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God Level Summoner


GLS: Chapter 1

Hi guys, welcome to my next project! As I mentioned previously, this is a gaming novel with
one main CP (couple) and several side CPs. This is actually the second part of a trilogy of
gaming novels and is my favourite one out of the trio, which is why I chose to translate this
one instead of the first. Characters from the first novel will occasionally appear, although I
will leave a note if they are important.
Hope you enjoy!

[Volume 1, Moonlight Forest]

Chapter 1: ‘Give up,’ these two words are never in my dictionary!

Canglan E-sports Club, the dining room.

Captain Li Cangyu was sitting at the table for dinner. He had been very fond of eating fish
since he was a child. Today, the braised fish made by the cafeteria’s chef was fresh and
delicious and Li Cangyu finished the meal on the plate. This man looked serious and upright
when working and would only show a relaxed smile when eating.
Vice-captain Bai Xuan passed by with his dinner plate. Once he saw that Li Cangyu was
eating fish, he smiled and said, “Captain, let’s go to the training room. The manager wanted
me to pass on a message to you.”
Li Cangyu made a sound of agreement and quickly finished the fish in front of him.
He was very skilled at eating fish. He would eat it cleanly and could even peel off the
complete fish bone. The team members often joked, “Are you are cat?”
In addition, his game ID was ‘Old Cat’ so the fans affectionately called him ‘Cat God.’
Three days ago, Wulin’s official 16th season of the professional league had ended. The
Canglan team missed the trophy again.
In the past few days, the Canglan team had been listless. They worked hard for half a year
only to get no results, the team members were naturally not happy. Captain Li Cangyu
looked calm but he could guess that it wasn’t a good thing that the manager looked for the
However, he was the captain and couldn’t hide from the problem.
Li Cangyu wiped his mouth, tidied up his dishes and returned to the team’s training room.
Several players hadn’t turned on their computers and were chatting to each other. Once
they saw him come in, a trace of embarrassment flashed across their faces and they
stopping their conversation. They called out in unison, “Captain…”
Li Cangyu smiled and walked over to pat the shoulders of his teammates. “Don’t be too
discouraged. Cheer up and refuel for next season.”
When he smiled, he revealed neat and white teeth. His features were very handsome and
manly, while his smile was very confident. He gave off a very reliable and trustworthy
In the era of effeminate and pretty-faced men, such handsome men like him were
“There will be no next season.” The vice-captain, Bai Xuan suddenly said, “The manager told
me to tell you that the team’s performance in the last two years hasn’t been very good. He
has experienced losses with funding and can’t sustain the daily operations of the team.
Thus…he wants to settle our salary for the season and then…disband the Canglan team.”
Bai Xuan’s words were very difficult to say and Li Cangyu listened to him in silence.
This wasn’t the first time the team had been disbanded
At present, there were two hot e-sports games in China. One was Wulin and the other was
Miracle. Li Cangyu wasn’t a competitive player on the side of Wulin. His debut was actually
in Miracle, a large-scale 3D Western fantasy online game. At the time, he was still young
and he established a team with Bai Xuan and several friends. It was called FTD, an acronym
for ‘For the Dream.’
Just look at the name and you would know that this team carried many teenager’s dreams.
Unfortunately, the performance of the FTD team wasn’t very good and it was impossible for
FTD to reach the playoffs for two consecutive years. Eventually, the FTD team was
disbanded due to a lack of sponsorships.
At the time, Li Cangyu was in his early 20s. Despite the fact that the strength of a 20 year
old competitor was likely to decline, he wasn’t reconciled with being quiet. After the team
was disbanded, he refused the offers from many giant clubs. He moved with a few friends
to another game called ‘Wulin.’
When he left ‘Miracle’ and transferred to ‘Wulin’, he was undoubtedly under tremendous
pressure. The Miracle players thought he was fleeing while the Wulin players thought he
was an annoying outsider.
He was sandwiched in the middle, neither on the inside or outside.
However, Li Cangyu’s purpose in making this choice was very simple. He just wanted to win
the trophy with his friends.
In the domestic gaming circle, Li Cangyu was one of the few players to switch games.
From Miracle to Wulin, everyone thought he would quit. But he persisted. He clenched his
teeth and built a new team called Canglan. Then he entered the Wulin professional league
and reached the quarterfinals of the playoffs.
Unfortunately, they could only stop at the quarterfinals.
The professional league masters were like clouds. Despite the fact that Li Cangyu and Bai
Xuan were in the Canglan team, the level of their other teammates wasn’t outstanding. The
overall strength was still weak and it was impossible to compare with those top players
who were like clouds.
For three consecutive seasons, they lost in the first round of the playoffs and the trophy
was always one step away.
This step looked very close, but also very far.
Li Cangyu sometimes felt that as long as he tried harder, he might be able to touch the edge
of the trophy. However, the results were always regrettable or disappointing.
Today, he once again heard the words ‘the team is disbanded’ from Bai Xuan. Li Cangyu’s
mood was much calmer than the team members had imagined. He was only silent for a few
seconds before he asked, “How will the players be settled, did the manager say?”
“The manager said that anybody willing to stay in the game can wait for the transfer
window and see if any other team accepts them. For those unwilling to continue the league,
he will help them find another job.” Bai Xuan carefully conveyed the manager’s words.
Li Cangyu nodded. The manager was doing his best with just this. Li Cangyu was actually
very grateful for the manager for taking over the mess after the team was disbanded. After
all, he was a businessman and not a philanthropist. He had been losing money for two
consecutive years after investing in the team. How could he continue to lose money?
The ones to blame were the team members for not having enough strength. Without the
trophy, there were no league tournament prizes. The rank of the team wouldn’t go up,
advertisements and endorsements would decrease and the investment in team operations
would be lost.
Li Cangyu didn’t blame the manager for his decision. Li Cangyu was realistic. This was the
team he built and now that it reached a dead end, it was time to finish it.
After a moment’s silence, Li Cangyu’s eyes calmly swept over everyone. He said in a low
voice, “A few years have passed since we set up the team together. I didn’t take you to win
the trophy. This is a dereliction of my duty as captain.”
“Now the team is disbanded again. I don’t want to force you to stay. If you are willing to
continue playing, you can try to transfer to other teams. If you are tired and want to change
course, I will help you find another job.”
“Brothers, everyone will now scatter. I only hope that you don’t regret the experience of
playing with me all these years.”
The captain’s words were very calm but every word seemed to carry a heavy weight.
Several members couldn’t help having red eyes.
Their captain had played games since he was 17 years old. Despite struggling step by step,
he didn’t get any good results. However, the days when everyone worked hard together
were the most precious memories kept.
Li Cangyu was a good captain, this was the consensus of all the Canglan team members.
During the Miracle League, Li Cangyu barely failed in the singles stage. He had an outbreak
of nearly 600 hand speed and this was at the level of world-class e-sports players. When he
played a summoner, he took first place in the professional rankings for a long time. The
captains of several powerful giants in the Miracle League were envious of him.
At his level, he could clearly have better development. But he couldn’t give up on his good
brothers and insisted on staying with the weaker team. He was a very loyal and affectionate
Now that the team was going to disband, he still wanted to help them find jobs. With such a
captain, even if the end result wasn’t satisfactory, there was nothing to regret about the
past few years.
Li Cangyu saw that everyone was depressed and stretched out his arms, hugging a few
good friends. He said, “Don’t frown. There are other ways, even if you can’t be an e-sports
player. After all, we are still friends!”
The group listened to him and couldn’t help letting go of their heart’s grievances. The group
of great men hanging their heads with expressions like they were at a funeral, wouldn’t it
be shameful if they were seen by outsiders? They might’ve lost the game but they couldn’t
lose their backbone.
“Captain said it well! Disbandment is disbandment. We are all still friends! We will often
contact each other!”
“It is better to go out and have a drink. Let’s get drunk tonight!
“We will team up to take down the captain!”
The group of people went to a restaurant they often frequented and asked for a private
room. This last meal meant people were excited and most of the players became drunk. Li
Cangyu had a high alcohol tolerance and remained sober despite drinking with them to the
end. Vice-captain Bai Xuan didn’t touch a single drop of alcohol.
After eating and drinking, Bai Xuan helped Li Cangyu bring the drunkards back to the
dorms. Then the two people returned to the double room at the end of the corridor.
At the door, Bai Xuan habitually poured two glasses of water and handed one cup to Li
Cangyu. Li Cangyu drank to soothe his dry throat and said, “This isn’t like the last time we
disbanded. Many players have already reached the retirement age. I can no longer form a
new team with everyone. They should think about other ways. Some people want to go and
I won’t stop them.”
“I understand.” Bai Xuan whispered. “They all have their own plans. No one will blame you
for disbanding the team.”
“What about you?” Li Cangyu looked back at him. “What are you doing to do?”
“I want to study abroad. I have studied English. If I go for further study abroad, I might be
able to become a professional translator.”
Li Cangyu looked surprised, “You aren’t playing anymore?”
“Well, I am tired.” Bai Xuan shrugged helplessly. “I’m not like you. You’re not young. You
still aren’t giving up?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Give up, these two words have never been in my dictionary.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help looking at Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu’s expression was as calm as ever.
Yes, the man in front of him had experienced many setbacks. However, he always remained
calm and confident no matter what difficulties he faced. Bai Xuan believed that there was
no difficulty that could knock Li Cangyu down, because his heart was always rock solid.
As his partner, Bai Xuan was well aware of Li Cangyu’s level when it came to game playing.
He was the real deal. Unfortunately, he had the bad luck to not meet strong teammates who
could fight next to him. He didn’t receive a trophy for years and couldn’t prove his true
Regardless of whether it was Wulin or Miracle, individual heroism wasn’t popular. The
team was the most important thing during the competition. A strong personal ability was
useless if the teammates couldn’t keep up. The disbandment of the Canglan team was
painful. However, this was also a new opportunity for Li Cangyu. Perhaps he could find a
team more suitable for himself?
Bai Xuan thought about this and couldn’t help wondering, “Since you don’t want to give up,
you can try going to other teams. Looking at the current teams on the Wulin side, your style
of play can only be integrated into the Dragon Song team right?”
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu took out his phone and called a person’s number in his address
–Liu Chuan.
This person was the manager of the Dragon Song team and also the executive director of
the China E-sports Association.
“Cat God?” The call was quickly accepted and a gentle voice was heard. There was clearly a
smile in the person’s tone. “This is the first time you took the initiative to call me. Suddenly
looking for me in the middle of the night, did you go on a late night adventure with your
“I wanted to talk to you about a serious matter.” Li Cangyu said seriously. “The 16th season
has just ended and the transfer period is approaching. As a manager, are you interested in
accepting a homeless god-level player?”
“……” The other person seemed to be choking. After several coughs, they asked with
surprise, “Who is the homeless great god player? Who is it?”
“It’s me.” Li Cangyu said calmly.
“……” The silence lasted for a few seconds. Then the other person spoke at a very fast speed,
“Are you sure you’re not drunk? Wait, I’m going to buy a plane ticket. I will meet you at
noon tomorrow!”
Liu Chuan’s actions were as quick and as energetic as Li Cangyu. He quickly bought a ticket.
Bai Xuan made a facial expression, “You are thick-skinned enough to call yourself a great
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Don’t you know that I just called Liu Chuan? In order to deal
with his thick skin, I need to be more thick-skinned. Tactically speaking, this is fighting
poison with poison.”
“……” What was with the poison? Bai Xuan rolled his eyes and asked, “Are you really going
to the Dragon Song team? Aren’t you going to think about others?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu had already made his decision long ago and he spoke without hesitation. “I
know Liu Chuan and I believe that only he can provide me with the best platform.”
Feeling self-pity because the team was disbanded wasn’t Li Cangyu’s style. He preferred to
take the initiative and seize opportunities.
A talent scout couldn’t find a good steed, then the good steed would find his own talent
Opportunities were only reserved for those were ready, wasn’t this the case?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at the thought of seeing the shameless team manager

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access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Like-minded

The Canglan team members packed their bags and left the club the next time. This was the
ultimate result of the struggle and everyone felt uncomfortable. However, many people had
reached the age of retirement. Plus, their own gaming level was average. It was really time
to find another path.
Li Cangyu sent them away one by one, although he couldn’t help feeling a hint of sourness
in his heart.
The nature of a competition was cruel. Some people would win and others would lose. The
end of the Canglan team was tragic. Fortunately, a few teammates found good jobs. As
captain of the team, he could feel a bit more at ease.
At noon, Li Cangyu ushered in a surprise visitor. It was Liu Chuan, manager of the Dragon
Song team.
Liu Chuan was less than 30 years old and was currently the youngest team manager in
China. He was also an e-sports player. He created the Dragon Song team and led the team to
win the championship. After retiring, he naturally became the person behind the Dragon
Song Club and was also invited to join the E-sports Alliance as the executive director. In the
domestic e-sports circle, he was a famous and promising person.
This person was always looking at the long term. It was the reason why Li Cangyu chose to
cooperate with him.
Today, Liu Chuan was wearing a handsome khaki long trench coat over a simple white
shirt. Just looking at his figure, he was definitely the level of a model. However, there were
big sunglasses on his face as well as a mask, ensuring his face was tightly covered.
Li Cangyu laughed at the sight and asked, “Dressing like this, were you chased by the
Liu Chuan took off his sunglasses and spoke helplessly. “The Dragon Song team just won
the championship. The e-sports reporters have been blocking the entrance of the team for
the past few days. I had to dress like this to sneak out.”
One of them was the manager of a championship club while the other was a desperate
captain who just experienced the disbandment of his team. This strong contrast seemed to
show Li Cangyu’s failure.
But Li Cangyu showed no signs of inferiority or distress. He made a calm ‘please’ gesture
and smiled. “Come in and chat. I didn’t think that one day, I would actually be talking to you
about cooperating.”
“I didn’t expect it either.’ Liu Chuan smiled and followed him into the house.
Bai Xuan had booked a ticket for a few days later. At present, he was still staying with the
team to sort things out in the meeting room. After seeing that Liu Chuan came, he took the
initiative to give them hot tea and said, “You talk. I will go back to the dormitory first to
pack my luggage.”
“Well, you are busy with your own things.” Li Cangyu said.
Once Bai Xuan left, Liu Chuan opened his mouth and asked, “Are you disbanding the
Canglan team?’
“Yes.” Li Cangyu nodded.
Liu Chuan saw his calm expression and couldn’t help patting him on the shoulder. “I won’t
say any words to comfort you. I don’t think you need it. I heard rumours that Canglan was
going to be disbanded. However, when your team disbanded last time, you took your
teammates and transferred to Wulin. This time, I thought you would continue to form a
new team and never thought about contacting you. I was really surprised when you called
Li Cangyu asked directly. “Can you accept me into the Dragon Song team?”
“Certainly.” Liu Chuan laughed. “It is my wish.”
“What position do you plan to place me on the team?”
“If you come over, I’ll make you the captain.” Liu Chuan didn’t hesitate. “Wouldn’t any other
position be disrespectful to you?”
“I will be the captain?” Li Cangyu was obviously a little surprised. “What about the current
captain, Wu Zewen?”
“My family’s Zewen is naturally still the captain.” Liu Chuan smiled and continued, “The two
of you won’t come into conflict.”
Li Cangyu understood what Liu Chuan meant. “Do you want to build two teams?”
“That’s right.” Liu Chuan’s expression became serious as he gazed at Li Cangyu. “Cat God, I
won’t speak secretively. You actively sought me out so you should also be thinking about
this. There are many comprehensive overseas e-sports clubs. Their clubs have a business
model where they are developing simultaneously in several games. China’s Dragon Song
team will follow this precedent and set up a team in both Wulin and Miracle. When I
created Dragon Song, I said that I had to expand Dragon Song into a domestic first-class
comprehensive club, providing e-sports players with the best platform. In the past few
years, I have been looking for a suitable opportunity….Now that opportunity has finally
come. You should know what I mean.”
“You mean…the Miracle World Competition.” Li Cangyu saw Liu Chuan’s nod and
continued. “I’ve heard some news about the Miracle World Competition. Miracle has been
in operation for six years. It has its own professional leagues in various countries and many
masters have emerged. Now the game headquarters wants to launch a world competition
to expand its influence. It is indeed a ripe time.”
“Yes.” Liu Chuan agreed. “I will take advantage of this opportunity to form a team to enter
Miracle. Recently, I have been looking for a suitable leader. If you join, it really is a timely
“You want me to lead a team back to Miracle?” Li Cangyu asked.
“Isn’t that your own wish?” Liu Chuan replied.
“…Indeed.” After being poked by the other party, Li Cangyu no longer disguised it as he
smiled. “I have missed my summoner in the two years that I left Miracle. Of course, it would
be good if I could go back.”
This is why Li Cangyu looked for Liu Chuan.
He had long seen that Liu Chuan was ambitious and interested in the Miracle Alliance.
After all, Miracle was the first competitive online game that Li Cangyu played. He might’ve
gone to Wulin for two years but he couldn’t forget the summoner he created when he first
entered Miracle at a young age. It was his favourite game character.
He went round and round and actually returned to his original point. Li Cangyu didn’t feel
frustrated or ashamed. He was actually very happy.
He could operate his summoner again!
“It is best if you go back. But returning to Miracle will be a great challenge for you. You
must think clearly.” Liu Chuan looked at him seriously. “You have been away from Miracle
for two years. The Miracle League has developed rapidly after many large-scale updates.
The competitive rules have changed as well as the league system. You will have to start
from scratch after you go back, as well as re-adapt.”
Liu Chuan was right. Two years was enough to make a game new.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t mind this. Instead, he smiled confident and declared, “It doesn’t
matter. I will start from the beginning.”
The name ‘Cat God’ originated from Miracle. Its final destination should also be there.
He had been able to turn a rookie who didn’t know anything into a superb summoner of
Miracle. Now, he had the foundation of many games as well as competition experience. He
didn’t believe that he would be weaker than that time!
Liu Chuan saw the confident expression on Li Cangyu’s face and couldn’t help patting him
on the shoulder in appreciation. “Then the mission of the Dragon Fighters club is to enter
Miracle. Can I confidently give this mission to you?”
This was a very difficult task that was likely to be full of twists and turns. But Liu Chuan
believed that Li Cangyu would be able to raise this team. It was because the light in the
man’s eyes hadn’t faded despite experiencing many failures.
He could get up from where he fell.
Cat God who climbed up, this time he would make everyone admire him.
Li Cangyu nodded seriously at the sight of Liu Chuan’s trusting eyes and said, “Rest assured,
I will do my best.”
Liu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand. “Then, shall we cooperate happily?”
Li Cangyu reached out his hand and shook it. “Happy cooperation!”
The two people had simple personalities and the negotiations were quick. Both of them had
the same goal and they clicked together.
For Liu Chuan, the emergence of Li Cangyu solved his urgent problem. Good players
weren’t hard to find, but finding a good captain was difficult!
“The Miracle Professional League is held once a year. This year, you won’t be able to catch
up. We are half a year away from next year’s league. You can take a break and practice.
Wait until next spring. You will directly lead a team to kill Miracle. What do you think?” Liu
Chuan asked.
“I agree.” Li Cangyu said.
“I will help you with the transfer procedures. You just need to prepare to go back to
Liu Chuan was the executive director of China’s E-sports Alliance. The process of changing
games was naturally easy for him. Li Cangyu felt relieved that Liu Chuan was helping with
this and said, “Then I will trouble you.”
“So polite!” Liu Chuan smiled and spoke again. “Yes, you should also think of a name for the
new team. It is too ugly to have two Dragon Songs. We should have separate names or the
fans might become confused.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu agreed. “Why not keep the name Canglan? I’m incompetent when it comes
to naming things.”
“Didn’t you decide this name?” Liu Chuan was obviously surprised.
Li Cangyu and explained, “Xiao Bai named it. He is more talented than I am.”
Xiao Bai was the nickname that Li Cangyu commonly used for Bai Xuan, the vice-captain of
Canglan and a god-level healer.
Liu Chuan couldn’t help being curious at the mention of Bai Xuan. “I just heard the vice-
captain say he was going to pack. Is he going somewhere?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu was helpless. “He doesn’t want to continue playing and is preparing to go
abroad to study.”
Liu Chuan frowned. “His ability is good. Isn’t it a pity for him to leave like this?”
“I think so too.” Li Cangyu looked in Bai Xuan’s direction and spoke in a low voice. “I will try
to convince him. He is my best vice-captain. I can’t bear it if he runs away.”
“Yes. It is best for him to stay. If both of you come to the team, I will have a vice-captain and
won’t need to worry!” Liu Chuan happily patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder and said, “I will go
back to Changsha to arrange things. Come see me when it is convenient and I will help you
clean the dormitory.”
“There is no hurry. I will wait until one month before the start of next year’s professional
league. If I go to the Dragon Song Club too early, I would have to wear sunglasses every day
to hide from the paparazzi.” Li Cangyu spoke seriously. “I hope that the matter of our
cooperation will temporarily be confidential.”
“I understand.” Liu Chuan nodded and stood up. “I will wait in Changsha for you after the
spring festival next year. We will sign the contract first.”
As he spoke, he took a laptop out of his bag and found the contract template for the Dragon
Song Club to sign an e-sports player. Then he added another zero to the salary.
Giving such a high salary proved he attached great importance to Li Cangyu. This was
indeed the treatment for the captain of a team.
It wasn’t easy to meet a boss who truly appreciated him. Li Cangyu knew that his
cooperation with Liu Chuan was really the right choice.
Li Cangyu smiled and signed the printed contract.
The two people did things in a straightforward manner. They quickly finalized the
cooperation plan before Liu Chuan hurried away in his sunglasses and mask. He said there
was an E-sports Association meeting tonight in Beijing to wrap up the summer. He had to
be at the airport for his flight.
After sending away Liu Chuan, Li Cangyu returned to the dormitory. He opened the door to
see Bai Xuan leaning down to pack.
Bai Xuan’s skin was very white and his facial features were gentle. He felt particularly
gentle when he smiled. Bai Xuan was very good-tempered. No matter how others provoked
him, he always smiled and never became angry. In addition to arranging the daily training
of the players, he was also a good cook. He was the best super stay-at-home dad.
If it hadn’t been for his help over the many years, the team established by Li Cangyu
wouldn’t have persisted to the present.
Now that he was leaving, Li Cangyu didn’t want to give up. He walked over and whispered,
“Bai Xuan, please don’t quit.”
TL Note: Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen are the main characters and couple of the first novel in
the trilogy. The first novel was about them setting up the Dragon Song Team and eventually
turning it into a club.

Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 3
Chapter 3 – Urge Someone to Stay

Bai Xuan stiffened as he heard the familiar voice behind him. He closed the suitcase and
said with a smile, “I have spend so many years tapping on the keyboard, I really don’t want
to continue.”
“Is this your true heart?” Li Cangyu stared at him. “We have been partners for so many
years. Do you think I would believe this lie?”
Bai Xuan uneasily removed his gaze.
“Why did you to go the hospital a few days ago?” Li Cangyu asked directly.
“…” Bai Xuan was silent.
Li Cangyu saw that his face was pale and asked softly, “What happened? If you are having
problems, tell me and maybe I can help you find a solution?”
Facing Li Cangyu’s eyes filled with concern, Bai Xuan finally sighed reluctantly. He smiled
bitterly and said, “I really can’t deceive you.”
He turned and found a file in his suitcase, handing it over to the other person. “This is the
doctor’s diagnosis report. In fact, it isn’t that I don’t want to play but… My health is getting
worse and I’m not fit to play anymore.”
The diagnosis report read: Multiple ulcers in the upper part of the stomach and the
Stomach ulcers weren’t the same as liver cancer or lung cancer, which would make people
feel desperate. However, this chronic disease that humans suffered was enough to make
people miserable.
Bai Xuan’s spirit during this time was very bad and he also ate very little during meals. Li
Cangyu thought he had been too stressed from the game. Now it seemed that he actually
had a serious stomach disease and was eating and sleeping badly. Therefore, he was pale
and weak.
In this state, there was no way for Bai Xuan to continue playing and he obliged to leave.
He felt reluctant but an e-sports player who couldn’t stay highly concentrated would be
slaughtered on the arena and drag down his teammates.
Bai Xuan had his own pride and didn’t want to be a burden to his teammates.
He saw Li Cangyu’s frowning expression and smiled, taking back the report. “In fact, the
symptoms aren’t serious. The doctor says that I need to pay attention to diet and sleep,
then I will slowly get better…”
His words hadn’t finished when he was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace.
Li Cangyu’s hug was very tight. He couldn’t say anything good to comfort his friend so he
could only express his feelings with a silent hug.
When the FTD team was created, he and Bai Xuan were both 18 years old. Bai Xuan was
good at English and thought about using FTD as a acronym for ‘For the Dream.’ After FTD
was disbanded due to poor results and the two people transferred together, Bai Xuan was
the one who thought of the name Canglan—it was cold and piercing, magnificent enough to
reflect their ambition and heart.
Bai Xuan had stayed by Li Cangyu’s side as the vice-captain and was like Li Cangyu’s right
arm. He always helped Li Cangyu handle the team’s internal affairs at the appropriate time.
This man seemed gentle but he had his own dreams and dignity.
He was the best healer, the best vice-captain and Li Cangyu’s most trusted partner.
Since he chose to leave with dignity, Li Cangyu couldn’t detain him. Li Cangyu could only
hug him tightly and whisper, “Take care.”
Bai Xuan smiled and nodded. “You too.”
That evening, Li Cangyu took a shower and immediately sat in front of the computer
writing a long e-mail that detailed Bai Xuan’s situation. He soon received a reply to his e-
mail, the contents saying simply: Bring your friend over, I will examine him.
Li Cangyu bought a ticket to fly to New York and it was the same flight as Bai Xuan.
Once Bai Xuan saw an old friend at the airport security checkpoint, his eyes widened with
amazement. “How are you here?”
Li Cangyu’s expression was calm. “I contacted a doctor in New York for you and will
accompany you to the check-up.”
Bai Xuan looked at him emotionally. Helping a friend to this extent, Li Cangyu’s degree of
loyalty really made people speechless!
Li Cangyu patted Bai Xuan’s shoulder with a smile. “Let’s go. Going abroad can distract us
and we can also look at your stomach.”
The two men boarded a flight to New York, USA. After arriving at the airport in New York, a
woman with big curly hair rushed over after seeing the two of them and hugged Li Cangyu
The woman was very beautiful and her black curly hair was very eye-catching. Li Cangyu
took the initiative to introduce her. “This is my older sister, Li Yueran.”
“It is nice to meet you.” Bai Xuan politely greeted her.
Li Yueran shook hands with Bai Xuan and said cheerfully, “Let’s go, I have arranged
accommodations for you.”
Bai Xuan’s trip to New York was for the sake of travel and he hadn’t expected Li Cangyu to
have relatives here. His sister directly let them stay at her house, which was very clean. The
bed sheets in the two bedrooms were visibly new, showing that Li Cangyu’s sister was very
“I will take you out for dinner tonight to welcome you. Starting from tomorrow, I have no
time to welcome you so you will have to entertain Bai Xuan.” Li Yueran told her younger
brother, “Your brother-in-law is on a business trip. The house is empty so both of you can
live casually. You aren’t a stranger to New York. If you have any problems, you can call me. I
am working in the hospital this year and will return home at most once a week.”
“I know.” Li Cangyu replied simply. “You are busy so you don’t have to care about me.”
Bai Xuan heard this and couldn’t help feeling curious. “Big sister, are you a doctor?”
Li Yueran laughed and replied, “Yes, my father is also a doctor.”
The team usually never talked about family so this was the first time Bai Xuan knew that Li
Cangyu’s father and sister were doctors. He didn’t expect Li Cangyu to actually come from a
medical family.
The next day, Li Cangyu took Bai Xuan to the hospital to find his father.
Professor Li Jianan was an expert in digestive medicine. The middle-aged man in his 50s
looked quite similar to Li Cangyu but his face was very serious. His expression didn’t
change at all after seeing his son. He just picked up Bai Xuan’s medical record and studied it
After reading Bai Xuan’s medical records and examination reports, he carefully took a basic
medical examination. Then he wrote on a piece of paper and said, “Go for a gastroscopy and
I will tell you the results later.”
Li Cangyu stood outside and couldn’t help feeling distressed when he saw the pale Bai Xuan
lying there and frowning in pain.
Bai Xuan must’ve been too worried about the team’s affairs and didn’t take time to go to the
hospital for a good checkup. In addition, e-sports players often flew around to play games
in various places. The diet, work schedule and rest were very irregular, causing his stomach
disease to become more and more serious.
In the past two years, Bai Xuan had lost weight. This guy seemed to have a gentle temper
but he was actually very stubborn. The two unfortunate people had worked together for
many years and only got stomach ulcers, not a trophy. They were really the saddest
partners in the competitive e-sports circle.
After finishing the gastroscope, Bai Xuan’s face was still very pale. Li Cangyu quickly held
him and whispered, “Are you okay?”
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “I’m okay. Let’s take the results to your father.”
The two people returned to the doctor’s office, where Li Jianan looked at the results and
explained, “This level doesn’t require surgery. You just need to rest and slowly recover. To
prevent stomach bleeding, I will give you some drugs that will protect the gastric mucosa.
You must pay attention to your diet and not eat any spicy or stimulating things. The meals
should be light and they should be a regular three meals a day. Don’t stay up late and get
adequate sleep.”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan listened and nodded seriously. “Thank you uncle.”
Li Jianan gave the list to Bai Xuan and looked at the two people. “Don’t think you can act
freely at your age. Take the medicine or your body will regret it!”
He was obviously speaking to Bai Xuan and his son at the same time. Bai Xuan looked at Li
Cangyu slyly while the other was calm and had a ‘not my business’ attitude.
Father Li couldn’t bear it and called out directly, “Li Cangyu, I’m talking about you!”
“Oh.” Li Cangyu nodded and said seriously, “My health is very good and I can play for a few
more years. Rest assured Dad.”
“…” Li Jianan was so angry at his son that he got chest pains. Then he waved his hand and
said, “Get lost. In any case, I can’t control you after you turned 18 years old.”
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “Thank you Dad! I’m going on.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Wouldn’t this make his father angrier?
It was fun to see how this father and son didn’t get along on the surface, always bickering,
but they were actually quite concerned about one another. When Li Cangyu came here, he
bought a lot of gifts for his dad that he handed over to his eldest sister.
They left the hospital and Li Cangyu repeated his father’s words. “Do you remember to pay
attention to your diet and get enough sleep?”
Bai Xuan felt like laughing and crying. “I remember!”
“Good.” Li Cangyu nodded with satisfaction. “Where do you want to go? I’ll go with you.”
“I don’t want to wander around. Let’s go home for dinner first.”
Bai Xuan needed an empty stomach for his hospital examination. The moment Li Cangyu
thought this, he immediately took Bai Xuan home.
On the way back, he saw a store selling a variety of games. Li Cangyu couldn’t help stopping
at the counter and said to the salesperson, “Hello, please give me a Miracle card.”
The voice was very good, causing the salesperson to look up. The smiling person had neat
white teeth and gave off a sunny and handsome appearance.
The people who came here to buy things were usually otakus with some acne, this type of
handsome person was very rare.
“Your card contains 300 hours of game time.” The shopkeeper became enthusiastic. “Is
there anything else for this handsome man?”
“No, thank you.” Li Cangyu paid the money, took the card and turned away.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help asking, “Why are you buying a Miracle card? Aren’t you going to the
Dragon Song team?”
“I talked to Liu Chuan and he wants to expand the Dragon Song club into the Miracle
Professional League. This time I took the initiative to find him and he allowed me to be the
captain in charge of this matter.” Li Cangyu explained while studying the pattern on the
card in his hand. “I’m going to build a new team to return to the Miracle Alliance.”
“…” Bai Xuan frowned. “Won’t you feel very tired building a new team again?”
Wasn’t this his third team?
In addition, the last time he had the vice-captain and other teammates. This time he was
Li Cangyu smiled. “I don’t feel tired. I have been thinking about returning to Miracle for the
past two years, so this is a good opportunity for me.
“…” Bai Xuan looked at him helplessly. Once this man had decided something, eight horses
couldn’t pull him back. He had clearly made up his mind to recreate a team in Miracle and
no one could shake this determination.
“I’ll go to the bathroom first. Wait for me here.” Li Cangyu rushed away.
Bai Xuan looked thoughtfully at this man’s back before suddenly turning around and
returning to the store.
As the shopkeeper looked at him with puzzled eyes, Bai Xuan politely smiled and said,
“Please give me a Miracle card as well, thank you.”

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GLS: Chapter 4
Chapter 4 – Returning to Miracle

Once Li Cangyu came back from the bathroom, he found Bai Xuan studying something and
couldn’t help asking, “What did you buy?”
Bai Xuan smiled and opened his hand. “It is a Miracle point card.”
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Aren’t you still not well? Why are you buying the card?”
“I have stomach troubles but I don’t have to use my stomach to tap on the keyboard.” Bai
Xuan joked.
“…” Li Cangyu was speechless.
“Rest assured, I promise to eat and sleep on time.” Bai Xuan patted him on the shoulder. “In
any case, nothing is wrong at the moment and it is boring to sit around idly. I have left
Miracle for so many years, I just want to go back and see it. I will be your royal healer.”
“…” Li Cangyu knew that Bai Xuan was actually just accompanying him. After all, it would
be difficult for him to start Miracle again from scratch. It was completely different if there
was a highly skilled healer accompanying him.
There was a saying in the online gaming world—there is milk all over the world but it is
difficult to take a single step without a milk. (TL: In Chinese gaming slang, milk = healing.
Milk moms/dads are healers).
The importance of having an excellent healer on the team could clearly be seen.
In particular, the complex operations of Miracle meant that a powerful healer was
equivalent to a few more lives for the teammates.
Li Cangyu saw Bai Xuan’s gentle expression and couldn’t help reaching out to hug his good
partner. He said seriously, “Thank you.”
“Do you still need to say thank you?”
Yes, these friends had known each other for years and there was no need to say thank you.
Li Cangyu smiled and pulled Bai Xuan towards a restaurant not far away. “Let’s eat fish.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Couldn’t he eat anything else? Did he have to eat fish every time?!
The two men returned home after dinner, connected the Internet cable and turned on the
As e-sports players, they had a habit of carrying high-tech laptops with them. Li Cangyu
also brought his usual mechanical keyboard and mouse.
Li Cangyu turned on the computer and directly entered the familiar website address into
the web browser. There was a castle design common in Western fantasy movies, with a row
of golden characters writing out—Miracle.
Emotions filled Li Cangyu’s heart as he looked at this familiar logo.
He had been on contact with Miracle from a young age. Perhaps it was the so-called ‘chick
just born’ story but he had a strange sense of belonging to Miracle. He also felt that this was
the most exciting place for him, where his dream of e-sports began.
However, as Liu Chuan said, Li Cangyu had left Miracle for two years. When he went back
now, there were many things that would be different. The equipment information, tactical
ideas and battlefields recorded in his mind might’ve been eliminated after two years.
Li Cangyu decided to study the official website carefully.
Sure enough, the changes in the game made him dizzy. The level cap had been raised to
level 100 and the cross-server world maps ‘Angel City’ and ‘Demon Forest’ were opened.
Many class skills were greatly changed and the new equipment was dazzling. Miracle also
added ‘racial awakening skills’ in this year’s update, which had never been heard before.
This feeling was really ‘leaving for two years has changed things beyond recognition.’
The game had changed too much and he really didn’t know it anymore.
He suddenly couldn’t keep up with the times, causing Li Cangyu to feel awkward as well as
uncontrollable excitement.
Yes, the game had changed a lot in two years. This meant it would be more fun to play when
he started from scratch!
Li Cangyu stared at the computer screen and quickly read the contents of the big updates.
He looked around and saw that next to him, Bai Xuan had also opened the official website
but he was looking at the English version.
The English Department graduate was very formidable. Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling
admiration. “You directly went to the US version of the official website?”
“Yes, I just read the official website and found that Miracle has now been synchronized
worldwide. All servers have the same version.” Bai Xuan closed the English version of the
page and cut back to the Chinese version. He looked at Li Cangyu and asked, “Is it
preparation for the world competition next year?
“Probably. If the game versions aren’t synchronized, players from different countries
wouldn’t be able to fight each other.” Li Cangyu spoke while browsing the official website.
“Since the client version is the same, we will go to national server. The text is more pleasing
to the eye.”
In fact, he couldn’t read English well.
Bai Xuan didn’t reveal the truth and just smiled. “Then we will play in the national server.”
The game Miracle was promoted worldwide and had a more extensive operating range
than World of Warcraft, DOTA and LOL, which were popular all over the world. There were
many large regional servers such as the United States, Europe, Russia, the South Korea
region, the Japan region, the China region etc. The two people were referring to the Chinese
server when talking about ‘national server.’
In fact, the networks were now so developed that as long as the home network was fast
enough and there were no language barriers, they could cross to other region servers to
play the game.
Some domestic people braved using a translation dictionary in order to wear the Korean
and Japanese clothing that were widely praised by the people. Li Cangyu was currently in
New York and it would be more convenient to enter the US server, but he didn’t want to
read English every day. He was most familiar with his mother tongue and found it most
The two of them went to the official website to download the Chinese server client. This
game client was more than 10G and needed a long time to be downloaded with the home
network. Li Cangyu looked at the remaining time of one hour and turned to take a shower.
After a while, Li Cangyu emerged from the shower and Bai Xuan couldn’t help looking. He
was dressed more casually at home, his white robe opened to reveal a large amount of his
chest. He had a perfect body, clear and angular facial features, slender and sexy legs,
showing off the charm of a mature man.
Li Cangyu saw Bai Xuan watching himself and couldn’t help saying, “Why are you looking at
me? Am I handsome?”
“…” Bai Xuan rolled his eyes and turned back to look at the computer.
This guy had a straight personality and a bit of narcissism… Of course, he was very
handsome but was unfortunately busy with the team. Until now, he was a poor single dog
and hadn’t even held a girl’s hand.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help provoking him. “What is the use of being handsome? You should find
a girlfriend to cook fish for you!”
“Uh… say that again. Li Cangyu immediately ignored this abusive topic and said to himself,
“It takes the game a long time to download so I will go to the forum first.”
He used to be a summoner in Miracle so he naturally entered the summoners section of the
A summoner could summon a variety of pets to assist the owner in combat, making it a
very popular class in Miracle. However, the operations of a summoner’s pet was very
complicated. They had to control their own position while also controlling the position of
the pets. This was a typical ‘dual-line’ or even ‘multi-line’ operation mode and was too
much for people with slow hands.
The summoner was a powerful control and attack type class. Not only could they use their
pets to control the opponents, they could attack themselves. In addition, they could flexibly
use different pets to create different effects when attacking enemies.
The summoner’s gameplay was quite rich and varied, which was why Li Cangyu liked this
class the most.
The most basic setting of Miracle was ‘race’ and ‘class.’
Just like Earth was divided into yellow, white, black skin etc., the so-called races in Miracle
had differences. There were six races in the game, namely the angel race, the demon race,
the blood kin, the beast race, the terrans and the elves.
The classes had a different growth route in the later period.
After choosing a race and entering the game, they could select a class according to their
own preferences, such as a white magician, an illusionist, a hunter, a summoner, etc. The
degree of freedom was very high until the class change at level 20.
According to the official website, the biggest change in the game in the past two years was
the new ‘racial awakening.’ In fact, the potential of the six races was only shown after the
full-scale awakening. The emergence of the ‘racial awakening’ skills made the gameplay
more diverse.
Therefore, even if there were two summoners, the two players could have completely
different effects depending on race.
Li Cangyu was a first-class master and the changes in the game could be seen in his mind.
He saw the essence of the forum with a glance and the game client finally downloaded
successfully. Once the two people installed it on their computers, they quickly logged into
the game, registered the account with the purchased card and completed the data binding.
“AH? There is a new district that just opened today.” Bai Xuan looked at the opening hours
of the server list and asked, “Are we entering the new district?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu used the mouse to select the server ‘Moonlight Forest’ that was glowing
purple and quickly created a character. He said, “A new district is the easiest to find
talented newcomers. Besides, we haven’t played for two years so we will go to the new
district to study the game changes.
Bai Xuan nodded in agreement and entered the new zone with a single press.
A line popped up on the screen. “Please name your character.”
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu’s screen and found that he named his character: Love to Eat
Braised Fish.
“…” He really was a cat!
Bai Xuan smiled helplessly and named his character: Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork.
As a result, the two ‘foodies’ joined the Miracle Chinese server’s new district that opened to
commemorate the game’s six year anniversary: The Moonlight Forest district.

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GLS: Chapter 5
Chapter 5 – Elf Summoner

[Congratulations. Your character has been successfully created. Please check the racial
description in detail and choose your favourite race.]
Once inputting the name was successfully and the character created, the system would give
this prompt and list the six races that could be selected in Miracle: Terran, Beast, Elf, Blood
Kin, Angel and Demon.
The appearance of a human was like ordinary human beings and they were balanced in all
aspects. They were the most balanced species with comprehensive abilities. The jack of all
trades people, people who wanted to balance their development or people who had a
phobia of choosing would directly select humans.
The beast race were tall and strong and could transform into two forms, animal or human.
They had high health, thick skin, high defense and were strong at close combat. Generally
defensive knights, warriors and other similar classes liked to choose this race.
Elves were beautiful and had long ears. They had the fastest movement speed among all
races and their biggest advantage was their agility. Later, they were suitable to change to a
highly agile career that required quick operations.
The blood kin had pale skin and sharp fangs. The advantage was that all attacks were
automatically accompanied by blood-sucking effects and were excellent at stealth and
assassination. It was generally the first choice for assassin classes.
The angel race had white wings on their back and looked angelic. The demon race had
black wings that were the symbol of evil. Both races were known for their magic but the
Angel race had white magic, biased towards control and healing. The Demon race had black
magic, biased towards sneak attacks and killing. Players who loved magicians and illusion
type classes would choose either the Angel or Demon races.
Li Cangyu didn’t have to look at this basic knowledge and directly skipped the race
introduction, while Bai Xuan carefully read it from the beginning again.
Li Cangyu preferred the summoner class and naturally know the race he wanted. He chose
‘Elf’ without hesitation.
He pressed the button and a handsome and long-eared male elf appeared on the screen.
Bai Xuan glanced at his screen and couldn’t help asking, “You are choosing an elf again? I
still remembered when your elf summoner first appeared on the field, many viewers said
the player must be mentally ill.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Then they all shut up.”
Yes, those who said that Li Cangyu’s brain wasn’t right were hit in the face by Li Cangyu’s
In those days, his Cat God was well regarded. His elf summoner was first in the professional
league and in the duel arena, he fought against other gods with a 100% winning
percentage. This led to an upsurge in the number of players who chose to play an Elf
Unfortunately, many professional players developed gameplay against Elf summoners. The
rise of the demon summoner and blood kin summoner caused the elf summoner’s status to
be greatly impacted. The quick operations of the elf summons were very difficult. In
addition, the representative player Li Cangyu left Miracle after the team disbanded, causing
this type of gameplay to gradually disappear.
In recent years, most elf players would choose to play an archer or hunter. It was estimated
that not even 10% of elves were summoners.
However, Li Cangyu still insisted on playing the elf summoner.
Bai Xuan asked, “Don’t you want to change race? It is said that the blood kin summoners
currently have a strong momentum and their big moves suck up a lot of blood.”
“I won’t change.” Li Cangyu said earnestly, “My elf summoner is very powerful. I have
decided to go back and open their eyes again.”
“…” Bai Xuan was defeated by this reason and couldn’t refute it.
Today was the weekend and Moonlight Forest had just opened its service. It was 10 a.m.
New York time and 10 p.m. domestic time. In the newly opened district, players were
enthusiastically filling the world channel.
“The Time Squad is accepting people. If you are level 20 and above and want to join, please
talk to me privately!”
[Looking for an output for the Yisu City instance! An output! A powerful output!”
(Output=damage dealer)]
[A level 20 ‘Elf Cabin Main Storyline’ Task Upgrade Group! Is there any sharp elf archers?]
It was only two hours after the district opened and many level-obsessed madmen had
already rushed to level 20. Li Cangyu really admired this desperate speed.
Bai Xuan choose the angel race and intended to later change to a priest in order to act as a
professional healer, his favourite gameplay.
After entering the game, he took the initiative to add Love to Eat Braised Fish as a friend
and said to Li Cangyu, “First level up. Once we are level 10, we will meet in Yisu City.”
“Okay.” Li Cangyu nodded and pressed the ‘M’ key to see the map.
Elves were born in the treehouse at the edge of Moonlight Forest, exactly the same as two
years ago.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling excited returning to elf territory after two years and his
fingers tightened on the mouse.
The environment here was beautiful, the moonlight shining on the ground through the gap
in the leaves. The mottled light and shadow fragments made the whole forest look very
The trees in Moonlight Forest were all fluorescent. From a distance, the whole forest shone
with a soft light while silver spores floated in the air. When caught in the hands of a player,
they would flicker and shine brightly.
Many players who obviously just entered the game were shocked by the scenery in front of
them, tying on the race channel: [It’s so beautiful!]
[The elves are so beautiful!]
[Quickly take a screenshot and send it to the forum!]
[ I made the right decision choosing an elf! The forest is so beautiful!]
Li Cangyu had long been accustomed to this. The scenery of the game had always been
done well and the Moonlight Forest was truly beautiful. But there were countless
spectacular scenes in the Divine World, the Demon World, the Human World and the blood
kin’s area.
Li Cangyu quickly started his task from his birthing place.
The general racial skill of the elves was the ‘Flying Feather Steps.’ It added 10 points of
movement speed, was automatically learned after birth and when upgraded, the cooldown
time was very short and it could be seamlessly connected in the later stages. It was one of
the reasons why the elves were the most agile.
Levels 1~5 of an online game were just to familiarize players with the operation and
naturally wouldn’t be too difficult. Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps and rose to level 5
in less than 10 minutes.
At level 5, he could find a ‘skills instructor’ to learn low-level skills.
There were 12 types of late-stage classes in Miracle. Level 5 was just to let novices know
the most basic skills of each class. It was okay if they carelessly learnt the wrong ones
because they could find a skills instructors to replace them at the official class transfer at
level 20.
In general, most elves changed to a hunter or bard.
Hunters could catch animals with traps and later capture beasts to attack the enemy. They
used traps as their main attack.
A bard could shoot enemies from a distance. In short, they were the ‘archer’ class that used
bows and arrows as a weapon.
Both classes required extremely fast speed for the actions and the agility requirements
were high, maximizing the talent and agility of the elves. They were undoubtedly the best
classes for elves to change to and this was recognized by a wide range of players.
Due to the influence of various strategies posted on the forum, most players who picked an
elf would learn the low-level skills of these two classes at level 5. Then they would officially
change to a hunter or bard at level 20.
There were many players gathered around the skills instructor. The newcomers who
reached level 5 were very active in queuing to receive bows or traps, with the players who
received their primary weapons obviously being very excited.
However, Li Cangyu received a summoning staff.
In the group of elves carrying bows and arrows or traps, Li Cangyu’s summoning staff
appeared particularly unusual.
Many people around him looked at him strangely and some people even laughed in their
hearts, ‘This is definitely a rookie!’
A kind player walked up to him and spoke in the nearby channel: [Are you a newbie? The
best classes for an elf are a hunter or bard. They use bows or traps as weapons and the
agility stat will be very strong in later stages!]
Li Cangyu didn’t pay attention because he was opening the character panel to adjust his
Starting from Level 5, the player automatically received five stat points for every level up.
Li Cangyu quickly added the five points he just got to ‘agility.’ It was only five points so the
effect couldn’t be seen yet. But as long as the stat points accumulated to a certain extent, it
would definitely show an advantage in the later stages.
The elf summoner with full agility points to quickly suppress the opponents was Li
Cangyu’s favouite gameplay.
The player next to him saw Li Cangyu ignore him and said in a depressed manner: [Love to
Eat Braised Fish, I am talking to you!]
Li Cangyu saw his ID pop up and asked doubtfully: [You are looking for me?]
[……] The angry player typed a row of ellipses and went on to say: [Dude, are you a noob
playing the game for the first time? It is best for elves to change to hunters or bards.
Hunters are more difficult to operate so if you are a newbie, you should play a bard which
is also an archer. Look for the skills instructor to receive a bow and arrows, then learn the
basic level 5 skill, Aim.]
The one typing was a male elf who had adjusted his appearance to be short, with ears that
were longer than half the face. The player with the ID of ‘Luo Xiaoluo’ rushed around while
typing, looking very enthusiastic.
Li Cangyu watched him and replied: [I am playing a summoner.]
The group of people around him, “…”
Wasn’t the elf summoner obsolete? Who was this old-fashioned player?
Luo Xiaoluo was reminded that this person was a big novice and turned to retreat.
He just turned to go when something unexpected popped up on the screen.
[The player Love to Eat Braised Fish has asked to team up with you.]
[What?] Luo Xiaoluo wrote a bit question mark on the team channel.
[It is faster to level up in a team so let’s go together.] Li Cangyu typed out.
In the game, teaming up would get an experience bonus and two people could complete the
tasks faster than one. Since the other side took the initiative to invite him into a team, Luo
Xiaoluo didn’t refuse and they headed off together to the next task point.
The new district was crowded and whenever a group of monsters appeared, players would
rush out to grab them. Li Cangyu couldn’t kill the monsters with so many players, no matter
how good his skills. After three consecutive failures, Li Cangyu helplessly put down his
There were so many people that supply didn’t meet demand for the task, making it a waste
of time.
In any case, there were many methods to gain levels in this game. They didn’t have to do
tasks as killing the monsters directly would also give experience.
Li Cangyu thought about it and made a decision.
[Let’s go to Moonlight Waterfront and handle the mobs there. That place should have fewer
[……] Luo Xiaoluo made a row of shocked expressions. [Go to Moonlight Waterfront???]
[Yes.] Li Cangyu only replied with one word.
[…….] Luo Xiaoluo was shocked: [Isn’t this a mistake? Moonlight Waterfront has level 8
monsters! Level 8!!]
Li Cangyu said seriously: [Therefore, their experience is relatively high.]
[……] Luo Xiaoluo found that he always had a ‘chicken speaking with a duck’ (people not
understanding each other) feeling when communicating with this person.
The experience that a level 8 monster gave wasn’t the problem. The problem was that they
were only level 5. Dude, had he ever played a game before?
Luo Xiaoluo cursed in the bottom of his heart but he couldn’t help following.
He wanted to see how badly this uppity newbie would die!

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GLS: Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – First Appearance

The Moonlight Waterfront was one of the most beautiful sceneries in the elf map.
The clear lake was shrouded in soft moonlight and surrounded by fluorescent trees. The
silver-white branches fell down to the lake and when the wind blew, the lake was covered
with ripples. It was like throwing a silver fragment into the lake.
If this was the old district, the Moonlight Waterfront would definitely be a dating place for
couples to take photos. However, this was the new district and everyone was about
levelling up. There were many players gaining experience but the number was obviously
much smaller than before.
Li Cangyu just arrived at the lake when a tree spirit refreshed not far away. His mouse
immediately selected the mob while his left index finger quickly tapped on the keyboard
three times. His cute water spirit pet appeared in the designated position and attacked the
tree spirit according to its master’s command. The name above the tree spirit immediately
turned red and flew towards Li Cangyu.
[It’s over!] The frightened Luo Xiaoluo ran to one side while quickly typing on the team
channel. [Shit shit shit, you really lured a level 8 monster! The gap of three levels will kill us
in an instant!]
[Don’t let it touch you.] Li Cangyu spoke calmly while his left hand touched the keyboard,
waiting for the tree spirit to come close.
The huge tree spirit roared towards Li Cangyu and spread open the rattan arms in order to
tear Li Cangyu’s summoner to pieces. At this moment, Li Cangyu tapped on the keyboard
with his left hand while pressing the mouse with his right hand.
On the screen, a long-eared male elf summoner swiftly moved using Flying Feather Steps,
successfully moving below the tree spirit’s arms and away from its attack range. At the
same time, another cute water spirit pet appeared and attacked the tree spirit with a small
water ball.
Luo Xiaoluo watched from a distance and typed with amazement: [You are really lucky and
managed to dodge. But I think you should run! It won’t be so good next time!]
He thought it was just luck but Li Cangyu was already clear about everything.
Li Cangyu ignored him and looked at the cooldown of his skills.
The tree spirit was stunned by Li Cangyu’s water spirit pet for two seconds. Then it killed
the water spirit and immediately rushed over to Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu’s pet summoning skill was on cooldown so he could only use Flying Feather
Steps to evade.
Luo Xiaoluo watched him moving everywhere to evade and couldn’t help thinking, ‘He
wants to bravely beat the monster but will certainly die miserably!’
Luo Xiaoluo was waiting to send an sympathetic expression on the team channel when he
saw the summoner once again summon his pet while moving away with the footwork skill.
The water spirit trapped the huge tree spirit.
Luo Xiaoluo: [……]
The first time could be a coincidence but it was impossible for novices to trap the tree spirit
so accurately two times in a row just relying on luck.
Flying Feather Steps, walk around, call the water spirit, use the pet’s skill to freeze the tree
essence then using Flying Feather Steps to move away again…
Luo Xiaoluo hid and watched him fight the monster. After watching for half a minute, he
finally discovered that this summoner wasn’t ordinary!
The three simple skills were fluidly linked and there wasn’t a single mistake! Not once!
Every time he saw the tree spirit screaming, Luo Xiaoluo couldn’t help his heart rising to his
But the summoner would use the footwork at the appropriate timing to hide. Then he
would release his pet to freeze the tree spirit, like a computer calculating it!
After 10 rounds, the tree spirit’s blood bar finally emptied and it fell to the ground.
A ‘Experience +400’ prompt popped up above both their heads.
Luo Xiaoluo couldn’t believe it. [You killed it?!]
The huge tree spirit seemed to have become incredibly stupid in front of the summoner. It
clumsily waved its arms and attacked the elf, only for it to be kited by a water spirit…
It felt like an ant playing around with an elephant.
Luo Xiaoluo looked at this strange picture and his mind was a mess.
Li Cangyu calmly walked over and searched the body. He found that the tree spirit dropped
a pair of shoes that increased attack speed. He happily wore it and typed in the team
channel: [Let’s try another one. You have to help me. Don’t just stand there and watch.]
[……] Luo Xiaoluo turned red and quickly reacted. [Man, you are amazing.]
[It was okay.] Li Cangyu wasn’t being modest as he seriously explained: [My pet’s level is
low and the control time is short. Otherwise I would’ve killed it faster.]
[……] Wasn’t this fast enough?
Taking care of a monster three levels higher than him in less than minute and receiving 400
experience, wasn’t this faster than doing countless tasks in 10 minutes?
[Master, take me with you. I’ll help you fight!] Luo Xiaoluo excitedly followed Li Cangyu and
decided to hold this master’s thigh.
With Luo Xiaoluo’s help, this fight was really smooth.
Li Cangyu accurately controlled the attention of the tree spirit and kept it on his summoner.
As an archer, Luo Xiaoluo only needed to follow from a distance and shoot his arrows.
Once the two people attacked together, the blood volume of the tree spirit decreased
quickly and it fell to the ground in less than 40 seconds.
The tree spirit once again dropped a pair of low-grade acceleration shoes. Li Cangyu
already received it so he gave it to his teammate.
Luo Xiaoluo excitedly put on the shoes and gave a row of thumbs up. [Great!]
Li Cangyu sent a handshake emoji and typed: [Continue.]
The two of them cooperated to wipe out the tree spirits and they quickly rose from level 5
to 10.
Level 10 players can do the first simple team instance called Night of Yisu City, they could
stay in their race area to do the main storyline missions or they could go to the field to kill
mobs for experience.
There were many ways to level up in Miracle and players were free to choose any.
Luo Xiaoluo couldn’t help asking: [Will Master go to play an instance? If there is a group
with strong teammates, finishing the instances will give the fastest experience.]
Li Cangyu said: [I won’t go yet. I am waiting for a friend.]
Waiting for friends, this was simply an excuse in online games. If they were planning to
play in the area or the instances and didn’t want to go with the other person, they would
use the excuse ‘waiting for a friend’ to stall. It was unknown if this was true or false.
Since he decided to hug the master’s thigh, he couldn’t easily let go. Luo Xiaoluo thought
about it and decided to use the ‘luring’ method to consolidate the relationship between the
two of them. He quickly typed: [Do you have a guild yet? Do you want to join our guild?]
[What guild?] Li Cangyu asked.
[The Time Guild!] Luo Xiaoluo proudly puffed up his chest and said: [It is the subordinate
guild of the Miracle Time team! Haven’t you heard of the Time team? They just won the
championship last season.]
[Oh. Who is the captain of the Time team?]
[……] This person was estimated to be a pure online game player who never watched the
professional league and didn’t even know the captain of last season’s championship team.
Luo Xiaoluo spoke enthusiastically: [The real name of Time’s captain is Tan Shitian, his
game ID is Ten Days. He is the first bard of Miracle! He is amazing!]
[ I’ve never heard of him.] Li Cangyu replied very honestly.
[……] The huge fanboy Luo Xiaoluo felt pain in his heart. He just wanted to introduce his
powerful captain when he saw the next line of words.
[Is the vice-captain still Cheng Wei?]
[……] Luo Xiaoluo was startled. [You know our vice-captain?]
[Well, I know him a little bit.] Li Cangyu said with a smile.
Cheng Wei was one of Li Cangyu’s few friends in the Miracle Professional League and their
friendship grew from an exchange of blows. The 16 year old boy lost to Li Cangyu and went
to the arena to find him. As a result, Li Cangyu devastated him in five rounds. Xiao Cheng
not only wasn’t discouraged, the more he played, the better he became. Since then, he
looked for Li Cangyu to fight every time he was idle, but he unfortunately couldn’t win.
The young boy who just debuted was now the vice-captain of one of the giant
championship teams.
As for Time’s current famous captain Tan Shitian, Li Cangyu really hadn’t heard of him
before. When he knew Cheng Wei, the captain at the time wasn’t Tan Shitian. It was
estimated that the old captain gave the position to this young man after retiring. Li Cangyu
had never met this person so it was natural to be unfamiliar with him.
Luo Xiaoluo saw that the other person was silent and continued: [How about it? Since you
are a fan of our god, join the Time Guild! Our guild is very large and it will be easy to form
groups for instances later on. To tell you the truth, there are many guilds in this district but
the strength of our guild is definitely one of the best. I am responsible for advertising and
recruiting people so it will definitely be no problem to refer you!]
Luo Xiaoluo automatically put the other person into the ‘Cheng Wei big fan group’ and
didn’t know that the man in front of him had actually defeated Cheng Wei.
Li Cangyu smiled and said: [Forget it, I will wait for my friend.]
Luo Xiaoluo: [……]
Are you kidding me? He was still waiting for a friend?
In fact, Li Cangyu was honest and he would enter the instance after waiting for Bai Xuan to
reach level 10.
Before Luo Xiaoluo’s angry eyes, Li Cangyu voluntarily withdrew from the team and calmly
walked away.
The ruthless Luo Xiaoluo immediately sent a private chat to his president: [Boss, I met a
powerful summoner today. He is a fan of our team’s vice-captain and I wanted to pull him
into the guild, only for him to refuse! Why don’t you invite him so that it seems more
Time Machine sent him a starry-eyed expression. [A fan of the vice-captain? An expert
summoner? Is it a demon summoner?]
Luo Xiaoluo replied: [No. He is an elf.]
Time Machine sent a wave goodbye expression: [Don’t tease. How can an elf summoner be
Luo Xiaoluo felt unwilling. [There are very few elves playing a summoner but I think he is
really very powerful. He is rare!]
Time Machine continued to wave goodbye. [It is only the beginning. The initial elf
summoner does have an advantage in agility. But after level 30, the advantages of other
races will rise. The elf summoner is too crispy and has no self-preservation skills. It is
basically a waste. The most powerful summoners right now are the demon and blood kin
summoners. An elf summoner playing casually in an online game doesn’t need to be taken
[But Boss…] Luo Xiaoluo wrote a few words before hesitating and deleting it.
The boss was right. The elf summoner used Flying Feather Steps to move quickly. This gave
him an advantage in the early stages. But after the other races developed, the elf
summoner’s defense was too terrible and few people could play it well.
Still, he thought of the person who did the high-level strange kiting and Luo Xiaoluo
couldn’t help feeling strange— the calm, confident and accurate computing power of the
player made light work of the mobs.
He killed a three level high tree spirit as easily as stepping on an ant…
He might be a hidden master…
[Don’t imagine things groundlessly. How can there be so many strange masters in an online
game? Hurry and clear the instance!] The boss saw through Luo Xiaoluo’s thoughts with
once glance, causing him to scratch his head with embarrassment. He operated his elf bard
to the door of Yisu City, where he met with the large forces of the Time Guild.

Just to clarify things, Bai Xuan isn’t the ML. The ML who will pair up with Li Cangyu
hasn’t showed up yet. In addition, Li Cangyu is definitely the shou, not the gong.

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GLS: Chapter 7
Chapter 7 – Newcomer

Bai Xuan’s levelling speed was obviously much slower than Li Cangyu. After all, he was
playing a healer. If he didn’t team up, the speed at which he fought was terrible. As he was
slowly fighting the mobs, Li Cangyu suddenly came over and asked, “What level are you?”
“Level 7.” Bai Xuan looked back at him with surprise. “You reached level 10 so quickly?”
“There were too many people doing tasks in the elf territory so I killed monsters to level
up.” Li Cangyu pulled a chair over and sat next to Bai Xuan. “By the way, my sister bought a
lot of fruit and put it in the refrigerator. You should go eat a few while I help you do the
missions. Once you are level 10, we will enter an instance together.”
“Okay.” Bai Xuan wasn’t polite and brought off a plate of cut fruit.
Li Cangyu picked up a sliced apple and stuffed it into his mouth. Bai Xuan saw this and
clearly realized, “In fact, you are the one who wanted to eat the fruit?”
Li Cangyu laughed and didn’t speak.
“…” Bai Xuan was helpless. He looked at the screen and found that his little priest had
quickly risen to level 10, making him speak words of praise. “You raise the level like a
rocket. I’m level 10 so shall we go to Yisu City?”
“Let’s go.”
The two people were planning to meet at the gate of Yisu City when something popped up
on Li Cangyu’s QQ. It was a video request sent by an unexpected ID, Haina Baichuan, the
current owner of the Dragon Song Club, Liu Chuan. (TL: Haina Baichuan is an idiom that
means all rivers run into the sea/ using different means to obtain the same result)
The contract had just been signed a few days ago so Liu Chuan must be looking for him
about the setting up of a new team. Li Cangyu immediately accepted the video invitation,
put on the headset and asked, “Boss, what’s the matter?”
“I just returned to Changsha and want to tell you about the current situation of the club.”
Liu Chuan saw that the video had connected and directly said, “Several old players on the
Dragon Song team are preparing to retire next season. Our staff members are very nervous
and most of the training camp newcomers will play in the Wulin Professional League in
September. There aren’t many outstanding players remaining so I will let Zewen tell you.”
He spoke while turning to the camera point of view. A man wearing black-rimmed glasses
immediately appeared on Li Cangyu’s computer screen. He looked very gentle and a bit
bookish. Unlike most e-sports players, he was like a academic researcher. This was the
captain of the Dragon Song team, Wu Zewen.
Wu Zewen was a well-known data master of e-sports. When playing Wulin, Li Cangyu often
lost to him. However, there was no need to care about the past. Besides, Li Cangyu didn’t
feel that he was lacking compared to Wu Zewen. Both Miracle and Wulin teams belonged to
the same club so they would be partners in data sharing in the future.
Li Cangyu smiled and took the initiative to say hello to Wu Zewen. “Captain Wu, long time
no see.”
“Hello Cat God.” Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and spoke seriously to the camera. “At
present, there are three new talents in the Dragon Songs’ training camp. Two of them are
already scheduled to play with me in Wulin next season while one person is uncertain.
When Liu Chuan first said that he wanted to build a team in Miracle, I let this child play
Miracle for a few months. You should look at his level and if you feel that he is qualified, I
will hand him to you.”
He beckoned to someone else and said, “Xiao Gu, come and say hello to Cat God.”
The young boy immediately shouted, “Hello Cat God!”
The teenager was very cute. He had a baby fat round face, a pair of big eyes with long and
thick eyelashes and black hair that curled softly around the ears. He looked particularly
well-behaved and obedient.
Li Cangyu looked at this baby and was surprised. “He is an e-sports player?”
“Do you like him?” Liu Chuan smiled and rubbed the head of the young boy. “His name is Gu
Siming and he just turned 17 this year. He might look very shy right now but he is definitely
a little madman when playing a game. Not only is he highly talented, he also works hard in
the training camp and has made fast progress. He is the object of Zewen’s training and his
foundation is very solid, which is why I dare recommend him to you.”
The young boy was embarrassed by the praise and smiled shyly, reaching out to scratch the
back of his head.
Li Cangyu immediately noticed his hands., This youth’s ten fingers were slender and
flexible. It was truly a hand suitable for playing games.
“Xiao Gu has practiced some Miracle classes in the training camp and hasn’t decided yet.
His potential hasn’t been fully explored so I want to give him to you. Perhaps he will come
in handy when the Miracle league starts next year.” Liu Chuan smiled and explained. “The
other players you will have to first recruit in the game. My side will also pay attention and
we will communicate with you whenever we encounter a good seedling.”
“No problem.” Li Cangyu nodded.
Liu Chuan wasn’t a person who would stop paying attention after signing the contract. He
loved e-sports and had clearly been preparing to make a strong team for Miracle.
The Dragon Song training camp was always strict and the talent of the players that Liu
Chuan personally picked certainly wouldn’t be bad.
Gu Siming might look young but since Liu Chuan dared introduce him to Li Cangyu, this Gu
Siming must have something extraordinary.
As for how to explore his potential, it was given over to the new captain to handle.
Li Cangyu smiled slightly when he thought of this and said, “Xiao Gu, create an account in
Miracle and go to the Moonlight Forest server to find me.”
Gu Siming’s eyes lit up and he immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice. “Good!”
Liu Chuan patted the young boy’s shoulder and whispered in his ears, “Cat God is the
captain of our Miracle team. Everything involving Miracle will be handled by him, including
your training tasks. Be sure to listen to what he arranges. There is no need for me to talk
about his level. You will know after following him for a few days. In addition, if you
encounter a healer who is with him, it must be Canglan’s vice-captain Bai Xuan. Try to get
along with Bai Xuan, understood?”
Gu Siming nodded energetically. “Understood!”
Liu Chuan once again looked at Li Cangyu. “Cat God, you know more about Miracle than I
do. I will leave the team formation to you. You can also arrange the most suitable position
for Xiao Gu to play.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Okay.”
Liu Chuan spoke again, “I am going to look at the situation of the Wulin players with Zewen.
Look for me if you need my help!”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Yes, go if you are busy.”
“Goodbye Boss! Goodbye Captain Wu!” Gu Siming politely sent the two people aware before
sitting down on a chair. He quickly opened the Miracle client that had been installed on the
computer, set up an account and actively added Li Cangyu as a friend.
[Player ‘As the Name Suggests’, level 1, has requested to add you as a friend.]
Li Cangyu was surprised when he saw the system message. “You created it already? It is
good efficiency.”
“Yes!” Gu Siming spoke seriously, “Captain, I have built a beast race character.”
“…” Li Cangyu almost sprayed out saliva.
This little boy was thin and wasn’t very tall. He had a typical baby-faced appearance yet he
actually built a tall and muscular beast race character!
The contrast was so big. What was he thinking?
“I like playing knights very much.” Gu Siming asked, “Captain, can I play the main tank (T)?”
The video chat was still open so Li Cangyu could see the clear eyes filled with anticipation.
He looked like a baby saying, “Uncle, I want to eat sugar. Can you give me candy?”
Li Cangyu was soft-hearted, making him cough and replied, “Well, out team is lacking a
main T.”
The main T was also called the meat shield. A paladin in Miracle was often in the forefront,
playing the role of protecting their teammates. It might seem awkward for Gu Siming to
play a paladin but Li Cangyu didn’t hurry to deny him. He would slowly observe the
strength of this boy.
Li Cangyu pulled Bai Xuan and Gu Siming into the time and typed. “We have a T, a milk and
an output. It is a suitable team for an instance.”
Bai Xuan glanced at him with surprise. “Who is As the Name Suggests?”
“He is Gu Siming, a 17 year old boy.” Li Cangyu had been wearing headphones when talking
with Liu Chuan and the others. Therefore, Bai Xuan hadn’t heard the full dialogue. Li
Cangyu explained to Bai Xuan, “He is the training camp seedling that Liu Chuan sent us.”
“The Dragon Song’s training camp? His level shouldn’t be bad. Bai Xuan paused. “Once he
reaches level 10, we will go to the instance.”
The video took too much speed so Li Cangyu turned off the video. He created a voice room
in the game and invited Bai Xuan and Gu Siming before putting a password. Then he asked,
“Xiao Gu, how much do you know about Miracle?”
A soft voice soon entered his ears. “Captain, I only joined the Dragon Song’s training camp
at the beginning of this year. During the training camp, I did a lot of tests. Then Boss and
Captain Wu arranged for me to play Miracle and I played for half a year.”
It was clear that Liu Chuan had early ambitions to expand into Miracle. Thus, he began
preparations early on and this boy was obviously a player he prepared for his new team.
“What races and classes have you played in Miracle?” Li Cangyu wanted to know his basic
situation first.
“I have only played a beast paladin, an angel illusionist and an elf hunter. I like to play the
paladin but I can play other classes if the team needs it.”
The youth answered questions in a particularly earnest tone, his soft voice quite
comfortable to listen to.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling and patiently explained, “Miracle has six initial races and
later 12 classes. This can produce dozens of different changes. Moreover, players with the
same race and class might have different game styles because of where they put their stat
points and skill points. After coming to the professional league, you will meet a variety of
players. You have only played three builds so you lack understanding of Miracle.”
His words were very sensible. Gu Siming immediately nodded and said, “Yes, I actually only
know a bit about Miracle. Miracle has a very rich gameplay and I haven’t played many
classes. My understanding isn’t enough!”
“It doesn’t matter. It will later come slowly. Since you want to play a paladin, let’s play this
class first.” Li Cangyu’s voice was soft and gentle, like he was teaching his younger brother.
He didn’t want to be too serious and scare this 17 year old away.”
“Okay, I will get to level 10 as soon as possible and then find you for the instance!” Gu
Siming controlled his character ‘As the Name Suggests’ to do the tasks.
The names ‘Love to Eat Braised Fish’ and ‘Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork’ was seen on the
team list. If he didn’t guess wrong, ‘Love to Eat Braised Fish’ was Cat God’s account while
Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork was Cat God’s best partner, Vice-Captain Bai Xuan of the
Canglan team.
Gu Siming felt a great pressure with two great gods in his team. At the same time, he also
felt some excitement. His speed when completely the tasks was much faster because he
didn’t want the two gods to wait for him for too long!
In Miracle, it was very easy to raise levels below level 10 and Gu Siming had experience
playing three classes in Miracle. Therefore, he reached level 10 in less than 20 minutes and
left the beast territory to go to the human territory.
Yisu City was one of the gathering places of humans and also the lowest-level main city
with an access restriction of level 10.
When he arrived her, he found that players were busily coming and going on the main
street. There with the six races present, with the angel’s white wings, the beautiful and
agile elves, the tall and mighty beasts, the black-winged demons, the pale-skinned blood kin
and the standard looking humans.
Many newcomers were curiously looking around the main city while the levelling madmen
inevitably rushed to the western suburbs of Yisu City.
This was where the entrance to the first team instance of Miracle, ‘Night of Yisu City’ was
Gu Siming ran to the entrance and saw the male elf player ‘Love to Eat Braised Fish’ and the
male angel player ‘Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork’ who had long been waiting there. He
endured his strong hunger after seeing these two IDs and excitedly ran up to them.
[Captain, I have come!]
[Yes.] Li Cangyu simply typed: [Enter the instance.]

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GLS: Chapter 8
Chapter 8 – Night of Yisu City (1)

Night of Yisu City, it was the lowest level six member team instance in Miracle.
The low level instances weren’t designed to be too hard, so as to not let novices lost
confidence in playing. This instance was known as the ‘experience book’ and could be
successfully cleared as long as the player’s hands weren’t disabled. The experience of the
mobs was very high and it was a space opened independently for the team. There were no
outsiders to disturb the team, meaning teams could kill the mobs and level very fast.
However, this was based on the premise that it was a full six member team.
Li Cangyu’s team currently only had three people. If these three people were general
players and encountered such a large number of mobs after entering, it was likely they
would be destroyed. Gu Siming had some worries in his heart but the other two players
were professional gods. He soon left this type of worry behind.
This instance had a dimly lit night view and had a relatively simple map. After entering the
gate, there was only one road leading to the boss’ residence. There were many ‘mutant
humans’ on the roadside patrolling in groups of four. Killing these mutant humans would
give a high amount of experience. The group of four mutant humans had a hatred-linked
mode. This meant that no matter which one was attacked, the four mobs were
simultaneously come over.
Li Cangyu observed the distribution of mobs in the instance and said, “We will take the left
four. Xiao Gu will pull them while I will kill them.”
“Okay!” Gu Siming obediently rushed forward and used the knight’s lowest level Howl skill
to attract the four mobs on the left.
He was a knight with thick flesh but he was besieged by four mobs at the same time,
causing the speed of his blood loss to be amazing.
Bai Xuan immediately gave him a bit of treatment and filled up his blood by a small amount.
Li Cangyu picked a mob and used the summoned water elf to trap the mobs in the same
place. Then he attacked the mobs with the water spirit’s primary skill, Water Ball.
The elf summoner’s water spirit pet didn’t have a strong attack. Fortunately, Li Cangyu
wasn’t in a hurry and slowly hit the mobs in an orderly manner.
The pressure on Gu Siming was big. One mob might be taken away by Li Cangyu but there
were still three mutant humans who were madly attacking him. After seeing that his blood
was reaching the bottom and his healer wasn’t responding, Gu Siming had no choice but to
start walking away from the mobs towards Bai Xuan, jumping twice in the air.
Bai Xuan saw him jumping and gave him the gift of a small healing.
“…” Gu Siming wanted to cry.
He didn’t move after the healing, surely he hadn’t fallen asleep? Or perhaps Gu Siming
guessed wrong. Was this healer not Vice-Captain Bai Xuan?
Li Cangyu saw the little boy anxiously jumping around the three mutant humans and
laughed. He looked back at Bai Xuan and whispered, “You haven’t changed your nature of
bullying newcomers?”
Bai Xuan shrugged. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he won’t die. I’ll just take this opportunity
to see his level of movements.”
—I’ll make sure he won’t die.
A healer who dared say this sentence obviously had a strong confidence.
The facts also proved this. Every time Gu Siming’s blood volume was about to run out, Bai
Xuan accurately pulled his health back with healing. It felt like dancing on a steel wire.
The frightened Gu Siming dragged the mobs around for a long time and found that while his
blood reached the bottom several times, he never really died. After thinking about it, he
finally understood. The gods were testing him!
Gu Siming figured this out and immediately became energetic. He dragged the mobs and
started to walk in a skillful way, minimizing the burden on the healer.
The three people didn’t speak as they slowly killed the four mobs. Gu Siming was still
somewhat confused about the operation of these two people.
Maybe it was because there were too few skills and the instance was too simple?
The level of Li Cangyu’s kiting was really high and the mobs basically couldn’t touch his
clothes. However, many veterans of online games could do this so it was impossible to see
his true strength.
As for God Bai Xuan… He was a complete soy sauce, only occasionally giving heals to Gu
Siming. Gu Siming wondered if he was actually watching a movie…
(Soy sauce=bystander, person minding their own business)
After five minutes, all the mobs in the instance were cleared. Gu Siming saw the boss and
immediately rushed forward. Then Li Cangyu said, “Go out then enter again. We will
continue to kill the mobs.”
Gu Siming stopped and asked with surprise, “Captain, we aren’t fighting the boss?”
“It’s a waste of time.” Li Cangyu continued, “Once we reach level 12, we will learn the skills
and fight it!”
“Oh!” Gu Siming didn’t ask anything else. He just obediently followed them out of the
instance. Li Cangyu reset the instance and they entered again. The mobs had really
refreshed and they followed the same method again.
The process of killing the mobs was simple and boring. Fortunately, Li Cangyu was very
patient… the captain didn’t say anything So Gu Siming was even more embarrassed to raise
objections. After killing the mobs for 20 minutes, Gu Siming had almost become sleepy
when the three people finally reached level 12.
“Okay.” Li Cangyu said, “Go back to the main city and learn the skills.”
Gu Siming’s spirit was shocked and he returned to Yisu City with the two great gods.
There was a building next to the fountain in Yisu City that contained 12 class skill
instructors. The level of the skills increased based on the floor. They were level 12 novices
so they could only learn skills on the first floor.
Li Cangyu found the summoner skills instructor and learned the second skill of the elf
summoner, Summon Fire Spirit.
The water and fire spirits were the most commonly used pets of an elf summoner. The
water spirit was for control while the fire spirit was the main output. Before, only the water
spirit killed the mobs so fighting the boss would be very slow. Li Cangyu sensibly chose to
level up first to receive the fire spirit skill.
Bai Xuan learned the priest’s ‘Healing Array’, which was the priest’s first ability to add
blood to the group.
Gu Siming learnt the knight’s ‘Guardian Power’ skill, which generated a guardian to
enhance defense by 800% in order to protect himself or a designated teammate for 8
seconds. The skill effect created a golden shield around the body.
After learning the skills, the three people entered the instance again.
Gu Siming just entered the instance and wanted to pull the four mobs on the left side.
However, Li Cangyu’s actions were faster than him. He called the water spirit to trap one
and used the fire spirit to pull away the other three. He moved quickly while attacking the
mobs with fireballs. Beautiful flames emerged from the body of the fire elves one after
another, causing a dizzying effect.
In the blink of an eye, four mobs fell to the ground. This killing speed really made Gu Siming
Gu Siming, “…”
He basically didn’t act as the main T. He just watched Cat God soloing out the four mobs!
Gu Siming felt tearful.
Bai Xuan saw the knight standing in the same place and typed privately to him: [Just follow
Cat God and act as soy sauce. He has more pets so killing a few mobs isn’t any trouble for
Gu Siming recovered and agreed. [Yes! Let’s just follow him as soy sauce!]
Li Cangyu’s gameplay was greatly limited when he had only one water spirit pet. He
couldn’t show any difference between him and other summoners. Once the fire spirit
appeared, his skill level was immediately revealed. He accurately switched between the
two pets by taking into account the cooldown time and smoothly connected the pet skills,
dazzling people.
He was so powerful with only two pets. Imagine how terrible Li Cangyu would be after
gaining seven pets in the late game!
Gu Siming excited asked, “Cat God, your elf summoner’s movement speed is so fast. Are you
taking the full agility route?”
This little guy’s eyes weren’t bad to be able to see this. Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Yes, I am
used to playing this build.”
The so-called full agility meant adding all stat points to ‘agility.’
From level 5 onwards, Li Cangyu added his five points from levelling up to agility.
Combined with the natural agility of the elf race, the advantage of his full agility gradually
started to be revealed at level 12.
High agility meant that not only was his movement speed faster, the cooldown time of skills
also decreased.
Using this premise, Li Cangyu quickly summoned two elf spirits, the water and fire spirits,
while using Flying Feather Steps to walk between the mobs. There was almost no blood
loss as he killed the four mobs at the fastest speed.
Bai and Gu basically didn’t need to do anything as Li Cangyu dealt with the mobs.
Gu Siming had only heard rumours about Cat God playing the elf summoner. It was only
once he saw Li Cangyu’s operations today that he realized the full agility elf summoner
required a very high hand speed. How much psychological pressure would the opponent
have once the seven pets were complete?
The elf summoner itself moved very quickly. If he summoned the seven pets quickly and
used the pet skills…
Wouldn’t it be 1V8 for his opponent?
Fortunately, they were teammates!
Gu Siming thought that he was lucky. He was already dizzy seeing the light of the dazzling
pets summoned. How could he fight against them?
He hugged Cat God’s thighs and gained experience as a soy sauce. Gu Siming didn’t need to
do anything and just happily counted the experience appearing above his head. Meanwhile,
he was bored and chattered with God Bai Xuan in a private chat.
[Great god, are you Vice-Captain Bai? Are you with Cat God?]
[Yes. You guessed right.]
[Hehe. Gu Siming smiled and scratched his head. [Did Cat God play the elf summoner
[Yes, a few people challenged him and were beaten up by him.]
[So strong!] Gu Siming exclaimed. [The most common summoner in the Miracle
Professional League are the demon and blood kin type. How can he play an elf summoner?]
[The elf summoner is strong due to the quick summoning of pets and a very high speed is
required. Only those who have an explosive hand speed of more than 500 can complete
such complicated operations. There are few players in the Miracle Professional League with
a speed of over 500 so it isn’t rare for few players to play the elf summoner.] Bai Xuan
patiently typed and explained.
The hand speed, which was the number of times the fingers pressed the keys per unit of
time was referred to as APM.
Hand speed was extremely important for e-sports players but it wasn’t the only evaluation
for a player. The requirements for different classes weren’t the same. For example, a 220
hand speed was sufficient for a defensive type knight while a healer usually required a 300
hand speed.
Li Cangyu liked the extremely quick gamely of a summoner. Once he broke out with his
attacks, his hand speed would break the limit of 500. Therefore, while he was playing
Miracle, he had the nickname of Lightning Cat God to describe his lightning fast fingers.
Gu Siming thought about it carefully and suddenly realized. “The blood kin’s pet can suck
blood while the demon summoner has a high survivability so their speed requirements
isn’t as high as the elves. That’s why blood kin and demon summoners are currently more
popular in the Miracle Professional League?]
Bai Xuan sent a smiling expression. [You are really clever.]
Gu Siming was very happy to be praised. His hands excitedly hit the keyboard as he typed:
[Right! Talking about hand speed, the faster player in the Miracle League is currently Ling
Bai Xuan was stunned when he saw this familiar name and his mood became a bit
After a moment of silence, Bai Xuan typed: [It seems you know a lot about Miracle and Ling
Gu Siming typed seriously: [I might be a newcomer in the training camp but I will be
playing the game in the future. I should always know about the opponent. Besides, Captain
Ling is very popular. He is the captain of the Wind Colour team and the league’s strongest
demon summoner!]
Bai Xuan sent a smiling expression. [Yes, he is currently the fastest player in the Miracle
League. His hand speed is similar to Cat God.”
Gu Siming became even more excited after finding a common topic. [I have seen many
videos of Captain Ling playing the game. The use of the demon pets to suppress the
opponent’s gameplay is particularly powerful, causing the opponents to be breathless! His
single player win rate is super high and he is ranked first in the demon race. Fans call him
the devil!]
Bai Xuan wondered: [You know him so well. Are you his fan?]
Gu Siming was embarrassed once his thoughts were pierced and scratched his head. [Hehe,
I really like his style of play. I feel it is particularly cool!]
[The demon summoner is cool but you will cry when you meet him in the field.] Bai Xuan
[Of course! I certainly can’t beat Captain Ling!] After thinking about it, Gu Siming asked
with bright eyes: [Can Cat God beat Captain Ling?]
[Not necessarily.] Bai Xuan didn’t give a definite answer but he said: [They have rarely
fought alone.]
Gu Siming was stunned by this remark. According to his understanding, Ling Xuefeng and
Li Cangyu should be players of the same period. When Li Cangyu played Miracle for two
years, how could he not fight alone with Ling Xuefeng?
Moreover, since both of them played summoners, shouldn’t they have competed in the 1V1
Summoner Competition?
Gu Siming was filled with curiosity and wanted to ask more details when Li Cangyu
suddenly spoke in the voice channel. “Are you two still chatting? It is time to face the boss.”
“…” A drop of cold sweat immediately form on Gu Siming’s forehead!
They followed Cat God all this way while acting as a soy sauce. Now it was time to hit the
boss but the two soy sauces were still standing there chatting.
[I understand!] Gu Siming immediately raised the knight’s shield and actively rushed to the

TL: A certain important someone has made a quick appearance, hehe.

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GLS: Chapter 9
Chapter 9 – Night of Yisu City (2)
The boss of the Night of Yisu City instance was called Enoch and he was the leader of the
mutant humans in this instance.
According to the plot of Miracle, he was originally a terran guardian in the western suburbs
of Yisu City. Later, he was influenced by black magic, lost his senses, took control of the
group of mutant humans and remained here to kill innocent people.
Bai Xuan moved his mouse over the boss’ head to see his properties and said, “I can’t see
his blood volume but a level 10 terran boss shouldn’t be too difficult?”
Gu Siming was momentarily stunned when he heard another voice on the headset but he
quickly responded to Bai Xuan’s words.
If Li Cangyu’s upright voice made people feel respect and obedience then Bai Xuan’s soft
voice would make people feel a sense of intimacy. The two people were decisive and
simple, gentle and friendly, they had a very harmonious atmosphere as team captain and
Gu Siming thought about how to pull the boss away from Bai Xuan when he heard Li
Cangyu say on the voice channel, “I haven’t played Miracle’s instances for several years and
don’t remember the skills of this boss. Do you know?”
Gu Siming replied positively. “I know! I just played this with a side account a few days ago.
This boss has a naming skill and a group attack skill. The naming skill will seal the targeted
player for three seconds and there will be a critical hit at the end. The group attack skill is
attacked in a 120 degree range in front of him.”
Once Li Cangyu heard this, he bowed his head and thought about it. “These two skills are
quite easy to deal with. Xiao Gu will pull the boss while Xiao Bai will watch his blood.”
Bai Xuan looked at him. “Can you not call me Xiao Bai? It really isn’t a good name to listen
Li Cangyu laughed. “Then should I call you Big Bai?”
Bai Xuan stared at him. “Is it okay to call you Big Cat?” (For those who don’t name
“…” The consequences of not having a healer was very serious so Li Cangyu decided not to
provoke him. He smiled and patted Bai Xuan on the shoulder, saying seriously, “I won’t call
you Xiao Bai. I will call you Milk God because you are really the best healer I have seen.”
After seeing this guy turn away when the situation went wrong, Bai Xuan couldn’t do
anything. He had no choice but to give Gu Siming a status that increased the healing effect
and said, “Okay, let’s go quickly.”
Gu Siming raised the knight shield, went to the boss and clicked to talk to him. The name on
top of the boss turned red, indicating that the boss battle was officially opened.
After attracting the boss’ attention, Gu Siming immediately pulled the boss and turned the
boss’ back to his two teammates. This way, only one person would be attacked when the
boss released his fan-shaped group attack skill. The two people behind him wouldn’t be
Gu Siming’s boss pulling technique was very good and he managed it in three seconds.
Li Cangyu waited for the boss to stabilize before started to attack, summoning the fire
spirits and quickly throwing fireballs at the boss.
Fireball, this was the primary attack skill of the fire spirit pet and required the master to
press the button to start.
Li Cangyu’s hand speed was very fast and he pressed the keyboard as soon as the skill
cooled down. He didn’t waste even 0.1 seconds.
From Gu Siming’s perspective, he saw small fireballs fly one after another in succession
towards the boss at the fastest speed. It was as beautiful as fireworks, making the night sky
of the instance as bright as daylight!
Cat God’s technique was too gorgeous!
Gu Siming was feeling amazed when the boss dealt a common attack and his blood volume
suddenly fell by a huge amount.
Fortunately, Bai Xuan’s blood adding technique was very skillful. He used a small healing
skill combined with one that continuously restored blood for a certain amount of time. In
the case of three people attacking the boss, Gu Siming’s blood volume was maintained by
Bai Xuan at 60%.
This was the three people’s first cooperation but they had a tacit understanding and the
boss’ blood volume was reduced to 80%.
At this moment, the boss suddenly waved his hands and a white light with a 120 degree fan
shape appeared in front of him. There was a loud boom and Gu Siming’s blood bar instantly
flashed red with alarm!
This group attack skill was powerful and directly wiped out nearly 60% of the blood of the
main T.
It could be imagined that if the fragile outputs were standing in front of the boss, they
might directly be wiped out by this group attack!
Bai Xuan saw that Xiao Gu’s blood bar was at the bottom and immediately let out a burst of
fast hand speed to crazily restore blood.
A level 12 healer only had a primary healing skill and one blood returning array (heal over
time) skill. He could only restore blood with the quick and simple method. Fortunately, Bai
Xuan was extremely fast at critical junctures and cast healing skills dozens of times, quickly
returned Gu Siming’s blood volume to the safety line.
But to make it worst, a line of words suddenly appeared above the boss’ head, accompanied
by a roar. [Love to Eat Braised Fish, you dare to kill my companions!]
The earth-shattering roar almost broke the three people’s eardrum.
This was obviously the precursor to the launch of the naming skill.
Sure enough, the boss just finished speaking when a silver light appeared on the named
summoner ‘Love to Eat Braised Fish.’
According to Xiao Gu, the effect of this light was to seal the player for three seconds. In the
next three seconds, Li Cangyu wouldn’t be able to do anything. After these three seconds
ended, the boss with deal a critical hit to the named player.
Bai Xuan immediately aimed at Love to Eat Braised Fish’s blood. Since he was standing
behind the boss and not affected by the group attack skill, Love to Eat Braised Fish was still
full of blood. However, a summoner’s defense was very weak. Even if he was full of blood,
he might not survive the boss’ critical hit.
He wanted to open his mouth to tell Xiao Gu to cast a shield but he hadn’t had time to talk
when Gu Siming wisely used the knight’s Guardian Power on the summoner’s body. The
knight’s guardian power increased his teammate’s defense by 800% for eight seconds.
With this powerful shield around his body, the fragile summoner would surely safely pass
the boss’ critical hit.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help appreciation this young boy’s quick response.
When he thought of the main T of the disbanded Canglan team, he couldn’t help feeling
bitter. If that person was here, he certainly wouldn’t have reacted so quickly. In fact, a
teammate’s cooperation was often more important than personal ability. Li Cangyu’s
output was strong but he also needed the timely protection of his teammates.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help rejoicing as he saw the shield in front of him. It seemed that Liu
Chuan’s young boy really wasn’t ordinary.
Thanks to this tacit cooperation, the process of facing the boss was very smooth.
Gu Siming was young but his responses were very keen. Bai Xuan’s healing was reassuring
and Li Cangyu’s attack speed was also very stable. The three of them took 10 minutes to
finally kill the boss!
[Congratulations to the players Love to Eat Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork
and As the Name Suggests for the ‘Killing Enoch’ achievement!]
Once this system achievement message popped up, the experience of the three people rose
sharply and the white light signaling a level up appeared around their bodies. They had
reached level 13.
Gu Siming excitedly said, “Fighting a boss is equivalent to killing five rounds of mobs. The
experience is great! It is just that the speed of three people killing the boss is too slow. We
only have Cat God as the output.”
“Cat God is equivalent to two outputs.” Bai Xuan smiled and praised, “Right Cat God?”
“Of course.” Li Cangyu wasn’t modest about receiving praise and openly admitted it. He
walked to the boss and looked at the dropped parcels on the ground. “First check what the
rewards are.”
The screen showed the random reward for killing the boss: three pieces of blue gear.
Miracle’s equipment in order from low to high was white, blue, purple and gold. Gold
equipment must be hand-made with a variety of rare materials, purple equipment was
dropped by bosses in difficult 30 people instances or exchanged with arena points. Six
people instances generally only dropped blue equipment with ordinary attributes while the
various beautiful clothing sold in stores were white with no attributes.
The attributes of the blue equipment were ordinary but it was sufficient for the early levels.
This time, the instance boss dropped three pieces of blue equipment: a pair of shoes for
healers and clothes that gave magic defense. Li Cangyu gave these items to Bai Xuan. There
was also a helmet suitable for knights and this was assigned to Xiao Gu.
He didn’t take anything for himself.
In any case, he had Bai Xuan to cover him and didn’t need defensive equipment.
He was really willful with a milk god around.
They played the instance five times and the boss dropped three pieces of equipment every
time. The three people quickly gathered blue equipment, making it easier to fight the boss.
The time was close to noon and the three people all rose to level 15. Then Li Cangyu
suddenly realized a problem and asked, “Xiao Gu, isn’t it midnight right now in China?”
Gu Siming glanced at the bottom right corner of his computer and found that it had reached
23:45 without him knowing.
However, based on Cat God’s question, was he abroad?
The confused Gu Siming wondered, “Captain, it is 23:45 right now. You aren’t at home?”
“Yes, I am currently in the United States with Bai Xuan and it is noon.” Li Cangyu asked, “Do
you want to go to bed first?”
Gu Siming replied, “It doesn’t matter. Boss said that my training will be carried out with
Captain, not anyone else. I can play with you at night and sleep during the day.”
Li Cangyu thought about it but felt that a 17 year old often staying up late wasn’t good for
his health. Through observations in these instances, he found that Gu Siming’s foundations
were very solid. The Dragon Song’s training camp had professional training software and
the trained players naturally weren’t bad.
Xiao Gu was already half a professional player and clearing instances wasn’t useful for him.
In order to train his senses, it was necessary to go to the arena after reaching max level and
fight against other classes.
Li Cangyu thought up to here and said, “The time that I go online with Bai Xuan isn’t fixed.
You can follow the Dragon Song’s schedule and look for us after you go online. If we aren’t
online, watch videos from the Miracle Professional League.”
Gu Siming protested, “Captain, I want to play with you…”
This little boy’s voice sounded pitiful at the thought of being abandoned.
Li Cangyu said helplessly, “It is noon over here and I will go to sleep at 11 in the evening. Do
you want to stay up late with us until 11 o’clock tomorrow?”
Gu Siming cried out, “No problem! I slept this afternoon and I’m full of spirit. I won’t be
sleepy if I play until 11 tomorrow!”
Li Cangyu, “…”
No wonder why Liu Chuan said this boy was a little madman, he really had fighting spirit!
Bai Xuan brokered a compromise. “If you don’t like it then how about this? Xiao Gu will go
to sleep at 1 in the morning and then wake up early tomorrow to level up with us. After we
go to sleep, you can keep levelling or watch game videos.”
Li Cangyu agreed with Bai Xuan’s approach. He was no longer swayed and decisively said,
“Then I will allow you to play for another hour.”
With this 17 year old boy, Li Cangyu felt like he had a son and was even worrying about the
boy’s rest!
Gu Siming listened to his captain and didn’t insist on staying up late with them. “Then I will
go to the toilet and also change my computer. Wait two minutes for me!”
His face was dim, probably because the computer had been switched on for too long.
Li Cangyu looked back and asked, “What do you think?”
The two people had been partners for many years and Bai Xuan naturally knew what he
was asking. “He has quick responses and a solid foundation. His potential is very good. He is
too young and his mind needs to be honed. Otherwise, he won’t be able to carry the front
line when encountering a strong team.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu nodded in agreement. “He is a good seedling and will definitely improve
with training.”
Gu Siming decisively finished his business in the toilet and then his clear voice was heard
through the headset. “Captain, I’m back. We can continue!”
Li Cangyu said cheerfully, “Yes, there is still one hour. We will rise to level 20 in one
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GLS: Chapter 10
Chapter 10 – Blossoming Tree

Along with Bai Xuan and Gu Siming, the trio cleared the Night of Yisu City dozens of times
and finally rose to level 20. It was also one in the morning domestically.
Li Cangyu asked, “Xiao Gu, shouldn’t you sleep?”
Gu Siming smiled reluctantly. “I will go change my class first before sleeping.”
Li Cangyu said seriously, “Don’t find excuses to avoid it. Once you change your class, go to
sleep immediately. Do you hear me?”
Gu Siming had no choice but to nod. “Yes, I heard you!”
This little boy was so obedient. Li Cangyu smiled with satisfaction and returned to the
building in the centre of Yisu City with Bai Xuan and Gu Siming.
Due to the speed at which they cleared the instance, the current level of the three players
had already reached the forefront of this district. The skills instructor responsible for
changing classes was on the second floor where there weren’t many players. Li Cangyu
went to the skills instructor and pressed the dialogue button.
“Hello, the summoner relies on the master and pet fighting together. You can use different
pets to achieve different attack effects. The difficulty is seven stars. Are you sure you want
to become a summoner? You won’t be able to change it later!”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to press the confirmation button.
“Congratulations on becoming a summoner! This is the external outfit that the Summoners
Association has given you. Please check it.”
A soft green light appeared around his body and the summoner icon appeared next to the
‘Love to Eat Braised Fish’ name above his head. As soon as his mouse moved over this icon,
his personal information would be displayed next to it.
ID: Love to Eat Braised Fish
Race: Elf
Class: Summoner
Level: 20
His elf summoner was finally back!
Li Cangyu continued to talk to the skills instructor and learnt the third skill.
Summon Thunder Spirit.
The thunder spirit was the third pet for an elf summoner and was strongest in group
The ice control of the water spirit, the fast and powerful single target attack of the fire spirit
and the group attack of the thunder spirits, the elf summoner was basically formed by
possessing these three pets. Of course, these three pets could only cope with the simplest
battles. Later. there would be more powerful pets which involved relatively high-end
operations such as status release and displacement control.
Li Cangyu happily summoned his water, fire and thunder pet. He surrounded himself with
his three cute pets and went to find his teammates.
Bai Xuan and Xiao Gu had also successfully changed classes. The team list showed a clear
class marker next to the three names.
Bai Xuan had changed to a priest. The slender man wore white priest’s robes and there was
the white wings that the angel race was born with. He looked as holy as an angel but the ID
of Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork above his head completely destroyed the beauty of the
angel priest.
As for Xiao Gu, the beast race were tall and strong, making him look quite mighty when he
put on a knight’s armour. But when Li Cangyu thought of the cute 17 year old boy on the
computer, he really felt that his senses were violated.
Xiao Gu successfully changed classes and jumped two times in front of both of them. He
said excitedly, “Captain, I can play a knight again!”
Li Cangyu bluntly struck him, “Go to sleep.”
“…Oh.” Xiao Gu reluctantly turned off the computer to go to sleep.
After he left, Li Cangyu took out the summoner’s clothing from the parcel and put it on.
This type of external clothes didn’t add any attributes, it only changed the appearance of
the game character. Wearing it could be considered a symbol of the class.
The clothing designers of Miracle were very attention. An elf summoner was biased
towards agility and the clothing was relatively light. It had the silver-white colour of the
Moonlight Forest and was designed simply and concisely, making it convenient for the
elves to move quickly.
Bai Xuan looked at the elf summoner wearing the class outfit in front of him and felt a bit
bitter. Previously, Li Cangyu’s elf summoner swept through Miracle and many players who
met him in the dueling arena got a headache. Such a strong person refused the invitation of
countless giant clubs in the name of so-called brotherhood loyalty and collectively
transferred with his teammates to Wulin.
It wasn’t easy to make such a decisive decision.
At that time, he gave up his elf summoner for a few good friends. Now he could finally
return to Miracle and operate his favourite elf summoner again. It might be a few years late
but Bai Xuan believed that Li Cangyu would surely be able to shine in the Professional
Unfortunately, he might not be able to accompany him, Bai Xuan thought regretfully.
Li Cangyu turned around and found that Bai Xuan’s face wasn’t quite right. He couldn’t ask
asking, “What’s wrong. Is your stomach uncomfortable?”
“No.” Bai Xuan said softly. “I just saw you wearing the summoner’s clothing and felt some
The first time Bai Xuan saw him wear this outfit, he was 17 years old. In the blink of an eye,
so many years passed…
Li Cangyu understood the other person’s meaning and smiled cheerfully. He patted Bai
Xuan’s shoulder and comforted him. “It’s okay. I have met many friends in Wulin and have
also gained a lot of knowledge. That time wasn’t wasted and it isn’t too late to return
Bai Xuan laughed. “It other words, it is too late to go back now.”
“By the way, while you were having the gastroscope, I asked my dad some private
questions. He suggested that we should try Chinese medicine. When it comes to regulating
the stomach, Chinese medicine is better than Western medicine. Once we return to China, I
will accompany you to see Chinese medical practitioners. My father introduced me to some
Chinese medicine doctors who should be reliable.” Li Cangyu paused and earnestly looked
at Bai Xuan. “If you can recuperate your body to a healthy state, are you willing to come
back with me next year?”
“…” Bai Xuan didn’t answer, his expression somewhat complicated.
Then Li Cangyu said, “You always feel sorry for me but isn’t it the same for you? At your
level, you are definitely a first-class healer in Miracle. You followed me for so many years
without winning a prize. I feel very sorry. In any case, we have accumulated a lot of
experience in the past few years. It is better to join hands to fight in Miracle one last time.
This time, we might be able to get the championship.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help laughing when he heard this. “Get the championship? You can say it
so easily.”
Li Cangyu explained seriously. “I’m not being a big talker. The Dragon Song Club can
provide us with the best platform and resources. In terms of teammates, we already have
Xiao Gu. This little guy is definitely a talented player. He acted many times without me
commanding him and certainly won’t be bad with training. We just need to find a few high
level teammates and the championship isn’t hopeless.”
“…” Bai Xuan was somewhat tempted by the words.
Let’s put aside friendship and the polite words. Who didn’t want to win in a game? Who
didn’t want to win the championship? Not receiving a trophy for so many years, who could
accept this?
Li Cangyu didn’t have any restrictions after the disbanding of Canglan. It was entirely
possible to reorganize a team based on his tactical ideas. With the full support of Boss Liu
Chuan, it wasn’t impossible for him to attack Miracle and seize the trophy.
“How about it? Are you thinking about it?” Li Cangyu continued to persuade Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan was very soft-hearted and was too embarrassed to refuse his old partner. He
could only smile and say, “I…will consider it.”
He said this but Li Cangyu knew he was definitely a sure thing!
Initially, Li Cangyu didn’t dare leave Bai Xuan because he was afraid Bai Xuan’s illness was
serious. Once he consulted his father and found out that Bai Xuan could recuperate in half a
year, Li Cangyu didn’t want to let him go. He would pay more attention to the team’s affairs
and make sure that Bai Xuan rested and cared for his diet and sleep. As long as Bai Xuan’s
spirit was good, there would be no problem with him playing the game.
“Do you want to continue to level up?” Bai Xuan changed the topic. “Should we change
instances? Or should we do the main tasks.”
“Let’s do the bounty mission.” Li Cangyu said.
A bounty mission was the best way to make money in the early stages of Miracle. It opened
once a player changed classes at level 20 and ended at level 25. This mission gave both
money and experience.
In general, bounty missions were about escorting NPCS to the designated located. Once the
mission was successful, the players would receive experience and bonuses, leading to a
good harvest of money and experience. However, a bounty mission could be intercepted.
Not only would the system set a group of mobs to intercept the NPCs and interfere with the
players, other players passing by could also intercept it. If the escort NPC was intercepted
and killed, there would be no rewards and they would lose experience and money.
—In order to achieve high returns, you must take bigger risks.
The risk of bounty missions was high before failure would reverse the experience and
money situation. An average player was afraid of being robbed and generally wouldn’t do
it. It was mainly the elites of the guilds.
Bai Xuan asked, “Should we gather a few more people for the bounty mission?”
“No.” Li Couple said, “Aren’t we more than enough to deal with a few robbers?”
“I’m afraid that players will intercept us.” Bai Xuan often did bounty missions so he knew
that players who successfully killed the NPC would get experience and gold coins
immediately. Therefore, the game had many special teams to intercept bounty missions.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling worried. “We only have two people. What if the elites from
the big guilds intercept us?”
Li Cangyu’s expression didn’t change. “What are you afraid of? I will clean them up.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
That’s right!
Based on the level of Cat God, how could he be afraid of players in an online game robbing
him? Forget the elites of the big guilds. If he was singled out by three professional players
in the Professional League, he would be able to calmly hold on for several seconds.
They played the online game together and Bai Xuan forgot that Li Cangyu was a
professional god level player.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help laughing. “Then let’s go do the bounty mission with the two of us.”
They just arrived at the NPC who issued the bounty mission and received the task when a
message suddenly popped up on Li Cangyu’s screen.
[Player ‘Blossoming Tree’, level 20, terran race, swordsman class, has requested to team up
with you.]
Blossoming Tree also typed in a nearby channel: [A bounty mission? Let’s team up.”
Bai Xuan said, “Accept him and get one more helper. In case of a robber, you can make him
a cannon fodder.”
“It makes sense.” Li Cangyu accepted this person into the team.
[Hey, an elf summoner! What a rare sight!] Blossoming Tree entered the team and typed: [A
full agility?]
This guy wasn’t a rookie if he knew the full agility gameplay of the elf summoner.
Li Cangyu typed: [Yes.]
[Blossoming Tree has challenged you. Do you want to accept?]
Li Cangyu was surprised. [Why?]
Blossoming Tree sent a smiling expression. [Learn and compare notes.]
Since he actively requested a PK, Li Cangyu naturally wouldn’t be polite. Immediately after
accepting the application, he summoned his water spirit and shot a Water Ball at him.
Bai Xuan thought that this person would definitely be knocked down by Cat God in two
strikes. Unexpectedly, the other person actually rolled in an agile manner to escape from Li
Cangyu’s control. He quickly rushed towards the summoner and the sword in his hands
rose, locking straight onto the target and stabbing the chest.
This method was clean and clever!
Li Cangyu was somewhat surprised but his fingers were extremely stable. He quickly
pressed his index finger and middle finger of his left hand. The elf summoner used Flying
Feather Steps to swiftly escape the attack while calling a fire spirit to the same location.
Fireball was used to knock out 20% of the swordsman’s blood at once.
Attacking with ease while evading, this was a first-class awareness!
The terran swordsman realized that he had encountered and master and slightly narrowed
his eyes. He wasn’t in a hurry. After the first move where he received damage from the fire
spirit, he quickly jumped away and accelerated his assault. He closed in on Li Cangyu from
behind and used the swordsman’s currently most serious attack: Breaking Bone Sword.
A summoner’s defense was very weak. If this hit, there would be a lot of blood loss. Li
Cangyu immediately decided to recall his fire spirit to his side and forcibly used his pet to
block the damage.
The fire elf was killed and Blossoming Tree sent a row of thumbs up. [Great!]
Li Cangyu smiled. [You are also very good.]
Blossoming Tree put away the sword in his hand and didn’t keep fighting. He said: [Let’s do
the bounty mission.]
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan looked at each other with puzzled expressions.
“What’s the origin of this person?” Bai Xuan asked directly.
“I’m not very clear. But I am certain that he held back when fighting me.’ Li Cangyu had a
top level awareness and quickly made a judgment about the other person. “This
swordsman is quick at close range and his technique when dodging and moving behind are
absolutely perfect. This person is absolutely a first-class master in online games. Since he is
still holding back, I think he isn’t just a master of online games.”
Bai Xuan looked at the other person with surprise. “Is he a professional player?”
Li Cangyu spoke thoughtfully, “The Miracle Professional League is currently in the midst of
its regular season. How can a professional player be idle enough to appear in the online

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GLS: Chapter 11
Chapter 11 – Bounty Mission

Three simple moves caused Li Cangyu to feel very suspicious of the true level of this terran
swordsman but he wasn’t certain if the player was a professional. There were many
passersby in China who didn’t want to play in the Professional League.
In any case, he would be able to find out some clues when they teamed up together. There
was no need to be too anxious to figure out the swordsman’s identity.
Li Cangyu thought this as he talked with the NPC and took the bounty task.
The goal of this mission was to escort the the businessman Erdos to the black market not
far outside Yisu City. Successfully completing the task would give 10,000 experience per
person and a total of 1,000 coins.
The bounty mission gave experience to everyone while the gold coins were equally divided
between teammates. If a person’s level was enough, they could do it alone and the reward
would naturally be the highest. But in order to avoid being robbed in the game, most
players would make a full six player team and there were few people like Li Cangyu who
would do a bounty mission with only three players.
Once they received the task, the NPC Erdos had an ‘escort’ character icon. This large icon
was simply giving other players a signal— Come and rob me! I have experience and money
to steal!
The three people escorted Erdos to the target point. As soon as they left the city, three
system mobs moved to intercept the NPC and were directly killed by Blossoming Tree.
A swordsman was the most aggressive among melee classes. At level 20, they could learn
low level group attack skills. It wasn’t unusual for Blossoming Tree to take care of the mobs
in the seconds. Li Cangyu didn’t say much, just escorting the NPCs to move on.
They had only taken a few steps after handling the mobs before meeting a team with
unified IDs.
The other captain saw the escort icon on top of the NPC and directly moved to intercept.
In order to prevent the NPC from being killed by several teams at the same time, the bounty
mission would be transmitted to a separate instance space. The two parties and the NPC
were sent to the separate instance, allowing them to launch a fair battle without being
disturbed by outsiders.
In this instance space, the escorts must protect the NPC. The killers only needed to kill the
NPC to get the rewards, but if they failed, their experience and gold coins would be added
to the final mission rewards.
A bounty mission was risky but also extraordinarily stimulating. It was the favourite
gameplay of the major guild masters.
Li Cangyu looked around after being transferred to the independent instance and quickly
discovered who was making trouble.
—The Wind and Clouds are Light, the Wind is Leisurely, the Wind Flutters, Wind is Small
and Obedient, Wind has Unmatched Style, Wind Flower Snow and Moon.
The IDs all starting with ‘Wind’ and the unified guild icon over all six heads were really
Bai Xuan also recognized them and couldn’t help exclaiming, It is the Wind Colour Guild!]
Li Cangyu spoke calmly, “You will add blood to the NPC while I will take care of them.”
After entering the instance, the battle list appeared showing the player IDs on both sides.
The other side had a complete six player elite team while Li Cangyu only had Love to Eat
Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork and Blossoming Tree… three people!
The vice president of the Wind Colour Guild, Wind and Clouds are Light was surprised and
couldn’t help saying in the voice channel, “Three people doing a bounty mission, their
courage is too big!”
Then he typed in the area channel: [Love to Eat Braised Fish, it is three against six. You can
still give up the task and give the NPC to us!]
Li Cangyu saw this and smiled slightly. [Sorry, I’m not used to giving up.]
Wind and Clouds are Light: [Since you aren’t smart, don’t blame us for bullying you too
Li Cangyu carefully typed: [I won’t blame you, come on.]
Bai Xuan, “…”
Why did he suddenly feel sympathy for the Wind Colour team?
The six player Wind Colour team soon appeared in the field of view. Li Cangyu quickly
pressed his left index finger and found the healer Wind is Small and Obedient. A Water Ball
was accurately thrown and directly froze Wind is Small and Obedient in place!
The six people hadn’t been able to react when they found out that their healer was already
frozen. The remaining five people rushed forward.
Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to quickly walk around the five people. Fireball was
pressed immediately, causing small fireballs to directly slam into the leader of the team,
Wind and Clouds are Light. The summoner’s elf fire spirit had a very strong attack power.
Once hit by three fireballs, Wind and Clouds are Light’s health fall below 40%!
“Healer, give me more blood!” Wind and Clouds are Light roared on the voice channel.
“Melee, interrupt him! Don’t let him use Fireball!”
[We can’t catch up.] The two melee players were forced to bitterly type.
Yes, they couldn’t catch up!
How fast did the elf act? It could be described by: As swift as the wind. In addition, Li
Cangyu was a full agility type and his summoner was a ranged class. The knight and
berserker in the team were the short-legged beast race, how could they catch up with the
Li Cangyu fired two more Fireballs and directly took away Wind and Clouds are Light’s
residual blood.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Wind and Clouds are Light.]
This prompt appeared in the centre of the screen and Wind and Clouds are Light fell to the
ground in an instant.
—Trying to kill a person first, only for the thief to seize the king.
The water spirit directly sealed the Wind Colour team’s healer while the fire spirit killed
the leader. Li Cangyu was simply too decisive!
Once the captain died, the elite group of the Wind Colour team became disorderly. Wind
and Clouds are Light was angry after falling down to the ground and cried out angrily,
“Black magicians! What are you doing?”
The two black magicians immediately recovered and rushed to stack death spells on Li
The demon black magician was a ranged magic class. Their movement speed might be
slower than elves but their magic attack power was stronger. Once Death Spell was
stacked, black magic damage would double.
It was unfortunate that Death Spell must be seamlessly connected to stack up. Li Cangyu
looked at the Death Spell on his body and within five seconds, he suddenly used Flying
Feather Steps and moved straight out of the range of the black magician!
[Damn, it didn’t connect!] Wind has Unmatched Style received the prompt that the ‘other
person isn’t in range’ and couldn’t help cursing.
[What the hell! Why can’t the both of you kill a crispy elf!] Wind and Clouds are Light was
Li Cangyu, who lost 40% of his health from the black magic spell, let the opponent’s attack
range and entered Bai Xuan’s healing range. His control of distance had always been
Bai Xuan saw him come near and immediately gave a small healing spell, quickly raising Li
Cangyu’s blood.
The other party’s commander realized that he met a master!
Wind and Clouds are Light took a deep breath to calm himself down and said, “Don’t worry
about the summoner. Kill the healer first!”
He had been caught unprepared and his thinking was a bit confused, but the vice president
of the Wind Colour Guild wasn’t a rookie. Wind and Clouds are Light quickly analyzed the
key problem. In order to kill the target NPC, they must first take care of the healer.
Otherwise, the healer would keep giving blood to the NPC and they wouldn’t be able to
succeed in killing the NPC.
In any case, they obviously had superior numbers. Even if Wind and Clouds are Light had
accidentally died, there were five people. Killing the healer and cleaning up the two outputs
wouldn’t be a problem!
“Kill the healer! Knight and warrior, move closely to interfere with the healer. Black
magicians, work together. Xiao Yan, speed up the healing array!” Wind and Clouds are
Light calmly commanded.
However, when the two melee rushed to Bai Xuan’s side to control him, they were bitten
Blossoming Tree! The terran swordsman watching the good show finally started to act.
When comparing melee classes, a swordsman’s defense was inferior to a paladin and the
damage caused by a single attack wasn’t as good as a berserker. But the comprehensive
abilities of the swordsman was strong, his skills were agile and his attack speed extremely
Blossoming Tree raised the sword in his hand, used Spirit Lock to freeze the knight in place
while Breaking Bone Sword directly stabbed the berserker’s chest. Then he used flexible
footwork to quickly approach the two black magicians, directly using the group attack skill
Light and Shadow Rotation.
The silver-white sword danced in the air and the blood of the two black magician’s
suddenly fell wildly!
Light and Shadow Rotation, this was a swordsman’s ranged damage skill. There was a
sustainable release, the consumption of blue (mana) was extremely high, and the damage
was also extremely high!
When used against a magic class, a master swordsman’s Light and Shadow Rotation could
leave corpses everywhere.
Li Cangyu saw him use a group attack skill to decrease the other party’s blood and
immediately noticed his intentions. He didn’t hesitate to summon a thunder spirit, placing
the pet in the middle and firmly pressing a key.
—Thunder’s Wrath!
Purple thunder descended from the sky. There was a loud ‘booming’ sound in a 5m rang,
directly killing the berserker and black magicians in range.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Wind is Leisurely.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Wind has Unmatched Style.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Wind Flower Snow and Moon.]
Four of the six people died instantly, causing the vice president to feel sluggish.
“What happened?” The vice president asked.
[I don’t know… my spirit hasn’t returned yet! It was instantaneous!] The berserker who
was killed typed.
[Was it a critical hit?] A dead black magician asked doubtfully.
Li Cangyu was very calmly and quickly typed in the team channel: [You kill the healer, leave
the knight to me.”
Blossoming Tree: [OK.]
The two people agreed. The melee swordsman went to the healer so that the headache
healer couldn’t use healing skills. The ranged summoner went to the knight, while the
clumsy knight couldn’t fight back…
Soon, the six member elite group of Wind Colour fell to the ground.
[Wind and Clouds are Light’s team has failed to intercept the bounty mission. 300 gold
coins and 3,000 experience per person has been deducted and has been added to the final
[This mission reward has accumulated 2,800 gold coins and 28,000 experience.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team bounty mission will continue.]
The system issued three prompts.
Bai Xuan saw these messages and finally understood Li Cangyu’s intentions. “Don’t tell me
that you deliberately had three people do the mission in order to make the elite guilds
think we are easy to bully and attract them to rob us? The robbery won’t succeed and we
will accumulate rewards!”
Li Cangyu nodded seriously. “Yes, they took the initiative to send us experience. It is good.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
He should be used to Li Cangyu’s thoughts!
It was the same during his previous commands. Li Cangyu always loved to lay traps in the
field. Even if the Canglan team’s overall strength wasn’t high, no captain dared to
underestimate Cat God.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling when he thought of this. He said, “I suddenly feel that the
elite group of the Wind Colour team was badly abused by you. Six people faced three
people and it turned out like this. It will certainly be difficult for then to accept
psychologically. I estimate that the captain over there hasn’t recovered yet.”
“They walked over freely to rob us, they can’t blame me.” Li Cangyu calmly said before
adding, “By the way, did you observe the operations of the swordsman?”
“Yes, his actions of suppressing the other players’ blood was very clever. It matched your
thunder spirit and three people could be killed instantaneously.” Bai Xuan carefully
analyzed, his tone filled with obvious appreciation. “The group attack skill Light and
Shadow Rotation was especially beautiful. The distance was just right to cover four people
on the opposite team. This swordsman is definitely a master. At this level, he won’t lose to
professional players.”
“Don’t you think of a person when you see his name?” Li Cangyu asked.
“Name?” Bai Xuan silently read the name ‘Blossoming Tree.’ The name wasn’t special but
when combined with the sharp Light and Shadow Rotation of the other person, it was easy
to associate him with someone!
“You mean… Xie Shurong?” (This name can mean Withering Tree) Bai Xuan was suddenly
startled. “Isn’t this just a coincidence?”
“It is really a coincidence?” Li Cangyu asked.
“…” Bai Xuan made a depressed expression.
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “He was your nemesis at the time but he has already left the
Flying Feather team. You shouldn’t care about old things.”
Bai Xuan replied, “How can I not care when I was chased and killed by him 10 times?”
“…” Li Cangyu patted his shoulder to comfort him. “It was a tactical need from his position.”
Bai Xuan took deep breaths to calm down and asked, “If it really is him, why did he come to
the new district?”
Li Cangyu suggested, “Why don’t you talk to him and ask?”
Bai Xuan nodded and directly sent a private chat message. [Xie Shurong, what are you
doing in the new district?”
In front of the computer, someone’s hands shook on the keyboard while the human
swordsman on the screen slipped and directly fell into the lake!
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GLS: Chapter 12
Chapter 12 – Xie Shurong

Once Li Cangyu saw the terran swordsman fall into the lake, he knew that this guy was
definitely Xie Shurong and couldn’t help feeling excited.
It was a coincidence that old friends could actually meet in the new district!
When it had been three against six, Li Cangyu hadn’t needed to say anything. The
swordsman actively used a group attack to lower the opponents’ blood and cooperate with
the elf summoner. Li Cangyu immediately used the thunder spirit’s group attack and the
cooperation of the two people led to the elite group of the Wind Colour Guild being
defeated in 20 seconds.
It was hard to fake a master’s subconscious reaction at critical moments. Moreover, Xie
Shurong was the fastest swordsman in the domestic Miracle League. Very few people could
imitate his ‘Light and Shadow Rotation’. Even if he hadn’t done his best in the last attack, Li
Cangyu immediately recognized him.
However, Xie Shurong had been away from Miracle for several years. Why was he back this
Li Cangyu was very confused and asked in the team channel, “A’shu, I am Old Cat of the FTD
team. Do you remember?” (TL: ‘A’ used to indicate familiarity)
Blossoming Tree: […]
Bai Xuan: [Don’t just use ellipsis. Speak up!]
Blossoming Tree: […]
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu and said with contempt. “Look at him. You frightened him so
much that his IQ fell.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “He is probably shocked. Don’t be so hard on him.”
Bai Xuan’s character had always been gentle and he was very kind to most people.
However, Xie Shurong was definitely a special case. Every time Bai Xuan saw his ID, he
would be filled with so much anger that his teeth itched and he wanted to beat Xie Shurong
At that time, Xie Shurong took advantage of the agile swordsmanship and skills of the
terran swordsman and specialized in killing healers. Every time FTD played against the
Flying Feathers team, Xie Shurong would get close to Bai Xuan, constantly interrupting and
not letting Bai Xuan use a skill.
Killed once… well, it was the right idea to kill the healer in a group battle.
Killed twice… he blamed himself for the mistake.
Killed three times… Bai Xuan was very depressed.
Xie Shurong chased this small priest and killed him 10 times! Was this killing your father’s
In that game, FTD undoubtedly lost to the Flying Feathers team. After the game, Xie
Shurong ran over, stood in front of Bai Xuan with a smile and stretched out his hand. The
always good-natured Bai Xuan didn’t shake hands with him, actually picking up his
keyboard and turning away.
Xie Shurong made a puzzled expression and Li Cangyu patted his shoulder. “Xiao Bai
ordinarily doesn’t become angry. The consequences of his anger if very serious. Maybe he
will never talk to you later.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Since then, everyone in the Miracle Professional League knew that Xie Shurong had
provoked Vice-Captain Bai, so that the good-natured vice-captain didn’t shake his hand…
Unfortunately, FTD disbanded not long after that incident and Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan
moved to Wulin with their few remaining teammates. Xie Shurong also left the Flying
Feathers team for some reason and he was never seen again.
These old matters were still vivid but time flew quickly. In today’s Miracle League, these
stories were just legends.
The three people were somewhat emotional from recalling the past.
After a long silence, Xie Shurong typed a question: [Cat God, Vice-Captain Bai, why are you
in Miracle’s new district? I heard that you went to play Wulin together?]
Bai Xuan replied: [The team’s performance was bad and it disbanded.]
Xie Shurong touched his nose and typed: [Vice-Captain Bai, are you still angry at me for the
previous thing?]
Bai Xuan immediately denied it. [No!]
He denied it so quickly and with an exclamation mark. Wasn’t it obvious that he was angry?
Xie Shurong smiled helplessly. He only followed his captain’s tactic of ‘killing the healer and
then Cat God’. He managed to kill Bai Xuan 10 times because the members of FTD didn’t
protect Bai Xuan at all, always letting Bai Xuan fall under his sword.
In the field of battle, it wasn’t easy to let the other team’s healer go.
Perhaps in the eyes of Bai Xuan, he thought that Xie Shurong felt the FTD team was too
weak and deliberately bullied them?
Xie Shurong really didn’t have such thoughts.
He might’ve been young and frivolous at the time but most players in the league agreed
about the standards of Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai. Xie Shurong had been a player who
just debuted and couldn’t despise the predecessors who played Miracle for a long time.
In fact, he felt quite sorry for Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai. He always felt that these two
god players were too wasted in the FTD team.
However, this incident wasn’t easy to explain. Despite so many years passing, it seemed
that Bai Xuan was still concerned about the grudges in the game. Xie Shurong skipped this
topic and asked, “The two of you are in the new district. Are you planning to return to the
Li Cangyu straightforwardly said, [That is the idea.]
Xie Shurong sent a row of admiring thumbs up. [Great.]
This was the spirit of perseverance!
The team had been disbanded two times yet he still had the courage to try again. This was
Cat God!
Li Cangyu asked: [What about you? What are you doing in the next district?]
Xie Shurong replied: [I’m just bored and playing casually.]
Bai Xuan sent a contemptuous expression. [Bored and playing casually? This excuse would
only trick three year old children!!!]
There were so many exclamation points. It seemed that Vice-Captain Bai was really biased
against him.
Xie Shurong tried to imagine the mild-mannered man being angry and found it impossible.
He thought that Vice-Captain Bai was just joking with him and replied: [Okay Vice-Captain
Bai, don’t be angry. Can I honestly explain?]
Bai Xuan smiled. [Hurry and confess!]
Xie Shurong quickly typed a paragraph to explain. [In fact, after I left the Flying Feathers
team, I joined the ICE team in the United States and played there for two and a half years.
However, Miracle is launching the World Competition next year and I have a Chinese
nationality. It isn’t good to continue staying on this side of the world. I think it is better to
return home after my contract expires and see if there are any teams willing to take me on.
The national server opened a new district so I was practicing with a side account. I didn’t
expect to meet the two of you here.]
Li Cangyu immediately captured the key point in his words and asked directly: [When will
your contract expire?]
[The end of this year.]
[Do you plan to return to the Flying Feathers team?]
[I won’t return there.] Xie Shurong’s words were very decisive.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. [Then why don’t you come to our team?]
Xie Shurong was surprised. [You are forming a new team?]
[Yes. At present, I haven’t found all my teammates yet. If you join, I have a bit more
confidence about winning the championship.] Li Cangyu said this without changing his
[…] Xie Shurong was speechless at Cat God’s strong self-confidence. [Cat God, don’t joke
around like there. There are so many good first-class teams domestically. Flying Feather,
Time, Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits, Pure Cleansing… do you have the confidence to kill all
these strong teams?]
[I’m not joking.] Li Cangyu said confidently. “There are many strong domestic teams but
they are also people. People have weaknesses and can lose. I don’t think I will be worse
than them.”
[…] Xie Shurong smiled and didn’t take this sentence seriously.
Self-confidence was a good thing but a confident person wouldn’t necessarily succeed.
From his point of view, Li Cangyu’s personal ability was indeed first-class. However,
Miracle was a team competition. The FTD team had been too weak and helplessly
disbanded. It was difficult to imagine that Li Cangyu, the captain of a weak team, could
bring a newly formed team to directly win the championship.
The number of masters in the domestic Miracle League was like clouds. Don’t talk about the
super hard to beat Captain Ling Xuefeng of the Wind Colour team. There were the sharp
swordsmen of the Flying Feathers team, the assassins of the Ghost Spirits, the kiting ability
of the Time team… the performance of these strong teams were very stable and had their
own style of play. It was impossible to beat them all with the same style.
Li Cangyu knew his doubts and spoke bluntly. [I have signed a contract with the Dragon
Song Club, which will provide me with the best platform. As for teammates, you shouldn’t
be able to deny our Vice-Captain Bai’s healing? We also have a talented knight in the front
row. If you join, the front row of a terran swordsman and beast paladin will be very stable.]
[…] Xie Shurong hadn’t expected Cat God to be so serious and stayed silent, carefully
reading the words.
“In this team, the front row of defense and the back row of healing is guaranteed. The next
step is to look for outputs.] Li Cangyu asked: [My output level, what do you feel about it?]
[…] Xie Shurong, who was once abused by Cat God by someone in the dueling arena, didn’t
know how to answer this question.
[A’shu, I won’t ask about the reason why you left Flying Feather. But a good horse can’t eat
grass. The Flying Feathers team has too many swordsmen, there is no place for you. The
other masters in the teams are like clouds and you are from the past. You might not be able
to play in the main team so it is better to give yourself a new beginning.] Li Cangyu typed
very quickly: [I very much welcome you to join my team. Do you want to think about it?]
[…] Xie Shurong was stunned silent for a moment. Then he replied: [I’ll think about it and
give you an answer.]
Bai Xuan had been watching Li Cangyu’s explosive speed as he tried to convince Xie
Shurong to join the team. Once he finished, he couldn’t help saying, “Shouldn’t you ask me
before typing all that? When did I promise to be your vice-captain?”
“Haven’t you always been?” Li Cangyu turned back. “I have already decided that you are the
“…You really have decided!” Bai Xuan watched him helplessly. After a pause, he asked
seriously, “Is it appropriate to bring Xie Shurong in?”
“I think it is quite appropriate.” Li Cangyu looked up seriously at Bai Xuan. “You should
know the level of Xie Shurong. Domestically, he is definitely a first-tier player. As one of the
famous three swordsmen line in the league, there is no need for me to speak about his
personal strength. You should be clear about it after being killed by him so many times. In
addition, he had experience with playing against foreign giant clubs. This can also provide
me with new ideas in terms of tactics.”
Li Cangyu saw that Bai Xuan still felt complicated and gently patted him on the shoulder.
“Don’t you dislike him because Xie Shurong used to kill you in the arena? If he really joins
our team, you can bully him every day with your identity as the vice-captain.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Bullying him every day?
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling when he thought of this.
When he thought about how the tree who used to always kill him in the arena would one
day fall into his hands, it felt really… great!
Xie Shurong suddenly gave a big sneeze from where he was sitting in front of the computer.
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GLS: Chapter 13
Chapter 13 – Hunting and Protection

Li Cangyu hadn’t expected to meet Xie Shurong in the new district.

