to the airport. Xie Xi was
disgusted. “Go quickly. How can you send an adult like me?”
Once Jiang Xie was really gone, Xie Xi’s heart felt empty. He couldn’t adapt to this silence.
Jiang Xie was always active and enthusiastic. Xie Xi had thin skin and couldn’t stand the
nonsense, but he still liked to listen. He engraved every word into his heart. If he had to
leave Jiang Xie…
Xie Xi was shocked to find that he had long lost the courage to face the dark abyss.
Morning classes ended and there was no one to speak to at noon. Xie Xi wasn’t used to it. At
this time, his phone rang and the caller ID was: Darling. Xie Xi’s face was hot. It had
randomly changed!
He answered the phone and Jiang Xie’s voice was particularly clear. “Baby, have you eaten?”
Xie Xi, “…” He wanted to hang up on the spot!
“Darling isn’t here to make me tea and a meal. I miss you.”
Xie Xi cried out, “Don’t touch my phone!”
Jiang Xie replied, “My hands never touched it. I pay great attention to the privacy between
Xie Xi knew that this person’s hands hadn’t made direct contact but…
“Don’t hack into my phone either!”
Teacher Jiang went online. “This is a test of your lessons. You should be able to set up
simple security.”
He was able to do it but if he did, this person would come up with a new means of hacking.
He… he couldn’t fight this old man!
Jiang Xie smiled. “In fact, there is a solution.”
Before he could finish, Xie Xi gave a harsh refusal. “No!”
He had no intention of seeing the name ‘Husband’ in his phone.
“Then there is no other way. We have to continue the class.”
Why was there such a class? However, Xie Xi’s professional abilities were increasing every
day and the ordinary students were inferior to him.
Jiang Xie liked teasing the child and said, “If you want to eat well, don’t think about me or
you won’t be able to eat anything.”
Xie Xi’s lips shook and his tone was sharp. “Absolutely not!”
Jiang Xie sounded melancholy. “It isn’t good. I’m a bit lost that you sound so happy.”
Xie Xi immediately softened and he whispered three words.
Jiang Xie clearly heard it but he pretended to be deaf. “What? You said you didn’t want me?”
Xie Xi blushed. “It… I miss you.” Then he hung up the phone.
Jiang Xie stared at the phone and his heart was itchy. He couldn’t wait to fly back and hold
the child in his arms and kissing him.
How could there be such a cute and lovely big child in this day and age? It was also his!
Comrade Jiang thought this and felt that his footsteps were light enough for him to go to
Perhaps it was due to this phone call but Xie Xi had a good lunch and was in an excellent
mood all day as he listened seriously to classes. He wasn’t too anxious to leave school
because Jiang Xie wasn’t home. He packed up his thoughts while thinking about what to
Jiang Xie might come back in the middle of the night and Xie Xi had to prepare something
for him. He was just thinking this when his phone rang.
Xie Xi thought it was the shameless Darling. He was smiling and was about to pick up when
he found the caller was Sun Muqing.
Xie Xi stopped smiling as he accepted the call. “Brother?”
They hadn’t been in contact for a long time and hadn’t seen each other since the
supermarket last year.
Sun Muqing sounded a bit anxious. “Do you have time? Let’s meet.”
Xie Xi froze and asked, “Did something happen?”
“It is important. Please meet me.”
Sun Muqing sounded like it was really urgent and Xie Xi always remembered his care
during the enrollment and hurriedly agreed. “Okay.”
They met outside the school. Sun Muqing saw him and cried out, “Xiao Xie, you have to help
Xie Xi asked again, “Brother, what happened to you?” He wouldn’t leave if he didn’t get an
Sun Muqing looked ashamed and remorse as he took a long time to explain. In fact, his
words were very vague and he probably concealed a lot, but the information he revealed
was enough to make Xie Xi pull his hair.
Sun Muqing unexpectedly partnered up with people to steal the school’s internal
information! This included the attendance records, the dormitory records, the scholarship
registration and even the final exam questions…
Xie Xi was stunned. “How can you do these things!” It was too confusing and daring!
Sun Muqing replied, “I was tricked for a while. A school senior who graduated taught me
and told me… this is very profitable. I… my family situation is poor. I was bewitched and…”
Xie Xi asked him, “Do the teachers know about it?”
“Yes… they are still looking for accomplices and haven’t released the information. However,
once they draw in the net, I will be finished!”
This was a crime and expulsion would be a light consequence! He only said that he stole
information. Who knew what else he did?
Xie Xi frowned. “Brother, telling me this is useless. I can’t help you. You should go to the
teachers and confess…”
He hadn’t finished when Sun Muqing became more anxious. “You can help me, only you can
help me.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “I’m a student, how can I help you?”
Sun Muqing didn’t say anything. He just stared at Xie Xi as if forcing him to tell the truth.
A bad feeling entered Xie Xi’s heart. He really couldn’t help Sun Muqing but Jiang Xie was
different. Xie Xi felt sweat rolling down his back.
Did Sun Muqing…
Sun Muqing was really desperate and could only think of the man with Xie Xi.
He didn’t know the identity of the man but he was clearly expensive. People with money in
this community always had better means. As long as Xie Xi asked his lover, Sun Muqing
might be able to escape!
“Xiao Xie, I’m begging you. Please help me! I know you have a way. Don’t let me die!”
Xie Xi’s heart was cold. He never imagined that his trusted senior would do such a thing and
use this to coerce him!
Sun Muqing saw that Xie Xi was silent and spoke harshly, “If you don’t’ help me, don’t
blame me for revealing your dirty things!” Xie Xi’s back was tight and his voice was cold. “I
don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sun Muqing thought it was already a life or death struggle. “Okay, you don’t know. Then
wait for me to send the photos to the school network and I’ll see if you still don’t know!”
He actually had photos!
Xie Xi’s brain worked quickly. He was sure that he and Jiang Xie were careful outside and
never left any traces, but what if?
What if Sun Muqing intentionally tracked them and used fake photos to take advantage of
Jiang Xie?
If Xie Xi and Jiang Xie were nothing then Xie Xi was naturally fearless…
But… they…
Xie Xi took a deep breath and his voice was very calm. “I can’t help you with this matter.”
Sun Muqing was standing on the edge of a cliff. “I don’t care. If you don’t help me, I will drag
you down!”
Xie Xi’s forehead vein bulged. “I never offended me. Why do you want to drag me into the
Sun Muqing replied harshly, “Who told you to do such things and seduce…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Xie Xi punched him.
Sun Muqing was shocked. “You…”
Xie Xi spoke coldly, “I might be guilty but I’ve never done anything that harmed the world.
You committed a crime and should accept the punishment!”
Sun Muqing covered the side of his face was that punched. “Good, since you have such hard
bones, wait until I send the photos and see if you still have a foothold in the school!”
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid for himself. He was only afraid that Jiang Xie’s reputation would be
damaged. However, it was absolutely impossible for him to help Sun Muqing!
He wouldn’t leave Jiang Xie so there was only one solution. Xie Xi sneered at Sun Muqing.
“Go send it. What’s the big deal? I’ll just drop out of school!”
Sun Muqing’s eyes widened and a disbelieving expression filled his face.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GL: Chapter 104

Open World 29

Sun Muqing thought he wasn’t intimidating enough and threatened, “I really will send the
Xie Xi had no expression on his face. “You are free to do so.” Then he turned and left.
Sun Muqing was angry and anxious. “You’re crazy! You don’t want a future!”
A future…
Xie Xi paled but his back was straight. He had nothing to fear! Even if he dropped out of
school, he would study hard and continue to improve himself. University was important
but not graduating from university didn’t mean his life was over.
In short… he would never give a person like Sun Muqing a chance!
Xie Xi walked home and it was only after entering that his straight back collapsed.
He leaned against the door and missed Jiang Xie. He wanted to see Jiang Xie, listen to him,
kiss him and know how he was.
Xie Xi didn’t regret his decision. In fact, he had been prepared to face everything after
deciding to stay with Jiang Xie. Dropping out of school was nothing. As long as he had
income, he couldn’t be too greedy.
Xie Xi thought very clearly but he was still upset. He couldn’t even graduate from
university. Was he worthy of Jiang Xie who was a professor?
They might be fine now but what about later? Would Jiang Xie despise him? If there was
such a day…
Xie Xi became cold and the warmed up room felt unusually freezing.
Jiang Xie really rushed his work and it was one in the morning when he came home.
Xie Xi couldn’t sleep and was waiting on the sofa.
Jiang Xie was afraid that Xie Xi was already sleeping so he opened the door very lightly and
his footsteps were extremely slow.
Xie Xi felt all his care and the chill in his heart instantly evaporated and drilled into his
nose, bringing a burst of acidity.
Jiang Xie was taking off his coat when he saw Xie Xi on the sofa and became startled. “You
aren’t asleep yet?”
Xie Xi got up and stared without blinking.
There was only a strip of light in the room and the warm yellow light didn’t allow them to
see each other’s faces. Jiang Xie smiled, “Why? I didn’t come back so you couldn’t sleep?”
As he spoke, he walked over. Once he got near, he saw that the child was crying.
Jiang Xie’s heart was distressed as he immediately pulled Xie Xi into a hug. “What’s wrong?
Where are you uncomfortable?”
They knew each other for a while and Jiang Xie knew that Xie Xi had a strong heart far
beyond his peers. He never showed his fragile side apart from when they first met.
Xie Xi endured it but he finally couldn’t resist anymore. He smiled a bit and said, “I made a
pot of porridge and I’ll go get you a bowl.” Jiang Xie definitely hadn’t eaten properly.
He was just turning to go when Jiang Xie pulled him back and asked, “What happened? Did
you encounter something? Tell me.”
Xie Xi’s expression crumpled. He wanted to lower his head but he was afraid that tears
would fall. “Teacher.”
Jiang Xie felt heartache. “What happened?”
Xie Xi spoke softly, “If I can’t graduate from university, you…”
He hadn’t finished speaking when Jiang Xie frowned and interrupted, “Why can’t you
graduate?” He had seen Xie Xi’s efforts. This child was so persistent that it made people feel
distressed but also reluctant to interfere.
Xie Xi liked this profession so much. How could he not graduate?
Xie Xi didn’t intend to conceal the matter with Sun Muqing. He sighed and repeated the
words he exchanged with Sun Muqing today.
“He has photos in his hands. If it is released, it will be very troublesome for you.”
Thus, Xie Xi wanted to drop out? He would give up his studies to be with Jiang Xie?
Jiang Xie was stunned and stared at Xie Xi for a long time.
Xie Xi barely managed to smile. “It’s fine if I drop out. After all, this is Teacher and I can
continue to learn. Didn’t you always say that you want to teach me alone? Then later on…
Jiang Xie’s spirit finally returned. His eyes were distressed and full of love that could no
longer be concealed. He whispered, “You little fool.” How could there be so a lovely yet
strong little guy?
Such a good person actually gave his heart to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie was filled with words that he couldn’t express!
“I was going to tell you on your birthday.” Jiang Xie spoke in an incredibly gentle voice.
Xie Xi didn’t know what this had to do with his birthday and looked up. “What?”
Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed him on his forehead, eyes, nose and lips. “I have resigned.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
“I submitted my resignation application at the beginning of the semester but the procedure
was a bit cumbersome. I had to continue teaching and it was dragged out until recently.”
Xie Xi’s face was instantly white and he tightly held onto Jiang Xie. “Why did you resign?
How… how can you resign?”
Jiang Xie touched his nose. “Am I the type of person who will bully his student using his
status as a teacher?”
Xie Xi heard the words but couldn’t understand what they meant.
“From the moment I confessed to you, I made plans to resign. I want to be your lover
instead of your teacher.”
A teacher-student relationship was taboo and Jiang Xie wished to be with this child. How
could he let Xie Xi bear this pressure?
Xie Xi was a freshman and it was several years before graduation? If Xie Xi hadn’t accepted
his confession then he could wait. Now that Xie Xi had given all of his heart to Jiang Xie,
how could he let the child down?
Four years contained too many variables. Jiang Xie couldn’t let anything happen to Xie Xi
and decided to resign as soon as school started.
As long as he didn’t have the identity of a teacher, no one could stop them from falling in
Xie Xi spoke urgently, “Your career is rising and such a young professor is widely
acclaimed. How can…”
Jiang Xie touched their foreheads together and smiled, “Nothing compares to you.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
“You are only 19 years old and you’re tied to a 30 year old uncle. How can I let you be
Xie Xi’s nose was sour and the tears he always suppressed fell down.
“Don’t cry.” Jiang Xie was suddenly a mess. “I’m most afraid of your tears.
His beloved person was crying and he was so pained that he wanted to pick the stars and
the moon.
Xie Xi choked out, “How can you be so foolish… how can you resign… you are really… really
Jiang Xie wiped his tears and coaxed him, “Okay, scold me with angry words but don’t drop
these golden beans.”
How was Xie Xi willing to scold him? The taste in Xie Xi’s heart was indescribable. It was
sweet and sour and bitter.
Falling in love with Jiang Xie was the happiest thing in his life. This happiness seemed to be
a beautiful dream.
Jiang Xie couldn’t bear to see him uncomfortable and teased, “You can rest assured that
your improper husband will only make more money in the future. If you want the moon on
the sky, I will blow it down for you.”
Xie Xi, “……”
Who wanted to mess with the moon?
Jiang Xie saw the corners of Xie Xi’s lips curving and persisted, “Forget the stars. I will bring
down something bigger than Earth.”
Xie Xi was dumbfounded. “If the moon falls, can the Earth survive?”
“I don’t care. I will do whatever my wife wants.”
“I don’t want the moon!”
No, who was his wife?
Jiang Xie asked him, “What do you want?”
Xie Xi paused before whispering something. Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened and he almost
picked up the person. “Say it again.”
Xie Xi’s face reddened. “You heard it already.”
“No!” Jiang Xie protested. “If you don’t make it clear, I’ll really bring down the moon for
The moon: ???
Xie Xi felt funny and soft. He opened his mouth again and clearly stated, “I just want you.”
If this was an animation, Old Jiang would’ve already lit up fireworks in the sky! He picked
up the other person and went straight to the bedroom.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped.
Jiang Xie placed him on the bed and took off the tie he was wearing. “I’m not your teacher
Xie Xi lay on the soft bed and stared nervously.
“I’m your husband.” Jiang Xie leaned over and bit Xie Xi’s delicate neck.
He endured for so long and Comrade Jiang Xie finally couldn’t bear it anymore. He legally
studied with Xie Xi all night.
The next day was Saturday and the couple slept until the afternoon.
Xie Xi woke up first. HIs eyes opened but he couldn’t even move a finger.
Jiang Xie spoke nonsense on the weekdays and now that this last window had been
smashed through, he was even worse…
Xie Xi turned red as he thought about it and wanted to die.
Jiang Xie was still sleeping. He held Xie Xi tightly in his sleep, as if afraid this person would
run away.
Yesterday morning, he left the house and spent all day outside. He rushed back in the
evening and hadn’t even rice before eating his little rose.
It would’ve been okay of Xie Xi refused him. However, Xie Xi’s heart was warmed by him
and catered to him.
Who could bear this? If it hadn’t been Xie Xi’s first time, Comrade Jiang would’ve gone crazy
for one night and one day.
Xie Xi moved and the two different coloured eyes opened. He used to hate these eyes and
now looking at them…
Xie Xi just wanted to kiss them. The dark red and dark blue were actually close to black
from a distance. After looking closely, he found that they had their own shine and were
Xie Xi had always been insensitive to people’s facial features but he was sure that Jiang Xie
was the best person he had ever seen. Jiang Xie had the best facial features and everything
was satisfactory.
“Does it hurt?” Jiang Xie asked him.
Xie Xi wasn’t in pain. He just… felt very tired.
“I’m fine.” He was shocked by his voice as soon as he spoke.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “You called out so loudly that your voice is hoarse.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie rubbed his chin. “Still, it’s nice when thinking about it now.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
How could the thin-skinned Xiao Xie be this old rascal’s opponent? He would probably be
eaten to death in this life.
Sun Muqing didn’t have an opportunity to send the photos. Jiang Xie directly hacked his
phone, computer and other devices and deleted the photos.
In fact, the photos didn’t show anything. They didn’t capture the faces and only had a vague
The back view was just Jiang Xie holding hands with Xie Xi. So what if this photo was sent
out? It would make no impact.
Jiang Xie naturally wouldn’t be soft against such a person. He directly found evidence of
Sun Muqing’s guilt and sent him to jail.
On the day of Jiang Xie’s departure, all the girls were crying.
Jiang Xie smiled at them. “Rest assured, I will come back often.”
The girls thought he was comforting them and didn’t believe it at all.
Later… they really did see Jiang Xie.
Teacher Jiang drove a stunning vehicle and waited for Xie Xi to finish classes.

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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 105

Open World 30

Jiang Xie and Xie Xi’s love was exposed and the females of X University were divided into
two types. The girlfriend fans cried and never wanted to see Teacher Jiang while the CP
fans raised high flags and celebrated for several days and nights. By the time Xie Xi
graduated, my masterpiece works had spread in secret.
It was a pity that the newcomers would have no chance to see the two men in the future.
After graduation, Xie Xi went to Jiang Xie’s research institute and became his personal
assistant— in various ways.
Jiang Xie’s resignation was nothing. He had no parents but inherited a large fortune from a
distant aunt. Even if he didn’t do anything, he could survive on the interest every day.
The reason he stayed at school was purely for the environment and because he wanted to
do something meaningful.
Now that he met Xie Xi, he was no longer aimless and had a common goal.
He wanted to live with Xie Xi, do things together and work together to gain achievements,
so their names would be engraved in history.
Once Xie Xi was 24 years old, the 34 year old Jiang Xie proposed to him.
Xie Xi looked at him with curved eyes.
Jiang Xie half-kneeled on the ground and stared at him, “Xiao Xie, are you willing to marry
Xie Xi dragged it out. “I don’t want to.”
His marriage proposal was rejected but Jiang Xie wasn’t flustered. He asked again, “Will you
marry me? I can wash and cook, mop the floor and warm the bed. I am especially virtuous.”
Xie Xi smiled and took the right. “Fine, I’ll marry you.”
Jiang Xie pulled the other person into his arms and kissed him.
Xie Xi pushed him away. “I thought you were virtuous!”
Jiang Xie placed him against the wall and lifted his clothes. “I’m undressing you. Aren’t I
virtuous? Don’t rush, there will be more.”
This damn ghost! Old rascal!
Their wedding took place on an island and not many people were invited. There were
studio partners and a few of Xie Xi’s classmates.
As a freshman, Xie Xi had been taciturn and didn’t know many people. Later, he became
more cheerful and no longer hid from people. He also made real friends.
As they swore their oaths, they stared at each other and saw themselves in the other
person’s eyes.
Jiang Xie declared, “I am willing.”
Xie Xi repeated, “I am willing.’
Heartfelt blessings were all around them. This was the most romantic love under the sky.
After marriage, the two people went on a honeymoon and Jiang Xie didn’t want to return to
Xie Xi snapped out, “Excessive attention saps the will!”
Jiang Xie replied, “I just want to play with my Xi.” Xie Xi, “…” He threw a pillow towards the
naughty monster.
Jiang Xie grabbed the pillow and hugged Xie Xi to him. “Sometimes… I’m very scared.”
Xie Xi let himself be held. “Hmm?”
Jiang Xie throw away the pillow, his chest pressed against Xie Xi’s back and his thin lips
attached to cold skin.”I am afraid that you’re just a dream and will be gone when I wake
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “Do you think this is a dream?”
Jiang Xie stared before giving a beautiful smile.”
Everything about Xie Xi was so real. How could it be a dream? He was just too happy that he
was afraid of suffering.
Xie Xi’s eyes were soft. “I wouldn’t be able to dream of such a good thing.”
He couldn’t dream of such a good Jiang Xie or such a happy life and beautiful future.
Jiang Xie was instantly sweet and turned Xie Xi around to kiss him. “This is the last day of
the honeymoon and you’ve lost your chance to get out of bed.”
Xie Xi, “………………” This bastard didn’t know how to feel tired!
On their 10th anniversary, Jiang Xie took Xie Xi back to University X and donated a teaching
Some people suggested calling the teaching building the Jiang Xie Building (The Xie uses
the character from Xie Xi’s name instead of the character from Jiang Xie’s name). Then Jiang
Xie said, “Xiao Xie is my family. Let’s call it the Xie Jiang Building.”
The leaders had no problem and didn’t mind if they donated an extra one.
Xie Xi stated, “Call it Jiang Xe.”
Jiang Xie glanced at him and Xie Xi explained, “It is a homophone of Jiang Xie (Jiang Xie’s
actual name), how good is it?”
His name made up Jiang Xie’s name.
Jiang Xie immediately declared, “We’ll donate another building.”
“Hmm?” Xie Xi didn’t mind since he couldn’t spend all the money he had earned over the
Jiang Xie smiled. “Let’s call it the Xie Xi Building.” (TL: So one building is the Jiang from
Jiang Xie and the Xie from Xie Xi. The other building is the Xie from Jiang Xie and the Xi
from Xie Xi.)
His name came together to form Xie Xi’s name.
Xie Xi also reacted. He never noticed it before but now he thought it was really interesting.
They both had such names.
Jiang Xie thought it was beautiful. “We’re a natural pair.”
The school leaders didn’t mind all the love shown in front of them. They wished these two
people to come up with a few combinations so there could be several buildings!
On the 20th anniversary, the 54 year old Jiang Xie felt a sense of crisis.
The 10 year age difference was fine at a young age but it made people feel a bit flustered in
their middle years.
Xie Xi was only 44 years old and it was the time when men were very attractive. The
elegant temperament honed over time made everyone who saw him feel dazzled.
Jiang Xie had been carefully exercising and maintaining his body. His physical strength
wasn’t a problem but he couldn’t stop his lover from being too good. He was afraid that the
other person would run away if he wasn’t careful.
Xie Xi had been with him for many years and still didn’t completely know his mind. He felt
both pained and soft-hearted and spent a month coaxing Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi who had a backache, “You bastard, you were pretending!”
Jiang Xie faked innocence. “What? What was I pretending about?”
Xie Xi had really believed him!
By the time Xie Xi was 64 years old and Jiang Xie was 74 years old, it was like there wasn’t
an age difference.
Jiang Xie was older and more prone to breaking his leg. After he retired, he personally built
a golden house for Xie Xi and argued, “I want a golden house to hide Xiao Xie.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “You can’t flash that old waist!”
Jiang Xie replied tenderly, “Do you think I am old?”
Xie Xi didn’t fall for it. “You still want to try this? Aren’t we old?”
“We’re not old. You will always be a child in my heart.”
Xie Xi had listened to the words of love for decades but still hadn’t gained an immunity. He
coughed and said, “Show respect for your elders.”
He said this but he planted a large number of roses outside the house Jiang Xie built for
The two old people stayed in the beautiful rose garden while watching the sunrise and the
sunset. They lived their days in a warm and romantic manner.
Jiang Xie lived to the age of 94. On their 60th anniversary, he finally couldn’t move.
Xie Xi stayed by his side in a calm manner.
Jiang Xie whispered, “I’m very happy in this life.”
Xie Xi held his hand. “Me too.”
Jiang Xie stared at him, blurry eyes still full of love. “However, I’m not satisfied.”
Xie Xi was also full of deep love. “You greedy old thing.”
Jiang Xie kissed the back of his hand. “Spend the rest of my life with me, okay?”
Xie Xi’s eyes were dried up and he couldn’t shed tears anymore. “Not good.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Child, you are very greedy. Do you also want to be with me in our next
Xie Xi gently kissed him between his forehead. “For the rest of eternity, Xie Xi wants to be
with Jiang Xie.”
Jiang Xie closed his eyes with a contented smile.
After handling Jiang Xie’s funeral arrangements, Xie Xi couldn’t sleep.
They had been with each other for 60 years and always loved each other. They carried out
his first and most beautiful and romantic vows all their lives.
Xie Xi was lost when he woke up from the sleeping pod. It was a dream but it was a dream
that was incredibly real.
He and Jiang Xie both lost the game.
Dream come true. It was so good that they didn’t want to wake up.
They really died in the game and only opened their eyes because of the privilege they got
when they started the game, the fatal injuries immunity.
This privilege was used by both of them.

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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GL: Chapter 106
Open World 31

The people who came to Central were all abandoned and had regrets from their previous
lives. It might be irrelevant to their original world but putting down these feelings, how
could they be willing
Dream come true was a game that combined the player’s real experiences to give them a
dream they wanted most and couldn’t refuse.
How could they wake up? Even if the player saw that it was a dream, how could they raise
the courage to wake up?
In the face of disasters and adversity, most people could endure it. However, who could
refuse beauty?
Living as much as possible, what was this image? It might be a dream but what was the
meaning in waking up?
Cruelty and beauty were placed next to each other. A player might maintain a cool head but
it was still likely they would choose the latter.
Xie Xi knew that Jiang Xie was next to him but didn’t dare look at the person.
This dream was too real. It was rooted in his soul for more than 60 years and grew up.
This man was confident and enthusiastic, loving Xie Xi so deeply that all his nonsense was
still full of tenderness and affection. His love, his goodness and his heart, Xie Xi clearly saw
all of it.
In the dream, he often felt that everything was beautiful enough to be unreal.
Now that he returned to reality, there was a strong sense that things weren’t real.
It was too beautiful, so beautiful that he wasn’t worthy of owning it.
“From birth to death…” Jiang Xie whispered. He was talking to himself but the gentleness in
his tone was like a sugar gourd wrapped in syrup. It was very sweet with a slight acidity.
Xie Xi finally couldn’t hold back and glanced at the person.
Jiang Xie was watching him with the same expression as the dream. His straightforward
love and affection wrapped the whole person in his heart.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped and he looked away.
His chest was warm and his fingers were twitching. He didn’t know how to face reality after
waking up.
He even had a ridiculous thought, ‘It wouldn’t be bad if I didn’t have the fatal injury
A real death meant he couldn’t question reality.
Jiang Xie got out of the sleeping pod and asked Xie Xi, “Did you drop out of school before
you came to Central?”
Old Jiang was an old hand at this. He didn’t forget the beautiful dream and precisely chose
the best point to bring up.
It was an entry point that allowed Xie Xi to wake up from the dream and face reality.
Naturally, it eased Xie Xi’s discomfort. Xie Xi was obviously dazed and his brain was a mess.
He whispered, “Yes, I met the same thing as the bar. At that time, the boss came to let me go
home early and saved me. I got the idea to resign and Sun Muqing asked me for help with a
job so I went…”
This was a past without Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi also encountered Wang Qingshu’s harassment and even drank half a glass of wine.
However, he managed to yell out and the boss of the bar arrived. After finding out what
happened, the boss unceremoniously drove Wang Qingshu away and appeased Xie Xi.
He was afraid of Xie Xi so the boss gave Xie Xi a certain amount of compensation and settled
the salary.
Xie Xi also couldn’t stand to be there anymore and quit. He was afraid of places like the bar
and afraid of showing his face, so he was more cautious about jobs. Then Sun Muqing asked
him for help and he went right away.
At that time, Xie Xi’s ability in the profession was very weak. He could only do simple data
collection and didn’t know the core framework.
Sun Muqing probably earned a high amount of money and gave Xie Xi a lot. Xie Xi had been
short of money so he was really grateful to Sun Muqing.
Jiang Xie was very distressed. “That scum pushed everything on you?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I found out what he was doing and reported him.”
Jiang Xie was stunned before immediately thinking, ‘Yes, this is indeed what the child
would do.’ Xie Xi might not understand the work but after a long time, he found out
something was wrong. He initially didn’t believe his senior would commit a crime but the
evidence collected was as dense as snowflakes and Xie Xi couldn’t deny it.
At the time, a few months had passed and Sun Muqing confessed to pulling Xie Xi into the
water with him.
Xie Xi was shocked and the more he looked, the more disappointed he became. He finally
confirmed what Sun Muqing was doing and reported him with no hesitation.
Yes, in the real world, it was Xie Xi who reported Sun Muqing.
Sun Muqing was arrested and Xie Xi was saved from punishment because he was the one
who reported it. Nevertheless, he couldn’t avoid dropping out of school.
At the time, the matter was very big and Xie Xi had no friends. A person who lived alone, it
was inevitable that there would be some speculation.
Many people didn’t believe that he was ignorant. They just thought that his and Sun
Muqing’s interests parted, which was why Xie Xi reported him.
Xie Xi was powerless to explain, not to mention he was indeed an accomplice, albeit a
stupid accomplice.
From then on, Xie Xi never left his house and relied on gaming to make ends meet.
This lasted until Xie Su became pregnant and mother and son gave up on each other. Then
he came to the Central World.
This was reality. It was short and cruel compared to the beautiful dream.
In fact, Xie Xi thought he would never be able to mention this matter again in his life.
Whether he was in the Central World or not, no matter how many worlds he went through,
the scars caused by this incident couldn’t be erased.
Now he was actually saying it. It was probably due to the dream.
Despite knowing it was a dream, the dream was still capable of minimizing the scars in his
heart so that he could face the past.
In particular, Jiang Xie… gave him too much unspeakable warmth that cruel reality was
Xie Xi suddenly felt that his body and heart were much lighter. He came out of the sleeping
pod and whispered, “This game was really hard. There were no clues.”
He glanced at Jiang Xie and asked, “Teacher, have you encountered this type of game
He naturally used the term. There was no other way. He had used it for more than 60 years
and his brain didn’t give him the opportunity to react.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet and he used his words to calm himself, “It isn’t without clues.
For this type of game, we can wake up as long as we realize it is a dream.”
“What if you know it is a dream but don’t want to wake up?”
Nothing was gone and all their desires were embraced. Even if they knew it was a dream,
who was willing to believe it?
They discussed the topic of the dream in terms of the game but both avoided the contents.
They didn’t want to believe that it wasn’t reality.
Jiang Xie replied, “I have encountered this type of game many times and quickly woke up.”
Xie Xi stared at him with a stunned expression. “But this time…”
Jiang Xie smiled slowly. “If a person in the dream does something fake, you will find it is a
dream and your heart will also feel empty.” This disappointment would only add to the
Xie Xi understood.
If he entered the game by himself, perhaps he wouldn’t have dreamt of Jiang Xie and he
wouldn’t have met all the things Jiang Xie gave him. He might’ve gotten rid of Wang
Qingshu and Sun Muqing or even gained Xie Su’s love. However, this was his own
imagination and would feel unreal.
This type of unreality made it easy for a clear-headed person to break out of. Once broken,
they were free from the game.
Jiang Xie had woken up countless times in the past but this time he couldn’t wake up. Xie Xi
didn’t dare to ask but Jiang Xie took the initiative to say, “This time, I really didn’t feel it.”
He was completely immersed and as a result, he fell. Xie Xi was no different.
Jiang Xie asked him, “What do you think is true?”
Xie Xi was asked this by him. “How to calculate…”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved and his voice was extremely gentle. “This was indeed a dream but the
two of us are real.”
Xie Xi was shocked and trembled like he was electrocuted. It was a dream but the two
people were the truth.
Everything that happened in the dream didn’t exist but the two of them were truly
They got along with each other and their love and desire for each other were incredibly
real. It was because for both of them, from beginning to end, whether it was in the dream or
Xie Xi’s Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie’s Xie Xi were real existences. They woke up from the dream
but the reality was still the two of them.
Jiang Xie wasn’t in a hurry. He didn’t know what happened between him and the child for
him to get -365 goodwill but he was sure that they were a natural pair and each other’s
only redemption.
He was patient enough to wait for this young man, who had experienced a cruel reality, to
come back to him.
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GL: Chapter 107

Open World 32

They might’ve lost the game but the rule of the game field was they could pass as long as
they experienced three projects.
Of course, anyone who could leave the sleeping pod had won the game, even if Jiang Xie and
Xie Xi died once.
Xie Xi still felt some confusion but he wasn’t as confused as before. He needed some time to
think. He needed to think about him and Jiang Xie… um…
Too many sweet memories surged in. Xie Xi could only desperately think about the souls
and Jiang Xie’s identity in order to calm down.
This wasn’t the simple Teacher Jiang in his dreams but a designer who made countless
Jiang Xie lost all his memories in the dream. However, designer X had experienced
countless years, had many experiences and memories and knew countless things…
Xie Xi didn’t know him. The 60 years might’ve been a lifetime for Xie Xi but they were just a
few fingers for Jiang Xie.
Nevertheless, Xie Xi believed in Jiang Xie’s words. He believed the two people in the dream
were real.
Without Jiang Xie, he wouldn’t be able to imagine such a beautiful dream.
It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Jiang Xie was the one who pulled him out of the past
and gave him a new life, giving him new possibilities and a life he couldn’t imagine.
It was really great.
Xie Xi whispered, “Thank you.”
After 60 years, Jiang Xie still remembered his ‘setting’. He asked, “What did you just say?
My ears are still buzzing.” They were previously shocked by the big rooster’s scream.
Xie Xi remembered this and approached with a smile. “Thank you!”
Jiang Xie suddenly bent his head and the two people almost kissed. Xie Xi’s heart was tense.
They had done everything in the past but after waking up…
The old rascal actually didn’t take advantage of this opportunity. His eyes fell on Xie Xi’s
lips before he moved away. “There is no need for thanks. I should be the one thanking you
for letting me experience such a dream.”
Xie Xi quickly got back to the topic. “The dream was about my life and you helped me
emerge from my past.”
“This dream was also full of what I longed for.”
Xie Xi was stunned and asked Jiang Xie, “Teacher, before…”
Jiang Xie explained, “My parents have been dead since I was born. Before I came to the
Central World, all the people I knew had died.”
Xie Xi felt a tug on his heart.
Jiang Xie continued, “The only thing I wanted was for someone to grow old with me.”
They met at the best age and went together towards the end of their lives. Jiang Xie always
remembered that when he was about to die, Xie Xi pretended to be calm but his heart had
already gone with Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie couldn’t even tell Xie Xi to live well. He didn’t want Xie Xi to be alone, nor could he
bear it if Xie Xi wasn’t.
Xie Xi smiled.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “I just said it wrong.”
Xie Xi had decades of getting along with this person and instantly felt that he was going to
speak nonsense. Sure enough, Comrade Old Jiang had a calm face as he stated, “To be
precise, my only desire is to grow old with you.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “Teacher might be disappointed.”
The Teacher Jiang in the dream wouldn’t panic if he heard this. He would definitely say,
“Child, you are very greedy. Do you want to be young with me forever?”
Now… he looked at the -365 goodwill and didn’t dare say it.
Xie Xi continued, “The Central World has eternal youth. Wanting to grow up together is a
very rare thing.”
Jiang Xie was stunned before he couldn’t help saying, “Then we will be young forever.”
Xie Xi smiled at him. Jiang Xie retreated and cut it even shorter. “We will be together.”
Xie Xi laughed. “Let’s leave the world first and wait until you remember everything.”
Jiang Xie was very concerned about this. “What happened between us previously?”
Xie Xi didn’t try to fool him and only told him, “Don’t think about it.”
This was a tacit understanding caused by the dream. If Xie Xi had said these words
previously, Jiang Xie would only be more curious and then cranky as he wanted to find out
the reason.
Now… he felt it instinctively.
Xie Xi was still worried about his thoughts and diverted his attention. “I don’t know how
much time has passed in reality.”
Jiang Xie answered, “It shouldn’t be too long. The sleeping pod has no nutrition equipment.
If the dream is too long, we would’ve starved to death.”
The game field was limited to 72 hours and they probably hadn’t exceeded this time yet.
Xie Xi suddenly had a thought. “Would we have woken up if our bodies feel hungry?”
“Our spirit would be dead before our body became hungry.”
Xie Xi thought it was wonderful. “The decades in the dream felt very long.’
In fact, after waking up from the game, many things about the 60 years of life were hazy.
Most things were remembered but in front of reality, the dream truly became dreamlike.
Jiang Xie asked him, “How do you understand the concept of time?”
Xie Xi had come into contact with some philosophical books and wondered, “Is it a human
feeling?” The concept of time was created by humans. Humans always felt that time was
real and constantly moving forward. In fact, this might only be derived from human
Humans couldn’t understand different forms of time so time could only be like this. Like
little bugs running across the ground, it was impossible to understand with a human mind.
Jiang Xie told him, “You have to remember that your time isn’t equal to other people’s time
and the truth of others isn’t necessarily your truth.”
Xie Xi was stunned. He understood some parts but not others.
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “When you have a chance, you should try and upgrade to a
Xie Xi thought about Love to the Left or Right and the six princes and had no interest in
being a designer. “Explain it again.”
“Once you become a designer, you will be able to see more possibilities.”
This warmed Xie Xi’s heart. “Will I understand more about time and reality?”
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie shook his head. “There will be even more things that you don’t
“It is because beyond the light, the darkness is infinite.”
Xie Xi was stunned. Jiang Xie changed the topic. “Let’s go, it’s time for us to leave.”
Xie Xi had many questions he wanted to ask but also felt he couldn’t. A designer? A role
close to a god, wouldn’t he be able to see further? Xie Xi’s heart rate somewhat increased.
The rest area of ‘dream come true’ was quiet beyond words.
In the previous two projects, everyone who survived was thankful. They might’ve lacked an
arm or leg but they were vibrant.
There were very few people in this rest area and those who were present were sitting apart
while looking like they lost their souls.
Xie Xi frowned and could understand their mood.
Waking up from such a dream would indeed make the person lose the ability to face reality.
So what if they could tell the falsehood of the dream? The reality of waking up was even
They might think that staying in the dream was a better idea and regret waking up.
After all, in the beginning, Xie Xi thought it would be nice if he didn’t have the fatal injury
It was Jiang Xie who pulled him out of those thoughts.
It was a dream but the two people were the truth.
These words woke Xie Xi up.
At this time, a pale women who Xie Xi knew came out. She was the young woman who
survived the I love you VS shameless game.
Xie Xi remembered that her name was Tan Lei.
In the cruel game, Tan Lei had always been calm and she was unscathed at the end. Xie Xi’s
impression of her was a strong and calm woman.
Now she was haggard to the extreme.
Xie Xi vaguely felt that something wasn’t quite right…
He turned to look at Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie shook his head.
Tan Lei stopped walking and stared up at the dark sky.
There was no light in the game field and it was as dead as an underground grave.
She stared at the sky in a dazed manner and it was unknown what she was thinking.
Perhaps it was the beauty of the dream, the cruelty of the past or the confusion and despair
of the future…
Finally, she closed her eyes, pulled out a sharp dagger and stabbed her own heart.
Xie Xi called out, “Don’t…”
Jiang Xie raised his hand. Xie Xi knew Jiang Xie’s meaning but…
Jiang Xie told him, “She is already dead.”
She didn’t die under the dagger just now but died a long time ago. Jiang Xie stopped Xie Xi
because he knew that no one could save a person who was already dead.
Tan Lei walked out of the game but lost her faith in living and didn’t have the courage to
There was a bitter taste in Xie Xi’s heart. Jiang Xie knew how soft Xie Xi was and comforted
him. “For her, death is a good thing.”
Xie Xi suddenly grabbed Jiang Xie’s hand. Jiang Xie was surprised. Xie Xi didn’t say anything
and only gripped the hand tightly.
Jiang Xie became as soft as cotton as he thought that Xie Xi had seen Tan Lei and thought of
This type of game was very tormenting to people’s spirits. The stronger the person, the
more they couldn’t help thinking about it.
Trying to wake up and break the dream, trying to get out of the game alive, but it was
actually better not to come out.
This type of loss and despair, Jiang Xie knew it better than anyone else.
He said, “Don’t think too much, you are…”
He hadn’t finished saying ‘very strong’ when Xie Xi opened his mouth. He looked up at Jiang
Xie and asked, “How did you endure it previously?”
Jiang Xie was stunned. He hadn’t expected Xie Xi to be worried about him.
Xie Xi’s heart was filled with pain. “You have encountered this type of game many times.
Teacher, how did you endure?”
Jiang Xie was shocked for a while before laughing. “Don’t you know how powerful your
husband is?”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Okay, in this matter, Old Jiang was second to none. No one would dare to rob the throne
from him!
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi settled the dead Tan Lei but couldn’t do anything for the rest. A mental
problem wasn’t easily fixed.
After completing three projects, they could leave the game field. Xie Xi still had the side task
of repairing 100 people.
He wasn’t anxious about this. Instead, he was more concerned about his main task.
Main task (1): Admire the newly born sun.
They were entering the underground labyrinth but he still had no clue about this task.
The main task was also a guiding task. He had more than one side tasks and it was
estimated that there were several main tasks, yet he still hadn’t completed the first one.
He was thinking about the newborn sun when Xie Xi and Jiang Xie exited.
There was an announcement. “Congratulations on passing the trial of the game field. You
have received the key to enter the underground labyrinth! Please go to the underground
labyrinth and find your way home.”
There was a lot of information and it seemed that the underground labyrinth was the last
stage. It was estimated that most people’s main tasks were aimed here and it was just the
method of clearing it that was unknown.
At the end of the announcement, Xie Xi and Jiang Xie were sent somewhere else.
Xie Xi opened his eyes and was shocked.
After spending decades in a normal life, Xie Xi’s mood was very complicated after he saw
the zombie arms and legs!
He was a student and doing research. Why did he have to dance with zombies?
The group of four half zombies rushed over, like motherless children seeing milk. “Boss!
We missed you!”
Xie Xi, “…….” There were so many people here. He didn’t want to be treated as a
The one-legged Zhu Li hopped over, “Boss, I want legs! I want to be a two-legged beast!”
Xie Xi didn’t ask anything else. It had probably happened in the third project.
Xie Xi gave him a leg and Cao Yan and Zhuo Liu also came over. Their situation was
basically the same. They were missing an arm or leg and sought him out.
Xie Xi repaired them one by one and asked, “What’s with these arms and legs?” The zombie
arms and legs were piled up like a mountain. It could probably last the group of four for a
few years!
Zhu Li hesitated before saying, “That… we found a few compatriots…”
Xie Xi didn’t know that while he was dreaming, he had become the mysterious leader of a
large organization…

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GL: Chapter 108

Open World 33

Zhu Li’s language ability wasn’t good so Cao Yan pushed him away and started to report.
Xie Xi listened with a blank expression.
Fortunately, he was expressionless from being stunned or it would’ve been quite awkward.
Only one old rascal who had slept with him for decades knew that this child was in a stupid
He looked at Xie Xi with a smile of pleasure.
Xie Xi had adapted to his gaze and didn’t feel too much but the disabled group of four were
about to be blinded!
They couldn’t help thinking in their hearts,
‘We haven’t seen each other for a day and these two big bosses secretly got married and
shared love?’
Well, to a certain extent, they were correct.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie spent a lot of time in the dream but actually slept for 20 hours. It was no
wonder why Xie Xi felt hungry and thirsty. Jiang Xie probably put qualification points into
hunger and didn’t feel much.
During these 20 hours, the outside was very lively.
In the third project, Zhu Li and Zhuo Liu only took one hour to clear it. Cao Yan and Zhuang
Yi took 1.5 hours and they arrived at the maze at the same time as a large number of
It was hard for everyone to escape from the game field and they were happy. They wanted
to work together to get through the last level and leave the world.
Who would’ve expected this underground labyrinth to be worse than the game field? They
had no idea and were tragically abused.
Cao Yan’s mouth moved very quickly. “If it wasn’t for my favourite arm that Boss gave me, I
would’ve died…” He described in great detail the type of danger he encountered and how
witty he was to use his favourite arm…
Zhu Li punched him. “Get to the point!”
Cao Yan removed his personal show and told them what happened.
The group of four tried to explore the maze many times but unfortunately, they couldn’t
even pass the first corner. Their missing arms and legs were caused by the maze, not the
third project.
Later, more and more people came to the underground labyrinth. Some were in a robust
state but were tormented terribly by the game field.
Everyone was scared after making a preliminary attempt and didn’t dare act rashly.
It was hard alone so act together!
The first person who thought of this method wasn’t the group of four half zombies but a
rookie of Yunge called Zhang Ruizhen.
Xie Xi frowned when he heard the word Yunge and he was physiologically disgusted.
As early as his initial confrontation with Yun Die, Xie Xi thought that Yunge must’ve sent
others to this open world. If there wasn’t anyone else, how could Yun Die gain information
on the chicken mobilization game?
This Zhang Ruizhen wasn’t a good person and was generally the same as Yun Die.
After coming to the underground labyrinth, he found the difficulty and started to gather
people to explore together.
He didn’t refuse anyone, regardless of whether they were physically fit or disabled, and
discussed how to move through the labyrinth.
Since the final task was labyrinth related, everyone had to enter. Thus, they were very
grateful when they heard this and came together to give suggestions.
Zhang Ruizhen put on a kind face and his grand words convinced everyone to go together.
Most people took into account Yunge’s reputation, were convinced by Zhang Ruizhen and
listened to him.
Who knew that his cruel nature would be exposed inside the labyrinth?
The reason he organized the disabled people wasn’t because he was willing to take them
through the instance but to use them as cannon fodder to explore the path!
Dozens of people died and they had only passed the first corner before having to retreat.
Zhang Ruizhen finally tore off his cover. “If you want to pass, listen to me or I will kill you
After a round of exploration, the original disabled people had serious injuries while some
healthy people were also injured. Only Zhang Ruizhen’s group received zero damage while
also collecting a lot of resources and information, allowing them to guess things about the
second corner.
Many people didn’t like his style but in the face of life or death, many people who still had
the ability to fight chose to follow him. Even if they were being used, it was better than
doing nothing and dying.
Zhang Ruizhen still wasn’t willing and urged those who lacked arms and legs to ‘pave the
They were just missing arms or legs, not brains. How could they willingly be used as
cannon fodder?
They didn’t go and the ruthless Zhang Ruizhen actually started killing people.
At this time, the Zhu Li group of four came out and stopped him, rescuing their disabled
Zhang Ruizhen was very shocked when seeing their skills and wanted to pull them into his
group. However, the group of four had seen Yun Die’s cruelty and how could they fall for
the same rubbish?
They refused and gathered all the wounded.
Zhang Ruizhen still coveted their strength and didn’t try to kill them. He planned to wait
until the group of four were crushed by reality and willingly surrendered to him.
The miserable players were like frightened birds. They saw Zhu Li and the others and
became nervous. They were afraid this group would want to use them like Zhang Ruizhen.
Then Zhu Li and the others started brainwashing them. As four competent kings of
boasting, their words weren’t repetitive.
Cao Yan said, “Brothers and sisters, don’t panic. Wait for our boss to arrive and we will kill
that piece of scum!”
Zhuo Liu told them, “Be mentally prepared. Once our boss comes out, you might not be able
to bear the thrill of coming back from the dead!”
Zhu Li spoke deeply, “I used to think I was the best in the world and no one could compare.
Since meeting Boss, I understood my shortsightedness and ignorance…” The glib talk of Old
Zhu’s entire life was used up in this moment!
Zhuang Yi’s beautiful female eyes fluttered as she said, “I thought I was beautiful enough
but once I saw Boss, I realized what it meant to be a beauty descended from the world of
immortals.” Why did she have a different focus? In addition, great beauty, why do you have
a thicker voice than a man?!
Thanks to their confident boasting, in the hearts of the disabled people, Xie Xi instantly
became… a god!
Someone asked Zhu Li, “Is the god so strong that he doesn’t care about those of us lacking
arms and legs?”
Zhu Li replied quickly, “Boss likes those lacking arms and legs!”
The man, “???” The taste of this adult was quite special.
Another person asked, “I can’t even stand stably and will die if I enter the maze. God really
doesn’t hate it?”
Zhuo Liu spoke mysteriously, “Trust me, wait until you see Boss and you can run a few
The man, “???” The big boss was so scary? He would be so scared that he ran away on his
two arms?
There was also a man with only one arm left who was dying. “No one can save me, I have no
Cao Yan patted him on the shoulder. “Brother, be steady! You will be the strongest pioneer
of our team!” There were three different parts that could be exchanged freely. What was
the difference with an undead?
The brother with one arm, ‘Hey, can you stop patting my shoulder? My arm is also
crumbling QAQ.’
Thanks to the boasting of the ‘brainless fans’, Xie Xi became the faith in everyone’s hearts
when he hadn’t even left the game field.
The quartet chanted, “Zhang Ruizhen is a chicken and the maze is a paper tiger. As long as
Boss is present, everything can be broken!”
At first, the disabled people felt ashamed but as Zhang Ruizhen’s group grew smaller and
the number of people missing a limb increased, their momentum also rose higher.
They shouted slogans while waiting for their savior to come…
Now Xie Xi had arrived.
If they weren’t afraid of the ‘god’, they would’ve swarmed and surrounded him!
Xie Xi heard the story from the beginning and lost all strength.
He shouldn’t have saved these four idiots in the beginning. If he hadn’t saved them, he
wouldn’t become an idiot now!
General Zhu gazed at him. “Boss, it is time for us to fight back!” Xie Xi hit him on the
forehead. “Get lost!”
Old Zhu spoke cautiously, “You can rest assured that Zhang Ruizhen only has a dozen
people left. There are hundreds of people on this side and we can directly step on him.”
Xie Xi, “……”
He couldn’t play against these big idiots or he would become even stupider.
Jiang Xie gave a low laugh and Xie Xi stared at him.
Jiang Xie’s heart was tickled and he couldn’t help holding Xie Xi’s hand. “In the next open
world, the Zone will probably isolate you.”
His hand was held and Xie Xi couldn’t adapt. It felt cozy but every since returning to reality,
they had been too close. Um…
Their souls knew each other!
After half a second, Xie Xi was unwilling to pull his hand away and sneered, “I don’t want to
come to such an idiotic world!”
The repair skill was simply a bug. It was no wonder why the group of four went crazy since
experiencing the chicken mobilization game. After that, they saw the zombie limbs like
dragons looking at gems and wanted to hide the limbs in a cave.
Then they saw the people lacking arms and legs. They emphasized with those who had a
strong body and felt jealous of those missing two or more limbs!
The mentality of the other disabled people could also be understood.
Zhang Ruizhen gave them tremendous psychological pressure and their physical disability
caused them to fall into a desperate situation. At this time, forget the four idiots, if there
were four pigs who talked well then they would be regarded as a spiritual belief!
Xie Xi’s personality meant he wasn’t happy about being so high-profile.
But this time…
There was the side task and it didn’t matter if he had a reputation. At this time, Zhang
Ruizhen came out after being abused by the maze.
He suffered heavy losses and failed to pass the second corner. Thus, he already lost his
He saw the disabled group of people after coming up and ridiculed, “Damn, a group of dead
Zhuang Yi was a logistics person. He had been organizing the disabled people who could
still move to collect zombie arms and legs from the maze. As long as they had enough
resources, they would be invincible!
Zhang Ruizhen saw Zhuang Yi come out and mocked, “The dead men and women actually
like these stinky zombie limbs.”
Zhuang Yi’s phoenix eyes narrowed.
Zhang Ruizhen was angry, “What are you looking at? You crazy bastard! If you had listened
to me earlier then we would’ve broken through the maze! Now everyone here will die!”
Zhuang Yi declared, “Apologize.”
Zhang Ruizhen froze before reacting angrily to the words. “I said you are paralyzed…”
His words hadn’t finished when Zhuang Yi brought a whip to his mouth.
Zhang Ruizhen became even crazier, “Fuck, I will kill all your wastes today!”
If there was no Xie Xi, Zhang Ruizhen’s fighting power meant the survivors present might
be slaughtered without being able to fight back.
Zhang Ruizhen was unable to make it through the maze and accumulated resentment and
despair towards all the seriously injured players.
If these damn wastes paved the way, would he have such a hard time?
They were waiting to die anyway. So what if they helped him before dying?
Fuck these wastes!
Zhang Ruizhen stabbed at the nearest injured person. It was a slender woman whose leg
had been bitten off below the knee and she was sitting there miserably.
He stabbed like this and she had nowhere to hide. She could only wait to die. Then Zhuang
Yi’s whip danced over and smashed Zhang Renzhui’s knife. The woman’s face drained of
blood and she lost half her life from fright.
Xie Xi saw this scene from a distance so how could he wait?
Jiang Xie told him, “I will help.”
Xie Xi was stunned after receiving all the roses. He almost forgot about Jiang Xie’s skill to
turn objects he touched into roses.
Xie Xi no longer delayed the time. The roses fell on the joints and instantly, ‘new’ limbs
This image was so shocking that some people held their breaths. Their heads were full of
the beautiful white roses and the young man who looked better than the roses.
It turned out that he was really—
A god.

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GL: Chapter 109

Open World 34

The people who were ‘born again’ couldn’t pay attention to many details. They were first
stunned by the roses and then by Xie Xi’s face, which was too beautiful. Then there was the
arms or legs that grew out… If they could filter so many things then they would be a god
like Xie Xi!
It was really hard to calm down the original group of four.
Zhu Li blindly worshipped, “Our boss is really beautiful. The arms and legs are turned into
roses yet he can distinguish between left and right.”
Cao Yan was sharp-eyed. “Look closely. It is Boss Jiang who moves the hands and feet after
changing them to roses. The flowers for the left side are curved to the left and it is the
opposite for the right side.”
Zhuo Liu added, “The arms are cold white while the legs are milky white. The female roses
are small while the male ones are bigger.”
Zhu Li was stunned. “The two of you are too observant!”
Cao Yan and Zhuo Liu dismissed him together, “You are the blind one!”
None of the three said it but they felt there was a really tacit understanding between Xie Xia
and Jiang Xie. They always felt that something had happened between the two people in the
previous 20 hours.
Xie Xi filled up his side task and soon completed the task of repairing 100 people. This
guiding task was finished and the display showed it had been completed.
It was a pity that Xie Xi still had so many people to repair. He couldn’t be selective since
there were so many people missing arms and legs.
The skill consumption was very low but he was tired from running around. In particular,
the arms and legs had turned into roses but the weight was still inconvenient!
After finishing the hundreds of people present, Xie Xi sighed and rested.
Then something appeared in the lower right corner of his vision: [The Beginner Repair
skill’s experience is full and can be upgraded.]
Xie Xi was stunned. A temporary skill could be upgraded?
However, it only showed that it could be upgraded and there was no prompt to upgrade.
Did this mean he couldn’t upgrade it?
Xie Xi whispered the question to Jiang Xie, who replied, “High-level skills require a task to
There was originally such a thing. Xie Xi muttered, “It means the quality of this repair skill
isn’t low.” Such a heaven defying skill drastically reduced the difficulty of this open world.
Jiang Xie thought about it. In the open world, Xie Xi encountered a guiding task and got an
exclusive skill. If this skill wasn’t unrelated to any occupation, Jiang Xie would think that Xie
Xi encountered a rare transfer task.
Those who completed a transfer task could apply for the designer’s promotion task.
However, this repair skill was too inconsistent with the existing designer skill system so
Jiang Xie denied this conjecture. He didn’t mention it to Xie Xi in case he became
Then again, he always felt that Xie Xi had a slight feeling of exclusion towards the designer
Jiang Xie told him, “Nevertheless, this skill is temporary and can’t be used once you leave
the open world. The upgrade shouldn’t matter.”
Xie Xi understood. “The upgrade task can only be picked up in Central?”
Then Xie Xi didn’t have to think too much. A skill that couldn’t be taken out of this world
couldn’t be upgraded.
Xie Xi remembered his passive skill to take away one random thing from the quasi-world.
Surely skills didn’t count? Besides, it was random and probably had a one in a million
chance. There couldn’t be such a coincidence.
Xie Xi didn’t think much more about it.
Zhang Ruizhen was the most dumbfounded person in the room. He stared at the scene with
a stunned expression.
How could there be such a skill? How could arms and legs grow from a flower? This was
enough to set off a shocking wave in Central.
A low-grade open world and low-grade players, how could there be such an ability?
Zhang Ruizhen was hurriedly thinking when Zhuang Yi’s whip aimed at him.
His face was ice cold and his voice filled with killing intent. “Trash who bullies women!”
Just now, Zhang Ruizhen was really disgusting. He found a girl who was weak with no legs
to vent his anger.
This type of cruel scum deserved death.
Zhuang Yi originally had some scruples and feared he would injure innocents if he fought.
Now that Xie Xi had come, he had no scruples and needed to teach this scum a lesson!
Those who originally stood on Zhang Ruizhen’s side hesitated. They were also dissatisfied
with his behavior and only followed him because of survival of the fittest law.
This time, there was a big reversal and they naturally wouldn’t help Zhang Ruizhen. Zhang
Ruizhen wasn’t Zhuang Yi’s opponent at all and soon couldn’t stand up.
He shouted angrily, “What are you doing standing there stupidly? Come and help!”
No one moved and some people even tried to mix into the crowd to get rid of their
relationship with him.
Of course, these people were remembered by Zhuang Yi. Those in gave up the principles of
life in order to survive weren’t worth even a bit of trust.
In the end, Zhang Ruizhen shouted the same thing as Yun Die, “You can’t kill me, if you kill
me… Yunge won’t let you go!”
In front of hundreds of people, Zhuang Yi didn’t hesitate to take off his head.
Offending was offending. This person couldn’t stay alive and since Xie Xi was implicated, it
was better to deal with the scum in advance.
Zhu Li rushed over and patted Zhuang Yi on the shoulder, “Brother, you’re so reliable!”
Zhuang Yi glanced at him.
Zhu Li changed his tune. “Cough… I mean… Big Sister…”
Zhuang Yi hummed. It was a deep voice coming from a delicate expression. Zhu Li got goose
Once all the repairs were completed, people removed their filter and saw that the mountain
of zombie arms and legs had disappeared.
Xie Xi explained to them, “This isn’t a cure, it is just repairing. Since there is no other
material, I helped fix zombie arms and legs to you. If you dislike it, you can cut it off
yourself. There will be no pain.”
Who would cut it off?
There was no one here who hadn’t gone through cruel hardships? Forget zombie legs. As
long as they could live to return to Central, they would be willing to have spider legs!
Then someone bowed to him. “Thank you!”
It was the man who only had one arm left. He was standing up and his wounds were
painless. He was able to use all his limbs flexibly and the emotions in his heart were
He faced the line of life or death, only for a hand to pull him away!
Gratefulness, fear, hope, all types of complex emotions welled up and his eyes turned red.
Everyone else came up to Xie Xi and thanked him.
Xie Xi told them calmly, “It was just a bit of effort. As to whether you can get out of the maze
or not, it depends on your own skills.”
Everyone was grateful to him and wanted to offer their lives in sacrifice but Xie Xi wasn’t
They were extremely grateful at this moment but it was hard to say how long that gratitude
would last.
There were too many people and Xie Xi wasn’t naive enough to think that everyone he
saved would be like the original group of four.
Everyone was in a critical condition so they were thankful. What about after that? Who
knew what type of moths were present.
Xie Xi wasn’t interested in joining organizations and had no intention of running one. He
spoke bluntly, “This skill is temporary and I don’t know when it will disappear. We should
explore the maze as soon as possible.”
These words poured cold water on their boiling blood and many people calmed down. Cao
Yan came over and asked, “Boss, you don’t feel comfortable with them?”
“Too many people are messy.”
Zhuo Liu couldn’t help saying, “No Boss, they…”
Xie Xi looked at him. “I just fixed them. I don’t care about the things they want to do after
Zhuo Liu was stunned by the words. Jiang Xie had a faint smile on his face as he listened but
his heart was drumming loudly!
In the Central World, there were many large organizations like Yunge.
By all accounts, X’s fame meant he just had to casually speak and the number of people he
could recruit would be no less than Yunge.
The benefits of an organization were obvious. The pooling of various resources, the
cultivation of newcomers and the clearing land in the future…
It was doing more with less effort.
Of course, there are disadvantages as well as advantages. Being bound to an organization
was cumbersome.
Jiang Xie was used to being free and wouldn’t find a rope to tie himself up.
Xie Xi’s words were easy to say but not many people could see this point.
Being admired and adored by countless people and also having this skill could easily
solidify people’s hearts.
People with a bit of ambition would grab this opportunity to do something.
However, Xie Xi refused. He was like Jiang Xie and didn’t want to tie himself up.
It was just like in the dream where Xie Xi and Jiang Xie lived freely with only each other for
60 years.

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GL: Chapter 110
Open World 35

Xie Xi said he didn’t want to act together but most people followed him when they walked
into the maze.
The labyrinth route was very complicated. After more than 10 hours of exploration from
previous groups, some roads were found and they cleared to at least the third corner.
Xie Xi didn’t care about anybody else and walked forward with Zhu Li’s group.
The roads had been explored but the hardships could be seen.
The roads in the labyrinth weren’t narrow. It could accommodate four or five people
walking next to each other. It was just that the walls were high, as if connected to the sky. It
gave a huge sense of oppression and compressed the world.
Many of the people who entered for the first time looked around with vigilance and
Xie Xi was also seriously scrutinizing the walls. There were clear traces of fighting and
zombie corpses everywhere. It was probably Zhuang Yi’s credit that these zombie corpses
weren’t complete and now only had a head and body.
Jiang Xie could turn them all into roses but this would affect Xie Xi’s judgment.
He might not be able to bear it but he couldn’t block the child’s sunny growth.
Xie Xi told him softly, “The first corner seems to be a zombie blockade.” Based on the
number of bodies, it could be seen that they were basically concentrated in this place.
Jiang Xie nodded.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie had slept together, cultivating a high level of understanding. For
example, as a student, Xie Xi liked to discuss his thoughts with Teacher Jiang.
“After the first corner, Zhang Ruizhen suffered a chase from behind only to touch the wall
at the second corner.
This wasn’t the real wall. The second corner had a trap which was a moving iron thorns
wall. In this enclosed space, the rapidly advancing wall made people hide.
Cao Yan interjected, “That trash Zhang Ruizhen, he unexpectedly used his group members
to block the wall!”
The second corner was very disgusting. As long as they made it through the first corner,
there would be a large number of zombies attacking from behind while in front was a wall
with iron thorns. This made it very hard to understand the situation.
Zhang Ruizhen probably accidentally found that manpower could slow down the speed of
the iron thorns wall. Thus, he deliberately placed people in front to slow it down and used
this opportunity to handle the zombies behind. After cleaning up the zombies, he used the
flesh and blood on the wall to find the mechanism to turn it off.
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed. “Why didn’t he used the zombies to slow down the advancement of
the iron wall?”
This is the real way to break the game, seemingly back and forth, in fact, as long as they
fought and retreated, they could use the zombies to block the wall. This was killing two
birds with one stone. They could clean up both the zombies and slow down the wall, thus
finding the mechanism and opening the exit.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “You are really clever.”
Xie Xi refused to fall for this and asked, “Does Teacher have other methods?”
“Well…” Jiang Xie pondered for a moment before sighing. “There is.”
Xie Xi was quite curious. “Please tell me.”
Jiang Xie spoke seriously but he couldn’t help thinking in his heart, ‘You are still flirty!’
“You can pass as long as you break the iron wall.” Xie Xi couldn’t help muttering. “Brute.”
Jiang Xie’s face showed no shame. “I have strength while you have the brains. This is called
a perfect pair.”
Xie Xi, “……”
He was speechless since Jiang Xie was saying that he had no brains! Although he really
didn’t have brains this time…
Jiang Xie continued, “In fact, I always used this method to make it through labyrinths.”
The four half zombies looked at the wall beside them with frightened faces and wondered,
“This can be punched through?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Shall I show you?”
The quartet immediately made adoring faces. “Bigshot, please!”
Jiang Xie rolled up his sleeves…
Xie Xi stared at the five people silently. One loved demonstrating and four loved watching.
Jiang Xie rolled down his sleeves. “Your boss won’t let me.”
The stupidest Zhu Li spoke excitedly, “Boss, please approve it. We want to see it.”
Xie Xi, “……….” What did it have to do with him?
Jiang Xie spoke helpless, “I am a henpecked man. He is frowning and I don’t dare move.”
Xie Xi was startled and blushed. That… Jiang Xie often said this in bed in the dream. Say yes
and he would do it… H-He dared to stop moving!
Xie Xi’s voice was angry, “You aren’t going?”
Jiang Xie gave a salute. “Go!”
He turned towards the group of four and indicated, ‘There is no way, I am like this. My wife
is the sky.’
The group of four, “…….”
Apart from the incomprehensible Old Zhu, the other three empathized with each other.
The wall didn’t break but their stomachs were almost broken by the dog food. They
reached the third corner and encountered a multiple choice question.
This corner looked safe with only two towering doors. One door looked cold and had a
curved moon on it while the other door looked like red-hot iron with a round sun on it.
Cao Yan wondered, “A moon door and sun door?”
He turned towards Xie Xi. “Boss, which door are you going through?”
Xie Xi stared at the two doors and his heart already had an idea. His main task was related
to the sun and he would surely walk through the sun door. This didn’t mean that the sun
door was the right path.
Xie Xi told them, “I’m going to the sun door…”
He hadn’t finished when Zhu Li said, “Okay, we’ll go to the sun door.”
Xie Xi finished his words. ‘It is because my task is related to the sun door. However, this
door isn’t necessarily correct. You should think clearly.”
Most of their main tasks were to explore the labyrinth or to kill Xifu. None of them had a
task to appreciate the newborn sun like Xie Xi.
“We will follow Boss,” Cao Yan replied as the representative of the group of four.
Xie Xi told them, “It could be a waste of effort.”
“We would already be dead if it wasn’t for Boss.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Zhuang Yi said, “If it is dangerous, we can find a way to help.”
The words made Xie Xi’s heart feel warm.
The four of them weren’t weak. With their zombie arms and legs, they weren’t much worse
than Jiang Xie when combined together.
Xie Xi might be able to casually change limbs but the prerequisite was that there were
limbs to change with. This sun door gave off the feeling of fire. Would there really be
zombie limbs?
It was hard to say. Nevertheless, they didn’t hesitate to follow Xie Xi because they wanted
to help with Xie Xi’s task.
Jiang Xie spoke up. “Going together isn’t wrong.” In this multiple choice question, it wasn’t
wrong to follow the emperor of luck.
For example, if Yan Zhe encountered this situation, he would always ask for Old Jiang’s
If Old Jiang picked the sun door, they would go straight to the moon door!
Jiang Xie recognized Xie Xi’s good luck but the quartet didn’t know about it.
Xie Xi looked at him. ‘Such luck…’
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. ‘You are a person with God’s favour.’
Xie Xi blinked.
Jiang Xie leaned close to him and whispered, “My luck is probably that of a man abandoned
by God. We are really the perfect…”
He was mentioning the same thing again! He could never be serious!
Xie Xi glared at him. “Wait for this world to be over…”
Jiang Xie stared at the blood red -365 and calmed down, but he still stubbornly said, “Once
we leave the world, we will naturally…”
Xie Xi raised his eyebrows.
Jiang Xie guiltily changed his words, “It might not be a natural pair but we are still a pair!”
If they weren’t a pair, he was going to pull Xie Xi to be a pair!

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GL: Chapter 111

Open World 36

Xie Xi spat out in his heart, ‘It is impossible if he wants to be together’ Who knew how many
souls this person still had wandering outside?!
There was only one Xie Xi and ‘hundreds’ of Jiang Xie. How could they be a natural pair?
Wait, who wanted to pair up with him? It wasn’t Bluetooth and Bluetooth!
Xie Xi no longer cared about Jiang Xie in case he forgot things.
Jiang Xie stared hard at the -365. ‘What crazy thing did I do to make the child hate me so
Could it be… well, it couldn’t be too extreme or Xie Xi would’ve already broken their
It was a pity for Old Jiang. He broke his head thinking about it but didn’t expect it was due
to the worlds he designed.
Don’t mention the Quasi-World Protection Law. Even if he didn’t sign this, his amnesiac
brain couldn’t imagine that the quasi-worlds he designed would be like that.
After all, his original purpose for designing those worlds was very serious, whether it was
getting rid of demons for the people (Love to the Left or Right) or land and sea coexistence
and environmental disputes (Lost Atlantis)…
In any case, he didn’t imagine his love scrambled brain would make himself wear a green
hat! (TL: Means your significant other cheated on you)
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Let’s go in and see.”
Xie Xi’s mood was a bit complicated as he was about to open the door. He wanted to
complete the task and leave the open world, but he also didn’t want to.
The Jiang Xie in front of him was strange and familiar. What about after they returned to
Xie Xi didn’t like X. It was the designer X who stayed in the rose garden and saw through
everything. Xie Xi always felt like there was an inexplicable sense of distance between
them. But…
X was Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie was X. They were the same person from beginning to end.
Xie Xi retracted his thoughts and stared a the sun door.
Sure enough, the red door indicated the heat. After pushing the door open a crack, Xie Xi
felt the blazing heat.
Jiang Xie moved forward first. “Be careful.” He completely pushed the door open.
Xie Xi’s eyes fell on his hand.
Jiang Xie reassured him. “I’m fine. I have thick skin.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie continued, “My skin is thick but my face is thin.”
Don’t mention Xie Xi, even the group of four had a toothache at the words. They were afraid
they wouldn’t be able to handle the word ‘thin-skinned’ later on.
Xie Xi was too lazy to care about this and picked up Jiang Xie’s hand. Sure enough, it was
red and blistered. Xie Xi had just discovered that the temperature of the door was
becoming hotter and hotter. Jiang Xie had pushed it open and the final temperature must be
very high.
Jiang Xie had been enduring it and finally couldn’t hold back. “Or you can blow on it for me.”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Do you think I have a magic breath?”
“It is my magic breath.”
Xie Xi, “……”
The four people silently turned away and cough… they learnt it.
Xie Xi was both distressed and angry. He finally cruelly opened his claws, “It might hurt but
this side has no medicine.”
Jiang Xie was afraid that he was worried. “It really doesn’t hurt.”
Xie Xi wouldn’t blow on it in front of people and stared intently inside the door.
The door opened and there was a sea of fire inside. It seemed there was no place for anyone
to move. The people who originally wanted to follow silently retreated when they saw this.
They didn’t have to go in. Just looking showed that it was dangerous.
Cao Yan suggested, “I’ll go and see first.” He went in while spraying fire from his mouth.
Zhu Li hurriedly said, “I’ll go with him.” They both had fire related skills that could act as an
anti-fire curtain for a bit.
Xie Xi didn’t feel urgent. He waited for the two fire-resistant people to probe a bit before
going in.
The next minute, Cao Yan and Zhu Li came out. “The inside is full of fire but fortunately,
there is no smoke. We can pass as long as we’re careful.”
There was no water around and no way to wet their clothes. The possibility of ignition was
extremely high once entering. Since the inside was full of fire, how could they extinguish
the fire? It would be a mess if many people entered.
The people who waited to see really didn’t want to enter this door. They felt it was too
Xie Xi might be able to give people arms and legs but it wasn’t useful in this fire. The fire
might burn to the point where it couldn’t be repaired.
It was natural to feel cautious. Xie Xi had no opinion on this. He wouldn’t lead others or
refuse others. It was like the two doors in the labyrinth. Everyone had the right to choose.
Cao Yan took the initiative. “I will go ahead.” He could resist fire and his arms could be
burned casually. He wasn’t afraid of pain.
Zhu Li said, “I’ll be in the rear.” He could fight the fire but his zombie leg was needed to
move. If he burned himself, he would just be cumbersome.
Zhuo Liu and Zhuang Yi might not be fire resistant but they were agile and their self-
preservation wasn’t weak.
Xie Xi wasn’t weak at all. His beginner qualifications were almost full and he was stronger
than most newcomers.
The quarter meant to have him in the middle but Xie Xi shook his head. “My eyesight is
better. I will follow behind Cao Yan.” If he went ahead, he could see more clearly and spot
any changes.
Zhu Li wanted to argue when Jiang Xie told them, “Don’t you trust in your boss?”
Zhu Li was stunned before his spirit returned. Yes, their boss wasn’t a pure healer. He was a
vigorous and decisive frontline warrior with accurate judgment!
Remember the chicken mobilization game where Yun Die tried a sneak attack. The quarter
hadn’t reacted but their boss had long held a gun and didn’t hesitate to shoot the woman. If
it wasn’t for their boss, who knows how many times they would’ve died!
Zhu Li scratched his head. “I was confused!”
The lineup was settled. Cao Yan was in front, Xie Xi second, Jiang Xie naturally relied on his
wife (not), Zhuo Liu and Zhuang Yi were next and Zhu Li was last.
Other people wanted to follow but they couldn’t control that many people. This was a
narrow path. The group would lead the way and the other people could only follow. It
couldn’t be helped if they couldn’t keep up.
The entire procession went in. They entered the door and it was all fire. The other people
couldn’t see and Cao Yan and Zhu Li couldn’t rely on their fire-resistance to search for the
path. It was extremely difficult to find.
Xie Xi played his role and stretched out his five senses to the extreme.
His eyes stared at the fiery red and his ears listened to the sizzling fire. He was extremely
focused because he was afraid something would pop out of the fire.
They walked like this for half an hour and everyone was sweaty.
Cao Yan wondered, “How long is this road?”
Xie Xi bowed his head and looked. “Go further.”
They had been marking their way since they set off. If they were walking in a circle, they
would see the marks left behind.
Cao Yan knew this and replied, “Okay.”
He stopped after three steps. There was no need for him to speak as Xie Xi had already seen
the marks they left behind. It was really a circle…
It seemed they couldn’t just walk straight through this corner.
Cao Yan asked, “What do we do? If we go in a circle then we can’t leave.”
This situation couldn’t last long. Cao Yan and Zhu Li couldn’t withstand this heat, let alone
other people.
Xie Xi frowned and thought about it. “Walk a bit longer. I feel like I heard something
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. He hadn’t said anything because pretending to be deaf had many
benefits. His ears were good but it wasn’t worth fighting.
Besides, his hearing wasn’t in line with the restrictions of the open world. If he solved
everything, was there any fun in the game?
It was fortunate that Qin Ge and Yan Zhe weren’t here to hear him or they would surely
swear at him. ‘What do you know about having fun in the game?’
The other four were confused. “Was there a sound?”
Xie Xi replied, “I’m not sure either but it was like… the crying of a child.”
Zhuo Liu wondered, “A child crying? How can there be a child in this place?”
Cao Yan called out, “Let’s go! If this is a circle, we will definitely pass by it. Boss, listen
They really didn’t hear anything. It was probably because Xie Xi’s hearing qualifications
were higher.
The reason why Xie Xi didn’t tell them to stop previously was because he wasn’t sure the
sound was a clue. It would’ve been good if they could go outside in one trip.
Now it seemed like the path was circular and he had to rethink things.
He was more focused than before. His whole body was red from the fire but his eyes were
always calm.
In fact, Xie Xi was very nervous. Everyone had come in this door because of him. If he
couldn’t bring them out then…
He couldn’t think about it. They had to leave! Xie Xi listened intently and after 10 minutes
of walking, he whispered, “Stop!”
It was here. Previously it was vague but now that he was listening more clearly, it was
definitely a child crying.
Xie Xi asked them, “Do you hear it?”
The quarter shook their head. They couldn’t hear anything over the sound of the fire.
Xie Xi listened for a moment and was quite certain. “It is a young child in the 9 o’clock
The group looked that way and Zhu Li became startled, “Indeed!”
Now that he looked seriously, he actually could see a red baby in the flames.
He floated in the flames but wasn’t burnt. He just cried fiercely and his voice became louder
and louder, allowing everyone to hear it.
Zhu Li said, “I’ll go over and take a look.”
Xie Xi grabbed his clothes. “Can you do it?”
“I won’t die.”
“Don’t worry.” Xie Xi suddenly said. “He seems to have discovered us.”
The little baby discovered that someone was watching him. He cried a bit before tilting his
head and looking over.
Miraculously, the flames became smaller the moment he stopped crying. It was originally
sky high but now it was the height of a bush.
The group’s eyes brightened. “This child is the key!”
Unfortunately, it only lasted a moment. The child started crying again and the flames
became bigger than before.
Zhu Li said again, “I’ll go and check the situation.” It would be easy to get out of here if they
could keep the child from crying.
However, there was no need to walk over as the child moved towards them while crying.
The baby was white and tender and wasn’t burned by the fire. The tears that he wept dried
instantly and only his pitiful voice could be seen.
After approaching, Zhu Li couldn’t help whispering, “Little baby, don’t cry.”
The baby looked at him and cried even more fiercely!
Zhu Li, “…”
Zhuang Yi looked like a woman and should have a higher affinity with the baby. He tried to
make his voice gentle, “Little guy…”
There was no need to look. The baby directly howled and the fire grew wilder!
The narrow trails became narrower and several people were afraid to move.
Zhuo Liu didn’t dare go forward.
The baby cried for a while before the sound became smaller and more wronged. “Mummy,
Mummy and Daddy doesn’t want me.”
The crowd was stunned. Who were his Mummy and Daddy?
Then a scene occurred that made people even more stunned. Jiang Xie leaned over and
hugged the baby. “Okay, don’t cry.”
Unexpectedly, the baby really didn’t cry. He stared at Jiang Xie and murmured, “Daddy…”
Then he couldn’t endure it anymore and howled.
This was a terrible situation!
Flames were emitted from the baby and Zhuo Liu and Zhuang Yi quickly hid in case they
were burnt!
Miraculously, Jiang Xie wasn’t burned. His handsome features in the fire were particularly
dazzling and his gentle voice was heard, “Your mummy is here. He won’t hug you until you
stop crying.”
It actually worked! The baby didn’t cry!
The quartet was horrified and wondered, ‘Which bastard did you make this illegitimate
child with?’
Then Jiang Xie held out the child towards Xie Xi and said, “Don’t burn your mother.”
Xie Xi, “???”
He took the baby and stared at him.
The baby stared back for a moment before smiling. “Mummy!”
It was so loud that the people outside the door could probably hear it! At the same time, all
the flames were extinguished.

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GL: Chapter 112

Open World 37

The burning flames separated all those who came in and it wasn’t easy to hear the crying
over the flames.
It was fine now that all the flames were gone. Everyone was shocked once they heard the
baby’s voice.
How could there be a child calling for his mother in such a dangerous place?
The baby stretched out his plump arms and called, “Mummy!”
The group of people turned their heads and stared at Xie Xi with shock. No wonder he was
so beautiful. This rose fairy was originally a woman!
The lost Xie Xi couldn’t read their minds or else he would slash them with a knife and
remove all their arms and legs!
What the hell was a rose fairy?! Who the hell was a woman? Did they have damn brain
The baby called out ‘Mummy’ twice and Xie Xi didn’t respond. He stared at Xie Xi eyes as big
as a grape and after a while, his mouth flattened and he started crying.
In an instant, the extinguished flames rose eight metres high and it was hotter than before.
Xie Xi’s hands moved in a disorderly manner. “W-What should I do?” He stared across at
Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t ignore him.”
How should Xie Xi deal with the baby? He had lived an extra 60 years but he had never
taken care of children!
The baby was incredibly small but quite clever. He saw Xie Xi ignoring him and his crying
increased. Even the path was being set on fire…
Xie Xi hurriedly said, “D-Don’t cry.” He had no experience and could only speak softly.
The baby stopped crying in an instant and blinked back his tears. “Mummy…”
Xie Xi, “…”
The baby’s mouth opened and it was about to set the fire again! Jiang Xie whispered, “Just
say yes.”
Xie Xi turned towards him. “I’m not his mother!”
“Just coax him.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “I’m a man!”
“Of course,” Jiang Xie replied. “I know that better than anyone.”
Xie Xi, “…” He wanted to throw this big person into the fire!
“Fine, fine.” Xie Xi felt awkward. “Baby, don’t cry.”
The baby was obedient and stopped crying. He opened his mouth and called out,
Xie Xi answered in a stiff voice, “Yes.”
The baby was happy and stretched out his arms towards Xie Xi’s neck, screaming, “Mummy,
Mummy, Mummy…”
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched but he still didn’t dare to say no! He had heard of forcing an honest
girl into prostitution but this was the first time he saw a man being forced to be a mother!
Everyone looked surprised and couldn’t figure out the situation.
Jiang Xie deliberately raised his voice and pretended to speak to the group of four, but he
was actually speaking to anyone around them.
“I guess it is because we pushed the sun door open that the little guy recognizes us as his
Old Zhu still didn’t understand and asked, “Then why is Boss the mother? Is it because Boss
is gentler and more beautiful?”
Xie Xi glared and Old Zhu felt a pain in his leg. The other three people respected him as a
Jiang Xie was afraid that the angry child would become a puffer fish and explained, “It is
probably because he touched the door first.”
What this the case? Jiang Xie had the ability to state guesses as facts. “Isn’t the first person a
child comes in contact with their mother?”
Ah yes, the story of a chick!
Xie Xi felt that Jiang Xie was fooling them but there was some logic to it. The guess was
reasonable. Everyone was relieved and no longer questioned Xie Xi’s gender.
Jiang Xie leaned over and pretended to tease the baby, while whispering to Xie Xi, “Has the
main task changed?”
It was clear that the little baby crying inside the sun door must be related to the sun.
Appreciating the newborn sun must mean appreciating this little kid. Was the newborn sun
this baby?
Xie Xi shook his head. “It isn’t finished.”
“It seems that you have to continue to coax him.”
If the newborn sun was this baby, the reason the task hadn’t finished was probably due to
the word ‘appreciate.’
What did it mean to appreciate a little kid?
The little sun kissed Xie Xi’s cheek and cried out, “Mummy!”
Jiang Xie, “…” He was a father who hadn’t even kissed Xie Xi yet!
Xie Xi thought about it and kissed him on his tender little face. “Good boy.”
The little guy was full was joy. As soon as he got excited, he became hotter and Xie Xi almost
couldn’t hold him.
Jiang Xie took the baby. “You agreed not to burn your mother.”
The little sun smiled and asked, “Doesn’t Mummy like me best?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Mummy’s favourite is Daddy.”
The little guy’s mouth flattened and he was going to howl… Xie Xi was afraid of the fire and
hurriedly said, “I like you most.”
Jiang Xie, “…” Fortunately, they were both men and would never have children, or else he
would be sour to death.
The little sun was happy and turned around in the air. His body emitted a golden glow that
wasn’t hot at all. It was as warm as the midday sun in winter.
Xie Xi watched with the corners of his mouth slightly curved. The baby’s crying might be
shocking but once he stopped crying, he was a little angel.
Then a prompt appeared in his lower right corner: [(1)Appreciate the newborn sun has
been completed.]
Then came the next reminder. [(2) Kill the witch Xifu.]
Xie Xi shared it with Jiang Xie who said, “Just walk and we can leave this room.”
The previous Kong Rongliang also received this task and it was unknown where he had
Xie Xi held the small sun and walked in front with Jiang Xie. There were no more flames
after coaxing the little guy. Xie Xi had nothing to do except hold the fat doll which made his
arms a painful.
Halfway there, Jiang Xie proposed, “Can you let Daddy hold you?”
The little sun was angry with him. “You want to steal my Mummy!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi said, “It’s fine, I’m not tired.”
The little sun immediately made a smug expression as he held Xie Xi’s neck and made faces
at Jiang Xie. “Look, Mummy likes me the best!”
Jiang Xie wanted to hit this baby’s butt a few times. Xie Xi actually liked this little chubby
but would’ve liked it more if he wasn’t called ‘Mummy.’
They left the sun room and outside was an empty hall. Both sides were crawling with vines
and the ground was wet like a swamp.
Xie Xi stopped and looked up.
At this time, Cao Yan exclaimed, “The undead person!”
Many people had also seen it and showed envy in their eyes.
Cao Yan explained to Xie Xi, “Boss, the three people fighting over there are very strong. One
is a zombie mutation and no matter how he is hit, he can come back to life. His strength is
Zhuo Liu was solemn. “They were the first people to enter the maze and the first to refuse
Zhang Ruizhen. They only entered the maze with three people and there were no
movements after that. Zhang Ruizhen said they had long died but it seems that not only are
they alive, they are also challenging the witch.”
Zhu Li also spoke seriously, “We saw their strength at the first corner. They are very strong!
However, they are unsociable and kept aloof. I don’t know…”
The group of people madly introduced Xie Xi to the three people in front. Their attitude was
so serious and dignified that it made Xie Xi feel embarrassed to say these people were old
Of the three people, one had his back to Xie Xi but Xie Xi knew the faces of the other two
They were the big idiot Kong Rongliang and the half zombie Chen Qing. Xie Xi hadn’t
expected them to be so famous.
Cao Yan pondered on it. “I will negotiate to see if they want to cooperate with us.”
Xie Xi told him, “No need.”
Cao Yan tried to persuade him. “That undead man is extremely strong. He can grow out his
arms and legs by himself.”
Xie Xi certainly knew this…
At this time, Kong Rongliang saw Xie Xi and shouted, “Benefactor! You’re here!”
The group of people in the hall, “???”
Xie Xi was most afraid of them calling to him. He already attracted attention when the small
sun called him Mummy.
Kong Rongliang called out ‘Benefactor’ and he once again attracted great attention.
The little sun wasn’t happy. “What are you doing? This is my mother!” He held Xie Xi tightly
as he spoke.
Kong Rongliang called out to Chen Qing and the two men fighting retreated. After coming to
this swamp, the black shadow didn’t chase them and just cried out angrily, “Too arrogant! I
won’t let you take half a step into the Holy Land!”
The three of them came over and Xie Xi was stunned. He didn’t expect the third man to be
an acquaintance…
Zhong Jin greeted him. “Hello.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘This big damn ghost!’
Kong Rongliang curiously looked at the milk doll in Xie Xi’s arms. “This is…” They hadn’t
seen each other for two days and his benefactor gained a baby? So fast!
Xie Xi was afraid of these big idiots and explained a bit.
Chen Qing opened his mouth. “It turns out that Benefactor walked through the sun door.”
Xie Xi understood. “You walked through the moon door?”
Chen Qing found it hard to explain. “The moon door was too ferocious. We were almost
killed by a small white rabbit inside.”
Small white rabbit?
Chen Qing told the story to Xie Xi.
In general, the luck emperor’s choice was too correct. The sun door was very dangerous
when opened but it could be easily passed as long as they found the small sun and coaxed
The moon door was different. The inside was pitch black and there was a dark shadow
scurrying around that seriously injured people who entered.
They would’ve died if it wasn’t for Chen Qing’s bug.
Kong Rongliang had a conscience. “The small rabbit was lightning fast. If it wasn’t for Ah
Qing, who knows how many times I would’ve died?”
Xie Xi asked, “What about the rabbit?”
Chen Qing shook his head. “We barely managed to come out and it is unknown if he is still
inside.” If it was still inside, anybody who chose the moon door wouldn’t be lucky…
However, he couldn’t worry too much about it. The witch Xifu in front of him seemed very
Chen Qing added, “This Xifu is too abnormal. She is an enhanced version of the rabbit. She is
fast and attacks hard. We’ve fought with her for three or four hours with no result.”
Xie Xi suggested, “Let’s look at her characteristics and find a way together.”
The group of four disabled people finally recovered their spirits.
They stared at each other before managing to say, “That… Boss, you and Mr. Chen…”
Chen Qing hurriedly introduced a bit. “I owe my life to Benefactor! You don’t have to be
Xie Xi shook his head. “It was just a chance encounter that I helped with.”
There was no need to mention this matter but Kong Rongliang couldn’t help feeling excited.
“If it wasn’t for Benefactor, Chen Qing would’ve long been eaten by zombies. Now he is alive
and became so strong…”
He poured out praise and the group of four were stunned. Damn, it was the same arms and
legs but how was the gap so big?!
If they knew, they would’ve also found a zombie to bite them… Forget it, they almost
finished this world and there was no need to think about it!
Since they were all one group, there was no need to talk about cooperation or
noncooperation. They had to work together.
Chen Qing explained, “This witch is a high-level zombie and she has a strong ability to
recover. As long as she is in the dark, all types of injuries will heal themselves.”
Xie Xi asked, “In the dark?”
Chen Qing answered, “Yes, there is candlelight here so she can’t come over. However, we’ll
be attacked as soon as we walk over.”
Zhuo Liu proposed, “Why don’t you bring the candles over?”
Zhong Jin spoke slowly, “She wouldn’t allow you to. As long as the candle is extinguished,
she can act unscrupulously in the entire wall.”
Chen Qing added, “It is very wet over there. The candlelight is weak and will be easily
Cao Yan proposed, “This is simple. I’ll go over and breathe out fire.”
Zhong Jin shook his head. “I tried. She’s not afraid of fire.” Of course, he didn’t breathe out
fire but he burnt things.
Xie Xi might hate Zhong Jin but this guy had brains. Xie Xi temporarily put away his
prejudice and wondered, “Candlelight isn’t fire?”
Zhong Jin answered, “The candle is very special. The light emitted is warm, like a bulb.”
Light bulb? Xie Xi stared at the little sun in his arms.
The little sun made a smiling face. “Mummy!”
Xie Xi smiled and kissed him on his tender, tofu-like face. The little sun immediately
ascended to heaven and shone as he floated in the air. “Mummy kissed me. Mummy is so
good. Mummy loves this baby the most!”
Chen Qing, Kong Rongliang and Zhong Jin, “…”
Xie Xi deceived the light and didn’t laugh. “Is this okay?”
Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang shouted, “It must be okay!”
The sun door was the key to breaking this game! If they knew, they would’ve gone to the
sun door! Although they didn’t know if this boy would recognize them as his mother…
Xie Xi walked forward with the little sun and the shadow came out. “Don’t step into the
She hadn’t finished when the shadow suddenly paused. The light of the sun caused the
shadow to dissipate and a pale woman appeared before them. She stared at the baby with
shocked eyes.
The baby didn’t feel it and kept holding onto Xie Xi.
The witch suddenly screamed, “Impossible! This world belongs to the moon god!” Her eyes
blazed as she returned to her shadow state and attacked the little sun.
Everyone wouldn’t let her succeed and stepped forward to block her offensive. The little
sun was shocked and flattened his small mouth to cry. Xie Xi hurriedly kissed him on the
face. “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”
This soothing worked and the little sun let out an even more dazzling burst of light. The
witch was corroded by the light and the shadows became much lighter.
Everyone took the opportunity to launch an attack and finally suppressed her.
Many people had the task to kill Xifu but this was a real world, not a game. A person who
was killed wouldn’t stand up again.
Of course, the Central Government wasn’t bad enough to release a task that couldn’t be
completed. As long as the mission goal was dead, the task would be seen as completed even
if the player wasn’t at the scene.
However, the rewards were sharply reduced but at least there was the possibility of
returning to Central alive.
Kong Rongliang made a great effort and dealt the final blow. He didn’t know that Xie Xi had
the task of killing Xifu. If he did, he would’ve certainly let Xie Xi have the last blow.
Xie Xi didn’t need it since killing Xifu was just a link. It was fine as long as it was completed.
Once the main task was completed, the people would be sent away and many people
disappeared from the hall.
Kong Rongliang didn’t go. He had teamed up with Chen Qing and shared the main task so he
could stay.
Originally, Xie Xi was in Fairytale Town with Song Qi but they didn’t share the main tasks.
Thus, Xie Xi left after he finished.
At this time, his main mission was refreshed again. [(3) Suppress the moon.]
Was the rabbit in the moon door the moon? Or was there someone else?
Xie Xi suddenly felt his hands becoming heavy. He was surprised to find that the small sun
had unexpectedly grown up.
Xie Xi couldn’t hold him and let go. The baby fell to the ground and became a small red-
haired child.
Xie Xi blinked. The little sun’s mouth was sweet. “Mummy, I grew up!”
Xie Xi saw that he grew up but didn’t understand the reason why. Was it because Xifu was
The little sun told him, “It must’ve been Mummy’s kiss that made me thrive.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie, “…” These hands were a bit itchy!
At this time, everything around them darkened and a silver light flowed from. It had a
certain thickness and countless stars flashed. It was like a galaxy had spread on the ground.
The next moment, a silver-haired teenager emerged.
He was dressed in a white robe and was slender, like a cedar tree standing on a mountain.
The silver poured out and his cold eyebrows were revealed. He had dull pupils, bloodless
lips and a pointed chin filled with femininity.
The little sun was excited. “Brother!”
The silver-haired teenager opened his mouth and spoke in a frosty tone. “Get lost.”

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GL: Chapter 113

Open World 38

The sun was shivering from the cold but after growing up, he didn’t cry.
It was a sound more pitiful than howling and Xie Xi felt a bit of distress. The silver-haired
teenager who was called brother was cold and unmoved.
He went straight to the sun before stopping. “You dared to rush here without caring about
life or death.”
The frosty voice fell and the flowing silver light suddenly accelerated and spread out
through the entire hall. The vine-covered hall spread in an instant and the people standing
in it seemed like they were on top of a majestic Milky Way.
There was a stinging chill in the beautiful landscape. It was unknown what the silver-haired
teenager was doing when the light suddenly solidified.
Zhu Li shouted, “Watch out!”
Unfortunately, it was too late and the silver aura froze everyone in place. There were some
who quickly reacted and raised their legs but it was useless. Their surroundings were
covered with silver and there was no place to settle at all.
Zhu Li was used to standing on one leg and it took longer for him, but it was too much. The
other leg was frozen and it was just wasting strength.
Xie Xi glanced around and found there was no ice at the feet of the sun. Only he wasn’t
It was unknown if the moon was showing mercy or the sun’s physique was special and he
couldn’t be trapped by the silver aura.
At this time, a tingling sensation came from the soles of his feet and Xie Xi’s expression
changed slightly. Kong Rongliang shouted, “There is a problem with this ice!”
Those with poor physical quality screamed, “I… my legs…”
This beautiful ice didn’t just freeze people, it also turned them into zombies!
The frozen feet started to stiffen and decay. As the ice slowly moved upwards, all covered
areas started to lose their senses… if this kept going, they would become zombies once the
ice covered their entire body!
Many people pulled out knives to cut the ice but the texture of this ice was bizarre. It was
incredibly hard and had a certain degree of toughing. It couldn’t be cut at all.
Zhu Li and Cao Yan both had fire-related skills. They bombarded the ice but unfortunately,
it was no use.
What to do? They couldn’t get near the moon, let alone suppress him.
Xie Xi stared at the little sun.
The miserable little sun’s spirit returned and his body blazed with a golden light. It
instantly covered the ice on the ground and the ice that couldn’t be cut or burned
miraculously melted.
The more amazing thing was that their original zombie parts had been restored.
Xie Xi was slightly startled and couldn’t help thinking of the countless zombies outside.
Speaking of which, this world was strange. Apart from the players, there was no normal
people, only zombies.
At first, Xie Xi thought it was a feature of the open world and didn’t ask Jiang Xie.
Now that he thought about it, every world was real. The zombies didn’t come out of
nowhere or breed on their own. Then how did they get here?
Seeing the ability of the silver-haired teenager… Were the normal people turned into
zombies by the moon?
He recalled Xifu’s words about how this world belonged to the moon good! Then the so-
called suppression wasn’t killing but… returning the world to its original form?
Then the silver-haired teenager turned to star at the sun. “Do you think I’m not going to kill
Xie Xi couldn’t see the moon’s expression from this side but his voice felt creepy. It was
feminine and gentle but clearly contained a strong killing intent.
The bright sun’s eyes slightly dimmed and his lips trembled. “Don’t hurt Mummy.”
These words caused Xie Xi, the man who was forced to be a woman, to also tremble in his
The silver-haired teenager scoffed. “Mummy? Do you have a family?”
The little sun looked up and shouted, “I have a brother and now I have a mother and
His yell was naive and sincere but couldn’t help making people feel sad.
His mother and father were fake while his brother was murderous towards him. The poor
little sun really had no family.
The silver-haired teenager actually smiled. His eyes were still dull but the thin lips that
curved were like dark clouds scattered by the moon. “They are just tricking you and using
The little sun was startled.
The silver-haired teenager approached him and spoke cruel words in a cold voice. “…Me
The little sun’s eyes widened and his radiant eyes were covered with fog.
The silver-haired teenager wandered behind the little sun, hands on the sun’s shoulders
and eyebrows raised coldly. “Tell me, which one is your mother?” The little sun glanced at
Xie Xi.
The silver-haired teenager stared at Xie Xi and sneered, “A man?”
The little sun bit his lower lip and cried out, “He is my mother!”
The silver-haired teenager bowed his head, long silver hair falling on the small sun’s
shoulder as he whispered, “Go to ask him. He isn’t your mother. He might’ve cheated you
but he won’t dare lie to me.”
The little sun was shocked and stared at Xie Xi in a pitiful manner.
“I’m not his mother.” Xie Xi didn’t wait for the little sun to open his mouth and replied first.
The silver-haired teenager’s thin lips curved and the small sun seemed like he was struck
by lightning.
Xie Xi got straight to the point. “So what if I’m not your mother? The feelings in this world
aren’t limited. There might be no family relationship but there are many feelings that we
can fight to protect!”
His voice fell and he snatched the little sun!

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GL: Chapter 114

Bonus ko-fi chapter. I owe 2 more GL and 3 GLS and they will come slowly in the next few

Open World 39

The little sun was immediately tearful. “Mama…” He didn’t cry but there were tears in his
Xie Xi was a typical weak to softness. He couldn’t stand it when the child was soft.
Due to his own experience with his mother, he didn’t want to deceive the little sun.
A child’s dependence on their mother was something that people who had never lost their
mother’s love couldn’t understand.
Xie Xi hadn’t felt very good when he needed to coax the child for the task.
Now he could say it bluntly and felt quite calm. So what if Xie Xi wasn’t his mother?
What about a mother? So what if there was no kinship or blood relationship?
The connection between people was more than that. Xie Xi had lived for more than 60
years and was incredibly aware of this.
The silver-haired teenager stared at them. “You are eloquent. I would like to see what your
relationships are worth!”
He raised his hand and the silver light rushed again. Everyone was prepared and how could
they be easily tricked again? They moved quickly enough to rush to the silver-haired
If they couldn’t get rid of the silver light, they could control the original owner!
The silver-haired teenager sneered and raised a silver wall in front of him, easily stopping
everyone’s attacks.
Xie Xi calmed down and stared intently, his mind moving fast.
The moon looked strong and seemed to be able to crush them easily. However, based on
the setting of the open world, Xie Xi felt the moon couldn’t be that strong.
Otherwise, how could a group of ordinary players who had no skills or items beat a full
level boss?
It was illogical.
The key to suppressing the moon should be the sun but the child was too young to
understand his abilities. In addition, he seemed dependent on the moon and it was unlikely
he would do anything.
It was estimated that they would have to find an opportunity to suppress the moon.
Xie Xi’s sharp eyes found that the silver light on the ground was split into groups. He was
happy to find out that the moon’s power was limited but he soon realized…
“Watch out, everybody! Don’t get hit by the silver light!”
This was a precise attack but Xie Xi’s reminder was too late. The silver light hit a lot of
people and the only ones who dodged were Xie Xi and Jiang Xie. The others including Kong
Rongliang, Chen Qing and the group of four were hit.
Xie Xi didn’t know the effect of the silver light but he didn’t feel good.
The small sun reacted quickly and released a golden light. Then the moon’s cold voice was
heard. “Are you sure you want to be my enemy?”
The words caused the sun to deflate and he stared at the moon, pleading, “Brother, don’t
hurt other people anymore.”
The moon suddenly smiled. “I just want you to see how fragile human feelings are.”
The little sun was startled.
The moon told him, “Obediently come to Brother’s side and wait for me to kill them. Then I
will accompany you every day.”
He smiled softly while speaking and his silver eyes trembled, a beautiful smile on his face.
The little sun was captivated, like he had been bewitched.
Xie Xi frowned as he listened and wanted to make a noise when the surroundings changed.
The people hit by the silver light didn’t become zombies. Instead, they were stunned for a
moment and touched their chests.
Then something more surprising was born. Something detached from their chest and
formed an illusory shadow. The shadow soon condensed into a human appearance…
Screams rang out.
“Ah Feng!”
“Xiao Tian, you… aren’t you dead?”
“Little sister…”
They called out as incredibly real people appeared in front of them. Xie Xi’s heart tensed
and he shouted, “It is an illusion!”
Unfortunately, no one could hear it. They stared blindly at the people in front of them like
their souls had been stolen.
The moon came over. He held the sun’s hand and whispered to him, “You see, this is their
beloved people…” He stared at Xie Xi and continued, “Soon they will kill their loved ones for
their own survival.”
Xie Xi cried out, “It’s all fake!”
“Fake?” The moon said, “It is the people they are thinking of. As long as they don’t kill the
people, they will live forever.”
He said this and Xie Xi thought of the game ‘dream come true.’
The moon asked, “Did you play dream come true? Do you think it is fake?”
That game was really designed by the moon! If there was such a degree of truth, there
might be an incident. It would be too hard for them to get out.
If they realized it was fake, there would be a great emptiness and they weren’t willing to
wake up. It was too difficult to resist. The human heart was very strong but also extremely
fragile. This illusion was shown to the fullest.
In the hall, only Xie Xi and Jiang Xie were sober but the moon wasn’t going to let them go.
His empty eyes flashed and he whispered in the sun’s ears. “Look at your so-called father
and mother killing their loved ones.”
The sun’s eyes narrowed and he pulled his hand away. “No!”
The moon stared at him. “You won’t listen to Brother’s words?”
The sun’s hand was released but he still bit his lower lip. “Brother, this isn’t right. It
shouldn’t be like this.”
“What do you know?” The moon set him aside and looked ahead. “It’s fine. I will teach you
how dirty humans are.”
The moon was extremely fast and his slender hands almost touched Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie was also very fast and he blocked in front of Xie Xi. The moon’s offensive was
undiminished and one palm shot towards Jiang Xie’s chest.
Xie Xi cried anxiously, “Don’t be fooled by his illusion!”
This teenager was best at turning people into zombies or making illusions. Jiang Xie told
him, “It’s nothing. This illusion doesn’t work on me.”
Xie Xi was stunned. Was resistance to illusions part of his basic qualifications?
No, if he could resist then Jiang Xie would’ve have lost his life in dream come true.
The moon frowned and retreated. “The one you love is in this hall?”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved slightly. “Yes.”
He continued, “If you want to let me see my loved one then I’m sorry. He’s right in front of
Light shone in the eyes of the sun again. “Brother, you see, Daddy’s favourite is Mummy.”
The moon was stunned and his graceful eyebrows drew close together. It took a long time
for Xie Xi’s spirit to return. His heart was hot and there was an unknown taste.
In dream come true, they had been together for over 60 years and were truly each other’s
loved one.
They had nothing and after meeting, they were not only each other’s lover but also a
teacher, friend and family.
Jiang Xie actually still cared about these 60 years, leaving Xie Xi somewhat surprised and
very… moved.
“So what?” The moon asked, “Does this guy love him back?”
The little sun instantly replied, “Mummy naturally loves Daddy!”
The moon smiled at Jiang Xie. “Do you think he loves you too?”
If there hadn’t been the 60 years, Jiang Xie would look at the -365 goodwill and naturally
have no confidence. Now he felt that the goodwill was more like 520 instead of -365.
“Why don’t you let me try?” The moon suggested. “If he loves you, my illusion won’t take
effect. If it works…” The smile on his face was very cold. “You will also know the truth.”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “No need, feelings aren’t for testing.”
“Oh, it seems you don’t believe in him.”
“This is something between two people and there is no need for others to interfere.”
The moon wondered, “If your hearts are clear, how can you be afraid of my illusion?”
Xie Xi took the initiative. “Use it.”
The moon smiled. “Are you so confident?”
Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows and told Xie Xi, “He might be able to tamper with it.”
Xie Xi glanced at the moon. “I think he is more eager than us to see the truth.” This seemed
to sting the moon and his smile disappeared. “I won’t tamper with it because there is no
need. I will let you understand how disgusting the human heart is.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything else because he wasn’t afraid of the illusion. Xie Xi was perturbed
and uneasy after coming out of the dream but there were no doubts.
The man who gave him true love and a home was Jiang Xie. He loved Jiang Xie. Even if he
couldn’t accept it after waking up, this wasn’t a mistake. Jiang Xie was beside him and this
illusion was useless.
Jiang Xie was still hesitant so Xie Xi looked at him and mouthed, ‘This might be the key to
clearing this.’
The moon obviously had a knot in his heart and it was difficult to complete the task without
prying this open.
Jiang Xie eventually nodded. In fact, he should be happy. Xie Xi calmly confronting the
illusion showed his heart. The dream was over but the sweetness of 60 years was printed
on the child’s heart.
Xie Xi made a request. “If the illusion is invalid, can you let everyone go?”
The moon’s lips curved. “Okay, as long as it doesn’t work, I will let everyone go as well as
close the moon tide and let the sun rise.”
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up and he glanced at Jiang Xie. Was it this simple? As long as he survived
this illusion, he could suppress the moon?
There was no doubt that the sun rising and the moon going down was the so-called
The moon sneered. “Don’t be too happy.” HIs white, glowing hand touched Xie Xi’s heart.
Xie Xi felt his heart tremble and then it seemed like something was pouring out.
A silky strand appeared from the moon’s palm. This silver thread ran along the ground and
slowly took a human form.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. How could this be? He couldn’t see who it was but the illusion had
taken effect!
The moon smiled but it was more ugly than happy. “This is your loved one. This is your
heart and your mouth full of lies!”
Everyone was stunned and Jiang Xie’s smiling lips straightened. Xie Xi panicked and opened
his mouth. “This isn’t…”
Jiang Xie told him, “He is using the same type of illusion.” He might not be able to use his
skills but his eyes weren’t blind and he could clearly see it.
Xie Xi was shocked. He had never heard Jiang Xie sound so distant and alienated.
It was strange.
At this time, the silver shadow became clearer and a tall and slender man appeared.
He had handsome facial features and different-coloured eyes that were eye-catching and
exactly the same as Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi was stunned. He didn’t expect the illusion to be Sixth Prince Sirius!
The moon smiled but his eyes were full of sarcasm. “The same eyes on different people, can
you tell who you truly love?”

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GL: Chapter 115
Open World (End)

Xie Xi’s head was buzzing. Why was it Sirius? This person was also Jiang Xie but why did his
soul come out? The loved one should be Jiang Xie who he spent 60 years with.
Sirius was indeed Jiang Xie but…
Xie Xi’s head was very chaotic. He didn’t understand it at all so he couldn’t hear the moon’s
However, Jiang Xie’s heart was cold. The man in front of him was Xie Xi’s loved one. This
man had the same eyes as him but it wasn’t him.
Jiang Xie confidently thought that after 60 years of love, Xie Xi should love him. It was
because both of them were real in the dream and Xie Xi’s love for him was unquestionable.
After leaving the dream, Xie Xi had been distant but Jiang Xie thought it was because he was
shy and needed to take it slowly.
But what if Xie Xi actually had a person he loved long before? Xie Xi had a loved one before
the dream?
In the amnesiac state in the dream, Jiang Xie had the same eyes as Xie Xi’s beloved and Xie
Xi loved the wrong person? Jiang Xie was the one who chased and Xie Xi had no power to
fight. Was it because of Jiang Xie as a person or because of these eyes?
Jiang Xie’s hands clenched. What did he forget? Why was Xie Xi’s goodwill towards him -
Xie Xi used to like a person and hadn’t forgotten him after more than 60 years? Jiang Xie
couldn’t replace that person with his sweet love and unswerving feelings? How much did
Xie Xi love the person?
Jiang Xie thought up to his eyes and tasted a sour sweetness that filled his mouth.
Xie Xi finally guessed some of what happened. The rule of this illusion was to transform
into a loved one. Jiang Xie was next to him so it couldn’t transform into him. Sirius was
Jiang Xie’s soul and almost met the standard, which was why the illusion came out?
As for why it wasn’t the other princes, Xie Xi didn’t know! He should be thankful that it
wasn’t a row of princes that emerged!
The problem was… how should Xie Xi explain this to Jiang Xie? He couldn’t explain it
because this was part of Jiang Xie’s lost memories. If he explained and Jiang Xie
remembered, he would permanently lose the memories after leaving this world. Then what
should he do if Jiang Xie forgot him?
Not good… Xie Xi thought of Sirius’ face…
Jiang Xie might’ve signed the Quasi-World Protection Law and didn’t remember the
appearance of his souls, but they were still his souls. What if he felt it was familiar?
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie with panic and this turned to guilt once he laid eyes on Jiang Xie.
Sour sweetness filled his mouth. Jiang Xie was strong but he felt a darkness in front of him…
calm down, he told himself. Calm down…
The moon asked Xie Xi, “Don’t you want to explain? The person who loves you deeply is
deceived by you.”
Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie’s eyes. They had been together for so long that it was clear. Whenever
this man was in a good mood, the colour of his eyes was deep and close to black. Almost no
red and blue could be seen. However, once his mood fluctuated, the colour would become
lighter. The greater the fluctuation, the redder the red and the bluer the blue.
At this time, his eyes were almost a bright red and blue!
What to do… He couldn’t explain but it was too hurtful to say nothing! He vowed to accept
the illusion but ended up stabbing Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi’s heart was filled with pain but he couldn’t say anything. He didn’t want Jiang Xie to
forget him, he didn’t want it at all!
They had been together for over 60 years and he couldn’t accept Jiang Xie forgetting all of
It was an illusory dream. If the person concerned forget then it really was just a dream. Xie
Xi was uncomfortable and his heart had never been stirred up like this.
The moon wondered, “Why don’t you love him and why did you lie to him? Such a stupid lie
easily breaks with a poke.”
Xie Xi just stared at Jiang Xie.
The moon smiled, “A person who only spouts rhetoric deserves hell.”
He finished speaking and a silver blade stabbed straight at Xie Xi’s heart.
Xie Xi was in a trance, not to mention that he couldn’t escape such a close and rapid attack
even under normal circumstances. The little sun still couldn’t believe it and shouted, “No!”
Xie Xi heard it but unfortunately couldn’t hide…
There were sparks as Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi into his arms and avoided the blade of light.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped and he looked up. “Teacher…”
Jiang Xie didn’t look at Xie Xi. His thin lips were in a line and he didn’t have the leisurely
appearance of when he talked nonsense or his gentle and tolerant eyes.
This Jiang Xie was completely unfamiliar to Xie Xi. Xie Xi felt as if a lump of ice had filled his
chest. How sweet was the 60 years and how uncomfortable was it now?
When loving a person, the most frightening thing was that person suddenly becoming
The moon angrily shouted at Jiang Xie, “He doesn’t love you and has been lying to you. He
also treated you as a surrogate for someone else. Why are you still protecting him?”
This stabbed Jiang Xie in the heart while also making Xie Xi feel pained. He hurriedly said,
“No… that isn’t…”
Jiang Xie interrupted. “There is no need to speak.”
Xie Xi paled.
Jiang Xie’s voice sank. “It is time for us to leave this world.”
The last task should be done by Xie Xi alone but now Jiang Xie couldn’t stand it.
Jiang Xie placed Xie Xi to the side and picked up a knife on the ground.
The moon still wasn’t willing to accept it. “Are you stupid? He betrayed you, he…”
Jiang Xie ignored him and went straight to the group. His hands fell and he cut all the
illusions to pieces.
The moon’s pupils shrank and his white face became paler. At the same time, people woke
up from the illusion and stared at Jiang Xie with surprise.
Jiang Xie squinted as he cut each illusion. He was quick and accurate. The even scarier was
his neat movements that made self-proclaimed experts of the knife feel inferior.
This wasn’t an ability given by the qualifications. It was formed by wielding the knife
countless times in actual combat.
Everyone was stunned. They clearly woke up from the illusion but it was as if they were
still dreaming.
This man was too strong!
The illusion was forcibly broken and rebounded on the caster. The moon was standing
straight but his lips were pale and colourless.
How could he be willing to allow Jiang Xie’s wanton destruction?! He released the silver
light and used all means to stop him!
It was a pity that no matter how fast he attacked or how treacherous the angle, this man
could easily avoid or smash it. He held the most common knife but it was like a god’s
weapon in his hand.
Everyone was distracted by Jiang Xie and didn’t see the little sun growing up along with the
moon’s weakening.
In the end, only Sirius was left.
Jiang Xie stared in front of the illusion and stared at him. They were tall with similar body
contours and the same eyes. If it wasn’t for the different facial features, they would almost
be the same person.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. Jiang Xie was Jiang Xie. This man was this man. As for
who Xie Xi loved, the illusion had given the answer.
Once they left this world, Xie Xi might immediately look for the man. What was the picture
of him desperately chasing this man? Did Xie Xi forget his love because of a short
separation? No, more than 60 years of being together couldn’t replace Xie Xi’s feelings.
Jiang Xie shattered the illusion. All the illusions were shattered and the moon staggered
from the consumption of power.
Jiang Xie raised a hand and the tip of the blade pointed at the moon.
“You are… obsessive… crazy… “ The moon was so badly wounded that blood flowed from
the corner of his mouth.
At this time, a golden light emerged and wrapped around the entire space. The small sun
grew up like a tree and became a red-haired youth.
Meanwhile, the already youthful moon degenerated into a small child with big eyes and a
tender face.
The moon looked at his shrinking hands and sceamed at Jiang Xie, “I want to kill you!”
Unfortunately, a child was a child and this wasn’t frightening. The adult sun picked up the
small moon and smiled. “I’m back.”
The moon eyes were big as he exclaimed, “Get lost!”
The sun’s thin lips were slightly raised as he kissed the moon on his forehead. “I wasn’t
very good and it was hard on you.”
The moon frowned and turned away.
The sun hugged the little moon and bowed to Xie Xi and Jiang Xie. He said, “Thanks to your
help, us brothers can be reunited.”
The little moon didn’t look at anyone else as he lay on the sun’s shoulder.
Xie Xi received a prompt in the lower right corner. [Congratulations on completing the
main task.]
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GL: Chapter 116


The main task wasn’t as numerous as the follow-up tasks for the side task. There were only
three and after completion, Xie Xi was sent out of the open world.
Jiang Xie hadn’t shared his main task with Xie Xi so Xie Xi left while Jiang Xie didn’t.
Xie Xi stood still in Central for a moment. It was over…
At the end, Jiang Xie didn’t hesitate to save him.
Jiang Xie’s mood when Sirius appeared was unimaginable. As the moon stated, Xie Xi
deceived Jiang Xie’s feelings, betrayed their 60 years and even broke the final vows.
How sweet the memories of the dream must be how disappointed JIang Xie felt when Sirius
appeared. Even so, Jiang Xie still thought of Xie Xi. Forget hurting him, Jiang Xie didn’t even
have the heart to say heavy words to Xie Xi.
Once he returned to the Central World, Jiang Xie should remember everything and these
misunderstandings didn’t need to be explained. Nevertheless, Xie Xi’s heart felt very
Putting himself in the same shoes, Xie Xi couldn’t act like Jiang Xie.
If he knew that Jiang Xie cheated and betrayed him, he would…
Xie Xi shook his head and pulled back his thoughts. Don’t think about it and look at the task
reward first.
Despite this, his heart was still like a kitten that kept scratching at him and making him feel
uneasy. Why hadn’t Jiang Xie come out yet? Exploring the labyrinth shouldn’t be a difficult
Xie Xi regretted that he didn’t take the initiative to ask Jiang Xie to share his main task.
Then he wouldn’t have to come out from the world first.
Although, perhaps it was good that he came out first? He was gone and the possibility of
Jiang Xie recovering his memory was greatly reduced.
Xie Xi felt lost.
He came in front of the water curtain, placed his hands on it and distracted himself by
looking at the task rewards. There was no clearing the open world. It only gave experience.
Of course, the experience was also divided into grades. Xie Xi had two consecutive guidance
tasks and their level was very high. It was judged as A-grade. This should be the highest
level for the open world.
Xie Xi accepted the reward. There weren’t many and the gold coins weren’t important for
Xie Xi.
There was the flash of a skill. Xie Xi glanced at it and became stunned.
[The passive skill to randomly take away one object from the quasi-world has successfully
launched and you have brought the skill Beginner Repair back to the Central World.]
He had thought about the possibility but the odds were too slim. Thus, Xie Xi didn’t expect
too much yet he actually brought it back?
Xie Xi liked this Repair skill. It was simple and easy to use while the experience value was
full. If he could bring it back to Central, he would have the opportunity to take the
promotion task and raise it to intermediate level!
Xie Xi wasn’t sure where to go for this promotion task but he didn’t worry. He just had to
wait for Jiang Xie to come out…
The thought left a bitter taste in Xie Xi’s mouth. Xie Xi shook his head, hurriedly opened the
pet bar and let out Roast Pork Bun.
The time in the pet bar wasn’t consistent with the outside world. Xie Xi had gone through a
world while it was just one sleep for Roast Pork Bun.
The kitten came out and threw himself into Xie Xi’s arms, rubbing hard against Xie Xi.
Xie Xi missed him and patted his soft, furry head.
Roast Pork Bun looked up and blinked with his different coloured eyes. “Daddy, I had a
dream, a dream that you had other children!”
Xie Xi, “…”
Roast Pork Bun continued sadly, “It was a very ugly red-haired dog that kept emitting fire.
It wasn’t very sensible.”
Xie Xi was really forced to be a mother. It wasn’t a dog but the sun did have red-haired and
kept creating fire.
Roast Pork Bun asked suspiciously, “Daddy, you don’t actually have a second child, right?”
Xie Xi, “???”
Roast Pork Bun rolled around. “No, you can’t have another child. I don’t agree!”
Xie Xi’s heavy thoughts disappeared due to this little drama. He hit the kitten’s heart and
exclaimed, “Shut up!”
Roast Pork Bun acted pathetically. “I can’t satisfy you with this cuteness? Daddy, you are
too much…”
Xie Xi blocked his small mouth and threatened, “I will make you an orphan.”
The implication was that he would throw away this bastard.
However, Roast Pork Bun was worthy of being a stupid baby and his brain circuits were
different from ordinary people. He howled, “Daddy, don’t die! I don’t want to become an
Xie Xi, “…………” He really lost to these guys with red and blue eyes!
Unfortunately, he couldn’t bear to put this little bastard into the pet bar again and rubbed
his forehead.
This time, the friend’s column flashed and Xie Xi felt tense as he thought that Jiang Xie had
come out. He hurriedly opened it and found that it wasn’t Jiang Xie.
[Chen Qing has added you as a friend. Do you accept?]
[Kong Rongliang has added you as a friend. Do you accept?]
There were also four friend requests from the group of half zombies. Xie Xi accepted all of
them and curiously asked Chen Qing, “How did you find me?”
They only swapped names and it was hard to find each other once returning to Central. The
friends system might be able to search for names but ‘Xie Xi’ wasn’t unusual. How many…
Chen Qing replied, “Of course, I applied for all players below intermediate level with the
same name!”
Xie Xi, “…”
Chen Qing opened a group chat and pulled Kong Rongliang in. Kong Rongliang said, “There
was no bulk application process and we sent hundreds of requests to find Benefactor!”
Xie Xi couldn’t help laughing. “It can still be like this…” Indeed, if the scope was narrowed
down to beginning players, they would eventually send it to the right Xie Xi. He would
accept their request and then contact them.
If any other Xie Xi’s agreed, they would know it was the wrong person as soon as the
person opened his mouth. Then they would apologize and delete the wrong person.
Under most circumstances, the other Xie Xis wouldn’t accept the invitation. They couldn’t
casually add friends here since adding a friend allowed you to find out many things about
them. What if it was an enemy they exposed their details to?
On the other hand, Chen Qing put himself at risk by going through such a process.
Xie Xi told them, “You’re too adventurous.”
Chen Qing replied, “It’s nothing. It’s fine as long as we can contact Benefactor!”
Kong Rongliang added, “Benefactor, we have died a long time ago. How can we worry about
managing this?”
Xie Xi said, “Don’t call me that again. It is just regarding me as an outsider. We have been
through trials together and we are friends.”
They were both very happy to change it to Brother. Xie Xi thought about how Chen Qing
and Kong Rongliang were obviously older than 30 years old. Um…
Fine, he was over 80 years old in the dream. He could afford to be a big brother.
The group of four also came to say hello. The way they found him was exactly the same as
Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang. Xie Xi’s heart was very hot as he also pulled them into the
group so they could add each other as friends.
After a small chat, everyone started to discuss their rewards.
The grade of the open world wasn’t low. The highest A-grade was already unattainable for
many beginner players.
Cao Yan mentioned, “This is the first time I’ve seen 300 gold coins. It is too much and I can’t
count it after converting it to silver coins.”
Zhu Li told him, “Hey, you are too shabby. I have 8,000…” Old Zhu paused. “Hey! Why do I
only have 8,000 silver coins?!”
One gold coin was equal to 100 silver coins. 300 gold coins were 30,000 silver coins.
Meanwhile, poor Old Zhu got only 80 gold coins.
Zhuo Liu spoke quietly, “You should be satisfied. I can’t say anything about these 50 gold
Zhuang Yi asked, “What’s wrong with 5,000 silver coins? It can buy50 sets of skirts, 200
tubes of lipstick 400 eyebrow pencils and…” Oh, this big sister only got 50 gold coins.
Xie Xi glanced at his 600 gold coins and treasured them.
It was better that they didn’t know… oh, it was really a treasure.
Then again, he got a whole 1,000 coins after clearing Love to the Left or Right.
The experience was painful but the rewards were truly rich.
If God gave Xie Xi another chance, he…
Still didn’t want to pedal four boats!
Xie Xi remembered that Chen Qing also had exploring the labyrinth as a main mission. How
did he come out while Jiang Xie hadn’t?
Still, the task of exploring the labyrinth was up to each individual. It wasn’t like killing Xifu
so they had to go explore on their own.
After a while, Xie Xi couldn’t help becoming stunned when looking at the friends bar.
The game behind Jiang Xie’s name was missing. He was back? But… why didn’t he contact
Xie Xi?
Xie Xi’s heart thumped. ‘Don’t tell me that the defenses are still active or Jiang Xie really
forgot me?’
The Central Garden.
Yan Zhe stared at the withered roses and scolded, “Old Jiang, do you want to die? Did you
live for too long?”
Qin Ge stood next to him and couldn’t argue.
Yan Zhe was also angry at him. “Why were you crazy enough to accompany him?”
Qin Ge replied dully, “It is hard for someone to enter his world…”
Yan Zhe cried out, “I know! However, you didn’t have to be so hasty! His Little Rose has a
high degree of goodwill for him. He just has to be patient and wait!” Qin Ge was unable to
Yan Zhe treated someone lying in a withered rose bush.
As he used his healing skills, he frowned and murmured, “A soul clearly returned to you.
How are you still so weak?”
Qin Ge argued, “As long as he is incomplete, he will always be unstable.”
Yan Zhe told him, “I know his own situation but why is he looking for excitement? He is
tired of living!”
Qin Ge didn’t say anything.
After a while, Jiang Xie woke up. His brain was dizzy and it took him a while to slow down.
He opened his eyes and saw the furious Yan Zhe. Jiang Xie immediately wanted to lie down
and pretend to be dead.
Yan Zhe scolded, “Pretend to die again and I will call Little Rose to see you like this!” Old
Jiang immediately sat upright. “What?
Pretending to die? Am I such a boring person?”
Yan Zhe inwardly swore, ‘Are you fucking counting X in your heart?’
Qin Ge asked him, “What the hell is going on? How did you get sick?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Yan Zhe stopped teasing and stared at him.
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows drew together and he said, “It’s nothing. There was just a big
fluctuation in mood.”
They all knew Jiang Xie’s problem. There would be an incident depending on how big the
stimulation was.
Yan Zhe asked, “What the hell happened? Weren’t you with Little Rose?”
How could Jiang Xie mention the truth?
Not only did he eat vinegar towards himself, but the vinegar also made him vomit blood. He
would probably be laughed at for the rest of his life if he mentioned it.
Jiang Xie cleared his throat and changed the topic. “…Xie Xi’s affection for me has risen to
Yan Zhe felt stunned, envy, jealousy and hatred. “Ahh, how can Little Rose be such a good
child? How can he be abducted by this old thing?”
Jiang Xie replied, “The highest value is 999. Doesn’t this mean a lifetime with me?”
Yan Zhe and Qin Ge, “…” What was he so proud of? They wanted to kill him!
Who knew that Jiang Xie would say, “In fact, I didn’t make it clear before.”
Yan Zhe, “???”
Jiang Xie stuck gold onto his face. “Previously, his goodwill towards me was -315.”
M…minus? It was also in the minus one hundreds?
Jiang Xie smiled. “The goodwill suddenly rose by 1,314 points. Sure enough, it is love for a

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GL: Chapter 117

Bonus ko-fi chapter.


Did he have no shame?

Yan Zhe really regretted treating this person. He shouldn’t let Jiang Xie keep lying down,
save him from opening his eyes and break his legs! Jiang Xie kept sighing, “You haven’t
experienced it so you don’t know. I watched the goodwill go from -365… cough, -315 to 999
and my heart was about to explode.”
Yan Zhe caught his words. “You old dog, this isn’t in accordance with your previous
number?” He couldn’t believe it. How did it go up by 1,314?
Jiang Xie didn’t change paths. “What is this goodwill number? What is a lifetime? Xiao Xi
and I promised to be reborn and love again.”
Yan Zhe, “…”
He shouldn’t have asked. He now had a mouthful of sourness!
Jiang Xie didn’t want to let them go. “There was an illusion in the world and we spent 60
years in it. Not only did we get married and go on a honeymoon, once we died… hey, don’t
Yan Zhe would go crazy if he stayed!
Jiang Xie cried out, “I haven’t finished yet. We met on a beautiful night. He wore a nice suit
with a white bow tie. He looked at me with eyes full of…”
Yan Zhe disappeared from the garden.
Jiang Xie muttered, “He is so impatient despite being so old. No wonder why he hasn’t
found a partner.”
Qin Ge staggered at the words. The oldest single person and the one who never talked
about love the longest was Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie saw that Qin Ge hadn’t gone and told him, “Come here Old Qin. I will tell you how I
turned the minus hundreds of points into a positive 999…”
Qin Ge waited for the gold coins to transfer and directly teleported away! The people had
disappeared and Jiang Xie couldn’t help staring at the goodwill…
He watered the roses while confiding in them the method he used to chase his lover.
Unfortunately, the roses didn’t have legs or they would’ve directly escaped the garden.
Finally, the garden was restored to its original form to ensure the child wouldn’t be aware
of anything strange after Jiang Xie contacted him.
Jiang Xie knew the child’s soft heart and Xie Xi would definitely be distressed if he knew
Jiang Xie had been unwell.
This garden was his spiritual image. How could he let the child come over if it wasn’t
Xie Xi stared at the friends bar for a long time and was about to bore a hole into Jiang Xie’s
Did Jiang Xie really forget him? After thinking about the 60 years that almost took up most
of his soul, Xie Xi felt the pain of cramping and breaking bones.
No! Xie Xi bit his lower lip and thought, ‘So what if he forgot? I can go find him! Even if he
doesn’t remember what happened before, we still have an endless future.’
The current Jiang Xie might be much higher than him as Designer X but Xie Xi would fight
for Jiang Xie.
He would be stupid if he gave up without doing anything! Xie Xi was just clicking on Jiang
Xie’s name when an invitation popped up.
[X is inviting you to his garden. Do you accept?]
Xie Xi jerked and his finger rubbed across it.
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie, “?”
Xie Xi rejected the invitation.
Xie Xi was anxious and wanted to say that he had made a mistake when Jiang Xie sent
another invitation, accompanied by a message.
[If it is temporarily inconvenient, the invitation can be suspended. I will wait for you once it
is convenient.]
After seeing this sentence, Xie Xi’s heart felt like it had been stuffed with marshmallows, a
sweet silkiness rising.
He didn’t hesitate to transfer to the garden.
The tall man was particularly eye-catching among the white roses. He stood in a dazzling
palce and the smile on his face was softer and more affectionate than the breeze blowing
the petals.
Xie Xi was stunned and his spirit didn’t return for a while. The picturesque scene made it
easy to understand the word ‘beauty.’ Love was the most direct beauty. Xie Xi felt it.
Jiang Xie leaned over and whispered, “I remember all of it.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief. Then Old Jiang’s next sentence caused Xie Xi to wake up from the
Jiang Xie whispered, “I don’t dare to move if you frown.”
Xie Xi, “……..” O-Old rascal!
Xie Xi’s face reddened and he forcibly changed the topic. “Why was it Sirius?”
He was asking about the last illusion used by the moon. Xie Xi couldn’t understand why it
would be Sirius.
He could guess that because Jiang Xie was on the scene, the illusion transformed into a soul.
However, there were six souls. Why was it Sirius?
Jiang Xie felt itchy after seeing the red cheeks but he had to be steady and not frighten the
“It is because of the eyes.”
Old Jiang started a class and Student Xiao Xie listened attentively.
“The eyes?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Among the souls, Sirius is the one most like me.”
Xie Xi thought about it and replied, “No… Randall is more like you.” Randall was the fifth
Jiang Xie asked, “You think Randall is more like me?”
The child didn’t know there was a pit in front of him and nodded. “The face is very similar.
The slender eyebrows, the high nose, the special smile when laughing…” It was good-
Xie Xi stopped!
Jiang Xie listened with a beautiful heart. “What is special?”
Xie Xi had no expression on his face. “It is ugly.”
Jiang Xie didn’t believe it. “Ugly?”
Xie Xi didn’t have a good atmosphere. “I’m telling you the truth!”
Jiang Xie stopped and coughed lightly. “I’m not talking about similar facial features. The
focus is the temperament.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Sirius and Jiang Xie shared a temperament? Don’t mention Xie Xi. It was estimated that
anyone who knew Jiang Xie would laugh!
In Lost Atlantis, Sixth Prince Sirius was a bit pitiful.
He didn’t have his father’s love and grew up alone because he was believed to be cursed.
However, he was still simple and sincere. Finally, he learnt that he was sacrificed by his
father and decided to choose death. This made it more heart-wrenching.
Xie Xi’s first change in feelings towards X was due to the pitiful sixth prince.
Now Jiang Xie said that Sirius was most like him? Where the hell were they similar?
Oh, only the eyes. Jiang Xie explained quietly, “In fact, there is a pitiful self living under my
strong outer shell.”
Xie Xi stared at him blankly and spoke without any politeness. “Teacher, can you speak like
a person?”
Jiang Xie couldn’t help pulling the person into his arms and carefully touched him on the
forehead. “Really, I was Sirius before I met you.”
Xie Xi felt the atmosphere was very familiar and felt a bit uncomfortable, but he said, “I will
leave if you don’t talk well.”
Jiang Xie was afraid of him running and became serious. “Every soul is me from a certain
period of time. Sirius is indeed the most like me, the me that was eager to meet you.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Sirius was most like the one who was eager to meet him. Sirius, the cursed sixth prince, was
from the period in time when Jiang Xie most needed to be accompanied.
Was that why?
Xie Xi still felt some confusion.
Jiang Xie finally explained seriously, “In fact, the moon’s illusion is very strong. The moon
hoped to succeed and this willpower shook the illusion. It analyzed your heart but couldn’t
handle the complex situation. I was in front of you and it judged that my image couldn’t be
released. However, you remembered that I shouldn’t know you and it presented Sirius.
Xie Xi reacted for a while before figuring it out.
He liked Jiang Xie in the dream but felt greedy after leaving the dream. He wanted to know
Jiang Xie better and the only soul that showed Jiang Xie’s past was Sixth Prince Sirius.
Thus, the illusion transformed into Jiang Xie’s past.
It wasn’t Sirius. It was the more complete Jiang Xie that Xie Xi was eager to understand.
It wasn’t Teacher Jiang Xie, Designer X or the souls. It was the complete Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi’s face turned red!
Jiang Xie was drifting in heaven. He understood what was going on once he woke up and
the moment was extremely sweet.
His body might be in pain and his fingers couldn’t move, but even if his whole spiritual
garden became withered, the sugar at the bottom his heart became his source of life,
sending him endless power.
Xie Xi liked him more than Jiang Xie expected.
The child who woke up from the dream wanted to know more about him.
Jiang Xie couldn’t help holding him. “I’m very happy.”
Xie Xi was about to explode from embarrassment. “You… you’re thinking too much!” This
wasn’t the case!
Jiang Xie nodded. “That’s right, I’m thinking too much. In fact, it isn’t complicated. It is just
because Sirius and I are similar in looks, personality and temperament.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
They weren’t similar at all! The only thing similar was the eyes but this bastard deliberately
didn’t mention it!

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GL: Chapter 118
Last bonus ko-fi chapter for GL.

Green Hat

Xie Xi had a full 60 years of experience and knew that this was simply a shameless naughty
He changed the topic. “What happened to the open world?”
The old comrade floating on cotton candy didn’t care about other people’s affairs and
replied with a perfunctory, “It’s like that.”
Xie Xi pretended to be thirsty and went to the pavilion to find something to drink.
This was the best way to divert Jiang Xie’s attention. This guy was really diligent when
preparing drinks and didn’t let Jiang Xie do it at all.
Xie Xi tasted his favourite hot cocoa and his heart warmed, but his face was very stable.
“What is it?”
Jiang Xie asked him, “Is it good to drink?”
Of course, it was good to drink. Xie Xi was used to the taste. The temperature, concentration
and sweetness were just right. There wasn’t a single point that was off and only Jiang Xie
who slept with him for 60 years knew how to make it. Xie Xi didn’t dare praise him in case
this person’s nose went higher and asked, “What is the sun and the moon?
In addition, were those zombies human?”
Jiang Xie didn’t have to ask. He just needed to look at the corners of Xie Xi’s eyes and the
raised lips to know the drink was delicious.
The dream created countless details that belonged to each other. Jiang Xie sincerely felt… it
was a huge profit!
Jiang Xie also poured himself a cup of hot cocoa. He put it down after a sip because he really
couldn’t drink it. “The open world also has a world story. Do you want to experience it?”
Xie Xi asked curiously, “Experience it?”
“Yes, we can act out a role and walk their script.”
There was such a thing? Xie Xi wondered, “What’s the use of this?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Experience is growth. This type of script is very safe and we can get a
small amount of experience by walking through the steps.”
Xie Xi asked, “Is it beginner, intermediate or even senior experience?”
“It is experience for becoming a designer.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Jiang Xie told him, “After all, all players are working to become designers.”
“However, aren’t there very few designers? What happens if they can become a designer?”
Jiang Xie didn’t answer and instead repeated a rule that Xie Xi had long known. “Beginner
players can only stay in Central for two days, intermediate players for two weeks, senior
players for two months and only god level is unlimited.”
Xie Xi understood that beginner, intermediate and senior players weren’t good because
they couldn’t stay in the Central World. They had to constantly accept the quasi-world tasks
while the quasi-worlds were dangerous. Entering meant continuing to face death.
Jiang Xie spoke once again, “The only known god-level occupation is the designer.”
Therefore, players wanted to become designers. It was only be becoming designers that
they could freely stay in Central and obtain a certain degree of freedom, allowing them to
embrace eternal life.”
Xie Xi frowned. “Only know god-level occupation?”
“Didn’t we talk about it before? This Central World might be designed by others. Then who
designed this world?”
Xie Xi understood. “Designers can’t design a world of designers.”
This was very circular. Someone ‘designed’ the designers. This person wasn’t necessarily a
designer. In other words, there was an existence on a higher level than the designer.
However, the Central World was only one layer of the doll and they couldn’t see the larger
Jiang Xie smiled down at him. “These matters aren’t pressing since you haven’t reached
intermediate level yet.”
Xie Xi looked down at his experience. “It is at 75 piints. As long as I pass a S+ quasi-world, I
should be able to upgrade.”
The open world gave 15 points of experience. It wasn’t bad. It was less than Love to the Left
or Right but more than the Fairytale Town.
Lost Atlantis gave him 30 points of experience. According to this ratio, he would be able to
upgrade as long as the next world was S+.
Jiang Xie wanted him to quickly rise to the intermediate level. He wouldn’t be able to see
the goodwill value after Xie Xi reached intermediate level. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if it was
permanently locked at 999?
Thus, he asked eagerly, “Have you searched for the next world?’
Xie Xi glared at him.
Jiang Xie’s eyes curved. “Is it mine?”
It was impossible to avoid it. The words ‘Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas’
were printed there!
Jiang Xie coaxed him. “It’s fine. I will accompany you to the next world.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Will you lose your brain again?”
Jiang Xie told him, “Last time was an accident.”
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t stable. “You shouldn’t mess around.” It was too dangerous. Previously,
Xie Xi wanted Jiang Xie to suffer from his broken world. Now…
Jiang Xie’s heart was as sweet as honey. “We agreed to go together.”
Xie Xi told him, “I can handle it myself.”
Jiang Xie replied, “No, I feel uncomfortable at the thought of a group of bastards taking
advantage of you.”
‘Aren’t you the bastard?’
Xie Xi was silent before dealing the fatal blow. “If you go, will they ignore me?”
Jiang Xie, “……………………”
The souls were destined to be attracted by Xie Xi, just as he had long been fascinated by this
person. The difference with him going was that he would wear a green hat live.
Old Jiang felt malice from the world but he was stubborn. “I will still go.”
Xie Xi thought about it. “By the way, the Beginner Repair skill was brought out by me.”
Jiang Xie was shocked. Xie Xi explained his skill. The perpetual unlucky Old Jiang was
shocked by the Emperor of Luck Xiao Xie.
How exaggerated was this good luck? It was almost unheard of.
Xie Xi told him, “I didn’t expect to bring it back either.”
Jiang Xie was silent for a long time before opening his mouth. “You were born a lucky A and
I’m a lucky E. We are truly a natural pair.”
Xie Xi didn’t care about him and spoke seriously, “If I promote this skill, is it possible to
repair what you lose?”
Jiang Xie’s heart warmed.
Xie Xi explained, “Of course, it can’t be repaired in the quasi-world but… I mean, in case…”
He didn’t want to say it but he had to think the worst. “In case you can’t regain what you
exchanged, is it possible for me to fix it for you?”
The Beginner Repair was so powerful. What about after it was upgraded?
If he could repair Jiang Xie’s lost things, he didn’t have to be afraid of Xie Xi accompanying
him through the worlds.
This problem couldn’t be answered by Jiang Xie but he felt Xie Xi’s worry and nervousness
for him.
Jiang Xie was reluctant to let him do. “It might be possible but the promotion task will
randomly appear in the quasi-world. Thus, you will still have to go to the next world.”
The next world belonged to Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi suggested, “Can I go alone to the next quasi-world? If I upgrade Repair first…”
Jiang Xie said seriously, “No, I will lose half my life after being separated from you for a long
time. In addition, you can’t repair fatal injuries.”
Xie Xi, “…….” This was just nonsense!
As he scolded… well…
Jiang Xie was keen to go and they were already in a team. Xie Xi also didn’t want to shake
him off.
He asked Xie Xi again, “Do you want to experience the story of the sun and the moon?”
Xie Xi hesitated, “Can we become the sun and the moon?”
“It is possible to experience it.”
Xie Xi said, “But I…” He just wanted to see how the little sun and moon were. He
remembered the pitiful little sun.
He didn’t finish but Jiang Xie understood. Xiao Xie had a hard mouth and a soft heart.
“It’s nothing. If we can’t experience it then we can just watch.” It was just a loss of some
Xie Xi asked, “Will it bother them?”
“Of course not.” Jiang Xie answered. “The open world is also a real world. We freed them
when we left.”
Xie Xi asked again, “Then what will we see?”
“It is just a flash of the truth.”
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand. “Don’t worry. Let’s go and see it.”
Xie Xi felt at ease and decided it was good to look. Jiang Xie opened the world plot and Xie
Xi saw the word ‘exclusive’ below.
Xie Xi asked, “Did you buy it out?” Could the plot of the open world be brought out? How
much did it cost?
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “That boy was also our son so we should give them some
Xie Xi’s mouth curved and he didn’t tear off this person’s excuse.
In the last part, Jiang Xie was too much of a foul and simply bullied the big boss, the moon.
There were many witnesses at the scene but they were all low-level players. They would at
most feel surprised and not think too much.
However, any high-level player who bought the world plot would figure out something
wrong at first glance.
Then the news that Designer X was in a low-grade open world would burst…
Old Jiang would have no face!
Old Jiang had no face in front of his wife but God X needed to maintain his position in front
of many people.
Xie Xi had been in a trance after leaving the open world and hadn’t paid much attention to
the little sun who grew up.
Now he saw this red-haired youth and didn’t really recognize him.
The contrast was too much. This hearty and handsome person with a smile that warmed
the world by several degrees was the small crybaby?
As his ‘mother’, Xie Xi didn’t recognize him.
The thing that made Xie Xi stunned was the little silver-haired guy lying on the sun’s
shoulder. His silver hair was very long and covered his entire body. His small face was
delicate and soft. He raised silver-grey eyes and cried out fiercely, “I told you not to help
them. It would be easier killing them!”

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GL: Chapter 119

Xie Xi couldn’t help saying to Jiang Xie, “…The little moon is too cute.”
His voice was very low and he whispered it into Jiang Xie’s ears. In fact, speaking loudly
was fine since this was more like a playback.
Jiang Xie deliberately leaned close to Xie Xi and whispered. “No, you’re the cute one.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie patched up a bit of his brain. “What did you look like when you were a child?”
He must’ve been the loveliest baby in the world.
Xie Xi laughed. “Teacher, this carries a minimum of a three years prison sentence or the
maximum death penalty.”
Teacher Jiang winked. “What are you thinking, little friend? I only have a fatherly heart
towards the underage you.”
Xie Xi unceremoniously dismantled him. “Fatherly? What damn father?”
“Cough…” Jiang Xie cleared his throat.”Baby, you have a deep misunderstanding of me. I
think it is necessary for us to talk in depth.”
Xie Xi hadn’t adapted to this messy name even after 60 years and cried out, “Don’t call me
“Yes Dear.”
Xie Xi raised his eyebrows and glared at him.
Jiang Xie compromise. “I was wrong. We are married and I’m your legal husband. I should
call you… wife.”
Xie Xi shouted angrily, “If you want to see me leave then keep calling me that!”
Jiang Xie had no lower limit but had to say, “Okay, you are my husband.” It was still
Xie Xi, “………………”
If it wasn’t for the fact that he would’ve lost, Xie Xi would’ve killed him by now! The green
999 goodwill became 998.
Jiang Xie instantly sobered up while his heart dripped blood like a boss experiencing a 50
billion yuan loss.
He tried to turn the tide by making a pair of shining silver things appear in his palm.
Xie Xi was staring at the plot when he felt something cold on his ring finger. He looked
down and froze.
Jiang Xie asked, “Can you help me put it on?”
It was a pair of rings. The larger one was engraved with Xie Xi’s name while the smaller one
had Jiang Xie’s name.
Xie Xi stared at it while the tip of his nose became sour. This pair of rings was bought by Xie
Xi and were their wedding rings. He and Jiang Xie and engraved the words together, doing
their best to write each other’s name on the ring.
Xie Xi hadn’t taken it off for 60 years and Jiang Xie was the same.
Until the end of their lives, this pair of rings were worn on their fingers. Their bodies
turned into dead bones but these rings, engraved with the names of the two people, always
shone beautifully.
Xie Xi stared at the ring and wondered, “Is there a rope?’
Xie Xi repeated, “A rope.”
Jiang Xie took out a thin black rope.
Xie Xi glared at him. “One more.”
Jiang Xie took out another one and couldn’t help saying, “Can’t you wear the ring on your
He lost a goodwill point. Did the child not want to stay with him forever? Jiang Xie didn’t
lose 50 billion yuan. It felt like he was bankrupt and owed 50 billion yuan.
Xie Xi ignored him and carefully put the ring on the black rope, placing a fixed bar to
prevent it from slipping. Jiang Xie was opening his mouth again when Xie Xi interrupted.
“Come over.”
Jiang Xie hesitantly didn’t move. Xie Xi felt amused and angrily as he got up and tied the
black rope with the ring around Jiang Xie’s neck.
Jiang Xie reluctantly said, “This is a ring. Why do you want to make it a neckla…”
Xie Xi handed the black rope to him. “Help me put it on.”
Jiang Xie, “…” He honestly helped Xie Xi while taking the opportunity to touch his white
Xie Xi’s body trembled slightly and he shifted his gaze. “Okay, watch the plot.”
Jiang Xie stared at the black line again the fair skin. “This isn’t suitable as a necklace. I
Xie Xi stared straight ahead. “It was a game.”
Jiang Xie’s heart throbbed. The tip of Xie Xi’s ears were slightly red but he spoke earnestly,
“Don’t you want a real wedding?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi felt that his entire body was boiling and gulped. “I mean… we… well…”
He couldn’t speak because Jiang Xie kissed him. How could he endure this? How could this
be endured? Jiang Xie felt that if he didn’t do anything, he would be stimulated until he was
Xie Xi had given him a proper stimulation and couldn’t push him away… he also didn’t want
to push it away.
After wearing the ring on the black rope, Xie Xi stared carefully. It was their rings and Jiang
Xie had completely restored them. Even the most subtle scratches and the way it adjusted
to the shape of their fingers after many years were still there.
60 years, it was like looking back on their past. Xie Xi had many things he couldn’t
remember but he remembered every moment with Jiang Xie.
The appearance of Xie Su, his childhood memories and the cold and lonely nights had all
become faint. The nightmare he was entangled with had long disappeared without a trace
due to Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi wanted to understand the whole Jiang Xie and he also wanted Jiang Xie to
understand the new Xie Xi.
This pair of rings was a dream of the past and they had an infinite future.
Jiang Xie released Xie Xi and said, “We’ll go now…”
Xie Xi covered his mouth and exclaimed, “I haven’t graduated yet!”
Jiang Xie blinked. Xie Xi spoke helplessly, “Do you want to be with me for a day or…”
“To be born from age to age.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “Then we should know more about each other.”
“But we…”
“You aren’t Professor Jiang and I’m not your student.”
They had understood each other for 60 years in the dream but that was the Jiang Xie and
Xie Xi in the dream.
In reality, Jiang Xie was a designer with ‘eternal life’ and Xie Xi was a beginner collector.
The gap was so big. How could they be together? Hadn’t Xie Xi always been dependent on
Jiang Xie? Xie Xi couldn’t allow that. Being needed without losing himself, he knew exactly
what he wanted. It was walking side by side and mutually supporting each other for a long
Jiang Xie’s heart was a soft mess as he whispered, “Okay, I am waiting for you.”
Once he grew up and became stable, they would be together for a long time. Xie Xi put it out
of his mind right now. He turned his head away with embarrassment. “Don’t disturb me
from watching the plot!”
Jiang Xie nodded. “I won’t disturb you.”
His big hand stretched out like a thief. Xie Xi wanted to take it off but Jiang Xie had already
clasped their fingers together.
Xie Xi, “…” He allowed his hand to be held.
The plot of the sun and moon wasn’t a continuation of when they departed from the world
but an earlier time.
The open world did have residents who were normal humans. They weren’t developed in
science and technology and were a farming society.
At this time, the sun was an adult and the moon was a child. It was unknown how they were
born but they contained a powerful force.
To be precise, the sun had a powerful force.
At first, he only helped a group of people who were going to starve to death. The moon was
unhappy and thought he was meddling.
The sun just smiled and kissed his forehead. “I’m just helping them.”
The moon frowned and told him, “It’s going to be troublesome.” The sun told him, “You
can’t be so indifferent.”
The moon didn’t overdo it. “Hmm.”
The sun hugged the little moon in his arms. “Okay, Big Brother won’t care about them. Shall
I just stay with you?”
The little moon grabbed his clothes and spoke disdainfully. “You aren’t my older brother!”
The sun told him, “Yes, you were born earlier than me. Shall I call you Big Brother?”
The little moon looked at his hand and then the sun’s big size. “How are you so big?”
The sun poked him in his small chest. “Who told you to be so picky and not eat well? That’s
why you’re not growing.”
The little moon held his finger and exclaimed, “You grew too fast!”
The sun smiled but there was a faint hint of worry in his eyes.
They were born together but the moon always maintained the body of a young child and
showed no signs of growing up. The sun didn’t know the reason but he was really worried.
He had left the Holy Land to find the cause.
The little moon frowned. “I don’t like it here.”
“Let’s look again. Once it is boring, we’ll go back.”
The little moon was silent and lay quietly in his arms.
The two brothers were actually very simple. In particular, the sun had a ‘divine power’ but
also a friendly personality. He soon attracted a group of people.
The moon’s personality was cold and didn’t like to talk to people. However, people didn’t
care because he was just a child and they circled around the sun.
At first, the sun only helped them a bit. Then more and more people came and the help
became more troublesome.
The little moon scolded, “They can build a house on their own. Why are they asking for
your help with everything?”
The sun replied, “It takes them a few months to build a house while I can do it in a day.”
The little moon said, “So what? While you’re building it, they…”
“Once I come back, I’ll bring you some sugar to eat.”
The little moon hugged his chest. “I won’t eat!”
The sun suggested, “Two?”
The moon, “…”
“Three, okay?”
The little moon shouted, “Get out of here!”
The sun left and the little moon stayed inside the house. He was afraid to go out. Since the
sun wasn’t here, he couldn’t even leave the room.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go out, it was that he couldn’t. The light outside was so great
that he would be burned without the sun.
The little moon was bored in the house. Whenever he heard a bit of movement, he would
stand up to look and then be disappointed when he didn’t see anyone.
After waiting a long time, he slept with the quilt in his arms and then the sun came back.
The little moon’s eyes brightened and his lips curved. However, he had a straight face once
the sun entered. “You are so noisy when coming back, you woke me up from my sleep!”
Unfortunately, his face was too soft to frighten people.
The sun smiled. “I’ll take a shower first.” He was dirty and afraid the little moon wouldn’t
be happy.
The little moon didn’t like looking at his back since he always felt the sun would leave
again. The small moon was very panicked but bit his lower lip and didn’t say anything.
After a while, the sun came back with three candies.
The little moon told him, “I don’t like this type of thing.”
The sun said, “It is very sweet. I had them wrap it with extra sugar.”
“I don’t like sugar.”
“If you don’t want to eat…” The sun asked, “Shall I eat it?”
The little moon grabbed the sugar. “This is mine. I will throw it away but I won’t give it to
you to eat!”
The sun smiled, “Okay, don’t eat too much. It won’t last long.”
It was unknown which pot was opened but the little moon bit the sun’s arms. “I will eat you
once I grow up!”
The little moon often bit him when losing his temper. The sun wasn’t hurt at all and was
just afraid of the teeth falling out.
The next day, the sun went out early in the morning and tried to coax the little moon with
candy again, only for the moon to shout angrily, “If you go then don’t come back!”
The sun explained, “There’s always something hanging around the woods lately. I have to
check it.”
The little moon asked, “Why is it your business? That thing can’t hurt us!”
The sun stated, “The town is finished if it comes out.”
The little moon wondered, “Why does it matter if it is finished? We can just return to the
Holy Land.”
The sun told him, “It will kill a lot of people.”
The little moon was speechless.
The sun left and the little moon looked at the two remaining pieces of candy with anger.
‘It will kill a lot of people… so what? You haven’t slept for a long time.’
The little moon woke up again when he heard movement from afar. He thought the sun was
back and jumped out of the bed with joy, only to find it was a few strangers.
He was stunned and could perfectly hear the low voices.
“Is it that child?”
“Yes, it’s him.”
“If we take him away, we can really make the sun go to our city?”
“Yes, he might be a god but even he has a soft spot.”
“Once we take his son away, the sun won’t…”
“How can we tie him up? We are just taking him to play. He is a little kid and is easy to

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GL: Chapter 120

Bonus ko-fi chapters left:
GL: 2

Shifting from One to Another

The moon was furious after hearing this. The sun was constantly helping people, making
him stay awake day and night.
Then these trash didn’t hesitate to use such dirty means for their own selfish desires!
If the moon was really a young child who didn’t know the world, he would’ve been
deceived by them and turned into a tool for enslaving the sun. However, the moon wasn’t a
child. Once the men came in with all types of things, he shouted, “Get out, don’t try to take
me away!”
Xie Xi saw this and his heart thumped.
Jiang Xie waved his hand.
Xie Xi whispered, “They’re still too simple.”
No matter how powerful or how good their qualifications, they were simple children who
hadn’t explored the world.
Humanity had conquered the world. They might not have power or qualifications but they
had worldly experience.
The moon’s mouth exposed everything. The men glanced at each other and malice was
Originally, they wanted to trick him and not tear apart off their masks in front of the sun.
However, the moon saw through the intentions. They didn’t give up despite the sun’s
eventual rage and simply tied up the moon!
They couldn’t go against a big person but what about a small child?
They swarmed and easily subdued the moon.
The little moon panicked. He couldn’t walk out of this room but they were going to force
him outside.
It was impossible to ask for mercy with his temper. He would rather be burnt to death by
the light outside then ask for mercy from such a disgusting group of people!
This group used a lot of effort to bring the small moon out of the house. As soon as the light
hit him, the little moon screamed uncontrollably.
It hurt too much, it was really too painful.
It was as if there were countless needles tied to him, stabbing in and then being pulled out,
leaving a bright redness behind.
His appearance frightened the men.
“W-What’s going on?”
“He’s afraid of the light!”
“He is very hot and is burning up!”
The man holding the moon threw him to the ground and the young child fell, the blood
making him look miserable and terrifying.
A very long time ago, the moon was as big as the sun. They were both young children and
clung to each other in the Holy Land.
One day, the bored moon was very curious about what was outside the Holy Land. He
walked out along but was burnt and couldn’t move.
At the time, he thought he was going to die and that he would be burnt to ashes by the light.
The sun suddenly grew up and found him, picking him up in sturdy arms.
The moon couldn’t open his eyse and the sun’s clear voice was heard in his ears, “Don’t
worry, there is no pain. I’ll blow on it and it won’t hurt.”
The moon’s pain really stopped. The moment he entered the sun’s arms, the scalding heat
slowly stopped and he healed.
Since then, the sun was always grown up but the moon maintained the appearance of a
young child, never growing.
In the present, the sun came back and saw the small moon curled up and bloody.
He turned pale and his veins bulged. “What’s going on?”
No one had ever seen him so angry. They had never seen him furious. No one ever thought
the originally warm sun would become a brutal fire!
Those who took the moon out of the house were burnt to ashes and even those who
followed the sun were burnt. The fire stretched out and burnt countless fields!
It was a disaster that horrified people…
Only the small moon gradually recovered in the sun’s blazing fire. The little moon
eventually opened his eyes and the sun’s eyes were red. “I’m sorry.”
The little moon frowned and tried to speak fiercely in his weak voice. “I have long told you
that you should leave them alone.”
The sun hugged him and cried out in a choked voice. “It’s my fault.”
The little moon stretched out his healed arms and hugged the sun. “Let’s go home.”
The unprecedented soft cry touched the sun’s heart but…
“Wait.” The sun told him, “I want to find out why your body can’t grow.”
The little moon froze and bit him on the shoulder. “What do you mean by I’m not growing?
Do you think my body is small?”
The sun was distressed. “How can I dislike it? I just…” He paused and whispered, “I know
you want to grow up.”
The moon had strong self-esteem and was more curious about the outside world then the
sun. However, since the incident at an early age, the moon never walked out of the Holy
Land alone.
The sun often saw him standing at the exit or standing in front of the mirror while looking
at his small body.
Who wanted to be trapped in one place forever? Who was willing to lose his freedom? Who
wanted to be a child forever?
The sun didn’t want to see the moon unhappy.
The moon released his anger and his voice was muffled by the sun’s shoulder. “I don’t want
to grow up.” If the prince was… then he would rather be like this forever.
The sun smiled and promised, “Afterwards, I will always go out with you. Wherever we go,
we’ll be together, okay?”
The little moon scoffed. “I don’t want to see these annoying people!”
“I can’t leave you here alone anymore.”
The little moon frowned. “Then let’s go back to the Holy Land!”
The sun suggested, “Wait a bit more… once the peace blossoms are open, if we can’t find a
way for you to grow up then we will return to the Holy Place.”
‘I don’t want you to become smaller when you find it.’ The moon didn’t say this and nodded.
“Okay, wait for the peach blossoms to open. If you still don’t go back, I will leave.”
“It is a promise.”
They stayed but unfortunately, life became unsettled after the fire. The sun had a child who
was afraid of the light. The sun’s energy had set fire to the entire forest.
Humanity was afraid of the real powerhouses. In particular, there was the obvious
heterogeneity of the sun and the moon. Rumours that the moon was a devil quietly spread
and the two brothers became aware of it once it fermented to an uncontrollable level.
By this time, it was already too late. The humans found a justified reason for their greed.
They seized the moon under the pretense of eliminating the devil and threatened thes un.
The moon was too weak and the sun was afraid that he would be hurt. The sun promised to
do anything for them.
How could the people be satisfied? They started to want the power of the sun and wanted
to know the secret of his ‘eternal life.’
Once the peach blossoms were in full bloom, the sun fell into the traps set by the people
and his body was pierced by the spears he had smelted.
The sun fell into a coma and the light that illuminated the entire world disappeared.
The moon came out. He took step by step with an expressionless face. His body gradually
grew from a young child to a tall boy and finally a handsome man with silver hair.
Everywhere he went, the sky became dark and a silver glow spread under his feet. It was
like flowing mercury that brought unparalleled beauty and death with it.
People were terrified and surrendered their weapons to him. It was a pity that they
couldn’t hurt him.
The silver light covered the earth like it wanted to wash away everything filthy and all
traces of humanity were gone.
This included humans. Since then, there were no humans in this world, only the walking
The moon picked up the sun that had turned into a baby. The sun was too weak and didn’t
remember anything. Once he opened his eyes and saw the moon, he only showed a bright
The moon stared at him and his voice was as cold as ice. “Idiot.” However, tears slid down
from the corner of his eyes.
Xie Xi was stunned. “They… has it always been like this?”
Jiang Xie told him, “Continue to watch.”
Then there was the world ruled by the moon. It was cold and dark, like a huge tomb.
The moon wanted to turn everyone into zombies and control the world. Thus, he needed to
maintain an enormous amount of power.
Under these circumstances, the sun couldn’t maintain the appearance of a young child and
was always in a baby state. He forgot everything and didn’t know anything. He was afraid
to leave the Holy Land.
It was because the darkness outside would corrode him, just as the moon was burnt by the
The moon knew that as long as he helped this person go outside, the sun would slowly
grow up and remember the previous things.
However, the moon didn’t want to. He wanted to end all the disgusting things. Until one
day, the sun who had forgotten everything saw the moon and screamed out, “Brother.”
This word was like placing a soldering iron on the ice that covered him. The moon no
longer saw the sun but still heard his voice.
Brother, Brother, Brother, Brother…
One cry after another was like a sharp knife scraping off the ice that sealed the moon’s
Then the players entered the open world and the underground game field consumed the
power of the moon. Jiang Xie completely defeated him and the sun came back.
Xie Xi saw only one fragment of what happened to the open world after he left.
The sun held the little moon and walked out of the dark Holy Land. He turned the zombies
back into humans but never got involved in their lives.
The little moon was sulking and the sun reassured him, “I won’t repeat the same mistakes.”
The little moon cried out, “The human heart is like that!”
The sun replied, “The human heart isn’t constant.”
There were greed and restraint, evil and good, cruelty and kindness. There was no need to
deify humans and no need to hate them.
The sun said, “They aren’t gods or demons. They are just humans.”
The sun stood on the highest mountain and used his greatest strength to place a fiery ball
in the middle of the sky.
If a person looked closely, they would find the smiling face of a naive child, emitting
countless light and heat that lit up the whole world.
The moon was silent and the sun turned towards him. “I can only maintain this for a while.
Once I’m tired, can I change with you?”
The moon was disdainful. “I will only turn them into zombies!”
The sun replied, “That’s good. Let them have a peaceful sleep under the light of the moon.”
“What peaceful sleep? I want them to have nightmares!”
The sun laughed. “Yes.”
The moon continued, “I will make everything dark and black.”
“I will also release zombies to catch the people who don’t sleep!”
The sun kept nodded. “Yes.”
The moon still wasn’t willing. “Also…”
“Okay.” The sun told him, “You can do whatever you want.”
The moon thought of countless cruel means before finally saying, “I’m too lazy.”
Finally, the world had a sun and a moon, a warm day and a cold night, with balance and
The plot was over. Xie Xi took a moment for his spirit to return.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Isn’t it like a fairytale?”
In Xie Xi’s world, the sun and moon weren’t like this. They were two stars and the moon
was very small.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “It’s very good.”
Such a world was also very good. It was a logical and rational world, as well as a world
filled with emotions and dreams. This was the real truth.
Jiang Xie asked, “Are you relieved?”
He was relieved. The sun had the moon to take care of him while the moon had the sun. The
two of them were together, balancing each other and relying on each other.
Old Jiang was evil for a second. “Unfortunately, they are always big and small. How can they
be intimate…”
Xie Xi glared at him. “They are brothers!”
Jiang Xie blinked. “I am still a father.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He had absolutely no misunderstandings about Jiang Xie. This guy was never serious! Xie Xi
was so angry that he directly left the garden.
Jiang Xie was startled but didn’t chase him. He only sent a message, “Tell me before you
enter the world.”
Xie Xi replied to him with a single, “Yes.”
He didn’t want to risk Jiang Xie but he couldn’t stop Jiang Xie. Rather than let him do
something silly, it was better to have him under Xie Xi’s eyes.
Jiang Xie sent a message to his group. “Are you free?”
Yan Zhe didn’t want to see him for a while and ignored it. Qin Ge was more honest. “?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Do you want to spar for a while in the training field?”
The entire group was silent.
Jiang Xie told them, “Don’t be afraid. I will stand still and be your sandbag.”
Yan Zhe couldn’t figure out what this fool was doing. “Have you finally lost your mind?”
Jiang Xie explained, “I want to consume my power so the price of going to the next world
will be relatively small.”
It turned out to be this…
Yan Zhe was in a good mood since he could justify screaming and hitting Old Jiang! Jiang Xie
spoke again, “I know you won’t go so I’ll tell you the good news first.”
A few people in the group, “…….” They had a bad feeling.
Jiang Xie deliberately cleared his throat. “Xiao Xie said that we will get married again. At
that time, I will send you an invitation.”
The perpetual single dogs wanted to go and beat up this dead person!
Jiang Xie added another knife. “Ah Zhe, don’t come. You won’t be able to damage me and it
will be a waste of time fighting you.”
The pure healer God Yan was silent for a second before swearing, “Fucking arrogant self-off
Old Jiang!!!!”

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GL: Chapter 121

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 1

Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t talk so rudely to me in the future. Talk to me like grass to grass.”
Yan Zhe wanted to be angry with him. “I’m your fucking mother!”
“That doesn’t work. My Xiao Xie won’t recognize a woman like you.”
Yan Zhe, “……..”
It was settled. The milk God Yan who couldn’t play n the martial arts field would hire
people to kill him! (Milk = healer)
The virgin Old Jiang had broken legs on the weekdays and now that he had a wife, he was
On the training field, Jiang Xie calmly stated, “Do it together.”
The other group members, “?”
Jiang Xie told them, “I’m in a hurry.”
What should he do if the child waited too long?
His words exploded the scene and succeeded in making the brothers who lived and died
with him into ‘hated enemies’!
Smother this Old Jiang to death to release their nurse’s anger! They would do so to prove
that Milk Yan’s money went to the right place!
There was a violent bombardment that seemed dangerous. In the end, the group of people
were exhausted and the only one left standing was the beaten Jiang Xie.
Qin Ge didn’t join the fight. After all, he still had to use Equivalent Exchange. What would he
do if he didn’t have the strength to use it? A person chasing his wife was crazy.
The one with the highest combat strength among them Nan Yi, waved his hand. “There is no
way. I’m squeezed dry.”
The others couldn’t even speak. Jiang Xie patted the ash that didn’t exist on his body and
stated, “You can. If you really do your best, I won’t be able to stand it.”
How could they listen to this? It was too unpleasant! How many of them could fight against
this old man with all their strength?
Was it worth it? It was worth it.
Then something rose from the bottom of their hearts and they lost their happiness. What
was going on?
Really shameful! It was even more humiliating after Jiang Xie smiled. “After all, I’ve lost too
much of my soul and only have 35% of my power left.”
The crowd, “…” Damn, there was no way to refute it!
Nan Yu shook his drained legs and stood up. “O-Old…” He couldn’t finish the words before
Next to him, Zong Xia was more pragmatic and already called Yan Zhe. “Yan Zhe, asking for
some milk.”
They shouted milk when their bodies were fine and god when they were half dead. It was
like this and there were no problems.
Yan Zhe scolded, “You can’t beat up Old Jiang and you still want milk? Get out of here!”
Jiang Xie wasn’t the same and didn’t need milk. He was obviously one step from exhaustion
but he was relaxed as if he had just finished afternoon tea.
At this point, everyone was convinced. This person perfectly combined a shameless face
and dead face. How could they not be convinced?
Jiang Xie also felt helpless. He paid such a big price to go to the open world, which was
Losing memories sounded painless but they were memories associated with Xie Xi. The
importance of these memories to Jiang Xie was beyond the imagination of others.
Someone could enter the world he designed, someone could clear the world he designed,
someone could free his souls…
These things alone were already a matter of vital importance.
Not to mention that for the first time in his life, he liked a person and even his souls wanted
to marry this person.
The memories associated with Xie Xi were the redemption of his entire life and it was an
unspeakable love story
Of course, he paid such a big price because the level of the open world was too low. The
principle he violated was so big that the price paid was great.
The level of the worlds he designed was relatively high and the price he paid was much
Still, this was a world of his own design. If he wanted to enter his own world, he had to
violate this principle and the price he would have to pay wasn’t much smaller.
Jiang Xie could only try to lower the distance between himself and the quasi-world level in
order to reduce the cost.
This might not mean much. Even if he didn’t take items, over-consumed himself and
blocked some of his more abnormal skills, the full level qualifications alone was enough to
crush all S-grade worlds.
Other people were clamouring to improve their strength.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie was worried about how to compress his strength to save his partner
from being bullied by himself.
Xie Xi couldn’t stay in Central for too long. 10 hours later, Jiang Xie sent a message. “Are you
Xie Xi replied, “I can really go alone…”
He didn’t finish when Jiang Xie interrupted. “You can but I can’t.”
Xie Xi had a hunch that this person was going to speak a train of nonsense again. Sure
enough, Jiang Xie’s next sentence was, “I can’t breathe without you in Central.”
Xie Xi dismantled him. “Then did you not breathe before I came to Central?”
Jiang Xie kept pretending to be pathetic. “I held my breath for so long waiting for you. Do
you want me to hold it again? What will you do if I choke?” The latter sentence seemed a bit
Xie Xi didn’t notice. “It’s good if you choke!”
Jiang Xie was worried. “How can that be done? Our sons are big and small and can’t have
sex. We need to…”
Xie Xi reacted. “W-Who told you this?”
“Don’t be shy. I know you are young and energetic. I am happy if there is a demand…”
Xie Xi quickly poked the water curtain. “Do you not want to go?”
Jiang Xie immediately replied, “I’m going!”
Don’t look at Jiang Xie’s happiness. In fact, his heart was empty. He thought that his
memories of this treasure couldn’t be lost again.
The sweet 60 years of memories, if he lost them…
What would his child do? It felt like there was a heavy weight on his chest just thinking of
Xie Xi’s sad appearance.
Qin Ge was about to use Equivalent Exchange and Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand. Xie Xi was
shy in front of people and wanted to pull away, but Jiang Xie held it tightly.
He couldn’t believe in his luck but believed in Xie Xi. His child was all his good luck.
Xie Xi was vaguely aware of Jiang Xie’s uneasiness but he didn’t allow himself to be affected.
This guy always loved to pretend to be pitiful and if Xie Xi really felt heartache, he would
fall into a pit again.
Still, even if he fell into this pit, he couldn’t bear to see Jiang Xie upset. Xie Xi gently shook
his hand and spoke just as he was about to enter the quasi-world. “It’s fine. Forgetting is
Jiang Xie’s heart jerked as he heard what wasn’t said.
It’s fine…
Forgetting is okay…
Xie Xi still remembered…
He would tell Jiang Xie over and over again…
Jiang Xie heard the most touching words of love of his life and his soul seemed to melt. Xie
Xi regretted it after speaking. He was afraid this guy’s tail would soar high into the sky!
Xie Xi’s mouth was slightly curved and he first glanced at Jiang Xie before reading the
information panel.
Where was he?
There was a countdown on the information panel. He couldn’t delay reading it any longer
or there could be trouble.
Xie Xi had to check the quasi-world situation first.
[Welcome to the quasi-world. Please read the information board carefully.
Game Name: Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas
Game Summary: The mountains and seas are competing for hegemony. The holy beasts and
demon beasts are fighting against each other. Is the holy mountain’s rule more popular or
the demon sea’s freedom more desirable? Look at how the wonderful pen draws the
weather, the mountains and seas and the bright assemblage of talented individuals.
Main Task: Collect the holy beasts drawings. Side Task: To be refreshed.
Number of Loads: None.
Items Carried: Beginner collectors can carry three items.
Privilege: 10 times the reward money, Camouflage and the Puppet Technique.
Xie Xi saw the privileges and couldn’t help frowning. There were two old friends. 10 times
the reward money and Camouflage. The former was negligible. After all, gold coins meant
little to Xie Xi. The latter…
Xie Xi couldn’t forget this old friend. After all, in Atlantis it accompanied him ‘through fire
and water’ as he paused through countless evil fields.
After seeing the privilege, Xie Xi felt like he had seen the ferocious scene of the souls
standing together. The souls in this quasi-world…
It was certain that there were more than one. Xie Xi only asked that it didn’t exceed the
number of fingers on one hand!
What to do? Choose an old friend or choose a new friend?
The situation of Puppet was still unclear but he was familiar with Camouflage.
The three original faces were easy to use while with the reserve faces, he could freely come
and go in Atlantis.
But… Xie Xi glanced at the game summary and was slightly worried about the background
of the quasi-world.
Holy beasts and demon beasts, the mountain and sea. That damn mythical background was
this? The reserve faces in this quasi-world might not be meaningful. After all, many people
might be able to change their bodies and it could be easily seen through.
The power of Camouflage might be greatly reduced. The original faces still had strategic
value if the number of souls was more than two…
Wait. Xie Xi looked at the main task and couldn’t help feeling slightly lucky.
Collecting the drawings of the holy beasts didn’t seem so psychotic?
The drawings of holy beasts weren’t collecting the love of six princes. Perhaps he didn’t
have to provoke the souls?
Xie Xi quickly shook this idea away. He thought that Love to the Left or Right was simply
surviving for seven days but what was the result? As a result, he stepped on three boats
and almost broke his legs!
Xie Xi first refreshed the side task. It was to collect the drawings of the demon beasts.
Since it was the same type as the main task, these should be the core tasks.
Xie Xi spent 300 silver coins and it was still the same task. He didn’t want to waste any
more time.
The main and side tasks didn’t give too many clues for the time being. Then… what type of
privilege should he choose?
Xie Xi looked at the new friend, the Puppet Technique. There were no introductions. He
could only choose without knowing.
What the hell should he choose? It was just about to close when Xie Xi chose the Puppet
Camouflage might be an old friend but this world was different from Atlantis. Xie Xi thought
ti wasn’t useful and it was better to try a new friend!
Xie Xi finally entered the game and looked around for the naughty monster, just in case
Jiang Xie lost his head.
Roast Pork Bun cried out, “Daddy, Daddy, where are you?”
Xie Xi, “???” Was this cat blind?
The kitten flew around like a headless fly. Xie Xi wanted to open his mouth, only to find that
this situation wasn’t quite right?
He… it seemed like… he wasn’t a human?
At this time, there was a flash of purple light and a woman who could only be described
with ‘as beautiful as a flower’ shouted angrily, “You bear child, you unexpectedly escaped
from your marriage!”
Xie Xi, “…” It wasn’t him, it wasn’t him, it must not be him.
The woman continued, “You also dared to change back to your original shape. Do you want
to admit that you are a white rose that represents pure love?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 122

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 2

These words woke up the dreamer and Xie Xi figured out what he was!
A flower…
A rose…
A white rose…
Xie Xi comforted himself. It was better than being a great white shark. This damn ghost, the
great white shark was at least an animal. This time he had become a plant!
Xie Xi tried to move his body but the purple woman in front of him had already picked him
up. “Look at your cute little face, look at your pure white colour, think about your flower
language. How can you escape from marriage!”
Xie Xi had no knowledge of this. He didn’t know who he was going to marry or who had
“Still pretending!” The woman in purple poked him with small leaves. Xie Xi admired how
this lady could tell that he was pretending while he was a rose.
“I’m telling you, crying and screaming isn’t a good thing. Think about what you’re doing
here. Us roses aren’t vine plants thanks to the protection of Lord Azure Dragon!”
Originally, this purple woman was also a rose…
The roses weren’t vine plants? How could they normally grow legs?
Forget it, it was meaningless to pursue these things in such a colourful and beautiful Mary
Sue world.
Xie Xi was carried in her hand and made a posture of listening.
The purple woman said, “Don’t act pitiful. Originally when Lord Azure Dragon came to
Baihua Mountain, I should’ve told you not to go. You are a small rose and can’t hold your
human form. Going to that place..”
Xie Xi felt wronged. If he had come earlier, he definitely wouldn’t have gone to Baihua
Mountain and would’ve gone straight down the mountain!
The task was to collect the holy beasts and demon beasts, not flowers or grass.
“You’re a stupid person and was rescued by Lord Azure Dragon.” The woman in purple
scolded him but didn’t want to hurt him too much. “Lord Azure Dragon didn’t dislike you
and also took care of you. I can understand why you’re not at ease with this marriage. After
all, the identity of Lord Azure Dragon is so big and he thinks you are cute. What will you do
when this freshness is over? You little goblin, where is your foothold on that holy
Xie Xi didn’t know how to speak as a rose and could only spit in his heart, “Since you’re not
at ease, let me escape from the marriage.”
It turned out he said it out loud!
The woman in purple angrily shook him. “You can still say such words? Don’t you realize
who that is? This marriage was what you wanted and now you want to destroy it? How can
our rose clan live in the mountain and sea if we offend Lord Azure Dragon?”
Xie Xi, “…”
He woke up to such a big problem but he still didn’t know where the initiator had gone!
The purple woman continued, “I told you earlier and you didn’t listen. You had to go to the
Holy Mountain to be a man. Now you are afraid? I’m saying that you can’t do this! Even if
you don’t want to marry him, you have to! Our entire rose family can’t be destroyed
because of you!”
Xie Xi felt helpless. “I…”
The purple woman wondered, “What are you doing? Quickly change back to human form!”
Xie Xi also wanted to become a person. The problem was…
“How?” He really didn’t know how to change from a rose to a person.
The woman in purple froze. Xie Xi had to pull out his acting routine. “Somehow I woke up
remembering nothing.”
The woman in purple, “…”
Xie Xi didn’t want to pretend to have amnesia but the souls in this quasi-world had
obviously arranged a lot of the plot in advance. He knew nothing so it was better to
“I really forgot. I don’t even know my own name.”
The purple woman glared at him angrily. “You little bastard. There are 365 days in a year
and you have forgotten 360 days. If you want to forget, I won’t let you forget. I see that your
leaves are itchy. Just wait for me to use you to catch insects!” What type of magic metaphor
was this?
Then… what the hell was the setting for this flower? Was it a runaway train? He wasn’t a
Jiang soul. How did he end up like this?
Xie Xi hurriedly told him, “No, I have really forgotten.”
The woman in purple cried out, “Don’t use amnesia as a cover. If you really forgot then why
do you want to escape the marriage? Say you will marry!”
Xie Xi spoke sincerely, “I can’t remember at all. If getting married can really save the rose
family, I will go.”
The woman in purple was stunned by these words.
This was obviously something that the bold and mischievous little bastard wouldn’t say.
“You really… have forgotten?”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes, I don’t even know your name.”
“You forgot me?”
The woman in purple finally believed that he lost his memory. Forget regaining his human
form, even amnesia wasn’t an easy thing.
The woman in purple asked a few questions and Xie Xi really didn’t know the answers. His
expression wasn’t fake (Xie Xi didn’t know how she could see an expression on a white
rose) and the woman’s face became complicated. “You little bastard, how could you forget
all of it…”
“I don’t know exactly what is going on.”
The woman in purple sighed. “Your broken things, I know them clearly and will tell you.”
Xie Xi nodded and waited for the information to come.
The woman in purple was called Purple Nine. She was a low-grade rose flower. This meant
she hadn’t lived for hundreds of years and wasn’t comparable to the snow lotus who was
born early on the cold mountain.
Those with a low level had few names and were mostly sorted by colour.
Purple Nine naturally wasn’t the ninth purple rose in this family. She just inherited this
name with strength.
The serial number of each colour only went up to 12. After that, it didn’t make much sense.
They used the number they liked and didn’t care if it was repeated.
Only the first 12 numbers couldn’t be used indiscriminately since they were obtained with
Xie Xi asked, “What is my name?”
Purple Nine replied, “Xie Xi.”
Xie Xi was stunned. “Shouldn’t I have no name?”
Purple Nine stared at him. “You are about to marry Lord Azure Dragon. How can you have
no name?”
Well, he was a wildflower about to fly up a branch to become a phoenix. It was time to have
a name. But Xie Xi… how was it his original name?
Purple Nine told him, “Lord Azure Dragon spoils you and gave you the name of the flower
Xie Xi, “???”
Purple Nine sighed. “How can our rose family afford this name? You are nothing but a small
rose with low mana. How can you stand it?”
Wait a minute… Xie Xi got goosebumps. How did his name become the name of the flower
god? His name was very ordinary and common. He wasn’t Mary Sue, okay!
And what was a flower god? Weren’t most of them beautiful women?
Purple Nine continued, “Thus, Lord Azure Dragon had high hopes for you. However, this
naughty child…”
She shook her head with real worries in her eyes. “You have to marry Lord Azure Dragon,
even if it isn’t for the rose family. You have inherited this name and in order to protect
yourself, you have to rely on Lord Azure Dragon.”
Xie Xi hadn’t yet recovered from this colourful setting and laughed. “Isn’t it just a name…?”
“Don’t underestimate it!” Purple Nine shouted. “How many flowers have been waiting and
dreaming of obtaining the name of the flower god?”
“Is a person bound to become a flower god with this name?”
Purple Nine replied solemnly. “You might not become a flower god with this name but
without the name, you can’t become a flower god.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He refused and wanted to resist this damned setting. He had a mad desire to change his
name. Sein was very good and Colin was also good!
Purple Nine told him, “You must not speak nonsense. Underestimating the words of the
flowers means being abandoned by the god’s wisdom and then Lord Azure Dragon can’t
protect you!”
Abandoned by the god’s wisdom? Xie Xi was interested in this and directly asked.
Purple Nine was stunned. “You really forgot everything. I can’t believe you dared ask such a
Xie Xi felt helpless. “Thus, I’m really not lying to you.”
Purple Nine explained, “The god’s wisdom is an ancient relic which has recorded
everything on the mountain and sea continent. If abandoned by it, you will no longer exist.”
“No longer exist?”
“Yes, it will erase everything you have. Your family and friends, your lover and everyone
who knows you will forget you. You will even forget yourself and finally, your soul will be
Xie Xi wondered, “You will forget yourself?”
“It isn’t simple amnesia. It is removing the meaning of your existence.”
Xie Xi was very curious about this god’s wisdom but Purple Nine shook her head when he
tried to ask again. “Us roses are humble and don’t know much. In short, you should
remember that the name of the flower god is written with the god’s wisdom. You can’t
discard it. Once it is gone, you will disappear, understand?”
Xie Xi asked, “What is counted as discarding it?”
Purple Nine replied, “If you don’t deserve the name then it will be discarded.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Purple Nine opened her mouth. “If you are the companion of Lord Azure Dragon, you will
always be worthy of this name. However, if you are just a small white rose in the rose
family, you don’t deserve this name.”
Then Xie Xi had to marry that Azure Dragon!
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking, ‘This name was very bad. What the hell was this name? It was
clearly placing a life or death charm on him!
How could he dare escape this marriage now? Xie Xi felt… he feared the souls’
misunderstanding and wasn’t that afraid of life and death.
Purple Nine had spoken roughly about the relationship between Azure Dragon and the
little rose but now she said it in more detail.
Every 10 years, there was a grand event on Baihua Mountain were sages were invited to
visit. This time, it was fortunate enough to invite Sage Azure Dragon.
By all accounted, Xie Xi was a little rose and wasn’t qualified to go to Baihua Mountain.
After all, not all of the rose family could go.
Purple Nine was the leader of the younger generation of the rose family and she was close
to Xie Xi. Xie Xi wanted to see his birthplace and she took him with her.
Who knew that Xie Xi would be bored, go out to wander, fall into a valley and be saved. The
person who saved him was Sage Azure Dragon.
After that…
It was estimated that Purple Nine was just joking. In any case, her story was cliche and full
of a teenage heart and pink bubbles.
Finally, Azure Dragon went flying through the rose family’s elders, found Purple Nine who
was half his caretaker and finally proposed to Xie Xi.
Don’t mention the flower family. The entire holy mountain received a shock that was like
three earthquakes.
Sage Azure Dragon actually wanted to marry a small flower?
It was unbelievable! As the wedding date approached, the name of the flower god was
given and everyone slowly accepted it.
Then… the little flower ran away from the holy mountain!
There was the sound of quick footsteps outside. “Did you find Xiao Xie? Lord Azure Dragon
has come to Rose Mountain!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 123

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 3

Purple Nine hurriedly asked, “Lord Azure Dragon is coming?”

“Yes! He’s coming in person!” A red-haired man with a good voice and appearance ran from
outside. He probably shared a common language with Purple Nine. “Lord Azure Dragon
really likes Xiao Xie. Xiao Xie has accumulated blessings for a few generations of
Purple Nine’s eyebrows gathered together. “We can’t call the name of the flower god at will.
Call him 99 for now.”
The man in red stated, “Okay, I will call him that in the future!”
He asked again, “Where is he? Don’t make trouble due to premarital fear. Lord Azure
Dragon has personally come to pick him up and won’t go back without a justified reason.”
Purple Nine stated, “Red Six, you go first. I will clean him up well. He can’t be messy when
seeing Lord Azure Dragon.”
Red Six hurriedly said, “Fine, move quickly. We can’t let Lord Azure Dragon wait for a long
After sending away Red Six, Purple Nine quickly told Xie Xi, “Hurry up, it is too impolite to
see Lord Azure Dragon like this.”
Xie Xi also wanted to see what type of soul Azure Dragon was. He hoped it was an old friend
and not a new soul!
“How do I transform back?” Xie Xi asked.
Purple Nine was patience. “You might’ve forgotten but you have previously adapted to the
human form There should still be an illusion. Just think about…”
She explained a bit and Xie Xi generally understood. The transformation basically relied on
the brain and each part had to be successfully shaped.
Xie Xi had been a person for many years and was very familiar with the human body. He
tried a few times before successfully transforming.
A white light fell and Xie Xi could finally be regarded as a human.
The Roast Pork Bun looking for his mother yelled, “Daddy, where did you go? Did you give
birth to a second child behind my back?”
Xie Xi, “…” He was too lazy to care about this silly cat!
Purple Nine sighed and said, “You are really…”
Xie Xi didn’t catch her next words.
Purple Nine didn’t dare say, “You don’t have to marry Lord Azure Dragon. Just this
appearance alone is worthy of the name of the flower god.” However, she was afraid of his
tail rising into the sky and caused a great disaster. She changed her words and said, “You
can’t mess away or act too rudely in front of Lord Azure Dragon.”
Xie Xi nodded.
They left the garden.
Yes, Xie Xi had just been rooted in a small garden with many buds. They seemed to be
unflowered roses.
Xie Xi left with Purple Nine while wondering where Jiang Xie was.
By all accounts, they entered this quasi-world and should’ve landed in the same place. How
did he disappear?
Xie Xi was a bit worried about what happened to him.
Jiang Xie must’ve lost something but what did he lose? Surely it wasn’t Jiang Xie himself
who was lost?
Xie Xi’s heart jerked and he crazily shook his head. Impossible, absolutely impossible! This
world’s level definitely wasn’t low and there shouldn’t be such a high cost!
Purple Nine was angry. “Why are you shaking your head? In a moment, Lord Azure Dragon
will take you back. You should obediently follow!”
Xie Xi hurriedly replied, “Yes.”
He didn’t want to but if the soul was there, it meant there wasn’t a problem with Jiang Xie.
They were all one. If something had happened to the main body, the soul would have no
supporting point and would scatter.
Xie Xi suppressed his worries and followed Purple Nine. His eyes widened as a dreamlike
world appeared in front of him.
In regards to flowers, people were always willing to give their best imagination.
Jiang Xie was fond of roses and designed Rose Mountain to be a fairyland. The emerald
vines, the crystal dew, the fluorescent fireflies and the beautiful petals that spread out
meant that even Xie Xi couldn’t help feeling the beauty.
Purple Nine told him, “Thanks to Lord Azure Dragon, our Rose Mountain has such a
prosperous beauty.”
This was also the blessing of Azure Dragon? This white rose really had to marry him!
They walked up the jade steps into a white palace.
This palace wasn’t the traditional ancient style. The carved columns were full of nature’s
interest. White was the base and plants were the company. The echo of the sun and moon
was really beautiful.
Xie Xi saw a man in black clothes standing in the main hall.
He wore a long gown with dark lines, wide cuffs and a tight waist that showed off his
perfect figure.
“Why did you run back? If you missed home, you could’ve told me. I would’ve stayed with
you for a few days on Rose Mountain.” He opened his mouth, his warm voice containing
some cold, like spring water falling into a mountain stream.
Xie Xi looked up and saw his clean and handsome features.
Azure Dragon was actually the fourth prince.
Xie Xi had a good impression of the environmentalist but at the end of the Atlantis world,
he felt deeply sorry for this prince.
Purple Nine pushed Xie Xi and he hurriedly opened his mouth. “I was too capricious.”
“What is this?” Azure Dragon approached and took his hand. “It is my fault for being so
busy that I made you bored.”
Xie Xi was very familiar with him and didn’t feel restrained. “It’s fine. I was just a bit
Azure Dragon told him warmly, “Then I’ll stay with you for a few days.”
“However, you still have things to do.”
Azure Dragon paused. “It isn’t a problem. I’m always busy.”
Xie Xi still wanted to say something but Azure Dragon patted the back of his hand. “After
the wedding, you can only live on the Holy Mountain.”
Xie Xi looked a bit embarrassed. “That’s why I want to spend a bit more time on Rose
Mountain with everyone.” It was necessary to grasp the details before knowing if the value
of this marriage was worth it or not.
Xie Xi experienced a lot and wasn’t naive enough to think that marriage was always a good
Who knew what the brains of the other souls were like. The end of Atlantis was hell mode.
If the souls were deeply obsessed, it would definitely affect the world. The fourth prince
wanted to marry him then what about the other souls?
The most fearful thing was to agree without prior consultation.
Let’s say he married this soul and provoked the others. Then he wouldn’t be able to coax
the souls!
Azure Dragon obeyed him. “Okay, I’ll finish up my busy work during this time and then take
you everywhere.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Azure Dragon added, “It isn’t early now. I won’t go back. Can I stay to accompany you?”
Xie Xi, “……” Fourth Prince, what are you doing? Do you want to engage in premarital X
Purple Nine hurriedly said, ”I’m going to clean up the house!”
She hurried away and Xie Xi didn’t dare leave Azure Dragon.
It was just… Jiang Xie might be naughty but he was very disciplined. In the dream, they…
In any case, they weren’t married and shouldn’t mess around.
Purple Nine left and Azure Dragon spoke to the people around him. The server responded
in a low murmur before turning to leave.
Only the two of them were left in the huge hall.
Xie Xi was busy thinking when Azure Dragon’s dark eyes changed.
Roast Pork Bun yelled, “Who is this handsome man?” The red and blue eyes were exactly
the same as Roast Pork Bun.
Xie Xi was startled.
Azure Dragon smiled and stated, “It’s me.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie told him, “I didn’t think the price I would pay was my body.”
Last time there were no memories and now he didn’t have a body. It was hard to say which
one was better.
Xie Xi understood. “Then you now…”
“The state of my souls will attract me. I will stay in the body of a soul for the time being.”
Xie Xi spoke nervously, “This doesn’t count as regaining your body?”
“It doesn’t count since this isn’t my original body.”
Xie Xi felt relieved. “That’s good. If you’re in this body, I’m…” It would be a lot easier.
Jiang Xie smiled. “It is more than this body.”
Xie Xi didn’t understand. “What?”
Jiang Xie quickly explained, “All the souls are me. In theory, I can go to any body if they pull
Xie Xi asked anxiously, “Will there be any danger?”
Jiang Xie’s heart was hot but he didn’t dare tease the child. “There is no danger but my
brain isn’t very good.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie explained, “Whenever we are alone, I can remember the Central World. However,
if there are other people present, I can only remember the memories of the soul.”
Then the previous Azure Dragon was really Azure Dragon and not Jiang Xie?
Jiang Xie continued, “I can’t distort the will of the soul or else this quasi-world will become
a mess.”
Xie Xi was still in a daze.
Footsteps were heard from outside. Jiang Xie seized this time and said, “Be careful with
Azure Dragon. He knows that you fled from the marriage.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 124

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 4

Xie Xi’s nerves were tight and he wanted to ask again but he discovered that Azure
Dragon’s eyes had changed back to an indigo colour.
He stopped but his heart was still beating like a drum.
Jiang Xie was in several bodies? People could have several bodies at once!
Oh, it wasn’t possible to anyone else but it was certainly okay for Jiang Xie. After all, he had
so many souls!
Xie Xi wasn’t worried about his safety. He just started to curse Jiang Xie in his heart. Didn’t
this person know what to focus on? Couldn’t he mention how many souls were present and
if these souls had any brain damage. Even if the time wasn’t enough and he couldn’t give
the details, at least explain the last sentence.
How was Azure Dragon so calm if he knew that Xie Xi fled from the marriage?
Xie Xi remembered that the fourth prince was a positive young man!
After experiencing the last scene, he was probably no better than the fifth or sixth prince.
Xie Xi was worried.
“The climate of the Holy Mountain can be adjusted. It is too hot for you to stay there?”
Azure Dragon suddenly turned to a climate problem and Xie Xi almost couldn’t keep up
with the rhythm. “Yes, it’s fine.”
“You don’t need to be so polite with me. We will be together in the future. If you are afraid
of the heat or cold, I should consider it.”
Xie Xi finally reacted. It was probably because Jiang Xie emerged and there was a fault in
the soul. Jiang Xie gave him and patch and pretended that the two people were discussing
the living environment of the Holy Mountain.
It seemed that although Jiang Xie couldn’t distort the will of the soul, he could move his
hands and feel to add insignificant small details.
Xie Xi replied, “Your Excellency has thought a lot about me.”
Azure Dragon took his hand. “It isn’t enough.”
The gentle words made it seem that Azure Dragon was fond of spoiling him but Xie Xi had a
bad taste after thinking that this person knew he had fled the marriage!
Xie Xi smiled. “How can that be? I am very happy with Lord Azure Dragon.”
Azure Dragon also smiled but his blue eyes were as cold as the deep sea. “ I am also glad to
see you happy. I always want to put everything good under the sun in front of you.”
Xie Xi thought this was a love story and wanted to say thank you, but Azure Dragon’s next
sentence made him cold and his hairs stood up. “…Then you won’t leave me.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tense.
This translated to: I will give you all the good things in the world so you won’t be greedy for
the outside world.
Old Four, what are you doing? Don’t blacken or learn bad things!
He seemed to notice the small rose’s shudder and Azure Dragon spoke warmly, “I heard
that liking a person meant I would suffer. I didn’t understand it before but now it is clear.”
Xie Xi smiled reluctantly. ‘This isn’t suffering. You are crazy!’
Poor Xie Xi didn’t know why he fled the marriage and couldn’t coax this person. He could
only barely say, “Originally Sage Azure Dragon has such an ordinary side.”
Azure Dragon replied, “I can’t afford the word Sage.”
Xie Xi disagreed. “Don’t underestimate yourself.”
“The so-called Sage is just a shackle I was born with. If I can get rid of it to be happy with
you, I am satisfied.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare to answer because he felt there was a pit in front of him!
By saying that he wanted to wander with Azure Dragon around the world, would this prove
that he couldn’t stand the boredom of the Holy Mountain and tried to escape the marriage?
If Xie Xi said he didn’t want to wander the world with Azure Dragon, did this mean he only
valued Azure Dragon’s status and escaped because it wasn’t true love?
He had too few information and Xie Xi couldn’t figure out the direction!
Fortunately, Azure Dragon himself didn’t seem to want the answer. He threw the hook
before releasing the little fish.
“Right, you left in a hurry. How could you forget to bring this?” Then the server came back
like he had been waiting. He heard Azure Dragon’s words and came forward while holding
a red paint tray in his hand.
How could Xie Xi know what this was?
Azure Dragon told him, “You have inherited the name of the flower god and must guard this
register. If you leave it for too long, it will damage your soul.”
Xie Xi was in a hurry. “I’m confused.” He forgot such an important thing in order to escape
from the marriage. Did he want to die? What the hell happened for the setting to be like
The current Xie Xi was well aware of the rules of the quasi-world where the souls were
Objectively speaking, it was only when he entered the quasi-world that the quasi-world
would wake up. At that moment, the souls would spontaneously form their own will and
integrate into the quasi-world, generating pre-existing summaries.
In other words, before Xie Xi entered, there was nothing. The Baihua Mountain event,
Azure Dragon saving the small rose and the engagement. All these things he didn’t know
about didn’t exist.
Once Xie Xi entered, the souls generated the corresponding setting and placed them on Xie
As for this setting, it must follow logic but now there were too few clues and he couldn’t
fathom it.
Of course, Xie Xi could understand why he was set up to escape the marriage. After all, the
thing he did to the fourth prince in Atlantis… it was a much more serious betrayal than
escaping marriage.
Xie Xi felt a bit panicked thinking up to here. He couldn’t have fled the marriage because he
had a new love?
This was really… it was too messy. Just look at Love to the Left or Right, also know as the
Love is a Dead End quasi-world.
The scary thing was that he could load the file in Love is a Dead End. What about here?
There was no loading a file option!
The only thankful thing was that there was the half Jiang Xie to help. He just wasn’t sure if
Jiang Xie would be a disservice or not…
Xie Xi tried to brush up his good feelings. “I just came back to see for a moment before
returning to the Holy Mountain. Thus, I didn’t bring it.” The implication was that he wasn’t
really escaping from marriage. If he was escaping, he would’ve brought it with him.
Azure Dragon seemed to be appeased and said, “That won’t do. I was really worried when I
saw the roster but didn’t see you.”
Xie Xi stated, “It’s my fault. I also bothered Lord Azure Dragon to send it personally to me.”
“You are still childish and playful.”
This seemed to mean something. Xie Xi cautiously replied, “In the future, I will ask you to be
more strict.”
Azure Dragon’s mood seemed to be much better. “How can I be willing to do that?”
Xie Xi felt sorry.
The smile on Azure Dragon’s face faded a bit and he whispered, “All I can do is wait for you
to grow up.”
There seemed to be some helplessness in his words. Xie Xi’s heart was stunned and he
wondered if he really cheated.
The cuckolded Azure Dragon not only held back his anger but chose to wait for him to wake
Azure Dragon, you are really a bit green.
Azure Dragon put down the roster and told him before leaving, “I’ll see you later.”
Xie Xi thought it wasn’t too late to show his loyalty. “I’ll go back to the Holy Mountain with
Azure Dragon’s eyes became darker. “You want to go back with me?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.” No matter what happened with the other souls, Xie Xi always felt that
the fourth prince was a bit miserable and decided to comfort him first. Unexpectedly, Azure
Dragon shook his head. “Now that you’ve come back here, stay for a while.”
Xie Xi was a bit stunned. What was this situation? Was he feeling Xie Xi out?
Xie Xi continued, “I want to go back with you.”
Azure Dragon smiled but it didn’t apply to his eyes. “There is no hurry. Wait for the day I
come back to pick you up.”
Azure Dragon really didn’t want him to come back? Why…
Azure Dragon drew him closer and kissed his forehead. “Wait for me.”
This words seemed filled with killing intent!
Xie Xi didn’t dare provoke him and could only watch Azure Dragon leave while holding the
Azure Dragon left and Purple Nine came over. “Oh my god, Lord Azure Dragon really loves
you. He actually personally sent you the roster.”
Xie Xi was speechless. It was definitely love but who knew if it was good.
Purple Nine warned him. “Don’t mess around anymore. Lord Azure Dragon thought you
just messed him and came back to see it. If he knew that you regret the marriage, how sad
would he be?”
Xie Xi was afraid that he was probably sad now while preparing the green hat!
Xie Xi told her, “I’m a bit tired.”
Purple Nine thought of his inexplicable amnesia and felt worried but also sad. “Yes, go rest
and see if you can remember the past.”
Xie Xi nodded.
He left Purple Nine and checked the roster. After all, his life was at stake. Xie Xi went to the
inner room and sat on the bed before opening the roster. The moment he opened it, a hint
appeared in the lower right corner.
[You have triggered the Beginner Repair Skill promotion task. Do you want to accept it?]
Jiang Xie said that the promotion task for a skill would generally appear randomly in the
quasi-world. It seemed that he now encountered it?
Xie Xi definitely couldn’t miss this and hurriedly accepted.
In the lower right corner, the prompt for the promotion task appeared under the main task
and side task.
Was the promotion task related to this roster?
Xie Xi gazed at the roster and was surprised to find that it was blank.
The cover of the roster only had the word Xie Xi and everything else was blank paper.
What was this situation?
Then a new prompt appeared in the lower right corner. [Main Task: Find blank
illustrations, collect the illustrations of the holy beasts.
Side Task: Find blank illustrations, collect the illustrations of the demon beasts.
Promotion Task: (1) Repair the broken rose illustration.]
These three messages gave Xie Xi many clues. It seemed that this roster was the key item
needed for the tasks and could be used to collect the holy beasts and demon beasts
illustrations. As for how to collect them, Xie Xi wasn’t sure but he definitely wouldn’t draw
or write casually on the paper. It was estimated that there were special requirements that
he needed to think about.
The roster was a prop for the promotion task and Xie Xi didn’t know how to repair the
broken rose illustration.
In short, there were clues and he would slowly explore the follow-up.
Xie Xi tried it and found that the roster could be placed into the items bar, which made him
feel at ease. As long as he placed it in the bar, he didn’t worry about it being stolen or
Xie Xi studied it for a while before deciding to lay down and rest after confirming he didn’t
miss anything.
It was unknown what the little rose experienced before but his physical strength was
exhausted. Xie Xi couldn’t endure despite his qualifications.
He was woken up by a voice.
“It is the servant of the nine-tailed demon ancestor!”
“Our rose family belongs to the Holy Mountain and has nothing to do with the Demon Sea.
What did they come here to do?”
“It’s over! I heard that foxes like to pick the flowers and trample the grass (womanize). Are
they going to pick us?”
The idiom wasn’t used like this!
There was the sound of footsteps. Xie Xi had just sat up when he heard the voice of Red
Three. “A betrothal gift?”
“Yes! The fox demon said that the nine-tailed fox ancestor is coming to give us a betrothal
Xie Xi’s scalp became numb.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 125
Bonus ko-fi chapter. One more remaining

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 5

Purple Nine’s voice was heard. “Who does he want to get engaged with? Which rose
actually provoked the nine tailed demon ancestor?”
Red Three replied, “I don’t know. Everyone went to the lobby and the chief is greeting him.”
Purple Nine said, “Let’s go and take a look.”
They left and Xie Xi tried not to panic.
There was no doubt that this was definitely a soul. it was 10,000% certain that the
betrothal gift was for him!
He hadn’t escaped one marriage and another marriage had arrived?
Xie Xi couldn’t sit down and hurriedly put on a coat to see the situation.
His past status meant he wasn’t qualified to participate in such a thing but now it was
different. He had the favour of Azure Dragon and the name of the flower god. He could go
anywhere and no one would dare stop him.
Xie Xi quietly went to the lobby and had just entered when he heard a gorgeous red-haired
fox demon speak, “Our lord said it was a small white rose, cute and beautiful with a nine in
his name.”
Xie Xi heard that the last name for himself was White 99! This was definitely him! He didn’t
have the courage to enter.
Who knew that the roses would look at each other before Red Three spoke, “Is it Auntie
White Nine?”
Purple Nine replied, “Impossible! Auntie White NIne has already married into the white
tiger clan. How can she go provoke Lord Nine Tails?”
The red-haired demon spoke again. “It is a small rose, young and tender.”
This adjective startled the roses in the hall. Why did it seem like they were going to be
There was a green fox behind the red fox and the green fox slapped him. “What youth, what
The red fox cried out, “Oh right, It is the meaning of cute tenderness, not delicious.”
The roses weren’t comforted.
The elderly rose chief said, “Marriage is a matter of mutual affection. We understand the
mind of Lord Nine Tails but we don’t know this rose…”
The red fox explained, “Our lord naturally asked him. Look, this is the token of affection
that he left for our lord.” He took out a small leaf.
The elders of the rose family came forward and gazed at it before crying out, “Yes, this is
indeed a rose leaf!”
If ordinary humans gave a leaf as a sign of love, it was estimated that they would be single
However, the rose family was strange. The leaves that fell off were very treasured and this
leaf was almost equivalent to a human woman cutting off a lock of hair.
The red fox took back the lead and put it in his clothes in a treasured manner. “Your rose
family might be attached to the Holy Mountain but as long as this rose fairy marries our
lord, your rose family will be famous in the mountain and sea.”
Xie Xi scolded in his heart, ‘You are the rose fairy, your family is the rose fairy!’
The elders of the rose family glanced at each other and were slightly embarrassed.
Purple Nine spoke, “I don’t know. We have an important event in a few days. Sage Azure
Dragon of the Holy Mountain is marrying a small rose of our family…”
“So what?”” The fox wondered. “If your family marries into the Holy Mountain and to our
lord, there is no conflict.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘I’m sorry but there is a real conflict!’
He was afraid to go out for fear that the red fox who knew the truth would take him away.
He could only hope that the rose family held onto their dignity and didn’t agree to this
The red fox asked again, “How about it? Do you think our nine-tailed lord is inferior to an
old dragon?”
The rose family, “…”
The red fox was very arrogant. “I advise you not to ask for trouble. This rose has long been
fascinated by our lord and our lord cherishes him. We came to ask out of politeness but it
doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. In any case, this marriage is settled!”
The old and young roses felt it was very difficult.
They belonged to the Holy Mountain but their family was really weak. How could they
provoke the Lord Nine Tails of the Demon Sea?
Even if Xie Xi and Lord Azure Dragon married, Lord Azure Dragon might not necessarily
protect them from Lord Nine Tails.
Moreover, Lord Nine Tails was graciously proposing. Refusing would offend him and was
there anything good in it?
Not to mention that they couldn’t stop it.
What was the personality of Lord Nine Tails? One look could hook the world. How could a
small rose resist? If the rose wasn’t being played with and actually got married to Lord
Nine tails, this would create a stir through the entire mountain and sea.
The group weighed it before finally compromising. The old chief said, “It is just that we
don’t know where this little rose is. If we accept the betrothal gift…”
“You don’t need to worry about this.” The red fox spoke arrogantly. “As long as you accept
the gift, you are acknowledging this marriage and just need to wait for prosperity in the
Xie Xi eavesdropping outside thought that ‘righteous’ rose family would refuse the ‘evil’
foxes. Who knew… they would surrender?
Couldn’t they have more backbone?
You are the Holy Mountain and they are the Demon Sea. Shouldn’t you vow to never stand
Xie Xi really thought a lot. The Holy Mountain and Demon Sea weren’t hostile to each other,
nor had they ever fought. They just had different ideals.
The foxes left in a mighty manner and didn’t need to see the person involved. It was
obvious how confident they were in this marriage.
Xie Xi didn’t stop them. He didn’t even dare to show his face!
The rose chief ordered, “Hurry and find every rose with the word ‘nine’ in their names. See
which child provoked…”
Rose Three stated, “This isn’t a bad thing. The nine-tailed ancestor might be acting
arrogantly but if he didn’t value the rose, he couldn’t come with such a big fanfare.”
The chief of the rose family replied, “Our family is free to marry anyone they want. As long
as there is affection, we don’t have the right to interfere.”
Purple Nine added, “Our chief should feel relieved. The child has such good luck and should
be happy.”
The chief sighed. “Go and find them. I have to know who it is.”
A woman in blue said, “It is really weird. It is a white rose again.”
Red Three nodded. “Yes, there is also a nine in the name.”
Everyone said this but no one suspected that it was the same person!
It wasn’t that they were stupid and naive. There were many white roses in the rose family.
Apart from White Nine, the others freely named themselves and there were many people
with nine in their name. White 19, White 29, White 39 and even White 99.
It was like Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong among humans. There were many people with the
same name.
Besides, who would dare to think that the little rose who promised to marry Azure Dragon
would dare to let the nine-tailed demon ancestor come to give a betrothal gift?
Normal people couldn’t believe it!
Tragically, Xie Xi not only agreed to both proposals but there might be another and
Xie Xi didn’t want to be exposed for a while and he had to find a chance to talk to Jiang Xie!
The news of the betrothal gift spread and the entire rose family was busy for a while.
Purple Rose was busy but found time to speak to Xie Xi.
She told him, “I didn’t expect our rose family to have two marriages in one breath. I can
only hope that the wedding date of the nine-tailed demon ancestor can be staggered with
you or we will be too busy.”
Xie Xi stumbled and nearly fell.
Busy, he was afraid that he was busier than anyone else.
Purple Nine didn’t think anything of it. “What’s wrong with you?”
Xie Xi was a man who experienced heavy winds and rain and remained steady. “Nothing,
my sleeping posture wasn’t good and my legs are numb.”
“You are going to be married yet you are still like a child.” Purple Nine looked after him like
a big sister. “Go to bed and I’ll give you a massage.”
Xie Xi was fine and said, “I’m okay. I’ll be fine in a moment…”
Purple Nine smiled. “Okay, you’re grown up and have become shy.”
Xie Xi, “…” Who was shy?
Purple Nine still had things to do and couldn’t delay any longer. “Lord Azure Dragon might
come over later. You shouldn’t be so messy. Quickly clean up.”
Xie Xi was afraid that not only Lord Azure Dragon would come…
In any case, he had to take it step by step. Xie Xi said, “I will clean up.”
Purple Nine left. Xie Xi cleaned up while silently praying, ‘Please come one at a time!’
His privilege had been chosen and he had long looked at the effect.
This Puppet technique was very powerful. It could create a puppet that was exactly the
same as he and he could operate it remotely. The only drawback was that it wasn’t as
flexible as him and could only do simple responses. The best thing was that it could lie
down to sleep and it slept better than him!
It took time to make a puppet. Xie Xi had done it early in the morning but unfortunately, it
took a long time to get the first puppet. Once it was fully operational, it was necessary to
see if Xie Xi could master it.
In short, the current Xie Xi absolutely couldn’t cope with two souls!’
It had just become dark when Azure Dragon came over.
The entire rose family welcomed him. Azure Dragon probably knew his lover’s family was
poor so he brought a bunch of servants who were holding delicacies.
Don’t mention the small roses, the elders of the rose family had never seen this. They felt
amazement and were full of thoughts.
Xie Xi was full of fear that someone would mention the nine tailed demon ancestor bringing
a betrothal gift.
Fortunately, none of the roses said a thing.
The dinner ended and Xie Xi approached Azure Dragon. “Your Excellency, let’s go first.”
Azure Dragon looked at him. “There’s no hurry. I have nothing to do tonight.”
Xie Xi wanted to be alone with him to talk to Jiang Xie and had to say, “They aren’t
comfortable if you are here.”
The Azure Dragon was slightly stunned. “Then what about you?”
Xie Xi was afraid he wouldn’t leave and took the initiative to hold his hand. “Of course, I
want to be with you.”
Azure Dragon gripped his hand tightly and whispered, “Go to your room?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
This was tantamount to an invitation. Azure Dragon stared at this face and his heart slightly
He liked this person and cherished him. He had waited so long and could wait a bit longer…
The colour of Azure Dragon’s eyes deepened and there was a faint smile on his face. “Xiao
Xie Xi wondered, “Your Excellency?”
Azure Dragon didn’t continue speaking. He held Xie Xi’s hand and got up. “Let’s go, I’m also
As soon as he got up, the roses put down their chopsticks and looked up.
Azure Dragon told them, “You guys can play. I won’t drink tonight.”
Everyone was happy and bowed to the Azure Dragon.
Xie Xi and Azure Dragon walked hand in hand to Xie Xi’s room.
Xie Xi had spent the morning cleaning so his room was neat and filled with a quiet
The Azure Dragon was followed by an attendant. Xie Xi glanced at him and Azure Dragon
waved his hand. “Leave.”
“Yes,” the attendant replied politely.
He had just left when Azure Dragon unexpectedly picked up Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was startled as Azure Dragon held him by the waist and placed Xie Xi on his lap.
This action was intimate and Xie Xi’s face slightly reddened as he whispered, “Your
Azure Dragon kissed him on the lips.
Xie Xi, “!”
Yes, everyone was gone and what else could he do?
They were about to be married and no one could stop themselves from doing something
Xie Xi had done everything in Dream Come True with Jiang Xie but in reality…
He was flushed and his head was dizzy.
There was a light sound and Xie Xi sobered up a bit.
He held down the hand touching his waist and trembled. “Okay, okay!”
Jiang Xie let out a low laugh.
Xie Xi stared at the different coloured eyes. “Let go!”
Jiang Xie refused and buried his head in Xie Xi’s neck. “You smell good.”
Xie Xi was tickled by his nose. “I want to talk business with you.”
Jiang Xie’s hand was very dishonest. “Is there something more important than this?”
Xie Xi bit him on the shoulder.
Jiang Xie sucked in a breath. “Little…” He didn’t dare say cat.
He had spoken words of love in bed before. He didn’t have to finish for Xie Xi to know what
he was going to say!
Xie Xi was angry and committed domestic violent!
“Okay, okay.” Jiang Xie was afraid that this person was truly angry and hurriedly let go. “No
Xie Xi moved away from him. “If you, if you do this again, my next world… I won’t let you
in!” He had nothing else to threaten Jiang Xie with.
Jiang Xie raised his hand and surrendered. “No nonsense! I won’t mess up!”
Xie Xi didn’t dare delay the time and hurriedly asked, “Tell me, how many souls are in this
quasi-world and what are their identities?”
He hurriedly prepared to memorize it so he would know the situation.
Jiang Xie leaned down and replied, “If I knew, I would’ve told you during the day.”
Xie Xi blinked. “How could you not know? Aren’t you in the bodies of the souls?”
Jiang Xie sighed. “However, if we don’t meet then I won’t have the memories of the other
Xie Xi didn’t understand. Jiang Xie explained, “I entered the body of every soul but my
memories can’t be shared at the same time.”
“Then you don’t even know how many bodies you are divided into?”
Jiang Xie looked innocent. “I really don’t know.”
After all, he was originally a god who didn’t even know how many souls pieces were
separated from him.
Xie Xi angrily exclaimed, “How are you useful?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 126
TL: Changed god’s pen to god’s wisdom

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 6

Jiang Xie pulled this person into his arms and kissed him. “How can you say that your
husband is useless?”
Xie Xi glared.
Jiang Xie looked at the 988 goodwill and smiled. “You are my husband.”
This bad person with no face and no skin!
Xie Xi tried to squeeze out some surplus value. “Do you know what that Azure Dragon is
Jiang Xie just smiled in a handsome manner.
Xie Xi didn’t fall for this and poked him. “You don’t even know this?”
Jiang Xie squinted. Being handsome was invalid so he pretended to be pitiful. “The
background of this world is mythical and he has been alive for hundreds of years. I am only
seeing irrelevant things.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie realized his gaffe. “All your things are the most important to me. It is natural that I
can’t see it.”
Xie Xi was moved but he couldn’t help repeating, “How are you useful?”
Jiang Xie leaned towards his delicate neck and sucked it. “You see, I can grow strawberries.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
He would kill this bastard! That way, he wouldn’t have to marry an N number of people!
“Okay, okay.” Jiang Xie told him, “According to my speculation, this Azure Dragon should be
suspicious that you have another love. He doesn’t know why you agreed to his proposal.
You don’t love him and the encounter on Baihua Mountain was even deliberately planned
by you.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “You don’t know anything!”
Jiang Xie explained, “I can’t directly see his thoughts but I have a brain. I can guess
according to his actions.”
Xie Xi was skeptical about this person having a brain!
Jiang Xie spoke again. “He hasn’t found the person but he has preliminary suspicions.”
Xie Xi was wary. “Who is it?
“His left and right hand men, his trusted aide the Qilin, his second uncle the White Dragon,
his younger brother and younger sister…”
Xie Xi was gobsmacked. “If you don’t talk seriously, I’ll leave!”
Jiang Xie looked innocent. “I am telling the truth. He is basically doubting everyone you
have met on the Holy Mountain.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “Psychopath.”
Jiang Xie sighed. “There is no other way. Who let you pedal six boats and leave a shadow
that can’t be erased on the heart of the fourth child.”
Xie Xi was furious. “Are you blaming me?!”
“Blame me, blame me.” Jiang Xie hurriedly shouldered the blame. “Blame me that every hair
loves you so much that they can’t extricate themselves.”
Xie Xi was inexplicably frightened by these words. Surely this bastard didn’t have as many
souls as his hair? Xie Xi would die! Jiang Xie knew him too well and knew what Xie Xi was
thinking with one glance. He smiled bitterly and said, “Your husband is powerful but I can’t
split apart so many souls.”
He had to firmly hold onto the present him. He had divided his soul so much that he would
scatter if he did it anymore.
Xie Xi felt something wrong and glanced at him. “Dividing your soul has an impact on you.”
He had long suspected it.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi wondered, “Since it isn’t good, why not give up on using your soul to design a quasi-
Jiang Xie was sometimes afraid of this child’s keenness. “If I don’t design the quasi-worlds,
how could I meet you?”
Xie Xi frowned. “This…” He was too confused!
Jiang Xie didn’t wait for him to speak. “If I couldn’t meet you, what is the point of living
Xie Xi was stunned.
Jiang Xie continued, “This is a profitable business with no losses. How could I miss it?”
He spoke vaguely but Xie Xi understood.
Jiang Xie mentioned there were no mature designers in the Central World.
X was the leader of the current age but his highest design was an SS-grade quasi-world.
Then who designed the SSS and higher grade worlds?
It was unknown because these people were gone.
Jiang Xie said that he had no talent and relied on his souls to design the world. At the time,
Xie Xi had thought, ‘Isn’t the soul also a talent?’
Now he understood that consuming the soul was consuming oneself and it wasn’t a long-
term solution.
In particular, Jiang Xie’s worlds couldn’t be entered which meant the released souls
couldn’t come back. Yet he kept designing quasi-worlds over and over…
In Xie Xi’s absence, Jiang Xie would’ve eventually scattered among the countless quasi-
worlds of his own design.
It was only by meeting Xie Xi that Jiang Xie brought himself back from the countless quasi-
That’s why he said there were no losses.
Xie Xi’s nose was slightly sour and he felt both angry and distressed.
Jiang Xie coaxed him, “Come here.”
Xie Xi exclaimed furiously, “I don’t care about you!”
“Then I should release more souls…”
Xie Xi covered his mouth. “How can you say that?!”
Jiang Xie kissed the palm of his hand. “It is because I have a kind little rose.”
Xie Xi felt stuffy. “I’m not kind.”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi’s voice was low and almost inaudible. “I just like you.”
Everything he did had nothing to do with kindness. He just liked Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie froze for a moment before pressing this person down onto the bed. “That is a
Xie Xi lay down and stared up at him with wide eyes.
Jiang Xie stared into his eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice, “What do you want me to do? 100
words of love can’t match your sentence.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “It isn’t because you said too much… it is…”
Jiang Xie didn’t dare listen or else he would be drowned in syrup.
The two of them went a bit too far. Jiang Xie wondered, “Should we do it in advance?”
Xie Xi pushed him. “No!”
“You were so seductive at the banquet. Holding my hand and also biting my ear…”
Xie Xi was dissatisfied. “Who bit your ear?”
Jiang Xie exaggerated. “You came so close that my ear was numb. You didn’t bite it?”
Xie Xi realized he had fallen on his own into the pit. “I wanted to be alone with Azure
“You wanted to see me.”
This was true.
“What do you want to do with me? Both of us alone in bed.” The more he spoke, the less
serious he was and the more honest his hands were.
The two people helped each other and Jiang Xie became full. “I will stay overnight. Don’t do
anything too unspeakable.”
Xie Xi scolded him with a trembling voice. “You’re here to help me!”
“What do you mean?” Jiang Xie grinned. “I am a big help.”
The next morning, light footsteps were heard outside. Azure Dragon opened his eyes, the
colour returning to indigo.
He bowed his head and saw the man quietly sleeping in his arms.
This person slept soundly and at ease, the white collarbone showing a few red dots on it.
Azure Dragon’s heart was hot and he wanted to kiss this person, but couldn’t bear to wake
him up.
He had to return to the Holy Mountain before dawn since there were many things to
The outside attendant had been standing for a while and couldn’t wait any longer.
Azure Dragon quietly moved his arm and carefully didn’t wake up the sleeping person.
Xie Xi slept soundly and didn’t sense it.
Azure Dragon stared at this sleeping face and felt relieved and uneasy.
He was relieved because he didn’t wake up Xie Xi but uneasy because he couldn’t touch the
heart under this beautiful face.
Everyone said that the foxes were confusing but he felt that no one could match this little
Xie Xi didn’t speak or even look at him yet Azure Dragon couldn’t restrain his heart.
Even if he knew… He refused to let go. Azure Dragon recalled the sweetness of last night
and there was a sharp sting from his ice cold heart.
By the time Xie Xi woke up, no one was around. Gone?
He didn’t know if it was Jiang Xie or Azure Dragon. Well… there was no difference. Neither
of them would wake up in. In the 60 years in the dream, Jiang Xie had always been careful
when waking up first…
Xie Xi smiled and sweetness had just filled his heart when he sighed.
He was worried. It used to be for clearing the task but now he was worried about the soul.
If he did something terrible to the soul, he would be the one suffering in the next world!
In Atlantis, he proposed to five people. Now there was likely to be five weddings…
Well, Jiang Xie was a wedding madman!
Xie Xi got up to wash. He had just finished cleaning up when there was a loud noise from
outside. “What happened? How could Purple Nine be hurt so badly?”
Xie Xi heard this and hurried out.
It might all be a setting but Purple Nine took care of him as a younger brother and the
feelings were real. Xie Xi stopped when he went outside.
Red Three was holding a large rose flower. There were absolutely no roses this large in
reality. It was 20 centimeters full and was completely purple. It was very beautiful but
more than half of the petals had fallen off.
A little girl was crying and using her clothes to pick up the fallen petals. “Sister Purple Nine
did it for us! An insect monster broke through the enchantment and sneakily attacked the
nursery. Sister Purple Nine drove them away but was also injured!”
Red Three was anxious. “Quickly, go find the chief! Purple Nine is too weak and if she isn’t
At this time, the elderly rose family’s chief came over. He saw Purple Nine’s appearance and
trembled. “P-Put her in the water first.”
Xie Xi was also anxious but unfortunately, he didn’t know much. He didn’t dare say
anything and only listened to the situation.
Red Three and Purple Nine had a good relationship. He asked, “Chief, will Purple Nine be
The chief paused.
Xie Xi’s heart rose in his chest.
Red Three paled and then he saw Xie Xi. “99! Go and ask Lord Azure Dragon to save Purple
Nine!” The chief shook his head. “It is useless. No one can repair such an injury.”
Xie Xi strode forward. “I will try it.”
Red Three’s eyes were red. “Yes, let’s try it. 99, I will go with you to the Holy Mountain to
find Lord Azure Dragon…”
“It will be too late by the time we reach the Holy Mountain.” Xie Xi stated, “Step aside, I’ll try
to fix it.”
Everyone present was stunned.
It was true that Xie Xi inherited the name of the flower god and was the future companion
of Lord Azure Dragon. Even so, he was essentially an ordinary little rose. How could he…
Xie Xi didn’t waste time. He took the petals from the little girl’s arms and carefully
discerned the direction. “Do you know what Sister Purple Nine originally looked like?”
The chief had lived for a long time and had more experience. He stopped asking questions
and quickly replied, “I know the order of the petals. I’ve memorize it.”
Xie Xi relaxed. “That’s good. Chief, please tell me the position of the petals.”
Red Three also reacted and waved his hand. “Everyone out, we shouldn’t disturb the chief
and 99.”
The anxious roses all left and only the seriously injured Purple Nine, the chief, Red Three
and Xie Xi were left in the room.
Xie Xi asked about the position of the petals and started to use Repair.
At first, the chief was skeptical. Then he saw that the petals were ‘repaired’ and became
Xie Xi used Repair a total of 70 times to restore all the fallen petals.
Red Three was filled with joy. “She’s okay! Purple Nine is okay!”
Xie Xi was relieved. He had used Repair to help a lot of people but this was the first time
repairing a flower.
The chief trembled with excitement. “Flower god, the reincarnation of the flower god!”
Xie Xi explained, “This is something that Lord Azure Dragon taught me…”
“No…” The chief explained, “This is the power of the flower god. I saw it when I was young.
He repaired the scales of Sage Azure Dragon, the tail feathers of Sage Vermillion Bird, the
wings of the White Tiger… it is said that he also repaired the three tails of the nine tailed
demon ancestor and the Houqing ancestor…” (TL: Apparently Houqing is a zombie from
Ancient China?)
Xie Xi, “…”
As it turned out, Jiang Xie wasn’t as good as an old rose.
Xie Xi identified at least five souls from this remark.
…Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, Nine Tailed Fox and Houqing.
He didn’t know if there was also the Black Tortoise, Bai Ze, Qiong Ji, Tao Tie and so on.
Xie Xi was fearless and didn’t mind collecting them all.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 127

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 7

Red Three was very curious when he heard this. “Is the flower god so powerful?”
“Of course!” The old chief was obviously a fanboy of the flower god as he spoke excitedly,
“At the time, the Holy Mountain and the Demon Sea weren’t split. The mountain and sea
were integrated. The sages and demon ancestors had their own pursuits but they all
respected the flower god. They often had exchanges and learnt from each other under the
flower god’s organization. It is far from the current state.”
Xie Xi was very concerned about this setting.
Of course, it didn’t exist in the world before. It was the so-called past being generated by
the mind of the souls.
Still, even if it didn’t exist before, it was absolutely true now. It was necessary for Xie Xi to
understand it.
The old chief continued, “The flower god is the guardian of the god’s wisdom. He knows
astronomical and geographical knowledge. He is almost omnipotent!
Of course, his most powerful ability is to be able to heal all things. No matter what type of
injury, he can treat it!”
Red Three had a look of expectations on his face as he asked, “If the flower god is so
powerful, how did he fall?”
The old chief shook his head. “It is probably because it is difficult to heal himself. He saved
countless people but no one could save him. The flower god fell and the god’s wisdom was
Xie Xi heard this as the truth while Red Three knew a bit more. “Isn’t the god’s wisdom on
the Holy Mountain?”
The old chief explained, “Whether it is the Holy Mountain or the Demon Sea, the only thing
left behind is a remnant.”
Red Three was stunned. “It’s like this…”
Xie Xi was still thinking about Purple Nine’s words and asked, “Since it is a remnant, does
the god’s wisdom still have the power to deprive people of their existence?”
He remembered that if he lost the name of the flower god, his existence would be
obliterated. The old chief replied, “The so-called loss might just be because no one can
understand it.”
Xie Xi froze. “Do you mean, only the flower god can understand the god’s wisdom?”
The old chief shook his head. “How can we know this?”
At this time, Purple Nine Woke up and changed back to her human form. Her face might be
haggard but there was no need to worry about her life. “Chief? I am…”
Red Three was very happy to see her wake up. “It is thanks to 99 or you would’ve… you…”
Xie Xi asked, “How does your body feel?”
Purple Nine was stunned and moved her hands and feet. “99 saved me?” She had been
determined to die when she fought against the worm. She didn’t expect to survive.
The old chief told her, “99 has the power of the flower god and repaired your body.”
“The power of the flower god?” Purple Nine stared at Xie Xi in a dazed manner.
Xie Xi actually had the Beginner Repair skill but unfortunately couldn’t explain this. He
could only say, “I don’t know too well either. I inexplicably got this ability.”
The chief pulled out the reincarnation word again.
Purple Nine was startled. “Speaking of which… the other day 99 said that he forgot the
Everyone looked at Xie Xi with shock.
My god, they were afraid that he really was the reincarnation of the flower god.
“I might’ve forgotten some things but I don’t have the memories of a god.” Xie Xi looked at
Purple Nine. “In addition, how can the flower god be a rose?”
The old chief replied, “No one knows the ontology of the flower god.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Purple Nine’s feelings for 99 were deep and she shook her head. “In any case, this is 99. I
can feel it.”
The old chief sighed. “Well, there is no need to say these things. It’s fine as long as your
body is good!”
Red Three nodded. “Yes, we are fortunate!”
Purple Nine needed to rest. The old chief and Red Three left first while Xie Xi was the last
Purple Nine told him, “You don’t need to think too much. I know you are you.”
She was worried about him. Xie Xi’s heart warmed and he nodded. “Yes!”
He was indeed him. Whether it was this world’s White 99 or Xie Xi, it was really him.
Xie Xi came out of Purple Nine’s room and asked about the worm.
Red Three told him, “The worms are our national enemy and even Lord Azure Dragon can’t
kill all the worms. If the altar wasn’t damaged, we would have enchantments to guard the
nursery. Now…”
Xie Xi wondered, “How did the alter get damaged?” In any case, he had forgotten many
things and it was natural not to know. Red Three replied, “From a few decades ago, the new
guardian couldn’t activate the altar. Lord Azure Dragon helped us check but couldn’t find a
Xie Xi thought about his promotion task. Was it related to this altar?
Xie Xi requested, “Can you take me to see the altar?”
Red Three was now very convinced about him and answered, “Of course, I will take you to
see it.”
Rose Mountain wasn’t very big. The mountainside was the home of the roses and the
highest point of the mountain contained an altar.
The altar was very simple. There was a square table with a censer on it. The incense burner
was filled with five incense sticks.
Xie Xi asked, “Why are the five incense sticks extinguished?”
“If ignited, the enchantments will start.”
“They can’t be ignited?”
“They were originally meant to be ignited by the Five Colour Elders but now it doesn’t
The rose family had five colours, which were red, purple, white, blue and yellow. Each
colour had an elder.
Why didn’t the incense sticks burn? Xie Xi examined it carefully but didn’t find any clues.
Red Three took him back to the mountainside and Xie Xi remembered something, going
back to his room first. He just opened his roster when a prompt appeared in the lower right
[Promotion Task: The purple rose has been repaired and the illustration is missing a
Purple? Was it Purple Nine?
Xie Xi hurriedly checked the roster and saw a blooming purple rose in the back.
This wasn’t a simple painting and was extremely lifelike. Xie Xi couldn’t help touching it,
only to feel paper. It was so-lifelike and the three dimensions looked even more real than a
photo. It was magical.
Xie Xi looked at the box below the rose. It was empty and seemed to be missing the name.
Was it the name of Purple Nine?
Xie Xi went to find a pen and tried to write down Purple Nine. He didn’t know if it was the
pen or the wrong name but unfortunately, he couldn’t write it down.
Nevertheless, this image gave him many clues.
The rose family had five colours. Was it possible to complete the promotion task by
repairing five different coloured roses?
Just repairing it wasn’t enough. If he needed the names, where could he find them? It
definitely wasn’t as simple as writing one.
Xie Xi thought of the god’s wisdom.
The name of the flower god came from the god’s wisdom and Purple Nine said that the
god’s wisdom recorded everything in the mountains and seas. Did it also have the names of
the five coloured roses?
It wasn’t difficult to infer that the altar might be related to the illustration.
Would the alter be repaired once he finished the illustrations?
He might not be a real rose flower but Xie Xi was happy at the thought of helping them.
There were clues about the promotion task and it also inspired Xie Xi regarding the main
The so-called collecting the illustrations of the sacred beasts and demon beasts. Wasn’t this
repairing them? Or was it seeing the ontology in a simple sense? Did he need to know their
Azure Dragon wasn’t called Azure Dragon?
Unfortunately, Jiang Xie wasn’t here or Xie Xi could ask him. Then Xie Xi thought, ‘It is
highly likely he won’t know even if I ask!’
His heart was disgusted but the corners of his mouth curved at the thought of Jiang Xie.
In the evening, Azure Dragon didn’t come. He sent an attendant over to inform Xie Xi.
Xie Xi nodded. “His Excellency is so busy. He doesn’t have to go back and forth.”
There was still some disappointment. After all, there were many things to discuss with
Jiang Xie.
However, there was no urgency. This person would definitely come the day after
Xie Xi didn’t hurry to sleep. He wandered Rose Mountain to see if there were any roses who
needed him to repair them.
As he walked around, he didn’t find a wounded rose but he met a small silver fox.
The little fox sprang out of the fireflies and scared Xie Xi.
Roast Pork Bun yelled, “Where did this thing come from?”
The kitten had been locked in the pets bar last night because the sight wasn’t suitable for
children. Once it was dawn, Xie Xi saw he was still sleeping and didn’t call him. Thus, Roast
Pork Bun didn’t run out until the evening.
Of course, the little fox couldn’t see Roast Pork Bun and rushed into Xie Xi’s arms, the small
head rubbing against his chest.
Roast Pork Bun was deeply insecure about his position and also rushed over.
Xie Xi was fought over by two furry creatures and felt itchy. “Don’t rub it.”
As soon as he spoke, the little fox looked up and blinked at him. “Baby, did you miss me?”
Xie Xi vaguely felt that this was a certain soul but wasn’t sure. After all, Nine Tails should be
a fox with nine tails.
Xie Xi stared at the little silver fox for a while and couldn’t help tapping his head.
This action was intimate and playful, but wasn’t too big or too small.
The little fox jumped out of his arms and a tall silver-haired man appeared before him.
He wore a robe and the neckline was adorned with fox fur. He had a gorgeous and delicate
face, the smiling eyes giving off an amazing charm.
It was Aix-en, the vampire of Love to the Left or Right and the second prince of Atlantis.
Xie Xi felt it was funny now. The dog blood dreams of the second prince and third prince
had impressed him.
Xie Xi was smiling and the silver fox was obviously used to this. He leaned over and
whispered, “My betrothal gift has been sent. Little lady, come back with me to the Demon
Xie Xi was smiling while inwardly wanting to punch him. What damn little lady?!
Suddenly, the ambiguous atmosphere dropped to the freezing point and the gorgeous voice
of Nine Tails was full of ice. “Is that a hickey?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 128

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 8

It was broken!
Xie Xi forgot that last night, Jiang Xie…
What to do? Nine Tails didn’t turn into Jiang Xie, meaning they weren’t alone.
This was an empty place but maybe Nine Tails brought an attendant or perhaps it was the
This was too embarrassing so Xie Xi first placed Roast Pork Bun back in the pets bar.
Nine Tails face was like frost. The originally gentle eyes were demon-like and Xie Xi felt
scared as he saw Nine Tails in the moonlight.
He clearly didn’t do anything bad but it felt like he was caught in bed!
This… blame Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie watched some goodwill being lost but couldn’t do anything.
He had obviously followed this person into the world but why didn’t it seem different from
watching the live broadcast?
Old Jiang felt very wronged.
Xie Xi was a man who had pedalled six boats and his legs were still stable. “What?”
He looked innocent and confused.
Nine Tails squinted and his cold demeanor was somewhat shaken. “You have a red dot on
the back of your neck.”
His voice was so pitiful that Xie Xi felt slightly ashamed hearing it.
Dammit, this was done by him!
Xie Xi touched the back of his neck and responded steadily. “There is? I have been walking
outside for a long time and must’ve been bitten by mosquitoes.”
He couldn’t see how big the hickeys weer but could only blame them on bugs.”
Nine Tails stared at the red mark the size of the pad of the little finger… could a bug make
such a big mark?
Xie Xi looked at him and smile. “How is it a hickey? What are you thinking about?”
Who could handle this acting?
Nine Tails was probably reluctant to believe it was a hickey so his filter went ten metres
deep. He found himself a reason, “Your flowers are really afraid of bugs. Just a simple bite
turned out to leave such a big mark.”
This was… Xie Xi was very embarrassed.
Nine Tails was in a corner and his heart wasn’t very solid. “Is it really not?” He didn’t want
to say the word hickey again.
Xie Xi couldn’t let this continue and said, “What are you suspecting?”
Nine Tails was silent.
Xie Xi glanced at him with flushed cheeks. “There is no… if you check it yourself, you will
Nine Tails’ heart jerked.
Xie Xi didn’t remove his gaze. “If it is really a hickey, will it only be on the neck?”
Nine Tails’ throat was tight. “99…”
Xie Xi’s voice was becoming smaller. “Come back to my room with you and you can check it
yourself.” This was too shameful! It was leading Nine Tails to be alone with him but this
was breaking his lower limit!
Nine Tails was gone. He hugged Xie Xi and returned to Xie Xi’s room.
Sure enough, he was a demon beast and his speed was okay.
Xie Xi was relieved and thought no one should be here. He didn’t believe that Nine Tails
would let other people see his body.
Sure enough, Nine Tails’ eyes changed colour.
Jiang Xie took off his clothes.
Xie Xi snapped, “What are you doing?”
“Checking it.”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Do you still think you are Nine Tails?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I forgot it.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Oh, the souls didn’t meet and their memories weren’t exchanged. This fool forgot
everything that happened last night.
Jiang Xie felt unwilling. “It definitely isn’t Houqing. Who the hell is it? Who on the Holy
Xie Xi captured the key point in his words. “Is Houqing really a soul?” “He is Sirius.”
It turned out to be the sixth prince. It seemed that Nine Tails and Houqing met in the
Demon Sea, allowing Jiang Xie to have the memories of these two souls.
Xie Xi pressed his hand to stop him. “Tell me about their situation.”
Jiang Xie replied, “I want to know about last night.”
Xie Xi was helpless. “What do you think you did?”
Jiang Xie felt sour about himself. “It must’ve been your strawberry but also…”
He shamelessly spoke in detail and Xie Xi blushed. “You don’t know anything!”
Jiang Xie’s vinegar barrel was overturned. “No! I forgot all about it and I want to know!”
Xie Xi felt angry and amused. “You will know when you go to see Azure Dragon.”
Jiang Xie found out that it was Azure Dragon. He could go to get the memory but… it would
be cool if there were two memories.
He said, “The Demon Sea and Holy Mountain mind their own business. It isn’t easy for Nine
Tails to see Azure Dragon.”
Xie Xi could guess his mind. “That’s your business!”
The scoundrel Jiang Xie said, “You are like this. You only like the me last night and don’t like
me now.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Was this what people could say? However, this man was still right.
Jiang Xie succeeded with this cheap wave and started to kiss the other person.
Their decades of sex life wasn’t in vain and Xie Xi was able to push back.
After another wave of helping each other, Xie Xi exclaimed, “You have to hurry and see all
the souls!” If every encounter was like this, he would be exhausted!
Jiang Xie would definitely see them but didn’t want to admit it.
Just like Jiang Xie understood the sensitiveness of Xie Xi’s body, Xie Xi 100% knew him. “If
you lie to me, there won’t be a wedding when we go back to Central!”
This was too serious and Jiang Xie was forced to compromise. “Yes, I’ll find a way.”
Xie Xi was now free to tell him the information that was collected during the day.
Jiang Xie helped him sum it up a bit. “Azure Dragon is the fourth prince, Nine Tails is the
second prince and Houqing is the sixth prince. My guess is that Vermillion Bird is the fifth
prince and White Tiger is the third prince.
Xie Xi also guessed this. After all, they were related to the flower god and Xie Xi currently
had the name of the flower god. These people were likely to be souls.
“Are there other sacred beasts and demon beasts?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Yes but they shouldn’t be my soul.” Otherwise, they would definitely
force a relationship with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi sighed with relief. “That’s fine.”
Jiang Xie always felt that these strange words caused him to feel a chill but who could
blame the child? Who could say ‘it’s okay’ after making the simple child pedal five boats?
It was himself. Jiang Xie swallowed down the words.
Xie Xi asked about the situation of Nine Tails.
Jiang Xie knew quite a bit and told him, “You were originally Houqing’s sweetheart. After
Nine Tails saw you next to Houqing, he was emotionally affected and couldn’t help using an
enchantment on you and you fell in love.”
Xie Xi, “…” Second Prince, you are too indulgent and really love dog blood drama!
No, it was Jiang Xie. Xie Xi turned and glared at him.
Jiang Xie defended himself. “I won’t be like this in reality. After all, you only like me.” Xie Xi
raised his eyebrows. “If I don’t like you?”
Jiang Xie was silent. Sure enough… the second prince’s dog blood was from the original
Jiang Xie held him and whispered, “…Don’t dislike me.” Xie Xi’s anger disappeared. There
was a tug on his heart and his voice softened, “What are you thinking? If I don’t like you,
why would I care about these souls breaking?”
Jiang Xie smiled softly. “Say it again.”
“Say you like me.”
Xie Xi couldn’t bear his pitiful voice and whispered it. Jiang Xie was resurrected. “Let me
hear it again.”
Xie Xi, “…” Listen to your big head!
Nine Tails also stayed the night. Before it was too bright the next day, the contented small
silver fox left.
He also had something to do in the Demon Sea. He had to take care of his enemies before
marrying the little rose.
Xie Xi slept lazily and had just gotten up when he heard a noise again.
Their little Rose Mountain hadn’t been so lively since the construction of this mountain!
“My god, this time it is the servant of Houqing demon ancestor!”
“I’m so scared. I heard that any place that Ancestor Houqing goes to becomes barren!” The
timid rose shivered.
Xie Xi heard Houqing and his head was sore. Had Sirius also come to give a betrothal gift?
Xie Xi still felt guilty towards the sixth prince and was distressed for him.
In particular, the thought that Jiang Xie might have such a cursed past made him even more
Only Houqing’s servant appeared outside but it was already dark, cold and hazy.
The servant ordered, “Hurry and return Nine Tails’ betrothal gift!”
The roses, “???”
What was this situation?
The servant spoke again, “The white rose is bewitched by Nine Tails and I hope you don’t
aide him!”
The roses understood but also didn’t understand. The two ancestors of the Demon Sea
were fighting over an unknown, small white rose?
They thought that Xie Xi being given the name of the flower god was already a miracle. Now
one white rose gained the favour of two demon ancestors at the same time?
The white roses glanced at each other. They were the same white roses but how was the
gap so big?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 129

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 9

Houqing’s servant ended with these cruel words. “If you don’t return the betrothal gift
within three days, you will bear the consequences!”
Before he left, he gave a gift that was more generous than Nine Tails’ betrothal gift… was it
The roses couldn’t handle the outside matters and were scared enough to hold an
emergency meeting. The group of single-digit roses gathered to discuss this life and death
Xie Xi was now an important figure but his heart resisted when Red Three came to tell him
about the meeting.
Red Three exclaimed, “Hurry up, there is something big! If we make the slightest mistake in
this situation, our entire Rose Mountain is finished!”
Xie Xi didn’t have a reason not to go to the meeting and could only endure his numb scalp.
They arrived at the meeting chamber and the old chief pacing back and forth hurried over.
“How is it? Did you find the white rose yet?”
White One frowned. “I asked but all of the white roses with a nine in their names said it
wasn’t them.”
Blue Four sneered. “If it’s like this then no one will admit it!”
Xie Xi’s heart was tense.
White One maintained his roses. “Us white roses are pure in temperament and never lie.”
Blue Four replied, “Oh, they just pedal two boats!”
Given that he had pedalled more than two boats, Xie Xi couldn’t say anything to Blue Four.
White One asked, “Didn’t you hear Houqing’s servant? The little white rose has been
Blue Four wasn’t ashamed to be cold and resentfully poked in the needle. “If he didn’t
provoke Ancestor Nine Tails, would he be bewitched?”
White One was speechless.
Blue Four continued, “Moreover, the person bewitched can’t be away from the caster. Now
he has fled back to Rose Mountain and it is really hard to say if he is still bewitched!”
White One felt indignation. “Don’t talk nonsense!”
Blue Four told him, “The flower language of a white rose is pure love. Such a pure love has
really opened my eyes!”
After seeing that this wouldn’t produce any results and that the two sides were fighting, the
old chief quickly intervened. “Don’t speak like that! Now isn’t the time to quarrel.”
Blue Four scoffed but didn’t go too far. White One was half dead with anger but Blue Four’s
words were reasonable and he couldn’t refute them.
The ‘sinner’ Xie Xi could only blend in with the wall of flowers and reduce his sense of
existence, so that he wasn’t exposed and hammered to death by all the roses.
The old chief presided over the meeting. “The most urgent thing is the issue of the betrothal
gift. We can’t return it!”
The silent Yellow One opened his mouth. “If we don’t return it, we will offend Ancestor
Houqing. If we return it, we will offend Ancestor Nine Tails. This really isn’t easy.”
If it was easy then would all of them come together and become bald from worry? Red Two
had a different style and struck her thighs. “Simply tell the two demon ancestors to come
and let them fight it out!”
Everyone, “…………………………”
Rose Two felt that this was a good move. “What’s wrong?”
The group, “Shut up!”
In fact, Xie Xi thought… this move was fine. Simply let the five souls fight it out and the one
who won would marry him…
Well, he was here to clear the world, not destroy it.
Purple Nine calmly said, “I think we have to find the white rose and let him make his
Red Three replied, “But we can’t find him!”
Blue Four taunted again, “A pure white rose did this type of thing. Would he dare admit it?”
The word pure was emphasized again.
White One disagreed. “I believe he must be having a hard time.”
Xie Xi nodded in his heart. ‘I’m having a hard time, it is really hard.’
Blue Four stated, “If he is having difficulties then he should come forward so we can help
Xie Xi silently replied, ‘It isn’t a question of helping. It is that you can’t help with this issue.’
The meeting didn’t resolve this matter…
The old chief glanced at Xie Xi and asked, “Flower…” He was about to say flower god but
temporarily changed his words. “99, do you have any suggestions?”
Xie Xi, “…” I suggest that you move your entire family instead of staying here.
Of course, he didn’t say this. He was going to open his mouth when Purple Nine
interrupted. “What can he do? This thing can’t be told to Azure Dragon. If the Holy
Mountain gets involved and fights the Demon Sea, a war might occur!”
Purple Nine saw the big picture. The relationship between the Holy Mountain and Demon
Sea was tense and it was already hard to maintain the immediate peace. If Azure Dragon
came forward, what if the two demon ancestors took the opportunity to start something?
Blood would flow through the mountains and seas and the rose family would be sinners of
this age!
Everyone was silent for a moment. Xie Xi felt wronged but he was indeed the cause. The
simple and lovely flowers were being hurt because of him.
Xie Xi said, “I will go to the Demon Sea to see them and…”
He didn’t finish talking when there was a cry from outside. “The worms! The worms are
“What’s going on? It isn’t winter so why are the worms coming so often?”
Blue Four responded, “It is the betrothal gifts!”
The stunned roses paled. “The betrothal gifts are full of heaven and earth spirit materials.
Whether it was Nine Tails or Houqing, both were generous enough to send good things.
The rose family was self-sufficient and generally didn’t trade with outsiders. Thus, the
demon ancestors didn’t give gold and silver but heaven and earth spirit materials instead.
The roses were very happy but the worms were also excited.
The worms were unreasonable and followed their instincts. They smelt the good taste from
Rose Mountain and couldn’t endure it, launching an attack.
All the people at this meeting were elites. Once they heard the movements outside, they
rushed out to deal with the disaster in front of them!
Xie Xi also followed since he was responsible for this matter. Well… as soon as he entered
this world, all the responsibility was hung on him!
It was the first time Xie Xi saw the worm. This thing… it was very ugly!
There were many worms and they picked up a small rose to eat.
Fortunately, the roses weren’t completely helpless. They had some wood type spells that
they could use decently!
Xie Xi wanted to go forward but Purple Nine stopped him. “Don’t come close. They love to
eat young roses.”
How… it sounded even worse.
Red Three yelled, “99, you go to the rear. I have instructed the soldiers to collect the petals
and you find a way to treat them.”
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll send a letter to the Holy Mountain!”
Purple Nine said, “We can’t get out. We have to resist this wave first.”
Xie Xi looked at the situation. It was really difficult to send a letter so he suppressed the
thought of killing the worms and retreated to the rear to repair the roses.
Once the roses were seriously injured, they would return to the original shape. The
appearance of the petals falling was as fierce as the broken legs of a human but the
psychological burden for Xie Xi was much smaller.
He repaired a lot and found out more information about the roses. He could see the petals
and infer where they were located based on the direction of growth.
He was occasionally wrong but as long as it wasn’t a serious injury where they were
unconscious, the roses would point it out themselves. This made it convenient.
Thanks to Xie Xi’s presence in the rear, the fighting power of the roses increased
dramatically. Originally, they would be disabled after a wave of strikes. Now they could be
repaired and keep fighting.
They just had to be careful not to be eaten when fighting. Xie Xi wasn’t a healer. If all the
petals were gone, he couldn’t grow them out!
The fierce fighting lasted for half an hour before the roses finally repelled the worms.
Red Three, Purple Nine and the frontline soldiers were exhausted. Their clothing was
ragged and they were also covered in a lot of blood. However, they were still the most
beautiful roses and the most heroic warriors!
Xie Xi used the skill and became famous.
Originally, everyone’s impression of him was the lucky white rose marrying Lord Azure
Xie Xi was the reincarnation of the flower god, the hope of the whole family, the pride of the
Xie Xi, “…”
He didn’t know if their hope in him would be reduced to calling him a street rat after they
found out the truth.
The old chief was excited by the big victory and opened his mouth. “Who said that we are
timid and weak? Who said that we only know the vines we are born on? We can also be
brave warriors!”
Everyone was filled with fighting spirit and chanted.
Blue Rose was calm and poured a bucket of cold water on their heads. “Then what about
the betrothal gift?”
The roses who won the big victory were instantly paralyzed.
They could beat the worms but they definitely couldn’t beat the two demon ancestors.
Don’t mention Nine Tails or Houqing. They just had to casually send a person over and
Rose Mountain would be easily flattened.
Xie Xi might be able to use Repair but it was impossible to fix a rose flower who had been
turned into slag in seconds…
“It is better to use this as an excuse to return them.” Xie Xi opened his mouth.
Everyone looked at him and didn’t respond.
Xie Xi explained, “Since the betrothal gifts are so rich, we can’t protect them and they also
attract the worms’ attacks. The two demon ancestors should understand this.”
The elites understood his words.
Red Three’s eyes brightened. “Yes! We are just returning the betrothal gifts, not
withdrawing from the marriage!”
Xie Xi, “…” It was okay to also withdraw from the marriage.
Blue Four calmly asked, “Is this possible?”
Yellow One stated, “In short, we have to buy some time so we can find the little rose!”
White One agreed. “Yes! Find the white rose and ask about the situation. Maybe there will
be a solution.”
The roses had no other way and could only do this.
The old chief pondered, “Who will return the betrothal gifts?”
The Demon Sea wasn’t a simple place. It was bad for a rose and there was a possibility they
couldn’t come back.
Xie Xi took the initiative to say, “I’ll go.”
Purple Nine immediately refused. “No! Your wedding is approaching. How can you go to the
Demon Sea on an adventure?”
The old chief added, “If something happens to you, how do we explain it to Lord Azure
If Xie Xi didn’t go, how could they explain it to Houqing and Nine Tails…
Xie Xi had a ready-made reason. “I have a marriage on me. Nine Tails and Houqing won’t
want to offend the Holy Mountain and won’t make it difficult for me.”
Purple Nine and the chief were stunned while others were persuaded.
Before they could negotiate a result, another commotion was heard from outside.
Purple Nine opened the door, “What’s going on now?!”
A small rose yelled, “Worm, worms!”
Xie Xi followed. The worms had just retreated but they came again?
He went outside and froze. The worms were there but they were all dead.
The roses were gobsmacked and saw a small tiger on the pile of worms. “Mommy, I came!”
Xie Xi’s heart thumped.
He heard the people around him say, “I don’t know who this brainless little tiger is. He saw
a white rose and rushed to call him Mommy.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 130

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 10

Xie Xi was a good person but he was stunned as he fell into the guilt of being called a
Who knew what he had been through?
The tiger was very cute. He was around the size of a cat with fur as white as snow and the
fur was as soft as marshmallows. He had a pair of golden eyes and the gentle voice could
really make a girl’s heart burst.
The roses were afraid of beasts but they saw this little guy and couldn’t help saying, “So
“I don’t know whose cub this is.”
“It is white, the Sage White Tiger…”
“Impossible, the Sage White Tiger only has martial arts in his heart. It is impossible to talk
about love, let alone have a baby.”
“Yes! Lord White Tiger is a man of war and has never been near a woman!”
A flower whispered, “Speaking of which, wasn’t our Lord Azure Dragon also abstinent?
Now isn’t he going to be married?”
It was obviously something that shouldn’t be said. The group of roses stared at him. “What
are you saying. Our Lord Azure Dragon loves Xie Xi and broke the ring of abstinence for
him. This is his true heart and there are no regrets!”
Xie Xi was speechless when he heard this.
Could they stop acting crazy by themselves? There was no desire or getting close to a
Oh, it was true about the not getting close to a woman. It was because the third child was a
big pervert who thought a male could give cubs!
However, there was one person who was normal. The startled Purple Nine asked, “You
killed all these worms?” She asked the little tiger.
The tiger looked at her purple clothes with a hint of disappointment and then raised his
chin. “Of course, no one can bully Mommy!”
The cub was small but rushed all this way with fearless strength. Xie Xi was sure this was
Old Three.
As for who Old Three thought he was born from… Xie Xi wanted to ask Mr. Jiang this
Purple Nine was still talking to the little tiger. “You… beat the worms by yourself?”
This was very shocking to the roses. If compared to human society, it was tantamount to a
small cat killing a mountain of zombies. It was amazing!
The tiger was very proud and held his head high. “I am my mother’s proudest baby,
Xie Xi had a toothache.
Purple Nine asked again, “That… who is your father?”
“My father is naturally…” The little tiger raised his head and shook his back. There was no
response and he shook it again… no response…
The little tiger was angry and swung its claws, grabbing a bug’s wings and placing it on his
He was satisfied and raised his head in a cool posture. “Of course, it is the invincible in
combat, mother’s favourite white tiger of war!”
The group of roses, “…”
Xie Xi didn’t look. If this was his cub, he would throw the cub back into the furnace to be
The white tiger prototype had a pair of wings. This little guy had no ways so he gave
himself wings!
The yellow roses were worthy of being the family’s well-known easily swayed members. “It
turned out to be the sage’s son. Really extraordinary!”
The roses looked at him and suspected he was blind. ‘Old Yellow, how can you see the
insect wings on his back as extraordinary?!’
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched as he felt humiliated and lost.
The little tiger perfectly inherited his father’s nature. He boasted with his tail towards the
sky as he looked at the yellow rose. “You have good eyesight but unfortunately, only my
mother really understands me.”
Xie Xi wanted to slip away…
The little tiger had probably finished and stood up tall, only to suddenly cry out, “Mommy!”
Xie Xi didn’t look back.
However, the little tiger had already rushed over and steadily fell into his arms. “Mommy,
Mommy, I found you!” Please consult a tadpole to find your mother.
The roses looked over with expressions of horror.
Xie Xi also wasn’t happy as he held the milk white tiger. “I’m not, I didn’t… I…”
He didn’t finish talking when the roses burst out laughing, “Hahaha, little tiger, you have
the wrong person!”
Xie Xi, “………………”
The tiger didn’t care about them. He was excitedly rubbing his head in Xie Xi’s arms as if
going to become bald.
Purple Nine couldn’t help saying, “He isn’t your mother, he is a male.”
Ah, Xie Xi forgot that men couldn’t be mothers!
The little tiger wasn’t stupid and quickly changed his words. “Daddy!”
Purple Nine froze.
The little tiger found a comfortable posture in Xie Xi’s arms and said happily, “Two fathers
are confusing so I just call him Mommy.”
Purple Nine was surprised. “Your mother is a man?” In ancient times, there were mothers
called Mommy but they definitely weren’t men!
The little tiger cocked his head. “I don’t know.” Then he turned around and asked Xie Xi, “…
Daddy, are you a man?” Xie Xi had no expression as he decided to send the two people into
the sky as fireworks.
Red Three came forward. “Little guy, you have the wrong person. This is a white rose but
he isn’t your mother.”
Xie Xi was moved. He didn’t grasp the situation himself yet the others believed him. Who
wouldn’t be moved?
A white rose spoke up, “Yes, this little tiger just called me mother.”
The other white roses smiled and responded.
The little tiger was angry. “I… I just got it wrong.”
Red Three opened his mouth, “Then aren’t you mistaken now?”
The little tiger cried out, “Of course not!”
The old chief calmly came to the scene and stated, “Us roses are born in a nursery and we
never have children. How can you be sure that your next of kin is a white rose?”
The little tiger shook his fur. “This white colour is from my mother!”
Everyone was silent and cruelly stabbed him, “Sage White Tiger is also white…”
“It is because Daddy is so white that I can be this pure white! Have you seen any other
tigers? They are black and yellow and hybrids of different colours!”
Xie Xi, “…”
Can you respect the king of the forest? This was tiger skin print and an authentic tiger
The roses also believed it. “Yes, a tiger is mostly two colours. A full snow white tiger like
this is indeed rare.”
A white rose wondered, “There are many white creatures. Why must it be a rose?”
The little tiger had evidence. He turned around and showed his back. “Look! There are two
little petals here!”
The roses came around and examined him in detail. It was true…
“There really are petals…”
“Are the petals so thick?”
“Still, it does look like rose petals!”
“The shape, colour and also location…”
Xie Xi saw it too and whispered, “Are these your wings?”
The White Tiger had two wings. The little tiger shook himself for a long time because he
was trying to get these wings out of the fur?
The little tiger heard Xie Xi’s voice and looked up with surprise. “Yes, the shape of my wings
is in Daddy’s petals!”
Could genetics still be like this?
Xie Xi was deeply convinced in his heart!
The roses also believed it and glanced at Xie Xi with surprise.
Xie Xi couldn’t bear to fool them. “There might be some understandings. Let’s wait for Lord
White Tiger to come and then it will be clear.”
He was so stoic that he didn’t look like a scum who was about to marry Azure Dragon while
having a baby with White Tiger…
Everyone… they believed it again!
Xie Xi was afraid things would regress and stated, “I will take him back to the house first. I
will bother Chief to send Lord White Tiger a letter asking him to come.”
The old chief replied, “Yes, I just don’t know if this letter can be delivered…”
Xie Xi was adamant. “It won’t be a problem.”
White Tiger was Gars and Xie Xi believed he would come.
The little tiger also said, “How can Daddy’s letter not be sent? My daddy will read and read
it again, loving…”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen and rubbed the little tiger’s head. “Are you tired?”
The little tiger was bewitched by this gentle voice. “So tired!” His voice was young and
Xie Xi’s lips curved downwards and he took the tiger back to his room.
He did it on purpose since he suspected this little tiger was pretending like the silver fox.
As for this silly fellow, wasn’t Old Three stupid?
A fool who dreamt about fighting a dragon!
Xie Xi closed the door and the tiger didn’t change. Instead, he shook his head as he looked
around. “Daddy, you’re so poor.”
Xie Xi, “…”
The little tiger quickly added, “Still, it doesn’t matter. Any place with Daddy is the best!”
Xie Xi stared for a while and finally had to admit that this little tiger was just a little tiger.
Was this really the child of him and White Tiger?
Then the question was, how did they have a baby?
Wait a minute… plants seemed to have double… sex…
Damn! The little rose couldn’t help letting out a crude outburst. Surely he wasn’t a man and
a woman? No, he had been here a few days and checked his body. There were no
But who set the rules… could a pure male body have a child?
Xie Xi’s scalp was numb and he wanted to learn Drunken Martial Arts and go hit the tiger
after drinking a bowl of wine!
It was unknown how long the little tiger had been searching for Xie Xi and he also killed a
bunch of worms. He was really tired.
Xie Xi thought of these things and the little guy in his arms had already fallen asleep.
Xie Xi saw the sweetly sleeping tiger cub and his mood was very complicated.
The world was really unusual. Who would think that one day he would wonder if a tiger
was his child…
Wait, the White Tiger would definitely come and then he could ask Jiang Xie what the hell
was happening!
He put down the sleeping tiger and opened the roster.
He had been busy all day and repaired flowers of various colours. He should’ve collected
enough illustrations.
Sure enough, he opened the roster and prompts kept emerging in the lower right corner.
[Promotion Task: The yellow/ blue/ white/ red rose have been repaired and the
illustration is missing a name.]
If he wanted the names then he had to look for the god’s wisdom.
Judging from the present clues, there were ten fragments of the god’s wisdom under the
care of the holy beasts and demon beasts. He had to go to the Holy Mountain and Demon
Sea respectively.
He had just closed the roster when he heard sad birdsong outside.
The little tiger was really worn out and his movements were restrained.
Xie Xi patted him on the back and smoothed out his fur, letting the little fellow sleep
sweetly and comfortably again.
He looked outside and saw the sky lighting up.
The sound of the birds became much smaller and could only be heard intermittently, all of
them full of sadness.
Red Three turned pale. “Hundreds of birds singing… Sage Vermillion Bird… is falling.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Wasn’t Vermilion Bird the fifth prince? How could his soul be dying?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 131

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 11

A soul could die.