He was very impressed with Xie Shurong. Three years ago, Li Cangyu had just turned 20
years old and the Miracle Professional League was in its third season. This was the year
that FTD’s performance was too poor and they disbanded. It was also the year that many
talents joined Miracle’s Professional League.
There were many talented players on the field that year. The Best Newcomer Award went
to the angel white magician, Cheng Wei and the Most Promising Rookie award went to the
terran swordsman Xie Shurong. These two awards could be considered to have the greatest
degree of recognition for newcomers to the league.
Cheng Wei was directly promoted to vice-captain of the Time team after winning the Best
Newcomer Award. Meanwhile, Xie Shurong inexplicably left the Flying Feathers team after
winning the award and his whereabouts afterwards was unknown.
The other players in the league didn’t seem to know what happened with the Flying
Feathers team in the past. Li Cangyu was also very confused but it involved the inside story
of other teams and it wasn’t easy to ask directly.
Xie Shurong ran to the American ICE Club to play the game. This meant he was the same as
Li Cangyu, who was in the United States.
[If I remember correctly, the ICE Club is in New York?] Li Cangyu asked on the team
[It is in New York.]
[Are you used to playing the game here?]
[The environment and teammates are good. But I’m not used to the food. Every half-cooked
steak everyday makes me want to vomit.]
[I’m also in New York with Bai Xuan. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?] Li
Cangyu added another sentence. [Our Vice-Captain Bai can cook delicious meals.]
Bai Xuan couldn’t help looking at Li Cangyu. “You are trying to do anything to pull him in.
Are you actually selling my cooking?”
“Your cooking is good.” Li Cangyu turned back and smiled. “If we feed him a delicious meal,
maybe he will be tempted to join?”
Bai Xuan asked, “Do you still want me to make braised fish for you?”
Li Cangyu earnestly said, “I just ate braised fish in the morning and I want steamed fish at
Bai Xuan, “…”
Every time he cooked, he needed to prepare a plate of fish!
Xie Shurong saw Cat God’s sentence and couldn’t help feeling greedy when he saw the IDs
of Love to Eat Braised Fish and Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork.
[Where are you? I will look for you in the evening. It has been a long time since we’ve seen
each other and we can chat.] Xie Shurong no longer hesitated. He immediately typed a
positive reply because he wanted to taste Vice-Captain Bai’s cooking. He had heard that
Vice-Captain Bai was good at cooking.
Li Cangyu sent the address of his sister’s house and asked him: [What time do you finish
[5 o’clock.]
[Then come over for dinner at 6 o’clock?]
[No problem!]
The two people were chatting in the game when there was a system prompt and the escort
NPC’s head glowed red. Apparently, another team had come to intercept the bounty
After being sent to the independent instance, Li Cangyu looked over the battle list and saw
that the elite group of the Time Guild had intercepted them.
—Time Machine, Time Bean, Time Ocean, Time Dumpling, Luo Xiaoluo, Tang Xiaotang.
Among them, Li Cangyu knew Luo Xiaoluo who was the elf archer he teamed up with. Luo
Xiaoluo also considered him a fan of Cheng Wei and sent him a lot of invites to join the
Time Guild.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. He typed on the area channel: [Is it the Time Guild?]
Luo Xiaoluo also recognized him. [Braised Fish, this is really a coincidence! Why is it only
the three of you?]
Li Cangyu said: [We don’t have enough people.]
Luo Xiaoluo cried out: [It is better for you to join our guild! As long as you join the Time
Guild, things will be much more convenient. Many guild members are doing bounty
missions. You just need to shout in the guild channel and you can instantly fill one six
member elite team!]
Li Cangyu, […]
This person was definitely a super-responsible guild promoter.
Li Cangyu naturally couldn’t join Time so he sent a smiling expression. [Forget it.]
The Time Guild’s voice channel.
The president, Time Machine asked with confusion, “Xiaoluo, this is the powerful elf
summoner that you told me about before?”
“Yes, this is him!” Luo Xiaoluo replied.
His teammate Time Bean looked at the information of the bounty mission and was
surprised. “President, the reward for the bounty mission has increased. The gold coins
increased by 1,800 coins and experience by 18,000. This shows that they have just killed a
six person team!”
This was the thrill of the bounty mission. Li Cangyu killed the six member team and added
1,800 gold coins and 18,000 experience. The current rewards have reached 2,800 gold
coins and 28,000 experience. If Time was successful, these rewards would be given to the
Time Guild. But if the Time Guild also failed, the rewards would continue to accumulate.
As long as the people doing the bounty mission were strong enough, the rewards would
continue to snowball.
Time Machine was the president of the guild and wasn’t lacking gold and experience.
However, he had a very strange intuition that this Love to Eat Braised Fish wasn’t simple.
Previously he hadn’t cared when Luo Xiaoluo said that this person was a master. After all, it
was too rare for brilliant people to play an elf summoner. But the fact that these three
people could kill a six member team indicated that Love to Eat Braised Fish truly wasn’t
Time Machine carefully considered it before giving an order. “Everyone first stand by, I will
Then he quickly sent a message to the undercover guild members in the guild management
group. “The various undercovers in the other guilds, were there any six member elite teams
in your guild that was completely destroyed?”
An undercover member soon typed: [Wind Colour’s vice-captain, Wind and Clouds are
Light had his team wiped out just now. It was announced in the Wind Colour channel that
all six people were wiped out and the president asked what happened. They said that the
person who killed them was called Braised Fish.]
“…” Time Machine was shocked!
He thought that the Love to Eat Braised Fish team had wiped out a common group passing
by. Yet it unexpectedly turned out to be the Wind Colour elite team!
The several major guilds often had large-scale guild wars for robbing bosses and other
activities. Therefore, he was quite certain about the strength of the Time Colour Guild.
It was simply incredible that the six elites of the Wind Colour guild were actually killed by
the three member team of Braised Fish!
Time Machine immediately made a decision. “We will retreat first.”
Luo Xiaoluo asked with amazement, “President, we aren’t fighting?”
Time Machine said calmly, “These three people are unknown and it is better not to offend
them. Xiaolou, since you know them, try to win them over.”
It was better to recruit a master than to offend a master.
Time Machine was really calm. He couldn’t understand the situation of the other side so he
led the team to give up on intercepting the bounty mission and typed in the nearby
channel: [We will leave this mission to you. Let’s be friends. If Masters are interested in
joining the Time Guild, please look for me at any time.]
[Time Machine has actively abandoned intercepting the bounty mission]
[The team of Time Machine has 100 coins and 1,000 experience deducted from each
person. This mission reward has accumulated 3,400 gold coins and 34,000 experience.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team bounty mission will continue.]
If a team gave up, the amount of gold coins and experience deducted would be less. Li
Cangyu saw the opposite side give up and laughed. “This Time Machine is very smart.”
Bai Xuan said, “I guess he heard that Wind Colour’s elite team lost to us and wants to wait
and see.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu said, “In any case, it doesn’t matter. Our mission’s gold and experience has
accumulated so much that someone will definitely act.”
Li Cangyu guessed right and someone soon couldn’t sit still.
The escort marker on the NPC’s head had turned red, representing that the NPC’s value had
They had walked 10 metres when they met another team trying to intercept the NPC and
were once again transferred to a separate instance. Li Cangyu swept over the battle list and
typed in the team channel: [It is the Flying Feathers Guild.]
Blossoming Tree: [Yes]
Love to Eat Braised Fish: [It isn’t very good to fight against four swordsmen. You protect
the healer while I kill them one by one.]
Blossoming Tree: [OK!]
The two people did a good job splitting up. Li Cangyu opened his summoner and hid behind
a tree.
The Flying Feathers Guild saw that only three people were on the opposite side and didn’t
hesitate to rush forward, like hungry wolves seeing fat sheep.
The berserker was in the front row while four swordsmen followed closely. The goal was
obvious: to kill the healer!
Bai Xuan stood behind the NPC, ready to add blood. having so many swordsman close by
meant it was basically impossible to read out a healing array. Bai Xuan evaded the attacks
of the other side and healed himself in an orderly manner.
Xie Shurong saw that the healer was besieged and used Spirit Lock to directly freeze the
berserker rushing in the front, followed by Light and Shadow Rotation!
The other four people had gathered in one place to surround and kill the healer, meaning
Xie Shurong’s Light and Shadow Rotation was just like cutting vegetables. His sword swept
over them, directly decreasing the blood of the four swordsmen by half!
The other party’s healer saw that several teammates collectively lost blood and quickly
read a spell for group healing. Li Cangyu saw it and before the skill was released, he
accurately summoned a water spirit and directly froze the healer.
After the frozen healer, Li Cangyu changed his pet for the thunder spirit. Thunder’s Wrath
was used and purple thunder descended, causing the four swordsmen to only have residual
blood left.
Summon Fire Spirit, Fireball!
Instantly changing pets after using a skill! This single-target fire attack was extremely
strong. The fireballs were linked to the swordsman with the least amount of blood and
directly killed the opponent!
Xie Shurong also wasn’t idle. He used Breaking Bone Sword to also kill the residual blood
swordsman in front of him!
Two swordsmen of the elite Flying Feathers team were killed in an instant, causing the
captain to be momentarily stunned. However, he quickly reacted. This was the result of the
healer and main T being controlled, while the positions of the four swordsmen were too
Fortunately, the attack power of the four swordsmen was extremely strong and the healer
was desperately trying to treat them. In addition, the other side’s healer was also in a
residual blood state.
“Kill the healer!” The captain quickly ordered.
The priest was freed from the control effect and quickly healed his teammates. The still
alive two swordsmen and berserker immediately rushed towards Bai Xuan.
Four against three was still advantageous.
Bai Xuan didn’t have a lot of blood left. He relied in his skilled movements to avoid several
important attacks but he was being chased by two swordsmen. It was difficult for the low-
defense priest to survive.
At this moment, Xie Shurong suddenly rushed over and used Spirit Lock. The swordsman
with less blood was locked in place and Xie Shurong used three combos to directly kill the
other party.
Li Cangyu saw him rushing to kill the melee and immediately used Fireball to interrupt the
enemy’s healer.
Immediately afterwards, Xie Shurong chased after the remaining swordsman interfering
with Bai Xuan. His sword skills were in a cooldown state so he simply didn’t use any skills.
He used normal attacks to decrease the opponent to resident blood, like chopping
vegetables. Then once the cooldown ended, he used Breaking Bone Sword and directly
finished off the swordsman!
Bai Xuan, “…”
This guy’s burst of speed was really terrible, which was why Bai Xuan particularly hated
him on the field. Xie Shurong was the fastest attacking swordsman in the league. He dared
to even kill a berserker, let along a crispy healer. When he was chasing people with the
sword in his hand, the chased person was so scared that it felt like they would have a heart
attack. It was only after meeting Xie Shurong that they knew how fast a swordsman’s attack
Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong close in on him and couldn’t help stepping back outside of Xie
Shurong’s attack range.
Xie Shurong was puzzled. [Why are you hiding? I am here to protect you.]
Bai Xuan: [I’m too used to you killing me and reflexively hid.]
Xie Shurong: […]

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access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 14
Chapter 14 – The Elites of Wind Colour

[The team of Flying Feather Ares has failed to intercept the bounty mission. 300 gold coins
and 3,000 experience will be deducted per person.
[This mission reward has accumulated 5,200 gold coins and 52,000 experience.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team bounty mission will continue.]
Once these three prompts appeared, both sides were sent out of the instance.
The elite Flying Feather Guild was confused by the elite group being killed and the vice
president who led the team didn’t respond to what happened to make the six member team
be destroyed.
After a long time, Flying Feather Ares’ spirit returned and he said, “Damn! What is the
original of this swordsman? He cuts us like he is chopping vegetables?”
The guild’s healing sister, Flying Feather Frost replied calmly, “The strongest swordsmen in
the old districts are all in our guild. The new district isn’t very clear so this swordsman is
probably a passersby with no guild. The opposite side’s elf summoner is also very strong. I
was under his control the whole time and couldn’t read out a healing array.”
Flying Feather Frost continued, “I think these three people are a bit strange. Should we
report this to the president?”
Flying Feather Ares was silent for a moment before replying, “Yes, I will go find him first.
You look at the situation from behind.”
On the Time Guild’s side, an undercover suddenly sent a message: [President, a six member
team of Flying Feathers has just been destroyed!]
“…” Time Machine suddenly started sweating and he felt it was very smart for him to take
the initiative to give up on the mission!
First the Wind Colour’s elite team was killed and then the Flying Feathers elite team. Love
to Eat Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork and Blossoming Tree… these three
people weren’t simply ordinary masters.
The majority of players in the team guilds were fans of the e-sports gods. For example, the
Flying Feathers team was a swordsmen-based melee team. Many players who liked to play
swordsman would join the Flying Feathers Guild, causing the swordsmen of the Flying
Feathers Guild to be most powerful.
Similarly, the Wind Colour Guild had the strongest black magicians and demon summoners,
while the Time Guild had the strongest elf archers.
The guilds had played with each other for a long time and they were very clear about each
other’s strength. The masters of the Wind Colour and Flying Feathers Guild weren’t bad.
Now two consecutive elite teams were eliminated and Time Machine couldn’t help feeling
“Xiaoluo, what do you know about this Braised Fish?” Time Machine asked on the voice
“I’m not that familiar with him. We met when leveling up in the Moonlight Forest.” Xiaoluo
paused before continuing. “He soloed a tree spirit three levels higher than him and was
very relaxed doing so. By the way, he seems to be a fan of our vice-captain.”
Time Machine was surprised. “He is really a fan of our vice-captain?”
Luo Xiaoluo nodded. “Yes! I invited him to join the Time Guild and he said he didn’ t know
our captain, Tan Shitian but he knew that our vice-captain is Cheng Wei. I guess that he
should be a fan of Vice-Captain Cheng!”
Time Machine was happy. “Great! I have the signature of the vice-captain so use this hook
to let him join our guild!”
Luo Xiaoluo couldn’t help feeling envious. “I don’t have our vice-captain’s signature…”
Time Machine said, “Don’t worry, I will help you get a signature the next time I see the vice
captain and have him write: To Luo Xiaoluo, I wish you will never die. Is that enough?”
Luo Xiaoluo cried out, “It is too much!”
Time Machine went on to say, “We have very few summoners in our guild. If you can pull
him in, you will certainly have a big role in the late-stage instances. Your face is thick-
skinned so I will hand this matter over to you.”
Luo Xiaoluo had long been excited after finding out that he could get Cheng Wei’s signature.
“Good! Leave it to me!”
After saying this, he realized something and asked, “Why are you calling me thick-skinned?”
“Cough.” Time Machine pretended not to hear anything.
After the elite team of Flying Feathers was destroyed, there wasn’t a team that intercepted
the bounty for a long time. Despite the NPC’s name signaling triple rewards, no one from
the guilds dared move against him.
Bai Xuan wondered, “Why is no one coming?”
Li Cangyu smiled and explained, “They might be speculating about our origins and might ot
be able to easily move.”
He guessed right. The Time Colour and Flying Feathers had sent elite teams of six and were
actually killed. This was quickly sent to the private chat of the presidents of the major
guilds. Several presidents expressed their surprise.
The elite teams of the other guilds were smart enough not to intercept the bounty mission
of Love to Eat Braised Fish, so as to not be killed and thrown away.
The big guilds didn’t move but that didn’t mean the random players would let it go.
In the new district, there were many players who hadn’t joined the guild. They saw that the
NPC that Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team was escorting had such high rewards and tried to
intercept it.
The result was…
Three consecutive teams of random players were eliminated.
[This mission reward has accumulated 8,800 gold coins and 88,000 experience.]
Li Cangyu looked at the rewards on top of the NPC’s head and smiled with satisfaction. “The
harvest isn’t bad.”
Bai Xuan was very speechless because of this person!
Deliberately forming a team of three to do the bounty mission in order to make everyone
mistakenly think that it was easier to kill three people and attract other teams to rob them.
They consecutively destroyed three teams, resulting in the rewards increasing…
The rewards were too terrible! It was comparable to fighting the boss of an instance 10
times in a row, not to mention the gold coins…
Xie Shurong also sent thumbs up to the team channel: [Cat God’s thinking is really good.
After this mission finishes, it will be no problem directly gaining two levels.]
Li Cangyu said: [I used to do bounty missions when playing the game. It is must faster to
level up than doing instances.]
Bai Xuan couldn’t help saying: [You were originally this bad when you were young?]
[This isn’t being bad. It is a rational use of the game’s system.] Li Cangyu spoke with a
straight face. [I didn’t force them to intercept the NPC. They came to the door themselves.]
Bai Xuan, “…”
Well, it made sense!
There was 10 metres left until the escort mission ended. They thought there would be no
more teams waiting to intercept. As a result, the three people arrived near the end and
actually found a team waiting!
—Popular Land Under Heaven, Same Boat Under Wind and Rain, Wind Leaves no Traces,
Wind and Clouds are Light, Wind Raises Leaves and Wind has Unmatched Style.
The six people’s IDs were neat and all had the Chinese character for ‘wind’ in their names.
Li Cangyu might not know these people but their titles clearly told him that this was the
management team of the Wind Colour Guild.
Popular Land Under Heaven had ‘President of the Wind Colour Guild’ above his head, while
Wind Leaves no Traces, Same Boat Under Wind and Rain and Wind and Clouds are Light
had ‘vice president’ above their heads. The other two were estimated to also be elites.
It was difficult not to see them as the management of the guild since the words containing
‘wind’ must be running out.
Li Cangyu smiled and typed in the area channel: [President was waiting for us?]
Popular Land Under Heaven: Yes, take the bounty.]
The president was decisive and straight-forward, aiming straight for the bounty!
The team led by the vice president were wiped out by Li Cangyu. Popular Land Under
Heaven had heard from the vice president that there was an elf summoner, terran
swordsman and angel priest. It was really unbelievable that the three people could really
wipe out the six member Wind Colour team.
Thus, he decided to take a team to check for himself.
This time he summoned the six strongest players in the Wind Colour guild.
A demon summoner, blood kin summoner, two black magicians, a berserker and a blood
kin sacrifice.
This was modeled after the Wind Colour team.
The most popular lineup in the Wind Colour team was the double summoners’ control, the
double black magicians’ spell casting, the violent front row actions of the berserker and the
healing of the blood kin sacrifice. Such a team’s attack power was very terrible, especially
when Wind Colour’s captain Ling Xuefeng was the strongest demon summoner in the
league. As long as the opponents were killed by him, the other players in Wind Colour could
follow up with damage and the rhythm was basically controlled.
Wind Colour would often play this team in war situations and it was due to the strength of
the double summoners.
The Wind Colour Guild had actually come up with such a luxurious lineup. It was obviously
only after the team was destroyed but their opponent was Li Cangyu!
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling sympathy for this group of people who didn’t know how to
Li Cangyu typed in the team channel: [The management of the Wind Colour Guild came?]
Xie Shurong replied: [So much rewards have accumulated. Are you willing to give up?]
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate: [I don’t want to.]
[Then kill them!] Xie Shurong replied simple. [It doesn’t matter if several guild managers
came. Ling Xuefeng didn’t personally come so why should I be afraid?]
Li Cangyu was very calm. [I wouldn’t be afraid even if Ling Xuefeng came.]
Xie Shurong: […]
Cat God’s self-confidence really burst out!
In the case of Ling Xuefeng personally leading the team, the three of them could only be
destroyed. Three against six was still possible in the online game. But wanting to fight three
against six professional players of the Wind Colour team was simply a fantasy.
This hypothesis wasn’t fun.
Xie Shurong smiled and typed in the team channel: [It seems that we have to completely
offend the guild!]
Li Cangyu said seriously, [If they intercept the bounty mission, they should be prepared for
failure. Their group was destroyed and the president personally led a team to destroy us.
This can’t be blamed on me.]
Bai Xuan, “…”
Cat God made sense every time he spoke!
In the bounty mission instance, the battle list showed 6:3.
“First kill the opposite summoner.” Popular Land Under Heaven commanded calmly. “The
berserker will control the opposite healer while the remaining four outputs will quickly
take care of the summoner!”
Li Cangyu ordered: [A’shu, kill the opposite summoners’ pets first.]
Bai Xuan typed decisively: [I don’t need you. I’m not used to being protected by you and I
feel like I will be killed as soon as you come close.]
[…] Xie Shurong remembered the scene of him chasing Vice-Captain Bai and couldn’t help
touching his nose while smiling. He raised his sword and fiercely cut the opponent
protecting the healer. Since the vice-captain didn’t like his presence, he would take the
initiative to quickly attack and destroy the enemies.
The Wind Colour’s berserker rushed over to try and interfere with Bai Xuan. He didn’t
know that Bai Xuan was a god level healer and his survival ability was divine. When he had
been besieged by four swordsmen of the Flying Feathers Guild, he was able to quickly move
while restoring his blood. Now there was only one berserker close to him.
The berserker chased after the healer and found that this healer was really flexible. He was
still full of blood after a long chase!
Meanwhile, Xie Shurong had used two rushing skills to directly kill the other summoners.
The demon summoner and blood kin summoner had just called their pets. Before they
could use skills, Xie Shurong dealt consecutive strikes and killed the pets in seconds.
Li Cangyu himself was a summoner and he was very clear about how to deal with
summoners—either control the owner or simply kill the pets. There was no need to be
afraid of a summoner without pets.
Xie Shurong’s techniques were very fast. He didn’t need to use skills, just his fast basic
attacks were enough to make people frightened.
The summoned pets weren’t able to use their skills before they were killed. The
summoners immediately changed their pets only for those ones to be killed by Xie Shurong.
Could they still play like this?
The most annoying thing to ranged classes was being disturbed by melee classes. Popular
Land Under Heaven immediately said, “Boat, you quickly control this swordsman!]
The called Same Boat Under Wind and Rain was very depressed.
He had just summoned a pet to control the other person when a big fireball came and killed
his pet.
“I am going!” Same Boat Under Wind and Rain couldn’t help swearing. “Is this Love to Eat
Braised Fish using a special software to cheat?”
The other party’s fireball arrived at almost the moment he summoned the pet, as if his
thoughts had been read by the other person and his IQ was completely crushed. This
feeling was really creepy!

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GLS: Chapter 15
Chapter 15 – Flying Speed
Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong cooperated to quickly control the pets of the opposite
summoners, which was equivalent to directly getting rid of the attack power of the two
Of course, Li Cangyu was hit by the opposite black magicians and his blood volume dropped
a lot.
Yet he wasn’t worried. His blood was presently at 40% and this was enough to clear up the
opposite summoners.
—Fireball, Fireball, Summon Thunder Spirit, Thunder’s Wrath!
Brilliant flames burst out like fireworks, followed by purple thunder. There was a booming
sound and Popular Land Under Heaven and Same Boat Under Wind and Rain fell directly to
the ground!
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Popular Land Under Heaven.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Same Boat Under Wind and Rain.]
Wind Colour: “…”
The battle just started and the president and one vice president had inexplicably died.
Fortunately, Popular Land Under Heaven was still calm and not flustered by his death. He
immediately said, “He doesn’t have much blood left. Quickly kill him!”
Li Cangyu endured the consequences of killed the two summoners and only had residual
blood from the black magicians’ spells.
Only 15% of his health remained!
At this moment, Xie Shurong suddenly returned from the front lines towards the healer,
using Spirit Lock to freeze the berserker in place!
Bai Xuan had received the interference of the berserker and could only protect himself.
Now that Xie Shurong was controlling the other person, Bai Xuan was freed and
immediately used a few small healing spells on Li Cangyu, returning the bloody Cat God’s
health back to 30%!
Cat God immediately took advantage of his health returning and took advantage of the elf’s
agility, using Flying Feather Steps. He walked to the other side’s healer and froze him with
the water spirit, followed by summoning the fire spirits and continuously releasing
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has killed Wind Blows Falling Leaves.]
[I will give the black magicians to you. Li Cangyu still had room to type of the team channel
while killing.
[OK.] Xie Shurong also typed two letters before using his big move Light and Shadow
Rotation. The white sword spun in the air, quickly killing the two black magicians.
In the end, there was only the pitiful berserker left and the two combined forces to make
him fall helplessly.
[The team of Popular Land Under Heaven has failed to intercept the bounty mission. 300
gold coins and 3,000 experience will be deducted per person.
[This mission reward has accumulated 10,600 gold coins and 106,000 experience.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team bounty mission will continue.]
These three system messages almost made Popular Land Under Heaven cough up blood!
Was there a mistake?
He took the guild’s strongest members to intercept the bounty mission and teach these
three people a good lesson. The result was a complete destruction by the three players and
he also gave the other party a bunch of gold coins and experience?
Once everyone left the instance, Li Cangyu didn’t bother talking to them again, quickly
walking to the target’s mission point.
The NPC was successfully escorted to the destination and the bounty mission was finally
[Congratulations to Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team on the success of the bounty mission!]
The three people each gained 106,000 experience, causing their body to glow with a
continuous white light as they instantly gained two levels, rising to level 22.
The gold coins were equally divided, each person getting 3,533 gold coins.
Li Cangyu opened the parcel and watched his originally pitiful 300 gold coins before 3,833
gold coins. He was in a good mood as he typed: [Let’s do another round.]
[Okay!] Both Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong agreed.
Many people at the scene watched the backs of the three people walking away and looked
at each other.
Who were these people? They were strong enough to defy the sky?
The president of the Flying Feathers Guild, who had been ready to intercept the mission,
looked at the Wind Colour group with a complicated expression. After a moment of silence,
he said, “Withdraw! We will withdraw first!”
Flying Feather Ares made a bloody expression. “We aren’t fighting?”
President Flying Feathers Liangshan said calmly, “Popular Land Under Heaven took so
many masters with him and was killed. Do you think the three people team of Love to Eat
Braised Fish is very simple? Since they dared to do a bounty mission with three people,
they aren’t afraid of being robbed. This proves they have the capital and confident to not be
Flying Feathers Ares took some time before typing: [That makes sense!]
Flying Feathers Liangshan said, “We will first withdraw and wait and see.”
Among the Time Guild members who were also onlookers, Luo Xiaoluo said excitedly, “I
told you that Braised Fish is a master! The Wind Colour team has been destroyed,
Time Machine sent him a slapped face expression. [In order to get the vice-captain’s
signature, I leave the responsibility of pulling him over to you.]
Luo Xiaoluo was excited. [Yes!]
It was only in the destroyed Wind Colour Guild that no one spoke for a long time.
The elite elite led by the vice president was destroyed and this could be called a moment of
loss. The president personally leading a team filled with three vice presidents was still
wiped out, this couldn’t be explained as a simple loss.
Popular Land Under Heaven frowned. “What is the origin of these three people?”
Vice President Same Boat Under Wind and Rain hesitated for a moment before saying, “Are
they professional players from a team training camp? I feel that these three people are
very strong. Their standards are beyond simple online gaming masters.”
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately denied it. “Impossible! Players from training
camps wouldn’t go online in the middle of the night. It is almost 2 a.m!”
It really was two in the morning domestically. The guild members stayed up late because a
new district just opened and they wanted to rush to the top of the rankings. However,
professional team members had strictly regulated training times. No newcomer in a team
would dare to on to the online game in the middle of the night.
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain thought for a moment before suggesting, “Do you want to
talk to Qin Mo tomorrow and let him see?”
Popular Land Under Heaven frowned even more. “Disturbing him for this thing… is it
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain said, “I recorded a video. It shouldn’t be a problem to
watch the video for a few minutes.”
Popular Land Under Heaven nodded. “Then I will do so. I will find him tomorrow morning
after eating.”
The second round of escorting the NPC to the designated location started. This time, the
major guilds had learnt and didn’t come to intercept Love to Eat Braised Fish. Only
unidentified random teams who didn’t know the truth intercepted them twice, making the
experience and gold far worse than the first time.
However, a bounty mission was still faster than leveling in an instance.
Later, even random players didn’t come to intercept them. It was estimated that many
people knew the IDs of Love to Eat Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork and
Blossoming Tree and avoided these people, treating them as bosses.
Li Cangyu kept doing the bounty and the speed of their experience gain was so fast that
they rose to level 30 by 5 p.m.
At this point, it was five in the morning domestically. The presidents of the major guilds
were shocked to see Love to Eat Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork and
Blossoming Tree in the top 30.
“Are these three from leveling studios?”
“Don’t they sleep?”
“How can they stay up all night?”
No one thought that these three people were jet-lagged parties and that it was only
afternoon in New York.
They finished several rounds of bounty missions and rose to the next level at 5:30, all three
of them level 31. Li Cangyu’s hands finally left the keyboard and he looked back at Bai Xuan.
“It is 5:30. Should we cook dinner?”
Bai Xuan immediately corrected him. “It is me, not us! Kitchen idiot, stop messing around
right now.]
Li Cangyu nodded. “Then I will leave it to you. Steamed fish please.”
Bai Xuan laughed. “I know, Mr. Cat.”
Bai Xuan closed his account and went to make dinner. Soon, fragrant stir-fries filled the
At 6 o’clock, the doorbell rang on time. Xie Shurong had apparently arrived. Bai Xuan wiped
his hands on the apron and went to open the door.
Once he opened the door, Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling stunned.
The man standing at the door was wearing a simple white T-shirt and dark blue jeans. He
was tall, slender and handsome, with exceptionally deep and bright eyes. Once he saw Bai
Xuan, his eyes showed a clear smile as he said, “Vice-Captain Bai, long time no see.”
In Bai Xuan’s memory, Xie Shurong was clearly shorter than him! How did he grow so fast
in three years?
Moreover, his voice had lowered and he obviously matured a lot. But a vague sense of the
young boy could be seen from the eyebrows.
Bai Xuan looked at the handsome male who was half a head taller than himself. After a
psychological struggle, he said, “How are you so tall?”
Xie Shurong smiled at the man in front of him and stated, “Vice-Captain Bai hasn’t changed.”
The young boy who just debuted who angered the calm and gentle vice-captain… Everyone
in the league knew that Xie Shurong had offended Bai Xuan but Xie Shurong believed that
Bai Xuan didn’t really hate him.
That year, one person was the rookie of the Flying Feathers team and the other was the
vice-captain of the FTD team. Their positions were different but anyone who stood on the
court had to bee ready to die. Sports were cruel and no one would show mercy.
People who thought that Bai Xuan was resentful about being killed in the arena was just
underestimating Bai Xuan. He was just joking.
Time passed and in the blink of an eye, it was three years later. Now Xie Shurong saw him
again and found that he was still the same as the memories. His skin was fair, his
appearance was delicate and his smile was very gentle…
He was a very good person.
Xie Shurong couldn’t help smiling at Bai Xuan’s clear eyes and handed something over. “I
will give this to you to make amends.”
Bai Xuan received the gift and asked, “What is it?”
“It is a Miracle global limited edition commemorative bookmark.” Xie Shurong explained.
“It is an angel race, just like your character.”
Once the delicate wooden box was opened, a brand new metal bookmark was revealed. It
showed an angel male priest wearing white robes dotted with silver and a pair of white
wings. It looked exactly the same as Bai Xuan’s game image.
This realistic metal bookmark was a limited edition item released for Miracle’s third
anniversary. There were only 1,000 copies in the world and was popular in recent years.
There were many cheap imitations on the market but this one was the real thing. Not only
did it change into a beautiful colour in the sun, it also had the code and collection certificate
officially printed by Miracle.
Bai Xuan hadn’t expected Xie Shurong to be very careful and actually brought such a
precious gift.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling happy. “I always wanted to buy this but it was unfortunately
a global limited edition. I couldn’t buy it domestically.”
“I happened to arrive in the United States three years ago and bought it.” Xie Shurong said.
“I remembered that you like to collect things and brought it over.”
“Thank you!” Bai Xuan loved this gift and bowed his head to study it seriously.
“A’Shu is here?” Li Cangyu heard movement from the door and popped his head out. “You
brought a gift for Bai Xuan but not for me?”
“Of course I have a gift for Cat God.” Xie Shurong took a contract out of his briefcase and
handed it to Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu was puzzled. “What do you mean by this?”
“I have decided to join your team.” Xie Shurong looked up and smiled. “I think this should
be a good gift, right?”

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access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 16
Chapter 16 – Fourth Member

Li Cangyu was very surprised by this result. He originally prepared many lines to persuade
Xie Shurong to join the team while eating tonight. He didn’t expect Xie Shurong’s
personality to be so refreshing that he would join when he came to the door.
He took the contract. Although there was a bunch of English words that couldn’t be fully
understood, he could infer from some keywords that this was the agreement between Xie
Shurong and the ICE Club to terminate their agreement. Now that he had this contract, Xie
Shurong was free.
Li Cangyu was in a good mood as he patted Xie Shurong’s shoulder and said, “Let’s talk
while we eat!”
The three people sat at the dinner table. Xie Shurong looked at the delicious food in front of
him and almost drooled. Steamed fish, sweet and sour ribs, vegetarian fried bamboo
shoots, braised eggplant, spicy tofu… he ate so much half-cooked steak every day that he
felt like vomiting. Now that he saw Bai Xuan’s authentic home-cooked dishes, he didn’t
know what to say.
Li Cangyu handed him chopsticks. “Come taste the craftsmanship of Chef Bai and you won’t
regret joining our team.”
Bai Xuan said, “Don’t listen to that old cat bragging. I just casually cooked a few things and
don’t know if it will suit your taste.”
Xie Shurong picked up the chopsticks and tasted the food. He was immediately moved as he
stared at Bai Xuan. “It is too delicious!”
Vice-Captain Bai’s cooking was well-deserving of praise. It was worth joining the team just
for these dishes!
Li Cangyu’s eyes swept over the table. He found the target and quickly put the plate of fish
in front of him. He bowed his head and ate like he was afraid someone would steal it. Xie
Shurong was more interested in the sweet and sour ribs and couldn’t stop eating them.
Bai Xuan looked at these two men who were like hungry ghosts, burying their heads and
desperately eating the meal, and couldn’t help smiling. He sat opposite them and slowly ate.
Bai Xuan’s dishes were too delicious that Xie Shurong was busy eating and didn’t have time
to speak.
Li Cangyu was also very hungry after playing the game all day. He quickly finished the
steamed fish in front of him then went for the braised eggplant.
Bai Xuan felt that the style of this team would become very strange in the future.
Under Li Cangyu’s leadership, would the Canglan team become a ‘foodie camp?’
Once the dishes on the table were cleared away by the three men, Xie Shurong wiped his
mouth and looked at Bai Xuan. “I haven’t eaten such delicious food in a long time. Vice-
Captain Bai, can I continue to come here tomorrow to eat dinner?”
Li Cangyu replied quickly, “Come, you are welcome!”
Bai Xuan, “…”
The two people came to an agreement and Bai Xuan had no way to refuse these two
foodies. He turned away to wash a plate of fruit. Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong reluctantly left
the dining room, sitting down on the sofa in the living room and chatting while eating fruit.
“A’Shu, you decided to join my team so quickly. Is there a particular reason?” Li Cangyu
“I thought about it carefully and realized that Cat God is right. I don’t want to go back to the
Flying Feathers team. In addition, the other strong teams in China don’t lack swordsmen
and many teams have their own tactical style. It will be very difficult for me to join their
main lineup so it is better for me to follow Cat God, who is starting from scratch.” Xie
Shurong explained seriously.
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “This is the truth. It is good that you can
figure it out so quickly.”
Xie Shurong asked, “By the way, haven’t you been away from Miracle for almost three
years? I thought you had forgotten how to play an elf summoner. I hadn’t expected that
while doing the bounty mission with you today, your gameplay would still be so sharp!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Many things aren’t easy to forget.”
Xie Shurong was startled and several emotions filled his heart.
Cat God was right. Some things were rooted in the heart and wouldn’t be so easy to forget.
Just as he left Flying Feathers and joined a foreign club rather than give up playing his
swordsman, Li Cangyu had also been thinking about his elf summoner.
They had a common dream when they were young.
Due to a variety of reasons, these dreams weren’t realized but that didn’t mean they were
Three years had passed and many things changed.
Strong teams and masters in the Miracle League were like clouds. It might seem bold to
want to beat them all but how would they know if they didn’t try?
Xie Shurong couldn’t help being excited thanks to Li Cangyu’s firm gaze.
Li Cangyu smiled and stretched out a hand. “From today onwards, we are teammates. We
will work side by side to beat Miracle together.”
His words were very calm, as if he was saying, “Today we will eat rice.” This calm tone and
eyes with no hesitation showed how determined this man was.
Xie Shurong reached out and shook his hand tightly. “Then Captain, let’s go back together!”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling moved as he watched the scene of the two people shaking
Putting aside Xie Shurong’s past pursuit of him, Bai Xuan acknowledged Xie Shurong’s
In the third season, the Miracle League expanded the size of the teams and improved the
treatment of professional players. This led to a large influx of experts into the league. Many
of the rookies who debuted that year were now vice-captains or had strength suitable for
the major teams. The evaluation of newcomers was a score that senior judges of Miracle
created based on the players’ various data.
It wasn’t easy to win awards at all.
In the third season where so many experts emerged, Xie Shurong managed to win the
award for the most potential. He had the halo of the championship team, Flying Feathers,
and his own strength wasn’t weak. His kill rate in the arena and group battles was in the
top five of the league and his momentum was almost the same as the powerful Ling
Xuefeng, Li Cangyu and others.
In addition, he played for the American ICE Club for several years. After this period of
tempering, he had become a mature and stable young man. His sharp spirit had been honed
and his fingers were more stable, making his swordsmanship frightening!
To be able to recruit such a strong teammate, Bai Xuan was really happy for Li Cangyu and
The Canglan team once lacked strong teammates so this felt really good!
“Do the two of you want to shake hands as well?” Li Cangyu suggested to Xie Shurong. “In
the field, you used to always chase our vice-captain but now the task of protecting him will
be given to you. Is this okay?”
“There is no problem.” Xie Shurong looked up and smiled at Bai Xuan. “Is the vice-captain
still angry with me?”
“…I’m not that stingy.” Bai Xuan smiled back. “I just think that you have grown very quickly.
You previously only reached my shoulder and now you are half a head taller than me.”
It felt like the small sapling in his memories had instantly grown into a towering tree.
Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan’s confused expression and suddenly felt that this Vice-
Captain Bai was somewhat cute.
When they weren’t on the same team, Xie Shurong only knew that Bai Xuan was a healer
with a mild temperament, steady techniques and good looks. Now that they had closer
contact, he found that the vague player in his memories was becoming flesh and blood.
Bai Xuan would smile, become angry, be confused..
There were many vivid expressions on his face.
The key thing was that all his dishes were super delicious. Bai Xuan was the team’s most
excellent milk dad!
At the very least, his stomach would be blessed.
Xie Shurong was in a very good mood as he thought this.
“By the way A’Shu, you accompanied us all afternoon in the game. Wasn’t there team
training?” Li Cangyu realized the key problem and couldn’t help feeling curious. “Shouldn’t
it be the regular season for the US side of the Miracle Professional League?”
“I have two days off.” Xie Shurong explained. “The first round just finished and we will start
the second round of regular games in a week.”
“It was like this.” Li Cangyu paused. “How do you think the level of the teams here are
compared to domestically?”
“The overall strength is similar to domestic first-tier teams but the tactical thinking is far
worse.” Xie Shurong paused and said, “Oh yes, the vice-captain of the ICE Club is the blood
kin summoner Jack Josh. Have you heard of this person?”
Li Cangyu had naturally heard this person’s name. This person was said to be the world’s
strongest blood kin summoner but Li Cangyu was unsure of his strength since they hadn’t
personally fought.
In the summoner class, in addition to the American blood skin summoner, there was also a
Chinese player who boarded the world’s leaderboard. It was the demon summoner and
captain of the Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng.
Li Cangyu thought this and couldn’t help asking, “You have also fought with Ling Xuefeng.
How would you compare their strengths?”
“Compare him to Captain Ling?” Xie Shurong touched his chin as he thought about it before
making a seriously evaluation. “They are both dark type summoners but Captain Ling’s
gameplay is very calm and he will give opponents a strong sense of oppression. Jack’s style
is more violent and bloody. The two people’s styles are completely different.” Xie Shurong
smiled and said, “If you come back, the elf summoner’s agile movements and quick change
of pets will definitely shine in front of them.”
“Of course.” Li Cangyu replied very honestly.
He believed that his level wasn’t any worse than these famous summoners and was looking
forward to the day he faced them. But it was too early to go straight to the World
Competition… he hadn’t even formed a team yet!
Bai Xuan heard this and couldn’t help asking, “Are foreign healers different from domestic
“Their healing styles are similar but many people in the United States play a human priest.
Isn’t it relatively rare in China?”
“Yes, domestic healers tend to play the angel race.” Bai Xuan sat opposite him and analyzed
it carefully. “The angel priest has the highest healing volume but weak defense. A terran
healer has medium healing and stronger defense, making it more suitable for a protracted
war. However, in a situation where the combat pressure on the field is very high, I think the
output of a healer is more useful. It would be useless if the healer’s teammates died.”
Xie Shurong saw his serious expression and couldn’t help agreeing. “Vice-Captain Bai is
The recognized Bai Xuan smiled with satisfaction.
Xie Shurong suddenly found that when this man smiled, his eyes curved and his gentle
appearance was very good. He almost looked like…
Bai Xuan was called a first-class healer in Miracle. Xie Shurong still remembered that when
chasing Bai Xuan in the game, Bai Xuan might’ve lost blood but he could hide from Xie
Shurong’s sword for a long time, like a cockroach. Bai Xuan’s movements were very flexible.
He didn’t expect that they would one day become teammates.
Cat God and Bai Xuan, a powerful remote output and a powerful healer. In addition, there
was the melee swordsman with a fast attack. Xie Shurong knew very well that this team
wouldn’t be easily trampled on like the previous FTD team.
In the future, everyone would fight side by side to kill their opponents!
‘Therefore, Vice-Captain Bai, we should change roles. When I come to protect you, don’t
reflexively avoid me. It is embarrassing!’
Bai Xuan found that Xie Shurong was staring at him and couldn’t help asking, “What are you
looking at? Do you want a real life PK?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “I don’t dare do that. You are the vice-captain, I will listen to you.”
Bai Xuan looked satisfied and pointed to the plate of fruit on the table. “Go to the
refrigerator and cut me an orange.”
“Yes!” Xie Shurong immediately took the plate and started cutting the fruit.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling when he saw this scene. “A’Shu often bullied you in the
arena and now you can finally bully him back.”
Bai Xuan looked at Xie Shurong’s busy figure and couldn’t help laughing. “It feels really

The author has something to say:

[Small Theater]
Xie Shurong: Vice-Captain Bai who I chased in those years is trying to bully me? How are
things so broken?
Crowd: Throw him down and eat him.
A’Shu who has been waiting for a long time and finally got a chance to pounce on Vice-
Captain Bai. Just as he bent down to kiss, Bai Xuan suddenly flexibly escaped.
Xie Shurong: …What are you hiding from?
Bai Xuan: It is a reflex ^_^
Gong Ling continues to play countdown to his appearance…
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 17
Chapter 17 – Qin Mo

Xie Shurong stayed until 7 in the evening before going back. Li Cangyu drank a cup of tea
and rested for a bit before turning on the computer and opening the game. He just logged
into the Love to Eat Braised Fish account when he saw many messages from a private chat
window in the lower left corner, all from Luo Xiaoluo.
[Hello Fish Brother. We would like to invite you and your friends to join the Time Guild!]
[The strength of our Time Guild in this district is definitely one of the best. You don’t have
to be afraid of finding a group for group instances or battlefields. You simply have to chat
on our guild channel and finding a team is simple!]
[After reaching max level, you can directly join our Time Guild’s elite instance group and I
guarantee that you will get full equipment in one month!]
[The president also said that he will get Great God Cheng Wei’s signature. If you join, this
signature will be sent to you!]
Li Cangyu, “…”
The calm Cat God saw this and almost spat out a mouthful of tea.
Actually using Cheng Wei’s signature to hook him into joining the guild, this Time Guild was
really using other people’s hard-earned capital to their advantage.
Unfortunately, they didn’t know that their God Cheng Wei had always wanted Cat God’s
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling when he thought of the young boy who always chased after
him for a signature.
Cheng Wei and Xie Shurong were both players who debuted in the third season. Xie
Shurong’s style was more aggressive and he had the strong spirit of a swordsman. His style
was biased towards violent suppression. Cheng Wei played a white magician. His remote
control and movements were very meticulous, making his gameplay smart and flexible.
After the two people won newcomer awards, Time’s vice-captain retired and Cheng Wei
was promoted to the vice-captain position.
The 16 year old Cheng Wei who just debuted was now almost 19 years old, the peak of an
e-sports player’s career. This guy was very lively and cheerful. He looked very cute and was
sunny when he laughed. His popularity in the Miracle League was becoming higher and
higher, with a large number of loyal fans.
However, most of the old players in Miracle knew that Cheng Wei was actually a fan of Cat
When playing the game together, Cheng Wei would enthusiastically invite Cat God to eat
whenever they met.
After FTD was disbanded and Li Cangyu led the team to leave, Cheng Wei tried to recruit
him only to be rejected. The little guy was still sad for a long time.
In the past few years, A’Shu had matured a lot and Xiao Cheng also became an adult.
Li Cangyu was now 23 years old and in the e-sports circles, this was considered old and he
should be thinking about retirement.
It wasn’t too late to come back now but Li Cangyu was very clear that this was his last
If he couldn’t get the trophy this time, he would miss out on it for the rest of his life.
Therefore, he must seize this opportunity.
[Fish Brother is online!] As Li Cangyu was thinking, the private chat window sent another
message. It was the guild promoter, Luo Xiaoluo. [Have you considered it? Will you join
Time? I’ll send you the signature by express mail!]
[…] Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. [You keep Vice-Captain Cheng’s signature. I won’t join
the Time Guild.]
Luo Xiaoluo was shocked. [Aren’t you a fan of Great God Cheng Wei?]
Li Cangyu: [No.]
Luo Xiaoluo: […] His face was really beaten!
Li Cangyu didn’t want to join the Time Guild but his impression of it was quite good due to
Cheng Wei. In addition, the president of Time decisively chose to give up on intercepting
the bounty mission. Li Cangyu appreciated this smart approach.
[Thank your president for the kind invitation. I won’t go to Time and I won’t join other
guilds. If I can, I’ll find a place to help later.] Li Cangyu sent this to Luo Xiaoluo. His
personality had always been that if they showed him respect, he would naturally respect
them back. If they came for death, he could only kill them.
Luo Xiaoluo sent a screenshot of Love to Eat Braised Fish’s reply to the guild and asked:
[President, what should I do?]
Time Machine considered it before quickly deciding. [Since he doesn’t want to join, we
won’t force it. I think this person is ambitious and wants to build his own guild. It is better
to be his ally than his enemy. We will continue to wait and see.]
Luo Xiaoluo was somewhat depressed. [I didn’t expect him to not be a fan of Vice-Captain
Time Machine laughed. [There are many excellent players in the league. Vice-Captain
Cheng’s popularity is very high but he also has a lot of sunspots. This Love to Eat Braised
Fish might’ve just heard Vice-Captain Cheng’s name.]
Luo Xiaoluo sent a row of starry-eyed expressions. [Can I get Vice-Captain Cheng’s
signature instead?]
Time Machine had a headache. [Okay, I will send it to you by express delivery!]
Not long after, Xie Shurong returned to the club and logged into the game. He sent a
message: [Cat God, shall we continue the bounty mission?]
Li Cangyu: [Wait for Xiao Gu to log in and I will introduce you.]
He just said this when the bottom left corner showed a prompt. [Your friend ‘As the Name
Suggests’ is online.]
Xiao Gu was forced to sleep at one in the morning by Li Cangyu. He woke up early at 8
o’clock and excitedly turned on his computer. Once he logged into the game, he was
shocked! Love to Eat Braised Fish and Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork were already level
31. He was only level 20 and was 11 levels lower!
Gu Siming sent a row of tearful expressions. [Captain, you levelled so quickly and didn’t
wait for me!]
Li Cangyu smiled, added him to the team and said: [Let me introduce you. This terran
swordsman is our new teammate. This is Xiao Gu. He is 17 years old and the main T of our
Xie Shurong typed: [You can call me A’Shu.]
[Hello A’Shu!] Gu Siming was shocked. [Gaining a new teammate in one night. Captain is
really fast!]
Xie Shurong had previously heard from Cat God that there was a very talented paladin in
the team but he hadn’t expected it to be a 17 year old boy. He couldn’t help wondering,
could this 17 year old boy be reliable?
Bai Xuan seemed to guess his doubts and took the initiative to send him a private message.
[Xiao Gu is the most talented newcomer in the Dragon Song training camp. He hasn’t played
the game for long and is still tender, but he has great potential. He is also smart. If we train
him well, he can definitely become a strong teammate.]
Xie Shurong dispelled the doubts in his heart. When he and Cheng Wei had won the rookie
awards, he had just turned 18 and Cheng Wei was only 16 years old. Using age to judge a
player wasn’t reliable. Xiao Gu was 17 years old this year and would be 18 when the next
season started. In fact, this wasn’t too young. There were many outstanding young
competitors in the league.
Xie Shurong thought up to here and replied to Bai Xuan. [Thank you for your explanation. I
understand now.]
Bai Xuan: [You’re welcome. It is what I should do.]
Xie Shurong couldn’t help smiling. No wonder why people used to say that Vice-Captain Bai
was gentle and careful. This man really was very considerate. He knew that Xie Shurong
would be questioning Xiao Gu’s ability and explained it clearly so that the teammates could
get along.
While explaining to Xie Shurong, Bai Xuan also sent a message to Gu Siming. [A’Shu is a
master. I will slowly tell you his specific history after entering the team. First try and see if
you can keep up with his rhythm.]
A master swordsman? Where did he come from?
Gu Siming endured his strong curiosity and replied: [I know!]
[Come, let’s do the bounty mission together.] Li Cangyu typed on the team channel before
pulling his teammates into the voice room.
Gu Siming put on his headset and said, “Captain, I am only level 20. Will it be a hindrance if
I do the bounty mission with you?”
“Don’t be afraid, we will cover you. Raise your level first.” Li Cangyu explained. “If you keep
doing bounty missions, you should be able to reach level 27 by 12 o’clock. Once we go to
sleep, you should go and level by yourself. You should be level 35 when we see each other
tomorrow and we will go to an instance together.”
“I have to gain 15 levels in one day?” Gu Siming asked while feeling great pressure.
“Yes, it is to test you.” Li Cangyu replied.
Gu Siming immediately nodded. “Captain, I understand! I will complete the test!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Good.”
Gu Siming lit up after being praised by Cat God.
The four people teamed up at the bounty mission release point and once again received an
escort NPC bounty mission.
In the case where no one intercepted it, the bounty mission was much smoother than
playing an instance boss. By 8:30 in the evening, Li Cangyu had risen to level 32 and Xiao
Gu also rose to level 22.
Everyone chatted while doing the mission and they didn’t feel bored.
After receiving another bounty mission, Bai Xuan asked, “Is there still no one interfering in
this round?”
He just finished speaking when a row of IDs suddenly appeared not far away. They were
waiting there so it was clearly not a good thing.
Incredibly, it was the elite team led by President Popular Land Under Heaven of the Wind
Colour Guild!
Xie Shurong was shocked. “They already lost two groups and they still want to send
another? This is really high perseverance!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I guess that they have found a helper.”
The guild office of the Wind Colour team.
A cold-looking, handsome young man sat in front of the computer, his slender fingers
quickly tapping the mouse to replay the video.
After watching the video, the teenager frowned slightly and said, “The first person point of
view that you recorded isn’t very clear. What happened?”
The president, Popular Land Under Heaven scratched his head with embarrassment. “This
is what happened. Last night, we led a team to intercept the bounty mission. We met a
three member team and were killed by them. A’Zhou recorded it and wanted to ask God Qin
Mo to look at it.”
Qin Mo looked back with surprise. “You mean six people were killed by three people? The
team was wiped out?”
“Yes.” Popular Land Under Heaven wiped his sweat. “The team was wiped out twice…”
Qin Mo’s eyes widened. “The team was destroyed twice?”
“…” Everyone present made an awkward expression.
To be honest, the news that the elite six member team of Time Colour had been wiped out
twice had already spread through the new district so they didn’t know what to do. They
came to find Qin Mo because he was the youngest player on the team and they were the
most familiar with him out of the players on the professional league side.
As for Captain Ling…
They didn’t dare to disturb him at all! It would be complete humiliation!
Qin Mo frowned. “It is best not to let Master know about this. It is too disgraceful for Wind
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately agreed. “Yes yes, we will do our best to hide it
from Captain Ling.”
They couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be if Captain Ling found out…
Qin Mo said, “Give me the account of a blood kin summoner. I will go to see who they are.”
Vice President Same Boat Under Wind and Rain immediately handed over his computer.
Inside the game, Li Cangyu saw that the six people opposite were motionless and typed in
the area channel: [President, are you coming for the bounty mission again?]
Popular Land Under Heaven looked at Qin Mo with embarrassment.
Qin Mo was very decisive. He didn’t say anything and directly pressed the PK button.
[Player Same Boat Under Wind and Rain, blood kin race, summoner class, level 32, is
requesting to learn from you.]
Li Cangyu agreed.
The opposite blood kin summoner started with calling a blood spider to quickly and
accurately bit Li Cangyu!
Once Xie Shurong saw this situation, he immediately said on the voice channel, “It is Qin
Bai Xuan was surprised and asked, “The genius boy of the Wind Colour team?”
“Yes.” Xie Shurong said, “I have seen many Wind Colour games. It is his habit to start with a
blood-sucking spider. It is like Cat God said. Since the Wind Colour Guild dared come to us
again, they must’ve found a helper. The person controlling the blood kin summoner on the
other side of the computer must be Qin Mo.”
Li Cangyu listened to the two people on the voice chat and couldn’t help wondering, “Who
is Qin Mo?”
Gu Siming actively started to explain. “Captain, Qin Mo is one year younger than me! He is a
rookie who just debuted this year in the Wind Colour team. He plays a blood kin summoner
and is Captain Ling Xuefeng’s only apprentice! He is also known as Wind Colour’s little
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment. “Since he is Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice, he is also
counted as my apprentice. There is no need to take care of this child and I’ll teach him a
good lesson.”
Everyone, “…”
Gu Siming lit a row of candles for Qin Mo.
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GLS: Chapter 18
Chapter 18 – Battle Between Summoners

Qin Mo had been thinking when he summoned the blood spider. Now it was the world of
the demon and blood kin summoner, yet this Love to Eat Braised Fish was an elf
summoner? How could he play with such an outdated style?
Sure enough, Qin Mo called the blood spider and the other person was motionless. He was
bitter by the spider and his blood volume fell by 10%.
This level wasn’t very good. He didn’t even hide from the spider!
Qin Mo inwardly sneered and quickly called his second and third pets, the blood snake and
the death knight.
In Miracle, different summoner types could summon different pets. For example, Li
Cangyu’s elf summoner could call the four spirits of water, fire, wind and thunder.
Meanwhile, the blood kin summoner could call blood-sucking spiders, snakes, death
knights and vampire bats.
Qin Mo’s account was only level 32 and hadn’t yet learned to summon the vampire bat. He
only had the first three pets. The blood spider could freeze the opponent, the blood snake
was an attack pet while the death knight was a defense pet that protected its master.
The blood kin summoner not only had a bodyguard in the death knight, they also had the
blood-sucking effect of all pet attacks. This was one of the reasons why the blood kin
summoner had extremely survivability.
Calling out so many pets at the same time, Qin Mo’s idea was really obvious. He didn’t put
Love to Eat Braised Fish in his eyes and wanted to use violent suppression to directly wipe
out the other side!
Playing with a large number of pets was very cool and also raised morale. Average players
were abused by the rookie through this method.
Qin Mo’s fingers quickly tapped the keyboard, easily controlling three pets. The death
knight stayed around to protect him, the blood spider always followed the opponent to
interfere with their positions while the blood snake followed to bite!
The blood snake had just bitten the opponent and the blood volume had fallen to 70%
when Qin Mo found that the other person unexpectedly disappeared from his field of view.
Flying Feather Steps!
He turned around and saw that Love to Eat Braised Fish had used Flying Feather Steps to
teleport 90 degrees to the right.
Qin Mo slightly frowned, turned his mouse quickly to adjust the angle of view and let his
blood snake bite the opponent again.
His blood snake was just about to bite when Love to Eat Braised Fish actually used Flying
Feather Steps again to teleport 90 degrees to the left side!
Alternating displacement?
Some remote players on the field would indeed use footwork skills to alternate positions
on the field. It was easy to make the opponent dizzy when repeatedly moving from left to
But who was Qin Mo? He was Ling Xuefeng’s only apprentice! If he had no talent, how could
Captain Ling accept him as an apprentice?
Li Cangyu’s actions were fast but Qing Mo’s angle of view change was also fast. He instantly
aligned with the position of the elf summoner and tried to let his blood snake bite the
However, he was surprised to find that his snake was actually…
It got stuck in a big tree!
Li Cangyu sent a smiley face in the area channel: [Are you too excited? You should look at
the terrain. There is a tree here.]
Qin Mo: […]
Once these words were sent, Li Cangyu finally started.
Unlike Qin Mo, who summoned three pets to suppress him, Li Cangyu only called one pet. It
was his strongest group attack pet, the thunder spirit.
Thunder’s Wrath’s fell from the sky, hitting Qin Mo, his blood spider, blood snake and death
It turned out that Li Cangyu had moved around like this to use the big tree to trap the blood
snake and to also gather all of Qin Mo’s pets in one place so they could be killed together!
Not good!
Qin Mo felt that the blood of all his pets had decreased and he quickly recalled the blood
snake. However, Li Cangyu’s goal wasn’t the blood snake at all. He used Flying Feather
Steps to slide around Qin Mo’s body, summoned the fire spirit and instantly shot Fireballs
one after another towards the death knight!
Qin Mo thought that the opponent wanted to kill the blood snake only for him to kill the
death knight. Qin Mo suddenly got a chill down his spine!
A death knight was called the second life of the blood kin summoner. He had been too
careless and wanted to suppress the enemy, only to be the one to fall first.
Qin Mo’s brow wrinkled even further.
The death knight had the longest cooldown time. It took 45 seconds to summon it again
after it was killed. The skill was completely useless in this time and this was simply giving a
chance to the opponent.
Qin Mo immediately turned and attacked the other person with a summoner’s ordinary
spells. Meanwhile, he placed the blood snake and spider on the left and right, surrounding
the elf summoner!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling appreciation when he saw this scene. The young boy’s
double-line operation was very good. The triangle position of the two pets and the master
could completely block the opponent. Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice wasn’t unskilled.
Unfortunately, he met Cat God who knew summoners very deeply.
Li Cangyu smiled and didn’t panic. He didn’t avoid the other side’s pets and used Flying
Feather Steps to quickly shift. The blood spider and blood snake quickly followed him,
leaving a clear path for the fire spirit to throw a Fireball at Qin Mo.
Qin Mo was very annoyed after being hit by the fireball.
A blood kin summoner who wasn’t protected by the death knight was actually very fragile.
His pets’ attacks could suck blood but the speed at which the spider and snake chased Li
Cangyu was definitely not as fast as the fire spirit attacking Qin Mo.
His pets didn’t absorb much blood and as time passed, he would certainly fall into a
Li Cangyu used this to create a very beautiful difference in blood volume.
In less than half a minute, Li Cangyu still had 45% of his blood left while Qin Mo, who had
previously been dominant, only had 40% of his blood left!
The onlooker Xie Shurong couldn’t help smiling. “Qin Mo was too careless. I guess that he
doesn’t know how he died.
Bai Xuan also smiled. “He dared to underestimate Cat God, this little boy’s courage is too
big. Even his master Ling Xuefeng doesn’t dare underestimate our Cat God.”
Li Cangyu said, “Okay, don’t put me on a pedestal. The cooldown of his death knight is
He just finished speaking when Qin Mo immediately called out his death knight!
The 45 second cooldown was finally over and the death knight killed by Li Cangyu was
summoned again.
The death knight was designed to be tall and burly, with a silver mask over his face and
beautiful dark red armour. This was one of the blood kin summoner’s pets and the master’s
best bodyguard. As long as he existed, all damage that the master received was reduced by
20% and he also had a ‘Guardian’ skill. Once used, he could take all damage for his master
for three seconds.
Qin Mo sighed with relief once he had the death knight around to protect him.
Li Cangyu saw the defensive pet appear and immediately recalled the fire spirit. He stopped
attacking Qin Mo and transferred the attack signal to the blood snake.
Fireball, Fireball, Fireball… Summon Thunder Spirit, Thunder’s Wrath!
It was a simple skills linkage and the cooldown time was well grasped. The result was
purple thunder falling from the sky and Qin Mo’s blood spider and blood snake being
smashed together.
Qin Mo: […]
Damn! This time the death knight appeared and the enemy no longer attack him, turning to
kill the spider and snake instead!
Qin Mo was simply going to collapse!
Today he played like he had shackles on his hands and feet. It felt like every move was
calculated by the other party and he had fallen into a trap every step… this feeling was
particularly irritating.
Qin Mo’s finger quickly pressed the keyboard and he killed the fire spirit with a
summoner’s basic attack.
He didn’t have any attack pets and the summoner’s own spell damage was very low. But the
opponent’s fire elf didn’t have much blood left. He might not be able to kill the master but
killing the pet was still possible.
Li Cangyu saw him move the target and couldn’t help typing: [You should kill my fire spirit.]
Qin Mo was still for a moment and didn’t respond to the other person.
Once his spirit recovered, the youth in front of the computer suddenly reddened. Why the
hell was this person trying to teach him?
The Wind Colour guild members also looked at each other. They didn’t expect that the elf
summoner could use his hands to quickly type while escaping with Flying Feather Steps.
Big God Qin Mo must be angry enough to cough up blood. The opponent actually had room
to type?
Qin Mo’s thoughts were messed up while the fire spirit was killed in a few seconds. Li
Cangyu immediately summoned his water spirit and started to attack the opponent with
Water Ball.
The water spirit could freeze the opponent and cause certain damage. This damage wasn’t
high but the effect on the body was still quite powerful. Li Cangyu needed to freeze Qin Mo
and stall until he could use the thunder spirit’s big move to kill Qin Mo and his death
Qin Mo was entangled by the water spirit and wanted to hit his keyboard.
The movement speed of the blood kin wasn’t as good as the elves. Once frozen by the water
spirit, he couldn’t catch up to the opponent. His spider and snake were also on cooldown
and his attack power was insufficient. Without the protection of the death knight, he would
already be dead.
He could only hope for the spider and snake’s cooldown to end. The result was that once he
summoned them…
The opposite summoner also called his fire elf and thunder elf. A bunch of fireballs came
followed by another Thunder’s Wrath!
Boom! The residual blood Qin Mo was directly killed!
Qin Mo couldn’t respond to what happened as the screen in front of him turned grey from
the character’s death.
The battle was too fast and the summoner was like a gust of wind. He was on the left for
one moment, on the right and then behind… He was an unpredictable ghost and combined
with his accurate grasp of the pet skills…
Qin Mo felt… he was killed by the other person like a stupid dog.
He had his own pride since his debut. He was the disciple of Ling Xuefeng, the strongest
demon player in the league!
He might be a rookie who debuted this season but he was definitely the most powerful
rookie in recent years. On the field, he used a wave of pets to suppress his opponents and
beat a lot of players. Even the captains of other teams evaluated him as a rare genius boy.
He had never been this depressed.
In today’s battle between summoners, he not only couldn’t kill the opponent but he was
restricted everywhere. It was like the summoner entered his head and predicted all his
thoughts in advance.
This was a horrible feeling.
Qin Mo felt pain in his head and could only grab his hair in agitation.
After killing Qin Mo in the game, Li Cangyu sent him a serious private chat. [You have a lot
of talent but you are too impulsive.] The field isn’t just a concept. You rushed all out with
your pets without knowing the strength of your opponent. In fact, you have been passive
since the beginning.]
Qin Mo, “…”
Li Cangyu continued: [Go back to your Master and learn some more. There is still a lot of
room for improvement.]
Qin Mo, “…”
The teenager’s small face reddened. After a while, he quickly typed: [Who are you?]
Li Cangyu sent a smiling expression. [It doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is
that you lost because you carelessly underestimated the enemy.]
His words… they seemed reasonable!
Qin Mo was unable to refute them and dizzily turned away from the keyboard.
The Wind Colour guild members looked at each other the office staying silent for a while.
The Wind Colour team’s training room.
Qin Mo walked with a lowered head and almost crashed into a person. Vice-Captain Yan
Ruiwen just wanted to go out when he saw this young boy’s tortured expression. He
couldn’t help wondering, “Xiao Qin? What’s wrong?”
Qin Mo didn’t speak but his expression made him look like he was crying.
Yan Ruiwen smiled and rubbed his head. “Your master is looking for you. Go ahead.”
“…Oh.” Qin Mo walked to the quietest corner of the training room and saw a man sitting
there, staring intently at the computer screen.
This man’s facial lines seemed like they had been elaborated carved by the Creator. The
combination of facial features gave off a handsome and courageous air. The cold lights of
the training room were projected on him, forming a strange glow around his body that
made him look god-like. In particular, his deep and dark eyes that were as bright as a star
seemed like a sword that could instantly penetrate the hearts of people.
Ling Xuefeng, one of the top five of the Miracle Professional League. He was also ranked in
the top five most popular players and was ranked first on the demon race players list for
many years.
The captains of the various teams in the league were different but Captain Ling of the Wind
Colour team was definitely the most difficult to provoke.
Qin Mo might be his only apprentice but this man was born with the aura of a strong king.
He might not be fierce to players and was even mild, but the players were in awe of him
and didn’t dare do anything in front of him.
Qin Mo saw that he was looking at the team standings on the league’s official website and
carefully asked, “Master, you were looking for me?”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t speak any nonsense and got straight to the point. “Tomorrow, you will
play in the arena against Time. Do you have any problems with this?”
“…” Qin Mo didn’t answer.
Ling Xuefeng raised his head in confusion and found that this young boy was depressed. His
lips were pale and he seemed to have completely lost his confidence.
“What happened?” Ling Xuefeng turned and asked in a soft voice.

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GLS: Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Ling Xuefeng

Qin Mo didn’t dare tell his master that he actually lost to an unnamed elf summoner in the
online game.
He felt that this was particularly embarrassing. As a rookie who just debuted this season,
his level wasn’t as high as his master’s but he could face the average player and have a large
chance of winning. Even in the face of the other team’s great gods, he could fight against
them in a war situation.
He had never experienced being completely crushed by the opponent like today.
Qin Mo was still in a confused state, like he was caught in a strange nightmare. He was
afraid that his master would scold him and didn’t dare explain this matter. However, his
feelings of grievances hadn’t dissipated and he felt like he was going to die!
Ling Xuefeng saw that his apprentice wasn’t talking, his face still a bit green, and couldn’t
help frowning. “What’s the matter?”
Qin Mo’s spirit returned and he shook his head. “No, it is nothing. I just ate something bad
this morning and my stomach…”
How could such a poor excuse work on Ling Xuefeng?
The youth in front of him had a high self-esteem and was very stubborn. When Ling
Xuefeng first accepted him as an apprentice, it was because he took a fancy to Qin Mo’s
talent in the game but his personality still needed to be honed. Ling Xuefeng knew the
temper of his apprentice and didn’t ask anything else. He went back to watching the
league’s team standings and said lightly, “The game with the Time team tomorrow is very
important. I hope you can adjust your status as soon as possible.”
Qin Mo was stunned and couldn’t help being moved by his master’s trust. “I… I will,
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded and then continued, “In the arena stage, Vice-Captain Yan and
Guo Xuan will play first and second. You will appear last as the guard. If I’m not mistaken,
you should face Vice-Captain Cheng Wei or Captain Tan Shitian. These two people aren’t
easy to deal with so you should go back and prepare.”
Qin Mo’s eyes widened with surprise. “I… I am going to be the guard?”
“Why? Do you have no confidence?”
“…” As a rookie, this was the first time the captain actually put him in such an important
Qin Mo was young and arrogant so his fighting spirit was soon up. He shook his fist and
vowed, “I will prepare well.”
“Go.” Ling Xuefeng said, “Don’t let me down.”
“Yes!” Qin Mo nodded vigorously and turned away.
The vice-captain, Yan Ruiwen went out to get a cup of coffee and soon returned. He headed
to Ling Xuefeng and sat down next to him. He drank the coffee before saying, “Ah, I just met
Qin Mo at the door. His face didn’t seem right. Did something happen?”
“He seems to have something on his mind.” Ling Xuefeng explained. “But he didn’t want to
tell me so I didn’t ask.”
Yan Ruiwen looked for Qin Mo and found that the young boy had already turned on a
computer and was in the arena. He couldn’t help worrying, “Xiao Qin’s state doesn’t seem
very good. It is appropriate to send him as the guard tomorrow?”
“I just want to give him a chance to play against masters.” Ling Xuefeng calmly explained.
“As a professional player, the greater the stress, the more you need to adjust your
mentality. If he can’t even do this, he will sit on the cold bench for the second round robin
and reflect on it.”
Yan Ruiwen, “…”
Captain Ling’s personality had always been like this. If a person performed well and
worked hard, he would naturally give them more opportunities. If a person wandered off
the chain, they could sit on the cold bench and reflect on it.
The overall strength of the Wind Colour team was very high and there were many high-
level players. The captain needed to be like this to tame so many masters.
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t strange to anyone or biased against anyone. He never scolded a player
in public. Instead, he changed the lineup so that the players themselves would realize their
mistakes and adjust their status.
This was decisive but didn’t hurt people’s self-esteem. Therefore, Ling Xuefeng had a very
high prestige in the Wind Colour team. He didn’t erase anyone’s personality and all players
felt admiration and respect towards him.
Ling Xuefeng always felt that cursing didn’t have much use and would just cause some
players to have a rebellious mentality. The captain only needed to carry people forward in
the general direction. Many things still depended on the players themselves to understand.
His style of leadership caused the Wind Colour to be the freest team in the league and each
player’s personal qualities were very strong.
During training, Ling Xuefeng would also develop different training programs according to
the characteristics of each player. In the training room, everyone played against each other
and it might not seem harmonious. But once in the stadium and under the command of Ling
Xuefeng, the cohesiveness of the Wind Colour team was extremely strong, like an
unstoppable beast just unleashed.
The more frightening thing was that the players rarely made mistakes and Wind Colour
was the team with the lowest error rate in the league’s official statistics.
Qin Mo’s level wasn’t bad but his psychological problem was very big. This young boy had
been aggressive since the beginning of his debut and his eyes were higher than himself.
Self-confidence was a good thing but being too conceited made it easy to go down the
wrong path. He was already so arrogant at 16 years old. It was hard to say what he would
be like in the future.
The reason why Ling Xuefeng placed pressure on him as the guard tomorrow was to grind
this little boy’s mind.
Yan Ruiwen was the vice-captain and had been working with Ling Xuefeng for many years.
He quickly understood his thoughts and asked, “How is the arrangement of the group battle
“It is according to the most stable lineup.” Ling Xuefeng replied. “This time we can’t be
careless. Tan Shitian will certainly come out with the strongest lineup.”
“I understand.” Yan Ruiwen said. “Guo Xuan hasn’t returned yet. Shall we wait for him to
come back in the afternoon before training again?”
“Okay, you can arrange it.” Ling Xuefeng kept looking at his computer and clicked on Weibo.
On Weibo’s homepage, a message with a high forwarding rate suddenly flashed. It had been
forwarded by Cheng Wei and was an official announcement obviously written by the
general manager of the Canglan team.
-The Canglan team will officially announce its disbandment today. Thank you for your
support of Canglan for the past two years. The team’s disbandment is undoubtedly
distressing. Fortunately, the players have found a better home and I wish the team
members luck in the future.
It was a very common announcement and Cheng Wei forwarded it with a row of tearful
Fans saw him do this and couldn’t help commenting.
-What is the Canglan team? Why haven’t I heard of them before?
-They aren’t in the Miracle League. They seem to be from the Wulin side.
-What is Vice-Captain Cheng doing? Why is he forwarding this?
-It is just a team disbanding but Great God Cheng Wei is too shocked!
-God should be preparing for the game. Come on, kill Ling Xuefeng of Wind Colour
tomorrow. I will be watching you!
Cheng Wei was the vice-captain of the Time team and was sunny, cheerful and very funny.
His popularity in the league was high and comments on his Weibo messages easily instantly
broke through one million. Most fans were wondering why he was free enough to forward
news about the Wulin League. It was obvious that not many people knew the inside story.
However, Ling Xuefeng’s brow slightly wrinkled.
His mouse clicked onto the Canglan team’s official Weibo. Many comments were filled with
regret, ridicule and swearing. However, the captain of Canglan, Li Cangyu never appeared.
Yan Ruiwen looked at the captain’s computer and saw the news. He was stunned as he
asked, “Canglan? If I remember correctly… this is the team led by Li Cangyu?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded.
“Why is it disbanded again?” Yan Ruiwen’s tone was filled with a hint of regret. “The team is
gone so where will Cat God go?”
“He will go back to Miracle.” Ling Xuefeng was very certain.
“What? He will return to Miracle?” Yan Ruiwen was surprised. “Maybe he will transfer to
another team in Wulin?”
“No.” Ling Xuefeng looked at the computer screen, a complex look flashing in his eyes
despite his calm tone. “His burden was too heavy and he had too much restrains on him. He
only joined Wulin for his good friends but had to take up responsibility as the captain. Now
Canglan has scattered and he has a chance to start again. He will once again control his elf
“…It makes sense.” Vice-Captain Yan couldn’t help sighing. “You still know him best.”
Yan Ruiwen’s sentence was true.
Ling Xuefeng knew Li Cangyu very deeply. Not only were they excellent friends, they were
the strongest rivals!
In fact, Captain Ling’s level was one of the best in the Miracle League. For several years, he
occupied the first place on the domestic demon players list and even appeared on the
world masters list. He was a demon player famous globally.
Ling Xuefeng’s style of play was calm until it changed and then his explosive power was
terrible. It was easy for the opponent to be suppressed to the point of psychological
collapse. In addition, he was handsome and had a cold personality. The fans kept watching
him while watching the game, causing his popularity to naturally soar higher and higher.
He was one of the oldest players in the league and even the captains of other teams were
very respectful towards him.
However, Yan Ruiwen knew very clearly that Ling Xuefeng’s heart actually had a powerful
opponent that no one could replace.
It was Li Cangyu, who played the elf summoner.
The question of who was the strongest summoner between Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng
had always been an unsolved mystery of Miracle.
When Li Cangyu was the captain of the FTD team, he was almost never defeated in the
arena stage. However, there were three players who participated in the arena and the
order of the players was decided before the game. The FTD and Wind Colour team fought a
few times and the two captains always missed each other in the competition.
If Li Cangyu appeared first, Ling Xuefeng would appear in third or vice versa. Ling Xuefeng
would be first while Li Cangyu played in third. In short, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng never
really fought each other despite being two master summoners.
This was one of Ling Xuefeng’s biggest regrets.
The pressure on Li Cangyu’s shoulders was too big and every time he fought, he couldn’t
play to his true level. Ling Xuefeng always felt it was a pity that Li Cangyu stayed in the FTD
team but didn’t say these words out of respect for the captain.
Later, the FTD team disbanded and Li Cangyu refused the high-paying invitations from
many teams in the Miracle League. He led his team to transfer to Wulin instead. This man’s
decisiveness and determination was truly admirable.
In the blink of an eye, almost three years passed in the Miracle League and the name of Cat
God was gradually forgotten by many people.
But in Ling Xuefeng’s heart, this name was a special existence and impossible to forget.
Yan Ruiwen saw the complicated look in his captain’s eyes and suddenly had a thought. His
eyes lit up as he said, “Right, if Cat God is returning to Miracle, shouldn’t we act first and
invite him to join Wind Colour?”
“No.” Ling Xuefeng immediately rejected Vice-Captain Yan’s idea of pulling Li Cangyu into
the team. “With his pride, it is impossible for him to join the Wind Colour team. Otherwise,
he wouldn’t have rejected our invitation and transferred his team to Wulin.”
Vice-Captain Yan recalled Li Cangyu’s decision when leaving Miracle and was forced to get
rid of this idea.
There might be repeated frustrations but some people’s pride couldn’t be reduced by one
or two failures. Li Cangyu was such a person. The team he raised never won a trophy but he
wouldn’t go to other teams and listen to other people’s commands.
Yan Ruiwen couldn’t help sighing when he thought about this. “If he really comes back,
won’t there be a big shuffle in the players’ winning percentage?”
“Of course.” Ling Xuefeng nodded and looked thoughtfully at the personal rankings of the
Miracle Professional League.
In the past few years, the players in the league had changed a lot. These days, the players at
the forefront of the individual rankings were mostly newcomers who debuted after the
third season. Many of these newcomers were currently around 20 years ago and it was the
best time to be an e-sports player. The 23 year old Cat God was already at a age where e-
sports players retired.
But Ling Xuefeng knew that in the near future, there would be a name in the rankings that
would shock everyone.
—Li Cangyu.
Ling Xuefeng believed in Li Cangyu’s ability, just as he believed in himself.
This unquestioning confidence was precisely due to his greatest respect for a rival.
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access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 20
Chapter 20 – The Time Team

At the same time, the Time team’s training room.

The normally sunny vice-captain, Cheng Wei’s face was very wrong today. He was staring at
the computer and looking through Weibo, flames almost being fired from his eyes.
Cheng Wei was really angry when seeing the comments on Weibo!
What do you mean ‘What is your relationship with a Wulin team?’, ‘Canglan’s disbandment
has nothing to do with you’, ‘Why are you posting about such an insignificant thing?’,
‘Concentrate on preparing for tomorrow’s game’, ‘I’ve never heard of Li Cangyu’…
His fingers pressed against the keyboard but he didn’t know how to reply. Cheng Wei
angrily closed the Weibo page and suddenly felt sad.
Such a strong player, he was forgotten by everyone only three years after leaving Miracle?
But Cheng Wei couldn’t forget.
At that time, he was a newcomer who just debuted. A newborn calf wasn’t afraid of the
tiger. Li Cangyu might have a very high solo win rate but Cheng Wei wasn’t afraid to
challenge the elf summoner.
In the regular season’s match between the Time team and FTD team, Cheng Wei’s first
appearance in the arena coincided with Li Cangyu’s and he lost to Cat God without any
surprises. Cheng Wei wasn’t convinced and asked to fight in the online game. The result
was Li Cangyu beating him five times.
Cheng Wei was flushed from the beating and couldn’t wait to dig a hole to bury himself in.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t say anything against him. Instead, he gently encouraged Cheng
Wei. [You are only 16 years old. A newcomer who can push me to this level is truly very
Cheng Wei was stunned and couldn’t say anything as he stared at the words on the
computer screen.
Li Cangyu asked: [Do you know the reason for losing to me today?]
Cheng Wei replied with a red face: [Is it because I am inexperienced?]
[Experience is one of the reasons but it isn’t the key.] Li Cangyu smiled and typed: [The
angel white magician, you haven’t grasped the essence of this gameplay yet.]
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened as he stared at the small words in this chat box.
[Angels are a race that favours peace. They have more control skills than attack skills. Your
aggression is very high. When you encounter a melee class like a swordsman or berserker,
you can take advantage of your remote position to quickly attack and win. But once you
encounter an archer, black magician and summoner who are ranged like you are, you have
to play a steady game and will lose.]
[A match between ranged classes isn’t about who attacks more but who is able to seize the
opportunities. When you just fought with me, there were several control skills that were
completely useless. I suggest you reset the location of the shortcut keys. When playing
against a remote class, think about how to control the opponent to deal high damage
instead of quickly attacking to suppress the opponent.]
[Magic type classes are very fragile and their consumption of blue is also very serious.
Therefore, every attack is best used to decreased blood. Having fast hands is a good thing
but being too fast can invalidate some attacks. You need to practice connecting your skills.
You can use general attacks during the cooldown period of skills so that you can better
grasp the button rhythms. Then slowly take advantage of your blood volume.]
Cheng Wei, “…”
No one had ever told him such things.
He thought that his talent was outstanding and in the Time team, he felt a high appreciation
for Captain Xu Luo. However, Captain Xu was very busy dealing with many things inside
and outside the team and didn’t have time to guide new people. Most of the time, Cheng
Wei studied and explored by himself. He felt that the white magician’s fast style of attack
was very cool. He might’ve failed in attacking sometimes but he thought it was just his own
It wasn’t until today that he realized how superficial his understanding of Miracle was!
As Cat God said, he didn’t realize the essence of a white magician.
It was necessary to adjust the tactical strategy when facing different opponents. He had a
high winning rate when playing against close combat classes but was simply looking for
death when encountering black magicians and summoners.
Li Cangyu knew this game very thoroughly and his few words completely shifted Cheng
Wei’s view of the white magician.
Cheng Wei felt ashamed and at the same time, particularly warm towards Li Cangyu in his
Cat God didn’t look down on him or laugh at his rashness. Instead, Cat God patiently
explained his shortcomings.
They weren’t in the same time and would fight to the death in the game, but Li Cangyu
generously shared his experience with the newcomer. This type of senior player really
made Cheng Wei feel respectful and moved.
[Thank you for Cat God’s guidance!] Cheng Wei typed excitedly. [By the way, can I
recognize you as my master?]
Li Cangyu laughed. [Forget about recognizing me as you master. If you have anything you
don’t understand then you can ask me at any time.]
Cheng Wei reflected on himself and realized he was too rash. After all, they weren’t in the
same team. If he recognized the captain of another team as his master, it would definitely
be irresponsible to the Time team and Li Cangyu would be very embarrassed when facing
Captain Xu.
Cheng Wei dismissed the idea of having Li Cangyu as his master and asked excitedly:
[When Cat God is free, can you PK with me?]
Li Cangyu smiled. [No problem.]
Cheng Wei’s character was lively and he wasn’t afraid of death. He soon became familiar
with Li Cangyu.
Since then, every night Cheng Wei would log onto the game with a separate account to
learn from Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu would accept Cheng Wei’s invitation whenever he was free
and Li Cangyu beat Cheng Wei up. This could also be considered relaxing after a match.
In the third season, Cheng Wei’s level soared by leaps and bounds, making everyone
Among the numerous rookies that appeared that year, the 16 year old Cheng Wei won the
Rookie of the Year award.
In fact, Cheng Wei appreciated Captain Xu but he was very clear that he could only win this
award due to the guidance of Cat God behind the scenes. He PKed with the league’s
strongest elf summoner every day and his technical skills progressed quickly!
Unfortunately, due to being on different teams, he could only be grateful to Li Cangyu in his
After the awards ceremony that year, the FTD team disbanded and Li Cangyu left Miracle
behind with his few teammates.
The young Cheng Wei was sad for a long time.
Cat God’s personal ability was so strong and he could obviously have a better development.
But God seemed to be unfair to him, letting him assume the responsibility of captain of a
weak team, not allowing him to win the trophy so he could only leave Miracle with regret…
Cheng Wei might not be a formal apprentice but in his heart, Li Cangyu’s existence was
always as a ‘teacher and friend.’ He was even more important than Time’s captain, Xu Luo.
Once Li Cangyu led his team to Wulin, Cheng Wei silently watched the events there and
hoped that Cat God could achieve good results. Unfortunately, Cat God also suffered
setbacks in Wulin. It took a year for Cat God to reorganize the Canglan team and join Wulin.
In the two professional leagues that followed, the Canglan team scored in the top eight in
the playoffs and failed to get better results.
Now the Canglan team was once again disbanded and Cheng Wei was really sad. He felt that
Cat God really suffered too much!
A young player like Cheng Wei followed the Time team and won many trophies. Cat God
was clearly much stronger than him so why couldn’t he win a prize?
Cheng Wei was feeling depressed when a bright voice was heard next to him. “Xiao Wei,
what are you thinking about? It is time to prepare for tomorrow’s game.”
It was the captain of the Time team, Tan Shitian. As he spoke, he stretched out a hand and
rubbed Cheng Wei’s head.
Cheng Wei really hated this guy!
Was his head a fur ball? Why did this person keep rubbing it? Every time he talked, he had
to rub it. Wasn’t this annoying?
Captain Xu retired and handed over the captain’s position to the team’s main elf archer, Tan
Shitian. He was also an apprentice personally brought on by Captain Xu.
Tan Shitian wasn’t as steady as Captain Xu. He always liked to make funny little jokes and
often practiced hand writing lyrics on Weibo. His lyrics weren’t bad so he attracted a group
of people who didn’t understand e-sports. Passersby who liked music followed him.
He graduated from the Chinese department of a prestigious university and due to his
frequent Weibo jokes, he had the nickname of ‘Storytelling God’ in the Miracle League.
A mature and stable person like Captain Xu was more suitable to be captain. Tan Shitian
smiled all day and seemed to have no serious thoughts. In addition, this person debuted in
the fourth season which was even later then Cheng Wei’s debut. He lacked experience in
the competition and was directly led by Captain Xu. Now that he was appointed as captain,
Cheng Wei always felt that Tan Shitian wasn’t reliable and didn’t agree with him. Tan
Shitian was currently 19 years old, half a year older than Cheng Wei, and he was the
youngest captain in the Miracle League.
Now that Tan Shitian was once again rubbing his head, Cheng Wei couldn’t help staring at
him before directly standing up.
This person was taller than Cheng Wei, meaning he couldn’t do anything. Cheng Wei had to
suppress his anger as he said, “I have something to talk to you about alone. Let’s go back to
the dormitory.”
Tan Shitian came up to him and whispered in his ear, “Asking me to go back to the
dormitory alone. Are you confessing to me? I’m not prepared yet.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. “…Get lost!”
This person was completely unreliable! He was so angry that he didn’t want to say a single
Tan Shitian looked at the angry man in front of him and couldn’t help smiling as he endured
the urge to continue rubbing his head. “Okay, I will go back to the dorms with you.”
The two people returned to the dormitory. Cheng Wei closed the door and turned around.
“The Canglan team has announced that it is disbanding.”
“Yes, I saw you forward the message on Weibo.” Tan Shitian was puzzled. “You are looking
for me because of this?”
Cheng Wei said seriously, “I want to find the manager and ask him to invite Cat God to our
Time team. Since Canglan has disbanded, he can come back and play Miracle.”
Tan Shitian, “…”
Cheng Wei continued, “Cat God had already left when you debuted so you might not be
familiar with him. In fact, Cat God’s level isn’t lacking compared to Ling Xuefeng. He is a
very strong elf summoner but his teammates weren’t strong enough and he couldn’t win a
trophy. Now that he has regained his freedom, it is better for us to win him over.” He
suddenly added, “I will give him the vice-captain’s position when he arrives.”
In fact, Cheng Wei wanted to tell Tan Shitian to make Li Cangyu captain. However, this
person’s expression didn’t seem very good so Cheng Wei resisted.
Once Tan Shitian heard these words, the smile on his face faded away and his expression
became serious. “I don’t agree on this matter.”
“Why don’t you agree?” Cheng Wei was surprised. “I have said that his personal level is
very strong. If he joins the Time team, won’t it increase our team’s strength to a higher
Tan Shitian patiently explained, “I don’t know Cat God but I have seen a lot of videos. His
style is particularly distinctive and it will be difficult to integrate him into our Time team.
Our team doesn’t need a summoner.”
Cheng Wei bluntly asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he will take away your captain’s position?’
“…” Tan Shitian frowned. “Cheng Wei, is this how you see me?”
“Am I wrong?” Cheng Wei was so angry that he couldn’t help speaking quickly, “Do you
think you can beat Cat God in a solo match? I’m afraid he will be able to control you to
death with just a few pets! You are afraid that you will lost your captain’s position when he
comes right? Don’t use the team as an excuse. You can’t tolerate another master in the
team. You really are unworthy of Captain Xu’s trust!”
Cheng Wei loved to laugh but once he was angry, he was very tough. His way of speaking
would become fast like a machine gun and it was really a mystery how his tongue didn’t
twist up.
Tan Shitian waited for him to finished before smiling. “Have you finished? Or is this a half-
time break and you will continue to the second part?”
“…” Cheng Wei stared without speaking. His eyes were also burning and his cheeks were
flushed with rage.
What was a second part? Did he think this was a comic dialogue? Scolding this cheeky
person was like throwing pearls before a swine!
Tan Shitian thought that Xiao Cheng’s cheeks were particularly cute when angry and
couldn’t help pinching Cheng Wei’s face. “I won’t agree to let Cat God come to the Time
team. You aren’t young so think about the problem and don’t be so willful.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
Cheng Wei was furious as he watched Tan Shitian turn away from him. He wanted to rush
over and bite him to death.
Tan Shitian must be jealous of Cat God, absolutely!
Cheng Wei was busy sulking and didn’t see Tan Shitian’s helpless expression.
Cheng Wei had a blind worship towards Cat God and wouldn’t be calm when hearing news
about Cat God. But as the captain of the Time team, Tan Shitian must consider the style and
configuration of the whole team when introducing a new player. Cat God’s style of play
with the elf summoner was difficult to match with the elf archers of Time. The summoner’s
participation would just make the Time team nondescript.
Therefore, even if Cat God was very strong, Tan Shitian never thought about pulling him
into the group.
After a moment of silence, Tan Shitian took out his phone and called a number. “Call
everyone to the conference room. Tomorrow’s game needs to be redeployed.”
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GLS: Chapter 21
Chapter 21 – Regular Season Match

After Li Cangyu abused Qin Mo in the online game, he continued to do the bounty mission
with his teammates.

Xie Shurong couldn’t help sighing. “In this battle, Qin Mo’s self-confidence suffered a
serious setback. It is estimated that he will be slow for a while.”

Bai Xuan gloated. “It is a misfortune caused by underestimating Cat God.”

Gu Siming couldn’t help asking, “What if he goes back and tells his master? Then he will ask
his master to help sweep us up… Ah, can I see Captain Ling?!”

Xiao Gu was obviously Ling Xuefeng’s fan and his voice became excited when he talked
about Captain Ling.
Bai Xuan smiled. “Xiao Gu, tomorrow is a regular match between the Time team and Wind
Colour team. Ling Xuefeng won’t have time to care about the online game. Moreover, I
heard that Qin Mo has a very high self-esteem. Such a shameful thing, he certainly won’t tell
his master.”

“Oh…” Gu Siming felt regret before he cried out excitedly. “By the way, the game between
Wind Colour and Time is at 9 in the morning. Do you want to watch it?”

Li Cangyu asked, “Then it is 9 in the evening in New York?”

Bai Xuan nodded. “Yes.”

Li Cangyu said, “Then we can watch it.”

Xie Shurong added, “My team has a holiday tomorrow. I will come over and watch it with

“Aren’t you really coming over for dinner?” Bai Xuan poked him.

Xie Shurong smiled. “Vice-Captain Bai knows me too well. Your cooking is too delicious.
Tomorrow, can you cook fried bamboo shoots and braised pork ribs? I will bring you a full
race set of commemorative Miracle postcards.”

Bai Xuan, “…”

‘Okay, I will look at the gift to satisfy you.’

Li Cangyu said, “Tomorrow, take a trip to the supermarket and buy more fish.”

Bai Xuan, “…”

Okay! He would do this for Cat God’s sake!

Gu Siming listened to the three people discussing food and couldn’t help sending a row of
tearful expressions. “I want to eat too!”

Bai Xuan smiled and said, “You are halfway around the Earth and can’t eat. Once we return,
I will invite you for a meal.”
Bai Xuan’s voice was gentle and Gu Siming’s eyes immediately lit up. “Yes! I want to eat
mapo tofu and braised chicken wings!”

Xie Shurong added, “I want to eat roast duck.”

“Cough” Li Cangyu decided to switch the topic. “Stop or I will become hungry again. We still
need to level.”

The four people kept doing the bounty mission until 11:30 in the evening. Li Cangyu, Bai
Xuan and Xie Shurong had risen to level 35. Gu Siming was with the three masters and
quickly rose to level 27.

It wasn’t good for Bai Xuan to stay up late. Li Cangyu urged him to rest while Xie Shurong
was still part of the ICE Club and also couldn’t stay up late. The three of them went offline
while Gu Siming followed his captain’s arrangement and did the missions to level up.

He had played three accounts before and was familiar with the road for the beast race’s
main storyline. By 8 in the evening, he really rose to level 35. On the other side in New
York, Li Cangyu and the others also woke up and everyone met up.

At level 35, the bounty missions couldn’t be completed anymore and a new instance called
‘Frost Temple’ opened. The elite groups of the major guilds went to Frost Temple. For a
time, everyone was busy levelling and nothing happened in the game.
After one day, there were people who had risen to level 40 in the new Moonlight Forest

The presidents of the major guilds stared at the leaderboard and found that Love to Eat
Braised Fish had been offline for eight hours. They were confused for a moment. What was
the routine of these people? Did they sleep in broad daylight and stay up all night?

The witty Luo Xiaoluo reacted first. “Perhaps they are abroad? Isn’t it the opposite of our

Time Machine hit his thigh. “It makes sense! Their online time means they are likely to be

Everyone was excited at discovering this.

Unfortunately, it was useless after their excitement died down. Did the fact that they were
abroad mean anything? The Time Guild was still confused about the identity of Love to Eat
Braised Fish.

Li Cangyu continued to lead the team in the Frost Temple instance. There were many mobs
in this instance and the pressure on the front row knight was very big. It was an
opportunity to see if A’Shu and Xiao Gu could handle the front lines together.

A’Shu’s style had always been fast so Li Cangyu was surprised when he saw that Xiao Gu
could actually keep up with his rhythm.

Xie Shurong was also surprised. He didn’t expect this 17 year old to be so energetic and
jump around everywhere.

Bai Xuan turned back and said, “It seems that we underestimated Xiao Gu’s strength. It is
just an instance but he is clearly very skilled to be able to keep up with Xie Shurong’s fast

Li Cangyu nodded. “I think that the nickname of ‘Small Madman’ really suits him.”

The four people smashed through the instance and the levelling process was very fast.

Xiao Gu was young but he played a paladin very well. He dragged a group of mobs with him
without the slightest fear. A’Shu cooperated with him to suppress the blood of the mobs in
the front row. Cat God attacked and killed the monsters from a distance while Bai Xuan
only needed to occasionally add blood to his teammates.

The players would hide from most of the high-damage skills themselves. This was just a
simple instance but Bai Xuan hadn’t had such an easy time for ages. Thanks to his forceful
and considerate teammates, the pressure on the healer was reduced in an instant!


The next night, Xie Shurong really brought a gift when he came over.

He knew that Bai Xuan liked to collect all types of fun goods regarding Miracle and was
willing to exchange them for a meal.

Bai Xuan’s dishes were more abundant than last time and Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan happily
hate. Bai Xuan was the chef and his mood was particularly good.

It was because Xie Shurong brought a beautiful set of six commemorative postcards
containing the Miracle races as a gift for Bai Xuan. This set was extremely difficult to buy.

Bai Xuan felt that if he could receive this type of ‘meal payment’ every time, he would
happily cook every day! Bai Xuan couldn’t help setting up the collection in the area.

The three people ate dinner and some fruit, before Xiao Gu woke up and went online.

Once the boy entered the game, he shouted in the voice room, “It is at 9 o’clock. Don’t forget
the game!”

Li Cangyu replied, “Okay, let’s watch it together.”

He took the laptop to the table in the living room and opened it to the live channel of the
Miracle Professional League.


There were too many teams in recent years and not enough time. Therefore, the Miracle
League divided the competition into two grades: the first division and the second division.

There was 16 teams in the second division, which started after the spring festival and
ended two months after Lunar New Year. The team ranked first at the end would have a
match with the last ranked team in the first division. After winning, they could advance.

The first division took place after the second division and contained the matches between
the most powerful teams in the league. The league only placed eight teams in the first
division. AT the end of the season, the team with the worst score would have a match with
the first ranked team of the second division. If they lost, they would be downgraded.

This mode of ‘eliminating the last team of the first division’ and ‘promoting the first team of
the second division’ undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the professional players. The
strong teams were afraid to relax and it made the overall strength of the domestic league
higher and higher.

At 8:45, the live broadcast finally started.

The commentators who appeared on the live channel were a handsome girl with short hair
and a gentle-looking man in glasses. The two people wore dark blue suits and had silver
medals on the collar.

“Good morning everyone. This is the last game in the first stage of the sixth regular season
of the Miracle Professional League. It is the match between the Wind Colour team and the
Time team! I am Kou Hongyi and I will be explaining this game.”

The short-haired girl nodded to the camera and said calmly. “Hello everyone, I am
Commentator Yu Bing.”

Li Cangyu was surprised. “Yu Bing changed to a commentator?”

Gu Siming said in a positive manner. “Sister Bing became a commentator after she retired
from the Red Fox team and she is currently the most popular commentator in the Miracle
League! Her partner is Kou Hongyi and Sister Bing generally only explains important
events in the league!

Li Cangyu didn’t know Kou Hongyi but he had a very deep impression of Yu Bing. After all,
female players in the Miracle League were rare. Yu Bing was the first captain of the Red Fox
team and she also created a pure female team.

In the second season, the appearance of the Red Fox team made the male players of the
Miracle League feel complicated. Should they show mercy to females on the field? The
result was that they were a bit distracted and the female players abused them. The group of
people realized that female players were also very scary and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Some male players might feel that losing to females was humiliating but Li Cangyu had no
prejudices against gender. In his view, as long as the male and female people worked hard
for their goal, they were opponents worthy of respect.

It was because Cat God treated men and women equally that female players such as Yu Bing
saw him as a ‘good friend’ and he hadn’t found a girlfriend yet!

Of course, this was just Bai Xuan’s guess.

After retiring, Yu Bing became a commentator with a good way of explaining the game. Her
popularity was very high and her disposition generally calm. A professional player
speaking game commentary was better than the nonsense of laymen.

On the live channel, Yu Bing said, “The first round of the regular season is almost over. I
believe that many friends are concerned about the rankings of the eight teams in the first
division. You can look at the latest points list that the league has just released.”

The screen showed the team leaderboard.

At present, Flying Feathers, Ghost Spirits and Cheetah were in the top three. Time and
Wind Colour were tied for fourth while Red Fox, Pure Cleansing and the Terminator team
had similar points. Once Wind Colour and Time finished today’s match and won different
points, this list would definitely change again.

Xie Shurong asked, “Cat God, who do you think will win between Wind Colour and Time?”

Li Cangyu thought for a moment before replying, “I don’t know Tan Shitian so I bet that
Ling Xuefeng will win.”

Xie Shurong said, “Then I bet that Time will win. I am more familiar with Cheng Wei.”

Bai Xuan smiled and added. “I will be the referee. The person who loses the bet will go to
the kitchen and wash the dishes.”

The two men regretted it. If they knew they would have to wash the dishes, they wouldn’t
have made the bet!

Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 22
Chapter 22 – Dropping the Ball

Every game in the regular season of the Miracle Professional League was divided into the
single-elimination competition (winner stays on until they are defeated) and the team

The arena adopted the KOF system, which meant that three players played alternately on
each side. The last player to survive would win the game and the winning team would
accumulate three points. The team battle was a 6V6 battle to capture the crystals. There
were three crystals: red, blue and white. One crystal was worth two points for a total of six
points. This way, the total score for each match in the regular season was nine points.

This game model of the arena and team battle had been in use since the first season. It was
the unified system according to Miracle’s official regulations and was used in the
Professional Leagues of all countries.

The eight teams in the first division would be ranked by the total number of points after
two rounds in the regular season. The top four would enter the playoffs and would knock
each other out until there was the winner, runner up and third place team.

This time, Wind Colour and Time met in the regular season and both had very high chances
of winning the season.

Both were traditionally strong teams. No one could doubt the personal ability and
command level of Ling Xuefeng. On the other hand, the old captain might’ve retired after
the fourth season and the rookie Tan Shitian took over as captain, but Tan Shitian’s
commanding style was very flexible and responsive. He was among the leading players in
the next generation of players and his strength couldn’t be underestimated.

“The seats for today’s game are packed. I believe that many spectators are currently
waiting in front of the screen for the showdown between Wind Colour and Time.” Once the
leaderboard was finished, Yu Bing continued. “We know that Wind Colour’s play is
dominated by dark spells and most players are of the demon or blood kin races. Meanwhile,
the Time team favours the light department and they are mainly elves or angel players. The
two teams have truly met their match.”

“Yes, it is as Sister Bing said. These two teams are old rivals and I think many people are
looking forward to today’s game.” Kou Hongyi followed closely. “The game will start soon
and the players have officially entered. Let’s look at the preparations of players on both

The live broadcast cut to a soundproof room. The players were already seated in their

The Wind Colour team took the characteristics of the demon and blood kin race. They wore
pure black T-shirts with a small amount of red embellishments. This simple black-red look
was domineering. Meanwhile, the Time team had a pure white uniform with a small
amount of elf green forest embellishments. They looked sunny and the style of the Time
team was very harmonious.

One was dark and one bright, the two teams were clearly enemies in the Miracle League.

The screen zoomed in on the two captains. Once he saw Ling Xuefeng’s handsome face on
the computer screen, Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. “This person still hasn’t changed.”
He was just as handsome as before and his face still had no expression.

He sat in front of the computer and quickly tapped on the keyboard with his slender
fingers. This was Ling Xuefeng’s habitual pre-match warm up. His hand speed was very fast
and his tapping fingers dazzled the people watching. They could imagine how this man’s
terrible speed would erupt at key moments in the game.

Compared to him, Tan Shitian looked relaxed as he smiled in the soundproof room. He
rubbed Cheng Wei’s head and didn’t know what to say. Cheng Wei sent him a look before
turning to his position and ignoring him.

A group of fans excitedly wrote in the comments area: Captain Tan rubbed his head! –If
Vice-Captain Cheng doesn’t let you rub his head, I will give you ten heads to rub!
-Our Vice-Captain debuted earlier than you and his head is smaller than yours! Don’t bully

Wind Colour’s fans said: Asking for a crushing by Captain Ling! Asking Captain Ling for an
–Captain Ling is handsome when he abuses the opponent!
–Captain Ling smiles at good opponents. When he doesn’t smile, the opponents will be under
an extreme psychological pressure!

The game hadn’t yet started and there were already tens of thousands of messages in the
comments area. It was obvious that the two teams were extremely popular. Not only were
the seats full but many viewers were watching the live broadcast.


Finally, the hour hand pointed to 9 o’clock and the camera cut to the big screen in the
centre of the stadium. The words ‘The Miracle Professional League’s sixth season • The last
match in the first round of the regular season • Time VS Wind Colour’ appeared on the
screen, causing warm applause.

Yu Bing said, “Audience and viewers, the match between Time and Wind Colour is about to
start. The referee is in place and let’s first look at the single-elimination battle… The two
captains have submitted the players order list. The first player for Time is Vice-Captain
Cheng Wei while the first player for Wind Colour is Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen. Then the first
stage of the arena will be the confrontation between a white magician and a black

“What a coincidence.” Kou Hongyi smiled and said, “Vice-Captain Yan and Vice-Captain
Cheng are the top players in the magician class. The black and white magic are
incompatible with each other and the mutual restraints are very serious. This duel will
certainly be exciting!”

As he spoke, Cheng Wei’s character ‘Only Dedication’ and Yan Ruiwen’s character
‘Unforgettable’ entered the competition room.

Only Dedication was wearing white angel equipment. His hands held a staff where the tip
had a three layered ring symbolizing peace. The centre emitting a dazzling silver-white
light. Unforgettable wore pure black magician robes and his staff had purple vines wrapped
around it. The tip was similar to the shape of an eye, giving off a hint of dark arrogance.

“We can see that the weapons chosen by the two players are the angel’s Bright Heart and
the demon’s Eye of Death. The two weapons’ data are very close and maximum magic
damage is added.” Kou Hongyi spoke excitedly, “Vice-Captain Yan and Vice-Captain Cheng
should show us the ultimate showdown between black and white magic. Let’s see who can
seize the chance!”


The match officially started.

The arena map for the regular season was very simple. It was a wide square with light
marble tiles and a circular fountain in the middle for players to walk around. This terrain
was fair to both players.

Kou Hongyi just finished speaking when the two players met at the central fountain on the

Yan Ruiwen started with using Death Spell on Cheng Wei while Cheng Wei instantly
resolved it with Purification. He followed up with Seal of God to counter Yan Ruiwen but
the latter flexibly moved and evaded it.

Yu Bing explained calmly, “The level of both sides isn’t much different. It is obvious that
they are trying to test each other and this game might be played slowly…”

She hadn’t finished speaking when Yan Ruiwen suddenly used Soul Curse black magic,
hitting Cheng Wei and directly reducing his blood by 20%!

“Uh…” Yu Bing was stunned before quickly reacting. “The attack by Vice-Captain Yan is
truly unexpected. Soul Curse is an instant skill but it doesn’t lock onto the target. A person
with quick reactions can move a bit to evade it. Xiao Wei… is he a bit distracted?”

Yan Ruiwen was actually quite surprised. He used this trick but he didn’t expect it to
actually hit the opponent.

Cheng Wei’s status seemed a bit wrong?

Yan Ruiwen immediately grasped this opportunity. His fingers quickly hit the keyboard and
he released Dark Fear.

“It’s another hit!” Kou Hongyi’s tone was very surprised. “Cheng Wei is affected by fear for
three seconds and is probably very uncomfortable.”

A player affected by the fear status couldn’t release any skills. This was a single player
arena and there were no teammates to help relieve the negative state. Cheng Wei could
only rely on moving to avoid the opponent’s attack.

However, Yan Ruiwen wasn’t a fool. Immediately after the fear hit, he used the ultimate
black magic spells— Shadow Winding and Hell Flames!

The two spells hit and Cheng Wei’s blood volume directly dropped to 50%!

The audience watching the game were very confused. Cheng Wei and Yan Ruiwen were at
almost the same level. It was reasonable to say that these skills should’ve been avoided.
The match had just started yet Cheng Wai was inexplicably beaten to half blood? Where
was the expected duel between masters? Why did Cheng Wei seem to be in a trance today?

The 50% blood Cheng Wei seemed to have finally recovered his spirit. He directly used
Sacred Light to improve his magic defense while he used Combat Voice to attack Yan
Ruiwen. The success of his pre-judgement meant that he removed 15% of Yan Ruiwen’s
blood. This was the standard that Cheng Wei should be at!

Yu Bing finally sighed with relief. “There were some surprises in the opening but this is a
chance to see how Cheng Wei recovers from the disadvantage.”

The two sides started to fight with magic. Black magic spells tended to have very strong
attack power while white magic spells facoured soft control. One was bright and one was
dark, the two people pouring out their spells was very exciting.

However, Cheng Wei experienced too much of a loss in the beginning. He later tried to
recover the situation but Yan Ruiwen was the vice-captain of Wind Colour. His play was
very calm and they had a similar level. It was impossible for him to give Cheng Wei an

10 minutes later, Cheng Wei finally fell helplessly and Yan Ruiwen entered the second stage
of the arena with 40% of his blood.


On the Wind Colour side, the black magician Guo Xuan sat in the spectators position and
couldn’t help feeling puzzled. “Is Time’s vice-captain not awake?”
Ling Xuefeng frowned slightly. “Perhaps he hasn’t adjusted his state.”

He knew that Cheng Wei was affected by the news of Canglan’s disbandment. Ling Xuefeng
was very clear about the relationship between Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei and he knew that
Cheng Wei saw Cat God as his master. This guy must’ve slept badly last night and the game
was early in the morning. He was presumably still sleepwalking. It was normal for Yan
Ruiwen to seize the opportunity to win since there was no room for distractions in a duel
between masters.

In the second round of the arena, Time sent Lu Hao, who was a main elf archer of the Time
team. The 40% blood Yan Ruiwen met Lu Hao and knocked out half of the opponent’s blood
before dying, successfully completing his mission.

Ling Xuefeng didn’t openly praise his vice-captain but looked at him with appreciation.

Yan Ruiwen smiled and spoke with sitting down, “Xiao Cheng played strangely today.”

Ling Xuefeng nodded. “I can see that.”

Yan Ruiwen patted Guo Xuan’s shoulder and said, “Xiao Guo, it is your turn.”

“Yes, look at me!’ Guo Xuan immediately went to his position.

Guo Xuan VS Lu Hao, both sides were having a duel using their strengths.

Guo Xuan was full of blood while Lu Hao had been knocked to half blood by Yan Ruiwen.
There was no suspense about the outcome. The two people steadily fought and Guo Xuan
successfully killed Lu Hao, bringing Yan Ruiwen’s half blood advantage to the third stage. In
other words, the half blooded Guo Xuan was about to face the last defender of the Time

Yu Bing frowned. “The Time team has lost two players in a row while Wind Colour’s second
player Guo Xuan still has 50% blood and the third player hasn’t appeared yet. If the third
player is Captain Ling, it will be very difficult for Time to win.”

Her statement was very polite. If Ling Xuefeng played personally, it didn’t matter if Guo
Xuan only gave him a bit of advantage. Ling Xuefeng was almost always the winner when
he played guard.

“I can see that Time’s player is Ten Days, the youngest captain in the league, Tan Shitian!”
Kou Hongyi’s voice increased with excitement. “Will Captain Tan make a comeback for his
team? Let’s wait and see!”

Li Cangyu couldn’t help asking, “This is Tan Shitian?”

The player’s appearance was shown at the bottom of the live screen. The young man sitting
at the table looked very relaxed. He had a smile on his face and didn’t seem affected by the
disadvantage of the previous two players.

Li Cangyu didn’t know this person but after seeing his calm and excellent mentality in the
face of a disadvantaged situation, he knew that Captain Xu made the correct decision when
he appointed Tan Shitian as Time’s captain. Tan Shitian was much more mature than Cheng

Sure enough, Tan Shitian wasn’t affected by the disadvantageous situation and played very

His class was a ‘bard’, also known as an ‘archer’. Tan Shitian’s debut was late but his
reputation was the loudest. His style of play was quite elegant and flexible and he took full
advantage of the agility of elves. When he stayed in the distance and kited the opponent
with his bow and arrow, his winning percentage was very high.

Guo Xuan with 50% blood was soon sent off. Time’s Captain Tan Shitian had 70% of his
blood left, which was equivalent to recovering 20% blood. This captain’s strength wasn’t

Li Cangyu couldn’t help praising him. “Tan Shitian played well.”

This comment meant that Cat God acknowledged Tan Shitian’s strength.

Bai Xuan couldn’t help glancing over at him. “Even if Tan Shitian recovered a bit of the
situation, his health has been reduced and he also consumed a lot of blue. He will die if he
faces Ling Xuefeng.”

Li Cangyu replied, “He might not necessarily face Ling Xuefeng.”

He just finished speaking when Wind Colour revealed their player player. ID: Shepherd, the
blood kin summoner Qin Mo!

The audience was in an uproar.

Li Cangyu smiled at his correct guess.

Bai Xuan reluctantly said, “You really know Ling Xuefeng!”

“Yes.” Li Cangyu honestly admitted it. “With my understanding of him, he sent Qin Mo to
the arena so the group battle will be his double control with Xiao Xu, the black magicians
Vice-Captain Yan and Guo Xuan will be the outputs, plus a berserker in the front line and a
blood kin sacrifice healer.”
The arena battle was still ongoing and he actually guessed the lineup of the six member

Bai Xuan laughed. “With your worldly knowledge, the games will be spoiled in advance
every time.”

Li Cangyu touched his chin. “It is just my guess. I might not necessarily guess right.”

Li Cangyu said this but Bai Xuan knew that his probability of guessing was almost 100%.

Li Cangyu knew Ling Xuefeng too well. Every time he guessed Ling Xuefeng’s lineup against
another team, he would be very accurate. However, every time they met each other, they
would guess wrong. It was probably because Ling Xuefeng also understood Li Cangyu very

There was such a strange understanding between them that they couldn’t understand each

From the first season to the third season, Wind Colour and FTD faced each other six times.
The two captains kept guessing each other’s thoughts and the result was that they guessed
wrong. They never faced each other on the arena!

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GLS: Chapter 23
Chapter 23 – Thrilling Moment

Li Cangyu knew that if Ling Xuefeng personally appeared as the guard, Wind Colour would
definitely be able to win three points in the single-elimination battle. However, he gave this
opportunity to the newcomer Qin Mo who just debuted this season. It was obviously to
hone his young apprentice’s mind.

As the captain, sometimes the team’s performance wasn’t the only thing to be considered. It
was also the status of each team member.

Qin Mo was Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice and his debut came with a halo. Combined with his
young age, he found his own position relatively easily after playing a few times. Now Ling
Xuefeng put him as the third player in the arena against the master Tan Shitian. It was
estimated that Ling Xuefeng was ready to lose three points.

Sometimes words wouldn’t have as deep an effect as personal experience. Ling Xuefeng
often used such cruel but effective methods to let players completely wake up. He was the
league’s least nonsense and most effective captain.

Li Cangyu thought this and couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

The pressure on Ling Xuefeng’s shoulders during these years wasn’t much smaller than Li
Cangyu’s own. Li Cangyu was the captain of a weak team. It might be difficult to win a game
but no one would scold him when the results were poor and his mentality was more
relaxed. Meanwhile, Wind Colour had always been a big club. Every time they lost a game,
Ling Xuefeng would be scolded by the sunspots on the Internet. If he didn’t win the
championship, he would have to face various pressures such as sponsorship funds and

Still, Ling Xuefeng was a tough person. Every time the Wind Colour team encountered
troubles, he would take the responsibility. This made the team members have an
unconditional trust in him.

No matter who played in the arena, the team members wouldn’t say a word as long as it
was under Captain Ling’s orders.

The fans weren’t as rational. Once they saw that the guard wasn’t Captain Ling but his
apprentice Qin Mo, many people questioned it in the comments:

-Xiao Qin has performed well but his experience is still insufficient. Captain Tan might be able
to make a comeback.
–I admit that the young apprentice has potential but isn’t Captain Ling too bold to put the
young newcomer in the guard position?
–Why didn’t Captain Ling personally go? Win in person!

The Wind Colour fans were disturbed while the Time fans saw hope. In the comments area,
they screamed:

-Cheering on Captain Tan’s comeback!

–Don’t be polite to Wind Colour’s Qin Mo!


Tan Shitian’s expression didn’t change when he saw that Wind Colour unexpectedly sent
the rookie Qin Mo.

No matter who the opponent was or the current situation, he always had a relaxed and
happy expression when playing the game. It felt like he enjoyed every type of game. Li
Cangyu didn’t understand Tan Shitian’s style of play yet but this mentality was really very

In contrast, Qin Mo seemed excited. His fingers were slightly shaking as he pressed them
against the keyboard.

This was the first time he played against Tan Shitian. He must play well in order to live up
to his master’s trust and prove his strength.

At present, he was full of blood and blue. Meanwhile, Tan Shitian only had 70% blood and
75% blue. The advantage was still quite big!

Qin Mo took a deep breath and wanted to call out his four blood kin pets in order to
surround the person. Suddenly, one person’s words filled his mind. ‘You rushed all out with
your pets without knowing the strength of your opponent. In fact, you have been passive
since the beginning.’

—Sender: Love to Eat Braised Fish.

Qin Mo was stunned as he remembered the words he exchanged with Love to Eat Braised
Fish. His fingers couldn’t help hesitating.

Was it too rash to call out four pets? Qin Mo thought about it and simply summoned his
death knight. He wanted to improve his defense first and then seize the opportunity to

However, Tan Shitian didn’t give the opponent a chance to defend against the attack. He
saw that Qin Mo summoned the death knight and unceremoniously fired the bow and
arrow in his hand. He shot five consecutive arrows in an incomparable manner and
instantly killed QIn Mo’s defensive pet!

“Tan Shitian is an archer and his bow and arrows belong to the cold weapon type. This is
meant for breaking the defense system of the fragile magic classes. Qin Mo’s actions aren’t
reasonable. In front of an archer, it is impossible for a summoned death knight to defend.”
Yu Bing disagreed with Qin Mo’s approach but she still gave the young teenager some face,
tactfully saying, “As a newcomer facing Captain Tan, Qin Mo’s desire to be defensive is

When Qin Mo had played against Li Cangyu, both of them were summoners of the magic
classes. Meanwhile, Tan Shitian was an archer who used cold weapons and the playing
strategies against him were completely different. Qin Mo once again fell into thinking the
wrong way.

Li Cangyu couldn’t help frowning slightly. “Qin Mo is looking for death in this game.”

Xie Shurong spoke up, “He was abused by you once and has slowed down. It is obviously a
problem of his mentality.”

Li Cangyu nodded. “It seems Ling Xuefeng was right in his desire to hone Qin Mo’s mind. I
didn’t do my best when I abused him that day.”

Xie Shurong, “…”

If Qin Mo heard these words, it was estimated that he would be crying because of Cat God!


On the field, the death knight was killed and Qin Mo couldn’t help remembering the day he
fought Love to Eat Braised Fish in the game.

Tan Shitian wasn’t nervous. As the youngest captain in the league, his qualifications were
first-class and his ability to grasp opportunities extremely strong. The moment Qin Mo’s
thoughts were wandering, dense arrows fell from the sky.

Death Arrows Rain!

“Captain Tan has directly used a big move!” Kou Hongyi couldn’t help marveling. “It is the
ultimate technique of an archer and Captain Tan really isn’t polite! He caught the moment
when Qin Mo had no pets and used this ultimate big move, directly knocking out 35% of
Qin Mo’s blood.

Yes, Tan Shitian used less than five seconds to reverse the advantage made by the previous
hard-working members of Wind Colour.

This move was greeted with enthusiastic applause. It was apparent that the Time fans were
cheering for their captain’s decisive shot.

All previous advantages were gone…

Qin Mo’s fingers started to shake and he felt that his mind was blank. The keyboard
shortcuts that he clearly remembered were a bit fuzzy and he didn’t know what to do next.

How should he fight so that he wasn’t suppressed?

Qin Mo wondered this and got a splitting headache.

Shock Shot!

Rapid Shooting!

Seize Life Shot!

Tan Shitian fired his arrows and three consecutive moves hit Qin Mo again!

Qin Mo was like a target, stupidly standing there to be hit by Tan Shitian, the three moves
directly reducing his blood to 40%.

This was simply a master abusing a weak person.

Even if the player for Wind Colour was a newcomer, how could he be completely
suppressed by Tan Shitian without making an effort to fight back?

The netizens were upset while Yu Bing couldn’t help frowning. “It might be because today’s
match is at 9 in the morning. Perhaps it is too early and some players aren’t fully awake?”

She endured it for too long and couldn’t help letting out some venom in her words.

She woke up early in the morning to commentate only to be shown this?

The game was extremely disappointing. Cheng Wei was sleepwalking and somehow had
50% of his blood knocked out. Meanwhile, Qin Mo seemed to have lost his soul and stood
there in the same spot, acting like a target as he was destroyed by Tan Shitian. Yu Bing even
felt there she was in the wrong place.

Wasn’t this the showdown between the giants of Wind Colour and Time? Why did it feel
like a match between weak teams?

In the arena, Tan Shitian killed Qin Mo without any pressure. Qin Mo had been full of blood
and Tan Shitian had 70% blood when the duel started. When Qin Mo died, Tan Shitian still
had 70% blood.

Qin Mo didn’t knock out a single drop of blood from Captain Tan.

Qin Mo looked at the screen that turned grey when his character died and was pale and
bloodless, his expression looking like he was about to cry.
Tan Shitian might’ve easily won the arena battle but his heart was full of doubts. ‘What
happened?’ Captain Ling’s apprentice shouldn’t be so weak.


The soundproof room of the Wind Colour team.

Ling Xuefeng didn’t say anything to Qin Mo when he saw Qin Mo coming over. He just
looked calm as he said, “Prepare for the group battle.”

Qin Mo didn’t need to fight in the group battle and could only sit quietly in the corner. His
head bowed low as he feared attracting other people’s attention.

There was a five minute intermission before the group battle started.

There were many Miracle team battle maps and the crystal refresh point in each map
wasn’t the same. However, professional players were already familiar with the library of
maps and there would be no unfamiliar maps.

During the regular season, the two sides would exchange maps for the home and away
games. Today was the home match of the Time team so Tan Shitian selected the map.

Once the group battle began, Tan Shitian sat in the command position and his mouse
quickly scrolled through the maps library, selecting one.

—Frost Temple.

Commentator Kou Hongyi smiled and said, “This map is an instance in the online game.
Online game players should be familiar with it?”

Gu Siming actively replied, “Yes, we are currently clearing this instance!

Bai Xuan was speechless. “He can’t hear your answer…”

Xiao Gu scratched his head and said with a smile, “In Frost Temple, the refresh locations of
the three crystals are very close. No matter which one the teams try to steal, there will
certainly be major battles!”

Li Cangyu asked, “Xiao Gu, you are very familiar with the league maps?”

Gu Siming nodded. “Yes, I have studied all the maps and know the crystal locations.”

Li Cangyu exclaimed, “You did your homework well.”

In some game maps, the crystals would refresh at the 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock positions and
the two sides might miss each other.

There were also maps like Frost Temple, where the crystals refreshed in three consecutive
rooms. It meant that no matter which crystal they went after, they might encounter
opponents and a team battle was unavoidable.

“Frost Temple is a circular map. The red, blue and white crystals will respectively refresh at
points one, two and three with only one wall between them. It seems that Captain Tan is
ready to fight the Wind Colour team.”

Yu Bing just finished speaking when the players list for both teams appeared on the big

Time had a beast paladin in the front row, three elf archers as remote output, Cheng Wei’s
angel white magician for control and an angel priest for healing.

On the Wind Colour side, there was Ling Xuefeng’s demon summoner, Xu Feifan’s blood kin
summoner for double control, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s black magicians playing output,
a beast berserker in the front row and a blood kin sacrifice healer.

Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu and couldn’t help raising a thumb. “Wind Colour really sent
out this lineup. You guessed Ling Xuefeng’s layout.”

“It is just a coincidence.”

This was too much to be a coincidence. The game was about to start soon and Bai Xuan had
no time to discuss the coincidence with him.

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GLS: Chapter 24
Chapter 24 – Wind Colour VS Time

Frost Temple was located in the Divine World in the game. It was the place where the
angels worshipped the God of Light. The ice-blue buildings soared into the clouds and the
entire temple was large enough to accommodate thousands of people. It looked very

The Frost Temple in the match was scaled down and all the angel guards removed. It was
completely empty with a red, blue and white crystal refreshing in three adjoining rooms.

Crystals close to each other were the most difficult to play. Tan Shitian selecting this map
showed that he was confident in the Time team’s abilities in a group battle.

The referee pressed the indicator light and the team battle officially began!

If the Frost Temple map was regarded as a clock, then the 12 o’clock position was the Wind
Colour team’s birth point. The 1 o’clock position was the red crystal refresh point, the 2
o’clock position was the white crystal refresh point, the 3 o’clock position was the blue
crystal refresh point and the 4 o’clock position was the Time team’s birth point. In other
words, the five positions were exactly fan-shaped and the three crystals were sandwiched
between the birth points of both sides.

In the Miracle Professional League, the rule was that the red and blue crystals refreshed at
the same time 30 seconds after the game started. Once the blue and red crystals were taken
away, the white crystal would refresh in the form of the last boss.

It was easier to compete for the red and blue crystals since the players who attacked it
would only lose blood or blue. The white crystal was more troublesome. It would give
random negative states to the people who attacked it, such as weakness, fear, confusion etc.


At the beginning of the game, the Wind Colour was led by Captain Ling Xuefeng to wait
behind a huge pillar at the 2 o’clock position. Ling Xuefeng’s idea was very clear. The Wind
Colour team lost the arena match and were currently at a 0:3 disadvantage. They must win
the team battle to get points.

If Tan Shitian went to the nearest room to take the blue crystal, they would definitely pass
the fork in the process of transporting the crystal home. Ling Xuefeng set up an early
ambush him in order to intercept the crystal in the middle.
Yes, in Miracle, the crystal needed to be moved back to the birth point in order to receive
the points. It could be intercepted in the middle and all the previous efforts lost, just like
the bounty mission.

Tan Shitian’s idea was very simple. In a 3:0 dominant situation, he wouldn’t lose in scores
as long as he won the blue crystal. Therefore, he took the Time team to the refresh point of
the blue crystal at 3 o’clock.

Yu Bing had the perspective of a god and couldn’t help saying, “Wind Colour’s ambush point
is just outside Time’s field of view. It seems a group battle will be inevitable later.”

“In this map, if Wind Colour takes the red crystal and Time takes the blue crystal, both sides
can peacefully gain two points.” Kou Hongyi paused. “Captain Ling’s actions… does he want
to take all six points?”

“There is this possibility.” Yu Bing calmly explained. “Captain Ling’s style has always been
more offensive than defensive. He might currently have the inferior score but he won’t play
too conservatively. After all, it is the first round of the regular season. Even if he loses, the
impact won’t be too big.”

Six points, this was actually very difficult to gain in a group battle.

In the Miracle League, most games consisted of each team winning a red and blue crystal.
Then they would compete fiercely for the final white crystal. In order to take three crystals
in one go, a careful tactical arrangement was needed as well as some luck.

Wind Colour was lucky today and their ambush location wasn’t discovered by Tan Shitian.

The members of the Time team peacefully attacked the blue crystal.

The Time members moved quickly. Everyone let out a burst of hand speed and the blue
crystal was empty of blood in less than one minute. The blue crystal changed to a
‘transportable’ state and a beautiful white freight car appeared in front of everyone. The
blue crystal shone beautifully as it was loaded on it. They just needed to click on the car and
then transport it back to the spring at their birth point.

The Time team was escorting the blue crystal out the door when a large group of crows
appeared, making everyone stunned!

“Captain Ling is very decisive!” Kou Hongyi called out excitedly. “The sky is covered up.
This is the demon summoner’s big move, Summon Black Crows. The flying pets cause large-
scale interference, causing the Time team to collectively lose their vision!”

The skill of the demon summoner’s black crows, ‘Cover the Sky’ was the skill that annoyed
Li Cangyu the most.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help revealing a disgusted expression when he saw this. “A group of
black crows filling the computer screen easily makes people feel queasy.”

Bai Xuan also smiled. “Players in the league are afraid of Captain Ling and don’t dare say it,
but the demon summoner’s black crows are really annoying.”

“That’s right.” Xie Shurong immediately nodded in agreement.

Gu Siming cried out excitedly, “The black crows are so handsome! Captain Ling is so cool!”

A fanboy was really a terrible creature, Bai Xuan couldn’t help thinking.


The Time team was currently silent. The black crows didn’t have a high attack power but
they were annoying since they would obscure the field of view. The skill Cover the Sky
caused a large amount of demon crows to fly over, filling everyone’s eyes with black.

The even more annoying thing about the Wind Colour team wasn’t the demon summoner’s
black crows but the blood kin’s blood bats.

After Ling Xuefeng’s big control move, the Wind Colour member Xu Feifan followed up with
an aggressive attack. “Blood Bat Festival!”

A large number of blood-sucking bats flew in the sky. It was a big group attack and the
Time team’s blood collectively fell.

The negative states given by the vampire bats were terrible. If the healer couldn’t keep
up, the situation could become quite dangerous.

The Time team’s healer wanted to use a healing array when Ling Xuefeng suddenly
summoned the demon pet, a banshee. The banshee’s Charm was used and directly pulled
the healer over!

Charm, this was a spell from the demon banshee that could force the target to come over to

Once the opponent was successfully led to his side, Ling Xuefeng exchanged pets for the
Skeleton Infantry, used Death Imprisonment and completely sealed the enemy within the
encirclement of the Wind Colour team.

The other players in Wind Colour weren’t fools. Once the captain forcibly brought the
healer over, everyone tacitly attacked the healer. All four outputs focused on the healer and
if there were no accidents, the healer would soon be killed.

Yu Bing saw this and couldn’t help sighing. “Captain Ling is really fast and ruthless! Calling
the crows to control the field of view, calling the banshee to take away the healer and then
changing to the skeleton infantry to seal the retreat of the healer… In just five seconds, he
changed between three types of pets and completed three precise operations. This hand
speed is truly one of the best in the league. Only…”

Yu Bing’s voice suddenly stopped.

—Only Li Cangyu’s hand speed could fight him.

It was just that this person had left the Miracle League a long time ago.

In that year, Ling Xuefeng’s demon summoner used four types of pets, such as the crows,
banshee, skeleton infantry and demon to fight against the water, fire, wind and thunder
spirits of Li Cangyu’s elf summoner. The fierce attacks and rapidly movements meant that
in every team battle between FTD and Wind Colour, a dazzling sight could be seen.

They were the well-deserved best summoners of the domestic Miracle League!

At that time, Yu Bing had been the captain of the Red Fox team. Wind Colour had won the
championship in the second season while the FTD team didn’t even score in the top four.
However, she always felt that Ling Xuefeng’s strongest opponent should be the summoner
Li Cangyu.

They were both summoners and knew each other best. Their pet skills were very balanced
and their gameplay against each other was the most exciting.

If the two of them fought in a single arena match, in the domestic Miracle League… no, it
would be a classic battle in the world’s Miracle circles.

While Yu Bing was slightly distracted, the people on the Wind Colour team had already
killed the opponent’s healer in seconds.

The crows’ vision control was over and Tan Shitian immediately ordered, “Retreat!”

It wasn’t that he didn’t have the confidence to fight with Wind Colour. However, they were
ambushed and the healer had died. There was almost no chance of victory when fighting
Wind Colour right now. If the Time team was wiped out, it would be harder to fight later.

The group followed Captain Tan’s instructions and quickly retreated.

However, Cheng Wei didn’t seem to hear Tan Shitian’s words and kept attacking. Ling
Xuefeng immediately seized this opportunity and used the skeleton infantry’s Death
Imprisonment to fix Cheng Wei in place. Xu Feifan immediately had the blood snake bit
Cheng Wei and Yan Ruiwen followed with the black magic spell Shadow Plague. Guo Xuan
wasn’t willing to lag behind and used Hell Flames to smash Cheng Wei!
“This is the terrible ability of the Wind Colour team!” Kou Hongyi couldn’t help sighing.

Ling Xuefeng didn’t need to give any commands for the other three outputs of the Wind
Colour team to follow his rhythm. This was the tacit understanding created by long-term
training between the four players of Wind Colour. The person who the captain controlled
would immediately receive everyone’s attacks.


Tan Shitian got a bad feeling the moment Cheng Wei was killed.

Xiao Wei’s mood was clearly wrong today. When he started the arena, he was cut to half
blood in the opening. Fortunately, Qin Mo was also in a bad state and Tan Shitian
personally saved the three points from the arena matches.

Now Xiao Wei hadn’t been concentrating on his commands and was caught by Captain Ling.

Tan Shitian looked back and found that Cheng Wei’s face seemed unnaturally pale.

Tan Shitian endured the urge to ask him questions and calmly ordered, “Go back to recover
our blue and blood at the birth point. Then we will go to take the red crystal.”

The blue crystal had been intercepted by Wind Colour so they could only wait for an
opportunity to seize the red crystal.

Cheng Wei might’ve made a mistake but Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t make any mistakes.

As the team with the lowest error rate in the league, the Wind Colour team could
completely reverse the situation in one breath as long as the chance to counterattack was

In the battle over the red crystal, Ling Xuefeng seized the loophole called Cheng Wei and
directly used the banshee to pull Cheng Wei over!

Ling Xuefeng even killed three power and got a 15% attack bonus.

After successfully winning the red crystal, in the final white crystal battle, Ling Xuefeng
with his attack bonus was like a person who controlled the dead!

[Undead Demon has killed Only Dedication, fourth kill!

[Undead Demon has killed Happy, fifth kill!

[Undead Demon has killed 10 Days, sixth kill!

Ling Xuefeng was such a cool and scary player.

On the field, regardless of advantages or disadvantages, as long as the other side was
slightly careless, he would use this tiny mistake to make a breakthrough, directly tearing
open the opponent’s formation and defeating all their defenses!

This was only why most people were fans of the Wind Colour team.

This style of playing the game was enjoyable to watch. Wind Colour might be losing until
they turned it around in the last 10 seconds, stimulating the hearts of the people watching.

Today they showed a wonderful comeback. They might’ve lost three points in the arena but
they incredibly got six points in the group battel!

Yu Bing found it somewhat unbelievable. “The gap between Time and Wind Colour isn’t big.
It is really unexpected for there to be such a big loss in the team battle. However, Captain
Ling has played for six seasons and his experience is definitely more abundant than Captain
Tan. He has more tactical ideas. Captain Tan’s way of thinking wasn’t wrong. It was just that
his team members couldn’t keep up and Captain Ling seized the opportunity…”

Yu Bing saw Cheng Wei’s pale face and held back her words.

The key point of the team battle’s defeat was Cheng Wei. He couldn’t keep up with Tan
Shitian’s rhythm and was caught by Ling Xuefeng two times. In Miracle’s team battles,
killing a person would give a 5% attribute bonus. In the case of killing three people, Ling
Xuefeng with his 15% attribute bonus definitely wouldn’t be polite to the opponents.

Tan Shitian was quite helpless. In the first round of the blue crystal battle, he had an
unpredictable feeling. The strength of both sides were similar so it was normal for Wind
Colour to win when a member of Time was off.

He felt a bit angry but when he saw this little guy’s pale look… he wasn’t willing to scold
Cheng Wei.

Tan Shitian sighed and gently rubbed Cheng Wei’s head. “It’s okay. It is just a game in the
regular season and it isn’t a big deal to lose a few points. We scored three points today so
our ranking is in the top three.”

As Tan Shitian said, the game was 6:3 in favour of Wind Colour. The rankings were updated
in real time and Wind Colour was currently first, Flying Feathers was second and Time was
ranked third.

Tan Shitian tried to ease the atmosphere but Cheng Wei didn’t seem to buy it as he kept
staring at the computer in a daze.

A moment later, the two captains signed to the referee to confirm the score. Then Ling
Xuefeng led the Wind Colour team over to shake hands.

Tan Shitian stood up politely and stretched out his hand. “Captain Ling, you played well

Ling Xuefeng shook hands with him and said, “Captain Tan is very kind.”

In any case, Ling Xuefeng debuted in the first season while Tan Shitian debuted in the
fourth season. He was a new captain who only took over Time in the fifth season so he
should show respect for Captain Ling.

The captains politely shook hands while Vice-Captain Cheng Wei sat there, not talking..

Ling Xuefeng headed to Cheng Wei and whispered in a voice only he could hear. “Is it due to
the disbandment of Canglan?”

It might be a question but his tone was already certain.

Cheng Wei suddenly raised his head, a complicated expression in his eyes.

Ling Xuefeng gently patted Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “Some people don’t need your help when
they fall down. You should believe in his ability. After this setback, he will surely become
more powerful.”

“…” Cheng Wei was stunned. By the time he recovered, Ling Xuefeng had already turned to

This man was tall and upright, his spine as straight as a pine.

He had always been indifferent and decisive, his personality not changing after so many
years. He used his own body to prop up the most feared Wind Colour team in the Miracle
League. Today there was just a mistake in positioning and he accurately seized the
opportunity. In an instant, the Time team collapsed…

Cheng Wei might’ve lost but he was convinced.

Cheng Wei saw Cat God as a master and his relationship with Cat God was very close.
However, he also admired Ling Xuefeng, a player who could match Cat God.

This man had sharp eyes that could see through other people’s thoughts with one glance.
Was he just telling Cheng Wei that Li Cangyu would become stronger and there was no
need to worry?

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GLS: Chapter 25
Chapter 25 – Care

The final match of the regular season between Time and Wind Colour ended with an
unexpected score.

The team standings were fixed and the Miracle League would routinely give them a week
off for the players to adjust their state and rest.

The Time team had lost the game but Captain Tan Shitian’s face was very relaxed. He
smiled and said to the players, “Hurry up and pack up your things. Let’s go eat at noon, I
will treat you.”

Due to the influence of Captain Tan, the other Time members didn’t show frustrated
expressions after losing the game. Instead, they excitedly said, “The league will start the
holiday tomorrow. Captain Tan, do you want to go sing karaoke after eating?”

Tan Shitian asked, “You want to go to KTV?”

“Of course.” Some members laughed. “Captain Tan, sing and wash our ears.”
Tan Shitian smiled in agreement. “Okay, I’ll book a room and we will sing songs all night.”

Everyone cheered except for Cheng Wei, who bowed his head with a sullen expression.
“You go sing K, I won’t go since I can’t sing.”

Cheng Wei could only sing out of tune. This wasn’t a secret in the Miracle League.

It happened at the party for the end of the third season. Cheng Wei had won the newcomer
award and was encouraged to sing. He picked up the microphone and sang ‘Grandma’s
Penghu Bay’ that everyone was familiar with. All the captains made a “…” expression.

Time’s old captain Xu Luo privately commented on Cheng Wei’s singing. “The lyrics are
familiar but the tune is Xiao Wei’s own adaptation.”

Cheng Wei’s signing was so out of tune that it didn’t even have the fundamental tune.

On the other hand, Tan Shitian’s singing was unique in the league. The low and gentle tone
was very good to hear and he was also good at playing guitar. His impromptu guitar playing
was at the level of a professional and every time there was a big party, he would be pushed
on stage to wash out their ears.

In the past, Cheng Wei would be very active in playing with everyone whenever the Time
team went to KTV. He was a lively and cheerful person who loved excitement. He didn’t
mind other people’s jokes whenever he sang.

Today he didn’t want to go and it clearly wasn’t because he couldn’t sing. He was just in a
bad mood.

Tan Shitian saw him hanging his head and couldn’t help gently pulling Cheng Wei’s wrist.
“Xiao Wei, it is normal to win and lose in a game. Don’t take it to heart.”

“…” Cheng Wei was silent, his mood a bit complicated.

Cheng Wei knew very well that Time’s loss in today’s battle was completely because of him.
Unexpectedly, Tan Shitian didn’t blame him and actually comforted him… Cheng Wei would
feel better off if he was scolded.
Cheng Wei’s mind was still confused by what Ling Xuefeng said.

Captain Ling had said, “Some people don’t need your help when they fall down.” Was this
telling him not to meddle with Cat God? Should he just stand by and watch as Cat God
suffered so many twists and turns? In addition, Tan Shitian didn’t agree to let Cat God come
to the Time team. Why were these people so indifferent when Cat God was in trouble?

Cheng Wei didn’t understand. He only felt that his head hurt badly, like sharp needles were
piercing his brain.

Last night, he had been so busy thinking that he couldn’t sleep. When he woke up this
morning, he felt like he was walking on cotton and it was difficult to concentrate when he
was in the game. He really didn’t want to go to the team gathering.

Cheng Wei looked back at Tan Shitian’s worried eyes and shook off his hand. “I’m not
feeling well. I will return to the team first.”