Everything was absolutely true from the moment the quasi-world woke up, including
In every quasi-world, the soul was the ‘creator’ and their power and status were above
everything. This didn’t mean that they were immortal.
The sixth prince had died once.
At the time, Xie Xi loaded the file but that wasn’t available in this world! What would
happen if the soul died? Would it affect Jiang Xie?
Every soul was a part of Jiang Xie. How could there be no impact from losing a part of him?
Xie Xi was concerned and his thoughts were full of the worst case situation.
The sound of one hundred birds grieving was really painful. The relationship between the
flower family and bird family had always been good. The roses couldn’t hide their sadness
after hearing the cries of the birds.
“How can Lord Vermilion Bird suddenly fall?” Purple Nine murmured. “Such a powerful
sage, how… how…”
The old chief shook his head. “It doesn’t matter how strong he is. His life is determined by
Somehow, hearing these words caused a burst of unhappiness in Xie Xi’s heart.
What was life and what was Heaven? Who was qualified to determine everything?
Xie Xi couldn’t sit still. He would go to the Holy Mountain to check!
“Sister Purple Nine,” Xie Xi called out to her. “The little tiger fell asleep in my room. I have
to go out and do something. Can you help me look after him?”
Purple Nine was startled. “Where are you going?”
Xie Xi replied, “I’m going to the Holy Mountain.”
“What are you going to do at the Holy Mountain? Lord Vermilion Bird has fallen and the
Holy Mountain must be a mess. Going at this time, even Lord Azure Dragon…”
“That’s why I’m going.” Xie Xi couldn’t explain. “Sister Purple Nine, rest assured, I have a
Purple Nine wanted to say something but the old chief pulled her back and shook his head.
Purple Nine was worried about Xie Xi and told the old chief, “Lord Vermilion Bird had an
accident and half of the Holy Mountain is burning. How can us flowers withstand that
The old chief replied, “Let him go. There must be something with Lord Azure Dragon.”
Xie Xi hurried down the hill and rushed towards the Holy Mountain. He pulled Roast Pork
Bun out.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t know that he had an extra brother and meowed when he heard the
song of the birds.
Xie Xi told him, “Look and see if any birds are coming over.”
Roast Pork Bun was still reliable and immediately flew high to check.
Xie Xi always felt that a member of the bird family would come looking for him. Vermilion
Bird was a soul and there must be a setting involving Xie Xi. It wasn’t clear at the moment
but it was serious enough to cause him to fall.
The bird people probably knew he was the white rose and would come to him.
Xie Xi going to the Holy Mountain himself was too slow. It was natural to save himself time
and trouble.
Xie Xi’s thoughts were right. A moment later, Roast Pork Bun shouted, “A big swallow is
Xie Xi was shocked…
Was this a swallow? He thought it was a fighter jet!
The fighter, um, flying bird was probably equipped with a radar system and actually saw
Xie Xi’s small body.
Xie Xi hurriedly put Roast Pork Bun away and Roast Pork Bun whispered, “Daddy, I don’t
want to sleep.”
This caused Xie Xi to feel strangely pained but he thought of what would happen next and
had to coax him. “Wait for me to stop and I’ll let you out. There will be a small partner for
you to play with.”
He spoke these words and sent Roast Pork Bun back to the pets bar before Roast Pork Bun
could react. A small partner? What small partner? He didn’t want a brother or sister. He
wanted to be an only child!
The flying swallow fell and dark eyes stared at Xie Xi. “You still want to run!”
Xie Xi, “…” Who knew what this was all about?
The swallow raised his wings and turned into a handsome teenager with straight black
hair. “This cursed flower, you hooked our lord’s heart and soul before abandoning him,
making him go crazy and angry…”
Xie Xi was really afraid for the soul and hurriedly asked, “How is he? Take me to see him!”
“What are you asking? Sage…”
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed and he lowered his voice, “If you don’t want the sage to have an
accident, take me to see him!”
The swallow had been sent to pick this person up but couldn’t speak the words in his
In any case, the situation was really urgent and there couldn’t be any delays. The swallow
returned to his original form and ordered, “Come up.”
Xie Xi sat on his broad back and they flew to the Holy Mountain.
This was the first time Xie Xi was seeing the Holy Mountain.
The word mountain was used but this wasn’t like a mountain. It was an extremely area
covered in clouds and mist. At first glance, it was like a fairyland in people’s fantasies.
The flying swallow flew straight through the clouds and soon flew over a place that was
There was a palace in the distance with a magnificent atmosphere. It was unknown what it
was built of but it was currently glowing with a red light, as if it was melting.
“Hold on tightly. If you fall, you will be burned to death,” the swallow warned.
Xie Xi didn’t reply.
The flying swallow sped up and flew straight through the fire towards the palace in the
deepest place.
Xie Xi clung to the swallow, his face red and his breaths full of heat.
This was the fire of Vermilion Bird. He went overboard and his ability led to a wildfire
starting on the Holy Mountain.
Xie Xi didn’t know how he was doing and felt extremely urgent.
The swallow’s flying speed was fast and Xie Xi finally arrived at Vermilion Bird’s palace.
The whole palace was burning. Many of the birds weren’t afraid of the heat as they stayed
there grieving.
A man with coloured tail feathers came over. “Did you bring him?”
The swallow replied sharply, “I brought him but will he be useful? The sage…”
“We have to try!”
Xie Xi felt a bit relieved when he heard this. As long as there was still breath then this was
likely part of the setting!
He thought of the pure fifth prince and wondered how the child could learn such bad
Okay… it was his fault. Sein died and resurrected while also pedalling six boats. In addition,
the boats were his brothers. This was enough to make the pure child doubt life!
“Lord Rose.” The man with the colourful tail feathers was more mature. He suppressed his
anger and was polite to Xie Xi. “Please save the sage!”
Xie Xi wasn’t sensitive about titles but now it was important to save the soul and he ignored
this matter.
“What happened to the sage? What do you need from me?” Xie Xi wondered.
The man with the colourful tail feathers replied, “The sage knows your wedding date is
approaching. He was unhappy all day and it happened to coincides with when the
Millennium Fire descended to the world. He went alone and controlled the fire, saving the
people, but he was seriously wounded!”
Xie Xi couldn’t understand these things and grasped the key point. “What can I do?”
“Lord Vermilion Bird’s self-healing ability is very strong but he has a knot in his heart…”
The man with the colourful tail feathers was saddened. “The sage himself doesn’t want to
Xie Xi understood it. Simply put, at this moment Vermilion Bird couldn’t have his love and
was intent on dying.
The man with the colourful tail feathers was afraid Xie Xi wouldn’t understand and gave a
tip. “You just need to give him some hope and he will wake up!”
Xie Xi didn’t care about the setting of his wedding and he also couldn’t let the soul have an
As if these things weren’t big enough, the chirping of birds was heard from outside,
followed by the announcement, “Sage Azure Dragon has come!”
They were both sages and Vermilion Bird had such a big incident. Azure Dragon would
definitely come to see what was going on.
The problem was… did Xie Xi have to be stuck here?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 132

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 11

Across the red flames, Xie Xi and Azure Dragon gazed at each other.
Even through the fire, Xie Xi could see the shock in Azure Dragon’s indigo eyes before they
became dead.
It felt like the hot Vermilion Bird Palace had dropped several degrees.
One phrase could be used to describe Azure Dragon’s mood: fallinnnnnng to the end.
Originally, he knew that Xie Xi was escaping from the marriage and suspected that he
‘cheated.’ Azure Dragon doubted the people around him but Xie Xi’s original cheating
partner was Vermilion Bird of the Holy Mountain.
It was only Vermilion Bird who could freely take Xie Xi across the mountains and rivers.
Azure Dragon’s heart was being torn apart. He was clearly standing in a place where fire
was burning but his hands and feet were cold as ice.
Xie Xi didn’t need to ask what this guy was thinking! The damn thing was… he couldn’t
explain it.
He hadn’t seen Vermilion Bird yet and Vermilion Bird was dying. If he told Azure Dragon it
was a misunderstanding in Vermilion Bird’s presence…
Vermilion Bird would surely show him a death performance on the spot!
The phoenix could be reborn after dying but Vermilion Bird… it didn’t seem possible?
How could Xie Xi dare take this risk?
The man with the colourful tail feathers knew the inside story. His mood was complicated
when he saw that Azure Dragon had also come. He was annoyed by this greedy scum
flower but if the scum flower left now, their sage would die. He had to stabilize this
“Lord Azure Dragon.” The man with the colourful tail feathers greeted him. “Our sage
doesn’t have any major problems. He just needs to rest. I’m really ashamed about bothering
He wanted to take the Azure Dragon away to give Xie Xi a chance.
It was a pity that this trick was too low level. Azure Dragon wasn’t a fool and he opened his
mouth, “In that case, Xiao Xie will go back with me.”
His words were clear and calm. There was nothing unusual but everyone present got a chill
that soaked their bones. In particular, Xiao Xie was frozen and trembling in the fire.
The man with the colourful tail feathers made an ugly face. “Lord Xie Xi still has something
to do…”
Azure Dragon didn’t wait for him to finish. “Then I will wait for him and also take a look at
Vermilion Bird’s situation. I won’t feel assured until I see him awake.”
He wouldn’t go! Xie Xi wasn’t surprised at all. It would be strange if Azure Dragon left. What
to do?
Could he speak sweet words to Vermilion Bird in front of Azure Dragon? What if Azure
Dragon hacked them to death in a fit of rage?
Should he go out first with Azure Dragon to have a good talk? Could Azure Dragon be
coaxed to wait?
Don’t mention coaxing since it wasn’t even certain it would work. Based on Vermilion
Bird’s current situation, Xie Xi believed that taking even one step away meant Vermilion
Bird wouldn’t hesitate to die!
The fifth prince was a real artist and artists were naturally sensitive. If Xie Xi slightly
revealed his intention of coaxing Vermillion Bird to live, it was estimated that Vermillion
Bird would rise to heaven.
The man with the colourful feather tails was also very clear about this point and looked
anxiously at Xie Xi, his voice full of pleading. “Lord Xie Xi, you… you…”
Xie Xi definitely wouldn’t leave Vermilion Bird no matter what. The important thing was to
save this person!
Xie Xi cruelly turned his head and entered the blazing red light.
He couldn’t see behind him but Azure Dragon’s gaze seemed to be ice that penetrated his
clothes and stabbed him in the back.
Xie Xi gritted his teeth and put all his mind on Vermilion Bird. “Sage…”
Vermilion Bird lay on the bed with his eyes closed. His facial features were the same as
Jiang Xie and they looked almost identical when Vermilion Bird’s eyes were closed.
Vermillion Bird was pale and haggard, his life obviously at risk.
How could Xie Xi not be emotional after seeing such a Jiang Xie? His eyes were red and his
voice choked. “Sage, please wake up. Open your eyes and look at me, okay?”
Vermilion Bird seemed to hear his voice and his thin lips moved as he called out lightly,
“Xiao Xie.”
Xie Xi nodded and held his hand. “I’m here.”
Vermilion Bird weakly held him, voice as low as a whisper. “I’m sorry, I can’t bear to see
you with other people.”
Xie Xi prepared himself. “I won’t be with anyone else.”
In fact, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tail and Nine Tails added together weren’t
anyone else to Xie Xi!
These words were very powerful, piercing the heart of the person behind him while giving
hope to the person in front of him.
Vermilion Bird was weak and dying. Now he could open his eyes and the fire burning the
palace disappeared, showing the exquisite jade outline.
The birds present were ecstatic. “The sage woke up!”
Vermilion Bird held Xie Xi and asked while staring at him, “You really won’t be with anyone
Xie Xi had already said this and wasn’t afraid to say a few more words. “Yes.”
“But your engagement…”
Xie Xi told him, “I won’t marry someone else.” This was true. His marriage object had
always been one person.
Vermilion Bird sat up, his red clothes hanging down and lining his skin like a painting.
Xie Xi knew what he wanted to hear and sent a message to his heart. “I like you. How can I
be with other people?”
Vermilion Bird’s pupils shrank and he grabbed Xie Xi’s shoulder. “Don’t lie to me.” Xie Xi
wasn’t lying but this situation…
“If I lie to you, thunder will…” Xie Xi’s vow hadn’t finished when Vermilion Bird interrupted.
“Don’t say it. I am happy as long as you have me in your heart.”
He finished speaking and all the fire in the Vermilion Bird Palace disappeared while the
birdsong became exhilarated and jubilant.
Vermilion Bird held Xie Xi’s hand and got out of bed, only to see Azure Dragon in the main
hall. Vermilion Bird was startled and his grip on Xie Xi’s hand increased.
Xie Xi inevitably looked at Azure Dragon. Azure Dragon’s lips were tight and there was no
blood on his face. He stared at Xie Xi without blinking… Finally, he coughed lightly and
there was a trace of blood at the corners of his mouth.
Xie Xi’s heart was pierced!
Vermilion Bird didn’t say a word but pulled Xie Xi into his arms, fearing that Xie Xi would
be taken away.
Azure Dragon stared from a distance before turning away without saying anything. His
back was desolate and lonely, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.
Xie Xi’s heart was a hornet’s nest. If Vermilion Bird wasn’t holding him, he would definitely
chase after Azure Dragon.
Steady, steady… Xie Xi told himself. He worked hard to save Vermilion Bird and it couldn’t
be undone.
It was imperative to be alone with Vermilion Bird and discover the situation from Jiang Xie.
He understood it and it was reasonable but the emotional Xie Xi couldn’t let it go. The
thought of Azure Dragon truly experiencing betrayal…
He felt pained and angry but didn’t know who to feel pained for and who to be angry at!
Jiang Xie couldn’t fulfil the designer’s responsibilities without separating his soul. The
separation of the soul led to worlds that only Xie Xi could enter. As soon as Xie Xi entered,
the group of souls would scramble for his attention.
How could he feel angry? What was he angry about?
Jiang Xie loved him so much that every strand of hair would die for him?
Xie Xi’s heart was pained, sweet and also bitter. He experienced thousands of gestures of
love every minute!
Xie Xi was distracted and Vermilion Bird’s voice was full of uneasiness. “Xiao Xie, did you
say those words because you saw that I was seriously hurt?”
Xie Xi’s heart was stunned. “What are you saying? Would I say those words to coax you?”
Vermilion Bird whispered, “Azure Dragon heard all of it.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“I’m not good and didn’t meet you earlier.”
In fact, their encounter was very early, early than the fourth prince (Azure Dragon).
However, in Atlantis, Xie Xi had agreed to the fourth prince’s proposal while the fifth prince
(Vermilion Bird) was busy resurrecting Sein and didn’t have a chance to propose. The
dream didn’t count.
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t steady and he glanced at Vermilion Bird. “Your Excellency, you just
woke up and should rest well.”
Vermilion Bird wasn’t in a hurry. “Do you want to go?”
Xie Xi’s heart was a mess. “I won’t go. I’ll be here with you.”
Vermilion Bird’s eyes were bright and the joy was palpable.
He hadn’t recovered yet and it wasn’t easy to control the fire. He lost his natural fire and if
it was someone else, they would’ve died thousands of times.
Xie Xi’s words made him cheer up and he seemed to be okay, but just standing required
strong support.
The man with the colourful tail feathers saw this and quickly said, “The sage needs to rest.
We will go first!”
Vermilion Bird nodded. “I worried all of you.”
The group of birds cried out, “The sage is safe, it is a great blessing for the bird family!”
The birds left and only Vermilion Bird and Xie Xi were left in the huge temple.
Xie Xi helped Vermilion Bird back to bed. He lay down and the eyes stared at him without
blinking. “I always afraid that I’m dreaming…”
He hadn’t finished these words when the different coloured eyes emerged.
Xie Xi was so angry that he pulled away his hand.
Jiang Xie unexpectedly didn’t try to hold him and spoke weakly, “This Vermilion Bird can
really perform. He is actually half dead.”
Xie Xi felt a strange heartache and returned his hand. “What the hell is going on?”
Jiang Xie rubbed his soft hand and coughed. “You should hurry to Azure Dragon.”
Xie Xi had a terrible thought in his heart…
Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird were together and Jiang Xie shared their memories. Thus,
he knew what Azure Dragon was thinking.
Jiang Xie explained, “Before Azure Dragon met you, his cultivation contained no desire. In
order to be with you, he broke his core and devoured his body. However, he didn’t mind
since you won’t have a long life, even with the name of the flower god. He only wanted to
live with you.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tense. “This… everything…” What the hell was this setup?
Jiang Xie replied quietly, “There is no other way. I love you so much that I am a desperate
He was still in the mood to speak like this! Xie Xi couldn’t be angry. “What is Azure Dragon’s
situation now?”
“He will be able to survive if you quickly coax him.”
It was that serious! Xie Xi asked anxiously, “If the soul dies, you…”
“Objectively speaking, the souls and I exist at the same time. If one disappears, I will cease
to exist.”
It was worse than Xie Xi thought but it was also logical. Existence was existence, there was
no separating it.
Xie Xi couldn’t sit still. “I’ll go after him.”
Jiang Xie nodded. However, Xie Xi wasn’t reassured. “What about Vermilion Bird?”
Jiang Xie replied, “There is no one here and I will stay awake for a short time. It will be
Now it was Jiang Xie, not Vermilion Bird present. As long as no one came, the problem
wasn’t big.
Xie Xi didn’t dare delay the time. Jiang Xie pulled him over and handed him something.
“This is a stealth charm so the other birds won’t see you.”
It was a good thing. If the other birds discovered he left, they would enter the palace to
check Vermilion Bird’s condition.
Xie Xi used the stealth charm and immediately left.
At this moment, he was personally aware of what it meant by solving one problem only for
another to crop up!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 133
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 13

Xie Xi came out and the birds couldn’t see or hear him because of the stealth charm.
“Sure enough our sage’s charm is invincible. The little rose unexpectedly regretted his
marriage in front of Sage Azure Dragon.”
“It must be. Based on appearance, cultivation and sentiment, the sage is definitely better
than Sage Azure Dragon.”
“Hey, what type of evil did this little rose do to unexpectedly charm two sages?”
“He looks good but there are many beauties in the flower family. How can the sages be so
fond of him?”
“Who knows? This thing called love can’t be read.”
Xie Xi thought in his heart, ‘I don’t understand… I can’t read it either!’
Xie Xi remembered the Azure Dragon and rushed out of Vermilion Bird Palace with his
fastest speed.
In such a short time, Azure Dragon hadn’t gone far. He walked out of the Vermilion Bird
Palace one step at a time, like he was stepping on his bloody heart.
Xie Xi saw this and his heart cracked.
Vermilion Bird’s facial features were most like Jiang Xie while Azure Dragon’s back was
exactly the same as Jiang Xie. In fact, even if there were no similar places, these souls gave
Xie Xi a strong sense of familiarity.
This was wonderful. Previously, he hadn’t felt too much but now he knew with one glance
that it was Jiang Xie. The souls might not have the memories of the body but these feelings
went straight into Xie Xi’s heart.
“Lord Azure Dragon!” Xie Xi called out to him.
Azure Dragon stopped, his back stiff while his fingernails dug into his palms as he tried to
stop himself from looking back.
Xie Xi strode forward. “I…”
He only said one word when Azure Dragon’s body flashed and he disappeared.
Xie Xi, “…”
The green dragon flashed through the sky and directly flew away. Yes, he was a dragon.
Slowly walking showed his bad mood and there was no problem flying away when angry.
Poor Xie Xi’s setting was a little rose with low mana. Forget flying, he was breathless just
from running out of Vermilion Bird Palace.
Could this guy let people finish talking?
Xie Xi didn’t give up. The monk could run away but the temple wouldn’t run with him. Xie
Xi would run to the Azure Dragon Palace.
As for the location of Azure Dragon Palace… He would go, even if it was to the end of the
Besides, Xie Xi didn’t believe that Azure Dragon would leave him alone. The two of them
spending 60 years together wasn’t a waste. Xie Xi truly knew Jiang Xie to his bones.
Azure Dragon did fly away towards Azure Dragon Palace. However, he quickly turned back
and silently watched Xie Xi from the air.
Xie Xi was just a small rose and his man was very low. He had no flying spells at all.
He didn’t even know where Azure Dragon was located. He just ran forward like he wanted
to catch up with the person who had long since disappeared.
Why? Azure Dragon didn’t know why this person was chasing him and didn’t dare to ask.
Didn’t Xie Xi already choose Vermilion Bird? He had abandoned Azure Dragon. Why was
Xie Xi chasing him? What else did he want to say? Did Xie Xi want to stab Azure Dragon in
the heart again?
Azure Dragon admitted that he had used disgraceful means… If this was retribution then he
acknowledged it.
Xie Xi was running breathlessly while thinking in his heart, ‘Did Azure Dragon really leave?’
He was so angry that he didn’t want to speak to Xie Xi and headed back to Azure Dragon
It was normal to be angry. In the Vermilion Bird Palace scene, if Xie Xi had been in Azure
Dragon’s spot then not only would he be furious, he would’ve hacked that dog man with a
Azure Dragon just left in a desolate manner… well… he was very wronged…
The problem was Xie Xi wasn’t at ease!
This guy was just sulking right now. What if he really became furious?
Jiang Xie didn’t deceive him. He shared the souls memories and had the highest
understanding of Azure Dragon’s situation. His words indicated that Azure Dragon was in a
very dangerous state.
At this rate, would Xie Xi have to run to Azure Dragon Palace?
By the time he arrived, Azure Dragon Palace would be in mourning… bah! Too unlucky!
Xie Xi became more anxious the more his brain worked. Then he saw a big root protruding
from the ground in front of him and got a brainstorm.
He didn’t believe that Azure Dragon was really gone!
Xie Xi gritted his teeth and rushed towards the tree root. This way, he was sure to fall and
eat dog poop.
If he fell then he fell. Then he would admit that Azure Dragon wasn’t present!
How could Azure Dragon leave him alone?
He was originally distressed after seeing Xie Xi rushing in a breathless manner. Now Azure
Dragon couldn’t help hugging him.
Xie Xi’s body was thrown forward only to be hugged by a strong arm. His back was attached
to something cool.
Azure Dragon didn’t say anything. He just helped Xie Xi and then loosened his hand.
Xie Xi stared at the dragon and hugged his arm. “Lord Azure Dragon!”
“There is nothing to say.” Azure Dragon told him, “Go back to Vermilion Bird Palace.”
Xie Xi didn’t expect Old Four to not want to communicate and hurriedly tried to explain, “I
said those words in Vermilion Bird Palace because…”
Unexpectedly, he wasn’t able to finish his words when Azure Dragon violently coughed, his
veins bulging.
Xie Xi’s pupils shrank and helped him. “How do you feel? Where does it hurt?”
Azure Dragon didn’t speak. His thin lips moved and he spat up a large amount of blood.
Xie Xi’s heart tensed. “Lord Azure Dragon!” Azure Dragon made a very subtle sound. He
seemed to be saying something but also saying nothing…
Xie Xi added, “Don’t be angry. I said those words to ease Sage Vermilion Bird’s body. It
wasn’t from the heart…”
It was a pity that Azure Dragon had fainted.
Xie Xi, “…”
This person, don’t be as punctual as a TV drama!
Azure Dragon fainted but Xie Xi didn’t panic about being stuck in this desolate place.
There had to be Azure Dragon’s people around here. After all, Azure Dragon’s eyes hadn’t
changed, showing they weren’t alone. If there was an outsider, Azure Dragon wouldn’t act
like this. They had to be his entourage.
Sure enough, after a while, two men dressed in black came out and spoke. “Lord Xie Xi,
please give us the sage.”
Xie Xi replied, “Take me back to Azure Dragon Palace. I will take care of him.”
The two men glanced at each other. Aversion flashed in their eyes but they ended up
saying, “Okay, you worked hard. Thank you.”
They were part of Azure Dragon’s entourage and definitely knew Xie Xi’s words in
Vermilion Bird Palace. A normal person would be disgusted with this type of half-hearted
scum but Xie Xi didn’t care.
The most important thing right now was Azure Dragon. The rest had to be ignored.
Xie Xi followed them back to Azure Dragon Palace. Azure Dragon didn’t have this problem
for one or two days and there were already doctors waiting there.
As soon as Azure Dragon arrived, the doctor came to treat him. Xie Xi anxiously waited for
news on one side.
The doctor sighed and said, “The sage was angry, leading to a loss in the Yuan vein. He
already has a heart demon and now this…” He shook his head and spoke a bunch of words
that Xie Xi had little knowledge of. Xie Xi asked, “How can Lord Azure Dragon recover?”
The doctor stared Xie Xi in the eyes. “The sage’s heart has been broken and he bears the
pain of broken bones every day. This is very torturous and now that he has suffered a
heavy blow, it is really painful…” He noticed Xie Xi’s poor expression and spoke the key
point. “He can only rest and stay mentally stable to steady his heart. As for the pain of the
broken bones, there is no way.”
Xie Xi felt pained and anxious as he guarded beside the bed for an hour.
After using some medicinal herbs, Azure Dragon’s situation was much better as he regained
some colour in his lips.
Xie Xi believed that Azure Dragon would definitely hear him and spoke regardless of who
was around. “I spoke those words to help Sage Vermilion Bird recover. Sage Vermilion Bird
was seriously injured to save the world and my rose family has always had a good
relationship with the bird family. They begged Rose Mountain and I couldn’t sit idly by
since it is only speaking a few words to Sage Vermilion Bird. I don’t know why he is
obsessed with me but if I can save his life with a few words, how can I ignore it?”
These words were reasonable. The dragon family’s attitude towards Xie Xi significantly
improved and even the doctor relaxed his demeanor.
Xie Xi continued his efforts. “My lord, don’t you know my heart? If I don’t want to be with
you, how could I dare marry you when I’m just a small rose! Our marriage isn’t viewed well
by anyone. Then Lord Azure Dragon, even you aren’t optimistic about it?”
He said this and didn’t know what Jiang Xie’s mood was. His pure little friend was so good
at speaking nonsense. Should Jiang Xie cry or howl?
In any case… Azure Dragon was coaxed and his situation suddenly improved.
The entourage spoke to Xie Xi in a nice voice, “Lord Xie Xi, you have been protecting the
lord for a long time. Go and rest.”
Xie Xi didn’t leave because he couldn’t feel at ease when Azure Dragon didn’t wake up.
The doctor also added, “You go to rest. We will look after this place. The sage’s condition is
stable and it is only a matter of time until he wakes up. We will inform you first.”
The servant continued, “If you are exhausted when the sage wakes up, the sage will blame
Xie Xi looked at Azure Dragon and thought it shouldn’t be a problem. He was still worried
about Vermilion Bird and wondered if he should go to Vermilion Bird again.
However, Azure Dragon Palace and Vermilion Bird Palace were separated on the mountain
and his short legs…
Forget it, the fire had passed and Vermilion Bird had no reason to die again, even if he woke
Xie Xi knew that the souls’ regard towards the loss of face was the same as the main body.
Xie Xi was Azure Dragon’s fiance and arranged in the same area as Azure Dragon.
Xie Xi’s heart was full of thoughts and he couldn’t sleep. He walked back and forth in a
circle when something flashed in his mind.
God’s wisdom…
It was hard to obtain and he should take this opportunity to pry into it. His promotion task
was also expected to be completed using the god’s wisdom.
Xie Xi looked around and was attracted to a picture scroll on the table.
It was a landscape painting. The flower clusters were very lively and it didn’t seem to
match the cold tone of Azure Dragon’s residence.
Xie Xi had no memory of the white rose but when he saw this picture, the words ‘100
Flowers Festival’ appeared in his head. His encounter with Azure Dragon was at the 100
Flowers Festival.
Xie Xi’s hands unconsciously moved towards the picture like he was attracted. In an instant,
he seemed to be sucked into the painting.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped and by the time he recovered, he found that he was seriously injured
and had fallen into a pool of blood. He felt very uncomfortable and his mouth was calling a
person’s name…
“Houqing?” Then Azure Dragon’s voice entered his ears. “Do you know him?”
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 134

Last ko-fi chapter owed from last week

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 14

He was calling Houqing’s name? Xie Xi was dazed and wasn’t too clear about the situation.
Azure Dragon wore a moonlight garment with a dragon pattern flashing on the sleeves. His
body was slender and his facial features were cold. In the beautiful sunshine, he was as
fresh as the first snow.
Xie Xi was slightly startled and stared blankly.
Azure Dragon whispered, “You are a little rose. How can you know Houqing of the Demon
Xie Xi couldn’t answer and he was still curious about his situation.
Azure Dragon in front of him was unscathed and wasn’t in the half-dead state. This wasn’t
Azure Dragon Palace. Flowers were blooming in the distance and the sky was full of
sunshine. Was this the flower festival? Did he accidentally enter the painting?
Xie Xi didn’t understand and slightly frowned while thinking.
Azure Dragon leaned over and said, “You are badly hurt. I’ll take you to heal your wounds.”
Xie Xi moved and the pain caused him to frown.
Azure Dragon picked him up and wondered, “Why don’t you change back to your original
form first?”
Xie Xi was a good person who didn’t want to be a rose. He was afraid that once he became a
flower, he wouldn’t be able to turn back. He wasn’t very skillful with this transformation!
Xie Xi shook his head. Azure Dragon reassured him, “It doesn’t matter as long as you are
His temperament was warm and his voice was very nice. His body had a fresh scent like
jungle bamboo and inexplicable reassured people.
Xie Xi whispered, “Sage, thank you for saving me.”
Azure Dragon was slightly surprised. “You recognize me?”
Xie Xi explained, “Our Rose Mountain has been blessed by the sage for many years. Of
course I recognize you.”
Azure Dragon smiled. “I have never seen a little rose like you.”
Xie Xi didn’t like being called this by people because he always felt it was a joke. However,
Azure Dragon’s tone was gentle and Xie Xi couldn’t refute that he was a rose. “I’m not little.
I have long become an adult.”
Azure Dragon was startle. “How old are you?”
“…19 years old.”
Azure Dragon’s eyes were full of laughter. “You are really an adult but you are still a little
Xie Xi, “…” Fine, who made him a real rose flower!
The teasing from Azure Dragon was actually to distract Xie Xi from his pain. Xie Xi also felt
this and his heart warmed.
The doctor arrived and Azure Dragon carefully put Xie Xi down.
Xie Xi didn’t know his own situation and only felt that his lower body was numb. The
doctor frowned as he examined Xie Xi for a long time. “This injury…”
Azure Dragon interrupted. “Say it outside.”
The doctor bowed and followed him out. Xie Xi became even less aware of what was wrong
with him. After a while, Azure Dragon came back. There was a shadow on his face but he
smiled. “You are fortunate. If it was delayed any longer, no one could save you.”
Xie Xi thanked him.
Azure Dragon smiled. “It’s nothing.”
He spoke easily but the doctor came in with a white pill in his hand. The doctor’s posture
was dignified and tense, as if he was reluctant.
Azure Dragon didn’t care. He took the medicinal pill and placed it against Xie Xi’s mouth.
“Eat it.”
Xie Xi was very sensitive and realized that things might not be simple. “Your Excellency,
this medicine…”
“It’s just the usual blood staunching pill. You eat it.”
He said this and the doctor looked like he was going to cough up blood. If this was a blood
staunching pill, the doctor would probably have to take it first to stop his internal bleeding.
Xie Xi felt that this was something that happened a long time ago and no longer thought
about it as he ate the pill.
This ‘blood staunching pill’ was very strong. After eating it, Xie Xi felt itchy, sore and
painful. It was indescribable.
Azure Dragon held his hand. “It will be a bit uncomfortable. Please endure it.”
Xie Xi was somewhat unable to maintain his mind. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t prevent
himself from crying out.
He vaguely heard Azure Dragon’s low reprimand, “What is happening?”
The doctor was terrified. “This Qing Pill is a world treasure and has the effect of
resurrection. This small rose’s foundation is too shallow and it is normal that he can’t
withstand it.”
Azure Dragon cried out, “It’s been too long!”
The doctor replied, “I have a bottle of analgesia here. If used, he will surely sleep well and
will be fully recovered when he wakes up. Just…”
“Just what?” “This analgesic has some side-effects.”
“What side effects?”
The doctor explained, “He might forget some of the past.”
Azure Dragon, “…”
Xie Xi felt he would die from the pain and vaguely heard Azure Dragon’s gentle yet pained
voice. “Don’t cry, it will stop hurting soon.”
At his gentle whisper, Xie Xi stopped feeling pain and he seemed to fall asleep. He woke up
refreshed without any more discomfort.
Azure Dragon watched over him for one night and saw him wake up. “How do you feel?”
Xie Xi smiled. “Thank you for your help, Sage Azure Dragon!”
Azure Dragon saw him smiling happily and was relieved. “It’s nothing. There’s no need to
thank me.”
“That can’t be. If it wasn’t for the sage saving me in time, I would’ve died on that mountain.”
Azure Dragon asked him, “How can you be so badly hurt?”
How could Xie Xi know? This was originally a setting of the painting and he came in
halfway. There was no way for him to know.
Azure Dragon was still staring at him. Xie Xi hesitated before replying, “I was probably
bitten by a worm monster… us roses are most afraid of the worms.”
This injury definitely wasn’t a bite. Azure Dragon watched him and asked, “Have you been
to the Demon Sea?”
Xie Xi replied like it was natural, “No.”
If he hadn’t been to the Demon Sea, how could he call out the name of Ancestor Houqing in
such a helpless and sentimental voice while he was in danger?
It was the side effect of the analgesic. This little rose had forgotten some past events.
Azure Dragon just wanted to save him but now he was selfish and didn’t want the rose to
think about the past.
“Say it…” Azure Dragon asked in a low voice, “How would you like to thank me?”
Xie Xi didn’t respond.
Azure Dragon stared at him and his thin lips curved in a smile. “Didn’t you say you wanted
to thank me?”
“Of course!”
“How will you thank me?”
Xie Xi blinked. “How do you want me to thank you?”
Azure Dragon was truly a certain someone’s soul. “Then how about giving your heart to

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 135

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 15
‘Azure Dragon, look at your heart that is supposed to be clear and empty of desires. How
can you ask a person to devote his heart to you?’
Xie Xi thought it was funny and there was a look of astonishment on his face. Azure Dragon
still cared about the face of a sage and he said, “I’m joking, don’t take it seriously.”
It was rare to see Jiang Xie like this so Xie Xi unexpectedly played along, “It was originally a
Azure Dragon’s eyes shot towards him.
Xie Xi lowered his eyes and stuttered, “I… I thought…”
Azure Dragon hastily asked him, “Are you serious?”
Xie Xi looked down and suppressed his smile while pretending to be embarrassed, “No, no.”
He was actually speaking seriously. Azure Dragon’s heart trembled and he didn’t know
what to say for a while.
Xie Xi suggested, “I am just a rose. Who would think that Lord Azure Dragon saved me? This
life is what you gave me. Shall I be your servant in the future?”
Azure Dragon’s breathing stopped.
Intellectually, Azure Dragon knew this wasn’t possible. His cultivation was one of no
desires and he couldn’t be tempted. The little rose’s few words were enough to make his
heart unstable. In the long-term, the consequences would be unthinkable.
He replied, “I don’t lack personal servants…”
Xie Xi was disappointed. “I see.”
“Still, you can stay in Azure Dragon Palace.” Azure Dragon looked away after saying this.
Intellectually, he understood the reasons but his mouth and feelings ran away from him.
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “If I’m not a servant, what reason is there to stay here?”
Azure Dragon replied quietly, “Can’t Azure Dragon Palace have a little flower?”
Oh, it didn’t have a little flower as a fixture.
Azure Dragon added, “Stay here and be at ease.”
Xie Xi quipped, “Will you prepare a vase for me?” “Be more conscious of yourself.”
Azure Dragon smiled. “You can do whatever you want.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“You can think of Azure Dragon Palace as your vase.”
The conversation between them sounded strange but once translated, it was filled with an
unimaginable sweetness.
The vase was a temporary home for flowers. Xie Xi asked Azure Dragon to find him a home
and Azure Dragon told him that he could think of Azure Dragon Palace as his home and do
whatever he wanted.
That’s how Xie Xi stayed.
He should’ve entered the painting and saw the meeting between the white rose and Azure
Xie Xi didn’t find a way to leave the painting for the time being because he felt there was
probably a clue in the past.
Azure Dragon was busy every day since Azure Dragon Palace was responsible for most
government affairs on the Holy Mountain. He worked until very late every day.
Xie Xi stayed by his side and gave him a cup of tea or water. Whenever Azure Dragon was
busy, Xie Xi found a corner to stay in and flipped through a book.
Azure Dragon told him, “Don’t follow me, you can do whatever you want.” He was afraid the
small rose would be bored.
Xie Xi told him, “This is what I want to do.”
Azure Dragon’s heart swayed uncontrollably. “Isn’t it boring?”
“What do you mean?” Xie Xi glanced at him. “Following you, I think…” He seemed too
embarrassed to continue.
Azure Dragon saw the blush rising on the fair face and his heart thumped. He wanted to ask
but he also didn’t…
He still asked, “What do you feel?”
Xie Xi smiled lightly. “I’m very happy and at ease.”
His voice was very soft, soft enough to be talking to himself but Azure Dragon heard it.
Azure Dragon knew this wasn’t right, that his cultivation didn’t allow for emotion desires.
In addition, Xie Xi forgot many things due to the side effect of the medicine. Once he
remembered, he would certainly regret it but…
Azure Dragon whispered, “Me too.”
Xie Xi saw this pure and contradictory Jiang Xie and couldn’t help wanting to tease him.
“Really? You aren’t bothered by me?”
“Of course not, I’m afraid that you will think Azure Dragon Palace is rigid and boring.”
Xie Xi replied sincerely, “I like it here. Azure Dragon Palace is very quiet and beautiful,
making people feel at ease in their hearts.”
Azure Dragon’s heart warmed.
Xie Xi spoke again, “You must’ve never been to Rose Mountain. We have many roses and
every day, new small roses are being born. It is always noisy in the nursery and there is
never any quiet time.”
The corners of Azure Dragon’s slips curved. “Then you are staying here to hide?”
Xie Xi replied, “No.”
Azure Dragon glanced at him.
Xie Xi was also watching him and stared into his eyes. “I’m staying at Azure Dragon Palace
because Azure Dragon is here.”
Azure Dragon, “…”
After saying this, Xie Xi seemed shy and anxious. “The tea is cold. I’m going to…”
He was about to leave when Azure Dragon grasped his wrist.
Xie Xi nervously pressed tight lips together and Azure Dragon suddenly released his hand.
Xie Xi was startled and stared up at him.
Azure Dragon frowned like he was thinking about something. Xie Xi was about to leave
when Azure Dragon held him again and asked in a difficult voice, “What is the life span of
the rose family?”
Why was he suddenly asking this?
Xie Xi had some understanding and replied, “The old chief is 200 years old. He is the oldest
in the family.”
“200 years…” Azure Dragon’s thin lips curved as he smiled gently. “In fact, I wasn’t joking.”
The topic jump was too big and Xie Xi couldn’t keep up. “Hmm?”
Azure Dragon pulled him closer and hugged him tightly. “Devoting your heart to me, I
meant it seriously.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Azure Dragon whispered, “Would you like to stay in the Azure Dragon Palace forever?”
The words were roundabout and Xie Xi deliberately wondered, “Your Excellency, are you
finally willing to let me be your personal servant?”
“I want you to be the other owner of this palace.”
Despite knowing that this person liked lewd talk, Xie Xi’s heart couldn’t help trembling.
Azure Dragon told him, “Little Rose, I’m proposing to you.”
What maze-like proposal was this?! Xie Xi had to pretend to be surprised. “Your
Azure Dragon declared, “Shall I accompany you for the next 200 years?”
The rose family had a lifespan of 200 years so this meant accompanying him for a lifetime.
Xie Xi smiled. “Good.”
In any case, he received the betrothal gift in reality and could only say yes here.
Xie Xi became more and more certain that if he wanted to leave this painting, he had to go
along with the past. He might not know the real past but as long as the general trend was
good, there shouldn’t be any problems.
For example, this proposal must be agreed to.
The moment he spoke, he seemed to drift into the air as he watched two individuals in the
painting from the perspective of a god.
Azure Dragon and the little rose were together. They were sweet and the entire Azure
Dragon Palace seemed to be filled with pink bubbles.
Xie Xi wondered why he had shifted to such a perspective and figured it out the next
‘He’ fell asleep and Azure Dragon got up, suppressing his cough with extreme restraint. The
moment he left the room, he coughed violently and blood flowed out.
Xie Xi’s heart jerked and he thought about what the doctor said before.
Azure Dragon’s cultivation involved no desires and he had to pay attention to unintentional
desires. He had obviously broken this.
Xie Xi had thought about this problem when he first entered the painting but the events in
the painting had happened a long time ago. Even if he knew anything, he couldn’t change it.
The doctor took Azure Dragon’s pulse and frowned as he warned, “Your Excellency, this is
too dangerous!”
Azure Dragon asked, “How long can I last?”
“Up to 300 years.” A sage’s life was infinitely long and 300 years was like the span of a
Azure Dragon smiled. “That’s enough.”
The doctor knew what he was thinking and couldn’t help asking, “Is it worth it?” Was it
worth giving up eternal life for a rose flower?
Azure Dragon calmly replied, “It’s worth it.”
Xie Xi returned to the body of the rose flower and saw Azure Dragon’s gentle gaze when he
opened his eyes.
Xie Xi wanted to speak but found that he was speechless.
Azure Dragon wondered, “You roses don’t have a name, right?”
Xie Xi nodded.
“I will give you the name of the flower god, so that you are sheltered by the flower god and
live a long life.”
Then Xie Xi was fiercely pulled out of the painting.
It took a while for his senses to recover. He found that he had come out of the painting and
returned to reality.
There was a chance to the painting in front of him. The painting had a cyan back and the
person was walking on a narrow road. In front was a dark and dead silence while behind
was a cluster of flowers.
He gave up behind him and chose the way forward.
He walked step by step, blood-stained dragon scales at his feet.
He broke the path of no desires, suffered from the pain of broken bones every day and gave
up eternal life, only for this short 300 years.
Azure Dragon knew from the beginning that there was an infinite abyss in front of him but
he went forward without hesitation.
In the blank space of the painting, there were two more lines of words. The cyan ink
seemed to shine.
[Eternal life is less than a moment of splendor.]
Being together for 300 years, this was his only wish in this lifetime.
No wonder why Azure Dragon asked about the lifespan of a rose. A white rose could only
live for 200 years but it was possible to live up to 300 years with the name of the flower
Azure Dragon broke his cultivation path and suffered every day just for 300 years. He only
wanted the two people to be together forever.
“Lord Xie Xi, are you awake?” The voice of a servant came from outside.
Xie Xi jerked violently and pushed open the door. “Has the sage woken up?”
“He just woke up.”
“I’ll go and see him.”
The two of them went to Azure Dragon’s bedroom. The two rooms were very close and
were along the same corridor.
Xie Xi saw a pale green dragon as soon as he entered.
The dragon was awake and glossy indigo eyes flashed when he saw Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was distressed to death and wanted to scold this person! It was clear that the quasi-
world’s plot was set by the souls themselves. How did he give himself such a bitter setting!
If it wasn’t for all the people around them, Xie Xi really wanted to pull out this master and
ask him! Now…
He reached out and grabbed Azure Dragon’s hand. “Your Excellency, do you feel better?”
Azure Dragon stared at him. “The words you said at Vermilion Bird Palace…”
Xie Xi didn’t dare to stimulate him again and hurriedly replied, “It was to save Sage
Vermilion Bird. I only have a few connections with him and there are those who are right
and wrong.” He spoke the previous words again in a tender manner, out of fear that Azure
Dragon would cough up blood again.
Azure Dragon held his hand and whispered, “Don’t lie to me.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He didn’t dare to look directly at these words. In a sense, he wasn’t lying since this was
Jiang Xie…
“Of course I won’t lie to you!”
Azure Dragon asked, “Is Vermilion Bird fine now?”
“It already doesn’t matter.”
Azure Dragon opened his mouth. “Then we will go and tell him clearly. This type of
misunderstanding needs to be resolved as soon as possible.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
“You did it to save him but it will hurt him to drag it out. I’ll accompany you to Vermilion
Bird Palace and explain it to him.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 136
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 16

Azure Dragon spoke correctly and every word contained true knowledge.
Since it was to save a life, if the person was fine then he should clearly explain it and save
the person from misunderstanding.
This logic was clear and impossible to refute.
Xie Xi was speechless.
He wasn’t smart when he should be smart and was smart when he shouldn’t be smart! Xie
Xi had liver pain.
Azure Dragon saw that Xie Xi didn’t say anything and his eyes darkened.
Xie Xi was sensitive and instantly caught the signal. He just managed to coax the dragon
and would cry if this was reversed!
“Okay,” Xie Xi agreed. “It should be made clear.”
Azure Dragon’s expression relaxed. “It shouldn’t be delayed. Let’s go now.”
Xie Xi, “!” Why so anxious?
Azure Dragon asked, “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi hurriedly answered, “I will go to Vermilion Bird Palace by myself.”
“I will accompany you so I can make it clear.”
Old Four was very difficult to fool! It was fortunate that Jiang Xie brought the humanoid
hanger on ‘Jiang Xie’ with him to be used here.
Xie Xi replied, “Yes, let’s go together and say it face to face. I believe he will be able to
“Then let’s go now.”
“Why so urgent?”
The dragon’s eyes sunk again. Xie Xi told him, “How can I feel assured going anywhere with
you like this?”
Azure Dragon thought about his pain and took a deep breath, releasing it and taking
another deep breath…
Regardless of whether he was releasing or taking a breath, he was thinking about Xie Xi’s
words. Xie Xi couldn’t bear to scold him and had to coax him. “In any case, take a break and
don’t worry about this…”
Azure Dragon held his hand, his quiet voice containing a distressed tremor. “…Go and tell
him clearly, okay?”
Xie Xi’s chest was stabbed and he couldn’t help feeling angry. Why bother… why worry
himself like this and why hold onto a person who betrayed and deceived him?
Xie Xi told him, “Vermilion Bird is currently unconscious right now. What can we say to
Azure Dragon was stunned.
“Okay.” Xie Xi suggested softly. “Once the day is bright, how about we go to Vermilion Bird
Palace together.”
Azure Dragon was finally persuaded. “We will go at daybreak.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Azure Dragon released some of his worries. Azure Dragon’s sleeping quarters were
partitioned with a screen. They were in the room while people were guarding outside.
It couldn’t be helped. Azure Dragon’s physical condition was so poor that they couldn’t
leave him alone with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry to see Jiang Xie. The most important thing was to make Azure
Dragon emotionally stable.
Azure Dragon questioned, “Have you eaten dinner yet?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I’m not hungry.”
“How can you not eat? Your hungry body…”
Xie Xi interrupted his words. “You feel bad just because I’m hungry. You are suffering from
broken bones all day so how can I not feel bad?”
Azure Dragon froze and flames seemed to burn in his indigo eyes.
Xie Xi told him, “I am already very upset that you gave up your cultivation. If you suffer all
day long, how can I bear it…”
Azure Dragon frowned. “Don’t say that.”
Xie Xi increased the sugar to the peak. “You like me and I like you as well. Thanks to our
different statuses, you paid to be with me. We will face it together hand in hand rather than
one person infinitely accommodating the other.”
Azure Dragon’s heart almost jumped out and a thousand words rushed to his lips, although
none were spoken. He felt that anything he said would be inferior to Xie Xi’s words. Every
word settled in his heart and was deeply rooted.
Xie Xi whispered, “Can you tell me about your injuries?”
Azure Dragon paused.
Xie Xi told him, “I might not be able to help but I want to know.”
Azure Dragon’s thin lips slowly moved. “Don’t listen to their nonsense. It isn’t so
“Then how is it in the end? What happened?”
Azure Dragon was unable to dissuade him and spoke evasively.
Xie Xi’s heart bled at the words. “Your scales are falling off.”
“As long as there is no interference, surviving for 300 years won’t be a problem.”
It was necessary to bear the pain for 300 years! Xie Xi’s expression was serious. “Can I look
at your body?”
Azure Dragon, “…”
Xie Xi insisted. “I want to see.”
“I will scare you.”
“Do I only like you for your skin?”
Azure Dragon was startled and his eyelids drooped in an attempt to cover up his stirring
He whispered, “It isn’t convenient here. Wait… until we go to an empty place.”
This was true. Azure Dragon’s body was so big that if he hastily turned, this small room
would probably become a mess.
Xie Xi wanted to see his body because of the Repair technique. “Did you collect the scales
that fell off?”
The scales were treasures so they were naturally collected. Azure Dragon nodded.
Xie Xi relaxed. “I will try to fix it.”
Azure Dragon was startled. Xie Xi explained about what he did with the rose family. “I don’t
know if I can repair your scales but I would like to try…”
Azure Dragon wondered, “You said you repaired the injured roses… is it repair?”
Xie Xi remembered the old rose had said the flower god had repaired the scales of the
dragon and nodded. “Yes, it was repairing. There had to be the petals or it wouldn’t work.”
Azure Dragon stared at him with complicated eyes. “Repairing is the ability of the flower
“I heard from the chief.”
The dragon asked, “Since when did you obtain this ability?” Xie Xi replied, “I don’t know
clearly. After returning to Rose Mountain, I was unconscious for a while and then found
myself able to fix some things.”
Azure Dragon frowned and whispered, “Why do you have the power of the flower god?”
He suddenly said, “Come with me.”
Azure Dragon got up too fast and seemed to pull at his wounds. Xie Xi quickly helped him
and Azure Dragon took his hand. “It doesn’t matter.”
Xie Xi was anxious and wanted to repair the scales right away.
Azure Dragon took him to the back room where Xie Xi rested previously. The outside
followers also followed and still waited outside the screen. They were confidants of Azure
Dragon and Azure Dragon didn’t avoid them.
Xie Xi once again saw the painting of the dragon’s lonely back.
Azure Dragon questioned, “Can you see anything?”
Xie Xi was surprised. “Can’t you see it?”
Azure Dragon’s pupils shrank. “I can only see blank paper.”
Xie Xi blinked and sounded very certain. “This is a painting of the flower festival. In the
painting, you are slowly walking away.” He didn’t describe the scene of the dragon
gradually entering darkness.
Azure Dragon glanced at the painting and explained, “This is a part of the god’s wisdom
that only the flower god can read.”
Xie Xi instantly understood.
“I’m just a rose flower…”
Azure Dragon shook his head. “Nobody knows what the body of the flower god is.”
Xie Xi spoke again, “I don’t have any memories of being a god.”
“You have the ability of the flower god.”
“Do you know the flower god?”
Azure Dragon replied, “I was injured during the promotion to a sage and he treated me.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Do you want me to be the flower god?”
Azure Dragon was stunned for a moment and then spoke when he recovered. “No, it doesn’t
matter who you are. I just gave you the name of the flower god in the hope that you can live
an extra 100 years.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
Azure Dragon was in a better mood and he repeated Xie Xi’s words. “Do I only like your
skin?” Xie Xi glanced at him and pretended to be sour. “I’m just a rose flower inside.”
“You are the best rose under the sun.”
Xie Xi’s heart was sweet but he still said, “I’m not as good as the flower god.”
Azure Dragon hugged him. “You are wonderful and no one can match you.”
Xie Xi was just pretending to be jealous. He thought that in this quasi-world setting, he was
likely the flower god. As for why he was reduced to a small rose, it was estimated that there
was a reason.
Perhaps the answer was in the god’s wisdom.
Xie Xi wondered, “Can I look at this god’s wisdom again?”
“Of course.”
Xie Xi walked over and placed a hand on it. This time, there was no special reaction. He
didn’t enter the painting but he found that something was flashing in the darkness of the
Xie Xi reached out and…
Azure Dragon pulled him away.
Xie Xi’s senses returned. “What’s wrong?”
Azure Dragon’s eyebrows furrowed. “You just…” He couldn’t describe the feeling. It was as
if Xie Xi was far away from him and couldn’t be touched.
Azure Dragon shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’m just tired all of a sudden. We should go
Xie Xi stared into his eyes and replied, “Okay.”
They returned to the front room with indescribable thoughts in their head.
Only the flower god could understand the god’s wisdom and the god’s wisdom recorded
everything in the mountains and seas.
Xie Xi understood that what he saw was only a part of his encounter with Azure Dragon. It
was very one-sided and short.
Xie Xi stared a the dark paint, thoughts flashing in his mind. Did all this already happen and
was recorded by the god’s wisdom, or were things recorded in the god’s wisdom bound to
If it was just a recording then it was fine. Then again, if it was only a record, how could the
god’s wisdom document everything?
Everything represented the past and future.
The god’s wisdom that could record the future gave Xie Xi a strong feeling of discomfort.
It might’ve been reduced to a ‘love game’ once he entered Jiang Xie’s world but it was
undeniable that a high-order quasi-world had its own independent core.
If Xie Xi hadn’t entered the quasi-world, what would the clearance mission be like?
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about it, not just because he needed to clear the world. He also
wanted to understand Jiang Xie.
The quasi-worlds that Jiang Xie designed had his countless efforts and emotions poured
into them.
Just like reading a book written by the author, Xie Xi wanted to go between the lines and
see the Jiang Xie hidden in them.
To love someone wasn’t a one-sided effort but a mutual understanding and tolerance.
It was getting along forever.
Of course…
He fell in love with a wild horse and there were all pits between the lines! He gingerly
walked a bumpy road and wanted to tear this book apart!
At dawn, Azure Dragon was full of energy. “Let’s go to Vermilion Bird Palace.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Okay, it was time to stop hiding and make the two people feel at ease.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 137
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 17

Xie Xi waited all night and could no longer delay it. “Can I look at your body first?”
Azure Dragon heard this and his heart was sweet and uneasy.
He felt sweet because Xie Xi always remembered but uneasy because his other shape was
too terrible and he was afraid Xie Xi would be scared. Xie Xi insisted, “You will feel easier if
I help you fix it.”
In fact, the more he didn’t care about going to Vermilion Bird palace, the more at ease
Azure Dragon felt. In particular, Xie Xi was thinking about his injuries and this made Azure
Dragon feel unparalleled warmth.
Xie Xi really cared about him. Azure Dragon realized this feeling couldn’t be faked.
Azure Dragon held his hand and told him, “Come this way.”
Xie Xi nodded and followed.
There was an empty space outside the palace. Azure Dragon stood in the middle of it and
closed his eyes. Mist rose and then a dragon more than 10 metres long appeared in the
open space.
Xie Xi stared. The dragon shone with a faint light and his heart turned, eyes like a heavy
ocean. Beautiful…
It was an extremely magnificent beauty…
Xie Xi was speechless for a long time.
Azure Dragon’s eyes were very gentle because he was afraid of frightening Xie Xi. He asked
in a low voice, “Are you afraid?”
Xie Xi marvelled for a long time before replying, “So beautiful.”
Azure Dragon, “…”
Xie Xi stretched out his arms and asked, “Can I touch?”
The dragon bowed his head and sent himself to the little palm. He was very hard but gave
off a warm temperature. Xie Xi smiled, eyes full of love. The body of Azure Dragon was
enough to cause a little monster to faint but Xie Xi…
Azure Dragon was in a particularly good mood.
Xie Xi woke up from the ‘beauty.’ “Yes, where are you hurt?”
Azure Dragon was too big and Xie Xi could only see parts of him. The dragon moved his
body and Xie Xi saw the bloody tail.
For a moment, Xie Xi’s heart rose in his chest. He ran a few steps and looked at the bloody
flesh with a pale and distressed face. There was this much pain from the scales falling off.
To endure such pain every day…
Azure Dragon moved back his tail, not wanting Xie Xi to stare at it.
Xie Xi calmed down and declared, “I’ll try to repair it.”
Azure Dragon nodded. “Okay.”
The scales were collected and the doctor quickly sent it over. He watched Xie Xi anxiously.
They all sincerely admired Sage Azure Dragon. If he recovered, they would dedicate their
lives to Xie Xi, not to mention he would soon become their master!
Xie Xi used Repair after determining the location.
The moment he did, Xie Xi felt the strength of his body being exhausted.
This wasn’t the first time he used Repair and he had used it countless times to save
countless people. It had never been like this. He repaired only one scale and exhausted all
his strength.
The doctor shouted, “It worked! Lord Azure Dragon’s scale is really repaired!”
Xie Xi was unsteady and staggered, almost falling. Azure Dragon turned into a human form
and hugged him.
Xie Xi leaned into his arms and gasped. Azure Dragon immediately gave him medicine. The
moment he ate the medicine, Xie Xi felt his strength rapidly recover.
He was soon able to stand up.
Azure Dragon asked him, “Are you feeling better?”
Xie Xi nodded. “What did you give me?” If there were more of this tonic available, he could
repair the dragon’s scales in one go.
The doctor had a big mouth. “Lord Xie Xi, it has gathered the spiritual aura of the world for
500 years before forming a pill. There are only 56 of them in this world!”
Xie Xi, “…” He felt like he had swallowed 500 years!
Don’t give him a rare treasure like it was a jelly bean! Jiang Xie, how could this unlucky
person be so wasteful?! Xie Xi thought of the stingy second prince and suddenly felt that he
had realized a type of truth.
Azure Dragon told him, “This spell is too big for you. Don’t use it.”
“It’s fine if I can repair all your scales.”
Azure Dragon smiled at him. “Don’t worry.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “You’re always hurting so isn’t it urgent?”
“I don’t feel pain when I’m with you.”
He was in the mood to save words of love… it seemed that his pain was really lighter!
Xie Xi estimated that the power of the soul was too strong and the repair consumed too
much, causing him to become physically exhausted. He had to upgrade his own cultivation
so he could repair Azure Dragon’s scales as soon as possible.
Xie Xi was no longer tired but Azure Dragon didn’t mention the matter of going to
Vermilion Bird Palace.
Xie Xi had an idea in his mind. If he didn’t make things clear, no one could feel at ease.
He suggested, “Let’s go to Vermilion Bird Palace.”
Azure Dragon paused.
Xie Xi glanced at him. “What’s wrong?”
He took the initiative but Azure Dragon actually hesitated. “Actually…”
“It must be clarified.” Xie Xi insisted. “The misunderstanding should be cleared. The more
things drag out, the deeper the misunderstanding will be. Thus, it is good for everyone to
speak as soon as possible.”
Azure Dragon felt ashamed. “I’m sorry.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“I actually doubted you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
“You don’t have to go. I will go directly to Vermilion Bird and clear things…”
Xie Xi was scared to death!
He quickly interrupted, “What is the point of you going there alone? He won’t believe your
words. Let’s just go together to Vermilion Bird Palace.”
Who would thought that the calm and sensible Azure Dragon would suddenly change his
mind and blame himself for doubting Xie Xi?
Xie Xi really didn’t know what to say!
However, this was only temporary. In order for the two people to have peace of mind, they
needed to talk face to face!
The more Xie Xi was determined to go to Vermilion Bird Palace, the happier Azure Dragon
became. On the way, the smile on his face couldn’t be suppressed.
Xie Xi told him, “Don’t say anything after we arrive.”
Xie Xi explained, “In order to leave enough face for Sage Vermilion Bird, we should talk
when there are only the three of us left.”
Azure Dragon understood. “It makes sense.”
They both lived on the Holy Mountain and too many things would be involved if there was
an incident.
“You are still thoughtful.” Azure Dragon praised and Xie Xi almost couldn’t act anymore!
Fortunately, they finally arrived at Vermilion Bird Palace.
Azure Dragon and Xie Xi came back together, causing the birds to feel surprised.
The man with the colourful tail feathers greeted them. “Hello Sage Azure Dragon and Lord
Xie Xi.”
Xie Xi asked, “Has Lord Vermilion Bird woken up yet?”
“He just woke up.”
Xie Xi sighed with relief. “I’ll go see him.”
The man with the colourful tail feathers looked at Sage Azure Dragon.
Xie Xi turned his back to Azure Dragon and spoke to the bird, “We have to meet and talk
about business.”
The male bird was stunned and fell into Xie Xi’s pit. Indeed, breaking off an engagement
was something they needed to have a good talk about.
Xie Xi saw that the colourful bird was hooked and said, “Don’t come over. It is better if we
talk in private.”
Indeed, no one should listen to this type of private matter that involved the sages. Rather, it
would be a disaster if they heard it.
As for Vermilion Bird’s safety, they weren’t worried. The sage had been restored and with
his physique, he couldn’t be injured.
The people were sent away and Xie Xi went to see Vermilion Bird with Azure Dragon.
Vermilion Bird was stunned when the door opened and they entered together. Xie Xi said
nothing and closed the door when he entered the room.
It was a room with only the three of them. As he expected, the eyes of Azure Dragon and
Vermilion Bird changed.
Xie Xi sighed with relief and opened his mouth. “Do you know what to do?”
Jiang Xie could stimulate the memories depending on the situation. He could give Azure
Dragon a set of memories and Vermilion Bird another set of memories, making them think
that Xie Xi had rejected the other person.
It was for this reason that Xie Xi didn’t fear them meeting.
How could they have any thoughts after seeing the other person be ‘kicked away?’
Jiang Xie was silent and Xie Xi glanced at him. Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird both came
over to hug him!
Xie Xi, “……” He pushed them away!
The dragon and bird’s arms were empty but they weren’t angry. “I forgot that I had two
bodies. I just wanted to hold you.”
Xie Xi looked at the Jiang Xie to one side and then the Jiang Xie on the other side. He
guessed that Jiang Xie would appear in both bodies and share the memories but it felt
strange actually seeing it.
Xie Xi asked him, “What is your situation?”
Jiang Xie used Azure Dragon’s body to speak shameless words. “Your husband can control
two bodies and give you double the love. Are you happy?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 138

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 18

Xie Xi told him with a blank expression, “Roll!” (TL: Can also mean get lost)
Jiang Xie was obedient and one dragon and bird approached again. Xie Xi didn’t push them
away this time. “I said to roll!”
Jiang Xie told him, “This is rolling over.”
“I mean… get out!”
“There is no way. My legs have their own ideas.”
Xie Xi angrily cried out, “Shall I help you cut them off?”
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “I have many legs and I’m afraid you can’t cut all of them.”
Xie Xi, “………………” He wanted a divorce!
Jiang Xie wasn’t inclined to keep teasing him. After all, the red goodwill showed him that
even if there was a high of 999, it could also fall again to -999.
Jiang Xie temporarily placed Vermilion Bird away and spoke with Azure Dragon’s body.
“Okay, don’t be angry. I won’t make trouble.”
Xie Xi stared at him. This bastard knew that he was fooling around!
Jiang Xie told him, “I want to show my mental strength to you.”
Xie Xi sneered. “You showed your mental illness.”
Jiang Xie gave a low laugh. “Child, those words aren’t right.”
Could a psychotic person have his self-esteem hurt? Xie Xi didn’t think so.
Sure enough, this guy spoke the following sentence, “You know that your husband is sick so
you should quickly kiss…” What was love?
Xie Xi couldn’t listen and got up. “I’m going!”
Jiang Xie surrendered. “Let’s speak about business!”
Xie Xi couldn’t believe in this person’s evil!
Jiang Xie quickly continued, “I can only erase some of their memories. I can’t create
Xie Xi became tense. “What do I do?” If this bastard failed, wasn’t Xie Xi going to die badly?
Jiang Xie couldn’t bear to scare him and replied seriously, “It is easy. Act out a
corresponding memory for them.”
Xie Xi understood. “It is necessary for me to say the words?”
“Yes, say it and I will erase all the extra parts.”
Xie Xi, “…”
It was really time to test his acting skills.
“Come.” Jiang Xie told him. “Azure Dragon, play, action.”
Xie Xi couldn’t act and laughed directly. “Shut up.”
His tone was full of laughter, causing Jiang Xie to feel itchy and kiss Xie Xi on the cheek.
Xie Xi gave him a look. “Is this part of the script?”
Director Jiang smiled shamelessly. “This is the unspoken rule.”
Damn unspoken rule! Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “Don’t delay me or…”
Jiang Xie couldn’t stand it. He grabbed the person for a kiss but Xie Xi pushed him away.
Jiang Xie demanded, “Kiss me.”
Xie Xi’s cheeks turned red. “No:
Jiang Xie looked very wronged. “We haven’t kissed for a while.”
Xie Xi glanced at Vermilion Bird sitting on the bed and his face became redder. “What is he
looking at?!”
“It’s nothing. I’m the one watching, no one else.”
Xie Xi naturally knew this but… it was weird!
“I will let Vermilion Bird go outside.”
“This is Vermilion Bird’s room.” “Then I’ll let Azure Dragon go outside.”
This wasn’t the point! Xie Xi wondered, “If you let them go out, won’t they angrily kill each
other?” As long as there were people outside, they would ‘wake up.’
Jiang Xie became even more wronged. “What should I do?”
“What to do? Just… wait until later.” In any case, he couldn’t kiss in front of a person, even if
the person was Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie regretted it. “If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have these two bodies together.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “What did you say?”
“I mean, there must be no confusion between the two bodies.”
“Do you think I’m deaf? How are these two sentences the same?”
Jiang Xie’s calculations were invincible. “The word count is the same.” (TL: In Chinese).
Xie Xi, “……………………”
After staying with this person for so long, he refined the ability to rest pressure. Xie Xi’s
expression didn’t change even if a mountain collapsed in front of him.
Xie Xi refused to be intimate in front of another body!
No matter what tricks Jiang Xie attempted, Xie Xi refused.
The perverted thoughts in Jiang Xie’s head were purified. “It is hard to have so many
Xie Xi glared at him. Jiang Xie corrected himself. “I mean, I love you with five hearts and I’m
just resting in other places.”
Xie Xi took a while to respond. “You…”
“I love you.”
Xie Xi didn’t fall for this. “Get lost!”
The two of them went in a big circle before returning to business.
Xie Xi tried not to laugh and seriously told Vermilion Bird in front of Azure Dragon, “I’m
sorry, the words I told you before were a lie. I only love Lord Azure Dragon and don’t want
to dissolve my engagement with him. I hope you can understand. Feelings can’t be forced.
Who likes who…”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes, just like I will always like you.”
Xie Xi scolded him. “Don’t speak!”
Jiang Xie spoke pitifully, “You used to listen to me before.”
“You were giving a lecture!”
“I’m giving a lecture now about our sweet love.”
Xie Xi exclaimed, “We’re still recording!” Then he realized that he was taken in by this guy.
What was recording?
After doing it again, he finally passed.
Jiang Xie told him, “Come on, next.”
Xie Xi was too lazy to correct him. In any case, this was almost the same as filming. Once he
finished, Jiang Xie would also ‘cut’ it.
Xie Xi told Azure Dragon in front of Vermilion Bird, “I’m sorry. My mind has been decided. I
want to be with Sage Vermilion Bird. Our engagement…”
This time it was better. Jiang Xie didn’t interrupt and waited for Xie Xi to finish. Xie Xi
asked, “How about it?”
Jiang Xie was also into the play. “If you really regret the marriage…”
Xie Xi wanted to shake his head and shouted, ‘Wake up a bit! The ants have been moving for
10 years!’
Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened. “There is still some time. Shall we take the opportunity to do
Xie Xi hit him blankly but his heart was tugged.
The brain circuits of the souls were basically a map of Jiang Xie. Two of them almost died
and Xie Xi was actually worried.
He always felt that the previous X was world-weary. This was despite standing at the peak
of Central, becoming the greatest designer and creating countless myths.
Jiang Xie was pessimistic and even despised himself. The more he understood, the more Xie
Xi had to admit it. A distressed Sirius was actually hiding in this man’s heart.
The trio couldn’t be alone for too long. Once things finished, it was time to withdraw.
Think about it. They came for a tense showdown so how could they have tea and chat?
The time had dragged on long enough and Jiang Xie guaranteed something. “These old
beasts have lived for too long. Their concept of time is poor and I can adjust it slightly.
Xie Xi was silent.
A thousand year old dragon… a thousand year old bird… they were really old beasts.
However, how could this person say it!
For this Jiang Xie, Xie Xi really had a heart of stone.
This guy was criticizing himself? How could Xie Xi not believe it?
Jiang Xie finally asked Xie Xi to make up the contents.
Xie Xi told Azure Dragon, “I want to go back to the rose family and cultivate in the nursery
for a while, so I will have the strength to repair your scales.”
He also mentioned the marriage. “We should wait regarding marriage. On the one hand, I
don’t want to stimulate Vermilion Bird again. On the other hand, I want to concentrate on
repairing your scales. Can we hold the wedding once you are perfectly healthy?”
Jiang nodded while holding his hand. “Marriage isn’t urgent. Can we hold the bridal
chamber first?”
Xie Xi, “…Get lost!”
Then he said to Vermilion Bird, “I have to go back to the rose family and inform the elders.
After all, cancelling a marriage contract isn’t a trivial matter. Many things have to be
carefully handled. Can we first conceal our relationship and then reveal it once the
marriage contract is cancelled?”
After all, it was the Holy Mountain. If he was together with Vermilion Bird before the
marriage was cancelled, it would be embarrassing. It was better to have a time buffer.
Jiang Xie agreed and then said, “It doesn’t matter about a public relationship. A private
Before he finished speaking, Xie Xi covered his mouth. “I won’t see you again next time.”
Jiang Xie blinked. Xie Xi sneered. “I think your souls are lovelier than you.”
Jiang Xie, “!”
This was really a broken leg!
Once out the door, Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird were restored to their original states.
They were inscrutable and stared at each other with generous eyes, letting bygones be
Xie Xi stood between them and realized what it was like to suffocate on the atmosphere.
He was in a hurry to withdraw because he was afraid to stay any longer.
Azure Dragon earnestly told Vermilion Bird, “Recuperate. The most important thing is your
body.” Losing love wasn’t so terrible. If he was alive, he would always meet someone else.
Vermilion Bird told Azure Dragon, “You too. Keeping a good body is the biggest capital.”
Falling out of love was good. He could continue his cultivation path of no desires.
Xie Xi had a toothache!
Fortunately, Director Jiang’s editing technique was excellent. Both of them felt like they
were the final winner and felt respect and compassion for the loser, not adding insult to
The three people came outside and Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird spoke at the same
time, “I will send you back to Rose Mountain.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Azure Dragon stared at Vermilion Bird and Vermilion Bird stared at Azure Dragon. The two
people raised their eyebrows at the same time.
Xie Xi was caught in the middle and felt a bitter chill.
Director Jiang, I just praised you on your skills. How could it go wrong?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 139

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 19
What should he do now? Both of them had a legitimate reason to send him back to Rose
Azure Dragon was sending his fiance back to his family, which was reasonable. It was able
reasonable for Vermilion Bird to send his sweetheart back to break off the engagement.
And… Azure Dragon (Vermilion Bird), why are you buzzing around your former fiance
(failed target of seduction)?!
The cold air they were radiating aimed at each other.
However, Xie Xi was between them and had a guilty conscience. It was inevitable that he
would be frozen by their cold air!
The dragon and bird were about to speak…
Xie Xi was a man who had walked through a mountain of daggers and a sea of flames. His
response time was fast enough. “Your body isn’t recovered. You don’t have to send me.”
What double wordplay was this?
The speechless Jiang Xie silently praised his wife, cough…he felt a touch of sadness…
Azure Dragon broke his cultivation, his tail was bloody and his body was quite bad.
Vermilion Bird had almost died. His self-healing ability might be strong but he hadn’t
recovered enough.
Therefore, Xie Xi hadn’t mentioned a name but both of them could accept it.
Azure Dragon (Vermilion Bird), ‘He is definitely speaking to me. Otherwise, how can he be
concerned about the man he dumped?’
Xie Xi’s back was sweaty but his face was surprisingly calm. “I will trouble Lord Azure
Dragon so that Brother Black Dragon will send me back to Rose Mountain.”
Black Dragon was a follower of Azure Dragon and one of the silent black men.
Vermilion Bird frowned and was about to talk when Xie Xi spoke again, “After returning to
Rose Mountain, I need Brother Black Dragon to help me deal with matters.”
These words were even more subtle.
For Azure Dragon, Xie Xi’s meaning was that since they were going to change the wedding
date, Azure Dragon Palace needed to send someone to speak in person. Azure Dragon
should’ve gone but since his current situation was too bad, Xie Xi refused to let him go and
called Black Dragon.
The words were also reasonable for Vermilion Bird. Xie Xi and Azure Dragon were breaking
off their engagement and there were too many things to deal with. Azure Dragon was too
ashamed to do it himself so it was appropriate to send a subordinate.
Xie Xi continued, “This way, you don’t have to travel back and forth. Once things are done,
I’ll come back.”
He spoke very calmly but his heart was panicked. As long as Azure Dragon or Vermilion
Bird spoke a few words, he would be finished!
Fortunately, Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird’s own minds made them happy and they
didn’t think much about it. “Then be careful on the way.”
Their words were exactly the same!
Xie Xi relaxed and his heart slightly warmed. It was estimated that Jiang Xie had affected
them in the darkness. Otherwise, Xie Xi’s words were a thin piece of paper and could easily
be broken to reveal he was a slag.
He had to leave this place as soon as possible! Xie Xi said goodbye to Vermilion Bird and
Vermilion Bird told him, “Be careful.”
Fortunately, he didn’t tell Xie Xi to come back early.
Xie Xi didn’t dare to let Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird stay together alone and asked,
“Lord Azure Dragon, aren’t you going?”
“I…” Azure Dragon was going to say, “I’m going back to Azure Dragon Palace to wait for
you,” only to change it to “There are still some things back at Azure Dragon Palace.
What was going on? Azure Dragon was a bit confused and didn’t understand why he
suddenly changed his words.
However, it didn’t matter. He had already promised Xie Xi that he wouldn’t stimulate
Vermilion Bird and these words were indeed more secure.
Xie Xi didn’t know that he almost fell off the wire rope! Still, swaying on the rope was much
better than falling…
After escaping unharmed, Xie Xi and Black Dragon returned to Rose Mountain.
Black Dragon was silent the whole way and didn’t say a word. Xie Xi’s mind was full of
thoughts and it was best not to talk.
He didn’t forget that there was a white tiger cub back home. If the little guy rushed out and
called him ‘Daddy’, Black Dragon would immediately fly back to the Holy Mountain to call
Azure Dragon over.
After all, Azure Dragon was a real dragon and Xie Xi was a real flower. How could they give
birth to a white tiger?
If it was a normal tiger, Xie Xi could say this was his pet and there was no family
relationship with him.
However, the white tiger was too distinctive and was almost a copy of Sage White Tiger.
Any fool would suspect Xie Xi.
Brother Black Dragon obviously wasn’t a fool. Rather, he looked shrewd.
Xie Xi racked his brains to find ways to deal with the tiger but he couldn’t think of a good
Xie Xi had just entered Rose Mountain when a teenager in purple greeted him. “Brother 99!
Go to the Chief’s Hall. Sister Purple Nine is looking everywhere for you.”
Xie Xi became cold as he thought something had happened. “Is it another attack by the
“No, no.” The rose teenager replied, “It looks like something happened at your home.”
Xie Xi, “…” He had an ominous feeling. Surely another soul hadn’t come looking for him?
He looked over at Black Dragon and was going to send him away when Black Dragon spoke,
“There is an emergency at your home. Go and see.”
Xie Xi’s mouth was dry. “Good…”
He had no choice but to go see the situation. He entered his house and Purple Nine looked
over at him uneasily. “99, it is my bad. I didn’t see him!”
“Purple Nine, don’t worry. What happened?”
“The little tiger disappeared!”
Xie Xi, “!”
This brainless tiger was really helping him!
Purple Nine saw Xie Xi and was even more annoyed. “I just went out for a meal and came
back to find he was gone.
Black Dragon asked, “Tiger?”
Xie Xi was probably the only parent elated about losing his son. He calmly replied, “A lost
little cub who was looking for his mother. I helped him and wanted to find his relatives.
Unexpected, something happened with Lord Azure Dragon and I hurried to the Holy
Mountain, entrusting him to the family.”
Purple Nine was ashamed. “I really…”
Xie Xi told her, “I don’t blame you. The little tiger is very unusual. If he wants to go then you
can’t stop him.”
Purple Nine felt regret. “But he is so small.”
“He is very powerful and the worms couldn’t stop him.
Purple Nine heard this and calmed down. Previous, the white tiger cub smashed all the
worms when arriving at Rose Mountain. After all, he was the child of Sage White Tiger and
presumably nothing bad would happen to him.
Xie Xi added, “Maybe he went back to his father. This is also a good thing.”
Purple Nine was finally comforted.
The conversation wasn’t hidden from Black Dragon and Black Dragon didn’t recognize
anything wrong.
A little tiger running around, Xie Xi cared for it for a little bit. Then he came back and found
the white tiger was gone…
Black Dragon would never think that another big white tiger was the father and Xie Xi was
the mother. It was unknown when and how they had a baby together.
Purple Nine saw Black Dragon and asked, “Did something happen for Lord Black Dragon to
appear on Rose Mountain?”
Xie Xi told her about the wedding postponement. Purple Nine glanced uneasily at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi appeased her, “My relationship with the sage is fine. We just want more time to
Purple Nine sighed with relief.
Black Dragon bowed and wondered, “Can I meet with the chief?”
Purple Nine replied, “Of course, please come with me.”
Thus, Xie Xi smoothly delayed the wedding.
The old chief was very excited to see Black Dragon. Once the formalities were finished, he
asked, “Stay for a meal?”
Xie Xi’s lips curved downwards and he desperately wanted to fight this old man.
Fortunately, Black Dragon had integrity and refused to be ‘bribed.’ “I have to go back. There
can’t be any delays.”
Xie Xi was relieved and refused to give the old chief a chance to speak. “In that case, I will
send Brother Black Dragon back!”
He sent away Black Dragon and Xie Xi rushed towards the next game.
The Rose family agreed with Houqing’s servant about returning the betrothal gift within
three days. On the third day, Xie Xi left for the Demon Sea.
The old chief was worried. “We have rummaged through all of Rose Mountain in the past
few days and haven’t found this white rose.
Red Three agreed. “It is strange. There might be many white roses with nine in their names
but it shouldn’t be impossible to find!”
Blue Four sneered. “After causing this disaster, how could he stay in Rose Mountain? He
probably ran away.”
Xie Xi’s knees hurt. After all, they were shot full of arrows.
The easily swayed yellow rose said, “They are the same white rose with a nine in their
name but they are really different. 88 revitalized Rose Mountain, saving lives with the name
of the flower god, while the other is a dissolute flirt. It is better not knowing because it is
really scary!”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He didn’t know how much the yellow rose would hate his own mouth if he later found out
the truth.
Xie Xi told them, “Then I’ll go to the Demon Sea first.”
The old chief replied, “Good! I’ll arrange for someone to bring the betrothal gifts with you!”
There were so many gifts that it was uncertain with Xie Xi alone. He had to bring some big
roses with him.
Purple Nine and Red Three volunteered to go to Demon Sea.
Xie Xi still had some face left. It might be stripped bare sooner or later but he didn’t want it
to happen in front of acquaintances. In short, by delaying it for a while, wasn’t there a one
in ten-millionth chance that it wasn’t revealed?
There was hope as long as they were alive. Little rose, be strong!
In the end, the people who would go were all strangers. Among them was the red rose who
said to ‘let Houqing and Nine Tails fight each other.’
Rose Two told Xie Xi, “Rest assured, we will drop the betrothal gifts and run!”
The problem was that the monk could run away butt he temple wouldn’t run with him!
Red Two really wanted to run with the temple. “We will move our family to Azure Dragon
Palace’s back garden!”
Don’t say it… this was really good. What was good? Xie Xi was pedalling five boats. Once
exposed, Azure Dragon would hatefully go to the back garden and cut down all the flowers!
Xie Xi had to say, “It isn’t so serious. The Demon Sea advocates freedom and they shouldn’t
be unreasonable.”
He was so stable that the roses were reassured and their trust in him increased.
Rose Mountain was very far from the Demon Sea. The roses had to walk several days and
Fortunately, Nine Tails’ betrothal gifts were placed on a sturdy mount and it wasn’t long
before they reached Nine Tailed Fox Palace.
On the road, a rose asked curiously, “Why did Ancestor Nine Tails arrange such a mount?”
Rose Two was really understand. “Of course, it is for our convenience to return the
betrothal gifts.”
Xie Xi, “……..” Fortunately, he was sitting in the middle. If he lost his grip and fell down, this
whole play would be over!
The roses were very curious about the Nine Tailed Fox Palace and were dazzled once they
“The Demon Sea is like this.”
“What a beautiful palace! It is like it is made of snow, an ice sculpture!”
“What do you mean by like? It actually is made out of thousands of years of ice!”
The roses liked the cold and were afraid of heat. Thus, they were overjoyed. “Isn’t this very
suitable for our growth?”
“Are you a snow plum flower?” Cool and cold were two different concepts.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything because he was stunned by the sight of the ice palace.
It was very familiar. This was clearly a replica of his castle in the first quasi-world!
Nine Tails was the second prince and the vampire in the first world. He built the palace into
this appearance, making Xie Xi have mixed feelings.
In Atlantis, Randy had the memories of the first world. Could it be that Nine Tails also had
memories of the first two worlds?
This was too deadly! His past lives were simply increasing the difficulty of clearing the
world! Xie Xi was so disturbed that he wasn’t in the mood to appreciate this beautiful ice
The mount stopped and people from the fox family immediately greeted them. The fox
family were enchanted and the female and males wearing red clothes were indescribable.
Red Two was also in red but their temperaments were completely different. One was an
enchanting demon and the other was a fool with a tiger’s head.
A red fox asked, “Lord White Rose?”
Xie Xi had to reply, “Yes.”
The fox was overjoyed. “You personally came to deliver the betrothal gifts?”
Those wearing red clothes had the same brain circuits!
Red Two immediately said, “No, we are…”
Before he could finish, the fox actually shed tears. “It is fortunate that you are here. Our
ancestor abandoned his eighth tail and practiced his inner alchemy to save you from the
brink of death.”
Xie Xi’s heart thumped as he realized that the silver fox before only had one tail…
The red fox continued, “Outsiders might say that us foxes have a yin nature but once we are
the most dedicated to our lovers. As long as we are determined, we will die unswervingly
for them.”
Forget Xie Xi, even Red Two didn’t dare say that they were returning the betrothal gifts!
The red fox cried in a touched manner. “Fortunately, you aren’t a fickle person or us foxes
will try our best to tear apart the abandoned heart.”
Crying while saying such murderous words, the fox really had talent.
Xie Xi was stable on the surface but his heart was panicked. It was true that he wasn’t fickle.
The problem was that others didn’t see it this way!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 140

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 20

“Look at me… I’m crying at such a happy event. It is too bad.” The red fox smiled, his
emotions changing quickly. It was really amazing.
Red Two glanced at Xie Xi and Xie Xi nodded, motioning for him to hold on.
The red fox said, “Come quickly, Lord Rose. Our ancestor is waiting for you.”
Xie Xi knew that he couldn’t conceal it this time from Red Two. It couldn’t be hidden and in
any case, he was a slag flower. He had to get used to others knowing it sooner or later.
Who would’ve expected the red fox to say, “The Nine Tailed Fox Palace is cold and I only
have on Warm Pill here. I’m afraid not everyone can enter.
He was very tactful but the rose family heard his unfinished words.
The ice palace was made of thousands of years old ice. It was truly very cold. Those with a
natural protection around their bodies weren’t afraid of this cold but the roses could even
be bullied by worms. It was likely that they couldn’t stand this cold.
Xie Xi immediately seized the opportunity. “Let me go meet Lord Nine Tails.”
Red Two was worried and Xie Xi deliberately said, “There is no need to worry. We are here
to deliver the betrothal gifts. How could the lord embarrass us?”
Red Two received the hint and nodded. “Yes! There is such a thing!” In any case, it was
unknown where they could hide from the trouble. They insisted on returning the betrothal
gifts so they had to return it!
Xie Xi followed the red fox into the palace. Xie Xi was very familiar with this palace. After
all, it was a place where he died for seven days. How could he not have an impression of it?
However, this castle made of ice and snow didn’t have a magnificent beauty. It seemed
abandoned and was covered with fog, like they were walking on clouds. The ice palace was
similar to the fairy palace in the highest heavens.
The red fox lowered his voice. “Your Excellency, the situation of the ancestor isn’t very
good so I have deliberately sent away outsiders.”
Xie Xi was most afraid of hearing that the ‘situation isn’t good!’
Why didn’t the souls want to live one by one!
The red fox’s eyes were red. “He is very weak. The other day, the ancestor went to Rose
Mountain to see you and when he came back…”
Xie Xi demanded, “Take me to see him.” His words were sincere and the fear inside him
wasn’t false.
The red fox nodded and told him into a cold and foggy room.
Xie Xi didn’t feel the cold because he was carrying the Warm Pill. He just thought this room
was like an ice cave.
Through the thin fog, he saw the silver-haired man leaning against the couch.
He seemed to be napping, his silver hair scattered against the ice jade-like couch. The white
shirt on his body moved freely, revealing a large chest. His arm was hanging to one side and
the white sleeves dragged on the ground, making him look decadent and powerless.
He had to say…
There was nothing to be said about the seductive temperament of the second child. He was
elegant and charming in the past and became more breathtaking now that he was sick.
Xie Xi hadn’t felt much previously but now he was shocked. In particular, once the silver fox
opened his eyes, the slightly confused silver eyes made his heart tremble.
“99.” Nine Tails was stunned and sat up. “How did you come?”
The red fox was replied and told him, “Ancestor, move slowly!”
Nine Tails frowned. He looked paler but he gritted his teeth and moved close to Xie Xi as he
asked, “Are you cold?”
Xie Xi sighed in his heart and shook his head. “I’m not cold.”
Nine Tails said, “We will go outside the cold palace…”
The red fox couldn’t help interrupting, “Ancestor, your body needs to rest. If you move
away from this cold palace, you will…”
Nine Tails’ eyes narrowed and his voice was cold. “Go!”
The red fox’s lips tightened and he glanced at Xie Xi.
It was impossible for Xie Xi to not understand. “I am warm with this pill and don’t feel cold.
Let’s stay here?”
His gentle voice eased Nine Tails’ expression. “Don’t listen to their nonsense. How can I be
so fragile?”
Xie Xi told him, “I’m not weak, not to mention that your palace is very beautiful. I want to
see more of it.”
Nine Tails’ eyes lit up. “Where do you think looks good? I will ask them to move it to Rose
Xie Xi, “…”
He reluctantly said, “Everywhere looks good so you will have to dismantle the whole thing.”
Nine Tails paused. “I will build a cold palace for you…”
“It’s fine. Can’t I just stay here?”
Nine Tails smiled, his pale lips curved with a breathtaking beauty. “Yes, your words are
Xie Xi was inevitably distressed.
He didn’t know what setting Nine Tails gave himself but in short, it was life-threatening. Xie
Xi couldn’t stand him pretending to be pitiful but the worse thing was him refusing to
pretend to be pitiful.
Jiang Xie was very contradictory. He could do anything shameless. Pretending to be weak to
get a hug or kiss… he had done it all.
However, once he was really in poor health, he refused to show weakness. He pretended
that nothing was going on so that other people were unaware.
In Dream Come True, Jiang Xie once had a fever of nearly 40 degrees. He was confused but
still pretended to be normal. If Xie Xi hadn’t felt his hot hands, Xie Xi would’ve been tricked
by him.
Xie Xi asked why Jiang Xie hadn’t told him. At that time, Jiang Xie had replied, “Your
husband is strong. He won’t feel sick from a cold.”
In fact, Xie Xi knew that Jiang Xie was afraid of worrying him. Maybe he was afraid that Xie
Xi wouldn’t feel worried.
Jiang Xie was such a contradiction. He had excessive overconfidence as well as an excessive
lack of confidence.
Xie Xi’s heart was mixed while Nine Tails gave him all this strange stuff to try and make him
Xie Xi whispered, “If you are physically uncomfortable then rest now.”
Nine Tails hesitated.
“I will stay here and accompany you, okay?”
His voice was soft but Nine Tails was clearly aware of his own situation and could rest well.
Xie Xi spoke again, “I just want to be alone with you for a while.”
Nine Tails immediately agreed. “Okay.”
The waiting foxes were sent away and Xie Xi stared at Nine Tails.
Nine Tails’ eyes slowly became a different colour. Jiang Xie smiled and asked, “Are you
fascinated by your husband?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie didn’t have Nine Tails’ cautious attitude. He took Xie Xi into his arms and kissed
him. “How is it?
Xie Xi wanted to push him away but saw the pale lips and his heart softened. He let Jiang
Xie kiss him for a while until a bit of blood returned.
Jiang Xie sighed beautifully and praised his soul.
Xie Xi couldn’t not know what he was thinking and snapped out, “Why are all of you
Jiang Xie spoke a half truth. “We don’t want to live without you.”
“What nonsense!”
Jiang Xie laughed. “It really is nonsense. In fact, it is a bitter trick. How can you feel
distressed if I’m not miserable?”
Xie Xi exposed him. “How do the souls know that I feel bad?”
According to the final ending of Atlantis, the souls wouldn’t believe that he loved them. If he
didn’t love them, how could he feel distressed for them?
Then he thought about the sentence that Jiang Xie just spoke and really doubted the souls…
Jiang Xie couldn’t bear to see him feel bad and changed the topic. “What is happening these
days?” Nine Tails hadn’t met Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird and didn’t know these
Xie Xi gave him a brief explanation. Jiang Xie couldn’t help laughing again. “It is really
dancing on a wire rope.”
Xie Xi, “…” Whose fault was it?
Jiang Xie opened his mouth, “According to this point of view, you should’ve met Houqing
first and then Nine Tails pried you away. Something happened that you made seriously
injured and Azure Dragon rescued you…”
Xie Xi thought the same thing and asked, “What about White Tiger and Vermilion Bird?”
“Vermilion Bird is definitely after Azure Dragon. As for White Tiger, it is hard to say. Maybe
he is earlier or maybe he is the latest.”
Hearing words about cheating from Jiang Xie’s mouth… Xie Xi felt weird.
Then he asked about the little tiger.
Jiang Xie explained, “You don’t have to worry about this. It is probably something like the
white tiger’s baby spirit and isn’t really his son.”
“Baby spirit?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “The white tiger has the highest combat power and cultivation. It is
normal for him to develop a baby spirit. This low-level spirit is stupid and only follows
Xie Xi was curious. “His instinct is to recognize me as a parent?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “His instinct is to see you. Arguably, the baby spirit should most want to
see his master but White Tiger is full of thoughts about you and the baby will see you first.”
Xie Xi, “…” Everything was about love with him!
“The little tiger disappeared and he probably returned to the white tiger. You don’t have to
Xie Xi had been a bit worried before and now he felt relieved.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Have you seen the roster after returning to Rose Mountain?”
Xie Xi knew what he was thinking and replied, “I haven’t had time to look but I brought it
“Take a look.”
Xie Xi nodded and opened the roster.
He had previously seen Azure Dragon’s body and repaired a scale. It was reasonable to say
Sure enough, the first page of the roster wasn’t blank! There was a new task prompt in the
lower right corner of his vision.
[Main Task: Found the Azure Dragon illustration, the collection progress is 1%, the name is
…The name was missing? Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “Do you know Azure Dragon’s name?”
“They have no names.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Jiang Xie explained, “Azure Dragon and Nine Tails are just code names. They didn’t know
their names and it is presumably the same for White Tiger, Houqing and Vermilion Bird.”
Xie Xi stared at the vague outline of the dragon and thought, “To be honest, many creatures
in this world have no name.”
“It should be that only the flower god has a name.”
Xie Xi thought about it and it really seemed true…
The roses only had code names. He didn’t have much contact with other families but Azure
Dragon’s attendant was called Black Dragon because his body was a black dragon.
Jiang Xie started to act poor again. “This world is only Xie Xi.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Yes, you were too lazy to think of names when designing the world!”
Jiang Xie replied, “I wasn’t too lazy. I just couldn’t think of them.”
Xie Xi didn’t understand.
Jiang Xie released his words of love again. “My mind is so full of Xie Xi. How can I think of
other names?”
Xie Xi couldn’t believe in this person’s evil!
He asked, “Did you know who Xie Xi was when designing this world?”
Jiang Xie, “…” He had fallen into the pit.
Xie Xi was actually quite puzzled. “The souls don’t know my name…” It was reasonable to
say the flower god should be called Sein.
“Maybe I interfered in this quasi-world when I entered.”
He could only think of this. During the time when Jiang Xie knew these worlds, he definitely
didn’t know Xie Xi.
Xie Xi might not have even been born!
Jiang Xie asked, “Do you want to look at Nine Tails’ god’s wisdom?”
The god’s wisdom was very important and perhaps the name might be found inside.
Xie Xi nodded. “I’ll go and see.”
Nine Tails had a fragment of the god’s wisdom and it was once again a painting. He asked
Jiang Xie, “Can you see it?”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “It is a blank sheet of paper.”
Xie Xi stared at the scroll painting. “The painting is of Nine Tails’ palace.”
Yes, in his eyes, the image depicted Nine Tails’ cold palace. It was a magnificent ice palace
that was bleak and lonely.
Jiang Xie told him, “Go and check. This time pay attention to the name.”
Xie Xi nodded and approached the painting. He touched it and was drawn into the painting.
This should be the place where he and Nine Tails first met. Xie Xi thought he would see
Nine Tails but who knew that he would actually see Sirius…
In this world, Sirius was Houqing. Why did the god’s wisdom show Houqing?
Xie Xi was wondering this when he saw Nine Tails standing at the entrance of the palace,
wearing a silver cloak.
Oh, it seemed that his meeting with Nine Tails began with him being seduced away.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 141
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 21

Houqing told him, “The Nine Tailed Fox Palace is cold. Take a Warm Pill and be careful not
to get a chill.”
Xie Xi’s mind returned and he looked around. “Your Excelle…”
Houqing’s eyes were gentle. “Call me by my name.”
Name… what was Houqing’s name?
Xie Xi shook his head and Houqing wasn’t in a hurry. He whispered softly, “Do you what
like. You don’t have to be so cautious.”
Xie Xi wasn’t cautious, he was curious. In any case, this was a memory that had already
passed. He wanted to ask directly but was afraid he wouldn’t find anything.
Besides, Jiang Xie said that they didn’t know their own names. This name was probably just
the code name of Houqing.
Xie Xi and Houqing had already reached the main entrance of the Nine Tailed Fox Palace.
There was a snowy fur collar on Nine Tails’ cloak which made his skin more jade-like and
increased his temperament.
Houqing held Xie Xi’s hand and greeted Nine Tails. “How can Brother personally come to
welcome us?”
Brother? Houqing and Nine Tails originally had such a relationship?
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about the dream of the second prince (Nine Tails) in Atlantis.
In the dream, he made his brother wear a green hat, bringing his brother’s former husband
home… well, the second child still had this taste. It was really consistent.
Xie Xi couldn’t help wanting to ask Jiang Xie about his secret interests!
Nine Tails’ gaze swept over Xie Xi. “You finally went outside so I naturally have to
Houqing replied, “There are no big gains.”
Once he finished, he introduced Nine Tails to Xie Xi and Xie Xi to Nine Tails.
Xie Xi bowed. “Hello, Ancestor Nine Tails.”
Nine Tails was very dignified and didn’t look different, let alone like he was going to seduce
another person!
Houqing held hands with Xie Xi to appease his nervousness. What damn nervousness? Xie
Xi wanted to raise a shovel when looking at this fox.
The group entered the Nine Tailed Fox Palace and the relationship between Nine Tails and
Houqing was decent as they kept conversing.
Xie Xi couldn’t add anything and listened attentively. He felt it was very interesting.
The concept of the Demon Sea and Holy Mountain was different. The latter was stiffer and
preferred to live in a proper manner. The Demon Sea was more free and slack. These two
people were regarded as the demon ancestors but they didn’t control manner things.
People could come and go freely without restrictions.
Xie Xi’s understanding was that status was more distinct on the Holy Mountain. It was more
like the Confucian rule. Meanwhile, the Demon Sea was freer and inclined to Taoism.
It was very good and Xie Xi didn’t reject it.
Nine Tails had set up a banquet and it was beautifully furnished. After all, it was an ice
palace and looked wonderful.
After sitting down, Xie Xi felt that the meal was very abundant and there was one extreme
Braised chicken thighs, sweet and sour chicken wings, fried chicken breast, pickled chicken
feet, crispy chicken rack…
Foxes, how much do you like eating chicken? Any chickens in the Demon Sea were probably
eaten up!
The flower Xie Xi couldn’t digest this ‘big chicken.’
Nine Tails looked at Xie Xi and told Houqing, “I didn’t know you were bringing someone
else so I didn’t prepare anything.”
He paused before asking, “Is he a little demon?”
This statement was very arrogant but Nine Tails’ identity meant there was nothing wrong
speaking to a small rose like this. Houqing smiled. “He is my lover.”
Xie Xi’s heart shook. It was rare to see such seriousness from the different coloured eyes.
Nine Tails’ eyes flashed as he asked, “A rose?”
In fact, NIne Tails could see Xie Xi’s body with once glance but there were too many species
of flowers and he couldn’t distinguish them. After all, there were a few flowers similar to a
Houqing should reply but he actually changed the topic. “He is a bit shy. Brother shouldn’t
care about him.”
Nine Tails replied, “Oh.” He looked away like there was nothing exciting and talked about
something else.
After a while, Xie Xi held a small jade bottle in his hand. Houqing whispered, “Drink this.”
Xie Xi nodded, opened the bottle and sniffed.
Nine Tails looked over again.
Houqing looked up and Nine Tails shifted his gaze.
Xie Xi was aware of it and his heart felt funny.
Sure enough, this fox was pretending. It was a pity that Xie Xi saw through it at first glance.
Xie Xi thought about it. If the memories recorded in the god’s wisdom showed a similar
trend, he had to be pried away by Nine Tails. As to how it happened… did he have to make a
chance for Nine Tails? Could he really wield this small shovel himself?
Xie Xi glanced over at Houqing and felt strangely distressed.
Old Six was a good person. He was a little angel in the last world, gentle and friendly while
always taking care of Xie Xi.
This had already happened a long time ago and Xie Xi could only follow the script. This was
the setting created by the souls but he still couldn’t help feeling pained.
Xie Xi’s heart jerked and he looked over at Nine Tails.
His gaze had just fallen on the person when Nine Tails sensed it and turned around.
This action was too obvious and Houqing wondered, “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi quickly bowed his head while thinking, ‘Can’t you show a bit less interest?’
Nine Tails seemed to see an illusion and was stunned. “It’s nothing.”
Houqing glanced at Xie Xi and Xie Xi lowered his head, drinking from the jade bottle in his
hand. He seemed to be aware of Houqing’s gaze and looked up in a confused manner.
Houqing smiled and asked, “Do you like it?”
“It has a good taste.”
Houqing told him, “There are other flavours. I’ll give them to you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi really liked it. This was clear and refreshing and created sensations inside his body.
He couldn’t help asking, “Can’t you give it today?”
Houqing made a fond expression. “Your body can’t stand it if you drink too much.”
“Okay.” He looked down and drank slowly. This was Xie Xi’s habit. Once he encountered
things he liked, he would swallow it slowly like it would increase the volume.
Nine Tails glanced over and his thin lips twitched slightly.
Houqing smiled. “I have another bottle.”
Xie Xi looked at him. “Didn’t you say that I can’t drink too much?”
“Still, I can give you a taste.”
Xie Xi smiled. “It isn’t the same flavour?”
Houqing nodded. “It is different.”
Xie Xi actually didn’t want to drink but he looked at the different coloured eyes and couldn’t
refuse. “I will taste it and you drink a bit.”
Houqing brought out a jade bottle with a different colour. “See which one tastes better.”
Xie Xi opened the bottle and smelt the aroma that caused his eyes to light up. “It is a good
His sense of smell wasn’t the same as when he was a human. He couldn’t feel the aroma of
meat but was particularly sensitive to the taste of water. This might be indistinguishable
from a bowl of water in a human’s mouth but a monster could taste most of it.
The taste of this liquid was difficult to describe with human senses but at this moment, Xie
Xi really felt that it was delicious.
Houqing whispered, “If you like it, I will prepare more flavours next time.”
Xie Xi nodded obediently. He took a sip and handed it over.
Houqing’s heart was soft. “It’s okay to drink some more.”
Xie Xi blinked. Didn’t he say that Xie Xi’s body wouldn’t be able to bear drinking too much?
Houqing explained, “Ah… drink this bottle and don’t drink from the previous bottle.”
Xie Xi said, “But I lost the bottle lid. I don’t want to waste it.”
“It’s fine. I have a lot of them.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “It can’t be wasted.”
He tried to put the lid of the second bottle on the first bottle, so that the unfinished first
bottle could be collected.
Houqing finally had to say, “In fact, once this jade bottle is opened, it can’t be stored. You
can’t drink two bottles at a time so pick your favourite one.”
Xie Xi was stunned and wondered, “If it can’t be stored, why did you open another bottle?”
Houqing, “…”
Xie Xi remembered that in Dream Come True, Jiang Xie had done many similar stupid
things. Whenever he bought cakes, he would buy five or six flavours at once. He brought
them back and Xie Xi would ask, “How can you and I finish eating all of this?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Who knows which one is your favourite flavour? I bought it all without
holding back?”
Xie Xi glared at him. “What a waste!”
Jiang Xie surrendered faster than anyone else. “I won’t do it next time.”
Next time, he really didn’t dare to buy so many cakes in one go but he bought 12 colours of
a certain style of clothes of a certain brand. The reason was that Xie Xi looked good wearing
them all!
Xie Xi thought this and his heart filled with sweet honey as he looked at Houqing.
The two of them were greasy sweet and Nine Tails had long been expressionless. He cooled
the atmosphere with a sentence, “You have a really good relationship.
Xie Xi remembered…
Oh, this was Nine Tails’ god’s wisdom and the memory was from Nine Tails. He seemed to
have put the cart before the horse.
Houqing seemed to think this outside show of love wasn’t good so he sat up straight and
started to talk with NIne Tails.
Xie Xi sipped the jade bottle while thinking about business. He had to create an opportunity
for Nine Tails or this memory would be wrong. How to create it?
Xie Xi thought seriously and unconsciously drank from the jade bottle. Houqing said he
could only drink one bottle but he drank one and a half bottles…
Soon, Xie Xi felt that his stomach wasn’t comfortable. He really couldn’t drink too much of
this thing!
Xie Xi pulled at Houqing’s sleeves and Houqing immediately stopped talking to Nine Tails,
turning to look at him. “What happened?”
Xie Xi whispered to him.
After his explanation, Houqing was upset. “I wasn’t good and shouldn’t have brought out
two bottles.” He shouldn’t have let Xie Xi drink too much.
Xie Xi’s face reddened. “I will go to the bathroom.”
“I’ll go with you.”
Xie Xi’s face turned even redder. “I can do it myself!”
Houqing looked at the jade bottle and was relieved after seeing that Xie Xi had only drank
one and a half bottles. “You must tell me if you feel uncomfortable.”
Xie Xi nodded and walked through the palace.
He solved his physiological problem and felt that this was probably the turning point.
In the setting, the small rose had drunk too much and unforeseen circumstances occurred
when he went to relieve himself.
In the end, what happened?
Xie Xi intentionally walked in a circle outside and didn’t head straight back.
How would Nine Tails avoid Houqing and come out to find him?
Xie Xi couldn’t think of an answer. He waited a long time and didn’t find a hint of fox fur.
After a long time, he was afraid that Houqing would be worried and had to slowly go back.
He had just reached the door of the palace hall when Xie Xi heard Nine Tails’ voice. “This
little rose truly looks like him but he doesn’t seem like the same person.
Xie Xi stood still. It stood to reason that normal people hearing this would be shattered and
want to cry.
However, Xie Xi was unmoved and even felt relieved. He was calculated again.
Nine Tailed Fox, you finally found the courage to wave the small shovel and dig at the wall
(seduce the person).
This digging trick was very special and carried the smell of dog blood. He heard Nine Tails
say, “You are deceiving him like this. How sad will he be once he finds out?”
Houqing replied slowly, “However, in two or three hundred years, he won’t know.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 142

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 22
Two or three hundred years should refer to the life of the rose family. This truly wasn’t long
for a sacred beast.
Nine Tails cried out, “Do you want to deceive him for a lifetime?!”
Houqing whispered, “Isn’t it good? Deceiving him for a lifetime means he won’t be
“No, you are really cruel.”
Houqing didn’t say anything.
Nine Tails’ voice became fiercer. “You are letting him live a lie for the rest of his life. HIs life
is a tragedy and will be meaningless!”
Hearing this, how could Xie Xi not understand?
This was truly full of dog blood. The identity was unknown but there must be white
moonlight in Houqing’s heart who couldn’t be obtained or died early.
His little rose looked like this person and Houqing loved him as the white moonlight.
As Houqing’s brother, Nine Tails naturally saw this with one glance, He felt that his brother
was obsessed and was kind enough to come forward. Unfortunately, his younger brother
was stubborn.
The rose family had a life span of two or three hundred years. Houqing saying that he could
deceive the little rose for a lifetime was truly gentle and cruel.
Letting a person be a substitute for someone else and not even knowing after death. Living
a life that was a lie really caused people’s scalps to tingle.
If Xie Xi was really just a small rose flower, he would probably be filled with despair after
hearing this.
How good was Houqing to him, how sweet were the two of them and how desperate would
the rose be after hearing such a ‘truth.’
It was because Houqing’s goodness was false. All his words were meant for others and this
sweetness would only be for 200 years.
Houqing indulged in his own fantasy, treating Xie Xi as someone else and even planned to
lie to him for a lifetime…
It was really too cruel!
Unfortunately, Xie Xi wasn’t the small rose. He saw Nine Tails’ trick instantly.
All the things in front of him should be illusion magic, not reality.
The reason for his doubts was because the low cultivation Xie Xi could see Nine Tails’
illusion but his mind discovered the logic flaws.
How high was Houqing’s cultivation? What was his cultivation path?
If Xie Xi could hear the conversation between Houqing and Nine Tails, shouldn’t Houqing
feel Xie Xi’s breath? Houqing felt his breath yet still exchanged such words with Nine Tails?
Lying to Xie Xi for the rest of his life, this was deliberately being spoken to him! The logic
was so unreasonable that Xie Xi suspected it was Nine Tails’ illusion.
Of course, it was possible that Nine Tails hid Xie Xi’s breath so that Houqing didn’t notice he
came back. After the next set of primers, Houqing told the ‘truth.’
The reason why Xie Xi was more inclined to it being an illusion was because in the last
world, the sixth prince was a real angel while the second prince (Nine Tails) was a demonic
little master. This contrast meant that Xie Xi naturally believed in the angel!
Still, no matter what, the little rose who saw this scene would be unable to think.
He just sweetly sipped the jade bottle and now he heard such a truth. If he could stand still
then he must be a strong flower!
Xie Xi didn’t rush inside and had to brew his mood.
A substitute… maintaining his calm while revealing subtle sadness and despair. Not daring
to speak because speaking would case his heart pain…
Ah… it was so hard…
Director Jiang, you can act yourself!
By the time Xie Xi entered the room, the conversation between the two of them had turned
to different things.
After seeing him come in, Houqing got up and asked, “How do you feel?” Xie Xi was paled
and lowered his eyes. “It doesn’t matter.”
Houwing was upset and held his hand. “If you aren’t feeling well, we will go back first.”
Xie Xi shook and attempted to pull away before stopping, “Your Excellency…”
Xie Xi moved his lips and spoke in a low voice. “I want to go home.”
His voice pulled at both their hearts and Nine Tails even felt a pang of regret…
Houqing frowned. “Are you uncomfortable? I’ll take you back.”
“I…” Xie Xi bit his lower lip and shook his head.
Nine Tails knew that the home he said was Rose Mountain. This small rose knew the truth
and how could he want to go back with Houqing?
Houqing became aware that something was wrong. “What happened?”
Xie Xi barely managed to smile. “Sure enough…I shouldn’t be greedy.” It seemed that he
was talking about his greed in drinking too much.
NIne Tails understood clearly and regretted it so much that he wanted to turn back the
clock, so that everything he did before would disappear, so that Xiao Wei would still be
sweet with Houqing. Even if… even if…
No, it wasn’t really sweet. After all, Houqing didn’t deserve him.
Houqing was even more distressed. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have taken out two bottles.
Are you very uncomfortable? I’ll take you back to rest.” He got up and told Nine Tails,
“Brother, let’s go back first.”
Nine Tails nodded. “Yes.” No more words were needed. He was afraid that he would rush
over and grab at a certain person.
Xie Xi lost his soul and was listless as he let Houqing hold his hand.
In general, Xie Xi wasn’t satisfied with this play. She felt that he only acted out 30~40%.
However, to deal with a soul, he could only come up with half achievements…
No matter what the souls imagined, Nine Tails’ plan seemed to work.
The record in the god’s wisdom was about Nine Tails. Thus, the moment he walked out of
the palace to leave with Houqing, he felt a pull, like he popped out of the picture and then
entered again.
Xie Xi felt a bit stupid. The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a freezing cold. It was too
cold and his petals trembled.
Wait… what petals? Oh, he had turned back into a rose and would soon be frozen in this
world of ice and snow.
At this moment, he heard Nine Tails shouting anxiously, “Little Rose, where are you?”
Xie Xi wanted to speak but he was too cold. He couldn’t even maintain his human form, let
alone open his mouth.
Nine Tails’ voice was hoarse. “He isn’t worthy of your love, he isn’t worth it. If you want to
go to him, I will send you back. You will…”
At this moment, he finally felt the faint breath of the rose flower that was about to
disappear. Nine Tails rushed through the depths of the ice and snow and carefully held the
white rose in the palm of his hand.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 143

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 23

Xie Xi was too cold to hear what Nine Tails was saying. This temperature was truly
something that a flower couldn’t withstand.
Fortunately, Nine Tails lifted him up and transmitted a steady stream of heat to him, easing
the stiffness of Xie Xi’s body.
Xie Xi finally wasn’t cold but he still had no strength. He couldn’t change back to human
Nine Tails whispered to him. “Are you feeling better?”
Xie Xi, “…” Sorry, roses couldn’t speak!
Nine Tails didn’t want him to respond. He just carefully controlled the heat so that he
wouldn’t burn the little rose.
In fact, Nine Tails found it difficult to generate heat. His cultivation was in the yin (cold)
direction. If he wanted to generate heat, he had to reverse these exercises. This wasn’t easy
and was breaking off his own veins.
A few days ago, Nine Tails never imagined that he would do this for a small flower. He
didn’t care about offending his brother Houqing and didn’t hesitate to warm up the flower.
As long as he brought the flower back to the palace, someone else would take care of him.
However, Nine Tails couldn’t bear to see the small rose uncomfortable for even half a
Why? They just met. Why did Nine Tails care so much? It was like he was stunned and lost
his sanity.
Xie Xi wilted in Nine Tails palm and didn’t bother acting. This powerless appearance wasn’t
much different from how he felt.
Nine Tails took him back to the palace and found someone to bring him the Warm Pill.
The foxes sent over a jar that contained a lot of Warm Pills. Nine Tails unexpectedly poured
them all out and piled them around the rose like a quilt.
Xie Xi, “…”
The fox, “!” How wasteful! This was their thrifty Ancestor Nine Tails!
Nine Tails asked Xie Xi, “Are you still cold?”
Xie Xi moved his lower petals in a way that meant: Take away the Warm Pill. I feel
Nine Tails smiled and relaxed. “It’s fine as long as you aren’t cold.”
Xie Xi, “…” A flower was really unable to communicate with the fox!
After turning into a flower, Xie Xi didn’t have much concept of time. He always felt it was a
moment when a day had actually passed. This was a lack of energy caused by physical
weakness and it entered Nine Tails’ eyes.
The small rose had shut himself off. Nine Tails might’ve saved the flower but the flower
didn’t want to face reality.
In the past few days, Nine Tails found countless doctors to check on Xie Xi. The doctors told
him, “The flower doesn’t have any problem with his body.”
Nine Tails asked, “Then why isn’t he changing back?”
The doctor sighed, “It is he who doesn’t want to change.”
Xie Xi heard this sentence and really wanted to spit out: Quack! He wanted to transform but
he had no strength!
Nine Tails felt melancholy and sighed with relief Then he picked up his spirits and
carefully accompanied Xie Xi.
Xie Xi felt this was useful and liked Nine Tails’ intimate care. Of course, Jiang Xie always
treated him well but that guy was essentially a naughty monster. It took him only three
seconds to lose his seriousness. He was never as careful as Nine Tails.
Xiao Xie thought that the souls were really cuter than the body.
Seven or eight days passed and Nine Tails brought a bunch of jade bottles. He eagerly said,
“It took some effort but I’ve obtained them. It is your favourite drink.”
Xie Xi, “…” Should he pretend to be touched?
How could a flower show such complex emotions? It was too difficult!
This jade dew was estimated to not be a simple ingredient. Once a few drops fell on Xie Xi’s
petals, he felt the strength of his body doubling and he changed back to a human body.
Nine Tails’ eyes were bright and his voice was slightly nervous. “Do you want to drink some
Xie Xi was touched by this scene. After all, it was all personal. He looked at the jade bottles
and frowned lightly, his face pale. “I don’t want to drink.”
Nine Tails was surprised for a moment. Xie Xi turned away, not having the strength to even
look at the bottles.
Nine Tails’ heart was bitter as he persuaded Xie Xi, “These are very good for your body.
Xie Xi shook his head and didn’t say anything. Nine Tails ruthlessly asked, “Are you no
longer concerned about the world after leaving Houqing?”
Xie Xi’s lips trembled as he heard this name and his eyes darted around, highlighting his
desire to escape.
Nine Tails held down his shoulder and stared at him. “He used you as a substitute for other
people. He isn’t looking at you. Do you want to give up your life for such a person?”
These sentences brutally opened the rose’s festering scars. It was cruel but it was also a
type of detoxification.
Sometimes things that weren’t said were only evaded. After escaping, there would be an
even more explosive outburst after a long time passed. It might be very painful now but it
was better than breaking to pieces later!
Xie Xi shook his head, face still pale. “Shut up, don’t say it…”
Nine Tails stared at him. “If you want to live a lifetime being deceived, I can send you back.”
Xie Xi suddenly looked up. “No, I don’t want to go back!”
Nine Tails looked distressed. “Forget him. He doesn’t deserve your love.”
Xie Xi substituted himself into the scene and the emotions quickly fell in place. “It would be
nice if he doesn’t deserve it. How good would it be…”
Yes, being worthwhile or not had never been used to measure liking a person.
Who wanted to love someone who didn’t love them back? Who wanted their hearts to tilt
towards a destined tragedy? Who wanted to entrust their most passionate feelings towards
someone who wasn’t worth it?
If this type of emotion could be controlled by reason, how could there be so many
infatuated men and women in the world?
Nine Tails heard him say this and his heart was poked like a hornet’s nest. Yes, if the rose
didn’t like Houqing then he wouldn’t be haunted by this.
What if he had been deceived by Houqing for the rest of his life? A small rose’s life was
short. Wasn’t it good to have a happy life? Why did Nine Tails want to wake him up? He also
wasn’t willing to wake up.
Intellectually, he knew what was best but emotionally it was different. Nine Tails did things
for such grandiose reasons but it was still for the sake of his own desires. Finally, there was
only an endless abyss that they couldn’t escape from.
The two of them didn’t speak again. They were so close but so far apart as they had their
own thoughts.
Xie Xi could basically guess the direction of this drama. He couldn’t bear to see Nine Tails
sad and pushed the ‘plot’ forward.
“Lord Nine Tails…” Xie Xi whispered.
Nine Tails looked over, silver eyes reflecting all of Xie Xi. “Say it. As long as it is within my
power, I will help you.” Even if he wanted to be sent back to Houqing to continue sleeping
in the fantasy…
Xie Xi whispered, “I heard you have a spell that can make people forget everything.”
Nine Tails was stunned.
Xie Xi continued. “Can you help me?”
His words filled with despair and helplessness caused Nine Tails’ fox heart to explode.
“Yes.” He endured the bitterness rising in his throat. “I can help you.”
Xie Xi smiled, eyes covered with a thin mist. “Thank you.”
“There is no need for thanks.”
This was the origin of the bewitchment. Houqing mentioning that Xie Xi was enchanted by
Nine Tails should be because of this.
Of course, Xie Xi didn’t know if he took the initiative to ask or if Nine Tails couldn’t stand it
anymore in the original setting of the souls.
In any case, this wasn’t important. Xie Xi forgot Houqing and fell in love with Nine Tails.
Nine Tails’ enchantment definitely wouldn’t work on the present Xie Xi. In theory, he
wasn’t part of the painting and wouldn’t be affected by the spells here.
Still, it was easy for him to adjust his mood. After all, whether it was Houqing or Nine Tails,
they were all Jiang Xie and made him feel distressed.
“You woke up.” Xie Xi forgot Houqing and saw Nine Tails smiling softly.
Nine Tails asked, “Little Rose, coming all the way to Nine Tailed Fox Palace, what do you
want to do?”
Xie Xi froze.
Nine Tails smiled. “Are you lost and can’t find your way home?”
Xie Xi inwardly called him shameless but a faint blush rose on his face. Thus, XIe Xi fell in
love with Nine Tails.
Sadly, Houqing treated Xie Xi as a substitute and now Nine Tails had become Houqing’s
When NIne Tails used the enchantment, he shifted Xie Xi’s feelings and thoughts about
Houqing to himself.
This was tantamount to a quenching thirst for him but also gave relief to Xie Xi.
The enchantment caused a loss of memory but once Xie Xi saw Houqing, he would instantly
remember everything. His despair would double and it would be harder to face everything.
It wasn’t the same when the emotions were transferred. Even if Xie Xi saw Houqing again,
he wouldn’t think anything. It was because he didn’t forget but changed the person he liked.
This type of enchantment couldn’t be broken by anyone unless Nine Tails was seriously
Nine Tails didn’t want Xie Xi to live in the dream of being deceived by Houqing. He chose to
deceive himself and was incredibly sober about what he was facing.
Xie Xi’s love, dependence and attachment to him was under the premise of treating him as
How ironic. The so-called rational person was vulnerable in the face of such feelings.
Xie Xi and Nine Tails passed a period of time where honey was mixed with oil but this
didn’t last long. Houqing had found them.
Houqing arrived and saw Xie Xi and NIne Tails kissing under a cold plum tree.
The silver-haired man was holding the waist of the rose while the rose’s arms were
wrapped around his neck as a kiss was accepted. His eyes were full of intimacy and love, as
if it was enough if there was only this person in the world of ice and snow.
Houqing shouted, “Nine Tails!”
Nine Tails shifted and protected Xie Xi in his arms. “How dare you have to nerve to come
looking for him?”
“You framed me!”
Nine Tails’ expression was blank. “What could I do if you weren’t guilty?”
Houqing‘s veins bulged with rage. “Let him go.”
Nine Tails said, “I like him and only him alone. It isn’t comparable to…”
He didn’t finish his words because Houqing couldn’t bear it anymore and attacked.
Nine Tails moved Xie Xi to the side and moved, the two brothers shattering the ground with
their fight.
Xie Xi could see it clearly and vaguely felt that Nine Tails was weaker. After all, their styles
were different and the direction wasn’t the same.
Nine Tails’ enchantment was the root of his invincibility but the spell had a drawback.
Using it would release the last cast. In other words, if he used an enchantment on Houqing,
he would increase his chances of winning but the one on Xie Xi would be released.
Thus, he would never use it.
Houqing was full of hatred and his start was extremely heavy. He completely disregarded
life and death. Nine Tails was pushed back and eventually smashed by Houqing who found
a flaw.
Nine Tails flew back more than 10 metres and blood flowed from his mouth.
Houqing didn’t intend to let him go, quickly moving forward and grabbing the fox’s neck.
“Remove the enchantment.” Nine Tails’ face was white but he sneered, “So what if it is
released? He knows everything.”
“Release it!”
Nine Tails chuckled. “No.”
Houqing struck him in the belly. “As long as you are seriously injured, the enchantment will
be naturally released.”
They were brothers and knew each other very well. Houqing was also clear about the flaw
in Nine Tails’ spell. His so-called previous sentences were just the last feelings between
brothers. Since Nine Tails was so stubborn, he would no longer have scruples.
How could Xie Xi see this and not understand? If this continued, Nine Tails would be beaten
to death by Houqing. Killing yourself over this type of thing, Jiang Xie was probably the
After seeing that Houqing was about to strike again, Xie Xi rushed forward and stood in
front of Nine Tails, taking the hit instead.
Time suddenly seemed to freeze and the sky and earth turned upside down as Houqing and
Nine Tails let out a heartbreaking scream. “White 99!”
Xie Xi, “…”
This fucking hit, it hurt!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 144
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 24

Xie Xi fell into Nine Tails’ arms but it was Houqing who coughed up blood.
The moment Xie Xi rushed up, Houqing forcibly stopped and suffered a counterattack,
causing double of Nine Tails’ injuries to fall on his own body.
If he hadn’t done this, the rose would’ve long died. Even so, Xie Xi was falling apart and was
The difference in strength was too big. The little aftermath alone quickly turned the fragile
rose into a dead flower.
Nine Tails panicked. He trembled uncontrollably as he held Xie Xi’s hand. “How are you,
Xie Xi was still able to speak. “It’s great that you’re okay.”
Houqing’s body shook when he heard these words. The sharp colours of his eyes were
amazing, showing his obvious emotional fluctuations.
Nine Tails’ heart was stabbed. “You… aren’t afraid of death. Thanks to the enchantment, he
was post-Houqing in Xie Xi’s eyes. How much did Xie Xi love Houqing that he was willing to
die without fear?
Houqing staggered forward in order to say something to Xie Xi. Xie Xi grasped Nine Tails’
clothes, eyes full of wariness. Houqing stood still, his bleakness blending in with the world
of ice and snow.
Nine Tails held Xie Xi and whispered, “it’s fine, don’t worry.”
He picked up the little rose and walked towards Houqing. He was staggering past when
Houqing stated, “…Give him to me.”
Nine Tails’ hoarse voice was no better than Houqing. “What qualifications do you have?”
Houqing grabbed Nine Tails’ arm, his hand red with rage as he sounded like a dying lion,
“Take him…”
Before he could finish, Xie Xi spoke weakly, “Ancestor Houqing… please let us go?”
The words completely swept away all of Houqing’s strength. He stared at Xie Xi with blood
eyes. “Let you… you told me to let you go…”
Xie Xi closed his eyes in a tired manner. He was still holding onto Nine Tails’ clothes,
clinging to him tightly like he was afraid Nine Tails would disappear.
Nine Tails realized what it meant to self-inflict a wound. He was obviously holding Xie Xi
but his identity was replaced. He was post-Houqing and Houqing was him. Well, his identity
wasn’t actually replaced.
Xie Xi only deeply loved Houqing. Nine Tails was the one with nothing. Nine Tails lost his
soul as he left with Xie Xi.
Houqing stayed in place, staring after them in a stunned manner as his thin lips moved. “Xie
Nine Tails heard this name and his back stiffened. He absolutely couldn’t hand over the
little rose to Houqing. That man’s heart only had the dead flower god!
Xie Xi heard it too and froze…
He guessed that Houqing’s white moonlight might be the flower god but… well… wasn’t he
the flower god in this setting? He became his own substitute… he must’ve been infected by
Jiang Xie!
By the time Nine Tails took Xie Xi back to the palace, Xie Xi had passed out. It was a miracle
that he could still breathe with such a heavy injury.
He didn’t know how long he had been sleeping. Once Xie Xi woke up again, he heard the
conversation outside.
The red fox who was Nine Tails’ personal attendant cried out, “Your Excellency, this is
absolutely impossible!”
Nine Tails didn’t say anything.
A green fox doctor added, “You only have two tails remaining. If you tear one of them off on
your own…”
Nine Tails opened his mouth. “It isn’t a real tail. I can restore it later after cultivating.”
The red fox protested, “You are a pure-blooded nine-tails, how can…”
He seemed to be glared at and the red fox shut up.
The fox family did have such a practice. Ordinary foxes devoted themselves to cultivation.
The higher their cultivation, the more tails they had. However, looking at all of Demon Sea,
there was never a fox who had cultivated to nine tails.
Their Ancestor Nine Tails was unique in the world. He was born with nine tails and didn’t
obtain them through cultivation!
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised when hearing this.
Before entering the painting, he knew that Nine Tails had sacrificed his eighth tail to save
Xie Xi’s life. Now he knew the original story.
Another fox said, “If you cut off the eighth tail, I’m afraid the enchantment…”
Nine Tails’ enchantment would be released if he was seriously injured. Losing his eighth
tail, wasn’t this a serious injury? It was having only one breath left!
Nine Tails replied, “It doesn’t matter anymore. He will live and live well.”
Xie Xi felt distressed and helplessly. Fortunately, Jiang Xie never experienced this in reality.
Xie Xi wasn’t weak enough for Jiang Xie to give up his life to save Xie Xi.
He would work harder to understand Jiang Xie and make real connections on the basis of
mutual affection.
The next time Xie Xi woke up, he opened his eyes to see Nine Tails.
Nine Tails didn’t look strange apart from being slightly pale. His silver eyes were gentle as
he softly asked, “Are you feeling better?”
Xie Xi felt that his body was a bit heavy but it shouldn’t be anything serious. “I’m much
Nine Tails kissed him on the forehead. “Don’t do this in the future.”
“I don’t care. If Lord Houqing died, I will also…” He didn’t finish talking and stopped.
Nine Tails clearly heard it and the blood in his face disappeared without a trace. Xie Xi was
startled. He clearly wanted to say Nine Tails but it ended up as Houqing. Nine Tails’ injury
was too heavy and he was barely holding onto the enchantment.
Nine Tails acted like he didn’t hear and changed the topic. “You are too badly injured and
your meridians were almost completely broken. You have basically recovered but the
strength of the medicine means your body might reject it. It will take time to merge.”
Xie Xi frowned.
Nine Tails couldn’t stay and reluctantly smiled. “You rest. Call me if you need anything.”
Xie Xi avoided mentioning a name again and asked, “Your Excellency, how did you cure
Nine Tail’s body stiffened. “I have many treasures here that managed to cure a small rose.”
He didn’t say it and Xie Xi couldn’t bear to ask. Xie Xi knew how much Jiang Xie loved saving
From that day onwards, Xie Xi didn’t see Nine Tails when he was awake. Nine Tails hid
from him in the daytime and only guarded his side at night.
Xie Xi knew he was there but couldn’t open his eyes. He wanted to say words to comfort
Nine Tails but didn’t dare open his mouth, afraid his words would make Nine Tails sadder.
After seven or eight days, Xie Xi suddenly felt a pain in his chest. This was followed by a
numbness in his lower body and he lost consciousness.
He heard someone come in and Nine Tails asked hoarsely, “What the hell is going on?
Didn’t you say that the rejection period has passed?”
The green fox replied nervously, “He is a stranger after all. Your Excellency, your strength is
too strong and he can’t adapt so quickly.”
“Is there any way for him to adapt?”
After a series of exchanges, a black fox suggested, “You should send him back to Rose
Mountain. Rose Mountain is his birthplace and the soil elements there are homologous to
him. It will definitely help his origin adapt to your strength.”
Nine Tails was stunned.
The green fox added, “Your Excellency, you absolutely can’t go to Rose Mountain. Your
current body…”
At this point, Xie Xi was basically clear about what happened.
The white rose and Houqing fell in love. The rose found out that he was a substitute and
fled Houqing before Nine Tails found him in the ice and snow.
Nine Tails used the enchantment on him to let him forget Houqing and the white rose fell in
love with him.
Later, this was discovered by Houqing and the two men had a big fight. In order to save
Nine Tails, the white rose almost died.
Nine Tails sacrificed his eighth tail to save the white rose, becoming extremely weak.
However, the strength of the holy beast was too strong and the body of the white rose
couldn’t stand it. There was a rejection and Nine Tails had to send him back to Rose
There was probably no rejection after returning to Rose Mountain but Nine Tails couldn’t
stay by his side.
The gradual decline of the Enchantment led to the white rose remembering Houqing. He
left Rose Mountain to attend the Hundred Flowers event, suffering from the rejection of
Nine Tails’ strength again, was seriously injured and then rescued by Azure Dragon…
In order to save him, Azure Dragon used a medicine and the side effect gave him amnesia.
Thus, the white rose forgot the past and went to the Holy Mountain.
This script… there were no problems. Xie Xi felt that the souls didn’t have it easy. They also
had to work hard to rationalize Xie Xi’s slag behaviour.
What should Xie Xi do now? Just leave the god’s wisdom? At this time, a prompt appeared
in Xie Xi’s lower right corner.
[The first puppet is completed and is ready to be used.]

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 145

First bonus ko-fi chapter

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 25

The puppet was ready! Xie Xi and the other roses had to be thankful! Then… he soon
became aware of a problem.
He was in a painting. Why did the system still give him the prompt? Could this puppet still
be used in the painting?
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment and didn’t use it for the time being.
There should still be another arc in the memory of the god’s wisdom, which was when Nine
Tails came to Rose Mountain to find Xie Xi.
After all, the point of time that matched with reality had almost arrived.
Xie Xi didn’t use the Puppet Technique because he was afraid that Nine Tails would
suddenly appear and see two Xie Xis, raising his suspicions.
According to the previous line of thought, he should now go out for a stroll and meet the
small silver fox among the fireflies. However, Xie Xi didn’t go. He didn’t follow the direction
of the god’s wisdom and found himself a place to hide.
He didn’t want to leave the god’s wisdom because he hadn’t found a name for Nine Tails
In the god’s wisdom of Azure Dragon, Xie Xi had no experience and was only afraid he
would be trapped inside. He followed every scene and was finally bounced out.
If he didn’t follow it step by step this time, could he make some changes? What would
Xie Xi hid in an empty house, locked the door, closed the window and used the Puppet
A person who looked exactly the same as him appeared in front of him. This was much
more bizarre than looking in the mirror. After all, it was three-dimensional.
Xie Xi poked the puppet and the puppet was motionless. It didn’t even blink. That’s it? What
was the use?
At this time, he found a prompt in the lower right corner.
[A low-level puppet can only perform simple commands and communicate with less than
three words.
It is an independently re-shaped puppet and your body won’t be damaged after its death.
If the original body suffers an injury, the puppet can act as a substitute (ignores distance
but must be in the same quasi-world).]
Xie Xi saw the prompt and felt very disgusted.
Less than three words, was there a need for any command? Just order it to go and sleep!
Siri was much better than it!
Then he saw the second part and didn’t react much. If his puppet died and his body was
actually damaged, this privilege would be too bad!
It wasn’t until he saw that third part that Xie Xi remembered he seemed to be the emperor
of luck.
He didn’t know if it was his illusion but he always felt that after being together with Jiang
Xie, his luck had run away towards the abyss and hadn’t come back.
The puppet could be used as a substitute. This was much more powerful.
He might have Roast Pork Bun which allowed him to be painlessly immune to three fatal
injuries but he had no way with ordinary injuries. Like before when Houqing had hit him. If
there had been the puppet, Xie Xi wouldn’t have needed to grit his teeth in pain.
Xie Xi left the puppet in this room and ordered it to be on standby.
This god’s wisdom belonged to Nine Tails and there was no need to coax other souls for the
moment. Thus, the puppet’s greatest use was bearing injuries.
Xie Xi wasn’t sure if there would be any danger but he didn’t need to worry with a talisman.
As he left, Xie Xi started to make the next puppet.
To his surprise, the second puppet was much faster than the first one. Perhaps it was faster
because there was a mould? Of course, this speed still required a few days of hard work.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry since he needed to find a way to discover Nine Tails’ name.
According to the progress of the god’s wisdom, Nine Tails finding him on Rose Mountain
would force him out. If he didn’t want to go out, he had to change the ‘past.’
Xie Xi decided to take the initiative and go to Demon Sea to find Nine Tails!
At this time, Nine Tails hadn’t sent the betrothal gift yet. Going to the Demon Sea wasn’t
easy but Xie Xi wasn’t afraid to delay time in the god’s wisdom and walked on foot.
After walking for three days, he experienced the rejection and his whole lower body was
stiff with pain.
Fortunately, there was the puppet. Xie Xi directly transferred the damage and stiffly
He used Roast Pork Bun to explore the way and tenaciously walked for 20 days before
arriving in the Demon Sea.
He arrived at the Demon Sea but was still far away from Nine Tailed Fox Palace.
Fortunately, Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. Presumably, Nine Tails was looking everywhere for
Sure enough, he was discovered by the fox family as soon as he stepped into the Demon
“Oh my god,” a green fox exclaimed. “Did you come from Rose Mountain?”
Xie Xi had long shifted the damage but he still pretended to be in pain. “Can I see Lord Nine
The green fox replied, “Lord Nine Tails sent you back to Rose Mountain to let you heal.
He didn’t finish when Nine Tails appeared. He held Xie Xi in his arms and gasped out in
distress, “Why did you do something so nonsensical?”
The ‘weak and powerless’ Xie Xi leaned in his arms and whispered, “I wanted to see you.”
Nine Tails, “!”
The green fox hurriedly said, “Your Excellency, let’s go back to Nine Tailed Fox Palace. You
can’t stay here for a long time.”
They headed back. Then Nine Tails’ voice was hoarse as he spoke to Xie Xi. “You should’ve
remembered it.”
He was getting weaker these days and the enchantment was releasing. The little rose
should’ve remembered the past.
Xie Xi paused before nodded lightly. Nine Tails stiffened and barely smiled. “Then you came
to the Demon Sea to find Houqing?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, I came to see you.”
Nine Tails avoided his gaze. “Do you need my help? Just say it and if it within my power, I
will definitely help you.” Even if it was helping him return to Houqing.
Xie Xi told him, “Of course you can do it. Only you can do it in this world.”
Nine Tails’ eyes lowered. “Do you want me to use the enchantment on Houqing? In fact, as
long as you return, he will definitely…”
What was this fox thinking? Xie Xi was here to feed him sugar. Who would think that this
guy would shove arsenic into his mouth first?
“I don’t want to go back to Houqing.” Xie Xi directly cut off his thoughts.
Nine Tails froze.
Xie Xi glanced at him and told him seriously, “I have remembered it and won’t confuse you
with Lord Houqing. You are you and Lord Houqing is Lord Houqing. I just want to be with
Nine Tails stared at him with disbelief.
Xie Xi knew this wasn’t the direction of the god’s wisdom. It was a very different ending but
he was going to try it! Who said that the finished ending must be the real ending?
Xie Xi said, “Lord Nine Tails, I want to be with you. It might only be two or three hundred
years but it is my life!”
Nine Tails’ thin lips trembled. It seemed that he had many words in his mouth but in the
end, he only said, “Don’t lie to me.”
Xie Xi didn’t know how many times he had heard this sentence.
Don’t lie to me.
Don’t lie to me.
Don’t lie to me.
What exactly did Jiang Xie doubt?
Xie Xi wrapped his arms around Nine Tails’ neck and kissed him. Nine Tails was stunned
and took a long time to recover. Then he took back the initiative and crazily kissed Xie Xi.
By the time the two of them separated, they were already panting.
Xie Xi asked, “What’s wrong with your body?”
Nine Tails paused.
Xie Xi pressed him. “Was it to save me?”
Nine Tails’ really had the masochistic brain circuit. “You don’t have to blame yourself.
There is no need to compensate for anything. I saved you because…”
“What are you talking about?” Xie Xi shouted. “Do you think I will give up my whole life for
Nine Tails was stunned.
Xie Xi added, “Can you show me your body?”
Nine Tails nodded and turned into a silver fox. Nine Tails’ silver fox was very large and it
was said that his nine tails spread out could cover the sky. Now he was very small, like a
real fox. He was so small that Xie Xi could easily pick him up.
Nine Tails’ voice was muffled. “Don’t worry, I will recover after I spend some time
Xie Xi’s heart was pained. “How long will it take?”
Nine Tails, “…”
Xie Xi didn’t push and changed the topic. “Your Excellency, do you still have your tails?”
It might be internal alchemy but it was only the power released from the tail. Presumably,
the tails were still there.
The silver fox wilted. “I threw them aside.”
“Then they still exist!” Xie Xi’s eyes brightened.
Nine Tails told him, “It’s useless. They have left me and it won’t be too long before they
disappear.” He didn’t want these ugly things to be seen by the little rose.
Xie Xi asked, “I heard you were heart before. Was it repaired by the flower god?”
He thought it was a sure thing but Nine Tails actually told him, “That is just a rumour
among the flower family. I have never seen the flower god so how can I be repaired by
Xie Xi never thought it would be like this. “You have never seen the flower god?”
Nine Tails didn’t hesitate. “I’ve never seen him.”
Xie Xi was startled. “But they all said…”
“The flower god is very prestigious but things weren’t so exaggerated. He didn’t show grace
to White Tiger and Houqing but later, White Tiger and Houqing broke apart and the Holy
Mountain and Demon Sea separated. The things related to the flower god are just
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 146

Bonus ko-fi chapter.

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 26

It was a rumour? The so-called repairing Azure Dragon’s scales, Vermilion Bird’s feathers
and Nine Tails’ tails… they were all rumours?
The flower god hadn’t met them? Xie Xi felt there was something wrong but he temporarily
couldn’t think about it.
Nine Tails saw that Xie Xi was in a daze and felt restless. “Houqing treated you as the flower
Yes, he didn’t forget to emphasize this even after becoming a little fox.
Xie Xi hesitated. He was worried about his Repair skill. Would Nine Tails think he was the
reincarnation of the flower god and become more uneasy? After all, Nine Tails didn’t know
the flower god before but the flower god was involved with Houqing.
Nine Tails thought he was worried about the tail thing and lazily lay in Xie Xi’s arms. “You
don’t have to worry. I can spend a lifetime with you even if I only have one tail.”
It was worthy of being from the ‘same source.’ The dragon and fox thought the same. It was
as if Xie Xi’s life was their life and the extra time was irrelevant.
Xie Xi sighed softly and confessed, “Maybe I can fix your tail.”
Nine Tails didn’t take it seriously. “How can you fix it? Will you give me a petal as a tail? Oh,
I can’t bear it.” Once there wasn’t any drama, his poor mouth was exposed.
Xie Xi explained about what he had done on Rose Mountain and as expected, Nine Tails was
stunned. “Repair?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Nine Tails’ eyes flashed. “Like the flower god?”
“I don’t know because I have never seen the flower god.”
Nine Tails, “…”
Xie Xi could basically guess what he was thinking and softly comforted him. “I don’t know
how I got this ability but I know who I am and what I want.”
Nine Tails stared at him. “What do you want?”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “I want to be with you.”
Nine Tails trembled as he turned back into his human form. He hugged Xie Xi and kissed
him on the forehead. “In fact, repairing my tails doesn’t matter. In any case…”
Xie Xi wondered, “What if I live for more than two or three hundred years?”
Nine Tails was stunned.
Xie Xi added, “…Please don’t live me alone.”
These words were good and gave Nine Tails infinite power. Two or three hundred years
was quite long for mortals but for Nine Tails, it was like two or three months. If a couple
could only stay together for two or three months, how tragic would it be?
How could he not be willing to stay together for a longer time?
Previously, Nine Tails hadn’t dared think about it. Once there was the possibility, the desire
was like a magic bean that rooted itself and grew into a towering tree.
He wanted to be together forever, he wanted to make every moment eternal!
Nine Tails wondered, “Is there any harm to you?”
An injury was unavoidable. He had almost fainted from physical exhaustion when repairing
Azure Dragon’s scale. This time, it was estimated to be worse.
However, Xie Xi didn’t say this. “It’s fine. I have repaired thousands of flowers and don’t
think anything will happen.”
Nine Tails was cautious. “Then we’ll try it first. If you feel uncomfortable, immediately
Xie Xi felt very soft. “Your Excellency, can you not think about me first?”
Nine Tails was surprised and then his lips curved. “I don’t think about you all the time but
my heart is full of you.”
These familiar words of love caused Xie Xi to chuckle. “Then you should also give me a
chance to think about you.”
He smiled so sweetly that he fed sugar to Nine Tails. Nine Tails hugged him hard and said,
“Don’t do that.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“It is so beautiful…I always feel like I’m dreaming.”
Xie Xi was stunned and the warmth in his heart decreased. In a way, this was truly a dream.
The past had long gone and Nine Tails gave everything only for the white rose to forget
He became a substitute for the white rose, only for the white rose to forget him. This was
extremely cruel.
“It isn’t a dream.” Xie Xi slowly spoke from within his arms. “As long as the two of us are
real, it isn’t a dream.”
It was a dream but the two people were the truth.
Jiang Xie had spoken these words to Xie Xi after Dream Come True and now Xie Xi told him
the same words.
Their truth was proven by each other, and this was the truest truth.
Xie Xi tried to fix Nine Tails. To his surprise, he finished one tail and didn’t feel too tired.
Was Nine Tails’ injury lighter than Azure Dragon? This wasn’t right. One was a tail and the
other was a scale. The scale shouldn’t be any lighter than the tail.
Or perhaps it was because of the painting? This wasn’t really a repair? It shouldn’t be. Then
what the hell was going on? Did he experience a surge of power overnight?
After fixing a tail, Nine Tails nervously asked him, “How do you feel.”
Xie Xi smiled. “I feel that you can cover the sky.” This was teasing him because in the
Demon Sea, it was rumoured that once Nine Tails spread out his tails, he could cover the
Nine Tails smiled.
Xie Xi’s thoughts changed. “I think it might not be covering the sky but a peacock opening
his tail.”
The young fox doctor present laughed out loud. Nine Tails stared at him before glancing
back at Xie Xi. “Naughty.”
Xie Xi started looking forward to Nine Tails’ open screen!
Once he got to the third tail, Xie Xi knew why he didn’t lose power. It was because…
Hint in the lower right corner: [The number one puppet has reached its limit and has been
Xie Xi was silent. Had he accidentally killed the first puppet with exhaustion?
It was shameful… Xie Xi solemnly apologized. ‘Number one, you are much better than Siri!’
The puppet was exhausted after repairing three tails. It seemed that he couldn’t see Nine
Tails’ screen today. He repaired one more tail and drooped.
Nine Tails immediately noticed. “What’s wrong?”
Xie Xi reassured him, “Don’t worry. I just used a bit of strength and will be fine after some
The green fox doctor hurriedly said, “This is already a miracle. Someone can fix the tails of
Nine Tails! The legendary flower god…”
He didn’t finish his words before Nine Tails glared at him. The green fox shut up.
Nine Tails ordered, “Go bring some jade dew over.”
The green fox bowed and rushed out.
Xie Xi knew that Nine Tails didn’t want to know about the flower god and didn’t mention it.
He only said, “I can repair your other tails after two days of rest.”
“There’s no hurry. There is plenty of time.”
Xie Xi didn’t agree. “That time is for enjoyment. I don’t want you to be affected by pain.”
“However, I’m enjoying this moment.”
Xie Xi, “…” He couldn’t say anything to the soul.
The second puppet was soon created and Xie Xi knew his upper limit was three tails. Thus,
he stopped after repairing two.
Unfortunately, there was no way to selectively consume his strength. Otherwise he would
consume his own physical strength instead of the puppet and could repair three without
the puppet dying.
In any case, it wasn’t urgent. There were only two tails left and he could recover his
physical strength after a few days.
Once all nine tails were repaired, Xie Xi stared at Nine Tails’ body.
Nine Tails was still in the mood to tease. “Do you want to see me open a tail screen?”
“Okay…” Nine Tails was Jiang Xie and he leaned closer to Xie Xi. “A peacock only opens his
screen in courtship. You have to take responsibility.”
This shameless flirty fox!
Then Xie Xi saw an extremely shocking scene.
The real Nine Tails wasn’t a weak fox. Once he recovered, he was dozens of times larger
and his tails unfolded, making Xie Xi realize what it meant to cover the sky.
The large amount of silver light was very beautiful and strong. Even the sunlight receded
like it was difficult to compete with him.
Xie Xi was stunned and as he stared into the silver eyes, he couldn’t help wondering,
“What’s your name?”
Nine Tails stared at him with clear silver eyes, his voice seeming to ring in the depths of Xie
Xi’s heart. “I have no name.”
Xie Xi involuntarily said, “Fox Nine.”
The nine-tailed silver fox cocked his head.
“I will call you Fox Nine in the future, okay?”
As Xie Xi’s voice fell, a strong pull hit him. He realized that he would be ejected and looked
at Nine Tails as Nine Tails shouted, “Where are you going? Xie Xi, where the hell are you
Xie Xi left the god’s wisdom. He returned to reality but his soul still hadn’t returned.
Jiang Xie… where was Jiang Xie? He entered the god’s wisdom with Jiang Xie next to him. He
couldn’t help looking around to find him. However, Jiang Xie couldn’t be found.
Xie Xi was stunned and stared at the god’s wisdom. He found that the painting on the scroll
had changed. It was no longer the Nine Tailed Fox Palace in a world of ice and snow.
Instead, it was a lifelike nine-tailed silver fox with his tails unfolded in a majestic manner.
He stared at Xie Xi with silver eyes full of attachment. Xie Xi couldn’t help stepping forward
to take the painting. There was a bang and the painting fell, becoming a small book. Xie Xi
picked it up and saw the words: Nine Tailed Fox Nine.
Xie Xi tried to open it but it was like there was a ward on the book. It couldn’t be opened.
What was going on? Where did Nine Tails go?
Xie Xi stared at the system prompt in the lower right corner.
[Side Task: The nine tailed fox illustration has been collected. The completion degree is
100% and the total progress is 50%.]
Xie Xi opened his roster and at the same time, the small book turned into a scroll that was
incorporated into the roster. Then the illustration of the nine tailed fox emerged. He looked
at Xie Xi as if asking, ‘Where are you?’
Xie Xi reached out and touched it, full of doubts. What was going on? After collecting the
illustration, Nine Tails was sealed into the god’s wisdom? What was the god’s wisdom?
What happened once an existence was sealed?
Unfortunately, Nine Tails wasn’t here so Jiang Xie wasn’t either. He couldn’t discuss it with
Jiang Xie.
Then there was a loud scream from Red Two outside the door. “99! Something big is
Xie Xi’s nerves tightened and he hurriedly opened the door. “What happened?”
Red Two took him by the hand. “We must hurry and get out of here!”
Xie Xi followed him and asked, “What’s going on?”
Red Two ran as he explained, “Sage White Tiger suddenly launched an attack on Demon Sea
and is fighting with Ancestor Houqing!”
Xie Xi hadn’t figured out Nine Tails’ location and now these two were fighting?
Red Two added, “It’s really wicked. I don’t know where the white rose came from. He
actually hooked up with two demon ancestors from Demon Sea and also fascinated the
heart of Sage White Tiger, causing him to be furious and filled with the desire to slaughter
all of Demon Sea.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare be careless. This was very much like something that Old Three could do!
In Atlantis, Xie Xi discovered that the soul with the highest combat power was the third
prince (White Tiger), followed by the sixth prince (Houqing). If these two people fought, it
would really be a catastrophe in various ways.
Xie Xi said, “I will go and see.” He couldn’t let them fight or the whole quasi-world would
Red Two wondered, “What’s the use of you going? The most important one is the white
“I am the white rose.”
Red Two, “???”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 147

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 27
Xie Xi was afraid of the souls dying. He couldn’t take into account the dazed Red Two and
kept running.
Red Two responded quickly and grabbed him.
Xie Xi looked at him anxiously and exclaimed, “Brother Red Two, I really have to pass. If I
let them cause trouble then big things will happen!”
Red Two’s soul had returned and he felt complicated. “You are that white rose?”
Xie Xi was afraid of the delay and unceremoniously took off his vest. “I really am.”
He said this and there was no doubt about it. Who knew that Red Two would actually sigh.
“You say that you are the white rose but how can the gap be so big? One is courageous and
fearless while the other is a coward who hides his head.”
Xie Xi, “???” What did this mean? He could understand every word but he didn’t know how
they fit together.
Red Two took his hand. “I can’t let you take this risk!”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “I really…”
“I know that you want to take the risk for us roses and stop it. However, you can’t. Even if
you are a white rose, you can’t replace him. His sin can only be carried by himself!”
Sure enough, this person’s brain was enough to be called two! Xie Xi seriously emphasized,
“I really am the white rose, the white rose they are fighting to grab.”
Who knew that this vest had a strong glue and couldn’t be taken off! Red Two wanted to
speak but Xie Xi couldn’t wait any longer. He usually didn’t show it and everyone really
thought he was a weak rose.
Still, don’t forget that Xie Xi was a person with the junior qualifications. If he was serious
then ordinary people couldn’t stop him.
“If you don’t believe me, just come with me.” Xie Xi didn’t shake off Red Two and simply
dragged him along.
Red Two exclaimed, “You… you have so much strength!”
Xie Xi was inexplicably reminded of someone’s routine: My other place is bigger. What a
mess! Sure enough, he should be a follower of the Mohist School.
His face was red as he ran faster. He couldn’t let the souls have an accident. Something this
bad was dangerous!
Red Two didn’t know the little rose was thinking perverted thoughts and was still
chattering, “I don’t believe you. You are Sage Azure Dragon’s fiance. How can you still have
time to provoke Nine Tails, Houqing and White Tiger? If you really have this ability, why
didn’t you give anything to Vermilion Bird?”
Xie Xi paused. “Don’t be presumptuous.”
Red Two thought he had really ‘collected’ Vermilion Bird and compromised. “Okay, I will
accompany you. It is possible that once the two ancestors see that we are roses, they will
listen to our words. It is a good thing if we can stop them.”
Forget it. Xie Xi sighed. He was too lazy to explain. In any case, truth and lies would be
obvious once Red Two saw it with his own eyes.
Red Two didn’t know that his worldview was teetering. He clearly had the opportunity to
escape but he came to witness the ‘miracle’!
Xie Xi arrived and was shocked by the battle. If there was a god of war in this war, White
Tiger of the Holy Mountain and Houqing of the Demon Sea deserved the name.
Neither of them looked at anyone else. They just stood there but they gave off the
momentum of the mountains and rivers.
This was the first time Xie Xi had seen White Tiger in this quasi-world.
Old Gars was actually very meticulous, especially in the first world where he pretended to
be a maid and wore women’s clothing. In Atlantis, he was a general who constantly won but
there was an overly exquisite face under the strong armour. His personality was fierce and
he always danced with knives and guns. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any woman who
wasn’t charmed once he took off the armour.
This time, he wore silver armour with a red cloak flying through the air. His exquisite face
was filled with killing intent.
Xie Xi trembled. This Old Three was also good-looking. Speaking of which, he didn’t think
that the five people would ever look good to him. Now…
If Old Jiang was present, he would probably cover Xie Xi’s face with gold. Beauty was in the
eyes of the lover, Dear!
After seeing White Tiger, he couldn’t help looking at Houqing. He had met Houqing in the
god’s wisdom but this was the first time in reality.
Xie Xi took a look and his heart jerked. Houqing’s face was white and his different coloured
eyes dead. He was clearly standing there but it seemed like his soul had been taken away.
White Tiger shouted angrily, “You’re trash.”
Houqing didn’t say anything.
“Give him to me!”
Houqing was silent and still didn’t respond.
White Tiger had the temper of the third child and raised his hand, long knife pointed at
Houqing’s chest. “Don’t hesitate to do something until forced!”
Xie Xi heard these words and basically guessed the situation.
White Tiger thought the white rose was with Houqing but the white rose had long been
taken away by Nine Tails.
After Houqing lost the person, he was in a state of despair. Now that he had to face White
Tiger’s forced questioning, how could he say anything?
This was the so-called ‘valuing both equally.’ Xie Xi was really pained by Houqing. He was
pitiful in Atlantis and this time wasn’t much better. First, his lover was dug away by Nine
Tails and now he had to face White Tiger’s resentment. How miserable was he/
He tried to come forward, only for White Tiger to stab at Houqing’s chest.
“Stop!” He hurriedly opened his mouth but it was already too late.
Xie Xi didn’t expect that Houqing wouldn’t even dodge!
It was true that White Tiger’s fighting power went against the sky but Houqing wasn’t an
ordinary person! He was a person who rivalled White Tiger in strength. How could he not
even hide from the knife? Houqing didn’t want to hide.
White Tiger turned his head and crimson eyes locked on Xie Xi. Xie Xi’s heart jumped. If this
gaze could be turned into something real, White Tiger’s eyes would be a dense net that
tightly bound Xie Xi.
He was stared at like this and couldn’t move at all.
Houqing also turned his head. He saw Houqing but there were no fluctuations in the
different coloured eyes. It was like a pool of stagnant water, the calm making people feel
Xie Xi’s heart was stabbed and he cried out, “Why didn’t you dodge?”
Houqing took a breath and whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Was he apologizing for the substitute matter? Xie Xi didn’t care about it at all.
White Tiger pulled out the long blade and demanded coldly, “99, come back with me.”
Xie Xi could only manage one person at a time and naturally picked the half-dead one. He
didn’t look at White Tiger and helped support Houqing. “How are you? Can you stand up?”
White Tiger’s veins bulged and his angry voice filled the air. “99, come here!”
His tone was so fierce that he seemed like he was hit someone. Xie Xi was afraid of him but
didn’t turn his head.
White Tiger’s voice was on the verge of exploding. “His shadow has been ruined by me and
won’t live long.”
In this quasi-world, Houqing’s setting was a zombie ancestor. His most powerful feature
was his undead body. It was actually similar to Xie Xi’s puppet but his shadow was stronger
and more resistant to a beating.
Previously, the old chief said that the flower god repaired his three heads and six arms.
This was actually Houqing’s shadow body. Houqing had two shadows so this was three
bodies. Thus, he had three heads and six arms.
The shadow body was killed. For Houqing, this was truly a deadly wound! Xie Xi felt even
more anxious. He supported Houqing and wanted to take him back to find a way to save his
The white tiger’s blade came over, causing Xie Xi’s scalp to feel numb! Xie Xi stood in front
of Houqing and confronted White Tiger.
White Tiger looked murderous. He was a sage but he seemed more brutal than a demon
ancestor. He spoke through gritted teeth, “Do you think I won’t dare to hurt you?”
Xie Xi was fearless and stared without blinking.
The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point and the people watching from dozens
of metres away were scared to death.
Would the White Tiger do it? Such a little rose wouldn’t be able to stand it!
By all accounts, this was the time Red Two should pop out to save his compatriot. However,
he actually couldn’t move. Under this amazing momentum, people lost the ability to control
their bodies!
Everyone was quiet and shocked by the situation. They felt that the little rose who angered
Sage White Tiger was already a dead flower.
Once his anger reached the limit, the White Tiger who seemed to lose his mind suddenly
stopped and slammed the long knife into the ground.
They couldn’t see how big his movements were but the strength was amazing. The blade
struck the ground and cracks opened. It was like an earthquake as an amazing gully
appeared and shone with a faint red light. This knife went all the way down to the ground
fire section!
Perhaps the force was too big. The long knife shattered and scattered star-like fragments.
They were like falling stars in the cold knight. It was shocking and stunning, as if the thing
broken wasn’t this long knife but… something in the chest.
The white tiger turned and left without looking back.
There was a bad taste in Xie Xi’s heart but what could he do? He was only one person and
there were two souls. He could only take care of the one in front of him!
Houqing was very weak and his voice was low as he talked to himself. “I’m sorry…”
He repeated these words as if he didn’t know what he was apologizing for. Xie Xi put away
his emotions and helped him. “I’ll take you back!”
Houqing glanced at him, thin lips moving.
Xie Xi stopped him. “Don’t say much. I have a way to save you.”
Houqing smiled, the tenderness in his eyes making Xie Xi confused on who he really was.
“You… always have a way.”
His words were too soft and Xie Xi couldn’t hear them clearly.
At this time, the ‘frozen’ Red Two was finally able to move and he chased them. “99…”
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll take Lord Houqing back to the palace. You should return to Rose
Mountain first.”
Red Two gritted his teeth. “How can I leave you alone? I will help!”
In fact, he wasn’t useful. Houqing’s attendants had already caught up with them.
With their help, Xie Xi could send Red Two back but Red Two insisted on following Xie Xi.
Xie Xi thought about it and knew it was time for him to see the truth.
Back in Houqing Palace, Houqing was placed in his room. For Xie Xi’s sake, Red Two was
treated as a guest of honour by the servants.
Red Two finally noticed that something was wrong. He stayed outside the door and heard
the dialogue inside.
Houqing whispered, “Why did you come back?”
Xie Xi told him, “I can’t leave you alone.”
Houqing was dumbfounded. “You know everything.”
Xie Xi whispered, “So what?”
“Nine Tails is good to you. Why are you…?”
How could Red Two not understand after hearing this? He timidly backed away…
God, 99 didn’t lie to him. 99 was truly the white rose. 99 was Azure Dragon’s fiance but he
took the betrothal gifts of Nine Tails and Houqing and had a cub with White Tiger…
The three views of Red Two officially collapsed!
Xie Xi did this deliberately. At this point, it was impossible to conceal it. Rather than letting
the entire rose family be stunned by the worst situation, it was better to let Red Two go
back and mentally prepare them. This way, the old chief of the rose family wouldn’t be so
scared that his soul returned to the ground.
Red Two left and Xie Xi was alone with Houqing. The eyes that had been filled with great
sadness came alive. “It hurts.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie spoke in a pathetic manner, “My heart was stabbed with aknife, my bones were
broken and 80% of my veins destroyed…”
Xie Xi kissed him.
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi was already at the limit and his face was red. “Is it any better?”
Jiang Xie told him, “My finger bone is good but there are 206 bones, a broken heart and two
shadows. If you round up and kiss me 1314 times, it should be…”
Xie Xi cried out blankly, “You can keep being hurt!” Sure enough, it wasn’t worth worrying
about this bastard!
Poor Old Jiang was really powerless this time. Apart from playing a few tricks, he couldn’t
even handle a few kisses.
Xie Xi’s mouth was fierce but he didn’t leave this person. He asked, “Is your shadow body
Since the flower god could repair three heads and six arms, so could Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie replied, “White Tiger didn’t hold back and Houqing didn’t resist. It is already
fortunate that it is just the shadow.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare ask about why Houqing didn’t resist.
Jiang Xie asked again, “What happened? Explain it to me.”
In theory, this was the first time they were meeting and some memories needed to be
passed along.
Xie Xi explained in full detail while also organizing it for himself.
Jiang Xie was stunned after hearing that Nine Tails was sealed by the god’s wisdom.
Xie Xi asked, “Is Nine Tails okay?” If there was something wrong with the soul then the
master should know. Look at Jiang Xie’s current situation.
Jiang Xie shook his head. “He is fine.”
“But he disappeared into thin air.”
Jiang Xie got up and looked past Xie Xi at the god’s wisdom behind him.
Xie Xi followed his gaze. This was Houqing’s god’s wisdom and there was also a painting on
it. Xie Xi’s gaze moved and ink appeared on the scroll.
Jiang Xie wondered, “What do you see?”
“A sea of flowers.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Roses?”
Xie Xi nodded. He couldn’t see it but he guessed that it was a sea of roses. A large rose
broke free from the vines and lay on the ground like a beautiful fairy descending to the
“Is this where I met Houqing,” Xie Xi asked.
“Go in and take a look.”
Xie Xi remembered the injury on his body. “Can I change the memory in the god’s wisdom?”
The shadow had been completely destroyed and it was impossible to repair it. Xie Xi could
only prevent Houqing from being injured.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Why not?”
“Changing the past, won’t it affect the present?”
Jiang Xie stared at him and whispered, “Don’t be bound by time. There is no limit between
the past and the present.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 148

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 28

There were no boundaries between the past and the present? What did that mean?
Xie Xi whispered and repeated it.
“You might understand it better this way.” Jiang Xie changed his words. “On the timeline,
your position is always the present.”
Xie Xi really did understand and it felt like his mind opened. “You mean, there is no past
and future?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Linear time is human imagination. People will die so time continues to
pass, but real time isn’t bound by anything. It only exists in the moment.”
Xie Xi understood. “However, people use their own way of thinking to understand.”
“That’s why you only need to use yourself as a reference.”
Xie Xi nodded. “I get it!”
He used to go around a dead end. People often thought about a paradox. Changing the past
would affect the future, just like the butterfly effect. How would the future turn out if there
was a slight change in the past?
Now Jiang Xie gave him an answer.
Time didn’t exist in the past and the future. The things that individuals experienced was
always the present. Even if Xie Xi saw memories of the past in the god’s wisdom, it was still
the present for Xie Xi.
With Xie Xi as a reference, time was always the persent. He went to the so-called ‘past’ but
also experienced the ‘now.’ Since there was no ‘past’, it didn’t matter if he changed the
Xie Xi was relieved. “Then I want to stop Houqing from being injured.”
Xie Xi still missed Nine Tails and asked, “Is it really fine for Nine Tails to be sealed in the
god’s wisdom?”
Today’s Jiang Xie was a mysterious old evil. HIs lips curved in a smile. “There is no clear
boundary between reality and falsehood.”
Xie Xi was stunned and his eyes widened. “This…”
Jiang Xie coughed and covered his chest. “Dear, you really don’t plan to kiss me 1314 times
to ease my broken heart and bones…?”
Xie Xi glared at him. “I will hit you 1314 times!”
“You want to hit me for a lifetime? Then I can make an appointment for the next life and the
next life…”
Xie Xi remembered that 1314 was a homophone for ‘lifetime’ and wasn’t very pleased. “You
He no longer paid attention to this person and reached out to the god’s wisdom.
Houqing’s body was really bad. Despite Jiang Xie’s poor mouth, his body was really in pain.
The most important thing was to help ease this as soon as possible.
As he entered the god’s wisdom, Xie Xi was still thinking about Jiang Xie’s sentence.
‘There is no boundary between reality and falsehood.
Did it mean inside the god’s wisdom and outside the god’s wisdom? Or did it mean
something else?
The reason Xie Xi didn’t ask was because he felt that Jiang Xie also couldn’t say it clearly.
After all, his contact with this quasi-world was more one-sided than Xie Xi. There were still
many things that Xie Xi needed to find the answer to himself.
Xie Xi opened his eyes and was filled with fascinating colours. Where was this? Was this the
sea of roses painted in the god’s wisdom?
“Lord Flower God!” A clear voice was heard and a girl in a goose yellow skirt jumped over.
“It’s late, let’s go.”
Wasn’t this the god’s wisdom of Houqing? What was this? Where was Houqing?
Xie Xi didn’t say anything and the girl blinked. “Lord Flower God?”
Xie Xi turned to look at her. “Hmm?”
The girl tilted her head and wondered, “Lord Flower God, do you need to rest?”
This name wasn’t a surprise to Xie Xi. In the setting of the quasi-world, he must be the
flower god. He just didn’t know how he turned into a white rose.
“It’s fine. I was just thinking about something.” Xie Xi explained to the girl.
The girl didn’t ask much and spoke cheerfully, “Let’s go. The flowers are waiting.”
Xie Xi had no idea where he was going but the girl said this and he could only follow to
explore the background.
It stood to reason that Houqing should be around him, otherwise the memory would jump.
However, he looked around and didn’t see any different coloured eyes.
The presence of the souls was very high. If he was present, Xie Xi should see him. What
happened? The god’s wisdom wasn’t the same as before?
Xie Xi temporarily turned off these thoughts and followed the girl outside.
He was in a colourful garden with countless flowers swaying in the wind. The air was filled
with fascinating aromas and it was so beautiful that it didn’t seem real.
The concerning thing was that there was a wide variety of flowers but no roses. What was
going on?
The girl was excited. “This is my first time participating in the Hundred Flowers Festival.
I’m so happy!”
Hundred Flowers Festival? Xie Xi had gone there once in Azure Dragon’s god’s wisdom and
was injured there. Then he was rescued by Azure Dragon. It turned out that this event
originated from the era of the flower god.
If it was normally like this, the flower festival of this time must be livelier than the later
There was a young man in green pretending to be an adult. “You little jasmine who has
never seen the world!”
It turned out that the girl was a jasmine. However, wasn’t jasmine mostly white? Why was
she goose-yellow?
Well, normally jasmine didn’t turn into pretty girls He shouldn’t pursue these details.
The little jasmine cried out angrily, “Little daisy, you only participated once!”
Xie Xi, “…” It turned out this green person was… hey, a daisy.
The little daisy retorted. “When I attended the Last Hundred Flowers Festival, you hadn’t
transformed yet.”
“So what if I hadn’t transformed? I am now more powerful than you!”
The little daisy’s soft belly was poked. “If you weren’t around the flower god every day…”
The two flowers kept arguing. A woman in white who was obviously older arrived and
interrupted them. “What is this noise? How can you act so unruly in front of the flower
Her words caused the two small flowers to stop. They timidly shrank towards Xie Xi and
said, “Sister Magnolia.”
The white magnolia bowed to Xie Xi. “Don’t be too lenient on them. They are becoming
increasingly impudent.” She stared at the two flowers as she spoke.
Xie Xi waved his hand. “It’s fine.”
The two flowers beamed and Magnolia sighed. “Lord Flower God, you are really too kind.”
The flowers came forward again and laughed innocently. “Lord Flower God is the best!”
Xie Xi didn’t have a friendly personality. He didn’t like being around many people and
usually stayed alone.
Looking at his situation, the flower god was lively. He had to be like this for a while and… he
really didn’t hate the little jasmine and daisy.
The group walked out of the garden to the hustle and bustle outside.
The so-called Hundred Flowers Festival, just listening to these words felt colourful and
gorgeous. Once it was actually seen, he realized that all adjectives were pale and weak in
front of such beauty and colour.
There was no limit to a human’s imagination but this bustling appearance wasn’t
something that an average person could sketch out.
Xie Xi appeared and all the flowers dressed in costumes bowed. Their clear and melodious
voices greeted him, “I greet Lord Flower God. May Lord Flower God be prosperous and live
Xie Xi saw this and paused slightly. “Get up.”
Magnolia came forward and named people one by one. The named flowers were full of joy
and sat on a white jade chair in excitement.
Xie Xi heard Magnolia say, “This might be the Hundred Flowers Festival but there are
endless flowers in the world. Those on the list shouldn’t be too proud. You should continue
to work hard to find your place in the flower world.”
Xie Xi also knew this. This practice was passed onto later generations but unfortunately,
there was no longer a gift from the flower god. It was fixed at 100 flowers.
At this time, the roses didn’t seem to have a seat and were considered ‘wildflowers.’
The party started and the flowers showed their talents.
Xie Xi was quite interested because the flowers were simple. Their competition was also
simple and rough. Good was good and bad was bad. The flowers didn’t hesitate.
The flowers that received bad reviews weren’t annoyed and only spoke in an ashamed
manner, “I will work harder next time.”
Xie Xi gave a few words of encouragement and the flowers praised him again, calling him
kind and affectionate. The flower god was the only belief in the flower world.
Xie Xi had been paying attention but he didn’t see any different coloured eyes among the
In the present world, Houqing was the ancestor of zombies. What about this memory? Was
he already a little zombie?
Xie Xi didn’t find any other species among the flowers.
At the end of the Hundred Flowers Festival, Xie Xi didn’t have any unexpected discoveries.
Was Houqing hiding in this Hundred Flowers Festival, secretly watching him but never
showing up?
He was truly a pitiful little thing. How was Xie Xi going to find him? Xie Xi was worried.
The Hundred Flowers Event ended and on the way back, the small jasmine suddenly said,
“The rose family weren’t seen again this year.”
The little daisy replied, “There is no way. If the rose family doesn’t transform then they
can’t enter.”
Xie Xi’s mind moved and he told him, “You go back first. I have something to do.”
The little jasmine hurriedly opened her mouth, “Flower God, where are you going? We will
follow and wait!”
These two little flowers just wanted to play. Xie Xi thought about it and it didn’t matter.
“Come on, let’s go to Rose Mountain.”
The two flowers glanced at each other. “Your Excellency is so kind.”
Xie Xi, “???” He just wanted to find Houqing. What were these two flowers thinking?
The little jasmine said, “The roses will definitely be grateful to you.”
The little daisy smiled. “Yes, when Lord Flower God came to our Daisy Mountain, I opened
my wisdom and became an adult.”
The little jasmine yelled at him, “You told me you transformed with your own strength!”
The little daisy gave it away but refused to back down. “O-Of course is it with my own
strength. To be seen by Lord Flower God is based on my strength!”
Xie Xi didn’t interject and let them continue. In any case, it didn’t hinder him. In the present
time, Rose Mountain was very different. The painting on the god’s wisdom was really the
scenery of Rose Mountain.
There was a large sea of roses but none of them had transformed to a human form. Xie Xi
approached the sea of roses, thinking about how to find Houqing…
Then the little jasmine blinked repeatedly. “Is that a child?”
The little daisy wondered, “Has someone in the rose family finally transformed?”
Xie Xi looked over and saw a small child standing on a small vine. At this time, the small
child looked over, the different coloured eyes shining as beautifully as two clear gems.
Xie Xi was stunned. He never thought he would see such a small Houqing!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 149
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 29

Little Houqing saw him and unexpectedly turned to run. His short legs moved quite quickly
and he soon hid in the sea of roses.
The roses here weren’t as kind as the small roses on Earth. They were probably on the edge
of transforming and were very large. They easily hid Houqing’s small body among them.
The little jasmine wasn’t happy. “How is this rose still hiding? He saw Lord Flower God but
didn’t come out to greet him!”
The daisy buried her. “It isn’t as if you’re politer.”
The jasmine pinched her waist. “The first time I saw Lord Flower God, I couldn’t endure the
sound of his voice and knelt down!”
Little girl, you were scared!
Xie Xi couldn’t take care of these two flowers because he had to catch Houqing. Houqing
was still so small that it seemed the memories in this god’s wisdom were long.
Such large roses and such a small child, Xie Xi had to look closely in order to find him. The
bickering daisy and jasmine realized their lord was looking for the small child and
hurriedly ordered, “Roses, scatter!”
Xie Xi wondered if yelling at them was useful? Then the roses spread out like a receding
tide. Oh, he forgot that these flowers weren’t normal. Shouting really worked!
The roses spread out and Little Houqing could no longer hide. He looked around in a dazed
manner, the absence of cover making him nervous.
Xie Xi felt a strange heartache at the sight and spoke softly, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt
Little Houqing looked over, his big eyes full of uneasiness. Xie Xi slowly approached him
like he was approaching a solitary little beast.
“What’s your name?” Xie Xi asked in a friendly manner.
Who knew that the moment Xie Xi asked the question, Little Houqing would run back into
the depths of the roses.
Xie Xi, “…”
Didn’t Jiang Xie say that every piece of hair liked Xie Xi? Was this called liking? Sure
enough, X’s words couldn’t be believed!
Poor Little Houqing ran and hid among the roses. Xie Xi followed and caught up with the
little guy. Soon after, Little Houqing fell into Xie Xi’s arms. His eyes were wide and his white
face was like a piece of tender tofu.
Xie Xi smiled and tried to make his voice gentle and affable. “Why are you running?”
Little Houqing stared at him for a while before finally saying, “Good fragrance.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Little Houqing’s face flushed and he whispered, “You smell good.”
Xie Xi couldn’t smell himself. The flowers were born with a variety of aromas and it was
innate so he couldn’t smell it.
It was a bit strange that a child was saying he had good smell but Xie Xi didn’t want him to
run away. “If I smell good, why hide?”
Little Houqing’s logic was fascinating. “You smell too good and I can’t get close.”
This seemed to poke Little Houqing’s heart and he struggled to run again. Xie Xi held him
tightly and coaxed him. “Okay, I won’t ask. Don’t run around anymore.”
His voice was too gentle and Little Houqing’s strength waned as he allowed Xie Xi to hold
him. Xie Xi stared into his eyes and found that Little Houqing was torn between running
and not wanting to run…
“Eh?” Little Houqing’s face was pinched and he looked up at Xie Xi in a confused manner.
Xie Xi couldn’t help it. Ahhhh, how could he be so cute? Such a lovely little fellow, how did
he grow up to be the old person with a glib tongue?
Time flies and people change, Xie Xi deeply appreciated the meaning of this sentence.
“So soft.” Xie Xi’s eyes curved as he smiled and pinched the soft face.
Little Houqing reacted by lowering his head and thinking about something. Then he raised
his head slightly, as if saying, ‘You can keep pinching me.’
Xie Xi, “!” His blood was half empty!
Such a small person and still so cute. It was really a foul!
Flower god, don’t become dizzy because of a small child!
“How about coming back to the flower world with me? I will take care of you in the future.”
Xie Xi didn’t have to ask about Houqing’s family.
Unexpectedly, Little Houqing lowered his eyes sadly. “I can’t.”
Little Houqing’s lips trembled as he whispered, “Anyone near me will be cursed.”
Xie Xi was stunned. In Atlantis, the sixth prince was excluded by everyone because of his
different coloured eyes. He lived alone in his palace and didn’t experience the love of his
Was it the same for Little Houqing? Was Jiang Xie excluded and ignored because of these
Jiang Xie’s original world should be similar to Xie Xi. In such a society, the different
coloured eyes were indeed bizarre and unknown. In Jiang Xie’s childhood, he had likely
been excluded or even subjected to endless bullying.
Xie Xi’s heart jerked as he thought of this.
“Do you know who I am?” He asked Houqing.
Houqing shook his head.
“I am the flower god,” Xie Xi told him. “A god can’t be cursed.”
He finished speaking and brightness flashed in Little Houqing’s clear eyes. “A god… won’t
be cursed?”
“Of course, not only will I not be cursed, you can stay with me and anyone who is close to
you won’t be cursed anymore.” Xie Xi tricked the little child.
Little Houqing was stunned by the bluff and his big eyes were full of trust. “You aren’t lying
to me?”
Xie Xi’s heart was soft. “No.”
Then LIttle Houqing’s lips curved, revealing a cautious and unskilled smile. It seemed to be
the first time he was smiling and he was cautious, like a newly blooming seedling first
seeing the sun.
Xie Xi hugged him. “Rest assured, I’ll take care of you in the future.”
The memories of the souls would return to Jiang Xie once he took them back. Changing
Houqing’s childhood was also changing Jiang Xie’s past.
Just like in Dream Come True, Jiang Xie changed Xie Xi’s life, letting him finish university,
experience a real him and live a full life with no regrets.
This time Xie Xi would give Jiang Xie a warm past. It was true that this wasn’t Jiang Xie’s
real childhood but as Jiang Xie said, there was no limit between reality and falsehood. They
were real and what they experienced was real.
Xie Xi took Little Houqing back to the flower world. The jasmine and daisy were curious
along the way, twittering like birds instead of flowers.
“Lord Flower God, is he a rose flower?”
“It’s weird. Why is he so small if he can transform?”
“Is there a two coloured rose?”
“I have seen both red and blue but I have never seen one that is red and blue.”
Once they talked about his eyes, Little Houqing visibly shrunk back and his eyelashes
Xie Xi asked, “Doesn’t he look good?” He was asking the jasmine and daisy.
The two flowers immediately replied, “Good-looking! I have never seen such a beautiful
little rose!” They mistook Houqing as a rose.
It seemed he had never been praised before. Little Houqing was somewhat happy and
didn’t know how to deal with it.
Xie Xi explained, “He isn’t a rose flower.”
The jasmine asked curiously, “He isn’t a rose? Then what flower is he?” Their cultivation
was low and they couldn’t see his prototype.
Xie Xi could see it clearly. Houqing wasn’t a monster or a beast. He was…
Xie Xi told them, “He is a human.”
“A human?” The daisy had never heard of it. “What type of flower is a human?”
The jasmine also said, “I’ve never heard of a human.”
The dairy retorted, “Of course you haven’t heard of it. Only knowledgeable people like Lord
Flower God will remember all flower types!”
Xie Xi couldn’t remember! However, a human wasn’t a flower and he patiently explained.
Unfortunately, the two flowers had little knowledge and directly asked Little Houqing,
“Little human, are you a little human?” (They use Xiao = little/small. However, the
combination of characters can also mean person of low social status, nasty person, vile
Little human.. this was a bad word in human society, flowers! Unfortunately, there was no
way to explain this. Xie Xi had to say, “He is called Houqing.”
The jasmine and daisy were confused again. “Isn’t he a human?”
Xie Xi could only follow their brain circuits. “There are many types of humans, just like
flowers have the jasmine and daisies.”
The two of them understood. “It turns out to be like this.” After realizing it, they didn’t
forget to praise Xie Xi. “Lord Flower God truly knows a lot.”
Xie Xi listened to the flowers blowing hot air and his face heated up.
Little Houqing looked up at Xie Xi. “H-Houqing?”
“Yes, can I call you that?”
Little Houqing smiled and nodded hard. “Yes.” Everything this person said was nice and it
was particularly comfortable to hear.
Xie Xi also smiled. “After this, you will be called Houqing.”
Little Houqing nodded like a chick pecking at rice. Xie Xi touched his soft little head and
took him back to the flower world.
Raising a child wasn’t an easy task but Xie Xi wasn’t too worried. After all, there were many
flowers in the flower world. How could he not handle a child?
Who would’ve expected something big to happen after he got a good night’s sleep?!
The matter started from him sleeping. After returning to the flower world, Little Houqing
seemed very tired. He had already fallen asleep in Xie Xi’s arms.
Xie Xi put him on the bed and was also a bit tired so he accompanied Little Houqing to
sleep. By the time he woke up, Little Houqing was gone.
Xie Xi didn’t feel too anxious. He just thought that the little guy had gone out to play. He
slowly got out of bed and was cleaning up a bit when he heard noise outside.
“Why is he becoming less and less energetic?”
“I gave him several bottles of jade dew. Why does he seem to be wilting even more?”
“Burying him in the dirt doesn’t work. Is he sick?’
After hearing the final sentence, Xie Xi hurriedly pushed open the door and saw a thin and
pitiful Little Houqing.
The daisy was anxious. “Would you like to chance soil? I have fertile soil that I have
treasured for 10 years…”
Xie Xi quickly stepped forward and picked up Little Houqing. “What happened?”
The flowers were relieved to see him and the magnolia came forward. “Little Houqing has
no spirit since three days ago. His physical condition is worsening every day.”
Three days ago? Xie Xi was shocked and wondered, “How long have I been sleeping?”
The magnolia replied, “Your sleep was very short this time. You only slept for seven days.”
Xie Xi, “!!” This was short?
He had been sleeping for seven days. No wonder why Houqing had this miserable
A child who didn’t eat for seven days and only drank water was simply starving to death!
He had overestimated the flowers. They took jade dew all year round and sunbathed in the
soil. They didn’t know what humans should eat.
Still, Xie Xi hadn’t expected to sleep for seven days!
He hurriedly said, “He is hungry. Is there rice in the flower world?” Going hungry for so
long, he should drink porridge first!
“Rice?” The flowers glanced at each other. “There are only flowers in the flower world.”
Xie Xi asked again, “Are there any animals here?” Drinking animal milk was also good.
The flowers looked even more blank. “What is an animal?”
Xie Xi was stunned… the flowers of the later generations didn’t eat but there were
countless creatures in the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea. It was impossible for them to not
know what small animals were.
Xie Xi told them. “You take care of him. Don’t give him anything else apart from jade dew. I
will come back soon.” He could only go out to see for himself.
Unexpectedly, Little Houqing grabbed his clothes, small face full of uneasiness.
Xie Xi was so distressed he felt like he was burned by a soldering iron. “I’m sorry, I have
been sleeping too long. I’m going to find you food.”
Little Houqing was hungry but he still refused to let go. He clutched Xie Xi like a drowning
person catching driftwood.
The magnolia spoke up. “Your Excellency, you can’t leave him in this bad state. If you need
to find something then tell us and we’ll find it!”
Xie Xi also didn’t want to go out with such a weak Houqing. He could only rely on the
flowers. He explained carefully but unfortunately, the flowers had never seen rabbits,
sheep or cows.
“Where is the Holy Mountain? Where is the Demon Sea?” The flowers had no idea at all.
Xie Xi thought of a method. “Find me a pen and I’ll draw an example for you.”
The flowers were very good this time and quickly brought him a pen.
Xie Xi had walked through the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea and remembered the route
and terrain. He carefully painted it because he feared his painting skills were too bad and
the flowers wouldn’t understand.
Miraculously, Xie Xi’s pen was brilliant. The image he thought in his mind was actually
drawn out, like a 3D projection.
The flowers were amazed and Xie Xi himself was shocked. He continued to draw what he
thought of in his mind.
The flowers saw the white rabbit, the goats, the cows and fresh milk and even various
grains and utensils…
“Lord Flower God is so powerful!”
Xie Xi also felt that this was too good.
With these ‘photos’, the flwoers left the flower world to find food for Houqing.
Not long after they came back, Xie Xi saw a pot of rice porridge. He was shocked but didn’t
care too much. He just quickly fed it to Houqing.
Little Houqing was really hungry and ate it in a straightforward manner. Xie Xi was afraid
he would eat too much in one go. He supported Houqing’s body and estimated the weight
before quickly saying, “Okay, eat more later.”
Little Houqing’s obedience really distressed people. Xie Xi saw the child stop immediately.
He obviously wanted to eat more but didn’t touch it.
Xie Xi explained, “It isn’t that I don’t want you to eat. I’m afraid that you can’t bear eating so
much. Wait until later to eat again?”
Little Houqing nodded and still clutched Xie Xi’s clothes.
Xie Xi didn’t dare to sleep. He took care of Houqing for three days and only felt relieved
after seeing that Houqing’s body was stable.
He gave the flowers a ‘parenting’ class, afraid that no one would take care of Houqing after
he fell asleep.
The flowers understood a lot and the jasmine felt a bit curious. “I never knew there was
such a big place outside the flower world!”
The daisy added, “Yes, there are many strange animals on the Holy Mountain.”
They spoke about what they saw and Little Houqing listened very seriously, apparently
Xie Xi asked him, “Would you like to go and have a look?”
Little Houqing held his clothes.
Xie Xi smiled at him. “I’ll accompany you.”
Little Houqing glanced at him. “No… trouble?”
“No.” Xie Xi wanted to take him out to get some air, as well as let him see the outside world
and know he wasn’t an outsider.
“Let’s go.” Xie Xi told the flowers. “We’ll go see the Holy Mountain.”
Xie Xi left the flower world and saw the present Holy Mountain, which gave him a strange
feeling. Perhaps it was because the time was too early? Why wasn’t it developed yet?
The jasmine yelled, “Wow, a big white rabbit!”
Little Houqing quickly looked over and Xie Xi also took a look.
Houqing blinked. “White rabbit?”
Xie Xi, “……”
How was this a rabbit? It was clearly a hurt tiger!
The jasmine wanted to catch the white rabbit and Xie Xi didn’t stop her. He just listened to
a fierce roar in a childlike voice.
The jasmine was startled and started intently. “Wow, there is also a small white rabbit.”
Xie Xi saw a little white tiger the size of a cat.
The jasmine wanted to hug the ‘white rabbit.’ The white tiger might be small but he was
fierce. He stood in front of a seriously injured white tiger, small claws sticking out and his
posture vigilant. He also exposed little white teeth.
Fierce was fierce, cute was also cute!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 150

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 30

Was this the white tiger? Xie Xi still remembered the white tiger cub who called him
‘Mummy’ before. Jiang Xie said it was the baby spirit of White Tiger so it was very innocent.
This one…
“Ahhh…” The jasmine was in pain. “The rabbit bites!”
Xie Xi determined that this wasn’t the baby spirit. It was White Tiger as a cub. Xie Xi
glanced at the jasmine’s injury and determined the child’s teeth couldn’t hurt anyone. He
told the jasmine, “Don’t touch him. He isn’t a rabbit.”
The jasmine rubbed the back of her hand in a distraught manner. “However, he is white and
his ears prick up… ah, his ears aren’t long enough!”
Thankfully, the little jasmine finally realized the difference between a white rabbit and
white tiger.
Houqing in Xie Xi’s arms looked at the white tiger curiously, his eyes wide as he whispered,
“That is his mother?”
Xie Xi also saw that Little White Tiger was protecting the big white tiger. Unfortunately, the
big white tiger was seriously injured and on the verge of death.
Xie Xi handed Houqing to the jasmine and slowly walked over. “Your mother is hurt. Can I
help check that she’s okay?”
It was unknown if Little White Tiger understood or not. He kept baring his teeth, ears
pricked high as he issued a warning sound.
If he wasn’t so small, this appearance would be really scary but… he was too small and cute
that people couldn’t be afraid.
Xie Xi didn’t want to stimulate him anymore. He stayed in a safe position, lowered his
posture and carefully explained, “Your mother is bleeding. If she isn’t treated, she will be in
a lot of pain. I won’t hurt her. Let me see her injuries, okay?”
Little White Tiger’s demeanour slightly relaxed but he still refused to step aside.
At this time, the big white tiger let out a groan. Little White Tiger turned anxiously to look
at her. The big tiger’s eyelids moved and she saw Xie Xi. “You are… from the flower family?”
The white tiger could talk. This relieved Xie Xi since they could communicate. He quickly
replied, “Yes, we came from the flower world. Are you injured? Can I take a look?”
The white tiger told him, “I won’t last long. You don’t need to worry about me.” She
coughed intermittently. “Can you take my child away?”
Little White Tiger screamed at the big tiger. He was still fierce but his eyes were full of
The big white tiger told him, “Good boy, you have to live.”
Little White Tiger was anxious. He couldn’t talk and could only scream. His tone was tough,
as if saying, ‘I don’t want to leave. You won’t die!’ He was like a rebellious teenager,
domineering and distressing.
Xie Xi stated, “Maybe I can treat your injury.”
The spirit of the big white tiger was becoming worse. “I have lived my life and was relieved
when picking up this little guy. I was originally worried about his safety but now that I see
you…” Her voice was becoming smaller and smaller and was about to disappear. “Please let
him grow up.”
Originally, the big white tiger wasn’t this cub’s mother. She just picked him up.
Nevertheless, it was clear that their relationship had long become a real mother and son.
Xie Xi wanted to keep talking but the white tiger closed her eyes. She seemed to make a
wish as her body slowly disappeared and finally became a white star, vanishing into the air.
The big white tiger had died.
Little White Tiger stood in the same place, little claws stretched forward as he was unable
to catch the scattered starbursts.
Suddenly, all the strength supporting him vanished. His vertical ears fell and his eyes closed
as he fainted to the ground. Once the defense was gone, Little White Tiger’s soft hair fell
and his stiff body softened. His lowered ears made him look like a plush toy.
Xie Xi was inevitably distressed and he carefully held the passed out Little White Tiger in
his arms.
Houqing saw this and asked, “What happened to him?”
Xie Xi touched the little belly and sighed. “He is hungry.”
These two little ones really could endure. It was unknown how long Little White Tiger had
protected his mother. The white tiger wanted him to leave but he refused. Despite knowing
the big white tiger’s life couldn’t be saved, he refused to give up on her.
All cubs couldn’t bear hunger. Children lived by instinct and hunger was something that
even adults couldn’t suppress if they wanted to survive.
In order to not leave the flower world, Houqing would rather be hungry.
In order to protect his dying mother, Little White Tiger endured for a long time with a
strong perseverance that was beyond imagination.
The souls were different but their natures were generally the same. Their tenacity was
Xie Xi asked the jasmine, “Do you have any goat’s milk on you?” He didn’t know what a
white tiger should eat and decided to give some milk first.
The little jasmine hurriedly replied, “Yes!” Houqing had previously almost starved and the
flowers were now very cautious, always carrying around goat’s milk or even rice porridge.
Xie Xi coaxed Little White Tiger to drink a can of milk and let go of his worries once he saw
the white tiger sleeping sweetly.
Thus, the flower world had one human and a tiger.
The flowers generally looked the same as Little Houqing after the transformation so their
curiosity to Houqing was much lower. White Tiger was different. This little guy was born
too different and the flowers were very interested.
“He’s so hairy.”
“Yes, his hair is as white as snow.”
“Do you think it will feel as cold as snow?”
“Try and touch it!”
The flowers touched one by one. Little White Tiger’s sleep was too heavy and he didn’t
react to them.
Xie Xi thought of the violent temper of the third child and felt funny now that he was being
bullied by flowers.
His eyebrows curved and Little Houqing in his arms looked closer. Now this person didn’t
understand what it meant to be jealous of a white tiger. Little Houqing only had one
thought in his head. As long as this person was happy, everything was good.
Once Little White Tiger woke up, the flower world was full of fun. This little guy wasn’t
Houqing and wasn’t born to understand what quite meant.
The flowers poked him and the tiger sprang up and bit. The flowers could be repaired. Even
if they weren’t able to avoid the movement of this fierce (cute) tiger, their skin was thick
and they weren’t afraid of being bitten.
Little White Tiger biting them was just a tickle. They didn’t get angry and even giggled as
they stole a few tiger hairs.
Xie Xi happily watched from the sidelines. He really wanted to find a video recorder to
record this wonderful moment (black history).
Little Houqing saw the smile and Xie Xi asked him, “Would you like to play?”
Little Houqing immediately shook his head. Xie Xi reassured him, “Don’t be afraid and go.
Little White Tiger’s skin is very thick and there is no need to be afraid of curses.”
Little Houqing looked up at him with worry. Xie Xi asked him, “Don’t you believe me?”
Little Houqing hurriedly replied, “I believe you!”
“Then go and play.”
This was also excellent. Little White Tiger was too noisy and Little Houqing was too quiet.
The two of them neutralized each other.
Once Little White Tiger adapted to life in the flower world, Xie Xi gave instructions to the
flowers and couldn’t help going to sleep.
He had a hunch that he would sleep for a long time but once he woke up and saw the taller
Houqing and bigger White Tigger, he was stunned.
Xie Xi asked, “How long have I been sleeping?”
Little Houqing’s voice was full of thoughts. “350 days.”
Xie Xi, “….” This was almost a year!
He hurriedly pulled Little Houqing over. “I have slept for too long.”
Little Houqing had become more sensible. “Sleep is very important. Your Excellency should
have a good rest.”
“I don’t want to sleep for too long. Once I fall asleep, I will wake up soon. Next time I will
control it.”
Little Houqing wanted to talk again but the left out Little White Tiger snorted. Xie Xi looked
over and reached out. “Little White, come over.”
Little White Tiger turned his head and didn’t move. Xie Xi grabbed the white tiger. The tiger
rubbed his head against Xie Xi’s chest but didn’t look up. He just stayed in Xie Xi’s arms and
even licked him.
Xie Xi felt funny. “How awkward.”
Little White Tiger understood and his eyes stared in a dissatisfied manner. Little Houqing
actually became his translator. “He said he missed you very much.”
Xie Xi and White Tiger, “…”
Little Houqing smiled. “Isn’t it?”
Little White Tiger screamed at Little Houqing. Little Houqing was unmoved and translated,
“He said that he missed you very much and… um… became fatter.”
Little White Tiger blew up, his paws desperately wanting to fight with Little Houqing. Little
Houqing wasn’t afraid at all as he moved closer to Xie Xi. “He isn’t honest.”
Xie Xi laughed as he felt amused at these two living treasures.
The days in the flower world passed leisurely and comfortably. There were the carefree
flowers, the small adult like Houqing and the arrogant White Tiger. Xie Xi sat on the
sidelines and felt comfortable.
He obviously slept for so long yet he was tired after seven or eight days.
This day, the little jasmine ran over and shouted, “Lord Flower God! Little White Tiger left
the flower world!”
Xie Xi was shocked and hurriedly asked, “What about Houqing?”
The daisy also ran over. “Houqing chased after him.”
The two little ones went outside. Xie Xi quickly got up to find them.
The world outside the flower world was becoming bigger and bigger. The Holy Mountain
that Xie Xi first thought was strange had increased in scale and style.
Xie Xi was somehow dizzy for a moment. The magnolia sensed it and suggested, “Your
Excellency, go back and rest if you are tired. We will find them.”
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t steady and he waved his hand. “It doesn’t matter. I will go and see.”
He still had some mana left. He concentrated it and soon found the two little ones.
However, he was startled when he found them and arrived in front of them in almost an
instant. The flowers had no idea what was going on. They blinked and the flower god
He was at the place where the big white tiger died. Little White Tiger looked fierce as he
rushed towards a mass of black fog.
Houqing followed him nervously. “You can’t beat it.”
Little White Tiger didn’t listen. Hatred filled his eyes and he wanted to tear this black fog to
Houqing anxiously told him, “There is no way. You will be eaten by it like your mother…”
These words undoubtedly provoked Little White Tiger. He actually pounced his small body
towards the monster that killed his mother!
Xie Xi moved and saved Little White Tiger. He glanced at the black fog and felt numb when
he saw the dense, serrated teeth.
Little Houqing exclaimed, “Lord Flower God!”
Xie Xi picked up the two cubs and left quickly.
What was that? Xie Xi didn’t know there were such monsters in the Holy Mountain and
Demon Sea in later generations. Was that the thing that hurt the big white tiger? Then Little
White Tiger ran out to get revenge?
This was really something that the third child would do. He was really too reckless. How
big was the monster? Pouncing on it was simply going to death!
Xie Xi returned to the flowers. Once the flowers saw the flower god’s bleeding arm, they
were stunned silly.
They… never knew… the flower god could actually be hurt. Xie Xi ordered, “Return to the
flower world!”
The group returned and the flowers rushed forward to stop Xie Xi’s bleeding. Little White
Tiger stayed on the sidelines, staying up without blinking.
Xie Xi saw him and felt a strange heartache. His scolding words didn’t emerge and he finally
only said, “You want to avenge your mother, this is understandable. However, you have to
consider your own strength. Why do you want to die? Did your mother save you just for
you to die?”
Little White Tiger looked at Xie Xi’s wounded arm and emotions raged in his eyes.
Xie Xi sighed. “Don’t worry. Grow up well and work hard so that you have the power to
protect your precious people.”
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 151

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 31

Xie Xi’s wound recovered very slowly. The magnolia was worried all day long but didn’t
dare say anything. Xie Xi heard their private conversation.
The jasmine told the magnolia, “Sister Magnolia, why is Lord Flower God injured?”
Listening to this tone, it seemed that the flower god had never been hurt.
The daisy was also nervous. “This time he slept a bit long.”
The magnolia shook her head. “Don’t tell about it. Lord Flower God is a god and nothing will
happen.” Based on her tone, it didn’t seem like nothing.
Xie Xi himself didn’t have much feeling. He didn’t know much about the previous flower
god and he was a person. He felt that this flower god’s body was very good. There were no
problems apart from sleeping for a bit long.
Of course, Xie Xi also didn’t care much. He thought about it and knew that the flower god
certainly had a problem. After all, in the future, the flower god had died or… was sleeping.
Thanks to this incident, Little White Tiger became honest. As if he had grown up overnight,
he started to eat meat and ran many laps around the sea of flowers every day. This was
because Xie Xi told him that moderate exercise could strengthen his body. As for how to
calculate the right amount, it was when he felt tired or was sweating. Thus, Little White
Tiger ran from morning to night, from late to early…
Xie Xi hurriedly stopped him. “Aren’t you tired?”
Little White Tiger didn’t gasp much. He blinked his big eyes and didn’t look tired at all.
Xie Xi could only change his mouth. “The most you can run in one day… three hours…”
Normal people were tired after an hour but the tiger obviously wasn’t a normal person. It
was okay for him to run all day and night and the basic exercise amount was six hours.
Little White Tiger made a disappointed sound and Houqing translated for him. “He said he
will be obedient.”
This false translation Little White Tiger was clearly full of reluctance! The tiger stared at
Xie Xi’s eyes curved as he touched the two small heads. “Yes, isn’t it good to leave some
time to accompany me?”
This worked and both of them nodded in a well-behaved manner. Every day, they ran
around and eat before coming to Xie Xi’s side. Xie Xi also taught them things about the
outside of the flower world.
Little Houqing was a curious child and asked, “What type of place is the Holy Mountain and
the Demon Sea?”
Xie Xi felt that words were too lacking and took a pen and paper to draw them. His magic
painting technique was simply fantastic when it came to coaxing the children.
The pen drew the splendid mountains and rivers and the two pairs of small eyes widened.
Little White Tiger couldn’t speak and could only touch with his little meat pads. Little
Houqing acted as a brother and hit his hand. “Be careful not to damage it.”
The Little White Tiger fiercely growled at him. Houqing translated for White Tiger. “He said
he knows he is wrong.”
Xie Xi smiled and ending up drawing a crooked tree because of their actions. In fact, Xie Xi
felt ti was a bit strange. Little Houqing had never been outside and it was reasonable for
him to be amazed by these things. However, Little White Tiger had been living outside for a
long time. Why did he seem so surprised? Unfortunately, White Tiger couldn’t speak or ask.
The days passed quickly. Xie Xi spent half a year in the flower world, drawing pictures for
the two little children. They grew very fast as they ate and slept well. Xie Xi unwittingly
used a thick stack of paper.
This day, the jasmine and daisy ran into the house with a tray in their hands. “Lord Flower
God, we made something good!”
Xie Xi was somewhat sleepy and fought to keep his eyelids open. “Hmm?”
The jasmine and daisy pulled back the silk covering the tray and presented the thing inside.
“We looked for Brother Peony, Brother Plum Blossom and Sister Magnolia to help bind
your paintings into a book!”
Xie Xi’s heart jumped as he glanced over. “Bound into a book?”
The jasmine handed it over. “With a small spell, the paintings were narrowed and put
together. This is much more convenient.”
Xie Xi was mentally prepared but he was still stunned when he saw the god’s wisdom.
The daisy told him, “When you want to look at one, zoom in. If you don’t want to look, you
can put it away. Isn’t it convenien…. Lord Flower God!” He exclaimed before he finished his
Xie Xi stared at the god’s wisdom and became dizzy. He tried to open his eyes but couldn’t
as his body fell down.
As his vision blurred, he heard the screams of the jasmine and daisy. He wanted to comfort
them and say that he was just sleepy but unfortunately, he couldn’t open his mouth.
There was another long sleep before Xie Xi opened his eyes. He felt his dry lips and throat.
“Lord Flower God, you’re awake!”
Xie Xi was somewhat stunned by this voice. It seemed to come from the dairy but it was
mature instead of the juvenile tone. Xie Xi turned and saw that the daisy had grown into a
young person.
“I…” Xie Xi frowned before asking hoarsely. “How long did I sleep?”
The daisy was nervous. “You slept for more than five years.”
Xie Xi, “..” This wasn’t sleeping. It was being vegetative for five years!
Oh, a flower was originally a plant and he became a vegetable. This joke was too cold and
Xie Xi was frozen by himself.
There were footsteps and Xie Xi saw the grown Houqing and White Tiger. The youth and
tiger saw that he was awake and their eyes turned red.
Xie Xi was upset. He said he would take care of them. As a result, he woke up and they had
grown so big.
“You…” He sighed. “I fell asleep again.”
Little Houqing shook his head and went forward. “It doesn’t matter. Getting a good rest is
the most important thing.”
He had grown up and his voice wasn’t as soft. Still, the clear and juvenile was very beautiful.
Xie Xi smiled at him before touching the head of Little White Tiger. “You have also grown
Little White Tiger could actually talk now. “Of course, I run and eat every day!”
Xie Xi was stunned. In the past five years, the tiger learnt how to speak. Xie Xi smiled. “You
are strong and can speak. You don’t need Houqing to translate for you.”
Little White Tiger scoffed at the reference to ‘childhood’ matters. “He couldn’t understand
at all.”
Xie Xi told him, “Why do I think he translated very well?”
Little White Tiger, “…” The grumpy child didn’t refute it. This was enough to see how much
he missed Xie Xi in these five years.
Xie Xi slept but he didn’t forget the pre-sleep things. He glanced at the daisy and requested,
“Give me the god… give me the picture book.”
The daisy didn’t know why Xie Xi wanted to see the picture book as soon as he woke up but
this was an order and the dairy hurried to get it. Xie Xi reached out and felt the old
paintings book.
The daisy mentioned, “Houqing and White Tiger flip through it every day so…”
Xie Xi nodded. “It’s fine, it was originally painted for them.”
Xie Xi opened the book and stared at the vivid paintings inside. Then he asked White Tiger,
“Do you remember when you were a child?”
Little White Tiger nodded. “I remember.”
“What did your home look like before?”
Little White Tiger paused before speaking in a tense voice. “It was dark and there were
those types of monsters everywhere… if I didn’t have Mother, I would’ve been eaten by
Xie Xi clearly remembered the place where he met the two tigers was a forest with lush
foliage and a good environment.
Little White Tiger continued, “Then one day, the sky became light, many things appeared
out of thin air and these monsters slowly disappeared.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Appeared out of thin air?”
In fact, he had an answer in his mind but he still listened to the tiger. “They are the things
that you drew.”
Sure enough… Xie Xi stroked the book and had a general outline of matters. Outside the
flower world was chaos. There was no Holy Mountain and Demon Sea. Xie Xi drew the
outside world with his sketches.
Was this the meaning of Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas? The Holy
Mountain and Demon Sea were drawn by the flower god?
This was very contradictory, like whether a chicken came before an egg or an egg came
before a chicken. In the end, was the flower god a little rose from the future or was the little
rose from the future the present flower god?
This was an unsolved ring. Jiang Xie had told him, ‘Don’t be bound by time. There is no limit
between the past and the present.’
Xie Xi understood and also didn’t understand. The human way of thinking limited his
understanding of time. Even if he used himself as a reference, he couldn’t understand this
non-linear time.
Still, now wasn’t the time to think about it. He had more important things. Xie Xi asked the
two little ones. “Would you like to go out with me to take a look?”
Their eyes brightened and they nodded in unison.
Xie Xi smiled. “Let’s go and see what is outside.”
He had painted many scenes of the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea but it was impossible to
cover all the details.
Perhaps there was no need for him to draw all the details. He just had to build the frame
and the flesh would grow on its own.
Just like humans, wasn’t the most sophisticated ‘machine’ in the world grown from a
fertilized egg?
Even if he only drew one-tenth of a millionth of the world, the world would perfect itself to
100%, just like a quasi-world designed by a designer.
Xie Xi brought Houqing and White Tiger as well as a lot of flowers.
The flowers were also curious about the outside world. Xie Xi told them, “Those who want
to come out can follow.”
The magnolia warned him, “Lord Flower God, you are being too indulgent with them. They
will become lawless!”
Xie Xi smiled and didn’t say anything.
This time, Xie Xi paid special attention to the outside world. In fact, it didn’t require
verification but he couldn’t help wanting to see it.
They were walking through a forest when Houqing’s eyes widened. “This tree…”
Xie Xi glanced over and his eyes flashed. The white tiger jumped up with surprise. “It is the
tree you painted.”
That’s right, this was Xie Xi’s tree that became crooked due to his hands shaking. This tree
proved that all of this was painted by Xie Xi.
Xie Xi told the White Tiger, “There are many trees like this. It is just an accident.”
It was better not to let them know about this incredible thing. The flowers didn’t know
anything and looked confused. The two children had doubts but didn’t ask again.
Xie Xi took this trip not just to see the outside world. It was also to…
The jasmine cried out, “What is this worm always following us?”
Xie Xi didn’t take it seriously. The worm couldn’t attack the flowers since the Little White
Tiger would kill it.
“Jasmine, you’re blind. This isn’t a green worm, it’s a snake!”
Xie Xi heard this and didn’t think much. The souls absolutely weren’t a snake…
“Does a snake have claws? There are also two small bags on top of its head.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
He quickly turned back and saw the tragic creature being picked up. This worm or snake
was Sage Azure Dragon!
Little Azure Dragon looked pitiful, his indigo eyes blinking in an innocent and confused
Xie Xi hurriedly picked him up. “He is a dragon, an azure dragon.”
The jasmine was dazed. “What is an azure dragon?”
Xie Xi stared at the little guy in front of him and found it difficult to explain how he might
become domineering in the future.
White Tiger also asked, “Can we eat it?”
Xie Xi, “……”
After hitting him, Xie Xi exclaimed, “He is your brother!”
In Atlantis, White Tiger was the third prince and Azure Dragon was the fourth prince. They
were indeed brothers.
White Tiger scoffed. “My brother should also be a white tiger.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “He will be your younger brother in the future. Don’t bully your
brother when he is small.”
Houqing was different and replied quickly. “I will take care of my brothers.”
White Tiger blew up again. “Who is your brother?”
Houqing ignored him and turned towards Xie Xi. “Lord Flower God, White Tiger isn’t my
Xie Xi, “…” Little Houqing, this angel was a bit black-bellied.
Poor Little Azure Dragon couldn’t talk and could only wrap himself around Xie Xi’s wrist.
Xie Xi felt itchy and intimate as he touched the small bags on his head. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll
take care of you in the future.”
Okay, who made him boast that he would give Jiang Xie a brand new childhood?
Both of them were his child versions and he couldn’t say that Jiang Xie’s childhood was a bit
too much.
Xie Xi was a man who did as he promised.
He couldn’t feel reluctant to see Little Azure Dragon. The souls were treated equally and
none of them would lack anything.
As for Nine Tails who said he had never seen the flower god… how did he become
Houqing’s brother?
It was estimated that something had happened midway. In any case, he didn’t believe that
he couldn’t find Little Nine Tails.
They soon met.
The jasmine always had a strange perspective. “Wow, who is so wasteful to lose 10 scarfs?”
Xie Xi, “…” Wait, why was it 10?
Xie Xi looked over and found that the silver fox was too small while his tails were too big.
His body also looked like a scarf!
The jasmine was happy. “Lord Flower God, can I take a scarf back?”
He was afraid that the jasmine really would pull off a fox tail and picked up the little fox.
“He isn’t a scarf. He is a fox, a nine tailed fox.”
Little Nine Tails was sleeping and didn’t feel much from being picked up. He just turned
over and continued to sleep.
Perhaps there were too many tails that consumed a lot of energy. His body couldn’t bear it
and he had to sleep more, just like Xie Xi slept for five years.
The harvest on this trip was very fruitful but White Tiger wasn’t happy. “This scarf won’t be
my brother, right?”
Houqing told him, “You are the same colour. Isn’t this your brother?”
This logic was really hard. Little White Tiger froze for a long time but unexpectedly couldn’t
refute it.
Xie Xi was still looking for the last little one. This time, it wasn’t discovered by the jasmine.
The little sleeping fox suddenly opened his eyes and rushed out like lightning.
He was so fast that Xie Xi couldn’t catch him. A moment later, Nine Tails strolled back with
a chick in his mouth…
“Chirp… let me go… you stinking fox… I’m telling you, I’m not a chicken, chirp…”
What was this? Vermilion Bird was treated as a chicken?
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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 152

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 32

Nine Tails didn’t care. He decided this was a red-feathered chicken and wondered where to
start eating it. How could Xie Xi let Nine Tails eat himself?
He hit the neck of Little Nine Tails, forcing the fox to loosen his mouth and the ‘meat’ in the
mouth fell to the ground. Xie Xi hurriedly reached out to hug Little Vermilion Bird. “Okay,
it’s fine.’
Little Vermilion Bird was in shock. He chirped while flapping his wings. From this
perspective, Nine Tails was right and this really was a chicken!
Unexpected, he had just saved Vermillion Bird when the silver fox glanced over. He finally
couldn’t stand his chicken being robbed and cried out miserably.
That’s right… the vampire Aix-en, Minister of Finance, second prince and Demon Ancestor
Nine Tails cried as the chicken in his mouth flew away.
This wasn’t just shedding tears of grievances. He let go of everything and let out a
heartbroken cry. Xie Xi suspected that this guy wouldn’t cry so miserably even at Xie Xi’s
He hurriedly hugged the little fox and coaxed him, “This isn’t a chicken. You see, he doesn’t
have a chicken crown.”
The little fox stopped crying and glanced at Vermilion Bird before complaining, “He is a
chick. A chick doesn’t have a crown!”
This was very logical. Little Nine Tails was really a reasonable little fox!
Xie Xi was silent. He stared at Vermilion Bird for a long time and really couldn’t see the
difference between him and a chicken. Eventually, he could only… “Okay, as long as you
don’t eat this chicken, I’ll give you three big chickens later!”
This was obviously much more powerful than clarifying Vermilion Bird’s identity. The little
fox raised his beautiful silver eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”
This had been heard countless times but it was never as funny as it was now. Xie Xi replied,
“I absolutely won’t lie to you.”
The little fox was coaxed while Little Vermilion Bird shrank back. “I’m really not a chicken…
Based on the common nature of the souls, Xie Xi was afraid this chicken would cry too and
had to hurriedly tell him, “I know you’re not. You are a vermillion bird…”
Before he could finish, the little fox’s eyes brightened. “Vermillion bird? I love sparrows the
Vermilion Bird and sparrow wasn’t the same thing, Ancestor Nine Tails!
Xie Xi told him, “Vermilion Bird is a holy beast, not ordinary poultry!”
White Tiger heard the word ‘beast’ and became greedy. “Is a holy beast delicious?”
Large predators disdained to eat poultry but a holy beast sounded good.
Xie Xi, “…”
Fortunately, there was a ‘big brother’ in the pile. Houqing earnestly told him, “Of course,
you can’t eat him!”
Xie Xi was very pleased and wanted to praise this child when he heard Houqing say, “He is
only the size of the palm of a hand and will be bald once the feathers are taken off. What is
left? It isn’t worth wasting firewood.”
Xie Xi, “……” He would retract the praise. This big brother wasn’t reliable! Vermilion Bird
was small but knew a lot. After hearing this, he was scared and shrank into Xie Xi’s arms.
Xie Xi was afraid that this bird would fall into the tiger’s (fox) mouth and hurriedly
announced, “He is your brother. You can’t eat your brother!”
White Tiger made a disdainful noise. “He is too small and my mouth will be full of hair
when eating him!”
The little fox blinked. “What is a brother?”
Little Houqing started his teaching again.
Xie Xi finished collecting everyone and felt very comfortable, but his mouth twitched crazily
as he listened to their conversation.
Who would think that this serious as an adult, violent, arrogant and hyperactive tiger,
unmoving bracelet, crybaby who wants to eat chicken and a small hairball… were all Jiang
No, Xie Xi’s blood gauge was empty. He was stunned by his lover’s colourful childhood.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry to return to the flower world and strolled through the Holy
Mountain and Demon Sea for a while.
By the time they returned to the flower world, the children had become familiar with each
other and even Little Azure Dragon, who couldn’t talk, eavesdropped using his small head.
He was lying around Xie Xi’s wrist and Xie Xi poked him. “Don’t you want to play with
The little head shook and rubbed against the palm of Xie Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi was ticklish and laughed. “When will you grow up?” By all accounts, the souls should
be the same age. Perhaps it was because Azure Dragon had been living alone that he wasn’t
good at words.
Nine Tails and Vermilion Bird had become enemies.
Little Vermilion Bird was the most talkative. He sometimes chirped and was rarely bad to
the flowers. They circled him and taught him how to crow…
Xie Xi hurriedly took back the chick… ah, Little Vermilion Bird, lest such a rare holy beast
became a domestic chicken.
Little Nine Tails stared at Vermilion Bird, the thoughts in his silver eyes extremely clear.
‘This chicken, once I grab you, I will eat you in one gulp!’
Xie Xi thought about it and found White Tiger who had the highest combat force, telling him
to always pay attention to Vermilion Bird’s safety.
The white tiger screamed, “I’m not free!” However, his body was very honest and he took
care of his younger brothers.
Xie Xi stilled painted for them daily. He vaguely felt that the problem with his body might
be related to these paintings but he couldn’t stop.
The Holy Mountain and Demon Sea must exist. The more realistic it was, the better. After
all, these five children had to live there many years later.
Xie Xi couldn’t let them see any flaws.
The world under his pen was the real world, so that no confusion and absurdity would be
created in the living. Whenever he painted, the five little ones were always quiet. They
watched seriously and didn’t dare ask questions.
Xie Xi had a good memory and drew everything he could imagine. There was Earth and also
the worlds he had experienced.
He found it strange and interesting. No wonder why players grew step by step from a
collector, recorder or explorer to a designer. Without these experiences of countless
worlds, how could a person design a unique world?
Thinking and insight were indispensable. Perhaps a designer’s job was far less boring than
he imagined and it certainly wasn’t as powerful and exaggerated as he thought.
A designer wasn’t god. Jiang Xie said it was more like the hand of god.
Xie Xi understood a bit. If a god was above everything, then the designer was still in the
mountains. This was the biggest difference.
Designers designed worlds because they couldn’t create anything that didn’t exist. They
brought together countless experiences to form a new world. It was natural, not deliberate
and at the same time, uncontrollable.
Xie Xi was drawing when he heard Little Vermilion Bird’s voice. “What is this?”
“Hmm?” Xie Xi stopped his pen and glanced over.
Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird and Nine Tails hadn’t seen the previous paintings so before
he finished, they went to see the others.
White Tiger wasn’t happy. “How can you not understand? Aren’t you looking at a new
He had a fierce nature and everyone knew this.
Xie Xi quickly finished painting before glancing at Little Vermilion Bird. “What’s the
Little Vermilion Bird was holding the picture book and he pointed to the word on the cover.
“I don’t know this.”
Xie Xi examined it and his pupils shrank. This was a line on the originally empty space of
the cover.
God’s Wisdom — Xie Xi.
Xie Xi thoughtfully rubbed these words.
Little Houqing mentioned, “They weren’t there before.”
White Tiger stared at the three children. “This is a very precious thing. How can you
scribble on it?”
Little Nine Tails protested. “We didn’t do it. It appeared on its own!”
White Tiger refuted, “It wasn’t there before. Why did it appear in your hands if you didn’t
do it?”
In the past, Houqing would try to stop White Tiger’s arrogance. This time, he didn’t open
his mouth. It was because this book was too important for them. It was their spiritual
sustenance during Xie Xi’s five years of sleep.
They might know that the flower god was sleeping but in the eyes of ordinary people,
sleeping for so long was really worrying.
This magical picture book seemed to tell Houqing and White Tiger that the flower god
wasn’t a mortal. A god was different and there was nothing abnormal about sleeping for a
long time.
Xie Xi spoke softly, “God’s wisdom, Xie Xi.”
The five little ones stared at him, understanding yet not understanding. Little Vermilion
Bird asked, “What is god’s wisdom? What is Xie Xi?”
Xie Xi explained, “The book is the god’s wisdom. Xie Xi is my name.”
This was interesting and their attention was grabbed. “The name of Lord Flower God?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes, my name.”
Azure Dragon cocked his head. He couldn’t speak so he could only wait for others to ask the
questions. Fortunately, Little Nine Tails had similar thoughts and wondered, “What is a
Houqing also asked, “Lord Flower God’s name isn’t Flower God?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “This isn’t a name. It is a title.”
White Tiger opened his mouth. “What is the difference between a title and a name?”
Xie Xi replied, “A title doesn’t belong to me alone while the name does belong to me alone.
Even if there is the same name, in the eyes of acquaintances, this name is unique to that
person. It is the most special self-existence.”
Xie Xi never understood why people in this quasi-world had no real names.
Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, Houqing and Nine Tails, these titles weren’t
unique. They were inherited and passed down.
Purple Nine, Red Two, White 99 on Rose Mountain… this concept was the same. It was
rough and simple.
It was true that a name wasn’t purely unique but for one person, it was their true self. Xie Xi
was Xie Xi, an existence that had been recognized since birth.
Little Vermilion Bird’s heart was tickled. “Lord Flower God, can you give me a name?”
Xie Xi was startled. The other four also glanced at him. They were obvious or hid it but they
were all looking forward to a name.
Xie Xi smiled. “Okay.”
He just agreed when he felt dizzy.
This was a situation that occurred when he wanted to sleep because he was too tired. What
happened? He had only woken up for a few months this time. Why was he sleeping again?
Was it because he painted too many images?
Xie Xi wanted to give them names but the words on his lips couldn’t be spoken. It was as if
there was a force stopping his tongue from moving.
Then a blank voice filled his mind.
Azure Dragon, lifespan of 500 years, died from thunder tribulation.
Vermilion Bird, lifespan of 300 years, died from a fire tribulation.
White Tiger, lifespan of 90 years, died in battle.
Nine Tails, lifespan of 300 years, died from his divinity being extinguished.
Houqing, lifespan of 80 years, died from aging.
Xie Xi was shocked. How could this be? They should live for a long time with heaven and
The blank voice was heard again. “Give them names, acknowledge their existence and God
will disappear.”
Xie Xi found that this voice belonged to him. It was just calmer and knowledgable.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 153

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 33

Give these five children names and acknowledge their existence, while at the same time, the
flower god would disappear?
Did the flower god in the future disappear because he gave them names?
Xie Xi had no reason to hesitate. He must give them names or they wouldn’t survive the
hundreds of years to meet him again.
Moreover, he had to acknowledge their existence.
They weren’t Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, Nine Tails or Houqing. They
were… Jiang Xie.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t say anything at this moment. There was a burst of dizziness
and he fell into darkness.
There seemed to be someone talking in his ear as he experienced a long dream. The voice of
a young child, a bird chirping, noisy bickering…
Later, these sounds slowly faded away. The tender and young voices became pleasing to
the ear while the bird chirping became a charming teenage voice…
How long did he sleep? Xie Xi didn’t feel relaxed when he woke up. He felt like he awakened
from a deep nightmare and didn’t know what day it was.
The full adult daisy cried out in a choked manner, “Lord Flower God, you woke up!”
Xie Xi turned to see a slender and graceful green daisy. He opened his mouth and spoke in a
light voice, “You are an adult. How can you cry?”
The dairy wiped his tears and cheered up. “Your Excellency, please wait while I tell
everyone. They will definitely be happy.”
Needless to say, the jasmine, magnolia and other flowers entered and had red eyes when
they saw Xie Xi. The jasmine was speechless from crying.
Xie Xi told them, “I was just sleeping. How can you all cry?”
The jasmine sobbed out, “You slept… for 15 years.”
He guessed that he had slept a long time but he was still startled when he heard this
15 years…
They had all grown up. He promised to give Jiang Xie a brand new childhood but he slept
like this. It was too shameful.
The magnolia was the calmest and she reprimanded the jasmine. “Why are you crying? You
should be pleased that Lord Flower God woke up!” Even so, there were tears in her eyes.
Xie Xi looked around and didn’t see the five little ones.
The magnolia hurriedly explained, “Houqing and the others are in the Holy Mountain and
Demon Sea. I have sent people to inform them.”
Xie Xi got out of bed. “Okay.” He didn’t know how long he would be awake so it was better
to see them as soon as possible.
The first to come back was Houqing. 15 years ago, Houqing had looked around 8 or 9 years
old. Now that 15 years had passed, he had gone through the youthful period and had grown
into a handsome and extraordinary man.
Light was shadowing Houqing so his face couldn’t be seen clearly, but his clenched fists and
trembling shoulders exposed his emotions.
Xie Xi’s heart was pained. He slept while they waited 15 years.
“You’re so big.” Xie Xi opened his mouth, voice filled with nostalgia.
Houqing adjusted his mood while coming over. The tension and uneasiness were buried in
his heart. Xie Xi would be deceived by this calm appearance if he hadn’t known Houqing too
“You are still like a child.” Xie Xi touched him on the forehead. “Show it if you are excited.”
Houqing held his hand, countless emotions filled his eyes as he expressed only a bit of his
shock. “You are awake.”
Xie Xi sighed. “I’m sorry, I…”
There was a bang and the door directly turned into wood chips.
Xie Xi blinked and saw the man standing in the dust. He was generally the same height as
Houqing but his facial features were more refined. However, the delicate appearance was
suppressed by his fierceness.
Um.. the grumpy tiger had grown into a mad young man.
Xie Xi helplessly wondered, “Did my door provoke you? Why did you smash it?”
White Tiger appeared beside Xie Xi’s bed in the next moment. His brow was wrinkled but
his tone was pitiful. “How long do you want to sleep? Will you sleep until I get married and
have children?”
Xie Xi found this funny. “What? You already want to get married and have children?”
White Tiger suddenly looked up. His gaze was very fierce but his words became, “Don’t
sleep in the future!”
Houqing glared at him. “What nonsense are you saying?”
White Tiger muttered, “The more he sleeps…”
Houqing’s eyes sharpened and White Tiger unexpectedly shut up. If it wasn’t for his ears’
absence, Xie Xi suspected that he would see two drooping tiger ears.
Xie Xi smiled. “Have you taken care of your brothers?”
Old Six was a responsible big brother and with Old Three there, Xie Xi could feel at ease.
Houqing kept holding his hand and explained warmly, “They are all very good. 10 years
ago, Azure Dragon transformed. After two years, Nine Tails and Vermilion Bird also
gradually transformed.”
Xie Xi had long guessed it but he still felt some regret. The children had grown up but he
couldn’t see it!
White Tiger opened his mouth. “I don’t know where they have run off to. I will go and bring
them back.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “There is no hurry, wait for them…” He hadn’t finished when he felt a
gushing feeling and he couldn’t stop his cough.
By the time he stopped coughing, the handkerchief was bright red. Houqing and White
Tiger’s faces were frozen, as nervous as if they were facing the end of the world.
Xie Xi put away the handkerchief. “Don’t tell anyone.”
White Tiger couldn’t resist. “What is wrong with your body?”
“I’m old and a bit sick.”
White Tiger frowned. “You are a god. How can you be troubled by old age and illness?”
Xie Xi gazed at him with gentle eyes. “I am Xie Xi.”
White Tiger was stunned.
The clearly panicked Houqing had no colour in his lips but he stayed strong and calm. “If
you are tired, sleep for a while.” This was very pitiful. Houqing preferred to watch Xie Xi fall
asleep rather than be in greater danger.
Even if this sleep lasted decades, he didn’t mind as long as Xie Xi was still there.
Xie Xi shook his head. “I’m not sleepy and there is still work to do.”
Houqing protested, “How can it compare to your body?”
Xie Xi smiled and asked, “What’s wrong with my body?”
Houqing was silent.
Xie Xi told White Tiger, “Go and bring the god’s wisdom.”
“Okay.” He went and came back like the wind, bringing the god’s wisdom with him.
It was different from before. Since Xie Xi’s name appeared on the cover, it seemed to be
detached from time. It didn’t become old no matter how much it was read.
Perhaps it was just a paintings book before and became the god’s wisdom when it was
given a name.
Xie Xi’s lips curved and he told the white tiger, “Change back to your body.”
White Tiger was surprised. “Huh?”
“I want to see what you look like grown up,” Xie Xi urged.
The fierce white tiger was like a kitten towards Xie Xi. “We have to go outside.”
“Okay, go to a spacious place.”
They went to the garden.
In the large flower sea, Xie Xi leaned lazily on a bamboo chair, his thin body looking like it
would turn into petals and fly away with the wind.
Houqing couldn’t help putting a blanket on his legs. Xie Xi glanced at him. “I’m fine.”
Houqing didn’t speak and gave him a pillow for his waist. Xie Xi smiled and didn’t say
anything more.
White Tiger changed back. Xie Xi was psychologically prepared but his eyes still
brightened. “Beautiful!”
The pure white tiger had extremely beautiful body lines. The unfolded white wings added
elegance and dominance, making people marvel at the magic of the creator.
White Tiger whispered, “It’s handsome.”
Xie Xi changed his words. “Yes, very handsome.”
White Tiger raised his tail.
Xie Xi muffled a laugh. “Stay still and don’t move.”
White Tiger asked, “What are you doing?”
Xie Xi took out a pen and paper and drew him.
Once he finished, White Tiger came over and became a slender young man. He looked over
and asked, “My portrait?”
“It’s mine.”
This was a bit strange to hear but it caused White Tiger to raise his head like his tail. The
painting was of a white tiger but the portrait belonged to Xie Xi.
White Tiger’s mood was particularly good. “How did you think of drawing me?”
Xie Xi stared at the portrait and smiled. “Because you are very handsome.”
White Tiger stared at him with hot ears.
Houqing interrupted, “Go back to the house. It is cold outside.”
Xie Xi glanced at them and asked, “Do you want your own name that belongs to you?”
Both of them were stunned. Xie Xi wrote the word ‘White’ on the portrait of the white tiger.
The second word hadn’t been written when Houqing suddenly grabbed his hand. “Don’t do

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 154

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 34

“Don’t do it?” Xie Xi glanced at him and joked, “The name White is too hard to hear.”
Xie Xi was joking but Houqing and White Tiger didn’t smile at all. Houqing told him, “We
don’t need names so it’s fine.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Didn’t you want them before?”
“At that time, we were small and not sensible.”
Xie Xi stared at the portrait of White Tiger and whispered, “What do you know?”
Houqing didn’t speak. White Tiger’s tone wasn’t very good. “The name doesn’t matter.
Don’t draw anymore in the future.” Then he bent and picked up Xie Xi.
“Eh?” Xie Xi was startled and stared at this silly tiger. “Why? In addition, put me down.”
White Tiger told him, “Go back to the house. It is cold.”
“I can go by myself.”
White Tiger retorted, “Why? You are as light as a petal.”
Xie Xi felt that his dignity as a father had disappeared. He had been sleeping for 15 years
and became lighter!
They returned to the house and Xie Xi questioned them, “What are you so nervous about?
I’m just getting older…”
The two people glanced at each other and Houqing’s eyes were serious while White Tiger
looked fierce. Then they spoke in unison, “Don’t say that! You’re not old at all!”
Xie Xi, “…” He really felt like he took one step into the tomb.
“What are you panicking about? I have lived longer than both of you.”
In fact, Xie Xi’s words were just a bluff. No one knew how long the flower god had lived. The
only thing certain was that they couldn’t imagine it. Their short life was like the blink of an
eye in front of the flower god. Xie Xi said he lived longer than them and they believed it.
Houqing’s demeanour became much more soothing, “…I just hope that you can sleep less.”
White Tiger added, “You slept for 15 years. The next time you sleep, I will be dead when
you wake up…”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Nonsense!”
He said he was old and they didn’t listen. They tried to persuade him and he couldn’t hear
White Tiger muttered, “Then you will…” His voice was very low and awkward. It was
amazing since it didn’t fit his personality. “Spend more time with us.”
Xie Xi’s heart instantly softened into water. He looked at the painting in his hand before
rubbing White Tiger’s head and whispering, “Okay.”
The sky was getting dark when Azure Dragon came back. He was still young when they first
met and now that he saw Xie Xi, his indigo eyes were filled with amazement.
Xie Xi was aware of it and felt moved. Yes, at the time, Azure Dragon had been too small and
his angle of view was limited. It was estimated that he didn’t see Xie Xi’s appearance.
However, shouldn’t Azure Dragon have visited when Xie Xi was sleeping? Perhaps he
looked different awake compared to when he was sleeping?
Xie Xi didn’t quite understand.
Azure Dragon’s emotions were hidden very quickly. He bent down and bowed. “Lord
Flower God.” It was a clear tone with a youthful air.
Xie Xi’s eyes curved and he smiled. “Come over and let me see you.”
This was the first time seeing Azure Dragon’s human form and wanting to see it was
Azure Dragon approached and stared into his eyes. Well… 189 centimetres was already
really tall!
Xie Xi’s heart itched. “Can you change back to your body to let me see?”
Houqing and Azure Dragon immediately cried out, “Don’t draw.”
Xie Xi smiled. “These brothers are too unseemly. You just allowed me to draw you but you
won’t allow me to draw your brother?”
Azure Dragon frowned. “You just woke up and need to rest. Drawing is laborious.”
Xie Xi wasn’t happy. “You have grown up and your wings are hard. You aren’t even willing
to show me your body.”
He slightly lowered his voice and one tiger and dragon became nervous. Azure Dragon
replied, “You can see whatever you want, just…”
Xie Xi interrupted. “Don’t draw?”
The three men nodded. Xie Xi knew it wasn’t easy to fool them and ended up saying, “What
are you afraid of? You have existed for a long time so how can I draw another one of you
into existence?”
The words stunned all three people. In particular, Houqing’s thin lips trembled. “Sure
enough, you drew the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea.”
Xie Xi, “…”
It was too difficult to explain, whether it was true or not. White Tiger and Azure Dragon’s
demeanours were very solemn as Azure Dragon asked, “Did you sleep for so long because
of the creation of the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea?”
Xie Xi answered, “Sort of.”
The trio were unanimous. “Why create them?”
How to explain it…
If there were no Holy Mountain and Demon Sea, where would the sages and demon
ancestors in the future come from?
Without them, where did this world come from? Where did the roses come from and where
did the flower god come from?
“Is it for us?” The three people already had the answer. The outside world was chaotic and
there were evil things, but those in the flower world didn’t have to worry about that. The
flower god and flowers could stay in the flower world without worrying about the things
happening outside.
Then the flower god painted the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea, painting a different world
and creating a new world for them.
During these 15 years, they travelled all over the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea, looking at
the grass and trees, the mountain and the water. They thought that everything came from
the flower god’s pen and only had admiration and awe in their hearts.
Xie Xi asked a seemingly unrelated topic. “Do you believe in fate?”
None of the three could answer. Xie Xi told them, “Don’t believe in it. You just have to
believe in yourself.”
This was to leave a path for them in the countless years in the future. Xie Xi still painted
Azure Dragon’s body and then caught the nine tailed fox.
He already had the illustration of Nine Tails but it didn’t matter. He still drew it to the same
standards. Houqing’s painting was already done so he was always a human. Xie Xi didn’t
need to look to draw Houqing.
As he drew, the four people were worried that he would fall asleep again. Fortunately, Xie
Xi’s state was very good and showed no signs of exhaustion.
He also loved these drawings. He couldn’t help staring at them and the people gradually let
go of their worries.
Xie Xi knew that he wouldn’t ‘disappear’ as long as he didn’t’ write their names.
The bird was the last one.
Vermilion Bird was the youngest and the time he had transformed into a human was also
the shorted. His impression of Xie Xi was slightly shallow and he flew further away. After
receiving the news, he flew for three days before returning.
It was supposed to be this day and Xie Xi was very excited, so he decided to have a party.
Nine Tails and Houqing went to prepare food, Azure Dragon and White Tiger went to get
some fresh things and the bored Xie Xi sunbathed in the garden.
He flipped the album in his hand with a faint smile.
Then there was a fascinating bird song and a red light crossed the sky before a teenager in
gorgeous feathered clothes fell in the sea of flowers.
Xie Xi looked up and thought this little bird had really returned. The teenage Vermilion Bird
didn’t chirp like he did as a child. He was beautiful and graceful.
His facial features were most like Jiang Xie and when Xie Xi thought about Jiang Xie having
such a young appearance, he couldn’t help smiling.
He was about to greet the other person when the bird came over himself, eyes full of
surprise. “Who are you?”
Xie Xi, “……”
“You look beautiful.” Vermilion Bird bent down and stared at Xie Xi. After watching for a
while, he seriously suggested, “How about marrying me?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 155

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 35

Marry him? How about killing him, this unfilial son!

Xie Xi stared at him. “Don’t you know me?”
Vermilion Bird was still young when Xie Xi fell asleep but Xie Xi didn’t believe that his
‘brothers’ wouldn’t take the small bird to see him. Vermillion Bird saw the sleeping flower
god so why didn’t he recognize Xie Xi?
It was really Vermilion Bird’s mistake but it wasn’t because Vermilion Bird was blind. It
was that Xie Xi with closed eyes was very different from Xie Xi with open eyes.
It was said that the eyes were the windows to the sou. In this mysterious world, the
meaning became even more realistic.
In the strange body, there was only one pair of eyes that really touched the heart.
The appearance and body were beautiful but there wasn’t much difference in the bird’s
eyes. It was the eyes that connected all species, allowing them to look into the heart.
It was like the current Vermilion Bird as well as Azure Dragon and Nine Tails. They all had
a very shallow impression of the flower god, only remembering that he was very gentle and
sounded good. As they grew up, they only saw the beautiful shell sleeping and didn’t miss
him like White Tiger and Houqing.
Then once Xie Xi woke up, their eyes met and the love that touched the soul flowed through
their body like hot magma. This was the so-called love at first sight.
“Do we know each other?” The teenage Vermilion Bird laughed. “No wonder why I think
you’re familiar.”
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched as he asked, “Do you really not remember me?”
“I remember.” Someone’s poor mouth was ingrained deep into his bones. “My lover of a
past life should be recorded on my heart.”
Xie Xi, “……”
The teenage Vermilion Bird watched him closely and couldn’t help rejoicing. “I think you
aren’t the lover of my past life…”
Xie Xi heard a familiar routine. Sure enough, the teenager smiled and revealed little tiger
teeth. “You should be the lover of my dreams!”
Xie Xi had listened to these words a lot. Apart from some sweetness in his heart, there were
no fluctuations on the surface. “Oh.” They were indeed dream lovers. In Atlantis, he married
the fifth prince (Vermilion Bird) in his dream.
Vermilion Bird continued, “Don’t think that I’m casually speaking. Us birds are faithful and
we only propose to one person in our lives. If you don’t like me, I will never marry anyone
So scary. Xie Xi was frightened by him and replied, “Then don’t marry anyone.”
A thick skin was also engraved into the soul. The teenage Vermilion Bird cried out happily,
“Yes, I’ll only marry you!”
Xie Xi, “…”
What was this terrible listening comprehension?
At this time, White Tiger and Azure Dragon came back. They followed people and arranged
supplies for the party not far away. Once they saw Vermilion Bird, they put the things down
and walked over.
Vermilion Bird saw his two brothers and smiled even wide. “I will introduce you…”
White Tiger and Azure Dragon were stunned. What was this introduction? Shouldn’t they
be introducing him to Xie Xi?
Xie Xi wanted to save the little bird’s life. Then he thought about it and realized that this
naughty child should suffer a bit. Thus, he gave up.
He only listened as the teenage Vermilion Bird spoke with enthusiasm. “This is my
sweetheart. I’m ready to marry him in a few days. Oh yes…” He glanced at Xie Xi and asked,
“What’s your name?”
Wanting to marry someone without even knowing their name? Little chicken, were you
crazy or stupid?
Xie Xi didn’t want to talk. White Tiger instantly blew up and picked up Vermilion Bird by
the clothes. “What did you say?”
Vermilion Bird was startled by him and glanced at Azure Dragon to ask for help. However,
Azure Dragon’s demeanour was scarier than White Tiger. His indigo eyes were ice cold.
Vermilion Bird was worthy of being X’s soul and couldn’t be scared to death. He raised his
head and declared, “He is my sweetheart. I proposed to him and…”
White Tiger unceremoniously punched his lower abdomen.
Vermilion Bird caught on fire. “What are you doing?”
White Tiger had a temper and dared to beat anyone apart from Xie Xi. “I’m beating you up.”
Vermilion Bird wasn’t still. After taking the punch, he opened the distance and raised a
fighting posture.
White Tiger had high fighting power and a lot of experience. He wasn’t afraid of this
chicken with no hair.
The tiger and bird smashed together in a ball and Xie Xi started his daily appreciation of
Old Jiang hitting himself.
Vermilion Bird was beaten up by White Tiger and after his defeat, he started to ask for help.
“Azure Dragon, you are just watching him bully me! Are you my brother?”
Azure Dragon’s lips slightly curved. “I’ll help.”
Vermilion Bird was happy at the thought of being rescued. Unexpected, Azure Dragon came
up to him and punched him.
Vermilion Bird, “???” He was really at a loss. If he was a child, he would be overwhelmed.
Azure Dragon did help but it wasn’t helping Vermilion Bird. Instead, he helped White Tiger
clean up the small and broken bird.
Xie Xi felt it was almost too much and was about to stop them when there was a yell in the
distance. “What is this?”
Houqing and Nine Tails had come back. Houqing was worthy of being the boss. The
moment he frowned and spoke in a reprimanding voice, Azure Dragon and White Tiger
The poor beaten up Vermilion Bird was lying on the ground.
White Tiger was still angry. He thought about what this bastard said and wanted to kill the
bird! Azure Dragon also looked sullen. His fire had been suppressed but he was in the mood
for roast chicken.
Houqing came over and examined Xie Xi first. After seeing that Xie Xi was fine, he asked
Azure Dragon and White Tiger, “What happened? You’re not children anymore and
shouldn’t mess around.”
White Tiger turned his head and snorted. Azure Dragon glared at Vermilion Bird.
Vermilion Bird was wronged and quickly complained to his big brother. “They inexplicably
hit me!”
Houqing knew White Tiger’s temper and glanced at Azure Dragon instead. Azure Dragon
glanced at Vermilion Bird and didn’t say anything.
Vermilion Bird mentioned it himself. “I introduced my sweetheart to them and they started
to hit me!”
Xie Xi thought… ‘Little bird, I’m afraid you will be hit again by your brothers.’
Houqing frowned slightly and asked, “What sweetheart?”
The young and eager Vermilion Bird wasn’t afraid of White Tiger and introduced Xie Xi as
his future husband.
In an instant, the entire sea of flowers solidified. The swaying petals and blowing breeze all
Houqing’s voice was as cold as the abyss of hell. “What did you say?”
Vermilion Bird repeated it. “I want to marry him. None of you can stop me!”
Nine Tails shouted, “I should’ve eaten you that year!”
They hadn’t played against), each other in the past few years. One loved poultry and the
other was poultry (not). It would be strange if they could get along with each other.
Vermilion Bird ignored up and stood up for Xie Xi. “I will…”
Houqing interrupted him. “Do you know who he is?”
“It doesn’t matter who he is, I will…”
White Tiger growled, “He is the flower god!”
The moment these words were spoken, everyone stared at Vermilion Bird. If it wasn’t for
the more than 10 years of sentiment, they would tear him to pieces and use him as
He dared to insult the flower god. Dying once wasn’t enough!
Xie Xi was very sorry that the good show was over.
Who would expect that Vermilion Bird wouldn’t act according to common sense? Once he
knew Xie Xi’s identity, he was only surprised for a moment before acting tough. “What
about it? He is the flower god but I still want to marry him. I just like him and my life
partner can only be him!”
Even Xie Xi was stunned by this.
The 15 or 16 year old teenager had a childish voice but his words were touching.
It was a rough straightforwardness but it was also sincere and heartwarming. Liking a
person was an extremely complicated and simple thing.
It could be complicated because of a trepidation to move forward or it could be simple as
having infinite courage just because they liked someone.
Vermilion Bird’s bold declaration was a boulder that smashed into the hearts of the other
four, evoking the feelings that they desperately hid and blocked.
What type of feelings did they have for Xie Xi? It was no different from Vermilion Bird.
It was just because of the aura of the flower god and the identity of their adopter… these
tedious and mundane things made them suppress it.
Vermilion Bird’s nonsense awakened the flames in their hearts, letting long-rooted
emotions grow wildly and become a tree that supported their souls.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped and he had a bad feeling.
Outside of the god’s wisdom, he was pedalling on five boats. Please let go of this dying man
inside the god’s wisdom!
Xie Xi told them, “Don’t worry about it, he is still young.”
Vermilion Bird frowned. “I don’t care who you are. I like you and will marry you!”
Xie Xi’s eyebrows gathered together. “You are only 15 or 16 years old? What do you know
about liking someone. Think about these issues when you grow up.”
Vermilion Bird’s eyes brightened. “Then will you marry me when I’m an adult?”
Xie Xi, “…” This bird, if he continued then he really would be killed by his brothers!
Houqing made a rough transition. “We are all together and the table is set up. Let’s go eat.”
Xie Xi nodded.
The five people all shared the same mood. The flower god… couldn’t be taken away by
There were no disputes over the seating. Xie Xi had the first seat, Houqing was on his left
and White Tiger on his right, then they were arranged according to age.
Vermilion Bird was the youngest and was furthest away from Xie Xi. He was very unhappy
but he couldn’t do anything lest he be turned into firewood.
A good party became a wake-up meeting. The souls were obsessed and Xie Xi could easily
guess what they were thinking about.
Xie Xi’s hands itched and he wanted to smash the small bird. It was this little bastard who
disturbed the ‘spring water’ of the four lakes!
From this day on, Xie Xi’s days started to heat up. The brothers who were supposed to get
along with each other wanted to get rid of each other to be alone with Xie Xi.
Early in the morning, Xie Xi had just gotten up Azure Dragon arrived and told Houqing,
“Something is going on in the Demon Sea. Shouldn’t you go and see?” Since discovering that
the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea were created by Xie Xi, they started to guard it.
Houqing and Nine Tails were responsible for the Demon Sea and White Tiger and Azure
Dragon were responsible for the Holy Mountain. Vermilion Bird wasn’t in harmony with
Nine Tails so he was inclined to run to the Holy Mountain.
At this time, Houqing didn’t think too much and thought something really happened to the
Demon Sea. Thus, he left after saying goodbye to Xie Xi.
Azure Dragon had just sat down and the jade dew hadn’t been poured yet when Nine Tails
entered. “You have to quickly go to the Holy Mountain. White Tiger has lost his temper
Azure Dragon had used this trick to send people away and hesitated.
Nine Tails added, “White Tiger is really angry. The black teeth monsters on the Holy
Mountain have already been wiped out by him. How can ordinary beasts stand it?”
His words were reasonable and Azure Dragon had to put down the jade dew and tell Xie Xi,
“I will go and see.”
Xie Xi nodded.
After a while… White Tiger who supposedly lost his temper on the Holy Mountain
appeared. The panicked Nine Tails was quickly exposed. Xie Xi glanced at him and wanted
to ask…
Nine Tails apologized. “I made a mistake. I will go and call Azure Dragon back.”
There was a smug smile on White Tiger’s face. Xie Xi understood and knew that White Tiger
must’ve been hiding outside since the morning, waiting for Nine Tails to send Azure Dragon
away before coming in to break down Nine Tails’ lie.
They acted out such a scheming play that the emperor expressed his desire to dissolve the
For half a year, Xie Xi lived leisurely. Unlike the fighting in the Ming Dynasty, these five only
acted in the dark. They were afraid to let Xie Xi know their feelings and could only secretly
act. You calculate me, I calculate you, no one dared to overturn the table.
Oh, except for Vermilion Bird… Vermilion Bird shouted every day that he would marry Xie
Xi when he grew up.
At first, the other four were nervous. Once they saw Xie Xi’s calm face and his indication
that he didn’t take the child seriously, they felt relieved and thought Vermilion Bird was too
childish. He wasn’t competition and the other three were more difficult.
Xie Xi lazily accompanied them for more than three years until Vermilion Bird came of age.
Once Xie Xi wrote down the names of these five people, his mood was very complicated.
Who would’ve thought? The disappearance of the flower god was to escape marriage!
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 156

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 36

It had been a while and Xie Xi had long thought of the names for the five people.
In fact, he didn’t deliberately think of them. They just naturally appeared in his mind.
Under the domineering Azure Dragon illustration, Xie Xi wrote Long Yin (Dragon Secret).
Under the arrogant White Tiger illustration, Xie Xi wrote Bai Hong (White Rainbow).
Under the gorgeous Vermilion Bird illustration, Xie Xi wrote Feng Yan (Phoenix
Under the elegant Nine Tails illustration, Xie Xi wrote Hu Jiu (Fox Nine).
The last illustration was Houqing, who was the only human figure. The different coloured
eyes seemed to pierce Xie Xi’s heart from the paper.
Xie Xi’s hand gently rubbed the different coloured eyes and he smiled slightly. He wrote
down the ‘West’ character.
“What are you doing?” The usual calm voice was full of panic and uneasiness as Houqing
rushed towards Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t look up and wrote down the last one…
Xie Xi wondered softly, “Xi Yong (West Harmony), do you like this name?” Then he glanced
at Houqing.
Houqing’s different coloured eyes were lit to the extreme. His thin lips trembled and his
voice shook, “Why?” Why give them names and why leave them?
Xie Xi took his hand. “You have to live well.”
Houqing held his hand, veins bulging and his whole body was tense to the extreme. “Why
Xie Xi stared at him with affection. “Only 80 years is too little.”
A human’s life span was too short. Houqing’s fate was to die from old age and Xie Xi
couldn’t let him die like that.
Houqing held him, voice extremely hoarse. “But now I… I haven’t even lived to 80 years.”
The words struck Xie Xi’s heart. It was impossible for him to not give them names. He
couldn’t leave their existence unacknowledged and couldn’t watch them die after a short
time. Because… this wasn’t the end, nor should it be the end.
“Promise me.” Xie Xi felt his body becoming very light and he called out with his last
strength. “Live well!”
He left behind this feeble sentence as he became a shadow that scattered in the air.
Then the door opened and the breathless White Tiger yelled, “Why didn’t you stop him?
Why didn’t you stop him?” He waved his fist and struck Houqing in the face. Houqing had
lost his soul and he remained motionless as blood spilled out.
“It is this god’s wisdom, this damn thing!” White Tiger used all his strength to hit the god’s
wisdom but it was something that didn’t belong to this world. It quietly lay there and
showed no wrinkles.
Xie Xi thought he would be popped up but he integrated into the world and saw everything.
He saw the flower world decaying in an instant, the flowers crying and the five souls falling
White Tiger angrily left the flower world and went to the Holy Mountain.
Azure Dragon stood in the withered sea of flowers for three springs and autumns.
Vermilion Bird grew up overnight and found Azure Dragon. He declared that the flower god
wasn’t dead and he must be asleep. They should find him!
Houqing took the god’s wisdom to the Demon Sea and looked through it countless times.
Nine Tails found him and his words were the same as Vermilion Bird. Xie Xi wasn’t dead.
He was somewhere in this world and would definitely come back!
Xie Xi didn’t want to leave them with such an obsession. It was too painful. It took a long
time to forget a dead person and he couldn’t bear to let their hearts be bitten by despair
and pain.
In particular, they had to live for such a long time and it would be crueler than death.
Xie Xi didn’t want this. It might be the quasi-world setting but he didn’t want Jiang Xie to
have such painful memories.
As this idea grew stronger and more obsessive, the drawings in the god’s wisdom slowly
They weren’t gone, it was just that no one could see them anymore.
Countless carefully drawn images became blank pieces of paper. Houqing, who guarded the
god’s wisdom, saw this scene and despair filled his heart.
His memories started to disappear as all the memories in the god’s wisdom faded. The
other four came in a hurry but they were the same…
The drawings in the god’s wisdom gradually disappeared and their memories were erased.
Once the god’s wisdom lost its ability and became blank paper, they all forgot.
Xie Xi sighed with relief when he saw this. Forgetting allowed them to get through the
countless years.
However, once a long time passed and they saw Xie Xi again, they still fell deeply in love
with him. This might just be the romance of the soul but it was also the most profound
attachment to Xie Xi.
80 years later, the human Houqing died. He was born again from the grave as the zombie
ancestor and became the real Houqing.
In another 10 years, White Tiger’s frenzied slaughter caused the black teeth monster to
evolve. White Tiger struggled with it for more than 10 days and gradually fell into a
disadvantage due to a lack of strength. Then Houqing found him and the two of them
completely ended this evil thing born from chaos. They completely rationalized the Holy
Mountain and Demon Sea that the flor god created.
In another 200 years, with the help of White Tiger, Vermilion Bird was reborn from fire and
became the first sage of the Holy Mountain. As the last of Nine Tails divinity scattered, he
was recused by Azure Dragon and became the first demon ancestor of the Demon Sea.
Another 200 years passed and a thunder tribulation fell on the Holy Mountain. Azure
Dragon covered the sky and guarded the thousands of creatures living on the Holy
Mountain. He was seriously injured but because he comprehended the path of no desires,
he cultivated to a higher level and became the second sage of the Holy Mountain.
In their original destinies, they would die from aging, fighting, fire, divinity being
extinguished and thunder tribulation. However, Xie Xi gave them names and allowed them
to escape death, making them the supreme powers of the continent.
This was actually all interlocked.
If Houqing had died at 80 years old, he wouldn’t help White Tiger and White Tiger would’ve
died. Then Nine Tails would’ve found it hard to survive.
White Tiger died and Vermilion Bird couldn’t endure the fire. As for the last Azure Dragon,
if he didn’t forget those memories then how could he have no desires? Without this
cultivation path, he wouldn’t have survived the thunder.
Xie Xi didn’t believe in fate but all of this was under the shadow of fate. However, fate
wasn’t constant. Under fate, they still had freedom!
Xie Xi knew it wasn’t over yet. He waited for Houqing or White Tiger to think of everything.
Why did they think of the flower God?
Xie Xi didn’t know how much time passed but it seemed to be getting closer…
White Tiger always hated Houqing. Even if he forgot everything, his hatred of Houqing
remained deep in his bone marrow.
White Tiger still hated Houqing despite his help with the black teeth monster. White Tiger
wanted to kill Houqing and this obsession couldn’t be shaken.
However, Houqing was an immortal zombie. No matter how hard White Tiger tried, there
was only a die.
Nevertheless, White Tiger never gave up. He went into closed practice and after a
breakthrough, he went to find Houqing again.
Houqing fought him and the two of them tied again.
After fighting for countless years, the two people’s innate cultivation climbed and they
successively created a baby spirit. The birth of the baby spirit allowed them to slowly
recover the sealed memories.
This confused Xie Xi. He had integrated with the world but there was still a limit to his
power. He still their memories with his will but this wasn’t without a solution.
As long as they cultivated, they could break through the imprisonment set by him and
slowly think of everything.
Xie Xi felt mixed when he saw that Houqing and White Tiger retained their obsession but
he couldn’t say a word.
The two brothers stopped fighting and discovered the roots of their endless battle for
thousands of years.
Houqing muttered, “It was because he gave us names that he…”
White Tiger didn’t want to hear the word ‘death’ and his eyes narrowed. “Then we will
erase the names!”
Houqing agreed.
It wasn’t easy to erase the names but they did it. They made everyone forget the names of
the sages and ancestors, including Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird and Nine Tails themselves.
In the end, White Tiger eliminated Houqing’s memory of his own name and Houqing also
eliminated White Tiger’s memories.
They took the initiative to give up their own names. At the same time, the flower god was
The moment Houqing saw the small rose in the flower garden, his eyes were red and he
smiled, but it was more like crying. “Please come home with me?”
Xie Xi stared at him while feeling pained. “Okay.”
There was no substitute from start to finish. Houqing just tried to bring the flower god back
to him.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 157

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 37

The timeline of the god’s wisdom crossed a long period of time and arrived at the present
The little rose was the flower god. The body of the flower god was a little rose. Houqing and
White Tiger erased all the names and the flower god came back. However, he was too weak
and lost the power of a god, becoming a real little rose. Even so, Houqing was very clear
that it was him, the Xie Xi in his heart.
On the other hand, Xie Xi didn’t remember anything. Was it a side effect of losing the divine
power? Xie Xi didn’t expect that Houqing and White Tiger would deliberately erase his
The reason was obvious. Xie Xi knew their names and wouldn’t forget. This meant that
their names wouldn’t completely disappear. Thus, the moment they resurrected Xie Xi, they
erased all his memories of them so he wouldn’t be reminded. It was only this way that the
names disappeared completely and the flower god really came back.
Then… what happened to the five people without a name anymore? How could Xie Xi not
Vermilion Bird experienced a fire tribulation again and half-died.
Azure Dragon broke his path of no desires and had less than half his lifespan left.
Nine Tails cut off eight tails and was also at risk.
In the end, White Tiger came to Houqing to take the person back. Houqing lost his spirit
and was beaten, losing his shadows and falling to the point of being weaker than ordinary
It was because they didn’t have any names that they encountered these things…
Xie Xi sighed and couldn’t bare to blame Houqing. He still remembered his purpose for
entering the god’s wisdom, which was to stop the fight between Houqing and White Tiger.
Houqing asked him, “What is your name?”
They were just a few ordinary words yet it was like a plaintive lament. Xie Xi had to
pretend to lose his memory and whispered, “White 99.”
“99…” Houqing smiled. “It’s nice.”
Xie Xi also smiled and asked him, “What’s your name?”
“Call me Houqing.”
Xie Xi faked a surprised expression. “Ancestor Houqing!”
“Just call me by my name.”
Xie Xi heart this and finally resolved a question. No wonder why in Nine Tails’ god’s
wisdom, Houqing asked Xie Xi to call his name. It was intentionally guiding him. In order to
ensure that Xie Xi didn’t remember the true name, he encoded the Houqing nickname onto
his memories.
Indeed, if Xie Xi decided that Houqing was Houqing’s name then he wouldn’t have chosen
another name.
Xie Xi nervously spoke, “My Lord Houqing.”
Houqing felt distressed seeing such a Xie Xi but he settled his heart. Very good… it didn’t
matter if Xie Xi didn’t remember anything. He would take good care of Xie Xi and
accompany Xie Xi for the rest of his life.
After Xie Xi left for the demon sea, he was very curious about White Tiger.
The two people resurrected the flower god together. Why did Houqing find him first?
Perhaps White Tiger was still in closed cultivation.
They erased a memory from almost the whole world and the consumption was very large.
After the success, they entered closed cultivation and it was estimated that Houqing came
out first.
Houqing was inseparable from Xie Xi. Don’t mention Xie Xi who was already pained by him.
Even if this person was only a memory of the flower god, Houqing couldn’t help being
It didn’t take long for the two people to fall in love and live a honey life.
Xie Xi thought about all the years that Houqing suffered and his heart hurt. He wanted to
compensate for the psychological attack and pampered Xie Xi to the extreme.
If he had Jiang Xie’s memories, he would most likely act cheap and eat Xie Xi clean.
It was a pity that the present Houqing was too panicked and an unrealistic feeling lingered
in his mind. Thus, he put Xie Xi at the peak of his heart and was afraid to stretch out his
fingers to hurt Xie Xi.
Then Nine Tails extended an invitation to dinner.
After everyone had their memories erased by the flower god, Houqing and Nine Tails had
gone to the Demon Sea. Nine Tails probably wanted to be a big brother. When Houqing’s
human body was weak and frail, he accepted Houqing as his brother.
Houqing had asked about Nine Tail’s teacher and Nine Tails said that the teacher died early.
Nine Tails’ heart hurt when he said this. In one of his dreams, there seemed to be a person
who guided him while growing up in the sea of flowers and taught him countless things.
By all accounts, Houqing shouldn’t take Xie Xi to the dinner. What should he do if Nine Tails
However, he went because he wanted to keep replacing Xie Xi’s memories, letting him
regard Nine Tails’ as Houqing’s brother. This meant he would forget Nine Tails’ original
identity and not give a name to Nine Tails.
Everything had only one purpose, which was to let the flower god live well.
Unfortunately, Houqing underestimated Nine Tails’ obsession with Xie Xi. Nine Tails used a
small trick at the dinner, making the little rose disheartened.
Houqing liked the flower god and Nine Tails knew this.
After all, they were brothers and governed the Demon Sea together. It was impossible for
Nine Tails not to know Houqing’s matter.
The flower god disappeared and Houqing was immersed in grief, unable to come out of it.
Nine Tails had seen the portrait of the flower god which was drawn by Houqing and hung
in the centre of his palace.
He knew Houqing’s obsession with the flower god. Thus, when he saw Xie Xi’s appearance,
it was natural to assume that Houqing used Xiao Xie as a substitute.
The even more tragic thing was that Houqing couldn’t explain. He couldn’t say that the little
rose was the flower god and how hard he worked to awaken the flower god. He even hid it
from Xie Xi, let alone tell other people.
Thanks to Nine Tails’ hint, the little rose saw the portrait of the flower god and everything
was revealed. The truth of him being a substitute couldn’t be doubted.
The little rose was extremely pained and finally couldn’t bear it. He escaped from Houqing
Palace and was picked up by Nine Tails.
Houqing finally realized he was tricked by Nine Tails and once he chased, the little rose had
already forgotten him thanks to Nine Tails’ enchantment.
What type of blow was this to Houqing?
And forgotten again…
After thousands of years, the flower god was awakened but was lost because Houqing
couldn’t explain. There were no words to describe Houqing’s mood.
That’s why Houqing was bent on his death when the White Tiger came forward.
Since the flower god no longer needed him…
Xie Xi already grasped the key points. In any case, Nine Tails had been sealed and it didn’t
matter. In the Houqing and Nine Tails showdown, he changed the method and shouted
Houqing’s name.
Houqing froze.
Xie Xi told him, “Even if you think of me as a substitute, even if you see someone else when
looking at me, even if it is only two or three hundred years…”
Nine Tails wasn’t willing. “99!”
Xie Xi finished his words. “Xi Yong, I will still like you.”
The moment the name was called, Xie Xi was bounced out of the god’s wisdom. He turned
his head and saw the man on the scroll, looking at him affectionately with different
coloured eyes.
A name emerged at the bottom of the picture – Houqing, Xi Yong.
At the same time, the scroll shrank and became the size of a book as it fell into Xie Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi stared at the god’s wisdom and his mind didn’t return for a while. He knew
everything. The front and back of this quasi-world were basically clear.
Then what was the god’s wisdom? Where did Nine Tails and Houqing go?
Jiang Xie’s voice suddenly rang in his heart: there is no clear line between reality and
Xie Xi’s pupils shrunk as he had an idea.
If he wanted to complete the quasi-world mission, he could now collect the illustrations.
The promotion task could also be done easily because all the names were given by the
flower god. Now that he retrieved the identity of the flower god, he could easily write on
the god’s wisdom.
However, he couldn’t only complete the tasks. He didn’t want to let the memories of the
souls end in such a desperate moment.
They would eventually return to Jiang Xie. Xie Xi didn’t want Jiang Xie to bear this long and
helpless pain.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 158

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas 38

The task prompt appeared in the lower right corner stating that the side task of collecting
the demon beast illustrations had been completed.
Xie Xi took out the roster and wrote down names under the rose flowers.
Sure enough, the identity of the flower god was recovered and he could write a name even
with his fingers.
After writing it one by one, the promotion task was also successfully completed. Xie Xi saw
that his Beginner Repair had become Intermediate Repair.
On the whole, Xie Xi was very relieved. Intermediate Repair could find the missing part on
its own. As long as the pair wasn’t destroyed, it could be repaired even if it wasn’t next to
the person.
Xie Xi didn’t delay after doing this and came out. The moment he came out, the servants
came up to him. Xie Xi didn’t panic and directly told them, “Don’t enter in order to let Lord
Houqing have a good rest. Wait a few days until he recovers.”
The servants were a bit suspicious but they chose to believe him. Xie Xi had lived in
Houqing Palace for a while and Houqing simply placed Xie Xi on the palm of his hand.
Everyone could understand it. Moreover, Houqing wasn’t dead but he was seriously
injured. It was necessary for him to rest and recuperate. This type of thing couldn’t be seen
by ordinary servants.
Xie Xi emphasized it again, “Lord Houqing told me to find something. You must lock the
door and no one is allowed to go in.”
A servant hurriedly asked, “Do you need any help?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, I’ll do it myself.”
Then he pulled the sluggish Red Two and left Houqing Palace.
The moment he walked out, he sighed with relief and the other roses surrounded him.
“What happened? Why did Sage White Tiger suddenly attack the Demon Sea?”
“Then he suddenly left?”
“How is Ancestor Houqing?”
“I heard that Ancestor Nine Tails disappeared!”
“Was he killed by Sage White Tiger?”
“It’s over. This is a big deal…”
“This white rose is too powerful. He stirred up a messed that turned the earth upside
Red Two’s spirit returned. He looked at Xie Xi, looked at Xie Xi, then looked again…
Xie Xi glanced at him and Red Two shivered.
“Let’s go back to Rose Mountain.”
The group of roses didn’t know anything and trusted Xie Xi. On the way back, they gathered
to condemn the white rose.
The brave Red Two knew what it was like to see a group of brave people court disaster and
felt helpless! Shut up roses, don’t swear in front of the person involved!
Xie Xi didn’t care. He originally wanted to give Red Two time to go back and prepare the
rose family. Unfortunately, time didn’t wait for people. He wasn’t worried. If they weren’t
prepared, the little flowers should also experience some wind and rain.
The roses were still chattering and Xie Xi directly struck them with thunder. “I am the
white rose. Ask me anything if you want to know.”
The roses, “!”
Xie Xi added, “Or you can ask Brother Red Two. He also knows.”
The roses turned towards Red Two.
Red Two, “…” H-He really knew!
Thus, Xie Xi came clean. The group of flowers whispered around Red Two. From time to
time, there were startled cries, inhales and the artificial sound of the heart beating faster…
hey, something seemed wrong.
Forget it, Xie Xi wasn’t in the mood to manage these things.
They used Nine Tails’ fast mount and it didn’t take long to return to Rose Mountain.
Xie Xi was going to send the flowers back to Rose Mountain before going to the Holy
There were still three illustrations missing. White Tiger was too difficult so he would go to
Vermilion Bird first and finally…
He was thinking this when the mount arrived at Rose Mountain. He just descended from
the mount when he discovered that the atmosphere was wrong.
The roses who accompanied him were breathlessly quiet as they stayed three metres away
from him. Xie Xi might’ve saved countless roses but his great achievements were too scary.
It was normal that no one could accept it for a while.
Xie Xi descended from the mount and as soon as he touched the ground, he saw the three
men standing in front of him.
Azure Dragon’s eyes were dark and heavy, Vermilion Bird was holding his chest and White
Tiger had an unfathomable look.
Xie Xi regretted it a bit. He should’ve drawn the illustrations and directly left this broken
world! That bastard Old Jiang, he didn’t leave Xie Xi alive!
The roses who saw this were shaken. They crowded together and hugged each other. Red
Two added a sentence, “This is good. Our Rose Mountain will become a legend.” The legend
of the slag who hooked three sages!
Vermilion Bird opened his mouth first. “Xiao Xie, what’s going on?”
Azure Dragon just stared at him.
White Tiger knew everything and his thin lips slightly curved. “Why aren’t you protecting
Houqing? Aren’t you going to be with him?”
The words caused clouds to surge in Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird’s eyes. Xie Xi wanted
to kill this little tiger!
Fortunately, today’s Xie Xi was different. In the face of these three people, he didn’t panic
and came up with the perfect countermeasure.
“I’ll clearly explain the previous things,” Xie Xi calmly told them. “First, I hope that you can
bring your respective god’s wisdom scrolls to me.”
Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird didn’t understand the meaning of his words but Xie Xi
believed they would do it. It was only White Tiger…
White Tiger’s thin lips slightly moved. “Don’t touch that thing!”
He had memories of the past and naturally knew why the flower god disappeared. The
god’s wisdom was the culprit and White Tiger couldn’t let Xie Xi do it again!
Xie Xi stared at him and spoke slowly, “I remember everything.”
White Tiger was stunned and complained, “That waste Houqing!” Xie Xi came back from
Houqing Palace. No matter how Xie Xi remembered things, it clearly had to do with
Xie Xi walked towards him, eyes gentle as he whispered, “Little White, give me the god’s
wisdom and I can solve all these problems.”
Everyone was stunned when he was called Little White.
Both Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird frowned. They clearly didn’t know too much and
were confused about the situation.
The flowers felt the collapse of Rose Mountain. Oh my god… White 99, where did he gain
the courage. He unexpectedly called the most powerful and violent Sage White Tiger by
Little… Little…
They couldn’t even think about it!
Unexpectedly, Sage White Tiger should be angry and screaming at the little rose but he
wasn’t. Instead, his red eyes showed a hint of grievance.
The roses, “!!” It must be an illusion!
Xie Xi also saw it and thought of the suffering over the years. He heart ached and his voice
was softer. “Be obedient. This time I won’t leave you again.”
White Tiger’s eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. “You liar.”
“Believe me again. If I die this time, I will take you with me, okay?”
These words completely persuaded White Tiger.
He turned around and screamed, “Everyone, wait here, I will get the god’s wisdom.” He
would even bring the god’s wisdom that belonged to Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird.
Xie Xi was relieved since the hardest thing had been done.
White Tiger went to get the god’s wisdom and Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird stood still,
not knowing what to think.
Xie Xi was fearless. So what if he was exposed? In any case, the souls supplemented
everything lacking for him.
Amnesia plus amnesia plus amnesia. Purple Nine wasn’t deceived. This little rose really
forget everything 360 days a year!
Azure Dragon whispered, “You remembered everything.”
He said this and Xie Xi finally remembered. Oh, he also lost his memory with Azure Dragon
and forgot matters in the Demon Sea.
Xie Xi replied, “I have forgotten too many things.”
Azure Dragon frowned and there was some embarrassment in his voice. “I’m sorry, I took
advantage of you.” He proposed and took advantage of Xie Xi’s amnesia to tie Xie Xi to him
for a lifetime.
“I’m not talking about those things…” Xie Xi sighed. “I am the flower god.”
Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird were stunned. Vermilion Bird suddenly asked, “We used
to know each other, didn’t we?”
Xie Xi didn’t expect these words.
Vermilion Bird was sharp. “I proposed to you before…”
Xie Xi was startled. “Do you remember?”
Vermilion Bird slowly spoke, “No wonder when I felt you were so familiar when I saw you
on the Holy Mountain. No wonder why I felt like I was waiting for someone for thousands
of years. No wonder…” He was reluctant after knowing that Azure Dragon and Xie Xi were
It was because he always felt that he should be the first to know Xie Xi and should be the
only companion in Xie Xi’s life. Everything was forgotten but the unforgettable thoughts
were consistent in his heart.
White Tiger left and came back quickly. By the time they finished this conversation, he was
back with the three fragments of the god’s wisdom. He was free to go in and out of Azure
Dragon Palace and Vermilion Bird palace because they removed the wards for him.
Xie Xi was relieved when he saw the god’s wisdom. “Give them all to me.”
White Tiger hesitated.
Xie Xi held out his hand. “Trust me.”
“This time I won’t lie to you.”
White Tiger handed him the scrolls. In Xie Xi’s hands, the god’s wisdom became a book and
merged with the previous two parts to become complete.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry to open the god’s wisdom. Instead, he looked at the three of them
and asked, “You are all injured, right?”
They replied in unison, “There is no hindrance.”
Xie Xi ordered, “Change back.”
The trio didn’t move.
Xie Xi asked, “Don’t you want to know what’s going on?
They wanted to… too much.
Azure Dragon’s scales were missing, Vermilion Bird’s feathers were scorched and White
Tiger’s wings were incomplete…
Xie Xi was distressed but fortunately, he could repair them one by one. In the countless
years spend in the god’s wisdom, Xie Xi wasn’t idle. He made many puppets just in case.
This could be used to repair the bodies.
The old chief’s eyes widened at the scene and he said slowly, “This is the power of the
flower god. I saw it when I was young. He repaired the scales of Sage Azure Dragon, the tail
feathers of Sage Vermillion Bird, the wings of the White Tiger… it is said that he also
repaired the tails of the nine tailed demon ancestor and the three heads and six arms of
Houqing ancestor…”
Did the old chief previously saw it? Perhaps he only saw it at this moment.
Once the repairs were completed, Xie Xi opened the god’s wisdom.
White Tiger’s pupils shrank but before he could ask anything, Xie Xi had written Bai Hong
on the white tiger illustration. White Tiger snapped out, “You lied to me again!”
Xie Xi had no time to answer him. He quickly wrote Long Yin and Feng Yan down.
Once the names were written, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird and White Tiger disappeared
into thin air.
Xie Xi didn’t stop writing and gave surnames to everything he could think of. He couldn’t
give many names but names were born from last names.
It was just like sprinkling a few seeds that would eventually grow into a forest. Xie Xi gave
surnames and this would produce countless names.
In the end, he drew his own body in the god’s wisdom and wrote the words ‘Xie Xi.’
There was a bang and he disappeared.
What was real inside and outside the drawing?
Where you are is real.
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 159

Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas End

This was Xie Xi’s bold idea but he felt it was right.
He wrote his name on the god’s wisdom and then entered the god’s wisdom. This shouldn’t
be automatically generated on the roster. Thus, he hadn’t completed the task yet and
wouldn’t leave this quasi-world.
The reason for entering the god’s wisdom was the unique romance he prepared for the
souls. This was the moment he would tell if it could be done or not.
Xie Xi opened his eyes and found himself sleeping in a sea of flowers. The flowers circled
around him. “Lord Flower God, you are awake!”
Xie Xi nodded and asked, “What’s the time?”
No one replied to his question. Then a little flower called out, “Lord Azure Dragon is back!”
Xie Xi turned his head and saw Azure Dragon approaching through the sea of flowers.
Xie Xi’s lips curved as he smiled. Azure Dragon kissed him on the forehead. “What’s going
“What do you think?”
“A new world?”
Xie Xi didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled Azure Dragon by the collar and kissed him on the
Azure Dragon still had questions but he couldn’t stand the sweet kiss. He simply bent over
and returned a lingering kiss.
The flowers covered their eyes and hummed shyly. Xie Xi remembered that there were
others present and wanted to push away Azure Dragon. Then Azure Dragon picked him up
and carried him back to the house.
No one else was present and the different coloured eyes returned. Nevertheless, he pressed
Xie Xi to the bed and kept going. Xie Xi was trying to refuse and really pushed hard.
“Oh… okay!”
Jiang Xie told him, “You have seduced me like this. How can I not live up to your
Xie Xi cried out, “We’re not here to be alone!”
“A lone man will do these things when alone.”
What a wrong idea! Xie Xi’s reason was completely ruined by the hands that heated him up
everywhere. Once the fire was put out, Jiang Xie was finally willing to speak.
Xie Xi told him, “We’re in the god’s wisdom.”
Jiang Xie retorted, “Are you sure?”
“Of course, I sealed the souls in it.”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “I mean, are you sure this is the god’s wisdom?”
Xie Xi was stunned. Jiang Xie added, “This might be outside the god’s wisdom.”
“But…” Xie Xi’s eyes were wide. “I clearly…” He suddenly stopped and couldn’t say it.
If he held the god’s wisdom, did it mean he was outside the god’s wisdom? Must he be in
the god’s wisdom if he entered the god’s wisdom?
If he thought of the god’s wisdom as a door that allowed him to travel back and forth, how
could he distinguish between the inside and the outside?
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “It doesn’t matter. The important thing is that we’re together.”
He knew Xie Xi’s thoughts and was sweetened by them. It made no difference if they were
inside or outside the god’s wisdom.
The flower god drew the Holy Mountain and Demon Sea but did he really draw them?
Perhaps when he picked up the pen, he entered the flower world of the drawing and met
Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Nine Tails. Giving them names and
recognizing their existence was bringing them out of the painting. Those ‘sealed’ in the
god’s wisdom might also come out of the painting.
Of course, this was just a guess. It was as Jiang Xie told him: there are no boundaries
between reality and falsehood.
Xie Xi was still thinking. “Then… are we in the world outside the painting?”
“It is our world.”
Investigating the inside and outside of the painting was like pursuing the past and the
future. There was no point. It was because there was no painting at all. There was only this
Xie Xi smiled and looked at him. “What type of core task would’ve triggered if I hadn’t been
the one to enter this quasi-world?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Nothing.”
Xie Xi knew what he meant and told him, “Make a guess.”
“I can’t make a guess.” Jiang Xie pecked Xie Xi on the lips. “Only you can enter my world so
there is no other possibility.”
Indeed, no matter what the heart of the world was, there was only one core after Xie Xi
It was Xie Xi.
Xie Xi smiled and scolded him. “A love brain.” He knew that the worlds actually bored many
of Jiang Xie’s ideas. Nonlinear time, superimposed space, the so-called real and illusory…
More importantly, Xie Xi felt the uneasiness and longing of Jiang Xie. He was almost
enlightening Xie Xi, helping him through the door of a designer and touching some of the
most basic but core things.
Jiang Xie’s mind was obvious. He wanted to be with Xie Xi for a long time, rather than
His will affected the souls but also the world, making Xie Xi the flower god.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “There isn’t much time left. You sleep well and I will go to the next
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi smiled. “Only hold the puppet to sleep. Don’t mess around.”
Old Jiang who didn’t expect this, “I want to hold the real person!”
“It’s really nice.”
Then he released a puppet and pushed it into Jiang Xie’s arms.
Jiang Xie, “……..”
The puppet had long been set up by Xie Xi. Its only function was to sleep. Xie Xi had written
many words before entering the god’s wisdom. It was wonderful. No matter the drawing,
the flower god could use the pen to dominate the world.
Xie Xi thought of this and his heart was as sweet as honey. He was the flower god and this
world was Jiang Xie. His pen dominated Jiang Xie’s heart.
Xie Xi first went to see White Tiger. He coaxed the hot-tempered White Tiger before making
Jiang Xie hold a puppet to sleep. Then he coaxed Vermilion Bird, followed by Nine Tails and
This was the best solution that Xie Xi could think of. There were five hours in this world.
Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Nine Tails and Houqing. The length of an hour
was almost 24 hours on Earth.
They represented the change in the sun and the moon. Whenever Azure Dragon woke up,
the other four would sleep and so on. They would never meet.
This was Xie Xi’s inspiration when opening this world. Like the sun and moon, they would
alternate and support the whole world. The souls were clearly arranged by him in this way.
During the day, they would meet the real Xie Xi and at night, they would sleep with the
After two rotations, Jiang Xie ordered, “Go back to Central!”
Xie Xi joked, “Aren’t you happy? There are five of me here.”
He was taking care of Jiang Xie by not making six.
Jiang Xie’s teeth were painful. “Ve, ry hap, py.”
He made the souls happy and bullied Jiang Xie. Xie Xi had a very big smile on his face when
he returned to the Central World.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 160

Unlucky Chief Meets the Emperor of Luck

Xie Xi didn’t know what the next world would be like but he could be sure that the souls
with sweet memories wouldn’t act crazy towards him.
If he still met them in the next world, the initial setting wouldn’t be escaping marriage,
getting married and then escaping marriage!
Xie Xi was in a really good mood.
He didn’t check the mission rewards and first looked at the quasi-world interface.
Under the open world, the clearance of Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas
Xie Xi looked at the button to search for the new world. His hand was itchy and he pressed
He would search first to see what the next world was like.
The last world’s ‘play’ was very happy so he was looking forward to the next world.
Xie Xi’s change in heart was big enough. First, he wanted to stab the person when he saw
the name Designer X. Now he looked forward to it. Sure enough… people had to grow.
The little rose was reborn as a slag flower!
To Xie Xi’s surprise, a new world didn’t appear after it finished searching. Instead, a line
appeared: [Please change your occupation first. The current quasi-world needs a specific
Change occupations? Xie Xi was currently a collector and could change to a recorder or
Even so, Xie Xi always felt that this particular occupation wasn’t a simple low-level
Most players only promoted themselves to intermediate level instead of changing
occupations because they were poor. However, Xie Xi didn’t have this problem. He had too
much money to spend that getting qualifications for other occupations wasn’t a problem.
He wanted to know the identity of the next world. Thus, he changed to an explorer and
searched for a new world. The result was the same and he was still asked to switch
Xie Xi frowned and changed to recorder. He searched against and still got the prompt to
change occupation.
It seemed he was right when he thought this particular occupation wasn’t a low-grade
However, the current Central World only had four occupations.
Collectors, reporters, explorers and designers.
Did he have to change occupation to a designer?
He couldn’t do that either!
Xie Xi felt helpless and had to set aside the new world to see the rewards for this task.
After passing through Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas, his beginner
experience was full and he could be promoted to an intermediate player.
However, this promotion wasn’t instant. He also had to complete a promotion test.
Xie Xi didn’t care much about the gold reward. Then he heard a loud sound and looked at
the number of figures with a weary face.
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas didn’t have a low level. Lost Atlantis was S+
while this quasi-world was S++.
Any quasi-world above the S grade gave a special reward. Xie Xi accepted the reward.
[Ding dong, congratulations on getting the Golden Items Box. After equipping it, the items
bar will be expanded to nine slots.]
Xie Xi, “…” This seemed pretty good?
Gold, it should be decent.
The emperor of luck didn’t understand the market. If other people knew this, they would
probably scream with a red face!
Let’s just say that in the past, Jiang Xie cleared 30 S-grade worlds in order to expand his
items bar. Finally… well, he used the gold coins from the S-grade worlds to buy it for a high
price at the black market.
It was the same Golden Items Box but they had different lives.
Xie Xi equipped the box, saw the expanded squares and was quite satisfied.
Originally, there were many items and few slots. Every time he went to a quasi-world, there
was too little room. This time, he didn’t need to be afraid. Even if he brought nine uniforms,
this was nine lives and was halfway to being immortal!
He also had the skill that allowed him to bring back something random from the quasi-
Last time, he accidentally brought back the Repair skill. This time…
Xie Xi opened the skills list and was…stupified.
Who would’ve thought that there would be a day when the emperor of luck was scared by
Jiang Xie returned to Central and lay half-dead in his garden.
Yan Zhe hurriedly came. “Why are you trying to die?”
He scolded. “Do you fucking like the S & M play?”
Good fellow, this body was disabled and there was no room for that!
The scene was so bloody but Jiang Xie was still in the mood to joke around. “What are you
talking about? My little baby doesn’t want me injured at all.”
Doctor Yan had a toothache.
Jiang Xie’s fingers couldn’t move but his mouth was very sharp. “Quickly give me treatment.
He will surely be sad if he sees me like this when he comes later.”
Yan Zhe saved people but he wanted to save this person twice more!
“I think you only have a light pain.” While scolding him, Yan Zhe’s white light fell on Jiang
Xie’s body, helping him recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.
He was worthy of being a famous god-level nurse in the Central World. This healing ability
was comparable to resurrection.
He habitually gave Jiang Xie pain relief first then regretted it when he finished. This guy
talked so much when he was dead from pain. Now that it didn’t hurt anymore…
“I’m telling you,” Comrade Old Jiang was physically and mentally ill. “In the quasi-world,
Xiao Xie really became a little rose. You can’t imagine how cute…”
Yan Zhe, “…”
He was here to treat Jiang Xie, not eat dog food! He would fucking choke this damn person!
Jiang Xie was also helpless about his body’s injuries.
The thing he exchanged this time was his body. It was reasonable that he should always
stay within the soul and not have any interaction with Xie Xi.
What caused his injuries? He forced himself to take control of the souls’ bodies and also
used the names of the souls to attract them back to him.
If the souls were considered as his body, he wouldn’t be able to leave Wonderful Painting of
the Mountains and Seas.
As an unlucky person, it was terrible. He ended up splitting himself into five and squeezed
into five bodies to avoid the rules.
They were still the souls’ bodies so he might pay some price but he wouldn’t lose his body.
It was just that after leaving the quasi-world, his body was a broken rag on the verge of
Qin Ge was stunned and hurriedly called Yan Zhe over.
Only a divine nurse could restore Jiang Xie’s body in such a short period of time.
By all accounts, players could purchase items to restore their body as long as they returned
to Central.
Unfortunately, Jiang Xie couldn’t do this. The higher the level of the players, the stronger
their resistance to the drugs in the mall, not to mention that their bodies were highly
advanced. Ordinary drugs were worse than a cup of boiled water to high level players.
Once Jiang Xie’s treatment finished, Yan Zhe got up and staggered a bit.
Jiang Xie frowned. “You have taken a big step backwards. You are tired from such a simple
Think about the year when Yan Zhe was the milk god of the team. He used them as zombies,
dying, resurrection, dying, resurrecting again and again yet they didn’t see him unsteady at
Yan Zhe’s ears were buzzing, “I’m tired of you!”
He was choking on Jiang Xie’s dog food!
The healing took half an hour and Jiang Xie never stopped talking, fucking dictating a
500,000 word love novel!
Jiang Xie wasn’t conscious of it but still spoke intimate words. “If you are tired then you are
tired. Admit it and sit down to rest. I will tell you how Flower God Xie Xi created a new
world for love…”
Yan Zhe frowned. He regretted, he really regretted it! He shouldn’t have come to the garden
and healed this guy!
Fortunately, Jiang Xie didn’t continue because he received a message from Xie Xi.
Xie Xi said, “Guess what I brought back.”
Jiang Xie joked, “It shouldn’t be the god’s wisdom.”
“It really is.”
Jiang Xie, “……..”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 161

Beginner God’s wisdom.
The unlucky Jiang doubted life.
He paused before saying, “You skill shouldn’t be randomly taking away an item from the
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
The unlucky person was full of hate. “It should be called taking away the world’s most
important item.”
It activated a total of two times. The last time Xie Xi took away Beginner Repair and this
time it was the god’s wisdom. It wasn’t random, it was taking the most important item!
Xie Xi was modest. “The god’s wisdom isn’t the same as it was in the quasi-world.”
Jiang Xie asked, “Is it the beginner version?”
“Yes.” Xie Xi continued, “Are you in the garden? I will go and find you so we can talk.”
Jiang Xie was about to tell him to wait when he received Xie Xi’s entry request. How could
he refuse? He could only wrong Yan Zhe. Before Jiang Xie let Xie Xi enter, he sent Yan Zhe
Yan Zhe scolded, “Trash who forgets about your friends!”
Jiang Xie explained, “He is very smart. If he sees you then he will certainly suspect that I’m
not in good health.”
Yan Zhe understood. “Take it easy. If one day you actually die, Little Rose…”
Jiang Xie sent the person out and Yan Zhe could only talk to himself. “Won’t be able to bear
Jiang Xie’s series of movements were very smooth but Xie Xi still saw Yan Zhe’s back. His
heart tensed up as he asked, “Was that God Yan?”
Jiang Xie didn’t change colour. “It is Old Qin earing Yan Zhe’s clothes.” It was normal for Qin
Ge to be present since he had to use the Equivalent Exchange skill.
Qin Ge and Yan Zhe, “…” Was it still too late to split from this person?
Xie Xi didn’t believe it and he frowned. “What’s wrong with your body?”
“How can there be a problem?” Jiang Xie leaned over and hugged him while whispering, “I
have no problem doing it 70 times a night.”
Xie Xi felt this person’s body was quite normal and felt slightly relieved. He yelled, “70
times a night and you say there is no problem? This is simply an early discharge!”
Jiang Xie laughed. “If we are in the Antarctic then the night will be longer.”
This sophistry! Xie Xi didn’t have a good atmosphere around him. “Only 70 times in half a
He immediately regretted saying this. He had dug a hole for himself!
Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened and he lowered his voice. “It is a low number but your husband
is very long-lasting. I can last for two days…”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen and pushed this person away. “Close, your, mouth!”
“There is no point in saying anything.” Jiang Xie told him innocently. “Why don’t we try it
Forget trying it out!
Xie Xi took out the god’s wisdom.
Jiang Xie saw the topic had changed and no longer had a poor mouth as he examined the
god’s wisdom.
Xie Xi explained, “It is a bound item. It can’t be transferred, traded or discarded.”
Jiang Xie sighed. “Most divine objects are like this.”
This god’s wisdom was truly at a divine level, which was the highest level in the Central
World at present.
It was said that there were only two divine objects in all of Central. One was in the hands of
Yunge’s founder and master, N, while the other was in the hands of the greatest designer, X.
Now there was a third and it was in the hands of a beginner collector. This showed Xie Xi’s
excellent luck.
Xie Xi added, “The current function can’t compare to the quasi-world…”
In general, this was a weakened version of the god’s wisdom. Xie Xi could draw on it and
the thing he drew would be created in thin air. It was unfortunate that Xie Xi didn’t have
the flower god’s drawing skills.
He tried to draw and it was crooked, twisted and bent. He finally finished drawing and the
god’s wisdom responded with: [It is too ugly to recognize.]
Jiang Xie heard this and smiled. Xie Xi glared at him. Jiang Xie immediately cried out,
“Garbage god’s wisdom, you dare to laugh at my baby. I’ll tear you apart!”
Xie Xi ignored him and continued. “The beginner god’s wisdom has many limitations. I can’t
create life forms, the object can’t be larger than one square metre and there are only five
minutes of drawing time. After drawing, there is a one hour cooldown.”
It might sound like there were many limitations but it was still frightening.
The beginner version couldn’t create lifeforms. Did this mean it was possible at a higher
There was also a one square metre size limit. The beginner level was so large. Imagine how
big it would be when upgraded.
Drawing something in five minutes might sound short but if he became proficient in
drawing, he could draw many things.
Other people were desperately trying to expand their items bar. Xie Xi only needed to bring
the god’s wisdom and draw some simple items that he remembered. Then wouldn’t they be
Don’t look down on small things. A health potion worth thousands of gold wasn’t difficult to
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s a good thing. If you use it properly then it will have great value.”
Xie Xi remembered something and asked, “Is this related to being a designer?”
Jiang Xie replied, “It is possible but definitely not now. You don’t need to worry. In order to
promote to a designer, you need to pass a test set by the Central Government. The test is
single-player mode and you can only rely on yourself. You should upgrade as much as
possible before trying to pass the test.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes, I’m not in a hurry.”
He also knew that some designers didn’t know some of the basics. The designers in Central
was getting smaller, because they couldn’t pass the test, not because people didn’t know
the true meaning of designing.
Without enough experience and strength, attempting the test was tantamount to dying.
Even with plenty of preparations, too many senior players fell in the test.
Xie Xi hadn’t been promoted to an intermediate player yet and wasn’t eager to try being
upgraded to a designer. He wanted to talk about his new world when he suddenly glimpsed
the withered roses.
The roses in this garden were the spiritual image of Jiang Xie. They had been thriving in the
past so why were they now…
He immediately looked up with narrowed eyes. “Were you damaged by Equivalent
Jiang Xie, “…” Hadn’t they got past this?
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “This time you lost your body. Do you still have your body when
staying in the bodies of the soul? Is that why you were physically damaged when you came
out?” The more he spoke, the paler he became. He even thought the worst. Perhaps Jiang
Xie’s body was gone. Was this another piece or perhaps it was an illusion that Jiang Xie was
showing him?
Xie Xi reached out and Jiang Xie held his head. He understood what Xie Xi was thinking and
hurriedly reassured him. “I was a bit hurt but it wasn’t so serious. I was divided among five
and those bodies were dominated by the souls of the main body. I borrowed the bodies at
most and it doesn’t count as gaining a body.” [1.]
Xie Xi glared at him. “Don’t lie to me!”
Jiang Xie smiled wryly. “I can’t lie to you.” He desperately hid all of this but because his
spirit relaxed, he exposed a flaw and let Xie Xi notice.
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. “It really only hurts a bit?”
Jiang Xie comforted him. “It is a little flesh injury. If I am lying, I will be hit by five
Xie Xi rushed to interrupt him. “Stop talking nonsense!”
“I’m not lying to you so I’m not afraid of this thing.”
Xie Xi didn’t hesitate to expose him. “This is your garden so there won’t be any
Jiang Xie smiled.
It really wasn’t because the garden didn’t have five thunderbolts. It was because he wasn’t
afraid of being hit by them. They only tickled him.
Xie Xi asked, “If you are only hurt a little bit, why God Yan come here?” It had been a while
since he came here and he was aware of Yan Zhe’s nature.
Jiang Xie could always pull something out. “It is all Old Qin’s fussing.”
Xie Xi sneered. “You didn’t have the strength to stop General Qin!” Qin Ge was previously a
general so this was what low level players called him in Central.
Jiang Xie was stunned. If he had a bit of strength left then he wouldn’t have allowed Qin Ge
to call Yan Zhe.
Jiang Xie’s lies were poked and he could only act as a scoundrel. “If you are worried then do
you want to take my clothes off and check directly?”
Xie Xi also had a killer move. “If you keep a secret from me, don’t think about going to the
next world with me!”
Old Jiang explained the truth in a matter of seconds. “I only broke a few bones.”
“A few?”
“Well… it was 200…”
There were a total of 206 bones and Jiang Xie broke 200 of them…
Xie Xi’s face was a frosty white as he gritted his teeth. “Don’t go with me to the next
Jiang Xie kissed him and spoke softly, “I won’t hesitate to follow you even if I am crushed to
powder. You can’t leave me.”
This was too foul. The big fire immediately vanished! Xie Xi’s eyes reddened and he couldn’t
help kissing back.
Jiang Xie was a typical opportunist and how could he give up such a good thing? He waved
his hand and made a beautiful room appear, pressing the other person down onto a soft
Xie Xi stared up at him.
Jiang Xie felt heartache and pity as he touched the tip of the delicate nose and whispered, “I
fear nothing in Heaven or Earth, I only fear you becoming a sacrificial vessel.” Then he
kissed the corner of Xie Xi’s eyes, tasting bittersweet tears.
After experiencing the strength of the other person’s waist, Xie Xi was convinced. “God Yan
is really powerful.”
During such a time, his lover was talking about another man being powerful. Jiang Xie
angrily bit his neck and left a small strawberry. “Don’t boast about other men.”
What was this! Xie Xi explained, “I mean that God Yan’s healing is really powerful!”
It was amazing that Jiang Xie’s heavy injuries could be healed in such a short period of time!
“How is he powerful? He is exhausted from running 800 metres and can’t do it.”
Yan Zhe let out a big sneeze. He rubbed the tip of his nose while glancing at Qin Ge. “I think
Old Jiang is scolding me.”
General Qin was an honest man. “How is that possible? You just healed him.”
Yan Zhe was indignant. “It must be because Little Rose discovered something was wrong
and admired my superb healing. The old brute’s heart is unwilling and he blackened me!”
Well… good brother, you guessed correctly.
Jiang Xie really wanted to do Xie Xi 70 times in one night. Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t stay
in Central for too long. He had to go to the new world as soon as possible.
Jiang Xie was trying to ask about the new quasi-world when Xie Xi asked him first, “Have
you recovered any souls this time?”
Jiang Xie answered, “Five souls.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “Is your luck so good?” Last time only one was recycled. This time it
was actually five?
The rules regarding taking back the souls weren’t just to make them happy. It was to see
how many quasi-worlds they participated in. Wasn’t this too much of a coincidence? All five
souls had Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas as their last world?
Jiang Xie paused.
Xie Xi keenly captured this and asked, “What’s going on?”
Jiang Xie replied, “They should be involved in a few more worlds. However, I entered the
quasi-world and they were forcibly brought back.”
Xie Xi’s eyes became bigger. “What about the other quasi-worlds they were involved in?”
“The souls were forcibly removed and the quasi-world might collapse.”
Xie Xi’s heart thumped and he had a bad feeling. “Does it hurt you?”
Jiang Xie told him, “It is a good thing for me but the damage to the Central Government is
relatively large.”
The number of quasi-worlds was already decreasing and now the worlds of the main
designer, Jiang Xie collapsed… it was adding insult to injury.
Xie Xi understood. Jiang Xie had scattered out too many souls and his own state was
unstable. He urgently needed to take back the souls.
Forget how they came back. As long as they returned to Jiang Xie, it was a good thing. On
the other hand, the quasi-worlds that lost the souls suffered.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “If this is the case, we can recover all the scattered souls as long as
we clear a few more worlds.”
It was unknown how many souls Jiang Xie scattered but if Jiang Xie could pull them out of
the quasi-world then the efficiency was improved.
Jiang Xie refuted it. “Things won’t be that simple.”
Xie Xi thought of his new world and hurriedly told Jiang Xie about it.
Jiang Xie was stunned. “A specific occupation?”
“I tried all the low level occupations but they didn’t work. In addition, according to your
words, I can’t pass the designer test right now.”
Jiang Xie said, “It is impossible that it is a designer. Go to the occupation interface and there
should be a tip about transferring occupations.”
Xie Xi really didn’t know this. He hurriedly dragged down the interface and found the
occupations tab.
Once it was opened, Xie Xi was stunned. “Repairer? There is such an occupation in Central?”