After that, regardless of his team member’s doubtful eyes, he carried his keyboard bag and
turned to leave.

Tan Shitian looked at his leaving figure and couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Lu Xiao asked with confusion, “What happened with Vice-Captain today? Isn’t it just losing
one game?”

Time had lost before. In the past, whenever he lost, Cheng Wei would feel flustered but
never depressed. Instead, he would form a fist and vow, “Next time I will kill them! I will
definitely win next time!”

Today he was completely smashed like an eggplant and had a depressed appearance.
Wasn’t this completely unlike Cheng Wei’s character?

The players looked at the captain with great suspicion. Tan Shitian, who knew the inside
story, smiled and said, “Don’t gossip. The vice-captain didn’t sleep well last night. He had a
cold and was uncomfortable. The matter of singing K will be pushed to the day after
tomorrow. Today, I will invite everyone to eat first.”

A party didn’t mean much without their lively vice-captain so the members immediately
agreed with Tan Shitian’s suggestion.


Tan Shitian took the players to a restaurant near the stadium for lunch. After eating, he
specifically packed a dish that Cheng Wei loved to eat and brought it back.

As he returned to the club, he almost crashed into a man while entering. It was Liang
Haibin, captain of the Huaxia Club’s Wulin Branch.

“Captain Liang.” Tan Shitian stopped him. “Can I ask you a question?”

As the captains of the Wulin and Miracle branches of the Huaxia Club, Tan Shitian and Liang
Haibin were equal. Their training rooms were separated but they would often meet in the
dining room when having lunch and would occasionally exchange tactical ideas. Thus, they
were very familiar with each other.

The older Liang Haibin looked at him with confusion. “Xiao Tan, what’s the matter?”

“How much do you know about Li Cangyu?” Tan Shitian asked.

“Cat God?” Liang Haibin thought about it seriously. “The Canglan team isn’t a first-class
team on the Wulin Side. They always lost in the first round of playoffs. However, Cat God’s
personal ability is very strong and he has a high percentage of wins in the arena. I heard
yesterday that Canglan was disbanding. Manager Li wanted to invite Cat God to join our
team. The strange thing is that the Wulin League said that Cat God’s information has
already been secretly transferred.”

“The information was secretly transferred?” Tan Shitian was a bit surprised. “Do you know
which team he went to?”

“The other side asked for secrecy so I don’t know.” Liang Haibin paused before saying, “My
guess is that the biggest possibility is the Dragon Song team. This is very like Liu Chuan’s
style. He is part of the E-sports League so transferring a player’s data is very convenient for
him. Not to mention he has always appreciated Cat God and Cat God’s play style is
consistent with the lineup of the Dragon Song team.”

“It makes sense.” Tan Shitian felt thoughtful. “Then Cat God will continue to play in the
Wulin League?”

“Maybe.” Liang Haibin couldn’t help feeling curious. “Why are you suddenly asking about
this person?”

“In fact, the reason is Xiao Wei.” Tan Shitian said with a smile. “He has some relationship
with Cat God.”

“Oh.” Liang Haibin nodded. “Speaking of Xiao Wei, I just saw him coming back alone and he
didn’t look good. What’s going on?”

“He probably isn’t feeling well so I’ll go check on him. Captain Liang, you must be busy.” Tan
Shitian said goodbye to Liang Haibin and headed towards the dorms.


Li Hui, the manager of the Huaxia Club, loved e-sports. After earning a lot of money in
Wulin, he set up the MIracle team and recruited many talented players. His business
philosophy was very mature, allowing the Time team to win the championship in the first
season. Over the past very years, the Time team was among the top teams in the league and
the results were very stable.

The Huaxia Club was the first comprehensive club in China to develop across two games,
Wulin and Miracle.

Manager Li was serious but he was very good to players. The salaries were high and the
bonuses were also very generous. The accommodations, food and training room conditions
of the team were first class. The club’s dorms were all in a small apartment-style with two
rooms and there was a person responsible for cleaning.

Tan Shitian was only six months older than Cheng Wei. From his debut, he had lived in the
same dormitory as Cheng Wei.

He took out the key and opened the door to the dorm room. There was no one in the living
room while the door to Cheng Wei’s bedroom was tightly closed.

In the past, Cheng Wei would excitedly stay in the living room to watch video replays, look
through Weibo and play mobile games. Today was the first time he went directly to his

Tan Shitian opened the door to the bedroom and saw that Cheng Wei was already sleeping.

He had his quilt wrapped tightly around him with only his head showing.

Tan Shitian smiled and walked over to sit by the bed. He gently touched Cheng Wei’s head.
“Are you pretending? Or are you really uncomfortable?”

Cheng Wei moved his head and spoke in a hoarse voice. “Leave me alone, let me sleep for a

“Your voice has become like this. Are you crying?” Tan Shitian smiled and turned over
Cheng Wei, only to find that his face was unusually pale and his brow tightly wrinkled. He
looked very uncomfortable.

Tan Shitian stretched out a hand and was shocked by the head from the forehead!

“You are burning up!” Tan Shitian immediately got up to find fever medicine. He poured a
cup of warm water and pulled Cheng Wei up against his chest. He fed Cheng Wei the
medicine and placed an ice towel on Cheng Wei’s forehead.

Cheng Wei was in a daze and could only feel that someone was taking care of him. The
feeling of coldness on his forehead made him feel comfortable and he couldn’t help leaning
his head against Tan Shitian’s chest.

Tan Shitian’s heart softened and he brought out a clean tower, helping Cheng Wei wipe the
sweat off his forehead.

Cheng Wei was a player who debuted in the third season but Tan Shitian always felt that he
wasn’t grown up or mature.

Despite being the vice-captain of Time, he didn’t have too much control over the team’s
affairs. He still had a child’s heart and didn’t think too much when speaking. Every day,
Cheng Wei would happily train and plain. He often had a bright smile on his face and when
he became angry, his cheeks bulged out and the speed of his talking increased. Once it was
over, he would smile and address Tan Shitian in a familiar manner.

—He was a very simple person.

Compared with other vice-captains of the Miracle League, Cheng Wei was simply a small,
white rabbit.

The vice-captain loved to play and the captain had to take on all the responsibilities.

Due to this, Tan Shitian grew quickly after taking over as captain last season.
Captain Xu had told him when handing over the captaincy, “Xiao Wei debuted earlier than
you but he is always heartless and won’t manage the team. Your responsibility will be
heavy in the future. If you don’t understand something, talk with your predecessors in the
league. You are the youngest captain in the Miracle League. Don’t be arrogant. Keep a
modest attitude and you will gain a foothold in the league.”

Tan Shitian followed his master’s teachings. Once he was captain, he always smiled and
showed an active team atmosphere. He was gentle and cordial, never putting on airs with
his teammates. He was also very respectful to the senior players. Regardless of winning or
losing the match, his mood was always very calm.

He was modest and humorous since his debut and his elf archer had a very distinct style.
His leadership progressed rapidly and he often wrote fun jokes on Weibo. Tan Shitian, who
had the nickname of Storytelling God, quickly won the hearts and minds of the fans of the
Time team and was also acknowledged by other captains in the league.

However, Tan Shitian was very clear that Cheng Wei’s heart didn’t agree.

Not only did he debuted later than Cheng Wei, his style of leadership was very different
compared to Cheng Wei’s idols, Captain Xu and Cat God. It was understandable that Cheng
Wei didn’t acknowledge him as captain.

Tan Shitian couldn’t help sighing when he thought of this. “Xiao Wei, I know that you don’t
agree with me as captain. Compared to Captain Xu and your idol Cat God, I am very poor…
but I have been working hard to raise a good Time team. I’m not a narrow-minded person
and I won’t ruin Master’s hard-laid foundation… trust me, okay?”

Cheng Wei couldn’t hear what Tan Shitian was saying due to his fever. His consciousness
was blurred but he seemed to capture the key points in Tan Shitian’s words. He couldn’t
help crying out, “Master…”

Tan Shitian was startled. He knew that the master Cheng Wei was referring to wasn’t the
old captain of Time but the master of his heart, Li Cangyu.
Cheng Wei rarely mentioned Cat God but after living in the dorms with him for two years,
Tan Shitian gradually found some clues and became aware of the relationship between
Cheng Wei and Li Cangyu.

Tan Shitian rubbed Cheng Wei’s head and said softly, “Cat God is likely to turn to the
Dragon Song Club. If this is the case, he will certainly have a better development so don’t
worry about him.

Tan Shitian picked up the towel that had become hot and went to the bathroom. He washed
it with cold water and once again placed it on Cheng Wei’s forehead.

Cheng Wei was cared for very comfortably and finally slept.

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GLS: Chapter 26
Chapter 26 – Truth

This was an away match for the WInd Colour team and all the members had flown to
Beijing, the base of the Time team.
It was hard to get points in an away game so winning the game 6:3 was quite beautiful. Ling
Xuefeng was in a good mood so he took everyone to a nearby restaurant and ordered
sumptuous dishes. He boldly used the team funds to buy the meal.
At Wind Colour team parties, Ling Xuefeng didn’t like to speak but Vice-Captain Yan
Ruiwen was very active. The main players Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan were also lively.
Everyone chatted together and the atmosphere was very relaxed.
However, today’s situation was somewhat wrong. It was because Qin Mo was pale from
beginning to end, like a sky about to collapse.
The full blood Qin Mo had been completely suppressed by Tan Shitian and killed. It was
estimated that the shock the rookie who just debuted experienced was too big and his
emotions hadn’t adjusted.
A few old players were afraid of his sadness and took the initiative to give him some dishes,
which he accepted with an embarrassed expression.
Ling Xuefeng still hadn’t given an evaluation on Qin Mo’s performance. He knew that his
disciple’s self-esteem was very high. At this time, Qin Mo would be psychologically
damaged no matter what his master said. Therefore, it was best to let Qin Mo think about it
After dinner, everyone headed back to the hotel by car. The game time was in the morning
and Wind Colour’s leader had booked an afternoon flight back to Shanghai. Ling Xuefeng
asked everyone to take a nap first before meeting in the hall at two in the afternoon.
Everyone went back to their room to rest. Qin Mo was staying with Xu Feifan, a blood kin
summoner. This was Ling Xuefeng’s arrangement since he thought two players of the same
class could exchange experience.
Normally Qin Mo would take the initiative to consult with his predecessor when he
encountered problems. Today, he headed straight to the bathroom as soon as he entered
the room.
Xu Feifan had been planning to go to sleep when he received a text message from Captain
Ling. [Qin Mo seems to be worrying about something. Speak to him and see if you can figure
out what caused him to play abnormally.]
[I understand.] Xu Feifan accepted the task and started to frown.
Qin Mo took a shower and came out a while later. The young boy was only 16 this year and
his body hadn’t yet developed. The skinny boy was pale and looked very depressed. This
guy’s heart was too proud and he thought he was great just because he was Ling Xuefeng’s
apprentice. Xu Feifan had long thought Qin Mo would fall, he just didn’t expect it to be in
such a ruthless manner.
He was abused in the ring in front of so many people. A young player could easily receive
psychological shadows and even lost confidence. Competitive games were always cruel. If a
person didn’t get up after being beaten, there would be countless players stepping on their
Xu Feifan was aware of the seriousness of the problem and pondered for a moment. He
looked back and found that after taking the shadow, Qin Mo was already going to sleep.
“…” Xu Feifan was torn for a moment before going to Qin Mo’s bedside and whispering,
“Xiao Qin, are you sleeping?”
“No.” The little boy’s stuffy voice came from the quilt.
Xu Feifan coughed two times to clear his throat before saying, “I am a player who debuted
in the third season. You should know that before me, the best blood kin summoner in the
league was Yuan Shaozhe, the former Vice-Captain of Wind Colour. After Vice-Captain Yuan
retired, I started to play with Captain Ling.”
“I’ve heard about it.” Qin Mo replied softly.
He knew that the former vice-captain, Yuan Shaozhe was three years older than Ling
Xuefeng and retired earlier. He had never seen that person but he heard that Xu Feifan, the
current main blood kin summoner, had inherited his style of play.
“From the beginning, the core of our Wind Colour team is the control of the double
summoners. You should already know that your master is one of the best in the world.
However, Captain Ling isn’t young and he will retire someday.” Xu Feifan paused and his
voice became gentler. “He accepted you as a disciple, had me teach you the blood kin
summoner’s gameplay and also makes you watch videos about blood kin summoners. Do
you know the reason for this?”
Qin Mo was startled while a strong bitterness filled his heart.
Yes, he knew.
Captain Ling was doing this for the future of Wind Colour, so he could train successors for
the Wind Colour team.
As Captain Ling’s apprentice, Qin Mo received more opportunities than his peers since he
debuted. Captain Ling wasn’t stingy about letting him play in less important games and
even when meeting a strong team like Time, his master put pressure on him by placing him
in the key ‘guard’ position…
Then what did Qin Mo do?
He was in a daze during the game…
He was full of blood when facing Tan Shitian but he was sent off without causing Tan
Shitian’s blood to drop at all.
He completely betrayed his master’s trust and felt sorry for his master’s efforts in teaching
Qin Mo’s pain twisted when he thought this and he wrapped himself tighter in his quilt, his
eyes becoming red. It was like a faucet was opened as tears that he could no longer control
flowed out.
Xu Feifan saw the little boy wrapped in the quilt and knew he must be crying. After all, Qin
Mo was only 16 years old and still hadn’t grown up. It was impossible to ask him to be calm
after being abused by an experienced player.
The fact that he was crying about today’s situation was a good thing.
Xu Feifan sighed and patted Qin Mo over the quilt. “Xiao Qin, Captain Ling is actually very
good to you. He rarely expresses concern but everything he has done is to make you as
strong as possible. You lost today’s arena match but it doesn’t matter. He sent you to gain
experience from Tan Shitian, not to win. Do you understand?”
Qin Mo was stunned and emerged from the quilt to look at Xu Feifan.
Not to win? It was to gain experience?
Xu Feifan’s words were like cold water, immediately waking Qin Mo up.
Yes, he was a rookie player and would find it hard to win against Tan Shitian, the captain of
the Time team. Master should’ve guessed this result and sent him to fact Tan Shitian to gain
experience from an expert.
In fact, taking the game seriously and playing at his own level would be enough. However,
he only wanted to win and his brain was messy. The result was that he was abused and
completely wasted this rare opportunity.
It could be said that Wind Colour lost three points for nothing…
Xu Feifan say the boy’s repentant expression and couldn’t help patting Qin Mo’s shoulder.
“Captain Ling doesn’t care about the score. He is more concerned about why you were
playing abnormally. Xiao Qin, look back and think about it. I feel… you should take the
initiative to give your master an explanation.”
Qin Mo thought for a long time before nodding hard. “Thank you Brother Xu. I will talk to
“Then have a good sleep. Once we return to Shanghai in the afternoon, you can go find the
captain.” Xu Feifan had pondered on his lines, opened the big brother’s warm education
mode and finally succeeded in persuading Qin Mo. He fell asleep in a happy mood.
Qin Mo’s head was in chaos and he didn’t sleep. He was thinking about how to explain the
matter with Love to Eat Braised Fish.
At four in the afternoon, the Wind Colour collectively returned to Shanghai.
The Wind Colour Club was one of the earliest clubs established in the Miracle League and
its popularity was very high. In its home city of Shanghai, there were numerous loyal fans.
In order to avoid the e-sports reporters waiting like rabbits at the airport, everyone walked
down to the parking lot under the leadership of Ling Xuefeng and were sent back in a car
that picked them up.
Upon arriving at the club, Ling Xuefeng said to the players, “Starting tomorrow, it is a
holiday in the league. Those who want to go out to relax or go home to visit their loved ones
should tell Vice-Captain Yan. Just remember to return before the 17th.”
It was a rare holiday and Ling Xuefeng didn’t want to make everyone train. At present,
Wind Colour was ranked first in the team standings. As long as there wasn’t a drop in the
second round of the regular season, this year’s playoffs definitely wouldn’t be a problem.
“Okay!” It was clear that everyone was happy about the captain’s decision.
Ling Xuefeng made arrangements for the team’s holiday and then returned to his dorm. He
put away his luggage and turned on the computer in the living room.
He was watching a video replay of the match between Wind Colour and Time when a knock
was heard and Qin spoke in a weak voice.
Ling Xuefeng got up and opened the door. He saw Qin Mo whisper with a bowed head,
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng looked at him lightly. “Did you find me to say something?”
Qin Mo nodded and organized his words. “I’m sorry Master. My mind was very messy today
and I didn’t play well.’
“Don’t apologize. Tell me why you didn’t play well.” Ling Xuefeng ordered.
“Uh… it is like this. Yesterday, the president of the Wind Colour Guild told me that their six
member team was killed by a three member team in the game. I was curious and went
online to look. The result was I met a very strong elf summoner. I didn’t beat him and was
even taught by him…’
Qin Mo’s heart felt very wronged when he thought about this and his voice couldn’t help
choking up. “He said I lost because I was too careless and that I shouldn’t summon too
many pets. It would just put me at a disadvantage. I.. I thought he had a point. I was
thinking about it last night and my spirit wasn’t good in the morning. My mind was dazed
and I didn’t know what to do in the game.”
Ling Xuefeng waited for him to finish before seizing the key point. “You said an elf
“Yes.” Qin Mo nodded. “He is very powerful. I have never met an elf summoner and didn’t
know how to play against him.”
“What is his name?”
“Love to Eat Braised Fish.”
“…” Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before leaving the room. “You should’ve told me
“Master!” Qin Mo quickly followed him. “Where are you going?”
“I am going to the guild.” Ling Xuefeng said calmly.
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GLS: Chapter 27
Chapter 27 – Mysterious Master

The Wind Colour Guild office.

The president Popular Land Under Heaven and the vice presidents were clearing the Frost
Temple instance in the game. They chatted while facing the boss.
Popular Land Under Heaven said, “Wind Colour in today’s match against Time was too
handsome. Our Captain Ling is too domineering.”
“Yes, there was a 0:3 disadvantage and he incredibly took six points. It was super fun to
watch!” Same Boat Under Wind and Rain cried out.
At this moment, the sound of footsteps was heard behind them. The two people looked
back and stood up with shock.
In the game, Popular Land Under Heaven and Same Boat Under Wind and Rain were
instantly killed by the boss’ big move. However, they completely ignored it because the
person in front of them was the difficult to see Ling Xuefeng!
Captain Ling didn’t care about the guild side of the team and left Vice-Captain Yan in
charge. They weren’t psychological prepared when he suddenly came today!
The few management members couldn’t help feel guilty when they met Ling Xuefeng’s deep
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately squeezed out a smile and laughed hollowly. “How
can Captain Ling come here? Haha, I will go to pour Captain Ling a cup of tea.”
He was just turning to leave when Ling Xuefeng said, “No need.”
“…” Popular Land Under Heaven wiped the sweat on his forehead and secretly glanced at
Qin Mo. Had Qin Mo told the captain about the things that happened in the game? However,
Qin Mo’s pale face was looking down and no clues could be seen. Popular Land Under
Heaven scratched his head and looked back at the captain. “Captain Ling, did you come here
for… an inspection?”
“I want to look at the situation in the new district.” Ling Xuefeng went straight to the
president’s computer. He sat down and found that Popular Land Under Heaven had been
killed by the boss’ big move. The map in the upper right corner showed it was the Frost
Temple instance. “You reached level 40 so quickly?”
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately replied, “Yes, we are desperately levelling in the
new district.”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Do you know a person called Love to Eat Braised Fish?”
“…” A chill suddenly went down Popular Land Under Heaven’s spine!
Captain Ling took the initiative to come here and also mentioned Love to Eat Braised Fish,
meaning he must’ve learned about the matter with Love to Eat Braised Fish. Lying in front
of Captain Ling was tantamount to digging his own grave. It was better to confess honestly!
Popular Land Under Heaven thought this and obediently replied, “I know. Love to Eat
Braised Fish is a very powerful elf summoner who appeared in the new district. Our guild
happened to meet his three member team while intercepting a bounty mission. The result
was… our team was wiped out… twice.”
It was too shameful saying this to Wind Colour’s big leader!
Popular Land Under Heaven sneaked a glance at the captain’s face and found that Ling
Xuefeng looked calm, not angry. Thus, he continued to say, “Cough I wanted to report back
to Captain Ling but the match was coming up and I was afraid it would impact the team’s
performance. I looked for Qin Mo to check and Qin Mo logged into the game to PK against
him once…”
“The result was a loss?” Ling Xuefeng’s voice didn’t contain any emotions.
“…” Popular Land Under Heaven and Qin Mo looked at each other with embarrassment.
Ling Xuefeng looked at the two people. “Do you think that Qin Mo losing to a master in the
online game is normal?”
“…” The two people were afraid to speak.
“Qin Mo is a professional player with a stable hand speed of more than 300. He has been
training professionally for half a year with the Wind Colour team and qualified for an
official debut this season. The Miracle Professional League has very high requirements for
professional players. Casually losing to an online game master, won’t this make the Miracle
Professional League a joke?”
Ling Xuefeng’s voice was very calm but the Wind Colour Guild’s management hung their
heads with shame.
“A master elf summoner that you have never heard of. Have you ever thought that this
person’s origins might not be simple?”
The group froze and looked at each other with surprise.
Captain Ling was right!
Qin Mo might be a newcomer who just debuted this season but he was still a professional
player. He received formal training for half a year and was a very talented rookie. Usually,
everyone would learn from Qin Mo when he was idle. Qin Mo abused the guild’s
management so easily. How could he lose to a master in the online game?
There was only one possibility—Love to Eat Braised Fish’s origin wasn’t simple.
The Wind Colour Guild was so angry about being wiped out that they forgot such a key
Popular Land Under Heaven’s spirit only came back at this time, causing him to guiltily
scratch his head. He was too embarrassed to face Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t blame him. Instead, he looked at the computer screen and asked,
“Where is Love to Eat Braised Fish?”
Vice President Same Boat Under Wind and Rain immediately ran to sit next to him and
typed in the Wind Colour’s Q group: [Quickly give me the coordinates of Love to Eat Braised
Someone soon replied: [Vice President, this person isn’t online. He went offline at 11 in the
morning and hasn’t logged in during the afternoon.”
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain went to the undercover group. [The undercovers of other
guilds, do you know the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish?]
Someone jumped forward. [The Flying Feathers team checked but couldn’t find anything.]
[Time also checked and there was no result.] Another undercover came forward. [However,
I heard that Time wanted to pull him into the guild and was rejected. The president of Time
reasoned that this person is abroad and should be the opposite of our playing time. It is
afternoon here so his side should be early morning. He is probably sleeping at this time.”
Someone asked curiously: [Vice President, who is this person? How can three guilds be
checking up on him?]
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain replied awkwardly: [I’m not checking…]
Ling Xuefeng saw this chat and didn’t react.
Perhaps this was the person he had been thinking about for three years.
Ling Xuefeng’s grip on the mouse slightly tightened before he got up from his seat. “Since
he isn’t online, forget it. Send people to pay attention to his movements and as soon as he
goes online, immediately notify me, no matter the time.”
“I understand Captain Ling.”
Ling Xuefeng walked away and Qin Mo followed after his master.
The guild management looked at each other and took a while to recover!
Who was this Love to Eat Braised Fish? He was actually being stared at by several guild
members at the same time! Flying Feathers was reasonable since they experienced the
same tragedy as Wind Colour and were wiped out during the bounty interception. Then
why was Time interested in him? Was he really a mysterious master?
They felt like something big was going to happen…
Popular Land Under Heaven touched his chin and continued to clear the Frost Temple
instance, but he always felt a bit uneasy.
[Boss, an undercover in the Wind Colour group said that the vice president suddenly asked
about the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish.]
Flying Feathers Liangshan was playing the Frost Temple instance when he received the
news and immediately replied: [What did they say?]
[They reacted super slowly. It was only after two or three days that they finally understood
that the origins of Love to Eat Braised Fish isn’t easy and started to investigate.” The
undercover reported seriously, [There is something else. I suspect that the blood kin
summoner who fought Love to Eat Braised Fish yesterday might be Qin Mo.”
Flying Feathers Liangshan was shocked. [You mean Captain Ling’s disciple Qin Mo? He wnt
to the online game?]
[Yes, the vice president of Wind Colour said that a master came to teach Love to Eat Braised
Fish a lesson. I think we all know the masters of the guilds. The only ones we don’t know
are the professional gods on the team side. I joined in on the fun when they were
surrounding Love to Eat Braised Fish and felt that the style of the blood kin summoner was
very similar to Qin Mo.]
Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn’t help feeling shocked.
It was close!
When the first Flying Feathers team was destroyed, President Flying Feathers Liangshan
made the same choice as Wind Colour and put together a team of management masters to
teach Love to Eat Braised Fish a lesson.
The result was that the Wind Colour team got there first and were wiped out by Love to Eat
Braised Fish. Flying Feathers Liangshan immediately chose to retreat.
If he hadn’t retreated, perhaps the unlucky people right now would be Flying Feathers.
The undercovers of Flying Feathers were much more powerful than other guilds. The key
was that the president Flying Feathers Liangshan often watched spy warfare movies and
had a lot of experience in this aspect. All undercovers were only connected to him and
didn’t know each other. This way, absolute secrecy could be confirmed.
It was unlike Wind Colour and Time where a undercovers group was opened and news
would easily spread.
Flying Feathers Liangshan felt both proud and tired at the same time.
Playing an online game like it was a spy movie… it was almost insane!
The undercover player continued to talk in the private chat. [President, I think this matter
is strange. If the blood kin summoner really is Qin Mo, how can he lose to an online game
master? It isn’t just Love to Eat Braised Fish. The healer and swordsman by his side are also
very powerful. So many random masters gathered in one place isn’t common in online
The calm president had naturally realized this point, which was why he had wanted to find
out the origins of Braised Fish.
It was reasonable to say that there were also masters in the online game. After all, China
was huge and it was impossible for all skilled people to play in the Professional League.
There were a few domestic players who couldn’t enter the league because their ‘parents
disagreed’ or their ‘age was unsuitable.’ They chose to entertain themselves in the online
game. However, these random masters either joined major guilds or played solo. In
addition, their IDs were famous on the national server rankings.
Love to Eat Braised Fish? Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork? Blossoming Tree?
What were these messy names? He had never heard them before. Could it be the side
account of a professional player?
Flying Feathers Liangshan thought this and immediately replied: [You continue to follow
up on the Wind Colour side. We won’t move. I will tell everyone to pay attention and to not
provoke this Love to Eat Braised Fish.]
[I understand President.]
Flying Feathers Liangshan touched his chin and suddenly asked someone in the office,
“Ares, do you know where Captain Su is?”
The Flying Feathers member sitting opposite him immediately raised his head. “Ah? Were
you calling me?”
He was just playing an instance and probably hadn’t heard clearly.
Flying Feathers Liangshan continued, “I haven’t seen Captain Su for two days. Where did
he go?”
“Oh!” Flying Feathers Ares replied, “The team hasn’t played a match recently and there will
also be a week off after the first round of the regular season. Captain Su put together a 10
day vacation and travelled to Inner Mongolia with the vice-captain.”
Flying Feathers Liangshan, “…”
Their captain loved to travel every time there was a holiday. Since he had gone to see the
prairie in Inner Mongolia, Flying Feathers Liangshan would wait for him to come back
before saying anything.
In any case, Love to Eat Braised Fish only had three people. How could they turn Flying
Feathers upside down?

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GLS: Chapter 28
Chapter 28 – Fateful Encounter

New York, USA.

Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong finished watching the game and Xie Shurong was
preparing to go back. Then Bai Xuan said with a smile, “Just now, you two made a bet and
the person who was wrong would wash the dishes. Who is it?”
Li Cangyu easily pointed to Xie Shurong. “It is A’Shu.”
“…” Xie Shurong immediately made a pained expression.
Bai Xuan’s mood was quite pleasant. It felt great whenever he found an excuse to bully
“A’Shu, go wash the dishes.” Bai Xuan smiled and pointed to the kitchen.
Xie Shurong was driver to the kitchen to wash the dishes. He looked like he was going to his
execution as he wore plastic gloves and asked with a bitter expression, “Vice-Captain Bai,
what do I do next?”
“Wash it cleanly.”
Xie Shurong smiled and asked, “How do I wash it?”
“Wash it with water.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Washing these greasy things with water wouldn’t clean them!
Xie Shurong reacted by looking for detergent but he couldn’t find it. He asked with a smile,
“Where is the detergent?”
Bai Xuan pointed to the cabinet above him. “Above.”
“Oh.” Xie Shurong finally found the right strategy. He poured the detergent and started to
wash the dishes with difficulty.
Bai Xuan saw him seriously washing the dishes and couldn’t help inwardly laughing.
This person was also a kitchen idiot like Li Cangyu. It was estimated that Xie Shurong
usually played games and researched tactics, basically never entering the kitchen. Bai Xuan
would take this opportunity to bully him but also let him learn more life skills.
Bai Xuan smiled and kept watching Xie Shurong wash the dishes.
This Xie Shurong had grown up more handsome than before. Bai Xuan remembered that
when Xie Shurong first debuted, he was only around 1.7 metres, a bit shorter than Bai
Xuan. At that time, Xie Shurong played very fiercely, chasing around the healer like a mad
In the past three years, Xie Shurong’s height had risen by more than 10 centimeters and he
had matured a lot. It was estimated that his experience of playing in the United States made
him more stable than before.
Why had he left Flying Feathers?
Bai Xuan was very curious about this matter.
In the third season, the old Flying Feathers captain retired and gave the position to Su
Guangmo. The Flying Feathers team had three terrain swordsmen. In the third season, they
were the Miracle Alliance’s famous ‘Three Musketeers.’ It was the combination of the three
high level swordsmen that sent the Flying Feathers team directly to the champion’s throne
in the third season.
Flying Feathers’ current captain Su Guangmo was Xie Shurong’s senior. Based on what Bai
Xuan remembered, their relationship seemed very good…
As he was feeling doubts, Xie Shurong successfully washed the dishes and suddenly turned
around. “I have completed the task of washing the dishes. Does Vice-Captain Bai have a
reward for me?”
Bai Xuan stared at him. “I fed you good dishes and now you want a reward?”
Xie Shurong suddenly felt that Vice-Captain Bai’s stare was really good. His eyes were
round and were particularly clear and beautiful… After watching for a while, Xie Shurong
reluctantly took back his gaze and said, “How about if I am responsible for washing the
dishes every time I finish eating?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “It is pretty much the same.”
Xie Shurong said, “I will go back first. Will you continue to cook for me tomorrow?”
Bai Xuan reminded him, “Remember to bring the meal fee!”
Xie Shurong smiled. “I know, I won’t let you be busy for nothing.”
The next morning, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan routinely got up at 8 o’clock. The two had
breakfast together and at 8:30, they sat at the computer and logged into Miracle’s
Moonlight Forest district.
Xiao Gu was actively waiting there and sent a message once his teammates were online.
Only Xie Shurong wasn’t online so Li Cangyu didn’t hurry to go to the instance. He just
chatted with Xiao Gu on the voice channel.
At the same time, the Wind Colour Guild.
Someone immediately sent a message to Popular Land Under Heaven’s private chat. “Love
to Eat Braised Fish is online. He is at the west entrance of Frost Temple!”
Popular Land Under Heaven shook and immediately left the management office, heading
towards the team’s training room. He excitedly called out, “Captain Ling! Braised Fish is
Captain Ling wasn’t in the training room but other people were. Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen,
Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan had plane tickets scheduled for tomorrow so they were watching
videos in the team’s training room.
Yan Ruiwen’s face was confused when he heard this. “Did the dining hall make braised
Popular Land Under Heaven, “…”
Qin Mo knew the truth and immediately said, “I’ll call Master.”
Yan Ruiwen and the other people still looked blank. Popular Land Under Heaven scratched
his head and carefully explained to them.
“Is this a mistake? Six people were killed by three people?” Yan Ruiwen was amazed. “What
is the origins of this person?”
Popular Land Under Heaven said, “It isn’t very clear. That’s why Captain Ling told us to
inform him whenever Braised Fish is online.
Ling Xuefeng was soon called over by Qin Mo and he ordered with a calm expression, “Give
me the account of a demon summoner in the new district.”
Yan Ruiwen sat down next to him. “I will also go and see.”
Gui Xuan, Xu Feifan and Qin Mo consciously stood behind them.
“Captain Ling, Vice-Captain Yan, directly use our accounts.” Popular Land Under Heaven
entered the president and vice president’s account passwords and logged into the game.
“The coordinates?” Ling Xuefeng asked.
“It is the western entrance of Frost Temple.”
Ling Xuefeng controlled the demon summoner and ran towards the entrance, Yan Ruiwen
following behind him.
Li Cangyu and Xiao Gu chatted for a bit before Xie Shurong came online. The four people
were just about to enter the Frost Temple instance when two familiar IDs walked towards
Popular Land Under Heaven, Same Boat Under Wind and Rain…
They were the president and vice-president of the Wind Colour Guild!
Xie Shurong saw this and couldn’t help feelings surprised. “The president of Wind Colour is
so commendable. Did he come to die again?”
Bai Xuan smiled and replied, “Maybe it is a coincidence? They might be going to play the
Frost Temple instance.”
After all, this was the entrance to an instance. It wasn’t strange to meet the president of
Wind Colour here. Bai Xuan’s statement was very reliable.
Unfortunately, he just finished speaking when a message popped up on the screen in front
of Li Cangyu.
[Player Popular Land Under Heaven, demon race, summoner class, level 40, is requesting to
learn from you.]
Bai Xuan helplessly said, “It seems that I was thinking too much of them. They really are
aiming for him.”
Li Yunyu smiled and sent a message to the area channel: [What happened? Coming to learn
from me, did I mess with you?”
Popular Land Under Heaven stood behind Ling Xuefeng and saw the sentence pop up on
the screen.
He didn’t mess with them? He killed them twice!
However, Braised Fish made sense once Popular Land Under Heaven thought about it. The
team was wiped out twice… cough, they came to intercept the bounty mission on their own.
Qin Mo was abused… cough, he came to their door.
Therefore, the management of the Wind Colour Guild felt really irritated. The feeling of
‘sending themselves to the door to be abused’ was really bad.
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was still calm when he saw this sentence. He just continued to
send the invitation.
[Player Popular Land Under Heaven, demon race, summoner class, level 40, is requesting to
learn from you.]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has refused your invitation.]
Not answering? Then he could only come on strongly.
[Popular Land Under Heaven has opened slaughter mode on Love to Eat Braised Fish.
Countdown in 3, 2, 1!]
The real Popular Land Under Heaven stood behind Captain Ling with a stunned expression.
Ling Xuefeng had such a decisive and simple personality. He wanted to exchange few blows
with Braised Fish to determine if he was the right person. If the other person didn’t accept,
he opened slaughter mode.
Li Cangyu was taken by surprise and said helplessly, “Does the Wind Colour Guild want to
take it this far with me?”
Gu Siming excitedly exclaimed, “Abuse him! Cat God abuse him!”
The countdown of slaughter mode ended and a red symbol that indicated free killing
appeared on the edge of Li Cangyu’s screen. The demon summoner in front of him
summoned his banshee and Charm was accurately thrown at Li Cangyu!
Flying Feather Steps!
Li Cangyu acted almost immediately after the other summoner.
His years of experience and his deep understanding of the summoner class meant that his
fingers could always keep up with his thoughts.
The clever footwork displacement accurately evaded Ling Xuefeng’s strong pulling skill.
Ling Xuefeng’s fingers became faster as he summoned a skeleton infantry, trying to
imprison the opponent to one place.
However, Li Cangyu had called his water spirit pet while moving and froze the skeleton
infantry first.
Ling Xuefeng immediately called his black crows and used Cover the Sky to control the
opponent’s vision.
In return, Li Cangyu summoned his thunder spirit and used Thunder’s Wrath to directly kill
the black crows!
Ling Xuefeng had released the crows in order to force the other person to summon the
thunder spirit. After seeing that the big move had been used, Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to
use the basic attacks of the summoner to quickly finish off Li Cangyu’s water spirit.
The frozen skeleton infantry was liberated just as the crows were killed and pounced on
the distant summoner!
Li Cangyu naturally had experience against the skeleton infantry. He summoned his fire
spirit and use four Fireballs in a row, directly turning the demon pet into a pile of ashes.
The group of onlookers all had dull expressions of “…”
In the blink of an eye, Captain Ling and the other elf summoner changed three pets in a row
—control, killing pets, movements, counter-control, group attack, killing pet, etc. The
smooth operations were a gorgeous performance!
Ling Xuefeng stopped in place and took no more action.
Li Cangyu didn’t move his hands.
At this moment, the demon summoner and elf summoner confronted each other at the
entrance of Frost Temple. Everything around them seemed to be quiet. The players coming
and going from the instance, Wind Colour team members and guild management who were
onlookers… in this duel between masters, they were the only ones present and all outside
interference ceased to exist in their hearts.
After a long silence, Ling Xuefeng typed on the private chat channel with a complicated
expression: [Is it really you?]
Li Cangyu sent over a handshake emoji. [Long time no see.]
They knew each other too well.
It took less than 10 seconds for them to recognize each other.
The pets exchange, the skills clash, the familiar style and the most familiar name.
—Li Cangyu.
—Ling Xuefeng.

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GLS: Chapter 29
Chapter 29 – The Past
The first time Li Cangyu met Ling Xuefeng was when he was 17 years old in the online
At that time, a Miracle server opened in China and Li Cangyu went to ‘Magic Academy’, the
first major district in Miracle with several good friends. He had been good friends with
them since childhood and they were as close as brothers.
The five people teamed up to level in the new district, walking out of the novice village,
walking to the first main city, clearing the first instance, gaining their first piece of
equipment, etc. They played happily all the way to level 35. There might be frequent bumps
on the road but the process was full of fun.
At level 35, the more difficult instance Frost Temple opened. At this time, Li Cangyu was
still a rookie and he tried to beat the boss for three hours. In desperation, he had to shout
for people on the world channel.
[Looking for a violent output for Frost Temple! One spot is open!]
Then a demon summoner called LXF quickly joined the team.
He was a handsome man in a demon outfit, with a pair of black wings and glowing light
wings on his back, making him look a bit strange.
Li Cangyu asked curiously: [LXF, are these three letters the abbreviation of your name?]
[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng didn’t hide it. [it is convenient.]
Then he was too lazy!
Li Cangyu said: [I’ll add you as a friend and we can clear the instance together.]
Ling Xuefeng asked: [Do you know how to fight it?]
Li Cangyu replied very honestly: [No.]
Then Ling Xuefeng decisively said: [Come with me, I will lead.]
The six people played the instance together. The surprising thing to Li Cangyu was that the
level of the demon summoner was very high. He had a lot of experience fighting the boss
and they managed to smoothly pass the instance.
The people who got a lot of equipment immediately typed excitedly in the team channel. [A
Then they added Ling Xuefeng as a friend.
Magic Academy was the first new district to open in the national server. Most people would
be playing the Frost Temple instance for the first time. LXF was so familiar with the boss’
gameplay that he obviously hadn’t just started Miracle.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help asking him privately: [Have you played this game before?]
The other person replied: [I played for a few months in the US server.]
Li Cangyu suddenly realized. [The US service did start half a year earlier than the national
service. Then did you rise to the maximum level in the US server?]
[Then can you help us? We just started playing and don’t understand things very well.]
[No problem.]
Since Ling Xuefeng was a master of Miracle, the rookie Li Cangyu naturally had a good
impression of him.
LXF’s words were short every time he replied, making it seem like he really didn’t like to
talk. The rare thing was that he didn’t put on any airs or despise the rookie Li Cangyu.
Everyone teamed up and cleared several instances in a row, becoming more familiar with
each other. Li Cangyu felt it was good to know a veteran of Miracle and couldn’t help asking
him: [Yes, I want to play an elf summoner. However, the guides on the forums say that an
elf is more suitable for playing an archer. I think that an elf summoner will be very strong,
using the advantages of agility to quickly switch pets and increase the critical hit rate. This
will make up for the pets’ lack of attack.]
[Are you talking about a full agility elf summoner with the critical hits route?] Ling Xuefeng
was a veteran of online games and was naturally familiar with this type of build.
[Yes. I think so.] Li Cangyu spoke seriously. [I asked on the forum yesterday and everyone
said this type of build is impossible to achieve. You have played in the US server so I would
like to ask you. Is it feasible?]
The small rookie Li Cangyu humbly asked the master. Ling Xuefeng didn’t immediately
deny him like other people, encouraging him instead. [Right now, Miracle has just opened
its service and the game is in the exploratory stage. Not many people play an elf summoner
but the principle isn’t wrong. Don’t listen to what other people say. If you have an idea, try
it out boldly.]
[Okay.] Li Cangyu originally hadn’t intended to give up this idea and now it was affirmed by
a veteran. Li Cangyu felt very happy and his belief in trying an elf summoner was
Later, the six people would often play together to clear instances. After getting to know
each other, they discovered that Ling Xuefeng had set up the Wind Colour Guild and was
actually the president.
There were numerous guilds in the district but the strength of the Wind Colour Guild was
high and there were many masters. They beat a lot of world bosses and had the loudest
Ling Xuefeng once invited Li Cangyu’s five people to join the Wind Colour team but Li
Cangyu refused. [We have different levels and are accustomed to acting freely. We don’t
want to participate in the big guild activities.]
Ling Xuefeng didn’t force him.
After reaching full level, a variety of guild missions opened and Ling Xuefeng would lead his
members to complete the tasks. His communication with Li Cangyu gradually lessened.
However, in his spare time, he would go to his friends list to find the ID ‘Old Cat’ and ask
about the other person’s current situation.
[How is your summoner’s equipment going?]
Li Cangyu replied: [I’m still missing a necklace with attack power.]
[I received one in the instance today. I will give it to you so meet me at Yisu City’s east gate.]
Ling Xuefeng sent the equipment to Li Cangyu.
[Thank you!] Li Cangyu was happy about completing his full set of equipment.
[Do you want to try PK?] Ling Xuefeng sent him a request and Li Cangyu accepted. The two
people fought each other at the grand plaza in front of the east gate.
Li Cangyu had pondered on the elf summoner for a long time and gradually developed the
use of Flying Feather Steps to move while quickly summoning pets. Still, he wasn’t skilled
enough at present and he fell under Ling Xuefeng’s fierce offensive in half a minute.
Li Cangyu wasn’t discouraged after being beaten. He climbed up and said: [Great!]
Ling Xuefeng typed: [It seems you have more experience with the elf summoner
Li Cangyu replied without hesitation: [Yes, I have been studying these days and thought of
some ideas, but the operation still isn’t very skilled.]
[Do you want to practice another round?]
[Okay.] Li Cangyu was naturally very excited about sparring with a master and immediately
sent an invitation.
Thus, the two of them played against each other for more than an hour and reluctantly
went to sleep in the early hours of the morning.
From that day onwards, every evening after the guild missions, Ling Xuefeng would come
to the east gate of Yisu City to fight with Li Cangyu.
In fact, Li Cangyu’s level was really good for a newcomer just starting Miracle. Ling Xuefeng
had experience with playing Miracle on a foreign server for six months and was naturally
more powerful than Li Cangyu. If they fought 10 times, Li Cangyu would lose 10 times.
However, Ling Xuefeng was very clear that the other person was only losing right now
because of his lack of experience and unskilled operations. Despite this, he pushed himself
to try big moves and after a while, this person would definitely become a master.
The two people often discussed how to play a summoner. For example, when should a pet
be summoned, how to operate in order to move the pets to the exact location with the
shortest time, how to mix up the pets’ skills…
The pets for the demon race and elves might be different but the principles were very
The result of this mutual communication was that both of them progressed at a rapid
speed. Li Cangyu always felt that he learnt something from this communication while Ling
Xuefeng thought that Old Cat’s ideas were very novel and gave him a lot of inspiration.
Thus, no matter how busy he was as president of Wind Colour, Ling Xuefeng would come to
the Yisu City east gate to find Old Cat at a fixed time. Old Cat would always be waiting there.
Once they met, there was no need to speak as they would instantly send each other an
The two people didn’t make a verbal agreement but at 22:00 every night, many players
would see a demon summoner and elf summoner fighting in the big square at the east gate
of Yisu City.
One day, after playing five rounds, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help asking: [By the way, can I ask
how old you are?]
[I am 17 years old.] Li Cangyu replied. [How about you?]
[I am a year older than you.] Ling Xuefeng said.
Li Cangyu realized that they were peers. No wonder why there were no obstacles to their
Ling Xuefeng felt some surprise. The ID of ‘Old Cat’ was reminiscent of a 30 year old uncle
yet he was unexpectedly a 17 year old youth. This was clearly a deep ‘kitten!’
Ling Xuefeng thought this and couldn’t help typing: [You are only 17 years old. Why are you
called Old Cat?]
Li Cangyu said earnestly: [It sounds more powerful.]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
After a moment of silence, Ling Xuefeng said: [You are younger than me. I won’t call you Old
Cat and will just call you Cat.]
[It doesn’t matter.] Li Cangyu said. [Maybe later I will become Cat God and then I’ll send
you an autograph!]
The always stern Ling Xuefeng was amused by this youth’s confidence and smiled.
He thought that this guy was very interesting. His age was so young, his ideas were novel,
his progress was very fast, he was confident and he had a spirit of perseverance. He had
been abused so many times by Ling Xuefeng but didn’t feel discouraged. Ling Xuefeng had a
hunch that this boy called Old Cat would certainly have great achievements in Miracle in
the future.
The two people naturally became closer after knowing their ages were similar. They
become friends and once free, they would sit idly in front of Yisu City’s east gate,
exchanging ideas and learning from each other.
The rookie Li Cangyu always lost to the master Ling Xuefeng but he didn’t feel frustrated. Li
Cangyu had just started playing Miracle and Ling Xuefeng could teach him a lot. Every time,
he would immediately rise up and continue to fight. Every day, he rejoiced in his progress.
[This time, I survived for 65 seconds. That is 5 seconds more than I did last time.]
[You have progressed very quickly and I’ve lost blood.]
Li Cangyu replied seriously: [Next time, maybe I can win.]
[Come on.]
One day, Li Cangyu would beat Ling Xuefeng.
Li Cangyu was convinced of this.
This day hadn’t arrived yet when the Chinese Miracle League was established and Miracle’s
official website announced the official launch of the professional league.
In order to attract outstanding talents to join the league, the bonuses for the first season
were very high. The officials promised that all teams that made the playoffs would be
provided financial support, so that players could be relieved of their worries.
Li Cangyu heard that many places were building a Miracle team and he also watched
various e-sports competitions from an early age. In addition, he especially loved the
gameplay of the elf summoner so he wanted to participate in this league.
Bai Xuan and the other three small players were also very interested in this professional
league. They had honed their skills in the online game and had become famous masters in
the district. The five people went to a private room in the Internet cafe and excitedly
discussed the possibility of team formation.
“Captain, let Brother Li be Captain!” Someone suggested.
“No problem.” Li Cangyu wasn’t polite since he always played the role of everyone’s oldest
brother in this small group. He thought about it before saying, “Let’s first decide a team
The group of people had their own opinions like Conquering Team, Disdain the World, etc.
They thought for a long time but nothing was suitable.
Finally, Bai Xuan—who was very good in English—suggested a name. “Should we call it
FTD? The abbreviation of For the Dream?”
Li Cangyu felt that this name was very special and made a decision. “Okay! It will be the
FTD team!
“Great! The FTD team!”
“Come on, this season’s championship will be ours!”
“The hundreds of thousands of yuan in grand prizes is waiting for us to take!”
The group of teenagers were extremely excited, as if they were standing on the champion’s
podium and would soon receive the trophy.
Only Bai Xuan was relatively calm as he suggested, “According to the announcement of the
official website, there will be three people in the single-elimination battle. The three of you
are outputs and are just enough. However, the group battle is the 6V6 crystal mode. We are
five people… we are lacking one so do you want to pull over LXF?”
A friend next to him cried out, “Yes! Perhaps he wants to play in the professional league?”
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu. “What do you think?”
Li Cangyu said, “Let me ask him.”

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GLS: Chapter 30
Chapter 30 – Team Planning

Bai Xuan suggested having Ling Xuefeng join the team and Li Cangyu also had this thought.
He hadn’t known Ling Xuefeng for very long but every time they talked, he had the feeling
of a ‘close friend.’ Ling Xuefeng might not speak much but the contents of his sentences
were excellent. He was one year older than Li Cangyu and was more mature. He played in
the US server for a period of time and had a deeper understanding of Miracle.
If he could pull such a powerful person into the team, the strength of the FTD team would
definitely increase.
Li Cangyu was thinking about how to persuade him when he woke up the next morning and
got a call.
Since they often played instances together and PKed in the Yisu City square, he had
exchanged phone numbers with Ling Xuefeng to facilitate contact. Now the caller ID
showed it was Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu picked up in a puzzled manner. “Hello? Why are
you calling me so early in the morning?”
A calm voice entered his ears. “Are you free today? I happen to be in Hangzhou. Come out
and meet me.”
In a previous conversation, Li Cangyu had mentioned that he was studying in Hangzhou. He
didn’t expect Ling Xuefeng to actually come over but it was truly speak of the devil and he
would appear.
Li Cangyu immediately said, “Okay, decide a place and I will come out.”
Some time later, Li Cangyu arrived at the agreed upon place and opened the door to a
private room. He was surprised to find that three people were actually sitting there.
Li Cangyu instantly recognized Ling Xuefeng despite never seeing him before.
The teenager standing in the middle was wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans. He was
tall and slender, handsome with a pair of deep and dark eyes. The expression on his face
revealed a touch of indifference, just like the Ling Xuefeng in the online game.
Of the two men standing beside him, one was wearing silver-framed glasses and had the
appearance of an elite worker. The other one was in a plaid t-shirt and slacks. He was older
than Ling Xuefeng and should be around 20 years old. He was smiling gently at Li Cangyu.
The teenager in the middle offered his hand and said, “Hello, I am Ling Xuefeng. I don’t
know your name yet.”
“I am Li Cangyu.” Li Cangyu shook hands with him and wondered, “Who are these two
Ling Xuefeng didn’t talk nonsense and spoke bluntly. “The one wearing glasses is the
manager of the Wind Colour team, Zhu Ping, and the other person is a main member of the
Wind Colour team, Yuan Shaoze. We came here today to formally invite you to join the
Wind Colour team.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
What was this unexpected result? He had wanted to invite Ling Xuefeng to join the FTD
Ling Xuefeng’s tone was very serious. “I returned to China to form a team. Many of the
Wind Colour Guild’s management are experts that we are looking to rise. The Wind Colour
team is now officially registered and has team members, sponsors, a training room and a
dormitory. We are only lacking a vice-captain. If you want, I would like to offer you the
position of vice-captain of the Wind Colour team. Come with me to the Miracle Professional
Li Cangyu was silent, his mood complicated.
Yuan Shaoze saw that he wasn’t responding and said with a smile, “I am Xiao Ling’s cousin.
I often listened to him talk about you. He said that your summoner ideas are very novel,
you are talented and your progress is very fast. You are a rear e-sports genius. That’s why
we are sincerely inviting you to join the Wind Colour team. I personally came with the
manager and brought the contract. If you agree, we can sign the contract on the spot.”
Manager Zhu Ping also said, “Wind Colour has many experts but Xuefeng insisted that the
vice-captain’s positions is left to you. I believe in his eyes but I also believe in your
potential. This is the contract. I hope you think about it.”
Li Cangyu took a close look at the contract.
The conditions that Wind Colour gave him were really good but if he joined Wind Colour,
what would Bai Xuan do?
Last night they just discussed building a team and Xiao Bai even gave it the special name of
For the Dream, FTD. Everyone had been so happy and full of hope. He was the person they
chose as team captain. How could he leave them and join another team alone?
Li Cangyu couldn’t do such a thing.
Despite the Wind Colour team’s high salary, he decisively handed back the contract and
looked at Ling Xuefeng. “Thank you for your appreciation. I’m sorry but I can’t join the
Wind Colour team.”
Manager Zhu was surprised. “Is the treatment not good enough?”
“It isn’t a matter of treatment.” Li Cangyu said seriously, “I want to build a team myself.”
“…” Their expressions were a bit complicated.
After a moment of silence, Yuan Shaoze said, “It is good to have ambition. However,
building your own team isn’t as you as you think. Manpower, funds, team quarters, a
training room, many things must be prepared. You also have to submit an application with
the league.”
“I know.” Li Cangyu’s attitude was very resolute. “I will work with my friends to solve these
“You shouldn’t think that things are simple.” Ling Xuefeng suddenly said. “At present, the
Miracle League has officially registered eight teams. In addition to Wind Colour, there are
strong teams such as Flying Feathers and Time. If you join Wind Colour, I am confident that
we can win the championship together. If you build your own team, you probably won’t
make it to the playoffs, let alone get a trophy.”
“So what?” Li Cangyu met Ling Xuefeng’s eyes, seeing the same resolution and confidence
He knew that Ling Xuefeng’s invitation was sincere but he couldn’t leave his four friends to
join Wind Colour. He wasn’t a selfish person who would ignore promises. He had decided to
team up with Bai Xuan and promised to be the captain of the FTD team. He should take up
this responsibility and bear the expectations of his good friends.
Li Cangyu spoke to Ling Xuefeng in the same calm tone, “I won’t regret it even if I can’t get a
The three people, “…”
Yuan Shaozhe was speechless. He had never seen such a stubborn teenager!
Wasn’t it good to directly get the position of vice-captain?
Ready-made team quarters, ready-made training rooms, ready-made strong teammates
and even a high salary! Did this person think it was easy to build a team by himself?
However, Yuan Shaoze was somewhat scared by Li Cangyu’s firm gaze. He was only a
teenager yet he was so decisive and resolute. He ignored the temptations of money and a
trophy, adhering to his own ideas. This Li Cangyu certainly wasn’t simple!
Yuan Shaoze looked back at his cousin Ling Xuefeng and clearly found a hint of
His younger cousin actually liked this Li Cangyu. At the time, the team manager hadn’t
believed that an elf summoner could be strong. It was Ling Xuefeng who firmly
recommended Li Cangyu, using his identity of captain as the guarantee. That’s why the
manager took the special trip here.
In terms of the contract, Ling Xuefeng also negotiated with the manager for a long time in
an attempt to give Li Cangyu the highest salary.
They didn’t think this would be the result…
Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng’s stunned expression and took the initiative to say, “Thank you,
Ling Xuefeng. I know that you must’ve spent a lot of effort and even deliberately left the
position of vice-captain to me. However… I’m sorry. I promised a few friends to build a
team with them. Maybe we are doomed not to become teammates. Then I will see you later
on the field.”
The youth’s dark eyes were clear without any traces of impurities.
Ling Xuefeng knew that he couldn’t shake this resolve, no matter what he said.
They were the same type of person. As long as they decided on a goal, they would go after it
very firmly. Even if they were badly beaten, they wouldn’t easily bend their spines.
“Then I wish you good luck with building your team.” Ling Xuefeng finally stretched out his
hand. He watched Li Cangyu and said slowly, “Since there is no way for us to become
teammates, I hope that one day you will be my strongest rival.”
“I look forward to that day.” Li Cangyu replied.
“See you at the stadium.”
At that time in Hangzhou, the hands of the two young men tightly held each other, the
simple movements expressing their pure admiration of each other.
They didn’t know how the Miracle Professional League would develop. Ling Xuefeng didn’t
expect that the Time team would suddenly break out in the first season and crush his
championship dream. Li Cangyu didn’t expect the FTD team to experience so many twists
and turns…
At that time, they were only friends who met in an online game, exchanged ideas, learned
from each other, slowly explored and made progress together.
They had the same dream and looked forward to a day where they would be holding the
gold trophy.
Many things happened afterwards. The FTD team disbanded, transferred, reorganized and
disbanded again. Li Cangyu suffered so many setbacks but had become a world-class
master and his thoughts weren’t as simple as the original youth.
Li Cangyu was accustomed to racking his brains for a chance to win and gradually became a
captain that was thoughtful and proficient at strategies.
But for him, the name Ling Xuefeng was still the softest existence in his heart.
He always remembered what Ling Xuefeng told him in his youth.
—Don’t listen to what other people say. If you have an idea, try it out boldly.
—Since there is no way for us to become teammates, I hope that one day you will be my
strongest rival.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t expect his words to become a prophecy. Later, Li Cangyu used his own
ideas to play the elf summoner to perfection. Then Li Cangyu became a deadly enemy of
Ling Xuefeng on the field.
Their fate might be to not fight side by side, but they were the strongest opponents in each
other’s hearts and the most appreciated confidant.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were silent as they recalled the past.
A long time passed before Ling Xuefeng finally typed: [Are you playing your elf summoner
again to return to Miracle?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Of course, I haven’t won the championship so I am somewhat
This person was still as confident as before.
Ling Xuefeng saw this sentence on the computer screen and his lips couldn’t help curving
up, like they were smiling. A rare gentleness appeared in his eyes.
He used the hands that abused countless people on the field to quickly type: [Fighting. I’ll
wait for you to come home.]
After three years, Li Cangyu was finally coming back.
His time in Wulin could only be considered a short journey. The Miracle League was his
real home.
In the past few years, the Wind Colour team was invincible in the Miracle Professional
League and Ling Xuefeng had no rivals in the arena.
Many players from the same period retired and the younger generation of players were full
of respect for him. It could be said that Ling Xuefeng was already successful but there was a
gap in his heart that had never been filled. It was the spot that he left to Li Cangyu.
The 17 year old Li Cangyu and 18 year old Ling Xuefeng met in the online game. This was a
simple time filled with the purest friendship. They might’ve failed to become teammates
because of their respective ideals and embarked on a position of mutual hostility, but Ling
Xuefeng’s appreciation of Li Cangyu never changed.
This person would be suffering and distressed after his team disbanded.
However, Ling Xuefeng was glad for the confidence that allowed him to return.
—Li Cangyu, I believe that you will prove your strength to everyone.
—I am in Miracle and waiting for you to come home.

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GLS: Chapter 31
Chapter 31 – Real Identity

The Wind Colour onlookers felt like this was an unreal dream.
Captain Ling was actually smiling.
Captain Ling smiling? No one would believe it!
Ling Xuefeng always looked cold and he felt very strong and decisive. The players barely
saw him smiling. Even if Wind Colour won the championship, he would face the reporters
with a serious expression. Not only did he now have a smile on his lips, his eyes were also
showing a gentle emotion.
Everyone, “…”
They must be dreaming.
The guild managers and team members looked stunned.
The young apprentice Qin Mo was the most dazed. He had expected his master to abuse
this Braised Fish to get revenge. Shouldn’t the normal script be like this? The apprentice
was bullied and the master came forward to get revenge and make Love to Eat Braised Fish
beg for mercy?
The result was his master chatting with Braised Fish and acting very familiar with him. He
completely threw away the script.
Qin Mo was very puzzled but didn’t dare say anything in front of his master. He could only
watch silently.
Yan Ruiwen, who knew the inside story, recovered first and asked with a shocked
expression, “Captain Ling, this person… is he Li Cangyu?”
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was calm. “Yes.”
The elf summoner who exchanged three pets in 10 seconds and tied with Captain Ling
without experiencing any loss, it really was Li Cangyu!
Yan Ruiwen was stunned. “He really is returning to Miracle! By the way, what is he doing in
the new district?”
“He should be making a new team and finding teammates.” Ling Xuefeng explained.
“…No wonder.” Yan Ruiwen suddenly realized.
Yan Ruiwen had been Ling Xuefeng’s partner for many years and was very clear about Li
Cangyu’s position in the captain’s heart. No wonder why his facial expression softened. It
turned out this Love to Eat Braised Fish was the Li Cangyu he missed for three years…
Ling Xuefeng swiveled his chair around and ordered, “President, in the future when you
meet Love to Eat Braised Fish, you shouldn’t provoke him. If he comes to kill you, avoid it.”
Popular Land Under Heaven, “…”
Telling him to avoid a person, this wasn’t in line with Wind Colour’s style?
Yan Ruiwen smiled, “You would be considered lucky if you could run away. This person is a
great god.”
Popular Land Under Heaven wondered, “A great god? He is at the professional level?”
Yan Ruiwen replied, “He is similar to Captain Ling’s level.”
Popular Land Under Heaven, “…”
Oh my god! How big of a god was this? It was similar to Captain Ling’s level? No wonder
why all six of them were destroyed.
Qin Mo heard this and raised his head with a puzzled expression. “Vice-Captain, you said
that his level is similar to my master?”
“Yes.” Yan Ruiwen glanced at Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “He is Captain Ling’s strongest
opponent. The captain of the FTD team, Old Cat.”
Everyone, “…”
Perhaps the members of other teams had long forgotten the name of Cat God but the people
of Wind Colour could never forget.
At that time, there was a question of whether Cat God or Captain Ling was the best
summoner. There were dozens of posts on the summoners section of the forum. In
addition, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng often missed each other in the single-elimination
battle. Therefore, this problem became the unsolved mystery of the Miracle League and
was often discussed by fans.
Later, Li Cangyu transferred games and his popularity in Miracle fell. Ling Xuefeng became
the strongest summoner in the minds of many fans.
However, Wind Colour knew that the person their captain most acknowledged was actually
Cat God.
They actually naively tried to kill Cat God!
Popular Land Under Heaven found out the truth and wiped the sweat on his forehead.
Killing them two times was Cat God’s mercy. If he really cared about killing them, wouldn’t
Wind Colour experience pandemonium?
Ling Xuefeng calmly looked at everyone and ordered, “This matter must be kept secret.
Don’t let the other guild or team members know, so as to not affect his development in the
The crowd immediately nodded. “We understand, Captain!”
Ling Xuefeng looked at his shocked apprentice. “Did you record your duel?”
“It is recorded!” Footage from Miracle could be saved on the account and watched online.
At the captain’s question, Popular Land Under Heaven took the initiative to open the video
called ‘Qin Mo against Braised Fish.’
Ling Xuefeng carefully watched the video before turning back to Qin Mo. “He saw that you
are my apprentice and gave you 30% of his blood.”
Qin Mo, “…”
It turned out that the opponent was still taking it easy? The truth was really a big blow…
Ling Xuefeng patted his apprentice’s shoulder and said, “In the third season of the Miracle
League, very few people could win against him. Then he led his team to Wulin and learned
many new tactics. His current strength will be stronger than that year. It is normal for you
to lose to him so don’t lose confidence.”
Qin Mo finally felt better after being comforted.
Love to Eat Braised Fish was actually an incredibly powerful professional god? In addition,
he was on the same level as Master? A newly debuted person being abused by him… it
didn’t seem that shameful?
Qin Mo’s mood finally moved from overcast to clear as he looked at Ling Xuefeng. “Master,
Cat God is leveling in the new district. Does he mean to make a team and return to the
Miracle League?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
Yan Ruiwen suddenly had a question. “This is the third time he is forming a team. This team
should be better than the previous two, right?”
“It is natural.” Ling Xuefeng had no doubts. “Canglan is disbanded so he has no more
pressure to take care of his good brothers. He can set up a new team according to his own
ideas. With his tactical skills, the team he sets up definitely won’t be weak.”
Yan Ruiwen thoughtfully touched his chin. “It seems that the eight teams in the first
division will have a big shake-up next year.”
Ling Xuefeng was also looking forward to this.
He couldn’t help feeling excited when he thought of that man returning to the stadium.
It would be good to see him again on the field!
In the game, Bai Xuan also quickly recognized the operator behind Popular Land Under
Heaven and couldn’t help asking, “Is this demon summoner Ling Xuefeng?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, it is inevitable that he would be alerted.
Li Cangyu had just wanted to teach a lesson to the arrogant young boy when he first killed
Qin Mo. He didn’t understand Qin Mo’s personality and hadn’t expected the youth to suffer
a severe blow. Qin Mo was broken and distracted on the arena field, causing Wind Colour to
Li Cangyu had a bad feeling when watching the game yesterday. Qin Mo played so
abnormally that Ling Xuefeng would definitely figure out the reason. Li Cangyu just hadn’t
expected Ling Xuefeng to really be waiting for him in front of the computer today.
However, Li Cangyu felt very glad to meet this old friend.
Most of the players who debuted in the first season of the Miracle Professional League had
retired. When he met Ling Xuefeng in his youth, they were both summoners and there was
a common language between them.
In particular, Ling Xuefeng’s ‘I’ll wait for you to come home’ really made Li Cangyu’s heart
feel warm.
Li Cangyu had been gone for so many years. Despite never winning a trophy, there were
still people in Miracle who remembered him. Someone was waiting for him to come back.
He didn’t need a lot of people, just one was enough.
[Oh right, is your apprentice okay?] Li Cangyu thought of the pale-faced Qin Mo at the
stadium and couldn’t help worrying. The 16 year old Qin Mo seemed to be a seed that Ling
Xuefeng was raising. Had his defeat caused a psychological shadow?
[He’s fine.] Ling Xuefeng replied. [He is still young and you should teach him.]
“…” The bullied Qin Mo couldn’t say anything. He could only silently stand behind his
master and hang his head.
Ling Xuefeng turned back. “Xiao Qin, you sit in Vice-Captain Yan’s position and use the vice
president’s blood kin summoner account to fight with Cat God again.”
Then he typed to Li Cangyu: [This child has god potential but his mentality isn’t stable
enough. Can you teach him again?]
Li Cangyu didn’t accept: [You want me to teach your apprentice? I think you are really too
much. If my teachings turn him into a great god, what would happen if I meet him on the
field later?]
Ling Xuefeng: [There is a tuition fee.]
Li Cangyu asked curiously: [What is the tuition fee?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Don’t you like to eat fish the most? I’ll make fish with pickled vegetables for
you when you return home.]
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before he turned back and asked Bai Xuan, “Can you
make fish with pickled vegetables?”
Bai Xuan replied, “No, I can only make braised fish and steamed fish.”
Li Cangyu immediately turned back to the game. [Deal.]
Bai Xuan couldn’t bear it and yelled, “Will you lose all principles for fish?”
“I can eat fish but I can’t eat principles,” Li Cangyu replied earnestly.
Bai Xuan, “…”
Well, he had a point.
On the Wind Colour side, everyone made complicated expressions when they saw their
captain using fish to bargain with Cat God.
They felt that their captain wasn’t right after meeting Cat God!
In addition, the captain could cook? They couldn’t imagine him wearing an apron and
making pickled fish with his cold face!
Qin Mo also had a complicated expression. Master sent him to be abused by Cat God and
also used fish as the tuition fee, wasn’t this deal really cost-effective?
In any case, he never dared defy Master’s words and went to operate Same Boat Under
Wind and Rain’s account.
Ling Xuefeng commanded, “Calm down and learn carefully.”
“Yes.” Qin Mo took a deep breath and saw Love to Eat Braised Fish send him an invitation
to join the team.
Ling Xuefeng saw this and asked privately: [What are you doing?]
Li Cangyu: [There are many guilds around and the PK is too obvious here. So we will enter
the instance.]
[It makes sense.] Cat was careful as always. Ling Xuefeng thought this and sent a request to
join the team.
Li Cangyu opened the Frost Temple instance and the six people entered the instance. This
way, no one outside could see what happened inside the instance.
[Player Love to Eat Braised Fish, elf race, summoner class, level 40, is requesting to learn
from you.]
The prompt appeared on the screen and Qin Mo accepted.
His master was sitting next to him with Vice-Captain Yan, Guo Xuan, Xu Feifan and the guild
management watching the battle. Qin Mo was a bit nervous and didn’t know what pet to
Li Cangyu calmly summoned a water spirit and used Water Ball to control Qin Mo.
Ling Xuefeng whispered guidance from the side. “The damage of Water Ball isn’t high and it
will freeze you for three seconds. You can wait three seconds and then hide to avoid his
follow-up big move.”
“Yes!” Qin Mo nodded seriously.
Li Cangyu knew that this boy’s confidence hadn’t yet recovered and that his movements
had to be slowed down.
Once the three seconds freezing effect was over, he slowly summoned the fire spirit.
Qin Mo immediately tapped the keyboard and used the general racial skill of the blood kin
race, ‘Nightfall’ to enter stealth mode, smoothly escaping from Fireball.
“I hid!” Qin Mo shouted excitedly.
His face turned red after shouting. He had been so excited after hiding from the small
fireball but it wasn’t over.
What should he do next?
Qin Mo thought about it and decided to summon his blood spider. He intended to seize this
opportunity to control the opponent.
Once the blood kin became invisible, the summoned pet was also invisible. Qin Mo sneaked
behind the elf sure and placed the blood spider—success!
Ling Xuefeng praised him, “Very good. Continue to fight.”
Qin Mo suffered a severe blow this time and his confidence almost collapsed. He needed to
slowly recover his strength. Ling Xuefeng felt very grateful that Li Cangyu was willing to
cooperate to help his young apprentice.
In front of Li Cangyu’s restrained gameplay, Qin Mo lasted two minutes before losing.
He couldn’t lose too directly to Qin Mo since no one would believe it. Therefore, Li Cangyu
grasped the scale well. He lost a lot of blood before defeating Qin Mo, so that it looked like
Qin Mo had some hope of winning.
After playing this game, Qin Mo’s face finally cleared and he seriously looked back at Xu
Feifan. “Brother Xu, I still don’t have a firm grasp on the blood kin’s pet cooldown times and
switching to the stealth skill. Can you teach me a bit?”
Xu Feifan certainly knew that Cat God deliberately gave face to Captain Ling’s little prince
but he didn’t dare burst the bubble. He smiled and asked, “Do you want to have a match? I’ll
teach you slowly as we play.”
Qin Mo stood up excitedly, “Okay!”
The two people went to different computers to fight in the arena. Ling Xuefeng saw that his
apprentice had left and typed in the private chat: [Thank you.]
Li Cangyu said: [There is no need for thanks. The pickled fish is on the account.]
Ling Xuefeng said: [No problem. I will give you the biggest one.]
Wind Colour: “…”
What was this strange feeling of Captain Ling coaxing his cat with pickled fish? Was it an
Ling Xuefeng ignored everyone’s curious eyes and typed: [I heard that you are currently
abroad? It is at your sister’s house?]
[Yes, my sister is on duty at the hospital so I am staying at her house.]
[When are you coming back?]
[I will probably stay until the end of the year.]
[This October, the first Miracle World Carnival will be held. China will be sending six
representatives to New York in the United States to participate in the carnival. I will come
to see you then.]
[There are only six spots. Will you be selected?]
[Of course.]
[Are you that confident?]
He was still like this after so many years!
Li Cangyu replied helplessly: [Then once you go to New York, I will invite you to my sister’s
house and you will make pickled fish for me.]
He was still obsessed with eating fish after so many years. He truly was a cat.
Ling Xuefeng smiled and typed: [Good.]
The Wind Colour group simply wanted to stop looking.
‘Captain, how did you become so good at talking? What did you promise to Cat God? You
would go to the United States to make fish with pickled vegetables… Are you going to take
the pickled vegetables on the plane?’
The onlookers saw the two people chatting and felt like they were light bulbs peeping at
the screen. Should they keep watching? Should they stop watching?
Popular Land Under Heaven was scratching his head with embarrassment when he found
that Vice-Captain Yan had wisely gone over to watch Qin Mo and Xu Feifan’s duel. He
immediately realized what he should do and took the people around him to watch the
Now that the Wind Colour onlookers were gone, Ling Xuefeng could continue chatting
peacefully with Li Cangyu.
It had been too long since they had seen each other and there were many things he wanted
to say, but he didn’t know how to speak.
Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before asking: [Is your team going smoothly?]
Li Cangyu replied: [It is okay.]
In fact, Li Cangyu was very happy with the current progress. It had been four days since
entering the new district and he already had Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Gu Siming, three
very strong teammates. This time he had the Dragon Song Club behind him and Liu Chuan’s
appreciation and help. The progress was unexpectedly smooth.
Li Cangyu had a hunch that he would keep gaining powerful teammates in the new district.
He had lost for so many years and it was finally time for him to reverse the situation!

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GLS: Chapter 32
Chapter 32 – An Instance Together

Ling Xuefeng talked privately with Li Cangyu for a long time, causing the progress of
clearing the instance to naturally slow down. Xiao Gu was restless and couldn’t help urging
in the voice channel, “Captain, what’s going on? Aren’t we clearing instances today?”
Bai Xuan smiled and explained, “Cat God is chatting with Captain Ling.”
“Ahhh? Is it Wind Colour’s Captain Ling?” Gu Siming was shocked.
“What other captain is there? It is Ling Xuefeng.” Bai Xuan patiently explained.
There was suddenly a loud bang from the voice channel, startling Bai Xuan. He couldn’t
help asking, “Xiao Gu, what are you doing?”
“I fell down…” Gu Siming spoke excitedly, “The demon summoner is Captain Ling?”
“Yes, Qin Mo called him.” Li Cangyu had been talking with Ling Xuefeng when he heard the
voices from the voice channel. He finally remembered that several teammates were waiting
for him. He explained in the voice channel, “I haven’t seen him for a long time so I was
talking to him. I will say a few more words before continuing the instance.”
Then he typed in the team channel: [We will continue to clear Frost Temple. Xuefeng, will
you go back first?]
In the whole league, the only one who dared call Ling Xuefeng ‘Xuefeng’ was Li Cangyu.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t mind this. On the contrary, Li Cangyu calling him this made it feel like
things were more intimate between them.
The guild management were still watching Qin Mo and Xu Feifan’s duel. Ling Xuefeng exited
the account of the vice president next to him and used the demon summoner account to
type on the team channel: [I am idle so I will accompany you to clear the instance.]
Li Cangyu asked: [Do you remember how to clear this instance?]
[I remember.]
In any case, there was no loss in clearing several instances with Ling Xuefeng. Li Cangyu no
longer asked anything and continued to walk deeper into the instance.
This Frost Temple instance, it was very difficult six years ago when Miracle first opened.
Many newcomers were repeatedly destroyed and Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s first
encounter was here. However, it had been many years. Miracle was updated many times
and the difficulty of the low level instances were reduced overall. It wasn’t as difficult as it
was in the past.
In addition, there were four people in the team who were professional level gods. There
was also a young boy who was a professionally trained player. Playing this instance was
simply, everyone sweeping through it.
Ling Xuefeng followed and carefully observed the other people in the team.
These teammates were too powerful and the loss of blood wasn’t serious. Therefore, the
angel priest Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork would often hide and act lazily but he never
forgot to use a skill at the critical moment. This technique of filling blood was very skilled
and combined with the ID, Ling Xuefeng speculated that this person should be Li Cangyu’s
good friend Bai Xuan.
As for the beast paladin ‘As the Name Suggests’, he was very excited and madly rushed
forward several times. He also died but his level of movements was good. He was flexible,
had quick reactions and was a good candidate.
The terran swordsman ‘Blossoming Tree’ was relatively calm, moving forward silently with
the team. He obviously didn’t use his full strength to clear the mobs, meaning Ling Xuefeng
couldn’t see his strength.
It took less than 20 minutes to clear the instance, making Li Cangyu very satisfied. Ling
Xuefeng was bored enough to help them clear the instance but this sped up their leveling
speed by several times.
After the instance, Ling Xuefeng asked privately: [These three people are your teammates?]
Li Cangyu’s personality was straightforward and he didn’t try to hide it. He said directly,
[They are the players in my new team.]
[The healer is Bai Xuan right? Who is this swordsman?]
[Someone I met in the new district.]
This wasn’t wrong. He really did meet Xie Shurong in the new area.
A’Shu deliberately concealed his level because he didn’t want Captain Ling to recognize
him. Thus, Li Cangyu spoke casually before changing the topic. [My team’s Xiao Gu is your
loyal fan.]
[Is that right?] Ling Xuefeng asked: [Then why is he playing a paladin? Isn’t a paladin far
from a summoner?]
Li Cangyu laughed. [Xiao Gu’s thinking requires a bit of a leap.]
Ling Xuefeng commented: [He can be seen as belonging to the radical athletes group.]
There were many players in the league so there would naturally be ‘radical’. Once on the
court, it was like chicken blood was injected and they would kill passionately in all
directions. (TL: Injecting chicken blood was a fad in China where drawing chicken blood
and then injecting it was said to make a person aggressive and as powerful as an ox.)
Having the boiling blood of a wild tiger wasn’t good for the paladin who was supposed to
act as a shield for his teammates but Li Cangyu wasn’t in a hurry. Xiao Gu wasn’t fully
formed yet. He was like a jade that hadn’t been carved, he just needed to be polished
At this time, Gu Siming excitedly expressed his appreciation of Captain Ling on the voice
channel. “It is Captain Ling! Once he joined us, we cleared the instance so much faster! The
skeleton infantry that he just summoned is super cute.”
Everyone, “…”
How did he relate a ‘skeleton’ to ‘cute’?
Bai Xuan couldn’t bear it. “Xiao Gu, if you later encounter Captain Ling in a match, will you
run over to get Captain Ling’s signature?”
Gu Siming didn’t hesitate to reply, “No! I will kill Captain Ling first before getting the
Li Cangyu was very satisfied. “This is the ambition of a fan.”
Bai Xuan also laughed. “Well, I will continue to support your worship of Ling Xuefeng.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Was this a black fan that would come to kill you?
Li Cangyu chatted with Xiao Gu on the voice channel, typed with Ling Xuefeng on the
private chat window while still abusing the boss in the dungeon. Bai Xuan really admired
him. This man could do three different things so easily, his brain and hand speed were
really bug-like existences. (TL: Bug as in computer bug)
Ling Xuefeng typed: [In the fifth season, Miracle changed to a first and second division
league. Do you know?]
[I know. I’ll find a way so don’t worry.] Li Cangyu spoke confidently.
Ling Xuefeng asked: [Have you found a club or are you still looking?]
[I just signed with Dragon Song.] Li Cangyu was always very honest in front of Ling
Xuefeng. He also believed that Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t reveal these matters.
[Dragon Song? Not bad.] Ling Xuefeng was very reassured by this. He had been paying
attention to the league situation on the Wulin side for the past few years. He knew that Cat
God creating a Miracle team in the Dragon Song club was the best choice.
Li Cangyu paused before saying: [By the way, I looked at the standings yesterday. I
remember that the two teams, Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing weren’t performing well
when I left. It is incredible that they are still in the first division. Was there a substitution?]
[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng patiently explained: [The two teams got a lot of new blood last year and
are now filled with strong people. You should know the captain and vice-captain of Ghost
Spirits. They are the Lou Zhang combination who debuted in the third season. The captain
of Pure Cleansing is Zhu Qingyu, who cried after being beaten by you in the arena.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
The people mentioned by Ling Xuefeng were 17 or 18 year old junior players.
The youngsters who had been beaten by him were now pillars of major teams. It was a very
sudden change for the past few years.
Fortunately, Ling Xuefeng still remained in the Miracle League.
The two people met at a simpler time and played together from the first season. They might
not be teammates but they were the strongest opponents. In this familiar place, there were
still many things that hadn’t changed.

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GLS: Chapter 33
Chapter 33 – Guild Formation

The five people teamed up to clear the instance together and their speed was very fast. At
10 o’clock, everyone collectively rose to level 45, reaching the top of the server rankings.
Five levels in two hours, this caused the presidents to stare at the rankings with stunned
Love to Eat Braised Fish’s leveling speed was too fast. The strange thing was that Popular
Land Under Heaven’s level was far above the other guild managers. Why weren’t they
teaming up together? Why was Popular Land Under Heaven suddenly so far ahead?
Many people went to Wind Colour to inquire but they couldn’t find any news this time.
Captain Ling had personally ordered them to secrecy so the management members of the
Wind Colour Guild didn’t dare to reveal the truth. In fact, Captain Ling was controlling their
president’s account and was working with Cat God’s team to crush the Frost Temple
instance. It was normal for the two of them together to level up like a rocket.
The secret that people would never guess made the Wind Colour members feel dark.
The first one to become alert was Luo Xiaoluo of the Time Guild. He saw that Love to Eat
Braised Fish quickly rose to the top of the rankings and immediately reacted to the other
party clearing the instance at least three times faster than the elite teams of their guild.
Luo Xiaoluo excitedly reported to the president. “Boss, this Love to Eat Braised Fish is a
rare master!”
Time Machine replied helplessly, “I know he is a master. However, he is too proud to enter
our guild.”
Luo Xiaoluo had a thought. “If he doesn’t want to join a guild, we can help him build his
guild and form an alliance before anyone else!”
Time Machine hit his thigh. “It makes sense! You have great foresight!”
The guilds in Miracle could voluntarily open up a hostile relationship or an allied
relationship. Needless to say, hostile guilds encountering each other would have their
names automatically turned red and they would fight to the end. Each guild only had one
quota to form an alliance with a guild, making this position very precious. Once an alliance
was formed, the members of the allied guilds could join large-scale guild instances as
It was reasonable to say that a big guild like Time rarely allied with an unknown guild.
However, Time Machine had a strange intuition—there would be many benefits if he could
form an alliance with Love to Eat Braised Fish!
Time Machine thought this and immediately arranged a task for Luo Xiaoluo. “Xiao Luo, you
are the most talkative one in our guild. Go and encourage Love to Eat Braised Fish to form a
guild. A person needed 100,000 coins as the starting capital to make a guild. If he doesn’t
have the money, come forward and tell him to ally with Time. I believe in your eloquence so
As the promotional master of the Time Guild, Luo Xiaoluo was very confident about his
eloquence. He accepted the president’s task and immediately chatted privately with Love to
Eat Braised Fish. [Brother Fish, if you aren’t interested in joining Time, are you planning to
build your own guild?]
Love to Eat Braised Fish: [I have this idea.]
Luo Xiaoluo asked in a positive manner: [How are the preparations going?]
[The money isn’t enough. If I combine all the money of my teammates, it is only 70,000.]
Love to Eat Braised Fish spoke very honestly.
Luo Xiaoluo felt that if he directly gave Braised Fish 100,000 coins as the president said, it
would feel like buying the alliance with Time with money. This would clearly make a
master very uncomfortable. Therefore, Luo Xiaoluo changed the plan. [You are lacking
30,000? Why don’t you borrow it from me first? I intend to refine my equipment after I
reach full level and can’t use my money in the early stages. Once you are well-off, you can
pay me back.]
Li Cangyu replied: [Thank you.]
He had a good impression of the ‘Cheng Wei fan’ Luo Xiaoluo. This person was really
dedicated to promoting Time.
In fact, Li Cangyu could guess that Luo Xiaoluo had been sent by the Time Guild’s president
to get close to him. Still, this approach wasn’t repugnant and Li Cangyu was lacking money,
so he accepted it decisively.
Luo Xiaoluo was currently level 42 and playing the Frost Temple instance. He simply
headed to the door of the instance and directly traded it with Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu typed: [I will pay this money back.]
Luo Xiaoluo: [No hurry, no hurry! I will only use the money at full level so take your time.]
In fact, this was the president’s money…
Li Cangyu had been a free man without a guild so he received invitations from large and
small guilds every day. Once he established a guild, there won’t be as many people
bothering him. Besides, as long as the guild he established became famous, it would attract
experts to join and it was more convenient to recruit teammates.
Li Cangyu thought this and decisively went to the guild administration area of Yisu City. He
spoke on the voice channel while walking, “I have enough money so I will go to form a guild
first. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to receive invitations every day.”
Bai Xuan agreed with this. “Go ahead.”
Gu Siming actively asked, “What is the name of the guild? Will it be called Canglan?”
Bai Xuan said, “Isn’t calling it Canglan too big? People will know with a single glance who
we are?”
Li Cangyu replied, “Yes, it is better to take another name.”
Bai Xuan said, “Then you decide it randomly.”
The startup funds were handed over to the guild management NPC. Then a window popped
up asking him to type in the guild ID and upload a guild icon.
Li Cangyu thought about it and entered the guild name: Food Squad.
For the guild icon, he uploaded a bowl of colourful eight treasure rice.
[Congratulations, the Food Squad Guild has been established!]
Li Cangyu quickly invited his teammates and a window appeared before Bai Xuan, Xie
Shurong and Gu Siming.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has invited you to join the Food Squad Guild. Do you agree?]
Xie Shurong and Gu Siming didn’t think about it and pressed agree. Bai Xuan couldn’t help
saying, “You just wasted the name!”
Li Cangyu had a straight face. “This name is more in line with our temperament.”
Temperament? The temperament of a foodie?
Well, they did have the temperament of a foodie…
Bai Xuan reluctantly pressed agree and looked at the four IDs in the guild window. He was
laughing and crying but his heart was warm.
There were currently only four teammates but he believed that their team would soon
grow stronger.
Ling Xuefeng cleared an instance with them. He went to pour a cup of coffee and when he
came back, he saw ‘Food Squad President’ above Li Cangyu’s head while Bai Xuan had ‘Food
Squad Member’ above his head.
Ling Xuefeng automatically ignored the name of the guild and asked privately, [Did you
make a guild?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Yes, it is easy to do the guild upgrade missions and I can recruit
Ling Xuefeng thought about it and suddenly shouted to the side, “President, come over.”
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately came over from where he was watching Qin Mo
and Xu Feifan. “Captain Ling,what is it?”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “In the new district, is there a side account that isn’t in the Wind Colour
There definitely were side accounts. Every guild would have a number of spare accounts to
practice. The characters would usually be handed over to the training studios to raise the
level. They just followed the big forces to level and it didn’t matter how good or bad the
equipment were. Some of these accounts were used as undercovers for other guilds.
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately said, “There are a lot. Captain Ling, do you want
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng said, “Give me a black magician’s account, level 40 or above.”
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately looked through the notepad on his phone. He
looked at the accounts information and found a black magician, passing the account
number and password to Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng logged into this account on the next computer and found that the black
magician was called ‘Small Demon’ and the equipment was quite general.
He walked to a store in the main city and used money to buy a name card. Ling Xuefeng
changed the ID to Steamed Bass.
This name should be pleasing to Li Cangyu’s eyes right? Ling Xuefeng remembered how
much he liked to eat it.
Ling Xuefeng operated ‘Steamed Bass’ to the main city’s guild district, looking for the guild
administrator, search for the Food Squad and applied for membership.
Popular Land Under Heaven watched the captain do this from behind him and couldn’t help
Captain Ling’s hand speed was really amazing. He operated two computers, playing an
instance with Cat God while logging in, renaming and applying for the guild… no wonder
why people admired him!
Ling Xuefeng seemed to notice that this was strange and calmly explained, “It isn’t
convenient to use your account. I will change to a side account to learn about the situation
of Cat God’s team.”
Popular Land Under Heaven immediately replied, “Yes, Captain Ling’s words are right!”
The captain was outwardly so upright but in fact… wasn’t he just running to be an
undercover in Cat God’s guild?
Captain Ling of the Wind Colour team personally opened a side account to be an
undercover in Cat God’s guild. He was definitely the biggest undercover in the history of

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GLS: Chapter 34
Chapter 34 – White Magician

In Miracle, there would be a small announcement on the world channel every time a new
guild was created.
[The Food Squad Guild has been established! Welcome all players to join!
Once this message appeared on the world channel, a dozen applications popped up on the
guild window. Ling Xuefeng’s application was drowned out by the large number of people
and didn’t attract any special attention from Li Cangyu.
[Mapo Tofu has applied to join the guild.]
[Hot and Sour Potato has applied to join the guild.]
[I Love Pudding Milk has applied to join the guild.]
[Steamed Bass has applied to join the guild.]
Li Cangyu looked at the row of players on the list and suddenly felt hungry.
Bai Xuan opened the guild panel and saw the player IDs that applied for membership. He
said helplessly, “You will attract many foodies instead of experts with such a guild name.”
Li Cangyu replied seriously, “There must be masters among the foodies.”
“…” He had a reason! Bai Xuan ignored it and asked, “Are you going to accept these
“Accept all of them.” Li Cangyu explained, “The guild instance will open at level 50 and we
can level faster.”
In the Wind Colour training room, a prompt appeared on the computer screen.
“Congratulations, President Love to Eat Braised Fish has accepted your membership
At the same time, a message from President Love to Eat Braised Fish appeared in the guild
channel: [I want to welcome everyone who joined the guild. We will level up on our own,
then I will take the guild to challenge the level 50 instance.]
There were cheers in the guild channel.
The various IDs such as Mapo Tofu, Hot and Sour Potato and Pudding easily stimulated a
person’s appetite.
Ling Xuefeng’s side account didn’t speak on the guild channel. Since he entered the guild as
an undercover, he decided to act in a low-key manner. He calmly minimized the Steamed
Bass computer and paid attention to the Popular Land Under Heaven side.
In the blink of an eye, several people had already reached level 45. After level 45, playing
the Frost Temple instance didn’t give any experience. They could replace it with the Demon
Forest instance or do the main storyline.
Li Cangyu found it troublesome to do missions so he went with his teammates to Demon
They were at the forefront of the rankings so no one could be seen at the instance’s
As soon as everyone entered the instance, a female demon’s gloomy voice was heard, “It is
really good. Today there are fresh food delivered to the door!”
She laughed in a strange manner and a large group of black crows flew out, covering the
sky and blocking the moonlight. The effect was really shocking.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help saying, “The black crows that the boss summons is more annoying
than Ling Xuefeng.”
Ling Xuefeng was in the team but he wasn’t in the voice room. Therefore, he couldn’t hear
Li Cangyu talking.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling. He really wanted to drag Ling Xuefeng to the voice channel
and make him listen to how Cat God scolded him!
Gu Siming excitedly said, “Captain, we encountered Witch Lilian. Lilian is originally an elder
of the Demon World. After rebelling, she hid in the magic environment of the Demon
Forest. This is the Demon Forest dungeon’s hidden mission!”
The probability of meeting a hidden story in an instance was one in one thousand. People
couldn’t ask to meet it.
Fortunately, Li Cangyu had encountered this Lilian the previous time he played the online
game. He remembered that this witch was summoner. However, it had been too long that
he forgot how to fight her.
“Do you remember the method to fight her?” Li Cangyu turned back and asked Bai Xuan.
“It was six years ago so I forgot.” Bai Xuan paused before adding, “I remember that we
played her with Ling Xuefeng. The team managed to beat her after three hours. After
playing, he posted a strategy on the forum. Do you want to search for it?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu searched in the forum and sure a Witch Lilian strategy guide where the
publisher’s ID was only three letters: LXF.
This was the ID that the 18 year old Ling Xuefeng used in the online game.
Li Cangyu looked carefully. This strategy was really Ling Xuefeng’s style as it was simple
and concise. It only wrote the characteristics and effects of the boss, getting rid of any extra
novice. It would be incomprehensible to a novice who saw it. But as long as the person had
a good awareness, they could infer the correct strategy according to the characteristics of
the boss skills.
He was studying the guide carefully when he heard Gu Siming’s excited voice, “I also
searched for a Lilian guide. Eh? This ID? It is written by Captain Ling! It is written simply
and is less than 50 words…”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Captain Ling has always been concise. Xiao Gu, can you understand it?”
Gu Siming read it carefully and nodded. “I probably understand it. The main T’s
requirements are very high and the boss has random mobility skills…”
“Can you handle it?” Li Cangyu asked.
“I can!” The young boy was very confident.
Li Cangyu typed in the team channel: [Go to the forum and look for the Lilian strategy. After
that, we will fight.]
He was naturally talking to Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng replied: [Okay.]
This team was full of first-class professional players. Li Cangyu didn’t bother to give
commands as he believed the five people could easily beat the boss.
However, it turned out that people who were too confident were only beaten.
In the instance, Lilian was wearing tight purple robes and standing not far away. Her lips
were painted a glamorous red and she held a black staff. The huge black wings behind her
represented that she was from the demon race and her mana was very high.
Once Li Cangyu saw that everyone was in a good position, he typed: [Ready to go.]
The eager Gu Siming immediately picked up his shield once he heard the captain’s words
and rushed to press Lilian.
Everyone’s screen flashed red, representing the official start of the hidden boss battle!
“Today’s food is so fresh!” The strange voice was heard in their ears while at the same time,
Lilian used a 360 super-wide range move as a welcoming gift!
There was a bang and four professional gods and one training god fell to the ground, dead.
Love to Eat Braised Fish: […]
Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork: […]
Blossoming Tree: […]
As the Name Suggests: […]
Continuous ellipsis appeared on the screen.
Finally, Li Cangyu couldn’t bear it anymore and typed: [Ling Xuefeng, what type of strategy
did you write? Why didn’t you write about the opening move?]
Ling Xuefeng calmly explained: [There must be a full team to fight this boss. Since we are
missing one person, the boss probably became berserk.]
Li Cangyu: [Why didn’t you say this earlier?]
Ling Xuefeng: [I only just remembered.]
Li Cangyu: [Can’t you use your brain?]
Ling Xuefeng: [It is easy to use.]
Li Cangyu: […]
Bai Xuan saw the two of them arguing and looked straight ahead.
If this chat record was sent to the forum with an indication that it was a conversation
between Cat God and Captain Ling, it would definitely set off a big wave. In the past, the two
summoners had many fans and anti-fans fighting about who was stronger. It was estimated
that those who still remained would have an even stronger combat effectiveness.
After dying in the instance, they could come back with resurrection. Li Cangyu pressed the
resurrect button and returned to the entrance of the instance. He typed: [I will find another
The Demon Forest instance could be entered at level 45. At present, there weren’t many
people in the entire district who had reached level 45. The majority of them had IDs with
‘Flying Feathers’, showing that they were obviously masters of the Flying Feathers Guild.
The Flying Feathers Guild had many swordsmen. The swordsman was the first class to
learn a group attack skill and there would obviously be some advantages in the early
stages. This was why the level of the Flying Feathers Guild was slightly higher than other
The Flying Feathers people obviously had a fixed team and it was impossible for them to
come help with the boss. Li Cangyu quickly ignored those with Flying Feathers IDs and
targeted a few players without a guild. He sent them a private message: [I encountered a
hidden boss in the Demon Forest instance and am lacking an output. Do you want to play?]
Someone sent back: [Don’t tease. You definitely can’t beat a level 45 hidden boss so give
Another person replied: [I am already in an instance and can’t come out. Sorry.]
Only one person quickly replied: [Okay! I’ll be right there!]
The person’s ID was Awakened Magician.
Li Cangyu checked the information and saw that the player was a level 45 white magician.
The other person was quick and deft, applying to the team the moment he replied to the
private chat. Li Cangyu accepted and the person quickly made their way to the instance
map. On the way, they typed: [I finally got a team for the Demon Forest. It’s great!]
Li Cangyu looked back and saw a long-legged beauty dressed in snow-white magician robes
and holding a pale silver wand. A pair of white wings were behind her and long, curly
blonde hair fell to the waist. There was also a glittering goddess crown on her head.
Gu Siming sent a row of drooling emojis: [Sister! Angel Sister is very beautiful!]
Awakened Magician: [I am a pure man.] This was followed by a row of laughing
Gu Siming: […]
Laugh at your sister! A dead man!
The young boy almost scolded him.
Li Cangyu was very calm about this. After all, there were many males playing female
accounts on online games. As long as they weren’t scum who used the female identity to
swindle money, he could understand them wanting to play simply for the appearance.
[Witch Lillian, do you know how to fight her?] Li Cangyu asked on the team channel.
[I don’t know but I will listen to the commander.] Awakened Magician continued sending
laughing emojis. [Does Captain have a voice room?]
Li Cangyu immediately sent him the voice channel and password.
Ling Xuefeng saw this and also entered the voice room.
He had just entered when he heard a hearty voice saying, “Awakened, I will tell you about
this boss’ style. Lilian is a demon summoner who has four skills. The first is to summon
black crows to block our vision. We have to quickly get rid of the crows. The second is to
summon skeleton infantry to randomly imprison a person other than the healer. The
imprisoned person will lose a lot of blood in 10 seconds. This will test the healing speed of
the healer.”
“The third is to summon a banshee who will randomly name someone. The person named
will involuntarily rush to her and will be killed once they get close. At this time, the outputs
must quickly break the black halo around the named person and Charm will be lifted.”
“The fourth is to summon the demon god. There will be a 360 degree large-scale magic
group attack. Countless black holes will appear randomly on the group and she will be
flying all over the place. The main T must keep up with her and stay in her range, while the
others quickly avoid the black holes at their feet.”
Li Cangyu patiently explained before asking, “Do you understand?”
A single line appeared in the team channel. [I understand!]
Ling Xuefeng had been silently listening to Li Cangyu talk.
He heard Li Cangyu’s voice again after three years and it was still as clear and confident as
his memories.
This person was always so clear and orderly when commanding, with no extra nonsense.
Therefore, people were involuntarily convinced by him and thought it was right to listen to
Li Cangyu, he wasn’t a forceful leader but made people willing to follow him.
He seemed to have a unique charm. He was strong and courageous, decisive, loyal and
placed a high value of friendship. He carefully calculated the opponent’s moves and every
time he encountered fish, he was like a cat. He would abandon his principles and
unconditionally follow the cat…
He was a very strange person, making people always remember him.
Ling Xuefeng heard the voice that showed no signs of being defeated by his team’s
disbandment and finally let go of his worries.
[The third stage will be difficult to fight. The two ranged remotes will cooperate to handle
it.] Ling Xuefeng typed on the team channel.
Li Cangyu naturally knew what he meant and also typed on the team channel: [When it
comes to dealing with the banshee’s big move, you will be ‘1’ and I will be ‘2’.]
Six years ago, they killed Lilian together. It was the first time they encountered this hidden
boss and they fought and investigated strategies for a full three hours. Finally, the two of
them cooperated with each other to quickly rescue their teammates and barely beat the
Fighting together again today and using the same approach… perhaps this was a strange
Li Cangyu stopped thinking about it and quickly marked six positions on the field with his
mouse. Then he typed: [The main T is at the red point, the healer is at the white point, the
swordsman at the green point and the three remotes at the red point. Let’s go.]
It took him less than five seconds to do so many operations. Awakened Magician’s chin
almost fell to the keyboard!
What was this decisiveness? Captain, aren’t you too energetic?

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GLS: Chapter 35
Chapter 35 – Lilian (Beginning)
Witch Lilian was a summoning boss, constantly calling her younger siblings as a means of
attacking players. The younger siblings she would summon were the four pets of a demon
summoner: the crows, banshee, skeleton infantry and demon god.
Of course, the boss’ summoned pets were stronger than the player’s pets, with a higher
After the resurrection, everyone stood in the positions marked by Li Cangyu. Gu Siming
once again moved towards Lilian. Ling Xuefeng’s speculation was correct. Lilian didn’t use
the big move against the six people. She spoke a few lines before the boss battle officially
In the first stage, Lilian would summon crows to block the players’ vision. Every time her
blood volume dropped by 5%, a large number of crows would fill the sky, turning their eyes
black. This stage wasn’t difficult as long as everyone could quickly clean up the crows and
restore their vision. Xie Shurong’s swordsman played a big role. He used Light and Shadow
Rotation and the crows were almost gone instantly.
Everyone successfully lowered the boss’ blood to 80% and entered the second stage.
In the second stage, Lilian’s summoned pet was the skeleton infantry.
This is a demon’s melee pet. It looked like a skeleton model in the anatomy room but the
demon skeleton’s body was pure black and emitted an evil aura. It had the skill Death
Imprisonment that could seal a player in place, causing them to lose blood every second.
This was Ling Xuefeng’s most frequently used pet. He would control the opponent with the
skeleton infantry and then hit them with a set of combos to deal great damage..
Boss Lilian would summon one skeleton every 10 seconds to randomly control a person
other than the healer.
It wasn’t a big problem to be controlled at this stage. Those who were sealed could still use
skills to hit the boss. The key was that the person imprisoned would lose a serious amount
of health every second for 10 seconds. If the healer couldn’t keep up, it was easy for the
player to die.
Cat God was too powerful. Since entering the new district, Bai Xuan had been playing the
instances as a soy sauce, only lazily adding blood.
Today they encountered a difficult hidden boss battle and Bai Xuan finally concentrated.
The handsome man carefully stared at the computer, his fingers placed on the keyboard in
the best position. His middle and index fingers were slightly bent, prepared to press the W
and E keys which he set the most common healing skills he used.
Death Imprisonment!
The first skeleton infantry that the boss called imprisoned Gu Siming.
Bai Xuan immediately pressed the W key and used Healing Language on Xiao Gu. This was a
healing buff that didn’t need to be chanted and was released instantly. It restored 1% of
blood per second for 10 seconds and could stack up to five layers. Bai Xuan could quickly
burst out the healing state, so that a player could recover 5% of his blood per second and
recover to 50% after 10 seconds.
Gu Siming was a paladin and his defense was very high. After being imprisoned by the
infantry, his blood loss wasn’t very serious. Therefore, Bai Xuan only gave him one layer of
Healing Language and left him alone temporarily.
The boss soon summoned a skeleton infantry again and imprisoned the angel white
magician who just joined the team.
Bai Xuan didn’t hesitate to let out a burst of hand speed to quickly give five layers of
Healing Language. Then he used the skill ‘Treatment’ to raise his blood level. Demons dealt
bonus damage to angels so it was very dangerous for the white magician to be imprisoned.
However, the white magician’s blood volume hadn’t been completely filled up yet when Li
Cangyu was imprisoned, making things worse.
A general healer would be in a rush but who was Bai Xuan? He had a lot of experience with
difficulties in the competitive matches and was always calm. Bai Xuan didn’t panic when he
looked at Cat God’s blood. He gave Li Cangyu five layers of Healing Language and then
turned back to heal the bloody white magician.
Next, Ling Xuefeng was imprisoned. Bai Xuan gave him a Healing Language to ensure he
wouldn’t die and at this time, the white magician’s blood volume had returned to around
Unfortunately, the new team member seemed very unlucky today. It wasn’t too long after
he lost the effect that he was named by the boss again!
Once he saw Awakened Magician’s health fall to 10%, Bai Xuan no longer hesitated and
immediately used a big move.
Divine Blessing!
A white light fell from the sky. The priest’s level 40 group skill accurately covered all four
teammates who lost blood!
Gu Siming, Cat God and Captain Ling immediately regained full blood while Awakened was
rescued from the brink of death. Bai Xuan gave him the five layers healing buff and then
used a healing skill to return his blood to full.
Awakened thought he would die and hadn’t expected to be returned to full blood in an
instant. He couldn’t help sending a row of thumbs up in the team channel: [Milk Dad’s full
Bai Xuan returned a smiley expression.
Xie Shurong was lucky today and hadn’t been named by the boss. While attacking the boss,
he also paid attention to Bai Xuan’s blood supply.
During Lilian’s second stage, teammates would randomly lose blood and the pressure on
the healer was very large. Bai Xuan didn’t panic and was quite methodical. He ran and
added blood, only using group skills at the critical time. He added a single increase to the
white magician, continued to layer buffs on other teammates, used a small healing skill… he
filled up the blood of all his teammates but only had 20% blue left.
It could be seen that each of his skills weren’t wasted. The healing amounts didn’t overflow
and he also managed his blue.
Xie Shurong saw this scene and couldn’t help feeling admiration. This type of blood filing
technique was definitely the most reassuring thing for teammates on the field. Bai Xuan
had stayed by Li Cangyu’s side for many years. He might not be as radiant as Cat God but
his calm healing was enough to bring great trouble to his opponent.
Vice-Captain Bai was very careful and calculated every single time he added blood. He was
reluctant to waste one skill and his consumption of blue was very low. A healer might not
be as eye-catching as outputs but having a good treatment was equivalent to half a life.
Xie Shurong suddenly felt that it was really wise to join this team. At first, he wondered if
Cat God’s words were reliable. However, in the past few days, he developed a complete
trust in Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan and was full of confidence of beating the league with them
in the future!
Li Cangyu had always been confident in Bai Xuan’s blood adding technique. Once the boss
battle started, he didn’t look at his blood and just focused on dealing the maximum output
to the boss.
The result of Cat God’s outbreak was that the damage data on the output list immediately
soared to an alarming level!
Ling Xuefeng saw him focus on the boss and also followed his hand speed. Thus, the two
summoners competed with each other and the amount of damage soared. In less than half a
minute, the damage per second exceeded 10,000!
Awakened Magician looked at the output statistics list of Love to Eat Braised Fish and
Popular Land Under Heaven and couldn’t help feeling scared. What type of team had he
joined? Were these people using cheating software as a group?
Gu Siming saw the output list and cried out excitedly, “Captain, work hard! Don’t be
crushed by him!”
Bai Xuan, “…”
How could a young boy speak such words? The world of adults wasn’t this pure.
Ling Xuefeng’s hand seemed to have slipped when he heard this. Li Cangyu was very calm
and took advantage of Ling Xuefeng’s wandering attention to use a big move, instantly
overtaking Ling Xuefeng’s output. In the statistics panel, Ling Xuefeng was pushed below
Li Cangyu was very satisfied with this result.
Ling Xuefeng felt quite helpless. He must compete with Cat God in the instance. Was Cat
God already getting into the habit of fighting him?
Under Bai Xuan’s careful and stable healing, the second stage passed smoothly as Lilian’s
blood volume fell below 50%.
The third stage was the most troublesome part of killing Lilian because Lilian would
summon the most special pet of the demon race, the banshee.
This pet looked like a typical witch in a Western fantasy game. She wore a tight black dress,
had long curly hair to her waist and a S-shaped body that was simply at the level of a
The banshee had the single control skill ‘Charm’ in the early stages. Charm would designate
an opponent, forcing the opponent to lose control and be pulled towards her.
Later, there was a stronger skill called Lich’s Curse. This was a very terrible large-scale
group charm. It made the opponents lose a lot of blood while also losing control, equivalent
to a group pulling skill.
Whenever Ling Xuefeng put down Lich’s Curse in a match, the other side would be pulled
over as a group if they didn’t hide. This was also the reason why many teams in the Miracle
League were afraid of Ling Xuefeng. His summoned banshee was one of the most difficult to
deal with among all pets. Of course, there was also Li Cangyu’s wind spirit. However, there
was no player who played the elf summoner after Li Cangyu left Miracle and the wind spirit
didn’t appear in the Miracle stadiums again.
The banshee that Lilian summoned could only use Charm, which would force the
designated player to go over to her to be killed. She couldn’t use Lich’s Curse, otherwise
there was no need to fight. The players would basically be killed.
Lilian summoned a banshee that was twice as large as the player’s pet, with clothing that
was much more gorgeous. Once she appeared, Li Cangyu immediately typed on the team
channel: [Disperse!]
The melee swordsman Xie Shurong and Paladin Gu Siming no longer controlled the boss,
immediately moving away from the banshee.
Three seconds later, a player’s name appeared above the banshee’s head.
[Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork, come over and let me smell the scent of your body~]
The strange voice entered the ears and everyone got goosebumps.
The named Bai Xuan immediately lost control and walked towards the banshee. There was
also a black halo around his body, the symbol of Charm.
“Everyone else continue to attack the boss.” Li Cangyu quickly said on the voice channel.
“You solve this Charm.”
‘You’ naturally referred to Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng replied: [Yes.]
As soon as he typed this, he let out a burst of hand speed and self-exploded a skeleton
infantry near the black halo. Then he used a summoner’s general attack to quickly hit the
halo. In less than five seconds, it was successfully broken. Bai Xuan was rescued and he
moved away from the banshee.
The banshee started to name someone again. [Blossoming Tree…]
Xie Shurong, who had been very comfortable today, was finally named once. Li Cangyu
immediately shifted his target and attacked the black halo around A’Shu. Once again, it took
less than five seconds to break the halo and rescue A’Shu who was almost killed by the
Next, Li Cangyu was named and Ling Xuefeng quickly transferred targets to save Li Cangyu.
Gu Siming was named and Li Cangyu transferred targets to save Xiao Gu.
The ability of these two to instantly change targets was frightening.
Awakened Magician watched with a stunned expression before realizing he should attack
the boss.
The man on the other side of the computer attacked the boss while wondering, ‘What are
the origins of these two summoners? Isn’t this a bit exaggerated? Isn’t Popular Land Under
Heaven the president of Wind Colour? How can he be with the Food Squad?’

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GLS: Chapter 36
Chapter 36 – Lilian (End)
The banshee named someone once every 10 seconds. Thanks to the cooperation between
Li Cangyu and LIng Xuefeng, they broke the Charm skill before two people were affected.
The most difficult third stage was completely crushed!
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling some excitement. Captain Ling and Cat God, it wasn’t unusual
for them to cooperate in the online game but this was the first time since the two of them
entered the professional league.
They didn’t need to communicate with each other to know their thoughts. This strange
connection was still unchanged after a few years.
Bai Xuan was very happy for Li Cangyu. Many people in the Miracle League might’ve
forgotten about Cat God but at least Ling Xuefeng still remembered. The presence of this
enemy and friend was actually a very warm thing for Li Cangyu.
Wouldn’t Cat God be very happy to be able to fight alongside Ling Xuefeng, even if it was
just an instance?
He looked back and sure enough, this always serious man was currently very relaxed.
There was a slight smile on his lips, like hitting the boss was fun for him.
The third stage was successfully cleared. Suddenly, the witch’s sinister laughter filled their
ears, showing that the final stage of the boss battle was approaching!
The fourth stage was an extremely wide range group attack skill that tested the level of
everyone’s movement abilities.
Black holes would randomly appear on the ground and anyone who stepped on it would be
instantly killed. Therefore, everyone must attack the boss while dodging the black holes.
Bai Xuan also had to hide while adding blood. This stage was also a test of the main T since
Lilian would be moving while doing this big move. The main T must keep up with her and
pull her, not letting her attack anyone else.
A general team would certainly be a mess of confusion when it came to the fourth stage.
However, this team was full of professional gods and this level of movement was a piece of
cake for them.
Li Cangyu wasn’t worried about his other teammates but he wasn’t sure about the white
magician who had just joined the team.
To his surprise, the white magician could barely keep up with Lilian’s rhythm. His attack
data wasn’t as good as the other three outputs but he made no mistakes during the entire
It wasn’t easy to survive successfully in such a chaotic situation. Li Cangyu couldn’t help
feeling admiration.
How could an average person be ranked at the forefront of the district rankings? This
person didn’t have a guild yet and could be seen as a rare free master.
Wasn’t it better to pull him into the guild?
Li Cangyu had always been energetic and resolute. Once he thought about it, he
immediately sent an invitation to the other person.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has invited you to join the Food Squad Guild. Do you agree?]
This prompt appeared on the screen.
The Food Squad obviously wasn’t the guild of a large team. It should be a small family and
friends group without too many guild grievances. Besides, today they played the instance
together and Awakened Magician found that the standards of these people were super high.
He wouldn’t have to worry about finding a fixed team to level.
The man in front of the computer thought about it and pressed the button to accept.
Lilian only had 1% blood left and was on the verge of death. At this time, a prompt
appeared on the team channel: [Popular Land Under Heaven has withdrawn from the
The confused Gu Siming wondered, “Why did he leave the team?”
Lilian unleashed angry attacks but it had no effect on the team. Li Cangyu didn’t pay
attention to Ling Xuefeng’s withdrawal and kept throwing skills at the boss. Lilian finally
screamed and collapsed to the ground.
A shining announcement in gold characters immediately flashed on the district.
[Congratulations, the Food Squad Guild has killed Demon Forest’s hidden boss, Witch
All players were shocked?
The Food Squad? What was this messy name? They actually had the ability to kill the
hidden boss of a level 45 instance? Lilian was notorious for being difficult to beat in the
early stages. She was elected as part of the top 10 for most abnormal bosses for many
Li Cangyu saw this announcement and quickly realized. If the team that killed the hidden
boss were all from the same guild, the system would release a district wide announcement
in golden characters. It was equivalent to free advertising for the guild, which was why
many big guilds like to form teams to kill the hidden bosses.
Unfortunately, hidden bosses weren’t that easy to meet.
He was obviously lucky today. The white magician who joined the team accepted the guild
invitation at the last minute. Then Ling Xuefeng helped out and saw that all remaining five
members of the team were part of the Food Squad. He voluntarily withdrew in order to
give the Food Squad the free ultra-luxurious advertisement.
Li Cangyu hadn’t expected Ling Xuefeng to be so careful and couldn’t help sending him a
private message: [Thank you.]
Ling Xuefeng sent back: [There is no need for thanks.]
Li Cangyu naturally had to seize this rare opportunity and immediately wrote on the world
channel: [The Food Squad will be aiming for the level 50 guild challenge instance. Any
friends level 40 or above who want to join, please don’t hesitate to apply!]
Bai Xuan opened the guild panel and was suddenly scared. The full server golden
characters advertisement was really powerful. In the blink of an eye, the application list for
Food Squad was filled with hundreds of people!
Li Cangyu set up Bai Xuan as vice president and said, “Help me accept them.”
Bai Xuan asked, “All of them?”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate. “Everyone!”
Of course he knew that there would be newcomers, pure foodies, people who wanted to
look at the scenery and also undercovers from other guilds.
However, he wanted to make the guild bigger.
His Food Squad might not have the big names of Time, Wind Colour or Flying Feathers but
with him, this guild would certainly develop into a large-scale guild in this district and
attract masters.
The guild would become the most powerful reserve army to help him return to the Miracle
Li Cangyu smiled confidently when he thought of this and quickly accepted the application
of hundreds of players with the fastest hand speed.
[The Food Squad Guild is full and people are temporarily unable to apply for membership.
The president and all members, please work hard to improve the construction of the guild
and upgrade the size of the guild.]
The current guild was a level one guild which could accommodate up to 120 people. The
wide server advertisement filled up this number in an instant, so that they could only work
to raise the level of the guild. A level two guild could have 300 people, a level three guild
500 people, a level four guild 1,000 people and a level five guild had no limit.
Li Cangyu wasn’t anxious. This was just the beginning and he would slowly climb up.
As the president, it was necessary for him to speak in the guild channel. [Everyone,
welcome to the guild. Currently, the majority of people are around level 40. Let’s team up
and do instances to level up. At level 50, I will take you to the guild challenge instance!]
The guild channel became lively after the president spoke.
They teamed up to play instances and added friends, making a very active atmosphere.
Ling Xuefeng looked at this scene and his mood couldn’t help improving.
He retreating from the team at the last moment because he wanted to help LI Cangyu. He
liked to see this man’s radiant appearance that was full of confidence.
The appearance of the Food Squad would definitely have an impact on other guilds in the
new district. Wind Colour knew Braised Fish’s true identity and definitely wouldn’t clash
with Li Cangyu. As for other guilds… Ling Xuefeng couldn’t control them. If those people
were willing to hit Cat God, Cat God would teach them politely. Ling Xuefeng wanted to
watch the good show.
[Cat, I have to go now.] Ling Xuefeng sent a message to Li Cangyu.
Ling Xuefeng’s courage was so big to actually call ‘Cat God’ by the simple Cat.
It was just like Li Cangyu called him Xuefeng instead of Captain Ling.
These were their names for each other from a young age. When Li Cangyu’s ID was Old Cat,
Ling Xuefeng thought he was a 30 year old uncle. Once he knew that Li Cangyu was a 17
year old boy, Ling Xuefeng called him Cat instead of Old Cat.
These names seemed to create a special sense of intimacy. Therefore, Ling Xuefeng liked
calling him this when chatting privately.
Li Cangyu was long used to it and immediately replied: [Okay, go if you are busy.]
Ling Xuefeng exited the Popular Land Under Heaven account and then opened QQ to sent a
message to the president. In any case, Popular Land Under Heaven was the account of Wind
Colour’s guild president. There were many things to be dealt with in the guild and Ling
Xuefeng couldn’t keep logging into it.
The president saw the message from the office he had returned to and couldn’t help wiping
the sweat on his forehead. He logged into his account and saw that his character had
already reached level 46. Were Captain Ling and Cat God bulldozing through the instances?
At this moment, someone spoke in the guild’s management chat: [President! Love to Eat
Braised Fish has just built a new guild and it is already full. Our reaction time was slow and
we weren’t able to send an undercover in time. Do you want to prepare one and wait for
their next guild upgrade to enter?]
Popular Land Under Heaven smiled with embarrassment and typed: [No need. If you see
Love to Eat Braised Fish later, try to go around him.]
[Go around? Why? He isn’t a boss!] People who didn’t know the circumstances were talking
He wasn’t a boss?
Even their Captain Ling respected him yet this small newcomer dared to appear before
In addition, it was unnecessary for Wind Colour to send an undercover because…
In the Food Squad, Captain Ling was personally paying attention to Cat God’s movements?
How could their undercover standards compare to Captain Ling?
Once he exited Popular Land Under Heaven, Ling Xuefeng calmly changed to the next
computer and opened the Steamed Bass account.
The guild channel was still lively as they formed teams for instances. Most of the players
were level 40, which was the mainstream level for the Moonlight Forest district. The side
account that the president had given him was level 42.
Ling Xuefeng right clicked on a team playing an instance as he planned to raise the level of
his side account.
The biggest undercover in the history of Miracle, Ling Xuefeng quietly mixed in with the
members of Food Squad and entered the Frost Temple instance with his black magician

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GLS: Chapter 37
Chapter 37 – Guild Alliance (1)

Ling Xuefeng went offline and Li Cangyu continue to play the instance with the other voice.
Then a man’s hearty voice was suddenly heard from the voice channel. “Hey, what is your
origin? How are you all so powerful?”
The voice was from the north. He spoke in the standard Mandarin and had the typical bold
and unrestrained nature of people from that area.
Gu Siming wondered, “Uncle, you built a long-legged girl in the game. Why is your real voice
so rough?”
The man was surprised when he heard it. There was actually a little boy in the team with a
very soft voice.
“Kid, how old are you” The man asked.
Gu Siming immediately retorted, “I’m not a child!”
The man asked, “Are you an adult?”
“I’m an adult!”
Was 16 years old actually an adult? Gu Siming seriously thought about it.
The man continued to ask, “What are the origins of these great gods? Could it be the side
account of a professional player?”
Bai Xuan explained. “We are a few friends who know each other in reality and went to play
in the new district.”
The man laughed as soon as he heard this, “How can the level of friends be so high? Well, I
won’t ask since you want to keep it a secret. It isn’t bad to have such a sharp team. Can I
make a fixed instance team with you?”
Li Cangyu had been reading the chat information in the guild channel. He heard this and
spoke up, “Yes. However, I am currently abroad with the healer and the swordsman.
Whenever the three of us aren’t online, you can join a guild team with Xiao Gu.”
Gu Siming didn’t want to team up with this uncle who kept laughing at him. He couldn’t
help sending a private message to the captain: [I don’t want to play instances with him. I
will do missions to level.]
Li Cangyu replied: [Your online time is more consistent with the white magician. When we
aren’t present, you will team up with him to play the instance. By the way, PK with him and
show me the recorded video.]
Gu Siming was surprised for a moment before reacting to the captain’s meaning. [Captain,
do you think this person’s level is strong? You are going to pull him into the team?]
[The fact that he can reach the forefront of the district shows that he isn’t simple. During
the chaotic situation in the Lilian boss fight, he was very calm and made no mistakes. This
is rare so I want to understand his true level and history.]
Since it was the captain’s orders, Gu Siming immediately said: [I know. Captain, I will
record the whole time!]
Another instance was cleared. 12:30 arrived in New York while it was early morning
domestically. Li Cangyu said in the voice channel, “Awakened, Xiao Gu, do you want to go
offline to sleep?”
Awakened Magician immediately replied, “I’m going to sleep! I have to work tomorrow so
see you!”
He said this and quickly disappeared. Gu Siming also reluctantly turned off his computer.
Once he left, Bai Xuan asked, “Can this person be trained?”
Li Cangyu said, “Since he is an office worker, it might not be easy to persuade him if he isn’t
interested in playing the professional league. I will observe him first.”
“Okay.” Bai Xuan nodded.
“By the way Cat God.” Xie Shurong suddenly spoke. “Miracle’s World Carnival is set for this
October. Do you know about this matter?”
“Oh, Ling Xuefeng told me today that the host city is New York.” Li Cangyu had doubts.
“Why are you suddenly saying this?”
“New York is the home city of the ICE Club so all members of the team are going to watch.
The manager was looking for an organizer to buy tickets today. Do you want me to buy you
tickets as well? Do you want to see it?”
“Of course.” Li Cangyu nodded. “The carnival might be for entertainment but it will be good
to see the masters of each country.”
“This type of big scene can’t be missed.” Bai Xuan spoke with appreciation, “A’Shu, haven’t
you been very conscious lately? Are you always thinking about me and the captain?”
“Of course, you are my people!” Xie Shurong replied.
Bai Xuan didn’t take his words seriously and smiled. “The tickets are for the captain. Next
time you come over for dinner, you have to keeping bringing me a meal payment.
Otherwise, I will sprinkle a lot of salt on your favourite braised pork ribs.”
“…” Xie Shurong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
He thought about using the tickets as a meal payment but this was seen through by Vice-
Captain Bai. It seemed that he would have to run around the shops at noon and buy
anything angel priest related.
There were only three people left after Xiao Gu and Awakened Magician went offline. Thus,
Li Cangyu said, “We will go and do missions.”
Bai Xuan returned to the Divine World, Xie Shurong returned to the human cities and Li
Cangyu returned to Moonlight Forest.
He left Moonlight Forest after level 10 and never returned. However, he always felt relaxed
when returning to an elf location. There were many elves holding bows or traps. It was rare
for someone to be holding a summoning staff like Li Cangyu.
People once laughed at him when he chose the summoning staff but now they admired him.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish? It is the master who killed the level 45 Lilian!] A player with an
ID called Little Hunter spoke on the area channel.
[Hello president of the Food Squad!] He was followed by a little archer.
[President, do you have a place in the guild? We want to join but the system says that it’s
full!] A small elf said.
The three people took the initiative to send a friend’s application. Li Cangyu accepted and
replied: [The guild is temporarily full. I will add you will the level is upgraded.]
They didn’t expect the president to speak such good words. The three people immediately
sent a row of thank yous.
Li Cangyu walked a few steps and reached the NPC giving the main task. Yet he actually saw
a familiar ID: Luo Xiaoluo.
Luo Xiaoluo was obviously very excited to see him. He typed in the area channel: [Brother
Fish, what a coincidence!]
[Yes, let’s do the task together.] Li Cangyu said while sending a team invitation.
The Time Guild had a fixed instance team and Luo Xiaoluo was still playing the Frost
Temple instance. For him to suddenly appear in elf territory, it was estimated that the Time
Guild sent him here to wait for Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu didn’t expose him and headed off to the mission location together.
Luo Xiaoluo followed Love to Eat Braised Fish and finally suppressed his embarrassment
after a long time. The president had sent him to do this difficult task because of his
extremely thick skin. His face had been trained to be as thick as a wall.
However, he would do it for Vice-Captain Cheng’s special signature…
Luo Xiaoluo gritted his teeth and sent a smiley face on the team channel. [Brother Fish,
based on the title above your head, you have already made a guild?]
[Yes, it is the Food Squad.]
Luo Xiaoluo’s brains came up with a come. [The Food Squad, this guild name is very cute.
Li Cangyu was amused by this hollow laugh.
Luo Xiaoluo felt very bitter. It was hard for him to always be sent by the president on these
Compared to passersby fans, deathly loyal fans like Luo Xiaoluo were actually very rare. He
just like Cheng Wei and Li Cangyu didn’t hate this.
Luo Xiaoluo coming to Li Cangyu definitely had something to do with the guild alliance.
This week people would be able to reach level 50 and the guild challenge instance was very
hard. The difficult of the final boss didn’t lose to Lilian and more people meant it would
certainly be chaotic. The level of players in newly established guilds wasn’t equal and it was
good to have helpers.
[Our guild has only just been set up.] Li Cangyu thought before typing. [Go back and ask
your president. If he doesn’t mind, why don’t we ally?]
“…” Luo Xiaoluo almost fell off his chair.
He was thinking hard about how to open up this topic when the other person actually
brought it up. It was really a pie falling from the sky!
Luo Xiaoluo didn’t have to think as he replied: [Good! That’s great! Let’s ally!]
[Don’t you have to go back and ask your president?]
“…” The president was the one who sent him here! Luo Xiaoluo almost let this slip before
changing his words: [I will go ask.]
The good news was brought to the president. The president excitedly sent a row of thumbs
up. “You are awesome!”
Luo Xiaoluo smiled. “I want the vice-captain’s signed poster.”
Time Machine said, “No problem, I will mail you a full set of the Time team’s signed
Luo Xiaoluo almost jumped downstairs to run a lap.
He loved e-sports since he was a child but unfortunately couldn’t become an e-sports
player due to his lacking hand speed. After graduating from high school, he went to
university. He spend his time after school playing online games, watching the competitions
and supporting his favourite team and players.
Luo Xiaoluo laughed loudly as he thought of receiving the signatures of the entire Time

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GLS: Chapter 38
Chapter 38 – Guild Alliance (2)

The president of the Time Guild, Time Machine soon released a message on the guild
channel: [Everyone should’ve noticed that our Time Guild has formed an alliance with the
Food Squad. The people in the Food Squad will be our own so make sure to help each other
and level together. Don’t make trouble.]
Li Cangyu also posted a message in the guild channel: [We have formed an alliance with the
Time Guild.]
The guild channels on both sides suddenly exploded.
On the Time side:
[The Food Squad? Based on the name, isn’t it a casual group? Are there any cute girls? I’m
still single?]
[Why are we allied with this small guild?]
[Does the president want to take care of them?]
[An alliance is an alliance. It is nothing to take care of a small guild!]
Time Machine looked at these comments and could not help wiping the sweat of the
forehead. This alliance wasn’t necessarily taking care of the other. Perhaps Love to Eat
Braised Fish would be the one taking care of Time. Of course, he couldn’t clearly explain
this feeling. He just instinctively knew that Love to Eat Braised Fish was a sly character,
otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to repel the Wind Colour Guild three times.
On the Food Squad’s side:
[An alliance with Time? I’m in favour of it!]
[I am a Captain Tan fan here! Since we allied with the Time Guild, it should be easier to
clear the guild challenge instance.]
[Is the president familiar with Time? Why didn’t he choose Flying Feathers or Wind Colour?
The strength of these three are similar.]
[Cough, doesn’t Wind Colour have a hatred towards the president?]
[Don’t you know that we wiped out the Wind Colour’s elite team twice and Flying
Feathers’s elite team once?]
[So great!]
The guild channel was very enthusiastic.
The super-big undercover Ling Xuefeng saw this scene. He was puzzled at first but quickly
figured out Li Cangyu’s purpose.
Time Machine was the president of the Time Guild in the next district.
This person had been assisting in the guild since the last captain. He was a veteran and in
terms of time, he had more seniority than Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei. Time Machine was a
nice person. Unless they were fighting over the world boss, he had a peaceful method of
handling things and didn’t have too many enemies in the game.
On the opposite side, the vice presidents of the Flying Feathers Guild were young and liked
to fight. They often fought against other guilds in the online game.
The Wind Colour members actually knew Braised Fish’s true identity. But in the eyes of
outsiders, Love to Eat Braised Fish was already an enemy of Wind Colour and Li Cangyu
couldn’t choose to form an alliance with them.
Allying with Flying Feathers was too much trouble since they would have to fight every
Other guilds such as Pure Cleansing, Ghost Spirits, Red Fox, etc. couldn’t match the three
guilds in this area. The main elites of these guilds had fallen behind and it wasn’t conducive
to increasing Li Cangyu’s reputation.
His decision to ally with the Time Guild might seem quick but it was the most sensible
decision after a comprehensive evaluation.
Li Cangyu always acted safely and Ling Xuefeng wasn’t worried that he would be wronged.
However, the people in his hands would probably be forced to tears.
Ling Xuefeng looked at the discussion on the team channel and found that it was almost
time to quiet. Ling Xuefeng closed the account and went to sleep.
Since becoming captain of Wind Colour, he developed a good habit of sleeping on time. A
healthy body and good mental state was necessary to keep professional players at their
best, so he was very opposed to players staying up late.
He got up and was walking when he found Qin Mo staring seriously at the computer screen
and carefully watching the PK video with Braised Fish.
The watchful teenager seemed to sense someone was behind him and minimized the
window, opening to a web page in order to pretend he was looking through the forum.
Qin Mo looked back and saw his master watching with a deep gaze. He immediately turned
red and whispered, “Master…”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t expose him and asked casually, “What are your arrangements for the
one week holiday?”
Qin Mo replied seriously, “My parents are going to travel abroad and I want to stay at the
club. Can I?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng continued, “In the second round of the regular season, you don’t have to
Qin Mo hung his head, looking like a remorseful child listening to his parent’s teachings. His
master’s personality had always been like this. Qin Mo had made a big mistake in the arena
and should be thrown to the bench.
Ling Xuefeng saw his lowered head and patted the young boy gently. He spoke softly, “I
didn’t say it in front of the others players but you should know that your match with Tan
Shitian made me very disappointed. You should sit on the bench for a month and think
about how to act in the future.”
“Yes…” Qin Mo nodded slightly, his face pale.
“The same mistake can’t be made twice. I hope you adjust your state and return to your
normal level in the playoffs.” Ling Xuefeng turned away after this sentence.
“…” Qin Mo was stunned.
Master meant for him to play in the playoffs?
Master hadn’t lost faith in him. He was just giving Qin Mo time to calm down and adjust?
Qin Mo looked at his master’s tall back and was moved to tears.
This was Ling Xuefeng’s style. Even if the player made a big mistake, he wouldn’t
completely block the person. He would make that person sit on the bench and then give the
person a second opportunity.
Ling Xuefeng knew that the higher a person climbed, the harder the fall. However, he also
knew that once the fallen person climbed up again, their minds would be stronger than
He hoped that after this setback, the 16 year old boy could truly recognize himself and
develop a stable mentality, calmly experiencing success as an outstanding professional
He was young and there was a master helping, so he could make such mistakes.
However, one day he would grow up and his master couldn’t shelter him any longer. He
must face all difficulties alone.
Therefore Qin Mo, you should really thank Cat God for waking you up in time.
The next morning, Ling Xuefeng logged into the Steamed Bass account and found that on
the guild list, Love to Eat Braised Fish, Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork and Blossoming Tree
had risen to level 49, leaving many people far behind. This was obviously due to the time
Ling Xuefeng wondered if Bai Xuan had gone to the United States with Li Cangyu. Then was
this swordsman also abroad?
Fortunately, he played several rounds of Frost Temple last night and reached level 45. He
could go to the Demon Forest area. Ling Xuefeng sent a private chat message to Li Cangyu:
[President, do you have any room in your team for Demon Forest?]
Li Cangyu saw the ID called ‘Steamed Bass’ on his private chat and couldn’t help feeling
hungry. This was the dish he loved to eat the most but unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to
eat it for a while.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has invited you to join the team.]
Ling Xuefeng agreed and after entering the team, he saw Love to Eat Braised Fish, Love to
Eat Twice-cooked Pork and Blossoming Tree. As the Name Suggests and Awakened
Magician from yesterday’s Lilian raid weren’t online.
However, it didn’t take long for the two of them to join the team. It was obvious that they
were in China and had just woken up.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help asking, [Awakened, don’t you have to go to work?]
Awakened Magician replied: [My work is playing games.]
Xiao Gu guessed: [You are an employee at an Internet cafe!]
Awakened Magician: [The child guessed wrong. I am the boss of a leveling studio.] He
added a row of laughing expressions.
Everyone, “…”
Li Cangyu didn’t expect this person to have such an identity.
There are many mature leveling studios in China which helped players level, find
equipment, clear instances and get money. If the person’s abilities weren’t high, they
wouldn’t be able to complete the task on time.
Li Cangyu asked: [Are you helping a customer level their account?]
Awakened Magician explained: [Yes, the customer gave me a lot of money to raise the
account to full level in one month and to get a full equipment set.]
Gu Siming asked curiously: [How much money is it?]
Awakened Magician: [I won’t disclose trade secrets.] He added a row of laughing
“…” Gu Siming thought this uncle was annoying and ignored him.
Li Cangyu was also slightly disappointed. He thought that he had harvested a teammate
who could develop but it was actually a leveling studio boss.
Professional levelers knew the shortcuts behind rapidly leveling in the game. Moreover,
they made thousands of accounts with different races and classes. The so-called ‘practice
makes perfect’ meant their leveling speed would definitely be better than an average
player. This person’s high level wasn’t good if he was a professional leveler.
Li Cangyu thought up to here and typed on the team channel: [Do the instance first.]
Steamed Bass suddenly asked: [President, will you be cooperating with Time for
Wednesday night’s guild challenge instance?]
[Yes, our guild won’t have 30 players who have reached level 50 by Wednesday so we will
have to borrow people from Time.] Li Cangyu paused before asking, [Oh right, what is your
fixed online time?]
[8 a.m. to midnight. I am on holidays currently so I have plenty of time.]
[Then make a fixed team with us to clear the Demon Forest instance. When there is a time
difference, you will clear the main missions. It is best to reach level 50 before Wednesday.]
[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng typed short words.
He had just been thinking about how to talk to Li Cangyu and as a result, he managed to join
the team as a fixed member.
At the same time, the Flying Feather Guild’s discussion group.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has made a guild and allied with the Time Guild!]
The news was like setting off a bomb in a quiet lake, causing the discussion group to boil
Vice President Flying Feathers Ares immediately jumped forward: [Isn’t he taking himself
too seriously? So what if he managed to find Time to be a patron? There are many big
guilds in the area. Killing them is like stepping on an ant!]
[You can’t say that.] The main healer of the group, Flying Feathers Frost was calm in
comparison. She analyzed it seriously: [The Time Guild has many masters but the limitation
is that it is too large. For example, fans of Flying Feathers wouldn’t be willing to join them.
Most neutral passersby would prefer a casual group like the Food Squad.]
[Frost is correct.] Someone added. [This Love to Eat Braised Fish is very smart. The name
Food Squad attracts passersby and he doesn’t have a team behind him, which will attract
more passersby. The level one guild is full in an instant, meaning this guild’s momentum is
very strong. By allying with Time, they don’t have to be worried about being killed by other
guilds. This action wasn’t wrong.]
The discussion group was silent for a moment.
[What is the attitude of other guilds?] Flying Feathers Frost asked. [What about Wind
[Wind Colour’s elite team was killed twice. Yesterday, someone saw their president and
Braised Fish fighting to a tie. Then Wind Colour suddenly quieted down. It is estimated that
they are afraid to be hit and are hiding.] Another vice president, Flying Feathers Wushang
spoke while rejoicing in their misfortune.
[Hiding?] Flying Feathers Frost couldn’t help frowning. [What is the temper of Captain Ling
like? Do you think that Wind Colour’s president would be afraid of a random? I think there
is something fishy about this matter.]
[Okay, I’ve already sent an undercover to the Food Squad so don’t worry.] The discussion
group was getting heated up and it wasn’t good to quarrel in the morning. President Flying
Feathers Liangshan finally appeared and typed: [At present, our guild has people over level
45 because swordsmen have advantages when leveling early on. Everyone will reach level
50 as soon as possible. We must win first place in the guild challenge instance!]
Time Machine got up early in the morning, logged into his account and found that Love to
Eat Braised Fish was online and even reached level 49. Time Machine was happy and
immediately sent a private message: [Brother Fish, shall we play together in the guild
challenge instance on Wednesday night?]
[No problem.] Li Cangyu sent back. [How many people can you get to level 50 on your
[Around 24.] Time Machine said.
Li Cangyu: [It is just right. I have six on my side.]
In fact, the Time Guild had more than 40 people who could rise to level 50 by Wednesday,
not 24.
The big guilds had to think about the future when just starting out. A level 50 guild
challenge instance required 30 people to clear. It was an important instance that raised
fame so Time Machine already arranged 40 accounts that the elites had rushed to level.
He deliberately set aside the quota of one team for Love to Eat Braised Fish. It was
obviously to give face and develop good feelings. After all, this was required in an allied
Li Cangyu certainly knew this and appreciated Time Machine’s actions. However, he still
bluntly said: [I will take command.]
Time Machine almost sprayed out the tea in his mouth.
—Friend, did you have to make the ‘give an inch and he’ll want a mile’ so obvious?
Li Cangyu asked: [President, don’t you want to take first place?]
Time Machine was stunned and honestly replied: [I want to take it but the swordsmen of
Flying Feathers level up the fastest. Their average level was 55 in the old districts so they
generally took first place.]
[This is the new district.] Li Cangyu declared: [We will take first place in the new district.]
“…” Time Machine was very uneasy about this person’s statement and felt that this guy was
always bragging. However, they would only take second place if he personally directed the
guild challenge instance. Why not let Braised Fish try his way?
Time Machine thought about it and no longer hesitated. [Okay, then you will take
Li Cangyu continued: [Then let’s talk about splitting up the rewards. I have fewer people so
I will take 30% and you will take 70%. How about it?]
Time Machine, “…”
How was this person so confident? He was already dividing the rewards before even
getting first place.