[1.] TL: If this is confusing, remember that when it comes to Equivalent Exchange, Jiang Xie
loses something every time he enters the world. If he recovers the thing he lost in the
world, he will lose it permanently. In this chapter, Xie Xi was worried that whenever Jiang
Xie took over the soul’s bodies, this was regarded as Jiang Xie regaining his own body and it
would be permanently lost.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 162


Jiang Xie was silent and there was some of the ferocious White Tiger in his appearance.
Xie Xi stared at him. “What is it?”
Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed the other person.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he tried hard to push Jiang Xie away. “Um, w-why…”
Jiang Xie released him, the original shameless self restored. “I wanted to taste what good
luck is like.”
This person!
Xie Xi’s heart beat faster and he forgot what he was going to say.
Jiang Xie didn’t dare to mess around since this was an important manner. If Xie Xi wasn’t
promoted, he wouldn’t be able to go to the new world within 20 hours and then he would
be crushed by the Central Government.
“In theory, there are only four general occupations in the Central Government but there are
some specific occupations.”
Xie Xi pulled his thoughts back and listened to the serious lecture of Professor Jiang.
Jiang Xie continued, “Specific occupations have harsh trigger conditions. It is based on the
timing of the situation as well as your personal strength and thoughts. The probability is
about one in a billion.”
It wasn’t easy for Xie Xi to trigger the Repairer’s occupation. First, he had to enter the open
world, trigger the guidance tasks and choose the right answers among countless multiple
choice questions. If he chose to kill the half zombie and the big fool then he wouldn’t have
received Beginner Repair and the events in the future wouldn’t have happened.
Xie Xi pondered on it. “One in a billion?” He didn’t seem to feel it because everything was
Jiang Xie smiled. “It is 100% for you.”
If it didn’t happen then it was one in a billion. If it happened then it was 100%. This was
Luck had nothing to do with this. Xie Xi asked him, “Are there any other specific
“There is one close to you.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “Aren’t you a designer?”
Jiang Xie coughed. “I’m not worthy of that one in a billion chance. I am talking about Yan
Xie Xi was curious. “God Yan?”
“Yes, his occupation is a divine healer.”
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised at all. Such a powerful healing skill was justified if he had a specific
Jiang Xie continued, “Yunge’s N also has a specific occupation. He is sneaky and didn’t
publicize it but I guess he has some type of buff occupation.” That’s why he worked hard to
build such a large organization.
Xie Xi nodded and asked, “What else?”
Jiang Xie was a showman. “What else? Please respect the one in a billion chance.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “That’s all?”
“Most specific occupations have a prominent specialty and it is difficult for them to not be
famous. Thus… that’s all.”
Xie Xi, “…” There were three people in all of Central. The probability was truly low.
Unlucky Chief Jiang couldn’t help putting gold on his face. “I have good luck. I knew two out
of three people with specific occupations.”
This words would cause anyone listening to feel sour.
Xie Xi coaxed him. “You don’t need any luck. You are the greatest designer.”
Jiang Xie wouldn’t be saddened by this type of thing but he felt Xie Xi’s heart and couldn’t
help pretending to be pitiful. “Yes, I’m just a designer.”
“You are better than everyone else?”
“Am I better than God Yan?”
Xie Xi, “…”
This guy was still petty! He still remembered Xie Xi praising Yan Zhe!
Jiang Xie hugged the other person and kissed his neck. “I have to leave a way for others. I
had so much bad luck in my life and now I will be taken care of by the goddess of luck. How
can other people live?”
Xie Xi pushed this big dog away with a blank face. “The goddess of luck definitely won’t like
a man as arrogant as you.”
“Regardless of the goddess, you like me.”
Jiang Xie lowered his gaze to Xie Xi. “How is it? You don’t like me?” He deliberately lowered
his voice like a rascal.
Xie Xi shook his head. “I don’t like it!”
Jiang Xie let out an ‘oh’ before slowly saying, “If you don’t like me, is it love?”
This was really putting gold on his face! Xie Xi was blushing but he couldn’t say that he
didn’t love this person. It might be a joke but he didn’t want to say it because he really
loved Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet. How could there be such a cute baby under the sun?
In addition, this big baby was his.
Jiang Xie felt that he could continue to be unlucky in his next life as long as he met Xie Xi.
Xie Xi used a lot of effort to return the topic to the main point. “What exactly is a Repairer?”
Jiang Xie told him, “Maybe you can repair my broken worlds.”
Xie Xi also thought it should be like this. After all, the new world required an occupation
change and he had the new occupation of a Repairer.
Jiang Xie mentioned that he forcibly pulled away the souls, causing the quasi-worlds to
collapse. Could Xie X go in and repair them?
Xie Xi stated, “It should be like this.”
Jiang Xie’s demeanour was significantly more relaxed than before. “I break it down and you
fix it. We are really a couple.”
These were his usual words of love and there seemed to be nothing wrong. However, Xie Xi
was too keen. In particular, he would be cheated to death if he wasn’t sharp when it came
to matters regarding Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi held the other person’s hand and stared at him. “The quasi-worlds collapsing really
has no effect on you?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi was tricked by him before. Indeed, the souls returning to Jiang Xie was a good thing
but what about the souls that didn’t come back?
Xie Xi pressed him. “…Does this mean the souls trapped in the collapsed worlds won’t come
He thought it through and started sweating.
For example, if Jiang Xie entered Love to the Left or Right then he would take away Randy,
Aix-en and Gars when leaving. The three of them were involved in Lost Atlantis and Atlantis
would become a broken world.
It was true that the eldest, second and third children had returned but what about the
fourth, fifth and sixth princes of Atlantis? What should they do? Would they be stuck in the
collapsed world?
As long as he was missing a soul, Jiang Xie would always be in an unstable state. No one
could say what would happen in the end!
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “Well, you can fix it.”
“What if I didn’t get the Repairer occupation?”
Wouldn’t the collapsed worlds be abandoned and the souls forever trapped?
It was impossible for Jiang Xie to not realize this but he didn’t mention anything. He also
deliberately misled Xie Xi so that Xie Xi didn’t think too much.
Xie Xi finally understood why Jiang Xie reacted so strongly when hearing about the
Repairer occupation.
He thought that Jiang Xie was too surprised by his luck but he was actually feeling thankful!
The quasi-worlds were broken and the souls were trapped, but he was forced to pretend to
be fine…
Then he learnt about the Repairer occupation and kissed Xie Xi out of excitement.
Xie Xi was really angry and pained. He wanted to kill his person but also couldn’t bear to
scold him. “You are looking down on me.”
Jiang Xie was anxious. “How can I…”
“I am younger than you, weaker than you and have less experience than you. Is that why
you’re looking down on me?”
Jiang Xie was really panicked and scrambled to explain, “No, I don’t think that. I just…” He
paused before finally saying, “I’m just not used to it.”
He was used to solving all problems by himself. He was used to bearing things alone
because he had come all this way alone.
For many things, there were no benefits when talking about them. Apart from causing
worry, morale to plummet and doubling the danger, there was no other meaning.
Thus, he didn’t say it out of habit.
Xie Xi was shocked by the words.
Jiang Xie, this prideful guy, saying these words was equivalent to exposing himself in front
of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s heart ached and he took Jiang Xie’s hand. “You have to get used to it.”
Jiang Xie interlocked their fingers.
Xie Xi told him, “I will always be with you in the future. You won’t be alone again so please
believe in me.”
Jiang Xie’s heart was hit by a huge wave and the light in his eyes was amazing.
Xie Xi was embarrassed by saying so much and wanted to pull his hand back.
Then Jiang Xie held him tightly. “Say it again.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie’s hoarse voice seemed to be suppressing some shaking. “Say it again, please?”
Only one word was added but it seemed to bring out some pleading.
Xie Xi was affected and whispered, “I will always be with you in the future. You won’t be
alone again so please believe in me….”
Jiang Xie kissed him, pouring out his passionate emotions through the hot kiss.
There were words echoing in his mind. He didn’t know who said it but it was engraved in
his mind like a mark.
‘Don’t be afraid to be lonely. Wait and you will eventually find the best person.’
Some people’s tenderness only lasted for three seconds. In particular, Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi’s
red eyes and couldn’t help wanting to amuse this person to make him happy.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “I have something to tell you.”
Xie Xi asked, “What is it?” He was ready to listen because he thought it was a big deal…
Jiang Xie flicked his fingers and a water curtain appeared in the air.
Xie Xi stared at it with a very serious expression. He was focused and attached great
importance to the first secret Professor Jiang would share.
Jiang Xie opened the friends bar. Among the few friends, Xie Xi’s name was particularly eye-
Xie Xi saw the number behind his name and was stunned. “What is this?”
Jiang Xie calmly explained, “One of my trash skills allows me to see the goodwill of beginner
Xie Xi who didn’t react at first. After his reaction, “…………”
Jiang Xie stared at the green 999 and there was no need to mention how happy he was.
“999 is the highest value and it is impossible for it to go higher.”
He just finished speaking when he saw the 999 become 998, 997, 996, 995…
“Eh!” Jiang Xie cried out. “Don’t fall, don’t fall anymore!”
His tone was like a poor stockholder who saw the stocks plummet.
Xie Xi stared at him blankly. “Then you have always seen my feelings towards you?”
Jiang Xie honestly admitted it. “Yes…”
Xie Xi’s lips curved downwards. “How much was the initial number?”
0 points? 0 was the limit and it was impossible to go lower. He didn’t expect that…
Jiang Xie truthfully confessed. “It was initially -99.”
Xie Xi was shocked. “It can be a negative number?”
“Of course. The lowest number recorded was -777 and now it has risen to 999, oh, 988. It is
really as beautiful as a dream.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “Baby, don’t be angry. Once you are promoted to an intermediate
player, I won’t be able to see your goodwill anymore. Isn’t it good to let it stay at the most
beautiful 999?”
Xie Xi laughed. “-999 is also beautiful.”
Jiang Xie was shocked.
Xie Xi was very surprised by this goodwill skill but his heart was warm.
Thanks to Love to the Left or Right, Xie Xi hated X to death. At that time, Jiang Xie saw the -
99 goodwill yet he still showed so much care and favour towards Xie Xi…
This fool!
He was soft-hearted and the goodwill immediately jumped to 999. It was like Jiang Xie read
his mind as Jiang Xie whispered, “At that time, you were so interesting. You clearly hated
you but you smiled and called me God X. So cute…
Xie Xi had no expression and wanted to add a negative sign to this goodwill!
Changing to a Repairer had a level requirement. Xie Xi must first be promoted to an
intermediate player.
Beginner players needed full experience to be promoted and they also needed to do a
promotion test.
This test was released by the Central Government and the time between tests was
relatively static. They could give it up and if they didn’t pass, they just needed to consume a
few gold coins and they could try again next time.
However, every player wanted to be promoted the first time once their experience was full.
It was because if they weren’t promoted, they would have to go to a quasi-world. The
degree of completion might be higher but their experience wouldn’t increase, which was
tantamount to a waste.
Xie Xi had nothing to worry about. He directly signed up for the next test and waited for
Central’s notification.
The little rose who had been through a battle wasn’t afraid of a promotion test.
Jiang Xie stared at the people online and sent a voice message. “Do you want to come for an
Nan Yi immediately replied, “Old Jiang, are you finally leaving the mountain?” This person
with a love brain, he hadn’t done any business since his relationship began.
Qin Ge was next. “Ah Zhe told me to ask what type of activity it is.”
Yan Zhe was angry. “I told you to ask. Why are you asking like this?” This dead wood!
Qin Ge, “…”
Jiang Xie smiled mysteriously. “It is an activity you have never participated in. If you want
to come, enter the team.”
Nan Yi was most excited and entered the team with great enthusiasm. Yan Zhe was
unmoved and Qin Ge coaxed him, “If you don’t go, what will they do if they are injured?”
Yan Zhe scoffed. Under the persuasion of Nan Yi and the other three, Yan Zhe barely joined
the team.
Jiang Xie gathered all the fooled people in place and started the registration.
These powerful gods thought they were blind.
Then Yan Zhe screamed, “Old Jiang, what the hell are you doing? What do we have to go to
an intermediate test as examiners?”
Jiang Xie’s face was very thick. “You should try everything in life.”
Nan Yi was also shocked. “This is the activity we have never participated in?”
Jiang Xie asked him, “Have you participated in it before?”
He… he… he really hadn’t participated!
Yan Zhe reacted. “Is it because Little Rose is being promoted to an intermediate player?”
Too fast!
Jiang Xie didn’t reply.
The other members also reacted. Nan Yi said, “It turned out to be like this. You should’ve
said it earlier. We must do our best to help our sister-in-law cheat…”
“What are you talking about?” Old God Jiang told them, “I am giving you a chance to
appreciate how good he is.”
Everyone, “…………………………”
Jiang Xie added another knife. “Of course, such a good child has been bound to me for life.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 163

Intermediate Test

When they first met Jiang Xie, they felt they were in a dubious gang. Now they didn’t just
feel it. They were 100% sure of it!
Talking about love wasn’t enough for Old Jiang. They were afraid he would flirt even if he
didn’t have both legs!
Yan Zhe knew a bit more and sent a private chat to Jiang Xie. “You aren’t comfortable about
the intermediate test. It’s okay if he fails. It only consumes some gold coins.”
However, there was a waiting time and at least one world mission was required to continue
retaking the test.
Ordinary players didn’t have to worry. They could casually clear an E or F-grade task and
complete it in a day or two before continuing to participate.
Xie Xi was different. He had a high-grade world physique and there were no simple tasks.
Not to mention he needed to change occupations to actually refresh the next world.
Thus, Xie Xi had to pass the test or he would die because he stayed in Central for too long.
This sounded dangerous but the occurrence was actually very small. Xie Xi’s current
qualifications and abilities meant the probability of him passing the test was 99.999%…
Jiang Xie sighed. “You don’t understand. If you love a person, you are willing to suffer. You
will run if he is thirsty, jump if he is hungry, make a long jump if he misses me…”
Don’t worry about spraining his feet when running, cramping his legs when jumping or
landing on a dog’s poop when making a long jump… Bah, Yan Zhe was forced to join so he
shouldn’t have to worry about this. With the presence of this old beast, how could Little
Rose go wrong?
Jiang Xie was still speaking. “I can’t retreat 10,000 steps. What if an examiner is muddle-
headed and tries to take advantage of him?”
Yan Zhe scoffed. “You are the examiner!”
“I am legally allowed to be muddle-headed. I have received the certificate.”
Yan Zhe, “……..”
Little Rose, come out quickly and take away this old evildoer!
The bigwigs were disillusioned about the excitement of this activity was right. As Jiang Xie
told them, they hadn’t been examiners before and joining it was quite fresh.
In particular, this evildoer’s sweetheart was within the candidates and they were even
more curious.
Jiang Xie’s mouth was like a train as he bragged all day. They couldn’t believe how excellent
a beginner player could be, let alone a 19 year old child.
Xie Xi, who was 19 on the surface but spend thoughts of years in the flower world, was
chatting with his own small friends.
The passage of time in the Central World was different from the quasi-world and was
relatively static.
Xie Xi had spent so long in Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas. In the Central
World, he left and came back in a moment with no time being consumed. Thus, it was easy
to meet his friends.
However, there were situations where they couldn’t meet. For example, Xie Xi stayed in
Central while the half zombie went in the quasi-world then Xie Xi would miss him. If Xie Xi
also went to the quasi-world at this time, then they would definitely meet when he came
It was a bit of a detour but in Central, the concept of time was like this. It was no longer an
exact coordinate or constant standard. People no longer relied on it.
The zombie squad heard that Xie Xi was going to take the intermediate test and told him
their experiences.
They were all intermediate players and had long passed the test. Thus, there was a lot of
Cao Yan told him, “Old Zhu, come over. After all, you took the test three times.”
Zhu Li was furious. “Will you die if you say less words?”
Zhuo Liu spoke coolly, “Three times is fine. I heard that most people take the test four
Old Zhu was only one away from the bottom…
Zhu Li cried out, “Fuck, come to the duelling field! I’ll burn you to death!”
Zhuang Yi in women’s clothing was more reliable. “The intermediate test is very difficult. It
is generally three rounds. The first round is fixed and tests your basic physical abilities. The
second round is a match where you show your strengths. Losing isn’t important since you
will receive points according to performance. The third round is relatively difficult since it
requires passing the examiner’s test.”
Xie Xi asked, “There are examiners?”
Zhuang Yi explained, “Yes, intermediate players and above can go to sign up as examiners.
The Central Government will generally pick from top to bottom according to level. Still, you
don’t have to worry too much. Most players who accept this type of task are intermediate
Zhu Li interjected, “If you aren’t lucky, you will fail if you run into a wily old fox.
By all accounts, Zhu Li’s physical strength and specialties were so outstanding that he
shouldn’t have failed the test three times. He confessed himself, “I had bad luck and met a
string of cash three times in a row.”
Xie Xi attached great importance to this test. Others could casually do it a few times but he
couldn’t. If he didn’t pass, he couldn’t change occupations and then he couldn’t enter the
new quasi-world. Staying in Central for too long was very dangerous.
Xie Xi asked humbly, “What do you mean by a string of cash?”
Zhu Li knew everything about himself and exclaimed, “They are money holes! The third
level is set by the examiner and there are five difficulties to choose from. The string of cash
person will clearly price one difficulty. If you want to pass easily, you have to spend more
Xie Xi was stunned… this type of thing was really everywhere.
Zhu Li added, “Those garbage can’t pass the advanced test and spend their days in the
intermediate level. Once a long time passes, these evildoers are produced.”
Cao Yan opened his mouth. “Old Zhu, your words are true but no matter how much money
they ask for, they won’t exceed the registration fee for the next test otherwise it would be
like giving charity to a beggar.” This was true. Intermediate tests weren’t life-threatening
and it wasn’t a big deal to give up. The next time only required some registration fees. The
examiners aimed to take advantage of this loophole.
For example, Zhu Li paid the registration fee three times.
Zhu Li cried out, “It is like giving charity to beggars? I don’t want to get used to those
His words made a lot of sense. Most people thought like Cao Yan and were willing to
indulge the industry. If everyone was like Zhu Li, they wouldn’t spend money. Even if it
meant paying three times the registration fee, they would eliminate this bad habit for
future generations.
Unfortunately, there were few people like Zhu Li and more like Cao Yan. There was no need
to judge who was right or wrong. After all, Cao Yan wasn’t obliged to sacrifice himself for
future generations while Zhu Li was more driven by his personality.
Zhuo Liu spoke, “It is something the Central Government must know about but Zone
doesn’t care.”
Xie Xi told them, “There is no good or evil in the Central Government.”
The zombie squad froze as they all understood.
Indeed, the Central Government never controlled what players were doing. Whether they
formed an organization or not, whether they did good or bad, the Central Government
would never interfere. There was only one requirement for players: to live.
Zhu Li sighed. “Boss, you won’t have a problem. My luck was too bad and the examiner
chose the difficulty level that was my weak point.”
Xie Xi replied, “Nobody is perfect and there are areas they won’t be good at. The examiner
would definitely see the previous rounds of the test, record the weaknesses of the
candidates and deliberately wait until the third round to pick the area you aren’t good at.
Forget yourself, even god level players have a fatal weakness. This isn’t a personal strength
Zhu Li was comforted. “Boss…” These words were really warm and reasonable!
Zhuang Yi mentioned, “This test is so strange. The examiner’s quota is full despite it being
Cao Yan and Zhuo Liu also agreed. “Yes, I wanted to sign up.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Why are you signing up?”
The zombie squad laughed. “It is naturally to give Boss preferential treatment!”
There were four of them and there was a chance they could become Xie Xi’s examiner.
Then… oh, they must pick the simplest level for Xie Xi to pass.
Xie Xi wanted to laugh and cry. “No, I can do it myself.”
They didn’t know that even if they signed up, they wouldn’t be selected. After all, the
examiner’s screening was from high to low. Jiang Xie’s group of friends would definitely be
Xie Xi didn’t know that he would encounter a bad examiner, although this bad examiner
wasn’t the same as Old Zhu’s string of cash.
During the chat, Xie Xi received the notice to participate in the test. He said goodbye to the
zombie squad and was transferred.
As soon as he entered, the zombie squad went to watch the live broadcast.
Cao Yan opened his mouth, “There should be no problems.”
Zhu Li wondered, “How can there be a problem? If he encounters a string of money, we will
remember that person’s face and wait to hammer him!”
Zhuo Liu cried out, “Which string of cash dares to show their face?”
Zhuang Yi was startled. “This… this examiners lineup…”
Those watching the broadcast outside could see the examiners as well as the candidates.
Not only was the zombie squad shocked, an earthquake also passed through most of
“Oh my god! Why would X go to an intermediate test as an examiner?”
“Fuck, there’s God Yan!”
“This is… General Qin!”
“Crazy, I actually saw Wuli’s big baby, Nan Yi!”
“What is this situation? The God Team emerged?”
The God team was the honorary name given to X’s team by the players. In fact, the name of
X’s team was too low, low enough to be a disillusionment.
Every time Yan Zhe saw the words ‘Lonely Male God Group Chat’, he wanted to retreat from
the team!
Outside the frying pan, the players participating in the test were aware of these matters. If
they knew that the examiners lineup was so gorgeous, they probably wouldn’t care about
the test and would only want to surround their idols.
After all, it was a small test. If they couldn’t pass then they couldn’t pass.
Xie Xi looked around and saw that the number of participants wasn’t too large. There were
approximately 100 people.
Everyone might be a beginner player but it wasn’t easy to get experience value. An F-grade
world only gave two or three experience points. A player with bad luck would have to go
through more than 30 quasi-worlds!
Of course, there were high and low points in the world. The difficulty of the F-grade worlds
meant that these 100 people wouldn’t be able to match an A-grade quasi-world, let alone
the S-grade worlds that Xie Xi experienced.
The quality wasn’t high and the number of winners was large. Players who took the test
weren’t new recruits.
The first round was a physical test and the events were really grounded.
Xie Xi thought he was at a high school sports event.
At the examiner’s table, apart from the six big gods, the other examiners retreated to a
corner and were as quiet as a chicken.
Jiang Xie spoke, “Running 800 metres, I remember that Ah Zhe’s first test was this event.
Yan Zhe, “…” Could his black history not be mentioned!
Jiang Xie continued, “My child isn’t the same. He won’t even gasp from running 8,000
Yan Zhe was angry. “Can you stop your show of affection?”
Jiang Xie cleared his throat? “Where is it?”
Yan Zhe didn’t believe this person would be reserved. Sure enough, Jiang Xie’s next
sentence was, “I haven’t officially started yet.” The show was still warming up.
At this time, another member of their team, Gong Rui discovered something. “There is a
swimming event?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 164

Examiner Jiang

Jiang Xie also saw this and raised an eyebrow, his voice colder. “There is a swimming
event? This garbage Central, coveting my child.”
Yan Zhe gloated. “What can you do? We might be examiners but we don’t have permission
to change the exam contents.”
He paused before adding happily, “In any case, he will be wearing swimming trunks. What
are you panicking about? People won’t care about Little Rose.”
Jiang Xie glanced at him. “Do you think I can casually let you single dogs see his exposed
Yan Zhe belatedly understood. “Oh my god, you old beast.”
Jiang Xie replied seriously, “This is the normal nightlife between husbands.”
The lonely male gods, “…” It was time to kick this person out of the group!
Yan Zhe knew Xie Xi a bit more and knew that Xie Xi’s face was a bit thin. He thought about
the small strawberries planted on Xie Xi’s body by the old beast and felt urgent. “The
examiners’ list has been published and due to our names, many people will come to watch
the live broadcast. Little Rose…”
Jiang Xie interrupted. “I’m going out for a moment.”
The others were relaxed compared to the worries of Milk God Yan.
Nan Yi crossed his legs and said, “You don’t know Old Jiang. His nickname is BUG King and
he has a bad luck brain but his lewdness isn’t too high.”
Yan Zhe nodded. “That’s true.”
He knew how much Jiang Xie loved Little Rose and he definitely wouldn’t let Little Rose be
wronged. Jiang Xie soon came back with a calm expression.
Nan Yi was quite curious. “What did you do?”
“You will know when it is time.”
Nan Yi grunted, “You are still trying to raise the climax.” He wanted to see what Jiang Xie
could do with the limited examiner’s ability.
Xie Xi was also stunned when he saw the swimming event. He could certainly swim and
there were no worries about failing. He just didn’t want to take off his clothes because a big
dog had covered him in red dots.
He was currently dressed in a uniform with a high collar that protected his neck. However,
he would have to change to shorts when swimming and then…
It was normal for adults to have a sex life but it was too embarrassing if this was exposed!
In addition, there was a live broadcast and the zombie squad would be watching. This
body… he would be a dead man!
If Xie Xi had known about this event, he wouldn’t have allowed Jiang Xie’s nonsense. Now it
was too late to regret!
What should he do? Did he want to gain a high score in the other events and give up on this
swimming event?
Xie Xi calculated it in his heart and felt that even if he got full marks in the other events,
there was no way he could get a 0 in this one.
Forget it. Xie Xi gritted his teeth and decided that in the next quasi-world, he would never
let Jiang Xie touch him!
The first event was running 800 metres. The requirements weren’t too high. They just
needed to reach the finish line within the specified time.
The specified time also wasn’t harsh. Two minutes meant a player was qualified and the
shorter the time, the more points were added.
Under normal circumstances, ordinary humans could barely meet the standards, let alone
players who had been strengthened using the qualifications. Now Xie Xi’s beginner
qualifications were almost full and he could achieve the highest speed.
Please know that humanity’s record was 1 minute and 40 seconds and after countless
training, only one in a billion people could achieve it.
Of course, it wasn’t just humans who came to Central. Some special races were born with
higher physical qualities and found it easier to run.
Xie Xi felt it wouldn’t be so simple. It might be the first event but it was too easy to qualify
in two minutes. This wasn’t a problem of being unqualified but getting the full score.
Would the Central World make it this easy? Xie Xi felt hesitant.
Once he arrived at the venue, Xie Xi understood easier. The venue was small and there
were many people.
There was only one lane. If this event wasn’t carried out in batches, he would have to
snatch the lead from the beginning.
If he was squeezed to the back, the time would be delayed. This was a question of avoiding
obstacles, not speed.
Yes, the players being assessed together were the biggest obstacles.
In the examiner’s room, the people present were also staring at the screen. As soon as the
players appeared, lines of words showed up on their screen. A few people glanced at Jiang
Xie and Yan Zhe asked, “Would you like to read it?”
Jiang Xie replied, “As soon as I open my mouth, he will know about my presence and
become inspired. This will be too hard for the other players.”
Yan Zhe rolled his eyes and dismantled Jiang Xie. “You are afraid that if Little Rose knows
about you, he will give up the test to beat you up!”
Jiang Xie touched his nose. “Hitting and scolding are because of love.”
The other four people listening wanted to tell Old Jiang that this was domestic violence!
In the end, it was Gong Rui who went forward to announce the rules. Gong Rui was
relatively low-key. People didn’t know anything about him apart from him being in the God
Team. They didn’t even know what he looked like.
The candidates couldn’t see the list of examiners and didn’t know who was talking to them.
However, those watching the live broadcast saw the name in the lower right corner and
were excited.
Gong Rui spoke slowly, “I will now announce the test rules. The event name is 800 metres
run. You have two minutes to reach the end. Every second less is one point. Everyone, work
hard. The time will start when the bell rings.”
His voice was lazy and contained no enthusiasm but the players watching the live
broadcast thought about how this was Gong Rui and couldn’t suppress their excitement.
Some people even spoke nonsense with wide eyes. “Originally, the sharp god can sound so
cold and sexual!”
Okay, the mosquito noise can also be filtered into a heavenly sound.
On the field, the players participating in the test felt reluctant. The examiner’s voice was too
perfunctory and the phrase ‘work hard’ was stretched out and there seemed to be a sigh
after it.
Xie Xi had no idea about this. He was focused and once the bell rang, he rushed out first.
Old Jiang’s commentary, “You see? This reaction speed and the explosive power, too
Everyone, “…”
Was it too late to go out and buy earplugs?
Xie Xi had no reservations at all. He didn’t like the limelight but this test was too important
to him. Others could do it casually but Xie Xi had to pass it at once!
Xie Xi’s physical fitness was excellent and his reaction speed was very fast. While the group
of players was still stunned, he had left them far behind.
He had to pull away or else he wouldn’t be able to reach the end in the fastest time!
Commentator Jiang started bragging again. “Look at the judgment and focus in this small
head. Too powerful!”
The group raised their hands and shoved their fingers into their ears. There might be no
earplugs but they expressed their ruthless contempt for Old Jiang.
Commentator Jiang didn’t see and raised his voice as he became more impassioned. “Very
good, Xiao Xie is ahead of second place by 20 seconds, 21 seconds, 22 seconds… Xiao Xie
The group of gods were full of curses. If it wasn’t for the fact that the couldn’t beat up this
fucking person, they would’ve long jumped up to hammer at him!
Xie Xi ended the game with 1 minute and 30 seconds while the second place person behind
him was 1 minute and 53 seconds.
People could run fast but after being squeezed into the group, there were stumbling blocks
and their speed was greatly reduced.
Xie Xi had chosen the best position and rushed out at the fastest speed when the bell rang.
This speed was actually quite bad for middle and long distance running but Xie Xi’s physical
strength was enough. As long as he could open a gap with the players behind him and not
be crowded, he could play at the fastest speed.
The most frightening thing about this game was players fighting because they were
crowded. Don’t mention two minutes, they couldn’t even reach the destination in 20
In front of the live broadcast, the zombie squad was cheering for Xie Xi while other players
didn’t take it seriously. This test was too small. So what if he was first? They could run 800
metres in three seconds.
The reason they watched the live broadcast wasn’t because of the candidates. They were
curious about why the God Team would go to be examiners!
The second event was long jump. There was nothing else to say. It was just jumping from a
line. The only difference from ordinary sporting events was that there was only one chance
and the distance they jumped.
The candidates were very calm, the players watching the broadcast were calm, only the
Commentator Jiang directly used a transmission skill and blocking their ears didn’t work.
“Running, stepping, jumping, landing, what a beautiful arc! That light figure! The glory of
victory is in front of him!”
Very good. His commentary made it sound like a middle school sports meeting!
Xie Xi got two perfect scores continuously and Old Jiang blew himself up to the universe.
“How is it, isn’t he strong?”
Yan Zhe and Old Qin, “Strong…”
Nan Yi and Gong Rui, “Very strong…”
Zong Xia summed it up. “His strength can be improved.”
The satisfied Jiang Xie patted Zong Xia on the shoulder. “I understand Old Zong. Whenever
us husbands are together, our strength improves.”
The male gods rolled their eyes and endured it. This perpetually single dog, it was normal
to be crazy after being taken off the list.
The last basic event was swimming. It was impossible to hide and Xie Xi had long been
Let them look. Once he went back… he would ban any desires.
Yan Zhe, who had been poisoned by the previous events, finally saw the dawn. After
waiting a long time, he wanted to see how Jiang Xie would handle this swimming event.
He said, “It can’t be cancelled.”
Nan Yi wondered, “Will he give an exclusive mosaic to Little Rose?”
He also followed Yan Zhe by calling Xie Xi Little Rose. This name was interesting and the
image was smooth. Who let Jiang Xie like roses so much that his spiritual garden was full of
Gong Rui leaned back in his chair and fell asleep.
Zong Xia stated, “It should be a more noble reason.”
They soon discovered what was going on. Jiang Xie picked up the communicator and
personally announced the event’s rules.
His voice rang out and caused an explosion. Those watching the live broadcast howled,
“God X, it’s God X!” They could only see his name and not his face but they were already so
“I managed to hear God X’s voice in my lifetime. I have no regrets!”
“It’s worth it. This is a big profit, even if I missed a gathering task!”
“By listening to God X’s voice, will I draw an S-grade quasi-world for my next world?
The zombie squad was shocked and they saw horror in each other’s eyes. Jiang Xie’s voice
was so recognizable that they noticed as soon as they heard it.
The big characters on the lower right corner of the screen almost stabbed their eyes:
Examiner X.
J-Jiang Xie was God X?
The four people were stunned for a while before Cao Yan dreamily opened his mouth, “My
god, I was in a world with the greatest designer of Central…”
Zhuo Liu mentioned, “I forgot to get a signature…”
Zhu Li said, “I actually scolded him…”
Zhuang Yi lamented, “I showed him the dirty image of a man…”
Xie Xi was also stunned. He was familiar with Jiang Xie and could distinguish it clearly no
matter the change, let alone when Jiang Xie didn’t bother changing his voice.
Why did this person go to become an examiner? Xie Xi was speechless but his heart was
very warm.
This was worrying about him? However, this care was also natural. He thought about it and
if he was in this position, he probably wouldn’t be able to resist going to be Jiang Xie’s
Jiang Xie’s tone was much softer than Gong Rui. “The swimming event has no locker room
and the field has many female players. Changing clothes is inconvenient so I’ve prepared a
waterproof character for everyone that they can take as their own.”
The waiting gods were disappointed. “That’s it.”
Jiang Xie continued, “The waterproof character is only effective for clothes and won’t
impact your swimming.”
Nan Yi whispered, “I thought you were thinking of doing something odd.”
Jiang Xie hung up the communicator and quietly replied, “There is no point in using an odd
trick when this is easy and quick.”
It really was easy, noble and reasonable enough, while also making God X look like a gentle
The waterproof character was nothing for the high level players but it was expensive for
low level players.
The players watching the live broadcast started to scream, “These candidates are too lucky!
Not only do they have God X as an examiner, they also earned a waterproof character for
“God X is too gentle. He must be afraid the female players will be embarrassed and paid for
so many waterproof characters out of his own pocket.”
“What a gentleman!”
He was truly a gentleman, that is, a person who studied a gentleman’s method.
Xie Xi had no scruples about using the waterproof character. Other players were cheap and
reluctant to use it. They directly took off their clothes and rushed in to swim.
This wasn’t a foul and Jiang Xie didn’t care about other people. He was just doing this for
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi undoubtedly won first place in the swimming event and ended the first round of tests
with a full score.
The second round of testing was a match up and they had to be qualified from the first
round to participate.
Xie Xi was ready when…
Examiner Jiang explained, “The second round has 87 candidates. Two people will confront
each other and there is an odd number so one person will automatically advance. The
random result is as follows.”
His words finished and a list appeared on the big screen. Xie Xi saw his name at the bottom
and unsurprisingly, he was the lucky one who automatically advanced.
The examiners really didn’t cheat. Nan Yi marvelled, “He has good luck.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Luck is also a strength.”
At this time, Nan Yi hadn’t yet learned about the power of the emperor of luck and thought
Jiang Xie was just praising his wife.
Xie Xi’s second round was so easy and the third round was a 1v1 against an examiner.
The people watching the live broadcast were excited enough to explode.
“My god! Will God X show his face?”
“Which lucky person can receive the individual guidance of God X?”
“Why can’t I touch the gentle God X?”
Before long, the players saw the gentlemanly and legendary God X flirting with a candidate?
“What’s your name? What’s your communicator number? Where do you live?” Examiner
Jiang seriously asked. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
Xie Xi, “…” It was time for legal domestic violence!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 165

Intermediate Player

Xie Xi was smiling while his heart was full of martial arts. “If I had a boyfriend before, I
wouldn’t have one anymore.”
On the examiner’s seat, Nan Yi burst out laughing. “Someone is cleaning up Old Jiang.”
Jiang Xie was panicking in his heart but his face was calm and he even dared to say, “Oh,
you’re going to get married and your boyfriend will become a husband? Congratulations.”
The examiner’s table booed. Forget the cold God Yan, even the lively Nan Yi, the mysterious
Gong Rui and Zong Xia with an IQ of 280 all cried out in unison, “Shameless!”
The honest Qin Ge sent out ellipses as a sign of respect.
Xie Xi’s mouth curved downwards and he corrected, “I’m going to…”
He didn’t manage to say the words ‘break up’ when Examiner Jiang interrupted in a
business-like manner. “Okay, I understand. I will set aside the marriage date in advance.”
Xie Xi was fooled for a moment and really thought that Jiang Xie was only looking at the
The players watching the live broadcast spiralled to the sky!
“Oh my god, w-what on earth is this damn situation?”
“I took four intermediate tests. Why didn’t I know to check my household registration in
the third round?”
“No wonder why you took it four times. This IQ, please stay in the beginner level forever!”
“God X is such an ‘X’ god!”
“The tens of thousands year old God X is trying to hook a young man in his teens!”
“It is hard to say if he is young or not but he is 100% a beginner player!”
If this was the case, they might not be able to stay on their feet after descending to Earth.
Jiang Xie pretended to write something and lamented, “I didn’t expect you to get married so
Why should he regret it? What was with this tone? God X, do you have any ideas?
Xie Xi was speechless as he watched the self-directed performance.
Jiang Xie closed the book and smiled at him. “If you get divorced then you can consider me.”
Half of Central roared as the players couldn’t endure the shock!
Xie Xi was angry with him. “No!”
He knew there was a pit but he couldn’t help saying it.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Oh, you won’t divorce. Then I wish you lifetimes of sweet love.”
Not divorcing meant staying married to Jiang Xie but if Xie XI really divorced, he should
consider Jiang Xie. Why didn’t Jiang Xie go to heaven?!
The examiners who knew the truth wanted to smash this person. It was too unfriendly and
the single dogs felt a high level of discomfort after eating. It was strongly recommended to
chop Old Jiang to sooth the public’s indignation!
After seeing goodwill drop by seven points, Jiang Xie finally stopped and the assessment
He naturally gave Xie Xi the lowest difficulty test. Xie Xi only had to persist for five minutes
under the examiner’s attacks.
An ordinary examiner was intermediate level and it was easy to endure for five minutes.
Of course, Jiang Xie’s level meant that ordinary people couldn’t even hold on for five
seconds, let alone five minutes.
However, Xie Xi wasn’t an ordinary person. He held out against Jiang Xie for 10 minutes
and naturally the attacks from the other side weren’t attacks.
Normally, the players watching the live broadcast would be sweating for Xie Xi. This might
be the least difficult test but the examiner’s level was too high and it should be difficult.
Now… the players weren’t worried at all. They seemed to be in a trance as they watched the
two people waltz.
T-They were probably blind…
Although God X didn’t throw the game and this child probably wouldn’t fail the
intermediate test but… but…
At this moment, the image of the most mysterious, greatest and more powerful God X in the
entire Central World collapsed, accompanied by the broken glass hearts.
Five minutes later, Jiang Xie entered the play very well and spoke seriously, “You are really
great. I was almost…”
Xie Xi glared at him.
Jiang Xie changed his words. “Congratulations on passing the test.”
Along with his rarely serious voice, the live broadcast ended. Jiang Xie placed his mouth to
Xie Xi’s ears and finished his words. “I was almost dizzy by you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie kissed him and took him back to the garden. Xie Xi’s mind was forbidden desires,
forbidden desires, forbidden…
Next time, he must not indulge this person!
The gods who remained behind…
Nan Yi wondered, “What the hell did we come here for?”
The blank-faced Yan Zhe, the yawning Gong Rui, Zong Xia who pushed up his glasses and
the honest General Qin replied honestly, “I don’t know.”
Nan Yi was paralyzed in his chair. “I really believed in that evildoer!”
Xie Xi was promoted to intermediate player and his stay in Central was extended to two
For a full two weeks, with this beautiful little rose…
Xie Xi didn’t know this person’s mind and immediately said, “I will refresh the task!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi told him, “If you don’t want to come, I’ll do it myself…”
He froze before he could finish talking. Jiang Xie didn’t speak nonsense and was also
looking at his water curtain.
In Central, players checked the system interface using the water curtain. Previously, Xie Xi
had to go to the hall to see it but now that Jiang Xie gave him permission, he could use Jiang
Xie’s private water curtain in the garden.
Xie Xi muttered, “We can team up to enter…”
Only Xie Xi could enter the quasi-worlds that X designed because of the souls. Now there
was a team prompt, which meant….
Jiang Xie explained, “It seems the collapsed worlds are no longer restricted by the souls.”
Xie Xi also thought this way. He asked, “Does it mean the quasi-world has no souls?”
“It is hard to say. Whether there are souls or not, you have to repair it.”
Xie Xi understood that every world was an important resource for the Central Government.
Jiang Xie had designed many quasi-worlds but unfortunately, no one ever cleared them. If
they weren’t cleared, the quasi-world would be in a standby state and couldn’t grow on
their own.
The Central World most needed a new world to enter self-circulation because only then
could they extract new players and keep the circle.
Xie Xi still had to repair it, even if there were no souls in this collapsed world. Restore it to a
complete quasi-world without any harm.
Not to mention…
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “There might be souls.” In previous quasi-worlds, other people
couldn’t enter because the souls had absolute control over the world and rejected others. In
the collapsed world, the souls were missing a party and lost 100% control of the world,
creating gaps. That’s why a team was able to enter the quasi-world.
Jiang Xie replied, “That’s good. I don’t need Old Qin for help.”
Xie Xi also sighed with relief. “Equivalent Exchange is always unreliable.” It was better not
to use it if possible.
Jiang Xie smiled. “What are you afraid of? If I lose something then you can draw it for me.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Do you want a crooked arm or leg?”
“Everything you give me is the best.”
“Not good!” Xie Xi disliked this person. “If it isn’t the original then I will return it!”
Jiang Xie flattered him. “You can’t return it because it is long past the seven days allowed to
return goods.”
Forget seven days, 70 years and 700 years had passed!
Xie Xi threatened him. “In any case, don’t cause any waves and protect yourself. In case… in
Jiang Xie’s heart was a soft mess. “I will listen to you.”
Who cared about active illness like bronchitis or something. He had such a lovely wife, how
could he not act spoiled?
Xie Xi was very vigilant. After all, apart from this guy’s words of love, half of his other words
couldn’t be believed!
Xie Xi seriously looked at this quasi-world. Oh, now it should be called the collapsed world.
Previously quasi-worlds had blue fonts that became grey after they were cleared. This
world had a red font and the world name was different.
—Collapsed God.
Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “The original name of this quasi-world was God?”
The collapse was because the souls were removed, making the quasi-world add a prefix. In
other words, if there wasn’t a collapse then the world would be called God? It was a weird
Jiang Xie explained, “Not necessarily. The so-called quasi-world’s names are actually the
name of the game. It is randomly generated by Central according to the situation. If it
wasn’t collapsed then this world might have a different game name.”
“It turned out to be like this…” Xie Xi muttered. “No wonder why the first world was called
Love to the Left or Right.”
It was really like the game name but… Xie Xi cried out indignantly, “What love to the left or
right? It was clearly a dead end!” There were also people to the top and bottom so why only
say these directions?
This topic was very dangerous and Jiang Xie hastily changed the topic. “The game name can
still have some feedback problems. It is generally related to the world background or main
Xie Xi’s attention was successfully transferred. “I am now a Repairer and the main test must
be about repairing. Is it to repair the collapsed god?”
“It is possible.”
Xie Xi continued to speculate. “Since the quasi-world has god, it is a quasi-world similar to
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas?”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “The so-called god is closer to faith.”
This point woke Xie Xi up. On Earth where he lived, there were legends of gods in the
world. No one had seen the gods but there were devout believers.
God wasn’t necessarily an individual who existed in a mythical world. It was more likely to
be an illusory faith.
Faith was so widespread that it was impossible to determine the background of the quasi-
Jiang Xie told him, “There is no need to think too much. You should enter before making a
judgment on everything.”
In the case where there were too few clues, the most taboo thing was to form a fixed idea
on their minds. Once this happened, they would become a mess when they entered the
quasi-world and found it was completely different from what they thought. It was better to
be more open and face it directly.
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie asked, “See if there is a limit on the number of team members.
Xie Xi looked at the team information and found that there was indeed a limit. “The team
members can’t exceed two people.”
This meant he could only enter with Jiang Xie and he couldn’t take other players.
Xie Xi was sensitive and asked, “What are you worried about?”
By all accounts, Jiang Xie didn’t have to pay a price to enter this collapsed world. What was
there to worry about if Jiang Xie was in his normal state. There was no need for team
members at all.
It was only if Jiang Xie wasn’t sure that he would want to know the number limit in order to
bring a friend.
Jiang Xie really admired Xie Xi’s head and confessed, “The Central Government has fixed
rules. If they aren’t restricting me then it means this collapsed world is hard.”
Xie Xi questioned, “Isn’t your quasi-world SS-grade at most?”
Jiang Xie’s voice was quiet. “Maybe after collapsing, it became god level?” From SS directly
past SSS and prefecture level to god level!
Xie Xi, “……”
He paused before saying, “It can’t be. I’m only an intermediate player.”
Jiang Xie was worthy of being the chief unlucky person and thought about many things.
“You are the only Repairer in the Central Government.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 166

Failed Products
Xie Xi was the only Repairer so the task of repairing worlds could only be assigned to him,
regardless of the level of the world.
Xie Xi thought of something. “If the worlds you design are SS-grade at most, why is there
prefecture grade?” There was even a god grade?
Jiang Xie was the greatest designer in Central but his highest limit was SS. How did the
others come about?
Jiang Xie next words allowed Xie Xi to know why this person was so worried.
“Not everyone can design a mature quasi-world. Many designers work hard only to make a
failed product. The failed quasi-world is equivalent to a collapsed world and the level of the
tasks released by Central will be very high.”
Xie Xi was startled. “Then the quasi-worlds about SSS-grade are collapsed worlds? You are
going to fix them?”
“If we are going to fix them then you wouldn’t be the only Repairer.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tense as he understood.
Jiang Xie answered, “We are carrying out erasure tasks.”
Jiang Xie wasn’t the only one with collapsed worlds. It could be said that Jiang Xie was
regarded as the greatest designer by the Central Government because the quasi-worlds he
designed were all successful, not failed products.
Jiang Xie continued, “Failed products are very dangerous. They occupy resources and too
many failed products will cause an irreversible erosion of the Central Government.”
“That’s why the Central Government will release erasure tasks to the players.”
Jiang Xie nodded. “We call such tasks land clearing. It is a one-off and after completing it,
the failed world will disappear.”
Xie Xi had heard these words before but hadn’t understood. Now he did.
Erasing the failed product was also a helpless move for the Central Government.
The Central Government disliked failed products the most but it would be worse if they
didn’t allow the designers to design. There would be no new worlds and the cycle of Central
would collapse sooner or later. Designing was necessary for the creation of new worlds and
there would inevitably be failures.
This type of failure couldn’t be left behind, which was why there were erasure tasks.
It was obvious how difficult it was to erase a world and only advanced and god level
players dared to try it. However, this would create new problems…
Xie Xi stated, “The death rate of players who take the erasure tasks is very high.”
The failed quasi-worlds were still worlds. The will of the world existed and who would be
willing to be wiped out? The more evil things were, the more paranoid they would become
when pushed to the brink and they would definitely do everything they could to fight back.
Jiang Xie said, “That’s why new designers are decreasing.”
Xie Xi’s expression slightly darkened. “This can’t be an infinite loop.”
The designers made failed products and the Central Government had to release a task for
high level players to erase the world. High level players encountered deadly resistance in
the failed worlds and there were inevitable casualties.
High level players were the cornerstones of becoming a designer. Their large consumption
directly led to the reduction of mature designers. Without mature designers, there were
more failed products…
No wonder why the Central Government was gradually declining. According to this, the
consequences were unthinkable!
Jiang Xie told him. “It is a good thing you are here.”
In the face of this dead knot, the Repairer became a broken player. All the Repairer had to
do was fix the world, which was a different concept from erasing it.
If Xie Xi could repair Jiang Xie’s worlds as well as the failed products, the Central
Government could enter a new virtuous cycle.
The designer’s failed products could be repaired and become a complete quasi-world. It
would be tested by collectors, explorers and recorders. Once cleared, it would become a
new world and fresh blood would enter Central, stopping the decline.
Compared with the helpless erasure tasks, the repair task was simply fantastic. This waste
recycling was really time-saving and trouble-saving!
Xie Xi was very puzzled. “Why hasn’t there been a Repairer before?”
“This also depends on opportunity.”
The birth of a new occupation wasn’t easy. The Central Government must’ve been
constantly exploring methods, trying and experienced many failures before meeting Xie Xi.
Xie Xi told Jiang Xie, “If this is the case, the repair task shouldn’t be too difficult.”
“However, my world level is a bit high.”
The previous failed products were at most A-grade worlds. Then once an erasure task was
released, they would grow into prefecture and even god level. Then this SS-grade world…
Xie Xi smiled. “That is erasing. I am repairing.”
Erasure tasks would inevitably cause the world’s will to feel hostile. It wanted to exist and
would kill the players at all costs.
However, Xie Xi was different. He was a Repairer and used gentler means. It was essentially
‘healing’ the broken world.
For example, a person would cancer would desperately try to survive and fight back. On the
other hand, if a doctor came to treat hem then how could he fight? He would cooperate fully
if there was a chance to be healed.
The difference between an erasure task and a repairing task was the difference between a
killer and a doctor.
Jiang Xie also thought of this but he still had some concerns. After all, Xie Xi’s current level
was too low. In the face of a crazy patient, could a student still studying medicine be able to
control the patient’s condition?
Xie Xi held the other person’s hand. “Still, this is your quasi-world.”
Jiang Xie was surprised for a moment.
“I believe that even if it breaks down, the quasi-worlds you design are the best.” Xie Xi was
sincere. “It is because X is the greatest designer.”
Jiang Xie’s heart shook and the thick sweetness filled his entire body. He had a quick tongue
but at his moment, he found that he couldn’t say anything. It turned out that too much
honey would cause the mouth to stick so that people couldn’t open their mouths.
Xie Xi coaxed him. “Don’t worry, you’ll be with me.”
Jiang Xie buried himself in Xie Xi’s neck. “Yes.”
Xie Xi thought this person would have a mouth as fast as a train but Jiang Xie was actually
silent. Xie Xi wasn’t used to this. “The time is still early. Should we prepare the items?”
The topic distraction allowed Jiang Xie to calm his mood. “Wait a minute, I will go get you a
high level items box.”
The initial items box could only carry three items. Xie Xi was sure to bring the god’s
wisdom, meaning it was best to also take along a pen. Add a uniform and the three squares
were full. It was best to equip a high level items box to bring more things.
Xie Xi asked, “How many squares are there in the best items box?”
Jiang Xie was already preparing to go to the black market but he turned back and replied,
“A golden legendary box has nine squares but it is too hard to encounter this box. It is
difficult to buy with money. I will first see if there is a blue items box. It might only have
five squares but…”
Xie Xi interrupted. “Can more than one items box be equipped?”
The unlucky Jiang didn’t think too much and smiled. “Of course not, a player can only carry
one items box. That’s why the golden items box is hard to find.”
“Then you don’t have to go. I have a golden items box equipped.”
Jiang Xie, “???”
Xie Xi explained, “I got a special reward for clearing Wonderful Painting of the Mountains
and Seas and it gave me a golden items box.
Jiang Xie, “…………….”
Who would think that the person who made people speechless in the past would have a
screen full of ellipsis today!
It was really every item has a weakness!
After a full three seconds, the Unlucky Chief Jiang spoke in a sour manner, “Wife, you are
really white.” He wasn’t just the emperor, he was simply God’s illegitimate child!
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Hmm?”
Jiang Xie changed his words. “Dear, you are so lucky!”
“Or your quasi-world is too powerful.”
Jiang Xie muttered, “I designed the quasi-world but I didn’t get such a good reward…”
The lucky Xie Xi got it. Designing quasi-worlds also gave special rewards but the ‘garbage’
in Designer Jiang’s warehouse was enough to make a mountain pile!
Xie Xi smiled. “Well, it will be better in the future.”
Jiang Xie took a deep breath against Xie Xi’s neck. “Yes, I will suck some of the lucky energy
and maybe I can go ashore.” He didn’t want to be the emperor of luck or white, he just
didn’t want the worst rewards.
Xie Xi rubbed his itchy neck and laughed. “Don’t make trouble. Help me determine what to
This items box might be the largest but it was still only nine squares. It needed to be well
planned. In this aspect, Jiang Xie was superior. After all, this Old Jiang had enough
Jiang Xie’s experience was quite plentiful!
He said, “Don’t casually go to the player’s market to buy things. Many items have level
requirements for players. If the player’s level is too low then the use of the item might
backfire. There might be fewer things in the mall but for you, it is most cost-effective.
Xie Xi nodded. “Are the high level medicine harmful to low level players?”
Jiang Xie gave an explanation. “Different physiques means different tolerances.”
Xie Xi asked again, “Should I bring a few more uniforms?” If the medicine wasn’t powerful
then the fatal immunity uniform would work well.
“Bring two pieces at the most. Don’t rely on the immunity to fatal injuries. Once you reach a
high level, you will understand. At this point, immunity isn’t significant because you will
probably die many times in a row.”
Xie Xi was stunned as he imagined the scene. Being immune to deadly wounds was indeed
an extra life but he also needed the ability to escape the killer.
So what about resurrection? The other side would come again and again. Even if he had
nine lives, he would eventually die if he didn’t have enough strength.
Jiang Xie told him, “Remember, don’t rely on the fatal injury immunity. You should try to
avoid dying.”
This was really Old Jiang’s heartfelt words. New players might gain a misunderstanding in
the middle period and think that due to the fatal injuries immunity, it was like playing a
game. It didn’t matter if they died once because they could resurrect.
The quasi-world wasn’t a game. Unexpected emergencies would emerge endlessly.
Ignorantly putting themselves in a situation where they would encounter a fatal injury was
sooner or later killing themselves.
The most sensible thing was to be prepared in advance, rather than wait for the fatal
injuries immunity.
Real advanced players didn’t even carry fatal immunity items.
It wasn’t because they completely denied the usefulness of such items. It was because it
was more cost-effective to use the limited squares for something else.
Xie Xi nodded solemnly. “I get it.”
Jiang Xie continued, “There are a limited number of items you can use at the moment so you
can bring two uniforms.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I should keep a square for something you can use.”
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet. “Items have little significance to me now. I am almost immune
to all drugs and a weapon only occupies one square. If this is destroyed then I will die.
Nothing else has much value.”
Jiang Xie had long passed the stage of relying on items.
Xie Xi frowned. “Immune to all drugs.”
Jiang Xie was afraid of his worry and quickly explained, “It is because my qualifications are
too high.”
Xie Xi didn’t believe it. “Isn’t it from eating too much?”
Jiang Xie coughed. “There is also a reason for this.”
Drugs always caused resistant. The more that was consumed, the worse the effect. Jiang Xie
always had bad luck. It was unknown how hard it had been all the way to the present…
Xie Xi felt pained but it wasn’t good to say anything. After all, those things were over.
Jiang Xie continued to help him with the items box. “There are two uniforms. You want to
bring the god’s wisdom so it is best to bring a pen. It might be wasteful to use a square on a
pen but if you can’t find a pen at a suitable time in the quasi-world then it will be
A pen was very common but it was extremely important for Xie Xi. Bringing an item
couldn’t be abandoned just because it was common. As long as it was important, it should
occupy a square, even if it was soil. This was because there were too many changes in a
“Bring a dozen basic hemostatic drugs, a basic physical medicine, a food package and a hot
and cold weapon.”
This was nine squares filled up.
Xie Xi understood the difference between hot and cold weapons. A gun might be better than
a sword but in some cases, it wasn’t necessarily more useful than a sword. The thing he
didn’t understand was—
“I shouldn’t bring a body character or a search mirror?”
They were two rare props in the mall. Xie Xi’s money wasn’t bad and he could bring two
dozens of them.
Jiang Xie shook his head. “You can take it if it is a world below C-grade. However, those
items are mostly ineffective in high level worlds.”
In the beginning, Xie Xi was saved in Fairytale Town using the fixed body character but
Fairytale Tower was only D-grade.
If it was the Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas quasi-world, the fixed body
character was trash and it probably couldn’t even freeze a rose.
Don’t talk about these two items. Xie Xi was afraid to use Roast Pork Bun’s Dreaming skill
in Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas.
It was because the sages and ancestors were too energetic and it was difficult for them to
sleep and dream.
Xie Xi understood. Jiang Xie just helped him analyze the items but Xie XIi felt he benefited a
lot. It was enough to show Jiang Xie was really experienced.
Xie Xi’s heart was moved and he couldn’t help asking, “How many worlds have you
“I can’t count them.”
Xie Xi, “……”
Old Jiang wasn’t pretending. He really couldn’t count them. He directly opened the water
curtain and went to the quasi-world page for Xie Xi to see.
Jiang Xie slid down with his fingers and spoke, “It is too long ago and the Zone doesn’t
count it. You see… if I have to count it myself then how long will it take?”
Xie Xi was stunned by the sight. Jiang Xie slid down for more than a minute and the bottom
still wasn’t seen. This really couldn’t be counted!
Xie Xi was shocked and distressed. “It wasn’t easy.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “It’s okay. It was boring anyway.”
Xie Xi heard a faint world-weariness from his plain tone. Xie Xi’s heart tightened and he
wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to speak.
Jiang Xie rubbed the back of his hand and sincerely reassured him, “I was waiting for you.”
He kissed the back of Xie Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “No.”
Jiang Xie glanced at him. “Hmm?”
Xie Xi looked at the endless list of quasi-worlds and was sincere. “These are proof of how
good you are. They are your glory alone.”
After so many worlds, Jiang Xie had grown to be incomparably excellent and became the
strongest designer who impressed the entire Central Government!
Jiang Xie was stunned. Xie Xi’s praise caused him to be embarrassed. Jiang Xie’s voice was
hoarse. “Don’t do this.”
Xie Xi looked up. “Hmm?”
“I really will do you 70 times a night.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
He shouldn’t have praised his big bastard!
On the last day before the limit, Xie Xi entered the quasi-world. Jiang Xie told him,
“Anything can happen in the collapsed world. There is a chance we won’t be together.”
“I understand.”
Jiang Xie continued, “If I’m not by your side, don’t rush. Find out the background of your
identity and wait for me to find you.”
Xie Xi nodded continuously. The two people spoke for a while, Jiang Xie mentioning
everything he could think of before Xie Xi entered the world.
The familiar feeling of being pulled away struck and Xie Xi felt a slight dizziness. It didn’t
take long for him to open his eyes.
Based on this feeling, he seemed to be on a plane? Xie Xi didn’t have time to look at the task
panel when a person around him spoke. “Mr. President, this is your black tea.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 167

Collapsed God 1

President? They were calling him?

Xie Xi was stunned. The shock of being president was far greater than being the flower god.
After all, the mysterious identity of the flower god was too far away from his former world.
The term president was…
He didn’t want to be the emperor of luck! Xie Xi would change his blood.
Now wasn’t the time to think this. Xie Xi slightly nodded and the man put down the black
tea before leaving.
Xie Xi couldn’t examine the space he was in. He had to first read the information panel. This
was the most important part of entering a new game and missing it was deadly.
The panel was still familiar. [Welcome to the quasi-world. Please read the information
board carefully.
[Game Name: The Collapsed God.
Game Summary: Highly developed civilizations have dominated the universe. There is only
endless exploration and development in people’s mind. The high degree of self-confidence
brought about by science and technology blinded the eyes of the civilization until disaster
Main Task: Repairing the collapsed god.
Side Task: To be refreshed.
Number of Loads: None.
Items Carried: A golden item box which has nine squares.]
There was no privilege. In all of Jiang Xie’s quasi-worlds, this was the first time Xie Xi didn’t
get to choose a privilege.
In fact, as he travelled through several worlds, Xie Xi understood that the privilege was
something the souls opened for him.
The privileges played a big role. In Love to the Left or Right, if the novice Xie Xi didn’t have
the fatal injuries immunity then he would’ve gone crazy.
Lost Atlantis wasn’t easy and Xie was almost discovered a hundred times.
The Puppet technique seemed to have little effect in Wonderful Painting of the Mountains
and Seas but this was because Jiang Xie followed him. Without Jiang Xie to help, he could
only rely on the puppets.
There was no privilege in this Collapsed God. Xie Xi felt that either this quasi-world had no
souls or the souls couldn’t open it for him. No matter the possibility, he must attach great
importance to focusing on this collapsed world.
Xie Xi refreshed the side task. The small funnel turned for a while before a line of words
popped up.
[Side Task: Find the collapsed god.]
There was no need to continue to refresh. This task was almost the same as the main task
and it was definitely a core task.
However, repairing a collapsed world had no customs clearance. It only depended on if the
repair was successful or not, so the side task wasn’t important.
Even so, this side task gave Xie Xi a hint. The collapsed god referred to a real individual? Or
was it simply the faith of the people?
As could be seen from the game introduction, this was a highly developed society which
was more developed than the Earth Xie Xi was born on. After all, Earth people were still far
from conquering the universe… Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie, “???”
Speaking of which, this person really had a crow’s mouth. The two people were actually
separated and Xie Xi didn’t know where this person was located.
The information panel was like this. Xie Xi memorized it before the panel slowly
Xie Xi glanced at the bottom right corner and saw tips for the main and side tasks.
He hadn’t seen Roast Pork Bun for a few days so after coming to the quasi-world, Xie Xi
pulled him out.
The kitten complained, “Daddy only likes playing with Father and doesn’t want me qaq!”
Xie Xi was very embarrassed. Jiang Xie was full of lewd thoughts and the two people did
things together. How could he dare let out the kitten?
“Okay.” Xie Xi rubbed the small head. “A child should sleep more to grow quickly.” He had
been with Jiang Xie for a long time and felt that his coaxing ability had really grown.
Roast Pork Bun was coaxed in minutes. “Really?”
Such a good trick was a huge contrast to his father! Xie Xi was even more embarrassed.
He cleared his throat. “Don’t sleep too long. Working and then resting is better.”
Roast Pork Bun was happy and rubbed against Xie Xi’s arms. “Daddy is so good. It turned
out to be for me.”
Xie Xi, “…” His conscience was even more disturbed!
There was a kitten and this was equivalent to Xie Xi having an extra pair of eyes that could
see further.
It wasn’t far from his original thoughts. He was indeed on an ‘airplane.’
It was just that in this era, it should be called an aircraft. It was the most common means of
transportation that had replaced cars and flew much lower than planes.
Xie Xi wasn’t very flustered about this high-tech world. Compared to nothing, this place
was much easier to obtain information from.
Xie Xi had an excellent identity and it was easy to read a bunch of things.
After being promoted to an intermediate player, Xie Xi filled up his available qualifications.
Not only was his physical strength improved, his five senses had been strengthened to an
exaggerated point.
A Repairer didn’t have any qualifications so Xie Xi had to spend twice or three times more
money than average players. This didn’t matter because the thing that Xie Xi wasn’t lacking
was probably… gold coins.
His five senses developed and his memory was enhanced. Xie Xi quickly swept over the
information and remembered 70~80% of the world’s general background.
The language was no problem. Players had the language translator so he could easily speak
dozens of languages.
The unexpected thing for Xie Xi was that this language was a mixture of Chinese and
English. It was a bit awkward but fortunately, Xie Xi could understand it.
Next, Xie Xi saw his profile.
Name: Xie Xi.
Age: 3 rounds, 28 years old.
Gender: Rational
Identity: 39th president of the United States, supreme leader of the United States,
commander of the armed forces.
Experience: First round’s highest position was Chief Justice, tenure. Second round’s highest
position was vice-president, left the post after the expiration of his term and travelled
around the universe. Third round graduated from the best university in the United States at
10 years old. Participated in the battle of Yama Star at the age of 13. Saved billions of
people on Yama Star with outstanding mental strength and judgment. At 20 years old,
returned to the Capital Star and joined the House of Representatives. At 21 years old,
participated in the presidential election. Due to young age, he lost by one vote. At the age of
25, he entered the presidential palace with the highest number of votes ever.
This resume shocked Xie Xi so that he wasn’t in the mood to see the strange age calculation
and gender.
Was he so powerful? Xie Xi didn’t know it at all.
It was true that in Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas, he became a god.
However, he was the flower god. All he did was draw pictures and when he was tired, he
slept for more than 20 years. He had no real power and was too lazy to manage things.
This was different. A sweep of the resume showed that this was true power. He was a true
president who fought on his own.
Xie Xi felt a bit guilty. Didn’t the souls lose control of the world? How did they still give him
such an identity?
It was unknown where Jiang Xie was but Jiang Xie had experienced many worlds. He had
certainly tried any identity. If Xie Xi could find him, Jiang Xie could teach him how to be a
Xie Xi had enough authority to find someone in the universe but…
How to explain about the person he was looking for? If the government found out that the
president had mutated, would they beat him to death?
Xie Xi could only temporarily be stable and continue to familiarize himself with his identity
while waiting for Jiang Xie to come to him.
As long as there were no big problems, Jiang Xie should be able to find him. After all, the
president had his name and face. Even a lowly person could see this information.
Xie Xi settled his mind and was in the mood to look at this strange age and gender.
His age was three rounds and 28 years old. The 28 years old was easy to understand but
what did it mean by three rounds?
Xie Xi didn’t dare directly check. He was afraid to leave search records that could be found
by interested parties.
He racked his brains and searched for half a day before discovering the social environment.
The civilization that had conquered the universe must overcome the short lifespan. The
method that humans here found was ‘reincarnation.’ This reincarnation wasn’t true
reincarnation that followed the concept of Earth, but it was a bit similar.
The first birth was the first round. The lifespan was around 200~300 years old and once
the body’s function declined to a point that couldn’t be regenerated, they could apply for
the second round.
The so-called second round wasn’t changing bodies to live again. It was random
preservation of some experiences and memories.
For example, Xie Xi’s first round was the Chief Justice with tenure. After he entered the
second round, he might retain his experience with the low but he lost the most basic
survival experience. Thus, he needed some time to learn and adapt again to society. It was
also possible that he didn’t retain his experience with the law and would become an
ordinary person, which required re-working and starting a new life.
Reincarnation wasn’t the so-called forgetting dust of Earth but it was randomly retaining
some things.
This might be unstable but the large population couldn’t resist. They wanted to leave more
things behind than was possible in 200 or 300 years.
This was especially true for people who were outstanding in a certain aspect. There was a
big chance of saving the experience of the previous round so that a child who was seven or
eight could be outstanding in one aspect.
Xie Xi found this social structure quite fresh.
As for gender, there was no distinction between male and female. There was only rational
and emotional.
Male and female were no longer labels that distinguished humans. It was because humans
had long departed from the era of breeding and stepped into the more accurate and perfect
era of gene pool reproduction.
Every year, the Ministry of Fertility used indicators to formulate new lives based on the
number of deaths or the extent of territory expansion.
This number needed to be reviewed by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Finally, it would be signed by the president before the next reproduction cycle began.
People had no trouble breeding offspring and placed more focus into developing society,
causing them to almost conquer the universe.
The so-called emotional and rational were a mental determination of gender.
Emotional people were rich in emotions and were more suitable for the development and
creation of perceptual aspects such as art and culture.
Rational humans were calm and logical, making them more suitable for the formulation and
development of rational aspects such as law, politics and the military.
Of course, this was just a simple distinction and wasn’t set in stone. An emotional human
could be in the government and a rational person could achieve extraordinary
achievements in art.
Just as people on Earth pursued equality between men and women, the people of this era
pursued equality between emotional and rational.
By the time Xie Xi basically understood the world’s background, the aircraft stopped.
His secretary whispered, “Sir, we have arrived at the presidential palace.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
He got up and saw himself on the bright silver hatch.
He wore a silver uniform with three black meteorites on his shoulder, representing the
highest rights in the army. The national emblem of the United States was on his left arm,
which was a perfectly blooming white rose.
Xie Xi saw it and wanted to laugh. This was truly Jiang Xie’s quasi-world since it was a rose.
He walked down from the aircraft and the presidential palace on the clouds gave an illusory
The pure white European-style architecture, the artificial sky garden filled with beautiful
roses and the progressive white almost blended the building with the clouds.
Xie Xi was slightly stunned while Secretary Li told him softly, “Mr. President, the rebels of
Star e981 have been arrested. Do you want to take a look?”
Xie Xi had a strange feeling.
He was the president. Would Jiang Xie be unlucky enough to become a rebel? Was he a
rebel who was captured?
Well… it was necessary to take a look.
Xie Xi nodded “Connect the video.”
Secretary Li replied, “Okay.”
Then Xie Xi appeared in a place where criminals were held. It was only a holographic
simulation but it was really difficult to distinguish from true and false.
The prison was also different from the Earth age. It was as clean as a laboratory, with white
walls, an airtight room and a blue light curtain as a door.
Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie instantly. To Xie Xi’s surprised, Jiang Xie had indigo eyes.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 168

Collapsed God 2

If this face hadn’t belonged to Jiang Xie, Xie Xi would’ve almost thought he had seen Azure
The eyes were too similar, a rare indigo as deep as the sea where the sun couldn’t shine.
Xie Xi’s heart was tense. It was impossible to be Old Four. After the last quasi-world ended,
Jiang Xie took all the souls away. Old Four had returned to Jiang Xie so how could he appear
in this world?
Moreover, this face didn’t belong to Azure Dragon. Xie Xi thought that this was likely Jiang
Xie. Perhaps this world hated his two coloured eyes and gave him beautiful pupils?
By the way, how did he shrink? This Jiang Xie… um… was too tender?
Secretary Li reported, “The e981 rebel leader, code X. The rest of the information is
unknown. This youth’s combat power is very high and he is very difficult. The intelligence
department suspects that he is the rebel leader.”
As soon as Xie Xi heard the code X, he understood everything.
The rest of the information was unknown? He could go to the intelligence department and
tell them things such as… name: Jiang Xie. Age: Old. Gender: Love Brain. Resume: Cough…
too much, too lazy to read!
Xie Xi took out the model of the flower god and stared at the young version of Jiang Xie.
This person was really tall. Despite only being around 15 or 16 years old, he was already
1.8 metres.
However, his temperament was very tender like a newborn calf.
As if aware of his sight, Jiang Xie was also looking at Xie Xi. Jiang Xie’s eyes were very deep
and his thin lips pursed together, making it hard to see through him.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “He is still underage.”
Secretary Li replied, “His body’s age is 15 but as you know, biological monitoring can’t
judge his annual ring.”
Xie Xi heard the words ‘growth ring’ and acted very well, struggling to tighten his mouth.
Still, these words were very accurate for this society. Round after round like a wheel…um.
Xie Xi suppressed his thoughts and added, “The growth ring doesn’t matter. In this round,
he is a minor.”
Secretary Li was stunned and hurriedly said, “He might be a minor but…”
“The Minors Protection Law in the United States clearly stipulates that only the age of the
body is looked at, not the rounds.”
This was reasonable. The age might be recorded in rounds and many people inherited the
experience and knowledge of previous rounds, but few people would inherit the heart,
thoughts and life experience.
Therefore, in the life of a new reincarnation, a person might be able to solve Fermat’s Last
Theorem at birth but he might not have the common sense to know not to eat mud.
Therefore, the Minors Protection Law didn’t look at the annual ring and it only depended
on the current age. Anybody who was less than 19 years old would be given certain
protection and pardon.
Secretary Li understood these laws but it was very likely that this young boy was the leader
of the rebel army. Under the protection law, he would be released from prison and moved
to a youth care centre.
The level of vigilance at those types of homes was very low. How could this boy live there?
Wasn’t it like returning a tiger to the mountains?
Xie Xi knew his concerns and under normal circumstances, Xie Xi wouldn’t be stupid
enough to release such a dangerous variable. However, this wasn’t a normal case.
In the whole world, no one gave him more peace of mind than this teenage X.
Xie Xi still had to maintain the president’s establishment and there was a logical reason.
“We have no evidence to prove he is the leader. If we arbitrarily detain him and let the
Senate know, they would inevitably impeach the president.” He paused and lowered his
voice. “How you forgotten how I lost?”
The words made Secretary Li nervous and he bowed his head. “This subordinate was
Speak to a wise person and his own brain would be able to supplement what was told to
Of course, Xie Xi’s words were indeed clever.
The Minors Protection Law was clearly established and the youth in front of him was
indeed a minor. In the absence of sufficient evidence to establish that he was the leader of
the rebels, it was illegal to detain him.
The president couldn’t break the law or it would be a dictatorship.
In particular, when Xie Xi ran in his first election, the reason for the unsuccessful election
was his age. He was Chief Justice in his first round and vice-president of the United States in
the second round. He fought in the third round and should be qualified for the presidency
despite being 21 years old. Yet the Senate told him that he was too young and wasn’t
mature enough.
The laws and the public believed that no matter how many times the reincarnation, as long
as the body wasn’t up to standard then the heart was immature. Thus, X could be protected
by the Minors Protection Law as long as he was a citizen of the United States.
If Xie Xi arbitrarily detained him, Xie Xi’s political opponents would definitely take the
opportunity to attack. It was almost time for the re-election and it was understandable to
be cautious.
As for the identities of his political opponents, President Xie himself didn’t know. Still, he
was in a high position and how could there be no political opponents?
In any case, his words were correct. The president was working hard to save the First Lady!
Secretary Li was still worried. “Mr. President, can we really let him go?”
The e981 rebel army was the most troublesome bandit group in the United States. They
lasted for dozens of annual rings and couldn’t be completely subdued. Now the president
had captured the suspected leader and it was hard to let him go just because of the Minors
Protection Law!
However, Secretary Li didn’t dare say any more because he knew that the president was
the one who put the most energy into capturing the rebels and he would be the one most
Xie Xi ordered, “You go out. I will talk to him.”
Secretary Li hurriedly said, “His physical and mental abilities are very high. He is an S-
grade dangerous person. Mr. President, you…”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Do you think I can’t subdue a brat?”
Secretary Li was stunned and calmed down. He forgot what the president had done to
reach the top of the United States.
The United States’ president had always been the commander of the army but it was
certain that there was no president more qualified than the current one to command the
entire army. He had been fighting since the age of 13 and was called this generation’s God
of War.
Secretary Li respectfully bowed. “This subordinate will retreat first.”
Xie Xi removed all the people and shut down the surveillance, leaving him alone with Jiang
Xie Xi didn’t know if this was the person or the soul so he didn’t take the initiative to open
his mouth.
Jiang Xie stared at him with dark eyes. Xie Xi waited a minute and basically confirmed one
thing. If this was the main body then it was impossible not to know Xie Xi.
If it was a soul then things were unknown. If it was the master, had he forgotten Xie Xi?
Well… it wasn’t the first time he lost his brain but this time there seemed to be more lost?
Xie Xi’s demeanour changed and he asked, “What is your name?”
The moment he opened his mouth, the boy moved. It was unknown when he disconnected
the aura used to suppress him. He clasped Xie Xi’s neck with one hand and forced him to
the wall.
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the person in front of him. “Mr. President? You are
more beautiful than your images…”
Xie Xi, “…”
The young man’s curved lips were full of hostility as he whispered, “…And even stupider.”
Xie Xi’s back was against the solid wall and his whole body was completely suppressed by
Jiang Xie but he didn’t panic. He even thought this thorny person was a bit cute… cough, he
should be serious. They both had hostile identities now.
Xie Xi calmly stated, “You are younger than I thought.”
This 15 year old teenager was also very cute. Jiang Xie’s pupils shrunk and he increased the
pressure of his hand. “Do you think I won’t kill you?”
Xie Xi asked slowly, “What if you kill me?”
“You are the president of the United States. Your assassinated will send all of the US into a
“Even if I am dead, there will be countless presidents. For countless years, the least missing
thing in the United States is a president.”
Jiang Xie cried out, “You are the most authoritarian and have the strictest control over the
people in history!”
Xie Xi wondered, “Do you think this is something I can do on my own?”
“If I kill you, I will have disintegrated the image you created.”
Xie Xi glanced at him, voice unusually gentle. “How will you live if you kill me?”
Jiang Xie’s hand trembled very lightly. He quickly rallied his spirit and his trip was stronger.
It seemed he could use his strength to break this white neck. “I didn’t expect the president
of the United States to use this trick.”
Xie Xi found it funny and smiled. “What trick?”
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped and his gaze became more dangerous. “I remember that your
gender is rational.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Xie Xi asked him, “What about you?”
Jiang Xie exclaimed, “Will I be a cowardly emotional?”
Xie Xi didn’t agree. “An emotional person just has stronger empathy. This doesn’t mean
they are cowards.”
Jiang Xie sneered. “Then why are there almost no emotional people in office throughout the
Xie Xi replied lightly, “They are just doing their respective duties.”
Jiang Xie suddenly said, “You don’t hide your gender.”
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Do I need to?”
Jiang Xie frowned and no longer spoke. He didn’t expect this young and beautiful man to be
so deep.
Jiang Xie had seen his image countless times. The rebels had satirized him as the president
of corolla because he stood in front of the US’s rose emblem and looked like a rose corolla,
more eye-catching than the most beautiful stars in the US.
Such a person held the supremacy of the United States and enacted numerous harsh and
cruel laws, implementing many dehumanizing policies. He acted like it was reasonable and
After a close observation, Jiang Xie confirmed that this was an unfathomable man and he
couldn’t be deceived by the simple appearance. Jiang Xie had to be wary and maintain a
cold heart.
A rational person rarely made such an emotional expression yet this gentle voice seemed to
be full of affection. It held a strong appeal and the power to confuse people.
Jiang Xie became more determined to kill him. Even if Jiang Xie’s body was crushed, he had
to drag this person to hell. This man was too dangerous.
Xie Xi knew all the twists and turns and whispered, “If you let me go then I’ll let you go.
How about it?”
Jiang Xie’s fingers increased in strength. There was a stinging from his neck and Xie Xi
slightly frowned. After seeing the subtle emotions, Jiang Xie’s brain hadn’t yet issued
instructions when his hand had unconsciously loosened.
Xie Xi complained, “Can’t you do it lighter?”
The slightly raised tone at the end was like a small hook that easily hooked the most critical
piece of the stone wall around Jiang Xie’s heart. There was a bang and the hard-built wall
collapsed… Jiang Xie’s heart was struck. Jiang Xie’s hand trembled slightly.
Xie Xi thought this youth finally raised weighed the pros and cons and knew a sense of
proportion. He coaxed, “I can use the Minors Protection Law to let you go but you can’t
leave my sight. You have to eat and live with me.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “Why?”
Xie Xi gently smiled and spoke a bit ambiguously, “Are you asking why I will let you go or
why I want you to eat and live with me?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi saw him like this and thought, ‘If you are still rational then I will believe in ghosts!’
Of course, it was necessary to maintain Jiang Xie’s face. After all, this was either a soul or
brainless Jiang Xie and Xie Xi had to coax him.
Xie Xi continued, “The underage care facilities won’t be able to look after you, right? Follow
me and I can supervise you, as well as determine if you should bear the punishment of
Jiang Xie recovered his voice and spoke through gritted teeth, “I won’t get along with a
hypocritical person like you!”
Xie Xi wasn’t angry. He thought this was too fun and his smile widened. “If you don’t try to
get along with me, how do you know what type of person I am?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 169

Collapsed God 3

Jiang Xie removed his gaze, his mind repeating, ‘Don’t be bewitched, don’t be bewitched,
don’t be…’
Xie Xi added, “If you kill me then you won’t be able to leave here. I am dead and the United
States will soon gain another president. What about you?” The rebels would be a mess
without a leader.
Jiang Xie turned his head and stared at this person. “I am just a nobody. If I die then I die.”
“You are so good. How are you a nobody? Then your organization really isn’t easy.”
The previous sentence was warm but the last sentence had a steep drop in tone, causing a
stinging chill. Was this a carrot and a whip? Jiang Xie sneered. A rational person was so
good at grasping people’s hearts?
He suddenly got close to Xie Xi and whispered almost in his ear, “You are hiding your real
Xie Xi jerked and the tip of his ears was a bit red. After all, there was no way. The two
people had done so many close actions and there was a bit of a ‘stressed’ reaction.
Jiang Xie saw it and was… stunned.
Xie Xi whispered, “Is it necessary for me to hide my gender?”
Jiang Xie’s throat was dry. “If you are emotional then how can you become the president of
the United States?”
“The United States has never been discriminatory about gender. Don’t misinterpret the
political meaning.”
Jiang Xie’s thin lips pursed but he couldn’t stand such a close distance. He loosened his
hand and moved a bit further away. “Why aren’t you killing me?”
Xie Xi replied, “You are still a minor.”
“You have killed minors before!”
“The situation was uncontrollable and there were priority decisions.”
Jiang Xie sneered. “It seems you have determined that I won’t kill you.”
Xie Xi smiled brightly. “I knew you were a smart child.”
Jiang Xie grasped his wrist. Xie Xi was as calm as ever, as if they were drinking afternoon
tea instead of discussing life and death. There was certainty, calmness and confidence. It
was impossible for Jiang Xie to beat him.
A sense of humiliation sprang up and Jiang Xie released him, declaring coldly, “I will tear off
your hypocritical face sooner or later.” He would let the world know how such a delicate
face was cold and ruthless!
Xie Xi was troubled. It seemed his coaxing had become twisted. Sure enough, a teenager
thought too much? Poor Xie Xi had little experience with children and it was hard for him to
understand this teenager.
He could only say, “I sincerely hope you put away your prejudices against me.”
Jiang Xie sneered, thinking this person was even more hypocritical. A rational person could
have such a personality, it was really unthinkable!
The conversation wasn’t pleasant but Xie Xi managed to steady Little Jiang Xie and let him
agree to get along with each other.
It was also unknown what Big Jiang’s mood was like. He dreamt of spending all his life with
this child and now that the child was sent to his door, he used all types of excuses to push
him away. He really didn’t have a brain.
Xie Xi left first and told Secretary Li his decision. Secretary Li was shocked. “How can this
be done? How can he stay with you? Mr. President, your safety is the most important
Xie Xi wondered, “Do you have a better way?”
Secretary Li, “…”
“The e981 rebels are extremely tenacious. If we can take this opportunity to recruit them,
we can save more energy.”
Secretary Li heard these words and unexpectedly showed a sad demeanour, choking out,
“Mr. President, you are so dedicated to the people. One day, they will fully realize it.”
Xie Xi keenly captured this special situation. What was this? Were there any difficulties in
the United States or did he make a sacrifice?
Secretary Li cheered up. “We will always support the president. I believe that under your
light, the United States will usher in a radiant glow!”
Xie Xi didn’t ask too much and only nodded calmly.
He had thought of many excuses but they didn’t need to be used at all. It was unknown
what Secretary Li’s brain had made up but he started to sing Xie Xi’s praises.
Well, who cared if he could save trouble?
He said this but Xie Xi’s identity was a very busy person. After leaving the prison, there was
a lot of government affairs to deal with.
Xie Xi wasn’t nervous about this. After strengthening his qualifications, his memory and
judgment were greatly enhanced. He was incomparable to ordinary humans.
He just took this opportunity to learn more about the situation. He didn’t know if it was his
illusion but after connecting with this world’s quantum computer, he felt that his mind was
several times faster than usual.
After strengthening, he was comparable to the top computer on Earth. Now he was even
Xie Xi thought it was a bit strange but told himself he was still in the adaptation stage. He
probably wasn’t used to it.
As he was dealing with government affairs, Jiang Xie was also in his office. Of course, there
were special people to look after him.
Xie Xi didn’t dare do it himself. He wasn’t afraid of being hurt but was afraid that Jiang Xie
would run away.
It was too hard to catch this person. It would be a loss if Jiang Xie slipped away before Xie Xi
figured out the situation.
Xie Xi was so busy that he missed lunch and direction worked into the afternoon.
He basically figured out the situation and was a bit worried. This world wasn’t simple and
as the president, he was struggling on a cliff.
He cut off his connection with the quantum computer and saw Young Master Jiang fiddling
with a shadow on his leg. He was so busy while this guy was idle. Unfortunately, he couldn’t
bring Jiang Xie over to help.
Xie Xi got up and walked to him. “Sorry, I took a little long.”
Jiang Xie didn’t raise his head. “Don’t care about me.”
How did such a thorny person grow into that Old Jiang? Xie Xi was curious! He reached out
and was about to touch Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie tensed but Xie Xi grabbed the shadow.
This thing was a small toy, a bit like the Rubik’s Cube in Xie Xi’s world. However, it was a
hundred times more complex than the hardest Rubik’s Cube and required a certain amount
of effort. A person with weak hands couldn’t beat this thing.
Xie Xi had just ended his link with the quantum computer and his head was currently in the
fastest thinking mood. He had been through the battlefield and had strong physical fitness.
After taking the shadow, he only gently bounced it and it emitted a colourful light. This only
happened when the shadow was restored.
Jiang Xie was obviously startled but immediately scoffed. “A little trick.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “It is really what children like.” Then he threw the shadow back at Jiang
Jiang Xie was angry. “I’m not too young!”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “How old are you?”
Jiang Xie shut up immediately.
Xie Xi smiled and flicked his forehead. “Child, go to dinner.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
He saw the speechless Little Jiang and there was no need to mention how happy Xie Xi was.
He was fond of this heavenly reincarnation. Who would expect this detour? Xiao Xie
unexpectedly could call Old Jiang a ‘child’ one day.
Dinner wasn’t rich. It was dry food that made people have no appetite.
This was a weakness of this era. The longer people lived and the more vast the exploration,
the lower the requirements for food, clothing, housing and transportation became.
In particular, the situation of food was finally separated from survival. A large number of
anorexia genes were selected from the gene pool and then propagated.
People were no longer reliant on food and the food of food was reduced accordingly. There
weren’t many considerations about the deliciousness of food.
Xie Xi found it was boring to eat but he didn’t cook. He asked Jiang Xie, “Is it tasty?”
“It is terrible.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “That’s rude.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
He didn’t overdo it and sped up the meditation of his ‘Clear Heart Mantra.’
Xie Xi decided to look for a chance to cook on his own. He wasn’t a ‘future’ person and there
was still a demand for tasty food.
After the meal, Xie Xi opened a remote meeting and dealt with some things until 10 o’clock
in the evening.”
Secretary Li told him, “Mr. President, if there is a situation then please call me.”
Xie Xi waved his hand. “It’s fine.”
Secretary Li was reassured by Xie Xi’s fighting power and replied, “Okay.”
He turned off the screen and asked Jiang Xie, “Do you like to sleep on the left or the right?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes widened. “What?”
Xie Xi repeated, “Do you like to sleep on the left or the right?” In fact, Xie Xi knew that this
person preferred the left side.
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted. “I can sleep on the sofa.”
Xie Xi smiled. “You agreed to eat and live together.”
Jiang Xie still had principles. “I won’t go to your bed!”
Xie Xi really wanted to record this and after going back, play it for 24 hours a day for 360
“Don’t speak such ambiguous words.” Xie Xi told him. “We are just sleeping together.”
“No need, I won’t leave.”
Xie Xi suddenly wondered, “What are you so nervous about?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Sure enough, he had to use the most radical method to deal with this body. Xie Xi sat on the
bed and smiled. “We are both rational and not emotional. So what if we sleep on the bed?”
“Unless…” He deliberately said, “Are you interested in me?”
Jiang Xie stood up. “I’m not like you, a false rational.”
Xie Xi once again wanted to record this. “Then what are you afraid of?”
“I’m not.”
Xie Xi patted the side of the bed. “Come and sleep.”
Jiang Xie, “…” His heart beat wildly.
Finally, the teenager’s self-esteem was defeated and he got on the bed. It was just that Xie
Xi reached out his hand.
Jiang Xie’s voice was tense. “What are you doing?”
Xie Xi took his hand. “This way I can feel at ease.” Then he closed his eyes.
Jiang Xie knew the meaning of these words. This person wanted to hold his hand so that if
Jiang Xie moved, the man would immediately detect it and respond accordingly.
Still, he couldn’t help having the words echo in his head.
This way I can feel at ease… It was as if this person would only feel at ease by holding hands
with Jiang Xie. Xie Xi was just afraid that he would run!
Jiang Xie lay stiffly for a full two hours. The person next to him breathed evenly while
sleeping but he couldn’t sleep at all.
Just as he thought he was going to stay awake until dawn, drowsiness struck him and Jiang
Xie fell asleep.
Xie Xi was awakened by a kiss. He pushed away the man on top of his body in an annoyed
manner. “Let people sleep.”
The man’s clear teenage voice contained a laugh. “It is a kindness to eat and sleep with Mr.
The playful voice made Xie Xi instantly awaken. He opened his eyes and sat up. “What the
hell is going?”
There was no doubt that this was Jiang Xie. There was still the appearance of the teenager
but the eyes had changed.
Jiang Xie unexpectedly didn’t take advantage of the situation and quickly said, “I don’t have
much time. I can only say that my task is to act. I am completely immersed in the act and
need your cooperation…”
Then Jiang Xie closed his eyes and fell down. Xie Xi was speechless. This was the legendary
scam? What act? It was very messy!
At this time, the sky was brightening. Xie Xi didn’t have much time to think. He went to the
bathroom first and when he came back, the other person had woken up.
There was some confusion in Jiang Xie’s indigo eyes but it was as if nothing had happened.
Xie Xi wasn’t used to the high-tech products here. He tried for a long time but the effect of
the hair dryer seemed to be 50%? Thus, his hair was still wet. He grabbed it as he looked at
Jiang Xie. “Good morning.”
Jiang Xie turned his head and saw the man loosely dressed in the morning dark. His black
hair was wet and somewhat messy. White fingers moved through the hair and the sharp
contrast caused palpitations.
He only wore a bathrobe and the waist was loosely fastened. This was completely different
from his strict rational appearance in the daytime.
Jiang Xie’s throat was moving when he saw the kiss mark on this person’s neck.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 170
Collapsed God 4

Xie Xi thought about it while taking a shower. Jiang Xie’s words were vague but left enough
They were in a team. This quasi-world was triggered by Xie Xi and they were here to repair
it. The assigned tasks should be related to repairing.
Xie Xi had to repair the collapsed god while Jiang Xie had to act.
Act what? It was obvious that this world was lacking plays. Previously, he had been puzzled
about why the young Jiang Xie looked similar to Azure Dragon and now he could be certain.
The fourth child participated in the design of this quasi-world before he was pulled away
by Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie entered the world and had to act out Azure Dragon’s role.
Then the question was whether Azure Dragon was the only soul in this world. There should
be more. If there were other ‘old friends’, how would Jiang Xie be split up? In addition, were
there any other souls besides the ones he already knew in the world?
Xie Xi wasn’t sure and didn’t know if he could meet the ‘sober’ Jiang Xie.
The so-called being completely into the act. Xie Xi understood it as Jiang Xie being
integrated into the quasi-world because of the task and he actually thought he was that
person in the quasi-world.
It was just like when they played Dream Come True. The two people were immersed in the
world and completely forgot about the Central Government. They only regarded
themselves as a 19 year old university student and a university professor.
Jiang Xie didn’t lose his memory but this wasn’t much worse than losing his memory!
The only thing he didn’t need to worry about was a permanent loss. As long as the task was
completed, Jiang Xie didn’t need to act anymore and would be restored.
As for the need to cooperate…
Xie Xi followed this line of thinking and understood.
In order to repair the collapsed world, the souls were definitely crucial. Jiang Xie replaced
the soul and had to satisfy the will of the soul in order to repair it.
As an analogy, let’s say the collapsed world was a broken machine. The soul pulled away
was an important screw and Jiang Xie became the screw that filled in the gap. Xie Xi was the
screwdriver that needed to tighten the screw for the machine to run normally.
As to how to tighten the screws? Xie Xi’s mouth curved downwards. In any case, it wasn’t a
problem to fall in love.
After figuring out these things, Xie Xi didn’t wear a uniform and deliberately wore a
bathrobe tied loosely. He had never done this before and wasn’t very skilled. Still, it
shouldn’t be a problem to deal with Little Jiang?
Xie Xi held such confidence as he greeted the sleepy Jiang Xie. Who would’ve expected…
after seeing him, Jiang Xie’s eyes cooled down and his thin lips stretched tightly across his
cold face.
Xie Xi was slightly surprised. This person’s body shrank and his personality became so
Xie Xi didn’t believe it. In the past, Azure Dragon had saved the little rose and the first thing
he said was ‘offer your heart to me!’
Jiang Xie frowned and headed straight to the bathroom. As he passed by, Xie Xi grabbed his
shoulder. “You aren’t even going to say good morning?”
Jiang Xie lowered his head and murmured, “Let me go.”
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. Jiang Xie’s eyes swept over the obvious hickey and hurried to the
bathroom without looking back.
Xie Xi didn’t expect this young Jiang Xie to be so prickly! Was he too young to eat?
Eh… Xie Xi blinked with a bit of embarrassment and changed into his uniform. Oh, this
person was only 15 or 16 years old. He had forgotten.
Moreover, the rational people in this world were very rational. There was no love on their
minds and most people were lonely for life.
He guessed that Jiang Xie was an emotional person but it was possible he was actually
rational. Were his emotions suppressed because of physical reasons?
Xie Xi thought about it seriously but forgot that his partner could die from sourness on top
of a vinegar altar.
Xie Xi didn’t know about the kiss mark on his neck. There was a mirror in the bathroom but
while taking the shower, his head was full of Jiang Xie and he was thinking about business.
How could he see a red dot in the fog?
If this wasn’t a high tech era where he could change clothes with one click of the button, Xie
Xi would’ve found it while changing in the mirror. Unfortunately, this world was very
powerful. His uniform was a stud earring and one click would wear it automatically. He
didn’t need a mirror at all.
Thus, Xie Xi completely missed the hickey. It was the so-called person walking by the river
where there were no wet shoes while Farmer Jiang Xie let his own strawberry become
At breakfast, Jiang Xie was calm and silent. Xie Xi didn’t want to touch his temper and
cautiously shut up.
Today Xie Xi had business matters. There was a cabinet meeting early in the morning.
The United States was a presidential state. The cabinet was the most important institution
that assisted in exercising executive power. The member held important positions in the
country as well as the heart of the president.
Xie Xi had been president for a day yesterday and was well aware of the circumstances
behind today’s cabinet meeting. The world was calm on the surface but it was tenaciously
trying to survive.
When Secretary Li came over, Xie Xi was trying to communicate with the teenager.
“You didn’t sleep well last night? ”
This ordinary sentence poked at the teenager’s nerves and Jiang Xie sneered. “I slept very
So well he didn’t even know the person around him had left. Xie Xi tried to say, “If you have
anything to adapt to…”
Jiang Xie glanced at him and asked, “If I can’t adapt, will you let me go?”
Jiang Xie stared straight ahead. “Then don’t say hypocritical words.”
Xie Xi, ”…” He took it back, this thorny person wasn’t cute at all!
The two of them were silent the whole way. Once they arrived, Secretary Li whispered, “Mr.
President, we will take care of the young master.”
This was to leave Jiang Xie outside.
Xie Xi shook his head. “I’ll take him with me.”
Secretary Li raised his head. “This…”
“I have informed the participants and they have agreed.” The benefits of letting Jiang Xie
know these things outweighed the disadvantages.
Secretary Li paused before replying, “Okay.”
Don’t mention Secretary Li, Jiang Xie himself was stunned and he asked with a frown,
“There is an inescapable net here and I can’t run.”
Xie Xi grabbed his hand. “Come on, you can participate in the meeting.”
Jiang Xie wanted to pull back his hand but after trying several times, his hand didn’t listen
to him. There was no point in pulling away and he even had the impulse to hold on tightly.
Jiang Xie scolded himself, telling himself to be steady!
Xie Xi brought him in and saw the leaders of the United States. The vice president, the
Secretary of State, Minister of Finance, Minister of Defense, Minister of Justice…
The 12 people got up and bowed to Xie Xi before their gazes fell on Jiang Xie.
It was reasonable to say that being stared at by so many people would be uncomfortable
but Jiang Xie was very calm. He had a composure that didn’t fit his age.
It seemed that as long as he didn’t face Xie Xi, he was far beyond his young age.
Of course, Xie Xi couldn’t hold Jiang Xie’s hand in public. He nodded at the people and the
meeting began.
Jiang Xie was shocked the moment the Minister of Defense opened his mouth.
The meeting was carried out efficiently and quickly. Everyone reported the information
and Xie Xi swiftly made a decision. There were clearly 12 people but there was no arguing
or questioning. They only summarized the information and quickly arranged the next
action, rapidly progressing towards the final goal.
Jiang Xie was very familiar with Xie Xi. This man was a resolute person in the army and ran
for the presidency at the age of 21. The biggest question raised against him was his control.
He had the conditions of a leader. His personality was tough, he served as the Chief Justice,
the vice president and the speaker of the House of Representatives. He had been involved
in almost all important departments.
He might be only 21 years old after reincarnating and had forgotten his past but the people
didn’t forget him and even looked forward to his return.
After becoming president, there was no doubt that the so-called restraints of others would
have little effect.
For the first time, he was barely defeated because of his age. Then the second time, he
couldn’t be stopped.
Xie Xi took office and as everyone thought, he quickly concentrated his rights and
drastically carried out reforms that were almost unthinkable.
Star e981 had always been a land outside the law and the United States was forced to
endure these people for countless years.
Then Xie Xi worked hard to conquer them and he almost did it.
Jiang Xie once wondered why he would be so unscrupulous, why was he willing to waste so
much power on turbulent forces… the answer he came up with was the man’s ambition.
He wanted to gain greater rights during his tenure. Now Jiang Xie knew the truth. Xie Xi
desperately concentrating all the power of the United States was because he was doing his
best to save all citizens.
“Up to 10 years.” The space minister looked at Jiang Xie, his voice as cold as ice. “The whole
universe will collapse.”
Jiang Xie thought it was a hoax when he first heard this but he soon understood.
Such a scam was unlikely to exist. Xie Xi wouldn’t call so many people to tease him and
outline such an elaborate scam.
Jiang Xie heard all the reports given and his brain analyzed it quickly. Nothing wrong…
There wasn’t a single mistake…
Xie Xi gathered strength at all costs to protect the United States.
All types of data showed that the universe was going to collapse. Even if they conquered the
world, there was no knowing where the next world was. Thus, the plan of the United States
was to do everything in its power to save the citizens of the United States.
It was incredible. These people facing great despair was carrying out such incredible
Even if there was no hope, even if the disaster was coming, they were obsessively trying to
pierce the darkness to let light enter.
Jiang Xie was shaken by this fearless spirit. The meeting went from morning to evening. By
the end, Xie Xi’s voice was hoarse.
Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “Are you hungry?”
Jiang Xie stared at him and shook his head with a complicated expression. Xie Xi smiled. “I
will sleep for a while. Call me when we arrive at the palace.”
Jiang Xie nodded and stopped talking.
Xie Xi closed his eyes in his chair, his head gently tilting towards Jiang Xie’s side.
The light in the aircraft was very dark and Jiang Xie looked down at this person. He thought
this face was extremely fragile, different from the tough president who struggled for the
survival of the United States at the meeting.
How could a person have two different faces? Extremely fragile and extremely tough, like a
rose full of thorns.
Jiang Xie stared until the aircraft stopped and the sleepy Xie Xi woke up.
“We’re here?”
Jiang Xie quickly removed his line of sight to outside the window. “Yes.”
Xie Xi stretched out. He felt that the uniform had become a bit stuffy and changed clothes
with a simple click.
Changing clothes without exposing himself, this technology was too convenient.
Originally, Jiang Xie had forgotten about the hickey. Then Xie Xi changed to clothes with a
low collar and he saw it again.
Unspeakable anger rose in his heart and he frowned. In fact, he had no right to ask about
Xie Xi’s private life but he couldn’t suppress this unspeakable emotion.
“Arrange a separate room for me.”
Xie Xi glanced at him with a startled expression. “Hmm? Didn’t we agree to sleep and eat
Jiang Xie wondered sarcastically, “Why go to such trouble? You have to wait until I fall
asleep before going to your rendezvous.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie felt bitter after expressing his heart. Rational people might have few emotional
entanglements but they had normal physiological desires. Compared to emotional people
who were more self-conscious because they had emotional restraints, the rational people
were very indulgent…
For example, Xie Xi who had such a high position and rationality, he was afraid…
Xie Xi thought about it and suddenly realized. Really… really… Xie Xi didn’t know if he
should laugh or cry.
He asked, “What did you dream about last night?”
Jiang Xie was very upset and didn’t feel like chatting.
Xie Xi joked, “Did you treat me like your sweetheart? Is that why you held me down and
kissed me?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 171

Collapsed God 5

Xie Xi deliberately pulled down his collar as he spoke. “You see, this is the evidence.”
This collar was loose and revealed a good-looking collarbone. The skin that was originally
as flawless as jade had a red dot on it. Jiang Xie’s brain crashed.
Xie Xi couldn’t see it but he knew the situation. He smiled and said, “I was awakened by you
early in the morning. Pushed you a few times before finally pushing you away and then I
went to take a shower.”
Jiang Xie wasn’t alarmed on the surface but his heart was turbulent. Did he do this? He held
and kissed Xie Xi?
However, he had no impression or memory of it at all. Then indescribable remorse welled
up in his chest. He kissed such delicate skin and forgot all about it?
No… Jiang Xie quickly suppressed the regret that shouldn’t be there. Xie Xi paid attention to
his demeanour and could basically guess what this person was thinking. It was so much
fun. Old Jiang actually had such a childish time.
Xie Xi actually regretted it a bit. Why didn’t he meet this person at an earlier time so he
could see the real young Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie finally recovered his voice and spoke hoarsely, “I…I don’t remember anything.”
Xie Xi was influenced by someone for so long and grabbed some of the words. “I haven’t
told you to take responsibility. Why so nervous?”
This succeeded in making Jiang Xie’s ears turn red. Xie Xi felt itchy. He really wanted to kiss
these rare red ears. Endure it! Don’t scare the snake!
Xie Xi cleared his throat. “Well, it’s nothing. It is normal to have a dream.”
Jiang Xie refuted it. “I didn’t dream.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Hmm? If you weren’t dreaming then you were deliberately awake…”
Jiang Xie cried out without waiting for him to finish, “No, I…” He himself didn’t know what
was going on!
Xie Xi thought, ‘Of course, you don’t know. How else can I tease you?’
Xie Xi understood a bit about Old Jiang’s bad taste. It turned out that teasing kids was really
“Don’t be nervous.” The ‘proud of his age and experience’ Xie Xi spoke. “I don’t care and you
don’t have to take it to heart.”
The sentence showed that as an adult, Xie Xi was still a bit young and was a lot worse than
Old Jiang.
This sentence instantly cooled Jiang Xie’s hot heart and calm returned to the indigo eyes.
This person didn’t care. Yes, Jiang Xie laughed at himself. How could a rational care about
such a thing?
Jiang Xie silently gave this person a ‘frivolous’ label in his heart. It was fortunate that Xie Xi
couldn’t read this child’s mind or he would smash the small head!
After eliminating the misunderstanding, Jiang Xie’s mood was much better. He felt that Xie
Xi might be a frivolous person but thought about everything Xie Xi praised for the United
States and filtered out 99% of it.
Xie Xi also noticed this person was in a good mood. He was busy teasing Little Jiang and the
whole day was comfortable.
The quasi-world had collapsed and he didn’t know the original situation. He only knew that
this world was facing the collapse of the universe and all civilizations were facing disaster.
Xie Xi had seen many sci-fi themes on Earth. There were solar system explosions, humans
constructed an ark to escape. However, the ecological system of the ship was unstable and
dragged Earth to ruin. The solar system was gone and new homes were found in the vast
This world was different. It wasn’t the sun but the entire universe. Where could they flee to
when the whole world was collapsing?
This might be the despair and hopelessness of the collapsed world. Like a person infected
with a zombie virus, its sense of reason was about to disappear but it was still unwilling to
give up and wanted to live.
At this moment, Xie Xi really felt the difference between repairing and erasure. He was
thankful to be a Repairer. Otherwise, it would be cruel to let a world of such desires be
A long day of work passed. Xie Xi was tired but his spirit was very good.
On the aircraft, Xie Xi stated, “I’ll cook delicious food for you tonight.”
This was a clear sign of happiness on Earth. A person who wasn’t in a good mood definitely
wouldn’t say such a thing.
However, it was an inexplicable sentence in the United States.
Jiang Xie was slightly stunned. “It’s delicious?”
What was delicious? Food was just to obtain energy and many rational people would
directly inject nutrient solution in order to save time.
Some emotional people still adhered to the regular three meals a deal but this wasn’t about
delicious food. It was a sense of respect for past rituals.
Xie Xi didn’t find it easy to explain and only said, “In short, you will know when you taste
Jiang Xie nodded. “Okay.”
The citizens of the United States didn’t pursue food. Xie Xi might’ve entered Central but he
didn’t spend the time taking physical potions. Food wasn’t just about hunger. It was also a
spiritual enjoyment for people.
Xie Xi was excited to cook. The high-tech world was good and he could make things at will,
even if there were no pots and pans in this world.
Jiang Xie leaned curiously against the door and asked, “Are you cooking?”
Xie Xi softly replied to him, “The president of the United States is cooking for you. Are you
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi stared at him with curved eyes. Jiang Xie cocked his head and left with the word,
“Boring.” Nevertheless, his heart was jumping and his eyes were full of smiles.
Xie Xi’s cooking was good. In the past, he spent more than 60 years with Professor Jiang
and was naturally in charge of the three meals.
Professor Jiang would often say, “There is a snail boy at home and I can ask for anything.”
Xie Xi might’ve spent thousands of years as the flower god but the flower god was in a
spiritual state and there was no concept of time. Thus, he didn’t cook.
Not long afterwards, he easily placed three dishes and one soup on the table.
Jiang Xie stared at it. “What is the difference?”
It didn’t seem as beautiful as the machine but… um… it was very cute.
Xie Xi told him, “Try it.”
Jiang Xie sat down after Xie Xi and learnt from Xie Xi how to set a napkin and pick up
chopsticks. Xie Xi watched as Jiang Xie picked up a piece of white onion and laughed.
Jiang Xie glanced at him. “What is it?”
“The fried onion is mainly eaten with the lamb.”
Why eat a piece of onion alone? Jiang Xie told him, “They all aren’t tasty.” Despite his words,
his chopsticks obediently picked up a piece of lamb.
Xie Xi asked him, “How is it?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “Is it delicious?”
Jiang Xie was probably having all the gourmet animations around him as fireworks burst
from eating the most delicious food!
“It is good to eat.” He never thought food would be like this.
Xie Xi was slightly relieved. He knew that many rational people had degraded tastebuds
and they couldn’t taste the food. It seemed that Jiang Xie still had his original body, despite
it shrinking.
Xie Xi told him, “Try this and this.”
Jiang Xie wasn’t polite and one person ate all three dishes. Xie Xi only ate a few pieces but
he was happy. “I didn’t lie to you.”
Jiang Xie sincerely declared, “You are very good.” He knew everything and did everything
Xie Xi once again wanted to record this. The sentence should be repeated 20 hours a day for
260 days. Cough, although he would be the one listening, not Jiang Xie.
Xiao Xie and Xi were very happy. The atmosphere of the two people became better and
finally, Jiang Xie couldn’t help asking about the collapse of the universe.
Xie Xi had been waiting for this and explained, “I found this sign when I was 38 years old in
my second round. At the time, it had started to decay. Explorers disappeared in the cloud
galaxy. I sent a field probe and came to the conclusion that the galaxy clouds had
Jiang Xie’s expression was serious. “Since then, the United States banned the exploration of
alien domains?”
Xie Xi nodded. “The people would panic if they discovered it.”
The universe collapsing was terrible. It would be hard to calculate what would happen once
revealed to the United States.
Xie Xi continued, “The speed of the collapse is faster than expected. By the time I was 98 in
my second round, the Love Galaxy had fallen.”
Jiang Xie was shocked. “Almost one billion light years collapsed in just 60 years?”
Xie Xi nodded. “The speed isn’t constant. It is exponential growth.”
Jiang Xie understood and his thin lips were pale. “Thus, you estimate that the universe will
completely collapse after 10 years.”
Xie Xi closed his eyes. “Yes.”
This was the typical lotus pond effect.
Suppose that a lotus leaf in a lotus pond grew exponentially. On the first day, two on the
second day, four on the third day… perhaps in the first 40 days, the lotus leaves only
covered a quarter of the pond. Then the next day, the lotus leaves suddenly covered half the
pond. The day after that, the whole pond was full of lotus leaves.
The speed of the universe collapsing was like this. It was very slow and undetectable at
first. If it was ignored, they might suddenly lose all the universe.
This was the scary thing about exponential growth.
Jiang Xie knew more. “10 years is just the most optimistic estimate?”
All the words that could be controlled could be broken. This was the truth that civilization
realized so far.
“Yes.” Perhaps the universe would be gone in the next moment.
Jiang Xie was completely stunned. Xie Xi patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t think too much.
Hold onto your time and do everything you can so you don’t regret it when the end comes.”
Jiang Xie’s shocked indigo eyes became calm again. “Yes.”
He had told Jiang Xie this but they were here to fix the world. He definitely wouldn’t let it
collapse. It was best to coax Jiang Xie so he could help and not make trouble. After all, Jiang
Xie was an important screw. It would be troublesome if he struck.
The same evening, Jiang Xie refused to go to sleep with him. “I won’t run away and will
sleep in the guest room.”
Xie Xi didn’t hesitate. “No.”
Jiang Xie was hesitant.
“Why are you being overly sensitive? Sleeping with me is also for your safety.”
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted. “No one can hurt me.”
“You are a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi added, “You can go to the guest room but I will stay with you.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes widened. He was going to the guest room to sleep on his own. What was the
point of this?
Xie Xi insisted, “In any case, you must eat and sleep with me.”
In the end, Little Jiang compromised and lay on the bed like a piece of wood. He drew a
clear line between the two of them.
Xie Xi thought, ‘If you have the ability then don’t hesitate to come over!’
Just before dawn, Xie Xi was hot from being kissed. A rational gender referred to his mind
but not his body.
Xie Xi opened his eyes and quickly said, “Don’t waste time. Tell me what’s going on.”
Jiang Xie acted as a hooligan. “Your Little Xie misses me.”
Xie Xi exclaimed angrily, “Don’t touch it!”
Jiang Xie didn’t have much time but he couldn’t help saying, “You took the initiative in the
daytime. I would’ve long eaten you dry…”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Talk business!”
Jiang Xie felt a burst of dizziness and spoke quickly, “This world is a bit strange. Be careful.”
Xie Xi asked, “Do you know how many souls there are?”
“At least three.”
Xie Xi felt a bit relieved hearing this amount.
Jiang Xie told him, “My side task is to find the collapsed god. This should be an important
clue and you should find a way to check.”
Xie Xi’s side task was also this. He wanted to ask again but this guy had already fallen
asleep. So… why did he have to say something bad earlier? He made a fool of himself.
Xie Xi tried to push this heavy guy away. At this time, Jiang Xie opened his indigo eyes that
were still a bit dazed.
Xie Xi, “……”
Little Jiang’s senses instantly returned as he saw Xie Xi pressed underneath him.
Jiang Xie, “!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 172

Collapsed God 6

Before this moment, Jiang Xie had been skeptical of Xie Xi’s words.
Did it really happen? How could he have no impression of it, not to mention he never had
any sleepwalking experience before. Suddenly, he had such a bad habit.
All doubts came to an abrupt end the moment he saw his current situation.
The president of the United States, the commander of the armed forces, the supreme
commander that all cosmic civilizations adored and respected…
He was lying underneath Jiang Xie with messy clothes, red cheeks and pale lips moist from
a kiss.
There was a bang and Jiang Xie’s head exploded. Did he kiss Xie Xi? Did he kiss Xie Xi on the
Jiang Xie quickly got up and almost jumped under the bed.
Xie Xi saw this person crawling and coughed. This was a bit exaggerated. After all, Jiang
Xie’s skill was very good and the body lines of the youth were also charming. He was
handsome but he couldn’t hide the tragedy of discarding his dignity.
Xie Xi tidied up his pyjamas and sat up to look at this person.
Jiang Xie raised his head and exclaimed, “I’m sorry.” Then he rushed into the bathroom.
Xie Xi tried to endure it and only laughed out loud after the door closed.
—Too bad, the big Jiang did evil and the little Jiang shouldered the blame.
However, Little Jiang’s reaction was also very interesting!
After a long time, the fire on Xie Xi’s side was extinguished while Jiang Xie rushed out of the
cold shower.
This cocky wolf cub wilted and didn’t dare look at Xie Xi. Xie Xi still had some scruples
about the young man and no longer scared him. “Go and eat breakfast.”
Jiang Xie cocked his head and couldn’t help moving away when Xie Xi neared. Xie Xi glanced
at him. “What are you doing so far away?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
“Move closer. I’m not a beast.”
However, at this time, the president was more terrible for the ‘little monk’ than a wild
There were many things happening during the day and Xie Xi didn’t have time to care for
him. Jiang Xie was unsettled the whole morning. He finally calmed down only to see the
president busy working using the light brain and he started boiling again.
Jiang Xie asked Secretary Li, “Can I wait outside?”
Secretary Li was very wary. “Young Master, you can’t leave the president or he will worry
about you.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Perhaps he received a message from Secretary Li because Xie Xi suspended his work. “What
is it? Are you bored?”
Jiang Xie didn’t look at him. “No.”
Xie Xi got up and walked over to him. “Would you like to help me do something?”
Jiang Xie was slightly startled and looked up at the tight collar. There was a small red dot
near the chin…
Jiang Xie stiffly moved his gaze away. Xie Xi told him, “You are bored staying here so come
help me with some documents.”
Jiang Xie’s voice was muffled, “Aren’t you worried about me seeing things?”
Xie Xi smiled. “You aren’t a child of no importance.”
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted. “I’m not a child.”
Xie Xi deliberately set him up, “How many rounds have you been through?”
Jiang Xie shut up again. Xie Xi didn’t ask again and extended his hand. “Come on, time is
urgent. I can do more with your help.”
He spoke lightly but Jiang Xie thought of the current situation and scolded himself. A
disaster was coming. How could he still think about these small love matters?
As a rational person, he should always distinguish between priorities. Jiang Xie didn’t hold
this person’s hand and got up. “What do I need to do?”
Xie Xi gave a few orders to Secretary Li. Secretary Li looked at Jiang Xie with hesitation. Xie
Xi told him, “Don’t worry.”
Secretary Li sighed before responding. Xie Xi noticed the subtle facial expressions.
It was reasonable to be suspicious. Xie Xi’s reasons were sufficient but his closeness to
Jiang Xie in the past few days was obvious. Secretary Li was his number one fan and didn’t
mention anything. He didn’t even show surprise and knew to be tactful…
Well, he always felt there was something wrong but Xie Xi didn’t want to know.
Once people were busy, they didn’t have time to think. Jiang Xie was saved by the tedious
He finally didn’t have to desperately restrain his gaze or worry about wet lips. Finally, he
didn’t need to be burnt by an evil fire.
The two of them were busy at night and once they stopped, Xie Xi felt a huge sense of
The head of the country wasn’t a relaxed job, especially as a leader facing a huge crisis. The
burden on him was enormous.
Xie Xi was understanding the information but also making plans.
This world was desperately trying to save himself while Xie Xi was the ‘doctor.’ He had to
understand the patient’s condition, find the crux and then solve the pain.
Xie Xi didn’t dare look in an obvious manner and couldn’t fully trust his own confidants. He
could only investigate clues about the ‘god’ in a concealed manner.
To have a collapsed god, there must first be a god. What exactly was the god?
There were many beliefs in the United States. The legendary creator, the creator god of the
There were many people who believed in the first president of the United States, an
emotional person who believed in the theory of freedom.
Yes, the first president of the United States was an emotional person and the first emotional
president in history.
Since then, none of the presidents and even members of the cabinet weren’t emotional.
This wasn’t society’s discrimination against emotional and rational. It was more that
emotional people had a dislike of politics. Going to the civil service was no different from
putting them in prison.
Emotional people advocated freedom, had a wide range of hobbies and pursued all types of
beauty throughout their lives. They were poets, writers, romantic artists, etc., but not
Rational people didn’t understand them but respected them. Without emotional people,
society might become a machine. Thus, even if emotional people didn’t have any real
power, they weren’t discriminated against. They were the freest souls of the United States.
Under these circumstances, the emotional president was very eye-catching. Xie Xi was
curious about this person and looked through the information but didn’t find any clues.
There was his birth date and many life stories but because there were too many things, Xie
Xi couldn’t tell which was real.
There were even a variety of opinions on this person’s name. The only thing Xie Xi could
determine was his freedom theory and gender.
An emotional president who told the United States in a charming voice:
We are free, independent and don’t accept any restrictions. We aren’t slaves, we aren’t
tools, we aren’t puppets without ideas.
We exist, we are real, we are free from the shackles of destiny. We are reborn citizens of the
United States!
Xie Xi read the manifesto carefully, especially the last sentence.
Existence, real, shackles of destiny, reborn… These were worth pondering but it was
difficult to locate anything.
“Mr. President…” Secretary Li quietly woke him up.
Xie Xi had fallen asleep in the aircraft. He opened his eyes and spoke to Jiang Xie, “Why
didn’t you call me?”
Secretary Li had called Xie Xi on a special channel, which was a tiny communicator placed
in his earring.
Jiang Xie couldn’t say he had been staring at this person for one hour without seeing
enough. He gazed out the window and replied, “I also slept for a while.”
Xie Xi chuckled. “You should sleep well.”
The words caused the stuffy Little Jiang to have red ears.
Xie Xi had a better spirit after sleeping and asked, “What do you want to eat at night?”
“You are tired. You don’t need to…”
Xie Xi interrupted him. “My cooking is a secret. Don’t tell anyone else.”
He suddenly came close, leaning towards Jiang Xie while speaking. Jiang Xie, “……..”
Xie Xie questioned, “Do you hear me?”
Jiang Xie moved away and hummed like a mosquito. “Hmm.” Why didn’t he ask why Xie Xi
only cooked for him?
He didn’t ask and Xie Xi took the initiative to say it, “I only cook for you.”
Little Jiang felt like he ascended to heaven and he couldn’t help saying, “Why?”
“I’m happy.”
Jiang Xie’s throat was tight and he couldn’t say anything else. Was Xie Xi really rational?
Even if he was emotional, Jiang Xie was afraid there wasn’t such a… confusing person.
Xie Xi was in a good mood and made a few dishes that Jiang Xie loved to eat while
accompanying him for a drink. Once it was time to sleep, Jiang Xie started worrying again.
Xie Xi told him, “Isn’t it just sleepwalking? It won’t happen every day.”
Jiang Xie nodded and the strong guy went to bed with a stiff wrist.
Compared to his tenseness, Xie Xi was very comfortable. If he didn’t know, he would think
the one being indecently assaulted was Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi was tired and soon fell asleep. Before going to bed, he still thought about what to
communicate with Jiang Xie in the morning…
Unexpectedly, he wasn’t disturbed and woke up naturally. Xie Xi was still a bit
uncomfortable when he opened his eyes. Then he turned and saw Jiang Xie lying flat on the
Jiang Xie saw he was awake and immediately leaned away.
Xie Xi spoke lazily, “Good morning.”
What was this situation? Where was Big Jiang? Jiang Xie’s voice was slightly hoarse. “Good
“I told you that you wouldn’t sleepwalk every day.”
Xie Xi thought about all the things he had to do today and cried out, “Let’s go to work!”
Three or four days passed and Xie Xi wasn’t woken up. He was a bit puzzled so on the fifth
day, Xie Xi set an alarm clock and deliberately woke up at four in the morning. Sure
Xie Xi looked at the boy. “You haven’t slept?’
Jiang Xie wasn’t asleep. He didn’t dare close his eyes for four nights. Xie Xi understood what
was going on. This person was so afraid of sleepwalking that he didn’t even sleep?
What sin! Xie Xi felt distressed. “Sleep!”
Jiang Xie had found chances to sleep in the daytime but he was also at his limit. “If I fall
asleep, I will…”
“So what? Who doesn’t have a quirk?”
Jiang Xie’s Adam’s Apple moved. “But it is too much.”
Xie Xi told him, “I don’t mind>’
Jiang Xie’s expression slightly dimmed. Indeed, a rational person wouldn’t care about this
type of thing.
Xie Xi continued, “I don’t mind if you do something but you are underage, so I’ll stop you.”
Jiang Xie’s heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
Xie Xi was afraid the development was too fast and would scare the other person, so he
changed the topic. “The sleepwalking can be overcome. I will cooperate with you to observe
Jiang Xie whispered, “Okay.” His voice was so light that it was shaking.
Normal men would have a little reaction in the morning, especially when it was their
sweetheart. Xie Xi was a normal person…
“Sleep!” Xie Xi rolled the quilt around himself like a cocoon.
Perhaps it was because Jiang Xie was too tired but once he fell asleep, Big Jiang didn’t come
out. Xie Xi also followed him into sleep.
After nearly a week, Big Jiang came out and Xie Xi forbid him from doing any nonsense. The
two people hurriedly exchanged some words and pulled away before Little Jiang woke up.
He wasn’t sleepwalking anymore. Jiang Xie’s worries were removed but he couldn’t help
feeling a bit lost. Sleepwalking wasn’t right. It was more like he lost something important…
Jiang Xie was repulsed by his own emotions. A rational person wouldn’t be bothered by
these things.
Why wasn’t he a rational? If he was rational then he wouldn’t be obsessed with a man who
couldn’t be possessed. Once March arrived at the capital, the Third Institute of the United
States brought exhilarating news.
“We found the pole!”
Xie Xi hurriedly convened a cabinet meeting to analyze the good news. This was one of the
United State’s plans to evade the collapse of the universe.
The universe collapsed from outside to inside, with a very obvious trajectory. If they could
calculate this trajectory, there should be a final collapsed pole. This pole was likely to be
the birthplace of the new universe.
As long as the United States could immigrate to the pole, there was a great chance of
starting a new life in this new universe.
They originally thought the pole would be difficult to find but it was found under the efforts
of the researchers! The Third Institute’s president couldn’t hide his excitement. “We still
need some data. We have to go to the field to collect it!”
The Minister of Space said, “From this location, the fastest airship will take two years to go
back and forth. It is difficult to guarantee the data in this timeline.”
The Third Institute’s president exclaimed, “People with an SSS-grade physique can get
them in one jump and we can get the data in one month!”
The size of a starship was too large and there was a limit to its speed. A small starship for a
single person could reach unimaginable speeds but the physical requirements for that
person were too high.
The Space Minister hit the table. “Absurd! At present, only the president has an SSS-grade
physique. Do you want the president to collect the data?!”
The vice president frowned. “At a time like this, the president can’t leave the Capital Star.”
The Third Institute’s president frowned. “It still isn’t possible to contact Mr. Jiang?”
Xie Xi captured this detail. Mr. Jiang?
“The former president has cut all ties with the cabinet since he left office. We suspect that
he has been reincarnated.” The Intelligence Minister replied.
Mr. Jiang was the former president? Xie Xi really hadn’t discovered this information.
At this time, Jiang Xie’s clear voice was heard. “I also have an SSS-grade physique.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 173

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Collapsed God 7

All of them stared at Jiang Xie.

They knew Jiang Xie’s identity and the reason they let him stand here was because they
respected Xie Xi’s decision. The second reason was that this was a life or death situation.
One more power was useful.
They all knew that Jiang Xie had an SSS-grade physique but they didn’t dare entrust such an
important task to him.
After all, this was the leader of a rebel army. Even if he reincarnated and lost his former
memories, he was still a rebel.
The Secretary of Defense directly ignored his words and wondered, “An SS-grade physique
isn’t good?”
The Third Institute’s president answered, “The SS-grade physique will take at least half a
year. The timeliness of the data is difficult to guarantee.”
“Use the maximum speed.”
“The SS-grade physique will explode and die! Even if the soldiers are willing to sacrifice
themselves, the person is dead and the accuracy of the data can’t be guaranteed!”
Xie Xi felt doubtful hearing this. It was reasonable to say that machines were better than
people. Why was it the opposite here and the data collected by people was more accurate
and efficient than a machine?
Of course, now wasn’t the time to consider this. Xie Xi made a decision. “Let him go.”
He was naturally referring to Jiang Xie.
The Intelligence Minister immediately opened his mouth. “Mr. President, his identity…”
Xie Xi interrupted him. “I believe in him.”
“This is too important. If he returns false news, our entire United States…”
Xie Xi refuted it. “Their ideal is to survive, not to destroy.”
The rebels opposed the US government but the fundamental reason why they hadn’t been
completely annihilated was because their ideas were positive.
They advocated a purer freedom, a more humane rule and a more harmonious social
system, rather than torching all of civilization.
In the face of a common disaster, they were on the same side. They all wanted to live, to
survive and to protect the United States.
Xie Xi persuaded the cabinet. In fact, he didn’t need to say too much because they had no
An SSS-grade physique was too rare and only appeared once or twice every few decades.
Then after reincarnation, the physique would change.
There was only Mr. Jiang, the former president, Mr. Xie Xi, the current president and the
boy in front of them.
Mr. Jiang was difficult to contact, Mr. Xie Xi couldn’t leave the Capital Star and the only
remaining choice was X.
The head of the rebels, a teenager who had just turned 16 and was childish and sharp. The
hope of all civilization was entrusted to him? Unfortunately, there was no choice.
Things were finalized. In order to save time, Jiang Xie would depart tomorrow.
His physical fitness was up to standards but other aspects had to be carefully taught to him.
Jiang Xie was taken away by the president of the Third Institute and Xie Xi handled some
matters that occurred afterwards.
The Third Institute’s president was still in a state of high excitement and spoke very fast.
Regardless of whether the person understood or not, he personally explained how to use
the collector and what data to collect. Xie Xi had a headache just hearing it.
“Can he remember it?” Xie Xi couldn’t help asking.
The Third Institute’s president was startled to see the president and hurriedly greeted Xie
Jiang Xie told him, “There is no problem.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, the young man’s brain was good.
After teaching and practicing a few times, Jiang Xie only got a few things wrong and the
Third Institute’s president sighed. “Worthy of an SSS-grade physique, truly worthy…”
Xie Xi was afraid of this big brother and led Jiang Xie away from the research institute.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Is there anything else?”
Xie Xi replied, “Go home for dinner.”
His words were simple but Jiang Xie’s heart jumped when he heard ‘go home.’
Xie Xi was still very nervous. Letting Jiang Xie explore the pole might be an important part
of the repair task and it was Jiang Xie, so there was a high probability there would be no
problem. Still, this so-called concern was chaotic. Once separated, Xie Xi couldn’t help
Xie Xi’s heart rejected the worlds of the Third Institute’s presidents and he said, “Pay
attention to safety first. The data collection failure doesn’t matter. It is important to save
fuel to return. You can’t…”
He hadn’t finished nagging when Jiang Xie asked him, “Why?”
“Why? Paying attention to safety is the most important thing!”
“Why are you so good to me?”
Xie Xi was stunned. He gazed at Jiang Xie and saw the teenager’s indigo eyes.
Such deep and cold eyes were filled with expectations, tension and fire. Jiang Xie had
mustered up his courage to ask this.
Xie Xi smiled, his voice gentle and tender. “I’ll tell you when you come back.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened.
Xie Xi took his hand and spoke warmly, “Be well and pay attention to safety.”
Jiang Xie was very stiff as he held Xie Xi’s hands. His grip was very tight, as if there were
invisible handcuffs. “I will definitely come back.”
“Good.” Xie Xi’s lips curved. “I’ll wait for you.”
After bidding farewell to Little Jiang, Xie Xi’s heart unexpectedly felt empty. Habits were
really terrible. He had adapted to the life of the two people and once separated, it felt like
he lost half of himself.
Fortunately, this didn’t affect his handling of presidential matters. After a long time, Xie Xi
found a chance to look up the enigmatic former president.
The former president surnamed Jiang…
Xie Xi searched and screened 10 people. The surname of Jiang was very common and there
were inevitably many presidents who had the same surname.
He took a long time to eliminate names and finally had three candidates left.
The so-called former president wasn’t the one before Xie Xi. Rather, it was someone who
had been a president.
In the end, Xie Xi had to sort through the surnames one by one.
He was still thinking about how to lock onto the target when he saw the name and facial
features. There was no mistaking it.
Name: Jiang Xie.
Age: 6 rounds, 46 years old.
Gender: Rational
The corners of Xie Xi’s mouth tensed tightened. He didn’t expect the souls in this world to
be so ingenious. They were exactly the same as Jiang Xie and didn’t even change their
Was it a new friend or an old friend? Xie Xi was uncertain. He could only be sure that this
was a pitiful soul left in the collapsed world.
It was probably because Little Jiang was too cute that the pity in Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t
extinguished. Thus, he felt distressed even before meeting the new soul.
Other souls got to do what they wanted in their own worlds. This was a miserable soul who
couldn’t control the world and was driven out of office.
President Xie wanted to abdicate and let him work… no, let him lead the United States to a
new future!
Xie Xi checked for a while. Jiang Xie was a citizen of the United States so the information on
him was excellent. His resume was long.
Xie Xi’s eyes became wider the more he looked.
This wasn’t taking advantage of their soul or doing their best to cheat in an online game.
This was simply a Daoist immortal descending to the world!
From the first round to the sixth round, Jiang Xie was a complete life winner. Several
important cabinet positions had his name and the even more exaggerated was that every
round, he was re-elected for three consecutive presidential terms… he was the president
with the longest office term.
The rule of the United States was to remove all past after reincarnation. Thus, he could be
re-elected after his term expired as long as there were enough votes.
Jiang Xie had lived for six rounds and served a total of 72 years as president…
Xie Xi suspected this soul was the collapsed god!
Of course, this task wouldn’t be so simple. Xie Xi was just venting his frustrations.
After reading everything, Xie Xi thought about how to contact this great god.
Then the communicator on his earring activated, followed by a magnetic voice. “Li Su
contacted me using your frequency band. What’s the matter?”
The low voice ringing in his ears unexpectedly made Xie Xi’s eyes ache. He took off the
communicator and took deep breaths.
What’s the matter…
This voice…
It wasn’t the first day meeting Jiang Xie and Xie Xi admitted that Jiang Xie’s voice was very
nice. But this…
It wasn’t an exaggeration to describe it like an electric current that made Xie Xi’s legs soft.
Xie Xi took a while to calm down before he could think of the words.
Li Su was Secretary Li. He had used Xie Xi’s frequency band to contact Jiang Xie?
This was normal. After all, a former president with an SSS-grade physique showing up at
the critical moment gave the United States more hope.
Yet the person no one could reach actually contacted him? Listening to the tone, they
seemed to know each other?
Don’t blame Xie Xi, he thought that even as president, this wasn’t a worthy soul. There was
a nine out of ten chance that Jiang Xie took the opportunity to pre-engage in something.
Was it an old friend? It was reasonable to say that the second and third prince had designed
three worlds and were almost full. If it was an old friend, it was likely to be the fifth or sixth
prince but he felt their temperaments didn’t match.
Old Five was sentimental and Old Six was gloomy. They weren’t the same as this person.
Xie Xi finally replied, “Can you meet me?”
The man laughed softly, his clear voice making Xie Xi feel numb. “Did you miss me?”
Xie Xi, “……”
This was a former love but his voice was simply a cheat! Xie Xi’s face heated up and he tried
to remain calm as he sent his position. It didn’t take Xie Xi long to see this person.
The 46 year old Jiang Xie was strange and familiar. A man of this age had a unique charm.
Time had settled on his brow and experience gave him an edge. If he had to descript the
temperament, it was a temperament that showed maturity to its fullest.
Looking at the young and tender Jiang Xie and the mature and stable former president was
a great shock. They obviously looked exactly the same but were different because of their
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking of Professor Jiang and the good times they had in their old age.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth, his voice heavy. “Mr. President, good afternoon.”
Xie Xi jerked and greeted the other person. “Good afternoon, Mr. Jiang.”
Jiang Xie smiled and sat opposite him. He took off the dark grey trench coat and revealed a
shirt that suited his body perfect. Age only added a mature charm and hadn’t damaged this
perfect body.
Xie Xi felt an indescribable sense of oppression that was invisible. The man opposite him
wasn’t deliberately pressuring him. It was a natural sense of oppression.
Xie Xi sighed, stabilized himself and prepared his mind to deal with this unusual Mr. Jiang.
“The difficulties of the United States must be clear to you.” Xie Xi subconsciously didn’t use
any honorifics. “We need citizens with an SSS-grade physique to perform tasks. I could only
think of you.”
Jiang Xie asked, “DId you find the pole?”
Many of the policies implemented today were set by Jiang Xie and it was normal for him to
Xie Xi nodded. “A field trip is required for some data and an SSS-grade physique is needed
for the fastest jump.”
Jiang Xie raised his lower lip. “Haven’t you already found a suitable candidate?”
Little Jiang was completing the task but…
Xie Xi replied, “Once the data comes back, there will definitely be more problems. If you can
come back…”
He stopped. It wasn’t because he was interrupted but because of Jiang Xie’s stare.
The pair of dark grey eyes were calm but deep, as if looking into the deepest part of his
Xie Xi’s heart beat faster and he couldn’t remember what he was going to say. Jiang Xie
walked towards him and Xie Xi couldn’t help standing up.
The two of them didn’t have a large difference in height but this person was so imposing
that Xie Xi had the illusion of looking up.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved but it wasn’t like a smile. His finger pointed at Xie Xi’s heart as he
slowly declared, “Once you know how to love, I will come back.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help exclaiming, “The United States is facing a huge
crisis. All civilization in the universe will disappear!”
“So what?” Jiang Xie replied lightly. “That isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 174

Collapsed God 8

It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing? Jiang Xie, these thoughts were very dangerous.
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “It doesn’t matter if the universe collapses and civilization
At this time, Li Su spoke softly through the communicated, “Mr. President, should I send up
the tea?”
The atmosphere did need to be eased so Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie gave a low laugh. Xie Xi looked at him and didn’t understand why he was laughing.
Jiang Xie explained, “If you nod here, can Li Su see it?”
Xie Xi, “…”
He always felt this soul was difficult to tangle with and Xie Xi had the illusion that
everything was seen through by this person.
Xie Xi stood in front of this person and was full of tension.
In Central, Jiang Xie’s age and experience were far beyond Xie Xi but he controlled it and
never gave Xie Xi a sense of distance. Now the Jiang Xie in front of him deliberately didn’t
control it.
Xie Xi asked, “What would you like to drink?”
“Black tea.”
Xie Xi quickly remembered that he seemed to be drinking black tea frequently. The entire
presidential palace habitually prepared black tea for him.
Xie Xi himself had no special preference regarding tears. Then did this world set it up so he
liked black tea? Was it related to the former president?
Don’t blame Xie Xi for thinking this. He had seen so much in the past that his brain could
make up the routine.
Weren’t they a couple before? The rational Xie Xi couldn’t understand love so Jiang Xie left?
Well… Xie Xi always felt like this was very characteristic of the souls.
Secretary Li personally came over with two cups of black tea and some snacks. He was a
very sharp person. After all, he became the president’s secretary at a young age and his
future wasn’t limited.
At this time, Secretary Li was cautious as he put down the refreshments and spoke softly,
“Mr. President, Mr. Jiang, please enjoy the tea and tell me if you need anything else.”
Jiang Xie told him, “Yes.”
It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Xie Xi saw a thin layer of sweat on Secretary Li’s
forehead. As for this! Xie Xi felt that his secretary was worthless.
Li Su glanced at Xie Xi and Xie Xi ordered, “Go back first and don’t wait for me.”
Secretary Li was stunned. He secretly glanced at Jiang Xie before suddenly looking away.
He reacted like this and Xie Xi was puzzled. What was he suddenly thinking about?
Li Su left and Jiang Xie sipped the black tea, sighing, “The black tea of the Capital Star tastes
Xie Xi pressed sharply. “Then come back.”
Jiang Xie leaned back and stared at him without a word.
The topic seemed to be coming back to the main point and Xie Xi spoke, “Now is the most
dangerous time. The universe is collapsing and all civilizations will be destroyed.”
Jiang Xie was as cold as always. “If the old doesn’t leave then the new won’t come.”
“This is a disaster of extinction. It doesn’t matter if the world is destroyed?”
“It is just the destruction of the universe. What does it have to do with the world?”
His question made Xie Xi freeze. Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi’s stunned look and sighed, his voice
becoming gentler. “Think about it. What are you protecting?”
Xie Xi replied quickly, “The entire United States.”
Jiang Xie asked, “Do you love him?”
Due to the language, Xie Xi understood that it was ‘him’ rather than ‘it.’
“Of course, as president of the United States, I love all citizens and this country.”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “That is just responsibility.”
Xie Xi exclaimed, “Responsibility isn’t love!”
Jiang Xie was silent as he stared at Xie Xi without blinking. After a long time, he smiled but
it was cold and helpless. “Sure enough, it shouldn’t be forced.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie’s expression faded away and the black tea remained untouched. He got up and
declared, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll go.”
How could Xie Xi let this person go? He hurriedly asked, “Why do you say that I don’t
Jiang Xie took his hand and whispered, “Then do you love me?”
Xie Xi was shocked by the words and didn’t know how to answer. Was it too hasty to say
that he loved this person? If he didn’t love Jiang Xie… would he not see Jiang Xie until the
universe was destroyed?
What was the question of love or not love? It was a matter of death!
Xie Xi gritted his teeth. “I am also rational, do you understand?”
Jiang Xie gazed straight into his eyes.
Xie Xi started sweating from the oppressive feeling and raised his head. “If you understand
then… can’t you teach me?”
This should be insurance, right? At the very least, he could keep this person behind.
Jiang Xie wondered, “You want to learn?”
Xie Xi thought he finally touched the right method and exclaimed, “Yes!”
Unexpected, Jiang Xie’s voice didn’t contain any ups and downs. “You still won’t learn.”
The confused Xie Xi asked, “Why?”
Jiang Xie stated calmly, “I have already taught you.”
Xie Xi, “……” This broken person.
Jiang Xie added, “Thus, stop learning. I don’t want others to teach you.”
Xie Xi was really suffering. He actually had ‘learnt’! Not only did he understand love, he had
been with the person for more than 60 years!
Xie Xi stared at the man and took a few steps forward, pulling at his sleeve. “Tomorrow.”
Jiang Xie was slightly startled and glanced at the hand.
Xie Xi suppressed the desire to pull back his hand and declared seriously, “Tomorrow…
let’s go on a date.”
Jiang Xie slowly looked at him. “Hmm?”
Xie Xi couldn’t let this person go. “If I don’t understand and words can’t explain it, why
don’t we try it for one day?”
Jiang Xie told him, “You don’t have to do this.”
Xie Xi was obstinate. “I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes slightly narrowed.
“You might not come but I will definitely wait.”
Jiang Xie’s grey eyes were cold. “You don’t understand feelings but you are very familiar
with taking advantage of them.
Xie Xi, “…” What damn taking advantage?! He clearly loved this person!
Jiang Xie left and Xie Xi sat on the sofa, only to discover that his back was covered in sweat.
The pressure was truly amazing. The ‘dead-hearted’ Jiang Xie was so strange that Xie Xi
was shocked.
The next day, Xie Xi naturally waited here early. He was filled with a lot of tension and was
afraid that Jiang Xie wouldn’t come. Fortunately… no matter how cold his head, Jiang Xie
was still Jiang Xie. He arrived at 9 ‘clock.
Xie Xi stood up and Jiang Xie told him, “Today, I will do whatever you want me to do.”
Xie Xi was relieved. “I’ll prove it to you.”
Jiang Xie raised his eyelids to look at the other person. “Listen clearly. I am talking about
what you want me to do, including going to the pole.”
Xie Xi frowned and interrupted him. “I’m here to go on a date with you.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “I’ll only give you one chance. If you want to do the president’s duty,
I can help you.”
Xie Xi was stubborn. “I just want to date you today!”
Jiang Xie gazed at him silently. Xie Xi wasn’t afraid to save the world or anything… the
premise was to ‘save’ the soul. The collapsed god hadn’t been found but the collapsed souls
couldn’t be left alone!
After a long time, Jiang Xie replied, “Then I’ll listen to you.”
Xie Xi was relieved. “I booked some movie tickets. Shall we go to the cinema?”
Jiang Xie seemed to laugh but his voice was miraculously gentle. “Okay.”
It was a single word but it because beautiful because of the seemingly helpless laugh, as if
countless emotions were crowded together and the word was too small to fit all of them.
Xie Xi’s heart trembled and he didn’t dare look at this person.
Today’s itinerary had been carefully planned. Xie Xi even ordered a bestseller which he
read overnight and had a full strategy.
Under normal circumstances, Xie Xi wouldn’t need a love book to guide him. In the 60
years, he went on several dates with Jiang Xie. Most of them were led by Jiang Xie but Xie Xi
also had experience.
The reason why he bought the book was because he didn’t know the background of this
high-tech society. He was afraid he wouldn’t understand the market and would be a joke.
For example, the first major event of dating in the Earth age was watching movies. It might
be different in this high-tech society.
Fortunately, after reading the dating guide, Xie Xi found that cinemas were still present.
They just had a holographic mode and the virtual experience was more exciting and fun.
The guide book was very reliable and even recommended a corresponding movie.
Xie Xi had no experience in this area and directly selected the safest love movie. The book
said: In this lifetime, if you find someone you like then you must take them to see this
There was such high praise that Xie Xi hurriedly booked the tickets.
Xie Xi had never seen a holographic movie and although he was prepared, he was still a bit
tense when it officially began.
Jiang Xie perceived this and his eyes slightly darkened, but he didn’t say ‘there is no need to
force it.’
Xie Xi’s attention was quickly attracted by this unique viewing experience.
The movie was very beautiful. The protagonists were a ration and an emotional disguised
as a rational.
The rational person was very young. He was a young general in military attire and had high
The emotional pretending to be a rational was his boss, who took great care of him.
Later, the rational became a mature adult and wanted a partner. His emotional boss
pretending to be a rational asked him, “Do you want an emotional person?”
The rational person shook his head. “Emotional people are too much trouble. Rational is
The emotional person smiled. “Your purpose of finding a partner is to resolve your
physiological needs?”
The rational took it for granted. “What else?”
“Then let’s be together.”
The rational was surprised. “You are my boss.”
The emotional asked, “Do you think I’m old?”
“How can that be? Just…”
The emotional disguised as a rational spoke lightly. “Rest assured, I won’t be troublesome.”
Xie Xi didn’t think there would be so many bed scenes in this movie. He turned red when he
saw it. The holographic effect was really… um… too exciting.
Jiang Xie by his side was as calm and stable as an old monk. He wasn’t affected by the movie
at all.
Xie Xi couldn’t believe it. This was the big demon who said, “We can do it 70 times a night in
the Antarctic!”
Then Jiang Xie cocked his head. “Do you need any help?”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie’s gaze moved down and his tone was flat. “Come here, I’ll help you.”
Xie Xi sharply exclaimed, “No!”
This type of cinema was private and only the two of them were watching the movie. It was
normal to do this type of thing but… through the mottled light and shadows, Xie Xi saw
Jiang Xie’s eyes. They were no feelings of desire in them, only coldness and alienation.
After seeing this movie, Xie Xi had some suspicions. Was he like the rational person in the
movie and only saw X as a tool to relieve desire?
The movie was playing the first contradiction between the protagonists.
The simple catharsis couldn’t be maintained for long. After the freshness was over, the
rational person got tired. However, his partner’s status was too high and he didn’t mention
breaking up. He just tried to drag out matters.
It was a pity that his partner was an emotional disguised as a rational and soon noticed it.
Seeing up to here, Jiang Xie frowned and his eyes seemed colder. “If you don’t need relief
then forget it.”
Xie Xi understood this person and guessed what he was thinking. Then Xie Xi whispered, “It
is just venting desires, not love.”
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrunk but he didn’t reveal anything on the surface. “Watch the movie.”
Xie Xi was curious about the development and continued to watch. He might be able to find
out more clues from it.
In the movie, the emotional mentioned the breakup first and the rational was obviously
The emotional told him, “You don’t have to worry. Your future won’t be affected by our
The rational smiled in a heartless manner. “Ah, rational should really be with other
The emotional person’s complexion was pale but his eyes were filled with flames. “You will
find another rational?”
“Probably not.”
The emotional asked, “Why?”
The rational replied, “How to say it? For a rational person, working hard is enough.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 175

Collapsed God 9

Good scum…
Xie Xi occasionally wore the hate called a ‘slag’ but he sincerely thought he was a flower
compared to this…
Well, Xie Xi calmed himself down. He didn’t know if a slag stepping on N boat or a slag who
didn’t understand love was worse.
Xie Xi was fascinated and didn’t notice that Jiang Xie’s gaze always drifted towards him. The
gaze was complicated and didn’t belong to a rational person.
The movie continued to the heart-wrenching section.
The emotional and rational broke up but due to their work, they still saw each other.
Two rational people breaking up, everyone was accustomed to this.
The marriage law of the United States was a signing system and only came into effect when
signed. Before signing the marriage, people were completely free.
Almost all rational people wouldn’t sign the marriage law, which was especially designed
for emotional people.
The emotional boss’ disguise was very successful. He was the calmest rational in everyone’s
eyes and it was surprising when he was with another rational. The decades of his life
showed a complete disregard for love and sex. He worked hard for the United States and
was a just leader praised by everyone. It was surprising that he would have a companion.
After two years, the pair broke up and everyone didn’t think too much. A rational and
rational never had emotions involved. They took what was needed and then separated.
It was a pity that the boss was an emotional disguised as a rational. The things that rational
people didn’t care for were a disaster to emotional people
Falling in love with a person who didn’t understand love, experiencing two years of sweet
torment and then losing it. His heart had been poked rotten
The emotional maintained a calm surface but every meeting, conversation and time spent
together with the rational person caused pain in his heart.
The emotional rose in position, left the rational and opened a safe distance.
However, the rational was an excellent and ambitious young man. He was promoted
quickly and assigned to the emotional boss again.
The emotional could refuse his joining. He had this power as a leader.
Then the rational spoke with excitement, “Mr. Minister, “I happy to be of help!”
The emotional saw the extremely missed smile and abandoned his armour.
He couldn’t refuse and in fact, he had no reason to refuse.
The rational person was very good. In every aspect, he was suitable for this job. The
emotional person couldn’t find a reason to reject and couldn’t say he didn’t want to see this
person. After all, his registered gender was a rational.
Thus, the two people got along again.
The camera in this scene was almost always concentrated on the emotional person and
explained why he pretended to be a rational.
The United States had loose control over gender and although there was a fixed testing
mechanism, it was easy to fool.
Moreover, this trick was one-sided. An emotional person could easily answer rational
questions but a rational would find it difficult to answer emotional questions.
Thus, it was easy for an emotional to pretend to be rational but a rational couldn’t pretend
to be emotional.
Compared to the diversity of an emotional person, a rational person was more single-
minded and rigid.
The United States didn’t care about emotional people disguising as rational and there was
no punishment if exposed.
After all, an emotional couldn’t hurt the unemotional rational but a rational could hurt the
The biggest point of the gender differentiation was to remind emotional people to stay
away from rational people.
There were always emotional who didn’t like such a rigid mechanism and wanted to stand
higher, wanted to look down on the world from a better point of view.
The boss was such an emotional.
He passed the rational test, was judged to be rational and went all the way to be someone
in politics.
He felt that he wouldn’t be dominated by love and wouldn’t fall in love with anyone until he
encountered the rational person.
He understood that falling in love could take only a thousandth of a second.
This person appeared in front of him, didn’t talk, smile or even look at him yet the arrow of
Cupid still hit the target.
For the rest of his life, the person hit could only wander between adapting to the arrow or
removing it.
The emotional person was like this. He cruelly pulled it out but the hole was always fresh
and bloody. It wouldn’t heal without any effort.
The emotional finally understood the importance of the gender system.
He finally saw the sentence that the system was transmitting: Emotional, stay away from
rational people.
The great difference meant that an emotional person falling in love with a rational person
was tantamount to self-destruction.
Unfortunately, it was too late and there wasn’t any regret in this world.
The emotional person drank too much at a party. He normally never drank but after seeing
the rational in front of him, countless negative emotions came to mind and touching the
alcohol made the emotional person more irrational.
The emotional person was drunk and the rational person sent him home while also helping
him into bed.
The space of solitude finally had someone and the overwhelming love made the emotional
pull the rational into his arms and underneath his body.
Everything happened naturally. It wasn’t until dawn that the emotional person’s heart
became clear and cold.
The rational came out after a shower and smiled. “Do you still want to be with me?”
The emotional person’s heartbeat was very fast, as if cosmic stars were crammed into his
chest and were about to explode.
The rational sat on his lap and wrapped an arm around his neck, asking, “I was very happy
last night. Shall we be together for a while?”
Suddenly, the whole universe became cold and the emotional person understood.
The rational left because he was tired. Then a long time passed and he found a fresh feeling
last night.
The emotional pushed him away, declaring coldly, “No.”
The rational was slightly surprised. “Why? I thought you were very interested last night.”
The emotional was irritated. “I am very busy lately and don’t have time to do these things.”
“Oh.” The rational was a bit disappointed. “The campaign is about to begin. I wish you a
great victory.”
At the end of the movie, the emotional person fell into reincarnation at the age of 50 and
forgot the past.
Even at the end of this cycle, the emotional didn’t tell the rational about his love.
He was well aware that it was useless to say it and the rational wouldn’t understand.
In the dark, the line of white words seemed cold and helpless: Emotional people, please
stay away from rational people.
The words were like a crumbling castle as they became white fragments. Against the black
backdrop, the white fragments were like tears.
The light turned on and the movie was over. It took a while for Xie Xi’s senses to return.
The first thought in his head was, ‘Why must I watch this with my loved one?’
What did he see? They broke up! How could such a tragedy be a must-see movie for lovers?
The author of the love guide, what misunderstanding did they have about falling in love?”
Jiang Xie suddenly opened his mouth. “Many emotional people are crying badly.”
Xie Xi watched it carefully but after all, he wasn’t rational or emotional, nor was Jiang Xie.
They had a very sweet connection so… um… his eyes weren’t red but he was flushed by the
bed play.
Jiang Xie smiled and said, “Rational people only watch it for the bed play.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
It was a pit again!
Jiang Xie glanced at him. “What to do next?”
Xie Xi didn’t speak as he was still thinking about how to defend himself…
Jiang Xie was very rational. “If you don’t like to play in the chair then shall we go to a
Xie Xi was half a beat slow to react.
Yes, two rational people didn’t understand the pain of the emotional protagonist. They
went to watch the bed scene and what else was there to do after watching the bed play?
Xie Xi quickly shook his head. “No!”
“We should eat dinner after a movie.” Although he felt that the love guide wasn’t reliable,
he had developed a strategy based on it and it was too late to change. He could only go to
Jiang Xie wasn’t happy or disappointed. He just listened and asked, “Where are we eating?”
Xie Xi replied, “Dawn Restaurant.” This was a restaurant specifically mentioned in the
guide. It was said to be like a dawning morning, the romantic beauty like embracing a new
Jiang Xie seemed to feel a bit helpless and tired but he agreed. “Let’s go to Dawn
He spoke the words without any joy or expectations.
Xie Xi sensed it but what could he do? He could only hope that the love guide hadn’t
recommended a ‘breakup restaurant.’
Fortunately, this time the restaurant was very beautiful and emotional.
The virtual morning was like a dream, making people feel like they were standing at the
origin of the world that was lonely and quiet. However, due to the person sitting opposite
them, they felt indescribable warmth and sweetness.
‘At the beginning of the world, I met you. Meeting you is the beginning of the world.’
This was the romance of the Dawn Restaurant.
Xie Xi was satisfied. The recommended dishes were very tasty but they looked beautiful.
Jiang Xie had no appetite and only slowly drank black tea. His gaze drifted far away, as if
looking at the edge of morning.
Jiang Xie wondered softly, “What is the world?”
He was asking Xie Xi but he seemed to be asking himself.
Xie Xi thought about it and replied, “The universe is our world.”
Jiang Xie looked at him and shook his head.
Xie Xi questioned, “What do you think the world is?”
Jiang Xie was silent for a long time before slowly stating, “I don’t know.”
Xie Xi was stunned. Jiang Xie’s eyebrows were tightly gathered together and his hands
clenched and released. “This world isn’t my world. My world has no place for me.”
“Why does your world have no place for you?”
“Yes.” Jiang Xie asked, “Why?”
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say.
He had many thoughts but couldn’t stay them because of his identity. Jiang Xie was acting
as the soul and Xie Xi had to cooperate with the souls. It would be extremely dangerous to
let the souls realize they were souls.
After the meal, Jiang Xie glanced at him and smiled. “We don’t have to walk back. It is too
dangerous for you.”
The guide wrote that after eating, the lovers should walk back hand in hand.
Xie Xi jerked. “You…”
Jiang Xie helped him finish. “How do I know what you want to do?”
Xie Xi had a bad feeling in his heart.
Jiang Xie laughed. “The love guide…”
Xie Xi thought secretly, ‘It’s over!’
“Have you read that book?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I wrote that book.”
Xie Xi, “…………”
His dull appearance pleased Jiang Xie and the smile in his eyes was real. “I am very happy
Xie Xi was surprised.
“It was my wish to be able to do this with you.”
Xie Xi never expected that the former president, a 48 year old mature man, would write
such abook!
Sure enough, this really was Jiang Xie. It was what Jiang Xie would do! Xie Xi remarked
dryly, “I didn’t know that book was written by you.”
“Now only you know.”
Xie Xi, “…” He wasn’t happy to know this secret!
Jiang Xie’s mood was happy. “Don’t worry, I will go back and help you. If you want
something then arrange it.”
Xie Xi couldn’t keep up with this person’s brain circuits. “Why?” Didn’t Xie Xi screw it up?
Jiang Xie reached out and touched Xie Xi’s slender eyebrows. “The fact that you read this
book shows you are thinking about it. Perhaps I can still love forward to it.”
He was happy from this?
Xie Xi thought of the emotional person in the movie and it was like a knife stabbed his
He couldn’t help asking Jiang Xie, “Is your true gender emotional?”
“Why do you ask that?”
There was no doubt. It was 100% that Jiang Xie disguised as a rational and the president
who led for 72 years was actually an emotional person.
Xie Xi asked again, “Why did you write in the book that people should be sure to watch this
movie with the person they love?”

I’ve just added a reading list for anyone who is interested.

Reading list link
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 176

Collapsed God 10

For Xie Xi, a rational and emotional human, this movie was definitely a persuasion movie. If
a couple saw it, they would probably doubt love and it would speed up the breakup.
Yet this book, the ‘Love Guide’ sold really well. Then Jiang Xie’s guide was based on this
social form?
Xie Xi thought this and wanted to ask for an exit.
Jiang Xie explained, “If two pure rational people watch this movie, they can have fun
watching it.
Xie Xi, “…” Oh, the fragrant bed play really made people spray blood.
Jiang Xie continued, “If it is a rational and emotional, watching the movie can sober up the
emotional person and they can pull out early.”
Just like the boss of the movie. If he had recognized reality earlier, he wouldn’t have fallen
deeper and reincarnate after just 50 years.
Xie Xi always felt that Jiang Xie was talking about himself.
Jiang Xie kept talking, “If two pure emotional people watch this movie, they will cherish
each other more and not approach an emotional person because of curiosity.”
Two emotional people were the most stable form of marriage in present society. They
walked together because of love and this was a stronger bond than any legal provision.
Maybe they would change their minds and break up but at least they would deeply love
each other when together.
It wasn’t like an emotional and a rational. One gave everything while the other knew
The emotional boss in the movie had a friend and his words to the emotional person was
interesting. ‘Falling in love with a rational is like falling in love with a machine.’
Wasn’t it a fantasy to expect a machine to respond to people’s feelings?
Jiang Xie spoke these words and Xie Xi understood.
Indeed, such a tragic film wouldn’t affect the rational people while acting as an important
reminder to the emotional people.
It was true that the reminder wasn’t necessarily useful but there was a certain chance they
would be pulled back from the brink.
There were still doubts in Xie Xi’s heart.
Was the content of this movie the summary of his relationship with Jiang Xie? Was this
about what happened to them previously?
The movie was vague about the identities of the protagonist but there were too many clues
to find.
The rational person was a young general. Xie Xi had enlisted at the age of 13 and made
great achievements in the army.
The emotional boss had a high position of power and later participated in the general
election. Jiang Xie was also a former president.
It was a pity that the ‘new arrival’ Xie Xi didn’t have any memories at all and had no way to
He also couldn’t ask what happened between them. If he asked, wouldn’t he be even more
of a slag, a slag with no limits?
Xie Xi.. couldn’t ask! Even if he didn’t ask, his heart was full of ups and downs. If this was
really the story of their previous relationship, what was Jiang Xie’s mood at this moment?
Xie Xi put himself in this position and his heart was cold.
Jiang Xie’s mood wasn’t bad. It seemed that Xie Xi asking this question was already a great
improvement. His lips curved and he asked Xie Xi, “What do you feel after seeing it?”
Xie Xi was stunned. He felt too much and was afraid of scaring this emotional gentleman.
Jiang Xie thought he had too little feelings and specifically reminded him, “Talk about
feelings apart from the bed play.”
Xie Xi filled with 10,000 words was speechless. Who and what? Was this the wrong script
and the wrong lines were spoken?
Jiang Xie thought Xie Xi couldn’t think of anything and his smile lightened. “It’s fine. f you
don’t want to say it then forget it. Don’t force yourself.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare let him continue to think and righteously spoke, “I think the emotional
person in the movie should tell the rational.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “Tell what?”
“Tell his real gender and the words he wants to say the most.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Is it I love you?”
He was clearly talking about the movie but his gentle expression and low voice made it
seem like he was confessing to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi tightened his lips to resist the tingling caused by this voice.
“Yes…” Xie Xi calmed himself. “If you don’t say anything then how can the other person
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “It’s useless.”
“How do you know it will be useless?”
“You are a rational which is why you can say such words.”
Rational people would only do events with a high probability of certainty and they
wouldn’t take risks.
Xie Xi wasn’t timid. “It is because it will be useful.”
Jiang Xie told him, “This is your judgment from a rational point of view. From an emotional
point of view, it makes no sense.”
Love and love were obvious. Speaking out would only put pressure on the rational
The rational wouldn’t break up and would continue to cooperate with the emotional like a
It was always like this. It was only after knowing love that you could understand how
humble it made people.
Jiang Xie didn’t want to place shackles on him. He didn’t want to deceive himself or make
Xie Xi unhappy. Even if Xie Xi didn’t love Jiang Xie, Jiang Xie wanted him to live happily.
Letting go was something that was easier to do.
Xie Xi couldn’t speak for a moment. From the perspective of normal humans,
communication was the most important thing among lovers. However, this combination of
emotional and rational…um… the barrier was too deep and they couldn’t communicate.
Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi frowning and told him, “Let’s go back to the presidential palace.”
Xie Xi, “?”
Jiang Xie clenched his hands. “I thought the world couldn’t be saved but now… “He looked
at Xie Xi and a sea of stars seemed to ripple in his grey eyes. “Perhaps there is a bit of hope.”
Words poured into this throat but Xie Xi didn’t dare ask.
‘This world? Am I your world?’
It was really romantic and decisive. It was like a flying goose struggling in a deep well. As
long as it could see a ray of light, it would yearn for a clear sky.
On the way back, Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “Why are there emotional and rational people?”
In fact, this question couldn’t be answered. It was like asking an Earth person why there
were men and women. The person asking would probably be treated as a fool.
Jiang Xie was in a good mood and his lips slowly curved upwards. “You can only ask the
Xie Xi stared at him. “The Creator?”
Jiang Xie asked him, “Do you think there is a Creator in this world?”
Xie Xi liked this topic and replied with a question. “Is there?”
Jiang Xie firmly stated, “There is.”
“Where is he?”
“The world created by him will collapse. He probably doesn’t want to see it.”
Xie Xi felt a chill roll down his back and he almost sucked in his breath. How did he feel that
this soul knew a lot? Did Jiang Xie know this was a created world? Did he think that the
person who created this world gave up on it? Or was there another secret?
Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t contact the main Jiang Xie and his doubts could only be
In the former quasi-worlds, the souls didn’t have any doubts about their worlds. Perhaps
the souls felt they were abandoned after a soul was pulled out of this world, collapsing it?
Was that why the souls set up such a pessimistic and desperate background?
It was highly likely.
It was true that every soul liked to engage in some dog blood but this was generally due to
the slag intersecting with other souls.
In front of this Jiang Xie, there was no third-party and no green hat. It was just the purest
despair. Despair for a rational, despair for an emotional and distrust and resistance to the
whole world.
Xie Xi thought this and his heart was a mess from pain. All the people who went to Central
were abandoned and Jiang Xie was no exception.
Xie Xi didn’t know what Jiang Xie had experienced previously but he understood the taste
of abandonment.
Confusion, helplessness, uneasiness and fright. This was an abyss that no one could be
strong enough to face alone.
Xie Xi had been pulled out of the abyss by Jiang Xie. If Jiang Xie gave up on him, he would be
pushed back into the abyss…
In an instant, darkness wrapped around his spirit and Xie Xi almost lost the ability to think.
“Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie!” A nervous voice entered Xie Xi’s ears. It was the familiar sound of Jiang
Xie’s voice.
Xie Xi felt the darkness rolling away like a tired. He seemed to be rescued from drowning
and his spirit and body were weak and exhausted.
“Professor…” Xie Xi tried to open his eyes to look at this person.
Jiang Xie’s heart was tugged. Xie Xi hadn’t called him by this name for a long time.
The 60 years spent in Dream Come True was the truth that Xie Xi would most like to
For him, Professor Jiang was the first salvation of his life.
Jiang Xie held his hand and spoke. “What happened? What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi slowly calmed down. Then he was startled as he saw Jiang Xie in front of him. “You…
where is this?”
He found that he was in a blank space…
Wasn’t he in the aircraft with Mr. Jiang? How did he appear here all of a sudden?
The Jiang Xie in front of him was obviously the main one. What was going on? Xie Xi
glanced at Jiang Xie with confusion. “Aren’t we in the quasi-world?”
Jiang Xie saw his normal appearance and felt relieved. “This is the white space and it can
last up to three minutes.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “White space?”
Jiang Xie explained, “In a collapsed world, there might be unpredictable dangers. Thus, I
added a mark to your system. As long as you are in danger, you will be dragged into this
white space.”
Xie Xi’s heart warmed. “I have the fatal injuries immunity.”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “That is physical. You aren’t immune to mental damage.”
Xie Xi hadn’t known this.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Aren’t you in the Capital Star? What happened?”
Time was very tight and Xie Xi didn’t dare delay. He hurriedly told Jiang Xie the things
regarding him and the soul before mentioning his last thoughts.
Jiang Xie was a bit startled. “You…”
Xie Xi was a bit embarrassed. “I just… I just thought about it. If you… if…”
‘If you leave me’. He couldn’t say these words and he didn’t dare say it.
How could Jiang Xie not understand? His heart trembled and he hugged this person, the
strength of his hug showing that his emotions were out of control. “Don’t worry about it.”
Xie Xi was embarrassed. He didn’t expect this and perhaps he was infected by the despair of
the souls.
Jiang Xie quickly kissed his forehead. “I will always be there.”
The corners of Xie Xi’s mouth raised and he gently hugged back. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie was blown up by the sweet words.
Xie Xi had calmed down and now had time to think. “This white space is prohibited, right?
Will it hurt you?”
Jiang Xie, “…” He looked at the sky and whistled.
Xie Xi knew him too well. “Is it serious?”
Jiang Xie knew he couldn’t hide it and coaxed him. “In any case, there is God Yan.”
Old Jiang actually called out God Yan, showing how injured he was from this!
Xie Xi felt distressed and angry. He was angrier at himself. “That… you will always be here!
I believe it!”
“Rest assured, I will surely be wherever you are.”
Xie Xi didn’t listen to these words of love. “Don’t hide anything from me in the future. Be
sure to tell me everything!” He was always running around behind Xie Xi’s back.
Jiang Xie gave a low laugh. “Good. My communication records, my bank card passwords, my
private money… I will hand them all over to you.”
Still poor!
Jiang Xie was overjoyed and kissed him. “I’ve never felt so good about being alive before.”
Xie Xi frowned. “Don’t say anything like that.”
“really, for the first time in my life, I feel like I have to live well.”
There was a child who needed him, who loved him and would be distressed thinking about
his departure…
Jiang Xie wanted to live well, guard him well and stay with him forever. He would seriously
protect this strong and fragile little rose.
The three minutes would come to an end soon. The two people exchanged a lot of
information and Xie Xi stabilized his mood.
As they parted, Jiang Xie said, “What if Little Jiang returns when you bring Big Jiang back to
the presidential palace?”
Xie Xi, “!” His just steady heart once again fell!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 177

Collapsed God 11

Xie Xi naturally didn’t forget Little Jiang. The youth had gone to work outside for the
country. If Xie Xi forgot then he would really be a slag!
He thought of the word ‘slag’ and instinctively felt guilty. He had no right to talk about scum
men or women…
Xie Xi obviously only talked about love once and it was truly unforgettable but… he
inexplicably became a veteran of love.
Xie Xi comforted himself. Who didn’t stumble a bit on the road of love? He was fine. The
roadblocks were all his people. Um, he didn’t comfort himself at all!
The white space closed down and Jiang Xie disappeared from in front of him.
Xie Xi’s heart was empty and the call of another Jiang Xie entered his ears. “Xiao Xie?”
The empty heart was filled. Xie Xi opened his eyes to see the anxious Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie saw him wake up and sighed with relief, but his eyebrows were still close together
“How did you suddenly faint?”
Xie Xi couldn’t explain and could only say, “Perhaps I’ve been missing too much sleep
Jiang Xie felt distressed. “You are the leader of the United States. If you are too tired then
there will be a big mess.”
Xie Xi frowned and spoke softly, “That’s why I wanted to invite you.”
There was a small complaint in his words. It was as if Jiang Xie walked away and left Xie Xi
with a large amount of work, making him depressed.
If Xie Xi was an emotional person then Jiang Xie almost thought this person was acting
But how was that possible? A rational person’s favourite thing was to work. If they could
concentrate on work without being disturbed then their pleasure would soar to 90%.
Only an emotional person would want to rest and would think that too much work was
Jiang Xie was facing a crisis but Xie Xi only needed him to come back.
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling inwardly. An emotional person was really far from a rational
person. It was because a rational person didn’t need to do anything. The emotional person’s
rich imagination would confuse themselves.
Just like at this moment. Jiang Xie felt that Xie Xi was dependent on him and needed him.
Yes, Jiang Xie was surely needed. There were too few people in the United States with SSS-
grade physiques. Dependence was impossible. Only an emotional person would understand
this type of feeling.
Jiang Xie controlled his own fantasies and told Xie Xi, “Sleep, I will wake you up.”
Xie Xi was indeed dizzy. He lowered the chair, lay down on it and said, “Then I will sleep for
a while.” For this Dawn Restaurant, Xie Xi had flown across half the world. Flying back
would take half an hour and this was enough to sleep.
Jiang Xie placed his coat on Xie Xi. “Go to sleep.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling as he grabbed the clothes and closed his eyes to sleep.
Jiang Xie unscrupulously stared at him and satisfied the yearning of many years.
Why was there such a big difference between rational and emotional? They were clearly
both people with the same type of appearance. Then how could the insides be so different?
Xie Xi lay on his side facing Jiang Xie. His dark hair was scattered over his white skin, the
contrast making his complexion whiter and more delicate.
His eyelashes were long, his nose was high and his tender lips were gently curved. His
expression was like resting on his lover’s lap, satisfying and comfortable.
Why was this person a rational who didn’t understand feelings? Whenever Jiang Xie saw
Xie Xi, he didn’t believe in life. He believed in this illusory fate.
In this life, there was always an existence that needed to be yielded to. It was just that they
didn’t meet before.
Back at the presidential palace, Xie Xi was full of energy.
The main Jiang Xie had reminded him but Xie Xi had no other method. If he didn’t take Big
Jiang back to the palace then where could he take this person?
It wasn’t a problem for such a distinguished former president to live in the presidential
In addition, how could Jiang Xie feel if he came back but the two people didn’t live together?
Xie Xi had to coax this person back. How could they not get along with each other?
Although getting along with this person was a bit…
Xie Xi felt that his slag male vocabulary was becoming richer!
The moment Jiang Xie walked into the presidential palace, he was greeted with countless
shocked eyes and greetings in shaky voices.
Li Su saw Jiang Xie and was surprised and happy. “Mr. Jiang!”
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “You are really persevering.” He sent a message three times a day,
divided into the early, middle and late sections. In addition, he knew that Xie Xi’s frequency
band wouldn’t be banned.
Li Su cautiously shook the pot. “It was Mr. President’s instructions.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, the blame was put on him.
Jiang Xie smiled. “You can maintain this job in the future.”
Li Su replied, “Since Mr. Jiang is back, I don’t have to send it anymore.”
In order to show his sincerity, he didn’t dare set up an automatic message. He carefully
wrote each other, his rational brain struggling with different words to call back the former
president who ‘ran away from home.’
Once Jiang Xie returned, the burden on Xie Xi sharply plummeted. Many jobs he couldn’t
handle were given to Jiang Xie.
There was this rule over the years. Once the term of a former president was over, they
could continue to work in the cabinet as long as they hadn’t entered the reincarnation
Of course, some of the main decision-making tasks still had to be approved by the
president. However, they were the current president’s mentor and could share many
It was true that rational people were passionate about work and took pleasure in it.
It was because of their rationality that they knew what they could do and didn’t make a big
deal out of happiness.
Thus, the coordination and cooperation between Jiang Xie and Xie Xi were particularly
efficient. They had a tacit understanding that emotional people would find hard to
If it wasn’t for the upcoming destruction of the universe, Xie Xi really wanted to push all
work to Jiang Xie and be free.
In any case, this guy did a good job and his efficiency was great. Why shouldn’t he take
From the point of loving work, Xie Xi definitely wasn’t a rational.
He didn’t like work at all. He liked to be bored before finding something to play.
Of course, he had to pretend. After all, he was a real rational person in this world’s setting.
In the white space, Jiang Xie had left him with a sentence. ‘Remember, you must let them
believe your gender.’
Time was hasty and they exchanged too many things, so Xie Xi didn’t have time to ask about
this last sentence.
Why should he maintain that he was a rational person?
Originally, Xie Xi wanted to ‘become’ emotional and learn how to love, letting Big Jiang feel
peace of mind.
But now…
Xie Xi didn’t know the reason but he firmly believed in Jiang Xie’s words and remembered
to act.
The busy time passed quickly. After half a month, the entire presidential palace and the
cabinet wanted to shout, ‘Mr. Jiang is really great!’
It wasn’t that the president wasn’t capable. It was that two presidents doubled their
efficiency and things were too comfortable. In this critical moment, such a boost was really
Due to all the work, Xie Xi didn’t have time to communicate privately with Big Jiang.
He had taken the opportunity to check the background of the emotional and rational
tragedy movie.
The thing that complicated Xie Xi’s mood was that the writer of the movie and the author of
the Love Guide were the same person.
The pen name was J, which was the first letter of Jiang.
Xie Xi was too lazy to scold at Jiang Xie. It was either X or J with this person. Xie Xi felt sorry.
If his name had a few more words then he could have more than one initial!
If the screenwriter of this movie was Jiang Xie, did it mean that this was a real summary of
their previous relationship?
Xie Xi went to a movie review website and found a hot review with 100,000 comments
speculated on the prototypes of the protagonists.
-Did a former president disguise as a rational?
-Can an emotional person really be a president?
-What an admirable emotional!
-If President Jiang pretended to be a rational then his partner… is it the present president?
-I’m afraid so. Sure enough, the more rational a person, the more of a slag they are.
-Don’t say slag. It is natural behaviour for a rational.
-Yes, it is a natural slag ^_^.
This was followed by more comments.
From these lines, Xie Xi could speculate that he and Jiang Xie were once partners. It really
did seem to be a summary of their past.
Xie Xi had no memories and couldn’t ask Jiang Xie. Then he thought about a reliable person,
Li Su!
Xie Xi called his secretary and asked about it. Secretary Li was worthy of being someone
who followed him all this way and knew more than the gossip.
“It’s great that Mr. Jiang came back. It is like we’ve returned to the days when he was with
you and you worked for him!”
Secretary Li spoke in detail, “I was really shocked when you and Mr. Jiang were together.
After all, you don’t seem like a person who would find a partner. However, you are very
reasonable. If you have a rational need then it is best to find a stable and suitable partner…”
Xie Xi frowned and became 100% certain. The former situation’s summary was real and he
was a slag, a slag with no heart.
Secretary Li paused before adding, “Although you have deleted your memories, you still
have some impressions left and have a special preference for Mr. Jiang’s face.”
Xie Xi was stunned. “Deleted memories?”
“Do I need to arrange an eraser for you?” He thought that Xie Xi was going to delete his
memories again.
Xie Xi shook his head. “No.” He searched himself and found that rational people had such a
Unwanted and unimportant memories that weren’t needed could be deleted with one click,
freeing up space to remember more important things.
Xie Xi, “……”
He could almost hear the sound of Jiang Xie’s heart breaking.
After breaking up, Jiang Xi turned their past into a move and even wanted to enter the
reincarnation cycle in his 50s. However, Xie Xi had long since deleted these memories as
unwanted and unimportant.
He acted in an awkward and unfamiliar manner while watching the movie and Jiang Xie
would’ve definitely realized that he had deleted his memories.
In fact, Xie Xi really didn’t know! He couldn’t explain it and didn’t know how to get rid of
the title of ‘slag.’
Li Su knew Xie Xi’s troubles but he was a pure rational and didn’t know about heartbreak.
“Since Mr. Jiang came back, shouldn’t you make it clear to Young Master?”
Xie Xi had been worried about this and after hearing the words, he thought the secretary
had a method. “Hrmm?”
This was Secretary Li’s main worry. “Young Master is young and you will have to wait
another three or four years if you want to be with him. Now that Mr. Jiang is back, you don’t
have to wait for the younger one to grow up.”
Xie Xi, “???”
He thought he was enough of a slag. He never thought Old Li would be worse!
Li Su saw that his boss was silent and added, “Of course, this is all about Mr. President’s
intentions. If you discuss it with Mr. Jiang in advance, it isn’t impossible for the three of you
to be together…”
No wonder why emotional people said that rational people were scum! There was no sense
of discipline.
Xie Xi couldn’t listen anymore and stopped this person. “You don’t have to worry about
these things. I have some thoughts in my heart.”
Secretary Li said these words for the president’s consideration, not to gossip. Since Xie Xi
said he had an idea, Li Su didn’t ask anymore.
In any case, from the perspective of solving physiological problems, it was obvious that Mr.
Jiang was more suitable. After all, the young master wasn’t yet an adult. In times of crisis, it
was normal for the president to relieve pressure.
Fortunately, Xie Xi didn’t know what Old Li was thinking or his three views would be
As it came closer to when Little Jiang was coming back, Xie Xi became more and more
What should he do? Before Little Jiang left, Xie Xi had promised him, “I will tell you when I
come back.” Xie Xi originally wanted to say a bunch of good words and lock in this person…
Now he had nothing to say. Little Jiang just had to see the big version of himself and would
certainly ‘understand.’
A substitute, shifting one’s affection, seeing a person and missing the other person…
Forgive Xie Xi’s brain for being limited and he couldn’t think of any more dog blood
He looked at the impending time of death and Xie Xi intended to break the jar!
In any case, this wasn’t the first time the boat had been overturned. There was nothing to
fear! In times of crisis, lives were more important than falling in love.
Who knew that this morning, Big Jiang would unexpectedly say, “I will move out of here.”
Xie Xi was shocked. “Huh?”
Jiang Xie’s eyelids lowered and he asked, “Isn’t your partner coming back?”
Xie Xi, “!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 178

Collapsed God 12

In this second, the slag president really thought a lot.

For example, was Jiang Xie trying to worm something out? Was he digging a hole for Xie Xi
to jump into and test if he had a partner.
Or perhaps Jiang Xie knew about Little Jiang and just like Old Li, he thought Xie Xi was
raising a ‘child bride.’
Or… or…
Whether it was the heart and soul or a needle under the sea, he couldn’t guess at all!
Xie Xi didn’t say anything and Jiang Xie spoke again, “It isn’t convenient for you if I live in
the presidential palace.”
Xie Xi hurriedly opened his mouth. “No.”
Silly Xie Xi! He wanted to say this wasn’t true. Why did he say ‘no’?
No one? Did it mean that Jiang Xie wasn’t an inconvenience? Wasn’t this admitting to his
previous question?
Xie Xi had a sense of experiencing retribution. Sure enough, he had been a slag for so long
that his mouth had its own conscience.
Once this word mistakenly came out, Jiang Xie frowned and his attitude wasn’t as calm as
“If it is just a bed partner, can you break up?” His voice was very strict like he was declaring
a decree. However, the contents gave it a different flavour, especially when combined with
the following words. “…If it is just solving physical needs then I can help you.”
Xie Xi finally took control of his mouth and said, “No.” OH, this was the answer last time.
Saying it here… well…
Jiang Xie looked down at himself in a deprecating manner. “Yes, young people are better.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
It wasn’t like that! He wasn’t such a rascal!
Xie Xi’s confused head was restored because of his shock and he grabbed the key point. “I
don’t have a partner!”
Jiang Xie’s demeanour wasn’t soothed. “This is a normal thing. You don’t have to hide it.”
Xie Xi stated firmly, “I’m not hiding it. I really don’t have a partner.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Your life assistant has always been earrings. What is with that bracelet?”
Xie Xi, “…” He was a bit confused about the high-tech matters but should he translate it to
mean there were clothing of different sizes and styles in the closet?
Jiang Xie added, “Even if it is a spare, you wouldn’t use a bracelet. The president’s light
brain link only supports earrings.”
It was just like how Jiang Xie had a black earring on his left ear.
Xie Xi’s brain translated it: The president’s uniform is set and you can’t casually wear t-
shirts or jeans to work.
Jiang Xie continued, “There are two bathroom records. You never take a cold shower and
you don’t like shiso toothpaste. The temperature of the hair dryer won’t be lower than 30
degrees and you don’t need the self-drying function. The constant temperature on the left
and right sides of the bed is different…”
They lived together and it was understandable… but what were these details?
How was he a former president? This was Sherlock Holmes!
Jiang Holmes kept speaking. “Based on the style and size of the clothes stored in the
bracelet, as well as his eating habits and tastes, it can be inferred that he is a young man
under the age of 20…”
Xie Xi was afraid. Fortunately, he didn’t cheat in life or he would be caught by this guy!
“It is true that someone was living in the presidential palace previously but he isn’t my
partner.” Xie Xi quickly threw out.
Jiang Xie’s expression was unchanged. “If he isn’t a partner, why did you sleep in the same
Xie Xi was dumbfounded for a moment but fortunately, he had a legitimate reason and he
spoke the truth. “It is like this…”
The leader of the e981 rebels was also familiar to Jiang Xie.
He didn’t have much entanglement with them during his time in office, After all, he was an
immortal cockroach.
Xie Xi talked about how the rebels were caught, how they suspected this person was X and
how they couldn’t imprison him because he was a minor. They also wanted to take the
opportunity to capture a powerful force to help with the universe collapsing…
Xie Xi spoke the truth and didn’t tell any lies, but he still had a guilty conscience.
This was probably… the instincts of a slag. A guilty conscience was the norm, regardless of
whether it was true or false.
Jiang Xie listened quietly and then frowned. “He is X?”
“It is highly likely. He also has a rare SSS-grade physique.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “You sent him to the pole?” Jiang Xie had long known that someone
was sent to carry out the task but he didn’t know who.
Xie Xi nodded. “There was no way to reach you and I can’t leave the capital. We could only
let him go.”
Jiang Xie paused and stared at him. “Nothing really happened between you?”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “Really. He is only 15 or 16 and is a half-child.
What can I do?”
Well, this half-child gave him many strawberries.
“It is possible for a 15 or 16 year old.” Jiang Xie spoke quietly. “You climbed into my bed at
that time.”
Xie Xi’s face was shocked. What the hell!
Jiang Xie smiled again. “Of course, I didn’t do anything to you.” Then he gently scratched the
tip of his nose.
The sound of his low voice was particularly nice and Xie Xi’s ears trembled and his waist
became numb.
Xie Xi stood firmly and tried not to be led by this person. “Since separating from you, I have
never slept with anyone. I haven’t been with anyone else.”
This was the truth and Xie Xi spoke confidently!
Jiang Xie was startled before nodding. “The work of a president is truly busy.” A rational
person was satisfied with work.
Xie Xi was about to explain when main Jiang Xie’s words emerged in his head. He had to let
them believe in his gender.
A rational person who didn’t love work wasn’t qualified to be rational. Xie Xi couldn’t refute
Jiang Xie’s sentences.
In any case… he didn’t mess around and loved working. Wasn’t this better than flirting?
Jiang Xie relaxed and he asked Xie Xi, “I really don’t have to move out?”
Xie Xi nodded solemnly. “No!”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “You really need my help?”
His gaze moved downwards and Xie Xi understood, crying out, “Work is important!” He was
very rational.
The next day, Little Jiang came back. The starship landed and the Third Institute’s president
was ecstatic after receiving the data. “Perfect! Perfect!”
A rational didn’t understand love but other emotions weren’t bad. The cabinet immediately
held a meeting while Xie Xi quickly glanced at Little Jiang.
The teenage Jiang Xie was staring at him greedily with an undisguised, fiery look.
This month had been spent sleeping and having countless dreams, all of which were about
Xie Xi. The even more wonderful thing was that when flying back to the Capital Stare, he
suddenly entered a pure white space with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was there but he was very different from the president. He seemed to be frightened
as he shrunk into Jiang Xie’s arms. Jiang Xie couldn’t remember what Xie Xi said in the
dream. He just felt that his chest was very sweet and the heat warmed his entire soul.
Once he woke up, he had only one thought in his heart, ‘Protect this person and guard him.
Give him everything.’
Little Jiang had always looked down on emotional people. He felt they were suffering from
invisible discrimination in this society and were being treated as pets by the rationals.
Thus, Jiang Xie hid his gender, pretended to be rational and even became the leader of the
rebel army.
Jiang Xie always felt that he wasn’t emotional. He was more rational than an actual rational
person. Until now…
After one month of these thoughts, he saw Xie Xi and his heart jumped and he couldn’t look
away. Everything clearly told him that he was an emotional, a thorough emotional.
The emotional people had a saying: The stupidest thing an emotional person can do is fall
in love with a rational person.
There was another saying: The even stupider thing is an emotional disguising as a rational.
This was tantamount to a moth throwing themselves at the flames to kill themselves.
However, if a moth didn’t throw itself into the flames, how would it know that this warm
and bright light filled with infinite beauty would burn it?
Little Jiang’s task was completed exceptionally well. The cabinet gave him unceremonious
praise and even hoped to give him a position he deserved.
Xie Xi looked at the teenager and spoke warmly, “Don’t be anxious. He is still young.”
Jiang Xie’s gaze moved back towards the burning flame. Xie Xi received it and had no doubt
that this boy would kiss him if no one else was present.
Cough… Xie Xi’s head was full of thoughts about what to do after returning to the
presidential palace.
The collision of Big Jiang and Little Jiang, he was afraid this universe would collapse early!
Xie Xi tried to concentrate as he listened to the data that the Third Institute’s president
reported from the pole.
“I’ll need a few days to calculate it. If there are no accidents, the pole will be the only
sanctuary of the universe!”
The meeting ended and Xie Xi and Jiang sat in the aircraft.
Jiang Xie’s head was full of the words before his departure but Xie Xi didn’t mention it and
he didn’t ask.
‘Why are you so good to me?’
Xie Xi said he would answer when Jiang Xie came back. He was back.
Xie Xi praised, “You have done a very good job on this mission.”
“It wasn’t difficult.”
“However, it is very important.”
Jiang Xie’s thin lips moved before he changed his words. “Can I move out?”
Xie Xi was stunned. Why did the two of them want to move out? He might wish for them to
move out but he wasn’t at ease when they weren’t under his eyes.
Jiang Xie continued, “I used to live in the presidential palace for supervision. Now you
shouldn’t be worried about me anymore.”
He completed such an important task. Regardless of Jiang Xie’s identity, he was now the
hero of the entire United States!
Xie Xi considered it. It seemed possible? The two people would be temporarily separated
until the institute got results. Then maybe Xie Xi could repair the broken god. If he
completed the task then he didn’t need to worry!
Xie Xi felt he was thinking too beautifully. Since being with Jiang Xie, he was full of doubts
about his luck in this area.
“Why do you want to move out?” Xie Xi asked.
Little Jiang replied, “There is no reasonable identity and it is strange to live in the
presidential palace.”
Xie Xi, “…” This person wasn’t very old but his ability to dig a pit wasn’t small. This was
telling Xie Xi to give him an identity!
Xie Xi didn’t mind giving him the status of ‘child bride’ but he was afraid it wasn’t possible!
He thought about it before stating, “You are still young. I don’t feel at ease when you live
This was also a wordplay. Jiang Xie was still young and an identity couldn’t be given.
Jiang Xie declared, “I can take care of myself.”
Xie Xi imagined the scene of Little Jiang and Big Jiang living under the same roof and said,
He hadn’t finished his words when Big Jiang’s voice was heard. “You’re not back yet?”
The low and mature voice of a man filled the aircraft.
Xie Xi, “…”
Even worse, the aircraft stopped and they arrived at the presidential palace. The teenage
Jiang Xie stared at Xie Xi with cold eyes. “Who is he?”
He is you!
This was the feeling of being caught in bed!
Xie Xi calmly answered, “A friend.”
LIttle Jiang made a sound. “Oh.”
The monosyllabic word almost froze the entire aircraft. The aircraft door opened and Xie Xi
didn’t dare say anything else about the matter. He could only act hard-headed. “We are
It turned out that these single syllables could be so terrible! Xie Xi had a tough choice
between ‘get off and die’ or ‘stay on and die.’
Then Big Jiang appeared, a gentle smile on the mature man’s face. “The data of the pole was
sent back? This is good news.”
Xie Xi rushed to the door of the aircraft, blocking the sight of the two sides in a final
struggle. Unfortunately, the aircraft door was so big that the lone president couldn’t stop it.
Xie Xi faced Big Jiang and saw this person’s gaze pass over him, while at the same time, Xie
Xi felt a low pressure coming from behind him.
The teenager’s voice was as cold as a knife. “Who are you?”
Jiang Xie’s lips thinned and he looked calm. “Who are you?”
Xie Xi, “…”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 179

Collapsed God 13

Both asked who the other person was but neither answered the other person’s question.
There wasn’t a good answer. If normal strangers met, could things be so heated and full of
The question was asking about their identity, not their name. It was their identity in
regards to Xie Xi. To put it bluntly, it should be Xie Xi who answered the question.
Yet Xie Xi…
How could he answer? If he told the truth and they suspected they were souls, the collapse
would be even worse.
Xie Xi was experienced washing four and six and could still hold on. He showed the skills of
a slag male to divert attention.
“Let’s go in first.” Xie Xi got off the aircraft while separating the big and small person. He
feared they would become too angry and ignite each other.
Big Jiang and Little Jiang didn’t say a word. Xie Xi could only be hard-headed. “Go inside
first. What are you going to do outside?”
The implication was that they shouldn’t make a scene in public.
Fortunately, whether it was big or small Jiang, they both loved to save face. Based on the
master, before Xie Xi’s emergence, this person probably loved face the most and he couldn’t
lose his face regardless of his life.
Big Jiang glanced at Xie Xi and talked business. “The collection of data is complete. Does it
support the conjecture?”
Xie Xi glanced at Little Jiang, found this teenager had a sullen expression and replied to Big
Jiang. “It is very complete. The institute president says it is a 90% probability.”
Jiang Xie warned, “Don’t be careless and continue to survey. Determine the pole range, size
and impact it can withstand.”
Xie Xi nodded and kept talking to him.
During this period, Little Jiang couldn’t insert any words at all. He watched coldly as he
followed them silently into the house.
He had been observing this strange adult man, who was almost identical to him apart from
the grey eyes.
In the United States, it wasn’t uncommon for people to look alike. Genetic selection meant it
wasn’t unusual to produce the same appearance.
However, Little Jiang saw the adult identical to himself and couldn’t help thinking too
What was this person’s relationship with Xie Xi? Did Xie Xi save him because he looked like
this person? The reason Xie Xi was so good to him was because of this face?
Xie Xi said he would answer Jiang Xie’s question when he came back. Was this the answer?
Jiang Xie’s thin lips tightened at this thought and a chill sprang from his heart, turning his
hands and feet cold.
Xie Xi was handling the east and couldn’t take care of the west. He was only one person and
couldn’t cut himself in half.
Finally, they entered the house and Big Jiang stated, “Dinner is ready. Go to eat first.”
Xie Xi was to blame and could only say, “Okay.”
Thus, the trio entered the dining room. He just stepped into the dining room when he got a
bad feeling.
Sure enough, he saw a warm and romantic candlelight dinner. The furnishings of the palace
were classical. The white walls were filled with the words of the famous emotional painter
while the three windows faced the sea. Of course, they were covered by heavy curtains. The
warmth of the candles created a calm and beautiful atmosphere.
The dining table was long and at this time, a beautiful white candles lampstand was placed
on the side of the owner. Looking closely, a white rose could be seen imprinted on the
The lights swayed and wine was served with food, causing an extremely romantic
Xie Xi’s keen eyes captured the main point. There were only two sets of cutlery for this
candlelight dinner! Not only did Little Jiang have to eat in this atmosphere, he didn’t even
have a place to sit! It could be imagined what Little Jiang was feeling at the moment.
According to the young man’s temper, now was the time to swing fists. However, he
managed to hold back and stand steady, like a general accepting the enemy’s provocation!
Xie Xi was shocked by this murderous feeling and his legs softened. Why? Why did he have
to face such a terrible scene?! Sure enough, he wanted to hit Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie told him, “You said you wanted to eat steak last night. Thus, I prepared it today.”
Did Xie Xi say this? Did he say it? Didn’t Jiang Xie say yesterday that he wanted to move out
in order to give Xie Xi’s lover space? When did they discuss eating steak?
Xie Xi thought about it for a long time but could only nod calmly. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “I didn’t think there would be outsiders. I was negligent.”
Xie Xi, “???” He mentioned it yesterday yet Jiang Xie didn’t think about it? Didn’t they
discuss this issue yesterday for two or three hours?
Xie Xi understood that this was a gift Big Jiang prepared for Little Jiang. The candlelight
dinner, the romantic setting for two, the third party, please don’t spoil it!
Xie Xi pretended not to understand and stated, “It’s fine, I will go and get another set of
cutlery.” He couldn’t let Big Jiang bully Little Jiang.
Little Jiang stood there silently and coldly but didn’t leave. The smile on Jiang Xie’s face
lightened and he held down Xie Xi’s hand. “I’ll grab it.”
Xie Xi didn’t insist. He always felt that separating the two of them would allow him to catch
his breath, even if it was only for a few seconds.
Of course, Jiang Xie didn’t grab the cutlery himself. He didn’t even leave the room as he
whispered some commands to the housekeeper.
It was very fast as a chair, plate, knife, fork and glass were set in place.
Xie Xi was worried about the seating problem. Fortunately, the housekeeper was an expert
and understood the situation. He moved Xie Xi to the centre with the two Jiangs around
him. This triangular situation was very stable… dammit!
Big Jiang stated, “Eat quickly. It will become cold soon.”
Xie Xi glanced at Little Jiang. “You should be hungry. Hurry and take your seat.”
The three people sat down. Jiang Xie and Xie Xi talked and laughed. Meanwhile, Little Jiang
didn’t speak or eat. He just sat there like an ice sculpture and the candles were almost
frozen by him.
Xie Xi had to take care of the little teenager. “Why aren’t you eating?”
Little Jiang replied with no expression, “I don’t want to eat this.”
Big Jiang seriously cut the steak, his silence emitting a very strong sarcastic atmosphere!
Xie Xi didn’t care and kept coaxing the teenager. “Why, aren’t you hungry?”
“I don’t want to eat this. I want to eat the dishes you made.”
Xie Xi, “!”
This kid used a big trick! The moment the words emerged, Big Jiang’s eyes darkened and he
glanced at Xie Xi, “You can cook?”
Xie Xi knew that in this setting, he shouldn’t even know what the kitchen looked like, let
alone cook. However, he came him in the beginning and only wanted to coax Little Jiang.
Therefore, he didn’t think about the setting. This was.. a continuity error.
Xie Xi spoke vaguely, “I just do it casually.”
Little Jiang’s cold face finally relaxed slightly and a bit of warmth entered his eyes. It
seemed that not everything was a lie. It was true that Xie Xi only cooked for him. This man
hadn’t eaten the dishes made by Xie Xi.
Little Jiang, who had been abused since entering, finally recovered some lost ground.
Xie Xi clearly felt a low pressure from Big Jiang. Compared to the cold Little Jiang, the angry
Big Jiang seemed a bit scarier?
Xie Xi hurriedly stopped these thoughts. The matter of how was deadlier couldn’t be
Xie Xi couldn’t sit still and got up. “This isn’t enough for three people. I will go to the kitchen
to see what else is there and add a dish.”
He left the two bombs who were about to explode in the dining room. Xie Xi couldn’t handle
this and just wanted to get some air.
Who knew that Little Jiang would actually say, “Don’t bother, I can eat this.”
Xie Xi, “???” Who was the person who just said that he wanted to eat Xie Xi’s dishes?
Little Jiang’s lips curved. His smile was handsome and had the purity of youth. “You said
that you will only make it for me alone.”
Xie Xi, “!”
He was afraid to look at Big Jiang. This, this… Little Jiang, you aren’t very old but your
aiming point is too precise.
Big Jiang had no expression. “Originally, you can cook. In the many years we knew each
other, I didn’t give you an opportunity.”
These words stung at Little Jiang. Xie Xi was afraid and hurriedly got up. “Wait, I’ll be back
He rushed into the kitchen and for the first time in his life, he felt that the kitchen was so
warm, beautiful and sacred!
Thankfully, as soon as he left, the dining room fell into a tomb-like silence. No one spoke
anymore. Perhaps they were waiting for a big move?
Xie Xi thought absentmindedly. He had an idea about the cooking. He was a man who
danced on the tip of the knife and how could he not be a bit clever?
He cleverly used the smart chef machine to make tasteless scrambled eyes. He brought the
dish to the table and both people looked at it.
On the elegant Western-style dining table with the beautiful candlestick, the delicate steak
and the red wine, this dish of scrambled eggs naturally looked like a chicken among swans,
poor and weak. It was just like President Xie at this time.
Big Jiang stated coldly, “It looks good.”
Little Jiang tried to control his smiling mouth. “In this one month, I missed the dishes you
Xie Xi smiled slightly while inwardly thinking, ‘Stop and have a good meal!’
“Try it?” Xie Xi spoke and Big Jiang and Little Jiang grabbed the same egg.
At this moment…
Xie Xi felt that he was the egg being pierced by their forks. Little Jiang frowned and
obviously didn’t mean to concede. Big Jiang was old and knew how to retreat. He politely
told the other person, Please.”
His actions and words were to contrast with the other person’s rudeness. Xie Xi wanted to
pinch them.
Little Jiang sneered and unceremoniously ate the egg. Xie Xi never imagined that he would
one day feel the same as a cooked egg!
The plate of scrambled eggs was quickly finished and Xie Xi didn’t get to eat a mouthful.
Of course, he tasted it in the kitchen and the taste was quite poor. It was almost equal to no
He did this on purpose because it was the only way to appease the two people.
Sure enough, Big and Little Jiang ate the scrambled eggs and stopped for a while.
Xie Xi could guess their minds.
Jiang Xie tasted this so-called Xie Xi dish and was relieved. What about this taste? Xie Xi had
probably directly ordered it from the smart chef and stated it was his cooking to cheat the
Little Jiang tasted the tasteless scrambled eggs and thought that this wasn’t Xie Xi’s
cooking. He ordered it from the smart chef and kept his promise of only cooking for Jiang
Xie. This inferior dish was just to keep face and fool the other person.
Xie Xi really understood his lover or he couldn’t do this precise ‘one hit striking two
The meal finished and Little Jiang, who originally wanted to move out, didn’t mention
moving out.
Of course, it was impossible for them to keep staying in the same bedroom. Luckily, the
presidential palace was big and there were enough rooms. Don’t mention two Jiang Xie, this
was enough for six to live!
The rooms were arranged and Xie Xi had a job to do, so he slipped away first.
He sat in his study and connected to the light brain, but his thoughts were full of what to do
The three of them were bound to collapse if they stayed together. It was best to be
How could he logically separate them?
Xie Xi worked his brain until it seemed to break but he couldn’t think of anything.
He glanced at the passing time and thought of the main Jiang Xie. As long as Little Jiang
slept, the main Jiang Xie would appear in the early morning.
Xie Xi would go to him and ask if there was a method. After all, this was his soul and he
should take responsibility!
Xie Xi was temporarily relieved and busied himself with work.
In the meantime, Big Jiang came over with a cup of black tea before leaving. Xie Xi didn’t
know if Little Jiang came because he was a rational president who loved work and not
Xie Xi was busy until 11 o’clock. Then he yawned and prepared to take a nap.
He would set the alarm to 4 o’clock and then sneak into Little Jiang’s room to see Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi slept for a bit and had a messy dream.
In the dream, he became a gold ingot and Big Jiang was a rich man. Little Jiang was a small
rich man and both of them said this gold ingot belonged to them.
The two people rushed to grab it and the county magistrate ordered, “Cut this gold ingot in
Xie Xi was woken up by the alarm clock, saving him from his nightmare of being cut apart.
He rubbed his head and didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “What was that…”
The time was just right. Xie Xi lightly left his room and headed towards Little Jiang’s room.
The presidential palace was very quiet and Xie Xi was afraid of waking up others. Of course,
he was most frightened of waking up Big Jiang. He was extremely cautious only to be
relieved when he saw Little Jiang’s room.
“Xiao Xie?” Jiang Xie’s low voice was heard.
Xie Xi’s heart tensed and he turned to see Big Jiang standing in the shadows.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 180
Bonus ko-fi chapter

Collapsed God 14

It was four in the morning. Why wasn’t Big Jiang sleeping and was instead wandering
around blindly?
Xie Xi gasped out of fear. Jiang Xie watched him, facial features hidden by the shadows and
his low voice as cold as the frost of early winter. “That is X’s room.”
Xie Xi lived on the third floor. This was the second floor and each bedroom had a suite.
Thus, he couldn’t be going to a toilet outside. The worst thing was that Little Jiang’s room
was in the east half while his room was in the west. If he had gotten then not only must he
be ignorant (can’t distinguish floors), he must also lose his sense of direction.
Xie Xi was like this but he was still the president. He wouldn’t go under the overpass to beg!
Jiang Xie gazed at him silently. Xie Xi bore the pressure that was like a mountain and
opened his mouth. “I am sleepwalking.”
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows drew together.
Xie Xi was silent before opening his mouth with panic. “I mean, the boy sleepwalks and I
came to see him.”
Jiang Xie grabbed the main point. “What are you nervous about?”
Xie Xi calmed down and deliberately approached this person. “The night is quiet and there
is an individual behind me. How can I not be nervous?”
Sure enough, the pressure eased after he approached. Xie Xi took the initiative to ask,
“What are you doing here so early?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
“Do you know that X sleepwalks or do you also sleepwalk?” Xiao Xie had been through
countless battles and was fearless!
Jiang Xie’s eyelids lowered. “I was passing by.”
Xie Xi wondered, ‘Surely you weren’t waiting here?”
Big Jiang raised an eyebrow and his calm demeanour somewhat collapsed. “What would I
be waiting here to do?”
Xie Xi smiled. “You can rest assured, I’m not so hungry. He is only 15 years old.”
This wave of anti-killing was perfect!
It was unknown what Old Jiang’s mood would be like in the face of such a high-ranking king
couple. He was really wearing a green hat and knew nothing about it… right?
Jiang Xie coughed lightly. “I got up early and wanted to go downstairs. I passed by here and
saw you.”
The reason was far-fetched but also possible.
Xie Xi’s principle was to mutually let go and not pursue the other person, so he mentioned
the sleepwalking. “I have been sleeping with X and know that he starts sleepwalking
around 3 or 4 o’clock. Thus, I decided to take a look.”
Jiang Xie was sour. “You really care about him.”
Xie Xi was very rational. “He collected such important data for the United States and is a
rare SSS-grade physique. I should naturally care about him.”
Jiang Xie was silent for a moment before suddenly muttering, “If I wasn’t an SSS-grade
physique…” He hadn’t finished when he smiled bitterly and shook his head. “You go to sleep
and I will go in and see X.”
Xie Xi spoke seriously, “I feel he is a bit hostile to you. You shouldn’t go in.”
Jiang Xie had no intention of leaving.
Xie Xi suggested, “I’ll just push open the door and see if he is sleeping.”
There was a goalkeeper and even if Xie Xi saw the main soul, he couldn’t communicate
information with Jiang Xie. He had to simply let it go.
At this moment, Xie Xi understood the meaning of Jiang Xie’s last sentence.
As long as he was a thorough emotional, Big and Small Jiang wouldn’t ask too much from
The society was like this and inherent thoughts had long been rooted in the sea of the
human brain. It was normal for a rational person to not understand love. A person who
didn’t even know love lacked understanding of loyalty and fidelity.
Xie Xi just had to maintain the appearance of a rational and Big Jiang wouldn’t think he
loved Little Jiang and Little JIang wouldn’t think he loved Big Jiang.
To sum it up, the slag didn’t love the two of them but both loved him.
Xie Xi sighed. He felt that once he returned to Central, he could write a book and the title
would be called: Slag Man’s 36 Schemes.
Looking at the world, there probably many people more experienced than him.
The small episode at four in the morning was completely unknown to Little JIang. He slept
very well and when he woke up, he saw that there was no one around him.
The habit of sleeping alone for more than 10 years was changed in just a short amount of
time. People were really elusive
Little Jiang walked to the dining room and found Xie Xi and the old man talking and
laughing. Little Jiang’s expression instantly cooled and his lips thinned.
Xie Xi saw him and greeted him, “You woke up early.”
Little Jiang muffled the words, ‘Not as early as you.’
Xie Xi told him, “You just came back and should take a break for two days. I will go to the
institute today to organize the follow up data.”
Little Jiang glanced at Big Jiang.
Xie Xi could read minds and hurriedly added, “Mr. Jiang and I together.”
Little Jiang pulled out a chair and sat next to Xie Xi. “I don’t need to rest. I brought the data
back and can give better feedback.”
Big Jiang slowly stirred his black tea. “Why? Are there any errors in the data you brought
Little Jiang’s eyes were like ice. “There are no mistakes!”
Big JIang’s lips curved. “Then what are you so worried about?”
Little Jiang who was really young. “You…”
Xie Xi felt as though his head would explode. The two people hadn’t eaten yet and they
were already going to fight?
He interrupted. “Mr. Jiang means that we have confidence in the data you brought back and
you should rest in the presidential palace for two days.”
Little Jiang sneered. “I said I’m not tired.”
Xie Xi wanted to persuade him when Little Jiang turned his head, “I haven’t reached the age
where I would be tired from such a task.”
Big Jiang’s hand stirring the tea stopped as he was poked in his painful point.
Xie Xi, “…”
The two of them were too much. One said that oneself was useless and the other said
oneself was old. Why were they hating themselves? The ‘emperor’ Xie Xi could only drink
from his cup in a weak manner.
Later, Xie Xi went to the research institute with the big one. The big one looked exactly the
same as the little one, apart from his age and temperament…
It was fortunate that the administrators were rational or if there was an emotional person
present, they would write several books on this inner drama!
Who is Mr. President’s old and new love? Who is Mr. President’s substitute lover? The big
fight between the former and the present…
Fortunately, they were all rational and the only two emotional people involved were in the
‘big fight.’
Xie Xi followed for an afternoon and after the results came out, the institute president
showed no more excitement or joy. Instead, he was solemn and felt some panic.
Xie Xi knew that things wouldn’t be simple.
How could hiding in the pole prevent the universe from collapsing? Could it save the
world? Then he wouldn’t have received this task and the world would’ve long ‘saved itself.’
The collapsed god was certainly the key.
Xie Xi ordered, “Tell me directly. There are no outsiders here.” There was no need to avoid
Big and Little Jiang. Rather, he should let them understand.
The institute president sighed and tried to report the situation in a scientific tone.
It was a pity that he couldn’t bear the despair until the end and he broke out in tears. “Is
there really a Creator?”
Based on the data Little Jiang brought back, they calculated it and discovered two things.
One was that the pole did exist and there was a great possibility that it would survive the
collapse of the universe and be reborn into a new world.
However, the pole was very small, small enough to be the size of a person’s palm. Forget
the entire United States, not even one person could enter it.
Some people said they might be able to retain some genes but this was also impossible.
Cells needed an environment to survive and as countless years passed in such a large place,
there was no hope at all.
This was too helpless and it was hard to find any hope. Hope was such a faint light but it
made people even more desperate.
It was no wonder why the institute president would collapse and everyone who heard this
news was in a trance.
Xie Xi stared at the second message. “Ask the Creator for help?”
The institute president replied weakly, “Yes, that is what this character means when
Other researchers added, “This might be a conversion error. How can something like the
Creator exist?”
Xie Xi was a bit stunned and ordered, “Send the original characters to me.”
“It is still converting. The original characters are words we can’t understand…
Xie Xi steadied his heart. “Then tell me as soon as the conversion is completed!”
His seriousness made the institute president puzzled. “Mr. President, do you believe in the
existence of the Creator?”
Xie Xi replied, “I don’t know if he is the Creator but he is the last hope of the United States.”
If the pole couldn’t be relied on then this ‘Creator’ was crucial.
Big Jiang also added, “After all, the data brought back from the pole is worthy of attention.”
This was very reasonable. The pole was still an unknown existence for the United States
and the information brought back from there needed to be paid attention to, even if it was
Xie Xi appeased the institute president and temporarily blocked the news. It was even kept
a secret from the cabinet members.
Once the conversion was completed, a meeting would be held to discuss the
countermeasures. The institute president explained, “The fastest the conversion will take is
three days.”
Xie Xi wanted to see it himself but the Academy of Science was needed to convert the
characters to something he could read. Thus, he could only endure.
The situation was too dangerous so Xie Xi made a preparatory plan and even drafted the
‘declaration of destruction.’ There was no other way. He sat in this position and had to bear
all of it.
The night before the result, Xie Xi carefully prepared a lot and circumvented Big Jiang to
enter Little Jiang’s room.
He had to talk to Jiang Xie about this Creator. There was no accident this time. Xie Xi waited
a bit and Jiang Xie opened his eyes. He saw the two different coloured pupils and relaxed.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Did you miss me?”
“I think,” Xie Xi spoke blankly, “I want to kill you!”
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “I see you are handling it skillfully…”
Xie Xi stared at him and didn’t waste time, getting down to business.
Jiang Xie explained, “There is still a soul in this world but he isn’t the Creator. Still, the
Creator is very important and you should try to find him.”
Xie Xi thought so as well and asked, “Why did you tell me to maintain my rational gender?”
Jiang Xie sighed. “Of course, it is to let you legally hold the left and the right.”
Xie Xi, “…” He already guessed it but he still felt strange hearing Jiang Xie say it.
Jiang Xie wasn’t thinking much. His child was pure and cute, while also deeply loving him.
How could his head be green? The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was.
Jiang Xie leaned forward and kissed him hard.”
Xie Xi sighed. “Don’t…” Don’t leave any traces.
Before he could finish, the unreliable Jiang Xie closed his eyes. Xie Xi was startled as he
gazed into Little Jiang’s indigo eyes.
They had switched!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 181

Collapsed God 15

This was too unreliable. There was no mention of the switch and it was seamless, not giving
people an opportunity to escape.
Look at this attitude. If he blamed it on morning movements then even the blind wouldn’t
believe it!
Xie Xi turned his head and thought about what to say…
“Um…” Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Little Jiang unexpectedly closed his beautiful indigo eyes and kissed his lips.
What was this situation? It was Xie Xi’s turn to be dumbfounded. This definitely wasn’t Old
Jiang, it was Little Jiang. How…
It was a very clumsy kiss. It was green and nervous, as if encountering something it had
been eagerly desiring and the caution made people feel distressed.
Xie Xi subconsciously loosened his teeth, which was a subtle hint to continue the exchange.
Little Jiang had no techniques, no skill and even bit Xie Xi… Xie Xi was in pain and pushed
him away.
Little Jiang squinted and his eyes became normal as he woke up from his dream.
“This isn’t a dream?” The child’s hoarse voice made Xie Xi speechless.
No wonder why this person was so proactive. He thought it was a dream? Wait, what was
he dreaming about at this age?
Xie Xi snorted and Little Jiang shot up like he received an electric shock.
Xie Xi adjusted his messy neckline and Jiang Xie quickly shifted his gaze, the tip of his ears
red. “Yes, I’m sorry.”
The Little Jiang strode with his long legs towards the bathroom.
Xie Xi felt very guilty. He took advantage of this young boy who slipped away before he
could react.
Little Jiang just reached the bathroom door when he thought of something and turned
around to ask. “Isn’t this my room?”
Xie Xi, “!” Wait for him to get out of here before reacting!
Little Jiang didn’t dare look at the other person but couldn’t help asking, “Why are you
here?” He thought he had sleepwalked to Xie Xi’s room but this was his own room. How
could Xie Xi be on the bed with him?
This statement cleared Xie Xi’s mind and he explained, “You have a sleepwalking problem. I
was worried and came to check. Who would’ve expected you to drag me onto the bed…”
Needless to say, the main body only kissed his neck while Little Jiang directly kissed his
This was really good and made Little Jiang feel ashamed. “I’m sorry. I… I was sleepwalking!”
Xie Xi inwardly scolded, ‘What sleepwalking? You clearly opened your eyes and saw me
before kissing me.’
Of course, he had some guilt in his heart and didn’t dare dismantle this person. He just
wanted to lightly fool Little Jiang.
Little Jiang declared, “I’m going to take a shower.”
Xie Xi could take this opportunity to slip away. “Okay.”
Once the bathroom door closed, Xie Xi sighed with relief and got off the bed.
Why wasn’t it easy for him to see Jiang Xie? He finally saw the meaning of ‘stealing love.’
This world was really big! What the hell was going to happen?
Xie Xi hadn’t taken a bath and didn’t want to change into his uniform with a button. He
planned to slip back to his room to take a shower before changing.
Surely he wouldn’t encounter Big Jiang? Xie Xi decided to believe in his luck. After all, he
had an S-grade lucky physique…
The moment he went outside, Xie Xi stood upright, his posture as stiff as a person standing
in the military posture for a few hours.
Jiang Xie’s eyelids lowered as he spoke with no expression. “Good morning.”
Xie Xi, “!!!” Damn lucky S-grade physique! He would kill anyone who said he was lucky in
the future!
Xie Xi’s mouth was dry. “Good morning.”
Jiang Xie’s line of sight was like a searchlight as it moved from his white toes, angles,
smooth calf, thigh covered with shorts, the wide t-shirt with the open neckline and finally
to the red dot on the collarbone.
Jiang Xie stared at the red dot and his voice was flat. “Did you play well for a night?”
What was the calm before a story, what was the mountain rain and wind, what was black
clouds pressing on a city to be destroyed? At this moment, Xie Xi deeply understood it!
“Sleepwalking!” Xie Xi struggled to survive. “This boy is really sleepwalking.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Sleepwalking to your neck?”
Xie Xi secretly scolded that bastard Jiang and stated firmly, “Yes, this is his quirk. He will
chase people when sleepwalking. So I came to check on him in case he caused trouble.”
Jiang Xie’s focus was very accurate. “Then when you slept together before, he kissed you
every day?”
Xie Xi, “……”
He forgot that this person was the reincarnation of Holmes!
The helpless Xie Xi was forced to sacrifice the slag. “It is just a kiss. He is too young and I
can’t do anything with him.”
Jiang Xie sneered. “You don’t have to lie to me. We have long broken up and the things you
do are legal.”
The problem was if this person disappeared without a trace. This person needed you, Mr.
Xie Xi smiled bitterly. “I’m really not lying to you. There is no need to lie to you.”
It was over… this wasn’t a good thing to say.
Sure enough, Jiang Xie’s expression became colder as he replied sarcastically, “It really isn’t
Unfortunately, or perhaps it should be called inevitably, Little Jiang came out of the shower
at this time.
He didn’t blow dry his hair and it was still wet as he spoke to Xie Xi, “I didn’t hurt you just
now?” He had calmed down after taking a cold shower and remembered that during his
messy kiss, he seemed to bite Xie Xi? His heart was urgent and he rushed out of the shower
to apologize. Then…
The summary was very reasonable but why was the timing so coincidental!
Xie Xi stared at Little Jiang with amazement.
Sure enough, Mr. Jiang who cultivated well in front of Mr. Tai collapsing finally blew up!
This was too fanciful. It was just a kiss so how could he be hurt? This must be…
Xie Xi was a man who danced on a wire rope but he also felt he couldn’t get past this!
Big Jiang held Xie Xi’s wrist. The air pressure was so low that the entire corridor seemed to
Xie Xi looked at him and explained, “I really didn’t…”
He was becoming more and more like a lying scum QAQ.
Big Jiang pulled him away without speaking. He was very strong and Xie Xi couldn’t help
following. At this time, his left wrist was also grabbed.
One side contained a powerful force and Big Jiang’s strength was amazing. The other side
was like a sharp blade and Little Jiang’s palms were hot.
Xiao Xie, who was pulled, remembered the dream he had. The county magistrate ordered,
“Cut this gold in half and give it to both!”
Xiao Xie felt that his dream was going to come true! Big Jiang didn’t let go, Little Jiang didn’t
let go and the rational president didn’t feel love.
Fortunately, no one else was present or even a rational person would be inspired to
become emotional!
What was this magical scene? What wonderful three people! Such a great president! Xie Xi
wanted to divorce Jiang Xie for domestic violence and see how much he could afford to pay!
In the end, Big Jiang let go first. He didn’t say anything or look at Xie Xi again. He just turned
and slowly walked towards the stairs. It was crueller for a proud person to break down
than to die.
Xie Xi had been thinking about divorce and now he felt heartache and wanted to hug this
In the end, he knew what was happening. His experience might be miserable but at least he
could still smile. Jiang Xie on the other hand…
He could figure it out after recovering the souls and their memories but at this moment, he
was still abused to the bone.
Xie Xi wanted to follow but Little Jiang was still holding onto him tightly. This wasn’t left or
right. Sure enough, it was better if there was two of him!
Eventually, Xie Xi didn’t say anything and quietly sent a message to Big Jiang: [I didn’t lie to
Jiang Xie replied: [You don’t love me.]
Xie Xi, “!” If he didn’t love this person, how could he come to this damn world?
It was because Xie Xi loved him that he did this…
Xie Xi sighed and could only try to quickly repair this world. Fix the world and they would
understand what was happening!
The researchers finally deciphered the string of characters and the mood of the institute
president stabilized. e looked at the string of words and frowned.
Xie Xi took it and studied it carefully.
Perhaps it was the problem of language but the converted statement was somewhat
illogical. The subject was random but the meaning was understandable.
The general message was conveyed.
-Be sure to find the Creator. The Creator will save everything. He is in the void three light
years away from the pole. To communicate with the Creator, there must be four people
with a mental strength of SSS.
The institute president wondered, “Is this a trap?”
Xie Xi replied, “Who would do such a thing in the United States now?”
The collapse of the universe was an established fact. Even if four SSS-grade citizens were
lost, the United States wouldn’t be able to resist the last catastrophe.
The Defense Minister frowned. “It takes four people with SSS-grade mental strength…”
Right now, there were three people in the entire United States: Xie Xi, Mr. Jiang and X.
Where could they find this fourth person?
Xie Xi wasn’t panicked since the fourth person should be the last soul.
He just wondered why the soul hadn’t appeared yet. According to the logic of the past, the
moment Xie Xi entered the quasi-world, the souls should take the initiative to come over.
How was this different?
It had been so long and he hadn’t seen the last soul. Still, this was a collapsed world and it
was hard to say what would happen.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. Try your best to search for the SSS-grade physique. We should
explore these coordinates as soon as possible.”
The institute president couldn’t help wondering, “Mr. President, do you really think there is
a Creator.”
“Whether there is or not, this line can’t be broken!”
In fact, Xie Xi felt certain but it was too hard to explain. Thus, he could only speak in a vague
‘keep trying everything in a desperate situation’ tone.
The cabinet members were stunned and finally had to see, “There isn’t much time! We can
only go and check!”
After the meeting, Xie Xi remembered Big Jiang and walked to talk to him.
Then Little Jiang whispered to him, “I know a man with an SSS-grade physique.”
Xie Xi was stunned and glanced over. “Where is he?”
Little Jiang replied, “I’m not sure if he is still alive.”
The worried Xie Xi asked, “What’s his name and how old is he? Where did you last see him?
I will arrange for someone to look for him.”
“All I know is that his code name is J and he is 25 or 26 years old. He looks a lot like me and
I saw him in the e981 galaxy.”
This name and an appearance similar to Little Jiang. It was definitely a soul!
Speaking of while, this collapsed world really didn’t worry about names. X, Jiang Xie and J,
the names of the three souls were inseparable from Jiang Xie.
Speaking of which, Big Jiang’s pen name was J, um… did Jiang Xie write a book in Central
and used this as a pen name?
Xie Xi once again felt thankful that this person’s name only had two words or else Atlantis’
princes would all have initials for names!
News about the soul was heard and Xie Xi immediately said, “I will send someone to the
e981 galaxy to find him.”
Little Jiang shook his head. “No, he is either on the Capital Star or self-destructed.”
This wasn’t reincarnation. Reincarnation was equivalent to being reborn while self-
destruction was erasing your own existence, completely dying!
“When I saw him, he had a tendency to self-destruct. However, you know that if a person
wants to self-destruct, they have to go to the Capital Star to register and go through many
assessments before permission is granted.
Indeed, under normal circumstances, the citizens of the United States couldn’t die. It was
because the United States installed a self-protection system in everyone since birth. Once
there was a fatal injury, the system would send a signal and no matter where you were,
someone would take you back to enter the reincarnation cycle.
Xie Xi questioned, “Why does he want to self-destruct?”
Little Jiang answered, “He always has memories of the past. No matter how many times he
reincarnates, he can’t forget.”
Xie Xi’s heart thumped.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 182

Collapsed God 16

Xie Xi asked, “There are memories of other reincarnations?”

Jiang Xie replied, “It seems to only be the first round.”
This was extremely rare in the United States. People entered reincarnation and the first
things to disappear were the social and emotional memories.
As president, Xie Xi had more understanding of this aspect than ordinary people. The
reincarnation centre had a secret provision. When a person reincarnated, the centre would
give priority to removing social and emotional aspects while striving to preserve academic
memories and skills.
Thus, few people retained emotional memories of their previous rounds. The probability
was as low as one in a billion.
Xie Xi wondered, “What is it that made him want to forget?”
Little Jiang remembered he was a fake rational and tried to put on an indifferent attitude.
“It is his lover from his first round. This person’s memories are intermittent but it is very
torturous. He is an emotional and you know that an emotional person’s fragile nerves can’t
withstand such emotions.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help asking another question. “Why didn’t he go find his lover?” There were
records for reincarnation. It wasn’t public but a person could find it if they searched hard
“He looked for his lover but unfortunately, he was rejected. There was no way. After all, his
lover forgot everything and had long begun a new cycle.”
Xie Xi, who was 100% sure this was his former lover, inwardly exclaimed, ‘I hadn’t come
yet, I definitely hadn’t come here!’
Of course, the souls didn’t know when Xie Xi entered the world. He said that Xie Xi rejected
him then it must be a rejected.
Who made this the world of the souls? These people wanted to abuse themselves and he
couldn’t stop the bullets.
Xie Xi stated, “I see.”
Jiang Xie nodded. “He was very miserable. He took the initiative to find his lover only to be
rejected. Then he entered reincarnation at the age of 20 in order to forget these things.
Unfortunately, 10 years passed after the reincarnation and he remembered. He found the
lover and was once again rejected…”
Xie Xi, “…”
Little Jiang was young and unskilled at acting as a rational. Combined with these feelings
for Xie Xi, he couldn’t help feeling sympathy and pity, causing him to add a few more words.
“By the time I met him, this person had already reincarnated nine times. Unfortunately, he
couldn’t forget his lover of the first reincarnation. This time, his lover also reincarnated and
he learnt from experience. He no longer mentioned the pre-reincarnation matters and only
wanted to meet and restart their relationship. Unfortunately, his lover had someone else.”
According to the time difference, J saw Xie Xi and Big Jiang together. Then he became
disheartened and wanted to destroy himself.
Little Jiang said, “He is so pitiful. He always wanted to forget but couldn’t. It is better to die
than to live.”
What damned death! If it was normal not to forget. His brain couldn’t get rid of it! Why
couldn’t he get it?
Xie Xi was going to find him now. Then Xie Xi thought about how there was Big Jiang in the
house, Little Jiang next to him and J who was so miserable he wanted to destroy himself.
Well… it wasn’t easy to be a slag. Please cherish life and stay away from slags!
Xie Xi declared, “I’m going to find him.” Based on Little Jiang’s description, J met all of the
self-destruction criteria. Even if the United States was resistant, they would process the
application for him.
An emotional person being unable to forget his lover for nine rounds of reincarnation was
too cruel.
In Xie Xi was his lover then they met in the first round. Xie Xi was currently 28 years old in
his second round yet J had already reincarnated nine rounds. This was enough to see how
short his life was in each round. He constantly died and it was estimated that his
accumulated academics and skills had long declined. Living was indeed just torture.
Little Jiang suggested, “I’ll go with you. I know him.”
Xie Xi was inwardly a slag. How could he let this person follow?
He was going to save someone. If he ended up killing two people then he would cry!
Xie Xi shook his head. “I can do it myself. You need to submit your physical fitness for self-
destruction but an SSS-grade physique won’t be approved so quickly.”
Jiang Xie was stubborn. “I might be able to help you persuade him if I’m with you.”
No, child. If you went then the universe really would be destroyed. Let the universe have a
way to live!
Xie Xi insisted, “It will be more complicated if he sees an acquaintance. I will try to convince
him using the perspective of national righteousness.”
Little Jiang was still very easy to coax. If it was big Jiang, he would definitely become
suspicious and 100% follow. Then there would be two corpses.
This cold joke… it was so cold that Xie Xi couldn’t laugh!
He arranged things with Little Jiang and then sent a message to Big Jiang. “I have something
to do. I will go back later.”
Big Jiang replied quickly but his tone was light. “Yes.”
The light voice showed his exhaustion and helplessness. Xie Xi’s heart was tugged.
Both the palm and the back of the hand were made of flesh (both had equal importance)
and any piece of skin he lifted would hurt!
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll be back early.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help adding, “Once I come back, I’ll find you.”
“No,” Big Jiang replied. “I am sleepy and will sleep early.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He always felt this person was sincere. After all, Big Jiang stayed a few nights outside Little
Jiang’s door and it would be strange if he wasn’t sleepy.
Then Xie Xi thought about how the presidential palace might add a new person and…
He had to quickly complete this task, return to Central and let the souls know the truth!
Xie Xi went to Capital Star’s reincarnation centre. Those who applied for self-destruction
would also go here. Thanks to Secretary LI, the director of the reincarnation centre
fearfully started preparing for the visit.
In the Earth era, this was like the nation’s leader coming to a family planning office. How
could the director not be nervous?
Xie Xi hadn’t arrived yet and read J’s application that Li Su had passed to him.
Xie Xi got a general summary.
The contents were very simple and recorded the situation of J’s reincarnations. Apart from
the first round, the other eight rounds could only be described as miserable.
After reincarnation, he was a child and didn’t understand love. Then once he entered the
young and inexperienced period and started to yearn for love, the memories of the first
round were like falling snow, burying him in romantic and beautiful images.
The memories were beautiful but reality was cruel.
Stuck in this grave where snow was piled up, he felt only a biting chill and the weight made
him gradually unable to breathe.
In the second round, he confessed to his lover who was also in the second round and was
brutally rejected.
In the third round, he confessed to his lover who was still in the second round and was
The fourth round, fifth round… until the ninth round.
These few words made people feel his pain and despair. The memories that couldn’t be
escaped and the new life that couldn’t start. He sank into his past and faced only an endless
The director of the reincarnation centre carefully reported, “If it wasn’t for his rare
physique, we would’ve already approved it.”
In humanitarian terms, J should be given the right to end his life. Fortunately, Xie Xi felt
thankful that J had an SSS-grade physique or it would be too unlucky!
Xie Xi arrived at the reincarnation centre and the director greeted him from a special
The president had come to such a small place. There was no good reason to arouse people’s
speculations so they tried to avoid suspicion.
Xie Xi questioned, “Is there a detailed record?”
Director Wang explained, “With his consent, we have already extracted his memories. This
is necessary for self-destruction. If words or the evidence isn’t enough, the extracted
memories can be used as verification. Of course, this is also authorized by me.”
Xie Xi told him, “I will take a look.” He could only prescribe the correct medicine if he
understood the situation.
“Mr. President, please come this away.”
Xie Xi paused and asked him, “Where is he?”
Director Wang was surprised but didn’t dare think too much. He hurriedly said, “He doesn’t
wake up so he is sleeping. Once the application is approved, he will be directly euthanized.”
Xie Xi, “…”
How could he listen to such a thing?
Xie Xi held back the idea of going to see this person and first investigated the extracted
Today’s high-tech society had long mastered the technology to reproduce memories.
Of course, this technology wasn’t useful to everyone. As long as the mental strength was
higher than C-grade and the subject’s consciousness didn’t agree, the extraction would be
Seriously ill and dying people couldn’t have their memories extracted because their will
wasn’t strong enough for a normal recollection.
Not to mention that it was even more difficult to extract when dead.
Therefore, it could only be extracted if there was complete agreement and no conflicts.
This was better than Roast Pork Bun’s dream.
Dreaming allowed him to enter the person’s dreams and change some thoughts, but it was
difficult to find accurate memories of the past.
For example, in Atlantis, Xie Xi entered several dreams and only saw messy plots.
There was Old Three fighting a dragon and Old Two taking his brother’s divorced husband
Xie Xi couldn’t bear to look!
Moreover, Xie Xi had some concerns. This world was relatively developed and a mental
strength of SSS sounded very uncomfortable. The effect of Dreaming might not be good
enough and Xie Xi chose to directly watch the memories.
Director Wang said, “In view of the confidentiality agreement, these memories…”
Xie Xi told him, “I can look at them myself. Li Su, wait for me.”
Secretary Li replied, “Okay.”
Director Wang was relieved and gave the holographic mirror to Xie Xi. Xie Xi took it and
was instantly immersed…
There was little doubt that this was about what happened with him and Jiang Xie in the first
Of course, this is the brain of a soul and already required a patch in the past.
Xie Xi was distressed but also thought a lot.
Little Jiang was Azure Dragon, being played by Jiang Xie. Thus, he didn’t have an
opportunity to make a previous outline and was a simple youth.
Big Jiang was a new soul facing the collapse of the world and the loss of abandonment. He
sketched out a previous outline that was full of abuse.
He pretended to be rational and fell in love with a rational. They finally broke up but he
couldn’t let go. At the end of 50, he wanted to enter reincarnation…
Compared to the souls of other worlds, the idea of suicide was obvious.
Then middle Jiang… Cough, Xie Xi always thought this was a weird way of calling Jiang Xie
but it seemed to be correct? According to age, this young man under the age of 30 could be
considered Middle Jiang.
In short, this Middle Jiang was even more miserable and didn’t let go of his own meaning.
The abyss pit was set from beginning to end.
Xie Xi was just watching and his heart and organs were full of pain.
The two souls left in this collapsed world apparently felt the collapse of the world and
thought they had been abandoned. They knew from the main soul that any collapsed world
would be erased.
The world was erased then they would no longer exist.
This was why the pre-existing background was so desperate and pessimistic and the two
souls considered life so lightly.
The more he figured out, the more pained Xie Xi was. Fortunately, he could repair it. If he
didn’t repair it then Jiang Xie…
Okay, okay, it was really okay.
Xie Xi concentrated his mind on J’s memories.
In the first round of reincarnation, Jiang Xie was five years older than Xie Xi and an
alumnus who graduated from the same school.
They were ‘new students’ and hadn’t inherited previous skills or experience. Thus, they
were blank paper and were in the stage of hard work.
Both of them were highly qualified and were famous figures in school.
Unfortunately, the school had a five year system. Jiang Xie graduated before Xie Xi entered
and the two people hadn’t met.
However, Jiang Xie’s legend had always circulated around the school.
Later, they met at an alumni gathering.
This time, Jiang Xie didn’t conceal his gender. He was a thorough and very good emotional.
However, Xie Xi concealed his gender. He was a rational person but when asked about his
gender, he replied, “I am emotional.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 183

Bonus ko-fi chapter.

Collapsed God 17

Jiang Xie’s eyes obviously brightened and he moved closer to Xie Xi.
By all accounts, it was difficult for a rational to pretend to be emotional. A little look would
tear apart this lie. Not to mention, this was an alumni party and there were many
acquaintances who could ruin Xie Xi’s lie.
Strangely enough, none of the students came near Xie Xi and they didn’t hear what he said.
There was a clear line between Xie Xi and his classmates, as if he was invisible to them.
Fortunately, the alumni gathering was across generations and classmates didn’t stay
For example, Jiang Xie had already graduated when Xie Xi entered school and was Xie Xi’s
Xie Xi knew Jiang Xie’s name because he was often compared to Jiang Xie in school.
Compared to the taciturn Xie Xi, Jiang Xie was humorous and good at talking. It was difficult
for people to refuse his closeness.
Jiang Xie was surprised after hearing that Xie Xi majored in law. “How can an emotional
person like you learn such a rational occupation?”
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say.
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “No wonder why you are estranged from your classmates.” An
emotional person studying an occupation that was all rational, there was bound to be some
Xie Xi heard this and his mouth tightened even further.
Jiang Xie told him, “They are also protecting you. After all, rational people are dangerous for
an emotional person.”
Xie Xi was startled and glanced up at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie smiled at him.
Xie Xi became warmer. He wasn’t isolated because of his gender but Jiang Xie found his
sense of loss and thought of such a warm reason to comfort him. If Xie Xi was really
emotional, he would be really happy at this moment. But he wasn’t.
Xie Xi was somewhat lost. He didn’t know why his mood had improved.
Jiang Xie liked wine and asked Xie Xi, “Can you drink?”
Xie Xi had never drunk alcohol before. “I can try it.” A rational person rejected alcohol.
Something that confused the brain had no value in existence.
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “How can we be emotional if we don’t drink?” Then he took Xie Xi’s
hand and went for a wine tasting.
The alumni meeting had ordinary food that was more good-looking than delicious but the
wind was good. It didn’t have a bad style and the taste wasn’t the same.
Jiang Xie drank seven or eight different types with Xie Xi and Xie Xi became drunk.
As a rational, he still sat up straight and looked serious. It was only his big eyes that showed
people he was drunk.
Jiang Xie was only slightly drunk and waved a hand in front of the other person’s eyes. “Are
you drunk?”
Xie Xi spoke seriously, “Article 221, serious casualties caused by accidents in production
and business units…”
Jiang Xie laughed. “There are thousands of reactions to being drunk but this is the first time
I’ve seen someone recite laws and regulations.”
Xie Xi was still earnestly going through them and reached Article 222. This number 222
was cute enough.
Jiang Xie raised him up. “I’ll send you home.”
Xie Xi was still seriously reciting…
Jiang Xie suppressed a smile. “Where is your home?”
Xie Xi had started to recite Article 224.
Jiang Xie couldn’t ask him and went to find Xie Xi’s classmate. The rational classmate was
very cold. “I don’t know.”
In this way, Xie Xi quickly placed himself on Jiang Xie’s back.
Jiang Xie’s eyes were full of laughter. “Let’s go back to my house first.” This person was
accidentally drunk and couldn’t be left alone.
Xie Xi had reached over 300 when he fell asleep in the aircraft.
Jiang Xie sat beside him and couldn’t suppress the curve of his lips. This was a very
interesting junior, serious and cute.
Jiang Xie’s residence wasn’t far away and they soon arrived. “Wake up.”
Xie Xi opened his eyes. They were black and shining but unfortunately, they weren’t
Jiang Xie asked him, “Can you get off on your own?”
Xie Xi’s head fell and he continued to sleep. Jiang Xie chuckled and simply picked up this
person sideways, bringing him inside.
He knew this was a bit overdone but there was no way. Jiang Xie couldn’t leave this person
alone and didn’t want him sleeping in the aircraft. Even if his aircraft was spacious enough
to be comfortable.
After going upstairs, Jiang Xie placed this person in his bedroom.
Don’t think crooked thoughts. Jiang Xie didn’t have a bad mind. It was just that his spare
room hadn’t been used for a few years and wasn’t cleaned up. Nobody could sleep in there.
Xie Xi slept on the bed while Jiang Xie brought out a cleaning ball and placed it on Xie Xi’s
clothes. This way, the person and clothes could be washed clean without water. Then
Master Jiang Xie went to sleep on the sofa.
The next day, Xie Xi woke up to find himself sleeping in a strange bed and was completely
For a rational, a one-night stand was a common thing and there was nothing to worry
However, Xie Xi never had one. He was a rational person but he was incompatible with
rationals. He never succumbed to desire and placed strict demands on his body and mind.
He hated the rational people’s so-called obedience to physical desires.
Now… He didn’t even know who he slept with.
Then Jiang Xie emerged, his hair still wet from the shower. Xie Xi’s head buzzed. He slept
with an emotional person and actually ruined such a gentle, funny and excellent senior.
He didn’t like rational people and deliberately hid his gender, yet he ended up doing such a
stupid thing.
Jiang Xie saw his expression and smiled. “Don’t think too much. You were drunk last night
and kept reciting laws and regulations. I became impotent after hearing these things.”
Xie Xi looked up with dazed eyes.
Jiang Xie didn’t keep teasing this person and explained, “I slept on the sofa last night. You
can connect to the indoor monitoring if you don’t believe me…”
Xie Xi finally let go of his worries and he was glad and afraid.
He could no longer be close to Jiang Xie or he would hurt this person.
Xie Xi got up. “I’m sorry.”
“I should be the one to apologize. I gave you too much wine last night.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, it was my fight. I can’t drink and also became drunk, troubling
Jiang Xie didn’t wait for him to finish. “Then both of us are clear. Let’s eat.”
Eat? Xie Xi didn’t dare stay long and hurried out of bed, head hanging low. “No, I shave to
leave first.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi rushed out of the bedroom, entered the living room and went out the door without
even changing shoes.
Then Jiang Xie’s senses returned. “Oh…”
It was a pity that the other person had already disappeared. He smiled for a long time. Had
he scared this person? Well, it was normal to be afraid after getting drunk and waking up in
a stranger’s bed.
Then Jiang Xie remembered something and hit his head with annoyance. “I forgot to get his
contact details!”
If it wasn’t just this then Jiang Xie wouldn’t remember this person for nine rounds.
The second encounter was at the wedding of a common teacher.
The 70 year old emotional professor lived with his own style. At such an old age, he met his
true love, a 60 year old emotional painter. The two quickly fell in love and insisted on
holding a wedding so that their names would be engraved into the other person’s lives.
In this sacred church, Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi. Xie Xi stood in the crowd but it was like he was
standing on an isolated island. He was so lonely that it made Jiang Xie distressed.
Jiang Xie couldn’t help walking through the crowd to this person’s side. “We meet again.”
Xie Xi was stunned for a moment to see Jiang Xie before his eyes obviously lowered.
Jiang Xie made an ‘shhh’ sound. “They are making their wedding vows. We have to be
Xie Xi solemnly nodded and focused on the elderly couple in front of him.
“Are you willing to be a companion to him in this round, to love him and be loyal to him.
whether he is poor, sick or disabled until he walks into reincarnation. Are you willing?”
The two elderly men replied in unison, “I do.”
They finished speaking and applause that represented heartfelt blessings rang out,
infecting everyone present.
Jiang Xie whispered, “They are so good.”
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t understand it. This cycle was almost finished. Why did they get
married? In a few short years, they would forget each other.
Jiang Xie suddenly asked him, “If I meet a person I like, no matter how long it takes, I want
to spend the rest of my time with him.”
Xie Xi expressed his doubts. “Is it good even if you don’t meet again in the next
“This type of heart beat, I don’t want to miss it for even a minute or a second.”
Xie Xi frowned because he couldn’t understand. Jiang Xie smiled and leaned close to him.
“You sometimes behave like a rational.”
Xie Xi straightened his back and thought he had been seen through. After all, a rational
disguising as an emotional must be as funny as a clown to true emotional people.
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie just sighed. “Don’t try to learn from rationals. They are boring and
rigid. Don’t change yourself to cater to them.”
Xie Xi’s frown deepened. He knew Jiang Xie’s meaning. Jiang Xie thought that as an
emotional studying law, Xie Xi was with rationals for a long time and became like a rational
in order to socialize with them.
In fact, Xie Xi was a thorough rational. He wanted to tell the truth.
Then Jiang Xie said, “Don’t question your gender. An emotional is never worse than a
Xie Xi swallowed back his words. He couldn’t say it because he vaguely felt that Jiang Xie
had an aversion to rational people. Thus, Xie Xi couldn’t mention his gender.
What was this? Xie Xi didn’t know why he wasn’t the same as others from birth. He wasn’t
accepted by rational or liked by emotional. He studied hard and tried to get good grades,
but this was in exchange for his classmates’ indifference and alienation.
Xie Xi felt more than once that it would be good if he was an emotional. An emotional like
Jiang Xie.
This time, Jiang Xie got a contact method.
Xie Xi hesitated for a long time before becoming friends with this person.
Xie Xi didn’t want to have any more contact with Jiang Xie s that Jiang Xie would always
think he was an emotional. If they got too close, he wouldn’t be able to pretend.
There were too many flaws and places that couldn’t be understood. Even if Xie Xi didn’t
speak, his behavior was obvious enough for an emotional.
If Jiang Xie knew that he was pretending to be an emotional… He was bound to hate Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was very uneasy but he couldn’t find a suitable opportunity to confess to Jiang Xie.
How could Jiang Xie know any of this?
He had long been fascinated by this school junior. Whether it was a direct confession or
slowly boiling a frog, he had to catch this person. Then he would hold a wedding that was
more romantic than Old Liu (the 70 year old professor)!
Jiang Xie took the initiative and Xie Xi didn’t have an opportunity to refuse. He tried to
figure out how an emotional would react. He remembered the ‘formula’ with his super
memory and tried his best to act as an emotional.
In fact, this was really flawed. If it wasn’t for Jiang Xie’s filter, he would quickly see Xie Xi’s
Unfortunately, the filter was too thick. Jiang Xie only thought that Xie Xi was a pitiful person
who had been polluted by rationals. He tried to ‘purify’ this person and even found the
super-rational remarks cute.
Then three months later, Jiang Xie couldn’t help himself. They sat in a romantic and
beautiful wedding and he asked, “What do you think of me?”
Xie Xi looked down and asked, “Senior, do you want to fall in love with me?”
This stunned Jiang Xie and he smiled. “You are really a very rational emotional person.”
Xie Xi’s lips thinned and he looked at the food and drinks in front of him like he was seeing
Jiang Xie stared at him with gentle eyes and a soft smile. “I am thinking about it.”
He spoke bluntly and laid his heart out before the other person.
Xie Xi was stunned.
Jiang Xie was afraid to scare this person and reassured him, “Don’t worry, I thought hard
about it. I want forever.”
Xie Xi opened his mouth. It was extremely difficult to speak and his heart was pulled,
causing pain to surge through him. “I’m sorry.”
Jiang Xie’s heart cooled as he thought he had been rejected.
Xie Xi explained in a low voice, “I’m sorry, I have been lying to you… I’m actually a rational

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 184

Collapsed God 18

“Rational?” Jiang Xie’s breathing was a bit fast and there was a stubborn smile on his face.
“This isn’t a good joke.”
Xie Xi’s heart was empty, like something was dug away. He tried to calm down. “I’m not
The smile on Jiang Xie’s face froze.
Xie Xi never made a joke. During the months where the two people met each other, Jiang
Xie often teased that Xie Xi didn’t tell jokes and that he was sometimes too serious.
Jiang Xie liked Xie Xi, thought he was good and found this rational behavior cute.
Xie Xi showed his earring, the calm and rational dark blue stinging Jiang Xie’s eyes.
Every person had an instrument that represented their identity and it could be loaded with
various functions.
Rational was dark blue and emotional was an orange yellow. Calm and passionate, two very
different types of existences. Xie Xi was a rational person, a rational person who didn’t
understand love.
Jiang Xie’s body swayed. It felt like a meat grinder had been stuffed into his chest, the dark
blue blade spinning wildly and stirring up his internal organs.
Xie Xi told him, “I’m sorry.”
Jiang Xie couldn’t concentrate and didn’t hear the sadness in his tone. Jiang Xie walked
away in a daze like an army deserter. If it was just like this then Jiang Xie wouldn’t
remember Xie Xi for nine rounds.
Painful feelings were actually very good to forget. The truly unforgettable thing was the
sweetness that went deep into the bones. It was like a gourmet eating inferior food after
tasting the best food in the world.
The reason why Jiang Xie couldn’t forget was that he had an incredibly sweet reincarnation.
The two people separated and Xie Xi sat at the table, staring at the empty cup for an
During this period, he didn’t move and seemed to be thinking a lot. By the time he finally
stood up, his hands and feet were numb and sharp sting like needles spread over his arms
and legs.
This type of paralysis couldn’t be compared to the helplessness of his heart.
Rational and emotional. Why did he want to hide his gender? He hurt Jiang Xie and lost
such a good friend forever. Xie Xi, who had always been isolated, had no idea if he would
encounter such a person later on in his life.
Jiang Xie didn’t go far. He sat on a bench 300 metres away for an afternoon.
Compared to Xie Xi’s ignorant pain, Jiang Xie felt a clear, straightforward and sharp sting.
If he had been rejected then he wouldn’t have felt as desperate as he did now. A rational
who didn’t understand love was similar to an indestructible stone for an emotional. Falling
in love with one was like hitting a stone with an egg for the rest of his life.
He shook as he couldn’t withstand the torn body and crushed bones. Jiang Xie clearly knew
that he had been played and tricked by a rational. The funny thing was that he couldn’t hate
Xie Xi. He couldn’t forget this person.
The sun set and as Xie Xi was about to leave, Jiang Xie suddenly stood up. There was only
one sentence in his confused mind. Why did this person pretend to be emotional?
Why did a rational pretend to be an emotional person? This was incredible Looking at the
history that spanned thousands of years, he had never heard of such a thing.
An emotional person was likely to pretend to be rational but rational people found it
impossible to disguise as emotional and wouldn’t have such an idea.
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped and he went back to the restaurant. He sat the wilted Xie Xi still
sitting in place.
Four hours, why hadn’t he left yet? Jiang Xie came over and placed a hand on the table. His
posture was condescending but the bulging veins on the back of his hand revealed his
“Why like to me?” He asked Xie Xi. Xie Xi looked up in a daze, seemingly not expecting this
person to come back.
Jiang Xie leaned forward and stared into his eyes. “Why hide your gender? Why tell me you
are emotional?”
Xie Xi looked down and whispered words he thought he would never say.
He hated rational people, he was isolated by rational people and he couldn’t get along with
However, he was rational and couldn’t get close to any emotional person because they
disliked him.
Xie Xi had been living with such a gap since he was a child. Rational people were hostile to
him and emotional people were full of vigilance towards him.
He walked on a wooden bridge while the people on the left and right didn’t accept him.
Thus, he could only be alone and keep moving forward as he risked falling.
At this time, Jiang Xie appeared. Xie Xi longed for someone to reach out to him, hoping for
breathing space or even a guardrail on the wooden bridge.
Thus, he chose to lie when Jiang Xie took the initiative to approach him.
‘I’m an emotional.’ He deceived Jiang Xie and got a moment of stability.
Jiang Xie heard this and was stunned. Xie Xi was even more lost after laying out his secrets.
What qualifications did such a despicable villain like he have?
“Do you hate me?” Jiang Xie asked him.
Xie Xi looked up at him and replied almost without hesitation. “No.”
Jiang Xie didn’t ask anything else. He just showed the same gentle smile as before. “Let’s be
Xie Xi was stunned.
Jiang Xie held his hand. “I like you and you don’t hate me. Let’s be together, okay?”
Xie Xi tried to withdraw his hand. “But I…”
Jiang Xie didn’t let go, “I love you no matter your gender.”
Xie Xi couldn’t move.
It was because Jiang Xie kissed the back of his hand and said something Xie Xi would never
forget. “…Even if you don’t love me.”
-I love you, even if you don’t love me.
This humble but unusually hot love seemed to be able to burn up both people.
After the confession, the two people were together. It was strange yet not strange. At first,
Xie Xi was cautious. He was always afraid of doing something wrong and that he wasn’t a
qualified lover.
Jiang Xie found out and poked the tip of his nose. “Don’t disguise yourself or cooperate with
me. Just be yourself.”
Xie Xi gazed at him. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Ask your heart,” Jiang Xie’s voice was very gentle. “It can do whatever it wants.”
Xie Xi looked up at him before glancing away, ears red. Jiang Xie’s heart jumped.
Xie Xi whispered, “Can I kiss you?”
At these words, the ‘bystander’ Xie Xi couldn’t help his mouth thinning. In fact, Xie Xi felt a
lot when he saw the pre-existing background of the soul.
The main Jiang Xie’s entry had affected the souls.
They weren’t people were schizophrenia but their souls were shared the moment contact
was made. Some things were restricted because of the world but the fundamentals were
the same.
In Dream Come True, Jiang Xie discovered Xie Xi’s past and knew that he grew up alone and
isolated by society.
It was like this less rational and less emotional Xie Xi. Professor Jiang was Xie Xi’s saviour
and J was the saviour of the rational Xie Xi. Jiang Xie’s hot and unreserved love warmed Xie
Xi, whether it was the soul or the master.
Even if Xie Xi didn’t love him…
Xie Xi smiled. How could he not feel love? He was really a stone that had been baked by
Jiang Xie.
He couldn’t help fast forwarding through the next few memories. It was tiring. Even if he
had been with someone for more than 60 years, he couldn’t help feeling tired.
The rational setting was too bad. Xie Xi was indulged by Jiang Xie and the two people
weren’t ashamed or impatient.
It wasn’t until Jiang Xie was 35 years old and Xie Xi was 30 that there was a small twist in
their lives.
Xie Xi was dismissed from his job. He didn’t say anything at first but Jiang Xie spent his time
at home due to his painter occupation and soon discovered something was wrong. He
asked Xie Xi about it.
A rational person rarely lied and Xie Xi revealed the truth.
It turned out to be because of their relationship. Jiang Xie was becoming famous and more
people discovered he was an emotional person. He occasionally went to pick up Xie Xi from
work and the people over there knew their relationship.
No one blamed the emotional Jiang Xie. They just considered it Xie Xi’s misconduct and
thought he was playing with Jiang Xie’s feelings.
Rational could find reasons and could do anything with reason, but they shouldn’t provoke
emotional people. Once discovered, they would be severely criticized by moral opinion.
This was probably like Xie Xi’s Earth age where men and men and women and women
received disapproval.
Whether it was a heterosexual society or gay society, anything that broke the routine
would be rejected. This chain of contempt always existed in social society.
How could Jiang Xie let Xie Xi experience such things? He suggested, “We should get
It wasn’t an exciting, beautiful or heartfelt proposal that made people blush but it did make
them excited.
Xie Xi was surprised. “I’m a rational. You…”
Jiang Xie asked him, “Will you betray me?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “Absolutely not.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Then that’s okay.”
The wedding was finalized and they walked into the church where everyone wasn’t
Don’t mention anyone else, even the priest couldn’t help asking three times,
“Are you willing to be a companion to him in this round, to love him and be loyal to him.
whether he is poor, sick or disabled until he walks into reincarnation. Are you willing?”
Jiang Xie smiled and said ‘I do’ three times.
Xie Xi vowed, “I will be loyal to him and he will be my only companion.”
The oath of a rational and emotional was different. Emotional people required love and
loyalty while rational people only required loyalty.
The priest had presided over countless emotional and emotional or rational and rational
weddings. This was the first time experiencing an emotional and rational getting married.
He took into account the characteristics of a rational, chose the rational vow and concealed
the word ‘love.’
This didn’t prevent Jiang Xie from confessing. “I love you.” No matter how many cycles, I
will fall in love with you as long as I meet you.
The two people with an SSS-grade physique lived a long life, living for almost 230 years.
They made countless contributions to the United States and fulfilled the vows of marriage.
Xie Xi became the Chief Justice while Jiang Xie was the most passionate, creative and
influential painter of the era.
Their combination became a curious thing that sparked many emotional tinkers to explore
the emotional issues of rational and emotional.
Of course, there was no result in the end. They always believed that Xie Xi was loyal. It was
loyalty to his partner, not love.
Even Jiang Xie thought this but his life was very sweet, just like living a beautiful dream.
This lasted until his deathbed. Jiang Xie was older than Xie Xi and entered reincarnation
first. As they were separating, Jiang Xie smiled. “Thank you.”
Xie Xi held his hand and didn’t say a word for a long time.
Jiang Xie kissed the back of his hand and repeated the vow he made over 200 years ago. “I
love you.”
Xie Xi finally spoke in a hoarse voice, “I…”
Jiang Xie watched him gently. Xie Xi’s lips trembled like he was suffering tremendous pain.
His face was pale and his eyes cloudy. “I don’t want to be separated from you.”
Jiang Xie’s heart jerked.
Xie Xi, who never shed a tear, was now crying as he choked out, “Don’t leave me, don’t leave
me, don’t… don’t forget me…”
Jiang Xie used the last of his strength to hold the other person’s hand. “Xie Xi, do you love
“I… I….” Xie Xi shook his head. “I don’t know what love is but I want to be with you.”
He wanted to be like this for a lifetime, forever together in eternal life. Jiang Xie’s lips
curved and he spoke his last words to Xie Xi. “This is love.”
His Xie Xi, the rational Xie Xi who didn’t understand love, was in love with him.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 185

Collapsed God 19

How could Jiang Xie forget such a sweet life, such a contented dying moment?
Xie Xi’s last sentence was a beautiful spell that bound Jiang Xie. He kept his promise and
didn’t forget this person for nine reincarnations. Unfortunately, Xie Xi forgot him.
If it wasn’t like this, Jiang Xie wouldn’t be so desperate. Jiang Xie had been together with
this person for 200 years and saw a flower open in the bright moonlight. How could he be
willing to have only a moment?
He remembered Xie Xi, remembered the time they spent together and their last promise.
He woke up from the reincarnation, got a new life and came back to look for Xie Xi. Then he
saw a strange, purer and rational Xie Xi who had no emotional fluctuations.
At this moment, Jiang Xie seemed like a man who won millions only to find he lost the
lottery ticket when he went to receive the prize.
A huge feeling of loss and reluctance filled him.
How could Jiang Xie give up? Thanks to his intermittent memory, he went to find Xie Xi
countless times. The last time, he was completely disappointed when he saw Xie Xi with
The beauty of the past was more and more like a dream and even Xie Xi’s last gaze full of
love made him feel upset.
Perhaps that period was just his fantasy and the most wanted promise he got before his
death actually didn’t happen.
Xie Xi’s eyes never filled with tears, Xie Xi never said he wanted to be with Xie Xi or to
forget him.
From beginning to end, he had deceived himself. It was impossible for a rational to fall in
love with others.
They were like fire and ice. The result of a constant demand was to either the melting of the
ice or the flames being extinguished. It was impossible to co-exist.
The disheartened Jiang Xie thought everything was a dream and chose to self-destruct. He
couldn’t forget or wake up so it was better to sleep forever.
After reading these memories, Xie Xi sat down for a while before recovering.
If in the former quasi-worlds, the souls created their own dog blood production because of
their hobbies and exclusive will, the souls in this collapsed world were too painful.
They decided they had been abandoned and wrote helpless, desperate scripts that headed
for self-destruction.
This world-weariness and complex thoughts existed deep in their bones.
The souls would magnify some of the emotions of the master. In extreme circumstances,
they made choices that the master would make.
For example, in a world destined to be erased, they chose self-destruction. In the vicious
cycle of Central, Jiang Xie also made this choice…
What was the difference between splitting apart many souls to design a new world and
drinking to quench thirst?
Xie Xi stopped his thoughts and went to find J.
Through the glass window, Xie Xi saw the man sleeping on the snowy white platform.
He was dressed in white and his body was covered, with only his face exposed. It was a
young and handsome face, with slender eyebrows and a tall nose. His thin lips might be
light in colour but it had a good shape and it was easy to imagine how dazzling he would be
when smiling.
This person was very familiar to Xie Xi but some facial features were strange. It was
probably strange because Xie Xi had never seen such a gaunt Jiang Xie. His face was pale
and bloodless, his expression calm but lifeless. He unloaded all his hard shells, revealing a
fragility that had been buried deeply.
The greatest design in the Central. X had been through countless experiences. He silently
sacrificed himself to save Central. No matter how powerful, he was still a flesh and blood
Xie Xi’s eyes were hot but he was a rational person. Thus, he sighed and calmed down his
Xie Xi stated, “I will go and see him.”
The director of the reincarnation centre naturally opened the door, cutting off the sleeping
The seamless glass door opened and Xie Xi walked in alone. “Wait for me outside.”
All the people following him stopped.
Xie Xi entered, pressed on the dashboard and the transparent glass became a white wall,
cutting off the monitoring and sound system. In this not-so narrow space, only he and Xie Xi
were left.
Jiang Xie slowly woke up from his slumber. He opened his eyes and revealed dark eyes.
How could Xie Xi not feel distressed? He tried to control his tone and whispered to this
Jiang Xie turned his head and his pupils shrunk the moment he saw Xie Xi. Xie Xi took his
hand. Jiang Xie’s pale lips slightly quivered. “Xiao Xie…”
Xie Xi told him, “Sorry, I looked at your memories.”
The tone instantly extinguished the flames that rose in Jiang Xie. He pulled his hand away
and sat up. “Mr. President, what can I do for you?” There were stiffness, alienation and
Xie Xi bluntly explained about the collapse of the universe, the discovery of the pole, the
unknown creator and the rare SSS-grade physique.
After listening quietly, Jiang Xie mocked, “The Creator?” The government has reached the
point of believing such ridiculous things!”
In the last round, Xie Xi was the vice president of the United States and he was the
president in this round. Jiang Xie deeply hated the entire cold government and always felt
that it swallowed up Xie Xi.
Xie Xi said, “We won’t do anything without certainty.”
Jiang Xie stated, “Yes, you are calm and rational. How can you feel emotional?”
Xie Xi requested softly, “Can you help me?”
Jiang Xie stared at him coldly. “Since you read my memories, why not pretend to coax me to
work for you?”
Jiang Xie’s words were right. Xie Xi could pretend that he remembered the previous things,
continue pretending to be Jiang Xie’s lover and continuing their relationship.
Don’t talk about finding the Creator. Jiang Xie would even be willing to dig out his heart for
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Jiang Xie’s smile was extremely ugly. “Yes, how can a rational play a trick like that? A
rational can’t pretend to be emotional!”
The nine cycles made Jiang Xie’s disappointment rise to the extreme. The deeper the
sweetness of the past, the more loathing he felt when he returned to reality.
Xie Xi looked down. “I’m sorry.”
His apology brought a more turbulent despair to Jiang Xie and he closed his eyes. “Mr.
President, please go back. I want to self-destruct and I’m not suitable for such an important
Xie Xi didn’t speak or leave, he just stood here. Jiang Xie closed his eyes like Xie Xi didn’t
exist. After a while, Xie Xi slowly opened his mouth. “Feelings are life for emotional people.”
Jiang Xie made a sarcastic laugh.
Xie Xi continued, “It is a deadly virus for rational people.”
Jiang Xie opened his eyes and gazed deeply at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi kept speaking. “The reincarnation centre is like a giant cleaner. Emotional and
rational people will be treated separately when going in.”
Jiang Xie ‘s voice was cold. “Do you mean that I remember everything because I’m
emotional? Don’t joke around. The United States has many emotional people. Why don’t
they remember their lover of the last round?”
Xie Xi replied, “Because they didn’t love the person as much as you do.”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi told him, “The highest judgment of the reincarnation centre is to protect the citizens’
right to exist.”
Jiang Xie sat up again, staring at the other person with a frown.
Xie Xi told the truth. “If you were deprived of your memories of him, you would die rather
than live. Thus, the reincarnation centre preserved them.”
Jiang Xie didn’t deny it.
Xie Xi continued, “If he wasn’t deprived of his memories of you, he would die rather than
live. Thus, the reincarnation centre stripped them from him.”
Jiang Xie scoffed. “Mr. President really wants to find reasons for yourself.”
Xie Xi was quiet before he spoke the key point like a rational. “Do you want to see my
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
“The last memories of my first round.”
“You have forgotten!”
Xie Xi explained, “I have indeed forgotten them but due to my identity, the reincarnation
center classified and preserved them.” Xie Xi was the Chief Justice of the United States in his
first round. Due to the special nature of his profession, the United States extracted his
memories for archival storage.
The tenure of the Chief Justice was more important than the president.
They were an important code in themselves, the beacon of law in the United States and
precious experience for the United States. The United States didn’t want to lose such
precious wealth when memories could be extracted and stored in today’s society.
This was an act that was agreed on by the cabinet and the agreement of the judge would be
sought on the day they were appointed.
The Chief Justices were all rational and they signed the consent clause, willingly
contributing their privacy to the United States.
Ordinary people didn’t know about this but as the president of the United States, Xie Xi had
to know.
He didn’t check before because he didn’t know he was involved with a soul in a ‘previous
life’. Now that he knew, he had to go and see.
Xie Xi was sure that he would see himself falling in love with Jiang Xie.
It was because everything was the subjective thought of the souls. The soul created such a
memory for himself, indicating he believed that Xie Xi loved him at the end.
Thus, Xie Xi must’ve loved him. Everything that didn’t exist wasn’t the fantasy of the maker.
Jiang Xie’s lips thinned and he was silent.
Xie Xi told him, “Look and maybe you will know why I forgot you.”
How could Jiang Xie not look? This was the knot in his heart and now the answer was near.
The two of them went to see Xie Xi’s memories stored in the reincarnation centre. In order
to save time, Xie Xi only watched the section after Jiang Xie entered reincarnation.
Entering reincarnation didn’t mean a new life would begin immediately. In general, there
would be an interval of several years and the criteria for this time was the current life.
For example, if a round only lasted 20 years then the waiting time might be four or five
months. If a person lived for more than 200 years, the waiting time might be as long as 40
or 50 months. This was nearly five years.
Xie Xi was five years younger than Jiang Xie and it was impossible for him to meet Jiang Xie
before Xie Xi entered reincarnation.
These five years contained unimaginable pain for Xie Xi.
After more than 200 years of being together, Xie Xi woke up to see an empty bed and was
alone for a long time.
Once he finally got out of bed, he saw the empty opposite seat when having breakfast and
couldn’t swallow.
While working in the study, he saw the easel and paint on the other side and simply
couldn’t concentrate.
The more terrible thing was at night. The lonely old man guarded the darkness, curled up
on the bed and making subtle sobs of grief in his sleep.
A rational never retired. It was impossible for them to put down their work until the
moment before reincarnation. Retirement wasn’t a pleasure but torture.
However, Xie Xi had to retire. He couldn’t work anymore and he couldn’t live alone. Once
his lover left, he knew what love was.
This wasn’t a good thing for Xie Xi. He dragged his elderly body and lived alone in pain and
remorse for three years.
Love was a double-edged sword. It could bring people infinite hope but also give them
endless pain.
On his deathbed, Jiang Xie embraced hope because of Xie Xi’s love but Xie Xi suffered
unprecedented pain because of this love.
They were different. One looked forward to a new life while the other remembered the
The reincarnation centre judged that Jiang Xie forgotten Xie Xi would make him lose his
desire for life, while Xie Xi needed to forget Jiang Xie in order to regain his desire for life.
After watching this experience, Jiang Xie was shocked.
Xie Xi’s heart also screamed with pain but unfortunately, he had to hold back. QAQ.
Jiang Xie stared straight at the dark screen, his brain full of loneliness and helplessly. He
loved and ached for the person he had been guarding for more than 200 years.
Xie Xi sighed silently and opened his mouth. “I’m sorry, I have forgotten everything.”
Jiang Xie couldn’t speak. He no longer doubted Xie Xi’s love for him and wondered if
everything was a dream!
Xie Xi kept speaking. “I’m not sure if I can feel those emotions again…”
Yes. He must be capable of it.
Jiang Xie stared at him. Xie Xi avoided his gaze and bluntly said, “Unfortunately, there isn’t
much time right now. If we can survive the collapse of the universe then perhaps…”
Jiang Xie had regained his fighting spirit. “What do I need to do?” He gave 200 years in the
first round and would continue protecting this person in this round. No matter how long it
took, he wouldn’t leave Xie Xi alone!
Xie Xi took this soul back to the presidential palace.
On the way back, Xie Xi considered things and explained, “There are two SSS-grade people
staying at the presidential palace.”
Jiang Xie replied, “I know. Four people are needed, right?”
He already knew the general plan, especially that four people were needed to communicate
with the Creator.
Xie Xi listened to his unconcerned tone and thought silently, ‘Um… you know? Perhaps you
don’t quite know…’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 186

If you are interested, please check out the two new novels I’ve started, one on another
website and one on here.
First Lazy Merchant of the Beast World
Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse

Collapsed God 20
Comrade Jiang Xie cheered up and was full of fighting spirit. He couldn’t wait to save the
universe now!
Xie Xi thought carefully and wanted to explain about Big Jiang and Little Jiang in the
presidential palace. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find an appropriate way to describe it.
What to say…
One was his ‘ex-husband’ and soon after the divorce, Xie Xi managed to coax him back. The
other was his ‘new love’ fished out of prison and everyone called this person a child bride…
Forget everybody else. Xie Xi wanted to give himself a shot and end this slag life!
Jiang Xie was motivated and was very concerned about the collapse of the universe. He
asked, “What are the identities of the other two SSS-grade people? Can you give me an
introduction in advance?”
Xie Xi’s brain went around in 300 laps as he brainstormed and thought of the right words.
Jiang Xie asked another question. “Are they rational?”
Well… they were both emotional pretending to be rational. Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t
get rid of his rational cover and had to nod. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie obviously sighed with relief.
In terms of feelings, emotional people had a natural advantage. There was no need to fear
any rational, apart from the one he fell in love with. A rational couldn’t be a love enemy.
Xie Xi once again silently thought, ‘It might be too early to sigh with relief…’
Jiang Xie wondered again, “Are they government officials?”
Xie Xi considered it before shaking his head. “No.” Big Jiang was the former president and
was now retired. Little Jiang was the rebel leader and at odds with the government.
Jiang Xie was even more assured. If they weren’t colleagues then they were likely to be
strangers to Xie Xi.
An unfamiliar rational and rational had a relationship pure enough to make water feel
Xie Xi wanted to give this person a vaccination in advance so that he wouldn’t be
stimulated. However, the vaccination needle couldn’t be stuck. Xie Xi watched Jiang Xie and
swallowed down the two tubes of tranquilizer.
Don’t be so peaceful! There were many possible disasters in the presidential palace and be
Xie Xi couldn’t let Jiang Xie take this lightly and planned to give him a hard shot. “…There is
someone you should know.”
J looked indifferent. “Is it Jiang Xie? He is so old, can he still do the task?”
Xie Xi, “…” In this world, Jiang Xie was the name for Big Jiang and he was only 44 years old
in this round.
Jiang Xie calling himself old, Xie Xi really wanted to record it!
J asked, “Can’t you find anyone else?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “An SSS-grade physique is very hard to find.”
J’s demeanour was quite relaxed. “It doesn’t matter. I know that there are no feelings
between you, not to mention you have long broken up.” Yes, J had also confessed to Xie Xi in
this round and how could he not understand Xie Xi’s emotional situation?”
J thought there was nothing wrong. Originally, two rationals being together and then
splitting apart would have no emotional entanglements.
Big Jiang had concealed his gender very well. At present, no one apart from Xie Xi knew that
the former president was an emotional person. Thus, J in front of him didn’t know. As long
as the enemy was rational then they weren’t a rival.
The biggest reason why J had been disheartened by Xie Xi finding a partner was because he
questioned his memory. He wondered if Xie Xi in the first round actually hadn’t loved him.
Now that he saw Xie Xi’s last memories, he was full of heartache and expectations. How
could he care about a breakup with a rational person?
Don’t say that Xie Xi had no feelings for this person. It was estimated that the former
president also had no feelings for Xie Xi.
J was very reassured.
Xie Xi, “…” How did the needle become a placebo? Was this right? He didn’t have time to
introduce Little Jiang when they arrived at the presidential palace.
An emotional person was entering so the reception of the presidential palace’s staff was
very cautious. They feared inciting an emotional person, especially since this was a big
painter who probably had more sensitive nerves. They had to be careful no matter what.
Xie Xi asked Li Su, “Are Mr. Jiang and X present?”
Li Su quickly replied, “Mr. Jiang went to the research institute and Young Master X followed.
Xie Xi heard these two people weren’t home and felt relieved. At the same time, he couldn’t
help raising his tone. “They are together?”
“Wang Feng is accompanying them so there should be no danger.” Secretary Li thought that
Xie Xi was worried about the safety of these two important people.
How could Xie Xi worry about outsiders hurting them? He was only worried that they
would fight among themselves! Well, an outsider was with them so the prideful Jiang Xies
shouldn’t fight…
Xie Xi remembered how he told Big Jiang that they would talk when he got back.
…Tallk about what?
Talk about the fact that Xie Xi brought back a true love? Mother universe, he was sorry!
President Xie was ashamed!
Xie Xi relaxed a lot after entering the presidential palace. “I’ll have someone arrange a room
for you.”
Xie Xi had to separate the three people, the further apart the better. It was between to have
one on each floor and then to the north, east, west and south… Oh, there were three people
so there was no need for the north. In short, they must clearly be separated!
Jiang Xie walked upstairs and smiled when he saw the paintings on the wall. He said, “Many
of these words were created by me when I was by your side.”
Xie Xi had seen the memories and naturally knew the name of the great painter J. Master
Van Cero whose words had been famous for hundreds of years was Jiang Xie. Many of his
paintings hung in the presidential palace.
In fact, these paintings had nothing to do with Xie Xi. After all, he had only been staying
here for a few years and they were more the collection of other presidents.
After all, Van Cero was a famous master. His words were hard to find and the presidential
palace was the most prestigious place in the United States. It was worth having these
Unfortunately, Jiang Xie saw them and had another taste. Jiang Xie glanced at Xie Xi and
asked, “Do you like these paintings?”
How could Xie Xi dare say he didn’t like them?!
“I like…”
Jiang Xie was very excited. “Once the task is over, I’ll take you to Rose Planet for a holiday.”
Xie Xi could only say, “I hope our mission succeeds.”
Then they would go back to Central and forget about Rose Planet! He could see the roses in
his garden!
Xie Xi accompanied Jiang Xie to visit the presidential palace and set up the room. Then he
had a hunch that the other two would come back and suggested reasonably, “I see that you
are tired. You must not have a good rest these days? Go to sleep for a while. Once your body
is ready, we can complete the task as soon as possible.”
Jiang Xie wanted to say with Xie Xi but he considered the gradual follo-up and had to nod.
“Okay, I will go to sleep.”
“I’ll call you when it is dinner.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Yes.”
He sent away the Middle Jiang and it wasn’t long before he saw that Big Jiang and Little
Jiang had come back. He hurried downstairs, wanting to use this opportunity to
psychologically prepare them…
As a result, he hadn’t approached but his high physical fitness and excellent hearing meant
he heard the dialogue between the two people.
Big Jiang spoke casually, “For an emotional, pretending to be rational is the stupidest
This phrase broke through the disguised gender and Little Jiang frowned. Big Jiang was
worthy of being an old hand and his words were full of thorns. “It is even stupider to
pretend to sleepwalk.”
Little Jiang fired back, “I didn’t pretend.”
Big Jiang sneered. “You have have to beat around the bush. Directly tell him that you want
to sleep with him. Rational people don’t care about these things.”
Xie Xi, “…” It made a lot of sense but Big Jiang was too bad!
Little Jiang’s skin was thin and his voice was awkward. “I don’t…”
“You dont?” Big Jiang stared at him. “Why? Do you want to fall in love with him?”
Little Jiang was stunned. Xie Xi thought he would flinch but unexpectedly, Little Jiang
actually admitted it. “Yes.”
Big Jiang mocked this child. “He is a rational.”
Little Jiang was fearless. “So what?”
Big Jiang gazed at him deeply. “Have you seen the movie called Disguise?”
Little Jiang had been in the army all year-round and how could he have free time to see
Big Jiang explained, “This movie is an adaptation of my experience with him. Go and see it.”
Little Jiang’s eyebrows twisted. “How can there be anything good about your experience?”
“It is because like you, I am a stupid emotional.” Big Jiang’s voice was low.
Little Jiang’s pupils shrunk. Big Jiang patted him on the shoulder. “Go and watch it. Then
you will understand this is a road you can’t return from.”
Little Jiang was sent to see the movie. Xie Xi considered it a bit before coming out.
Big Jiang was calm when he saw Xie Xi. “Have you found the person?”
He had recovered from the chaos from when he discovered Xie Xi leaving Little Jiang’s
room and the calm appearance of the former president was restored.
Xie Xi guiltily replied, “I found him.”
Jiang Xie didn’t ask anything else. “What do you want to eat at night?”
“I have arranged a menu and let them do it.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “I have nothing to do and will make you something delicious.”
Xie Xi thought for a while and finally found a point of entry. “Have you seen the memories
of my first round?”
Jiang Xie had been president and by all accounts…
He replied, “No, the president’s authority is also limited. Apart from the current Chief
Justice, other people don’t have the right to view it.”
Xie Xi was able to see it because it was his own memory.
Jiang Xie was extremely careful and he asked, “What? You went to see your first round
memories?” Jiang Xie wasn’t worried. Xie Xi had always been rational and a rational’s
memories were boring. Seeing them was meaningless.
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie was still in the mood to comfort him. “Don’t think too much. The past has passed
and you should cherish the present.”
Xie Xi felt even more guilty. The two people were too confident. Once they looked back…
The image was so confident that Xie Xi felt his brain couldn’t work, despite it adapting to
the speed of light.
Big Jiang and Xie Xi had many common topics. They talked about the United States and the
collapse of the universe.
By the time dinner was ready, Little Jiang came back after watching the movie. He saw Big
Jiang and Xie Xi sitting together and his face was very unsightly.
Xie Xi greeted him. “Where have you been?”
Little Jiang stared at Big Jiang before his eyes slowly fell on Xie Xi’s body.
“I’m an emotional.”
Young people weren’t the same. He didn’t beat around the bush when speaking. Xie Xi
couldn’t guess the beginning or the end and was completely stunned.
Big Jiang didn’t raise his head and kept stirring the black tea.
Little Jiang walked over and repeated, “I’m an emotional.”
Xie Xi nodded stiffly. “Oh.”
Little Jiang’s tone was extremely serious. “I don’t sleepwalk. I do want to kiss you but it isn’t
out of desire. I… I like you.”
The loud sound wasn’t the teacup falling but came from the stairs. Xie Xi turned his head
and wasn’t surprised when he saw J.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 187

Collapsed God 21

J had been holding an iron box in his hand and the moment it hit the ground, the paintings
inside fell out. The big movement caused the two people below to look up.
Big Jiang was surprised when he saw the same face as himself while Little Jiang greeted the
other person. “Mr. J.”
They knew each other previously and Xie Xi got the clue about J from Little Jiang.
Big Jiang watched J in an alert manner but his expression naturally didn’t change. He also
got up and greeted this person. “Hello.”
Xie Xi was sandwiched in the middle and wanted to hold the mother universe tightly. He
shrank back from these ‘sinister evils.’
J bent over to pick up the iron box and walked down the stairs. There was an unexpected
incident that caused him to have a taut face. After greeting the two people, he glanced over
at Little Jiang. “I didn’t expect to meet you here.” The implication was how could the rebel
leader currently be in the presidential palace?
Little Jiang was clever but he didn’t think that Mr. J’s unforgettable lover was Xie Xi! After
all, according to conventional brain circuits, an emotional could only fall in love with an
emotional. How could J’s lover be a rational? Therefore, Little Jiang didn’t have any doubts.
He said, “In the face of a disaster, nothing else matters.”
Xie Xi inwardly thought, ‘Yet you still care about confessing!’
J wasn’t too surprised and asked another question, “Are you an emotional?” He heard it all
and there was nothing to hide.
Little Jiang was young and felt a bit embarrassed about his confession being heard by an
acquaintance. He nodded. “Sorry, I lied to you before.”
He was speaking to both J and Xie Xi.
J and Xie Xi both had complicated expressions! He didn’t confess early or late, he did it right
at the critical point of the universe rescue operation. What if Jiang Xie went on strike?
Fortunately, J was calmer than Xie Xi’s imagination. After all, this was Jiang Xie. Apart from
the young and slightly immature Little Jiang, the other two were old foxes!
J kindly cautioned, “The president is a rational. If you confess to a ration, it is impossible to
get a response.”
His words cleared a path for Xie Xi. Who knew that Little Jiang would be fearless and
seriously reply, “I know but I don’t care.”
He turned to look at Xie Xi. “I just want to tell you that I like you.” The pair of indigo eyes
wrapped around Xie Xi like the sea.
Xie Xi’s fake rational heart trembled.
After all, the person he loved confessed in such a straightforward and blunt manner. How
could he stand it?
On the side, Big Jiang chuckled. His voice was very low and contained a hint of coolness, but
it was surprisingly good. It was like beautiful snow falling lightly on the tip of the ear.
Xie Xi suddenly came to his senses. Why was Big Jiang so calm, confident and not taking it
seriously? It was because…
Xie Xi’s mouth was dry. “You are still young.”
Yes, the Little Jiang in front of him was taller than President Xie but he was only 15 or 16
years old, a minor.
This was without mentioning Xie Xi’s gender. Even if he was emotional, it would be
impossible for him to fall in love with a minor. It was thanks to this age problem that Big
Jiang was so indifferent.
Little Jiang was young but clever. His next sentence was, “Once I am an adult, you…”
Xie Xi’s heart jumped and he was afraid of the next words. Fortunately, someone else was
more afraid than him.
Big Jiang frowned and interrupted. “Don’t embarrass him. Or do you want to threaten him?”
Xie Xi couldn’t help praising in his heart, ‘Good Big Jiang!’
Little Jiang immediately cried out, “I’m not!”
Big Jiang wondered, “Then why do you want to confess now? We are going on a mission
soon and how do you want him to reply to you? If he refuses, will you be angry and refuse
to do the mission? If he doesn’t refuse, how can he like a child like you?”
Xie Xi understood. It was no wonder why Big Jiang had Little Jiang look at the movie. He
expected that Little Jiang would ‘absorb’ the movie experience and directly confess.
Unfortunately, the timing, age of Little Jiang and Xie Xi’s gender meant this confession
wouldn’t have any results.
His move not only made Little Jiang frustrated but also dismissed the trick of sleepwalking
while letting Xie Xi know Little Jiang’s gender. According to the rules of rational and
emotional people, Xie Xi would definitely stay away from Little Jiang.
The point was that if Xie Xi had the idea of going to bed previously, he wouldn’t have it
Such an arrow made Xie Xi feel admiration… too sly! Was this person so happy to calculate
against himself?
Who wanted to see them dig their own pits, jump into it themselves and then gloat!
In contrast, the calm J didn’t expose anything and stayed out of it.
Even if Big Jiang was like Holmes, it was impossible to guess that J and Xie Xi had such a
If Big Jiang knew, he would probably change his strategy and join forces with Little Jiang to
deal with J first. After all, in every way, the threat of J was greater. The ‘old and weak’ group
of Big Jiang and Little Jiang should be consistent outwardly while slowly fighting inwardly.
Xie Xi thought this and couldn’t help rolling his eyes at himself. He was now really
experienced and could guess 10 moves ahead in the chess game!
Thanks to Big Jiang, things barely calmed down.
Little Jiang opened his mouth, “Mr. President, rest assured that I will finish the task well.”
He didn’t mention anything else about the confession.
Xie Xi was relieved. “Good.”
He didn’t dare say anything else because he was afraid of causing a terrible chain reaction.
Big Jiang told them, “Dinner is ready. We should go eat.”
He was like the head of the household. There was no other way. He had been president and
was more familiar with the presidential palace than Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t forget about J. “Let’s go eat.”
J glanced at Big Jiang with obvious doubts in his heart.
Young man, there was no need to look or doubt. This person was indeed an emotional.
J couldn’t help smiling when he entered the dining room and saw the beautiful landscape
This was his work. He remembered that when he created this painting, Xie Xi had
accompanied him to stay in the forest for one month. They had lived in the tree house for a
Xie Xi had fast-forwarded through that sweet and greasy memory but his brain could keep
up with a speed of light computer. He clearly saw the fast-forward and knew what J was
Xie Xi was afraid of him exposing something and smashing this barely steady thin ice.
He distracted J by saying, “Sit down.”
Then Xie Xi became aware of a more serious problem. How should he allocate seats for
such a long table?
It would be fine if there were three people. Xie Xi sat at the head of the table while Jiang Xie
sat on both sides of him. Now there were four people and one person was bound to be far
away from Xie Xi.
Xie Xi thought with no expression,
‘Why is it a long table? We need a square table! After dinner, I can arrange a great wall on
one of the three vacant places, hehe!’
Big Jiang was still aiming at Little Jiang. “An emotional shouldn’t sit with a rational. It is
safer to stay far away.”
This was directly placing Little Jiang and J diagonally, leaving him and Xie Xi to sit on one
side. The abacus was noisy but…
Little Jiang broke it. “Aren’t you an emotional?”
At these words, J jerked and his composure somewhat collapsed. Was Jiang Xie emotional?
Then Xie Xi’s ex-partner was actually emotional?
This thing… too complicated!
Xie Xi had long known this and his expression didn’t change. Big Jiang didn’t panic and only
sarcastically smiled. He felt that Little Jiang was a fool who killed 1,000 people while losing
800 allies, so that no one could benefit.
J continued to be tense as he smiled reluctantly. “How can Mr. Jiang be emotional?”
Little Jiang sneered. “He has been disguised for all his life and probably doesn’t remember
that he is emotional.”
Big Jiang was more ruthless. His voice was gentle but his words were astonishing. “I
pretended to be rational in order to get together with Xie Xi.”
J, “!”
Xie Xi broke the jar that casually fell and got up. “You are all emotional and should sit
together to eat. I will go to that end.” It was reasonable and logical. He would go to the far
end of the table to eat alone. It was also quieter.
How could the trio stand to let him go? They spoke in unison, “No.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Big Jiang told them, “We have to be together every day for the mission. We should adapt
sooner or later.”
Little Jiang and J both nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi wondered, “How are you going to sit?”
Big Jiang suggested, “You sit and I’ll go over there.” He saw on the left side of Little Jiang,
separating Xie Xi from Little Jiang.
This was the smartest way to retreat while still monitoring the ‘love enemy.’ As expected of
the person who had been president. It was amazing…
What damn thing? Shouldn’t their brains be focused on saving the universe instead of such
messy things?
They monitored each other during dinner and miraculously, once it finished they said they
were tired and went back to their rooms to rest.
Xie Xi still felt somewhat awkward. He went to the study to deal with the work he had
pushed to the side today. An hour later, there was a knock on the door.
Xie Xi put down the work at hand and cried out, “Come in.”
The person who came was J. Xie Xi wasn’t surprised. He guessed this person would have
something to say.
The two people sat down and J got straight to the point. “What is going on with them?”
Xie Xi spoke the truth. Not one word was a lie and he made the ins and outs clear.
J slightly frowned. “I didn’t expect them to be emotional.”
Xie Xi told him, “I didn’t know either.”
J gazed at him. “Why did you choose Jiang Xie as a partner?”
Xie Xi, “……”
“He looks exactly the same as me.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare say, ‘I saw you in him.’ He was afraid he couldn’t coax this person and
things would blow up. He could only reply vaguely, “…We just met.”
J didn’t force him and spoke warmly, “It’s fine, I know you have forgotten.” Then he took Xie
Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi didn’t pull away, even if he was a bit dismayed at the moment and he got
Sure enough… they had gone back to their rooms early for a so-called rest in order to avoid
each other and find Xie Xi for a private chat.
J was first and second was Big Jiang.
Big Jiang was the deadliest one because he did a lot of Xie Xi’s work and he had permission
to enter the study. He came directly in while saying, “Xiao Xie, take a break and drink
He hadn’t finished his words when he saw the two people sitting on the sofa while holding
Xie Xi felt that it was now too late to pull away and in any case, it was just a pair of hands.
Big Jiang was really stable. He saw such a scene yet he could still be calm. “I thought there
was no one else here and came in. Sorry to bother you.”
J held the other person’s hand more tightly and wondered, “Mr. Jiang, weren’t you resting?”
“Mr. J doesn’t seem to be resting either.”
J smiled. “Xiao Xie didn’t sleep so I couldn’t feel reassured.”
This intimate term was tantamount to a declaration of war!
Big Jiang raised his eyebrows. “He followed me since the age of 13. I never knew he was
friendly with an emotional painter.”
The smell of gunpowder couldn’t be hidden anymore! The miraculous thing was that Xie Xi
was in the centre of the storm and was safe.
J gazed gently at Xie Xi. “We aren’t very familiar in this cycle but in our first reincarnation,
we were partners for a lifetime.”
Big Jiang’s eyes sunk as the colour deepened.”
“Oh.” J added like he remembered something. “Many of the works in the presidential palace
were created when Xiao Xie was by my side.”
Big Jiang’s lips slightly raised. “Going into reincarnation is starting a new life. Mr. J, why use
the long forgotten past to disturb his new life?”
J smiled and didn’t say anything.
Big Jiang didn’t think a rational could know love and added, “Not to mention that you are an
emotional. How can you stay together with a rational?” It was just living together, who
hadn’t done that?”
J had been waiting for this sentence and slowly spoke, “If two people are in love, aren’t they
Big Jiang’s pupils shrank when he heard this.
J stared at Big Jiang in a certain manner. “In the first round, Xie Xi loved me.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 188

Collapsed God 22

On the surface, Xie Xi maintained the dignity and stability of a rationality while scolding in
his heart, ‘Don’t talk nonsense! Don’t you know that great wealth comes from silence!’
J definitely didn’t understand. This beautiful love, it naturally had to be announced to the
Fortunately, Big Jiang didn’t believe it and spoke calmly. “Impossible, he is a pure rational.”
By all accounts, J could stop and not irritate this ex-partner anymore. However, this bad
love rival had to be slapped to death.
J told him, “Unfortunately, you can’t see his first round memories.”
Xie Xi, “!” Could this person speak less!
Holmes suddenly remembered the question Xie Xi asked him when he came back. ‘Have
you seen my first round memories?’
At the time, he had asked if Xie Xi had gone to see the memories of the first round.
Xie Xi had nodded and said he saw it.
At the time, Big Jiang hadn’t thought too much. After all, they were the memories of a
rational and there would be nothing but tedious laws and regulations.
Now he heard J’s words and his heart was unstable. No… Impossible, how could a rational
understand love?
How could they be called rational if they felt love? He knew Xie Xi for a long time and was
certain about Xie Xi’s gender. If Xie Xi was an emotional, how could they reach the situation
today? It was true that Jiang Xie pretended to be rational but he gave infinite love and care.
Wouldn’t he feel it if Xie Xi was an emotional?
It was impossible, absolutely impossible. His heart had been certain but now he felt a lot of
doubts. After all, J didn’t look like he was speaking randomly.
At this time, a youthful voice came from the door. “You… what are you talking about?”
Xie Xi turned and saw Little Jiang standing in a stunned manner by the door.
Um… Xie Xi screamed at J in his heart.
He knew that Big Jiang had deliberately not closed it. He must’ve expected that Little Jiang
would come and left the door open to create a pit.
Of course, he didn’t expect for someone to already be inside. He was hit in the heart and
now had to worry about Little Jiang.
Xie Xi wasn’t too big of a scum. Since they wanted to know old facts, how about he reveal it
to all of them?
In any case, he wouldn’t be scum in the depths of souls’ hearts. The will of the soul was the
will of the world. Even the will of the world was by his side so how could he be afraid? He
was no longer the newcomer who kept dying in a dead end because of love!
Xie Xi shut up and silently watched. As long as these three didn’t kill each other, everything
could be easily said.
Little Jiang wasn’t stupid. He had only listened to half the conversation but he saw that J
and Xie Xi were holding hands.
He asked, “Mr. J, the person you have never forgotten…”
J confessed, “It is Xie Xi.”
Little Jiang was stunned. He didn’t expect these two to have such a relationship.
Big Jiang gazed at Xie Xi and asked, “Can I see the memories of your first round?”
His serious eyes and serious expression that gave him a dignified appearance made Xie Xi’s
heart thump.
Xie Xi didn’t mind…
J said, “Don’t look at it.” These words emerged from his mouth but in fact, he couldn’t wait
for them to watch it 100 times in a row. This way, they would completely die and got out of
the way early, staying further away from his Xie Xi!
Big Jiang and Little Jiang stared at him before Big Jiang stated, “Don’t deceive yourself.”
J really wasn’t afraid and smiled. “These are Xie Xi’s memories. I have no right to interfere if
he wants to show it.”
Xie Xi thought it and felt he couldn’t proceed with the task if he didn’t disclose the
memories of the first round.
At this time, Li Su sent a message. “Mr. President, everyone has gathered. Will you leave
Xie Xi, “…” How could he start? If he didn’t calm down their emotions then they would be
setting off to die!
“There is no hurry. We have to adjust their physical state.” In fact, it was their state of mind
but he couldn’t stay this.
Li Su didn’t doubt him. “Yes, Mr. President considered it well.”
The president was very worried and felt it was unreliable to hand over such a big matter
involving the billions of lives in the United States to these love brains!
“Wait for my news,” Xie Xi responded to his secretary.
Then he told Big Jiang, “You are the hero who will save the United States and I promised to
give you what you want.”
They were absolutely rational words. In front of this group of love brains, he also worried
about the universe! Big Jiang glanced at J, as if to say, ‘See, this is a rational.’
J spoke up. “Let’s go together. I want to see as well.”
Xie Xi asked the little one, “Do you also want to see?”
The teenager was impulsive. He licked his lips and asked, “Do you really, really know love?”
Xie Xi was familiar with this troubled appearance. “I don’t know.”
J said, “This isn’t a question he can give an answer to. Don’t bother him.”
Little Jiang looked down and didn’t ask again. Instead, he replied, “I also want to see.”
Xie Xi treated them as the same person. “Yes.”
In fact, Xie Xi also wanted to see him. The memories he had watched before were from Jiang
Xie’s perspective and were relatively one-sided.
Of course, even Xie Xi’s perspective would be supplemented by Jiang Xie’s brain. It might be
very one-sided but the angles were different and some emotions should be different.
Xie Xi opened up his memories which surprisingly became from when he was a child, not
when he was Chief Justice.
There wasn’t a technology that could extract in stages but after years of research, the
experience gained made all extractions more complete. The awareness of many Chief
Justices sprouted when they were young.
Xie Xi said, “The time is tight and I will use multiple speeds.” This wasn’t difficult. He had a
high-level physique and mind. A lifetime of 200 years could be finished in seven or eight
The three of them nodded. “Okay.”
Xie Xi added, “It’s starting.”
Then no one spoke. Xie Xi was quite interested when he saw his young self. He didn’t
remember what he was like as a child and Jiang Xie didn’t know either. This was probably
Jiang Xie’s imagination.
Black hair, black eyes and white and tender skin. He wore a light blue uniform and stood up
The memories of this ignorant period were fine and there was nothing special. It wasn’t
until the age of 14 or 15, when puberty occurred, that Xie Xi had the tragic experience of
being treated coldly by the same gender.
He was a rational, a pure rational without any disguises. Despite this, he wasn’t quite the
same as other rational people. It wasn’t obvious in childhood but started to show up in
The United States stipulated that minors, whether rational or emotional, can’t have an X
life. However, adolescent teenagers, especially rational ones, were less impulsive and didn’t
suppress their sexual desires.
It was normal for them to join with others and there was no reason to suppress it. They just
found another person who had the impulse, hit it off and solved the problem, like
cooperating to answer a maths question.
This was the huge difference in the brain structure of a rational and emotional. Yet Xie Xi
was different from them. He suppressed his impulses and rejected the people who asked
This behavior made him very strange and one after another, he was alienated. He was
excluded by everyone, whether they were rational or emotional.
Xie Xi was very strange, Xie Xi might have problems, Xie Xi wasn’t normal. These rumours
spread and Xie Xi was isolated.
This couldn’t be blamed on the rational teenagers. In a pool full of black swans, the only
white swan was destined to be squeezed out.
Being different—this always received unfair treatment during the most vulnerable age
Xie Xi was excluded by the rational people and couldn’t integrate with the emotional. It was
because he was too rational and he was a very obvious rational.
In order to protect themselves, it was impossible for emotional people to accept a rational
person, even if the rational person was somewhat strange. This strangeness also made him
worthless to the emotional people.
Thus, Xie Xi became more and more lonely.
He was admitted to the law department of the best university in the United States and
became a top student. It wasn’t long before he was also rejected by this new environment.
It was because of his ‘cleanliness.’ A rational person chose partners as well and they did it
in a more rational manner than emotional people.
An excellent person who was good in all aspects always received more invitations. The
more Xie Xi tried to excel, the more he pushed himself to be alone.
At this time, he attended the alumni gathering and met Jiang Xie. From Xie Xi’s point of
view, this was the only person who took the initiative to talk to him and didn’t want to
sleep with him.
Therefore, when Jiang Xie asked about his gender, Xie Xi was amazed he didn’t notice Xie
Xi’s rationality and couldn’t help saying he was an emotional person.
This moment played and Xie Xi clearly felt the stiffness of Big Jiang and Little Jiang.
It was fortunate that the film was playing too fast and there couldn’t be any distractions to
waste energy, or Xie Xi would suspect that these two people eating vinegar would beat up J.
After that, things progressed in almost the same way as Jiang Xie’s perspective. Three
months passed and Xie Xi confessed.
He thought this was the end but Jiang Xie told him, “It doesn’t matter what gender you are. I
love you… even if you don’t love me.”
Xie Xi saw this scene again and felt quite touched, especially since it was from his own point
of view.
Cough… this person was too handsome. The next step was being together.
At first, Big Jiang was still calm because Xie Xi’s performance was too rational. At most, J
was a bed companion and it was no different from when Xie Xi was with Big Jiang.
Gradually, he couldn’t calm down. Once the two people got married, Xie Xi became less and
less rational.
He was always beside Jiang Xie and gave up a lot of work for Jiang Xie. He even chose to
become the Chief Justice because of Jiang Xie. This was something that even J didn’t know.
At the time, Xie Xi was qualified to run for an important position in the cabinet but he gave
The Chief Justice was a position that sounded prestigious but had no real power. The Chief
Justice was often a person who didn’t think about future careers and used their lives to
revise the law.
Xie Xi becoming the Chief Justice meant he would be given boring code for the rest of his
life and would no longer participate in any political competitions. Still, he was willing to do
this for one reason. This occupation was out of the way and wasn’t too dangerous.
He could also follow Jiang Xie to different stars. He could explore the actual situations
occurring everywhere and put forward more practical suggestions to improve the law.
For a rational, work was the most important thing. They had never heard of a rational who
would put down work for something else.
Xie Xi didn’t understand love so he didn’t know when he fell in love with Jiang Xie. There
was no doubt and it wasn’t necessary to see the final memories to clearly understand.
Once J died, Xie Xi’s collapsed appearance stunned Big Jiang and Little Jiang. Was this the
appearance of someone who didn’t understand love? Was this a rational who didn’t know
love? No… this person understood love more than most emotional people…
J died and Xie Xi lived alone for three years. They watched him wake up lost in the morning,
watched him eat in a dazed manner and watched him huddle in the quilt in the choking
All their hearts were smashed. Xie Xi closed his eyes when J died and he couldn’t look.
Otherwise, he would have a sore nose and red eyes. Then how could he pretend to be
Unfortunately, he could still hear despite closing his eyes. He could only think about the
nonsense Jiang Xie always spoke that made Xie Xi angry at him.
The two differences offset each other and neutralized the sadness. Once it was over, Xie Xi
quickly opened his eyes. He looked normal, like he was just thinking.
After watching these memories, the sky was already bright.
he few people who hadn’t slept for a night weren’t tired, but both Big Jiang and Little Jiang
were somewhat lost. Xie Xi’s heart beat like a drum and he was afraid of what they were
Obviously, Big Jiang was the more frustrated and daring one. He asked, “Can I… look at the
memories you erased in this round?”
They were the memories of Xie Xi and Big Jiang together. Due to the president’s special
identity, the memories would be retained for a certain period of time after being erased.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 189

Collapsed God 23

Xie Xi was confused by Big Jiang’s request at first but he soon understood.
The premise of the movie ‘Disguise’ was that Xie Xi was a rational who didn’t understand
love. The plot unfolded around this, showing how miserable the emotional disguised as a
rational was.
Then the memories of Xie Xi’s first round shook Jiang Xie’s locked string. If Xie Xi was a
different type of rational who knew how to love…
Xie Xi could speculate on another interpretation of the movie’s plot without looking at his
own memories.
This was called Schrodinger’s love.
The soul thought that Xie Xi knew love and loved him or the soul thought that Xie Xi didn’t
know love and didn’t love him.
In any case, the souls were the bigshots of this quasi-world and what they said was what
Xie Xi pretended not to understand. “Why look at the erased memories?”
Big Jiang’s voice was light as he hid the strings in his heart. “I want to see.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.” The memories of the president were important pieces of intelligence
but in the face of the collapsing universe, there were no secrets.
Jiang Xie requested this and Xie Xi would satisfy him. These were Xie Xi’s memories and the
other two also wanted to see. Xie Xi was curious as well.
He contacted Li Su because Li Su was responsible for the memory storage. Li Su heard Xie
Xi’s words and was shocked. Of course, this was the president’s order and he had to
unconditionally comply.
Xie Xi considered that the memories had many bed scenes and took the play button. He
quickly skipped these scenes otherwise… watching it together with the four people would
be too embarrassing!
His memory capacity was much larger than Xie Xi thought and there were more trivial
things. This was a selective erasure. It was like movie clips that were cut off instead of
showing the entire thing.
The first memory was when Xie Xi was 14 years old and met Jiang Xie for the first time.
The man in the military uniform was full of a heroic air and the shining badge on his
shoulder was the supreme glory of every soldier.
Xie Xi was stunned when he saw this person and then the man turned around. The dark
grey eyes that were like an empty void instantly shrank, showing a bit of starburst.
Xie Xi saluted and the man smiled. “Train well.”
The teenager stood upright and his voice was very powerful. “Yes!”
Next, Xie Xi was transferred to Jiang Xie’s side and became his guard. The 15 year old boy
was in his most youthful and tender time, his white face full of excitement and anticipation.
He met his senior, who told him, “This isn’t the outside and you can’t mess around.”
Xie Xi replied. “I know, the colonel is notoriously strict in the army!”
“You shouldn’t underestimate the word strict. One of the most important rules here is that
sex is prohibited.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “Eh?”
His senior had long been used to the expression of newcomers and explained calmly, “The
colonel thinks that sex will empty out the body’s energy and it is forbidden to engage in
such behaviour during the march. Of course, no one will manage it during the off-season.”
“it turned out to be like this.”
The senior added, “I know that people your age have impulses. If you can’t help it then
apply for a transfer. Don’t engage in any mischief in the Fourth Army, understood?”
Xie Xi saluted. “Understood!”
The moment his senior left, Xie Xi’s eyes curved and he muttered, “Great!”
The army unit he had previously stayed in was too messy and the dormitory was so
annoying that he couldn’t sleep well. He didn’t like to freely vent his desires. In this place,
nobody would invite him and he didn’t have to refuse others. It was too suitable for him!
Xie Xi was very grateful to the colonel, thinking this person was really rational and far-
There were many trivial memories afterwards, such as Xie Xi falling from a high altitude
during training and Jiang Xie catching him. In addition, Xie Xi went to the cafeteria to eat
and met Jiang Xie. There was also an incident where Xie Xi took a shower and Jiang Xie
All of these intermittent encounters were cut into sections, as if he only carefully
eliminated Jiang Xie’s memories.
Next up was a whole piece of a big memory.
By the time Xie Xi reached adulthood, the Fourth Army’s battle against the Morita Star also
ended. Once the army returned, Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “What are your plans after going
Xie Xi really didn’t know.
Jiang Xie smiled and wondered, “Don’t you want to find a partner?”
Xie Xi was getting older and he replied, “I’ve thought of it.”
Jiang Xie joked, “Are you looking for an emotional?”
This was a joke in the Fourth Army. Under normal circumstances, a rational definitely
wouldn’t look for an emotional but the Fourth Army was special. The group of rational
people had forbidden desires banned and someone cried out, “ I am now an emotional.
Please call me an emotional when we get back.”
Thus, the meaning of ‘finding an emotional’ in the Fourth Army meant finding a companion.
Xie Xi had a ghost in his heart and after hearing this, he inexplicably felt guilty. He didn’t
understand it so he replied seriously, “Finding an emotional is too troublesome. A rational
should find a rational.”
Jiang Xie’s smile became smaller and he continued the topic. “Are you looking for a partner
to solve physical problems?”
“What else?” These were the words of a rational and even the tone was the sound.
Who knew that Jiang Xie would actually say, “Let’s be together.”
Xie Xi was stunned for a long time before finally finding his voice. “You are my boss…”
Jiang Xie raised an eyebrow. “Do you think I am old?”
Xie Xi hurriedly shook his head. “How can that be, it’s just…” They didn’t match.
Jiang Xie touched his soft, short hair. “Don’t worry, I won’t bother you.”
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he calmed down.
Yes, his boss was a rational and Xie Xi was also a rational. A rational and rational got
together when they were pleasing to the eyes and separated when the other person wasn’t
pleasing. How could there be any scruples?
Xie Xi smiled. “Please advise me more in the future.”
The moment he finished speaking, Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed him. It was tentative
but it quickly became a stormy kiss. Xie Xi had never kissed anyone before. He was so
nervous that his heart jumped and he didn’t know to close his eyes.
Jiang Xie’s low laugh entered his ears. “Is this your first time?”
Xie Xi, “……”
Jiang Xie seemed to remember something. “Ah, you followed me since you were 15 years
Xie Xi whispered in his heart, ‘No, I met you when I was 14 years old.’
This rational and rational being together, Xie Xi pinched himself. In fact, up to here, Big
Jiang was already standing like a stone statue, a motional figure with eyes that were out of
The next scenes echoed the plot of the movie. In the movie, the rational Xie Xi passed
through the fresh period and gradually drifted away from the emotional, making the
emotion Jiang Xie painful and sad.
However, Xie Xi’s memories contained another scene.
After two years of being together, the rational Xie Xi suddenly awakened thanks to a joke
from his colleagues. “Aren’t you being too sticky to the general? How come you aren’t
giving him space? We are rational, not emotional. Isn’t it tiring being together every day?”
Xie Xi was frozen.
Someone said, “I always feel that you are weird.”
Xie Xi was woken up. The word ‘weird’ was the thing Xie Xi was most reluctant to hear.
Before joining the Fourth Army, Xie Xi was often told by other rationals that he was weird.
Xie Xi also felt that he was weird but since joining the abstinent Fourth Army, he was no
longer weird.
Now the battle was over, they would return to the Capital Star and start to serve in the
government. There was no sex while marching and he was an ordinary rational. Then he
was once again called weird and he even got his boss involved.
Xie Xi reflected on it for an afternoon and decided to restrain himself. He couldn’t follow
Jiang Xie everywhere, he couldn’t go home together every day and he couldn’t stay with
Jiang Xie all the time…
He had to maintain his distance and give the other person enough space, putting work first
just like all rational people.
Correct! Work was the most important thing!
Xie Xi’s sighed and he felt that it was fortunate he had found it in a timely manner, allowing
him to pull back from the brink!
However, in the eyes of the emotional Jiang Xie, he became a young rational person who
finally passed through the fresh period and was tired.
This rational method of getting along lasted two months before Jiang Xie proposed to break
Xie Xi was startled before making a relaxed expression.
A rational and rational were like this. They suddenly got together and their separation was
also sudden. He was a rational and could understand.
Jiang Xie told him, “You don’t have to worry. Your future won’t be affected by our breakup.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Ah, rational should really be with other rational.”
In addition, a person like him shouldn’t be with anyone. Jiang Xie’s face was calm as he
asked casually, “Are you going to find another rational?”
“Probably not.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Why?”
“How to say it?” Xie Xi tried to find an answer in his confused mind before finally finding it.
“For a rational, it is enough to have the work.”
Yes, a rational most needed work. It was enough to have work and things like a partner, sex
and love were irrelevant.
They broke up and Xie Xi placed up his focus into his job. This section was reflected in the
movie. They broke up and Jiang Xie could no longer stand to see this person. He was
promoted to Minister of Defense and left this place.
After knowing that Jiang Xie would leave, Xie Xi spent the whole day sitting at his desk. He
worked like a machine, numb and inorganic…
During this period, some people came to give invitations to Xie Xi and Xie Xi refused. At
first, people thought that Xie Xi didn’t want a partner right after breaking up but eventually,
they found that Xie Xi was ‘weird.’
He was isolated again. Xie Xi was a bit dazed and didn’t understand. Jiang Xie also banned
desires but why wasn’t he isolated like Xie Xi? It was… Jiang Xie stood at the top and the top
never had a partner. Thus, he wasn’t afraid of loneliness.
This inexplicably gave the chaotic Xie Xi motivation. He had to work hard and stand at the
highest peak. Then he didn’t need to be afraid of being isolated.
Thanks to Xie Xi’s efforts and the fact that he had once worked under Jiang Xie, he was
assigned to the Ministry of Defense and became Jiang Xie’s assistant.
They saw each other again and Xie Xi had indescribable joy in his heart. He stood upright
and saluted this person. “Mr. Minister, I am happy to help you!”
Jiang Xie was startled before smiling with reluctant and helplessness. “Welcome.”
These places in the movie were all from Jiang Xie’s perspective. He looked at Xie Xi,
acknowledged Xie Xi’s excellence, enthusiasm for work, rationality and recognized that
they were different genders.
Looking at this passage from Xie Xi’s memory, they could see how happy Xie Xi was. He was
back at Jiang Xie’s side as his subordinate and the isolated feeling instantly disappeared.
There was the role model in Jiang Xie and Xie Xi wasn’t ‘weird.’ This strengthened Xie Xi’s
efforts to advance. He couldn’t lazily rely on Jiang Xie. He wanted to stand on his own so he
wouldn’t be isolated.
After a period of time, the drunk incident occurred. Jiang Xie was drunk and as his
assistant, Xie Xi naturally received the task of sending him home.
They had bought new apartments after splitting up. Their previous home was sold by Jiang
Xie and the money rationally divided. Xie Xi’s spending was very small and the money had
been placed in his account, untouched. Of course, in the movie, Jiang Xie didn’t sell the
house but he didn’t dare live there.
Xie Xi helped the drunk Jiang Xie to bed and was about to get up to leave. Then Jiang Xie
grabbed his wrist.
Xie Xi turned and gazed at him nervously. Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi over and pressed Xie Xi
under his body.
Then the broadcast was skipped.
Once he woke up the next day, Xie Xi was a bit upset and also a bit happy. He would be very
happy if they could continue to be together.
This time, he would act perfectly as a partner, not stick to this person too much and respect
his personal space…
Xie Xi took a shower and thought a lot. He demonstrated to himself back and forth before
finally acting well.
By the time he came out, Jiang Xie had already woken up. Xie Xi smiled and asked, “Do you
want to be with me?”
The hungover Jiang Xie was somewhat confused but flames soon burned in his eyes.
This gave Xie Xi courage. He knew Jiang Xie’s expression. Whenever Jiang Xie was like this,
he always… always…
Xie Xi took a deep breath and wrapped an arm around his Jiang Xie’s neck, asking, “I was
very happy last night. Shall we be together for a while?”
Suddenly, the flames in Jiang Xie’s eyes were extinguished. The silver grey became cold and
Xie Xi saw it.
Jiang Xi expressed a hand to his temple and replied, “No.”
Xie Xi’s thin lips trembled lightly. “Why? I thought you were very interested last night.”
Jiang Xie told him, “I am very busy lately and don’t have time to do these things.”
“Oh.” Xie Xi remembered. “The campaign is about to begin. I wish you a great victory.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 190

Collapsed God 24

Next, there were two memories which made people feel pain.
Xie Xi left Jiang Xie and walked back alone to the Ministry of Defense building. It was a 30
minute journey using an aircraft. He walked for seven hours and by the time he arrived, his
whole body was frozen.
The doorman guard was a bit surprised. “Assistant Xie, you…”
Xie Xi entered the warm building but he only felt a biting cold.
“I’m fine,” he replied softly before returning to his office. He worked overtime to finish the
work he had delayed and stayed even when the rational working overtime went home to
Xie Xi didn’t go home. He lay on the table and took a nap. His body shrank back in his sleep
and it was unknown what he was dreaming as tears fell quietly from the corners of his
Big Jiang saw this and his body swayed uncontrollably. J gritted his teeth and Little Jiang
clenched his fists.
If the memories weren’t still continuing, Xie Xi would be surprised if these two killed Big
The last memory was after Jiang Xie left. This was something that wasn’t in the movie.
Xie Xi became president and Jiang Xie had been away for a long time. However, due to the
collapse of the universe, the United States needed his help.
Xie Xi tried to contact this person but once Jiang Xie answered, his emotions that had been
crushed by countless work surged up. He couldn’t say a word and he could only transfer
the call to Li Su.
Jiang Xie heard Li Su’s voice and was slightly startled. “What about Xie Xi?”
Li Su didn’t dare say that the president had suddenly transferred the call to him and had to
find an excuse. “The president is working…”
Jiang Xie was stunned and his voice was faint. “You are using his channel to contact me?”
Li Su hadn’t done this but he couldn’t dismantle Xie Xi. He could only shoulder the blame.
Jiang Xie didn’t hesitate to cut off the connection.
Li Su, “…”
Xie Xi listened to all of this and was numb. “Keep contacting him with my channel later on.”
“But Mr. Jiang doesn’t want…”
Xie Xi told him, “I am very busy.”
Li Su could only reply, “Okay.”
The moment he was about to leave, Xie Xi suddenly whispered, “Help me prepare the
Li Su was surprised. “Mr. President, do you want to erase your memories?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay.”
Li Su thought about it and said, “Don’t we need to hold a cabinet meeting?” This wasn’t a
trivial meaning.
“No, they are just some personal memories.” Xie Xi spoke in a hoarse voice. He couldn’t
bear these memories and didn’t want to think of this man again.
Emotions were a virus for a reason. Even if he worked hard, even if he reached such a
supreme position, even if no one looked at him strangely… even… even…
It was useless. He had never been happy since leaving Jiang Xie.
Looking at the presidential palace where Jiang Xie once lived, drinking his favourite black
tea, looking through the documents he had reviewed and carrying out his development
path for the United States…
All of this caused Xie Xi to feel endless loneliness. Why would he do that? Why wasn’t he a
pure rational? Xie Xi couldn’t find the answer and chose to erase all of it.
The memories came to an abrupt end. There was no doubt that Xie Xi was in love with Jiang
Xie. He didn’t know when he fell in love and only knew how to work hard.
The one time that could salvage things was rejected. Xie Xi carried the shackles of a rational
person while suffering from emotional pain. Finally, he chose to forget.
He had a vague guess but after seeing this, Big Jiang was remorseful and couldn’t wait to
kill himself!
What did he do? What did he take for granted? He kept saying that he loved Xie Xi yet he
gave Xie Xi such despair and pain. He…
J raised his hand to punch Big Jiang. “You bastard!”
Little Jiang was also angry. Xie Xi saw that they really wanted to fight and hurriedly
stopped them.
J blew up. “He hurt you like that, he…”
The person he took care of for over 200 years was bullied by this bastard. J hated Big Jiang
when he thought about it.
Xie Xi told him, “He didn’t know.”
In this environment, the odds of a rational understanding love might be similar to a stone
on Earth understanding love. This was a rare thing that could only be seen in textbooks and
Jiang Xie glanced at Xie Xi, who was protecting him, and spoke in a hoarse voice, “I’m sorry.”
Xie Xi heard his voice and his heart was filled with pain. He didn’t blame this person at all,
let alone hate him.
The so-called memories were all thought out by Jiang Xie. Xie Xi had never experienced it
and wouldn’t experience such a thing.
He wasn’t rational or emotional. He couldn’t be determined by any framework. There
wouldn’t be such a thing between him and Jiang Xie. It would never happen.
Unfortunately, the souls in front of him didn’t know this.
Xie Xi turned his head and saw Jiang Xie give a light cough, blood spilling from his mouth.
He hurriedly jumped forward and helped this person.
Jiang Xie held his hand and Xie Xi asked anxiously, “How are you?”
J and Little Jiang watched with cold eyes, wishing this person would die like this! Jiang Xie
shook his head. “It’s nothing.”
Xie Xi frowned. “I’ll take you to rest.”
“Xiao Xie…”
Xie Xi could only say calmly, “I’m sorry but I forgot it.”
The implication was that even if he watched those memories, they didn’t resonate with
him. He had wiped them all away.
Jiang Xie was pale and his trembling lips lost colour.
Xie Xi didn’t want to poke Jiang Xie’s heart but there was no other way. In this situation, he
couldn’t do anything or the other two would also cough blood. How could he coax them? If
he didn’t coax them, what about the universe?
He knew the three of them were in love but he had a job to do! Fortunately, J and Little
Jiang didn’t stop them. Xie Xi sent Big Jiang back to the bedroom and settled him down to
By the time he came out, J and Little Jiang weren’t there. Xie Xi didn’t know where they had
gone. He could only silently pray that these two didn’t partner up to kill Big Jiang. Beating
yourself up was bad enough but killing yourself was terrible.
After all, death was death, even for Xie Xi.
There was something he needed to discuss with the cabinet. Xie Xi told the guard captain to
look after these three dangerous people and went out with Li Su. He was too busy to eat
dinner with them.
Xie Xi sat on the aircraft in a tired manner and asked about the situation in the presidential
Li Su replied, “Mr. Jiang, Mr. J and the young master met at dinner.”
Xie Xi raised an eyebrow. “Did anything happen?”
Li Su was very rational and wasn’t curious. “Nothing, it was very calm as they chatted to
each other.”
Xie Xi’s heart started drumming. “Pass on the video to me.”
The presidential palace was completely surveilled and everything they did was recorded.
Xie Xi saw the three Jiang Xies sitting in the dining room.
The three people were identical. They just had different ages and experiences so their
temperament wasn’t the same. Still, it was quite strange.
The staff of the presidential palace were all rational people. If there was a normal human
then they would definitely feel that the president had some strange collection fetish.
Xie Xi nervously watched the video, thinking he would hear the three people hate each
other. He didn’t expect for them to have a very sensible conversation.
J spoke first. “Don’t confuse him again. I’m sure that he is a special rational.”
Big Jiang had recuperated some strength. His eyebrows were still wrinkled but his colour
was better. “He understands. We all understand.”
Little Jiang was full of a bitter taste. He had previously told Big Jiang, “An emotional
pretending to be rational is the stupidest behaviour.” Now it was returned to him and Little
Jiang was bitter and unable to say a word.
J was relatively calm. He might want to kill Jiang Xie but he knew that if this man was dead,
the universe would collapse.
Once the universe collapsed, everything would be gone. He didn’t care previously but now
it was different. This was quite ironic and the United States owed a big thank you to Xie Xi.
Still, people were like this. The heart that was the size of a palm only had one person in it.
This person was the driving force behind everything they did.
J added, “Don’t let him get confused again. The most important thing right now is to get
through the storm.”
Jiang Xie’s voice was quiet. “This mission must be successful.”
Little Jiang sneered, “Once the mission is over, we will compete fairly.
After seeing this, Xie Xi couldn’t help muttering, “Little Jiang, this doesn’t seem fair to you.”
Then again, he thought it wasn’t necessarily the case. Little Jiang didn’t have a previous
background with Xie Xi because the soul was pulled away but this wasn’t necessarily a bad
thing. Xie Xi personally cooked for him and didn’t refuse his sleepwalking. Maybe he was a
real new beginning for Xie Xi who forgot everything.
This should be Little Jiang’s brain circuit.
The three men reconciled and even had three rules. After the mission was successful, they
weren’t allowed to trouble Xie Xi, stimulate Xie Xi or make Xie Xi confused.
Everything that followed had to be gradual. Once he liked someone, the other two must
voluntarily withdraw.
Xie Xi listened to these three people and felt a strange heartache. No matter how many
grievances they had or how unwilling they felt, they always put Xie Xi in first place.
No matter what mistakes were made, they thought the next step was to make Xie Xi happy.
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling as he patted Roast Pork Bun in his arms. The kitten was
sleeping and his little ears trembled.
Xie Xi poked his small head. “Get up and work.”
The kitten was confused and his beautiful eyes were dazed. Xie Xi told him, “I will use
Dreaming for a while.”
He would leave the world after completing the mission and was unwilling to leave the souls
with disappointment. Besides, they all reconciled and Xie Xi couldn’t bear to let them feel
This world was doomed to have an unhappy ending but happiness could be achieved in the
Giving each of them the desired ending could also give them motivation to find the Creator.
Under normal circumstances, Xie Xi wouldn’t dare to use Dreaming on three people with
SSS-grade physiques.
However, before the mission happened, they needed to enter the sleeping cabin to maintain
their bodies. In such a strong sleeping state, Dreaming could be attempted.
Xie Xi prepared everything and entered J’s dream first. As he thought, it worked!
Xie Xi was relieved but he wasn’t surprised that J would dream of him. After watching such
memories, it would be strange if he didn’t dream of Xie Xi.
What type of dream would it be?
Xie Xi opened his eyes and found himself enlisting in the army. Yes, the starting point was
very accurate in order to not let him meet Big Jiang.
There was a commotion in front of him. “Mr. J, you are an emotional and not suitable for
joining the army.”
J raised his eyebrows. “What is wrong with an emotional? You are just being sexist. The
United States had no rules about an emotional joining the army!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 191
Collapsed God 25

There really was no distinction about gender in the rules…

However, look at the whole United States. If they used a knife to force an emotional to join
the army, the emotional person couldn’t kill!
What was this thorny head? The army’s management tasted bitterness.
Who didn’t know that emotional loved freedom and were afraid of restraints? The
discipline in the army was strict and even harsh. How could an emotional stand it?
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry and watched Jiang Xie’s act.
The civil servant responsible for the registration said, “The environment in the military
camp is very bad. Training is from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. It is hard and boring and there is a lot of
repetitive training. It is very painful.”
J cried out, “Are you telling me an emotional can’t join the army?”
The civil servant muttered, “You can join the army as long as you are 13 years old and have
reached the A-grade…”
J was SSS-grade. He might be emotional but he could still beat the entire United States. J
replied, “Then I meet the standards.”
The civil servant was really sincere for his own good. “However, in the training camp, you
can’t leave for a year, your food, drinks and sleep are all according to standards. You can’t
have any ideas of your own and there are only rational people in the training camp. You…”
J raised an eyebrow. “Are you a sexist?”
This was a felony and the frightened civil servant shook his head. “I’m not! Don’t talk
Xie Xi found it funny. This was Jiang Xie and the average person wasn’t his opponent.
Ignoring the fact that no emotional had ever joined the army, Jiang Xie gathered enough
eyes and successfully signed up!
In the whole process, Xie Xi had no words and watched this person self-direct the play.
They entered the training camp and the allocation of dormitories was another problem.
This might be a high-tech society but the environment in the army was very bad. This was
mainly to train the soldiers’ self-care ability.
The main battlefield these days were outer planets. On some undeveloped planets, forget
technology, there wasn’t even a basic civilization. The environment was extremely harsh
and if soldiers adapted to a high-tech life, they would depend on their limited equipment on
barren planets and caused major accidents.
Therefore, the conditions in the training camp were very ordinary and weren’t much better
than the Earth age.
One dormitory was for eight people, each person to a capsule bed. It was being squeezed in
a variety of senses. They were all rational and no one said anything when sneaking into
another capsule bed.
Now they were mixed with an emotional. What should they do? Assign an emotional
together with rational people? It didn’t matter to rational people but what about the
emotional? What would they do if the emotional person because fascinated by a rational?
In particular, such a young age was filled with rational people who indulged in their
impulses. This was too tempting and dangerous for an emotional! Inducing en emotional to
like a rational meant they would be accused by the whole United States for going against
ethics and morality. It was insane!
Therefore, three emotional people liking the rational Xie Xi was really ‘moral decay’ and
‘insane’ to the extreme!
Xie Xi who had no expression, ‘Don’t push the blame on me.’
After worrying about it, the training camp had to empty a room to specifically
accommodate this emotional.
This way, Jiang Xie got his own luxury single room. Xie Xi didn’t understand the meaning of
this at first until he heard the emotional whispering about the rational and suddenly
Jiang Xie acting in such a big manner was actually protecting Xie Xi. J became the most eye-
catching person and the only topic of conversation, the most ostracized one.
In this way, Xie Xi’s little strangeness seemed normal. J subconsciously remembered Xie
Xi’s isolation so he dreamt about joining the army and protecting Xie Xi from the beginning.
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling as warm syrup dripped in his heart.
The even more interesting thing was that due to the emotional J, the troops ordered the
rational people, “Don’t mess around, don’t have an X life!” This was already forbidden but
after all, they were underage. It was like putting a ban on middle school students. It was
really difficult to put an end to indulging in these impulses.
The same was true for the army. There were requirements but considering the nature of
emotional people, these requirements weren’t too strict.
It was different now. There was a real emotional person present and they had to purify the
As a result, Xie Xi’s days became more comfortable. He wasn’t treated as different, even if
he didn’t enter Big Jiang’s Fourth Army.
This was Jiang Xie’s good intentions but Xie Xi thought of his nonsense and couldn’t help
laughing. He was enjoying it but this man really didn’t know how to be low-key!
The next days were ordinary and the dream moved quickly. He could see that someone was
trying to hook him.
Xie Xi had long adapted to this shift in the dreams.
The fast forwarding stopped and Xie Xi was standing at the penalty station. He didn’t know
what mistakes he made and perhaps the dreamer didn’t think of it. After all, J was an artist
and didn’t know the specific situation of the army. Xie Xi was punished and had to stand
until 10 o’clock in the evening.
He stood for so long that his legs were sore and he was very hungry. He went to the
cafeteria to check but there was naturally no food to eat. Xie Xi didn’t panic at all. He didn’t
believe that a certain someone wouldn’t come out.
Sure enough, Jiang Xie made an appearance. “You are eating so late?”
The ‘weak Xie Xi explained, “I was punished to stand for five hours.”
Jiang Xie was surprised. “What did you do wrong.”
Xie Xi glared at this person in his heart. Who knew what mistake Jiang Xie had him do!
Jiang Xie muttered, “Surely you didn’t mess with people…”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie smiled. “I’m just joking. I heard that you are very rational.”
The young boy Jiang Xie smiled like this and Xie Xi didn’t dare look. He replied, “Not all
rational are like that.”
Jiang Xie was slightly surprised and asked curiously, “Not all rational are the same?”
Xie Xi resented his words. “You are being sexist.”
The stunned Jiang Xie laughed. “You are very different.”
This good old-fashioned love story, the old man who talked about N times of love thought
too much.
After this was a logical development as Jiang Xie split his hidden dinner with Xie Xi. Xie Xi
was really hungry and gobbled up the food.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Slow down and be careful not to choke.”
As the dream master, he had the magical skill to make his words come true. So…
Xie Xi choked on something and coughed in a terrible manner.
Jiang Xie hurriedly patted him on the back. “What is your hurry? No one will rob you and if
you are hungry then I will give you food.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘Speak less and go back. I am so hungry I can eat all your food tomorrow!
Fortunately, Jiang Xie was afraid that Xie Xi would be uncomfortable. Thus, Xie Xi might be
coughing fiercely but his discomfort was just a bit of hunger. Jiang Xie hastily pushed his
share of the food to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi shook his head. “How can I do this?”
“I ate a lot at noon. You can eat it.”
“If you are hungry then you won’t sleep well at night.”
Jiang Xie said with a smile, “Yes, you won’t grow taller if you don’t sleep well.”
Xie Xi who was shorter than him, “…” Who felt bad about this person? He would eat!
Xie Xi accidentally ate a lot more. Oh, this much be Jiang Xie’s intention. If he ate too much
then they could take a walk together.
Jiang Xie laughed at him. “Look at you. You are until you are bursting.”
Xie Xi, “…” Shut up!
“Just on the basis of eating, you really are a different type of rational.”
Yes, a rational was restrained and calculated. They would never eat to the point of bursting.
Xie Xi wasn’t a rational but he didn’t eat to the point of bursting. It was just that Jiang Xie
wanted this so he would…
Well, it was Jiang Xie’s dream and he should be happy. Let him do what he wanted!
Xie Xi stated, “I am a rational.”
The implication was that even if he was different, he was still rational. This person should
wake up.
It was too bad he was talking to the dreamer. Jiang Xie just smiled at him. “In any case, you
are very interesting. Let’s go, I will accompany you to walk off the food.”
“No, I will go to the training ground myself and walk around one lap.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Isn’t it boring by yourself?’
Xie Xi was just being polite. In fact, he would definitely be going with this person.
Jiang Xie blinked and then spoke, “In addition, it is dark and what will you do if there is a
Xie Xi really wanted to say, ‘Young man, I am the biggest ghost in your dream!’
Later, they naturally walked together. Xie Xi looked disgusted but his heart was happy.
Under the starlight and in the thin breeze, the two people walked together in a leisurely
and relaxed manner. Unfortunately, they couldn’t hold hands. Well, it was their first day
meeting and Xie Xi was still a rational. He had to be reserved!
The two of them walked around and round until Jiang Xie unwillingly asked, “How about it?
Is the food digested?”
Xie Xi thought, ‘What digestion? If this wasn’t your dream then my legs would be broken!’
Xie Xi told him, “I’m going back.”
Xie Xi smiled at him before laying. “Goodbye.”
The 13 year old J stayed in place, stupidly standing until the morning.
Then the emotional J started acting like a fancy and high-maintenance demon again. He
went to the logistics department and asked, “Why does everyone have roommates and I
The logistics minister’s face was dark. ‘Little brother, you really don’t know why? We are
protecting you!’
J questioned, “Do you think that emotional people only have love on ht e brain? Is my head
only full of love?”
Xie Xi, who accidentally heard this, thought to himself, ‘It isn’t?’ The logistics minister was
afraid to say this.
J sacrificed his amulet. “You are sexist!”
The logistics minister quickly wondered, “What do you want?” He was afraid of this person.
“I want a roommate.”
The logistics minister smiled. “You are the only emotional person here.” How could they
find him a roommate of the same gender?
J wondered, “Does the law stipulate that an emotional can’t be roommates with a rational?”
How could the law stipulate such a thing? Finally, under J’s ‘rights protection campaign’, the
logistics department agreed to pick a rational as a roommate.
The method was a no-brainer. J was hard for a rational and the rational people would also
be noisy. The fair method was to pick a name. Xie Xi was naturally drawn.
J looked surprised. “What a good coincidence.”
Xie Xi also looked surprised while scolding him, ‘What damn coincidence? If this isn’t your
dream, could you pick me when you are so unlucky?’
In any case, J dreamt very well. “Please advise me in the future.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Please advise me.”
They lived together and Xie Xi’s reputation in the training camp improved. The rationals
felt that his sacrifice was huge and were sympathetic to him. Thus, they became kinder to
What Xie Xi felt wasn’t the goodwill of the rationals but the car derived from Jiang Xie’s
inner heart. He wanted Xie Xi to be happy and hoped to make him happy in every way, at
any time and under any circumstances.
Xie Xi had to remind himself, ‘I’m here to coax this person, not be coaxed by him.’
The moment the training period was over, they had to join the army and enter the real
In reality, Xie Xi chose the Fourth Army. Here… Jiang Xie suggested, “Let’s leave the army.”
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised but had to ask, “Why?”
Jiang Xie explained, “It is fine in the training camp but if I really go to the army, I am afraid
of causing trouble.” Jiang Xie’s ability was sufficient but the gender issue would lead to
communication obstacles. The army required unity, not individual power. Jiang Xie had the
self-knowledge that this wasn’t possible.
Xie Xi pretended to hesitate.
Jiang Xie told him, “We can do a lot when we leave the army.”
Xie Xi looked up at him. “Why is it ‘we’?”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “Why can’t it be us?”
“I am rational.”
Jiang Xie corrected him. “You are Xie Xi.”
Who cared about a rational who wasn’t rational or an emotional who wasn’t emotional?
The only thing he saw was the person in front of him. No matter what, he didn’t want to let
this person go.
Xie Xi whispered, “But…”
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi into his arms and spoke softly, “You might find this incredible but we
were loved in our first round. You were rational and I was emotional but we were together
for more than 200 years. In the end, I entered reincarnation and you didn’t want me to
leave you or forget you…”
Xie Xi thought of this memory and the tip of his nose became sour.
Jiang Xie made a warm promise. “…I didn’t leave you or forget you.”
Xie Xi had endured it for a while and finally couldn’t help it. Who could bear this?
Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi’s lips tremble and his heart was moved. “Do you like me?”
They had spent a year together in the training camp. Xie Xi gazed at him and whispered, “I
don’t want to leave you.”
Jiang Xie hugged him hard, restrained but also uncontrollable. They retired and returned to
the Capital Star. Once they were adults, Xie Xi saw a message.
—The commander of the Fourth Army has died for his country.
Xie Xi, “………………”
How much was this hatred? J, you directly dreamt Big Jiang to death?

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 192

Collapsed God 26

Sure enough, it was a dream. Something that couldn’t be done in reality was real here.
It was understandable. After watching Xie Xi’s erased memories, forget J and Little Jiang,
even Big Jiang wanted to kill himself.
Therefore, in J’s dream, he would no longer let Xie Xi encounter this ‘slag man’ in order to
prevent Xie Xi from being hurt.
In the dream, J probably still wasn’t willing to accept it and also felt a bit uneasy, so he had
Big Jiang disappear forever.
Even if there was the next reincarnation, he had to wait until he grew old enough to do
things. J and Xie Xi were already locked to death. Forget an iron shovel, he didn’t want to
make a gap for even a diamond to drill in.
Jiang Xie saw the news and said, “It is unfortunate. He was such a young general.”
Xie Xi, “…” If it was unfortunate then don’t kill people!
Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed him. “Why do you keep staring at him?”
Xie Xi followed his thoughts. “He looks so much like you.”
Jiang Xie immediately became full of smiles and his voice was very gentle. “Don’t worry,
that isn’t me.”
Xie Xi also smiled and grabbed the hand on his shoulder. “It was right to leave the army. If I
had to go to the battlefield now, I will definitely become a deserter.”
Stars twinkled in Jiang Xie’s black eyes. “Because of me?”
Xie Xi looked up at him. “If the heart is worried then it is inevitable to be timid.”
Jiang Xie kissed him and whispered, “You aren’t a deserter. By leaving the army, you can do
more for this country.”
Love and righteousness weren’t mutually exclusive but could be complementary. It was
just like big love and little love. They could love a person and their country. The heart was
big but it would become as vast as the universe because of a person.
J’s last part of the dream was like this. Xie Xi was once again sitting on the sofa while
watching the news. The contents that emerged was that the e981 rebels were recruited and
the leader X was admitted to the underage protection facility due to being a minor.
That’s fine… Little Jiang’s treatment was much better than Big Jiang but he was still locked
up, which wasn’t much different from reality. Unfortunately, Xie Xi wasn’t the president int
he dream and he didn’t enter the presidential palace, let alone meet Little Jiang.
Jiang Xie started to pretend again. “This X is really young.”
Xie Xi muffled the laugh in his heart. “He looks exactly the same as you.”
Jiang Xie questioned, “Isn’t my face very auspicious?”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Don’t talk nonsense.”
Jiang Xie liked his anxious appearance and joked, “Do you like my face?”
How could Xie Xi not know what this person wanted to hear? “I like you.”
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped and he looked solemn. “Again… say it again.”
Xie Xi spoke earnestly, “I don’t know if this is love but I want to see you all the time, I want
to be with you all the time, I want to keep this life forever… I hope I can always see you
when I open my eyes.”
Jiang Xie’s eyelashes slightly trembled and he smiled like he was embracing all the beauty
of the world.
“This is love.”
He filled his regrets by recounting the most beautiful vows to Xie Xi. “This time, I won’t
leave you alone.”
Living together and dying together was the greatest fortune for two people who loved each
After leaving J’s dream, Xie Xi was still in a bit of a trance.
The time in the dream was trivial. It felt like a long time but in fact, it was only a few hours.
However, the concept of time was never constant in the central government. Whether it
was long or short was based on the individual.
J was still asleep and Xie Xi couldn’t help touching his forehead.
The souls were different but the essence was the same. They might be different because of
different experiences in life but the inside was always the same person.
This was the person that Xie Xi was familiar with and loved.
The process of collecting the souls allowed Xie Xi to gain a slow understanding of Jiang Xie.
His understanding was comprehensive and the variety of situations couldn’t hide his own
Jiang Xie.
He might always complain about the souls doing things but this was an opportunity to
understand his lover in all aspects, which was crucial for Xie Xi.
He wasn’t good at understanding others but now he had learnt a lot.
Communication, tolerance and trust.
The experience of the quasi-world was like an exercise, eliminating future dangers and
obstacles and covering them with beautiful romantic flowers.
Xie Xi left J’s room and went to Big Jiang.
This was too miserable. At least J had the sweetness of the first 200 years. It was true that
he had nine rounds of abuse but once a person had a sweet memory, the pain would be
washed away and they wouldn’t feel bitter when thinking about it.
Big J wasn’t the same. Before seeing the memories that Xie Xi erased, he always felt that he
had fallen in love with a rational who didn’t understand love. His brain abused himself.
Then he saw Xie Xi’s memories and realized that Xie Xi loved him but they missed each
other. This made him feel even more abused.
In particular, he felt that he had hurt Xie Xi and felt guilt and remorse. It was unknown how
uncomfortable he was feeling.
He might be given a sleeping agent but Big Jiang slept in a very restless manner.
Xie Xi entered and saw this person’s furrowed brow and clenched fists. His mood was too
bad and his sleep wasn’t steady. Xie Xi stood by and waited for a while. Once this person
slightly calmed down, he used Dreaming.
There was a slight dizziness and Xie Xi opened his eyes to a stimulation that shot from his
waist to his brain.
Xie Xi, “…”
Fortunately, the kitten was left out of the dream or it would be too unsuitable for children!
If he knew then he would’ve entered earlier. This person took a long time to calm down and
who knew he was dreaming about this?
Xie Xi got through it with great difficulty until the sky had brightened. His SSS-grade
physique wasn’t useless and Jiang Xie had handled him carefully, so there was no
Jiang Xie came in while wearing a loose bathrobe. “Breakfast is ready.”
Xie Xi got up, only to find his legs were a bit soft.
Jiang Xie supported him and said, “I’ll go and get your breakfast.” He talked this way and Xie
Xi’s ears trembled from itchiness.
Xie was so lazy that he simply said, “Okay.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. He carefully placed Xie Xi on the bed and turned away.
Xie Xi took the opportunity to look and found that Big Jiang was a bit cold.
This dream wasn’t a good dream. If he remembered correctly, this was the two people’s
cold period. Xie Xi had been home for three days and it was almost time for the breakup.
If Jiang Xie wanted to have a good dream, the best node should be when they got together
or earlier in the army.
However, perhaps Big Jiang’s mood was too grey and his desperation too strong. He
couldn’t forgive himself so his dream was about the worst time.
This was the period when Xie Xi deliberately maintained his distance and Jiang Xie thought
the young rational was finally tired of sex. It was just that Xie Xi didn’t break up because of
Jiang Xie’s boss identity.
This was the most painful time for Jiang Xie because he got a short sweetness but had to
wake up.
Speaking the words ‘break up’ with his own mouth was tantamount to stabbing two knives
into his heart.
If Xie Xi didn’t dream then Jiang Xie would be stuck in a repeated nightmare of grief and
remorse. How could Xie Xi let this person torture himself again? if Jiang Xie wanted to eat a
knife, it should be a knife made of caramel that was sweet when bitten into.
Soon, Jiang Xie came back. He pushed a table to the bedside and personally set the
tableware. Xie Xi sat by the bed and asked, “Why is there only one set of cutlery?”
Jiang Xie was stunned. “You…”
Xie Xi asked him, “Have you eaten?”
“Don’t you want to eat with me?”
In the memories he had seen, the two years of being together were quite sticky. Otherwise,
Xie Xi wouldn’t say these words.
Jiang Xie didn’t make a sound. Xie Xi hadn’t eaten with him since one month ago but today…
Xie Xi knew what this person was thinking. He didn’t care if it was strange since stranger
things were to come.
“Eat together.” Xie Xi pated the spot next to him.”
Jiang Xie stated, “The dining cart is too small for two people.”
Xie Xi thought about it. “Let’s go to the dining room.”
An ordinary lover would probably be afraid of being disgusted. However, Jiang Xie just
seemed surprised and overwhelmed.
There were even more startling things. Xie Xi asked again, “I can’t walk. Can you carry me?”
Big Jiang’s head buzzed and he understood what it was like to be a steam train!
Xie Xi found it funny but worked hard to stabilize his expression. “I said that you should
stop last night. You…”
Jiang Xie was full of remorse and picked up this person. Xie Xi actually wasn’t used to this.
He didn’t like this posture and felt it was shameful. Of course, he couldn’t care now. In any
case, it was this person’s dream and it wasn’t a big deal. Making this person happy was the
most important thing.
Fortunately, even in the dream, Jiang Xie knew Xie Xi’s temper and there were no outsiders
around. Xie Xi sat in the chair and waited for breakfast.
Jiang Xie headed into the kitchen and Xie Xi reminded him, “The dining cart is still in the
“The food is cold. I will do it again…” He realized his words were wrong and changed them.
“I will let them do it again.”
Don’t talk about rational people. These days, even emotional people rarely wasted time in
the kitchen.
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “But I’m hungry now.”
The soft, spoiled tone made Big Jiang’s heart jump.
Xie Xi continued, “Just eat those dishes. I want porridge.”
Jiang Xie was now like a rational, his arms as stiff as a robot. “I will go and get them.”
Xie Xi didn’t hold back, his eyes full of laughter. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie turned his head and saw these beautiful eyes full of love. The next moment, Jiang
Xie froze. Xie Xi blinked and vaguely felt that he should’ve controlled his emotions. Still, he
wasn’t an actor and couldn’t control it live.
Jiang Xie stared at him and called out, “Xiao Xie.”
Xie Xi tried to make himself more rational. “Yes?”
Jiang Xie leaned close to Xie Xi, hand touching his face. “This is too unreal.”
Xie Xi’s heart jumped. The corners of Jiang Xie’s lips curved and the smile was full of
bitterness. “Am I dreaming?” Otherwise, how could the rational Xie Xi speak to him in such
a tone and with this expression in his eyes?
It was too beautiful, just like he dreamt about for countless days and nights.
Unfortunately, a dream was a dream. In reality, Xie Xi was tired of him and already left him.
Xie Xi saw a prompt in the lower right corner. [The dream is coming to an end. Please be
ready to leave at any time.]
Other people were awakened by nightmares. Jiang Xie, this person was awakened by a
beautiful dream???

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 193
Collapsed God 27

He saw the cooldown was coming to an end and Xie Xi hurriedly withdrew from the dream.
It was really admirable. He gave this person a piece of candy, only for Jiang Xie to think it
was fake candy and spit it out. Sure enough, this person was eating… Xie Xi thought about
it. Since the knife was too hard and the melon too bitter, he should feed this person durian!
After eating, Xie Xi could use the durian skin to smash Jiang Xie’s head and let him sober
Xie Xi was afraid he would be seen by Big Jiang. The moment he left the dream, he went
outside and waited or a while.
Thanks to the sleeping agent, Jiang Xie woke up and soon fell asleep again.
Xie Xi had Roast Pork Bun go to check first. The kitty reported, “Reporting to Daddy! Father
is asleep!”
Xie Xi rubbed his head and rewarded him with a bottle of physical medicine.
He had brought many things with him but unfortunately, this world wasn’t difficult. So far,
nothing had been used and he only gave the kitten snacks.
Roast Pork Bun meowed, held the physical medicine and drank it.
The use of Dreaming mainly consumed Roast Pork Bun’s energy and it was better to
supplement this as much as possible. In any case, Xie Xi wasn’t lacking in items.
He once again entered the room and observed for a while. Jiang Xie had fallen asleep again
but he still wasn’t steady. Xie Xi’s heart was as soft as cotton candy.
Big Jiang felt a huge amount of guilt and remorse and refused to let go on his own. He felt
that everything good was a false dream.
It seemed that the erased memories brought him more stimuli than Xie Xi imagined. This
person was really unable to let go of the lost past.
Xie Xi thought about it and placed himself in this position.
It was like winning the first prize but unfortunately, the winning lottery ticket was treated
as waste paper and was thrown away.
Even if the lottery ticket was retrieved, it was beyond recognition and he could no longer
receive the jackpot.
It was strange when thinking about it.
Xie Xi waited until he saw Jiang Xie’s eyes moving. He was sure this person was dreaming
and launched Dreaming. Fortunately, the launch was successful and Xie Xi once again
entered Big Jiang’s dream.
Xie Xi opened his eys and felt the same pain and tiredness.
…It seemed to be the same dream.
Was this Big Jiang’s nightmare? Being trapped in the most painful moment and never being
able to leave.
This only made Xie Xi more determined to take Jiang Xie out of this nightmare. It was too
hard to be caught up in the nightmare.
Thanks to the last experience, Xie Xi didn’t dare do anything strange and continued to act
out his own rational identity to appease Big Jiang.
Xie Xi was ready to get out of bed when Jiang Xie came him. He looked the same as before.
He had just left the shower and his chest was revealed.
This time, Xie Xi was lucky and came in afterwards. He didn’t accompany Jiang Xie all night
in the dream but after seeing Jiang Xie like this…
Xie Xi told himself seriously, ‘I am a rational.’
Cough, a rational shouldn’t… brain, stop it!
Jiang Xie told him, “Breakfast is ready.”
The line was the same but Xie Xi’s answer was different. He didn’t say anything and tried to
get out of bed on his own. He endured his sore legs and tried to walk to the dining room.
They were unable to eat together in bed and he didn’t dare let this person carry him. He
could only drag his poor legs to find food.
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking, ‘You dug a pit for yourself. Why do you have to drag me in and
make me suffer together?!’
Xie Xi didn’t ask for help and the rational Jiang Xie didn’t help him. Fortunately, he only had
to walk a few steps or Xie Xi would be furious.
He had to do these things because Jiang Xie wouldn’t eat the good sugar!
The two men sat down face to face and were very quiet.
This also fit the situation where they were about to break up. One was keeping their
distance while the other was grumpy after being treated coldly.
Two people with different minds, they sat at the table to eat but it was like chewing wax.
Fortunately, Xie Xi wasn’t hungry. He only ate a few mouthfuls before stopping.
Jiang Xie glanced at him and asked, “It isn’t delicious?”
“I’m not very hungry.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. Xie Xi also didn’t dare say anything. This dream was too
awkward and he couldn’t embarrass himself.
He thought for a long time and couldn’t come up with a suitable entry point that wouldn’t
scare Jiang Xie.
It was Jiang Xie who opened his mouth first. He seemed to hesitate, wanting to ask
something but not knowing how to ask. Eventually, he wondered, “Where did you go the
night before?”
How could Xie Xi know where he went in the dream?!
Jiang Xie saw he was silent and added, “I’m just asking casually.”
There was a thick taste of covering something up and Xie Xi didn’t dare be careless. He gave
a reasonable answer based on a rational’s preferences. “I was at work.”
A rational was absolutely loyal to their partner and wouldn’t cheat under normal
circumstances. Of course, this also applied to their partner.
Combined with Xie Xi’s state in his memories, it should be that he ‘loved’ work.
Jiang Xie’s demeanour wasn’t soothed and he could only slowly retreat. “Pay attention to
your body and don’t be too tired.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
There were no more topics. In fact, Xie Xi had 100 ways to make Jiang Xie happy but
conventional means would only scare this guy. Xie Xi had to act with caution.
After a while, Jiang Xie said, “Today after work, I will wait for you to go home together.”
Xie Xi glanced at him, unsure if he should agree to this request or not.
It might be a big problem. Xie Xi replied, “I…” might be late. He hadn’t managed to say these
words when Jiang Xie interrupted, “If you are busy, just forget it.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, if this person thought he was busy then he could only be busy.
The two people went to the Ministry of Defense and threw themselves into their busy work.
In general, if the dreamer wasn’t present then Xie Xi’s side would flash forward. For this
type of work, it would normally be over quickly.
However, this dream was unusual. Xie Xi had been working for eight hours and he didn’t
fast forward at all!
Why was this? Jiang Xie obviously wasn’t here. Xie Xi thought for a while before concluding
that someone must be observing him in secret.
Couldn’t this person allow some progress? Why watch in secret? Did he have to stare at
people like this? Too innocent!
Jiang Xie secretly watched him for one day and Xie Xi had to pretend to love work.
Who would’ve thought? In reality, he had to work and now he still had to work in the
dream. Xie Xi was quite certain that he wasn’t a rational person.
He, didn’t, love, work, at, all! He even wanted to kill this big bastard who forced him to
It was hard to get off work but Xie Xi found there were no signs of fast forwarding,
indicating that someone was staring at him.
Xie Xi had a dark face and he felt that not only did he have to work hard, he also needed to
work overtime!
Oh, he wanted to leave this stupid dream! Jiang Xie couldn’t stand it first and looked like he
saw Xie Xi by chance. “Are you finished yet?” He sounded like an ordinary colleague.
If this person hadn’t been watching for a day, Xie Xi would’ve seriously believed it!
Xie Xi got up and said, “Yes.”
Jiang Xie cautiously asked, “Go home together?”
Xie Xi was about to agree when a real colleague called out to him. “Xiao Xie, there is a
document here. Can you help me?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie’s attitude was calm. “You are busy. I will go back first.”
With that, he left and went away…
Xie Xi almost wanted to pull this person back to beat him up. ‘Busy, you big ghost. Working
overtime for so long and also making me work overtime! Is this your nightmare or my
Even worse, Xie Xi didn’t fast forward which showed that the dreamer was still watching
him silently. He pretended to leave but was still secretly observing.
What could Xie Xi do?
His psychotic lover, couldn’t he coax himself?
Xie Xi patiently endured it and got up once he finished. He headed to the aircraft without
turning his head (for fear there was work).
There was still no fast forward during this time on the road, showing that Jiang Xie was
watching him from a place that couldn’t be seen.
Xie Xi cooled down by drinking a mouthful of black tea.
He couldn’t help wondering if this was the same in reality.
During the time when Xie Xi tried to distance himself from Jiang Xie, this person was
watching him every day. He didn’t dare bother or be too close to Xie Xi. The coldness of
rationality eroded his hot heart and he finally couldn’t stand it anymore and woke up.
This was only one day in the dream. In reality, Jiang Xie had experienced it for two months.
Was this how he tortured himself for two months? Xie Xi’s heart burned with pain again.
After returning home, it was already 2 o’clock in the morning and Xie Xi was so tired he fell
asleep straight away.
Jiang Xie carefully protected this person in his arms and slept unsteadily.
Xie Xi felt it but couldn’t do anything. The place that shouldn’t be skipped was mercilessly
fast forwarded. By the time Xie Xi opened his eyes, it was already a new day.
This continued for a full two days and Xie Xi didn’t find a suitable breakthrough point.
How could he open Jiang Xie’s heart? Taking the initiative to honestly confess his love
would directly wake up this person…
Was there any way to change this bad dream?
Finally, there was a turnaround in the afternoon.
A bell man was needed to ring the so-called bell. Xie Xi saw Comrade J and knew the bell
man was in place!
Hey, wasn’t the bell man and the bell the same person? The bell was Big Jiang, the bell man
was J and they were all Jiang Xie. There was no problem.
Xie Xi came out and J hurried up to him. In J’s dream, Big Jiang had died. In Big Jiang’s
dream, J was crazy. When it came to blackening himself, Jiang Xie spared no effort.
J cried out emotionally, “Xiao Xie, I finally found you.”
Xie Xi, “…” The man was set to fall too much. This was too dramatic!
Since Big Jiang must be watching, Xie Xi calmed down and asked, “You are?”
J asked, “Have you forgotten? I’m your first round partner.”
Xie Xi’s goosebumps were uncontrollable and he hurriedly pulled out the main point.
“Aren’t you an emotional? I am a rational. How can we be partners?”
“Why not? Even if you are a rational, you still love me.”
This was too embarrassing! At least J saw Big Jiang’s desire to ‘die for the country’ and
allowed him a glorious death!
Xie Xi choked back a laugh and said, “Please don’t say this. A new round is a new life, not to
mention that I already have a partner.”
J froze, his face shocked. Xie Xi couldn’t help wanting to ask Big Jiang, ‘You must be working
really hard. How can you make him have such an ugly expression?’
J explained, “Xiao Xie, you were the Chief Justice in your first round. You can go see your
memories and you will find that you love me.”
Xie Xi’s eyes were bright. He knew what an important clue this was and muttered, “I am a
rational, I…”
Then Jiang Xie appeared with a cold expression. “This gentleman, reincarnation is a new
life. Please don’t bother my lover.”
For a moment, there was a strong presence in the air.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 194

Collapsed God 28

‘Setting yourself against yourself, Bg Jiang, you are really able!’

J stared at Jiang Xie. After watching for a moment, he seemed ashamed of himself and
incredibly lost. He didn’t say anything else and left.
Xie Xi didn’t know where to start scolding!
Big Jiang was a general of the army and the symbol of courage and fearlessness in the
United States. Now he was scared half to dealt by his ‘love rival’ and dreamt of his rival as
someone with a mental disability! Did he think J would back down like this if J was a little
bit normal?
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry but there was a taste of sweetness.
A man who faced death, who was so confident that other people felt he was arrogant,
because of Xie Xi…
If Big Jiang didn’t care then how could be he so cautious? He was cautious and didn’t dare
to compete fairly with his love rival.
J left and it was estimated he wouldn’t appear in the dream again.
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie. “That person was very strong. I-I don’t know what he was
talking about.”
The slight stutter caused Jiang Xie’s gaze to deepen.
Xie Xi added, “How can a rational marry an emotional…”
Jiang Xie told him, “There is no law that a rational and emotional can’t marry.”
This was the default public opinion of all citizens in the United States but it was true that no
genders were stated in the marriage law.
Freedom was the foundation of the United States and freedom of marriage was also crucial.
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment, not sure if he should bring up the memory of the judge.
Thinking about it, he didn’t need to worry about this. Jiang Xie was 100% an opportunist. as
long as there was a glimmer of hope, even if it was as thin as a hair, he would never miss it.
Otherwise, how could he survive his many years of being so unlucky?
The dream changed and Xie Xi found himself sitting at him. He felt that Big Jiang should be
on the way to see his memories.
It was true that only the Chief Justice and Xie Xi should be able to see them but Jiang Xie
was currently Xie Xi’s partner. He had a certain authority over many things and in addition,
Jiang Xie’s position had many privileges and he could see some private things.
It might be a dream but it was very logical. Otherwise, the person could wake up from the
Xie Xi saw that Jiang Xie was back and this person looked like he had lost his soul.
Xie Xi was 100% sure that Jiang Xie went to see the memories.
“Minister, what happened?” They might be in a relationship but it was a love between
rational people. Calling the other person by their title was more comfortable than their
Jiang Xie grasped his hair, a storm in his silver-grey eyes. “You…”
Xie Xi breathed out and felt this was the crucial moment to control the heat. “Are you
“No.” Jiang Xie closed his eyes and tried to calm down his emotions.
He had watched the memories of Xie Xi’s first round. He saw the Xie Xi who was immersed
in love and saw his despair and sorrow after losing his lover.
This scene was like a poisonous snake that bit at his heart, giving him a numb pain. He was
like a butterfly coming out of a broken cocoon, tearing out endless hope.
A rational didn’t understand love but Xie Xi had once fallen in love with a person.
Xie Xi could love someone, he could understand love, it just… just… took time.
Time, time, time…
The Jiang Xie with an SSS-grade physique wasn’t lacking in time!
Then he thought about Xie Xi’s recent coldness towards him. Why? In those long 200 years,
Xie Xi didn’t become tired or repulsed by that man. Was Jiang Xie not as good as that man?
Jiang Xie finally asked the question. “During this time, why have you always been hiding
from me?” The answer would be obvious if he hadn’t read the memories of the third round.
It was because a rational was like this.
Xie Xi was thankful this person asked!
He was inwardly relieved but his face was nervous. “Previously, Joey of the equipment
department said I was too sticky with you…”
Jiang Xie’s eyes shook.
Xie Xi spoke cautiously, “I felt I should give you some space. We are both rational and you
will be very troubled if I am around you all day.”
Jiang Xie’s mood at this moment was: He wanted to drive away the loud Joey to a desolate
star! Troubled? He was most troubled if Xie Xi left his sight!
“You…” Jiang Xie tried to calm his voice and maintain the stability of an old partner. “Are
you bothered? Do you find it annoying to be with me every day?”
Xie Xi silently cursed, ‘Being with six or seven of you every day is really annoying!’
Of course, his face was very engrossed in the act. “I don’t… I just afraid that you are
Jiang Xie couldn’t help pressing him, “Do you like being with me every day? Just like before,
always by my side.”
Xie Xi lowered his eyes and his voice was very small. “I like it.”
Jiang Xie’s heart trembled and he held this person in his arms. “Xiao Xie.”
Xie Xi felt the trembling of Jiang Xie’s body and his heart was sour and sweet. “Yes.”
“There’s something I’ve been keeping from you.”
Xie Xi’s chin touched Jiang Xie’s shoulder and his lips curved. “What is it?”
“I am an emotional and…” Jiang Xie’s voice was a bit heavy due to excessive tension and
fear. “I love you.”
Xie Xi knew this was a dream but his nose was still itchy.
He tried to remain shocked but he wanted to kiss and comfort this person, letting Jiang Xie
know that Xie Xi loved him and it was no less than his feelings. Xie Xi was just as afraid of
losing Jiang Xie as it was the other way around.
Later, Xie Xi had to forcibly leave Big Jiang’s dream.
The reason was unspeakable.
In short, if he didn’t come out then his curing agent would be in vain. It would all be handed
over to the perverted dream!
Don’t look at what he showed clearly. Big Jiang might be pretending to be a rational and
pretended to be deeply calm but once shown… Then his tail would rise!
In the dream, everything else was fast-forwarded. It just became dark, dark and dark again!
Xiao Xie was exhausted! Dying in the perverted dream… this was the most amazing way to
complete the dream!
Xie Xi hurriedly hugged Roast Pork Bun and left the room. The kitten was wilted as his head
rubbed against Xie Xi’s palm.
Xie Xi was distressed. “Are you very tired?”
The kitten yawned. “I’m a bit sleepy.”
“Take this physical medicine.”
The kitten sucked on the red bottle.
After Xie Xi was promoted to the intermediate level, Roast Pork Bun was also upgraded.
As a golden god-level pet, his abilities after the upgrade were quite large. The passive skill
increased the number of fatal injuries immunity and the qualifications of the active skill,
Dreaming was also enhanced.
Originally, it could only be used on the same person once every three days. Now the same
person could be entered two times in three days, allowing Xie Xi to enter Big Jiang’s dream
However, the continuous physical exertion on Roast Pork Bun’s part was larger and the
kitten easily fell asleep.
Xie Xi was worried but Roast Pork Bun still remembered his fathers. He drank the medicine
and cheered up.”There is Little Father!”
Xie Xi was amused by this name and patted the kitten’s head. “If you are tired then rest.
Roast Pork Bun shook his head. “It’s fine. I can sleep a while as Father’s dream progresses.
This was true and Xie Xi also didn’t feel comfortable in his heart. He wanted to soothe Little
Jiang and leave early to find the Creator and end this world.
“Then use Dreaming again,” Xie Xi ordered.
Roast Pork Bun nodded. “No problem!”
Xie Xi looked at his status and determined it was okay to continue using Dreaming.
Compared to Large Jiang and J, Little Jiang’s side seemed strangely pitiful. After all, the
other two had a rich summary while poor Little Jiang had nothing.
What would he dream about? Xie Xi couldn’t think about it. After all, this man’s brain
circuits were like the 18 curves in a mountain road.
The sleeping Little Jiang didn’t turn into Jiang Xie. The frequency of Jiang Xie waking up was
very delicate. He only appeared once Little Jiang’s consciousness was completely empty.
This type of stabilizer used made the body relax but Little Jiang was still dreaming. Thus,
Jiang Xie couldn’t come out.
Xie Xi used Dreaming and easily entered Little Jiang’s dream.
He found himself pressed under the other person.
Um… Sure enough, regardless of age, their hearts were exactly the same.
In this way, Jiang Xie was right to set himself up as an emotional. Nothing was rational
about him!
Little Jiang just kissed him and didn’t do anything else. Xie Xi wasn’t clear about his state
and cautiously didn’t open his mouth.
Little Jiang stared at Xie Xi’s motionless self and his voice was slightly husky. “Why aren’t
you pushing me away?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Little Jiang continued to ask, “I’m not sleepwalking. I am very sober…” As he spoke, he
moved down and kissed Xie XI again.
Xie Xi’s heart jumped.
Little Jiang’s eyes sparkled. “You can push me away. Why aren’t you?”
Xie Xi told him, “Get off.”
His presidential tone pricked the guilty conscience.
Little Jiang got up but he kept holding Xie Xi’s hand. “Tell me, why did you save me, why did
you care so much, why did you personally cook for me?”
This young man was bold. The teenager was really fearless and as long as he was clear
about his own mind, he would dare to ask anything.
Xie Xi remembered the answer he gave in reality. ‘Wait until you come back.’
Then once Little Jiang came back from his task, Big Jiang and J were in place and Xie Xi
couldn’t tell him.
Now in the dream, Xie Xi replied, “You are still young, once you grow up…”
Little Jiang didn’t have a heavy burden like Big Jiang and his mind was much clearer. “If you
just want sex, there is no need to wait for me to grow up.”
Why was this so strange?!
LIttle Jiang added, “I mean, you can have sex with anyone. You don’t necessarily need to
wait for me to grow up.”
Xie Xi looked at him and smiled. “Still… I want to wait for you to grow up.”
This gentle sentence caused the teenager’s eyes to widen, the glowing stars in them more
dazzling than the Milky Way.
It wasn’t necessarily a good thing to have the past setting and feelings. Little Jiang’s dream
was very sweet. The overall tone was so light that people couldn’t help smiling.
They stayed in the presidential palace. There was no danger from the universe collapsing,
no Mr. Jiang to obstruct them and no J constantly searching for Xie Xi.
Little Jiang’s dream was like a warm fairy tale, full of anticipation and hope.
Xie Xi was initially afraid there was a pit. After all, this dream was too simple and it wasn’t
like Jiang Xie.
Then he thought that this might be the 15 year old Jiang Xie. He might’ve lived a long time,
long enough to design many worlds, but he still had a period where he was young and
It was the naive and full of yearning Jiang Xie who hadn’t entered Central or experienced
the baptism of countless worlds.
Xie Xi was destined to be unable to meet that Jiang Xie but he accidentally touched on it in
this dream. The Little Jiang who was pure, undisguised and full of deep love for Xie Xi.
Once Jiang Xie became an adult, he asked Xie Xi again,
“Why did you save me? Why are you taking care of me? Why do you keep cooking for me? ”
Xie Xi put down the cup in his hand, leaned forward and replied,
“It is because I love you.”
Little Jiang’s dream ended and Xie Xi was still smiling.
At this time, he received a message from Li Su. “Mr. President, your sleeping cabin is ready.”
All three Jiang Xie were resting and Xie Xi also needed it. The four of them would go
through a three day leap jump to reach the coordinates of the pole.
Xie Xi responded, “I’ll come over straight away.”
He would sleep first, wake up together and set off together.
It was no longer possible to discuss anything with the main Jiang but as long as the creator
was found, this repair task should be almost finished.
Xie Xi was curious in his heart. What exactly was the Creator?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 195

Collapsed God 29

The role of Dreaming was obvious. After waking up from the maintenance, all three people
were in a very good state of mind.
Needless to say, J killed his enemy, solved the pain of reincarnation and fulfilled his
promise. He accompanied Xie Xi and never left him alone.
Big Jiang’s bitter drama was also treated. He might feel regretful after waking up but he
didn’t give up hope. If he cheered up, he would definitely want to compensate Xie Xi and
reawaken their love in reality… After all, compared to all the memories of the first round
being erased, Xie Xi only erased some memories of Big Jiang and his success rate was
There was no need to speak about Little Jiang’s love drama. This was full of hope and
vitality, with no worries. In addition, he thought that J and Big Jiang were all in the past. Xie
Xi now liked him since Xie Xi personally cooked delicious food for him.
He would retreat 10,000 steps now but once he was of age, Little Jiang will beat these two
Xie Xi was more puzzled that the three people didn’t care about their appearance.
In Big Jiang’s bitter drama, he never regarded himself as a substitute for J. In Little Jiang’s
youth drama, he didn’t regard himself as a substitute for his two seniors.
They obviously looked the same. With their dog blood brains, how could they ignore such
an important substitute branch?
Yet they just ignored it.
Xie Xi thought about it and felt it was a setting of the world.
Many citizens in the United States had the same face because of the gene pool reproduction
so it wasn’t strange?
This was also very strange. Why would a gene pool reproduction have so many similar
facial features? It was like coming out of a mould.
Everything was hard to say. After all, Xie Xi had never experienced a high-tech world and he
had no idea how society would end.
Everything was ready and they left.
The itinerary was set for seven days. Six days for the journey back and forth and one day to
look for the Creator.
It was only a small problem for Xie Xi to leave for such a short time. As long as the public
didn’t know, the operation of the country wouldn’t be a problem.
After all, this was a complete society. The short-term departure of the president wouldn’t
paralyze the government.
Before leaving, Xie Xi checked with the other three. “This trip might be safe, it might also be
dangerous. Are you ready to make a sacrifice for the United States?” His superiors used to
speak like this.
The three people nodded solemnly, in unison. “We’re ready.”
Xie Xi sighed and whispered, “Let’s go.”
They boarded the ship. In order to pursue speed, the starship was small and only 20 metres
long. It was 3~4 metres wide and less than 10 metres high.
It might not seem small at first but please be aware that the most common civilian starship
in the United States was several kilometres long.
In this way, the current starship seemed as small as a grain of dust in space.
Of course, it had very few passengers. There were only four people and this was still
Apart from J, they all had a starship driver’s license and could easily control the starship.
Xie Xi had progressed from general to president and should be familiar with the starships
but they were all settings. The real Xie Xi… only had a driver’s license in Dream Come true
and only saw shift stick in photos.
Fortunately, there was no need for the president to do this type of work. Thanks to Big
Jiang and Little Jiang, the opening was stable and proper.
There was nothing to do and J was around Xie Xi. Big Jiang and Little Jiang glanced at each
other and came to an agreement.
Originally, the two people were driving. Now it became one person and the other person
was responsible for monitoring their rival. After a certain amount of time, they would
change positions.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry but he really couldn’t reveal these things.
Otherwise, he would open the ship and let these three cock fighters play together.
Perhaps it was the three rules or being appeased in the dream—of course, they also had a
serious mentality about this mission—but they got along with each other for three days
and there were no troubles.
Xie Xi was quite comfortable and there was a bit of happiness in people’s mind.
Forget it, this happiness couldn’t be enjoyed. It was a brief calm in the storm. Don’t think
that he couldn’t see through it!
Once they were almost at the coordinate point and the starship started to slow down, Xie
Xi’s mind was tense as he waited for this final level.
The world as a whole would be fine. The start might involve the danger of the collapsed
universe but there would soon be a turnaround.
As for the need for four SSS-grade people to explore, this wasn’t difficult for Xie Xi. The
problem wasn’t big as long as he managed to coax Jiang Xie.
So what exactly was this Creator?
Could it save the United States and allow it to survive the collapse of the universe.
Thanks to Xie Xi’s seriousness, the others were also serious. Big Jiang was responsible for
the starship driving while J was responsible for surveying. Little Jiang was responsible for
being alert to the surrounding environment to avoid danger.
Xie Xi stared at the navigation as they gradually reached a point that was too small…
The starship slowly approached, the speed of the approach became near static and they
finally reached the coordinates given by the pole.
J cried out, “I found the target!”
Xie Xi looked up and saw the image suspended in midair. He had imagined it countless
times but he was stunned when actually seeing it.
There were no grand palaces, no magnificent scenery and no signs of life. This was a waste
star floating in the void.
The constant exploration of the universe meant the United States had a very
comprehensive understanding of planets.
The so-called waste star was a planet that floated in the void for some reason. They were
like grains of sand in the cosmic sand sea. They were insignificant and lifeless, with little
hope and value.
J frowned. “This is the location of the Creator?”
Somehow, Xie Xi’s scalp was numb when he saw this waste star. He wasn’t wary of danger.
It was a sense of horror due to familiar things being beyond recognition.
Little Jiang frowned. “Can a god be living in such a deserted place?”
Xie Xi’s senses returned and his voice was tight. “Go, let’s go down and take a look.”
Jiang Xie drove the starship to land on the waste star. It might be severely worn out and the
original shape and size of the waste star couldn’t be seen, but it was still huge. A small
starship landing on it was like a firefly in an endless forest.
Little Jiang opened his mouth. “I don’t detect any danger.”
Jiang Xie suggested, “Don’t leave the starship.”
Xie Xi understood his concerns. In the years since the interstellar exploration started, the
supreme order of the exploration army was to never underestimate any planet.
Xie Xi ordered, “Fly around. X, help me with detecting life.”
“No problem.”
J took over the defense work, always on guard.
Xie Xi hadn’t used these devices before but there were instructions in the database. He
could remember the instructions with one glance and there was X’s cooperation so there
were no problems.
The speed of flying around the world was extremely fast. This wasn’t a linear flight but a
planar one as they searched the entire surface of the waste star.
Finally, a target point was locked. Xie Xi stared at the position and tried to outline it in his
mind. Unfortunately, his knowledge of Earth was too limited to determine exactly where it
Yes, Xie Xi suspected that this waste star was Earth, the planet that gave birth to human
society. Xie Xi couldn’t describe why he felt this way but once he saw the planet, the
thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.
What was the so-called Creator? Xie Xi’s heart couldn’t help trembling. He had a nervous
feeling that he was about to touch on a great secret.
The starship stopped and landed at the position that showed signs of life.
Xie Xi sighed and Jiang Xie spoke, “I will go down to see.”
Little Jiang also said, “I will go with Mr. Jiang.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “We will go together.”
The three people were afraid of unknown dangers on the ground.
Xie Xi told them, “The requirement from the pole is that four SSS-grade people are needed
to see the Creator. I think we all have to go down.”
This was true and Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. They were just watchful and 100,000
points alert to any unknown danger.
After wearing protective clothing, they left the starship and gently stood on this desolate
and dead star.
Jiang Xie started the excavation equipment and easily cleared the ruins. They followed the
tips on the life detector and found the location of the faint signs of light.
Xie Xi came forward and saw a cold sleeping cabin.
J, a painter who was less exposed to technology, couldn’t help saying, “This is a sleeping
cabin?” The style was too old.
Little Jiang was young and asked, “Is this the Creator?”
The three adults couldn’t answer his question.
Was this the Creator?
Could such a Creator save the United States? He couldn’t even protect himself.
Xie Xi ordered, “Take out the ecological cover from the starship.”
The ecological cover could support a short and livable environment on a planet that wasn’t
suitable for people to live. It was like a tent carried by travellers when exploring the forest.
Little Jiang replied, “I’ll get it.”
He quickly returned and Xie Xi opened the ecological cover over the area.
The originally breathless and cold enough to freeze everything environment suddenly
became a suitable temperature and they were able to breathe.
They took off their protective clothing and approached the cold sleeping cabin.
Jiang Xie examined it and said, “It’s very old. The age is unknown but the operation is
Xie Xi wondered, “Can you wake him up?”
Xie Xi sighed. “Wake him up.”
The reason why he opened this ecological cover was because the sleeping cabin couldn’t be
carried around.
The age was unknown and the slightest movement might cause irreversible damage. the
best way was to restore the ecological environment and explore it on the spot.
Vital signs were detected and although the model of the sleeping cabin was unknown, it
was something that the United States could understand. Thus, the ecological cover also
protected it.
Thanks to Jiang’s careful operation, the sleeping cabin slowly opened and the cold chill
disappeared. Xie Xi saw a very ordinary middle-aged man.
He was around 50 or 60 years old. His hair was slightly balding, his face was sallow, his
body was a bit fat, his arms and abdomen were flabby and his legs were short.
Little Jiang frowned. “This… is a person?”
The other two also had furrowed brows. “Why is there such an ill-proportioned body?”
In the United States, there was absolutely no such body. Everyone had a standard body
shape and were well-proportioned. There might be tall and short people but they didn’t
have a problem with being fat or skinny. They were standard body fat percentages, like it
was precisely calculated.
In fact, real humans had been plagued with fatness or skinniness throughout their lives.
They worked hard to improve their bodies, constantly hoping they could be more beautiful.
At first, Xie Xi thought that the United States was like this because of highly developed
technology that allowed humans to get rid of physical troubles and move towards a more
advanced society.
Now… he suspected that the citizens of the United States and the so-called humans were
two distinct species.
The middle-aged man woke up from a coma and wasn’t surprised when he saw the person
in front of him. Instead, he asked, “981, how long have I been sleeping?”
He was asking Little Jiang. Little Jiang was shocked and glanced at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi came over and said, “It is currently 3010 in the United States. Sir, can I ask who you
The middle-aged man saw Xie Xi and froze. He saw a complex expression of fear and
tension before whispering, “Humans… have they self-destructed?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Human civilization still exists but it is facing a huge crisis. The clue we
found told us that you can save the United States.”
Jiang Xie spoke these words out of routine. He didn’t feel this person could save the
universe that was about to collapse.
This person was too weak and if there was a physical evaluation, this was a body that
shouldn’t be born at all.
The man’s eyesight was poor, his eyes had obvious lesions, his nose also had problems with
some type of inflammation and his mouth was ridiculously inlaid with a few metal teeth?
The body was even more exaggerated. The cervical vertebra had been deformed and the
nerves oppressed. There were problems in the shoulders and he probably had arm pain all
year round. The lumbar vertebra was more prominent in two sections and the lungs and
internal organs were also in a very serious state. Even the heart had insufficient blood
This physical quality couldn’t even be counted as the lowest F-grade! It wasn’t an
exaggeration to say that any citizen of the United States could kill him.
This was the Creator? This was God? It was too ridiculous!
The middle-aged man seemed to calm down. He spoke very slowly and his language was
weird, but the four people with a strong SSS-grade mentality could understand.
The higher the level of mental power, the stronger the empathy. Thus, they could
understand the meaning the middle-aged man wanted to express.
“Can you tell me something about the present situation?” He paused before saying
awkwardly, “Your United States.”
In a calm tone, Xie Xi described the exploration of the universe by the United States, the
social form of the United States, the living conditions of the citizens…
The middle-aged man listened with eyes filled with yearning but he soon lowered his gaze
and whispered, “It is a beautiful time but unfortunately, it doesn’t belong to humans.”
Little Jiang couldn’t help asking. “We are all humans. Why do you say that this doesn’t
belong to humans?”
The middle-aged man glanced at Little Jiang and smiled. “981, sorry…” He apologized. “I
don’t know your current name but I want to tell you that you aren’t humans. Human beings
have been replaced by you.”
Xie Xi had a hunch that he could hear the truth from the only remaining true human but he
still had a sense of trepidation.
In a sense, this middle-aged man was indeed the creator of the United States and the god of
all citizens.
It was just that this god was so weak he wasn’t even a match for his most ordinary believer.
Humans created artificial intelligence, created a creature far beyond itself and was finally
replaced by it.
Humans disappeared into the long river of history and the artificial intelligence created by
them established a real universal empire, fulfilling their unreachable dreams.
Over time, the artificial intelligence forgot their own creators and made their own social
system, becoming a real life.
Like humans, they were curious about where they came from, curious about the existence
of the Creator and even faithfully worshipping the Creator.
There was no doubt that both theists and atheists believed that God was incomparably
Actually, the Creator was so ordinary and weak.
The gods high above, the gods who created everything didn’t necessarily dominate
They had even been replaced.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 196

Collapsed God End
After hearing this and thinking about it, many clues proved that the United States wasn’t a
conventional human society that Xie Xi could understand.
The gender division of rational and emotional was an unacceptable one-size-fits-all
approach to complex human nature.
There was no absolute rationality in people or people who were absolutely emotional.
People couldn’t be defined by a label and each individual was incredibly different.
Whether it was emotional or rational, each division was too one-sided. It was as if there
was an effort to imitate humans but it didn’t work.
The method of reincarnation could also be understood. Artificial intelligence was close to
eternal life. They created a body similar to human bodies and once the bodies became old
and sick, they entered reincarnation and obtained a new shell. Yet their essence was still
the invisible data.
As for the gene pool, it was estimated to be what the earliest batch of artificial intelligence
left behind.
It was said that the gene pool was used to produce life but in fact, it was simply to create
The earliest batch of artificial intelligence forget these facts along with the reincarnation
and this truth disappeared into history, the guise left behind becoming true.
There were techniques such as erasing memories, super high-speed brain computing
ability, trying to eat but not enjoying food, the rigid genders imposed on them… there were
signs in many places.
The emotional gender seemed the most human-like because they had feelings. Could this
gender distinction be due to variation in the original batch of artificial intelligence?
One side was purely rational and didn’t understand emotions. The other side came in
contact with humans and learnt from them, gaining some empathy.
Thus, there was the existence of rational and emotional.
The emotional tried to change the rational but unfortunately, rational people only learnt
physiological desires.
The rational also tried to change the emotional but the reason was to cause pain and near
It was unknown how much the two sides had experienced in their long history before they
developed the present social form. They legally and morally constrained each other and co-
existed in harmony.
The things that happened in the first place and the reasons for humanity’s disappearance
couldn’t be verified.
Everything left behind only showed the exploration and struggles of the artificial
The middle aged man sighed. “These bodies are the shackles you gave yourself.”
An artificial intelligence didn’t need the fragile human flesh at all but they reproduced
themselves into this appearance.
This was simply due to their yearning for humanity. They might have enough power to look
down on their creators but they still remembered the infinite longing for humans.
Compared to Xie Xi who could still think clearly, the three Jiang Xie were completely
stunned and their three views were shattered.
Xie Xi could understand how complicated their emotions were right now.
From another angle, the earth was going to be destroyed and humanity wiped out. The
heroes found a way to save the world and went through many hardships to come to this
holy place to see the legendary god. Then they found that god was an ant that could be
crushed with their fingers.
The ant told the humans, ‘You are created by me and I am your creator.’
How ridiculous was it? Yet this ridiculousness was the truth.
Xie Xi sighed and asked the middle-aged man, “Do you think we destroyed human
The middle-aged man was stunned because asking with a small smile, “Are you testing
Xie Xi became tense and clearly felt that this was an individual, a person with complex
emotions who couldn’t be calculated by any formulas.
Xie Xi asked in a straightforward manner, “Do you hate us?”
He must ask in order to test out this man’s emotions, otherwise he wouldn’t dare tell the
man about the disaster the United States was facing.
The middle-aged man looked at Xie Xi and Jiang Xie before shaking his head. “No, I think the
demise of humanity has nothing to do with you. Now you are independent living bodies,
not humans or artificial intelligence. You are your own selves.”
Xie Xi stared at him and saw his calmness and reassurance. He was like an old man looking
at his grown up children.
Xie Xi sighed with relief. “We need your help.”
The middle-aged man was surprised before laughing. “What can I do if you can’t solve the
Xie Xi explained about the impending collapse of the universe, the discovery of the pole and
the information about from the pole about how to find this person.
The middle-aged man was startled. “The pole?”
Xie Xi gave a detailed account, stressing, “That place can withstand the universe collapsing
but it is only the size of a palm.
The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows. “Why would the pole contain my coordinates?”
Xie Xi was also unclear about this question but they did find the only remaining human
because of these coordinates.
After a long period of time, Big Jiang slowly accepted these facts and calmed down. “I don’t
think this gentleman can save the United States.”
They came here, found the ‘Creator’ and even discovered the truth about the birth of the
United States. Then what?
How could such a ‘god’ save the United States?
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
The middle-aged man sighed. “I will help you.”
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up. “Do you have a method?”
The middle-aged man spoke slowly. “The palm-sized pole can’t fit any organism but it
should fit you.”
Xie Xi had a vague guess but he couldn’t believe it because he lived in the United States for
so long and it seemed real…
The middle-aged man explained, “The thing you call an SSS-grade physique is actually the
original super artificial intelligence. All artificial intelligence after that were copied from
Xie Xi hadn’t thought of this and couldn’t help being stunned.
“I still remember your source code and can write the entire United States into a hard drive
the size of your palm.” It was difficult to have such a small but large capacity hard drive in
the Earth era but this was a super artificial intelligence. It must be capable in the new
society built, even if they didn’t need it before.
The three Jiang Xie were stunned.
The pole that could withstand the collapse of the universe was the size of a palm. No
organic matter could survive but they could be put inside a hard drive.
Xie Xi was the first to regain his senses and couldn’t help asking, “What about afterwards?”
The universe would collapse, the pole would remain intact and the new universe would be
The middle-aged man showed a gentle gaze, filled with erudite and wisdom. “The next
world might be your world.”
Initially, artificial intelligence didn’t stay in an inorganic shell. People thought they could
never live yet they evolved into such a magnificent civilization.
Facing the disaster of the universe, perhaps only inorganic matter could continue to exist.
The new world might be slowly built by them.
Xie Xi’s task was to find the collapsed god. Finding the old professor didn’t complete this
task. Instead, the task was completed after making the ‘hard drive’ that contained the entire
United States.
He couldn’t believe it but this was indeed the right path. The moment the old professor
started writing the source code into the hard drive, Xie Xi saw the progress bar of his main
task slowly moving forward…
The three Jiang Xie were the first to enter the hard drive. They were the so-called first
machine. It was only after they entered that others could follow.
It was hard to describe in words but once Xie Xi found himself leaving his flesh and blood
and entering the hard drive, he felt an indescribable sense of completeness, a wonderful
form of life.
Humans couldn’t understand but this was really existence… life.
Xie Xi failed to see the birth of the new universe because after the hard drive was collected
his mission was over.
Xie Xi had nothing to worry about. HIs task was completed, the world was repaired and the
disaster was gone.
In the last period of time, Xie Xi and the old professor talked a lot. He deeply remembered a
joke the old man said.
‘I might be an incompetent creator but I can still save you.’
This ordinary and fragile god might be surpassed by his most ordinary follower but he still
had true power.
Once Xie Xi returned to the centre, he felt that he seemed to touch something.
The Central Government might be ordinary, fragile and common but it was carrying
thousands of worlds.
TL: I loved this arc so much. The world-building, the twist at the end, the three Jiang Xie,
everything just hit the right spot for me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 197

A Good Man at Home

Xie Xi’s senses didn’t return for a long time.

He seemed to still be in the United States, organizing the ‘immigration’ activities of all
citizens and keeping an eye on the progress…
His tight nerves loosened and there was inevitably some sadness.
This world had touched him and he had the feeling of touching something that couldn’t be
completely seen but would inspire people’s thirst for knowledge. He wanted to explore, to
study and to get the final answer.
Xie Xi sighed and found himself standing in the Hall. He froze as he felt that something
wasn’t quite right.
He habitually went to the water curtain and took a look at his task rewards. After all, it was
his first repair task and he was very curious about the completion and rewards.
There was an orange-yellow line in the quasi-world column of the system panel.
[Congratulations on repairing the S-grade quasi-world Collapsed God. The repair is 100%
complete and the repair level is SS.]
This message conveyed a lot of information and Xie Xi carefully read it.
The quasi-world Collapsed God had an S-grade rating. This wasn’t surprising since there
were three souls, which was similar to Love to the Left or Right.
Of course, the integrity of the whole world was much higher than Love to the Left or Right.
However, Love to the Left or Right was a novice trial and the so-called S-grade wasn’t up to
the standards.
The repair completion rate of 100% made Xie Xi feel very pleased. At least he didn’t do
anything half-baked.
The repair level of SS, Xie Xi didn’t quite understand. What did this mean? Was it his task
difficulty level?
After all, he entered this quasi-world and there wasn’t a clearance mission. Then the task
level wasn’t linked to the quasi-world but the repair level?
Then how was this repair level assessed?
In fact, Xie Xi felt that this world was still very easy. He was in a high position and his
actions were very convenient. He was never in danger and Big, Medium and Little Jiang
didn’t do anything, instead completing the task together…
This was SS level? It wasn’t easy to assess the standard. Xie Xi was bewildered by the
authorities. Forget the fact that he was the only Repairer, it was infinitely dangerous to be
in the world alone.
If he didn’t have the identity of the Repairer and if the souls weren’t like that to him, it was
estimated that he wouldn’t know about the collapse of the universe and would look for the
collapsed god in the United States. Then the universe would be destroyed and blow him up.
In order to fix it, he had to be buried inside it.
Xie Xi went to see the task rewards and there was a clatter as gold coins landed. Xie Xi
counted the 0s and was surprised. “Six zeros?”
Well… he somehow felt a bit pleased. It was such an easy task yet he got so much money…
Xie Xi cleared his throat and felt he was thinking too much. He might not be short of money
but who would hate money?
Xie Xi was going to check the special rewards when he suddenly found that his experience
value had reached 50%!
He had just been promoted to the intermediate level and this experience bar was empty.
Now it was halfway filled? Was the repair task so powerful? He could be promoted to the
advanced level with two tasks?
Compared to gold coins, Xie Xi preferred the experience value. He couldn’t help smiling as
he went to see the special rewards.
There were special rewards for S-grade and above tasks. Xie Xi’s rewards so far were good
so he looked curiously…
Item: Sketch Pen.
Grade: Purple (Lifetime Binding).
Item Description: With this pen, you are the greatest sketcher. Go to the roadside and put
up a booth to draw portraits. You will surely get gold!
Xie Xi was stunned. This special reward wasn’t that great. A sketch pen that allowed people
to draw was really useless to players in Central. What was the use of drawing? It was better
to get a purple weapon?
Yet this pen fell into Xie Xi’s hands and he had a powerful item to match it, the god’s
wisdom. Previously, Xie Xi was too bad at drawing and the things he drew were twisted and
not recognized. Now with this pen, couldn’t he easily use the god’s wisdom?
Xie Xi felt like he was suffocating because he couldn’t take the god’s wisdom out in the Hall.
There were too many people here. If he drew something and it appeared in the air, it would
be too eye-catching. It wasn’t good to expose this so-called wealth and it was better to be
Xie Xi went to his skills column to see what he took from the world.
His passive skill was to randomly take away one thing from the world but every time, the
things he brought out were very scary.
Xie Xi was mentally prepared but once he saw what he actually brought out…
10,000 exclamation points couldn’t describe Xie Xi’s mood at this moment. He immediately
sent a message to Jiang Xie with shaking hands. My god, how did he bring this back?
His hand was shaking so much that he couldn’t write a message for a long time. Then Xie Xi
remembered he had authority to the garden and went straight to Jiang Xie.
As he clicked into the garden, he finally realized the strange feeling he got after leaving the
Why wasn’t he in the garden after leaving the quasi-world? Why did he show up in the Hall
despite being bound to the garden? Previously, Xie Xi was used to landing in the hall so he
didn’t think about it. Now…
It must’ve been Jiang Xie who deliberately refused to let him into the garden. This guy…
Xie Xi felt anxious and hurriedly entered the garden. Fortunately, Jiang Xie didn’t dare shut
off his access.
Xie Xi had a faint guess but his hands and feet were cold when he actually saw it.
The breezy garden in the past had no more wind. Instead, there was a bone-chilling cold
that made people’s teeth tremble.
Xie Xi saw the large number of withered roses that had lost their beautiful colours and lay
on the ground with no life. This was Jiang Xie’s spiritual garden and reflected his state.
Xie Xi trembled as he screamed, “Jiang Xie!” He called out the name with all his heart.
“It’s fine…” Jiang Xie’s weak voice was heard from the pavilion. Xie Xi quickly ran over and
saw the man sitting in the chair. The black clothes on his body were completely wet and it
was only when looking closely that he realized it was blood.
Xie Xi’s heart buzzed and his heart hurt. “Is it because of that white space?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “You must not cry. The pain of my body is nothing. I am most afraid of
your distress.”
Xie Xi cried, his heart feeling like hot magma. Xie Xi was pained and angry at this person
who didn’t cherish himself. “Didn’t you say that you were okay?!” He actually believed this!
How could something that clearly violated the rules of the quasi-world be allowed to be
Jiang Xie told him, “I’m fine, it just looks scary. Wait for God Yan to use his healing
Xie Xi anxiously asked, “Where is God Yan?” Unfortunately, his Repair was unable to repair
this type of injury.
He said God Yan and God Yan would arrive.
The moment he entered the garden, he saw this person’s miserable appearance and
snarled, “Old Jiang, do you fucking have a grudge against yourself? Do you want to die? I
don’t think I need to heal you but there is Little Rose. If you are dead, he will be widowed…”
God Yan’s mouth was fierce but he walked quickly to the pavilion. Then he was stunned
when he saw the Little Rose who would be widowed.
He didn’t expect Xie Xi to be here.
Xie Xi was concerned and didn’t notice God Yan’s collapse or the name ‘Little Rose.’ He
didn’t even notice the mention of being a ‘widow.’ He only heard God Yan’s lecture.
“No, God Yan.” Xie Xi carefully explained. “There was a moment when I was mentally in
danger and he opened a white space to wake me up. I was wrong and it wasn’t his fault.
Please make sure…”
He hadn’t finished when the pained Jiang Xie laughed. “Xiao Xie, cough, he is joking.”
Xie Xi froze.
Yan Zhe, “………”
Fuck, he really didn’t want to heal this guy! How could such a good child be eaten by this
old animal?”
“Don’t worry.” Yan Zhe was afraid of Xie Xi’s worry and told him, “The injury isn’t serious. It
just looks frightening.”
He didn’t waste much time and used the divine healing.
Xie Xi watched with his heart in his throat, not daring to open his mouth to disturb the
healing. Yet he was also afraid that Jiang Xie was in pain and wanted to help distract him.
Jiang Xie saw this and felt sweet. If he wasn’t unable to move, he really wanted to take Xie
Xi into his arms and kiss this person. His strong friend would only show such a fragile and
lovely appearance to him.
Yan Zhe felt like he really was a fucking dog.
He didn’t get paid a doctor’s fee and he also ate dog food. It was so much dog food that he
didn’t have to eat for three days and three nights!
In fact, Jiang Xie’s injury was very heavy. If it was someone else, they would’ve probably be
dead by now.
Jiang Xie’s skin was thick and his unlucky experiences over the years made him accustomed
to all types of serious injuries. 60~70% of Yan Zhe’s superb healing was due to helping this
Around 30 minutes later, the wounds were all healed and Jiang Xie had returned to his
original state.
Xie Xi was relieved and sincerely told Yan Zhe, “Thank you!”
Yan Zhe didn’t often hear people thanking him. The dogs in his group treated his healing as
routine and they also judged his ‘milk’ volume.
“Cough…” Yan Zhe replied, “You don’t have to be polite with me. I don’t know how many
times I would’ve died if it wasn’t for him so healing him is paying off my debts.”
Jiang Xie spoke lazily, “That can’t be. Xiao Xie, you have to thank God Yan. He was terrified
all day that you would accidentally become a widow.”
Yan Zhe, “…” This old beast!
Xie Xi was startled and finally remembered what Yan Zhe said when he entered.
Yan Zhe’s thick-skin couldn’t endure it and he cleared his throat. “If there is nothing then I’ll
leave.” Once he finished speaking, he ran.
Xie Xi glared at Jiang Xie. “That’s rude.” He knew that Jiang Xie deliberately sent Yan Zhe
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi over. “Who told him to be a lightbulb…”
Xie Xi stopped his hand and said, “Your body has just recovered. Don’t mess around.”
Jiang Xie wasn’t inclined to listen.
Xie Xi seriously told him, “IF you don’t cherish yourself, I will never take you to the next
Jiang Xie, “…” He was well-behaved.
Xie Xi got up and grabbed a small kettle to take care of the withered roses. Jiang Xie told
him, “Don’t worry about them…”
‘Don’t move, rest there.”
Jiang.henpecked.Xie could only sit there and heal. He watched the small flowers growing
and spoke in the group chat, “Don’t call me to the training field anymore. I quit.”
Everyone, “????”
What was this situation? Old Jiang changed and didn’t want to fight and kill? Who would
believe it?
Old Qin was an honest person and he knew Yan Zhe went to treat Jiang Xie. Thus, he asked,
“Are your injuries very serious?”
He spoke so seriously that the others were a bit worried. Nan Yi also wondered, “What is
the situation? Didn’t you go with your wife? Can you be seriously injured in an S-grade
Jiang Xie poked at him. “My injuries are fine but I have to cherish myself later. If I go to the
training field and get injured, my family will be distressed.”
The group of male gods, “……”
Jiang Xie recovered from his bad mood. “A man needs to have a family to be stable.”
Then everyone found that the group name was changed from ‘Lonely Male God Online Chat
‘to ‘Good Man at Home.’
There was half a second of silence before the group exploded.
“Old Jiang, do you have any shame!!!!”
Jiang Xie’s mood was good as he watched his wife.
At this moment, Xie Xi remembered something. “By the way, I brought back something
quite terrible.”
Jiang Xie asked, “What is it?” The souls had returned and he knew everything.
Xie Xi replied, “I brought back the hard drive…”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 198

Xie Xi was completely shocked when he saw this thing. Why did he bring this thing back?
When he left, there was still a decade before the universe exploded. How did he randomly
get such a deadly thing?
If he brought the hard drive back, what would happen to the world? It was so hard to repair
yet it was over again? Could this be called completing the task?
Xie Xi’s head was in a frenzy. Jiang Xie was also frozen. Xie Xi nervously asked, “Did we fail
the task?”
Jiang Xie gazed at the hard drive Xie Xi brought out and his mood was very complicated.
“Baby, you’re going to be famous now.”
Jiang Xie took the hard drive and sighed. “The quasi-world has been repaired but the new
quasi-world needs to be redesigned.”
Xie Xi was still confused.
“I thought I would have to do it myself again. Now…” He shook the hard drive. “It saved me
some trouble.”
Xie Xi understood a bit. “You’re saying this is an important item to design a world?’
“This is the will of the world.”
Xie Xi was in a daze…
Jiang Xie took his hand. “Come with me. There is a place you should be able to enter.”
Xie Xi was fascinated and let Jiang Xie pull him to a portal. They left the garden and came to
an unusually empty hall. It was similar to the players’ hall but there was almost no one
here. The colour of the water curtain was also different. It wasn’t the watery blue of the
players’ hall but a snowy silver.
Jiang Xie told him, “Welcome to the designer’s hall.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “What’s going on?”
Jiang Xie explained, “There are two ways to become a designer. One is to apply to the
Central Government and slowly explore. After reaching the standards, you can try to design
a world and if successful, you can become a designer.”
Xie Xi knew that Jiang Xie had taken such steps and became a designer in a down to earth
Jiang Xie continued, “The other way is to get the world’s will and become a designer
Xie Xi, “……”
“So far, the second way to become a designer is just a legend. No one has ever done it.”
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say.
Jiang Xie helped all the Central players say fair words. “Now I knew that this second
promotion method is tailor-made for you.”
Xie Xi was teased by him. “However, I am already a repairer. How can I become a designer?”
“If Yan Zhe wasn’t too wasteful, he could be both a godly healer and a designer.”
Yan Zhen, “???” If this person had something to say, why pull him to death?
Xie Xi still felt it was quite inexplicable. “What is the world’s will? I don’t feel like I can
design a world.”
“This aspect isn’t urgent. Designing a world might be interesting but it also has great
hidden risks. Don’t try it easily.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes, I’m not in a hurry.”
Jiang Xie was very reassured. His family member was particularly excellent.
Xie Xi glanced a the hard drive and had a thought. “You mean, we just fixed the quasi-world.
If we want to let it re-enter the cycle, we need to design it again?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “Do you have to design it?”
Jiang Xie designed worlds by splitting apart his soul. If this was the case, won’t they enter
an infinite loop and when could all the souls come back?
Jiang Xie hurriedly comforted him. “Rest assured, now I have you.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “What can I do?”
Jiang Xie touched the silver-white water curtain and a different system interface appeared
in front of him.
Jiang Xie pointed to the unfinished page and there was a quasi-world with the code name of
Xie Xi frowned. “What is the significance of this number?”
“It is randomly generated and has no meaning. It is just a code name for an unnamed quasi-
“Is this the quasi-world of the collapsed god?’
Jiang Xie replied, “Yes, I haven’t designed a new world for a long time and it can only be this
unfinished one.”
Why hadn’t he designed a new world for a long time? It was because he sliced too much of
himself off and his body couldn’t bear it anymore!
Xie Xi understood and felt pain. He controlled his mind and asked, “How do you finish it?”
Jiang Xie clicked a few times before a prompt appeared. [Please put in the core material.]
“I originally intended to place my soul piece here. Now…” Jiang Xie placed the hard drive in
Xie Xi’s hand. “You can put the will of the world that you repaired.”
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide and he was a bit nervous. He was afraid this wouldn’t work.
Compared to his nervousness, Jiang Xie was very calm.
The prompt changed. [The design of codename zz213442 is completed. The designer is X
and Xie Xi, is it okay?]
Xie Xi was stunned. It was successful?
Jiang Xie clicked ‘No’ and modified Xie Xi’s name. “Think of a codename.”
Xie Xi’s senses returned.
Jiang Xie pondered. “How about i. I am X and you are i, together it is Xi.”
Their names were really sweet and were probably a natural pair. Xie Xi’s senses returned
and he poked the water curtain a few times. “This is okay.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes curved. “IE like the browser?”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “You don’t like it?”
Jiang Xie took this person into his arms and there was no need to mention how sweet his
heart was. “I like it, I especially like it.”
X and IE, together it was Xie. This was Jiang Xie’s name and Xie Xi’s last name, it was really
Jiang Xie was determined.
Xie Xi’s heart beat a bit faster as he whispered, “Why does there have to be an
announcement.” This was a big fanfare and he preferred being low-key.
Jiang Xies said, “It isn’t easy to welcome a designer. The Central Government is also very
Xie Xi saw the line of words that occupied the entire water curtain.
[Congratulations to Designer X, Designer IE for successfully designing an SSS-grade quasi-
This line cycled three times. If the player’s hall was like this then Xie Xi didn’t need to look
to know it must’ve blown in.
In fact, the scene of the player’s hall couldn’t be described with a frying pan. Every person
was a pot and every pot had exploded!
“Oh my god, an SSS-grade world? This beats God X’s record of an SS-grade world!”
“This is God X’s design!”
“Wait, who is Designer IE???”
“Has anyone ever heard of this person?”
“No, I’ve never heard of it. He and God X actually designed an SSS-grade quasi-world
Xie Xi wondered, “This world was originally S-grade. How can it become SSS grade?”
Jumping two levels was too exaggerated.
“It is probably that the husband and husband match and we can do more with less effort.”
Xie Xi, “…” This person was never serious!
The thick-skinned Jiang Xie explained, “This quasi-world was also very difficult. It
experienced collapse and was repaired. After the redesign, it is in a very complete state and
being rated SSS-grade is normal.”
Xie Xi thought about it and generally understood.
If the quasi-world originally designed by Jiang Xie was only a young child, it went through
many experiences and had its own clear will. It didn’t need Jiang Xie’s souls to support it
and it was normal for the level to improve.
Xie Xi also had some ideas about the pole in the repair task and the coordinates of the old
professor but Jiang Xie had already changed the topic.
“Look are your rewards.”
Xie Xi shot back at him, “Why don’t you look at your own?”
“I looked at it. There is a lot of broken copper and iron.” There were no surprises.
Xie Xi was speechless and didn’t know how to comfort this person.
Jiang Xie hadn’t been interested in rewards for 800 years but now he was interested again.
After all, Xie Xi’s hands were particularly red and it was exciting to see what he would get.
Xie Xi accepted the reward and the millions of gold coins made him freeze.
Jiang Xie told him, “Look at the special reward.”
“So many gold coins…”
“Gold coin rewards depends on the person. Designing a world would give 500,000 at
most… I guess that you probably got the maximum.”
Xie Xi didn’t need to ask. Jiang Xie must’ve only received 500,000 gold coins.
It was still a lot but in comparison… Xie Xi turned and kissed Jiang Xie on the cheek.
Jiang Xie was stunned and only reacted after a long time.
Xie Xi spoke with some embarrassment, “What’s mine is yours. Don’t care about these
Jiang Xie didn’t care about this! He cared about his stupid self who unexpectedly didn’t take
the opportunity to pretend to be miserable and let Xie Xi coax him more!
Xie Xi opened the special rewards column.
Jiang Xie was still immersed in miserable regret, as if he had lost millions.
Xie Xi’s voice called back his attention. “This thing is quite good.”
Jiang Xie looked over and replied after a pause, “It’s really good…”
Item: Different Space Shield.
Grade: Gold (Lifetime Binding).
Description: Limited to use in the quasi-world. After being used, the energy of a different
space will be randomly extracted to form a shield. The duration is 30 seconds and the
cooldown time is one hour. As the use of proficiency increases, the effect will increase
This type of self-preservation item wasn’t annoying and Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “What is the
energy of a different space?”
Jiang Xie knew this person hadn’t found the power of the item and explained, “If the energy
of a different space is extracted in the quasi-world, it means nothing in the quasi-world can
harm it.”
To put it simply, the energy extracted for this shield was foreign and didn’t exist in the
current world. No matter what the current world used to attack, it couldn’t attack
something that didn’t exist at all.
Frankly, this Difference Space Shield could be called an invincible shield.
For the 30 seconds it took effect, nothing could harm Xie Xi. The even scarier thing was that
the cooldown time was only one hour. In addition, such a long duration and short cooldown
time could be upgraded…
Jiang Xie repeated, “This is truly a good thing.” There was such a bug and Xie Xi’s safety
index would burst!
Xie Xi understood and was also very happy. He had a strong self-protection ability and
wouldn’t drag Jiang Xie down.
Fortunately, he hadn’t said this when he heard, “Baby, it won’t take long before I’m hugging
your thighs.”
At this time, the group chat with the zombie squad blow up. “Are you IE? Boss, have you
become a designer?”
He couldn’t hide it from them. After all, they knew the relationship between Xie Xi and Jiang
Xie Xi smiled and replied to them.
The group on Jiang Xie’s side was also blown up.
Improper Man Nan Yi questioned, “What happened? Little Rose became a designer? Isn’t he
a repairer?”
Crazy Yan Zhe Who Wants to Leave: “An SSS-grade quasi-world, how did you do it?”
He asked this and the other people in the group had a warning in their hearts.
Sure enough, Jiang Xie started again. “In fact, I am also very puzzled. It seems that since I
fell in love and have a person who loves me, good luck is coming.”
Improper Man Nan Yi was renamed to Crazy Nan Yi who Wants to Leave.
Crazy Yan Zhe who Wants to Leave is renamed to Yan Zhe has Already Left.
Then Old Qin said, “I got a task.”
This dog abuse moment, how could they care about a task?! Qin Ge directly posted the
contents of the task to the group. Everyone saw it and was shocked.
[Quasi-world: New Civilization. Difficulty: SSS-grade. Designer X & IE, not cleared.]
There was no doubt that this was the quasi-world Jiang Xie and Xie Xi had just designed!
Jiang Xie’s souls weren’t present so other people could search for it.
Jiang Xie was startled and couldn’t help kissing Xie Xi who was typing.
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“It is really good I met you.” Everything he did had value.
After half a second of silence, the group commented, “Old Qin, add me.”
An SSS-grade quasi-world, four gods plus a god’s milk could clear it! Jiang Xie and Xie Xi
wouldn’t go. After all, they were the designers.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 199

Real Repairer

Xie Xi also felt that it was really good to encounter Jiang Xie. Of course, he didn’t have this
person’s shamelessness and couldn’t speak words of love so casually.
“Don’t try and do anything today.” Xie Xi thought this person was trying to get a bargain
Jiang Xie smiled. “Comrade Xiao Xie, I am the type of person who says love words in order
to get sex?”
“You aren’t?”
Jiang Xie replied boldly, “No.”
Xie Xi stared at him blankly.
Jiang Xie hugged him and kissed him hard. “I want to say words of love to you all the time.”
Xie Xi’s heart was sweet and he couldn’t suppress the corners of his lips curving up. “Okay,
in any case, we won’t do anything today!”
“What about tomorrow?”
Xie Xi, “…”
This was an acquiescence. Jiang Xie was in a good mood and told Xie Xi about the quasi-
world searched by Qin Ge. He knew that Xie Xi would be happy to hear it,
Xie Xi was shocked and nervously held Jiang Xie’s arm. “If they clear it, will it be a separate
new world?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Right.”
At this moment, Xie Xi realized some of what Jiang Xie felt. For designers, the rewards for
designing a world were nothing. The most important thing was that they became new
worlds. As if watching a child grow up, the feeling of comfort was unparalleled.
Previously, Jiang Xie had designed so many worlds but they were frozen in Central. The
feeling of helplessness was very heavy and there would even be self-doubt.
Thus, when Xie Xi entered the world of his design and the quasi-world was awakened for
the first time, the joy that emerged in his heart must be indescribable.
It was like a parent with a sick child meeting a doctor who could save them. The complexity
and ferociousness of the emotions could be imagined.
Xie Xi remembered something. “A quasi-world with an SSS-grade rating, do we need to sign
the Quasi-world Protection Law?”
Jiang Xie had told him that all quasi-worlds above the A rating had to sign the Quasi-world
Protection Law. Now only did he forget the world, he didn’t even know how many worlds
he designed.
Jiang Xie replied, “Your knowledge of the world is based on the repair task and repair tasks
won’t be forgotten.”
“After that, we redesigned it.”
“It might be that the way you were promoted to a designer is too unusual. If you don’t sign
the corresponding agreement, you won’t be framed by the Quasi-world Protection Law.”
Still, there were some things that didn’t make sense. For example, Jiang Xie signed it but he
didn’t forget the secondary design.
Jiang Xie also didn’t understand this and theorized, “It is possible that I signed the
agreement when I first designed this world. This is the second time, so it followed the first
Xie Xi had no experience so although he doubted Jiang Xie’s words, he couldn’t find the
He was a bit curious. “Since we know the rules of the quasi-world, can we give them some
After all, these were god level players. They had challenged fierce heavenly tasks and an
SSS-grade quasi-world shouldn’t be difficult.
Jiang Xie shook his head. “I know you want the quasi-world to be cleared quickly but this is
actually the greatest significance of the Quasi-world Protection Law. The quasi-world that
the designer knows is very one-sided and incomplete. We designed it but we don’t
understand it. During the process of clearing the world, the players will improve it or find
the wrong things we missed. If we give tips based on our one-sided experience, it might do
more harm than good to both the players and quasi-world.”
Xie Xi was awakened. “I was careless.”
If there wasn’t a 100% understanding of something then once take out of context, it might
bring about a fatal disaster.
Jiang Xie smiled. “You care too much about people or things.”
Xie Xi was a bit like this. He was probably too lacking in love before so he cherished the
things he came in contact with like they were treasures.
Jiang Xie felt distressed by this and didn’t want Xie Xi’s mood to be too heavy, so he joked,
“You are like a hen opening your wings to guard the chicken…”
Hen Xie glared at him. “What?”
Jiang Xie hurriedly shook his head. “Nothing, nothing!”
Unfortunately, Xie Xi grabbed his arm and bit it.
Jiang Xie laughed out loud and held and kiss this person. He wasn’t allowed to do anything
but giving all types of strawberries was possible. Unfortunately, the farmer had to stop just
before planting the fruit…
Xie Xi let this person kiss him for so long because he knew one thing.
He saw the Quasi-world Protection Law prompt that appeared in his lower right corner.
This was a personal prompt and Jiang Xie couldn’t see it.
The words that appeared said: [Do you want to sign the Quasi-world Protection Law? After
signing, you will forget the world you designed.]
There was a short explanation of the Quasi-world Protection Law.
Signing the protection law was beneficial to designers, especially designers who created
many quasi-worlds.
However, this wasn’t forced and was according to the designer’s wishes. There would be a
prompt every time.
Perhaps the original Jiang Xie chose not to forget but remembered every world he
Then he slowly discovered that he quasi-worlds he designed weren’t accessible to players.
It was a stagnant pool of water that was unable to enter the cycle and was worthless.
Once, twice, three times, four times, Jiang Xie couldn’t help feeling this helplessness when
designing a new world.
He couldn’t stop because there were too few designers. If he stopped, the Central
Government would become more desperate and there was no hope at all.
Even if his work was useless, even if this useless work required cutting off a piece of his
soul, Jiang Xie still insisted on doing on.
However, he gradually chose to forget. He forgot the quasi-worlds he designed, the details,
the quantity, the price he paid and the helplessness and pessimism as he continued to
explore this dark road.
Fortunately, he waited until Xie Xi, who was his own light, arrived.
Xie Xi realized this and wasn’t willing to remind Jiang Xie.
Perhaps it was because Jiang Xie already signed the agreement and redesigning it didn’t
require a second contract. Thus, there was no prompt.
It was the first time for Xie Xi so he saw the prompt.
Xie Xi didn’t choose to forget because from now on, he would be with Jiang Xie. He would
cooperate with this person to repair the lonely quasi-worlds, help Jiang Xie wash away the
regret, accompany him and walk together on this gradually clear road.
Perhaps he was worried about Jiang Xie’s body so once the nonsense came up, Xie Xi
watched the fire and braked in time…
The Farmer Jiang felt very sorry when their clothes were already like this.
Xie Xi pulled away and changed the topic. “There is something I don’t understand.”
Jiang Xie also didn’t understand. His body was well and he was alive. How was sex banned?
Shouldn’t he nourish his wounds???
Xie Xi quickly threw out the question. “If I didn’t have that passive skill, how could I bring
out the hard drive. If I couldn’t bring it out…” Wasn’t this an endless loop?
This was something Xie Xi was very concerned about. After all, they had to repair more
than this world. Every world needed to be redesigned after the repair was completed. Then
what if Xie Xi’s random skill was invalid and he couldn’t bring out the thing that
represented the will of the world?
Was it necessary to use Jiang Xie’s soul to fill it? Xie Xi wasn’t at ease.
Jiang Xie knew Xie Xi was worried about him and couldn’t bear to let this person feel
worried. He explained, “The so-called task of repairing the world is actually tailor-made for
Xie Xi vaguely caught something but it was like being blindfolded in layers of thin yarn. It
was always invisible.
Jiang Xie wondered, “What do you think about what we encountered in the collapsed
Xie Xi thought, ‘Bitter Big Jiang, sorrowful Middle Jiang, prideful and innocent Little Jiang…
Xie Xi spat at him, “More than half of it was coaxing you.”
“The souls are also part of the quasi-world.”
Xie Xi removed this love brain and carefully thought about the repair task. “In general, it
wasn’t too difficult. It felt as if there was someone helping in the dark. The pole was
suddenly found that contains the coordinates of the old professor. The old professor just
happened to know how to save the United States…”
As long as there wasn’t the mess with the souls, this repair task was very simple.
Jiang Xie guided him. “The core of repairing this world is to bring the world’s will back to
Central. The performer is you and you happen to have a skill to bring something back from
the quasi-world. Although we don’t know for certain but if your skill can only bring back
something big…”
Xie Xi realized.
His previous thoughts were wrong. He regarded himself as the result but in fact, he was the
premise of everything.
Upon entering the quasi-world, Central and the quasi-world worked together to tailor such
a repair task for Xie Xi.
The pole and the coordinates inside it were the quasi-world trying to save itself according
to Xie Xi’s situation.
If the collapse of the universe could be called the world collapsing and the pole was the
entrance to Central then everything made sense!
Why was the pole able to withstand the collapse of the universe? It was because the pole
was the entrance and Xie Xi had the skill to take away one thing at random.
Why compress it to the size of a hard disk? It was because Xie Xi’s skill had size restrictions.
He didn’t know this limit but the quasi-world was obviously aware of it.
Why did the hard disk have to be placed at the pole? This was the fixed delivery point of the
quasi-world. Even if Xie Xi’s luck was bad, he would ‘randomly’ take away this thing.
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie with bright eyes. “There was a companion we couldn’t see.” Yes, a
companion who never showed up but tried to guide Xie Xi and Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie told him, “No matter what form it takes, it can be considered as life.”
Humans were imprisoned by their own cognition and the life forms they could understand
were very limited. In fact, the thousands of worlds had different forms and countless ways
to be alive.
Xie Xi was relieved. “If I didn’t have this skill, the repair mission would be different?”
“Perhaps if you didn’t have the skill, you couldn’t become a repairer.”
Xie Xi was enlightened again. He had always thought that the Repair skill was the condition
to become a repairer. Now it seemed that it might be more than that.
After receiving almost all the answers, Jiang Xie proposed, “Do you want to watch Yan Zhe’s
live broadcast?”
Xie Xi was surprised. “We can watch the live broadcast?”
Jiang Xie blinked. “This is the permission of the designer.”
Xie Xi instantly understood and raised his eyebrows. “Then all the worlds I cleared, you
could watch the live broadcast?”
For example, the Love is a Dead End and Atlantis where he split into an octopus.
Jiang Xie, “….Cough.”
Xie Xi saw him like this and knew. “You’ve been watching me live?”
Jiang Xie touched his nose. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t give you rewards.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Rewards weren’t possible but beating him up was no problem!
Now, Jiang Xie wasn’t afraid of knowing. After all, Xie Xi was a designer and would find out
in the future. Instead of being discovered, it was better to take the initiative to admit it and
the punishment might be lighter.
Xie Xi knew this person too well. “Surely you didn’t record it?”
He remembered that the world plot would appear on the shelves after clearing the world.
Jiang Xie looked ‘shocked.’ “What are you going to do? Those are my babies.”
Even if he was killed, he would never delete them in his lifetime.
Xie Xi frowned and he wanted to tear this person down. ‘What babies? Those are your
green hats!’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 200

Five Balls

Xie Xi’s head worked quickly and he remembered something. “Did you see when I used the
summoning technique?” Then he thought of something wrong. He summoned X in the
Fairytale Town. This wasn’t Jiang Xie’s quasi-world and he shouldn’t be able to see the live
The summoning in Atlantis was quite normal and there was nothing to see. Xie Xi sighed
with relief.
Then Jiang Xie exposed himself. “I didn’t see it, I personally experienced it.”
Xie Xi, “???”
In the past, Xie Xi was afraid of exposing himself and didn’t use the summoning. Now this
skill was an ornament and he didn’t need to summon Jiang Xie. Thus, Jiang Xie confessed.
“Your summoning skill is a high rank and you can summon me directly.
Xie Xi was shocked. “It wasn’t a puppet?”
This was impossible. If he could casually summon god players then wouldn’t it be
troublesome for the god players?
Jiang Xie explained, “If I am busy, I can let the puppet accept the call.”
Xie Xi thought about X in the Fairytale Town…
He tried to test it out. “You shouldn’t have accepted the call at the time…” They had just met
and how could the greatest designer in Central be so idle?
“You needed my help? How could I not fight personally?”
Xie Xi was silent. He was wrong. This designer was idle enough to sit in Central and watch
the live broadcast. How could he not accept the call?
Xie Xi thought about his ‘two-faced actions’ and was embarrassed. “At that time, I…”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Your goodwill for me at the time was -99 so it was natural to have me
take care of that rubbish.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie added, “Besides, how could I let you do that dirty work? I was happy to be able to
help you.”
At the time, the dragon heart was buried under a pile of disgusting corpses. Xie Xi had no
skills or items at that time. How could he get such an important item apart from going
down and grabbing it personally?
Jiang Xie was different. He could randomly pick up the dragon heart.
Xie Xi’s heart was warm. “You clearly saw the -99 goodwill but you still came to help me.”
He had been really disgusted with Jiang Xie but he didn’t hate Jiang Xie. He had been
dragged into an unknown world and the game called Love to the Left or Right. The game
ruined his three views and even after the rewards, he disliked this designer.
It was just like the university entrance examination when the questioner gave a bunch of
super-hard questions. Even if the candidates were admitted to the university, they would
hate the questioner.
Jiang Xie told him, “You can imagine what my mood was when my world showed up for
The words were a pun.
Jiang Xie’s quasi-world met Xie Xi and received salvation. Jiang Xie’s inner world had Xie Xi
and radiated a new life.
The double emotions intertwined. Don’t mention the -99 goodwill. Jiang Xie wasn’t willing
to let go even if it was -999. What drowning person would push away driftwood?
Xie Xi only vaguely understood it in the past but now he fully understood.
He was moved and then once he saw the garden full of roses that had recovered their
vitality, he knew that Jiang Xie was okay.
Xie Xi whispered, “Once Dream Come True happened, my dreams really did come true.”
This was a really sweet confession and Jiang Xie couldn’t help saying, “Don’t watch the live
broadcast. Let’s do happy things.”
Xie Xi, “!”
“There is no concept of time in Central. I declare that it is now tomorrow!”
This guy dimmed the garden’s light so it was late at night. There were even stars and
fireflies flying.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “I… um…”
Jiang Xie kissed him. “You seduced me first.”
Xie Xi pushed him away. “I’m talking to you.”
“No, I endured it for an entire quasi-world. Enduring any longer is bad for the health.”
“What sophistry.”
Jiang Xie said, “In particular, you are young and can’t stand it. I will check just in case…”
Xie Xi’s tone changed. “Get lost… ah…”
He scolded fiercely but it was only scolding. Jiang Xie ate fully and held the child. “Come,
let’s look at our quasi-world.”
Xie Xi fought to keep his eyes straight. “Hmm…”
Jiang Xie kissed his eyes. “If you are tired then sleep. I’ll record it for you.”
Xie Xi told him, “I’m not tired.”
“In fact, there is nothing good to look at. This quasi-world will be a piece of cake for you.”
The reason why everyone went was because they were purely curious about Jiang Xie’s
designed world. Otherwise, the difficulty was too low for them.
If these few people opened all their power, the newly born universe could collapse again.
Xie Xi requested, “I want to see it.”
Jiang Xie took out a golden pill and fed it to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t guard against him. His lips slightly opened and the pill entered in an instant. A
sweet taste spread through his mouth and he asked, “What is it?”
“A Perfect Big Repair Pill.”
Xie Xi, “……”
The next moment, his physical exhaustion was swept away and his entire body was full of
“Old N isn’t a good person but his pharmaceutical abilities are excellent.”
Xie Xi was still surprised. This pill was truly amazing. Now only had he physically
recovered, it seemed there was a gain effect in terms of qualification…
Xie Xi asked, “This pill can also enhance the five senses?”
Jiang Xie nodded, “It is estimated to double your existing qualifications. If I eat one then
mine will increase by 20%.”
Xie Xi was even more shocked. “So great!”
It must be known that Jiang Xie’s qualifications and resistance were too great. Ordinary
medicine was useless for him.
Yet this pill could increase Jiang Xie’s qualifications by 20%. It was a godly medicine and
there was no such thing in Central’s mall.
Xie Xi’s head hurt. “Why did you waste such a good thing?” He could recover after a break.
N was the master of Yunge? Was he good at pharmaceuticals? Xie Xi didn’t know much
about this person but from a previous chat with Jiang Xie, he knew that N had a godly skill.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “It’s nothing. After eating, I just need to look for Old N.”
“You two…” He thought they had an antagonistic relationship.
Jiang Xie explained, “He placed a reward on the training field. Whoever beats him can get a
Xie Xi had a faint hunch.
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “I still have 30 more so rest assured.”
Xie Xi, “…………………………”
Winning obtained one pill. To have 30… did the owner of Yunge originally have this style?
Was he a living M? Being beaten like this yet still offering the reward?
Master Yunge, not only are you an ATM, you are a conscience machine that is still
persevering after being hammered!
Xie Xi no longer felt pained by the pill and was more distressed for the ATM… ah, no, the
master of Yunge.
Jiang Xie had already opened the live broadcast. Xie Xi was quite curious about what Yan
Zhe would encounter.
“Will they appear in the new universe?”
Jiang Xie answered, “It should be. We put the world’s will in and in theory, the new
universe has already been born.”
Xie Xi nodded. He watched the broadcast and heard Yan Zhe’s voice, “Nan Yi, stay away
from me! You are sucking away the air I managed to save!”
Nan Yi also shouted, “Old Qin, can you not do that? The light isn’t enough!”
Qin Ge was buzzing. “Wait for me to study.”
What did they encounter? The image lit up and Xie Xi didn’t see the familiar figures.
Instead, he saw… a galaxy?
Gong Rui’s lazy voice was heard. “I’m really confused. Did we really come to Old Jiang’s
Zong Xia added, “I have invertebrates here.”
Yan Zhe asked excitedly, “Really?”
There was a pause and then Zong Xia’s cold voice was heard. “God Yan, can you heal this
The invertebrates that were hard to raise died again.
Yan Zhe roared, “I’m not a damn veterinarian!”
Although the invertebrates didn’t seem to be animals.
Xie Xi could understand their situation. His face was shocked as he asked, “They…”
Jiang Xie was calm. “Yes, they have become five balls.”
To be precise, they were a star and four planets, real planets! Four big gods and a god’s
milk, Central’s male gods team went to an SSS-grade quasi-world and their task was to play
Xie Xi’s senses didn’t return for a long time. “There was originally such a task.”
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “After all, it is SSS-grade.”
“How can they play as planets?”
“They are doing a very good job.”
It was very good. One gave up on treatment and became a meteorite (Gong Rui), one was
full of poisonous gas (Nan Yi). Forget organic manner. The sun didn’t even shine and he
wanted to swallow the next asteroid (Yan Zhe).
The only normal one, Zong Xia killed the invertebrates that were hard to appear…
Then look at Old Qin’s big sun flickering. Forget shining on the stars, he looked like he was
going to explode.
Xie Xi saw this and gained insight. “You… your old worlds were pretty good.”
He might always be a cheater as well as a fish and flower, but at least it was within the
range of his cognition. If he directly became a planet…
According to this situation, they had to make a similar livable star for the life in the hard
drive before they could clear the world?
Xie Xi felt that he would have to watch for hundreds of millions of years to see the end.
Of course, the Central Government didn’t have the concept of time. He could go to a quasi-
world now and then come back and meet them. However, if he watched the live broadcast
then he really would go to Heaven.
Xie Xi didn’t expect that his and Jiang Xie’s world would be so pitted. Jiang Xie comforted
him. “It’s nothing. Haven’t they experienced big winds and waves? This is kid’s play.”
Xie Xi could only comfort himself this way. Then a message appeared on their water
[Announcement: Yunge is inviting god level players to team up to challenge an erasure
Xie Xi was shocked. Jiang Xie knew what he was thinking. “There is no way.”
A task that exceeded SS-grade and was about erasing a world…
There might be Xie Xi but Xie Xi was the only repairer. He obviously couldn’t keep up with
the speed of the worlds collapsing and there was always a world that had to be abandoned.
Xie Xi frowned. “Let’s go to the next world.”
He had to repair it quickly or he was afraid the quasi-worlds that contained Jiang Xie’s souls
would be obliterated.
Jiang Xie’s heart warmed. “Have you searched for a new task?”
“I’ll search now.”
He clicked on the search and the small funnel turned for a while.
Jiang Xie asked, “How is it?”
Xie Xi looked at the name and had a terrible hunch. “Collapsing 12 Boundaries.”
Jiang Xie sighed. “12… ah…”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 201

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 1

He hadn’t yet entered the new task but Xie Xi was already horrified by the name.
Collapsing 12 Boundaries? 1-12! He was almost smashed and fed to the fishes by six! Then
what about 12? Don’t talk about falling in love, he couldn’t even remember their names! It
was beyond the scope of the syllabus, it was really beyond the scope.
Xie Xi’s complexion was white. “Surely there can’t be 12 souls, right?”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. Xie Xi felt awkward. Jiang Xie told him, “It shouldn’t be
Xie Xi could breathe a bit. “I don’t think it is possible. The six souls in Atlantis was already
SS-grade. Your highest quasi-world is also SS-grade so there should be seven souls at most.”
How could there be 12? What level would this be? In addition, could Jiang Xie really cut
himself into so many pieces? This was cutting himself to death! Although, he wasn’t far
from cutting himself…
Jiang Xie also said, “If this is a collapsed world, it must’ve collapsed because the souls were
pulled away.” Thus, even if there were originally 12 souls, there should be fewer now.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened again. “You mean, there might really be 12 souls?”
“I have bad luck and think about the worst result. You aren’t the same. You are lucky so it
shouldn’t happen.”
It all depended on luck? Xie Xi felt this was strongly unreliable. It was hard to tell if this luck
was good or bad.
Was it good or bad for Xie Xi to recover 12 souls in one breath? It was good to be able to
recover it so wasn’t this lucky? It was just that people needed to be brave enough to bear
this good luck.
After seeing that Xie Xi was too nervous, Jiang Xie comforted him. “It should be impossible.
12 souls won’t make it an SS-grade difficulty.” The highest difficulty quasi-world he
designed was SS.
Xie Xi also thought this and couldn’t help relaxing. “It should be representative of
something else. There shouldn’t be 12 of you.”
Jiang Xie laughed. “Yes.”
Xie Xi relaxed before unexpectedly saying, “Actually, it would be nice if I could help you
discover 12 souls at a time.”
He might be exhausted but the gains would be great. There was a limit to how many soul
pieces could be cut off. If it was really possible to take back 12 souls, Jiang Xie might not be
in danger.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet. “It’s fine. Central’s release of erasure tasks is regular. It will be
a priority to erase the difficult to repair worlds.”
He knew Xie Xi must be scared by Yunge’s announcement just now. In the event that
someone received Jiang Xie’s quasi-world and successfully erased it, Jiang Xie’s soul
wouldn’t come back. If the souls died then Jiang Xie…
There was always knife hanging over Jiang Xie’s head and Xie Xi was nervous. He felt he
couldn’t delay the time and said, “Let’s go. If we enter then we’ll know what is going on.
In fact, he had an idea in his mind but it was too incredible. There had never been such a
situation before and the possibility was extremely low. Thus, Jiang didn’t say it to cause
trouble to Xie Xi.
After entering the quasi-world, he would have to play as the souls. This meant Xie Xi would
have to explore things himself.
He should avoid giving untrustworthy information to Xie Xi so that Xie Xi wouldn’t embark
on the wrong path.
Xie Xi’s mood was quite complicated. He felt that there couldn’t be 12 souls. He also felt that
if true or not, he should recover the souls as soon as possible to feel reassured.
Xie Xi was filled with this determination as he started off. He glanced at Jiang Xie and
confirmed again. “Are you sure?”
It was unknown how many worlds Jiang Xie went through but he had a bit of tension. “Go.”
Xie Xi nodded. After a short dizziness, he saw the information panel that appeared in front
of him.
[Welcome to the Collapsing 12 Boundaries. Please read the following information board
Name: Collapsing 12 Boundaries.
Remember, you don’t believe in things because they are real. It is because you believe in
them that they are real.
There is no eternal truth in this world because what you think is nothing more than a
The world is hypothetical.
General Task: Find the true spirit and repair him.
Carried Items: God’s Wisdom, Sketch Pen.
Xie Xi looked at this information panel and froze for a long time. He had a good memory
and remembered the contents with almost a glance. There were too many differences
compared to the previous information panel.
First, there was the first sentence. It used to be ‘welcome to the quasi-world’. This time, it
was ‘welcome to the Collapsing 12 Boundaries.’
The next parts were missing and then the contents of the summary made his scalp feel
This was like a reminder to Xie Xi but it was hard to understand the reminder.
The things he believed in were real? Then what did it mean by the last sentence about the
world being hypothetical?
Xie Xi continued to look down and pondered over these words.
Every time he entered the quasi-world, the prompt would give the main task and the side
task. What did this general task mean?
The contents of the task were also quite subtle.
Look for the real spirit? Did this mean there were fakes?
Repairing it was normal. However, the word ‘He’ made Xie Xi think about it. This pronoun
was generally used to describe a god. Was the spirit a god? Or an existence similar to a god?
Even the last part about the items carried made Xie Xi puzzled.
He had the golden items box. Due to becoming a designer and his suitability being
enhanced, Jiang Xie gave him two pills to bring with this. Yet they disappeared and the only
thing left was the god’s wisdom and sketch pen.
It was too strange. This world was surprising from the moment he entered.
The information panel had disappeared. Xie Xi squinted at the lower right corner and saw
the words of the complete task. This gave him some peace of mind and he became
determined to do the mission.
Xie Xi sighed and calmed down after thinking about the seniors who became five balls.
Jiang Xie said that anything could happen in the quasi-world. Perhaps the change in the
information panel was due to becoming a designer?
However, if there really was going to be a change, why didn’t Jiang Xie remind him in
Of course, this change wasn’t big and Jiang Xie had been a designer for many years. It was
normal to forget. Jiang Xie who was so careful…
Stop, Xie Xi refused to think about it. Since he had entered, he had to act calmly. Nothing
had started yet and thinking too much would only make himself timid.
Xie Xi looked around. Not surprisingly, Jiang Xie wasn’t present…
His heart was prepared but he still felt empty when he didn’t see Jiang Xie. Perhaps it was
due to the different information panel.
Xie Xi stepped forward and sank. It felt like a falling dream, as if he had fallen down a cliff.
After a violent sense of weightlessness, Xie Xi stood firm.
There was darkness around him where he couldn’t see his fingers and it was as if he
couldn’t be sure of his own existence.
Xie Xi couldn’t determine if he had really fallen just now. The only certain thing was that he
wasn’t injured. There was no pain in his body and no discomfort at all.
Where the hell was this? Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of darkness but he was somewhat uneasy. He
couldn’t help whispering, “Jiang Xie?”
An empty echo returned to his ears.
Jiang Xie… Jiang Xie… Jiang Xie…
Xie Xi’s heart thumped and the echo caused by his own voice increased his tension. He
stopped speaking and didn’t move any more. He tried to release Roast Pork Bun but…
The pet bar was gone. His system panel was empty. There were only the god’s wisdom and
sketch pen.
What exactly was going on? Why was even the kitten gone? Xie Xi’s thin lips unconsciously
He took out the god’s wisdom and sketch pen, thought about it and drew a flashlight.
Thanks to the sketch pen, he could draw whatever he wanted.
After drawing, the god’s wisdom flashed and Xie Xi found there was a flashlight in his items
bar. He sighed with relief and took it out. He turned it on and there was a straight line in the
This didn’t give Xie Xi any pace of mind. The light shone like a white line drawn on a huge
black cloth. It didn’t illuminate the surroundings but became a solitary existence crowded
by darkness.
Xie Xi took a breath and turned off the flashlight. He didn’t know why but having it on was
even more terrible. It was because nothing could be seen and the darkness was a thick fog
that constantly devoured the light.
Where was this? What should he do next? Xie Xi didn’t know.
He walked straight ahead. He felt like a long time had passed but he wasn’t tired at all.
This wasn’t the real world and he wasn’t himself. Fear spread like the high tide. Xie Xi
controlled his mind and thought about what to do. A dark world with nothing, what should
he do?
Xie Xi’s mind moved and he grabbed the god’s wisdom. If there was nothing then he could
Could he do this? What should he draw? In Xie Xi’s mind, Jiang Xie’s garden emerged…
He knew that god’s wisdom had creative limitations. It wasn’t just limited in size but it
could only create inanimate objects. Even so, his hand slowly moved.
He drew Jiang Xie’s garden. In the darkness where nothing could be seen, only the sea of
roses in the god’s wisdom could be seen.
He knew that it was what he drew but his mood relaxed because of the familiar scene. He
didn’t know when but Xie Xi had made this garden his home. The place that symbolized
Jiang Xie’s spiritual world was already his safe haven.
Xie Xi recovered his calm and was thinking about what to draw. Suddenly, the surrounding
area brightened and Xie Xi found himself standing in a sea of roses. It was a familiar sight, a
familiar garden and even the exact same pavilion.
Xie Xi was stunned. He took a few steps and found that outside the garden was dark, but the
garden was bright.
He… he drew out the garden? What was going on? The beginner god’s wisdom couldn’t…
At this time, Xie Xi discovered that the word ‘beginner’ wasn’t before the god’s wisdom. It
was just a plain god’s wisdom. What was going on?
Xie Xi’s mind was full of fog when he saw twelve groups of light in the centre of the garden.
Xie Xi headed over and saw the different colours of the light group, as well as the symbols
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer…
The 12 zodiac constellations?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 202

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 2

The colour of each light group was different.

The first was the red Aries, the second was the pink Taurus, third was the yellow Gemini,
then there was the green Cancer, the gold Leo, the silver-grey Virgo, the brown Libra, the
purple Scorpio, the blue Sagittarius, the black Capricorn, the bronze Aquarius and the white
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t recognize all the symbols of the 21 zodiacs but he could recognize
some. Along with the number 12, it was easy to guess that it was the 12 zodiac
The so-called 12 boundaries represented the 12 zodiac signs?
Xie Xi was silent for a moment as a thought flashed in his mind: a burning small universe.
…Xie Xi hadn’t seen Saint Seiya but he knew this famous anime and knew there were gold
siants who represented the zodiac constellations.
After thinking about it for a while, Xie Xi wasn’t so flustered. Perhaps it was because he was
in the garden. It might not be Central’s garden but it still gave him great comfort.
Xie Xi examined the 12 light groups for a long time. He didn’t find any abnormalities and
tried to touch the first light group.
The Aries symbol of the red light group flashed. Then Xie Xi felt a warm heat pouring into
the palm of his hand. The symbol of the light group disappeared and a young Jiang Xie
appeared in the light group. His handsome face had a sunny smile and his clear voce asked,
“Is it me?”
Xie Xi was shocked and instantly let go. The heat on his palm disappeared and the reflection
was also gone. The light group returned to the red shape with the Aries symbol floating on
What did this mean? The light group was Jiang Xie and it was a young Jiang Xie?
Xie Xi thought about it and approached the Aries light group again. He touched it, there was
heat and the young Jiang Xie appeared again. He seemed to be looking through a mirror as
the youth’s face filled with a unique tenderness. “Is it me?”
This time, Xie Xi didn’t move. He wanted to see if this person would say anything else.
However, Jiang Xie didn’t move. He was like a fixed recording who could only say this
Xie Xi tried to call out, “Jiang Xie?”
The young Aries didn’t say anything, only staring at Jiang Xie in a sunny and warm manner.
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking for a while…
Well… it was common to have poor resistance to such a young and enthusiastic lover.
Xie Xi confirmed Jiang Xie wouldn’t respond to himself and moved his hand away. The
image disappeared and returned to a red light group.
He wondered in his heart, ‘What if I say yes?’
The teenage Jiang Xie had asked, “Is it me?”
What if Xie Xi answered? He didn’t act lightly and went to the next pink light group.
This was Taurus. Xie Xi raised his hand and after the pink colour faded, Jiang Xie in a suit
appeared. His eyes were gentle and his voice low and steady. “Is it me?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Such a serious Jiang Xie was too rare but also quite handsome.
Next was the yellow Gemini.
Xie Xi touched it and the yellow colour faded. A Jiang Xie wearing a hooded sweater and
jeans appeared in front of him. Jiang Xie’s hair was messy, his hands were in his pocket and
his legs were strong as he asked with bright eyes and a clear voice. “Is it me?”
Xie Xi had also never seen the university student Jiang Xie. His heart skipped a beat and he
didn’t say anything.
Seeing this, he vaguely guessed there was a Jiang Xie in every light group. It was hard to say
whether it was a soul or the main Jiang Xie but Jiang Xie definitely corresponded with every
They had different ages and slightly different temperaments.
Xie Xi knew Jiang Xie’s birthday because he would give a good celebration every year in
Dream Come True. It was November 30th, which was a Sagittarius.
Xie Xi moved past the other constellations and went straight to the blue Sagittarius.
He raised his hand as usual and after the blue light faded, a smiling Jiang Xie appeared in
front of him. The gentle voice was filled with some playfulness. “Is it me?”
Xie Xi’s heart thumped a bit and he muttered, “Playboy.”
Yes… the Sagittarius Jiang Xie gave him the strong feeling of a womanizer, someone who
was an old hand at managing clusters of flowers.
Oh, Jiang Xie was an old hand and Xie Xi was the cluster of flowers.
Sagittarius? Xie Xi thought about it and for the sake of insurance, he checked all of them.
The Cancer Jiang Xie felt particularly good, like a gentle brother.
The Leo Jiang Xie was very arrogant, like the X who was always first in the training field.
The Virgo Jiang Xie gave Xie Xi the feeling of the sixth prince, i.e. Houqing. He was quiet and
melancholy and seemed like he would disappear whenever Xie Xi blinked.
The Libra Jiang Xie also gave Xie Xi a strong sense of familiarity. Was it the second prince,
Nine Tailed Fox? He had the same gorgeous feeling.
Scorpio’s Jiang Xie reminded Xie Xi of Big Jiang in the last room. It was a mature charm but
also an elusiveness that couldn’t be figured out by Xie Xi.
Capricorn’s Jiang Xie was somewhat like J, a man who was deeply regretful and suffered
through nine reincarnations. However, there was also some of the paranoid Randy, the
earliest recovered soul.
There were still two constellations he hadn’t seen and Xie Xi was curious and interested in
this strange place.
How to say… it was a bit like a dress up game. The role was the person he loved most but it
was interesting to see these different sides of him.
Of course, the premise was if all these Jiang Xie didn’t come out of the light groups. If they
all came out…
Hehe, sorry to bother you!
Xie Xi looked at the bronze Aquarius. He didn’t know much about this constellation but he
vaguely felt it seemed to be a smart and independent character.
However, these constellation books weren’t accurate and some traits were part of
deliberate marketing.
People were complex and changeable. They couldn’t be defined by one or two labels.
Xie Xi was really curious about Jiang Xie’s age in the Aquarius light group.
He placed a hand on it and saw a Jiang Xie who was around 27 years old. I seemed to be
winter as he was wearing a wool coat and his handsome face had a gentleness that melted
the cold wind. His tone was slightly cool and contained some mystery. “Is it me?”
It was amazing that the same vocal cords could change into so many tones.
Xie Xi smiled and went to see the last Pisces. The moment he touched the light, he knew
who this was. It was the artistic fifth prince, Vermilion Bird of the Holy Mountain. In
addition, this constellation was very similar to the fifth prince’s temperament.
After seeing all of them, Xie Xi took a few steps back and touched his chin. What did this
mean? Did every light group have Jiang Xie’s soul?
Were there really 12 Jiang Xie in Collapsing 12 Boundaries? Excluding the familiar faces,
there was at least… six? Six was still barely acceptable. 12 was too terrible!
Xie Xi always felt that this world wasn’t so simple. It had been full of changes everywhere,
starting from the information panel. The god’s wisdom could actually create such a garden
and he hadn’t met anyone for so long.
This world gave him the feeling that he was the only one present. A chill rushed through his
body as he tried not to think about it…
He continued to watch the light group while thinking about Jiang Xie’s question.
‘Is it me?’
What exactly did this mean? Did he need to choose one of the 12 light groups? If he chose,
would the other groups disappear? Then what would happen?
Xie Xi glanced at his task: Find the true spirit and repair him.
What was the spirit? How to find the true spirit? Was one of the 12 light groups the true
spirit? Xie Xi needed to tell it? How many chances were there? He couldn’t lose after one
Xie Xi didn’t have any clues. He touched the light groups again and the different Jiang Xie
Their age and clothing were different. It was probably due to this aspect that their
temperament and personalities seemed different. Which one was most like Jiang Xie?
Xie Xi thought about it carefully and found it hard to judge. It was because there wasn’t one
who was exactly like Jiang Xie and they all seemed to be Jiang Xie.
His personality was too diverse. The person he showed in Central was only one aspect of
his personality. In fact, on the inside…
Look at the souls who had near-contradictory personalities at different times. If there was
anything that was unified, it was their self-confidence, obsession, love of face and… Xie Xi.
Did this count as a personality trait? Xie Xi was amused by himself. Let’s just count the
important features!
Xie Xi examined them again and finally stared at the first Aries. Jiang Xie might be a
Sagittarius but there was no need to choose Sagittarius.
In the 12 constellations, Aries was first and this might be the first world of this collapsed
place. Since there was an order, why not try it in order?
Xie Xi once again touched the light group and saw the young Jiang Xie who was as bright as
the sun. Jiang Xie looked at Xie Xi and asked, “Is it me?’
Xie Xi stared for a while, finding that Jiang Xie was at most 16 or 17 and he should be a high
school student. Well, if he was young then he should be easy to coax.
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
The moment he spoke, the teenager smiled just like the midday sun, dazzling people so
they couldn’t look directly.
He said, “Thank you.”
Then there was a huge pull and Xie Xi felt sucked into the light group.
He didn’t resist and let himself be wrapped in this light. There was no feeling of discomfort.
Instead, there was an inexplicable peace of mind, as if he felt Jiang Xie’s existence.
It was wonderful and indescribable yet obviously there. Xie Xi opened his eyes and heard
heavy panting. What was this sound? It was so hard to hear.
Xie Xi looked up and was startled. What a big tongue, what a big dog! Yes, in front of Xie Xi
was a huge dog that looked down at Xie Xi in a condescending manner, as if watching a
Xie Xi’s first reaction was to wonder if he had shrunk. Had he come to a giant world? The
next thing he noticed was his strangeness. How did he have four feet on the ground?
“Meow…” Xie Xi opened his mouth only to let out a pitiful kitten’s meow.
Xie Xi, “???”
Then a pair of big hands appeared and picked him up, causing Xie Xi’s perspective to
suddenly be high up.
There was a low scoff from the person holding him and the wild dog turned to run away.
Xie Xi looked up and saw the teenage Jiang Xie.
The teenager was less sunny than he appeared in the light group. He gazed at Xie Xi and
asked, “Do you have no home?” This voice was cold and had a feeling of alienation.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 203

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 3

The young Aries was energetic. How could the young Jiang Xie in front of him give off such
an indifferent and cold feeling?
Despite the sun shining, it was completely cold and chilly.
Xie Xi didn’t forget about his strangeness. He raised his head and cried out, “Jiang Xie?” but
he only let out an embarrassing meow.
How did he become a cat? Roast Pork Bun couldn’t come out. How did he become Roast
Pork Bun?
A bit of temperature filled Jiang Xie’s cold eyes as he patted Xie Xi’s little head. “So dirty.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He felt incredible dislike and it was fortunate that Cat Xie couldn’t speak. Jiang Xie saw the
drooping cat ears and smiled lightly. “You are so dirty that no one would want to raise you.”
Xie Xi muttered, “There is no need for people to raise me.” The sound was a pathetic meow.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else and held him. Xie Xi was quite concerned. Was he really
that dirty? He bowed his head and only saw a pair of small paws.
He seemed to be a black and white cat? The front paws were regular white gloves while the
other fur was black. Just based on these little paws… well, he was pretty dirty.
After all, he was a stray cat chased by wild dogs. It was normal to be dirty.
Xie Xi hadn’t adapted to the cat’s body yet so it was quite comfortable for Jiang Xie to hold
him. He used this chance to look around.
They were walking along a small riverside path. The wind in early spring was still cold
from winter and the trees by the river were dry. It seemed that hadn’t yet woken up from a
deep winter sleep.
Naturally, there was no ice on the river. It was just that the water wasn’t too clear and the
flow was very slow. It was a type of river that every city would try to control but this
wouldn’t last long.
There was a ramp on the left side of the trail and a road above. Vehicles passed by and the
traffic wasn’t blocked at all since it wasn’t the peak period.
It was around 10 o’clock in the morning? Cat Xie looked up at the sun. If the teenage Jiang
Xie was wearing a watch on his wrist then Xie Xi could directly tell the time.
It was a pity that Jiang Xie looked very plain. Forget a watch, even the clothes were white
from being washed too much. It seemed that Aries’ situation wasn’t too good?
Xie Xi wasn’t clear about it but it didn’t matter. Xie Xi would definitely let him live well and
have a blessed life.
Xie Xi could do such a little thing. Wait… Xie Xi became aware of a serious question. Could
he really paint in the god’s wisdom with his cat paws? He was afraid that he couldn’t even
hold the pen!
The only golden finger couldn’t be used. Don’t talk about raising the teenager, Cat Xie might
end up being the one raised.
Well, don’t be discouraged. It was best to wait and try it. Who said that cats couldn’t draw?
The paws might not work but he had his mouth. Couldn’t he hold the pen with it? This
problem wasn’t big!
Xie Xi still had some doubts about the scene in front of him. He agreed to the light group’s
invitation and entered the light group.
Was the light group a boundary? Then the 12 light groups were 12 boundaries? Was this
the structure of the world?
What was he supposed to do after entering here? The true spirit must be Jiang Xie so had
he found it?
Of course not.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. He had done a few tasks and understood that anxiety wouldn’t
solve the problem. The clues needed to be gradually discovered.
In this mood, Aries took him to an apartment. Xie Xi glanced around and found that the
community’s environment wasn’t bad. It was much better than Xie Xi’s previous home.
Jiang Xie used his access control card and went upstairs after walking through a neat
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie didn’t take the elevator but walked straight up the stairs.
Fortunately, there were only four floors. The youth’s legs were fast and his breathing
wasn’t messed up at all.
Xie Xi didn’t expect Aries to love sports. Sure enough, he was energetic inside despite
looking indifferent on the surface.
Later, Xie Xi knew that Jiang Xie didn’t take the elevator purely because he didn’t want to
meet people.
Inside the house, Xie Xi looked around again. Of course, this action turned into a cat sticking
his head out and looking around.
Jiang Xie thought he was afraid and spoke softly, “There is no dog at home.”
Who would be afraid of dogs? Then the giant dog’s head flashed through his mind and Cat
Xie was silent. The big dog was a bit surprising.
Xie Xi generally understood.
This was a one bedroom single apartment. The decorations were okay and all the necessary
furniture was present. It was quite good, apart from being a bit small.
Still, it could be seen from this household that Jiang Xie was living on his own. A young man
of 16 or 17 was living on his own?
Xie Xi wasn’t clear about Jiang Xie’s family situation since he never asked in Central.
This was the ‘etiquette’ between players. Only those who were abandoned by their original
world and gave up on their original world would enter Central. For many people, they were
unwilling to recall their original world.
For whatever reason, being abandoned was a bad memory.
What’s more, Jiang Xie had been in Central for so long and had probably almost completely
forgotten his original world. Xie Xi didn’t want to ask him about it.
It was good to put it down and look forward. It was very painful to pursue the past.
Xie Xi wasn’t sure about Jiang Xie’s past but this was a simple new world. In any case, it
didn’t matter. It was considered to be true once he met and encountered it.
As the summary stated, things weren’t true because people believed in it. It was because
they believed in it that it became true.
Jiang Xie placed the kitten on the sofa. “Wait for me.”
Xie Xi saw his dirty paws leave muddy prints on the grey-white sofa.
He was really dirty… Xie Xi wanted to jump off the sofa and stay on the ground but Jiang Xie
pressed on his small head and told him, “Don’t run away. Stay here.”
Xie Xi, “…” This sofa was really dirty, wouldn’t cleaning it up be troublesome?
Jiang Xie obviously couldn’t imagine a cat would care about this and ordered, “Don’t run
away.” His tone was meant to coax the kitten.
Xie Xi was too lazy to take care of this person who was stupid enough to place him on the
sofa. In any case, it was already dirty. Xie Xi lay down and didn’t move.
There was a small smile on the youth’s face, who clearly didn’t laugh often. Jiang Xie’s voice
also warmed up a bit. “Good, I’ll be back soon.”
Xie Xi wasn’t a real cat. How could he run away? Not only would Xie Xi not run away, he
would bring Jiang Xie to a happy life in the future.
Cat Xie thought this and subconsciously took a very dignified posture.
Jiang Xie was really fast and came back in around two or three minutes. Xie Xi saw him
going into the bathroom and thought he was relieving himself. The problem wasn’t too
Who knew that Jiang Xie would take him into the bathroom? It wasn’t until Xie Xi saw the
full basin of water that he understood.
It turned out to be a bath for him. Okay, he was really dirty and couldn’t lick his fur. It was
best to take a bath.
Jiang Xie held him a bit tighter and his voice was gentle. “Don’t be afraid. It is just a bath.”
Cat Xie turned a blind eye. “Nonsense.” Unfortunately, it became a meow.
Jiang Xie spoke to himself. “Sure enough, it is afraid of water.”
Xie Xi said, “I’m not afraid, let me go into the water.”
The meowing became more intense…
Jiang Xie coaxed him. “You are too dirty and need to be washed.”
“Don’t talk nonsense and wash me!”
Jiang Xie muttered, “It seems to be even more tragic.”
Xie Xi, “……..” A cat speaking didn’t work!
Jiang Xie was worried as he placed the kitten in the water. Xie Xi certainly wasn’t afraid of
water but perhaps it was the instincts of his body that made him shrink back. Jiang Xie
immediately covered him with water.
Xie Xi was a bit ashamed. He really wasn’t afraid of water…
However, this water didn’t feel the same as before. A cat’s fur was heavy and it was so
uncomfortable when the fur stuck to the body. It felt like a person wearing a down jacket in
the bath. It really wasn’t comfortable!
Xie Xi realized why pets were so resistant to bathing. Being afraid of water was one thing,
the uncomfortable feeling was also an important factor! Fortunately, he wasn’t a real cat
and could hold back.
Jiang Xie saw the kitten shivering with fear and softly reassured him. “Don’t be afraid, it’ll
be good soon.”
“Don’t talk nonsense and wash me quickly. It is uncomfortable.”
The meows just sounded petulant. The teenager’s eyes warmed but there was a lingering
desolation in the depths of his eyes. He spoke like a child. “Good kitten, it will soon be fine.”
Xie Xi was very uncomfortable but he heard the gentleness in Jiang Xie’s voice and
combined with Jiang Xie’s light hands, he adapted more and more.
The danger of washing was over and then there was the blow drying. Jiang Xie told him
again, “I have to blow dry you or you will catch a cold.”
Xie Xi really wasn’t afraid and it was uncomfortable to be wet. It was better to blow dry
He lay on Jiang Xie’s leg and wet his clothes but the teenager didn’t care. He just patiently
blew Xie Xi’s fur from left to right and inside and outside. It was very thorough.
Xie Xi almost fell asleep. The hairdryer stopped and Jiang Xie stared at the kitten in his
arms, whispering, “You’re so cute after washing.”
Xie Xi raised his eyelids and stared at this person. “Meow.” Nonsense.
Jiang Xie pressed a hand to his head. “You should suppress your temper.”
Xie Xi, “…” What type of joke was this? He was bad-tempered? Jiang Xie placed him on the
sofa again. It was naturally the clean side.
He said, “I’ll get some food for you.”
Xie Xi was a bit hungry but he didn’t want to eat cat food! Jiang Xie had no cat food at home.
He went online and found that cats could eat rice and cooked chicken breasts. Then he
made Xie Xi some food.
Xie Xi gazed at this ‘rice’ and reluctantly ate after feeling his stomach growling. After eating
and drinking enough, Jiang Xie rubbed his furry head. “Are you full?”
“Meow.” He was full. Jiang Xie smiled but the desolation in his eyes was more obvious.
At this point, Xie Xi didn’t know what was going on. Jiang Xie picked him up and went out
with a paper box.
Xie Xi was full after eating and he was a bit sleepy. He was warm in Jiang Xie’s arm and felt
quite comfortable. He was dazed the entire way and as he was about to fall asleep, Jiang Xie
placed down.
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
Jiang Xie carefully padded the box and placed him inside. What was this? How could Xie Xi
expect that Jiang Xie would give him away?
Jiang Xie patted him again. “This family is great and they will surely take good care of you.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie smiled at him. “You became very beautiful after washing. Rest assured, they will
adopt you.”
Then he got up and left.
Xie Xi finally reacted. This person worked hard to bring him home, bathe him and feed it. It
was just to make him fat for other hands?
How could Xie Xi let him go? He rushed out and struck Jiang Xie’s shoes. Painful! “Meow,
This cry was very tragic and Jiang Xie’s footsteps slowed. He turned around to see the little
cat grabbing his leg. His eyes flashed slightly as he crouched down. “Be obedient. You will
be very happy to be their pet.”
“Who was going to be a pet?” Meow meow meow!
Jiang Xie frowned. Xie Xi held this person’s leg tightly, small claws hooked into the pants. It
was an appearance that showed he didn’t intend to let go.
Jiang Xie stared at him for a while, voice full of difficulty. “If you follow me, you will suffer.”
Xie Xi told him, “Follow me and you won’t suffer.”
Jiang Xie was still cruel and removed Xie Xi’s claws, his face fiercely cold. “I don’t like cats
and will never keep a cat. Don’t haunt me.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie saw the cat let go and immediately strode away like a flood of beasts was chasing
Xie Xi froze for a moment before running after him. Want to run! No way! Cat Xie chased
after Jiang Xie but couldn’t find him after a few steps…
Xie Xi stopped as rain poured on his head. He wanted to scent Jiang Xie but the rain blocked
his smell.
Xie Xi was stunned and stood in the rain in a daze. What should he do? He might know Jiang
Xie’s home but he didn’t know how to find the community.
He was unprepared when Jiang Xie brought him out of the house. He didn’t expect to be
thrown away and was completely confused about the route. He didn’t even know how far
he had been brought out.
The originally washed clean cat fur was dirty again. It was also wet and sticky.
However, Xie Xi couldn’t care about this. He had to find Jiang Xie! The condition of the
teenage Jiang Xie worried him and he couldn’t leave this person alone.
Xie Xi ran for a long time like a headless fly in the rain. Once he was tired, he was finally
picked up by big hands.
Xie Xi felt it was Jiang Xie and was a bit angry. “How could you run?!” The sound that
emerged was a weak and poor meow.
Jiang Xie held him and spoke in a hoarse voice, “If you are with me, you will die.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 204

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 4
The teenager’s repressed voice made Xie Xi’s heart hurt and he couldn’t help bending down
to lick the back of Jiang Xie’s hand.
The rain poured down heavily and dulled a person’s senses yet Jiang Xie clearly felt the
gentleness of the barbed soft tongue.
The kitten was comforting him in its own way. Jiang Xie held the cat tightly and felt
unprecedented warmth in the damp and heavy rain.
They went home and this time, Cat Xie pricked his ears and stared around with round eyes,
ready to recognize the road.
If he lost this boy again, he would be able to run back by himself! Unfortunately, the rain
was fierce and Jiang Xie didn’t have an umbrella. He was afraid the kitten would be cold and
pressed the cat deeply into his arms.
Xie Xi tried to move out but Jiang Xie pressed him back, telling him, “We’ll be home soon.”
Xie Xi scolded him. “If you hadn’t messed around, would we have run so far?”
It was a pity that the kitten’s voice was drowned out in the heavy rain. He said this but Xie
Xi felt distressed. What had Jiang Xie experienced that he wouldn’t even dare take in a
He said he didn’t like cats. If he didn’t like cats, would he wash Xie Xi so carefully as well as
prepare food for him?
This was clearly a gentle and careful teenager yet he showed indifference and alienation.
What had he gone through?
Xie Xi wasn’t clear about the specific situation but he could guess based on the sixth
Jiang Xie returned to the community at the fastest speed. He just entered the door when he
saw the elevator parked on the first floor.
He never took the elevator but he wanted to enter the house quickly with the kitten. Thus,
he walked into the elevator.
Xie Xi muttered, “Running all that way is tiring…” He thought Jiang Xie was tired and didn’t
want to climb four flights of stairs.
As it happened, the elevator stopped on the second floor. Xie Xi immediately felt the
tenseness of the person holding him.
What happened? He looked up at Jiang Xie and found that the teenager’s lips had thinned
and he was suppressing his tension after calmness.
The elevator door opened and a woman in her 30s with a small child was standing there.
The woman was picking up the child and didn’t see the person in the elevator.
The child was happy. “Mummy, the kitten in that brother’s arms is so cute!”
Xie Xi felt himself being hugged tightly and blinked. ‘Jiang Xie, can you not give me away to
another person? Just kidding, this is your community. How can I not find your door? If you
send me away, I will run back!’
At this time, the woman looked up and her face changed slightly when she saw Jiang Xie.
The child had already entered the elevator but she pulled the child out. Jiang Xie didn’t say
anything and stood there in a wet manner.
The woman smiled and said, “You… go ahead. We are going downstairs and didn’t realize
the elevator had stopped.”
“Yes.” Then Jiang Xie pressed the button to close the elevator.
The elevator was closing but there was still a gap. Cat Xie’s ears were good and he heard
the woman on the second floor speaking to the child. “Stay away from him and don’t look at
him. How many people has he killed with those eyes!”
The child didn’t understand and just cried because she couldn’t see the kitten. The woman
continued, “I really want to move. How can I live downstairs from such a cursed person?”
Xie Xi glanced up and saw Jiang Xie’ eyelashes trembling. The teenager lowered his eyes in
an attempt to cover his eyes.
After becoming used to the difference, Xie Xi forgot that such eyes were extremely rare and
weird in ordinary society.
In fact, the colours of Jiang Xie’s eyes weren’t that bright. Under normal circumstances, the
background colour was just a dark red and dark blue. It wasn’t exaggerated to the extent of
attracting people’s attention.
Unless the person became emotional and then it would be obvious…
Xie Xi understood why Jiang Xie had such a cold personality. It was because his mood
would fluctuate less and the colour of his eyes would become more normal.
Xie Xi remembered Jiang Xie’s words in the rain and combined with what the woman said,
he felt awkward.
In Lost Atlantis, the sixth prince’s mother died because of him and all those who
approached him suffered misfortune.
Was Jiang Xie here the same? All types of accidents happened and due to these different
eyes, people placed blame on Jiang Xie that didn’t belong to him.
The elevator reached the fourth floor and Jiang Xie entered the house with the kitten. He
carefully prepared warm water and help Xie Xi wash his dirty fur before drying it carefully.
He dried Xie Xi but his clothes were still wet and his hair was drenched.
Xie Xi cried out, “Go take a shower and change clothes!”
Unfortunately, only meows emerged from his mouth.
Jiang Xie held down the moving cat. “If I don’t dry you then you will catch a cold.”
“You are the one who will cat a cold!”
Perhaps his thoughts were too strong, making Jiang Xie sigh. “Are you worried about me?”
“Stop talking nonsense and change clothes.”
Jiang Xie laughed and talked to himself. “I am crazy.” He felt that the kitten could
understand him and was caring about him.
How come… This was just a kitten and it was unknown how long the little guy could stay
with him.
He had been puffed up and angry for a while and now Cat Xie was too tired.
Fortunately, Jiang Xie still had some care regarding his body. After blowdrying the cat, he
went to take a bath and change his clothes in order to not catch a cold.
The weather in March and April was very cold and Jiang Xie had been running in the rain
for so long. It was close to half an hour. If he didn’t get sick then his physique was really
Cat Xie sighed. He was now a kitten and couldn’t take care of such a big Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie finished washing and his mood was very subtle when he saw the kitten lying on
the sofa.
He wanted to send this kitten away but couldn’t. Yet if the cat stayed with him…
Jiang Xie touched the kitten’s chin and whispered, “I will kill you.”
Xie Xi opened his eyes and yelled at this person. “I’m not old and what is this superstitious
Jiang Xie couldn’t understand the meowing and thought he was hungry. “I will prepare food
for you.”
Xie Xi, “…” Young man, am I your own pig?
He said this but once Jiang Xie prepared the meal, he really ate a lot. Perhaps it was because
he was a growing kitten, making him eat more. Jiang Xie didn’t do anything and just
watched him eat.
Xie Xi finished eating and glanced at this youth. “You aren’t eating?”
Then Jiang Xie got up and said, “I will also find something to eat.”
He grabbed some instant noodles and cooked them for himself. Xie Xi discovered it before
but Jiang XIe’s life was a bit miserable. He lived well and had good furnishings but it
obviously wasn’t a plentiful life.
Look at the instant noodles that were eaten very sparingly, it was estimated that his life
was no better than Xie Xi’s past.
An age of 16 or 17 wasn’t too young or too old. High school was very hard and there was
also the anxiety of facing the university entrance examination. Jiang Xie’s specific situation
also wasn’t known.
Xie Xi knew this taste. He had to work while going to school and it was so hard he didn’t
even have time to drink water.
He thought about Jiang Xie’s situation and knew it would be really stressful to raise a cat.
Still, Xie Xi wasn’t a real cat. How could he be raised be Jiang Xie? He was going to raise
Jiang Xie!
It was just that this body was too inconvenient. If he became a person, he would protect
Aries and make this person smile brighter than the sun.
After one person and one cat had enough to eat and drink, Jiang Xie went out. Xie Xi wanted
to go out as well but was afraid he would get lost again. Thus, he stayed at home.
Half an hour later, Jiang Xie came back while carrying a pile of things. Xie Xi saw the pet
logo on the convenience bag and knew what this person was doing. He was so poor he had
to eat instant noodles yet he bought cat food? Besides, Xie Xi wasn’t a real cat and wouldn’t
eat these things.
Jiang Xie also bought a litter box that was pink and girlish.
“You act so coquettishly that you should be a little female cat.” Jiang Xie told him.
Xie Xi, “……..” Young man, you have bad eyes and should hurry to get them checked!
However, Cat Xie was too small and Jiang Xie had no experience with distinguishing gender.
That’s why he didn’t discover Xie Xi’s sex under the thick fur while bathing and chose the
cute one.
Jiang Xie also took out a colourful cat toy stick. “Do you like it?”
This shaking was as if summoning a teammate to play against monsters…
Xie Xi shivered and didn’t want to look at it.
Jiang Xie shook it for a while and felt some regret after finding that Xie Xi wasn’t interested.
“What a waste of more than 10 yuan.”
Xie Xi, “…”
How could this person buy such luxuries when he was so poor? He was unwilling to waste
this poor boy’s hard-earned money and Xie Xi jumped up to bite at the stick.
Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened and a hint of childishness filled his eyes. “Let’s play like this.”
He shook the stick again while talking. What could Xie Xi do? He had to play with this
childish Aries and the stick! They played too much and eventually, it was time to sleep.
Jiang Xie picked up the kitten. “Okay, I’ll play with you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi was dissatisfied. “Kid, I was playing with you.”
Jiang Xie’s heart became soft by the meowing and he rubbed the small head. “Good night.”
Xie Xi was really tired and after a yawn, he fell asleep in Jiang Xie’s arms.
In the middle of the night, Xie Xi woke up. A cat’s body was very convenient at this time. He
slipped out of Jiang Xie’s arms and the cat’s paws were also very quiet on the ground, not
waking up the sleeping teenager.
Xie Xi woke up at this time because he had something to do. He might be a young cat but he
could also help Jiang Xie.
He moved quietly to the next room, found a corner where he wouldn’t be discovered and
took out the god’s wisdom and sketch pen.
The cat paws were unable to hold the pen but the mouth should be okay. Xie Xi bit the
sketch pen and felt pain from his mouth before he even started drawing. This kitten was
too small and it was so hard to pick up a pen!
Xie Xi held the pen in his mouth and swept it crazily over the god’s wisdom. Drawing was
very easy with this sketch pen. The outline might not look like anything but as long as he
constantly thought about it, he could draw it.
What did Xie Xi want to draw? It was naturally money.
The penniless hero had to live a good life. How could he be so generous despite the pain of
buying a cat stick toy?
Xie Xi stopped the pen and looked forward to the hundreds of bills to land. Then…
hundreds of bills appeared… one, two, three… 100.
Hold on! The kitten Xie Xi was almost crushed by the surging tide of bills. It was broken. He
created a bit too much money.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 205
Bonus ko-fi chapter

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 5

At first, Cat Xie was just trying to draw one.

There were no falsehoods in the things Xie Xi created with the god’s wisdom. Besides, it
was a collapsed small world and everything was directed at him.
As long as Xie Xi draw a money bill, it could pass through layers of testing and it was
cheaper than real money.
However, he couldn’t create too much. It wasn’t a matter of worrying about inflation since
it wasn’t easy for ordinary people to use all of it. It just wasn’t easy to explain.
One or two could be said to be blown over by the wind… a pile like this was like a tornado
sweeping through a bank vault!
Young Aries would be frightened to death!
What should he do? Cat Xie stood on the ‘mountain of money’ and worried about it.
It was only two in the morning. Little Jiang hadn’t woken up yet. Xie Xi had to use this time
to destroy the bulk of the money.
It was unrealistic to throw it out. He had to find ways to make them more fragmented.
Xie Xi could draw a shredder using the god’s wisdom but what if the sound woke up Jiang
Besides, after breaking up these ‘pieces of paper’, how could he dispose of the shredder?
Based on Cat Xie’s small body he would be crushed to death by the large amount of money,
let alone the machine.
In addition, there was so much money that Xie Xi wouldn’t finish by dawn if he did it one by
Xie Xi thought about it and finally came up with a strange trick. Now it wasn’t the beginner
version of the god’s wisdom and he could draw anything.
His mindset was confined to Earth but he had experienced many worlds. Why didn’t he try
drawing something from one of those worlds?
Xie Xi remembered that there were many high-tech gadgets in the last world, such as the
washing ball that allowed him to take a bath and wash clothes. Another example was
something the size of a rice grain that could turn into a vehicle…
That’s right! Xie Xi remembered there was an environmental ball dedicated to dealing with
Just point it at something and the target would take into molecular free objects in the air!
Xie Xi wasn’t sure if he could draw it but it was worth a try. The kitten picked up the sketch
pen and drew an image on the god’s wisdom.
The environmental ball was green, the size was almost this big and there were small
That’s it! The sketch pen drew out Xie Xi’s imaginary environmental ball. Let’s check if the
god’s wisdom could create a real environmental ball! Xie Xi held his breath and watched
In fact, the process of creation was very fast and didn’t delay for even 0.1 seconds. It was
just that his expectations were so high that it felt like a very long time.
A tennis ball sized green ball rolled towards the paper money. Xie Xi jumped down and
grabbed the environmental ball.
The way this thing opened was very simple. He just needed to pull this ring out. Xie Xi
stretched out his claws and hooked them hard against the ring…
It was ready! Next, he just had to hold down the button and align the decomposition end
with the paper money.
This thing was risk-free for people. He just needed to touch it to the right place and avoid
the place that was similar to a ‘blade.’ This was a bit dangerous for a kitten but Xie Xi wasn’t
a real cat. He would be careful and nothing would happen.
He tried it and was relieved when the banknotes disappeared into thin air. Fortunately, the
creation of the god’s wisdom had no limitations. It seemed that Xie Xi could create
Was this actually creation? It was a bit like copying. After all, creation should mean
something that never existed. On the other hand, this environmental ball didn’t exist in this
The environmental ball had a limit to its uses and it was an empty shell after all the
banknotes were disposed of. Just throw such a thing into the trash can!
Xie Xi looked at the banknotes remaining and was greatly relieved. Next time, he just had to
think about making less money.
After acting for so long, Xie Xi was tired and climbed back into Jiang Xie’s bed, yawning in
his arms.
Jiang Xie seemed to open his eyes a bit as he gazed at the kitten lying in his arms, cautiously
hugging the kitten. He dreamt that he had a companion, a kitten. It turned out that it wasn’t
a dream.
After a good night’s sleep, Xie Xi was full of energy and woke up once Jiang Xie opened his
Jiang Xie wondered, “You woke up?”
Xie Xi told him, “Go and collect the money.” Meow meow meow.
Jiang Xie smiled. “You are really coquettish.”
Xie Xi, “????” Teenager, do you have a misunderstanding of the word coquettish?
Jiang Xie got out of bed while chugging Xie Xi. “Are you hungry? I don’t know what you like
to eat so I bought a few trial flavours.”
He was talking about the cat food. Xie Xi scoffed at why he had to eat cat good. Then Jiang
Xie opened the packet and poured out the cat food…
Cat Xie’s eyes widened. How could it be so fragrant?
Jiang Xie placed the cat food bowl in front of him. “Try it.”
Xie Xi told himself, “No, I’m a person. I’m really a person.”
He took a bite. Jiang Xie asked, “Is it delicious?”
Cat Xie eating the delicious food. “It isn’t delicious.”
“It is good if you like it.”
Xie Xi shouted, “I don’t like it!”
“Next time, I will buy this for you.”
Xie Xi, “…” Forget it, he didn’t make any sense at all.
After eating and drinking enough, Xie Xi waited for the teenager to pick up the money.
Last night, Xie Xi thought for a while before finding a suitable position and placed the
money by a half-open window.
It might seem fantastical that the wind would blow this type of thing but it was more
believable than a domestic cat drawing money in the middle of the night!
Jiang Xie came here and was stunned. “This…”
Xie Xi told him, “Teenager, you have enough for today’s meal. Go eat something good.”
His meowed and listened to Jiang Xie mutter, “This is the fourth floor. Is there still paper
flying over here?”
Xie Xi froze. “Paper? Are you mistaking money as paper?”
Jiang Xie picked up a 100 yuan bill and wondered, “Is this a banknote?”
Xie Xi heard these words and his heart thumped. Was the currency of this world different
from his? The background environment might be similar and Jiang Xie said their words
were similar but…
No, Xie Xi was surprised. Why did he think this was Jiang Xie’s original world? Wasn’t this a
collapsed quasi-world?
Jiang Xie looked at the banknote and laughed. “I don’t know where it came from but it is
quite delicate.”
He seemed to be afraid the kitten would eat something unclean and threw the paper money
into the trash.
Xie Xi, “…”
He started from two in the morning and worked hard for three hours to get so little money.
He threw it at this person and…
The breadwinner was really tired and Cat Xie lay down.
After eating breakfast, Jiang Xie needed to go and it was reasonable to say that Xie Xi should
stay at home. However, he wasn’t reassured.
He had to learn more about the world. It wasn’t just money but also Jiang Xie’s current life.
He didn’t come here to be a cat. He had to find the true spirit, even if he didn’t know what
that meant.
Jiang Xie put on the school uniform and hung a black bag from one shoulder. He seemed to
be going to school? Xie Xi jumped onto his uniform pants and tried to climb up.
Jiang Xie leaned down and picked him up. “Be good at home. I’ll come back after school.”
“Bring me with you.”
One person and one cat were connected at this time. Jiang Xie shook his head. “No, the
outside world is too dangerous. I can’t bring you with me.”
“It won’t be dangerous because I won’t leave you.”
Jiang Xie tried to coax him. “Be good and I’ll bring a new toy when I come back.”
Xie Xi remembered the stick from last night and wanted to glare at this person. Jiang Xie
thought Xie Xi was coaxed, put down Xie Xi and changed his shoes. Xie Xi hugged his calf
Jiang Xie didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “I really can’t take you with me.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. After all, he couldn’t be understood. He just tried to climb up and
drill under this person’s uniform.
Jiang Xie was probably afraid Xie Xi would scratch his pants and held Xie Xi in his arms. “Be
obedient.” Jiang Xie was trying to coax the cat again.
Xie Xi climbed into his clothes. Fortunately, the kitten was really small and the uniform was
big. Xie Xi didn’t show up at all.
In any case, this was a teenager and it was the first time the teenager had a companion.
Jiang Xie was hesitant.
Xie Xi proved with actions that he could be very good and quiet. Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed and
he had the illusion that this kitten could understand the human language.
How could it be? This was just a kitten.
Jiang Xie sighed. “If you are discovered then I will send you home.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything since he wouldn’t be discovered. Jiang Xie felt his clothes move
and found the kitten wrapped around his waist, a small ball that wouldn’t fall off.
He smiled and fished Xie Xi out. Xie Xi’s eyes widened as he thought he would be left behind
again. Jiang Xie told him, “Go into my bag and don’t run around.”
Xie Xi wouldn’t.
He finally managed to follow Jiang Xie out the door and had two goals for this trip. One was
to look at the appearance of currency and the other was to look at Jiang Xie’s living
The former wasn’t urgent but the latter made Xie Xi completely distressed.
On the way, Jiang Xie didn’t speak to anyone. After arriving at school, Xie Xi heard the noise
of students but none of them greeted Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie quietly walked alone and Xie Xi could imagine the coldness, even if he couldn’t see
the teenager.
They arrived at the classroom and Jiang Xie sat in the last row. He had a double table to
himself. The only benefit was that Xie Xi didn’t need to worry about being discovered. As
long as he didn’t make a sound, no one would look this way.
Jiang Xie was afraid that it would be stuffy for Xie Xi and pulled him out of the bag, fingers
pressed against the cat out of fear of him running around.
Xie Xi honestly lay in the open drawer of the table and licked this person’s fingertips.
Jiang Xie grinned and patted his little head. Xie Xi’s heart was pained. Why was such a good
teenager isolated?
Soon, Xie Xi found that it wasn’t just the students who didn’t talk to Jiang Xie. The teachers
didn’t even look at him.
There were three lectures in two classrooms in the morning. Not a single teacher asked
Jiang Xie a question all morning.
In the large classroom filled with many people, Jiang Xie seemed invisible. It wasn’t until
the last class in the morning that there was some turmoil.
He heard the class teacher say, “Kang Hong is from the province and transferred here due
to his parent’s work. In the future, he will be our classmate!”
Then a teenager introduced himself. Xie Xi looked through the table gaps but unfortunately
couldn’t see anything.
Jiang Xie’s situation didn’t change because of the transfer student. After school, he placed
the kitten in his bag. Before going home, he went to the bathroom first. As he was washing
his hands, voices were heard outside.
“Kang Hong, you must stay far away from Jiang Xie. He is very dangerous.”
The transfer student wondered, “What’s wrong with him?”
Jiang Xie’s classmate explained, “His eyes are ghost eyes and anyone he stares at will die.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 206

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 6

What a mess! Xie Xi felt furious when he heard these worlds. So superstitious! This was still
a high school student!
Xie Xi didn’t dare to make a sound. Jiang Xie was already isolated and it would be even
worse if it was discovered he brought a cat to school.
Fortunately, there were still normal people. The transfer student Kang Hong burst out
laughing. “What are you talking about? Isn’t it forbidden to believe in these things since the
founding of the People’s Republic of China?”
What ghost eyes? He thought his classmates were joking.
The classmate had a serious expression. “It really is evil. You might not believe it but many
people have been affected.”
Kang Hong refuted, “His eye colours are just a bit different. Is this worth making a fuss
about?” The boy was quite lively and joked around, “Don’t you think this is cool? The
different coloured eyes is a setting in comics!”
This made Xie Xi very happy. Yes, this was a normal high school student. Did they not watch
anime? Why were they scared of different coloured eyes?
The classmate was cautious. “There was a new teacher who didn’t believe it previously.
Kang Hong asked, “What happened afterwards?”
Xie Xi was also very curious. He wanted to hear more but at this time, Jiang Xie turned off
the tap, went outside and interrupted their conversation.
The moment he saw Jiang Xie, the classmate’s expression changed, closed his eyes and
turned to flee.
Kang Hong, “…”
Xie Xi, “…”
This was too poisonous! Jiang Xie moved away without looking at anyone. Kang Hong called
out, “Jiang Xie.”
Jiang Xie stood still.
“Don’t listen to their nonsense.”
Jiang Xie told him, “They aren’t speaking nonsense.”
Kang Hong was stunned.
Jiang Xie didn’t look at him while speaking indifferently, “That new teacher asked me a
question in class and was then diagnosed with lung cancer.”
Kang Hong stayed and wondered, “What does that have to do with you? Won’t he still be
sick even if he didn’t ask the question?”
Jiang Xie didn’t speak and strode towards the stairwell.
Kang Hong caught up. “It definitely isn’t an illness that can be caught in a day or two. Isn’t it
just a coincidence?”
Jiang Xie didn’t explain. He just accelerated his pace and kept a sufficient distance.
Xie Xi was uncomfortable. There were still many people like Kang Hong in this world but
Jiang Xie lost the courage to be in contact with people.
No matter what happened before, it was conceivable that there must be many people
around him who were unfortunate.
Perhaps it was a coincidence or perhaps there were other factors. It was just that under the
fierce rumours, all the blame was pushed on Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie acquiesced to this exclusion and isolation because he also believed that he was
cursed and didn’t want to bring disaster to people.
Xie Xi suddenly understood why he was a cat. If he was a person, he probably wouldn’t be
able to get close to Jiang Xie. He couldn’t get close to the Jiang Xie who blocked himself in
order to protect others. Xie Xi sighed in the schoolbag, distressed for the young man
The moment Jiang Xie walked out the school gate, he took Xie Xi out because he was afraid
of the kitten suffocating.
“Poor thing.” Meow.
Temperature filled Jiang Xie’s cold eyes. “Today was really good. You weren’t discovered by
anyone.” The kitten was quiet and sensibly avoided other people.
Xie Xi cried out, “Crap!” How could he be discovered?
Jiang Xie understood his cat language. “Let’s go back and I’ll play with you.”
Xie Xi remembered the colourful and dazzling fairy stick.
Jiang Xie’s bad mood was blown away by the kitten’s soft and ‘coquettish’ nature. No matter
what happened outside, he wasn’t alone when he went home.
Jiang Xie felt some expectations and wanted to go back to prepare food for the kitten.
As it happened, he had just entered the community when he saw an acquaintance.
Kang Hong made an unexpected expression. “Jiang Xie, you live here too?”
Jiang Xie was stunned. He didn’t expect to see Kang Hong again. He quickly turned his eyes
away with a “Yes.” Then he walked towards his unit door.
Kang Hong chased him. “I’m just in unit six. We moved in the other day. This is your unit?”
Jiang Xie didn’t talk to him.
Kang Hong exclaimed, “We are classmates and live in the same community. Don’t be so
indifferent.” Then he touched Little Jiang’s arm.
Jiang Xie’s body stiffened and his footsteps stopped. “Don’t touch me.”
His low voice was filled with deterrence, shocking Kang Hong.
Jiang Xie told him, “All the rumours are true. Stay away from me.”
Kang Hong paused before chasing again. He stood in front of Jiang Xie and declared, “I don’t
believe that I can die after you looking at me. My body is healthy…”
He hadn’t finished speaking when he saw the little kitten in Jiang Xie’s arms.
Xie Xi said, “Hello teenager.” Meow meow.
Kang Hong’s eyes flashed with small stars. “So cute!”
Xie Xi, “…” There was the feeling of his state being changed!
Jiang Xie was stunned and his face was as stiff as a board.
The cat slave Kang Hong immediately approached. “Are you raising it? It’s so little, so cute.”
Jiang Xie had no idea what to say.
Kang Hong continued. “My mother is allergic to cat hair and my family can’t raise cats.
However, my sister raised two after getting married and I often go to see them…”
They didn’t know Kang Hong was a chatterbox before. Once he started talking about cats,
he couldn’t stop.
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi and didn’t go anywhere.
Kang Hong had completely ignored his classmates’ warnings and only wanted to have a
good relationship with Jiang Xie thanks to the cat.”What is it called?” He asked for the name
of the kitten.
Jiang Xie hadn’t given the kitten a name because he felt he couldn’t raise it.
Kang Hong saw through this. “You haven’t given it a name yet? Then you have to think
about it. Wait for me to go back and help you find a name with good luck.”
Xie Xi rolled his eyes. “I thought you weren’t superstitious.”
Kang Hong cried out, “Listen to it! So cute!”
Xie Xi finally understood the mood of pets. Humans didn’t understand them no matter what
and it was really frustrating.
In the end, Jiang Xie was still a young man and in his deep heart, he also wanted contact
with people.
“Do we need to check it?” He asked Kang Hong seriously.
“Of course, find a few good names and let it choose.”
Jiang Xie asked curiously, “How can it choose?”
Kang Hong explained, “Read the names to the cat and see which one it is interested in.”
“It turned out to be like this.”
Xie Xi blinked at the fooled young Jiang Xie and was too lazy to turn things over.
Kang Hong was worthy of someone who had a cat in his sister’s home and he knew a lot.
“You just picked it up, right? Have you taken it to the vet for an examination? Have you got
it vaccinated? There is sterilization…”
Xie Xi was shocked. “Shut up!”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “I only took it home yesterday.”
“Then you should take it to the pet hospital on the weekend and check its body first.”
Jiang Xie nodded solemnly. “I will.”
Kang Hong added, “Once I go home, I’ll ask my sister to call the hospital to make an
appointment for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t be polite. Later, don’t stop me from playing with the kitten, haha.”
Jiang Xie paused but it was impossible for him to say words of rejection. Jiang Xie went
home with Xie Xi. Xie Xi disliked Kang Hong’s idea about sterilization but he was also very
pleased. At least there was a classmate… even if this classmate’s motivation wasn’t pure!
Jiang Xie touched the kitten. “I’ll prepare food for you.”
Xie Xi still had to resolve his physiological problem and first went to the litter box.
Jiang Xie ate noodles and Xie Xi also didn’t have much harvest. He didn’t find out what this
world’s currency was like.
In fact, he could draw many valuable things such as gold. However, Jiang Xie’s age was too
small. An underage person bringing a piece of gold to a pawn shop would make people
suspicious. Then it would cause trouble when Xie Xi was trying to improve this youth’s life.
Xie Xi thought about it and could only hate his cat body. If he was a person then he would
raise Little Jiang in an instant.
There were still classes in the afternoon. Based on Xie Xi’s good performance, Jiang Xie
continued bringing him to school.
They met Kang Hong on the way and Kang Hong whispered, “Is the cat at home?”
Jiang Xie nodded.
Kang Hong requested, “Can I go to your house to do homework at night?”
Xie Xi had a cat’s ears and thought, ‘What homework? In fact, you want to play with a cat!’
Then he remembered that this cat was himself and felt dislike.
Jiang Xie frowned.
Kang Hong told him, “I have never raised a cat but I often go to my sister’s house and have
experience. I will show you tips about cat food and cat litter. If you do it wrong, the cat
might get hurt.”
The entry point was enough and Jiang Xie finally agreed.
Xie Xi placed his cat paws on his chin and thought, ‘Okay, you finally want to have a friend
so I will deign to accompany you and play.’
In the afternoon classes, the new student Kang Hong was very miserable. He had to receive
new textbooks and a school uniform. He also had to greet his teachers and classmates, so he
was very busy.
Jiang Xie stayed alone in the last row but he was very happy. As long as he reached out, he
could touch a soft and fluffy cat.
If he teased it, the kitten would bite him with small teeth which weren’t painful at all, only a
bit itchy.
Jiang Xie was in an unprecedented good mood all dark. It seemed that since meeting this
kitten, his dark life had a different colour. It was sunshine, an incredible cozy colour.
After school, Jiang Xie was still alone. He had just exited the school gate and released Xie Xi
when the panting Kang Hong caught up. “We agreed to do homework together. Why didn’t
you wait for me?”
Jiang Xie had deliberately avoided Kang Hong because he was afraid this person would be
in danger. He was also afraid Kang Hong would be crowded out by their classmates.
Kang Hong saw the kitten instantly and ignored everything else as he exclaimed, “You
brought the cat to school.”
This was a wonderful topic and Jiang Xie smiled. “It is very well-behaved.”
“Yes, I didn’t hear it at all. Did it stay in the hole at your desk?”
Jiang Xie nodded.
Kang Hong asked, “Did it sleep all afternoon?”
Jiang Xie replied, “No, it only slept in Chinese class.” Xie Xi had fallen asleep thanks to the
Chinese teacher’s ancient language.
Kang Hong was surprised. “It was awake yet didn’t run around?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “It is very sensible.”
“Really sensible! I also want to raise such a good cat!”
Jiang Xie smiled, his gaze towards Xie Xi filled with gentleness and satisfaction.
Xie Xi bowed his head and licked this person’s palm.
Kang Hong was crazy with envy. “It licked you, it licked you with a pink and tender tongue!”
Xie Xi’s ears were almost deafened by this person!
Kang Hong came over. “Yes, lick me too. Kitty, lick me too okay?”
Xie Xi shouted, “Not good!” He turned his head and didn’t look at this person.
Jiang Xie was amused. “It is afraid.”
Kang Hong didn’t force it. “Once I play with it a few more days, it won’t be afraid of me and
Cat Xie who had no expression. “Dream on!”
Kang Hong exclaimed, “It said yes!”
Xie Xi, “…” In a fit of rage, he drilled into Jiang Xie’s bag and didn’t go out!
The teenagers walked home together, looking like an image of normal students. People who
had this habit wouldn’t understand how lonely it was to walk alone.
Kang Hong might be talkative but Xie Xi didn’t hate him. It was because the Jiang Xie in
front of him was too quiet and it was unbelievable compared to the Jiang Xie who loved to
talk nonsense in Central.
Xie Xi was thinking about coming out once they approached the door of the community
when Jiang Xie’s shout was heard. “Kang Hong, be careful!”
Xie Xi, who poked out his head, saw a speeding car rushing straight at Kang Hong. Jiang Xie
dropped his bag and flew forward to push Kang Hong away.
Then what about Jiang Xie? How could he escape?
It wasn’t too late. Xie Xi took out the sketch pen and drew a different space shield which
protected Jiang Xie’s body.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 207

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 7
This was too thrilling.
Xie Xi didn’t have access to any of his items or skills since entering the world. He only had
the god’s wisdom and sketch pen.
Xie Xi was in the bag and he had these two things appear out of thin air. He imagined a
different space shield in his mind and drew a circle.
The different space shield was invisible to people in the quasi-world and only Xie Xi saw
the transparent arc.
It was fast and wrapped around Jiang Xie the moment the car approached.
In fact, in this dangerous moment, Jiang Xie still tried to minimize the damage. He knew he
couldn’t hide and lowered himself, trying to go underneath the car to avoid a direct
This reaction ability was terrible. It was necessary to know that Xie Xi could call out the
god’s wisdom and draw the different space shield in such a short time because his
qualifications were full. In an ordinary world, he was equivalent to Superman.
Jiang Xie was just an ordinary teenager yet he had such reaction speed. It was enough to
see that he was strong before entering Central.
The car was an off-road SUV and the chassis was very high. Under the protection of the
different space shield, Jiang Xie was unharmed.
The car stopped and everyone was in shock.
Kang Hong’s face was white as he yelled. “Jiang Xie!”
Xie Xi also jumped out of the schoolbag to check this person’s situation. He knew Jiang Xie
wouldn’t be hurt but he was still scared.
Jiang Xie sat up with a furrowed brow.
The SUV owner hurriedly got off the car and he was covered in sweat. “No, it’s fine!” He had
been on the phone and quarrelled with the other person on the line. In a fit of rage, he hit
the steering wheel but unexpectedly didn’t see the person in front of him!”
Jiang Xie whispered, “It doesn’t matter.” Then he stood up.
The driver saw he was fine and sighed with relief. “Would you like to go to the hospital?”
Kang Hong was about to open his mouth when Jiang Xie waved his hand. “I have no
The driver was full of happiness. He had been scared but fortunately, a miracle happened
and the person was fine. Still, his conscience couldn’t let it go. The driver opened his wallet
and pulled out thousands of yuan. “You are fortunate but this was indeed my fault. Please
take this money as compensation for your mental loss.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Kang Hong was worried. “You should go to the hospital for a check up.” It was too terrible.
A car had crashed straight into Jiang Xie. How could there be nothing?
The driver also said, “Yes, go to the hospital to check!”
Jiang Xie stubbornly shook his head. “No.” He was indeed fine and he didn’t want to see
more people.
Finally, the driver handed over the money and left.
Kang Hong exclaimed with shock, “This time it was thanks to you. If you hadn’t pushed me
away, I would be finished.” He didn’t have the ability to go below the car. If he was hit, he
would definitely fly out and be half dead.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He just picked up his bag and walked away quietly. Xie Xi saw
Jiang Xie’s trembling hand and could guess what this kid was thinking.
Kang Hong chased after them. “This driver was really distracted. It was too dangerous!”
Jiang Xie accelerated his pace and opened the distance. Kang Hong ran over. “What are you
doing by walking so fast?”
Jiang Xie suddenly stopped, his eyelids lowered. “You still don’t understand?”
Kang Hong froze.
Jiang Xie told him, “You were almost hit by the car because you were close to me.”
Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie’s tightening on his bag. The youth had good-looking fingers and at this
moment, the joints were white because of the force. They were like stretched out rubber
Kang Hong frowned. “How can you say that? It is because you were there that I didn’t die
“If you weren’t near me then you wouldn’t be hit by the car.”
Kang Hong was a good boy of this scientific society. “If you weren’t there then the driver
wouldn’t be talking on the phone? This is illogical.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. He just restored his indifferent appearance and headed
straight back to the community.
Kang Hong just met up with his mother who returned home after work and didn’t chase
them. He instead turned to talk to his mother.
Jiang Xie returned him and shut the door. Then all his iciness disappeared like it
evaporated in the heat.
Xie Xi poked out his head, climbed up his arm and licked his chin. Jiang Xie’s senses
returned and his lost eyes focused on the black and white kitten.
Xie Xi told him, “It isn’t your fault.”
Jiang Xie stared at him before suddenly asked, “Was it you who saved me?”
Xie Xi was shocked. Then Jiang Xie shook his head and laughed at himself for being stupid.
How was it possible? This was just a kitten.
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he asked, “Did you see it? Did you see the different space
shield? Or did you see me drawing?”
Unfortunately, all his words were still meows. Jiang Xie just said, “I will prepare food for
Xie Xi, “…” He really didn’t want to eat. It was too bad that Jiang Xie didn’t understand the
cat language.
Once the cat food was set in place, Xie Xi found Jiang Xie sitting next to him in a daze. The
incident today had a great impact on the teenager.
Nothing happened to Kang Hong but he encountered a car accident after just one day of
contact with Jiang Xie. Who knew what would happen afterwards?
Xie Xi couldn’t eat and could only arch up against this person.
Jiang Xie glanced at the food bowl and asked, “Why aren’t you eating?” He picked up the
kitten and the kitten licked his palm, as if to comfort him.
Jiang Xie was warmed by this feeling and his mood became much better. He patted the
kitten’s head and said, “Thank you.” The kitten couldn’t do anything but it could bring him
unlimited warmth and comfort.
Xie Xi gave up on the exchange and went back to dinner.
After a while, Jiang Xie’s doorbell rang. The sound was so strange that Jiang Xie didn’t react
for a moment. It was only when Xie Xi jumped up and ran to the door that Jiang Xie knew
someone was ringing the doorbell.
He went to open the door and Kang Hong was standing there with two preservation boxes.
“My mother’s pickled fish is especially delicious. I brought you some!”
Jiang Xie’s senses didn’t return for a long time.
Kang Hong added, “My parents also wanted to thank you but I know you don’t like to meet
people. Thus, I didn’t let them come.”
Jiang Xie finally recovered and he opened his mouth. “I said…”
Kang Hong didn’t listen to these superstitious words and sneaked in. “Little Clever, are you
welcoming me?” He dropped down to pounce on the cat and Xie Xi dexterously avoided this
abnormal person!
Jiang Xie couldn’t say anything as Kang Hong told him, “You haven’t eaten yet. Try it. It
won’t be delicious if it is cold.”
He opened the box and the fragrance of pickled fish emerged. Cat Xie moved his ears.
Kang Hong shook his head at the cat. “You can’t eat it. There are many seasonings in this.”
Xie Xi scoffed. “I’m not eating.”
“It isn’t good to be petulant.”
Xie Xi, “…”
‘You are petulant, you are petulant day and night!’
They finished eating and Kang Hong did his homework (played with the cat). Once he left,
the tired Xie Xi felt sleepy.
Jiang Xie saw the kitten’s eyelids lowering and said, “Sleep.”
Xie Xi climbed into his arms and found a comfortable position to sleep. At 2 or 3 in the
morning, Xie Xi woke up. He had big things to do.
He couldn’t always speak like a cat. He had to find a way to become a person. Jiang Xie had
already untied some knots and once Xie Xi became a person, he could help Jiang Xie out of
the shadows more quickly.
Not to mention, he suspected that Jiang Xie’s constitution had a problem. It was too
inconvenient to protect Jiang Xie as a cat.
Therefore, he had to work hard to transform. How to transform? It was naturally with the
help of the god’s wisdom.
Xie Xi thought hard for a long time and didn’t find any clues from the world of Wonderful
Painting of the Mountains and Seas.
By all accounts, that world should have a transformation pill. After all, the beasts and
flowers there could transform.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi only contacted people who independently transformed and they
didn’t need to rely on a transformation pill.
Xie Xi tried to imagine the effect of the transformation pill in his head and then drew a
spherical shape in the god’s wisdom.
The god’s wisdom was indifferent. Not only was the transformation pill not created, it also
wiped out Cat Xie’s drawing that he put effort into.
Xie Xi didn’t believe it was impossible and tried to think of several transformation pills,
drawing 17 or 18 spheres.
The transformation pill wasn’t created and the eraser function of the god’s wisdom became
Xie Xi threw the pen. He wouldn’t draw! It seemed that he couldn’t draw things he hadn’t
seen. Xie Xi could only give up on drawing the transformation pill. However, how could he
become a person if he couldn’t draw?
The unsuccessful Xie Xi returned to the bedroom and climbed onto Jiang Xie to sleep. Jiang
Xie’s chin lay on the soft fur and he slept very well.
There were no dreams and the next day, Xie Xi continued to follow Jiang Xie to school.
It wasn’t surprising that yesterday’s incident had spread throughout the school. After all,
the location wasn’t far from school and there were many students coming and going. It was
normal for them to see it.
Jiang Xie reached the classroom and heard the whispers inside.
“I talked to Kang Hong but he didn’t listen.”
“It is really too evil. Who hasn’t been unlucky after being looked at by him?”
“I heard that he killed his mother when he was born and his father was also seriously ill.
His grandfather died and any family who took him in are in tatters.”
“What else you say? After he came to our school, anyone who had contact with him was
Jiang Xie was probably used to these words and his attitude didn’t change at all. Even so, he
didn’t enter the classroom and seemed to be afraid of them.
There was one person who couldn’t listen anymore. Kang Hong strode into the classroom
and cried out, “Can you stop talking nonsense? If it wasn’t for Jiang Xie saving me
yesterday, I would be lying in the hospital right now!”
The students were stunned and spoke the same words as Jiang Xie yesterday. “If you stayed
away from him, you wouldn’t have encountered a car accident.”
Kang Hong was extremely angry. “According to what you said, I would be dead and Jiang
Xie wouldn’t have saved me. Now, not only am I fine, Jiang Xie himself isn’t hurt!”
This was quite unusual because the previous people were unlucky without any exception.
Their classmates couldn’t refute the words and Jiang Xie wasn’t willing to listen anymore.
He walked straight in and headed for his seat.
It was a safe day. Once school ended, Kang Hong once again followed and Jiang Xie didn’t
refuse him.
Xie Xi couldn’t calm down. His ears were pricked as he watched intently for any trouble, but
nothing happened.
A few quiet days passed and the weekend was ushered in.
On Friday night, Kang Hong suggested, “I’ll go to the hospital with you tomorrow.”
They made an appointment with the pet hospital to give Xie Xi a check.
Xie Xi didn’t care about the check and vaccination but sterilization was another matter…
He stared at Jiang Xie. “If you dare to sterilize me, I will…” He couldn’t think of anything and
eventually said, “You will regret it!”
Kang Hong added, “What about a name? Do you like any of the ones I sent you?”
“I will look again.”
“Don’t just look at it yourself. You have to ask the little cat.”
Xie Xi heard those words and was stunned.
Jiang Xie replied, “Okay, I’ll ask tonight.”
Kang Hong saw that it wasn’t early and was afraid of being scolded. He asked before
leaving, “You really don’t need me to go with you tomorrow?”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “It’s fine.”
Kang Hong really wanted to go together but Jiang Xie said this and he couldn’t follow.
Regarding Xie Xi’s name, Jiang Xie had been very hesitant.
Xie Xi knew what he was hesitating about. A week had passed but Jiang Xie was still unsure
whether he could raise a cat. Giving it a name might be blessing or cursing it. Thus, Jiang Xie
was uncertain. However, it couldn’t be lacking a name forever.
Jiang Xie sighed and asked Xie Xi, “Do you want to be with me?”
“No kidding!” Then Xie Xi arched his head against Jiang Xie’s palm.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Then I’ll give you a name, okay?”
“I have a name.”
“I always feel that you can understand me.”
“Too bad you can’t understand what I’m saying.”
Jiang Xie took out his phone from his pocket and read the list of names Kang Hong had sent
him. “Meng Meng?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Xie Xi batted the phone away. Jiang Xie was slightly startled before laughing. “You don’t like
“I also don’t feel it is very good…”
Xie Xi cried out, “My name is Xie Xi!”
Jiang Xie was holding the cat when he suddenly had a thought. “Little Rose… is this name
Xie Xi just wanted to be called Xie Xi but in comparison to the previous names, um… this
was very good.
Jiang Xie’s eyes lit up. “Shall you be called this?”
Xie Xi had no way of saying his name and could only grudgingly accept it.
“Little Rose,” Jiang Xie called out to him. Xie Xi looked up at him. The teenager had a rare
childishness to him as he called out, “Little Rose.”
Xie Xi’s ears moved. It was too noisy. Jiang Xie hugged you. “You will be my little rose in the
Xie Xi felt at ease and rubbed his head against the teenager’s chest. Jiang Xie’s mood was
very good and called his name a lot, as if making up for the previous days.
Once it became dark, one cat and one person snuggled up to sleep. It had rained during the
day and the clouds dispersed at night, the bright moonlight shining through the window.
Wisps of silver fell on the two sleeping people and Xie Xi felt something that caused him to
Jiang Xie muttered in his dream, “Little Rose…”
Xie Xi’s heart warmed and he licked this person’s chin, comforting Jiang Xie in his own way.
Jiang Xie smiled in his sleep and unexpectedly bowed his head slightly, lips touching Xie Xi’s
Xie Xi was stunned as he felt a cool breath flowing through his body. He felt that his body
was strange and when he opened his eyes, he found himself slowly getting bigger…
This also shocked Jiang Xie. By the time the ray of moonlight faded, Xie Xi found himself
becoming human.
Jiang Xie felt something slipper in his arms and opened his eyes to find himself holding a
naked… teenager?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 208

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 8

Xie Xi drew 17 or 18 round balls and couldn’t draw himself into a human form. Jiang Xie
kissed him and he actually became a human?
What was this fairytale setting? It wasn’t right. Previously, Jiang Xie had kissed him and he
hadn’t become a person. Was it because it was the middle of the night? Or perhaps…
A name! Today, Jiang Xie finally decided to give him a name and wanted to be with him.
Was this the point?
There was a name and they kissed. Thus, he turned into a human? Maybe it also needed to
be at night?
Compared to Xie Xi calmly analyzing the situation, Jiang Xie was stunned stupid.
Through the bright moonlight, he could clearly see the young boy in his arms.
The boy had skin that was whiter and smoother than jade. His face was beautiful and his
eyes were as bright as the night sky. The thing that made Jiang Xie couldn’t think was that
this boy was attached to his chest. He could feel the outline of the youth’s body through his
thin t-shirt. In addition, Jiang Xie’s hand was on his waist and he was holding this person in
his arms.
Jiang Xie realized his terrible position and removed his hands. Xie Xi’s senses returned and
he gazed up at Jiang Xie. A slightly calmer Jiang Xie saw the cat ears between the black
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped.
“Little… Rose?” Jiang Xies’ voice was hoarse.
Xie Xi’s ears moved. “Yes.” Hey, he could finally speak.
Jiang Xie was unable to stay on this bed. He got up and covered Xie Xi with the quilt. “You..”
He didn’t know what to ask. It was like a dream. The kitten he adopted became a human in
his arms…
In fact, Xie Xi didn’t know how to explain it. After all, he didn’t know himself what this
quasi-world was like.
He thought about it and decided not to scare Jiang Xie. This youth was too superstitious.
What if he drove Xie Xi away as a demon? In order to make fewer mistakes, he would
continue to pretend to be a cat.
Xie Xi was a cat for a week and was already familiar with how to act. He yawned and lay
down under the blanket to continue sleeping.
This trick really worked. Jiang Xie saw him like this and let go of his worries. This might be
a person but it was truly Little Rose.
How could a kitten become a human being? This little fellow didn’t know it himself. Seeing
him like this, it was obvious this person still didn’t know his own changes.
Jiang Xie calmed down and finally knew what he should do—find clothes for Little Rose.
Never mind how the cat became a human, he couldn’t dress too lightly or he would catch a
cold. Yes, Little Rose would catch a cold without clothes.
Jiang Xie searched through his clothes for a while to find the right ones. He had worn them
but they were washed clean and it shouldn’t matter. Jiang Xie came back with the clothes
and Xie Xi was still pretending to sleep.
Jiang Xie’s warm voice called out to him. “Little Rose.”
Xie Xi’s ears moved and he sat up. The blanket slipped and Jiang Xie didn’t know where to
look. Xie Xi muffled a smile and had to pretend not to know anything.
Jiang Xie cleared his throat and said, “I don’t know what happened to you but you have to
dress in this.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
Jiang Xie put down the clothes. “Wear my clothes first, okay?”
Xie Xi stared at it for a moment before his eyes curved. “I won’t.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi lay back down to sleep, obviously very unhappy about being woken up.
Jiang Xie gazed at the smooth back and his Adam’s apple moved before he whispered, “You
will catch a cold if you don’t wear clothes.”
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “I didn’t wear it before.”
“Your body is different from before.”
Xie Xi bowed his head and pretended to be surprised.
Jiang Xie’s heart was soft. “Don’t be afraid, this is nothing. Just put on clothes.” It was best to
hide the cat ears as well.
Xie Xi stared at the other person and wondered, “What happened to me?”
Jiang Xie also wanted to know what was going on but if both people were confused, it
would make the other party uneasy.
Jiang Xie reassured him, “It’s fine. You just changed your appearance.”
Xie Xi’s controlled his heart and he no longer teased this person. He obediently put on the
After wearing it, Xie Xi remembered that he shouldn’t know how to put the clothes on as a
Still, if he let Jiang Xie help then he was afraid this young man would steam himself.
Xie Xi wore the t-shirt and he found a problem at the same time as Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi not only had cat ears, but he also had a cat tail. The ears were fine but how could he
wear pants with the tail?
Xie Xi, “…”
This teenager who wanted to be a rogue, did he expect Xie Xi to not wear pants? Jiang Xie’s
head was buzzing and his ears were red.
Xie Xi could only ask him, “What should I do?”
“I will help you modify it.”
Jiang Xie went to find scissors and cut a hole in the pants. Xie Xi looked at the airy pants and
dressed cautiously.
He didn’t dare to tease Jiang Xie because he was afraid of being teased when he returned to
The young boy in front of him was a simple child who couldn’t do anything. If this was
changed to Old Jiang of Central…
Stop, Xie Xi was too afraid to think about it!
Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about it. Jiang Xie might be only 17 or 18 years
old but he was very tall, at least 1.85 metres. Xie Xi was only 1.7 metres and Jiang Xie’s
clothes were loose on him. In addition, there were the cat ears and tail.
It was foreseeable that the teenager wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight! Xie Xi didn’t want
this but since this was the situation, he couldn’t control it.
Jiang Xie seemed to be trying to ease the awkward atmosphere and desperately searched
for a topic. “You are a boy.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “You don’t like it?”
Speaking of which, what was Jiang Xie’s sexual orientation? Jiang Xie was stunned before
opening his mouth. “I like.”
Xie Xi, “…” The atmosphere was once again awkward.
Jiang Xie realized his words were ambiguous and changed them. “I mean, I like you no
matter what you look like.”
Xie Xi, “…” This was more like a confession.
Jiang Xie wanted to dig a three metres large hole and bury himself. “I… um, you sleep here.
I’ll go outside to sleep.”
Xie Xi suggested, “Let’s sleep here together.” Outside was a small sofa. How could such a tall
man squeeze onto it?
Jiang Xie worked hard to find a reason. “The bed is small and can’t fit both of us.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Is it okay if I change back?”
Jiang Xie was surprised and stared at him. “Can you change back?”
Xie Xi also didn’t know but he could try. “You kissed me and I became like this. Perhaps I
will change back if you kiss me again.”
Xie Xi honestly wasn’t thinking much when he said this.
He was objectively considering the sleeping problem. Jiang Xie was too poor and only had
one bed. Jiang Xie might not need to go to school on weekends but this was the age when he
was growing. It was bad to stay up all night.
It would be much more convenient if Xie Xi could change forms at will. Jiang Xie’s mind was
full of: kiss me… kiss me… kiss me…
Xie Xi, who hadn’t thought much, was taken askew. Jiang Xie’s voice was tense. “It is
because of a kiss?”
Xie Xi suggested, “Shall we… try it?” He had already done everything. Why was he
embarrassed now?
Jiang Xie unexpectedly agreed. “Okay.”
Xie Xi was surprised but took the initiative to go up and kiss the young man. The moment
their lips touched, a fire seemed to burn in Jiang Xie’s eyes. Xie Xi’s heart was hot and it felt
like countless kisses touched him.
Jiang Xie’s brain buzzed and by the time his senses returned, he was holding this person in
his arms and kissing the other person hotly and eagerly.
By the time the two of them separated, they were both panting. Xie Xi desperately
reminded himself: underage, underage, underage.
He finally suppressed his fire and said, “It didn’t work. I’m not changing back.”
Jiang Xie felt that he was going crazy. He unexpectedly… did such a thing.
“I’m going to sleep outside!” Jiang Xie turned and walked away. Xie Xi didn’t dare stop the
youth since he was afraid of committing a crime.
It was a pity that both of them slept unsteadily this night.
Jiang Xie opened his eyes to a bright sky. He felt as if he had been dreaming. How could
Little Rose become a person? How could he kiss Little Rose?
His heart filled with indescribable emotions when he thought of the kiss.
It felt like he had found something that had been missing for a long time, as if he waited
countless days and his cursed life was for this moment.
Both of them fell asleep at dawn and ended up oversleeping. They were both a bit stunned
when the doorbell rang and Kang Hong’s voice was heard.
Kang Hong called out, “Jiang Xie, aren’t you taking the cat for a check up? Why aren’t you
awake yet?”
Jiang Xie told him not to help but Kang Hong still wanted to go together. The kitten had
never been to the hospital. What if he was afraid?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 209

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 9
Jiang Xie shot up from the sofa. He couldn’t sleep last night so he had been reading a book.
At this time, he waved his hands and the stack of books on the coffee table fell to the
The soundproofing effect of the house was ordinary and Kang Hong asked, “What’s wrong?
Did the doorbell scare the cat?”
Jiang Xie thought of last night’s matter and how could he dare to let Kang Hong in? He went
to open the door but blocked it. “It’s nothing. I accidentally knocked some books to the
Kang Hong wondered, “Did you stay up late reading books?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
It was hard to explain what happened last night or let anyone else know about it.
Jiang Xie told him, “I will take him to the check up. You should go back first.”
Kang Hong pleaded, “Bring me with you. There are many pets at the pet hospital and I want
to see them.”
No wonder why he woke up so early in the morning. Jiang Xie refused harshly, “I can do it
His cold face was very frightening. Kang Hong was a bit shaken but he knew that Jiang Xie
didn’t like to be in contact with people. Thus, he compromised. “I won’t go but let me see
the cat.” He got up too early to see a group of cats and dogs. It was fine if he didn’t see the
dogs but he should at least get to see the kitty!
Jiang Xie didn’t let him in. “He is still sleeping.”
“I won’t wake him up.”
Jiang Xie didn’t step aside.
Kang Hong sensed something strange and blinked. “You… is there someone else in the
Jiang Xie, “!”
In the end, Kang Hong was a teenage boy. “Old Jiang, you stayed silent about a partner? And
you actually brought them back to bed? Oh, I’m going! I won’t look.”
Jiang Xie thought about last night’s kiss and really felt guilty.
His expression was equivalent to agreeing. Kang Hong spoke mysteriously, “If I take the cat
to the check up, you can continue…”
“Meow.” Thankfully, the cat strolled around and moved around Jiang Xie’s legs.
Kang Hong’s eyes brightened. “Sweetie!”
“Get lost!”
Kang Hong picked up the cat and sighed. “Did you miss me?”
Xie Xi, “I think you are a big-headed ghost.”
Kang Hong smiled. “You must’ve thought of me. Listening to these meows is too sweet.”
“Put him down.” Jiang Xie’s ice cold voice was suddenly heard.
Kang Hong was shocked and even Xie Xi was stunned. He looked up to see the teenager’s
eyes were bright. He was angry?
Kang Hong’s senses returned. “What’s wrong?”
Jiang Xie grabbed Xie Xi back and slammed the door shut.
Kang Hong, “???” What happened?
Based on Jiang Xie’s expression, Kang Hong thought he hadn’t been holding a cat but Jiang
Xie’s naked girlfriend! Hey… what nonsense was this?
The hugged Xie Xi clearly felt Jiang Xie’s heartbeat. What happened?
Xie Xi might not like being held by Kang Hong but wasn’t Jiang Xie’s reaction too big?
After all, he was a cat now.
Oh… Xie Xi changed back into a cat and this started when Kang Hong rang the doorbell.
At the time, Xie Xi was afraid of being seen by people. It wasn’t as simple as ‘ghost eyes’ and
it was likely he would be grabbed to do research on.
Xie Xi might be able to escape most danger using the god’s wisdom but he didn’t want to
cause trouble.
He was here to find the true spirit, not to turn this small world upside down.
Thus, he hurriedly got up to find a place to hide.
Unfortunately, the house was too small and there wasn’t a reliable hiding spot. As it
happened, he stood in the sunlight and was illuminated by the warm sun. He felt something
warm flow through his body and then…
Xie Xi saw his cat paws.
He turned back into a cat? Could he change back to a cat in the sunlight?
Was he a cat or a bat?
There was no time to think. The little cat hurriedly hid the clothes in the bed. If Kang Hong
searched the house and found the clothes then Jiang Xie…
After finishing this, Xie Xi strolled out to Jiang Xie.
Who knew that Jiang Xie would actually be angry?
“What’s the matter?” Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie but his words had once again became meows.
Jiang Xie bowed his head and saw the black and white cat in his arms.
The cat was looking up at him like normal, like everything last night was a dream that
never existed.
Sure enough, it was a dream. How could a kitten become a person?
Had he been alone for too long that he was hallucinating?
Jiang Xie’s complexion was white and his voice was hoarse. “I dreamt that you became a
man last night.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie’s heart was empty. This feeling was too uncomfortable and unspeakable, as if it
was a hard to touch star. Once he arrived at the star, he found it was just a reflection in the
Xie Xi asked, “What are you thinking? How can that be a dream?”
Jiang Xie recovered his wits and touched Xie Xi. “I’ll get you some food.”
Xie Xi, “……”
He just changed back into a cat and Jiang Xie was ‘turning his back and not recognizing a
A cat becoming a human might seem like a dream but could a dream be as realistic as that?
Xie Xi’s head turned as he thought about the space under the blanket.
Jiang Xie would believe it and not think he was dreaming when he saw the clothes.
Xie Xi ran back to the bedroom and Jiang Xie followed.
The clothes were under the covers. He drilled into them and tried to push the clothes out.
However, the quilt was heavy for the cat and his pushing and panting didn’t succeed.
Jiang Xie saw the small body arching and was softhearted. “Eat first and then I will
accompany you to play.”
“Come and see!”
Jiang Xie heard the miserable calling and thought Xie Xi couldn’t find the exit. He quickly
opened the quilt to let the cat out.
Xie Xi showed Jiang Xie the pants he had been wearing last night using his mouth.
Jiang Xie was really stunned.
Xie Xi panted and told him, “You should believe it this time.”
Jiang Xie picked up the clothes and frowned. “Don’t play with clothes later. It is a pity to
tear them up.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
The kitten looked down…
He had been trying to push it out of the bed for too long and ended up tearing the thin
pants into strips!
The clothes under the blankets were also in strips. The evidence was ruined by his own
claws, causing Xie Xi to be angry.
Jiang Xie was thinking about last night’s dream…
The kitten became a man and wore these pants. Then he cut a hole in the back of them.
How could there be such a shameless dream?
Jiang Xie felt that he wasn’t far from madness.
Xie Xi wasn’t willing. He might’ve torn the pants but if Jiang Xie took a closer look, he would
see the hole that was deliberately cut out. Jiang Xie, quickly look!
Poor Jiang Xie didn’t dare to look…
Xie Xi saw the evidence wasn’t good and could only climb up to Jiang Xie’s chest.
Jiang Xie thought the kitten wanted a hug and hugged him, “Okay, don’t tear my clothes in
the future…” He wondered to himself, “Are a kitten’s claws that sharp?”
A kitten probably didn’t have such sharp claws but Xie Xi’s qualifications weren’t ordinary.
After becoming a cat, he kept a bit of it and turned the cat claws into a ‘weapon.’
Jiang Xie placed Xie Xi on his shoulder. “Let’s go to eat.”
Xie Xi turned him, “Turn your head.”
Jiang Xie could only hear the meows and turned his head. “Hrmm?”
Xie Xi kissed him.
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi waited for himself to become a human.
Wait, wait, wait. He waited for half a minute.
Cat Xie didn’t give him and kissed him again, again and again…
Jiang Xie put him down “Okay, don’t eat me.”
Xie Xi, “…Who wants to eat you? I am kissing you!”
Unfortunately, they were all meows.
Jiang Xie placed the kitten in front of the cat bowl. “Eat.”
Xie Xi was full of anger and how could he eat? He thought about it and came up with a trick.
Jiang Xie didn’t believe him? Xie Xi might not be able to transform into a person at any time
but he could show off his uniqueness.
Xie Xi cried out, attracting Jiang Xie’s attention. Then he summoned the god’s wisdom and
sketch pen.
The kitten looked at Jiang Xie, waiting for the man who didn’t believe him to be surprised.
The result…
Jiang Xie ignored the god’s wisdom and sketch pen, touching Xie Xi’s small head. “Eat.” Then
he got up and left.
Xie Xi froze. “You can’t see it!” The cat brought two things out of thin air. Did he see
Jiang Xie really didn’t see anything. He grabbed his phone and looked up the address of the
hospital to do a check up for Little Rose…
Xie Xi’s senses returned. The god’s wisdom and sketch pen were things that didn’t belong
to the quasi-world. Then Jiang Xie of this quasi-world couldn’t see them?
This trick didn’t work then he could only draw something on the spot.
Xie Xi picked up the god’s wisdom and sketch pen and ran to Jiang Xie’s side.
Jiang Xie was still despondent.
Xie Xi called out again and started drawing something with the sketch pen.
Jiang Xie couldn’t see the sketch pen and god’s wisdom but he could see the kitten shaking
his head.
His heart was tense as he asked, “What’s wrong? Is it stuck?” Did cat food get stuck while
You’re stuck!
Xie Xi drew a few crooked strokes. Fortunately, the sketch pen had a self-correcting
function and it was easy to show what was painted on the god’s wisdom.
There was a bang and a bottle of milk appeared.
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi persisted and drew a sandwich, this time with a plate.
He considered that Jiang Xie was growing and had to eat more meat. Thus, Xie Xi drew a
Kobe steak…
Well, there was cutlery as well. The knife and fork used in Love is a Dead End came to mind
and he directly drew it. It seemed like he was still missing a placemat? The drawing
addictive Xie Xi drew it.
The teenager who was in a daze finally recovered. “This… is…”
His table was full of delicious food. Not just that, there were also table mats, beautiful
candlesticks and beautiful cutlery inlaid with rubies…
Xie Xi felt it was almost over. He was just about to put down a sketch pen when he
remembered something and drew a laptop.
There was no other reason. Jiang Xie was too poor to have a computer. He had a phone but
the phone was too small for Cat Xie’s claws to tap on them.
After seeing the laptop, Jiang Xie pinched his thighs. It was tioo incredible and he couldn’t
dream of such a thing.
Xie Xi couldn’t speak but he could type with the laptop. He opened a document and tapped,
“Last night wasn’t a dream.”
Jiang Xie stared at the words and he forgot to blink.
Xie Xi angrily continued typing. “You thought it was a dream!” This morning was really
Jiang Xie didn’t feel disbelief anymore and now fully believed. Great joy filled his chest and
he didn’t know what to say.
“This…” Jiang Xie tried to get his voice back. “Did you do all of it?’
Xie Xi typed, “It’s nothing.” It was just to communicate with him.
Jiang Xie finally couldn’t help asking, “Who are you?”
Xie Xi tapped with some embarrassment, “Didn’t you say that I’m your…”
He couldn’t type out the next words.
Jiang Xie’s heart trembled as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer. It turned out that he
could become dizzy from too much joy.
“Little Rose.” Jiang Xie called out, as if finishing the words on the screen.
Xie Xi’s eyes shook and he jumped into the other person’s arms.
Jiang Xie cautiously held him and asked in a choked up voice. “Will you stay with me all the
“I will go wherever you are.”
Jiang Xie couldn’t understand the meows but he felt indescribable warmth.
Xie Xi jumped down and tapped on the keyboard. “As long as you don’t drive me away, I
will stay with you.”
Jiang Xie’s heart tightened and he said, “I will never do that.”
Xie Xi typed again, “You don’t have to be afraid in the future.”
Jiang Xie didn’t quite understand.
Xie Xi told him, “If I am here, no one can bully you.”
Jiang Xie’s throat tightened.
Xie Xi added, “I will protect you…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Jiang Xie swept him up and hugged him tightly.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 210

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 10

Xie Xi sighed. “It is a bit pitiful.”