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GLS: Chapter 39
Chapter 39 – White Magic Assistance

There are many guild events in Miracle. The challenge instance was open on Wednesday
and Saturday nights. Level 50 players in a guild could participate in a team of 30.
Since it had the word ‘challenge’, there would naturally be difficulties. Fortunately, the
rewards for clearing the challenge instance was very rich. In addition to equipment, gold
coins and precious materials, the guild that passed the challenge instance could get the
guild construction reward. This was what Li Cangyu wanted the most.
His small guild was only level 1. If he wanted to raise it to level two, he had to accumulate
enough guild construction points. The guild construction points came from members doing
missions and also instances. However, the quickest way was to participate in the guild
challenge instance.
Time Machine didn’t care about the reward and had no opinion on splitting it by 3:7. He
was more concerned about the benefits to the guild after winning first place. There would
be a server wide gold announcement and the guild would also be listed on the guild
activities list.
Taking first place was a full-serve advertisement!
The two presidents finalized the cooperation plan for Wednesday and agreed to meet at the
voice channel at 7 o’clock.
Once the conversation finished, Li Cangyu continued playing the Demon Forest instance
with his fixed team.
The common Demon Forest instance wasn’t so difficult as long as they didn’t encounter the
hidden boss Witch Lilian. Clearing it was very easy. In any case, there was still time until
Wednesday and Li Cangyu wasn’t in a rush.
In the process of playing the instance, he carefully watched the two new teammates.
The black magician ‘Steamed Bass’ who just entered the team today wasn’t bad. His
technique was relatively stable, which was common for an online game veteran. There
weren’t many bright spots. Of course, this was because Ling Xuefeng was drinking coffee
while deliberately hiding his strength.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help concentrating his gaze on the white magician.
Previously, this person was often in a daze when playing Lilian so Li Cangyu couldn’t see
too much. He just thought this person was flexible and responsive without making many
Today he seriously played in the instance. Li Cangyu took a closer look and found that this
person’s style of play was somewhat special.
There were four remote classes in Miracle: the white magician, the black magician, the
summoner and the psychic.
A white magician had the most control skills and fewer attack skills, making a relatively
balanced class. A black magician had many high damage skills, with the main spells causing
negative states, making their attack stronger. The summoner played by Li Cangyu was the
most complicated and the corresponding explosive ability was the strongest. They were
very powerful in PK. Finally, the psychic was a purely auxiliary class, relying on various
illusionary arrays to assist their teammates.
The four remote classes each had their own characteristics. A summoner’s pet operations
were too complicated while a psychic was purely auxiliary. Therefore, the white magicians
and black magicians were more common in the game and it was the same in the Miracle
Professional League.
At present, the white magicians in the league were basically remote masters who
dominated with control and supplemented with attacks. Cheng Wei, the vice captain of
Time was a typical representative.
However, the performance of the white magician in their team was very different.
As everyone was attacking the mobs, the white magician suddenly used two skills:
Inspiring Voice and Song of Encouragement.
A soft silver light and a blue light spread from the top of his staff to the surroundings. With
the release of these skills, all teammates had a layer of white and blue halos symbolizing
‘increased attack and increased critical hit rate.’
Li Cangyu saw this and couldn’t help asking, “Awakened, did you put points in the three
auxiliary skills of the white magician?”
The three auxiliary skills referred to the most powerful auxiliary skills of an angel white
magician: Song of the Soul, Inspiring Voice and Song of Encouragement.
Song of the Soul could reduce the opponent’s defense, Inspiring Voice could improve the
teammate’s attacking ability and Song of Encouragement improved the teammate’s critical
rate. These three skills could achieve unexpected results at critical moments but the
disadvantage was that these three skills were a skill chain. Once Song of the Soul was used,
it must be followed by Inspiring Voice and Song of Encouragement. In other words, a lot of
skill points would be used up to obtain the full set.
Every character in Miracle had a limited amount of skill points and each class had many
skills. Players needed to comprehensively decide which skills should be discarded.
A white magician’s main playing style was control skills and big attacks. Few people would
waste skill points on these three auxiliary skills.
Was this person playing an auxiliary white magician?
Sure enough, a man’s hearty voice was heard over the voice channel. “Yes, I have all three
Li Cangyu asked, “Is this your customer’s request or did you add it yourself?”
The man smiled and said, “I added it casually.”
Li Cangyu naturally didn’t believe this explanation.
There were auxiliary white magicians in the first season of the Miracle League but the first
season was the most powerful period of the Time team. Captain Xu’s white magician style
of play swept the league and smoothly took Time to become the champion of the first
Captain Xu’s style of play was very violent and the skill effect was quite gorgeous. Under his
influence, the white magician became a very powerful spell output class. The current vice
president, Cheng Wei carried forward this style of play. Now whenever anyone mentioned
a white magician, everyone would think they were remote magicians with many control
In fact, the white magician could also play as an auxiliary.
But compared to Captain Xu’s dazzling brilliance on the field, the auxiliary white magician
looked dull. Combined with the rise of the purely auxiliary psychic class, the auxiliary white
magician style was almost completely eliminated.
Li Cangyu was very surprised that this person was actually using a white magician to play
as an auxiliary. Moreover, a semi-assistance and semi-attack class could quickly rush to the
front of the server rankings. It seemed that his leveling speed really wasn’t normal.
Li Cangyu’s heart couldn’t help becoming excited, like a talent scout finding a fine steed.
“Awakened, do you plan to fill up the assist skills later and take the pure auxiliary route?” Li
Cangyu asked to confirm it.
The other person smiled and said, “This is the customer’s account, I am just playing
casually. Once I reach level and gain the equipment, the customer can reset things.”
Strangely enough, there seemed to be a hint of loss in his voice. Li Cangyu sensitively
captured this point. However, the other person obviously didn’t want to say anything else
and Li Cangyu didn’t ask again. He stopped the topic and continued to play the instance. He
didn’t want to scare this person away. If it was really possible to gain him as a teammate, it
was better to know more first.
Ling Xuefeng was also listening to the voice channel and couldn’t help frowning.
A white magician auxiliary player, the standard Mandarin of a northern person, liked to
play a female account but the style was extremely bold. In addition, this familiar tone in the
voice channel…
He remembered who this person was but he was currently an undercover account. It
wasn’t convenient to straight up tell Li Cangyu.
However, Ling Xuefeng believed that Li Cangyu would soon recognize this person.
It was like Li Cangyu received Ling Xuefeng’s brainwaves as there was suddenly a flash in
his head!
Yes, there was a unique player in the first season of the Miracle League. He was a white
magician auxiliary who played quite well. The northern man who was tall and powerful
actually built a long-legged beautiful angel character, creating a particularly large contrast.
This man’s clear Northern Mandarin seemed somewhat like this leveling boss brother?
The voice might’ve changed slightly in five years but this tone of speech was very similar to
the one in Li Cangyu’s memories.
The man’s team was called New Moon and their result was very bad, just like the FTD team.
His white magician wasn’t too bright on the field and the performance was ordinary. It was
at the same time as Captain Xu’s white magician so it was like the difference between
clouds and mud.
If Time’s captain Xu Luo was a bright e-sports superstar, then the white magician Zhang
Jueming was just an insignificant player in the Miracle Professional League.
Full Moon was disbanded at the end of the first season, earlier than FTD, and it was
unknown where the players went.
After all, the e-sports circle might have great gods but there were many unknown players
who left the league without their names being known. In particularly, the rules for the first
three seasons of the Miracle League weren’t perfect and the competition format was cruel,
meaning there were countless teams that disbanded.
Li Cangyu didn’t have a deep impression of the early disbanded teams. The reason why he
remembered Zhang Jueming was because the host city in the first season was Beijing and
Zhang Jueming was from Beijing. He did a great job of being a host by inviting players from
all over to eat.
At dinner, Li Cangyu sat next to him and had a brief conversation with him.
“I think that when it comes to white magic assistance, the key is to watch the teammates.
The moment the teammates are about to burst out with attacks, you have to add the buffs
in time. If you can, the attack power will double and the violence will triple, causing a scary
effect.” Li Cangyu said earnestly.
“Cat God is right.” Zhang Jueming smiled and clarified. “This is just in principle. It isn’t so
easy to implement!”
His bitter smile contained some helplessness.
At that time, Full Moon and FTD had the same bad results. The two captains chatted about
these things but they had the feeling of ‘misery loves company.’
A lot of styles worked in principle but actually implementing them was a big problem. If
they met strong teammates, this type of style could sweep the league. If the teammates
weren’t great, vulnerabilities could be created on the actual battlefield.
At the dinner, Zhang Jueming took the initiative to toast everyone. He drank a lot of wine
and fell unconscious, eventually being carried back to his hotel by his teammates.
Soon after, the Full Moon team was disbanded and Zhang Jueming silently left the league.
Xu Luo, a white magician and a person the same age, led the Time team to win the
championship in the first season.
Xu Luo’s white magician control style was greatly praised while Zhang Jueming’s favourite
white magician assistance play was completely eliminated from the Miracle League.
Li Cangyu’s heart couldn’t help feeling sour when he thought about these old things.
If this person was actually Zhang Jueming… then he was still practicing that style?
He operated different accounts every day. Sometimes he received urgent orders or had to
work all night to level. Leveling other people’s accounts, playing instances, gaining
equipment… it was in order to earn living expenses?
A professional player had fallen to this point, how miserable.
Li Cangyu always remembered this bold and forthright man. His eyes were full of brilliance
when he talked about the auxiliary white magician. Despite losing the game, he spent a lot
of money to invite everyone to eat. He was happy to act as host just because the Miracle
League opened in his hometown.
In fact, he loved this game very much. Otherwise, he wouldn’t painstakingly research the
white magician assistance build.
No one expected that he invited them to eat just to say goodbye.
He didn’t leave a deep impression on the field. As a professional player, everyone’s deepest
impression of him was his last ‘let’s eat.’ This matter… it was very bitter.
Li Cangyu thought of this and couldn’t help sending a private message: [Are you the captain
of the Full Moon team, Zhang Jueming?]
The man on the other side of the computer was silent for a moment before typing: [Don’t
joke around. I am just a small leveling player.] He followed up with a row of laughing
Li Cangyu didn’t ask again.
If the other person was really Zhang Jueming, he wouldn’t directly admit it.
A professional player running to a leveling studio to earn a living. It was shameful to say it
but Li Cangyu believed that Zhang Jueming’s eagerness wasn’t completely extinguished.
One day, that small flame would ignite and become an unstoppable raging fire!

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GLS: Chapter 40
Chapter 40 – Challenge Task

Li Cangyu didn’t go to bed until midnight. At this time, it was noon in China and Gu Siming
remembered the captain’s task. He sent an invitation to Awakened Magician and said:
[Uncle, let’s PK!]
[Kid, what’s wrong with you?] Awakened Magician was puzzled. [Why do you want to PK
with me?]
[Let’s PK! Are you afraid of me?]
The man laughed. [Kid, don’t make trouble. Uncle will buy you sugar to eat.] Then he sent a
line of lollipop emojis.
Gu Siming, “…”
Xiao Gu almost died of anger.
He was 16 years old! He was still growing and the period where his voice changed was
relatively late!
Who would eat lollipops? Was he crazy?
This uncle was very sick and Gu Siming felt that the captain’s task of PKing would be
impossible to complete. Then they would have to group up to play instances. Gu Siming
thought up to here and said positively: [Then the three of us will continue to play the
instance as a group!]
Steamed Bass typed a single word on the team channel: [Yes.]
The white magician also said: [Okay, then we need three more people.]
After a day of leveling, there were already many people in the new district who had
reached level 45 and it wasn’t difficult to form a team for the Demon Forest. Xiao Gu called
on the world channel and he soon got a complete team to clear the instance. At midnight, he
went to sleep on time.
At 8 o’clock on Wednesday night, the new district’s guild challenge instance would open. Li
Cangyu deliberately calculated the time difference, set an alarm clock and woke up at 7 in
the morning to log on.
Beijing was 12 hours earlier than New York. It was currently 7 o’clock domestically and
Time Machine was online.
Once he saw Love to Eat Braised Fish, he pulled the other person into the team and gave
the voice room number. He spoke politely, “Brother Fish, the people on my side have
arrived. Do you have anything to prepare?”
Li Cangyu glanced at the classes on the team list and said, “Leave the paladin, three healers
and the rest will be all remote outputs.”
The team members who heard his words typed rows of ellipses on the team channel.
Time Machine was surprised. “Is it enough to have only three healers?”
Generally, this instance would be divided into five teams. Every team must have a healer to
see to the blood of the team. The main T also needed a healer in the second stage of the
boss so it was usually necessary to bring six healers.
“It is enough. I have one more here.” Li Cangyu said seriously.
“…” Time Machine was speechless. Even four healers wasn’t sufficient!
Someone couldn’t help saying in the voice channel, “This instance generally has six healers
and they still might not add enough blood on the second stage. Yet you want to bring four
healers? Are you joking?”
“I’m not joking.” Li Cangyu said, “We will be using another style of play.”
His voice was firm and resolute, without any hesitation.
The team channel instantly exploded. Everyone was very suspicious of his other style of
Time Machine struggled for a moment before finally decided to trust him. In any case, their
previous strategy only allowed them to take second place at most. Maybe they could take
first play with this strange style of play? Let’s gamble once!
Time Machine thought up to here and immediately kicked out the extra healers and
paladins on the team, then he swapped in remote outputs.
The people kicked out naturally wouldn’t feel comfortable and one sent a private chat to
the president: [President, who is this person that you have found? Is he reliable?]
Time Machine could only comfort everyone. [He is reliable, just wait and see.]
Since their president was so sure, the other people couldn’t say anything and just waited to
see the show.
The guild challenge task would open at 8 o’clock but the instance would open at 7:30 in
order for people to prepare in advance.
Time Machine gave leadership of the team to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu accepted the challenge
task at the guild administrator and once he entered the instance, he immediately started to
Everyone saw him quickly dividing them and couldn’t help wondering. This method of
grouping had never been seen before! Six white magicians in one team and six elf archers in
another team. What did he want to do?
Once Li Cangyu finished dividing them into groups, he started to explain, “The first stage is
facing the mobs. Time Niuniu will add blood to the main T, As the Name Suggests. Time
Ranran will add blood to the other T, Time Madman, Time Doudou will add blood to the
melee while my healer will add blood to the remote outputs.”
Everyone, “…”
His healer would treat all the remote outputs? Was he a spider with eight hands? How
could he be so busy?
Tan Shitian was the first elf archer in the Miracle League and Cheng Wei’s white magician
was very popular. This meant there were many elf archers and white magicians in the Time
Guild. Among the 30 members, there were eight elf archers and seven white magicians. The
white magician brought by Li Cangyu increased it to eight. There was also a summoner (Li
Cangyu) and a black magician (Ling Xuefeng) who didn’t seem to fit…
It added up to 18 remote outputs.
One healer taking care of all of them was simply a fantasy.
Time Ranran was the main healer of the Time Guild and her limit was adding blood to 12
people. She couldn’t help saying sarcastically, “Is the healer on your team a milk god? Can
he handle 18 remotes?”
Li Cangyu calmly said, “Yes, he is a milk god.”
Time Ranran, “…” This girl was too angry that she couldn’t speak.
Li Cangyu continued speaking, “There are many remotes in the team so there is no need to
divide into five groups to kill the mobs. Once the mobs are refreshed, the two main Ts will
pull the monsters in the five directions from north to south. They will run around in a circle
while everyone will use group attacks.”
Everyone, “…”
The first level of the guild challenge had mobs refreshing in five locations: the east, west,
south, north and middle of the venue. There were 25 mobs in each wave and a total of 10
The mobs’ attack power was relatively strong so the general style of playing was for the 30
people to divide into five groups. Each group would have a healer and the group was
responsible for cleaning up the mobs in one location.
However, Li Cangyu wanted to pull all the mobs together and kill them…
Could he guarantee that the main Ts wouldn’t die? Could he guarantee that the healers
didn’t make a mistake in such a chaotic situation?
Everyone’s hearts were full of doubts.
Ling Xuefeng heard this but his heart was very clear. Li Cangyu was using the kiting style
that the Time team was best at. The Time Guild was the only one with so many ranged
outputs and it was a strategy impossible for other guilds. (Forgot to mention it early but
kiting is a game term for using ranged attacks to kill the enemy and running whenever the
enemy comes near)
To be able to adjust the strategy according to the team’s configuration, this showed that Li
Cangyu had a deep understanding of the game.
The people of the Time Guild were really ignorant. Cat God was specifically tailoring this for
them so why were they questioning it?
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t resist typing on the team channel: [Since our president current has
command of the instance, we should listen to his arrangements. Being noisy does nothing
other than waste time.]
These words appeared on the team channel and had a natural cooling effect. The noisy
people were quiet for a while.
Li Cangyu had some doubts. He hadn’t expected this Steamed Bass to speak up for him. Was
this protecting his president?
Most players in online games didn’t have the innovative awareness of professional players
and preferred to follow the rules. Today’s strategy was tailored for the Time Guild. As long
as everyone cooperated, there would be no problem winning first.
Li Cangyu ignored the various expressions and ellipses filling the team channel and marked
the east, west, south, north and middle locations where the mobs refreshed with different
colours. Then he said, “The two paladins, Xiao Gu will pull the mobs at the red, yellow and
green points. Time Madman will pull the mobs at the purple and blue points. After pulling
the mobs, run in a clockwise direction. The remote outputs will follow and use group
attacks from a distance.”
Time Machine finally understood. If they followed the previous strategy and divided into
five groups to kill the mobs at the five locations, a group attack could only hit the five mobs
around them. However, Love to Eat Braised Fish’s method had the main T pulling the mobs
and the group attack could hit all 25 mobs!
The pulling required skill and time but overall, everyone’s group attack damage could be
maximized without wasting it. As long as the mobs were pulled well, everyone would use
their powerful group attacks and the speed at which they killed the mobs would naturally
Time Machine was a sensible president. Once he heard this, he immediately said, “I directly
forbid anyone from talking on the team channel. We will play according to Brother Fish!”
Li Cangyu was very pleased with Time Machine’s decisiveness. He said, “There is still a little
time. Everyone stand at their positions. The remote classes should be 10 metres around the
light marker.”
The president gave them an order so everyone had to be silent and follow the instructions.
At the same time, the Flying Feathers team challenging the instance.
The 30 member team consisting of a large number of swordsmen had been divided into
five groups and were standing in their positions, ready to go.
The commander of the event, President Flying Feathers Liangshan said calmly, “We have
played this challenge countless times. In the old district, the first place in the level 50 guild
challenge instance has always been our Flying Feathers Guild. Today we must also achieve
Flying Feathers Ares smiled. “Boss doesn’t have to worry. Most of us are level 55 and the
mobs are only level 50. We have the advantage and can kill them in seconds.”
This was true but there were many competitive guilds in the new district. Flying Feathers
Liangshan couldn’t feel too at ease.
“What about Wind Colour?” Flying Feathers Liangshan privately asked his undercover
[Wind Colour’s president doesn’t seem to care about the rankings. He said it is just a matter
of playing and getting the rewards.]
Flying Feathers Liangshan messaged another undercover: [How is the Time Guild
arranging the instance?]
[Time has allied with the Food Squad. They took 24 people to challenge the instance while
the Food Squad sent six people. In order to show the friendship between guilds, Time
Machine gave the command to Love to Eat Braised Fish.]
[…] Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn’t help frowning.
If Time Machine was the commander, their speed of killing monsters was definitely below
Flying Feathers due to their inferior level. Now that the commander was suddenly changed
to Love to Eat Braised Fish, Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn’t help sensing something bad.
Love to Eat Braised Fish… what was the origin of this person? If he commanded, would the
result surpass Flying Feathers?
It was almost 8 o’clock so Flying Feathers Liangshan suppressed these thoughts and said in
the voice channel, “Everyone, maintain your concentration and start acting at 8 o’clock. We
must win first place!”

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GLS: Chapter 41
Chapter 41 – Starting the Train

At 8 o’clock Beijing time, there was a server wide announcement in the Moonlight Forest
[Players, the guild challenge instance has been opened. Players in a guild and above level
50 can team up and accept the challenge task from the guild administrator. This event will
give a large amount of experience, money, equipment and guild construction points. Please
actively participate!]
At present, not many players had reached level 50 in the Moonlight Forest district. Almost
all of them were elites of the major guilds. At this team, all guilds had already assembled a
team to challenge the guild instance. This announcement meant the instance was officially
opened and everyone immediately raised the weapon in their hands!
The guild challenge instance’s first stage: destroy the intruders.
The so-called intruders were the mobs that Li Cangyu previously mentioned. They
appeared in the east, west, south, north and middle directions in 10 rounds. The 25 mobs in
the first wave had to be killed before the second wave refreshed. Therefore, in order to
save time in this stage, it was best not to miss any mobs.
At 8 o’clock, the mobs refreshed in the instance and the activity time bar appeared in the
upper right corner.
Time Machine looked around and found that the groups made by Love to Eat Braised Fish
were a bit strange. The 30 people were divided into five groups. Group 1 had six white
magicians, group 2 had six elf archers, group 3 had two white magicians, two elf archers
and two psychics, group 4 had the remaining outputs and his healer Love to Eat Twice-
cooked Pork, while group 5 had two paladins, two healers and two melee swordsman.
Li Cangyu quickly ordered, “The main T will start to pull the mobs. The healers and
swordsman of group 5 will follow the paladins. The healers will fill the blood of the main T
while the swordsmen will protect the healer. The outputs will wait for my orders to use
the group attacks. Don’t mess up!”
According to the previous positioning, Gu Siming and Time Madman were sent to different
colour monsters marked by Li Cangyu. They used the Battle Howl skill and pulled the mobs
around them. Then they started running in a clockwise direction!
The distance outputs saw Gu Siming pulling the mobs in the west, north and east while
Time Madman pulled the mobs in the middle and the south. They ran clockwise and the
two groups joined together. This was a spectacular train!
Li Cangyu saw the mobs gather and said, “Groups 1 and 3, unleash the group attacks!”
The group of six white magicians used the group attack skill ‘God’s Faith’ while the archers
of group 3 used the skill Death Arrow Rain. The two psychics in group 3 used their assist
skills and the gorgeous light effects of the skills filled everyone’s computer screen.
Once the group attack skills were released, the mobs screamed and collectively fell to the
“…” Everyone in the Time Guild was shocked.
When playing against the mobs in the past, the healer had to take care of the teammates’
blood due to the high attack power of the mobs. The six person groups would take at least
25 seconds to kill a wave. If some teams accidentally missed a mob then it would delay
everyone’s time.
Now the two paladins brought the mobs together and it took only 20 seconds to kill the
first wave of mobs!
The group was staring blankly when the second wave of mobs refreshed.
Li Cangyu ordered, “Continue.”
Xiao Gu and Time Madman repeated their actions in pulling the mobs. The two paladins
pulled the mobs and ran around in a train. The mobs followed the two paladins and the
outputs standing in the distance received very little damage, making it easy for Bai Xuan to
heal all the remotes.
The two healing sisters of Time were arranged to take care of the blood of the paladins.
They followed the paladins and topped up their blood. If the mobs came to the healer, the
two swordsmen arranged by Li Cangyu would protect the healers. They ensured that the
healers’ chanting wasn’t interrupted and the healers filled the paladins’ blood. This meant
the pressure wasn’t too great.
“Groups 2 and 4, prepare for the group attack.” Li Cangyu said on the voice channel. “Go!”
There was a loud bang as soon as he gave the command. The elf archers’ Death Arrow Rain,
the white magicians’ God’s Faith, the summoner’s Thunder’s Wrath, the black magician’s
Hell Flames and Li Cangyu’s white magician’s timely use of Inspiring voice doubled the
entire team’s attack power for 10 seconds.
The output of groups 2 and 4 weren’t as high as groups 1 and 3 but the auxiliary skill meant
it took them seconds to wipe out all the mobs.
Time Machine saw the bodies of the mobs and his jaw dropped.
He didn’t expect the killing efficiency of gathering the mobs to be so high!
He didn’t expect Love to Eat Braised Fish to calculate everything before the instance
opened and to clearly calculate all possible incidents!
He was afraid that interrupting the healers’ casting would affect the paladins so he
specifically sent two swordsmen to protect the healers…
He was afraid that the outputs of the group skills would lead to damage overflow and a
waste of skills so he split up the outputs according to class. He divided them into groups to
maximize the damage of the group attacks…
The cooldown of a big group attack was almost 40 seconds. Groups 1 and 3 were
responsible for the first wave of mobs while groups 2 and 4 were responsible for the
second wave of mobs. By the time the third wave of mobs appeared, the cooldown for
groups 1 and 3 would just be over.
This sophisticated killing design and the seamless connection of skills that didn’t waste any
At this moment, Time Machine was feeling frightened while a strong admiration rose in his
This person wasn’t an ordinary cow!
Love to Eat Braised Fish saw the class distribution of the 30 team members and temporary
adjusted it to a kiting method obviously tailored for the Time Guild! How come Time
Machine never thought of this? Was his IQ not high enough?
The Time members who participated in today’s instance were all first-class masters.
Everyone’s doubts towards Love to Eat Braised Fish had disappeared a long time ago. They
belatedly worshipped him and listened to his commands.
After three rounds of killing the mobs, everyone was familiar with this style of play. Li
Cangyu said, “The first stage is like this so I won’t repeat it anymore. Everyone use their
group skills at the right time. The next stage is the maze. President, how did you clear this
The guild challenge’s second stage: the random maze.
It was a very large maze that could accommodate hundreds of people. Moreover, the route
of the maze was randomly generated in each instance. It didn’t follow a fixed route to team
members needed to cooperate and improvise.
Time Machine thought about it and said, “Once we go in the entrance, the groups will
separately take different roads. If we encounter a dead end, the person will return to the
beginning and put down a marker to indicate that this road is blocked. Then they will enter
another road.”
Li Cangyu asked, “Is it the road elimination method? People who walk into a dead end will
mark it and slowly eliminate all the wrong paths. The remaining path will naturally lead to
the end?”
“That’s it.” Time Machine was disturbed. “Is there something wrong with it?”
“It is a good method.” Li Cangyu said, “We will follow the old method.”
Time Machine excitedly agreed, “Okay!”
He didn’t know why but Time Machine felt a bit proud when he received this master’s
In fact, this road elimination method was developed six years ago by the old captain, Xu
The large maze was very complicated. If everyone walked a road and found a dead end, it
would waste a lot of time. Captain Xu and his team used a bunch of small accounts to walk
the maze. People walked in different directions and made the dead roads at intersections,
which would prevent other teammates from entering the dead end again.
This way, among the 30 members, there would always be a person who headed in the right
direction and reached the final destination.
Using this method to walk the random maze was very quick.
Later, the undercovers from other guilds spread this method and it gradually became the
main strategy to clear the maze part of the instance.
How many people knew that the Time members studied the maze for a whole night to
develop this?
Time Machine couldn’t help feeling sad when he thought about the retired captain.
Fortunately, Tan Shitian didn’t disappoint the trust of his master. After taking over as
captain, he took care of the Time team and their performance was still at the forefront of
the league, greatly pleasing the Time veterans.
Time Machine had just been thinking for a little bit and the first stage was already finished.
Two large prompts appeared on the screen.
[Congratulations, the guild challenge instance’s first stage ‘Destroy the Intruders’ has been
successfully cleared!
[The second stage, Random Maze is about to start. Countdown in 10, 9, 8…]
Li Cangyu didn’t want to change the strategy in the second stage. The large maze was more
troublesome and changing strategies was likely to make things messy. Li Cangyu decisively
handed back commanded to the president of Time, saying, “President, you can arrange the
Time Machine was startled and immediately said, “Okay! Everyone prepare to enter the
maze. Group 1 will enter the left, group 2 to the right and group 3 will go forward. Teams
who encounter a dead end will drop a stone as the signal. Once the correct direction is
found, immediately report it!”
Time Machine had been managing the guild since Xu Luo was captain. He was a six year
veteran. Compared to the younger generation of other guilds, he had more experience with
managing a guild and was stable. He was also very decisive when commanding, causing Li
Cangyu to feel appreciative.
The countdown was soon over and the random maze opened.
Three teams entered the maze according to Time Machine’s arrangement and immediately
went in different directions.
The ban on the team channel was lifted and it wasn’t long before someone sent a message.
[The left side is all dead!]
Another message soon popped up on the team channel: [The road forward is all blocked!]
Since the left and forward paths were all dead ends, the correct direction must be on the
right side. Time Machine immediately said, “Group 4 head to the right and groups 1 and 2
will also help.”
The four teams dispersed to the right side and many dead ends were soon marked.
The fog on the small map in the upper right corner was gradually unlocked. The fog area
being unlocked meant that someone had reached the right area.
Once 70% of the maze was unlocked, Time Machine took the last five members to the right.
As soon as they entered, they saw many dead ends marked by the players. Everyone saw
the marks and avoided those roads. There was no need to walk into the dead end so a lot of
time was saved. They walked almost unimpeded all the way and soon found the correct
[Congratulations, the guild challenge’s second stage ‘Random Maze’ has been successfully
[The third stage ‘Work Together’ is about to start. Countdown in 10, 9, 8…]

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GLS: Chapter 42
Chapter 42 – Advertising Again

The hardest part of the guild challenge instance was the third stage: working together to
fight the boss.
The third stage boss was a blood kin boss. The most annoying thing about the blood kin
boss was his blood-sucking ability. He had a particularly gorgeous skill called Blood Night
Carnival. When this big move was used, the sky would turn a bloody bright red. Five blood
kin dukes would appear and randomly select five players to madly suck blood, returning it
to the boss in a ratio of 1:5. The weakest players could die from this skill and the boss could
rely on it to get back a lot of blood.
A team that didn’t have strong enough outputs would have players dying and the boss
returning to full blood.
In addition, the blood kin boss also had stealth and assassination skills. Once the boss
invisibly moved behind a player, the dagger in his hand would light up and the player
would die in seconds. In addition, the stealth frequency was very high. If their reactions
were too slow, the players would naturally die.
Generally speaking, a 30 member group would bring six healers in order to deal with this
boss. One healer would see to the blood of the main T while the other five healers would
focus on the five teammates targeted by the blood kin dukes.
Li Cangyu’s group only had four healers so some people felt doubts about how they would
clear this stage.
Fortunately, the boss had many opening lines, giving everyone sufficient time to prepare.
Li Cangyu marked a number of positions on the ground and said in the voice channel: “Xiao
Gu will be the main T who pulls the boss in the middle. The five people targeted by the
blood kin dukes will immediately stand at the blue spot that I marked. The outputs of
groups 2 and 4 will quickly wipe out the dukes while the other outputs will focus on the
“The main T’s blood will be added by Time Ranran while the other three healers will
seamlessly connect their healing arrays to take care of the people targeted by the blood kin
Everyone heard up to here and suddenly realized.
The previous style of player was that each healer focused on the members of their group.
This strategy brought together the targeted people so that the three healers could
seamlessly connect their skills to add blood. This guaranteed that the five people won’t
have their blood sucked to death and maximized the effectiveness of the group healing
Li Cangyu went on to say, “In the second stage, the boss will enter the stealth state. I
marked six positions. The six white magicians of group 1 will use their group attack skills at
those positions to hit the boss! As long as he breaks out of the stealth state, he will target a
person to suck blood. The healers need to remember to be prepared to increase blood.”
Everyone looked around the venue and saw six small dots in a clockwise direction. Once
the white magicians were positioned according to these marks, they could cover the entire
area of the square. The boss would be hit no matter where he was in his invisible state.
Time Machine was very impressed with this arrangement and couldn’t help saying, “It is a
good method!”
They used to play this challenge by randomly attacking in a circle. They never did
something like today, designating six people to do group attacks.
A small instance was actually arranged so rigorously.
It could be seen that Love to Eat Braised Fish considered every link very thoughtfully,
arranging everything and predicting incidents in advance, not wasting any skill…
This person was simply a genius of directing instances!
Everyone was shocked by Love to Eat Braised Fish’s idea. At the same time, the boss’
nonsense was finally finished. A red light flashed on the screen and the boss battle officially
Xiao Gu quickly pulled the boss to the centre in five seconds. Once Li Cangyu saw that the
hatred (aggro) was stabilized, he ordered, “Fight!”
Everyone started hitting the boss and the blood volume quickly fell to 90%.
Blood Night Carnival!
The sky in the dungeon turned red like blood and five blood kin dukes surrounded him.
They randomly selected five outputs and started to suck their blood.
Li Cangyu, “The people who are being targeted, quickly run to the blue point! Remote
outputs, kill the blood kin dukes!”
The five people targeted by the blood kin dukes immediately ran to the blue marked point
according to the previous arrangement. Bai Xuan had already starting chanting a healing
spell. The moment the five people arrived at the mark, there was the soft light of a healing
array. At the same time, Bai Xuan let out a burst of hand speed to quickly place continuous
healing buffs on the five people.
The effect of Bai Xuan’s healing array finished when the healer Time Niuniu followed. This
seamless convergence of the group skills allowed the five unlucky people to survive.
The remote outputs temporarily ignored the boss as commanded and set fire to the five
blood kin dukes.
They saw that the boss’ 90% blood had been restored to 95%. Obviously some people
reacted slowly and the blood kin dukes weren’t killed in time, causing the boss to recover
5% blood.
Li Cangyu repeated in the voice channel. “The white magicians of group 1 attack the boss.
The outputs of groups 2, 3 and 4 will save their group attacks. Once the blood dukes
appear, immediately transfer targets to kill them.”
The group attacked the boss and once again reduced his health to 90%.
Blood Night Carnival!
The bloss would summon his blood-sucking younger brothers every 90%. If they couldn’t
suppress this when he called the blood kin dukes, they would always suck blood and the
boss’ health would remain above 90%.
Fortunately, after the command was emphasized, everyone left their group attacks. The five
people targeted quickly moved to the blue points and with a loud sound, the group attack
skills of the three teams instantly killed all five blood kin dukes!
Group 1 was fighting the boss and successfully reduced the boss’ blood volume to 88%!
The first big stage was smoothly passed and the boss’ blood hit 80%. The boss started to
use the big move again.
Due to the previous cooperation, everyone’s actions were faster. The blood kin dukes
summoned didn’t have time to help the boss suck blood. They died under the siege of the
group attacks skills and the boss’ blood fell to 76%.
Li Cangyu was very satisfied. “Good job everyone. Keep at it.”
Everyone was a master and had a lot of experience. The next few big moves were naturally
Once the boss’ blood volume fell to 45%, Li Cangyu reminded them in the voice channel, “It
will soon be the second stage. White magicians, prepare for the group attack.”
Once the blood fell to 40%, a sudden laugh burst out and they lost track of the boss.
This was the blood kin boss’ second stage, the stealth skill.
“Release!” Li Cangyu ordered on the voice channel.
The six white magicians immediately used their group attack skill God’s Faith in the pre-
assigned 1-6 positions.
A dazzling white light fell from the sky. The white magicians’ skill accurately covered the
central venue for 360 degrees, hitting the invisible boss. He immediately became visible
and was actually behind Li Cangyu.
The boss couldn’t instant kill the player after his stealth was broken but Li Cangyu’s blood
fell to 10% under the dagger. Bai Xuan immediately healed Li Cangyu while Xiao Gu rushed
over and pulled the boss back to the middle of the field.
After a minute, the boss used stealth again. The six white magicians once again hit the boss
according to the previous deployment and the person targeted lost a serious amount of
blood. The nearby healer immediately gave him blood and Xiao Gu once again move the
boss back to their original position.
The originally most problematic second stage was actually passed so simply…
Time Machine suddenly felt ashamed.
What was his previous command compared to the precise arrangement of Love to Eat
Braised Fish? Was he just playing house?
The people of the Time Guild also had this feeling. Love to Eat Braised Fish’s command was
almost perfect. His understanding of the game was clearly above average veterans. He
could even calculate the cooldown time, coverage and damage value of the skills. Was there
a Miracle database in this person’s head?
How much did this man love Miracle to study all the skills so thoroughly?
It turned out defeating the boss could be this easy.
The people acted in accordance with Love to Eat Braised Fish’s command and was almost
abusing the boss…
The very scary third stage blood kin boss of the guild challenge became like a clown in Love
to Eat Braised Fish’s hand. He was quickly smashed to death by everyone.
A shiny gold announcement immediately appeared in the Moonlight Forest district.
[Congratulations, the allied Food Squad Guild and Time Guild are the first to clear the guild
challenge instance!]
[The guild will receive 100,000 gold coins and 50,000 construction points!]
In addition to the guild rewards, every person in the instance would receive an additional
50,000 experience, 5,000 coins and a ‘golden treasure box’, which randomly gave
equipment, coins or precious materials. In addition, all players of the guild would directly
get 10,000 experience.
After seeing the world announcement, the Food Squad and Time Guild members
immediately filled the guild channel with flowers and applause. The people in the instance
cheered and Time Machine was even more excited!
They always challenged the guild instance in the old district and Flying Feathers took first
place every time due to their level advantage. This time, the Time Guild received the
advertisement in the new district, which was like a slap to Flying Feathers Liangshan’s face!
Li Cangyu was very calm and privately chatted with Time Machine: [President, split the
rewards 3:7?]
Time Machine said with great enthusiasm: [There is no need, we will give all the treasure
chests to you. In the future, there are still many areas were our guilds can cooperate.
Brother Fish, I really admire your leadership today!]
The president was obviously a smart person. He found that Love to Eat Braised Fish had a
rare commanding talent and wasn’t petty enough to covet small profits. It was more
important to have a good relationship with this allied guild.
Li Cangyu wasn’t polite and took all the treasure chests that Time Machine traded him.
Then he said, “It is finished. Everyone worked hard. I will leave first.”
He had just quit the team when more than 20 friends applications popped up. All of them
were from members of the instance challenge. These people obviously appreciated Li
Cangyu’s command and were eager to add him as a friend. Li Cangyu accepted all of them.
He headed to Yisu City’s guild administrator and chose to upgrade the guild.
Previously, the members of Food Squad had been actively playing instances and doing
missions, so a lot of construction points had accumulated. Together with the first place
prize, the Food Squad directly rose to level 3.
[Congratulations, Food Squad has successfully upgraded to a level 3 guild. Everyone is
welcome to join!]
This message, combined with the gold advertisement, meant that guild applications
immediately swarmed in. The guild’s application list was only again densely filled.
“Should I pass all of them?” Bai Xuan looked back and asked.
“Yes, pass all of them and wait for the guild to develop. Then we will clear out those who
haven’t been online for a long time.” Li Cangyu replied.
“Okay.” Bai Xuan seriously passed the applications. He was very surprised by the popularity
of the Food Squad but this was normal. After killing the hidden boss Witch Lilian and being
the first to clear the guild challenge, the two consecutive golden advertisements naturally
attracted many players.
While Bai Xuan was busy with the guild applications, Li Cangyu found three people on his
friends list and sent them an invitation to join.
Their IDs were Small Elf, Small Archer, Small Hunter and they were a friends group.
Small Elf sent a row of surprised expressions when he was invited to join the guild:
[President! You remembered us?]
[Yes, I left three places for you.]
These three were the elf players Li Cangyu encountered on the road when returning to
Moonlight Forest. They had said they wanted to join the guild but it was full. Li Cangyu
promised to add them after the guild was upgraded and added them as friends.
Now that the guild had smoothly upgraded, Li Cangyu kept his promise and immediately
invited them.
These three people were just random passersby but Li Cangyu always kept his words.
The three players never expected the president to actually remember them!
Small Elf was moved and asked: [President, do you need help setting up the guild? The
three of us are university students and played in the old district for more than a year. We
have experience with managing an instance team so say it at any time!]
Li Cangyu didn’t expect the three people he added to actually by instance veterans and
happily replied: [It is just right. I am busy these days so the three of you can organize the
instance teams in the guild. Have everyone play the instance to level and try to get 80% of
the people to level 50 before Saturday. Then I will personally lead a team on Saturday’s
guild challenge instance.]
Small Elf said: [No problem President. We will handle it!]
At the same time, the Flying Feathers Guild challenging the instance.
Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn’t help looking ugly as he saw the world announcement
and then the remaining 50% blood of the boss.
If there was only a slight difference then he could see that the other side’s luck was better
and perhaps they saved some time in the maze.
However, the boss’ volume was still at 50%. This meant that the opponents were at least 10
minutes faster than the Flying Feathers Guild.
10 minutes! What was going on? Wasn’t this gap too big?
Vice President Flying Feather Ares couldn’t help swearing, “Shit! All of us are level 55 and
our speed with the mobs and boss is fast enough. We also didn’t waste a lot of time in the
maze stage. How are they faster than us by nearly 10 minutes? Did they use a program?”
Flying Feathers Frost was more careful. She looked at the announcement and said calmly,
“It should be a problem of the strategy. In the announcement, the Food Squad was before
the Time Guild, proving that the leader of the instance team is Love to Eat Braised Fish. His
command style is obviously not the same as Time’s president.”
Flying Feathers had always taken first place in the old districts. They were directly beaten
in the new district so everyone naturally didn’t look very good.
To make matters worse, the undercover in the Food Squad sent a private message to Flying
Feathers Liangshan: [Boss, the Food Squad has risen to level 3 and there are hundreds of
people in the applications list. It is estimated that the guild will be full by the end of today.]
Flying Feathers Liangshan: […]
Directly rising two levels?
They jumped straight from level 1 to level 3 and there were so many people lining up to
This type of popularity was too scary.
Flying Feathers Liangshan believed that the Food Squad would soon be promoted to a level
4 and level 5 guild… then they would become the largest guild in the district.
Flying Feathers Liangshan finally made up his mind and said calmly on the voice channel,
“We can’t just watch the Food Squad develop like this. Frost, go back and sort through all
the side accounts that aren’t in the guild and send the passwords to the elite team. I will
personally meet Love to Eat Braised Fish!”

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GLS: Chapter 43
Chapter 43 – Guild War

Flying Feathers Frost was really reliable. She could sorted out a few side accounts and sent
the accounts and password to the president through Q.
This batch of side accounts were leveled by a training studio. The current level was close to
the major forces and also had the initial big moves of various classes. Their equipment
wasn’t good but this wasn’t a problem. The initial equipment in the game wasn’t binding
and they could casually exchange equipment.
Flying Feathers Liangshan picked 12 level 51 accounts to form two teams. Then he sent the
accounts to the Flying Feathers experts and calmly said, “Everyone control the side
accounts to block Love to Eat Braised Fish.”
He wanted to personally test the identity of Love to Eat Braised Fish. The side accounts
hadn’t been added to the guild and these actions wouldn’t make trouble for the Flying
Feathers Guild. The two teams had a range of melee and remote classes, all of which were
the most common instance team configuration in online games. It wasn’t easy to think of
the Flying Feathers Guild when seeing the team.
The Flying Feathers president was excellent at spy games so he planned a seamless attack.
After level 50, the second main city ‘Zeya Castle’ officially opened and the Demon Forest
instance gave less experience. The old players of Miracle preferred hunting in the areas
around Zeya to quickly level up.
The mobs around Zeya Castle were all active monsters level 50 or above. Generally, 30
people would gather to form an ‘experience group’. The thick paladins were responsible for
drawing the monsters, the outputs were dedicated to killing monsters and the healers took
care of the blood. The experience group’s leveling speed was much faster and simpler than
the instance.
Of course, if they didn’t have a 30 member experience group then they could form a team of
six to go to a place with fewer monsters. As long as the players killed the monsters, the
leveling speed was also very fast.
Flying Feather Liangshan quickly asked for the coordinates of Love to Eat Braised Fish.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish is in the woods outside Zeya Castle, killing demon beast variants.
The demon beast variants were tall, melee attack beast monsters. They were level 52 and
killing them gave a lot of experience. However, the demon beast variants took half a minute
to refresh and wasn’t suitable for a team of 30. It was more suitable for a team of six to level
Due to this, Flying Feathers Liangshan only saw Love to Eat Braised Fish’s team when he
arrived at the west forest.
The neat ‘Food Squad’ above their heads proved that these six people were members of
Love to Eat Braised Fish’s fixed team.
Once he saw the paladin ‘As the Name Suggests’ pull a demon beast variant and the other
members attacked the beast variant in an orderly manner, Flying Feathers Liangshan
immediately ordered, “Go!”
The president gave the command and the 12 people quickly rushed forward.
At the same time, Li Cangyu said on the voice channel, “Disperse!”
He had already seen people sneaking in the distance. Therefore, once the group of people
moved, he immediately had his teammates spread out.
Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Xiao Gu ran to the left while Li Cangyu, Steamed Bass and
Awakened Magician ran to the right.
Flying Feathers Liangshan hadn’t expected the other party’s reaction to be so fast and was
stunned. He soon changed his order. “Team 1 to the level, team 2 to the right, kill them!”
In Miracle, level 50 was counted as a threshold.
Before level 50, there was the novice protection and players didn’t lose experience when
dying. Players above level 50 were no longer protected by the system and those who were
killed would lose experience and equipment.
Li Cangyu already guessed the other side’s intentions.
It was to kill his fixed team and let them lose experience after death. As long as their level
fell below 50, they would be unable to participate in Saturday’s guild challenge instance.
This type of wild killing to make the other party lose levels was really simple and rude.
Bai Xuan also guessed this and asked in the voice channel, “Which guild would be so bold?
They unexpectedly dared to come kill us in the wild. Didn’t they see that Wind Colour and
Flying Feathers’ elite teams were killed by us?”
Gu Siming’s voice was very excited. “This time they have high numbers. There are more
than 10 people!”
Li Cangyu said calmly, “Then we will send them back.”
Originally, Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong killed six people. This time, six people
killing over 10 people wouldn’t be very difficult.
For the three people on the left, Xie Shurong’s personality ability was enough to easily kill
masters in the online game. Combined with the help of the milk god Bai Xuan and the
protection of Gu Siming, it wouldn’t be difficult for A’Shu to kill a team of online players.
On the right, Li Cangyu was very confident in himself and he had a white magician who was
probably the captain of the Full Moon team, Zhang Jueming. If Zhang Jueming helped him,
he would be able to kill six people by himself.
Of course, he didn’t know that Steamed Bass was actually the side account of Ling Xuefeng.
Otherwise, he would act as a soy sauce and let Ling Xuefeng take care of this group of
The team captain’s ID was Peacock Flying Southeast. The IDs of the other people were all
poetic, like ‘Bed Before the Moonlight’ and ‘Thinking about Home’. They weren’t in any
guild and were obviously side accounts created by a guild.
Li Cangyu saw them coming here and immediately moved to a tree, sharp eyes staring in
their direction.
The six member team had melee, remotes and a healer. This was a very common team
configuration and he couldn’t see what guild the other party belonged to. Even if Li Cangyu
speculated that the other party was the Flying Feathers Guild, there was no evidence.
However, it was clear that the person commanding this attack was extremely meticulous.
In addition to deliberately using side accounts to hide the guild background, the squad was
well-organized when moving. First it was a swordsman, an assassin and then the two white
magicians and then the priests. It was a typical three step approach.
The other side had a healer and Li Cangyu’s party didn’t have one. Therefore, Li Cangyu’s
intention was obvious.
First take care of the opposite priest.
His position might be far from the priest but the elves had a movement racial skill and
there was the agility advantage. Once he saw the other party’s healer enter his field of view,
Li Cangyu immediately used Flying Feather Steps and quickly moved. Everyone felt that
Love to Eat Braised Fish came behind them in the blink of an eye!
“He is behind us!” Flying Feathers Frost, operating the healer, immediately cried out.
But it was too late when everyone tried to hit him.
Li Cangyu’s hand speed was extremely fast. Immediately after moving, he summoned a
water spirit and directly froze the healer before following up with a fire spirit. Awakened
Magician saw him fight the healer and wisely released all three auxiliary skills, Song of the
Soul, Inspiring Voice, Song of Encouragement!
The white and light blue effects quickly spread from his staff to the surrounding area. The
other person’s defense collectively declined while their team’s attack power and crit rate
Li Cangyu naturally became more powerful with the attack bonus. Four big fireballs shot
out like fireworks and the healer died in seconds.
Li Cangyu wasn’t satisfied with killing only one person. The attack bonus and crit rate
increase had a short duration of 10 seconds. He followed up by summoning the thunder
spirit and using Thunder’s Wrath. The remaining five were hit and lost nearly half their
This terrible attack was simply frightening!
Flying Feathers Liangshan felt his scalp become numb and the fingers on the keyboard
were slightly stiff.
The thing that made Li Cangyu happy was that the black magician Steamed Bass wasn’t
idle. He saw the light effect of the attack bonus on his body and raised his hand, followed by
the black magician’s most violent group attack, Hell Flames!
Black-red flames rose from the surrounding ground and burned almost everything away.
The fierce attack of the black magic spell caused the already residual blood players to
instantly fall to a critical state, a red warning light flashing.
Flying Feather Liangshan was absolutely stunned!
These people’s reactions were too fast. The six member team had just come over and hadn’t
released a skill when the other party’s summoner quickly moved behind them and
removed the healer. The even more amazing thing was that the white magician was an
A white magician auxiliary, how many years had it been since he saw this?
Fortunately, the other party’s big moves were cooling. Flying Feathers Liangshan gritted
his teeth and ordered, “Quickly kill Braised Fish!”
How could Love to Eat Braised Fish wait to be killed?
The cooldown of his pet skills didn’t matter. He still had the elves’ general movement skill.
Li Cangyu ran without hesitation.
This was a forest and the trees were very dense. The field of vision wasn’t too wide, making
Flying Feathers Liangshan feel that Braised Fish was a shadow. The elf summoner suddenly
flashed behind a tree and couldn’t be seen anymore.
Crushed in technique… also crushed in IQ…
Steamed Bass only used on bg move and still had many skills. After seeing the other side’s
blood, Ling Xuefeng wasn’t polite and used Shadow Winding on the opposite side’s
swordsman captain.
Then he followed Love to Eat Braised Fish’s lesson by running away.
The remaining four people of the Flying Feathers Guild stared with wide eyes. The furious
Flying Feathers Liangshan shouted, “Braised Fish will certainly move to the left. Go and
support the others!”
The situation on the left also wasn’t very good.
It contained the side account of the vice president who thought that it would be easy to
take care of this paladin, swordsman and knight with three people. Once the two sides met,
the chicken blood As the Name Suggests immediately rushed over and the situation became
Flying Feathers Ares’ face was angry.
The even more annoying thing was that the swordsman followed while waving his
longsword. The precise Spirit Lock hit the crowd and then he used Light and Shadow
Rotation and Breaking Bone Sword to kill two people in seconds.
This Light and Shadow Rotation was too scary!
Flying Feathers Ares was stunned when he saw it. For a moment, he even thought of the
captain of the Flying Feathers team, Su Guangmo…
Light and Shadow Rotation was the most powerful group attack skill of the swordsman but
it was a hard skill to grasp. Once opened, the consumption of blue was serious. In addition,
the sword moved quickly and it was easy to lose control and hit nothing. The operator
must adjust the swordsman’s position with the fastest speed in order to let the sharp sword
hit the targets.
A melee swordsman had striking attacks and many players in the professional league chose
to play a swordsman. The most famous one was Flying Feathers’s Su Guangmo.
In the arena, Su Guangmo always had the domineering air of ‘A god kills a god, Buddha
blocks Buddha.’ Since his master Song Yang retired, Su Guangmo took over as captain of the
Flying Feathers team. He was the oldest captain in the league apart from Ling Xuefeng.
In today’s Miracle League, the strongest players were recognized as demon summoner Ling
Xuefeng and the terran swordsman with the highest winning ratio, the second generation
captain of the Flying Feathers, Su Guangmo, the first of the Three Musketeers.
Ling Xuefeng was known as the ‘Demon King’ and his popularity was high.
Su Guangmo was known as the ‘Human Emperor’ which proved that many netizens
recognized Su Guangmo as the strongest terran player.
Flying Feathers Ares was a fanboy of Captain Su and had been with the Flying Feathers
Guild for a whole year. Captain Su had a blunt temper and hearty nature. H was sometimes
scary when angry but he often came to the guild area to communicate with them.
Flying Feathers Ares had witnessed Su Guangmo abusing a boss many times.
He saw Blossoming Tree release the swordsman’s big move, Light and Shadow Rotation
and his eyes suddenly saw the captain’s figure. He inexplicably felt that this swordsman
was somewhat similar to his captain’s style of play, although there were some differences if
they looked closely.
Flying Feathers Ares was in a daze and Xie Shurong didn’t give him a chance. His sword cut
into the back of the opponent and he used his firepower to instantly wipe out two remote
outputs, followed by one melee in the front row.
At this time, Li Cangyu’s support arrived.
The cooldown of his pet skills were over. He had used the footwork to escape while also
waiting for the cooldown to end. Now he arrived at Bai Xuan just as a melee was killed by
A’Shu. Li Cangyu called out the thunder spirit, used Thunder’s Wrath and instantly took the
heads of these people.
Eight of the side accounts died in the blink of an eye. Flying Feathers Liangshan
immediately called out, “Retreat!”
However, Ling Xuefeng didn’t give them a chance to retreat.
The four people with 10% blood wanted to run away only to run into the waiting Ling
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were cold as he raised a hand. The black magician’s Hell Flames
immediately killed these four people!
As Wind Colour’s captain, his demon summoner was famous in the Miracle League but he
didn’t only play a demon summoner. Strictly speaking, Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen was raised
by Ling Xuefeng, so he could play a black magician well.
Once all the side accounts were killed, Ling Xuefeng sent a private message to Li Cangyu:
[President, I killed the four who escaped.]
Was this guy asking for praise?
Li Cangyu wrote back: [Good work, you did well.]
The praised Ling Xuefeng was in a good mood.

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GLS: Chapter 44
Chapter 44 – Emperor Su Guangmo

Flying Feathers Liangshan brought 12 people to the wild to raid Love to Eat Braised Fish
and the result was that he was destroyed. The even more depressing thing was that when
they died, some people lost weapons, shoes, necklaces and other equipment, as well as a lot
of experience.
Li Cangyu naturally picked up the equipment that the people had lost in a happy mood. He
also examined the bodies on the ground to see if he was missing anything, causing the
Flying Feathers Guild members to be half-dead from fury.
[I will guard these bodies.] Li Cangyu typed on the area channel. [What guild are you from?
Do you want to send more people as support?]
Flying Feathers Liangshan saw this and almost vomited blood.
He wanted to guard the bodies?
There were two ways to resurrect those who died in the wild. The first was to revive in the
place where the died, the second was to return to the nearby city’s resurrection point. Love
to Eat Braised Fish guarding the bodies meant that if they dared to resurrect here, he would
kill them again.
Wasn’t this too arrogant?
Someone shouted: “President, resurrect again! I don’t believe that I can’t kill him!”
Flying Feathers Frost stated calmly, “You still want to fight? Didn’t you see the level of
those people?”
The group fell silent.
To be honest, the result wouldn’t change. They knew that the two sides were on a
completely different level.
Flying Feathers Ares suddenly said, “Boss, that Blossoming Tree is a bit strange.”
“How is he strange?”
“He reminds me of Captain Su. I think this person is very similar to Captain Su…”
“Nonsense!” Flying Feathers Liangshan endured the urge to throw his cup away. He said,
“Captain Su is travelling. How can he run to the online game to play an instance and also
fight against our Flying Feathers Guild?”
Flying Feathers Ares whispered, “Aren’t we playing side accounts? Captain Su wouldn’t
know our side accounts?”
Flying Feathers Liangshan reminded him, “Previously during the bounty mission, Love to
Eat Braised Fish’s trio wiped us out. Blossoming Tree was also in that team. You say that he
is Captain Su? Can you stop talking in your sleep?”
“…” The denied Flying Feathers Ares couldn’t help blushing.
The president was right. Captain Su was currently traveling around Inner Mongolia. How
can he be idle enough to play an instance in the online game as well as form an alliance
with the Time Guild? They were both old teams and Flying Feathers and Time always had a
hostile relationship.
But at that moment, he really had the illusion of seeing Su Guangmo.
Since the first season of the league, the Flying Feathers team had used melee swordsmen as
the core of their lineup. The swordsmen of Flying Feathers had obvious differences in style
compared to those in other teams.
Ares thought he hadn’t made a mistake and couldn’t help saying: “But Boss, I still feel that
this swordsman isn’t right. I recorded a video so do you want to see?”
Flying Feathers Liangshan heard that Ares recorded a video and temporarily left his seat to
come to Ares’ computer. He moved a chair over and said, “Turn on the video.”
Flying Feathers Ares soon opened the video.
In fact, he had a very strange feeling about Blossoming Tree the first time they fought in the
bounty mission. He felt that the swordsman’s style was familiar but he was so angry about
being wiped out that he didn’t think carefully.
Later, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt. Therefore, this time he was
smart enough to set up the video in advance.
The video started to play and Flying Feathers Liangshan stared at the computer screen.
Ares had recorded a wide-angle video and the swordsman called Blossoming Tree could
clearly be seen. Liangshan saw him raise the sword in his hand and cut at the back of the
team at a terrible speed. The sword in his hand moved quickly and during Light and
Shadow Rotation, every sword strike precisely pierced the backs of the two fragile outputs.
There weren’t many players who could use the swordsman’s Light and Shadow Rotation so
well in the online game. Even in the professional league, making such precise and rapidly
adjustments wasn’t something an ordinary player could do.
It was no wonder why Ares thought he saw Captain Su. This sharp style was indeed a
characteristic of Flying Feathers.
Flying Feathers Liangshan was completely stunned after seeing this video.
Wasn’t this Captain Su?
But wasn’t Captain Su traveling in Inner Mongolia?
Flying Feathers Liangshan couldn’t believe it and replayed the video a second time.
The third time…
It wasn’t until the fifth time that Ares couldn’t help saying, “President, what do you see?”
The president touched his chin seriously and finally concluded, “I can’t be sure but I think
we should find Captain Su.”
The group of vice presidents immediately gave their boss the thumbs up. Disturbing the
captain during his trip, Liangshan really didn’t want to live!
However, Flying Feathers Liangshan felt that this matter was very important and should be
told to the captain as soon as possible.
He thought about it over and over before calling the captain.
The phone was soon connected and a flat voice entered his ears. Like a throat being calmed
with cold water, it contained a unique cool charm. “President? Did you need something?”
“…” Flying Feathers Liangshan’s scalp became numb.
Wasn’t this the captain’s cell phone number? Why did the vice-captain take the call?
Well, they both went on a trip together and must be staying in a double room..
Flying Feathers’ vice-captain, Yu Pingsheng was only 21 years old. He had a solitary
personality and didn’t speak a lot. The expression on his face was always cold and his voice
was also like cold water. He seemed to live in a world by himself, without the need to
communicate with outsiders.
Sometimes when the members met him, he was like a quiet ghost. He walked so quietly
that it was a bit scary…
However, Captain Su protected him tightly. He basically took the vice-captain with him
everywhere. Whenever Captain Su traveled, they would go together and were inseparable.
Yu Pingsheng’s cold and solitary nature meant that apart from Su Guangmo, he didn’t have
any real friends in the Miracle League. But this didn’t affect his professional talent. The
solitary person played a beast berserker on the field, a sharp contrast to his nature. Yu
Pingsheng’s berserker was the trump card of the Flying Feathers team. The man who
seemed cold and gentle could never be soft when killing people with his axe on the game
It was said that he was a swordsman in the first year and one of the three feathers of Flying
Feathers. It was unknown why he changed to playing a berserker. Liangshan hadn’t been in
the guild very long and wasn’t clear about these old matters. The captain seemed to forbid
talking about it so no one dared to ask Captain Su.
Liangshan was standing there stupidly for a moment when a clear, cold voice entered his
ears again. “President?”
“Oh!” Flying Feathers Liangshan’s spirit returned. “Vice-Captain, there is something I want
to talk to the captain about. Is he there?”
“He is in the shower.” Yu Pingsheng replied lightly.
“…” Flying Feathers Liangshan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, “Then after he
finishes showering, can you tell him to call me back?”
“Okay.” Yu Pingsheng still cherished words like they were gold.
“Cough, I have bothered Vice-Captain.” Flying Feathers Liangshan hung up the phone.
In the hotel, Su Guangmo soon finished his shower.
This man had a tall and strong body like a model, with a very enviable eight pack. He had
short hair, slightly high and thick eyebrows, deep eyes and a nose and lips that were very
sex. He was a typical player who ‘could rely on his face to eat but he relied on talent
Netizens had voted on the value of the players in the Miracle League. The handsome and
abstinent hero Ling Xuefeng was undoubtedly ranked first, while the personality of Flying
Feathers’ captain Su Guangmo was popular. Not two far behind them, Time’s captain Tan
Shitian won the love of a large number of fans with his humorous and warm male image.
Wind Colour, Time and Flying Feathers, these three teams were all old teams from the first
season and the three teams often met in the finals. Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Tan
Shitian, the three captains in the Miracle League gradually became known as the ‘Three
The captain of the Flying Feathers team was very strong while the vice-captain was
Yu Pingsheng was different from Su Guangmo’s masculine and handsome appearance. The
vice-captain had a clear-looking appearance and his personality was solitary and cold. He
was used to be alone and often quietly did his own things in the corner like a ghost, giving
people the feeling that he was difficult to access.
Su Guangmo had always guarded him like an older brother in the past few years. When Su
Guangmo came out of the corner and saw Yu Pingsheng sitting on the sofa and playing
games, Su Guangmo naturally walked behind him and asked, “Did you pass the 10th level?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo asked, “We’ve strolled almost all of Inner Mongolia. Where do you want to go
play? I’ll take you there.”
Yu Pingsheng quietly asked, “Is it okay not to go out?” It is too sunny.”
Su Guangmo was standing behind him and could see his long white neck… This guy was
always at home and didn’t like to go out. Su Guangmo finally dragged him out on this trip
but Yu Pingsheng would rather stay in the hotel playing games instead of going out into the
Su Guangmo couldn’t help smiling at this and said, “Okay, we will stay at the hotel and sleep
late tomorrow.”
“Yes.” Yu Pingsheng looked up. “By the way, President Liangshan just called and asked you
to call him back.”
“The president of the Flying Feathers Guild?” Su Guangmo picked up his phone with some
doubts. He saw the president’s name on the call record and directly called back, asking,
“Were you looking for me?”
Flying Feathers Liangshan’s spirit shook and he replied, “Captain Su, I’m really sorry to
disturb your vacation…”
Su Guangmo quickly said, “Never mind that. What happened?”
Flying Feathers Liangshan cleared his throat two times before saying, “It is like this. We
met a few strange masters in the new area. The elf summoner who leads the team has a
very high standard and a team of three consecutively eliminated the six member groups of
Wind Colour and Flying Feathers. Today, we used side accounts to test him and Ares found
that his team has a very powerful terran swordsman. His style is especially similar to
“A very high level elf summoner? A terran swordsman who is similar to me?” Su Guangmo
thoughtfully touched his chin. “If you have a video then let me see it.”
The witty Flying Feathers Liangshan said, “It has been sent to your mailbox.”
Su Guangmo hung up the phone, took out his laptop and looked in the mailbox. Sure
enough, there was a video from the president.
He just opened the video when Yu Pingsheng moved to his side like a ghost, a pair of black
and clear eyes staring seriously at the computer screen. Did he want to watch it together?
Su Guangmo saw his curiosity and couldn’t help smiling as he moved the computer screen.
The two people watched as the elf summoner and terran swordsman worked together to
wipe out the Flying Feathers’ side account team.
They replayed the video again.
Then Su Guangmo asked, “What do you think?”
Yu Pingsheng cocked his head for a moment before replying, “Is it A’Shu?”
Su Guangmo nodded. “I also feel like it is that kid.”
Su Guangmo immediately sent the president a message. “President, give me two
swordsman side accounts.”
Flying Feathers’ president asked with confusion, “What does Captain Su want to do with
the side accounts?”
Su Guangmo laughed. “I want to see if this Blossoming Tree is my little brother.”

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GLS: Chapter 45
Chapter 45 – Three Musketeers

The first season of the Miracle League was known as the ‘Five Gods Era’ by the netizens.
At that time, there happened to be exactly five of the strongest players— Wind Colour’s
captain Ling Xuefeng, FTD’s captain Li Cangyu, the first captain of the Flying Feathers team
Song Yang, the first captain of the Time team Xu Luo and the first captain of the Ghost
Spirits team, Mo Quan.
These five people happened to be different races and their style of play was also unique.
Ling Xuefeng was good at the eruption style of a demon, Li Cangyu loved the fast
movements of the elves, Song was the most stable player as a terran swordsman, Xu Luo’s
white magic control of the angel race won the hearts of the people while Mo Quan
preferred the assassination of the blood kin.
These five people were said to be the originators of the Chinese Miracle Professional
League. Their influence on the Miracle League was extremely far-reaching, with many
gameplay and strategies inspired by them.
In the first season, the Time team was the Miracle Branch established by the Huaxia Club. A
lot of money was invested, the Time team was well-managed from the beginning and many
masters were dug up. Under the leadership of Xu Luo, they won the championship in the
first season.
In the second season, Wind Colour’s captain Ling Xuefeng and vice-captain Yuan Shaozhe
double summoners controlled the field. The Wind Colour swept through the professional
league with this momentum and won the championship of the second season.
Yuan Shaozhe was about to retire and started to train Xu Feifan, the successor to the blood
kin summoner. Ling Xuefeng personally trained the current vice-captain Yan Ruiwen, the
strongest black magician of the present day and this allowed the Wind Colour team to stand
firm in the Miracle League.
Time and Wind Colour had won a championship but Flying Feathers had yet to prove
themselves with a golden trophy.
Flying Feathers’ old captain, Song Yang had three apprentices. Su Guangmo and Yu
Pingsheng were taken to the stadium as substitutes in the second season while the
apprentice Xie Shurong officially debuted in the third season. Xie Shurong’s debut also
contributed to the name ‘Three Musketeers.’
After Captain Song retired, many people thought that the Flying Feathers team might never
get the trophy. However, under the leadership of the new captain Su Guangmo, the three
swordsmen joined forces and actually sent the Flying Feathers team to the throne of the
third season!
Since then, Time, Wind Colour and Flying Feathers had established an insurmountable
position in the Miracle League.
Su Guangmo’s style was steady and very aggressive, fitting for a melee class. Yu Pingsheng’s
mind was meticulous and his sword was delicate. He was the best at counterattacking. Xie
Shurong liked to play the quick style and specialized in chasing healers, the sword in his
hand chopping at the enemy’s spirit.
The Flying Feathers’ Three Musketeers became a legend and everyone was very optimistic
about the future of the Flying Feathers team.
However, for some unknown reason, Xie Shurong left the Flying Feathers team after the
end of the third season and Yu Pingsheng changed from a swordsman to a berserker!
This cold and slightly autistic person, why did he want to play the beast berserker?
Everyone couldn’t understand it.
Captain Su Guangmo didn’t explain. He just said, “I respect everyone’s choice.”
The confused reporters had many speculations—was there a feud between the brothers?
Was it difficult for a mountain to accommodate two tigers? Was it a beautiful woman?
Unfortunately, no one answered their speculations and the loss of the Three Musketeers
became a mystery in the Miracle League.
Three years passed in the blink of an eye. During the Flying Feathers training camp, the
three of them were very happy. They lived together, ate together and trained together
every day. Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were very familiar with Xie Shurong’s style of
play. Thus, once they looked at this video, they knew that this person was probably A’Shu
or related to him.
It was already the end of the fourth season when Flying Feathers Liangshan joined. At the
time, Xie Shurong had already left and Vice-Captain Yu changed to a berserker. The Three
Musketeers became an old legend. He had never seen Xie Shurong but he heard rumours
about Captain Song’s disciples.
It was said that Xie Shurong’s talent wasn’t any worse than his older brother, Su Guangmo.
Before leaving the team, he seemed to have a big fight with Su Guangmo. However, Captain
Su wasn’t willing to speak about it and no one dared ask.
Now Captain Su said that this Blossoming Tree might be his younger brother Xie Shurong.
Flying Feathers Liangshan was so stunned that his jaw dropped. Once he recovered, he
immediately got two level 52 swordsmen accounts from Frost and quickly sent the
passwords to the captain.
Soon, two prompts appeared in the lower left corner.
[Your friend Bright Moon on the Sea is online.]
[Your friend End of the World is online.]
This were the side accounts Liangshan had just sent Su Guangmo. Once they realized that
the people were online, Flying Feathers Liangshan shouted excitedly, “Come quickly,
Captain Su and Vice-Captain Yu are online!”
The guild management people in the office immediately came over.
[What are the coordinates of Blossoming Tree?] Su Guangmo used the side account Bright
Moon on the Sea to send Flying Feathers Liangshan a private chat.
“The western forest of Zeya Castle, near the coordinates 738.196. The six member team is
still fighting the demon beast variants.” Flying Feathers Liangshan said quickly.
“Oh.” Su Guangmo replied before taking Yu Pingsheng to the forest.
The two people came to the western forest and found six people leveling there.
The paladin As the Name Suggests, the elf summoner Love to Eat Braised Fish, the angel
priest Love to Eat Twice-cooked Pork, the terran swordsman Blossoming Tree, the black
magician Steamed Bass and the white magician Awakened Magician. The six people had the
guild name Food Squad above their heads.
Su Guangmo quickly looked over the other party’s lineup.
The paladin pulled the monster and the swordsman wasn’t working very hard. It was
obviously very easy for them to clean up the demon beast variants. The six people were
casually fighting.
While the Su and Yu duo observed them, Li Cangyu also noticed the two swordsmen not far
Bright Moon on the Sea and End of the World, they were obviously part of the 12 side
accounts that were just wiped out. However, this time there were only two people and they
stayed there motionless.
Li Cangyu was feeling curious when Bright Moon on the Sea came forward and spoke in the
area channel: [This is a personal grudge and other people shouldn’t intervene. Give me
Blossoming Tree.]
Xie Shurong was fighting the monsters and frowned when he saw this line. [Personal
grudge? I don’t know you.]
Su Guangmo laughed. [You will soon know me.]
Xie Shurong: [You are sick.]
Everyone, “…”
What was this situation? Wasn’t the area channel somehow becoming childish?
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan exchanged awkward expressions.
Yu Pingsheng couldn’t stand it anymore and poked his brother’s arm. “He doesn’t know you
are operating this side account. Duel him and he will see.”
“Yes.” Su Guangmo nodded and sent a request.
Xie Shurong accepted and rushed over.
He started with the swordsman’s skill Spirit Lock that would seal the opponent for three
seconds. Then he would follow up with Light and Shadow Rotation and Breaking Bone
Sword. This was Xie Shurong’s favourite combo.
However, he had just used Spirit Lock when the other person seemed to have guessed his
thoughts. The opponent used a clever S-type swing displacement to smoothly escape the
control of Spirit Lock!
Xie Shurong slightly frowned but his feet weren’t slow. He used the same time of
displacement and avoided the opponent’s Spirit Lock control.
Both of them wasted their control skills. Xie Shurong used his fast hand speed to directly
use a big move and Su Guangmo also opened a big move at the same time.
Light and Shadow Rotation!
The two human swordsmen used the same big skill. The swords in their hands waved
through the air, causing an overlapping white sword light effect. The gorgeous light effect
almost blinded the people.
Su Guangmo’s attack was very stable while Xie Shurong was very fast. The confrontation
between the two swordsmen stunned the countless watching Flying Feathers Guild
Light and Shadow Rotation ended and both people had lost half blood.
Xie Shurong’s fighting spirit was aroused and he used Breaking Bone Sword to try and kill
the other. However, the opponent moved the sword horizontally and successful blocked
this strike. At the same time, he replied with Breaking Bone Sword.
Xie Shurong also used his sword to block, following by a sudden jump into the distance.
Then he pressed the skill, Storm Strike!
This skill allowed a swordsman to instantly chase the enemy in front of him, while hitting
the enemy’s sword with his sword, causing a three second stun effect.
This jump was extremely flexible. Unfortunately, the opponent seemed to know A’Shu very
well. The moment A’Shu rushed forward, he nimbly turned 90 degrees and escaped this
strike. He raised his sword again and the skill Soul Sword stabbed A’Shu’s chest!
Counterattacking while avoiding, decisive without wasting time…
Li Cangyu saw the two people PKing and couldn’t help feeling secretly scared.
The swordsman who came this time was extremely strong compared to the management of
the guilds in the online game.
This man was steady when hit and didn’t panic when moving. Like a general on the
battlefield, no matter how fierce the enemy attack, he would be steady as long as he had the
sword in his hand.
This masterful play was the style of Song Yang, the old captain of Flying Feathers.
Li Cangyu stared at the battle.
After a few years of training, A’Shu was much steadier than when he played in the Three
Musketeers. But he was still missing something compared to the person in front of him.
If A’Shu was a sharp killer good at fast attacks, the one in front of him was a stable general
who wouldn’t blink if a mountain collapsed in front of him. He was so confident that he
wasn’t flustered in front of A’Shu’s fast attacks.
The speed of the two men was fast and the blood volume on both sides rapidly decreased.
However, Li Cangyu could see that these two men weren’t doing their best. They were
slightly reserved and trying to test each other.
The fact that it was so fierce proved the operator behind this account definitely wasn’t
Was it Su Guangmo, the first of the Three Musketeers?
Li Cangyu thought this and couldn’t help looking back at Bai Xuan. “What do you think?”
They had been partners for many years and Bai Xuan immediately understood Li Cangyu’s
meaning. He nodded and said, “It should be Su Guangmo.”
At this point, Ling Xuefeng controlling Steamed Bass had already recognized them.
Fans gave nicknames to many players. ‘Demon King’ Ling Xuefeng and ‘Human Emperor’ Su
Guangmo were often mentioned by reporters at the same time.
The number of times the two of them played against each other wasn’t low. Wind Colour
and Flying Feathers often met in heavyweight encounters such as the semi-finals or finals.
Therefore, Ling Xuefeng could understand Su Guangmo’s style.
Su Guangmo’s debut time was only one year later than Ling Xuefeng and he took over as
captain at the end of the second season. Compared to the players who took over after the
third season ended such as Captain Luo, Captain Zhu, Captain Yang and Captain Tan, Ling
Xuefeng and Su Guangmo experienced more events in the Miracle League and their
foundation was more stable.
For Su Guangmo to be here meant that the side accounts who ambushed them today were
people of the Flying Feathers Guild. They must’ve seen something and invited the captain.
Su Guangmo was obviously aiming at Blossoming Tree so this swordsman’s identity clearly
wasn’t simple.
In the beginning, Ling Xuefeng played the account of Wind Colour’s president and they
cleared several rounds of Frost Temple. Blossoming Tree deliberately hid his strength the
entire team because he didn’t want to reveal his identity. Since Su Guangmo personally
came to the game today, Ling Xuefeng could guess that this Blossoming Tree was the
younger brother of Su Guangmo who had been missing for a long time: Xie Shurong.
Ling Xuefeng’s mood couldn’t help being complicated as he thought up to here.
Xie Shurong had left for Chinese Miracle League for three years. It was unexpected to meet
him in the new district. IT seemed that Li Cangyu’s team was unexpectedly good. The ace
Xie Shurong had joined, indicating that Li Cangyu’s new team would never be like the
arbitrarily slaughtered FTD team.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help feeling happy for him.
Only strong teammates would allow Li Cangyu to play to his true level without any
It could be seen that the team led by Cat God would surely bring more surprises to the
Miracle League next years!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:

Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GLS: Chapter 46
Chapter 46 – Feelings of the Fellow Apprentices

Xie Shurong didn’t take long to recognize that the opposite person was his older apprentice
brother, Su Guangmo. It had been a long time since they fought. His fighting spirit was
stimulated by Su Guangmo and he was too lazy to hide his strength, so he readily hit his
Unexpectedly, Su Guangmo stopped at the last minute and jumped away from Xie Shurong’s
attack range. He typed in the private chat: [I haven’t seen you for a few years, Younger
Brother’s progress is quite big.]
Xie Shurong retorted: [Who is your younger brother? Didn’t you tell me to get lost?]
Su Guangmo smiled: [Remembering the words of an argument from a few years ago, a man
shouldn’t be so stingy!]
In the year the Three Musketeers were both, Su Guangmo was 19 years old while Xie
Shurong and Yu Pingsheng were 18 years old.
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to speak. He was always hiding and playing with his phone.
However, Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong were hot tempered. The scene of the two of them
arguing was Yu Pingsheng’s live nightmare.
Both of them were young, frivolous and opinionated, they refused to concede.
It was the so-called ‘one mountain can’t tolerate two tigers.’ Su Guangmo originally had a
straight personality and Xie Shurong was sharp and aggressive. The year that the Flying
Feathers team won the championship, it looked like the three apprentice brothers were
getting along with each other to outsiders. In fact, they were arguing almost every day?
How to arrange the next game? Su Guangmo had one opinion and Xie Shurong felt another
way. If the two people disagreed, Yu Pingsheng didn’t dare stop them and could only call
over their master.
Song Yang, who was Flying Feathers’ coach at the time, had to run to the training room
every day to persuade them. Sometimes he felt very anxious because the two apprentices
would punch and kick at each other before finally going quiet. Song Yang didn’t know what
to do if it went on like this.
Fortunately, most of Xie Shurong and Su Guangmo’s disputes were for the team. Their
tactical ideas were slightly different but they could understand each other after Master
Song Yang’s adjustment. In addition, both of them were forthright and didn’t like holding
grudges. They would argue in the morning and by afternoon, they would be watching
videos of the game together.
The noisy third season of these two people was now a precious memory of their youth.
Both Su and Xie were young and hot-blooded, proud and irritable. They met with each
other and bickered every day. However, they didn’t take it to heart and never hated each
At least, until the day their argument reached a point they couldn’t come back from.
After Flying Feathers won the championship in the third season, Song Yang felt that his
three apprentices could support the Flying Feathers team and went abroad to do business,
officially retiring from e-sports.
Once their master left, Yu Pingsheng thought for a long time before finally daring to say his
own thoughts.
He was more familiar with Su Guangmo and secretly told him first. In fact, his favourite
class was the berserker but Captain Song wanted to train three swordsmen. Yu Pingsheng
was very introverted and didn’t like arguing with others, so he silently agreed.
For more than a year, he had been playing a swordsman like his master wanted. Still, he
always felt that when he played a swordsman, he couldn’t open up his ideas and he didn’t
play too much of a role in the team. Therefore, he wanted to try changing to a berserker.
He secretly practiced and felt that he was more adept at playing berserker than
However, changing his class meant the Flying Feathers team would have to find a new
swordsman to succeed him and the lineup would have to be adjusted. Yu Pingsheng was
very tense when saying these words and even stuttered.
He thought his senior wouldn’t agree but Su Guangmo easily patted him on the shoulder
and said, “Well, you play what you want to play.”
Yu Pingsheng looked up with an astonished expression, gratitude filling his eyes.
Su Guangmo saw the clear eyes and couldn’t help smiling. He patted his young brother’s
head and said, “Master isn’t on the team anymore. I am now Flying Feathers’ master. Tell
me if you want to do something in the future. There is no need to worry so much.”
An introverted person like Yu Pingsheng dared say these words, proving that he had been
thinking about it for a long time. He was somewhat distressed about his younger brother.
Compared to the radiant and sharp-minded Xie Shurong, Yu Pingsheng was more invisible
among the Three Musketeers. Now that the Flying Feathers team won the championship
and had a firm foundation, Xiao Yu wanted to try changing to his favourite class. It was
Su Guangmo never expected Xie Shurong to strongly oppose.
“The Three Musketeers were trained by Master. Is there a reason for you to change classes
after Master walked away? Isn’t this a rejection of Master?” Xie Shurong stared at Yu
Pingsheng with extremely sharp eyes. “If you change classes, Flying Feathers’ entire lineup
will have to change. Can you not be so selfish? Have you considered the other players? Have
you considered Master’s feelings?”
Yu Pingsheng was born introverted and now Xie Shurong was scolded him so fiercely. His
eyes turned slightly red but he didn’t know how to refute it. He could only lower his head,
his fingers tightly clenched together as his face paled.
Su Guangmo saw this and felt a sudden anger in his heart. His face was calm as he said,
“What do you mean by he is selfish and not considering the feelings of others? Is that how
you talk to your older brother?”
“How could Older Brother be so willful?” Xie Shurong retorted, “Master just left and you are
already messing things up as captain. Wanting to change classes, wanting to change the
lineup, why don’t you just change the name of the Flying Feathers team!”
“What nonsense are you saying!” Su Guangmo endured the urge to hit the other person. “A
professional player can really only shine when they are playing their favourite class. Xiao
Yu naturally has his reasons for wanting to change classes. You don’t support him and
actually speak so much nonsense. An 18 year old is considered as an adult so why don’t you
use your brains?”
“I’m not using my brains? You are the one protecting him without any brains!”
“…” This sentence made Su Guangmo, who had endured for a long time, completely erupt.
He grabbed Xie Shurong’s collar and shouted, “Do you have the courage to say that again?”
“Am I wrong?” Xie Shurong was like an irritated little wolf as he stared rudely back at Su
Guangmo. “You will raise your hands in agreement to anything Yu Pingsheng says, while
you will scold me for anything I say! Isn’t your bias too obvious? If you don’t like me then
say it bluntly. In any case, you are the captain. If you want me to leave Flying Feathers then
just say it!”
“…” Su Guangmo was so furious that he pointed to the door and said, “Okay, you can get
The moment these words were said, the three people were stunned.
The atmosphere in the training room was very tense. Yu Pingsheng noticed and quickly
grabbed Su Guangmo’s arm, whispering, “Brothers, don’t be angry. I won’t change classes.
We will stay the same as before…”
Before he could finish, Xie Shurong quickly picked up his backpack and pointed at Su
Guangmo. “You told me to get lost, don’t regret it!”
Su Guangmo looked at the leaving figure of the 18 year old and kicked over the chair in
front of him.
Yu Pingsheng followed in order to stop A’Shu. Unfortunately, this person was very fast and
his shadow disappeared in the blink of an eye. He returned to persuade Su Guangmo but
found him sulking in the bedroom. Yu Pingsheng was helpless. Perhaps he should let them
calm down first and maybe they would reconcile tomorrow. In any case, this wasn’t the
first time they argued. Every time they fought, they would quickly reconcile.
Yu Pingsheng didn’t expect this to be the last argument between Su Guangmo and Xie
Xie Shurong was walking alone on the streets at night. He knew that his brother was just
speaking in anger. It was very easy to say inappropriate words when angry and then feel
sorry when time passed.
However, he was very proud at that time. Su Guangmo said such words that Xie Shurong
couldn’t go back to Flying Feathers.
He walked around with his bag and eventually decided to go abroad.
Since he won an award in the third season, the American ICE Club had contacted him
privately, saying that ICE was missing a talented swordsman. IF he was willing, he could
play in New York, receiving free meals and an excellent salary.
Xie Shurong’s contract with Flying Feathers was about to expire anyway. Instead of staying
in Flying Feathers and arguing with Su Guangmo every day, it was better to start from
scratch in a new environment.
He hadn’t been to the US yet so maybe playing there would be more fun? He could also gain
some insights.
Thus, the 18 year old Xie Shurong decided to go to New York alone and join the ICE Club.
It was only after leaving his home, eating food he wasn’t used to and listening to his
teammates’ fluent English that he gradually realized the decision he made was too hasty.
Unfortunately, God didn’t give people the opportunity to regret.
In the next few years, Xie Shurong gradually grew up and thought about the matter in a
more mature manner than when he was 18 years old.
“A professional player can really only shine when they are playing their favourite class.”
These were the words Su Guangmo had said in the past. The two people were angry at the
time and Xie Shurong didn’t think carefully about the truth of this sentence. He only
thought that Yu Pingsheng was being unreasonable and Su Guangmo was brainlessly
defending Yu Pingsheng.
Later in the US, he saw many outstanding players in the field and remembered the invisible
Yu Pingsheng… Xie Shurong suddenly had a feeling of sadness.
Yu Pingsheng was introverted and always accepted other people’s arrangements. He rarely
expressed his own opinions. Whenever the two brothers were arguing, he didn’t know how
to stop them and would stand on the side with a pale and sickly expression.
At that time, they fought because of him and Xie Shurong also said that he was selfish and
didn’t consider others. Wouldn’t Yu Pingsheng be the most uncomfortable?
In fact, Xie Shurong was like this because his Master had just left the Flying Feathers team.
His mood was very low and he felt like Yu Pingsheng was denying Master’s idea of the
Three Musketeers to play a berserker. That’s why Xie Shurong became very furious.
He thought about it later and realized that if Yu Pingsheng’s favourite class was a berserker,
it was the correct decision to change to a berserker. For a person like that to dare say his
own thoughts, it wasn’t easy. It was right that Su Guangmo support him as captain.
It was a pity that Xie Shurong was too proud and stubborn at 18 years old. He impulsively
left Flying Feathers and left no room for recovering from that argument.
Xie Shurong felt guilty.
In particular, he said words that really hurt Yu Pingsheng.
For the past few years, he had been paying attention to the Flying Feathers team. He saw a
berserker who was the opposite of an unknown swordsman. The most powerful front line
berserker in the domestic league was the vice-captain of the Flying Feathers team. Yu
Pingsheng, he had a cold and introverted character but he shone and was unstoppable on
the field.
He was the one who made the front row of the Flying Feathers team a wall that other teams
didn’t dare take lightly. With his protection, Su Guangmo could use the most powerful
attacks of the terran swordsman without worrying.
The Flying Feathers team was still among the giants of Miracle, proving that Su Guangmo
and Yu Pingsheng’s choice wasn’t wrong.
Xie Shurong was very happy for his two brothers.
However, he couldn’t return to Flying Feathers. It wasn’t to do with pride but many other
factors. Once something was missed, there was no need to go back.
Su Guangmo had been paying attention to his younger brother in recent years.
After Xie Shurong left, Su Guangmo calmed down and used his connections to check on Xie
Shurong’s whereabouts. He found out that A’Shu was playing in the American ICE Club and
learning many things. He was very happy for his younger brother.
In that argument, both of them said words that shouldn’t be spoke, completely hurting the
relationship between brothers.
Su Guangmo regretted it a lot but he knew that A’Shu wasn’t a narrow-minded person who
held grudges. He didn’t return to the Flying Feathers team because he had a very good
development in the ICE Club, not because of the previous matter.
They didn’t worry about the old things but they still owed each other an apology.
Xie Shurong sent a private chat to the onlooker End of the World: [At that time, I was young
and spoke foolishly. Don’t mind it too much! In fact, you are very powerful when playing a
berserker. I only wanted to guard Master’s Three Musketeers and ignored your feelings. I’m
really sorry.]
The person didn’t speak or fight but Xie Shurong knew this must be Yu Pingsheng.
Su Guangmo took Yu Pingsheng with him everywhere he went. Xie Shurong later
understood the reason. Yu Pingsheng had psychological problems and interpersonal
communication problems. He couldn’t easily deal with people. Su Guangmo was afraid this
person would become depressed and always took him along, becoming accustomed to
protecting him.
The moment this message was sent, Xie Shurong also received a private chat from Su
Guangmo. [Brother was very angry and didn’t mean it when I told you to get lost. You idiot,
why did you really leave? In addition, do you have to go all the way to America?]
“…” Xie Shurong saw this familiar tone and couldn’t help swearing. [(Fu*k) your sister! Is
this how you apologize? Shouldn’t you be apologetic?]
[Okay, it is my fault!] Su Guangmo thought of all their arguments in the past and couldn’t
help laughing. [We were young so don’t worry about it. I know that you have been playing
at the ICE Club for the past few years. Next year, Miracle will be holding a world
competition. You are Chinese and can’t represent America. Return to China, it is your
[Of course I’m going to return home.] Xie Shurong was full of confidence.
[If you return to Flying Feathers, Brother Yu and I will welcome you at any time.] Su
Guangmo’s invitation was very sincere.
[If I go back and argue with you, Brother Yu will have a headache and can’t sleep.] Xie
Shurong typed with a smile. [Forget it. I have already contracted with a team.]
Su Guangmo already guessed that A’Shu wouldn’t return to Flying Feathers.
The original Three Musketeers had long become a legend. Yu Pingsheng wasn’t playing a
swordsman anymore and there was no turning back. Since many things had been missed,
let it go. Forcibly trying to recover it wouldn’t necessarily lead to good results.
Su Guangmo asked curiously: [Which team did you contract with?]
[It isn’t convenient to disclose it.] Xie Shurong wanted to draw out the climax. [You will
know when I come back.]
[Are you trying to increase the climax?] Su Guangmo smiled. [Okay, I will know the truth
They just chatted up to here when a private message sent by Yu Pingsheng popped up on
Xie Shurong’s bottom left corner.
[It doesn’t matter, I don’t mind. You have grown up very fast these years. Brother Su and I
are very happy.]
This person with communication problems, he took so long to reply because he was
probably thinking for a long time.
Xie Shurong’s heart became warm.
In the third season of the Miracle League, the Three Musketeers joined hands to lead Flying
Feathers to the championship. Three years later, only Human Emperor Su Guangmo and
Berserker Yu Pingsheng were left. The player Xie Shurong had gone to Canglan.
The relationship between the three brothers was actually very good. Su Guangmo saw Xie
Shurong as a little brother and scolded him to look after him. It was just that they were too
sharp when they were young. They stabbed at each other with the thorns on their bodies
and ended up stabbing Yu Pingsheng.
The young men were stubborn and reckless. Like clumsy hedgehogs, they wanted to prove
their strength by hurting others.
Today, they were all really strong.
The demise of the Three Musketeers was actually a sign that the three youngsters had
grown up.
They would prove themselves in the biggest arena called the Miracle League.

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access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 47
Chapter 47 – Cat Who Loves to Eat Fish

Su Guangmo chatted with his little brother before sending an invitation to Love to Eat
Braised Fish on the Food Squad. According to the president of the Flying Feathers Guild, the
elf summoner was particularly powerful and was perhaps A’Shu’s teammate. He wanted to
see what Love to Eat Braised Fish’s level was.
However, the system responded with a prompt.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has refused your invitation.]
Su Guangmo asked in a private chat: [Why did you refuse? Let’s try it.]
‘Try it out in order to find out who I am? It is better to keep the mystery.’ Li Cangyu thought
this and decisively replied: [I won’t try it. I don’t want to deal a blow to your confidence.]
Su Guangmo, “…”
He wasn’t afraid to flash his tongue when talking like that?
Su Guangmo endured the urge to enter slaughter mode and sent an invitation to the black
magician next.
[Steamed Bass has refused your invitation.]
The confused Su Guangmo talked to him in a private message: [Why? You don’t want to
learn anything from fighting me?]
Steamed Bass replied: [I don’t want to because I don’t want to deal a blow to your
Su Guangmo, “…”
Were the both of them wearing the same pants? The words were the same, did they discuss
this in advance?
Su Guangmo was laughed at by these two people. He couldn’t help looking back and saying
to Yu Pingsheng, “Love to Eat Braised Fish and Steamed Bass, these two people are quite
interesting. They don’t want to deal a blow to my confidence? It seems that A’Shu’s new
team isn’t simple!”
“Are you saying that A’Shu has joined a new team?” Yu Pingsheng asked.
“Yes.” Su Guangmo continued, “This kid has a good idea. I just don’t know if he has found
reliable teammates.”
“With A’Shu’s eyes, they shouldn’t be bad?” Yu Pingsheng spoke seriously.
Su Guangmo also believed that Xie Shurong wouldn’t join a team that wasn’t reliable when
his level was in the upper ranks of any major domestic team. However, the current eight
strong teams tended to have a fixed style. Xie Shurong’s style was best integrated into the
Flying Feathers team but he didn’t return to Flying Feathers. It wasn’t appropriate to enter
other teams so shuffling the cards was a good choice.
Su Guangmo always regarded Xie Shurong as a younger brother. They might argue every
day but he appreciated Xie Shurong’s novel ideas and his sharp and offensive style of play.
It was because their relationship was so close that he spoke without thinking and drove the
18 year old away. This was Su Guangmo’s last regret in the past few years.
However, Su Guangmo didn’t intend to save his younger brother. After all, Xie Shurong had
now grown up and would have his own ideas. The past things would be left as memories in
the heart.
Su Guangmo thought this and privately chatted to Xie Shurong: [Once you return home, tell
me. I will treat you to a meal.]
[Well, there is a great god in my team. You should be mentally prepared and not lose your
[Who is this great god?] Su Guangmo asked curiously.
[I won’t tell you!] Xie Shurong said with a smile.
“…” Whetting up his appetite only to not fulfill it, this guy was obviously doing it
Since he wasn’t willing to say it, Su Guangmo no longer asked. Xie Shurong’s team would
eventually make a public appearance.
As Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong were chatting, Yu Pingsheng had been quietly sitting like a
ghost and staring at the computer screen. He always had no sense of existence. If other
people didn’t talk to him, he would sit quietly, as transparent as the air.
But once he saw these messages, he suddenly suggested, “Is it Li Cangyu?”
His voice was as clear as cold water, causing Su Guangmo to recover his spirit.
Yes, Li Cangyu! Why didn’t he think of this?
The greatest god who was an elf summoner was Old Cat, Li Cangyu.
Xie Shurong said there was a great god on his team and the elf summoner by his side
definitely wasn’t weak. The news that the Canglan team had been disbanded not long ago
had been passed onto Miracle by Cheng Wei and Old Cat’s whereabouts were currently
“Is Cat God coming back?” Su Guangmo looked at his younger brother with surprise and
saw Yu Pingsheng’s bright eyes.
Yu Pingsheng said earnestly, “When it comes to elf summoners, Cat God is the strongest.”
“That’s true.” Su Guangmo said thoughtfully. “If this is the case, A’Shu’s team will be great.”
Yu Pingsheng asked, “Do you think Captain Ling knows about this?”
Su Guangmo replied positively, “If we know then Ling Xuefeng definitely knows. He has the
best relationship with Cat God.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded in agreement.
Su Guangmo sent a message to Love to Eat Braised Fish: [Is Cat God on the other side of the
Li Cangyu solemnly sent back: [Who is Cat God?]
Su Guangmo laughed. [Don’t pretend. The ID of Love to Eat Braised Fish has already
betrayed you.]
Li Cangyu: […]
Speaking of ‘Cat God loves to eat fish’, this was something that all old players knew.
The first season, Li Cangyu quickly became famous due to his strong personal ability. He
was ranked first among the elves. Together with demon Ling Xuefeng, terran Song Yang,
angel Xu Luo and the blood kin Mo Quan, they were called the Five Gods and were the
representatives of the five races.
The FTD team didn’t make the playoffs in the first season but Cat God’s personal ability was
widely recognized in the Miracle League.
After the opening ceremony of the second season, the Miracle League’s chairman Nan
Jiangang organized a dinner in the host city of Shanghai. At that time, Song Yang was the
captain of Flying Feathers and Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were rookies who just
debuted. They went with their master to this dinner.
Chairman Nana boldly booked a hall on the third floor of the hotel, set up dozens of tables
and invited all the contestants.
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng consciously sat at a table filled with new people. Ling
Xuefeng, Li Cangyu, Song Yang and the old players who debuted in the first season sat at the
table next to them.
Everyone was chatting while eating and the atmosphere was enjoyable.
Later, the waiter came with a plate of braised fish. Su Guangmo and most of the people at
this table were full and no one liked to eat fish. They ate a bit before putting the fish aside.
Then Ling Xuefeng suddenly turned to them and asked, “Are you eating this fish?”
The new people were full of awe towards Captain Ling and quickly said, “We aren’t eating
“Then give it to me.” Ling Xuefeng said.
Then they saw Ling Xuefeng put the plate of fish in front of a person.
This man was very handsome, with short hair and sparkling eyes. At this time, he was
burying his head and earnestly eating fish. He completely turned a deaf ear to the
conversation between Xu Luo and Song Yang, as if the fish was his whole world.
His technique of eating fish was absolutely first class and the fish was eaten clean, leaving
an intact fish bone.
He didn’t seem to be done after eating. He picked up a paper towel and wiped his mouth.
He had just looked up when he found that Ling Xuefeng gave him a plate of fish. He smiled,
patted Ling Xuefeng’s shoulder in thanks and continued to eat fish.
The more shocking thing was that the expressionless Ling Xuefeng smiled at the man!
The smile was very small. If Su Guangmo hadn’t been looking in his direction, he wouldn’t
have detected it.
Su Guangmo hadn’t expected the serious Ling Xuefeng, usually called a forbidden god by
the fans, to actually show a smiling expression.
The new people who had the fish taken away looked at the next table and all had an
admiring expression when they saw the handsome man quickly take care of the second
After a while, Song Yang called the new people to his table for a toast and also introduced
them. “Su Guangmo, ID Pale Wolf and Yu Pingsheng, ID Misty Rain. These two people are
my apprentices and I am bringing them to the field this year. Everyone should take care.”
The handsome man who had just eaten fish stood up with a glass of red wine. He patted Su
Guangmo’s shoulder and said, “I’ll cheer you on. Follow your master and learn a lot. You
future will definitely be promising.”
Su Guangmo politely smiled, “Thank you Cat God.”
Unlike Li Cangyu’s straightforwardness, Ling Xuefeng had a very serious appearance from
beginning to end. He didn’t say anything to the newcomers, he just stood up and touched
cups with Su Guangmo and the others.
Ling Xuefeng looked at Li Cangyu pouring a glass of wine and whispered, “Don’t get drunk.”
Li Cangyu replied, “Today I am happy and will drink a bit more. If I get drunk, you can carry
me back.”
The way these two were talking seemed different from others?
Su Guangmo later knew that these two people knew each other in the online game.
Compared to when they were opponents in the competition, Ling and Li had a pure
friendship in the online game.
It was also from this day that everyone in the league knew Li Cangyu loved to eat fish. After
finishing the plate on his table and the fish that Ling Xuefeng gave him, he saw there was
still half a plate on the next table and ate it…
He took fish as a staple dish and even ate three dishes, he was truly powerful!
Su Guangmo had seen many videos of Cat God playing the game but this was his first close
contact with Cat God. He didn’t expect that the fast-moving elf summoner on the field was
actually a fish foodie!
Cat God’s love of fish quickly spread through the league. Those who were familiar with him
would often joke around.
“Cat God, if you let me have 10% blood tomorrow then I will give you two braised fish.”
“Cat God, I will buy you a plate of sweet and sour fish if you waste a big move!”
“Cat God, you always kill me so happily. Should I send you a plate of West Lake vinegar
Su Guangmo recalled these past events and couldn’t help smiling.
In fact, the first three seasons of the Miracle League didn’t have a perfect system but the
atmosphere was much better than it was now. Many players gossiped in a group chat and
some opponents even became good friends in private.
Unlike now, where the competition between teams was too strong. In addition, the
pressure on professional players was so great that most of the time, everyone was training
and researching tactics. The communication between different teams was reduced.
Unexpectedly, the cat who loved to eat fish was returning to Miracle. The Miracle League
would become completely lively!
[Cat God’s taste hasn’t changed? You always loved to eat braised fish.] Su Guangmo said
with a smile.
Li Cangyu saw this and had to admit it. [I also love to eat other types of fish.]
[You are making a new team in Miracle? You seem full of confidence?]
[It is natural.]
[Have you gathered all your teammates?]
[I still have a way to go.] Li Cangyu paused before asking: [By the way, where is your
master Song Yang? I haven’t contacted him for a long time.]
[He completely left the league after the second season and is currently in the food and
beverages business.]
Li Cangyu was curious: [Dining? What type of store did he open?]
Su Guangmo replied: [He opened several grilled fish chain stores.]
Li Cangyu was immediately interested: [Grilled fish? Where is it? Can I get a discount if I go
to eat?]
Su Guangmo, “…”
Cat God, weren’t we discussing your return to Miracle? How did you turn it around towards
A few years passed but this man still hadn’t changed his nature!
Su Guangmo suddenly felt that Cat God was quite fun. In the game, he aggressively abused
the opponents without showing mercy. Many players were crushed to frustration when
they played him. However, once the game finished, he would look everywhere for fish. A
person who recommended him a good place to eat fish would be regarded as a good friend.
The reason he had such a good relationship with Ling Xuefeng was definitely because Ling
Xuefeng often gave him fish!
He became hungry when talking about this so Su Guangmo hurriedly changed the topic.
[A’Shu is in your team?]
[Yes, I happened to meet him in the new district.]
[Since Cat God is personally leading the team, I can rest assured about A’Shu following you.
I will wait for both of you to come back together.] Su Guangmo added: [My master’s store is
in Kunming. Once we have the opportunity, I will take you to see him.]
[Okay, I’ll see you then!}
[Yes, good luck.]
The conversation ended here and Su Guangmo simply quit the game.
Needless to say, even Li Cangyu’s level would decline after a few years. But with his
outstanding awareness, he could easily beat the new generation of players who hadn’t
experienced his abuse in the league. Xie Shurong was Song Yang’s disciple and his talent
wasn’t bad. If he wasn’t mistaken, the healer around Li Cangyu was probably his old
partner Bai Xuan. This combination alone would make them unable to be underestimated.
Not to mention there might be other strong teammates.
The return of such a team to the Miracle League would definitely have a strong impact on
the current eight giants.
Su Guangmo wasn’t worried about it.
He looked back and saw that Yu Pingsheng’s expression was very calm. His mood didn’t
fluctuate, the black and clear eyes staying as calm as ever even if he knew the other person
was Cat God.
Yu Pingsheng was such a person. He was introverted, not good at words and his surface
seemed as quiet as stagnant water. However, once on the field, he would erupt fiercely
enough to burn all fire!
Berserker, this was the most violent melee class and used a heavy axe as a weapon.
The little swordsman who once hid behind his brothers had now grown to be the first
berserker in the Miracle League. He was a strong front row who defended his teammates.
The young captain who was once impulsive had now become one of the most admired
people in the Miracle League.
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, the two of them joined hands to bring up a new generation
of Flying Feathers. The current strength of Flying Feathers was first-class. Su Guangmo had
confidence in himself, Yu Pingsheng and the entire team.
A real strong player wouldn’t be afraid of strong opponents but would look forward to
confronting them.
Thus, he was looking forward to the team up of Old Cat and his younger brother!

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GLS: Chapter 48
Chapter 48 – Zhang Jueming

Once Su Guangmo went offline, Li Cangyu immediately added the white magician in the
team as a friend.
He was able to determine that Awakened Magician was actually Zhang Jueming.
A general leveler wouldn’t be so calm when he just saw Su Guangmo. When Su Guangmo
and Xie Shurong PKed, the two people’s standards could clearly be seen. However,
Awakened Magician didn’t say anything or even show curiosity. He was obviously a person
used to such scenes.
The other person accepted the friend’s application and Li Cangyu sent him a private
message: [Old Zhang, the swordsman who was called Bright Moon on the Sea is very
masterful and is a bit like the first captain of the Flying Feathers team, Song Yang. I think he
is probably Song Yang’s first apprentice, Su Guangmo. What do you think?]
The other side pretended not to know, replying: [Who are Song Yang and Su Guangmo?]
However, he suddenly found himself in Cat God’s language trap. Didn’t he admit that he was
Old Zhang?
Sure enough, Li Cangyu said: [Why didn’t you ask about who Old Zhang is? Zhang Jueming.]
“…” Zhang Jueming was depressed after being stripped of his mask. [Old Cat, your fishing
level is becoming higher and higher!]
Li Cangyu laughed. [You already recognized me and Bai Xuan?]
Zhang Jueming touched his nose. [Cough, I was too embarrassed to greet you!]
[Is it because you went into the modern leveling studio practice?]
[I am the leveling boss, the boss.] Zhang Cheming corrected.
[Is the boss interested in going back to the competition?] Li Cangyu asked earnestly. [I am
teaming up with Bai Xuan to return to Miracle. Right now, I am short of teammates and you
can help me.]
[…I’m 26 years old.] Zhang Jueming said with embarrassment. [Isn’t it too much to go back
at this age?]
Zhang Jueming was the same age as Time’s old captain Xu Luo and Flying Feathers’ old
captain Song Yang.
In the first season, Xu Luo was only 20 years old when he led the Time team to win the
championship and was young and promising. However, the same 20 year old Zhang
Jueming’s team experienced the tragedy of the FTD team and didn’t reach the playoffs.
The even more tragic thing was that his teammates weren’t as determined and fierce as Li
Cangyu’s friends, not was there something like Bai Xuan’s support as a vice-captain.
Compared to Li Cangyu who was accompanied by his friends, he was fighting alone.
Full Moon disbanded at the end of the first season and he wanted to go to other teams.
Unfortunately, the white magician assistance style that he played was too biased. He
couldn’t find a team to accept him and Zhang Jueming had to leave the Miracle League.
In that year, his heart had been very unwilling but as time passed, he gradually understood
that the outstanding gods of Miracle, apart from their own talent and strength, they also
relied on opportunities.
He missed his opportunities in his best years.
He wanted to go back but because he was getting older, it was hard to find a team willing to
accept him.
Therefore, this unwillingness was gradually buried in the bottom of his heart.
Now at the age of 26, he could be regarded as an antique in the e-sports circles. Song Yang,
who was the same age as him, retired to be a coach at the end of the second season. Then
he left the league after the third season. Xu Luo retired in the fourth season after bringing
on Tan Shitian…
Now it was the sixth season and the Miracle League was already a world with a new
generation of players. The disciples of Captain Song and Captain Xu became the pillars of
their teams and the old captains had already retired.
Xiao Gu calling him ‘uncle’ truly wasn’t wrong. Compared to the youngsters at 17 or 18
years old who could let out a burst of speed, he was truly an uncle. If he went back, he
would just drag his teammates down.
A trace of loss filled Zhang Jueming’s eyes but he quickly adjusted his expression. He smiled
and said: [Thank you Cat God for looking at me. However, I am very good at the studio and
my income is actually okay.]
Li Cangyu asked: [What is your leveling studio called? Is it in Beijing?]
[The rent in Beijing is too expensive. I am currently in Changsha and the studio is called
Speed. Cat God, please introduce business to me!] Zhang Jueming replied.
[Changsha? That’s good. I will come see you on the weekend. Let’s talk face to face.] Li
Cangyu declared.
[Haha Cat God, are you joking? Aren’t you abroad?]
Li Cangyu said: [I can fly back.]
Zhang Jueming: […]
Zhang Jueming thought that Cat God was joking. How could he fly back so casually from
Unexpectedly, he opened the door early on Saturday morning and found a handsome man
standing there with a small backpack. He reached out with a smile and said, “Hello, I am Old
Cat, Li Cangyu. Do you still recognize me?”
Zhang Jueming almost slipped. “…You really came?”
The man in front of him was much more mature than the 18 year old youth in his
memories. He had experienced many hardships and became more powerful than before.
A tall and slender figure combined with the handsome appearance, honestly personality
and charming smile!
Zhang Jueming glanced at him and asked, “Did you come straight from the airport?”
Zhang Jueming, “…”
Cat God did things resolutely but flying directly from abroad, wasn’t this too resolute?
“Well, come in and sit.” Zhang Jueming invited Li Cangyu into the studio.
After leaving the league at the end of the first season, Zhang Jueming carefully considered
his options before deciding to go to his relative’s home. Life in Changsha didn’t have as
much pressure as Beijing. He rented a large place in the suburbs of Changsha and set up a
studio. The beds in the bedroom was for sleeping while the living room was changed into a
work room with over a dozen computers.
A few young people were sitting in front of the computer and quickly tapping the keyboard.
Apparently, business was busy.
Game leveling was actually harder than being a professional player. Although professional
players trained all day long, they could have rest time after a game was finished and there
were many bonuses when they won a game. The end of the season also had a vacation
Leveling wasn’t the same. If there was busy, they would be busy all the time and not even
earn much money…
Zhang Jueming brought Li Cangyu to his office. It was a small study area less than 10 square
metres, with a table, computer and bookcases. Zhang Jueming had a separate room as the
studio owner but it still looked very humble.
“It is a mess but sit down.” Zhang Jueming turned to pour some water for Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu looked at his back and couldn’t help feeling some distress. In the first season,
Zhang Jueming was a captain and his eyes were full of glory. It was a pity that Full Moon
disbanded very suddenly. When Li Cangyu went to find him, he was already missing.
This person had the same bad opportunities as Li Cangyu. In the era of strong teams, they
failed to form a strong team. The small teams they led were like tiny grains of sand mixing
in with a pile of pearls.
However, Li Cangyu firmly believed that from now on, this sand would eventually wash
away its cover and become the most brilliant pearl in the Miracle League.
“I came to see you personally to show my sincerity.” Li Cangyu stared seriously at Zhang
Jueming once he turned around. “Old Zhang, join my team. Captain Song and Captain Xu
might’ve already retired but they played outputs. You play an auxiliary so you don’t need
too much speed. I believe that with your awareness, you can definitely overcome the
problem of falling hand speed.”
“…” Zhang Jueming couldn’t help feeling moved.
This person came all this way to convince him to join the team. His sincerity was clearly
placed in front of Zhang Jueming. Such a captain was worth trusting and following.
“Old Cat… you are really flattering me!” Zhang Jueming scratched his head. “I played a white
magician in the past but I actually wasn’t very good. If you want to return to Miracle, you
can find a better auxiliary. Isn’t a psychic auxiliary popular in the world right now?”
“A psychic auxiliary does have its advantages but a white magician can also be an auxiliary.
I’m not being impulsive. I made this decision after careful consideration.” Li Cangyu’s
attitude was very firm.
“That… can a white magic assistant be better than a psychic?” Zhang Jueming couldn’t help
feeling doubts. At present, many professional teams in the league didn’t need auxiliary
classes and those that did generally chose a psychic. A pure auxiliary profession was truly
the world of psychics.
“Look at the specific configuration of my teammates.” Li Cangyu smiled confidently. “Old
Zhang, I’m not making fun of you. At present, my team already has a healer in Bai Xuan, a
swordsman in Xie Shurong and a training player Gu Siming from the Dragon Song training
camp. If you add my summoner, the front row melee and the healer in the very rear is all
full. I am missing an auxiliary so your joining will be absolutely great for us.”
“…” Zhang Jueming was silent.
“You are like me, someone who has never won a trophy. Don’t you want to try holding the
trophy?” Li Cangyu asked.
“…” Of course he wanted to !
“We’re both old and this will be the last chance.” Li Cangyu said, “You should consider it.”
“I don’t have to think about it!” Zhang Jueming readily said, “You flew all the way back to
sincerely invite me to join. I am a bad old player who will disappoint you but I should at
least be worthy of your ticket money! I will return to Miracle and play on the bench. Just
arrange it!”
Old Zhang was still enthusiastic and bold, deciding things neatly.
Li Cangyu stood up happily and said, “In that case, you should first arrange things with your
studio. If it is convenient, do you want to come to the club with me and sign the contract?”
“Where is the club?” Zhang Cheming questioned.
“Changsha, the Dragon Song Club.” Li Cangyu replied.
“What?” Zhang Jueming’s eyes widened with surprise. “You joined the Dragon Song?
He had stayed in Changsha for several years and was naturally familiar with the local
Dragon Song Club. The Dragon Song Club was very strong and it developed rapidly in the
last few years. He didn’t expect Cat God to find such a good owner. This man was really
“Yes. Apart from persuading you to join the team, I came back to go to the club and discuss
details of the team with the manager. If it is convenient, do you want to come with me?”
Zhang Cheming excitedly said, “It is convenient! Of course it is convenient!”
The two people made a decision. Zhang Jueming first found his keys and phone before
leaving with Li Cangyu.
An employee saw him change clothes to go out and asked doubtfully, “Boss, are you going
Zhang Jueming smiled and cried out, “Yes, Boss is going to get a trophy! Wait for me to
sweep through the Miracle League. I will make a fortune and upgrade our studio to a
regular leveling company! I will give you a raise!”
Then he left with Li Cangyu while the group looked at him like he was a ‘madman.’
The people in the studio silently thought in their hearts, ‘Boss Zhang is really sick! Speaking
a mouthful of nonsense, did he give up on healing?’
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GLS: Chapter 49
Previous Chapter

Chapter 49 – Lineup Planning

Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming took a taxi to the location of the Dragon Song Club.
Li Cangyu hadn’t wanted to go back so early but Zhang Jueming was coincidentally in
Changsha and the progress of the team was unexpectedly smooth. He decided to go back to
China and discuss with Liu Chuan about the next details.
The club’s headquarters was located in a large office building on the outskirts of Changsha.
Once the two of them entered the door, they saw a row of cool and elegant cursive
characters spelling out: Dragon Song E-sports Club.
The font was flamboyant and it was said that Liu Chuan personally wrote it when he built
his team.
The large characters hung behind the front desk, next to the dragon totem logo of the club.
The bright and large hall looked very stylish.
The Dragon Song Club’s manager, Liu Chuan was actually a rich second generation. His
mother was a well known businesswoman and his family’s assets were over 100 million
yuan. The admirable thing was that he didn’t rely on his family’s financial support and
earned a sum of money on his own. He used these funds to create this club by hand.
The year that Li Cangyu’s FTD team was disbanded happened to be the year that Liu Chuan
created the Dragon Song Club. The two of them met while leveling in the game. Later, Liu
Chuan led his team all the way to the finals to win the championship. Li Cangyu had
transferred to Wulin but didn’t get any good results.
The Dragon Song Club developed extremely rapidly in just a few years. Its popularity rose
steadily, causing advertisements, endorsements and sponsorships to roll in The club’s
decorations today looked very great.
After retiring, Liu Chuan handed over the captain’s position to Wu Zewen. Now he managed
the club and was also an executive director in the China E-sports League. He also paid
attention to the trends in the domestic and international e-sports circles. He always looked
at the long-term and as soon as he heard about the Miracle World Competition, he took
advantage of this opportunity to expand the scale of the Dragon Song Club into Miracle.
The Canglan team disbanding at this time and Li Cangyu’s joining was timely for LIu Chuan.
There was no one better to lead a team in Miracle then Cat God!
The cooperation between the two teams was very enjoyable. Liu Chuan handed over full
responsibility of the team to Li Cangyu without disturbing him. This time, Li Cangyu
wanted to handle the contracts for Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming, as well as the
development plan of the team. He wanted to have a good talk with Liu Chuan.
Li Cangyu greeted Liu Chuan on Q before leaving the house. Once the two people arrived at
the club, the door opened for them. They walked towards the inner manager’s office and Li
Cangyu knocked on the door. A voice was heard from inside saying, “Come in!”
The door opened to reveal a large desk in the middle of the spacious office. There was a
high-end desktop computer as well as soft leather sofas with a coffee table next to it, clearly
for guests. The right side had a large bookcase that occupied the wall. There weren’t many
books on it. Instead, there were boxes of arranged data and hundreds of CDs neatly placed.
The man sitting at the desk looked young. He was wearing a simple short-sleeved shirt and
slacks while smiling casually. Standing next to him was a man wearing glasses. The man
wearing a white shirt, slim trousers and glasses looked more like a scholar than a e-sports
Zhang Jueming had also heard of the two great gods of the Dragon Song Club. The one
sitting at the desk should be the manager Liu Chuan and the ‘academic’ layer should be the
current captain of the Wulin team, Wu Zewen, who was famous in the e-sports circle.
“Sit down.” Liu Chuan saw Li Cangyu enter end immediately stood up, bringing them to the
sofa before asking, “Cat God, this is the Zhang Jueming you told me about?”
“Yes, he promised to join the team so I brought him over to sign the contract.” Li Cangyu
Zhang Jueming took the initiative to hold out his hand. “It is nice to meet you Boss.”
Liu Chuan smiled and shook hands with him. “Cat God has told me about your situation. I
have always respected old players. You won’t regret coming back to help Cat God. You gave
yourself a chance and this time we will directly rush towards the championship.”
Zhang Jueming laughed, “I also think so!”
“Zewen, take out the contract.” Liu Chuan looked at the man beside him. Wu Zewen
immediately found the contract and handed it to Zhang Jueming. He pushed up his glasses
and said seriously, “This was just drawn up last night. If you aren’t satisfied with any of the
conditions then you can talk with the boss again.”
Zhang Jueming carefully looked over the contract and found that his treatment was really
The salary was twice as high as his studio and… in addition to the fixed salary, the players
would get additional income such as competition bonuses, team advertising, tickets to
matches and even profits from live programs!
Many team managers wouldn’t give the tickets and peripheral sales profits to the players.
This was why Dragon Song was so popular.
If he wasn’t satisfied with such conditions then he would be too picky.
Zhang Jueming handed the contract back and said, “No problem. The conditions are much
better than I thought!”
This man was straightforward and casually said the truth.
Liu Chuan replied, “If there’s no problem then shall we sign the contract first?”
“Okay!” Zhang Jueming picked up a pen and signed his name on the contract.
His writing was unrestrained, just like his nature.
Liu Chuan had a very good impression of Zhang Jueming. Compared to those who secretly
acted behind the scenes, this type of person was best to get along with. Since this was a
player recommended by Cat God, Liu Chuan was too lazy to ask about the level of this
person. He believed in Cat God’s eyes.
Once the contract was signed, Liu Chuan sat down with the two people on the sofas.
Wu Zewen poured them two cups of water and handed them a thick data booklet.
“What is this?” The confused Li Cangyu opened the booklet.
Liu Chuan smiled and explained. “Zewen has been idle these days so he helped organize the
information of the top eight teams in the Miracle League. Take a look first.”
Wu Zewen, the captain of the Dragon Song team, had a science background. He had a lot of
experience with organizing and summarizing data. Li Cangyu had a lot of contact with Wu
Zewen many times while playing in the Wulin League and was very impressed with his
ability to collect and analyze data.
Today they belonged to the same club and because they were in different leagues, there
was no conflict of interest. This type of data sharing would definitely be a great help to Li
Sure enough, the information compiled by the genius was different. It showed the
information of all players in the top eight teams in great detail. Through some intuitive
data, they could see the current status of many players.
Li Cangyu glanced over it. The most stable player in the sixth season was Ling Xuefeng,
followed by Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian. They were the Three Pillars of today’s Miracle
League and captains of three major teams.
The three great gods were ranked in the first echelon and the players in the second echelon
weren’t much weaker.
For example, Wind Colour’s vice-captain Yan Ruiwen was the strongest black magician in
the league. Flying Feathers’ vice-captain Yu Pingsheng was the strongest berserker. There
was also Time’s vice-captain Cheng Wei, Pure Cleansing’s captain Zhu Qingyue, Ghost
Spirits’ Lou Zhang combination and so on… These players along could fight with Captain
Ling, Captain Su and Captain Tan.
The Miracle League had many clouds, showing that the overall strength of the first division
had improved a lot compared to the first season of the league.
Li Cangyu was very confident but he had to face so many strong opponents after returning
to Miracle. The pressure on his shoulders wasn’t small.
After carefully reading the data, Li Cangyu said, “Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo are both old
players who have played for several years. Tan Shitian just took over as captain last season
and his performance is surprising. It seems that Captain Xu’s vision is very great.”
“Tan Shitian, I also know this person. He is the genius from the Huaxia Club’s training camp.
Once Xu Luo retired and Tan Shitian took over as the captain of Time, he is the most
powerful one among the new generation of Miracle. Moreover, I watched the match
between Wind Colour and Time last week. Xiao Cheng played slightly abnormally but Tan
Shitian was able to hold on.” Liu Chuan commented seriously.
“He is indeed amazing.” Li Cangyu said, “I left Miracle when Xu Luo was still captain. Xu
Luo’s retirement didn’t have the slightest effect on Time’s result. This proves that Tan
Shitian is equally excellent as captain.”
“If we want to sweep through Miracle then Wind Colour, Flying Feathers and Time will be
the hardest nuts to chew on?” Zhang Jueming stated.
“The three teams have the strongest overall strength but the other teams aren’t weak.” Li
Cangyu seriously analyzed, “There are eight giants of the Miracle League. Wind Colour
depends on the dual summoner control and the black magician suppression, Time has the
white magician control and the elf archer’s remote outputs and Flying Feathers has the
melee swordsmen. Then there is Pure Cleansing’s psychic illusions, the Ghost Spirits Lou
Zhang combination of the strongest assassins, the Cheetah team has their traps, Red Fox
has multiple white magicians and Terminator is a combination of black and white magic.
These teams each have their own characteristics.”
Li Cangyu used a few simple words to point out the core lineup of the eight teams in the
league. It was obvious that he also worked hard.
Liu Chuan looked at him with appreciation. “What about Cat God?”
Li Cangyu said, “At present, our team has a paladin, swordsman, healer, summoner and
white magician auxiliary. There are five confirmed players. I would like to find a black
magician, an assassin and a hunter.”
Liu Chuan summarized it. “You have a front row of defense, a back row of main attackers
and an assassin and hunter for when it is necessary?”
Liu Chuan used to be an e-sports player and he knew the game modes and lineup
configurations very well. There were no obstacles when communicating and he was
different from the bosses who acted arrogant despite knowing nothing.
“I think this is the best choice.” Li Cangyu explained, “When I first started the new district, I
didn’t expect to meet Xie Shurong. His current strength isn’t inferior to Su Guangmo and his
joining made me change my thoughts. Xiao Gu is from the Dragon Song’s training camp and
his talent is very prominent. After some training, he could keep up with A’Shu’s rhythm.
Our team’s front row is guaranteed with those two. The biggest feature of A’Shu is his fast
burst of attacks so our team will take the fast attacking route.”
“This is good. A strong offensive is actually a type of defense.” Liu Chuan agreed. “The back
row has you and Bai Xuan. The team’s survivability and output will be guaranteed with
your own partnership.”
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu was very confident about this. “Old Zhang’s white magic can also
help us during a fierce battle. If used at the critical moment, our output will double and
wouldn’t be wasted. For the rest of them time, I will look for an assassin, hunter and black
magician. I will switch them based on different opponents.”
Zhang Jueming was amazed the more he heard. Cat God’s tactical ability was truly
deserving of his reputation!
They hadn’t even started playing in the league yet and he was already thinking about the
team’s lineup. It was really farsighted.
As he said, Xie Shurong and Xiao Gu being the melee front row and Cat God and Bai Xuan’s
being in the rear meant the team’s defense, survival and output was basically guaranteed. If
mobile hunter and assassins were found then there would be a greater impact on the team.
As for the black magician… it should be to control the white magicians of Time and Red
He was too thoughtful and came up with a professional configuration that targeted the
eight strong teams of the league. They had a chance to win and not by crushed by a team’s
It was wise of him to follow such a captain!
Zhang Jueming clenched his fist with excitement.
Liu Chuan handed the Miracle team to Li Cangyu so he naturally didn’t have any doubts
about Li Cangyu’s decision. He thought up to here and said, “I think this type of
combination is good. The specific members configuration will be left up to you. If you can’t
find good teammates in the game and need to dig someone out from another team, we will
discuss it later.”
Li Cangyu had just entered the only game when he met A’Shu, followed by Old Zhang. Five
players were decided in less than a month. This speed was really amazing. Liu Chuan was
very pleased with the progress of Li Cangyu’s team and smiled. “Perhaps your luck has
arrived? This world competition might be waiting for Cat God to show your power!
Li Cangyu also laughed. “Perhaps the world competition blew out a lot of masters into the
public. Miracle’s new district is very lively and I could meet A’Shu and Old Zhang. My luck is
also very good.”
Liu Chuan stood up and said, “I’ll show you around the club first before inviting you out to
dinner. I must welcome Zhang Jueming to the Dragon Song Club.”
Zhang Jueming replied, “Boss is too polite!”
Liu Chuan smiled. “You’re welcome, there is no need to be too polite. What do you want to
Li Cangyu looked at Zhang Jueming and said seriously, “Let’s go eat boiled fish.”
Zhang Jueming, “…”
Couldn’t he eat anything else?
However, Zhang Jueming could only bite the bullet after seeing Cat God’s eyes. “Okay!”

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Previous Chapter
GLS: Chapter 50
Chapter 50 – Moving

Liu Chuan took Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming on a tour of the Dragon Song Club. Zhang
Jueming saw the spacious training room and couldn’t help thinking that the conditions here
were too good. He didn’t think there would be such a spacious and bright office training
room, let alone the projection equipment, the high-end desktop computers and the
mechanical keyboards of the training room…
Zhang Jueming looked through the huge windows at the row of new computers and his
blood ignited!
This would be the place where he trained in the future?
He was old yet he could still return to the game. It was just like a dream…
Liu Chuan opened the door of the training room and Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming entered
together. Unexpectedly, there was a corner where the computer was on. A young boy was
sitting in front of the computer and staring carefully at the screen in front of him. His hands
quickly tapped on the keyboard, making a clear sound.
This teenager was very lovely. He had a round baby-fat face, a pair of big and bright eyes
and his soft hair naturally hung over his ears, leaving only the tip of a white ear exposed.
Zhang Jueming couldn’t help asking curiously, “Shouldn’t Wulin be in the summer
offseason? Why is someone still training?”
Liu Chuan explained, “He is the little madman of out team. He isn’t with Wulin. He belongs
to Cat God and is a Miracle player.
Li Cangyu added, “He is Gu Siming.”
Zhang Jueming finally reacted with a laugh. “Oh, it is that paladin child?”
After hearing the word ‘child’, Gu Siming turned back and stared at Zhang Jueming with big
eyes. “I’m not a child!”
Zhang Jueming thought that the child’s chubby face with his big, black eyes were really
cute. He couldn’t help wanting to tease. “You look like a 13 year old. Are you really not a
“I’m 17 years old!” Gu Siming seriously defended. “I will be an adult next year!”
“That means you’re not an adult yet?” Zhang Jueming asked.
“…” Gu Siming was depressed and stood up. “Uncle, are you that crazy magician in the
“I am Awakened Magician.” Zhang Cheming corrected.
In any case, he was the sick uncle. Gu Siming concluded in his head.
Liu Chuan saw the big one and small one arguing and changed the topic. “Xiao Gu, stop
player. We will go to eat.”
Gu Siming ran over to Li Cangyu and smiled. “Cat God! You look more handsome than you
do in the videos!”
The little guy in front of him had lovely dimples when smiling. Li Cangyu thought about him
playing the beast paladin… Once people saw the paladin operated by the Gu Siming, the
Miracle League would definitely be surprised.
Li Cangyu smiled and couldn’t help rubbing the child’s head as he said, “Let’s go and eat
Gu Siming, “…”
The way that Cat God expressed affection for people was simple: please eat fish!
The five people headed to a restaurant near the club. Li Cangyu ordered boiled fish and a
plate of fish heads. Of course, in order to take care of other people, Li Cangyu handed the
menu to them after ordering the fish.
Gu Siming liked to eat meat so he ordered pork ribs and roast chicken. Zhang Jueming also
liked meat and added a plate of roast lamb leg.
The first gathering of the Food Squad really started with a table full of food.
Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen had a good appetite today and followed them in eating a lot.
Once the table of food was cleared away, Li Cangyu brought up business, “By the way Old
Zhang, it would be convenient if you move to live with the team. Xiao Gu is also staying in
the dorms so you can cooperate with each other first and become familiar with each other.”
Gu Siming objected. “I don’t want to live with Uncle.”
Zhang Jueming retorted, “Don’t make a fuss. I will buy you a pound of white rabbit candy
Gu Siming, “…”
Liu Chuan almost spat out his tea.
It looked like the little madman had met his nemesis! Uncle Zhang had a way to make him
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at the little guy’s angry face. He touched the child’s head
and said, “Your Uncle Zhang is the owner of the studio. He must have a lot of full-level
accounts in the old district so the two of you can directly team up to check the arena.”
Gu Siming took the team seriously and asked, “What about you?”
Li Yunyu replied, “I will fly back to New York the day after tomorrow. I will continue to look
for new people in the game with Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong. When we are online, you can
come and level with us. Once we go offline, you will team up to play the arena. This is the
two-pronged approach of the online game and the competition. Perhaps you can meet
strong teammates in the arena.”
The time difference meant that them teaming up wasn’t convenient. Since Old Zhang
entered the team, Li Cangyu thought about giving Xiao Gu to him.
Zhang Jueming might be unknown but he was a person who was once a captain. His tactical
awareness and understanding of the classes in Miracle would definitely help Gu Siming. As
an auxiliary and captain, he would see the details even more. Zhang Jueming’s character
was very bold but he was responsible. Li Cangyu naturally felt very assured with him taking
care of Xiao Gu.
Gu Siming said, “Once you go offline, I will go to the arena. This means my level won’t be
able to keep up with yours in the new district!”
Zhang Jueming asked, “Have you forgotten what I do for a living?”
Gu Siming turned around and replied, “Do you sell candy?”
Zhang Jueming smiled helplessly. “Stupid, I am the boss of a leveling studio. Why do you
need to worry about levels?”
Gu Siming suddenly realized and nodded. “Oh, that’s right!”
Zhang Jueming saw him continuously nodding like a chicken pecking rice and couldn’t help
patting his head. “In the future, just follow Uncle. I will teach you to become the league’s
first paladin. There is no need to thank me.”
“…” Gu Siming was depressed.
He just met the captain and uncle today and his head was rubbed left and right. He felt like
he would soon become the mascot of the team. Did he have no human rights because he
was young?”
After dinner, Liu Chuan took them back to visit the dormitory area.
Liu Chuan bought several apartments directly in the area opposite the office building for
the team to use as dormitories. That way, it would be very convenient for everyone to go
home and sleep after training. At present, there were more club players and the apartments
had expanded by several times. The dormitories were also very adequate. There were
rooms for four people, three people rooms and double rooms. Xiao Gu was currently living
in a double room and one of the bedrooms was empty. Liu Chuan arranged for Uncle Zhang
to stay in his dormitory.
Gu Siming was young and his mind was very simple. Previously, he hated Uncle Zhang
because Uncle Zhang said he would buy Gu Siming a lollipop. ON the way back, he heard Cat
God say that this uncle used to be a captain and all dislike fled. He felt it was good that he
was learning from the uncle.
Zhang Jueming explored the dormitory and was very satisfied with the environment. He
promised to move in.
In any case, the studio employees picked their own business. After the completion of a job,
30% of the money would be paid to the studio while the employees kept the rest. Zhang
Jueming was also good to everyone and provided them with accommodation. Things
wouldn’t go wrong if he left the studio for a while.
Zhang Jueming decided to go back to pack and leave the studio with a trusted friend.
That afternoon, he moved into the bedroom opposite Gu Siming’s room.
The future of the team was more important than the money from leveling. Since Old Cat
handed Gu Siming to him, he must make Gu Siming the best paladin in the Miracle
Professional League!