The soft kitten’s meows entered Jiang Xie’s ears. “Are you hungry? Go and eat.”
Xie Xi, “…” Was he hungry every time he meowed? Take time to study the fourth level of cat
language! Still, he was a bit hungry.
Xie Xi looked at the table full of good food but had no appetite. Perhaps it was the
characteristic of a cat’s body that couldn’t eat these normal things.
Xie Xi jumped down and went to eat the cat food. Jiang Xie picked him up along with the
food bowl and placed them on the table.
Xie Xi glanced at him. “What are you doing?” Meow.
Jiang Xie told him, “Eat together.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, this person would eat his Kobe steak while he would eat the X brand cat
Jiang Xie was in a particularly good mood and asked, “How did you obtain all these things?”
Xie Xi shook his tail. “I just draw them.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Eat and we will talk after we finish.” A laptop was necessary in order to
communicate with Little Rose.
Xie Xi didn’t speak nonsense. After all, this person didn’t understand.
The two people ate until full. Jiang Xie carefully cleaned the dishes and placed the things Xie
Xi created in a very hidden place.
Xie Xi stared at him. Jiang Xie noticed the kitten’s gaze and said, “These are very unusual. it
will be suspicious if others see it.”
He might be young but he was cautious.
There was no other way. The poor children lived alone from an early age. Not only was
Little Jiang poor, but he was also unlucky…
After cleaning, the human and the cat went to the laptop for in-depth communication.
Xie Xi had a pile of secrets but there was no need to say them. As long as Jiang Xie returned
to Central, he would know everything.
The god’s wisdom and sketch pen couldn’t be explained so Xie Xi typed, “You have given me
so much food. I wanted to make this for you to eat.”
Jiang Xie was stunned. “Then… it just appeared out of thin air?”
Technically, it was right. It appeared from Cat Xie’s head.
How cute and lovely were his actions? Jiang Xie’s blood tank was half empty and he didn’t
know what to say next.
Xie Xi questioned, “This isn’t good?”
Jiang Xie recovered and seriously told him, “Don’t create these things in front of people
other than me.” He highlighted the ‘don’t’ part.
Xie Xi definitely knew this but still nodded. “Okay.” Meow.
Jiang Xie couldn’t help touching him.
Xie Xi added, “Do you have anything you want? I can make it appear for you.”
“I’m not lacking anything and don’t use this ability easily. I’m afraid it will be harmful to
your health.”
It didn’t matter if there was no lunch in the world. Jiang Xie’s worst fear was the kitten
being damaged.
Xie Xi knew it wouldn’t happen but unfortunately couldn’t explain it. He could only nod.
Jiang Xie wanted to praise the cat but then thought about how the cat would become a
teenager as old as him and was embarrassed.
Jiang Xie gently patted his fur. This is the secret between us. We must not tell others.”
Xie Xi turned and licked his fingers. “Yes.”
They didn’t go out all day and didn’t go to the hospital. Xie Xi meant to go. After all, there
was an appointment and it wouldn’t be easy to explain to Kang Hong if they missed it.
However, Jiang Xie insisted on not going and his reasoning was sufficient. “What if the
doctor discovers something during the check up?”
This made sense. The risk was greater compared to Kang Hong. Xie Xi was relieved by Jiang
Xie’s prudence but also distressed.
The teenage years should be the most impulsive time. Jiang Xie developing such a
personality showed that he had experienced too much pain and suffered too much.
The two people didn’t sleep much last night. After eating and drinking, they slept together
and by the time they woke up, the sky was dark.
Jiang Xie looked at the sunset outside and obviously felt a bit nervous. Xie Xi knew what
this person was nervous about. After dark, Xie Xi could become a person and the way to
release this form was a kiss.
In the daytime with Cat Xie, Jiang Xie could still communicate normally. In the evening, he
could speak directly to Xie Xi with cat ears but he was too embarrassed to speak.
Xie Xi wanted to become a person and tapped on the laptop. “Are you hungry?”
Jiang Xie didn’t grasp his meaning. “I will make something for myself in a while. You don’t
have to make something appear.”
“If you aren’t hungry, can you wait for me to eat with you?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi blinked. “Once I become a person, I will have dinner with you.”
They were clearly typed out words but Jiang Xie seemed to hear the boy’s soft voice.
Jiang Xie, “…Okay.” He wanted to have dinner with this youth, even if it meant starving to
The sky was dark and the moon came out. Xie Xi couldn’t wait to jump onto the window.
Jiang Xie followed and waited for the cat to do something. Then Xie Xi jumped up and
kissed him on the lips.
As Xie Xi thought, the elements for the transformation were having a name, a kiss and
bathing in the moonlight.
Once these three conditions were achieved, he could become a person. He might retain
some characteristics of a cat but it was much more convenient than being a pure cat.
Coolness burst through his body before Xie Xi came down to the ground.
Jiang Xie stared at the young man.
Xie Xi wanted to continue kissing but he thought of their age and held back. The age of the
original Jiang Xie wasn’t known but this white sheep in front of him was only 16 or 17. He
couldn’t be a beast!
Xie Xi moved back and a trace of loss flashed in Jiang Xie’s eyes. Xie Xi saw it…
Well, there was nothing wrong with kissing at the age of 16 or 17. No, he couldn’t be unable
to brake at the beginning! He had to consider the long-term.
Jiang Xie didn’t open his eyes. “I’ll go and find you some clothes.” The ones from last night
were torn into strips.
Xie Xi shook his head. “I can get them myself.”
He was afraid to wear Jiang Xie’s clothes. Unsuitable clothes always felt strange…
Jiang Xie might be thinking about last night’s image and nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi thought about it, picked up the sketch pen and started drawing.
The fitted clothes were much better but there was no other way for the tail. It had to stay
outside. This thing was really a foul. As long as it was present, the more serious clothes
became less serious. Xie Xi couldn’t help shaking his tail with dislike.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi heard footsteps and looked up. “Where are you going?”
Jiang Xie didn’t reply and headed into the bathroom. Xie Xi found it strange until he
discovered that someone had stuck a tissue in his nose.
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie preserved a correct attitude. “It was dry.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘You are grown up.’
Dinner was made by Xie Xi but this time, he didn’t add any fancy tableware. He made the
simplest ones found in the supermarket. Of course, the food was carefully selected from
Michelin star chefs and tasted delicious.
Dinner finished and Jiang Xie could finally look straight at Xie Xi. Xie Xi was aware of his
gaze and his ears shook.
Jiang Xie, “…” In order to adapt to such a Little Rose, he probably needed… he didn’t know
how long it would take!
Xie Xi inwardly smiled and asked, “How will we sleep at night?”
“I will sleep on the sofa again.”
“Will you sleep on the sofa every day?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi suggested. “I’ll draw another bed.” This way, the two of them could sleep together.
Jiang Xie was stunned and shook his head. “No, I will buy another one tomorrow.”
Xie Xi thought about it and it made sense. They couldn’t lock the door of the bedroom
forever and suddenly having one more bed was strange.
jiang Xie had the money paid by the driver and it was enough to buy a simple bed.
Xie Xi made a suggestion. “Change it to a double bed.”
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped.
Xie Xi wasn’t deliberately bullying him. It was a realistic consideration. “It is too strange to
have two beds in a bedroom when living alone.” A double bed had the spaciousness of a
large bed.
Jiang Xie’s Adam’s apple moved. He knew it was reasonable but the thought of sharing a
bed with Xie Xi…
Xie Xi added, “Tonight, we will squeeze together. The sofa is too small.”
Jiang Xie didn’t expect that he couldn’t even survive tonight!
It was really impossible to sleep on a bed, especially a single bed where the two people
would have to sleep completely holding each other.
He didn’t want to let Xie Xi conjure things but he still proposed, “Conjure a mattress first. I
will buy the bed tomorrow.”
Xie Xi listened to him and drew a double mattress. Then they settled down to sleep.
The next day, Jiang Xie went with the kitten to buy a bed. In the evening, Kang Hong came
and was startled when he saw it. “Wow, a new bed?”
Cat Xie moved around before he was kissed and said, “Don’t pick me up.”
Kang Hong only heard the meows and his eyes lit up as he went for a hug. Then Jiang Xie
directly picked up the kitten. Kang Hong pounced on empty air. “Eh…”
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t always hug him. He doesn’t like it.”
Kang Hong, “…”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry but he had to shoulder the blame and bared his
teeth and claws at Kang Hong. Kang Hong was bleeding.
Jiang Xie was still serious. “You see, he is angry.”
Kang Hong thought, ‘Such anger, please give me 10 dozen of them!’
Kang Hong didn’t hold Xie Xi but he couldn’t control his hand reaching out to touch the cat.
Jiang Xie saw the hand descending and once again stopped it. “You can only touch the
Kang Hong looked like he had seen a ghost.
Jiang Xie continued to shift the blame. “He only likes people touching his head.”
What could Xie Xi do? The kitten once again’ scratched.’
Kang Hong couldn’t find east, west, north and south and couldn’t scold the insane Jiang Xie.
Regarding the double bed, Jiang Xie explained that he wanted to sleep in a larger space.
Kang Hong made an understanding face. “When will you introduce your girlfriend to your
Xie Xi glared at him. “Boy, you dare to think this! A high school student shouldn’t speak
Kang Hong opened his mouth. “You see, Little Rose is also helping me talk.”
Xie Xi, “…” Sir, you should study the cat language again!
The days passed smoothly like this. Xie Xi was a cat in the daytime and a person at night.
The two of them were inseparable.
A few months later, the final exam was ushered in. Jiang Xie took first in the school and Xie
Xi was happier than him.
Kang Hong was sour. “If I have a cat then I would also place first.” He was quite good and
was seventh in the class.
Xie Xi spat at him, ‘You can’t get a full score even with 78 cats!’
There were 78 people between seventh in the class and first in the school.
In these past few months, Jiang Xie had experienced unprecedented happy days. Since Xie
Xi came to him, no unfortunate incidents happened around him.
The previous rumours were still present but Kang Hong’s ‘big fortune’ and Jiang Xie’s
immediately leaving school when it ended meant the rumours didn’t worsen.
The environment was good and Jiang Xie gradually became more cheerful. This time, he
took first in the school and the class teacher couldn’t help praising him.
Jiang Xie’s expression didn’t change but his heart was happy.
Xie Xi saw his clenched fist under the table and felt pained and happy for this person.
The thing that erased all the rumours was the teacher diagnosed with cancer returning at
the beginning of the new semester.
Kang Hong told this to Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie was shocked.
“It is really amazing! The diagnosis was late but suddenly he was fine!”
Jiang Xie wondered, “How…” Was it possible?”
Kang Hong explained, “The hospital is suspecting a misdiagnosis. I heard Teacher Sun say
he saw the back of a teenager with cat ears and then he was fine when he woke up the next
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped.
Xie Xi who was listening to the whole thing, “…” Kang Hong, could you stop speaking before
you die?!
Kang Hong continued, “I think Teacher Sun was teasing me. He knows that I want cats but
can’t raise them. Still, Teacher Sun is really lucky. I thought there was no hope but it is
incredibly good.”
Jiang Xie’s fingers under the table trembled fiercely.
Xie Xi saw it and sighed in his heart. He was still inexperienced and hadn’t completed it

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 211

Collapsing 12 Boundaries 11
Xie Xi hadn’t been idle in these months.
He came here to find the true spirit. He might feel that this thing couldn’t be separated from
Aries but he couldn’t be stuck here. It was necessary to find it.
After being able to transform into a human form, it was much more convenient to move. As
long as Jiang Xie fell asleep and a sleep monitor was placed on him, Xie Xi could go out to do
Thanks to the last world, Xie Xi knew about many high-tech things. He might not
understand the principle behind them but he could draw them if he thought about it.
The sleep monitor was used to watch Jiang Xie’s sleep and Xie Xi would come back as soon
as it showed signs he was waking up.
A simple aircraft could be used to make the journey. As long as it was equipped with signal
shielding, the current world’s scientific and technological meant he couldn’t be found.
Just in case, Xie Xi also made a stealth charm, which was sold in the system store. It could
only be used in the quasi-world and the effect was only suitable for people in the quasi-
world. The duration was short and it had a limit on the number of uses.
This was enough for any emergencies.
It was so foolproof that Xie Xi flew over almost all the world and found it was very similar
to the Earth he lived in. It was a parallel time and space but the development of certain
details wasn’t the same.
For example, the appearance of money, some important historical celebrities and there
seemed to be a gap in the Earth’s map. However, Xie Xi didn’t know enough about this
A few months of exploration didn’t find anything strange. This was at least an S-grade
quasi-world but it didn’t show signs of collapse.
Xie Xi really couldn’t find a clue. The last world had the collapsing universe as a clue. This
world was peaceful and not abnormal at all.
What was wrong?
While exploring, Xie Xi also went to learn more about Aries’ life. This was truly pitiful. From
birth, there was endless misfortune around him.
His mother died in childbirth, his father was seriously and his grandfather, who presided
over the family business, died.
His uncle who came back from abroad barely escaped a disaster but because he took care of
Jiang Xie for two years, his two children died at a ski resort. The uncle collapsed and
committed suicide.
The living aunt knelt down in front of Jiang Xie, begging him to let her live.
At the time, Jiang Xie was only 12 years old. He left on his own and used his years of lucky
money and saved pocket money for the past few years to buy this one bedroom apartment.
Then he lived alone.
Xie Xi was even more pained after hearing this.
He thought about how this might be Jiang Xie’s past and it felt like his heart had been
stabbed a few times.
Xie Xi had no way to change the past but the current Jiang Xie wouldn’t suffer again.
Just like Jiang Xie helped him in Dream Come True, this time he would also give Jiang Xie a
different life.
It might be false but he firmly believed in the words that Jiang Xie told him. As long as they
believed it was real, all the experiences were reality.
A painful memory could be covered with sweetness. Xie Xi had personally experienced this!
Xie Xi couldn’t fight for the past people and things but he could fight for the things now.
The so-called rumours would always magnify things infinitely or change the facts beyond
recognition. It would also cause irreparable harm to the party involved.
It was hard to break the rumours but using rumours was easy.
As long as Xie Xi made it so that the people who suffered disasters because of Jiang Xie
became lucky, the wind would quickly change.
The effort to help Kang Hong wasn’t enough. Thus, Xie Xi aimed at Teacher Sun who had
The cancer was deal and there weren’t any mistakes with the diagnosis. It was impossible
to cure it with the world’s current medical society but it was possible for Xie Xi.
In the world of the collapsed god, many drugs could cure this disease.
In addition, there were the pills in the magical world of the mountains and seas that could
let humans be reborn.
Xie Xi now felt the benefits of the god’s wisdom. As long as he had enough experience, this
was simply a giant cheat!
Xie Xi didn’t dare delay the time. In the middle of the night, he sneaked into Teacher Sun’s
hospital and gave him injections. This medicine should be injected three times in a row.
He went back and forth three times. He didn’t expect that the last time, Teacher Sun would
wake up and see him depart.
Of course, this was nothing. Teacher Sun’s recovery was already amazing. No one would
believe in the matter of the boy with cat ears. Even Teacher Sun felt he was dreaming.
However, it was different when reaching Jiang Xie’s ears.
Kang Hong was still talking about Teacher Sun’s luck when Jiang Xie suddenly stood up.
Kang Hong was startled. “What’s the matter?”
Jiang Xie picked up his bag. “I am a bit uncomfortable and will go back first.”
Kang Hong asked, “Where is it uncomfortable? Do you need to go to the hospital? I will
accompany you.” He knew that Jiang Xie was living on his own and the downside was that
nobody would care for him when he was sick.
Jiang Xie shook his head. “It isn’t serious. I didn’t sleep well last night and will go back to
Kang Hong understood. It turned out this person was being lazy. Kang Hong spoke sourly,
“Your brain is really a foul. You can skip class and still test first.” Jiang Xie used to ‘take time
off’ occasionally. The teacher treated good students well. As long as the results were
reliable, they didn’t care if the students weren’t in the classroom.
Jiang Xie grabbed his bag and headed home without looking back.
Xie Xi lay in the bed and felt a bit shaken…
He could feel that Jiang Xie was angry. The reason for the anger… Xie Xi guessed it as well.
A person who rarely became angry was really scary when becoming angry. Xie Xi’s cat ears
drooped as he thought about how to coax this person.
Back home, Xie Xi jumped out of the bag and stared at Jiang Xie. Xie Xi told him, “Hey, it’s
okay.” Meow meow.
Jiang Xie opened the laptop and carried him to the keyboard.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie questioned, “Did you do it?”
Xie Xi typed out, “Yes.”
Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows and his eyes became bright red and blue. “I told you not to
casually use that ability.”
Xie Xi stayed still.
Jiang Xie’s voice was cold. “I said that it was a secret between the two of us.”
Xie Xi typed out, “He didn’t know.”
“He saw it.”
“He won’t be a needle…”
The caw paws made an error and typed the wrong word, turning the word into needle.
Jiang Xie watched the kitten scrambling to delete the word and his heart suddenly filled
with chagrin. He felt sad and remorse. “I’m sorry.”
Xie Xi was held in Jiang Xie’s arms and felt the shaking of his body.
An indescribable sourness reached the tip of his nose and Xie Xi licked this person with his
tongue. “It’s fine.”
Jiang Xie felt more ashamed after hearing the cat’s cries. “I know you are doing it for me but
I was so fierce. It’s my fault.”
Xie Xi knew what this person was thinking and why he was angry but still felt pained.
Jiang Xie closed his eyes and whispered, “Don’t put yourself in danger and don’t risk
yourself for anyone.”
Jiang Xie had felt cold to his bones the moment he heard Kang Hong’s words.
Someone had seen Little Rose, someone knew Little Rose’s secret, Little Rose was in
It rushed towards him like a cold tide.
Xie Xi licked Jiang Xie’s cheeks. Jiang Xie had calmed down a bit and he whispered, “Is it
very selfish?”
He couldn’t care about Teacher Sun’s life at all. He only thought about how Little Rose was
in danger.
Compared to the whole world, he only hoped that nothing would happen to the person in
front of him.
Xie Xi couldn’t speak and could only lick this person again. Jiang Xie kissed the furry little
head and repeated, “I’m sorry.”
Xie Xi rubbed against his neck and said, “It will be okay.” There was no danger.
Once Jiang Xie calmed down, Xie Xi jumped down and typed on the laptop, “Believe me, I
won’t leave you. I never will.”
This sentence poked hard at Jiang Xie’s heart.
The teenager had lost most things in his life and he most feared losing Xie Xi.
The promise that Xie Xi gave him was the most powerful centering agent.
He might’ve accidentally exposed some of his back but it was true that Teacher Sun was
Previously, Kang Hong escaped from death and Teacher Sun ‘came back to life.’ This broke
the name of ‘ghost eyes.’
Some people might be afraid to stay close to Jiang Xie but the teachers no longer avoided
him. They weren’t very close but they treated Jiang Xie well enough as a student.
Teacher Sun wasn’t one of Jiang Xie’s teachers but every time he saw Jiang Xie, he would
say hello warmly.
Jiang Xie greeted him back.
The fire of rumours wasn’t something that could be extinguished in a day or two but as long
as there were good signs, it would get better.
By the time winter arrived, Jiang Xie was already living a normal high school life and didn’t
need to hide from people.
During the Spring Festival, Kang Hong invited Jiang Xie to his home but Jiang Xie definitely
wouldn’t go. Kang Hong’s mother was allergic to cat hair and it was impossible to bring Xie
Xi. Jiang Xie would stay him with Xie Xi on this day.
Kang Hong stared at the kitten, also reluctant to go home. “Then I will send you dinner.”
Jiang Xie had already bought the ingredients and shook his head. “No, I’ll cook myself.”
Jiang Xie said this but Kang Hong still insisted on sending three dishes. In addition, Jiang Xie
wasn’t paying attention so he picked up Xie Xi and turned three laps.
By the time Jiang Xie realized, Kang Hong put the kitten down and ran away like a thief
afraid of Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi shouted, “Grow up!”
He scolded the thief and the vinegar bag, killing two birds with one stone.
During the Lantern Festival, Jiang Xie went out with Xie Xi to see the lights.
Xie Xi often went out at night, especially in winter. After all, it was cold and Xie Xi wore a
hat to cover the cat ears. Then he wore a thick, long jacket to cover the tail and look like a
normal young boy.
They watched the colourful lights and in a corner where no one could see, Xie Xi locked
fingers with Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie felt like he was electrocuted and immediately grabbed back.
Xie Xi smiled and interlaced their fingers together.
At this time, fireworks appeared in the air. The splendid brilliance made people couldn’t
help wanting to make wishes.
I want to be with him forever and ever, longer than the twinkling stars.
The school year started and it was the last year of high school. Jiang Xie had completely
washed away the name of ‘ghost eyes’. After all, many people spoke to him and not only did
they not encounter any misfortunes, some had their academic performances improved.
Perhaps it was the school learning tyrant effect. Jiang Xie had an excellent brain and his
problem solving ideas were simpler and clearer than the teachers. He was particularly
This was Xie Xi’s favourite person. Seeing the teenager go from gloomy to clear made Xie Xi
happier than anyone.
White Day, where Jiang Xie received more than 20 love letters.
Um… being too clear wasn’t good!
High school was like this. They basically couldn’t confess on Valentine’s Day because it was
a holiday. Of course, there were still many couples who went on trips and sneaked around
for a meeting.
They missed Valentine’s Day so White Day was especially important!
In the past, Jiang Xie was an existence everyone wanted to avoid. There might be girls who
liked his appearance but they didn’t have the guts to confess.
Now the curse was already in the past and there were no disasters near Jiang Xie. They
wouldn’t be worthy of youth if they didn’t confess to such a handsome schoolmaster!
Thus, his desk was stuffed with love letters.
The desk hole was Xie Xi’s nest. He was busy at night and tended to sleep here during the
day. As a result, he arrived and found a pile of pink with a variety of scents.
Xie Xi almost choked.
Jiang Xie saw it and took advantage of when no one was paying attention to ask, “What’s
The kitten used strength and kicked out everything in the way.
The envelopes fell on Jiang Xie’s leg and he understood. How could he care about these
things? He quickly bowed his head to see the kitten.
Xie Xi turned and waved his tail at this person.
Jiang Xie was stunned and hurriedly spoke, “I won’t accept them.”
Xie Xi meowed, “Flirt!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 212

Collapsing 12 Boundaries End

They were in the classroom and basically unable to communicate. Still, Jiang Xie knew that
Xie Xi wasn’t happy.
He usually slept with his head towards Jiang Xie on weekdays. Now, he turned his head
inside, leaving only a furry little butt.
Jiang Xie felt a bit anxious but he also thought this was too cute. He couldn’t help touching
the cat. Xie Xi swept his tail towards this person.
Jiang Xie called out to him. “Little Rose.”
Xie Xi really wasn’t angry. This was the normal mentality of people. His lover received so
many confession letters that it would be fake to say he didn’t care.
…First, he was isolated and now there was too much attention. This person couldn’t live a
normal life! It was the same in Central. It was as if the word ‘normal’ didn’t apply to him.
Xie Xi had run around again last night and was very tired this morning. He thought himself
to sleep.
On this day, Jiang Xie suffered a lot of pain. He already disposed of these envelopes and
seriously rejected the hearts of other people, yet Little Rose still ignored him. The two
people couldn’t communicate and Jiang Xie could only feel rushed.
The days of March were so short that by the time they came home, it was already dark and
the moon had come out.
Jiang Xie walked very quickly and brought out the kitten the moment they arrived home.
Xie Xi stared up at him. Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed him. There was a fog and a
teenager with cat ears stood in front of him.
Jiang Xie told him, “I refused all the letters during the day.”
Xie Xi went to draw the curtains and said, “Yes.”
Jiang Xie came up to him. “Don’t be angry. I didn’t know they would be there…”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Do I have something to be angry about?”
Jiang Xie was stunned and couldn’t answer.
Xie Xi deliberately said, “You refused them now but you will marry and have children. Isn’t
that what humans are all about?” His back pretended to be desolate.
This was simply throwing a knife at Jiang Xie. He couldn’t stand it and immediately said,
“No, I won’t.”
Xie Xi waited for his next words.
Jiang Xie never promised anything because he wasn’t used to holding anything. He was
used to constantly losing and felt afraid to take the initiative to fight for something.
Just as people who didn’t feel hope wouldn’t be disappointed, he didn’t have to lose
anything if he didn’t have it in the first place.
However, this time…
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand and his voice was like a taut rubber band that might break at
any moment. “I only want you. My life will have enough as long as you are present.”
He spoke with uneasiness and fear, breaking through the obstacles in his heart to speak.
Xie Xi wanted to force him to say this but felt pained once he heard it. In fact, he knows
everything even if Jiang Xie didn’t say it. He just wanted to let Jiang Xie face up to it and
regain his convictions.
Don’t push away happiness but work hard to protect the happiness at hand.
Xie Xi asked him, “Do you like me?”
Jiang Xie was stunned. Xie Xi watched him as if staring into his heart. Jiang Xie slowly
smiled. In an instant, it was like spring returning to Earth and the grass growing. Countless
warmth melted into his clear voice. “I love you.”
It was more than like and could only be love. Xie Xi also smiled and hugged this person,
whispering, “Me too.”
Jiang Xie clung to Xie Xi’s waist tightly, head buried in this person’s neck and his breathing
hot and eager.
Xie Xi gently touched him on the neck. It was like the last spark that ignited fireworks,
completely setting Jiang Xie on fire.
Aries’ birthday was at the end of March and he was a few days away from adulthood…
Xie Xi thought it was pretty much the same thing. In the end, it was Jiang Xie who stopped.
“No…” His voice was full of restraint. “You are too young.”
Xie Xi, “……”
Jiang Xie left and didn’t dare look at him. “I will go and take a shower.”
Xie Xi muttered, “I…” He didn’t know how old he was.
Jiang Xie took deep breaths. “I want to be with you forever. These… there is no hurry at the
This was the Jiang Xie who was always a beast in Central?
However, Xie Xi thought about it and decided it wouldn’t be so bad to wait. Jiang Xie
cherished him and he also cherished Jiang Xie.
Sex might be a way for love to be expressed but it definitely wasn’t the only one.
It would be too pitiful if this was the only way for two people in love to express it.
After the mutual understanding, Xie Xi’s task hadn’t changed. He still had no clue about the
so-called true spirit and he no means to leave here.
What should he do? Xie Xi wasn’t very anxious. As long as he and Jiang Xie were together,
he was happy.
On the day of Jiang Xie’s birthday, Xie Xi asked him, “Are you going out?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Then I’ll take time off in advance.” His birthday wasn’t on a weekend.
“No, we will go out after school and come back in the morning.”
“If we meet an acquaintance…”
Xie Xi told him, “I’ll take you to a further place.”
Jiang Xie frowned. “Don’t take any risks.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Nothing will happen. Besides, you only have one 18th birthday.”
“Who has only one birthday?”
Xie Xi blinked at him. “But this is my first birthday with you.”
This remark was so good that the cautious teenager finally agreed.
During school, Kang Hong blocked Jiang Xie in order to celebrate his birthday. Jiang Xie
slipped away quickly and didn’t return home. Instead, he found a place for Xie Xi to become
a person.
Xie Xi held him and asked, “Are you afraid of heights?” This person didn’t seem afraid.
“I’m not afraid.”
Xie Xi used a transparent aircraft, which was one of the most popular aircrafts in the last
Sitting inside and looking out through the transparent walls allowed them to see the
scenery unobstructed but the people outside couldn’t see inside.
Jiang Xie sat in it and his heart thumped. “If we are discovered…”
Xie Xi laughed. “Don’t worry. No one can see it.”
Xie Xi deliberately let the aircraft drive through the bustling streets. Jiang Xie nervously
clenched his fists but to his relief, the pedestrians didn’t feel nothing.
Was the stealth charm a joke? It worked very well. Of course, this had a time restriction. Xie
Xi flew with Jiang Xie and stopped in the open sea without people.
The aircraft was transformed into a spacious living room. Xie Xi brought out the dinner he
had already prepared. “Happy birthday.”
The moment he spoke, splendid fireworks were ejected from the aircraft and bloomed in
the air one after another.
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi asked, “Do you like it?”
Jiang Xie spoke like it was a dream. “I like it.”
A beauty that didn’t exist in dreams, a happiness that couldn’t be imagined.
Xie Xi took his hand. “That’s good.”
Jiang Xie turned and saw the smile on Xie Xi’s face. At this moment, he felt the person
around him was one hundred times more beautiful than the fireworks on the horizon.
It was truly fortunate he could meet this person. Jiang Xie held his hand firmly and silken
strands like the sun rose in his heart.
After this birthday, the two people became sweeter.
The big lightbulb Kang Hong didn’t disturb them. There was no reason to because the
university entrance examination was coming soon. Kang Hong was studying like crazy.
Jiang Xie was also reviewing seriously.
Xie Xi was on the table and swept his hand with the tail.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Let me finish writing this paper.”
Xie Xi said, “Let me turn into a human.” Meow meow!
“I will kiss you when I finish writing.”
Xie Xi, “…” Sure enough, this person was worse when growing up! Previously, Jiang Xie
turned the kitten into a human as soon as it became dark.
Since the beginning of studying for the university entrance examination, Jiang Xie would
only kiss Xie Xi after finishing his homework.
The reason was simple. He could study quietly if he saw the cat. If he saw the cat-eared
youth, he wanted to do adult things.
In Xie Xi’s heart, the university entrance examination was useless. So what about a good
university? There was him and Aries would always be happy.
Obviously, Jiang Xie thought differently.
He didn’t want Xie Xi to use his ability or to wrong Xie Xi. The only way to do this was to
strengthen himself and let Xie Xi live a rich life.
In addition, Jiang Xie was always worried that Xie Xi would be exposed and he wouldn’t be
able to protect Xie Xi. Wasn’t Xie Xi the one who wanted to protect Jiang Xie?
No matter how strong their lover, two people who loved each other would want to protect
each other.
The university entrance exam finished and the results were issued. Jiang Xie was first in the
Xie Xi thought, ‘Fortunately, each province has different questions. Otherwise, won’t you
become first in the country?’
Kang Hong was more surprised compared to Jiang Xie. “I have exceeded my unofficial
mark!” This was the ecstasy that normal people should have.
Jiang Xie congratulated him.
Kang Hong jumped out of happiness and his face was red. He excitedly told Jiang Xie, “My
results soared thanks to the learning god!”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “It is the result of your own efforts.”
“No…” Kang Hong said, “I think it is related to you. Since I transferred to this school and
became friends with you, everything has been going smoothly. I don’t have rhinitis and I
always feel that the quality of my sleep is much better. I am full of strength learning every
The younger classmate who often sat next to Jiang Xie and asked questions said, “This is
really true. I feel that my spirit has been particularly good in the past six months and I have
learnt things very quickly.”
“Oh…” Someone else joined the discussion. “It is the same for me. I used to study until 12
o’clock, wake up sleepy in the morning and wasn’t in a good state at all. This time, I sleep
normally and manage a lunch break.”
“Me too…”
“I also seem to…”
The cat in the bag was going crazy and wanted to give these people a forbidden spell!
‘Shut up and take advantage of it instead of talking about it!’
However, all these words were heard and the keen Jiang Xie must’ve understood it.
Xie Xi collapsed into a cat cake as he thought about how to coax this alarmist teenager after
returning home…
Jiang Xie couldn’t stay any longer. He was clearly the provincial champion but it was like he
took last place in the exam. They were still having a heated discussion and Jiang Xie left
Once he got home, he locked the door. Xie Xi poked out a small head. It wasn’t dark so he
couldn’t become a person.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He sat at the window and waited until it was dark. Xie Xi’s
heart beat like a drum and he knew that Jiang Xie was really angry this time.
The moon rose and Jiang Xie’s cool kiss fell on his lips. Xie Xi stood by his side. He had been
enduring it all day but Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He just asked, “Why?”
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say…
Jiang Xie frowned and his hands on the table clenched into fists. “Is it to cover up the
rumours before?”
A year ago, Jiang Xie was avoided by everyone. After a year, Jiang Xie became close to
Why did this happen? It was due to Xie Xi’s painstaking efforts.
“It is really nothing. No one will find out.” He knew Jiang Xie was afraid he would be in
danger but such a world couldn’t hurt him.
Jiang Xie questioned, “You protected the people around me, didn’t you?”
Xie Xi jerked with shock.
Jiang Xie hoarsely revealed the truth. “If you didn’t protect Kang Hong, he would die, right?
In addition, the people who came close to me and talked to me were secretly protected by
Jiang Xie smiled wryly. “For more than 10 years, those who were close to me would be very
miserable. It is no wonder that it changed in this year…”
Xie Xi could lie to him and say no, but he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t lie to Jiang Xie. It was
true that Xie Xi was busy every day protecting the people close to Jiang Xie.
Once he relaxed, these people would encounter light or heavy misfortunes. It was like a
curse. Anyone who came close to Jiang Xie would be targeted by disaster.
Xie Xi protected these people while looking for reasons. Unfortunately, he was unable to
find the cause.
Xie Xi approached him and carefully clung into Jiang Xie. “I will be careful not to let them
find out.”
Jiang Xie whispered, “No.”
Xie Xi’s lips thinned.
Jiang Xie declared, “I won’t become closer to anyone. I don’t need anyone as long as you are
there.” Thus, no one would suffer because of him ad Xie Xi didn’t need to work hard to
protect everyone.
Xie Xi sighed and placed his chin on top of his head. “However, you won’t be happy.”
Jiang Xie’s body froze.
Xie Xi told him, “I hope that you will be happy every day and be full of hope and enthusiasm
for life. I want to be with you as well as give you happiness.”
“I…” It was like there were many stones in Jiang Xie’s throat as he tried to speak, making
him unable to say anything.
Xie Xi kissed him on the forehead.
Jiang Xie pulled this youth onto his lap and held his waist, as if bringing this person into his
own soul.
“I hate them.” Jiang Xie’s suppressed voice seemed to tremble in his chest. Xie Xi was
stunned. Jiang Xie held him and revealed the most unfathomable places inside him.
“I had nothing. No one needed me, no one was close to me and no one even looked at me…”
Therefore, he hated them.
He hated all those who ignored him, hated all those who isolated him and hated the world
that abandoned him.
This was Jiang Xie’s deep heart, the most unbearable and hard to understand part.
At this time, this darkness was blown away.
Xie Xi’s eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. “It is fine. You’ll have me later.”
Yes, Jiang Xie had him. It was Xie Xi’s unreserved love that released the knot in his heart.
Jiang Xie let go of himself and let the world go.
Xie Xi sighed with relief. He stared at Jiang Xie and saw the teenager reveal a pure smile
that was brighter than the sun.
“Thank you.”
Xie Xi heard Jiang Xie’s words and wanted to touch him again, only to reappear in the space
with 11 light groups.
The roses were lovely but Xie Xi stood among them in a trance.
The red light group representing Aries disappeared and was replaced by the young Jiang
Xie sleeping in the flowers.
Xie Xi rushed over and saw the line of words hanging over him.
[Wake up countdown: 3:00:00.]

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 213

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 1

Countdown? The moment Xie Xi was shocked, the number moved and became 2:59:58.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped. What was this? It meant three hours but would Aries wake up in
three hours? What would happen after he woke up?
Xie Xi looked at his task.
[Find the true spirit and repair him.]
There were no changes and no prompt in the lower right corner.
The only change was that the Aries light group was gone. The sleeping Aries appeared in
the place of the light group and had a countdown on top of their head.
Xie Xi thought for a moment. He was able to leave the Aries world because he untied Aries’
heart knot.
The world of the light group didn’t show obvious signs like the collapsing universe of the
collapsed god but it was gradually collapsing.
It was deadly for Aries to resent his own world. After all, the soul was the designer of the
world and also represented the will of the world. Perhaps it was his subconscious hatred of
everything that made the people close to him suffer misfortune.
The cause that Xie Xi couldn’t find might be derived from Jiang Xie.
If Xie Xi hadn’t appeared and silently did those things to protect him, Jiang Xie wouldn’t be
able to face his own heart and would imprison himself on an isolated island. This would
eventually make the world fall.
The world showed no obvious signs of collapse but it was destined to collapse because of
the soul’s self-banishment.
Then Xie Xi finding the cause and sweeping away the darkness in Aries’ heart caused the
world to recover?
If this was the case…
Xie Xi swept an eye over the rest of the light groups. Perhaps every light group was a
collapsed world?
The so-called Collapsing 12 Boundaries was the collapse of 12 quasi-worlds? The Central
Government mixed these quasi-worlds together and let Xie Xi repair them in one go?
If this was the case, Xie Xi was very happy. Jiang Xie didn’t have an unlimited number of
souls and this should be the limit.
He would be able to recover all the broken souls at once and then he would have no
Xie Xi was always worried that someone would receive the task of erasing Jiang Xie’s
worlds. It was best to kill them as soon as possible.
Just… Xie Xi watched the sleeping Aries and felt a bit of guilt. If the souls sleeping in the
garden woke up together… or woke up in batches…
No matter which option, the Octopus Xie would also be upset!
No! Don’t freak out! It was fullness for the bold, famine for the timid. Being able to recover
all souls in one breath was only a profit, with no losses.
As for whether he really would be divided into 12 pieces, Xie Xi didn’t care. Since it was like
this, fear was useless!
Xie Xi took a deep breath and looked at the remaining 11 light groups. Xie Xi hadn’t left any
marks when he entered Aries’ world. Thus, he didn’t know the time flow rate of this rose
It should be relatively static. Otherwise, once he finished coming out of the next small
world, wouldn’t the Aries who already woke up be crazy?
He had encountered many of these pits but Xie Xi didn’t believe it would happen this time.
It was already hell mode. If the time flow rate was the same, wasn’t this a damn bug?
Fixing it only to beat yourself to death, this was a waste of effort!
Xie Xi looked at the countdown over Aries’ head and no longer delayed the time. He was
ready to enter the next light group.
There was no need to set up a clock to monitor the time. Aries was the best timer.
Xie Xi took a deep breath and chose Taurus. He would trust his instincts and continue
following the order.
The Taurus light group was pink and the Jiang Xie standing inside had the appearance of an
adult. He was handsome in a suit and looked like an elite worker.
Aries was cute but this serious appearance was really…
Cough, it was in the eyes of a lover. Xie Xi now watched Jiang Xie with a filter of 20,000
Taurus’ voice sounded peaceful and he had an adult’s temperament and calmness. “Is it
Xie Xi couldn’t help nodding. “Yes.”
There was a sudden strong pulling force, which was much stronger than when entering
Aries’ world. Xie Xi’s heart beat fast like a drum and he wasn’t naive enough to think that
Taurus had a calm and gentle temper.
This man didn’t match the temperament of a Taurus and it was a collapsed world. The soul
in collapsed mode was enough to cause worry.
The enthusiastic Aries ended up being cold and gloomy. It was unknown what Taurus
would end up like.
After some mental preparations, Xie Xi entered the world of Taurus.
The destination was extremely impactful.
He was in front of a huge floor to ceiling window. The whole wall was made of glass and it
was polished and bright, with no signs of connection. He seemed to be standing on a
hollowed floor and it felt like he could reach out and touch the magnificent sunset outside.
This was obviously a very tall building and Xie Xi had a position close to the top floor,
which was why the view would be so wide.
The scenery was spectacular and the falling sunset seemed to trod on his feet. He felt like a
person standing in the highest position in the sky.
Looking at such a scene gave him a sense of confidence that everything was under control.
Xie Xi wasn’t clear about his identity but fortunately, this time he wasn’t a cat. He was a real
person and also an adult.
He tried to summon the god’s wisdom and sketch pen. Well… there were no problems.
He put them away and looked around again. The furnishings in this house were quite
strange. It was obviously an office but it was also full of life.
There was an office desk on the south side that was neat, as if never used. The leather sofa
in the middle had a business style but one or two clothes were thrown randomly on it.
The coffee table also contained a mess of things and the strict decoration style seemed out
of place.
The even more absurd thing was that in the place where there some be some artwork,
there was actually a dining table…
There were two doors in the back. It should lead to the lounge but now it seemed more like
a bedroom.
What was going on with this office? Xie Xi guessed that he was a workaholic who was
dedicated to eating and sleeping in the office?
Xie Xi didn’t like this type of person. He preferred to be the black and white cat who eat,
slept and teased Jiang Xie.
Then the double wooden doors opened and a tall man in a suit entered.
Xie Xi looked up and couldn’t help his eyes lighting up.
Jiang Xie was very handsome and this type of clothing particularly suited him. Each line
was carefully measured and showed off the golden ratio.
As if aware of his sight, Jiang Xie looked over, eyes and voice calm. “Have you eaten?”
Xie Xi had just arrived and how could he be free to eat. He replied, “No.”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved slightly. “Were you waiting for me?”
Somehow, Xie Xi thought he was laughing. Xie Xi didn’t move and observed first.
Jiang Xie took off his coat and pulled at his tie. Xie Xi hesitated if he should go over to help
or not. Who knew that Jiang Xie would say, “Come and help me.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, this person was the boss in his world.
Xie Xi walked over and carefully undied the tie. He was shorter than Jiang Xie but it wasn’t
as exaggerated as the world of Aries. After all, both of them were adults.
Xie Xi was very good at solving this type of tie. In the 60 years of Dream Come True, Xie Xi
had helped Jiang Xie.
This person especially liked this time. Every time he came back, he would have Xie Xi help
Xie Xi would also take the initiative to assist. It happened so many times that Xie Xi became
used to it. His brain was full of thoughts but his hands were methodical.
Jiang Xie looked down at him and something flashed in his calm eyes. Xie Xi was staring at
the tie and naturally didn’t see it.
After untying it, Xie Xi helped him loosen the first button of the shirt. Jiang Xie frowned and
asked, “What do you want to eat?”
Xie Xi put down his hand and said, “Anything’s fine.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. He rolled up his sleeves and went to the north cubicle.
Xie Xi discovered that there was a small kitchen there. This office… was really chic.
It didn’t take long for Jiang Xie to make three simple dishes and a soup. He didn’t call Xie Xi
over. He only glanced at Xie Xi before sitting down to eat. Xie Xi was confused about the
situation but he felt Taurus wasn’t too eager to see him…
Not a single word was spoken during the meal. Jiang Xie didn’t clean up the table and Xie Xi
took the initiative to do it.
Jiang Xie glanced over and said nothing. He only turned to go to another cubicle.
Oh, there was a bathroom. The magnificent atmosphere of this office was really changed.
Xie Xi washed the dishes and Jiang Xie came out after taking a shower. His upper body was
revealed. It was strong with tough lines and sexy abdominal muscles.
Xie Xi’s face was hot. He had seen it many times but it was still impactful.
Jiang Xie sensed his gaze and looked over. Xie Xi didn’t dare look at this person. Jiang Xie
ordered, “Help me blow my hair.”
Xie Xi, “…” Lazy bastard!
He spat inwardly but he was quite happy to do these things for his lover. Xie Xi grabbed a
hairdryer and helped blow Jiang Xie’s hair. His hair was very hard, like the stinky temper
hiding in his bones.
However, there was always a playful smile towards Xie Xi. Xie Xi’s mouth disliked it but he
actually liked it because it belonged to his Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi was smiling. By all accounts, it shouldn’t be visible to Jiang Xie but he suddenly
looked up and grabbed Xie Xi’s hand.
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
Jiang Xie increased the force and Xie Xi couldn’t hold onto the hairdryer. The hairdryer fell
to the ground and Xie Xi was pressed against the sofa by Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. Jiang Xie’s hair was messy. It wasn’t dripping wet anymore but there
was still some moisture.
His eyes were unfathomable and his lips weren’t curved at all. He looked peaceful but it
was like a storm was brewing.
Xie Xi couldn’t help opening his mouth. “Jiang…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Jiang Xie leaned over to kiss him.
This was a kiss that had nothing to do with gentleness. He seemed to be pouring out the
hatred and despair in his heart, a kiss that seemed to destroy others mutually.
Xie Xi tasted some bloody anger but also unspeakable pain. He couldn’t help hugging Jiang
Xie to try and appease him. Who knew that this action would irritate Jiang Xie?
He got up, black hair messy and eyes full of gloominess and hatred. “Do you want to try it
Xie Xi, “???” The Xie Xi ‘outside this situation’ couldn’t keep up with this development.
The peace Jiang Xie maintained on the surface disappeared and he sneered. “Do you think I
will still like a despicable person like you?”
The despicable Xie Xi, “…”
Um… It appeared, the Mr Soul who liked to have a previous setting.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 214

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 2

Despicable Xie wanted to know where he was despicable but based on this Jiang Xie’s
appearance, he didn’t want to mention it.
He didn’t mention it and Xie Xi couldn’t ask. Wasn’t it more despicable to ask?
Xie Xi still had to work hard to survive the ‘previous synopsis.’
It was obviously Jiang Xie who pressed Xie Xi against the sofa and kissed him into a mess.
He felt like he had been terribly wronged as this person got up and silently returned to his
Xie Xi saw the hair dryer on the ground and could only bend to collect it. Perhaps the fall
had broken it. He turned it on and wind no longer came out.
In such a tense situation, it wasn’t good for Xie Xi to study the hairdryer. He could only put
it in the bathroom first. Jiang Xie’s hair still wasn’t dry but he wouldn’t let Xie Xi help
Xie Xi sat outside for a while and didn’t know what to do. It was obvious that this place had
one bedroom and the two of them were sleeping together.
Jiang Xie was currently in the bedroom. Despicable Xie didn’t know if he should go in or
It was also strange to waste time. Xie Xi went to the bookshelf and casually grabbed a book,
ready to rummage through it.
Perhaps he could go into the room to sleep once Jiang Xie had calmed down.
After all, he had no experience being at loggerheads with his husband and had to fumble
The book he grabbed had an interesting name. It was called ‘Chicken Conquers the World.’
Xie Xi opened the first page and found that it contained a shocking series of data. The
number of chickens was so large that it turned out that humans were too dependent on this
most common poultry.
The contents of the book were interesting but Xie Xi was distracted by the occasional notes
on the edge of the book.
There were a few words written in black pen and Xie Xi could see that this was his own
Had he read this book? Or had he read it in the previous summary?
Xie Xi’s mind moved. He put down the book and went to the bookshelf. This time, he
casually grabbed a book of poems. He opened it and saw his own handwriting. Then he
grabbed a social sciences book. After opening it, he once again saw the words he wrote.
After opening more than 10 books in succession, it wasn’t surprising for Xie Xi to see his
own words.
The contents were mostly the impression he got when reading, identification of satire. The
elegant words were written casually.
What did this mean? Previously, most of these books had been read by Xie Xi.
Xie Xi took advantage of the time while Jiang Xie didn’t come out to open several more
The handwriting varied greatly. It wasn’t written in a short period of time and some even
had the date written. It wasn’t until Xie Xi saw some words he left five years ago that a fact
was established.
This revamped and unusual office had a great chance of being his own. What the hell
happened? He and Jiang Xie were living in an office? What happened between them that he
was close to being Jiang Xie’s prisoner. Was he imprisoned and controlled here?
It would be impossible to guess the truth out of thin air, even if Xie Xi’s brain hole was
bigger than the sky. Not to mention, his brain hole couldn’t be as big as Jiang Xie.
Once it was 9 o’clock, Xie Xi went to take a bath and slowly went to the bedroom. There was
only one bed and they had been living together for a while. He shouldn’t be affected and
should just go to sleep.
After pushing open the door, Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie lying on the left side. This person was
lying on the side of the door, blanket lying around his waist and most of his back exposed to
the outside.
‘Isn’t it cold?’ Xie Xi muttered in his heart. He wasn’t sure if his despicable self was qualified
to cover Jiang Xie with the blanket…
Well, this person seemed to be asleep? Xie Xi went over to look and found that this guy was
really asleep. HIs left hand was placed under the pillow as always and his brow was
wrinkled as he fell asleep.
Xie Xi was deeply versed in the art of dreams and concluded that this guy was drowning. He
couldn’t summon Roast Pork Bun, which meant he couldn’t use Dreaming.
In theory, he could draw Roast Pork Bun with the god’s wisdom but Xie Xi didn’t want to
create an existing life. It was too weird and didn’t show respect to Roast Pork Bun.
Moreover, this situation wasn’t suitable for Dreaming. Dreaming didn’t dream of the real
past and this was what Xie Xi needed to know the most. Love in the dream was useless. He
had to unravel Jiang Xie’s heart knot in reality.
Xie Xi gently covered Jiang Xie and took off his shoes to go to bed.
There was no hurry. He would first observe, understand the status quo and study the
It wasn’t too early. Xie Xi was tired from a day of thinking and he fell asleep soon after lying
on the comfortable bed.
In his daze, Xie Xi vaguely felt the familiar embrace. He definitely wouldn’t hide and instead
found a comfortable position.
The two people were used to sleeping together and this had long been instinctive.
The man holding him seemed to be stiff but in the end, he carefully protected Xie Xi and
made him sleep comfortably.
Xie Xi slept all night and felt a hundred times more energetic. He could clean up Taurus in
one breath… well, that was the illusion.
There were large windows in the lounge that wasn’t visible at night. The light was really
strong during the day and this meant people couldn’t sleep late.
OF course, Xie Xi also didn’t have the habit of sleeping late. He got out of bed and didn’t see
Jiang Xie.
There was no one in the bedroom. The kitchen… the door was locked and no one could
The office was only a few rooms and he searched it several times. Xie Xi confirmed that
Jiang Xie had left and also locked the kitchen door. Was he planning to starve Jiang Xie?
Xie Xi first went to the bathroom to wash and when he finished, he found a dining cart
beside the door.
What the hell? He looked down and found that breakfast was quite rich.
Despite knowing that the wooden door was definitely locked, Xie Xi still pushed it with a
disbelieving expression. It couldn’t be pushed open.
‘Jiang Xie, you have become more and more advanced. You are into the prisoner X play!’
Of course, it was impossible to trap Xie Xi. He could easily escape even without the god’s
wisdom and sketch pen.
Still, what was the use of going out? He had to coax the soul, not speed up the rate of
Xie Xi first ate breakfast. The kitchen door was locked so he could only place the tableware
on the dining cart.
It was estimated that there were cameras around. By the time Xie Xi entered the bedroom
and went out, the dining cart had already been removed.
No one came all morning but Xie Xi wasn’t bored. He read and wrote, acting quite leisurely.
Lunch was sent the same way. This was much richer than breakfast. There were seven or
eight different dishes and it was enough for three or four people to eat casually.
Xie Xi didn’t exercise much and he didn’t have a big appetite. After eating a bit, he pushed it
away. By the way, he hated Jiang Xie’s wasteful actions.
There was still no one in the afternoon. Xie Xi took a nap and woke up to read. Fortunately,
the books were very interesting. He read them and weren’t bored.
In the evening, Jiang Xie returned. He was still a peaceful and steady elite when entering the
house. However, once he and Xie Xi met, the shadows would appear.
Xie Xi really wanted to know what he done to make Jiang Xie crazy like this.
Jiang Xie’s gaze didn’t change and his voice was still calm. “What do you want to eat?”
Xie Xi had no appetite. “Anything is fine.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. He silently opened the kitchen door and went in to cook.
Breakfast and lunch were clearly made by famous chefs then Jiang Xie came back to cook in
the evening.
It made Xie Xi very puzzled. He could understand the closed kitchen door. After all, it was
full of knives and was very dangerous.
Then why did Jiang Xie want to cook for himself? Wasn’t it easier to have someone deliver
dinner like they did breakfast and lunch?
In addition, why live together if he hated a person? Wasn’t this self-torture? Self-torture…
Xie Xi felt like he had touched something.
Jiang Xie was busy in the kitchen. This time, Xie Xi didn’t wait outside but walked in and
said, “Let me help you.”
Jiang Xie was cutting vegetables for a dish and whispered, “No.”
Xie Xi told him, “I will give you a hand by washing the vegetables…”
Then he picked up the tomatoes.
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie grabbed him, eyes falling on his fingers. Then Jiang Xie spoke
sarcastically, “You always use these fingers to be tricky. What can they do?”
Xie Xi, “…” Thorns flew from these words, not allowing people to answer.
Jiang Xie told him, “You can’t help. Go out and wait.”
Xie Xi could only obediently leave. Under Taurus’ gentle surface was a hedgehog with
spikes. It was really difficult to start.
Dinner finished and they slept silently. Apart from being hugged in the middle of the night,
Xie Xi wasn’t close to Jiang Xie at all.
After three days of the same routine, Xie Xi couldn’t stand it. His energy was being
consumed and Taurus’ state would only get worse. Xie Xi had to know what happened
between them previously.
How could he do this? Xie Xi suddenly remembered the eraser of the last world.
This was the machine that rational people used to erase memories but it could also be used
to view memories.
The so-called erasure was to extract the memories and then destroy them. However, as
long as the last step was omitted, couldn’t he extract the memories and then return them
after seeing them?
Xie Xi thought about it carefully and felt it was feasible. It wasn’t possible to directly erase
Jiang Xie’s bad memories. This wouldn’t cure the problem and would only increase the
difficulty of the repair. If he wanted this person to recover, he had to get rid of the roots.
Xie Xi knew there was a camera in the place but he could easily disrupt this type of thing.
He made an eraser during the day and waited until Jiang Xie fell asleep at night to use it.
After extracting the memories, he should put them back as soon as possible or Jiang Xie
would notice.
Xie Xi drew a memory copying machine and first copied the memories. It was done and Xie
Xi sighed with relief.
He didn’t hurry to look at them now and went to sleep first. No one was present during the
day and there were plenty of times to watch the memories.
He opened his eyes the next day and Jiang Xie was gone. Xie Xi breathed out and used a
small palm detector. He found there was only one camera in the bedroom and was relieved.
There were many memories and it would probably take a while to watch all of them.
Xie Xi put on the helmet and entered the pre-existing summary.
These were Jiang Xie’s memories and were supposed to be from Jiang Xie’s perspective.
However, he could correct the angle of view of the memories. He could choose a god’s
perspective or choose a single person perspective.
Xie Xi chose the perspective of ‘himself.’ This would allow him to see more details that were
ignored by Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi vision changed and he found himself standing in a gorgeously lit banquet hall.
The people were dressed up, especially the ladies. They wore beautiful evening dressed
with gorgeous jewellery that was more eye-catching than the crystal lights suspended in
Xi held a red wine glass in his hand and his eyes fell on a tall woman in a long dress with a
high collar.
The woman seemed aware of his gaze and turned her head. The familiar facial features
stunned Xie Xi.
J-Jiang Xie?
Xie Xi was full of surprise but he wasn’t afraid of showing it. After all, these memories were
like a TV show. They were set up a long time ago and would keep continuing.
Xie Xi ‘saw’ himself walk to Jiang Xie and opened his mouth. “Miss Jiang.”
‘Miss Jiang’ has a polite smile that was a bit unnatural as she touched her cup to his.
Xie Xi’s lips curved in a slight smile. “Is your throat still not good?”
‘Miss Jiang’ nodded with some apologies on her face. Xie Xi suggested, “If that’s the case,
don’t drink alcohol.”
Then he took Jiang Xie’s cup and drank from it. Jiang Xie was stunned. Xie Xi snapped his
fingers and a waiter brought a glass of grape juice. This was very similar to the colour of
red wine and its identity would be unknown without drinking it.
Xie Xi skillfully picked up the empty glass, poured the grape juice into it and politely
handed it to Jiang Xie. “Drink this.”
‘Miss Jiang’ took the glass with her gloved hand and slightly nodded as a form of thanks.
At this time, Xie Xi suddenly opened his mouth. “I heard your younger brother has returned
to China…”
‘Miss Jiang’ heard these words and clearly tensed.
Xie Xi smiled. “Your brother is truly excellent. He is only 17 years old yet he got a double
degree. He must be the pillar of Jiang in the future.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 215

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 3

Outside the memories, Xie Xi’s frowned. It was obvious that this Miss Jiang was the younger
A 17 year old with a double degree would really paint gold on his face. Why did such a
genius fall to the point of wearing women’s clothing?
In addition, did Jiang Xie have a sister? He never heard Jiang Xie mention it but even if he
did have a sister, it would be the past.
Xie Xi was startled and couldn’t help wondering about Jiang Xie’s past. Wasn’t this a broken
world that had been blended with others by the Central Government? Maybe… the past and
the collapsing worlds were combined?
It didn’t matter. Xie Xi remembered the hint that was given when he entered the world. He
didn’t believe in it because it was true. It was true because he believed in it.
Whether it was the past or not, Jiang Xie was real.
This memory was clearly their first encounter.
Xie Xi looked 26 years year and wore a suit in an elegant style. Jiang Xie was only 17 and
wasn’t fully grown. Through the magic of the dress and makeup, he was barely able to play
a female.
Still, it was estimated that Xie Xi had already seen through it.
By the end of the party, Xie Xi had drunk too much. His face was covered with a thin red
colour and his eyes were moist. A few hairs fell on his face, adding a touch of beauty to his
delicate facial features.
‘Miss Jiang’ was far away from him but his gaze couldn’t help drifting over to Xie Xi.
It was love at first sight. Whether this was reality or a dream, it always happened 100%.
Coincidentally, Xie Xi’s car got a flat tire as he was leaving. His driver and assistant were
busy calling people to pick him up. The cold wind blew towards Xie Xi and his brow lightly
Then a black car parked in front of him and the rear window slid down. Miss Jiang looked at
him and asked with a hand pressed against her throat. “Do you need help?”
Xie Xi stopped frowning and showed a warm smile. “No, someone will come in a while to
pick me up.”
‘Miss Jiang’ said, “It is half an hour from the city…”
Xie Xi replied, “It’s fine. I can go to the lounge and wait.”
Miss Jiang was like a fish that took the initiative to bite the hook. “If you don’t mind, I will
send you back?”
Xie Xi smiled. “It is too much trouble for you.”
“It is on the way.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Xie Xi saw these memories and didn’t know what to say.
The memories weren’t his own but he clearly deliberately approached Jiang Xie,
deliberately showed a good appearance, deliberately pretended to be drunk and even
ruined his tyre…
This was to get close to Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie in women’s clothing was easy to deceive and
catching him on the hook was almost effortless.
Xie Xi got on the car and Jiang Xie didn’t speak much. After all, his throat hadn’t recovered
yet and it took a lot of effort to speak those few words.
Xie Xi was very gentlemanly. His attitude and speech were generous and measured just
right, making people feel a spring breeze.
The tense Jiang Xie obviously relaxed. He didn’t dare to answer with words but he was
happy based on his demeanour.
Half an hour later, the car parked in a villa area. Xie Xi got off the car and thanked this
person. “I really troubled Miss Jiang tonight.
Jiang Xie smiled and suppressed his voice. “It’s nothing.”
A youthful tone was still very different from a woman’s voice. Jiang Xie might cover it up
with an illness but speaking more would expose it.
Xie Xi smiled again and said goodbye in a warm voice.
He left and Jiang Xie stared at his back for a while until the driver asked, “Young Master, are
we going back?”
Jiang Xie no longer covered up his voice and restored his original low tone. “Yes.”
He leaned back and gently closed his eyes. It was Jiang Xie’s memory so Xie Xi could see
what Jiang Xie was thinking. His head was full of the talking and smiling Xie Xi, the drunk
Xie Xi with red cheeks, the warm and gentle voice…
Xie Xi was speechless. “Can’t you be a bit more grown up?”
He said this but there was some sweetness in his heart. He was always loved by his lover at
first sight. It was natural to have sugar in his heart.
The angle of view was fixed on Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie returned home, took off his clothes and jewellery in a tired manner, removed the
makeup on his face and restored the handsome appearance of a young man.
Xie Xi was curious about the situation on Jiang Xie’s side. Why did he dress up as a woman?
His perspective followed Jiang Xie and he soon saw the truth. Jiang Xie went to the south
room on the third floor and knocked on the door.
A gentle female voice was heard from inside. “Little Jiang? Come in.”
Jiang Xie pushed open the door and Xie Xi saw the pale woman sleeping on the bed. She had
the same facial features as Jiang Xie but was more feminine and soft.
Jiang Xie asked, “How are you feeling today?”
Originally, Jiang Xie’s sister was indeed sick and she replied weakly, “I’m much better.”
Slight distress flashed across Jiang Xie’s face as he said, “There was nothing tonight. You
can sleep well and I will help you attend tomorrow’s meeting.”
Sister Jiang sat up. “it is hard on you.”
“It’s nothing. You’ve been working hard all these years.”
Sister Jiang wanted to say something but it seemed to touch the nerves in her chest, causing
a serious of earth-shattering coughs.
Jiang Xie hurriedly told her, “I will go and call Dr. Li.”
Sister Jiang grabbed him with a skinny hand. “No…”
Jiang Xie frowned tightly. “Sister, don’t worry about the company and go abroad to
Sister Jiang’s shook her head. “No, Lance’s project is at a critical junction and must be
Jiang Xie’s lips thinned slightly.
Sister Jiang lightly gasped. “As long as we get this project, Sister will rest with peace of
mind and hand over the rest to you.”
Jiang Xie could only help her lie down and carefully covered her tightly with a quilt.
Xie Xi had a general understanding of Jiang Xie’s situation.
Jiang Xie’s parents died early and his sister, Jiang Hong propped up the family company,
becoming a solid and strong woman.
Jiang Xie didn’t disappoint his sister and had always been excellent. By the age of 17, he had
achievements that ordinary people couldn’t match.
Now Jiang Hong had a problem with her body and her life was in danger.
The Jiang Company had worked hard to gain a foothold and it was reaching the next level. If
Jiang Hong’s illness was exposed then a storm would occur.
As a last resort, the similar looking brother and sister came up with such a move.
Jiang Xie took on his sister’s appearance while Jiang Hong worked at home, trying to get the
project she had worked on for more than a year.
As long as the project was stabilized, there would be no major problems in the next five or
six years. After five or six years, Jiang Xie would be enough to support this industry.
In fact, Jiang Xie wanted his sister to let go of these things and safely recuperate.
However, Jiang Hong had a strong personality and he was afraid that making her give up
would only aggravate her illness. Therefore, Jiang Xie had to cooperate with her to
complete this project as soon as possible to make her more comfortable.
The secret of the brother and sister was quite stable. They were really similar, Jiang Hong
was tall enough and Jiang Xie’s attention to detail meant he could perfectly dress like her.
Secondly, there were confidants who knew the secrets of the siblings. They were more
afraid of the company being ruined than the siblings and helped to maintain them in a
comprehensive manner.
There was only one variable and that was Xie Xi. Jiang Xie didn’t tell Jiang Hong about Xie Xi
because there wasn’t anything worth mentioning. He only gave this person a ride home.
The next memories had no important information and Xie Xi skipped until they met for the
second time.
It was another party and it looked like a charity party. Jiang Xie was still wearing a long-
sleeved evening gown with a collar and gloves of the same colour, so that it covered his
Adam’s apple and fingers.
He took advantage of how he grew up well and looked good. However, it was difficult to
cover up the voice. A young man of 17 was out of the awkward growing stage and it was
difficult to make a woman’s soft voice.
Fortunately, there was the excuse of his voice discomfort.
At the party, a middle-aged man was talking with Jiang Xie. He seemed interested in
cooperating on a project.
Jiang Xie had been dressed as his sister for a while and his practical experience and
vigilance were present. He wasn’t fooled but it wasn’t convenient to speak, making him
At this time, Xie Xi gave him an excuse, “Chief Jiang’s voice is still recovering and she can’t
speak loudly. Why don’t you go to an interview at the company tomorrow?”
The middle-aged man was stunned after seeing Xie Xi and smiled. “Hey, I was just talking
about things.”
Xie Xi smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
The middle-aged man left and Jiang Xie whispered, “Thank you.”
“What is there to thank? I am thankful for you sending me home last time.”
In front of outsiders, it was Chief Jiang while it was Miss Jiang in private. This name was
still polite but gave off a different feeling.
Jiang Xie replied, “It was nothing.”
Xie Xi seemed to think it was slightly noisy and leaned forward slightly. “Why hasn’t your
voice recovered after so long. There is a doctor I am familiar with and I can ask him to
examine it again.”
Jiang Xie’s back was tense and his eyes flashed a bit as he lowered his voice. “I just need to
speak less and it will slowly recover.’
Xie Xi sighed. “It is no wonder. Miss Jiang has to speak all the time at meetings and you can’t
speak less.”
Jiang Xie smiled uncomfortably.
Xie Xi added, “There is no way at the company but you should try to talk less when going
Jiang Xie nodded.
Xie Xi no longer said anything but spent all night intentionally protecting him.
Rationally, Xie Xi didn’t need to do anything and someone else would guide this person. Yet
Xie Xi gently and thoughtfully helped and how could Miss Jiang endure it? He lost his soul in
Xie Xi could basically guess the development afterwards.
At another private party, Xie Xi drank too much and happened to have an encounter with
Miss Jiang by the pool.
Xie Xi greeted this person with a smile. The joy in Jiang Xie’s eyes couldn’t be concealed.
Xie Xi held a cigarette in his hand and he saw Jiang Xie’s slight frown. He quickly put out the
cigarette and said, “I’m sorry.”
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s fine.”
Xie Xi threw the cigarette into the trash can and swayed as he came over. Jiang Xie was
startled. “Be careful.”
Unfortunately, Xie Xi still accidentally fell into the pool. It was a deep water area and he
didn’t seem able to swim. He moved further and further away from the edge.
It was reasonable to say that at this time, Jiang Xie could pull Xie Xi back with the rescue
pole next to him or shout and a professional would come over.
However, Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi’s panicked experience and didn’t think as he jumped down.
He held Xie Xi and said, “Don’t be afraid. I will take you back to the edge.”
Xie Xi originally planned this and didn’t make a fuss. He let Jiang Xie drag him back.
The two of them emerged from the water. Xie Xi had swallowed a few mouthfuls of water
and his coughing was very fierce.
Jiang Xie patted him on the back and asked, “Are you okay?”
“I-It’s fine…” He looked at this person. “Miss Jiang, I made a fool of myself…”
As he spoke, he looked up at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie’s face was anxious and he didn’t know that his clothes had been torn open at the
Xie Xi stared at this person’s neck in a stunned manner. Jiang Xie felt strange and reached
out, only to find that the tight collar had been ripped loose and slid down.
The ‘gobsmacked’ Xie Xi. “Miss Jiang, you…”
Jiang Xie knew it couldn’t be hidden anymore and his impression of Xie Xi was very good.
Thus, he smiled wryly and said, “Sorry, I have been deceiving you. In fact, I am Jiang Xie.”
He didn’t lower his voice and completely exposed himself in front of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi pretended to be shocked and asked, “What is going on?”
Jiang Xie didn’t explain it and only extended his hand. “Let’s go and change clothes first. The
weather is cold and Mr. XIe drank wine. You are soaked and it is easy to get sick.”
Xie Xi still seemed to be in chaos. He took Jiang Xie’s hand and as he got up, he slipped
Jiang Xie wasn’t paying attention and was pulled hard against this person.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 216

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 4

This position really couldn’t be seen.

The two people were wet and their bodies were attached to each other. It would be strange
if Jiang Xie kissed the other person.
Outside the moment, Xie Xi couldn’t help rubbing his temple. Such an obvious setup, Jiang
Xie was really deceiving himself.
Of course, the two people didn’t kiss. Xie Xi had deliberately done this action to make the
heart of the teenager in front of him jump. If he kissed the teenager, it would be overdoing
it and wasn’t in line with the current progress.
Jiang Xie got up in a hurry. “I’m sorry.”
Xie Xi was ashamed. “I didn’t pay attention and dragged you down…” Then he asked, “You
weren’t hurt by the fall?”
Jiang Xie naturally wasn’t hurt. His whole body was pressed against Xie Xi and only his knee
touched the ground.
He belatedly asked, “Are you okay? I was pressing against you.”
Xie Xi took a light breath. “I’m fine.” However, he couldn’t stand up.
Jiang Xie’s heart shook and he went to help this person. “Is it painful?” The floor was very
hard and he fell down like that. Xie Xi pressed underneath him would definitely be
Xie Xi grabbed Jiang Xie’s hand and struggled to stand up with a bitter smile. “Once you get
older, your body isn’t as fit.”
He was in his prime and only a bit older than Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie disagreed. “You are so young.”
Xie Xi released this person and rubbed his waist. “How old do you think I am?”
Jiang Xie replied softly, “In your early 20s?”
Xie Xi smiled. “I’m 11 years older than you.”
Jiang Xie was surprised for a moment.
Xie Xi blinked. “I’m an uncle right?”
Jiang Xie stared. The person in front of him had black hair that was messy because of the
water. His white face was covered with water and his beautiful eyes were full of smiles. The
beautiful lips were light because of the cold and people couldn’t help…
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped and he shifted his line of sight. “28 is the best age…” He bluntly
shifted the topic. “Go and change clothes or you will catch a cold.”
“You too. You’re soaking wet.”
“Let’s go.” Xie Xi held his hand. “It won’t be good if you are seen like this.”
Jiang Hong was really important to the Jiang family or else Jiang Xie wouldn’t dress like this
to support her. It would be a disaster if he was seen this way.
Xie Xi was quite familiar with this place. He bypassed the service staff and took Jiang Xie to
an empty room.
Xie Xi took out his phone and found that he could still use it. He hurriedly made a phone call
to his assistant. Jiang Xie’s phone was more uncooperative. There was only a black screen
after he took it from his bag.
Xie Xi asked, “Do you remember your assistant’s number?”
Jiang Xie naturally remembered it and Xie Xi lent his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, this
phone also had a limit. It barely managed the previous call and died.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi smiled. “It’s fine. Wait for Xiao Liu to come over and I’ll ask him to go and talk with
your driver.”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “No, I’ll go back myself.” The diver who came with him today
didn’t know the secret so it wasn’t very convenient.
Xie Xi thought about it and suggested, “I’ll send you back.”
Jiang Xie didn’t refuse and said, “I will trouble you.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “If it wasn’t for your help tonight, I don’t know how long I would be
in the water.”
“I didn’t Mr. Xie to not be able to swim.”
“As a child, I fell into the water. Since then, I have been a bit afraid of water.”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Really, thank you for just now.”
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t be afraid. If you have the chance, you should learn how to swim.”
Xie Xi sighed, “Yes, if I fall again and there is no Miss Jiang…” He paused and changed his
words. “Maybe no one will save me.”
Jiang Xie’s heart was hot as he said, “You can call me by my name.”
“Xiao Xie.” (Remember,Xiao = little/small)
Jiang Xie was obviously stunned and the tip of his ears were red. “Yes.”
At this time, Xie Xi’s assistant hurried over with clean clothing. Xie Xi pushed Jiang Xie into
the inner warm, causing Jiang Xie’s heart to warm. Xie Xi took the clothes and told his
assistant, “Bring over one more.”
The assistant didn’t ask much and left.
Xie Xi returned to Jiang Xie and said, “You should put on my clothes first.”
“I will wait. You change first.”
Xie Xi shivered and said, “Then I will change first.”
Jiang Xie said this but he didn’t expect Xie Xi to took off his suit jacket. The soaked shirt was
completely attached to the body, showing the perfect lines.
His fingers were long and white, bringing out an unspeakable sexiness when he untied his
tight neckline.
In fact, these movements were very ordinary and there wasn’t a hint of any meaning
behind it. Still, Jiang Xie couldn’t help his heart becoming hot.
Xie Xi outside the memories saw it. ‘Young man, you are too easy to provoke!’
Once all the buttons were untied and Xie Xi took off his shirt, Jiang Xie directly escaped. “I…
will go to the bathroom.”
Xie Xi’s lips slightly curved but his tone was calm. “Okay, go wash your face.”
By the time Jiang Xie came out, Xie Xi had finished changing clothes. His hair was still messy
but this didn’t lower his face value. Instead, it got rid of some of the mature and elite
worker temperament, making him more youthful.
Jiang Xie looked slightly dazed.
Xie Xi told him, “Your clothes are here. Change quickly.”
Jiang Xie took the clothes and went inside. It wasn’t until the closed the door and started to
change clothes that he woke up. Why should he avoid Xie Xi? They were both men and what
was the big deal about changing face to face?
Unfortunately, he already went in and it was too strange to go out again.
Jiang Xie faintly felt a bit uneasy, as if there was a secret hidden inside his heart that he
didn’t dare face up to.
He changed clothes and came out, causing Xie Xi’s eyes to lit up. “It fits just right.”
The two men had an 11 year age difference but Jiang Xie was around the same size as Xie
Xi, causing his clothes to fit well.
Jiang Xie saw the light in the other person’s eyes and his heart thumped.
Xie Xi smiled. “You are only 17 years old yet you’re so tall. After two years, you will be half a
head taller than me.”
“Mr. Xie has a good height.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “No, if your sister wears high heels then I wouldn’t dare stand beside
Jiang Xie smiled. “My sister is very tall.” The 1.8 metres tall woman could be a model.
Xie Xi told him, “Your family has good blood. Both brother and sister are tall and look
This was easy to say but it was actually boasting at the disguised Jiang Xie was good-
The 17 year old boy heard this and there was a bang in his heart.
Xie Xi sent Jiang Xie home and as they separated, Xie Xi said, “I have arranged for someone
to clean your wet clothes. Wait for me to contact you.”
Jiang Xie wanted to say it didn’t matter since those clothes were originally disposable but…
Xie Xi spoke what he was thinking. “Give me a contact method?”
The pair swapped numbers and added each other as friends on the social network
Then Xie Xi left.
The perspective of the memories was fixed on Jiang Xie.
This evening’s ‘accident’ had an enormous impact on Jiang Xie. He stared at the newly
added number in his phone and easily made note of it.
Xie Xi’s circle of friends was very dull and rigid. There was no personal information but
Jiang Xie looked on with relish for half an hour.
The Xie Xi outside the memory was speechless and found it funny. Based on this, he could
basically guess 70~80% of what happened.
Xie Xi clearly deliberately approached Jiang Xie. It could be seen from this chance
encounter. After all, how could there be so many coincidences?
As for what Xie Xi was plotting, it was easy to guess as long as he combined it with Jiang
Xie’s ‘despicable.’
He was likely trying to steal the Jiang family’s important resources. The young Jiang Xie
knew he had been cheated and was filled with hate, retaliating against Xie Xi.
Xie Xi guessed most of it but he still had to keep watching. He needed to scrutinize many
details and work hard to find a method of breakthrough, checking if there was a possibility
of whitewashing himself. He quickly entered the memories and watched as Jiang Xie
completely fell.
After the drowning incident, Xie Xi didn’t immediately contact Jiang Xie and waited a week.
During this time, Jiang Xie was very stable. He did everything well and became more
familiar with the operation of the company.
However, during the quiet night, he would pick up the phone and stare at Xie Xi’s number.
On the weekend, Xie Xi finally sent him a voice message. “Are you free tomorrow?”
Jiang Xie’s joy illuminated the entire memory segment.
Xie Xi smiled at the sight, heart as sweet as honey.
Jiang Xie replied in a reserved manner, “Is there something?” In fact, his hands were
shaking as he typed.
“Do you want to watch the ball? I have two tickets.”
Jiang Xie immediately thought, “Baseball?”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes.”
Jiang Xie loved to play baseball. “I didn’t expect Mr. Xie to also like baseball.”
Xie Xi laughed. “I am a sports idiot. I can’t play and can only watch.”
Jiang Xie liked his laughter and couldn’t help listening to the voice message again.
Xie Xi didn’t wait for his reply and said, “If you have no time then forget it.”
Jiang Xie could only say, “I’m free.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll pick you up.”
Jiang Xie refused. “No, I’ll go on my own.” In fact, he wanted Xie Xi to pick him up but he was
afraid that this would be known to his sister. He didn’t want to let his sister know that he
and Xie Xi knew each other. He was probably afraid that his sister would see through his
The thoughts might be small but he was afraid to admit them at this moment.
The two people met at the stadium and Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi in casual clothing.
Previously, they met at the parties. Don’t mention Jiang Xie’s female clothing, Xie Xi was
also wearing a neat suit. He was handsome but gave off a sense of distance. This was far
from his present appearance in a simple t-shirt and pants. Once he looked up, he revealed a
white face that seemed younger than Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie’s heart accelerated.
Xie Xi greeted him and joked, “It is really amazing. You are a beautiful woman with makeup
and a handsome young man without makeup.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Jiang Xie was Jiang Xie after all. His heart was beating quickly but he still dared to say, “It is
amazing. Mr. Xie changed out of a suit and looks two years younger than me.”
Xie Xi’s eyes slightly widened. “Two years younger than you? Does that mean I only look 15
or 16?”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “How cheeky.”
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped to his throat but he was stable. ‘If we stand together, other people
will think I’m your older brother.”
Xie Xi’s smile deepened. “Then Brother Xiao Xie, it is time to enter.”
Jiang Xie, “…” In the end, it was a defeat since he couldn’t answer!
If someone wanted to ask Jiang Xie what happened in the game, they could only ask the
people around him.
He tried to restrain himself but Xie Xi was like a strong glue. Jiang Xie’s line of sight was
fixed to him and couldn’t move. Xie Xi clearly knew it but pretended to be unaware.
The two men finished watching the ball game and had dinner together. Xie Xi ordered wine
and asked Jiang Xie, “Will you have some?”
Xie Xi laughed. “No, minors aren’t allowed to drink.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi poured himself a glass of wine and asked Jiang Xie, “Do you have a driver’s license?”
A driver’s license could be obtained at the age of 16.
“That’s good. I will drink and you can drive me back.”
Xie Xi didn’t let a driver follow him but drove himself. Jiang Xie naturally had no opinion.
“Okay, you drink.”
Xie Xi drank the bottle of red wine. He was used to fighting this battle for a long time and
the wine didn’t affect him. He was only slightly tipsy.
On the way back, Jiang Xie drove while Xie Xi sat in the passenger’s seat and unexpectedly
fell asleep.
Jiang Xie steadily stopped the car and turned to see this person’s sleeping face.
Soft lights, a white face and lips that were bloodstained because of the alcohol. Jiang Xie
observed and found that he kissed this person by the time his senses returned.
At this time, Xie Xi let out a light sound.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 217

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 5

Jiang Xie’s senses returned and there was some tension in his eyes. Fortunately, Xie Xi
didn’t wake up. He just changed directions and continued sleeping.
Jiang Xie struggled to calm his heartbeat. Once it completely calmed down, he whispered,
“Mr. Xie.”
Xie Xi slept soundly.
Jiang Xie’s voice became slightly hoarser as he called out, “Xie Xi.”
He didn’t know why but just calling this person’s name filled him with an inexplicable
trembling that started from his back to the tip of his hair.
The wonderful thing was that Xie Xi opened his eyes. Jiang Xie’s heart hardened.
Xie Xi’s eyes were blurry. Once he saw Jiang Xie, he spoke with some chagrin. “Oh, look at
me. I only drank that much and actually fell asleep.”
Jiang Xie steadied himself with effort. “You are too tired.”
Xie Xi pinched his brow. “I’ve been very busy recently.”
Jiang Xie’s heart moved. “If you are busy, why did you come out to watch the game?”
Xie Xi laughed. “After socializing for a week, I have to find a way to reward myself.”
It was a reward to watch the ball game with Jiang Xie? He wasn’t a social engagement but a
way to relax?
These casual words were more exciting than any sweet talk. This was the defenseless Jiang
Xie. How could his heart not be warm?
Xie Xi untied the seat belt and got out of the car. “It is late. I’ll have someone send you back.”
Jiang Xie also got off the car, trying to let his eyes always remain on this person. “Okay.”
On the way back, the corners of Jiang Xie’s mouth couldn’t be suppressed. He thought about
the kiss just now and his heart was soft.
An unimaginable beauty. In addition, this beauty was only the tip of the iceberg.
Jiang Xie closed his eyes and couldn’t escape. He liked Xie Xi. Not as a friend but in a love-
related way that went against secular ethics.
He was calm after coming to this conclusion. He wanted to be with Xie Xi and wanted to
have this person.
Xie Xi watched this memory of the firm and loving teenage Jiang Xie and couldn’t help
playing it again.
Sure enough, no matter how young and naive, this man was like this. Once he recognized
the goal, he would go all out. He wasn’t timid but was confident and determined.
After watching it three times, Xie Xi shook his head and laughed. He still thought that Jiang
Xie was too silly.
In the memories, the two people had more frequent contact. In the past, Jiang Xie was very
resistant to a variety of entertainment since he would have to wear women’s clothing. Now
he was looking forward to it.
He didn’t know if Xie Xi would go but he couldn’t hide his happiness if they met.
Xie Xi also protected him everywhere, trying to let him talk less and not become too tangled
up with someone else. He was very diligent as the ‘flower protector.’
Occasionally, they would sneak out to talk on the balcony. They chatted for a while in this
empty place, in the night where they couldn’t see the stars.
Xie Xi didn’t make any moves but he never refused Jiang Xie’s invitation. They talked
happily every time, feeling a moment of ease and comfort in this hypocritical
Nearly one month later, Jiang Xie raised the courage to invite Xie Xi. He didn’t send a
message because he felt it wasn’t formal enough. Therefore, he made a phone call.
Xie Xi accepted the call after a while. He lowered his voice and wondered, “Xiao Xie?”
Jiang Xie vaguely heard voices on the other end of the line. “Is it inconvenient right now?”
Xie Xi gradually moved away from the other voices and his own volume increased. “I’m in a
meeting. There has been no result for an hour.”
Jiang Xie felt chagrin. “I disturbed your work.”
“No.” Xie Xi’s tone was relaxed. “I’ve heard enough.”
Jiang Xie’s lips slightly curved and his heart was filled with sweetness. “Then do you want
to go out for some air?”
“Okay, eat together at noon? I will arrange the place.”
“No,” Jiang Xie refused. “I have booked a table. You can come over directly.”
He really wanted to pick up Xie Xi but this was too eye-catching.
Xie Xi requested, “Where is the reservation? I will go now.”
Jiang Xie laughed. “It is only 10 in the morning. Wait another hour.”
Xie Xi also laughed. “Look at me being this anxious. It must be because you think too little of
Jiang Xie’s heart jumped wildly and his throat was dry. “I will take note of Mr. Xie’s words
and regularly meet you in the future.”
Xie Xi’s voice through the microphone seemed to carry an electric current. “That would be
This routine was too deep…
Xie Xi watched the memories and thought, ‘I don’t have this ability. Jiang Xie’s script writing
ability is really excellent!’
Then Xie Xi recalled what happened in Dream Come True and found that he really had been
caught a bit easily. The good thing was that Mr Jiang in Dream Come True wasn’t a slag. He
was just a little beast.
In contrast, the collapsed world was full of malice.
It couldn’t be helped. In the face of being abandoned, the souls were forced to think in bad
In the normal quasi-worlds, the tasks might be too pitted and Xie Xi had to pedal N number
of boats but the souls always did their best to find reasons for Xie Xi. They strove to cast
him as a pure-hearted octopus with difficulties. There was no way, he stepped on so many
boats because he had too many feet.
It wasn’t the same in the collapsed world. The previous summary was basically that he was
a pure slag…
It was up to Xie Xi to turn the tide. Repairer Xie Xi had to carefully repair it!
Xie Xi buried a time bomb and waited for when it almost detonated.
A photo of Xie Xi and ‘Miss Jiang’ holding hands was sent online.
The headline was shocking: The Chengyu Group and Jiang family’s upcoming marriage?
Chengyu’s Xie Xi and Jiang Hong are secretly engaged.
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank the moment he saw the photo.
It was by the pool after Xie Xi fell into the pool and Jiang Xie rescued him. Thanks to the fall,
it was inconvenient for Xie Xi to walk and they held hands as support.
This photo was taken very cleverly. The dim lighting made it impossible to see that the two
people were wet. It only showed the intimate posture of the two people holding hands.
This was too much like a couple in love.
If Jiang Xie was really Jiang Hong then he would only be happy to see such news.
However, he wasn’t. Xie Xi was the person he liked and Jiang Hong was his sister. He didn’t
want anyone to misunderstand their relationship.
He was thinking about how to suppress this news. He had just refreshed the page when it
was deleted.
Jiang Xie searched for relevant information but the previous page was like an illusion. It
didn’t exist at all.
At this time, Jiang Xie’s phone rang. He just had to listen to the ringtone to know it was Xie
Xi. Jiang Xie picked up the phone. “Hello.”
Xie Xi told him, “I was careless and didn’t expect to be photographed. Rest assured, I have
arranged for people to suppress the news.”
Jiang Xie was very grateful after hearing the words. “Thank you.”
This type of gossip didn’t harm Xie Xi at all. It only damaged Jiang Xie’s side. After all, Jiang
Xie wasn’t Jiang Hong. If this was revealed then it would be troublesome.
Xie Xi said, “I didn’t think they would directly publish it. The withdrawal was fast but it is
estimated that someone still saw it. Your sister…”
“I’ll explain it to her clearly.”
Xie Xi reassured him, “You can rest assured that I won’t let things get bigger.”
Jiang Xie’s heart was hot.
There was a slight pause before Xie Xi continued, “Just in case, we should avoid suspicion. I
might not be able to get near you at parties anymore.”
“I understand.”
Xie Xi spoke again. “In private, we…”
Jiang Xie was very sad but he knew the seriousness of the situation. “We will see each other
Xie Xi sighed. “We will still keep in touch.”
Jiang Xie hung up and his heart was empty.
He told himself that once he fully adapted to the company’s affairs, he could justifiably
approach this person with his own identity.
This matter was known to Jiang Hong. The news might’ve disappeared in a flash on the
Internet but it was enough to cause a sensation. Jiang Hong directly called Jiang Xie to ask
about the photo.
Jiang Xie explained the drowning incident.
Jiang Hong lay on the bed and coughed lightly. She was pale but her eyes were calm. “Xie Xi,
this person is an extremely deep river. You should stay far away from him.”
These words caused Jiang Xie to frown slightly.
Jiang Hong could reach her current position because she was very good at observation. She
instantly captured Jiang Xie’s emotion and asked, “Did he deliberately approach you?”
“No, it was just an accident.”
Jiang Hong gave him a deep look. “Xiao Xie, I will never interfere with your friends but Xie
Xi is too completely. He isn’t someone the current you is capable of going against.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything.
Jiang Hong wondered again, “Are you sure he didn’t recognize you?”
About the drowning incident, Jiang Xie only said that he used the rescue pole to save Xie Xi
and didn’t say he jumped down.
Jiang Xie replied, “No.”
Jiang Hong smiled. “Good.” It seemed his tricks of seducing women were aimed at the
wrong place.
Jiang Xie frowned again.
Jiang Hong looked up at him and told him, “Don’t look at his young age. When he was your
age, he was more ruthless than anyone else in the financial circle.”
Jiang Xie wanted to defend Xie Xi but he thought of his sister’s temper and said he was the
one in the wrong.
Jiang Hong patted Jiang Xie’s hand. “Remember, no matter what he does, don’t pay
attention to him.”
Jiang Xie nodded.
Xie Xi saw this and thought, ‘Thank you for the support.’
This was a flag and Jiang Xie was a veteran general used to carrying the flag on his back.
The words of Jiang Xie’s sister were counterproductive. Xie Xi behaved too naturally and
wasn’t deliberate at all. It was quite different from the man Jiang Hong spoke about.
The 17 year old boy was too smart and always thought he had enough experience. He was
also single-minded about Xie Xi. How could he listen to his sister’s advice?
After that, Xie Xi’s performance perfectly represented the ‘deep river.’
In order to avoid suspicion, he and Jiang Xie maintained a distance at the parties.
This was a type of torture for Jiang Xie. He had been defended too well before and now
when he tried to disguise himself, the contrast was great. He also wanted to speak to Xie Xi
but couldn’t say a few words. It was hard to bear.
His line of sight kept drifting towards Xie Xi’s body.
The parties were full of shrewd people. The photo might be hidden from ordinary netizens
but it couldn’t be hidden from these people.
It might’ve been deleted from the Internet but the people kept it in mind.
Before they didn’t feel it but now that they saw these two people deliberately avoiding each
other while gazing at each other, how could they not know?
This was the effect that Despicable Xie wanted. The whole layer was perfectly intertwined.
The outside Xie Xi waited for the final event to erupt and for him to be revealed as not a
Once the storm subsided, Jiang Xie’s stimulation was great.
On the one hand, he became clearer about his mind. On the other hand, he was aware that
he had to speed up the progress if he wanted to pursue Xie Xi. The sooner he took over the
family business, the faster he could do what he wanted.
Jiang Hong was relieved by his positive attitude.
No matter how shrewd, Jiang Hong was sick and tired. She wasn’t comfortable placing it all
on his younger brother but he was the only successor. She could only hand as much as
possible over to him before her fall.
This was all part of Xie Xi’s plan as he resumed his private meetings with Jiang Xie.
In the past, the two people never talked about work. However, as they became more
familiar with each other, Jiang Xie inevitably chatted about his work.
This was Xie Xi’s strength. He only needed to speak a few words for Jiang Xie to benefit a
The teenager was strong-minded and the wisdom that Xie Xi showed made him feel even
more admiration.
At this time, Xie Xi gradually discovered the internal situation of the Jiang family through
Jiang Xie, including the progress of the Lance project…
Taurus’ birthday was on May 1st, which happened to be Labor Day.
This was a national holiday and even Jiang Xie and Xie Xi were no exception. Of course, this
didn’t mean they rested completely like normal employees. They were just more leisurely
than usual.
Jiang Xie had steadily taken over the company’s affairs and the person who attended
several meetings in place of his older sister was more mature and stable.
In just one year, Jiang Xie had grown and was already taller than Xie Xi.
Today was his birthday and Jiang Xie would celebrate in the evening. However, Xie Xi
agreed to meet him at noon.
This was the sweetest day for the 18 year old Jiang Xie and also the day when he awakened
from the dream.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 218

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 6

At noon, Jiang Xie went out early. Jiang Hong was in a particularly good mood and her face
was full of blood as she said, “Don’t play too late. There is a party at night.” She thought
Jiang Xie was going to meet friends of the same age and didn’t think too much.
In the evening, many celebrities would be invited and it wasn’t a private birthday party for
Jiang Xie. It was more like the Jiang family’s announcement to the outside world that there
was a new successor.
Therefore, Jiang Hong would’ve forced him to stay home at night. She just ordered him not
to drink lest he be affected at night.
Jiang Xie hadn’t left but his heart had already flown first. He said, “I won’t drink.” However,
he wouldn’t come back too early.
Jiang Hong smiled. “Go ahead.”
Today wasn’t only Jiang Xie’s birthday. It was also the final day for the Lance project.
The bidding materials had been handed in. If there were no accidents, the Jiang family had
a high chance of winning the bid.
As long as it was accepted, all his efforts wouldn’t be in vain. The project would allow the
Jiang family to rise to the next level and Jiang Hong could safely recuperate her body.
Jiang Xie wasn’t very worried. He had been concentrating on this matter for the past six
months and knew more about it than Jiang Hong.
There were no problems. His sister’s wish could be reached. Then he would take her job
and let her rest.
He was flushed with success. Jiang Xie’s work was progressing smoothly, his older sister
was looking better and at noon, he would celebrate his birthday with the person he liked.
He walked in a relaxed and happy manner, full of expectations.
The place to eat was set by Xie Xi. Jiang Xie walked out of the elevator and sat the man
sitting by the window in the elegant Western restaurant.
The restaurant was booked and there was no one else. However, even if it was full of
people, Jiang Xie would see this person at first glance.
Xie Xi was born with a spotlight that shone in front of Jiang Xie, dominating all his attention.
Xie Xi got up after becoming aware of Jiang Xie’s presence and smiled. “Happy birthday.”
Jiang Xie also smiled, an undisguised strong love on his young and handsome face. “Thank
Xie Xi spoke softly. “Why are you being so polite?”
The soft and intimate tone sweetened Jiang Xie’s heart. He sat down and Xie Xi took out a
box. “I know you aren’t lacking anything but I still wanted to give you a gift.”
Jiang Xie opened it and saw the watch lying inside. It was a Vacheron Constantin Metiers
d’Art series and cost more than two million yuan.
This sounded exaggerated but in fact, Jiang Xie had collected more expensive gifts. He just
liked this watch because Xie Xi sent it to him.
Jiang Xie carefully put away the box. “I like it.”
Xie Xi told him, “It’s good that you like it. I don’t understand your people’s taste.”
Jiang Xie frowned lightly. “You are only in your 20s.”
Xie Xi laughed. “Then are you only in your teens?”
Jiang Xie paused before saying, “Don’t care about age. You are currently in your best time.”
Xie Xi sighed. “What is so good about it? I will be in the afterlife while you are
photographed on the beach.”
Even so, the corners of his mouth were raised and he seemed to be in a good mood.
Jiang Xie didn’t dwell on this topic. If he could, he would’ve liked to be born 11 years early
so he didn’t miss a single moment of this person’s life.
The meal arrived and the two people chatted well.
Over the past year, they had become very familiar with each other. Jiang Xie liked this
person and cared about what this person liked and didn’t like, his little habits and even his
small quirks. Jiang Xie remembered it all clearly.
Xie Xi was the same. He ordered dishes that Jiang Xie loved to eat.
Dessert ended and Xie Xi said, “I know you don’t like cake but it is better to have a cake for
your birthday.”
The waiter brought out a fancy cake with 18 candles on it.
Xie Xi said, “I will sing you a birthday song. Make a wish.”
Jiang Xie was stunned. “You will sing for me?”
“I can’t sing anything else but this should be no problem.”
That wasn’t the question. It was just that Xie Xi had such an identity and temperament, yet
he would unexpectedly sing Jiang Xie a birthday song…
Xie Xi sang the song. His voice was warm and it was a simple song, but it was a hundred
times sweeter than the cake in front of them.
Jiang Xie closed his eyes and made a wish. He wished for his sister to recover and to be with
Xie Xi.
Perhaps he was too greedy. Could these little candles really carry his heavy wish? Even so,
he sincerely hoped that the two people he deeply loved would be safe and peaceful.
Jiang Xie really didn’t like cakes but he ate a while piece. After he ate it, he lowered his head
and asked, “Why are you so good to me?”
This tone was calm and his expression normal. It was as if the two people were just
chatting and there was nothing special about the question. Even so, the contents were
highly suggestive.
Xie Xi held the fork in his hand and whispered, “Why do you think?”
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped.
Xie Xi looked up and smiled. “There might be an age difference but you are the person I
have hit it off with the most in my life.”
Jiang Xie’s heart beat faster and he couldn’t even refute the age difference.
“Well…” Xie Xi got up. “It isn’t too early and you have to go back and prepare for the party
Jiang Xie stood up and called out to him. “Xie Xi.”
Xie Xi turned around. “Hmm?”
“I…” The words that Jiang Xie were about to speak were stuck in his mouth.
Xie Xi told him, “Let’s go. Today you have become an adult.”
The words calmed Jiang Xie. Yes, he wasn’t yet an adult. There was no guarantee that a
brat’s confession would be accepted. He had to keep calm and spend time keeping this
person by his side.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything and just held the other person’s hand tightly. Xie Xi was
shocked. Jiang Xie’s palms were slightly sweaty but he didn’t release his grip as no one
Xie Xi smiled but incredibly didn’t say anything. He just let Jiang Xie link their 10 fingers.
Xie Xi saw the memories up to here and felt bad. Sure enough, Jiang Xie was cruel to
He parted with Xie Xi and returned home to meet his sister.
Jiang Hong was happy. Today, her younger brother was an adult and could shoulder the
company’s affairs.
The Lance project was stable and her physical condition was better recently. The doctor
stated that as long as she paid attention, she would still have 10 or 20 years left. Medical
technology would definitely have new breakthroughs and perhaps the currently incurable
disease could be treated at that time.
Her mood was good. Jiang Hong saw Jiang Xie return and greeted him happily. “You are
Jiang Xie was worried. “How did you come downstairs? Be careful not to catch a cold.”
Jiang Hong told him, “It’s okay. I’m in an excellent state today!” She was going to participate
in tonight’s party. This was a new beginning for the siblings, a new beginning for the Jiang
Jiang Xie was still worried about her body. “It is still early and the party hasn’t started yet.
Why are you in a hurry?”
Jiang Hong smiled. “I have to clean up.”
Jiang Xie knew that his sister loved beauty and no longer advised her. He just stared
carefully, afraid that her body would be uncomfortable.
At four in the afternoon, the siblings packed up and prepared to go out.
Just then, a call arrived. Jiang Hong saw the number and smiled. “It must be the result of the
Jiang Xie grinned. He knew that his sister was looking forward to this and definitely wanted
to know the news first.
Jiang Hong answered the phone. She had only spoken a few words when Jiang Hong’s face
underwent a big change. Her exquisite makeup couldn’t cover up the grey defeat on her
Jiang Hong’s heart sank. He picked up his phone, questions buzzing in his brain.
The bid was lost. It was lost to Chengyu. This was the group Xie Xi was the master of.
The Jiang family worked hard for a long time and invested a huge sum of money in this
project, only to unexpectedly get such a message.
In the end, Jiang Hong wasn’t an ordinary person and her psychological quality was
extremely high. “What happened? How can Chengyu participate in this project?”
The assistant’s voice trembled. “All the indicators they gave were 10% lower than ours and
all the partners we previously contacted joined with them…”
Jiang Hong was cold all over. “How could Xie Xi…”
She jerked her head to look at Jiang Xie. “Have you been in contact with him?”
Jiang Xie didn’t answer but his expression showed everything. Jiang Xie’s chaos was much
larger than Jiang Hong. He lost more than just this project. It was… even more…
“Impossible.” Jiang Xie knew the answer but he still didn’t believe it. “Xie Xi couldn’t…”
“You…” Jiang Hong cried out, “You were tricked!”
How could she not understand? Xie Xi could only get such information if someone inside
the Jiang Company leaked it.
She couldn’t imagine that Xie Xi had actually got his hands into her brother.
Jiang Xie was only 17 and just turned 18. How could he be the opponent of that old fox?
She was careless!
The painstaking effort of a long time was stolen like this. Jiang Hong felt severe pain in her
chest and after serious coughing, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “Sister!”
Jiang Hong fainted. Jiang Xie leaned over his pale sister, looking like he had been hit again.
Xie Xi looked on from outside the memory and couldn’t help taking a breath.
Too painful…
He knew that it was someone’s brain supplement but he still felt pained. He had to take
slow breaths before he could continue watching.
The birthday party was ruined. Jiang Xie accompanied his sister overnight. Jiang Hong
barely escaped from danger and on this night, Jiang Xie understood everything.
From the beginning, Xie Xi deliberately approached him. All their casual encounters and
coincidences were made by him. Including the photo…
There was no doubt that Xie Xi had someone shoot it and then sent it out. The funny thing
was that he was also the cause behind the photo being withdrawn!
One ring after another, Xie Xi easily played Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie thought of his heart, thought of his own wishes and thought of his planning for the
Darkness filled his eyes. It was all fake, all hypocrisy, all a deception. The man’s actions
contained no affection at all. It was just a dirty means of chasing his own interests.
The year they spent together played frame by frame like a movie in Jiang Xie’s mind.
Finally, he settled on Xie Xi’s smile at noon.
It was a particularly beautiful face and when he smiled, he seemed to gather thousands of
clouds. It was so beautiful that people couldn’t open their eyes.
Now Jiang Xie finally saw the cold depths in his eyes. A sharp tingling spread from his chest
cavity to his brain. Jiang Xie pressed a hand against his temple.
Jiang Hong woke up. She lay weakly in bed and touched him with cold and feeble hands.
Jiang Xie’s heart was mourning as he spoke hoarsely, “I’m sorry.”
Everything was over and it was too late to say anything. Jiang Hong told him weakly,
“Forget it. Our skills aren’t as good as some people.”
No… Jiang Xie rose, his young face no longer immature and naive. His dark eyes were full of
surging hate. ‘It isn’t over. Everything that belongs to me, I will certainly get back.’

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 219

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 7

Jiang Xie’s memories after this were very confusing.

The things that followed was far from being simple.
The Jiang family made lots of special investments for this project, such as opening several
custom branches in Y Country and ordering custom equipment worth over 100 million…
These things had their own specialties and without the project, the capital invested was
Forget the internal blow to the Jiang siblings. The board of directors severely scolded Jiang
Xie who was dressed as Jiang Hong.
All of this was a profound lesson that Xie Xi engraved deep into Jiang Xie’s bone marrow.
Jiang Xie didn’t contact Xie Xi again. There was no need to contact this person. He
remembered it every day, recalling his own stupidity.
Xie Xi approached him, confused him, guided him to the Lance project and advised him as
an experienced elder.
These suggestions were good but in order to get these suggestions, Jiang Xie would
certainly give a lot of information on the company.
The Jiang family had prepared for such a long time and the information he got from
exploring multi-level relationships were easily taken away by Xie Xi, gaining the resources
in all aspects.
In fact, it was risky for Xie Xi to bid at such a price but as long as the project was won,
opportunities would flock.
It was like a delicious cake. As long as it was covered, countless people would want a piece
of it. The gatekeeper who controlled the cake could profit from it. This type of risk was
worth it. Xie Xi’s move was really ruthless.
Compared to Jiang Xie who was full of hate, the sickly Jiang Hong comforted his brother.
“The business world is treacherous. Xie Xi’s actions might be shameful but he didn’t do
anything wrong.”
Jiang Xie had actively disclosed the information and Xie Xi didn’t steal trade secrets. There
was no malicious competition. He was just well prepared and his procedures were more
complete. In the eyes of outsiders, Xie Xi outsmarted the opponent and the Jiang family lost
due to negligence.
Jiang Hong knew that her brother lost not only the project but also his heart. He had
wholeheartedly sketched a bright future and fantasized about an eternal heart.
Jiang Xie’s pain and grief could be seen from his chaotic memories.
People would reprocess unforgettable pain. This was the brain’s self-protection ability. Any
pain beyond the tolerance would be blurred to allow the person to better live.
Jiang Xie was blinded by hated and was full of the desire for revenge.
Xie Xi took away what he wanted most and he would take what Xie Xi most wanted.
Although the two were opposite things.
There was one memory that was unusually clear. It was their first encounter after two
At this time, Jiang Hong had completely unloaded all her burdens and went abroad to
recuperate. The Jiang family had basically cleared up the mess and focused on business
Jiang Xie, who rarely appeared in the country, returned to China because of a meeting. He
encountered Xie Xi before the meeting begun.
The 20 year old Jiang Xie met the 31 year old Xie Xi. Two years had fallen on them, showing
completely different effects.
The 18 year old youth had long since disappeared. The Jiang Xie who weathered the storm
and stood firm was no longer the big boy who wore all his feelings in his eyes.
However, he still felt the vibration in his chest when he saw Xie Xi. There was an
unbearable hatred, a rust-like bloody suffocation and a strong urge to tear off his disguise.
Compared to Jiang Xie’s changes, Xie Xi was still the same. He had exquisite clothes, proper
manners and even the smile on his face was at the most appropriate arc.
Chengyu had prospered with the help of the Lance project. Xie Xi was at the helm and
became a starry existence.
Jiang Xie stared at this person blankly.
Xie Xi saw him and still maintained the smile. He also greeted Jiang Xie. “Chief Jiang, long
time no see.”
He held out slender and white fingers that were like cold jade. Jiang held them with
strength. Xie Xi was in pain but there were no changes on his face. He kept smiling.
Jiang Xie also smiled but his eyes were cold. “Chief Xie, long time no see.”
Long time no see, long time no see, long time no see… He never forgot this person every
Whether it was hatred or resentment, this person was the only thing he thought about
when he dreamt at night.
Everyone knew that Xie Xi had cut off the Jiang family’s road in the middle. This was truly
not kind but the business world was such a battlefield. Intrigues were commonplace and
innocence and simplicity couldn’t be tolerated here.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else. He finished the greeting and left, never looking at Xie Xi
He didn’t look and the Xie Xi outside the memory couldn’t see.
This was the limitation of a single-person memory. It was inevitable that things would be
Xie Xi wanted to find some details to whitewash himself but it was impossible. Still… the
chaotic memories themselves seemed to be a breakthrough? Xie Xi continued watching,
trying to find the key points in this long timeline.
Another two years passed and Jiang Xie finally cast the net, aiming at only one person, Xie
The Lance project had wrapped up and Chengyu needed the next target.
The bigger the business, the greater the burden. It was easy to go downhill but hard to go
After tasting the big cake that was Lance, Chengyu’s eyes would only aim higher and be
Jiang Xie was dormant for many years and this was the right timing.
He returned to China and the Jiang family, which grew up overseas, became a commercial
city in D City.
Jiang Xie didn’t contact Xie Xi and never even met him.
He never stopped searching for news about Xie Xi and was probably even more aware of
Xie Xi than Xie Xi himself. The thing that Xie Xi wanted most was power and money. Then
Jiang Xie would make him lose them.
Jiang Xie didn’t use any despicable means. He just diluted Xie Xi’s power by buying shares
in Chengyu.
This was a long and patient process. However, Jiang Xie had enough patience. He wasn’t
anxious. Like a cheetah staring at prey, he stared at Xie Xi, waiting to give the fatal blow.
In the past two years, the changes in Chengyu’s shares were too great and the shareholders
proposed to convene a board meeting of directors.
Once this board meeting opened, Xie Xi who only held 28% of the shares was bound to lose
control of Chengyu.
Jiang Xie finally surfaced, having grabbed nearly 40% of Chengyu’s shares. He was the
absolute major shareholder.
The board meeting was approaching and Xie Xi finally called Jiang Xie’s number.
Neither of them changed their numbers. The numbers they used to keep in contact during
that one year were sealed and never appeared on each other’s screens again.
In that year, Jiang Xie had set a special bell ringtone for Xie Xi. Thus, he knew when Xie Xi
After so many years, Jiang Xie had changed several mobile phones but it was directly
synchronized with the old one. That’s why the special ring tone was still there.
This was a melody that Jiang Xie really liked. He didn’t know the source but whenever he
heard it, he would think of that starry night when the soaked Xie Xi was soft and fragile.
Jiang Xie sneered, pain tearing at his heart.
The information he discovered after so many years told him that Xie Xi could swim and had
won trophies in amateur freestyle.
Jiang Xie’s 17 year old self was actually convinced by such nonsense.
Jiang Xie picked up the call, his voice peaceful. “Chief Xie.”
On the other end of the phone, Xie Xi might be uneasy and nervous but there was still a
smile in his voice, intentionally or unintentionally pulling at Jiang Xie’s heartstrings. “Shall
we meet?”
Jiang Xie felt the blood in his chest surge and he lowered his voice. “Where?”
Xie Xi chuckled. “Have you ever been to the Chengyu building?”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything.
Xie Xi slowly told him, “Come to my office. Here, you can see the most beautiful sunset in D
This was something that many people knew. A famous photographer tried every means to
go to the top of the Chengyu building to shoot it but their request was doomed to fail since
it was Xie Xi’s office.
The photographer didn’t give up and his series of requests made people more curious. The
beautiful scenery from the top floor of Chengyu became the yearning of many people.
Jiang Xie went to the Chengyu building.
He hadn’t been to Xie Xi’s office before. During that one year, they unloaded all their work
and never spoke of each other’s identity.
Jiang Xie didn’t invite Xie Xi to Jiang and Xie Xi didn’t invite Jiang Xie to Chengyu.
At the time, Jiang Xie thought their pure feelings went beyond business. Now it was
obvious. It was just acting. How could Xie Xi bring the other person back to his place?
The elevator stopped and Jiang Xie stepped out onto soft carpet, walking straight to the
other end of the office.
The thick, double wooden doors opened and Jiang Xie saw a beautiful scenery that shook
his soul.
The enter wall was like transparent glass and the sunset was like blood. The sky had
become a magnificent red and the person standing in front of the window seemed to be
integrated into the painting. It was as if he would step on air and the next second…
Jiang Xie’s heart was tense and he couldn’t help wanting to stretch out a hand.
Xie Xi turned around, his facial features adorned by the beauty of the twilight behind him.
Jiang Xie was a bit stunned and used great power to move in front of this person.
Xie Xi’s demeanour was calm. He didn’t show rage at the impending loss of everything, let
alone panic and tension. There wasn’t even the slightest irritation.
He leisurely leaned against his desk and asked, “Say it, what do you want?”
An unspeakable humiliation surged in Jiang Xie’s heart and he leaned closer in a
condescending manner. “You know.”
The deception and teasing of six years ago caused his heart to fall into the mud.
Xie Xi smiled. Against the sunset of the sky, his smile was like a siren.
“I know? Hmm…” Xie Xi got up and approached Jiang Xie, whispering in his ear, “You
wanted to fuck me six years ago.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 220
Collapsing 11 Boundaries 8

Outside the memory, Xie Xi had a red face. W-What was this?
H-How could he say such a thing? In addition, he spoke it without turning red or his heart
In the memory, Jiang Xie pushed Xie Xi away, a monstrous anger brewing in his eyes. “You
will only use these dirty means!”
Xie Xi still wasn’t angry and his calm voice was filled with a bit of tenderness. “What have
you painstakingly done all of this for?”
Jiang Xie gritted his teeth.
Xie Xi smiled lightly. “Isn’t it just to be with me…”
He hadn’t managed to say the seductive words when Jiang Xie interrupted. “Enough.”
An unspeakable absurd feeling hit his chest and Jiang Xie experienced a greater insult.
Xie Xi completely denied that one year, completely shredding the remaining beauty in Jiang
Xie’s heart and thoroughly leaving no hope behind for Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi clearly told Jiang Xie: This is who I am, a person who will use any means to benefit.
Everything can be calculated. Even my body can be a bargaining chip.
Seeing this, the external Xie Xi calmed down.
Looking at this memory from the perspective of a bystander, it was obvious that something
was wrong.
Xie Xi was angering Jiang Xie.
Calling him to this office and speaking such heartless and even indifferent words was
undoubtedly to anger Jiang Xie.
If Xie Xi really wanted Jiang Xie to let him go then he should never say such things.
Xie Xi had a very high EQ and could easily play people. How could such a person not know
what Jiang Xie wanted?
Xie Xi said this on purpose to pour oil on the fire and make Jiang Xie angrier. This wasn’t
advantageous for him. Such an exaggerated move was tantamount to self-destruction.
He smashed Jiang Xie’s last remaining good feelings towards him and insulted the beautiful
He broke his own path and pushed himself to the edge of a cliff. It was just like this floor to
ceiling window had no glass and he would step out into the bloody sunset.
He yearned for death.
The external Xie Xi trembled after getting this message.
In fact, Xie Xi and the person in the summary had different personalities. It wasn’t an
exaggeration to say they were two different people.
This was nothing. After all, this Xie Xi wasn’t clear to Taurus.
It was because the main soul came to this world and Taurus intercepted certain memories
of Xie Xi, fantasizing about him.
In Jiang Xie’s memories… there were quite a lot of bad parts.
For example, in Atlantis, Xie Xi agreed to the proposal of five people in one breath. In the
Holy Mountain and Demon Sea, he was a flirty rose who attracted many bees. Even in the
collapsed world, the rational Xie Xi didn’t understand love.
These pieces connected together and became sugar that Jiang Xie didn’t know if he should
laugh or cry out.
However, once separated, the pieces were like a living knife.
According to the principles of the collapsing worlds, the souls would definitely prefer to
accept more negative emotions. It wasn’t surprising that they would fantasize about this
type of Xie Xi.
After all, the frequency of stepping on N boats was quite high.
The N boats might be stably stepped on but it wasn’t easy to play with the hearts of people.
The previous Xie Xi might’ve only thought up to here after seeing the summary.
Now Xie Xi’s understanding of Jiang Xie was deeper and he saw some details that could be
easily overlooked.
This Xie Xi was weary to his bones.
The layout of this office was very metaphorical. The attitude he showed made it look as if
everything was well-conceived and he could turn things over even at this point.
Thinking about it… Xie Xi was more likely to push himself step by step to the brink.
Xie Xi was imagined by Taurus so he represented some of Jiang Xie’s ideological tendencies.
Jiang Xie’s world-weariness, the real Xie Xi had long been aware of it.
Jiang Xie didn’t have such tendencies now but before they met, Jiang Xie had been deeply
sunk in it.
Don’t mention anything else. The self-destructive method of designing quasi-worlds was
very telling.
Xie Xi faintly found the direction to repair this small world. It was probably connected to
Taurus’ heart knot.
The summary seemed to be a dead end in every direction but in fact, there were many ways
for Xie Xi to whitewash himself.
The collapsed world might be full of malice but the souls themselves wanted to be saved.
Therefore, he left a trace of himself behind, even in this dead end.
Xie Xi could pretend to lose his memories, could pretend that everything he did was a last
resort or even give himself cancer…
However, this wouldn’t open up Taurus’ heart knot.
Xie Xi took a deep breath and thought the idea over in his head.
There was nothing to see in the memories afterwards.
Jiang Xie annexed Chengyu and became the new owner of the building. However, he left the
top office to Xie Xi. It had a strong feeling of revenge and irony.
Rather than Jiang Xie imprisoning Xie Xi here, it was better to say that Xie Xi himself didn’t
want to leave.
Jiang Xie was immersed in self-contradiction all the time. He decided that Xie Xi didn’t leave
in order to please Jiang Xie and find a way to turn things around, but he couldn’t let go.
He didn’t give Xie Xi any good face but he couldn’t help wanting to see Xie Xi.
It was very painful to fall in love with a scum. The even more painful thing was not being
able to stop despite knowing this person was a scum.
This was the greatest sorrow of love.
Xie Xi was now going to play a scum. If he really wanted the wound to heal, he had to
squeeze out the pus. Pain was inevitable but once it was over, it would no longer ache in
the future.
Once Xie Xi tidied everything up, the sky was dark. With these memories, the mood in his
heart was completely different as he gazed at the floor to ceiling windows.
The sunset was beautiful but it was about to fall. A new sun would rise tomorrow but it
wouldn’t be the same as yesterday. If a day was a life, the sunset was already at the end of
the road.
Around 7 o’clock, Jiang Xie returned. Xie Xi had thought back and forth and knew what to
Jiang Xie took off his jacket and tie, glanced at Xie Xi and went to the kitchen.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. He didn’t deliberately get close to Jiang Xie like he did in the
previous two days, nor did he take the initiative to help. He sat quietly and turned the pages
of his book.
It seemed there was no difference between Jiang Xie coming back or not.
More than half an hour later, Jiang Xie placed the dishes on the table. Xie Xi put down the
book and sat opposite him. He didn’t speak nor did Jiang Xie speak. The two people ate the
meal in silence.
On the table were two meat dishes and shrimp soup.
It was very warm home-cooked food and the taste was delicious. Even the rice was cooked
just right. The pearl rice grains were crystal clear, beautiful and delicious.
Xie Xi was actually very hungry. He wanted to eat Jiang Xie’s cooked rice but he had to hold
back and show the appearance of having no appetite.
Jiang Xie glanced at the rice bowl that Xie Xi never touched and said nothing. For the meal,
Xie Xi only drank a few mouthfuls of soup.
Jiang Xie finally opened his mouth. “What do you want to eat?”
“There is nothing I want to eat.”
Jiang Xie asked, “You aren’t hungry?”
Xie Xi nodded. “I’m not hungry.”
At the end of the conversation, Jiang Xie got up and went to the bathroom.
Xie Xi was so hungry that he quickly took out the god’s wisdom and drew something to fill
up his stomach. His acting wasn’t good-like and he was disgraced when his stomach started
Xie Xi was still reading by the time Jiang Xie came out after washing. Jiang Xie frowned but
resisted not mentioning dinner.
He returned to the lounge. At 10 o’clock, Xie Xi went to bed on time and slept next to this
The two of them had no extra words. They slept on the bed but they seemed separated by a
river that they couldn’t cross.
This lasted for three days. Xie Xi not only didn’t eat at night, but he also didn’t eat breakfast
and lunch.
Of course, he secretly gave himself extra meals but this wasn’t known to Jiang Xie. All Jiang
Xie saw was Xie Xi sitting all day without eating anything.
On the third night, Jiang Xie couldn’t help himself. He stared at Xie Xi and asked, “What are
you trying to do?”
Xie Xi secretly ate two cheese baked buns and held it very well. He really wasn’t interested
in the food in front of him. He looked up at Jiang Xie. “Hrmm?”
Jiang Xie put down his chopsticks in a cold manner. “Are you injuring yourself to gain my
confidence? Do you think I still care?”
Xie Xi also put down his chopsticks. “I’d like to know more about what you want to do.”
Jiang Xie frowned.
Xie Xi had waited for such a conversation. He had long sorted out what he had to say and
now he could control his tone just right.
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie and spoke in a flat voice. “I have nothing to explain regarding six
years ago. I approached you for the sake of the Lance project.”
This was the first time they walked about this topic. He had known it for a long time but
Jiang Xie still felt a stab of pain in his heart.
Xie Xi continued, “At that time, you didn’t understand but now it should be clear. Sitting in
this position with so much work, there is no greater interest. How could I have time to
accompany you?”
Jiang Xie’s lips thinned. “Chief Xie truly has no scruples.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “When you wear women’s clothing, other women can’t compare.” He
might be reading a script but Xie Xi really meant it. The adult Jiang Xie wearing women’s
clothing could scare people to death but the 17 year old Jiang Xie looked really beautiful.
Jiang Xie’s eyes were cold. “Chief Xie shouldn’t wear women’s clothing or no women can
match you.”
Xie Xi was fierce in his heart but he maintained the indifferent smile on his face. “Then, do
you still like my appearance?”
Jiang Xie sneered.
Xie Xi told him, “Jiang Xie, we are both adults.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “So what?”
Xie Xi’s tone was slow. “I took your project six yous ago and you took my Chengyu six years
later. Isn’t that enough?”
A feeling of irritation filled his heart. He didn’t want to answer at all because he cared about
different things.
Xie Xi continued, “The king was defeated. My skills aren’t as good as you.”
Jiang Xie laughed loudly. “Then you are conceding defeat?’
Xie Xi poked straight at his heart. “I lost Chengyu but what did you get?”
Jiang Xie’s heart was stabbed by a knife.
Xie Xi spoke in a cool tone, “The work is like this. My means weren’t glorious but the way
you took Chengyu’s shares was no better.”
Jiang Xie’s throat was numb. “I didn’t deceive anyone.”
Xie Xi’s eyes flashed as he stared at the other person. “Do you like me?”
The words opened the dusty wound and the paralyzed blood that had never healed was
exposed to the sun.
Jiang Xie couldn’t answer because he really did like this person!
Xie Xi didn’t need his answer. He just wanted to rip the imagination apart and pull out the
reality. “If you like my appearance, I can sleep with you until you’re tired…”
Jiang Xie’s voice was low. “Stop it.”
Xie Xi didn’t stop. “Until you are tired of it. If you like me as a person, I’m sorry but I can’t
give you the feelings you want.”
Jiang Xie looked up sharply.
Xie Xi stared at him and spoke in a calm tone with no excessiveness. “I don’t believe in any
feelings, let alone love. The so-called long-term is a child’s lie. We are all adults and
understand that there are too many variables in life. The illusory thing called love is
Jiang Xie finally asked the question that he been suppressed for six years and always
wanted to know the answer to.
“Six years ago, did you have no feelings for me?”
Xie Xi replied, “I appreciated you…”
Jiang Xie whispered, “Don’t say that.”
Xie Xi was quiet. “If it is love, then no.”
Jiang Xie clenched his fists and his voice was hoarse. “If I say that I will give Chengyu back
to you if you fall in love with me…”
Xie Xi heard this sentence and his heart was cut into many pieces.
Jiang Xie regretted it after asking such a question. He despised himself but he still wanted
to ask.
Xie Xi’s heartbeat was steady as he said, “If you want, we can try it.”
Jiang Xie heard this answer and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 221

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 9

Xie Xi knew what type of answer Jiang Xie wanted.

However, if Xie Xi had any bit of affection for him six years ago then he couldn’t bear to
answer such an obvious self-deceptive question.
Jiang Xie asked, ‘If I return Chengyu to you, can you fall in love with me?’
This was an exchange, the most helpless exchange.
Xie Xi’s ‘I can try’ was precisely the most hopeless answer. He only saw the first part of the
sentence and in order to get back Chengyu, he could do anything, even if he didn’t believe in
Jiang Xie seemed as if he had lost strength as he whispered, “Forget it.”
Xie Xi wanted to say more but Jiang Xie didn’t listen anymore. “I won’t move against your
shares anymore and the future profit won’t be lacking You have been tired for many years.
This was very euphemistic and the meaning was bright.
‘I won’t give you Chengyu and you won’t fall in love with me.’
Jiang Xie put on his coat and left the office bathed in darkness.
He didn’t come back all night and Xie Xi didn’t sleep well. He took out the god’s wisdom and
sketch pen, drew himself a stealth charm and went to find Jiang Xie.
He faintly guessed that this guy had been sleepless all night but he didn’t Jiang Xie to be
standing outside for a night.
He stood for a whole night and stared at the top floor of the Chengyu building, staring at the
huge word Chengyu that shone in the night.
The incomparably large and bright ‘Chengyu’ and Jiang Xie standing in front of it formed a
sharp contrast.
The former filled Xie Xi’s whole heart while the latter didn’t even occupy a place.
Jiang Xie couldn’t understand why. Six years had passed but why were the memories of that
year so clear? Why was every moment so vivid?
Xie Xi laughing like a young ball on the field, the handsome Xie Xi at the parties, the
introverted Xie Xi reading through documents in the study… even his gestures while
smoking dazzled Jiang Xie.
What was so good about him? What was so good about the man who deliberately
approached him, played with his feelings and deceived him?
As this question flickered in his heart, Xie Xi’s good qualities overwhelmed him and he was
He was strong, excellent, clear-minded, thoughtful and didn’t allow people to point out any
mistakes he made.
He had thousands of good qualities. It was just that he didn’t like Jiang Xie.
Hidden in the darkness, Xie Xi watched this person and couldn’t help bringing out the god’s
What was he drawing?
The May nights were cold. Could he draw a small and invisible house?
It was a pity that he couldn’t draw a chair for Jiang Xie.
That’s right. Xie Xi had a thought and drew a body strengthening fragrance from Wonderful
Painting of the Mountains and Seas.
Once ignited, it could relieve muscle fatigue. Forget standing for one night, he wouldn’t be
tired even from standing for one month!
Xie Xi drew with great energy and lit it after he finished the drawing.
He was afraid the effect wouldn’t be right so he also tested it on himself.
There was no problem. This was truly the body strengthening incense!
He stood on one side and the coverage range was just right. Xie Xi accompanied Jiang Xie
for one night.
Of course, it wasn’t tiring at all.
The moment the sky became bright, Jiang Xie went to work. Xie Xi didn’t need to sleep so
after secretly eating breakfast, he planned to go abroad and see Jiang Hong.
This was critical.
He had to treat Jiang Hong’s illness. As long as she recovered, the things from six years ago
would become lighter and Jiang Xie’s gloomy mood would improve.
Xie Xi placed a small monitor on Jiang Xie to keep an eye on his movements.
Once Jiang Xie became busy and it was impossible for him to come back, he opened the
window and jumped out.
It was thrilling but President Xie’s military origins meant he had even roamed through
space. This was nothing.
In the air, Xie Xi entered the aircraft. In front or six minutes, he reached the other side of
the hemisphere and found Jiang Hong.
Jiang Hong’s disease was very difficult to cure in today’s society.
It was because she was the Jiang family’s eldest lady that she could support herself for so
She was raised with money but had to suffer hardships. The 30s should be the best time but
she was already waiting for death. It really had nothing to do with happiness.
Xie Xi didn’t directly give medicine to Jiang Hong like he did in Aries’ world.
After all, Teacher Sun was an outsider and Aries was only a student. Teacher Sun’s recovery
would make Aries’ happy but he wouldn’t pay too much attention to the reasons.
Jiang Hong wasn’t the same. She was Jiang Xie’s important relative and couldn’t casually eat
a pill since he wouldn’t be fooled by a misdiagnosis.
Forget the shrewd Jiang Hong, the Jiang Xie busy with business would definitely look for
the cause.
It wasn’t worth the trouble to create a bigger problem.
Thus, Xie Xi made a detour. He focused on the doctor in charge of Jiang Hong as well as the
team seriously studying the illness.
The books he drew gave the research team some groundbreaking inspiration and allowed
them to speed up their research.
As long as there was a plan, Jiang Xie could afford to invest in it.
The process wasn’t slow. After all, it was to cure the disease and save people. Once there
was hope, they had to start the treatment with the fastest speed.
The moment Jiang Xie heard the news, he left his job and went abroad.
Xie Xi sighed with relief and went back to start a Buddhist life.
He didn’t take a single step out the door except to steal food. He didn’t touch any meals and
in order to avoid becoming hungry, he drew a slimming pill for himself. This was commonly
used by the flowers in Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas.
He didn’t go anywhere but there was the miniature monitor. Xie Xi knew the situation on
Jiang Xie’s side.
After dragging out for six years, Jiang Hong’s illness finally took a turn and Jiang Xie was
more anxious than anyone else.
He went to see the attending doctors first and listened to them carefully explain the
Jiang Xie listened to them and asked, “Are you sure?”
The attending doctor replied, “At least 90%.”
For this group of conservative people, 90% could already be said to be a cure.
Jiang Xie’s mood was good and his spirit cheered up. “You worked hard.”
The money he spent over the years gave a powerful boost to the entire medical profession
and the doctors were more grateful to him.
Jiang Xie went to see Jiang Hong. She looked good and they talked for a while.
Then Jiang Xie remained with her and handled the work as remotely as possible.
A course of treatment took seven days. In just half a month, Jiang Hong had recovered by
more than half and there were no signs of it spreading.
The doctors were overjoyed. “There are no problems. After two more courses of treatment,
you can be discharged!”
The big stone in Jiang Xie’s heart for six years was finally put down.
He returned to the ward and cut an apple for Jiang Hong.
Jiang Hong’s cheeks were rosy and she was able to get out of bed and walked around. She
told her brother, “There are many things to do in China. You should go back quickly.”
Jiang Xie told her, “I will only feel reassured once you are discharged from hospital.”
Jiang Hong laughed. “It will take another half a month.”
“I’m not in a hurry.”
In these years, Jiang Hong’s spirits were poor and she was bedridden. She barely asked any
questions about the company. At this point, she was gradually emerging from her disease
and finally had the heart to ask.
“Xiao Xie.” Jiang Hong spoke strongly. “It is time to let go of what happened six years ago.”
Jiang Xie’s hand paused as he cut the apple. “I don’t care.”
Jiang Hong told him, “Xie Xi used a sinister trick but you now have Chengyu. It is sufficient.”
It was indeed enough if it was mere commercial retaliation.
The people who saw the Jiang family as a joke were now gobsmacked.
Who would think that after six years of prosperity, Chengyu would be captured by Jiang Xie
and Xie Xi would lose what he worked so hard for?
Everyone said that the wheel turned but this turn was really fast.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He just cut the apple into small pieces and placed them in
front of Jiang Hong.
Jiang Hong looked at him and asked, “Tell me, you guys…”
Jiang Hong had doubts about such a deep obsession but previously she lacked mental
strength and didn’t dare ask.
Jiang Xie didn’t hide it from her. Previously, he had scruples about her body but now he
didn’t have to worry.
“I like him,” Jiang Xie whispered the words pressing heavily on his heart.
Jiang Hong wasn’t very surprised. She just felt some heartache.
It was no wonder why Jiang Xie couldn’t feel relieved for so many years and felt enough
hate to steal Chengyu…
Jiang Hong sighed. “He was just using you.”
Jiang Xie moved his line of sight away and nodded. Jiang Hong had a close relationship with
her brother and how could she not understand him?
“You…” Jiang Hong was distraught. “You should drop the matter.”
Jiang Xie frowned deeply. “It’s fine, Sister. You don’t need to worry about these things.”
How could Jiang Hong not worry? She said, “Now that you know he is using you, let it go.”
The so-called revenge on Xie Xi was just self-torture.
Jiang Xie’s eyelashes trembled and he spoke in a hoarse voice. “If I could let go, I would’ve
already done so.”
It was helpless, painful and so obstinate that even he couldn’t understand it himself.
Jiang Hong let out a long sigh. “Sister doesn’t want to interfere with your emotional life. It is
just that Xie Xi can’t give you what you want.”
Everyone seemed to understand that it was only Jiang Xi who was obsessive.
Jiang Xie replied, “I know.”
Jiang Hong knew her brother. “Must you like him?”
Jiang Xie smiled bitterly and was unable to answer.
If feelings were something that could be casually changed by a person, they wouldn’t be
called feelings.
Once Jiang Hong completely recovered, Jiang Xie prepared to return to China.
Jiang Hong told him, “I won’t go back. I have my life again and I’m thinking of strolling
around to take a look.”
Jiang Xie was relieved. “Okay, do whatever you want to do in the future.”
Jiang Hong patted him on the shoulder. “I’m depending on you to raise me!”
Jiang Hong was happy. “You really dare to answer like this?”
Jiang Xie watched her with a smile.
Jiang Hong thought of his heart-wrenching feelings and was distressed. “Don’t be too
pessimistic. You saw your sister escape from death. Perhaps you can also turn things
Jiang Xie was stunned and shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’ll slowly forget.”
“Yes.” Jiang Hong tried to cheer him up. “There is a large forest. Why be hung up on one
Jiang Xie nodded but his heart thought, ‘There might be many trees in this world but only
one is called Xie Xi.’
The seed in his heart had only grown into Xie Xi’s tree.
Jiang Xie returned to China and took care of everything before going to see Xie Xi.
He had left for one month and didn’t have time to pay attention to Xie Xi at all. Xie Xi
could’ve left at any time.
However, Jiang Xie knew this person wouldn’t leave. He also knew why Xie Xi wouldn’t go.
If he left, he would completely lose Chengyu. For this giant, Xie Xi had plenty of patience.
The moment he heard the door opening, Xie Xi was startled and hurriedly ate the cooked
fish he was eating.
He knew that Jiang Xie had come back but he didn’t expect this person to come in the
daytime. He was too careless! He almost choked to death.
Jiang Xie was standing outside the door and could only see Xie Xi’s back. His heart was
instantly pulled into a knot.
How had Xie Xi lost so much weight?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 222

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 10

From Jiang Xie’s perspective, this scene was filled with bleakness.
In front of the huge glass window, the falling sun dyed the sky red. It was as if all the
strength was exhausted and the last blood of life was falling.
The back of the man standing in front of the floor to ceiling window was straight but the
shirt showed a large gap. In particular, the waist was so thin that it was distressing.
In this one month… hadn’t this person eaten any good meals?
During the one month abroad, Jiang Xie hadn’t wanted to think about Xie Xi. In fact, as long
as he was idle, he couldn’t help thinking about Xie Xi.
However, he was too afraid to look. Turning on the phone would allow him to connect to
the monitor and see Xie Xi’s every move.
Yet Jiang Xie didn’t dare take a single look. It was like facing Pandora’s Box. If he didn’t look
at it, he wouldn’t be tempted. He was afraid that one glance would make him return home.
This gap created by Jiang Xie could be regarded as giving Xie Xi enough time. He had a
comfortable time this one month.
Jiang Xie didn’t look at Xie Xi but Xie Xi always paid attention to Jiang Xie. The monitoring
was very useful and even Jiang Xie’s breathing while sleeping at night could be transmitted
to Xie Xi’s ears.
Xie Xi went to see him several times and even got close to him using the stealth charm.
While staying in the office, Xie Xi was very comfortable. Once he interfered with the
cameras, he could casually enjoy himself.
It was nothing to read books. If he was tired of reading books then he would play with high-
tech gadgets and he could also practice his drawing skills.
There might be the sketch pen and it was bound to him for life but he couldn’t always rely
on it. For example, this quasi-world emptied out all his other skills and items. What if there
was a world where he couldn’t take the sketch pen?
In short, there was no harm in practicing.
Xie Xi only moved his chopsticks when outsiders sent him food. Privately, he drew
whatever he wanted to eat.
There was the enhanced version of the slimming pill, causing Xie Xi to become thinner. In
one month, he lost 5 kilograms. He was already really thin so it was miserable to lose 5
Jiang Xie hadn’t seen Xie Xi for one month. It was natural to be shocked.
Xie Xi stirred up some emotions, made sure he wouldn’t burp and slowly turned around…
This picture was very moving.
The exquisite face became smaller because it was thinner while the eyes became bigger.
The lips were dry and the colour was very light, presumably from malnutrition…
Jiang Xie’s heart was tugged.
Xie Xi’s voice was hoarse (from choking) as he asked, “You came back?”
Theoretically, Xie Xi didn’t know what Jiang Xie was doing and didn’t know that Jiang Hong
had recovered.
Jiang Xie’s brow furrowed. “Why haven’t you been eating well?”
In fact, Xie Xi had been eating well. He ate food from all over the world, including China,
France, Italy, Japan, Korea and Thailand.
Xie Xi replied, “I have no appetite.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He just took off his coat and went to the kitchen.
It hadn’t been used for one month but the kitchen contained fresh vegetables, which were
prepared by the daily cleaning people.
They weren’t sure when Jiang Xie would come back and their job was to change the fresh
vegetables every day. The types were prepared according to the schedule and they never
changed it.
Jiang Xie wanted to cook rice but he looked at Xie Xi and was afraid of his indigestion. Thus,
he changed it to porridge and didn’t put anything apart from a few green vegetables.
Xie Xi sat outside worrying.
It was reasonable to say that this meal should be eaten. He had been hungry for so long and
Jiang Xie finally came back and personally cooked a meal. Eating it would give extra points.
However… he couldn’t support it.
Not only did he eat dinner, he swallowed a mouthful of dessert.
Now he was panicked. He couldn’t exercise to eliminate the food. After all, he was skinny
and if he jumped around… it would be poisonous!
Jiang Xie was afraid that Xie Xi would be hungry and cooked quickly. The porridge was
made in a pressure cooker and the speed was incredibly fast.
Xie Xi looked at the table full of dishes, “…”
“Come over and eat.”
They were all food that Xie Xi loved to eat, light but delicious homemade dishes.
If Xie Xi hadn’t eaten a bowl of pork bone ramen, chestnut fish and strawberry mochi, he
would really want to eat it.
Jiang Xie watched Xie Xi have no appetite and frowned even more. “You aren’t eating. Do
you mean to starve yourself?”
Xie Xi picked up the chopsticks and caught a small pea.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi really wasn’t able to eat. If he knew that Jiang Xie would come back, he wouldn’t have
sneaked so much food.
Jiang Xie felt pained and uncomfortable. He also couldn’t eat and put down his chopsticks,
asking him, “Without Chengyu, you don’t even have the strength to eat?”
Xie Xi’s spirit was shocked and he finally led Jiang Xie to the right track.
His dazed expression fell into Jiang Xie’s eyes and there was a burst of pain in his heart. “Do
you think I will be soft if you look like this?”
Xie Xi raised his emotions and shook his head. “No.”
Jiang Xie was unsure what question he was answering.
Xie Xi spoke softly, “I just think it is quite boring.”
Perhaps his body was so weak that it made his voice as light as a whisper. If it wasn’t so
quiet, Jiang Xie wouldn’t have heard his words.
After listening to the answer, Jiang Xie’s heart trembled and an uncontrollable sourness
spread in his chest.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Do you live just for the sake of Chengyu?” This Chengyu represented
Xie Xi’s ambition but he didn’t have the heart to say it in such a straightforward manner.
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie in a startled manner. “Otherwise, what else can I do?”
Jiang Xie was stumped by the question.
Xie Xi looked at the meal in front of him and spoke slowly, “I have never been as idle as I am
now. I have always been working hard, struggling to go up.”
This was the first time Jiang Xie saw such a Xie Xi. The dazzling aura was removed and the
exquisite camouflage faded away, revealing a Xie Xi that had never been seen before.
Jiang Xie was very clear about Xie Xi’s experiences. Or it should be said that no one in D
City’s financial circles didn’t know.
He was a child of the Xie family. Due to some enmity, his mother left that life and took him
His father married someone else and it wasn’t long before he gave birth to Xie Xi’s younger
Xie Xi’s mother was depressed and committed suicide when Xie Xi was seven.
What could a seven year old child do? It was hard to live.
He was sent to the orphanage and after being tossed around, he recognized his ancestors at
the age of 11.
It was reasonable to say that such a child would find it difficult to integrate into family life
but Xie Xi was exceptionally good.
He had experienced all types of hardships from a young age and knew how to observe
At the age of 11, he knew how to be pleasing. He got along very well with everyone, from
his stepmother, his brother who was two years younger than him, his driver and even the
gardener at home.
Not only that, he was clever and had a fast learning ability. He thought that it would take
some time to adjust to school life. Who would’ve thought he would’ve jumped classes at the
age of 12?
He already received a college degree overseas at the age of 16.
After returning to China, he was even more astounding. He helped his father enter the
board of Chengyu and gradually expanded Chengyu into a big group that couldn’t be
ignored in D City.
Under these glamourous achievements was his ruthless heart.
Outsiders didn’t know what he did but his father got depression and stayed in the hospital.
His stepmother had a horrific scandal exposed and her cheating bed photos became a joke
in the circle. His half-brother was arrogant and incompetent. While racing with people in
the middle of the night, he failed to brake and flew off a cliff, his body not being found.
By the time Xie Xi was 24 years old, he was completely alone.
Four years later, he met Jiang Xie and took away the Lance Project. He was in full swing and
led Chengyu to a peak that no one could’ve imagined.
After the peak was downhill.
Xie Xi had to bear the consequences of his early years. Jiang Xie returned like a cheetah and
destroyed his hard-built castle.
As Xie Xi stated, he had never been idle. This month was unprecedented for him but it was
also boring and meaningless.
Jiang Xie realized this but he also knew that Xie Xi was likely acting. He might indeed feel
bored but he was still putting on a show.
Jiang Xie saw through this but he was still affected. As long as he thought that 30% of this
play was true, his heart was stirred up.
“Life is more than that.” Jiang Xie told Xie Xi. “You can see more if you put aside Chengyu.”
Xie Xi looked at him. “But I have nothing.”
He didn’t have family left, all his friends were gone after the loss of Chengyu and his
subordinates belonged to others. Even his office wasn’t his own.
Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows and said nothing.
Xie Xi felt the fire was almost ready and he had to take his time, not be too anxious. He had
almost digested the previous food and could barely eat.
Xie Xi ‘braced his spirit’ and said, “The porridge is really fragrant.”
“Eat something. Your body can’t stand it if you are always hungry.”
Xie Xi nodded and shoved down half a bowl of porridge.
This really didn’t need acting. He ate so much that he wouldn’t be tempted even by exotic
Jiang Xie didn’t continue the topic from before. It seemed he didn’t want to stimulate Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was also happy and carefully reflected on his operation.
In fact, Xie Xi wasn’t sure if this was the key to repairing the world but this was what Xie Xi
wanted to convey to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie’s mood was very weak and there were always hidden dangers. Xie Xi didn’t want
to miss it if there was an opportunity to dig out the thorns buried in his flesh and blood.
This was a good opportunity. Xie Xi took advantage of his identity to let Jiang Xie observe
the psychology of the world from one angle.
Xie Xi’s coaxing wouldn’t necessarily dig out this thorn.
However, if he let himself become weary with the world then Jiang Xie would pay attention
to caring for him and get rid of this imprisonment.
Regardless of whether the world was repaired or not, Xie Xi wanted to face this emotion
with Jiang Xie. No matter what happened previously, they now had each other.
Xie Xi’s calculations were excellent and he performed very well.
In the evening, he slept very unsteadily. It was no wonder since he slept and ate so much
during the day.
This caused Jiang Xie to feel emotional instability and he tossed and turned in a sleepless
manner all night.
After three or four days of persistence, Xie Xi clearly felt that Jiang Xie couldn’t hold on
What would happen next? Was he going to return Chengyu? If this was true, what to do…
Xie Xi was very satisfied with his current life and didn’t want to go to work!
As he thought about it, Xie Xi suddenly felt his body become empty. He opened his eyes and
saw a blank space.
Xie Xi had experienced this once before and immediately reacted… white space?
Did Jiang Xie use this forbidden technique again? Xie Xi thought of the man’s tragic
appearance in the garden and his expression suddenly changed.
“What nonsense is this… I’m perfectly fine!” Xie Xi wanted to swear.
Jiang Xie smiled and pulled the person over for a kiss. How could Xie Xi willingly push him
Unfortunately, the white space had time constraints and they couldn’t stay for too long.
Jiang Xie reached into Xie Xi’s clothes and rubbed his belly. “You really aren’t hungry?”
Xie Xi grabbed the thief’s hand. “Of course not…” He froze as he realized. “Do you know
what’s going on?”
In the world of the collapsed god, Jiang Xie didn’t know exactly what happened before he
recycled the soul.
Jiang Xie smiled. “I know that you are starving yourself to death.”
“It is all fake. I was just pretending.”
Jiang Xie leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Yes, I saw it.”
Xie Xi knew that time was tight and quickly asked the main point. “What is your situation in
this collapsed world?”
Jiang Xie explained, “It is a state of integration. Without entering the white space, I only
have the memories of the soul.” Jiang Xie only remembered everything once he entered
Xie Xi understood and said, “I believe that the 12 boundaries are 12 collapsed worlds mixed
Jiang Xie nodded. “It is possible.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “After this time, all your souls will probably return.”
Jiang Xie felt this person’s thoughts and his heart warmed. “You are here. They will return
to me sooner or later.”
Xie Xi glared at him and then became worried. “I wasn’t in danger. How could you activate
the white space?”
Jiang Xie sighed. “It is because I think you are in danger.”
Xie Xi was stunned… he pretended too much that Taurus truly believed it!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 223

Collapsing 11 Boundaries 11

This was unexpected for Xie Xi. He only wanted to stimulate Taurus. He didn’t expect to
stimulate Jiang Xie to emerge!
There were two conditions for triggering the white space. One was Xie Xi suffering from a
fatal mental condition or Jiang Xie feeling that Xie Xi had a tendency to self destruct.
This time it was because of the latter.
Jiang Xie and Taurus were in a state of fusion so Taurus’ emotions were Jiang Xie’s
emotions. The white space couldn’t distinguish between the main person and the soul
piece. It only felt Jiang Xie’s huge fear and anxiety. It decided that Xie Xi had the tendency to
self destruct and started it.
Jiang Xie explained and Xie Xi felt chagrin and anxious. “I didn’t expect…” He knew Jiang
Xie’s heart knot wouldn’t open without pretending to be tired of the world but he didn’t
expect this person to become half dead!
He couldn’t forget Jiang Xie’s miserable appearance the last time the white space was
Jiang Xie smiled. “It’s fine. If I can recover 12 souls in one breath then I won’t need Ah Zhe.”
His credibility in this area was already -999 and Xie Xi didn’t believe him. “This white space
can only be triggered once in a quasi-world?”
Jiang Xie looked up at the sky.
Xie Xi was made. “Can’t you cherish yourself?” If it was triggered many times, Jiang Xie
wouldn’t be able to withstand it even if he recovered 120 souls!
Jiang Xie hugged hi and coaxed, “I cherish myself.”
“Doing all these dangerous things, can you call this cherishing yourself?”
Jiang Xie’s voice was soft. “What should I do if you are in danger?”
The white space was triggered. Jiang Xie might be in danger but if it wasn’t triggered and
Xie Xi had an accident, there wouldn’t be any significance in Jiang Xie’s life.
Xie Xi’s heart trembled and his anger disappeared, leaving only softness and pain. He
turned and hugged the other person. “If you are in danger, how can I live alone?”
Jiang Xie was euphemistically but Xie Xi directly stated it.
Jiang Xie was afraid Xie Xi would have an accident and didn’t hesitate to open the white
Yet if Jiang Xie was in danger and left Xie Xi alone, Xie Xi didn’t know how he would
continue to live.
In his lone life, what was the meaning of existence if he didn’t have this person?
Jiang Xie’s heart shook and it was sunny and bright, like the dark clouds in the sky had been
blown away. His lips curved in a smile. “I was thinking wrongly. I will protect myself in the
future.” He would protect himself to protect Xie Xi.
The mistake caused Xie Xi to finally untie Jiang Xie’s heart lock.
The timid lock on Jiang Xie’s heart was undone and he understood how to cherish himself.
They were now two people. No matter who was lost, it would be fatal to the other person.
Jiang Xie loved Xie Xi, thus he had to love the Jiang Xie that Xie Xi loved.
Xie Xi saw there wasn’t much time left and didn’t want to see Jiang Xie in the white space
again. He organized his emotions and communicated regarding the quasi-world.
He asked, “Is the small world of Aries your past?”
Jiang Xie replied, “It has been so long that I don’t remember my past clearly.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “It is like this…” The memories had indeed occurred too long ago and
Jiang Xie had gone through too many words. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say he had gone
through a few lives.
Jiang Xie said, “Still, it was quite similar. My parents died early and I was rejected due to
these strange eyes…” Then he laughed again. “My luck, as you know, has always been bad.”
He was unlucky whether or not he went to Central. It was only after he met Xie Xi that he
was freed from it.
“There is nothing good or bad about luck.” It wasn’t bad for Xie Xi to meet such a strong
Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie didn’t want him to worry and distracted him by changing the topic. “I did have a
sister called Jiang Hong.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “Then the Taurus small world is also your past?”
Jiang Xie rubbed the tip of his nose. “Not at all. I didn’t meet you when I was 17 years old.”
Xie Xi was slightly itchy due to Jiang Xie’s actions but he was afraid that there wasn’t
enough time. He continued speaking, “Then Jiang Hong in reality…”
Jiang Hong’s voice was soft. “She died of illness when I was 15 years old.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tugged.
Jiang Xie explained, “I can’t remember the details. My sister didn’t suffer any blows at the
time. She was just sick and couldn’t stand the endless pain. She begged for euthanasia.”
Xie Xi couldn’t imagine how the 15 year old Jiang Xie faced those times.
Jiang Xie said, “These small worlds are mixed with some of my memories. It is normal. My
designs of the quasi-worlds are filled with my emotions and I placed my souls in them. This
is to inadvertently satisfy my unfulfilled wishes.”
For example, to let his sister live.
Xie Xi’s heart hurt as he questioned, “When did you enter the Central Government?”
Those who went to Central were people who had been abandoned by their original world
and gave up on their original world. The 15 year old Jiang Xie had no close relatives. Did
Jiang Xie replied, “I really can’t remember but it should be very early. Look at my young and
handsome face. It is the original goods and there is no reprocessing.” There were drugs for
rejuvenation in Central. If those who came to the Central were too old, they could save
themselves and rejuvenate themselves by doing tasks.
Xie Xi, “…”
This person didn’t forget to be shameless!
The time was coming near and the two people had communicated almost everything.
Jiang Xie didn’t want Xie Xi to frown and teased him, “I have a cat specialized essence. Once
we return to Central, I’ll send it to you.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie spoke seriously, “You should also choose a specialized essence. It will increase all
qualifications by a certain percentage. The cat essence might only be purple grade but it
can be stacked. You can take it first and later there is the gold…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Xie Xi exclaimed, “Roll!”
Was there anything he didn’t understand? This person had the memories from the Aries
world and was planning something naughty. Forget the cat essence. Xie Xi wanted a lion
essence to bite this bastard to death.
Jiang Xie ‘rolled over’ and gave Xie Xi a lingering kiss.
The two men left the white space while kissing.
Back in reality, Xie Xi silently opened his eyes and saw Taurus sleeping beside him.
Xie Xi smiled, closed his eyes, found a comfortable position and fell asleep. There were no
dreams and when he woke up, the sky wasn’t bright yet.
Xie Xi rubbed his eyes and heard Jiang Xie’s voice. “Wake up, I’m taking you to a place.”
“Hmm?” He was in a daze and for a moment, he forgot where he was.
He was only reminded when he saw the hidden worries in Jiang Xie’s eyes. Yes… this was
Taurus’ world where he was world-weary!
Xie Xi spoke with no strength. “Where are we going?”
“Xiling Mountain.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “What are we going to do?”
“Climb the mountain and watch the sunrise.”
Xie Xi instantly wanted to die. “So early in the morning…” Climbing the mountain to watch
the sunset at 5 or 6 in the morning, he would really be tired of the world!
It was unknown what Taurus was up to but he was as stubborn as an old cow. “Hurry up or
we will miss it.”
Xie Xi silently refused.
Jiang Xie gave the killing blow. “If you are obedient in these three months, I will return
Chengyu to you.”
“I have never lied to you.” He never lied to Xie Xi but Xie Xi deceived him.
Xie Xi had no interest in Chengyu but Jiang Xie was taking the initiative to give him
‘psychological treatment’ for his world-weariness and he had to cooperate.
After all, his aim was to use this to help Jiang Xie release his heart knot…
It was just that he didn’t expect the treatment to be so tiring!
“What do you count as obedient?” Xie Xi sat up and struggled to ask.
Jiang Xie replied, “I want you to accompany me for activities.”
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched. “Does that include climbing the mountain at five in the morning to
see the sunrise?”
Yes, your sister!
Xie Xi turned over and wrapped himself up like a silkworm cocoon.
Jiang Xie questioned, “Didn’t you say you could do anything for Chengyu?”
Xie Xi hatefully thought, ‘I am doing everything for you!’
Jiang Xie added, “It seems you are no longer interested in Chengyu. Then…”
Xie Xi opened the quilt and looked at the other person with messy hair.
Jiang Xie’s voice was filled with some warmth. “Are you going?”
Xie Xi gritted his teeth. “…I’m going.”
In fact, climbing the mountain didn’t matter. Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of anything since his
physique meant he could climb three mountains without gasping. However, the time was
too early? Wasn’t this meant for sleeping? Why go hiking?
Xiling Mountain was a scenic spot on the outskirts of D City. It was known as the first
mountain on the sea. Once someone climbed to the peak, they could see the beautiful
scenery of the sea and the sky.
Xie Xi had no interest in the scenery. His body was covered in the cold air of someone who
just woke up.
Fortunately, this sentiment was in line with the world-weariness of Xie Xi.
It was early but there were many people who wanted to see the sunrise on this mountain.
Xie Xi wasn’t tired when climbing the mountain but he was very happy.
Jiang Xie was worried and afraid that Xie Xi’s body couldn’t stand it, so he walked very
In fact, this Xiling Mountain wasn’t very high and most of it was a flat path. It was very
suitable for the ‘skinny’ Xie Xi to hike.
The higher he went, the fresher the air became and the more Xie Xi lost his anger.
Jiang Xie saw the beads of sweat on Xie Xi’s forehead and asked, “Are you tired?”
Xie Xi’s sweat was all fake and aiming for sympathy. “I’m not tired.” His mouth was more
tightly closed.
Jiang Xie reached out a hand. “This part is a bit steep. I will help you.”
Xie Xi happily grabbed this hand.
Jiang Xie carefully protecting him and climbed more than a dozen steps together.
Xie Xi was so tired that he gasped.
Jiang Xie took a bottle of water out of the backpack and gave it to him. “Would you like to
Xie Xi took a few big mouthfuls. Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed and he asked, “Are you hungry?”
Xie Xi noticed his expression… Walking for so long was to make him eat?
In fact, there was no need to go to so much trouble. Xie Xi wanted to eat salted duck eggs
with porridge and crab dumplings from the moment he woke up.
He was hungry just having such a thought.
The benefit to climbing the mountain was that Xie Xi could justifiably say, “A bit.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes were bright. “I brought some food. Come this way.”
Xie Xi’s heart was warm. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie led him to a space with nobody and opened the backpack under the green pines.
He took out a mat and laid out two, three, four…
Xie Xi’s eyes were big. “So much.”
“It’s nothing.” Then Jiang Xie pulled out two more dishes.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry when he saw the seven or eight insulation
boxes. Taurus was trying too hard to make him eat.
The even more surprising thing was that the insulation boxes contained hot rice porridge,
exquisite dumplings and salty duck eggs cut into pieces…
The things he wanted to eat had been fully prepared by Jiang Xie. What was this called? A
heart connection?
Xie Xi couldn’t help laughing.
The two people washed their hands with warm water from the thermos pot and Jiang Xie
said, “Eat.”
Xie Xi picked up a small dumpling and the delicious taste of crab filled his mouth.
He had never eaten such delicious crab dumpling. It was as if his heart was filled.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 224

Collapsing 11 Boundaries End

Jiang Xie saw Xie Xi eating well and felt more comfortable than anyone else.
After six years, he had come back to take revenge on Xie Xi, taking away the Chengyu he
raised with painstaking effort and letting him feel the pain of loss.
However, Jiang Xie didn’t feel any joy after his success. Xie Xi tried hard to please him and
this made Jiang Xie even more humiliated.
In the one month when he went abroad, he saw Jiang Hong recover and Jiang Xie gradually
calmed down.
It was only when he came back and saw the haggard Xie Xi that he woke up.
Revenge on Xie Xi wasn’t what he wanted. He only wanted Xie Xi from beginning to end.
Even if Xie Xi deceived him, even if he was insulted or rejected, he didn’t want Xie Xi to
suffer any harm.
Losing Chengyu was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xie Xi. Jiang Xie left silently for a month
and Xie Xi’s tenacious mind couldn’t withstand it.
How many people jumped from high buildings because of bankruptcy, how many people
were devastated by falling from the peak, how many people gave up their lives because of
the collapse of their careers?
There was no doubt that Xie Xi was strong but no matter how strong a person, there was a
weakness that couldn’t be ignored.
Jiang Xie’s absence in this one month definitely placed a huge psychological burden on Xie
The little bit of hope he felt dimmed, countless negative emotions rose and there were
inevitably psychological problems.
Jiang Xie thought of these things. The more he thought about it, the more fear he felt and
the higher the chances of the white space being activated.
After seeing Xie Xi’s loss of appetite and insomnia, Jiang Xie wanted to say several times
that he would return Chengyu to Xie Xi.
Revenge and deception didn’t matter. He just wanted Xie Xi to be okay.
However, the psychologist gave him more objective advice.
Jiang Xie went to consult a well-known psychologist about Xie Xi’s problem, hoping to get a
proper plan.
The psychologist made it clear that simply giving Chengyu to Xie Xi would only push him
into a deeper abyss and he would never be able to recover.
It was difficult to gain happiness if the meaning of survival was placed on illusory interests.
This time, Jiang Xie took away Chengyu. What if another person did it next time?
Xie Xi would never be able to hold up if there was one more similar experience.
His most fundamental problem wasn’t the loss of Chengyu. It was his long-standing
weariness of the world.
His childhood experience made him lonely and indifferent. The cruelty of his family made
him not believe in family. Chengyu was his only goal in life.
This goal was clearly unhealthy. Once lost, Xie XI would face the tragedy of total collapse.
The psychologist suggested for him to help Xie Xi experience a new life, to see different
scenery, experience different happiness and find a healthier, more positive and happier
motivation to live.
This way, he would get rid of the shackles and regain a new life.
This was why Jiang Xie took Xie Xi to climb the mountain.
Of course, Xie Xi couldn’t not know about this. Even if he didn’t know, he could still
appreciate Jiang Xie’s mind.
He also achieved his purpose of pretending to be tired of life.
Jiang Xie took the initiative to find a psychologist, to understand this psychological state
and to ‘treat’ Xie Xi according to the program.
This was mutual. Helping Xie Xi find a motive for survival was also helping Jiang Xie find
They both needed to look at different landscapes and find new meanings for survival.
Xie Xi ate two small dumplings in one breath. He was going to eat the third one when Jiang
Xie stopped him. “That should be enough.”
Xie Xi blinked. He hadn’t eaten enough.
Jiang Xie saw this person’s shining eyes and was relieved, but he still insisted. “You have
been hungry for too long. You can’t eat too much at one time.”
Such a small dumpling, normal adults could eat 12. He only ate two! It was just a fraction!
‘Dr Jiang’ was very strict. “You can drink more porridge. It is good for digestion.”
Xie Xi, “…” It was over. he didn’t have a chance to sneak some food and would have to climb
to the top of the mountain. He was going to starve to death!
Fortunately, Jiang Xie had a firm opinion and didn’t starve him. After walking for a while, he
felt that Xie Xi had digested enough and gave him another meal.
This method of eating less but more often was very good for Xie Xi’s current state. It was
unknown where Jiang Xie got such good insulation boxes but the heat was preserved
through the entire process and it wasn’t cold at all.
Xie Xi unknowingly went to the top of the mountain under the seduction of the crab
He really wasn’t tired. The journey was basically a flat road and they occasionally took
breaks. Not to mention, Xie Xi was really healthy, even if he was really thin.
On the contrary, eating food and the exercise caused the blood in his body to circulate and
he was more energetic.
Jiang Xie stretched out his hand. “Come here, there is nobody here.”
He had already arranged for someone to clear this place. The sunrise from this corner
wasn’t the best but it was the purest.
Xie Xi took his hand and walked up the last few steps.
The timing was just right. They stood on top of the mountain together and saw the sun
slowly emerging from the sea.
The rising sun and falling sun were very similar. They were all red and dyed everything
around them red.
However, they were still very different.
The morning sun rose slowly like it was breaking free from its shackles.
As the sun plunged into the sea, the light was like a long ribbon, holding the dark sea and
the dark sky together.
This sunrise was a dazzling, transparent and fearless gold. It would surely illuminate the
darkness, returning the beautiful blue to the sea, the clear blue to the sky and bringing light
and hope back to the world.
Xie Xi watched it.
Jiang Xie took his hand and whispered, “Is it beautiful?”
Xie Xi nodded. “It looks good.”
The beauty of the morning sun was as magnificent as the setting sun. However, one was a
desire for life and the other was the sinking of death.
People lived and were destined to be like the morning sun, infinitely pursuing desires and
They headed back and Jiang Xie said, “I have been in the US for the past month.”
Xie Xi didn’t reply.
Jiang Xie confessed, “Jiang Hong’s illness has made a breakthrough and she finally
Xie Xi knew this but had to make a surprised expression. “That’s great.”
“Yes,” Jiang Xie continued. “If people live, there are always countless opportunities.”
Talking about Jiang Hong was to give Xie Xi confidence.
A person who lingered at the ghost gate gained new hope. Those who were healthy
shouldn’t abandon their lives.
Jiang Xie kept speaking. “She didn’t return to China. She has been bound to a hospital bed
for the past few years and now she wants to see the world.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “That’s good.”
“Yes, as long as you look, there are many things that are fun.”
Xie Xi’s smile became clearer. “That’s true.”
This mountain climbing incident achieved great results. Xie Xi’s mental state was much
In line with the principle of persistent efforts, Jiang Xie went with Xie Xi to climb another
mountain on the weekend.
The sleepy Xie Xi thought, ‘We can climb mountains but can it not be so early! I’m sleepy!’
However, Dr Jiang was very assertive and took him to climb a slightly more difficult
Xie Xi pretended to let himself sweat, eat more (he didn’t have to pretend with this) and
once again saw the sunrise. He actually liked this activity.
Climbing a mountain wasn’t boring because he could see beautiful scenery on the way up.
More important, it was really happy to hold hands and look at these sights with his loved
Half a month later, Jiang Xie took Xie Xi out again.
Xie Xi asked, “Which mountain are we going to climb this time?”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Don’t be afraid. We’re not climbing a mountain this time. I want to take
you to a place.”
Xie Xi was curious. “Where?”
“You’ll know when we get there.”
Xie Xi’s appetite was raised and he was interested as he entered the car. Then he was
stunned when he arrived at the destination.
This was an orphanage. Xie Xi hadn’t expected Jiang Xie to bring him here.
Then his chest became warm. In this small world’s setting, Xie Xi had stayed in an
orphanage for several years.
Xie Xi didn’t have these memories but he knew that life there was far from happiness.
Jiang Xie was paying attention to Xie Xi’s emotions and reassured you, “You can rest
assured that this place is very good.”
Funding an orphanage was actually a very troublesome thing. Simply giving money would
only stimulate the greed of adults and wouldn’t benefit the children.
The focus was on supervision and implementation after the investment.
Whether the money entered someone’s pockets or was used on the children, this was the
key to funding.
Giving money without asking questions, this was just charity for the sake of it. Real charity
was making sure that every bit of the money went where it was supposed to.
Obviously, Jiang Xie had put in big effort.
The moment he entered the orphanage with Xie Xi, the children enthusiastically
approached him and there was no falsehood in their joy.
On the other hand, some older people saw Xie Xi and were full of vigilance.
Jiang Xie smiled and introduced him. “This is my friend.”
The moment he spoke, the children showed shy and cautious smiles towards Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was shocked. He didn’t have memories of the orphanage but he could imagine—
The Xie Xi of this world’s emotions would be stirred up when he saw this scene.
Jiang Xie was redeeming him, wholeheartedly wanting to bring him out of the mud and into
a new life.
The afternoon passed quickly and the two people chatted a lot when they went back.
Jiang Xie explained, “It was originally for my sister’s illness…”
This was the motivation behind many wealthy people doing charity. They wanted good
blessings for their loved ones.
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “Later, I found it was very meaningful.”
Possession something was satisfying but much more could be done after acquiring it.
Empty wealth stimulated people’s nerves and filled them with dissatisfaction. Appropriate
pay could make people feel real satisfaction.
Xie Xi whispered, “Thank you.”
There was no doubt that Jiang Xie had done this all for him.
Jiang Xie glanced over and his gaze fell on Xie Xi’s lips. Xie Xi’s heart jumped and a blush
unexpectedly appeared on his cheeks.
He wasn’t afraid of the shameless Jiang Xie. He was afraid of such a serious and cautious
Jiang Xie.
This was a simple kiss but the entire space seemed filled with the sound of heartbeats.
Once they parted, Xie Xi whispered, “Aren’t you afraid I’m tricking you again?”
Jiang Xie held his hand. “I’m afraid.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Then why are you…”
Jiang Xie sighed. “Because I love you.”
Xie Xi knew the answer but it was still like being hit by an electric current. He was
indescribably moved.
His feelings poured up to the tip of his nose, welling in his eyelashes and to his eyelashes. “I
am like this… you…”
Jiang Xie held him. “Take your time. Anything you don’t know, I’ll teach you.”
Xie Xi said softly, “I am 11 years older than you.”
“You are only seven years old.”
At the age of seven, Xie Xi witnessed his mother’s suicide. Since then, the meaning of his life
had simply been to live.
Live through all means, unscrupulously and desperately. This was the deepest shackle, the
most helpless cage.
Xie Xi didn’t speak for a long time. He didn’t have these bad experiences but he was still
warmed by Jiang Xie’s love. He was truly lucky to have encountered such a good Jiang Xie.
Days passed and it was soon half a year. Xie Xi’s physical condition had fully recovered and
he gained some weight.
Jiang Xie was relieved. He realized this was a different Xie Xi, a more real Xie Xi, but this
made Jiang Xie love him even more.
Xie Xi was very comfortable and the two people fell in love with the mountain climbing
In winter, Jiang Xie unexpectedly arranged an itinerary. Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “A snow
“Do you want to go?”
Xie Xi replied with great enthusiasm, “Go!””
He had seen all types of sunrises but this was the first one on a snowy mountain.
Of course, sunrise on a snowy mountain still depended on weather conditions. However,
Jiang Xie looked for someone to investigate and the basic problems weren’t big.
If they didn’t see it then they could do it again. Climbing was fun and it was more
interesting when the two people were together.
The accident happened at this time. Even if they checked in advance, climbing a snowy
mountain was still dangerous. It was really hard to defend against the snow-covered
The moment Xie Xi stepped on air and fell straight down, he immediately summoned the
god’s wisdom and sketch pen.
Before he could do anything, Jiang Xie had already hugged him and rolled down with him.
Xie Xi was protected by Jiang Xie and his arms and hands couldn’t move. They rolled all the
way down until they were stopped by a tree. Jiang Xie hit the tree and let out a groan of
Xie Xi anxiously asked, “Are you okay?”
Jiang Xie spoke at the same time. “How are you?”
Xie Xi’s eyes were red. He knew nothing would happen to Jiang Xie since he could draw
countless medicines. Still, he couldn’t help being distressed and anxiously. “What can
happen to me when you protected me so tightly?”
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s nothing.”
Xie Xi fluttered around him. “Don’t move. I’ll call for someone.”
Jiang Xie looked up and noticed tears falling down. Xie Xi took out his phone and called a
number. Once he finished giving the specific information, his hand was held tightly by Jiang
Jiang Xie’s eyes were burning. “Why are you crying?”
“Do you want to die?”
“Are you afraid of me dying?”
Xie Xi’s tears flowed out even more. “I’m afraid, I’m very afraid.”
After saying this, Xie Xi felt a pulling sensation. He left the world of Taurus.
He turned his head and saw Taurus sleeping in the garden. It was over and the light group
of this small world had also disappeared.
Xie Xi was startled. He couldn’t tell who was fixing who in the end.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 225

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 1
In the last half of the Taurus world, Xie Xi almost forgot the purpose of his trip.
He was here to fix the small worlds but in the end, it seemed to be done without him doing
Jiang Xie took him to climb mountains to watch the sunrise, funded a children’s aid agency
together and did many interesting things together.
Xie Xi didn’t do anything but Jiang Xie did many things.
In the end, the two people almost died on the snowy mountain and Jiang Xie saved Xie Xi’s
life, causing him heartache.
At the time, Jiang Xie had asked him, “Are you afraid of me dying?”
Xie Xi was afraid, really afraid. This answer ended the Taurus world. Why? It was because a
world-weary person who wasn’t afraid of anything actually felt fear. This ‘rehabilitation’ of
Xie Xi was the end point.
Xie Xi was concerned about him. Even if this wasn’t love, Jiang Xie was already satisfied.
During the last six months of care, Jiang Xie’s only request was for Xie Xi to experience the
beauty of life and feel an attachment to life.
It took a while for Xie Xi’s senses to return.
In fact, he understood that although he didn’t do anything in the world, Jiang Xie was
constantly working hard.
It wasn’t so much that Xie Xi repaired the world. It was better to say that Jiang Xie repaired
his own world.
Of course, Xie Xi was an important primer. He guided Jiang Xie to do the right thing and
saved the world facing collapse.
Xie Xi thought this and couldn’t help continuing to explore.
When repairing the world of the collapsed god, Xie Xi brought back the hard drive which
was the key to the repair. The so-called repair didn’t mean the quasi-world could
immediately enter the cycle. It just meant he got rid of the collapsed state and it could
continue to be designed.
He really let that world ‘live’ because Jiang Xie took him to redesign it, making it a new
quasi-world that entered the cycle.
According to this line of thinking, what was the key to repairing the 12 broken small
In the Aries world, he helped Aries with his hatred for the world and the repair was a
In the Taurus world, he guided Taurus to find a new meaning of survival, thus stopping the
Was this the case?
Xie Xi didn’t take anything away from these two small worlds, perhaps because he didn’t
have any skills and props and he couldn’t take out an item at a random.
Wrong! Xie Xi glanced at the sleeping Aries and Taurus. Didn’t he directly bring out the
He looked at the remaining 10 light groups and realized the root of the problem. Did he
need to bring all these souls out to repair these worlds?
After that…
Once he returned to Central and redesigned the quasi-worlds, what should he use as the
core of the world? Did he have to put the souls back in?
Xie Xi frowned and felt faintly uneasy about his thoughts. He would never allow Jiang Xie to
split his soul and be in danger again!
Xie Xi sighed and stopped his thoughts.
It was too early to think about all this. It was first imperative to bring the souls out of the
small worlds.
As for how to redesign the quasi-worlds after returning to Central? He would surely find a
better method.
He believed that the current Jiang Xie definitely wouldn’t split his soul.
It was because Jiang Xie was no longer a lone person. His soul also belonged to Xie Xi!
After suppressing these thoughts, Xie Xi looked at the countdown over Aries’ head.
Fortunately, the world after entering the light group was relatively static. Otherwise, he
would now be dead.
The thing that made Xie Xi worried was that the countdowns over Taurus and Aries’ heads
were synchronized and not counting down from three hours.
The numbers above the heads of the two Jiang Xies lying side to side were 2:55:55.
This was one minute!
Xie Xi was afraid to stay in the garden for too long. He had to hurry to the next light group
and strive to bring all the souls back within three hours.
The next one was the yellow Gemini.
Xie Xi reached out and touched it. A Jiang Xie in a hooded sweater and jeans appeared in
front of him. This Jiang Xie was older than Aries but younger than Taurus. He seemed to be
a university student as he asked, “Is it me?”
Xie Xi watched him for a moment in a puzzled manner.
Shouldn’t this person be getting older if it followed the order?
In particular, it was related to Jiang Xie’s past so shouldn’t Gemini’s age should be more
than Taurus?
In fact, Taurus wasn’t too old. He was only 24 years old but his temperament was much
more mature than Gemini.
Gemini looked 19 or 20 and was a university student. He was definitely younger than
Um… Xie Xi didn’t become too tangled up in this matter. Perhaps it was only the different
stages of Jiang Xie and the order was nothing.
Xie Xi glanced at the countdown and didn’t dare to waste time. He directly replied, “Yes.”
There was a pulling feeling and Xie Xi entered the world of Gemini.
The slightly hot wind showed that it was late summer or early autumn. This made Xie Xi
feel somewhat surprised. Wasn’t Gemini in May and June? How did it become September or
He heard a loud noise the moment he opened his eyes.
“Classmate, don’t block the road!”
Xie Xi immediately moved to the side.
“What about your suitcase?”
Xie Xi found that he still had a suitcase and he had directly left the suitcase behind.
The speechless boy froze after seeing Xie Xi’s face.
Xie Xi hurriedly pulled the suitcase over to him and apologized. “I was distracted.”
The boy had been very annoyed but now he was awkward. “B-Be careful.”
The boy strode away and Xie Xi heard him say to the person next to him, “That is a man,
right? How come he looks so good?”
The person next to him whispered, “If he chases me then my eyes would surely bend into
The boy felt dislike. “How can he like you? Pull down your dick!”
Xie Xi had full qualifications after all. Ordinary people couldn’t hear them but he could…
What was this situation? Was he a charming person this time?
Xie Xi resisted the urge to look in a mirror at his own appearance.
He dragged his suitcase while looking around. He was at a university and should’ve just
started school.
It seemed that this time he really was a university student. Xie Xi was quite looking
forward. He realized the university life in Dream Come True but at that time, Jiang Xie was
a teacher and they didn’t stay on campus.
This time definitely wasn’t the same. Jiang Xie was also a university student and they
should be classmates. This was too interesting.
Xie Xi was in a good mood and noticed more eyes on him when he smiled.
Um… was there something on his face? Xie Xi stopped smiling and raised a hand to his face.
The people who peeked at him seemed aware of his unwillingness and took back their
Xie Xi didn’t know if he just enrolled in school or if he was returning for a new semester.
It was fine if he was a new student and didn’t know his dormitory. However, if he was a
returning student and couldn’t find his dormitory, wasn’t it like a donkey kicked his head?
Of course, it was certain he was enrolled in the school. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be dragging
such a big suitcase.
What should he do?
Xie Xi was worrying about it when a girl in a white shirt and tight jeans came over. “You…
you are a freshman, right?”
Xie Xi, “…” He also wanted to know.
The girl was afraid to look at him and her exposed ears were red. She continued to ask,
“What’s your name?”
Xie Xi gave his name. Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly looked up. “You are Xie Xi?”
Xie Xi, “?” Was he famous?
The girl blushed when she saw his face and her voice trembled. “Come over here… sign in.
Then take, take your things to your dormitory…”
She was stuttering so much that it was hard for Xie Xi to understand.
It seemed he was a new freshman who just entered school but it was unknown why his
name was famous.
Xie Xi was filled with curiosity. What did he look like? Why were so many people blushing?
The girl took him to the registration office. Then she was replaced by a boy who led him to
the dormitory.
The sophomore brother also wasn’t good. He didn’t dare look at Xie Xi and couldn’t talk.
Xie Xi obediently followed him to the dormitory building. After receiving his room card, he
went up to his bedroom on the fourth floor.
The senior said, “Contact me if you need anything.” He handed over his phone number.
Xie Xi took the piece of paper and said, “Thank you.”
Xie Xi had found that his voice was a bit special from the moment he gave his name. Now he
spoke and found that it was indeed special.
There were a natural laziness and carelessness that definitely wasn’t something he could
The boy trembled. “Then you clean up first. I have something to do…”
“Then I won’t trouble Senior. I can do it myself.”
The boy was afraid to say anything else and almost fled.
Xie Xi, “…” What was this situation?
He entered the dormitory and took a general look. He knew it was a double room before
heading to the bathroom to check his appearance.
The bathroom was more spacious than imagined. The toilet and bathroom were separated.
The mirror on the left side of the washbasin was wide enough for everyone to use at the
same time.
The size of this dormitory was really good. It was comparable to a standard room at a hotel.
Xie Xi gazed in the mirror and the person reflected made him stunned.
It was his face and his facial features hadn’t changed at all but there was a sexy air about it.
That’s right… Xie Xi never imagined he would use this word to describe himself.
His eyebrows were the same but the tail of his eyes was longer. His mouth was also the
same, except the corners of his mouth were gently raised like he was always smiling.
Xie Xi patted his face…
The even more terrible thing was the thin layer of red on the white skin, just like…
Xie Xi was shocked!
He went out of the bathroom, urgently needing to understand his situation. His suitcase
might have a clue. Xie Xi opened it and searched it.
The clothes were properly folded and there was nothing special. There was just a deep gray
Xie Xi took it out and tried to open it, wanting to see if there was any information on it.
He opened the laptop and found it was already turned on. The login method was a
fingerprint lock. This was good. Xie Xi used his index finger and easily unlocked it. There
was a loud noise from the laptop’s stereo.
Xie Xi, “!”
He saw two men wrapped around each other on the screen.
A G movie?
Xie Xi had great doubts about himself.
At this time, the door of the dormitory opened. There was the sound of the wheel turning,
Xie Xi saw Classmate Jiang enter.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie, “…”
The background noises were ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’.
This was the wonderful first encounter between Xie Xi and Gemini.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 226

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 2

Xie Xi vowed that this was definitely his most embarrassing moment. He had stepped on six
boats in Atlantis yet didn’t feel as embarrassed as he did now!
Why was a G movie playing on his laptop? Why was he so open that he didn’t turn it off
even at school?
In addition, how should he explain it now? How did he explain his situation to Gemini who
was obviously his roommate?
He really wasn’t watching a G movie in the daytime, he wasn’t this hungry in broad
What damn explanation?! He was so miserable because of this guy. After being dazed for
five seconds, Jiang Xie whispered, “It is very noisy.”
Xie Xi was so shocked that he forgot to turn this thing off! He hurried to press the key to
close it. The background sound was gone but the player wasn’t completely closed…
Originally, there was a movie behind this movie. Xie Xi’s mouth twitched as he turned it off,
only to find there was another below it. He turned it off and found…
Oh, this laptop’s performance was really good. There were unexpectedly seven or eight
movies opened at the same time!
In the end, Xie Xi gave up and was completely indifferent when he saw the bright muscles
of the men on the laptop’s desktop.
Many videos might be opened but only the first one was playing. The others were paused
and there was no sound.
He also didn’t know if Jiang Xie saw it. By the time Xie Xi turned away, Jiang Xie was already
unpacking his luggage.
Xie Xi turned off his laptop and wished to turn this junk laptop to dust.
They were both adults and there was nothing wrong with watching a movie. It was just that
watching a G movie in a double bedroom during the day, it was too… sick!
Xie Xi wasn’t sick. This world was sick!
Jiang Xie finished tidying up and the atmosphere eased a lot. He didn’t look at Xie Xi and
introduced himself, “My name is Jiang Xie.”
Xie Xi also introduced himself. By all accounts, they should shake hands. However, their
first encounter was so fatal that he didn’t dare to shake the other person’s hand.
After introducing themselves, they didn’t say a word. Jiang Xie sat down at his desk and
took out his laptop.
Xie Xi now had a psychological shadow towards this thing and he watched with a numb
Jiang Xie opened his laptop and intently tapped on the keys.
Xie Xi didn’t see what he was doing but it was certain there weren’t people moaning in the
It was only two or three in the afternoon. According to the usual practice, there was
nothing on the first day apart from the freshman reporting in. It should be free time after
settling in the dormitory.
Xie Xi wanted to look at his own situation using his laptop but now he didn’t dare to touch
He thought about it and remembered there was something similar to a phone.
He should also be able to check his information from this. Xie Xi looked through his
shoulder bag to find the phone.
The phone was quite ordinary but the phone case was strange. It was an angel with an
arrow in the back and bright red blood covered the entire phone case. A heart-shaped ring
was embedded in the angel’s chest, as if the heart had been pulled out.
Xie Xi frowned and couldn’t understand what he was like.
A famous person, a master of G movies and a chuuni?
The collapsed world might be full of malice but the malice this time was too undisguised! It
was a setting that didn’t match Xie Xi!
Forget repairing this small world, Xie Xi was almost killed by this setting. Was the world’s
will biased against him? There was such an eccentric method? Or…
Xie Xi thought that he was still 80% out of the context. Perhaps in Jiang Xie’s memories, the
proportion of him stepping on N boats was too large…
Being famous and a master of G movies were quite in line with the ‘octopus.’
Thinking about this was useless. He should become familiar with Gemini as soon as
possible, understand the key points and repair it quickly!
Thus, there was the question. After such an awkward encounter, how should he become
familiar with Gemini?
It was fine if he was watching adult movies but he was watching G adult movies. Normal
men would stay 800 metres away from him!
Xie Xi examined his phone for a long time but didn’t find anything. At dinner time, Jiang Xie
closed his laptop, picked up his phone and left.
He was probably going to find something to eat.
If there weren’t the G movies, Xie Xi would go to the cafeteria with him and experience a
wonderful university life together. Now…
What damn eating together? He had to clean up the filth first?
Xie Xi hurriedly opened his laptop. He didn’t care about the appearance and was startled
when he looked through it.
There were hundreds of G stuff, nothing else! That was all! Movies, images, novels…
Oh my god! Xie Xi’s eyes widened. He really didn’t know there were so many tricks!
Of course, Xie Xi didn’t open them to check. He just looked at the different names and was
shocked by the countless brain holes of the enthusiasts.
He took two hours to delete all of them. After the deletion, the laptop was empty.
There weren’t even social network software. What type of laptop was this?
Xie Xi felt very sorry. If he could, he really wanted to clear Gemini’s head and make him
forget the encounter at noon…
However, there was a certain risk in erasing memories and it wasn’t easy.
In addition, the world giving him this setting meant there were certain problems in this
regard. He wouldn’t be able to solve it if he didn’t touch the roots.
Xie Xi drew himself a loaf of bread to eat. He was too lazy to go out and grab anything.
Gemini left but his laptop was still on his desk. Xie Xi had countless ways to crack his
password and peek at his information.
However… Xie Xi was steady. He had just entered and shouldn’t act rashly when he wasn’t
familiar with anything.
This might seem like an ordinary world but it was always good to be careful when sailing a
ship. He should know more about it before starting.
It was estimated that the stimulation during the day was too much It was 8 o’clock and
Jiang Xie still hadn’t returned.
Xie Xi was somewhat sleepy and planned to sleep. He took his toiletries and went to the
When rummaging for a change of clothes, Xie Xi found that he unexpectedly didn’t bring
any underwear.
What the hell was he? If there wasn’t the computer full of G movies, he would just think he
had forgotten to bring them.
Now… well, he was a pervert.
Fortunately, Xie Xi had the god’s wisdom and sketch pen. He didn’t have to worry about the
embarrassment of borrowing underwear.
Xie Xi drew them as well as more comfortable pyjamas.
He carefully examined his body while taking a bath and found nothing unusual. Xie Xi dried
his body and started to wear clothes.
At this time, he was still thinking about the world. According to the situation, it should be a
campus life. Gemini hadn’t shown a clear personality because the encounter during the day
was too different but they were all Jiang Xie. There shouldn’t be a large difference…
Eh, Xie Xi finally discovered something. He blinked and thought it was an illusion. He
clearly put on underwear. Why was it missing?
He might’ve drawn it but he was clearly real fabric. How could it suddenly disappear? Did
he forget to bring it in? Then what had he worn just now?
Xie Xi was very puzzled but didn’t want to walk out of the bathroom. Thus, he called out the
god’s wisdom and sketch pen and drew another one.
This time, Xie Xi wasn’t distracted. He dressed carefully and was about to relax when he
saw the cloth disappearing like ice dissolving into water…
What was this situation? It couldn’t be an illusion. His underwear really disappeared!
Xie Xi didn’t give up and drew another one. This time, he stared at it and the result was the
same. The good fabric ‘disappeared.’
What should he do? Xie Xi looked around and was quite sure he was the only one in the
Then how could something so strange happen? Was it his physical problem? He couldn’t
find any abnormalities and it was impossible to ask others about such a thing.
Sure enough, this small world wasn’t simple…
After thinking for a while, Xie Xi decided to give up on his underwear and put on his
pyjamas directly.
In any case, he was going to sleep and it wasn’t a problem if he didn’t wear it.
He would wash the one he wore during the day, dry it and then change into it in the
Xie Xi thought this and started to put on pyjamas.
By the way, what was the situation in this small world? It didn’t seem like a simple campus
Eh!!! Xie Xi’s eyes widened as the pyjamas he just put on disappeared. Why was it gone
again? It wasn’t just underwear. He couldn’t even wear pyjamas?
Xie Xi wondered if it was a problem with the god’s wisdom. Could the world recognize what
the god’s wisdom created? No, he ate bread just now and it hadn’t disappeared.
Fortunately, Gemini hadn’t returned yet. Xie Xi could go out and grab some clothes from his
luggage. They were his belongings and surely they wouldn’t disappear?
Xie Xi went out quickly. Fortunately, he didn’t run into Jiang Xie. He took the clothes back to
the bathroom. No matter how uncomfortable, Xie Xi quickly wore them.
The result…
They disappeared again! The clothes in his suitcase, which belonged to the world,
disappeared less than three seconds after he put them on!
Xie Xi was going crazy.
What type of world was this? Why couldn’t he wear clothes?
The angry Xie Xi went out and took out all the clothes in the suitcase, trying them on. As a
result, there were only a few pairs of socks left in the suitcase.
Oh, gloves, socks and hats were fine. The others, hehe, they didn’t work.
Xie Xi left the bathroom with no expression.
In any case, he couldn’t wear clothes and Jiang Xie wasn’t an outsider. If he wanted to see it
then he could see it.
However, Jiang Xie still hadn’t returned. Xie Xi looked at the bed, unsure if these fabrics
would remain intact.
In any case, he was tired. He went to bed and saw that the sheets were intact.
Xie Xi was relieved and tried to cover himself with the quilt. He held his breath and saw
that the quilt didn’t disappear.
He was moved. At least he could wrap himself up in the quilt, even though it was summer
and the quilt was very hot…
Jiang Xie came back at 10 o’clock. Xie Xi was already lying in bed and couldn’t kill him.
Jiang Xie didn’t look at Xie Xi or say anything. He just took his toiletries into the bathroom.
When he came out, his ears were red. He was probably hot?
Xie Xi only exposed his eyes and was afraid to say anything.
Jiang Xie dried his hair and went to bed. It wasn’t long before he closed his eyes.
The two beds in the double bedroom weren’t close, with two desks in between.
Even so, it was still the same room. They could see each other if they turned around.
Yet Jiang Xie didn’t look at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was very hot but didn’t dare open the quilt. He could only endure it and fell asleep
while enduring it. It was already bright when he woke up the next day.
Xie Xi quietly looked around and didn’t see Jiang Xie. He immediately got up and went to
the bathroom.
He had almost died!
After resolving the problem, Xie Xi was still worried about his clothes. Did he have to go to
school while wrapped in a quilt?
This was a real pervert!
Xie Xi left the bathroom but before he could return to the bed, he heard the door opening.
How could there be such a coincidence? Jiang Xie was back?
He couldn’t return to the bed before Jiang Xie saw him unless he could teleport…
The door opened and four eyes met.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie, “…”
There was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Xie Xi found that his mentality
was okay. He wasn’t wearing anything but he could still see what had fallen to the ground.
It was a cup of soy milk. It had fallen to the ground and the pastries were also soaked. It
turned out to be breakfast. Had Jiang Xie bought it for him? In the face of a perverted
roommate, he still bought breakfast?
Xie Xi thought with a blank expression.
Jiang Xie’s senses returned and he slammed the door shut, his heart beating as if it was
going to pop out.
He closed his eyes and couldn’t find his voice for a long time. He had long heard that a
succubus was debauched but he didn’t expect…
‘Calm down.’ Jiang Xie told himself. ‘Don’t be tempted by this person.’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 227

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 3
Xie Xi could be considerate towards Jiang Xie’s reaction.
Instead of Jiang Xie losing his breakfast, he should submit a ‘change in dormitory’
application straight away and implement the motto of ‘cherish life and stay away from
The door was closed. The sound might be loud but the good thing was that no one else
would be alarmed.
Xie Xi looked at Jiang Xie and really didn’t know what to say. If he explained that his clothes
disappeared, would Jiang Xie believe him?
Don’t mention Jiang Xie, even Xie Xi didn’t believe it himself!
He was standing there in a daze and didn’t know that someone was meditating on 100
types of calmness, this calmness almost enough to suppress the flames in his heart.
Jiang Xie had seen the same sex body but he swore that he never felt the male body could
be so attractive.
The succubus’ skin in front of him looked like clouds under a holy light. It was beautiful and
soft, so that people couldn’t wait to praise him with all types of beautiful words. His body
line was excellent. It wasn’t a male’s masculinity or a woman’s charm. It was somewhere in
between and was sexy.
Jiang Xie didn’t look at this person again but the body was imprinted in his mind, so clear
that it was frightening.
“Good morning.” Jiang Xie thought for a long time before finally choking out these words.
Xie Xi, “…Morning.”
Jiang Xie asked, “Have you eaten breakfast?”
This awkward chat!
Xie Xi thought of a way to get rid of his perverted title. He could wear clothes in front of
Jiang Xie. If Jiang Xie saw his clothes disappearing then he would understand without any
need for an explanation.
This way, the two people could get closer and discuss the problem of wearing clothes.
Um… he was serious but why did it sound so naughty?
No matter, just wear clothes first!
Jiang Xie leaned against the door and saw movement in the corner of his eyes. It was Xie Xi
wearing clothes.
His movements were natural and gentle, but it was an unconscious seduction that made
people want to tear off all the pieces of clothing…
Calm down!
Jiang Xie shifted his gaze away.
In order for Jiang Xie to witness the miracle moment, Xie Xi deliberately spoke to him. “Did
you bring me breakfast?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi feared that this person would miss it and was even more deliberate. “It is a pity about
the soy milk… oh, this collar behind me isn’t very comfortable. Can you give me a hand?”
Look over here and see the clothes disappearing!
Jiang Xie looked up and saw the black hair flowing down the white neck. The shirt collar
was slightly turned inside and it could be sorted as long as it was gently pulled. Yet Xie Xi
asked him for help.
This hint was too obvious. It was a seduction.
Jiang Xie couldn’t go forward. He felt that once he got close, he would end up kissing the
white neck and giving this person what he wanted.
No, he had long been informed that he would share a dormitory with Xie Xi. It would be too
bad if he fell in one day!
Xie Xi also didn’t want Jiang Xie to help him sort out the collar. This guy used to always do it
unsolicited and make it even messier… He just wanted Gemini to look over and see Xie Xi’s
clothes disappearing.
Xie Xi dressed neatly and found that his clothes hadn’t disappeared.
What was going on? Had his skin come to an agreement with the fabric? How did it become
like this?
Xie Xi pulled at his clothes and found they were very strong and didn’t mean to disappear at
Jiang Xie’s Adam’s Apple surged as he calmly said, “The collar is just turned it. Pull it and it
will neaten.” He wasn’t going to tidy it for this person. He refused to be tempted!
Xie Xi took a long time to recover. He was sure that his clothes had returned to normal and
there was no point trying to make sense of it.
Since his clothes didn’t disappear, didn’t this mean he couldn’t clean himself of being a
Then the final conclusion was that he was a pervert? Not only was he dressed, he
deliberately asked his roommate to fix his collar.
‘Well… Jiang Xie, come over here! I promise not to kill you!’
He didn’t think that he was unable to clear his evil but also increased his evil. Xie Xi had
underestimated the pit of this small world.
After seeing that he was finally dressed, Jiang Xie sighed and realized there was a mess. He
said, “I will clean this up. You go and eat first.”
Xie Xi must have a good relationship with this person and said, “I’ll help.” After all, Jiang Xie
was scared by him.
“It’s fine…”
Xie Xi went to grab the mop and coincidentally grabbed his hand.
The two people, “…”
Xie Xi hadn’t done it deliberately. He didn’t think too much. He just saw the mop. How did it
become Jiang Xie’s hand? Could both of them be the same colour?
Xie Xi looked up and saw the stunned Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie pulled back his hand and calmly said, “I will go get a bucket for the rubbish.”
What was a bucket for the rubbish? It was a trash can!
Xie Xi couldn’t help laughing, causing Jiang Xie to feel a current flowing to the top of his
head. If he was a computer, he would already be down.
Jiang Xie went to get his ‘bucket of garbage’. Xie Xi unexpectedly found that this was quite
interesting. He was used to Jiang Xie teasing him and now he was passively teasing Jiang
Xie. It was really interesting!
Well, Xie Xi would’ve been happier if it hadn’t been a passive skill.
The pair cleaned up the soymilk and deep-fried breadsticks on the ground and Xie Xi asked,
“Do you have something to do next?”
Jiang Xie replied, “We have class at 9 o’clock and there are some welcome activities in the
Xie Xi didn’t know this at all but decided to lean on Jiang Xie. He would go wherever Jiang
Xie went.
He might be a pervert but Jiang Xie didn’t hate him too much.
Xie Xi decided to let it go.
“I will go with you.” Xie Xi said, “It isn’t too early. I will buy soy milk and drink it on the
Jiang Xie froze.
Xie Xi picked up his one-shoulder bag. “Let’s go.”
Jiang Xie didn’t move.
Xie Xi stared at him. “What is it?”
Jiang Xie hesitated for a moment before finally choosing to say, “You aren’t wearing
underwear, right?”
Xie Xi, “???”
“I’m not questioning your habits. It is just a custom here and it is better for you to wear
Xie Xi couldn’t dig a hole in the ground. Otherwise, he would stay underground and never
come out.
He wasn’t wearing it. At the time, he just wanted to show the miracle of the clothes
disappearing and how could he care about the underwear. Even if he wanted to wear it, he
couldn’t. He couldn’t draw a pair of underwear right in front of Jiang Xie’s face.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “I’m just making a suggestion. You….”
Xie Xi had to use an excuse. “I forgot to bring it.” This was better than being a pervert who
didn’t like wearing it.
Jiang Xie leaned forward slightly and his voice was lower. “I’ll lend it to you.”
Xie Xi, “…” Fine, what else could he do? It was better to wear it than to not wear underwear.
Soon, Xie Xi found that it really wasn’t good. Jiang Xie wasn’t the same size as him and his
waist was twice as larger. It was very awkward after Xie Xi put it on.
Jiang Xie seemed to be aware of his discomfort and unexpectedly comforted him. “Adapt
slowly. This is where we do here.”
Xie Xi, “???” It was just that the size didn’t match! He wasn’t a pervert who wasn’t used to
wearing underwear!
Xie Xi’s mood was already complicated. After this night and day, what type of person was
he in front of Gemini?
Watching G movies in the daytime, sleeping naked in a double bedroom, being seductive in
the morning and not wearing underwear…
Xie Xi felt that if he was Gemini, he certainly wouldn’t say a word to himself.
They went to the cafeteria and Xie Xi found himself the centre of a lot of attention.
It seemed there were more gazes this time. Perhaps because Jiang Xie was next to him?
Gemini’s face value was really high and he was brimming with the vitality of young people.
It was normal for him to attract people’s attention. In any case, Xie Xi really liked it.
After buying soy milk, there were only seven or eight minutes left until 9 o’clock. Xie Xi
wasn’t hungry and followed Jiang Xie to the classroom.
He casually asked, “What class is it today?” It was normal not to look at the class schedule.
“It is the first day so it is just a basic course.”
What class was a basic course? Speaking of which, Xie Xi didn’t even know what major he
was in.
Jiang Xie took care of his perverted roommate and asked, “Have you bought all the
Xie Xi, “…” It seemed he didn’t have any books.
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s fine. You can look at my textbook in this class. For the others, I will
go with you to buy them in the evening.”
Xie Xi’s heart was warm. “Thank you.”
“We are roommates. Caring for each other is appropriate.”
Xie Xi nodded and felt that Gemini was a really good Jiang Xie.
They walked into the classroom and it was already full. The originally noisy classroom
became quiet because of the appearance of Xie Xi and Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi wanted to take advantage of the time before class to drink the soy milk, so he started
drinking when he went upstairs. Now he didn’t stop and took a hard sip, only to hear the
loud sound of inhalation.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie grabbed the soy milk.
Xie Xi looked stunned and Jiang Xie saw a bit of white milk around this person’s mouth.
Jiang Xie’s head was buzzing as he said, “Your mouth… there is soy milk around it.”
“Oh…” Xie Xi licked his lower lip.
Jiang Xie, “!”
The sound of inhalation became even louder. Xie Xi looked around and saw a group of
young people with red faces.
What happened?
Jiang Xie took his hand and pulled him out of the classroom.
The grip hurt but this situation was really bizarre. Thus, Xie Xi thought it was more
appropriate for him to come outside.
“What’s wrong?” Xie Xi stood in a cool place and couldn’t help asking.
Jiang Xie calmed his heartbeat and gazed at the innocent succubus in front of him. He said,
“Don’t drink anything outside in the future.”
The dazed Xie Xi replied, “Okay.”
After hearing his response and thinking of Xie Xi’s situation today, Jiang Xie sighed. “I will
bring breakfast back for you later.”
What could Xie Xi do? He could only be obedient.
By the time he returned to the classroom, the old professor was already present.
He saw that Xie Xi was quite calm and different from the other young ones.
The old professor spoke seriously, “Since there is a succubus exchange student in our class,
we will give priority to the demon basics today.”
Xie Xi understood every word but when put together…
What and what?
The old professor wrote powerful words on the blackboard: the succubus.
Xie Xi had a bad hunch.
The old professor lectured, “We must know the different types of demons. A succubus is
one of the big demons and they major in desire. They are different from us but we must
respect their living habits…”
Xie Xi was stunned by the old professor’s solemn nonsense.
“Resisting the temptation of a succubus is an important course in angel psychology. You
have such a good opportunity and don’t miss it. Be sure to recite the mantras of meditation.
For example, Student Jiang Xie, you must not change the colour of your face and your
heartbeat around Xie Xi!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 228

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 4
The students watched Jiang Xie with admiring eyes, like they were watching the learning
god who came first in the yearly test.
Xie Xi didn’t bother with them. He needed to understand the status quo and know what a
succubus was. What was the exchange student and what was angel psychology?
The old professor was afraid the students would see Xie Xi while watching Jiang Xie and
knocked on the blackboard. “Come on, let’s continue understanding the succubus…”
The students were very studious. They pricked their ears and listened seriously.
Demonology was a new course. Originally, it was banned and they couldn’t learn about it.
Now it was possible to listen to it in the classroom and there was a pure succubus student,
which greatly satisfied the curiosity of the students. It made them focus their spirits like
never before.
Xie Xi also listened seriously. Who would expect that a succubus needed to listen carefully
to understand what was going on?
Of course, his appearance was interpreted differently in the eyes of others.
The average student was afraid to look at him so let’s ignore them. Jiang Xie sitting next to
him was very pleased. Excluding the debauched living habits, his roommate was very
respectful. He could still be so seriously when listening to a course he knew better than the
professor. This was a serious and good student.
The old professor was also very pleased. Xie Xi was worthy of being a top student of the
Demon World. A good seed had indeed come here as a transfer student.
While feeling pleased, the old professor thought carefully, ‘I absolutely can’t let him teach. If
the young people have to stare at him, they will never be able to hold their meditation
The good student Xie Xi didn’t know what these people were thinking and was seriously
doing a class summary.
Succubus, one of the seven big demons that majored in lust.
Simply put, this race was a walking hormone. They fed on sex and treated it as common as
eating and drinking water for ordinary people. They weren’t subject to ethics and morality
and were free to do what they pleased.
A succubus was born with excellent charms and their bewitchment ability was embedded
deep in their bones. Forget simple angels, even the other big demons of the Demon World
would find it hard to resist one’s seduction.
Xie Xi summed up the so-called living habits of a succubus.
First, a succubus hated clothes. In particular, they never wore clothes at night.
Second, a succubus liked sex. This was a survival instinct.
Third, after bathing, a succubus would emit the fragrance of an aphrodisiac. People must
avoid inhaling this.
Xie Xi felt there was no longer any need to sum it up. He was simply a pervert!
He thought that Gemini was a good Jiang Xie. Who would’ve expected Gemini’s world to go
in such a direction?
This person also set himself up as a pure angel of abstinence. Xie Xi thought with no
expression, ‘Once back at Central, I can help him abstain from sex!’
This class was basically about the succubus. After the lecture, the old professor came up
with a special ‘humanitarian’ sentence, “Everyone must respect their racial habits and not
force our ethics on other races. We must open our hearts to accept and understand
different races. Don’t wear coloured glasses and discriminate against other races.”
The students needed seriously while Xie Xi was different. He discriminated against himself.
After class, Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “Are you hungry? I’ll take you to lunch.”
Xie Xi was a bit hungry and the professor said that a succubus in a hungry state would have
very high XX desires. Xie Xi was afraid and swore to never be hungry in this world!
“Okay.” The moment Xie Xi opened his mouth, he was startled by his own voice.
Jiang Xie was also a good angel who listened carefully in class. He was particularly aware of
the succubus so his ears trembled and his voice was tight. “Don’t worry, you’ll have food
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. He wasn’t hungry enough to seduce Jiang Xie. He was… really
‘Ahhh, bastard Jiang Xie, wait until we get back to Central and I’ll beat you up!’
Xie Xi didn’t speak…
Jiang Xie took him to the cafeteria and found a private room. He told Xie Xi, “Wait for me.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie glanced at him and quickly moved his gaze away. He walked away in a manner
that could be called fleeing.
There was a circular mirror decoration in the private room. Xie Xi looked into it and was
shocked by himself.
The corners of his eyes were drooping, his eyes were moist, his cheeks were red and his
lips were bright red!
He was just hungry. How did he look like this? No wonder why Jiang Xie had fled…
Xie Xi got up and intended to wash his face to calm himself down. He regretted it after
becoming wet with water.
The third note about a succubus—there was a special fragrance after bathing.
Xie Xi couldn’t smell it himself but Jiang Xie certainly could.
Was it still too late to open the window and get some air?
The window was facing the playground. What if the fragrance spread and affected other
Xie Xi deeply felt his sin. He wanted to change the textbook and cross out the sentence
about non-discrimination. This succubus race should fall to the bottom of the chain. They
deserved to be discriminated against!
Jiang Xie came back in a hurry, apparently afraid that Xie Xi couldn’t help stealing food.
Stealing… this word flashed in Xie Xi’s head and he couldn’t help sneering. What a
wonderful pun. (TL: This word for stealing food can also mean ‘to be unfaithful.’)
Jiang Xie brought lunch and squinted. “Eat it.”
Xie Xi didn’t open the window to let out the scent. Instead, he directly closed the door and
blocked the window so that the fragrance was trapped inside.
Xie Xi wanted to be normal and wasn’t polite. “Then I’ll eat first.”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.” He remained motionless.
Once Xie Xi ate some rice, his hunger subsided. He inadvertently glanced towards the
mirror and found that he had miraculously returned to normal.
The colour of food when eating was very important. Comrade Jiang Xie’s understanding of
this sentence was very deep.
Xie Xi was free to pay attention to Gemini. “You aren’t hungry?”
Jiang Xie had just chanted the meditation mantra and couldn’t afford to care about eating.
“I’ll eat.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Then I will trouble you to come buy textbooks with me after eating.” He
wanted to know more about this small world and see how big Jiang Xie’s brain hole was.
Jiang Xie replied, “There is no class in the afternoon. I’ll take you out and see if we can come
back before the welcome party.” Then he got up and went to the bathroom.
Xie Xi watched him push open the door and his senses returned. “Don’t…”
Jiang Xie had already pushed it open and the life-threatening fragrance poured out. Jiang
Xie, “…”
Xie Xi told him, “I just washed my hands.”
Jiang Xie was worthy of being an excellent student of theology. He calmly closed the door
and said, “I’m going out.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Okay…”
Jiang Xie went away for 20 minutes. Once he came back, his hair was slightly wet and his
body was chilly.
Xie Xi didn’t have to ask to know where he had gone. This wasn’t a shower, it was a cold
Jiang Xie spoke dutifully, “I won’t eat. Let’s go and buy books.”
Xie Xi wanted to say, “I can go by myself…”
Jiang Xie interrupted, “I am your roommate and must try my best to take care of you,
helping you adapt to the environment on this side.”
Xie Xi glanced at him with concern, thinking, ‘Will this young man be okay?’
How could he not be a man? Jiang Xie was very calm. “Let’s go. You haven’t gone out to
explore since coming here.”
Xie Xi also wanted to see this small world and what exactly was going on here.
It really wasn’t a normal world when he had to go off campus to buy books.
However, there was nothing special outside the school. It wasn’t much different from 21st
century Earth.
Of course, Xie Xi’s Earth didn’t have a wonderful race like the succubus.
Jiang Xie had calmed down and carefully gave an introduction to Xie Xi. “This is a university
town. Basically, they are all students or teachers. However, they are high-quality and won’t
show their wings in order to take care of students who haven’t graduated.
Xie Xi nodded. It wasn’t good to ask too much and he could only secretly store it in his
Jiang Xie introduced the nearest supermarket and pedestrian street. “What are you
missing? You can come here to buy them…” Then he paused and spoke again, “Of course,
there are many people here. If you can’t adapt then you can call me to join you.”
Xie Xi translated in his heart, ‘It’s not that I can’t adapt. I am afraid that these university
students can’t adapt!’
Xie Xi replied, “There is nothing missing for the time being.”
The pair finally arrived at the bookstore and Jiang Xie said, “Here we are. This is the biggest
bookstore in First Heaven.”
First Heaven?
First Heaven, meaning Heaven?
Xie Xi thought that he understood correctly. The problem was that Heaven was so…
They entered the bookstore and the clerk couldn’t help peeking at Xie Xi. Jiang Xie took him
to the third floor and placed him in a relatively quiet place. “The textbooks are fixed and I
will help you find them. Wait here for me.”
Xie Xi understood that this was to prevent him from hooking up with people.
He nodded. “Okay.” He could take the opportunity to flip through books and understand the
status quo.
Jiang Xie left and Xie Xi swept through the books on the shelves, suddenly feeling it was
This truly wasn’t 21st century Earth. The human society didn’t have a history of Heaven
that couldn’t be put on a whole wall…
Xie Xi’s memories had been strengthened and his reading ability was also fast. In a short
time, he found out many things.
There was a Heaven and Demon World in this world. It was very different from Xie Xi’s
impression of angels and demons. Here, they were two countries that lived in harmony.
There were seven realms in Heaven and seven domains in the Demon World, all of which
were similar in size and scale.
Moreover, the angels and demons had developed both theology and science.
The First Heaven and First Domain basically weren’t much different from the human
society that Xie Xi understood. Regardless of whether it was Heaven or the Demon World,
education was very important for the angels and demons. If they wanted to be adults, they
needed complete credit and to graduate from a university before they could get a license to
support their wings.
Wings in Heaven were a symbol of status and graduation scores were actually linked to the
number of wings. Xie Xi pursed his lips when he saw this and there was a sense he was
seeing the university entrance examination.
Most of the books here were based on ‘angels.’ Forgive Xie Xi but he really couldn’t see the
students in schools as sacred angels.
They weren’t like angels at all!
In 10 minutes, Jiang Xie returned with a cardboard box filled with books.
Xie Xi told him, “Thanks, let me carry it.”
“I’ll do it.”
Xie Xi added, “The checkout is on the first floor?”
Jiang Xie explained, “As long as you have a student ID card, these books are free of charge
and you don’t have to pay.”
Xie Xi nodded, thinking that Heaven’s treatment wasn’t bad.
They went to buy some daily necessities. Jiang Xie specifically took Xie Xi to the underwear
section, his hint very obvious.
Xie Xi could only buy a bag of underwear, indicating that he was a normal person who
would wear underwear in the future.
It was evening when they got back to school.
Heaven was above the sun. Even in First Heaven, there was no sun rising. The holy light
came from Seventh Heaven and would light up and got out according to time.
It was for this reason that Heaven was called dark.
Xie Xi returned to the dormitory and Jiang Xie said, “Get ready. We have to go to the
welcome party.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie picked up his uniform and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”
Xie Xi nodded. He didn’t mind seeing Jiang Xie change clothes but Jiang Xie obviously
Okay, it was good for everyone if the two people changed clothes separately.
Xie Xi had just taken off his clothes and changed into his school uniform when he realized.
He couldn’t get dressed after taking a shower last night…
This damn thing! Xie Xi watched his school uniform disappear.
The first succubus habit: A succubus hated clothes. In particular, they never wore clothes at
Xie Xi frowned and he wanted to say, “It’s not that I don’t want to wear it. I can’t wear it!”
At this time, Jiang Xie came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a silver-white school
uniform. The priest-style robes fit perfectly on his body and gave him a sacred atmosphere.
The holy angel saw his naked roommate.
Xie Xi stated, “My school uniform is gone.”
Jiang Xie was stunned for a long time before his senses returned. His tight voice was a bit
indulgent and helpless “I know you don’t like to wear clothes at night but you have to be
dressed for this welcome party.”
Xie Xi understood.
Jiang Xie thought he got rid of his school uniform because he didn’t want to wear clothes at

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 229

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 5

Xie Xi wanted to say, ‘I didn’t! Don’t think like that!’

However, a succubus’ habits were written in the textbook. If he said that he didn’t wear
clothes because they kept disappearing, it was estimated that all of Heaven and even the
Demon World would laugh like it was the best joke all year.
Jiang Xie didn’t know where to place his eyes and the tip of his ears was red. He pretended
to be calm, “It is fine without the school uniform. You can wear any clothes.” His tone was
as if he was spoiling Xie Xi.
Xie Xi said honestly, “Everything I wear will disappear.”
Jiang Xie coaxed him. “This isn’t the Demon World. It will cause confusion if you go out like
Xie Xi, “…” He knew and really wanted to wear clothes. The problem was that he really
couldn’t wear it.
Poor Xie Xi was like a well-known liar who corrected his evil ways. No one would believe
him even if he told the truth.
Jiang Xie requested, “Can you put on some clothes?”
Xie Xi’s brow furrowed and he was very embarrassed.
Jiang Xie could be counted as finding a place to put his eyes. He didn’t dare look at Xie Xi’s
body so he stared at Xie Xi’s eyes.
He saw the reluctance in Xie Xi’s eyes and thought about the contents of the textbook. He
quickly explained, “I don’t want you to wear clothes because you are ugly. In fact, you are
beautiful. Just…”
Xie Xi was stunned and tried to keep up with this person’s brain circuits.
The succubus had a beautiful and sexy body. Making them wear clothes was like implying
they were ugly.
This was a great insult to succubi. It was quite rude, just like telling an angel they had a pair
of chicken wings.
Xie Xi wasn’t angry about this…
Jiang Xie’s scalp was still numb. “You are just too good-looking that I don’t want others to
see it.” He was startled when he finished, his heart beating like a drum.
Xie Xi was speechless. Did this person inadvertently speak the truth?
Jiang Xie reacted quickly and changed his words. “I mean, us angels are used to guarding
the beauty of things. I should protect your beautiful body well.”
Was this coaxing a three year old succubus?
Xie Xi inwardly rolled his eyes but his expression looked convinced. “It turned out to be like
Jiang Xie saw his posture loosen and let out a sigh. “Then shall you put on some clothes
Xie Xi was helpless. “However, at night, my clothes will disappear. It can’t be helped.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi spoke again. “Can I wrap myself up in a quilt? A quilt won’t disappear.”
A beautiful and thrilling succubus not wearing anything apart from a quilt. This would turn
the welcome party into a bloody meeting!
Jiang Xie’s blood surged and his head felt like it was on fire. “You must wear clothes.”
“It is really the case. If you don’t believe me then try it.”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi didn’t care. Hadn’t they already done everything? It was unknown how many times
the shameless Jiang Xie had dressed him.
However, this was the first time for Gemini.
Xie Xi felt a bit cold so he sat back on the bed and pulled up a quilt to cover himself.
It wasn’t yet autumn and this quilt was thin. This only made him more attractive.
As a member of the heavenly race, desire was forbidden. This didn’t mean it was
impossible. So again and again…
No, if you couldn’t resist the temptation then he would be transferred from this dormitory.
Then other people would live with Xie Xi…
Xie Xi didn’t know these thoughts or he would definitely think of a sentence: Old vinegar
can cure a lustful heart.
In order to not change dormitories, Jiang Xie promised, “Then I will try it.”
Xie Xi spoke calmly, “Thank you for the trouble.”
From this point of view, Xie Xi was quite suitable for the identity of a succubus. It was
obvious that he wasn’t dressed but he was relaxed while the well-dressed sacred angel was
As he was assisted to wear clothes, Xie Xi suspected that Jiang Xie would need to take off
some clothes to dissipate the heat.
Jiang Xie was sweating heavily after placing the first piece of clothing on Xie Xi. Once the
clothing disappeared into the air, the white body was too close.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Look, I didn’t lie to you.”
Jiang Xie sighed. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” As he spoke, his slim fingers touched
Xie Xi’s brow.
Xie Xi was surprised and didn’t know what this person was doing.
Then he felt a coolness pouring in from his brow and his strength seemed to be drained
Jiang Xie held him and had him sit on the bed. Xie Xi was full of doubts. Jiang Xie hurriedly
helped him dress neatly. Xie Xi was like a puppet and didn’t even have the strength to
The magical thing was this time he dressed and his clothes didn’t disappear. Xie Xi was
slightly surprised. Jiang Xie had a ‘you see, your clothes didn’t disappear’ expression.
The slow Xie Xi took a while to understand…
Jiang Xie used his ‘magic’ so the clothes wouldn’t disappear?
What was this? He couldn’t wear clothes because he didn’t want to wear them? That
definitely wasn’t it! Yet Jiang Xie threw the ‘evidence’ in front of him.
After seeing Xie Xi’s displeased face, Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows and sighed. “If you really
don’t want to wear clothes then don’t worry.”
He removed the enchantment, restored Xie Xi’s magic and the clothes immediately
Xie Xi didn’t care about this passive skill. He was curious. Would Jiang Xie actually let Xie Xi
go out naked?
Jiang Xie was Jiang Xie after all. Vinegar was his essence.
He said, “It is fine not to attend the welcome party.”
It turned out to be giving up the welcome party.
Xie Xi said, “Isn’t it important to attend the welcome party?” Once he finished speaking, he
regretted it. Sure enough, Jiang Xie’s eyes became, ‘Do you attend the welcome meeting in
the Demon World without clothes?’
Xie Xi was dumbfounded. His demon World wasn’t like this. What was in Jiang Xie’s yellow
However, this filthiest man was pretending to be a holy angel and patiently coaxed him, “If
you want to go then you have to wear clothes. If you don’t want to wear clothes then you
can’t go.”
This seemed to be giving him a choice but in fact, there were no options. No matter what
option he chose, he would still be a pervert.
He wanted to go but unfortunately, he couldn’t get dressed. If he didn’t go then it 100%
showed that he disliked clothes.
Xie Xi didn’t have a choice. He turned over in the bed and wrapped himself up in the quilt. “I
won’t go.”
This looked like he was sulking.
Jiang Xie put himself in the other person’s shoes, thought about the succubus’ nature and
apologized. “It is my bad. Don’t be angry. I know that making you dress is as uncomfortable
as us not dressing…”
Hearing this, the Xie Xi in the quilt almost spat out, ‘Old Jiang, your face!’
It was no wonder why God Yan always liked to scold him. Xie Xi also experienced the
essence of it. He wouldn’t be comfortable if he didn’t scold Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie was still changing his angle of thinking. “The fact that you came to Heaven as an
exchange student shows you are the best student. I can see that you are diligent and eager
to learn. You listen carefully and are interested in the history of Heaven…” He saw Xie Xi
reading the history in the bookstore.
Jiang Xie continued, “You are alone in a strange place and it is normal not to adapt. Can we
do it slowly? If you come to this world, you have to dress well.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to talk.
Jiang Xie kept comforting him. “As long as you wear clothes outside, you can go back to the
dormitory and not wear them. I won’t care.”
Look at his pleading tone, his indulgent attitude and his understanding posture.
Xie Xi, “…” He felt that he couldn’t wait to go back to Central. He wanted to commit
domestic violence now!
Jiang Xie was still very ethical. “If you aren’t going to the welcome party then I will
accompany you in the dormitory.”
How good, kind and holy was the angel Jiang Xie? He was breaking his heart for the
succubus that didn’t like to wear clothing.
Finally, the two people didn’t go to the welcome party. There was no way. Xie Xi wasn’t
willing to wear clothes (get lost) and Jiang Xie was afraid he would be lonely, and justifiably
stayed to accompany him.
The teachers understood the situation. After knowing the details, he directly praised Jiang
Xie. “This treatment is very good. A succubus who doesn’t wear clothes will cause too much
confusion for the students but we shouldn’t wrong him and should respect his choice.
Student Jiang, you are working hard to get along with your roommate.”
Jiang Xie was humble. “It’s nothing.”
In the room, Xie Xi rolled his eyes up to the school. It truly was hard. Jiang Xie worked hard
to design such a wonderful world!
The campus life of Succubus Xie and Angel Jiang officially kicked off.
Jiang Xie took care of Xie Xi very well. He delivered three meals a day on time, afraid that
the hungry Xie Xi would go and hook people.
At night, he closed the window and gave Xie Xi comfortable space to be naked.
Xie Xi learnt more about the world in these days.
Heaven and the Demon World were in harmony. In order to be more respectful and
understand each other better, every year there would be an exchange of excellent students
to experience the other school.
Xie Xi came to Heavenly University as an exchange student from the Demon World. It was
reasonable to say that a student of Heaven would’ve gone to the Demon World as an
exchange student.
Xie Xi was quite worried about this compatriot at first. He came to Heaven and went from
never wearing clothes to wearing them. The exchange student from Heaven would go from
wearing clothes to not wearing clothes…
The situation that was worst was obvious at first glance.
Later, Xie Xi understood that the exchange wasn’t carried out at the same time.
For example, Xie Xi was current in Heaven. After a year, a student from Heaven would go to
the Demon World.
Xie Xi’s mind worked and he asked Jiang Xie, “Will you join me in the Demon World next
Jiang Xie replied, “It depends on whether I can pass the assessment.”
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up. “What assessment?”
At this time, the two people had been together for a month but it was the first time Jiang Xie
saw Xie Xi like this. He asked, “Do you want me to go to the Demon World?”
Xie Xi naturally wanted it. Besides, he believed that if Jiang Xie couldn’t pass this
assessment, other people couldn’t even think of it.
Xie Xi nodded. “You are taking care of me like this. I will take good care of you in the Demon
Jiang Xie’s lips curved, his expression happy.
Xie Xi asked again, “What type of assessment is it?”
Jiang Xie glanced at him, head buzzing. “You will be an adult at the end of the year. I have to
withstand the temptation of an adult succubus before I am qualified to go to the Demon
Xie Xi helped translate for him. “This means I have to seduce you at the end of the year and
you have to hold on?”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie thought the other person wasn’t at ease and promised, “I will try my best.”
Xie Xi pursed his lips. “I will be merciful.”
Jiang Xie told you, “You don’t have to do anything. An adult succubus can make people
crazy by doing nothing.”
Xie Xi was speechless. He really didn’t understand these wonderful settings.
After holding on for so long, Jiang Xie finally revealed his fox tail. “However, we can practice
a bit in private.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
Jiang Xie whispered softly, “If you have time on weekdays, try to seduce me. Perhaps my
resistance will grow.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 230

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 6

He spoke so naturally that Xie Xi couldn’t respond.

Half a second later…
Xie Xi sent fireworks in his heart to the sky. ‘Teacher, can you have some dignity? How can
you say such a thing?’
Teacher Jiang was really serious. “There are more than 10 months left. If I do it gradually, I
feel I can pass the final assessment.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
Jiang Xie was very subtle. “Of course, this is just a suggestion. You don’t have to do it if you
think it is troublesome.”
It was reasonable that if Xie Xi really was a succubus, why wouldn’t he accept this
proposal? This was as normal for him as eating and drinking. How could it be troublesome?
Xie Xi vowed that he wouldn’t forget this world. Once he returned to Central, he had to
discuss it with Mr Jiang. If Mr Jiang’s face wasn’t there then he could draw another one.
Don’t be shameless!
Thus, the pre-assessment training was set.
Jiang Xie had a plan. “Don’t go outside. I can endure it but I’m afraid the other angels can’t
endure it.”
In other words, other angels weren’t shameless like Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “…Leave it to after dinner. We will do it once a day and gradually
increase it.”
It was even dividing the course of treatment?
Jiang Xie stared at Xie Xi and asked seriously, “Is it okay? If you have any suggestions then
we will discuss it.”
Xie Xi inwardly rolled his eyes. ‘You have arranged it clearly. What suggestions can I put
forward and what is there to discuss?’
Of course, Xie Xi on the surface coaxed him. “Well, I have no suggestions. How will we
gradually increase it?”
He deliberately asked to see how Jiang Xie ‘arranged’ it.
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “I will say it at night.”
Xie Xi should say, “Yes, I will cooperate will and strive to let you pass the assessment in a
Seduction for one year, wasn’t this self-torture?
At the end of the daytime class, a friend came over to ask, “Do you want to eat together?”
His eyes fell on Jiang Xie before glancing at Xie Xi.
He had been in school for a month and his classmates had become more familiar with him.
Their class had been strengthened with the meditation course and one by one, they could
become monks without any desire. Oh, they were angels so they couldn’t be monks.
In short, the little friends were determined enough. They weren’t red-faced when they saw
Xie Xi and even wanted to get close.
Jiang Xie squinted at Xie Xi. “Do you want to go?”
Xie Xi inwardly thought, ‘Insincere.’
His clothes would disappear once it got dark. How could he dare go to dinner with people?
Jiang Xie asked knowing this.
Xie Xi shook his head. “I don’t want to go out for dinner.”
Jiang Xie told him that he must wear clothes when going out at night, otherwise, he couldn’t
go out. The succubi regarded clothes as the enemy and naturally chose not to go out.
Jiang Xie looked at the classmate. “If Xie Xi doesn’t go then I won’t go.”
The classmate was slightly disappointed but didn’t force them. He only said, “Then next
Jiang Xie smiled.
Xie Xi said in his heart, ‘There will be no next time, not in this life.’
Xie Xi had used this time to study the world carefully and tried to find signs of the collapse,
but there were no clues.
There weren’t too many Gemini traits with this Jiang Xie.
Of course, Xie Xi wasn’t too fussed about this. Aries and Taurus didn’t have too many of
their horoscope traits either. Besides, the so-called horoscope traits were one-sided things
and too much truth would make things go awry.
As for why the light groups were named after the horoscopes, Xie Xi had no clue.
In fact, this didn’t matter. He was at Jiang Xie’s side and as long as he didn’t separate from
Jiang Xie, the clues would surface sooner or later.
They rejected the classmate’s invitation and ate dinner alone. Then Xie Xi asked, “Are we
going to start practice?”
Jiang Xie’s eyelashes shook and his body was visibly tight.
Xie Xi perceived this and was amused. This person knew he wouldn’t be able to endure it
yet still wanted to practice. This was bearing fault!
Jiang Xie nodded and said, “Okay.”
Xie Xi’s eyes curved as he glanced at the other person. “What should I do?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed as he watched Xie Xi’s clothes disappearing. His head was also
buzzing. “First… hold hands.”
Xie Xi almost burst out laughing. After thinking about it for so long, the first step was
holding hands?
This was an evil person who didn’t have an evil person’s guts!
“Is holding hands a seduction?” Xie Xi asked in a charming manner.
Jiang Xie probably wanted to say, “You being in front of me is a great temptation.”
Of course, he didn’t say this but maintained his face. “Follow a gradual process and start
with this contact first.”
Xie Xi wanted to see what type of medicine that Gemini was selling. “Okay, like this?”
He held out his little finger and hooked it on Jiang Xie’s finger.
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi felt the tension in the other person’s body and was delighted. “Then like this.” He
placed his palm against the other person’s palm and interlocked their fingers.
Among the many ways of holding hands, interlocking the 10 fingers was absolutely the
most romantic.
‘Your fingers are between my fingers, my fingers are between your fingers, our two palms
are inseparable as if two hearts have collided.’
Xie Xi was stable. After all, he was used to it.
Jiang Xie… he seemed like a steam train that didn’t know where it was going.
Xie Xi deliberately asked him, “Is this okay?”
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand firmly and his voice was hoarse. “Yes.”
Xie Xi was about to laugh to death. This person was shaking just holding hands. It seemed it
was necessary to follow the gradual practice.
Three days later, Jiang Xie had adapted to holding hands and his face didn’t change when
their fingers interlocked. As for his heart, it was unknown how fast it was jumping.
Seeing that the next step could be taken, the succubus didn’t need the teacher to help and
took the initiative to touch Jiang Xie’s body.
It was touching through clothes but Jiang Xie immediately grabbed his hand. “T-Today, we
will end it here.”
Then he went to the bathroom and there was the loud sound of water.
Jiang Xie came out again, his hair wet with cold moisture. It was already October and a cold
shower was terrible.
Xie Xi felt a strange heartache and couldn’t help saying, “If you are having a hard time…”
“I have to train well if I want to go with you to the Demon World in one year.”
Xie Xi asked, “Why set such an assessment?”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “You want to ask why Heaven forbids lust?”
This question was generally understood by Xie Xi but a succubus wouldn’t understand.
Teacher Jiang wanted to start a class so Xie Xi would let him.
He asked again, “Sex is an instinct. Why suppress it?”
Jiang Xie seemed to like that Xie Xi asked this question. He picked up the quilt and wrapped
it around Xie Xi, letting Xie Xi lean on the bedside. “In fact, Heaven can’t stop people from
being in relationships with others.”
Xie Xi listened carefully.
Jiang Xie’s gaze was very gentle and his low voice was also pleasant. “if you have a
relationship with someone you like, based on love, it is absolutely much happier than pure
Xie Xi’s heart was filled with sweetness when he saw such a Jiang Xie and heard his words.
He might always scold Jiang Xie as a rouge but to Jiang Xie, love was indeed greater than
In the Central World, he was a mess but it was also based on his love for Xie Xi. His love was
so full that he endlessly wanted to express it.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything. Jiang Xie thought he was thinking and said, “Plain sex can be
resisted but love is an irresistible existence.”
Physical desires could be resisted but not the flying heart. Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling.
Jiang Xie also smiled. “Do you understand?”
Xie Xi said, “Love in the Demon World is different from that of Heaven.”
Jiang Xie sighed. “In fact, once you fall in love with a person, you can’t help wanting to
monopolize them.”
“It makes sense.” Xie Xi nodded. “I understand a bit.”
“Take your time. You will learn more during the year in Heaven.”
Xie Xi said, “I will also try to help you pass the assessment.”
Jiang Xie made a complicated expression that was a mixture between pain and happiness.
By the time they reached Xie Xi sitting on Jiang Xie’s thigh, Jiang Xie received an invitation
to a competition and had to go to Fourth Heaven.
Xie Xi thought he could follow. Who knew…
“The holy light in the Fourth Heaven is relatively strong and you might be uncomfortable if
you go.”
The Demon World and Heaven might live in harmony but their races were different after
all. They had different ways of survival.
Xie Xi questioned, “How long will you be gone?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Up to one week.”
Seven days… Xie Xi frowned.
Jiang Xie comforted him. “You can rest assured that while I’m not here, the class monitor
will help you prepare three meals.”
Eating was a big problem. A succubus couldn’t be too hungry or they would cause chaos.
Xie Xi nodded and said, “Then go early and you can come back early.”
The two people had lived together for so long that they couldn’t adapt to separating.
As he left, Jiang Xie told Xie Xi, “Don’t go out at night.”
A succubus didn’t wear clothes at night and Jiang Xie was afraid that Xie Xi would go out
when he wasn’t present.
Xie Xi knew what this person was worried about. “I won’t go out.” His clothes disappeared
when it was dark. If he went out, wouldn’t people think he was crazy?
Jiang Xie was slightly relieved and spoke again, “Then I’m leaving.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi had really thought he could follow when Jiang Xie left. However, it was only for seven
days. Xie Xi lived his life according to a schedule.
The monitor in charge of his three meals was a calm angel who recited mantras when he
saw Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t dare talk to him in fear he would break the concentration.
The days passed in a flash and there were two days left until Jiang Xie came back. Xie Xi was
still thinking about him.
The background of the world was rather mysterious so Xie Xi didn’t dare use the god’s
wisdom to draw things in case it would be difficult to explain if discovered.
In the face of an unknown setting, he should try to be more conservative.
On the sixth day, Xie Xi’s afternoon class ended and he planned to return to the dormitory.
The switch between night and day here was very punctual. Basically, it was night at 7
o’clock and Xie Xi’s passive skills would vanish his clothes.
In order to not buy more clothes, Xie Xi would generally return to the dormitory in advance
to take off his clothes.
At 6:40, Xie Xi arrived at the dormitory building and was about to go upstairs when he was
pulled by someone.
Xie Xi reacted the moment he was pulled down the stairs.
Fortunately, Xie Xi’s physical quality was good and his posture was very stable. He didn’t
fall down.
It was just that he didn’t feel good and he frowned. Anyone would be angry if they were
pulled so suddenly.
The gasping person was nervous and uneasy. “Xie, Xie Xi, you… can you sleep with me once,
just once. I can do it, I can do anything you want.”
Xie Xi was stunned and gazed at the person in front of him.
Based on the school uniform, he should be a senior student but his face was completely
strange. Xie Xi didn’t have any impression of him.
Of course, Xie Xi had been protected by Jiang Xie and basically didn’t touch other angels. It
was normal not to have an impression.
The angel was pale with nervousness but his eyes were full of a hot mania. “I know you
don’t care about me and it doesn’t matter. You can treat me as someone to vent your…”
Xie Xi’s ears trembled and he could smell Jiang Xie. Was this person back?
Was he peeking?
Of course, Xie Xi would refuse even if he wasn’t present. Since Jiang Xie was here, he would
speak even louder.
Xie Xi removed the hand of the strange student and spoke seriously, “This is Heaven. I will
obey the rules of the angels and not do anything with a person I don’t love.”
The student was obviously stunned.
“Brother, please calm down. This type of sex has no meaning.”
The contest had been completed ahead of time and Jiang Xie rushed back only to see Xie Xi
being pulled by a person.
At that moment, ice chilled his bones and completely froze him.
He had been worried for seven days and nights, not eating or sleeping…
Then Jiang Xie heard Xie Xi’s words.
Xie Xi refused, a succubus who fed on sex refused such an invitation. A strange heat filled
Jiang Xie’s chest and there was an indescribable throbbing.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 231

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 7

Seeing that the sky was becoming dark, Jiang Xie strode out and stood in front of Xie Xi.
He took a kettle out of his backpack and opened the lid to give to the stunned student.
The crazy senior looked dumbfounded.
Jiang Xie was expressionless. “Senior brother, please respect yourself.”
The increased distance between him and Xie Xi caused the classmate to suddenly wake up.
This looked really evil!
Xie Xi hid obediently, not stimulating the student anymore.
It was really strange to be asked to X in broad daylight and he needed to be quiet.
The classmate who sobered up was ashamed. His face was shy and red as he said, “I was… I
was crazy… I’m sorry, sorry…” He apologized before running away under Jiang Xie’s icy
He always felt that he would be beaten up if he didn’t run.
Jiang Xie leaned back and looked at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s eyes were full of surprise. “You have come back. Weren’t you supposed to be gone
seven days?” It was only the sixth night.
Jiang Xie’s attitude suddenly softened. “I finished early and came back.” He had been so
worried that he couldn’t sleep He was afraid that when he came back, the little succubus
would’ve already run off with others.
Xie Xi asked, “How did you do? What was the result of the competition?”
Jiang Xie spoke vague words. “I didn’t shame the school.”
Xie Xi asked, “First prize?”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved and he raised his head. “The top quality prize.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, this was the world he designed and it was natural to be king.
“It’s amazing,” Xie Xi sand this person’s praises.
Jiang Xie told him, “You are also very good.”
Xie Xi wondered, “I didn’t take part in the competition. How am I good?”
“Your answer just now is very good.”
It was regarding this matter. Xie Xi smirked in his heart. How could he be called good just
for refusing sex?
Xie Xi cooperated with him. “You have taught me well. I naturally won’t break the rules of
Jiang Xie’s smile was wider than when he won the prize. “Have you eaten yet? I bought a
specialty of the Fourth Heaven.”
Xie Xi replied, “I have eaten.” He didn’t dare let himself be hungry.
“Then tomorrow…”
Before the words were finished, Xie Xi interrupted, “What is the specialty? I will taste it. I
still have some space in my stomach.”
He was curious about the delicious food. The Fourth Heaven would definitely have more
different things than the FIrst Heaven.
Xie Xi had the god’s wisdom so he wouldn’t be harmed by anything he came in contact with.
Jiang Xie told him, “It is Snow Cloud Cake. Let’s go back to the dormitory first.”
Xie Xi nodded and naturally held his hand.
Jiang Xie’s ears turned slightly red. He wanted to say that he couldn’t be seduced outside
but he couldn’t help holding the other person’s hand.
It was okay… there was no one here…
Once back in the dormitory, Xie Xi was afraid his clothes would disappear and quickly took
them off.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi really wanted to save money. It was a waste of time and money to buy clothes. It was
also very troublesome.
He asked hurriedly, “Where is the Snow Cloud Cake?”
Jiang Xie didn’t need the Snow Cloud Cake but a large basin of ice water formed by snow to
cool himself down.
“Cough.” Jiang Xie hadn’t seen this person for six days and returned to the pre-training
stage. He didn’t dare look. “The weather is cold. You should wrap yourself in a quilt first.”
Xie Xi was very considerate and wrapped himself up in the thin quilt.
The white quilt wrapped around the snow-white body, the beautiful and delicate small
head exposed…
Jiang Xie felt heat flowing through him and covered his nose while heading to the
Xie Xi, “………………”
It felt that the gradual steps from before were all in vain. Jiang Xie left for six days and came
back more useless than before.
Jiang Xie sorted himself out and took out the Snow Cloud Cake from his backpack. “It is a bit
sweet. I don’t know if you should eat too much.”
Xie Xi saw the cake placed in a black box, looking as light as the clouds in the sky.
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “It’s so beautiful.”
It was really beautiful. The name Snow Cloud Cake didn’t look good at first but after seeing
it, he found that this name was really appropriate.
It was a round and small cake the size of a palm. It looked like clouds but had the crystal
clearness of snowflakes. It was truly beautiful.
Jiang Xie told him, “Taste it.”
Xie Xi nodded and grabbed one. This Snow Cloud Cake looked like clouds in a dog but it was
easy to pinch. The touch wasn’t sticky and it was very refreshing.
Xie Xi took a bite and found that the cloud-like skin was crisp and wrapped around a cream
filling. The taste was indescribable.
“It’s delicious!” Xie Xi didn’t hesitate to exclaim.
Jiang Xie seemed to sigh with relief. “You like it.”
Xie Xi ate three in a row. He wanted to eat the fourth one when Jiang Xie stopped him. “You
shouldn’t eat too much at night or you will feel uncomfortable. Leave it for tomorrow.”
Xie Xi only just discovered something. “You aren’t eating any?”
“I don’t like sweet things.”
“It isn’t sweet. It is very delicious.”
Jiang Xie whispered softly, “I’ll leave it for you to eat.”
It wasn’t easy to go to the Fourth Heaven. If Jiang Xie wasn’t going to participate in the
competition then it wouldn’t be easy for him to enter. Therefore, this Snow Cloud Cake was
very difficult to buy. He was reluctant to eat it and wanted to leave it all for Xie Xi.
How could Xie Xi not understand?
For a time, he also felt it was too sweet. It wasn’t from the Snow Cloud Cake but sweetness
that came from the bottom of his heart.
It was the so-called small changes in newlyweds caused victory… In any case, Xie Xi felt like
this and Jiang Xie had his own thoughts. The two people were very sticky and unknowingly,
it was time to sleep.
Before Jiang Xie went to participate in the competition, the gradual progress of the two
people had developed to the point of sleeping together.
For this progress, Xie Xi felt that Jiang Xie was very selfish.
If it was just sleeping together, Examinee Jiang would probably have to practice for a
Once Jiang Xie finished washing, Xie Xi wrapped himself in a quilt and climbed into his bed.
Jiang Xie just finished washing and felt he needed another cold shower.
Xie Xi glanced at him. “It has been delayed for seven days. We should continue to practice.”
If it was just acting shameless, who couldn’t do it?
Jiang Xie got into bed and his action of holding people in his arms was nimble.
Xie Xi lowered his head and smirked, deliberately leaning into this person’s arms.
Jiang Xie suffered a lot. It was a bit of the taste of a person taking the university entrance
Xie Xi’s mind moved and he whispered, “Is this falling in love with you?”
The sudden words threw Student Jiang Xie to the sky.
His head was blank like a flash bomb had been thrown.
He felt the strength in the other person’s arms and Xie Xi dropped him down to the ground
again. “It doesn’t seem like it? We are just practicing for you to come to the Demon World.”
Xie Xi felt there was no problem with this brain circuit.
Jiang Xie was stunned for half a minute before a reaction came. “You…”
Xie Xi helped him by saying, “Only two people in love with each other will be so intimate. If
we are like this, is it love in Heaven?”
Jiang Xie’s heart trembled.
Xie Xi woke him up. “Of course, we are different. We are mainly practicing.” He would let
this person dig a hole for himself that he couldn’t climb out of!
Gemini’s mind was very good. Not only did he find a benefit for himself, he was also able to
pick some sugar from the cracks.
“Why are you practicing with me?”
Xie Xi answered, “In order to let you pass the assessment.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Why should I pass the assessment?”
“If you pass the assessment, you can go to the Demon World!”
Jiang Xie gulped and asked another question, “Why do you want me to go to the Demon
Xie Xi knew what this person wanted to hear and was willing to tell him. “It is because I
don’t want to be separated from you…”
His mouth was blocked before his words finished.
The step by step Candidate Jiang challenged the super-hard question, wanting to go beyond
the university entrance examination and go straight to the university course!
This night was quiet and the two males lay in bed, yet managed to stop…
Gemini really wasn’t an average person, Xie Xi thought.
Jiang Xie gasped out. “Remember, don’t say such things to me during the assessment.”
Xie Xi was also gasping and didn’t understand his words for a moment.
Jiang Xie continued, “If you say these things, I really can’t go to the Demon World with you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
All the other seductions were less than these words?
He wanted to say he had no interest but thought he was promising too much.
Xie Xi didn’t dare to tease this person and obediently huddled in the quilt. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie was itchy and asked, “Why don’t you want to separate from me?”
Xie Xi asked back, “Does this need a reason? I don’t want to separate from you.”
Jiang Xie held this person and felt he was finished, completely finished.
It was nothing to be bewitched by a succubus. He could calm down with a bottle of cold
However, falling in love with a succubus was really the end…
Jiang Xie could control his body but he really couldn’t control his heart.
He liked this succubus. Perhaps he had been ruined the first time he saw Xie Xi.
Xie Xi felt that Jiang Xie couldn’t pass the exchange student examination.
He specifically looked at situations in the past. The exchange program had been going on
for a long time. Basically, every four years, there was always an exchange student at the
There wasn’t always a succubus as an exchange student. Many of the previous sessions
never had a succubus exchange student.
Of course, the other big demons were no better. For example, the big demon who majored
in greed. In that year, the graduation rate of the Economic Department plummeted. One by
one, they didn’t go to class and went to earn money!
There was also the big demon who majored in wrath. When he was at school, the Physical
Education department became like a gang and would go to other schools to fight. All of
them became confused!
The demon majoring in sloth was even more fascinating. Before entering the classroom,
only 10% of the students were sleeping in the back. Once he entered, 100% of them would
sleep, including the lecturer at the podium.
The big demon who majored in gluttony made the school cafeteria miserable. Three meals
a day turned into six meals and the students became starving ghosts. It made the workers
really tired and bald!
Xie Xi saw it with great interest. Compared to his predecessors, the succubus was really a
small witch.
He turned to the school forum and found that there were many posts discussing himself
when he first entered school.
The posts were as followed—
“According to the experience of the predecessors, will our Law Department become a
The following post was also funny. “What brother? It is a green building.” (TL: High-end
brothel in Ancient China)
“No wonder why the dormitory building of the Law Department is green…”
Many roles started to be played.
After a few hundred posts, many people closed it and scattered. There was the powerful
Master Jiang who caught the succubus in a sack. They could forget the dream of a brothel.
Xie Xi saw this and laughed until tears emerged.
A year passed quite quickly and in the blink of an eye, it was almost over.
There was one month to the assessment and they had to see if Master Jiang could pass!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 232

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 8

It was one month before the test. This was a good time for a surprise attack.
How could Candidate Jiang miss out? He must be used to gun attacks, quick and light!
Xie Xi was happy to accompany him.
In the past year, he discovered there wasn’t a big problem in this small world. Maybe he
just had to accompany Jiang Xie and make him happy before they could leave together.
There was such speculation because Xie Xi thought of one thing.
The degree of collapse in the quasi-world could be strong or weak and wasn’t the same.
For example, some quasi-worlds originally had a high level and many souls participating.
The collapse was very serious and it would be much more difficult to repair.
Look at the previous quasi-world of US President Xie. There were four souls in total and
after the collapse, the problem was very big. It was troublesome to repair the world.
For these 12 small worlds, the difficulty must be relatively low or they couldn’t be grouped
It was estimated that each of these small worlds had two souls originally. After one was
taken away, the other could hold up half of the sky and temporarily stabilized the whole
In addition, Jiang Xie entered the word. This was equivalent to a pillar, making the world
peaceful and stable.
Xie Xi’s repair was more like calming the soul. Once the soul’s faith was firm, the world
would be able to stand up on its own.
The quasi-world might be incomplete after the remaining soul departed but it wouldn’t
continue to deteriorate. It would wait for Xie Xi and Jiang Xie to redesign it.
Xie Xi didn’t feel panicked about how to leave the 12 Boundaries. His priority was the
immediate repair task.
In fact, this was quite wonderful. The future might be unknown but Xie Xi’s heart was
peaceful. It felt like as long as they returned to Central and Jiang Xie got all his soul s back,
he didn’t have to fear anything.
It was such a contradiction that people would be infinitely timid but also infinitely
courageous because of one person.
Regarding the pre-examination special training, Jiang had good regulations. He told Xie Xi,
“You can talk more to me tonight.”
Whenever they slept on the same bed, Jiang Xie was afraid to let Xie Xi speak. He was
floating just holding this person. How could he stand hearing Xie Xi’s voice as well?
However, for the final assessment, Jiang Xie decided to challenge the highest difficulty and
force himself to adapt.
Xie Xi obeyed his foolish lover and cooperated with him. “Do you want to sleep on the bed?”
Jiang Xie replied solemnly. “Let’s take it step by step. I will first adapt to your voice.”
Xie Xi really wanted to laugh. “There is only one month left. Won’t it be too late if we take it
step by step?”
Jiang Xie was steady. “More haste means I won’t be able to reach my goal.”
Xie Xi laughed crazily in his heart but his face was calm. “It makes sense.”
His appearance caused Jiang Xie to be soft-hearted and he couldn’t help saying, “I will
definitely ensure that I become qualified as an exchange student.”
This was a promise to Xie Xi but also to cheer himself up.
Xie Xi nodded firmly. “No problem!”
For half a month, Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie making himself miserable and thought of a clever
He suggested to Jiang Xie, “Let’s do it.”
Jiang Xie, who was only one step away from madness, thought it was an auditory illusion.
Xie Xi wasn’t deliberately teasing Jiang Xie this time. He sincerely analyzed the problem.
“The final assessment is to hold back against temptation. I didn’t say it before but if we do it
before the assessment, you won’t want it.”
Who would’ve thought the simple Little Rose could speak such seductive words?
Jiang Xie’s head burst and he was like a hungry green-eyed wolf seeing fragrant meat.
Xie Xi approached him and asked. “Is it okay?”
Jiang Xie looked into the dark eyes as if to see Xie Xi’s soul through the window to his soul.
“Have you forgotten what I told you before?”
Xie Xi naturally didn’t avoid this person’s eyes and gazed at him straight on. “Yes, I like
The words were like a thunderstorm and Jiang Xie’s mind turned to hot magma.
Xie Xi wasn’t casual and spoke seriously. “I studied carefully during this year. We go to class
together, eat and talk together, walk together, say good night before sleeping, wake up and
say good morning…”
They were in love for one year, really in love!
Jiang Xie’s heart calmed and he felt sweet and nervous. “Do you hate this type of life?”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Why would I take you to the Demon World if I hate it?”
Yes, if he hated it then he wouldn’t help Jiang Xie train or continue with him like this.
Jiang Xie felt like a honey jar had been knocked over in his heart and his throat was itchy.
“Me too.”
Xie Xi laughed. “I know. We are in love so we can make love!”
Who knew that Jiang Xie would control his body and not rush to kiss Xie Xi.
“No, I can’t.” Jiang Xie closed his eyes. “If it does happen, I won’t be able to control it on that
If a person had never eaten chocolate in their life, they could saw that this thing was dark
and sticky and definitely wouldn’t be delicious.
Once they tasted that sweet taste, how could they not want more?
Xie Xi really didn’t expect this…
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “You can rest assured, I will definitely go to the Demon World with
you.” He never wanted to be separated from Xie Xi.
He didn’t say it but Xie Xi understood.
What could he do?
In the fact of such a lover, Xie Xi could only be surrounded by thick syrup, sweet enough
that he would no longer want to eat sweets.
This month’s surprise course was carried out in an orderly manner under Candidate Jiang’s
Xie Xi was afraid that Jiang Xie would be uncomfortable and didn’t deliberately tease him.
He could be called very restrained.
Jiang Xie also realized his good intentions. Jiang Xie needed to endure for a short time and it
was better to have less sin.
Xie Xi was obedient and silently waited for the final assessment.
As for the succubus’ adulthood ceremony, Xie Xi carefully checked it.
The records in Heaven were very vague and confusion. It was difficult for ordinary people
to understand.
Xie Xi felt there should be more detailed explanations in the Demon World but he had a
heavy course and didn’t have time to go to the Demon World to check.
This Xie Xi wasn’t really a succubus after all. He was unfamiliar with the Demon World. If
he went there and provoked something, it would be troublesome. Thus, he waited with
peace of mind and prepared to go with Jiang Xie.
In general, it was the same time. As long as the two people were alone for an hour and Jiang
Xie didn’t move, they would pass the assessment. Xie Xi would certainly help Jiang Xie
He thought this and the last days finally arrived. Xie Xi was more nervous than the
candidate. “There are no problems?”
At this time, Jiang Xie wasn’t nervous. “It’s fine.”
Xie Xi told him, “We will sit face to face for an hour. It isn’t difficult!”
They were okay sleeping together all night. What was this?
Jiang Xie knew it might not be as simple but he didn’t want Xie Xi to worry.” Yes.”
The so-called succubus adulthood wasn’t just reaching the age of adulthood but undergoing
a baptism.
Angels in Heaven gained wings while the Demon World differed according to the major.
The pattern of baptism wasn’t the same.
This time, it was a succubus exchange student so the ritual was related to the succubus.
The university had long known the steps of the ceremony and was ready for Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t think too much and stood in the centre of the formation. The teacher told him,
“Close your eyes and relax your body. The ceremony will unlock the shackles for you.”
Xie Xi did this and heard the teacher’s singing voice.
The contents of the spell were quite clear at first but Xie Xi gradually couldn’t hear clearly.
He only felt something inside him breaking free from the shackles and rushing towards his
He couldn’t see anything in the outside world. He could only feel the agitation in his body.
Wherever a red rose fire occurred, there was a burst of heat. He watched the cluster of
sparks rising in the wind. Finally, they joined together and set his whole body on fire.
He was uncomfortable…
It was hard…
Xie Xi opened his eyes and saw that Jiang Xie couldn’t help approaching him.
Jiang Xie’s eyes were narrowed and his voice was anxious. “What’s the matter? Xie Xi,
He was kissed hard by Xie Xi, a hot and burning kiss.
However, this was far from enough. Xie Xi lost his sense of reason and couldn’t remember
anything. He just wanted to stay close to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie had already noticed the strangeness. He couldn’t wake up Xie Xi and rushed
anxiously to the door.
Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie go out and cried out, “Don’t… Jiang Xie, don’t…” He couldn’t say that he
didn’t want Jiang Xie to leave.
There was the sound of footsteps and Xie Xi vaguely heard the voice of a teacher.
“How did this happen?”
“No, the ceremony is correct. He is an adult.”
Jiang Xie was angry. “His state is obviously wrong!”
There was more back and forth before someone said, “Yes! There was a record about this!
In some cases, a succubus undergoing the adulthood ceremony will need sex or they will
suffer extreme pain.”
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows gathered together.
The teachers hesitated.
Jiang Xie’s voice was low. “Give him to me.”
A teacher said, “You are still doing the assessment. If…”
“I can’t leave him alone.”
After this sentence, Jiang Xie drove everyone out of the room.
Xie Xi came forward and held him tightly. “Jiang Xie…”
Jiang Xie patted him on the back. “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”
Xie Xi’s hot lips fell on his neck…
Jiang Xie persisted for so long and gave up at the last minute.
What could he do?
He could endure a year of pain but he couldn’t stand Xie Xi being in pain.
If this was seduction then Jiang Xie really couldn’t hold on. He wanted to expel the pain for
Xie Xi and would willingly do everything.
Xie Xi woke up and stretched his body. It wasn’t an exaggeration when he felt that his body
was full of powerful, as if one finger could push down a mountain.
So amazing, the adulthood of a succubus…
A mountain didn’t fall but Xie Xi saw he was holding onto Jiang Xie.
The two people…
Chaotic memories poured out and Xie Xi’s face was hot as he pushed at Jiang Xie. “Did you
fail the assessment?”
He asked the question but it was obvious. Jiang Xie’s hard work of one year was wasted.
Jiang Xie squinted and saw Xie Xi. “How do you feel?”
What, a, rogue!
Jiang Xie knew he was misunderstood and explained, “You had a rare mutation during your
adulthood ceremony… are you better now?”
Xie Xi remembered. HIs body had been really painful for a while, so painful that it was like
his body was burning…
“It’s fine.” Xie Xi replied, “I feel light and as if I have slept for 10 nights.”
There was a smile in his eyes as Jiang Xie said, “You didn’t sleep at all last night.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie kissed him and lowered his voice. “My waist was almost broken.”
Moving non-stop really needed physical strength.
Xie Xi blushed.
A succubus was truly a magical species. Every time in Central, Xie Xi was tired to death
every time. Here, he stayed awake all night and wasn’t tired in the morning. He was full of
energy and could go out to run a marathon.
If it was like this every time then he really…
Cough… he couldn’t be brainwashed by Jiang Xie. This wonderful setting was entirely Jiang
Xie’s own thoughts!
Xie Xi asked again, “Then the assessment was a failure?”
Gemini was so miserable after two rounds of fun?
Jiang Xie spoke slowly, “There is still a chance.”
Xie Xi was slightly surprised. “What do you mean?”
This was really a ‘survival life’. Jiang Xie might’ve fallen but the situation was too special.
The Demon World learnt the news and sent a heated message, “Fortunately, Jiang Xie
ignored the assessment. If he really endured for an hour then Xie Xi would’ve exploded and
An ordinary adult ceremony wasn’t so dangerous but Xie Xi was truly in danger this time.
He only thought it was painful and didn’t know it was a crisis.
Xie Xi was shocked. “Then…”
Jiang Xie explained, “This assessment has been declared invalid and they will give me
another chance.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 233

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 9

Xie Xi was speechless for a while. Student Jiang Xie was really good. He could come back
after this, he truly was the embodiment of the world’s will!
Jiang Xie told him, “You can rest assured, I won’t be separated from you.”
Before that, he had spoken euphemistically by saying they would go to the Demon World
together. After being active all night, now he could speak more straightforwardly.
What could Xie Xi do? He had to watch this show.
Speaking of which, Jiang Xie was still worried about Xie Xi’s health. “Is your body really
Xie Xi didn’t feel any abnormality at all. “I feel full of strength.” It was worthy of a succubus
that fed off sex, not a normal constitution.
“That’s good.” Jiang Xie was puzzled again. “By the way, which is your adult ceremony so
Xie Xi also wanted to know this. He had done a lot of homework for this assessment,
especially his adult ceremony, and checked it carefully.
Other succubi didn’t have such a situation? Why did he need to X when it was his turn?
Of course, this might be the careful machinations of the soul. Still, no matter how the soul’s
heart, he had to follow the logic of the world and needed a logical reason.
What exactly was going on?
Xie Xi asked, “Did the Demon World say anything?”
“There were no details. They only said there was danger but didn’t say why.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything because he was afraid it would likely not be angelic.
Jiang Xie said again, “It doesn’t matter. After the assessment, we will go to the Demon
World and inquire together, to ensure there are no hidden dangers in the future.”
This situation was over but he was afraid Xie Xi’s body would have problems in the future.
Xie Xi was unsure and could only nod his head. “Yes.”
The second assessment was scheduled in three days.
Xie Xi patted Jiang Xie’s chest and promised, “I will definitely stay three metres away from
The room was three metres wide. Jiang Xie was on the east side and he was on the west
side. He absolutely wouldn’t seduce Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
Neither of them thought too much until Jiang Xie received the assessment notice.
The teacher in charge told him, “Xie Xi has been intimate with you and will certainly show
mercy. Thus, he won’t be responsible for this assessment.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “What do you mean?”
The teacher explained, “The Demon World specifically arranged an adult succubus to
assess you.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Jiang Xie frowned. “It wasn’t like this before.”
“The situation is special and there is no other way. After all, it is very important that the
assessment is fair and just. You have saved Xie Xi and he will surely be grateful to you. It is
inevitable that he will help you pass the assessment.”
This arrangement was really reasonable. Xie Xi might’ve become an adult but Jiang Xie also
had a relationship with him in order to save him. Forget Xie Xi’s gratitude, the ‘freshness’
alone would be much worse.
In fact, the teachers were thinking the opposite…
The teacher said, “Be prepared to carry out the assessment at three in the afternoon.”
The teacher left and Xie Xi’s lips curved downwards in a slightly angry manner.
‘What is this? Gemini, you still want other people to seduce you? You really are a playboy
Xie Xi didn’t expect for vinegar to bubble inside him!
Jiang Xie told him, “I didn’t expect for this to happen.”
Xie Xi listened to him and didn’t fight. “You refuel. I’ll go back.”
He went back to the dormitory while scolding Jiang Xie in his head.
Rationally, he knew this had nothing to do with Jiang Xie. The soul might represent the will
of the world but it couldn’t go against logic.
After this happened, the school definitely wouldn’t let Xie Xi assess Jiang Xie. If Jiang Xie
wanted to go to the Demon World then another person needed to be arranged.
He understood the reason but when he thought of Jiang Xie and an adult succubus being
along in a room for an hour…
Very angry!
Jiang Xie cared a lot about Xie Xi and could detect the small emotional fluctuations, let alone
this obvious anger.
He somewhat couldn’t believe it. The little succubus was jealous?
Ecstasy overflowed in his chest and Jiang Xie strode to catch up with Xie Xi, holding the
succubus’ hand. “What’s wrong.”
Xie Xi, “…” Get lost!
Jiang Xie hurriedly coaxed him, “Don’t be angry. I won’t be with others.”
Xie Xi didn’t make a sound but his heart wasn’t happy.
Jiang Xie continued, “Really, I don’t want to see anyone else apart from you.”
Xie Xi unexpectedly remembered God Yan’s mantra: Old evil, deceitful ghost…
Jiang Xie felt both sweet and anxious when he saw the silent Jiang Xie. “Believe me, as long
as it isn’t you, the difficulty of this assessment is zero.”
This point woke up Xie Xi.
The soul wanted to pass the assessment and go to the Demon World. The soul didn’t want
to separate from Xie Xi so a loophole was found.
Changing the person doing the assessment was indeed a loophole. In this regard, Xie Xi still
believed in Jiang Xie.
He believed in Jiang Xie but he still felt sour.
Xie Xi looked at the other person. “If you don’t pass the assessment…”
Jiang Xie kissed him on the forehead. “I won’t be separated from you.” It was hard to
develop to this point. He must follow to the Demon World and watch the succubus. If the
succubus was taken away then he would want to kill.
Xie Xi bit his lip. “You aren’t allowed to kiss others.”
Jiang Xie leaned towards his ears and whispered, “I only kiss you, only look at you, only
think of you.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He must’ve been infected or how could he eat such stupid vinegar?
Naturally, Xie Xi didn’t go to the assessment. After all, he wasn’t the ‘invigilator’ so why
would he go? Was he crazy?
Xie Xi had a million methods to watch Jiang Xie and the adult succubus but he didn’t look.
There was nothing to look at. His heart might be uncomfortable but he believed in Jiang Xie.
If Jiang Xie couldn’t resist this temptation then he would’ve died 10,000 times already.
An hour later, the assessment was over and there was no doubt that Jiang Xie passed
Surprisingly, Xie Xi was called aside by the teacher.
The teacher asked carefully, “Is Jiang Xie’s body okay? That night, you…”
Xie Xi didn’t understand why the teacher was asking this.
The teacher confessed about what happened and Xie Xi was speechless.
At the end of the assessment, the adult succubus came out and found the teachers,
declaring with great emphasis, “That child has something wrong with his body. This is a
serious illness. You should check him and treat him as soon as possible!”
Jiang Xie was too stable that the adult succubus thought he was someone with no sexual
The teacher replied, “No, Student Jiang is very normal. The other day…”
The adult succubus spoke firmly. “There is definitely a problem. You should check it. If he
doesn’t have a problem then I will pan-fry my heart and hand it to him to eat!”
The teacher asked Xie Xi again, “Is he really okay?”
Xie Xi had no expression. ‘There is a problem. His waist was almost broken!’
Back in the dormitory, Jiang Xie returned and immediately confessed, “He didn’t meet me
and I didn’t look at him. It was all monitored and you can go see it.”
Who wanted to see this? Xie Xi said, “The succubus examiner said that you have a physical
problem with your body. The teacher specifically asked me to see if you have any
Jiang Xie didn’t respond.
Xie Xi added, “The succubus examiner also said that if you aren’t ill, he will fry his heart and
hand it to you to eat.”
Jiang Xie smiled and hugged Xie Xi. “I probably have something wrong.”
Xie Xi stared at him.
Jiang Xie touched his white neck. “I want to kiss you whenever I see you. Is this an illness?”
Xie Xi, “…” Smelly, shameless person.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “I’m sick and can’t be cured.”
His voice dropped and he kissed Xie Xi. The two people kissed…
No illness!
Adult succubus, come here with the plate of fried heart!!
Finally, the semester was over and Jiang Xie was perfectly qualified to be an exchange
student. He could go to the Demon World’s university to continue his studies with Xie Xi.
At the end of the term, the students wanted to send their succubus classmate off.
Throughout the year, they didn’t have many opportunities to talk to Xie Xi and didn’t even
see him in the later period. Even so, he was a succubus with unparalleled charm and they
cherished the opportunity to send him away.
Xie Xi had no idea about this. The only angel he knew was going to the Demon World with
him. The others… it didn’t matter if they got together or not.
Jiang Xie didn’t intend for a gathering. Their classmates’ meditation mantra was very deep
but Xie Xi’s charm had doubled since becoming an adult. It would be troublesome if they
couldn’t resist temptation.
The students told him, “Master Jiang, please loosen your tie. Xie Xi has been in Heaven for a
year and never experienced anything. If he returns to the Demon World like this, won’t his
classmates laugh at him?
This worked. Jiang Xie couldn’t help worrying and accepted their suggestion.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of being laughed at. Besides, Jiang Xie was going to the Demon World
with him. If someone laughed at him then this guy would probably react faster.
But… let’s still have the gathering.
Jiang Xie was worried about Xie Xi and Xie Xi didn’t want him to worry.
This was called a send-off party for Xie Xi but in fact, the students just wanted a glimpse of
him. In the beginning, they all said hello to Xie Xi. Later, they played with each other, sang
and danced.
Xie Xi stayed for a while before whispering to Jiang Xie. “It is noisy. Shall we go?’
Jiang Xie glanced at him and asked, “Have you had enough?”
Xie Xi nodded.
“Then that’s fine. Let’s go back first.”
The two people got up and left after saying goodbye to their classmates. They went away
and the students whispered.
“Master Jiang is in love with the little succubus.”
“It is obvious. Look at that expression. It is love to the bones!”
“Oh, I wonder what it is like to go to the Demon World…”
“There is no comparison with Heaven. Will Jiang Xie manage to hold Jiang Xie?”
“I can see it… Heaven is clean and Xie Xi can hold on. Wait until the Demon World…”
“If I was Jiang Xie, I wouldn’t go to the Demon World. Why pick up a green hat?”
Compared to the students’ worries, Jiang Xie and Xie Xi strolled in the moonlight and the
atmosphere was sweet.
Jiang Xie asked, “Is there anything I have to pay attention to in the Demon World?”
Xie Xi only knew several things and replied vaguely, “It’s nothing. Just talk less and watch
more.” This was a jack of all trades method and could be used anywhere.
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
Once they were basically ready, they set off for the Demon World.
It was public exchange student so the transportation fees were reimbursed. Of course, it
was equivalent to travelling in economy class.
The journey from First Heaven to the First Domain didn’t sound far but they had to fly for
20 hours.
Thus, Jiang Xie upgraded the plane ticket at his own expense and transferred to business
class with Xie Xi.
Business class was much more comfortable. They could lie flat and sleep.
Even so, the two people were tired by the time they reached the First Domain.
They disembarked and the scenery was quite different from First Heaven.
The sky of the Demon World was dark purple. It was grey even during the day and the dark
clouds made it look like it was going to rain.
There were demons responsible for reception here and Jiang Xie and Xie Xi didn’t settle
down until 6 o’clock.
The demon who received them winked at Xie Xi. “Xiao Xie, come to me at night?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 234

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 10

‘Why would I go to you? Don’t harm me!’