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GLS: Chapter 51
Chapter 51 – Cheng Wei

Before going to New York, Bai Xuan’s return trip had been set for December. This time he
didn’t come back with Li Cangyu. He took advantage of Li Cangyu’s two day return to China
and took his luggage to travel outside.
Xie Shurong couldn’t go to eat Bai Xuan’s cooking. He sighed at the half cooked steak at the
team’s canteen. He suddenly missed Chef Bai and he couldn’t eat the Western food. Where
was Vice-Captain Bai? Come back soon. He bought a lot of merchandise!
In the few days where Li Cangyu temporarily left the game, the speed of the major guilds in
the new district shot up.
That evening, Li Cangyu went with Old Zhang and Xiao Gu to the Dragon Song’s training
room and logged into the brand new computers.
On his friends list, Time Machine was almost level 60 and there was a guild challenge event
on Saturday night. Li Cangyu sent a private message to him: [President, I won’t join you in
this instance. You play on your own. I have guild members on my side who I need to guide
through the instance.]
The busy Time Machine replied: [Okay Brother Fish, I won’t bother you if you are busy!]
At first, the join team was because the Food Squad had only six people who were level 50.
Now there were so many people at level 50 that they could play alone.
The Food Squad was very popular in the new district. It was soon full after being upgraded
to a level 3 guild. Li Cangyu was very busy these days and didn’t have much time to manage
the guild. Fortunately, the Small Elf, Small Hunter, Small Archer trio that had been added to
the guild took the initiative to manage the instance. Li Cangyu handed it over to them but
hadn’t expected the three guys to organize it so well.
It was currently six in the evening. Li Cangyu opened the guild channel and saw that these
three people were actively organizing teams for instances.
Small Elf: [Three outputs are still needed for Demon Forest. Quickly send a private
Small Hunter: [Anyone level 50 and above, go to the eastern area of Zeya Castle to gain
experience. Right click on me to enter the party!]
Small Archer: [Anyone who hasn’t reach level 45 yet, several teams are being formed for
Frost Temple. I will distribute you.”
The guild channel was very lively and everyone was actively leveling.
Li Cangyu felt very thankful when he saw this scene.
In fact, guild management wasn’t something he needed to do in person. He could find a few
effective assistants and share these tasks. These three classmates organized the instances
well, relieving his worries.
Li Cangyu typed in the guild channel: [I will challenge the guild instance at 8 o’clock tonight.
At 7:30, I will pay attention to anyone level 50 or above and will bring you to fight.]
[President is here!]
[Okay President! Wait 10 minutes for me. I will be level 50 by then!]
[President, I am also level 50. Take me along!]
The guild channel was suddenly jubilant.
Then he suddenly received a message in his private chat. [You haven’t been online for two
days. Did President go somewhere?]
It was from Steamed Bass.
Li Cangyu replied: [Yes, I had something to do.]
Steamed Bass: [Aren’t you abroad? You are online at 6 o’clock. Isn’t this early?]
Li Cangyu didn’t explain and only typed a single word. [Hrmm.]
He suddenly felt that this Steamed Bass was a big strange. It was as if Steamed Bass was
very concerned about him?
Why did he want to know where the president went? Was this person the undercover of
another guild?
Li Cangyu thought with some doubts.
Steamed Bass sent another message. [How are you going to play tonight’s instance?]
Li Cangyu: [Go as a group. Time doesn’t matter. The people of our guild will play it our own
At 7:30 in the evening, Li Cangyu counted the people in the guild list and found there were
exactly 60 people who reached level 50. He split the group into two. Zhang Jueming would
lead one while he led the other.
The guild challenge started on time every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o’clock. The guilds
will be ranked in the order of the instance clearance. The first prize received the most
rewards and the golden advertisement. From second place onward, the rewards decreased
Li Cangyu’s goal wasn’t the rankings. After all, it was impossible with a group of
newcomers. It was better to familiarize them with playing the instance and gain some
experience, gold coins and construction points. Moreover, this time he would familiarize
them with the strategy and wouldn’t need to lead the team himself in the future. Other
people in the group could also lead the team.
The fixed elites of the big guilds would naturally play the challenge instance very quickly. In
addition, their levels had improved in the past few days. The Time Guild successfully
passed the instance at 8:20 and won first place again. Flying Feathers was the second to
pass at 8:25 while Wind Colour took third. The top 10 were basically well-known large
The two Food Squad groups led by Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming opened the guild instance
at 8 o’clock. There were too many newcomers in the guild and the progress was relatively
slow. They played from 8 o’clock to 9:30 and their ranking had fallen to 50.
The president of Flying Feathers looked at the list and couldn’t help wondering, “Why is the
ranking of Food Squad so low?”
An undercover replied: [The president personally led the team and taught them step by
step. There were too many newcomers in the group so they played relatively slowly.
Flying Feather Liangshan immediately understood.
Last time, Su Guangmo had come online to PK with Blossoming Tree. Flying Feathers
Liangshan and several other management members had been watching. Later, Su Guangmo
sent a message to them. [Love to Eat Braised Fish is Old Cat while Blossoming Tree is my
younger brother, Xie Shurong. The priest healer is probably Cat God’s old partner, White
Fox. The identities of the other people are unclear so follow up on that.]
Flying Feather Liangshan jaw dropped open!
He went to assassinate these great gods…
What if Cat God came to kill them? Flying Feather Liangshan was worried to death.
To his surprise, Cat God didn’t retaliate against the Flying Feathers Guild. Flying Feathers
Liangshan had leveled up but he was terrified for two days., Then he found that Cat God
seemed to have forgotten this matter and his heart recovered.
Yes! With Cat God’s level, how could he care about these lowly people?
These days the Flying Feathers Guild felt very comfortable. They didn’t go to Cat God to die
but Flying Feathers Liangshan still paid attention to the movements of the Food Squad. The
Food Squad was ranked 50th in the guild activity because Cat God brought a group of
newbies and taught them step by step, delaying the time.
Cat God was very sensible. At the beginning, he teamed up with Time to win the first golden
advertisement and attracted a large number of players to join the guild. The second time,
he personally brought the members to play the instance, making the guild lively and united.
As long as the new people had a sense of belonging to the guild, the president didn’t need to
be in charge in the future. Everyone would consciously take the task of building the guild
and Food Squad would be upgraded to a level 4 or 5 guild.
Sure enough, the great god was thinking long term and his means of attracting people’s
hearts were also very clever!
It was shameful compared to himself, who became angry and tried to assassinate Cat God
after losing once.
Flying Feathers Liangshan pondered a long time before starting to worry again. What
should he do for tomorrow’s event?
The Time Guild’s office.
“We took first place in the guild challenge two times in a row. Flying Feathers Liangshan’s
face must be swollen!” Time Machine spoke in a very good mood.
A slightly hoarse voice was suddenly heard behind him. “Whose face is swollen?”
Time Machine turned back and found Vice-Captain Cheng Wei entering with a smile,
followed by the helpless looking Tan Shitian.
After the match last time with the Wind Colour team, Cheng Wei was seriously ill and had a
high fever of 39 degrees. Captain Tan took care of him all night and directly brought him to
the hospital the next day. Cheng Wei had an IV stuck in him for several days.
Today, Cheng Wei was probably still sick but he looked rosy and energetic.
Time Machine stood up and said, “Captain Tan, Vice-Captain Cheng, why did you come?”
He had entered Time with old Captain Xu Luo and had more seniority than Cheng and Tan.
He had watched these two youngsters grow up. Tan Shitian respected him very much and
often came here in his leisurely time.
It was just that today, Cheng Wei was the one determined to come over.
Tan Shitian looked helplessly at Cheng Wei and said, “He couldn’t sit still when he was sick.
He saw that the lights were still on at the guild office and ran to see.”
“You locked me up all day. I’m not a prisoner.” Cheng Wei protested. “It is just a small cold.
Why do you want to exaggerate it?”
“Isn’t it because I’m afraid of your cold getting worse?’ Tan Shitian habitually rubbed Cheng
Wei’s head and softly coaxed him. “You should go back to sleep. Your voice is so hoarse and
it obviously isn’t good. How can you run out at night and catch a cold?”
“I’m fine!” Cheng Wei stared at him before looking back at the president. “President,
Miracle has a legion defense every Sunday right? What is the plan for tomorrow’s event?
Can I go and watch?”
The legion defense was the largest activity in Miracle.
Once the event opened, there would be opposing teams guarding the Bright Goddess and
Dark Goddess. Players were free to choose the side they wanted to join. The two sides
would compete in a large venue that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.
Regardless of winning or losing, rich rewards could be gained.
The legion defense campaign was started in the first year Miracle opened. The ability to
maintain it for so many years proved the popularity of the event. Many Miracle professional
players, even if they usually didn’t go online, would log in just to watch the weekend legion
The Bright Goddess and Dark Goddess were world class bosses in Miracle, which could be
said to be the most powerful bosses. The former wore a white sparkling dress and had six
angel wings on her back, looking like a holy angel. The latter’s clothing was mainly black
and red. She had a graceful figure, long curls that went down to the waist and had six
demon wings on her back.
The legion defense war was an activity where players of both camps protected their
Cheng Wei especially liked this excitement. This type of large-scale defense battle involved
tens of thousands of people was his favorite.
However, he was currently still ill…
Time Machine looked at the captain. Tan Shitian nodded to express his permission. Then
Time Machine said with a smile, “Since the vice-captain wants to go see the fun, I have
many side accounts here. You can casually pick one.”
Cheng Wei cried out happily, “Thank you president! Give me a white magician account.”
He quickly picked an account and tested it by logging on, excitement filling his face.
It was no wonder. This lively guy had been trapped by Tan Shitian for a few days. He almost
died from frustration and flew to the Time Guild at 8 o’clock in the evening.
“We have always joined the camp of the Bright Goddess. Will you be commanding this
time?” Cheng Wei asked.
Time Machine hesitated for a moment before saying, “This might not necessarily be the
He had commanded a defense war before but after doing the instance with Love to Eat
Braised Fish, he felt that he was a child compared to Brother Fish.
Therefore, wouldn’t it be better to give command of this defense war to Love to Eat Braised
Tan Shitian heard this and was puzzled. “You won’t be commanding?”
“Yes.” Time Machine explained, “In the first legion defense of the new district, the big guilds
in the same camp will usually discuss the selection of a leader before rotating it. However,
this district is a bit different. Recently, there is a relatively strong commander in the new
district. I think it would be good to let him try leading the defense.”
“A strong commander?” Cheng Wei asked curiously, “Is he better than you?”
“This…” Time Machine coughed with shame. “To be honest, this person’s awareness is truly
better than mine.”
The president was a good person and didn’t want to deny that there were people stronger
than himself. After all, he was aware of his own level.
Tan Shitian asked, “What’s the situation with this man?”
“I don’t know either. Time Machine scratched his head and said, “I tried to pull him into the
Time Guild but he didn’t want to. He built a guild in the new district called Food Squad and
it developed very quickly.”
Tan Shitian thought for a moment before saying, “Maybe the news of Miracle’s World
Competition blew many masters out of the water. Many people from the old districts
probably ran to the new district to play side accounts. The name of the Food Squad sounds
like it is a casual guild for playing instances.”
Captain Tan’s analysis was very reasonable. Many masters built their own guild because
after reaching full level, they would focus on instances. A casual guild would play instances
together and gain equipment, passing the days leisurely and easily.
However, Time Machine felt that Love to Eat Braised Fish shouldn’t be building a casual
guild. His goal should be a competitive guild. Once he reached full level, he would go the
arena. After all, he had a good level of awareness. In the bounty mission, he destroyed two
guilds and his PK level was also first class.
According to Luo Xiaoluo, he seemed to know the vice-captain?
Time Machine thought of this and said, “By the way, he seems to know Vice-Captain.”
“Ah?” Cheng Wei looked up doubtfully. “What’s his name? What type of class is he playing?”
“His name is Love to Eat Braised Fish and he plays an elf summoner.”
“…” Cheng Wei froze for a moment. Surprise obviously appeared on his face before he
excitedly said, “Quickly! Where is he? Tell me quickly! I’m going to meet him!”
Cheng Wei was so excited that he almost jumped up. A name instantly flashed in Tan
Shitian’s brain. He walked to the computer next to Cheng Wei, sitting down and saying to
the president. “Can you call this person to the voice room?”
Time Machine noticed that things weren’t simple. He immediately said, “Yes, we are an
allied guild in the online game. I will call him here.”
Cheng Wei said, “Open the sound quickly, open it! I want to hear this person’s voice!”

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GLS: Chapter 52
Chapter 52 – Conflict

Li Cangyu finished taking the guild team to challenge the instance. The level 3 guild reached
50% construction points. In a few days, it would be promoted to a level 4 guild. This
development momentum was very good.
The addition of the three students helped Li Cangyu very much. Li Cangyu set up the trip as
vice presidents and let them help with the guild.
Small Elf said with excitement, “President, rest assured that we will manage the instance
team well!”
Li Cangyu ordered, “Please take everyone to level. Wait until we reach full level and then
we will go play the difficult instances. Then organize some people who like PK to go the
arena. If there is anyone with a good awareness when playing the instance, you can also
recommend them to me.”
Small Elf cried out, “Okay, no problem! I will organize everyone to quickly go level!”
Li Cangyu properly arranged the management of the group and then a private chat message
from Time Machine popped up. [Brother Fish? Can you go to the voice channel? I have
something I want to discuss with you.]
Li Cangyu asked: [Is it about tomorrow’s legion defense?]
Once the legion defense was opened every Sunday, all online players were free to join the
camp of the Bright Goddess or the Dark Goddess. Players could go alone when choosing a
camp or they could register as a team or guild.
Many big guilds in the game had a favoured camp. For example, Time always chose the
Bright Legion while Wind Colour would generally join the Dark Legion.
The president of Time came to find him so Li Cangyu’s first thought was about the legion
In fact, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were sitting next to him and wanting to hear Love to Eat
Braised Fish chat in the voice channel. Time Machine had to push it. [It is about the legion
defense. Brother Fish should be joining the Bright Legion right? I want to discuss with you
in advance how to command it tomorrow.]
[Okay, I will go find you.] Li Cangyu typed back.
[Then come to this voice room to discuss it.] Time Machine was happy and immediately
sent the voice room number and password.
Li Cangyu entered the password and went in. He saw that Time Machine was waiting for
him time. Time Machine immediately asked, “Brother Fish? will you direct tomorrow’s
legion war? I think that if you are directing, the Bright Legion will definitely win!”
“That isn’t necessarily the case.” Li Cangyu opened his mouth. “There are three big guilds
on the side of the Dark Goddess. Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing. The black
magicians, blood kin assassins and psychics will have an advantage in a chaotic situation.”
Cheng Wei jumped up excitedly the moment he heard this voice. “Cat God, Cat God! It is Cat
“…” Li Cangyu was almost deafened by him.
Tan Shitian looked helplessly at this guy who suddenly jumped out of his seat. How excited
was he? If Cheng Wei could enter the network cable, he wouldn’t hesitate to crawl along the
network cable to the other end of the computer.
Cheng Wei shouted excitedly before grabbing Time Machine’s headset and saying to the
other person, “Cat God, is it really you?”
Li Cangyu helplessly rubbed his ears. “Who are you?”
Cheng Wei explained, “I am Cheng Wei! Cheng Wei! Cheng Wei of the Time team!”
Li Cangyu asked, “Who is Cheng Wei?”
Cheng Wei was stunned.
Tan Shitian looked at his appearance and couldn’t help patting his head with sympathy.
Stupid, Cat God was obviously teasing him but he took it so seriously.
Cheng Wei seemed to realize as he smiled and said, “Don’t joke around Cat God. Why are
you in Miracle’s new district? I heard that the Canglan team disbanded the other day. I
messaged you but you didn’t reply. I was so worried about you!”
Xiao Cheng’s simple and direct care made Li Cangyu’s heart feel warm.
He remembered the Q number that he hadn’t logged into for a long time and spoke
apologetically, “I went abroad after Canglan disbanded. I didn’t log into the previous Q
number that I used and didn’t see your message.”
He had two Q numbers. After leaving Miracle, the previous Q number wasn’t very useful. He
naturally wouldn’t reply if Cheng Wei sent him a message.
“Oh, that’s it!” Cheng Wei didn’t mind. He was just happy that Cat God was here. “Then what
are you doing in Miracle’s new district?”
“I am forming a team to return to Miracle.” Li Cangyu stated.
“Ahhh, really?” Cheng Wei jumped up again excitedly. “You are returning to Miracle?”
“…Yes.” Li Cangyu replied helplessly.
Cheng Wei, his head was very simple. The moment he thought about what to say, it would
emerge. In particular, his speed of talking was as fast as a machine gun when he was angrily
swearing. Didn’t Cheng Wei have a cold right now? His voice was so hoarse yet he didn’t
know how to take care of it. Shouting so loudly, didn’t his throat hurt?
At this time, Cheng Wei didn’t pay any attention to his throat hurting. He heard Cat God
saying that he would return to Miracle and was so happy he almost burst into tears.
Cat God didn’t give up! Cat God was really courageous!
He was back! He was finally back!
Cheng Wei didn’t know how to describe this feeling.
There wasn’t a formal acceptance as a teacher but Cat God had always been the most
respected person in Cheng Wei’s heart.
After leaving Miracle for a few years, Cat God had finally returned. Cheng Wei couldn’t wait
to jump on Cat God, excitedly hugging him and saying, “Welcome back! It is nice to have you
However, he couldn’t see Cat God and could only jump around.
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei jumping up and down and couldn’t help laughing.
He looked just like a furry kitten. He really was Cat God’s apprentice. Both of them were
cats. Cat God was a mature and steady big black cat while Cheng Wei was a small white cat
that almost moved around.
Tan Shitian came up with the picture of the big black cat and small white cat and became
inspired. He decided to write a paragraph on Weibo later.
Cheng Wei looked back and saw Captain Tan smiling very happily. He couldn’t help saying,
“What are you laughing at?’ I asked you to invite Cat God onto our team and you wouldn’t.
Yet you are still smiling! You are this person…”
Tan Shitian interrupted. “Don’t scold me. Your voice still isn’t good. Accumulate your anger
and then scold me once your cold is gone.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
It was useless to scold such a cheeky person.
Li Cangyu heard the Tan Cheng duo arguing and his heart felt funny. Tan Shitian had a good
sense of humour while Cheng Wei had a straightforward personality. It was estimated that
only Tan Shitian could cure him.
Cheng Wei glared at Captain Tan and ignored him. He sat at the computer and picked up
the headset again. “Cat God, you haven’t signed with other teams right? Won’t you come to
Li Cangyu spoke bluntly, “I have signed with Dragon Song.”
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened with surprise. “Eh? How did you sign with Dragon Song? Come
to Time, the conditions here are also very good!”
He was bent on getting Cat God to join, thinking about staying with Cat God without
considering the team, the lineup and other factors… it was rare for someone to be so stupid.
When would he grow up? It was pitiful!
Li Cangyu explained, “I have several teammates on this side. Making my own team is more
convenient. I have signed with Dragon Song and can take the new team to Miracle.”
“Oh…” Cheng Wei was a bit lost but he soon became happy again. “You must get a strong
team this time!”
“Of course.” Li Cangyu said with a smile.
The two people hadn’t met for a long time and Cheng Wei was frustrated for several days
from his cold. Therefore he kept nagging— how could the team be disbanded? Where was
Cat God now? How was he doing? What was the situation with the teammates? When was
he coming back?
Cheng Wei excitedly threw out many questions. Like a jumping bean, he couldn’t stop.
Tan Shitian was very bored sitting next to him and sent a Weibo.
(Once upon a time, there were two cats. The big cat was quick to catch a mouse and the
kitten sat back, ready to eat. One day, the big cat left home and the kitten was heartbroken.
He was particularly stupid and couldn’t catch mice, almost starving to death. The dog next
door took him home and carefully raised him. The kitten often frowned but the dog fed it
small fish and they got along happily. It was pleasant until after a few years, the big cat
suddenly came back. The kitten immediately threw himself into the arms of the big cat,
ignoring the dog. The dog was so sad [Tears][Tears])
The moment the Storytelling God posted this, there were thousands of comments.
-Captain Tan is too esoteric. I don’t understand!
-Captain Tan, I don’t understand but I still want to compliment you.
-The Storytelling God is so mighty and domineering! I hope you don’t want to enter this field.
-Captain Tan, do you want a dog or a cat?
-Captain Tan pulled out a big trick that no one can understand! P.S. Does the big cat own the
-Dogs and cats aren’t destined to be together. Don’t you know they are different species?
-Captain Tan, my son is following your Weibo. The fairy tales you write are very good.
Surprisingly, Flying Feathers’ captain Su Guangmo actually forwarded this Weibo with only
a row of emojis: [Candle][Candle][Candle][Candle].
Su Guangmo’s fans were confused. What did Su Guangmo mean by lighting candles for
Captain Tan?
The even more surprising thing was that Ling Xuefeng also forwarded Su Guangmo’s Weibo
while commenting in a serious tone: The big cat and kitten are father and son.
Fans, “…”
Captain Ling, what was he doing?
What about his image of an abstinent male god? He actually read Tan Shitian’s Weibo? Was
the forward a slip of the hand?
Unexpected, Tan Shitian’s handwritten story was forwarded by Su Guangmo and Ling
Xuefeng, the two biggest people in the Miracle League. Fans excitedly grabbed a screenshot
but they couldn’t understand Tan Shitian’s story. What exactly did he want to express?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GLS: Chapter 53
Chapter 53 – Lou Zhang Combination

They didn’t know what he was saying but they still wanted to give him compliments. This
was what the fans thought.
Tan Shitian’s popularity was extremely high. In addition to the dead loyal fans who
watched every game in the Miracle League, there were the passersby fans who followed
him because of the funny things he wrote. The fans praised him together and the
forwarding of Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng made the number of people who read this
Weibo more than one million. In just half an hour, Tan Shitian’s post was the day’s hot
The Ghost Spirits team, 1st dormitory.
Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui was lying on the sofa and looking through Weibo. Once he saw
the news that appeared on the front page, he couldn’t help spitting out, “What is Tan
Shitian saying about a big cat and a kitten? Captain Su and Captain Ling forwarded it as
well? Then let me do the same.”
Zhang Shaohui forwarded the tweet and commented: This story is really good! [Applause]
He had just sent it on Weibo when the door of the other bedroom opened. A man came over
and said, “A’Hui, you don’t understand the situation so why are you fooling around?”
The man was thin and wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. His skin was very white, his
facial features very soft and he looked very gentle and handsome. However, his face was
always frosty and he gradually became the famous cold beauty of the Miracle League. He
was the league’s most famous killer, the captain of the Ghost Spirits team, Lou Wushuang.
His assassination techniques were first class and many great gods had died under his
lurking sneak attack. Therefore, he had the nickname of ‘Viper’, since anybody he aimed for
was like having a poisonous snake stare at them. There was basically no possibility of
This person’s appearance was cold but Zhang Shaohui knew that his cousin was actually
inwardly soft. That’s why Zhang Shaohui wasn’t afraid of him, despite Lou Wushuang’s
unmatched cold face.
Yes, the Lou Zhang combination were distant cousins.
When Zhang Shaohui was young, his parents died in a car accident. There weren’t many
relatives so he was taken care of by a kind distant aunt. His blood relationship with Lou
Wushuang was already outside five generations but because the two of them grew up
together, their feelings were closer than brothers.
Lou Wushuang’s cold personality caused him to suffer when studying at school. At that
time, his skin was white and he looked good. There were always people who disliked the
sight of him and wanted to bully him. Zhang Shaohui was a type of small bully and quite
unreasonable. He never lost when he rolled up his sleeves. Anyone who dared to bully Lou
Wushuang during their school days would have their front teeth knocked out.
He might be the younger one but he always protected his cousin. It was because he thought
Lou Wushuang looked good, got good grade and was born to be a noble person. He would
certainly have a good future. This was different from Zhang Shaohui, who grew up rolling
around in the mid. Apart from his fighting abilities, his academic performance was a
letdown. He completely couldn’t understand mathematical formulas and probably couldn’t
test into university.
During his high school graduation year, Zhang Shaohui didn’t apply to any good
universities. He felt it was impossible for him and wanted to find his own way in the future.
It turned out that he was good at playing games and the Ghost Spirits team in Shenzhen
were recruiting talents. He was bold enough to go to the interview.
Lou Wushuang accompanied Zhang Shaohui together to the interview and also tested out
his hand speed. He didn’t expect that his hand speed was actually higher than Zhang
Shaohui’s hand speed!
He had actually received an admission letter to a university but because his hand speed
was so high, he chose to become an e-sports player and had a big fight with his family.
Zhang Shaohui’s advice was also useless. Luo Wushuang was always stubborn and firmly
carried his luggage with his brother to go to the Ghost Spirits team. Zhang Shaohui had no
way to stop him but also felt happy that they could be together.
The two teenagers under 18 were appreciated by Mo Quan, the Ghost Spirits’ captain and
one of the Five Gods. Mo Quan had been planning to retire and he trained the brothers as
the successors to the Ghost Spirits team.
Lou Wushuang had always been studying attentively and never played games, but he was
very clever. After entering the training game, his talent for the game was amazing and he
quickly caught up to his brother Zhang Shaohui.
The two brothers grew up together and had a tacit understanding. After training for a
period of time, they officially debuted in the third season. They wan into talented players
such as Cheng Wei and Xie Shurong and couldn’t get the rookie awards, but they were full
of stamina. In the fourth season, they showed their strength and became the miracles of the
Miracle League, leading the Ghost Spirits to win the fifth season.
Zhang Shaohui’s character was hearty and he was good at martial arts. He was accustomed
to fighting people since childhood and his body was very tall and strong. His popularity in
the Miracle League was also high. It was just that this person was a bit blind and there were
many situations where he was unclear.
Lou Wushuang was very calm and had a high IQ. He understood the meaning of Tan
Shitian’s story with one glance.
The highly intelligent Captain Lou and the explosive force of the vice-captain, this
combination of brother-killers was a unique thing in the Miracle League.
Lou Wushuang saw his dazed cousin and couldn’t help explaining, “Captain Tan means that
Cat God has come back.”
“Cat God?” Zhang Shaohui stood with surprise. “Are you talking about Li Cangyu who left
Miracle a long time ago?”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang nodded calmly. “Tan Shitian’s big cat is referring to Cat God and the
kitten refers to Cheng Wei. The dog is himself. This story means that Cat God trained Cheng
Wei. After he left, Tan Shitian has been carrying Cheng Wei. Now that Cat God is back,
Cheng Wei went to Cat God and ignored Captain Tan. Captain Tan is a bit sad.”
Zhang Shaohui, “…”
The big cat, kitten and dog could be mentioned this way? Tan Shitian was truly amazing!
Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and continued to explain without any expression. “Su
Guangmoa nd Ling Xuefeng forwarded the message, indicating that both of them know that
Cat God has returned.”
Zhang Shaohui finally recovered his spirit and walked to Lou Wushuang, praising him, “It
was originally like this. Brother, you are so clever!”
The younger brother was half a head taller than himself. He showed a mouthful of white
teeth when laughing and he had just taken a shower, so he was only wearing a sexy black
vest and shorts, exposing the muscles on his bidy.
Lou Wushuang turned red at being half-hugged by this man but he quickly adjusted his
expression and said, “I am just speculating.”
“Smart is smart, there is nothing wrong with admitting it. You have been smarter than me
since you were a kid.” Zhang Shaohui found that he was blushing and couldn’t help joking,
“I am just boasting about you. Why are you blushing? You are pretty good-looking… why
don’t I post a photo of you and perhaps the popularity of the photo will surpass Tan
“…” Lou Wushuang turned away.
‘Idiot, your brains cells have gone to your limbs!’
Zhang Shaohui looked at his back and felt something strange.
He didn’t know why but this cousin that he slept naked with when he was a child changed.
Once they got older, Lou Wushuang always seemed to be hiding from him and his jokes
made his cousin angry…
Zhang Shaohui innocently touched his nose. Did he make a mistake boasting about his
cousin’s cleverness?
After being stunned for a while, Zhang Shaohui recovered and sent a text message to the
Ghost Spirits Guild’s president. [President, what are the recent movements in the online
game? Especially with Wind Colour, Flying Feathers and Time.]
Under the leadership of the Lou Zhang combination, the Ghost Spirits team won the
championship in the fifth season. The overall strength of Ghost Spirits wasn’t as strong as
Time, Wind Colour and Flying Feathers, but there was no team that dared to look down on
Ghost Spirits. They were killers lying in the darkness and there was a tacit understanding
with the Lou Zhang combination. As long as they were given the opportunity, they could kill
ace players such as Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo.
The Ghost Spirits Guild wasn’t as strong as Time, Flying Feathers and Wind Colour. The
president Devil May Cry was relatively low-key. No matter what the outside world did, he
just silently leveled up with his guild members.
He didn’t participate in the disputes of the new district but he sent people to follow up on
the situation of Love to Eat Braised Fish. After receiving the text message from Vice-Captain
Zhang, he immediately replied: [The new district has an elf summoner master called Love
to Eat Braised Fish. Previously, there was a bounty mission and the elite teams of Wind
Colour and Flying Feathers were eliminated. Later, he created the Food Squad Guild and
allied with Time, taking the first ranking in the guild challenge instance.]
Zhang Shaohui saw up to here and understood the situation.
According to his cousin’s words, if Cat God was back then Love to Eat Braised Fish should
be Cat God.
Wind Colour and Flying Feathers experienced a big loss and alerted the great gods on the
team. Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo obviously recognized him. It was estimated that Time
only found out today since he made this post. Cat God was back, Cheng Wei ignored Captain
Tan after recognizing Cat God and Captain Tan was sad.
Lou Wushuang was really smart to understand it with one glance!
Zhang Shaohui often felt that his IQ wasn’t high enough. Fortunately, Ghost Spirits had
Captain Lou and he just needed to follow his cousin’s orders.
[How will tomorrow’s legion defense be arranged?] Zhang Shaohui asked. [I want to go to
the game and see Love to Eat Braised Fish.]
[Ghost Spirits has always entered the Dark Legion. If Vice-Captain comes, why don’t you
take command of the legion?]
[I just want to play a side account for fun.] Zhang Shaohui felt it would be a mess if he went
to command the legion war. He just wanted to go and see what the famous Cat God was
doing in the game.
[What about Captain Lou?] The president asked.
[He isn’t going.] Zhang Shaohui made a decision for his cousin. [He hates such a chaotic
situation and his body isn’t very comfortable these days. I will let him rest and go see
[Then I will prepare an account for Vice-Captain and send the password to your phone.]
[Yes, thank you!]
The guild office of the Wind Colour team.
Popular Land Under Heaven saw Captain Ling forward the Weibo message and couldn’t
help wondering, “The big cat and kitten have a father and son relationship? What does the
Captain mean?”
The vice president Same Boat Under Wind and Rain guessed, “Perhaps it is the relationship
between Cat God and Cheng Wei?”
Popular Land Under Heaven realized. “Yes, that must be it! It seems that Time also knows
the true identity of Love to Eat Braised Fish!”
The two people were talking when they suddenly heard footsteps and looked back. They
saw Ling Xuefeng walk over, followed by Qin Mo.
Popular Land Under Heaven stood up and asked, “Captain Ling, you came over so late.
What is the matter?”
“In tomorrow’s legion defense, can you win the right to command the Dark Goddess’
camp?” Ling Xuefeng asked.
Popular Land Under Heaven was surprised. “Captain Ling, do you plan to personally direct
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded calmly. “Cat God should be the leader on the Bright Goddess
side. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei will definitely log into the online game to join the fun. If
there is no commander to fight against them on the Dark Goddess side, the whole dark
legion will collapse. This isn’t good for the development of the guild.”
He spoke so much but…didn’t he just want to face Cat God?
Popular Land Under Heaven was joyful. He had been worried that if the Bright Legion had
Cat God, wouldn’t the Dark Legion be abused? They would have no face if the score
difference was too big.
He had been worried about the result but Captain Ling since he would personally come
forward. Popular Land Under Heaven was filled with excitement and the blood in his body
Ling Xuefeng VS Li Cangyu in the legion defense!
Tomorrow’s event would definitely be a wonderful match in the history of Miracle!
“Captain Ling, rest assured! I will definitely win the right to command tomorrow’s war!”
He immediately sat in front of the computer and pulled the president of two guilds, Ghost
Spirits and Pure Cleansing, into a discussion group. He quickly typed: [Devil May Cry, Sister
Wan Qing, can Wind Colour take command of tomorrow’s legion defense? I’ll give it to you
next week!”
Devil May Cry found out some things from Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui. Since Love to Eat
Braised Fish was the famous Cat God, he didn’t want to take command of the Dark Legion.
Since someone dared to pick up this hot potato, he immediately agreed. [Okay!]
The president of Pure Cleansing was a girl with a gentle personality. She didn’t like fighting
and had no interest in commanding. She replied: [I will leave it to you.]
[Thank you! Since my side will be commanding, let’s work together tomorrow. Will all of
you listen to our commands?]
[No problem.]
Popular Land Under Heaven was happy about convincing the two largest guilds and turned
around. “Captain Ling, it is done.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and asked, “What is the current guild situation on both sides?”
“Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits and Pure Cleansing are part of the Dark Legion while Time,
Terminator and Red Fox are part of the Bright Legion. These three guilds have always been
on the Bright Goddess’ side. Flying Feathers and Cheetah haven’t made a statement yet so
their choice is unclear.”
“Flying Feathers should enter the Light Legion so go and pull the Cheetah Guild over.” Ling
Xuefeng decisively ordered.
Popular Land Under Heaven wasn’t sure why the captain was so certain but he was still
obedient. “Okay.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “You are busy. I will come again at 7 o’clock tomorrow to meet with the
management of all the guilds in the Dark Legion.”
Popular Land Under Heaven excitedly replied, “No problem, I will arrange it!”
Ling Xuefeng turned away.
The little follower Qin Mo never spoke from beginning to end. He just followed his master
and left with his master. Popular Land Under Heaven wanted to cry out, “Little boy, why did
you come here? Do you want the title of follower?”

TL: With this, all the CPs in the novel have appeared:
Main CP: Li Cangyu x Ling Xuefeng
Bai Xuan x Xie Shurong
Tan Shitian x Cheng Wei
Su Guangmo x Yu Pingsheng
Zhang Shaohui x Lou Wushuang
The rest are all close relationships, no matter what hints you might see. In addition, Qin Mo
is the MC of the third novel so his story will be told there. His gong appears in this novel
but hasn’t made his appearance yet.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 54
Chapter 54 – Chief Commander

Cheng Wei and Li Cangyu chatted for a long time. It was only after Cheng Wei’s mouth
became dry that he willingly ran to the side to pour water.
Li Cangyu spoke on the voice channel, “President, shall we continue to discuss tomorrow’s
legion defense?”
There were tens of thousands of people participating in Sunday’s legion defense. If there
wasn’t a good commander, the activities would become a mess. Li Cangyu didn’t take the
heavy responsibility of the commander for the limelight. He was just in it for the rewards. If
the Bright Legion won, the commander’s guild would be rewarded handsomely and he
would be able to rise to level 65 in one go.
He didn’t have much time to waste in the online game. The most important thing was to
quickly increase the fame of his guild.
“Cat God, are you willing to command?” Time Machine asked.
“Yes, but I’m not familiar with the other guilds. You have to help persuade the president.”
“No problem, leave this matter to me!” Time Machine said.
At this moment, Li Cangyu received another private message.
[Great god, what camp will you choose for tomorrow’s legion defense? Why don’t you take
us with you?] It was from Flying Feathers Liangshan.
Flying Feathers Ares sitting next to the president was shocked. “Boss, isn’t this a bit
shameless? We previously used side accounts to assassinate him!”
Flying Feathers Liangshan spoke in a serious manner. “Why does that matter when playing
a game?”
Everyone, “…”
Flying Feathers Liangshan continued, “Cat God definitely doesn’t care about us. The
assassination is over and tomorrow is another day.”
Everyone, “…”
As the president of Flying Feathers expected, Li Cangyu knew that Flying Feathers used
side accounts but he wasn’t the type of person to hold grudges. He didn’t want to suppress
or retaliate against them. After all, it was normal to kill in the online game. It wasn’t
necessary to worry about these things. Today they might have a vendetta against each
other while tomorrow they might be teammates happily playing together against a boss.
Li Cangyu saw Flying Feathers Liangshan words and bluntly replied: [I am allied with Time
and will enter the Bright Legion. President, do you want to join us?]
[Of course! Great god, please take care of me!] Flying Feathers Liangshan sent a row of
handshake emojis. [We will enter the Bright Legion and absolutely obey your commands!]
“…” The president truly had no shame!
Flying Feathers Liangshan said, “We will go to the Bright Legion with Cat God. Why should
we be hostile to Cat God?”
The people of Flying Feathers said, “President has a really high vision!”
Flying Feathers decided to join the Bright Legion while Popular Land Under Heaven pulled
the Cheetah Guild, with the other side promising to enter the Dark Legion. In this way, the
Bright Legion had Time, Flying Feathers, Red Fox and Terminator, plus the Food Squad.
Meanwhile, the Dark Legion had Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits, Pure Cleansing and Cheetah.
There would also be many small guilds who would join and the strengths of both sides
were relatively balanced.
Whoever lost or won would depend on the skills of the commander.
Beijing time, 7 o’clock on Sunday.
The number of people logged into Miracle had reached the highest peak since the opening
of the new district, Moonlight Forest. The operators had already prepared a large server
capable of accommodating hundreds of thousands of people.
The legion defense started at 8 o’clock and signups opened at 7 o’clock.
In order for the legion defense to be more balanced, there was a rule in Miracle that the
number of people in one camp couldn’t be much higher than the other camp. At 7:10, the
registrations would close. In the following time, those who hadn’t decided would be
randomly assigned to a camp.
Since the Food Squad entered the Bright Legion’s camp, the number of people in the Bright
Legion occupied a certain advantage early on. But at 7:10, the gap in the number of people
became smaller and smaller. A large number of randoms joined, resulting in both sides
gradually becoming balanced.
Li Cangyu greeted his teammates in advance. Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong, Zhang Jueming and Gu
Siming were all added to Li Cangyu’s fixed team while Time Machine had already organized
the dozens or so guilds in this camp and was waiting in the voice channel.
Once Cat God entered the voice channel, Time Machine immediately opened his mouth and
said, “Let me introduce you. The chief commander for this event is the president of the
Food Squad, Love to Eat Braised Fish. Do you want to say a few words?”
Li Cangyu spoke simply. “I would like to say this first. Don’t act without permission. Follow
the orders of the chief commander.”
The crowd liked his decisiveness. There were many guilds and players. If they didn’t listen
to the commands, it would be a confusing mess.
Li Cangyu continued, “All guilds, send me a list of numbers of classes. Then I will decide the
At the same time, the Dark Legion camp.
Popular Land Under Heaven also organized all the large and small guilds who joined the
Dark Legion. He opened a discussion group channel in the game, gave the Popular Land
Under Heaven account to Ling Xuefeng and then logged into a side account
Ling Xuefeng used the president’s account to type: [In today’s event, the commander for the
Bright Legion is very powerful. If you don’t want a full collapse, you should listen to my
Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui who was operating a side account, “…”
Was this really the tone of speech of Wind Colour’s president? Why did he think it was a bit
Ling Xuefeng continued to type calmly: [First, count the number of teams in the major
guilds. Same Boat Under Wind and Rain is responsible for organizing the scattered
randoms to form a unified number. Once the start of the event, all team leaders will listen
to my commands and don’t act without permission. Type a 1 if you understand.]
A large row of 111 instantly filled the discussion group, proving that everyone was
Ling Xuefeng sent an image to the group, which was an instance map of the legion defense.
This map was in the official database and was exactly the same as the event map. They
could see many different colour markers on the map. The people who had done the legion
defense before knew what these marks meant.
After a few minutes, Ling Xuefeng asked: [Are the teams compiled?]
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain replied: [Yes, there are a total of 175 teams. I will send
you the list.]
He often played the legion defense in the old district so Same Boat Under Wind and Rain
was already familiar with this. Before Captain Ling came, he had already discussed the
groups in the Dark Legion with the president.
Ling Xuefeng appreciated the vice president’s actions and immediately started to make
arrangements. [As soon as the event time arrives, groups 1-50 will walk in the 1 o’clock
direction. The Pure Cleansing group will take the lead and all of you will win the demon
mine using the fastest speed. Groups 51-100 will take the 3 o’clock position. The Cheetah
Guild will take the lead and win the beast mind. Groups 101-150 will walk to the 5 o’clock
direction. The Wind Colour Guild will take the lead and win the blood kin mine.]
There were a total of six racial mines on the event map. At the beginning of the defense
war, none of the six mines had any owners. Whoever killed the mine guards first could get
ownership of the mines and collect the ores there.
Collecting ores gave money and the money earned would go into the reserve funds. They
could buy items that added a certain attribute from the battlefield store or construct
offensive chariots or defensive castles.
In large scale competitive games, the concept of ‘economy’ was very important. It was the
so-called ‘economic base determines the structure.’ The legion defense was about both
sides competing for resources to try and gain economic benefits. The greater the economic
gap between both sides, the greater the gap between the defense and attack statuses of the
players and the easier it was for the balance to collapse.
At 8:30, the Bright Goddess and Dark Goddess would refresh at the defense castles. If the
economy was too low and the castle defenses insufficient, the goddess would easily be
killed by the other party.
This was the most interesting part of the legion defense. It wasn’t about thousands of
people fighting and killing each other. In order to command the defense battle, it was
necessary to comprehensively consider the terrain of the battlefield, the configuration of
players on both sides, the timing to attack the mine, the timing to defend, etc.
Such a complex campaign meant commanding it was even more difficult than the
Professional League.
However, today’s command in the Dark Legion came was clearly excellent. The soldiers
were well organized to take three mines.
Zhang Shaohui saw this and couldn’t help whispering, “Why do I feel like this is a bit similar
to Captain Ling?”
“It is Ling Xuefeng.” A familiar voice was suddenly heard beside him.
Zhang Shaohui turned and saw Lou Wushuang come to sit next to him. Lou Wushuang said
lightly, “Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu are fighting each other on opposite sides. This will be
“Brother, what are you doing here?” Zhang Shaohui was a bit surprised.
“I was bored so I thought I would go see what Old Cat is doing.” Lou Wushuang replied
while logging into an account that the president gave him.
The Bright Legion, commander Li Cangyu.
The Dark Legion, Ling Xuefeng personally commanded them.
On Sunday evening, tens of thousands of players came online. The server was opened to the
maximum capacity and numerous undercovers lurked in both camps. Tan Shitian’s story
caused several big gods to log into side accounts.
Tonight’s Moonlight Forest was truly a gathering of stars and gods.
This was definitely the most spectacular world war in the six years since Miracle opened!

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GLS: Chapter 55
Chapter 55 – Legion Defense (Mine Battle)

Beijing time, 8 p.m. on Sunday, the Moonlight Forest district.

[The legion defense war is about to begin. Both camps, please be prepared!] [Defending the
goddess is your greatest mission!]
The server announced these messages on time. Miracle’s liveliest legion defense was finally
opened. All players who signed up for the event were sent to the legion defense instance.
The battle map was a circular map similar to a clock. There was a bottomless abyss that
stretched vertically from the 12 o’clock position to the 6 o’clock position, isolating the
players from both camps, the Bright Legion on the left and the Dark Legion on the right.
On the Bright Legion side, from top to bottom there was the elf mine, the terran mine and
angel mine respectively. On the Dark Legion side, from top to bottom there was the demon
mine, beast mine and blood kin mine.
The six racial mines had a lot of guard NPCs with a level equal to an elite boss of a large
instance, requiring at least one team to kill one. After killing the guards and occupying the
mine, the players could more the ores back to their base camp to earn money.
At 8:30, the goddesses of both caps would refresh and three bridges would appear over the
abyss separating the two camps. At this time, both sides could reach the other territory
through the bridges, stealing resources and even killing the enemy’s goddess.
In other words, there was no way for both sides to meet each other at the beginning due to
the abyss. At 8:30, the maps would be connected. This setting gave everyone a bit of buffer
time. During the half an hour from 8:00 to 8:30, the players could mine and build up their
It showed how important seizing resources and improving the economy was, not killing.
Ling Xuefeng’s idea was very obvious. Once the defense war started, he immediately
divided the 150 groups into three paths and would win the three mines at the fastest speed.
This was in order to obtain resources and gain an economic advantage.
The remaining 20 groups were mostly assassins from Ghost Spirits. Ling Xuefeng had a
special arrangement for these groups. [Ghost Spirits has eight teams. You will divide into
three groups and first attack the upper, middle and bottom resurrection points. Then wait
for the bridges to refresh.]
[As soon as the bridges appear, you will immediately enter the Bright Legion territory and
assassinate the people at the mines. Just hit and run, don’t get into a prolonged battle!]
[Groups 173, 174 and 175 will scatter across the map to look at the enemy’s situation. I
need to grasp the actions of the other party.]
Ling Xuefeng calmly issued instructions one by one in the discussion group.
The leaders took the instructions back to their people and the soldiers quickly reached the
designated locations.
Mining, grabbing the resurrection points, investigating… it might be an attack and defense
war involving tens of thousands of people but Ling Xuefeng didn’t appear disordered as he
guided the teams.
There were a large number of guard bosses in the racial mines. 30 people worked together
to kill one boss. Everyone consciously dispersed, pulling the guards one by one to kill. It
took less than three minutes for the three major mines to be occupied.
[The Dark Legion has occupied the demon mine!]
[The Dark Legion has occupied the beast mine!]
[The Dark Legion has occupied the blood kin mine!]
[The Bright Legion has occupied the elf mine!]
[The Bright Legion has occupied the terran mine!]
[The Bright Legion has occupied the angel mine!]
Six announcements continuously appeared on the centre of the screen.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help frowning slightly when he saw this.
The other side’s commanded obviously used the method of winning the three mines at the
fastest speed. It wasn’t uncommon to see such at start in the legion defense war but Li
Cangyu couldn’t help having a strange feeling. According to the undercovers, this time the
Wind Colour Guild had won the right to command the Dark Legion. Was the opposite
commander the president of the Wind Colour Guild?
In any case, Li Cangyu was confident that the Bright Legion could win.
He issued an order on the command channel. “The three mines have been successfully won.
Everyone collect the ores at the fastest speed. Our legion’s economy must exceed 100,000
before 8:30!”
Mining was the only way to increase a camp’s economy.
The Dark Legion collected ores at the fastest speed and the collect ores would be converted
to gold coins at a certain rate.
In the centre of the screen, the economies of both sides were growing rapidly due to the
occupation of the mines and the collection of ores. At 20:25, the total economic value of
both sides had reached 100,000!
There were still five minutes left until the goddesses refreshed. The early preparations
were completed and the war was imminent!
Ling Xuefeng looked at the time and immediately typed in the command channel: [The
three mining groups have been divided. The team leaders with a multiple of five in their
number will immediately go to the camp NPCs to buy chariots. The other teams will go to
the nearest bridge!]
Some people were surprised. [We aren’t building up the castle?]
It was well-known that the ultimate goal of the legion defense was to protect the goddess
from being killed. Defensive castles would be built in the place where the goddesses
refreshed. Otherwise, they would be easily attacked by the other side’s forces and the
camp’s goddess would be threatened.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t choose to build a defensive castle first and wanted to buy attacking
chariots, making many people unable to understand.
[The other side doesn’t have the strength to directly kill our goddess.] Ling Xuefeng typed
calmly. [The chariots are used as a cover. Our real goal is to seize the mining resources of
the Bright Legion.]
The commander unexpectedly came out with a sneak attack, making many people marvel.
Wasn’t this courage too big? Driving the chariot to the other side and leaving their goddess
naked… was it okay? Not even one castle?
Of course, Ling Xuefeng’s thoughts were also true. The Dark Goddess was a big boss and the
thousands of people on the opposite side couldn’t kill her immediately.
He was sure that Li Cangyu wouldn’t rush with 100 groups to kill the Dark Goddess. That’s
why he could take the risk to use money to build the chariot and directly attack the other
As long as the other side’s mines were successfully taken, their economy would grow
rapidly, making it actually quite cost-effective.
It took 3,000 gold to buy a primary chariot and 90,000 to buy 30 chariots. Almost all of the
100,000 gold in the Dark Legion was soon consumed. Ling Xuefeng didn’t feel sad as he
typed in the command channel: [Investigation Group, quickly report the other side’s
The Ghost Spirits Guild’s assassins in charge of stealth investigation immediately replied
with a few messages.
[The opposite side’s elf mine has 20 groups.]
[There are only 10 groups left in the terran mine. The others are retreating.]
[The people in the angel mine are also retreating. It should be to build the castle.]
Ling Xuefeng nodded and quickly typed on the keyboard: [Everyone assemble. The soldiers
will divided between the three bridges. Use chariots to directly seize the other side’s
He divided the 150 teams into three groups: upper, middle and lower. The positions of the
three groups were adjacent to the three bridges connecting the two camps. At his
command, everyone could drive the chariots directly to the nearest mine and hit the
opposite camp.
The people of the Bright Legion had returned to the city to build the castle under Li
Cangyu’s command. Unexpectedly, the Dark Legion used 30 chariots to make a sudden
[Commander, the opposite army has attacked the elf mine! They have 10 chariots!]
[There are also chariots in the middle of the terran mine!]
[The guards at the angel mine are about to be killed!]
[They came to steal the mines! Damn, they are taking three roads!]
The large-scale attack of the Dark Legion was too unexpected. The destructive power of the
chariots were extremely strong. The Bright Legion side saw the enemy’s chariots arriving
without any preparation. Everyone was beaten and the three mines were actually lost!
[The Dark Legion has occupied the elf mine!]
[The Dark Legion has occupied the angel mine!]
[The Dark Legion has occupied the terran mine!]
Three messages appeared in the middle of the screen and all six mines on the small map
showed black signs, indicating they had been occupied by the Dark Legion.
Li Cangyu looked at the black on the map and couldn’t help feeling startled.
The conventional strategy for the legion defense was to take three mines on their side and
develop steadily, earning money and building castles where the goddess was, raising the
castle defenses to a stable level. Then they would buy attack vehicles such as chariots and
At the beginning of the game, leaving the goddess alone and coming for a surprise attack.
Spending a lot of money to buy chariots and directly entering enemy territory to seize
resources… this style of command wasn’t Popular Land Under Heaven.
This commander was very ambitious and bold!
The Miracle League had one aggressive player who used fierce attacks as the best defense.
Was there any need to say who was controlling Popular Land Under Heaven’s account?
The corners of Li Cangyu’s mouth couldn’t help rising slightly.
-Ling Xuefeng, you really want to play with me? It seems that it is time for me to become
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GLS: Chapter 56
Chapter 56 – Legion Defense (Resurrection Counterattack)

Ling Xuefeng suddenly drove the chariots to the enemy camp and even grabbed three
mines. He also sent more than 20 groups of assassins to kill the mining people, delaying the
economic development speed of the Bright Legion. In just 10 minutes, the gap between the
two side’s total economy became 110,000 to 150,000. The Bright Legion had fallen behind
by 40,000!
Now that three mines were taken away, this gap would only increase.
Many people in the Bright Legion started to question the level of command, the public
channels filled with swearing.
[What is the commander doing? Isn’t he going to make a comeback by stealing the mines
from the opposite side?]
[Give us a command to kill and steal their mines!]
[Who is in command today? Can’t we get a reliable one?]
Cheng Wei was controlling a side account and became furious at those who dared to scold
Cat God. He couldn’t help typing in the camp channel: [Everyone who is scolding the
commander, shut up! you can you up,no can no BB!] (TL: author wrote this in English so
I’m literally just copying it.)
“…” Tan Shitian saw his angry appearance and couldn’t help laughing. “What are you so
anxious about? This is a battle between Captain Ling and Cat God, we are just watching the
fun. Captain Ling unexpectedly got the first hand but Cat God will certainly come up with a
way to deal with it.”
He just said this when there was a cold light behind him. A knife stabbed straight towards
his chest in a calm and fierce attack!
Tan Shitian’s side account was hit by the knife and directly had his blood reduced by one-
“…” Tan Shitian immediately used the elf race’s movement skill to jump back. He had just
hidden when someone else aimed another blade straight at his chest!
The elf side account was stabbed and his blood plummeted to 15%!
Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian often argued but they had been teammates for 1.5 years. Once
he saw that Tan Shitian was being beaten, Cheng Wei reflexively used the white magician’s
big move, God’s Faith. A white light fell from the sky, enveloping Tan Shitian and removing
the stealth from the two assassins!
Their IDs were Wisp and Ghost Mirror. They were obviously from the Ghost Spirits Guild.
The situation became very chaotic once they were revealed. The two killers realized they
were exposed and were forced to use Combat Stealth, taking advantage of the chaos to hide
their traces.
Come with no shadow, leave without a trace, the decisive and aggressive assassination
techniques really made people feel creepy.
Cheng Wei tried to chase them but couldn’t find their shadows. He angrily typed on the
keyboard: [You run faster than rabbits. Let’s see when you don’t have the ability to run
Tan Shitian said with a laugh, “Don’t you think these two killers are similar to two people?”
Cheng Wei’s understanding was poor and he said in a confused manner, “The two killers
must be like two people. How can they be three people?”
“…” Tan Shitian stretched out a hand and rubbed Cheng Wei’s head hard. “Why are you so
stupid? I mean that these two killers are very similar to the Lou Zhang combination of the
Ghost Spirits team.”
Cheng Wei was attracted by the latter half of the sentence and ignored Tan Shitian calling
him stupid. His eyes widened with surprise as he asked, “Do you mean Lou Wushuang and
Zhang Shaohui? Those cousins are here as well?”
Tan Shitian nodded. “Yes, it is probably to see Cat God.”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help feeling angry again at the mention of this topic. “Lou Wushuang
found out that Cat God is back due to your post on Weibo! It is all your fault. Why are you so
idle? What was with that story? Comparing me to a kitten? Where do I look like a cat?”
Tan Shitian looked at Cheng Wei’s hair standing up and thought, ‘Isn’t this like a kitten?’ He
looked even more like one when his hair stood up!
Tan Shitian listened to his machine-gun like scolding and suppressed the urge to laugh as
he said, “Okay, it is all my fault. I have deleted the story and the Lou Zhang combination just
wanted to see the liveliness. They hold no malice towards Cat God so you don’t have to
worry too much.”
This sentence was true. The Lou Zhang combination debuted with Cheng Wei in the third
season. In the same year, they played against Cat God. It was estimated that they entered
the online game tonight because of curiosity.
Cheng Wei thought about this and his mood improved.
“No, if Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui team up, Cat God will be in danger! I have to
protect him.” He quickly ran to the side of Love to Eat Braised Fish and raised his hand,
prepared to act as a bodyguard.
The Miracle League’s number one brainless fan was really dedicated, controlling a side
account to act as Cat God’s bodyguard.
Tan Shitian helplessly looked at him and had to follow Cheng Wei to protect Cat God.
The Ghost Spirits’ dormitory.
Zhang Shaohui followed his cousin to hide behind a tree and looked at the white magician.
He wondered, “Is that Cheng Wei?”
His cousin’s IQ was actually working for once. Lou Wushuang felt very relieved as he
nodded. “They are Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei.”
Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help laughing. “It seems that many people are interested in this
event. Brother, shall we go and assassinate Cat God?”
He took a few steps forward, wanting to stab Cat God when Cheng Wei used the wide-range
God’s Faith. Zhang Shaohui immediately ran while spitting out, “Cheng Wei is simply Cat
God’s brainless fan. He has incredibly tight protection!”
Lou Wushuang spoke with a cold face, “Can’t you just hide and watch the excitement?”
“Ah, I will listen to you.” Zhang Shaohui smiled and scratched his head. He settled down and
hid behind a tree with his cousin, eyes watching the excitement.
The Dark Legion had six mines and the economy instantly reversed. Many people in the
camp channel gave a thumbs up. [The commander is sharp!]
[The commander is too big!]
Ling Xuefeng ignored the camp channel and typed in the discussion group: [Leaders of the
three large groups, report the war damage.]
The Dark Legion’s upper, middle and lower roads were led by the Pure Cleansing, Cheetah
and Wind Colour group respectively. It was impossible for Ling Xuefeng to take care of each
group so he entrusted it to the management of these guilds. As the team leaders, they
commanded the three roads separately.
After all, the three president vice-commanders weren’t rookies and they were able to
quickly understand Ling Xuefeng’s meaning.
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain immediately sent a message: [The third group has three
chariots damaged and there are seven left. The personnel casualties are 12 groups.]
Pure Cleansing’s president reported next. [The second group has five chariots left and 10
groups of casualties.]
Cheetah’s president Ultimate Hunter typed: [The first group is similar to the second group.]
The surprise attack had stolen three mines but the losses to their side were also heavy. The
good thing was that these losses were within acceptable limits.
The satisfied Ling Xuefeng typed: [Everyone will push the chariots and ores back under the
protection of the paladins.]
Since 90,000 gold was used before, there wasn’t enough money to repair the castle. They
had to make money as soon as possible.
Ling Xuefeng’s ideas were good but the opposite commander Li Cangyu wasn’t a person to
be bullied. His order had just been given when a large number of messages appeared on the
camp channel: [Not good! The opposite side went straight to our stronghold!]
[They are pulling the Dark Goddess! Damn, the main T is As the Name Suggests of the Food
[The Dark Goddess has lost 5% health!]
[There are at least 100 groups! It is extremely crowded!]
Ling Xuefeng saw the information on the camp channel and inwardly felt surprised.
Cat’s counterattack speed simply wasn’t ordinary!
The Bright Legion’s counterattack was truly swift and depended entirely on the
determination of the chief commander Li Cangyu.
Ling Xuefeng had just stolen the three mines of the Bright Legion. A general commander
might be confused by this sudden attack but Li Cangyu was very calm.
He reacted as soon as he found out that the opposite commander was Ling Xuefeng.
-If you dare to sneak attack my mines, I will assassinate your camp’s goddess!
Not repairing the Dark Goddess’ castle? It was a convenient way to let them enter
The Dark Legion’s chariots did cause the Bright Legion to suffer heavy casualties. However,
the legion defense had one characteristic. Players who died could freely choose a
resurrection point that had been occupied by their side.
At the beginning, Ling Xuefeng sent people to investigate the entire map. Li Cangyu
naturally wasn’t idle. Once the bridges were connected, he sent 10 groups secretly into the
Dark Legion’s camp and forcibly took that resurrection point.
As Ling Xuefeng drove the chariot to the Bright Legion’s camp, Li Cangyu took the opposite
side’s resurrection point!
[Everyone who dies, immediately choose the resurrection point of the Dark Legion to
resurrect!] Li Cangyu ordered after the three mines were attacked. [Anyone who isn’t dead,
jump into the abyss to kill yourself. Then resurrect on the opposite site and assemble at the
point I marked!]
Jumping into the abyss took only three seconds and waiting to resurrect took 10 seconds.
This way of gathering was much faster than groups of people walking slowly down the
In just half a minute, while the Dark Legion were slowly driving the ore across the bridge
and returning home, hundreds of groups from the Bright Legion had already gone from the
lower resurrection point to the goddess’ lair!
The small madman Gu Siming pulled the Dark Goddess according to Cat God’s instructions.
The goddess was really beautiful and the dark wings behind her were gorgeous. It was a
pity that she didn’t have the protection of the castles after appearing and the Bright Legion
reached her unobstructed.
There were no doubts about Xiao Gu’s boss techniques. Once he stabilized the boss, Li
Cangyu immediately ordered everyone to open fire and the goddess’ blood quickly fell to
Li Cangyu attacked the boss while watching the timer.
After all, this was the Dark Legion’s base. It would be disadvantageous to fight against a
large group here and Li Cangyu estimated that the opposite side’s forces were about to
arrive. He looked at the boss’ blood volume that had fallen to 80% and didn’t hesitate to
order: [Don’t avoid the boss’ big move and collectively die. Once you die, choose the
resurrection point in the centre of our castle!]
The Dark Goddess’ blood soon fell to 80% and a red light flashed from her black wings. Her
huge wings then unfolded and countless black feathers descended from the sky in a 360
degree range. They danced and stabbed the surrounding players like swords.
The black feathers swept over them, the effect of the big move looking truly gorgeous.
Ling Xuefeng saw this scene when he came over with a large force. Hundreds of Li Cangyu’s
groups died under the goddess’ big move, their bodies covering the ground.
Then after 10 seconds, the bodies magically disappeared…
They chose to resurrect back at the camp according to the commander’s order.
Hundreds of enemy groups suddenly attacked, decreasing the Dark Goddess’ health by 20%
and then collectively disappeared!
This type of sneak attack was more shocking than taking three mines!
You know, it was very difficult to decrease the camp boss’ blood, especially after the
defense castles were built. If they wanted to see the camp boss, they had to first destroy the
castle, kill the castle guards and face the other forces after seeing the boss…
In the many years since Miracle opened, the camp boss had been killed no more than three
Today, Li Cangyu took advantage of Ling Xuefeng’s stealing the ores to quickly suicide and
resurrect at the stolen resurrection point. They quickly sneaked into the Dark Goddess’ lair
and took 20% of the camp boss’ health!
It was inevitable that the Dark Legion’s troops would rush back to kill them. Yet the
hundreds of groups were killed directly by the boss’ big moves, without a single person left
This approach was really decisive and simply astounding!
Ling Xuefeng looked at the disappearing corpses and a glimmer of appreciation filled his
This was Li Cangyu’s command style. He wasn’t willing to eat a single bit of loss.
This counterattack was really fierce. The Dark Legion might have an advantage in economy
but 20% of the boss’ blood had been destroyed. In the later period of the war, it was
necessary to be careful. If a mistake was made, Li Cangyu would directly go and kill the
The guilds’ management were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.
In the past, the legion defense involved occupying the three mines in the early stages then
use the money to build up the castle. Once the castle was repaired, make money and buy
chariots and cannons…
Sometimes it would take two hours and the face of the camp’s boss couldn’t even be seen.
However, today, the speed of the two commanders was so quick that the people involved
couldn’t recover.
This started less than 40 minutes ago and the Bright Legion already had three mines stolen
while the Dark Legion’s boss was attacked!
There were many people in both camps who gave thumbs up and praised the commanders
on both sides.
The league’s number one brainless fan Cheng Wei was also excited and crazily filled the
camp channel: [The commander is mighty and domineering! Commander, good power!
Great! Commander, fighting!]
Tan Shitian, “…”
In the office of the Wind Colour team, Popular Land Under Heaven looked at his captain
with a perturbed glance.
Any commander would be irritable at having 20% of their goddess’ blood stolen but Ling
Xuefeng’s expression was very calm. His eyes were full of appreciation and it was like he
was happy…
In fact, winning or losing wasn’t important. Captain Ling personally became the
commander in order to fight against Cat God.
Popular Land Under Heaven suddenly felt that… he understood something very important.
Once Li Cangyu successfully counterattacked, he sent a message on the world channel:
[Opposite commander, how about the middle group?]
Ling Xuefeng said: [I’ll go back to repair the castle. Let’s talk at 9 o’clock.]
Li Cangyu: [The activity is over at 11 o’clock. Hurry and make money.]
Ling Xuefeng: [I have more money than you.]
Li Cangyu: [My boss is still full of blood.]
Ling Xuefeng: [You’re good. [Thumbs up]]
Li Cangyu: [You’re not bad either. [Thumbs up.]]
Everyone, “…”
Hey hey! Is it okay for the two great commanders to praise each other? Look at all the
people watching!

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GLS: Chapter 57
Chapter 57 – Legion Defense (Guarding the Castle)

Li Cangyu spoke on the world channel so Ling Xuefeng knew his identity was discovered.
However, Ling Xuefeng hadn’t intended to hide it so he didn’t mind.
It was currently 8:40. Ling Xuefeng ordered everyone to gather ores.
After the mines were occupied, there were 10 minutes of protection time. Once the 10
minutes passed, Li Cangyu would definitely take back the elf, angel and terran mines. Ling
Xuefeng wouldn’t bother taking them again since this advantage was enough.
The Dark Legion collectively mined and their economy grew at a rapid rate. The economic
difference between the two sides soon became 60,000. Li Cangyu wasn’t in a hurry. Once
the time came, he commanded his troops to successfully take back their own mines.
The early battle over the mines temporarily concluded. The Dark Legion was dominant
when it came to the economy but the Bright Legion had stolen 20% of the camp boss’
blood. It could be said that both sides gained something and there was no victory or defeat.
In the following time, Li Cangyu decided to stabilize the economy first.
Everyone on the Bright Legion side worked together to collect ores and their total economy
reached 150,000 and the castle successfully built. The Dark Legion’s economy had reached
210,000 but they consumed 90,000 gold buying the chariots. In fact, only 130,000 funds
were available and the construction progress of their castle was only 70%. It hadn’t yet
been completed.
This was a good opportunity!
Li Cangyu gave an order in the command channel: [30% groups will sneakily head to the
Dark Camp side and quickly take the middle resurrection point!]
The groups lurking in the darkness quickly killed the guards at the resurrection point.
Someone in the Dark Legion reported: [The opposite side has taken the middle
resurrection point!]
Ling Xuefeng thought, ‘Is he planning a suicide raid again?’
The battle for resurrection points was just as important as the battle over the mines in the
legion defense war. The mines determined economic strength while the more resurrection
points that were taken, the more positions the camp’s players could choose when
resurrecting, increasing their tactical arrangements.
The resurrection point at the bottom of the Dark Legion’s camp was taken away. Now the
resurrection point in the middle was attacked… Li Cangyu’s intention was obvious. It was
another sneak attack while the Dark Legion’s castle wasn’t built.
Ling Xuefeng quickly decided. [Every large group of 30 people, wait at the resurrection
points. As soon as they arrive, attack and kill them!]
30 groups waited in ambush at the three resurrection points of the Dark Camp. Everyone
prepared their group attack skills, waiting for the other side to arrive and catch them off
Li Cangyu asked Flying Feathers Liangshan: [What are the undercovers saying?]
The president of Flying Feathers excitedly replied to Cat God: [They went to the three
resurrection points for an ambush. There are nearly 3,000 people!]
Li Cangyu was satisfied. [Very good!]
Flying Feathers Liangshang had truly seen a lot of spy movies. His undercover work was
quite brilliant and he had a spy in the Dark Legion’s command channel. This type of large-
scale attack and defense war, how was it possible without undercovers?
Li Cangyu received the response from the undercovers and immediately changed his
strategy. [The three large groups head over the middle bridge and immediately pressure
In fact, his capturing of the resurrection point was to divert eyes.
It was because he knew Ling Xuefeng. He knew that as soon as he took the resurrection
point, LIng Xuefeng would think he was planning a sneak attack from the resurrection
points. Therefore, Li Cangyu didn’t take the usual path and instead pushed straight from
the bridge.
Ling Xuefeng was throwing away people to protect the resurrection points.
The Bright Legion’s big army moved over the middle bridge at the fastest speed, killing
along the way!
[This is bad! There are many people in the middle!]
[Hundreds of groups are passing over!]
Ling Xuefeng frowned slightly as he saw the messages on the camp channel.
Was this luring the tiger from its domain in the mountains?
[Everyone, go back and protect the Dark Goddess!] Ling Xuefeng ordered on the command
At this time, their castle wasn’t completely finished. If Li Cangyu led the army to kill the
camp boss, the Dark Goddess would once again lose health and their situation would
become disadvantageous.
The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu didn’t lead the team to the base of the Dark
Goddess. The large army of the Bright Legion quickly divided into three groups and headed
straight to the mines!
[The Bright Legion has occupied the demon mine!]
[The Bright Legion has occupied the beast mine!]
[The Bright Legion has occupied the blood kin mine!]
Once the three messages appeared on the centre of the screen, everyone in the Dark Legion
was speechless.
Popular Land Under Heaven wanted to cry out: ‘Cat God, you are playing with us!’
Ling Xuefeng was also speechless. He couldn’t help sending a message on the world
channel: [Threaten the east and strike in the west (a diversion)?]
Li Cangyu: [Yes. You didn’t think about it?]
Ling Xuefeng: […]
This trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain then making a sound in the east while
striking in the west was really brilliant!
He deliberately took the resurrection points in order to let Ling Xuefeng mobilize
thousands of people to ambush there. The result was that Li Cangyu didn’t go by the
resurrection point but took the roads to kill. Ling Xuefeng thought Li Cangyu wanted to
attack the goddess and sent troops back to defend. The result was that the three mines
instead of the goddess were attacked.
He was really a smart cat!
Ling Xuefeng had experienced so many competitions but he was actually outsmarted by Li
Li Cangyu unexpectedly led his army to win the opposite side’s three mines. In addition to
their three, they gained six mines in one go and quickly caught up with the original gap of
60,000 gold.
This time, it was a real hit. The Bright Legion’s camp channel was full of flowers and
They didn’t expect that after the disadvantageous beginning, Li Cangyu would not only get
rid of a large amount of blood from the boss but also use a plan to take the three opposite
[Our commander is so handsome!]
[Commander, marry me!]
[Love to Eat Braised Fish, are you lacking any leg items? I’ll make one for you!]
Cheng Wei saw the camp channel and couldn’t help exclaiming excitedly, “Cat God is so
Tan Shitian said, “Don’t you think I’m handsome too?”
Cheng Wei looked back and saw Tan Shitian’s deliberate gentle smile. He said, “I don’t think
Tan Shitian suddenly felt like an arrow had pierced his chest.
In the Dark Legion, Ling Xuefeng was still very calm despite the other side taking his three
mines. He opened the statistics list to check the battle situation between the two sides.
The Bright Legion had built their defensive castle but they had yet to buy chariots.
Meanwhile, the money was building up but the Dark Legion still had 17 chariots.
As long as these chariots existed, they would be a great threat to the Bright Legion.
At present, there were still tens of thousands of gold in the Dark Legion’s funds. Ling
Xuefeng calculated it carefully and decisively typed: [Stop the castle at the first level. Then
raise the chariots to the highest level and buy two heavy firepower cannons.]
His intentions were clear. Since they had the advantage of the chariot, they would expand
that advantage and go on the offensive.
The head of the chariots immediately upgraded the chariots to the highest level according
to the instructions. At this time, the castle on the Bright Legion’s side rose to level two.
The defense of a level two castle was very high. It wasn’t easy to break through but Li
Cangyu knew that Ling Xuefeng had never been a timid person. As long as he made up his
mind, he would definitely go forward.
Li Cangyu guessed that he would use the chariots to attack and could only quickly increase
the level of the castle.
Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng was very decisive. As soon as the chariot rose to the highest
level, he immediately had the troops cross the bridge.
There weren’t many obstacles on the way. It was clear that Li Cangyu had transferred
everyone back to the castle for defense. Ling Xuefeng looked at the small map and typed:
[Pure Cleansing, Wind Colour and Cheetah, send groups to quickly take the three
resurrection points of the Bright Legion.]
If the resurrection points were taken, they could only return to their base after death. It
would be difficult to return to the frontline as support in time. Ling Xuefeng emerged in full
force, ready to set fire to the Bright Legion’s camp.
At this moment, the clock was pointing to 9 o’clock. It was the time the two commanders
previously promised.
Li Cangyu typed on the world channel: [You are really punctual! Did you deliberately bring
your troops over at precisely 9 o’clock?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Of course, when have I ever lied to you?]
Everyone, “…”
Why did they sense a feeling of love between the two commanders?
Ling Xuefeng’s commands weren’t flustered and his expression was extremely calm. Once
all three resurrection points were successfully won, he summoned people to gather in the
middle road and led them to the castle containing the Bright Goddess, decisively killing
along the way.
[Paladins, berserkers and swordsmen, rush to the front to open the way for the chariots.
Magicians and psychics be ready!] Then Ling Xuefeng sent a private chat to the president of
Ghost Spirits. [I will give you a mission. Take the 30 groups of assassins and detour around
both sides. Go to the ladders at the back of the castle and cut at the rear of the opposing
army. Quickly take care of the archers of the Time Guild.]
Ghost Spirits’ president was stunned when he saw this private chat and immediately
understood. He realized the existence of undercovers in the command chat and gave
instructions in a private chat.
Based on Vice-Captain Zhang’s words, the person who talked privately with him was Ling
Xuefeng. Devil May Cry was very excited. He was proud of being able to talk to the ace of
the Miracle League.
After feeling excited, Devil May Cry gave orders to several leaders and privately chatted
with Zhang Shaohui and Lou Wushuang’s side accounts.
Lou Wushuang saw his message and couldn’t help saying, “Sending 30 groups of killers to
the rear… Hitting the Bright Legion from the front and back, this wave of strong attack
might gain us the victory.”
Zhang Shaohui exclaimed, “It seems that Captain Ling is very serious today! Playing such a
strong attack and defense, how much does he hate Cat God?”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
Sure enough, the silly IQ went online for a while and now it was offline again. This
obviously wasn’t the strong smell of gunpowder.
Zhang Shaohui saw that his cousin’s face was a big ugly and couldn’t help asking, “Brother,
what’s wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?”
As he spoke, he reached out and gently placed a hand on the other person’s forehead. There
was a thin layer on his fingers from tapping the keyboard so long. He gently touched his
cousin’s forehead and once he touched it, there was a faint numbness like being struck by
an electric current.
Lou Wushuang stiffened and avoided his hands, his cheeks turning red. He had been pale
since childhood and the blush was particularly obvious.
Zhang Shaohui asked nervously, “Brother, do you have a fever? Why is your face so red?”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
Who would save his stupid brother’s IQ?
The helpless Lou Wushuang coldly slapped his hand and said, “I am okay. Quickly keep up!”
“Ah.” Zhang Shaohui had a habit of listening to his brother’s words from a young age so he
immediately followed. The two killers quietly moved around to the rear of the Bright
Legion along with the other Ghost Spirits members.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 58
Chapter 58 – Legion Defense (Killing the Goddess)

Ling Xuefeng naturally had more than 50% confidence if he dared to attack.
The Bright Legion led by Li Cangyu mostly consisted of archers, white magicians and
swordsmen while the Dark Legion were mostly black magicians, assassins and psychics.
An assassin’s sneak attack was the strongest of all classes. Ling Xuefeng led the big army
from the front while sending 30 groups of assassins to sneak around the back.
This time, he privately gave instructions to the Ghost Spirits president to avoid the
undercover. Therefore, the news that the undercover returned to Li Cangyu was: [The Dark
Legion is directly attacking from the front.]
This might be the base of the Bright Legion but the other side had many chariots and
cannons so Li Cangyu didn’t dare underestimate them. He stood on the castle and looked
down. The dense crowd of people was like beasts pouring in from the middle while the
chariot flags and black markings were shocking.
[Groups 1~50 will intercept them at the castle gates! The rest of the groups will scatter to
hold the walls.] Li Cangyu quickly typed out.
The group leaders took their groups to the designated location.
Ling Xuefeng said: [Ready the chariots and artillery. Scatter in a fan shape and attack!]
Once the people of the Dark Legion arrived at the gate of the castle, the 17 chariots
immediately fanned out. There was a loud noise and the cannons fired, directly smashing a
large hole in the castle.
The castle’s defense value at the top right of the screen dropped from 100% to 95%.
Countless cannons fired in succession, causing the castle to become smoky.
At the gate, the 50 groups that Li Cangyu sent as guards rushed out like beasts. The two
sides launched a fierce battle, with countless deaths and injuries!
Ling Xuefeng said: [Those who die will choose the nearest resurrection point. After
resurrecting, don’t go to the front but head around to the rear of the castle!]
Many people didn’t understand why the resurrected had to go to the back until they arrived
and saw the bodies of countless guards. What was going on?
They looked up and saw the killers climbing to the top of the castle.
Everyone reacted by excitedly following the killers’ path.
[There are people at the back!]
The first assassinated player typed on the camp channel but it was too late.
The Ghost Spirits were the best situations. They were like fish in water when the situation
was chaotic.
In a flash, the Ghost Spirits Guild’s 30 groups (900 killers) suddenly attacked from behind.
Their sharp blades cut into the soft bellies of the fragile elf archers and white magicians,
killing them!
They fell down one after another and the castle was suddenly filled with corpses.
Previously, the archers and white magicians relied on the advantage of their ranged attacks
to interfere with the speed of the Dark Legion. Now almost half of the remotes had died,
relieving the pressure on the front lines. Ling Xuefeng immediately typed: [Full push!]
The onslaught from the front and back caught the Bright Legion unprepared.
The chariots and artillery brought by the other party finally emptied the castle’s defense
Once the castle’s defense value was emptied, players in the enemy camp were free to enter
and exit the castle. However, Li Cangyu wasn’t someone who would just be beaten. The
moment the remotes were assassinated, he mobilized the large Flying Feathers troops to
ambush at the entrance of the castle.
As soon as the Dark Legion entered, gorgeous swordsmanship flashed in front of their eyes.
Light and Shadow Rotation!
What would happen if hundreds of swordsmen opened a group attack at the same time? It
was shown today.
The silver swords waved and illuminated the sky with a bright light!
Xie Shurong waved the sword in his hand and entered the middle of the Dark Legion came.
He smashed through to seize their king, Ling Xuefeng.
The small madman Gu Siming followed closely, the two men rushing into the opposite
Ling Xuefeng was the commander so he couldn’t die so easily. There was also a small
follower around him, Qin Mo.
Qin Mo had quietly been playing the role of ‘follower’. Like Cheng Wei’s personal protection
of Cat God, Qin Mo personally protected his master. After seeing Blossoming Tree, Qin Mo
cast a curse Death Imprisonment to set Xie Shurong in place.
The fixed Xie Shurong suffered the group attacks of the black magicians and was instantly
killed by black magic.
Gu Siming was also dragged down by him and killed together.
Li Cangyu sent them to disturb the opposite side’s formation. He didn’t think they could
actually kill Ling Xuefeng.
The dead Xie Shurong privately chatted with Bai Xuan and joked: [Milk Dad, why don’t you
care about me? Pull me up!]
Bai Xuan: [You ran too far out of my reach!]
“…” Xie Shurong want to resurrect at the rear when Li Cangyu sent him a private message:
[You and Xiao Gu go to the resurrection point on the Dark Legion side and look at the
situation there.]
[Okay!] The two men received the order and immediately headed to the territory of the
Dark Legion.
Thousands of people were fighting at the gate of the castle.
The 900 killers had quickly cleared the remote classes of the other side so the Dark Legion
gradually occupied the advantage. They moved straight forward and arrived at the Bright
The Bright Goddess wore a snowy white dress and huge wings hung gently down towards
the ground, soft white feathers covered it. Her blonde hair grew down to her ankles and
there was a white crown on her head, looking as holy as an angel.
Many people excitedly typed on the camp channel: [Oh, I have never seen the Bright
Goddess in the old district! Every time, I couldn’t even break the castle!]
[Hello Goddess! The goddess is so beautiful!]
The area channel was filled with players doing strange actions towards the NPC. LIng
Xuefeng also issued an order on the command channel: [The 2nd and 3rd healer groups
will focus on the blood of the main T. The main T will pull her and then everyone else will
steadily attack!]
Before attacking the Bright Legion, Ling Xuefeng let the leaders of the three large groups to
re-adjust the team configuration, specifically selecting a paladin group and two healer
groups to play the boss. The camp boss was extremely strong and it was easily to kill the
paladins. The two healer groups were specifically to ensure the safety of the paladins. The
other melee separated to take care of their teammates.
Once the main T stabilized the boss’ aggro, the black magicians quickly placed hundreds of
negative states on the boss. The psychics also stacked negative defense, attack and
movement speed debuffs onto the boss.
The blood of the Bright Goddess quickly fell to 95% but the large army of the Bright Legion
didn’t move.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help feeling some doubts. Why didn’t the other side return to defend?
If people came back at this time, the Dark Legion wouldn’t have it so easy.
He was just thinking this when a message came on the camp channel: [Once they died, they
all resurrected at the Dark Legion’s lower resurrection point.]
[Are they planning to steal the boss?]
[Give us the command to go back and defend!]
Many people in the Dark Legion camp were flustered.
Yes, Li Cangyu wasn’t someone who would just be beaten. He couldn’t fight for the Bright
Goddess so he sent all his troops to kill the Dark Goddess!
The early sneak attack gave him a 20% blood volume advantage. Therefore, LI Cangyu was
confident that he could kill the Dark Goddess before Ling Xuefeng killed the Bright Goddess.
Offense was the best defense.
-Ling Xuefeng, don’t think you are the only one who could do this!
After Li Cangyu sent A’Shu and Xiao Gu to investigate, he decisively left his old base. He sent
everyone to attack the opposite Dark Legion’s castle and take away their boss. Since the
opposite commander was Ling Xuefeng, Li Cangyu didn’t want to mess with him. A quick
offense was the best otherwise this war would never finish.
The Dark Legion side was panicked. Previously, their goddess lost 20% of her blood. Should
they defend or keep fighting here?
Ling Xuefeng quickly made a decision. [Keep fighting the boss! Unleash all attacks!]
Cat wanted to play a time difference with him but Ling Xuefeng didn’t think he would lose.
The Dark Goddess might’ve already lost 20% blood but it would take time for the Bright
Legion to reach the gate from the resurrection point and then break through the level one
defense castle. As long as Ling Xuefeng could catch up with the gap in blood during that
time, the winner and loser was still uncertain!
[President, bring the assassins back to the base. Don’t do anything apart from killing their
main T!] Ling Xuefeng gave an order to the president of the Ghost Spirits Guild.
[I understand Captain Ling!] Devil May Cry was embarrassed when he carelessly spoke.
Then he gave instructions to the killers in his guild. [Return back to the base! Kill their main
Assassins were easy to use in this chaos. The return of the assassins caused great trouble to
Li Cangyu.
However, Li Cangyu also left behind something. On the side of the Light Legion camp, he left
15 swordsmen groups and 15 berserker groups. They specifically killed the remotes on the
other side. Most people should know that the remotes were the main output force against a
boss, causing the Dark Legion to be troubled by their interference.
Fortunately, the number of people Li Cangyu left behind was limited and Ling Xuefeng was
able to fight back to kill these groups.
Of course, the cheeky Flying Feathers resurrected after being killed and kept interfering
with the outputs in the back rows.
Ling Xuefeng impatiently said: [Don’t pay attention to them! Concentrate on the boss!]
The territory of the Dark Legion.
The level one castle was breached by the large army led by Li Cangyu. The Bright Legion
went all the way to the Dark Goddess and started to attack the goddess at full speed.
[The opposite side is starting to hit the boss!] The president of Ghost Spirits reported.
[How much blood does the boss have left?]
[It is 75%.]
Ling Xuefeng nodded and looked at the Bright Goddess’ blood volume of 78%.
The blood volume gap of 3% wasn’t too much. He had to speed up the output.
Ling Xuefeng thought about it and said: [Pure Cleansing Guild, send three groups of
psychics back to interfere with them.]
The psychics had a spell called Illusion. This could create hallucinations for a short period
of time, which was why many teams in the Miracle League used psychics to assist.
The three groups of psychics returned near the boss and opened magic arrays. The effect
was unexpectedly good, directly messing up the healer groups of the Bright Legion!
Fortunately, Bai Xuan was specifically staring at the blood of the main T, Xiao Gu. He
flexibly avoided the illusions and saved Xiao Gu from sudden death. Li Cangyu immediately
ordered: [Rear archers, kill the psychics!]
A large number of arrows fell and the psychics were killed in seconds.
Of course, the psychics of Pure Cleansing played the role of stalker. After being killed, they
resurrected and returned as they kept using illusions to interfere with the other.
The two sides continued to fight for half an hour in such a state of mutual interference and
full attack. The blood volume of the Bright Goddess and Dark Goddess was gradually
[The Bright Goddess has 40% blood left. Shouldn’t we return to the camp to defend?]
[The Dark Goddess is almost dead! We should just continue!]
[Don’t tease. My goddess still has a move left and all of you will have to fall down!]
The players on both sides started a war of words but the commanders were very calm.
At this point, all defense was abandoned. It was better to focus on the output and simply
kill the goddess.
It was 10 o’clock in the evening and the goddess of both camps only had 8% health left. The
blood gauge started to flash red.
Many players were so excited that their fingers were shaking as they madly tapped at the
keyboard to throw skills at the boss. In particular, many players who came from other
district had never played such a fierce legion defense war.
Once he saw that the blood of the camp boss was reduced to 5%, Ling Xuefeng immediately
typed: [The melee should retreat. Remote classes, be prepared to jump!]
At the same time, Li Cangyu also typed on the camp channel: [All melee head to the roof.
The remotes at the far end will jump immediately!]
Guardian Angel!
Devil’s Curse!
The goddesses of both camps opened a super-big move.
The pure white wings of the Bright Goddess moved like a tornado and all players touched
by the white feathers were instantly killed. The Dark Goddess also wasn’t polite. The black
wings were transformed into countless swords and swept in 360 degrees, striking down all
nearby people.
Fortunately, most of the witty old players obeyed the commands and evaded it in advance,
successfully surviving the big move.
Corpses filled both bases as the commanders simultaneously gave a command: [Those who
died, quickly resurrect. All remaining people, quickly unleash your full attacks!]
After successfully surviving the camp boss’ ultimate move, players on both sides unleashed
their top hand speed and decreased the boss’ blood volume at a terrifying speed!
The world channel:
[Congratulations to the Bright Legion for successfully killing the Dark Goddess!]
[Congratulations to the Dark Legion for successfully killing the Bright Goddess!]
The system channel:
[Congratulations Popular Land Under Heaven for completing the achievement of killing the
Bright Goddess!]
[Congratulations Love to Eat Braised Fish for completing the achievement of killing the
Dark Goddess!]
You could imagine the tens of thousands of ‘Congratulations xx for completing the xx
achievement’ and how spectacular this scene was.
The system channel’s achievement information was so much that many people’s computers
even crashed!
Those who didn’t crash watched this spectacular scene. The Dark Goddess fell and the huge
black wings turned into black smoke while the Bright Goddess fell and her white wings
turned into bright light.
Many people who played Miracle for the full six years had never seen this picture.
In the new district of Moonlight Forest, two mysterious commanders led both sides to kill
the camp bosses!
A number of people couldn’t recover as they stared at the fallen camp boss in front of them.
In the six years since Miracle opened, the goddesses had rarely been killed. There were two
or three incidents where a goddess was killed due to the gap between both camps. The
situation where both sides killed the camp boss together was really a once in a lifetime
scene. It was definitely the first case in this world’s servers!
Once the goddesses were killed, all the people involved in the event received a fearful
amount of experience and gold coins. Some even rose six levels instantly!
The players saw the experience they received and finally recovered, frantically filling the
screen of the world channel.
[Commanders on both sides, did you consider killing them together?]
[Yes! Did the two of you talk about it? Your brain waves are synchronized!]
[Be together! If you aren’t together and no one else can see!]
[A world record was set in the new district. The camp goddesses died together.The two
commanders should have a once in a century wedding!]
[Commanders’ wedding +1!]
[Commanders’ wedding +10086!]
Li Cangyu quietly ignored the people joking on the screen.
At the last minute, the Bright Legion camp took the lead in killing the Dark Goddess with a
difference of five seconds. Therefore, the Bright Legion received more rewards than the
Dark Legion, making Li Cangyu very satisfied with this result. Today he gained six levels in
one breath and also got a lot of gold coins and materials. The reward for the two hour
legion defense was comparable to doing instances for one week.
After seeing everyone’s jokes, Ling Xuefeng seriously wrote on the world channel: [Thank
you, we will be together.]
Everyone, “…”
This reply was soon wiped out by the messages of countless people and Li Cangyu didn’t
see it.
However, the sharp-eyed Cheng Wei was confused. “Isn’t Ling Xuefeng always serious?
Why did he respond to everyone’s joke on the world channel?”
Was this really a joke?
Tan Shitian remembered the ‘big cat and kitten are a father and son’ message that Captain
Ling wrote when forwarding his story and suddenly felt that he understood something.
Did Captain Ling mean that the big cat was booked by him?
Then he really had this type of feeling towards Cat God?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 59
Chapter 59 – Pickled Fish

The legion defense lasted for two hours and the result was the collapse of the boss on both
sides. This made all the players who participated in the legion defense very excited. The
players in the Moonlight Forest district even lit fireworks, causing fireworks to appear in
the night sky. The decorated black sky was extraordinarily beautiful. There were many
people who took photos next to the body of the camp’s boss and the online game suddenly
became very lively.
The official reporter stationed in the new district quickly sent a screenshot of the situation
to the forum, giving it the title: [The Bright Goddess and Dark Goddess have fallen. The
Moonlight Forest new district is going against the heavens!]
The reported excitedly talked about this grand occasion and the forum post quickly became
Then in the gossip section of Miracle’s forum, there was this post: [The two wonderful
directors of the Moonlight Forest’s legion defense war on August 18th. The goddesses of
both camps fell together and the two commanders openly showed love on the world
channel. These photos are proof!]
The following were screenshots.
[How about the middle group?] [I’ll go back to repair the castle. Let’s talk at 9 o’clock.]
[Did you deliberately bring your troops over at precisely 9 o’clock?] [Of course, when have I
ever lied to you?]
The last photo killed all the single dogs. It was Ling Xuefeng responding to everyone’s joke
with: [Thank you, we will be together.]
Everyone, “…”
Nobody would believe it without the screenshots. Why did it look like the two commanders
really weren’t joking?
The case became confusing and many gossipers investigated these two people to see if they
had a prior relationship.
It was said that Love to Eat Braised Fish wiped out Wind Colour’s elite teams two times.
Later, they ignored Love to Eat Braised Fish. It looked like a hostile relationship so why did
they speak so ambiguously?
The crowd immediately wrote a love hate story between Love to Eat Braised Fish and
Popular Land Under Heaven.
Popular Land Under Heaven saw these posts and wanted to cry towards Captain Ling. ‘You
controlled my account and did so many things. How can I live in the future?’
He looked at the captain and saw that Ling Xuefeng had no expression from beginning to
His expression didn’t even change when he wrote ‘we will be together’, as if it really was an
irrelevant joke.
Ling Xuefeng had never been good at joking so what happened today?
Popular Land Under Heaven hesitated for a moment before sending a text message to Vice-
Captain Yan Ruiwen. [Vice-Captain Yan, what is the relationship between our captain and
Cat God? Why do I think the relationship between the two of them isn’t that simple?]
Yan Ruiwen quickly replied: [You know too much.]
Popular Land Under Heaven’s neck cooled and he immediately retracted his gaze from his
phone. He stared at the computer in front of him, pretending to know nothing.
Li Cangyu organized the reward items and retreated from the map of the legion defense. He
opened his friends list and found that Steamed Bass still wasn’t online.
Was this a temporary failure to go online? Or was it not convenient for him to go online?
Before the defense war began, Li Cangyu wanted to bring Steamed Bass in only to find that
he wasn’t online. At that time, Li Cangyu hadn’t thought too much but not the defense war
was over and he still wasn’t online. This made him feel doubts.
Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought of Steamed Bass’ usual tone when speaking as well
as the obvious concern for Li Cangyu. Then a strange thought flashed through his mind.
Was Steamed Bass someone he knew? For example…someone with the surname of Ling?
He was just thinking this when a private message popped up. [Are you leveling in the game
to find teammates?]
It was sent by Ling Xuefeng.
Li Cangyu suppressed his thoughts and quickly replied: [I am leveling in the game to learn
about the changes. I haven’t played in two years and don’t know much about the new skills
of many classes.]
[That’s good.] Ling Xuefeng quickly replied: [After the Spring Festival, the seventh season
will begin. There is still a lot of time remaining so you should have a good team by the end
of the year.]
[Yes.] Li Cangyu asked: [Why did you come to command today’s legion defense?]
[I was idle on my holiday.] Ling Xuefeng said: [It is boring so I came to see you.]
[Ah.] Li Cangyu smiled and suddenly said: [Did you know that I like to eat Steamed Bass?]
It was bad. In today’s defense war, he forgot to log into the Steamed Bass account!
Did Cat find something out?
These thoughts flashed through Ling Xuefeng’s mind but he pretended to be calm. [Don’t
you like to eat all types of fish?]
Li Cangyu didn’t keep asking. After all, he was just guessing without any evidence. He
would wait until Steamed Bass came online and check. If he was really Ling Xuefeng, this
identity would be smashed!
Ling Xuefeng guessed that Cat had started to suspect him but the good thing was that he
hadn’t left any evidence when using the Steamed Bass account. Thus, he continued to
pretend like he didn’t know. Ling Xuefeng thought this before changing the topic. [Are you
still in New York?]
[I’m in Changsha.]
[Changsha? Are you at the Dragon Song Club?]
[Yes.] Li Cangyu said: [I had something to discuss with the manager.]
[When are you leaving?]
[I am flying out tomorrow night.]
Li Cangyu returned for only three days. This schedule was really rushed but he had a
reason for wanting to return to New York as soon as possible. If he wasn’t at home, Bai
Xuan couldn’t live in his sister’s house. In the past few days, Bai Xuan had gone out to travel
and stayed at hotels. Moreover, A’Shu couldn’t have a good meal for several days. He had
just sent Li Cangyu a private message: [Cat God, when are you coming back? I haven’t had
good food for days!]
The hungry A’Shu seemed pitiful. Li Cangyu decided to hurry back and have Bai Xuan
continue living at his sister’s house. In addition, Li Cangyu would bring back Chinese
medicine for him.
[It looks like we won’t have a chance to meet this time?] Ling Xuefeng asked.
Li Cangyu said: [If you have time tomorrow, you can come out and meet me.]
Ling Xuefeng quickly typed: [Aren’t you in Changsha?]
Li Cangyu: [I will fly to Shanghai tomorrow, then fly from Shanghai to New York. I am just
passing by you.]
A surge of joy suddenly filled Ling Xuefeng’s heart as he replied: [I will go to the airport to
pick you up. What time will you arrive?]
[I will arrive at noon at Hongqiao Airport T2 terminal.]
Li Cangyu said: [By the way, can you check if there is a delicious pickled fish store in
Shanghai? Let’s have lunch there.]
Ling Xuefeng was silent for two seconds before saying: [Are you coming to see me because
of the pickled fish I owe you?]
[Well, I think it isn’t convenient to bring pickled vegetables to the United States to make the
fish so I’ll come to find you.] Li Cangyu replied seriously: [Otherwise, how uncomfortable
would you be to keep owing me pickled fish?]
Ling Xuefeng: […]
Cat said this but Ling Xuefeng knew that he came to Shanghai for Ling Xuefeng. Otherwise,
wasn’t there tasty pickled fish stores in Changsha? Running all the way to Shanghai to eat?
He just said that as an excuse.
Ling Xuefeng’s mood became better when he thought this and a gentle expression
appeared. He quickly typed: [I know a delicious pickled fish store. Please come and have a
good time tomorrow.]
The next morning, Ling Xuefeng got up early, found a brand new suit in his closet and
shaved his face.
As he went out, he happened to meet Qin Mo. The young boy looked at his master and
asked, “Master is going out?”
Ling Xuefeng replied while tying his tie, “Yes, I’m going to meet a friend.”
Qin Mo made a curious expression but didn’t dare ask anything else. Once Ling Xuefeng left,
Qin Mo came to the guild area and talked about it with the president. Popular Land Under
Heaven couldn’t help saying, “The captain might be going on a date.”
Qin Mo was shocked. “A date?”
Popular Land Under Heaven asked, “Didn’t you see that he was particularly dressed us
when leaving? He was wearing new leather shoes.”
Qin Mo spoke seriously, “Master always dresses very well.”
Popular Land Under Heaven rubbed the head of the small prince and said, “Once you grow
up, you will understand. It isn’t the same when seeing your sweetheart.”
Qin Mo thought suspiciously, ‘Did Master really go to see his sweetheart? What would his
sweetheart look like?’
At this time, Ling Xuefeng was driving on the freeway towards the airport.
He could finally see the person he had missed for a long time. The always calm and serious
man couldn’t help smiling excitedly.
Ling Xuefeng arrived at the airport at 11:30 and he quickly walked towards where the
domestic flights would arrive.
There was still half an hour until he could see Li Cangyu. He was outwardly calm but Ling
Xuefeng’s heart couldn’t help jumping.
Since Li Cangyu left with his team, in order to not disturb his development in Wulin and to
also prevent him from thinking about the past, Ling Xuefeng rarely asked for a meeting. If
he really wanted to talk, he would say a few words of greeting by phone, WeChat, etc.
In the past few years, contact wasn’t broken. They often sent text messages to each other
during the holidays but they didn’t say too many words. They both had their own business
to operate and also shouldered the responsibilities of a team. They were busy all day.
In addition, Ling Xuefeng wasn’t a person who made others feel tired. The best way to get
along with Li Cangyu was this: A simple greeting during busy or critical moments was
enough to make the heart warm.
In any case, they were people who knew each other best and knew what they needed most.
When they first met and the 17 year old stretched out a hand with firm eyes, Ling Xuefeng
knew that Li Cangyu occupied a position that no one could replace in his heart.
He later watched Li Cangyu lead a weak team into the Miracle League but didn’t show any
frustrated expression. Seeing him show more courage after falling down, climbing up with
confidence, watching him change from a rookie to a ace elf summoner of the first season
that could stand side by side with himself…
Ling Xuefeng’s appreciation, admiration and heartache gradually became a vine that
wrapped around his heart.
Every time the name ‘Old Cat’ was mentioned, Ling Xuefeng’s heart would involuntarily
Over the years, Li Cangyu regarded Ling Xuefeng as one of his best friends but for Ling
Xuefeng, emotions other than friendship gradually emerged.
For example, every time he thought of Li Cangyu, his heart beat faster and any news would
involuntarily get Ling Xuefeng’s attention. In front of Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng’s serious and
cold shell would be removed and he would be filled with an inexplicable gentleness.
No one knew more about Li Cangyu than Ling Xuefeng. No one else could stand beside Ling
Xuefeng without any weakness like Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu was undoubtedly strong.
However, there were many times when Ling Xuefeng hoped that Li Cangyu wouldn’t be so
strong in front of himself.
He wanted Li Cangyu to rest on his shoulders when he was tired or sad. Similarly, he hoped
he could lean on Li Cangyu’s shoulders when he was tired or irritated. They can safely give
their backs to each other. They always showed a strong front in front of outsiders but in
their hearts, there was a softness that belonged to each other.
There was a crazy idea in Ling Xuefeng’s mind. Since no one else could understand them,
how good would it be if Ling Xuefeng could walk through his life with Li Cangyu?

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GLS: Chapter 60
Chapter 60 – Meeting

The hour hand was pointing to 12 o’clock and Li Cangyu’s flight was about to arrive.
Waiting for the person you loved was a very wonderful experience. Ling Xuefeng sorted out
his messy thoughts and looked down at his watch, tidying up the collar of his suit with
slender fingers.
He usually didn’t wear this type of formal outfit when training in the team. But when he
came to see Li Cangyu today, he dressed himself up, shaved his beard and wiped his shoes.
Ling Xuefeng was filled with confidence but in front of his beloved, he still wanted to show
his best self.
This man’s appearance was impeccable and handsome. Due to his indifferent expression,
there was a suffocating temperament around him that people didn’t dare approach. He
stood as still as a statue, like a movie star.
The people around him looked at him with curious or stunned eyes but Ling Xuefeng
ignored them. His deep eyes were only focused on the exit flight.
Li Cangyu finally appeared!
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes suddenly lit up.
Li Cangyu wore a comfortable T-shirt and slim jeans on the flight. It was casual clothing but
it was difficult to hide his unique temperament. The 23 year old Li Cangyu was old enough
to retire from the e-sports industry but he was very young in this crowd. He was tall and
well-proportioned, with a pair of straight long legs making him particularly eye-catching.
His nose, lips and eyes weren’t particularly good but the combination of facial features
were good-looking. In particular, when he laughed, there was a type of sunny
Li Cangyu’s gaze swept over the crowd and quickly locked on the target before moving over
Ling Xuefeng’s heart beat violently as he saw Li Cangyu stepping towards him, enough that
he could hear his own heartbeat.
Li Cangyu walked very quickly and arrived in front of Ling Xuefeng in the blink of an eye.
He looked Ling Xuefeng up and down and said, “You are wearing a suit. I almost didn’t
recognize you.”
Ling Xuefeng answered him with a tight hug.
Li Cangyu wasn’t very surprised at being hugged. Whenever they met before, this guy
would always come to hug him. Li Cangyu hugged him and patted him on the shoulder,
saying, “I really troubled you. There was no need for you to pick me up from the airport.”
This sentence was obviously platitudes. If it was really troublesome then why run to
“There is no need to be so polite.” Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling as he whispered, “Are
you hungry? I’ll take you to eat fish.”
“Okay!” Li Cangyu immediately replied positively.
This attitude was really like a big cat following fish.
The two of them headed to the parking lot together. Li Cangyu saw the black Audi in front
of him and couldn’t help saying, “This is a nice car.”
“Would you like me to give it to you?” Ling Xuefeng asked.
“Forget it, my driving skills are terrible.” Li Cangyu sat in the passenger seat.
“Should I accompany you to a driving school when you’re free?”
“Say it later.” Li Cangyu was lazy. He liked looking at cars but he had no interest in driving.
“It is said that it is harder and harder to get a driver’s license. I have to buy a car and
parking space. The car also has to be maintained. It is really troublesome. I would rather
take a taxi directly.”
‘In fact, I can be your driver…’ Ling Xuefeng suppressed this sentence and sat in the driver’s
seat, leaving the airport.
The two of them hadn’t seen each other for a long time but some friends had such a deep
understanding that it wasn’t uncomfortable despite the long time span.
Once the car was steady, Li Cangyu casually asked,”Isn’t the second round of the regular
season about to start? Don’t you have to go back to training today?”
“There is the vice-captain.” Ling Xuefeng said, “He is currently in charge of the team’s
“Ah, Yan Ruiwen is really more careful than you.” Li Cangyu lamented. “Remember when
Vice-Captain Yuan retired when he was only 18 years old? Now Yan Ruiwen is the vice-
captain. Things are a lot easier for you with things helping.”
“Aren’t you the same? You have Bai Xuan to help and you even took him to New York with
you.” Ling Xuefeng said.
“I didn’t take him. Xiao Bai has a serious stomach problem.” Li Cangyu explained, “I went to
New York to see my dad and show him Bai Xuan’s stomach problems.”
Once the explanation was over, he felt a bit strange. Why was he explaining these things to
Ling Xuefeng?
Li Cangyu touched his nose and smiled, moving his gaze to look outside the window.
Ling Xuefeng looked over and saw his side profile. It was masculine and handsome, with a
tall nose and deep facial features that gave off a masculine sexiness. The contrast with his
red lips and white skin was very big, making him seem like a type of safe man that girls
But from his point of view, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help thinking about… kissing him.
Li Cangyu seemed to perceive eyes on him and turned away. Ling Xuefeng immediately
shifted his gaze.
The car filled with silence. Li Cangyu hadn’t slept well last night so he simply closed his
eyes and went to sleep.
“Lazy cat, wake up and get out of the car to eat.”
A low voice that contained a hint of tenderness suddenly entered his ears.
Li Cangyu opened his eyes and looked into Ling Xuefeng’s deep eyes. He slept very well in
the car and hadn’t even dreamt. He didn’t know why. Perhaps Ling Xuefeng just made him
feel safe.
When they played together in the Miracle League, many players were 17 or 18 year old
peers who especially loved to play. They often went out for dinner after a game. Every time,
Ling Xuefeng would sit next to him and give him fish. This type of quiet care made Li
Cangyu feel particularly warm.
The two of them had many years of friendship. They might be the most powerful opponents
in the arena but Li Cangyu had no defense against Ling Xuefeng. For him, Ling Xuefeng was
one of the most trustworthy people so he could sleep peacefully beside Ling Xuefeng.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at Ling Xuefeng. “Cough, I’ve been affected by jet lag the last
few days and actually fell asleep.”
Ling Xuefeng spoke softly, “If you feel tired after eating, do you want to sleep all
“We’ll talk about it again later.”
He unbuckled his seatbelt as he said this and wanted to open the door. He had slept too
much and wasn’t completely awake. As a result, he slammed his head into the roof of the
Ling Xuefeng immediately reached out to his forehead. “Are you hurt?”
Li Cangyu said helplessly, “It isn’t painful at all. I was just disoriented from waking up.”
Ling Xuefeng looked at him carefully. The sound just now had been particularly loud but
fortunately, it wasn’t serious. Li Cangyu’s forehead was just a bit red and it should be fine
after a while.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help sighing with relief.
In the next second, his back suddenly straightened. It was because his actions made the
distance between the two people very close. Ling Xuefeng was half pressed against Li
Cangyu’s body and there was only one inch between their faces. If they just leaned forward
slightly, they could directly kiss.
He saw his own reflection in Li Cangyu’s black eyes and Ling Xuefeng paused for a moment,
his heartbeat ringing in his ears.
Li Cangyu didn’t move, he just quietly looked at the other person. Ling Xuefeng always felt
that this smart cat seemed to see something but Ling Xuefeng didn’t want to confess that he
liked this person yet. He moved away and said, “Let’s go eat.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu didn’t question it and left the car.
The two of them entered the restaurant together. This store specialized in pickled fish and
was quite famous. It was peak lunch hour and there were people waiting in line. Ling
Xuefeng had booked in advance so after giving their names, the waiter took them upstairs
to a private room.
The waiter asked, “We use live fish here. How many pounds do you want?”
Ling Xuefeng looked at Li Cangyu, “Is four pounds enough?”
Li Cangyu replied, “Six pounds.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and said to the waiter. “Listen to him and give us six pounds.”
The waiter, “…”
The two of them wanted to eat such a big fish?
Once the fish was ordered, Li Cangyu made a satisfied expression. Ling Xuefeng asked, “Do
you want anything else?”
Li Cangyu said, “No, I’ll only eat fish.”
Ling Xuefeng ordered two other vegetable dishes before handing the menu back to the
A large pot of pickled fish arrived. The six pound fish really looked spectacular. Li Cangyu
immediately started. The store chosen by Ling Xuefeng was very good. The fish was fresh
and tender while the pickled taste was good. Li Cangyu was very satisfied when eating.
Ling Xuefeng saw him burying his head to eat fish and couldn’t help smiling.
Li Cangyu was truly a big cat who couldn’t move when seeing fish.
Li Cangyu didn’t like to talk during a meal. He only concentrated on eating fish and finally
finished the big pot after half an hour. Ling Xuefeng accompanied him and ate the vegetable
dishes, filling his stomach.
Li Cangyu wiped his mouth with satisfaction and smiled. “You have paid off the pickled fish
you owe me. Next time, let’s eat steamed bass.”
He deliberately emphasized the words ‘steamed bass’.
Ling Xuefeng pretended to be calm as he replied, “No problem, next time I will cook for you
at home.”
It was still early when the two of them left the restaurant. Li Cangyu said he was going to
find a Chinese medicine doctor recommended by his father and Ling Xuefeng willingly
drove him.
The old Chinese medicine practitioner listened to Li Cangyu’s description and gave him
some medicines to regulate the gastrointestinal tract. He instructed Li Cangyu to drink it
every day on time and it would be effective in one month.
Li Cangyu thanked him, took a few packs of medicine and walked out.
After returning to the car, Ling Xuefeng asked, “A treatment for stomach problems? Is this
medicine for Bai Xuan?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, my father said that this is better for Xiao Bai’s stomach problems
than Western medicine. I’ll bring some back this time to help him.”
Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu were really as close as brothers. Previously, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t
help being jealous but he later found out that Li Cangyu only regarded Bai Xuan as a friend
and no longer minded.
“It is still early. Do you want to go to my place for a while?” Ling Xuefeng asked.
“Is it convenient to go to the Wind Colour team?”
“We aren’t going to the team, it is my house.” Ling Xuefeng said, “I bought a small place
“Okay.” Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling curious. “I haven’t been to your new home.”
Ling Xuefeng had bought a small two bedroom place. He didn’t like a house with too much
space because it would look very empty. This house was located in the high-rise area and
the property was very good. The layout of the north-south house was very reasonable.
The two rooms, one of which was the master bedroom with a bathroom, was very large.
Ling Xuefeng placed a king size bed inside and removed a side wall, installing a big
wardrobe. The other slightly smaller room was refurbished into a study. There was a wall-
mounted bookcase and a brand new desktop computer placed on the big table in the
The living room and dining room was decorated in a simple and stylish manner but the
wallpaper was in warm yellow tones, making the whole house look clean and warm.
Li Cangyu wore slippers and agreed with Ling Xuefeng’s taste. This man might look cold
and serious but he was very careful. He always knew how to take care of people, making
them feel warm and not embarrassed. This was a very rare thing.
Wouldn’t his future wife definitely be happy living in this cozy home?
He was just thinking this when Ling Xuefeng suddenly asked, “What do you think about the
decorating style?”
“It is very nice.” Li Cangyu praised. “I’m not very good at this. You are more careful than me
when it comes to the home.”
The praised Ling Xuefeng was in a good mood. He brought Li Cangyu to his bedroom and
said, “If you are sleepy, sleep for a while. I will send you to the airport at night.”
Li Cangyu readily took off his coat and got on the bed. He smiled and said, “I really am
sleepy. I’ll take a nap first and leave at 7 o’clock.”
Ling Xuefeng had a dreamlike feeling when he saw Li Cangyu sitting on his big bed with a
smile. Ling Xuefeng wanted to rush over and kiss him until he was breathless.
However… Li Cangyu was really sleepy and didn’t take long to fall asleep.
Ling Xuefeng forcibly controlled the thoughts in his heart.
He watched Li Cangyu sleeping quietly and couldn’t help getting a warm feeling in his
Was it because Li Cangyu trusted Ling Xuefeng that he could sleep so peacefully in this bed?
‘Li Cangyu, this trust you have given me, I will never let you down.
So before you readily accept me, I won’t do anything that makes you resent me.
For you, the most important thing at the moment is the Miracle Professional League. You
have longed for the Miracle League’s trophy for so long. It is your obsession and your
greatest dream. I will support your decision and never affect your progress.
Come back, my Cat God.
I am here, waiting for the king to return.’

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GLS: Chapter 61
【 Volume 2: Happy Carnival 】
Chapter 61 – Farewell

Li Cangyu slept soundly and opened his eyes at 5:30 in the afternoon.
Ling Xuefeng’s bed was very comfortable. It was big and the mattress was thick. There was
no need to worry about falling down when rolling over. Li Cangyu was never still when
sleeping. He woke up and saw that Ling Xuefeng’s quilt and sheets were all rolled up by
This was Ling Xuefeng’s home so it wasn’t very good to mess up his house. Li Cangyu self-
consciously tidied up the sheets and quilt before leaving the bedroom with a yawn.
To his surprise, Ling Xuefeng was cooking in the kitchen. This man usually looked very
serious and was considered an abstinent male god in the eyes of many fans. It was difficult
to imagine that he would cook while wearing an apron.
Today, Li Cangyu had the privilege of witnessing Ling Xuefeng cooking. This man’s
expression was still serious but under the warm light of the kitchen, his handsome face
seemed to have a touch of homely warmth.
Ling Xuefeng sensed the eyes on him and looked back to see Li Cangyu standing at the door
of the kitchen, yawning. A gentleness filled his eyes as he spoke in a warm, low-pitched
voice. “You woke up?”
Li Cangyu hummed, speaking while rubbing his eyes. “The time difference is really tiring.
I’m still sleepy.”
“The food will be ready soon. You can wait in the dining room first.” Ling Xuefeng took off
the lid and looked down at the ingredients in the pot.
Li Cangyu suddenly smelt a strong aroma and didn’t go to the dining room. He greedily
came over and glanced at the pot, finding a pot of braised pork. He drooled as he said, “The
colour looks good.”
“The taste is also delicious.” Ling Xuefeng stated.
Li Cangyu smiled, “Don’t you know how to be modest?”
“I’m telling the truth.” Ling Xuefeng grabbed a piece of meat out of the pot with his
chopsticks and placed it at Li Cangyu’s lips. “Do you believe me?”
Li Cangyu immediately opened his mouth and ate the meat.
He was a bit hungry after sleeping. The braised pork was tender and soft, a fragrant taste
filling his mouth. Li Cangyu chewed the meat with a contented face and swallowed,
seemingly unaware that Ling Xuefeng had been feeding him.
Ling Xuefeng showed a faint smile. This big cat really didn’t move when eating. Feeding him
meat made him feel very good!
Of course, Ling Xuefeng immediately retracted his gaze after feeding the piece of meat. He
pretended to calmly put all the braised pork onto a plate. There were already two vegetable
dishes set on the counter, the green colour increasing people’s appetites.
Ling Xuefeng handed the plate to Li Cangyu and said, “You take this to the dining room first.
I will prepare the soup.”
“Ah.” Li Cangyu accept the task and brought the three dishes to the dining room. Then he
went back to get the cutlery.
Ling Xuefeng soon finished the seaweed egg soup. Li Cangyu drooled at the sight of the
three dishes and soup on the table.
“You just ate fish at noon so I didn’t make fish. I will cook it for you next time.” Ling Xuefeng
said as he handed over rice.
“Well, I ate too much fish at lunch. It is good to change the taste at night.” Li Cangyu might
love to eat fish but even he would be tired of it when eating it for two meals a day. The
dishes made by Ling Xuefeng also fit his taste. Li Cangyu raised his chopsticks and
immersed himself in eating. As he ate, he couldn’t help praising, “The peas are delicious…
the dishes are delicious… the pork is the best!”
In any case, it was all delicious.
Ling Xuefeng was in an excellent mood after being praised. He was particularly satisfied
after seeing Li Cangyu eat vegetables.
They were captains and the pressure on their shoulders was very big. There were many
things to do but this time, Li Cangyu made an effort to see Ling Xuefeng. They might only be
able to meet for a short time but Ling Xuefeng was very satisfied.
Personally cooking a few dishes for him and eating face to face, this was the more relaxed
and pleasant thing for Ling Xuefeng.
After eating, Li Cangyu helped Ling Xuefeng clean up the table. He looked at his watch and
said, “The second round of the regular season is about to start. Wind Colour must be very
busy so you can return to the team first. I will take a taxi to the airport myself.”
“It’s fine, I’ll take you there.” Ling Xuefeng stated.
Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen was very conscientious and there was no need to worry about the
other old players on the team. The most troubling Qin Mo had been abused by Cat God and
his mindset improved a lot. Ling Xuefeng was very confident in his team. It was rare to see
a loved one and he wanted more time alone with Li Cangyu.
Since the other person was determined to send him away, Li Cangyu didn’t refuse. He
simply said, “Then I will go and pack my things. We have to leave as soon as possible.”
“Yes, remember not to leave anything behind.”
Li Cangyu didn’t have much luggage so he quickly packed up. The two people arrived at the
airport early. LIng Xuefeng sat with Li Cangyu for a while until it was 9 o’clock and Li
Cangyu got up to go to security.
“Goodbye.” Li Cangyu took the initiative to reach out to Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng’s heart
almost stopped from excitement and he immediately hugged back.
Ling Xuefeng clung tightly to Li Cangyu for a while before letting go, whispering, “See you in
New York in October.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, I’ll wait for you to come.”
Then he turned and waved to Ling Xuefeng. “I’m going now!”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and waved to him. “Go ahead.”
Li Cangyu walked briskly away, his slender and upright back disappearing into the crowd.
Then Ling Xuefeng removed his gaze and left the airport.
His heart was very reluctant but Ling Xuefeng knew this was just a short parting. They
would soon see each other again.
That night, Ling Xuefeng returned to the Wind Colour team where all the members were
In this one week holiday period, many players went home to visit their parents while
others travelled abroad. Now that the holiday was over, everyone must quickly regain their
mindset to deal with the second round of the regular season.
Ling Xuefeng summoned all the players to the meeting room for a routine meeting.
A big projection screen occupied the middle of a wall. Ling Xuefeng calmly pointed to the
big screen with a laser pointer. “This is the result of the first round of the regular season.
Our team is currently first in the rankings. In the second round of the regular season, we
can’t relax. The gap with Flying Feathers, Time and Ghost Spirits isn’t big. One mistake
might reverse the situation.”
Ling Xuefeng continued saying, “I want everyone here to be as effective as possible during
the second round of the regular season. I’m not asking you to win every game but you
should at least play in a wonderful manner.”
The Ling Xuefeng in the team strategy meeting and the Ling Xuefeng who smiled at the
airport while watching his loved one leave seemed like two different people.
Captain Ling’s expression was currently very serious, the powerful aura making players
unable to look directly into his eyes. His voice was very calm but each sentence contain a
great weight.
“The first match of the second round is against the Pure Cleansing team. The style of this
team is known to everyone. It is the illusion flow route. We will continue to use the most
stable lineup. Vice-Captain Yan and I will each stare at a psychic. We will solve the Zhu
Qingyue and Chu Yan combination as fast as possible while the others will take care of the
black magicians in the back row…”
Ling Xuefeng started to arrange the tactics of the next game in an orderly way. The players
listened carefully and some people took notes.
At the same time, the other teams’ meeting rooms were brightly lit up. The captains of the
major teams were having meetings to prepare for the second round of the sixth season’s
regular season.
8 a.m. on Tuesday, the Miracle Professional League’s headquarters in Beijing, China.
The chairman of the league, Nan Jiangang and the high-level representatives of the game
developers and operators were holding an emergency meeting.
Nan Jiangang sat at the head of the table and said, “I believe that everyone has seen the file
sent by the Miracle World League. What suggestions do you have about the changes in the
competition model?”
The director of the Technology Research and Development department said, “This
competition format is more complicated. The R&D department needs one week to
reconstruct the competition information. The second round of the sixth season is about to
begin. Should the competition system be changed?”
“It’s not urgent.” Nan Jiangang said, “The sixth season is already half over. We will keep it
the same. We will fully replace the system starting with the second division next season.
We have to take the seventh season as a new starting point, just in line with the first World
Competition in December next year.”
It really wasn’t appropriate to change the competition format in the middle of the season.
The people nodded in agreement to the chairman’s decision.
The minister of the promotional department said, “Chairman, will the selection of the six
players in the World Carnival based on the data of this season or the popularity of the
players? We have been discussing this matter for several days and haven’t come to a
Nan Jiangang thought about it and said, “The World Carnival is an entertainment gathering.
Star players from all countries will be invited so it is best to choose according to popularity.
This afternoon, the second round of the regular season is about to begin. What do you think
about opening a voting channel and selecting the six most popular players in to go New
York to participate in the World Carnival?”
“Chairman has a point.” Someone nodded in agreement.
“There is no need to play matches in the Carnival or to consider the issue of lineup
configuration. It is reasonable to select the six people with the highest popularity.”
“Who do you think the six people will be?”
“If the voting method is followed, there is no doubt about the popularity of Ling Xuefeng, Su
Guangmo and Tan Shitian. In my opinion, Captain Lou of Ghost Spirits should also be
“Pure Cleansing’s captain, Xiao Zhu is also very popular. He is the league’s best auxiliary
and he has quite a lot of fans.”
“Cheng Wei’s popularity also isn’t low, right?”
“Yu Pingsheng of Flying Feathers might be unsociable but he is actually quite popular…”
Chairman Nan listened to the heated discussion and couldn’t help sighing. “There are too
many excellent players in the current Miracle League. It is a headache picking just six
people for the Carnival!”
“This is a good thing!” The promotional minister said with a smile, “The Miracle League in
China has developed very quickly in recent years. It isn’t inferior to Japan, South Korea,
Europe and the United States. The players we choose to go definitely won’t show a bad
appearance to the world.”
“That’s true.” Chairman Nan laughed. “I am even more relieved that one of our talented
players is coming back.”
“Talented player?” Someone asked doubtfully. “Who is it?”
“Tan Shitian’s story about a big cat and kitten, you should study it well.” Chairman Nan
smiled and continued, “There is also the legion defense in the new Moonlight Forest
District where both the Bright Goddess and Dark Goddess were killed. You should be able
to guess the commanders on both sides.”
Someone immediately took out their phone and opened it to Tan Shitian’s Weibo. However,
he found that Captain Tan had deleted the story and many people were confused.
Finally, a veteran who spent six years in the Miracle League said, “Big cat and a kitten?
There seems to be only one player in the Miracle League who has something to do with
‘cat’. Is it… Old Cat, Li Cangyu of the first season?”
Nan Jiangang nodded with admiration.
“Is Cat God back?” Someone exclaimed with surprise. “Are you certain about this?”
Nan Jiangang smiled and said, “Of course I am sure. Liu Chuan of the Dragon Song Club has
contacted me. He will complete the team registration by the end of the year and Li Cangyu’s
personal information has been transferred to the Miracle League.”
“Great!” Some people excitedly exclaimed. “Cat God’s hand speed is a match with Ling
Xuefeng’s and is ranked in the forefront of the world. If he returns, our country’s
summoners will soar into the sky!”
Nan Jiangang also felt very relieved.
As the chairman of the Miracle League, he had run and tried to persuade Li Cangyu not to
leave, his mouth almost breaking. However, Li Cangyu’s attitude was extremely firm and he
was very decisive. Nan Jiangang still remembered this young man’s upright back and
confident appearance when leaving.
Now he was returning and was bound to be criticized. Still, Nan Jiangang believed that this
man wasn’t a careless person. His every choice was him following his own heart and he was
His return this time meant he was definitely coming for the championship trophy!
Once Old Cat returns, the seventh season would definitely become quite lively!

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GLS: Chapter 62
Chapter 62 – Carnival Poll

With the launch of the second regular season in the sixth season, the Miracle Professional
League also released an official announcement. The six representatives of the World
Carnival in October this year would be selected using online voting.
In order to avoid unfair results by the fans, the league also restricted the number and
conditions to vote. All IDs registered in the Miracle Forum that were level 3 or above would
automatically receive one vote per day and they were free to vote for any player.
Everyone had few comments about this rule.
99% of the fans who watched the professional league would register on Miracle’s official
forum because the official forum often had a lottery during the live broadcast. Registration
was also needed to comment so it wasn’t like anonymous forums where people could
randomly swear.
Limiting it to level 3 and above would filter out the passersby and sunspots who
maliciously wanted to mess with the voting.
Every person got one vote a day but the voting ticket didn’t have an expiration date. There
was more than one month left until the World Carnival. Starting from today, every person
would end up with a maximum of 50 votes. In other words, some fans might vote once a
day while some fans would accumulate 50 tickets to vote all at once. No one knew what
would happen until the last minute.
As soon as the voting poll opened, the number of votes for three contestants started to soar.
They were the captains of the three most popular teams in the league. The captain of the
Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng, the captain of the Flying Feathers team, Su Guangmo and
the captain of the Time team, Tan Shitian.
The popularity of these three people had always been high. It was normal for them to
dominate the online voting. Most players also agreed that these three should be Chinese
representatives at the World Carnival. The remaining three places were the focus of the
Once Li Cangyu returned to New York, he called Bai Xuan back and gave him a bowl of
herbal medicine to regulate his stomach. The smell of the medicine was unbearable and Li
Cangyu patted his shoulder. “You endure drinking it. The doctor said it would take effect in
one month.”
“It’s okay, I’m not afraid of bitterness.” Bai Xuan said.
Just then, Bai Xuan’s phone rang. “Vice-Captain Bai, did you come back? Can I come for a
It was the ‘hungry for several days’ Xie Shurong.
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Come over. Remember to bring the meal payment.”
Xie Shurong quickly knocked on the door with a large box of goods. Once he saw Bai Xuan,
his eyes were like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time. Bai Xuan couldn’t help
feeling creeped out by his look. “This isn’t right? Does your team’s food taste this bad?”
Xie Shurong made a wronged expression. “It is really bad compared to your cooking. Don’t
you think I have become thinner these days?”
Bai Xuan said seriously, “I don’t see you. I think you are fat.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Li Cangyu looked at his depressed expression and laughed. “Don’t bully A’Shu. Come in and
Xie Shurong entered the house and smelt the strong scent of traditional Chinese medicine.
He couldn’t help asking, “Who is taking the medicine?”
“Bai Xuan’s stomach disease needs to be well nursed. When I returned home this time, I
found a Chinese medical practitioner and bought some Chinese medicine.” Li Cangyu
explained as he handed the medicine to Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan pinched his nose and drank it in one breath.
Xie Shurong saw the frown when he drank the bitter medicine and couldn’t help feeling
distressed. It must be that the previous game pressure was too big and Bai Xuan didn’t get
enough rest and diet, causing him stomach trouble. Bai Xuan was smiling all day long but
wasn’t he actually suffering a lot?
Bai Xuan found that A’Shu was staring at him and handed over the medicine bowl. “Do you
also want to drink?”
Xie Shurong touched his nose and asked, “Is it bitter?”
Bai Xuan replied, “It is bitter.”
Xie Shurong thought that he would bring over some sweet plum next time and give it to Bai
Xuan after drinking the medicine.
The three people who hadn’t seen each other for a few days gathered together to eat. Li
Cangyu briefly explained the situation when he returned to China. Zhang Jueming officially
signed with the Dragon Song and moved to the Dragon Song Club. Li Cangyu meant to wait
until the end of the year when A’Shu’s contract expired and the three of them would return
to China together.
The Xie Bai duo had no opinion on this.
After the meal, Xie Shurong consciously ran to wash the dishes. Li Cangyu turned on the
computer and clicked on the official website of the Miracle Professional League.
In addition to the team rankings and live broadcast announcements, the homepage also had
an obvious ‘First World Carnival’s voting poll.’
Li Cangyu curiously clicked on it.
The top three were undoubtedly occupied by Ling, Su and Tan. The fourth player made Li
Cangyu somewhat surprised.
Liu Xiang.
This was one of the few female players in the league, the second captain of the Red Fox
Li Cangyu had never met her but before returning to China, he specifically checked the
details of the eight teams in the first division of the Miracle League and had a certain
understanding of the players. Liu Xiang was currently the most popular healer in the
Miracle League. She was known by fans as a god level nurse by the fans and played an angel
priest with the ID of Flying Cotton. She had long black hair and was particularly beautiful.
She was a goddess in the eyes of many otaku.
She had always been called a god healer but Captain Liu was modest and low-key. Her
personality was gentle and she had a good temper, a typical example of a well-educated
In contrast, Vice-Captain Yang Muzi was more fiery. She could directly carry a bucket of
water up to the seventh floor. She was a super female, making many male players feel
inferior to her.
As a pure women’s team, Red Fox experienced many setbacks in the Miracle League. In
particular, many outsiders had been skeptical when Yu Bing led the Red Fox to join the
Miracle League in the second season. Many people said it was enough for the girls to be
beautiful at home and it was embarrassing for male players to beat them in the game.
The result was that the people who said those words were repeatedly beaten.
The Red Fox team was like an agile fox on the court. Under the leadership of the first
captain Yu Bing, Red Fox was able to force the Three Swordsmen with the strongest
momentum back. The girls’ fighting power shouldn’t be underestimated.
Yu Bing once said in an interview, “In the field of e-sports, girls aren’t as talented as males
and a women’s e-sports career is shorter than male players. But we work hard and aren’t
pretty vases. We are young people who came here for the same dream so please give us the
respect we deserve.”
Her expression was cold but her eyes were extremely serious.
Li Cangyu was the first to praise Yu Bing’s interview on Weibo.
He always admired this female captain who dared to fight.
Unfortunately, Yu Bing retired in the fourth season and she transferred the captain’s
position to Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang wasn’t as haughty as Yu Bing but her humble leadership
also made the Red Fox team more united.
The Red Fox team was a very strong opponent in the Miracle League.
Li Cangyu touched his nose and scrolled down. He found that Lou Wushuang was in fifth
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were a combination he knew from their debut in the
third season. This pair of killer brothers didn’t show a dazzling talent in the third season
but started to show their force in the fourth season and led their team to win the
championship in the fifth season.
As captain of Ghost Spirits, it was understandable that Captain Lou’s votes would be in the
top six.
The sixth was Zhu Qingyue, captain of Pure Cleansing.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing when he saw this name.
Xiao Zhu and Xiao Cheng were the same age and they also debuted in the fourth season.
However, the psychic wasn’t strong at the time. They were a semi-auxiliary and semi-
output class and could appear in the arena.
The young teenager encountered Cat God in the arena and after being abused by Cat God,
he actually… cried.
Yes, Zhu Qingyue was a crying ghost. After the game with Cat God, he cried in front of a lot
of reporters and it was like he was being bullied. It made Li Cangyu feel a special guilt and
Li Cangyu ran to comfort him after the game.
Chu Yan, the original captain of Pure Cleansing, had to put a pack of tissues in his pocket for
this crying ghost. The captain was like a helpless mother.
Once Li Cangyu left Miracle, Chu Yan made a decision that shocked the entire league. He
made Zhu Qingyue the captain and retreated to the position of vice-captain. This was the
only team in the Miracle League that actually exchanged their leadership positions.
Chu Yan obviously wanted Zhu Qingyue to grow as soon as possible. Zhu Qingyue was
forcibly pulled into the captain’s position and gradually grew up. He was still a bit shy in
front of the reporters’ cameras but at least he wouldn’t cry!
How would Xiao Zhu react once he found out about Cat God returning?
Crying after being abused by Cat God, this was definitely the black history that he was too
embarrassed to mention!
Li Cangyu glanced at the poll rankings and then logged into his Q number.
This was the Q number he used during the Miracle League and he hadn’t entered for a long
time after the disbandment of Canglan.
As soon as he logged in, he found that the avatar on the lower right corner was flashing.
There were obviously many messages. Li Cangyu opened the dialogue window and saw
Cheng Wei’s concerned words: [Cat God, why did you disband?] [Cat God, don’t be sad. You
can go to other teams after disbanding!] [Cat God, where did you go? Do you want to come
to Time?] [Why is Cat God ignoring me? [Tears][Tears]]
Then there was a short message: [Go back to Miracle. I am waiting for you.]
It was from Ling Xuefeng.
They were the two people who were most concerned about Li Cangyu in the Miracle
League. One had the feeling of mentoring while the other… was unclear, but they had many
years of deep feelings and were very special to each other.
Li Cangyu saw these words of concern and became extraordinarily warm.
At this time, all the old players who debuted before the fourth season of the Miracle League
received a message on Q.
[Your friend Old-Cat is online.]
Old Cat? This number hadn’t been online for a long time. Why did it suddenly pop up today?
Many people had surprised expressions on their faces.
Ling Xuefeng immediately sent a message: [Are you home?]
[Many people know that you have returned to Miracle. It is Tan Shitian’s fault.]
Li Cangyu said: [It doesn’t matter. They don’t know who my teammates are so I can give
everyone a surprise.]
In the lower right corner, a message popped up from the ‘Miracle Gossip Group.’
[@Old-Cat, do you mean to return to Miracle?]
Li Cangyu opened the Q group and found that it was from Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui of
Ghost Spirits.
Old-Cat was the ID he used during Miracle, which was directly translated into ‘old cat’. (His
ID is in English instead of Chinese).
The Miracle Gossip Group was a private group created in the first season. There were no
discussions about competitions and tactics. It was pure chit-chat and gossip, making it very
lively. Li Cangyu was one of the administrators of the group but he rarely talked in it after
leaving Miracle.
It was discovered that an administrator who hadn’t been online for two years suddenly
went online, causing many people in the group to burst.
Li Cangyu replied in the group: [Yes, that is the plan.]
Ling Xuefeng followed closely with: [Welcome back.]
Captain Ling, who rarely appeared in the group, actually spoke as well! Take a screenshot!
Su Guangmo followed with a row of applause. [Welcome back.]
Cheng Wei also jumped out: [Cat God, you are finally online. I thought you weren’t using
this Q number. I sent you a message but didn’t get a reply. [Tears]]
Tan Shitian sent a patting head emoji: [Cat God didn’t see it.]
Pure Cleansing’s vice-captain, Chu Yan also said: [Which team did Cat God sign with? Why
is there no news on this side of the league?]
Zhu Qingyue spoke weakly: [Are you going to make a new team?]
Li Cangyu saw the crying youth and smiled. [Xiao Zhu, long time no see.]
Zhu Qingyue sent a row of blushing expressions. He always felt particularly embarrassed
when he thought about how he cried after losing to this person.
Zhang Shaohui gloated: [Cat God, don’t be like this. Captain Zhu will be scared by you and
start crying again. [Cry][Cry]]
Zhu Qingyue, “…”
The familiar IDs and familiar group. There might be many new players who joined but
there were still many people in the Miracle League who remembered the name of Old Cat
and the shock he brought to everyone on the field.
Li Cangyu smiled and typed: [I am currently in New York. I will look for those attending the
World Carnival in October and invite you to eat fish.]
Everyone, “…”
Sure enough, it was a familiar taste and familiar formula. Whenever Cat God expressed his
enthusiasm, he would invite everyone to eat fish!
However, this person’s return would surely cause a big shuffle in the Miracle League.
Everyone was laughing and jokingly welcoming him back but their hearts were tense. Cat
God was bringing a new team back. They had to prepare in advance!

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GLS: Chapter 63
Chapter 63 – Cold Shoulder

The next night, Xie Shurong once again found the two people to eat and this time he
brought a box of plums for Bai Xuan to eat after drinking Chinese medicine, so that it
wouldn’t be too bitter.
Bai Xuan ate the sweetness and praised him for being sensible.
After the meal, Xie Shurong ran to wash the dishes. Bai Xuan was bored and went to the
kitchen to see him. A’Shu had now mastered the skill of washing dishes and he completed it
quickly and cleanly.
Bai Xuan saw A’Shu seriously washing the dishes and couldn’t help asking softly, “A’Shu,
what happened with Flying Feathers? Why did you leave Flying Feathers and come to the
United States to play? Can you tell me? If it is inconvenient then pretend I didn’t ask.”
Bai Xuan had been thinking about this problem for a long time and finally couldn’t help
asking. It wasn’t to gossip. He just thought that since they would be teammates, some
understanding between them was necessary. If he couldn’t figure out the relationship
between Xie Shurong and the Flying Feathers team, how could they deal with Flying
Feathers in the future?
Xie Shurong heard this question and a flash of embarrassment crossed his face.
He picked up a clean rag and wiped his hands before turning around to look at Bai Xuan.
“Cough, it is nothing big. I was hot tempered when I was 18 years old and my brother also
had a hot temper. We often argued over the team. Many times when we were fighting, I
would come to a meeting and say nothing. One time, we were arguing too fiercely and I ran
“…” Bai Xuan hadn’t expected this to be the reason. Xie Shurong had matured a lot so Bai
Xuan hadn’t expected the original A’Shu to be an impulsive teenager who argued with his
brother every day.
“It was like this.” Bai Xuan smiled and said, “I am asking you this to figure out your
relationship with Su Guangmo. In the future, we have to decide whether to place you
against Flying Feathers or not. I was worried that what happened between you and Flying
Feathers is a knot that can’t be untied.”
“There is no knot. I have a good relationship with my brothers.” Xie Shurong touched his
nose and added, “Later when we face the Flying Feathers team, you can send me to play
without facing any pressure. You can rest assured on this point.”
“That’s good.” Bai Xuan came up and patted him on the shoulder. “Everyone has done
stupid things when they were young. Don’t take it to heart.”
“Yes.” Xie Shurong looked at him and found that Vice-Captain Bai’s comfort was great. His
eyes were particularly gentle, like a big brother comforting his younger brother. There
wasn’t a single trace of ridicule.
Xie Shurong couldn’t help walking up and hugging Bai Xuan gently. He whispered, “Vice-
Captain Bai, please don’t tell other people about this matter?”
“Are you ashamed?” Bai Xuan asked with a smile.
“…” Xie Shurong rubbed his chin along Bai Xuan’s shoulder like a petulant child. “Help me
keep it a secret. It isn’t a glorious thing and Cat God will certainly laugh at me if he finds
Bai Xuan, “…”
This guy’s face was really as thick as a city wall. He was so tall yet acted in a spoiled manner
so that Bai Xuan’s heart couldn’t help softening.
In fact, Xie Shurong hadn’t said it but it certainly wasn’t easy to play alone in a foreign
country in these years. Couldn’t he persist until now because the strong faith in his heart
was supporting him? This guy was a very strong person.
Bai Xuan gently patted the petulant A’Shu’s head and said, “Okay, I won’t tell others and
will help you keep it a secret.”
Xie Shurong’s eyes brightened as he clung to Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain Bai is so good.”
Bai Xuan’s eyes moved helplessly as he was held by this guy. He said, “Okay, quickly let me
go. How old are you to still act so spoiled?”
Xie Shurong replied with a cheeky expression, “Who told you to be the father of the team?”
Bai Xuan reached out and pushed him away. “Don’t make trouble and pack away the dishes.
Then come to the living room to eat fruit.”
Xie Shurong watched Bai Xuan’s retreating back and his mind became confused.
He hadn’t thought too much when hugging Vice-Captain Bai. He just thought that Bai Xuan’s
appearance was very gentle, making him want to be close.
But once he held on, he didn’t want to let go.
The feeling of his arms being filled was too good, especially when the person in his arms
was so soft and fragrant. His body gave off the clean shower gel smell… he had obviously
just showered today.
Xie Shurong suppressed the urge to think of other things. He took a deep breath to control
his mind and turned to the living room.
The super milk dad Bai Xuan cut a plate of fruit. He was really careful, cutting the apple and
watermelon into pieces. Toothpicks were inserted and it was small enough to swallow in
one gulp.
Xie Shurong sat down on the sofa and Li Cangyu was also attracted to the food.
Once the three of them sat together to eat, Li Cangyu asked, “A’Shu, when does the second
round of the regular season in the US start?”
“It’s going to start tomorrow.”
“Then won’t you be busy? If you are busy, you don’t have to spend as much time in online
games. The matches are more important.”
Xie Shurong smiled and said, “I’m not busy. I’m not in the starting lineup of the second
regular season so I don’t have to follow them everywhere when playing the game.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling surprised when hearing this. “What? Your captain won’t let
you play?”
“There are many masters in the team and the lineup has rotated.” Xie Shurong’s expression
was very calm. “The genius newcomer Agnus, who debuted last season, is also a terran
swordsman. He is still young but he is very talented. The captain is paying a lot of attention
to him and wants to give him more opportunities to appear.”
Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu looked at each other, silent for a moment.
It was a normal tactical adjustment for the captain to let newcomers appear. For example,
Ling Xuefeng let Qin Mo play in the arena to train this young boy. However, letting the
newcomer play all the matches and completely replacing an old player, this wasn’t a simple
tactical adjustment. It was obviously to place A’Shu on the bench.
Li Cangyu slightly frowned. He guessed that Xie Shurong wasn’t as happy as expected in the
ICE team and might’ve been pushed aside by his teammates.
It was difficult for foreign players to truly integrate into a team. The differences in
language, culture and living habits were huge problems. Moreover, the ICE team had many
masters and A’Shu wasn’t irreplaceable. The ICE captain’s choice was also correct. A’Shu
would soon leave the team after his contract expired. It was natural to give more
opportunities to the newcomers that the team were training.
There was nothing wrong with this reasoning but it was quite chilling in terms of feelings.
Didn’t Xie Shurong join during ICE’s toughest period when they were lacking a swordsman
in the front row? Xie Shurong ran all the way to the United States, worked with his strange
teammates and took the ICE team into the ranks of the first-class giants. Now that his
contract was about to expire, he was being subjected to such a cold reception. It could only
be said that the ICE captain was rational and almost cruel.
This was the opposite of Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu would rather move with his good brothers
and take the hardest road then give up the trust of his friends. He couldn’t say who was
right or wrong. He could only say that everyone paid attention to different things.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling slightly distressed when he saw Xie Shurong’s smiling face.
He patted A’Shu’s hand and said, “A’Shu, don’t mind it too much. Once your contract
expires, we will go back to China and start over. In the past few years, you have been
playing with the ICE team. You did your best so there is no need to feel sorry for them.”
Bai Xuan’s voice was very gentle, making Xie Shurong feel warm. He couldn’t help holding
Bai Xuan’s hand tightly.
Today, Xie Shurong had seen everything very thoroughly.
When he first arrived in the United States, he was a less mature teenager. It was really
difficult time when he was isolated by his teammates. Many times, his teammates joked in
English but he couldn’t understand because of the cultural differences. He just awkwardly
sat next to them.
Later, he held the English-Chinese dictionary and carefully memorized the words. His
English level increased by leaps and bounds and the language barrier was gradually
overcome. At the same time, he was recognized by the captain for his outstanding personal
At that time, ICE was a lesser-known team in the American Miracle League. They couldn’t
get the trophy and were eliminated every time they entered the playoffs. After Xie Shurong
joined, he played the fast moving swordsman and brought up the front row of the team.
Together with the debut of the genius blood kin summoner Jack Josh, the ICE team’s
performance improved and they won the championship that year.
The ICE team started developing faster and faster, recruiting players from various teams.
Many talents players came and the ICE team consistently ranked among the top teams in
the US Miracle League. They were the favourite to win this season.
As Bai Xuan said, Xie Shurong was foreign player but he shouldn’t feel sorry for the ICE
team. He got the club’s paycheck doing what he should and doing his best for every game.
This was the attitude that a professional player should have.
Emotionally speaking, this type of foreign player didn’t have much sense of belonging.
To tell the truth, Xie Shurong only played in the ICE Club because he couldn’t quit his terran
swordsman and to make money to support himself. This was like a company employee
working for money.
That’s why Xie Shurong didn’t care too much when the captain placed him on the bench.
The ICE team’s results, whether good or bad, had little relationship with him.
Still, Bai Xuan’s comfort made Xie Shurong feel very warm. This feeling was like being
comforted by his family after being wronged. His whole body was warm.
Vice-Captain Bai wasn’t the same as the vice-captain of many teams. As the most trusted
right arm of Li Cangyu, he could always carefully discover the psychological problems of his
teammates, gently comforting them and offering a solution so that each member could
readjust their emotions. This stable mentality made him the super nanny of the entire team
and made people feel particularly comfortable.
Xie Shurong smiled at Bai Xuan’s worried eyes and whispered, “Don’t worry, I am no longer
a child and my spirit isn’t that fragile. My contract is about to expire and it was clear that I
wouldn’t renew the contract. The captain doesn’t want me taking up the resources of the
team. There is nothing wrong with that. However, since he did this, I won’t have any
nostalgia when leaving the ICE team.”
This calm appearance made Li Cangyu lose his worry.
After so many years of being alone, Xie Shurong’s mind became extremely tough. This bit of
cold shoulder wasn’t a big deal for him. If he was still the teenager of the Flying Feathers
team, he might directly argue with the captain. However, now he could accept it calmly
because he was already a responsible man.
Li Cangyu gently patted Xie Shurong’s shoulder and said, “A’Shu, you will be lazy in the ICE
team for two months. Once we return to China at the end of the year, our team will be
formally established. You will be our main force in the future.”
The meaning of Li Cangyu’s sentence was obvious. Xie Shurong nodded seriously and said,
“Don’t worry Captain, I won’t act lazy once I return home.”
The three people smiled at each other.
In fact, it was simple to have a good impression of a team. The key was to look at the people
Li Cangyu was a very loyal person, decisive and courageous. Combined with Bai Xuan’s
gentleness, Xie Shurong believed that his future team would be a warm and harmonious
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GLS: Chapter 64
Chapter 64 – Steamed Bass’ Identity

Xie Shurong came back and returned straight to the dormitory. In any case, he wasn’t
participating in the team’s next game so he didn’t have to worry about the lineup and
tactics. There were still people working overtime in the training room. The young man
Agnus, who was placed on the lineup by the captain, saw Xie Shurong passing by and said
with a smile, “A’Shu, I thought you weren’t coming back! You must be so happy. You can
have a holiday while we are miserable preparing for tomorrow’s game.”
The irony in this sentence was obvious. Xie Shurong smiled and said, “Refuel!”
Then he turned quietly and walked away.
This child was too arrogant and would someday fall. Players in the field would naturally
teach him so there was no need to waste his breath.
After returning to the dormitory, he logged into the online game. His account had risen to
level 65 after the legion defense.
Once Li Cangyu saw that A’Shu was online, he was added to the team. Zhang Jueming and
Gu Siming were also online so the five member fixed team once again assembled.
Li Cangyu sent a welcome expression on the team channel and said: [Let’s officially
welcome Old Zhang to join our team.]
Bai Xuan put on a headset and asked, “Old Zhang, do you remember me?”
Zhang Jueming laughed and said, “Nobody can forget you, Super Dad Vice-Captain Bai?”
Bai Xuan smiled and asked, “Really?”
Xie Shurong coughed and interrupted the two of them. “Cough, Old Zhang, I’ve heard of you
as well.”
“I am in the same generation as your master. Where have you heard of me?” Zhang Jueming
asked curiously.
Xie Shurong spoke with a thick face, “I naturally heard it from my master.”
“Captain Song? Did he say anything nice about me?”
“Master praised you for being very manly.” Song Yan only said that Zhang Jueming was a
bold northern person and that he once held a dinner for all the professional players.
Nothing else was mentioned so Xie Shurong didn’t have a deep impression of this person.
Obviously, Zhang Jueming didn’t do well in the first season. However, since Cat God pulled
him into the team, he must have a bright spot that would attract Cat God.
Xie Shurong was very trusting of Cat God’s eyes.
There was this bold and uninhibited uncle present, causing everyone to become familiar
with each other on the voice channel..
Xiao Gu suddenly realized one thing and asked, “Isn’t there still a person in our fixed team?
What about Steamed Bass?”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help wondering, “Speaking of Steamed Bass, the time he is going online
these days are very irregular. He didn’t come to the legion defense on Sunday and he is five
levels lower than us.”
Zhang Jueming wondered, “Is there a temporary problem with his family or something?”
Li Cangyu listened to everyone discussing it and couldn’t help smiling slightly, “This
Steamed Bass, he is likely to be a heavyweight undercover.”
Everyone was surprised and Zhang Jueming directly asked, “Old Cat, who do you suspect he
Li Cangyu replied, “There is no evidence yet so I’ll tell you when I rip off his cover.”
Xiao Gu was very curious but he didn’t dare to ask.
“Then I’ll wait for you to release the truth.” Zhang Jueming simply changed the topic,
saying, “Yes, last time you told me to bring the child to the arena. I sorted out the full level
accounts that my studio isn’t using these days. There are 10 accounts of different races and
I will allow Xiao Gu to get familiar with the style of each profession.”
Li Cangyu praised him. “Yes, I think so as well. Xiao Gu’s understanding of the major classes
in Miracle isn’t thorough enough. Let him play every profession first.”
Gu Siming excitedly exclaimed, “I know Captain! I will follow Uncle to learn!” Zhang
Jueming continued saying, “I have many accounts. If you need anything then just ask.”
Li Cangyu said, “I won’t use them for the time being. Once the team members are ready, I
will find you again.”
“No problem!” Zhang Jueming felt happy that he could help the team a little bit.
Steamed Bass wasn’t online so Li Cangyu searched through the guild list to find teammates.
Small Elf, Small Archer and Small Hunter, the three vice presidents appointed by Li Cangyu
currently had the highest level. Li Cangyu opened a chat and invited the three of them to
[The president has come!] The trio greeted him excitedly.
[You worked hard while I wasn’t here.] Li Cangyu stated.
[You are welcome! The guild’s construction points are full. Do you want to upgrade the
level?] Small Elf asked.
These three students could be regarded as an unexpected harvest for Li Cangyu. In this
time, Li Cangyu was busy and Bai Xuan had also run to travel. All guild matters were
thrown at them but the three university students were very serious and used their spare
time to manage the guild.
Today Li Cangyu logged in and found that the construction points of the Food Squad filled
up in just a few days.
Only the president had the authority to upgrade the guild level. Li Cangyu went to the NPC
to upgrade Food Squad to level four and gave the three people a task. [The number of
members will increase so you should pay attention. See if there are any talents when doing
the instances and this will help facilitate sub-groups once we reach full level.]
[I understand!] The trio actively responded.
[Come with me to play a level 65 instance. I will teach you the quickest way to clear it.] Li
Cangyu typed on the team channel before speaking on the voice channel. “A’Shu, Old Zhang,
the two of you leave the team. I will take them through it once and then you can come
The two people decisively left the team and Old Zhang took A’Shu to visit the black market
trading house.
Li Cangyu’s team of six entered the level 65 ‘Blood Kin Castle’ instance.
The mobs of this instance were all vampires who could use stealth. Dealing with them was
very annoying but this instance had a trick. There was a shortcut they could take to directly
avoid the mobs and just face the boss.
Many people knew about this route but Li Cangyu personally used his high agility to give
the three people a demonstration of the quickest route.
The boss also had some skills. Li Cangyu patiently explained them while playing. The trio
seriously remembered the explanation. Li Cangyu had asked them to teach this to other
people in the Food Squad so that the members didn’t have to worry about leveling.
After clearing the instance, Li Cangyu brought Old Zhang and A’Shu back onto the team.
He opened his friends list and saw that Steamed Bass still wasn’t online.
The domestic time should now be 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Li Cangyu opened the Miracle
official website and saw there was a match between Wind Colour and Pure Cleansing this
Li Cangyu spoke into his headset, “Everyone, look at Miracle’s official website. Today Wind
Colour is facing Pure Cleansing.”
Fanboy Gu Siming immediately exclaimed excitedly, “Yes yes, Captain Ling is playing
“Aren’t we clearing the instance?” Bai Xuan asked.
“This boss is a piece of cake for us. I believe there won’t be a problem if we watch and play.”
Li Cangyu stated.
The team of five professional players really didn’t need to be focused when playing the boss
of a small instance. Everyone opened the website to the live broadcast, narrowed the game
window and operated their accounts while watching the game.
Pure Cleansing was a very distinctive team in China’s Miracle Alliance. Their style was
called ‘illusion flow.’
Other teams used either melee output or remote output as the core. Pure Cleansing’s
captain and vice-captain were auxiliaries so their tactics placed the auxiliary psychic as the
The double auxiliary style of play, the output was weak but they were very difficult to face.
This was the evaluation of the Pure Cleansing by many captains in the league.
Today, the match between Wind Colour and Pure Cleansing was once again deadlocked.
Even the extremely aggressive Ling Xuefeng was troubled by the continuous control when
facing the double auxiliary combination of Zhu Qingyue and Chu Yan.
Zhu Qingyue, the former crybaby, had become a very cool auxiliary player after his
transition to captain in the third season.
Honestly, the first captain of Pure Cleansing and current vice-captain, Chu Yan was quite
courageous. Xiao Zhu might be talented by his psychological endurance was particularly
weak. He cried after losing games, causing the reporters to smell blood.
There were often male players yelling at him in the comments. “The baby who hasn’t grown
up should go home instead of playing the game.” The female players were the opposite. “A
child crying is really pitiful. Let Sister hug you.”
Zhu Qingyue was a controversial player because he cried for half an hour after being beaten
by Li Cangyu, shocking the whole league. There were many people who hated him but he
also had many fans.
Chu Yan forced the young boy to the captain’s position at the end of the third season,
making him grow up as quickly as possible. Zhu Qingyue was pushed by the media and
grew up quickly, living up to expectations. After Xiao Zhu lost a game, he was very calm. His
mentality stabilized and he gradually became one of the best auxiliary players in the
Miracle League.
However, the overall strength of Pure Cleansing was still worse than Wind Colour. Zhu
Qingyue and Chu Yan’s combination could drag the battle on for 40 minutes but Ling
Xuefeng was best at seizing opportunities. Once Xiao Zhu made an accidental mistake, Ling
Xuefeng rushed into the back row to directly break up the lineup of Pure Cleansing. Yan
Ruiwen quickly followed to control Xiao Zhu and the outputs of the other Wind Colour
members followed, killing Zhu Qingyue in seconds.
This group battle started very suddenly and the end was extremely fast. In the blink of an
eye, Pure Cleansing was destroyed.
Many people in the live broadcast spat out, “They were tangled up for 40 minutes but it
ended in less than 10 seconds.” “Every game with Pure Cleansing is like this. Pure Cleansing
is like a group of soft cotton. Cutting them is unclear and they can drag things out to victory
or make it so that the opposing team is very tired.” “Will Captain Zhu cry again?” “Don’t
blacken Xiao Zhu. He hasn’t cried for a long time!” “Hand paper towels to Xiao Zhu.”
The director deliberately pointed at the camera at Zhu Qingyue, who didn’t cry. Instead, he
shyly smiled at the camera while scratching his head. He knew that there were definitely a
lot of people in the Internet making fun of him. It was really awkward. Every time he made
a Weibo post, the comments below would be countless people handing him paper towels…
Ling Xuefeng led his team over to shake hands. Zhu Qingyue also stood up politely, the
expression on his face quite calm.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling emotional looking at this scene. In the past, Li Cangyu had
come over to shake hands. As a result, the little guy cried until his eyes turned red and Li
Cangyu comforted him for a long time. He also asked the team out to eat grilled fish after
the game.
Today, the little crybaby had grown up and was already the leader of a team.
Pure Cleansing wasn’t as dazzling as Wind Colour, Flying Feathers and Time in the past few
years but this team was very special in the Miracle League. Their style was very clear and
they had been runners-up a few times. It was a good result.
Li Cangyu turned off the live broadcast and switched back to the Moonlight Forest district,
focusing on playing the instance with his teammates.
After approximately 30 minutes, a prompt appeared in the bottom left corner indicating
that Steamed Bass was online.
Li Cangyu sent him a message: [Are you here? Do you want to join the group to clear
[Yes.] Steamed Bass was soon added to the team.
Everyone had heard from Cat God that this person was an undercover but Cat God was
looking for evidence to reveal his identity. Therefore, everyone didn’t react and pretended
to know nothing as they played the instance.
Xiao Gu excitedly exclaimed in the voice channel, “I feel so awkward playing an instance
with an uncover!”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “The child should calm down.”
Bai Xuan also asked, “Is this undercover someone you know?”
Li Cangyu said, “Don’t worry, I’ll test him out soon.”
After the instance was over, Li Cangyu sent a PK invitation to Steamed Bass.
Ling Xuefeng thought that if he didn’t accept, it would be easy to arouse the clever cat’s
In order to avoid exposing himself, Ling Xuefeng deliberately hid part of his strength and
played like an ordinary veteran of the online game. As a result, during a critical moment in
their duel, Li Cangyu suddenly sent a private message: [Today’s match with Pure Cleansing,
the tactics were well arranged.]
The finger on the other side of the computer slipped and Steamed Bass showed a gap. This
was caught by Li Cangyu and he used the opportunity to kill the opponent.
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
‘Cat, could you not send a harassing message at a critical moment in PK?’
Li Cangyu smiled with satisfaction. He sent out feelers and they were grabbed.
The reason why he suspected Steamed Bass to be Ling Xuefeng was because in the legion
defense war, Ling Xuefeng came to act as command while Steamed Bass didn’t log in. Any
veteran would know that the most important activity in Miracle was the legion defense. On
Sunday, when the rate of people logging in was the highest, Steamed Bass didn’t come,
causing Li Cangyu’s suspicion.
He also thought back to when Steamed Bass joined the Food Squad and it was exactly the
day that Ling Xuefeng recognized him in the online game. In addition, the name of Steamed
Bass was too good. The final straw was that Steamed Bass wasn’t online today while Wind
Colour had a match…
Could these four points be explained by coincidence?
In any case, Ling Xuefeng wasn’t a professional undercover and he hadn’t entered the Food
Squad for malicious reasons. He didn’t have the professional undercover training that the
big guilds gave and Li Cangyu knew him very well. Li Cangyu made a simple attempt and
took off his cover.
Li Cangyu suppressed a smile and sent in the private chat: [Xuefeng, is it fun to open a side
account and enter my guild as an undercover?]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GLS: Chapter 65
Chapter 65 – Undercovers Alliance

Ling Xuefeng didn’t expect his cover to be smashed by Li Cangyu. Originally, he wanted to
pretend to still know nothing. However, Li Cangyu sent a private message: [Running to play
the game during the regular season, won’t it affect your status?]
The clever cat was like a mirror. There was no meaning in pretending so Ling Xuefeng
reluctantly admitted: [Wind Colour’s next game is in three days so it won’t have an impact.]
He used an undercover as a cover but was recognized. An awkward expression couldn’t
help appearing on the face of the always cold man.
Li Cangyu smiled. [Then accompany me to clear the instance. We are lacking a fixed team
In the game, Love to Eat Braised Fish killed Steamed Bass, causing Gu Siming to ask
curiously, “Cat God, did you determine who Steamed Bass is?”
Li Cangyu replied, “It is Ling Xuefeng.”
Everyone, “…”
The voice channel was silent. Apparently everyone was surprised.
A moment later, Gu Siming recovered and shouted, “Captain Ling? This person is actually
Captain Ling?”
Bai Xuan spoke helplessly, “Xiao Gu, do you have to be so excited? Are you competing to be
the number one brainless fan in the league?”
“Hehehe.” Gu Siming giggled and scratched his head. Then he ran in front of Steamed Bass.
[As the Name Suggests has sent a flower to Steamed Bass.]
[As the Name Suggests has sent a flower to Steamed Bass.]
The system channel was continuously filled with flowers. This was a prop in Miracle.
Sending friends flowers could increase the degree of friendliness.
The confused Ling Xuefeng sent a row of question marks. [What are you doing?]
Gu Siming said: [Idol, hello. Hehe, I am your fan!]
Ling Xuefeng suddenly remembered Cat telling him that the paladin in his team was a fan.
He didn’t quite understand why a young boy playing a paladin would be a fan of his demon
However, this young boy was expressing affection towards him and was also Cat’s
teammate. Ling Xuefeng gave him face by saying: [Thank you.]
Gu Siming was excited. “Captain Ling said thank you to me. I want to take a screenshot. Step
aside. Let me first take a photo with Captain Ling alone.”
Then he ran to Steamed Bass’ side and used the game’s screenshot program to take several
photos from different angles.
“…” Zhang Jueming helplessly reached out and patted this child’s head, saying, “You should
go downstairs and run a lap around the club to release your excitement.”
Gu Siming replied, “Then people will think I’m crazy.”
Zhang Jueming, “…” He also knew!
Bai Xuan said with a smile, “There is a strong competitor like Xiao Gu. It seems that Cheng
Wei won’t be able to keep his status as number one brainless fan?”
As he spoke, Li Cangyu suddenly received a private message.
“Hello President, are you still missing a member in your fixed team?” It was from God’s
Li Cangyu remembered this ID of ‘God’s Seal’ very clearly. It was a friend who added him on
the day of the legion defense. This person from the Time Guild followed him around, acting
as his bodyguard. Every time a Ghost Spirits killer wanted to kill him, this God’s Seal would
use group attack skills to fight the opposite person and protect the commander.
At first, Li Cangyu thought that the president of Time specifically arranged for someone to
protect the commander. For the two hours of the legion defense, this guy actually stayed
close to him. Li Cangyu doubted the true identity of this person.
Every time someone scolded the commander on the camp channel, he would send a
message saying: [Stop scolding the commander. You can you up,no can no bb!] Every time
the Bright Legion gained an advantage, he would fill the camp channel with: [Commander is
so domineering! The commander is handsome! The commander is powerful!]
His typing was extremely fast and comparable to a machine gun firing.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. Cheng Wei, weren’t you being too obvious?
The day after the legion defense, Li Cangyu went offline and didn’t expose Cheng Wei’s
identity. He thought that Cheng Wei was participating in the legion defense because he was
bored. Unexpectedly, he actually entered the online game again using his side account…
Was this an addiction to opening a side account?
Li Cangyu was really speechless and couldn’t help saying: [My team is full. You should go
Cheng Wei pretended not to understand. [What training? God, I just want to play an
instance with you. Can’t you give me a position in your team?]
Li Cangyu asked: [Isn’t Tan Shitian taking care of you?]
Cheng Wei subconsciously replied: [He went out to buy lunch.]
It was only after answering that he found he had fallen into Cat God’s language trap. Cheng
Wei sent a row of tearful expressions. [QAQ…]
Li Cangyu smiled. [With your IQ, you should learn how to be an undercover.]
Cheng Wei, “…”
The big name Ling Xuefeng’s cover had just been torn off by Li Cangyu. Cheng Wei’s cover
was completely transparent. There was no way to cover up his ‘stupid’ nature and he was
exposed as soon as he spoke.
He was recognized by Cat God in 10 seconds so Cheng Wei could only send a laughing
expression. [Cat God, Cat God, I will accompany you to the instance!]
Li Cangyu asked: [Don’t you have to train?]
Cheng Wei explained: [It is lunch break and formal training won’t start until 2:30.]
Li Cangyu looked at the time in the lower right corner. It was already 11:30 at night in New
York and it was almost noon domestically. Li Cangyu thought about it before turning to Bai
Xuan. “Why don’t you go to sleep first? There is someone else who wants to play the
Bai Xuan was adjusting his stomach and needed a regular work schedule and adequate
sleep. He usually went to bed at 11:30 in the evening. He smiled at Li Cangyu’s words and
agreed. “Okay. Everyone, I am going sleep first. You won’t have a dad to cover you so be
careful when playing the instance.”
Xie Shurong hurriedly said, “Quickly go and rest. Your body is important so don’t stay up
too late.”
Bai Xuan made a simple sound of agreement, took a shower and then went to sleep.
Li Cangyu invited Cheng Wei’s side account and typed on the team channel: [Welcome the
two big undercovers who have joined our instance team.]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Cheng Wei, “…”
Zhang Jueming asked curiously on the voice channel, “How come there is another
undercover? Who is it this time?”
Li Cangyu introduced him, “He is the vice-captain of Time, Cheng Wei.”
Gu Siming excitedly said, “Cheng Wei also came? Is he the white magician called God’s
Xie Shurong said, “Great gods have joined so can I take it easy?”
Zhang Jueming lamented, “This instance team is too luxurious!”
This was really a super luxurious lineup. Wind Colour’s captain Ling Xuefeng and Time’s
vice-captain Cheng Wei had actually run to play with Cat God.
Li Cangyu happily joined the instance with the two super big undercovers.
In the Blood Kin Castle instance, the mobs could be bypassed to directly attack the boss.
Previously, the task of going through the detour was left to Li Cangyu but he couldn’t help
wanting to be lazy today. After entering the instance, he typed on the team channel:
[Xuefeng, you go and take the detour.]
[Okay.] Ling Xuefeng had no opinion. He obeyed Cat God’s words and immediately left to
find a shortcut.
It had been many years since Ling Xuefeng played this instance and he couldn’t remember
the correct route. At a fork, he accidentally ran into a group of mobs and instantly died a
tragic death.
Ling Xuefeng lay down as a corpse and helplessly typed: [I went the wrong way.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
Cheng Wei actively rushed forward and said, [I’ll go!]
Cheng Wei operated the white magician account and actively ran to find a shortcut. The
result was that he went in the wrong direction at the fork in the road, attracted a group of
small mobs and struggled before dying like Ling Xuefeng.
Cheng Wei sent a row of tearful expressions. [I also went the wrong way!]
Li Cangyu: [How can the two of you be undercovers?]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Cheng Wei, “…”
The two men lay on the ground and didn’t say a word.
Li Cangyu helplessly had to use his own agile elf summoner and made his way through the
Blood Kin Castle’s complex roads in less than half a minute, successfully reaching the boss.
[Okay, everyone revive here.] Li Cangyu typed and Ling Xuefeng and Cheng Wei obediently
chose to resurrect directly by his side. The other teammates also suicided and resurrected
in front of the boss.
Li Cangyu asked: [Do the two of you remember how to play this boss?]
Ling Xuefeng replied: [I forgot.]
Cheng Wei: [I don’t know how to hit it!]
Li Cangyu: […You are too unprofessional to be undercovers!]
Were these two people actually here to mess with him?
Li Cangyu helplessly typed: [Come into the voice channel. I will only say it once.]
Ling Xuefeng and Cheng Wei quickly entered the voice room. Li Cangyu started to explain,
“The blood kin boss are all similar. This boss has a stealth skill. When he becomes invisible,
Xiao Wei will head to the blue position I marked and use a group attack. Ling Xuefeng will
use another group attack from the red position.”
“When he is targeting a player, run away quickly and don’t let him catch up with you.” Li
Cangyu quickly said, “You have two seconds to respond to the group attack skill. Everyone
move behind the boss and hide. That is all you need to be aware of.”
Then Li Cangyu added, “Our milk god has gone to bed. Our team has no healer so you can’t
mess around.”
As a result, there was chaos in the team.
Yes, it was these two super big undercovers.
Ling Xuefeng’s output was too high for the opening OT. Cheng Wei misplaced the group
attack and miss the hidden boss.
Li Cangyu looked at the two men lying on the ground and was speechless. “Did the two of
you come to mess me up?”
Ling Xuefeng said seriously: [I wasn’t being careful.]
Cheng Wei said: [I was too excited. I haven’t played a boss with Cat God for a long time and
my fingers couldn’t keep up with the speed of my brain!]
Wasn’t it just tapping his fingers?
He was supposed to throw it in front of him. How did he throw the attack behind him? Was
he so excited that he was rushing back and forth?
Li Cangyu sighed and said, “Take it more seriously. If this was the match, I would’ve abused
you 10 times already. Once again Cheng Wei, you threw the group attack in the wrong
direction. Xuefeng, your output shouldn’t be so high.”
The taught Ling Xuefeng typed: [Yes, I see.]
Cheng Wei also typed: [I will be serious and go to the front. Come again!]
Zhang Jueming couldn’t help laughing. He took off his headset and whispered to Xiao Gu,
“Look at Cat God teaching the two of them. I suddenly feel very cool.”
Gu Siming replied excitedly, “Yes, Captain Ling is serious and always teaches others. Today
he is being taught by Cat God and doesn’t dare talk back. Hahaha, I am really happy looking
at Captain Ling like this! I’m really a black fan!”
Zhang Jueming, “…”
‘Stupid, you’re talking into your headset so everyone can hear it!’
Zhang Jueming pointed to his headset. Xiao Gu immediately covered his mouth and made a
zipper gesture.
Ling Xuefeng naturally heard Gu Siming’s words but he still calmly operated the Steamed
Bass account to play the boss, not making any response.
As this young man said, Cat God was the only one in the entire league who dared to teach
him. But so what? His treatment towards his sweetheart was naturally different. Ling
Xuefeng was sweet when listening to Cat. A child who hadn’t grown up wouldn’t
The resurrected Ling Xuefeng and Cheng Wei both showed the focus of a professional
player. They listened to Li Cangyu give the explanation again and seriously used their skills
according to Li Cangyu’s command. This time, the boss was defeated.
Li Cangyu sighed. “The two of you continue to maintain this state. We will hit the next
The Blood Kin Castle had three bosses. The latter two were actually more difficult.
However, Ling Xuefeng and Cheng Wei were professional players with high perception.
They quickly adapted to the boss rhythm and the six people killed two bosses in just 10
Li Cangyu quickly picked up the equipment dropped by the boss and divided it to his
Among them was a white magician staff. After seeing Cat God assign it to the other white
magician in the team, Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying: [What about me? Look at my
equipment. I can also use it!]
Li Cangyu said, “Look at you trying to steal a level 65 staff when you are a vice-captain.”
Cheng Wei: [Oh, I almost forgot.]
Li Cangyu was speechless. This guy followed him into the instance and incredibly tried to
grab equipment. Did he really want to play the online game?
Ling Xuefeng was very calm and had no interest in the equipment. He only cared about Cat
God’s rest. [Shouldn’t it be midnight over there? Why are you still awake?]
Li Cangyu said, “I’m preparing to go sleep.”
Once the instance rewards were organized, Li Cangyu said, “Xiao Wei, you shouldn’t log
into the online game as much.”
Cheng Wei felt wronged. “Cat God, are you abandoning me?”
Li Cangyu explained seriously. “You need to train and be well prepared for Time’s matches.
Tan Shitian is working alone. You are the vice-captain so you should take up the
responsibility of the vice-captain and don’t play around.”
Cheng Wei had opened the sound. Tan Shitian had gone to buy lunch and heard Cat God’s
words when he came back. He couldn’t help feeling moved.
Li Cangyu was a gentle elder to Cheng Wei, guiding him to be more mature and strong. It
was normal for the kitten to strongly worship and depend on the big cat. Captain Ling’s
words about how they were ‘father and son’ were right.
Tan Shitian couldn’t help smiling slightly at this and brought the food to the dining room.
Then he returned and patted Cheng Wei’s head. “Xiao Wei, come eat. I bought your
favourite egg tart.”
“Oh, I’m coming!” Cheng Wei replied before saying seriously to Li Cangyu, “Cat God, rest
assured. I will train well this afternoon and later contact you on Q. You should frequently
log into your Old Cat account!”
“Okay, go.”
Xiao Wei was rushed to training but Li Cangyu had a completely different attitude towards
Ling Xuefeng.
There was no need for him to worry about Ling Xuefeng. This person was a very mature
captain and Li Cangyu believed he knew how to arrange his time. The fact that he was
casually playing in the online game wouldn’t affect his status in Wind Colour.
Li Cangyu sent a private message: [I am going to sleep first.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Yes, after dinner I will come online to accompany you. Your time over there
should be eight in the morning to noon.]
[If you want. There is actually nothing big on my side. At present, we are just smoothly
[Zhang Jueming has already joined the team?] Ling Xuefeng’s cover was smashed by the
other person so he no longer hid things. He had already inferred the white magician’s
identity a long time ago.
[Yes, this time I returned to China for his contract.] Li Cangyu said: [The team only has five
people. This isn’t enough.]
[The opportunities to find teammates will slowly come.] Ling Xuefeng reassured him. [I
believe that your luck won’t be bad this time.]
[I hope your words are true. Then I will sleep first.] Li Cangyu sent a goodbye wave emoji.
[Good night.] Ling Xuefeng sent a hug emoji.
Then he immediately corrected it. [That is wrong. It should be this.] He followed up with a
goodbye wave.
Li Cangyu, “…”
Why did he feel like this person was trying to cover it up? ‘Ling Xuefeng, did you really
make a mistake?’
Li Cangyu thought of the farewell at the airport where they hugged tightly and couldn’t
help touching his chin. Ling Xuefeng’s cover might’ve been smashed but it seemed like
there was still a deeper hidden layer?
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GLS: Chapter 66
Chapter 66 – Assassin

Time passed quickly. The matches of the second round of the sixth season passed one after
another. Li Cangyu leveled with his teammates while also paying attention to events in the
domestic Miracle League, learning about the style and tactics of various teams.
Ling Xuefeng would go online after evening training to chat while playing instances.
Meanwhile, Zhang Jueming and Gu Siming were sent to the arena by Li Cangyu and the
young boy quickly grew under the guidance of the uncle.
In one month, Li Cangyu and the others gradually rose to over level 90. The Food Squad
Guild was successfully promoted to the highest level 5 guild under the help of the three
His initial good luck had probably been exhausted because the next teammate never
Li Cangyu was already very satisfied that he could meet Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming in
succession in the new district. Perhaps there were many other outstanding newcomers in
Moonlight Forest?
Mid-September soon arrived and Li Cangyu’s account was finally full level.
That evening, several people celebrated with fireworks in the game. Li Cangyu went to the
black market trading house to find some practical equipment.
He had just arrived when a red light flashed on his screen and a sharp dagger was inserted
into the chest of the elf summoner. A crit appeared and the fragile elf summoner directly
lost 30% health!
Was this an assassin?
Li Cangyu frowned and looked back, only to discover that the other person had cleverly
entered stealth.
The life portion of Miracle was very rich and the ‘assassin’ was one of them. The game had a
NPC who specialized in giving assassination missions. After receiving the mission, the map
would mark the target that needed to be assassinated. The assassin would also gain the
‘Stealth’ and ‘Tracing skills. As long as they assassination succeeded, they could get very
rich rewards and increase the merit points. An assassination failure would deduct merit
There was a 50% chance that the assassination target would be a small boss in the wild and
a 50% chance that it would be a player. It was fortunate if the assassin encountered a
rookie but if they met a master, the likelihood of the assassination failing was enormous.
The Food Squad was the first guild in the new district to rise to level 5. In addition, Love to
Eat Braised Fish was the commander of the legion defense. Most players in the new district
knew that Love to Eat Braised Fish was a master.
An assassin who dared to attack the president of the Food Squad, their courage must be big.
Li Cangyu’s sharp eyes glanced around but the other person had hidden after the attack.
They were clearly versed in assassination.
However, Li Cangyu couldn’t be attacked by them. He smiled slightly as he operated Love to
Eat Braised Fish forward. He deliberately stood in forest with a relatively complex terrain
and waited for the assassin.
The other side really bit the bait as a knife came from behind a tree!
Li Cangyu suddenly used Flying Feather Steps to move to the other side of the tree and
summoned his thunder spirit. The group attack Thunder’s Wrath struck then he swapped
to the water spirit, quickly freezing the assassin in place.
Looking closely, this person was a blood kin assassin with an ID of Frost Descends. The title
of ‘Assassin League’s Gold Killer’ was written above his head and he was dressed in a
simple black outfit.
The title above his head was the ranking in the assassin league based on the number of
times the assassin completed a mission. The gold killer indicated that this person wasn’t
weak and had completed many assassinations.
Li Cangyu wasn’t polite after freezing him. He exchanged to the fire spirit and quickly
lowered the opponent’s blood.
The other party realized that he had encountered a master and entered stealth mode as
soon as his frozen state was released.
Finding a killer in the forest was really hard but it didn’t matter. Since Li Cangyu was the
assassination target, the person would always come to the door.
Li Cangyu ignored him and continued to the trading house.
He was halfway there when a cold flash of light appeared behind him. The assassin used the
short stealth duration to once again pierce Love to Eat Braised Fish’s chest.
Li Cangyu reacted very quickly and summoned his water spirit and fire spirit. He controlled
the opponent and let out a burst of hand speed, quickly killing the person!
Once the assassin called Frost Descends lay flat on the ground, Li Cangyu couldn’t help
smiling. He typed in the area channel: [The mission to assassinate me definitely won’t
succeed. You should give up.]
Frost Descends, “…”
Li Cangyu spoke again: [Or we can make a deal. If I let you kill me, will you give me all the
Frost Descends directly resurrected back in the city.
An assassin easily offended people but it was very rewarding. The assassin was the fastest
way to make money compared to life players like hunters, blacksmiths, costume makers,
etc. It wasn’t uncommon for people to play assassins in the game.
In the face of a hard target, many assassins would cleverly give up on the task so that they
wouldn’t lose merit points.
Li Cangyu thought this person would give up the mission. He didn’t think that after
returning from the trading house and going to the instance entrance to meet up with his
teammates, he would once again encounter Frost Descends.
This person was obviously looking for an opportunity. Rushing to assassinate Love to Eat
Braised Fish, how could Cat God die so easily? Even the Lou Zhang combination of Ghost
Spirits would have to put in a bit of thought to assassinate Cat God. This Frost Descends
directly ran to kill Cat God and the result was… he was once again beaten by Cat God.
Li Cangyu looked at the person lying in front of him and couldn’t help typing: [You haven’t
given up yet?]
Frost Descends, “…”
Li Cangyu saw that a pair of shoes had dropped and asked: [Do you want the gear that
dropped? Should I pick it up for you?]
Frost Descends returned to the city and the corpse instantly vanished.
This guy was very stubborn. He dropped equipment after dying. Li Cangyu happily picked it
up and wanted to return it to him, yet he didn’t want it. He probably thought that Li Cangyu
was humiliating him!
For the next few days, Li Cangyu had a stealth assassin follow him wherever he went. As
long as Li Cangyu was alone, he would secretly come over to stab his knife. This guy’s
ability to find opportunities was very strong. Sometimes Li Cangyu’s blood would fall very
low from the sneak attacks. On several occasions, Li Cangyu almost died.
Unfortunately, the assassin was killed every time. He lay flat on the ground after dropping
one or two equipment. After he was killed 10 times, there was a pile of dropped equipment
picked up by Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu said very helplessly: [Did you come here to give me equipment?]
Frost Descends, “…”
The assassin was killed until he only had underwear left.
Bai Xuan looked at Frost Descends wearing only underwear and couldn’t help
sympathizing. “This guy is really pitiful. Why did he encounter you for the assassination
mission? Why don’t you just die once to help him finish the mission. I am tired of watching
that child chase you for a few days.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “I’m not used to being killed. Besides, I want to observe him more.”
He discovered that this killer was special during the third assassination attempt.
At the time, Li Cangyu had been waiting for his teammates at the instance’s entrance. There
were many people present yet the assassin accurately found Li Cangyu’s position in the
crowd and sharply attacked. If it wasn’t for Li Cangyu using his footwork to quickly evade
and then using the water spirit to seal off any retreat, Li Cangyu would’ve been killed by
This person was extremely good at finding opportunities and could calmly and patiently
wait for the best time to act.
A killer must be able to be immersed. This person obviously had the potential to be a good
killer. He had a fast hand speed and quick responses. He was also very decisive when it
came to striking or retreating. If he hadn’t met the tough Li Cangyu, his assassination
mission would’ve already been completed.
Li Cangyu was chased by this person for several days but he actually felt appreciation.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help saying, “You deliberately aren’t letting him kill you so that he is
stuck on his mission?”
Li Cangyu replied seriously, “I just want to deepen my understanding of him.”
Frost Descends was too pitiful after losing all his equipment and only having underwear
left so Li Cangyu send the equipment to him.
Once Frost Descends resurrected in the city, the system told him about a new message and
he froze when he opened it.
[I have mailed you all the equipment you lost. After putting it on, come and kill me again.]
By: Love to Eat Braised Fish.
Frost Descends, “…”
The corners of his mouth twitched as he put the equipment on. The teenager didn’t go back
to kill Love to Eat Braised Fish. Instead, he went to the NPC and gave up the assassination
mission. This was the first time he had given up an assassination mission since he played
the game but he couldn’t deal with Love to Eat Braised Fish’s power. In the past few days,
he had racked his brain and used every means but hadn’t succeeded.
Li Cangyu waited a while and saw that Frost Descends didn’t appear. He couldn’t help
sending a private chat: [You aren’t coming to kill me?]
[Let’s play an instance together.] Then a team invitation was sent.
Frost Descends, “…”
This person was so strange! He wasn’t angry at all about being pursued for a few days? He
also took the initiative to send equipment back in the mail?
Frost Descends replied: [I don’t play instances. Thank you.]
Li Cangyu: [If you come here, you can get good equipment. Your dagger’s durability is only
10% and the shoes aren’t very good. If you change to a better set of equipment, you might
succeed in killing me.]
“…” The teenager suddenly felt that he had met the legendary holy goddess from legends!
Why was this person being so nice to the assassin who tried to kill him?
He didn’t know that Li Cangyu already considered him as a potential teammate and was
watching with shining eyes.

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GLS: Chapter 67
Chapter 67 – Abusing the Teenager

The life skills in Miracle officially opened at level 70. The teenager chose an assassin
because this playing method was the most exciting.
Assassins were different from life players who collected materials and made products.
Their daily task was to ‘kill and get rewards.’ Apart from the NPC who randomly selected a
target for the assassin to kill, people could also issue high-paying assassination missions to
hire a killer. It could be said that the assassination risk was the highest but it was the
fastest way to make money.
The youth had been doing assassination missions since level 70. He had killed 99 people
and was rated as a ‘gold killer’ by the assassin’s league. He also accumulated a lot of wealth
in his warehouse.
Now he had no enthusiasm for clearing instances, unlike when he first entered the new
district. The happiest thing was to successful complete an assassination mission, making
him feel very powerful.
There was a setting in Miracle. If an assassin’s missions were completed continuously,
more rewards and merit points would be added. He already succeeded 99 times and only
need one more mission to obtain the difficult achievement of ‘killing 100 people’ and
directly upgraded to diamond killer!
At this most critical moment, he encountered Love to Eat Braised Fish and was stuck on his
If an assassin failed the mission, the system would kill punishment. He had been killed 10
times by Braised Fish. Putting aside the achievement of ‘killing 100 people’, there was the
decrease in his money… In the end, he could only endure the urge to vomit blood and give
up the assassination mission. If he kept dying, he would become a poor person.
The youth gritted his teeth and thought about it. Love to Eat Braised Fish had invited him to
join the team so he should go and see. He could act as an undercover for a while and figure
out how to kill this person.
The teenager accepted the invitation from Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu said on the team channel: [Everyone gather at the entrance to Beast Jungle.]
The teenager quickly ran to the instance’s door.
Beast Jungle was a level 100 instance and many people in the game had reached full level.
The instance’s entrance was crowded with people but the teenager locked onto Love to Eat
Braised Fish’s position with one glance. After all, he had been pursuing Braised Fish for
several days.
The youth endured the urge to stab him and quickly walked in front of Braised Fish.
Sharp eyes swept around and found a few teammates with blue IDs. There was an angel
priest, a terran swordsman, an orc paladin and a white magician. They were all members of
the Food Squad and were clearly a friends group.
Love to Eat Braised Fish typed: [Everyone has gathered so enter.]
Everyone entered the instance together. The youth didn’t have time to speak when his
screen flashed red.
[Blossoming Tree has opened slaughter mode on you!]
The youth was stunned but he had always been someone who loved PK. A person took the
initiative to attack him so he naturally wouldn’t be polite. He immediately raised the dagger
and moved.
Li Cangyu wanted to test this person’s true level so he had A’Shu strike after entering the
dungeon to see this person’s ability to adapt.
The youth’s reaction was truly very fast and decisive. The dagger in his hand emitted a cold
light as he thrust, moved behind, back stabbed and entered stealth.
But who was Xie Shurong? He was the main professional player of a giant team.
Killing this youth was only a matter of minutes.
The youth didn’t even last 30 seconds before he was killed by Xie Shurong’s gorgeous Light
and Shadow Rotation.
Li Cangyu went on to say, “Once he resurrects, Xiao Gu will come forward. I want to see
what you have learned with Uncle Zhang during this time.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Child, don’t disgrace me.”
Gu Siming excitedly replied, “Don’t worry Uncle! Look at how I beat him!”
The poor teenager had just got up when the system gave him a prompt.
[As the Name Suggests has opened slaughter mode on you!]
Then the paladin wildly rushed over. The shield in his left hand was raised high while the
golden sword in his right hand hacked around. He seemed disorderly but his momentum
was imposing!
The already weakened blood kin killer quickly feel at the paladin’s feet.
Li Cangyu praised, “Xiao Gu’s progress is very fast.”
Gu Siming smiled and scratched his head. “Cat God, thanks for the praise!”
Then Li Cangyu personally came forward.
[Love to Eat Braised Fish has opened slaughter mode on you!]
The boy who was killed again almost collapsed!
It seemed he was wrong. This Love to Eat Braised Fish wasn’t a holy goddess. He pulled the
youth into this instance to get revenge!
What was this? The swordsman killed him, the mad paladin killed him and the summoner
killed him again. The group of people joined hands to bully him!
The angry youth was about to leave the team when Li Cangyu sent him a message: [Are you
going to leave the team?]
Frost Descends, “…”
Li Cangyu: [Already? I thought you were very proud. People killed you so shouldn’t you be
trying to find a way to kill them back?]
Frost Descends, “…”
[Look, don’t even think about assassinating me. You can’t even fight the teammates around
me. I advise you to stop being an assassin and change to a tailor or blacksmith.]
Frost Descends, “…”
Li Cangyu sent a touching head emoji. [Look at your garbage equipment. The agility stat is
too low while your attack power is seriously overflowing. In fact, if you leave attack at
200% and increase agility, you will be more flexible. A killer’s attack power is important
but it is useless if you can’t hit them. You will have to rely on the agility stat to find more
The youth was very depressed about being killed but once he read this, he couldn’t help
opening his equipment panel.
It seemed… a bit reasonable?
[Let’s play the instance and get some equipment first. Then you can change your
equipment.] Li Cangyu stated.
Then he really brought the youth into the instance to give him equipment?
Was this giving chocolate after two slaps?
The depressed youth scratched his head and silently followed behind these people.
As he moved forward, he found that the efficiency of these people when playing an instance
wasn’t just fast. It could be described as a ‘bulldozer.’
The team pushed through to the boss, Li Cangyu gave a simple explanation on the team
channel and everyone started to act.
The teenager usually killed people and rarely played instances. In particular, he picked up
assassination missions every day after reaching full level and never went to an instance.
This boss had a targeted chase skill. Frost Descends was named and he didn’t respond in
time. The boss caught up with him and used a big move, causing the team’s instant death.
He thought the leader would scold him only to see Li Cangyu say: [It doesn’t matter. Try
The group resurrected and continued to play the instance. This time, their luck was better
and Frost Descends wasn’t named. The others hid very skillfully and the boss was soon
Coincidentally, this boss dropped a pair of purple shoes. The attributes were very good as it
gave defense while increasing movement speed.
Li Cangyu handed the shoes to Frost Descends and said: [Here, it is for you.]
The teenager took the equipment in a complicated mood.
At the second boss, the youth was clever enough to follow Xie Shurong. He was a melee
class and there was nothing wrong with the swordsman. Sure enough, this time they
smoothly killed the boss and the boss actually dropped a pair of daggers!
The probability of dropping a weapon in a small level 100 instance was the lowest. In
particular, a purple rated weapon could sell for tens of thousands of gold at the trading
house. The attributes of these daggers were excellent, increasing attack power and crit rate.
It was suitable for a blood kin killer to use.
Frost Descends drooled as he stared at the daggers.
Li Cangyu picked up the dagger and said on the team channel: [I’ll give you the daggers if
you join my fixed team.]
Frost Descends, “…”
He wasn’t the type of person to be tempted by equipment. He was very principled.
Li Cangyu continued: [I have the clothing, necklace, bracelet and ring of a blood kin killer.
Unfortunately, there is no killer on our team. How about I give all of them to you if you
join?] Stick to principles over equipment!
The teenager didn’t respond to the bait thrown by Cat God as he calmly refused. [I won’t
join your fixed team.] He had a backbone!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. [Don’t rush to conclusions. You will join.]
Frost Descends didn’t hesitate. [I won’t join.]
Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought about how to deal with this stubborn boy. The
warm offensive seemed to be unappreciated so it seemed a bit of cruelty was needed.
Li Cangyu came to a conclusion. [If you don’t join, I will continue to kill you until you only
have underwear left.]
Frost Descends, “…”
The invitation became a threat? Did this person think he was an overlord in the game that
the youth would listen to him? Did he thought the youth would be afraid? The teenager
rolled his eyes and said: [Come to kill me! I will be waiting.]
It turned out that Li Cangyu wasn’t joking.
The youth took an assassination mission the next day. The target was ‘Steamed Bass’ and
he looked up the data. Steamed Bass was a black magician who was only level 98. Frost
Descends was two levels higher so he should have the advantage.
He thought he would be able to successfully kill the target this time. The result was that
when he lurked behind the target, he found Love to Eat Braised Fish in the vicinity and a
bad feeling filled his heart.
In any case, he just needed to quickly take care of Steamed Bass before Love to Eat Braised
Fish came to the rescue.
The youth made a cold expression at this thought and his dagger thrust out. There was a
critical hit and he directly cut the other person’s blood in half!
He didn’t expect this Steamed Bass’ reaction to be so quick. The black magician used Death
Imprisonment and accurately sealed him.
Li Cangyu found that the assassin had appeared and immediately wrote to Ling Xuefeng:
[Kill him, don’t be polite.]
Ling Xuefeng never refused anything Li Cangyu said. He didn’t ask the reason as he used a
set of violent black spells to quickly kill the assassin.
Li Cangyu sent a smiley expression through private chat to Frost Descends: [You see, even
my weak friends can kill you. You still want to be an assassin?]
The young boy who was killed, “…”
He didn’t know that the ‘weak friend’ was actually a terrible great god. The youth only felt
particularly depressed. Why was he so unlucky recently? The assassination mission was
He dropped a hat as part of the death penalty and Li Cangyu quickly picked it up.
The depressed youth directly resurrected in the city.
He took another assassination mission. This time the target wasn’t anyone from the Food
Squad. It was the vice president of the Wind Colour Guild. The youth confidently used the
long-term stealth skill unique to the assassin and chased the target. His sharp eyes were
like a small wolf chasing the prey. He patiently waited a long time before the vice president
of the Wind Colour went to the wild.
The opportunity was here!
The youth’s eyes turned cold as he immediately moved to the opponent’s back, his hands
raised in the most common skill of a killer: Backstab!
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain was startled by the sneak attack and quickly turned back.
The surprising thing was that this person’s moves were extremely aggressive and his attack
power was very high. There was a critical hit and his summoner was a fragile remote class.
He was uncomfortable at being close to the assassin and was about to die…
Just then, a soft white light descended from the sky—God’s Blessing!
Someone added blood to him?
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain looked around and say Bai Xuan standing not far away,
adding blood to him.
At the same time, Love to Eat Braised Fish came forward. His water spirit froze Frost
Descends, followed by the summoning of the fire spirit and a series of Fireballs. Then
Thunder’s Wrath killed the opponent.
Frost Descends, “…”
Same Boat Under Wind and Rain didn’t understand the situation but it was true that Cat
God saved him. He was flattered and immediately wrote on the private chat: [Cat God,
thanks for helping me.] Li Cangyu returned: [You’re welcome.]
Of course, he didn’t do it to save Same Boat Under Wind and Rain. It was to thwart Frost
Descends’ assassination mission.
The young man was severely punished by the system after dying. This time, his clothes and
shoes were lost and he didn’t have enough gold coins in his bag. The system issued a
reminder that he didn’t have enough gold coins for the death penalty. He now owed it 1,000
gold coins.
The teenager was going crazy!
A few days ago, his vault still had a lot of money. From the moment he met Braised Fish, his
assassination missions had continuously failed. He had just died and lost 100 gold coins.
Now he died again and fell into a negative value, owing the system 1,000 gold!
Moreover, the equipment on his body also fell and he only had underwear left.
Li Cangyu didn’t forget to add fuel to the fire as he sent a private message: [See, I said you
would be left in your underwear.]
Frost Descends, “…”
Bai Xuan followed up with a message: [Hey, if you enter the team, I will make you a
delicious meal and you can take the best equipment ^_^]
These two people really were thick-skinned.
The child was dressed in only underwear as he returned to the city, sitting in a depressed
manner at the fountain in the middle of the city. He also lost his sanity from anger but he
took deep breaths and calmed down. He decided to pick up his next assassination mission.
As long as he succeeded, the system would reward him 5,000 gold coins and he could
return the money owed to the system.
The problem was that he had no equipment. Without a weapon, he couldn’t even release
his skills!
He could go to the store and buy equipment. However, he didn’t have any coins on his body
and he also owed the system 1,000 gold coins!
The teenager was completely stunned.
He had no money to buy a weapon, without a weapon he couldn’t release skills, he couldn’t
do missions without skills and couldn’t make money…
How miserable!
The young man whispered a few words, wanting to tear Love to Eat Braised Fish into
Just then, two people with ‘no face’ appeared in front of him. Love to Eat Braised Fish said:
[Do you understand what it means to be flexible? You should join my team and find out our
details and weaknesses. It won’t be too late to get revenge in 10 years.]
It made a lot of sense.
However, the youth sensed that he was being fooled.
Bai Xuan used the gentle method: [Come, our team is lacking a killer. If you play the
instance, you can get all the killer class’ equipment. I will cover you all the way and
guarantee that you don’t die. Isn’t this VIP level treatment? Hey, right click to join the guild.
Then join our fixed team and you can clear instances ^_^]
Why did he meet these two people?
In order to avoid the continued harassment, the teenager gritted his teeth. [I will join, I’ll
Li Cangyu sent a row of satisfied expressions.
Bai Xuan looked back at Li Cangyu and said helpless, “For this stubborn guy, you have no
Li Cangyu laughed. “I don’t. In any case, any principles would be lost in front of eating fish?
What face do I have now?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Cat God was cheeky and killed the youth until he only had his underwear left and he owed
the system 1,000 coins. The young boy was forced to tearfully join Cat God’s fixed team.
The collapsed teenager thought, ‘Why do I have to join the fixed team?’

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GLS: Chapter 68
Chapter 68 – Sixth Member

Once the new teammate joined, everyone immediately sent a row of applause.
Li Cangyu decisively transferred all the equipment for a killer to Frost Descends and taught
him how to match them together the best. The teenager reassembled his equipment
according to the captain’s instructions and then they played the instance.
Ling Xuefeng saw that Li Cangyu’s team of six was complete. The newly added person was
the assassin who tried to kill him before. He thought about it and realized that Li Cangyu
should’ve discovered a new teammate. Ling Xuefeng felt happy for him and sent a private
chat: [Have you found a new person?]
Li Cangyu didn’t hide it from him and replied: [He is a fast reaction genius killer but is
unstable and needs to be trained.]
[Have you figured out his details?]
[I’m slowly getting to know him. I’m afraid that he will be scared off if I tell him about the
professional team. Thus, I will wait a while.]
[Yes, good luck.] Ling Xuefeng came to the game to see Li Cangyu. After knowing that he
was doing well, Ling Xuefengs heart relaxed.
[The matches are becoming close together these days. You go back and prepare. You don’t
need to worry about anything on my side.] Li Cangyu added: [Don’t delay your business.]
[Okay.] Ling Xuefeng replied simply before logging off.
As Li Cangyu said, the second round of the Miracle League’s sixth season was reaching its
hottest period. Ling Xuefeng obviously wasn’t logging onto the game as much as before
before he was busy making preparations. Today Li Cangyu saw him online and spoke a few
words before thoughtfully driving Ling Xuefeng away.
Ling Xuefeng went offline and went to his bedroom to take a nap. He restored his spirits
and convened a full meeting in the afternoon.
The current team standings had changed a bit. First was Wind Colour, second was Time,
third was Ghost Spirits, Flying Feathers temporarily fell to fourth, then it was Pure
Cleansing, Red Fox and Cheetah. The gap in points was quite close and one game could
cause a change in rankings.
The top four were eligible to enter the playoffs for the trophy. The second round of the
regular season was coming to an end and the score for each match was crucial. Therefore,
all professional players in the teams had recently stepped up their training to gain a spot in
the playoffs.
Li Cangyu finished the small instances with Frost Descends and put all their equipment
The advantage of Frost Descends was that his reactions weer extremely fast. His eyes were
keen as he caught the opportunities to attack. The disadvantage was that he wasn’t
systematically trained and the consistency of his moves was relatively poor. He often made
mistakes in his moves or showed a gap.
Li Cangyu desired to train this person. However, the youth was particularly stubborn. If he
told the youth to go to the left, he would move to the right. Li Cangyu had to use a radical
method to teach him. He had A’Shu and Xiao Gu cooperate to kill Frost Descends.
A few days later, Frost Descends finally learnt to be good and followed behind Li Cangyu
At 7 o’clock that evening, Li Cangyu logged into the game after eating and was surprised to
find that Frost Descends was actually online.
The confused Li Cangyu asked: [Why are you up so early?]
It should be seven in the morning domestically. Xiao Gu and Old Zhang weren’t online yet.
In addition, today was the weekend so many young people should still be in bed at this
The other side replied: [I am abroad and it is currently evening.]
No wonder his online time was strange. Li Cangyu previously thought this person was a
night owl and hadn’t expected it to be a person abroad.
Li Cangyu asked curiously: [Which country?]
[The United States.]
[Which city? Where do you live?]
The youth spoke in a depressed manner: [Why are you checking my account?]
Li Cangyu said with a smile: [I am currently in New York. If you are close then we can
The teenager was surprised. [You are in America as well? I’m in Boston.]
Li Cangyu said: [That isn’t far. Tell me your number and I will come find you one day.]
The teenager hesitated for a moment. After a few days of knowing each other, he found that
this Love to Eat Braised Fish wasn’t bad. He knew that Frost Descends didn’t like instances
and would explain the whole process several times. He also gave equipment and took care
of Frost Descends when he was embarrassed.
Love to Eat Braised Fish would come to PK him every day, killing him using various
methods. However, the teenager found that the other person showed mercy and was
actually teaching him PK skills.
Love to Eat Braised Fish often said: [Hurry and learn how to PK people. I am still waiting
for you to kill me.]
The teenager thought this was a bit strange. How could a master teach the enemy how to
kill himself? Was it the holy goddess disease again?
Li Cangyu saw the other person hadn’t replied for a long time and typed: [My father and
sister are living in New York. I take time every year to visit them but I have never been to
Boston. If it isn’t convenient for you to come out then forget it.]
…Well, there shouldn’t be too many scammers in the game right? Besides, it wasn’t to lie to
his face. Would this person dare to rob or kill someone in the United States?
In any case, they were both Chinese and should get to know each other. The teenager
thought about it before giving his approximate area and contact number. [If you have the
opportunity, come to Boston and I will show you around.]
The teenager had no idea that Li Cangyu was a man of action. As soon as he gave the
number, he got a call from the other person.
“Hello, I am Love to Eat Braised Fish. I am free tomorrow evening and want to go to Boston
with the milk dad. Can you come out and meet me?” Li Cangyu said with a smile, his voice
as gentle as possible.
“…” The boy was scared and silent for a moment before saying, “Then come over. I will
invite you to a meal.”
Was it okay to meet an online friend? This person was the president of the Food Squad, not
a liar.
With this in mind, the teenager set a meeting place and sent a text message to Li Cangyu.
The next day, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan took a bus to Boston. They played the game for too
long and went out to relax. It wasn’t convenient for Xie Shurong to leave due to his team so
Li Cangyu didn’t call him.
Li Cangyu didn’t directly want to talk to Frost Descends about the team in this meeting. He
wanted to first see what the person called Frost Descends was. If he had a job in the United
States, it wasn’t good to force the other person to give up his career and go to another
country to play in the league.
The result was that when Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan came to the agreed location, they
unexpectedly saw a very special teenager.
The teenager looked young but he had a slender and tall figure. The key point… he had a
pair of black eyes but his hair was gold. His face was also significantly different from
ordinary Orientals, with a tall nose, very white skin and rosy lips.
This hair didn’t seem dyed? Was he a beautiful mixed-race kid?
Li Cangyu didn’t laugh as he asked, “Frost Descends? Hello, I am Love to Eat Braised Fish.
My real name is Li Cangyu.”
The teenager came up to him and said lightly, “Hello, my name is Xiao Han.”
He looked very cold on the surface but based on his style in the game, Li Cangyu judged that
this young boy was in his period of rebellion and had a stubborn temper, causing him to kill
people in the game to find a sense of existence.
After being killed, he stubbornly chased Li Cangyu for a full three days. This was enough
Bai Xuan felt that this mixed-race child was very interesting. He remembered that the child
was killed until he only had underwear left yet he still wasn’t willing to accept his loss. Bai
Xuan endured the urge to pat the golden head and smiled. “Hello, I am the milk dad. My real
name is Bai Xuan.”
Xiao He looked at him and found that he was gentler compared to the game. He was filled
with goodwill and said, “Sit down and order first.”
The food was soon brought out and the three people talked while eating.
In any case, Li Cangyu didn’t know this boy as well as he did Zhang Jueming. Therefore, Li
Cangyu didn’t mention the team’s affairs when they met just in case this rebellious youth
became disgusted.
The three people casually talked about the game. Li Cangyu expressed some views on a
killer, as well as some PK tips and sneak attack skills. Xiao Han’s eyes were wide and he
listened very seriously, his expression like a small dog wagging his tail.
The clear black eyes, beautiful blond hair, cute face of the mixed-raced child and the
pretend cold expression… this rebellious youth was very interesting! If he joined the team,
he would be the small madman’s Gu Siming’s companion.
Li Cangyu quite liked this guy as they talked about things in the online game. He jokingly
said, “I deliberately blocked you during the assassination mission. Xiao Xiao, do you want to
kill me?
Xiao Han’s ears turned red as he coughed and said softly. “No.”
In fact, at the time, he really wanted to kill Li Cangyu 100 times. He joined the fixed team in
order to ‘get revenge in 10 years.’
But after joining the fixed team, he found that the captain was very good to him. All
equipment for a killer was given to him and he was also taught how to match equipment
and use skills in PK. This milk dad was also very good to him, often sending him food and
After all, Xiao Han was young and simple and he could get so much equipment every day.
He suddenly felt that it wasn’t bad to join the fixed team and gradually threw away the
‘revenge in 10 teams.’
In this time, he found out that there was an age difference. At first, he thought it was a
generation gap. Now that they talked, he found that the two people were knowledgeable
and proficient in the Miracle game. The boy was immediately convinced and filled with
worship for these two people.
He completely forgot that when he was forced to join the fixed team not long ago, he kept
being abused by these two people!

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GLS: Chapter 69
Chapter 69 – Regular Season’s Results

Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu didn’t mention their true identities when meeting with Xiao Han
and the team wasn’t talked about at all. They just chatted like ordinary friends chatting.
Based on this simple conversation, Li Cangyu found that the mixed-race teenager was
pretending to be cold but he was actually very sensitive. He knew a lot about guilds in the
new district and also paid attention to the American Miracle League. His favourite player
was actually… Tree.
Bai Xuan heard this ID and almost spat out his tea.
Tree was the ID for the foreign member of the ICE team, Xie Shurong.
Xiao Han liked Xie Shurong, which was very understandable. After all, he had Chinese blood
so he probably felt empathy when seeing the player with yellow skin and dark eyes. Bai
Xuan couldn’t help thinking that if A’Shu knew that Xiao Han was his fan, his tail would
definitely rise into the sky.
Li Cangyu looked at the teenager and said, “ The first World Carnival will be held on the
2nd of next month in New York. Are you going to watch it?”
Xiao Han replied, “Of course, I have already bought a ticket.”
Li Cangyu had wanted to help him buy a ticket. He didn’t expect for Xiao Han to have
bought on in advance. Li Cangyu thought about it before saying, “Then when you come to
New York, you can stay at my place. Don’t waste money on a hotel. We’ll go see the Carnival
Xiao Han was very happy. His pocket money was very limited. If he saved money on
accommodation, then he could buy more things. Xiao Han thought up to here and quickly
agreed. “Okay!”
Before leaving, the two people gave the teenager a gift. It was a blood kin assassin model
they bought when passing by a store. The price was expensive but it could be disassembled
and cleaned, the quality was clearly very good.
The young boy was obviously very excited when he received this gift. He held the assassin
model and scratched his head with embarrassment. “That… I didn’t prepare a present for
you. I’ll bring it when I come to New York.”
Bai Xuan smiled and rubbed the golden head, saying softly, “Don’t worry about it. You are
young and spending your parent’s money. There is no need to buy us any presents. Come
find us when you go to New York next month. I’ll make delicious food for you.”
Xiao Han nodded energetically. “Yes!”
On the way back to New York, Bai Xuan thought carefully before saying seriously, “This
child is really worth training but he should’ve lived in the United States for a long time. His
name is Xiao Han so maybe his father is Chinese and his mother is American. If we want to
take him back to play in the league, perhaps his family won’t agree.”
Li Cangyu also had this concern, which was why he didn’t mention the game. He looked at
Bai Xuan and said, “Don’t worry and slowly watch. If necessary, I will come forward to coax
This stubborn teenager had to be coaxed slowly or it was likely to backfire.
Li Cangyu was very patient because he knew that if Xiao Han was trained using the
professional system, learning about the details of his position movement skills, combined
with his keen insight and quick responses meant he could definitely become a real
It was worth showing a bit of patience for a good teammate.
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan returned to New York that night. Xie Shurong actively ran over for
a meal and asked them about the result of the trip.
Bai Xuan described, “His real name is Xiao Han. He is a blond, black-eyed mixed-race child
who is very handsome. His favourite player happens to be the terran swordsman of the ICE
team, Tree God.”
Xie Shurong heard this and happily came over. “Tree God? Is that me? He is my fan?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “I am teasing you yet you are taking it so seriously.”
“…” Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan with a wronged expression.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help thinking that if Xiao Han saw A’Shu’s current appearance, wouldn’t
he become disillusioned with his idol in an instant?
Once dinner was over, the six members of the fixed team went online together. It was
currently 8 o’clock on Sunday night in the United States but domestically, it was 8 o’clock
on the morning of September 25th, a Monday.
September 25th was a very important day for many e-sports fans in China. It was because
today was the last game of the second round of the sixth reason. It would officially open at
9 a.m. and draw the regular season to a complete end.
The last game is Time VS Terminator.
Terminator was the weakest team among the eight teams in the first division. This team
used black and white magicians as their tactical core. They had a very good pair of black
magician and white magician. However, compared to the double black magicians of Wind
Colour or the double white magicians of Red Fox, the tacit understanding of the
combination was obviously inferior.
Black magic was biased towards killing while white magic was control. In principle, black
and white magic’s common point was that they were both very powerful. However, the
level of the two players in Terminator weren’t high enough. In particular, their white
magician was worse than Cheng Wei and the game against Time was very passive.
Last time, Cheng Wei’s insomnia and fever resulted in Time’s loss to Wind Colour. Many
Time fans scolded him online for a long time but he fortunately recovered in the second
round. In addition, he found Cat God and was encouraged by Cat God, so he was recently
full of vitality.
In the arena stage, Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian came forward and easily took three points.
In the team battle, Cheng Wei’s play was also remarkable. His quick responses and fast
hand speed controlled the opposite white magician from beginning to end, facilitating Tan
Shitian’s output in the rear. Time’s kiting tactics dispersed Terminator’s front row, winning
them four points in one breath.
Terminator finally scored two points but it was too late. The game ended with 7:2.
In the explanation room, Yu Bing faced the camera and calmly summed it up. “The
Terminator team played well today but Cheng Wei’s performance was even more.
Terminator’s white magician was controlled the whole game and the core tactics couldn’t
be played. A big loss in the team battle was expected. As for the arena… Captain Tan is more
stable as the guard and there aren’t too many teams who can take three points from him. It
isn’t wrong that Terminator lost.”
Her partner Kou Hongyi nodded. “The second round of the regular season has come to an
end. I think many viewers are concerned about the final rankings of the eight teams. In the
end, which teams have entered the playoffs? Let’s take a look at the final version of the
rankings that officials have just released.”
The broadcast changed to the rankings team. First was Wind Colour, second was Time,
third was Flying Feathers, fourth was Ghost Spirits, fifth was Pure Cleansing, sixth was Red
Fox, seventh was Cheetah and eighth was Terminator.
“We can see that the four teams of Wind Colour, Time, Flying Feathers and Ghost Spirits
have successfully entered the playoffs. According to the knockout rules of the playoffs,
Wind Colour will face Ghost Spirits in the semi-finals and Time and Flying Feathers will
face each other. This season’s champion, I hope everyone will continue to play attention to
the playoffs that will begin in late October.” Kou Hongyi quickly explained.
The current team rankings basically reflected the strength of the domestic top eight teams..
Under the leadership of Ling Xuefeng, the Wind Colour became the hardest bone to bite on
in the first division. Time and Flying Feathers were also old teams. The Lou Zhang
combination performed well for Ghost Spirits this season. Pure Cleansing and Red Fox had
the strength to compete for the playoffs. Cheetah’s trap flow was powerful but relied too
much on chance. Terminator was weaker compared to these teams and ended up last.
The screen switched from the team rankings to another leaderboard.
Yu Bing explained, “Everyone, you are currently seeing the online voting results of the
World Carnival. At midnight tonight, the online voting will be completely closed. There are
still many netizens saving their votes so be sure to use all of them today. Don’t waste them.”
“The top six players will represent China at the first World Carnival. I hope you can take
this online voting seriously.” Kou Hongyi said. “This live broadcast is coming to an end.
Goodbye until the playoffs.”
Yu Bing corrected, “It should be goodbye until the World Carnival.”
Kou Hongyi quickly slapped himself and laughed, “It was so excited that I almost forgot. For
the Carnival project, I will also be commentating with Sister Bing. It is from 10 a.m. New
York time on October 2nd, which is 10 p.m. Beijing time. That is when the opening
ceremony of the first Miracle World Carnival will be held. Everyone who likes Miracle must
stay in front of your computer and pay attention to the wonderful performance of our six
Yu Bing nodded with a calm expression. “See you at 10 o’clock on October 2nd.”
The live screen moved towards the two team’s soundproof rooms.
The Time players who won the game were naturally very happy. Meanwhile, the players for
Terminator looked a bit depressed. They were at the bottom of the regular season.
According to the Miracle League’s promotion system, they would have to face the champion
of the second division next spring. If the champion of the second division beat them, the
opponent would take away one of the eight spots in the first division and Terminator
would be downgraded to the second division.
Captain Liao Zhendong frowned slightly. He thought of Old Cat who appeared in the Q
group some time ago and felt uneasy.
If Cat God came back with a new team, he would definitely return by advancing through the
second division. Then the Terminator team would be the biggest obstacle for Cat God to
Next spring’s promotion race, whose dream would end?
Liao Zhendong’s heart sank but he couldn’t fall down as captain. He shook hands with Time,
took a deep breath and hugged his teammates. He encouraged everyone by saying, “We will
refuel next season.”
Li Cangyu saw this scene and couldn’t help feeling sad.
He was often the losing party and would take the initiative to stand up and comfort his
teammates after losing a game.
At that time, he was still young. He could get up after every failure and continue to move
forward, plucking up the courage to lead the team. Now he was no longer qualified to fail.
He had only one chance and he had to grasp it.
‘Thus, Captain Liao, I will definitely defeat you in next year’s promotion match.’
Li Cangyu took a deep breath to stabilize his mood, turned off the live broadcast and spoke
in the team channel, “Today we won’t play any instances. All of you, look through the forum
to watch the videos. We will take a few days off to watch the Carnival.”
Xiao Gu’s voice was somewhat depressed, “Are you going to watch it live? I can’t go to the
scene with Uncle!”
Zhang Jueming spoke bluntly, “Never mind, I will accompany you to watch the videos.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I forgot to tell you the good news. My application to the boss has been
approved and the two of you can come to New York. Let’s watch the Carnival together.”
Xiao Gu excitedly cried out, “Ah really? I haven’t been to America yet. I can really go?”
Zhang Jueming was also excited. “You are truly loyal Cat God!”
Li Cangyu laughed. “The boss has a lot of money and I allocated some of the team funds.
This time, your fares to go back and forth will be deducted from the team funds.”
Xiao Gu sent a row of kisses. “Cat God is awesome! I’ve decided to be your fanboy starting
from today!”
Zhang Cheming smiled. “You have defected so soon? Weren’t you a Captain Ling fan?”
Gu Siming replied seriously, “I am Captain Ling’s black fan while I am Cat God’s brainless
fan. There is no conflict.
It meant that he would dare blacken Captain Ling but not Cat God, truly smart!
Zhang Jueming gave Xiao Gu a thumbs up and said, “I will ask the boss to book us tickets for
the day.”
Xiao Han had been silently listening to everyone on the voice channel. He couldn’t
understand anything and finally couldn’t help asking, “Cat God? What club? What are you
Xiao Gu replied positively, “We are professional players in the Dragon Song Club! Isn’t it
Xiao Han, “…”
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Xiao Han, we aren’t intentionally deceiving you. We don’t know
if you have the intention to go to China to play in the professional league so we didn’t say
anything the last time we met. In fact, Love to Eat Braised Fish is our team’s captain and we
are professional players.”
Li Cangyu added, “There is no need to feel any pressure. Once you come to New York,
everyone will gather together., Xiao Gu is a similar age so you should become friends.”
Gu Siming immediately agreed. “My paladin will cover you, Underwear Assassin!:
“…” What was this nickname?
Xiao Han stared at the screen. After a long time, he said, “Okay, I will come to see you on the
He was calm on the surface but Xiao Han was actually feeling curious. They were
professional players. He had actually been abused by a big god!

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GLS: Chapter 70
Chapter 70 – Crazy Voting

Li Cangyu was loyal while Liu Chuan was very bold. The last time they met in Changsha,
they helped Xiao Gu and Old Zhang buy tickets to go to New York. The procedures for
leaving the country and the tickets were all handled by Liu Chuan.
The Dragon Song Club had deep pockets and this wasn’t a high cost. Liu Chuan felt that it
was good to let players leave the country. In particular, Xiao Gu hadn’t gone anywhere since
joining the Dragon Song training camp. They should let him open his eyes and know the
truth of a mountain beyond a mountain, so that he could find his own position and have a
joyful debut.
Zhang Jueming and Gu Siming asked the boss about the departure time and then anxiously
rushed to pack their bags.
On the evening of September 25th, Miracle’s official website in China was almost paralyzed
by fans.
It was the last moments of the Carnival coting. The netizens cast their votes and the ranking
changed almost every minute. Just clicking their mouse on the refresh button would show
different rankings, making it particularly exciting.
Ling Xuefeng’s fans were very organized and disciplined. At around 11 o’clock in the
evening, they started to insanely vote, sending Captain Ling to a first place position that
couldn’t be surpassed. Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian’s fans followed, the trio forming the
first echelon of the voting.
The competition from the fourth to the twelfth place was extremely fierce. There were too
many excellent players in the Miracle League, each with their individual personality and
their diehard fans. The fans hoped that the players they liked could be selected. People
even registered various side accounts at the beginning and were waiting for the final voting
The current rankings from fourth place onward was: Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang, Time’s
vice-captain Cheng Wei, Pure Cleansing’s vice-captain Chu Yan, Cheetah’s captain Jiang Xu,
Ghost Spirits’ captain Lou Wushuang, Red Fox’s vice-captain Yang Muzi, Wind Colour’s vice-
captain Yan Ruiwen, Ghost Spirits’ vice-captain Zhang Shaohui, Flying Feathers’ vice-
captain Yu Pingsheng and Pure Cleansing’s captain Zhu Qingyue.
These people only had a difference of a few hundred votes between first and last and there
were still many fans waiting to vote at the least minute. The final result was unpredictable.
There was only one hour left!
At this moment, Zhang Shaohui suddenly wrote a message on Weibo. [Thank you to all the
people who voted for me. Friends who have extra votes, please don’t vote for me again. Use
all of them on my brother Lou Wushuang. I hope that he can represent the country and
become a killer at the World Carnival. Thank you!]
The fans left many messages. [I understand Vice-Captain Zhang!] [It would hurt his brother
so he would rather give up his spot to help his brother., Captain Lou will certainly be very
pleased to have such a brother!] [Listen to the vice-captain. Use all votes on Brother Lou!]
[Everyone vote quickly. We must secure one place for Ghost Spirits!]
Once Lou Wushuang got out from the shower, he opened to the voting interface on the
official website and saw that he had actually jumped to fifth place!
What was going on?
He had a cold personality since he was a child and didn’t have many diehard fans in the
league. It was incomparable to Tan Shitian. His votes had already fallen to seventh place
and he hadn’t held onto hope. How could he suddenly reach fifth place in the poll?
Lou Wushuang opened Weibo and finally understood.
It turned out that Zhang Shaohui voluntarily gave up an opportunity to be selected and
helped him gain votes on Weibo.
This stupid brother might have a low IQ but this simple support made Lou Wushuang feel
particularly warm.
He walked to the living room and found Zhang Shaohui looking through Weibo. Lou
Wushuang sat next to him and reached out for a gently hug. He placed his face on Zhang
Shaohui’s chest and whispered, “Thank you A’Hui.”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “Brother, we are more affectionate than true brothers. Thank you!”
‘What brother? Your grandfather’s grandfather and my grandfather’s grandfather were
Lou Wushuang scolded his fool in his heart but didn’t say it. He just quietly felt the distinct
muscles as well as the regular heartbeat.
His manly brother was always so reliable in key moments, causing Lou Wushuang to sink
Lou Wushuang helplessly sighed deep in his heart before pushing up his glasses and saying,
“If I am selected as a Carnival representative, I will ask the manager to let you come with
Zhang Shaohui’s eyes brightened. “Really? Great, if Brother goes and asks the manager then
he will definitely listen to you!”
There was a hint of softness in Lou Wushuang’s eyes as he watched Zhang Shaohui’s
excited appearance.
At the same time, Pure Cleansing’s captain Zhu Qingyue also posted a message on Weibo.
[Dear fans and black fans, if you still have tickets then please use all of them to vote for
vice-captain Chu Yan. Thank you. If Chu Yan is selected then I will cry for you. [Cry][Cry]
Fans, “…”
Black fans, “…”
The crybaby youth acted unscrupulous in order to gain votes and blackened himself.
The result was that Pure Cleansing’s vice-captain Chu Yan received a lot of sympathy votes
from passersby. There were also many messages under Zhu Qingyue’s post. [Crybaby, you
still haven’t weaned off your mother?]
[Xiao Zhu, don’t cry, I’ll go vote.]
[Xiao Zhu, don’t cry. I’ll give you a pack of paper towers. What brand do you want?]
The witty Zhu Qingyue blackened himself to pull sympathy votes for Chu Yan.
The little guy who cried after losing a game, who was abused and smeared in the last few
years, becoming the most controversial player in the Miracle League. However, he was
strong and could treat his own dark past as a joke, telling everyone that this young man had
really grown up.
Chu Yan felt very thankful as he looked at Xiao Zhu. “You blackened yourself without
Zhu Qingyue made an embarrassed expression but his eyes were particularly firm. “The
Pure Cleansing team should gain one spot. Master, you have to prove to Miracle fans
around that world that our country’s supports are also very powerful.”
Chu Yan smiled and agreed. “I will.”
In fact, Xiao Zhu was the apprentice personally raised by Chu Yan. Many players in the
league knew that Chu Yan was quite courageous for daring to put his crybaby apprentice
who just debuted as the captain.
Li Cangyu transferred with his team and Chu Yan abdicated to the position of vice-captain.
These two decisions had been voted by many netizens as the ‘boldest decision.’
Now when the Pure Cleansing team dealt with reporters, Xiao Zhu was able to face them
and show his ability to withstand setbacks. Chu Yan was actually in charge of the training
and tactical arrangements within the team. All fans of Pure Cleansing knew that Vice-
Captain Chu was actually the team’s real commander and pillar.
Once the ace players started to canvass for votes, the Carnival’s voting poll changed.
As one of the few female players in the Miracle League, Liu Xiang attracted many passersby
votes and was ranked fourth.
Cheng Wei relied on his popularity to be fifth but the fans of the Ghost Spirits and Pure
Cleansing teams united and released the tickets. Lou Wushuang and Chu Yan were
promoted to the top six and Cheng Wei was squeezed to seventh place.
The Time team already had Tan Shitian. In order to compete with Captain Ling and Captain
Su, the Time fans used most of their votes on Captain Tan. Now it was too late to pull up
Cheng Wei as the remaining votes definitely weren’t as much as the Ghost Spirits and Pure
Cleansing fans. Once the voting was about to end, Cheng Wei stared at the gradually
stabilizing rankings and couldn’t help feeling sad.
He wasn’t in the top six, he couldn’t go to New York to see Cat God…
Cheng Wei lowered his head in a depressed manner. Should he buy a ticket to go to New
Then Tan Shitian pushed open the door and entered. Once he saw the kitten’s sickly
appearance, Tan Shitian walked to his side and asked in a worried manner, “What is it?”
Cheng Wei whispered, “The result of the poll is confirmed. Zhu Qingyue and Zhang Shaohui
gave up their votes and I didn’t make the top six…”
This pathetic look was like a beloved fish being stolen from the kitten.
Tan Shitian sat down next to him and rubbed his head. “Don’t be sad. The fans of Ghost
Spirits and Pure Cleansing used their voting tickets. There are so many teams in the league,
if two members of Time are selected then the fans of other teams won’t be convinced. I was
asked by the manager to discuss some things and I made a request. If you weren’t selected,
I want to take you to New York. The manager agreed.”
The frustrated Cheng Wei was instantly full of blood and resurrected. He raised his head
and cried out, “Really?:
Tan Shitian smiled and nodded. “Of course, you are my family so you should accompany
Cheng Wei was dazzled by the fact that he could go to New York to see Cat God and didn’t
react to Tan Shitian’s words.
Family member accompanying him, since when was he Tan Shitian’s family?
The official website of the Miracle Professional League released the final result of the
Carnival voting that evening.
Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian, Liu Xiang, Lou Wushuang and Chu Yan.
Some people weren’t satisfied with this lineup but more than 80% of the netizens found it
Ling, Su and Tang were the captains of three high-profile teams. It was natural they would
be selected for the Carnival. Liu Xiang was the best healer in the league and her popularity
was very stable. Lou Wushuang was the representative of the domestic assassin while Chu
Yan was the best auxiliary. Such a lineup appearing in a group battle would definitely be a
luxury configuration.
Once the poll results came out, Ling Xuefeng sent a message on Q to Li Cangyu. [Cat, I was
Li Cangyu gave a thumbs up and praised him. [Good. When are you coming to New York?
Are you coming alone or with everyone?]
[The league will be making a group booking and Chairman Nan will lead all of us. We
should be in New York on the afternoon of the 30th.]
[Are there any activities scheduled for the afternoon of the 30th?]
[No, it will be a night off.]
[Then tell everyone that I will invite them out to eat.]
Ling Xuefeng immediately relayed Li Cangyu’s words to the Miracle Gossip Group.
[@Flying Cotton @Grey Wolf @Shadow Killer @Chu Gongzi. Everyone who is going to the
Carnival, Cat said that after we arrive in New York on the 30th, he will invite everyone to
Many people in the group were blown up by these words.
Cat? Who was Cat?
Cheng Wei was stunned for a long time. Cat should by Cat God so he couldn’t help saying:
[How can you call Cat God Cat? I called him Cat and he didn’t respond to me for half a day!]
Su Guangmo followed up: [Captain Ling, you calling the sharp Cat God by just Cat is too
[You don’t understand. Cat obviously sounds more amiable.] Tan Shitian followed up.
[How can you talk to your predecessors like that every day?] Chu Yan also popped out.
[Chu Chu, is your family’s Xiao Zhu crying? Do you need more paper towers?] Zhang
Shaohui also joined in on the fun.
Chu Yan immediately replied: [Hui Hui, don’t make trouble. Your brother is watching you.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
He was going to be broken by this group! Li Cangyu suddenly hesitated at inviting these
gods to eat.
Meanwhile, the culprit Ling Xuefeng was calmly thinking, ‘What’s wrong with me calling
him Cat? All of you don’t know the relationship between us., I have been calling him this
since I was 18 years old. It is my own exclusive nickname, okay?’

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GLS: Chapter 71
Chapter 71 – Large Foundation

At 5 p.m. on September 30th, the Chinese delegation for the first World Carnival arrived at
the New York airport. Chairman Nan Jiangang personally led the team to the hotel that the
committee had organized.
The hotel accommodations had been arranged in advance. Ling Xuefeng and the chairman
would have separate rooms, Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian were together, Chu Yan and Lou
Wushuang were together while Liu Xiang stayed alone…
Once they arrived at the hotel, they found that so many people had brought their ‘family’
No matter where it was, Su Guangmo had to bring along his younger brother Yu Pingsheng.
Tan Shitian was followed by the excited Cheng Wei, Lou Wushuang took his younger
brother Zhang Shaohui, Chu Yan had his apprentice Zhu Qingyue and even Liu Xiang
brought along a good friend, Yang Muzi.
Chairman Nan Jiangang’s head was as big as a cow’s and he immediately communicated
with the person in charge of booking the hotel to see if he could add more rooms. The result
was that the hotel designated by the organizer was full.
The desperate Nan Jiangang had to ask, “Do you want to squeeze together or find another
Cheng Wei raised his hand and actively said, “I can sleep on the ground!”
Zhang Shaohui took the initiative to come forward. “I will sleep with my brother in the
same bed. We often slept together when we were young.”
“…” Lou Wushuang made an awkward expression.
People were speechless at the silly Zhang Shaohui. How young was he when he was a child?
He wanted to squeeze onto the same bed as his brother?
In the end, the always reliable Ling Xuefeng calmly said, “I know a hotel nearby. Isn’t it
better to go there and see if they have a few rooms?”
The group had no problem with this. The six people who were contestants of the Carnival
first went to check in. They signed in at the reception desk, received the Carnival tickets
and settled their luggage.
According to the original arrangements, Tan Shitian should be rooming with Su Guangmo.
However, Tan Shitian didn’t take up his luggage. He secretly sneaked his key card into Su
Guangmo’s hand and said, “Captain Su, it is better if you stay with Vice-Captain Yu. I will
accompany Cheng Wei to another hotel.”
Su Guangmo patted Tan Shitian’s shoulder with a smile. “It is just to my liking.”
Zhang Shaohui wrapped an arm around his brother’s shoulder and said, “Brother, I will
stay with you. We will let Xiao Zhu stay with his master.”
Lou Wushuang gave his room card to Zhu Qingyue with a blank expression. “It is easier to
communicate when teammates are staying together.”
Everyone soon reached a consensus on the issue of accommodation.
Once Ling Xuefeng settled his luggage, he took Tang, Cheng, Lou and Zhang to a nearby
hotel and booked two rooms. Everyone took a break before meeting at the hotel entrance.
Ling Xuefeng said, “I have already set a place for inner with Cat. Is everyone ready to go?”
In the previous group chat, people became used to Ling Xuefeng calling Cat God by the
name ‘Cat’. However, seeing him type it was one thing, actually hearing him say it was
another matter. They didn’t know why but when they heard Ling Xuefeng say ‘Cat’, they got
a strange sense of intimacy.
If Li Cangyu was really a ‘Cat’, he was a sharp cat who scratched at his opponent!
The place to eat wasn’t too far away so Ling Xuefeng suggested that everyone walk there
Cheng Wei was excited about seeing Cat God and quickly rushed forward. Tan Shitian
helplessly pulled at his wrist. “Don’t go so fast. What if you get lost? Your English is poor so
you definitely won’t be able to find the way.”
Cheng Wei glared at him. “I’m not stupid. How can I get lost? There’s navigation!”
Tan Shitian smiled and pulled at him. “Yes, you are the smartest. In fact, I’m afraid of getting
lost so I have to follow you.”
Cheng Wei raised his chin. “Then keep up!”
The Tan Cheng combo led the way while everyone followed them with great enthusiasm. It
was because this was a foreign country. If it was a city in China, the paparazzi would
definitely be attracted by the gathering of so many gods while the teams’ fans would chase
They didn’t need to wear masks and sunglasses to hide their identity. They could wear
casual clothes and walk on the streets, enjoying the warm and welcoming sunshine. This
experience hadn’t been possible for a long time, causing the expression on everyone’s faces
to be relaxed and happy.
In order to facilitate the meeting, Li Cangyu’s restaurant was separate from the hotel
organized by the committee. Ling Xuefeng and the others quickly arrived at the location
and found the private room number mentioned in Li Cangyu’s text message.
Bai Xuan had gone to the airport to pick up Xiao Gu and Uncle Zhang so he wasn’t
participating in the party. Li Cangyu was the only person waiting for everyone in the
Once he heard someone knocking on the door, Li Cangyu got up and became stunned when
he opened it.
Weren’t there supposed to be only six Carnival players? How come there were more than
10 people. Was the size of the team so big?
The little fellow saw him and pounced, hugging him excitedly. “Cat God, Cat God, Cat God,
Cat God!”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Li Cangyu was almost knocked down and helplessly rubbed his forehead.
Yelling his name so loudly and repeating it four times, Cheng Wei was truly the league’s
number one brainless fan.
Due to the actions of the brainless fan, Ling Xuefeng was forced to temporarily hold back
his hug.
Li Cangyu helplessly pushed Cheng Wei away and smiled. “How did you come?”
Cheng Wei replied happily, “The boss gave permission for me to come with Captain Tan. I
haven’t been to the United States yet and I came to see you!”
Li Cangyu reached out and rubbed the little guy’s head, a rare doting smile on his face.
“Long time no see. Why haven’t you grown up yet?”
Cheng Wei pouted. “I am obviously two centimeters taller. When I first met you, I was 1.73
metres and now I am 1.75 metres.
Li Cangyu looked him up and down. “Are you 1.75 metres? Why do I feel like you are
shorter than before?”
Cheng Wei, “…”
The bullied Cheng Wei stared gloomily at Cat God. Li Cangyu softened up and smiled. “Don’t
stare at me like that. I admit that you have grown taller.”
Cheng Wei became happy and said, “Not only am I taller, I am stronger than before!” He
showed off his arm muscles to Cat God. Unfortunately, his little arm really didn’t have much
muscles to show…
The big cat and kitten were getting along so well. Ling Xuefeng and Tan Shitian exchanged
Among the people who came in later, Chu Yan and Su Guangmo were players who debuted
in the second season. It was only one year later than Li Cangyu. They had played against Li
Cangyu many times in that year and became familiar with Li Cangyu. They took the
initiative to greet him.
“Cat God still hasn’t changed much!” Chu Yan said with a smile.
“You too!” Li Cangyu spoke emotionally. “I haven’t seen you for several years but you are
still the same.”
“Haha, us old players haven’t changed much. It is the new players who grow quickly.” Then
he dragged his apprentice over.
Zhu Qingyue was somewhat embarrassed. His face was slightly red as he saw the man who
made him famous as a crybaby and he couldn’t help saying weakly, “Cat God is well…”
Li Cangyu found the young teenager and immediately became interested. “Xiao Zhu also
Zhu Qingyue replied, “Yes, I came to be part of the audience.”
Chu Yan explained, “Xiao Zhu hasn’t been abroad so I took him to watch.”
Li Cangyu agreed. “Yes, it is good to go out.”
“This time, many people brought someone.” Su Guangmo interrupted. “So many people
came today, won’t Cat God’s pressure be very big?”
Li Cangyu said, “It doesn’t matter. I brought my cards so eat whatever you want.”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to communicate with people. He stayed like a ghost behind his
brother and only smiled at Li Cangyu. The smile was faint, just like his silent walk. Vice-
Captain Yu was really amazing. If he moved around in the middle of the night, he would
definitely be able to give a ‘midnight shock.’
Li Cangyu nodded at Yu Pingsheng. Then Zhang Shaohui actively walked over to Li Cangyu
and extended a hand. “Cat God! You have become handsomer after a few years!”
Li Cangyu said, “You have become more talkative.”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “Of course. You are the host today so I have to praise you even
Lou Wushuang’s nature had always been cold. He came over and nodded to Li Cangyu, then
stood silently by his younger brother.
The remaining two sisters of the Red Fox team and Tan Shitian were younger generation
players who debuted in the fourth season. Li Cangyu was meeting them for the first time
Ling Xuefeng introduced them. “This is Red Fox’s current captain Liu Xiang and the vice-
captain Yang Muzi.”
Li Cangyu took the initiative to hold out a hand and said, “I am more familiar with Yu Bing. I
haven’t met any of the Red Fox’s second generation.”
Liu Xiang gave a gentle laugh and gracefully said, “I often hear people mention the name Cat
God. Today is our first meeting. Let’s get along in the future.”
This girl was able to act so calmly after meeting a big god and her generous performance
was decent. Li Cangyu admired her even more. He said with a smile, “Captain Liu is so
polite. Yu Bing raised a good person.”
“Yes.” Liu Xiang stood next to Yang Muzi.
“Cat God is well.” Finally, the youngest captain in this group, Tan Shitian came forward to
shake hands.
Li Cangyu looked up at him. Tan Shitian was standing next to Ling Xuefeng. Despite being
young, he didn’t show any weakness in his aura. Unlike Ling Xuefeng’s indifference and
toughness, Tan Shitian always smiled and gave the feeling of a ‘spring breeze.’ This
Storytelling God was full of humour and wasn’t afraid of Cat God whom he was meeting for
the first time.
Li Cangyu was very fond of this young player. Tan Shitian didn’t show the impatience of
young people when playing the game and he was more stable than Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei actively introduced them. “Cat God, this is the new captain of Time, Tan Shitian.”
“I know.” Li Cangyu nodded and shook hands with Tan Shitian. He praised, “Captain Tan is
really young and promising.”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Cat God is flattering me.”
In order to steal the kitten, he must have a good relationship with the big cat. Tan Shitian
thought this and his smile became brighter.
Cheng Wei made the initial move and Ling Xuefeng decided to grab the finale.
He wasn’t polite as the previous players who shook hands with Li Cangyu. Ling Xuefeng
stepped forward and directly hugged Li Cangyu to his chest, whispering, “Long time no
The hugged Li Cangyu thought that it hadn’t been that long. Didn’t they just see each other
in Shanghai?
But it wasn’t good to refute Ling Xuefeng in front of so many people. Li Cangyu could only
hug him and pat him on the shoulder. “Okay, let’s all sit down. Don’t be polite.”
Li Cangyu had booked a table for 10 people but too many people had showed up. He had
the waiter temporarily add two more chairs and dishes. The table might be slightly
crowded but it would also be more lively.
Li Cangyu sat down and said, “This store is opened by a Cantonese person. You have to
adjust to the time difference when coming to New York so it is better to eat some food from
home. Please try the light Cantonese dishes tonight.”
The brainless fan always supported Cat God’s decisions. “Cantonese is good! I don’t like
spicy food and I’m also not accustomed to half-cooked Western food. Cantonese food is
light and not greasy. It will be just right to eat.”
Su Guangmo also said, “Thank you Cat God. Eating light foods is better for digestion.”
Li Cangyu was very thoughtful about this. Some people didn’t easily adjust when going
abroad so it was best to eat light domestic food.
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Do you want to order first?”
“Well, everybody look at the menu and order what you like.” Li Cangyu handed the iPad for
ordering to Ling Xuefeng. The latter swept through the menu and first found the page for
fish. “There is steamed fish. Is it enough to order three?”
Li Cangyu said, “Order four.”
Zhang Shaohui asked, “Is steamed fish so essential that you will order four of them?”
Li Cangyu looked up and smiled. “Two are for me and the other two are for everyone else.”
Everyone, “…”
Li Cangyu VS. Carnival representatives and professional players, competition project:
eating fish. The result: Li Cangyu won.
Cat God’s obsession with fish was really admirable!
The one dozen people ordered a full table of dishes. Everyone chatted while eating and the
private room was full of joy.
The atmosphere of the Miracle League wasn’t as lively as it was in the first season. The
number of gatherings weren’t as frequent. Still, the best of the new generation, Tan Shitian
was humble since debut. He didn’t dare become too arrogant so old and new players could
sit together and chat.
The people of different teams had to kill each other every time they net on the field but now
the regular season had ended. The Carnival was just an entertainment gathering and there
wasn’t too much pressure. The young people didn’t need to be arrogant.
Since the Carnival started on October 2nd, Li Cangyu didn’t buy wine to avoid affecting
everyone’s status.
“Come, tea will be used as a substitute for wine. Everyone, let’s have a drink to having a
good time in New York!” Li Cangyu took the lead in standing up.
Everyone stood up together and toasted each other. It was a rare encounter and they
cheered for their common goal.
Once dinner ended, some people returned to their hotels while some were interested in
shopping in New York.
Ling Xuefeng wanted to talk to Li Cangyu alone but found that the big lightbulb Cheng Wei
was following Li Cangyu. Ling Xuefeng looked at Tan Shitian and said, “Captain Tan, is
Cheng Wei’s luggage still being held by the hotel?”
Tan Shitian immediately smiled and pulled Xiao Cheng away. “Let’s go back to the hotel
first and bring your luggage to your room. Otherwise, you might come back too late and the
staff at the front desk might be off work.”
Cheng Wei wondered, “Don’t hotels usually have people on duty 24 hours a day?”
Tan Shitian’s excuse was pierced but he still talked with a straight face. “Perhaps it is
different in New York. It is better to go and get it in advance.”
He said this while dragging Cheng Wei forward. Cheng Wei had to look back at Li Cangyu
and cried out, “Cat God, I am going first to get my luggage. I’ll see you again on another
Li Cangyu waved at him. “Come and find me when you are free. I will take you around the
downtown New York area.”
Cheng Wei was happy and easily followed Tan Shitian.
Once the two of them walked away, Li Cangyu looked back at Ling Xuefeng and asked, “You
took Cheng Wei away. Do you have something to say to me?”
“…” Ling Xuefeng was discovered by the witty cat and no longer covered it up. “How is the
situation with you team?”
“Fine.” Li Cangyu looked at him seriously. “The assassin you met in the online game
happens to live in Boston. I went to see him with Bai Xuan a few days ago. He is very
talented and I plan to train him to see if he can develop into a possible teammate.”
Li Cangyu didn’t want to hide it. After all, Ling Xuefeng was asking out of concern for a
friend rather than inquiring about the future enemy. There was no need to conceal it. In
any case, his team would be exposed in the future.
The trust that Li Cangyu gave him made Ling Xuefeng feel very thankful. His eyes weren’t
gentle as he whispered, “It isn’t easy to find a powerful killer. Right now, there are many
killers in the league but it is rare for them to be as excellent as Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui. If you can train this person, he might be the sharpest weapon against many teams
in the future. Take advantage of it.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Yes, that’s what I was thinking>”
Under the streetlights, Li Cangyu’s handsome face was illuminated by a warm glow. His lips
that opened and closed while talking seemed to be coated with a soft luster, making Ling
Xuefeng want to hold him and kiss him.
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were dark and deep, seemingly holding many unspeakable emotions. Li
Cangyu was watched by this eyes and suddenly got palpitations. He quickly turned away
and coincidentally saw a same-sex couple kissing intensely on the street. Li Cangyu touched
his nose and whispered, “Foreign countries are really open. Cough, we shouldn’t act as
Li Cangyu pretended to be calm as he stepped forward, destroying the ambiguous
atmosphere. Ling Xuefeng smiled helplessly and stepped forward with Li Cangyu.
The shadows behind them were stretched out by the streetlights, making them look fused
together from a distance.

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GLS: Chapter 72
Chapter 72 – Team Gathering

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng separated at the entrance to the hotel. Li Cangyu took a car
home. This time, it wasn’t his sister’s home but a small villa that he recently rented.
It wasn’t very convenient to always live in his sister’s house. In addition, Xiao Gu, Uncle
Zhang and Xiao Han were coming over. Li Cangyu simply rented a bigger house to receive
all this teammates.
He just got home when he heard the voice of a young boy. “This place is very big. Ah, Cat
God is rich. There are two floors!”
It was followed by standard Mandarin. “Don’t run around, you little madman! Hey, you
really are a little madman!”
This was clearly Zhang Jueming. Li Cangyu laughed and opened the door. “I’m back.”
Xiao Gu immediately pounced. “Cat God is back!”
Li Cangyu was once again almost knocked down and helplessly rubbed his forehead. Were
young teenagers these days always so warm and direct?
“Did Bai Xuan arrange a room for you when you arrived?” Li Cangyu asked Zhang Jueming.
“Yes, Vice-Captain Bai cleaned the rooms very well.” Zhang Jueming smiled and pulled the
young boy back. “Why are you holding Cat God like that? The qualification certificate to
become a brainless fan will definitely be sent to you. Now go and bring your luggage to the
Xiao Gu was taken by his uncle to sort out the luggage. Li Cangyu came to the living room
and saw Bai Xuan cutting fruit. He unceremoniously took an apple slice and shoved it in his
mouth. He asked, “Have you had dinner yet?”
“It was too late to go home and cook so I took them out to eat.” Bai Xuan looked at the
greedy cat eating fruit and smiled. “How was your party with them? How many people
were present today?”
“It was a bit much.” Li Cangyu said with a shrug. “I originally thought it would only be the
six Carnival players. The result was that 12 people turned up today. These people brought
their own followers.”
“So many people!” Bai Xuan was obviously very surprised. “Was Cheng Wei there as well?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu nodded. “There was also Yu Pingsheng, Zhang Shaohui, Xiao Zhu and Red
Fox’s vice-captain Yang Muzi.”
Bai Xuan exclaimed, “I haven’t seen these people in a long time.”
Li Cangyu gently wrapped an arm around Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “I will take you to the next
Bai Xuan glanced at him and said, “I’m not very interested in lively parties. Tomorrow night
we will be holding a gathering for our own team. Are you planning to go out or stay at
Li Cangyu pointed to Bai Xuan’s hands and laughed. “Of course I will be at home. Our Vice-
Captain Bai is cooking and will make them not regret joining the team. They will end up
surrounding Chef Bai.”
Bai Xuan heard these words and suddenly thought of a group of dogs and cat salivating
over his food. Under Cat God’s leadership, would this team really become a foodie camp?
The next day, Bai Xuan prepared a hearty meal in advance and prepared a full table in the
dining room.
At 5 p.m., Xie Shurong arrived on time. Xiao Gu and Uncle Zhang were meeting him for the
first time but due to their frequent conversations in the game, everyone wasn’t a stranger
and they chatted to each other.
Xiao Han arrived last and looked nervous as he stood in front of this group of people.
Gu Siming looked at the mixed-race teenager who was around the same age as him. He
walked over with great enthusiasm and said, “Are you the Underwear Assassin? Hello, my
name is Gu Siming. Did you dye your hair?”
Xiao Han, “…”
What did he mean by Underwear Assassin? Could he put away this bizarre title? In
addition, his hair wasn’t dyed!
Xiao Han looked at Gu Siming with some unhappiness. The latter looked at him curiously.
The two teenagers both had dark eyes but one had black hair while the other was a
beautiful gold.
Bai Xuan looked at this scene and something sprouted in his heart. He hurriedly walked
over and stretched out to pat both their heads. He said softly, “The two of you just met so
don’t quarrel. Let’s go eat first and taste my skills.”
After entering the restaurant, Xiao Han saw a young man and his eyes lit up.
“You are… Tree God?” Xiao Han was seeing his idol with his own eyes so his heart was
bound to be excited.
Xie Shurong showed a handsome smile as he acted like a great god. “Hello, I am Xie Shurong
and I am a member of Cat God’s new team.”
Xiao Han, “…”
Xie Shurong pointed to the seat next to him and said generously, “Xiao Han, come sit.” Xiao
Han sat beside him with a stunned look.
Bai Xuan smiled. ‘Xiao Han, later you will see Xie Shurong’s true self and your image of him
will certainly be broken.’
The dishes on the table looked really colourful and delicious. Once Li Cangyu saw that
everyone was present, he said, “Start eating. Everyone is welcome.”
Then Xiao Han saw a strange picture. Apart from Bai Xuan, the other four people started to
bury their heads in the food. The captain grabbed the fish in front of him, Tree God grabbed
the braised pork ribs in front of him. Gu Siming reached out for the eggplant bowl with
quick hands while the oldest Uncle Zhang wasn’t to be outdone and his chopsticks stole the
biggest chicken wing.
Xiao Han, “…”
How many days had they been hungry?
Bai Xuan saw that Xiao Han was still sitting there stiffly and smiled, handing over a piece of
braised pork. “Come eat. If you are too polite to them, you won’t be able to eat later.”
“…Thank you.” Xiao Han chewed on the braised pork while observing the group of people
gobbling down their food.
He wasn’t familiar with everyone and felt some shyness when eaten. Later, he found that if
he didn’t move fast, he wouldn’t be able to keep up with their speed. Almost all of the
vegetable dishes had been eaten. Only one piece of chicken wing was left and Xiao Han
hadn’t even tasted it yet. Xiao Han stared at the chicken wing with the sharp eyes of a killer
before raising his chopsticks and shooting accurately to grab the chicken wing.
At this table, he successfully grabbed the last chicken wing. He felt a strange sense of
Professional players using their hand speed to grab food… was this what the team was all
In addition, there was Tree God. Couldn’t he slow down when he ate? How did this image
completely contradict the elegant and fast moving swordsman?
During dinner, no one spoke. It was because everyone’s mouths were full of delicious food
and they were busy eating. Who could still chat?
It wasn’t until the meal was over and everyone was touching their bellies contentedly that
they headed to the living room to chat.
Li Cangyu smiled and asked, “How was the cooking of our vice-captain?”
Zhang Jueming immediately gave a thumbs up. “Sure enough, he is a legendary chef!”
Xiao Gu also said, “It is so delicious. I have never eaten such delicious eggplant!”
Xie Shurong patted Bai Xuan on the shoulder and spoke proudly. “I joined the team because
of Vice-Captain Bai. In addition to being a milk god, Vice-Captain Bai is also a chef!”
Bai Xuan smiled and looked at him. “You can’t get rid of your fate of washing dishes by
kissing up to me.”
Xie Shurong immediately hugged Bai Xuan in a petulant manner. “Bai Xuan, good Bai Xuan,
you are the best. Can I not wash dishes today? I have been washing them for a month!”
Bai Xuan ordered, “No, hurry and go wash them.”
Xie Shurong was forced to run to the kitchen. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he cried
out excitedly, “Great, there is a dishwasher!”
Xiao Han, “…”
He couldn’t think of A’Shu as his idol. Shamelessly holding onto the vice-captain in order to
not wash the dishes and then acting like the dishwasher was like winning the lottery… was
he truly a great god? Xiao Han was so disillusioned!

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GLS: Chapter 73
Chapter 73 – Receiving an Apprentice

October 1st was a day when everyone was idle. Xiao Gu wanted to go to the legendary
biggest Miracle store in the world. Xiao Han didn’t express an opinion but once the
surrounding stores were mentioned, his eyes turned bright. Li Cangyu decided to take
everyone to the stores.
The World Carnival attracted Miracle fans from all over the world. Once Li Cangyu arrived
at the shopping centre, he found that there were crowds of people here, with some well-
known shops having long queues.
The third floor contained the largest Miracle Square, with six racial status with realistic
appearance at the entrance. These status were over two metres tall and many tourists
stood with the statue to take a group photo.
Gu Siming tugged Xiao Han and rushed into the surrounding stores. He faced a large row of
game models in the window and finally decided to buy a model of a paladin. He was just
about to pay when Zhang Jueming patted the back of his head. “You are stupid. Coming all
the way to buy this stuff when the domestic Taobao stores have it at almost the same price
and even do home deliveries!”
Gu Siming, “…”
Bai Xuan also came over and smiled at Xiao Gu. “Your Uncle Zhang is right. These globally
distributed models don’t need to be bought in New York. Their prices are unified and they
can be bought domestically. If you want to buy something, you might as well buy the
limited editions that aren’t available in China.”
Gu Siming suddenly realized. “Oh, that’s right!”
Bai Xuan had a collecting hobby. His eyes quickly locked on a glass counter and he walked
Xiao Gu over to it, pointing to a display of exquisite goods. “These are all limited editions.”
Gu Siming wanted to take the entire glass counter back with him. Unfortunately, the limited
editions goods were expensive. He brought a lot of money but he could only buy a few
pieces. What should he buy? Gu Siming lowered his head and carefully selected.
Xiao Han also walked to the limited edition area and his eyes lingered on a box of
bookmarks. Bai Xuan walked over to him and smiled. “This set of bookmarks is to
commemorate the sixth season, including all the current classes in Miracle. The metal is
well preserved and it won’t fade for several years.”
Xiao Han nodded at Vice-Captain Bai’s comments. “The physical bookmarks are better than
the online photos.”
“Do you want to buy it?” Bai Xuan asked.
“…” Xiao Han looked at the price. This set of bookmarks was particularly expensive and he
didn’t have that much money on him. Buying the limited edition items was too extravagant.
Perhaps he could buy a set of paper as commemoration. Xiao Han thought this and looked
up. “I won’t buy it.”
Then he reluctant removed his gaze to other areas.
Bai Xuan looked at the teenager’s upright back and smiled slightly. Li Cangyu was coming
this way so Bai Xuan immediately pulled him to a corner and said softly, “Xiao Han
obviously doesn’t have much money when he came to New York this time. He just looked at
a limited edition bookmarks set and wasn’t willing to buy it. Do you want to buy it for him?”
“Oh, there is little meaning.” Li Cangyu used his credit card and bought the bookmarks set
that Xiao Han was just looking at. Then he walked to the teenager and patted him on the
shoulder, saying, “Xiao Han, this is for you.”
Xiao Han turned and found that Li Cangyu was holding the item he had been paying
attention to for a long time but wasn’t willing to buy. He felt touched but protested, “I… I
can’t accept you gift…”
“So polite.” Li Cangyu laughed. “It is a good thing to accept. I am older than you and have
earned more money than you. If you don’t mind, it is better to become my apprentice.”
Xiao Gu’s ears were very sharp. When he heard this, he rushed over and said, “Quickly
agree! Cat God has never taken an apprentice before! If Cheng Wei knows this then he will
definitely be jealous to death, hahaha. You can be out team’s little prince! You will be on par
with Qin Mo!”
Xiao Han, “…”
Who was Cheng Wei? Who was Qin Mo? He could never understand the little madman’s
Li Cangyu saw Xiao Han’s stunned expression. He patted the boy on his shoulder and said,
“I want to accept you as an apprentice because you are very talented. If you really want to
be good at playing Miracle, you can follow me. I have played in competitions for many years
and my experience is richer than yours.”
Cat God was actually being humble because his level could already be considered world-
class. Xiao Han was a rookie without professional training. The most powerful proof was
that he was killed down to his underwear in the online game.
Xiao Han didn’t know how strong this person was. He only knew that the other person was
a ‘professional player’. He didn’t know much about the domestic Miracle League and never
heard the name of Cat God.
However, Li Cangyu’s sincerity moved the teenager.
He was just a small and inconspicuous player. Forget Cat God putting him into his fixed
team in the online game. Cat God personally ran to Boston to see him and today he bought
such a valuable item and wanted to accept him as an apprentice…
This treatment made Xiao Han feel flattered and particularly warm.
He looked at Li Cangyu in front of him and found that this man’s smile was really
How could he hesitate to recognize such a master?
Xiao Han thought this and immediately nodded. “Okay, I will acknowledge you as my
Li Cangyu smiled with satisfaction. “Good, I promise that you won’t regret it.”
He hadn’t planned to accept Xiao Han as an apprentice. Then he talked to Ling Xuefeng on
the street last night and Ling Xuefeng mentioned that it was rare for a killer to surpass the
Lou Zhang combination in the domestic Miracle League. Xiao Han had been abroad and
wasn’t affected by the style of killers in the domestic league. He was a piece of white paper
and how he grew in the future depended entirely on him.
If Li Cangyu could one day bring this mixed-race boy back to China, maybe he really could
become the most distinctive killer on the stage of the Chinese Miracle League?
Besides, Ling Xuefeng had Qin Mo as an apprentice so Li Cangyu couldn’t fall behind.
He looked at the young boy who felt lost after having no money to buy the surrounding
goods and softened. This Xiao Han might’ve experienced some things, leading to a more
rebellious and arrogant nature than the average teenager. Li Cangyu wanted to raise this
boy and his strong desire to protect this boy made him not hesitate. He decided to accept
Xiao Han as an apprentice.
At this point, the teenager’s black eyes were full of emotions. Li Cangyu’s smile couldn’t
become wider as he patted the young boy’s head and stuffed the bookmarks set into his
hand. He said, “This is Master’s gift to you. I want to buy you something so you don’t have to
be polite. Just accept it.”
“…” Xiao Han was happy enough to faint.
It felt good to be fostered by a local tyrant!
Li Cangyu opened the buying mode of a ‘local tyrant’. He bought many goods for Xiao Han
and Xiao Gu, making the two youngsters extremely happy.
Li Cangyu didn’t expect that he would actually encounter Ling Xuefeng in these stores.
The eyes of the two men met in the crowd. Ling Xuefeng immediately walked over and said,
“What a coincidence. Why are you here?”
“I’m bringing my friends to buy something. What are you doing here?” Li Cangyu looked at
him doubtfully.
“I was idle today and decided to help Qin Mo buy something for Yan Ruiwen.” Ling Xuefeng
glanced behind him and say Bai Xuan and Zhang Jueming. He took the initiative to greet
them first. “Hello.”
Bai Xuan came forward with a smile. “Captain Ling is well.”
Zhang Jueming exclaimed, “This is Ling Xuefeng? I haven’t seen you in so long. You’ve
changed a lot.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “You have also changed a lot, Old Zhang.”
Zhang Jueming laughed and touched his chin. “I have a beard. I’m getting old!”
Gu Siming heard Captain Ling’s name and immediately ran over. “Captain Ling!”
Of course, he didn’t dare to directly pounce on this man. After all, Captain Ling was too
serious and showed an indifferent expression to everyone apart from Cat God.
Ling Xuefeng looked at the baby-faced boy in front of him and immediately thought of the
paladin in Cat’s team… his own black fan.
“Are you Xiao Gu?” Ling Xuefeng nodded to him.
Gu Siming was excited. “Ah, I didn’t expect Captain Ling to know my last name! Hehe! I am
Gu Siming!”
Zhang Jueming rubbed his head. “Hurry and ask Captain Ling for a signature.”
“Oh, yes!” Gu Siming opened a packet of freshly bought posters and handed one to Ling
Xuefeng. “Captain Ling, can I get a signature?”
Ling Xuefeng was polite and signed ‘Undead Demon’. This was his registered ID in the
Miracle Professional League and he was called a devil by fans. Gu Siming was very excited
and cautiously put away the signed poster.
Xiao Han didn’t know who Ling Xuefeng was but after seeing everyone come over to say
hello, he came and stood behind Cat God.”
Ling Xuefeng saw this blond, black-eyed mixed-race youth and couldn’t help asking, “Who
is this?”
Li Cangyu replied, “The assassin.”
Ling Xuefeng suddenly realized. “Oh, Frost Descends?”
Xiao Han’s eyes widened with surprise. “How do you know my game ID?”
“I’m Steamed Bass and I previously fought with you in the new district.” Ling Xuefeng said.
Xiao Han couldn’t help thinking, ‘This is the one Cat God called the weakest among his
Li Cangyu took the initiative to say, “His name is Xiao Han and I just accepted him as an
“Is that right?” Ling Xuefeng looked at Xiao Han and found that this young boy looked very
cold and stubborn. He seemed a bit like Ling Xuefeng’s arrogant apprentice Qin Mo.
However, Ling Xuefeng believed that this little guy would become obedient after a week of
training with Li Cangyu.
Ling Xuefeng thought up to here and said, “Train him well and I will let him play with Qin
Mo later.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “That is what I intended.”
Xiao Han was very confused when he heard the name Qin Mo but refused to ask. Gu Siming
actively came over and explained, “Qin Mo is a rookie in the domestic Miracle League and
Captain Ling’s only apprentice. Captain Ling is our Cat God’s strongest opponent so you and
Qin Mo will definitely be opponents in the future!”
Xiao Han was very dazed. Didn’t his master say that this person was the weakest among all
his friends? How come he was the strongest opponent?
Gu Siming gently patted Xiao Han’s shoulder and said in the tone of a senior, “Young man,
you have to refuel!”
“…” Xiao Han darkly glared at him. “Gu Siming, aren’t you a few months younger than me?”
“Really?” Gu Siming pretended not to know.
“…” Xiao Han ignored him while his heart was full of curiosity about China’s Miracle League.
“I have to go first.” Ling Xuefeng looked down at his watch and said. “The official delegation
of Chinese reporters will be here soon to film the stores. In order to avoid being recognized,
I suggest that you get out of here as soon as possible.”
“I’ll go after buying something.” Li Cangyu replied. “Go first and have a good afternoon rest.
The Carnival will open tomorrow morning.”
“Okay, I understand.”
Ling Xuefeng turned away. Li Cangyu moved through the stores with his teammates before
also leaving.
On the afternoon of the same day, Li Cangyu took everyone to visit a few well-known
attractions around the city. They also ate authentic Western food.
It was already dark when they came home and they had to get up early to go to the Carnival
venue tomorrow. Li Cangyu suggested that everyone go to bed early.
Xiao Han had a shower and sat on his bed to sort through today’s harvest. Then he heard a
knock on the door.
“Come in.” Xiao Han put away the surrounding boxes and Li Cangyu opened the door. Xiao
Han quickly got up. “Master.”
“Xiao Han, sit down. I have something to say to you.”
Li Cangyu walked over and sat down next to him. After the shower, the teenager’s skin
appeared whiter and his golden hair fell softly over his ears. He looked very cute but
always had a cold expression, making Li Cangyu think of a beautiful Persian cat with noble
“Master, did something happen?” Xiao Han asked as he looked up.
Li Cangyu smiled and stared at him earnestly. “Xiao Han, I used to be a professional player
and I plan to return to the Miracle League next year. If you are interested in playing the
professional league, I can bring you back to China. Our team belongs to the well-known
Dragon Song Club in China. The accommodations, training and eating conditions are all
good. The players are also easy to get along with. You will certainly adapt if you live there.”
Li Cangyu added, “Of course, if you don’t want to then I won’t force you. After all, you are
young and playing in the league isn’t as casual as the online game. You have to think
Xiao Han was stunned. “At my level, can I really play in the professional league?”
He played an assassin in the game because he liked hiding in the darkness to kill people.
Xiao Han didn’t feel that he had the ability to compete with professional players. The proof
was when he fought with Xie Shurong who was a god.
“At your current level, you can’t enter the league.” Li Cangyu patted his apprentice on the
shoulder and continued, “But you have many advantages. As long as you receive
professional training, you level can definitely improve. I am interested in your great
Li Cangyu looked at the teenager. “Xiao Han, I will ask you a serious question. Are you
interested in the Miracle Professional League?”
“Of course! I always wanted to play but many clubs in the United States aren’t openly
recruiting.” Xiao Han made tight fists as he said this. If he wasn’t interested in the
professional league, he wouldn’t pay attention to this side of Miracle or have the Chinese
player Tree as his idol. Just… Xiao Han scratched his head with hesitation. “My father might
not agree.”
Li Cangyu said, “As long as you have a firm attitude, do you want me to help convince your
Xiao Han’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Great!”
Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed his apprentice’s head. “Don’t rush to make a decision. Playing
in the league isn’t a simple matter. Once you become a professional player, you must
undergo harsh and cruel training. You must also bear failure and embarrassment. I’ll give
you a week to think about it and then let me know your decision. You are young and have
to think responsibly before making a decision. You can’t be impulsive, understood?”
“…Yes.” Xiao Han nodded.
Li Cangyu was only a few years older than him but this man’s experience made him seem
calm. Every sentence was very reasonable. Even if Xiao Han was in his rebellious period, he
admired and respected his newly recognized master.
Master was right. He couldn’t make a hasty decision. He would soon be 18 years old and
must be responsible for his future. Xiao Han decided to calm down and think about
whether he truly wanted to become a professional player.
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GLS: Chapter 74
Chapter 74 – Opening Ceremony

At 9 a.m. on October 2nd, New York time, the Chinese reporters and photographers waited
at the hotel entrance as stipulated by the organizing committee and broadcasted tidbits to
the domestic audience.
“Everyone watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, are you well? I am a frontline
reporter of the World Carnival, Yao Rong. In one hour, the Carnival will officially began! My
current location is the door of the hotel arranged by the World Miracle Organization for
this event. Our players are staying at this hotel. They will soon come out so let me do a
simple interview with them!”
The female reporter in front of the camera spoke quickly. She had her hair in a neat
ponytail and lovely dimples when she laughed. As she walked forward, she said, “The six
players in the Carnival are very popular gods in China. I believe that everyone must be
looking forward to seeing them. Oh, I see Captain Ling. Let’s go to say hello!”
Yao Rong walked quickly to Ling Xuefeng and raised the microphone to his mouth. “Captain
Ling, hello! How do you feel about coming to New York?”
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was very calm. “It’s fine.”
“…” This man was particularly difficult to interview but Yao Rong still had to ask, “In this
World Carnival, it is said there is a 3v3 match. Captain Ling, can you reveal who will be
participating in the 3v3 match?”
Ling Xuefeng said, “It is inconvenient to reveal this. It will be known to everyone after the
opening ceremony.”
Yao Rong was forced to let him go. “Then I will let captain Ling go!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
She saw Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng, Liu Xiang and Yang Muzi coming out of the hotel and
her eyes brightened. She walked over and excitedly said, “So many great gods are going to
the Carnival?”
Su Guangmo replied, “Yes.”
Yao Rong was curious. “Why is Vice-Captain Yu and Vice-Captain Yang here?”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to talk so Su Guangmo answered for him. “I brought my brother
over to be an audience member.”
Liu Xiang smiled and said, “I brought Xiao Zi to be a companion otherwise it will be too
boring when I’m the only girl.”
She just finished speaking when a familiar voice was heard from not far away. “Hey, hurry
up. Don’t be late! Where is the car parked?”
Yao Rong looked back and actually found Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei! There were also the
Lou Zhang brothers, Chu Yan and Xiao Zhu!
It was a shocking scene where so many great people stood together. Yao Rong froze for a
few seconds before recovering. She immediately ran over and pointed the microphone at
Cheng Wei. “Xiao Wei, why are you here?”
Cheng Wei waved at the camera. “I came to be a spectator and to cheer them on.”
Zhang Shaohui also placed his head in front of the camera and waved to the domestic
audience. “Hello everyone, doesn’t our Carnival backup group have a lot of people? Don’t
you think we are so united and loving? Don’t blacken us later, thank you!”
Everyone, “…”
Silly Zhang, could you not show your IQ in front of the domestic audience!
Lou Wushuang pulled his younger brother away from the camera.
Yao Rong looked at the group gathered together and was shocked. “How come there are so
many great gods? Are you planning to crush the other teams with the number of people?”
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue also came over. Xiao Zhu waved shyly at the camera and made to
wipe at fake tears before walking away. Chu Yan stood in front of the camera and said
seriously, “Our country has a large population so it is natural that there are more people
coming to New York for sightseeing.”
Tan Shitian smiled and added, “Based on the number of people, our Chinese team has won.”
Cheng Wei cooperated with his captain. “Captain spoke well, clap!”
Everyone, “…”
Tan Shitian was right. The other countries sent six people to the Carnival while the Chinese
team… the officials only allowed six people but couldn’t stop them from bringing their own
family members!
The result of so many family members meant there were more than 10 great gods
Of course, the supporters such as Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui couldn’t participate in the
competition. They could only sit in the audience and cheer for others.
Yao Rong exclaimed, “There are so many great gods cheering. I believe that the
representatives for this Carnival can perform very well!”
Nan Jiangang had specifically arranged a shuttle bus to pick up the contestants. As
everyone headed towards the vehicle, Yao Rong chased after them. “Can you still not reveal
the situation of the 3v3 match? Captain Tan, Captain Tan, do you want to play the 3v3?”
“Sorry, it can’t be revealed yet.” Tan Shitian smiled and winked at the camera. “This is a
tactical secret.”
Everyone, “…”
The Carnival might be an entertainment gathered but so many masters from all over the
world were coming today. They had to show the audience something. Therefore, Miracle’s
official website announced official news yesterday. The Carnival would have a 3v3 match.
Players from all over the world could choose three players in their country to form a small
team to play the 3v3 match.
Many Chinese Miracle fans were speculating about which representatives the Chinese team
would send. Reporter Yao’s question was the most concerning issue at the moment.
The audience watching the live broadcast listened to Tan Shitian and couldn’t help
commenting: [Please put Ling Su Tan together! Is there anyone who would question the
strength of these three players?]
[Ling Su Tan would definitely crush all opponents!]
[I am Tan Shitian’s sunspot but today I won’t blacken him. I want Ling Su Tang to join
At the same time, Li Cangyu brought his teammates to the Carnival venue.
Today’s scene was very lively. Looking around, in addition to the local Miracle fans in the
United States, many people came from abroad. Everyone spoke different languages but
their love for Miracle was strong.
A’Shu was sitting with the ICE team today while Xiao Gu and Uncle Zhang’s seats were
together. Li Cangyu could leave them alone but he wasn’t reassured about Xiao Han sitting
alone. Therefore, he had Bai Xuan asked the sister sitting next to him to switch seats.
This girl was Asian. It was unknown which country she came from so Bai Xuan asked her to
change seats in fluent English.
She came alone and Bai Xuan’s smile was very gentle. The girl easily agreed and changed
seats with Xiao Han. Xiao Han was also very happy at being able to sit with Cat God and Bai
The opening ceremony officially began at 10 o’clock.
The opening ceremony was mainly officially prepared performances such as real
reproductions of game plots, a large scale 3D stage drama, singing of theme songs, costume
shows of different classes, etc. Many well-known singers were also invited.
The venue that could contain tens of thousands of people was packed and the audience was
Once the performances were over, it was the real highlight of the Carnival—the admission
of the representatives!
It was the 1st World Carnival so the organizers laid the foundation to promote next year’s
World Competition. The Miracle League’s headquarters specifically invited representatives
from 16 countries to attend the event.
These 16 countries were all countries that held the Miracle Professional League in recent
years. The size of the league might be big or small but the players selected were quite good.
In today’s opening ceremony, all the players came on stage and it was a rare star-studded
picture, causing many audience members to stand up and clap while screaming
As thunderous applause spread out, the representatives from all over the world started to
Once the Chinese team entered, Xiao Han found that the man he met in the stores yesterday
was actually at the forefront. Wasn’t this Cat God’s weakest friend? How did he become a
Carnival player?
Xiao Han looked at Li Cangyu with a puzzled expression. The latter slightly smiled and
explained. “Xiao Han, I will introduce you to them. In order of appearance, there is Wind
Colour’s captain Ling Xuefeng, Flying Feathers’ Captain Su Guangmo, Time’s captain Tan
Shitian, Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang, Ghost Spirits’ captain Lou Wushuang and Pure
Cleansing’s vice-captain Chu Yan. They are very good players of China.”
Xiao Han suddenly realized. Then he was tricked by Cat God? Steamed Bass wasn’t the
weakest but was actually the strongest?!
The teams appeared based on the country’s English initials and the United States host team
appeared last.
Li Cangyu knew only one of the six US members, Jack Josh who was walking in front. He
was the world’s most famous blood kin summoner and vice-captain of A’Shu’s ICE team. It
was said that his style of play was crazy and violent. He was also very hot-blooded. Li
Cangyu sat in the VIP seats of the auditorium and could clearly see his appearance. He was
a young and handsome man with a typical blond and blue-eyed Western appearance. He
had a very confident expression on his face.
‘One day, I will stand on this stage and challenge you.’
Li Cangyu looked in Jack’s direction and smiled slightly.
These powerful opponents were constantly inspiring him to move forward. Today, he
might be sitting under the stage as a trivial audience member but Li Cangyu believed that
next year’s scenery would be different.
Once all the teams entered the stage, the players sat down and the host announced the
rules of the Carnival.
For the 1st World Carnival, the daytime events were all types of fun games. Players were
free to sign up for whichever one they wanted and each event had a bonus. There were
events such as playing basketball, playing football, long-distance races, relay races, etc. It
was like a fun sports meeting in which the Miracle characters participated.
However, the evening contained the real contest.
The 3v3 matches would be starting tonight. Each country’s team could select three players
to sign up for the project. The 16 teams were divided into four divisions and would fight
from the group stage to the finale. The champions, runners up and third runners up would
receive high bonuses.
In addition, there were the 1v1 matches. All players were free to sign up and play the
elimination system. Whoever stood at the end would win a special trophy and a high bonus
from the World Miracle Organization.
The list of 3v3 teams sent by various countries started to be published on the big screen.
To the surprise of many viewers, the Chinese representatives actually sent two teams to
the 3v3!
Team 1: MOMO, LXF, CY.
Team 2: Tenday, Killer, XX.
The mix of pinyin and English made many foreigners feel puzzled. In particular, the ID of XX
was confusing. However, the domestic audience recognized it with one glance. Su Guangmo
(MOMO), Ling Xuefeng, (LXF) and Chu Yan (CY), the three old players formed one team!
Tan Shitian (Tenday), Lou Wushuang (Killer) and Liu Xiang (XX), the three new generation
players formed the second team.
The comments area in the live broadcast site was instantly filled.
[I thought three people would be selected out of six. I didn’t expect the result of two teams!]
[Directly sending out two teams, our six Chinese members are awesome!] [Look, both
teams are so powerful!] [Which group should I worship?]
Commentator Yu Bing saw this scene and also felt excited. She endured it as she said,
“Many viewers thought that Ling Su Tan would likely win the championship if they joined
hands. But obviously, our contestants are so confident that they sent two teams. All six
players entering the competition… it is unexpected.”
Kou Hongyi exclaimed excitedly, “Yes! Our country actually sent two teams! I suddenly
have a hunch that our first and second team will be in the finals! It is like the table tennis
event at the Olympics where our own people competed for the championship.”
Yu Bing spoke calmly, “However, Miracle isn’t a game that originated in our country. There
are many excellent foreign players. We should look forward to the wonderful performance
of our six national players.”
Putting aside China, the countries of South Korea, the United States and France also sent
two teams.
South Korea had always been an e-sports powerhouse. The WCG, a comprehensive event
hosted by South Korea, became a worldwide event. The United States was the birthplace of
Miracle and the e-sports atmosphere was very strong. There were a large number of
competitors playing the game. France had been developing rapidly in recent years and the
style of their players was very distinctive. The players of these three countries were very
Other countries might not have leagues as big as China, South Korea, the US and France but
since they could select three out of six players, the lineup they chose would definitely be
It was really unknown who the final winners would be.
Xiao Han looked at Li Cangyu with concern. “Master, does the Chinese team have a big
chance of winning?”
“Well, the current lineup configurations have the most perfect distribution possible with
these members. The first team of Ling, Su and Chu have the eruption suppression tactic.
The second team will have the unpredictable kiting and assassination tactics.” Li Cangyu
explained with a smile. “I’m hoping that they will meet in the finals.”
Xiao Han heard this and his heart was extremely shocked.
Due to the time difference, domestic games were often played at three or four in the
morning in Boston. Therefore, he paid little attention to events in China. Once he went
abroad with his father, Chinese e-sports were rarely mentioned.
In just a few years, the Miracle players in China had become so strong?