This was definitely a real cry from Xie Xi’s heart.
He had no idea what he used to be like but thinking of the succubus, an unscrupulous
creature, he estimated that… it probably wasn’t very good.
This sentence reminded Xie Xi to think more.
Without waiting for Xie Xi to open his mouth, Jiang Xie spoke coldly, “We have been flying
for 20 hours and we’re tired.”
Xie Xi hurriedly echoed, “Right, very tired.”
The demon brother looked disappointed as he gazed at Xie Xi. “Then I will come to you
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie helped him refused. “Tomorrow we have to report, we’re very busy.”
This bad attitude and bad tone didn’t annoy the demon. He just scratched the back of his
head. “Yes, I am too anxious. You… rest first. I will wait for you to settle down.” His polite
tone was obviously towards Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie’s expression became more difficult to see.
The demon brother left.
Xie Xi was innocent. He really didn’t do anything but… this was coming from the mouth of
the succubus who didn’t like to wear clothing. It was like a cat saying it didn’t like fish, a
dog saying it didn’t like bones, a bee saying it didn’t collect honey…
In any case, he couldn’t explain it clearly! It was all from this person’s imagination!
The two people were still in the same dormitory and this was for certain. Jiang Xie was
unfamiliar with the Demon World and needed someone to guide him. Xie Xi had slept in the
same room as him for a year and was very qualified.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi also didn’t know much about this Demon World and basically relied
on guessing.
The dormitory environment of the Demon World and Heaven were completely different.
Heaven was bright and light while this side was darker.
From tables to chairs and bedding… they were different colours but they were all dark
tones such as dark red, dark blue, pure black and deep purple. The only bright colour was
grey, which was also symmetrical.
Xie Xi asked the jealous Jiang Xie, “Can you adapt to this style?”
Xie Xi suggested, “Other things aren’t easy to change but the bedding can be changed.” They
had beige bedding in Heaven, which was warm and bright. This place was pure black and
had a velvet texture. It felt weird.
Jiang Xie told him, “I should do the same as the people in this world.”
This was what Jiang Xie used to tell the succubus. Now he was in the Demon World and it
was his turn to say it to himself. It could be said that his heart was full of bitterness. If he
really wanted to do the same as the people of this world, he shouldn’t stop Xie Xi tonight…
Xie Xi knew at a glance what this person was thinking and quickly changed the topic. “What
would you like for dinner?”
Jiang Xie’s senses returned. “Let’s go out to eat. I want to eat the dishes of the Demon
Who knew what there was to eat in the damn Demon World but Xie Xi had to say, “Okay,
let’s go out to eat. I will treat you.”
Jiang Xie nodded, settled everything and went out with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi used this time to go to the bathroom to do his homework, using a food app to look up
a good restaurant.
It not only had to be good to eat, it should be clean and have private boxes. Xie Xi was really
afraid to meet someone he knew who would invite him again. Then someone wouldn’t eat
because he would be full of vinegar.
The situation in the First Domain wasn’t much different from First Heaven. It was also a
bustling city scene.
If there was one thing different, it was the slightly different architectural style.
Heaven had the classical white style while the Demon World had the dark gothic style.
The people’s clothing wasn’t much different. It was modern and they wore everything.
Xie Xi did his homework ahead of time and reluctantly brought Jiang Xie to a restaurant.
Jiang Xie asked, “You used to often come here?’
This was Xie Xi’s first time but he was a native succubus and could only respond, “Yes,
the…” He tried to remember the name of the signature dish. “The carbon roasted Lulu beast
isn’t bad.”
Jiang Xie was a bit interested. “Lulu beast?”
“It is a specialty of the First Domain. They don’t have it in Heaven so I will take you to taste
Such a chat improved the atmosphere and Jiang Xie’s mood became slightly brighter.
Xie Xi came in and the waiter’s eyes lit up when he saw Xie Xi. “Xiao Xie, you’re back?”
Xie Xi, “…” He was a real celebrity!
Jiang Xie’s bright mood fell again.
Fortunately, the waiter didn’t say much. “Go to sit. I will help you place an order…” Then he
saw Jiang Xie. “Is there a friend? Oh, it is the exchange student from Heaven?”
Xie Xi had to say, “Yes, I brought him to taste our specialty.”
The waiter smiled. “He looks very handsome. An angel’s face is truly good.”
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie didn’t know how to answer for a moment.
Fortunately, the waiter said, “Since you want to try the specialty, I will have them kill a
male Lulu beast to give you a good supplement.”
Xie Xi said with a smile, “I am troubling you.”
The waiter was surprised. “Why are you so polite with me…?”
Xie Xi was afraid this person would say something and quickly interrupted. “I haven’t eaten
it in a year and missed it.”
The waiter was very happy. “Yes, you can’t eat the delicious Lulu beast in Heaven. Wait and
I guarantee you’ll be full of strength after eating. There is no problem going 300 rounds…”
Xie Xi really didn’t know if it was the Demon World or if his own succubus was too dirty.
Why did he keep encountering these things?
Jiang Xie sat down without a word and Xie Xi didn’t know what to say…
Then Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “You have many friends.”
Xie Xi really didn’t have many friends but if Jiang Xie wanted him to have more friends then
he could only have more friends. “Yes.”
“Heaven is too rigid. You must’ve lived a very restrained life.”
There was a pit in these words and Xie Xi sharply jumped over it. “No, I am very happy with
These words swept away the haze that covered Jiang Xie for the whole day, finally bringing
a smile to his eyes.
Xie Xi was relieved and the two people were finally able to chat.
After a while, the waiter came to serve them.
Xie Xi had already seen the pictures so he could be stable when he saw the whole Lulu
It looked a bit like a sheep but was the size of a rooster. It looked quite fierce and combined
with the Demon World’s style of plating, it was a tough appearance.
Jiang Xie was stunned when he saw it.
The waiter said, “I will give the Lulu treasure to the angel brother.”
What was the Lulu treasure? Xie Xi didn’t think too much.
Jiang Xie was a true angel and didn’t know what it was.
The waiter cut the Lulu beast a few times. Then he cut off a certain part of it and placed it
on Jiang Xie’s plate.
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi understood and almost laughed.
The waiter winked. “Angel brother, refuel. This thing is a special supplement. If you eat it,
you can ensure Xiao Xie can’t get out of bed.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
The waiter sent an ‘Am I good?’ expression to Xie Xi. Xie Xi didn’t want to eat. He wanted to
go under the table to calm down!
The moment the waiter left, the atmosphere of the box became strange. Jiang Xie squinted
at the plate of Lu Lu treasure. “Have you eaten this?”
Xie Xi vaguely replied, “If you don’t want to eat then don’t eat.”
Jiang Xie lowered his eyes and whispered, “It’s fine. If it is safe then I should adapt.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Why was he so stubborn? In fact, he was thinking about the waiter’s words!
After eating, the two people went back. Xie Xi was able to control his clothes after becoming
an adult and they wouldn’t disappear anymore.
Of course, Jiang Xie didn’t know this. He thought that Xie Xi had been in Heaven for a year
and finally adapted. He became a demon who loved to wear clothes.
Back in the dormitory, Xie Xi started to arrange his things.
One bed was on the east side and one on the west side, while the appliances were the same.
A 1.5 metre bed was very crowded for two people to sleep. In Heaven, Jiang Xie secretly
changed to a large bed and the two people slept comfortably.
Jiang Xie was making the bed when he saw a button beside it and curiously asked, “What is
He pressed down and the two beds joined together with a loud sound.
Xie Xi, “…” Jiang Xie, what angel was he? This Demon World was his land of joy!
Jiang Xie also didn’t expect it.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “This will save you from buying a bed.”
At this time, he saw that his side also had a button. He was from the Demon World and
couldn’t ask what it was. He directly pressed it, wondering if it would separate the beds?
This there, there was a clear opening sound and Xie Xi’s beside opened. There was a pile of
things inside.
Xie Xi stared and almost wanted to chop off his hands!
This thing… it was full of sex supplies!
Jiang Xie’s ears turned red.
Xie Xi slammed the lid shut and even wanted to lock it.
Jiang Xie remembered that he was an angel and held back. “Shall we rest early?”
Xie Xi nodded. “I’m going to take a bath.”
During this time, Jiang Xie could be said to be thinking happily.
In Heaven, he had never used a black bed. Thus, he didn’t know that snow-white skin
sleeping on black velvet sheets would be such a seductive scene.
Jiang Xie stared in a dazzled manner, as if he had seen the most beautiful pearl on the sea
floor. He wanted to kiss Xie Xi.
The Lu Lu treasure’s efficacy was just a commercial gimmick and was actually useless. Still,
if Xie Xi wasn’t a pure-blood succubus then he really wouldn’t be able to get out of bed the
next morning.
Xie Xi indulged him because Jiang Xie had come to a strange place and ate a few jars of
vinegar. It was very pitiful, especially since there was a high probability that he would have
to eat several more jars…
The welcome party in the Demon World was held directly at the bar. Xie Xi accidentally
discovered that only a few demons didn’t wear clothes.
Well, the Demon World had seven races after all. The other big demons were a bit open but
didn’t see clothes as the enemy.
Jiang Xie was still respected as an exchange student from Heaven. Just as the angels
watched Xie Xi, the demons looked at Jiang Xie in a strange manner.
A succubus took the initiative to hook him. “Tonight…”
Before she could finish, Jiang Xie declared, “I have a lover.”
Miss Succubus shrugged. “What about it? Come and try. The happiness here isn’t something
you can have in Heaven.”
Jiang Xie’s demeanour was cold and he easily refused. “No.”
Miss Succubus didn’t keep trying and went to play with other demons. There were people
on Jiang Xie’s side but Xie Xi was surrounded by a crowd.
A group of big demons in a suit or leather held glasses of wine and told him, “Xiao Xie, my
hair became white while you were gone for the year.”
Another said, “I’m glad you’re back. I wanted to die.”
Others said, “No one is as good as you. Xiao Xie, tonight…”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen and hurriedly interrupted, “I have something to do and will go first.”
A great demon wondered, “Eh?”
Xie Xi thought that if he stayed longer, someone would become too sour!
Jiang Xie followed Xie Xi out and was silent on the way back to the dormitory.
Xie Xi told him, “I’m in love with you and won’t mess with them.”
Jiang Xie’s heart warmed but he was still very uncomfortable. “I’m fine. They are in the past
and I don’t care.” He spoke well but he was actually dying of vinegar.
Xie Xi didn’t do anything wrong. Who made him a succubus? A succubus was such a
Unexpectedly, there was a person blocking the door when they returned to the dormitory.
Jiang Xie’s face sank in an instant.
Xie Xi was worried!
The demon classmate opened his mouth. “Xiao Xie, please tonight…”
Jiang Xie couldn’t hear it. He opened the door and went inside.
Xie Xi hurriedly followed. Who would’ve expected the demon classmate to be slippery and
follow them inside? “I know you have the angel brother but it is very difficult for us.”
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie and said, “I won’t go out in the evening.”
The demon classmate replied, “That’s fine. I can come to you here.”
Xie Xi’s mouth curved downwards. “This is a double bedroom. Jiang Xie is also present.”
The demon student was chagrined. “Angels are really troublesome. They shouldn’t be shy
about this thing.”
The demons were too open!
Jiang Xie’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.
The demon classmate refused to give up and kept pleading, “Xiao Xie, you can do well. Only
you have the most resources and only you can make the most accurate guess. You can’t just
take care of yourself and ignore us!”
Xie Xi, “???” What was this situation?
Not only was he stunned, Jiang Xie also froze.
The demon classmate spoke through snot and tears, “I really don’t understand the
preferences of the sex professor. I watched the movies and want to vomit. I finally handed
it in and was scolded bloody. He said this wasn’t a helper film but an impotence film!”
Xie Xi’s reaction was half a beat slow and his face was incredulous. This demon wasn’t
asking to sleep with him but was seeking resources?
The demon classmate once again spoke, “I really can’t fail this year! I won’t be able to get a
job. I don’t want to be a skeleton soldier!” It was real.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 235

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 11
Xie Xi was confused at first. ‘What resources do I have you for?’
Then he remembered the scene when he first entered the world.
He opened the laptop and wanted to check his information. The result was that there were
all G movies. He turned it off one by one and dozens more overlapping movies were open!
At that time, he encountered Jiang Xie and was dying of embarrassment. Thus, he angrily
swept through the laptop. He deleted everything and threw it into the corner like it was a
hot potato.
During the past year, Xie Xi had forgotten this and didn’t even know where he threw the
Originally, the hundreds of G movies were learning materials! His succubus was a top
Speaking of which, if the original wasn’t a top student then how could he qualify as an
exchange student?
Just like Jiang Xie needed to be assessed to come to the Demon World, Xie Xi had to pass an
assessment to go to Heaven. He must be very outstanding to have this qualification.
The courses in the Demon World were obviously different from Heaven. It was obviously
just by the words ‘learning about sex.’
Unexpectedly, Xie Xi actually deleted his hard-working ‘study notes’, ‘treasure trove’, ‘five
year simulation for the three year university entrance examination’ with one key.
The demon student was still crying. “Xiao Xie, it’s fine for you. You just returned to school
and don’t have to take the exam. The first lesson is the day after tomorrow and the
professors will whip anyone who is unqualified!”
Xie Xi felt sorry for him but couldn’t help.
“I’m sorry.” Xie Xi put the blame on Heaven. “The courses in Heaven are different from ours.
The things we learn are prohibited there so I deleted them all not long after entering the
The demon classmate, “???”
Xie Xi added, “There is nothing left.”
The demon classmate went crazy. “You deleted all the learning materials you worked hard
on for decades?”
Xie Xi’s lips pursed. Yes, the lifespan of angels and demons was very long.
Xie Xi ‘endured the pain’ and said, “Yes.”
“Demon god…” The demon classmate’s moan was probably translated as ‘Heaven, Earth, I
want to die!’
This classmate struggled very hard and found some hope. “What about your learning
machine?” If the laptop was found, maybe they could restore it?
Learning machine?
Xie Xi reflected on the words for a moment before equating them with the laptop that only
contained G materials.
In a way, it really was a learning machine!
Xie Xi wiped out his last hope. “I threw it away in Heaven.”
The demon classmate screamed and ran away crying.
In the dormitory, Xie Xi and Jiang Xie faced each other and really didn’t know what to say.
Jiang Xie had been full of vinegar all day and thought that Xie Xi’s ‘predecessors’ could lean
up all the way from Seventh Heaven to the Seventh Domain. As a result… they all came to
him for tutoring?
Xie Xi smiled. “Don’t worry about him. If he works hard on weekdays then he can pass the
exam without holding onto me.” There was a clue in the script and he could run with it.
Jiang Xie stated, “Originally, those were learning materials.”
The scene where the two people met was in Jiang Xie’s mind.
Opening the door to see a roommate watching a G movie was an impact that ordinary
people couldn’t forget.
Xie Xi was able to blurt out, “I didn’t know about Heaven at the time. I just went there and
wanted to study hard. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the courses.” Studying
was watching movies, what was this dirty setting?
Jiang Xie, the originator of the setting, was embarrassed. “It was like this.”
Thinking carefully, Xie Xi was indeed a serious and eager student. He always listened
carefully to class in Heaven. If there was time, he would go the library to check the
information. The only leisurely time was when he and Jiang Xie were together. In addition,
he would ask about the history of Heaven from time to time…
Jiang Xie had also wondered why such a clever and conscientious Xie Xi would watch G
movies in broad daylight in front of his roommate when just starting school.
It turned out to be studying.
Jiang Xie instantly sketched out a scene where a succubus arrived in a new and unfamiliar
environment. He was afraid his results wouldn’t be good and he would lose face for his
Um… it was cute.
Xie Xi added, “I later learnt about the curriculum of Heaven and knew these things weren’t
suitable for Heaven. Thus, I deleted them all.:
Xie Xi didn’t have any fluctuations in his heart when he said this and he even wanted to
Jiang Xie had completed placed Xie Xi in the setting of a top student and was distressed.
Think about it from another angle. In order to adapt to the new environment and not make
trouble for the students, Xie Xi reluctantly deleted all the learning materials he
accumulated for more than 10 years. What determination and perseverance!
Jiang Xie said, “I wasn’t good. I always told you to follow the customs of the world you are
staying in but I forgot to understand the situation of the Demon World.”
His words must’ve put pressure on Xie Xi. Otherwise, how could he be so determined?
Jiang Xie felt pained and remorseful. He felt that he had been wearing coloured glasses and
always misunderstood Xie Xi!
Xie Xi saw this person’s demeanour and knew what he was thinking. Xie Xi couldn’t speak
for a while because he was afraid he would laugh at the scene!
Jiang Xie was apologetic. “You can rest assured that I will study with you in the new course.
We will sort out the materials together and definitely not fail.”
The Demon World was too harsh. Doing badly in the examination meant being whipped
and eventually becoming a skeleton soldier.
Jiang Xie secretly made a decision. He couldn’t drag down Xie Xi. He was previously a top
student and later he would become a better top student!
Xie Xi couldn’t listen any more and said, “It’s fine. As long as you listen in class and do your
homework seriously, you won’t fail.”
“Yes, let’s work together.”
The next day, Xie Xi and Jiang Xie finished reporting in. They received the corresponding
items and also the login accounts for the school forum.
Xie Xi went to check and sure enough, it was full of wailing.
Last night’s demon classmate had spread the news and it was full of crying about students
“Demon God, why did you send our Xiao Xie to be an exchange student?”
“Heaven is really a place of tigers and wolves, even the study materials were deleted.”
“Is Heaven so evil? What isn’t allowed to study at school? Do they eat, drink and have fun?”
“No wonder why everyone wants to go to Heaven. There is no need to study there.”
“Focus, please talk about the main point. Our Xiao Xie’s information is gone? What should
we do about tomorrow’s starting exam? Professor Succubus’ whip isn’t a joke. You might
die if you are whipped!”
“Oh… because Xiao Xie was coming back, I took a break over summer vacation and didn’t
watch any movies!”
“I am the same as this big brother. With Xiao Xie, I could watch a movie and make up for it
one night in advance.”
“I didn’t expect…”
“I never thought…”
“Hello everyone, I’m already a skeleton soldier ^_^”
In the end, even the avatars were replaced by skeleton soldiers and they gave up.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.
Jiang Xie was ashamed. “I dragged you down.”
‘Don’t tease me anymore. Xiao Xie is really going to die of laughter!”
Xie Xi turned over the previous post and sure enough, he was a diligent and eager to learn
top student.
The information he worked hard to organize was never hidden. He would share it
enthusiastically as long as someone asked for it. Anyone who had his ‘guidance’ might not
get high schools but they definitely wouldn’t fail.
Given the nature of demons, a large number of lazy students simply saw him as a mother or
father helping them making a living.
They could lie down and pass, it was too comfortable!
Xie Xi’s resources were gone but none of his demon classmates blamed him. They all
blamed Heaven. They felt that the terrible Heaven polluted their top student and indirectly
harmed them.
Looking at the demons’ imagination of Heaven, Xie Xi had stomach pain from laughing.
Just as angels didn’t know much about demons, demons didn’t know much about angels.
One post carefully analyzed Xie Xi’s experience in Heaven, which was called ‘depraved.’
The post writer concluded, “Fortunately, Xiao Xie is a succubus. If he was a gluttony or sloth
student, he probably wouldn’t eat until fat or sleep as a dead body!”
No wonder why the two worlds needed exchange students. The misunderstanding was the
size of a mountain and 100 exchange students would probably need to be sent if they
wanted to change this!
The first sex class of the Demon World finally occurred and Jiang Xie was quite nervous. Xie
Xi was relieved. He was able to see through the man around him. This typical evil person
had no guts. Imagining something like this was simply to wrap up a package.
Professor Succubus entered and the entire classroom was silent.
Worthy of being a professor who majored in sex, it was a confusing person. Xie Xi stared at
them for a while, unclear if the professor was male or female.
The demon students had resistance to this area, unlike the angel students.
If the other angel classmates were present, they would probably be red-faced and running
to the toilet. The demon classmates were much more stable and even discussed, “What
whip did the professor bring today? I think the red one is most painful.”
The professor glanced around and raised their eyebrows when they saw Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie didn’t change colour.
The professor showed their approval and seemed satisfied with the Heaven exchange
student who passed the assessment.
Xie Xi thought, ‘Angel Xie, you are cheating!’
They had just returned from Heaven University so Jiang Xie and Xie Xi escaped a disaster.
They avoided the starting exam while the classmates were miserable. There were seven or
eight unqualified ones who stood on the podium and were whipped.
Xie Xi really couldn’t see it. This was called class? This as S&M! The Demon World was
really extraordinary.
After class, Professor Succubus gave Jiang Xie and Xie Xi homework. “I don’t care what you
did before. If you come here, you need to do well in class and keep up with the progress.
This is the course of the previous year. Go back and study it. Next week is a new lesson and
no one will wait for you.”
The words were very serious. If the tone wasn’t so seductive and the course so perverted,
Xie Xi would believe it!
Jiang Xie attached great importance to the professor’s words. On the way back, he
suggested, “Let’s go to the library and find some teaching materials.”
Xie Xi naturally had to cooperate with his hard work. “Okay.”
There was a faint guess but his eyes still hurt when he saw the library’s erotic study
The tip of Jiang Xie’s ears was red as he said, “This class really isn’t easy for students from
Xie Xi told him, “It is also troublesome for students in the Demon World.”
Jiang Xie raised his spirit. “It’s fine. We will look at it and find clues.”
Xie Xi, “…”
This person wouldn’t only find clues but also skills!
They borrowed a bunch of textbooks and returned to the dormitory. The two people
worked hard together to learn but this efficiency…
They looked and then rolled in bed.
If Xie Xi wasn’t a succubus then he would’ve long kicked Gemini and given up on repairing
this trash world!
A month passed like this and a moth emerged. Xie Xi finally realized how Gemini lived up to
the ‘twin’ section of the Gemini star sign!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 236

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 12

In the Demon World, there was a grand celebration every 100 years.
It was a good time for Xie Xi and Jiang Xie to come. They arrived just in time for this
September 9th was known as the god’s birthday. The god here was naturally the Demon
In order for Xie Xi to be a qualified demon, he carefully studied the history of the Demon
In general, it was different from the angels and demons in the Bible that Xie Xi knew. They
were basically Jiang Xie’s secondary creations.
The ruler of Heaven and the Demon World were basically equal. In the early years, they
fought a lot. Later, they discovered this didn’t help anyway and made peace with each
Not fighting meant they developed. Ordinary angels and demons even married each other.
It was very comfortable. Of course, the higher ranked angels and demons still feared and
mutually restrained each other.
This was also very good. Restraint meant competition and this caused the two worlds to
develop further and more rapidly.
The god on this side was the Demon God and this festival was to celebrate his birthday.
Of course, it wasn’t the day when the Demon God was born. The so-called birthday was the
day he created the Demon World.
In any case, this festival was similar to New Year’s Eve. Not only was it a festival, it was also
a holiday. Jiang Xie and Xie Xi got a whole half a month of leave.
It was so long that they could return to Heaven. However, it was hard to catch the
centennial celebration and it was a pity to leave. Thus, Jiang Xie stayed in the Demon World
and wanted to spend the holiday with Xie Xi.
Taking into consideration that this was a world created by Jiang Xie, Xie Xi was very
concerned about the two gods and carefully checked.
Unfortunately, the information on them was very thin. There were only myths and legends
and basically no details.
He would probably have to go to the Sixth or Seventh Domain to learn more information.
However, Xie Xi couldn’t go with Jiang Xie next to him. Still, he wasn’t in a hurry. This
Demon God might just be a background setting.
After all, Gemini was an angel.
Xie Xi checked the information and put on an act of knowing everything. “Tomorrow, there
will be fireworks and we shouldn’t miss it.”
“We will go early and grab a clean place.”
Since Xie Xi’s resources were lost, there were no more demons around him and Jiang Xie’s
recent mood could be described as beautiful as Heaven. Naturally, he was very compliant
with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi added, “The fireworks of the Demon World are very beautiful. You definitely haven’t
seen it before!” Heaven admired white and gold and weren’t interested in other colours.
The occasional fireworks were also monotonous and were like a light in the evening,
making a person feel sleepy and safe.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Have you seen it?”
“I’m 105 years old. I’ve naturally seen it.” After returning to the Demon World, Xie Xi finally
knew his age.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “A five year old little succubus.” The festival occurred once every
100 years. The last time it happened, Xie Xi was five years old.
Xie Xi stared at him. “You are one year older than me.”
Jiang Xie was in a good mood. “Older is still older. Call me Brother Jiang in the future.”
If the lonely male gods group was here, they would shout, “Can this old cow have any
dignity? You can be Little Rose’s great, great, great grandfather!”
Xie Xi didn’t call him Brother. This name was called too much in bed and was no longer
The two people laughed and talked as they waited for the fireworks display.
They took their place with high spirits. They found a legendary couple’s holy place and had
a good view.
Jiang Xie was well prepared, with all types of delicious foods and drinks…
Xie Xi saw the tent and was stunned. “What is this?”
Jiang Xie explained, “If it is too late then we can sleep here.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about the lesson they attended a few days ago. “A wilderness
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi blinked and the smelly Jiang Xie had no face. “If you want…”
What damn thing? Xie Xi bit him and said, “Watch the fireworks!”
“Yes, I’ll listen to you.”
The fireworks of the Demon World were truly beautiful. It was estimated there was magic
in them as beautiful patterns filled the night sky like a curtain, staging a colourful light
The fireworks show was divided into seven themes, which was the seven majors of the
Demon World. The envy demons were competitive and it unknown how long they had been
preparing this.
The most boring one was the gluttony department and Xie Xi couldn’t help looking down at
the ground.
The strangest one was the sloth department. There were 10 fireworks but these slowly
people drew it out for an hour before finishing. It was said they prepared 10 but the
rhythm was so bad they were ordered to stop!
The penultimate one was the lust department. Xie Xi rushed to Jiang Xie and cried out, “It is
After saying this, he couldn’t wait to change majors.
It was really about sex and the fireworks showed this!
The males and females weren’t tempted to be vegetarians and ate…
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand and Xie Xi glanced over at him. As for watching the fireworks…
He was kissed.
The finale was the pride department. Not much was known about this department because
there were almost no students in it at school. Most demons wouldn’t choose it. It was said
that graduation was extremely difficult but as long as they graduated, the mark was very
high and they could directly stay in the Seventh Domain.
This was a major with few people but monopolized power.
Xie Xi urged Jiang Xie, “Look at the fireworks. This is the best one.”
Jiang Xie kissed Xie Xi’s neck. “Looking at you is the best.”
Xie Xi listened to the words of love and his lips curved. “Look, it is said that the Demon God
is part of the pride…”
He hadn’t finished speaking when fireworks exploded in the sky. The purple fireworks
exploded and became layers that stacked on top of each other, becoming…
Jiang Xie whispered, “A rose?”
Xie Xi also recognized it and his heart was stunned.
It stood to reason that purple shouldn’t be obvious against the black sky but these
fireworks seemed to have a magical halo. Every single one blossomed and withered like
waves, an inexplicable and magnificent gesture that touched everyone’s heart.
Once the fireworks dissipated, Xie Xi saw the last ‘rose’, which was pure white. It shone like
a twinkling star in the dark night sky.
Then the star fell, dragging its white tail like a meteor falling in Xie Xi’s direction.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped violently.
Jiang Xie also noticed and protected Xie Xi. “Be careful.”
It was impossible to dodge. The strong white light fell on Jiang Xie’s back.
Xie Xi’s eyes narrowed. “Jiang Xie!”
He didn’t expect there to be such a change. It was just normal fireworks. Why did it
suddenly become a white meteor and what was going on with it?
Was it okay for Jiang Xie to be hit by it?
There should be nothing wrong. If an accident occurred with Jiang Xie then the world
wouldn’t be as stable as it was now.
Xie Xi sighed and leaned down towards the unconscious Jiang Xie, anxiously calling out to
him, “Are you okay?”
He resisted the urge to draw a healing device with the god’s wisdom.
He had simple medical knowledge and there was no problem in the general inspection. The
white light was like an illusion, going as quickly as it came and leaving no trace.
It was just that Jiang Xie was sleeping. He didn’t seem hurt, he had just fallen asleep.
What was going on?
The fireworks party was over and no one was here. It was now silent.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid. He was just worried about Jiang Xie.
If Jiang Xie didn’t wake up, should they sleep here?
It didn’t matter since there was a tent.
Xie Xi moved Jiang Xie to the tent and wanted to lie down beside him.
At this time, the sleeping Jiang Xie suddenly opened his eyes.
Xie Xi was startled by him. “Are you okay?”
The tent was very wide and there was a double mattress. It also had some small lights and
the yellow light shone brightly.
Jiang Xie squinted. Then he turned to see Xie Xi and his dark pupils sharply shrank.
At this moment, Xie Xi saw a cluster of purple flames in the eyes.
Gemini’s eyes were black. How could there be a purple halo?
As Xie Xi was puzzled, Jiang Xie pulled him over and pressed him under Jiang Xie’s body.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “What…”
He hadn’t finished his words when Jiang Xie leaned over and kiss him.
“Um…” Xie Xi was caught off guard. “W…What…”
He really hadn’t wanted to do anything in public but Jiang Xie was like a gust of wind and
even got Xie Xi’s succubus magic to move.
The confused Xie Xi heard Jiang Xie’s hoarse voice. “Do you like him?”
Who was him? Xie Xi couldn’t think and struggling to maintain his spirit. “I like you.”
The usual Jiang Xie would be happy but his voice sounded more lost. “Is Heaven so good?”
Eh? What did this mean?
Xie Xi replied, “As long as you are there, anywhere is good.” This wasn’t empty words. He
always thought this way.
Jiang Xie smiled and gave him an infinitely sweet kiss after what could be called rough sex.
“That’s good. Then I don’t need to exist.”
This shocked Xie Xi and he tried hard to open his eyes. However, his body seemed
exhausted to the extreme and he couldn’t control it. He wanted to say something but he
found that even the strength to talk was gone.
Jiang Xie kissed him, carefully pulled Xie Xi into his arms and fell asleep.
By the time Xie Xi opened his eyes again, he was back in the bedroom. He sat up and called
out, “Jiang Xie!”
Jiang Xie wasn’t…
Xie Xi got out of bed and wanted to find him. At this time, the dormitory door open and
Jiang Xie stood outside with breakfast.
He closed the door and lowered the bag in his hand. “How can you get out of bed with bare
Xie Xi was led back to bed by him. Then Jiang Xie bent over and put on shoes for him. “You
should wear shoes even if you don’t want to wear clothes. The floor is very good.”
Xie Xi wrapped himself tightly in the quilt. “You…” He found that his voice was hoarse the
moment he spoke.
Jiang Xie had a hint of chagrin in his eyes. “I don’t know what happened last night….”
The confused Xie Xi…
He remembered last night’s business and quickly asked, “You, last night…” He suddenly
didn’t know how to ask.
Rather, Jiang Xie asked him, “Is there any discomfort?”
Xie Xi was fine so he questioned Jiang Xie, “What about you? I saw the light hit you.”
Jiang Xie frowned. “It’s nothing. Just…”
The things he did yesterday were too much.
He couldn’t describe what happened. The complicated emotions still lingered in his heart,
as if he had lost Xie Xi forever and last night was the last embrace. He woke up and Xie Xi no
longer belonged to him.
Xie Xi couldn’t figure out what was going on and his heart was a bit uneasy.
Jiang Xie told him, “I brought breakfast. Eat it since you didn’t eat anything last night.
Xie Xi absent-mindedly got up and was still thinking about what happened last night as he
got dressed.
Was it an illusion?
But why would there be such an illusion?
Xie Xi drank soy milk and stared into Jiang Xie’s eyes. They were black but last night, they
were purple.
What was going on?
After breakfast, Jiang Xie suggested, “Don’t go to the garden today. If you are tired then take
a break.”
Xie Xi had a succubus’ body and really wasn’t tired. He said, “It’s fine. The garden is
interesting so let’s go and see it together.”
They just packed up and went out when they heard an enormous noise.
This was followed by a university professor flying out with black wings.
“All students, take refuge in the first auditorium!”
“What’s going on?” The students glanced at each other and didn’t know what happened.
Xie Xi was also baffled. He vaguely felt it was related to what he heard last night.
At this time, he heard a whisper between the professors where fear couldn’t be suppressed.
“…The Demon God fell.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 237
Collapsing 10 Boundaries 13

The Demon God?

Xie Xi remembered the purple-eyed Jiang Xie and his last sentence, ‘Then I don’t need to
Xie Xi’s head buzzed. There was another soul? Wasn’t it only one soul for every small
world? How could the Gemini world…
Xie Xi finally reacted. Gemini… there was the twins part!
Without thinking, he hadn’t expected there to be another soul so Xie Xi didn’t look at all. He
was only concerned about Angel Jiang.
According to the law, the souls should revolve around him. How long had the other Jiang
Xie been secretly watching him and become disheartened enough to give up last night?
What should he do? Xie Xi had been fed so much sugar in this world that he forgot the days
when he danced on the tip of a blade.
His thoughts were a mess as Jiang Xie pulled him to take refuge in the first auditorium.
This was the first time that Xie Xi saw elements of magic. The students who arrived were
shrouded by huge shields that the teachers supported.
The teachers usually put their wings away and looked like ordinary people. Now they all
showed their demon appearance, huge black wings filled with an unknown power and
bringing endless security.
The students in the auditorium were panicked and couldn’t help whispering.
“How could there be such a big shock?”
“I heard the teacher say that the Demon God has fallen…”
Once these words came out, the entire auditorium was silent before someone’s scared
voice was heard. “How is that possible? How could our Demon God…”
A wrath demon said, “It is an angel’s intrigue?” A sloth student blocked his mouth. “You will
die if you speak too much.”
It was true that they couldn’t say this. Heaven and the Demon World had been peaceful for
many years. If such an idea was born, there would be a big mess.
Fortunately, rationality prevailed and no one was angry with the angels.
The sloth demons might have lazy bodies but their minds were clear. One brother said,
“The Demon God has been sleeping for more than 100 years and didn’t the last festival. The
domain masters thought he would wake up for this festival. Who knew…”
These things were unknown for Xie Xi. He pricked his ears and listened carefully. After all,
it was an important clue.
Xie Xi was 105 years old this year. The Demon God fell asleep over 100 years ago? Did it
have something to do with him? Wasn’t he born after the Demon God fell asleep?
It didn’t matter if the Demon God was sleeping. After all, their lifespan was long and
governance of the Demon World had long been assigned to the domain masters. There was
no need for him to interfere.
However, the fall of the Demon God was fatal. He was the pillar of the Demon World. Once
he fell, the Demon World would fall apart. The domain masters could temporarily hold it up
but this was just a drop of water in the bucket. It wouldn’t last long.
The discussion of the crowd focused on two points. One was why the Demon God fell. What
happened? The other was the fall of the Demon God causing the collapse of the Demon
World. What should they do?
These questions couldn’t be answered by the students taking refuge here.
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand and told him, “Don’t be afraid.”
The Demon World might be ruined but there was Heaven. He could take Xie Xi out of here.
Of course, Heaven couldn’t ignore such a big thing as the Demon World collapsing. If the
Demon World’s collapse was truly irreparable, they would find ways to accept the demons.
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid there was no place for him. He was afraid that something would happen
to the souls!
It could be concluded that the Demon God was definitely Jiang Xie’s soul, otherwise the
entire Demon World wouldn’t collapse.
Did this world really have two souls? He only touched Angel Jiang but ignored Demon God
Who wanted this?
Wasn’t Demon God Jiang too efficient? He said he would fall and he fell. Couldn’t he leave
some room for Xie Xi?
The panicked Xie Xi became a bit calmer.
If the Demon God truly died then the angel in front of him wouldn’t be safe.
The souls moved the entire body. If one was in an accident then all of them would suffer.
Thus, there must be a turnaround!
Xie Xi stabilized. The thing he had to think about now was how to calm Angel Jiang while
coaxing Demon God Jiang.
The Demon God was dying and must be double coaxed. Angel Jiang experienced such
sweetness for so long that if he saw Xie Xi being good to others, he could really kill himself
with jealousy!
He hadn’t figured this out yet when someone came to find Xie Xi.
The sudden arrival of four-winged demons shocked the audience.
The sloth, envy and greedy demons knelt down and shouted, “I greet the domain masters!”
That’s right. Three demon masters had come and one of them headed straight to Xie Xi.
“Come with me.”
The envy domain master reached out for Xie Xi but Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s other hand.
Xie Xi definitely had to go but Angel Jiang…
“Let’s go together>” The sloth domain master glanced at Jiang Xie, no emotions in his light
grey eyes.
The next moment, Xie Xi found that he and Jiang Xie were in a different place.
They weren’t in the crowded first auditorium but a grand hall with a dome.
The floor of the temple was a smooth black mirror with six pillars on each side. Each pillar
had a different pattern and the exquisite carvings were impressive.
There was an empty throne and the throne’s back was very high. It was as high as the
pillars on both sides and had complicated lines on it. It was unknown where the light came
from but there was a dark purple halo on the throne.
Even Xie Xi could understand it. This was the Demon God’s Hall in the Seventh Domain. The
throne in the middle was the position of the Demon God while the six pillars represented
the six domain masters.
Xie Xi sighed with relief with he came here. According to this situation, there was still a
chance of saving the Demon God.
Xie Xi was sure that he could restore the Demon God as long as there was one breath left!
It was an emergency and the domain masters didn’t speak nonsense. Greed opened his
mouth. “We will temporarily stabilize the Demon World. You quickly wake up the Demon
Xie Xi asked, “Hasn’t the Demon God fallen?”
Greed replied, “He gave up the position of god. It is the same as falling!”
Just giving up the position of god, okay…
Xie Xi wanted to continue asking but Jiang Xie took his hand. “If the domain masters can’t
wake up the Demon God then what can Xie Xi do? He is just a student who hasn’t yet
His voice was cold and a tremendous uneasiness gripped Jiang Xie’s heart.
Envy sneered. “A student who hasn’t graduated yet? He was one of the seven favourites of
the Demon God 100 years ago.”
Xie Xi could easily accept this type of setting but since Angel Jiang was present, he had to
pretend to be panicked.
Greed opened his mouth. “He was reincarnated. How can he remember this?” He was
obviously referring to Xie Xi.
Envy cried out, “If he hadn’t reincarnated then the Demon God wouldn’t have fallen asleep!”
Sloth didn’t like to talk but his words were the most useful. “Don’t talk nonsense. The
urgent task is to save the Demon God.”
Envy sneered and was silent.
Greed came forward and told Xie Xi, “You don’t remember anything but 100 years ago, you
were the demon master of lust and the lover of the Demon God. We don’t know what
happened between you but as a result, you reincarnated without a word and the Demon
God fell asleep.”
Xie Xi knew it. How could there be no previous setting? This wasn’t a relationship. It was
being engaged in a previous life!
He saw Jiang Xie’s brain hole and could basically guess more of it. Xie Xi loved this person
but he was treated as a tool for a dog blood drama.
Xie Xi was really wronged. Since when did he treat Jiang Xie as a tool for X?
He wanted to be abstinent day and night! Wait…
Xie Xi thought of Angel Jiang beside him and glanced over. Sure enough, this person had
thin lips and was pale.
Xie Xi had long been accustomed to this type of scene and didn’t find it strange.
Greed continued, “Only you can make the Demon God return.”
Xie Xi was really afraid that the Demon God would come back while Angel Jiang would
Jiang Xie didn’t release his hand and his voice was low and cold. “Since he is reincarnated,
he is no longer the master of the Seventh Domain. What will happen if he goes?”
Envy said, “If it wasn’t for your existence, would the Demon God become disheartened?”
Jiang Xie had no fear. “I can’t let him go. He is my lover. Another person’s life has nothing to
do with him.”
Envy grabbed at Jiang Xie’s collar and scolded him, “If the Demon God doesn’t exist, the
Demon World is finished. Do you believe that I won’t kill you?”
Jiang Xie’s face didn’t change colour. “I won’t give Xie Xi to anyone.”
“You…” Xie Xi saw that Envy really wanted to act and was anxious.
He knew that the soul couldn’t be a simple student but Xie Xi didn’t want to fight here. No
matter who lived or died, it would be a half death and this meant death!
Xie Xi told them, “I’ll go so don’t hurt him.”
These words could only be described as ‘wonderful.’
It meant he would go to wake up the Demon God but it also subtly comforted Angel Jiang.
‘I’m not going because of the previous life’s melodrama but for Jiang Xie.’
Jiang Xie was really coaxed. He said, “No, this is the Demon God’s choice. Xie Xi, you…”
Envy reached for Jiang Xie’s neck.
The ‘frightened’ Xie Xi cried out, “Don’t… the Demon World is my home. I don’t want to
watch it fall!”
Envy released his hand but Jiang Xie didn’t release his grip on Xie Xi from beginning to end.
Xie Xi said, “Can you let Jiang Xie go with me?”
Envy questioned, “Why? Are you afraid that I will kill him if you leave?”
Envy’s words were delivered quickly and accurately. Xie Xi declared, “I must guarantee his
safety or I won’t go anywhere.”
Sloth spoke up, “Let them go together.”
There was a faint trace of mockery in the grey eyes that stared at Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi felt a bit uneasy but he couldn’t throw away Jiang Xie.
Forget the domain masters, even Xie Xi himself wasn’t at ease. The best way to save the
gourd was to place the gourd right underneath his eyes!
Xie Xi’s previous words barely give Jiang Xie a stimulus. Regardless of what the domain
masters said or what happened 100 years ago, at least the current Xie Xi loved him and
only him.
This gave the angel endless comfort and allowed him to stabilize his mind in front of this
great change.
What was the domain master or Demon God’s lover? It was all in the past and Xie Xi had
discarded it. He was now with Jiang Xie.
This comfort disappeared instantly after seeing a portrait of the Demon God.
Xie Xi also never imagined that the place to wake up the Demon God would have such a
huge portrait.
The man with six wings coming from his back had a pair of purple eyes. His eyelashes
drooped slightly and he looked downwards. His distant line of sight seemed to contain the
magic to penetrate into the hearts of people.
This was only a portrait yet it contained such a majestic pressure. It could be imagined how
powerful the real person would be.
The three domain masters saluted to the portrait.
Xie Xi stared at it in a dazed manner, senses not returning.
Jiang Xie lost all blood the moment he saw the portrait, all previous comfort disappearing
like a ghost.
The Demon God in the portrait looked exactly the same as him. The only difference was the
colour of the eyes.
Sloth glanced at him and spoke slowly, “It seems that even after reincarnating, the only one
in Lord Lust’s mind is the Demon God.”
Now Xie Xi understood why Sloth agreed to let Jiang Xie come and the previous mocking in
his eyes.
Xie XI was used to seeing the different ‘forms’ of Jiang Xie and had forgotten this!
‘It must really be fun. Jiang Xie, how much do you like acting as a substitute? Can’t you
change the pattern? Hey, forget it… you should develop fewer tricks to abuse yourself!’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 238

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 14
Even without Sloth stirring up trouble, Jiang Xie’s brain could make up 100,000 words.
Such as Xie Xi couldn’t forget his old lover even after reincarnation, he saw Jiang Xie who
looked exactly the same and felt something…
These thoughts changed the sweetness that the two people experienced together, the sugar
changing to a knife that could piece people’s heart, liver and lungs.
Greed added firewood. “It is the first time I’ve seen someone who looks like the Demon
What was so strange? They were all talented people!
Xie Xi was afraid that Jiang Xie would abuse himself and hurriedly changed the topic. “I
have no impression of what happened in the past. How do I wake up the Demon God?”
He was worthy of being an ‘old hand’ at this. The translation was that he didn’t remember
the Demon God at all and the next sentence drove forward the main point and making it a
gesture of public service.
This attitude barely gave Jiang Xie a slight comfort. Then Sloth deliberately stimulated Jiang
Xie. “As long as you absorb the memories from before your reincarnation, you will know
how to wake up the Demon God.”
Xie Xi knew there was a pit in front of him but he hadn’t expected the pit to be so deep!
If he didn’t recover his memories, Jiang Xie would think he was a substitute. If Xie Xi took
back the memories, he could wake up the Demon God but what about the angel? Would it
be minutes before Heaven collapsed?
The world was innocent. Don’t let it be destroyed so easily!
Jiang Xie immediately cried out, “No!”
He was already very upset. If Xie Xi acquired the memories, would he still be with Xie Xi?
Envy sneered. “There is no room for you to speak here.” This was too much.
Xie Xi wasn’t happy but he could understand the mood of the domain masters. After all, the
Demon World would collapse. If it could be saved using the memories of Xie Xi’s past life,
they wouldn’t frown if they had to sacrifice Xie Xi.
Still, Xie Xi wasn’t happy. Angel Jiang was pitiful enough, why keep bullying him?
Xie Xi held Jiang Xie’s hand and told him, “I will listen to you.”
The words stunned everyone present. Jiang Xie glanced at Xie Xi but before he could open
his mouth, Envy cried out, “Xie Xi, are you crazy? For this man, you don’t care about the
Demon World?”
Xie Xi gazed at Envy. “Don’t talk nonsense. The Demon World has nothing to do with me.”
It was the Demon God hurting the Demon World and this was related to Xie Xi but… he
wouldn’t tell this to Envy!
Envy muttered, “You…”
Sloth was much calmer. He stopped Envy and said to Jiang Xie, “I apologize for Envy. He
said something wrong just now. This really does require the opinions of both of you.”
He had emotional intelligence and high judgment.
Xie Xi had to cooperate with them but he also had to look after Jiang Xie. He couldn’t let
people bully him! Xie Xi stayed close to Jiang Xie and didn’t speak.
Sloth looked at Jiang Xie. “Xie Xi is the master of lust. Even if he doesn’t absorb the
memories before reincarnation, he will inherit the position of domain master and will
remember it.”
One of the six pillars of the Demon World was Xie Xi. Once Xie Xi gained enough power, he
would inherit the position of Lord Lust and also think of these past things.
However, this was on the premise that Xie Xi would inherit it. If the Demon World was
gone, the pillars would be finished and Xie Xi would…
Unfortunately, the other five domain masters wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen.
Sloth said Jiang Xie’s opinion would be considered but Jiang Xie couldn’t stop it. The three
domain masters wouldn’t just watch the Demon World collapse.
Xie Xi also knew these things yet he still said he would listen to Jiang Xie… Xie Xi was
worried and comforting him. Jiang Xie felt it but still felt bitter.
If… Xie Xi and the Demon God really…
Sloth spoke again. “Some things can’t be solved by escaping. It is only when we face them
that we can hope to eradicate them.”
This was exactly what Xie Xi wanted to say.
He gazed at Jiang Xie and took the opportunity to ask, “How about we go together?”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi added, “Together, we will receive the memories of before my reincarnation.”
The three domain masters hadn’t expected Xie Xi to say this…
Xie Xi had no other way. Rather than let Angel Jiang think wildly, he might as well watch the
‘pre-existing summary’ and maybe he could resolve the world in one fell swoop!
Of course, Xie Xi had another idea. He always felt this wasn’t a dead knot but a knot that
could be opened with a slight pull.
This was a worthwhile gamble. He would either clarify the situation or maintain the status
quo. Why should he block it?
Jiang Xie muttered, “The memories before your reincarnation…”
“I don’t want to hide anything from you. It doesn’t matter so shall we face it together?”
It was so moving. How could Jiang Xie refuse?
Even if Xie Xi really loved the Demon God in his previous life, at this moment, Jiang Xie
believed that Xie Xi was in love with him and loved him wholeheartedly.
Jiang Xie was satisfied with this firm confidence and trust. “Okay.”
The three domain masters looked at each other and exchanged opinions with their eyes.
Finally, Greed pulled out a pure white ball of light and told Xie Xi, “This contains the
memories of your past life. If you want to share it with Jiang Xie then you can go in
Xie Xi nodded and picked up the white light ball. The three domain masters retreated,
giving them enough privacy.
Jiang Xie stared at the light ball. “I really…”
Xie Xi approached and kissed him. “Trust me, I love you.”
He didn’t dare say that the past had passed since he didn’t know what the past was.
Jiang Xie’s expression became determined. “Yes.”
The two people’s minds entered the light ball and a large number of memories instantly
filled their minds. They understood it all at once.
Xie Xi’s heart was happy and he recalled this pre-existing summary.
The memories of his childhood passed quickly and he focused on the party after Xie Xi
entered university.
Xie Xi was once again a stop student. It wasn’t only this life but his life before reincarnation.
The master of lust was an academic master.
Jiang Xie really arranged Xie Xi neatly.
Xie Xi might be a succubus but he was a unique succubus.
In his sophomore year, his professor shouted at him, “You can’t drag it out any longer. You
have to accept the ceremony of adulthood.”
Xie Xi nodded. “I know.”
The professor was very worried about him.”Don’t just say you know with your mouth! Your
body should also adapt. A succubus not liking sex is going against nature!”
Xie Xi didn’t make a sound.
The professor sighed. “How is there a succubus like you? Pick and choose, who do you want
to choose?”
Xie Xi replied, “I don’t like people and I can still get high scores.”
The professor was angry. “You are very powerful. You only watch movies yet you are the
most accurate student. You can get first in the year but what is the use? You are a 22 year
old succubus and a virgin! If this is known, the entire Demon World will laugh!”
Xie Xi didn’t open his eyes and his lips were tightly pressed together.
The professor said, “I’m not interfering with your private life but you have to think about
yourself. You must hold the adulthood ceremony at the age of 23. You also know that
experiencing the ceremony as a virgin will lead to death!”
Xie Xi’s brow was tight. “I know.”
“I have a seminar in the Sixth Domain the day after. Come with me.”
Xie Xi looked up at him.
The professor was really angry. “You don’t look at any of the stinky people in the First
Domain. If you go to the Sixth Domain and still don’t pick a person then I won’t care about
Xie Xi spoke with some shame, “Professor…”
The professor poked him in the head. “How is there a person with your brains?”
It was no wonder why the reincarnated Xie Xi would experience such danger in the adult
ceremony. He was both a theoretical and practical idiot!
In his last life, he had a professor who cared about him. After reincarnation, he went to
Heaven and knew nothing about the situation of succubi. Of course, it was useless to know.
Who would guess that a succubus would have no experience?
Xie Xi followed the professor to the Sixth Domain.
Ordinary demons of the First Domain weren’t qualified to come here. It wasn’t only a status
problem but they also couldn’t withstand the pressure of the deeper demon realm.
Of course, Xie Xi’s trip wasn’t a long-term stay and it was only temporary. His body could
withstand it for a few weeks or the professor wouldn’t have dared bring him.
He was called an assistant but the professor just wanted him to go out and hook people.
Thus, the professor didn’t care about Xie Xi at all and even rushed him away.
Xie Xi wanted to live up to the professor’s heart and went out.
He didn’t know why he was like this. Succubi used sex as food and it was like ordinary
people eating and drinking. He was like an anorexic person and it was inevitable that the
professor would worry about him.
Xie Xi really couldn’t go on like this. He couldn’t drag out the adult ceremony and once the
ceremony was held, he either needed to have sex with someone or he would die.
Rather than choosing anyone because he was hungry, it was better to choose someone
pleasing in advance and quickly get rid of his virginity. Then he wouldn’t have to worry.
Thus, Xie Xi seriously went to a bar every night. He wanted to find a slightly eye-catching
person to resolve the current crisis.
His professor had told him, “You stinky boy, if you don’t even look at people in the Sixth
Domain then do you want the Demon God in the Seventh Domain?”
Xie Xi even said, “No, that won’t happen.”
The professor said, “Don’t you dare say that you know.”
Xie Xi smiled bitterly, “How am I worthy to meet the lord?”
The professor chased him away, “Go ahead, come back and be sure to let me see a new
Poor Xie Xi spent five or six days at the bars and wasn’t interested in any demon.
During this period, many big demons came up to talk to him. Men and women, black and
white-skinned… there were all types.
However, Xie Xi became nauseous when he thought about sleeping with them and didn’t
even want to talk to them.
By the eighth day, if Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of the professor then he really didn’t want to go
He was drinking in a corner when a grey-haired demon approached him. “Go with me?”
Xie Xi had previously rejected him and today he wasn’t interested. “No.”
Who would’ve expected the big demon to suddenly grab his hand and pull him up. “Low
level succubus, what are you doing here? I have to sleep with you tonight.”
A demon who could live in the Sixth Domain definitely wasn’t low grade. Xie Xi was his
opponent but just his wrist being held gave the illusion that his hand would be broken.
“You, let go!” He cried out painfully.
The grey-haired demon pulled him straight up. “Let go? I’ll let you…”
“Let him go.” A low voice was heard.
The grey-haired demon opened his mouth. “He is with me first, you…”
He hadn’t finished his words when he saw the person behind him. The demon who was as
arrogant and domineering as a rooster suddenly lost all momentum. “DDDDDD God…” He
couldn’t speak.
Xie Xi turned his head and met a pair of deep purple eyes.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 239

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 15

It was a very charming pair of eyes, the deep lustre seeming to cross the torrents of time
and was immersed in eternity. This alone made Xie Xi think this person was a serious and
restrained man with a long life.
The grey-haired demon let go of Xie Xi and ran out in a panicked manner.
Xie Xi’s location was somewhat isolated. Once the grey-haired demon left, only Xie Xi and
the strange man was were left behind.
Xie Xi knew that all the adult demons in the Sixth Domain had a high status, so he
cautiously bowed.
The man smiled. “Do you know me?”
Xie Shi shook his head. “I don’t know who you are.”
The man gazed at him for a while before speaking slowly, “Just call me Jiang Xie.”
“Lord Jiang Xie.”
The smile on Jiang Xie’s face deepened and he sat next to Xie Xi. ”It is just Jiang Xie, not
Xie Xi, “…”
Suddenly, he felt that his first impression was an illusion. In fact, this gentleman wasn’t
restrained or serious!
“What’s your name?” Jiang Xie asked him.
Xie Xi gave his name and added the following to prevent any misunderstandings. “I came
here with my teacher. My teacher has a seminar on.”
Jiang Xie was surprised. “A student?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to be looked down upon and straightened. “Now I am a student. I will
apply to the Seventh Domain after graduation.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “What will you do in the Seventh Domain?”
Xie Xi replied, “Every demon’s dream is to be loyal to the Demon God, I am no exception.”
Jiang Xie asked with interest, “Have you ever seen the Demon God?”
Xie Xi cast a disapproving gaze towards him. “Would the Demon God go to the First
Domain? Naturally, I haven’t seen him.” He didn’t want to seem righteous and restrained so
Xie Xi added, “…I’ll see him later.”
Jiang Xie spoke slowly. “How can you be loyal to a person you have never met?”
His demeanour wasn’t pious and Xie Xi watched him vigilantly. “Are you a spy sent from
Jiang Xie was amused by him and raised his eyebrows. “If I am a spy, I would tie you up and
bring you to Heaven right now.”
Xie Xi rarely had physical contact with others. He usually became cold but now he felt heat
spreading through his body…
Jiang Xie sensed it and his smile deepened. “Why, does the little succubus want me?”
His slow tone would have others think negatively of him but it was normal for a succubus.
Xie Xi might not indulge in desire but he was a real succubus. He knew the life of a succubus
very well and wasn’t angry.
He hesitated. The man in front of him felt different from the first impression but Xie Xi
didn’t hate him. If Xie Xi had to find a person, uh…
Unexpected, Jiang Xie told him, “Go find someone else. I’m not free tonight.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
This man was really annoying!
Xie Xi got up and stated coldly, “You are thinking too much, I’m not interested in you.” He
might be angry but he didn’t want to offend this person and used honorifics.
Jiang Xie noticed his anger. “Tonight really isn’t possible. If you are willing to wait then can
you come back tomorrow?”
Xie Xi shouted, “No!” Then he turned and left.
Such a casual big demon, Xie Xi didn’t want to have anything to do with him! Outside the
bar, the cold wind blew at Xie Xi and calmed him down. He saw his reflection in the
window. It was a very standard succubus’ face and others could recognize it at one glance.
Xie Xi didn’t hate his lineage, he just hated that he couldn’t adapt to his lineage. Why
couldn’t he find someone? Wasn’t it just sex?
This was a problem that even Xie Xi didn’t know the answer to. All he knew was that he
would rather face death than find just anyone.
Xie Xi laughed at himself and thought in his heart, ‘I said I would go to the Seventh Domain
to be loyal to the demon god but I can’t even go through the adulthood ceremony.’
The next day, Xie Xi didn’t go to the bar but he didn’t dare stay at the reception thanks to
his professor. He could only go outside into the cold wind until midnight, when he dared to
go back and sleep.
This happened for three days in a row. There were only a few days left until they returned
to the First Domain and the professor was furious. “What type of demon do you want to
Jiang Xie flashed through Xie Xi’s brain for a moment… he didn’t want that bastard!
Xie Xi angrily cried out, “I won’t become an adult!”
The professor seemed like a mother and father who regretted marrying off their daughter.
“You don’t want to live!”
Xie Xi stepped forward. “If I won’t live then I won’t live!”
The professor was angry but he also knew Xie Xi’s stubbornness. 10 hell dogs wouldn’t be
able to move him!
“What nonsense are you saying?” The professor decided to compromise. Tell me the type of
person you want. With the exception of the Demon God, I will help you find a way to
contact them.”
It wasn’t that he was being arrogant. His student was so excellent that even the domain
masters wouldn’t refuse to help this promising little succubus.
The only one Xie Xi could think about was Jiang Xie. However, that person wasn’t available!
Xie Xi made a gamble. “I want the Demon God. Apart from the Demon God, I don’t want
anyone else!”
“You… you… you stinky boy!” The professor was so angry that he almost died on the spot!
They would be leaving the Sixth Domain tomorrow. During this period, Xie Xi never went
out again.
The professor couldn’t control his student anymore and didn’t bother looking. He just went
out to drink.
Xie Xi sat in his room until 9 o’clock. He couldn’t go to sleep so he went out. He didn’t know
how but he went to the bar again. In fact, he didn’t have any thoughts. He just went in and
looked around. Naturally, he didn’t see the man with purple eyes…
This was normal. So many days had passed. Xie Xi relaxed and let out a breath. He sat at the
bar and sipped his wine slowly. It was the last night. Tomorrow he would go back…
This was it. He would go back and tell everyone that he only wanted to sleep with the
Demon God. Then he would wait to die. His life might be short but he somehow wasn’t
Xie Xi finished his glass of wine and was ready to go back. Then a voice was heard behind
him. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
Xie Xi turned around and saw the purple-eyed man who made him itch with dislike.
Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed with surprise and he spoke somewhat helplessly, “This little
succubus is really…”
Xie Xi had just drunk a glass of wine and thought about those things. His eyes were covered
with a layer of moisture and his cheeks were faintly red, which made his skin more
stunning. He was already very good-looking and this appearance could simply take away
the soul of a person.
Xie Xi hadn’t expected to see Jiang Xie and didn’t react for a while. He just stared at the
other person.
Jiang Xie’s voice lowered and was warm. “I am free tonight. You…”
“I’m not free!” Xie Xi’s senses returned along with an unknown anger and he refused.
He was inexplicably uncomfortable when he heard Jiang Xie’s words. He didn’t want to see
Jiang Xie or have anything to do with him. So what if Xie Xi died? In any case, he should live
Jiang Xie was slightly shocked.
Xie Xi got up and said, “Sorry, I’ve already made an appointment.”
Then he left. Jiang Xie naturally didn’t follow. He sat down for a while, the light fading from
his eyes.
Xie Xi returned to the First Domain. On the way, the professor sighed and kept glancing
bitterly at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s face didn’t change colour. “It is either the Demon God or death!”
The professor poked him. “I haven’t raised a naughty student like you for so many years!”
On the contrary, Xie Xi was too excellent. If he could graduate then he could be assigned to
the Sixth Domain. Then if he worked hard for several years, he might get a great prospect.
This stinky student had a great future but the problem was if the student could live to next
The thing that led Xie Xi to compromise later was that he saw a piece of information.
The Demon World had a long history and the succubus race was one of the original races,
they were very old.
Xie Xi found a predecessor who also suffered from anorexia like him. Before the adulthood
ceremony, the predecessor refused to do anything with others. Later, he held the ceremony
and it went completely out of control. The people around him…
Xie Xi saw up to here.
The one holding the ceremony for him was his own professor. If he became a beast and
forced his teacher then…
No, this image was too terrible, more terrible than death!
However, committing suicide would be too cowardly. This would make the professor who
always cared for him feel sad and lose his dignity.
What should he do?
As the day drew nearer, Xie Xi compromised. He could ignore himself but he couldn’t
implicate others.
Finally, Xie Xi plucked up the courage to go to a famous bar in the First Domain while
wearing a special outfit.
It didn’t matter the identity of the person. The first one to talk to him was fine. He just
needed to complete the task!
Unexpectedly, he just entered the door when he bumped into a person. Xie Xi looked up
and saw Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie frowned as he took off his coat and wrapped it around Xie Xi. “Dressing like this,
do you want to cause chaos?”
Xie Xi didn’t hear what he said and asked, “What are you… why are you here?”
Why was a big demon from the Sixth Domain in the First Domain? How could Jiang Xie
explain that he was fascinated by the little succubus and came to find him?
“There is a job,” Jiang Xie replied.
Xie Xi’s heart heated up as he thought about his set goal: have sex with the first person to
talk to him. This was Jiang Xie.
The awkwardness from a few works ago had long scattered and Xie Xi watched this person.
Jiang Xie’s voice became slightly hoarse. “It seems you don’t have an appointment tonight?”
Xie Xi told him, “I just arrived here.”
“Can I make an appointment with you then?”
Xie Xi’s thin lips quivered but he remained strong. “If you are free…”
Jiang Xie picked him up and directly teleported to a large room. Xie Xi was thrown on the
bed and his body was a bit squished. “This is…”
Jiang Xie covered his mouth and kissed him into a daze. At the last moment, Jiang Xie
stopped. Xie Xi stared up at him with moist eyes.
Jiang Xie told him, “Promise me something or I won’t continue.”
Xie Xi was going crazy. “What is it?”
Jiang Xie leaned towards his ear and whispered, “After tonight, you will only be with me
and not look for anyone else.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Jiang Xie kissed his small earlobe. “I will give you the best sex but you can only belong to
me from now on.”
At this moment, Xie Xi could only hear his own heartbeat that violently engulfed his entire
He circled Jiang Xie’s neck with his arms and whispered, “Okay…”
Xie Xi felt unparalleled joy the moment he uttered these words.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 240

Collapsing 10 Boundaries 16

Xie Xi woke up full of energy. The strength in his body was something he had never
experienced before. It was no wonder that succubi loved this type of thing. There was truly
a satisfying feeling of fullness.
Jiang Xie leaned on his elbow and glanced at Xie Xi. “Are you comfortable?”
Xie Xi turned, saw the tooth print on the other person’s shoulder and his face heated up.
“I’m fine.”
Jiang Xie squinted. “Fine?”
Xie Xi’s face became redder but it was impossible for him to say anything else!
Jiang Xie leaned over, kissed him several times on his red cheeks and said, “Don’t forget the
promise you made me.”
How could Xie Xi forget? Those words wandered in his head non-stop like a spell. As long as
he remembered them, his heart would thump. He nodded wildly and said, “Yes.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else and only asked, “Do you have classes during the day?
Don’t be late.”
He understood the physique of a succubus. Ordinary people would probably be tired and
paralyzed if they didn’t sleep all night but succubi were the opposite. They would be in
good spirits.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. The first class was taught by his professor and once the professor
saw the reason Xie Xi was absent, he would probably be ecstatic.
Still, Xie Xi was embarrassed to say this. he kept feeling strange and said, “Then I’m going.”
Jiang Xie nodded.
Xie Xi walked to the door of the bedroom before looking back. “You… how can I find you in
the future?” In fact, it was okay not to find Jiang Xie but he still wanted to ask. Once the
question emerged, his heart thumped like it was jumping out of his chest.
Jiang Xie replied, “I’ll find you.”
Xie Xi bit his lower lip.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Don’t try to steal food. I can see it.” Then he blinked.
Yes, this was a big demon of the Sixth Domain with extraordinary power. It would probably
be easy for him to find Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie saw that the succubus was nervous and added, “Rest assured, I won’t interfere
with your life. I’ll just know where you are when I think of you.” It was just like this time
when he blocked the door of the bar before the little succubus could do bad things.
Xie Xi’s life was honest and he wasn’t afraid of interference. “suit yourself.”
In any case, his time was free while the big demon must be busy. He would wait for the big
demon to find him.
Xie Xi was about to go out when Jiang Xie suddenly shouted at him. “Wait.”
Xie Xi turned to look at him. “Hmm?”
Jiang Xie’s finger drew something and Xie Xi felt something on his body. He looked down
and found that his clothes became a windbreaker that… wrapped tightly around him.
Jiang Xie was satisfied. “Go to school.”
Xie Xi’s lips twitched. “If a succubus dresses like this, I will be laughed at.”
Jiang Xie didn’t listen.
By the time the two people finished the problem of the clothes, Xie Xi had completely
missed his first class.
After school in the evening, he went to the professor and the professor made an
understanding expression. “This stinky boy finally figured it out?” Looking at this person’s
mental state, it was easy to tell he finally wanted to live!
Xie Xi was ashamed. “Sorry for making you worry.”
The professor sighed. “At least you passed this hurdle. I almost asked the domain master to
find the Demon God to help you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
The professor laughed. “I’m kidding. It is useless to ask. The Demon God wouldn’t care
about a little succubus.”
Xie Xi also laughed but his heart was moved. His teacher was really good for him and tried
to help him.
The experience meant Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of the upcoming adulthood ceremony.
The professor said, “I’ll arrange it for you.” Xie Xi’s life span would be shortened if he didn’t
go through the adulthood ceremony.
Xie Xi nodded. “It is hard for Teacher.”
“You are saying this now?” The professor teased. “Who was the one who said it would
either be the Demon God or death?”
This was hitting his face. Xie Xi muttered, “That was nonsense.”
The professor poked him. “I also knew that you were talking nonsense! I don’t want to
think about the identity of the Demon God. Even if you go to the Seventh Domain, you might
not necessarily be able to see him…”
The professor spoke a bunch of nonsense mainly to vent his fear.
This student was too good that he had really felt distressed.
Now things were cleared up and he should scold Xie Xi as a teacher.
Xie Xi was full of guilt and pricked his ears to listen.
The adulthood ceremony was held very smoothly and Xie Xi clearly felt the power surging
in his body.
The professor told him, “You have a good boyfriend.”
Xie Xi asked, “What does it have to do with him?”
The professor said, “It isn’t good to just know the theory. You must practice…”
After the teacher said this, Xie Xi knew that the succubus ate through sex and really
absorbed the power of the partner.
Xie Xi asked anxiously, “Will it hurt him?”
The professor raised his eyebrows. “You care that much?”
Xie Xi shook his head too quickly but he seemed to get a taste of something.
The professor knew Xie Xi had a soft nature and explained, “Don’t worry, it is a matter of
mutual benefit. You will gain some strength while his physique will be washed clean.
Maybe people want this but can’t ask for it.”
Xie Xi was relieved. If it really was one-sided then the succubi wouldn’t have people
constantly approaching them.
These things weren’t written in the textbooks. As for why they weren’t written, it was
probably because all succubi knew it and it wasn’t worth mentioning.
After all, it was rare for there to be a succubus with no experience at this age.
The textbooks wouldn’t write down a paragraph specifically for Xie Xi.
The professor reminded him, “You don’t have to worry about him but you must be careful.”
Xie Xi was curious. “About what?”
The professor explained, “If he is too strong then you won’t be able to bear it.”
“He shouldn’t be too strong.”
He didn’t feel any discomfort but in hindsight, he was really full of strength.
The professor stated, “That’s fine.”
That night, Jiang Xie came to him.
They had done it many times before but this was the first time Jiang Xie suddenly appeared
in front of him and took him straight away.
They went to bed without saying any words.
In any case, this was the best food for a succubus and Xie Xi was happy.
Afterwards, Jiang Xie took the initiative to ask Xie Xi, “What are your plans after
Xie Xi lay on the pillow with a large portion of his back facing the outside. Jiang Xie couldn’t
help placing his hand on it.
Xie Xi’s body quivered but he didn’t look at the other person. “I will apply for the Sixth
Jiang Xie’s lips curved. “You will go to find me?”
Xie Xi wondered, “Otherwise?”
“Yes, my little succubus is a good boy who keeps his promises.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “I’m not little and I’m not a child. Don’t use this old-fashioned tone of
Jiang Xie was full of smiles. “Yes, you’re not little or a child. You just grew up today.” His
tone still sounded like he was coaxing a child.
Xie Xi angrily opened his hand and Jiang Xie leaned back. “However, I’m not in the Sixth
“What domain are you in?” Speaking of which, he hadn’t asked much about Jiang Xie’s
Jiang Xie answered, “The Seventh Domain.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “The Seventh Domain? Then I…” He scored very well and applying
for the Sixth Domain wasn’t a problem, but the Seventh Domain… there were many rigid
standards and he couldn’t pass with just good grades. It also depended on luck.
Jiang Xie told him, “If you apply then you can definitely go.”
HIs tone was so firm that Xie Xi was curious. “What exactly is your identity?”
After knowing this person for so long, Xie Xi had naturally checked Jiang Xie’s identity.
Unfortunately, the name was so strange that no one knew it.
Xie Xi suspected Jiang Xie was a domain master but the names of the domain masters were
known and there was no one called Jiang Xie.
Maybe it was a pseudonym?
Jiang Xie asked him, “Who do you think I am?”
Xie Xi tried to guess. “A demon general?” It had to be at least this level to stay in the Seventh
“Guess again.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “One of the domain masters? Who… the names aren’t right.”
Jiang Xie looked at him. “’Guess again.”
Xie Xi couldn’t guess. “You’re not a demon general or a domain master. At your age… you
can’t be a clerk!”
The really big Jiang Xie was poked. “I’m not much older than you.” He was actually eight
thousand years old.
Xie Xi really couldn’t guess. He knew what Jiang Xie was afraid of and lay on Jiang Xie. “Who
are you?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi blinked.
Jiang Xie bit Xie Xi on the neck as punishment for his seduction. “The Demon God.”
Xie Xi, “???”
“Didn’t you want to be loyal to me? Then stay in the Seventh Domain in the future and be
the lust domain master.”
Xie Xi, “!!!”
This news not only blew up Xie Xi but also blew up the entire Demon World.
The Demon God was an almost legendary existence. No one had seen him apart from the
domain masters butt he rumours were clear. For example, the Demon God was above the
seven desires and wouldn’t be trapped by any desires. He was an omnipotent existence
supporting the entire Demon World.
Now the god had a succubus companion.
It was like blowing up the Demon World.
Xie Xi also took a long time to accept the reality while his professor went crazy. “You…
you… you really only accepted the Demon God or you would’ve died!”
Xie Xi couldn’t say anything. How did he know that this bastard man would be the sacred
and inviolable Demon God?
Still, it was the truth.
Once Jiang Xie’s identity was revealed, the first thing Jiang Xie told Xie Xi was, “Should I
remind you? Your promise to me is the same as an oath and you will be punished if you
break it.”
Xie Xi was disillusioned. This was the Demon God he wanted to swear allegiance to?
Later, Xie became the master of Lust.
It wasn’t good for him to skip ranks and Jiang Xie took this into account. He beat up the
domain masters and demons one by one, making them obedient and thankful to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was strong and after taking on this burden, he must do everything well. He never let
anyone point out any mistakes.
He worked hard and inevitably neglected Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie didn’t feel urgent and watched Xie Xi grow up from the little succubus to a
convincing domain master.
This section was mostly related to the development of the Demon World. Xie Xi didn’t think
much about it and moved to the end.
The contradiction between him and the Demon God slightly increased.
Jiang Xie didn’t come out. At first, the domain masters were perfunctory about Xie Xi. After
several hundred years, Xie Xi mastered the absolute rights with his own strength.
The two people had been together for so long but never talked things out.
It wasn’t until Xie Xi visited Heaven and watched a movie that he understood the word love.
Thanks to this introduction, the seeds buried in his heart burst out.
Jiang Xie tied Xie Xi to him with an oath but Xie Xi found the real tie was his love for Jiang
The Demon World didn’t care about this. In particular, the demons who majored in lust
considered loyalty as a joke.
Yet Xie Xi, the master of lust, wanted faithful love.
From this time on, Xie Xi had his own ideas about the development of the Demon World.
He started to promote integration with Heaven and became more inclined to the social
form of Heaven. He strived to change the Demon World…
Such a big move was bound to cause a reaction.
The domain masters were convinced by him but these policies, which clearly overturned
the traditions of the Demon World, shook them.
They reported the news to Jiang Xie and told him about Xie Xi’s yearning for Heaven.
Over the years, Jiang Xie had never interfered with Xie Xi’s decisions but this matter was
too much. For the first time, he reprimanded Xie Xi with a serious attitude and stopped
these reforms.
Xie Xi had cold water poured on him and his blood was chilled.
Jiang Xie coaxed him, “Everything else is up to you but this nonsense can’t be allowed. The
Demon World is the Demon World. It can’t be reduced to a second Heaven.”
This made Xie Xi wonder, “What is so bad about Heaven?” Angels were loyal, chaste, sang
about love, advocated spiritual abundance and didn’t indulge in physical desires.
Jiang Xie frowned. “Don’t talk about it.”
Xie Xi was furious. “Do you think I am talking nonsense? Does the Demon World never need
to change? Why can’t we learn from the good things about Heaven? Can the Demon World
only be like this?”
Jiang Xie’s voice was soft. “The Demon World was created by me and I know what is best
for it.”
A deep sense of powerlessness encased Xie Xi. “I don’t like the Demon World.”
Jiang Xie’s voice became cold. “Then you prefer Heaven?”
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed and he asked, “What did you encounter when you went to
Xie Xi summoned up the greatest courage of his life and told Jiang Xie in a trembling voice,
Perhaps it happened from a long time ago but he hadn’t understood until now. The reason
why Xie Xi’s heart thumped when Jiang Xie said ‘You can only belong to me’ was because of

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 241

Collapsing 10 Boundaries End

Jiang Xie’s eyes clouded over when he heard this and his voice was even colder. “Love?”
Seeing his demeanour and hearing his tone, Xie Xi’s desperately swelling courage was like a
broken balloon, popped in an instant.
Jiang Xie leaned down and stared at him. “You are a succubus and the domain master of
Lust. What do you know about love?”
These questions completely extinguished the faint cluster of flames in Xie Xi’s heart.
What was he expecting? What was he dreaming of?
The man in front of him was the supreme god.
Xie Xi didn’t make a sound and only bit his lips.
Hundreds of years had passed and his appearance had long lost its tenderness and
youthfulness. However, the enthusiasm in his bones hadn’t changed in the slightest. He was
still the Xie Xi who didn’t want to be embarrassed and would prefer to face death if he
didn’t meet the right person.
The usual Jiang Xie couldn’t bear to see him like this. As long as Xie Xi could be happy,
everything was fine. But today…
Jiang Xie closed his eyes and whispered, “Don’t forget, you made a god’s oath.” He might’ve
tricked Xie Xi to keep Xie Xi by his side but a god’s oath was still a god’s oath. Xie Xi couldn’t
A god’s oath, it was an oath to a god.
Was Xie Xi afraid of this oath?
He suddenly looked up, eyes full of rebellion. “So what?”
Jiang Xie was dumbfounded and his face was completely blank.
Xie Xi’s lips were pale but there was an angry blush on his face. “So what if I violate the
“You don’t want to live?”
Don’t want to live… don’t want to live… he shouldn’t have lived a few hundred years ago!
Xie Xi finally understood what he had been waiting for, what he had been tangled up in and
what he had clung to.
He didn’t want to grow up because he wanted a faithful love!
However, he couldn’t find it. If he couldn’t find it in the Demon World then he wouldn’t
have hesitated to give up his life.
Xie Xi hoarsely told Jiang Xie, “What is the meaning of living like this?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes shrank but he only saw Xie Xi’s back as Xie Xi disappeared.
The great hall was empty and Jiang Xie sat on the throne of the Demon God, nails digging
into his palms.
Sure enough, he shouldn’t be near this succubus.
Just a few hundred years, it was only a few hundred years but those hundred years
scattered in the blink of an eye. He…
Xie Xi was disheartened. He not only refused to see Jiang Xie but also left behind all domain
master matters.
Lord Sloth, who had a good relationship with him, came to ask what was going on.
Xie Xi directly quit his responsibilities.
Sloth had never talked a lot. This time, he probably talked a year’s worth. “Why do you look
like this? Is it that you don’t want to do anything without the Demon God’s favour. Is the
Demon World in your eyes…”
Xie Xi listened and his heart became more and more defeated.
Other people could see his mind. Was it so obvious?
Xie Xi shook his head and told Sloth, “I was busy as well. It is enough for the Demon World
to have him. He never needed me.”
Sloth couldn’t refute his words.
Indeed… no matter the domain masters, the Demon World would thrive as long as there
was the Demon God.
Sloth sighed. “Why are you like this?”
Xie Xi also wanted to know the reason why. Why was he dissatisfied with the status quo,
why did he want to think about love?
But he…
Xie Xi told Sloth, “You will have to work hard in the future. I want to settle in the First
Sloth couldn’t persuade him. After all, Xie Xi wanted the Demon God but the Demon God
was the entire Demon World. How could the noble god give him such private feelings?
Xie Xi went to the First Domain, settled at the border and gazed at the distant Heaven.
He fantasized about a life in Heaven. He imaged that Jiang Xie was an angel and he was also
an angel. They didn’t have the shackles of identity and desire. They simply met and fell in
So what if there wasn’t a long life? A short burst of love was enough for a lifetime.
Xie Xi gazed at Heaven and immersed himself in his aimless fantasies.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie went to Heaven to investigate all the people Xie Xi had met during his
He didn’t know which angel Xie Xi had fallen in long with. He thought that everyone he saw
was impossible and couldn’t think of who it might be.
For a moment, he wanted to destroy all the angels who had seen Xie Xi to keep him under
Nevertheless, it was useless. Xie Xi would only hate him.
Jiang Xie left Heaven and saw the soulless Xie Xi in the First Domain.
He hid his body and stood there, watching Xie Xi gaze at Heaven with a pair of beautiful
Jiang Xie wasn’t surprised. If it wasn’t for the oath, Xie Xi would’ve already gone to Heaven.
It was because he expected such a day that Jiang Xie spoke such conditions, thinking of at
least tying this little succubus’ body to him.
However, what was the use of this?
Xie Xi didn’t look for anyone but he was no longer looking for Jiang Xie.
They were so close but Xie Xi would never look at Jiang Xie again.
Day after day passed and Xie Xi finally couldn’t stand it.
The more beautiful the fantasy, the crueler the reality.
He had left the Seventh Domain for so long but Jiang Xie hadn’t looked for him once.
Jiang Xie was angry because Xie Xi overstepped.
Xie Xi had worked had for many things and knew more than most demons, such as the
reincarnation ceremony.
He would use this to break free of all constraints and start a new life.
He wasn’t willing to die timidly. He wanted to break away from the oath and let the Demon
God know that not everything was as he thought and not everything was in his control. Xie
Xi could resist him!
Jiang Xie could stop Xie Xi’s reincarnation ceremony but what was the use?
This was Xie Xi’s decision and Jiang Xie could never control him.
Once Xie Xi started the ceremony, Jiang Xie stood beside him and watched him sleep,
watching his body shrink as he changed from an adult succubus to a young child with a
small tail.
Xie Xi curled up in the formation and closed his eyes.
Jiang Xie leaned over and picked him up, whispering, “Do you hate the Demon World that
much?” The Demon World was Jiang Xie. If Xie Xi hated it so much then what was the
meaning of Jiang Xie’s existence?
Jiang Xie handed over the sleeping succubus and a white ball of light to Sloth.
Sloth was surprised. “Lord Demon God, Xie Xi…”
“Let him start a new life,” Jiang Xie stated. “I am tired and will hand over the Demon World
to you.”
Then Jiang Xie fell into the darkness.
Since then, the Demon God never appeared and at the same time, a small angel called Jiang
Xie appeared in the First Heaven.
After his reincarnation, Xie Xi forgot everything, including his love.
He became the Xie Xi who went to Heaven and found love.
The memories came to an abrupt end.
Xie Xi confirmed his own thoughts. Sure enough, Angel Jiang and the Demon God were the
same person, making him breathe a sigh of relief. Then he thought about this dog blood
misunderstanding and wanted to smash Jiang Xie!
What a trash plot! What type of barren imagination?
Was Xie Xi a half talker? Was he a man who couldn’t even confess? Why didn’t he
straightforwardly say that he loved Jiang Xie? How many times did the ball fall on the
It seemed that the next ball would have to hit Jiang’s face, hard and ruthless. Let him have a
bruised nose and face and see if he dared think about it!
The memories of before the reincarnation could only be seen by Xie Xi. This time Jiang Xie
saw it because he was with Xie Xi.
At that time, Xie Xi had just been reborn and a little succubus in the shape of a child
couldn’t accept the memories. Thus, the Demon God couldn’t see them.
If he saw them then how could there be these crooked things?
Of course… this was a ‘former setting’ and it only existed after Xie Xi entered the world.
The angel who didn’t want to be the Demon God was still in a daze.
Xie Xi glanced at him.
Jiang Xie’s senses returned. “You always loved me…”
He saw all this and understood the great misunderstanding. Xie Xi loved him and only him.
Years ago, he would rather die than be casually with people, yet he was together with Jiang
He went to Heaven where he didn’t meet someone he loved. He just watched a public
welfare movie and understood his own heart, understanding that he always loved Jiang Xie.
Then Jiang Xie said something like that to him…
Jiang Xie was flustered. “I thought you fell in love with another person. I thought you
wanted to leave me, I…”
He explained, hated his own misunderstanding of Xie Xi and hating himself for making a
mess of things.
Xie Xi was angry but let it when he thought that these bad setting was due to the negative
feelings caused by the collapsing world.
“I also wasn’t good…” Xie Xi told the other person. “I didn’t make things clear.”
“You worked hard, you…”
A succubus and the domain master of lust, how much courage did it take to speak about
love to the Demon God? Not only was this opening up his own heart, it was overthrowing
faith and subverting the nature of a succubus. He must’ve felt completely desperate.
Yet Jiang Xie thought Xie Xi said those things because of another person…
Xie Xi sighed. “I didn’t expect you to love me.”
Jiang Xie hated himself even more. “Compared with your courage, I am really weak.
He liked his little succubus since the first moment they met. However, he hesitated for so
long and tied Xie Xi to him with a vile oath, giving their supposedly pure love a bad start.
Xie Xi gave up on blaming Jiang Xie. After all, this wasn’t Jiang Xie’s fault but the fault of the
collapsed world.
Anyone left behind will feel despair.
Xie Xi was once a person who was left behind and could understand.
Xie Xi looked up at him and asked, “I loved in the last love and I still love you in this life.
Then… do you love me?”
Jiang Xie stared at him and spoke the long-hidden feelings. “I love you.”
Xie Xi kissed him and the two people left this world with the sweet kiss.
Back in the rose garden, Xie Xi saw the sleeping Gemini.
He sat for a moment and calmed down.
This world was actually really simple.
The previous summary might be very dog blood but the result was excellent. As long as it
was watched to the end, Xie Xi didn’t have to do anything and the misunderstanding would
be lifted.
Xie Xi carefully reviewed it and found that this was actually Jiang Xie helping himself.
When Xie Xi first entered, he met Angel Jiang and Angel Jiang was the Demon God whose
memory was sealed.
Xie Xi fell in love with the angel and afterwards, the two people went to the Demon World.
The Demon God thought that Xie Xi really loved Heaven so he didn’t want to be the Demon
God. He just wanted to be a real angel and be together with Xie Xi.
This led to the collapse of the Demon World.
At the same time, the Demon God also left a back door for himself, which were the
memories before reincarnation.
As long as Xie Xi watched them with Jiang Xie, Jiang Xie would no longer disregard the
identity of the Demon God and the Demon World naturally wouldn’t collapse.
Rather than say that Xie Xi repaired the world, it was better to say that Jiang Xie was trying
to save himself.
Was this the consciousness of the soul or was Jiang Xie finally able to interfere in the small
Xie Xi didn’t know but he was happy either way!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 242

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 1

It was a lot easier.

The collapsing world made the souls feel despair until Xie Xi entered. They got a glimpse of
hope and struggled. Xie Xi could stablize the small world as long as they held onto these
small flames!
The pre-existing summary for Gemini was naturally a pot of dog blood. Xie Xi wanted to hit
the person but then he thought about it and this misunderstanding was the best.
If the souls were really desperate then Xie Xi might actually be a succubus who didn’t know
love or he would really fall in love with someone else.
This was a complete knot that couldn’t be resolved.
Now Xie Xi didn’t need to show his loyalty. Jiang Xie took medicine to get rid of his own
Xie Xi was in such a good mood that he wasn’t nervous when he saw the countdown.
The three identical Jiang Xie slept on the ground… oh, they were sleeping on the ground!
Xie Xi summoned the god’s wisdom and sketch pen to draw three beds. He wasted a lot of
energy settling the three of them onto the beds.
In fact, it didn’t matter where they were sleeping but Xie Xi was in a good mood and
willingly served them.
He saw the countdown above the heads of the three Jiang Xie became 2:33:33 and didn’t
delay. This time, he went to the Cancer light group.
Cancer was a green light group. Once Xie Xi placed his hands on it, a Jiang Xie with gentle
eyebrows and a brotherly look appeared in front of him.
Xie Xi had three experiences and there was some speculation about the images in the light
Aries was a young boy and Xie Xi saw a teenager when he entered.
Taurus had a youthful appearance but Xie Xi saw the adult Jiang Xie.
Gemini was a university student and Xie Xi became his roommate after entering.
The world of Gemini might not have an ordinary university background but it was still a
What about this time? Based on Cancer’s appearance, were they neighbours? Perhaps they
were neighbourhood brothers who grew up as friends?
Cough… Xie Xi cleared his throat as he discovered that he also became bad.
There were so many routines and he made up his own.
Xie Xi entered the light group with anticipation. Perhaps it was because Gemini ended too
easily that he felt good about the small world. Whether it was the main body or the souls,
Xie Xi would work hard to cooperate with them.
Then… Xie Xi opened his eyes.
Xie Xi was so frightened that he didn’t even notice the sound of his voice.
So big
Was this a country of giants? The tables and chairs were huge, the thermos and cups were
huge and even the windows were so big that he looked up and couldn’t see the outside.
His experience with Gemini meant that Xie Xi wouldn’t be too surprised even if this was a
country of giants.
The quasi-worlds were strange and could take any form.
Xie Xi tried to look around. The appliances were very big but it could be seen that this
house was a bit poor. The walls were mottled and in some places, the brick surface was
revealed. The ground was covered with tiles and there were ashes hidden in the gaps. The
magnified table and chairs were made of the cheapest composite panels. There was also a
chair with a broken appearance that made people wonder if it was possible to sit on it.
Xie Xi inwardly muttered, ‘Is Cancer so poor?’
He looked good in the light group. He had been well-dressed and looked very gentle.
Still, the images of the light group couldn’t be fully believed. It was just like how Aries was
sunny in the light group and then gloomy after entering…
Xie Xi didn’t see Jiang Xie for a long time before he finally heard a violent cough.
The sound was so loud that it shook the place where Xie Xi was located.
Speaking of which… where was he?
Xie Xi was shocked to find that he was in a cage! What was going on? Had he ben grabbed
as a pet by the giants?
Xie Xi tried to guess the world background with the information he had.
At this moment, there was the sound of footsteps. The man who violently coughed emerged
from the back room. Xie Xi looked up and saw him.
It was enlarged by many times but Xie Xi still saw the outline of Jiang Xie from these
handsome facial features.
Was it Jiang Xie? Xie Xi was uncertain.
He couldn’t be sure because the man’s appearance was too upsetting. He was so thin that
his clothes couldn’t be supported and his face was pale and bloodless. He had dark circles
under his eyes and he coughed fiercely. The hand holding the glass trembled and he
seemed to have exhausted his strength by drinking the water.
Finally, his coughing stopped but he was still gasping as he sat in the damaged chair for a
Was this man Jiang Xie? Xie Xi had never seen such a Jiang Xie… a Jiang Xie that seemed to
be blown away by the wind.
Then the man looked up and Xie Xi instantly knew that this wasn’t Jiang Xie. It was
unbelievable but Xie Xi had this body. He could tell if it was Jiang Xie the moment he saw
the eyes.
The man in front of him had very similar facial features to Jiang Xie but he wasn’t Jiang Xie.
Then who was he?
Xie Xi chose not to speak and watched the situation.
The man stood up and walked over to Xie Xi.
As the distance got closer and closer, the face became bigger and bigger. Xie Xi was really
unaccustomed to this perspective…
The man might not be Jiang Xie but he was very similar to Jiang Xie. He was thin and looked
terrible but his expression was gentle and his voice was also great to listen to. “Are you
Xie Xi’s heart was pained because of this person’s poor appearance.
There was no way. It might not be Jiang Xie but he couldn’t stand seeing a tragic person
with this face.
“I’ll get you something to eat.” The man coughed as he walked to the cabinet behind the
The distance was very far for Xie Xi but it was very close for the ‘giant.’ He took three steps
and easily arrived.
Yet this short distance caused the man to gasp for a while and his forehead was covered
with sweat.
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “I’m not hungry, you…” Chirp chirp chirp!
Xie Xi found that his voice wasn’t right!
The man heard his cries and turned to look at him. “Just wait, I’ll get you some grains to
Xie Xi looked down at himself.
He didn’t see his arms and legs but white feathers.
It turned out he wasn’t in a country of giants. He wasn’t human this time?
In the Aries world, Xie Xi was a cat and had adapted to a cat’s perspective. It was just that in
this world, he was obviously smaller than a cat.
What was he? He thought about his voice and then eating grains…
Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “ A bird?” His voice was still a chirp and sounded fierce.
The man seemed to think he was hungry and the man’s actions became a bit anxious. “I’ll
get it for you straight away…”
Xie Xi wasn’t hungry at all. He was just too shocked!
The man wobbled. His urgency made him more unstable and he seemed like he would fall.
Xie Xi was really afraid this person would fall but he was a silly bird in a cage. What could
he do?
He could only rely on the god’s wisdom!
Xie Xi was dumbfounded when he called out the god’s wisdom and sketch pen.
Was this his sketch pen? It was so long and thick?
Xie Xi tried to use his short wings to hold the pen…
He was almost crushed to death by the pen.
Xie Xi was helpless. ‘This gentleman who looks like Jiang Xie, I really can’t help you.’
Fortunately, the door opened at this time and a young man rushed to help the man who
was about to fall. “Dad, why did you get out of bed?”
Despite not seeing the face, Xie Xi heard this voice and was certain that this young man was
Jiang Xie!
He hurried to look but could only see Jiang Xie’s back.
Cancer was very young, probably younger than his appearance in the light group. He
seemed to be 17 or 18.
He was tall and strong, forming a sharp contrast to the thin man next to him.
The man coughed softly and said, “I’m fine. Little Chirp is hungry so please feed it.”
Jiang Xie didn’t look back and only helped the man. “Go back to bed and rest first. Hand
over everything else to me.”
He settled the man into bed and tested the temperature of the forehead. He was visibly
relieved when his father showed no signs of a fever.
The man was ashamed. “Your father is useless.”
“Dad, don’t say this. Just focus on getting better.”
Jiang Xie got up, poured a glass of water and placed it by the man’s bed before grabbing
some grain and placing it in Xie Xi’s cage.
Xie Xi saw the giant Cancer.
He was mentally prepared but the appearance of this Cancer was quite surprising.
There wasn’t the gentleness of the neighbourhood brother and there was even a heavy
He didn’t look at Xie Xi. After he finished pouring the grain, he went to do housework.
Xie Xi didn’t eat and watched this person.
Cancer was obviously used to these things. His sweeping and mopping of the floor was
sharp and thorough, he easily boiled water and cooked and even his ability to wash clothes
was great…
Xie Xi watched and inevitably felt some heartache.
Aries was quite miserable but Cancer seemed even worse.
His father was seriously ill and his family so poor that the young man had to cook and do
laundry after coming back from school…
He must be having a hard time.
Dinner was very plain. Jiang Xie only ate rice and there were no vegetables. He had a
growing body and his appetite was very big. One person ate three bowls of rice.
Father Jiang whispered, “Don’t just eat rice, you should eat some dishes.”
“I don’t like to eat them,” Jiang Xie replied.
Father Jiang was so sad he couldn’t speak.
It wasn’t that his son disliked eating vegetables. It was that he couldn’t become full from
the small amount he could buy with a few dollars. He could only be full by eating rice.
After dinner, Jiang Xie prepared to go out and he told his father, “Don’t move around. I’ll
come back late after self-study.”
Father Jiang nodded.
Before Jiang Xie left through the door, he placed Xie Xi in front of his father. “Let Little Chirp
accompany you.”
Father Jiang smiled. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie left. Father Jiang held it in until his son was far away. Then he coughed violently.
He had been holding back just now because he didn’t want to worry Jiang Xie. Thus, he
couldn’t help coughing up blood.
Xie Xi was anxious but he couldn’t do anything as a little bird!
Father Jiang wiped the blood he coughed up and carefully threw it into the deepest part of
the trash can, as if afraid that Jiang Xie would see it.
Once he coughed, he seemed more comfortable and his mental state was much better.
He leaned against the bed, looked at Xie Xi in the cage and whispered, “Little Jiang is going
to work again.”
Xie Xi, “…”
“Such a good child, how is his life so bitter? I am a useless father.”
It was fortunate that he thought Xie Xi couldn’t understand or he would be embarrassed.
Father Jiang seemed to feel some comfort and he smiled weakly. “I really want to die soon
so I no longer drag him down. I’m just afraid that the child will become sadder once I die.”
These emotions were really contradictory and complicated.
The father and son were dependent on each other. The father was seriously ill and knew he
brought a great burden on the family. His son was still a student but had to work while
going to school. He could barely maintain their living conditions and treating his father was
really a stretch.
This dragged down the child and Father Jiang wanted to leave, but what would happen if he
really left the child?
Xie Xi listened quietly and his heart was bitter.
He knew this was false but he thought of Jiang Xie’s eagerness for a home and couldn’t he
feeling pained.
Xie Xi also wanted a home. In his original world, he fantasized every night about having a
It was a home with a father and mother. It didn’t have to be too warm.
Xie Xi waited and it never arrived for it. It was the same for Jiang Xie.
How could those who were abandoned have a home?
Xie Xi sighed. Then once the tired Father Jiang fell asleep, he took out the god’s wisdom and
sketch pen.
He had to find a way to draw the special medicine. Curing Father Jiang would definitely give
Cancer great comfort.
His body might be round and his wings were short but Xie Xi would work hard to master
the sketch pen!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 243

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 2

Xie Xi’s body was the size of a child’s palm and he was also round. He was covered with
snow-white hair and there was a circle of black feathers on his small wings. The dots on
both sides looked good but unfortunately, they were useless. He should consider using a
toothpick instead of the sketch pen.
Xie Xi’s drawing skills had improved a lot but the special medicine was difficult to draw
without the sketch pen. If he drew the medicine casually, he didn’t know if it would cure or
kill someone…
Fortunately, Father Jiang had fallen asleep. If he woke up and saw Xie Xi fluttering all over
then he would surely become anxious. What was wrong with Little Chip? He was
In fact, Xie Xi’s physical strength was high enough and he could pick up this big pen. The
problem was that his body was too uncoordinated. The balance of this round body wasn’t
easily maintained and it was difficult to hold the pen.
After 20 minutes, Xie Xi finally managed to get the pen aligned with the god’s wisdom. He
desperately thought of the special medicine and the sketch pen moved…
Five minutes later, the god’s wisdom ruthlessly showed: Too ugly to recognize.
Xie Xi, “…” A bird drawing something like this was already great!
The god’s wisdom had no emotions. No matter what the master became, the drawing
wouldn’t be recognized if it was too ugly.
Xie Xi was so tired he lost hair and had to take a break. He was afraid that the special
medicine he drew would have to be given to himself first…
After the rest, he became hungry. Xie Xi looked at the grain in the food box and picked one
What was he afraid of? When he was a cat, he ate cat food with relish. It didn’t matter if it
was a grain or human food!
Xie Xi didn’t taste anything and after he swallowed, he slowly felt full.
Once he ate and drank enough, Xie Xi continued to carefully draw the special medicine.
Xie Xi thought about it. He was small and if he made the special medicine too big, he
wouldn’t be able to give it to Father Jiang. Thus, he could only draw a smaller one…
It was unknown how long he worked but Xie Xi finally succeeded in creating the special
No matter the disease, it would be fine as long as he placed this medicine in Father Jiang’s
mouth. Father Jiang would recover and Cancer wouldn’t be as miserable.
In less than half a day, Xie Xi felt that Father Jiang was just as good as the former Sister
Xie Xi put away the god’s wisdom and sketch pen, picked up the special medicine and
prepared to escape. This wasn’t difficult since the cage was one that opened. It might be
hard for ordinary birds with no IQ but how could Xie Xi be trapped?
He used his head and claws and managed to open it a crack… only to hear the sound of the
front door opening.
Xie Xi was startled and quickly moved back. It was just that his actions were too urgent and
the medicine fell to the ground.
Xie Xi’s black eyes widened and he almost screamed! He worked hard all night to make this
special medicine!
Jiang Xie was back. In fact, his movements were very light because he was afraid of arguing
with Father Jiang. It was just that Xie Xi’s hearing was so keen he was shocked by such light
Jiang Xie looked in and was relieved when he saw Father Jiang was sleeping.
Xie Xi looked up and saw that the young man’s hair was all wet and his neck was sweaty.
His grey t-shirt was also wet and stained with a lot of grey.
Despite this appearance, Jiang Xie was still handsome and had a sense of power about him.
At the same time, this allowed Xie Xi to know that this late ‘self-study’ was tiring and it was
definitely physical work.
Jiang Xie was looking at Xie Xi for the first time. Xie Xi tried to show off a good appearance
but his small black eyes couldn’t reveal too much. Jiang Xie didn’t receive the message and
picked up the cage with a blank expression, bringing it back to the living room.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. Once Jiang Xie fell asleep, he would pick up the medicine and feed it
to Father Jiang.
By the way, where was the medicine?
Xie Xi hurriedly looked around and saw that the special medicine was still fine beside the
bedside table.
The moment he had this thought, Xie Xi realized that Jiang Xie was going to step on it.
“The medicine is under your feet!” Chirp chirp chirp chirp!
It was too late. Jiang Xie didn’t see the small life-saving medicine. He already stepped on it
by the time he turned around because of Xie Xi’s voice. His feet moved and the pill instantly
turned to powder and probably stuck to the sole of his shoes.
Xie Xi fell into the food box.
Jiang Xie covered his father with a quilt and came over to see him. “Are you hungry again.”
His voice was clear and cold.
Xie Xi was mad. “Who is hungry? I spend a night drawing medicine.”
“Don’t make noise.” Jiang Xie frowned and looked at the food container. “Isn’t there still a
Xie Xi was also afraid of waking up Father Jiang and didn’t chirp. He just stared at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie told him in a slightly tired manner, “Eat this. I haven’t had time to be able to catch
insects for you recently.”
Xie Xi, “???”
He ate cat food and grains but he absolutely wouldn’t eat insects!
This sentence was too lethal and Xie Xi didn’t care about the big sin of stepping on the
Jiang Xie went to take a bath and soon fell asleep.
Xie Xi emerged from the cage and flew to his side to look. If Jiang Xie wasn’t so tired then
how could he fall asleep as soon as he got into bed?
It was unknown how much of a burden his father’s illness had placed on these young
Xie Xi gently touched him on the cheek. The bird’s beak might be sharp but the bird was too
small. His mouth was just a dot and nothing was felt from the poke.
Xie Xi felt distressed for the little Cancer and continued to draw medicine. Thanks to his last
experience, he was faster this time and finished it before he was tired.
In order to prevent night dreams, Xie Xi hurriedly placed the medicine in Father Jiang’s
Father Jiang seemed to feel his dry lips and licked it, causing the medicine to go down.
As long as this medicine was consumed, there was no need to worry about its effects not
Xie Xi was relieved and watched this person for a long time. After seeing his sleep become
deeper and more stable, Xie Xi returned to the cage and locked himself up.
Hey, where could a good bird like him be found?
Xie Xi curled up and fell asleep. In his dream, he saw Father Jiang recovering and Jiang Xie
smiling as he grabbed a bunch of insects to feed Xie Xi…
The frightened Xie Xi woke up. He didn’t want to eat insects!
Then he saw a figure busily moving in the kitchen. Jiang Xie woke up so early?
He was just thinking this when he saw Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie was also slightly confused but he
woke up when he heard the movements in the kitchen. He walked over and said, “Dad, how
are you…”
His father making breakfast in the kitchen was a light-bodied, red-faced father.
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Father Jiang opened his mouth. “Oh, you’re awake? Go back to sleep. Breakfast will be ready
Jiang Xie leaned against some wood for a moment as he thought he was dreaming.
Father Jiang explained, “I slept very well and my entire body feels light.” Yesterday, he still
had the cough that tore at his heart and lungs but today he seemed to suddenly recover.
Was it that even God felt pity for his child and couldn’t bear to see him suffer anymore?
Jiang Xie’s senses returned and he went forward. “I am coming. This… hand all of it to me.”
He took the work from Father Jiang’s hand and pushed his father out of the kitchen.
Father Jiang smiled. “Your father feels much better. You should sleep more in the morning
while I make breakfast.”
Jiang Xie squinted at the pot of noodles and the tip of his nose was sore. He whispered, “I
don’t like to sleep. I will make breakfast.”
Father Jiang didn’t say anything else. He just looked at his palms and felt that life had hope
now that he regained strength!
Xie Xi watched from a distance and his heart was more comfortable.
The problem with Cancer was that he wanted a home?
This was quite in line with the characteristics of the Cancer star sign!
What was next? The father’s body was good and could this little home be maintained?
Xie Xi was too optimistic.
The accident occurred three days later.
Jiang Xie went to school while Father Jiang did the housework after his body became better.
He finished and sat next to Xie Xi to feed him grains. “Little Chirp, you will be at home alone
starting from tomorrow. I will go to work. Little Jiang will definitely get good grades and
enter the best university. As his father, I have to save up for his tuition fees…”
Xie Xi was used to Father Jiang’s ‘talking’ and felt very happy listening to it.
He had a natural resistance to mothers thanks to Xie Su but he never met his father.
Therefore, he had some expectations for a father.
He didn’t know what a father was like but Father Jiang gave him a good feeling. If he could
have a father, he hoped the person would be like Father Jiang…
One person and one bird got along well. Xie Xi had just become full when an earth-
shattering sound broke the peace.
Father Jiang panicked while Xie Xi reacted very quickly. He took out the god’s wisdom but
his body shape meant his drawing speed was much slower. By the time he drew the
Different Space Shield, it was already too late…
The house collapsed onto Father Jiang. Xie Xi’s body was tiny and he could find a corner
small enough to accommodate himself but Father Jiang…
Xie Xi flew out and wanted to save the person but once he got close, he found that Father
Jiang wasn’t breathing.
A chill rushed to his head. Xie Xi couldn’t imagine how Jiang Xie would feel seeing this
He couldn’t let Father Jiang die, he couldn’t…
Then Xie Xi heard the sound of a disaster!
He went outside and saw the sky for the first time, as well as what was happening.
Buildings in the distance collapsed and the crumbling sounds were accompanied by
people’s screams. The bustling city became a ruin.
Xie Xi’s scalp was numb as he thought about Jiang Xie being in danger! He had just fluttered
his wings when he saw Jiang Xie running back.
Jiang Xie was injured on his forehead and blood flowed down. However, he didn’t care
about these things as he ran back with all his strength.
Then he saw his completely collapsed home. At this moment, the world seemed still as
emptiness filled Jiang Xie’s eyes.
Xie Xi was very distressed. He realized that there might’ve been many souls in this soul who
were taken away and this quasi-world might be more serious than the others…
At this time, Jiang Xie’s lips thinned and he started searching through the ruins.
Their house was a bungalow on the outskirts of the city. It was wishful thinking for him to
dig out the person buried below by hand.
Xie Xi wanted to stop him but he couldn’t after seeing Jiang Xie’s expression. Jiang Xie
wouldn’t give up until he saw the results.
Xie Xi knew him. He gritted his teeth and dug together with Jiang Xie. No matter the result,
Jiang Xie needed to face it and Xie Xi would accompany him!
The small bird didn’t have any strength and his soft wings couldn’t even move a stone, but
Jiang Xie saw him and saw the bird that had been dyed grey by dust.
“You…” Jiang Xie’s voice was hoarse. “Do you want to find Dad too?”
The words poked at Xie Xi’s heart. A bird couldn’t cry but his heart would hurt.
Jiang Xie picked him up and placed the bird on his chest. His tone was firm as he declared,
“Rest assured, I will save my father. I will save him!”
He cheered up and released shocking power. The fallen beams were slowly lifted and he
saw the broken table, chairs, cups and a hand lying weakly.
The blue veins on Jiang Xie’s forehead bulged. “Dad!”
He desperately raised the last brick wall and saw his father who wasn’t breathing…
Xie Xi was carefully attached to the other person’s chest and heard the teenager’s cries as
he collapsed.
Xie Xi closed his eyes. If he hadn’t given Jiang Xie hope, if he hadn’t…
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Xie Xi knew the other person couldn’t hear but he still tried to
comfort Jiang Xie.
The unspeakable grief spread to the world and Xie Xi felt the rain falling.
He looked up and couldn’t tell if it was Jiang Xie’s tears or rain.
There was no expression on the young man’s face. The already dark eyes were now like
black clouds that could make people breathless.
He moved his father’s body and silently buried his last relatives. He personally carved the
words Jiang Huan on the tombstone and knelt in front of it, keeping vigil all night.
Xie Xi tried to comfort him but unfortunately, Jiang Xie couldn’t hear anything.
Xie Xi was anxious. He saw the morning light rise and went to the forest. He drew some
fruit and tried to drag it in front of Jiang Xie. It was okay not to eat but he should consume
water, otherwise… how could he hold it!
Jiang Xie was as still as a statue for two days before finally moving. He saw the bunch of red
berries in front of him and the grey bird whose original appearance couldn’t be seen. He
also saw its small black eyes.
“Little…” Jiang Xie opened his mouth but his voice was like torn bellows. He couldn’t say
complete words for a while.
Xie Xi whispered, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”
The soft chirping entered Jiang Xie’s ears and the chill around his heart melted.
He carefully held the bird and tears finally emerged, flowing down without hesitation. “Our
home… is gone.”
Xie Xi was full of heartache as he whispered, “It will be okay, it will be okay.”
Jiang Xie leaned close to him, tears wetting his feathers. “My father is gone. I will take care
of you in the future… I will take care of you for him in the future…”
Xie Xi felt very pained and carefully shoved at him, using every effort to comfort him.
It might have little effect but it was better than making him despair alone.
Fortunately, Jiang Xie’s grief at losing his father eased. In particular, he saw that the small
bird had been accompanying him and he received some comfort.
The moment he calmed his mood, a blue light suddenly descended from the sky.
Xie Xi saw it and wanted to push Jiang Xie away but he didn’t have enough strength.
The blue light hit them and a current flowed. Xie Xi felt that he was expanding.
He seemed to be a balloon full of gas as he swelled up.
Xie Xi’s perspective started to change. At first, he was looking up at Jiang Xie only to end up
looking down at Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi blinked and looked with shock at the young man who was pressed under his body.
What happened? Did Jiang Xie shrink or did he become bigger?”
“Jiang Xie?” The chirping was many times louder than before and Xie Xi scared himself.
Jiang Xie stared at the oversized grey ball in front of him in a stunned manner.

GL: Chapter 244

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 3
It didn’t matter who was big or who was small. If he kept pressing down then Cancer was
going to be crushed into a patty by him!
Xie Xi quickly moved in order to let Jiang Xie out.
Unfortunately, he changed from a small ball to a big ball and his balance was even worse.
This move caused him to suddenly…
“Ouch…” Xie Xi let out a loud cry as he hit a tree and knocked himself dizzy.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi had this type of body. How could an ordinary tree trunk bear it? The apple tree
barely managed not to fall down but a lot of apples fell.
The big red apples fell to the ground against the furry ball. This image was really…
Jiang Xie couldn’t smile but heat flowed in his heart and warmed up his cold heart. This was
his last family member. It might not be a person but it was still a small tit. (TL: small
Jiang Xie leaned over and asked, “Are you okay?”
Xie Xi wasn’t okay. His head hurt!
Jiang Xie looked him over. “How did you suddenly become so big?”
Xie Xi complained, “I want to know too!”
After hearing his chirping and seeing the black eyes full of grievances, Jiang Xie spoke
softly, “Don’t be afraid. It’s fine as long as there are no problems with your body.”
Xie Xi couldn’t communicate with this person and could only listen.
This world really wasn’t simple. First, there was the earthquake. Then how did he suddenly
become bigger? Was it a problem of the world or was it a problem with his bird?
Xie Xi didn’t know and could only wait and see.
Strangely, Xie Xi noticed that Jiang Xie had been hungry for two days and nights but now he
was refreshed and looked full.
Was it due to the blue light? If it made Xie Xi bigger then what effect did it have on Jiang
Xie? Xie Xi carefully noted down all these doubts.
Jiang Xie patted the dust off Xie Xi’s body and coughed in the process. “So dirty…”
Xie Xi looked over at him.
Jiang Xie couldn’t bear the pitiful little eyes and had to say, “I know that you are dirty
because of me.” He paused before continuing, “It has been hard for you these two days.”
It was very magical. The small, silver-neck long-tailed tit faced such a disaster and not only
didn’t he fly away, he stayed with Jiang Xie and brought so much fruit, as if afraid that Jiang
Xie would starve to death.
Little Chirp was very small and his body wasn’t even as big as an apple. It must’ve been
really hard to drag so many fruits.
Jiang Xie remembered how the bird’s furry head rubbed against his hand but at that time,
Jiang Xie was unwilling to respond.
Now that he thought about it, this was the bird’s way of comforting him.
In this situation, Jiang Xie was temporarily unable to figure out the reason but he could feel
Little Chirp’s dependence on him.
There were each other’s last family members and he would take care of Little Chirp no
matter what.
Jiang Xie regained his spirit. “There is a stream over there. I will take you to have a bath.”
Xie Xi also disliked his dirty body. HIs feathers stained with ash were uncomfortable,
making his body heavy and stinky. If he hadn’t been worried about Jiang Xie then he
would’ve already gone to wash himself.
Xie Xi cried out and Jiang Xie knew he understood. Then Jiang Xie asked, “Can you walk?”
He couldn’t hold such a fat Little Chirp in his palm.
Xie Xi cried out, “I’ll try it!”
He had rolled over and hit something, making himself a bit dizzy, but his feathers were
thick and he hadn’t hurt himself.
Now he staggered and stood up. His two short legs were completely hidden under his body
and he couldn’t move at all.
Xie Xi looked at Jiang Xie, “…”
Jiang Xie suggested, “Can you fly?”
This reminded Xie Xi that he had become a bird and was really suitable for flapping his
wings and flying.
He flapped his wings and his legs managed to get off the ground. Then…
What else was there?
Don’t think about flying in the sky like before! He could only make this round body go up
three centimeters before he exhausted all his strength!
Jiang Xie’s grief-filled eyes finally shone with some light. “Okay, let’s go like this. The stream
is very close.”
Xie Xi followed Jiang Xie to the edge of the stream.
He could see himself…
He was a grey ball. Even the black feathers on his wings were invisible and he was terribly
Jiang Xie told him, “The water isn’t deep. Don’t be afraid.”
Xie Xi also discovered this and he threw himself into the water.
Fortunately, most of the dust had floated on his body and they fell off with vigorous
movements. The hair on his chest was relatively thin but particularly smooth. Thus, they
were easily cleaned. It didn’t take much time before Xie Xi finished cleaning himself.
He went ashore and shook his feathers in the bright sunshine.
Jiang Xie watched from the shore as the grey little guy turned as white as snow.
Little Chirp had become bigger but he hadn’t changed. He had a pair of small black eyes, a
pointed little mouth and a snowy round body. Everything was cute.
He seemed to be aware of Jiang Xie’s gaze and the fat head cocked to the side. “Chirp?”
The enlarged version of the head tilt doubled its power.
The ice around Jiang Xie’s heart turned to soft water, injecting life into his cold and wet
Xie Xi’s feathers were very magical. Once he washed them and shook them, they soon dried.
He glanced at Jiang Xie and thought this person must be thinking about Father Jiang again.
Xie Xi moved closer in order to coax him.
It was just that Xie Xi underestimated his body shape and fell, causing Jiang Xie to be buried
in the hair of his chest.
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie was surprised. He had never touched something so soft and warm and took some
time to respond.
Xie Xi was anxious. “Is it stuffy?”
Jiang Xie stretched out his hand and hugged the bird firmly. “Little Chirp.”
He could still talk so he seemed okay!
Xie Xi sighed. “Yes.
Jiang Xie whispered, “…Thank you.”
He didn’t care much about this bird previously. The bird was picked up by his father and
raised after brought back.
On the most difficult days, Jiang Xie stared at the bird that wasn’t much bigger than two
fingers. He thought that it was best if this bird was a chicken. He could raise it and then kill
it for his father’s body.
Unfortunately, Little Chirp wasn’t big. He was always an egg-sized ball and once his hair
was removed, it was estimated there would be nothing left.
The only gratifying thing was that this little bird ate less and could accompany his father to
relieve his boredom. Thus, Jiang Xie temporarily raised it.
Jiang Xie was very glad that his father had picked up the bird and that the bird stayed with
They had lost the person who loved them the most. It would be good if they could be
friends with each other since it was much better than being alone.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie stayed in the outskirts of the city for a few days.
They had nothing but didn’t lack for anything.
There was a farm next to them. Perhaps it was due to the disaster but no one was at the
There was no one present but there were many poultry and livestock, as well as a barn full
of food. Xie Xi might be big now but even he couldn’t eat all of it.
At first, Xie Xi thought that Jiang Xie was going to recuperate before going out to find news.
Slowly, he discovered that Jiang Xie was taking care of Xie Xi and refused to go out.
The big silver-neck long-tailed tit was so eye-catching that Jiang Xie was afraid Xie Xi would
be taken away. Thus, he hid here.
Still, it wasn’t possible to always hide like this. Xie Xi wanted to know the situation outside
and what the world was like.
Fortunately, they didn’t have to go out because some people came to their door.
At first, Xie Xi came up with a good idea. There were food and water on the farm but no
suitable clothes.
Jiang Xie would wash his clothes at night and wear them during the day. If Xie Xi took his
clothes, would Jiang Xie go out?
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of Jiang Xie’s anger since he wouldn’t lose this person anyway.
Every day, Jiang Xie would go to take care of the chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. In a world
where the situation was unknown, these were important rations and they should be raised
After finishing these things, Jiang Xie went back to take a shower. Xie Xi used this time to
pick up his clothes to do bad things.
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xie was aware of this and came out with a naked body. “Don’t play
around with clothes.”
Xie Xi ignored him and continued to bite the clothes.
Jiang Xie didn’t know if he should laugh or cry as he went forward. “Be obedient. I will find
something else for you to play with.”
Xie Xi exclaimed, “Boy, it is time for you to go out and see!”
“Give me the clothes and I will go to catch insects for you tomorrow.”
Xie Xi, “……”
He already wanted to be gentle but now he had to be more vigorous.
He could only get past Jiang Xie to rob the clothes. Xie Xi’s bird beak fell on Jiang Xie and
focused carefully. Of course, he didn’t hurt Jiang Xie and ended up getting the clothes taken
Xie Xi was very angry. This round body was too inconvenient.
Jiang Xie looked at the clothes torn by the beak and knocked on the drooping head. “Little
Xie Xi felt a buzzing from his head and then a flower was in front of him. He looked up to
see the huge Jiang Xie…
What happened?
Jiang Xie watched Little Chirp disappear and panicked. Then he heard chirping from below
Xie Xi was blinking at him.
Jiang Xie picked him up and asked in a very confused manner, “You became smaller again?”
Yes, how did he become smaller?
Xie Xi had adapted to his previous perspective and now he was reduced to the size of two
thick fingers. One person and one bird couldn’t figure out what was going on.
At this time, voices were heard outside.
“Is it safe here?”
“Go in and see.”
“What are you afraid of? Monsters are nothing.”
“You fucker, Yan Zhe only has so much blood. What will we do if he runs out?”
Xie Xi heard this sentence and was stunned.
Yan Zhe… God Yan, the unique healer of Central? Impossible, how could God Yan be in this
It should just be the same name. Apart from this possibility, Xie Xi couldn’t think of
anything else.

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GL: Chapter 245

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 4

Xie Xi couldn’t see what was outside but based on the sounds of footsteps, he could tell that
the people had travelled all this way to the farm and wanted to stay and recuperate.
Jiang Xie carefully held Xie Xi in the palm of his hand and slowed down his breathing.
He wasn’t sensitive to Yan Zhe’s name and only noticed the word ‘monster’ that came from
their mouth. Why did they think there were monsters on this farm? What happened to the
outside world?
He held his breath quietly as the men outside checked everywhere before saying, “It’s okay,
we can rest here for the night.”
Jiang Xie might’ve lived on the farm for a while but he didn’t tamper with things and
everything remained basically the same. Thus, these people couldn’t find his traces and
only thought they were left by the people of the farm.
Jiang Xie wanted to listen to their words but he was afraid Little Chirp in his hand couldn’t
stay silent and looked down at the bird.
The little bird was sitting in his palm without making a sound and was very obedient.
There was a feeling that he was also eavesdropping along with Jiang Xie.
This little guy was really sensible and good. Jiang Xie’s heart warmed as he listened
carefully to the movements outside.
The people outside seemed relaxed and after sitting down, they chatted more openly.
“I didn’t think the plot of a novel would happen in reality.”
“The ground cracked while I was in bed and I almost became impotent!”
“I still think I’m dreaming. How did all of this come true?”
Based on their mutual complaints, Xie Xi figured out the general situation outside.
The so-called ground crack was the earthquake that killed Father Jiang. This was a global
scale disaster. Every large city was burned overnight while only a bit of the forests outside
the cities was lost. The more horrifying thing was that the forests contained many monsters
and their only prey was humans. Once they rushed into the cities, they brought a fatal blow
to the people who survived the disaster.
Since the entire human race was going to die, there were also humans who changed.
Listening to their story, the transformed humans were strong and even had a variety of
special abilities.
Xie Xi couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xie through his fingertips. Jiang Xie had definitely
Jiang Xie was also looking down at him. Such a good Little Chirp certainly wasn’t a monster.
The outsiders chatted about the changes again.
“We were really unlucky. It wasn’t easy to get an evolved person but he is a waste apart
from his blood.”
“It’s fine. If we didn’t have him then you would’ve bled to death a long time ago.”
“I want an ability but who the hell wants his ability?”
“Be content. The fact that we have such a blood bag means we can continue to live.”
Another man spoke in a low voice. “We’ll go to the city tomorrow and find a way to get rid
of him.”
Several others agreed. “Yes, he will die soon if this continues. If he dies then he is
The previous reckless person wondered, “He is like this, will anyone want him?”
“If you hadn’t been greedy about drawing so much blood from him, would he be so terrible
to sell?”
“I was afraid he would leave…”
“It’s fine.” The man with the low voice spoke again. “He has this ability and there is always
someone who wants it. We can dig out his heart for someone else or use him as a blood
bank if carefully controlled…”
“It is possible.” The reckless man spoke. “Then why don’t we…”
The man with the low voice sneered. “Do we have the power? You were greedy and hastily
chewed him up. We should see if we can exchange him for more valuable resources.”
Hearing this, Xie Xi’s hair stood up.
He knew that the person whose blood was drawn must not be God Yan of Central but
listening to these words still made him furious.
A good person lost human dignity and was sold as a commodity just because his blood had
special effects?
Xie Xi felt sick.
The more disgusting thing happened later. After they ate something, the reckless man gave
a short laugh. “This Yan Zhe is too beautiful. If he was a woman then I would use her body.”
The low-voiced man scolded him. “Don’t mess around!”
“I’m not interested in men.”
Xie Xi’s heart fell and he wanted to see what this Yan Zhe looked like.
From beginning to end, Jiang Xie was very calm. His expression didn’t change while
listening to these things and he showed no intentions of being a hero.
This was right. It was difficult to determine how many people were outside. If he rushed
out alone then he might be in trouble rather than saving people.
He wasn’t alone now and had to take care of Little Chirp. If he had an accident then it would
be dangerous, regardless of whether Little Chip was big or small.
Jiang Xie waited for the men to fall asleep.
Unexpected, just before going to sleep, the man with the low voice spoke carefully, “Use
that just in case.”
The reckless person replied, “Don’t waste it because it can’t be used often. It is very safe
“We are all tired. In case everyone falls asleep, it is better to check again.” The man with the
low voice stated while pulling something out.
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi couldn’t see anything but based on the conversation, they knew that
this group had other means of investigating.
Xie Xi’s heart was tense and his hair stood up. Jiang Xie also tensed and he completely held
his breath. But…
The reckless man cried out, “There really are people here!”
Damn, they were found!
Xie Xi felt Jiang Xie moving and Jiang Xie quickly placed the bird on the dark shelves behind
him. “Hide well and don’t come out!”
Xie Xi was anxious and hastily called out the god’s wisdom and sketch to draw the Different
Space Shield.
Originally, this drawing could be done in a second but now it took so long. By this time, the
reckless man had arrived with a knife.
Jiang Xie had absolutely no experience in this area but his instinct to survive stimulated his
body’s potential. He rushed up and seized the knife while the man was feeling surprised.
The man snorted. “Damn, it’s a rabbit!”
Jiang Xie was young and grabbed the hand holding the knife.
At this time, Xie Xi was relieved as he finally drew the space shield and threw it around
Jiang Xie.
This shield was close to invincible in this small world and no one would be able to hurt
Jiang Xie within the time limit.
Next was to draw a weapon. These people couldn’t be left alone!
Xie Xi really wanted to draw an artifact that belonged to Jiang Xie in Central but it was too
hard for him as a bird. He could only reluctantly draw a modified version that ordinary
people could easily handle.
Unfortunately, his wings were weak and sore after drawing the space shield. He made
several attempts but couldn’t draw it.
The damn god’s wisdom only said: Too ugly to recognize.
Your sister was ugly!
Xie Xi’s side didn’t have a weapon and the man controlled by Jiang Xie was already fighting
In the end, Jiang Xie was young and thin and let the man break free.
The movements were so big that the people outside quickly came over. There were five
people, each with a fierce and sinister look. It was conceivable that they were typical
gangsters before the disaster.
“Kill him!” The man with the low voice was clearly the leader and he didn’t hesitate to open
his mouth.
The tall man next to him pulled out a gun, pulled the trigger and fired it at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank but he couldn’t hide from it. The bullet flew and aimed at his
forehead. This was a shot that couldn’t miss and was also one that was bound to kill Jiang
Xie. Everyone thought so, including Jiang Xie himself.
At this moment, an unwilling feeling surged inside his heart!
Why… Why? HIs father was gone, his house was gone and he was even going to die! Why?!
He never asked too much. Why wasn’t he allowed even the most basic survival?
The moment the bullet was about to hit his forehead, Jiang Xie slashed the long knife in his
hand and the person opposite him was completely unprepared. They didn’t think the
person shot in the forehead could still fight back.
“He is an evolved person!”The man with the low voice was standing further back and saw
this amazing scene.
The bullet hit, it absolute hit and it was a fatal shot, but the youth in front of him was
unscathed! What else could he be apart from an evolved person?!
The man who first attacked Jiang Xie was the first to lose his life. Blood poured out,
instantly making the claustrophobic space red and terrifying.
The person in front saw the teenager’s red eyes and his scalp became numb. “Kill him, kill
this monster!”
They shot in tandem, firing frantically. However, the bullets struck a wall and caused no
harm. Rather, they angered the sleeping beast.
Xie Xi finally drew an image but it was no longer necessary. Jiang Xie used the knife to hack
to death all those who wanted to kill him.
Everything returned to its previous calm, the only sound that of the blood falling from the
tip of the knife.
Jiang Xie stood motionless and stared at the scene in front of him, his senses unable to
return for a long time.
Xie Xi flew out and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
Jiang Xie turned his head mechanically and saw the little white spot against the scarlet
darkness. The bird was very small but tried to touch him with the white feathers, as if
wanting to wipe off his blood. The small thing seemed to sense his eyes and looked up with
very small black eyes.
At this moment, Jiang Xie lost all the strength in his body and the blood-covered knife fell.
He carefully held the bird in his hand and whispered, “Don’t be afraid.”
Xie Xi heard these words and it felt like his heart was being continuously struck by needles.
Xie Xi whispered a bit, obediently staying in this person’s palm.
Jiang Xie was warmed by this small heat. He breathed softly and didn’t look at the blood
around him.
No matter what the world was like, no matter what happened in the future, no matter what
he had to encounter, it was fine as long as he had the little thing in the palm of his hand.
Little Chirp cared about him and he cared about Little Chirp.
The blood Jiang Xie emerged and saw the man trapped in the cage.
The man was leaning weakly against a corner of the cage. HIs long silver hair was bloody
while pointed ears emerged from his hair. His white skin was like cold snow.
He perceived the sound of footsteps and looked up with a bloodless face, beautiful enough
to surpass fireworks.
Xie Xi was shocked.
This was Yan Zhe, the god of Central who could return people to life.
What was going on? This world… was it Jiang Xie’s past? Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe were
originally from the same world?
No, Central would only select one person from the original world at a time. It wasn’t
possible to grab two people at the same time.
Wait… Jiang Xie’s past was more than his original world.

TL Note: I am busy moving houses over the next few days and might not be able to update
until Thursday/Friday.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 246

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 5

Xie Xi’s past was only a short 19 years and he encountered Jiang Xie the moment he entered
Central. Apart from Fairy Tale Town, all the other quasi-worlds were either made by Jiang
Xie or he entered with Jiang Xie.
However, Jiang Xie wasn’t the same. His 20 years of life in his original world compared to
his experience in Central was like the childhood of an old man. It might be necessary but it
was only the tip of the iceberg in his long life.
Jiang Xie’s past wasn’t only his original world but Central and the countless quasi-worlds
he travelled through.
Jiang Xie might not know Yan Zhe in his original world but he might’ve met Yan Zhe in a
The present Yan Zhe was probably the first time Jiang Xie met Yan Zhe.
Being able to enter Central meant being abandoned by the world and willingly abandoning
the world.
He could imagine that everyone had an unspeakable past but once Xie Xi saw the cold
silver-haired elf in front of him, he found it really hard to equate with the optimistic and
funny person from Central
Xie Xi soon became relieved again.
It wasn’t just Yan Zhe. Wasn’t Jiang Xie the same?
How was the bloody and violent young man in front of him similar to the confident and
shameless Designer X of Central?
Xie Xi felt a lot when he saw the scene in front of him and then his playful and angry
scolding in Central.
Time and experience settled the pain and hardships, polishing them into strong people
while eliminating countless weaknesses.
Xie Xi was really lucky to have encountered Jiang Xie after entering Central.
He might’ve cursed life while being pitted by Jiang Xie’s quasi-worlds but compared to
other people, the things he encountered were what he most desired.
He was said to repair the quasi-worlds and help Jiang Xie recover his souls but in fact, Xie Xi
was exploring what he wanted.
He saved Jiang Xie while saving himself.
The road he took was really lucky compared to other people.
As Xie Xi was stunned, Jiang Xie had found the key to the cage and opened the cage that
imprisoned Yan Zhe.
The iron door was pushed open but Yan Zhe didn’t move. He looked straight at Jiang Xie, his
beautiful eyes as still as a deep pool.
It was an expression that showed he didn’t trust anyone and no longer expected anything.
It was hard to imagine what Yan Zhe had gone through.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He just opened the cage and gave Yan Zhe freedom.
Everything else had nothing to do with him.
He wasn’t interested in Yan Zhe’s blood and wasn’t obliged to take care of a stranger.
Xie Xi was a bit anxious when he saw that these two people’s paths had no intention of
Don’t ignore the god, this was your first good friend!
Xie Xi moved his little hairball body with the heart of an old father.
Jiang Xie intended to clean up inside. He was probably afraid the hairball would become
nauseous and whispered, “Wait for me here and don’t run around.”
Xie Xi wanted to help him and his first friend establish a good relationship and pecked Jiang
Xie’s palm.
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t be afraid, that person won’t hurt you.”
“That’s not what I mean!”
Unfortunately, it was the same as when he was a cat. He couldn’t be understood.
Jiang Xie thought the bird didn’t want to leave him and said, “The inside is too stinky. I’ll
clean it up soon.”
Xie Xi thought about it and stayed in this person’s arms.
God Yan could wait. He didn’t want Jiang Xie to face the corpses on his own.
Jiang Xie spoke easily to coax the little hairball but once he smelt the heavy bloody smell, he
couldn’t help feeling nauseous.
This child might be strong but he was an ordinary teenager. How could he have
experienced such a scene before?
Previously it was life and death but now that he looked again, he only felt cold.
Xie Xi felt the tremor in Jiang’s body and tried to rub against him.
The soft feathers touched the skin, bringing a slight warmth to Jiang Xie and relaxing his
No matter how bad the reality, at least he wasn’t alone.
Jiang Xie held his breath and moved the bodies to the garbage truck. Then he poured water
on the ground and tried to clean up the blood as much as possible.
It was impossible to clean it thoroughly but it was better than nothing.
In fact, Xie Xi understood Jiang Xie’s mood.
He was forcing himself to face these things, reminding himself of this disgusting scene.
This world was different. He had killed people, killed five people.
Since he grew up in a society governed by laws, Jiang Xie had to get rid of this weakness by
encountering it head-on.
In order to live, he must become strong enough.
Perhaps Jiang Xie has also faced this cruel fact when he first arrived at Central and received
his first task.
He came out again but Yan Zhe still hadn’t moved.
He leaned against the cage like a beautiful and empty shell. Even if he saw the dawn of
freedom, he didn’t have the strength to take a step forward.
Jiang Xie stared at him before going to the bathroom. He placed Xie Xi on the high shower
and took off his clothes.
He needed a bath. Even if he couldn’t get rid of the blood on his hands, he had to at least
keep his body clean.
Xie Xi was too small and could squat steadily in place. He said, “Yan Zhe has lost too much
blood. He will die at this rate.”
Unfortunately, Jiang Xie didn’t understand and said, “The sound of water is too loud. You
can sing against for me later.”
Xie Xi thought, ‘Who is singing to you?’
He was very baffled. How did Jiang Xie become friends with Yan Zhe?
A life without life and a world-weary indifference, how did they establish diplomatic
Fortunately, this wasn’t really the past. If it was true, Xie Xi suspected that these cynical
people wouldn’t become friends!
It was also lucky that Jiang Xie was cold but he could still see clearly.
Who would want to say in a cage? In all likelihood, Yan Zhe was too weak to move.
Jiang Xie cooked extra porridge and placed it in front of Yan Zhe.
Xie Xi didn’t see Yan Zhe eating because Jiang Xie took him back to the kitchen and gave
him peeled pumpkin seeds to eat.
This was one of Xie Xi’s favourite foods, while the others were watermelon seeds,
sunflower seeds, crushed pistachios and walnuts.
The original owner of the farm was estimated to be obsessed with nuts and he had an
abundance in storage. Jiang Xie arranged them in different categories, reasonably
organized the weights and fed them to Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie questioned while feeding him, “You used to mostly eat insects. Why don’t you eat
them now?”
Xie Xi almost spat out the pumpkin seeds in his mouth. “Don’t say something so disgusting!”
Jiang Xie fed him the grains and smiled. “A bird is disgusted with his own food?”
He actually understood something from this chirping.
Xie Xi didn’t eat the pumpkin seeds but bit this person’s fingertips.
Jiang Xie didn’t feel any pain and only a slight itch. “Okay, I won’t say anything. You can eat
whatever you want as long as you aren’t hungry.”
The two people here were full and once they came out, the bowl in front of Yan Zhe was
Sure enough, Yan Zhe was so hungry that he ran out of strength.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything and just took away the bowl.
Xie Xi thought, ‘Shouldn’t you ask if this person has eaten enough?’
However, the present Yan Zhe really couldn’t eat too much. Jiang Xie’s porridge was good
for him. If he ate anymore then something would happen.
Jiang Xie tidied up the bowls and cutlery and came out with Xie Xi. They saw that Yan Zhe
had already left the cage, the pale, silver-haired elf leaning weakly against the outside while
It was clear that he hated the iron cage so much he used what little strength he had left to
come out.
Jiang Xie entered the house, found the bedding and took it out.
It was late and Yan Zhe couldn’t walk. If he lay frozen on the ground all night then they
would probably be taking away his corpse tomorrow.
As Jiang Xie bent over to lay down the bedding, Xie Xi emerged from the collar of his shirt
and officially met with the future Milk God.
Yan Zhe didn’t give any thanks for the bedding. His face was cold and his eyes were empty.
Then he saw the white hairball that emerged from the collar of the strange teenager.
Yan Zhe was stunned.
Xie Xi was grateful to him. Jiang Xie had overcome all types of deaths thanks to God Yan so
Xie Xi was friendly to him.
“Hello.” Chirp!
Yan Zhe’s eyes slightly widened.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie frowned and took back the hairball.
The silent Yan Zhe finally opened his mouth. “That…”
Jiang Xie put down the bedding and turned away.
Xie Xi cried out, “Young man, you really won’t have any friends!”
After a series of twists, Xie Xi jumped out and looked at Yan Zhe from Jiang Xie’s head.
Yan Zhe had to look up to see Xie Xi. He saw the bird and a glimmer of light shone in his
empty eyes.
Xie Xi blinked.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie turned. The moment he turned, Xie Xi facing Yan Zhe was forced to
turn his head. He had to hold on tightly with his claws to not fall off.
Xie Xi quickly turned around again but unfortunately, Jiang Xie’s big hand stretched out of
him, covering him and then closing over him.
Xie Xi in the darkness started to chirp.
Jiang Xie coaxed him, “Go back to the house to sleep.”
Xie Xi was really small and was so round because of his hair. In fact, his actual body was a
few sizes smaller.
He arched and looked out from Jiang Xie’s fingers at Yan Zhe. Jiang Xie didn’t dare use force
and could only let him out.
Yan Zhe looked straight into the bird’s eyes. “Good… cute…”
Xie Xi, “…”
‘God Yan, you have such a feminine heart!’
Who knew that he would be a cuteness slave. Thus, Xie Xi became the bridge of
communication between these two people who hated the world.
Jiang Xie finally opened his mouth to speak to Yan Zhe. “He is called Little Chirp.”
Yan Zhe’s voice was weak but his spirit was obviously much better. “I’ve never seen such a
round bird.”
Jiang Xie explained, “He is a silver-necked long-tailed tit.”
Yan Zhe was surprised. “A tit is so small?”
“This species is very small. He is an adult.”
Xie Xi probed his brain and felt that he had discovered a truth.
Central’s strongest milk god and the strongest designer became friends because they
shared the ‘feminine heart!’
If this was released, how many fans would be disillusioned?
Under Xie Xi’s efforts, nobody planned to be friends but the atmosphere had eased.
Perhaps it was because Xie Xi was staring at Yan Zhe but Jiang Xie touched his head and
asked, “Is your curiosity so big?” He turned the hairball’s head to let him look.
Xie Xi had just turned to look when he felt a power surging in his body.
This was…
He was going to become bigger!
Xie Xi was afraid of crushing Jiang Xie and hurriedly cried out, “Let go!”
After three loud sounds, the hairball pressed his owner under his body.
Jiang Xie, “…”
Yan Zhe, “!!!”
Xie Xi was also surprised. What was the rule behind getting bigger and smaller? He wanted
to control his change!
Fortunately, Xie Xi was hairy. He seemed to be pressing down on Jiang Xie but it was just a
pile of hair. Jiang Xie felt like he was covered with a bed of goose down and was very warm.
Xie Xi didn’t dare move. He was afraid of flapping his wings in the other person’s face if he
moved his feet.
The lucky thing was that Jiang Xie stood up by himself…
Yan Zhe stared at the huge hairball in front of him and there was none of the lifeless
appearances of the past. The light in his eyes could simply illuminate the universe. A big
hairball… huge cuteness!
Jiang Xie patted Xie Xi’s fluffy self and wondered, “How did you become big?”
Xie Xi, “…” He also wanted to know.
Jiang Xie tried to appease him. “Don’t be afraid, it’s fine. Are you hungrier after becoming
bigger?” He cared more about the body of Little Chirp?
Xie Xi was really a big hungry. The pumpkin seeds he ate were too few and weren’t
proportional to his current body shape.
At this time, Yan Zhe’s spirit finally returned. He was more energetic and had enough
strength to speak. “Little Chirp was originally a transformed beast?”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “He suddenly became bigger after the disaster.”
It seemed there were changes to beasts. Jiang Xie wanted to learn more about this.
Yan Zhe apparently knew more. “Did you help him acknowledge you as his master?”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 247

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 6

Jiang Xie asked earnestly, “Acknowledge the master?”

Yan Zhe wondered, “You haven’t been to the city since the earthquake?”
Jiang Xie was afraid of Little Chirp being found and hid on this farm.
Yan Zhe explained to him, “It is possible for a beast to go crazy if they don’t recognize a
master. You should help Little Chirp acknowledge a master as soon as possible.”
Xie Xi didn’t think he would go crazy but acknowledging a master was nothing and it could
make Jiang Xie feel reassured.
Jiang Xie found the important parts. “How to make him acknowledge a master? Is there
anything special to pay attention to?”
Yan Zhe explained, “The transformed beast has a human nature. It must want to
acknowledge you as the master for it to succeed.”
Jiang Xie frowned.
Yan Zhe continued, “If he agrees, you just need to give him a drop of your own blood.”
Jiang Xie questioned, “Once a master is acknowledged, apart from him not going crazy, will
there be any harm to him?”
This caused Yan Zhe to raise his eyebrows. His goodwill towards Xie Xi was obviously
hundred of times higher than his goodwill to Jiang Xie. The fact that Jiang Xie was so
concerned for Xie Xi resonated with him.
“Apart from not being able to defy your orders, everything else is fine. He will share your
lifespan… a tit doesn’t have a long life, right? If he acknowledges you as his master then he
will die when you do.”
Speaking such a long passage was obviously a burden for Yan Zhe. He took and breath and
said, “There is a certain chance it will stimulate the ability of the transformed beast and he
will become a powerful assistant.”
This sounded really good. Xie Xi was determined!
Jiang Xie frowned and it was unknown what he was worried about.
Yan Zhe added, “After the master is acknowledged, you can generally understand what he is
This was great! Xie Xi was emotionally affected!
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie. He had been suffocated from chirping all day and immediately
wanted to recognize Jiang Xie as his master.
Jiang Xie perceived the gaze and his heart warmed, but he didn’t immediately agree.
Yan Zhe ‘s eyes were full of envy. He also wanted to have such a Little Chirp that fully
trusted him.
Then he clenched his fists. So what if he had such a little one?
He couldn’t even protect himself.
The youth in front of him might be gloomy and violent but he had enough ability and
courage to protect himself and Little Chirp.
Yan Zhe knew they needed time and didn’t say anything else.
Jiang Xie entered the bedroom with Xie Xi. It was very interesting when entering the house
because the big hairball was squeezed by the door. After entering, he burst out and this
could only be described as cute.
Jiang Xie’s tense brow loosened and he helped Little Chirp smooth his hair.
Xie Xi told him, “I will recognize you as my master.”
This wasn’t yet acknowledged but Jiang Xie seemed to know what he was saying and
declared, “I don’t want to be your master.”
Xie Xi, “???”
What was this situation? Wasn’t the bird good? Or was he still a cat slave?
Aries Jiang was Aries Jiang while Cancer Jiang was Cancer Jiang. Their bones were the same.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “I think of you as family and also hope that you will take me as
Acknowledging a master meant that Jiang Xie would be the master.
Xie Xi didn’t consider these things at all. They weren’t simple but how could Xie Xi and Jiang
Xie pay attention to this?
However, Cancer knew nothing and was very concerned.
It was true that there were many benefits but Jiang Xie told this to Xie Xi to let him
understand the hidden dangers. He wasn’t willing to let Xie Xi suffer any grievances.
He added, “You will lose your freedom if you acknowledge me as a master and can only stay
with me.” This didn’t sound upsetting but it was still a confinement.
Xie Xi’s heart softened and he whispered, “I won’t lose my freedom, you are my freedom.”
Living with this person and being by his side forever was true freedom.
It was because he knew he would chirp that Xie Xi could say this. Otherwise, how could Xie
Xi say it with his thin skin?
Jiang Xie really didn’t understand but he felt Little Chirp’s trust.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want you to be in any danger. ”
Without mentioning the benefits of acknowledging a master, he was worried about Little
Chirp going mad.
Xie Xi bowed his head to the palm below him. “Don’t think about it. It’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t troublesome to acknowledge a master. If Xie Xi didn’t want to acknowledge a
master then he wouldn’t drink the blood.
One drop was enough to acknowledge a master.
It was easy for the parties involved to judge the success. The immediately felt something
It was as if there was an invisible rope tying the two people. Once one person moved
further away, the rope would be stretched and there would be pain.
It was necessary for them to always be together?
Xie Xi felt quite good.
He was too concerned about this person and wouldn’t need to be distressed about this
person going far away.
After acknowledging a master, the two people could finally communicate. Xie Xi’s words
were still chirping but Jiang Xie could understand them, although the pronunciation was
mixed with some chirping.
For example, Xie Xi said, “I seem to have an ability.”
Jiang Xie heard, “Chirp, there is an ability!”
This soft voice entered the depths of his heart and Jiang Xie’s blood gauge emptied!
Jiang Xie’s voice was infinitely soft. “What is it?”
Xie Xi actually wanted to use the creation power as his ability but he felt that this fat body
really had an ability and wanted to test it.
It wasn’t pressing bodies under him. Who would think this was an ability?
Xie Xi told him, “Stand a bit further away. I will use it.”
He didn’t know he was chirping so once he saw the red tips of Jiang Xie’s ears, he
wondered, ‘Is he so excited that we can communicate?’
Xie Xi felt power surge inside him and tried to release it.
Jiang Xie laughed wildly.
Xie Xi’s hairs stood up. What damn ability was this?!
Once one person and one bird emerged, Yan Zhe knew that the acknowledgement of a
master was successful.
He was also curious. “Did Little Chirp gain an ability?”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved gently as he nodded. “Yes.”
Yan Zhe looked up at Xie Xi and asked, “What is the ability?”
Xie Xi closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.
Yan Zhe blinked.
Jiang Xie comforted the small hairball. “It is a very interesting ability.”
Yan Zhe was even more curious and coaxed the little tit. “What is it? Can you show me?”
Xie Xi opened his eyes, gazed at the face of the future Milk God and used it again.
Xie Xi’s hair shook and flashed with stars. The next moment, these stars turned into white
roses and fell on Yan Zhe’s body.
The silver-haired elf was beautiful and once the rose petals fell on his long hair, there was
an amazing beauty.
Yan Zhe was stunned for a while. “Just… just…”
Jiang Xie picked up a rose flower that had fallen on Xie Xi. “Yes, just this.”’
Xie Xi’s ability after acknowledging a master was to create rose flowers. There was no
attack power or other effects apart from the beauty of the white roses.
Yan Zhe also smiled. It was unknown how long it had been since he smiled bit the smile this
time seemed to shine. “It is very good.”
Only such a simple and clean little guy would activate such a gentle and cute ability.
There was no lethality and would only bring joy and beauty to people.
It was such a trash ability but these two seemed very happy?
What was the use of this ability?
Could he threw a handful of roses and give the enemy a beautiful death?
Xie Xi was unhappy!
This was clearly the skill that the unlucky Jiang Xie had obtained!
It was just that everything he touched turned into roses while Xie Xi could create roses by
shaking his feathers…
There was no fighting power but Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe were very happy.
He saw the two of them cheer up and Xie Xi reluctantly accepted it.
In any case, he didn’t have to rely on this ability. He could use the god’s wisdom and sketch
pen in critical moments.
Yan Zhe really liked this little tit. He picked up the roses on the ground and carefully
counted them. Then he reported to Xie Xi, “There are a total of 33. Little Chirp is really
Xie Xi endured the tone that was coaxing a child. After all, this was the future milk god and
he had to maintain a good relationship!
Xie Xi chirped steadily.
Yan Zhe quickly glanced at Jiang Xie. “What did Little Chirp say?”
Jiang Xie only heard chirping but he wanted to show that he knew more about Little Chirp
so he translated, “He said there will be more next time.”
Xie Shi: “???” This fake translator!
Yan Zhe immediately blew up. “The ability becomes more powerful the more it is used.
Little Chirp will be able to make more roses in the future!”
Xie Xi wasn’t comforted. He had no interest in growing this ability.
God Yan spoke again. “Since he creates roses, we can call him Little Rose!”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Sorry, he wasn’t interested in both names!
The matter of acknowledging the master was finalized. Little Chirp’s cuteness went to a
higher level and Yan Zhe’s spirit was refreshed.
He gave a detailed account of the outside world and the current dangers.
The disaster didn’t end after the earthquake. It was just the beginning.
The entire Earth was like a game that was knocked down. It was messed up and had to be
started again.
The rise of the transformed people and variant beasts re-divided the strong and weak.
At present, shelters were established in cities. The first batch of the transformed people
explored the new rules of the world in the shortest possible time.
The transformation was random and the ability obtained was all about luck.
Some abilities were strong, some were weak, but strength wasn’t the only thing important.
Those with a strong ability but no brains would die.
Those with a weak ability but some brains were strong.
Even if there were no changes, people could tame variant beasts. Most of the owners of
variant beasts weren’t transformed but this didn’t affect their ability to communicate with
the beasts and they gained a strong power.
The reason why Yan Zhe hoped that Jiang Xie would quickly have Little Chirp acknowledge
a master wasn’t just for the prevention of madness. He was also afraid that Little Chirp
would be taken away by others.
One of the rules was the beast’s will but the beasts were mostly simply. How could they
resist the deception of humans?
If they fell into the hands of a bad person then they would be tortured.
There were dangers that stemmed from humanity itself and the external dangers never
Yan Zhe said, “You must leave the farm in three days at the latest or you’ll be swallowed up
by the black fog.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “Black fog?”
“Yes, after the earthquake, there is a black fog that constantly consumes everything.
Anything swallowed up by it hasn’t come out. No one knows what is inside but death is
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi really hadn’t known about this.
Yan Zhe continued, “The black fog devours everything. It isn’t just the ground but the sky
and the universe being swallowed up.”
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank. “Where can we go?”
“Someone has guessed the spread of the black fog and the only destination is the last
central point, which they call the Zone.”
The Zone?
Xie Xi was stunned.
Central’s will?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 248

Extra ko-fi chapter

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 7

In a sense, the Central Government was also a sanctuary. It was a sanctuary for homeless
‘players’ abandoned by their original world.
Players called the will of the Central World by the name ‘Zone.’ It was the same for god-
class players like God Yan, even calling it Old Z.
Xie Xi hadn’t spent much time in Central but he understood a lot about it. After all, Jiang Xie
could be called the man closest to the Central Government.
Jiang Xie told him things and Xie Xi also had his own understanding of the Central
However, there was no need to think too much. The last shelter of humanity was called the
Zone. There was nothing wrong with this since this world was designed by Jiang Xie. From
his point of view, it was normal to set this up.
Fortunately, Xie Xi’s expression was dull no matter what he was thinking. This meant Jiang
Xie and Yan Zhe were still ignorant as they talked about the status quo.
Jiang Xie asked, “Is the Zone safe?”
Yan Zhe shook his head. “No one knows but it is the furthest place from the black fog.”
Even if the entire world was engulfed by the black fog, it was the last space.
Jiang Xie was a person accustomed to facing disasters. “The black fog really can’t…”
Yan Zhe interrupted him. “Don’t rush to try it. It is like death. No one knows what the world
is like afterwards because the dead can’t speak.”
Jiang Xie was silent.
These words were very appropriate. There was probably no one alive who wasn’t curious
about death, but this curiosity had no solution because death was a road of no return.
Yan Zhe looked back at Xie Xi, reaching out to touch his soft hair. “Take Little Chirp to the
Zone. You should be able to protect yourself.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “What about you?”
Jiang Xie helped Xie Xi translate this chirp.
A faint smile appeared on Yan Zhe’s pale face. “I don’t want to see anybody.”
Yan Zhe explained his experiences in a calm tone.
He was also a transformed person. Before the earthquake, he was just a normal human. It
was the transformation that made him look like he did now and his blood had the terrible
power to return people from the dead.
Don’t talk about a world of disaster. Even in a normal world, his ability could stir up the
cruellest desires in the heart.
What seriously injured person would want to die? Who would let a seriously injured
relative die?
There were so many such people but Yan Zhe’s blood was limited.
Just as everyone was suffering in a dark and cold night, Yan Zhe was a weak flame. People
knew that the flames didn’t shine all over the world but they still went crazy over it.
Yan Zhe faced such a situation from the earthquake to the present. It was a short period of
time but the humanity he witnessed was so ugly that he lost hope for everything.
He didn’t want to see anyone and couldn’t believe in anyone. However, the only shelter had
countless people gathered. For Yan Zhe, this final refuge was more terrible than the black
fog approaching. Thus, he wanted to stay.
How could Xie Xi leave him? He moved his body and placed the silver-haired elf under his
big wings.
Yan Zhe was stunned.
Xie Xi cried out, “Go together, I’ll protect you!”
How could he let God Yan suffer such grievances when he had the god’s wisdom?
Jiang Xie frowned.
This time no translation was needed as Yan Zhe understood himself. He glanced at Jiang Xie
and asked, “Little Chirp… he…”
Jiang Xie reluctantly explained the chirp, “He wants to protect you.”
Yan Zhe froze before smiling with red eyes. He looked up at Xie Xi and spoke in a hoarse
voice, “Silly Little Chirp.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He was very serious. How could anyone touch Yan Zhe when he had his space shield?
Jiang Xie became even unhappier. His frown deepened as he lifted the fat wings and pulled
out the silver-haired elf.
Yan Zhe wasn’t angry. if he had such a big baby then he would also keep everyone away.
Xie Xi’s current appearance wasn’t convincing so he gazed at Jiang Xie with small, black
eyes, waiting for Jiang Xie’s position.
Jiang Xie asked, “Do you like him that much?”
Hey? What was this smell of vinegar?
Xie Xi was alert. ‘Professor Jiang, aren’t you bring vinegar into every world in a bag?’
Xie Xi replied, “Yan Zhe is very strong.”
The words that entered Jiang Xie’s ears were, “Chirp Zhe is very powerful!”
What was Chirp Zhe? Are they so close?
Of course, Jiang Xie wasn’t an unreasonable person. He wasn’t happy but he wouldn’t
abandon Yan Zhe.
He was wondering if Yan Zhe could cut his hair…
Then Yan Zhe suddenly stood up. “There are monsters!”
He just finished speaking these words when there was a whistling sound from outside.
It was too loud, like a tornado had struck. Xie Xi quickly summoned the god’s wisdom and
sketch pen.
After getting bigger, he could draw things with the ketch pen. The pen’s requirements were
very low. When he was a cat, he could draw things with his mouth, let alone when he had
the big wings.
Xie Xi was fast but the outside monsters were faster!
In the blink of an eye, the door had been broken into pieces and the awakened livestock
screamed. They struggled to get out of the fence and stay away from this huge danger.
However, the screams soon disappeared, as if the pause button had been pressed.
It was bizarre and an even bigger shock to the people staying in the room.
Xie Xi couldn’t care too much. He hastily drew three space shields and placed them around
the three of them.
In fact, this wasn’t wise. The space shield had a time limit and the monsters hadn’t been
seen yet. What if they couldn’t kill the monsters in such a short period of time?
Still, this couldn’t be helped. Xie Xi had a hunch that the monsters entering were fatal!
Sure enough, once the black fog appeared in front of them, sharp and poisonous thorns
came towards them.
It was absolutely impossible to hide from it. Yan Zhe’s face was pale and Jiang Xie threw the
knife without hesitation.
He might not be able to keep his own life but he could drag the enemy down to hell.
Xie Xi was very lucky. His space shields perfectly blocked this first wave of attacks.
Yan Zhe and Jiang Xie obviously didn’t understand what was going on. Why was it blocked?
Was there something invisible in front of them?
Jiang Xie’s reaction was extremely fast. He remembered the situation where he was about
to die only for something in front of him to block the deadly bullet.
He couldn’t think about what was happening right now.
Jiang Xie picked up the long knife that had fallen and leapt.
He was a transformed person. Although he might not know his ability, the most important
thing right now was survival. He was totally dependent on the instinct to survive and
attacked this terrible monster with fierceness.
Xie Xi saw what the monster looked like.
He recognized it instantly. It was a monster that had appeared in Wonderful Painting of the
Mountains and Seas.
Before the flower god drew the world, the world was a mess and in the chaos, these
monsters devoured countless creatures.
White Tiger’s mother had died from this monster.
Now they appeared in Cancer’s world.
It was true that this was Jiang Xie’s quasi-world and he might design the same monster,
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking that this monster had given Jiang Xie major trauma, which was
why he had such an obsession.
He didn’t think that there was more than one of this monster. The momentum was
continuous and they kept trying to kill the trio!
It wasn’t the first time Yan Zhe had seen this monster. He exclaimed, “Attack its mouth.
That is its only weakness!”
This group of black things had no body but there was a big mouth with white teeth in the
middle. The previous thorns had shot from this place.
Jiang Xie heard this just as a monster with a mouth full of white teeth tried to bite him…
Xie Xi knew that the effect of the space shield was present but he still felt shocked when he
saw that Jiang Xie was going to be eaten in one bite.
The next second, Jiang Xie’s long knife pierced the monster’s mouth.
There was a sharp sound like sandpaper grinding and the monster disappeared into black
However, this wasn’t the end. It was just the beginning…
There was a cloud of darkness outside. It was unknown how many monsters were present!
Xie Xi had his experience as a president and drew many hot weapons that even the weak
Yan Zhe could use.
Yan Zhe choked when he saw the weapons that fell to the ground.
Xie Xi shouted, “Use this!”
Yan Zhe didn’t think too much. He picked one up and started crazily shooting the black
He wasn’t used to it and wasn’t sure if he could use it. Yet in such a critical moment, he
would never give up as long as there was hope!
Jiang Xie understood Xie Xi’s words. He doubted the origins of these weapons but he
couldn’t pause too much. He quickly picked one up and started shooting.
This was a war. Once all the black monsters were gone, the three people were exhausted…
oh, it was two people and one bird.
The space shield wasn’t continuous so the last part was particularly dangerous. They were
all stabbed by the thorns.
Fortunately, it wasn’t that much and the effect was very weak. There were no problems.
Xie Xi couldn’t move at all. There was no limit to the use of the god’s wisdom but his body
had limits.
His fat physique meant his constant movement of the wings exhausted him.
He was still a small tit in essence and his strength hadn’t increased much.
Yan Zhe’s physique was also wonderful. He was stabbed and his body bled, but his blood
healed the wounds and he was unscathed.
He was also very tired but he insisted on walking to Xie Xi and raising his wrist to Xie Xi’s
Xie Xi couldn’t move. A cool and fragrant blood flowed into his mouth. In an instant, he felt
no pain from his wounds and even recovered some physical strength.
Yan Zhe’s blood… it was amazing!
He saw that Xie Xi was fine and came to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie refused. “It’s fine.”
Yan Zhe was astonished.
There was no need to talk about Jiang Xie’s physique. Xie had become a waste while Jiang
Xie was the main fighting force yet he could still stand up.
He went to check Xie Xi’s situation first and then gave his own wounds simple treatment.
Yan Zhe spoke in a tired manner, “My blood can help you recover…”
Jiang Xie squinted at him. “If you don’t save anyone, no one will know you have this ability.”
Yan Zhe was stunned.
Jiang Xie patted the dust off Xie Xi’s body and told Fat Chirp, “Don’t be foolish in the future.
I can avoid it myself.” The thorn that pierced Xie Xi’s body had been for Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi told him, “I’m fine.”
Jiang Xie heard, ‘It’s nothing chirp.’
Jiang Xie’s heart was soft and his eyes were full of gentleness. “You must protect yourself.
This is an order.”
Xie Xi sighed and protected this person under his wings.
Jiang Xie was warmed by the fluff and his heart also became hot.
Yan Zhe got up and said, “Drink it. If there is any more danger, we need to be able to last.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “If you don’t use your ability on anyone, cut your hair, cover your
face with a bit of dust and hide your ears with a hat…”
Jiang Xie wanted to speak but his words were interrupted by a monster.
Yan Zhe was afraid of humans and didn’t want to see anyone, but he would inevitably see
people if he kept living.
Rather than dying timidly, it was better to live in a different way.
What if he didn’t show the ability? It was enough to get a makeover and start over.
Jiang Xie’s idea was right but Yan Zhe’s smile was bitter. “No, I’ve tried.”
He picked up the long knife from the ground and cut off his long, silver hair.
Xie Xi watched curiously and found that the cut off long hair quickly returned to its original
appearance, as if it had never been cut off.
Yan Zhe went to touch the dirty ground. Miraculously, his white fingers didn’t show even a
trace of dust…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 249

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 8

What was this devil physique?

Xie Xi was shocked.
Yan Zhe’s next demonstration was even more terrible. He poured a glass of water onto soil
and wiped the soil on his face.
The contrast between skin and mud was so clear that people couldn’t help stopping to look.
However, it wasn’t necessary.
Whether it was digging up mud or painting it on his face, it was like there was a film. The
slimy mud didn’t leave any traces on his hands and face.
The hand could pick up the mud but the face was more exaggerated. It would slip down just
after application, the mud falling to the ground and unceremoniously printing a large face
on the ground.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help letting out an exclamation that entered the ears
of others as a chirp.
Jiang Xie didn’t expect there to be such a physique.
Yan Zhe explained, “My hair can’t be cut and my body won’t be stained by any dirt.”
He had been tortured for so long, hated his situation and thought about resisting and
running away. It was just that his constitution was too poisonous and he couldn’t change
his appearance. Everyone could recognize him with one glance.
Don’t mention the long silver hair and snow-like skin, his face alone was unforgettable.
It was too easy to recognize him.
It was reasonable that Yan Zhe’s physique was so powerful. It was probably the principle of
full healing. His blood could not only heal others but also himself. Therefore, his hair could
be recovered and his skin protected from infestation. Perhaps the circulation of blood
allowed him to recover from any dirt instantly and he couldn’t be dirty in the eyes of
It was highly likely that the Central Yan Zhe also had such a physique. It was precisely
because of this physique that he could become a god-level player with the class of healer.
It was true that God Yan in the Central Government was strong enough to protect himself
but what about the initial stages?
What about Yan Zhe who had this physique but was still weak?
He must’ve suffered as well.
After seeing this, Jiang Xie was keenly aware of something strange. “Didn’t Little Chirp’s
roses fall on your hair?”
How did the white roses get stuck in the hair?
Yan Zhe felt even more helpless and embarrassed. “Good things can…”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Yan Zhe glanced at Xie Xi and continued, “Little Chirp’s roses look very good and they are
like jewellery on the hair…”
It could be seen that the physique was like Mary Sue but the essence of God Yan was a pure
man. Thus, he was dying of embarrassment when he described it.
Xie Xi was also speechless.
What was this toxic power?
Wasn’t it only the legendary fairy women who were like this?
There were too many things that Xie Xi didn’t know where to start from!
Jiang Xie was also speechless. If this was the icing on the cake…
Yan Zhe was already eye-catching. If Little Chirp’s beautiful rose was added…
Even if his blood couldn’t save people, Yan Zhe would still face many setbacks.
In view of his real tragedy, Jiang Xie’s attitude towards him changed greatly. Yan Zhe’s
situation was even more helpless for Xie Xi. There were many ways to make people act
It wasn’t that the god’s wisdom couldn’t do it. Xie Xi hadn’t been exposed to this type of
product and couldn’t create it.
It was no wonder why Yan Zhe wanted to give up. Walking into the Zone full of people was
like walking into the black fog.
However, after the battle, the surviving Yan Zhe’s mental state changed a lot. He picked up
the weapon he previously used and asked Xie Xi, “Is this done by Little Chirp?”
Jiang Xie also wanted to know this. His long knife had been damaged as early as when he
killed the first monster. Fortunately, Little Chirp gave him new weapons or they would’ve
died a long time ago.
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Yan Zhe heard him say, “Chirp meow.”
Jiang Xie heard, “Chirp.”
Both men were stunned and the complicated mood they were felling was swept away.
Yan Zhe was really reluctant to separate from this big hairball and asked again, “It seems
that Little Chirp can’t only create roses but also other things?”
This was a good reason!
He had only created roses previously but this didn’t mean it could only be roses. Other
miscellaneous things were also okay.
Xie Xi patched up his ability. “I was worried about you and wanted to help.”
Jiang Xie translated for Yan Zhe and Yan Zhe was so moved he wanted to touch the round
Jiang Xie separated them and his eyes told Yan Zhe, ‘Please have some self-respect.’
Yan Zhe wanted to sneak a touch but he couldn’t. Who let Little Chirp not belong to him?
Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “Do you have any special feelings when using your ability?” It was a
bit unsettling to create things out of thin air. He was afraid that Xie Xi would have to pay
something for it according to the law of conservation of energy.
Xie Xi replied, “I’m fine, only my wings are tired.” He couldn’t lift them up!
Jiang Xie gently massaged the large wings.
Xie Xi spoke again, “I drank Yan Zhe’s blood and feel much better.”
Jiang Xie heard Yan Zhe’s name and wasn’t happy. This tone felt a bit intimate…
Jiang Xie’s heart was moved. If Little Chirp called out his name, what would it be like?
However, Yan Zhe was in front of him and he didn’t dare ask. He could only endure it first.
Yan Zhe wasn’t able to understand these words but he felt Xie Xi’s eyes on him and asked,
“What did Little Chirp say?”
Jiang Xie started to mix private words into his translation. “He said he is tired and wants to
Yan Zhe was surprised. “He is still tired after drinking my blood? Maybe he is too big and
needs to drink more…” He cut his wrist as he spoke.
Xie Xi was shocked!
Jiang Xie stopped him by saying, “It’s fine, he just needs to sleep. Don’t use your blood.”
Xie Xi hurriedly shook his head and explained, “I was just thanking you!”
Yan Zhe stared at the lying Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie frowned but didn’t dare fool the idiot. “Little Chirp said thank you.”
Yan Zhe realized something and cast a suspicious look at Jiang Xie. “Are you messing
around with the translation?”
God Yan managed to find the essence of this guy!
Xie Xi nodded violently like a chicken pecking at rice. Sorry, it was a giant chicken!
It seemed that Jiang Xie was born with this thick-skinned nature and his expression didn’t
change. “Sometimes there are mistakes.” There were at least three chirps in a sentence,
causing his ears to chirp. It was understandable that he would get some things wrong.
Xie Shi and Yan Zhe: “…”
Yes, this young Cancer had the prototype of the stinky Old Jiang in Central!
It was the middle of the night and they definitely needed a good rest.
Jiang Xie didn’t mention the matter of going to the Zone again. Xie Xi was still a bit worried
and afraid that Yan Zhe would run away in the middle of the night.
One person and one bird returned to the bedroom and Jiang Xie stared at him. “Do you care
that much about him?”
Why was there the taste of a husband going home, only for the wife to ask about the
perfume smell?
Xie Xi was speechless. Was Cancer’s sense of possession that strong?
Besides, he was a little… big bird and acknowledged Jiang Xie as his master. What was this
damn person so worried about?
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Dad said that many friends will lead to more roads.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes drooped gently.
Xie Xi felt a bit of regret. It was true that these words could appease Jiang Xie but it would
also remind him of the grief in his heart.
Father Jiang had mentioned such a thing. Jiang Xie had gone to school and he talked to
himself and Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie leaned close to the huge hairball. “It is enough if I have you.”
He couldn’t be greedy. He just wanted to protect his last family member.
Friends were too fragile.
Xie Xi sighed and patted the other person with his big wings. “However, he is already our
They were in the same boat and suffering together. Wasn’t this friendship?
There was no talking about friendship but it was already there.
Jiang Xie’s back was stiff and he whispered, “Don’t worry, he won’t give up on you.” His
tone seemed a bit sour.
It was convenient that they could communicate with each other.
Jiang Xie expressed the doubts in his heart. “Those knives and guns… did you make
something else?”
In fact, Xie Xi wanted to pretend that this was Jiang Xie’s power. Since they would always be
together, it wasn’t a problem to pretend that the shield was Jiang Xie’s power.
It was just that Jiang Xie was clever and wasn’t easy to fool.
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Jiang Xie stared at him with narrowed eyes. “Did you do it before acknowledging me as a
Xie Xi saw this person wanted to debunk the reason for helping Yan Zhe and could only say,
“At the time, I was afraid you would have an accident. I wanted something to protect you
and there was a transparent eggshell.
The space shield was very much like an eggshell.
Jiang Xie’s eyes slightly curved and he said thank you before continuing, “It seems that this
ability was gained before acknowledging the master.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie wondered, “After acknowledging the master, did you gain an ability other than
creating roses?”
Xie Xi, “…”
He was too lazy to mention this ability. It was useless and full of a non-lucky person’s
characteristics. Xie Xi suspected this was the welfare that came from acknowledging Jiang
Xie as a master!
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t tell anyone about this, including Yan Zhe.”
Xie Xi understood that it wasn’t about not trusting someone. It just wasn’t necessary.
Many times, saying things that shouldn’t be said harmed not only themselves but also
Xie Xi should say, “I understand.”
Jiang Xie heard, “I chirp” and couldn’t help laughing. It was good to hear this lovely voice.
Xie Xi didn’t know about this and asked, “Why are you laughing?”
Jiang Xie’s lips were still curved. “It’s nothing.”
Xie Xi cared about him. “What about your ability?”
There were two battles and Jiang Xie didn’t show any special ability. He just had a good
physique and high strength.
As for fighting skills, Xie Xi thought it likely came from the main soul. After all , Cancer was
only a high school student.
An ability was just an ability and experience was irrelevant.
Jiang Xie replied, “I don’t know either.”
Xie Xi asked, “Do you feel any force surging in your chest?” It felt like this when he created
Jiang Xie shook his head. “No, I feel no different from before.”
Xie Xi was silent. This senior unlucky person, was there no change?
Xie Xi felt he had poked at the truth.
He cried out, “It’s okay. You’re strong now!”
Jiang Xie wasn’t worried. Perhaps it was due to Yan Zhe’s physique but Jiang Xie felt it was
good that he hadn’t completely changed. He never had good luck and if he really changed
then it might be more pitted than Yan Zhe’s ability.
Based on the sky, it wasn’t too early. They should rest and start on the road tomorrow.
Before going to bed, Jiang Xie couldn’t help telling Xie Xi, “Call out my name.”
Xie Xi, “…” What was this for?
Jiang Xie leaned against the wings so Xie Xi couldn’t see him. “You know, my name.”
Xie Xi certainly knew it. “Jiang Xie.”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Chirp Xie was indeed a hundred times better than Chirp Zhe.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 250

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 9

Xie Xi didn’t know what Jiang Xie was thinking. If he knew, he would certainly abandon this
What was good to hear? What was the difference between the chirped pronunciation and
Chirp Xie?
Jiang Xie was feeling self-satisfaction!
Jiang Xie was satisfied after hearing this and came up with anew operation. “We will be a
family in the future. I am older than you so call me Brother.”
Xie Xi, “…” He knew what this person was planning!
He coaxed Jiang Xie, “I acknowledged you as my master and will call you Master.”
Jiang Xie was caught between ‘Master Chirp’ and ‘Brother Chirp’ but he really wanted the
“You only acknowledged a master for your health. In my heart, you are my family.” Jiang Xie
tried to coax Xie Xi again.
Xie Xi didn’t want to let him down and had to say, “Brother.”
Jiang Xie heard a small ‘Chirp.’
He choked, reacted to the single word and modified it. “Call me Older Brother.”
Xie Xi, “…” This hooligan couldn’t let it go!
Xie Xi did as he wished.
Unfortunately, Jiang Xie only heard, “Chirp Chirp.”
The sound was very good and soft but he still wanted to hear Chirp Brother…
Jiang Xie inwardly sighed as he realized what it meant by he couldn’t have both fish and a
bear’s paw (as food).
Then Jiang Xie soon recovered his spirit. It was nothing. Once Little Chirp became more and
more skilled, he would call out Brother. There wasn’t much time to listen to the chirping so
he should cherish it.
Jiang Xie had carefully counted and the more Xie Xi spoke, the number of chirps had
changed from three chirps in seven words to two chirps. According to this progress, he
soon wouldn’t be able to hear the lovely little voice.
Xie Xi didn’t know what Jiang Xie was thinking. Of course, he would still accompany Jiang
Xie even if he knew.
No matter what, Jiang Xie didn’t have a complete childhood and talking to Little Chirp was
one of Jiang Xie’s few childish actions.
Xie Xi would cherish it well, just like Jiang Xie cherished every one of his moments.
It wasn’t early and the two of them should go to sleep.
Xie Xi’s head was too big and he couldn’t fit on a bed. If it was in the wild then Xie Xi would
lean against a tree and Jiang Xie could sleep well against him.
However, this time both of them were in a house and on a bed.
Jiang Xie mused, “What is the law behind you becoming bigger and smaller? Do you feel
Xie Xi recalled it. “Was it a knock on the brain?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes were full of laughter as he said, “Let’s try it.”
Xie Xi bowed his head and approached, Jiang Xie patting it gently.
There was no change. Xie Xi didn’t become smaller.
Jiang Xie thought about it. “Do you have to say big or little?”
The first time Xie Xi became smaller, he had been pulling at Jiang Xie’s clothes to make him
go outside. Jiang Xie had knocked on his head and said, “Little Chirp.” There was the word
‘little’ in it.
The second time Xie Xi became bigger, Jiang Xie had tapped his head and asked him, “Is
your curiosity so big?” There was the word ‘big.’
Then knocking on the head was one condition and saying the size was another?
Let’s try it.
Jiang Xie once again patted the big head and said, “Little.”
This worked. Xie Xi felt dizzy and then rapidly shrunk. He turned into an egg-sized white
Jiang Xie leaned down to pick him up and smiled, “It seems right.”
Xie Xi saw the enlarged Jiang Xie and spoke with some dizziness, “Bigger is better. I want to
become bigger!”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi thought his volume was too small and he couldn’t be heard. Thus, he shouted, “I want
to become bigger! It is too inconvenient to be small!” In addition, he couldn’t the sketch
Jiang Xie questioned, “Is it impossible for you to speak after becoming smaller?”
It turned out that Xie Xi’s words were only chirping in Jiang Xie’s ears.
Xie Xi cried out, “You don’t understand?”
Jiang Xie didn’t understand but knew Little Xie was anxious when he saw the bird jumping
up and down. “Let’s sleep first and wait until tomorrow to become bigger?
Xie Xi didn’t want this. “I will become bigger now. I have so many feathers that I can sleep
on the ground.”
Unfortunately, he was a bird and his sentences didn’t make sense.
Jiang Xie told him, “I’m afraid that your body can’t adapt to frequent changes. I will hold
you to sleep and you will be warmer.”
As he spoke, he placed Little Chirp on his chest.
Xie Xi felt the other person’s body temperature. It really was comfortable.
Jiang Xie saw that Little Chirp wasn’t calling to transform and patted him. “Sleep.”
Xie Xi lay on the other person’s heart, listened to the smooth heartbeat and really fell
That’s fine. He would wait until tomorrow to get bigger…
He had a good dream and the sky had just brightened when he woke up.
Jiang Xie had slept less than six hours but there was no other way. Yan Zhe might’ve said
that the black fog wouldn’t reach them in three days but it was better to hurry.
The black fog approaching meant there would be more and more monsters. It was really
unsuitable to stay here for a long time.
Yan Zhe had just woken up. He was about to open his mouth when Jiang Xie pointed to his
own chest.
Yan Zhe realized that Little Chirp was still asleep and nodded.
Jiang Xie made a simple breakfast and after eating, he packed his bags in a simple manner.
Yan Zhe’s state was much better than before and his strength had also recovered a lot. He
carefully took care of the weapons Xie Xi previously created.
Jiang Xie knew without asking that Yan Zhe would go with them.
Who would want to be swallowed up by the dark fog if there was even a glimmer of hope?
Yan Zhe whispered, “I won’t be a burden.”
Jiang Xie didn’t say much.
By the time Xie Xi woke up, they were already on their way.
He opened his eyes and chirped.
Jiang Xie asked him, “Are you hungry?”
Xie Xi poked out his small head and the first thing he saw was the enlarged version of Yan
He was stunned. The skin was zoomed in by so much yet the skin on the face was still
meticulous. God Yan’s face would make ceramics afraid!
Yan Zhe’s eyes brightened. “Little Chirp, good morning!”
“Good morning.”
This clear and loud chirping gave Yan Zhe a rare feeling. He wanted to touch the furry Little
Chirp but Jiang Xie wouldn’t allow it.
“Eat first.”
He spoke as he placed a peeled melon seed in front of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi used the other person’s palm as a table and ate deliciously.
“Remember to make me bigger later.” Xie Xi couldn’t rest assured since this body was too
inconvenient. If he was bigger then he could better support them in fights…
He just thought this when they were attacked!
A gun was fired and the bullet headed straight towards Jiang Xie’s lower abdomen.
Xie Xi couldn’t open a space shield in this small body. If Jiang Xie was shot like this…
Yan Zhe jumped and blocked the bullet with his back.
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed and Xie Xi also jumped wildly.
Yan Zhe told them, “I can only block one shot. I won’t be able to recover if there is another
He had a strong self-healing ability. The shot hit him in the back and only his clothes were
torn. The bullet slid down like the previous dirt and didn’t really hurt his body.
Or perhaps he was injured and the injury was cured by this powerful healing ability!
This was a really scary ability.
However, there were limits. As Yan Zhe stated, he could only block one shot. He wouldn’t be
able to hold on if the person fired again.
No matter how powerful the healing ability, it couldn’t continuously heal such a fatal
“Yes, it is the silver-haired elf. I shot him and he is fine!”
Yan Zhe saved Jiang Xie but also completely exposed themselves.
Jiang Xie’s reaction was very quick and he told Yan Zhe and Xie Xi, “Retreat to the back.” He
pulled out a gun and fired.
A thumping sound came from the opposite side.
Someone was shot!
It didn’t kill anyone but it made the man unable to fight.
There was certainly more than one person. Jiang Xie fired and then hid behind another tree,
listening calmly.
Yan Zhe went to another tree with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was very anxious. He wanted to grow bigger since he drew too slowly in his current
form. In the present situation, how could he dare disturb Jiang Xie?
Any small distraction would allow the other side to take his life!
Sure enough, he should’ve become bigger last night!
Yan Zhe pulled out the previous gun created and placed Xie Xi in a small groove in the tree.
“Don’t run away. I’ll help Jiang Xie.”
Xie Xi nodded hard while trying to manipulate the sketch pen.
He had to put the shield on both of them. His entire body might be almost flattened by the
sketch pen but he had to draw two space shields!
The noise outside was calmed by a cold shot.
There was a large number of people. Since they recognized Yan Zhe, they definitely weren’t
ordinary people.
Yan Zhe had told his story where he had been sold on the black market. He was abducted
by several people on the way so his information had long spread out. Countless people
knew there was a silver-haired elf could revive people from death.
Yan Zhe had worn a simple disguise when going out but his hair couldn’t be tied up,
wrapped or dyed. Everything was in vain if he couldn’t hide this.
The silver hair was so conspicuous that anyone could guess his identity as long as they saw
The thing that people valued the most was life and this was the most chaotic time. They
didn’t mind killing innocent people for a blood bag.
Yan Zhe gripped his pistol and told Jiang Xie, “Be careful. They might be transformed
Jiang Xie nodded.
Fortunately, the opposite side was also shocked by Jiang Xie and didn’t rush to act. This
gave Xie Xi enough time as he tried his best to draw a space shield.
It was probably because he drew too much recently. The sketch had adapted and the
drawing was very good, the god’s wisdom recognized it.
Xie Xi didn’t think as he threw it around Jiang Xie.
Then he chirped loudly.
It was unknown what Jiang Xie was thinking but he emerged from behind the tree and
actively attacked the enemy!
Xie Xi didn’t dare to rest and quickly drew a second shield. God Yan had been overdrawn by
the gunshot just now.
He must be given a shield as soon as possible!
Xie Xi was absorbed in painting and wasn’t worried about Jiang Xie.
As long as the space shield was in effect, the opposite side would never be able to harm
Jiang Xie.
Yan Zhe sighed and muttered, “I was too anxious and forgot about his ability to not be
Xie Xi heard this and couldn’t help saying, “No, thankfully you saved him!”
Of course, Yan Zhe didn’t understand.
Xie Xi made up his mind. He had to let Jiang Xie explain that he didn’t know his ability and
wasn’t the cause of the space shield. If God Yan mistakenly thought this was Jiang Xie’s
ability, he wouldn’t bother blocking any future gunshots and knives.
The opposite side never thought they had provoked a murderous god!
They saw Yan Zhe’s silver hair and didn’t hesitate to shoot in order to steal this person.
Jiang Xie was just a young man and it was easy to shoot him.
Who would’ve expected Yan Zhe to block the shot. Even so, they hadn’t thought too much.
They were just more excited since this really was the silver-haired elf who could come back
from the dead!
It wasn’t until Jiang Xie fired back and hit their teammate that they became alert. They
were afraid that Jiang Xie was a transformed person.
Then their vigilance quickly dissipated. So what if he was a transformed person? How could
a young man with no combat experience match the four of them?
They would take care of him first and might be able to steal his ability!
However, this time they really kicked over the iron plate.
They were all shocked when Jiang Xie rushed over. Did the boy want to die?
They knew when they shot…
It wasn’t that he wanted to die. It was that knives and guns wouldn’t affect him!
Rather than using a pistol, Jiang Xie held the long knife and cut them. They abandoned their
armour and fled.
He only killed the first person he shot and the others left alive.
Was it impossible for Jiang Xie to kill them?
No, he did it on purpose.
Yan Zhe couldn’t disguise himself and they were bound to meet more and more people.
Rather than letting these little people keep trying, it was better to tell them
straightforwardly, ‘If you want to try it then measure your own ability first!’
Yes, Jiang Xie declared war against all those who were greedy!
Xie Xi watched the other person walk back with the bloody knife and his heart shook.
He felt that this was the Jiang Xie of the past.
He truly saw the strongest designer in Central, who stepped on thorns to reach the top
during his most immature time.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 251

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 10

The thing that made Xie Xi extremely worried was that in the past, he wasn’t present and
there was no space shield or high-tech weapons. How did Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe escape?
He couldn’t think of it or imagine it.
The only thing that could be determined was that the bright lights of the strong were paved
with their own blood.
Jiang Xie became familiar with the strange space shield. Once it was placed around him, he
started quickly and scared them off at the fastest speed.
As a result, he wasn’t injured and also consumed a lot of physical strength. He placed the tip
of the knife against the ground to support himself and he gasped, “Go!”
They couldn’t stay here. Those who were pursuing a narrow gain while neglecting a greater
danger would come here.
There would be shocked and scared people but nothing would be achieved without
Xie Xi hurriedly cried out.
Jiang Xie pulled out Little Chirp from the small hole in the tree and patted the head. “Big.”
The little bird swelled like a balloon.
Meanwhile, Yan Zhe cut his wrist to release blood. Jiang Xie didn’t refuse and drank it.
He wasn’t injured but needed to recover his strength. Since Yan Zhe couldn’t hide his
identity, let’s just face it!
Yan Zhe was able to control his own wounds. For example, if he wanted to bleed then the
wound on his wrist wouldn’t heal quickly. When hit by a bullet, he gathered all the blood in
his body to cure himself. That’s why he said he couldn’t endure a second hit.
The others saw it as instant but he actually healed himself thousands of times in a flash.
It was reasonable to say that Yan Zhe had this ability and other people wouldn’t be able to
get his blood without his permission.
So instead of cutting his skin to make him bleed, the other people used syringes to draw
blood while Yan Zhe was unconscious.
They quickly punctured the blood vessels and blood would instinctively come out to try
and repair the wound. This facilitated the blood entering the wound and more blood could
be drawn than ordinary people.
There was a short break before the three people continued on the road. Xie Xi became big
and it was much more convenient. He secretly drew an invisible flying charm for himself
and placed it on the soles of his feet. This way, he could walk much more conveniently.
Their destination was the Zone.
Under the squeeze of the black fog, the route was extremely singular and Jiang Xie ended
up punishing people as an example to others.
It might be good or bad to not act timidly. Jiang Xie’s physical strength couldn’t last forever
and Yan Zhe’s blood needed time to recover.
As for those who were ambitious and powerful…
There was no way back. They could only fight!
In fact, Xie Xi could draw a flying aircraft and allow the three people to fly straight to the
Xie Xi didn’t draw it for several reasons. One, he couldn’t explain it. Two, he was afraid to
miss any important points.
He was here to fix the world and needed to know as much as possible about it. This would
allow him to figure out the final knot in his relationship with Cancer.
Drawing the aircraft and easily going to the Zone was putting the cart before the horse.
Xie Xi didn’t draw an aircraft and Yan Zhe and Jiang Xie could only go to the city to look for
a car.
The black fog wasn’t slow so it was dangerous to go too slowly.
There were trucks on the farm but they had all turned into scrap iron with the earthquake
and couldn’t be driven. On the way, they saw many cars on the road but no one would stop
for strangers. Everyone was desperately rushing to the Zone.
Before entering the city, Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “Should you become smaller first?”
In fact, he could knock on the head and say two words and Xie Xi wouldn’t be able to refuse.
However, Xie Xi was his family and he respected all wishes.
Xie Xi hurriedly told him, “I won’t become smaller, it is too dangerous!”
Jiang Xie already knew this. Xie Xi couldn’t speak when he was small and it was also
difficult to use his ability.
In fact, there was no use in the ability to create roses. There were no restrictions on the
god’s wisdom but he couldn’t hold the pen when he was too small. Xie Xi couldn’t explain
these things to Jiang Xie and could only say it was difficult to use his ability.
Jiang Xie told him, “Still, you will be safe.”
The big bird was more eye-catching than Yan Zhe. As long as he became small, he was the
Xie Xi exclaimed, “If you die then I will die too!”
This was the master’s contract but Jiang Xie suddenly became warm.
Jiang Xie felt that Little Chirp wasn’t considering the contract when he said this. Little Chirp
was expressing the thoughts in his heart.
Jiang Xie patted him on the wings. “Okay, we’ll be fine.”
In the end, Xie Xi kept his big appearance and followed them.
The sights in the city were completely different from imagination.
All the buildings here had collapsed and the towering buildings became a ruin. There were
countless pieces of debris and there was a desolate feeling.
There was no one present and no breath of life… there were just countless remains of the
things people had created and no humans.
Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe felt heavy. They looked at the masonry debris, the glass flakes, the
wood chips, the flattened plastic and the metal products on the ground and… couldn’t
imagine what they used to be.
Many movies and television dramas had interpreted the end of the world but people could
never imagine one-thousandth of this bleakness and tragedy without seeing it with their
own eyes.
“Self-righteous… ignorant… eating their own bitter fruit…”
A neurotic voice rang out behind them and Jiang Xie gripped the weapons hanging from his
The speaker didn’t move. He just murmured to himself, singing a sad song in this once
gorgeous city. “Retribution, human delusions angered the gods. This is a sin, a punishment,
God who gave up on us…”
Jiang Xie squinted and saw a well-dressed old man in a corner.
His hair was pale, his beard untidy, his eyes and mouth blocked and the eagle hooked nose
exposed to the outside was eroded by wind and was covered with wrinkles and cracks.
He whispered, “God has left… there was such a disaster… we have been abandoned… we
have been abandoned!”
Jiang Xie stopped and looked at the old man.
Xie Xi’s heart beat faster. Rationally, he knew this was a normal phenomenon after a
disaster. There must be people who were extremely pessimistic and attributed everything
to heavenly punishment. They gave up their beliefs and hopes, staying in the same place to
It was just that the old man’s words poked at Xie Xi.
The soul was drawn away, which was equivalent to God leaving.
The world was broken and could only wait to be wiped out.
The old man’s pessimistic imagination reflected the feelings of the souls who had been left
Jiang Xie didn’t know his identity but these words would stab at the more secret pain in his
The souls didn’t know what was going on or the experiences of the main body and Xie Xi.
They didn’t know they weren’t abandoned but where being saved…
Xie Xi stretched out his wings and covered Jiang Xie.
He said nothing but he brought back Jiang Xie’s heart.
Jiang Xie gazed up at Xie Xi and soothed him. “I’m fine.”
Xie Xi told him, “We haven’t been abandoned.”
Jiang Xie smiled. “Yes.”
Yan Zhe also recovered his senses and whispered, “Let’s go.”
The old man sat here but his soul had already left.
They found a car. Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe didn’t have a driver’s license. Xie Xi had several
types but he was currrently a round bird and so big he couldn’t get into the car. How could
he drive?
Jiang Xie made Xie Xi small, held the bird in his arms and drove himself.
Xie Xi had to stay in Jiang Xie’s arms. This way, he could become bigger no matter what
Yan Zhe sat in the passenger’s seat with the seat belt fastened and he grasped the handle
tightly. He obviously didn’t believe in the driving of the unlicensed Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie also didn’t have much hope. He stepped on the accelerator and roared forward.
Yan Zhe’s face was white and the hand holding the handle was blue. His smooth silver hair
swayed like a wave several times.
He was very beautiful but he was clearly afraid.
Xie Xi was much better. After all, the bird was small. At most, his skull hit Jiang Xie’s chest
but it wasn’t painful because of the fur.
Jiang Xie was a novice on the road and people wouldn’t dare to teach him.
It was fortunate that all the traffic light cameras had become scraps or 12 licenses weren’t
sufficient for all the points deducted.
Fierceness was fierceness but they moved smoothly along the road.
The journey was much faster with the car. Another advantage was that as long as they hid
in the car, no one could see Yan Zhe’s appearance.
Everyone was busy on the road and didn’t have time to check for the blood bag.
The journey was smooth but tiring.
After half a month, they finally got close to the Zone.
The road wasn’t completely safe. There were times when they came across others while
refueling. The people saw Yan Zhe and started with ill-intentions. Jiang Xie couldn’t use his
skills in the car and had to get off.
The opposite side was in a car and wanted to directly smash Jiang Xie. As a result, they
were ruthlessly bounced off the space shield and the car destroyed.
Jiang Xie got back on the car and Yan Zhe was miserable. He said, “I will be more careful in
the future.” He couldn’t stay in the car all the time. He had to get off to go to the toiler and
other matters.
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s fine.”
This was inevitable. These people might not know God Yan’s ability but they had a lustful
heart. Jiang Xie knew these things but didn’t say it.
Xie Xi was in his arms all the time and knew it. Thus, he whispered to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie patted him on the head and appeased him.
By the time they arrived at the last shelter, the black fog was also approaching. At this
speed, the black fog would approach the Zone in half a month.
As for what would happen afterwards, no one knew.
The Zone was already the last surviving place. If the black fog didn’t stop, this world would
be completely lifeless.
Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe didn’t relax their vigilance after arriving here.
This wasn’t the end for them but was the beginning of the battle.
The Zone was only so big but it was full of people. Those who could arrive here were
already the strongest among the strong.
If they had bad intentions towards Yan Zhe, could Jiang Xie really fight all of them with his
Before they could enter the Zone, they were stopped.
Xie Xi looked up at the huge silver-white building and was in a trance.
He always felt that this was the Hall surrounded by water curtains in Central. Countless
players would walk out of light columns, take a task and then walk into light columns.
Central was a very large and small space. It was only one Hall but the space in the Hall was
indeed unlimited.
What about this place?
It wasn’t just Jiang Xie but many people who were stopped at the entrance. Someone yelled,
“Let us go in! We rushed here through many hardships. Why aren’t you letting us enter?”
The entrance contained guards holding weapons. They aimed their guns at the crowd and
explained, “The space in the Zone is limited. Only those who have outstanding abilities can
be accepted. Those who are weak or non-transformed people, please leave quickly!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 252

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 11

It wasn’t surprising that this happened.

The size of the Zone was limited and gathering more powerful people in a limited space
was the method to survive.
Entering the ZOne didn’t mean they could survive. The people inside were more anxious
than this outside and were exploring methods to crack it.
What could they do if the black fog didn’t stop and even the last safe space was swallowed
It was cruel to have such a selection but it could be understood. It was just like the survival
of the fittest in nature. They couldn’t be emotional.
However, people were always emotional, especially in the face of life and death. Someone
immediately shouted, “How do you judge the strength of the ability? Do you say that strong
is strong and weak is weak?”
The guard explained, “Our captain’s ability is to identify other abilities. He will certainly
give you a fair chance!”
Identifying abilities?
Xie Xi turned to look at Jiang Xie.
“How to identify it?” Someone shouted. “The ability is a very private matter. Should it be
made public?”
At this time, a tall man in a black uniform came out, his expression hard. “You have to
register your ability when entering the Zone. We are facing an unprecedented enemy. We
must gather all resources and strength to survive this disaster!”
This was obviously the captain that the guard mentioned.
Yan Zhe also looked at Jiang Xie.
The captain added, “No matter your ability, as long as it is good for the team, we will treat
you well. We have been trying to explore the black fog so we need more powerful fighters!
Entering the zone isn’t about survival but facing death. If you don’t have such awareness
then stay still!”
These words caused the crowd of people to calm down.
Obviously, there were many political elites who reached the Zone first and they had
become organized and disciplined in such a short period of time.
The strength of one person was always limited and unity could have greater possibilities.
Someone finally came forward to identify their ability. Most people were reluctant but this
was the last hope.
The captain’s ability was indeed strong. Anyone who was touched by the white light around
his hand would involuntarily show their ability.
He was obviously very experienced and well-trained. He hid quickly in the face of a very
aggressive power, was appreciative and would quickly write down the relevant
Some people entered while others couldn’t go in.
After seeing this scene, the most disappointed ones were the non-transformed. They were
doomed to be unable to enter.
They were already very powerful if they could reach here but in front of transformed
people, they were destined to be eliminated.
Jiang Xie was likely a non-transformed person because so far, neither Xie Xi or Yan Zhe had
seen him show any ability.
Yan Zhe was sure to get in and Xie Xi was no problem. As long as he became smaller, Yan
Zhe could put him in a pocket and he could easily enter.
Jiang Xie…
Xie Xi could give him a space shield but would this be acknowledged?
It was reasonable to say that Xie Xi acknowledged him as a master and he could go in
because of Xie Xi’s ability to freely create things.
However, the master’s contract wasn’t unbreakable. If someone wanted to steal him then it
wasn’t impossible.
On the road, they had encountered a person who had his contracted beast stolen away.
The man couldn’t tell what the other party had done but the result was obvious. He lost his
Since then, Jiang Xie hid Xie Xi for fear that someone would notice him.
There were all types of people gathered in the Zone. If Jiang Xie entered using Little Chirp’s
ability, Little Chirp would only become the second Yan Zhe.
Jiang Xie couldn’t take this risk.
What should he do?
He didn’t have any clues when the other side was making a stir again.
“Yan Zhe!” A man’s voice was heard. “I bought you with a bag of diamonds but you actually
A big hand reached over and tried to drag Yan Zhe away.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped. He knew that Yan Zhe had been auctioned and it was a painful
experience just by listening to a few words.
The man’s hand was about to fall on Yan Zhe’s shoulder when Jiang Xie stopped him.
As Jiang Xie turned, Xie Xi saw the man who had spoken.
The man was very tall and was at least 1.9 meres. Jiang Xie wasn’t short but he seemed
short standing in front of this man.
The man wore rights and his muscles were exposed. His face was even fiercer.
He stared at Jiang Xie and snarled, “Are you the one who fucking stole him?”
The man who robbed Yan Zhe was dead.
Jiang Xie answered, “He is a person, not cargo.”’
“Go to your mother!” The man cursed. “I bought him and he is mine!”
The man was about to grab Yan Zhe but Jiang Xie blocked him. The man didn’t bother
saying anything else and fired a few shots from a gun.
Where could he hide? The people present were all watching.
Xie Xi had started to draw a shield form the moment Jiang Xie spoke his first sentence. By
the time the man fired the gun, the space shield had already fallen around Jiang Xie.
Therefore, Jiang Xie was unscathed and he took advantage of the man’s gap to cut with a
He didn’t use a gun. This close, nothing compared to a knife.
The man retreated painfully.
His bullets were blocked. What was this ability?
Jiang Xie didn’t intend to give the man a path to live. This man wanted to kill him when the
gun was fired. Not killing the man would cause endless trouble!
The man was obviously not himself. He looked at Jiang Xie and pulled out his gun while
shouting, “Come and help me!”
Since he could come up with a bag of diamonds to buy people, he definitely wasn’t a simple
person. Jiang Xie didn’t underestimate the man and crazily attacked all the people
surrounding him!
Yan Zhe might look weak but his essence was a pure man.
He asked Xie Xi, “Is the shield ready?” Little Chirp had been handed to Yan Zhe again by
Jiang Xie. The little tit had learnt to hold the huge sketch pen with his small body.
“Chirp!” Xie Xi shouted and Yan Zhe picked up a weapon to help Jiang Xie.
There were more than a dozen people in the other party. Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe were only
two people but they had the upper hand.
By the time the alien shield had disappeared, all the people who once humiliated Yan Zhe
had fallen to the ground.
Xie Xi flapped his wings and flew straight to Jiang Xie’s palm.
He wanted to become bigger, bigger and bigger.
Jiang Xie knew what he meant but he didn’t open his mouth. It was useless for Xie Xi to hit
his palm.
He gathered the small bird on his palm and whispered, “Be obedient.”
Xie Xi, “…” He was very angry!
Jiang Xie kissed the little hard. “Listen to me. There are too many people here.”
Xie Xi smelt the blood on Jiang Xie’s body and was distressed.
Yan Zhe handed over the blood that had long been stocked up and Jiang Xie thanked him
before drinking it.
He needed physical strength because it would only be more dangerous.
Their side was so fierce that the identification of abilities at the entrance had long since
stopped. All the guards, including the captain, were watching them.
The captain even suspended the identification of other people’s abilities. He came over and
said, “You can go in directly!”
After seeing such combat power, what was the use of identification? They were definitely
Jiang Xie hugged the little bird in his arms and stated, “No.”
The captain was visibly surprised.
Yan Zhe also looked over.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything and turned away from the crowd.
Yan Zhe froze for a moment before following.
The captain frowned and didn’t continue to invite them. He went back to the entrance to
continue to identity abilities.
Jiang Xie was very strong but there was no shortage of strong people in the Zone. The thing
they lacked were strong people who obeyed discipline.
Everyone was crowded at the entrance of the Zone and the moving away Jiang Xie was
particularly out of place.
Soon, they were far away from the crowd.
Jiang Xie told Yan Zhe, “Go to the Zone.”
Yan Zhe asked, “What about you?” In fact, he already knew the answer but he couldn’t help
Jiang Xie didn’t answer him and instead looked down at the small bird on his palm. “Little
Xie Xi responded with a chirp.
Jiang Xie asked him, “I want to go into the black fog? Is it okay?”
He had to ask Xie Xi.
Thanks to the master’s contract, Xie Xi would die if Jiang Xie died.
Xie Xi grew bigger and told him, “I will go wherever you go.”
Jiang Xie smiled, letting out a childish and pure laugh.
Yan Zhe might not be able to understand Xie Xi but he knew that Xie Xi must be with Jiang
He couldn’t help saying, “Don’t be impulsive!”
Jiang Xie stopped smiling and gazed at the other person. “The black fog isn’t the same as
When they first talked about the black fog, Yan Zhe told him not to be curious about it. The
black fog was like death. People who entered couldn’t come back out. No one knew what
happened after that.
Jiang Xie thought the same at first but now he knew the difference. “Death is the ultimate
destination of humans but the black fog isn’t. Death gives life while the black fog devours
everything. There is no need to escape death but we must fight the black fog!”
The words were very calm but it made Yan Zhe shocked.
Yes, the black fog and death were different.
People would go to death step by step but the black fog was pushing people step by step.
No matter how they lived, people were destined to greet death. However, the black fog was
forcing people to be timid and even escape.
Jiang Xie stated, “That’s why I’m going into the black fog.”
He would face it, fight it and overcome it.
Yan Zhe’s lips quivered. “I will come with you…”
He hadn’t finished speaking when Jiang Xie shook his head. “You stay.”
Yan Zhe muttered, “But…” His heart was full of fear but he didn’t dare say anything in case
they didn’t come back.
Jiang Xie told him, “There must be someone left. Otherwise, how will we know that we are
These words not only made Yan Zhe stunned but Xie Xi couldn’t respond for a moment.
Jiang Xie didn’t explain much and only told Yan Zhe, “Try it, maybe it is possible.”
Yan Zhe couldn’t say anything to stop him.
The person in front of him was clearly much younger and was only a 17 or 18 year old
youth. However, Yan Zhe trusted him.
He had a powerful appeal, as if nothing could stump him. Those who followed him could
safely pass the cliffs.
Yan Zhe’s gaze became firm. He looked between Jiang Xie and Xie Xi before saying, “I will be
waiting for you.”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi also cried out.
Yan Zhe’s gaze softened and he carefully approached Xie Xi. “Little Chirp, you must protect
Xie Xi said, “You have to take care of yourself.”
Jiang Xie didn’t translate but Yan Zhe seemed to understand.
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi set off to enter the black fog.
They hadn’t driven for long when they arrived at the black fog.
Jiang Xie got off the car with Xie Xi and asked, “Are you afraid?”
Xie Xi used his big wings to protect Jiang Xie. “I’m not afraid!”
There was nothing to be afraid of. It was better to go in rather than sitting and waiting to
He was very pleased that Jiang Xie had the courage to face up to the collapse.
The black fog slowly moved closer like overcast clouds. Jiang Xie and Xie Xi strode in
In an instant, the darkness in front of their eyes was a type of blackness where they
couldn’t see their own fingers in front of them. Even their own existence was erased by the
Nothing could be seen, nothing could be heard and nothing could be touched.
Such thorough darkness would arouse the deepest fears of the heart.
Xie Xi had a moment of uneasiness but when he thought that this was Jiang Xie’s quasi-
world, he relaxed.
He couldn’t panic or stir up the white space.
He sighed with relief and once his breathing was even, he suddenly opened his eyes.
In front of him were blooming roses. Under the blue sky, the swaying roses were like bright
waves, rolling out layers of beauty.
This was…
Was it Jiang Xie’s garden in Central or his garden in the realm of the 12 boundaries?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 253

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 12

The 12 Boundaries garden was created by Xie Xi as an imitation of Jiang Xie’s garden, so it
was exactly the same. Even the sky was no different.
The only difference between the two was that there were no sleeping souls and light
groups in Jiang Xie’s garden.
There was no one here.
Then… he entered the black fog and returned back to Central?
How was that possible? Was his repair task completed? The task of finding the true spirit
was inexplicably over?
What exactly was the spirit of the world? If it was Jiang Xie’s soul then there were still eight
that hadn’t been repaired.
Even Cancer Jiang…
Was the key point that Cancer bravely faced the collapsing world and resisted it.
Did this make sense? After all, from the point of view of intentions, the black fog meant
collapse. Jiang Xie wanting to enter meant leaving the feeling of being abandoned and
wanting to save the world.
However, this still wasn’t quite right. He shouldn’t return to Central all of a sudden.
Xie Xi glanced at the system panel and found that it was restored to its original state. He
could view various information and props.
Xie Xi realized that it had been a long time since he saw Roast Pork Bun.
After being a kitten, he was feeling quite kindly towards the kitten.
Roast Pork Bun pounced on Xie Xi the moment he was released. “Daddy!”
The furry white cat was much more beautiful than the black and white Cat Xie in Aries’
After all, this variety was more expensive.
The uneasiness in Xie Xi’s heart was scattered because of Roast Pork Bun’s appearance. If
he wasn’t back in Central then how could he see Roast Pork Bun?
Xie Xi rubbed the soft little head. “Did you sleep well?”
“It was good but I especially missed Daddy.”
The pet box and the outside world were relatively still. It wasn’t possible for the cat to miss
Xie Xi even if he wanted to!
Xie Xi poked the small head. “Your tongue is slippery.”
Roast Pork Bun didn’t understand and rolled around in this person’s arms.
Xie Xi teased the cat while walking to the pavilion. As he approached, he saw Jiang Xie in a
black uniform.
In Central, the uniform of a beginner player was white, the intermediate was blue,
advanced was purple and the god players were black.
This colour not only represented their identity because also distinguished the ability of the
Xie Xi had been in the collapsed world for so long that he was in a bit of a trance when he
saw Jiang Xie in a uniform.
Jiang Xie poured the hot tea and greeted him. “My repairer worked hard. Come and rest.”
This tone that wasn’t serious…
Xie Xi quickly walked forward, ignored the tea and kissed this person.
Xie Xi only now discovered how much he had been thinking of this person.
In fact, they had never been separated. They were together in each world but Xie Xi still
wanted the complete Jiang Xie.
After seeing that someone’s hands were becoming messier, Xie Xi pushed the squished
Roast Pork Bun at the other person. “Don’t make trouble.”
Roast Pork Bun was very skilled and treated Jiang Xie as a father.
Jiang Xie stated, “If we want to have a child then perhaps it will really be a kitten.”
Xie Xi had actually been a cat.
Xie Xi glared at him.
Jiang Xie told Roast Pork Bun seriously, “Your father is a black and white cat, bigger than
you… but still beautiful.”
Roast Pork Bun’s exotic eyes widened. “Daddy is really my father!”
Jiang Xie replied, “No.”
Roast Pork Bun immediately looked disappointed.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “If you are his child, he must be your mother.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
He grabbed Roast Pork Bun and told him, “Don’t listen to his nonsense!”
In order to prevent the kitten from being taught bad things, Xie Xi returned Roast Pork Bun
to the pet bar.
The little light bulb was gone and Jiang Xie was even more unscrupulous.
Xie Xi had many things in his heart and didn’t give Jiang Xie a chance to act in a messy
manner. He asked, “How come I suddenly came out?”
“The mission was completed.”
“There were still eight more light groups.”
Jiang Xie stated, “You can’t eat a fat person in one breath. Take your time.”
Xie Xi still didn’t understand. “Then what the hell is the world? It is called the 12
Boundaries but it is over with only four souls?”
He wasn’t sure if he had even brought Cancer back.
Jiang Xie wondered, “Other people are very pleased to return to Central. Are you still not
Indeed, being able to return to Central was a big hurdle for players and they wouldn’t
question it.
Xie Xi stared at this person. “However, there are still eight souls.”
“Do you want to capture them all in one go?”
This deficient person was aware of it!
Xie Xi muttered, “I always feel it isn’t quite right. The end is too sudden and what is the true
spirit of the world?”
Jiang Xie explained to him, “12 Boundaries is my quasi-world and the spirit is naturally
Xie Xi answered, “It shouldn’t be over. I haven’t recovered all 12 of your souls yet.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “Read the task carefully. It didn’t write that you had to find all
the souls of the world.”
Xie Xi carefully recalled it.
General Task: Find the true spirit and repair him.
It really wasn’t about getting back all the souls…
Xie Xi was still unsure. “Then why did it end with Cancer?”
If there was no stipulation to find all the souls, why didn’t he return to Central when Aries,
Taurus or Gemini were over?
Jiang Xie answered, “Maybe you prefer Cancer?”
Xie Xi yelled at him. “Talk seriously!”
Jiang Xie became serious. “Maybe you missed me too much?”
Xie Xi, “………………” His itchy hands wanted domestic violence!
Jiang Xie hugged him. “Once you experience more worlds, you will understand that
anything can happen but no matter what happens in the quasi-worlds, it is a good thing to
return to the Central Government.”
Was that so? Xie Xi still felt strange but it was hard to pinpoint where it was strange.
He suddenly said, “There are eight souls that haven’t been recovered.”
This was what he couldn’t rest assured about. His heart always felt disturbed if Jiang Xie’s
souls weren’t fully recovered.
Jiang Xie told him, “Don’t worry, they will come back.”
Xie Xi still felt strange in his heart but he had to admit that he had indeed returned to
Since he was back then he shouldn’t think too much. Just as Jiang Xie mentioned, there
were thousands of quasi-worlds and who knew what type of situation would happen. He
might just have too little experience.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “I’ll see what the next quasi-world is.”
There were still eight souls, leading to many long nights and reams. He wanted to repair
them as soon as possible.
Jiang Xie interrupted him. “It isn’t easy for you to come back. Why so urgent?”
“What if someone gets the task of erasing them?”
“No, as long as there is a soul, the world is easy to repair. The Central Government won’t
release an erasing task.”
Was it like this?
Xie Xi also felt that he was making a fuss. Jiang Xie knew much more than he did. Jiang Xie
might have a poor mouth but he was reliable and definitely wouldn’t joke about this type of
Xie Xi leaned into Jiang Xie’s arms and couldn’t help saying, “I always feel a bit uneasy.”
Jiang Xie leaned down to kiss his forehead. “What is wrong when you’re in my arms?”
Xie Xi hit this person’s dishonest hand. “You are the most uncomfortable thing!”
“If you feel too much pressure then I will help you release it.”
He held Xie Xi down as he spoke.
The usual Xie Xi pushed this person away with words but his body was cooperative.
However, today he wasn’t in the mood. He lay in the flowers and told Jiang Xie, “Was the
Yan Zhe in Cancer’s world really the God Yan?”
Jiang Xie kissed him on the collarbone and looked up at him. “Don’t mention other men at
this time.”
Xie Xi stared at him.
Jiang Xie could only stop, sitting up and telling him, “Okay my curious kitten, ask me
whatever you want to ask.”
His ‘kitten’ bit him.
Xie Xi sorted his clothes and seriously asked, “The world of Cancer, is that what God Yan
really encountered?”
Jiang Xie replied, “Almost.”
Xie Xi was surprised, “That world is your past?”
“It isn’t the complete past, but it is basically the same thing, apart from the fact that you
weren’t present.”
This was similar to Xie Xi’s guess and he asked, “Is that God Yan’s original world?”
It shouldn’t be, right? Central players could only enter quasi-worlds and players were
selected from independent worlds that had already been cleared. Thus, Jiang Xie couldn’t
enter God Yan’s original world as a player.
Jiang Xie explained, “I met Yan Zhe in an assembly task. The quasi-world was similar to
Cancer’s world but it was more ferocious…”
He spoke slowly, helped Xie Xi sketch out the real past.
Jiang Xie wasn’t sure about Yan Zhe’s original world. This involved the privacy of each
player and was the last thing to be touched.
In addition, Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe met each other after they reached Central.
Yan Zhe got such a physique after entering a quasi-world similar to Cancer. He was just a
new person and didn’t have the ability to protect himself.
In fact, his experience was worse than it was in Cancer’s world.
His physique was targeted by the residents of the world and he also had to beware of
players from Central.
Combined with the immunity to fatal injuries, he died and revived several times, causing
his spirit to collapse.
By the time Jiang Xie saved him, he was a frightened bird and it took him half a month to
Hearing this, Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “God Yan really didn’t have it easy…”
Jiang Xie said, “It’s fine. Thanks to this experience, he returned to the Central Government
and triggered the occupation change task of the healer. It took him a long time to qualify for
the promotion but it was a blessing in disguise.”
It was a bit like the process of Xie Xi getting the Repairer class. He got Beginner Repair in
the open world, upgraded it and slowly triggered the Repairer’s occupation mission.
However, compared to Yan Zhe, he was really lucky to get the special class.
Xie Xi sighed and asked Jiang Xie, “What about you? You were a newcomer as well.”
It wasn’t possible to get the same assembly task if he wasn’t a beginner player.
“I wasn’t really new…” Jiang Xie continued with a wry smile. “I should’ve been through
nearly 100 quasi-worlds, despite being a beginner player.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “How is that possible?”
“My luck was too bad and I lost experience several times.”
Xie Xi, “………..” He knew this person was unlucky but he didn’t expect it to be this bad!
“It isn’t a bad thing. It was common and I could deal with everything.”
Then Cancer’s rich combat experience was gained from the real Jiang Xie going through
nearly 100 worlds!
For a time, Xie Xi didn’t know if he should feel distress or admiration.
He asked again, “How did you clear it at the beginning?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I’m glad that you value me so much but I can’t remember the things that
happened a long time ago.”
Jiang Xie walked through so many worlds as a beginner player. After that… Xie Xi couldn’t
Xie Xi couldn’t bear to ask again and changed the topic. “Are God Yan and the others back?”
Before they went to Collapsing 12 Boundaries, Yan Zhe and the others had gone to the
quasi-world Xie Xi designed with Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie replied, “Of course, they are back.”
Time in Central was relative. There was no need to care about how long a player spent in
the quasi-worlds. Once they came out of the quasi-world, they would see other players.
Something flashed in Xie Xi’s head and he felt it wasn’t quite right…
Jiang Xie suggested, “Do you want to see their recording?”
Xie Xi suddenly remembered. He looked at Jiang Xie and his blood was cold.
Jiang Xie was aware of his anomaly. “What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi’s lips trembled and he said, “The recording is too long…”
“We can quickly go in and see.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “It is very troublesome. It is better to let God Yan come over and ask
him directly.”
Jiang Xie replied, “Okay.”
He seemed to send a message to Yan Zhe.
Xie Xi stared at him without blinking.
He remembered…
In the 12 Boundaries, Jiang Xie opened the white space. Then why wasn’t the current Jiang
Xie injured?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 254

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 13

Last time, Jiang Xie was seriously injured because of the white space. At that time, a large
part of the garden was ruined. Yan Zhe rushed to treat him and it took a long time.
In the white space, Jiang Xie said that he had recovered many souls and could withstand it,
but surely he wouldn’t be unscathed?
There were no injuries on the Jiang Xie in front of him.
Xie Xi faintly understood…
There were footsteps in the garden and it was Yan Zhe who came.
He was dressed in a black uniform, the silver hair that fell to his ankles swept over the
white roses, as smooth as running water.
His appearance was cold and the colour of his eyes was very light, like frost.
This was Yan Zhe, the Yan Zhe of Cancer.
Xie Xi decided the moment he saw Yan Zhe. He was still in the black fog and the so-called
Central was just his illusion.
The thought rose from the bottom of his heart and everything in front of him fell apart.
The beautiful and familiar garden disappeared and Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe slowly faded
Xie Xi was a bit panicked.
This was like the Dream Come True game. It showed what Xie Xi wanted to see at the
bottom of his heart.
He missed Jiang Xie and he missed their garden. Thus, the garden and Jiang Xie appeared…
He felt that things were not quite right and there were many strange things. However, the
illusion came from his heart and could be adjusted to his needs.
In addition, the real Jiang Xie was present inside it.
Most of Jiang Xie’s words might be true, making it more difficult for Xie Xi to distinguish
between true and false.
If all of the black fog was like this then it would be really impossible to go out.
This was even more frightening than Dream Come True. It was continuous, allowing him to
preserve the memories from outside the black fog. It was like entering a new world.
How to distinguish between true and false?
How to tell that this wasn’t a real world?
Human beings were sensory creatures. It was impossible to determine if the real world was
true or not. How could they distinguish this true falsehood?
Not to mention, the outside was the end while this place was a new life. Why go out?
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking, what if he didn’t wake up?
The Jiang Xie just now was really Jiang Xie. There was nothing else he lacked from Central.
If he didn’t wake up, would he keep accepting new repair tasks and continue to collect the
souls, continue to… continue to go on in his own imagination…
A chill covered Xie Xi’s entire body.
True or false, how to distinguish them?
It’s a dream, but it’s the truth of the two of us.
The previous sentence from Jiang Xie echoed in his heart, giving a powerful pillar to the
chaotic Xie Xi.
He calmed down and his mood returned to normal.
Xie Xi told himself not to think too much. No matter what, Jiang Xie was real.
As long as there was him and Jiang Xie, everything was real.
At this moment, Xie Xi understood the outline of the world. He didn’t believe in things
because they were real. It was because he believed in them that they became real.
Belief was the only coordinates of truth.
Xie Xi sighed and broke free from the enchantment.
“Little Chirp?” Xie Xi heard Jiang Xie’s words.
The only one who would call him this way was Cancer.
Sure enough, he was still in the quasi-world. Xie Xi blinked and found that his location was
Yan Zhe’s voice was also heard. “Wake up, it’s fine.”
Xie Xi turned and looked at Yan Zhe.
What happened? Why was Yan Zhe here as well? Was it still an illusion?
Jiang Xie hugged him and quickly kissed him on his furry heard. “You slept for more than
half a month and scared me.”
Xie Xi was even more surprised. “More than half a month?”
He found that he was in his small form and couldn’t speak.
Yan Zhe told him, “Two months ago, Jiang Xie came out of the black fog but you were
Xie Xi was even more shocked. They came out of the black fog? How?
Jiang Xie asked Xie Xi, “Do you think you can become bigger?” He was afraid that Xie Xi’s
body wouldn’t be able to withstand it after just waking up.
Xie Xi didn’t have any problems. He was just full of doubts and wanted to talk, so he
Jiang Xie held the small head and said, “I understand.” He was afraid the little guy would
stun himself from too much shaking.
Xie Xi was still confused but he was much better than before. At the very least, he could be
sure this was Cancer and he was still in the quasi-world.
Jiang Xie told him, “Big.”
Xie Xi felt his body swell up like a balloon. The moment he became bigger, he wondered,
“How did we come out of the black fog?”
However, no one answered his question. The two people in front of him became like stone
Xie Xi hadn’t reacted yet. “What’s wrong?”
He glanced at Jiang Xie and saw his reflection in the other person’s eyes.
Xie Xi, “!”
He had become a human?
He was a human but he was still a little beauty in a pure white feather coat.
Xie Xi’s original facial features were very good-looking. Unlike Yan Zhe, he was more
refined and tender.
His ink-black hair had white feathers, the longest parts hung over his shoulders while the
short places were slightly angled. It lined the white face, making it seem cuter.
His dark eyes widened with surprise and it was like the morning stars flashed in them.
The soft white feathers had become a cloak that covered his white body, exposing slender
arms and waist.
Jiang Xie hit his head sharply. “L-Little… Chirp.”
Bang. The white beauty was gone and the little bird fell on Jiang Xie’s palm.
Xie Xi finally reacted and squirmed.
Jiang Xie’s heart thumped and his hand shook as he held the bird.
Yan Zhe’s senses returned. “Just now…”
Jiang Xie muttered, “I… will take him into the house.”
Yan Zhe nodded. Little Chirp’s previous appearance was really unsuitable for outsiders to
Jiang Xie was like a little Buddha as he brought Xie Xi back into the house.
After entering the house, Xie Xi looked around and wondered. Where was this place? Had
he really been sleeping for half a month? What happened in the last half a month?
He entered the house and Xie Xi clamoured to become bigger.
Jiang Xie was chaotic and confused. He thought about the appearance of the white feather
boy and his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
What happened… Little Chirp…
Xie Xi was unable to speak in this form. Jiang Xie could only tremble and pat the small head.
Xie Xi grew big again and it was still the human form.
The white feather cloak covered only some of the white body but it was better than not
wearing it…. also…
Jiang Xie wrapped the feathered cloak tightly and wanted to find something to sew
Xie Xi questioned, “What is going on?”
He had become human but his voice was still clear and pleasing, mixed with a few chirps.
This caused Jiang Xie to tremble.
Jiang Xie replied, “I don’t know why you became like this.”
Xie Xi wanted to glare at this person. Who asked him that?
He added, “I mean, how did you get out of the black fog?”
Jiang Xie’s ears were itchy because of the voice.
Xie Xi asked, “Brother?” He originally wanted to directly call this person’s name but he
remembered that someone asked him to call them Brother.
Jiang Xie, “…”
“Hey…” Why was this person running away?
Jiang Xie went out and washed his face before he calmed down.
Don’t blame him. It used to be a chirp and now it Brother.
It was okay to be called brother by a bird but the young man in front of him…
Forgive Jiang Xie, he was a man younger than 20 years old!
Xie Xi was also stunned. There was a big beauty like God Yan in front of Jiang Xie every day
and he wasn’t red at all. Now that Xie Xi transformed…
Well, it was likely that the main body affected the soul.
Cancer had become like this because a certain someone must’ve been thinking for a long
It was just like the black and white cat maintaining the cat ears and tail when becoming a
human… would there be a bird costume back at Central?
Xie Xi felt he might’ve encountered the truth.
After a while, Jiang Xie returned and the two people could talk.
Jiang Xie stared firmly at the white feathered cloak. “Once I came out of the black fog, it
slowly receded.”
Xie Xi listened carefully.
Jiang Xie continued, “I don’t know what happened but you kept sleeping. I asked many
people to see you and Yan Zhe fed you his blood but you fell asleep and wouldn’t wake up.”
Xie Xi was surprised while listening.
The black fog was gone? This world was saved?
Jiang Xie continued, “The Zone opened and the survivors came out to rebuild their homes.
We came back and the house was built not long ago.”
Without the black fog engulfing everything, the people gathered together like ants and
were extremely efficient in rebuilding their homes. In just half a month, a prototype had
already begun to take shape.
Xie Xi understood this but there was one thing he couldn’t understand. “What did you
experience in the black fog?”
How did Jiang Xie come out of the black fog and how did it retreat?
Jiang Xie answered, “I saw myself in a rose garden and you were also present. I mean, the
human you. We exchanged a lot of words but I can’t remember it clearly.”
His vague words were about the illusion that Xie Xi also experienced.
He might’ve guessed that the illusory Jiang Xie was Cancer but he still felt wonderful
hearing Jiang Xie say this.
Was it because Xie Xi woke up from the illusion that he indirectly brought Jiang Xie out?
As long as the illusion was broken, the black fog would be scattered?
The black fog that was going to swallow up the world was so vulnerable?
Xie Xi seriously considered it.
Jiang Xie slightly looked at him. “Little Chirp.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“What do you remember?”
Xie Xi naturally remembered more than Cancer but he wasn’t sure if he should say it.
“It is similar to what you said,” Xie Xi responded to Jiang Xie.
Maybe the existence of the black fog is to devour people’s hearts. Once you go in, you see a
desired illusion and don’t want to wake up.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Jiang Xie finally got the courage to glance at this person. He looked at the beautiful feathers,
the long black hair, the delicate face and delicate skin…
Jiang Xie’s voice was slightly hoarse, “I didn’t expect you to become a person.”
Xie Xi was originally a person and teased him, “You don’t like it?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi deliberately cocked his head. “Is my appearance bad?”
Jiang Xie felt a burst of all and all the blood was pouring to his head!
“Okay…” He spoke dryly. “You are so good.”
Xie Xi felt amused but he had to hold it in.
Jiang Xie couldn’t easily suppress his heartbeat as he asked, “Can you adapt to this body?”
What was the problem? Xie Xi stood up and took two steps.
His feet moved softly and straight forward. Jiang Xie leaned over and hugged him,
supporting him.
The white feathered cloak rose and fell again, covering the two overlapping people.
Xie Xi’s thin body was pressed against Jiang Xie.
The door wasn’t closed and Yan Zhe who was curious about Xie Xi saw this scene…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 255

Collapsing 9 Boundaries 14

This was embarrassing. Yan Zhe hadn’t expected to see such a scene.
Little Chirp had no clothes after changing into a person. The white feathered cloak shielded
him well from the back but the front was bare.
Little Chirp didn’t understand but they couldn’t let others see him like that.Therefore, Yan
Zhe 100% approved when Jiang Xie took him back into the room.
However, after returning to the room, the two people…
They weren’t dressing!
Yan Zhe was frozen for three seconds. He didn’t know if he should turn away and leave or
yell at Jiang Xie to hurry up.
Wait a minute… it was more like Little Chirp was holding down Jiang Xie.
Yan Zhe, “…” What the hell was this situation!
The two men close to each other were also shy.
Needless to say, the clothes were put on at a rapid speed, causing one to wonder if this was
the person who couldn’t even walk before?
Yan Zhe experienced a fierce psychological struggle before finally asking, “What
Xie Xi only just remembered Yan Zhe. He was about to get up when Jiang Xie suddenly held
his waist.
The hot hands touched slippery skin and both of them trembled.
There were white feathers blocking it so Yan Zhe couldn’t see the situation. He was about
to come over but Jiang Xie patted Xie Xi’s head and stated in a low and hoarse voice, “Little.”
Xie Xi changed back into the little bird that was the size of two fingers.
The white feathered beauty disappeared and the atmosphere calmed down.
Jiang Xie’s throat surged as he held Little Chirp, “He hasn’t adapted to the human body. He
wanted to walk and we ended up wrestling.”
This was what happened but Xie Xi couldn’t help saying, “If it wasn’t for you, how could I no
manage to walk?”
Jiang Xie only heard chirping and he patted Xie Xi’s little head, coaxing, “It’s fine, I’ll teach
you later.”
Xie Xi, “…” Fine, he was right.
Just now, Jiang Xie refused to let Xie Xi get up because he would be exposed in front of Yan
Jiang Xie didn’t know the reason but he didn’t want anyone to see such a Xie Xi, even if it
was Yan Zhe.
Yan Zhe still felt doubts but he asked, “Do you need any help?”
“No, I’ll teach him myself.”
Yan Zhe hesitated.
Jiang Xie changed the topic. “Can I trouble you to help him find clothes?”
Yan Zhe didn’t react at first.
Jiang Xie explained, “He can’t wear our clothes. He needs tailored ones.”
His mouth was a bit dry as he spoke.
There was no doubt that the body of the white feathered beauty was completely human but
it also retained the characteristics of a bird.
For example, the beautiful feathers mixed with black hair and the white feathers that
spread from the shoulders down to the ground.
The white feathered cloak wasn’t the type that could be taken off. It grew from the
shoulders, forming a fluffy ring around the round shoulders, revealing a slender neck and
sexy collarbone. It was similar to a skirt around the shoulders but this was a cloak and
exposed the entire body.
Presumably, this was the incarnation of the previous feathers. It was impossible to take off
and ordinary clothes couldn’t be worn. They had to consider the location of the cloak.
Yan Zhe had seen the previous human form and could understand. “I will go and look for
Xie Xi thought, ‘I can draw my own!’
It was just that Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe didn’t understand him.
Once Yan Zhe left, Jiang Xie didn’t immediately turn Xie Xi into a human.
Xie Xi spoke from his hand, “What’s the matter?”
Jiang Xie looked down and couldn’t imagine how such a cute little guy could become the
heart-stopping feathered beauty.
Jiang Xie spoke to himself, “I always feel like…”
He hadn’t finished his words before he shook his head and told Xie Xi, “Shall I teach you
how to be a man?”
Xie Xi was curious about the unfinished words but he was soon distracted by the second
Teach Xie Xi how to be a man?
He understood that it literally meant this but he still wanted to spit!
After all, the ‘praise’ that Jiang Xie received most in Central was: old evil!
Now Jiang Xie wanted to teach Xie Xi to be a man!
Xie Xi was more than an individual…
He gave out a helpless cry.
Jiang Xie thought Little Chirp was worried and spoke to him in a warm voice. “It isn’t
difficult. I will first teach you to walk.”
Xie Xi once again cried out.
How could he be happy?
Jiang Xie took a deep breath, psychologically prepared himself enough and patted the small
head. “Big.”
Xie Xi didn’t feel any different from when he transformed into the big Chirp. It was just that
he became a person.
Jiang Xie stared at the white neck, fine white feathers and…
Xie Xi had to ask, “Brother?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
The red brother found his voice. “Let’s find some clothes to wear first.”
“Is it necessary to dress first?”
Jiang Xie’s ears heard, “Is it necessary to chirp first?”
What was instantly being emptied of blood? People would understand just looking at Jiang
Xie Xi couldn’t know about the chirping or his ashamed and angry self would want to
commit domestic violence.
Big Chirp gave two chirps in seven chirps. Once he became a person, Jiang Xie couldn’t face
the chirping!
Jiang Xie told him, “Clothes are very important, just like a bird’s feathers. You can’t be
without them and they have to block you…”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie corrected, “I mean, you must wear them well. Right, wear them well!”
There was no need to explain. The explanation was the biggest cover-up!
Xie Xi helped him calm down. “Are there any clothes that suit me?” The white feathered
cloak could be manipulated and felt a bit like wings. Thus, he gently shook it to remind
Jiang Xie not to forget the white feathers.
However, this in turn caused Jiang Xie to look at…
The snow-like white feathers and the white body, it was unknown which one was whiter or
more dazzling.
Xie Xi, “…” The two people had done everything and he could tell what this person was
thinking by looking into his eyes!
He honestly asked again.
Jiang Xie’s senses returned. He tried to stabilize himself and said, “Wear mine first.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare shake his cloak and directly asked, “Where are the clothes?”
Jiang Xie told him, “I will make the collar bigger for you to fit it.”
The cloak grew from the shoulders and the clothing could only be worn over the cloak.
Xie Xi had no opinion while inwardly he was thinking, ‘How much resentment does Jiang
Xie have for my clothes?’
There was Gemini where he couldn’t wear clothes and in Cancer’s world, he became a
birdman who couldn’t wear clothes…
Was it related to Xie Xi putting on clothes every time he was tired and didn’t want to let
Jiang Xie mess around?
Come on, if he wasn’t dressed then this guy couldn’t stay in control!
Xie Xi was thinking this when Jiang Xie found his own clothing.
The pants were good. They might be big but they covered his white legs.
The clothes took a lot of effort. Jiang Xie was afraid of damaging Xie Xi’s white feathers.
After all, it was a part of his body and painful to lose the small feathers.
In fact, these white feathers might be soft but it wasn’t easy to pull them off the neckline.
Jiang Xie was sweating hard but he somehow managed to dress Xie Xi.
Xie Xi actually felt a bit of dislike. It was so troublesome to wear clothes that it was better
not to wear them.
Oh… was this what a certain someone intended?
After wearing clothes, Jiang Xie could teach Xie Xi to walk like a person.
Xie Xi could walk but he hadn’t adapted to it. He needed to be familiar with stepping
instead of jumping.
Seven or eight days passed and Xie Xi was already used to being a person.
Walking and eating had no problems but wearing clothes was very problematic.
Xie Xi had tailored clothes but unfortunately, there was the white feathered cloak. It was
very troublesome to dress by himself.
Jiang Xie took the initiative to volunteer for this difficult task, helping him dress and
Yan Zhe had reservations about the fact that it took them half an hour to dress every time!
Did it need to be so slow? Was Jiang Xie doing something bad to Little Chirp?
So many days had passed and Yan Zhe had long seen Jiang Xie’s mind. He obviously liked
Little Chirp.
It was understandable since the original Jiang Xie and Little Chirp were dependent on each
other and regarded each other as the most important existence.
Previously, Little Chirp didn’t have a human form and Jiang Xie didn’t have such thoughts.
Now that Little Chirp was like this, how could Jiang Xie not like him?
Little Chirp was originally placed at the apex of the heart and it was normal to want him
In the end, Yan Zhe was older and could see more thoroughly.
Jiang Xie liked Little Chirp but what about Little Chirp? Could a bird understand the feelings
of a human?
In these days, Xie Xi accompanied Cancer.
Thanks to the example with Yan Zhe, Jiang Xie wasn’t willing to let outsiders see Xie Xi.
The human Little Chirp was too good-looking. He might not have Yan Zhe’s physique but
Jiang Xie wasn’t reassured.
After all, Little Chirp had the ability to create anything.
Xie Xi also agreed with the need to be careful.
Besides, it was just not letting anyone else see him. This didn’t mean he couldn’t see others.
As long as Jiang Xie made him small and he sat on Jiang Xie’s head, he could see whatever
he wanted to see.
The black fog receded and the entire world was busy rebuilding their home. Jiang Xie was
no exception.
Since he was the only one to come out of the dark fog, everyone was very respectful to him
and didn’t dare look down on his young age.
This meant people no longer tried to go after Yan Zhe’s physique or tried to hurt him.
Of course, it might only be temporary. After a long time, the happiness of escaping death
would fade and new contradictions and disputes would be born accordingly.
The world was different and the people who survived were no longer ordinary people.
Those with strong abilities were bound to breed greater ambitions.
The world’s patterns had been broken and a new beginning was sure to have a new class of
Xie Xi wasn’t too worried about these things. This was just a small world that had collapsed.
After the repair, it would be redesigned and the final independence was nothing.
The thing that made Xie Xi confused was that since the black fog scattered, why hadn’t he
left this small world?
Wasn’t the repair completed yet?
However, what was the danger of the current situation?
Everything was moving in a good direction. Did he have to wait for a new city to be
established before it was completed?
Or… did Cancer still long for a home at the bottom of his heart?
Did he need a home to end the world?
This wasn’t quite right.
Didn’t they have a small home right now?
The meaning of home wasn’t just one’s flesh and blood. The three people were dependent
on each other. Wasn’t this a home?
Xie Xi couldn’t think of a reason.
What was still wrong with this world? What else did he need to do to pull Cancer away?
Xie Xi just had an idea when a strong resistance formed in the bottom of his heart.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 256

Collapsing 9 Boundaries End

Resistance? Why did he have to resist? What was he fighting against? Was it because he
thought of leaving?
Xie Xi seemed to capture something but before he could think about it, he heard the
conversation between Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe.
Yan Zhe whispered, “Is Little Chirp sleeping?”
Xie Xi was staying in Jiang Xie’s chest pocket and just woke up. Of course, Jiang Xie didn’t
know he had woken up since he would normally poke out his head or look at the scenery
from Jiang Xie’s head.
Jiang Xie nodded and said, “He is still sleeping.”
It was still early and Little Chirp usually wasn’t awake at this time.
Yan Zhe obviously wanted to talk to Jiang Xie. Xie Xi pricked his ears and wanted to hear
what they were talking about.
He heard Yan Zhe say, “What are you thinking?”
Jiang Xie froze.
Yan Zhe opened his mouth, “I know that you like Little Chirp but he is..”
Xie Xi didn’t expect them to be talking about this.
Jiang Xie replied, “I think he is good.”
Yan Zhe felt that their feelings were extraordinary and he naturally didn’t want to see them
sad. He said, “Little Chirp definitely doesn’t understand your heart.”
“It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand. I’ll always be with him.”
Yan Zhe sighed. “That is all you want to do?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “He is still small.”
“He is a bird. Such an adult bird can have children.”
Jiang Xie frowned. “He has just adapted to his human form…”
Yan Zhe told him, “That’s why I hope you will think clearly.”
Jiang Xie was silent.
Yan Zhe continued, “Little Chirp can’t leave you even if he becomes a person. The master’s
contract is acknowledged but he doesn’t understand. Do you know?”
Yan Zhe’s intentions were good. He hoped that Jiang Xie would understand his own heart
and teach Xie Xi these things. He hoped Jiang Xie could be together with the beauty instead
of dragging things out like this.
However, Xie Xi also understood Jiang Xie. ‘God Yan, your words are too ambiguous and a
certain someone won’t understand!’
Sure enough, Jiang Xie turned slightly pale. “There is no need to say anymore. I
Xie Xi inwardly cried out, ‘What do you understand?’
Yan Zhe apparently overestimated Jiang Xie as he said, “I’m glad you understand.”
Xie Xi once again directed to Yan Zhe, ‘What damn thing does he understand?’
It was a pity that no one could hear Xie Xi’s voice.
Did this world require falling in love? He had to be in love with Jiang Xie or even marry to
form a family?
Due to their conversation, the inexplicable emotion that Xie Xi felt faded away and it was
very difficult to capture it again.
Xie Xi had talked about love many times and was experienced.
It wasn’t easy to get married? He could do it in minutes!
Xie Xi soon found a natural and excellent opportunity.
People had been rebuilding homes for so long that their interpersonal relationships eased.
Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe also had neighbours.
They helped each other a lot so after building the house, the neighbours invited them to
It was difficult to find such kindness so they got along with each other.
The neighbours were a young couple on a picnic in the park when the earthquake occurred.
They were lucky to survive but unfortunately, there were no other family members.
They were both transformed people but they weren’t very strong. The man could simply
separate the air while the woman’s hands heated up enough to fry fish.
There were many transformed people like this and they were doomed to be ordinary
people in the post-disaster world.
Still, ordinary people had the happiness of ordinary people. They didn’t ask for much apart
from a home and a stable life.
The female, Li Qianyi’s palms could heat up but the male was the chef.
Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe sat together while Xie Xi also had a small seat.
Li Qianyi liked Xie Xi and prepared various types of nuts for him. Little Chirp was very
They took care of Xie Xi so Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe were in a good mood. They happily ate the
The male host opened a bottle of wine and Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe followed him in drinking.
After drinking, their relationship became closer. Li Qianyi was a lively person and her gaze
turned to Jiang Xie and Yan Zhe. She asked with the courage from the wine, “Are you
Her husband knew that his wife was drunk and rushed to stop her.
Her question frightened the bird opposite her.
Xie Xi jerked. What the hell?
On the other hand, the two parties involved were very calm. Yan Zhe’s lips thinned and he
tilted slightly away from Jiang Xie. “I don’t like men.”
Jiang Xie was more poisonous as he pointed to Little Chirp, “I like him.”
The young couple, “???”
The straight Yan Zhe added, “Yes, he likes Little Chirp.”
Li Qianyi was grabbed by her husband and she sobered up, speaking with some
embarrassment, “Ha, haha, I drank too much and talked nonsense.”
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he felt distressed for Li Qianyi. It was estimated that normal
people couldn’t imagine the fairy-like God Yan to be straight or think that the promising
Jiang Xie was a pervert who liked birds!
Thanks to this meal, Xie Xi found an opportunity.
Back in their room, Xie Xi became a person and asked Jiang Xie, “What are lovers?”
Jiang Xie’s hands on the clothes halted.
Xie Xi glanced at him and asked, “Why does Li Qianyi say that you and God Yan are lovers?”
Jiang Xie’s senses returned as he found the clothes and carefully helped Xie Xi wear them.
Xie Xi stared at him in a motionless manner.
Jiang Xie’s throat was dry as he said, “Lovers are… two people who are together forever.”
Xie Xi put on a lost expression. “Do you want to be with Yan Zhe forever?” God Yan, sorry
for using your name!
Jiang Xie replied, “Of course not.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Then we will be together forever, right?”
Jiang Xie quivered as he said, “Yes.”
Xie Xi hit him in the face with a straight ball. “Are we lovers?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi spoke again, “We will be together forever and lovers are always together. Thus, we
are lovers!”
This question was dealt and let’s see how he hid!
The thing he didn’t know was that there were several chirps in his long sentence.
Such wonderful contents and tone caused Jiang Xie to be breathless.
“It isn’t that simple…” Jiang Xie gasped as he tried to speak.
Xie Xi cocked his head. “What is that?”
The action along with the intonation meant Jiang Xie heard, ‘What is chirp?’ and he couldn’t
figure out what Xie Xi said.
Then Xie Xi repeated it again.
Jiang Xie stated, “Lovers, lovers also like each other.”
Xie Xi was surprised. “Then we must be lovers. I like you the most!”
Jiang Xie, “……..”
Xie Xi didn’t give him a chance to back down. “Don’t you like me too? I heard you say that
you liked me?”
Jiang Xie had spoken these words while eating.
Jiang Xie couldn’t explain and was almost sweetened by the warm words.
The faint sense of alcohol rushed up and Jiang Xie’s voice was low, “If we are lovers then we
will do something special.”
“What is it?”
Jiang Xie leaned towards him, eyes falling on the clean lips.
He seemed to be bewildered as he clasped Xie Xi’s waist and kissed the lips.
Xie Xi’s heart was funny and sweet but he was also embarrassed by this innocent kiss.
Jiang Xie’s kissing was very undisciplined, messy and had no skills.
Still… Xie Xi’s heart thumped.
Jiang Xie released him and questioned in a low voice, “It is like this. Do you hate it?”
Xie Xi’s voice became light and his cheeks red. “I don’t hate it… very comfortable…”
Then he licked his lower lips. This made Jiang Xie’s head buzz. By the time he realized his
reaction, he had already pressed the other person against the wall.
“Little Chirp…” Jiang Xie leaned towards him and called out.
Xie Xi heard that name in this situation and was embarrassed. “Yes?”
“Be with me always? Forever and never apart.”
This was also what Xie Xi hoped for. “Yes, we will never separate.”
Jiang Xie couldn’t suppress the joy in his heart and said, “I always feel like I’m dreaming.”
At first glance, Xie Xi didn’t think too much. Anyone who got what they wanted would have
such thoughts.
Jiang Xie’s low voice continued. “Once I left the black fog, everything was too smooth.
Everything is going too well and I feel that something will happen.”
These words poured cold water on Xie Xi.
After coming out of the black fog… everything was going too well…
Why did Jiang Xie think there would be something?
A chill went down Xie Xi’s spine as his heart sank.
It turned out to be an illusion but this time it wasn’t his, it was Jiang Xie’s illusion.
Jiang Xie was aware of his anomaly. “What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say.
He had been very calm when he broke his own illusion because he knew that as long as he
passed the 12 boundaries, he would return to Central and the complete Jiang Xie.
For the Jiang Xie in front of him, breaking the illusion was too cruel.
Jiang Xie seemed to realize something. He held Xie Xi’s arm and spoke with a big smile,
“No… isn’t it good to be together forever? Here… we’re together forever.”
After hearing his trembling voice and his self-deceptive words, Xie Xi felt like he swallowed
a flint as his heart was burned.
Jiang Xie’s spiritual power meant it was impossible not to see through the illusion.
The moment they left Dream Come True, he had asked Jiang Xie, “Have you ever
encountered such illusions?”
Jiang Xie had told him, “Many times.”
Yes, Jiang Xie encountered many illusions but he had never been addicted. It was because
he was aware it was a fantasy and he could easily leave.
Yet in Dream Come True, Jiang Xie ‘died’ once.
The choice of the Jiang Xie here was the same.
Once Xie Xi was present, the illusion became a reality worth sticking to.
Xie Xi was very distressed but he had to pull this person out.
It was because beyond the illusion, they had a better truth.
“Jiang Xie…” Xie Xi wondered, “We’re still in the black fog, right?”
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank and there were resistance and defeat in them.
Xie Xi held this person’s face and stared into his eyes, stating in a very firm tone, “Believe
me, we will still be together forever after leaving the dark fog!”
Jiang Xie held him as if afraid he would disappear into smoke. “Isn’t it good to stay here?
We will be happy here.”
Xie Xi hugged him back, his voice like he was coaxing a helpless child, “We will be very
happy once we leave here.”
“No!” Jiang Xie cried out. “It is chaotic outside and very dangerous. I…”
In fact, he said such things because he already recognized that he was in the black fog. Once
he woke up, the illusion would be broken.
Xie Xi whispered to him, “Why did you go into the black fog?”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi sighed. “It was because you didn’t want to escape. You wanted to know what it was
and you would rather face death than stay still, right?”
Needless to say, this was the principle of life that Jiang Xie had always believed in.
He believed in himself and wanted to face everything, no matter the suffering.
He worked hard to come to the Zone and heard the words of the guard captain. Once he
knew that the people in the Zone were also organizing an exploration of the black fog, Jiang
Xie strengthened his determination to explore the black fog.
To put it mildly, he only believed in himself. He believed that if he couldn’t solve the
problem then no one could.
Thus, he entered the black fog.
“You are like this…” Xie Xi spoke to him. “Why do you want to escape?”
Staying in the black fog and the illusion with Xie Xi meant escaping.
Jiang Xie buried himself in Xie Xi’s neck and said nothing.
Xie Xi asked him, “Would you like to leave with me? Believe me, we will be better off than in
this place.”
After a long time, Jiang Xie’s voice rang in his ears. “Like in the rose garden?”
Xie Xi was shocked.
The illusion of the garden was his but Jiang Xie was also in it and saw the scene of Central.
At this moment, Xie Xi felt that they weren’t talking about the black fog but about the
collapsed world.
…There seemed to be nothing wrong.
Xie Xi promised him, “Yes, I will love you no matter where I am. We will always be
Once he finished speaking, Xie Xi felt a pulling sensation. He really had left the world of

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 257

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 1

Xie Xi returned to the garden and saw the sleeping Jiang Xie and the different light colours.
This was the garden of the 12 Boundaries and definitely wasn’t the illusion of the black fog.
Yet Xie Xi was still in a trance for a moment.
How could he be sure? What was the criteria?
-Believe in it and it will be real.
Xie Xi stopped thinking and calmed himself down.
There was no need to think about it. No matter where he was, he and Jiang Xie were
Jiang Xie believed in him and he believed in Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi saw the sleeping Cancer and had a strange feeling. It seemed that at the end of
Cancer’s world, Jiang Xie had ‘woken up.’
He was no longer confined to the soul of the small world but had the consciousness of the
main body. It was just that he lacked enough faith to break away from the small world.
The image of the black fog was obvious. It was the collapsed quasi-world.
The soul wanted to leave Xie Xi in the collapsed quasi-world but finally believed in Xie Xi
and left with him.
Xie Xi gently breathed out and told Cancer, “Don’t be afraid. It will get better.”
The sleeping Jiang Xie couldn’t hear the words but Xie Xi comforted himself.
The world of Cancer had given Xie Xi a lot of information. The two illusions in the black fog
had been extremely dangerous but Xie Xi communicated with Jiang Xie in disguise.
The first illusion was created by Xie Xi while the second was where Jiang Xie ‘played’
Essentially, Cancer was also Jiang Xie. The main soul had integrated with the soul and the
soul acquired a lot of the consciousness of the main one.
If there wasn’t a second illusion, Xie Xi would think the Jiang Xie in his illusion spoke the
words he wanted to hear.
However, the second illusion made Xie Xi understand that these were Jiang Xie’s own
It was because in the second illusion of Cancer, Xie Xi was free. Maybe everything
developed with Cancer’s desires but Xie Xi had free will.
Every sentence he said in Cancer’s illusion was what he wanted to say. For that reason,
Cancer’s words were everything he wanted to say.
Maybe it was influenced by Xie Xi’s subconscious but Jiang Xie’s consciousness dominated
Cancer’s body and many words were spoke to Xie Xi through the illusion.
For example, how things developed such as Yan Zhe’s past…
In Cancer’s world, leaving the black fog ended the quasi-world.
In Jiang Xie’s real past, leaving the black fog might’ve completed the main task.
As for why Yan Zhe was left outside the black fog, this should be Jiang Xie’s intentional
Jiang Xie had told him, “There must be someone left. Otherwise, how will we know that we
are back?”
The past Jiang Xie required another ‘coordinate’ to distinguish the illusion.
After thinking about the cause and effect, Xie Xi became more and more curious about Jiang
Xie’s past.
The previous Jiang Xie, he had really missed a lot. But…
The process of repairing the quasi-world was also a blessing in disguise. It carried the
countless experiences of Jiang Xie.
There were still eight souls and Xie Xi was longing to see a complete Jiang Xie.
The night light group was Leo. It shone with a golden light that was like a shining little sun.
This was in contrast to Virgo. Virgo’s light group was a faint silver-white. The two of them
were close together and looked like the sun and the moon.
An extreme brightness and special plain light were side by side but the ‘moon’ wasn’t
completely covered by the ‘sun.’
Xie Xi retracted his gaze and focused on Leo first.
He raised his hand and a tall and handsome man appeared in front of him.
Jiang Xie might be a Sagittarius but Xie Xi always felt his personality was more like a Leo.
He was confident to the point of arrogance but he was also really strong. From time to time,
he made people irritated but his strength couldn’t be denied.
Xie Xi stared at Leo carefully and found that his hair and eyes were golden.
Such a bright colour wasn’t the cheerful and lively type but was as magnificent as the sun
He asked Xie Xi, “Is it me?”
The low voice seemed to shake the bottom of his heart. Xie Xi was about to answer when a
gust of wind blew.
The roses at his feet shook and swept over his ankles.
Xie Xi felt itchy and took a step. Who knew there would be mud on the flowers. The
moment he stepped in the air, he also said, “Yes…”
There was a pull and the stunned Xie Xi seemed to also see Jiang Xie reflected in Virgo’s
light group.
What was going on?
After he took a step, had he touched the Virgo light group with his right hand?
How could there be such a coincidence?
He promised two star signs at the same time?
It shouldn’t be. After all, he didn’t hear Virgo’s question.
Surely not. Leo and Virgo were two worlds? How could he enter two worlds in one breath?
Xie Xi forgot that the present so-called 12 Boundaries were made up of a mixture of 12
The moment he entered the quasi-world, his attention was taken away by something else
and he couldn’t care about this at all.
His chest was very painful, as if a needle was stuck there. Even breathing was painful.
Xie Xi coughed gently but this only aggravated the pain instead of relieving it.
The more he coughed, the more painful it was. However, he couldn’t stop coughing.
The stinging in his chest, the itching from his throat and eyes and the coughs that tore at his
In addition, the huge physical discomfort made him unable to hold the sketch pen.
He coughed up some scarlet blood and the itching in his throat finally became more
Xie Xi gasped as he suffered from the severe pain in his chest.
There were no more coughs but the pain was still there.
Xie Xi’s eyes caught at porcelain bowl on the table. He tasked it and cold water ran down
his throat, causing his entire body to shiver from the cold.
His setting this time was a bit miserable.
Xie Xi sat back on the bed, waited for himself to adapt to the nonstop stinging sensation
before holding the sketch pen.
He had to consume a pill first…
He drew the special pill from the interstellar world that had cured Cancer’s father.
He quickly ate it and felt a burst of heat through his body. Xie Xi was about to sigh with
relief when he felt the heat flow stop at his chest. Then the dense tingling sensation came
and the heat flow was scattered.
It was useless?
The special pill that could cure hundreds of diseases actually didn’t work?
Xie Xi tried to draw several different types. Unfortunately, their effects were only
temporary. Once they reached his heart, his entire chest was painful.
All the medicines he drew were useless and Xie Xi stopped moving the pen.
This showed one thing. The level of this small world wasn’t low at all.
The Collapsed God and Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas worlds were highly
developed worlds in different areas, science and a special power system. Yet the drugs of
these two worlds were ineffective against Xie Xi.
It could only be said that his illness was at a similar or even higher level than these two
The world of Leo couldn’t be small.
Xie Xi might not be able to cure himself but painkillers were easy to use.
The pain was relieved once he took painkillers and he could start thinking.
He didn’t think about the accident that occurred when he entered the world. In any case, he
had entered safely and his experience meant he was steady.
At this moment, he needed to carefully consider his own setting.
Xie Xi looked at his location.
It seemed to be a cave that was neatly packed but simple. It was only filled with daily
necessities and nothing else.
Did he live here?
Poor Xie Xi didn’t know what setting the lion gave to himself…
The cave was divided into the bedroom and the living room. Xie Xi dragged his weak body
out of bed and found a mirror on the left side of the living room.
He looked at himself.
The light in the cave was decent. There was something high up that was glowing like an
incandescent lamp.
Xie Xi was tired just from standing up. How could he have the strength to look at the light
The mirror reflected a pale and very weak man.
He looked around 27 or 28 and his facial features were still his. It was just that his colour
was bad and he was very thin.
He was wearing a quirky long shirt and his wrists were so thin that they looked like they
could easily break.
Xie Xi’s mind moved and he opened the long shirt to find an ugly scar on his chest. He
couldn’t imagine how he was hit that would leave such a ferocious scar…
The pain in his body was from this.
It was just trauma? Xie Xi tried to touch it but a gentle press of his fingers caused the
stinging pain that was suppressed by the painkillers to emerge again.
Xie Xi hurriedly ate another one.
He didn’t dare touch it anymore. If he ate a lot of painkillers, he would develop a resistance.
It would be too bad if he couldn’t even stop this pain.
Xie Xi restored his clothing and carefully examined the cave.
The was a bed and a box in the bedroom. The box was full of long gowns, a bit like an
ancient scholar’s gowns. The style was simple and elegant. Of course, Xie Xi was too thin.
There was a stone table next to the box with clothes and the porcelain bowl was placed on
it. This porcelain bowl was exquisitely beautiful and it was incompatible with the
furnishings around it. It could be seen that the Xie Xi of this setting cherished it.
Xie Xi held up his weak body and went to look at the bed.
The bed was hard but there was a digger on the pillow.
Xie Xi pulled out the dagger and there was a pothole on the handle, giving the impression
that something inlaid had been smashed.
The dagger flashed as it was pulled out, showing it was a good knife.
Xie Xi put down the dagger, checked everything else but didn’t find anything.
He was so poor that he only had one piece of unknown animal meat in his rice bowl.
Was this the rhythm of starvation?
Fortunately, he had the sketch pen. Xie Xi drew himself a bowl of fragrant rice porridge and
was prepared to go out after eating.
He didn’t know what this world or Leo were like.
He couldn’t stay here and wait. He had to go out.
Xie Xi sorted himself out and left the cave once he felt he was in good shape.
The surprising thing was that the outside was very bright and sultry. The heat wave against
his face made him dizzy.
It took a while to adapt and Xie Xi finally wasn’t dizzy.
He didn’t need to look in the mirror to know that his appearance was even worse.
He didn’t know what this world was life.
Still, it was good. He might be half dead but at least he was a person!
Xie Xi took a lot of time to reach a big tree. He leaned heavily against the trunk and
prepared to rest.
“Wu…” Then a small voice was heard.
Xie Xi stood up and found a furry little guy behind the tree.
Brown fur, thick little paws and a pair of round ears…
This was…
A little lion?
Xie Xi faintly felt Jiang Xie from it…
Then Leo was really a lion?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 258

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 2

Xie Xi was well aware that no matter what Jiang Xie became, he could recognize the other
person from the first time they met.
Thus, he wasn’t wrong. This was Jiang Xie.
A little lion that was a few months old…
Well, this was his world. If he wanted to be the king of beasts then it should be fine!
Xie Xi looked at Leo. This little guy wasn’t big but he was born with a strong head. It was a
bit strange but the round head, velvety ears and short and wide claws allowed a person to
imagine how strong and powerful he would be when he grew up.
Leo seemed to be very tired and his body was a bit filthy. It was unknown where he came
from but he had fainted from tiredness in this place.
The moment Xie Xi approached, his eyes opened and bright golden eyes were vigilant as he
let out a low sound.
He seemed to be threatening Xie Xi but because his body was too small, his voice wasn’t
scary at all but was very cute.
Xie Xi’s eyes curved, not afraid of this lion at all. “Are you hungry?”
The little lion cried out, “Ao!”
It wasn’t an agreement but to make Xie Xi go far away.
Xie Xi came closer and frowned slightly as he approached.
The little lion was wounded and the hind legs, which he had hidden, were bleeding.
“You’re hurt.” Xie Xi strode forward with twisted eyebrows. “Don’t be afraid. I will treat
your wounds.”
Despite the blood flowing from his hind legs, the little lion stood up and took a fighting
Xie Xi’s body was too weak and h was afraid both of them would be damaged if the lion
rushed over.
“Look at how I’m so weak. How can I hurt you?” Xie Xi felt that Jiang Xie could understand
his words.
After all, he always understood when he was a cat or a bird.
Sure enough, the big lion’s eyes turned around and he seemed to be examining Xie Xi.
Xie Xi reached out and made a harmless gesture, “Look, I don’t have a weapon.”
The little lion gave a low cry.
Xie Xi slowly approached and first tried to touch him.
The little guy was so vicious that he bit Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t hide and let this person hold his hand.
The little lion didn’t bite in a hard manner. He just stared at Xie Xi with golden eyes, which
seemed to be somewhat doubtful.
Xie Xi reassured him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”
The little lion released the hand.
Xie Xi sighed with relief. If this was actually a little lion in the wild then he would’ve already
encountered an accident.
The reason why he dared to do this was because he knew this was Jiang Xie and that Jiang
Xie wouldn’t hurt him. The second reason was that he had the space shield. He wouldn’t be
hurt if the little lion bit him.
This obviously made Jiang Xie relax and Xie Xi slightly examined his wounds. Some of them
are infected. Will you go with me so I can bandage them?”
The little lion gave a low cry.
Xie Xi took this as agreement. “Is it okay for me to hold you?”
Xie Xi was afraid that he couldn’t hold this lion so he gathered all up his strength and
reached out…
The little lion bared his teeth and stood up without Xie Xi’s help.
Xie Xi glanced at the right hind leg and saw him drag it without much trouble.
He turned back and found he was weaker than the little lion. This was shameful!
Fortunately, Xie Xi’s cave wasn’t far away and they soon arrived after a few steps.
Xie Xi told Jiang Xie, “Wait for me, I will go and get the medicine box.”
The little lion cried out and lay at the mouth of the hole.
He remained alert and his positioning was very clever. It was a place where he could escape
if he was in danger.
Xie Xi headed to the bedroom.
He didn’t have a medicine box so once he entered, he summoned the sketch pen and drew a
In order to match his poor temperament, the medicine box was old and broken. The
medicine inside was also inclined to Chinese herbal medicine, which could be more easily
He came out and spoke to Jiang Xie, “Can you come over? I’ll wash your wounds for you.”
It was too hard for him to carry the pot of hot water.
The little lion hesitated, watched Xie Xi take a few steps where he swayed from the wind
and became relieved.
There was no other person in this cave and he could bite this man’s neck with one bite.
The little lion dragged his injured hind leg and was careful along the way, seemingly wary
of possible traps.
Xie Xi saw him like this and felt he was cute. However, there was also a bitter taste.
Leo didn’t have it easy. Such a small lion had such a vigilant heart, showing his hard life.
Thinking of this, Xie Xi’s voice became gentler. “It might be a little painful but bear with it.”
The little lion snorted. Xie Xi couldn’t understand the animal language but he could guess
the general meaning from the tone. ‘I’m not afraid.’
Xie Xi carefully cleaned the wounds and gave him medicine. The little fellow shook as he
was dressed.
The pain was certain and the medicine was strong. It both sterilized and accelerated
recovery but the pain was relative to the effect.
It was the so-called good medicine was bitter and the external application was even more
However, the little lion didn’t say anything. Apart from shaking, he didn’t show any pain.
Xie Xi tied the bandages with a beautiful bow and praised him. “Really brave!”
The little lion, “…”
Xie Xi pretended not to see the disgust in the little lion’s eyes.
The medicine was mixed with some sleeping ingredients, mainly to relieve the little lion’s
Who knew that the little guy could resist so much. He didn’t sleep and just stared at Xie Xi
with confused, big eyes.
Xie Xi’s heart softened and he gently patted the fur. “It’s okay. You will soon be fine.”
The little lion didn’t say anything but refused to speak as he stared at this person.
Xie Xi could only try to comfort him. “They say that long illness makes a doctor. Look at me,
I’m sick like this so I must be a good doctor.”
The little lion, “…” He had obvious doubts in his eyes.
Xie Xi didn’t care and continued to boast. “I am especially good at treating trauma. These
herbs are used together.” He didn’t understand his setting but that didn’t prevent him from
creating his own setting.
The little lion’s ears trembled as he listened with the attitude of a few punctuation marks.
Xie Xi continued to talk about herbal medicine…
This was probably hypnotic. The little lion trying not to sleep overlapped his front paws,
small chin falling on top of it as his eyes squinted.
Xie Xi saw this appearance and felt it was adorable.
Big cat, this was really a foul!
Xie Xi resisted the urge to rub this lion’s head. He had to put Leo to sleep to ensure the lion
didn’t feel pain and also recovered quickly.
Finally, the little lion fell asleep.
Xie Xi’s physique meant he was tired on his own.
He gasped as he carefully got up. He moved very lightly but the little lion’s ears still shook.
This vigilance was too high! Xie Xi could only maintain his current state and wait for the
lion to sleep more.
Maintaining this action was also tiring. Xie Xi simply sat down next to the little lion.
He gently touched the furry head and the little lion trembled. Maybe he was too tired or he
didn’t feel any pain at last. The lion didn’t wake up again and instead leaned against Xie Xi’s
side, his body attached to Xie Xi’s legs.
Xie Xi didn’t want to go…
He saw the mud under the small hind paws and the tangles in the beautiful fur. Xie Xi was
very distressed.
It felt like the little lion had suffered a lot.
Did this little one leave his family?
What happened to his parents?
Xie Xi knew too little about this world and couldn’t think of a reason.
He gently smoothed the fur and slept with him for a while.
In the middle of the night, Xie Xi heard a groan.
The little lion had woken up. He was able to move on four feet and his spirit was much
Xie Xi slept a bit and felt some pain from his waist. “How is it? It is fine.”
The little lion cried out, “Ao…”
Xie Xi didn’t understand. He just thought it was very cute and touched the furry little heard.
The little lion seemed to dislike people touching his head but Xie Xi saved him so he held
Xie Xi wanted to stand him but his legs were numb. The itching from his head also made
him feel pain.
The little lion came close to him.
Xie Xi whispered, ”I’m fine, my legs are numb.”
The little lion snorted.
Xie Xi didn’t understand but knew the lion was caring about him. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be
fine after being a bi more active.”
The little lion moved to his leg and licked the exposed foot.
Xie Xi’s legs were numb but his feet was fine. He was itchy and couldn’t help laughing.
“Don’t lick…” There were small barbs on the tongue and it was too itchy!
The little lion gazed at him, smiled and licked him again.
Xie Xi slowly stood up. “Okay, I can walk.”
The little lion held his head high with a ‘don’t thank me’ expression.
This was too cute! Xie Xi couldn’t hold back and touched the little head. “You are really
The little lion wanted to hide but thought about this weak person. He didn’t want to scare
the person and tried to hold back.
Xie Xi couldn’t help smiling. He said, “Just wait, I’ll go find you something to eat.”
He only had a piece of rotting meat in his house and this obviously couldn’t be eaten.
Xie Xi could only go and draw some meat.
Did a lion eat raw meat?
Xie Xi didn’t remember where he saw it but carnivorous animals needed a variety of
vitamins in raw meat to maintain the balance of their body. Once cooked, they lost some
important vitamins. Large carnivores didn’t eat plants and raw meat was the best.
Xie Xi drew some raw meat strips and the little lion’s eyes lit up as he pounced with a
Xie Xi, “…”
This should really be filmed. Once he returned to Central and showed it to God Yan, the
depressed mood would be swept away and he would be happy for hundreds of years.
Cough… forget it. It wasn’t worth the loss if someone made a fuss to him 70 times a night.
Xie Xi watched the little lion eating meat and thought about how the lion could become a
He didn’t think Leo would always be a lion. Becoming a human was certain. He just needed
to find the method of the transformation.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. The little lion was really cute and Xie Xi really liked it.
Perceiving Xie Xi’s gaze, the little lion stopped moving his mouth and pushed a piece of
meat over.
Xie Xi smiled and told him, “I have already eaten. You eat it.”
The little lion didn’t think much and kept eating.
He didn’t know how long he had been hungry. There were a few pieces of meat left and Xie
Xi was a bit hungry when he saw them…
Unfortunately, his body was too bad to eat barbecue.
They slept for a while and the next morning, they were awakened by the sound of stones
Xie Xi’s eyes were sleepy until the pain from his chest came and then he was completely
It was terrible…
Xie Xi started looking for painkillers.
The little lion had stood up and ran to the hole.
Xie Xi took painkillers to ease the pain and heard loud noises from outside.
“Invalid, invalid, the Tiger Country’s most useless invalid!”
“Mixed with dirt invalid, unlucky invalid!”
“The invalid hasn’t come out for a few days. Is he dead?”
Then there were more sounds of sounds being thrown.
They were children’s voices but the contents were vicious.
Children might not know much but they learnt quickly.
The words must’ve been said by adults and the children ran here after hearing it.
Xie Xi was the invalid but he wasn’t angry. He just wanted to go out to clean up these
naughty children while also exploring the world background.
However, someone was on fire.
There was a roar and the little lion rushed out.
Xie Xi was anxious and he was afraid there would be an accident.
Unexpectedly, the children’s screams were heard. “There is a big lion in the invalid’s
Xie Xi, “???”
How was the little lion big?
He came out and saw the lion confronting three boys who were seven or eight years old.
According to common sense, children would either be afraid or curious when seeing lions
but these children were special.
There was some surprise but it didn’t seem to be their first time seeing a lion.
The next moment, Xie Xi was stunned.
There was a bang and the three children became tigers.
They weren’t adults but they were obviously larger than the little lion.
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 259

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 3

The three tigers were very fierce. They showed an aggressive attitude as they bared their
teeth at the little lion.
Xie Xi was surprised and felt he had touched a corner of this world.
A beastman world?
Animals could become humans?
This should be the case. Jiang Xie was the main consciousness of the world. If he couldn’t
become human then how could anyone be human?
Xie Xi thought he was a person this time but according to the situation, he was most likely a
The tiger was this weak. Was he the legendary sick cat?
Xie Xi didn’t have time to think about it because the four little kids were fighting together in
a messy ball.
They were all big cats but the cuteness was completely different.
The three young tigers didn’t have the round head or ears of the little lion, or even his
beautiful golden eyes and soft fur…
Xie Xi paused and suspected that his filter had permeated the universe!
“Don’t fight…” Xie Xi wanted to separate these naughty children but unfortunately, he
couldn’t help. He felt pain from his chest the moment he shouted.
Who would pay attention to him? The young tigers fought many people and had to clean up
this lion that came from nowhere.
The little lion wasn’t at all frightened by facing three enemies. He relied on his small size to
flexibly dodge and let the young tigers hit themselves.
For adults, this picture was probably of a stray little boy fighting against three spoiled
young masters.
The ‘little masters’ were inexperienced and were furious at being teased.
However, the lion was much smaller and the three young tigers weren’t completely
inexperienced. They no longer scorned the enemy and rushed together, not allowing the
lion to hide.
Seeing that the lion was going to be injured, Xie Xi endured the tearing of his lungs and
rushed over.
Who knew that this little guy wouldn’t back down and struck a young tiger in the middle
with his head.
The young tiger was shaken by him and was pressed down by the lion. The little lion
opened his mouth and bit the tiger’s throat.
The young tiger was frightened and screamed as if he was in danger. The other two cubs
saw this and fled in fright.
The little lion was the big winner but the wound on his hind leg was torn open and blood
stained the bandages.
Xie Xi arrived at the scene like a late policeman. He picked up the little lion, “Do you want to
be crippled in the future?”
His hug destroyed the prestige of a ‘warrior’ and the little lion wanted to come down.
He struggled for a moment until Xie Xi turned his head and coughed.
The little lion didn’t dare to move. This man was too weak and he was afraid that one paw
would break the man’s bones.
Xie Xi pressed down the blood in his chest and carefully examined the little lion’s wounds.
Sure enough, it was torn open and yesterday’s medicine was used in vain. This was fine
since Xie Xi could draw a lot of medicine anyway. It was just that it hurt every time he used
the medicine and he didn’t want to see Jiang Xie in pain.
“Wait here!” Xie Xi wanted to be serious but unfortunately, his voice was weak and his
momentum insufficient.
The little lion was obedient and gave a low cry.
Xie Xi went to get the medicine box and gave him fresh bandages.
The little lion had probably become used to yesterday’s pain. Today he didn’t even shake.
Once he was bandaged, he raised his head and stood upright.
The angry Xie Xi gave him a pair of bows. ‘Since you want to be so domineering, I will give
you two bows and make you a diamond barbie!
He was busy changing Jiang Xie’s bandages and had no room to care about the little tiger’s
This was a bunch of naughty children and they were really boring.
Xie Xi wasn’t a three year old child.
Unexpectedly, the little tiger remaining didn’t leave and probed in his head to look.
The little lion glared at him. The tiger only had saliva on his neck and no blood, so he wasn’t
There was a sound and the little tiger became a boy.
The little boy wore brown shorts and was around 1.2 or 1.3 metres tall. His cheeks were
round and bulging and his eyes were curious. “Will the invalid cure the disease?”
The little lion heard the word ‘invalid’ and bared his teeth.
The little boy was stunned and change his words. “Uncle, can you cure this illness?”
From invalid to uncle, Xie Xi’s status had undergone a qualitatively leap.
He didn’t say anything as he glanced at the little boy.
The little boy stood straight and said, “My name is Wang Huer (King Tiger Two). Before…
I’m sorry about before!” The stones they threw were still at the entrance of the cave.
Xie Xi was speechless for a moment. Who gave this name? What was the meaning of tiger
and two? It was a bit appropriate…
Wang Huer spoke earnestly, “Uncle, this herbal medicine is really amazing. My brother is
also injured? Can you look at him?”
He didn’t have to say it but Xie Xi guessed the reason for the quick attitude change.
Xie Xi wasn’t someone who had to be good to everyone. He didn’t learn to repay evil with
This naughty boy blocked the door and yelled at him. Presumably, the adults weren’t any
better. If it was normal Xie Xi definitely wouldn’t care, but here…
He asked, “Is it trauma?”
Wang Huer replied, “Yes! Like there lion, there is a lot of blood on his hind legs.”
Xie Xi ordered, “Take me to see him.”
Xie Xi urgently needed to understand the background of the world. He would know more if
he took this opportunity to integrate with the native people of this world.
The little lion could understand their words and he let out a low growl.
Xie Xi understood without needing a translator. The lion must be saying, ‘Are you stupid?
They just bullied you yet you’re going to help them!’
Xie Xi thought, ‘If you didn’t make too many private settings…’
The thing he actually said was, “The children were just playing, don’t worry about it too
much.” He would pretend to be a good old man instead of a bad one.
This made Wang Huer reveal an ashamed expression. Xie Xi saw it and his heart felt a bit
more comfortable. This boy wasn’t spoiled to the bones.
The little lion was on fire and gave a low cry.
Xie Xi told him, “Wait for me in the cave. I’ll be back soon.”
The little lion stared at him and let out a whining sound of warning.
Xie Xi couldn’t help it. If he didn’t go out to understand the world, how could he repair it?
“Be obedient.” He patted the little lion’s head.
The little lion didn’t allow the pat as he evaded it and ran into the house.
Xie Xi helplessly smiled and spoke to Wang Huer, “I’m not in good health and can’t carry the
medicine box. Can you help me bring it?”
Wang Huer hurriedly replied, “Good, good! I’m strong!”
Without waiting for the little boy to pick up the medicine box, the lion rushed over and
bared his teeth at Wang Huer.
Wang Huer was startled and moved back.
The little lion carried the medicine box and strode to the entrance of the cave.
Xie Xi smiled. “Didn’t you refuse to go?”
The little lion walking in front snorted.
The translation was probably, ‘If I don’t look at this idiot then I don’t know how you will
die. This is the medicine that cures my legs and no one can touch it.’
No matter the sentence, this was Leo!
Xie Xi thought he was a famous translator and was much better than a fake translator.
It was bright outside the hole.
It seemed that it was summer and the region’s temperature was high. It was somewhat hot
despite being early morning.
The advantage of Xie Xi’s weak physique showed. He was very tired but he didn’t sweat at
Fortunately, Wang Huer’s home wasn’t far away. They walked slowly for 10 minutes and
saw a small village.
Wang Huer was anxious. He could run this distance in a minute but in order to
accommodate Xie Xi, it took more than 10 minutes of walking.
Xie Xi looked around as he entered the village.
The village’s style was very rough and most of the villagers were strong-looking. Even the
women were full of beauty and power.
Some people saw Xie Xi and were shocked. They didn’t shout out ‘invalid’ but their eyes
showed their dislike.
Xie Xi saw the situation in the village and felt a bit relieved.
Animals understood survival of the fittest better than humans, especially carnivorous
communities. Under the harsh conditions of survival, they had to give up on the old, weak
and sick.
It was cruel and helpless. The long history of evolution had been carved into the genes.
Xie Xi’s physique meant he couldn’t hunt and protect himself. Since he was useless, it was
natural to be excluded by villagers.
They arrived at Wang Huer’s house and a man who wasn’t too tall but was unusually burly
came out. “Have you gone crazy again? Your brother is ill and if he doesn’t get better, you’ll
have to follow the team to hunt!”
Wang Huer hurriedly cried out, “Father! My brother’s leg can be healed!”
The man didn’t take it seriously. “I hope so. Your brother is in good health and might be
able to hold on.”
If he couldn’t survive… the man’s face was upset.
Wang Huer was worthy of his name and only said, “Invalid, Uncle can cure him. I saw him
cure the lion’s hind legs.”
The man choked out, “Invalid uncle?”
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched…
Wang Huer didn’t dare say invalid again and tried to explain, “The one in the cave… that…”
The man finally seemed to notice the thin man who would be blown away by the wind
behind his son.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Hello, if the injury is trauma then I can help treat it.”
The man couldn’t react.
Wang Huer continued, “Father, you see. The lion beast’s hind legs were originally very
badly wounded. Now he is no longer bleeding!” He pointed to the little lion to show the
The man frowned, “How did you bring back a lion beast to the village?”
Wang Huer spoke urgently, “Don’t worry about this. Let the thin uncle go see my brother.
Brother won’t bleed anymore!”
From invalid uncle to thin uncle, Xie Xi wasn’t comforted as he whispered, “My surname is
Wang Huer sighed. “Uncle Xie, come quickly. My brother is in the house!”
Xie Xi followed him into the house.
The furnishings of the house were quite similar. The style was simple but it was better than
his cave.
Xie Xi saw the injured Wang Huyi (Tiger One), the brother of Wang Huer.
This was a real adult tiger sitting on a straw mat and emitting killing intent.
He was mentally prepared but Xie Xi’s heart still thumped at the sight of the big tiger.
Wang Huer hurriedly explained the situation. Wang Huyi was in tiger form but he could still
speak. “Thank you for your help.”
He was a lot more sensible than the naughty child.
Xie Xi told him, “I will help you deal with your wounds first. It might a bit painful but please
bear with it.”
The little lion reluctantly approached with the medicine box, staring as his medicine box
was used by a tiger…
Xie Xi naturally healed this tiger and achieved what he wished. He smoothly integrated
with the village and switched from the invalid to a respected doctor overnight.
Then he obtained a general understanding of the world’s background.
Sure enough, this was a beastmen world and there were many wars. Several tribes were
vying for the top leadership.
This was called the Tiger Country but it was actually a city-state. It was surrounded by the
Lion Country, Bear Country, Leopard Country and Wolf Country.
They didn’t always fight each other. For example, the Lion Country and Tiger Country had a
good relationship. They always had an alliance so the tigers were surprised but not hostile
at the little lion wandering through the village.
The Tiger Country was currently in a very bad situation. Wang Huyi, who completely
recovered and could go hunting, explained, “Since the disappearance of Beast King Rose,
our Tiger Country has plummeted and we are missing the momentum of the past.”
Xie Xi heard the word ‘rose’ and his nerves became tense.
Don’t blame him… Jiang Xie was really fond of placing the rose flower on his head!
Wang Huer was filled with longing, “The beast king disappeared after I was born. He is the
only real king of beasts who led the eight kingdoms!”
Another person said, “He is the pride of our Tiger Country!”
Wang Huyi sighed. “It is a pity that the beast king was attacked and his whereabouts are
The group of tigers sighed. Xie Xi was expressionless as he reasonably suspected that he
was Beast King Rose.
A female tiger said, “Mr Xie, your son should transform into a person. He can’t keep
dragging this out.”
Oh, the tigers thought the little lion was Xie Xi’s son…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 260

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 4

Xie Xi had never transformed into a beast so people didn’t know what form he had.
The little lion was so small and obediently listened to Xie Xi’s words. Thus, there was
nothing wrong with the tigers thinking they were father and son.
It could be seen that the tigers didn’t know much about Xie Xi. They probably only though
he was an invalid who would die in the cave.
Xie Xi didn’t deny this matter.
The little lion’s appearance was strange and explaining this was very troublesome. In order
to prevent the tigers from thinking too much, Xie Xi reluctantly received this ‘son.’
The little lion could understand and he bared his teeth, implying, ‘He isn’t my father!’
Xie Xi hit his head. “I intend to make him transform as well.”
The moment he said this, the mother of Huyi and Huer enthusiastically cried out, “This
matter should be handed to me! Mr Xie is the saviour of my family. I will do my best to
make him transform!”
Xie Xi was also eager for this. He didn’t know how to make the little lion transform and it
was best to have someone help.
The female who had previously spoken added, “Huer’s mother, you should hurry. The star
dyed grass and kuku juice have to be fresh.”
Huer’s mother had raised two children and was very experienced. “That is for certain. I’ll go
to the market tomorrow to buy the star dyed juice and the kuku juice! There is also the vine
tree fruit. The one in my backyard ripened. I wanted to keep it for my third child but I’ll use
it now!”
It could be seen that the transformation of a child was done by females. The discussion
between the mothers present was very hot.
Xie Xi also generally understood.
Transforming required many materials and the quality of the materials affected the success
Huer’s mother pinched the lion’s thick paws. “It can’t be dragged out for long. If too much
time passes, he might be disabled for life.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help his heart sinking.
The family leader, Wang Dahu scolded his wife, “What are you talking about? I’m sure it will
be a success!”
Huer’s mother hastily cried out, “Yes! This little cub was born well and he will surely be a
big and chubby boy!”
Xie Xi’s tense heart slightly relaxed because of this sentence.
A big and chubby Evil Jiang…
It was so magical!
The concern of Huer’s mother wasn’t unreasonable. Tigers and lions were similar and had
to transform earlier. IF it was too late then it will be difficult for them to transform into
human form.
In this world, beastmen who couldn’t become human were permanently disabled. The
terrible thing was that their minds wouldn’t develop and they would become a beast with
only an animal nature.
Speaking of which, the ambitious Wang Huyi sighed.”I heard that when the beast king was
in power, the vine trees were everywhere, there were more star dyed grasses than the
stars in the sky and the Kuku juice could pool into rivers…”
Wang Dahu had personally witnessed it and he also said, “Beast King Rose was diligent in
his work and loved the people. He especially paid attention to the development of the
young. Even wanderer children could get the help of good-hearted people and be
transformed in time.”
Huer’s mother said, “Yes, the materials were everywhere, unlike now…”
Wang Dahu stared at her and Huer’s mother shut up.
Xie Xi understood the meaning of Wang Dahu’s look. He didn’t want Huer’s mother to talk
about lacking materials. After all, they were going to prepare for the lion’s transformation
Wang Huer was full of yearning. “Beast King Rose was really fierce. He was the most
powerful white tiger in the world! He once tore the throat of the tyrant of the Bear Country,
injuring his vitality so the was willing to bow down!”
The tiger cubs around him said, “He was even more awesome in the battle against the Wolf
Country. One person fought against 10 wolves and completely won!”
“The Leopard Country as well! I heard that the leopard king wasn’t comparable to his
Xie Xi was embarrassed by the cubs’ boasting.
After all, he was likely to be the domineering Beast King Rose.
Wang Huyi sighed, “Unfortunately, the beast king…”
The crowd sighed and really missed the hero of the tiger tribe.
The current wars and disputes where the countries didn’t give into each other meant that
all types of demons and monsters were running rampant. The ones who suffered the most
were ordinary people.
It could be seen from how the materials that used to be found everywhere were now a hot
This was a vicious cycle. The materials were limited and there were bound to be many cubs
who couldn’t transform.
If the cubs couldn’t transform, there was a great probability they would become murderous
This was really bitter for the people at the bottom…
If they didn’t have children, they would lose their labour force and the village would
gradually wither away. If they had children and couldn’t buy the materials, they would be
burdened by an animal.
Such a vicious circle meant that society was in disorder.
The sharp contrast made them miss the beast king.
They missed the great unified kingdom he was in charge of where the beasts and people
lived and worked in peace.
The more Xie Xi knew about the Rose Dynasty, the more doubts he felt. Was it difficult to
reunify the eight countries.
There was another stinging sensation from his chest…
He quickly took a painkiller to relieve it.
Based on their words, half the reason for the unification of the eight countries was the
beast king’s strength.
Since the tiger family still wanted to give birth to a third child, Xie Xi didn’t want to occupy
all their transformation materials.
He thought about going to the market to see these types of materials and then draw them.
It wasn’t a cure but it was better than nothing.
Xie Xi asked the little lion, “Do you want to go to the market with me?”
The little lion cried out and took the initiative to carry the basket.
Xie Xi smiled. “You’re so powerful. You can carry such a big basket!”
The little lion snorted and raised his head high.
Xie Xi gave himself a bottle of physical medicine and was barely able to reach the market.
Huer’s mother directly said, “Mr Xie, you can rest. I’ll go back and forth.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I’ll take Little Xie to see.”’
He was talking about the Xie in Jiang Xie’s name but everyone thought it was the Xie in Xie
This village liked to use the father’s name to name the son. For example, Wang Dahu’s sons
were called Wang Huyi and Wang Huer. If Wang Huer hadn’t been born then Wang Huyi
was called Wang Xiaohu (Little Tiger).
Wang Huer’s mother replied. “Okay, the cub likes to go to the market. If he is in a good
mood, the chances of the transformation succeeding will be much higher.”
Xie Xi nodded.
In fact, there were no rules behind the success of the transformation. It all relied on luck.
Success could save a lot of money while failing more than three times was likely to mean
never transforming. Thus, the beastmen were willing to sum up a variety of experiences.
No matter the time and place, people were filled with calculations.
The market was very lively. Xie Xi looked around and was surprised.
The background of this world was ancient but it wasn’t pure ancient. There was a certain
degree of technological advancement and some mysterious things as well. It was a rather
mixed background.
However, this market was remote and it was likely that the big cities would have different
Huer’s mother was familiar with the road and soon bought transformation materials.
In order to raise his experience, Xie Xi asked many questions about the materials.
The store employee was very annoyed. “Sir, what do you want to buy?”
Xie Xi, “…” He couldn’t afford anything.
The store owner wasn’t willing to wait for him. “Then look again and call me.” Then he
went to another person.
Xie Xi couldn’t do it on his own. The sketch pen was equivalent to his heart and he had to
understand the things to draw them well.
Still, he couldn’t eat and become a fat person in one breath. He would look slowly and
remember many things today.
On the way back, Huer’s mother was embarrassed. “There is only enough for one
Xie Xi told her, “That’s enough.”
Huer’s mother cried out, “If you pick a good time, Little Xie will definitely succeed at once!”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.” He touched the little lion’s head.
Taking into account Xie Xi’s body, they went to the tea stall to rest before continuing their
The weather was hot and quite a few people were resting after visiting the market. Xie Xi
sat to one side and heard a lot of gossip.
“I don’t think Beast King Rose will come back.”
“He really made too many enemies while carrying out his decrees.”
“Still, he did it for the good of our people!”
“What is the use? We couldn’t protect him!”
“I don’t understand why the national teacher would betray the beast king…”
“Do you want to stop living?” The man covered the other person’s mouth. “You will be
beheaded if you talk about the national teacher!”
The man snorted. “We could say whatever we wanted when the beast king was still here.”
“The beast king is gone!”
“The national teacher was the most trusted person of the king. How…”
“Shut up!”
The man didn’t dare to speak anymore. Xie Xi listened to it and was full of thoughts.
Who was the national teacher? He seemed like an important person.
Xie Xi inexplicably felt a bit uneasy. Then he glanced at the little lion and his heart was
steady again. The identity of the national teacher didn’t matter. In any case, Jiang Xie was
by his side.
It was already night time when they returned to the village.
Huer’s mother told Xie Xi, “Tomorrow at noon is the best time. You must be sure to cheer
Little Xie up. If he is a good mood, the success rate of the transformation would be much
Xie Xi was familiar with this heart and replied, “I understand.”
“I’ll wait for your good news.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Transformation was best in a familiar environment in front of the most reassuring person.
If the cub was physically and mentally relaxed after taking the materials then the success
rate would be much higher.
These were the experiences gained over the years and listening to them wouldn’t be wrong.
Xie Xi didn’t sleep well and was very nervous.
Jiang Xie could attempt the transformation at most three times. If he was unsuccessful then
it was very dangerous.
It was reasonable to say that the soul should be able to transform into a human but Xie Xi
knew about Jiang Xie’s unlucky physique. It was really terrible.
Everything was ready. Xie Xi made sure the little lion had enough to eat and drink before
asking him, “How do you feel?”
The little lion cried out loudly.
He sounded good. Xie Xi smoothed the fur on his back and said, “Come on, become a human
so you can speak.”
The little lion was very excited. His golden eyes were round and bright.
Xie Xi gave a sigh of relief and followed the steps to feed him the materials.
The materials were all handled well and just needed the cub…
Xie Xi clenched his fists. Did it succeed?
The fog disappeared. It was a little lion or…
Xie Xi frowned. The first attempt had failed.
The little lion squirmed as he looked down at his paws before looking up at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi told him, “It’s fine, I have the materials and try again.”
The little lion got up and carefully ate the materials.
There was a bang again and Xie Xi’s heart tensed.
The fog cleared and it was once again a failure.
The little lion saw his body and the brightness in his golden eyes faded.
Xie Xi cried out, “Try it once again!” Fortunately, he had drawn enough materials in
The little lion wasn’t as enthusiastic as he was last time. He gazed at the materials and
He had heard the words of Huer’s mother.
His attempt at transformation was too late. There were only three chances or he would
Then a thin hand reached out and touched his face. “Are you afraid?”
The little lion gazed into the pale eyes and was stunned.
Xie Xi reassured him, “Don’t be afraid. There is nothing.”
An unspeakable heat flowed through his blood and the little lion experienced an
unprecedented peace of mind.
He raised his head and cried out.
The sound was clear and loud, filled with fearlessness and confidence.
Xie Xi smiled and gently kissed the lion’s eyebrows. “Come on!”
It was a kiss to the hair but the little lion felt an unspeakable touch.
It was very soft and there was a good fragrance, making people feel comfortable.
The little lion completely broke free of the shackles of his heart and ate the materials.
He didn’t believe that he couldn’t transform. He didn’t believe he would lose himself even if
he lost everything!
There was another bang.
Xie Xi didn’t dare blink until the fog dispersed. He saw a small Jiang Xie standing there with
beast ears.
Blonde hair and skin as white as snow.
The handsome facial features in adulthood were currently so beautiful in childhood.
What’s more, he still retained the cute beast’s paws and tail.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 261

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 5

This was deliberate, deliberate!

Xie Xi’s machine-like brain took half a day to think these words.
Why did other cubs transform into normal children while Jiang Xie became a beast boy?
This was a foul! The blonde hair was dazzling and the furry round ears were too cute!
Then there were the paws that grew from the white wrists like small gloves. The pink meat
pad made people… want to squeeze it!
Xie Xi was sure that he wasn’t a person obsessed with cuteness but he was turned over by
this little lion.
Little Jiang disliked himself. He looked down at his hands and asked Xie Xi, “How am I
different from others?”
Xie Xi also wanted to ask, ‘How are you different from others?’
The lion’s paws stretched out and the nails were as sharp as a knife, forming a sharp
contrast to the furry paws.
Xie Xi was dead. There was no doubt that the cause of death was excessive blood loss.
Little Jiang sensed Xie Xi’s abnormality and asked anxiously, “Is this failing the
Xie Xi was once again stunned by this soft voice. He cleared his throat and said, “It was
Jiang Xie’s golden eyes were full of discontent. “What is this?”
His ears shook and he extended two small paws.
Xie Xi’s eyes silently widened. He might need to get a blood transfusion while taking quick-
acting heart-saving pills. This was too lethal!
“Sir?” He followed the villager’s method of calling Xie Xi.
Mr Xie, who had just sighed with relief, was killed again.
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted and his voice was filled with anxiety. “Are you tired? Go to bed
and rest.” He spoke while holding up Xie Xi.
Don’t look at this person’s small size. The strength was very big and it was easy for him to
support Xie Xi who was taller than him.
Xie Xi’s body couldn’t adapt to too many emotional fluctuations. He slowed down for a
while as he suppressed the darkness in front of him.
Was it shameful? He personally experienced what it meant to be dazzled.
“Sir?” Little Jiang Xie called out again.
Xie Xi spoke gently, “I’m fine.”
“I’ll pour you some water.”
He turned and his long tail swept over Xie Xi’s knee. Xie Xi was fortunate enough to be weak
or he would’ve reached out to grab them.
This lovely little tail attracted people!
Anyone who saw it would have the urge to grab a handful!
Little Jiang Xie seemed to be six or seven years old but he was very sensible. He poured
water for Xie Xi and also started a fire to cook rice. He boiled the rice porridge that Xie Xi
usually drank.
Xie Xi stopped him, “No, there is no need to bother.” Unfortunately, he was too weak and
could only speak.
Little Jiang Xie didn’t listen and brought over a bowl of rice porridge.
Xie Xi could only say, “Thank you.”
Jiang Xie stared at him. “No need for thanks.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare to look at the child and could only drink porridge to restore his strength.
Who knew that this little fellow would promise in an old-sounding voice, “You can rest
assured that I am already a qualified beastman. I will take care of you in the future and not
let you be cold or hungry, nor will people bully you…”
He hadn’t finished when Xie Xi almost choked on his mouthful of porridge.
He coughed violently, ‘If you take care of me, sooner or later I will be dead from your
Little Jiang Xie hurried to pat him on the back, golden eyes worried. This man was too weak
that he couldn’t drink porridge properly. However, Jiang Xie had beast paws and couldn’t
feed this man.
Fortunately, he didn’t say these words. Otherwise, Xie Xi would laugh to death!
After coughing for a long time, Xie Xi was almost accustomed to this broken body.
Therefore, he was in high spirits from a good mood.
He told Little Jiang Xie, “I will be satisfied if you grow up well.”
Little Jiang Xie leaned down and said, “You saved me and I will repay you. As long as I am
there, I won’t let you be wronged.”
This was very manly but with the small face…
Xie Xi’s lips curved and he nodded. “Then can you tell me who you are?”
Little Jiang Xie’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll be Little Xie later.”
Xie Xi’s smile deepened. “As my son?”
“In short, I will take care of you and raise you!”
‘Please don’t casually say that you will raise me or the misunderstanding will be even
Xie Xi’s eyes curved. “I’m not a lion beast. How can I have such a child?” He couldn’t help
touching the little ears.
In the beast form, the little lion didn’t like people touching his ears. It was the same even
after becoming a person.
It was because it was Xie Xi that he resisted. Still, he couldn’t help shaking his ears.
He shook and Xie Xi’s palms itched. His heart had bad intentions. Maybe there wouldn’t be
these small ears once the child got bigger and he wouldn’t be able to touch even if he
wanted to!
Little Jiang Xie leaned back and asked him, “Are you a tiger?”
Xie Xi suspected this but who knows? After all, he didn’t know how to transform.
He didn’t answer this question and asked Little Jiang Xie, “How can I rest assured if you
don’t make your situation clear?”
Little Jiang Xie leaned down, his long eyelashes trembling. “I fled from the Lion Country.
They killed my family and I have nothing left.”
Xie Xi guessed that the little lion didn’t have it easy but it was still painful to hear.
Xie Xi didn’t tease him and asked, “What happened? Who killed your family?”
Little Jiang Xie shook his head. “I don’t know. When I woke up, my father and sister had
fallen down in a pool of blood and the house was burnt.”
Father and sister…
Hearing this, Xie Xi was certain that Jiang Xie had lost these two relatives in his original
Jiang Xie spoke again. “I was small and they weren’t prepared, allowing me to escape.”
Xie Xi thought about the tragic sight when he first saw the lion and couldn’t help lowering
his voice. “It’s all right.”
Little Jiang Xie raised his spirits. “I’m fine.”
Once he grew up, he would make them blood-soaked!
He didn’t say it because he was afraid of scaring the sick man in front of him.
Xie Xi patted him on the back of the hand. “I’ll take care of you later.”
Little Jiang Xie’s paws pressed against the back of the hand. “I’ll take care of you.”
Xie Xi, “…” Okay, this person was the beast king and very powerful.
Xie Xi went to consult with the professional Huer’s mother about the transformation of the
little lion.
Huer’s mother gazed at the small Jiang Xie and smiled happily. “Oh, I said that this little lion
will be a chubby boy. Look at the white face and thick paws. The small legs are also very
powerful. He will definitely be tall!”
She wanted to touch the little lion but he flexibly avoided her.
Huer’s mother was even happier. “This is really good! He will definitely be excellent at
Xie Xi laughed. The adjectives of Huer’s mother were much richer than him.
Regarding the beast ears and tail, Huer’s mother said, “This is a lucky phase!”
Xie Xi wondered, “Why do you say that?”
Huer’s mother explained, “Only those with a strong power will retain some beast
characteristics. I heard that Beast King Rose also retained his beast ears and tails!”
As a senior fan of Beast King Rose, Wang Huyi solemnly spoke, “The reason why the beast
king was called Rose was because he had a pattern like a blooming Chinese rose on the
back of his left ear.”
Xie Xi, “…”
What was this Mary Sue setting? The pattern was like a rose? Was he serious? What was
the difference between a single rose and a Chinese rose?
Wang Huyi spoke seriously, “After the beast king fully became an adult, his left ear had a
red rose earring.”
Xie Xi was silent. He wanted to go back to Central and search Jiang Xie’s warehouse to see
what messy things this person was hiding!
Huer’s mother added, “Don’t worry. This shows that he will be a brave and fearless
This obviously matched the heart of Little Jiang Xie. His face was calm but his golden eyes
became brighter.
Xie Xi asked again, “Then once he comes of age, he will completely become human?”
Huer’s mother replied, “Not necessarily. You might have to wait until the estrus period is
Xie Xi, “???”
Huer’s mother covered his mouth and smiled. “Little Xie will definitely be a handsome
young man. I don’t know how many females will be confused by him.”
Xie Xi hadn’t yet recovered from the word ‘estrus.’
Huer’s mother asked Little Jiang Xie, “Little Xie, do you want to live and work in Tiger
Country? Find a tiger wife and give birth to lion and tiger beasts…”
Lion and tiger beasts?? There was even genetic segregation?
Xie Xi was alarmed and pulled Little Jiang Xie to leave. “No, it isn’t urgent. He is still small.”
Huer’s mother shouted, “He isn’t too small. I will pick a good person for him. If Mr Xie
doesn’t leave the village, I will help you…”
Xie Xi couldn’t listen anymore. He exhausted all his strength to bring Little Jiang Xie back to
the cave.
Huer’s mother smiled in the distance. “Mr Xie’s skin is really thin.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
He was tired to death and breathless!
Who knew that Little Jiang Xie would add another sentence, “You don’t have to worry. I will
take care of you even if I get a wife.”
Xie Xi, “???”
This disease meant he really didn’t have the energy to be angry!
Little Jiang Xie saw his body soften and hurriedly held him. “Okay, it isn’t a big deal. I won’t
marry anyone. You don’t have to be afraid.”
Xie Xi was half dead but couldn’t help hitting him on the head. “You are only this big. What
are you thinking?”
Little Jiang Xie carefully coaxed him, “Yes, don’t think about it. In any case, I won’t leave
Xie Xi was too lazy to speak.
Speaking of which, this little guy was only six or seven years old. There was still more than
10 years left until adulthood. Even if he would really lose these features after estrus, it was
too early to talk about it now. He shouldn’t be anxious.
Xie Xi really underestimated this world.
Huer’s mother wasn’t lying. If Xie Xi wanted a daughter-in-law then he really had to pick
A little more time passing was really late for an ordinary male!
The grown cycle of beastmen was actually very short.
Half a year later, Xie Xi’s little lion was taller than him.
Xie Xi had to shamefully tiptoe if he wanted to touch the beast ears.
Today was the day when Wang Huer got married. The Wang family held a big banquet and
Huer’s mother sent an early invitation to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi woke up with low blood sugar and gasped on his bed.
Little Jiang Xie… oh, it was just Jiang Xie!
Jiang Xie opened the door while carrying hot water and towels, as well as breakfast and
As promised, he took care of Xie Xi properly by doing all the housework.
Xie Xi watched him grow up so quickly and felt panicked.
According to such a method, Jiang Xie would be an adult in a month or two.
Adulthood was nothing. The key was the estrus period!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 262

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 6

Xie Xi had inquired a lot about the estrus period.

Most beastmen became adults in two or three years. One month after reaching adulthood,
they would enter the estrus period.
The so-called estrus period literally meant their sexual desires would soar and they would
be restless for seven days.
According to the parenting expert, Huer’s mother said, “This is a golden seven day period. It
is guaranteed to give birth to the next chubby boy!”
Xie Xi’s scalp was numb when he heard this.
In particular, Huer’s mother told her son for a long time, “You can rest assured that you
don’t have to go out in those seven days. I will give you the best tonic soup, make the best
good and ensure you keep up your strength!”
Xie Xi, “…” If he wasn’t trying to inquire about the situation then he wouldn’t be able to
listen to half a word!
The end result was that the estrus period might come later but it would never be absent.
Thus, Jiang Xie was bound to usher in seven days of estrus!
Xie Xi was more worried about what would happen if he didn’t do it in the seven days.
Without him asking, Huer’s mother took the initiative to remind him, “Mr Xie must hurry
up with Little Xie. If he doesn’t have a wife then the child can’t stand it.”
Xie Xi really wanted to ask what would happen! However, he couldn’t speak the words.
Fortunately, Huer’s mother was enthusiastic and it was unknown if she was trying to solve
Xie Xi’s confusion or frighten him, “Even if you are skilled in medicine, Little Jiang’s
madness won’t be able to be cured.”
Xie Xi, “!” He would become crazy? What type of crazy? A murderous beast?
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking of his own physique in Gemini’s world.
…Old Jiang, how much desires did he have to be so dissatisfied?
Xie Xi didn’t dare rely on luck. After all, this was a broken world. Who knew how the souls
would pit themselves?
What if Xie Xi really ‘died?’ How would he cope for seven days? Don’t talk about seven days.
Xie Xi felt like he would die in bed after only once.
…Would the lion go crazy? This image was too ferocious and Xie Xi didn’t dare think about
Was he really going to give the lion a wife? Xie Xi thought, ‘Oh, it is better to die.’
A veteran of 100 battles, he had danced on the tip of a knife and passed through a rain of
needles, yet Xie Xi felt an unprecedented sorrow.
What the hell was he going to do?
For most of the year, he had tried to restore his body but it wasn’t possible.
If Jiang Xie hadn’t been with him all the time, he would’ve drawn a portable CT machine to
see what was going on with his heart!
The medicine he drew was enough to bring someone back to life yet he couldn’t cure his
broken body.
“What are you thinking about?” Jiang Xie’s question brought Xie Xi’s mind back.
Xie Xi gazed at the young person in front of him and his mood became more complicated.
As Huer’s mother said, Jiang Xie was really handsome after growing up.
He had blonde hair, slender brows, a tall nose, sexy thin lips and his body was very strong.
His abs were perfect and he had a pair of long legs. One of his steps was equivalent to two
of Xie Xi’s steps.
It had only been half a year…
His child had grown into a big adult. Old Father Xie’s mood was very complicated. ‘Asking
me about my thoughts? How can I dare tell you those things?’
The ‘old father’ picked up the cup next to him and wanted to drink something to slow
Jiang Xie took the cup away first. “This tea is too cold. Don’t drink it.”
Three or four months ago, the paws had turned into slender fingers that fit the youth’s thin
Xie Xi had to sip the soy milk he handed over.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “This is a bit sweet. Don’t drink too much.”
Xie Xi nodded and put down the cup.
They were at Huer’s wedding and many acquaintances were sitting next to them. One
quipped, “Little Xie really takes care of people. Whoever he marries in the future will be
really blessed!”
Jiang Xie was grabbing some fish for Xie Xi and didn’t answer.
Xie Xi heard this and wasn’t in the mood to eat!
The tigers weren’t malicious. They were speaking kindly and playfully.
Then he heard a female say, “If I was a few years younger then I would definitely marry
Her husband wasn’t happy. “Your oldest child is older than Little Xie!”
The female hit her husband. “Can’t you have some consideration when speaking? I will
burn incense!”
Her husband let her hit him. “That isn’t the same. Little Xie is filial to his father. Do you
want me to be filial to you?”
The female smiled. “Look at this messy person!”
The people on the table laughed and Xie Xi’s lips thinned.
Yes, he was still Jiang Xie’s ‘father’ and this made him more worried.
From beginning to end, Jiang Xie didn’t say anything. He picked out the fish bones and gave
Xie Xi a cut of meat, carefully looking after him.
Xie Xi told him, “Don’t get me too much. I can’t eat it all.”
Jiang Xie stared at him with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t eat much in the morning.”
Xie Xi was very worried about the estrus period these days and how could he have the
appetite to eat. He stated, “I don’t like to eat these fishy…’
Jiang Xie interrupted before he finished. “I will go see the cook and ask if there is a bowl of
Xie Xi was just casually finding an excuse and didn’t want to trouble this person. Thus, he
pulled at Jiang Xie’s hand. “Don’t trouble the people. I will wait and eat some green
Jiang Xie stared at the thin hand and frowned. “If you aren’t feeling well, we will go back
Xie Xi patted him on the back of the hand. “Rest assured, it doesn’t matter. Today is Huer’s
happy day. How can we go back first?”
The Wang Family took great care of them. How could they miss such an important day?
The people at the table heard the conversation and were worried, “If Mr Xie isn’t feeling
Xie Xi hurriedly waved his hand. “Don’t listen to this child. He is always making a fuss. How
can I be so delicate?”
The big guys looked at his white porcelain-like face and slender neck. ‘You don’t look
delicate, you might really be delicate!’
In order to appease Jiang Xie, Xie Xi ate a few green vegetables and only then did the little
lion’s tense eyebrows relax.
Then a handsome girl from the next table came over.
The tigers poking fun at each other on the table closed their mouths and winked at her.
The little girl’s face was red and she must be very nervous as she stuttered, “L-L-Little Xie!”
Jiang Xie glanced at her. “Hmm?”
The little girl was afraid to look at him. She left an envelope and fled.
Xie Xi, “……..” A love letter???
Jiang Xie glanced down at the letter in his hand and didn’t know what to do. He looked at
Xie Xi and Xie Xi’s liver ached.
The tigers at the table smiled “Oh, Susu likes Little Xie!”
“Isn’t it more than Susu? The little flower of Old Li also likes him!”
“Isn’t it Old Sun’s Nini?”
“Old Lily as well!”
The tigers mentioned almost all the school-age girls in the village.
Finally, someone concluded, “It seems that our village is going to usher in a lion and tiger
Xie Xi couldn’t interfere in the conversation and could only bear it…
What could he do? If he had a slightly better body then he would seduce Jiang Xie and help
him solve the estrus period. However, Xie Xi’s current body really wasn’t enough!
The people on the table started to discuss the issue of lions and tigers.
The village was relatively small and none of them had combined with a lion before.
Still, there were many cases in the big cities. “Don’t be prejudiced. Lion and tiger beasts are
very powerful. As long as their parents are strong, the child won’t go wrong.”
“My second aunt’s classmate is a half lion and tiger.”
“What is a half lion and tiger?”
“His mother is a lion and his father is a tiger. Thus, he is half.”
“What is half a lion and tiger? That is called a lion tiger!”
The group burst out laughing.
Xie Xi’s guess was right. There was no reproductive segregation in the world. When Huer’s
mother mentioned a lion and tiger beast, Xie Xi thought that if a lion and tiger couldn’t
produce offspring together, it wouldn’t be acknowledged and mentioned so happily.
Thinking about it, beasts could become humans so perhaps they all had the same ancestor.
The customs here were very interesting. The bride was holding flowers in her hand to
throw towards the party members.
It couldn’t be deliberately grabbed and had to be left to fall into a person’s arm. arms.
The married tigers stated, “Rest assured, I will avoid it.”
Their wives sneered. “What avoidance? If you marry someone else then it has nothing to do
with me.”
The tigers weren’t afraid and sweet talked the women. It was very interesting.
Xie Xi didn’t take it seriously. What should he do if he wanted to marry Jiang Xie?
He couldn’t marry this person. Instead, he would kill this idiot!
Then a shadow flew over and fell steadily into his arms.
The people on the table laughed. “It is Mr Xie, Mr Xie lost!”
The new wife came over and toasted Xie Xi, speaking many auspicious words. Xie Xi
reluctantly laughed but he was actually in pain from the flowers.
Huer’s mother suggested, “Speaking of which, Mr Xie is still young. Why don’t you find a
partner to live with?” They all thought Xie Xi was a widower.
Xie Xi was stunned. What was today? First it was Jiang Xie and now it was him.
The words of Huer’s mother woke up the group and they started discussing it again.
“Mr Xie is a good man and a master of medicine. The little girls in the village really like
“It can’t be a little girl. She should be mature and steady…”
They spoke in a similar way and Jiang Xie’s heart inexplicably fell.
Xie Xi interrupted. “I can’t drag others down with my body.”
He struggled to raise the flowers in his hand. “These bunch of flowers alone made me sore
when they hit my back. How can…”
He hadn’t finished when Jiang Xie leaned forward to grab the flowers. “Where did it hit
you? Was it hard?”
Xie Xi’s body was fine now. It was actually his brain that hurt. He gazed at the worried Jiang
Everyone knew the situation. To tell the truth, the reason why no one gave Xie Xi a love
letter in the past six months was because his body was a big problem.
Otherwise, with his talent and appearance, it was unknown how many girls would be
following him.
Huer’s mother was worried. “Mr Xie, this body…”
The people on the table sighed. Xie Xi had healed so many people in the village but
unfortunately couldn’t heal himself. It was really regrettable.
Xie Xi didn’t want to ruin such a happy day. He got up and said, “It isn’t early. I’ll go back
Looking at his pale face, the tigers didn’t dare keep him for long.
Regarding the love letter, Jiang Xie told Xie Xi when the left the banquet, “I have returned
What could he say? He could only give a light response.
Jiang Xie glanced at him. “I don’t want to marry someone.”
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t want Jiang Xie to marry anyone else!
Jiang Xie spoke again, “You don’t have to worry about me and should look after your body
Xie Xi also wanted to keep his body well but he couldn’t!
The thing he was worried about was coming.
Jiang Xie completely became an adult and couldn’t hide from the estrus period.
Xie Xi had kept an eye on Jiang Xie and could feel it when Jiang Xie’s eyes kept sticking to
However, he had to pretend not to know.
Adulthood was fine and so was the estrus period. Jiang Xie wasn’t too concerned.
He wasn’t interested in these love matters. He just wanted to take care of Xie Xi.
After that, he would travel all over the countries to become stronger before going home to
get revenge!
With this idea, Jiang Xie ushered in the instincts of life.
It was very abrupt but it seemed natural. When he saw the outside sun resting on Xie Xi and
illuminating his transparent skin, Jiang Xie’s heart seemed to burst.
He always knew Xie Xi was good-looking but had never looked at him like this.
After all, he was adopted by Xie Xi…

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 263

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 7
The bright sunshine on him caused a layer of thin sweat but on Xie Xi, it seemed to give a
golden layer of light that made the person feel beautiful.
Jiang Xie stared and raised his hand…
Was this person’s skin hot or slightly cold? Was the touch as smooth as it looked? Or would
it be like tender tofu?
Jiang Xie’s mouth was dry and the person in front of him was like an oasis in the desert.
This person could cool him, quench his thirst and extinguish the indescribable heat in his
He touched Xie Xi gently on the back of the hand.
It wasn’t the first time he touched Xie Xi. He had held this hand countless times in the last
six months.
It had never been like this before. It felt like he was being sucked in, as if there were
countless tiny ants nibbling at his fingertips and letting him…
What was he doing?
Jiang Xie quickly pulled back with a pale face. He fled back into the house, leaning against
the cold wall and breathing deeply.
Was estrus so terrible?
He went so crazy that he regarded the man who adopted him as a female beastman! How
could this be?
Jiang Xie got a basin of cold water and poured it all over himself. The burning of his
fingertips went away but the throbbing of his heart still existed.
He suddenly remembered the bouquet of flowers and the words that the others told Xie Xi.
‘Mr Xie, you should find a companion too.’
Xie Xi stated that he was in poor health and didn’t want to drag down others. Did this mean
he would marry if he recovered?
That was for certain. Who wanted to live alone for the rest of their lives?
Jiang Xie slowly sank to the ground while holding his wet hair with both hands.
Don’t think about it. He would wait for Xie Xi’s body to be well and he should also embark
on the road of revenge. It would be good if there was someone to accompany Xie Xi. He, he
would be relieved.
He told himself this but it was like a knife stabbed at his heart.
Jiang Xie sat for a long time before getting up and changing his clothes.
He calmed down. Just now, he was occupied by the silly physiological desires and his
thoughts were a mess.
There was nothing to think about. Ignoring the deep blood feud, what could he do even if he
stayed with Xie Xi?
They were both males.
Xie Xi saved him and treated him as a child. How could he used dirty thoughts to humiliate
Xie Xi?
Jiang Xie sighed softly and went out to call Xie Xi.
It was good to be in the sun but it had been along time since this person had eaten.
“Sir?” He called out to Xie Xi.
Xie Xi opened his eyes, the pair of slightly blank eyes like black crystal that swept away the
stars in the sky and struck at Jiang Xie’s heart.
The thoughts that Jiang Xie suppressed surged even more sharply.
Xie Xi’s voice was filled with some chagrin. “How did I fall asleep?”
He got up and it seemed he was dizzy from being in the sunlight for a long time. Once he got
up from the chair, his body shook slightly.
Jiang Xie leaned forward and helped hold him up.
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Look at me, I’m really useless.”
Jiang Xie’s hand was on this person’s waist. Through the sun-hot clothes, he seemed to be
able to pinch this thin waist…
“Little Xie?”
Jiang Xie woke up sharply. His first thought was to pull away his hand but Xie Xi would fall.
His throat moved as he looked down to see Xie Xi’s dry lips.
Xie Xi looked up at him. “Hmm?”
It felt like gunpowder blowing apart Jiang Xie’s body. Six or seven souls flew away at once.
“Back…” He controlled his voice. “Go back to the house. Dinner is ready.”
Xie Xi’s eyes flashed as he whispered, “I’m always bothering you to cook.”
“It’s just a matter of raising my hands.”
“If I’m really your father then I’m too incompetent.”
The heartless words were like a basin of cold water being poured on Jiang Xie’s head.
Jiang Xie smiled reluctantly. “Don’t say that. You treat me very well. I would’ve died without
Xie Xi paused before sighing softly. “You’re a good boy.”
Xie Xi often said these words, especially during Jiang Xie’s childhood. He often coaxed Jiang
Xie like this.
Previously, Jiang Xie might not feel like a child anymore but he loved to listen to these
words. He felt acknowledged.
Now he heard Xie Xi say so and his heart felt like it was stabbed by needles.
Jiang Xie stated, “I’m an adult. I’m not a child.”
Xie Xi looked up at him with a trace of worry. “Yes, you have grown up.”
Jiang Xie knew this person was worried about his marriage and his heart suffered even
“I bought sweet corn, broke it apart and cooked it in porridge. It tastes good. You can go in
and eat it.” Jiang Xie knew that Xie Xi liked to eat corn from outside the village because it
was sweet, crunchy and juicy.
Xie Xi was delighted. “Then I should hurry. It isn’t good to eat if it is cold.”
Jiang Xie brought him into the house. “There’s no hurry. I’m using the fire to keep it warm.
Xie Xi spoke again. “You are really capable.”
“It’s all trivial. It’s nothing.”
Xie Xi seemed to want to say something but stopped.
The corn porridge was sweet and delicious and Xie Xi ate more than half a bowl.
Jiang Xie was afraid he would get indigestion and didn’t give him anymore.”If you want to
eat, I’ll give you a bowl later.”
Xie Xi also didn’t dare to eat anymore. His body was too more and the amount of exercise
was seriously inadequate. If he ate a bit more then he would suffer in the evening.
He replied, “Good things can’t be finished. Let’s eat again tomorrow.”
Xie Xi ate light food while Jiang Xie ate a large piece of cooked meat. After the
transformation, he no longer ate raw meat but ate a balanced diet like humans.
Jiang Xie was cutting meat on the plate when he suddenly opened his mouth. “Do you have
any plans for after your body is better?”
Xie Xi smiled bitterly. “My body…”
Jiang Xie didn’t like to hear him speak sad words. “It will certainly be better.”
Xie Xi’s tone was full of indulgence. “Yes, it will be fine.”
“Then do you have anything you want to do?”
Xie Xi glanced at the other person and soon opened his mouth again. “Why are you
suddenly asking about this?”
Jiang Xie’s hand cut the meat, his heart flying to an unknown place. “It is very lucky that you
caught the bouquet of flowers. Once your body is well, you can find a female…”
The following words were like a knife in the throat that couldn’t be swallowed.
Xie Xi didn’t expect him to say this and was slightly surprised. “Do you want me to find a
female parent?”
The knife in Jiang Xie’s hand cut against the plate. The sound of metal hitting porcelain was
very harsh, especially in the cave.
Jiang Xie put down the knife and stated, “As long as you are well, there are many females
willing to marry you.”
Xie Xi sat in the chair and quietly watched this person.
Jiang Xie seemed to feel that he was completely seen through.
No way, it was absolutely impossible!
Jiang Xie clenched his fists under the table while continuing, “This is normal. Getting
married and having children is something we all do.”
The more he spoke, the more he wanted to cover up the taste…
Xie Xi gazed at this person deeply. “You are old enough to get married.”
Jiang Xie told him, “I don’t want to marry anyone.”
Jiang Xie didn’t tell the other person about revenge, only saying, “There are no suitable
people here.”
Xie Xi wondered, “Then do you want to go back to the Lion Country to find someone?”
Jiang Xie was clearly the one who initiated it first. He clearly asked Xie Xi first but the
moment he heard Xie Xi’s blunt question, a knot formed in his heart and he wanted to shout
in a wronged and unwilling manner, ‘Don’t mention the matter of marrying again! It is very
good if we continue like this!’
How could this be?
He couldn’t do so even if he wanted.
Jiang Xie replied, “I don’t want to go back to the Lion Country.”
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
Jiang Xie added, “But I won’t marry any tigers.”
Xie Xi responded with slight tiredness, “I am tired. I’ll go to rest first.”
Xie Xi got up. “Goodnight.”
Jiang Xie cleaned up the chopsticks and stayed in the kitchen to think.
He didn’t know what was wrong with himself. He was in good health, not bound by any
desires and didn’t feel an uncontrollable heat.
The most uncomfortable thing was the heart in his chest. He didn’t know how to describe it.
It was as if he woke up overnight and he didn’t know when a person had been placed in his
That night, Jiang Xie had a dream.
In his dream, he was in a completely strange place. It seemed to be a garden with roses
blooming like a rolling red wave.
In the distance, there was a small pavilion made of an unknown white jade. Inside was a
round table with two small stools.
There was a man in the pavilion. Instead of sitting on a small stool, he was leaning against
the pavilion. He seemed to be looking at something in a serious and focused manner.
Jiang Xie approached step by step, his heart beating quickly.
The man seemed to sense him and turned his head with a smile. In an instant, the red roses
became white and the whole world was instantly clear.
Jiang Xie felt a gust of wind that blew open his heart, giving him endless pleasure and
He walked up and unknowingly hugged this person.
Not only did the man not push him away, the man always wrapped an arm around his neck.
Jiang Xie bowed his head and covered his lips, kissing this person closely.
The man said, “N-Not here.”
Jiang Xie didn’t listen and pressed him against the white jade pillar.
The man was a bit annoyed but his voice was sweet and seductive.
Jiang Xie wanted to kiss this person but always wanted to listen to his voice. For a time, he
felt that nothing was enough.
The person exclaimed, “Enough!”
Jiang Xie gently bit him on the neck. “No.”
The man stared at him with wet eyes. “Jiang Xie!”
“You’re almost…”
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “Little Xie, I miss you…”
Suddenly, Jiang Xie awakened from the dream. He sat up in a cold sweat, his eyes full of
fear. The man in his dream was Xie Xi, the person who saved his life and brought him up.
Jiang Xie was delusional and actually had such a dream. He was really… a bastard!
In the other room, Xie Xi also woke up from a dream. How did he dream of Central again?
Xie Xi rubbed his temple and got up to drink water. He moved and felt his body was a bit
He dreamed of Central and also doing those things was Jiang Xie. Was he a bit dissatisfied?
It was a pity that his lover was near yet his lover wanted him to marry someone else.
Xie Xi really wanted to pick up the little lion and shake the water off his head, making him
sober! But…
Xie Xi slowly changed clothes, thinking, ‘No wonder why Jiang Xie didn’t express his
feelings, causing me to think about this.’
Still, what could Xie Xi say? He had this broken body and couldn’t help Jiang Xie through
Then Xie Xi had a new worry. What should he do with his sticky clothes?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 264
Collapsing 8 Boundaries 8

Usually, Jiang Xie washed the clothes since it was uncomfortable for Xie Xi to touch cold
water at night.
Jiang Xie refused to let him touch it after he saw Xie Xi’s hands becoming frozen in summer.
Xie Xi saw that this person had grown up and had great strength. Thus, he didn’t bother.
Then what about his clothes now?
The sex education in the village was very well in place and Jiang Xie must realize what had
It was a physiological problem that happened to everyone but it was still very
embarrassing. In particular, Jiang Xie was still in estrus and Xie Xi didn’t want to go to bed
with him.
Going to bed wouldn’t help the person solve the problem!
Xie Xi could draw a clean ball and place it on the clothes.
However, the clean ball had disadvantages. Its cleaning ability was too strong. Not only
would it get rid of the stickiness, it would sweep away all the dirt on the clothes, making the
clothes look new.
How could he explain it to the little lion if the originally yellow clothes suddenly became
snowy white?
Other things such as a washing machine weren’t good. It was simple to draw them but
hiding them was the big problem.
Xie Xi pondered on it for a while before finally drawing a clean ball.
Explaining why his clothes were so clean was much better than explaining why they were
He didn’t know that the little lion had secretly gone to wash his clothes before dawn.
Jiang Xie was even more afraid of being discovered by Xie Xi and didn’t dare to wash in the
cave. In the early morning, he carried a basin to the well at the village entrance and took
advantage of no one being there to vigorously wash his clothes.
The temperature difference between night and day in the Tiger Country was great. It was
hot at noon but cold in the early morning. In particular, the water that just came out of the
well was icy cold.
Jiang Xie urgently needed this cold water. He couldn’t wait to pour this bucket of water
onto his head to calm his boiling self down.
It was just a dream… a dream…
Jiang Xie hypnotized himself while washing his clothes. ‘I won’t treat him like that. I won’t
treat my saviour as a female. Definitely, definitely not!’
After doing enough psychological construction, Jiang Xie returned to the cave just as Xie Xi
also woke up.
Xie Xi had returned to sleep and also deliberately rubbed the clothes everywhere in order
to make it look shabby.
However, he was too aggressive and the neckline opened, exposing half his shoulders when
he got up in a confused manner.
Jiang Xie had done a good job on psychological construction but it collapsed the moment he
saw Xie Xi like this.
Xie Xi noticed his gaze but thought he was aware of the snow-white clothes and hurriedly
said, “It is a bit cold so I wore clothes.”
The moment he opened his mouth, Jiang Xie’s senses returned. He felt the impulses and
turned to leave. “I’m going to cook.”
Xie Xi covered up. “Okay.”
Jiang Xie returned to the kitchen and washed his face, only to suddenly realize a problem.
Previously, he often dressed Xie Xi and Xie Xi never guarded against him. Why today?
A drop of water slipped down his cheek and fell onto his neck, giving a chill.
Did Xie Xi perceive Xie Xi’s thoughts about him?
Jiang Xie squirmed in a shy and afraid manner.
Would Xie Xi drive Jiang Xie away if he knew Jiang Xie’s thoughts?
Xie Xi, who had a ‘teenager’s thoughts’, dressed himself and carefully hid the clothes.
Stay steady. As long as he wore it often, the clothes wouldn’t be white!
As always, Xie Xi went to the village after breakfast to help check the bodies of the tigers.
Tigers rarely suffered from things such as headaches. It was mostly trauma from hunting.
They knew that Xie Xi was physically weak and didn’t bother him with any small injuries
that could be injured by themselves. Only those who wouldn’t stop bleeding would come.
Xie Xi wasn’t secretive. He had studied many prescriptions and handed all of them over to
the villages. It was also convenient since they could go collect the medicine.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xie was having a bad day.
He followed Xie Xi as usual but his heart was like a nest of ants, biting at him constantly.
Whenever Xie Xi ate, Jiang Xie envied the clear water on his lips.
Whenever Xie Xi sat down, Jiang Xie envied the herbs that were touched by the long fingers.
Whenever Xie Xi spoke to people, Jiang Xie envied the tiger Xie Xi was looking at tenderly…
The more Jiang Xie didn’t dare to look, the more he wanted to see. The more he wanted to
see, the more he thought Xie Xi would be aware of it, turning him from cold to roasting hot
in an instant. He felt like he was going crazy.
On this day, Xie Xi felt somewhat strange. Why did he feel that the little lion wasn’t looking
at him?
Had the estrus period already arrived? Or… did this bastard lion really want to find
someone else?
Xie Xi felt that was impossible but he couldn’t help his heart feeling sour.
In the evening, the two men rested after dinner.
Xie Xi asked him, “Aren’t you reading to me?”
Previously before bed, Jiang Xie would sit by Xie Xi’s bed and read to him. This was
something that Xie Xi requested in order to teach him more things.
Jiang Xie’s heart was tight. “I’m a bit tired today.”
He couldn’t control his mind but he could control his body.
He had been thinking about Xie Xi all day and couldn’t go to him at night.
Xie Xi frowned, “Then, look after yourself and do it tomorrow.”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Xi went back to the house and Jiang Xie’s heart slightly relaxed after a day of being
tense. He was probably thinking too much. Xie Xi shouldn’t be aware or else he would invite
Jiang Xie into his room.
This made him relax a bit. As long as Xie Xi didn’t know, Jiang Xie could control himself.
The desires he shouldn’t have would disappear with time.
Jiang Xie ran a few laps. He was sweating profusely when he came back and he went to bed
after taking a bath.
He was so tired then he wouldn’t dream again when falling into bed.
Then he remembered the entire day and how could he not dream again?
Jiang Xie opened his eyes and found himself in the rose garden again.
This time, he was in the pavilion. This place was very wonderful and it was probably
because of the dream that there was a feeling of distortion. It seemed that the sky wasn’t a
sky and the flowers weren’t flowers. Everything seemed very big and only the pavilion was
It was strange that he knew he was dreaming again.
Then Xie Xi came over. He was frowning and seemed a bit annoyed.
Jiang Xie pulled him over. “What’s the matter?”
Xie Xi stared at him.
Jiang Xie couldn’t wait for this person to speak. He didn’t dare do things during the day but
he had no scruples in his dream.
He kissed Xie Xi and acted recklessly.
Sure enough, this was a dream. Xie Xi wasn’t angry and actually catered to him.
Jiang Xie forgot the words that he told himself before sleeping. Not only did he forget, the
feelings also intensified.
He was probably suppressed so the feelings went out of control once an opportunity was
Jiang Xie wiped Xie Xi’s tears and whispered, “I’m sorry…”
While apologizing, he was still bullying Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was dying but his voice changed as soon as it came out of his mouth.
This dream was even more absurd then the last dream and Jiang Xie actually slept until the
sky was bright.
He woke up to feel the coolness on his clothes and his scalp was numb.
It was crazy… really crazy…
Jiang Xie changed clothes and headed like an arrow to the kitchen, hurriedly making
He had never woken up so late and had no time to make porridge for Xie Xi!
Xie Xi had also just woken up.
The dream had happened once and it was over. How come he was dreaming again?
This asshole Jiang Xie, Xie Xi wanted to kill him!
Xie Xi was paralyzed in bed when he realized it was his own dream.
He was speechless as he stared at the bed. Was he dissatisfied? Did he actually want to do it
at night with Jiang Xie?
Abstinence caused him to doubt life.
Jiang Xie was very fortunate. He hurried to make breakfast and Xie Xi showed up slowly.
Jiang Xie pretended he had woken up early and asked Xie Xi, “Did you sleep well last night?”
Xie Xi, “…” He had that dream but he did sleep well.
“It was fine.” Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie. “What about you?”
Jiang Xie’s heart was stabbed as he replied, “It was also very good.”
Xie Xi stirred the porridge in the bowl and casually asked, “Did you have a dream?”
Jiang Xie, “!”
Xie Xi felt some regret after asking. He was silly…
There was a sound as Jiang Xie’s spoon fell on the ground.
Xie Xi glanced at him. ‘What is it?’
Jiang Xie leaned down and picked up the spoon. “I was careless.” He didn’t dare look at the
other person.
Xie Xi blinked and couldn’t tell what was wrong with this boy.
Fortunately, Jiang Xie still had the furry lion’s ears. If it was a human ear then the red tip
would definitely betray him.
The two men miraculously fit. Neither of them found that they had the same dream.
The day passed the same. As the sky darkened, Jiang Xie’s palms started sweating.
The absurdity of two consecutive nights made him both worried and expectant.
He couldn’t continue having these dreams, he really couldn’t continue.
The more immersed he became in the vain dreams, the more he would be unable to escape.
However, when he thought of the happiness in the dream, he felt an uncontrollable
Yesterday, he agreed to read a book tonight. Jiang Xie’s back was straight as he read it
Xie Xi didn’t keep him and only said, “Goodnight.”
Jiang Xie’s voice was a bit low. “Goodnight.”
After leaving Xie Xi’s room, Jiang Xie’s back was covered in sweat. He gently breathed as he
ran around the village longer than yesterday. It wasn’t until nearly early morning that he
took a bath and went to bed.
Jiang Xie still told himself, ‘Don’t have that dream again. You can no longer think about it.’
Once again, he opened his eyes in the garden.
His throat moved as he hugged the man near him and pressed the man into the roses.
Xie Xi’s eyes were wide. “H-How…”
Jiang Xie kissed this person’s lips eagerly until he was dizzy. This was a dream, a dream. It
was all his delusions. Jiang Xie went in without finishing the foreplay.
The third day that he woke up, Jiang Xie sat on the bed and held his chest. He was finished…
He was pretty sure that he was done…
He wanted Xie Xi, he wanted the man who saved his life, gave him a new home and raised
him. He was too despicable, too shameful, too full of a desperate want.
At noon on this time, Huer’s mother invited them to dinner. At the dinner table, she asked
Xie Xi, “Haven’t you decided a wife yet? Xiao Xie’s estrus period will be here at any
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched as he thought, ‘I don’t know about the little lion but I’ve been very
troubled by the dreams for three night.’
Jiang Xie was on the side. He saw that Xie Xi seemed to be thinking and couldn’t help his
heart sinking. “I haven’t met the right person.” He had a person he wanted but this person
was obviously the most unsuitable one.
Xie Xi sighed. “He might want a lion beastman…”
Jiang Xie’s lips thinned but he couldn’t interrupt this person.
Huer’s mother asked, “Do you want to go back to Lion Country.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “We can’t go back yet.”
“Then what will you do?” Huer’s mother didn’t ask them about their private affairs and
changed her words. “You can’t drag it out anymore. Why don’t you go to White Tiger City to
look? It is the capital of the Tiger Country and there are many lion beastmen. Xiao Xie can’t
wait for this matter.”
White Tiger City? Xie Xi’s heart thumped. He couldn’t cure this body but perhaps someone
in this world could cure it?
He couldn’t always stay in this small village. It was better to go out and see. If this body
could be cured then all his problems would be solved.
Xie Xi clapped. “Okay, we’ll leave tomorrow.”
Jiang Xie was tense but said nothing.
On the way to the cave, Jiang Xie said, “Going to White Tiger City will take a day by vehicle.
Can your body withstand it?”
“Yes!” He couldn’t stand the current situation!
Jiang Xie frowned. “I don’t want to go.”
Xie Xi was calculating what to draw to make himself comfortable on the road. He casually
stated, “Don’t make trouble. What will you do when the estrus period arrives?”
Jiang Xie thought about the sweetness of the dream and then the untouchable person in
reality and his heart was stirred up.
“This is my business. You don’t need to care about it…” He was forced to grit his teeth and
continue. “You aren’t my real father!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 265

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 9

Was this the late rebellious period?

The little lion had been too obedient when he was a child and a youth. Now he was
rebellious in adulthood?
Xie Xi wasn’t angry and found it strangely funny.
After all, the main body was an old-fashioned man who always treated Xie Xi as a child.
Xie Xi told the soul, “I’m certainly not your father…” His words were on the focus to stop it
from being a stumbling block to their love. “Still, even as friends, I am entitled to worry
about you.”
His mature sentence made Jiang Xie calm down and fell ashamed.
What was he doing? This was clearly his fault but he was becoming angry with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi had been so kind to him. Xie Xi went to the village with such a body to treat the
villagers. For what reason? It was to get Jiang Xie food!
Now Xie Xi was going to accompany Jiang Xie to the city to find him a wife.
The sickly man was so good to him while he was so fierce.
Jiang Xie wanted to apologize but then he thought of his heart full of feelings the other
person didn’t understand and couldn’t say a word.
Xie Xi sighed, “Well, I don’t know if I’m only going to the city to help you through estrus. I
Halfway through the sentence, Jiang Xie’s heart sank. He remembered the bouquet of
flowers and the villagers’ words.
Was Xie Xi going to White Tiger City to find a companion for himself?
Jiang Xie was well aware that Xie Xi couldn’t look at any tigers in the village…
“I also want to visit a famous doctor to see if there is a cure for this illness.” Xie Xi finished
his words.
Jiang Xie immediately replied, “You take medicine very day and isn’t the effect good?”
He stared at Xie Xi all day and knew that this person took medicine in the morning and
before going to bed. He thought it was a cure but the cycle was long and Xie Xi would slowly
Xie Xi was afraid this person would be worried and didn’t dare say they were temporary
painkillers. He only said, “The medicinal effect has worsened after a long time. I want to go
to the city to find someone to help me retune it.”
The moment these words emerged, Jiang Xie abandoned his cranky thoughts. “Then we will
set off as soon as possible.”
“Why so urgent? Pack your things and have a good night’s sleep. We will go in the
Jiang Xie told him, “Then I’ll go and pack our things first.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Go.”
The matter of sleeping made Xie Xi’s waist feel a bit sore. The three consecutive nights of
dirty dreams made him feel a bit sour.
The two people didn’t have many things to bring with them. There were some clothes to
change into and some tiger currency exchanged in the village.
Xie Xi might be so weak he had to catch his breath with every step but his skill as a ‘brilliant
doctor’ was enough to support him.
Not only did he exchange a lot of food from the village for Jiang Xie, he also saved a lot of
money and it now came in handy.
Jiang Xie was packing up Xie Xi’s clothes and saw the snow-white clothes.
Xie Xi had used the cleaning ball for three nights and the clothes weren’t dirty at all!
Jiang Xie wondered, “Why do I remember these clothes…”
Xie Xi cleared his throat. “I wanted to say that you washed the clothes to clean. Huer’s
mother asked what soap you used?”
Jiang Xie shook his head. “I just washed it as usual.”
“That’s great.” Xie Xi desperately placed the blame on him. “You can go to the laundry shop
to make money.”
Jiang Xie was still thinking.
Xie Xi threw the killing blow. “Okay, what’s so good about a man’s clothes?”
This was like a fire that ignited a mess in Jiang Xie’s head. He realized that he was holding
Xie Xi’s clothes. Only then did he discover that he was staring at the last barrier wrapped
around Xie Xi’s body without thinking.
In an instant, the snowy white clothes were like a hot yam as they were placed into the bag
by Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi sighed with relief and felt that he had muddled through, as long as there weren’t any
more strange dreams tonight.
It shouldn’t happen anymore… even if it was in a dream, he had vented and shouldn’t be so
Xie Xi thought for a long time before going to bed and finally took the snowy white clothes
out of the bag and put them on.
It was better to be safe than sorry. The old boatman used to walking on a steep rope had to
understand how to carefully steer the ship.
He slept and opened his eyes.
Xie Xi was immediately kissed. Why did it happen again? Xie Xi pushed away the man
holding him. “Today…”
He hadn’t finished when he felt a tingling from his butt. He turned and saw that he actually
had a cat tail. He noticed Jiang Xie’s line of sight and show his ears. Jiang Xie immediately
leaned over and kissed the furry cat ears.
Xie Xi, “!”
How did he become like this?
Jiang Xie held the tail and stated. “It’s so cute.”
The low voice made Xie Xi’s legs soft and he couldn’t stand it.
After waking up, Xie Xi was frozen. What was this? Did he subconsciously want to dress like
a cat and have sex with Jiang Xie?
People said that the things you thought about during the day would appear in your dream
at night but Xie Xi swore that he had never thought about something like this!
Why did this dream appear?
Xie Xi leaned against the bed and had to re-examine himself…
The lion had given up on himself.
He was becoming more and more absurd. He actually dreamt of Xie Xi as a half-beastman.
Was he a black tiger? The ears and tail were black and somewhat like a kitten. They were
soft and sensitive, one touch making them twitch.
Jiang Xie had slept all night but the fire wasn’t turned off. This fantasy meant he couldn’t
wait to fall asleep again.
Fortunately, the movements next door made him calm down. He took a cold shower and
warmed up the porridge left from last night.
Xie Xi seemed to be thinking about things. He sat down and had a soulless expression.
Jiang Xie stared at this person quietly. He thought that the hair was black as ink, the skin as
white as snow and the neckline was very good… he was full of gestures when he was
excited and raised his head to let Jiang Xie kiss him.
Xie Xi sighed. “Little Xie, can you help me with the meat?” He normally ate porridge because
he didn’t dare eat a lot. He had no appetite this morning but he would be on the road all
day. If he didn’t eat then his body would have even less energy.
Jiang Xie’s senses returned but he didn’t dare get up. “If you eat that, you will be thirsty on
the road.”
Xie Xi felt like he was still in the dream. Why did he feel that the little lion’s voice was a bit…
He replied, “It’s okay if I only eat a bit.”
Jiang Xie’s eyelids lowered. “Okay, I’ll get it.”
He got up in a slightly awkward manner but Xie Xi was also worrying about something and
didn’t notice.
Jiang Xie went to the kitchen and looked down at the tent in his pants, his heart very
He really couldn’t go on like this anymore…
Such dreams couldn’t be done anymore…
Before they set off, many people in the village came to send them away. Everyone felt that
the father and son wouldn’t come back and were feeling very sad.
Xie Xi also felt strange. At first, he was bullied by the naughty children but after becoming
familiar with them, the people here lived a very simple but steady life.
Huer’s mother wiped her tears. “Mr Xie is free to often come back.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
Wang Huer was still childish. “Little Xie, came back with your wife and play!”
Jiang Xie, “…”
Xie Xi spoke for him, “If he really marries then we must come back for a party.”
People were happy and talked about city wives.
Perhaps it was due to the last sentence but along the way, Jiang Xie didn’t talk that much to
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi also couldn’t be bothered to coax this person. He might’ve drawn a shock-proof belt
for himself but he was almost killed by this carriage!
Jiang Xie didn’t speak but he was paying attention to the situation and took care of Xie Xi
very well.
They set off in the morning and only arrived at the city at sunset. After finding a nearby
hotel, Xie Xi couldn’t walk anymore.
The hotel staff member told them, “Guests, we only have one room left. Can you share?”
Xie Xi didn’t want to find another place and replied, “Okay.”
Jiang Xie knew this person was tired and couldn’t bear to say anything.
The staff member replied, “Okay, I’ll get hot water!”
Xie Xi previously always let Jiang Xie help him have a bath but how did he dare do that
The little lion didn’t seem to be in estrus yet but what if he tried to hook up?
Xie Xi didn’t want to die in bed…
The room wasn’t bad. There were one bedroom and a bathroom. There was a set of table
and chairs in the bedroom as a place to drink tea or even write something.
The bathroom was separate but there was only one bed for sleeping.
Xie Xi was slightly nervous. After four days of dreams, he had lost confidence in himself. If
they slept together, would he do something to Jiang Xie in the middle of the night?
Oh, he would be dead after finishing…
This joke was really cold.
Before going to sleep, Jiang Xie suggested, “You sleep in the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
Xie Xi reluctantly told him, “The bed is so big and there are two quilts. We can sleep
Jiang Xie feared that Xie Xi would discover his thoughts and didn’t dare protest too much.
In special circumstances, it was normal for two males to sleep together. He only felt it was
suspicious because he had a ghost in his heart.
The two men were wrapped in their own quilts, one on the outside and one in the inside, as
if there was a river in the middle.
Xie Xi told Jiang Xie, “Have a good dream.”
Jiang Xie felt itchy when he heard these words but he replied gently, “Have a good dream.”
Still, he didn’t fall asleep immediately.
Jiang Xie opened his eyes in bed as he heard Xie Xi’s breathing sound. His entire body
seemed to be floating in the clouds… his body and mind were floating but there was a risk
of falling from a high altitude.
Xie Xi fell asleep.
Jiang Xie also slowly fell asleep.
The two of them woke up in the garden at the same time.
The wonderful thing was that this time they had a bed and were sleeping while holding
each other.
For a moment, Jiang Xie couldn’t tell if this was a dream or reality. He knew after hearing
Xie Xi’s seductive sounds…
It was a dream. Jiang Xie kissed the other person the neck and roughly undressed him.
Xie Xi half-pushed him away and half gave him permission.
Jiang Xie simply loved Xie Xi like this. He wished he could stay in this dream forever and
never wake up.
However, it was a dream that he would wake up from. Jiang Xie felt the warmth in his arms
and it should still be a dream…
He bowed his head and kissed the dry lips. Then Xie Xi opened his eyes, the black eyes full
of panic. In an instant, Jiang Xie was like a frozen ice cave.
White Tiger City’s palace.
The silver-white hall was magnificent. The dome was a beautiful glass window carved with
numerous blooming roses and the sun shone down, as if scattering the brilliance of the
flowers into the hall.
There was a mall in the hall who was fully covered by a white cloak, not even a single
strand of hair exposed.
At this time, the door opened and a guard hurriedly entered, kneeling on the ground.
“National Teacher, His Majesty has returned to the capital!”
The man turned sharply, snow-like white hair slipping out of the cloak because of the fast

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 266

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 10

The man’s voice was cold and rang in the empty hall like a cold wind blowing through the
open window.
The guard bowed his head and reported, “This subordinate has constantly been paying
attention to the King’s Mark and found that it is in a constant state of brightness.”
The King’s Mark was a sacred item and would only light up when the owner was within a
limited range.
The King’s Mark had been sleeping for so long. The fact that it was bright could only
represent that its master was around.
The man was stunned and only whispered after a long time, “Search the capital and lock
down His Majesty’s position.”
The guard replied, “Yes!”
The hall emptied and the man stood still. His appearance was hidden by the cloak and the
only thing that fell outside was the white hair and clenched fists.
It was a very beautiful hand even if it was tightly held in the form of a fist. It could be
imagined how perfect the hand would be when it was spread out.
Xie Xi wasn’t aware that his whereabouts were revealed in this manner. He was currently
panicking about his little lion…
Was it this bad? They just slept together and the little lion entered the estrus period?
Xie Xi didn’t want to die in bed.
Jiang Xie quickly shot up and almost fell off the bed.
Xie Xi wanted to pull him up but couldn’t. “Little…” He couldn’t continue because he saw
Jiang Xie’s risen clothes.
Jiang Xie also noticed his gaze and turned red as he rushed into the bathroom.
Xie Xi also felt an awkwardness from his own body. After all, he just had such a dream.
He weakly drew a cleaning ball and washed his clothes. The advantage of his clothes being
white was that the cleaning ball couldn’t make it whiter.
It didn’t seem to be estrus yet? Xie Xi thought about the situation described by Huer’s
mother and felt that if it was the true estrus period, the little lion wouldn’t be able to leave
so calmly.
Was it just that after growing up, the lion had thoughts about him? Xie Xi never doubted
that Jiang Xie would like himself or that Jiang Xie would fall in love at first sight. After all, he
had witnessed it so many times.
It was just a bit wrong this time. Xie Xi was afraid to do anything when his body was so bad.
The little lion was young and vigorous. How could Xie Xi endure it? Thus, he couldn’t drag it
out and had to hurry to find a way to cure his body!
On one side, Xie Xi was suffering while on the other side, Jiang Xie was also in shock.
He kissed Xie Xi, it was a real kiss. It wasn’t a dream or a fantasy. It was a real touch on Xie
Xi’s dry lips. It was as beautiful as the dream… no, it was better than the dream. It was soft
and sweet enough to paralyze his heart.
After the unspeakable taste was an abyss where he couldn’t see any light. Xie Xi’s panicked
expression and the uneasiness at which he clung to the quilt were deadly vipers that bit at
Jiang Xie’s internal organs.
He was… surely disgusted. Jiang Xie clung to the edge of the bathtub as if to crush the wood.
What should he do? Was Xie Xi disappointed in him?
By the time Jiang Xie emerged from the bathroom, Xie Xi was already dressed neatly.
Neither of them spoke or looked at each other.
Jiang Xie thought a lot… it didn’t matter if Xie Xi scolded him or felt disgusted.
He couldn’t leave Xie Xi now. He could only safely leave after the other person’s body was
The thought of leaving caused Jiang Xie’s heart to split into two halves.
In his short life, the memories of his family were limited to his father’s kind smile and his
sister’s warm words.
He was too young when the accident happened at home and it was a miracle that the little
lion could escape the disaster.
Then there was only Xie Xi in his life.
Xie Xi’s body was weak but this man gave him the warmth of a family, working tirelessly to
treat people and exchange food for Jiang Xie.
The people of the village said that Jiang Xie was obedient and did all the housework. It was
appropriate for Xie Xi to take care of him.
However, without Xie Xi, the young Jiang Xie could only starve to death. It was the man with
thin shoulders who really supported the family.
Jiang Xie knew all about it and was very grateful and willing to do everything he could. He
didn’t know why such admiration had changed.
Why did he have dreams like that, why did he think too much about Xie Xi, why was he so
Why was his beating heart full of attachment to Xie Xi? It was just estrus. Why did he want
a male like himself? Why? Jiang Xie didn’t know.
It was just that the thought of separating made him as sad as if there was only darkness in
front of him.
There was a knock on the door and the staff member asked, “Are the guests awake?
Breakfast is ready.” Last night, they had mentioned the time they would get up which was
why the employee came.
Xie Xi replied, “We’ve woken up. You can enter.”
The employee opened the door and served a simple breakfast. “There is a bowl of rice
porridge and meat. The eggs and side dishes are served in the hotel. The two of you will
have to go there.”
The employee put down the things to leave when Xie Xi asked him, “Is there a spare room
today? We’ll be staying here for a few more days.”
The employee asked, “You want another room?”
Xie Xi replied, “Yes.”
“I’m not certain yet. If someone checks out in the afternoon then I’ll keep it for you.”
Xie Xi thanked him.
The entire time, Jiang Xie didn’t speak. In fact, it was enough for the two of them to live in
this room. The hotel had prepared two sets of bedding and it was very spacious.
Jiang Xie’s heart was bitter. It wasn’t easy for Xie Xi to save money and now he had to pay
twice as much.
Xie Xi didn’t mention the morning incident and treated Jiang Xie as if nothing happened.
However, Jiang Xie was sharp and noticed that Xie Xi was keeping a distance from him.
They weren’t face to face when eating and in the carriage ride, they weren’t next to each
other. Even at the medical center, Xie Xi went up the stairs alone.
Jiang Xie didn’t dare take the initiative to help and could only carefully follow along, afraid
of this person falling.
Xie Xi’s faint alienation was torture for Jiang Xie.
He thought he should be thankful and this was the best result, but he couldn’t control his
sense of reason. The huge sense of loss was like a collapsed dome thrown at him.
He had never thought it but after being so clearly rejected, he felt very uncomfortable.
They lined up at the medical hall and it was their turn around noon.
The doctor was famous in the city and had many banners hanging behind him such as
‘Miracle Doctor’ and ‘Doctor’s Heart.’ The doctor himself was kind-hearted. Despite
working all morning, he wasn’t irritable at all.
Once Xie Xi sat down, the doctor asked, “Do you have a past medical record?”
Xie Xi shook his head. “I was previously in a remote village and haven’t seen anyone.”
The doctor didn’t say anything and gave him several tests. This world was quite mixed. It
had an ancient style but a lot of technology was also developed.
The doctor’s brow became tighter and tighter. Xie Xi saw him like this and knew that it
wasn’t curable. On the side, Jiang Xie couldn’t help asking, “How is it?”
The doctor paused and asked Jiang Xie, “You are…”
The villagers called them father and son because they had seen Jiang Xie as a child.
In front of an unfamiliar person, the tall Jiang Xie was more like Xie Xi’s brother
Xie Xi replied, “He is my family. Doctor, you can talk directly to me.”
The word ‘family’ was quite vague but this was a private matter and it wasn’t convenient
for outsiders to ask.
The doctor looked at Xie Xi’s demeanour and sighed, the thoughts in his heart unknown. “I
will give you a prescription. Go back and take it a while to see.”
Xie Xi understood that this meant there was no cure but Jiang Xie didn’t understand.
Xie Xi didn’t want to let Jiang Xie worry and answered, “Thank you, Doctor.”
He took his prescription and Jiang Xie immediately stood up. “I’ll go and get the medicine.”
Once he left, Xie Xi asked, “Doctor, is there really no cure for my illness?”
The doctor looked at him. “I can’t do it. In today’s world, if there is anyone who can cure
such a serious illness, I’m afraid it is only the national teacher.”
Xie Xi was shocked.
The doctor shook his head. “It is just that the national teacher is busy with the country’s
affairs and has no time to see ordinary people.”
The implication was that even if there was a cure… Xie Xi couldn’t afford it.
Xie Xi hadn’t thought too much previously but now he had to pay attention to the Tiger
Country’s national teacher.
This was Leo’s quasi-world. How was this national teacher so important.
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about when he saw Virgo when entering this quasi-world.
It shouldn’t be…
Xie Xi wasn’t unwilling to admit it but he felt it was impossible.
It was true that there was an angel and demon version in Gemini’s world but in essence, it
was Gemini and only the memories were sealed.
This was Leo’s quasi-world. How could the collapsed worlds mix together?
Wait, Xie Xi suddenly woke up. Collapsing 12 Boundaries itself was 12 broken worlds!
Xie Xi’s heart jumped at such a thought. Was the national teacher really Virgo?
The quasi-worlds of two constellations became one small world?
It was broken… He only cared about the little lion and completely neglected Virgo. Wasn’t
this ruining himself?
At this time, Jiang Xie came back with the medicine.
The two people said goodbye to the doctor and went back to the hotel together.
Xie Xi thought of many things along the way. He was the beast king. If Virgo was the
national teacher then they must have a pre-existing summary!
Why did he disappear? What happened with the national teacher’s betrayal of the beast
king? In addition, how did his body become like this?
Xie Xi was thinking about business but Jiang Xie thought he was still troubled by this
He was somber as he told Xie Xi, “Once you take this medicine and become well, I..”
Xie Xi didn’t understand what he was saying. “Hrmm?”
“I will leave.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Jiang Xie told him, “I always wanted to walk around and see the scenery of the Tiger
Xie Xi let go of Virgo and first appeased the little lion. “What will you do if your estrus
Jiang Xie started to hate these words. In order to let Xie Xi felt at ease, he replied, “…I can
meet the person I like when I go out.”
Xie Xi was startled and didn’t answer.
What the hell was this?
If he didn’t clarify things, the little lion would want to run. If he did, this body would kill
him. In order to cure the disease, he had to go to the national teacher. The national teacher
was likely to be another Jiang XIe and this… Xie Xi realized the long-lost taste of death.
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything else and took his clothes to go to the other room.
Xie Xi wasn’t sure what to do and could only let him go.
Jiang Xie didn’t sleep all night because he didn’t want to have that dream again.
Since he would dream of Xie Xi when he closed his eyes, he wouldn’t sleep.
Once he was too sleepy, he wouldn’t have the heart to dream those messy things again.
He would be leaving soon and it was absolutely impossible between him and Xie Xi. Rather
than letting Xie Xi hate him, it was better to separate.
Xie Xi could be considered to have a good sleep and didn’t dream anything.
He was still a bit tired when waking up because he had too many worries.
He had to find a way to see the national teacher. As long as he saw the person, he would
know if it was Jiang Xie or not.
Once he judged Virgo’s presence, he could decide what to do next.
However, how could he just meet the national teacher?
Xie Xi was anxious all morning and couldn’t eat breakfast.
He looked up and saw that Jiang Xie was also tired. He couldn’t help asking, “You didn’t
sleep well?”
“It was fine.”
Xie Xi requested, “Accompany me for a walk today.”
He couldn’t make any progress staying in his room. He would go out and have a look.
Unexpectedly for Xie Xi, there was big progress the moment he left his room.
This hotel was a three storey building and they lived on the second floor. The two people
finished breakfast in their room and went out to find it was silent.
Xie Xi just walked down the stairs and saw a group of kneeling person.
The man in the front was particularly eye-catching. He wore a white cloak as he knelt on
one knee, his cold voice incompatible with this little hotel. “Your Majesty, I am requesting
you to please return to the palace.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 267

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 11

The small hotel, which had been noisy in the past, was currently so quiet it was as if the air
had solidified.
Behind the white-cloaked man were guards in black armour. They knelt neatly and even
their breathing was so quiet that it was inaudible. Black and white, hard metal armour and
soft white robe, the guards and the man in front formed a sharp contrast, like a moon in the
dark winter night.
However, this moonlight wasn’t gentle. It was a coldness that condensed everything.
It was enough for Xie Xi to take a look.
This was Jiang Xie.
He had fallen when entering the quasi-world and truly touched Virgo. He promised two
Jiang Xies at the same time so two worlds were brought together!
Leo Jiang was the little lion of the Lion Country while Virgo Jiang was the national teacher
of the Tiger Country. He was Beast King Rose of the Tiger Country.
Just based on these identities, Xie Xi could see how much of a play that Jiang Xie had
Xie Xi’s brain started hurting.
He didn’t make a sound and the hotel remained in a frozen state, no one daring to make a
There were many ordinary people kneeling in the corner.
The little employee who served Xie Xi was stunned. ‘Your Majesty? This weak man who
would be blown away by the wind, the one who must be supported while walking, the man
who only drank half a bowl of porridge is their beast king? National Teacher, you have the
wrong person!’
The diners who had been eating breakfast were stunned Who would think it? They were
leisurely chatting and eating in a small black when guards of the palace arrived, headed by
the greatest power of the Tiger Country!
What’s more, the national teacher came here to meet the king? Who was the king? Don’t
bully them! They had never seen a national hero before!
Of course, the most shocked one was Leo.
The little lion had suffered from internal torture and couldn’t sleep. He saw the scene in
front of him and thought he was dreaming.
What was going on? Who were these people? Who were they calling a king?
At this time, Xie Xi raised a hand by his side. “Get up.’
Jiang Xie’s pupils shrank and he turned to look at Xie Xi.”You…”
Xie Xi took his hand, half as support and half as comfort.
Jiang Xie’s senses returned and he woodenly followed Xie Xi down the stairs.
Xie Xi reached the last step and the white-robed man stood up. As he rose, the armoured
soldiers behind him stood up as if they had been given instructions.
The soldiers looked like elites and they stood straight like tall pines.
Under such awe-inspiring pressure, the white-robed man was still outstanding and his
momentum wasn’t suppressed at all.
Xie Xi was nearly a head shorter than him. At this time, he stood on the last step and just
managed to look into this person’s eyes.
However, the white-robed man bowed his head respectfully and didn’t look at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi stared at Virgo and felt complicated for a while.
Among the many souls, the poor sixth prince of Atlantis and Houqing of Wonderful Painting
of the Mountains and Seas were definitely the most pitiful and distressing.
Virgo in front of him looked exactly the same as Houqing.
It was true that this soul had long been taken back but Jiang Xie had just many faces. There
were more souls and there was inevitably repetition.
In Central, Jiang Xie had asked Jiang Xie about the basis for the souls’ appearance.
Jiang Xie had replied, “Of course, they are all handsome.”
“Explain it.”
Jiang Xie said, “I have a variety of appearances when doing my tasks. These are all the
appearances I have used before.”
The same was true for Xie Xi. The tasks required a role in the quasi-world and it was
normal to have different faces.
Jiang Xie placed a layer of gold over himself. “Aren’t they all handsome?”
Xie Xi unceremoniously poked at him. “You only picked a few handsome people from
thousands of bodies, right?”
The unlucky Jiang who had walked through thousands of worlds was stabbed in a painful
part and started to madly plant strawberries.
Virgo in front of Xie Xi wasn’t Houqing but he was clearly Jiang Xie.
It wasn’t good for Xie Xi to keep staring. He could only retract his gaze and speak lightly.
“The national teacher has worked hard.” After all, Xie Xi had been a president and could still
put on airs.
The national teacher’s voice was calm. “It is this subordinate’s duty to welcome Your
Majesty back to the palace.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything more and just walked past this person.
From beginning to end, he held Leo’s hand. The little lion’s mind was blank. It was only
when he saw the magnificent Rose Palace that his senses slowly returned.
Xie Xi was Beast King Rose, the great leader who unified the eight countries and created a
prosperous age.
Jiang Xie’s mind wandered. The words and sentences were clear but put together, he
couldn’t equate the legendary man with this person who was so weak that the wind could
blow him away.
How could Xie Xi be Beast King Rose?
How could this man who saved his life and raised him into adulthood be such a distant
figure in the sky?
Then he saw Xie Xi walking ahead of the group. This person might be weak but there was a
superior air about him.
It turned out that there was a natural distance between them.
He had talked a lot about taking care of this person but in fact, Xie Xi never needed him.
Jiang Xie stared at the roses that were like a carpet in the palace and it was as if he entered
the dream again.
It was strange that he clearly didn’t know Xie Xi was the beast king yet he still dreamt of
this rose garden.
He heard that the palace of Beast King Rose had the most beautiful garden. The white roses
were like winter snow and had the magic to wash everything.
Jiang Xie had never seen it but he seemed to have dreamt it.
Xie Xi’s return to the palace was ostentatious. The entire palace was respectful and there
was even a quiet murderous air.
Xie Xi was steady on the surface but he was actually inwardly panicking.
It was rumoured that the beast king was betrayed by the national teacher before he
It was rumoured that the real power of the Tiger Country was the national teacher.
It was rumoured that the national teacher tried to kill the beast king in order to seize
It was rumoured that the country’s ruler was extremely strict and the decrees were harsh…
Xie Xi felt regret. If he had known earlier that there was another Jiang Xie, he would’ve
probed the situation.
Now he was welcomed back to the palace but he didn’t know the script!
Fortunately, Xie Xi firmly believed that Jiang Xie wouldn’t harm himself (it was hard to say
there was no pit or to know how deep the pit was). It definitely wouldn’t be dangerous to
return to the palace and it was an opportunity to cure his body.
In line with the principle of constant change, Xie Xi decided to pretend to the end. In any
case, he was the king and there was no problem with being cold!
The national teacher never looked at Leo and acted like this little lion was a worthless
He whispered, “Your Majesty, do you want to bathe and change clothes?”
Xie Xi nodded before turning to the little lion. “You didn’t sleep well last night. Go and rest.”
The little lion stared at him.
Xie Xi calmed him with a smile. “Wait and I’ll find you later.”
Xie Xi patted him on the back of the hand. “I didn’t mean to hide this from you. I just didn’t
have a chance to talk about it.”
The lion looked down and Xie Xi spoke again. “Do you think I look like the beast king at all?
If I told you, would you believe it?” In any case, Xie Xi was a senior ‘scum’ and knew how to
coax people.
Leo replied, “If you said it then I would’ve believed you.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “You weren’t so obedient when you were in the village.”
The lion immediately thought about the matter of marrying and a sharp sting occurred in
his chest. He couldn’t speak and his heart was empty. There was the distant feeling of the
earth shaking, the pressure causing him to be breathless.
Xie Xi told the lion warmly, “Go to rest and I’ll see you later.”
The lion nodded and left with the servant.
Xie Xi got rid of Leo in order to explore the situation on the national teacher’s side.
Why on earth did he leave the palace? The national teacher didn’t show signs of wanting to
rebel. So what happened between them?
Xie Xi had a great imagination but he couldn’t guess the script of Old Jiang.
What should he say to the national teacher? Xie Xi didn’t know.
At this time, a servant came and saluted first to Xie Xi. “Your Majesty.” Then he spoke to the
national teacher. “It has been arranged.”
The national teacher nodded and the servant retreated.
Don’t look at this servant saluted to Xie Xi first. It seemed very respectful but he was
actually watching Jiang Xie the whole time.
This was also normal. After all, he had been missing for so long. It was true that the eight
countries were in chaos but it wasn’t difficult for the national teacher to suppress the Tiger
The national teacher told Xie Xi, “Your Majesty, please.”
Xie Xi entered the hall.
The palace of Tiger Country was very characteristic of Jiang Xie and had roses everywhere.
The sunlight passed through the dome and the glass pattern of the glass window reflected
on the smooth floor, making people feel like they were among flowers.
Xie Xi walked into the spacious bathroom and was bathed in a pool of blue light shining
from the lake.
This should be a hot spring pool. A hot fog surrounded the entire space. On the exquisite
rockery above, water poured down like a miniature waterfall. There were also three pools
of water.
The colour of the water was very beautiful. It was crystal clear so that the bottom was seen
and there was even a light fragrance.
There were no bystanders in the bathroom and the national teacher told him, “I will help
you undress.”
Xie Xi thought in his heart, ‘Aren’t you the national teacher? Is the national teacher still
responsible for this type of work?’
Never mind the fact that this national teacher was the ‘master’ of the Tiger Country.
Xie Xi gently nodded.
The master of the country first took off his cloak. The long hair that was like snow spread
out. This wasn’t the silver of Yan Zhe’s hair. It was a pure white and looked like cold snow
even in this hot bathroom.
It was very beautiful but inexplicably brought some sorrow.
Xie Xi noticed that there was a ruby encrusted jade in this person’s hair. The bright red
formed a sharp contrast with the white hair, as if blood had fallen onto snow.
Was this… a rose?
Xie Xi remembered the villagers saying that Beast King Rose was born with a stud earring
on his left ear.
Xie Xi wasn’t wearing any earrings now but the ruby jade was as small as an earring.
Xie Xi kept an eye on the details and tried to guess the situation.
The national teacher helped Xie Xi with his clothing and Xie Xi didn’t act uncomfortable.
They were like an old husband and wife.
As the clothes were pulled down, the national teacher saw the wound on Xie Xi’s chest and
his eyelids trembled. However, he said nothing.
He didn’t say anything and Xie Xi wouldn’t take the initiative to open his mouth. In the end,
he didn’t even know the national teacher’s name.
Xie Xi got in the water and he sighed as he soaked in the pool. It was really comfortable.
His body was tired from the long walk and it was wonderful that it could rest like this.
He had just sighed with relief when he saw the national teacher kneeling by the pool.
It wasn’t on one knee but on both knees, like an unforgivable man waiting for the death
Xie Xi heard the national teacher’s quivering voice in the empty bathroom. “Your Majesty,
please come back. I… this subordinate will never ask for that again.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 268

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 12

Xie Xi, “…”

He was distressed but he also caught a lot of clues from the words.
Then it seemed the confession had failed? Did he leave the palace to escape the national
teacher? Then what about the injury on his body?
The beast king who unified the eight kingdoms couldn’t have such a ruined body, right?
It was impossible for Jiang Xie to hurt him. So what the hell was going on?
Xie Xi restrained his thoughts and looked at the national teacher. “If I cared about it, I
wouldn’t have returned to the capital.”
The national teacher looked up, pale grey eyes seeming to reflect the blue water. “You
aren’t leaving?”
“Not for the time being.”
The words ‘time being’ caused the national teacher’s mouth to tighten but he didn’t say
Xie Xi added, “However, I’ve been idle for too long and don’t want to take care of state
affairs. Those matters will be handed to you.” If he had to stay up late to work overtime, he
would die in this rose palace.”
The national teacher was surprised before instantly replying, “It is the responsibility of this
subordinate to share Your Majesty’s worries.”
Xie Xi leaned against the edge of the pool and closed his eyes. “Yes.”
He didn’t dare have Jiang Xie leave. He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to reach the
shore after soaking for a long time. Drowning in this pool of water would be a disgrace.
The national teacher also didn’t want to go and got up. “I will help you bathe.”
What was this service? Xie Xi always felt it wasn’t right.
It should just be a simple bath but there was the failed confession after all…
Xie Xi’s eyes opened slightly. He pretended to be unconcerned but he was actually glancing
The national teacher’s clothes were wet and his snow coloured hair touched the blue water
in a breathtaking sight.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped.
The old hooligan Jiang Xie showed such a look, it was really amazing…
Xie Xi closed his eyes.
His recent dreams were a bit bad and he couldn’t become carried away!
There was Leo in the palace. If he started something with the national teacher, what should
the little lion do?
Solving one problem for another to float up had happened to him many times and Xie Xi
understood. If he wanted to maintain the balance, he had to keep his distance!
Xie Xi’s mind wandered and he couldn’t help smiling bitterly. He wasn’t only a slag, he was
a green tea slag.
Well… this green tea slag wanted to commit domestic violence!
The national teacher behaved very well. His clothes weren’t off and his posture was as pure
as his hair colour. As for whether the heart was perverted or not, Xie Xi didn’t know.
The national teacher took a new towel and gently cleaned Xie Xi’s body.
Xie Xi could feel this person’s breath and once his eyes opened, he could see this person’s
focused look.
In order to prevent himself from being unruly, he closed his eyes and held himself firmly
and stably.
The national teacher’s gaze was on Xie Xi’s chest, staring closely at the scar.
Xie Xi ate a painkiller and there was no pain at all, but his body was too weak.
The national teacher asked softly, “It hurts, right?”
Xie Xi’s ears were itchy because this person’s voice was too good, gentle and helpless. It
was a magnetic voice that was really charming at close range.
Xie Xi was manly. “It’s okay.’
“Today it is too late. I will have someone prepare a medicinal bath tomorrow. You can use it
at dawn.”
Xie Xi also wanted to cure his body and quickly responded.
Unfortunately, the national teacher didn’t talk about the meaning of this injury. He certainly
knew it but he didn’t want to mention it.
It wasn’t good for Xie Xi to ask.
In this situation, Xie Xi had thought about directly throwing out amnesia and stating that he
had forgotten. Things should start over.
However, he thought it was the wrong path to take.
He had to pretend to know the former feelings to bluff these two people. If he really lost his
amnesia, he would face the ‘do you love him or love me’ life and death!
Thus, he couldn’t lose his memory and could only act like a detective. He would try to figure
out the plot and capture the entry point, so that he could repair both of them.
It sounded simple but actually doing it… oh, who knows?
Xie Xi changed clothes after the bath.
The silver-white clothing had a faint rose pattern that was very dark. It only reflected a bit
when the sun shone to reveal the extraordinary embroidery.
To Xie Xi’s surprise, this suit fit him very well. Was he so thin before?
Then how were the eight countries unified and the beast king not attacked from all
Why was he a weak chicken?
It was said that people relied on clothes the way a horse relied on the saddle. Xie Xi looked
much better with new clothing.
It was reasonable to say he wasn’t too young. After all, the eight countries had been divided
for many years.
Still, his face alone looked very young, as if he was only 18 or 19.
The national teacher didn’t wait for him to dress. Jiang Xie just soaked himself in the water
and now he had to look after himself.
He soon emerged with changed clothes and Xie Xi’s eyes couldn’t help shining.
This type of white hair was really beyond the control of ordinary people. The temperament
of the national teacher was too good. Just like the cold moon in the sky, the light was cold.
The national teacher bowed to him and Xie Xi raised his hand.
The master of this country put on his hood as he walked out of the palace with Xie Xi.
It seemed that he didn’t want anyone to see his appearance apart from Xie Xi.
Was there something particular about this?
Xie Xi noticed the details but couldn’t figure out the reason.
The dinner was very rich and after Xie Xi was seated, the little lion arrived late.
He had also rested and put on clean clothing, making his tall body look handsome.
The moment he came in, he saw Xie Xi in the centre. It was a strange but familiar Xie Xi,
dressed in royal clothes and looking high above.
He was still the same person who caused Jiang Xie’s heart to jump but he seemed a bit
further away.
The palace was naturally regulated. The king had the king’s seat and the guests had the
guests’ seat. They couldn’t sit together.
The little lion bowed and Xie Xi told him, “There is no need to be polite.”
The little lion felt very complicated and he hung his head when he sat down.
There was a long table and only the two of them were sitting. The national teacher didn’t
sit, he just stood behind Xie Xi and watched the waiters serve the dishes.
Xie Xi didn’t invite the national teacher to dine with him.
The table was clearly for two people and everything was arranged by the national teacher.
The teacher felt he shouldn’t be seated so Xie Xi couldn’t rashly invite him.
He was afraid to make ‘presumptuous demands’ and was happy to stabilize the situation.
The meal was quiet and the dishes were delicious, meaning Xie Xi’s appetite was good.
He just wanted to grab another piece of pumpkin cake when the national teacher spokes
softly, ”Your Majesty, there is more glutinous rice in this pumpkin cake. You can’t eat too
much at night.”
The little lion who wanted to open his mouth stared at the national teacher in a stunned
Xie Xi didn’t want to get up in the middle of the night to take painkillers and had to put it
A lot of fish and meat couldn’t be eaten, small cakes and pastries couldn’t be digested and
he was tired of porridge. Xie Xi put down his chopsticks after eating non-salty and
refreshing clothes.
At the end of the dinner, Xie Xi told the national teacher, “You should go since you are busy.
I also have something to do.”
The national teacher didn’t ask. “Okay.”
Xie Xi waited for him to leave before immediately looking at Leo.
He had to hurry to talk to Leo. He couldn’t stabilize one side and forget the other side.
The two people sat in this gorgeous palace and for a time, he didn’t know where to start.
It was surprising that the two men who were living frugally in a cave a few days ago were
now in a magnificent palace.
Xie Xi opened his mouth first. “I didn’t intend to come back.”
This opening should be pretty good.
Le’s heart was caught and he couldn’t help asking, “Why did you leave the palace in the first
Xie Xi also wanted to know this question.
He was silent but Leo definitely wouldn’t think that Xie Xi didn’t know. He just thought it
was too inconvenient to say and realized he was reckless. He looked down and said, “I’m
Xie Xi told him, “It’s fine.”
Leo leaned back and wondered, “Did you go back to being a king because of me?”
Xie Xi thought that this little white-eyed lion could be a bit aware.
However, Jiang Xie was the type of person who couldn’t be boasted about. His brain circuit
rushed into outer space. “I don’t want to get married.”
This good boy. He thought that Xie Xi didn’t hesitate to reveal his identity and become king
again just to find him a wife?
Xie Xi felt liver pain. “Then what do you want to do?”
In any case, he had got in touch with the national teacher and his body will be fine sooner
or later. He would first lay the groundwork.
Jiang Xie was completely disconnected before his brain found some strength. “In any case, I
won’t get married!”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie told him, “Your Majesty must be tired. Rest early.”
Then he left without looking back.
Xie Xi wanted to pull his ear and lecture him. How could he not understand those words?
Did he want Xie Xi to say it?
Okay… Xie Xi reflected for a moment. This little lion looked big but in fact, he was just over
one year old.
Thus, Xie Xi restrained himself.
This world’s adulthood was completely different from that of humans but he still felt
Xie Xi yawned as he got into bed, only to have a thought in his heart. Would he have
another sex dream?
He shouldn’t think about it. He didn’t want it and perhaps…
Once he woke up, Jiang Xie was present in the silver-white suit he wore for dinner.
Before Xie Xi could stop this person, his collar was pulled open and this person let the
messy clothes hang on him as he began to…
Xie Xi was dreaming but there was an indescribable cool feeling creeping over his head.
How could this be?
Xie Xi woke up and find it was necessary to cure his body as soon as possible in order to
solve this physiological problem.
He was so greedy in the dream but he woke up well. He wasn’t tired and was a bit satisfied.
Xie Xi got up and thought he had to draw a clean ball again.
It didn’t matter since the clothes were brand new…
“Your Majesty, are you awake?” The national teacher’s cold voice rang in his ears.
Xie Xi, “……”
His senses returned and he rushed to cover his clothes…
The national teacher saw it and Xie Xi made an embarrassed expression.
This… he didn’t mean it. He didn’t know Jiang Xie would come so early in the morning.
The national teacher’s eyelashes quivered. His light pupils slightly deepened and his white
fingers raised to grab Xie Xi’s chin.
Xie Xi, “!”
What was this situation?!
This wasn’t a lip friction kiss. It was a real kiss and Xie Xi’s legs were so sore that he
couldn’t help leaning on this person.
Jiang Xie didn’t mind the stickiness under the new white robe and held Xie Xi’s waist,
pushing him to the bed.
Xie Xi stared at him with wide eyes.
Jiang Xie released this person’s lips and spoke in a low voice. “You haven’t done it in a long
time? I can help you.”
The tone was respectful but the contents were terrible!
Xie Xi’s heart quivered and his voice was dry, “No, no…”
The national teacher leaned down towards him. “You can rest assured that I won’t be
passionate again.”
Xie Xi, “???: There was too much information in this statement!
Did they use to have sex without love?
Sure enough, that hooligan Jiang Xie wouldn’t let go of any benefits!
The national teacher lightly pecked his earlobe before placing fine kisses down his neck.
Seeing that he was about to exercise early in the morning, Xie Xi hurriedly said, “I can’t do it
with this body.”
Jiang Xie stood and gazed at him.
From Xie Xi’s perspective, this look was too fatal.
The snow coloured hair fell on the bed, there were depressed eyes full of a strong love and
water stained thin lips…
Xie Xi stiffly opened his eyes and asked, “Is the medicinal bath ready?”
Jiang Xie frowned and got up while carrying Xie Xi. “It is ready. This subordinate will take
you there.”
Xie Xi gasped for breath and couldn’t afford to care about the princess posture. He was only
glad that he didn’t die on the bed.
The national teacher looked beautiful but he was very strong. It was easy for him to hold
Xie Xi and there were no signs of exertion at all.
Jiang Xie opened the door with his fingers and Xie Xi recovered. “I can do it myself…”
He hadn’t finished talking yet when he saw the young man standing outside.
It was broken…
Xie Xi didn’t have to know what he looked like right now.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 269

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 13

Jiang Xie used to come and wake Xie Xi up in the morning. This might be a strange place but
the habit he maintained for so long couldn’t be changed.
In particular, he had such a dream again and felt a deeper guilt. He couldn’t help wanting to
see Xie Xi.
He couldn’t have imagined that he would see such a sight when the door opened.
The national teacher, who was usually covered up with a cloak, had a slightly open collar
and he was holding Xie Xi who had messy clothes.
Xie Xi’s cheeks were red and there were pale pink marks on his neck. His clothes were
messy and most of his shoulders and chest were exposed, while his long legs were covered.
The rounded toes exposed to the outside were like dew covered flower bags. They were
cute and sexy.
Early in the morning, two people in the same bedroom…
Jiang Xie’s head buzzed and his fingers pierced his palm so strongly that he seemed to
break his fingers.
At this moment, Xie Xi couldn’t wash himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.
He hadn’t promised anything to Leo but they were certain to have a love affair in the future.
The current opening method was like having an affair and parting ways!
Xie Xi was panicked even though the national master didn’t let him go.
The national teacher felt the tightness of his body and his eyes sank. “What’s the matter?”
He was asking Leo.
The lion shifted his gaze away. “Nothing.” It was spoken through gritted teeth.
Xie Xi awkwardly spoke. “You go to the dining room first. I have to go to the medicinal bath.
The lion was silent.
Xie Xi also told the national teacher. “Put me down, I can walk by myself.”
The national teacher leaned down and whispered, “Your clothes…”
Xie Xi, “!” There were still the aftereffects of the dream!
This dialogue had another meaning in Leo’s ears. He felt sour and that it was stupid to stay
here. He couldn’t maintain the etiquette as he turned and strode away.
The national teacher stared thoughtfully at his back.
Xie Xi didn’t have time to guess what this person was thinking.
The effect of the medicinal bath was very good. The taste was unpleasant and the skin felt a
bit itchy when soaking in it but Xie Xi felt unprecedentedly light after coming out of it.
He was like a plant full of water. His body was full of vitality.
Xie Xi’s mood was much better. “The medicinal bath is really comfortable.” Unfortunately,
he didn’t know the herbs and couldn’t draw them himself.
The national teacher stared at Xie Xi’s chest with sad eyes and whispered with lowered
eyelashes, “It is this subordinate’s privilege to worry after Your Majesty.”
In fact, this national teacher was quite strange. He had a high position and could claim to be
the minister. Yet he used ‘this subordinate’ and his identity was almost like a personal
However, it was true that he was personally taking care of Xie Xi one-sidedly.
Xie Xi didn’t want to ask a lot and could only temporarily speculate on their previous
business. Did the national teacher start as the beast king’s servant?
The daytime clothes were grander than last night. They were black and Xie Xi’s skin was
white, making the black royal clothes especially stand out.
This outfit had a waist section. Once the maid tied it well for Xie Xi, the eyes of the national
teacher kept drifting to his waist.
Xie Xi gazed at him through the mirror. “I don’t look good, right?” He was too thin and his
waist was too weak.
The national teacher retracted his gaze. “…It looks good.”
Xie Xi didn’t care. “Once my body is better, I have to eat more food.” Then he would match
the clothing.
The national teacher stared at him. “Your Majesty…”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“I want you to be healthy and prosperous.”
This seemed a bit sudden? However, Xie Xi’s body meant he really needed lucky blessings
and he replied, “I’ll borrow your words.”
At breakfast, they saw Leo.
The little lion was sitting at the end of a long table. Half the meat hadn’t been eaten and he
stared at the plate like the meat was a heinous sinner.
Xie Xi inwardly sighed but it wasn’t good to say anything in front of the national teacher.
He ate breakfast but Leo didn’t eat anything.
The national teacher leaned closer to Xie Xi, almost attached to his ears. “I have a meeting.
Your Majesty, would you like to go and see it?”
Leo’s gaze shifted over but he took only one glance before retracting it.
Xie Xi saw the look but what could he do?
He was such a slag…
“I won’t go.” Xie Xi told the national teacher. “You can decide on your own.”
“Do you want them to come to the small hall to see you?”
The meeting was in the main hall while the small hall was equivalent to the royal study
room and was the king’s own study.
Xie Xi was afraid that seeing more people would reveal something and he said, “No, you
have been doing very well. I’m relieved.”
The national teacher didn’t insist and he glanced over at Leo.
Leo’s brain was on their intimate words and Xie Xi’s trust in the national teacher.
He clenched his fists again, as if it was the only way to stop the stinging of his heart.
Of course, Xie Xi trusted this person. Two people who shared the same bed, what couldn’t
be trusted?
Leo got up and made a polite bow. “Your Majesty, I have finished. I will go back first.”
His tone was cold and hard, containing a fiery temper that a young person couldn’t hold
Xie Xi told him, “Wait.”
In the end, Leo didn’t leave. It wasn’t because he was afraid of disobeying the king but
because he didn’t want to defy Xie Xi who raised him to adulthood.
Xie Xi spoke to the national teacher. “You are busy so go. I will take a walk with Little Xie to
the back garden.”
“Okay,” the national teacher replied. He glanced over to a maid and the maid brought a
black cloak over.
He accepted the cloak and gave it to Xie Xi. “The wind is big today. Be careful of the cold.”
It doesn’t matter.”
The national teacher carefully tied it and arranged the neckline.
The little lion watched from a distance and found it dazzling.
Xie Xi’s cloak was different from the national teacher. One white and one black, one plain
and one flashy, they stood next to each other and inexplicably matched. It was a beautiful
picture that could accommodate no one else.
The little lion gritted his teeth, a stone in his throat.
Once the national teacher was sent away, Xie Xi went to Leo. “Walk with me to the garden?”
Leo’s beast ears were pulled and his thin lips tightened.
If this time wasn’t inappropriate, Xie Xi really wanted to rub the round ears!
“Come on, it’s beautiful.” Xie Xi steadied his restless hand and invited Leo.
How could the lion not go? He asked, “I heard the garden is full of roses?”
Xie Xi hadn’t seen it but he had a guess. After all, he was Beast King Rose. Xie Xi deliberately
told him, “You will know when you go and see it.”
Leo saw the smile on this person’s face and his heart was full of bitterness. He was always
regarded as a child and never as an equal adult! Actually… he really was far from Xie Xi. The
little lion became even more bitter.
The two of them went to the back garden together and were stunned by the sight.
Leo’s heart jumped violently. For a time, he was unclear if this was reality or a dream.
In front of them was a very beautiful rose garden. It was filled with pure white rose bushes
and grew vigorously, beautifully and persistently in the direction of the sun.
Xie Xi was stunned because it was a bit like Central’s garden.
Of course, it was impossible for it to be exactly like Jiang Xie’s garden. This place was more
realistic and the pavilion couldn’t change its size at will.
Xie Xi asked Leo, “Is it beautiful?”
Jiang Xie turned to look at the other person and only felt guilty. He wanted to kiss Xie Xi like
he did in the dream. He wanted to lay this person among the beautiful flowers and kiss
every inch of skin, giving the same joy as if in the dream.
Leo’s eyes lowered as he whispered, “You and the national teacher…”
He couldn’t help it. He wanted to know the answer. Even if it was a disaster, he would stare
straight into the abyss!
Xie Xi didn’t expect him to ask so straightforwardly.
“This morning…” Xie Xi paused. “It isn’t what you think.”
Leo glanced at his neck where the black cloak didn’t cover the hickeys on the white skin.
Xie Xi, “…” There was evidence and it was really indisputable!
Still, Xie Xi remained steady. “Don’t think about it. I can’t do anything with this body.”
This remark shocked Leo.
Xie Xi deliberately coughed and spoke ambiguously, “I can’t breathe after taking two steps.
How can I have the strength to make love to people?”
Once upon a time, his face would be like a red rose when he heard these words. Now he
could say it without changing colour!
The person who was most shameless had red ears, “But… you…”
This person stuttered and didn’t know what to say.
Xie Xi didn’t dare to say too much. What if he was caught by the national teacher?
Xie Xi posed as an adult scum male. “Once you grow up, you will understand.”
“You just…” Leo was guided to the right place and he blinked. “You are both males!”
Hearing this, Xie Xi inwardly thought, ‘You were struggling with this?’
Well, this world’s background was really different. After all, they had to serious breed in
order to create future generations. If all male tigers and lions engaged in sex, they would
probably be wiped out.
Xie Xi had to open this person’s brain. “So what if we are males?”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi explained, “You don’t have to restrain yourself. If you want to find a male partner
then it is also possible.” Like me.
Leo was silent as his three views were reshaped.
Xie Xi saw this and his heart was full of amusement. The little lion thought that males
couldn’t be together? No wonder he had been arguing and refusing to get married.
Xie Xi thought he had been euphemistic enough but he hadn’t expected Leo to have such a
straight character.
They walked around the back garden and ate the refreshments prepared by the servants.
Once they were ready to leave, they ran into the national teacher.
The national teacher was followed by several ministers who all bowed when they saw Xie
Xie Xi raised his hand and they all got up, but their heads were still lowered.
The national teacher told them, “Go back.”
The ministers respectfully replied, “Yes.” They took three steps back before turning away.
The national teacher asked Xie Xi, “Your Majesty, how do you feel? Are you cold?”
Xie Xi wanted to reply when the silent Leo looked up.
The national teacher noticed Leo’s gaze and raised an eyebrow.
Leo opened his mouth. “Sir, I don’t want to marry anyone.”
Xie Xi, “???”
There was a bad feeling in his heart. Sure enough, Jiang Xie always made people worried.
Leo declared, “I like you.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 270
Collapsing 8 Boundaries 14

Xie Xi was shocked.

He had been waiting for this lion to confess for a few months. Leo was still sullen in the
village. Why was he so bold when he came to the palace?
Sure enough, a bit of stimulation was needed?
This was a frustrating bold, spicy chicken character!
Leo had to muster up great courage to say this sentence.
He wanted to hide these words in his heart for a lifetime, he wanted to leave Xie Xi and
never disturb this person’s life.
However, he wavered once he knew that males and males could be together.
Since Xie Xi could accept it, why not confess?
Even if he was rejected, at least he wouldn’t be hated!
Xie Xi’s brain was thinking about things but his mouth had his own idea. “Is this right? I was
good enough to raise you to adulthood. How can you hate me?” There was still plenty of
room to talk.
However, Leo didn’t give him any room. “The liking I’m talking about isn’t the admiration
for a senior.” He didn’t use the word elder because the distance between them was big
Xie Xi had to understand but the national teacher was right beside him. He had to pretend
to be stupid. “Is it a friend’s feeling?”
In fact, this wasn’t appropriate but Xie Xi could only try to delay things for a while. He
couldn’t open up with Leo in front of the national teacher. It was like with the previous Big,
Middle and Little Jiang where Little Jiang’s confession was interrupted.
Unfortunately, the national teacher’s mind was very different from Big Jiang. He didn’t say a
word and stood there like white smoke that would be blown away at any time. There was
no sense of existence.
Seeing that Leo was about to throw a heavy bomb, Xie Xi glanced at the national teacher.
‘You should act!’
The national teacher stared and still didn’t move.
Leo sent a straight ball straight at Xie Xi, “Not as a friend or a relative. It is like getting
Xie Xi, “…” This was almost like love.
Such a straight ball had nowhere else to go. The national teacher didn’t say anything. He
just stood respectfully behind Xie Xi, the words that weren’t spoken written on his face.
Xie Xi didn’t have any help and could only go out on his own.
“You are young…” He could only come up with such an excuse.
The young person couldn’t hear this sentence and Leo raised his eyebrows. “I’m not young,
I have grown up!”
Xie Xi glanced at the round ears that were upright because of the mood swings.
Leo was exasperated. “Once my estrus period passes, I will be completely human!”
Xie Xi sighed. “You said this but you haven’t reached estrus yet. Thus, you’re not really an
If he was really a decent man, he should either rebuff or make a promise to the little lion.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi was forced to be a slag male in these worlds with several Jiang Xies.
Leo was clever and asked with a deep stare, “You don’t like me?”
Xie Xi, “…” I like you to death.
Leo was reluctant to give up. “I am already an adult. The estrus period doesn’t matter to
Xie Xi hastily cried out, “Don’t make trouble. This is very important for you. Do you want to
destroy yourself?”
There was a clear hook in the words and the little Leo was caught by the hook. “In any
case… in any case, I don’t want anyone apart from you during my estrus!”
Having said this, he left angrily.
Xie Xi certainly wouldn’t chase him. He just sighed like an old father and glanced at the
national teacher.
The national teacher was steady and there were no waves of alarm in his pale grey eyes. It
was as if he hadn’t heard the conversation just now.
Xie Xi’s heart was beating quickly. He didn’t believe that this person didn’t care.
This appearance was more dangerous than any anger!
Either the national teacher had mourned and given up on him completely or he was
calculating something in the bottom of his heart.
Based on Xie Xi’s understanding of Jiang Xie, the former was impossible and the latter was
What to do?
It was easy to dodge a spear in the open but hard to avoid an arrow fired in the dark!
Xie Xi wasn’t worried about himself. He was worried about the little lion…
Xie Xi spoke carefully to appear the national teacher. “The little lion is too lacking in love
and confused family and love.”
The national teacher lowered his eyelashes slightly as he spoke. “You have no reservations
with your kindness. It is normal for him to misunderstand.”
Xie Xi knew he had stepped on a mine as soon as he heard this.
Was he too kind to the national teacher previously? Then the national teacher became
confused? He raised the courage to confess and scared away the beast king?
Xie Xi had no way of knowing the previous summary and could only guess. Fortunately,
there were several benchmark principles to refer to. First, Jiang Xie would always love him.
Second, he was always a scum male.
With these two things as coordinates, how could it not become a dog blood drama? It was
basically Designer Jiang’s script.
Xie Xi couldn’t help sighing. ‘Professor Jiang, what designer are you? You are clearly a
The Central Government might consider creating a special occupation.
Xie Xi suppressed these thoughts and continued, “How can I have the strength to be good to
people. I picked him up accidentally and gave him a meal.”
“You saved his life and gave him a new life. This was the greatest gift.”
Xie Xi tried to downplay his relationship with Leo but the national teacher’s words
punctured through it. Xie Xi felt his IQ being suppressed.
Jiang Xie was very clever but this cleverness was rarely used against Xie Xi. Thus, Xie Xi
often coaxed him.
He didn’t know what the present national teacher had experienced to be so vigilant.
Xie Xi racked his brains. “Since I saved him, I can’t let him be in danger. Help me see if there
are any lions of the right age and let him…”
He didn’t finish his words when the national teacher interrupted. “He said he didn’t need
Xie Xi wondered why things were going wrong. National teacher, which side were you on?
A gust of wind blew and caused Xie Xi’s chest to itch. He couldn’t help coughing twice.
The national teacher’s eyes narrowed and he immediately blocked Xie Xi’s side. “Your
Majesty, go back to your room first.”
Xie Xi had stayed outside for a while and it was time to go back.
He nodded and walked with sore knees.
The national teacher immediately held him up. “Be careful.”
Xie Xi simply leaned on him. “I am really becoming increasingly useless.”
The national teacher raised his eyebrows. “Please don’t take it to heart. After a few more
days of soaking in the medicinal bath, you can recover.”
Xie Xi really wanted to ask what the hell was wrong with himself but he could only endure
The two people returned to the palace and the national teacher asked, “There is still some
time until lunch. Your Majesty, do you want to rest?”
Xie Xi nodded.
The national teacher took him back to his room. Xie Xi took off his cumbersome clothing
and changed into comfortable long robes.
He didn’t go to bed and just leaned against the soft bed for a moment.
In light of the national teacher’s self-abused, Xie Xi wanted to seize every opportunity to
coax him. “Are you busy right now?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Xie Xi casually picked up a book. “Then stay with me.”
The national teacher paused for a moment before saying, “Okay.”
Xie Xi leaned on the soft couch and listened to the national teacher’s voice reading political
papers written by an unknown person.
It was hypnotic and it wasn’t long before Xie Xi was a bit drowsy.
The voice of the national teacher was becoming lighter. He saw Xie Xi breathing evenly and
put down the book.
Xie Xi thought that Jiang Xie would leave. He was still sleepy but still opened his eyes. “You
aren’t reading it?”
The national teacher’s calm eyes flashed and there was some helplessness in his tone.
“Your Majesty, go to sleep peacefully.”
Xie Xi vaguely felt there was something in this person’s words.
“You can rest assured that I won’t do any more confused things. If you like the little loin,
leave him around. I won’t hurt him.”
Xie Xi was startled and was full of question marks and exclamation marks.
What was this situation?!
Was this Jiang Xie?
What was this ‘master of the palace’ accommodating a new ‘concubine’ style?
The national teacher spoke again. “As this subordinate mentioned, I won’t be arrogant.”
His voice was very light but it made people feel endless sorrow, as if forced to the end of
the world and having to jump into the abyss.
Xie Xi’s senses returned. He could guess some things from these phrases.
The national teacher’s sense of possession was very strong and he interfered with Beast
King Rose’s private affairs. Was the beast king’s leaving related to these aspects?
Confession was one thing, wanting to monopolize the beast king was anything thing.
That’s why he said he didn’t want anything, kept using ‘this subordinate’ and kept serving
Xie Xi.
It was to keep Xie Xi here and prevent him from leaving.
Xie Xi had mixed emotions in his heart.
Poor Xie Xi didn’t dare kill himself by saying that he wasn’t interested in the little lion.
What if the national teacher clearly told him?
What should he do?
Xie Xi could only be vague.
This type of ambiguity was already acknowledged by the clever and skillful national
There weren’t many changes in the national teacher. He only spoke in a low voice, “Your
Majesty, please rest.”
Xie Xi wanted the national teacher to stay here in order to become closer to him, letting him
relax. Xie Xi tried to be clever only to end up with egg on his face. It only made the national
teacher mistakenly think he was an obstacle…
Xie Xi’s brain was hurting and he should first sleep to refresh his spirit.
Once he woke up, he heard the sound of a book being put down and the man’s gentle voice.
“You can keep sleeping.”
Xie Xi opened his eyes and spoke. “No, I’m a bit hungry.”
The national teacher stated, “Then I’ll arrange lunch now.”
Xie Xi nodded.
Leo was sitting at the dining table. This guy didn’t hide his hostility for the national teacher
and set up a flag to declare war!
The national teacher didn’t look at him and only carefully took care of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say and could only temporarily drag things out by eating.
Fortunately, the table was big enough and Leo was far away from him. There were many
servants and Leo didn’t say anything.
It would be really hard to drag this out for much longer.
Leo could be described as a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. Once he recognized
something, he needed an answer.
He got up and opened his mouth. “Your Majesty, I have something to say to you.”
Xie Xi’s chopsticks weren’t stable.
The master glanced at Leo. “Please talk about it after the meal.”
How could Xie Xi keep eating? He ordered, “Let them go out.” He was referring to the
The national teacher glanced at them and the servants left with a bow and lowered eyes.
Leo raised his eyebrows and glanced diagonally at the national master.
The national teacher’s face didn’t change colour. “His Majesty isn’t well and there must
always be someone waiting around.” The implication was that he wouldn’t leave.
Leo stated, “I’ll take care of him.”
“You can’t take care of him.”
How could Leo be satisfied? “I have been around him for six months and I know how to
take care of him!”
This made sense. Xie Xi thought that Leo was doing well.
The national teacher raised his gaze. “He feels pain night and day and aches all over his
joints. His beast spirit’s breath is blocked. This is your care?”
Leo was stunned.
“Do you know what illness he was born with and what his body is like?”
Leo didn’t know and Xie Xi himself didn’t know. He just wanted to know.
However, the national teacher didn’t seem to want to open Xie Xi’s pain and bowed. “This
subordinate was rude.”
Xie Xi was anxious. ‘No, no, no, you aren’t rude. Continue to talk about my illness!’
Unfortunately, the national teacher’s mood was stabilized and it was impossible for him to
talk about it.
Leo frowned and looked at Xie Xi. “What’s wrong with your body? Why can’t you tell me?”
Xie Xi, “???”
How did the conversation turn around to him?
The national teacher stood by his side silently with eyes lowered.
Xie Xi wanted to say, ‘National teacher, you tell him, what disease do I have?’
It was just that based on the attitude of the national teacher, he wouldn’t open his mouth
because he was afraid of Xie Xi…
Leo watched them and his expression was somewhat strange. “I understand.”
Little lion, what do you understand?
Xie Xi hadn’t thought of a good response when Leo continued, “You think I am ridiculous. I
dare to say that I like you even though I don’t know anything about you.”
“Sorry,” Leo declared. “If it bothers you, don’t worry. I’ll leave tomorrow.”

For those interested, I will have completed released all translated chapters of NOLMBW
today. It is a sweet novel full of fluff about a snow leopard and black dragon.
You can find the chapters at the link below.
Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 271
Collapsing 8 Boundaries 15

‘Young man, if you have something to say, don’t run away easily!’
Poor Xie Xi couldn’t say this. He was afraid that if he called out to the little lion, he would
face a question that was a direct attack on the soul. What disease did he suffer from?
Xie Xi really didn’t know!
It was like a rich man sitting on countless assets saying that he was poor. It wasn’t
convincing at all!
The little lion only walked a little bit, probably because he wanted Xie Xi to call out to him
and tell him.
However… Xie Xi didn’t say anything.
Leo’s heart cooled and he felt like a clown. He stupidly fell in love with Xie Xi and clumsily
confessed, but it was actually a joke in their eyes!
If Xie Xi didn’t like him, it was fine to reject him. Why play with him like this?
Darkness rose in the heart of Leo who left.
In the big dining room, only Xie Xi and the national teacher remained.
The national teacher opened his mouth. “Your Majesty, please eat.” He looked natural, as if
this little episode wasn’t worth mentioning.
Xie Xi had no appetite because he was anxious. He was afraid that the little lion really had
run away.
The national teacher stared at him.
Xie Xi could only stabilize this side and not think of the other side, otherwise it would be a
wasted effort.
Xie Xi said, “Sit down and eat together.”
The national teacher was stunned.
Xie Xi continued, “I have no appetite eating by myself.”
The national teacher replied, “You said that I wasn’t allowed to dine with you.”
Xie Xi… he said that? Was he too much of a slag or did the national teacher do something
Xie Xi told him, “There is no one else. Sit down.”
The national teacher’s demeanour showed some nervousness. “Your Majesty, have you
forgiven me?”
‘What the hell did you do, Big Jiang!’
Xie Xi was just pleased that the national teacher finally stopped using ‘this subordinate.’
He stated, “The past is over.”
The national teacher looked up, a clear light in his eyes. “You…”
Xie Xi waited for this person to say something more. Unexpected, the national teacher
stopped talking because he didn’t want to revisit the old things and annoy Xie Xi.
Xie Xi had no way and could only say, “Sit down and eat.”
“Yes,” the national teacher replied.
He saw down with Xie Xi and personally gave Xie Xi a dish.
Xie Xi might not know the previous situation but a day or two was enough for him to
observe many problems.
For example, the national teacher was worthy of being a Virgo. His desire for cleanliness
was quite serious. Every day, he wore a new outfit that was completely replaced from
inside out. He refused to let people get three metres close to him and would frown when his
hair touched flowers and plants.
Yet such a cleanliness-obsessed person didn’t show any reservations towards Xie Xi.
Not only did he help Xie Xi dressed, he also helped with a bath. He did all types of personal
affairs regardless of how dirty and tiring and now he was even helping Xie Xi to grab
Even if the national teacher did something wrong, how could Xie Xi not soften?
After the meal, Xie Xi had to say, “I’m going to talk to Little Xie.”
The national teacher’s face didn’t change colour. “This subordinate will go back first.”
Very good, the title was changed back. Xie Xi was able to use ‘this subordinate’ and ‘I’ to
distinguish the mood of the national teacher.
It couldn’t be helped if the national teacher’s mood was bad. If Xie Xi didn’t manage the
little lion then he was afraid the world would collapse.
Xie Xi nodded. “Go ahead.”
He waited for the national teacher to leave before going to find Leo.
The little lion naturally couldn’t run. After all, it was the palace. If Xie Xi didn’t want him to
leave then he couldn’t go.
Xie Xi took this into account and used the meal to stabilize the national teacher.
He knew the little lion hadn’t eaten and had a servant bring a food box with him.
He had just arrived at the side chamber when a servant told him, “Your Majesty, Mr. Xie
went to the back garden.”
He was tired from walking all this way yet the little bastard wasn’t in his room!
The back garden was a bit far away from this place but Xie Xi had to say, “Go to the back
He dragged his broken body to the back garden, only to find that the little lion had returned
to the side chamber.
Xie Xi, “…” This was bullying the old and the weak!
What could Xie Xi do? He could only walk back to the room in an irritated manner. He just
arrived when the servant told him, “Mr Xie just left. He heard that you came to find him and
went to the back garden.”
Xie Xi didn’t want to take another step!
Since the two of them had zero tacit understanding, don’t fall in love!
Before long, the little lion ran back. He was gasping and his hands were a bit sweaty.
From the back garden to the side chamber, a normal person would take two quarters of an
hour to walk it. It was no wonder he was so tired if he came back so quickly.
Leo saw that Xie Xi was still there and was relieved, while also feeling some
embarrassment. He was in a bad mood and went to the back garden for a while. He came
back and heard the servant mention that Xie Xi had gone to the back garden to find him. He
hurried back only to find that he had missed Xie Xi and quickly returned.
He was so eager that it surely must be obvious to Xie Xi.
He could only feel embarrassed when thinking about his situation.
Xie Xi pretended not to see this person’s expression and stated, “You must be hungry. Come
and eat.”
Leo sat down and drank a cup of tea while looking at the meat in the food box.
He was silent and Xie Xi couldn’t speak.
He came to talk but what should he talk about?
The topic of his illness couldn’t be talked about, the matter of love had to be talked about
later and it was estimated that Leo didn’t want to talk to him about anything else.
Xie Xi could only urge him to eat.
Leo felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to eat. Then he thought that this was what Xie Xi
brought him and he had to eat it.
During the two people’s most bitter days, he regarded every piece of meat that Xie Xi
brought him as a treasure.
In the end, he was poor and used to not wasting food. Thus, he buried his head and ate.
Xie Xi sighed gently. He knew this young man had a big appetite and could wake up hungry
if he didn’t eat a lot.
After eating, Leo didn’t take the initiative to speak and Xie Xi could only say, “Rest early.”
Leo declared, “I’ll leave tomorrow.”
“Where are you going?”
“Tiger Country is so big, I can go anywhere.”
In any case, he would be far away from the king.
Xie Xi sighed and spoke with slight discomfort, “You don’t want to see me again in the
Leo looked up sharply. “You know my heart yet you want me to stay by your side? Xie Xi,
this is too cruel!”
Xie Xi, “…” It wasn’t cruel. Professor Jiang, you are struggling with yourself!
Leo shifted his line of sight. “I like you. If you don’t want to accept my feelings then I will
At this moment, an outside servant knocked on the door and whispered, “Your Majesty, the
medicinal bath at night is ready.”
This was punctual! He was just having trouble trying to coax the little lion!
Leo might’ve decided to leave but his body was tense as he said, “The medicinal bath’s
effect won’t be good if cold. Your Majesty, please go back.”
Xie Xi could only say to him, “We will have a good talk tomorrow.”
Leo asked, “What do you want to talk about?”
Xie Xi was afraid that time was tight and could only temporarily stabilize him. “Don’t you
know how I treat you? Listen to me and wait for me tomorrow.”
Leo saw the other person’s pale face and felt distressed when he thought about how Xie Xi
went back and forth from the back garden. “Go to soak in the medicinal bath. I will wait for
Xie Xi let go of his worries and returned to his bedroom.
The national had long been waiting there. In order to restore Xie Xi’s body as soon as
possible, the medicinal bath was changed to twice a day, one in the morning and one in the
The national teacher didn’t ask anything. He only undressed Xie Xi and put on an unknown
red ointment before helping Xie Xi into the bath.
Xie Xi lay down and felt his tiredness sweep away. He was very comfortable.
The national teacher told him, “Your Majesty, this subordinate will massage you because it
will help with the drug absorption.”
Xie Xi nodded.
The national teacher’s hands were very beautiful. They were the type of male fingers with
distinct knuckles. They were white but not feminine, instead giving off a sense of elegance
and charm.
He gently massaged Xie Xi’s body and carefully kneaded the red ointment in. The medicinal
bath was slightly itchy and now his heart was itchy.
Xie Xi let out a hum and the national teacher’s eyes darkened while his voice was hoarse. “I
will help you.” He couldn’t have sex but there were other ways to vent.
The national teacher held Xie Xi and how could Xie Xi refuse? He almost died in the
medicinal bath.
Afterwards, Xie Xi was a bit embarrassed but the national teacher was very calm, as if
nothing had happened.
Xie Xi licked his lips and said, “Goodnight.”
Who knew that after the national teacher just calmed down, he would pull Xie Xi over and
kiss him.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and his heart pounded.
The national teacher’s kiss was violent and hot, completely different from his cold
appearance. He was like a burning fire that couldn’t wait to burn Xie Xi to ashes.
By the time he let go of Xie Xi, Xie Xi was so oxygen-deprived that he could only gasp for
The national teacher resumed his respectful appearance. “I’m sorry, this subordinate
couldn’t hold back for a while.”
Xie Xi didn’t speak.
The national teacher brought him to the bed and covered him in a quilt before whispering,
“Your Majesty, good dreams.”
Xie Xi didn’t dare provoke him and could only calmly reply, “Good dreams.”
The dream was really good. He didn’t know what got into Jiang Xie but Jiang Xie started to
do it as soon as he saw Xie Xi. Xie Xi almost died!
Xie Xi kept begging for mercy but this guy got worse!
Once it was over, Jiang Xie gasped into his ears, “Xie Xi… I won’t even have the chance to
dream of you in the future.”
Hearing this, Xie Xi woke up from the dream.
He was in a trance after he woke up because he was shocked by the words in the dream.
What did this mean?
Why did Jiang Xie in the dream say that he couldn’t dream of Xie Xi anymore?
Xie Xi’s brain flashed as he thought of Roast Pork Bun’s Dreaming skill. Xie Xi might not be
able to currently use the skill but this ability did exist.
Then his sex dreams for many days was because of Dreaming?
Was it… the little lion?
It definitely wasn’t the national teacher. After all, he got the dreams in the village.
However, based on Jiang Xie’s appearance in the dream, it didn’t seem like this person took
the initiative to activate Dreaming. It felt like he was also dreaming.
What exactly was going on?
Was this Leo’s passive skill?
Xie Xi thought about it while remembering to give him a cleaning ball.
He woke up a lot earlier than usual and vaguely heard a conversation outside.
The voices were very low and ordinary people couldn’t hear it. Xie Xi only heard a little bit
with his improved senses.
He thought about it and quickly drew a high-tech amplifier. He brought it to his ears and
could clearly hear the words outside.
It was the national teacher and Leo!
He heard the national teacher say, “You are useless and he won’t like you.”
Xie Xi was stunned.
Leo replied, “I only listen to him. I don’t need other people to say anything to me.”
The national teacher’s voice was flat and steady. “What do you think is my relationship
with His Majesty?”
Leo was slightly irritable. “I don’t know!”
“I used to be like you…”
Xie Xi couldn’t help his ears pricking. Based on this situation, would he finally get a chance
to hear the previous emotional summary?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 272

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 16

Xie Xi held his breath and ensured that he didn’t make any movements.
If he woke up, the national teacher would definitely leave the little lion and rush in. Then he
wouldn’t have the opportunity to understand the situation.
Xie Xi was crossing the river by feeling the stones and also needed a bamboo pole. National
Teacher, please hand it to him!
The national teacher spoke. “I wasn’t much older than you when I knew His Majesty.”
Xie Xi listened very carefully. Was he really an antique this time and was much older than
the national teacher?
The national teacher used a light voice to tell a story of reliance in a war-torn era.
Xie Xi guessed wrong. In fact, he wasn’t much older than the national teacher. The two of
them were a similar age and they were orphans who lost their families in the war.
The national teacher’s experience was more tragic. He lost his family and was almost eaten
by monsters.
The newly adult Xie Xi appeared, took him away from the monsters pursuing him and they
hid in a cave.
The little lion listened and interjected, “He was in a cave when I met him.”
“It is a coincidence.”
The little lion questioned, “You knew each other in adversity and it was a mutual
dependence. Then why did he leave the palace?” In fact, Leo wanted to ask why the national
teacher betrayed the beast king.
After all, this was the rumour among the common people.
The national teacher sneered. “He was so good to me, you couldn’t imagine it.”
Leo’s tone was sour. “He is also very good to me.”
The national teacher didn’t care about these childish words and continued, “In the years
when the eight countries were in chaos, the most pained ones were the people. His Majesty
saw many displaced people and more tragedies. The thing he desired most was to end the
“He did it.”
“Yes,” the national teacher replied. “He did it. He did the great work that wasn’t possible for
anyone else. He unified the eight countries, ending the war and bringing about a world of
peace and prosperity.”
Then he whispered sharply, “But do you know how much he paid? How many painful
ordeals he went through? How many times he barely survived?!”
Leo was stunned and couldn’t answer.
The national teacher continued, “I was by his side, watching his efforts and his hard work. I
watched him move towards that elusive ideal, watched him walk through the blood again
and again until he finally met the moon in the sky!”
The moon was a distant dream that others only dare to look up at timidly yet the beast king
met it.
There was some depression in Leo’s voice. “I have never seen such a king.”
The national teacher was still calm and quiet. “Thus, you can’t imagine how good he was to
Leo clenched his voice.
The national teacher’s soft voice contained gentleness as he became immersed in the
memories. “In the chaotic times, he indulged my bad habits. He didn’t hesitate to rush into
the enemy camp just to bring back a bucket of water for me. He slept on the hay pile and
took off his clothes to make me a mattress. He used his fists to teach all the people who
mocked my hair colour. He always gave me the best things, was afraid that I would be hurt,
Leo listened attentively while the national teacher’s voice started trembling more and
No wonder why he said that Leo couldn’t imagine it. This was indeed the case. If he didn’t
live in such an era, he wouldn’t understand how good and precious it was.
The two men paused for a while and Leo was a bit uncomfortable. “He was like this to you.
What did you do that he…”
The national teacher stated, “I confessed to him.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
The national teacher’s next words seemed to split his soul. “It is because his kindness to me
had nothing to do with love.”
Leo didn’t understand.
The national teacher spoke slowly. “I told you this because I hope you can calm down.”
“What do you mean?”
“He isn’t good to you because he loves you. He is purely taking care of the weak.”
Leo was stunned. “I am different from you. I’m not weak!”
The national teacher didn’t refute him and only smiled sarcastically. “I don’t want to see
you follow the same path as me and blindly give him trouble. He will be soft-hearted and
cater to you but remember, this isn’t love.”
In the end, Leo was young and he cried out, “I can tell if it is love or not!”
The national teacher was still calm. “Once you can tell, you will go crazy.”
His tone contained no ups and downs, causing chills to go down Xie Xi’s neck.
Xie Xi wrapped himself tightly in the quilt.
The conversation between the two men was over and Xie Xi pondered on it.
The encounter between the national teacher and the beast king was very romantic. The two
young people were dependent on each other and rose shoulder to shoulder to the peak of
power. This was really enviable.
However, Xie Xi wasn’t a young lion. He knew that the national teacher concealed many
He was good to the national teacher. Xie Xi definitely treated him very well.
Still, there must be another secret involving the troubles between the two men.
Could a simple confession make the wonderful beast king leave the national teacher?
This didn’t make sense and definitely wasn’t what happened.
The little lion suddenly asked, “The wound on his chest…”
Hearing this question, Xie Xi quickly suppressed his thoughts and listened carefully.
He wanted to know how he got this injury!
The little lion actually asked, “…Was it obtained during the war?”
Such a terrible wound, as if the heart was dug out, was really shocking.
The national teacher paused for a moment before calmly answering, “Yes.”
Xie Xi’s ears trembled. His instincts told him that the national teacher was lying.
Even if he couldn’t see the person, he could tell that the national teacher was concealing the
truth from the voice alone.
Leo definitely couldn’t hear it and he looked slightly sombre. “He suffered a lot.”
The national teacher told him, “So don’t toss him any more.”
“I’m not!” Leo exclaimed before realized that he sounded very childish. “His injury, can you
cure it?”
“It will take time.”
The lion was visibly relieved and said, “It isn’t early. He should be waking up soon.”
Xie Xi quickly took off the miniature amplifier and hid it under his pillow.
He heard the sound of the door and opened his eyes to see the national teacher in a white
The national teacher stared at him and spoke warmly, “Your Majesty, good morning. The
medicinal bath is ready.”
Xie Xi sat up and nodded. “I slept a bit deeply.”
“It is good to sleep well for recovery.”
Xie Xi inwardly thought, ‘Leo is really young and inexperienced. If this injury was due to the
war, the Rose Dynasty lasted for so long? Why didn’t the national teacher cure him during
this time?’
After taking the medicinal bath, Xie Xi felt better and his appetite improved significantly
during breakfast.
He didn’t care about what he thought about in private. The two Jiang Xies saw him drank
more than half a bowl of porridge and their hearts were comfortable.
The meal ended and the national teacher went to attend a meeting. Xie Xi mentioned
yesterday that he wanted to talk to the little lion and this was an excellent opportunity.
Leo was actually somewhat uneasy after listening to this morning’s words.
The national teacher’s words clearly dug a hole for Xie Xi.
Xie Xi cared for Leo not out of love but because of his soft heart.
He didn’t treat Leo as unique because he was truly good to the national teacher.
These flat words hid a lot of thunder.
If Xie Xi hadn’t been eavesdropping, he would’ve fallen into the pit without knowing why he
was buried!
The two of them went back to the back garden. Due to the dream last night, Xie Xi paid
attention to Leo’s attitude.
If Leo also dreamt of what they did in the garden, there would definitely be a slight change
when seeing the garden.
Unfortunately, Leo was completely absent-minded.
This didn’t mean that he didn’t have sexual dreams. After all, it wasn’t the first time coming
to the garden and not reacting was normal.
Xie Xi temporarily suppressed this problem and concentrated on the ‘talk.’
They sat in the pavilion and Leo spoke first, “In the morning, the national teacher told me
what previously happened between you.”
Xie Xi also heard it and didn’t ask. “I have known him for a long time.”
Leo glanced at him. “He said you were so good to him that other people can’t imagine it.”
Xie Xi smiled. “He was younger than me and we were both orphans. I regarded him as my
only family.”
“But he isn’t your family.”
Xie Xi replied, “Family members don’t necessarily need to have a blood relationship.”
A lover was also family in the end. Xie Xi was really a clever ghost.
Leo definitely couldn’t understand this and wondered, “Do you think of me as your family?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Of course.”
He only had one love (home) but he had thousands of tricks for love.
Leo paused before saying, “The national teacher said that you left after he confessed to
This was really a straightforward young man. He shook everything out!
Xie Xi had something in mind and pretended to be stunned by these words. “That… those
things are all over.”
Leo stared at him. “I also confessed to you. You…”
Xie Xi smiled wryly. “Things aren’t as simple as you think.”
At this moment, Leo was most afraid of being considered a child by Xie Xi. “I can’t think in
such a complicated manner. I only know one thing. I like you and I want to be with you. IF
you don’t like me, just tell me and I will leave!”
This straight ball was really lethal and too unfriendly for a ‘slag!’
Slag Xie had a manuscript in his heart and he sighed. “Have you considered the real
“It is your problem with me.”
This sentence struck Xie Xi. If there weren’t too many Jiang Xies, he would catch this
straight ball and fly away with it.
What was the real problem?
Everything was shit in front of two people who really loved each other!
Poor Xie Xi fell in love with a man with more than one soul…
Xie Xi questioned, “What type of future do you think I can give you with this body?”
Leo was stunned.
Xie Xi had long been brewing a bitter plan. “I don’t know how long I can live…”
He hadn’t finished when Leo exclaimed, “The national teacher said he could cure your
“Then… can you wait for me to recover?”
This hint caused Leo’s eyes to brighten. “You mean…”
Xie XI shook his head. “I can’t give you any promises. You are still young and I am an adult. I
can’t say words that I can’t be responsible for.”
Once he returned to Central, Xie Xi decided to anonymously public a book called ‘A Scum’s
Leo was a bit excited. “I will wait for you. I can wait a long time!”
Xie Xi smiled. “Didn’t you always want to learn martial arts? Stay in the palace and I’ll
arrange people to teach you.”
Leo was finally stabilized. “Good!”
The sorrow in his heart was swept away.
It was because Xie Xi gave him hope.
It was just a bit of hope but this allowed Jiang Xie to see an infinite dawn!
He wanted to become stronger, strong enough to get revenge. He also wanted to be strong
enough to get the approval of the man who once unified the eight countries.
Thus, Leo stayed in the palace.
The national teacher didn’t say anything about this. He didn’t look for Leo or mention it to
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s instructions were arranged properly and the best masters were found to teach Leo.
The national teacher was calm but Xie Xi found it hard to feel at ease.
The national teacher’s previous words, ‘Once you can tell, you will go crazy’ always lingered
in Xie Xi’s heart, making him uneasy.
The wonderful thing was that from this day onwards, Xie Xi’s sex dreams stopped.
He sighed with relief too early. More than a month later, the lion entered his estrus period.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 273

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 17

Leo was very diligent and clever. The guards teaching him martial arts were full of praise
for him. They had never encountered such a good seedling and even secretly regretted that
he was a lion instead of a tiger.
Leo naturally didn’t know this. The guards had only mentioned it to Xie Xi several times.
Due to their age, they all looked forward to when the beast king would have a child. This
lion definitely wasn’t Xie Xi’s child but if the beast king could have such a good tiger cub
then it would be a great blessing for their Tiger Country!
Xie Xi liked to listen to people praising Jiang Xie. Oh, the thing he liked least was listening to
Jiang Xie praise himself but the latter was what he often heard.
In short, Xie Xi was very happy. From time to time, he would find the martial arts teachers
to chat with and wash out his ears.
Leo was so good that after a month, several guards joined together and intended to give
Leo a small assessment in order to show his achievements.
Xie Xi naturally had to watch it. He took a medicinal bath and went to the training field in
the morning.
The national teacher went to a meeting and Xie Xi was free to boast about the little lion
without any scruples.
These guards had expertise. As elites of the Tiger Country, they could all be independent
when placed on the battlefield.
The first assessment was a close combat duel. Don’t look at how he had only been training
for a month. The little lion already gained great benefits and could tie with the guards. The
strength in his fist seemed like it could break a boulder.
Xie Xi couldn’t help cheering. “Good!”
The little lion glanced over and the pair of golden eyes lit up like a little sun,
Xie Xi smiled and Leo became more powerful!
Next was the weapons assessment. Leo was particularly good with the long knife. The
guard in charge of the assessment kept saying, “Your Majesty should be careful, be
Of course, the tone was exaggerated. The use of weapons depended on proficiency and
experience. A person couldn’t rely on strength to suppress the opponent.
Xie Xi laughed. “Yes, I will practice more in the future.”
He didn’t know if it was easy to use but this person was too damn handsome when using it!
Finally, archery was assessed and Leo shot his own target.
His movements were standard and the arm drawing the bow was strong and powerful. His
focused look was charming and the moment the feathered arrow left the bow, all noise was
swept away. It attracted everyone’s attention as they listened to the sound.
Leo shot several arrows in succession and each arrow was calculated. It steadily shot at a
certain point and the score wasn’t bad!
The master who taught archery couldn’t help boasting about Leo. He said that he had never
seen such a strange talent!
Xie Xi was smiling and his heart was bright.
Jiang Xie truly had god-level qualifications, in particular, his accuracy was too full. The souls
didn’t inherit the item, skills and experience of the original but their tendency to survive
caused them to inherit some things.
Thus, almost every soul was an all-rounder, especially in terms of strength. The unlucky
physique was too bitter and they would really die if they weren’t 200% powerful.
The little lion was sweating at the end of the assessment. He bowed to the masters before
looking up at the high place that contained Xie Xi.
Xie Xi walked down and unceremoniously praised him. “Great, you have talent to come so
far in one month. You will be a powerful warrior in the future!”
He spoke so sincerely that Leo’s heart thumped. He had been active for so long and was hot,
but he was only getting hotter. It was as if a fire ignited by Xie Xi’s smile was burning
through his body.
Xie Xi didn’t realize anything and said, “You are sweating, go and take a bath. I will have
people prepare refreshments in the garden. Together, let’s…”
After hearing the word garden, it was as if Leo was a machine whose switch was turned on.
He pulled Xie Xi over and kissed his lips in a gesture that was so strong it couldn’t be
Xie Xi was shocked.
Leo had so many dreams and developed quite a lot of skills. In addition, his body felt like it
was on fire and his kiss couldn’t wait to devour Xie Xi.
The Tiger Country’s guards were all stunned silly.
What was this situation? His Majesty…
Several people’s senses were quick to return and immediately turned to leave!
Xie Xi was dizzy. He wanted a ghost to come and pull this lion away!
Yes… Xie Xi realized what happened.
It had been so calm that Xie Xi had forgotten about the estrus period. The little lion was in
This kiss was hot and anxious. The powerful hand burned him through his clothes, not to
mention that Jiang Xie was covered with sweat. This crazy heat seemed to infect Xie Xi.
After all, this was the man in his heart. He was like this… how could Xie Xi not react?
However, it wasn’t good. He had been taking the medicinal baths for a month and was
much better but the estrus period wasn’t a joke. Xie Xi might really die under the little lion!
At this time, a loud shout was heard. “What are you doing? Put him down!”
Xie Xi saw the angry national teacher.
He had never seen the national teacher in this state. The light grey eyes were bloodshot, the
thin lips were drained of blood and he looked like he came out of hell, giving off a terrifying
The guards’ senses quickly returned and they came forward to control the lion.
Xie Xi was afraid they would hurt him and hurriedly said, “He just entered estrus.”
Leo was so aggressive that he almost broke away from the control of the guards. The
national teacher strode forward and punched his face.
Blood flowed from a corner of Leo’s mouth.
This punch was precise and fierce. If he wasn’t for Leo’s strong physique, several teeth
might be broken.
Xie Xi’s heart hurt but he didn’t know who he should feel distressed for.
Was it fun to play with yourself?
Xie Xi wanted to go check on Leo but he was afraid to provoke the national teacher again.
The national teacher shouted coldly at Leo, “Absolutely disgraceful!”
The punch and the cold words made Leo slightly calm down.
He no longer struggled and let the guards suppress him.
Xie Xi gasped and didn’t know what to say…
It seemed that at this time, all he could do was shut up.
The national teacher turned to glance at Xie Xi and converged his horrifying momentum. He
careful held Xie Xi, looking at the red and swollen lips. “This subordinate came late, it is my
Xie Xi, “…”
He coughed. “It is nothing, this…” He wanted to say to not blame Leo but he was afraid of
the national teacher’s heart.
However, if he didn’t say it then the dejected little lion was likely to blame himself.
Xie Xi had to say, “I was careless and forgot that Little Xie hasn’t passed the estrus period
The little lion’s ears moved but he didn’t have the courage to look at Xie XI.
The national teacher remained unchanged and kept holding XIe XI. “Don’t see him for the
next few days.”
Xie Xi was anxious. The estrus period had come and couldn’t be postponed. If he didn’t see
the little lion, what would Leo do?”
The national teacher continued, “What type of lion beastman does he want? This
subordinate can find any male or female for him.”
Xie Xi didn’t think about it as he cried out, “No!”
What a joke! The slag on his side was a fake slag. If the soul really did it with someone else
then it was cheating! He would really kill this person!
The words he blurted out stunned the national teacher.
At the same time, the little lion finally looked up with a brightness in his eyes.
This was really ice and fire. If the ice was strengthened then the fire was extinguished. If
the fire was ignited, the ice was melted.
They couldn’t coexist!
Leo spoke so that Xie Xi was helpless. “I would rather die than have a relationship with
other people.”
The national teacher told the guards, “Everyone, withdraw.” The tall and strong guards
were stunned but didn’t dare ask anything as they retreated.
No one suppressed the little lion but he didn’t mess around.
The national teacher waited for the people to leave before asking coldly, “You want His
Majesty to accompany you through your estrus?”
The lion was silent.
The national teacher continued, “His Majesty’s body can’t stand it. I won’t allow anyone to
hurt His Majesty!”
He was reasonable although he definitely had a private heart. Xie Xi believed that even if
his body was fine, the national teacher wouldn’t let him and Leo be like this.”
Leo paused before replying, “I won’t hurt him.”
The national teacher sneered. “Look at your own appearance. You are an adult yet still
maintain some beast traits. A person with serious beast traits like you will only be fiercer
during estrus!”
Leo stared at the other person. “I said I won’t hurt him!”
“Then endure it. If you become a murderous beast, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Leo was silent but stubbornly left his eyes open.
He could hit himself, kill himself or curse himself but he couldn’t let go of Xie Xi.
Being a murderous beast was no different from death.
Even if Leo died, no one else would die!
Xie Xi’s brain was spinning and he eventually had to bully the national teacher. “I can’t
leave him alone.”
The national teacher’s pupils shrunk and the hand hidden in the cloak was clenched tightly.
Xie Xi requested, “Can I talk to him alone?”
He was speaking to the national teacher. The national teacher’s face was covered with a
thin layer of frost. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Xie Xi gazed at the national teacher. “As long as I don’t want it, no one can hurt me.”
The words were like a sharp blade piercing the national teacher’s heart. His calmness
disappeared and his eyes were full of uneasiness. “Your Majesty…”
Xie Xi told him, “You go out first.”
The national teacher’s lips trembled before he finally replied, “Yes.”
He turned away, back covered by the white cloak. However, infinite loneliness came from
Xie Xi couldn’t help it. He regretted that he accidentally slipped and made a promise to two
Jiang Xies. The two worlds had mixed together to make this situation.
Leo stared at him. “Sir…” His voice was full of heat.
Xie Xi kissed him on the brow. “I’ll help you.”
Leo kissed him hard.
Perhaps it was because Leo was afraid of hurting him or maybe it was related to the
previous dreams? They didn’t do it to the end.
Although they didn’t do it, Xie Xi was still tired to death. His thighs were red and swollen
and he was unstable when standing.
In the morning, the national teacher prepared a medicinal bath for him and seriously
rubbed the ointment on him.
Xie Xi saw him like this and was really distressed. “I didn’t do it with him…”
Who knew that the national teacher seemed to know it already. “I know.”
Xie Xi stared blankly.
The national teacher pulled at the bun on his head where the red rose gem reflected a
beautiful light.
However, Xie Xi didn’t notice the gem. He only saw the long white hair falling down like a
The national teacher gave the hairpin to him with a sigh. “I’m sorry, this subordinate broke
his promise. I’ll give this to you.”
Xie Xi didn’t know what it meant.
The national teacher stated, “It will help if you want to use your ability.”
Xie Xi looked down at the ruby inlaid in the jade.
The ruby was small but carved extremely beautifully in a blooming rose. Every petal could
easily be distinguished on such a small gem.
The petals were so thin they seemed like they would break when touched but they were
actually very strong. Xie Xi believed there would be no damage even if they fell to the
Among the rumours of the common people, the rose earring in Xie Xi’s ear was derived
from the pattern of his beast ears.
Then Xie Xi saw it again in the form of a jade hairpin in the national teacher’s hair.
The lustre seemed dime when it was placed in the snowy hair.
Xie Xi wasn’t sure what it actually represented. What did the national teacher mean by it
would help his ability?
What was his ability?
Xie Xi took the jade and a hot energy flowed into the palm of his hand. The jade turned into
a ruby earring.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 274

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 18

Was it so magical?
Of course, Xie Xi didn’t show it on the surface since he was psychologically prepared. This
wasn’t a simple beastmen world and there were still many mysterious elements.
This stud earring was obviously unusual and Xie Xi was curious about it.
The national teacher saw his hesitation and said, “You are in poor health right now. It is
safer for you to have it.”
Xie Xi spoke vaguely. “What about you?”
He remembered that the national teacher had mentioned a ‘broken promise.’ Did they
previously make a promise and the national teacher took it off because he broke his
The national teacher smiled with gentleness in his eyes. “You used to take it around with
you often. It’s fine as long as I’m not too far from it.”
There was a large amount of information and Xie Xi had a thought in his heart. Did this
earring previously belong to the national teacher? Xie Xi used to bring it with him because
the national teacher gave it to him?
An outsider definitely wouldn’t know the details. They only saw Xie Xi with such an earring
and thought it was his.
Xie Xi frowned and said, “Your promise to me….”
This was certainly true and the national teacher told him, “It is fine as long as you don’t
leave. Put it on, you need it now.”
He took the ruby earring from Xie Xi’s hand as he spoke and carefully placed it on Xie Xi’s
left ear.
Xie Xi only felt that his ears had become slightly cooler and there was no other feeling.
He didn’t have any ability inspired or have his physical fatigue relieved. It just seemed to be
a common earring.
The national teacher’s eyes flashed as he whispered, “It’s so beautiful.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He thought the national teacher would kiss him but this person just took a deep look before
saying, “I’ll get your clothes.”
Xie Xi had been soaking for long enough and it was time to get up.
The lion’s estrus period was quite amazing. Xie Xi might’ve never seen other beasts in
estrus but he had inquired a lot from the villagers due to his nervousness. The information
obtained was that for seven days and nights, a person would only want one thing apart
from eating and drinking.
The lion was obviously more impulsive than before but he could still control himself. His
scruples regarding Xie Xi’s body meant he didn’t do it to the end.
He was just a bit more sticky and his gaze was particularly hot. He really liked to kiss Xie Xi.
The other things… they were fine.
In general, it was much better than Xie Xi’s imagination. He temporarily understood it as a
privilege of the soul.
Xie Xi wore the earring but nothing changed. After dinner, the national teacher took him
away from Leo to give Xie Xi the medicinal bath.
Xie Xi was a bit tired after the bath and fell asleep on the bed. Who knew he would have a
dream again?
This time, his senses were much clearer than before. He saw Jiang Xie’s beast ears and tail
and felt curious.
Jiang Xie didn’t give him an opportunity to think and hugged him.
Xie Xi didn’t refuse. After all, this person had endured so badly during the day.
After waking up, Xie Xi felt that his ears were slightly hot. To be precise, it was his left ear
with the earring.
Xie Xi touched the earring and found it was hot. He took it off and examined it, but didn’t
find anything.
Was this dream his ability? Did the beast king have the Dreaming ability?
Xie Xi put the earring back on and was about to draw a cleaning ball when he found that his
clothes were clean.
Eh? He clearly did it in the dream. Why in reality…
Was this the ability of the earring? It strengthened his ability to enter dreams, letting him
divide between dreams and reality more clearly?
In this case, it was convenient!
If he could solve Leo’s estrus in the dream then it wasn’t a big deal!
Xie Xi paid attention to the situation of the little lion. Leo was full of spirit and looked like
he was full of food and drink. Xie Xi became more convinced by the existence of Dreaming.
In the afternoon, Leo was still sticky towards him for a while but he was able to hold back
more than yesterday.
Xie Xi didn’t mention the dreams. From experience, he knew that if the dreamer was
prepared, the difficulty of the operation would increase. He just wanted to get over this
hurdle as soon as possible.
That night, Xie Xi was particularly active when dreaming. He knew that Jiang Xie would
have memories of this afterwards and might use it to trouble him but as long as he could
stabilize Leo as soon as possible, he didn’t care.
Who knew that Jiang Xie would respond to his initiative by saying, “This is like a dream.”
Xie Xi was almost scared to death by him!
What did it mean to be accustomed to being poor and not any blessings? Jiang Xie perfectly
interpreted this sentence!
Xie Xi hurriedly kissed him. “Stupid.”
His soft voice hooked at Jiang Xie’s soul. How could he have time to think about whether the
dream was a dream or not. Even if ie was a dream, he must seize the opportunity!
According to this progress, going through 100% of the estrus period wouldn’t be a
Xie Xi felt that he was a bit tired after he was active. This was probably because previously
he had followed Jiang Xie’s dream. This time, he led a part of the dream and consumed
more energy.
He was so tired that he actually fell asleep in the medicinal bath.
The national teacher didn’t disturb him and only carefully helped dry his body before
taking him back to bed.
Xie Xi was sleeping but once he felt that Jiang Xie was leaving, he couldn’t help pulling at
the sleeve. “Sleep…”
The national teacher paused and there were infinite tenderness and helplessness in his
eyes. He sat beside the bed and whispered like he was coaxing a small child. “Sleep.”
Xie Xi dreamt again.
This time it wasn’t the garden or a sex dream.
On a battefield covered with fire, he grabbed at a white-clad boy with arms covered in
blood. “Why did you give me your beast soul? Are you crazy?”
The white-clad teenager was pale and a wisp of white hair emerged from his cloak as he
spoke in a tired voice, “You can’t die. Xie Xi, you can’t die…”
Xie Xi was anxious. “Why don’t you care about yourself?”
“It doesn’t matter. No one needs me. But you…”
Xie Xi was full of fire. “I need you!”
The boy was shaken by the words. He slowly looked up and there was a red mist around his
throat, as if reflecting the scarlet battlefield.
“That…” The boy in white smiled. “I can’t let you die.”
Xie Xi was stunned. This moment blossomed and declined rapidly, like a beautiful and
ephemeral smile.
Xie Xi suddenly woke up and saw the national teacher next to his bed.
For a moment, he didn’t know where he was.
He dreamt of the national teacher. Was this a fragment of their previous memory?
Was this ruby earring the beast soul of the national teacher?
Did he give Xie Xi the beast soul to save him?
Xie Xi closed his eyes and opened them again, saying, “I fell asleep.”
The national teacher’s voice was warm. “If you’re tired then sleep a bit longer.”
Xie Xi shook his head. “Did I delay you from going to the meeting?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Xie Xi was curious about the things in his dream. If he could understand the damn previous
setting then it would be much more convenient.
He needed to get more sleep…
Xie Xi yawned.
The national teacher told him, “Sleep. I’ll have them reschedule breakfast.”
He couldn’t go! How could he dream if this person was gone?
Xie Xi pulled at his sleeve. “Stay with me.”
The national teacher was stunned.
Xie Xi thought about his own behaviour… the emperor cut off his sleeve for his lover yet Xie
Xi pulled at the sleeve.
Um… don’t care about the details. There were many wonders in the world. Who stipulated
that there couldn’t be an emperor like him?
Emperor XIe was very righteous. “Casually read to me so I can sleep.”
Whenever he was bored during the medicinal bath, the national teacher would read to him.
The national teacher smiled and his voice was very gentle. “Okay.”
Xie Xi gradually fell asleep while listening to the national teacher’s charming voice.
Sure enough, he dreamt of the past.
Perhaps wearing the earring strengthened his ability and made him dream of the past
related to the national teacher.
What were the specific rules? Xie Xi didn’t know for the moment and just wanted to see
what happened between them.
The dream had changed places and they were now in a town empty of people.
There were many wounded soldiers and Xie Xi was also injured. He took off the earring and
handed it to the boy in white. “Take it back.”
The teenager said, “It’s fine as long as you don’t leave me.”
Xie Xi cried out, “Don’t mess around. I am going to the front lines. What if I get hurt?!”
The teenager looked up at him. “Then protect yourself.”
Xie Xi was helpless. “Houqing, can’t you be obedient? I need to be heartless in battle.”
The national teacher was originally called Houqing!
He heard Houqing exclaim, “I want you to live!”
Xie Xi frowned and he tried to say something but he couldn’t open his mouth.
Houqing continued, “Xie Xi, remember that if you die, I can’t live!”
The young boy with snowy skin was particularly eye-catching in the midst of war. His eyes
were firm and he shouted from the soul, stirring people’s heart.
Xie Xi knew this person was telling the truth.
If Xie Xi died then it was all over.
Xie Xi sighed and asked for a promise. “Once the war is over, you must wear it every day
and don’t give it to anyone, including me.”
“Yes, I promise you.”
This was their promise. During the war, Houqing gave his beast soul to Xie Xi and it became
Xie Xi’s talisman, the symbol of Beast King Rose.
Xie Xi accepted it and completely protected it until the end of the war.
At the same time, it protected Xie Xi.
It gave Xie Xi room to think calmly in countless dangerous situations.
It gave Xie XI a point of distraction and concern when he wanted a break.
Xie Xi could go to the end of this war due to the earring.
He and Houqing indeed walked through many difficult years side by side, through thorns
and fire before finally embracing the supreme glory.
Why did they separate afterwards?
Why did the two people who went through life and death end up like this?
Xie Xi woke up again due to hunger.
He opened his eyes and the national teacher asked, “Go to eat?”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Houqing.”
“Your Majesty has something to say?”
Xie Xi smiled. “I dreamt of when we were young.”
The national teacher’s eyelashes trembled. “That was a long time ago.”
“Yes, it was a long time but I still miss it when I think about it.”
He wanted to talk about old feelings with the national teacher to warm this person’s lonely
heart. Who would’ve expected the national teacher’s expression to become even more
miserable? “I wasn’t good.”
Xie Xi was puzzled. How was this person bad? He even gave the most important beast soul
that kept Xie Xi alive?
Judging from these memories, the feelings between the two people were very deep.
The national teacher’s mouth quivered and his voice was full of bitterness. “I screwed
everything up.”
How did he mess up?
If Xie Xi wasn’t hungry then he really wanted to continue sleeping!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 275

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 19

Xie Xi held back. In any case, he had the ruby earring and would know the truth sooner or
He didn’t believe that the national teacher’s confession could bring the relationship
between the two people to an irretrievable point.
Even if the beast king had no love for the national teacher, friendship and affection must be
present. He wouldn’t leave everything to hide in a cave just because of a love confession.
There was also the chest injury and it might be related to this fight.
Xie Xi slowly remembered the little lion and it was impossible to sleep here the entire time.
At breakfast, the little lion sat next to Xie Xi because of his estrus privilege.
Xie Xi relied on him and indulged him.
Leo’s heart was as sweet as honey and he ate more meat for breakfast.
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Be careful.”
“I’ll be doing martial arts activities later.”
Xie Xi stated, “I’ll accompany you.”
Leo was even happier and added, “I’m practicing using the pike today.” He knew that Xie Xi
liked to watch this.
Xie Xi really liked it and was looking forward to it. “Good!”
Their words were quite ordinary but the atmosphere was very sticky The two people were
wrapped in the same bubble and other people could only watch with envy, unable to
The national teacher sat on the other side of the table and had no appetite.
The person who had been closest to Xie Xi was him. Every time Xie Xi learnt a new move, he
would show him first and even teach him.
Houqing suppressed his thoughts but he couldn’t get rid of the bitterness in his heart.
He couldn’t think any more, he couldn’t make any more mistakes. He had no chances.
Houqing gripped the knife and fork with great force.
Xie Xi was still very attentive. He considered his actions when talking to the lion and there
was no thing intimate.
He was afraid of poking at the heart of the national teacher. He valued both equally and was
afraid of them suffering discomfort.
Unfortunately, his affinity for Jiang Xie went soul deep. No matter how careful, he treated
the souls completely differently.
After breakfast, the national teacher went to work while Xie Xi and the little lion went to
the training field.
The guards were shocked when they saw the little lion.
It wasn’t normal to be so calm during the estrus period!
Xie Xi didn’t anything. Just like in the dream last night, if the little lion couldn’t extinguish
the fire then he would strike!
Of course, the guards didn’t ask anything, especially since they knew this was the king’s
man. They just treated him more carefully than before.
Leo was young and full of enthusiasm. He was eager to show off in front of his sweetheart.
He played with the pike, forcing the defender who confronted him to retreat.
Xie Xi watched with a smile and inexplicably remembered Zhao Zilong of Changshan who
dared to walk alone!
Of course, ZIlong didn’t have the round lion ears and long lion tail.
They left the training field and the lion went to take a bath. He pulled Xie Xi into the bath
and the two people were intimate in the bedroom.
Xie Xi was most afraid of this dog-like sniffing. “Don’t… don’t do this…”
The lion wrapped his tail around Xie Xi’s thin waist. “You are so fragrant.”
Xie Xi, “…” He always felt that he was a piece of meat and was one step from being eaten by
the lion.
In a way, he really was a ‘step’ away.
The two people were tired at noon and ended up sleeping.
The lion understood how to control himself and didn’t dare hurt Xie Xi. The more
restrained he was, the happier he became and his heart was full with love.
He hugged Xie Xi and whispered, “Sir, I really…”
He wanted to say that he liked this person but then thought of a more beautiful word. “I
really love you.”
Xie Xi’s small heart was like a swing blown by the wind. It wanted to rush out and fly away,
but it was held back by the ropes.
Xie Xi kissed this person on the lips.
The lion stared at him with sun-like golden eyes. “Aren’t we so good?”
Xie Xi thought, ‘We have been like this for a long time.’
Leo spoke again. “Let me stay with you and always love you, okay?”
Who would refuse?
Xie Xi had to think of the miserable white-haired man to calm himself down.
Xie Xi asked the lion, “What’s good about me? I can’t do anything with such a bad body.”
The simple little lion’s thoughts were immediately shifted. “You don’t have to do anything.
You’re so good, particularly good. I will take care of you in the future!”
Xie Xi found it somewhat funny. “What do you like about me?”
In fact, he was quite puzzled about this. He never knew why Jiang Xie liked him.
The difference between them was very big. One was a top designer and one was a beginner
player. How did that guy… did he fall in love at first sight?
With Jiang Xie’s experience, what was there that he hadn’t encountered?
Of course, Xie Xi felt that this question couldn’t be answered by Leo. Leo didn’t have as
much life experience.
Unexpectedly, Leo replied, “I like you because I like you. When I see you, I think of you. I
can’t suppress my heart. It is like you are engraved in my soul.”
Xie Xi was stunned and spoke in his heart, ‘Stupid lion.’
Expressing such thoughts, how could the other person not cherish it?
Leo stated, “Maybe we knew each other a long time ago and just forgot each other.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help kissing him. “Maybe that is the case.”
Before dinner, the national teacher came to find Xie Xi. “Your Majesty, I have something to
tell you.”
Xie Xi told the lion, “I’ll see you at dinner.”
Leo stared at the national teacher but didn’t say anything. This was regarding the affairs of
the Tiger Country and as a foreigner, he was naturally unable to listen.
He replied to Xie Xi, “I’ll see you later.”’
Leo left and Xie Xi glanced at the national teacher. “What is it?”
“I’ve found the details of Jiang Xie. Please take a look.”
Xie Xi had commanded the national teacher to check the little lion.
This was a precaution. The experience of the little lion’s family was so bad that Xie Xi
needed to know more details in order to prevent any troubles.
Xie Xi took the information and looked it over while listening to the national teacher’s brief
summary. “He is from the lion’s royal family. He is the sixth child of the former lion king
who died because of a coup.”
Sure enough, the souls knew how to set themselves up.
The little lion being part of the Lion Country’s royal family was similar to Xie Xi’s guess.
He looked carefully and asked, “Who was the former lion king?”
The national teacher explained, “The Lion Country always had a war faction and a pace
faction. The dead former lion king was part of the war faction. You remember Jiang Yuan,
who once sent someone to assassinate you.”
Xie Xi didn’t remember!
He replied, “How could I forget?”
“After you unified the eight countries, the Lion Country’s royal family stayed dormant and
waited for you…” He paused before vaguely saying, “The eight countries split up and the
Lion Country’s royal family regained power. Jiang Yuan was re-elected as king.”
Xie Xi nodded.
The national teacher continued, “The Lion Country has always had good relations with the
Tiger Country. The leader of the peace faction, Song Wei, fought side by side with you. They
might’ve been conquered by the royal family but they saved enough strength and caught
Jiang Yuan by surprise when he had forgotten them.”
It was basically like this.
Xie Xi unified the eight countries and the leader of the Lion COuntry was Song Wei of the
peace faction. The Rose Empire collapsed and the Lion Country’s Jiang Yuan regained
power, pushing Song Wei and his faction out of the political arena. How could they be
willing to accept this? They launched a coup and Jiang Yuan was killed.
The role played by Jiang Xie was very innocent. He was just a little lion who was one month
old. He wasn’t even clear about the details of his family.
Xie Xi clearly remembered that the little lion said his father and sister were dead but…
He was obviously the sixth child. It seemed that one sister often took care of him so he only
remembered her.
The national teacher spoke again, “The situation of Jiang Xie means that him staying here
will cause endless troubles.”
His words might sound selfless but how could Xie Xi believe it?
Besides, no matter Leo’s setting, Xie Xi couldn’t leave him.
Xie Xi answered, “It’s fine, he was too young to remember anything.”
The national teacher frowned and couldn’t help asking, “Why do you value him so much?”
How could Xie Xi answer?
The truth couldn’t be spoken and it was inevitable that the national teacher would
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “The matter of the Lion Country’s royal family really has nothing
to do with him. A one month old child wouldn’t know anything.”
He said this and the national teacher no longer asked.
Xie Xi gazed at the other person, his heart a bit empty.
It shouldn’t matter…
Xie Xi felt that his nerves were over-stressed.
After eating, it was time for the medicinal bath.
Xie Xi hadn’t taken painkillers recently but his body didn’t hurt. This medicinal bath did
work but his injury was too serious and it was difficult to recover quickly.
Xie Xi deliberately let himself fall asleep in the medicinal bath because he wanted to
continue dreaming.
Sure enough, as long as the national teacher was present then the dreams were related to
This dream was in the tiger king’s palace.
Xie Xi wore a grand outfit as he stood on a high platform and was admired by thousands of
Houqing was kneeling at his right hand, white cloak against the ground and his posture of
one knee on the ground as beautiful as a blooming white flower.
Xie Xi watched them for a moment before raising his hand. “Get up.”
The group of people cheered, the waves of sound echoing in the magnificent hall and
making people dizzy.
Xie Xi ascended the throne to be emperor and the Rose Empire was born!
Regarding the title of emperor, it was handed to him by Houqing. “The eight countries are
led by you. If everyone thinks you don’t have the highest power, many decrees will be
difficult to carry out.”
At first, Xie Xi didn’t want to be called emperor. “An imperial rule has many drawbacks.”
Houqing replied, “However, this is undoubtedly the fastest way to spread your wishes
through the world.”
“What if I die?”
Houqing whispered, “Perhaps you would’ve already created a complete policy to suppress
imperial power.”
Xie XI was persuaded by him.
Everything that Houqing did perfectly fit with Xie Xi.
Xie Xi wanted to return the world to peace and prosperity and he also wanted. Xie Xi
wanted the beastmen to live a prosperous and healthy life and he was the same. Xie Xi’s
heart was full of ambition and Houqing put all his energy into implementing the decrees,
wanting to make this country better.
Other people sang the praises of the benevolent beast king, stating that the national teacher
was the beast king’s right arm and they were truly wise men.
Houqing liked to listen to these things and worked harder.
This lasted until Xie Xi went out on patrol and was almost assassinated by rebels.
The moment the poison arrow struck Xie Xi’s lower abdomen, Houqing felt the pain of his
heart being pierced. At this moment, he recognized his heart.
Everything he did was only for Xie Xi.
In his narrow heart, he only had this person.
The so-called peace and prosperity, the so-called healthy beastmen, the so-called heart full
of ambition, all of this was because they were Xie Xi’s wishes.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 276

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 20

Xie Xi’s life wasn’t in danger. If it wasn’t a poison arrow then he would’ve been able to
recover on his own in a few days.
Even if there was poison, it wasn’t a problem with Houqing present.
Xie XI lay in bed and joked while looking at the frowning white-haired youth. “It isn’t the
first time I’ve been injured. Stop panicking.”
Houqing gazed at him, eyes somewhat strange.
Then Houqing lowered his eyelashes and carefully treated the wounds. “I will catch the
person who hurt you.”
Xie Xi told him, “Don’t be so nervous. I don’t know how many people whose interests I
touched after ascending to the throne.” There were countless people who wanted to kill
Houqing replied, “No matter how they are, I will make them pay in blood.”
“Okay.” Xie Xi felt that this person was a bit too stressed. “It is nothing to me.”
Houqing no longer spoke and only carefully treated the wounds.
Xie Xi woke up.
He opened his eyes and found that Houqing was gone. Was it because he left that the dream
It was strange since entering the little lion’s dream didn’t need two people to be present.
However, it wasn’t the same. The little lion slept and they saw dreams. Here, he saw
Houqing’s real memories.
This was probably the two directions of his ability?
Xie Xi guessed like this.
He recalled the dream. From the perspective of an onlooker, he knew this was an important
During the war, Xie Xi was injured many times. Houqing was pained but he was able to
endure it.
However, Xie Xi was still in danger once the war was over and this touched his nerves.
It could be understood that the war might be dangerous but as long as it ended, there was
peace and always hope. Yet the eight countries were unified and Xie Xi was still fatally
wounded under his nose. This was very unacceptable for Houqing.
There was no way that the heart wouldn’t fall and it wasn’t strange to fell panic all day.
Houqing’s experiences and encounters meant he was destined not to be a normal person.
His psychological quality was extremely strong but also extremely fragile if the right string
in his heart was touched.
Obviously, this string was touched.
Xie Xi sighed, turned around and went to sleep.
By the time the lion’s estrus was over, Xie Xi had watched the complete emotional
As he thought, since Xie Xi was attacked, Houqing’s status wasn’t right.
Xie Xi was ill for a month, during which he gave most of his affairs to Houqing.
This wasn’t a problem. He was most reliant on Houqing and believed in this person’s
ability. The things he couldn’t handle could only be entrusted to Houqing.
Houqing did a good job and everything was carried out in accordance with Xie Xi’s ideas.
There were no mistakes at all.
After his recovery, Xie Xi exclaimed, “If I die, this country will be handed to you. I…”
He hadn’t finished when Houqing interrupted. “You can’t die.”
Xie Xi didn’t take it too seriously. “I just giving an example.”
Houqing looked up, a faint halo of red light in his eyes. “That example can’t be given.”
Xie Xi laughed. “Don’t be overly nervous.”
Houqing didn’t say anything and continued carefully dressing Xie Xi.
Xie Xi glanced at this person through the mirror. “You are now the national teacher. You
shouldn’t do this type of work.”
Houqing replied, “I don’t trust them.”
Xie Xi thought he meant the maids couldn’t do these things well and said, “In these matters,
they are the professionals.”
Houqing didn’t refute or admit it. He insisted on everyone leaving as he kept taking care of
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi only thought that because he was injured, Houqing’s concern was chaotic and
somewhat neurotic. Xie Xi didn’t take it too seriously.
It wasn’t until half a month later that Xie Xi discovered Houqing wasn’t normal.
It was difficult to use this term to describe the person living with him.
However, he had to admit that Houqing was very normal.
First, he sent away the personal maid. Then he handed Xie Xi the dishes and bathed him.
Eventually, Houqing didn’t allow any other person to serve Xie Xi.
At this time, Xie Xi could still joke, “Don’t you like to be clean? Don’t to this type of dirty
“They can’t do it well.”
Xie Xi saw that Houqing didn’t intend to back down and had to scold him. “Houqing, you are
the national teacher and the spiritual symbol of the Rose Empire. You can’t treat yourself
like this!”
Yes, the things that Houqing did were simply self-abuse.
Houqing told him, “The entire Rose Empire is yours. It is natural for me to serve you.”
Xie Xi held his hand. “Don’t talk to me like this.”
Houqing’s eyelashes trembled but his voice was soothing. “Your Majesty, please let me do
these things. I can only feel at ease by doing them personally.”
Xie Xi frowned. “Are you still afraid?”
Houqing pursed his lips.
Xie Xi sighed. “How long has it been since the assassination attempt? Why haven’t you let it
“I haven’t caught the perpetrators yet.”
Xie Xi stated, “You know, I have countless enemies. Even if you catch them, there will be
another one.”
Houqing suddenly raised his head. “That’s why I can’t give anyone a chance to hurt you!”
Xie Xi wondered, “You can’t trust anyone in the palace?”
Houqing didn’t open his eyes. “I can’t trust anyone.”
At this moment, Xie Xi understood the true meaning of Houqing’s words.
He said helplessly, “Don’t think like this. The people here have all been personally screened
by us and are the most loyal.”
Houqing sneered. “What about their loyalty? I can’t trust their abilities!”
Xie Xi was shaken.
Houqing looked up at him. “There were so many guards at that time. Why were you still
injured?” At that time, only Houqing wasn’t around Xie Xi. He was in the rank of ministers.
Xie Xi smiled bitterly. “Well, I was careless. I lost my wartime vigilance but after this, I will
certainly tighten my nerves and not let myself get hurt.”
Houqing blamed himself. “You have to worry about so many things every day, how do you
have the energy to focus on yourself? Leave it to me.”
Xie Xi tried to comfort him. “Don’t take it on. You are busier than me.”
However, Xie Xi was defeated by Houqing who almost begged. “Your Majesty, please let me
stay close to you. I am scared and it is nothing to be tired. I just want you to be safe.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help giving in to this person’s heart.
If it was just this, the two of them wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Facts proved that a psychological problem shouldn’t be dragged out. Once signs of it were
discovered, it should be uprooted and completely eradicated.
Indulging in it would only make it more intense and it would eventually spiral out of
Xie Xi’s indulgence didn’t make Houqing reassured but only contributed to his uneasiness.
He was completely entangled in fear and self-blame, constantly reflected on what he had
done and what he was doing.
He became more and more clear that he only had Xie Xi in his heart and Xie Xi was the only
thing he thought about.
This made him more aware of Xie Xi’s tiredness and couldn’t be to let Xie Xi worry about
these trivial things…
He started to help Xie Xi do more things and to deal with government affairs. Slowly, he
pushed Xie Xi out.
It was true that the ministers were their confidants and knew that the relationship between
Xie Xi and Houqing was extraordinary. However, in the face of power, even the closest
people could turn against each other.
Houqing’s actions caused a lot of speculations. Could it be that the two top people had
started fighting for power?
Once the news reached Xie Xi’s ears, he immediately dragged the people to him for a
However, this rumour was like a dandelion seed blowing in the wind. Once it was let go, it
couldn’t be stopped.
Xie Xi slowly found out that Houqing was making him a mere figurehead.
He didn’t believe that Houqing would be blinded by rights but the facts before him didn’t
allow him to think too much.
He was wounded for a while and it was natural for Houqing to take things on. However, he
was now recovered but there were many things hidden from him. This…
There was a ripple in Xie Xi’s heart but this wasn’t something that could be solved casually.
Once he tried to limit Houqing’s rights, he found that many things were already out of his
It was true that he was the emperor but when the courtiers asked a question, Houqing’s
decision was fast and stable. Even if he asked for Xie Xi’s opinion, Xie Xi couldn’t give a
better answer.
In this way, everyone was more convinced by Houqing.
Xie Xi’s close companions were all military commanders. They couldn’t interject in matters
of the court and Xie Xi couldn’t rely on them.
In this case, he finally planned to talk to Houqing.
With their relationship, if Houqing wanted the throne then Xie Xi would give it to him.
Originally, he didn’t want to ascend the throne. It was only when Houqing said it was easier
to implement decrees that he became the emperor.
If Houqing could do it better then he could step down.
Xie Xi thought this and some of the problems in his heart seemed to be resolved.
He found Houqing and explained his decision.
Houqing was stunned. “You…”
Xie Xi spoke sincerely. “This position is more suitable for you. I am better at leading wars
and I believe in you when it comes to political matters.”
He spoke sincerely but Houqing’s expression sank. “This country is yours.” If it wasn’t for
Xie Xi, why would he have worked so hard?
“The country is the people and the leader should be able to let them live. I will go to the
border and punish the rebels.”
Xie Xi thought his decision was more and more right. Houqing would stay in the city while
he went to clean up the gang of thieves who weren’t dead. Wasn’t this just right?
They really fit together!
Who would’ve expected Houqing’s voice to be as cold as ice? “You want to leave the
Xie Xi thought Houqing didn’t believe him and replied, “I really don’t care about the throne!
I would rather lead the soldiers to fight!”
Houqing didn’t seem to hear him and asked, “You are leaving the palace?”
Xie Xi noticed this person wasn’t right. “Houqing?”
Houqing’s uneasiness that he suppressed for a long time completely broke out and he
whispered, “You can’t go anywhere. You can only stay here!”
Going to the border? Taking the soldiers to fight?
Didn’t this person suffer enough injuries? Didn’t he experience enough danger? Didn’t he
know how much Houqing worried about him?
Xie Xi didn’t respond to the meaning of this sentence for a while.
It wasn’t until there was no one around him and he couldn’t even leave the palace that Xie
Xi discovered he was under house arrest.
The little white tiger he saved, his close comrade-in-arms, the person he trusted with his
body and mind, actually put him under house arrest.
Why? Xie Xi couldn’t understand it. Was it power… was the charm of power so great?
However, he already said he wanted to give up everything. Didn’t Houqing believe him?
The knots in his heart, which had been unlocked for the most part, were tied together
again. Once he saw Houqing, he felt extremely strange.
Such eyes stung at Houqing.
Xie Xi asked him, “What do you want to do? I already said I would give you the throne. Why
don’t you let me go?”
The words about leaving became Houqing’s nightmare. He couldn’t hear them and his tight
nerves seemed to break.
He declared in a hoarse voice, “You are the beast king. You can’t go anywhere.”
Xie Xi was fired up and punched him. “Houqing, what the hell do you want to do?”
Houqing didn’t evade and blood flowed from his mouth. He ignored it as he said, “I can’t let
you go.”
Xie Xi was crazy. After all, he was the beast king who was brave and militant. Once he really
moved, no one could stop him.
At this time, there was an accident. It was unknown how long the rebels were lurking but
they found an assassinating opportunity. They hated Xie Xi, they hated the man who took
away their power.
Xie Xi was exhausted from handling the guards when he met these people.
By the time Houqing came, Xie Xi was standing there holding a pike. The attackers were
killed by him and he was shaking.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 277

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 21
This undoubtedly crushed Houqing’s tight nerves.
He walked over with a blank expression and hugged the wounded Xie Xi, eyes full of pain.
It was as if Xie Xi wasn’t the one injured but himself. It was as if the wounds were on Xie Xi
but on his heart.
He carefully held Xie Xi, the fear in his heart like a giant root under a big tree, tangling
around his entire body.
Why… was this person always hurt? Why… couldn’t he protect this person? Why, why…
The questions, blame and powerlessness glued together, almost collapsing his spirit.
He healed Xie Xi day and night without sleep. He didn’t dare to blink, as if a moment of
darkness would cause him to lose this person forever.
No, he must never lose Xie Xi.
Once Xie Xi woke up, he saw the pale and tired Houqing who seemed like he hadn’t been
sleeping for days.
Xie Xi complained about this person’s nonsense but he still felt bad for Houqing. “You…”
Houqing touched his hand, tested Xie’s forehead with the back of his head before speaking
in a near begging voice. “Please don’t leave.”
He was humble to the extreme, as if standing on the edge of a cliff and eager for a last way
to live.
Xie Xi frowned and asked in a weak voice, “Houqing, what do you want?”
“I only want you.”
Xie XI sneered. “What you want is the throne under me.”
Houqing suddenly looked up. “No, everything I do is for you.”’
This was probably the funniest thing Xie Xi had ever heard. “For me?”
Making him a figurehead, putting him under house arrest and letting him suffer
humiliation, this was all for him?
Xie Xi was cold. “If you still care about our previous relationship even a little bit, let me go.”
Houqing trembled and asked, “Where will you go?”
Xie Xi was expressionless. “A place without you.”
Hearing these words, the mud in Houqing’s heart started churning.
His fear and uneasiness reached the extreme. His eyes became red and his face was as pale
as a demon who couldn’t see the sun. He declared, “You aren’t going anywhere.”
He imprisoned Xie Xi. He no longer let Xie Xi see anyone, no longer let him leave the room
and even chained him up.
Xie Xi thoroughly exploded. “You are mad!”
Houqing whispered nervously, “You don’t know how scared I have been all these years. You
don’t know how scared I was every time you went to the battlefield. You don’t know that
every time I saw the dead soldiers, I would think they have your face. You don’t know… you
don’t know…”
His words reminded Xie Xi’s voice of the memories and his voice softened, “Those things
are all gone.”
Houqing stared at him, the smile making people’s back cold. “I thought it was over. I
thought that once you ascended to the throne and became the world’s most noble person,
you wouldn’t be in danger again. However, I was wrong… I was wrong…”
Xie Xi frowned. “No one is completely safe.”
“No…” Houqing shook his head, the white hair looking cold and making him seem paler and
sickly. “Too many people want to hurt you. The more I look, the more afraid I am. The more
I can’t find them, the more they are like ants. There are too many to be killed. Why… why
do they hurt you…”
The words made Xie Xi tense. “What have you done?!” The empire was just established and
everything was on the right track. If killing was used to suppress the rebels then it would
end everything!
The kingdom they worked hard to build was to bring peace and happiness to the people,
not to use dictatorship to exert terror and suffering!
Houqing didn’t seem to hear his voice as he kissed the back of Xie Xi’s hand. “Be obedient,
Brother Xie. Stay with me, okay? No matter what you want, I will support you in
Xie Xi blew up. “Houqing! What the fuck is wrong with you!”
Houqing kissed his lips, making him speechless. Then Xie Xi bit the tip of his tongue.
Houqing’s mouth overflowed with blood but he smiled like it wasn’t painful. “Please rest.
Your wounds haven’t completely recovered.”
Xie Xi smelt something and then fell asleep.
It wasn’t only Xie Xi who couldn’t leave this room. Houqing didn’t go out and abandoned
everything. He no longer cared about political matters and only stared at Xie Xi.
He couldn’t trust anyone. The guards were all rubbish and couldn’t protect Xie Xi. No one
could protect Xie Xi apart from him. He would protect this person with life and soul, not
letting Xie Xi suffer any damage.
Once Xie Xi’s injuries healed, Xie Xi couldn’t stand it anymore.
He didn’t know the man in front of him. This was obviously the little white tiger he saved
but Houqing was already a stranger. Xie Xi started a hunger strike and didn’t eat or drink to
resist Houqing.
Houqing asked him, “Isn’t it appetizing? Tell me what you want to eat.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Let me go.”
Houqing’s thin lips trembled. “It is dangerous, really dangerous.”
Xie Xi sneered. “Houqing, this is enough. What do you fucking take me as? I’m not a flower
in a greenhouse. I lived in a swamp and walked over mountains while you were still being
chased by beasts!”
Houqing was silent.
Xie Xi ordered, “Undo the chains or I won’t eat!”
Finally, Houqing was forced to remove the chains. However, the doors and windows were
still closed and he didn’t leave.
Xie Xi was tired of this person. He couldn’t imagine how his closest person could turn into
this! Even the white hair he usually liked had become a disgusting existing.
Xie Xi couldn’t imagine what was going on outside. Both him and Houqing were absent. He
was afraid that the entire empire was torn apart!
He was increasingly unable to understand Houqing and didn’t know what this person
Xie Xi couldn’t find a way to escape and was going crazy. He asked Houqing, “For how long
are you going to torture me? What did I do to make you hate me so much?”
“You are too good to me. No one has ever been so good to me. How can I hate you? I… love
you too much.”
This was Houqing’s so-called confession.
In such a situation, Xie Xi only heard the irony and absurdity in the words. Xie Xi smiled
sarcastically. “You love me? Do you love me?”
Houqing seemed a bit nervous. “I have always… all the time…”
“You must be kidding!” Xie Xi shouted. “This is what you call love? Let this love go to hell!”
Houqing was shocked.
Xie Xi told him, “I don’t want to be entangled with you. Let me go.”
Houqing’s throat moved. “Don’t say that…”
Xie Xi stared at him coldly. “If you love me then sorry, I don’t love you.”
This made Houqing fall into an ice cave. He smiled with as much strength as possible. “How
is that possible? You are so good to me. How could you…”
“You disgust me.” Xie Xi interrupted. “How can I full in love with someone like you?”
Houqing was stunned and there was no lustre in his eyes.
Xie Xi’s spirit was on the verge of collapse. He had been strong all his life. Why did he have
to suffer such humiliation now? What’s more, the humiliation was given to him by his loved
one. He was extremely angry and thought he was blind for giving his trust to such a
Houqing spoke sadly. “No, it is impossible. You don’t hate me. You said that you only have
me in his life…” This was what Xie Xi told him during the time they were dependent on each
Without warning, Xie Xi’s fingers turned into claws and he stabbed at his own chest cavity.
Houqing was shocked.
Xie Xi took out his bloody heart and told Houqing, “This heart absolutely doesn’t belong to
Houqing saw the bloody heart in front of him and this became his life’s nightmare.
Xie Xi told him viciously, “Let me leave or I will crush it.” Due to his physical strength, it was
hard to die as long as his heart was still beating. However, once the heart was injured, it
was difficult to recover.”
Houqing’s pupils shrank. “No, don’t!”
Xie Xi was pale but his eyes were as dark as an abyss. “Let me go or I will die in front of
Xie Xi woke up sweating from this dream. Too exciting! Both of them were neurotic!
Xie Xi finally discovered the cause of this injury… It wasn’t anyone else who did it. It was
committed by his own hand. His heart was dug out but he didn’t die. He wasn’t a normal
Still, this obviously left a huge hidden danger that led to his body’s decline. It took so many
medicines to treat this heart.
Xie XI had been soaking in the medicinal bath and the scar on his chest had faded a lot.
After knowing the situation, he looked at the outline of the scar and could see the traces.
Xie Xi shook as he worried about Virgo’s state of mind? How could he collapse so badly?
The souls of the other worlds were disheartened at best. Virgo was paranoid to the point of
Then thinking about it… Jiang Xie’s souls weren’t lacking in neuroticism.
In Love was a Dead End, all three of them were sick. Atlantis wasn’t much better and he
was also frightened by Randy who tried to resurrect him. After all, the quasi-worlds were
completed by Jiang Xie and the souls were much better off.
In this world, Jiang Xie was fused with Leo and there was no chance with Virgo? Was this
what blackened Virgo?
From the perspective of a bystander, Xie Xi could understand Virgo.
The war left Virgo with too much psychological trauma. It wasn’t resolved and became
more and more intense. He slowly changed from over protection to putting Xie Xi under
house arrest. Finally, Xie Xi’s near death completely maddened him.
After all, Xie Xi’s setting was a founding emperor who fought in a war. How could he
understand Houqing’s feelings? How could he feel Houqing’s tension and anxiety? His blind
desire to leave completely intensified the contradiction until his act of almost suicide
awakened Houqing.
It was just that this behaviour was too fierce. Houqing let him go but didn’t let himself go.
Houqing stayed in the Rose Palace and thought of the distant Xie Xi. He was a walking mass
of pain, guilt, despair and restlessly.
Xie Xi sat on the bed for a while and sighed once his heart no longer hurt.
Then he soon became nervous again.
It was broken… in this state of mind, wouldn’t Houqing’s old disease reoccur after watching
Xie Xi and Leo day and night?
Xie Xi knew there was a previous setting and Houqing wouldn’t dare anger him but Leo…
The souls were always sly and ruthless to themselves, never merciful.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 278
Collapsing 8 Boundaries 22

After understanding Houqing’s mental state and recalling what he had done recently, Xie
Xi’s back felt really cold.
During the estrus period, he and Leo were sticky to each other. The national teacher was
present most of the time and didn’t say anything. He acted like he was an insignificant
guard who had no right to get involved in the beast king’s matters.
Xie Xi had known that the national teacher felt uncomfortable but the matter was urgent
and he could only go with Leo. Now… the national teacher was uncomfortable? He was sick
in the heart!
Xie Xi didn’t think that digging out his heart could cure the national teacher.
This type of excessive behaviour would only make the collapse worse!
Xie Xi became more afraid. Then he recalled the words he exchanged with Leo yesterday
and couldn’t sit still.
He had to hurry to find Leo. He was afraid that sooner or later, the little lion would become
a dead lion!
Houqing had been living in a muddle.
From the day that Xie Xi left the palace, he became an empty shell. His body was in the
palace but his heart had long followed Xie Xi.
He knew where Xie Xi was but didn’t dare go and see him.
Initially, he arranged for someone to secretly protect Xie Xi. Xie Xi saw through it instantly
and sent a message asking if Houqing intended to force him to death.
Houqing didn’t dare do anything else and after withdrawing all his people, he disintegrated
the short but brilliant Rose Empire.
This was very selfish. He gave up countless people for one person.
Houqing couldn’t help it. He could only see that one person. This was Xie XI’s empire. If he
was gone, what was the Rose Empire?
The reason he did this was also to protect Xie Xi. The moment the empire disintegrated, the
rebels would disappear like scattered ants. Then no one would hurt Xie Xi.
Houqing had woken up. He knew what he had done and knew the person who hurt Xie Xi
most was actually himself.
Thus, he no longer went to see Xie Xi. Like self-punishment, he let the longing and remorse
bite at his heart.
He once thought it would be like this for the rest of his life. He would see that terrible
scarlet and fragile heart beating in the nightmare of pain and despair.
Then Xie Xi returned. Without warning, he came back to the capital. Houqing felt like he
was struck by lightning. He didn’t even think before going to the small inn and kneeling in
front of Xie Xi.
He begged Xie Xi to go back to the palace and asked for forgiveness. As long as Xie Xi came
back, he wouldn’t do anything wrong again. Houqing promised countless times in his heart,
like a sinner who was sent to hell and tortured, asking God for the last forgiveness.
Xie Xi agreed. He followed Houqing back to the palace. Houqing’s head and feet felt heavy
and he bit his tongue and dug his nails into his palms to calm himself down.
He hid under the white cloak out of fear that his eyes would scare Xie Xi. He was even more
afraid of Xie Xi looking at him carefully and finding one of his countless dreams.
After a whole day and night, Houqing was finally convinced that Xie Xi was back.
He seemed to have forgotten the disaster, forgotten the terrible scene and returned to the
previous time.
His body might be bad and it was difficult to cover up his tired spirit but as long as he saw
the other person’s bright eyes, Houqing had the sense of being fortunate enough to wake
up from the nightmare.
This person came back… he came back…
Houqing was cautious and always paid attention to his heart, not letting Xie Xi feel the
slightest anger and irritability.
In such a scene, Houqing started to see again.
He slowly saw the young lion beastman. Houqing came down from his surprise and saw Xie
Xi’s care and love for the lion.
This scene was familiar and dazzling. This was how Xie Xi used to treat him. It was so good
that it made Houqing think it was love. The present Houqing completely understood that it
truly wasn’t love.
For Xie Xi, it wasn’t love. Xie Xi was good to people, good enough to make people happy but
also make them misunderstand.
Therefore, Houqing’s mood was still calm.
It happened like this and the lion beastman was no different from Houqing’s previous self.
The lion regarded caring as love and after blindly confessing, he only got disappointment.
Houqing felt that Xie Xi wouldn’t fall in love with such a little lion. Xie XI habitually took
care of the weak and once they were under his wings, he was a deadly guardian.
Houqing thought this way but the lion beastman confessed. He frankly expressed his
thoughts to Xie Xi and declared that he only wanted Xie Xi.
At the time, Houqing had been very nervous. He knew the result but his heart was still
wary. As he expected, Xie Xi didn’t accept.
The lion beastman was urgent and threatened Xie Xi with estrus. Houqing let go of all his
worries. He felt that the lion beastman was finished. Xie Xi most hated being controlled.
From this point on, everything was different.
Xie Xi didn’t become angry and helplessly agreed. He agreed to the lion’s impolite request.
For a moment, Houqing even thought that the reason why Xie Xi returned to the capital was
to cure his body and help the lion through the estrus period.
It was because he already knew that the lion didn’t want anyone except him. H-How could
that be?
Houqing’s palms were sweating at the idea. How could Xie Xi fall in love with such a little
boy? It was impossible. Absolutely impossible.
Then there was the estrus period…
These seven days were tantamount to cutting the meat of Houqing’s heart with a knife.
He knew that Xie Xi used Dreaming to help the lion and knew that Xie Xi didn’t do it with
the lion.
Still, what was the difference? The estrus period was resolved by Xie Xi. In a dream, a
person could be more unbridled than reality. Houqing even wanted to sleep forever.
The thought of this precious experience being with another person caused Houqing’s
breathing to become difficult.
He told himself that he couldn’t think too much. He couldn’t make a mistake anymore or do
anything to make Xie Xi angry.
However, everything moved in a direction he couldn’t imagine.
Xie Xi was as good to the lion as he had been to Houqing. The praise and affection in the
black eyes were sincere and unmissable.
Once, Houqing could see himself in those eyes but now it was someone else.
The thing that made Houqing panic was that the lion was different from him…
It was true that the lion didn’t go through life and death with Xie Xi. He didn’t walk through
the bumps and thorns that Houqing and Xie Xi had gone through. At the same time, he
didn’t have those knots and concerns, no nervousness and fear.
The lion was very different from Houqing. The lion could be straightforward and
unconstrained. His love was fierce and frank and he dared to express it to Xie Xi. He wasn’t
afraid of losing or rejection. He was like a moth. Even if it killed him, he was willing to
become fuel for the flames.
Xie Xi obviously preferred this…
Houqing realized this and panicked.
Maybe Xie Xi really returned to help the lion through the estrus period. He only wanted to
be healthy for the lion. He was able to emerge from the terrible past because he met the
lion. Xie Xi really fell in love with the lion.
A huge panic grabbed at Houqing’s heart. He kept telling himself that he couldn’t make
another mistake. He had destroyed everything and was no longer qualified to have Xie Xi…
Still, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t alleviate the fear that originated in his soul
There was a desire for life and a strong survival instinct that drove him. He couldn’t afford
to lose Xie Xi. He couldn’t lose him anymore.
Houqing didn’t doubt that if Xie Xi followed the lion, he would become a beast with no
humanity. This was more terrible for Houqing than death.
However, what could he do? What else could he do? He had no way…
At least, until he found out the lion’s past.
Houqing spent an entire night in the study, not blinking as he stared at the information in
his hands.
If he told this to the lion, the lion was bound to leave Xie Xi. But what about Xie Xi? Would
Xie Xi hate him?
The sky became bright and Houqing got up and stood by the window.
The Rose Palace was designed by him. From here, he could see the beautiful Rose Garden
and Xie Xi’s section of the palace.
Houqing liked this beautiful garden. It was the embodiment of Xie Xi, representing his
beauty and strength. So gorgeous, so beautiful yet so powerful. It was dazzling.
Once the first rays of sunlight penetrated through the clouds and shone on the petals kissed
by dewdrops, Houqing gripped the information in his hands.
He hated it, hated it. If the lion really loved Xie Xi, they… would be together. Then Houqing
would die without any regrets.
Houqing no longer hesitated and strode out of his palace.
The reason why Xie Xi was so flustered was because he was worried about his words
At the time, Leo had asked him, “Will you still be with me once the estrus period is over?”
Xie Xi whispered back to him, “Nonsense.”
The lion hugged him and kissed him. “You don’t hate me?”
“If I hate you, I would’ve already driven you away.”
The lion asked him, “Do you like me?”
Xie Xi had only spoken one word when Houqing came in.
Xie Xi shut up in time and Leo didn’t ask again. He just smiled handsomely. “If you didn’t
like me, wouldn’t you have already driven me away?”
Xie Xi didn’t answer and changed the topic.
Houqing was surprised at the time but didn’t say a word.
Xie Xi felt awkward but Houqing was too calm. Xie Xi didn’t realize because he missed an
important section of the previous summary.
Now it was like the last straw that crushed the camel.
Too dangerous!
It wasn’t early and it was reasonable to say that this was the time to soak in the medicinal
Houqing didn’t come to serve him and instead, a servant was waiting outside the door.
Xie Xi’s heart was tense and his instincts told him that things weren’t good. He didn’t care
about the medicinal bath and directly stunned the servant with the drug in his sleeve.
This was prepared by Xie Xi a long time ago in case the two men fought. The drug was from
Wonderful Painting of the Mountains and Seas. The world was very high in level and should
be able to deal with most of the beastmen here.
Xie Xi didn’t dare to delay. He brought out the mini detector and searched the palace for
He headed towards Leo’s section of the palace and one of the detectors gave feedback.
Houqing and Leo were in the rose garden!
Xie Xi was anxious and drank a bottle of physical medicine before running towards the
At the same time, he heard the conversation between the two people from the detector.
He heard Houqing say, “Your father used to be a rebel and tried to assassinate His Majesty
many times.”
Xie Xi heard this and his heart said, ‘Sure enough!’
Houqing added, “His Majesty was committed to the peace of the world and the war faction
abhorred it. Your Jiang family was defeated.”
Leo was shocked by the sudden news. “You’re talking nonsense!”
“Why do you think Your Majesty values you so much? He trained you to make you an
obedient lion king.”
Leo exclaimed, “You are jealous of my relationship with him. You are slandering him!”
Houqing laughed lightly. “Why did you fall in love with him?”
This question was so sudden that Leo wasn’t able to answer it at first.
Houqing spoke slowly, “Do you often dream of this garden? Before my estrus period, I
dreamt of His Majesty here…”
Leo’s pupils shrank. He said nothing but his expression exposed everything.
Houqing spoke cynically, “I didn’t want to tell you but he was born with the ability to
manipulate dreams.”
Leo’s response came. “What do you mean?”
Houqing wondered, “Do you really love him? Or are you just seduced by the dreams he gave

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 279

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 23

This was too much!

Xie Xi wanted to have eight legs to hurry to the scene and interrupt their conversation!
He didn’t have to look to know what expression the little lion would be making.
The little lion’s voice was truly tense. “No, he isn’t like this…”
Houqing’s words pierced his heart. “You have never been to Rose Palace or this garden.
Why dream of this place?”
This was something the little lion also wanted to understand. The first time he came to the
palace and saw the garden, he couldn’t figure out why he dreamt of it when he had never
seen this place before.
Now he had an answer.
Houqing watched the garden and sighed. “He likes this place the most. He entered my
dreams a long time ago and showed me this garden.”
Leo’s head was buzzing. “He entered your dreams?”
Houqing directly asked him, “I met him when I was as old as you. How did you think we
spent our estrus?”
There was no doubt that Leo thought about this issue. He even vaguely knew that Xie Xi
and Houqing…
Still, it was difficult to accept when he actually heard it.
Houqing knew the art of attacking the heart. His experience meant it was easy to clean up
the little lion. “This garden was what I recreated from the dream. I don’t know what type of
dreams he gave you but presumably with his love for the garden…”
Leo couldn’t listen anymore. “Enough!”
Houqing saw the fire was almost stoked and intended to end it. “I told you these things to
wake you up. Xie Xi doesn’t love you and is just using you.”
“Shut up!”
His anger wasn’t able to calm Houqing, who was still calm and slow. “I’m said all this but
you are still obsessed…”
Leo didn’t believe it. “I don’t believe you. I’m going to ask him!”
On the way, Xie Xi thought, ‘Little lion, you are good. Listening to others isn’t as good as
listening to me!’
Houqing had expected this and sneered. “Do you want him to coax you to be his puppet for
all your life?”
Leo was stunned.
Houqing told you, “You can ask him and continue to be blind and deaf. In any case, you have
These words struck the heart, suggesting that his home was broken. The little lion’s eyes
Xie Xi rushed over and once he saw the garden in the distance, he saw the two Jiang Xies
standing among the flowers.
The two men didn’t look similar but their figures were equally slender.
The little lion’s ears and tail had completely faded and he didn’t have a juvenile appearance.
The blond hair and golden eyes shone in the midday sun, making it impossible for people to
look straight.
The national teacher wore a white cloak. His temperament was cool but not weak. He stood
in front of the little lion, who was shining like the sun, and still had an outstanding air.
Xie Xi was stunned for a moment. It wasn’t because of praise for his lover but because he
suddenly thought of something.
This wasn’t the same as the collapsed god…
If the national teacher and Leo weren’t souls of the same world then…
Xie Xi thought about it and decided it was worth a try!
The situation was already like this and it couldn’t be worse!
Xie Xi no longer paused and strode towards them.
With their five senses, they didn’t notice his arrival. This was deliberately done by Xie Xi.
He wanted to hit them directly so they had no chance to cover up.
Houqing froze when he saw Xie Xi.
Leo wasn’t much better. He was emotionally complex and his honest love was like a dusty
jewel, making people feel bad.
Xie Xi looked at this and then at that.
Leo opened his mouth first. If Xie Xi hadn’t arrived then he would’ve been convinced by
Houqing’s words and not have the courage to ask separately. Now Xie Xi was in front of him
and he didn’t have time to think about it. Thus he directly asked!
“Is he telling the truth? My father was a rebel and tried to kill ou. You have the ability to
manipulate my dreams. You… you…”
He asked intermittently, standing beside Houqing who was an ice sculpture in the cold
The bone-chilling cold passed from the tip of his finger to his heart. His blood solidified and
his brain was very active. Xie Xi knew. It was over. Xie Xi would never forgive him.
Houqing stood in the beloved garden while his soul was in physical hell. The overwhelming
despair and craziness tore at his mind.
He lost Xie Xi, he would lose Xie Xi forever…
Just as he was feeling desperate, he heard Xie Xi’s quiet voice. “I’m sorry.”
He was apologizing to the lion beastman.
Houqing felt like he had been pulled from the water. Air filled his chest cavity as he turned
to look at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi lowered his eyes and was cruel under his calm. “Houqing’s words are true.”
Houqing was shocked.
Leo’s eyes turned scarlet and he cried out, “Why? Why are you teasing me like this?”
Xie Xi had long been eavesdropping and naturally knew the script. “You are the only
member of the Lion Country’s royal family left. As long as you listen to me, the entire Lion
Leo swung his fist and Houqing caught it.
Leo was mad. This moment was really filled with ups and downs for him.
Yesterday was full of affection and he slept happily because of Xie Xi’s promise. Today, he
fell from Heaven to Hell. He went from being wrapped in clouds to burning in his heart. Leo
felt an indescribable pain.
Not only did he lost love, he lost his life.
His close person, the person he trusted, the person he loved most, had been deceiving him
from beginning to end.
The warmth that supported his growth turned out to be false.
In front of the person who felt longing and attachment, Xie Xi was actually so hard-hearted.
Leo was really blind and deaf. He had been deceived like a clown.
Leo thought he was already in Hell and didn’t expect to experience more cruelty.
The familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of him declared, “Now that you know this, I can’t
let you go.”
Leo stared at Xie Xi with shock. “You… you’re going to kill me?”
Xie Xi looked up, his eyes still. “You should know where this is. You can’t escape.”
The posturing Xie felt fortunate. He didn’t have the heart to be emperor and quietly drew
some robots to pretend to be guards.
He came along this path and knocked unconscious many of Houqing’s confidants. It was his
robots who came to chase the lion beastman.
The robots naturally listened to his signals. He just had to stop Houqing from doing
anything. Then the robots would make the scene look tragic while leading Leo along a
certain path and it should be fine!
Fortunately, there was the god’s wisdom!
Leo was filled with grief and anger, all the love transforming into a deep hate in an instant.
“Xie Xi, I hate you!”
He jumped up and smashed the guards surrounding him.
Xie Xi didn’t need to distract Houqing since this person had already collapsed.
How could this be?
Xie Xi… was really just using the lion? He wanted to borrow the lion to settle the Lion
Country? Really…
He felt it was wrong but…
The guards stabbed at the lion and Xie Xi’s heart thumped. ‘Fuck, be careful. If you poke a
hole in him then I will smash all of you!’
The ‘guards’ were very stable. After all, they were robots. There would be zero errors.
Then Houqing’s senses returned and he ordered, “He must be caught!”
The guards obeyed the orders but the person really controlling them was Xie Xi. Xie Xi
ordered them to drive him to the border.
Leo’s training during this time wasn’t in vain and his skills were amazing.
Xie Xi saw that Houqing wanted to act and hurriedly pulled at him. “Leave it to them. If they
can’t even catch a young lion then what is the use of the guards?”
Houqing was surprised and turned to look at him.
Xie Xi put on a tired expression. “I’m a bit hungry. Let’s go back.
Xie Xi intentionally took Houqing’s hand because he was afraid that Houqing would ask,
‘How did you come here?’
Regarding this question, Xie Xi hadn’t thought of a proper answer yet. He could only take
advantage of Houqing’s confused state to take him away from the scene.
Fortunately, Houqing suffered a much larger impact than he imagined.
He couldn’t remember to ask the reason that Xie Xi came here. His brain was full of the
changes that occurred just now.
For Leo, it was a moment of ups and downs. For Houqing, wasn’t it escaping death?
It wasn’t until after breakfast, the medicinal bath and the guards reporting that the lion was
seriously injured and fled into the Beast Forest, with no possibility of survival, that
Houqing slowly recovered.
The lion beastman died…
He turned to watch Xie Xi.
Xie Xi sighed and looked a bit uncomfortable.
Houqing finally spoke to him, “Your Majesty, you…”
Xie Xi looked at him and smiled. “Don’t you know everything?”
Houqing’s heart humped and he kneeled down.
Xie Xi got up and put on a cloak before saying, “You are really becoming more and more
confused. Jiang Yuan attacked us so many times. How can I have any feelings for his child?”
Houqing’s body tensed.
Xie Xi told him, “It was an accident to pick out the little lion. Since I discovered his past, I
decided it would be a good thing to train him into the lion king.”
Houqing’s brain was a mess. He heard everything Xie Xi said but the words were
Indeed, once he returned to the palace, Xie Xi had Houqing check the background of the lion
Xie Xi added, “I have no intention of unifying the eight countries again. I just want to do
something within my power. If I could train this little lion into a good king then it is also
very good.” The reason was far-fetched but he was asking for Houqing’s filter to fill in the
loopholes himself!
Houqing was intelligent and at this moment, he understood everything.
Xie Xi sighed. “I don’t blame you. It is my fault. The feelings that started out of deception
will collapse sooner or later.
Houqing didn’t know what to think. His chaotic mood reached the peak and in the end, he
could only squeeze out a sentence. “I thought you returned to the palace for him…”
Xie Xi stared at him.
Houqing bowed his head and asked in a quivering voice, “Your Majesty, why did you come
If it wasn’t for the lion beastman then why?
Why return to a palace that he abhorred? Why meet Houqing?
Why— this thought might be too good and Houqing didn’t have the courage to think it.
Xie Xi bent over to help him up and spoke in a helpless voice, “I miss you… Houqing, I
missed you very much.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 280

Collapsing 8 Boundaries 23 End

Xie Xi’s words weren’t true but the deep feelings weren’t false.
How contradictory was this? In any normal situation, he would be a sinful person.
But right now…
This was the most promising thing to do. If he didn’t separate the two people, there might
be an irreparable disaster.
Houqing’s state of mind was extremely bad. Once stimulated, his behaviour would become
aggressive and the little lion was in danger.
Now he used a robot to ‘escort’ the lion to the Lion Country and then the robot would
change the appearance to help Leo ascend to the throne. After one or two years of training,
he would be fine.
Hatred and love coexisted, meaning Leo wouldn’t let go. He would work harder and become
stronger in order to ‘get revenge.’
Once that time came… Xie Xi would make a gamble!
He firmly believed that these were two worlds. They might be mixed together but there
was a possibility of repairing their one by one.
This wasn’t like the Collapsed God where he had to hold three people steady at the same
If so, it was necessary to take Leo away. Rather than forcing two fish to die in the net, it was
better to separate them and take things slowly.
Apparently, Xie Xi’s words had stunned Houqing. He allowed Xie Xi to help him up, his head
in disarray as the words echoed.
Xie Xi missed him? He said he missed Houqing.
Xie Xi saw him like this and felt distressed. Houqing might’ve done too much and he was
neurotic and fearful, but in these collapsed worlds, the souls were the most innocent ones.
It wasn’t that they wanted to collapse. Anyone who faced abandonment and death would be
It was like waking up to find their homes destroyed and their lives lost. Who would be able
to bear it?
The souls represented Jiang Xie. At first,they were sleeping and then they awakened to find
they could no longer support the world. They were banished and would ultimately be
erased. How else could such a strong man be forced to feel such pain and despair?
Xie Xi stared at Houqing and spoke hoarsely, “I’m sorry, I ignored you too much.”
Houqing was even more baffled. He couldn’t understand these words. How could Xie Xi
apologize to him? What was Xie Xi sorry for? Everything was his fault, he was the one who
hurt Xie Xi.
Xie Xi pulled him over and spoke slowly, “I used this time to think a lot. I was still thinking
when I came back.’
Houqing was taken by the words and asked, “What were you thinking about?”
Xie Xi looked up at him. “I wondered why you became like this?” He reached out to caress
the thin face, giving the cold cheeks some warmth.
Houqing grabbed his hand, thin lips trembling fiercely.
The tip of Xie Xi’s nose was sour and his eyes were red. Anyone who saw the person in the
heart show such an expression wouldn’t be able to hold it. He absolutely wasn’t a man!
Houqing muttered, “I…I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
Xie Xi enduring the sourness that came up. “I was very angry when I left the palace. I felt
that I was betrayed. I didn’t understand why the little white tiger I cared for would do
something like that to me.”
Houqing lowered his eyes and was embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
“I was the one who wasn’t right. I had been making you afraid the entire time.”
Houqing’s body froze.
After seeing the previous summary, how could Xie Xi not understand?
Beat King Rose had truly fought through hundreds of battles and created unprecedented
achievements, but he always placed himself on the tip of the knife.
It wasn’t just Houqing. Every family member of the soldiers on the battlefield were just as
If Jiang Xie almost died then Xie Xi would also be in a state of panic.
He continued speaking to Houqing, “The war was clearly over but I was still in danger. This
scared you, didn’t it?”
Houqing hugged him, the breath touching his neck hot. Houqing gasped like a child who
had been crying for a long time.
Xie Xi’s eyes were moist. “I didn’t notice your feelings and also became suspicious of you. I
thought you were interested in my high position…”
“I was too incompetent,” the national teacher stated. “I couldn’t protect you.” There was no
way to let Xie Xi reach his ideals while protecting him, no way to protect him from the sea
of swords and fire…
Xie Xi naturally wouldn’t speak such extreme statements and his voice was warm. “It’s fine
now. I won’t be in danger anymore.”
Houqing didn’t move.
Xie Xi sighed. “After returning to the palace, I thought a lot. It is difficult for the Rose
Empire to make people happy. The lion beastmen and tiger beastmen are closest to each
other yet their lifestyles are very different, not to mention the distant beastmen. There
were too many rebels in the Rose Empire. It is true that some moved due to their ambition
but the number proved that this method was indeed inappropriate.”
It was just like Earth where Xie Xi came from. There were ambitious people who aged
worlds but there were still countless countries coexisting in peace.
Centralization of power was the easiest to produce while democracy was from top down.
Checks and balances were most needed in politics.
Xie Xi’s words were the right medicine to treat the patient.
The more that Houqing listened, the more sober he became. His black heart showed signs
of easing.
His heart disease was very complicated. On the one hand, he didn’t wish to violate Xie Xi’s
wishes. He wanted to work with Xie Xi to achieve their common dream. On the other hand,
he was nervous about Xie Xi’s safety. He knew this was the most dangerous way and he
couldn’t help Xie Xi.
He had to give Xie Xi the most perfect world but he couldn’t do it. The contradictory mood
intertwined with each other and became a knot that couldn’t be resolved.
Fortunately, Xie Xi knew how to untie it.
Houqing’s mood gradually stabilized and he asked the thing he wanted to know most. “You
really don’t…”
Xie Xi knew without him finishing and directly replied, “If I didn’t love you, why would I
give you only clean clothes to wear, give you the softest bed to sleep in and leave the best
things for you? If I didn’t love you, would I be willing to share the world with you, directly
give you the emperor’s throne and be with you day and night? If I didn’t love you, would I
feel heartache because of your behaviour, desperate because of your abnormality and feel
enough despair to not want to live?”
Houqing was afraid of the last picture and hugged him again. “I…”
He didn’t know what to say. He had thought they were in love but…
Xie Xi’s warm voice entered his ears. “I love you.”
‘Just as you love me I love you to the bone.’
Houqing became more speechless. He was afraid that he would awaken from the dream if
he opened his mouth.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. Leo had been settled in a secret place deep in the forest. Xie Xi had
a lot of time with Houqing.
Even if the knot was untied, the rope was still awkward. It would only be straightened
completely by time.
Xie Xi also needed time to patch his actions.
Leaving the palace and returning home with the lion were things that needed to be treated
with caution.
Xie Xi also needed to patch ‘turning against’ Xie Xi.
The thing that made Xie Xi helpless was that Houqing didn’t ask.
They spent a full month together. Houqing was normal and the feelings between the two
people were more harmonious. However, he never mentioned anything related to Leo.
He didn’t mention it but Xie Xi had to talk about it.
There were so many lessons from the past. How could he ignore them?
Jiang Xie’s mouth was full but he was actually stuffy to his bones. He could say a basket of
improper words but once he was poked in the heart, he didn’t mention it. Look at when he
stated that Equivalent Exchange wasn’t a problem or when he said the white space was
nothing when it actually dealt a serious injury.
Xie Xi thought up to here and couldn’t help recalling Jiang Xie’s words.
He said that it was hard for people to get the task of erasing his worlds. Was this true?
Previously, Xie Xi was convinced but today worry filled his heart.
No, he had to be warier of this guy’s nonsense in the future!
Xie Xi picked the time of the medicinal bath to bring up Leo.
“The little lion… is he really dead?” He couldn’t hide the sadness in his voice. Of course, his
heart was as still as a mirror. Lep was holding the ‘secret technique book’ Xie Xi prepared
for him and was in closed-off training.
Houqing explained, “He fled into the forest and his chances of survival aren’t great.”
Xie Xi leaned back in the bathtub and said, “…I didn’t know when I took him back to the
palace. I just wanted to come back.”
Houqing finally confessed. “I was afraid he would take you away so I told him his life story
and spoke those words to guide him.”
Xie Xi took the initiative to shoulder the blame. “As long as he returns home, he will know
the truth sooner or later. At that time, it would be troublesome.”
Houqing was silent again.
Xie Xi sighed softly and held his hand. “Shall we not be suspicious of each other in the
Houqing stared at him with eyes as clean as a cloud. “Yes.”
Xie Xi added, “I’ll tell you everything and trust in you. Trust in me, okay?”
“Okay…” Houqing kissed him on the forehead. “I’ll keep nothing from you and tell you
Xie Xi pulled him over and kissed him on the lips.
A year later, the terrible wound on Xie Xi’s chest disappeared. His body was fully recovered
and there was no further discomfort.
Xie Xi finally knew his own beast state…
He had guessed he was a tiger but he didn’t think he was such a small tiger! That’s right…
Small, too fucking small, just like a black cat!
Houqing held him up, eyes curved in a smile. “It is hard to imagine that such a small body
contains so much power.”
Xie Xi was very angry. “You also become a beast. I want to know what you look like.”
Houqing told him, “No, you look good.”
Xie Xi, “…” He would scratch this person!
More than a year passed and Houqing had warmed up. There was no longer the cold and
cruel appearance as before.
Houqing kissed him on the nose. “You haven’t seen my beast form in a long time. right?”
Xie Xi stared at him. “Hurry up.” As he spoke, he turned back into a human.
Then there was a white mist and the white cloak landed on the ground. A beautiful white
tiger appeared in front of Xie Xi.
Xie Xi’s eyes lit up and he praised, “Good-looking!”
Handsome, arrogant and powerful. This should be the beast king!
Xie Xi touched the soft hair and was thrown down by the white tiger.
Xie Xi laughed loudly. “Don’t do that, your big tongue is too… too much…”
The white tiger became a man and took his ‘black cat’ king back to bed.
Xie Xi stared at his chest for a while. Then Houqing rose from the bed and put on his coat.
He looked into the mirror at Xie Xi. Black silk covered his white body and the symmetrical
beauty was amazing.
Xie Xi’s beautiful body finally had no scars and the scary scar on the chest could no longer
be found.
Houqing reached out from behind and touched Xie Xi’s chest.
Xie Xi smiled. “It doesn’t hurt at all.”
Houqing stared at the other person’s smile and whispered, “Me too.”
Xie Xi’s heart wasn’t in pain and Houqing’s heart wasn’t painful either.
For the first time, Xie Xi saw the scene where he and Jiang Xie were drawn from the world.
He saw the scene in the mirror distort. Houqing kissed him on the neck and there was a
swirling in their bodies. After feeling the familiar pulling sensation, Xie Xi popped out from
the small world.
He saw the sleeping white-haired Virgo…
Sure enough, he hadn’t made a mistake. The two small worlds could be repaired separately!
Xie Xi gently sighed and looked at the still shining Leo.
This time it was the little lion.
Xie Xi prayed silently before entering. The little lion should be merciful!
He went in and saw a tall man in armour, holding a long spear and standing in the light of
the fire.
What was the little lion? This was a strong and domineering mature man.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 281

Collapsing 7 Boundaries 23 (1)

Xie Xi’s heart thumped. It seemed that his prayer didn’t take effect. The little lion was 100%
considered him a slag.
Fortunately, Xie Xi was prepared. He naturally left a back hand for himself before daring to
act as a slag. It felt really good to write his own emotional summary!
Now there was only Leo in this small world and he didn’t need to panic.
He just had to coax this lion!
The current situation was estimated to be after several years had passed. Xie Xi glanced
around and felt it likely that his Rose Palace had been burned. Leo was like a god of war
from the heavens who came to destroy his sinister ambitions.
Xie Xi couldn’t help sighing. He not only learned to write his own emotional summary but
he saw Jiang Xie’s continuation with one glance!
It was great… bah!
Who wanted this ability?
Jiang Xie looked down at him condescendingly, the golden pupils reflecting the blazing fire.
The original bright and innocent boy was eroded by hardships and transformed into a cold
There was a bang as Jiang Xie slammed the spear into the jade floor in front of Xie Xi.
The jade was hard but brittle. Cracks instantly appeared in an unsightly pattern, like skin
Xie Xi looked up.
Jiang Xie’s golden eyes under the eyelashes were filled with deep hate. “Xie Xi, when you
tricked me, did you ever think this day would come?”
Xie Xi, “…” The thought of today was why Xie Xi dared to act as a slag.
Of course, his face was disheartened and he didn’t speak a single word.
Jiang Xie grabbed at his collar and almost lifted him up. “I was really blind. I thought that
this violent tyrant was the gentlest person in the world!
‘Little lion, you really have a lot of private set up. The wise Beast King Rose became a
Okay, there must be sufficient reason to dethrone the king.
Xie Xi still didn’t say anything, his sorrow greater than his fear of death.
This apparently irritated the lion who wanted revenge. He broke his outward appearance
and despised Xie XI. ”Why? Your national teacher is dead and you don’t want to live
Xie Xi received the signal. It seemed that the fake national teacher was dead. This was
“Do you think I will let you die so easily?” Jiang Xie was cold. “You deceived me, teased me
and insulted me. I will repay you twice over!”
Xie Xi could only silently vent in his heart, ‘Little lion, if you really catch a villain, please
don’t talk nonsense with him. Killing is the best way. You will be killed like this!’
Of course, how could Jiang Xie be willing to kill him? These harsh words were because of
love and hate.
Xie Xi was imprisoned in a vehicle.
He was imprisoned but it wasn’t filled with the sentimentality of Houqing. He was really
chained around the neck and wrist and forced to stay in the prison vehicle.
There was also a group of soldiers watching over him like they were escorting a major
Fortunately, they didn’t go along the main streets and he didn’t get any tomatoes or rotten
vegetables thrown at him.
Fortunately, Xie Xi’s body had been restored. As one of the strongest people on this land,
the potholes on the road didn’t make him vomit out his internal organs.
Xie Xi never saw Leo along the way.
Thinking about it, he was a prisoner and Leo was the crowned king. For what reason would
he see Xie Xi?
After arriving in the Lion Country, Xie Xi was finally brought along the streets.
There were six rows of soldiers holding weapons so the onlookers didn’t dare to throw
However, their yells were endless.
“Kill the tyrant! Kill him!”
“Take a thousand knives to him. Let him pay with blood!”
There was also a good voice. “Love live the lion king! A brilliant god!”
Xie Xi’s lips pursed. This shameless demeanour was really Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi was thus locked in the dungeon of the Lion Country.
How harsh were the conditions? If 18 layers of hell were dug in the ground, he was at the
The iron chain was as thick as an arm and would probably take a while to cut.
Thanks to Xie Xi’s physique fitness, dragging such a chain didn’t make him feel tired.
In contrast, Xie Xi missed Virgo’s imprisonment. After all, he got delicious food and a
comfortable place to sleep. Leo was too rough.
It was dark and damp. If he didn’t have the god’s wisdom then he would already go on
Xie Xi counted the days. For three or four days, Leo didn’t look for him.
This kid’s anger wasn’t small. It was very strong.
Xie Xi pondered if he was eating too much using the god’s wisdom. Would a poor
complexion attract attention?
Did he have to act hungry again?
Xie Xi thought about the robot that he planted.
The world might’ve changed but the previous situation was well laid out. According to
logic, the robot’s role should still be present.
Xie Xi tried to contact it and it was working!
Sure enough, things were continuous. This would make it easier.
Xie Xi manipulated the robot to find Leo.
The palace of the Lion Country could be called a golden brilliance. It was different from the
plain elegance of the Tiger Country. This was a golden system and it made Xie Xi
inexplicably feel that he had come to Thailand.
Cough, the palace might be a bit flashy but the lion king was handsome!
He was blond and tall. He sat there in a daze but the melancholy added countless charms to
Once the robot arrived, Leo got up and said, “Teacher.”
The robot bowed and Leo told him, “There are no bystanders here. Teacher doesn’t need to
be polite.”
Xie Xi felt awkward. ‘You place me in jail but act so respectfully to a robot… okay, I was the
one who was a slag.’
Xie Xi gave the robot instructions and the robot soon shifted the topic to the imprisoned
beast king.
The lion king’s expression suddenly sank. “I have my own opinion on this matter.”
The robot spoke according to orders, “I heard that the beast king had a disease in his early
years and his body isn’t as good as before. If he continues to be locked up then he will die in
The lion king was furious. “How can he die?”
The robot paused before saying, “Since he has been captured, we should use him to deter
the other tribes by beheading him in public….”
These words poked at the little lion. “Teacher, please come back. I have my own plans
regarding him.”
The robot was tactful. “The beast king is along in the dark and damp dungeon. He hasn’t
eaten for several days and I’m afraid…”
The lion king was cold. “Withdraw!”
Xie Xi saw the fire and had the lion go back.
Xie Xi waited in the prison for around two hours before he heard the sound of footsteps.
This could be regarded as calling for someone!
The guards were shocked when they suddenly saw the lion king and hurriedly bowed.
The lion’s expression was heavy. “Everyone, go out.”
One guard hurriedly said, “Your Majesty, this sinner’s means are fierce. This subordinate is
afraid that…”
The lion king ordered in a low voice. “Go out!”
The group of people paled and withdrew.
In this big cave, there was only the lion and the heavily chained Xie Xi.
Xie Xi looked up weakly.
There was a flash in Leo’s golden eyes but he was steady on the surface. “Do you regret it?”
Xie Xi stared at him without blinking and didn’t say anything.
Leo couldn’t stand this gaze and squeezed the other person’s chin. “You killed my family
and wanted to train me into a knife in your hands…” He stared at Xie Xi. “Now that you have
fallen into this situation, do you regret it?!”
Xie Xi smiled and whispered to him, “Have you been doing well?”
His originally warm and sweet voice was hoarse, as if he hadn’t drunk water for a long time.
Leo paused before replying, “What do you think? I got revenge and I’m very good!”
Xie Xi’s eyelashes trembled before he smiled softly. “That’s good.”
In fact, there was no trace of happiness in Jiang Xie’s heart. He hated this person for so
many years and finally pulled this person down from the throne, locking up in the dungeon.
He could kill Xie Xi for revenge but…
His heart was filled with indescribable powerlessness, as if he lost interest in everything.
From the moment he saw Xie Xi, he wanted to see this person again.
The nearly 10 years of hate all became absurd in that moment.
So lowly and sad. He wasn’t worthy of being a person!
The self-blame and disgust shackled Jiang Xie, causing him to grab Xie Xi’s neck as if to
strangle him. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not the idiot of the past!”
Xie Xi felt real pain and was almost speechless, but his face still maintained the look of
There was a hornet’s nest in Jiang Xie’s chest and he couldn’t help exclaiming, “It is useless,
I won’t be fooled. You can use these tricks in Hell!”
Then he loosened his hand.
Xie Xi coughed for a while before requesting, “Can you kill me?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes shook.
Xie Xi gasped out, “Can you kill me with your own hands? I want to die by your hands…”
Jiang Xie sneered. “Don’t dream about it. I want it to be in the eyes of the public. Following
the will of the people, the tyrant’s head will be cut off!”
Xie Xi suddenly grabbed Jiang Xie’s hand with some anxiety on his face. “Don’t… don’t do
this, I think…”
Jiang Xie saw the pale fingers and held back the impulse to hold this person. He was hard
and stern. “You aren’t qualified to talk about any conditions! I want you to experience the
most brutal humiliation when you die!”
Then Jiang Xie left.
Xie Xi’s performance was so good but there wasn’t an audience. He really regretted it since
there should be applause here.
He thought he would see Jiang Xie again in a few days. Who knew hat the next morning, the
lion king would angrily come to the dungeon.
Xie Xi stared blankly when he saw Jiang Xie like this.
Jiang Xie sent everyone away and stared at him. “I told you not to play tricks on me.”
Xie Xi, “???” He didn’t do anything. The things he said yesterday were just a play to pave the
way for bitterness.
Jiang Xie pulled him up, eyes sweeping down to his thin lips. “Do you think I will still be
bewitched by those dreams?!”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t react for a moment.
Dream? Did Jiang Xie have another sex dream?
Xie Xi was inwardly amused. ‘Little lion, what are you doing? This is your own sex dream
but you are blaming it on me!’
Xie Xi replied, “I can’t use Dreaming if I’m not asleep.”
Jiang Xie was surprised for a moment.
Xie Xi whispered, “Dreaming also has a certain range. The dungeon is too far from your
Jiang Xie’s face was hot. “Do you think I will still trust your words?”
Xie Xi smiled wryly. “You can ask the guards. I didn’t sleep at all last night.”
Fortunately, he left a hand for himself and pretended not to sleep in order to seem
Who knew that it could be used here?
If he didn’t sleep then how could he use Dreaming?
Jiang Xie was speechless. Xie Xi raised his eyes slightly and glanced at this person. “Did you
dream of me?”
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 282

Collapsing 7 Boundaries 23 (2)

Jiang Xie released him and sneered. “I don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of you.
Every time, I would slash you with a thousand knives!”
Xie Xi was pale. Something seemed to be extinguished from his eyes as his voice lowered.
“Once I am dead, you won’t have such dreams again.”
This sentence seemed to empty all his strength and his weak appearance evoked an old
memory in Jiang Xie. He recalled the humble cave and the weak man who smiled so
A sharp sting covered his entire heart and Jiang Xie turned away.
He came suddenly and stopped even more suddenly.
Xie Xi fell to the ground, the chain hitting the ground and the clear sound ringing in the
entire dungeon.
The dazed Jiang Xie actually thought this was the cave and Xie Xi had accidentally dropped
a bowl.
It seemed that if he turned back, he could see the beautiful black eyes full of love, as if he
was the only one in the world.
Fake, all fake!
He was bewitched by those eyes!
Anger swallowed up his sense of reason. By the time his senses returned, he found that he
had broken the chains binding Xie Xi.
Xie Xi looked up at him blankly. “Little Xie?”
Jiang Xie looked into the black eyes that were like a summer night, bringing infinite
coolness and comfort to people on a hot day.
This person used these eyes to keep saying, ‘Jiang Xie, I love you.’
How ridiculous. To this day, his heart was still beating for his hypocritical man.
Jiang Xie smiled with cold eyes. He grabbed Xie Xi’s chin and asked, “Beast King Rose, do
you only seduce men?”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and his eyes dimmed, becoming grey.
Jiang Xie kissed him in revenge. It was rough and imperious, with no gentleness.
Xie Xi started to struggle, desperately trying to push him away.
Jiang Xie placed him against a wall and spoke viciously, “Do you believe that I am here for
Xie Xi was motionless. His entire body looked frightened and he was as pale as a dead man
who stopped breathing. “Little Jiang… kill me… kill me, okay?”
Jiang Xie’s heart was dripping blood. It was absurd that looking at this person’s current
appearance, he felt more pain then when this person tried to kill him.
This man being in pain was worse than the despair of betrayal.
Jiang Xie hated himself after realizing he was so mean and weak.
He hated Xie Xi nad hated his incompetent self even more. He opened his mouth and spoke
with no expression “It is just a kiss yet you want to die?”
Xie Xi’s expression became even uglier.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Is it shameful? Do you feel really bad? I want you to taste what I tasted!”
He picked up Xie Xi and took him out of the dungeon.
Xie Xi’s body was shaking but his heart thought… he could finally eat and drink!
He was very steady throughout the whole process and every expression was controlled.
The little lion could work hard. Once the ‘truth’ was exposed, this would be his
Jiang Xie took him out of the dungeon and all the guards were stunned. They wanted to
come up to him and speak but the lion king’s pressure meant not one of them could move.
There was a personal servant outside the dungeon and the servant was also shocked by the
Jiang Xie ordered in a low voice, “Go and prepare the bath.”
The servant didn’t dare to ask and could only bow his head. “Yes.”
Xie Xi wanted to have a bath. He might have the cleaning ball to keep himself clean but it
was comfortable to soak in a hot bath.
His heart was beautiful but his face was still nervous. He asked Jiang Xie in a trembling
voice, “What are you going to do….”
Jiang Xie took him back to the palace. Before placing Xie Xi in the bath, he grabbed a bottle
of medicine and opened Xie Xi’s mouth to pour it in.
Xie Xi was shocked but couldn’t break free at all.
Jiang Xie was extremely fierce but there wasn’t much force in his hand. Half the medicine
spilled out of the bottle.
However, a few drops of this medicine was enough to make Xie Xi exhausted.
After taking the medicine, Jiang Xie carried him to the bath. He was expressionless as he
tore off Xie Xi’s clothes and threw him into the water.
Xie Xi had no strength. His back was facing Jiang Xie and his black hair scattered. It was
stained with water and became darker, the contrast very sharp.
Jiang Xie entered the water and kissed Xie Xi.
Xie Xi couldn’t move at all. In addition, the position was narrow and there wasn’t room to
Jiang Xie didn’t say anything but under the water…
He did the things like in the dream but Jiang Xie didn’t feel the slightest bit of happiness.
Great sorrow and despair captured him. He retaliated and got revenge but his heart seemed
to be placed on a cutting board and was cut to pieces.
In the past nine years, Jiang Xie had countless dreams related to Xie Xi.
The dreams had nothing to do with the Rose Palace. They were in the cave, the village, the
endless wilderness…
Xie Xi occasionally slept under the sun and occasionally held the tree trunk while waiting
for him to collect the honey. Sometimes in the village, he would look over as if he noticed
Jiang Xie’s gaze. Then Xie Xi would give a smile that only belonged to Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie felt that he wasn’t tempted by those dreams, it was the smile.
Jiang Xie had observed that Xie Xi never looked at others with such a gaze and never gaze
such a smile to others.
This was his own, a gentleness that Xie Xi only gave him.
It was full of endless indulgence and bone-deep love.
Jiang Xie was captured by this love and indulged in Xie Xi’s deep feelings.
However… this love was fake.
Every time he woke up, Jiang Xie thought of Xie Xi’s last cold expression and his cruel
words. “Since you know this, I can’t let you go.”
Xie Xi wanted to kill him.
Xie Xi was going to kill him…
His Xie Xi was going to kill him…
The despair that rose at that moment was more unbearable than the death of his family.
For his family, Jiang Xie’s memories were limited to his father and his sister. He had no
impression of the others.
He was only one month old and his mother died giving birth to him. What could he
There were only the fire and the screams for fear. His desire for revenge was bred from his
desire for survival.
Living was to get revenge.
He fled the Lion Country and met Xie Xi.
This was the real beginning of his life. Xie Xi was the person who gave him life.
Yet the person who recognized his existence wanted to wipe him out.
Leo didn’t shed any tears but his chest was always cold.
In the end, Xie Xi fell asleep.
Jiang Xie’s strength collapsed. He clung to Xie Xi as if he wanted to be embedded in the
body. “Why…”
If time could be reversed, he wanted to stay in that small village forever and indulge in the
unreal dream.
Xie Xi actually experienced what it meant to be unable to get out of bed.
In fact, it was quite fun.
In any case, Jiang Xie didn’t dare to be really rough. Xie Xi pretended to faint and this guy
held him with a tearful expression.
If it wasn’t for Xie Xi being afraid to wake up then he would be roaring with laughter.
A few days later, Xie Xi wasn’t afraid of the lion king dying. He was afraid that there would
be holes in his heart and lungs.
It was estimated that the fire was almost out and Xie Xi manipulated the robot.
Jiang Xie didn’t allow anyone to get close to this section of the palace. He drove out all the
servants and looked after Xie Xi alone.
Xie Xi was similar to a plaything used to release energy. In any case, he couldn’t use the
strength in his body and had to ‘stay in bed’, making him weaker.
Jiang Xie didn’t show a good face to him and spoke words that were hard to hear, but his
behaviour was extremely gentle and he didn’t allow Xie Xi to feel any discomfort.
At first, Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie what he waned.
Jiang Xie was expressionless. “To torture you.”
Xie Xi stopped asking.
In some ways, the high frequency of sex was quite torturous.
The robot came to his place under the risk of death.
The guards naturally didn’t dare to stop him. He was the saviour of the lion king and the
teacher respected by the lion king.
At this time, Jiang Xie was looking at a memorial to the throne (TL: an official
communication to the emperor of China, generally careful essays in classical Chinese). Xie
Xi slept on the soft couch beside him where Jiang Xie could see him. His explanation for
himself was that he was afraid of Xie Xi’s tricks. As far as his heart was concerned… in any
case, Xie Xi understood.
The robot fell to the ground. “Your Majesty!”
Jiang Xie put down the memorial with a cold expression. “Teacher, what are you doing?”
“Your Majesty should be careful. Beast King Rose’s name might be ruined but he was once
the god of war. You should behead him but actually humiliating him like this…”
Jiang Xie read all the things in the memorial and threw it down. He got out and exclaimed,
“This is my lone feud and how I handle him is up to me alone! You can’t talk about him!”
“But you took him out of the dungeon and placed him in your bedroom. This is…”
Jiang Xie was angry. “If Teacher only wants to talk about this then please leave!”
The robot lay on the ground. “Your Majesty, you are getting married soon, but with a man
like this… it will hurt the nation’s luck!”
Xie Xi woke up just to hear this sentence and he cast a shocked look at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie felt it but couldn’t turn his head.
Xie Xi whispered, “You are going to be married?”
The room was so quiet that the sound of breathing was clear and audible.
Jiang Xie turned to look at him. “Why? DO you think that I still remember you and refused
to get married?”
The colour that Xie Xi gained over the past few days disappeared. “No…I… I’m happy for
Jiang Xie’s heart became a ball as he sneered. “You aren’t qualified to be happy for me.”
Xie Xi lowered his eyes, his hands tightly holding onto the bed.
The robot spoke again, “Your Majesty, the rolls of names contains the daughters of
important ministers. You can’t be so cold to their hearts!”
Jiang Xie was unable to restrain his anger. “These matters, there is no need for you to
criticize or give orders!”
The robot didn’t say anything. He inexplicably looked up at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi lowered his eyes.
Jiang Xie was aware of it and a strange feeling entered his heart. Even so, he didn’t think too
much. He only thought that the teacher wanted to kill Xie Xi in his heart.
That night, Jiang Xie didn’t do anything with Xie Xi and Xie Xi sat on the bed in a daze.
Jiang Xie gazed at this person and felt that he was suffocating. He knew he should kill Xie Xi
and that he shouldn’t be so ridiculous.
However, if reason could kill emotions then there wouldn’t be so many helpless things in
He couldn’t stay here any longer. He left the room and stood under the moonlight.
Jiang Xie knew that Xie Xi couldn’t run. Xie Xi’s hands and feet were in a powerless state
and he couldn’t escape over the palace walls.
Just then, a dark shadow flashed.
Jiang Xie’s sharp senses instantly discovered it.
He quickly rushed back to the palace and discovered a man in black kneeling in front of Xie
The man in black whispered, “Your Majesty, please go back with this old slave.”
Xie Xi didn’t say anything but Jiang Xie was already furious. He immediately shot at the
Fine! Xie Xi had a back hand and really wanted to escape!
After several rounds of confrontation with the man in black, Jiang Xie felt a strong sense of
He tore off the masked man’s disguise.
Once the old face appeared, Jiang Xie was stunned. “Teacher?”
How could this be?
This man rescued him from the Beast Forest and taught him martial arts. He was the
teacher of the lion king? How could he be Xie Xi’s person?
Xie Xi had been paving the way for so long for this trick.
The robot fell to the ground and kowtowed three times with his head bumping against the
ground. “I’m sorry Your Majesties, this old slave isn’t good, I can only…”
Seeing that he was going to commit suicide, Jiang Xie aimed at his weapon with a short
Jiang Xie’s brain was in chaos as he approached and asked forcefully, “Tell me, what the hell
is going on?!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 283

Collapsing 7 Boundaries 23 (3)

Xie Xi stood up fiercely and shouted, “Ji Qiren, you go back!”