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GLS: Chapter 75
Chapter 75 – Fun Ball Game

After the opening ceremony, the first event of the day officially started.
Today’s entertainment project was a basketball game. The map in the game was made into
a standard basketball field. 10 players participated in each round and the system randomly
assigned them to the red team and the blue team.
The rules of the game were very simple. The basketball was an item that could be picked up
when the player was half a metre from it. A player with the basketball would have a mark
on top of their heads and the basketball would fall when controlled by the opponent’s skill
or blood fell. Once it fell to the ground, other people could grab the ball. As soon as the ball
reached the basket, there would be a ‘shooting’ prompt where the player could aim at the
basket and shoot the ball.
It was an entertainment project involving game characters so there was no difference
between forwards or defenders and the judgment on fouls wasn’t as strict. They just
needed to grab the basketball and score in the basket.
On the big screen, the 10 characters logged into the game in turn. The host gave everyone
time to read the rules that were translated into multiple languages.
The players on both sides were ready and as soon as the basketball appeared, the group of
people immediately swarmed.
There were no Chinese members in this batch of players. The fastest person was the
American team’s elf archer, Thomas. He was a strong black youth who always showed
white teeth when smiling. He ran to the basketball and picked it up with a very fast hand
speed. Then he rushed to the basket, stood there and shot!
“The ball went in!” The host said excitedly. “However, it seems to be the wrong basket…”
System decision: Blue team +1 point.
Thomas of the red team found that he added points to the other side and typed with a blank
face in the public channel: [??]
Audience, “…”
Those who watched basketball games knew that the ball had to be thrown into the opposite
basket to count. Thomas held the basketball and threw it into his side’s basket, giving the
opponent one point.
In the audience, Cheng Wei smiled and cried out, “Isn’t this person stupid? Throwing the
ball into his home’s side, haha!”
Li Cangyu heard the familiar voice coming from a row behind him. He looked back and
found Cheng Wei, Zhang Shaohui and the others sitting in one of the rows behind him. Li
Cangyu hadn’t noticed when sitting down because there were too many people. Now he
looked back when he heard Chinese and met Cheng Wei’s eyes.
Cheng Wei’s eyes brightened and he waved excitedly. “Cat God, Cat God!”
If it hadn’t been for the people in front of him, Cheng Wei would’ve eagerly pounced over.
He really did look like an excited cat.
Li Cangyu smiled and gestured for him to sit down. Cheng Wei hurriedly sat down and used
his hands to signal them to eat together later on. Li Cangyu made an OK gesture and Cheng
Wei smiled happily.
Bai Xuan saw this scene and softly explained in Xiao Han’s ear. “That person is Cheng Wei,
the Time team’s vice-captain. He is Cat God’s number one brainless fan and he will
definitely be jealous if he knew that Cat God accepted you as an apprentice.”
Xiao Han scratched his head with confusion and asked, “The vice-captain of Time is a fan of
Master? Is Master very powerful?”
Bai Xuan smiled and patted the youth on the shoulder. “You will know later.”
Lou Wushuang sat in the contestant seats and sent a text message to his brother. [Thomas
is really your kind.]
Zhang Shaohui replied: [How are we the same kind? I am yellow-skinned and he is black!]
Lou Wushuang wasn’t polite. [You are the same type of single-celled animals with
developed limbs and simple minds.]
Zhang Shaohui automatically ignored the latter half of the sentence and happily replied:
[Brother, are you praising my well-developed limbs? I’ve been playing basketball every day
and my figure recently became better. I have an eight pack. Once we go back at night, I will
let you touch it.”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
On the big screen, the red and blue teams in the fun basketball game had fallen into a
scuffle. Once the basketball was taken away by the other party, everyone hurriedly fought.
All types of professional moves filled the basketball court and it was unknown where the
basketball item had gone.
The blue team’s agile assassin aimed at the basketball and ran over. He wanted to use the
stealth function but found it couldn’t be used here. He only hesitated for a second and the
basketball was once again taken away by Thomas of the US!
The host was excited. “Oh, it is our fast moving Thomas!”
Then Thomas ran all the way and threw the ball into the basket.
System decision: Blue team +1 point.
Thomas typed with a blank face: [??]
The host said, “…He once again threw it in the wrong place.”
The live audience burst out laughing.
A British member on the same team explained it to him for a long time before Thomas
understood. He laughed and scratched the back of his head in a silly action.
In the domestic live broadcast, the fans commented: [Thomas is a teasing monkey!]
[He is obviously a spy sent by the blue team hahaha!]
[If he later meets a member of the Chinese team, please continue to give away points!]
The black young man was the vice-captain of the huge American AK team. He had a strong
individual ability and was a relatively famous elf bard in the world. Tan Shitian might be
very famous in China but he didn’t have as much fame as Thomas in the world. It was just
that Thomas had a fatal flaw. He often relied on intuition, a typical hot-blooded player who
pressed buttons.
The one sentence evaluation of him was ‘developed fingers and a simple mind.’
His hand speed was very fast. He was comparable to Li Cangyu but he didn’t think as much.
He was usually controlled when fighting under his captain’s command. Today no one
directed his play so he became a wild horse that gave his opponent two points in a row…
Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help laughing at the sight. “This is the most famous archer in the
world at the moment. Does Tan Shitian have any interest in going toe to toe with him?
Cheng Wei, did you captain join the 1v1 event?”
Cheng Wei replied, “He didn’t join today’s 1v1 project. He might join tomorrow.”
The curious Zhu Qingyue asked, “What about basketball? Is he going to play in the
basketball game? It looks like fun.”
Zhang Shaohui said, “My brother definitely won’t join!”
Of the players selected for the Carnival, Ling Xuefeng and Chu Yan had a relatively calm
temperament while Lou Wushuang was relatively cold. The three of them weren’t
interested in the boisterous basketball event. Liu Xiang was gentle and a healer. Stealing
the basketball was too difficult for her. Su Guangmo had a hearty personality and Tan
Shitian was humorous so they were more likely to join the basketball event together.
The result of the first round was quickly announced. Thanks to Thomas giving away
points… the blue team won and were given souvenirs from the organizers.
Then the IDs for the second round of players appeared on the big screen.
Li Cangyu looked up and saw Tenday and MOMO. Sure enough, Tan Shitian and Su
Guangmo joined and they happened to both be on the red team!
At the beginning of the game, Tan Shitian took advantage of the elf’s agility and picked up
the basketball. Someone wanted to intercept him but he evaded with a clever movement.
Later, someone controlled him. Su Guangmo suddenly used Spirit Lock to stop the person
from interfering with Tan Shitian.
With Su Guangmo to cover him, Tan Shitian took the ball and quickly arrived at the basket.
They shot the ball and the red team scored one point!
Next, the blue team started off with the ball. The assassin on the opposite side ran forward
and Su Guangmo directly used the big move Light and Shadow Rotation to stop him. Tan
Shitian took the opportunity to grab the ball and turned using Flying Feather Steps. He
rushed to the basket and the ball once again went in. The red team got another point!
Deafening applause suddenly filled the venue.
The red team scored two points less than one minute after the opening. The expressions on
the faces of the blue team’s players were stunned. The cooperation between Su Guangmo
and Tan Shitian was too fast. Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation and Tan Shitian’s elf
movements were so fast that they were caught off guard.
In the commentator’s room, Yu Bing saw this scene and couldn’t help saying, “In fact,
Captain Su and Captain Tan also play basketball in reality. I remember they play against
each other sometimes and today they are playing together. It is natural to have a tacit
Kou Hongyi looked back at Yu Bing. “Speaking of basketball… is there any other player in
the league who plays?”
“Vice-Captain Zhang Shaohui of Ghost Spirits is also very good. According to his brother,
Zhang Shaohui was captain of his high school’s basketball team. And…” Yu Bing suddenly
stopped talking. Kou Hongyi asked, “Who else?”
—And Li Cangyu.
Yu Bing was silent for two seconds before changing her words. “There are also several old
players who have retired.”
Kou Hongyi saw that Yu Bing didn’t want to talk any more and didn’t ask.
In fact, Li Cangyu played particularly well.
Yu Bing still remembered when she saw Li Cangyu and Su Guangmo playing. After the
opening of the third season, several players would go to the basketball court behind the
hotel in the evening when they were bored. Li Cangyu was only 20 years old at the time
and was slender and well-proportioned. He looked handsome when running with the ball.
Dribbling, moving, layup… all his actions were like a professional basketball player.
Yu Bing watched him played and thought of a scene. It was a sleeping cat who found prey
and immediately unsheathed his sharp claws. He ran steadily and caught the mouse, killing
it. He was decisive and simple, without wasting any time!
Li Cangyu dribbled the ball very fast. As long as it was in his hands, Su Guangmo found it
very difficult to intercept.
Su Guangmo’s level wasn’t low. His style of playing favoured a fierce dunk so their single
match against each other was very fierce.
At that time, there were a few players watching the game. Ling Xuefeng’s expression was
cold but his eyes kept following the figure in the centre of the court. Cheng Wei cheered for
Cat God while Xie Shurong cheered for his brother. Yu Pingsheng stayed as quiet as a ghost.
Finally, Su Guangmo lost by two points and the sweaty Li Cangyu walked under the setting
sun, his whole body seeming to give off a dazzling halo.
Ling Xuefeng thoughtfully handed him a bottle of water and a towel, stating in a low and
gentle voice, “Wipe off your sweat.”
“Yes, thank you.” Li Cangyu smiled at Ling Xuefeng as he used the towel to wipe his sweat.
He turned and found Yu Bing watching on the side and waved to her. “Yu Bing, do you want
to go eat with us? I will treat you.”
Yu Bing, who was just passing by, was fortunate enough to follow them to eat.
This was three years ago and her memories were still impressive. This person was too
dazzling, strong and distinct. She always wondered why he had such bad luck and was
unable to get the trophy.
While Yu Bing was distracted, the score on the court had quickly become 10:2.
Kou Hongyi sighed. “Captain Tan and Captain Su have completed covered the ball. The
match is flowing with them! The people on the other side are completely stunned. It seems
that this time, the red team will win!”
Sure enough, the 10 minute game finished and the red team clearly won with a big lead.
Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian looked very happy. They received souvenirs and sat back
down with the contestants.
During the intermission time, the on-site camera cut to the auditorium and a familiar figure
flashed on the screen. The person’s facial features weren’t particularly exquisite but
combined together, he looked distinct and profound. He had a pair of dark eyes and was
very handsome.
Yu Bing stared with astonishment. Was that Cat God?
However, when she wanted to look closely, the camera had already cut away. This was just
to see the audience’s enthusiasm and the man’s face only flashed on the camera for a short
time. It was too short for people to recognize him.
Yu Bing was suddenly reminded of a text message that Liu Xiang sent her yesterday. [Sister
Bing, today I saw Cat God in New York. Cat God invited us to eat and also wished you well.]
Li Cangyu was in New York so he really had come to the venue right?
Yu Bing forced down her excited mood as she thought, ‘The person who has long been
buried must have a day to shine!’

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GLS: Chapter 76
Chapter 76 – Striving for Favour

The morning’s entertainment basketball event was very happy. In the third game, the host
selected a few lucky viewers to go on stage to play with the great gods, causing the
atmosphere to become bustling.
At 12, the Carnival was paused as they entered the lunch break
Cheng Wei immediately ran towards Li Cangyu. “Cat God, I will invite you to eat lunch!”
He turned and found Vice-Captain Bai was also present. Cheng Wei smiled and greeted him.
“Vice-Captain Bai, long time no see!”
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Yes, you have become taller!”
“Yes, Vice-Captain Bai also looks good.” Cheng Wei was very happy.
Unexpectedly, he found a person with black eyes and blond hair following behind Bai Xuan.
Cheng Wei looked at him curiously before thinking he was a random and ignoring him.
Then Xiao Han went to Li Cangyu and asked, “Master, where are we going for lunch?”
Cheng Wei immediately stared in shock. “What did you call him?”
Xiao Han repeated, “Master.”
Bai Xuan explained, “This is the apprentice that Cat God just accepted.”
“…” Cheng Wei stared bitterly at Xiao Han, his cheeks puffing up.
Li Cangyu smiled, “You look just like a great god!”
“…” Cheng Wei clung to Cat God’s arm. “I also want to worship, I also want to worship! Why
did you accept him as an apprentice and not me?” He stared at Xiao Han while speaking.
Xiao Han was killed by Cheng Wei’s gaze and looked at Li Cangyu in a daze.
Bai Xuan was entertained on the side. It was like a cat with his fur sticking up and a Persian
cat fighting for a handsome black cat. Cat God’s body seemed to have a magnetic field that
attracted young people. The young people in the league were all his fans.
Li Cangyu helplessly rubbed his temples and looked at Cheng Wei. “You are the vice-captain
of the Time team, shouldn’t you be more mature?”
Cheng Wei lowered his head in a depressed manner and Li Cangyu rubbed his ears. “Be
obedient. In my heart, you are like my little brother and your current identity isn’t suitable
for acknowledging me as a master. Do you understand?”
Brother? Didn’t this seem more intimate than apprentice?
Cheng Wei’s eyes brightened and he nodded with satisfaction. “Yes! Then he should call me
Uncle.” Cheng Wei looked back at Xiao Han and raised his chin. “Since you are a younger
generation, I won’t care about you.”
Xiao Han, “…”
—The first round of competition, Cheng Wei won.
Xiao Han was still in a curious and dazed state because he wasn’t clear about the
relationship between his master and this person.
Cheng Wei wanted to have lunch together. As a result, Bai Xuan said, “The Carnival has just
stopped so the restaurants nearby will definitely be crowded. It is better to go home and
eat. I will cook a few dishes.”
Li Cangyu agreed while Cheng Wei had no opinion and naturally followed them.
Once everyone arrived at home, Bai Xuan went to cook while Uncle Zhang helped him. Xiao
Han and Xiao Gu ran to the living room to play a boxing game. Cheng Wei was at Li
Cangyu’s side and constantly asking him questions. “Who is Xiao Han? What about Xiao Gu?
Are they all members of your team?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, I only have six members on my team at the moment.”
“There are only five here. Is there one more?”
“Xie Shurong. He is with the ICE team today and it isn’t convenient for him to come over. He
will return home with me when his contract expires at the end of the year.”
“A’Shu?” Cheng Wei was stunned. As one of the two strongest players who debuted in the
third season, Cheng Wei was naturally familiar with Xie Shurong. He didn’t expect A’Shu to
join Cat God’s team and was very happy for Li Cangyu. “If he is there, your team will
definitely be excellent!”
Li Cangyu sighed, “My luck this time is really good.”
Cheng Wei was silent for a moment before suddenly saying, “Cat God, in fact, I… I signed a
contract with the Time team for only three years. This year happens to be the sixth season
and my contract will expire at the end of the year.”
Li Cangyu knew what he wanted to say but pretended not to know. He turned back and
asked, “So what?”
Cheng Wei whispered, “If I move to your team, will you accept me?”
Li Cangyu replied decisively. “No.”
Cheng raised his head in surprise. “Why? Is my level worse than Xie Shurong?”
Li Cangyu helplessly patted Cheng Wei’s head. “Both of you have contracts expiring at the
end of the year but your situation is different from A’shu. How old are you? Don’t be so
“I’m not being impulsive. I’m serious.” Cheng Wei looked seriously at Li Cangyu. “Isn’t your
team still missing people? Moreover, my contract with Time is expiring. I am free to leave
so I will talk to Manager Li.”
“What about Tan Shitian?” Li Cangyu asked.
Cheng Wei scratched his head and said, “He signed a five year contract with Time.”
“I mean, what will he do when you’re gone?” Li Cangyu looked seriously at Cheng Wei. “Tan
Shitian became the captain of Time shortly after he debuted. He was a newcomer who took
over as captain and guaranteed that Time’s performance didn’t decline. You definitely
didn’t care about the team’s matters. How you thought about how hard it was for Captain
Tan to lead the team?”
“…” Cheng Wei was stunned and couldn’t speak for a moment.
“Why did I choose to take my brothers to Wulin instead of joining another team alone? It is
because I have responsibility as a captain. As a captain, I have to handle that responsibility.
But you, as vice-captain, actually say that you want to leave. Completely ignoring your
teammates, do you have any sense of responsibility in your heart?”
Li Cangyu’s voice was so serious and powerful that he couldn’t refute it.
“Cheng Wei, when Xu Luo left, he didn’t give the captain’s position to you because you are
impulsive and never consider problems from the perspective of others. You are 19 years
old, not a 16 year old emotional child. I can understand that you are grateful to me for
guiding you but don’t forget that the Time team is the place that raised you.”
Li Cangyu looked at Cheng Wei and declared, “Without the Time team, you wouldn’t be able
to rise to the peak. Now you are going to abandon them when you are famous. What will
the fans of the Time team think of you? What would your teammates say? What would Tan
Shitian think of you?”
“…” Cheng Wei lowered his head and didn’t speak, his eyes red.
He saw the little guy hanging his head with a pathetic look and couldn’t help softening his
heart. “I am saying this for your own good. Xiao Wei, it is time for you to grow up. The thing
I want to see most is for you to become a good vice-captain, not following me to my team.
Once your strength becomes equal to mine one day, it will prove that I wasn’t wrong in
bothering to teach you that year. Do you understand?”
“…I understand.” Cheng Wei nodded.
Cat God was right. He was really too impulsive. He could leave the team after the contract
expired but if he left Time now, they would be in great trouble without a successor to the
white magician.
He had never considered the situation from Tan Shitian’s perspective. He always felt that
the smiling Tan Shitian wasn’t serious and wasn’t as good a captain as Cat God and Captain
Today he was taught a lesson by Cat God and instantly sobered up.
If it wasn’t for Tan Shitian, maybe the Time team would’ve already fallen!
Why didn’t he think about it? After the new captain took over the team, it was necessary to
handle the relationship between players. He needed to ensure that the team members
listened to his commands, ensure that the team’s performance didn’t decline, draw fans to
the team and cope with the media…. Cheng Wei didn’t do anything as the vice-captain so
Tan Shitian must be very tired, right? If it wasn’t for Tan Shitian’s abilities, the Time team
would’ve been squeezed out of the ranks of the giants.
Cheng Wei was sad and embarrassed when he thought of this. He even felt disgraced in
front of Cat God.
“I…I was wrong…” Cheng Wei whispered, “I will go back and renew my contract. I want to
be a good vice-captain.”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Xiao Wei, your goal should be to surpass
the big gods in the alliance. You are only 19 years old and can play for several years. Your
future is boundless. You should put your vision a bit higher, understand?”
Cheng Wei nodded hard. “Yes!”
He knew that Cat God was really good to him because who didn’t want him as a teammate?
Moreover, Cat God’s team was now lacking people. If he joined, he would definitely be a big
help to Cat God.
However, Cat God decisively refused in consideration for Cheng Wei’s future…
This was really seeing him as a younger brother!
Cheng Wei was moved by Li Cangyu and said seriously, “Thank you Cat God.”
Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed his head. “I just want you to understand.”
After eating lunch and returning to the hotel, Cheng Wei swiped his card at his room door.
As soon as he entered, Tan Shitian nervously pulled him over. “Where have you been? I
called your phone and didn’t get through. I thought you were lost! Did you eat? I bought
you takeaway. Would you like to heat it up and eat it?”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help feeling bitter when he saw Tan Shitian’s concerned eyes and
hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry…”
Tan Shitian became slightly stiff as he was smothered by the little guy. He found that Cheng
Wei’s eyes were red and couldn’t help asking, “What is this?”
Cheng Wei buried his head in Tan Shitian’s chest and spoke in an embarrassed manner. “I
was wrong…”
“What’s wrong?” Tan Shitian was dumbfounded.
Cheng Wei whispered, “I saw Cat God today and went to lunch with him. I told him that…
my contract with Time is soon expiring and I want to join his team.”
Tan Shitian frowned.
Cheng Wei’s head hung lower. “I ended up being scolded by Cat God. I have figured things
out so once we return home, I will renew my contract with Time for another three years,
just like you.”
Tan Shitian was relieved when he heard this. Cat God really killed Cheng Wei’s impulsive
Cheng Wei went on to say, “I was being too willful and never thought of your feelings. I’m
sorry. I am probably the most unqualified vice-captain in the league. Later…I will help you
out. If you aren’t busy, please teach me…”
Tan Shitian still didn’t talk.
Cheng Wei looked up at him. “Are you angry?”
Tan Shitian couldn’t help smiling at the sight of the wet eyes and gently pinched Cheng
Wei’s face. “Did you cry after being scolded by Cat God?”
“I didn’t cry. I’m not crybaby Zhu Qingyue.” Cheng Wei looked embarrassed. “I just… felt
Tan Shitian helplessly sighed in the bottom of his heart. He guessed that Li Cangyu’s
scolding of Cheng Wei wasn’t light. The big cat was an elder to the kitten. The kitten did
wrong so the big cat should scold him.
He wanted to leave Time? Tan Shitian would scold him all day!
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s guilt, remorse and red eyes and couldn’t help softening. He
extended his arms, gently hugged Cheng Wei and said softly, “Okay, don’t be sad. It is good
that you are willing to stay in Time.”
He never realized before that Tan Shitian’s embrace was so forgiving and warm.
Cheng Wei remembered the past and felt ashamed. He buried his head and declared
seriously, “Captain Tan, after this, I will help you manage the Time team together.”
“Yes.” Tan Shitian smiled and held this little fellow tightly.
In fact, Tan Shitian didn’t need a strong vice-captain. His ability alone was enough to
manage the affairs of the team. Cheng Wei was emotional, silly, had a simple heart and was
However, it was this simple and straightforward teenager that attracted Tan Shitian’s eyes.
Bullying him, making him angry, looking at his hair that stood up… but also wanting to take
care of him, protect him and hug him.
It seemed that Cat God’s lecture was lethal, making Cheng Wei completely wake up. It was
surprising that Cheng Wei said he would actually help manage the team.
This was the first time Cheng Wei took the initiative to hug Tan Shitian. The person in his
arms was soft and the furry head was buried in Tan Shitian’s chest, making Cheng Wei
seem like a cat.
Tan Shitian was extremely happy at the thought of him and Cheng Wei fighting together in
the league in the future!

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GLS: Chapter 77
Chapter 77 – Group Draw

The afternoon Carnival started at 3 o’clock. During the two hour lunch break at noon,
everyone went back to their room to rest.
His cousin was in the shower when Zhang Shaohui came back. He put the lunch he bought
onto the table and shouted in the direction of the bathroom. “Brother, come eat after
Lou Wushuang had hated crowded places since childhood and Zhang Shaohui was used to
doing things for his brother.
Lou Wushuang soon came out of the shower. Zhang Shaohui looked up and said, “Brother, I
brought your favourite chicken legs. Come and eat.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang nodded and sat down across from him.
The IQ of his younger brother wasn’t high but it was very tiring for people with high
intelligence and deep minds to get along. He could be more relaxed with simple people like
Zhang Shaohui.
Lou Wushuang’s mood became uncontrollable as he saw Zhang Shaohui’s smile.
This younger brother was actually very good. He was enthusiastic and straightforward. He
always protected his older brother since childhood. He would rush forward to hit whoever
dared to bully his brother. Even if he was beaten up, he wouldn’t let Lou Wushuang be hurt.
Lou Wushuang knew that it was because he was full of gratitude towards the Lou family. In
fact, the blood relationship between the Lou family and Zhang Shaohui was very weak. His
mother and Zhang Shaohui’s father were distant cousins while his father and Zhang
Shaohui’s uncle were university classmates. This relationship was more like friendship
than family. Zhang Shaohui’s parents died in an accidental car accident when he was still in
elementary school. The small child had no one to take care of him and the Lou parents had
a moment of softness.
It was the Lou family who raised him when he was a helpless orphan so he really thought of
Lou Wushuang as his brother.
If it wasn’t like this, how could they become such good brothers?
Lou Wushuang’s eyes were dark as he lowered his head and adjusted his glasses.
“Brother, here’s a chicken leg for you.” Zhang Shaohui put delicious things into his brother’s
bowl out of habit and said, “Brother, eat more. You have to participate in events in the
Lou Wushuang suddenly looked up and asked, “A’Hui, what type of girl do you like?” Zhang
Shaohui touched his nose due to this abrupt question and replied, “No girl would like such a
rough person.”
“What if someone is looking at you?” Lou Wushuang looked up with sharp eyes.
“That’s unlikely.” Zhang Shaohui smiled and scratched his head. “I am stupid and not good
at talking with girls. I don’t have any romantic cells in my body and don’t know how to
deliver flowers or gifts. I don’t understand cosmetics and bags.”
He was quite self-aware that he wasn’t romantic. In middle school, he only knew how to
play and joined the Ghost Spirits team after graduating high school. He still wasn’t
enlightened about girls.
Lou Wushuang thought differently. Zhang Shaohui might not know how to please girls but
his strong muscles were enough to cause women to drool. An honest person like him was
actually very suitable for living as a husband but he didn’t deal with girls every day in the
team. This meant no girls discovered his good points.
Lou Wushuang’s heart stung at the thought that in the future, a woman would be in Zhang
Shaohui’s arms and would be held by him.
This silly brother, Lou Wushuang wouldn’t give him up to anyone!
Zhang Shaohui was confused when he found that his brother’s face was red and white.
“Brother, why are you suddenly asking me this?”
“It’s nothing.” Lou Wushuang gave him a piece of ribs with a cold expression. “Eat.”
“Ah.” Zhang Shaohui didn’t find any abnormalities in his brother and concentrated on
After dinner, Zhang Shaohui actively packed up and lay down on his bed. He played with his
phone for a while and was just planning to take a nap when Lou Wushuang came over. Lou
Wushuang looked at him calmly and asked, “Didn’t you want me to touch your abs?”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “Here Brother, you can touch. I played every day so my muscles are
He unabashedly pulled up his t-shirt, revealing a beautiful eight pack to Lou Wushuang. In
order to show off his good body, he specifically tightened his lower abdomen. The beautiful
muscles were enough to give people a nosebleed…
Lou Wushuang’s heart beat quickly but the expression on his face was calm. He sat on the
edge of the bed and poked his brother’s abdominal muscles.
The muscles were really hard…
Lou Wushuang suddenly got an image of being hugged by this person and an unnatural red
spread on his cheeks.
Zhang Shaohui saw him blush and was puzzled. “Brother, do you feel uncomfortable?”
Lou Wushuang didn’t speak as he continued to touch the hard abs. Then he commented, “A
good body.”
Zhang Shaohui smiled happily. “Yes!” His mind might be relatively simple but his limbs
were developed! He was a lot handsomer than Cheng Wei who had a simple mind and
Cheng Wei gave a big sneeze from the next room.
Lou Wushuang’s lips were raised as he thought, ‘One day, you will be mine. So protect these
muscles well. Your will be very powerful in this aspect and a blessed sex life is guaranteed.’
Lou Wushuang thought this and then got into Zhang Shaohui’s bed.
Zhang Shaohui was startled and immediately moved over. “Brother, what are you doing?”
Lou Wushuang replied with no expression, “I’m cold.”
Zhang Shaohui wondered if the air conditioner was too strong.
Lou Wushuang had been afraid of the cold since childhood. When they were young, their
childhood home wasn’t heated. The winter climate was humid but the bed was cold. The
two little boys often shared a bed and hugged each other to sleep so they could be warm.
Zhang Shaohui reached out and held his brother in his arms. He whispered, “I will hold you
to sleep.”
Lou Wushuang removed his glasses and put his arm around his brother’s waist.
Zhang Shaohui was completely unaware that his brother was smiling as he buried his face
in the sturdy chest.
Zhang Shaohui used Lou Wushuang as a pillow and slept very well, but he also heartlessly
snored. Lou Wushuang wasn’t sleep so he nestled in the warm embrace, his long fingers
moving up and down his brother’s back.
When the alarm sounded, Zhang Shaohui opened dazed eyes and found the white beauty in
his arms. He was stunned as he stared at the person before smiling. “Brother, you look
better when you aren’t wearing glasses.”
Lou Wushuang usually wore glasses. The eyes behind the lens were cold and particularly
sharp, giving him the nickname of Viper. At this time, he was slightly squinting because of
myopia but this gave him a lazy sexiness.
Zhang Shaohui’s heart beat faster at the sight and Lou Wushuang hurriedly put on his
glasses, pretending to have a cold expression. “Get up.”
“Yes!” Zhang Shaohui immediately got up.
The two people had just dressed when there was a knock on the door. Lou Wushuang
opened it and found Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei standing on the outside. Tan Shitian smiled
politely and asked, “Captain Lou, are you ready? Let’s go down together.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang looked back. “A’Hui, hurry up.”
“I’m coming!” Zhang Shaohui quickly put on his shoes and emerged. “Let’s go!”
The four people headed downstairs together where they found the contestants’ vehicle
waiting. They got on and saw that Ling Xuefeng was already sitting down. Chairman Nan
checked that everyone arrived and then the driver headed to the venue.
In the vehicle, Nan Jiangang said, “This afternoon’s event is the fun race. Before the event
starts, we have to do the draw for the 3v3 event. We have two teams so this draw is very
important. At the very least, we can’t draw the same group!”
Cheng Wei actively raised his hand and suggested, “Chairman, let Captain Tan go and pick. I
made him wash his hands five times after getting up at noon today.”
Su Guangmo looked across the aisle at Cheng Wei. “Does washing hands work?”
“Of course!” Cheng Wei said, “When I played the online game, I washed my hands every
time I did an instance and always got excellent equipment!”
Tan Shitian was amused by this little guy and rubbed his head. “Don’t talk nonsense and
listen to the chairman’s arrangement.”
Nan Jiangang asked, “Then Captain Tan, do you want to do the draw for team 2?”
“No problem.”
“Who will go for team 1?”
Ling Xuefeng volunteered. “I’ll go.”
Nan Jiangang nodded. “Okay, once the group draws are over, you are free to participate in
the afternoon entertainment if you want. The 3v3 matches will start tonight. Don’t be
distressed and try your best.”
The Carnival’s highlight, the 3v3 event officially kicked off at 7 p.m.
Before the start of the afternoon races, each team sent a representative to the stage to draw
lots and determine the groups. A total of 20 teams from 16 countries were enrolled and it
was divided into four groups. Groups A and B were in the upper half while groups C and D
were in the lower half. First, teams would be selected for the quarter-finals. Then the top
four would be selected before deciding the first, second and third place.
This type of competition was similar to many world competitions of sporting events.
However, the random draw method meant it was possible for two teams from one country
to draw the same group. The two teams from France were unlucky enough to both draw
Group A. However, the US and South Korea successfully avoided their own people. South
Korea’s teams were in Group A and C while the US team’s were in Group B and C.
Once it was China’s turn, many domestic spectators held their breaths nervously.
Don’t draw the same group like the helpless French team!
Many people prayed silently with folded hands.
Ling Xuefeng of team 1 took to the stage and drew Group C.
Yu Bing said, “Group C is currently the strongest group. We can see that US team 1 and
South Korean team 2 have been allocated to Group C. The grouping of world renowned
players means it will be difficult to win Group C.”
“Sister Bing is right. This group is very strong.” Kou Hongyi followed up. “But the
combination of Ling, Su and Chu isn’t weak. There is still a large chance of getting into the
top two of the group.”
“That’s true.” Yu Bing nodded in agreement. “I hope that team 2 doesn’t draw Group C.”
As she was speaking, Tan Shitian went to the host and put his hand into the box.
He unfolded the note he had drawn and many spectators jumped up excitedly. It was Group
Kou Hongyi found it hard to hide his excitement as his voice shook. “Tan Shitian really has a
red hand! Group D has the weakest teams. It seems there will be no problem for our team 2
to enter the top 8.”
The domestic live broadcast started a new round of comments. [Praise Captain Tan’s hand!]
[The small red hand is too powerful!]
[Captain Tan, have strength! I will go and forward your posts on Weibo to give you some
The people on the Internet praised Tan Shitian while Tan Shitian showed a happy smile to
the camera.
Li Cangyu’s phone suddenly lit up. He looked down and saw that Ling Xuefeng had actually
sent him a text message with a simple sentence: [I drew Group C.]
Was this meant to ask for comfort?
Li Cangyu smiled and comforted him: [Never mind. You can still win Group C.]
Ling Xuefeng said: [Are you free at dinner time? Come to the hotel to see me.”
[Help me form some tactics.]
[You thought of me?]
[Of course. Your thoughts are very different from mine and maybe you can give me better
advice.] Ling Xuefeng quickly typed before sending another message: [Will you come? I’ll
pick you up at the hotel’s entrance.]
[Okay, you personally invited me so I will come when the afternoon events are over.] Li
Cangyu quickly replied.
Xiao Han sat next to Li Cangyu and found that his master was texting someone with a small
smile on his face. His eyes were very gentle and he looked different from the usual
handsome and decisive Cat God.
Xiao Han couldn’t help thinking, ‘Is Cat God’s expression so gentle because he is texting his
girlfriend?’ Shouldn’t his teacher have a young woman? Was she a professional player? Was
she pretty? Was she the cold stewardess type or the cute loli type?
He was really curious about the Miracle League in China.

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GLS: Chapter 78
Chapter 78 – Precious Gift

On the first day of the World Carnival, the morning event was a basketball game and the
afternoon event was a 100 metres race.
The rules of the race were very simple. The game would have six parallel lanes in the game.
Six people stand on a runway and sprinted to the finish. There were various obstacles such
as ponds, steps, boulders and trees. They could also use a variety of interference skills to
block the opponents. The first one to reach the end would win.
Surprisingly, Ling Xuefeng actually joined the race.
Some night owls who stayed up late to watch the game couldn’t help commenting: [How
come Captain Ling is taking part in such an event?] [I don’t know. Captain Ling’s serious
expression seems inconsistent with this fun race!] [Maybe he thinks running is more fun
than basketball?]
Regardless of their guesses, the race officially began.
The first batch of players actually had Ling Xuefeng assigned to the third lane. The IDs of
the other five players weren’t familiar but the flags in front of the IDs showed they were
from several countries.
The referee fired the signal and the race officially began.
Ling Xuefeng calmly tapped the keyboard, operating his demon summoner to quickly run
The elf contestant on the fourth lane took advantage of his agility to overtake Ling Xuefeng
but Ling Xuefeng just ignored it. It didn’t take long for the second lane to overtake him and
Ling Xuefeng ran steadily behind.
The domestic audience watching the game were anxious. [Captain Ling, hurry and run!]
[Captain Ling, refuel!]
[Run run!]
The players moved through the pond, steps, boulders and tree barriers and saw there was
only one-third of the way left.
Ling Xuefeng acted at this moment!
He summoned a skeleton infantry to freeze the left front player in place, followed by a
banshee who used Charm to pull the front right player back. Then his big move Cover the
Sky was used! A group of black crows flew in the sky, covering the visions of the players in
Ling Xuefeng took advantage of this to suddenly spring forward, quickly surpassing the
three contestants in front of him!
The audience was stunned as the fourth place demon summoner crossed the finish line
All of this happened in just a few seconds. Ling Xuefeng grabbed the most appropriate
opportunity and used three pets to reverse the situation at the last moment!
At the scene of the race, the black crows were still flying in the sky, making the contestants
look bloody.
The host also marveled. “Everyone, the winner is LXF in the third lane. This player is Ling
Xuefeng from China, the world’s strongest demon summoner! We saw how quickly he
summoned his pets and flexibly used them to successfully interfere with the opponents,
allowing him to rush forward at the end!”
“Congratulations Ling Xuefeng on winning this round!”
The venue was filled with thunderous applause while the live broadcast room was filled
with: [Captain Ling 66666!] [Captain Ling is so handsome I want to cry!] [Are you still
lacking leg pendants?] [Demon King reversed the field 66666!]
Li Cangyu was watching in the audience and also raised his hands to clap.
Ling Xuefeng calmly waited for the opportunity and then seized it, dealing a killing blow to
the opponents.
As soon as he acted, even a simple entertainment event would be crushed by him. He
maintained his speed and followed behind to reduce his sense of existence. Then at the last
moment, he surpassed the three people in front of him. This type of ‘mantis stalks the
cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it’ strategy was really handsome.
There was one thing Li Cangyu didn’t understand. Why did Ling Xuefeng suddenly enter the
race event? It didn’t seem to suit his serious personality.
Once Ling Xuefeng received the souvenir, Li Cangyu immediately received a text message. [I
won you a model of an elf summoner. I’ll give it to you afterwards.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
The reward for the afternoon races was a designated race and class model which had
exquisite workmanship. It was said that the base was pure gold and it was very expensive.
Each model was unique and it was only distributed at the World Carnival. The value of this
model couldn’t be measured with money. It was a symbol of honour.
Li Cangyu didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. [Why are you giving me the model that you
Ling Xuefeng replied: [This model is only issued at the Carnival. I don’t know if they will
have it next year so I will first help you win it.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
At this moment, an indescribable feeling filled Li Cangyu’s heart.
Ling Xuefeng deliberately joined the entertainment race to win Li Cangyu a unique elf
summoner model that was only distributed at the World Carnival. It was a more valuable
gift than anything else.
The entertainment project officially ended at 5 o’clock. Li Cangyu let Bai Xuan go back first
and headed to the hotel entrance alone.
This hotel was the official place that the organizing committee designated for players.
People without a pass weren’t allowed to enter. This strict inspection system was to avoid
the harassment of fans and journalists to ensure the safety of the competitors.
There were many reporters at the entrance to the hotel. Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu hiding
behind a pillar and knew that Li Cangyu was worried about being recognized by reporters.
Ling Xuefeng sent a text message asking for help to Tan Shitian and then opened the door
to reporter Yao Rong.
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei had been heading this way. He received the text message and
took the initiative to greet the reporter. “Reporter Yao, hello!”
Yao Rong immediately raised the microphone happily to his mouth. “Captain Tan, your
afternoon drawing was very good. Many domestic audience members are saying that you
have a small red hand.”
Tan Shitian put an arm around Cheng Wei’s shoulders and said, “It is Vice-Captain Wei’s
credit. After waking me up at noon, he made me wash my hands five times.”
Cheng Wei smiled to the camera and said, “Everyone, please pay attention to my Weibo. I
will teach you how to wash your hands to pick up good equipment. I won’t deceive you!”
Everyone, “…”
Ling Xuefeng saw that Reporter Yao’s attention was attracted and then strode to the hotel
door. He gently pulled Li Cangyu by his waist and moved through the crowd.
Li Cangyu followed him into the elevator and smiled with relief. “I thought I would have to
sneak into the hotel to find you.”
Ling Xuefeng looked into his eyes and asked with concern, “Have you eaten?”
“Not yet.”
“I don’t want to eat with the league players. It is better to eat by ourselves and talk.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu had no problem with this.
Ling Xuefeng brought Li Cangyu to the Western restaurant on the fourth floor of the hotel.
They found a quiet couples room to sit in, picked up the menu and ordered some food.
The private room was very quiet and the waiter left after serving them. There was no need
to worry about outsiders and they chatted while eating.
“In the evening 3v3 event, which team will you play in the first match?” Li Cangyu asked.
“The first match is Australia. I’m not very familiar with the contestants over there but it is a
combination of swordsman, berserker and healer.”
“The swordsman and berserker are a stable front row. Combined with the support of the
healer in the rear, their life force is very strong. You will suffer if you aren’t quick.” Li
Cangyu carefully analyzed it.
“Against this team, isn’t it best to kill the healer first?”
“This method is feasible. If you cooperate with Su Guangmo to kill the healer, things will
turn out better.” Li Cangyu smiled and looked up at Ling Xuefeng. “You didn’t need to invite
me over for such a simple tactical analysis, right?”
“I’m confident when dealing with others teams. I want to hear what you think about the US
and South Korean team.” Ling Xuefeng looked seriously at the man in front of him and
spoke softly. “The US team 1 and South Korean team 2 are both in Group C. It won’t be easy
to reach the quarter-finals. I want to hear your suggestions and come up with a set of
tactics with the highest success rate. Your opinion is very important to me.”
Li Cangyu heard this and couldn’t help feeling admiration.
Ling Xuefeng’s character was cold and tough but he didn’t act arbitrarily. He also wasn’t
conceited enough to think all his decisions were right. On the contrary, he could calm down
and listen to other people’s suggestions to make the best path for himself. This was the
smartest way for a strong person.
In any case, this was a world competition, not a matter involving the Wind Colour team.
There were too many masters and he was willing to calm down and listen to other people’s
suggestions. For example, the powerful Li Cangyu could give him lots of new ideas.
Li Cangyu’s personality had always been straightforward and he had no intention of hiding
his ideas. He said, “The three ace players of the US are in team 1. Thomas has the remote
fast suppression,. Jack Josh had a large outbreak due to his blood kin pets while Edmund is
the strongest assassin on the US side. A team consisting of an archer, summoner and
assassin will be very aggressive. Our side has two strong outputs and an auxiliary. It is
difficult to fight them from the front so it is better to lay a trap.”
Ling Xuefeng was interested in the idea. “Do you mean to deliberately reveal a flaw to
attract the enemy?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu explained it carefully. “This task can be completed by Su Guangmo. He can
perform an act in the front row by pretending to accidentally make a mistake. The other
side will turn their attention to him and rush to kill him. Su Guangmo’s explosive ability is
very strong and can unleash explosive skills before death. Once the opposite is beaten to
residual blood, your outbreak will take care of the rest.”
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were bright. “I understand. You mean to sacrifice Su Guangmo and save
Chu Yan while I come out to collect their heads?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “You and Su Guangmo have similar levels to the opposite swordsman
and summoner. Therefore, the auxiliary is the key. If Chu Yan dies and it becomes 2v3, our
side will definitely lose. If you save Chu Yan to keep the advantage of controlling the field,
there is a bigger chance of winning. The method to implement it, you can go back and
discuss it with them. Of course, this is just one of my suggestions. If you have a better plan,
tell me and we can discuss it.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “I think your idea is quite good.”
Unlike Ling Xuefeng who mainly used the suppression style, Li Cangyu’s tactical thinking
was mysterious and varied. He used to take a weak team to fight with strong teams that he
definitely couldn’t beat from the front. Therefore, he painstakingly studied various tactics,
which would sometimes allow him to overturn the strong team.
In the domestic league, Ling Xuefeng wasn’t afraid to fight any team with his suppression
style. However, this was now the international arena and the players on the US team were
gods on the same level. The key to winning or losing depended on tactics and luck.
Li Cangyu could really provide him with new ideas. Ling Xuefeng looked at the other side
with appreciation and said, “I suddenly feel confident with you as my behind the scenes
“Give me the strategist’s appearance fee.” Li Cangyu held out a hand.
This scene was like a proud big cat extending his claws to ask for a toy.
Ling Xuefeng took out a delicate box and put it in his hand.
Li Cangyu opened the box and saw the elf summoner model that Ling Xuefeng had won in
the entertainment event. This model was small and extremely delicate. Its quality was far
beyond the usual goods in the stores. The most special thing was its base, which was made
of pure gold and had the words ‘First World Carnival Commemoration’ on the back.
“Is the base really pure gold?” Li Cangyu touched it and really loved it.
“That is what the officials said.”
“Can I take it off and sell it? This gold can be sold for a lot of money right?” Li Cangyu smiled
and looked at Ling Xuefeng. The latter’s expression was still calm as he stated, “This is
already yours. You can deal with it however you like.”
“…” He had no sense of humour at all! Li Cangyu joked with him but he was still serious.
Li Cangyu helplessly retracted the model and said seriously, “I will keep this model well. If
there are such rewards at next year’s Carnival, I will go and help you win a demon
summoner so that you don’t lose anything.”
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling when he heard this and he looked at the man full of
confidence in front of him. “I will hold you to your words.”
He helped give the elf summoner model and Li Cangyu would return it by winning the
demon summoner model. This gift exchange created a surge of sweetness in Ling Xuefeng’s
Changing World Series presents, who in the world would think this except for them?
Thinking carefully, it was actually a bit embarrassing.
Li Cangyu obviously did this because he was righteous. His idea was, ‘You won me a
present, I will win you one.’
But Ling Xuefeng was very content.
He wasn’t in a hurry. He was already the most special person in Li Cangyu’s heart. As long
as he subtly boiled the warm water, this clever and sharp cat would soon become Ling
Xuefeng’s exclusive lover.

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GLS: Chapter 79
Chapter 79 – 3v3 Group Stage (1)

At 7 p.m. New York time, the exciting 3v3 event was officially launched.
There were 20 teams in four groups playing a round robin and the Carnival only had five
days. Therefore, the Miracle League changed to a larger venue. The 3v3 event had one main
stage and three smaller stages with comprehensive electrical equipment. This way, the
matches of the four groups could be carried out simultaneously. The online broadcast could
also be split into four live broadcasts.
The official channel on the US side would only commentate on the important matches on
the main stage. The other three stages would have live videos released and each country
could select the ones they wanted to comment on.
At 7 o’clock, the main stage was the Group C match between South Korea team 2 and US
team 1. These two teams were all strong teams with star contestants so the rating naturally
wasn’t bad.
However, the domestic broadcast cut to the sub-game next door instead of showing the
main match. The Chinese teams were playing on the sub-stages so the Chinese side would
certainly broadcast their own events.
In Group D, Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang and Liu Xiang’s team happened to meet in the
Swedish team in the first match.
Sweden’s e-sports had been brilliant for some time and there were several world-class
gods. It was the time when StarCraft dominated e-sports and StarCraft was more about
individual players. There were many talented players who single-handedly killed famous
players. Later, with the rise of team sports, there weren’t as many professional players in
Sweden and the size of the league was small. Their position in the e-sports circle gradually
At this year’s Carnival, Sweden’s strength wasn’t high but they were nationally selected
players. Their level couldn’t be underestimated. Tan Shitian and the others were full of
confidence but they weren’t careless.
After today’s dinner, Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang and Liu Xiang had gathered to discuss
their tactic for the first match. They clearly had a plan so their expressions were very calm
as they entered.
The Carnival 3v3 group stage map was the league stipulated ‘City Square.’ This map was
large in size and had a very wide view. It was the same for all matches and was fair to all
teams. At the end of the quarter-finals, the matches would change into a three game, two
win selection model. Competitors could freely choose a match that was beneficial to them.
In the live broadcast room, Yu Bing started to calmly analyze the lineup of both sides. “This
time, the opponent is Sweden. The Sweden team had a combination of berserker,
swordsman and black magician. A berserker is the fiercest class in a melee, a swordsman
has very strong attacks and a black magician has many attack spells. This combination
maximizes attacks and is very violent.”
“Our Chinese team 2 have the unmatched assassin Lou Wushuang, Tan Shitian’s bard and
Liu Xiang’s healer. The blood kin assassin and elf bard are fragile classes with weak
defense. They can be easily killed by the other side. The explosive ability and endurance
aren’t great but the advantage is that this combination is very mobile.”
“Yes!” Kou Hongyi nodded with approval. “Tan Shitian’s bard has very high agility.
Combined with the elf’s Flying Feather Steps, he can move through the map as rapidly as
the wind. This team also has the most devastating killer in our Miracle League who is the
best at assassination. The two of them are clearly aiming for the unexpected guerrilla
Guerrilla warfare was one of the most common tactics in the Chinese Miracle Professional
League. Tan Shitian’s guerrilla tactics with the Time team had broken down many giants.
However, this normally involved a cooperation between Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei. Many
domestic audiences wondered what his cooperation with Lou Wushuang would be like.
The match time arrived very quickly. The players on both sides entered the competition
room and confirmed the data.
The Miracle World Carnival officially opened a separate game server. All players had to
register their IDs after verifying their identity on the first day. Since the IDs could only be
English letters, Tan Shitian used Tenday, Lou Wushuang was Killer and Liu Xiang used XX.
The domestic audience could recognize these players when looking at the IDs but the
Swedish players weren’t familiar with them. However, the classes could clearly be
distinguished based on the different avatars.
The domestic audience wasn’t familiar with the Swedish players so when Yu Bing and Kou
Hongyi commentated, they directly used their classes instead of names. This made it easier
for everyone to understand.
“The captain of the Swedish team is a black magician. He is said to be a very good remote
player and is also the commander of this match.” Yu Bing paused and said, “The
commander of the Chinese team 2 should be Tan Shitian.”
Tan Shitian’s Tenday character had a captain’s mark on his head so Yu Bing could guess it.”
“Tenday, this name originated from Tan Shitian. Everyone knows that Sunday (English) is
Sunday. Then what is Tenday (English)? In fact, Tenday isn’t 10 days. It is our Storytelling
God: Ten Days (Chinese). ” Kou Hongyi said with a smile.
[…] This cold joke made many onlookers type a row of ellipses. Yu Bing was also
In order to prevent him from completely ruining the atmosphere, Yu Bing completely
changed the topic. “The World Carnival’s 3v3 mode isn’t the same as the professional
league. The contestants’ data will be zero after logging into the game room. We can see that
all players’ stat points have been reset and the equipment has to be selected from the
stadium’s equipment library. This type of competition system achieves absolutely fairness
between the two parties.”
“Well, the professional league is based on the strength of the contestants and there can’t be
a situation where a loss is due to the equipment. Both sides should have the same starting
point. The equipment in the library is the same and the variety of choices is very rich.” Kou
Hongyi went on to say, “Let’s see how they choose the equipment and stat points for this
Changing the points and equipment according to the opponent would make the match
more flexible.
Tan Shitian’s hand speed was extremely fast. In five seconds, he had added all 500 stat
points into agility.
Yu Bing wasn’t surprised. “Captain Tan also plays with this build in the domestic league. He
will add the elf bard’s agility to the highest and the lack of attack will be supplemented with
equipment. I guess that he will dress in an attack set.”
As soon as the words were spoke, Tan Shitian on the screen selected the ‘Gale Suit’ from the
equipment library. This was the elf set with the highest physical attack, wore a crit ring and
necklace and chose the Frost Covenant weapon.
Kou Hongyi was a bit surprised. “He changed his weapon? In the domestic league, he
always used the Elf Bow, which is the most aggressive bow. The weapon he chose today
doesn’t have a high attack but the advantage is that big moves will cause a deceleration
effect due to the ice.”
The Elf Bow and Bright Heart, these were the weapons commonly used by Tan Shitian and
Cheng Wei in domestic competitions. The information of these two weapons were
complementary. Cheng Wei’s staff had very strong control so Cheng Wei could assuredly
choose the bow with the most powerful attack.
Today he replaced his weapon. It was clearly because of a change in tactical thinking.
Yu Bing couldn’t help feeling admiration. “Tan Shitian is very clever. Previously, he had
Cheng Wei to help him control the field. Now that isn’t possible so he can only control the
field himself. That’s why he chose a weapon with the deceleration effect. He can take full
advantage of his long attack distance.”
Li Cangyu watched the game from below the stage and couldn’t help raising a thumb to Tan
Shitian in his heart.
On the heavyweight field of the world series, many young players would be nervous and
play abnormally. This young man could be so calm and change according to the situation. It
was rare for young players to react sharply and courageously. Tan Shitian was only 19
years old and to be honest, he was several times more mature than Cheng Wei, who was the
same age. Cheng Wei should follow him to learn more.
There were two minutes of preparation time before the match. The players quickly selected
their equipment and added their points.
Yu Bing followed the flashing images on the screen and quickly explained. “The information
of Captain Lou is also released. His stats are the same as the domestic games. His clothing
increase attack while his ring and necklace increases agility. The weapon chosen is… Blood
“Blood Demon?” Kou Hongyi laughed. “This is the pair of daggers commonly used by Lou
Wushuang. The black daggers have a red shine and looks beautiful. Of course, he uses the
beautiful pair of daggers to kill people.”
Yu Bing cotinued saying, “Liu Xiang has increased the spiritual stat. The weapon chosen is
‘Big Angel’ which increases the healing amount but her clothing is the angel race’s highest
defense ‘God’s Words’ set. This should be Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang’s decision to help
protect her life, since the opposite side would definitely come to attack her.”
“Yes, the opposite side is the violent attack combination of a swordsman, berserker and
black magician. The situation will be better if they kill the healer and it becomes 3v2. Liu
Xiang will be under a lot of pressure so she chose the defensive clothes.”
Under the stage, Li Cangyu was giving a live explanation to his apprentice. “You should
carefully ponder on how Lou Wushuang added the points.”
Xiao Han stared serious at the big screen and asked, “Did he increase his attack and agility
stats in the ratio of 3:1?”
The relieved Li Cangyu rubbed his little apprentice’s head. “To be able to analyze the
proportion of points from the final data, your math isn’t bad.”
Xiao Han was very happy but then his expression changed. “Master, you previously told me
that my method of putting all points in attack means I won’t have enough agility. In fact, I
put points in attack because I wanted to use my equipment to supplement my agility.”
Li Cangyu shook his head. “It is useless to choose agility clothing without having the points
to supplement it. Look at Lou Wushuang. He added points to agility. At the same time, his
ring and necklace also add agility, making it easier for him to cooperate with Tan Shitian.
Otherwise, his speed won’t be able to keep up.” After a pause, he continued, “If he was with
his brother Zhang Shaohui, he wouldn’t need to do this. He made adjustments to his stats
based on today’s teammates.”
“Oh!” Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully.
These great gods were really amazing. They could immediately adjust their stats when the
teammates were changed…
Xiao Han had played Miracle for many years but his understanding was very shallow. He
would follow his master to study in the future.
Xiao Han silently made up his mind as he stared seriously at the big screen.

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GLS: Chapter 80
Chapter 80 – 3v3 Group Stage (2)

“Everyone, this is the first live broadcast of the World Carnival’s 3v3 event. The first round
of Group D will begin soon. It is a match between China team 2 and the Sweden team. The
map is the officially selected City Square.” Yu Bing looked at the live broadcast screen and
said quickly, “The players on both sides have appeared on the map. The Swedish team’s
birth point is in the upper left corner while the Chinese team is born in the lower right
On the screen, the six contestants appeared on the map. The three Swedish players paused
for two seconds before rushing to the central fountain.
The middle of the City Square map had a large central fountain. There were six large stone
statues next to the fountain. The stone statues were carved after the six gods in the game.
If they wanted a head on fight, they would move straight to the fountain. If they wanted a
guerrilla warfare, they would use the obstacles created by the stone statues. This map was
simple but many tactics could be accomplished.
Tan Shitian liked maps with obstacles. Once his character appeared, he immediately ran
behind a stone statue and hid.
“Be careful of the stone statues.” The Swedish team’s captain operated his black magician
while commanding on the voice channel. “The opposite side’s archer and killer must be
hiding. Kill the healer first!”
Liu Xiang’s priest was at a corner of the fountain. The Swedish black magician immediately
jumped forward and released Dark Fear, successfully hitting the other side’s priest!
Players in the fear state couldn’t release any skills but could move.
Liu Xiang immediately turned and ran but unfortunately, a priest’s movement speed was
very slow. The three enemies quickly chased while attacking, causing gorgeous skill light
effects to emerge. Liu Xiang’s blood immediately dropped.
The domestic audience was distraught. Attacking the healer at the very beginning?
[Xiang Xiang, hold on!] [Ahhh Captain Liu, three against one is too fierce!] [Tan Shitian,
come and save her! Why are you hiding?] [Milk God, stand up!]
Regardless of the comments area, the three people on the field were very calm.
Liu Xiang’s fingers were pressed to the keyboard as she stared at the time remaining on the
fear effect. Once the fear’s three seconds were over, she immediately used a big move on
herself, Holy Light Surge!
This was the most powerful move of an angel priest. A soft white light rose from the soles
of her feet like white waves, instantly raising her blood to 80%!
Liu Xiang closely followed with a common angel skill, Purification!
Purification was a skill that helped all teammates in a certain range get rid of negative
states while allowing the caster to resist any control for five seconds. The angels were a
peace loving race and Liu Xiang’s meaning was obviousl. During the time that they couldn’t
control her, she would add blood to herself!
The Swedish team saw her use Purification and knew that it wasn’t good to waste control
skills on her. Liu Xiang immediate used the five seconds free of control to use Healing
Language on herself and stacking it to the maximum.
Healing Language was a skill that continuously returned blood. After stacking it to five
layers, she could recover 5% blood per second.
The domestic spectators clapped. [Xiang Xiang nanny’s survival ability is strong!]
[Kneel before the Milk God!]
[Half blood to full blood 66666!]
The three people on the opposite side saw her blood returning to full and couldn’t help
becoming agitated. They hurriedly used big moves on her. Liu Xiang was a healer and
couldn’t withstand the siege of the three people. Her blood volume quickly fell.
What were Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang doing? Why didn’t they respond despite their
healer being beaten up?
The domestic audience were a bit anxious as they saw that the healer was about to die. At
this moment, Tan Shitian typed a 1 on the team channel.
Was this a code they discussed in advance?
With this code, Lou Wushuang finally moved!
The three opposing players were violently attacking the healer and the scene was too
intense. Everyone’s attention was on the healer’s blood. Therefore, they didn’t notice where
Lou Wushuang had gone. In face, Lou Wushuang was invisible and moved from the stone
statues on the other side to behind the three enemies at an extremely fast speed.
“Captain Lou went around!” Kou Hongyi cried out excitedly. “Are they planning to go from
the sides and back?”
“Just now, Tan Shitian probably didn’t act because he was waiting for Captain Lou to get in
Yu Bing just finished speaking when Lou Wushuang finally appeared, his hands raising the
cold daggers.
Backstab! Soul Stab! Absorb and Seize the Soul!
The weapons in his hands, Blood Demon were a pair of black daggers with a red light. He
wielded them at a very fast speed and dealt three consecutive critical strikes to the
opposite side’s black magician, causing his blood to flash red.
The Swedish team were shocked and the captain shouted busily, “The assassin is behind
However, when they turned back to control the assassin, the archer hidden behind the
stone statue suddenly unleashed his skills.
Death Arrows Rain!
Tan Shitian wasn’t polite. Once he came out, he unleashed a big move. The ice bow and
arrow fired from a distance, causing the three people to lose blood while the effect of the
Frost Covenant weapon slowed down movement speed.
Tan Shitian’s eyes narrowed and he pulled the bow in his hand again.
Precise Aim! Shock Shot!
This was an elf archer’s single attack. Precise Aim needed the archer to stay in place for two
seconds to aim at the opponent’s head. Shock Shot would form clouds and fog, hitting the
opponent with unstoppable momentum!
This critical blow directly cut the black magician’s blood to 30%.
Once Tan Shitian attacked, he flashed behind another stone statue and started to
continuous harass the opponent with ordinary attacks. Lou Wushuang followed up with a
set of attacks. Backstab! Soul Stab! Fatal Blow!
These were the three most common moves used by a killer. The first two moves were a set
up while the final Fatal Blow would have the effect of ‘killing with one shot.’
The other party’s black magician was hit by both of them and instantly fell to the ground.
—First Blood!
This prompt appeared on the screen. Lou Wushuang’s success in taking a life filled the
venue with warm applause!
Xiao Han watched the battle from under the stage and had a stunned look in his eyes.
Li Cangyu looked at him and asked, “What do you think of Lou Wushuang?”
Xiao Han cried out, “He’s so good!”
Li Cangyu said, “He is the strongest assassin in the domestic Miracle League. He also has a
cousin called Zhang Shaohui. He is the vice-captain of Ghost Spirits. The combination of
brothers often lurk on the field to kill many gods. That’s why Ghost Spirits is one of the
most difficult teams to deal with.”
Xiao Han’s curiosity was completely incited by his master and his eyes shone.
Li Cangyu rubbed his apprentice’s head. “In the future, you will have a chance to fight
Xiao Han nodded earnestly. “Yes!”
Bai Xuan heard their conversation and couldn’t help smiling. It was no wonder why there
were so many young people in the Cat God fan group. He suddenly discovered that Cat God
really had a way of dealing with teenagers!
He had also heard it when Cat God scolded Cheng Wei. None of his words could be refuted,
directly making Cheng Wei stunned from the scolding. When he was training, he was a
strict elder. However, when coaxing people, he was like a gentle neighborhood brother,
making people want to revolve around him.
The previous method of acting as a local tyrant to buy goods made Xiao Han very moved
and he willingly joined the team. Today’s simple words increased Xiao Han’s desire to catch
up. Once they went back, he would definitely double his training to improve his standards.
‘Young boys, you are too tender to fight with Cat God!’
On the court, the black magician died and the Swedish team members finally realized they
were caught in a trap.
Tan Shitian disappeared after firing the arrow while Lou Wushuang used a stealth skill. The
remaining two people on the opposite side felt cold. They wanted to fight the archer but
couldn’t reach, they wanted to hit the assassin but couldn’t find him… they could only
continue to fight the healer.
The healer only had 30% blood left and her consumption of blue was also very large.
“Kill the healer and make it a 2v2!” The dead captain took a deep breath and calmly
Indeed, it wasn’t wise to chase the assassin or the archer. There was still hope if they killed
the healer and made it 2v2.
It was a pity that they met Liu Xiang!
Liu Xiang was known as the Milk God in China. She looked warm and gentle but was
extremely tough and careful on the court. She was like a cockroach on the field as her
survivability was extremely strong. IF she was given one or two seconds, she could always
control her blood. The two people couldn’t kill her for a long time. They violently used all
types of skills on her and Liu Xiang was finally killed in half a minute.
However, waiting for them was another disaster.
This time, Tan Shitian ran to another stone statue and fired two ice arrows.
Seize Life Shot! Barrage Shot!
Tan Shitian thought, ‘I’m not eccentric. One person came towards the arrow. Don’t run
swordsman, I will give you another arrow. Still running? Have another one!’
After the ice arrows were released, Tan Shitian used Flying Feather Steps and flashed to the
stone statue next door.
The domestic audience typed: [Captain Tan, you are so annoying!] [The enemy must be
bothered by you!] [Unleash the ice arrows!]
Tan Shitian’s guerrilla tactics were very skilled. He shuttled back and forth between the six
stone statues. From time to time, he would come out to fire a few arrows. It was from a long
distance where the enemies couldn’t reach him. This type of remote harassment made
people feel really uncomfortable.
In the blink of an eye, the blood of the berserker and swordsman was reduced to around
They successfully killed the healer but they only had half blood left. Tan Shitian and Lou
Wushuang were still full blood.
It was 2v2 but the Swedish team had completely fallen into a disadvantage.
The opposing berserker gritted his teeth and said, “Go, let’s rush over and kill the archer!”
The bard/archer belonged to the ‘remote bullying’ category. They would only suffer if they
allowed him to maintain the distance and shoot them. An archer had a fatal flaw. Their
defense was extremely weak and they were afraid of close combat.
As long as the melee class could successfully reach the archer, the gameplay of the fragile
archer would be greatly limited and he would die in seconds.
This was also the reason why Tan Shitian was most annoyed with Su Guangmo in the
domestic league. Every time they faced the Flying Feathers team, if Cheng Wei’s control
wasn’t good enough, Tan Shitian would be killed by Su Guangmo. Fans often said that
Captain Su taught Captain Tan to be a man.
The level of the Swedish team’s berserker obviously wasn’t as good as Su Guangmo. As
soon as Tan Shitian discovered he was being chased, he immediately ran away with Flying
Feather Steps.
A terran’s agility wasn’t as high as the elves. If he wanted to catch on with the elf, it was
necessary to rely on the swordsman’s instantaneous movement skill.
In the absence of interference, Su Guangmo could catch Tan Shitian in a matter of seconds.
However, this player obviously wasn’t familiar with Tan Shitian’s wandering style and
ended up playing hide and seek with Tan Shitian behind the stone statues.
“…” The Swedish swordsman had a dark face. “He is too fast and there are too many
obstacles here!”
“He went behind that stone statue. We will flank him!” The berserker said, immediately
shifting directions to surround Tan Shitian with his teammate.
But Lou Wushuang wasn’t a vegetarian!
The moment that the two people wanted to chase Tan Shitian, he used Shadow Following
on the swordsman.
This could be called a killer’s most disgusting skill. It was like a hunter’s mark on their prey.
As long as the skill effect existed, the killer could transport behind them at any time.
It was a simple body transfer.
A soft persimmon should be picked. Therefore, Lou Wushuang chose to kill the swordsman
instead of the berserker.
Lou Wushuang saw him come behind a stone statue and pressed the ‘Shadow Following’
button. The tracking effect was launched and the invisible Lou Wushuang appeared behind
the swordsman. Blood Demon was raised and he unleashed a critical attack, Backstab!
Tracking, circling, sneak attack… this was Captain Lou. After stabbing the opponent, he
raised his bloody dagger and followed up with the assassin’s most aggressive skill, Pain
The daggers became spinning blades and slashed at the opponent’s chest. Blood splashed
on the big screen, causing a truly shocking picture!
The swordsman fell to the ground!
—Second Blood!
Second Blood, Lou Wushuang had killed two people.
The remaining berserker chased after Tan Shitian but Lou Wushuang pursued him at the
same time.
Two against one, there was no hope.
The Swedish team’s berserker had very high defense but it was difficult to hold on for a few
seconds. In the end, he died under Lou Wushuang’s blade.
—Third Blood!
The third drop of blood!
Lou Wushuang finished the game with three consecutive kills. On the screen of the Chinese
players, golden characters popped up—Winner!
The applause at the venue was deafening. Kou Hongyi’s voice was shaking with excitement
as he cried out, “Congratulations to the Chinese team for winning this game! Whether it
was Liu Xiang’s excellent delaying ability or Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang’s tacit cooperation,
the three players did very well! Congratulations to the Chinese team for their first battle!”
Yu Bing also said with relief, “This is the first time our players have gone abroad and it is
the World Series. I thought they would have stage fright and make mistakes. It is obvious
that my worries were useless. Their psychological qualities are stronger than I expected.”
The camera moved to the players’ soundproof room. Liu Xiang was smiling. Tan Shitian sat
in the middle and turned back to give Liu Xiang a light high five. Lou Wushuang’s
expression was still indifferent but Tan Shitian wasn’t afraid of him. He patted Lou
Wushuang on the shoulder before the three of them stood up together. They politely
walked over and shook hands with the Swedish team, showing an excellent performance.
Many domestic viewers were madly sending flowers to celebrate this victory.
In the Miracle World Carnival, the Chinese team won their first battle!
Tan Shitian, Liu Xiang and Lou Wushuang, the three people showed a perfect cooperation
and caused Sweden to collapse!
Such news soon spread all over the e-sports circle.
Cheng Wei watched the game from below the stage and stood up to clap excitedly, his eyes
slightly warm.
Cat God was right. Tan Shitian was only 19 years old but he could shoulder the heavy
responsibility of the Time team. Even in the World Series, he was so calm. This person
actually had many advantages.
This was a true general!
Li Cangyu saw this and smiled as he sent a message to Xiao Wei. [Later follow him to learn
Cheng Wei immediately nodded and replied: [Yes, I know!]
Zhang Shaohui sitting next to Cheng Wei was also in brainless fan mode as he excitedly
said, “My brother is so handsome. He really is handsome. Killing three people in a row, such
a calm and violent killer is truly my brother.”
Next door, Ling Xuefeng took out his phone, opened Weibo and went to the home page of
this official event. He saw that news of the Chinese team’s first battle and calmly said,
“Team 2 won the first game. They will be watching us next.”
Su Guangmo smiled and stood up. “We naturally can’t fall behind.”
Chu Yan reached out and the three people put their hands together. “Come on!”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GLS: Chapter 81
Chapter 81 – 3v3 Group Stage (3)

The first match in Group D ended while the match between the US team 1 and South Korea
team 2 in Group C was still fiercely ongoing. Ling Xuefeng thought it was convenient to
understand their opponents so they were watching the Group C battle. The strength of the
two teams was really high and the match was very exciting. Surprisingly, the South Korean
team finally won by a narrow margin and the US team lost.
It was 7:30 by the time the game was over. The staff informed the Chinese team to prepare
as Ling Xuefeng’s next game was also on the main stage. The event on the main stage was
being shown live, showing that the US media was paying considerable attention to the
performance of this Chinese team.
In the domestic live broadcast room, Kou Hongyi quickly talked about the results of the
recent matches. “Everyone, the first round of the group stages in the World Carnival’s 3v3
event has ended. The British team won in Group A, the German team won in Group B, South
Korea team 2 won in Group C and our China team 2 won in Group D. These four teams
have gained two points and taken the lead.”
There was an updated scoreboard on the screen, showing each group in turn. The winner
would get two points. Thus, after the first round of matches, the US, Germany, South Korea
and China had two points. The other teams all had 0 points on the scoreboard.
Kou Hongyi said, “While the venue referee is confirming the results, shall we have Sister
Bing introduce the second round of matches?”
“Okay.” Yu Bing replied simply. “The second round will have China team 1 encounter the
Australian team in Group C. Australia only launched the Miracle League three years ago.
There is still a gap in overall strength compared to the US and South Korean teams in the
same group.”
“The Australian team is a combination of berserker, swordsman and healer. The stable
melee front row and healer support will give them a stronger survivability.” Yu Bing
paused before continuing. “Our side is the combination of summoner Ling Xuefeng,
swordsman Su Guangmo and psychic Chu Yan. There is no healer so if the fight is drawn
out, the situation will become very unfavourable to us.”
“Then Captain Ling’s breakthrough point should be the other team’s healer?” Kou Hongyi
“Yes.” Yu Bing nodded. “There are two melee protection on the other side. If they can
successfully kill the healer is the difficulty of this match.”
As soon as her words were over, the lights on the main stage lit up. The audience warmly
applauded as the players on both sides entered the soundproof rooms. Once the referee
confirmed it, the six players entered the competition room in turn.
The IDs of LXF, MOMO and CY were easier to recognize. Ling Xuefeng was at the front so he
was obviously the temporary captain of this team.
Next was the time when players would freely add points and choose equipment.
In the audience, Li Cangyu suddenly spoke. “Xiao Han, can you deduce what stats they
added points to based on the player information on the screen?”
Xiao Han was slightly stunned by the question and his ears turned red. “I can only count the
assassin, not the other classes.”
Li Cangyu didn’t blame him. For online players who haven’t undergone professional
training, they were generally only proficient in the class they played. It was normal that
they didn’t understand other classes.
“Do you see, Su Guangmo’s physical attack broke through 10,000. This indicates that all his
points were added to attack. This is closely related to the strong front row of the Flying
Feathers team. His younger brother Yu Pingsheng is the most powerful berserker in the
league. On the field, Yu Pingsheng would be responsible for protecting and coordinating
with his brother while Su Guangmo is responsible for the high attack.” Li Cangyu explained
Su Guangmo’s stats while also briefly introducing the situation of the Flying Feathers team
to his young apprentice.
“Ah.” Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully. “But Yu Pingsheng isn’t here today. Is he still putting
full points into attack?”
“It is because Ling Xuefeng is there.” Li Cangyu said with a smile.
Xiao Han looked at his master with a puzzled expression. “Ling Xuefeng?”
“Yes, Ling Xuefeng is the most explosive player in the Chinese Miracle League.” Li Cangyu
patiently explained. “Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng are equally strong attackers. When
they are in their own teams, they have the protection of their teammates. But once they
form a combination, there is no need to protect each other. The two people attacking
together is the best defense.”
This time, Ling Xuefeng’s data panel was shown. Li Cangyu pointed to the big screen and
explained, “Look at Ling Xuefeng. His magic output exceeds 10,000 so he also added all his
points into attack.”
Xiao Han finally realized. “Oh, I understand! Two powerful attackers can achieve the 1+1=
greater than 2 effect. They will unleash a full attack, burst suppression style to quickly
finish the match?”
Li Cangyu rubbed his apprentice’s head and praised, “Very clever. You pass.”
Xiao Han was slightly dizzy at being praised by his master. His eye were bright, looking like
pure and beautiful black gems in the lighting of the venue.
Bai Xuan looked at him and thought sympathetically, ‘This child has been completely
conquered by Cat God’s charm. Wasn’t he cold and proud before? There is nothing left in
front of Cat God!
Cat God was really good at dealing with teenagers. He tamed Cheng Wei and now Gu Siming
and Xiao Han. Maybe there would be more kittens around him in the future?
Li Cangyu found that Bai Xuan was laughing and couldn’t help turning to him. “What are
you laughing about?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “I am happy that the Chinese team won.”
Li Cangyu retorted, “The game hasn’t even started yet!”
Bai Xuan explained seriously, “With Ling Xuefeng, I don’t think that this game can be lost.
Don’t you think so?”
Li Cangyu, “…”
He was uncovered by Bai Xuan so he no longer hid it. Li Cangyu readily smiled and said,
“Yes, he is there. I believe there is no suspense in this game against Australia.”
The confidence was overflowing from his chest. Bai Xuan couldn’t help sighing at how
confident Cat God was and how much he believed in Ling Xuefeng. It seemed that the
opponents would definitely be crushed in this match.
Facts proved that Li Cangyu’s confidence in Ling Xuefeng wasn’t unreasonable.
Once the match started, the Chinese team was very active. Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng
joined forces to violently attack, not acting polite with the other.
Su Guangmo was known as the Terran Emperor in China because he was the strongest
among terran players. His competition experience was very rich and when he was close, he
would give people a strong sense of oppression. Su Guangmo wasn’t afraid even if the other
side had a berserker and swordsman as he rushed forward.
The other side’s swordsman wanted to stop him by using Spirit Lock. Unexpectedly, Su
Guangmo actually used flexible movements to move sideways and successfully avoid this
control skill. He followed up with Revolving Star Movement to bypass the threat of the
berserker’s axe and successfully broke into the back row!
Revolving Star Movement was a fast movement skill that was extremely difficult for a
swordsman to use. Tan Shitian thought this was Su Guangmo’s most annoying skill.
Su Guangmo’s registered ID in China was Grey Wolf. He played a swordsman and his style
was chic and violent. Many fans of Su Guangmo said that he had a type of ‘heroic’ style.
Watching him play the game would truly give people a sense of pride.
“The opposite side’s Spirit Lock was wasted and Captain Su successfully broke through two
people into the back row!” Kou Hongyi spoke excitedly. “His movements were truly
“He is the emperor. His personal strength is obviously at a crushing level.” Yu Bing’s
commentary was calm and fair. She never favoured exaggerating a certain player. This was
also her true heart. For a person to be able to single-handedly break through two people,
there was no way to explain it other than strength.
The other side’s healer was obviously a bit panicked. He probably didn’t expect that the
two front rows on his side couldn’t stop the opposite swordsman!
However, the response of Australia’s berserker was extremely fast. Once he saw that Su
Guangmo was rushing to kill the healer, he turned and raised the heavy axe, aiming
Breaking Soul Chop directly at Su Guangmo’s back.
Su Guangmo didn’t have eyes in the back of his head but Ling Xuefeng could see all of this.
The moment the berserker raised his axe, Ling Xuefeng burst out his hand speed and
immediately summoned his banshee, using Charm on the berserker!
The banshee’s Charm forcibly pulled people. The giant axe in the berserker’s hand was
about to smash towards Su Guangmo. He was pulled a few steps back by the banshee and
the axe hit the ground instead of Su Guangmo, leaving a deep mark in the ground.
“Amazing pre-judgement!” Kou Hongyi praised. “Captain Ling’s hand speed is worthy of
being a world-class player. The opposite side’s berserker hadn’t finished his skill yet while
Ling Xuefeng pressed two skills. Summoning Banshee and Charm. Even the pulling of the
berserker was very smooth!”
As he was speaking, Ling Xuefeng followed out by summoning his skeleton infantry and
using Death Imprisonment on the opposite side’s swordsman. In the blink of an eye, the
demon summoner controlled the two people on the other side!
Chu Yan wasn’t idle. He had been standing behind Ling Xuefeng and readying the auxiliary
array, Illusion Maze!
This array was one of the most powerful field control skills of a psychic. Everyone who fell
into the maze would have strange phantoms of all colours in front of them. They couldn’t
tell any direction or distinguish their teammates.
In the case of Illusion Maze, an average player could only choose to stop attacking to
prevent accidentally harming a teammate.
The opposite healer was helpless and had to use Purification.
Chu Yan’s maze was removed by the purification but Chu Yan’s second array was released
—Frost Array.
Everyone was frozen!
Of course, the treatment have five seconds of no control after Purification and wasn’t
affected by Frost Array. Chu Yan used the array to control the berserker and swordsman so
that they wouldn’t interfere with Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng’s attacks.
Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng’s goal was very consistent. Kill the healer as fast as possible.
Therefore, they didn’t waste any attack skills on the other two. Su Guangmo broke through
the blockade of the two men while Ling Xuefeng controlled them. Chu Yan took over on the
follow-up control. The opposing berserker and swordsman wanted to protect the healer
but they couldn’t move.
The poor healer frantically used skills on himself during the five seconds free from control.
However, Ling Xuefeng’s ability to predict was terrible. The healer wanted to use a skill to
restore his blood while Ling Xuefeng decisively exploded his skeleton infantry and
interrupted the casting!
Su Guangmo followed closely with Breaking Bone Sword to interrupt the healer.
The opposing healer was beaten and his blood volume plummeted. He sighed with relief
when the berserker and swordsman were freed from the ice, only for Ling Xuefeng to
suddenly summon black crows. The overwhelming crows caused the two people’s visions
to be covered in darkness.
Su Guangmo followed closely with Light and Shadow Rotation. The white sword light
surrounded the terran swordsman, making him look like a sharp rotating blade as he
decisively cut the healer to residual blood.
Skeleton Explosion!
Ling Xuefeng exploded the skeleton infantry that he once again summoned and the healer
finally died.
Tens of thousands of comments filled the domestic live broadcast room in an instant,
worshipping Su Guangmo, licking Ling Xuefeng and praising Chu Yan. It was also full of 666.
(TL: For those wondering, 666 is slang and is generally used when praising
Kou Hongyi said with a smile, “It is lucky Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng aren’t in the same
team. Otherwise, the rest of the country won’t be able to do anything. The attack power
after these two men join together is really terrible.”
Yu Bing thought, ‘You still don’t know. If Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng are in a team… the
other teams in the country will be directly beaten to death by these summoners.
The year that Li Cangyu refused Ling Xuefeng’s invitation to join the Wind Colour team was
truly lucky for other teams in China.
Cat God was also watching today’s scene. Yu Bing thought up to here and restored her
thoughts to the original topic. “Captain Su and Captain Ling are the most powerful players
in the Chinese Miracle League. We have just seen the effect of them teaming up.”
Once the two melees were controlled, Su and Ling joined hands and only took 15 seconds
to kill the healer.
Kou Hongyi asked, “If Xiang Xiang was that person, would she be able to endure?”
Yu Bing shook her head. “Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo’s pre-judgements are too powerful
and they will continue to interrupt the healer. If there is no support from teammates, even
Liu Xiang will only live for up to 20 seconds. The Australian team’s healer was wearing
equipment that increased healing volume today. He probably wanted to rely on the
advantage of increased healing to draw out the match but it is impossible for Su Ling to give
him that chance.”
Yu Bing’s words were correct. Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng teamed up to kill the healer in
order to not give the enemies a chance to draw out the battle.
The healer died and the lineup on the opposite side almost completely collapsed.
The opposing swordsman couldn’t compare to Su Guangmo. The berserker was like a dog
being walked around by the remote Ling Xuefeng. The Chinese team also had the help of a
psychic auxiliary so the remaining two enemies fell in a matter of minutes.
The word ‘Victory’ appeared on the big screen. The audience clapped while the comments
area was instantly boiling.
[Another victory!]
[The enemies were completely crushed!]
The domestic audience cheered while the three players looked very calm. Ling Xuefeng led
them to shake hands with the opposite team and then the trio stepped down, as if this
victory was nothing for them.
At this moment, Li Cangyu’s phone lit up again. Ling Xuefeng had sent a text message with
the extremely simple: [I won.]
Li Cangyu wasn’t surprised at all. He smiled and replied: [If you can’t win against Australia,
the weakest team in Group C, how can you come back and face me?]
Ling Xuefeng’s lips slightly raised and he stated: [The next game is the key.]
Li Cangyu sent a simple cheer.
Yes, the next match against the US team was the key to all the matches today.

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GLS: Chapter 82
Chapter 82 – 3v3 Group Stage (4)

On the first day of the Carnival, each group would play four rounds. The Chinese team 1
was scheduled for two games—the second round against Australia and the fourth round
against the US. There was a break period in the middle that Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and
Chu Yan used to once again confirm their strategy.
The fourth round officially started at 8:30 in the evening. The matchup of two strong teams,
the Us and China, who had the strength to win the championship, was naturally
broadcasted live on the main stage. It became the focus of the audience and media of
various countries.
The media on the US side said, “Our US team 1 just accidentally lost to the South Korean
team. This game must be won, otherwise it will be difficult to qualify for the quarter-finals!
This team has Jack, Thomas and Edmund so our hope of killing the Chinese team is great!”
There were only two qualifying places in each group. The US team was really unfavorable
this year. First they fought South Korea for half an hour and was counterattacked at the last
moment. The second match was against the strong enemy of the Chinese team. If they lost
again… it was basically impossible for them to leave the group stage.
South Korea’s side said, “The American team’s Jack Josh and the Chinese team’s Ling
Xuefeng are the world’s first and second ranked summoner. Thomas is currently the
number one elf bard and Su Guangmo is also a world-famous swordsman. The matchup
between the two sides is almost at the level of the finals!”
They ignored Chu Yan in their commentary. It was because the domestic psychic assisted
play had only recently been developed by the Pure Cleansing team in the past two years.
Chu Yan was a low-key person and he hadn’t appeared in the world rankings.
“The US team also has Edmund, a very powerful blood kin assassin! Based on the lineup,
the probability of the US team winning is greater.”
“The US team unexpectedly lost to South Korea before. They will definitely fight back in this
game. I also bet that the US team will win.”
“There are three world-famous attackers on the US side while China has two attackers and
one support. The US has a larger chance of winning.”
Media outlets around the world speculated on the outcome of the game and most of them
bet that the US team would win.
In the commentary room on the Chinese side, Yu Bing’s expression was the same as usual.
She glanced at the lineup and said calmly, “The first bard Thomas, the first blood kin
summoner Jack Josh and the world-famous killer Edmund… the US team 1 truly has a super
luxurious lineup.”
“I just observed the score forecast on the American Miracle website. In this game, 98% of
the audience predicted that the US team will win while only 2% think that China will win…”
Kou Hongyi shook his head and said, “Isn’t this looking down too much on our three
“From the perspective of the lineup, it is true that the US team has a bigger chance of
winning. The popularity of the three players are dominant in the world rankings. The
competition is being held in New York so it can be said that the Us team is gathering the
three elements of sky, land and people.”
There was a pause and Yu Bing suddenly added, “However, I believe that in this game, the
final winner will be the Chinese team.”
Kou Hongyi asked doubtfully, “Sister Bing, are you that confident?”
“Of course.” Yu Bing always looked indifferent but there was a hint of a rare smile on her
She wasn’t confident in Ling Xuefeng. She was confident in the joint efforts of Li Cangyu and
Ling Xuefeng.
Before the game, Red Fox’s vice-captain Yang Muzi had sent her a gossip message. [Sister
Bing, I saw Cat God coming to the hotel to meet Captain Ling at dinner time. Captain Ling
took him to the Western restaurant to eat and deliberately avoided reporters… What is he
doing here?]
Unlike the quiet and gentle Red Fox captain, Liu Xiang, Yang Muzi’s personality was lively
and active. Whenever she saw something curious, she would send a text message to ask Yu
Bing about it.
Yu Bing soon thought of one thing.
In the first three seasons of Miracle, Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were the captains of two
teams and they played against each other in a combined total of six times. The two of them
met at a young age and there seemed to be a strange understanding between them, despite
their different tactical ideas. This also cause the two of them to avoid each other six times
in the single-elimination battle. They never fought against each other in the arena.
There were countless arguments about who was the best summoner between them in the
Miracle forums. This gradually subsided when Li Cangyu led his team to leave.
Now Li Cangyu appeared at the hotel during the World Carnival. Yu Bing believed there
was only one possibility— Ling Xuefeng was looking for him as a strategist.
They were definitely the strongest opponents on the field but once they joined hands, they
could immediately make up for the flaws in each other.
The combination of two imperfect people made a perfect circle.
Ling Xuefeng was the best at the suppression style but for the same powerful explosive US
team, the ‘violent suppression’ approach was absolutely impossible. Therefore, he found Li
Cangyu to seek new ideas from Li Cangyu’s unpredictable tactics.
According to Yang Muzi, Cat God and Captain Ling stayed in the restaurant for a long time.
Li Cangyu ate very fast so it was impossible for them to be eating for so long. The two
people had obviously been chatting in the restaurant.
After defeating Australia, Ling Xuefeng calmly stepped down and immediately took his
teammates to prepare for the next game, apparently to continue discussing tactics. Yu Bing
was almost certain that Captain Ling had already received an idea from Cat God.
The real commander of the game was actually Li Cangyu.
He was the strategist hidden behind Ling Xuefeng.
Therefore, Yu Bing was confident in the Chinese team winning.
In her eyes, Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were the leading great gods of the domestic
Miracle League. If the two men couldn’t beat the US team after joining hands then the level
of entire Chinese Miracle League would have to be reconsidered.
The game on the biggest main stage was being broadcasted live. The New York live host
introduced the six players and their current world rankings.
Jack Josh, the vice-captain of the US ICE team and the world’s strongest blood kin
Ling Xuefeng, the captain of the Wind Colour team and the world’s strongest demon
The appearance of these two people alone was enough to make the summoning fans
around the world scream with excitement!
In addition, the US team had the very popular elf archer Thomas and the calm killer
Edmund. The temporary team was composed of three ace players, making the screams at
the venue reach the peak, almost piercing the human eardrums.
Many local fans raised fluorescent signs to support the US players. The popularity of the
Chinese team at the away game was somewhat pitiful. There were only a few Chinese
people screaming and their voices were drowned out by the crowd.
Fortunately, the three Chinese team players were very calm and weren’t disturbed by the
outside world. In particular, Ling Xuefeng maintained his handsome abstinent face as he
tapped at the keyboard.
Li Cangyu saw this familiar action and couldn’t help smiling. He would quickly tap the
keyboard before every game. It was to check if there were any faults in the keyboard while
also letting his fingers adapt to the fast attack rhythm.
His fingers were long, powerful and steady, proving he wasn’t nervous at all.
Ling Xuefeng seemed to sense Li Cangyu’s gaze and suddenly looked below the stage. The
VIP seats were very close to the players’ soundproof room. The glare of the lights would
blur people’s eyes when looking down but Ling Xuefeng immediately locked onto Li
Cangyu’s position in the crowd. He nodded at Li Cangyu and gave a ‘rest assured’ look.
Li Cangyu smiled and nodded back at him.
Ling Xuefeng soon turned around and continued preparing for the game, his face blank. The
meeting of the two people across the stage was fleeting. No one noticed this simple eye
exchange where a mental message was exchanged.
The game would soon begin. Both players logged into the match room and a two minute
cooldown started.
All data was reset and in this two minute preparation period, the players had to re-add
their stat points and choose their equipment. The players on both sides were fast. Once the
confirmation button was pressed, the guide transferred the final data of each contestant to
the big screen.
Yu Bing found that Su Guangmo’s equipment had changed and immediately said, “Su
Guangmo changed his weapon to the Sword of Judgment.”
Kou Hongyi pulled out a separate screenshot of the weapon and explained, “The Sword of
Judgment is highly aggressive and comes with the ‘Additional 200% enhancement of Light
and Shadow Rotation’ effect. The disadvantage is that it is quite heavy. Using this weapon
will sacrifice some agility. Su Guangmo is very good at moving quickly. Now that he is using
the Sword of Judgment, it will be difficult to take advantage of running quickly. What does
this mean?”
The advantage of a swordsman lay in their agile positioning and rapid attacks. Su Guangmo
chose such a heavy weapon. His attack might be enhanced but his movements would
become heavy. In a high pressure game, this amounted to death.
“Captain Ling also changed his weapon.” Ling Xuefeng’s final data appeared on the screen,
causing Yu Bing to frown slightly. “Demon Curse, this is the most aggressive weapon of a
demon summoner. All pet magic attacks will be greatly enhanced but at the expense of
reducing the master’s defense.”
The two weapons caused a number of spectators to be fearful.
Su Guangmo abandoned the advantage of his fast positioning by carrying a heavy sword
while Ling Xuefeng increased his attack but reduced his defense. A summoner’s defense
was already very weak. Wasn’t Ling Xuefeng afraid of being killed by the other side?
Surprisingly, Chu Yan was wearing a defensive outside and chose the psychic weapon
‘Phantom Staff’ which sped up the release of arrays. On the other hand, it also decreased
the duration of the arrays.
Yu Bing immediately determined in her heart that the tactical maker of this game must be
Li Cangyu.
Cat God’s commanding style was very unpredictable, the witty cat always making people
guess his actions.
Even if her tactical ideas were very high, Yu Bing couldn’t guess what types of tricks these
three people were playing. After a moment of silence, she gave up on guessing the tactic
developed by the witty Cat God and simply said, “They must’ve chose these weapons due to
a special tactical plan for the US team. The game will start soon so let us wait and see.”

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GLS: Chapter 83
Chapter 83 – China VS USA (1)

The match finally began and the players on both sides appeared on the City Square map.
This map was officially selected and was fair to all competitors. As soon as his character
appeared, Su Guangmo raised the heavy Sword of Judgment and bravely rushed forward.
Ling Xuefeng and Chu Yan followed closely, the three forming an equilateral triangle.
They arrived at the central fountain and couldn’t find any other people. It was because the
blood kin race had the general ‘Nightfall’ skill to keep themselves invisible. Obviously, the
opposite side’s blood kin summoner and blood kin killer turned themselves invisible as
soon as they entered the map. Their positions couldn’t be determined.
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t in a hurry as his eyes scanned the surrounding environment. The three
of them had just arrived at the fountain and the two sides refreshed at approximately the
same distance from the central fountain. In other words, the three players on the opposite
side should also have arrived at the fountain. The other party chose to use stealth for a
surprise attack. They would first kill one person to establish a numbers advantage so it all
depended on who they would kill.
Generally, a blood kin killer would go around the back when killing. It was because a killer
had a damage bonus when attacking from behind. There was the fountain in the middle of
the two teams. If they wanted a surprise attack, they could only go around from the stone
statue next to it and this would take approximately five seconds.
Ling Xuefeng glanced at the stone statue on Chu Yan’s side, his fingers pressed against the
keyboard as he waited for the other side to appear.
They really chose Chu Yan!
Pick the soft persimmon first, this was a truth that everyone knew. Su Guangmo’s defense
was high and Ling Xuefeng’s demon summoner had a strong survivability. Chu Yan was a
fragile demon psychic and was clearly the best one to kill among the three people. In
addition, the existence of an auxiliary would interfere with a team battle so it was
reasonable to take care of the auxiliary first.
A bloody light suddenly emerged behind Chu Yan, followed by blood spiders and blood
snakes. At the same time, a dense rain of arrows was fired from the distance.
These three people were worthy of being the ace players of the US team. Their movements
had a neat unity and their firepower was quite terrible. Chu Yan was controlled by Jack’s
blood spider, while the killer and archer used explosive skills. Chu Yan’s blood fall halfway
in an instant!
“He only has half blood let. One more wave will wipe him out!” The commander Jack was
hot-blooded. He liked this feeling of crushing the opponent and killing them in one breath.
It was extremely handsome!
The teammates around him immediately followed his instructions.
The blood kin killer used the most powerful attack skills, Death Mark and Fatal Blow!
The killer’s Death Mark would mark the target of the assassination. Then the Fatal Blow
skill would deal double damage to the marked target. These moves would surely kill the
In addition, Jack opened a big move— Blood Snake Dance!
This was the strongest single attack skill of the blood kin pet, the blood snake. The red
blood snake quickly wrapped around the enemy and used its body to strangle the target!
Thomas wasn’t idle. He pulled the long bow in his hand and aimed the precise Seize Life
Shot at Chu Yan!
The black, red and green lights lit up Chu Yan’s body. Many domestic audience members
were somewhat sad. The suppression of the US team was really terrible. The trio joined
hands and it seemed certain that Chu Yan would die.
At the venue in New York, many viewers started to cheer in advance. The three trump
cards of the US were going to take the head of the unknown psychic of the Chinese team!
The expected ‘First Blood’ announcement didn’t appear on the big screen.
The crowd was shocked. The trio’s big move didn’t kill Chu Yan and actually restored 15%
of his blood!
—Psychic Barrier!
On the map, Chu Yan, Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng all had a dark purple spherical barrier
around them.
It was the psychic’s big move!
The effect of Psychic Barrier was very simple. It transferred all adverse statuses to the
opponents while transferring all beneficial statuses to the caster. In addition, it would
rebound all attacks.
Therefore, Jack, Edmund and Thomas’ big moves didn’t kill the psychic but decreased their
own blood instead. The blood kin summoner and assassin’s attacks came with a blood-
sucking effect… this beneficial effect was naturally transferred to Chu Yan so Chu Yan’s
blood volume wasn’t reduced.
This change caused many of the audience members to be stunned. However, Li Cangyu
seemed to have expected it. He smiled slightly and said, “This is the consequence of
underestimating a psychic.”
A psychic might be a fragile support but as long as they released their skills, they could
sometimes be more powerful than a healer!
In the commentator’s room, Yu Bing thought of the weapons replacement at the start of the
game and immediately explained, “Psychic Barrier, it is a skill with the shortest casting
time. The casting time is one second and the duration is five seconds. However, the use of
Phantom Staff might’ve reduced the duration to four seconds but the advantage is that
Psychic Barrier can be released instantly!”
Kou Hongyi finally reacted. “I get it! Chu Yan chose the Phantom Staff so that he can
instantly release Psychic Barrier in a critical moment, bouncing off the other side’s big
The commentators could figure it out so the three contestants of the US team naturally
discovered it instantly.
Most of a psychic’s skills needed to be read and once the casting was interrupted, the skill
would fail to be released. Previously, they thought the psychic couldn’t use any skills. A
psychic who was interrupted by the assassin wouldn’t be able to release their skills. The
three people had played too smoothly and ignored the other player’s Phantom Staff
“Stop!” Jack Josh quickly issued a new order. The other side had the Psychic Barrier. Any
attack skills would just rebound so they had to wait for the barrier effect to end.
However, Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng didn’t wait in the same place. Before Chu Yan was
hit, Su Guangmo had chased after the other side’s archer while Ling Xuefeng quickly
summoned his pets and placed them in the right positions.
Once the three Americans recovered their spirits, they were surprised to find that the
demon skeleton infantry and banshee were present and laid out in very bizarre positions.
“Spread out!” Jack Josh was immediately alert but his words were one beat too late.
Witch Demon’s Curse!
A banshee’s Charm could pull a person in front of her but the Witch Demon’s Curse… could
bring all opponents in front of her.
Skeleton Explosion!
Ling Xuefeng’s placement of the banshee was very tricky. It brought all three people in
front of the skeleton infantry and followed up with Skeleton Explosion, collectively
destroying 15% of their blood.
It wasn’t over yet!
Su Guangmo had long been waiting. After he saw that Ling Xuefeng successfully pulled the
opposite three people over, he decisively used the swordsman’s most powerful attack,
Light and Shadow Rotation.
The white sword light surrounded the swordsman, rising and descending. It separated the
surrounding air as the Sword of Judgment cut at the three people on the opposite side!
In the blink of an eye, the Chinese team used the opportunity of the Psychic Barrier to
decisively counterattack. The blood volume of the three American players was collectively
reduced to 65%!
Chu Yan took advantage of Captain Ling controlling the three opponents to immediately
turn and run to a distance where he couldn’t be attacked.
Yu Bing suppressed her excited mood as she said, “Sure enough, their weapons selection
was based on a tactic. The Sword of Judgment might slow Su Guangmo’s speed but once he
released Light and Shadow Rotation, the damage was increased by 200%! The skill dealt a
hard hit and it will be very difficult for the enemies to endure.”
“Captain Ling’s Demon Curse weapon also increases his pet attacks. You can see the
damage caused by blowing up the skeleton was very high. The cooperation of the two
people instantly suppressed the blood volume of the three people on the opposite side!”
Kou Hongyi exclaimed excitedly, “This is really a beautiful counterattack!”
They were being beaten and then counterattacked. The disadvantageous situation had been
successfully reversed.
Under the stage, Xiao Han couldn’t help thinking that the Chinese team’s psychic had 65%
blood while the swordsman and summoner were full of blood. Meanwhile, the blood on the
US team was at 65% for all three players. Wasn’t the possibility that the Chinese team
would win quite high.
As soon as he thought this, he saw that Psychic Barrier ended and Jack Josh opened the
blood kin summoner’s big move, Blood Bat Festival!
The blood bats sprang up and rushed at the opposite trio.
This was the most extensive attack of a blood kin summoner and had a blood-sucking
The big move successfully hit and the blood-sucking effect restored Jack Josh’s blood to the
safety line of 80%. At the same time, Su Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng’s blood dropped to
80%. Chu Yan was too far away and wasn’t hit by this big move.
Chu Yan obviously ran out of range of the battle to temporarily save his live. If the US team
wanted to continue chasing Chu Yan, they would have to bypass the blocking of Su and
At this time, Thomas sent a distress signal.
He was caught by Su Guangmo!
Tan Shitian, the most outstanding bard in China, had once given an interview. When asked
about the contestant he hated the most, he bluntly replied, “I dislike Captain Su the most.
Once I am chased by Su Guangmo, I can’t release my skills.”
When Bai Xuan was chased by Xie Shurong, he also wanted to climb into the computer and
wring the neck of the opposite swordsman through the cable. Once a melee got close to a
remote class, especially the fast attacking swordsman, it was really ‘can’t take care of their
Thomas had been standing far away and happily firing dark arrows. Then Ling Xuefeng’s
pet skill pulled him over so that Su Guangmo immediately chased him.
Jack Josh didn’t care about him and said instead, “Edmund, go and kill the psychic. I will
take care of Ling Xuefeng. Thomas, don’t worry. The swordsman’s weapon is heavy so you
can kite him!”
This was undoubtedly the calmest decision in the current situation.
The three US players dispersed and chased the three Chinese players. Li Cangyu watched
the game from the audience and couldn’t help giving Jack Josh a thumbs up.
The most taboo thing in the arena was a commander who didn’t know how to adapt. The
US team wanted to kill the psychic and this idea wasn’t wrong. It was only that Chu Yan’s
weapon rarely appeared in a match and they hadn’t realized it. Psychic Barrier was used
and they were hit with a wave of counterattacks. Jack Josh immediately gave up his
previous strategy and changed to a 1v1 single player mode.
He singled out Ling Xuefeng, who he wasn’t afraid of annoying.
It might be annoying for Thomas to be entangled with Su Guangmo but an elf could move
fast and he wouldn’t die for a while if he ran quickly.
Thus, the remaining assassin would have to take care of the psychic as soon as possible to
create the 3v2 advantage.
Yu Bing saw this and couldn’t help saying, “Jack Josh is very smart. This type of one on one
play is actually very bad for the Chinese team. The two summoners know each other well
and Captain Ling won’t be able to quickly free himself to save his teammates.”
Kou Hongyi was also worried. “The match between a terran swordsman and elf archer is
often seen in China, since Tan Shitian often meets with Su Guangmo. Thomas certainly has
the ability to drag this battle on for 10 minutes so Chu Yan is in danger.”
Jack Josh fought Ling Xuefeng, Thomas fought Su Guangmo and the assassin would go to kill
the psychic. It really would be hard to save Chu Yan.
The 3v3 team battle was changed to a 1v1 match by Jack Josh. The two world-class
summoners called their pets to kill each other and couldn’t be distracted. The swordsman
and archer were running around the map. There wouldn’t be any wins or losses in a
minute. Meanwhile, the auxiliary Chu Yan had to face the blood kin killer and would
definitely be in a disadvantageous situation.
Chu Yan’s blood decreased while the killer relied on blood-sucking skills to gradually
restore his blood…
How could this situation be reversed?
The hearts of the domestic audience were in their throats.
Just then, Yu Bing’s eyes lit up. She found that Su Guangmo was chasing Thomas around the
whole map. Thomas shot a few arrows from time to time at Su Guangmo while Su Guangmo
would also occasionally attack to decrease blood. The two of them ran through several
statues and unwittingly entered Chu Yan’s vicinity!
Thomas just realized he was near his teammate when Su Guangmo suddenly let him go and
used Spirit Lock directly on the assassin’s back!
Edmund, who was trying to kill Chu Yan, was hit by this skill. Chu Yan immediately jumped
out of attack range and started casting a skill.
Frost Array!
The assassin Edmund and archer Thomas were frozen in place by this array.
The cooldown of Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation had just ended and he didn’t
hesitate to use it again. The white sword light swept like a gust of wind and the bonus
200% effect of the weapon doubled the power of this move. The two enemies instantly fell
to residual blood!
Jack Josh wanted to rescue them but it was too late. He was standing too far away with Ling
Xuefeng, not to mention that he couldn’t get away.
Jack Josh was entangled with Ling Xuefeng?
Perhaps it was Ling Xuefeng who dragged Jack Josh away in order to let Su Guangmo and
Chu Yan complete a beautiful move!

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GLS: Chapter 84
Chapter 84 – China VS USA (2)

Edmund and Thomas were frozen in place, receiving Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow
Rotation. The moment that Frost Array was ended, Chu Yan released Illusion Maze.
The psychic’s arrays instantly abolished the fighting power of the two opponents.
This was a psychic. They might seem fragile with no attack power but once they were
uncontrolled, they could control the entire field and force the opponent’s into a dilemma!
It was the reason why Jack Josh wanted to start off with killing the psychic. Unfortunately,
they repeatedly encountered many incidents in the process. He thought the killer could
take care of the psychic and didn’t expect the opposite side’s swordsman to move in a big
circle to help from behind. The 1v1 battles was forcibly converted into 2v2.
Su Guangmo didn’t have much blood left and a psychic’s arrays were limited. The
opponents couldn’t be controlled all the time. Once the two people were released from the
control, Chu Yan certainly wouldn’t live for a long time. Therefore, Su Guangmo used all his
explosive moves. The Sword of Judgment might be heavy but when he wielded it, he was
domineering and extraordinary, directly beating up the fragile archer and assassin!
After the release of the arrays, Chu Yan quickly hid behind a stone statue and ran away.
The audience found that the psychic’s ability to escape was really strong!
In the blink of an eye, he walked around several stone statues and came to to the opposite
side of the fountain.
The archer and assassin had been beaten to residual blood by Su Guangmo. Similarly, Su
and Chu Yan also had residual blood, especially Chu Yan. He had been beaten by the
assassin and only had 5% blood left. One last move might cause him to die.
The Frost Array control effect finally ended and the two opponents wanted to chase after
the psychic who only had a bit of blood left. They didn’t expect that Su Guangmo would
suddenly make a fatal mistake with his positioning!
For professional players… this mistake really wasn’t common.
“How can he turn his back to the assassin.” Yu Bing stared nervously at the screen. Su
Guangmo had just decreased the opponents’ blood with Light and Shadow Rotation and
was between the assassin and archer. At that time, he could stand with the archer and away
from the assassin. However, Su Guangmo’s mistake meant his position was more towards
the assassin’s side and… it was actually his back!
Everyone who player an assassin knew what a good chance it was when the target turned
their backs to the assassin!
All of an assassin’s attacks automatically received extra damage when it came from behind
the target. This was equivalent to Su Guangmo giving his back to the assassin and Edmund
was a world-class killer. It was impossible for him to not grasp such a good opportunity.
Kou Hongyi sighed deep in his heart.
Sure enough, Edmund’s actions were very decisive. The sharp blade in his hand stabbed as
he used Backstab, Soul Kill and Fatal Blow!
—First Blood!
A blood announcement finally popped out. The two sides had fought for 10 minutes and
one person finally died.
Su Guangmo with 20% blood was killed.
Many domestic audiences scolded Su Guangmo in the live broadcast comments, especially
Su Guangmo’s sunspots.
[He can’t even position himself properly. Giving his back to the assassin is too much!] [I
have long thought that he wasn’t skilled. Who chose him to go to the Carnival and humiliate
However, many Su Guangmo fans argued quietly: [Captain Su wouldn’t make such a low
level mistake… he might’ve unexpectedly missed.] [Is there anyone who hasn’t made
mistakes? Perhaps he is in a bad state today?] [There is no need to scold him over this…]
On the other hand, Yu Bing was quick to notice a key point.
Due to Su Guangmo’s mistake, Edmund and Thomas decisively took the opportunity to kill
him. This made Chu Yan successfully break away from their attack range and he headed to
Ling Xuefeng and Jack Josh’s area.
The difference between Jack Josh and Ling Xuefeng wasn’t big. It was a match between
masters and one distraction would allow them to be easily killed. Therefore, both of them
were very focused. The audience could see that Jack Josh and Ling Xuefeng had both
reached the dangerous threshold of 30% blood. Whoever made a mistake was likely to be
killed by the other person.
Edmund realized something was wrong and immediately said on the voice channel, “Jack,
be careful!”
However, it was a language prompt and couldn’t increase the speed at which professional
players used skills. Not to mention, Chu Yan chose a weapon that reduce the casting time of
his skills. By the time Edmund spoke, he had finished using a skill. Psychic Curse!
This was a psychic’s only single target control skill that made the designated target fall into
the silenced state for five seconds, not allowing them to use any skills. After changing
weapons today, the silence time would be reduced to four seconds but the casting speed
was obviously faster.
Four seconds was enough for Ling Xuefeng to kill a weakened opponent!
In the 1v1 match, Ling Xuefeng had deliberately saved a big move. Once he saw Chu Yan
behind Jack Josh, Ling Xuefeng immediately started casting a big move.
Demon’s Wrath!
The most terrible attack pet of the demon summoner was the demon god. Once the demon
god was summoned, there was a black mist around it. The black mist spread out and the
demon god without a body was like floating black smoke. It wrapped around the opponent,
from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. After three seconds, the black smoke
dissipated, causing terrible black magic damage!
—Second Blood!
The opposite side’s blood kin summoner was killed by the demon god in an instant!
At this time, Ling Xuefeng still had 30% of his blood while the assassin Edmund and archer
Thomas only had 20% of their blood.
Ling Xuefeng decisively turned around and summoned his black crows to block their
Immediately afterwards, he summoned the banshee to pull the assassin towards him. Then
he surrounded the assassin with skeleton infantry and continuously used Skeleton
Explosion, killing the assassin as well!
The situation instantly reversed, the original 2v3 becoming 2v1.
Thomas was the only one alive on the US team and his archer attacked from a long distance.
He wanted to take advantage of this to kite Ling Xuefeng. However, the crows blocked his
vision. Once he circled around and tried to shoot at Ling Xuefeng, he found waiting for
him… Psychic Barrier.
That’s right. Chu Yan’s Psychic Barrier had been cooling down for a long time and it could
finally be used, bouncing back all the damage!
Thomas was speechless. Thanks to Psychic Barrier, he couldn’t beat the other person,. He
had to turn around and control the distance while waiting for Psychic Barrier to end so he
could hit Ling Xuefeng. Unfortunately, Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t give him such an opportunity.
Chu Yan only had 5% blood and he also had little blue left. He couldn’t use any more arrays.
In addition, Ling Xuefeng’s blue was only enough to use one skill. He had to kill Thomas
with one blow or there would be endless troubles.
The archer was so far away and an ordinary attack wasn’t enough. What would Captain
Ling do? The audience who got up early in the morning to watch the game were anxious.
Then a scene occurred that was unexpected for everyone.
Ling Xuefeng summoned: the undead!
This pet was a common pet that all summoners had. It was rarely seen on the field because
it had an adverse effect.
The undead summoning consumed the least blue but no summoner would call the undead
to kill people.
The undead only had one effect. Once the opponent’s blood volume was less than 20%, it
allowed the opponent to die with the summoner.
Yes, it was a ‘die together’ skill!
Ling Xuefeng’s blue was only enough to summon the undead so he decisively called it to
take Thomas away. This man, he was so domineering even when dying!
All three people of the American team were destroyed and the Chinese team’s Chu Yan
The golden ‘Winner!’ appeared on the screens of the Chinese team. However, the audience
couldn’t recover for a long time. The domestic audience was stunned while even Yu Bing
and Kou Hongyi were silent for a moment.
On the playing field, Su Guangmo died first because of an error. Jack Josh was controlled by
Chu Yan, allowing Ling Xuefeng to kill him. Then Edmund was killed by Ling Xuefeng,
leaving the residual blood Thomas behind. Ling Xuefeng politely pulled him to die together.
Finally, the Chinese team only had the 5% blood Chu Yan left.
Chu Yan had been the target of the American team from the beginning but in the end… Su
Guangmo and Ling Xuefeng both died while Chu Yan was alive!
The people who scolded Su Guangmo finally noticed that something was wrong.
[In other words, Captain Su made a mistake. In retrospect, Chu Yan only had 5% blood left
at the time. If Su Guangmo hadn’t made the mistake, Thomas would’ve left and Chu Yan
wouldn’t died in a few seconds!]
[Yes, if Chu Yan died, Captain Su and Captain Ling wouldn’t be able to win the 2v3. In the
case of Captain Ling and Jack Josh’s one on one, Captain Su’s role obviously isn’t as strong
as Chu Yan’s support arrays.]
[Then he deliberately made a mistake and swapped his death for Chu Yan’s survival?]
[If so… Su Guangmo truly is a movie emperor!]
Yu Bing arranged her thoughts and finally calmed down.
Li Cangyu’s tactical arrangements were really strong. The game was finished but she had to
think about it for a long time!
This was true for the outsiders on the sidelines then what about the American players in
the same playing field?
Su Guangmo truly was a movie emperor. When looking back at the video replay, it was
discovered that his so-called ‘positioning mistake’ might’ve given the assassin a chance to
kill him, but it also blocked the archer from chasing Chu Yan.
At that time, he still had a decent amount of blood but his blue was running low. He had
finished unleashing all his explosive skills and was ready to die.
With his death, he gave Chu Yan the chance to fight for a few more seconds.
Chu Yan naturally didn’t let him down. Captain Chu’s escape ability was first-class and he
quickly succeeded in escaping the archer’s pursuit range. Then he went around behind Jack
Josh and used a control skill to help Ling Xuefeng kill Jack.
In the next 2v2 situation, Chu Yan was still on the verge of death so Ling Xuefeng didn’t
hesitate to consume a large amount of blue to summon the crows and block the opponents’
vision. He let Chu Yan move into the distance and exploded his skills on the blood kin
Then… he summoned the undead and decisively took Thomas to die together.
It was like Li Cangyu said before the game. “The key to this game is the auxiliary. Once Chu
Yan dies, we will collapse. Therefore, we must protect Chu Yan.”
This tactical idea was made by Li Cangyu. There was a concrete plan established after a
careful discussion at the restaurant. However, the scenes at the stadium were always
changing and not everything would turn out as expected. Jack Josh dispersed people into a
1v1 situation to kill the auxiliary as soon as possible. In fact, Li Cangyu didn’t have much
hope at this time. Fortunately, Su Guangmo responded quickly by dragging the opposite
archer over to support Chu Yan.
A professional player’s responsiveness wasn’t bad. As long as a big direction was set, they
could be flexible on the field and finally managed to win the match.
However, the process of winning this match was really thrilling. Chu Yan was the only one
alive and he had 5% of his blood left. He seemed like he would die at any moment but he
survived until the end and won this difficult two points for the Chinese team!
The match lasted for nearly half an hour and there were many highlights in the process.
The players on both sides were very capable and adapted to the situation, playing well.
After organizing their thoughts, the commentators started to patiently explain to the
The more the audience heard, the more shocked they were. Such strange tactical ideas truly
wasn’t Captain Ling’s style.
Yu Bing finished analyzing the game and then gave a rare smile. “Maybe everyone is
confused since this tactical arrangement isn’t like the style of Captain Ling, Captain Su or
Captain Chu Yan. My guess is that there is a behind the scenes strategist on the Chinese
side. However, I didn’t get their permission so I won’t disclose their identity.”
The audience became curious by Yu Bing’s words and started to speculate about the behind
the scenes strategist.
Was it Tan Shitian? Captain Lou Wushuang? It didn’t seem like them either.
Many people couldn’t guess and there were viewers who felt that Yu Bing was deliberately
acting like she knew an inside story.
On-site, the referee confirmed the score and Ling Xuefeng’s hands finally left the keyboard.
He moved with Su Guangmo and Chu Yan to shake hands with the US team.
Thomas stared bitterly at Ling Xuefeng. Apparently he was very depressed about being
forced to ‘die together’ at the end.
Jack Josh also had an unconvinced expression on his face. He shook Ling Xuefeng’s hand
and declared proudly, “I won’t lose to you if we fight again next year.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded calmly but in his heart, he was thinking, ‘Next year don’t expect too
much either. Once my Cat God comes back, you will cry even more.’
Ling Xuefeng returned to the soundproof room where the rest of the Chinese team was
located and once again looked at the VIP seats under the stage. His eyes were once again on
Li Cangyu’s position and there was a connection.
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved slightly and his eyes softened. He nodded slight at Li Cangyu, as
if to say, ‘I successfully completed your tactical arrangement and we won.’
It was the real ‘we’. Li Cangyu might not have played but his tactical arrangement was put
into action by Ling Xuefeng. He took the idea and they won the game together.
Li Cangyu smiled and gave Ling Xuefeng a thumbs up.
Xiao Han saw his master’s thumbs up and was stunned. He followed his master’s gaze and
found that Ling Xuefeng was looking over here.
It was strange that across the stage, their eyes were completely locked on the other person,
not allowing any outsiders to intruder…
Xiao Han scratched his head in confusion, thinking, ‘Isn’t Master’s relationship with Ling
Xuefeng really good?’