He raised his emperor’s dignity. For a moment, this was his palace and he was still the
supreme Beast King Rose.
Countless thoughts swirled in Jiang Xie’s mind, intertwined intricately and in an
unreasonable manner.
If Ji Qiren was Xie Xi’s subordinate, why save Jiang Xie? Why devote his life to teaching Jiang
Xie? Why loyally help Jiang Xie take his place?
Was this Xie Xi’s plan? Did he think he could manipulate Jiang Xie with Ji Qiren?
Ji Qiren didn’t stop him when he annihilated Rose Palace…
If this was Xie Xi’s calculation, what did Xie Xi want?
Of course, Mr Robot didn’t leave. He was a high-tech product and as long as the program
was properly written, the performance he gave was absolutely real with no cracks.
The robot said, “Please let go of His Majesty. For you… for you, he has given up everything!”
This made Jiang Xie unable to react for a long time.
He was now the lion king and Xie Xi had long been nothing.
However, Ji Qiren used a form of address used by those in the Rose Palace.
Jiang Xie couldn’t help going up to him and asking, “What do you mean? Xie Xi killed my
family and almost killed me…”
“No.” The robot was in tears. “His Majesty was seriously injured and exiled. How could he
spare any effort to interfere in the domestic affairs of the Lion Country? It was Houqing
who killed the royal family of the Lion Country. His Majesty discovered your past later but
it was too late. He couldn’t stop Houqing anymore. He could only falsely succumb to the
snake while finding an opportunity to tell us old people to forcibly drive you to the Beast
He explained it all. Jiang Xie was completely paralyzed. Xie Xi also lost all his strength as he
sat down on the soft couch.
His face was pale and weak but Xie Xi’s heart was 100% happy.
If all the previous settings were handed over to him then he could repair 12 more souls.
Xie Xi’s felt cold and quickly controlled his brain. He didn’t want to kill himself!
The logic of the robots was clear and the details were clearly explained.
The national teacher was in power while the weak and seriously ill Xie Xi was just a
figurehead. In order to cure himself, he had to go back to the palace to ask for Houqing’s
treatment. Who knew that the national teacher would discover Jiang Xie’s past and want to
kill him after knowing he was the only survivor of the lion royal family.
Xie Xi knew he couldn’t protect the little lion. He also knew that if he confessed things, the
little lion wouldn’t leave and would instead confront the national teacher.
For the safety of the little lion, Xie Xi could only suppress his heart and put on a cold and
cruel face to kill the little lion.
In fact, this was actually an act for the national teacher. The little lion fled into the Beast
Forest but had long been carefully protected by shadow guards.
Ji Qiren was the confidant of the beast king. His entire family was rescued by Xie Xi and he
was loyal to Xie Xi.
In the face of his master’s request, he acted correctly.
He taught Jiang Xie, assisted Jiang Xie and helped him take the position of the lion king.
Finally, he even allowed Jiang Xie to burn the Rose Palace and kill the national teacher for
This was all within Xie Xi’s expectations. He even told Ji Qiren, “if I am caught, talk to Jiang
Xie and have him publicly behead me.”
At this time, Ji Qiren repeated the sentence and Jiang Xie’s eyes became empty. He stared at
Xie Xi. Why…”
Xie Xi sat on the bed and didn’t look at him.
Ji Qiren was sad. “His Majesty was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to bear it after knowing.
He is willing to bear a terrible name to the world for you!”
In a sense, Xie Xi was like this but… it was very embarrassing.
Jiang Xie’s senses weren’t able to return for a long time.
Ji Qiren continued, “His Majesty made a plan for you but suffered from this humiliation.
This old slave is really… really…”
Jiang Xie slowly looked at Xie Xi, golden eyes like sunlight shining on water. “You… this…”
Xie Xi got up and look at the robot. “Old Ji, withdraw.”
The robot bowed and exited the bedroom.
Only Jiang Xie and Xie Xi were left in this room.
Xie Xi avoided Jiang Xie’s gaze.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth, his voice containing some young fragility. “Why… didn’t you
tell me?”
“It has been so many years.”
Jiang Xie’s eyes were red. “Did you want to hide it from me for a lifetime, even if I… killed
you…” How could he say nothing?
He remembered what he had done to Xie Xi and suddenly wanted to kill himself with a
Xie Xi finally looked up at him, misty eyes full of gentleness and helplessly. “I was too
greedy. If I wasn’t greedy, I would’ve died in the cave and not given you so many
Jiang Xie twitched and took this person’s hand.
Xie Xi seemed unable to hold back. He could no longer hide it and whispered, “I know what
you think about me… I was in a dying state and couldn’t manipulate dreams. It wasn’t that I
entered your dreams. It was that your consciousness was too strong and you entered my
Jiang Xie’s heart shook. Countless words poured into his throat but he couldn’t find a single
word to say.
Xie Xi spoke slowly, “It was only when you were in the estrus period that you became so
entangled with me. Then… I found that you really liked me…”
Jiang Xie held him and expressed with difficulty, “I love you.”
Xie Xi smiled and continued. “I shouldn’t like you… I am much older than you and raised
you. I really shouldn’t…”
He paused and his voice became remorseful. “At the time, the villagers were talking about
marriage and I also asked you. Every time I heard you say you didn’t want to get married,
my heart felt both uncomfortable and sweet. I couldn’t help wanting to respond to your
“However, my body was too bad at the time and my heart was damaged. In those
circumstances, no one could cure me apart from Houqing. What promise could I make you
with such a broken body? If I wanted to cure my body, I could only go back to Rose Palace.”
“I didn’t want to go back. I broke off any relationship with Houqing when I dug out my
heart. Now going back…”
“Still, I wanted to live.” Xie Xi closed his eyes before opening them and staring at Jiang Xie.
“I wanted to live with you.”
Jiang Xie’s mind was on the previous words. “You dug out your own heart…”
“Yes, Houqing and I reached that point. Do you think I would actually like him?”
Jiang Xie remembered his words when bringing Xie Xi back to the Lion Country and
regretted it. “I’m sorry. Sir, I’m sorry…”
Xie Xi held his cheek. “Don’t apologize. You weren’t wrong.”
“I didn’t know anything and hurt you like this.”
“That’s why I didn’t want you to know.”
Jiang Xie’s eyebrows twisted.
Xie Xi carefully smoothed out the slender eyebrows with his hands, face full of thoughts and
affection. “When you told me that you are doing well, I was very happy. Time can erase
everything. You will forget me and have a knew life. You will marry and have children,
becoming the best king on this continent…”
Jiang Xie recalled Xie Xi’s question in the dungeon. ‘Are you doing well now?’
He replied that he was doing very well.
What type of mood was Xie Xi in when he asked this? How did he feel after hearing the
answer? It couldn’t be imagined at all!
“No!” Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi into his arms and choked out, “I’m not doing well. I’m not
happy and there isn’t a single day when I’ve been happy. I think about you every day and
never stopped.”
Xie Xi was frozen.
Jiang Xie could finally face his own feelings. “Even though I thought you killed my family
and was deceiving me to use me, even if you wanted to kill me, I still missed you and
wanted to see you. I hated such a self, hated myself for not letting you go, hated that I
couldn’t forget you, hated that I couldn’t really hate you…”
He said this and Xie Xi’s heart really hurt.
It might be fake for him but it was extremely true for Jiang Xie.
Under such circumstances and after experiencing such a desperate betrayal, he still felt this
way to Xie Xi…
Xie Xi hugged him and hoped that this person wouldn’t suffer any more. “I wasn’t good. I
don’t know if you still love me or still…”
“I love you…” Jiang Xie’s repressed emotions sprang out. “I can’t stop loving you.”
The truth came out but Xie Xi didn’t immediately leave the world.
Leo had experienced so many things and needed comfort.
Xie Xi didn’t have to act. After all, his love for Jiang Xie was never lacking.
The two of them spent a year together. Once Jiang Xie built a rose garden in the Lion
Country, Xie Xi left the small world with him.
They kissed in a large area of beautiful roses and their eyes were only filled with each
At such a comfortable moment, Xie Xi returned to the garden of the 12 Boundaries.
It was over…
Leo was back.
These worlds were somewhat rough but the result was good. The souls were finally taken
away from the collapsed quasi-worlds.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry to touch the light groups. He looked at the six Jiang Xies lying side
by side and sorted out his mood.
There was a lot of time… the countdown had an hour and 43 minutes left and this was
Xie Xi used the god’s wisdom to draw himself a pot of tea and prepared to rest for 10
This time he couldn’t be careless. He was determined not to touch two light balls at once…
He drank for 10 minutes and felt he was in good enough shape to start the next one.
Just then, he saw Aries lying on the bed.
It must be an illusion…
Xie Xi rubbed his eyes.
It was halfway through the countdown. How could this person wake up?
Xie Xi went straight over and leaned over Aries.
His wrist was suddenly grabbed and Xie Xi’s heart almost jumped out of his chest.
Then Aries pressed him down on to the bed.
Xie Xi, “!!!”
There was a bad smile on Aries’ handsome face and his clear voice was also ambiguous.
“Child, your play was good.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Aries kissed him.
Xie Xi was shocked but he knew this was Jiang Xie… or the body…
Still, what was going on? How did Jiang Xie…
Xie Xi was kissed breathless and stuttered, “How… you…”
Jiang Xie kissed the tip of his nose. “You have recovered so many souls. How can I not wake
up? I am the number one person in Central.”
You are the number one ghost of Central!
Oh, the number one—the number one cheap person of Central!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 284
Can’t Be Erased 1

Xie Xi pushed him away and asked, “What the hell is going on?”
“Put on the cat ears and tail first and I will tell you.”
Xie Xi, “…” He suddenly missed the souls!
Jiang Xie told him, “I’ll just look and won’t do anything.”
“You aren’t Aries. You are a grey wolf!”
Jiang Xie had thick skin. “I am your grey wolf and only eat this kitten.”
Xie Xi had thin skin and how could he compare with this old hooligan. He became angry.
“Stop talking nonsense! I am furious.”
Jiang Xie’s mouth was like a train but he had a sense of proportion. “Okay, I was just making
a joke. You look good.”
Xie Xi, “…” He really missed the honest souls!
Jiang Xie still had a countdown above his head so Xie Xi didn’t dare speak nonsense. He
quickly asked about business. “You woke up because you have recovered six souls?”
Jiang Xie explained, “It should be that after the recovery of most of my souls, I have enough
mental strength to break through the prohibition set by the Central Government.”
Xie Xi was nervous when he heard the word ‘prohibition’ and asked, “Should you wake up
like this?” He was afraid of a backlash.
Looking at Xie Xi this way, Jiang Xie’s heart became as sweet as honey. “Rest assured, this is
within the rules. As long as you are strong enough…”
He paused and stopped.
Xie Xi waited for the follow up. “What?”
Jiang Xie acted cheap. “As long as you are strong enough, you can marry such a beautiful
and charming baby…”
Xie Xi was expressionless. “Get lost!”
“Isn’t it correct? I am a living example?”
Xie Xi knew Jiang Xie too well. This man could talk nonsense day and night without being
tired but once it came to something dangerous, his mouth was as tight as a river and
couldn’t be pried open!
Xie Xi sneered. “If you don’t say it then rest. I am going to the next world.”
After packing up so many souls, Xie Xi already moved from being bronze to a king. How
could he not handle this bad thing?
Jiang Xie spoke quickly. “I’ll say it, I’ll say it…”
Xie Xi glanced at him.
Jiang Xie’s thin lips were slightly raised and the rogue smile on Aries’ clean face made a
sharp contrast, causing a person’s heart to miss a beat.
Xie Xi didn’t want to see him!
Jiang Xie explained, “I was afraid that you would dislike me for talking too big.”
Xie Xi unceremoniously poked up. “When do you never speak big?”
His credibility was low and Jiang Xie didn’t care. After so many worlds, Xie Xi even knew his
underwear. What was so awkward?
Jiang Xie told him, “Maybe we are strong enough to surpass even the Central Government.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Jiang Xie shook his index finger in front of the beautiful eyes. “Child, please return.”
Xie Xi frowned and asked, “How can we go beyond Central?’
“Who knows? That’s why I set a small goal for myself before meeting you.”
Xie Xi stared at him blankly.
Jiang Xie’s ability to talk about love was excellent. “Now that I found you, my only purpose
is to be with you.”
It sounded false but it was actually full of sincerity.
The more contact Xie Xi had with the souls, the more he understood Jiang Xie and the more
he knew the sad heart his person had hidden.
People always needed a goal to love.
Before Xie Xi came to Central, Jiang Xie found many goals for himself. For example, he didn’t
hesitate to cute himself to pieces to design quasi-worlds and maintain the balance of the
Central Government. He also guarded his friends living in Central while exploring the
secrets of the Central Government. Perhaps by surpassing Central, he would find the value
of his existence.
Life was loss. In particular, if the heart was empty then it was most at a loss.
Xie Xi was lucky enough to encounter Jiang Xie early but Jiang Xie had been lonely for many
Xie Xi’s heart softened when he thought of this and he snuggled into the other person’s
arms. “I don’t want to stay with a man who is lacking.”
Jiang Xie laughed. “Lacking?”
Xie Xi glanced at the six light groups. “Lacking a lot!”
Jiang Xie was dissatisfied and moved Xie Xi’s hand. How can I be lacking? You try it. It is so
Xie Xi, “…” This guy’s brain was full of trash!
Jiang Xie couldn’t help pressing the hand to his body. “Come, feel it…”
“Don’t mess around. There is only an hour and a half.”
Jiang Xie pointed above his head. “Do you see it moving?”
Xie Xi looked up and found… the countdown was still!
They had been talking for five or six minutes. How could it stay on the same time?
Jiang Xie told him, “Rest assured, while I am awake, the countdown won’t change.”
Xie Xi wondered, “What does this countdown really mean?”
“You will know once you bring the souls back.”
There were too few clues. Blindly guessing would only mislead themselves.
Since the countdown didn’t change… Xie Xi couldn’t push this guy away.
The two people were intimate and Xie Xi was so tired he couldn’t raise his arms. He had to
draw a bath using the god’s wisdom.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “This is the bath of the Lion Palace.”
Xie Shi glanced at him.
“Sir, you deceived me so badly.” He spoke using Leo’s voice.
“You still have the face to say this!”
Jiang Xie also pretended to be Houqing. “Your Majesty, do you truly love me?”
Xie Xi glared at him. “Shall I take out my heart and show you?”
Jiang Xie hugged him tightly. “Baby, I was wrong.”
These previous emotional summaries… looking back, they were as thick as a wall and a bit
Too broken, what were these messy things!
Xie Xi was angry but was afraid Jiang Xie was really bothered. He quickly said, “These
things are all because of you.”’
Jiang Xie’s response was immediate. “Yes, they are the fault of the brain-dead souls!
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched. He was scolding himself? Oh, this was a guy who could kill himself.
Xie Xi said, “It has nothing to do with the souls. If my world was collapsing, I would also
think more pessimistically.”
On Earth, Xie Xi lived alone in a dilapidated building for months without going outside. If
his emotions could affect the world, it would probably be darker and more pessimistic.
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet but his hands weren’t obedient.
Xie Xi was angry again. “You are finished!”
Speaking of which, he thought many times in the small worlds that he should make this guy
suffer abstinence!
Jiang Xie said, “I won’t do anything. I just want to hold you.”
Hugging wasn’t enough. He had to hold Xie Xi close to feel the heart.
This was Jiang Xie’s rich vocabulary.
It was probably only by hugging the person you love that you could realize it.
The two men were tired for a while and also exchanged information about these worlds.
Xie Xi told him, “I was too careless and met two souls at once.”
The two together was really terrible. It gave the souls fertile soul to abuse themselves and
they swallowed a knife.
Jiang Xie replied, “Maybe it wasn’t that you were careless…”
“What do you mean?”
Jiang Xie indicated to the light groups. “There is a certain connection between the quasi-
worlds and this place. Perhaps Virgo couldn’t wait and deliberately made you fall to meet
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “This is possible?”
“Why not? Houqing’s state…”
He paused and didn’t say anything else.
Xie Xi understood. Houqing’s state was too serious and the quasi-world was collapsing too
much, so he hoped that Xie Xi would bring him out first?
Xie Xi couldn’t help his heart tensing. “There are still six light groups. Will there be another
quasi-world in a serious state?”
Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed.
Previously, Xie Xi might’ve ignored it but he had experienced too much. The character of
this person when his life was threatened was clear.
Xie Xi asked, “What you said before… that the Central Government won’t release the tasks
of erasing your collapsed worlds. That is false!”
Jiang Xie noticeably stopped.
Xie Xi was anxious. “Will it be released?”
Jiang Xie sighed. “The Central Government probably won’t take care of me because I am
your husband…”
Xie Xi, “…” He was still shameless!
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “If any collapsed worlds have an erasure task released then…”
Erasing meant completely obliterating the quasi-world. If the souls didn’t survive then…
what would Jiang Xie do?
A chill went down his neck and Xie Xi couldn’t help shivering.
If Jiang Xie died then he didn’t have the courage to live alone.
Jiang Xie felt heartache and hugged Xie Xi. “Don’t worry, even if someone receives the
erasure task, they won’t be able to complete it.”
Xie Xi was startled.
“The lowest level of the quasi-world I designed is S grade. The level of the quasi-world
grows with the erasure tasks and it might grow to super god level. There are few people in
Central capable of it.”
Xie Xi didn’t believe it. “It doesn’t need many people. One person is enough!”
He knew the N of Yunge was a god level player like X!
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “That old N, he rarely courts disaster.”
Xie Xi wasn’t fooled by him. “Even if it is the only super god mission in Central, a mission
that even X hasn’t cleared?”
Jiang Xie, “…” The child was really becoming more difficult to fool.
There was nothing wrong with Xie Xi’s thoughts.
The higher the task level, the higher the rewards.
The master of Yunge didn’t lack anything but X was always standing in front of him.
Whoever won the position was good? Who was willing to be crushed?
No to mention that Jiang Xie was arrogant. The master of Yunge would want to win against
him once.
If the Central Government released the erasure task, the master of Yunge wouldn’t know
that this was the quasi-world designed by Jiang Xie but he would be certain that Jiang Xie
hadn’t completed such a high level task…
He would see it was worth a try!
Xie Xi thought of this and Jiang Xie naturally already knew it.
Jiang Xie comforted him. “Even if Old N really went, it is impossible to kill the souls. Don’t
forget, the souls are me. If the quasi-world is upgraded to a super difficult level, the souls
will break free of their restrictions and this is equivalent to the peak me.” Jiang Xie blinked.
“In a fight, N has never once won against me.”
Xie Xi sneered. “Do the souls have skills and items equivalent to several lives?”
Jiang Xie, “…”
In Central, Jiang Xie and N fought one on one but there was no fairness in a collapsed world.
It was like a full level player fighting the highest level boss. Even if the player was much
weaker than the boss, the final winner was the player!
Xie Xi was panicked. He wanted to hurry into the quasi-world and bring the souls out!
The so-called fear of what was coming…
Xie Xi was feeling uneasy when the remaining six light groups suddenly changed colours.
The light groups that originally represented the colour of their respective constellations
became black.
The mirror-like light groups became spiral shaped and the deepening darkness gave an
unknown feeling.
Xie Xi grabbed Jiang Xie’s hand.
Jiang Xie held him and his voice was still calm. “Don’t be afraid.”
Xie Xi’s voice trembled. “Has the erasure mission been released for them?”
In such a dangerous moment, Jiang Xie’s psychological quality was fully revealed. He had
experienced too many life and death situations and wandered on the edge of a cliff
countless times. The more violent the situation and the more danger he was in, the calmer
his mind became.
This infected Xie Xi. His panicked heart calmed down and he gently breathed out. “We still
have the repair task. We must take the souls ahead of them!”
Jiang Xie replied, “No problem.”
As if listening to Xie Xi’s voice, the six black light groups fused into a single huge vortex.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 285

Can’t Be Erased 2

This had been a problem. Xie Xi had been worrying about where he would get six hands to
press against the six light groups at the same time.
It was convenient for the light groups to be merged into one!
Xie Xi exclaimed, “It shouldn’t be too late. Let’s go!”
Jiang Xie pulled at him.
Xie Xi turned to look at this person and Jiang Xie smiled. “I’m not too useful.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Jiang Xie exposed an extremely rare look. The man who wasn’t afraid of anything in the
world actually showed such self-confidence. “You are always working hard and I can do
almost nothing.”
Xie Xi passing the quasi-world was to recognize the value of Jiang Xie’s existence.
Xie Xi repairing his broken quasi-world was continuing Jiang Xie’s life.
From beginning to end, Xie Xi had always been the one paying and he…
Xie Xi smiled. Sure enough, under the appearance of an old rogue was a sensitive heart.
He approached Jiang Xie and seriously gazed at this person. “What are you talking about?
While other people are facing danger in the quasi-worlds, I am falling in love in your
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi continued, “In the first world, you gave me immunity to fatal injuries and pain relief.
In the second world, you gave me an ability to assist me. Every soul was reluctant to hurt
me. No matter how bad the situation, they chose to trust me and guard me, just like you.”
It was true that every world Xie Xi travelled through seemed to be Jiang Xie’s redemption.
Conversely, these worlds saved Xie Xi.
From the teenager who was disappointed in everything at the beginning to the current
brave Xie Xi, he experienced the best path of growth.
Xie Xi was only for Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie was only for Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie’s lips curved in a smile. “Little Xi.”
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Hrmm?”
“I love you.”
Xie Xi also smiled. He held this person’s cheek and kissed his lips. “If you love me then live!”
Jiang Xie was bright as he kissed back. “You as well.”
The best protection for your lover was to protect yourself.
It was because losing a loved one was crueller than death.
Xie Xi touched the black light group while Aries went to sleep.
Six fuzzy figures appeared in the black light group. Xie Xi couldn’t see them but he knew
they were Jiang Xie.
The low voice seemed to break through the endless darkness and arrive here with great
They asked, “Is it me?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
In entering this world that would be erased, Xie Xi had already prepared himself.
Jiang Xie told him that Central didn’t have any personal feelings and wouldn’t understand
strangeness. Its will was all for the maintenance of balance.
It wasn’t about maintaining a central balance but maintaining the balance of resources in
thoughts of worlds.
It was true that Xie Xi could repair collapsed worlds and once repaired, such high level
worlds would bring a virtuous cycle to Central. Unfortunately, this was the limit.
The collapsed worlds were like parasitic tumours to the Central Government. It was likely
that Central couldn’t wait for the doctor to cure the tumour and was being eroded by the
Thus, it needed to remove the cancer that had deteriorated.
The Central Government didn’t care about Jiang Xie’s life or death. It only saw thousands of
It released the repair task and erasure task. This wasn’t contradictory because they were
both means of treatment.
It was true that the former was milder and the treatment worked better, but in an
emergency, the latter could also prevent excessive deterioration.
Xie Xi knew all of this and was well prepared.
He knew it would be a tough battle and he had to win!
The moment he opened his eyes, Xie Xi seemed to hear Jiang Xie’s voice. “—I am here.”
Xie Xi smiled. Of course, he knew that Jiang Xie was here and there was a lot of him!
It was wonderful. Xie Xi was alone but he didn’t feel lonely.
He opened his eyes and was a bit surprised.
This was an extremely empty place surrounded by darkness. It was like a clouded
wilderness without any smoke.
Xie Xi moved and was surprised to find that he didn’t have a body.
He couldn’t feel his limbs or the feeling of being on the ground. He was floating in the air.
He tried to bow his head and found he was shrouded in black fog. Or should he say that he
was the black fog?
He didn’t know.
Xie Xi tried to move. He wore that this movement was just a small step in his consciousness
but his body seemed to have leapt for thousands of miles.
It stood to reason that with the dark surroundings, he shouldn’t be able to know how far he
had gone. However, Xie Xi, could clearly feel that he had moved at least three times around
What was this situation?
Xie Xi had experienced all sorts of strange identities but never a situation like this…
Was a world that would be erased really unusual?
In addition, there were still six worlds that would be erased. Xie Xi must be cautious!
Xie Xi looked around and found it was still empty and dark.
The surrounding black fog wasn’t the same as the black fog of his body.
The surrounding area was lighter while the black fog of his body should be heavier, just like
an ink painting.
Xie Xi felt his body was a cloud of black fog and this place… who knew where this was!
Xie Xi continued to move forward. His every movement was the equivalent of teleporting
and he didn’t know where he was.
This dark area was endless and filled the entire space.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry. He continued to move patiently, thinking he would go out sooner
or later.
He didn’t know how long he had travelled or how far he had gone when Xie Xi heard an
intermittent noise.
“…God… please… willingly… look…”
What was this mess?
First of all, the language was very strange. Xie Xi could only understand a bit of the
pronunciation. The others were too vague or he didn’t understand.
It was weird. Most players in Central had learnt the common language and as long as it was
a language of the quasi-world, they would be able to understand it.
Xie Xi went towards the source of the sound, wanting to know what was being said and the
identity of this person.
After approximately two steps, Xie Xi saw a slightly flashing point that exuded a weak
brown light.
Such a colour could easily be hidden in the darkness but Xie Xi could see it clearly. It was as
insignificant as a grain of dust in the universe but Xie Xi saw it accurately.
Xie Xi’s brain worked and he remembered the colours of the remaining six star signs.
Libra seemed to be the brown light group. Was this Libra?’
Xie Xi thought this while approaching the brown spot of light.
The closer he got, the more clearly he could see.
This small spot was very small, as small as a drop of water. However, through his little
waterdrop, Xie Xi could see the world outside the darkness.
It was an interesting perspective, like watching a movie in a movie theatre. It was dark but
the vast world was seen on the screen.
Xie Xi saw a young child with black hair and black eyes.
He was born white and lovely, but his clothes were ragged and his hair of messy. The pair
of dark eyes was great but didn’t contain a child’s innocence. Instead, endless hatred and
resentment were swirling.
Xie Xi became cold at the sight and stared blankly.
The boy opened his mouth and the clear voice spoke words that Xie Xi couldn’t understand.
“You are…”
Xie Xi couldn’t understand the words afterwards but he was a bit surprised. The boy could
see him?
Xie Xi tried to make a sound but found that it only echoed in the darkness and didn’t enter
the ‘waterdrop.’
Thus, the boy couldn’t hear it at all.
Xie Xi felt like a moviegoer trying to talk to someone in the movie. How could it be done?
He stopped trying to speak.
The boy went down on one knee, hair falling over his forehead and his voice full of piety
and unabashed resentment.
Xie Xi didn’t understand the words and could only vaguely distinguish ‘strength.’
Was this boy begging for strength?
Xie Xi felt this dark-haired teenager was a young Libra but they were separated by the
‘waterdrop’ and the feeling wasn’t that real.
If this boy wanted strength… how could Xie Xi give strength?
At this thought, a very fine black fog rushed to the water drop and like in drops, quickly
polluted the clear water.
Xie Xi saw the drop of water lingering in the black fog and saw more things.
The place where the boy was located was actually a sea of corpses.
At his feet lay horrible corpses. The purple-red blood was filled with unknown things and
the white children looked strange and frightening.
Xie Xi had seen many big scenes but was still shocked.
What was going on?
The boy stood in such a place and didn’t show the slightest bit of fear at this hellish scene.
He wasn’t disgusted by the rancid smell or the blood. He wasn’t afraid of the darkness and
coldness. He stood there, eyes staring straight at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi couldn’t see any reflection from his eyes. It was all black and the eyes only contained
endless darkness.
The boy reached out to Xie Xi.
For a moment, Xie Xi thought the boy was going to grab his heart.
However, the boy just grabbed the black fog. The moment his palm touched the black fog, it
was half corroded and blooded.
This was a child’s palm but at this moment, it seemed like all the blood would drain from
the boy’s body.
Xie Xi was distressed but couldn’t do anything.
The boy gritted his teeth. The bulging blue veins on his face showed he was obviously
suffering great pain but he didn’t intend to let go. He held the black fog that almost
swallowed him, grabbing it like it was the last piece of driftwood.
A long time passed before the black fog was completely integrated into the boy’s body. He
stood up straight and there was a black pattern on his wrist.
It was a complex rose with distinct petals and a lifelike feeling. However, the pure black
colour made it seem unknown.
The boy bowed his head and kissed the black rose. He whispered, “…willing to be your loyal
Xie Xi finally understood the words. The next moment, he felt that he had left the darkness
and come to the place of the ‘waterdrop.’
Xie Xi finally saw the entire scene.
This seemed to be a magnificent hall but at this time, a river of blood was flowing.
The main hall became a tomb that contained countless bodies.
Xie Xi saw the boy leap up and turn into a black dragon in the sky.
This was indeed Jiang Xie and perhaps it was Libra Jiang. Then there was the main problem.
What was going on in this world?
What was Xie Xi’s own situation?
Why did he feel like he was a great villain?
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 286

Can’t Be Erased 3

Xie Xi’s form this time was also very wonderful. He seemed to be the black rose on the boy’s
wrist. His angle of view wasn’t limited to this as he floated above the boy and could see in
all directions.
Once the boy left, he followed…
Oh, it wasn’t a cute little child. This was a black dragon!
Xie Xi looked at the black dragon. Perhaps this was a young dragon to the dragon species
but from a human perspective, this was already a huge beast.
Obviously, this wasn’t an Oriental dragon but it also wasn’t the big-bellied dragons of the
West. He was a beautiful small dragon, like a pterosaur of the dinosaur area, but his mouth
wasn’t as sharp. He had a bigger body, more beautiful lines and once his wings opened, he
was like a flying giant eagle.
Xie Xi didn’t know where he was going and could only take the opportunity to look at the
They left the previously ruined palace and came to a forest. Whenever the black dragon
passed at a high altitude, countless birds and beasts screamed.
Xie Xi saw a few monsters he had never seen before. They looked a bit like goblins in a
They held shabby stone tools as they knelt down to worship the black dragon, grunts
coming from their mouths as they prayed for something.
The black dragon had no intention of stopping. He flew straight across the forest and
towards a rather prosperous city.
Xie Xi guessed that this was a bit like the background of World of Warcraft or perhaps Lord
of the Rings? Xie Xi had played the former and didn’t watch the latter, but he knew the
general background. For example, the elf king who fascinated thousands of girls.
Libra was the black dragon then what about other constellations?
Xie Xi would love to see an Elf Jiang or… Dwarf Jiang? The orc was even worse! It was too
What tiger, lion, fox, bird…
They could make a picture book!
Xie Xi thought this way and by the time his senses returned, he found that the black dragon
had stopped.
He crossed the forest and came to a human city.
The appearance of a huge black dragon caused the humans to panic and hide in their
The bustling city because like nighttime after curfew. There were no shadows of a person.
The black dragon stopped on a tall tower and looked down from above.
Xie Xi didn’t know what the dragon was going to do and could only watch silently.
Before long, a team of cavalry arrived. They were armed and riding eagle beasts. There
were also magicians in robes and holding a staff.
Xie Xi still didn’t know the purpose of the black dragon.
The cavalry launched an attack first. “Kill this dragon!”
Xie Xi could understand their words and he saw countless spells aiming at the black
Xie Xi still couldn’t do anything but he didn’t panic because the spells were too slow. Based
on the previous speed of the black dragon, they could easily avoid it.
Sure enough, the black dragon spread its wings and easily escaped. One by one, the spells
hit the high tower and there was a collapsing sound like an earthquake.
“Chase!” The leader of the cavalry ordered and the eagles chased.
The black dragon flew towards the forest at a slow speed.
In fact, this was very fast in the eyes of humanity. However, Xie Xi had seen him cross the
forest and naturally knew that this was just ‘walking’ for him.
Xie Xi wondered about the black dragon’s intentions. Where was he leading this group of
He guessed half right. After arriving at the outskirts of the city, the black dragon stopped.
The humans following him launched another attack as they vowed to kill the dragon.
At this time… Xie Xi finally figured out what the black dragon was going to do.
He saw the dragon dive down, ignoring the powerful magic attacks as he breathed out
black flames. The heavily armed knights instantly screamed.
There were obviously healers among the magicians but they were also entangled in the
black flames and were too busy to help others.
This way, the warriors chasing the dragon became screaming wastes.
The black dragon descended from the air and as he was about to touch the ground, he
became a young boy.
A magician saw the young boy and his eyes widened, as if he had seen something terrible.
“It is the son of disaster!”
He hadn’t finished talking when the black-haired boy broke the magician’s throat with bare
Xie Xi’s perspective followed the boy completely so he could clearly see the terrible
strength used when the young hands locked around the magician’s throat.
The knights were shaken and even the eagles were trembling. Their wings were hanging
down and they seemed to have lost their ability to fly.
It was unknown who reacted first but there was a shout. “Run…”
Unfortunately, there was nowhere to escape. The boy was like a lightning bolt through the
crowd as he took dozens of lives in a flash.
They weren’t ordinary people but knights and magicians with great power!
Xie Xi was shocked. Why kill them?
These guys had chased after the black dragon to kill him but… the boy had clearly intended
He deliberately led the people out to kill them For what?
Seeing a young child standing in a pool of blood was really chilling. Such a naive child
should never be covered in blood.
Yet the boy was very calm. When he landed, his black hair hung over his ears like a black
butterfly resting on white petals. It looked good but gave a shocking visual impact.
He stepped through the blood and walked towards a dying human.
Anyone who had the ability to feel empathy would have compassion when seeing these
miserable faces.
However, the boy was unmoved. He showed his wrists and pointed the black rose towards
the blood on the ground.
“My god,” the boy prayed, young voice full of piety and respect. “Your most loyal servant is
serving you this hot blood. I ask you to enjoy it…”
This was followed y a long string of singing.
As his clear voice slowly rang out, the human on the ground showed a horrified expression.
“You… you summoned it…”
Unfortunately, he couldn’t finish his words because the blood left his body. Like iron
towards a magnet, the blood quickly gathered together and became a slender blood column
that rushed to the black rose on the boy’s wrist.
Xie Xi stared blankly at this scene and his heart was scared. What was this situation? Libra
created such a big battle for him to enjoy?
What was he that he needed so much blood to fill his stomach?
Xie Xi had guessed that he was a big villain but he didn’t expect to be so terrible!
Who would think that Xie Xi would be frightened of himself?
It didn’t take long for there to only be dead bodies on the ground.
It wasn’t too scary because they were drained of blood and didn’t look human. They were
like yellow branches that had almost no human shape.
As for Xie Xi… he didn’t even feel anything.
The boy’s gaze fell on the black rose on the wrist. The colour seemed to be deeper, the
petals clearer and the subtle patterns of the thin petals could be seen…
The boy whispered, “My god, please give your faithful servant a bit of mercy.”
Xie Xi, “…” What couldn’t he give? The boy didn’t have to kill like this!
Unfortunately, Xie Xi didn’t know what broken god he was but he couldn’t manipulate
The boy repeated it again in the unknown language that Xie Xi couldn’t understand.
He saw the black rose flash as if there was liquid flowing.
The next moment, a black fog rushed out of the flower bud. Xie Xi was startled but the boy
didn’t change colour as he looked up at the black fog.
There was a frenzied fire in his dark eyes. It was small but shocking.
Xie Xi also watched the black fog in order to know what would happen.
Would it by himself?
Xie Xi tried to open his mouth but found that he still couldn’t speak.
The black fog gradually faded and became dark clouds. The dark clouds condensed
together to show a smooth mirror.
The boy stared intently. After seeing the scene inside, his small face paled.
Xie Xi also saw that there was an extremely beautiful woman in the mirror. She had
beautiful blonde hair with a crown on top of it. Her complexion was fair and her blue eyes
were like the clear skies. They were clear and beautiful, full of gentleness.
She sat in a gorgeous palace and her protruding belly was especially eye-catching thanks to
her slender body.
The blonde woman looked at it, her eyes very gentle. She stroked her belly and sighed.
“Baby, your father gave you the name Tiancheng (Sky Gem). You will be the darling of
heaven, the son of the dragon god as pure as a jade.”
Tiancheng? Xie Xi knew the boy’s name.
The image in the mirror suddenly changed. The woman suffering the pain of labour lost his
unparalleled beauty. Her blonde hair was wet with sweat and his beautiful face lost its rosy
She bit her lip and gave birth to her baby after a huge scream.
The midwife was pleasantly surprised. “He is born. The son of the dragon god came to us…”
Her words hadn’t finished when the room fell silent.
The newborn baby, who didn’t cry, scared everyone.
The woman barely opened her eyes and asked, “How is he?”
Then screams rang out and the midwife acted like she saw a devil. “Black hair, black eyes…
this isn’t the son of the dragon god. He is… disaster!”
The woman raised her body and saw her child. Then her eyes rolled and she passed out.
The dragon god was golden under the glow of the sun. He could never have a child with
dark hair and dark eyes.
The image in the mirror changed again. The beautiful woman from the first scene had
become a thin woman.
Her long blonde hair had lost its luster, her white skin was no longer delicate and her thin
body made the dress look empty.
She hugged her child as she fled.
There were countless people behind her shouting, “Catch her! She did it with the devil and
defiled the sacred blood, giving birth to the son of disaster!”
“Kill the evil thing… he will bring us disaster!”
The woman held her child tightly, speaking neurotically, “No… he is my child. He is my little
Tiancheng, the treasure of heaven. He isn’t…”
The child in her arms didn’t say anything. He just looked at his mother with big eyes, not
knowing what was happening.
The woman fled to the forest and knelt down in the darkness. “Why… why punish me?
Dragon God, why bring such a disaster to your most loyal…”
The picture came to an abrupt halt. The mirror turned into black fog that dispersed.
There was still no expression on the boy’s face but a line of tears silently slide down from
the corner of his eyes.
Xie Xi stared at these eyes and felt heartache.
What was this damn origin?
What had this little black dragon experienced?
The boy silently wiped his tears. He formed a fist with his left hand and touched it to his
chest. “Thank you to my god.”
Then a black fog poured from his wrist. This time it didn’t float outside but wrapped
around the boy’s body.
The black fog obviously was extremely powerful and even tore at the boy’s clothes. Xie Xi
looked at it and thought, ‘No pain, no pain…”
Unfortunately, he could tell from the boy’s bitten lips that it was absolutely painful.
The black fog wrapped around the boy’s body like thorns. Once everything was gone, the
boy’s body grew and he became a thin, black-haired teenager.
He was startled at first and then shook his fist. After feeling the unprecedented power, he
once again kissed the black rose on his wrist. “Thank you, your faithful servant will give you
more hot blood.”
Xie Xi, “……”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 287
Can’t Be Erased 4

What could he do? Xie Xi, the powerful but helpless and poor ‘god’ could only continue on
the road of a villain.
Xie Xi was confused but thanks to the brain hole that he cultivated, he could guess 70~80%
of it.
Libra had likely conducted an evil ritual to summon him, a god who didn’t know anything.
A world with a dragon god and presumably other gods definitely wouldn’t be a pure faith
world. The gods here were real beings, powerful creatures above the entire continent.
Xie Xi was undoubtedly very strong, which made him happy. If he was on the bright side
then he would be even happier.
Libra summoned Xie Xi to gain strength but the price that needed to be paid was hot blood.
Pay attention to the word ‘hot.’ The blood needed to have temperature and be fresh. Just
like before when dozens of people’s blood poured into the black rose.
Xie Xi thought more and looked at their bodies. The loss might not only be blood… the
breath of life was also gone.
Due to the offering, Libra gained strength and grew from a young child to a tall teenager.
As for the memory before he received the power…
Xie Xi wasn’t clear what was going on. Perhaps it was related to Libra’s wish?
Summoning something evil was definitely to achieve a strong desire, right?
This routine often occurred. In this context, summoning a devil at all costs was mostly for
The little black dragon’s experience did have a basis for revenge. Then who did he want to
take revenge on?
Xie Xi felt these doubts as he waited for the next development. He could only follow
passively and watch what happened.
In the short period of a month, Libra because a dragon that everyone shouted to fight.
The dark dragon’s body was easy to arouse fear in the human heart. Combined with his
cruel killing methods, he was even more frightening.
The second offering was obviously more than the first.
Libra didn’t hide his whereabouts and waited for someone to kill him. Then he killed…
The thing that gave Xie Xi a bit of comfort was that Libra didn’t hurt innocent people. All the
people he killed tried to kill him.
He also tried to choose an open place that didn’t involve others.
However, Xie Xi was still very sad. Even if they were all people who were going to kill him,
the state of the black dragon was also deadly.
He completely didn’t treat people as humans. He never used any weapons and broke their
necks in an extremely violent manner.
The second offering contained more than three times the amount of blood.
Once the rose on the wrist sucked up all the blood, Libra’s expressionless face showed a bit
of sadness.
It was just a flash but it made other people feel great sadness.
Once again, black fog rose from the rose, forming a grey mirror.
At this time, Libra was in an open wilderness. His thin body was like the last tree before the
fall of the sky. He would be unable to avoid or dodge it, crushing him to pieces.
Xie Xi knew that this was an important clue and he watched the past.
Tiancheng’s mother appeared in the mirror. The woman who was originally beautiful and
rich was now completely thin.
Her long hair was like withered grass and there was no brilliance in her eyes. She was
walking aimlessly with a black-haired child.
The boy whispered to her, “Mother…”
The woman trembled and her voice was quivering. “What is it?”
The boy said, “I’m hungry.”
The woman acted like she heard something terrible and her face drained of colour. “I… I’ll
give it to you… I’ll find you something to eat.”
The boy nodded and waited quietly.
The woman left and the shadow of her walking to the forest seemed to be gone forever.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped. He was really afraid that the mother would abandon her ominous
Then he soon changed his mind. She might as well abandon him like this…
The woman brought back some red fruit and put it in front of the boy. “Eat it.”
The boy stretched out a pale hand, picked up the fruit and put it to his mouth. He took a bite
and frowned.
The woman seemed nervous for some reason.
The boy stopped.
The woman’s entire body was tense, like a broken string. “What’s the matter?”
The boy pushed the fruit in front of the woman. “Mother, you’re hungry too.”
The woman squirmed and looked at the red fruit in front of her, tears flowing from her blue
eyes like waves.
She broke down, knocking the fruit out of the boy’s hand, hugging him and continuously
apologizing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Mother is afraid… Mother is really… too scared.”
The boy gently embraced her. “Mother shouldn’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.”
He spoke in a voice that didn’t have any complaints and the only thing the woman gave him
was endless tears.
Xie Xi saw the red fruit that fell from the boy’s hand. The red liquid flowing from the gap
quickly withered the grass.
The fruit was poisonous. Xie Xi could see it then Libra definitely saw it. Maybe he knew it
back then as well. His mother wanted to kill her own child because she couldn’t bear it.
Libra stared blankly and didn’t seem to be too sad.
Xie Xi also continued to watch and soon he could no longer blame this miserable woman.
She wanted to poison her own son, perhaps not because she couldn’t bear the pain of being
chased. It was also because of a great psychological horror and torture.
At night, the boy who was supposed to be asleep woke up with his eyes open.
There was no drowsiness and his movements were as light as a cat. He didn’t alarm his
mother at all. His footsteps were as light as air and even the crisp dead leaves didn’t make a
Xie Xi saw the boy standing on the hillside and looking at the small village in the distance.
There were warm houses and sweet food, a paradise that people yearned for.
The boy slowly descended the hill and arrived at the small village. He was so hungry that he
didn’t know what to do. He knew there was good food, a lot of food to fill his stomach.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped at the sight and he had a bad feeling. Libra wasn’t really the child of
Xie Xi didn’t mean to belittle anything. It was just that some things done by other species
would be extremely cruel. For pigs, the people who ate their meat were undoubtedly the
Libra never…
Fortunately, the boy didn’t go to slaughter humans. He just entered the chicken coop like a
little fox and caught many chickens. He didn’t know how to cook them and ate them. He
also wanted to take some back for his mother…
Yet a tragedy was born. A villager heard the movement and came out to see the bloody
dark-haired boy.
The villager screamed and threw an axe at the boy. The boy looked at the axe in front of
him and didn’t know how to dodge. It was just that he wasn’t human and the powerful body
of a dragon couldn’t be hurt by an ordinary axe.
The axe didn’t hurt him and bounced off like it hit steel…
The axe that was supposed to kill the boy struck the villager’s chest instead. The scream
awakened the sleeping village and what followed was the real misery.
The villagers madly attacked the boy. The boy didn’t know how to escape and his ignorance
caused a great tragedy.
The arrows fired at him all rebounded and the villagers who wanted to kill him died.
This fueled the fear. They ran away in a panic and shouted about the devil…
The chaos produced an even greater disaster. The villagers pushed and trampled on each
other in the middle of the night, knocking over the torches and burning half the village.
It wasn’t until the mother woke up from a nightmare that she ran down the hill and saw the
young child surrounded by fire and blood.
His white face was covered with blood and amidst the screams and flames, his bright red
lips made him look like a monster.
The woman collapsed. Facing the approaching child, she madly retreated and finally said
the words that were suppressed in the bottom of her heart. “Disaster… the son of disaster,
you aren’t my child, you aren’t…”
The boy’s little hand was still holding a dead chicken. He stopped and looked at his strange
mother in front of him with a puzzled expression.
“Don’t come near me. Don’t approach me!” The woman turned and fled into the forest.
Seeing this, Xie Xi was going to stop looking.
However, this wasn’t the end. The boy chased and wanted to keep following his mother.
The woman who suffered countless hardships and pains was completely paralyzed.
She cursed hysterically, telling her own misfortunes and pains and questioning the injustice
of the dragon god. Fear and resentment completely collapsed her sense of reason.
She pierced her heart with a dagger in front of the boy. Blood poured from her chest and
the boy’s dark eyes became dazed and helpless.
What happened? What happened to everything?
The boy fell to the ground, tears streaming onto his mother’s pale face.
In her dying moment, this unfortunate woman retrieved a hint of clarity. She looked at the
boy and revealed a loving smile. “Goodbye, the devil wouldn’t cry. You are my child…”
This was the last sentence she gave him, leaving her unhappy child with a last minute
Could this type of kindness really bring happiness to the boy? He was afraid it would be a
deeper suffering.
The black fog dispersed and Libra was in a daze.
There was no expression on the handsome face, no grief and no loss. There was only
darkness in his eyes.
“Thank you, my god.”
He kissed the black rose and the thorny vines of the black fog wrapped around him again.
The sharp spikes pierced the white skin, the sharp contrast making everyone who saw it
feel more pained.
However, the teenager was calm and seemed to feel nothing. The pain of his body was good
since he wouldn’t be able to feel the pain in his heart.
Libra’s growth meant Xie Xi finally changed.
He could feel his own existence and could even manipulate certain elements in the space.
Libra grew into a handsome young man and Xie Xi also created a faint figure.
Libra opened his eyes and saw this extremely blurry figure.
His pupils shrank and he fell to one knee. “My god, your servant is eager to listen to your
Xie Xi tried to manipulate the dark fog body and finally made a sound. “Tiancheng.”
He just called out this person’s name but the voice that echoed from the sky was like a
whisper from ancient times. “Kill, eternal killing.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 288
Can’t Be Erased 5

What damned killing? This translation couldn’t even match the number of words!
Wasn’t God omnipotent? What was he? Why did he say such unfavourable things?
Libra, what trash thing did you summon?
Xie Xi had been with Jiang Xie for so long that he was inevitably infected. He learnt how to
scold himself!
Hearing the ‘sacred words’, the handsome young man knelt down, black hair hanging over
his ears. “Your most loyal servant will fulfill your command.”
Xie Xi, “…” He didn’t want to train his sweetheart into a killing machine!
Xie Xi still wanted to communicate and tried to open his mouth. “You…”
Then he heard a voice come from the sky. “Very good.”
Xie Xi dropped the script. How did this make people act?!
Libra kissed the black rose, his attitude sincere and his beliefs firm. It seemed he was about
to go kill and set fires.
Xie Xi gave up on communicating. If he spoke more then it would be really wrong. He would
obediently shut up!
Xie Xi was still limited by this black fog and couldn’t be too far from Libra. Once he was half
a metre away, he felt a barrier he couldn’t get through.
According to this progress, Libra needed to kill more people before Xie Xi could have a real
Xie Xi wanted to be a person!
The black fog could only use words to communicate while as a person, there were many
other ways to communicate his feelings!
Let’s do this first…
Xie Xi comforted himself, ‘This is a collapsing world. There is essentially no life or death.’
What’s more, Libra tried to avoid hurting innocent people.
Xie Xi felt the constraints on Libra and returned to the black fog.
This type of black fog wasn’t suitable to follow Libra. There was no benefit apart from
giving him psychological pressure.
The little black dragon’s situation was already bad enough and Xie Xi didn’t want to give
him more pressure.
The black fog dispersed and Libra obviously relaxed.
He looked at the black rose on his wrist and there were no waves in his calmness. Just.. his
lips curved slightly.
Libra didn’t hide his actions and soon became the most horrible existence that the human
kingdom was eager to annihilate.
This place was called the kingdom of Fare. it was rick and power and one of the six great
powers of the humans. It was known for its fire magic.
There were paladins who once participated in the battle of the gods and received the
reward of the dragon god. This had long become a legend.
Its peak might’ve passed but the glory was still there. Libra was so aggressive that the Fare
Kingdom definitely couldn’t ignore it. At first, only a border city issued a reward but it soon
spread all over the country.
The strength of the people who came to kill Libra obviously improved but Libra’s progress
was faster.
The little black dragon became a giant. If this was a game, he would have 100% physical
resistance and 100% magic resistance.
The slightly regretful thing was that Libra found it almost impossible to use magic. He was
incapable of it in dragon form and could only use the flames.
These flames could burn ordinary people to ash but they could be blocked by some special
His real attacks came in human form. His speed was as fast as lightning and his melee
attacks were almost unstoppable. The only drawback was that he had no physical weapons.
Once his human form was injured, Libra was slow to recover and he didn’t dare change
back into his dragon form.
It was because the wounds would enlarge with his body shape and change. It would
recover even more slowly.
Libra couldn’t completely eliminate everyone and sooner or later, there would be escaped
people who summed up their experience.
Xie Xi was worried in his hurt.
He wasn’t worried that the indigenous people would hurt Libra, he was afraid of a player.
The erasure task had been released and perhaps players had entered…
Xie Xi was nervous and feared missing an opportunity to identify them.
If he could use the god’s wisdom then he would look at Jiang Xie’s most commonly used
weapons and draw then for him!
What was Yunge? What leader wouldn’t want to complete the task?
There was another wave of attacks. Libra moved from morning to night and it was
unknown how many people he killed.
By the time the moon hung in the air, his feet were already covered in corpses.
Libra sighed and looked pale.
These waves of battles meant that Libra’s consumption wasn’t small. He might’ve
deliberately attracted more people but this time there was a bit too much.
His physical strength was capped and it was fortunate that the other side had been so
frightened they escaped and didn’t dare come again.
Libra calmed down his breathing and tore open his bloody clothes, revealing his white
The black room bloomed in the middle of his wrist. The petals swayed and show a strange
lustre in the darkness.
Libra chanted the long prayer in a low voice. Countless blood and an unknown white gas
rose from the sea of corpses, flowing into Libra’s wrist like a hundred rivers.
There was no doubt that this offering was of an unprecedented quantity and quality.
The rose was almost dyed a bright red.
Once all the corpses became dry leaves, the mirror appeared again.
This seemed to present Libra’s experience. Why was there such a step? It was true that this
was very good for Xie Xi so he could understand Libra, but what good was it for Libra?
Wasn’t looking at such painful experiences equivalent to opening up an injury and
sprinkling salt on them.
Perhaps it was because if he wanted to grow up, he would have to face the heaviest pain in
her heart?
Xie Xi looked into the mirror and saw the juvenile Libra.
Xie Xi stared blankly…
Libra had just been a young boy when Xie Xi first met him and grew up using Xie XI’s
power. Then why was there a teenage Libra in the mirror?
Did the mirror show the future?
Xie Xi looked at Libra and saw the hatred ingrained in his bones.
He wasn’t looking at the future. This was clearly the past.
Inside the mirror was a magnificent hall with huge stone pillars soaring into the sky. The
architecture was magnificent and grand beyond the capabilities of humans.
Xie Xi saw the dragon passing by at a low altitude and understood that this was dragon
The youthful looking Libra was gently received by a dragon elder.
“I was deeply saddened to hear that your mother died. She was an excellent follower of the
dragon god. She will be buried and I will pray for her, wishing for her happiness in the next
It could be imagined what the teenager experienced after his mother passed away. Now he
met his own people and there was such a kind-hearted elder. His hard heart would soon
The elder told him, “The black dragons are responsible for disciplinary punishment of
crimes. It is easy to be mistaken for a demonic dragon by ignorant humans but in fact, you
are an indispensable fighter for us dragons.
The young man’s black eyes lit up like a person walking in the darkness and finally seeing
the dawn.
The elder patted him on the shoulder. “Train well, the dragons need such a good young
man like yourself.”
The teenager couldn’t speak very well. “G-Good.”
His voice was very good but was filled with nervousness that had never been seen before.
The elder was smiling but there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.
It could clearly be seen that Libra believed it.
He became the knife of the dragons. Under the name of punishing crimes, he became the
dragon’s killing machine.
The dragons trained him into a first-class assassin but didn’t allow him to touch the
dragon’s most important exercises.
The dragon elder told Libra, “Us dragons have special physiques and weak affinity for
elements. It isn’t recommended to practice magic. You just need to train in close combat.”
If Libra hadn’t been in the form of a black dragon, it would be unknown how many times he
would’ve died because of the elder’s words.
The black dragon might’ve become a sharp knife but the dragon elders were still very
afraid of him.
The dragons definitely had the strongest physique on the continent but Libra was
obviously too strong.
The black dragon form, which defended against almost all attacks, couldn’t be compared to
the golden dragon.
The elder told Libra, “You are truly the strongest warrior of the dragon clan!”
The teenager smiled for the first time since his mother died and he saluted. “I am proud to
be part of the dragon clan!”
The elder smiled and didn’t express the bad thoughts in his heart.
Seeing the end, Xie Xi probably understood Libra’s wish.
As time went by, Libra became stronger and stronger. No matter how dangerous the tasks
assigned to him, he could complete them.
This didn’t reassure the dragons but made them more vigilant.
Then Libra killed the elf king who had been secretly fighting with the dragons.
The dragon’s enemy was gone and the knife should be hidden.
Libra had been with the dragons for hundreds of years but he had no friends. Every day
involved training and missions. He was a person living in the shadows.
Even so, his people refused to give him the last way to live.
Once the dragon elites attacked him, the black dragon fully understood.
He knew that he had been exploited for hundreds of years, knew that he hadn’t been
accepted by anyone from beginning to end and knew he hadn’t been needed since birth.
This was the last straw that crushed the camel and Libra rebelled.
The dragon elites weren’t weak humans. They not only attacked his body, they also
destroyed his spirit.
“The dragons never had a black dragon! You are the product of the devil!”
“In charge of discipline and punishment? This devil deserves it!”
“Go to hell, your dirty black monster!”
The thoroughly disappointed and desperate Libra summoned the true evil god.
He emptied his blood that was filled with infinite resentment and hatred. He used his whole
soul and body as a sacrifice to sign a contract with the evilest existence in heaven and
Xie Xi finally figured out who he was…
The evil god???
He just wanted to mix with the gods, not be an evil god!
This sounded really brain damaged with the strong taste of poop!
If this wasn’t Jiang Xie’s quasi-world, Xie Xi was 100% certain that he would’ve been dealt
with early by the protagonist and then eaten in a lunchbox!
The mirror disappeared and Libra was covered in the black fog. The growth that looked
painful began.
Once the black fog faded, Libra was already an adult. His naked, solid body was full of
strength and his smooth skin was covered with muscles, demonstrating the full charm of a
mature male.
This time, Xie Xi finally got a sense of a body.
The black fog emerged from the rose and quickly condensed. A tall man in a black cloak
appeared out of thin air.
Libra was surprised and got down onto one knee.
His startled glanced noticed the long black hair under the cloak falling on smooth white
Xie Xi could become a person. The problem was… where were his clothes?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 289

Can’t Be Erased 6

Oh, no clothing was the norm and having clothing wasn’t normal!
In the deep night, there were two men and one was only covered with a cloak…
Old Jiang’s evil mind was obvious!
Who was the evil god? Xie Xi really wanted to put the blame on someone else!
“Get up.” Xie Xi cautiously opened his mouth and found that the ‘translator’ wasn’t broken.
It could be translated accurately.
Libra slowly got up. His eyes were still lowered and he didn’t look at Xie Xi. He was clear
that looking directly at a god was disrespectful.
Xie Xi demanded, “Your name.”
Libra respectfully replied, “Tiancheng.”
“What do you want from waking me up?”
There shouldn’t be a problem with this. Previously, Libra held the summoning ceremony to
summon the evil god. Through uninterrupted ‘feeding’ Xie Xi was able to form a body and
awaken. Thus, he used the words ‘waking up.’
Libra’s lean body collapsed. He was naked and after his body tensed up, the sexy lines filled
with power were more obvious.
He whispered, “I want to kill the dragon god.”
Xie Xi’s lips slightly raised under the hood. ‘Killing a god, this really was a fellow I have to
worry over.’
He thought that Libra wanted to get revenge on the dragons and let them eat the fruit of
their own evil. He didn’t expect Libra to directly want the dragon god’s death.
It wasn’t difficult to understand after seeing his experience.
The tragedy of him and his mother began with his birth.
What’s more, his birth came about because of the blessing of the dragon god.
Here, the breeding mechanism of the dragons must be introduced. This race had a long life
span and could live 800-900 years, which was 10 times that of humans.
However, their ability to reproduce was very poor and dragons eggs from the same clan
were difficult to hatch.
In order to not die out, the dragon elders pleaded to the dragon god and received a new
way of reproduction.
Every 10 years, the dragon god would bless a person who believed in him. The selected
woman would give birth to a healthy and strong dragon in three years.
This woman would be honoured as a holy woman by the dragons and her country would be
sheltered by the dragons.
Tiancheng’s mother was the woman chosen in this decade. In the three years of pregnancy,
she enjoyed superior treatment like a queen. She was regarded as a noble person by her
own country and the dragons. Every day was full of happiness as she waited for the birth of
the child.
The moment she gave birth to the child, her fate was marked by the end.
Tiancheng also started to make his own doom.
The root of everything was the dragon god and Tiancheng hated him!
Thus, he turned his back on his faith and summoned the evil god in order to kill the dragon
Xie Xi whispered, “You want to blasphemy?”
Libra kneeled again, short black hair falling on a slender neck. He was looking down but his
back was still straight and his voice was full of courage and fearlessness. “I want to kill the
dragon god, no matter what price I have to pay!”
Xie Xi was worried. It wasn’t the question of the price but the dragon god was a god while
he was a god who knew nothing. He might not be able to kill the dragon god himself. How
could he teach Tiancheng?
Oh… he couldn’t do it but Jiang Xie could definitely do it.
Fine, whatever this person wanted.
Xie Xi thought about it and asked, “Who do you think I am?”
Libra obviously hadn’t thought of this question and he was stunned.
Xie Xi questioned, “The dragon god is one of the six gods. Do you think I will kill him for
Libra looked up. His face was pale and his black eyes were becoming darker.
Xie Xi took off his head and bent close to look at this person.
Libra was startled. The face in front of him was beautiful to the extreme. The ominous black
hair hung over the white face, like white pearls on black brocade. It was innocent and
beautiful but evil and seductive.
Tiancheng could hear his own heartbeat.
It wasn’t because of the amazing beauty but the thin lips that slightly curved and the
whisper that entered his ears. “Yes… for you, I can do anything.”
The devil’s whisper, the temptation of the evil god, this was the means of confusing people.
Even so, Tiancheng was willing to fall. He bowed his head and muttered, “Thank you, my
Xie Xi was very happy.
He could use this opportunity to tease Jiang Xie, he was 10 times as happy!
He stood up, his fingers moving in the air. In fact, he was sketching something in the god’s
wisdom. Clothes appeared out of thin air and he ordered, “Put it on.”
Libra took the clothing, thanked him and dressed neatly.
People really relied on clothes like a horse with a saddle. The well-dressed youth looked
even more handsome.
Xie Xi drew ‘couple clothes’ but still wore a cloak, covering his long black hair and
excessively white complexion.
He looked like a normal person at first glance and didn’t have ‘I am the evil god’ written on
his face.
Wearing a cloak was to keep a low profile.
After packing up, Xie Xi thought about how to meet a god.
There were six main gods on the continent and the dragon god was one of them.
The evil god could be summoned by using the wrong road but the Lord God was
The Lord God would shelter his descendants, especially the dragon leaders. This meant
there was an opportunity to see the dragon god.
Violence was more difficult and high-risk. Xie Xi didn’t recommend it.
The plan he had for Libra was to become the leader of the dragons, find an opportunity to
approach the dragon god, discover some details and then kill him.
As for how to become the dragon’s leader? Wasn’t gold the most noble? Then become a
golden dragon.
Xie Xi hadn’t expressed this idea to Libra when they encountered unprecedented danger.
Libra’s constant killing completely alarmed the Fare royal family, who sent out a great
magician to annihilate the dragon.
By the time Xie Xi felt the sneak attack, Libra had already placed Xie Xi behind him.
Xie Xi was about to speak but once Libra transformed, Xie Xi dissipated.
Yes, he had a body through Libra. It wasn’t the real body of the evil god so once Libra used
his power, Xie Xi disappeared.
Unfortunately, Xie Xi disappeared so quickly that he couldn’t draw a different space shield.
This time the enemy was much stronger than before. As the black dragon breathed out
black flames, the human great magician raised a water-coloured shield. Under the
protection of the water shield, the guards were unharmed.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped and he felt that this time was a bit tricky.
The black dragon swooped down and slammed into the water shield.
The great magician was worthy of being the strongest of the human race. He barely
changed and a surging wave of water appeared from the top of his staff.
The water wave flashed with needles and there was a loud sound as they crashed into the
black dragon.
There was no doubt that if the black dragon’s body wasn’t invulnerable, the ice needles
would’ve already stabbed him into a honeycomb!
This wasn’t easy!
Xie Xi stared at the magician with more nervousness.
He almost completely understood Libra’s power. In the battle with the dragon elites, Libra
survived but he was seriously injured.
Then he used a blood sacrifice to summon the evil gods and turned himself into the
appearance of a young child.
Today, the power of the evil god was awakened through killing but there was still a long
way to go from his peak days.
The human magician not only had spells to restrain the black dragon but also a deep
understanding of Libra.
When Libra transformed back into a human… Xie Xi panicked. This was a trap!
The great magician sneered and the next morning, a giant square of ice-blue flames formed
behind him…
It was broken!
They knew that Libra’s human form wasn’t invulnerable. They deliberately used the great
magician as bait while hiding the giant spell being prepared in the back!
They waited for Tiancheng to think that his dragon form couldn’t hurt the great magician.
By the time he switched to his adult human for, the spell had already been chanted!
Once such a terrible spell was launched, the human-shaped Libra wouldn’t be able to hide
from it, no matter his speed!
As long as it swept over him, Libra would…
At this critical juncture, Xie Xi suddenly felt a pulling sensation.
The scene in front of him shrank and narrowed as he returned to being the ‘audience’.
It felt like switching from a holographic image to a 2D plane.
He looked at Libra on the screen and realized he had returned to the previous void space.
What was going on?
Was Libra so seriously injured that the summoning was cut off?
Xie Xi was anxious and wanted to return to the screen.
However, the screen started to retreat and turned back into the previous brown star point.
At the same time, Xie Xi heard a whisper…
“I am willing to give my flesh, blood and soul. I sincerely long for your coming…”
It was because he was being summoned again that he left Libra?
Xie Xi’s brain worked quickly.
There was no doubt that the one summoning him was definitely Jiang Xie. Seeing the purple
star point flashing, was it Scorpio?
It was really terrible. Why at such a critical time? What if Libra experienced an accident?
However, what if there was an accident if he didn’t respond to Scorpio?
It could be guessed from Libra that those who summoned the evil god were definitely at the
end of the road.
If he ignored it then the person was likely to die!
Xie Xi weighed the options and decided to respond to Scorpio first.
Libra might be in danger but it wasn’t a dead end. He might be injured but it wasn’t life-
Xie Xi could only go and see Scorpio’s situation first.
As he stared at the purple star point, Xie Xi glanced at Libra’s brown star point.
The star point was very small but Xie Xi could still vaguely see the scene inside.
It seemed still?
Did it freeze on the moment when Libra was going to be attacked?
Xie Xi couldn’t be sure but he was still a bit relieved. Maybe his space was different from
their reality.
It was like Central and the quasi-worlds.
Something flashed very quickly through Xie Xi’s brain but he couldn’t capture it…
Don’t think too much. Xie Xi neared the purple light point.
Soon, he leapt from 2D to 3D and his eyes suddenly opened.
He saw the man standing in the darkness. The man had long purple hair and a flawless side
profile, so beautiful that people could forget to breathe.
Once he turned his head, the white bones of the other half of the face were shocking.
Xie Xi was shocked.
Scorpio, what was your situation?
The even more alarming thing was that there were countless ghouls crawling under
Scorpio’s feet. They were disgusting like creepy worms. They groaned and bit, as if they
were trying to drag down the purple-haired man among them.
Xie Xi felt like he had been seen by this person.
Half of the man’s body was as beautiful as a god while the other half was made of bones.
The image was terrifying but contained a strange charm.
The man’s slender hands formed a fist that touched his heart. His low voice seemed to
vibrate from his chest. “…I am willing to be your most loyal servant.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 290

Can’t Be Erased 7

It didn’t matter if this person was a servant or not. Scorpio, what was going on with you?
Xie Xi stared fixedly and it took a long time for his senses to return.
He wasn’t afraid of Scorpio’s appearance, he just felt a bit pained. This bastard really wasn’t
easy on himself!
Xie Xi tried to move but the familiar black fog rose and wrapped around Scorpio like thorns.
Scorpio’s long purple hair shook and his pupils slightly shrank but he didn’t make any
Xie Xi had experience with Libra and naturally knew that this was very uncomfortable.
No matter how uncomfortable, it could be called comfortable compared to having half the
body reduced to bones!
The black fog cleared and the black rose on Scorpio’s wrist calmed down. At the same time,
the bony half of his body few new flesh and blood.
This image caused goosebumps but once the white skin covered flesh and blood and a
complete man stood in the dark world, people couldn’t help holding their breath.
He was too beautiful. His dark purple hair faded to black and there was a pair of deep eyes
under slender eyebrows. He looked straight ahead and the corners of his mouth were
slightly curved like he was smiling. It felt like he was going to announce the coming of
Xie Xi was staring blankly when he experienced a cold tenderness.
It was cold, shivering cold, but strangely gentle.
Scorpio bowed to him again. “Thank you…”
He just finished speaking when a scythe appeared behind him.
The handle of the scythe was at least two metres and the blade at the end was curved. The
sharp blade was like a crescent moon on the first day of winter, shining with a cold
Scorpio straightened his arms and the cold white fingers held the handle.
The black fog swayed gently, like water ripples being disturbed. Soon the scythe moved in a
manner invisible to the naked eye as Scorpio waved it towards the ground.
The corpses that were biting and climbing at him screamed and turned into smoke.
If Xie Xi had a body then he would surely be staring wide-eyed.
So strong!
Scorpio wasn’t the same as Libra.
Libra was like a novice practicing from the first level while Scorpio was like a full-level
Next, Xie Xi saw a very handsome scene.
Scorpio with the huge scythe descended from the sky like a god of death, killing all living
things on heaven and earth.
The ghouls disappeared and only the purple-haired, demon-like man stood there.
Xie Xi saw the ghouls turn into black fog and rush towards the black rose on Scorpio’s
Xie Xi’s brain moved…
It seemed to be more than just human blood. These ghouls also worked as offerings?
Scorpio killed a lot in this wave and almost all ‘living things’ in hundreds of miles had been
The black fog flowed for at least half an hour, enough to see how many ghouls previously
After collecting so much ‘energy’, Xie Xi realized the feeling of fullness. He manipulated the
black fog as before and formed his body.
As he descended to the ground, he wondered, ‘Why can’t I see Scorpio’s experience?’
Was every Jiang Xie different?
Xie Xi had only seen two Jiang Xies and it wasn’t good to blindly sum up the experience.
He still… wasn’t wearing any clothes.
A normal person would feel awkward only wearing the black cloak but now Xie Xi…
Okay, he had probably become abnormal a long time ago!
Xie Xi didn’t understand Scorpio’s situation so he didn’t dare rush to open his mouth. He
only looked at Scorpio in an unpredictable way.
Saying less meant fewer mistakes. This was an iron law adapted to most occasions.
There was no surprise in Scorpio’s eyes when he saw Xie Xi. He knelt down and said, “I’m
sorry to have shocked you. Your loyal servant will be sure to receive the punishment.”
Xie Xi, “???” He vaguely felt something in this person’s words.
Scorpio remained motionless on one knee, long hair sliding over his ears and half covering
his face. The huge scythe was suspended behind him like an open black wing.
Xie Xi replied, “It is nothing.”
Scorpio’s hand trembled lightly as he whispered, “Thank you for your forgiveness.”
Xie Xi vaguely felt that he had fooled this person and continued, “Get up.”
Scorpio stood up. He was taller than Xie Xi but his eyes were drooping and he didn’t look
Xie Xi in the eyes.
Xie Xi heard Scorpio wonder, “Master, do you want to go back to the temple?”
The temple? Why did Xie Xi feel that Scorpio was different from Libra? Libra wasn’t the
first to summon him? Scorpio had summoned him already?
Xie Xi thought about how to answer. The temple sounded like the base of the evil god. Going
back and seeing it would definitely allow him to gain something.
However… Xie Xi remembered Libra. That guy was still surrounded and what if he died?
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “There is something else.”
Scorpio immediately replied, “I am willing to serve you.”
Xie Xi hesitated for a moment.
Scorpio’s fighting power meant it would definitely be easy to kill the great magician.
However, how did he bring Scorpio over? Libra was in Fare and Scorpio… god knew where
this broken place was.
Xie Xi suddenly thought of the portal! This type of thing existed in a world of swords and
magic. He had previously seen the dragon’s portal in LIbra’s memories.
In theory, as long as Xie Xi saw it, he could draw it with the sketch pen. Try it! He was a god
and he should be able to do this much.
Xie Xi’s fingers moved through the air…
This image was actually very good to see. After all, other people couldn’t see the sketch pen
or the god’s wisdom. They only saw his beautiful fingers slightly moving in an arc.
In this world, big magic needed a staff to support the power but also a long chant and
preparation time.
However, Xie Xi just used the air and didn’t need an expensive staff. He didn’t even chant. It
was a very terrible power.
Fanaticism flashed in the eyes of Scorpio in front of him.
It worked! Xie Xi’s expression didn’t change but his heart was very happy. He set the
position of the portal. If it wasn’t successful then the god’s wisdom wouldn’t create it.
As long as he passed through this door, he could return to the side of Libra. In addition, he
had a powerful helper with him.
Little black dragon, just wait!
Xie Xi went straight to the portal while telling Scorpio next to him. “Follow me.”
They passed through the portal together. Once they emerged, they had left the dead land
and came to an open field.
Xie Xi recognized it instantly.
This was right!
Just then, a tornado-like column of water rushed in with sharp ice arrows flashing. There
was nowhere to hide.
How could Xie Xi react? His body was filled with fear.
Suddenly, a black scythe split apart the water column and the ice arrows hit steel,
becoming crystal clear debris.
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he saw deep purple hair falling in a beautiful arc.
Xie Xi sighed. Yes, there was no need for him to do anything.
Scorpio really had extraordinary power and he easily defeated the magic of the human
great magician.
Xie Xi ordered with no expression, “Kill him.”
“I will obey your order.”
The hand holding the scythe jerked hard and a black fog discoloured the sky and earth.
Xie Xi finally understood the situation.
Once he was summoned by Scorpio, time was indeed relatively static.
However, it should be limited to when he was in the dark space. Once he reappeared in
front of Scorpio, the time here also flowed.
Libra was ambushed and his body was seriously injured and bloody.
There was no doubt that if Xie Xi came one step later, the water column would’ve fallen on
Libra and the black dragon would’ve screamed!
Xie Xi experienced a moment of fear and resisted the urge to go to the bloody Libra.
He had stepped on too many boats and had too much experience.
Xie Xi wanted Scorpio to clean up the battlefield and didn’t dare distract him.
This was already a one-sided situation.
The great magician had backup and had been fully prepared. Everything had been laid out
in advance and they were on the way to annihilate the black dragon. Who would’ve
expected two people to emerge and the battle to suddenly reverse?
At first, they couldn’t react. It wasn’t until one of the humans was hit by Scorpio’s scythe
and became a ghoul that…
Someone screamed, “It is the lich… that man isn’t dead!”
Scorpio’s thin lips slightly raised. He swung the scythe he was tightly holding and whenever
the blade went, there were screams and blood.
The great magician was pale-faced. “The lich… the son of disaster… doom…”
He hadn’t finished his words when his throat was pierced by the scythe.
The body fo the great magician quickly withered like all the magic was sucked out of him.
He didn’t become a ghoul but a dry branch.
At the same time, Xie Xi felt his body become more solid.
Scorpio had given him an offering.
Xie Xi, “…”
He really couldn’t adapt to the identity of a super villain!
All the people who ambushed Libra died under Scorpio’s scythe.
The purple-haired man was unharmed. He held the scythe and knelt in front of Xie Xi.
“Fortunately, I didn’t insult you.”
Xie Xi could only pretend to be arrogant. “You did well.”
He reached out to pull this person up. He had acted too much as the emperor and there
were still some side-effects.
Unexpectedly, Scorpio got up and then kissed the back of Xie Xi’s hand intently. “Thank
The cold lips had no temperature and were like snowflakes falling on the skin, cool and
Xie Xi’s instincts told him that something wasn’t right.
The kiss was in this context but he always felt that Scorpio’s kiss wasn’t simple.
Don’t blame Xie Xi for thinking too much. Anyone who had his rich ‘love history’ would
have a crazy mind!
“Cough…” A painful cough was heard from behind him.
Xie Xi hurriedly looked towards Libra.
The young black-haired man was seriously injured. His black clothes were soaked and red
blood covered his hands.
Xie Xi’s heart was tense.
Libra wanted to say something but he seemed to have injured his throat and couldn’t even
say a complete syllable.
Scorpio came over and glimpsed the black rose on Libra’s wrist.
His eyes flashed lightly and he bowed to Xie Xi. “Master, he is already your believer. Do you
want to bring him back to the temple for treatment?’
Xie Xi was afraid that Libra would bleed to death but his voice was cold and steady. “Take
This time, there was no need for Xie Xi to draw the portal.
Scorpio replied, “Yes.”
He cut the void with the scythe and a black door appeared out of thin air.
Xie Xi didn’t go to Libra. He went straight ahead into the black portal.
The temple?
It seemed that he could discover more things.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 291

Can’t Be Erased 8

The so-called temple…

Xie Xi believed that even if it wasn’t brilliant, there would be light and it would be bright
and spacious.
The place in front of him was absolutely spacious enough but it had no relationship with a
bright light.
The dark and deep corridor seemed to go to hell. A dark obsidian door with the air of a
funeral opened and the sound of footsteps echoed, like a high-energy warning in a horror
movie where a monster would jump out at any time.
This… was the temple.
It was almost like a grave!
Xie Xi was more and more certain that he was a big villain. The appearance of this base
camp was like the ultimate instance that game players wanted to pass.
He was the big boss hiding in the depths waiting for the players to kill him thousands of
Okay, this wasn’t a game but he still hoped to kill players.
Sure a large temple was empty and the shadows of any people couldn’t be found.
The three of them walked through the hall like walking on an empty snowfield. Only the
cold air seemed to rush at their necks.
Xie Xi was the temple owner and naturally couldn’t be frozen by his ‘warm’ home.
He glanced at Libra out of the corner of his eye.
This was also his first time coming here but his demeanour was more natural than Xie Xi.
There was no surprise at all.
In addition, Libra used to be a killing machine and had seen more scenes than this evil god.
The blood of his body kept flowing but he was able to walk on his own. The blood fell down
his fingers and dripped on the black ground made of unknown material. It was soon
absorbed and no traces were left.
Xie Xi saw this and his heart was shocked. This damn ghost house!
The thought that he was the biggest ‘ghost’ filled his house.
After walking through five doors, Scorpio asked, “Master, do you want to put him in the
Libra Temple?”
Xie Xi, “…” How did he know this was Libra? In addition, were the other temples filled with
Xie Xi was a bit flustered but gave an understatement. “Yes.”
Scorpio told Libra, “Please.”
Xie Xi couldn’t adapt to Jiang Xie being so polite to himself.
Libra looked at Xie Xi and bowed. He didn’t speak but there were some doubts in his eyes.
Xie Xi continued to act. “You need to rest.”
“Thank you, my god.”
“I’ll see you later.”
He didn’t want to say this but Libra looked too poor and he softened…
Xie Xi glanced at Scorpio and was relieved when he couldn’t see anything different.
Maybe he and Scorpio had a pure master-servant relationship? Was that why Scorpio was
so calm? Not only did he bring a rival back, he didn’t feel jealous at all?
Xie Xi…
He didn’t believe in this ghost! This was Jiang Xie, or Scorpio Jiang. What would he be doing
in the dark?
Xie Xi couldn’t take it lightly. He watched as Scorpio brought Libra to a door.
The temple might be sombre but the materials and decorations were extraordinary.
Xie Xi now had some insight. After all, he followed Libra and saw so many mirror
memories. Libra had stayed with the dragons for a long time and then went to various
places for assassination…
Xie Xi compared these many places and didn’t find anywhere as full of power as this
Xie Xi was a bit relieved. He felt it was quite safe even. Even if players wanted to kill the big
boss, it wouldn’t be so easy.
The thing that made Xie Xi more concerned was that in the empty hall, there seemed to be
no one besides Scorpio, the injured Libra and himself.
Did he only receive two believers?
Then how did Scorpio know that Libra was Libra?
Xie Xi also couldn’t wander around in case he hit something that shouldn’t be hit. The
stuffing wasn’t a joke.
He was now their faith. Even if there were six Jiang Xies, he could temporarily suppress
them as the evil god.
If he was revealed to be a false god then…
The devil knew what would happen!
Xie Xi waited a while before Scorpio came back through the door and bowed to Xie Xi. “It’s
been settled.”
Xie Xi nodded and said, “I’ll go check on his injury.”
Scorpio was obviously stunned and Xie Xi’s heart tensed. Did he say something wrong?
Unexpectedly, Scorpio actually smiled and his cold and white face became scarier in the
gloomy hall, forming a sharp contrast with the gentle smile.
It gave people a sense of confusion when they fell into an ice cave only to find a hot water
Was it hot or cold?
“You are so gentle.” Scorpio approached and kissed the back of Xie XI’s hand. There was a
hint of brightness in his slightly raised gaze as he whispered,”I am looking forward to
tonight. I will wait for you at dawn.”
Xie Xi was frozen.
On the one hand, he was somewhat touched by the gaze but on the other hand, he was
frightened by the words.
What was this situation? It wouldn’t be what he thought! What odd request did he
somehow agree to? They weren’t in an ordinary master-servant relationship?
Xie Xi’s heart was panicked. One of the key points of a shipwreck: it was to sleep around
with other males!
This was absolutely going to happen! Even if there was no other Jiang Xie, even if only Libra
knew, the difficulty of coaxing people would climb to hell mode! He had to be steady.
Xie Xi’s heart was 70~80% panicked but the face of the evil god was stable. “Go to rest. You
are also injured.”
He clearly remembered the appearance of the white bones.
Scorpio raised his left hand to his chest and said, “Thank you, my god.”
He took three steps back before turning into black fog and disappearing.
Xie Xi, “…” He never admitted that he was shocked.
What gloomy grave and what servant could come and go? This master was merely an
upright youth!
Fortunately, Emperor Xie was long used to facial paralysis and he could cope.
He calmed down his heartbeat and entered through the door.
It might be in the form of a door but it was actually a fixed, not temporary, portal.
Walking in wasn’t making steps but instant transfer from here to there.
This room wasn’t bad. Xie Xi looked around. It was still dark, cold and a bit sinister but the
black velvet bed looked quite comfortable.
Xie Xi saw Libra sitting on the edge of the bed.
He had taken off his wet clothes and was trying to clean his wounds.
This body was really terrible. It was if he was stabbed with countless knives and could only
be described as a body with no skin.
No wonder there was so much blood…
Xie Xi couldn’t imagine how much pain this person would be in and how strong he was to
still remain silent.
Of course, he might be used to it from a long time ago.
The soul was good… the body was also good and was used to it.
Xie Xi’s heart was tugged as he walked over and said, “Don’t move, I will help you deal with
your wounds.”
Libra only just discovered him. Libra immediately got up and went to bow.
Xie Xi told him, “This is a special time, don’t be polite.”
Libra opened his mouth and could only use his hoarse voice to say, “Thank you, my god.”
Saying these words were already his limit. It was as if his vocal cords were torn.
Xie Xi didn’t say anything more in case Libra became more nervous.
Xie Xi used the sketch pen to draw many things while saying, “Your wounds need to be
treated… it might be a bit painful.”
After saying this, he felt he was speaking nonsense. Libra was cut all over his body and
endured it. What was more pain?
Libra started to open his mouth.
Xie Xi stopped him. “Don’t speak for a short time. Your throat is badly damaged.”
Libra paused and nodded gently.
Xie Xi just wanted to give him pain relief. He didn’t care too much about his actions since
there were no bystanders here.
He leaned over and applied the medicine one by one to Libra’s wounds.
In order to make it seem like magic, Xie Xi deliberately created a ‘block the eyes’ barrier
around the medicine. In the eyes of outsiders, the black fog of his fingertips touched the
bloody wounds one by one.
Libra didn’t dare to look at him but once the pain of his body slowly disappeared, his gaze
couldn’t help falling on Xie Xi.
The evil god he dedicated his soul and self to, the master of killing he awakened at all costs,
have an appearance beautiful enough to make all the races on the continent marvel.
The god had the same ominous black hair and dark eyes but he was powerful enough to
ignore all contempt and disdain. He was a god above everyone.
Such a powerful god also had a moving side.
He seemed to care about Libra and his fingertips were as gentle as Libra’s deepest memory
of his mother.
The beautiful woman who hadn’t been driven mad still had her sense of reason and love.
Libra lowered his gaze and was afraid of his own vulnerability and delusion.
This was the evil god, who represented killing and evil. He was greedy for souls and vitality,
only creating disaster and suffering and never understanding what it meant to give.
Trying to find warmth in such an evil god was really crazy.
After treating the wounds, Xie Xi prepared some sleeping medicine for Libra.
When the black dragon was in human form, the wounds recovered very slowly. Letting him
sleep in order to reduce some pain was the best.
Xie Xi’s heart softened and he didn’t have a posture of pretending. He couldn’t help his
voice softening. “Sleep for a while. Once you wake up, you will recover.”
Libra’s eyes flashed. He just wanted to open his mouth when…
Xie Xi blocked his mouth. “No talking for three days.”
At this moment, Libra’s brain was only filled with the eyes full of tenderness.
Xie Xi solemnly added, “This is an order.”
An indescribable warmth poured into his heart and Libra nodded slightly. This was the
most comfortable sleep since the time he was born.
Seeing him asleep, Xie Xi sighed with relief. He stood up and prepared to talk to Scorpio
Then a pleasant voice was heard. “Why do you have to bother with such treatment? You
might as well let me eat him.”
Xie Xi turned and saw hanging from the beam of the room… a bat???
Xie Xi’s heart was scared again!
Then the bat landed. The black fog surrounded him and a man in a black uniform appeared.
He had flamboyant dark red hair, pupils that were a bright red and a tall nose above a thin
lip. At the sight of Xie Xi, he raised his lips and revealed pointed tiger teeth.
Instantly, an evil influence wantonly emerged.
The man knelt on one knee in a respectful posture but his pair of eyes was extremely
aggressive. “Master, I am hungry.”
Xie Xi, “!”
Which Jiang Xie was this?
In addition, if he was hungry, go to eat. Why stare at Xie Xi?
He didn’t have any food!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GL: Chapter 292

Can’t Be Erased 9

Xie Xi couldn’t help remembering this person’s previous words.

He wanted to eat Libra! After killing Libra, he would appear and eat Xie Xi…
Stop! Xie Xi felt this direction was a bit strange and it wasn’t suitable for him to continue
the line of thought.
Xie Xi raised the attitude of an evil god and looked at the man in front of him. “Don’t just
casually enter someone else’s room.”
In the face of a question that he didn’t know how to answer, changing topics was the best
He was a ‘superior’ and it wasn’t wrong to be serious.
His words really shook the man in front of him.
The red-haired man’s temperament wasn’t as calm as Scorpio as he wasn’t as cautious as
Libra. He was brasher and his devout posture contained aggression.
He looked up and told Xie Xi, “There was no one here before.” Thus, he wasn’t breaking into
someone else’s room.
Xie Xi reasonably suspected that this person was Sagittarius.
Capricorn was sure to be more stable and Aquarius and Pisces felt simpler?
Still, he wouldn’t expect too much. He would simply be grateful if he could play his role!
Xie Xi got up and said, “Now there is someone.”
He walked straight ahead and prepared to go out without disturbing Libra’s rest.
The man followed, whispering, “I’ve been in this room for a long time.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tense. He hadn’t noticed at all.
If he had been there the whole time, did he see how Xie Xi treated Libra?
Xie Xi thought about it and he shouldn’t have done anything too unreasonable… right?
He stopped because of nervousness.
The man also stopped and immediately complained, “You saw me as soon as you entered
but you didn’t care about me.”
His words made Xie Xi sigh with relief. Although Xie Xi hadn’t noticed this man at all,
nothing prevented him from pretending.
Xie Xi sneered.
His expression was probably saying, ‘Why did I ignore you? Do you have any thoughts in
your heart?’
This man was indeed used to it. “I was just waiting for you. You have been gone for so long
and I was hungry.”
His words were elongated and his sexy voice was particularly terrible.
Xie Xi’s ears were slightly itchy and he became more convinced that this was Sagittarius.
In the garden of the 12 Boundaries, Sagittarius had sounded like a playboy.
Xie Xi steadied himself and raised his eyebrows. “You won’t eat if I don’t come back?”
The man spoke firmly. “I won’t eat.”
Xie Xi had a guess in his heart but he continued to test it.
He left Libra’s room and headed straight to the main hall ahead.
This should be the direction of his own bedroom.
The man followed him. “Previously you said that if you found Libra then…”
He hadn’t finished and seemed to be implying something. Unfortunately, Xie Xi had no clue
and could only ask, “Didn’t you want to eat him?”
“I couldn’t bear to see you taking such care of him.”
Xie Xi tried a bit more. “Didn’t I take care of you like this?”
He dared to say the sentence from the bottom of his heart.
There were many souls and their ‘competition’ preceded Xie Xi entering the quasi-world to
meet them.
He didn’t believe that he had only taken care of Libra. The arrogance of Sagittarius (if this
really was Sagittarius) certainly showed he was ‘spoiled’ in the past.
He guessed right and Sagittarius paused. “But after that you…” He muttered and the red
colour of his eyes became darker.
He changed his words and his sweet voice was particularly charming. “I am really hungry.
You try it. My stomach is dry.”
He took Xie Xi’s hand and placed it on his lower abdomen.
He wore a black uniform. The material was pretty handsome but it wasn’t too thick. It could
even be called thin.
Xie Xi could feel the strong abs through the clothes.
Sagittarius repeated, “I’m really hungry.”
He was clearly talking about eating but it inexplicably gave off the meaning of sex.
Xie Xi’s fingers didn’t move, afraid of giving this person any strange hints. After all, he
seemed to have given some type of hint to Scorpio…
“Go to eat if you are hungry,” Xie Xi spoke quietly.
Sagittarius pulled him closer and their bodies were almost stuck together. “You can let me
eat a little bit.”
The tip of Xie Xi’s ears turned red.
T-This was too foul!
Sagittarius’ eyes narrowed and he refused to let go. “My dear master, give your servant a
bit of food.”
The words were respectful but the tone was impolite.
Xie XI whispered, “Impudent.” However, his ears were too red and the refusal became a
Sagittarius was worthy of being the soul of the main god and had learnt 10% of the
He buried himself in Xie Xi’s neck, starting at the white skin. “Please.”
Xie Xi felt the hot breath. The deliberately low voice entered his ears and caused his legs to
The sharp tip of Sagittarius’ tongue touched the side of Xie Xi’s neck. “I’m really hungry.”
Xie Xi’s heart was trembling and his body was numb. How could he push this person away?
“Since I’ve tasted you…” Sagittarius’ sharp teeth touched the fragile skin that was like soft
tofu. “I would rather starve to death then drink other blood.”
Then Xie Xi felt a sharp pain in his neck followed by a soft feeling, like an anesthetic had
entered his body.
This guy was really… a bloodkin.
In fact, Xie Xi had already guessed this when he saw the bat.
On the continent, those who could transform into a bat were the bloodkin species.
They were different from vampires and weren’t afraid of the sun or silverware. They had
extremely powerful physical and magical abilities. Their physique was only second to the
dragons and their magic manipulation was only second to the elves.
They and the vampires generally had the most beautiful looks and a desire for blood.
Xie Xi couldn’t describe what he was feeling at this moment.
When the bloodkin sucked blood, they would inject something similar to anesthetic into the
This would make the prey lost their resistance and even die from the ultimate happiness.
Xie Xi wasn’t human and Sagittarius wouldn’t suck all his blood.
However, that type of happiness occupied all the nerves of his body, letting him have
After all, the two of them had done everything and such a situation was easy to awaken the
desire that was integrated into his bones.
Xie Xi had a completely instinctive reaction.
Sagittarius found it and became greedy, hands not acting obediently.
Xie Xi was placed on the throne and Sagittarius leaned between his knees, looking at…
A hint of clarity flashed in Xie Xi’s brain and he pushed this person away. “Okay.”
Who could Sagittarius stop? It seemed he was going to press up against Xie Xi again.
Xie Xi raised his eyebrows and a thick black fog rose. The black rose on Sagittarius’ wrist
shone with a deep red light and he couldn’t move at all
Xie Xi might not be a proper god but he had some resistance. As long as he wanted, he could
hold his own ‘believers.’
Sagittarius was fixed in place, his lips still stained with blood. His eyes were filled with
desire and his temperament was more evil than before.
Xie Xi didn’t shift his line of sight. “No more nonsense or there will be no next time.”
This made Sagittarius calm down and he unwillingly said, “This isn’t eating.”
Xie Xi’s legs were still soft but in order to not reveal it, he kept sitting on the throne and
looked down at this person. “You can find someone else.”
Xie Xi felt a bit of regret when saying this. He knew that it was a bit like bullying others.
Still, he couldn’t care at the moment. There were still several Jiang Xies he had to look after.
Xie Xi still loosened Sagittarius’ restraints.
Who knew that this guy would teleport over and kiss him hard on the lips.
Xie Xi, “!”
The scarlet on Sagittarius’ mouth was passed to Xie Xi’s mouth and he was lucky enough to
taste his own blood.
The man answered him in a low voice. “…I would rather starve to death.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Before he could say anything, this person transformed into black fog and disappeared.
His temper was really big…
Xie Xi thought so but he couldn’t help his lips curving.
He would rather starve to death than eat anyone else?
Stupid Jiang Xie!
Sagittarius Jiang was gone and Xie Xi was ready to see the other rooms.
Sagittarius had given him a lot of information.
For example, he knew that Xie Xi had been looking for Libra and waited for Xie Xi in Libra’s
There was a great probability that the other Jiang Xies were already in this time.
Xie Xi couldn’t work out what he was doing. Collecting star sign warriors and saving…
Sorry, this was connected wrongly and there were only six star signs left in this collapsed
Xie Xi was going to look for the other star signs.
He had just got up and hadn’t walked down the stairs when he saw someone kneeling on
the stairs.
The man wore a black suit that wasn’t the combat uniform of Sagittarius. It was a full
tuxedo suit that framed his elegant figure perfectly.
Even if he didn’t look up, Xie Xi immediately recognized this person. Capricorn!
Of the remaining three star signs, Aquarius and Pisces wouldn’t have such a temperament.
It must be Capricorn.
The man opened his mouth, his low voice like the cello part of a symphony. It was calm and
elegant, giving a particularly reliable feeling. “Master, the intruders have been detained in
the dungeon and are waiting for you to dispose of them.”
Xie Xi wondered, ‘Who would dare invade the base camp of the evil god?’
He ordered, “Take me to see them.”
Capricorn got up and Xie Xi saw his face.
He had short black hair, cold facial features and a single monocle over the left eye. The long
and thin metal chain fell from the cheek to the shoulder, giving him an elegant
temperament unique to a worldly gentleman.
Several words inexplicably jumped into Xie Xi’s head—cultured scum.
Sorry, he believed that Capricorn must be calm and steady but at the thought that this
person was Jiang Xie, cough…
These words were also suitable.
Capricorn extended a white gloved hand to Xie Xi. “Please allow me to take you to the
Xie Xi placed his hand in this person’s palm.
The next moment, he was picked up.
Xie Xi’s heart trembled and he saw the wings hat opened behind him.
The pure black wings were extremely huge and seemed to be able to completely wrap
around both of them.
No… this continent didn’t seem to have existences like angels and demons. This should be a
winged species.
Still, did the winged people have such huge black wings? It was like the legendary fallen
Capricorn was more behaved than Sagittarius. He might be holding Xie Xi but he only
brought them to the dungeon.
The dungeon was outside the temple and the reason for flying was because there were no
steps. They fell straight down, as if jumping off a cliff, and touched the ground after a long
Xie Xi didn’t think too much about the intruders until he saw a familiar face.
The silver-haired elf scolded, “Nan Yi, can you fucking stop calling me? Didn’t you just break
a leg?”
Xie Xi was stunned senseless. G-God Yan?

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 293

Can’t Be Erased 10

A clear voice was heard. It was Nan Yi. “Am I the type of waste who would cry over a
broken leg?”
Yan Zhe didn’t have a good temper. “Then who is the dog who is calling out now?”
Nan Yi spoke grievously, “I am… I don’t care. Come and treat me quickly!”
Then a languid voice was heard. “Ah Zhe, he broke his third leg.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Nan Yi shouted, “Gong Rui, can you fucking not gloat? If I’m not able to have children
anymore, I will cut yours off and put it on!”
Xie Xi, “……”
Gong Rui’s voice was still languid. “My size is bigger than yours and won’t match.”
Nan Yi replied, “I am fucking going to.. ouch, I am going…” He probably pulled something
and his grumpy voice finally softened, sounding a bit like a child. “Ah Zhe, Zhe Zhe, my god,
please heal me…”
Yan Zhe was silent for a moment. “I’m not a male doctor!”
Xie Xi couldn’t bear to look straight. Was it that things with similar characteristics gathered
in groups or did they become like this after spending a long time with Jiang Xie?
He and Capricorn had arrived at the dungeon but due to the enchantment, the people in the
prison couldn’t see them.
Xie Xi determined that the ‘intruders’ were all acquaintances.
Yan Zhe, Nan Yi, Gong Rui… they were all friends of Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi remembered that five of them had gone to be planets? Had they completed the task?
It was possible. Don’t look at the millions of years spent playing as planets. The time of the
small worlds was different from Central.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie hadn’t returned to Central but they had already passed through six
quasi-worlds. According to the principle of worlds meeting, Yan Zhe should’ve returned to
Xie Xi was curious about what they had experienced in order to nurture new life…
He heard Yan Zhe say, “The thing on my wrist is containing my strength and I can’t use my
healing technique.”
Nan Yi cried, “I don’t want to be an eunuch ahhh….”
Gong Rui still had a cold air. “Wait for this task to finish and once we go back, I’ll buy you a
dozen. You can leave them somewhere safe.”
Nan Yi went crazy. “Ahh, this fucker is cursing me. I want to fight with you!”
Xie Xi’s lips twitched. How to say it… these big guys were in good spirits.
At first, Xie Xi had doubted if they were just existences that originated from the souls and
not real. Just like Yan Zhe in Cancer, they were based on the souls’ memories.
Now he had no doubts. They were definitely the god players. They took a task before
entering this world. The task was obvious.
Xie Xi sighed with relief as he thought about how to talk to God Yan. He wasn’t familiar with
Nan Yi and Gong Rui. He knew they were friends of Jiang Xie but he had to be cautious
when it came to life and death matters.
He had faith in Yan Zhe. Based on Yan Zhe and Jiang Xie’s past, Yan Zhe would never hurt
Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi had also thought about the possibility of Yan Zhe receiving the erasure task.
After all, there were only a handful of people who could accept such high-level tasks.
Yunge’s master could and Yan Zhe could also. It was better to meet Yan Zhe then it was to
meet the master of Yunge.
Capricorn put Xie Xi down and Xie Xi asked him, “Are all the intruders caught?”
The moment he opened his mouth, the lively dungeon instantly became quiet. Apparently,
they couldn’t see outside but they could hear.
Capricorn sighed. “Three people escaped. Aquarius and Pisces are pursuing them.” He
paused and added, “Scorpio failed. The person used an unknown spell to counter him…”
Xie Xi understood. That’s how Scorpio became seriously injured and had to summon Xie Xi.
His eyebrows twisted as he couldn’t figure some things out.
He knew Jiang Xie’s friends. The ones he were most familiar with were Yan Zhe and General
Qin. The remaining three people included the captured Nan Yi and Gong Rui and Zong Xia.
It was the ball who was the first to breed a lower life form only to accidentally kill it.
This was five people. How could there be six?
Three people had been captured. Apart from Qin Ge and Zong Xia, who else had escaped?
Xie Xi didn’t know. In addition, who hurt Scorpio? A spell counter… who had this ability?
There were many mysteries in Xie Xi’s heart but he was sure that he could solve more than
half of them as long as he met Yan Zhe.
Xie Xi told Capricorn, “I will go and see them. You wait for me here.”
Capricorn’s eyes flashed slightly and the chain of the monocle shook unpredictably. “The
three men have their magic contained but their melee ability can’t be underestimated.
Xie Xi stared at him. “Are you defying my order?”
Capricorn immediately bowed, his left hand against his heart. “Capricorn wouldn’t dare.
Master, please forgive me.”
“Wait here,” Xie Xi’s heart softened and his voice was lighter. “Rest assured, nothing will
happen to me.”
Capricorn bowed slightly and his eyes under his narrow eyelashes were unusually calm.
“Thank you, my god.”
Xie Xi walked through the barrier and at the same time, drew a sound isolator to block God
Yan’s shocked, “Little Rose?” in the enchantment.
Capricorn outside couldn’t hear the conversation inside.
However, the three male gods in the prison choked with surprise.
Even the lazy Gong Rui, who would sleep without changing his expression no matter what
happened, couldn’t help sitting up straight.
The shocked Nan Yi’s mouth was so wide open that an egg could be stuffed inside it.
Yan Zhe stared at Xie Xi and blinked.
The little rose in front of him was both familiar and strange.
He was wearing a black robe and the black cloak framing his handsome face more him look
He wasn’t like a captured prisoner but the master of this gloomy castle.
After recalling the name that he called out…
Yan Zhe’s senses returned after a long time.
Nan Yi had an impulsive character and wasn’t able to control his mouth. “X-Xie Xi?”
Xie Xi looked over, his expression strange.
Gong Rui’s eyes narrowed and he used his fingertips to pinch Nan Yi’s legs.
This was to remind this stupid boy to control his brain and not fill the pit himself.
Nan Yi was a bit brash but he definitely wasn’t stupid if he could reach the present time. He
calmed himself down.
Xie Xi was looking at them. The more he looked, the more certain he became.
They were obviously guarding against him, unsure of his identity.
Xie Xi smiled bitterly and spoke respectfully to Yan Zhe. “God Yan, I haven’t seen you for a
long time.”
Yan Zhe was amazed.
Xie Xi bowed to the other two people.
Yan Zhe got up while looking at Xie Xi. “It’s really you…”
He paused before asking, “Is this Old Jiang’s quasi-world? Where is he?”
The question was simple but there were many things to answer. For a time, Xie Xi didn’t
know how to start talking.
He looked down at Nan Yi who couldn’t stand up and first untied God Yan’s wrist. “Did you
accept the erasure task?”
Xie Xi asked first.
Yan Zhe could finally use his divine magic. As he cured someone’s third leg, he muttered, “It
is really Old Jiang’s quasi-world…”
Nan Yi couldn’t speak because of the treatment and Gong Rui returned to his usual lazy
appearance. He was too lazy to even open his mouth.
Therefore, Yan Zhe explained the situation while he conducted the healing.
During this period, Nan Yi was very panicked. He was afraid that Yan Zhe would be
distracted while curing him.
Although he could casually replace parts when returning to Central but this thing… it was
originally more emotional!
This exchange basically resolved the doubts in Xie Xi’s mind.
Yan Zhe explained, “Once we cleared the quasi-world you designed, we saw that Old N
released a team mission.”
According to the calculation of the Central time, Yan Zhe should’ve come out of the world of
the five balls just after Xie Xi left Aries. But they saw it was just…
Xie Xi pondered on it. Perhaps the first six small worlds were counted as one whole and the
last six would be erased as a whole?
Thus, when he entered the world that would be erased, it was a new task?
It should be like this. That’s how Yan Zhe could synchronize with his time and they entered
the quasi-world together.
Xie Xi asked, “Is the sixth person the master of Yunge?”
“He is the captain.”
Xie Xi wasn’t surprised. The searched tasks might be random but the range wasn’t. Low
level players wouldn’t randomly receive a high level erasure tasks.
The number of people who could receive such a high level task was limited.
Excluding Jiang Xie, N was definitely the one most preferred.
The Central Government assigned the task to him and he accepted it, just as Jiang Xie and
Xie Xi speculated.
However, he wasn’t that reckless…
Yan Zhe added, “Old N originally wanted to team up with Jiang Xie.”
Although N was suppressed by Jiang Xie and wanted to win again him, N definitely couldn’t
be hot-minded and impulsive if he managed to set up an organization that covered most of
The most rational method was to team up with Jiang Xie.
However, Jiang Xie wasn’t in Central and N could only contact Yan Zhe.
Yan Zhe heard it was a super level task and his heart immediately tensed.
He explained, “Old Jiang left me a message before leaving…”
Xie Xi understood that this person had guessed there would be such a possibility!
Jiang Xie’s luck had always been poor and he encountered many things, causing his
thinking to go in the worse direction.
It was true that this life was a bit tiring but the crisis-ridden tasks meant he could carefully
sail the ship for many years.
Yan Zhe continued, “He reminded me that if there is a super god level task, I should try it.”
Of the current existing small worlds in Central, there were probably none that could be
promoted to super god except for Jiang Xie’s worlds.
Xie Xi didn’t know much about the task of erasing the world and asked, “If you accept it and
don’t finish the task…” Would they stay here forever?”
“You can rest assured that the erasure tasks are different from that of the quasi-world
tasks. If we can’t finish it then we can give up and leave.”
It turned out to be like this. Xie Xi sighed with relief.
Yan Zhe added, “Of course, there is a limit on the number of times…” He paused. “In short,
you can rest assured since we all accepted it for the first time. It will be fine even if we give
up and return to Central.”
The rules for erasing a world were very complicated. The tasks received after entering
were graded and a thorough erasure might require dozens or hundreds of tasks. During
this period, the player could give up three times but as long as the world wasn’t completely
erased, they would have to enter again. They had to do the tasks until the world was erased
or.. .die.
Of course, Yan Zhe didn’t need to say these things to Xie Xi because he knew that Xie Xi was
the only Repairer.
As long as Xie Xi could repair the world, there would be no follow-up tasks!
Yan Zhe also asked Xie Xi, “Where is Old Jiang? How is your mission going? Do you need us
to do anything?”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 294
Can’t Be Erased 11

It was turned back to this question.

Xie Xi found it difficult to open his mouth but he had to open it. “He is outside.”
By this time, Yan Zhe had finished the healing and saved the life of Nan Yi. He wondered,
“Old Jiang is outside? Why doesn’t he come in? Is he on guard duty? Is this being self-
Xie Xi had to say that brothers who shared pants were confidants and knew each other
Yan Zhe spat out, “You have done tens of thousands of missions with him? When has he
ever let you be the sentry?”
Nan Yi stood up. “Is he looking for the boss, Fuck, the black wings are mind. I really want to
cut them off and fix them on me. Really cool!”
Xie Xi reflected for a while before understanding which pair of black wings.
Was it Capricorn’s black wings?
…They were very handsome… but…
Xie Xi asked them, “How were you locked up in here?”
Nan Yi explained, “Our mission is to kill the fallen six star signs. Old N did a scan and found
that this is the destination.”
Then Yan Zhe continued, “We were ready to come in when we encountered a winged
person with huge black wings. He seemed to be able to manipulate the castle and used the
technique to split us up.”
Nan Yi exclaimed, “I was only deliberately caught in order to protect Ah Zhe!”
Gong Rui said, “Your third leg was broken and you didn’t dare to leave Ah Zhe.”
Nan Yi scolded him, “It is better than you, single-handed waste!”
Gong Rui wasn’t angry. He just turned over and continued to do nothing.
Yan Zhe added, “General Qin and Zong Xia escaped. Old N has many patterns and it is said
that he injured one of the lichs.”
Xie Xi wasn’t happy. It turned out that Scorpio was hit by N.
Nan Yi opened his mouth. “The six fallen star signs are very powerful. Old Qin and Zong Xia
are being pursued very badly.”
They were a team and could communicate with each other.
Xie Xi asked, “What are the races of the two star signs chasing General Qin and Mr Zong?”
Nan Yi answered, “Old Qin’s side seemed to be a dark elf. He is very abnormal and has the
elf’s powerful magic ability and exaggerated agility. If Old Qin didn’t have thick skin, he
would be dead!”
Yan Zhe added, “Zong Xia’s opponent is every stranger. I heard that he is a long extinct sea
demon and uses illusions after illusions. If Zong Xia wasn’t promoted to a god viewer, he
would’ve long been caught and brought back.
A god viewer was also a sacred occupation in Central. It wasn’t as rare as a godly healer but
it was still rare.
A dark elf and a sea demon…
In the end, which one was Aquarius and which one was Pisces?
Based on the name, Pisces was more like the sea demon? However, Aquarius also had an
association with water and might be a water species.
Xie Xi wasn’t in a hurry since he knew the basic situation of the last two Jiang Xies.
Yan Zhe asked Xie Xi, “What is going on here? Have you also sneaked into this castle?
Nan Yu cried out, “I heard there is an evil god living in the castle and his power is about the
six fallen star signs. He is an all-rounder and Old Jiang isn’t a match for him!”
Xie Xi, “…”
The truth was that he was the legendary evil god.
Yan Zhe asked again, “What is the situation outside? Are you injured and need my healing?”
Xie Xi confessed. “In fact… I’m the master here.”
His words dropped and the gods in the dungeon were stunned. They understood each word
but they looked like they didn’t understand.
Xie Xi faced the three people and could only continue to rip off the bandage. “I am the evil
god you mentioned. As for Jiang Xie,” he glanced at Nan Yi and continued. “He is the one
who caught you.”
There was nothing wrong with this. Jiang Xie was the six star signs. Not only was he the
people who caught them, but he was also the ones still chasing…
The three people were shocked for a long time before Nan Yi swore, “That old animal. He
tricked me!”
Yan Zhe frowned. “The winged person is Jiang Xie?” Why did he feel strange?
Xie Xi hastily explained, “He is integrated into the soul and has no memory of Central.”
Nan Yi wondered, “He has full-level mental strength yet he lost his memory?”
Losing memories was very common when entering quasi-worlds. Thus, Central had a
special ability to enhance mental strength. Generally, the mental pollution of the quasi-
world would be isolated.
Mental power was a talent that senior players could open and was extremely difficult to
repair. Gold coins and mission points were needed.
Xie Xi knew some of this so he understood why Nan Yi was so surprised.
He explained, “There isn’t much relationship with the mind. The soul itself is him.
Integration with the soul doesn’t mean his mind is polluted because the soul belongs to
This explanation was well understood.
Mental power was to prevent interference in a small world but if it was their own soul, how
could it interfere?
Nan Yi also understood and became more comfortable. It wasn’t because he was pitted by
Jiang Xie—he was used to being pitted—but because he lost nothing.
After all, this was Old Jiang. Losing to a person he never won against was nothing to be
depressed about!
Yan Zhe was still frowning. “Our mission is to kill the six fallen star signs. This seems to
include Jiang Xie?”
Xie Xi whispered, “It isn’t including…?”
Yan Zhe sighed with relief. “Then the winged person isn’t one of the six star signs?”
Nan Yi rushed forward. “Then it’s easy. Let Old Jiang go kill the six of them!”
Xie Xi completely told the truth. “The winged person is Capricorn and he is one of the six
star signs. My previous words mean that it isn’t just including. All the targets you want to
kill are Jiang Xie.”
The three people, “???”
Gong Rui, who was too lazy to speak, couldn’t help blinking. “What do you mean?”
“The six fallen star signs are all Jiang Xie’s souls.”
Yan Zhe, Nan Yi and Gong Rui, “……….”
Yan Zhe muttered, “They are all Jiang Xie?”
Nan Yi also said, “No wonder why Old Qin and Zong Xia are being chased so badly.”
Gong Rui analyzed the true matter. “Then the erasure task is to kill Jiang Xie’s souls?”
Xie Xi sighed. “I don’t know much. I might’ve come in later than you.”
It was because he came in when the erasure mission was released. Central time and the
quasi-world time was relatively static and was equivalent to when God Yan received the
task and entered the world.
At the time, they hadn’t thought too much. Old Jiang was enough to make them lost quickly.
It would be six times faster with six Old Jiangs. The thought made their scalps numb.
Yan Zhe asked again, “What is the progress of repairing the quasi-world? Do you need us to
Xie Xi thought, ‘My progress is like Schrodinger’s cat. One minute it is 100% and the next
minute it is 0%. If I don’t open the lid then I won’t know the result.’
Nan Yi also asked, “You are the evil god. Is your mission to conquer the mainland? I can do
this! Let me go out and I’ll help you handle the winged species!” He never forgot the big
wings. Although the wings of the winged species were white but hair dye was invented for
a reason. He could artificially dye the wings black and also become a cool tyrant!
Xie Xi smiled reluctantly. “It isn’t conquering the mainland…”
Yan Zhe reassured him. “It doesn’t matter. No matter the task, we will help you.”
After all, Litel Rose had less experience. They hadn’t experienced anything positive but
after swimming through a river of knives, what hadn’t they seen?
Xie Xi received Yan Zhe’s heart but unfortunately, the task was only for him. The others
could only watch the fun.
Xie Xi confessed, “Based on my previous experience, as long as the souls are appeased, I can
take them away from this quasi-world and the repair is successful.”
Yan Zhe wondered, “It is so simple?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Nan Yi asked, “How do you appease him? Is it to make him happy?”
Xie Xi replied, “Almost…”
The lazy Gong Rui was a sharp player. He coldly spoke, “Is it necessary for you to fall in love
with him so he can be happy?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Nan Yi exclaimed, “That’s better. The two of you already…”
Yan Zhe found the main point. “There are six Jiang Xies…”
Xie Xi stared at Yan Zhe, his eyes showing hardship.
Nan Yi also reacted. “Fuck! Six Old Jiang’s must fall in love with you?”
Gong Rui finally sat up straight, his entire body filled with energy. “What are we waiting
for? Hurry up and… do the repair task.”
Nan Yi and Yan Zhe stared at their teammate with amazement.
If the lazy god Gong Rui could be so diligent then the Central Government was afraid that a
major disaster was imminent.
Just then, Capricorn’s low voice was heard from outside. “Master, Aquarius and Pisces have
Hearing this voice say master and then thinking that it was Old Jiang, the three people in
the prison suddenly felt strange, as if they were hearing a strange play.
Nan Yi couldn’t help glancing at Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was normally only ashamed at ‘home’ and now it was thrown in front of a friend.
Go back and commit domestic violence!
His heart was embarrassed but his face had long been used to it. He still acted like the evil
He removed the sound barrier and asked, “Have they caught the people?”
Capricorn replied, “Fortunately, you weren’t insulted.”
In this way, Old Qin and Zong Xia were also captured.
Xie Xi was afraid that Jiang Xie would accidentally put his friends to death and immediately
ordered, Bring them over.”
Capricorn bowed.
Xie Xi told Yan Zhe, “I have to temporarily wrong you and have you stay here. I will find a
way to steady them and then use a reasonable excuse to release you.”
Gong Rui said, “If we become your believers then it will give you an excuse.”
Nan Yi added, “yes, we are five people. One person can watch each Jiang Xie…”
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched. “I will look for a chance to try it.”
It would indeed be easier with helpers but…
He thought of Jiang Xie. Xie Xi, who hadn’t yet begun to lose his face, felt a bit hot.
Xie Xi lowered the enchantment on the dungeon and saw the last two Jiang Xies.
The first one to appear was the dark elf. He was dressed well with long black hair tied
behind his head. His ears were pointed and an ink-coloured earring hung from his left ear
like a flower.
He was tall and handsome, bronze eyes staring at people with a deep suffocation.
Then from the darkness emerged the only surviving sea demon.
His slightly dark blue hair hung to the ground, like the deep and cold sea bottom, making
his skin whiter.
Once the blue eyes fell on Xie Xi, they filled with a demonic charm.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 295

Can’t Be Erased 12

Sure enough, the Jiang Xies were worthy of being protagonists. None of them were inferior
to the other and they had their own characteristics.
Xie Xi couldn’t tell which one was Aquarius and which one was Pisces but it didn’t matter.
They were all Jiang Xies.
The dark elf and sea demon bowed to Xie Xi. Their respectful appearance fell into Yan Zhe’s
eyes and it was really strange.
Who had seen this? The person known as Old Jiang of Central would actually fall his knees
and so skillfully as well.
Nan Yi yelled in the area channel, “Old Jiang has a strict wife!”
Gong Rui told him off. “Don’t take up resources. I’m recording!” What was the fuss about
such an obvious thing?
Yan Zhe spoke slightly, “Shouldn’t you use the resources to disclose information?”
In the quasi-world, there were limits to the transmission of information. If they wanted to
record a ‘video’ then they couldn’t communicate with their teammates over along distance.
Gong Rui replied, “It doesn’t matter. They’ve bee caught anyway.”
They could meet and chat. Why waste memory space?
Yan Zhe couldn’t say anything to refute this. After all…
Compared to disclosing information, it was funnier to record the wonderful memories of
Old Jiang’s shame.
Poor Xie Xi wasn’t in their team and couldn’t see their ‘private chat.’
Of course, it didn’t matter if he couldn’t see it. He could guess 70-80% of it.
After getting up, the sea demon moved the hem of his clothing and Qin Ge and Zong Xia,
who were tied up by flowers, fell from the sky like dogs.
The two people didn’t know that the script had changed from a survival adventure to a
melon-eating drama and were still on alert.
At least, until they saw Xie Xi.
Qin Ge stared blankly.
Zong Xia blinked his eyes. He had been suffering from illusions and was trying to determine
if this was true or false.
The dark elf pressed them to the ground with a cold voice. “Looking directly at the evil god
is an inexcusable sin.”
Qin Ge and Zong Xia were forced to bow their heads and their appearance was dismal.
His teammates…
“Old Jiang is expressing his heart. He wishes for all the people who stare at Little Rose to
Gong Rui concluded, “Be careful in the future. Maybe we will all be written down in this
vinegar jar’s notebook.”
Thanks to the ‘area channel’, Qin Ge and Zong Xia also saw the foolish dialogue of their
teammates that kept rising from the lower right corner of their line of sight.
Qin Ge looked confused. “Is this really Xie Xi? Jiang Xie as well?”
No one answered him. The trio were enjoying unprecedented pleasure.
Zong Xia removed his gaze and said, “It really is Xie Xi but I didn’t see Jiang Xie.”
Yan Zhe was kind and gave him a slight explanation. Because he was too kind, he got
straight to the point. “There are a total of six Jiang Xies and Little Rose has to fall in love
with six of them at the same time!”
Qin Ge and Zong Xia, “…………..”
Nan Yi burst out laughing. “We can play and balance the account with our captain!”
He would only call Jiang Xie captain when he was gloating over Jiang Xie’s misfortune and
that happened perhaps once every one thousand worlds.
Xie Xi didn’t know this and fortunately, he didn’t know it or he would want to quit!
What was this play? Minutes of laughter?
The dark elf subdued the two intruders and asked Xie Xi, “What should I do with them?
Should I just kill them?”
Xie Xi, “!” What killing? They were his brothers!
Xie Xi was anxious but his face had to be steady. Too much experience told him that if he
was too concerned about someone, he was just giving them a death buff!
Xie Xi calmly said, “Keep them. They can still be useful.”
The dark elf bowed. “Yes.”
Xie Xi was eager to settle the five teammates and needed to send the Jiang Xies away first.
He spoke again. “You worked hard. Go to rest and hand it over to me.”
How could Xie Xi think he would casually open a wonderful prelude?
Capricorn stated, “I will wait for you here.”
Xie Xi didn’t think too much and told the dark elf and sea demon, “The people have been
caught and you must be tired. Go first.”
The dark ef raised his narrow eyebrows. “Let me stay. This big man has a very special
ability and I want to report it to you.”
Xie Xi paused.
At this time, the sea demon also opened his mouth. His voice was very special and
contained a magnetic feeling. “Master, Capricorn has been waiting for you all day and
Aquarius was injured subduing the invaders. Let them rest and I will serve you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Did the performance start?
Capricorn spoke up, “Aquarius, since you are injured, go and recuperate. Pisces, you’ve also
used a lot of illusions and are injured. How can you serve the master?”
The dark elf wasn’t willing to show weakness. “It is a slight wound and has recovered a long
time ago.”
Sea Demon Pisces also found it impossible to take the first step. “I don’t need illusions to
clean up the intruders.”
Hearing their words, Qin Ge and Zong Xia spoke in unison in the area channel, “It truly is
Jiang Xie.”
The other three filled the screen with ‘hahahahaha.’
Xie Xi regretted it. He regretted giving himself a chance to be humiliated on the spot!
Fortunately, the business ability of a slag was quite strong and the ability to coax Jiang Xie
was embedded deep into his bone marrow. At the same time, he developed extremely
superb techniques to handle Jiang Xie.
He was able to cope in such awkward moments.
Xie Xi glanced at the dark elf. “Are you hurt?”
Aquarius immediately replied, “It isn’t a hindrance.”
Xie Xi demanded, “Show me.”
The nigh elf paused.
Xie Xi approached and saw a wound that tore from his shoulder to the back of his waist.
Blood was already flowing but it wasn’t conspicuous because the clothes were black.
Xie Xi frowned. “If you are injured then don’t endure so much.”
The dark elf bowed and the beautiful flower earring hanging from his pointed ear swayed.
Xie Xi saw it closely and there was no doubt that it was a black rose.
It looked pretty good… Xie Xi’s mind floated like this…
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he drew something in the void. A faint dark mist appeared
around his fingertips and he told Pisces, “Don’t move.”
Aquarius wanted to say something but felt the cool fingertips and was silent.
The pain from the wound instantly disappeared and he could even feel a slight itching.
Whether it was due to Xie Xi’s fingertip or the wound healing was unclear.
Xie Xi used the customary technique of drawing a medicine with the god’s wisdom and then
blocking people’s gaze to make it look like a strange healing technique.
After his wound was healed, the dark elf gave a handsome bow. “Thank you, my god.”
Xie Xi was afraid the wound would be torn open again and said sincerely, “Get up, your
wounds are still recovering. Go back to your room and rest as soon as possible.”
Aquarius wasn’t good enough to insist but he stood in place, not wanting to go.
Xie Xi could only say to him, “I will see you later.”
These words made the dark elf’s eyes brighten. “You…”
Xie Xi added, “I hope by then, your wound would be restored.”
The dark elf immediately replied, “It’s fine, I won’t let you worry!”
Xie Xi told him, “Go back and lie down. You will recover faster.”
This could be regarded as Aquarius being coaxed away. Xie Xi didn’t dare look back to see
the expression Yan Zhe was making!
In addition, there were still two more Jiang Xies in place.
Xie Xi glanced at Pisces. The sea demon had a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed like they
could speak.
He stared straight at Pisces and there were ripples in the deep blue, giving Xie Xi the feeling
of being wrapped in sea water.
Gentle, sturdy but not tight.
Xie Xi knew this was an illusion and didn’t dare take it lightly. He said, “The intruder is very
special and can see through your illusions.”
Xie Xi used his knowledge of Zong Xia to show off his ‘omniscience.’
Pisces’ eyes flashed. “I don’t need my illusions to subdue him.”
“Why did it take so long?”
Pisces paused.
Xie Xi ordered, “Don’t endure it. If you are tired then go back and rest.”
Pisces replied, “I’m not tired.”
“I can see that you’re tired.”
Pisces paused.
Xie Xi told him, “I want to see their specific situation later. Can you use your illusions in this
Pisces’ reply was immediate. “Yes, no problem.”
Xie Xi lowered his voice and spoke softly, “…Don’t worry me.’
In the area channel
Nan Yi was shocked. “My god, how did he do this?”
Yan Zhe wondered, “…What did that old animal do to Little Rose?”
Gong Rui, “Hahahahaha.”
It was really more fucking wonderful and powerful than he imagined!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 296

Can’t Be Erased 13

Like a slag, Xie Xi coaxed away the two Jiang Xies and was afraid to turn back.
He couldn’t imagine what his image was like in front of his seniors.
He wanted to close the doors and windows to stop feeling ashamed…
Xie Xi could only comfort himself with the thought, ‘They are the last six. If Jiang Xie dares
to split his soul again, I will… just… kill him!’
Aquarius and Pisces were gone and only Capricorn was left.
Xie Xi raised his spirits and continued, “You also go…”
Capricorn immediately suggested, “They are gone so let me stay. How can I leave you alone
in this filthy place?”
How was Xie Xi alone? Jiang Xie’s good brothers were all here!
Of course, his good brothers couldn’t take a nope and their eyes and ears were too lively!
Xie Xi squeezed out an excuse. “I am hungry and you should go prepare dinner first.”
Capricorn hesitated.
Xie Xi gritted his teeth. “Only the dinner you prepare is the best. I don’t like anyone else’s
They only needed to look into Capricorn’s eyes to see the effectiveness.
He leaned over, the chain of his monocle flowing down as he obediently replied, “Serving
you is my great honour.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Go, I am looking forward to it.”
Thus, Capricorn was coaxed away.
Xie Xi turned around and saw Gong Rui with the corners of his mouth raised while Zong Xia
still had some calmness. General Qin, who always felt powerful, had a mouth wide enough
to shove an egg into and Yan Zhe’s grey eyes were full of distress.
It was current silent but sometimes expressions could convey the meaning richer than
Xie Xi broke the silence. “Mr Zong and General Qin aren’t injured?”
Qin Ge immediately replied, “I didn’t know it was Captain so…” He hurt Aquarius.
Xie Xi told him, “He doesn’t remember Central and would’ve certainly pushed you.”
He was more concerned about Qin Ge’s injuries. The souls might be limited by the quasi-
worlds and didn’t have Jiang Xie’s peak power but they still couldn’t be underestimated.
Yan Zhe reassured him. “Don’t worry, I will heal them.”
Light surrounded his hands as he placed them on Qin Ge’s lower abdomen.
He was indeed injured or he wouldn’t have been captured.
Fortunately,there was Yan Zhe who could revive a person from the brink of death, let alone
a small injury like this.
Xie Xi glanced at Zong Xia.
“I’m fine, it was just the last illusion.”
Pieces used illusion magic while Zong Xia’s god viewer occupation was special but it was
inferior compared to Yan Zhe and Xie Xi’s special occupations. At most, it was a sub-god
At first, the illusions were easily seen through. As Pisces continued the chase, Zong Xia was
exhausted and captured.
Pisces consumed mental energy and Zong Xia was the same. Both of them were physically
unharmed and mentally exhausted.
In this respect, Yan Zhe couldn’t help. Fortunately, it wasn’t too dangerous and only rest
was needed.
After this interruption, the previous awkward atmosphere finally dissipated.
Xie Xi asked them, “Can you contact N?”
Yan Zhe replied, “Yes.”
“Will he give up the task?”
This was the main point.
Yan Zhe would surely give up the erasure task. The main reason they came here was for
Jiang Xie.
The worlds were erased meant the souls would die. Once a soul died, it meant that Jiang Xie
was dying.
How could they ignore it when Jiang Xie was in such a dangerous situation?
They didn’t think about it after receiving an invitation from N and instantly entered.
However, N wasn’t them. The master of Yunge was at odds with Jiang Xie and why would
he give up a task for Jiang Xie?
Yan Zhe answered, “Old N is a person I never understood very well. It is said he is
ambitious and Yunge is truly huge. It is the ‘empire’ of Central but…”
He paused and Zong Xia continued for him. “Yunge is chaotic internally. He built such an
organization yet he didn’t bother to manage it. The players are a mess and can do
Xie Xi didn’t have a good impression of Yunge. As early as the open world, he met the
members of Yunge and saw that the big organization had no discipline to speak of.
Because of that, he had a bad impression of N.
However, Jiang Xie’s evaluation of N was quite objective. There wasn’t hatred or friendship,
there was just a feeling of two people who didn’t need to walk together.
Nan Yi added, “He is very strange. Don’t look at his big organization. He is more of a loner
than anyone else.”
Qin Ge nodded. “That is true.”
The two most powerful people in Central were X and N.
X had no organization and was a single person. N was in Yunge and was surrounded by
countless members, but he seemed to be on an island.
Jiang Xie had a few friends he had a good relationship with. They had never heard of
anyone who had a good relationship with N. The elders of Yunge couldn’t even add him as a
His only interest was in designing quasi-worlds.
It was unfortunate…
Yan Zhe sighed. “Old N designed a total of three quasi-worlds and the only one that
succeeded was F-grade.”
Xie Xi was silent.
If he remembered correctly, his second quasi-world was made by a small organization.
That was still a D-rating. The master of Yunge worked hard to create a world and it was
only F-grade?
Yan Zhe kept talking. “Yunge designed many high level quasi-worlds but Old N never
teamed up with people and had to design it himself.”
Knowing that he had no talent for this type of thing was simply killing him from anger.
N worked so hard yet his only success was F-grade.
For the quasi-worlds that Jiang Xie designed, the lower rating was A and he even created
the miracle SS-grade.
No wonder N kept wanting to beat Jiang Xie on the training field.
This was really hateful!
The even more irritating thing was that Jiang Xie wasn’t merciful and he never lost.
Xie Xi felt a bit of pity for the master.
Yan Zhe suggested, “I think it is better not to tell him about Jiang Xie’s situation.”
Xie Xi asked the question because he wanted to know this answer.
Xie Xi naturally trusted them but he couldn’t trust N who was a stranger.
N could retreat but Jiang Xie couldn’t.
if the quasi-world was erased then Jiang Xie would die.
What type of mentality did N have towards Jiang Xie? It was really hard to say.
Maybe he cared about the Central Government and didn’t want the best designer to die.
Maybe he long felt resentful of Jiang Xie and wanted to kill him.
Who knew? There was no knowing what was in a man’s heart.
Xie Xi couldn’t take the risk with Jiang Xie. “Then I’ll ask you to keep it a secret.”
Yan Zhe nodded. “You can rest assured that we won’t say anything.”
Nan Yi was still impulsive. “If Old N tries anything then I will kill him first!”
Gong Rui sneered. “I’ll give you the energy.”
“I can do more than you!”
Gong Rui didn’t bother playing with him and lay lazily against the wall, like a soft body with
no bones…”
Zong Xia spoke up. “Don’t act rashly. We have to fix the world before N acts.”
Once Xie Xi took out the souls, the necessity of erasing the world wouldn’t exist and there
wouldn’t be the task.
Xie Xi thought this way too but…
Yan Zhe was worried. “It is really necessary to fall in love with six Old Jiangs at the same
time?” He accentuated the words ‘at the same time.’
Thanks to the world of Cancer, Xie Xi was very friendly to Yan Zhe and couldn’t help
looking at him with a bit of helplessness.
Yan Zhe had seen him as part of them and never an outsider since early on and said, “That
old animal has broken his legs. The six together…”
“The point is…” Gong Rui’s spirit was raised again. “The six Old Jiangs don’t know that they
are the same people.”
Zong Xia added, “Based on the Captain’s character, he definitely won’t share his lover.”
General Qin finally kept up with the rhythm and nodded. “Love is a matter of two people.”
It really was a matter of two people but what if one of them had multiple bodies?
How was this good?
The group of five people eating melons were still a bit worried.
Xie Xi opened his mouth. “This isn’t difficult…”
What was this? Atlantis was the real death mode.
The current situation…
The five people gazed at Xie Xi, their gazes so complicated that each person needed 800
words of time to elaborate!
Xie Xi cleared his throat. “It will be more secure if you can help.”
Gong Rui sat straight up. “There is no need to persuade me. I won’t refuse even if it means
walking on a mountain of blades or through a sea of fire!”
Nan Yi looked like he had seen a ghost. “Are you crazy or am I deaf?”
The slacker was so diligent? The sky was going to change colour and the ground was going
to collapse!
Yan Zhe stared at Nan Yi. “Don’t interrupt and talk about business!”
Xie Xi, “…”
He felt that something wasn’t quite right.
Seeing the five people staring at him with focused expressions and serious eyes, Xie Xi
couldn’t open his mouth…
In order to be absolutely safe, Xie Xi could only temporarily lose his dignity.
After all, there was the unknown variable N outside and Xie Xi didn’t want any accidents.
The faster he could repair the world the better.
“So…” Xie Xi suggested. “I will accept you as my believers. I might have to temporarily
wrong you and give you to the five star signs as personal servants…”
Apart from General Qin, the others secretly thought in their heart, ‘There are no grievances,
no grievances at all.’ How could they be wronged by such an opportunity?
Xie Xi continued, “I have a miniature communicator here. All of you wear them and monitor
their movements. Try to separate them.’
The five people understood and put the communication device from Xie Xi into their ears.
They didn’t know that Xie Xi couldn’t use items and just thought he was prepared before
entering the quasi-world.
Xie Xi asked some more questions and finally arranged them to their corresponding star
Qin Ge was with Capricorn, Yan Zhe chose Scorpio, Zong Xia had Sagittarius, Gong Rui and
Nan Yi were Aquarius and Pisces.
Libra alone didn’t have a watcher.
This was also Xie Xi’s intention. This was the first time Libra came here and didn’t need to
be watched too much. Xie Xi alone understanding him should be enough.
This was arranged properly and the rest was Xie Xi’s family members.
At dinner, everyone gathered at the dining room apart from Libra.
Xie Xi sat in the main seat and his eyes swept over the five people. He smiled approvingly at
Capricorn before speaking, “The intruders have already become subservient to me and they
will be your personal servants in the future.”
The five men were stunned the moment the words emerged.
Sagittarius spoke immediately. “I don’t need anyone to serve me.” His dark red eyes stared
at Xie Xi, only seeing Xie Xi.
Scorpio got up and bowed gracefully. “I am your most loyal servant. How can a servant
have a servant?”
Xie Xi spoke simply. “This is an order.”
The moment his words emerged, all five star signs stood up and placed their left hands
over their chest, replying in unison, “Thank you, my god.”
Thankfully the male gods were absent or they would be laughing.
Old Jiang!
His wife was strict!
A real hammer!
Xie Xi spoke again, “You are my most important star signs. I hope you can get better and
This way, he could stabilize the five people. There was no one else for them apart from Xie
The star signs thanked him piously.
Xie Xi added a patch to make everything logical. “The five people have already become my
followers but I suspect they still have foreign aid. I will arrange them around you and I
hope you can monitor them closely. Remember, don’t separate from them.”
Xie Xi signed with relief. Thus, it was arranged for the five seniors to keep an eye on the five
Jiang Xies.
Yan Zhe, who just came out of the dungeon, wasn’t psychologically prepared and met such
a stimulating scene.
He just heard the dark elf say, “You said you would go to me later.”
Pisces opened his mouth. “Your wound has already recovered. Why do you want to bother
The dark elf raised his head dangerously and stared at the sea demon. “How do you know
my wound is recovered?”
“You are so proud that a human can injure you.”
The dark elf replied sarcastically, “A human can escape your illusions. A sea demon is just
like this.”
Yan Zhe, Gong Rui, Nan Yi, Zong Xia and Qin Ge, “…”
In the area channel, Nan Yi yelled, “Why do I feel that they are going to fight?”
The sharp Gong Rui asked, “Is this the legendary fight yourself?”
Zong Xia calmly summed out, “No, this is tearing themselves up.”
Yan Zhe was silent for a while before coming up with the sentence. “Only Old Jiang can do
Xie Xi didn’t know about their conversation. He needed to deal with these two ‘dancing on
the edge of a knife’ as well as the quiet Scorpio standing silently to the side.
The surface was coaxed well but he needed to be extra careful of the ink in their stomachs!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 297

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Can’t Be Erased 14

He couldn’t let these two fight in front of so many people.

Xie Xi opened his mouth. “Pisces, go back and wait for me. will first look at Aquarius’
The expression on Pisces’ face was light but his eyes were like a whirlpool.
Xie Xi lowered his voice. “I have something to ask you.”
His words were serious and soothed Pisces’ expression as he saluted, “I’ll wait for you.”
He said such tempting words using the sea demon’s ethereal voice.
Nan Yi cried out, “Old Jiang is doing everything in order to win favour!”
Yan Zhe’s mouth twitched. “This is indeed fighting for favour.”
The six unlucky people were fighting for a lucky emperor… It was lucky that Little Rose
loved him or he would’ve thrown up his sleeves and left early!
Xie Xi coaxed away Pisces. He ignored Scorpio first and asked Aquarius, “Does it still hurt?”
“It’s okay.”
Xie Xi’s fingers drew in the air and a dark portal appeared out of thin air. He glanced at
Gong Rui and the sharp Gong Rui followed while typing in the area channel.
The words he typed were: Wait for me to live broadcast.
The others also served a certain Jiang Xie according to the arrangement.
Xie Xi came to Aquarius’ room and found that the style of the world was completely
different from Libra’s world.
Aquarius was an elf. He might be a dark elf that symbolized darkness but he was still very
close to nature.
As he approached the room, there was the feeling of coming to a night forest surrounded by
The tables and chairs were all wound and even the bed was a hole dug in a giant tree.
The inside was filled with dark green clouds and looked quite comfortable.
Gong Rui was self-sufficient and Aquarius only looked at Xie Xi.
He didn’t reject Gong Rui’s presence because this was a mission arranged for them by Xie Xi
and was an order.
Xie Xi was still very worried about Aquarius since the injury was painful. His medicine
couldn’t compare to God Yan’s healing technique and couldn’t restore the person
Once the analgesic effect dissipated, it was very painful.
Jiang Xie didn’t care but it was impossible for Xie Xi to not care.
It was a pity that God Yan’s ability wasn’t suitable for exposure or he could directly treat
Xie Xi thought for a moment before saying, “Take off your clothes.”
Gong Rui’s live broadcast: Was Xie Xi such an A?
Nan Yi was curious: What’s wrong? Little Rose couldn’t stand Old Jiang and went to the
training field?
Gong Rui: No, the evil god ordered his servant to take off his clothes.
Everyone, “………”
This live broadcast that raised people’s appetite wasn’t as good as video broadcasting!
There were many delusions in the words but the reality was quite serious.
After all, there were outsiders so Aquarius wasn’t inclined to ‘seduce’ the evil god. He had
to pay attention to his face.
However, the dark elf’s body was beautiful, well-proportioned and smooth, with a wheat
colour that longed for the sun.
Jiang Xie always had a good figure. After taking off his shirt, the strong back was enough to
make all men envious.
The only thing that Xie Xi saw was the huge wound that stretched from shoulder to waist.
General Qin used heavy weapons so he could split people apart. An ordinary person
would’ve probably died long ago.
Xie Xi said, “Don’t touch and I’ll give you medicine.”
Aquarius whispered, “In fact, you don’t have to go to so much trouble. It will be fine if I
“How could you sleep with such a wound?”
Aquarius’ voice was light. “I am used to it and can sleep.”
The experience with Libra allowed Xie Xi to understand that the original days of these star
signs were very bitter.
Just as the dragons rejected the black dragons, the elves regarded dark elves as the devil.
Aquarius had this wheat-coloured skin and was probably bullied and abused.
Xie Xi told him, “Then you have to change your habits.”
Aquarius stared at him.
Xie Xi smiled. “You have to get used to your body being without injuries. You have to look
after your health and well-being. Understood?”
Aquarius stared blankly before a handsome smile appeared on his face. He asked Xie Xi,
“This is your command?”
“Yes, it is a command. It is what I expect of you.”
Aquarius made to bow but Xie Xi held him down. “I told you not to move.”
“You have given me such grace. How can I not thank you?”
Xie Xi replied, “Thanks have no meaning. Don’t let down my expectations.”
Aquarius’ answer was immediate. “Absolutely not. I will engrave every word you say onto
my soul and protect it with my life.”
Xie Xi’s lips curved as he carefully gave this person medicine.
In the area channel, Nan Yi asked: What is happening?
Gong Rui: Milk Yan, I’m not very well.
God Yan: …
He heard this title and knew the words weren’t serious.
Sure enough, Gong Rui added: I am dying of dog food.
After the medicine, Aquarius didn’t want Xie Xi to go and deliberately delayed the time. “It
isn’t early, you…”
Xie Xi saw this person’s mind instantly. “I have something to ask.”
He glanced at Gong Rui’s position, suggesting to Aquarius that he was going to Pisces to use
the illusion to understand the situation of the foreign aid.
Aquarius knew this but wasn’t willing to let him go. “Let Pisces rest for a night. Tomorrow
is better.”
He spoke vaguely because of Gong Rui but Xie Xi understood.
Pisces used a lot of illusions and he was exhausted. It was really better to let him rest after
a night but…
“Things should be done early, not late, so that he can have a long dream.”
Aquarius was stunned and could only watch Xie Xi leave.
Xie Xi told him before leaving, “Have a good rest.”
“Dark elves don’t need to sleep.”
“Everyone needs rest. Don’t use the previous rules to bind yourself.”
Xie Xi declared, “You’re not among the elves right now. You are here with me.”
Aquarius’ long hair was loosened and flowed along his back, adding gentleness to his cold
facial features. He bowed his head, “Thank you, my god.”
Xie Xi whispered, “Go to sleep.”
The onlooker Gong Rui sent a ‘war report’ to the rear: I remember that Xie Xi was only 19
years old when he entered Central?
Yan Zhe: Jiang Xie is his first love.
Gong Rui: The facts tell us that the first love is the right person. He has become an old hand
at this.
Nan Yi wasn’t as lucky as Pisces. He ‘served’ Pisces but was left outside the door because
Pisces wanted to discuss the intruders with Xie Xi.
Nan Yi: Nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard!
The lazy Gong Rui: You don’t want to look at them alone. They are very unfriendly to single
dogs. Wait for the group…
He didn’t finish his words but everyone understood.
Xie Xi had some selfish calculations for finding Pisces.
He wanted to look at Pisces’ illusions and see if he could use a higher level of magic.
He had the god’s wisdom and his status was now high. It would make things much easier if
he could use the illusions.
Xie Xi asked Pisces, “How do you feel mentally?”
“No problem.”
“if you can, let me see the illusion when you capture the intruders.”
Pisces should come down. Once he got up, his long hair swayed like waves. Small stars
spread from his body and it was soon like standing in a sea of stars. Below his feet was
empty and above him was also empty. In the big, dark space, the sea demon closed his eyes.
Xie Xi knew this was an illusion.
He watched carefully but he wasn’t watching how Pisces caught Zong Xia. Instead, he was
watching how Pisces used the illusion.
It should be possible…
The sketch pen could draw everything he saw. Even if Xie Xi didn’t understand the
principles, the sketch pen could draw it.
In addition, the god’s wisdom could create anything…
The illusion ended and Pisces opened his eyes. They were a bit dark and his mental state
was poor.
Xie Xi asked, “Are you okay?”
Pisces stood very steadily. “I’m fine.”
“I basically understand everything. You can rest.”
“They have a captain outside. We…”
“He’ll come again. We just have to wait.”
Pisces should sleep.
After using so many illusions one after another, Pisces was really tired. He wanted to talk to
Xie Xi but his eyelids were constantly fighting.
Xie Xi didn’t go but sat on the bed and looked at this person.
Pisces leaned against the bed and tried to open his eyes to look at Xie Xi. “Master…”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
“You are my only tribe.”
The stunned Xie Xi… tribe? He was a sea demon as well?
Pisces paused before stating, “My only wish now is…”
His voice was too light for Xie Xi to hear clearly.
Pisces didn’t say anything more. He bowed his head and kissed the black rose on his wrist
before asking, “Can you wait for me to fall asleep before going?”
Pisces lay on the snow-coloured bed, his long hair spread out. His appearance was younger
than the other star signs and after falling asleep, there was a hint of boyishness.
Xie Xi stared, words hovering in his heart.
You are my only tribe.
My only wish now is…
Xie Xi’s brain moved.
This world….
It wasn’t the same as the previous worlds he had experienced.
Xie Xi left Pisces room and was planning to go to Scorpio.
He didn’t forget the hint he previously gave. He didn’t plan to do anything but he had to
make a trip to coax Scorpio and save him from ‘taking drastic measures.’
Unexpectedly, he just came out of the room when he came face to face with Sagittarius and
was hugged.
Xie Xi, “!”
Zong Xia, “…”
Yan Zhe who was with Scorpio, “!!”
Sagittarius didn’t see anyone else. He held Xie Xi and kissed the long and narrow neck,
eyebrows raised provocatively as he watched Scorpio.
He said to Xie Xi, “…You promised me, let me eat tonight.”
When did Xie Xi promise him?
He had his back to Scorpio and could feel this guy’s eyes.
It either poked a hole in him, poked a hole in Sagittarius or poked a hole in them both!
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access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 298

Can’t Be Erased 15

Xie Xi’s expression sank as he ordered, “Let go.”

Sagittarius told him, “I will let go if you come back to my room with me.”
Xie Xi, “…”
Sagittarius was in a good mood. “You haven’t even erased the traces. Isn’t this inviting me?”
Previously in Libra’s room, Sagittarius drank his blood. Xie Xi had angrily scolded him and
he disappeared without a trace.
Xie Xi still felt regret and was afraid he was really angry…
Then many things happened. Xie Xi had no experience with his blood being sucked. How
did he know that he had to erase the tooth marks?
Although this evil god body did have the ability.
Sagittarius deliberately pulled down Xie Xi’s collar, the tip of his tongue touching the two
red dots.
This was definitely for Scorpio to see but there were others at the scene.
Zong Xia was following Sagittarius while Yan Zhe was following Scorpio. They both quietly
bowed their heads.
But their shoulders were shaking violently!
Xie Xi was mad and yelled at Sagittarius. “I said, release me!”
Sagittarius was even happier. “If you really want me to leave, why not use your pressure?”
What pressure?
Xie Xi was just dabbling as a god, how could he know so much?
Sagittarius glanced at Scorpio. “Are you worried about other people? It’s nothing. You are
our master and anything you want is fine.”
He was clearly implying that Xie Xi wanted to go with Sagittarius but he had to push
Sagittarius away because he promised Scorpio. He was actually reluctant and hoped that
Scorpio would take the initiative to leave.
After all, Xie Xi just needed to release his pressure that Sagittarius couldn’t approach him at
In the area channel, Gong Rui asked: What is your situation?
Yan Zhe: ……
Zong Xia: ……
Based on the ellipsis, Nan Yi and Gong Rui knew there was a good play: What are you
doing? Live broadcast it!
Yan Zhe scolded: Fuck, Old Jiang used a lifetime of good luck to meet Little Rose!
Hearing this, Nan Yi became more excited!
It was reasonable to be so excited. He was just afraid that he had to eat quick-acting heart-
saving pills afterwards.
Xie Xi was worried about how to stabilize Sagittarius and Scorpio.
Sagittarius was worthy of being an archer. His archery skill was really good and the arrow
didn’t miss. The heart was red.
Scorpio stood silently but unfortunately, his heart was poked into a honeycomb.
Xie Xi was really innocent. How could he know that there were traces on his neck? How
could he know that he could use pressure to break away from Sagittarius’ arms?
He didn’t know but who could believe this?
Oh, Zong Xia and Yan Zhe would believe it but what was the use of that?
At the critical point when Yan Zhe was worried for Xie Xi, Scorpio leaned over in a bow.
“Since Master has other arrangements, I will go first.”
Everyone present was stunned, including Sagittarius.
The cold face of the undead looked calm and his deep purple hair slid down his cheeks to
outline his perfect side profile.
Xie Xi’s heart thumped.
Scorpio turned to leave without hesitation, heading straight to his room. The surprised Yan
Zhe followed.
Zong Xia also stared blankly and asked in the area channel: Scorpio just left?
Yan Zhe felt doubts: His temper is so good? Is this really Old Jiang?
This showed how inexperienced they were.
Seeing this scene, Xie Xi didn’t feel any relief. He only felt that his back was cold and he
could faintly see a trick brewing!
So many quasi-worlds and so many souls, not one of them had given up.
Some just gave up on the surface while doing big things in the back!
Poor Xie Xi was tangled up on Sagittarius and he couldn’t use the communicator to contact
Yan Zhe to tell him not to take things lightly!
Sagittarius was in a good mood after getting rid of Scorpio. He leaned towards Xie Xi, deep
voice ambiguous. “They all ate at dinner, only I have been waiting. Won’t you please satisfy
me? I will also satisfy you.”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Zong Xia stared at his toes without blinking, as if he was superfluous. Oh, he was already
Scorpio had already gone and if Xie Xi caught up know, it was estimated that Sagittarius
would explode on the spot.
There were no tricks yet. He might feel uneasy but he could only beware of Scorpio while
seizing the time to stabilize this person.
Xie Xi told Sagittarius, “Only blood is allowed.” There were people present and Xie Xi was
really embarrassed to say the other thing.
Sagittarius didn’t care about these things and opened the door. “In the bloodkin family, it is
very rude to suck blood without sex!”
Zong Xia, “…” His knowledge increased.
Xie Xi’s cheeks were hot but he didn’t dare send Zong Xia away. Having one person here
was better than having no one.
If Sagittarius really messed with him, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
In any case, Xie Xi believed that Jiang Xie wouldn’t let anyone see him… like that.
Sagittarius leaned back and said, “During the day, I was already very nervous. You are my
most respected person. How could I do that to you?”
Xie Xi had long been used to this person’s nonsense but it was clearly the first time for the
Zong Xia spoke in the area channel: Is there a question?
Everyone pricked their ears.
Nan Yi: Quickly say it!
Gong Rui: Please enjoy it alone if it is dog food.
Zong Xia explained the etiquette of the bloodkin species.
This made Nan Yi very happy: Seconds!
Yan Zhe: Really shameless.
Gong Rui spoke lazily: I refuse to accept dog food.
The serious Qin Ge was worried about something: In this case, Sagittarius did it with many
people before…
Zong Xia also wondered this and at this time…
He directly copied Sagittarius’ exact words.
Sagittarius told Xie Xi, “I didn’t drink any blood before I met you. At that time, you promised
me that you would never let me go hungry afterwards.”
Old Qin was silent. It could still be like this?
Sagittarius’ eyes flashed. “Please meet me? My master.”
Gong Rui: It seems that Little Rose will be with the lucky Sagittarius tonight?
Zong Xia: Should I withdraw?
Nan Yi: Hurry away! You shouldn’t see what you shouldn’t see or something big will
happen when we return to Central!
Then Yan Zhe suddenly said: Scorpio is gone!
He didn’t say it on the area channel but through the communicator Xie Xi had arranged for
Gong Rui and the others hadn’t responded yet but Xie Xi thought in his heart, ‘Sure enough,
something happened!’
Sagittarius blocked Xie Xi’s retreat.
He said that he wouldn’t let Xie Xi go tonight.
Sagittarius brought Xie Xi towards his room while kissing Xie Xi on the neck. He whispered,
“Please, I’ve never really eaten enough. Can you bear to see your most loyal follower
“My god…” Sagittarius dragged Xie Xi to his room. “Please have mercy on your shoulder.”
His words had just ended when an ancient voice was heard. “Master trusts you so much. Is
this how you pay him back?”
Sagittarius saw Capricorn standing coldly at the door.
Xie Xi still remembered Scorpio’s sudden disappearance.
Behind Capricorn, scattered black feathers floated. Xie Xi could see clearly that these
feathers formed a transparent barrier, blocking the sound.
It was in order to not let Qin Ge hear them.
He told Sagittarius, “Pisces is sleeping and his servant is under my supervision. Aquarius is
injured and his servant will be handed over to you.”
Sagittarius’ eyes squinted. “Where is Scorpio?”
Capricorn replied, “He went to catch the escaped intruders.”
Xie Xi, “!”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 299

Can’t Be Erased 16

Sure enough, he didn’t go back to sleep!

Scorpio was really great.
Others didn’t understand it but Xie Xi was clear!
He didn’t argue in front of Xie Xi and avoided Sagittarius’ sharp arrow, leaving honestly.
He seemed to go back to his room but Xie Xi knew that he actually went to find Capricorn.
Aquarius and Pisces had long been unwell and Capricorn really wanted to help them
monitor the ‘intruders’, which was mentioned at dinner.
He didn’t say it at the time but how did he think about splitting the task with Sagittarius
It must be that Scorpio had gone to find Capricorn!
This was reasonable. Pisces used his illusions and was sleepy. He wasn’t up to the task of
surveillance and it needed to be handed over to others. Their master couldn’t worry about
this and they had to share it.
Xie Xi thought that Scorpio must’ve said something like this to Capricorn. “I originally
wanted to talk to Sagittarius but he is busy with Master tonight. I can only bother you.”
Once this was said, how could Capricorn let Sagittarius be ‘free and easy?’
Scorpio’s trick could be called perfect!
Old Qin was the most honest. Once asked by Nan Yi, he repeated the words that Scorpio
told Capricorn.
It was as Xie Xi thought.
The male gods were silent for three seconds before laughing like fools.
Yan Zhe scolded: Is this a fucking palace drama?
The thing they didn’t know was that with the six princes of Atlantis, there really was a
palace fight.
If Scorpio was just like this then the quality of the ‘palace drama’ was really
He first arranged for Capricorn to drag Sagittarius away and then arranged a bitter plan for
himself to coax Xie Xi to his side in minutes.
His calculations were too slippery.
The intruders who needed to be watched were entrusted to others while he ran outside.
Once Xie Xi came to find him, it was the perfect time to be alone.
Scorpio didn’t say a word and arranged things for the other Jiang Xies!
Xie Xi… really wanted to hit him!
All the others were good. Could Scorpio use this bitter play so casually? What if he was
really ambushed by N?
The erasure mission was to kill the six fallen star signs but Xie Xi understood that as long as
one died, all six would die!
Xie Xi knew this was Scorpio’s small trick but he still had to jump head-on into it.
He observed. “The enemy’s ability can restrain him. Did he go to die?”
Capricorn replied, “Losing is a disgrace. He wants to prove himself so this subordinate can’t
stop him.”
Xie Xi believed that Capricorn couldn’t wait for Scorpio to die directly in battle.
Sagittarius also said, “If he doesn’t have any ability then he doesn’t deserve the name of
The six star signs were new names given to them by Xie Xi, representing glory and trust.
Xie Xi’s white finger moved in the void as he declared, “I am going to find him.”
Sagittarius exclaimed, “I’ll go with you!”
Capricorn was much calmer and didn’t say anything.
Xie Xi’s rebuke only fell on Sagittarius. “What about the intruders of the temple? Do you
want to let Capricorn guard them by himself?”
Sagittarius, “…”
The so-called crying child was given sugar to eat. Xie Xi saw Sagittarius’ reluctant
expression and red eyes and his heart softened.
He was fierce but Xie Xi could only say warmly, “Stay here and wait for me, I’ll be back
Sagittarius wasn’t stupid. How could he not understand? This was all part of Scorpio’s
calculations! Unfortunately, it was a winning move in chess and he could only bear the pain
of losing.
He told Xie Xi, “I will wait for you, I will always wait for you!”
Xie Xi thought that this guy would become even hungrier waiting for him and became
“I’ll be back soon.”
He just entered the portal when Xie Xi seemed to hear Sagittarius whispering, “But you
won’t belong to me.”
Xie Xi felt heartache and helplessness. He didn’t belong to Sagittarius? They were all his. All
He didn’t know why but once these words appeared in his mind, Xie Xi twitched.
It wasn’t the first time he felt this feeling. It was like this every time he touched something.
It was as if on a vast sea, he saw a little iceberg exposed.
He stood up but couldn’t imagine how deep and unpredictable the mountain below it was.
What exactly was it?
In Xie Xi’s mind, the prompt that the system gave him when he first entered the 12
Boundaries flashes.
Remember, you don’t believe in things because they are real. It is because you believe in
them that they are real.
There is no eternal truth in this world, because what you think is nothing more than a
The world is hypothetical.
What did this mean?
Why give him such a hint?
Xie Xi recalled the collapsed worlds that he had passed through. He felt the shadow of these
sentences everywhere but like a fog, he couldn’t touch the most real place.
“How did you come…” Scorpio’s voice entered Xie Xi’s ear and brought back his wandering
Xie Xi glanced over at him and sighed with relief.
Fortunately, this guy hadn’t really encountered N.
Xie Xi no longer thought about the other things and gazed at Scorpio. “Who allowed you to
act without permission?”
He lowered his voice and Scorpio immediately fell to one knee, purple hair spread out on
the ground. “Previously, it was this subordinate’s job and the intruder escaped. In order to
make up for my fault, this time I must bring the intruder back to the temple.”
“His ability naturally restrains yours. You rushing out, what is the difference with going to
Scorpio spoke clearly. “Qin Ge is good with heavy weapons and suppresses the flexibility
and agility of Aquarius. Zong Xia’s vision is different from ordinary people and he can see
through Pisces’ illusions. They are restrained yet they completed the task.”
This was reasonable but the opponent was on a different level!
The master of Yunge was only second to this person’s main body. It wasn’t strange if he
was restrained!
Xie Xi explained, “It is their captain who escaped and he is the strongest.”
“I am older than Aquarius and Pisces…”
The unspoken words implied that he was stronger than Pisces and Aquarius but lost.
Xie Xi long had the ambition to ‘destroy his own prestige’ and spoke seriously, “The person
who ran away is called N. I suspect that his strength is above mine.”
Scorpio looked up sharply, purple eyes deep. “Impossible, you are the only god.”
Xie Xi was stunned again.
Scorpio exclaimed, “Even the six gods can’t match you, let alone a nobody!”
Xie Xi frowned. “There are countless people outside the mountain.”
“No one can surpass you.”
This was being blindly worshipped by a lover…
Cough, Xie Xi was strangely embarrassed. It was good that no one else was here or his face
would be hot.
Xie Xi didn’t hurry back to the temple and asked Scorpio, “Are there any traces of N?”
“He took care of the poison fog I placed on him and it is hard to track him.”
Last time, N made Scorpio lose half his flesh but N probably wasn’t in a much better state.
Then Xie Xi remembered that N was a god level pharmacist and must have many means to
resolve Scorpio’s poison.
It was quite a coincidence.
General Qin suppressed Dark Elf Aquarius.
Zong Xia’s vision restrained Sea Demon Pisces.
N’s medicine could resolve Lich Scorpio.
It was a coincidence, a coincidence that was too deliberate.
Xie Xi had experienced too many things and no matter how much he thought, it was never
too much.
He had a thought before.
This world was different from any of the quasi-worlds he previously encountered.
It was a quasi-world being erased.
The previous ones were only collapsing and the erasure tasks hadn’t been released yet.
This one was indeed being erased.
What did that mean?
It wasn’t only the deterioration of the small world but also the emergence of the players
who received the task and represented the will of the Central Government.
Xie Xi had been thinking, ‘Is repairing a quasi-world that is being erased the same as
The will dominating this small world being wiped out wasn’t just the souls.
Look at the abilities of the souls, the abilities of the players who entered and then thinking
about Central’s will… was this really a coincidence?
An idea flashed through Xie Xi’s brain.
Xie Xi held Scorpio’s hand and ordered, “Go back to the temple.”
“Please let this subordinate continue…”
“Go back with me. He struck one time and there will certainly be a second time.”
Scorpio insisted. “This subordinate should find out his whereabouts and resolve him in
Xie Xi looked at him. “Why do you think I saved you?”
The sudden question made Scorpio freeze.
Xie Xi looked at the cold face of the lich, his eyes gentle as if to melt the other person.
Scorpio had his eyes lowered and he couldn’t answer.
Xie Xi held the cold hand tightly. “I need you.”
Scorpio glanced at him fiercely, deep purple eyes filled with unabashed eagerness.
Xie Xi kissed the back of his hand. “Don’t let yourself get hurt. I hope your body can be
The experiences were summed up…
Scorpio had never been able to drink other people’s blood and Scorpio would certainly
have his own sufferings.
A lich was undead, didn’t have a warm body temperature and always looked like cold jade.
He wanted the so-called what was missing. Xie Xi noticed that Scorpio liked hot things.
These words undoubtedly poked at Scorpio’s heart and his voice trembled. “Thank you, my
Xie Xi told him, “Let’s go back.”
Scorpio no longer insisted and returned to the temple with him.
After this, Xie Xi could finally ‘stand alone in a room.’
He did this deliberately since he had something to talk about with his seniors.
There was no one present but Xie Xi still opened a soundproof barrier before using the
communication device to contact Yan Zhe and the others.
Xie Xi asked, “God Yan, can you contact N?”
Yan Zhe lowered his voice and asked, “What?”
“I hope you can send a message to him…”
Yan Zhe listened to Xie Xi and hesitated. “This…”
The other big seniors were present and heard Xie Xi’s words. Zong Xia spoke calmly, “N
might not necessarily listen to us.”
Nan Yi added, “Yes, Old N has seen Pisces’ illusions. He will think we are all controlled.”
This was the experience of a senior.
Don’t look at the players having a ‘system’ that was superior to the quasi-world. In essence,
they were still restricted by the operator.
There had been situations where the player was controlled and used his own system to kill
his teammates. Never underestimate any quasi-world. The players of Central were never
‘gods’ above the small world.
Xie Xi said, “Give a suggestion. As long as I don’t let the six star signs go outside, he will
attack the temple sooner or later.”
Qin Ge asked, “Won’t you be in danger is he summons the six main gods?”
Xie Xi declared, “I have to be in danger.”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 300

Can’t Be Erased 17

The message Xie Xi had Yan Zhe send to N was: Use the power of the six main gods to attack
the temple.
It wasn’t difficult because Xie Xi had already created countless slaughters when he helped
Libra. This caused quite a stir.
Xie Xi had only experienced Libra but the other Jiang Xies corresponded to different races
and presumably, there were also bloody massacres.
The name of the evil god had long been notorious and Libra almost destroyed the Fare
Kingdom. This was the last fuse.
The great magician was killed by Scorpio and Xie Xi also gathered the six fallen star signs.
The six main gods wouldn’t stand by.
N had enough strength to talk about conditions. He would be the catalyst for the imminent
Xie Xi and the others would participate in this fight.
Yan Zhe was worried. “We haven’t touched the six main gods. If they are above the power
of the souls then…”
Xie Xi shook his head. “The souls can take care of them. You just need to help me get N
Nan Yi was straightforward and bluntly asked, “Isn’t this about falling in love?”
Xie Xi sighed. “This world is different from all the worlds I’ve experienced before.”
Zong Xia pointed out the main reason. “Is it because of the task to erase the world?”
Xie Xi nodded. “Yes, this is a world being erased.”
There was no bias with the Central Government. Once it determined that a world needed to
be erased, it was a precise strike.
It had to wipe out the core of the quasi-world.
The core was the souls. Yet did the souls really need to be killed? No…
They would break down the moment Xie Xi died.
It was why the will of the Central Government placed Xie Xi in the high-target position of
the evil god. The souls all became his servants in order to protect him.
The task released by Central was to kill the six fallen star signs. This was a condition to
erase the quasi-world.
Then what was the condition to repair the quasi-world? Xie Xi thus came to the conclusion:
It wasn’t to let the souls fall in love with him but to have them guard him.
This time, the souls didn’t think about monopolizing his love. Their only wish was to
protect me.
Xie Xi spoke lightly. “If I’m not wrong, just defeating the six main gods and eliminating the
existences that are a danger to me should be fine.”
Yan Zhe asked, “It isn’t just defeating the six main gods. Don’t we have to leave the quasi-
world as well?” They were also threats.”
Nan Yi stated, “We are fine but N…”
Xie Xi was calm. “If the six main gods are defeated and you give up the task, he will give up.”
Xie Xi didn’t trust N and could only do this.
Yan Zhe’s group of five were on his side. Once the six main gods fell, the only threat
remaining in this quasi-world was N.
At that time, Xie Xi would explain the specific situation. If N wanted to continue carrying
out the mission then…
Xie Xi would kill him.
The other five people had been through wind and rain and how could they not understand?
Rather than passively wait for disaster to come, it was better to arrange it ahead of time.
Judging from the temperament of this action, the young Repairer deserved to be at the peak
of Jiang Xie’s heart.
“Okay!” Nan Yi immediately cried out. “I’ve long seen the winged people’s big wings!”
The six main gods were the dragon god, the elf god, the winged god, the sea god, the god of
war and the god of light.
Libra was a black dragon, Aquarius was a dark elf, Capricorn was a winged race, Pisces was
a sea demon, Scorpio was an undead and Sagittarius was from the bloodkin family.
They happened to be fallen versions of the races sheltered by the six main gods.
They represented the dark sides of the six gods and were entirely their opposites.
If the six gods were arranged by Central to kill Xie Xi then the souls would give up
dominance of the world and willingly fell to guard Xie Xi!
So… As long as Xie Xi was successfully guarded by them, they would feel at ease. They had
to win the battle!
The matter of dealing with N was left to Zong Xia.
He was a god viewer with the ability to see through illusions. His words would have more
credibility to N.
As for the conversation Xie Xi didn’t have to worry about it. To some extent, they were
really giving advice to N.
N’s current strength meant it was best to borrow the power of the six main gods to
complete the task. After all, the six main gods were also hostile to Xie Xi and wanted to get
rid of this scourge.
As long as Zong Xia stated the facts, it was enough to impress N.
Once the sky brightened, Zong Xia made an okay gesture and Yan Zhe called out to Xie Xi.
“Can you talk?”
Xie Xi looked at the silver-haired elf and smiled. “Senior, do you have something to say?”
“Come with me.”
They went to the balcony and stood in the light.
The colour of the light rising from the horizon gave an unspeakable sense of sadness.
It was because as long as the sun didn’t rise, people wouldn’t know if it was hope or
Xie Xi retracted his gaze and asked Yan Zhe, “What’s the matter?”
Yan Zhe told him, “It is related to Jiang Xie.”
Xie Xi guessed it would be related to Jiang Xie. The corners of his eyes unconsciously sagged
and the smile on his face was gentle.”Yes, I will listen.”
Yan Zhe glanced at the other person and smiled. “You love him very much.”
Xie Xi replied honestly. “I love him very much.”
He was embarrassed to say this to Yan Zhe but he could frankly admit it to Yan Zhe.
Yan Zhe’s smile became deeper. He was gratified as he sighed with relief. “In fact, a long
time ago before he started using souls to design the quasi-worlds, Jiang Xie ‘touched’ the
centre of Central.’
Xie Xi concentrated and asked, “Touched the centre?”
“This… how to say it? In fact, I find it hard to explain but there is a legend in Central. Once
all your qualifications are full and your strength reaches a peak, you can see what ordinary
players can’t see. Everyone calls it touching the centre.”
Xie Xi didn’t know this. Jiang Xie had never mentioned it to him and his experience wasn’t
enough to let him know this.
Yan Zhe continued, “I don’t know about anybody who previously touched it but on our
time, Jiang Xie was the first to touch the centre.”
Xie Xi asked, “What happened after that?”
Yan Zhe shook his head. “Nothing, he hadn’t changed and was the same as before. The only
difference was that he started to design the quasi-worlds with his souls.”
Xie Xi frowned. “Is it because he discovered the crisis of Central?”
He had talked about this point many times with Jiang Xie. The cycle of Central was
gradually declining.
Jiang Xie designed the quasi-worlds with his souls to save Central and the countless
Yan Zhe replied, “I think it is more than that…”
He went on. “There have long been signs that the Central Government was declining. He
had been looking for ways to design higher level worlds but he never used an extreme
method like cutting out parts of his soul.”
Xie Xi also didn’t understand.
Yan Zhe added, “Besides, you know that the quasi-worlds he designed… if you weren’t
present, there would be no possibility of clearing them and no clearance is worthless. He
knew this yet still designed them constantly. Do you really think this was just for the
Central Government?”
Xie Xi stated, “But I appeared.”
Yan Zhe looked at him and smiled. “It is fortunate that you appeared.”
Xie Xi thought of Jiang Xie’s bone deep world-weariness and couldn’t help biting his lower
Even if Yan Zhe was a friend of Jiang Xie, Xie Xi didn’t want to analyze the most vulnerable
places of Jiang Xie to anyone.
Yan Zhe was still thinking about his own affairs and whispered, “After Jiang Xie, the second
person to touch the centre was N.”
Xie Xi glanced at him and asked, “Since then, N started to design quasi-worlds?”
“Yes, the result might be dismal but he is still constantly trying.”
Xie Xi couldn’t help thinking about it. What did they see when they touched the centre?
Yan Zhe took back his thoughts and looked at Xie Xi again. “I am telling you these things
because… you should find an opportunity to ask N.”
Xie Xi was startled.
Yan Zhe told him, “Of course, this is just a suggestion. I think it is better for you to know
this. It is up to you what you want to do in the end.”
“I understand. Thank you.”
Yan Zhe was saying these things to Xie Xi based on his understanding of Jiang Xie.
The man had a mouth as fast a train but when he didn’t want to say anything, it couldn’t be
broken open even with a hammer.
Now Xie Xi had an opportunity. He might find out from N.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 301

Can’t Be Erased 18

If Xie Xi had a chance to ask N, would N tell him?

Once he heard Yan Zhe’s words, Xie Xi’s heart always had a strange feeling.
The confusing jigsaw puzzle in his heart was always missing something so he couldn’t see
the whole picture. At this moment, Xie Xi felt this was the final puzzle piece. Once he found
it, his doubts would clear up.
Even now, he couldn’t say what he couldn’t understand. Ask N? Xie Xi would ask. It wasn’t
just N. He would also ask Jiang Xie.
The previous Jiang Xie was indeed used to doing everything on his own but now Xie Xi
believed in him. The moment he asked, Jiang Xie would tell him.
By the time Xie Xi and Yan Zhe separated, the sky was already bright.
Xie Xi hadn’t slept for a night but he didn’t feel tired. After all, he wasn’t a real human.
He first went to check on Libra. The black dragon was still asleep and his body had almost
Then Capricorn came to him. “Breakfast is ready.”
Xie Xi nodded and saw Scorpio on the way to the dining room.
Scorpio bowed and Xie Xi asked him, “How was your rest?”
“I slept well. Thank you, my god.”
Xie Xi smiled and wanted to say something more when he saw Aquarius coming with
They rested for one night and both had recovered. One had an unhindered body and the
other was full of energy.
Xie Xi also asked about their situation.
Both men answered very respectfully. Their eyes slightly drooped and one looked better
than the other…
Cough, Xie Xi felt he was becoming more and more improper.
The only one who didn’t appear was Sagittarius. Sagittarius, who didn’t eat yesterday, was
sullen today?
Xie Xi was quite worried.
The group went to the dining room and Xie Xi saw the red-haired youth sitting in the first
position to the left.
He was tall and handsome, with long red hair that occasionally fell on his cheeks.
He was currently staring at a gorgeous bowl in front of him like he wanted to make a whole
in it. What’s going on? Was he still angry?
Xie Xi told him, “it is rare to see you so early.”
Sagittarius looked up with red eyes. He didn’t know why but Xie Xi felt this person was a bit
He was finished, his heart was soft. Xie Xi couldn’t stand Jiang Xie with this expression!
Sagittarius got up and bowed to him, stating good morning in an aggrieved voice.
Xie Xi didn’t take a seat and walked over to him. “Are you in a bad mood this early in the
His voice had just dropped when he saw the bright red liquid in the gorgeous bowl.
Sagittarius stated, “I can always be hungry.”
Xie Xi stared blankly.
Sagittarius leaned towards him. “I have been hungry for many years and I can be hungry
later.” Until death.
Xie Xi was in a room full of people and couldn’t really speak the words in his mouth.
Sagittarius continued, “If you don’t want me to suck your blood, you can tell me. I will never
force you.”
Xie Xi, “???”
Wasn’t it just a bowl of blood? Why was he so wronged?
Sagittarius finally poured out the truth. “The bloodkin family never drinks cold blood.
Please don’t punish me like this.”
Xie Xi understood a bit of Jiang Xie’s setting.
Did he feel that the blood bowl in front of a bloodkin was a punishment?
Or was it an insult?
Based on Sagittarius’ words, Xie Xi knew that the bloodkin species was very demanding
when eating. Once they found their favourite prey, their preferred position and drank their
favourite blood, they didn’t want anything else. The environment was romantic and the
atmosphere was harmonious. It was best to make love.
Placing cold blood in front of him was tantamount to telling him: Happy breakup, here is an
airplane cup for you.
Xie Xi felt dizzy from his own foolish thoughts.
At this moment, Sagittarius’ mind was basically the same.
What could Xie Xi do? He had to dump the blame on someone.
He glanced at Scorpio.
‘I wonder who arranged the bowl of blood.’
This look gave Sagittarius endless hope. His spirit shook as he muttered, “This isn’t your
Xie Xi didn’t have to talk.
Scorpio spoke coldly. “It is currently a crisis and the master needs to maintain his strength.
How can he let you suck his blood?”
The bloodkin species was resurrected in minutes. He looked at Scorpio and stated, “I don’t
know who was defeated by the enemy and lost his flesh, alarming the master.”
Scorpio sneered. “It is better than some people who haven’t weaned and drink the master’s
blood all day.”
The moment these words came out, not only was Sagittarius stunned but Xie Xi’s cheeks
were also hot.
He felt embarrassed, especially in front of Yan Zhe’s group…
As for the men in the area channel, they were busy laughing!
What’s more, Sagittarius’ words were like a mass weapon of destruction.
It wasn’t only directed at Scorpio but also stung Aquarius and Pisces. After all, the two of
them were also injured. They shot back. “The temple is in crisis. The waste who can’t even
eat should get out of the way.”
Sagittarius’ eyes were red and his small fangs were exposed. “Who are you calling a waste?”
Aquarius raised his eyebrows. “People should know themselves.”
Sagittarius raised his left hand and a black sword emerged. He stood at the table and
declared coldly, “Come, I see that you are wounded. I will allow you 10 strikes.”
He emphasized the word ‘wounded’ again.
Aquarius immediately brought out his weapon. “I will allow you 10 strikes, hungry little
Xie Xi, “………………”
Jiang Xie lost face!!
seeing that the seniors had expressions twisted with laughter, Xie Xi had to stop the
children from fighting.
“Okay.” This was the first time Xie Xi used the ‘pressure’ of the evil god’ and it was to stop
the Jiang Xies from fighting.
Gong Rui expressed regret: I could almost record a wonderful scene.
Nan Yi: I will make a bet. Quickly fight! Sagittarius will win over the other three!
Yan Zhe: I truly feeling tired for Little Rose…
Breakfast ended and Xie Xi held a small meeting. They weren’t allowed to fight the current
enemy. Danger was approaching, no fighting. Stay in good health, no fighting. Eat if hungry,
no fighting.
Yes, the key was no fighting!
Xie Xi suspected that he wasn’t a god but a kindergarten teacher leading a group of small
Jiang Xies!
Fortunately, as long as Xie Xi was with at least two Jiang Xies, they were quite normal. One
was calmer than the other, one was better than the other and one was more reliable than ht
In order to not let them lose more face, Xie Xi could only try to get along with them as much
as possible.
At noon, he went to see Libra. Libra woke up and was a bit dazed.
Xie Xi checked his body and found that he was recovering well, his throat healed.
Xie Xi sighed with relief and asked Libra, “Do you still want to kill the dragon god?”
Libra’s pupils shrank and his look towards Xie Xi was extremely serious. “I would like that.”
Xie Xi held his hand. “Then protect your body and you wish will soon come true.”
Libra looked down at his white hand and couldn’t help moving his fingers. “Master…”
Xie Xi wondered, “Hrmm?”
Libra suddenly looked up at him. “Once my wish is fulfilled, can you give me three days?”
Xie Xi was startled before remembering that Libra sacrificed his soul. Once his wish was
accomplished, he would give his soul.
Actually… Xie Xi was about to comfort him.
Then Libra smiled, his gentle gaze wrapping around Xie Xi like he was pouring out his soul.
“Just three days, I want to stay with you for three days without any concerns.”
What was three days? Three years, 300 years, 3,000 years, 300,000 years were all okay.
Xie Xi smiled at him. “Don’t think too much and stay healthy. It isn’t easy to kill a god.”
Libra raised his courage to hold Xie Xi. “With you, I can do anything.”
Xie Xi’s smile deepened. He didn’t say anything but his heart gently repeated—
‘With you, I am omnipotent.’
Four or five days later, Zong Xia received a message from N.
He spoke in the communicator. “Everything is ready. They expect to act tomorrow night!”
Zong Xia had sent the coordinates of the temple to N. There was also the six main gods so it
was easy to find the temple.
Tomorrow night…
Xie Xi looked at the grey sky and felt the calm before the storm.
He had enough preparations and drew everything that could be drawn. He even made the
different space shield into a spell and gave them to each Jiang Xie, as well as God Yan’s
Nan Yi saw this and looked confused. “This is too much! It is like a cheat in an online game!”
Xie Xi thought of his god’s wisdom… was it a cheat in an online game?
Zong Xia spoke carefully. “Can you carry so many items?”
Even a golden items box couldn’t hold so many things.
Xie Xi explained, “This is the privilege of a Repairer. It is only possible in this small world.”
He didn’t tell a lie. It was indeed because of the repair mission that he had the full version
of the god’s wisdom. Once he left these small worlds, the god’s wisdom wasn’t so invincible.
Zong Xia didn’t ask anything else and only stated, “It is indeed a unique god level
Gong Rui interjected, “We don’t have to worry about the six main gods. We have to be
careful of N since he also has a unique occupation that is god level.”
Yan Zhe was a healer and Xie Xi was a fixer. It was enough to imagine how strong N’s
occupation was in contrast to their peers.
Xie Xi nodded. “Be careful.”
N was currently in the dark but who knew what he was thinking and if he had any cards
In short, they couldn’t be too cautious. For them, this was a fight that couldn’t be lost!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 302

Can’t Be Erased 19

It was a battle without suspense.

Once the six main gods came in person, the entire continent was boiling. All races and
nations responded to call to exterminate the evil god.
Everyone agreed that evil would fall because the six gods represented the pinnacle of the
Once they appeared, there was nothing that couldn’t be overcome!
It wasn’t just them. Even the six main gods felt there was no suspense.
They all came in order to harvest the beliefs of the people they sheltered, so as to not be
robbed of the limelight by the other gods.
No one ever thought of the possibility of losing.
How could it be possible? This group of ugly people were just ants who could be crushed by
the gods moving their fingers.
They thought so but in fact, Xie Xi’s side thought the same.
There was no suspense about the battle with the six gods.
The six star signs had the different space shield so it was impossible to lose to anyone.
Xie Xi’s only concern was N.
N had a strong pharmacist ability. He was a powerful backup for the six main gods and it
was unknown what strange tricks he had.
Yan Zhe and the others couldn’t go to meet with N. After all, they were ‘captured’ and could
only stay in the dungeon to try and lure N to save them.
Xie Xi thought this and stayed outside the dungeon.
The six star signs went to fight. Xie Xi tried not to let himself think too much but his heart
was divided into several parts. He wondered if Scorpio and Libra’s bodies had completely
recovered, remembered that Sagittarius hadn’t eaten enough and wondered if Pisces’
mental state could cope with Poseidon’s attacks. Of course, he was also worried about
Capricorn. His temperament was steady and calm but his combat power was slightly worse.
It was unknown if something would happen…
Xie Xi suppressed the urge to go out and see. He believed they were prepared to do their
best and nothing would happen.
He couldn’t walk away. He had to hold N. This was the most important thing.
Only by making N give up the mission would the danger be completely eliminated.
Otherwise, there would still be dangers even if the six main gods fell.
Xie Xi suppressed his thoughts and examined the surroundings.
Would N come to save Yan Zhe’s group? It was highly probable. After all, General QIn’s
combat power wasn’t small and Yan Zhe was the god milk who could save anyone. The
odds of winning would increase with their presence.
Xie Xi held his breath and almost integrated into the darkness. Not a single sound could
escape his ears.
Now he was by himself and had to depend on his own strength to guard Jiang Xie!
Just then, something shook in front of him.
Yan Zhe’s voice was heard in his ears at the same time. “N found us. Be careful!”
Xie Xi destroyed the communicator and completely hide himself in the darkness.
For a strong person on the same level as Jiang Xie, Xie Xi could never take this opponent
There were many magical items in Central and he couldn’t measure N.
The communicator in his ear might’ve exposed his whereabouts. He wanted to calm down
and use all his spirit to capture the person who could come to him at any time!
Suddenly, Xie Xi felt a pulling sensation.
This familiar feeling scared him.
He would experience such a pull every time he left the quasi-world…
What was going on? He was leaving the quasi-world?
Had the souls killed the six main gods and completed the protection mission? Impossible! It
was impossible to resolve the hidden dangers just by killing the six main gods!
Then… N didn’t come here and went directly to attack the souls? Xie Xi’s back was cold and
he strove to stabilize his chaotic heart. If the souls died, if Jiang Xie, if…
His vision was dark.
Xie Xi was standing in a void space when he opened his eyes again. It was dark and isolated
from everything. This wasn’t the temple, the small world or Central.
Where was this place? The first thing that came to Xie Xi’s mind was the white space. Jiang
Xie had used it several times in order to wake up Xie Xi. This obviously wasn’t the white
space. It was…
“Are you a player?” An ordinary voice rang out behind him.
He didn’t know why but Xie Xi, who was so nervous that his back was wet, miraculously
calmed down.
This was N.
Xie Xi didn’t know the location of this place but he was at ease once he knew that N was
with him. N didn’t go to attack the souls and Jiang Xie was fine.
This information was like giving the sea god’s power to Xie Xi, allowing him to stabilize the
violent wind and waves.
Xie Xi turned and saw a man who almost integrated with the darkness. He wore a black
cloak and only a pair of eyes was revealed. It was a pair of plain eyes like his voice. It was
plain with no character, letting people easily forget him.
Xie Xi stared for a while. He thought this was N’s disguise and N had deliberately concealed
his original appearance.
“I am,” Xie Xi answered the question. It wasn’t necessary to hide this.
N stood far ahead and seemed to be separated from Xie Xi by a star river.
He paused for a long time but it seemed to be just a moment before his unwavering voice
rang out again. “Why are you in this world?”
Xie Xi summoned the god’s wisdom and sketch pen and stood motionless.
The two items were suspended in front of him but N seemed unaware, making Xie Xi sigh
with relief.
He could use the god’s wisdom and there would be no problem with self-protection He
would win as long as he could protect himself.
Xie Xi stared at him. “Do you have to erase the world?”
N’s eyes moved slightly. “Answer my question.”
Xie Xi wasn’t afraid as he stared at N and questioned. “Do you have to kill the six fallen star
N watched Xie Xi. “Who are you?”
They both asked each other questions and didn’t answer the other person’s questions.
In fact, this method of inquiry could also find out some things.
For example, N realized something. “Are you guarding this world?”
There was little doubt in his tone, showing he clearly understood.
After all, in the eyes of god level players, those who entered a world being erased were
either teammates or competitors, nothing else.
The meaning of these words was clearly to determine the mission objective.
Xie Xi replied, “I’m going to repair it.”
He didn’t mention Jiang Xie, say this was Jiang Xie’s quasi-world or mention that the six star
signs were Jiang Xie.
However, this answer tripped all of N’s nerves. He cried out almost immediately, “You are
Xie Xi was stunned for a moment. Oh, he remembered… After repairing the Collapsed God,
he redesigned the quasi-world with Jiang Xie.
The system wanted to publish the designer’s name so he gave himself a code name. Jiang
Xie was X and he was IE, together it was XIE. Xie Xi thought of the IE browser and
inexplicably felt a bit of amusement.
Yet N could so quickly guess it was him. This was worthy of being a famous god player in
As for the repair mission, the Central Government didn’t make it public and Xie Xi’s
occupation also wasn’t public.
N was really wise to guess so much from a few short words.
Xie Xi answered, “Yes, I am.”
N paused for a long time and when he spoke again, his voice slightly trembled. “Why can
you design a SSS-grade quasi-world?”
The Collapsed God was repaired and redesigned to become a SSS-grade quasi-world.
Xie Xi didn’t open his mouth and just looked at N.
N immediately understood his meaning and declared, “I can give up the erasure task.”
Hearing this sentence, Xie Xi released his clenched fists. It was easier than expected but this
was also expected. Abandoning this mission was a small loss for N. As compensation, he
could get important information from Xie Xi and this was very cost-effective.
Xie Xi explained, “After the repair, the quasi-world can be redesigned.”
There was a certain risk saying this. After all, the designers of the SSS-grade world were he
and Jiang Xie. Perhaps N could infer the designer of this world…
Xie Xi really didn’t want to expose Jiang Xie since he was always afraid that N would hurt
Jiang Xie.
N instantly exclaimed, “This is X’s quasi-world!”
Xie Xi was tense and ready to fight.
Fortunately, N wanted to surpass Jiang Xie but there were no ideas of killing him. N just
muttered, “No wonder it is so complete.”
This was something Xie Xi was inexperienced in. He hadn’t been to other collapsed quasi-
worlds and didn’t know what those worlds were like. He only thought there were
thousands of collapsed worlds and countless possibilities apart from Jiang Xie.
In fact, only a handful of people could design such a complete quasi-world. In particular,
this quasi-world was collapsing yet the system was still perfect.
N glanced at Xie Xi and asked, “If you repair the quasi-world and then redesign it, the rating
can improve right?”
There was nothing to hide and Xie Xi nodded. “Yes.”
N paused before seeming to speak with slight difficulty. “Once you are back in Central, can
you please do me a favour?”
Xie Xi stared blankly.
“I can help you complete the repair task here. After returning to Central, you can ask me for
anything. I only hope that you…”
Xie Xi understood. “You want me to help you repair the quasi-world that you designed?”
N nodded.
Xie Xi explained, “The repair tasks I receive are random and I can’t specify which world to
go to.”
In fact, he was designated as the exclusive Repairer of Jiang Xie. However, if this was Jiang
Xie’s last collapsed world then he might be able to repair other quasi-worlds.
N replied, “It’s fine. As long as you receive my quasi-world, try to repair it.”
Xie Xi, “…”
He suddenly thought that this Yunge master was a bit miserable. Xie Xi couldn’t help
thinking of Yan Zhe’s previous words to him. Both Jiang Xie and N had touched the centre.
Xie Xi hesitated before opening his mouth. “If I meet your quasi-world, I will fix it but I have
a question.”
“Say it, I’ll do whatever I can.”
Xie Xi opened his mouth again. “You touched the centre, right?”
N was silent.
Xie Xi continued to ask. This was the best opportunity and he would regret it if he missed it.
“Can you tell me what you saw?”
N’s eyes stared at Xie Xi, as if staring into the depths of his soul. “You want to know what X
At this point, there was nothing to hide. Xie Xi nodded. “Yes, I want to know.”
N still stared at Xie Xi and after a while, he muttered, “X’s luck is so good.”
Xie Xi, “…”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GL: Chapter 303
Can’t Be Erased End

If it wasn’t that N’s tone was too sincere, Xie Xi would think he was satirizing Jiang Xie…
After all, Jiang Xie’s luck was well known. His face was so dark that no one could match it.
Of course, there were Yan Zhe and the others who saw X’s path. They knew how he reached
all the way to his present point.
Xie Xi waited for N’s next words because he thought N would tell him.
N carefully examined Xie Xi for a while before stating, “I’m unsure about what X saw and
can only explain my own.”
“Thank you very much.”
N’s eyes flashed as he seemed to be remembering something. “It was an indescribable
experience. Even now, I can’t fully understand it…”
He spoke slowly and Xie Xi listened with some fascination.
The so-called touching the centre didn’t really touch anything. For a moment, the player’s
consciousness became the central consciousness. They went from a single individual to an
omnipotent existence.
He saw thousands of worlds with one glance. He saw every mountain, tree, grass and even
the small ants hiding in the grass and countless tiny microorganisms.
The infinite perspective was infinitely fine. The space that couldn’t be measured seemed to
have only one point.
With just a glance, he saw the past and future of countless people and things in the world.
It felt like life was being born in their eyes.
N spoke, “It was an indescribable shock. It is difficult to understand without experiencing
Xie Xi nodded. “It is really hard to understand.”
Infinity and one point, the past and future, the various contradictory affairs mixed together
and human thoughts that were beyond understanding and couldn’t be imagined.
Xie Xi asked again, “What did you realize to make you start designing quasi-worlds?”
N smiled and replied, “I can help you guess what X was thinking.”
Xie Xi was startled.
N continued, “In that look, it was possible to skip time and space to see the future. Such as…
i if you are lucky, you can see the birth of a person who fits your soul. This person will fill in
your vacant soul and become your belief in living, making your dull life brilliant.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened and he felt that things were more incomprehensible.
N stated, “If I’m not mistaken, X must’ve seen you.”
Xie Xi couldn’t say a word. He didn’t know how to understand these words. He suddenly
wanted to see Jiang Xie and ask him.
N then said, “Designing the quasi-worlds at all cost isn’t only for the continuation of Central.
it is because only by going forward can you get out of the island.”
Then N repeated his previous words. “X is lucky.”
He saw the dawn in ‘the future’ and fought hard to move forward, waiting for this man to
finally arrive.
Xie Xi’s senses couldn’t return for a long time and N told him, “My skill is time-sensitive. We
will soon return to the quasi-world.”
Xie Xi didn’t ask him what this place was and he didn’t care to ask.
He could imagine that it was similar to Jiang Xie’s white space.
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi to the white space to protect him. N used this space to restrain the
The heavy Xie Xi once again stood in the black and gold grounds of the temple.
N still looked the same as he told Xie Xi, “I have given up the erasure task. I will see you in
Xie Xi saw his figure disappearing and his senses only returned after a while. “Thank you…”
N told him, “Hopefully, you’ll fix the quasi-world that I’ve designed.”
“Yes, I will take seriously every world I repair.”
N disappeared and left the quasi-world.
At this time, Yan Zhe’s group hurried over. “How was it? Did you get hurt?”
As he asked, Yan Zhe’s hand was covered with the unique light of his magic.
Xie Xi’s lips curved. “I’m fine, I have no injuries.”
Yan Zhe was relieved.
Then Nan Yi exclaimed, “N gave up the task!”
They were a team and could see the news. The other four were stunned as they glanced at
Xie Xi.
Xie Xi had nothing to hide and told the ins and outs. Of course, he didn’t mention the
touching the centre.
He wasn’t clear about this thing and rather than being vague, it was better to wait until the
time when they touched it themselves.
Listening to the entire story, Nan Yi muttered, “If I had designed so many failed worlds, I
wouldn’t offend the person who could repair them and raise the rating.”
It wasn’t just not being able to afford to offend the person, the repairer was directly an
Yan Zhe glanced at Xie Xi. He didn’t open his mouth but Xie Xi understood. He gently
nodded and Yan Zhe relaxed when he also understood.
“In that case…” Yan Zhe said, “We’ll quickly give up the task.”
If they gave up, they would leave this quasi-world. Gong Rui and Nan Yi showed regret
since they obviously hadn’t seen enough. They wanted to keep watching Old Jiang tear
himself up.
Yan Zhe yelled at them. “Go, oversized light bulbs!”
Xie Xi bowed deeply to them. “Seniors, thank you.”
Looking at him like this, Nan Yi was strangely embarrassed. He scratched the back of his
head and said, “We didn’t do anything.” They just watched the hilarious video while
watching melons.”
Xie Xi told them, “The fact that you entered this world is the greatest help.”
This was true. If it wasn’t for Yan Zhe’s group entering the world that was going to be
erased, Xie Xi would never be so relaxed.
They came here for the sake of Jiang Xie. Xie Xi understood this and felt grateful.
Yan Zhe opened his mouth. “Well, Old Jiang might be that type of person but he really
fought for us.”
The feelings were mutually beneficially. If Jiang Xie hadn’t treated them with all his heart
then they wouldn’t trust him so much.
Xie Xi’s chest was hot and he really longed for Jiang Xie, this bad but gentle man.
Yan Zhe’s group disappeared in front of him and Xie Xi strode out of the temple.
It was sunny outside. The battle was over and there was no blood on the open field. There
wasn’t even a trace left of the main gods.
The others had long since fled, leaving only the six star signs standing there.
Xie Xi saw the black-winged Capricorn and the adult Libra in giant dragon form. He saw the
eye-catching and handsome red-haired Sagittarius, the nimble Aquarius, Pisces with his
long hair to the ground and Scorpio with his huge scythe behind him.
All six of them were watching him. They were different people but at this moment, they all
had the same line of sight. They were all happy and contented because they had protected
their god.
Xie Xi’s nose was sour and his eyes were hot as he said, “It was hard on you.”
Xie Xi left the quasi-world and woke up again in the rose garden.
He looked at the 12 Jiang Xies in the garden and was startled…
It wasn’t over yet? He thought he would go straight back to Central.
Then the man closest to him moved.
Xie Xi just wanted to turn around when the person behind him hugged him, cool lips
against his neck. “Master, I am hungry.”
He deliberately used Sagittarius’ tone but Xie Xi was clear about the identity. “If you’re
hungry then starve!”
Jiang Xie’s eyes were full of laughter as he stated, “Cruel child.”
Xie Xi looked up and his eyes suddenly filled with tears. He tightly held onto Xie Xi.
Jiang Xie asked him, “What happened?”
Xie Xi didn’t know what to say. There was so much stuff in his chest that he couldn’t tell
what was going on.
Jiang Xie had the memories of six star signs and could guess.
He asked, “Did Yan Zhe have a big mouth again?”
Xie Xi was silent.
Jiang Xie sighed. “What did you and Old N talk about?”
Xie Xi released him and seriously asked, “What did you see when you touched the centre?”
These things were so long ago that Jiang Xie had almost forgotten. What did he see…
As N stated, he saw countless things but also seemed to see only one point. There were
thousands of worlds but in the end, there was only a small person. The man who took him
off the island.
Jiang Xie sighed. “…I saw you.”
Xie Xi stared at him. “I don’t understand.”
Jiang Xie leaned down towards him and asked, “Do you understand time?”
Xie Xi didn’t know how to answer. He said he understood but he didn’t understand.
Jiang Xie told him that time was created by humanity. Whether it existed or not was
Xie Xi didn’t make a sound and Jiang Xie added, “The passage of time is when we become
old, sick and die.”
He continued, “Of course, you can also interpret it as the state of heat flowing.”
For example, a piece of paper was ignited, turned into ashes and could no longer be
changed back to paper. Time passed for a person from young to old until they finally died.
How could time be defined at Central? Players didn’t become older and paper that turned
into ashes could change back to paper.
The reference for time was lost. Xie Xi could understand this but he didn’t understand.
Jiang Xie smiled and continued, “The moment I touched the centre, I saw the future.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “What does that mean?”
Did Jiang Xie know everything that happened so far?
Jiang Xie knew what he was thinking and comforted him. “My future had countless
possibilities and I saw countless endings. I finally decided on a new one.”
Xie Xi understood a bit. “Your saying… your future…” Many of them didn’t have him.
He couldn’t say this.
Jiang Xie kissed the tip of his nose. “You are the one I desire most.”
He would pay any price for this.
Xie Xi couldn’t recover for a long time.
Jiang Xie embraced him, “Don’t think too much. Time doesn’t exist and the future is now.”
Jiang Xie touched the centre and saw countless things, giving up countless things.
He saw what the future held. What did it matter where he was standing or where he was in
time? He only wanted what he wanted, a future with Xie Xi.
No. In fact, there was no future because every moment was now.
As long as he stepped on this point, there was nothing to fear, even if there was infinite
emptiness around him.
Xie Xi understood a bit. “You gave up on the known future and chose the most difficult
“I finally met you.”
Jiang Xie’s luck was very poor and he often wandered on the edge of life and death because
he avoided the established future, avoided the way ahead and embarked on the most
thorny road to the complete unknown.
It was because at the end of the road was a beautiful rose garden where the future he most
desired was standing.
It was now—embracing Xie Xi.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GL: Chapter 304

End of Main Text

It took a while for Xie Xi’s senses to return…

This was something he couldn’t imagine.
Jiang Xie didn’t see their future but he created their present. Jiang Xie didn’t wait in place.
He plunged into the darkness towards the unknown with clenched hands.
Xie Xi remembered the first encounter between them, remembered that Jiang Xie forgot
everything in the open world but was still close to him. He remembered that in the many
small worlds after that, the souls had a deep affection for him.
Even if space, time or the body was erased, Xie Xi was the only coordinate in front of Xie Xi.
Unsuppressible heat flowed in his chest cavity. Xie Xi touched his forehead to Jiang Xie’s
forehead and his lips quivered. “You are… stupid.”
Jiang Xie’s mouth curved and his voice was low and pleasant. “Smart Xie Xi, please like the
fool in front of you?”
The words destroyed the atmosphere. Xie Xi stared at him and declared, “I don’t like him.”
Jiang Xie bent over and watched him with a smile.
Xie Xi hugged his neck and kissed his lips, declaring, “I love him.” What like? This was love.
Jiang Xie knew the answer but hearing it still caused his heart to jump. He deliberately
asked, “Who is he?’
Xie Xi’s voice was very small and light.
Jiang Xie heard it but still wanted to hear it. “Huh?”
“Jiang Xie, I love Jiang Xie.”
Jiang Xie picked up the other person and threw him on the bed. If he could bear this then he
wasn’t human!
The two people loved each other for a long time. It wasn’t until Xie Xi was too tired to even
move his hair that Jiang Xie stopped.
Xie Xi had drawn a house in the garden. It wasn’t only the bedroom but also the bathroom,
living room, kitchen etc.
It was easy to draw when he could think of anything.
Jiang Xie gave Xie Xi a bath and fed him a big tonic.
Xie Xi mostly recovered but he still made a look of embarrassment and wanted to beat a
certain someone who once given an inch, wanted a mile.
He still remembered the matter in his mind and asked Jiang Xie, “The task should be
The souls were back so why hadn’t they returned to Central?
Jiang Xie replied, “The souls are found and should also need repair.”
Xie Xi sat up and gazed at this person. “How to repair them?”
Jiang Xie smiled. Xie Xi saw his smirk and had a bad feeling.
“It might be to satisfy their wishes…”
Xie Xi, “???” What other wish wasn’t satisfied?
Jiang Xie was using Sagittarius’ body. He had been holding back the small tiger’s teeth
previously but now he deliberately bit Xie Xi on the neck. “For example, feed me?”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “You… you…”
“Appetite and sex are important instincts. Being able to satisfy them together is a very
happy thing.”
Xie Xi felt a slight sting from his neck followed by an unspeakable numbness all over his
body. “You… this asshole…”
What damn repair? This person was full of perverted thoughts!
It was a pity that Xie Xi was a paper tiger made of sugar paper. He was weak in front of
Jiang Xie.
The thing that gave Xie Xi even more of a headache was that Jiang Xie’s bad idea was really
After feeding Sagittarius in all senses, Xie Xi finally saw the long-lost system panel. The
lower right corner of his vision showed the repair progress: 1/12th.
Jiang Xie deliberately asked him, “How is it? Was my solution right?”
What damn solution?
Xie Xi shared the progress.
Then Scorpio woke up and a cool hand touched him. “The undead don’t have any body
temperature. Master, please warm me up.”
Xie Xi, “…………………………”
Jiang Xie really made up his mind to recover what was owed in the small world.
The small cat ears, stiff abstinence of the suit, a succubus who didn’t like to wear clothes,
Little Chirp with the white-feathered cloak, Beast King Rose, the high status evil god… Jiang
Xie tasted all of them. The conclusion was… he wanted them another 3,000 times.
Xie Xi really fell on his head this time. Usually, Jiang Xie was unrestrained. With
justification, he was simply… a beast! Oh, Leo, Virgo and Libra were all actual beasts! He
wasn’t as good as a beast!
In short, once the progress bar was full, Xie Xi’s first sentence to Jiang Xie was, “Once we go
back to Central, you will be abstinent for 3,000 years!”
Who knew that after Jiang Xie woke up one by one, all 12 people would wake up at the
same time.
Xie Xi was stunned.
The Jiang Xies had curved lips as they asked, “Baby, what did you just say?”
Xie Xi, “………………”
Then the task was complete. Xie Xi heard the system prompt and thought he could
immediately return to Central.
Unexpectedly, a line popped up in his lower right corner. [The repair of the true spirit is
completed and the restoration of the 12 Boundaries world is completed. A new Central is
born because the origins of the 12 quasi-worlds are the same.]
Jiang Xie also saw the line of words and his entire body was a bit stunned.
Xie Xi stared at the words for a long time. He split almost every character into strokes and
then looked at it again.
In the end, he was sure that he wasn’t mistaken. The birth of a new Central? The new
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie…
Jiang Xie had enough experience. After a paused, he pulled Xie Xi into his arms. “…You
designed a new Central.”
Xie Xi’s brain couldn’t keep up. Many thoughts appeared as he asked. “Central? Here…”
Jiang Xie smiled and kissed the top of his head. “Nobody knew how the Central World came
about. Now you have unlocked the secret.”
Xie Xi was still bewildered. “I didn’t do anything.”
This wasn’t… Xie Xi finally calmed down.
He didn’t do much but Jiang Xie did a lot. He cut apart his soul to create so many quasi-
worlds. These quasi-worlds had the same origin because of the relationship between the
As long as their quasi-worlds were all connected together, a new Central would be born. It
was Xie Xi’s repair mission that tied them together.
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie. “You are the real designer.”
“I’m nothing without you.”
The new Central was designed by the two of them. The absence of one of them would mean
no new continuation.
Xie Xi looked at the space that infinitely spread in front of them and suddenly, the last
missing puzzle piece in his heart was finally found.
Perhaps the Central where they lived was born like this.
There was a great player who sacrificed himself to design the quasi-worlds. He saved the
Central Government and the thousands of worlds sheltered by the Central Government.
At the end of the day, all his quasi-worlds were strung into a ring and gave birth to a new
Perhaps the Central world wasn’t in the form of a matryoshka but was a huge branch that
infinitely forked out.
There were no ups and downs, only the vastness that continued to extend outwards.
Xie Xi looked at Jiang Xie. “Do we need to do anything?”
A new Central was born. What should they do?
Xie Xi felt that he had no power to control this place. He gave birth to it but it had nothing
to do with them.
Jiang Xie smiled. “Do you remember the world of the collapsed god?”
Xie Xi couldn’t forget.
Jiang Xie continued, “We are the incompetent creators.”
Xie Xi was shocked and understood the meaning.
Creation didn’t represent domination. The so-called Creator wasn’t high above. They might
be ordinary or even weak. Still, there were no doubts. It was they who broke through the
darkness and left hope.

End of Main Text

Guess what day it is today? xD

There are also a few extra chapters left so don’t stop reading.

GL: Chapter 305

Extra 1

The new Central didn’t belong to them. Xie Xi and Jiang Xie returned to their own Central.
They created a new Central, just like the countless quasi-worlds that had been cleared.
Once the mission was completed, they could leave and after that, there was no need to
The new world, the new Central was like an 18 year old adult. It only needed independence
and freedom.
Back in Central’s garden, Xie Xi was still a bit confused. “Are we really back this time?”
Jiang Xie moved his fingers and a water curtain appeared out of thin air.
Xie Xi smiled. “We’re back.”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Go and see the task rewards?”
Xie Xi was also very curious. “Good!”
His mission was long enough to repair 12 small worlds and he created a new Central…
Xie Xi opened the rewards interface and his eyes became more and more bigger.
Jiang Xie leaned over and was sour after one glance. “You reached half of my fortune.” He
had experienced thousands of small worlds and completed countless tasks!
Xie Xi was stunned and his senses slowly returned. “Half… are you so rich?” The golden
flashing rewards in front of him made him blind.
He couldn’t see it… he couldn’t…
There was so much good stuff that it was numb…
Jiang Xie pinched his white cheek. “Is your husband a poor man in your heart?”
Xie Xi stared at him.
Jiang Xie hugged him and suddenly suggested, “Let’s get married quickly!”
Xie Xi couldn’t keep up with this person’s brain circuit. “What?”
Jiang Xie kissed him with sighing. “If we wait any longer, my betrothal gift won’t be more
than your betrothal gift.” This was already half. After a few more tasks, he wouldn’t able to
afford his child even if he gave all his money.
What a mess!
Xie Xi pushed him away. “You are speaking nonsense.”
Jiang Xie was sincere. “Really, we should get married. There might be no legal procedures
but we can call Ah Zhe and the others to play together.” By the way, he also had to clean up
these bastards.
Xie Xi gazed at him with some anger between his eyebrows.
Jiang Xie’s heart was glued to this person and he immediately noticed it. He softened his
voice and said, “Okay, if you don’t like it…”
Before he finished, Xie Xi frowned. “We… didn’t we get married a long time ago.”
Jiang Xie was stunned.
Xie Xi’s spoke in a low voice, “Did you say that thing for fun?”
They were vague words but Jiang Xie suddenly understood.
Xie Xi was referring to the life the two people spent in Dream Come True.
They truly got married at the time and were together for over 60 years.
Since then, this child had already identified him as the only companion?
Jiang Xie’s heart was sweet and bitter as he held Xie Xi’s hand. “It is a dream but a reality for
the two people. I definitely won’t forget it.”
This was what Jiang Xie had told Xie Xi after leaving Dream Come True.
Xie Xi’s demeanour relaxed but he still looked at the other person with some anger. “Since
it is true, why get married again? We didn’t… divorce.”
Instantly, honey-like sweetness filled his chest cavity and Jiang Xie kissed Xie Xi. “You really
are my baby.”
Xie Xi couldn’t stand him saying this. ”You are speaking nonsense again.”
“Then I won’t say it.” Jiang Xie got closer. “It is better to do it a few times!”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
Fortunately, the ‘doorbell’ of the garden rang at this time.
Yan Zhe’s voice was heard. “Open the door, open the door, open the door!”
Jiang Xie felt a bit empty and cancelled the doorbell function.
Xie Xi heard it and stated, “God Yan came.”
“I’m not hurt.” The souls were all returned and the aftereffects of the white space couldn’t
harm the current Jiang Xie.
Xie Xi thought about how this was a complete Jiang Xie and his heart was particularly slid.
Of course, he was practical and couldn’t ignore their friends.
If it wasn’t for Yan Zhe, the last six small worlds would’ve never been so easy.
Xie Xi shouted, “Go open the door!”
Jiang Xie replied, “No.”
Xie Xi whispered a sentence to him.
Jiang Xie’s eyes brightened. “Don’t regret it.”
Xie Xi’s ears were red. “Is it useful for me to regret it?”
Jiang Xie let him go. The two men dressed neatly and opened the garden door.
It was more than Yan Zhe. There were all the lonely male gods.
Nan Yi opened his mouth. “Neglecting your friends when smitten with a new love Old
Jiang!” Letting them wait outside for so long, he wanted to know what was going on!
Jiang Xie told him, “Disturbing love, I wish you a lifetime of being single.”
T-The heart was pierced!
Nan Yi now had a ‘handle’ in his hand and he spoke very proudly. “You can’t talk. You
appear as many people to talk about love.”
They finished the video and really laughed. It was enough for 3,000 years of fun!
Jiang Xie had long had the memories of the souls. How could he not know?
He knew them much better than Xie Xi and knew what they would do with his eyes closed.
Jiang Xie’s black materials were in the hands of others but he was still very calm. He said,
“Speaking of which, the world story of the new civilization will be put on the shelves.”
At first, this topic sounded random but all the faces of the male gods changed.
Jiang Xie spoke slowly. “The wonderful performance of the five god level players, shouldn’t
I share it with Central. I will let everyone watch and study it.”
Yan Zhe took the lead in having his hairs raised. “No!”
Jiang Xie wondered, “Why not? It is a SSS-grade world and didn’t the five of you work
Language was mobilized. The contents of the words really caused a desire to beat up this
However, they couldn’t beat him…
Xie Xi finally responded.
The new civilization was the quasi-world that he and Jiang Xie redesigned after the repair.
In other words, it was the world where they became planets.
Xie Xi saw a bit of the live broadcast at the time.
Qin Ge became a stare and the other four were planets.
The star was hot and cold and couldn’t get close out of fear he might swallow up the four
The four planets were also very sad. One was poisonous, one was too small, one was a lazy
rock and the other worked hard to raise a lower life form only to have it die.
The task of these five balls was to create a new civilization and they were tossed badly.
Jiang Xie was the designer so he had the world story and could clearly see the five balls’
‘hard work.’
It was unknown what the five big men had gone through but even Gong Rui had an
expression of ‘life and death’ and cried out, “It can’t be put on the shelf!”
General Qin was honest. “It is too… shameful.”
Nan Yi was even more urgent. “Old Jiang, if you dare to put it on the shelves then I will fight
with you!”
Jiang Xie spoke, “I haven’t seen it yet. Is the SSS-grade mission very difficult?”
All five had constipated expressions.
Jiang Xie added, “You have experienced the heaven and earth god level missions. What is
the SSS level?”
Yan Zhe exclaimed, “That is different! The former is erasing and the latter is clearing it!”
The task of erasing was basically wiping out everything, especially for the violent Jiang Xie
and Nan Yi. It was simply killing from beginning to end!
In the five balls, they didn’t kill and were stupid to the extreme! They did many stupid
things and didn’t dare to recall them.
If this was released to the Central Government, it definitely wouldn’t be Old Jiang who
would be laughed at for 3,000 years. It would be them!
Jiang stated, “Oh, this really isn’t suitable for public release.”
Nonsense! This wasn’t watching for studying. It was called public punishment!
Looking at his pretentious appearance, how could the five people not understand?
He was full of unwillingness but for his own face, Zong Xia took the initiative in handing
over the video they could reminisce about for 3,000 years.
General Qin didn’t pay anything because he didn’t have any videos.
After recovering the videos, Jiang Xie made a satisfied smile. “It won’t be on any shelves.
Although I can sell it for a lot of money, you know the most important thing I have is
Everyone, “…………………………”
They regretted it. They really wanted to beat him down in a life and death struggle!
Nan Yi refused to accept defeat. “So what if there is no video? We have all seen it and it is
carefully imprinted in our minds!”
Xie Xi, “…” It was a shame!
Jiang Xie wasn’t the same. His face didn’t change and his heart didn’t jump. He could also
counter them. “Your mind is full of my love story with Little Xie. Are you happy?”
Nan Yi, “…”
He stabbed Jiang Xie. “Very happy, the love of seven people is rare.”
Jiang Xie spoke again. “Yes, I divided into six parts and they all love Little Xie.”
Gong Rui was also caught.
Jiang Xie stared at Xie Xi with deep feelings. “No matter what I become, Little Xie likes me.”
This remark caused a strong discomfort and the single dogs quit the group chat.
The male gods who rushed over and returned as feathers were very unwilling. “How can
we not beat this old animal?”
God Yan replied, “It is because you don’t have his thick face!”
The gods felt sorrowful…
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry as he looked at Jiang Xie. “I have never seen you
with such a thick face!”
Jiang Xie made an innocent expression. “I am telling the truth.”
He was really honest…
Even if he divided into 120 parts, he would fall in love with Xie Xi at first sight. Even if he
divided into 120 parts, Xie Xi would recognize him with one glance.
He was honest but this was already the biggest show-off.
Xie Xi’s heart was sweet and his eyes full of laughter.
Jiang Xie kissed him. “The people are gone. Shall we continue? You promised me that I
What did this damn person want!
Xie Xi just wanted to be abstinent when he saw the garden full of roses and suddenly
remembered something. “Why do you like roses so much?”
The garden was full of roses and there was also the shadow of roses in the quasi-worlds
that Jiang Xie designed.
Not to mention that Xie Xi was the flower god and Beast King Rose…
Jiang Xie paused.
Xie Xi glanced at him. “Did you see something when you touched the centre?”
Jiang Xie spoke lightly. “I once saw you among roses.”
Xie Xi’s eyes widened. “What happened next?” It definitely wasn’t a good future.
Jiang Xie replied, “The next time I saw you, you weren’t breathing.”
Xie Xi’s heart was tugged.
Jiang Xie stared at him. “That doesn’t exist.” He told Xie Xi, “Only what we believe now is
Xie Xi was even more distressed and kissed him. “You avoided all the futures. How could
you be sure that there would be a now?”
Even if he didn’t see the future, there would still be countless possibilities when walking
the path of adversity.
Jiang Xie spoke in a low voice. “I wasn’t sure…”
He was really unsure but…”
He stared at Xie Xi and declared, “Even if there was only one-millionth of a chance, I was
going to try it.”
Fortunately, he met the present.
Jiang Xie’s luck was good.
Was there anything more fortunate than fulfilling his lifetime’s wish?
Perhaps it should be said that Jiang Xie never relied on luck.
He took step by step, separating himself from the shackles of fate and seeing the light at the
end of the tunnel.

Haha, no one guessed that I meant it is the day GL ends.

GL: Chapter 306

Extra 2

The male gods who just fled came back.

Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows and stared at the five people like they had one character
written on each of their foreheads, spelling out: we are lightbulbs.
There were five people and six characters (in Chinese). Old Qin’s forehead was big and he
had one more character written on it.
Xie Xi was still immersed in his previous conversation with Xie Xi and his mind didn’t
return for a while.
Yan Zhe took the initiative to open his mouth. “Okay, don’t stare at us like we’re enemies.
We have something to tell you.”
Xie Xi’s senses returned and he glanced at Yan Zhe. “God Yan, what happened?”
Compared to talking to Old Jiang, Yan Zhe preferred Little Rose. “We have all received a
new task.”
Xie Xi hadn’t responded yet when Yan Zhe and the others opened their system panel.
Xie Xi saw five different quasi-worlds, all of which were SSS-grade. The designers were X
and IE. In other words, Jiang Xie and Xie Xi.
Xie Xi was startled.
Jiang Xie stated, “They are just the 12 repaired quasi-worlds.”
Nan Yi was sour. “Designing 12 quasi-worlds in one breath, you are crazy! The outside is
boiling up.”
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie with doubts in his eyes. They hadn’t gone to the designer’s hall
yet. How was the design completed?
Jiang Xie waved his hand and spoke to Nan Yi. “What is 12? There will be 120, 1200,
Nan Yi immediately cried out, “stop! In the future, all the high level worlds in Central will be
designed y you!”
Jiang Xie’s lips curved and he humbly admitted it.
Xie Xi’s mouth twitched as he understood the meaning of Jiang Xie’s smile. It was more than
a high level world, they even designed a Central Government.
However, this was too alarming that Jiang Xie didn’t mention it to anyone.
Jiang Xie might love to brag but he had a sense of proportion. He was clearer than anyone
else about what should be said and what shouldn’t be said.
Jiang Xie asked them, “Why, do you want to play?”
The men who played as the five balls all had complicated expressions. They were afraid of
speaking and being pitted. They spent billions of years as a foolish planet. Anyone who
heard this would be sad enough to shed tears.
They could say they didn’t want to go but they were too curious. The tasks they could
accept now were very limited. The erasing tasks were to fight and kill. This was repetitive
and monotonous. They had been tired of it long ago.
The tasks of other quasi-worlds were too low and they simply couldn’t enter. Oh, they could
enter like Old Jiang by evil exchanging a price but who knew what they would lose? They
didn’t have an extremely lucky physique.
Thus, it was tempting to have many unknown small worlds of their level.
In fact, Xie Xi was also very curious but he was now a designer. He couldn’t enter the
worlds of his own design and could only watch them.
Finally, Yan Zhe cried out, “Why won’t we go? Don’t keep goods within your family!”
They might’ve acted foolishly for several billion years but the rewards were very rich and
there were many good things that could be encountered.
They entered the mission world in front of Jiang Xie and Xie Xie.
Xie Xi curiously asked Jiang Xie, “In the new civilization, God Yan and the others really
stayed for billions of years…”
What a terrible amount of time.
Jiang Xie smirked. “The life of a planet can’t be measured from a human perspective, just as
a fly can’t imagine the lifespan of a human.”
Xie Xi smiled. “Yes.”
Having experienced so much, he was still easily bound by time and space.
At first glance, it was terrible that they lived for billions of years as a planet. Then what
about humans who had a long life compared to mayflies? They didn’t feel that their life was
short. The same was true for planets.
Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie and spoke sincerely. “I still need to learn.”
In terms of understanding, the gap between him and Jiang Xie was very large.
Jiang Xie laughed and held his waist. “Rest assured, I will teach you well. This pose…”
Xie Xi, “…” He would give this trash teacher a hammer!
After fighting for a while, Xie Xi asked, “We didn’t go to the designer’s hall. Why was the
design of the quasi-world a success?”
“It is because these quasi-worlds are the new Central.
Xie Xi’s eyes widened.
Jiang Xie explained, “The 12 worlds formed a new Central but they aren’t mature enough so
players need to clear them.”
Xie Xi understood.
“Once cleared, they are the beginning of a new Central!”
“Yes,” Jiang Xie nodded. “After being cleared, the new Central will select the first generation
of players from the new worlds.”
Then there would be a new cycle, just like the current Central.
Xie Xi asked, “Then we designed these 12 quasi-worlds in the new Central Government?”
There were many unknowns ahead but as long as they were with each other, they would
always find the answer. This was the joy of life.
It was because he was looking at the system panel that Xie Xi saw a friend application.
He looked at it and was N, master of Yunge.
Xie Xi glanced towards Jiang Xie. His panel was open to Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie could also
see it.
Jiang Xie explained to him, “IE is a code name but there are items that allowed people to
search for you using it.”
Of course, low level players couldn’t get this type of item but N certainly could.
Jiang Xie spoke again, “You can set permissions here so that people can’t find you even if
they have items.”
Xie Xi first accepted N’s friend request before turning off the search permission.
12 quasi-worlds had been designed in a row and there was a chance IE was now bigger
than X. People would want to add him as a friend.
Rather than inviting trouble, it was better to close it as soon as possible.
Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “Don’t take Old N seriously. He’s just looking for a naive and
capable person to do his work.”
Xie Xi didn’t agree. “He isn’t hostile to you. He knew it was your quasi-world but happily
gave up the task.”
Xie XI and N’s negotiations might be a mutually beneficial transaction but if N had other
ideas, he could still do something.
Yet he didn’t.
He honestly told Xie Xi what he saw after touching the centre and easily gave up the task.
Compared to the scum members of Yunge that he previously met, the master wasn’t so
Jiang Xie stated, “He only values your identity as a Repairer.”
Xie Xi looked at him. “He was bullied by you yet doesn’t want to kill you. I think he is very
“That’s because he is weak.”
How could Xie Xi not understand this person’s small mind. He smiled and asked, “Can’t you
grow up a bit? Why must you always drink a pot of vinegar?”
Jiang Xie kissed him. “Who made you so good?!”
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “Okay, let go!”
His heart was as sweet as honey. He obtained a new task and it even…
Jiang Xie saw this and became sourer. “You really want to repair his garbage world?”
Yes, Xie Xi found the collapsed world that N had designed.
Xie Xi’s mouth was curved and he looked very happy.
Jiang Xie became even unhappier.
Then Xie Xi spoke and the old vinegar instantly sweetened to honey.
Xie Xi said, “Then your souls are truly all recovered.”
If there was still a collapsed world out there, Xie Xi would definitely be the first to find it.
Now… it was someone else’s world. This meant he brought back all the souls.
Jiang Xie was in a good mood and the name N wasn’t so disgusting.
Xie Xi added, “It’s quite a coincidence. The first time I randomly searched for a world, it
turned out to be N’s world.”
At this time, N who was added as a friend sent a message to Xie Xi: I received the world that
you and X designed.”
Out of 12 quasi-worlds, the male gods received five and other god level players must’ve
received it.
Xie Xi also replied to him: I also received the task of repairing your quasi-world.
N replied very quickly: Thank you very much.
They were simple words but anyone could see his nervousness and excitement.
Xie Xi looked at N and couldn’t help thinking of the previous Jiang Xie, his heart sad.
At this moment, Jiang Xie didn’t forget to devalue the ‘dangerous element.’ He said, “it isn’t
a coincidence. There is a high probability. It is unknown how many of N’s quasi-worlds
have collapsed in these years. All of us have received a task to erase them.”
The worse the collapse, the higher the chance it had of being selected.
Xie Xi remembered this matter and asked, “Why is N so obsessed with designing a quasi-
“It should be what he saw.”
Xie Xi paused before asking, “Did he see me?”
Jiang Xie explained, “He couldn’t see you because…”
He didn’t finish but Xie Xi understood and smiled at Jiang Xie. “Yes, because I don’t belong
to any future.”
Jiang Xie corrected his words. “You don’t belong to any destined future.”
Xie Xi expressed the words in his heart. “You saved me.’
Jiang Xie was slightly shocked.
Xie Xi looked up at him and pointed out the thing that Jiang Xie deliberately spoke vaguely
“In the destined future, I died early. It is because of your efforts that I am no alive.”
Jiang Xie’s lips quivered before he hugged Xie XI. “The future that doesn’t happen is false
and non-existent.”
Xie Xi also hugged him. “I know that only what we believe is real.”
However, Jiang Xie did see it.
He saw Xie Xi’s death and the worse ending. Then he smashed through all the thorns,
carrying countless sufferings as he waited for Xie Xi, guarding him from the beginning.
At a time when Xie Xi didn’t know and when he couldn’t think about it, Jiang Xie had been
waiting for him.
What was Xie Xi’s good luck?
His good luck was that he encountered Jiang Xie from the beginning.
He went from nothing to the present situation and was very satisfied.
It was because someone had been paying for him silently.

GL: Chapter 307

Extra 3

Only Jiang Xie and Xie Xi went to repair N’s collapsed quasi-world.
The male gods split up to clear the quasi-worlds Jiang Xie and Xie Xi designed, one by one
scrambling like they were collecting stamps to see who could clear more.
Yan Zhe couldn’t act alone and Nan Yi sincerely invited him, but he teamed up with General
Qin in order to be less angry.
Later, he was half dead because of this piece of wood.
The designers could also participate in repairing the collapsed world, which meant they
could invite N.
However, Jiang Xie didn’t allow it.
His words were straightforward and arrogant. “It is a world of two people. Why do you
want a third party?”
Xie Xi also didn’t want to invite N. After all, they weren’t familiar with each other.
In addition, he barely acted alone with the complete Jiang Xie so he was looking forward to
“We are going to do the task. You have to do it seriously!” Xie Xi stared at Jiang Xie.
Jiang Xie was happy. “I am serious as long as there is no one else.”
Xie Xi really believed in his evil!
For their repair mission, both of them were very relaxed and had no psychological burden.
It was necessary to repair and try to change it from a collapsed world to a complete quasi-
world but if they failed, it could be repeated and no one would die.
What’s more, Jiang Xie was already at the peak. If it couldn’t be repaired then he could
directly kill and change it to an erasure task.
For an erasure task, Jiang Xie was too familiar and there was no suspense.
Before entering the quasi-world, Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “N only successfully designed an F-
grade quasi-world. Why is the level so high after the collapse?”
Xie Xi remembered Jiang Xie mentioning that he took a lot of tasks to erase N’s quasi-
Jiang Xie replied, “Because he wants to be better.”
“He only has the ability to design F-grade quasi0worlds but he keeps trying to design S-
grade quasi-worlds, investing a lot of effort and resources only to finally fail. However, the
‘things’ are still there and are waiting to be cleaned up, so the level is very high.”
Xie Xi understood.
N’s quasi-worlds collapsed because he wanted to design something more advanced.
It was like someone wanting to build a building only for it to finally fail. However, building
materials such as reinforced concrete bricks were used and more than half had been used
in the building. It wasn’t’ difficult to relocate these used materials.
Therefore, the level of the erasure tasks released would increase a lot.
Xie Xi pressed the button to accept the task.
He was a bit nervous. After all, in a sense, this was the first time he and Jiang Xie were really
doing a task.
The open world counted but Jiang Xie had no brains, oh he lost his memory, and forgot
This time was different. Jiang Xie was the complete Jiang Xie and he wasn’t lacking
This was their first trip and it was a bit like a honeymoon after many years of marriage.
Xie Xi entered the quasi-world with such feelings and then…
What honeymoon? Who would honeymoon in such a terrible place?
Xie Xi opened his eyes and found himself in a dark prison.
It was gloomy and damp, with dead air everywhere. The iron windows were dark and cold
rushed in like there were endless ice and rain outside.
Xie Xi shuddered and saw the information panel.
[Game Name: The Collapsed Girl.
Game Summary: The girl’s mother died giving birth to her and her father committed a
felony and was confined in the island prison. The girl and her grandmother live together
and life is difficult. Even worse, the grandmother’s mental state is unstable and she often
goes crazy and hurts people. The girl didn’t leave and stays at home to care for his
grandmother while looking forward to the release of her father…
Main Task: Repair the collapsed girl.
Side Mission: None
Number of Loads: None.
Carried items: Golden item box with nine grids.
Back in Central, Xie Xi’s god’s wisdom returned to the beginner’s version without the
omnipotence of before.
Of course, his skills, items and kitten were back.
Now that they were in the quasi-world, Xie Xi pulled out Roast Pork Bun.
The kitten plunged into his arms.
Xie Xi held him and felt that the prison wasn’t as gloomy anymore. He told the kitten. “Go
look for Jiang Xie. See where he is.”
Roast Pork Bun immediately replied, “Received!”
He used the cat’s paw to make a salute, causing Xie Xi to smile and poke him. “Don’t go too
far. If you can’t find him then come back.”
“Yes!” Then Roast Pork Bun flew away on small wings.
Then there was the sound of footsteps. The door pushed open and a fat man in a police
uniform dropped his police cap. “Fuck…”
He was just cursing when he saw Xie Xi. He picked up the hat and immediately saluted.
Xie Xi, “…”
Yes, Xie Xi might be in a prison but he was a prison guard and it wasn’t a low ranking
The fat man said, “I didn’t expect you to be here and was rude.”
“It’s fine.” He stood up, black shoes stepping on the ground and making a small sound.
The fat prison guard seemed very afraid of him. The guard tried to straighten his body
while his forehead was already sweating.
Xie Xi found that he was holding a whip in his hand.
Why did he fell weird…
If it wasn’t for the fact that this was N’s quasi-world, Xie Xi would think that the souls were
playing again.
The fat prison guard glanced at his whip before staring straight ahead, looking like he was
going to cry. “S-Sir, I’m not lazy. It is that madman, the madman…”
At this time, the kitten flew back. He was invisible in the quasi-world and even his voice
couldn’t be heard.
Roast Pork Bun said, “I found Father. He is locked in a cage.”
Xie Xi wasn’t too surprised.
In the prison, he was a prison guard and Jiang Xie was a prisoner. This was a routine
Xie Xi told the fat prison guard, “Take me to see.”
The fat guard instantly replied, “Okay!”
They walked out of the gloomy room.
It might be an office but it was almost the same as a cage, with the same damp walls and
iron doors.
The only difference was that the prison guards could leave the cage while the prisoners
Xie Xi walked and everyone who saw him straightened, afraid to look at him. It was as if he
was a cruel tyrant.
Xie Xi’s mind was on the game summary and he felt that one of the clues should be to find
the girl’s father.
Perhaps he needed to save her father?
He had a lot of thoughts in his mind and he would slowly discuss it after meeting Jiang Xie.
He came to a sturdy iron door when Roast Pork Bun cried out, “Father is in there!”
Xie Xi ordered, “Open the door.”
The fat prison guard showed an expression of horror. “I just gave the madman medicine. If
it is opened now then he might continue to go mad…’
Oh, the madman was Jiang Xie…
Xie Xi ordered coldly, “Open the door.”
This was his order. The prison guard was a bit baffled but he still did it.
The iron door that had several reinforced layers was opened and Xie Xi saw the man sitting
in a corner against the wall.
His left leg was propped up, his arm was on his knees and his right leg was idle. His casual
posture didn’t look like he was chained up.
Xie Xi stared at him and the other person also looked up, different coloured eyes in the dark
night giving off a strange charm.
The guard immediately said, “Sir, please be careful. This person is mad…”
Xie Xi tried not to smile but there was a small smile in his eyes.
In the team channel, Jiang Xie asked: Is the prison boss so beautiful?”
Xie Xi: Is the prisoner so confused?
Jiang Xie: I see the prison boss likes it.”
Then he raised his eyebrows.
Xie Xi wanted to laugh when talking to him but he said: Be serious, what is your situation?”
Jiang Xie shared the mission with him and it was generally no different from Xie Xi’s
Xie Xi asked: You aren’t that girl’s father, are you?
Jiang Xie: How is that possible? My partner is a man and can’t give birth to children.
Xie Xi: Get lost!
At this time, a prison guard spoke up. “Sir, don’t stimulate him…”
Xie Xi ordered, “You all go out.”
He had to find a way to escape with Jiang Xie and it was best to check the girl’s father.
The prison guards hesitated, eyes full of panic.
Xie Xi gave them a look. The prison guards were all afraid of Xie Xi so they obediently went
People were gone but there was still monitoring. Xie Xi didn’t rush towards Jiang Xie and
just examined him.
His wrists and ankles were bound by heavy chains. An ordinary person tied up like this
probably won’t be able to stand up.
Xie Xi asked in the team channel: How to get out?
Jiang Xie: How do you want to get out?
Xie Xi thought about a few options, his brain circuits fixed on how to escape.
However, Jiang Xie…
He smiled and said: I’m asking if you want to be taken out while held by me or…”
The next moment, the chains binding him were broken like soft noodles. He stood up on tall
legs. He stood in the shadows and stared at the beautiful warden in black uniform.
Xie Xi, “……”
Jiang Xie pulled Xie Xi into his arms, eyes falling on the neck. “People who look good can
really wear anything.” The tight neckline was perfect for the slender neck and gave off an
aloof temptation.
Xie Xi didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “Be serious!”
Jiang Xie was about to open his mouth when the iron door opened. The prison guards
outside saw the situation and immediately shouted, “X is going crazy! Kill him!”
There was the sound of a loud bullet from behind Xie Xi.
Xie Xi didn’t have time to take out a different space shield when Jiang Xie already protected
him, blocking the bullets.
Xie Xi’s pupils shrank.
Jiang Xie comforted him. “Don’t be afraid, this type of weapon can’t hurt me.”
Xie Xi thought of the god level full qualifications and was relieved.
Who knew that Jiang Xie would smile and say, “However, I have a problem with this
character. Once attacked, I will go crazy.”
The startled Xie Xi asked him, “What will happen if you go crazy?”
“You’ll know immediately.”
It was as if a nuclear bomb exploded. The island prison was razed to the ground.
Xie Xi stood on the empty sea and was stunned.
Jiang Xie told him, “The role is set like this. Once I go crazy, I will involuntarily release my
The consequence of releasing his power was… the enter island disappeared into thin air.
There was a big hole at their feet and seawater was rushing in, forming a deep blue vortex.
Xie Xi stared at the other person for a long time. “We are here to repair the quasi-world.”
Jiang Xie was quite aggrieved. “I have been very restrained.”
If he wasn’t restrained then the task would be over. It wasn’t completing the repair task
but… the erasure task.
Xie Xi’s brain started hurting!
He suddenly understood God Yan’s troubles who said it was too boring when working with
Jiang Xie on a task.
It was indeed… no fun at all!

GL: Chapter 308

Extra 4

“What will happen?” Xie Xi was forced to ask the violent element in front of him.
Jiang Xie was silent.
Xie Xi eyed him. “The prison is gone. What about the girl’s father?”
The important task clue was wiped out like this. How was he going to repair the collapsed
This wasn’t called repair, this was definitely aggravating the girl’s collapse!
Jiang Xie held him and flew away from the sea.
Xie Xi didn’t ask much. Jiang Xie was in a state of full qualifications and flying was a small
It didn’t take long for them to reach the shore and Jiang Xie found a very remote place to
He said, “Don’t worry. Once I control this body, we will go to the girl’s house first to check.”
If the girl’s father was in prison then there was no doubt that he had disappeared.
However, the news wouldn’t spread so quickly and they could take advantage of this
opportunity to act.
It could only be like this… Xie Xi looked at Jiang Xie and asked, “Can you control it?”
The setting of his role was so terrible.
A madman who couldn’t control his power. If it was the original prisoner then at most, he
would smash the walls of the iron cage and not deal too much damage.
It wasn’t the same for Prisoner Jiang Xie.
He tried to suppress his strength but unfortunately, his body’s self-protection mechanism
was triggered after being attacked. So… the island was gone.
Jiang Xie replied, “It is a type of mental pollution and will take some time.”
Xie Xi knew that Jiang Xie would be fine but he still felt a bit worried. “You…”
He hadn’t finished when Jiang Xie smiled and kissed him. “The elephant was stung by an
ant. Would something happen?”
What was this metaphor…
Xie Xi stated, “Look at where the sting is.”
Elephant Jiang replied, “Yes, if you were stung then I’ll die of pain.”
Xie Xi took a moment to understand before he reacted. “Who wants to be an elephant with
“Of course, you’re not an elephant. You are my heart.”
Xie Xi, “……………………”
He had been poor all his life but this fellow was shameless!
Jiang Xie’s sharp eyes saw the red eyes and he quickly kissed the other person with a
beautiful heart.
After chatting a bit more, Jiang Xie cleared the madness of his character.
He had a general talk with Xie Xi about the mission.
Jiang Xie stated, “There are no souls here so the repair task is like straightening a pile of
Xie Xi silently thought, ‘The head was easy to find but you burned it.’
The prison was definitely an important clue and now…
Jiang Xie continued, “Well, it isn’t a big deal to change it to an erasure task. After all, N’s
collapsed worlds are countless.”
Xie Xi felt quite distressed for N. Such a good man of Central, how did he meet an ‘opponent’
like Jiang Xie!
Xie Xi suggested, “Come, let’s go to the girl’s house to see.”
Jiang Xie had already set the position and reached out to carry Xie Xi. “I’m offending you,
my prison warden.”
The tip of Xie Xi’s ears was red again. He closed his eyes and knew what this bastard was
thinking! Especially after the 12… after…
The girl lived in a remote village with her grandmother.
The world might be collapsed but the structure was very large. It was obvious that N’s
ambition wasn’t small and he really wanted to build a complete quasi-world.
Xie Xi felt that N wasn’t completely talentless. If he just designed a partial quasi0world then
it would be at least C or even B grade.
However, N first thought of a S-grade quasi-world, a comprehensive, complete and
independent quasi-world.
Therefore, he frequently failed and his only success had a major defect, making it F-grade.
Xie Xi and Jiang Xie arrived at the small village and instantly discovered the anomaly.
It was daytime but there was dead silence here and no smoke at all.
Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “They live here?”
“Yes.” Jiang Xie had a mission target detection item that could accurately pinpoint the
Xie Xi said, “This village doesn’t look normal.”
They walked in and found that every house had closed doors and windows while no one
came out.
It was broad daylight but they seemed to be walking in a graveyard. It was very gloomy.
Then a teenager ran out of an alley with a bag.
He was surprised when he saw Xie Xia and Jiang Xie but just bowed his head and kept
Jiang Xie held him back like he was a chick.
The teenager was frightened and pale. His mouth trembled fiercely as he shook his head. “I
don’t know, I don’t know anything. You don’t… don’t… ask me…”
Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie, eyes wondering: How does he know what we are asking?
Jiang Xie replied to him in the team channel: I’ll ask him to tell us.
Xie Xi saw Jiang Xie point to the teenager’s heart.
The next moment, the boy stopped struggling and he stood in place, as if hypnotized.
Xie Xi was shocked. He knew that god level players had many means but he was really
surprised to see it directly.
Jiang Xie asked, “What’s wrong with the village? Why do you want to escape? What don’t
you want to tell us?”
The hypnotized teenager was free of his fear. He looked in front and spoke like a robot.
“The witch… it is a witch. She is crazy… too crazy. The mad witch eats a fresh heart every
day. I don’t want to… be eaten. I’m going to… I’m going to leave here…”
He spoke intermittently. His tone was rigid but his fear and despair could still be read from
the lines.
Jiang Xie asked again, “Where is the witch?”
The teenager paled and told a place.
Jiang Xie continued to ask. “Do you know Nalene?” This was the name of the collapsed girl.
The teenager immediately replied, “No, no.. she… her grandmother…”
Jiang Xie asked again, “What happened to her grandmother?”
“…Killed a lot of people, a lot of hearts, good…’
He hadn’t finished his last sentence when he passed out.
Jiang Xie explained to Xie Xi, “The skill has a time duration and his mental strength can’t
withstand a second hypnosis.”
Xie Xi nodded. “Let’s go to Nalene’s house to see.”
Jiang Xie placed the teenager in a corner and went forward with Xie Xi.
The situation in this village was worse than expected.
There were many empty houses, blood and traces of a miserable struggle.
Jiang Xie held Xie Xi’s hand and Xie Xi glanced over. “I’m not afraid.”
Jiang Xie smiled but didn’t release his hand.
Now Xie Xi had more knowledge and such a scene wouldn’t scare him. He could hold hands
with Jiang Xie and his heart was still comfortable.
When it came to security, no one was more reliable than the person around him.
It seemed a bit contradictory but anyone who knew Jiang Xie could understand the truth.
They came to Nalene’s house.
To Xie Xi’s surprise, the girl who depended on her grandmother lived in a very big house.
The large mansion had obviously once been lively but now it was very depressing and
there was a cold, unclear atmosphere about it.
Roast Pork Bun whispered, “A haunted house!”
Xie Xi poked his head. “You know a lot.”’
Roast Pork Bun’s eyes that were the same colours as Jiang Xie’s eyes flashed as he
wondered, “Doesn’t a witch eat cats?”
Xie Xi, “…”
Jiang Xie rubbed the kitten’s head. “You should grow up a bit.”
The kitten’s fur raised as he cried out, “Father, give me another skill and make it a fighting
Jiang Xie paused.
Roast Pork Bun didn’t realize it had leaked the secret.
Xie Xi was sharp and looked over. “What?”
Roast Pork Bun reflected on himself. “…” This little broken kitten hid back in the pets bar!
Jiang Xie cleared his throat. “Go and see the girl and witch.”
Xie Xi didn’t move as he asked, “Roast Pork Bun’s Dreaming skill is something you gave
It couldn’t be hidden anymore and Jiang Xie touched his nose. “You were in Atlantis and I
was afraid you wouldn’t be able to pass.”
He was afraid that Xie Xi wouldn’t be able to complete the task of collecting the love of the
six princes.
In that world, the kitten’s Dreaming skill really did give Xie Xi a great help.
If it wasn’t for Dreaming then he would find it hard to collect the love of the six princes.
Xie XI thought of another matter and frowned. “You…” If it was easy to kill the kitten skills
then Jiang Xie would’ve stuffed Roast Pork Bun full of skills!
Jiang Xie told him, “It’s fine.”
Xie Xi also knew he was fine but when he thought that Jiang Xie was always paying
attention to him with a good heart…
Jiang Xie opened his mouth again. “I didn’t think you would receive the mission of the six
princes at that time.” He was really afraid that Xie Xi wouldn’t finish.
If he was unable to complete the task then Xie Xi would stay in the world forever and Jiang
Xie would only be able to watch him on the live broadcast.
Xie Xi could hear these unspoken words and looked up. “No more unauthorized actions in
the future.”
Jiang Xie laughed. “I will listen to the warden’s orders.”
Xie Xi, “…” This person was never serious!
They entered the house and immediately smelt blood.
Xie Xi saw a thin girl holding a huge broom and shrinking back in the corner.
She looked up when she heard the footsteps. Panic flashed through her dark eyes before
she stood up and said, “Go… leave… don’t… don’t come over…”
There was no doubt that this was Nalene, the main character of the repair task.
The girl who collapsed.
In the team channel, Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie: Is it necessary to save the girl to complete the
repair task?
Her mother died, her father was imprisoned and her grandmother became a ‘witch.’ The
girl was really pitiful.
Jiang Xie stared at the girl and stated, “It’s not that simple.

The author has something to say:

This task is actually really difficult but there is Old Jiang so…
GL: Chapter 309
Extra 5

Hearing Jiang Xie’s words, Xie Xi raised his spirit and didn’t dare be careless.
Jiang Xie told him, “I’ll test it.”
Xie Xi nodded.
The girl was very pitiful. She looked 15 or 16 and should be in the most beautiful flower
season yet at this moment, she was skinny and worn clothes hung on her body, making her
look skinnier.
She held a huge broom as if she was cleaning the yard.
Jiang Xie approached and the knuckles of the hands holding the broom protruded. She was
terrified. “Please go quickly, you will die. She will…”
Jiang Xie smiled, his handsome face giving off a calming strength. “Don’t be afraid, we won’t
hurt you.”
The girl stared, cheeks red and voice still scare.d “No, she will hurt you. She… my…”
She cried while she spoke, her sad expression really pitiful. Xie Xi looked on from the side
and didn’t feel much. This girl was miserable but there was a sense of violation.
The girl told them to leave but if she really wanted them to go, why not say it clearly?
Such vague words combined with the miserable appearance would make people feel pity
and curiosity and they wouldn’t want to leave.
Of course, maybe Xie Xi was thinking too much. After all, this was a girl who was scared and
timid. It was normal for her words to be a mess.
Xie Xi didn’t act rashly and just quietly watched.
Jiang Xie reached out to the girl. “Get up first. Kneeling on the ground is very painful.”
His words caused the girl’s eyes to flash.
Xie Xi looked down and found that below the girl’s short skirt, her knees that had been
placed against stone were smooth and delicate with no wounds.
It seemed that Xie Xi’s gaze was noticed as blood slowly oozed from the knees.
Xie Xi raised his eyebrows. This wasn’t simple.
The girl suddenly shouted, “Go! You go! Grandmother has woken up!”
The moment she finished speaking, the door suddenly opened and a black figure pounced
along with a cool wind.
It was an old woman with an unkempt face.
She wore black clothes covered with blood, the smell making people sick.
The old woman was very fast as she rushed to Jiang Xie.
She stretched out her claws, the slender nails on her fingers like dead wood that were
about to pierce Jiang Xie’s heart.
Jiang Xie gently held her hand.
Xie Xi was startled by the scene.
The image was quite strange, the elderly hand and Jiang Xie’s hand forming a sharp
There was one terrible hand that didn’t look human and a perfect hand like white jade.
Jiang Xie held the old woman’s hand like snow being covered with mud.
The old woman didn’t move. The girl squinted and her eyes swiftly turned to her
At her gaze, the old woman moved again. She made a squeaky noise like a monster and her
face was fierce and terrible as she opened her mouth.
Her body writhed madly like she was going to tear the main in front of her to pieces.
However, Jiang Xie just held her with one hand like it was a cage, not letting her break free.
Xie Xi paid attention to the girl who displayed a deeper fear on her face.
According to reason, the mad grandmother was subdued and the girl should be relieved.
Instead, she was even more afraid.
What did this mean?
Jiang Xie spoke softly, “It’s been hard on you.”
He was talking to the old woman. The old woman groaned and her muddy eyes suddenly
overflowed with clear tears.
The girl’s pupils shrank and she stared at Jiang Xie with horror. “You…”
Jiang Xie removed his hand and the old woman lost all her strength, falling softly to the
Jiang Xie questioned the girl. “What have you done to her?”
The girl held the broom and gazed hesitantly at Jiang Xie and Xie Xi. “Who are you?”
Jiang Xie’s gentleness disappeared. He moved a finger with an expressionless face and a red
cage fell on the girl.
The girl was shocked. “You… you aren’t human!”
Xie Xi, “…”
What a mess.
He looked at the old woman. Jiang Xie had used a heart-clearing pill on this woman and the
vicious demeanour had changed.
The still yellow face was soaked with tears and looked every uglier.
Xie Xi approached her and asked, “Are you okay?”
The old woman stared at Xie Xi and couldn’t say a word. She could only cry silently.
Jiang Xie stared at the girl and declared, “You are the real witch.”
The young girl was frightened by the cage that appeared out of thin air and stuttered, “W-
What are you talking about?”
Jiang Xie said, “If you don’t admit it then I’ll kill you. Then this village will be safe.”
The moment he finished, a few long swords hovered in the air above the cage. As long as
they fell, they would pierce the girl in the cage.
In such a narrow cage, the girl had nowhere to escape.
Xie Xi couldn’t help giving a reminder in the team channel: We are here to fix the world, not
erase it.”
Jiang Xie: Baby, rest assured. If I was erasing it then she would already be dead.” There
wouldn’t be so much nonsense.
Xie Xi, “…” He always felt that this repair task wasn’t a cure at all. It was full of violence!
This might be hard to ignore but it was really easy.
It wasn’t the girl who asked for mercy but the old woman. “Don’t… don’t hurt Mother…”
The old voice was as rough as sandpaper but they could be spoken with such strong love.
Xie Xi stared blankly.
The ‘girl’ in the cage revealed her true face. “Shut up!”
The old woman huddled up, looking pitiful. Her muddy eyes seemed to be washed clean by
the tears, revealing purity and cleanliness.
Jiang Xie asked the old woman, “You are Nalene?”
The old woman didn’t dare say yes. She only carefully stared at the young girl in the cage.
The girl removed her disguise, her pitiful appearance becoming vicious and cruel. “Who the
hell are you?”
Jiang Xie glanced at the girl and then the old woman.
Xie Xi asked in the team channel, “They swapped their bodies?”
Jiang Xie: It is unlikely. The fit between the soul and the body is very high.” If it was an
exchange then he would see it instantly.
Xie Xi didn’t have this eyesight and asked: Go to the rest of the house to see?
Jiang Xie: Don’t go in. It must be disgusting inside.
Xie Xi: What should we do?
Jiang Xie: Look directly at her memory.
Xie Xi: ………………
Was this okay?
Facts proved it was fine. Jiang Xie who could use skills was like a giant chat affecting the
existence of the game balance.
Thus, they saw the ins and outs of the story.
It was reasonable to say that if this wasn’t Jiang Xie and other people were doing the task,
there would still be grinding to find the answers.
The girl and the old woman didn’t exchange their bodies but the old woman was indeed
Nalene and the girl was Nalene’s mother.
Putting aside all the fog, the truth was upsetting.
Nalene’s mother, Lina was a very beautiful woman who wanted to leave the village and
marry someone in the city.
However, Nalene’s father forced her to marry him.
Soon, Lina became pregnant and the nightmare started from this time.
After the pregnancy, Lina started to become ugly. She didn’t love her husband or the poor
village life. She yearned for the city, yearned for prosperity and longed for the life of the
She was forced to stay in the village and became uglier because of her pregnancy, causing
her to feel resentful.
She hated Nalene’s father and more so, the unborn Nalene.
Nalene was born and Lina soon discovered the beauty of her daughter.
She didn’t love the child and even felt that the child had stolen her beauty.
Nalene’s father was also a jerk. After seizing Lina and taking advantage of his power in the
village, he spent all day drinking and acting willfully.
Lina hated him more and more.
After another act of violence against her by Nalene’s father, Lina fled.
However, she was caught before she left the village and this was followed by more brutal
Lina was locked up in the dungeon and in the midst of her endless resentment, she
discovered a secret passage hidden deep in the dungeon.
There was a black book with some writing in it.
As long as she followed the instructions, she could make her dreams come true.
Lina tried to collect the materials and cast the spell.
The spell was successful and Nalene’s father was jailed for a murderous crime in the city.
Her lost beauty came back but her daughter Nalene became a sacrifice, suffering by aging.
The 40 year old Lina became a young girl of 15 or 16.
The young girl of 15 or 16 became an 80 year old woman because of her mother’s curse.
Did Lina’s dream come true? No…
She soon discovered a new tip in the black book. She had to eat a fresh heart every day to
maintain her youthful beauty or she would grow old overnight. She saw the ugly look of the
80 year old Nalene and didn’t want to be like that.
Thus, disaster struck.
Xie Xi frowned after seeing these memories.
Jiang Xie told him, “The task is completed as long as the book is destroyed.”
The crux of everything was the book and it would be over once it was destroyed.
Xie Xi looked at the old Nalene with a strange feeling in his heart.
Jiang Xie took his hand.
Xie Xi glanced at him. “I don’t care.”
It was a collapsed quasi-world. Many bad things happened and there was a lot of despair.
Jiang Xie quickly found the black book.
Xie Xi went to Nalene, crouching in front of her and gently wiping the tears from her
cheeks. “It’s okay, it’s fine.”
From start to finish, Nalene was the most innocent one.
She had no choice to be born in such a family with such parents.
She grew up with her father’s violence and her mother’s resentment, still clinging to the
warmth of a family.
In the face of her mother who gave her countless pains and disasters, she finally spoke in
her old voice, ‘Don’t… don’t hurt Mother.’
The girl was broken and she long had blood-covered hands under the control of Lina.
Her mind wasn’t sound because no one had ever given her a healthy environment for
Yet she still knew how to love.
Her loving nature made her sadly attached to such a cruel and selfish mother.
After destroying the black book, the spell was lifted and Lina grew old and died.
Nalene was restored to the appearance of a young girl and fell asleep.
Xie Xi asked Jiang Xie, “Can you erase her memories?”
They erased Nalene’s memories and sent her to a seaside village thousands of miles away,
giving her a new beginning.
The mission was over.
Jiang Xie and Xie Xi returned to the garden.
Seeing that Xie Xi was still slightly frowning, Jiang Xie opened his mouth. “Now time, I won’t
pick up Old N’s quasi-worlds. What broken tasks are there?” It made his family unhappy.
Xie Xi wondered, “Are your tasks good?”
In addition to imagining many things, their brains liked to make him a slag!
Jiang Xie replied, “How is it bad? My words are all about you.”
Xie Xi’s heart sweetened and the shadows in his chest were scattered.
He opened his system panel and clicked on the data column.
“In fact, I’ve always wanted to know.” He pointed to his father’s column and asked Jiang Xie,
“Who is my father?””
His mother was Xie Su but his father was a fog that couldn’t be shown.
Jiang Xie had never seen his data and at this moment, he made a strange expression.
Xie Xi was aware of it and glanced at this person.
Jiang Xie stared at the fog. “It’s… a player’s ability to hide his or her own information.”
Xie Xi was stunned. “A player?”
Jiang Xie nodded. “Yes, advanced players can purchase an item. Once used, Central will hide
their information.”
Xie Xi jerked. “You mean…”
“Your father is probably a player of Central.”
Xie Xi’s back was tense as he asked, “Then he… he…”
Jiang Xie kissed him on the forehead. “I’m sorry, he might’ve passed away.”
Xie Xi froze.
In fact, he had thought about it. Once he knew the rules of entry to Central, he knew he had
no parents.
Only those who were abandoned could come to Central. Xie Su gave up on him and his
biological father gave up on him, causing him to come to Central.
His father’s life and death had become meaningless from the moment he entered Central.
Jiang Xie saying he was dead was probably to comfort Xie Xi.
Xie Xi leaned against Jiang Xie. “It’s fine, I’ve very good now.”
It was because he was abandoned and lost everything that he met Jiang Xie. Losing didn’t
mean an ending. This was a new beginning.

-【 The End 】-
Author’s Note: Every time I finish a story, I feel very sad. The story of Old Jiang and Little
Rose might be over but their lives are still going on. We can’t see it but they are still
repairing the collapsed worlds, bringing warmth to misery, bringing light to the darkness
and bringing hope to despair!

It’s finally over! I will miss Jiang Xie’s dog blood plots and seeing what else he will come up
with for the long-suffering Xie Xi. However, like the author said, I will just imagine them
still out there, designing and repairing worlds.
For my next projects, I will finally be truly starting on Shh, There’s a Beast in the Imperial
Palace that I started a while ago over on Chrysanthemum Garden.
Shh Link
I will also be starting two new stories that will be released tomorrow, check out the details
As for DSA, once again, sorry but I love reading it more than translating it. The long amount
of time it takes me to do one DSA chapter is especially emphasized once I started doing
these new novels. Thus, DSA can probably be considered dropped for now.

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