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GLS: Chapter 85
Chapter 85 – Behind the Scenes Strategist (1)

This game between China and the United States caused the domestic e-sports circle to boil
over. The reporters wrote about this event with enthusiasm. The Chinese team’s victory
over the US team took over the headlines of the major e-sports websites in an instant. The
official organization was also very fast and released the highlights of the game, causing it to
be forwarded on Weibo tens of thousands of times. Of course, the most concerning thing
was the phrase ‘behind the scenes strategist’ mentioned by Yu Bing.
The strategist behind the scenes? Who the hell was that?
Fans and journalists searched for clues and the Internet was bustling for a while.
However, Yu Bing didn’t give any obvious clues. Everyone guessed for a long time, with
some people thinking it was Chairman Nan Jiangang. But there were a number of people
who held a negative attitude towards this. After all, Chairman Nan might be chairman of the
Miracle League but his tactical level was far belong the captains Ling Xuefeng and Su
Guangmo. How could he be the behind the scenes strategist? He was most like a babysitter
from the past.
Chairman Nan Jiangang was shot by these words and felt a pain in his knees.
Most people guessed wrong but don’t forget, there were a few online experts who were
good at reasoning and figuring out the truth!
Someone wrote a thousands of words long analysis on Weibo. The result actually pointed
to Cat God Li Cangyu!
His reasons were very good. The strategist who helped against the US team must be a
Chinese player. Since they weren’t one of the great gods who went to the Carnival, they
must not be an active player. Among the Miracle players who already retired, the most
likely ones were the ‘Five Gods’ in the first season with Ling Xuefeng.
The former Flying Feathers captain Song Yang had already left the e-sports circle while the
former Time captain Xu Luo was said to have gone to Europe. The former Ghost Spirits
captain Mo Quan only liked to attack and assassinate, he wasn’t good with the complicated
tactics of today. That left only Li Cangyu, former captain of FTD.
Li Cangyu led his team to Wulin after the end of the third season. His results hadn’t
improved but he could learn a lot of new ideas from another competitive game. The two
tactics for Wulin and Miracle could be integrated and evolved. There would be a few novel
tactical ideas, which coincided with the complicated and different tactical arrangement of
today’s China-US battle.
This was combined with the recent news of the Canglan team’s disbandment. Captain Li
Cangyu’s whereabouts were unknown so he might just be in New York.
The blogger had sufficient arguments and a careful analysis. Many onlookers started to
believe that today’s behind the scenes strategist was Cat God, LI Cangyu.
There was a lot of mixed opinions on the Internet.
The current most controversial player in the Miracle League was crybaby Zhu Qingyue. It
was because Xiao Zhu cried in the stadium and caused many people to scold him. However,
there was another player who was more controversial than him in the past. That person
was Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu was the only captain in the Miracle League who didn’t retire and instead led his
team to transfer games. In the minds of many paranoid Miracle fans, he was a traitor. Not to
mention, he didn’t get any good results after going to Wulin, making the Miracle fans
He had a large number of fans in the past but his popularity decreased after his transfer.
Now there were a few fans left but he also had a lot of sunspots.
There were many netizens who thought his tactics were beautiful but there were also many
people who ridiculed him.
[It turned out to be Cat God, the Cat God who went to Wulin!] [Isn’t he the one who kept
losing and then left?] [He lost face in Miracle and ran to Wulin. Did he lost face there and
came running back?] [Does the Carnival need him to intervene?] [Isn’t this deliberately
searching for a sense of existence?] [Who told his team not to get a trophy? He can only
hold into Ling Xuefeng’s thigh to get a sense of existence.]
It was impossible to tell who was who on the Internet and this let to mobs indiscriminately
targeting people. They felt refreshed after talking about someone else and didn’t feel
Cheng Wei was sitting in the audience and searching through Weibo. He had wanted to take
a look at the evaluation of the game on the Internet. Then he saw a ‘Who is the behind the
scenes strategist?’ post on the home page. The majority of comments were praising the
game but many people also jumped out to ridicule Cat God, as if mocking the man who
hadn’t won a trophy would make themselves look better.
Cheng Wei almost coughed up blood and immediately vented on Weibo. [You want to taunt
Cat God? If you have the ability to defeat America’s Jack Josh and Thomas then speak again!
You would probably pee your pants if you were put on the field. What qualifications do you
have to mock Cat God who beat the US team? Do you have any shame?]
This Weibo post shocked the Miracle circle. There were those who didn’t know Cat God was
the strategist but Cheng Wei’s Weibo confirmed it. The news that Li Cangyu helped the
Chinese team develop a tactical plan was quickly covered by the major e-sports websites.
Many e-sports reporters started to guess if Cat God was returning to Miracle, with different
opinions being spoken.
Yu Bing hadn’t expected that her casual words would actually trigger such a big storm and
felt incredibly guilty.
Cheng Wei might be Cat God’s number one brainless fan but Yu Bing was actually a hidden
fan of Cat God. This wasn’t because Li Cangyu’s personal ability was so strong that she
admired him. It was also because the original Red Fox team had some relationship with Li
In the second season, Yu Bing led the Red Fox team to join the Miracle League. The pure
female team was initially questioned by the media and audiences, with several female
teammates experiencing difficulties along the way. Li Cangyu forwarded many of Yu Bing’s
interviews and publicly expressed support for Yu Bing on Weibo. He also actively sent
many e-sports training software to Yu Bing.
Yu Bing had been very grateful to him at the time but he smiled and said, “You’re welcome.
It isn’t easy for everyone.”
It really wasn’t easy for a female player to take a team into the Miracle League that was full
of masters. Li Cangyu knew Yu Bing’s hard work and respected this tough girl.
Later, Yu Bing happened to pass by the FTD team in Hangzhou and offered to take Li
Cangyu out to eat. The two of them had dinner at a restaurant and happily discussed
tactical arrangements.
They didn’t expect this scene to actually be photographed by a paparazzi passing by. Were
Li Cangyu and Yu Bing actually lovers? The two people’s looks were very good and the
picture of them sitting face to face was very beautiful and harmonious.
Yu Bing didn’t know it had blown up on Weibo until she came back.
She usually looked cold and tough but she was still young. She wasn’t familiar with the
Miracle League and didn’t know how to deal with this scandal. She was also afraid of
troubling Cat God.
However, Li Cangyu quickly came forward and wrote on Weibo: [Friends sitting together
for dinner and chatting, don’t think too much. Yu Bing is still single. Don’t talk nonsense
since this type of gossip can have a bad effect on women.]
Li Cangyu’s words were too blunt and his face was as calm as usual, with no signs of a guilty
This gossip storm gradually calmed them. Later, some people would photograph Yu Bing
and Li Cangyu eating together. But in order to avoid suspicion, Li Cangyu would call his
good friend Bai Xuan for every meal and no rumours spread.
This was only a small matter and perhaps Li Cangyu had long since forgotten it.
Nevertheless, Yu Bing always remembered it in her heart. When she was in a difficult
situation and helpless, Li Cangyu was like a brother as he supported her. The Red Fox could
continue to the end and Yu Bing was very grateful to Li Cangyu.
This time, Yu Bing had been too excited after knowing that Li Cangyu was back. She was
eager to share the joy with everyone. She wanted everyone to know that this powerful
person had return to Miracle and leaked the ‘behind the scenes strategist’ from her mouth.
She really underestimated the ability of the netizens to gossip. She didn’t expect people to
actually guess Li Cangyu’s ability and to ridicule Cat God.
Yu Bing worried about it for a while before deciding to call Cat God.
She asked for Li Cangyu’s number from Liu Xiang and called him. The voice in her ear was
low and gentle, exactly like she remembered.
“Hello, who is this?”
Yu Bing’s eyes were slightly hot as she choked out, “Cat God… I am Yu Bing.”
Li Cangyu was a little bit surprised but he soon laughed. “Yu Bing? Why did you call me all
of a sudden?”
“Sorry, I accidentally said some things I shouldn’t and the netizens guessed that the behind
the scenes strategist of this game is you. Cat God, I caused you trouble.” Her voice was calm
but the fingers holding the phone were trembling slightly.
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before saying easily, “It doesn’t matter. This would’ve
been guessed sooner or later so you don’t have to mind it.”
She clearly troubled him but she was being comforted by him. Yu Bing felt really ashamed
and didn’t know what to say.
“By the way, I didn’t expect you to become a commentator after retiring. Are you
accustomed to the change?”
“I’m fine.”
“I’ve seen a few games that you’ve explained and your analysis is very thorough. You are
quite suited to be a commentator.” Li Cangyu praised.
“Thank you.” Yu Bing was silent for a moment before adding with no confidence, “Cat God,
the behind the scenes strategist matter…”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about this. Li Cangyu said with a smile. “The netizens’
gossiping ability is too strong. Even if you didn’t say it, they would have a way to pull me
forward. Besides, since I have taken action, I have no intention of hiding. I didn’t do
anything bad so what is there to be afraid of?”
Yes, he didn’t do anything bad so what was so scary?
Cat God was right. His conscience was clear and those mocking him were just acting like
clowns in front of him.
Yu Bing finally sighed with relief and smiled. “Once you return to China, can I invite you out
to eat?”
Li Cangyu agreed. “Okay, I will save your phone number and see you later.”
The media reporters had once said they were a very good match but Li Cangyu had always
seen Yu Bing as a sister. Yu Bing also highly respected him. He didn’t expect Yu Bing to call
today to apologize. Was the matter that serious?
Li Cangyu thought this and immediately entered Weibo on his phone.
He hadn’t looked at his Weibo for a long time after his disbandment. This time, the unread
comments and private messages had broken through into the thousands. Li Cangyu
temporarily ignored them and looked at the home page. ‘…Xiao Wei, can’t you calm down a
This topic blowing up could really be contributed to Cheng Wei.
Unexpected, Ling Xuefeng also forwarded the Weibo with a simple sentence: [Cat God came
out to help me. If you want to curse someone then come here to curse me.]
Fans, “…”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Was that necessary Ling Xuefeng? Cheng Wei was already acting emotional so why did he
have to interject as well?
Li Cangyu never paid attention to the mocking voices on the Internet. After all, he couldn’t
make everyone like him. Even the highly popular Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo had many
sunspots. In addition, his actions of leaving Miracle were controversial. It was impossible
for him to be welcomed by everyone when he came back. It was normal for netizens who
weren’t pleased to say a few mocking words.
Li Cangyu was ridiculed and Cheng Wei immediately jumped out to scold the people. Ling
Xuefeng also took the initiative to act as a shield. It wasn’t necessary but the caring of these
two people made Li Cangyu feel very warm.
A moment later, a new message appeared on the Weibo of Cat God who had disappeared
for a long time.
Li Cangyu: [I want to go back to Miracle. I will see you again in the seventh season next year
and will give you a surprise [Smile].]
Everyone, “…”
He didn’t mention anything about being ridiculed and it was clear he didn’t care about
these remarks at all.
In the first season, the elf summoner appeared for the first time. Many people expressed
doubts but Li Cangyu’s elf summoner swept through Miracle’s arena, with no one able to
face him.
Cat God had such a straightforward personality. They might scold him but one day, he
would make them kneel with a swollen face.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GLS: Chapter 86
Chapter 86 – Behind the Scenes Strategist (2)

Ling Xuefeng headed to the backstage contestants area and took out his mobile phone to
check Weibo. He saw that post that Cheng Wei made and anger suddenly rose in his heart.
It was strange since he had many sunspots. He was abused by the sunspots every time
Wind Colour lost and he didn’t mind at all. However, when he saw Li Cangyu being
smashed by them, he wanted to use the big move of the demon god on them.
He actively wrote a post to support Li Cangyu. He knew that Cat God didn’t mind these
things but he couldn’t help wanting to take care of this person.
At this time, the official reporter Yao Rong came over for an interview. Yao Rong obviously
learned about the monstrous wave in the domestic Miracle circle and excitedly held up her
microphone to Ling Xuefeng. “Captain Ling, can you tell us if the person who made the
tactical arrangements in this game is really Cat God Li Cangyu?”
Ling Xuefeng spoke calmly to the camera. “Yes. The three US contestants are very strong
when it comes to output. I am the same style as them, along with Su Guangmo. It is very
difficult to fight them with this style so I asked Cat God to come over and discuss a plan. He
came up with a better tactic and I used it. I want to thank Cat God for giving the Chinese
team advice.”
Captain Ling publicly expressed his gratitude, his attitude towards Cat God obvious.
Yao Rong then asked, “Is Cat God currently in New York? Does his help mean he is
returning to Miracle?”
“Yes, he will be back for the seventh season next year.” Ling Xuefeng smiled faintly. “He will
definitely bring you more wonderful scenes.”
Ling Xuefeng then turned away and left. Once this interview video emerged, the domestic
Miracle circle exploded once again.
Cat God was coming back?
Many new Miracle fans might not know Li Cangyu but those following the game since the
first season not only knew Cat God’s name, they also knew he was the same level of player
as Ling Xuefeng! Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian were the apprentices of Song Yang and Xu
Luo. This meant they could be regarded as Cat God’s juniors. Zhu Qingyue also cried after
being abused by Cat God and Cheng Wei was Cat God’s fanboy!
Many of the great gods currently in the league had some origins with Cat God. The
legendary Cat God had returned? What club did he sign with? What type of team would he
bring? Would he have the strength to compete for the trophy?
Many people started to speculate about Cat God’s return.
Li Cangyu’s concise post was on that day’s hot topics and was widely reprinted by e-sports
After the game, Ling Xuefeng wanted to go to Li Cangyu immediately, only to be stopped by
Chairman Nan Jiangang. “Is Old Cat really in New York?”
The chairman liked gossip so he quickly knew the domestic trends.
“Yes, he came to watch this Carnival.” Ling Xuefeng explained.
Chairman Nan suggested with a smile, “Since he is here, how about having a meal
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t refuse the chairman’s personal invitation and had to say, “I will ask
him and see if he is free.”
Li Cangyu was certainly free. He took his teammates to watch the Carnival so he had a lot of
spare time. He was a bit surprised when he received Ling Xuefeng’s text message.
[Chairman Nan told me that he wants to see you. Would you like to have dinner with us?]
Chairman Nan Jiangang was someone who tried to stop Li Cangyu when he led his team
from Miracle. Li Cangyu thought of the scene at that time and couldn’t help laughing.
[Where is it? I will head over now.] Ling Xuefeng sent him the address and Li Cangyu soon
arrived at the booked restaurant.
To his surprise, only Nan Jiangang and Ling Xuefeng were in the restaurant’s private room.
There were no other captains.
Li Cangyu consciously walked over to the chairman and stretched out a hand. “Chairman,
long time no see!”
Nan Jiangang seriously reached out to Li Cangyu and lamented, “Cat God, you really
disappeared for three years!”
Li Cangyu was returning to Miracle. As chairman, Nan Jiangang naturally know a long time
ago that Liu Chuan had transferred Li Cangyu’s player data back to the Miracle League.
Apparently Li Cangyu signed with the Dragon Song Club after the disbandment of Canglan
and was going to return to Miracle.
Over the years, the talents in the Miracle League had blossomed but the most regrettable
player in Nan Jiangang’s heart was Li Cangyu.
The spirited teenager who was invincible in the arena was the best elf player he had seen.
At that time, Li Cangyu hadn’t been as mature and stable. When he laughed, his
youthfulness and simplicity could be seen. Nan Jiangang knew the glorious stories of how
he would snatch fish from the next table.
The other people in the Five Gods received trophies but Li Cangyu couldn’t even make the
playoffs. He shouldered the burden of the FTD team, causing Chairman Nan to feel pained.
Nan Jiangang’s age meant he felt like a father to these players. Thus, he always tried to
show the kindness and care of an elder. When Li Cangyu left with his team, Nan Jiangang
gave advice and scolded him but he couldn’t convince this stubborn teenager. He even
pointed at Li Cangyu and said, “What good is it if you go to Wulin? One day, you will still
have to return to Miracle!”
He remembered that at that time, Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Chairman, if I really roll back
to Miracle, you have to continue to take me in.”
It had been three years.
The young man’s straightforward smile from that time was still imprinted in his mind.
Today, the man in front of him didn’t have the freshness of youth. This man experienced
hardships in many years. He wasn’t discouraged and became more mature. The calm and
wise eyes were still full of self-confidence. He was a typical frustrating person.
Nan Jiangang sighed in the bottom of his heart and whispered, “It is good… it is good that
you came back!”
He was like a father waiting for his child to return.
Li Cangyu’s departure was once the biggest regret in his heart. Now his favourite talented
player had returned from afar.
The chairman’s words made Li Cangyu feel very touched.
Apart from Ling Xuefeng, the chairman was the one who treated him best in the Miracle
League. Nan Jiangang was a hard-working person and he was especially fond of Li Cangyu
who had unpredictable tactics and strong individual strength. In its final year, the FTD
team had difficulties with funding and couldn’t afford hotels for the away games. Nan
Jiangang helped them out personally. Unfortunately, Li Cangyu failed to meet his
expectations and left Miracle.
There were too many teams and competitors in the Miracle League. Chairman Nan had
grown a lot of white hair and looked much older than before. Li Cangyu couldn’t help
feeling a bit sad and came over for a hug. He smiled and said, “Didn’t you say that I would
return to Miracle one day? Now that I back, shouldn’t you be happy?”
Nan Jiangang made an angry expression but he couldn’t help patting Li Cangyu on the
shoulder. “You took a long time to come back.”
Li Cangyu sat next to him and poured him a cup of team. “It isn’t too late to come back. You
are still the chairman of the Miracle League so isn’t this good? In the seventh season next
year, you can personally put the trophy in my hands.”
Ling Xuefeng heard this and couldn’t help asking, “Wanting to win the championship,
shouldn’t you ask me first?”
Li Cangyu looked at Ling Xuefeng. “Why should I ask you? You won’t let me take it? Watch
and see how I clean you up on the field.”
They were clearly provocative words but Ling Xuefeng’s eyes inexplicably became gentle
and he even smiled. “Perhaps I will be the one cleaning you up?”
Li Cangyu replied, “Wait and see.”
Nan Jiangang, “…”
The two men were quarreling like an old husband and wife. Nan Jiangang felt that a long
time might’ve passed but many things hadn’t changed. He had felt worried about their
relationship when Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were often compared by fans. Then he saw
Ling Xuefeng give Li Cangyu a fish at dinner and finally understood. They were the
strongest opponents but also rare confidants.
Nan Jiangang looked at the two of them arguing and smiled. “Old Cat, this is what you said.
If you can’t make the playoffs after coming back next year, I will be the one to clean you
Li Cangyu smiled and waved his hand. “You can rest assured Chairman. This time, my
teammates are very powerful and I will definitely make the playoffs.”
Then he talked to the chairman about the formation of the team and briefly introduced Bai
Xuan, Xie Shurong, Gu Siming, Zhang Jueming and Xiao Han.
Nan Jiangang was more surprised the more he listened. This time, the team was much
stronger than Li Cangyu’s FTD team. Such a team really did have hope for winning the
championship. It was no wonder that Li Cangyu could be so confident.
Nan Jiangang thought of next year’s world competition and suddenly said, “By the way, the
16 countries invited to this Carnival will make up next year’s World Competition. It will be
held after the end of the China Miracle League’s seventh season. Each player must join the
national team through an open trial, so as to ensure fairness.”
This was similar to basketball and table tennis in the Olympics. The national team
represented the honor of the country. The holding of a public selection will put an end to
doubts about a ‘black curtain’ and ensured the strength of every player who joined the
Nan Jiangang paused before continuing. “The players of the national team have to be
selected but the Miracle League has a rule. The captain of the seventh season’s champion
team will automatically take over as captain of the World Competition’s national team. Do
you know what I mean?”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng looked at each other, both of them feeling excited.
The Carnival’s 3v3 event was just an appetizer for the Miracle League to test the waters.
The real meal was the World Competition next year. Once all the masters gathered, the
large-scale team battles would truly test the tactical qualities and strengths of the players.
Nan Jiangang’s early disclosure of this information was undoubtedly to inspire Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu understood the chairman’s thoughts and smiled slightly. “The national team…
and the selection trials, it sounds like a hassle…”
The chairman glared at him and Li Cangyu immediately changed his words. “Then I will
work hard.”
Then he looked at Ling Xuefeng. “I came back just in time for the World Competition. I
haven’t won before and to take such a heavyweight trophy… Something like World
Champion, isn’t this addictive?”
Nan Jiangang laughed and praised him. “You have ambition.”
Li Cangyu asked, “Chairman, didn’t you invite me here to eat fish? I watched the game all
night and only had a light meal.”
The topic change was too fast, causing Nan Jiangang to feel stunned. Then Ling Xuefeng
took the initiative to find a waiter to order fish for Li Cangyu to eat. This evening, in order
to facilitate the negotiation of tactics, Li Cangyu had gone to a Western restaurant to eat
steak and he obviously didn’t eat enough.
The fish soon arrived and Li Cangyu smiled. “Do you want to eat?”
Both of them said they weren’t hungry so Li Cangyu calmly brought the fish in front of him
and immersed himself in eating it.
Nan Jiangang couldn’t help saying, “Today’s game with the US, the tactics you came up were
really surprising.”
Li Cangyu looked up at the chairman, meaning ‘my tactics have always been surprising.’
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling softly. Li Cangyu’s mind was very clever and the tactics
he could come up with were varied. He would act and deliberately make a few mistakes in
previous matches. Therefore, todays 3v3 match was unexpectedly easy to think of a
Nan Jiangang saw him eat the fish quickly and couldn’t help saying, “Eat slowly! Be careful
not to eat a bone.”
The chairman previously had a broken heart because of this special player.
“I have the best technique for eating fish.” Li Cangyu stated before quickly eating the fish
and wiping his mouth with satisfaction. “I’m full so shall we go?”
Nan Jiangang was literally speechless.
The chairman personally paid and the three people left the restaurant. Ling Xuefeng took
advantage of the chairman’s need to drive back and was left alone with Li Cangyu. He
patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder and said, “Today’s tactic was very successful.”
“I saw.”
Ling Xuefeng continued saying, “But a few people in the US team aren’t convinced. Jack told
me that he would definitely win next year.”
“Next year? He wants more?” Li Cangyu laughed. “I will play in person next year and his
crying will be even worse.”
The confidence on this man’s face was really dazzling. Under the streetlights, his whole face
seemed to shine. Ling Xuefeng looked at him seriously and after a moment of silence, he
gently wrapped an arm around Li Cangyu’s shoulder as a ‘good friend.’
“We’ll be together next year.” Ling Xuefeng stated calmly.
“Yes.” Li Cangyu looked at him with eyes that were as bright as stars. “I haven’t won against
you in a duel Ling Xuefeng.”
“Why can’t I be the winner?” Ling Xuefeng also looked back at him.
“If you face me then I must be the winner.” Li Cangyu declared.
“Is that right?” Ling Xuefeng said, “Don’t forget, I can summon the undead to die with you.”
“Oh… that summoner’s skill is too wicked. You really harm others.”
“I learned it from you.”
“In the team battle, you found that you couldn’t win against Wind Colour so you used the
undead to make me die together with you.”
“Is that so? I don’t remember.” Li Cangyu deliberately pretended not to know.
Ling Xuefeng looked at him and a hint of tenderness filled his eyes. Ling Xuefeng reached
out and grabbed his shoulder, saying softly, “This time, you were exposed. I didn’t consider
think that your return to Miracle would be leaked.”
“It doesn’t matter. It will be exposed sooner or later.” Li Cangyu smiled and added, “After I
was ridiculed, you didn’t have to stand up and help me. I don’t mind those comments at all.”
“But I mind.” Ling Xuefeng whispered.
Li Cangyu was stunned by this man’s eyes and froze in place.
He suddenly remembered a certain night three years ago
At that time, the FTD team disbanded because of poor results and the sponsors completely
disappeared. Li Cangyu refused many high paying invitations from other teams, stating that
he would lead his team and transfer to Wulin. Then he traveled to New York. Ling Xuefeng
followed all the way to New York, wanting to stop Li Cangyu.
“There are so many teams in Miracle inviting you. Do you really need to change to Wulin?”
“I have something I need to bear.”
“If you go to Wulin, it will definitely be more difficult than Miracle.”
“I know, I’m mentally prepared.”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t speak again. He knew that Li Cangyu had made up his mind and
wouldn’t waver.
The two men walked side by side to a crossroads and Ling Xuefeng suddenly said, “If one
day you are tired and want to return to Miracle, remember to tell me.”
Li Cangyu smiled and agreed. “Okay.”
After a moment of silence, he looked at Ling Xuefeng seriously. “Thank you for coming all
this way to find me. I have received this love.”
There were many voices in China asking him to stay but Ling Xuefeng was the only one to
directly chase him to New York. Li Cangyu was actually very moved. He had such a friend
and felt that his many years in Miracle had value.
Now it was night and they were once again walking side by side in the streets of New York.
They walked to a crossroads and Ling Xuefeng stopped again. He looked at Li Cangyu and
said, “My words from that year came true. I am really happy that you came back.”
“Well, I will be content if I get the trophy for the domestic league. However, I actually want
to go the World Competition. The chairman said that the national team will be selected
through trials. This sounds very strict.” Li Cangyu thoughtfully touched his chin. “ I don’t
know how many people will be chosen for the national team but there will definitely be a
limited number of summoner spots. Still, I hope…” He turned and looked seriously at Ling
Xuefeng. “I hope that both of us can be selected.”
Ling Xuefeng replied calmly, “I hope so too.”
Li Cangyu smiled and reached out. “Shall we join hands for next year’s World Competition?”
“Okay.” Ling Xuefeng smiled and gently held his hand, forming the most tacit agreement.
Ling Xuefeng always had a cold face and an abstinence look. Today, Li Cangyu found that
the smiling Ling Xuefeng was really handsome and couldn’t move his eyes away.
The two men stood face to face, the warm yellow street lights shining on them and making
their shadows very long.
The tall men, one handsome and indifferent and the other handsome and straightforward.
They were usually always alone but when they looked at each other, their eyes became soft.
Outstretched hands clasped gently together, it was a simple agreement but this scene gave
off a different type of warmth.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
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GLS: Chapter 87
Chapter 87 – Carnival Finale

On the first day of the World Carnival’s 3v3 event, the Chinese team consisting of Ling
Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan defeated Australia and the US in Group C, directly
scoring four points. On the side of Group D, the Chinese team of Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang
and Liu Xiang only had one game and successfully defeated the Swedish team to score two
The next day’s 3v3 event still had too many teams and the schedule was quite tight. In
particular, the Chinese team 2 played three games in the afternoon. Fortunately, the
strength of the other teams in Group D weren’t high. Tan, Lou and Liu cooperated and won
three consecutive games. They received first place and achieved the qualifying place to
advance in Group D.
Relatively speaking, Group C was a lot harder.
After defeating the strong enemy of the United States, the Ling Xuefeng trio met this
Carnival’s powerhouse, the South Korean team.
South Korea had always been a powerhouse in e-sports and placed great importance on e-
sports. They were many luxurious clubs and countless excellent players. The South Korean
team often won championships in games such as Warcraft and League of Legends. China
and South Korea were old opponents in the field of e-sports. They played many times in
other games and had won and lost.
The 3v3 event at the Carnival was directly by Ling Xuefeng himself. The two sides fought
fiercely and dragged the battle to 30 minutes. However, there were many tactical gods in
South Korea. After studying the match between the Chinese team and the US team last
night, they specifically developed an assassination tactic for Chu Yan. At the beginning, they
dragged Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo away and quickly killed Chu Yan.
Chu Yan died and the Chinese team immediately fell into a disadvantage.
Ling and Su supported each other to kill two people on the opposite side but in the end, the
South Korean team’s assassin used stealth to escape at a critical moment and successfully
killed Ling Xuefeng. The Chinese team regretfully had to admit defeat.
The domestic evaluation of this game was mixed. Sensible viewers thought that Ling
Xuefeng and Su Guangmo performed very well. It wasn’t easy to kill two enemies in a 2v3
situation. It was good that regardless of winning or losing, they did their best. There were
also radical netizens who said about things about the three players on the Internet.
[I already knew that they couldn’t beat the Korean team.]
[The Chinese team is really humiliating. Do you have to lost to South Korea every time?]
[The great gods are like this.]
Of course, these people were pushed back by the fans of the trio.
Cheng Wei couldn’t help sending a Weibo: [Every time you lost the game, you always talk
about how humiliating it is and how they aren’t great gods. I won’t ask for the reason
behind it. I just want to say: You can you up,No can no BB! This is the English sentence I
am most familiar with! [Laugh]] (Link if you want an explanation for that saying:
Fans, “…”
Cheng Wei was always straightforward and hot tempered. If something happened in the
league, he would be the first one to jump forward. He didn’t care about his identity as a
great god and didn’t think before he spoke. People just needed to follow his Weibo to know
what was happening in the Miracle League recently. His reaction was almost faster than
official reporters.
Tan Shitian saw this post and gave a smiling emoji followed by this line: [Touch your head
and ignore them.]
Every time Cheng Wei became angry, he would be comforted by Captain Tan touching his
head. The abuse of some fans were hard to hear but everyone had long become used to it.
In particular, the great gods of various teams already practiced the ‘automatic filtering’ and
‘disregard all negative remarks’ methods.
Since they were professional players, they must have a strong psychological endurance.
These words weren’t enough to affect them.
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was very calm. When the South Korean players came to their
room to shake hands, Ling Xuefeng only said, “See you next year.”
It was just like Jack Josh’s words to him.
There were many reasons for losing this game. After playing the US team yesterday, the
South Korean team specifically studied the defects of the Ling, Su and Chu lineup. Winning
was really hard for the Chinese team when the auxiliary was targeted. Su Guangmo had
acted great yesterday as the movie emperor against the US team. The South Korean team
naturally couldn’t fall for the same mistake.
It was comforting that the China team 1 still entered the top eight by winning second place
in their group.
During the post-match interview, Reporter Yao Rong took the initiative to ask, “Captain
Ling, what do you think is the key reason for losing this game?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “It should be a lineup problem. 3v3 isn’t as good as 6v6. The South
Korean team consists of three melee, which isn’t very good when Chu Yan and I are
Yao Rong was their official reporter and wouldn’t ask too many harsh questions. She
actively helped the players by saying, “I believe that the sensible audience members will
understand that the three great gods tried their best in this game! Congratulations to both
Chinese teams for entering the quarter-finals. The system for the quarter-finals will change.
Captain Ling, do you feel confident?”
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were firm. “Of course.”
This sentence was full of confidence and brought great hope to the domestic audience.
After the game, Ling Xuefeng returned to the backstage lounge and sent a text message to Li
Cangyu: [I made it into the top 8.]
Li Cangyu smiled and replied: [Congratulations.]
The Carnival only had three days left. Today would be the quarter-finals while the
highlights of tomorrow were the semi-finals and finals.
After determining the qualifying quotas, the six Carnival players prepared for the quarter-
finals. Eight teams from the upper and lower division drew lots again. Ling Xuefeng drew
the French team while Tan Shitian drew the British team.
The quarter-finals had changed to a three game two victory battle. The two sides would
each choose a map. If it was a draw after two battles, they would play a third round as a
The players on the Chinese team had a very thorough understanding of the game maps.
Both teams won the home maps without any surprises. In the away map, Ling Xuefeng won
and advanced directly with a 2:0 score. Tan Shitian’s team lost the away map but won in
the third round with a random map, advancing with a score of 2:1.
Both Chinese teams had made it to the semi-finals. The remaining two teams were South
Korea team 1 and Group B’s US team 2.
In the semifinals, Tan Shitian’s team met South Korea team 1. This team’s captain was the
strongest tactical player in South Korea. He controlled Liu Xiang in the opening and rushed
to the back row to kill the archer Tan Shitian. It was really strong.
Tan Shitian’s team lost in the semi-finals, meaning the situation of both teams meeting in
the finals that Nan Jiangang had hoped for was unlikely to happen.
In fact, this year’s Carnival had many masters. The Chinese team was strong but the
possibility of dominating the World Carnival was very small.
The chairman was just wishing. In a situation where there were as many strong teams as
clouds, it was already a good result for both teams to enter the semi-finals. There wasn’t
much controversy at home in China.
In the other game, Ling Xuefeng met the US team 2 from Group B. The style of this team was
completely different from Jack Josh’s team and it took half an hour to win.
As a result, the Ling Xuefeng trio once again met the South Korean time in the finals. This
time, the Korean lineup wasn’t the same as the team they encountered in the group stage.
Would China lose to South Korea twice in a row? Many domestic viewers were worried
about this. In the previous LOL and other competitions, the Chinese team often lost to
South Korea. Thus, many domestic viewers had a psychological shadow regarding China-
South Korea confrontations.
However, Ling Xuefeng told everyone that he wouldn’t make the same mistake!
The Korean team had studied the defects in the Chinese team’s lineup. In the opening, they
quickly tried to kill Chu Yan. This time, Ling Xuefeng used this lineup defect and had Chu
Yan play the role of ‘bait.’
Chu Yan was the trap and he used his own death as an opportunity for his teammates.
Under Su Guangmo’s strong control of the field, Ling Xuefeng let out a burst of hand speed
and killed two people. The remaining assassin wanted to enter stealth but was hit by Ling
Xuefeng’s black crows and finally fell helplessly under Su Guangmo’s sword.
The word ‘Winner’ popped up on the screen and Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan
stood up to celebrate.
The final result of the Carnival 3v3 event was: Ling Xuefeng’s team won the championship,
the South Korean team was the runner-up and Tan Shitian’s team was the third runner-up.
The Chinese team took two prizes, this was a perfect ending.
Still, in order to fully focus on the 3v3 event, no Chinese players signed up for the 1v1 event
and the winner was the American blood kin summoner Jack Josh.
Once the match ended, Ling Xuefeng headed backstage and sent Li Cangyu a text message:
[We won the championship.]
It was originally an encouragement to give praise. The strange thing was that Li Cangyu
never responded. Ling Xuefeng thought it was too noisy at the venue and he didn’t hear it.
Therefore, Ling Xuefeng temporarily put away his phone.
The closing ceremony and awards ceremony was held at 8 in the evening. The two teams
from China went on stage to receive the prize. Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan
raised the gold medals together while Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang and Liu Xiang won the
bronze medals.
The gold medal was very memorable but Ling Xuefeng knew that the Carnival 3v3 event
didn’t represent the strength of the Chinese team. The 3v3 event was a direct fighting
between the two sides. It wasn’t as complicated and changeable as a team battle, where the
team’s cooperation and tactical arrangement were tested.
The real championship trophy would be the World Competition.
Ling Xuefeng raised the trophy and calmly looked at the seats under the stage.
The lights at the venue today were too strong and dazzling. He couldn’t see Li Cangyu but
he believed that next year, he would stand on this stage for the awards ceremony and Li
Cangyu would be beside him.
The awards ceremony ended and Chairman Nan Jiangang took the initiative to invite
everyone to a celebration banquet at the hotel.
The six participants of the Carnival and their teammates filled a large private room in the
hotel and Chairman Nan Jiangang personally treated them.
The 3v3 event was just a temporary team so the organizers were thoughtful enough to give
every person a special commemorative trophy.
Cheng Wei took the third place trophy that Tan Shitian received and carefully studied it.
Then he bit it with his teeth and asked, “Is it made of copper?’
Tan Shitian smiled and rubbed his head. “Captain Ling’s one is gold-plated. Do you want to
bite it?”
Cheng Wei raised his head and saw Ling Xuefeng’s cold eyes. He shrank back and said, “I
don’t want to.”
Zhang Shaohui took his brother’s trophy and said, “Brother, I’ll take care of this for you. You
often lose things but don’t lose this.”
Lou Wushuang’s lips curved in a rare smile and he whispered, “Okay, help me keep it.”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to talk and still followed behind his brother like a ghost. His eyes
were curiously staring at the trophy in Su Guangmo’s hand so Su Guangmo handed it over,
causing him to hold it carefully.
Nan Jiangang looked at the scene and couldn’t help smiling. “When we divided into two
teams, we always declared that we wanted to meet in the finals. However, the players from
other countries aren’t rookies. My real idea at the time was to just get a trophy, I didn’t
expect that you could actually win two trophies. It is really gratifying! Let’s make a toast!”
The chairman took the initiative to toast and raised a glass of red wine with everyone.
The group happily drank the wine.
Nan Jiangang turned his head and said, “Don’t be too proud that you won the grand prize
this year. The Carnival is just a project for the World Miracle League to test the waters. The
main purpose is to let the players get to know each other. Next year’s seven season is when
people would go all out. As you know, the e-sports competitors in other countries are
making rapid progress. If we are complacent, we will eventually be eliminated by others.”
The chairman’s words made everyone’s joy at winning the trophy calm down.
After this Carnival, everyone was well aware that the players in other countries weren’t
any worse than them. For example, the combination of Jack, Thomas and Edmund. If Su
Guangmo’s acting hadn’t been so realistic, wouldn’t they have won the game? It was hard to
say. South Korea’s best killer was also very strong. Lou Wushuang saw his assassination
technique and felt admiration.
Recognize the opponent in order to see their own shortcomings.
Everyone knew this truth but the chairman woke them up in time.
“Once you return, you will face the playoffs of the sixth season. The temporary teammates
at the Carnival will become opponents on the field. I hope that everyone can concentrate on
the game and bring the sixth season to a perfect end. Then we will go into the seventh
season.” Chairman Nan Jiangang said earnestly.
Lou Wushuang heard this and couldn’t help asking, “Chairman, is the system in the seventh
season going to change?”
Captain Lou had a high IQ and immediately analyzed this from the chairman’s words.
Chairman Nan smiled slightly at him. “Yes, the next system is completely different from the
old one. Once the sixth season is over, I will call you to discuss this matter in detail. After
you go back, be prepared. The playoffs of the system is the last trophy using this old
system. Everyone must try hard to grasp it!”
The group was stirred by the chairman’s words. The last trophy of the old system. This
meant winning the championship had great significance!
These temporary teammates would be opponents after returning home. They should
carefully consider how to kill them.
The atmosphere of this celebration banquet was very happy. Everyone ate and chatted
about the Carnival. Only Ling Xuefeng never said anything, his face very serious. But
Captain Ling usually had such a face and they were long used to it. They didn’t notice
anything wrong.
In fact, Ling Xuefeng’s face was blank because he was in a bad mood. He still hadn’t
received a reply to the text message he sent Li Cangyu.

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GLS: Chapter 88
Chapter 88 – Accident

Ling Xuefeng returned to the hotel in the evening and took the initiative to call Li Cangyu,
but no one picked up. He slightly frowned and made several consecutive phone calls. Then
a strong sense of uneasiness rose in his heart.
In the previous few days of the Carnival, Li Cangyu had been watching at the venue. Every
time Ling Xuefeng texted him after a game, Li Cangyu would basically reply back in a
second. Li Cangyu was still there when the quarter-finals finished last night. It was
reasonable to say that he should’ve come to the venue for the finals. It was unreasonable
that there would be no reply to the message Ling Xuefeng sent him.
Did something happen and he didn’t see the text message?
Ling Xuefeng thought this and searched for Bai Xuan’s number on his phone, directly calling
There were two rings and the call connected. Fortunately, Bai Xuan hadn’t changed his
number and Ling Xuefeng also hadn’t changed his.
Bai Xuan was surprised when he saw the called ID and asked, “Captain Ling? Why are you
calling me?”
Ling Xuefeng asked directly, “Do you know where Li Cangyu is?”
Sure enough, he called to ask about Cat God’s whereabouts. Bai Xuan didn’t conceal it and
spoke bluntly, “His dad was in an accident. He went to the hospital to accompany his
Ling Xuefeng was startled. “What is Uncle’s situation over there? Is it serious?”
“He isn’t out of the danger period yet. He is in the ICU.”
“Which hospital?”
“I will text you the address.”
“Thank you.”
He hung up and received a text message from Bai Xuan. Ling Xuefeng no longer hesitated as
he put on his coat and left.
The awards ceremony ended at 10 o’clock in the evening and then the chairman held the
celebration feast. It was already midnight but fortunately, there was a taxi outside. Ling
Xuefeng stopped a car and told the driver the hospital address in fluent English.
The hospital looked very deserted in the middle of the night, with only some emergency
patients and sporadic medical staff.
Ling Xuefeng went to the nurse’s station and asked for the location of the ICU. He followed
the nurse’s instructions and walked down a long corridor, turning at the end. He saw the
ICU sign and the man sitting outside the door was Li Cangyu.
He looked very tired, with thick black circles under his eyes and his handsome face was
Ling Xuefeng’s impression of him was always a strong and confident person, whether it was
Li Cangyu in his straightforward youth or the Li Cangyu frustrated from all the setbacks.
This was the first time he saw such a stunned and helpless expression, making Ling
Xuefeng feel particularly distressed.
This man always showed his strongest side in front of everyone. He was his brothers’ most
trusted captain and no matter what setbacks he faced, Cat God could go forward…
But there were also some things he couldn’t bear.
For example, his loved one was now lying in intensive care with an uncertain status. He
could only sit outside and do nothing to help. At this time, the strong outer shell was peeled
away to reveal his most vulnerable parts.
Ling Xuefeng quickly walked over to him.
Li Cangyu heard footsteps and raised his head with alarm. He was stunned when he saw
Ling Xuefeng and asked, “How did you come here?”
Ling Xuefeng sat down beside him and softly explained, “I texted you and you didn’t reply. I
guessed that something might’ve happened and called Bai Xuan. He told me you were in the
“Ah.” Li Cangyu nodded and spoke in a hoarse voice. “Is the Carnival over? What
“We took first place and Tan Shitian’s team won the bronze medal.” Ling Xuefeng replied
Li Cangyu smiled. “Congratulations.”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t mention the Carnival again. He looked at Li Cangyu and asked softly,
“How is your father?”
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before whispering, “He was driving home at noon today
when he got into a car accident. He was in the hospital for an hour when the doctor said
that he has an intracranial hemorrhage. He needs to be observed in the ICU for a while. If he
wakes up tonight then nothing will happen.”
If he can’t wake up, he might became a vegetative person.
Li Cangyu didn’t say these words but it was implied as he rubbed his temples.
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t a doctor but he knew the severity of an intracranial hemorrhage.
There were many nerves in the brain that were also attached to the spinal cord. If the
location of the bleeding was dangerous, it would cause convulsions, hemiplegia or even a
loss of consciousness forever.
He saw Li Cangyu’s drooping head and couldn’t help reaching out. One hand patted Li
Cangyu’s back as Ling Xuefeng whispered, “Uncle will be fine. I will wait here with you and
he will be sure to wake up by tomorrow morning.”
“No.” Li Cangyu barely managed a smile. “I appreciate it but you must be tired after playing
the game. Go back and sleep.”
“I’m fine.” Ling Xuefeng said stubbornly. “I will stay with you.”
Once Ling Xuefeng decided on something, it was difficult to make him change his mind.
Since he was determined to stay here, Li Cangyu no longer persuaded him.
If he stayed, Li Cangyu could chat with him and time would pass faster. It wouldn’t be so
hard on him.
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before saying softly, “My father’s personality is very
serious but he… he cares a lot about me. After I became a professional player, I heard my
sister say that he will take time to watch my games, despite not understanding it.”
Ling Xuefeng knew that Li Cangyu felt very uncomfortable and silently listened.
“In fact, I was very naughty when I was a child. My parents are doctors. When I was a child,
I would use coloured pencils to secretly draw all over my father’s anatomical map. I was
beaten by my dad…”
“The year I met you, I was 17 years old while is the worst rebellious period…”
“My father is a very good doctor. He graduated from a prestigious medical school, gained a
doctorate in medicine and became an expert in gastroenterology. My mother studied
traditional Chinese medicine, mainly acupuncture. My sister was also forced to enter
medical school by my father…”
“My sister is eight years older than me. After graduation, she want abroad to continue her
graduate studies. I was still in high school and my father wanted me to go to medical school
and become a doctor. I asked him what was the meaning of the whole family becoming
doctors? Then I set up an e-sports team and played in the first season of the Miracle
League, making him extremely angry.”
Li Cangyu was silent for a long time before whispering, “I don’t regret my original choice.”
Ling Xuefeng heard this and pressed tighter on the shoulder he was holding, as if giving Li
Cangyu strength.
Li Cangyu took a deep breath and then said, “I knew that I’m wasn’t the right material to
become a doctor but I have talent for the competitive game. My hand speed is very fast… I
might have never won a trophy but I always believed that one day, I can get the prize and
prove that I was right at the beginning…”
“I wanted to stand in front of him with the trophy and say, Dad, look at your son. I didn’t
become a doctor like you but I still achieved something…”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help lowering his head and covering his face with his slender fingers.
He was a man and men shouldn’t shed tears until they bled. But at this moment, he looked
at the tightly closed door of the ICU ward, waiting for his old father to leave the dangerous
period and suddenly had the urge to sob.
In the beginning, he was more rebellious and proud than the current Xiao Han. He always
felt that his life was his own and he shouldn’t copy his father’s path. Therefore, he firmly
opposed his father’s opinions and didn’t enter medical school.
Later, he met Ling Xuefeng in the game and the first season of Miracle started. He decisively
set up the FTD team with his brothers and joined the Miracle League. He was always
stubborn, even if his father strongly opposed it.
If he had gone to medical school, perhaps he would be a doctor right now.
However, he chose the harder road.
Getting ahead while playing e-sports wasn’t an easy thing to do.
After so many years, he didn’t get a trophy and failed to prove himself.
Yet he always had a firm belief in his heart. He told himself, ‘Li Cangyu, one day you will
stand in front of your father with a championship trophy and let him know that your
original choice was right.
You have to tell him that his son is worthy of pride, even if his son isn’t a doctor!’
Now his father was lying in the ICU…
What if he never woke up? Then what was the point of his persistence in the past few
In the past few years, he had been working hard in China and rarely got a chance to visit his
father in New York. Even if he came to visit, the father and son were very stubborn and
often bickered.
Thinking about it carefully, he was too unfilial…
A heavy stone pressed at Li Cangyu’s chest, making him almost breathless.
Suddenly, his body entered a warm embrace.
Li Cangyu raised his head and found that Ling Xuefeng was holding him in his arms.
“Don’t question yourself.” Ling Xuefeng gently stroked his back and said softly, “Li Cangyu,
you aren’t wrong. You just chose a different path from others. Since Uncle is willing to
watch the games, he is actually very concerned about you and acknowledges you.”
“…” Li Cangyu heard this and couldn’t help feeling sad, his eyes slightly red.
Ling Xuefeng looked at him and tightened his arms. He held Li Cangyu tightly and said
seriously, “Listen to me, you didn’t enter medical school according to your father’s hope.
You shouldn’t be sorry to him but responsible for yourself. In the past few years, you have
been fighting with your teammates, doing your favourite thing and never giving up. You
might not have received a prize but in my heart, you have always been… the best
“…” Li Cangyu was silent.
In fact, he understood all of this but Ling Xuefeng’s words of comfort gave him more
motivation and confidence.
He didn’t question his decision and he didn’t regret it when he chose this road…
He just felt sorry that he had let his father down.
Originally, their Li family was a medical family. His father and sister were excellent
Western doctors. His mother was currently studying Chinese medicine in China and had
made great achievements in acupuncture treatment. Only he ran to play a game so it was
normal for his family to not understand him.
Fortunately, someone understood.
Ling Xuefeng was a friend for many years and also the one who understood Li Cangyu the
Now, at a critical juncture when his father was seriously injured, Ling Xuefeng came to the
hospital to accompany him.
The corridors of the hospital were originally very deserted at night. The light above shone
white, making people feel a bit of fear and despair. Li Cangyu couldn’t predict how his
father’s condition would progress and could only wait.
Fortunately, there was a person beside him, waiting with him.
As he was tightly hugged by Ling Xuefeng, his cold and stiff body seemed to gradually warm
him. Li Cangyu knew that no matter what happened tomorrow, at least one person who
understood him would face it with him.
Li Cangyu didn’t push Ling Xuefeng away and hugged him back. Then he tiredly closed his

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GLS: Chapter 89
Chapter 89 – Waking Up
Perhaps it was due to the tenseness from being in the hospital all day, but Li Cangyu fell
asleep in Ling Xuefeng’s arms.
In his sleep, he returned to his youth when he was very spirited. In the simple training
room of the FTD team, he would study Miracle tactics with his few good friends. Every day,
he was full of confidence and enthusiasm. They often lost the games but he was able to fight
side by side with his good brothers, making every day happy…
Later, he dreamt of his father’s words before his father went abroad. “I will give you three
years to go crazy. If you don’t achieve anything in three years, go to New York with me and
immediately find a job!”
Li Cangyu had smiled and hugged his father. “I know, I will get you the championship
trophy in three years.”
From his father’s point of view, he really was crazy. He didn’t go to an excellent medical
school and decided to be an e-sports player. His father couldn’t understand it at all, but he
was also reluctant to go against his son directly. Therefore, he gave his son three years.
However, the three-year time limit passed, and Li Cangyu continued to act crazy for
another three years. He failed to fulfil his promise to his father. As a son, he let his father’s
heart break and this was his biggest failure.
There were many scenes of the past. The FTD team being established and disbanded, the
Canglan team being established…
He had walked through the storm for so many years. If he didn’t have a firm heart then
perhaps he would’ve given up a long time ago.
Li Cangyu still frowned after falling asleep. Ling Xuefeng inwardly sighed as he adjusted his
posture. He took off his coat to cover Li Cangyu and then placed Li Cangyu’s head on his
Li Cangyu probably felt that there was a pillow and naturally leaned over.
Ling Xuefeng reached out and gently hugged his shoulder, taking Li Cangyu into his arms to
help him sleep more comfortably.
Li Cangyu didn’t sleep well. After a few hours, he was suddenly awakened by a dream of the
car accident.
He looked up and found that the sky was just becoming bright. It was dawn, and the
hospital was so quiet that he could even hear a clear heartbeat. He looked back and found
that he had been using Ling Xuefeng’s shoulder as a body. He had actually been using this
person as his human pillow…
The embarrassed Li Cangyu sat up and asked, “How did I fall asleep?”
Ling Xuefeng looked at him gently and lowered his voice. “You must be too tired. Do you
want to sleep a bit longer?”
“No.” Li Cangyu looked up and rubbed his sore neck. He saw that the ICU doors hadn’t
opened yet, so he had to sit back down, looking wearily at his watch.
It was 6 in the morning and the doctors weren’t at work yet. He didn’t know what
happened to his father in the ICU. He was distressed, but he could only wait here for the
doctor to inform him of the situation as if he was waiting for a judge’s verdict.
Ling Xuefeng stood up and said, “The sky is almost bright. I will go and buy some
“No, I’m not hungry.”
“How can you not eat? Did you even eat dinner last night?”
Li Cangyu’s silence showed that Ling Xuefeng had guessed correctly. His father was still
being treated at dinnertime yesterday so how could he be in the mood to eat?
“You have to eat something.” Ling Xuefeng gently pressed a hand to Li Cangyu’s shoulder
and said, “Wait here, I’ll go buy it for you.”
Ling Xuefeng came back after buying breakfast and saw Li Cangyu tiredly leaning on the
wall in a daze. Ling Xuefeng sat down beside him, put hot milk and bread into his hand and
said softly, “Eat something and fill your stomach.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu ate the breakfast. The warm milk warmed his stomach, making his body
slightly warmer. At this time, he discovered that he was wearing Ling Xuefeng’s coat and
returned it to him. “Thank you.”
Ling Xuefeng took the clothing and looked back at Li Cangyu.
Every time they looked at each other, Li Cangyu’s eyes were clear, bright and filled with
confidence. But this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his voice very hoarse. His state was
This must be the most upsetting moment for Li Cangyu in recent years.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t dare ask for the specific details of the car accident. He only hoped that
Li Cangyu’s father would be fine or else Li Cangyu’s faith would suffer a devastating impact.
The long night gradually passed and the sky outside the window became brighter. The hour
hand finally pointed to 8 o’clock and the door of the ICU opened. The attending doctor came
out and asked, “Who is Li Jianan’s family?”
Li Cangyu immediately stood up. “I am.”
His voice was as calm as possible but his fingers were clenched tightly into fists.
Ling Xuefeng gently touched his hand and then went up to the doctor. “How is it? Did he
wake up?”
The doctor nodded. “Fortunately, he woke up. The cerebral hemorrhage has stopped and
he just needs to recover slowly. Go through the formal procedures and transfer your father
to the general ward.”
The doctor thought that Ling Xuefeng was also the patient’s son. LIng Xuefeng didn’t bother
explaining as he gently hugged Li Cangyu’s shoulder and spoke softly in his ear, “You go see
your father first. I will handle the formal things.”
Li Cangyu nodded and put on the sterile clothing that the doctor gave him to enter the ICU.
His father was lying in the hospital bed with open eyes. Li Cangyu walked quickly to his bed
and sat down. He whispered, “Dad.”
Li Jianan was silent for a moment before saying, “When the car next to me hit… I thought I
was really going to die…”
“Nonsense.” Li Cangyu interrupted him, holding his hand tightly. “With your stubbornness,
you will surely live to be 100 years old.”
His voice sounded very hoarse. He had evidently been waiting outside all night and the
dark circles were as serious as a panda.
Li Jianan saw his son’s tired look and his mouth twitched slightly. He patted his son’s hand
and said, “If I live to 100 years old, you also have to live to over 70. We still have to quarrel
as two old men or else it will be boring. I will always get mad at you sooner or later.”
“…” Li Cangyu was teased by his father and said, “You are sick right now. Don’t get too
angry. It is easy to get high blood pressure and a heart disease when you are angry. You are
a doctor so you should know this better than I do.”
Li Jianan rolled his eyes and asked, “Where is your sister?”
Li Cangyu said, “I called her yesterday but she didn’t pick up. I sent her a text message…”
Just then, a woman in a white coat suddenly appeared through the door. It was Li Cangyu’s
sister, Li Yueran.
She was working in the hospital and couldn’t leave her job. Last night, she happened to
have an emergency patient and after the treatment, she was so tired that she went to sleep.
She muted her phone and didn’t hear Li Cangyu’s calls.
As soon as she saw the text message in the morning, Li Yueran rushed over. She came to the
bed with an anxious face and asked, “Dad, are you okay?”
Li Cangyu didn’t have time to speak when Li Jianan replied, “It is nothing. There was a
traumatic brain hemorrhage caused by a car accident. I just looked at the CT film and the
bleeding isn’t in the brainstem and there are no nerves nearby. It can be absorbed slowly
after a period of time. The reason I was unconscious last night was due to hypovolemic
shock and the doctors have already given me blood.”
“…” The brother and sister looked at each other.
Li Cangyu had a headache as he asked, “Dad, can you stop analysing your own condition?
Do you think this is a case seminar?”
Li Jianan said gravely, “I am very clear about my condition. It isn’t serious, so you don’t
have to worry too much.” He patted his daughter’s hand and then whispered, “Don’t tell
your mother or I’ll be scolded to death by her.”
The brother and sister, “…”
Li Jianan looked very serious but he was actually a typical hen-pecked husband.
His mother had always been in charge of the Li family. Li Cangyu clearly remembered a
scene he saw when he was a child. His father once provoked his mother and made her
angry. The couple were bickering when his mother suddenly took out the tools she used for
acupuncture and didn’t say anything. His dad immediately bowed his head and admitted he
was wrong.
When Li Cangyu went to play the game, his father strongly opposed it but his mother was
more open-minded as she said calmly, “I’m not obliged to raise you after you are 18 years
old. You can make your own decisions in life. However, later don’t run in front of me crying
and say that you regret it. Then I will look down on you.”
In fact, Li Cangyu’s personality was a perfect fusion of his parent’s genes.
The brother and sister looked at each other before Li Yueran smiled and said, “I know, I
won’t tell Mother. Mother is still in China and can’t control you from so far away.”
Li Jianan felt relieved and looked at his daughter. “You are busy so you can go. I don’t need
you here to take care of me.”
Li Yueran didn’t know if she should laugh or cry. “Come on Dad. I have already taken the
day off so let me stay here to accompany you.”
Just then, the doctor came over to inform them about the change to the general ward. The
brother and sister pushed their father’s bed to the designated ward. As soon as they
entered the room, they saw a handsome man leaning over to make the bed. He heard the
movements at the door and looked up. He met Li Cangyu’s eye s and walked over, saying,
“The formalities are completed.”
Li Cangyu made the introductions. “This is my father and my sister.” Then he turned to his
father and said, “This is Ling Xuefeng, my best friend. He stayed with me last night and
waited until now.”
Li Jianan nodded at the young man in front of him and said, “I troubled you.”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “Uncle doesn’t have to be so polite. I’m glad that you are okay.”
Li Yueran laughed. She carefully looked at Ling Xuefeng and found that this man was really
handsome and gracious. It was rare for her brother to have such a reliable friend and she
couldn’t help saying, “I heard my brother mention you before. You are… the captain of
Wind Colour right?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded.
“I muted my phone and didn’t receive any calls yesterday. I bothered you this time, making
you wait outside all night. Then…” Li Yueran looked back at her younger brother. “Go back
with your friend and sleep. I will stay here and take care of things. I work in this hospital so
you can rest assured about Dad.”
“I want to stay here.” Li Cangyu declared.
Li Jianan glanced at him. “Why do you have to accompany me. Go to sleep. Do you know
what your face looks like?”
“…” Li Cangyu had no choice but to smile and say, “Then I will go back and eat. I will see you
at noon.”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng walked through the hospital corridors together.
The golden morning sunlight shone through the windows in the corridor onto Ling
Xuefeng’s handsome face. This always indifferent man suddenly seemed a lot milder when
his whole face was bathed in the sun.
Li Cangyu looked at him and didn’t know what to say. Thank you was too common but he
really wanted to thank Ling Xuefeng for coming to the hospital and spending this longest
and hardest night with him.
After a moment of silence, Li Cangyu finally asked, “By the way, when are you flying home?”
“On a flight this evening.”
Li Cangyu was startled and said, “Then go back to the hotel and sleep. You didn’t get much
sleep last night, so you have to rest.”
Ling Xuefeng stopped and stared at Li Cangyu. “You also have to go back and get a good
rest. Your father is out of danger so don’t worry too much.
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Last night was an alarm bell. Li Cangyu was thankful to God that his father woke up and
decided that he had to spend more time with his father.
The two people got a car at the entrance of the hospital. Ling Xuefeng asked the driver to
take Li Cangyu back first before returning to the hotel.
His teammates had just woken up when Li Cangyu returned to his residence.
Yesterday afternoon, Li Cangyu suddenly left after receiving a call. Bai Xuan didn’t know
what was going on until the end of the Carnival when Bai Xuan called. It was only then that
he knew Li Cangyu’s father was in the emergency room.
Bai Xuan wanted to go to the hospital but he later received a call from Ling Xuefeng. He
knew that Ling Xuefeng would rush over and decided not to go. He felt that if this man was
by Cat God’s side, his presence wasn’t necessary. He would cook food at home and wait for
Li Cangyu to come back.
Bai Xuan saw Li Cangyu’s tired face and asked worriedly, “Is your father okay?”
“He’s fine. He woke up this morning and has been transferred to the general ward.” Li
Cangyu explained.
Xiao Gu, Uncle Zhang and Xiao Han heard this and were relieved.
Li Cangyu smiled slightly and said, “I might not be able to take care of you for the next few
days. Let Bai Xuan take you around and then go back. I will return in December and join
you at that time.”
Gu Siming immediately exclaimed, “Captain, you go to accompany your father. We have
nothing we want to visit. I will take the day to tidy my luggage and fly back tomorrow
Xiao Han said, “Master, my ticket is for this afternoon…”
Li Cangyu patted his apprentice’s head and said, “When you go back, find a chance to talk to
your father about the game. You can show him the Carnival videos. If he doesn’t agree, tell
me and I will personally take a trip to your house to explain it to him.”
Xiao Han nodded earnestly. “Yes, Master.”
Bai Xuan saw the bloodshot eyes and couldn’t help saying, “Don’t worry about this. First, go
to sleep.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu took two steps when he thought of something and turned back. “By the
way, the doctor said that my father can eat light and easily digestible things. Can you help
cook him some porridge and I will take it to him in the afternoon.”
Bai Xuan smiled gently and Li Cangyu’s heart gradually calmed down at the sight.
He had been emotional after the disbandment of Canglan, but fortunately, he still had Bai
Xuan and also these newly recognised teammates. He wasn’t alone in his efforts.
Li Cangyu returned to his room and lay on the bed, soon falling asleep because he was too
The strange thing was that he suddenly dreamt of Ling Xuefeng.
In the hospital in the middle of the night, under the dazzling lights, he and Ling Xuefeng
were tightly snuggled together. He had fallen asleep on Ling Xuefeng’s shoulder and looked
so warm and natural.

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GLS: Chapter 90
Chapter 90 – Heartbeat

Li Cangyu woke up and found that he was actually smiling. He recalled some fragments of
his dream doubtfully. Suddenly, he felt that this image was a bit strange. It was reasonable
to say that it was very embarrassing for two men to sleep together right? Then why did he
rely on Ling Xuefeng’s shoulders without any hesitation?
It was an unconscious action after falling asleep but what about before?
He was in a sober state but he hugged Ling Xuefeng tightly for a long time…
It must’ve been because his brain was too confused.
Li Cangyu frowned and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. He entered
the kitchen where Bai Xuan had already cooked porridge and also fried two light dishes. Li
Cangyu placed them in a heat preservation container and went to the hospital.
To his surprise, when he came to the hospital ward, he saw Ling Xuefeng through the
Ling Xuefeng had brought flowers and fruits to visit the injured. He was sitting in a chair
beside the bed and chatting with Li Cangyu’s father. Li Cangyu slightly pushed the door
opened and pricked his ears to listen.
“The accident didn’t hurt any internal organs. I passed out mainly from excessive loss of
blood.” Li Jianan explained seriously, “The doctor checked and the intracranial hemorrhage
will be absorbed slowly. I can be discharged in a few days.”
“You are fine.” Ling Xuefeng said.
“How long have you known my son?” Li Jianan asked curiously. “He rarely mentions the
professional league in front of me. His sister said that he used to mention you… did you
come to New York once three years ago?”
“Yes, three years ago he wanted to lead his team to another game. I came to New York to
find him, so his sister probably heard of me.”
“Oh.” Li Jianan nodded and was silent for a moment before asking, “My son… how is he
doing in your league?”
He had always opposed Li Cangyu playing e-sports but after all, this was his son. Li Jianan
still wanted to know Li Cangyu’s situation.
“He’s outstanding.” Ling Xuefeng spoke earnestly. “Many of us acknowledge him as the best
“Is that right? But I heard that he hadn’t won any prizes.”
“The strength of a contestant can’t be judged by trophies alone. There are many factors
involved in why he hasn’t won a trophy but he will definitely get one in the future.” Ling
Xuefeng took a trophy out of his bag and said, “Uncle, look at this.”
Li Jianan took the golden trophy and scrutinised it. “What is this?”
“It is the trophy for the victors of the World Carnival’s 3v3 event which I won yesterday.”
“Li Cangyu wasn’t involved in winning it right?” Li Jianan said politely.
“Well, he didn’t attend the Carnival but he actually has the biggest credit in winning this
trophy.” Ling Xuefeng looked at the elder on the bed and patiently explained. “We met the
US team in the group stage and won using the tactics that Li Cangyu personally formulated.
Without him, we would’ve definitely lost that game. We wouldn’t have qualified in the
group stage, let alone win the championship.”
“Is that right?” Li Jianan couldn’t believe it.
“Yes, as I said, your son is the best player in our Miracle League.” Ling Xuefeng smiled and
then said, “This trophy is half mine and half his. I want to give you this trophy to keep safe.
Can you accept it?”
Li Jianan was stunned or a moment and said, “Is this okay? The World Carnival trophy, you
want to leave such a precious thing with me?”
“I will leave it here to reassure you. Next year, Li Cangyu will bring you more trophies., At
that time, you can put all the trophies together in a collection and see how powerful your
son is.”
Li Jianan was amused, his serious face showing a rare smile. He held the trophy and
observed it carefully. “I know that this stinky boy isn’t bad. Otherwise, he wouldn’t insist on
not giving up for six years.”
Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before suddenly stating, “In fact, my father was very
opposed when I entered the e-sports circle. The elders are doing it for our good but we also
have our own ideas. We want to work hard to achieve things…”
Ling Xuefeng looked sincerely at Li Jianan while saying this words. “Uncle, it hasn’t been
easy for Li Cangyu over the years. Please don’t blame him. He feels very guilty towards you.
If you can give him a bit more support, he will certainly be more motivated.”
Li Jianan listened to the young person in front of him say these words and couldn’t help
feeling a bit sad. He was very clear on what his son’s personality was like. In the past few
years, the father and son had bickered in a Cold War. This was because both individuals
were equally stubborn.
But wasn’t it really difficult for his son?
In the past six years, he never won a trophy but insisted on continuing. It seemed that he
really enjoyed playing the game…
Li Jianan thought this and sighed. “I know, I have long lost my objections. He has grown up
and I can’t control him. It is up to him to feel regret or not.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled. “He won’t regret it and he will definitely prove himself.”
Li Jianan nodded and picked up the precious World Carnival trophy. He couldn’t help
asking, “Are you sure you want to leave this trophy with me?”
“Yes, think of it as a gift for Uncle.” Li Xuefeng insisted. “Your son has the biggest credit for
this trophy. It should’ve been given to him.”
Li Jianan smiled and carefully put away the trophy. “Then I will accept it first and wait for
him to bring me one himself next year.”
Outside the door, Li Cangyu looked at the scene and couldn’t help his eyes burning.
He didn’t know why Ling Xuefeng suddenly gave the Carnival trophy to his father but he
knew that Ling Xuefeng’s approach made his father very happy. He hadn’t seen his father
smile like this for a long time. It was a proud smile as if his son really was powerful.
Ling Xuefeng praised Li Cangyu in front of his father and said that he was the ‘best player’
to let his father relax his mind.
His father seemed to believe this and his mood was great.
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and adjusting his
expression. He pushed open the door and cried out, “Dad, I came to see you… hey, why are
you here?”
Ling Xuefeng hadn’t discovered him eavesdropping outside the door and casually stood up.
“I came to see Uncle. The doctor just came and said that Uncle’s situation is improving. You
don’t have to worry too much.”
“That’s good.” Li Cangyu put the food on the table. “Dad, are you hungry? Eat something.”
“Yes.” Li Jianan’s relaxed smile had long since disappeared. Li Cangyu saw this serious face
and couldn’t help doubting, ‘Is Ling Xuefeng his son?’
Li Jianan was in a good mood and had an excellent appetite. He ate all the porridge and
looked up. “Li Cangyu, you should learn more from Xuefeng in the future. He speaks so
politely. How can a kid like you be friends with such a person?”
Li Cangyu, “…”
It seemed that Ling Xuefeng used a few words and a trophy to buy his father.
He looked back and saw Ling Xuefeng’s smile that contained a rare tenderness. Li Cangyu’s
heart jumped as he remembered last night’s dream and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.
At this moment, Li Yueran pushed open the door. She saw the two of them and smiled. “Are
you also here? Go back first. I just had a chat with the doctor and there are no problems. We
should let Dad sleep in the afternoon.”
Ling Xuefeng consciously stood up. “Uncle, have a good rest. We will go first.”
Li Cangyu also stood up. “Dad, I’ll come back with dinner for you in the evening.”
Li Jianan nodded. “Go ahead.”
The two men walked out of the ward and down the hospital corridor to the inpatient area.
The inpatient area was much larger than the outpatient clinic, with a fresh green lawn and
flower beds. The air was crisp and the environment was excellent. Some patients were in a
wheelchair and a few children were playing on the lawn, looking relaxed and comfortable.
The two of them stopped in front of a flower bed. Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before
turning back. “I heard what you just said to my dad. What is the best player, behind the
scenes strategist, my share of the trophy… I didn’t think you would be kind enough to brag
about me.”
Ling Xuefeng looked at him thoughtfully. “I wasn’t bragging. It is the truth.”
This man’s expression was serious so regardless of whether it was a truth or a lie, Li
Cangyu got the strange feeling of wanting to believe him.
Li Cangyu smiled and asked, “Is it appropriate for you to give such a precious trophy to my
Ling Xuefeng replied calmly, “It doesn’t matter. I can get another one next year.”
“…” Li Cangyu was speechless. This person’s confidence was terrible. If the other countries
heard this, they would want to cough up blood.
Li Cangyu walked next to Ling Xuefeng and couldn’t help feeling moved when he thought of
the words spoken to his father. He looked over and said, “Ling Xuefeng, you are so good to
me. If you are a woman then I would want to marry you. You see, you personally came to
see my father and also brought such a valuable meeting gift. You can marry into my Li
family; my father seems to like you very much.”
It was a casual joke but Ling Xuefeng took it seriously. “Okay, when should I go get the
Li Cangyu froze.
Wait, get the certificate?
‘I’m joking. Ling Xuefeng, can you stop being so serious? Don’t you have any humour cells?’
Li Cangyu looked up. There was no expression on this man’s face but in the deep eyes,
tender emotions were almost overflowing. Li Cangyu saw his image in the dark eyes and
couldn’t help his heartbeat accelerating. He stood stiffly in place for a long time.
He suddenly had the illusion that Ling Xuefeng would kiss him…
He even felt that this image should be finished off with a kiss.
His eyes involuntarily moved to Ling Xuefeng’s lips. The league’s most popular abstinent
god, his lips looked quite sexy. What would it feel like to kiss them? His mouth must be very
soft and perhaps his breath would be cold?
Li Cangyu’s mind was a mess and his heartbeat was so fast that it felt like his heart would
pop out of his chest.
Ling Xuefeng stared at Li Cangyu who was in a daze and couldn’t help smiling. He removed
his gaze and took the initiative to help Li Cangyu. “I know you are joking but you shouldn’t
often make this type of joke.”
Li Cangyu coughed with embarrassment and touched his nose before changing the topic.
“What time is your flight? I will send you away.”
“It is 5 o’clock.”
“It is almost time to go to the airport. Let’s go back to your hotel and pack your bags.”
Li Cangyu accompanied Ling Xuefeng to the airport.
Before sending him through security, Li Cangyu took the initiative to hug Ling Xuefeng and
said, “Have a good trip.”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng hugged back. The moment he bowed his head, his lips accidentally
moved across Li Cangyu’s earlobe, causing his heart to jolt.
This was clearly a familiar embrace but the atmosphere today seemed a bit different.
Li Cangyu heard the ‘thump, thump’ of his heartbeat while hugging this friend he had
known for many years. He suddenly had the impulse not to let go.
“Cat God, Cat God! Cat God came to send us off!” A voice ruined the beautiful scene. It was
Cheng Wei, who just finished the check-in process.
Tan Shitian helplessly wanted to stop him. Couldn’t he see that Captain Ling and Cat God
were saying goodbye? Why did he have to insert himself in?
Li Cangyu’s reason was restored with this sentence and he immediately released Ling
Xuefeng. He suddenly felt slightly guilty.
Cheng Wei rushed over and hugged Li Cangyu. “Cat God, I’m returning to China now.
Li Cangyu mumbled, “…Yes, goodbye.”
Cheng Wei was a man and also a friend. However, he didn’t give the same throbbing feeling
that happened when Li Cangyu held Ling Xuefeng.
Moreover, Xiao Cheng was so noisy that Li Cangyu couldn’t wait to send him away quickly.
But Ling Xuefeng… Li Cangyu was reluctant to send him away. The moment they hugged, he
could smell the familiar scent. LI Cangyu suddenly wanted to hold him all the time. This
feeling was very comfortable.
It was like a person who had been wandering for a long time finally finding a safe haven.
Ling Xuefeng obviously looked very cold but this person could give him a warm and
peaceful feeling.
Then… did he like Ling Xuefeng?
It was frightening!
If Ling Xuefeng knew Li Cangyu’s thoughts at this moment, wouldn’t he directly use demon
move to grasp him directly?

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GLS: Chapter 91
[Volume 3 – Return to Miracle]

Chapter 91 – Witty Idea

Li Cangyu had never liked anyone. In the past few years, he put all his energy into leading
his team and his mind was filled with various tactics. There was no time to think about
feelings. However, in the critical moment when his father was in a serious condition, Ling
Xuefeng accompanied him and made him feel, ‘Having this person around is also very
In particular, the person had a unique understanding of him and the same goals.
It was a pity that Ling Xuefeng was a man.
On the way home, Li Cangyu considered this issue. After so many years, this was the first
time he got the symptoms of a rapid heartbeat and hot cheeks when looking at a person. He
could rely on Ling Xuefeng to sleep all night and didn’t want to let go when hugging him.
This definitely was his favourite person. Could he still explain it with ‘brotherhood’?
He never had such feelings towards other brothers.
If Ling Xuefeng was a woman, he wouldn’t hesitate to catch Ling Xuefeng and marry him.
But Ling Xuefeng was a man… this wouldn’t be easy.
Ling Xuefeng usually looked serious and cold. If he didn’t have such thoughts towards Li
Cangyu, confessing would only cause trouble and also destroy the six-year deep friendship
between the two people.
Besides, Li Cangyu wasn’t born liking men. He just enjoyed being with Ling Xuefeng and he
liked the warmth that Ling Xuefeng gave him.
He knew that two men being together would face a lot of resistance. He had to carefully
consider if he wanted to drag Ling Xuefeng into these waters.
Li Cangyu thought about it and finally calmed down completely.
By the time he arrived home, Xiao Han had already taken the bus back to Boston. Xiao Gu
and Uncle Zhang had finished packing their bags.
Bai Xuan made a table full of food for them and Xie Shurong immediately ran to eat when
he heard. The five people gathered around the table after dinner. Xie Shurong sat next to
Bai Xuan and flattered him. “Vice-Captain Bai’s cooking is getting better and better.” Bai
Xuan pointed to the kitchen. “Go and wash the dishes first.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Xiao Gu laughed until he got a stomachache. Once A’Shu left, he asked curiously, “Vice-
Captain Bai, do you like to bully A’Shu?”
Bai Xuan said with a smile, “Who told him to chase me before.”
The most annoying thing for a remote class was a swordsman. Once the swordsman got
close, skills couldn’t be cast. However, Bai Xuan wasn’t deliberately bullying A’Shu. He just
thought that A’Shu’s expression when wanting to please him was fascinating!
Fortunately, there was a dishwasher at the house. Xie Shurong soon finished the dishes and
ran to Bai Xuan to ask for credit. “I washed the dishes.”
Bai Xuan inserted a toothpick into a cut apple and handed it to him. “I will reward you.”
Xie Shurong didn’t use his hands and directly opened his mouth, saying, “Thank you!”
Bai Xuan was amused. This guy was tall and handsome but his character was a big child. He
was less steady compared to his brother Su Guangmo but he was more lovely.
Bai Xuan handed him an orange. Xie Shurong was rewarded and ate it happily. He turned
and sat down next to Bai Xuan. Then he said with a smile, “At this Carnival, Jack’s 3v3 team
didn’t enter the top eight. He complained about the Chinese and South Korean teams after
returning and said that Asian tactics are too complicated.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “He means that Asian people are smarter right?”
Xie Shurong said, “You can think of it that way!”
Gu Siming declared proudly, “Of course, just look at who was the strategist behind that
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “It seems that our Cat God’s tactics are too high level, making the
US team completely stunned.
Everyone boasted and praised their captain. Once they finished, they found that Cat God did
not react at all.
They looked back doubtfully and found that while everyone was chatting, Li Cangyu kept
touching his chin and looking down like he was thinking about something significant.
Bai Xuan coughed and asked, “What’s wrong?”
The man whose head was full of Ling Xuefeng finally came back and smiled. “Oh, it’s
In fact, he has just been thinking about how long it had been since he met Ling Xuefeng and
how could he like Ling Xuefeng. Initially, he only thought of Ling Xuefeng was a friend,
opponent and confidant. After sleeping against Ling Xuefeng yesterday, a string in his heart
was touched and created a strong desire to monopolise this person.
He didn’t want to see any woman hugging Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng’s hug could only be
‘You are the best player in my heart.’
Ling Xuefeng had said these words yesterday when comforting Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu thought the same way. If Li Cangyu had to select the best player in the Miracle
Professional League, he wouldn’t hesitate to vote for Ling Xuefeng.
They used to be opponents and friends… now he felt that a friend was far from enough. Li
Cangyu wanted to hold him tightly and kiss him. If he really kissed Ling Xuefeng, what
would the expression on Ling Xuefeng’s serious face look like?
He thought of the person who moved his heart so Li Cangyu’s eyes were very soft.
Bai Xuan and Zhang Jueming looked at each other and were confused.
Cat God, why are you wandering off again?
Several teammates soon discovered that Li Cangyu wasn’t in the right state today.
Bai Xuan thought it was because of his father’s hospitalisation and softly comforted him.
“Don’t overthink it. Uncle has already left the dangerous period and your sister is taking
care of him at the hospital. There will be no problems.”
Zhang Jueming also said, “People have their own natural fate and your father will definitely
get better soon.” Li Cangyu guiltily touched his nose and changed the topic. “I was just
thinking about the formation of the team.”
He became serious and he successfully deceived everyone.
Xiao Gu was stunned and asked, “Our team isn’t formed yet?”
“We don’t have enough people.” Li Cangyu said seriously, “If Xiao Han gives me a definite
answer, our team will have six people. The number of people to sign up for the regular
season is eight. Thus, we have to find two more people as soon as possible.”
Zhang Jueming bowed his head and touched his chin. “I have been playing the arena with
Xiao Gu for over a month. I didn’t find any talented people. Right now, the arena is a cross-
server mix and it is almost like the world of primary school students.”
Bai Xuan laughed. “Yes, now many primary school students are running to play online
games. It is difficult to find a master in the low-level section of the cross-server arena.”
“Don’t worry, take your time.” Li Cangyu spoke to Zhang Jueming. “Old Zhang, after
returning home, continue to take Xiao Gu to the arena. Let Xiao Gu became familiar with
playing against the melee and ranged classes.” Then he looked back at Gu Siming. “You
must follow Old Zhang and study seriously. “You are the front row of our team and should
be familiar with the skills of all output classes. Think of ways to cope with emergencies. Do
you understand?”
Gu Siming nodded like a chicken pecking rice. “Yes, I know.”
Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed his head before continuing, “I suddenly thought of a plan to
recruit teammates but I don’t know if it’s feasible or not.”
Bai Xuan asked curiously, “What is your plan?”
Li Cangyu explained, “I watched martial arts movies as a child and isn’t there a lot of
beautiful women who marry after a serious competition? The winner who succeeded in
lasting to the end is generally an excellent master. Therefore, I want to set up a contest in
Miracle. We don’t have a daughter so we should use high bonuses as a reward. This way, we
can attract many masters.”
Xie Shurong’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Cat God, this is a great idea! Whether it is for rewards
or fame, as long as an arena contest opens, many people will certainly come to test the
waters. Perhaps we really can find a master with the skills to play at the professional level.”
Li Cangyu added, “Yes, I want Xiao Han to lead the way., Anyone who beats Xiao Han can get
50,000 gold coins. It is only after beating the apprentice that they can face the master.
Anyone who beats me can get one million gold coins.”
Bai Xuan was shocked. “One million? I don’t think we have that much money in our
warehouses, do we?”
“It doesn’t matter. This one million can’t be taken away by anyone.” Li Cangyu smiled at
everyone. “Do you think anyone can beat me? Summoners already have an advantage in a
1v1 fight. Unless someone at the level of Ling Xuefeng arrives, it is impossible to take away
the one million gold.”
Everyone, “…”
Really witty!
Xiao Han’s current level wasn’t stable enough and the possibility of losing to a real master
was great. Therefore, Li Cangyu set the reward for beating Xiao Han relatively low to not
lose a lot of money. Then he personally sat at the guard, releasing the one million huge
bonus that would attract experts from every region to challenge him.
There were many races and professions in the arena. Xiao Han could play with all types of
masters and this was equivalent to finding many sparring partners for Xiao Han. It was also
possible to find excellent teammates, killing two birds with one stone!
Bai Xuan couldn’t help thinking that this was Cat God. Cat God was always careful and
never made a loss. If he did business, he would undoubtedly become a local tyrant!
Once the plan was agreed upon, Li Cangyu smiled. “Let’s do it. I will go online later to talk to
the guild managers about the specific plan. Next Monday, the arena challenge of our Food
Squad will officially open.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GLS: Chapter 92
Chapter 92 – Battle Arena

Li Cangyu logged into the game, opened the guild window and saw that the contribution
points was once again full.
Vice President Small Elf saw him online and immediately sent a private chat message:
[President, the contribution points are full. We can rise to a level five guild!]
Li Cangyu sent him an encouragement emoji and replied: [You’ve worked hard.]
Small Elf smiled. [You’re welcome President!]
Li Cangyu went to the guild administrator to upgrade the Food Squad to a level five guild.
The server immediately issued a golden announcement.
[Congratulations to the Food Squad for upgrading to level 5! A level five guild has no limit
on the number of people. Feel free to apply!]
The presidents of the major guilds were stoic when they saw this.
The president of the Food Squad was Cat God. This wasn’t a secret among the presidents of
the large guilds. However, Luo Xiaoluo didn’t know the truth. He sent a message to
President Time Machine: [President, the Food Squad has reached level five! What should
we do next? Continue to ally with them?]
Time Machine sent him a smiling expression. [Of course, this is the guild of Cat God.]
Luo Xiaoluo wondered: [Cat God? Which Cat God?]
Time Machine: [Your favourite Cheng Wei’s idol, Cat God.]
Luo Xiaoluo: […]
Oh my god! He thought this person was Cheng Wei’s fan and even used Cheng Wei’s
signature to lure him to join the guild!
When he saw Braised Fish change to a summoner’s weapon in the novice village, he also
directed in a righteous manner: [You are a novice. Elves should play archers or hunters.]
Luo Xiaoluo’s face turned red with humiliation as he remembered all of this. A big rookie
actually tried to guide Cat God!
Luo Xiaoluo’s fingers trembled and he sent a message to Love to Eat Braised Fish: [Are you
really Cat God?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Did Time Machine tell you?]
Luo Xiaoluo: [Yes!]
Li Cangyu smiled and typed: [I am Cat God.]
Luo Xiaoluo was silent for a moment before shamelessly asking: [Cat God, can you give me
a signature?]
Li Cangyu was surprised. [Aren’t you Cheng Wei’s fan?]
Luo Xiaoluo: [Cheng Wei’s idol is also my idol! Cat God, please give me a signature!]
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. [Okay. But you have to keep this matter a secret for the
time being. Don’t tell anyone else.]
Luo Xiaoluo immediately sent a row of smiling emojis. [I know Cat God! I will keep your
These players in the online game might not be comparable to professional players but Li
Cangyu felt they had some lovely points, especially the three classmates. This person was
Cheng Wei’s fan, so there was no need to put on the act of a ‘great god.’
[President, why haven’t you been online these days?] Small Elf sent another message.
Li Cangyu replied: [I’m in New York and went to watch the Carnival.]
Small Elf was envious. [You went to the venue to watch it?]
[Did you see Captain Ling? Was it close up? Is he handsome?]
Li Cangyu thought, ‘Not only did I meet him, but I also hugged him while sleeping.’
[I saw him. He is more handsome than his photos.] Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to boast about
his sweetheart.
Small Elf excitedly said: [I also wanted to go to watch but a student has no money to go
abroad. I don’t know when the Carnival will be held in China!]
Li Cangyu smiled. [It will happen one day. As long as China’s Miracle players are recognised
around the world, the World Competition might be held in China.]
This was his best wish. He might not be there personally when the moment came but he
believed that one day, the stage of the world’s e-sports competition could also be moved to
[By the way, I bought gifts for the three of you. I asked my friend to bring them back to
China so give me your address and I’ll mail them to you.] On the day that he showed Xiao
Han around, he bought three sets of commemorative bookmarks. They were out of print
domestically and Li Cangyu was very grateful to the three university students for helping
him manage the guild. Therefore, he bought souvenirs for the three people.
Small Elf was thrilled. [Thank you, President! I’m so touched, hahaha!]
Li Cangyu smiled and typed: [There is one more thing I have to trouble you with. I am going
to open a Food Squad cross-server arena challenge. Those who pass the first challenge will
win 50,000 gold coins and the second challenge will give one million gold coins. For the
next few days, please make a program and publicise it on the forums.]
Small Elf was stunned: [One million? Our guild warehouse doesn’t have that much money!]
Li Cangyu sent a row of smiling faces. [Don’t be afraid. No one can take the money away.]
Small Elf: […]
Li Cangyu: [Rest assured, we won’t make a loss from the business. Just do it.]
The reward of one million gold sounded terrible since they would go bankrupt if they lost.
However, the president probably had another purpose apart from increasing the fame of
the Food Squad.
Small Elf thought this and immediately agreed. [I will discuss it with the other two and
write a promotional post. After it is done, I will show it to President.]
The publicity post was soon written and Small Elf sent it to Li Cangyu’s mailbox. Li Cangyu
looked at it carefully. This guy was very talented. He was probably on the promotional
committee or part of the student association’s promotional department at school. The
advertisement was excellent and full of appeal.
Li Cangyu said with relief: [Very good. Post it on Sunday night.]
There were still two days until Sunday. Li Cangyu delayed it because Xiao Han hadn’t given
him a definite answer yet. He just thought this when his phone lit up. Xiao Han had sent him
a text message. [Master, I told my father. He didn’t agree…]
Li Cangyu smiled helplessly. It seemed he would have to go there in person.
Li Cangyu wanted to thoroughly understand Xiao Han’s situation, so he replied: [Don’t be
afraid, I’ll come tomorrow to see you.]
The next afternoon, Li Cangyu took the bus to Boston and found the address that Xiao Han
had given him. It was Xiao Han’s home.
Li Cangyu entered and found that Xiao Han was the only one at home. In the living room,
there was a photo of a trio. Xiao Han was only six or seven years old in the photo. He looked
like an innocent and ignorant child. The blond hair and black eyes made him look like a
lovely angel.
His father was Chinese. He wasn’t very handsome but his facial features were dignified and
he looked very tough. His mother was a blonde, blue-eyed American with white skin and a
stunning appearance. Both husband and wife were smiling and seemed very loving.
However, there were no signs of a female around the house.
Li Cangyu was very sharp and soon realised that Xiao Han’s mother might not be here
Xiao Han saw that his master’s gaze was on the photo and couldn’t help lowering his head.
“My mother died of breast cancer. It happened soon after my father brought me to
It was no wonder that this child was so proud and stubborn. Many children who grew up in
single-parent homes would be particularly rebellious. Li Cangyu saw him hanging his head
and couldn’t help feeling distressed. He gently patted his apprentice’s head.
Xiao Han cried out stubbornly, “I’m fine. It has been many years and I haven’t been sad for a
long time.”
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before changing the topic. “What about your father?”
Xiao Han said, “My father went to the law firm because he needs to deal with a lawsuit.” He
took the initiative to pour water for Li Cangyu was he spoke. “Master, drink some water. Do
you want me to make something for you to eat?”
Li Cangyu was surprised. “You can cook?”
Xiao Han scratched his head with embarrassment. “It isn’t as delicious as Vice-Captain Bai’s
Li Cangyu laughed. “There is no need. I’m not hungry. I will talk to your father when he
This teenager reminded Li Cangyu of himself.
In the beginning, he was the same age as Xiao Han and embarked on this challenging road
despite his father’s opposition.
He was very distressed by Xiao Han and wanted to make Xiao Han’s road as smooth as
possible. Now he had the ability to protect this teenager.
Xiao Han’s father came back in the afternoon. He saw Li Cangyu and was obviously
shocked, asking, “You are?”
Li Cangyu took the initiative to hold out a hand and introduce himself. “I am the captain of
Xiao Han’s team, Li Cangyu.”
Xiao Zhenjun was surprised. He thought that his rebellious son mixed with several
unemployed people while playing the game. He didn’t expect the team captain to actually
come here.
Li Cangyu looked handsome, had a humble attitude and gave a very reliable first
Xiao Zhenjun glanced at him and said, “Hello. I thought Xiao Han was just looking for an
excuse to go out and play when he said he wanted to play the game competitively. Is this
really true?”
“Yes, I am a professional player from the Dragon Song E-Sports Club and the current
captain of the Miracle division team. I am recruiting talents to prepare for next year’s
professional league.” Li Cangyu patiently explained the situation of the Dragon Song club
and also took out a contract template to show him.
Xiao Zhenjun was a lawyer. After reading the contract, half the doubts in his heart were
Li Cangyu continued saying, “Mr. Xiao, we aren’t just playing around. You can rest assured
that if Xiao Han follows me, he won’t fall behind. I started playing competitively at his age
and there are many competitors his age in the professional league right now. If he joins the
team, I am confident that I can train him to be a great god in the league.”
Xiao Han was standing to the side and not talking. Once he heard this, his eyes flashed and
he looked at Li Cangyu with a touched expression.
Li Cangyu smiled and stated, “Don’t be in a hurry to refuse. Why don’t you develop a better
understanding of the Miracle Professional League first? I have a lot of data on the
professional league on this USB drive. You should take a look and then make a decision.”
He was very prepared as he took a USB flash drive out of his pocket and handed it to Xiao
Han’s father.
Xiao Zhenjun looked at the data very quickly. In less than five minutes, he looked away
from the computer. This time, his eyes weren’t filled with as many doubts.
“Can Xiao Han’s level reach the point of playing competitively?” Xiao Zhenjun looked at his
son and didn’t feel very reassured. “I know he has been playing the game recently but I
thought he was just blindly playing.”
Xiao Han immediately looked up. “No! I made a lot of money selling equipment and gold
coins in the game!”
He hurried to show his bankbook to his father. “See, this is the money I made myself. I will
be 18 years old in January and I can support myself.”
The teenager’s eyes were stubborn and serious. Xiao Zhenjun looked at the number in the
passbook and felt mixed emotions.
He always felt that his son became stubborn and rebellious because of his mother’s death.
He thought his son was just casually playing the game and hadn’t expected the child to
actually make money from it. The money wasn’t much but it was enough for daily expenses.
He had been busy working for the past few years and rarely stayed home with Xiao Han.
Xiao Han had the common 17-year-old youth’s ‘go against the adults’ attitude but he wasn’t
a bad person. He was actually very sensible. At a young age, he learned to cook and make
money. His academic performance wasn’t good but he had talent in other areas.
“Mr. Xiao, you can rest assured that we will take care of Xiao Han after he returns to China.
The team has a well-equipped group dormitory and a canteen. The team also has a 17-year-
old young man who is a similar age. The two of them can become excellent friends. Our
team might’ve just been set up but there are a few excellent players. For example, Tree of
the US ICE team. He is Chinese and has decided to join our team after his contract ends this
year.” Li Cangyu paused before saying with firm eyes, “If you give me Xiao Han, I can
guarantee that he will have a good future.”
Xiao Han looked at his father. “Dad, let me go back to China. I want to go and play the
“…” There was a long silence before Xiao Zhenjun spoke. “Let me think about it.
The other party was already shaken. If Li Cangyu spoke any further, it might be
Xiao Zhenjun politely left to let them eat. Li Cangyu tasted Xiao Han’s cooking. It wasn’t as
delicious as Bai Xuan but it was very rare for such a young person to be able to cook.
Once dinner ended, Xiao Zhenjun called his son to the study to say a few words. Then Xiao
Han ran out happily, crying out to Li Cangyu, “Master, my father agreed!”
Li Cangyu saw him excitedly jumping up and down and gently rubbed his head. “It is good
that he agreed.”
Xiao Han kept speaking. “My father isn’t comfortable about me going back alone. He has
recently wanted to open a law firm in China so he will go back with us! By the way, he also
told me to go back to New York with you to make sure that I am suitable to play
Xiao Han’s father was a professional lawyer and very calm. Li Cangyu looked up into the
man’s eyes and smiled. “Mr. Xiao, rest assured, I won’t let you and Xiao Han feel
Xiao Zhenjun nodded. “Then please look after Xiao Han.”
Li Cangyu went to Boston alone but brought back a little blond-haired, black-eyes sidekick.
Bai Xuan asked with a smile, “It seems the problem has been solved? Xiao Han will be living
with us?”
Xiao Han nodded with delight. “Yes!”
It was great that he could eat the chicken wings cooked by Vice-Captain Bai!
After dinner, Li Cangyu went to the guild to explain the promotion for the arena challenge.
The Food Squad members started to advertise in the Miracle forums, Baidu and other game
The news that the Food Squad was going to open a cross-server arena challenge quickly
spread throughout the country.
Ling Xuefeng returned to China and saw this advertisement, which had risen to the top of
the forum’s daily popular advertisements. It stated: first defeat Frost Descends and receive
50,000 gold. Second, defeat Love to Eat Braised Fish and win one million gold.
Li Cangyu was really witty. He was a master and used this high bonus to attract masters.
Besides, Xiao Han could play against various masters and improve his PK level as quickly as
Ling Xuefeng thought up to here and sent a message calling his apprentice over.
Qin Mo came to his master’s room and bowed his head. “Master is looking for me?”
Did he make a big mistake recently? Was Master going to lecture him as soon as Master
returned home?
The surprising thing was that Ling Xuefeng actually gave Qin Mo a set of bookmarks. “I
bought this for you in New York.”
Qin Mo immediately received them “Thank you, Master!”
Master might seem indifferent on the surface but he was a very attentive person!
The deeply moved Qin Mo listened to Ling Xuefeng’s next words. “I will arrange a task for
you. Starting from tomorrow night, the Food Squad will open a cross-server arena
challenge. Find a side account to enter the arena.”
“The Food Squad?” Qin Mo had long known about the challenge. Love to Eat Braised Fish
was Cat God. Qin Mo thought about being abused by Cat God and couldn’t help whispering,
“I…I can’t beat Cat God.”
“Naturally.” Ling Xuefeng agreed. “I’m not asking you to defeat Cat God. Just beat the first
QIn Mo was puzzled. “The first stage? Are you talking about Frost Descends?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “He is Cat God’s new apprentice.”
Qin Mo sighed with relief. “Master, you’re telling me to open a side account against Cat
God’s apprentice?”
“Yes, have the president prepare at least 10 accounts with different classes. If each one can
win against Xiao Han, I will give you an opportunity to participate in the playoffs.”
Qin Mo’s eyes brightened and he immediately exclaimed, “I know! I will beat him!”
‘The boy called Xiao Han, let’s go.
My master and your master are the strongest opponents. It is time for us apprentices to
face each other.’
Qin Mo vowed that since Cat God abused him, he must make Xiao Han cry and beg for
mercy tomorrow.

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GLS: Chapter 93
Chapter 93 – Qin Mo VS Xiao Han

Qin Mo couldn’t win against Cat God but he was full of confidence against Cat God’s
He left his master’s room and immediately asked the president of the Wind Colour guild for
10 side accounts of different classes. All account names and passwords were written down
and he excitedly waited for the arena challenge to start the next night.
At 8 p.m. the next day, Li Cangyu really made a VIP room in the cross-server arena. The
room was called ‘Challenge Arena’ while Small Elf directly advertised on the world channel:
[The Food Squad has opened an arena challenge. The first stage gives 50,000 gold and the
second boss stage will give one million gold! Any masters are welcome to come and apply
for the challenge!]
The advertisement was released and countless onlookers immediately poured into the
Li Cangyu spoke on the room channel: [Is there any master willing to challenge it? The
registration fee is 1,000 gold coins.]
Many onlookers questioned it: [You didn’t previously say that there was a registration fee!]
[President, you are too much!]
Li Cangyu said: [The registration fee is 1,000 gold but you can get 50,000 if you win. This is
very cost-effective! Come if you have confidence in yourself.]
The registration fee of 1,000 gold was to prevent people from running here to make
The condition for entering this arena was to pay the creator of the room 1,000 gold coins.
No one wanted to waste money, so those willing to spend money would be masters
confident in their own level.
Li Cangyu then advertised: [I welcome any masters to take the challenge! 50,000 gold is the
reward if you win!]
Someone was probably attracted by the reward and typed: [If I win against this assassin,
will I receive the money? Are you going to cheat us?]
Li Cangyu: [I am using the name Food Squad as a guarantee. I won’t cheat anyone.]
This person should be from another server. He didn’t know Love to Eat Braised Fish but
since there was a guild as a guarantee, he let go of his worries and paid to the 1,000 gold
registration fee.
Xiao Han stared seriously at the computer screen, and his palms were sweating.
Master put him in the arena and also bet 50,000 gold coins. His pressure was immense. If
he lost, wouldn’t he lose Master’s money?
Li Cangyu saw the little boy’s eyes flashing and patted his shoulder. “Xiao Han, remember,
you are going to play in the professional league. You are used to playing an assassin in the
game, always hiding behind a person to look for opportunities. In the future, you will have
to stand on the field and take the initiative to create opportunities.”
Xiao Han was stunned before soon reacting. His master was right. He was going to enter the
professional league and his opponents would be great gods. If he couldn’t even fight against
ordinary players in the online game, what qualifications did he have to be a professional
Previously, he would secretly track the target and take advantage of when they had
residual blood to assassinate them, making his success rate very high. But on the field, the
opponent would definitely be prepared and wouldn’t give Xiao Han their back. Thus, he had
to take the initiative to create an opportunity!
The transition from an assassin who only knew how to sneak attack to a real killer who
could actively create opportunities on the field, Li Cangyu found the most suitable method
to do this.
Challenge the arena.
Openly do an arena challenge against different classes and different races!
Xiao Han finally fully grasped his master’s good intentions and looked seriously at Li
Cangyu. “Master, I am ready.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Then open it.”
The two men in the arena pressed the ready button and a five-second countdown started
on the screen.
Once the countdown was over, the white magician challenger immediately widened the
distance and started to cast the white magician’s control skill, God’s Seal. He apparently
wanted to control Xiao Han.
However, Xiao Han’s reaction was faster and he disappeared the moment the spell casting
was about to end.
He moved around to the rear and used Death Mark, Backstab, Fatal Blow!
The connection between skills was incredibly smooth and the assassin’s critical hit when
striking from behind made the white magician’s blood drop instantly.
On the sidelines, Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling with relief.
The thing he liked most about Xiao Han was the boy’s sharp and quick reactions. The
teenager didn’t have professional training but he had keen insight. In other words, this was
He was confident that Xiao Han would surprise the Miracle League after a period of
Sure enough, in less than three minutes, Xiao Han took care of the white magician and won
1,000 gold coins.
This person had come to test the waters. After losing, he sent a thumbs up emoji and said:
[To dare open a challenge arena, you are really great!]
Xiao Han sent back: [Thank you!]
The youth’s face was pretending to be calm but there was obvious joy at being praised.
He had minimal experience with head-on PK. He thought he would lose and didn’t expect to
Li Cangyu patted his head and encouraged him. “Your level is definitely one of the best in
the online game. I estimate that 80% of challengers will be defeated by you. Then keep
doing the arena challenges and win money for your master. I’m going to eat some fruit. If
someone beats you then call for me.”
Xiao Han was a bit nervous with Li Cangyu standing behind him, so Li Cangyu purposely
walked away. This allowed Xiao Han to play to his actual standards.
The first white magician who tried to challenge the arena was defeated. Then some
confident masters took the initiative to enter the arena challenge. Some were
acquaintances from Moonlight Forest while some were from other servers. This was a
cross-server arena, so there were naturally many masters.
Xiao Han solved one challenge after another using his extremely fast hand speed and
excellent reaction speed. In less than 30 minutes, he hit the ‘10 wins streak’ and earned
10,000 gold coins.
Xiao Han was feeling braver when a person entered the challenge room.
Strangely enough, this man was very decisive. He didn’t say anything when he came in and
directly hit the challenge button. His ID was ‘Yellow River’s Waters Flowing Down From
Heaven’ and he was a blood kin summoner.
Xiao Han had no problem with this and also pressed the ready button.
The five-second countdown ended and the other person immediately summoned a blood
spider at Xiao Han’s feet.
The position of this blood spider was extremely subtle and caused Xiao Han to be stuck in
His body was stuck and he couldn’t move. The blood kin summoner quickly widened the
distance and had his blood snake rush to bite Xiao Han. It directly dealt a five-layer blood
loss effect on Xiao Han. Then he released the big move of the vampire bats, forcing Xiao
Han’s blood to 60%.
Xiao Han hadn’t gone through formal training but he knew that he had met a master this
In the blink of an eye, the other person used excellent control to directly reduce his blood
by 40%!
Xiao Han stared earnestly at the computer screen. Once the blood spider’s body freezing
effect was over, he immediately entered the stealth state and quickly circled around the
other side. He wanted to use Backstab and Fatal Blow to even out the blood volume gap.
However, the other side was very clever. The moment that Xiao Han prepared to use
Backstab, he suddenly summoned the death knight!
The blood kin’s death knight was the strongest defensive pet. As long as it existed, all
attacks on the owner would automatically weaken.
Xiao Han’s consecutive moves were like hitting cotton and there wasn’t the critical effect.
Xiao Han saw the snakes and spiders all over the ground and was a bit dazed. He rarely
played against blood kin summoners and didn’t have much experience dealing with their
pets. This time, he was caught off guard and soon fell to the other side’s three pets.
Xiao Han saw the word ‘failure’ pop up on the screen and was stunned for a long time. He
won 10 games in a row and thought he was very good. As a result, he thoroughly lost.
He thought of Li Cangyu’s words and shouted towards the living room, “Master, someone
beat me!”
Li Cangyu held an apple and ate it while looking interested. “Show me the video.”
“Yes.” Xiao Han opened the video window and Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing when he
took a closer look. “This blood kin summoner is a bit interesting.”
Xiao Han asked, “Should I tell him that we are recruiting teammates? I think he is excellent.
He should be a professional player right? Can he become our teammate?”
Li Cangyu meaningfully touched his chin. “This isn’t necessarily the case. First, give him
50,000 gold and then we can take a look.”
Xiao Han traded the 50,000 gold to the other person and privately asked: [Hello, can I add
you as a friend?]
The blood kin summoner didn’t talk and directly left the room.
Xiao Han scratched his head when he didn’t receive a reply, his heart feeling very puzzled.
A moment later, a black magician entered the room. He didn’t say a word and just pressed
the ready button. This person’s ID was ‘Great Hall’s Bright Mirrors Sad White Hair’.
Li Cangyu’s smile became deeper and he patted Xiao Han’s shoulder. “Go and fight him.”
“Oh.” Xiao Han immediately pressed the ready button.
To his surprise, the black magician’s style of play was very violent. When it started, he took
the first hand by controlling Xiao Han with fear magic. He used consecutive spells on Xiao
Han and then took advantage of a remote class’s control of the field to decisively kill the
residual blood assassin.
There was no doubt that Xiao Han once again lost.
He looked at his gold coins with distress and couldn’t help saying, “Master, is someone
displeased with us and organised a party to disturb the arena?”
Li Cangyu’s reply was decisive. “No.”
“Then why did I meet two masters in a row? They didn’t say anything and just left with the
money. Their IDs are also similar. Do they know each other?”
“Not them, it is a him.” Li Cangyu smiled. “The blood kin summoner and black magician are
the same people.”
Xiao Han was shocked. “Eh?”
Li Cangyu sat in front of the computer and sent a message to the black magician: [Did Ling
Xuefeng tell you to come?]
Qin Mo, “…”
Qin Mo was just about to change accounts when he saw the words in the private chat
window. His fingers shook slightly and he entered the wrong password.
Li Cangyu continued: [Xiao Qin Mo, don’t pretend.]
Qin Mo’s face turned red. Cat God saw through him so quickly? He didn’t even say anything!
Li Cangyu sent a smiling expression. [Go and call your master.]
QIn Mo originally wanted to pretend he didn’t know anything. Then Li Cangyu sent a
follow-up message: [Go and call him or I will call him. International long-distance calls are
very expensive.]
The blushing Qin Mo replied: [Oh.]
He went to his master’s room and knocked on the door. Ling Xuefeng quickly opened it and
looked at him thoughtfully. “What’s the matter?”
Qin Mo hung his head. “Master, I was recognised by Cat God. He is calling you.”
He sneaked a glance at his master, thinking his master would be angry. Unexpectedly, Ling
Xuefeng’s expression was very calm like he expected to be recognised by Cat God.
Ling Xuefeng asked, “How many rounds did you play?”
Qin Mo replied, “Two rounds.”
“Did you win all of them?”
Ling Xuefeng walked quickly to the training room and sat on the computer next to Qin Mo.
He logged into the Steamed Bass account and sent a message to Li Cangyu: [How did you
recognise Qin Mo?]
Li Cangyu explained: [He never spoke a word. After the fight, he would change accounts
and the account names are all poetry. He shouldn’t be too obvious.]
Ling Xuefeng immediately glanced back at Qin Mo. His apprentice immediately bowed his
Li Cangyu then asked: [When did you return to Shanghai?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Yesterday afternoon.]
Li Cangyu: [What do you mean by having your apprentice bully my Xiao Han?]
Ling Xuefeng: [It isn’t bullying. I am sending my apprentice free of charge to be a sparring
partner for your Xiao Han.]
The free of charge Qin Mo was afraid to say a word.
Li Cangyu was very satisfied. [Okay, Qin Mo has recently grown. Have him log into a bard’s
account and come to teach Xiao Han.]
Ling Xuefeng spoke to QIn Mo, “Go open a bard’s account and play Xiao Han.”
Qin Mo said, “…Oh.”
Li Cangyu: [Also, return the 100,000 coins that he won. It isn’t kind to open a side account
and take my money. It isn’t easy for me to make money!]
Ling Xuefeng looked at Qin Mo. “Did you hear him? Return the money to Cat God.”
Qin Mo said, “…Oh.”
He listened to master and master listened to Cat God. The end result was—he had to listen
to Cat God!

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GLS: Chapter 94
Chapter 94 – Qin.Bottom of the Food Chain.Mo

Popular Land Under Heaven was thrilled when he found out that Qin Mo was going to
challenge the arena. He thought that it was an opportunity for the Wind Colour Guild to win
a bit of money from Cat God. It really wasn’t easy for Cat God!
He was glad to expand the guild’s funds. Then he received a message from Qin Mo.
[President, give me 8,000 gold coins. I still have eight accounts that need to challenge the
arena and I don’t have any money to pay the registration fee.]
Popular Land Under Heaven wondered: [Didn’t you just win 100,000?]
Qin Mo replied in a depressed manner: [I had to give it back to Cat God.]
Popular Land Under Heaven: [You won so why do you have to pay it back?]
Qin Mo added: [It is Master’s order.]
Popular Land Under Heaven, “…”
Qin Mo went to participate in the arena challenge and still had to pay money despite
winning? Was there such an arena challenge? Cat God was so good at business! Captain
Ling didn’t have enough principles…
Popular Land Under Heaven scolded his captain while helplessly trading 8,000 gold to Qin
A bard soon entered the arena room, the ID was ‘Black Threads at Dawn Become Bright
Snow at Evening.’ Xiao Han’s eyes brightened and he asked privately: [Yellow River Waters
Flowing Down From Heaven and Great Hall’s Bright Mirrors Sad White Hair, are these two
Qin Mo: […Yes.]
He didn’t want to admit that these IDs were him, they were named by Popular Land Under
Xiao Han asked curiously: [Are the IDs from a poem?]
Qin Mo said: [Yes.]
Xiao Han asked: [What poem?]
Qin Mo replied: [Li Bai’s Bring in the Wine.]
This poem was so well-known yet he didn’t know it? Didn’t he graduate from elementary
The confused Qin Mo asked: [Don’t you know this poem?]
Xiao Han replied calmly: [No.]
Qin Mo: [You really have no culture!]
Xiao Han said: [I know a lot of Shakespeare.]
Qin Mo was shocked. [Ah?]
Xiao Han typed a string of English: [Do not for one repulse, give up the purpose that you
resolved to effect.]
Qin Mo felt dizzy.
Xiao Han immediately returned fire: [You really have no culture.]
Qin Mo, “…”
Li Cangyu saw these two apprentices bickering over Chinese and foreign poetry and
couldn’t help laughing. “The two of you, don’t get distracted from the point!”
Qin Mo felt wronged. “Master, how can he fight me with English. Isn’t he Chinese?”
Ling Xuefeng explained succinctly. “A mixed-blood.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Li Cangyu urged on the other side, “Xiao Han, make him give back the 100,000 coins to us.”
Xiao Han immediately sent a trade request to Qin Mo. [The 100,000 gold, Master asked you
to give it back.]
The depressed Qin Mo put in the money.
Xiao Han typed: [Thank you.]
Qin Mo: [You’re welcome.]
Then he pressed the PK invitation and Xiao Han immediately accepted.
This time, Qin Mo’s account was the elf bard, also known as the archer.
The most famous bard in the Chinese MIracle League was Tan Shitian. Qin Mo wasn’t good
at the bard’s style of play but he received professional training from the Wind Colour team
and had some knowledge of other output classes.
Last time, he was beaten by Tan Shitian and received a psychological shadow. After that, he
studied the bard’s gameplay for a period of time, making the operation of this bard come
Xiao Han didn’t have any experience playing against bards and lost to Qin Mo without any
However, Xiao Han wasn’t discouraged after losing three games. He continued to press the
ready button. [Come again.]
Qin Mo looked back at his master. “He said to continue fighting.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “Then continue.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Qin Mo was treated as a sparring partner and had to prepare again.
On the other side of the computer, Li Cangyu patiently explained, “Xiao Han, there are some
points to pay attention to when a killer is facing a remote class. For example, the bard’s
Precise Aim skill has a release time of two seconds. This skill elongates the bow and arrow.
When you see him use this skill, immediately enter stealth and this will interrupt his
subsequent moves.”
Xiao Han understood and nodded.
Sure enough, once Qin Mo used Precise Aim, Xiao Han immediately entered stealth and
stopped the combo.
Li Cangyu continued explaining, “The special skills of many classes have an iconic action
when they are released. Carefully observe your opponent and make a reasonable
“Yes.” Xiao Han listened carefully while his eyes stared at the screen.
“Take advantage of the stealth time to go around and kill him.”
“Yes!” Xiao Han nodded and quickly circled behind Qin Mo, starting with the three most
common moves of an assassin— Death Mark, Backstab, Fatal Blow!
Sure enough, there was a critical hit and Qin Mo’s blood decreased by 30%.
Qin Mo found that the assassin was close and his reaction speed was extremely fast. He
immediately used Flying Feather Steps to open the distance and then the ranged skill Death
Arrow Rain. Xiao Han was successfully hit and his blood volume fell to match Qin Mo’s.
Li Cangyu said, “An assassin must have flexible movements. For example, if you can’t hide
when he used that big move, then you can jump in front of him so that the damage caused
to you will automatically weaken.”
“Yes!” Xiao Han was becoming more excited. Master was personally guiding him; this was a
very rare opportunity!
On the other side, Qin Mo thought it was strange.
Was this Xiao Han stuck? Was it a network failure?
Qin Mo worried for a moment before typing out: [Is there a problem with your Internet?]
Xiao Han replied: [No, my master is teaching me how to deal with you.]
Qin Mo, “…”
He looked at this person’s master and then his own master and Qin Mo suddenly felt
Ling Xuefeng seemed to sense that his apprentice was cursing him and suddenly opened his
mouth. “Are you wondering why I sent you to be a sparring partner?”
Qin Mo quickly shook his head. “No, no.”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “When I PKed with Cat God in the game, he also lost to me at first.
Then time passed and my winning percentage against him fell to 50%. He progressed very
quickly. Xiao Han is his apprentice and a rare genius. It is good for you to fight against Xiao
Qin Mo nodded seriously. “Yes.”
Ling Xuefeng continued. “Besides, Cat God is guiding Xiao Han to beat you. He is indirectly
instructing you. You should be thankful.”
Qin Mo, “…Yes.”
In his master’s eyes, everything Cat God did was right.
Qin Mo should be thankful to be abused by Cat God!
Xiao Han played 10 rounds with the bard before Li Cangyu sent a private message to Ling
Xuefeng. [Is there a white magician account?]
Ling Xuefeng looked at Qin Mo. “Change to a white magician account.”
Qin Mo said, “…Oh.”
He opened the white magician account and played 10 rounds with Xiao Han. Then Xiao Han
sent him a message: [Do you have a swordsman?]
Li Cangyu sent a message to Ling Xuefeng. [Send a swordsman.]
Ling Xuefeng turned back. “Change to a swordsman.”
“…” Qin Mo opened a swordsman account.
The words of all three people were a decree!
He was at the bottom of the food chain. If Cat God spoke, he had to listen. He had to listen if
Master spoke and he even had to listen if Xiao Han spoke!
As he worked as a hired labourer for Xiao Han, he also had to pay the 1000 gold
registration fee. What little prince was worse than him?
This night, Qin Mo accompanied Xiao Han and played 50 matches in a row, changing to the
side accounts of five classes. He won all 50 matches but Qin Mo didn’t feel happy at all. He
was still at the bottom of the food chain and had to listen to everyone.
Li Cangyu saw that it was almost 12 o’clock and sent a message to Ling Xuefeng. [It is very
late domestically. Let the little one sleep first and come back tomorrow.]
Ling Xuefeng turned back and said, “Go to sleep. We will continue tomorrow.”
Qin Mo muttered, “…I have to continue tomorrow?”
“There are five accounts left. If you win then you can play in the playoffs.” Ling Xuefeng
promised with a serious expression.
Master used the playoffs as the reward, making Qin Mo accept his fate. “Okay!”
The apprentice ran to sleep. Ling Xuefeng was reluctant to sleep and continued to send a
message to Li Cangyu: [Do you plan to use the arena challenge to attract masters and
discover teammates?]
[There is no other way. I have to set up the team before the end of the year and don’t have
much time left. This is the quickest way.]
[You might as well announce your identity directly and say that you are Cat God.]
Li Cangyu’s eyes brightened. [This makes sense!]
Ling Xuefeng smiled. [Tell me if you make any progress.]
[Yes.] Li Cangyu typed out before pausing. He said: [You should also go to bed early. The
playoffs will start soon. Pay attention to your rest and don’t be too tired.]
Ling Xuefeng was stunned. Was Cat God this concerned about him?
Li Cangyu continued: [Go to sleep and have a good dream.]
It was followed by a kissing emoji.
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
It was really bad. Li Cangyu suddenly wanted to kiss Ling Xuefeng who sent his apprentice
as a sandbag. He thought this and his hand accidentally sent the kissing emoji. Would Ling
Xuefeng notice?
Li Cangyu quickly changed it. [I made a mistake. It should be goodbye [Wave][Wave].]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Ling Xuefeng thought of how he did the same thing not long ago and smiled.
Did Cat really make a mistake?
Or was this big cat finally opening up?
In order to confirm it, Ling Xuefeng sent a hugging emoji. [Good night.]
Li Cangyu asked: [Did you make a mistake?]
However, Ling Xuefeng quickly logged off.
Li Cangyu touched his chin. Was Ling Xuefeng’s hug a friendly hug? Did it have another
meaning? He thought for a long time and couldn’t be sure. Thus, Li Cangyu had to think of a
different method.
He opened the Q group, found ‘Shepherd’ which was Qin Mo’s Q and added him as a friend.
[I am Old Cat.]
Qin Mo was habitually using his phone while lying in bed. Once he saw this, his hand shook
and he almost threw his phone away.
Qin Mo accepted the friend request and respectfully sent a message. [Cat God is well.]
Li Cangyu asked directly: [Does your master have a girlfriend?]
Qin Mo: […No?]
Li Cangyu: [Does he have anyone he likes?]
Qin Mo: [I don’t think so?]
Li Cangyu said: [I’m giving you a mission to clearly investigate this matter. I will send you a
limited edition global sixth season merchandise as a reward. By the way, don’t tell your
master about this secret investigation. Do you understand?]
Qin Mo, “…”
Cat God wanted him to be an undercover by his master’s side? Should he listen to his
master or Cat God?
Qin Mo thought for a moment before making a smart decision. He would listen to Cat God!
It was because… Xiao Han listened to Cat God, Master listened to Cat God and even Cheng
Wei listened to Cat God.
Cat God was the man standing at the top of the food chain!

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GLS: Chapter 95
Chapter 95 -Sixth Season (1)

The next day, according to his master’s instructions, Qin Mo came to the arena challenge
room to give Xiao Han short-term training. He changed between five accounts and played
with Xiao Han, successfully winning all matches. Qin Mo felt that he finally escaped from
this bitter sea and immediately sent a message: [I’m going.]
Xiao Han was reluctant to let go of this master trainer. [Will you come back later?]
Qin Mo wanted to say no but Li Cangyu sent a message: [Once you are free, accompany Xiao
Han to practice.]
Qin Mo: […Yes.]
He had long figured out that his master would listen to Cat God’s words. Rather than having
master order him again, it was better to take the initiative to stay and make a good
impression on Cat God.
Xiao Han took the initiative to add Qin Mo as a friend. Lines of ID appeared in his friends’
list: Great Hall’s Bright Mirrors Sad White Hair, Black Threads at Dawn Become Bright
Snow at Evening, etc. The recognition level was reasonably high.
Xiao Han built a separate group in his friends’ list called ‘Qin Schizophrenia Mo.’
If Qin Mo knew the name of his side accounts group in Xiao Han’s friends’ list, he would be
angrily coughing up blood!
Li Cangyu told Qin Mo: [Go prepare for the playoffs.]
[Yes.] Qin Mo quit the game and headed to the meeting room.
Ling Xuefeng was preparing for a meeting. He saw his apprentice enter and pointed to a
position in the corner. “Take a seat.”
Every player in the team had a fixed seat. Qin Mo walked to the corner and sat down. Ling
Xuefeng glanced around the meeting room and found that everyone had arrived. Then he
started speaking seriously. “Our opponent in the first game of the playoffs is Ghost Spirits. I
believe that everyone is familiar with the Lou Zhang combination. We will use the fixed
lineup and use the double summoner’s control to drag out the rhythm. As for the arena…”
He paused and looked at the teenager in the corner. “Qin Mo will take the first spot.”
The teenager heard his name and looked up his surprise, his eyes shining brightly as he
stared at Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng ordered, “Don’t let me down.”
Qin Mo immediately nodded. “Yes, I will be well prepared!”
He has been left on the bench since his loss to Time. Today, he was no longer that conceited
teenager. His mentality had stabilized and his mental capacity became stronger.
Ling Xuefeng’s style was distinct. He would allow you to make mistakes but he would never
tolerate you making the same mistake!
Master put him in such an important game like the playoffs. He couldn’t drop the ball!
Qin Mo thought this and formed tight fists.
On the evening of the same day, Qin Mo took the initiative to find Xiao Han in the arena
challenge room. [Master is letting me play in the arena during the playoffs.]
Xiao Han asked: [Is that right?]
[Yes.] Qin Mo finished typing and paused before saying: [Practice with me.]
Xiao Han said: [I’m not a professional player.]
[But you’re an assassin.] Qin Mo endured his awkwardness and continued: [The Ghost
Spirits are all assassins. I want to play a few more games with an assassin, so that I can
become more familiar with them.]
Then he added: [Besides, your play style is different from the Lou Zhang combination. If I
play a few more games with you, I might be able to gain new ideas.]
Xiao Han understood that he was supposed to be a sparring master and politely said: [Pay
1,000 gold to challenge the arena.]
Qin Mo typed angrily: [You have already collected tens of thousands of gold from me!]
Xiao Han said: [This is the rule of the arena and it can’t be broken.]
Qin Mo: [Your sister!]
Xiao Han was puzzled. [I don’t have a sister?]
Qin Mo: […]
It wasn’t pleasant to communicate with the mixed-blood!
The depressed Qin Mo had to go back to the president of the Wind Colour Guild to ask for
money. Popular Land Under Heaven was speechless. The little prince who came asking for
money every day was simply a loser!
The loser threw 10,000 gold at Xiao Han and asked to play against the assassin 10 times.
Xiao Han happily counted the money and sparred 10 times with Qin Mo.
Qin Mo’s felt his chest become tight. He was a sparring partner and had to pay money. He
went looking for a sparring partner and had to pay money again… Why was it always him
who was losing money? Was there a royal decree?
Three days later, the playoffs of Miracle’s sixth reason finally kicked off.
The luxurious feast of the World Carnival made everyone temporarily relaxed. Now that the
playoffs started, the emotions of the players and spectators once again became tense.
This wasn’t the points system of the regular season. A loss in the playoffs meant a direct
The first game of the playoffs was Wind Colour VS Ghost Spirits.
Qin Mo would play first in the arena and his opponent was Zhang Shaohui.
To the surprise of many viewers, the little prince who sat on the cold bench for several
months. This time, his performance was very stable and there was occasionally a bright
play. He managed to tie with Zhang Shaohui’s blood volume.
However, Zhang Shaohui was experienced with the competitions. His talent as an assassin
was high and he finally relied on a 10% blood advantage to defeat Qin Mo.
Qin Mo stepped down and Ling Xuefeng nodded with satisfaction. “You played well.”
He managed to decrease one of the best assassins in the league to 10% residual blood.
Today, Qin Mo was no longer a boy who was proud and conceited. He was changing and
this change made his master Ling Xuefeng very happy.
The second contestant from Wind Colour was Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen. He chased back the
blood and steadied things for Ling Xuefeng, who appeared third as the guard. Comments
immediately filled the screen.
In the regular season, Ling Xuefeng hadn’t played in the arena. Now a mistake couldn’t be
made in the playoffs, so the old captain finally showed his face.
Ling Xuefeng might be the oldest player in the Miracle League but today he proved to
everyone what an ‘old commander at the peak’ was like. Ling Xuefeng wasn’t nervous and
used waves of attack to kill Lou Wushuang, successfully winning three points in the arena!
The group battle stage was intense. Both sides played fiercely and the scores evened out.
The game was dragged into the three decisive round and Ling Xuefeng’s command at the
crucial moment gave Wind Colour advantage of the field. They tore open the front row
defense of Ghost Spirits and took the crystal in one breath.
In this game, Wind Colour finally won with a three-point advantage and Ghost Spirits was
regrettably defeated.
In next door’s arena, the Flying Feathers and Time showdown was very exciting. Tan
Shitian was chased by Su Guangmo and Cheng Wei was chased by Yu Pingsheng, eventually
Time lost to Flying Feathers and encountered Ghost Spirits to determine the runners-up.
Sadly, they lost to Ghost Spirits and missed out on getting any trophies for the sixth season.
Cheng Wei’s depressed head cleaned his keyboard and Tan Shitian whispered softly into
his ear, “Don’t be sad. Think about how Cat God didn’t get into the playoffs for three
consecutive seasons. He was able to play as normal. We didn’t get the trophy this year but
we can win it next year.”
“Yes.” Cheng Wei nodded.
Tan Shitian went on to say, “Isn’t Cat God your idol? You have to learn to be more optimistic
from him.”
Cheng Wei’s mood was a bit complicated as he listened to Tan Shitian’s soothing comfort.
He obviously debuted one season earlier than Tan Shitian. Then why did he lose himself
every time he lost a game? Cat God was right. He was too immature.
Cheng Wei blushed with embarrassment and looked up. “Captain, you don’t need to
comfort me. I understand. I won’t lose confidence because of a game and will come back
next season.”
Tan Shitian saw this red face and liked it. He smiled and rubbed Cheng Wei’s head. “It is
good that you understand. Do you know what to say when speaking to the reporters later?”
Cheng Wei nodded earnestly. “Yes.”
Once the reporters interviewed them, Cheng Wei smiled like he had won the championship.
“We will definitely win next season!” Cheng Wei said with confidence. “This time was just
an accidental loss. What about the Lou Zhang combination, Wind Colour’s double
summoners combination and Flying Feathers’ melee combination? We aren’t afraid! I will
practice together with Captain Tan during this season’s holiday period and raise our tacit
understanding. We will bring you a surprise next season!”
Tan Shitian smiled with pleasure as Cheng Wei acted like a vice-captain. He held Cheng
Wei’s hand and said, “We will adjust our tactics after returning home. Please look forward
to the performance of the Time team in the seventh season. I have grown up with Cheng
Wei. It isn’t as long as the Lou Zhang combination but our tacit understanding won’t lose to
any combination in the league.
Cheng Wei immediately nodded. “Yes, Captain Tan’s words are great!”
Tan Shitian smiled and rubbed his head. “Is that so?”
Next door, the third place Lou Wushuang was very calm.
The reporter handed the microphone to him and asked, “What do you think about the team
taking third place?”
Lou Wushuang replied lightly, “I am very happy.”
Reporter, “…” He couldn’t see how Captain Lou was happy!
Zhang Shaohui smiled and put his arm around his brother’s shoulder. “Our understanding
has increased. I am confident that we will win the championship next season. The brothers
are united and can exert a lot of power. Right?”
Well… wasn’t this saying originally about a husband and wife?
Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses but his face showed a ‘happy’ look as he nodded. “Yes,
you are right.”
After the third place battle, the highly anticipated sixth season’s finals took place on Sunday
at eight in the evening.
Li Cangyu set an early morning alarm clock and watched the live broadcast. Xiao Han, Bai
Xuan and Xie Shurong also came to watch.
Yu Bing spoke in the commentator’s room, “According to the internal news that I received,
the seventh season’s competition system will be completely changed. The finals of the sixth
season is the last game of the old system. The significance of this championship isn’t small.”
“Yes, the old game system was divided into the arena stage and the group battle. The arena
stage is the single-elimination method while the group battle is to capture the crystal to
gain points. This game mode has lasted for a full six years and it is time to make changes.
The last match of the old system, let’s see who will win the championship!”
The live audience clapped and the sixth season’s finals officially began.
Wind Colour VS Flying Feathers, it was the showdown of old and strong teams.
The two teams had played against each other countless times in the past six years. In the
second season, the double summoners style was the strongest and they beat Flying
Feathers twice in the regular season. In the third season, the Three Musketeers of Flying
Feathers swept through the league and won against Wind Colour twice. Later, Wind
Colour’s vice-captain and Flying Feathers’ captain retired. The results of the two teams
stabilized and there would be wins and losses.
This season, both teams had an excellent performance and anyone could win.
Surprisingly, Qin Mo was put in the second round of the arena and successfully stabilized
the score. Yu Pingsheng had residual blood and Qin Mo killed him with a thrilling blow!
Qin Mo was very excited. This was the first time killing a great god! He had an advantage
due to the player ahead of him but he managed to stabilize this advantage. He didn’t drag
the team down!
In the two rounds of the arena, both Flying Feathers and Wind Colour won, making it a tie.
In the group battle stage, the front row of the Flying Feathers’ swordsman and berserker
was the strongest in the league while the control of Wind Colour’s double summoners in
the rear was very tricky. This game was extremely fierce and the scores of both sides were
tight. The two teams clung to the home advantage and made a 9:9 draw.
Li Cangyu was full of confidence. “I guess that Wind Colour will win.”
Xiao Han was puzzled. “Flying Feathers isn’t weak. They are tied at 9:9. How are you so
sure that Wind Colour will win?
Li Cangyu laughed. “It is because Wind Colour has Ling Xuefeng. He is the best at grabbing
opportunities to kill. It is easy to gain the advantage in the deciding match.”
He had confidence in Ling Xuefeng, just like he had confidence in himself.
In the last decider, the system randomly drew the City Square map.
Everyone remembered that not long ago, Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo formed a team for
the 3v3 and killed the American ace combination on this map. The two people worked
together well and had a tacit understanding. Now they were opponents and wouldn’t be
kind when fighting each other.
Sure enough, it was as Li Cangyu said. Ling Xuefeng grasped the opportunity to forcefully
control Yu Pingsheng. At the cost of the blood kin summoner Xu Feifan, they succeeded in
killing Yu Pingsheng and opened a hole in Flying Feathers’ line of defense. Then they took
away the crystal of the deciding match in one breath!
The word ‘Victory’ popped up on their screens and all of Wind Colour stood up excitedly to
hug each other. Qin Mo was in tears.
They won the championship!
This was the first championship since Qin Mo’s debut. He might’ve played a small role but
he still had a share in this victory!
The teammates huddled together while Ling Xuefeng calmly extended a hand and patted
their shoulders. He rubbed his apprentice’s head before leading everyone to shake hands
with Flying Feathers.
Su Guangmo smiled and said, “It is exciting every time I play with Wind Colour. I almost got
a heart attack.”
Ling Xuefeng reached out and shook hands with Su Guangmo. “Same here.”
Yu Pingsheng still didn’t speak. He just stuck out his hand for everyone to shake, like a
robot with a good program.
His natural body temperature was low and his hand was cold as if he had just taken it out of
cold water. He politely followed his brother to shake hands but many people wanted to say,
‘Vice-Captain Yu, there is no need okay? Shaking your hand will remind people of ghosts in
horror movies!’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GLS: Chapter 96
Chapter 96 – Sixth Season (2)
The sixth season ended and the Wind Colour team won the championship, the Flying
Feathers team was second and Ghost Spirits was third.
In the evening, the awards ceremony was held at the largest Miracle stadium in Shanghai.
The venue of the awards ceremony was star-studded, the lights were bright, the audience
seats were full and applause rang out.
Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi were respectively dressed in an evening gown and suit to host the
awards ceremony. The first individual award to be given was for the sixth season’s
Many viewers were very concerned about who would win the sixth season’s newcomer
awards. It was because the newcomer award represented a rising star in the future.
The selection for the newcomer awards was scored by the senior judges on the
comprehensive data of the players who debuted this season.
Yu Bing received an envelope and opened it. “The winner of the sixth season’s Best
Newcomer Award goes to… Wind Colour’s Qin Mo!”
Qin Mo couldn’t believe it when he heard his name. He looked around blankly and Ling
Xuefeng patted his shoulder. “Go and receive your award.”
Qin Mo finally recovered and ran excitedly to the stage, receiving the trophy from the host.
“Xiao Qin, do you have anything to say about getting this award?” Kou Hongyi asked with a
Qin Mo held the trophy tightly. His voice was slightly shaking from excitement as he said,
“I-I had no idea I was going to get this award!”
Yu Bing urged him, “Please give an acceptance speech.”
Qin Mo took a deep breath to calm down his emotions. Then he said, “I have made several
mistakes in the regular season of the sixth season. I haven’t played in a long time and finally
adjusted my mentality during the playoffs, allowing me to play at my true level. I want to
thank Master for giving me the opportunity to come here and for his tolerance, as well as
my teammates for their encouragement.”
He was obviously too excited as there was some incoherence in his speech.
Yu Bing saw that the young boy was so thrilled that his cheeks were red. She smiled at him
and said, “The judges gave you this award because you could quickly wake up after being
frustrated and perform better than before. This is the most valuable quality in a
professional player.”
Qin Mo nodded. “I will work harder in the future in order to not disappoint my master and
teammates. Thank you!”
He bowed deeply in the direction of the Wind Colour team. Under the stage, Ling Xuefeng’s
lips slightly raised. In fact, Qin Mo’s growth could be credited to Cat God.
Ling Xuefeng thought this and sent a text message to Li Cangyu. [Thank you for helping me
with my apprentice.]
Li Cangyu immediately replied: [Why are you being so polite? Have him accompany my
Xiao Han to practice.]
Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to sell his apprentice. [No problem.]
There were two newcomer awards per season. The Best Newcomer Award was done and
now it was the Most Promising Rookie Award.
The difference between the awards was that the former was for an outstanding newcomer
this season. The latter was for newcomers who didn’t do well this season but their talent
was high and their room for improvement was significant. It was a recognition of the
player’s potential by the judges.
“The Most Promising Rookie Award goes to… the Cheetah team’s Chen Anran!”
This name shocked many people. Li Cangyu was also a bit surprised and texted Ling
Xuefeng: [Who is Chen Anran?]
Ling Xuefeng was very impressed with this teenager. The rookie who just debuted this year
was only 16 years old and he always followed his captain. HIs personality was a bit
introverted and he barely spoke.
[He is a new player on the Cheetah team. He plays a terran hunter.] Ling Xuefeng quickly
replied. [He didn’t show any bright plays but his talent is very high. His style is also unique.
The 16-year-old boy is low-key and introverted. He rarely appears in front of the media
which is why you don’t know him.]
Li Cangyu really hadn’t heard of Chen Anran. He rarely watched the Cheetah team’s games.
According to Ling Xuefeng’s explanation, he was a terran hunter. This style hadn’t appeared
in the league before.
Hunters relied on traps as a means of attack. The most commonly used skill was the
Capture Trap that could be placed on the ground. The person stepping on it would be stuck
and lose blood. If used well, it was a very strong control skill.
A master hunter could fill the ground with traps, making the opponents walk into traps
without any precautions. Then the high damage of the traps would successfully kill the
Due to the need to quickly place traps, hunters needed high agility as a basis. Thus, the
hunters in the Miracle League would choose an elf with the agility build as the main growth
Chen Anran chose the terran gameplay, which was extremely rare.
Li Cangyu thought for a moment before replying: [The judges must be very sure of his
talent if they gave him this award.]
Ling Xuefeng said: [The Cheetah team will definitely improve next season and the double
traps style will be hard to deal with.]
The two of them were chatting when Yu Bing suddenly read a number. “Next is the sixth’s
seasons heavyweight single person award, the MVP Award. The winner of the MVP award
is… Wind Colour’s Ling Xuefeng!”
Ling Xuefeng put away his phone and calmly walked on stage to accept the trophy.
Kou Hongyi said with a smile, “Captain Ling’s expression is very calm. Is there anything you
want to say to everyone?”
Ling Xuefeng stated, “Yes, thank you all.”
Hosts, “…”
The natural cold king, they still couldn’t interview him.
Ling Xuefeng accepted the prize with a serious face and the camera zoomed in on him. The
man’s side profile was handsome like the creator had carefully carved him. His expression
was cold, worthy of the league’s first abstinent god.
Many fans were screaming and commented: [Lick Captain Ling!]
Li Cangyu couldn’t help thinking, ‘This man is mine, not yours.’
The Best Combination Award was given to Ghost Spirits’ Lou Zhang brothers. Their
understanding of each other had increased and they truly could be considered the best
combination. The Highest Popularity Award decided through voting was given to Tan
Shitian. It was because he posted a lot about kittens and dogs these past few days,
attracting many random votes.
None of these awards were too controversial and the team awards that followed was the
The third-place Ghost Spirits, second place Flying Feathers and champions Wind Colour!
The three teams took to the stage to receive the trophies.
This was the last trophy of the old system, a perfect ending to the sixth season. It heralded
the new seventh season that was coming.
Ling Xuefeng held the championship trophy and stated calmly to the camera, “I am very
pleased that the Wind Colour team can win the last championship of the old system. This is
the end of a long era and the beginning of a new era. In the seventh season, not only will the
league rules comprehensively change but we have a friend returning from afar. I believe
that in the seventh season, all professional players will bring you more wonderful scenes.”
These words were widely spread around by the e-sports reporters. It was a perfect finish to
the sixth season.
The end of an old era, the beginning of a new era and the return of an old friend!
Everyone knew who the old friend was and people started to have expectations about Cat
God’s return.
Li Cangyu saw the news reports and couldn’t help sending a message to Ling Xuefeng.
[Really handsome.]
The person he saw was so handsome!
Ling Xuefeng normally didn’t like to talk, yet he gave such a serious speech. This actually
became the closing lines of the sixth season. Wind Colour’s captain really wasn’t average.
Ling Xuefeng, who was having dinner after the awards ceremony, received the message and
a gentle look appeared in his eyes. [Do you mean that I’m handsome?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Yes, you were very handsome when speaking into the camera.]
Ling Xuefeng was in a good mood from being praised and sent back: [I am waiting for your
A ripple spread through Li Cangyu’s mind at these words. He wanted to climb through the
phone line and throw him down.
‘I will be back. The seventh season will soon arrive!’

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GLS: Chapter 97
Chapter 97 – New Teammate (1)
The Food Squad’s arena challenge had been opened for half a month. Xiao Han’s PK skills
were becoming more refined thanks to Qin Mo changing to numerous side accounts every
day to train Xiao Han. In particular, his grasp of the assassin’s stealth skill had reached the
point of perfection. Qin Mo was surprised to find that it wasn’t easy to defeat Xiao Han now.
After the end of the sixth season, the Wind Colour got a holiday for one month. Qin Mo
planned to go back home to Xi’an to visit his parents. As a competent sparring partner, he
decided to say goodbye to Xiao Han before he left.
That night, Xiao Han found that someone was online in the ‘schizophrenia group’ in his
friends’ list and he immediately sent a private message: [Qin Mo, arena?]
Qin Mo thought, ‘I have played so many rounds with you and had to pay you gold for every
round. Whenever I come online, you will say words like ‘arena?’ Do I have no human
Qin Mo thought this and said: [I won’t go.]
Xiao Han was puzzled. [Why?]
Qin Mo replied angrily: [There is no reason. I just don’t want to fight with you!]
Xiao Han said seriously: [Are you afraid you won’t beat me if we fight again?]
Qin Mo, “…”
Who said he couldn’t beat Xiao Han?
Qin Mo was stimulated by this method and immediately found the president of Wind
Colour to ask for money. Popular Land Under Heaven couldn’t help sighing. “Loser Little
Prince, the team is on holiday and you still won’t let go of my vault?”
Qin Mo asked the president for 10,000 gold and PKed with Xiao Han for 10 rounds. Once
they finished, he said: [Look, I can beat you.]
Xiao Han: [Yes, thank you for the training.]
Qin Mo, “…”
Damn it, he was fooled! He ended up sparring and gave Xiao Han another 10,000 gold
The depressed Qin Mo shut off his computer and decided that he would ignore Xiao Han
during his one month holiday!
The sixth season ended and the Miracle League gave professional players a one month
holiday. Most players actively went home to visit their loved ones. However, the captains
weren’t so leisurely.
Shortly after the awards ceremony, Chairman Nan Jiangang convened all the team captains
of the first and second division in Beijing. The first division had eight teams and the second
division had sixteen teams. In total, there were 24 captains. All of them sat around the
conference table.
Chairman Nan Jiangang asked the assistant to distribute the documents to everyone. Then
he started speaking seriously, “There are two reasons for today’s meeting. First, the rules of
the seventh season will be completely changed. There are detailed descriptions in the file.
You can look at it first.”
The captains looked down at the documents. After a while, Ling Xuefeng looked up and
asked, “Chairman, the seventh season will cancel the single-elimination arena system and
change it into a partner matchup. Is this in line with the World Competition?”
The question raised by Ling Xuefeng was a common doubt in the hearts of the other
Chairman Nan Jiangang nodded and said, “Next year’s World Competition will indeed have
a partner matchup elimination system. The World League’s idea is that the single-player
system is too unstable. If a team has one or two very strong guards, they will gain a lot of
points in the arena stage, which isn’t fair to the other teams. Since Miracle is a team game,
more attention should be paid to the ability to cooperate. That is the purpose behind
replacing one person with partners.”
The group nodded. In other words, there would be no single-player confrontations in the
seventh season. It would be a confrontation between combinations.
For example, let’s say there was a match between Time and Flying Feathers. In the past, the
two sides would send three players to the arena in a 1v1 elimination style battle. The
person who survived until the end would gain the points. In the seventh season, the arena
would take the form of combination VS combination. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei could form
a combination and Flying Feathers had the double melee combination of Yu Pingsheng and
Su Guangmo. A player’s individual strength would be weakened and the role of cooperation
between partners significantly increased.
Then Su Guangmo asked, “According to the description in the file, the regular season only
has one round of the arena. In the playoffs, if there are three consecutive rounds, you can
change people in the middle. This meaning… you can change one person?”
“Yes.” Nan Jiangang explained. “Let’s take the Wind Colour team as an example. The first
round can have the Guo Xuan and Yan Ruiwen combination, the second round can have the
Xu Feifan and Ling Xuefeng double summoning combination and then the combination of
Ling Xuefeng and Yan Ruiwen can play in the third round. It can be a single or double
change, allowing a high degree of freedom. Once you go back, you have to study carefully
about how to arrange your lineup.”
This was interesting because every team had a special ace combination. In addition to this
fixed combination, they could use other teammates to create a unique style of play. If
necessary, they could even bring a healer to the arena.
Chairman Nan Jiangang continued explaining, “There is still the second matter about the
establishment of the national team for the World Competition. The maximum number of
players and the selection methods have been included in the file. Take a closer look. If you
don’t understand anything, you can ask me directly.”
The meeting lasted for two hours and the captains had a very lively discussion.
Chairman Nan Jiangang looked at the eagerness of these young people and was particularly
pleased. He believed that the seventh season would definitely be more exciting than any
season in the past.
Once the meeting ended, Nan Jiangang was left alone with Ling Xuefeng and he asked, “How
is Old Cat’s progress?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “He opened a cross-server arena challenge to recruit teammates.
However, he hasn’t found anyone yet.”
Nan Jiangang frowned. “The second division will start after the Spring Festival next year.
Once he finds teammates, he has to train them. He doesn’t have a lot of time. Tell him to
speed up his progress!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Rest assured, Chairman.”
Ling Xuefeng returned to his hotel and immediately turned on his computer. He logged into
his Q account and sent a message to Li Cangyu. [The chairman asked about your team
today. Has the situation progressed on your side?]
[Not for the moment.] Li Cangyu replied. [Qin Mo gave my Xiao Han half a month’s worth of
training and his PK level has grown considerably. There are very few people who can
defeat him. Occasionally, there are one or two but they aren’t interested in playing
Ling Xuefeng wondered: [Have you considered my suggestion? Exposing your identity and
using it to recruit teammates will be more useful than the one million bonus that you set.]
Li Cangyu smiled. [I am planning to do so.]
Then he asked with concerned: [Didn’t you have a meeting in Beijing today?]
[Yes, today’s meeting was about the change in the competition system and the national
team’s selection. I’ll send it for you to look.] He used his phone to take photos of the files
and uploaded them to Q.
Li Cangyu sent a hug emoji and looked thoughtfully at the files.
10 minutes later, Li Cangyu finished reading about the new system and was somewhat
puzzled. [The single-player elimination is cancelled and it will become a combination
Ling Xuefeng: [Yes.]
Li Cangyu: [Okay, then I can try a combination with Xiao Bai. Output + Milk Dad.]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
He knew this would happen!
If Li Cangyu really formed a team with Bai Xuan, it was estimated that many people would
cry in the future. Cat God protected by the milk dad was simply unstoppable. He wouldn’t
be able to die and there would be a collective protest.
Li Cangyu continued with: [Can the two of us form a combination in the World
Ling Xuefeng was slightly moved and asked: [Don’t you want to bring your Milk Dad?]
Li Cangyu sent a smiling emoji. [I want to take you even more.]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Was this person being intentional or unintentional?
There was a moment of silence and then Ling Xuefeng asked: [Why do you want to form a
combination with me?]
Li Cangyu: [Because you are handsome.]
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Li Cangyu unconsciously teased Ling Xuefeng, unaware that on the other side of the
computer, Ling Xuefeng was once again smiling.
[Then you want to combine with me and rely on my face to kill the opponents?] Ling
Xuefeng typed.
[Don’t you think the two of us can dominate the world, regardless of whether we depend on
our face or our strength?] Li Cangyu replied quite seriously.
Ling Xuefeng’s smile deepened and his eyes softened. [Don’t think too far ahead. You need
to quickly find teammates and play well in the domestic league before talking about the
national team.]
Li Cangyu sent an ‘OK’ gesture. [Rest assured. I will move step by step.]
Then a dialogue window popped up in the lower right corner. It was from Zhang Jueming.
[Cat God, I found a very interesting person in the arena. Do you want to come and see?]
Li Cangyu quickly typed: [Okay, I’ll be right there.]
Chatting with Ling Xuefeng made him happy but there was a more pressing matter at
present. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng waved goodbye. Then Li Cangyu logged into the game
and went to the cross-server arena to find Zhang Jueming.
Zhang Jueming had been following Cat God’s instructions and taking Xiao Gu to play in the
cross-server arena.
The cross-server arena was graded according to the player’s points and winning
percentage. Opponents of the same level would be matched. Once the points were full,
there would be a promotion and the player could enter a higher level area.
From lowest to highest, the ranks of the arena were: bronze, silver, gold, diamond and king.
Most players in the bronze section were rookies and those with terrible hand speed. The
silver section had average players. Masters in the online game would usually reach the gold
and diamond section while the king section was obvious. It was basically the section for the
side accounts of the professional players.
Zhang Jueming met a person in the qualifying session of the bronze section.
Anyone playing the arena knew that the bronze section had a mix of elementary school
students and rookies. However, it was also possible to encounter some masters training
their side accounts from scratch.
Zhang Jueming knew instantly that this person was a master practicing a side account.
On that day, he opened a healer account while Gu Siming played a psychic side account.
This was to let Xiao Gu become familiar with the operations of the psychic. The two of them
joined a random matching queue and were successfully assigned to a room.
It was the bronze section so Zhang Jueming and Gu Siming could easily crush players. Yet in
this match, they encountered an incident.
Their team had a rookie who couldn’t play and died six times in a row to the opposite
team’s black magician. The black magician relied on the 30% status bonus from the six kills
to wipe out the team in one breath and successfully grabbed the crystal.
Zhang Jueming was a healer and Xiao Gu was an auxiliary. The two watched as their
teammates were killed and couldn’t help. They could only lose in a depressed manner. This
was the first time that they saw the word ‘failure’ in the bronze section.
After this match, Xiao Gu said, “The black magician has a good awareness. He is definitely
playing a side account!”
Zhang Jueming had previously been a captain and naturally saw that this black magician
wasn’t simple and wanted to add him as a friend.
This person’s ID was Don’t Like to Talk. Zhang Jueming sent the message: [Let’s become
friends to team up together.]
Don’t Like to Talk: [Okay.]
Thus, Zhang and Gu formed a team with him. They played 10 games in a row and naturally
won the 10 games.
Zhang Jueming teamed up with the black magician to see his true level. The more he saw,
the more shocked he became. This person’s awareness was first-class and he was also
capable of grasping opportunities.
The black magician was a dark magic class. The most important thing was the negative
effect of the Death Mantra. Under this spell, the black magician’s attack skills would receive
a damage bonus. Many black magicians didn’t know how to connect spells but this person
did it very well. His grasp of the spell cooldowns was simply perfect.
However, he was like his ID ‘Don’t Like to Talk.’ He rarely spoke. Whenever he was asked
something, he would reply with short words. He never took the initiative to send a
In order to avoid scaring him, Zhang Jueming temporarily didn’t tell him about the
formation of the day. He teamed up with the black magician for three or four days to make
sure this person had potential before telling the captain.

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GLS: Chapter 98
Chapter 98 – New Teammate (2)

Li Cangyu heard Old Zhang’s description and became excited. In the beginning, he had Old
Zhang go to the cross-server arena with Xiao Gu while he trained Xiao Han and looked for
teammates. As a result, there was no progress on Xiao Han’s side but Old Zhang sent good
news about a teammate first.
A black magician was exactly the teammate they needed the most. According to Old Zhang,
this person shouldn’t be the side account of a professional player. Maybe he was still
“Give me a random account and I will join you.” Li Cangyu said to Zhang Jueming.
“Okay, I sent the account password on Q.” Zhang Jueming picked a summoner from his
dozens of accounts and sent it to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu logged and consciously joined the
Zhang Jueming explained on the team channel. [This is my friend. He will play the arena
with us tonight.]
Don’t Like to Talk said one word. [Oh.]
Li Cangyu sent a handshake emoji. [Hello.]
Don’t Like to Talk: [Okay.]
Li Cangyu: [How many years have you been playing a black magician?]
Don’t Like to Talk: [Three years.]
Li Cangyu: [Do you really dislike talking?]
Don’t Like to Talk: [Yes.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
This guy was interesting. He took such a direct ID!
[Your team has joined the cross-server arena’s qualifying list. Matching your opponents,
please wait.]
[Matching successful. Reading the arena map, please be prepared.]
On the screen, the 10-second countdown popped up. After a while, the four people
appeared on the arena map along with two other random teammates assigned by the
The random map for the qualifiers was just a mountain map. There were three paths that
could be taken to steal the crystal.
In order to observe the strength of Don’t Like to Talk, Li Cangyu deliberately walked with
him down the same road but he acted as a soy sauce.
The result…
This black magician was quite strong. He actually killed two people from the opposite side
and took a double kill in one breath!
Strangely, he didn’t say a word despite Li Cangyu obviously acting as a soy sauce. He just
silently fought, as if his teammate didn’t exist.
This game was won without a doubt. Don’t Like to Talk relied on the violence of the black
magician to kill the opposite six people.
For the next three rounds, Li Cangyu continued to act as a soy sauce, never helping when
they were surrounded. The black magician still didn’t speak as he ignored Li Cangyu and
continued to fight by himself.
Even after being surrounded and killed by three enemies, he didn’t say a word and climbed
up again in silence.
An average person would definitely curse on the team channel. How could they be calm
when they met such a pig teammate? This person’s psychological quality was quite strong.
Zhang Jueming had been taking a separate path with Xiao Gu but he still paid attention to
this side. He asked in the voice channel, “Cat God, what do you think of this person?”
Li Cangyu thought about it. “He is very familiar with a black magician’s skills and his ability
to grasp opportunities is powerful. His mentality is also understated. I think he really can
be developed.”
Zhang Cheming nodded. “I think so as well. This person doesn’t like to talk so we can’t ask
him anything.”
Li Cangyu said, “We aren’t in a hurry. Let’s do it again.”
Li Cangyu spent one evening acting as a soy sauce to carefully observe this black magician.
He saw that this person’s eyes were quite sharp. It could be seen from the way he operated
that his hand speed wasn’t high. However, his play was very stable and the skills linkage
excellent. No skills would be wasted.
The smartest thing about him was that even in disadvantageous situations of 1v2 or 1v3, he
was very good at using the terrain to kite the opponents. He played a remote class very
well, grasping the way to maintain a distance from the opponent while still being able to
use vital skills.
The black magician was the most aggressive class in the ranged magic classes but this
person’s black magician didn’t give a suffocating sense of oppression. Rather, it was a bit
He slowly kited his opponents, like boiling a frog. He used the slow black magic style to
grind away at the opponent. An average person might feel suffocated by this. However, Li
Cangyu felt that if a person’s hand speed was limited then they couldn’t play the explosive
oppression style. This method of slowly grinding the opponent was also very good.
Don’t Like to Talk and Li Cangyu played until approximately 12 o’clock before Don’t Like to
Talk sent a message to the team channel: [Goodbye.]
Li Cangyu quickly typed: [Are you logging off?]
[Will you come back tomorrow?]
[I will.]
Li Cangyu smiled and said: [Then let’s go together tomorrow. Master, take us with you.]
Zhang Jueming silently wiped his sweat. Cat God pretending to be a small novice was really
first-class acting. He actually said, “Master, take us with you.” If the other person knew who
Cat God was, wouldn’t he be terrified?
The next night, Don’t Like to Talk received a team invitation as soon as he logged in. He
joined the team and saw that yesterday’s summoner, psychic and healer were present. Also,
there was a white magician and swordsman in the team.
In fact, Zhang Jueming’s healer side account was being controlled by Bai Xuan this time,
while Zhang Jueming changed to a white magician account. The swordsman was naturally
Xie Shurong. Cat God sent a summoning order and all his teammates arrived.
As for Xiao Han, he was still seriously defending the challenge arena.
Li Cangyu typed on the team channel: [We are a casual group and are just missing one
person. Do you mind playing the qualifiers with us?]
Don’t Like to Talk didn’t have a regular teammate and typed: [Okay.]
Li Cangyu asked: [Do you want to join the voice channel?]
Don’t Like to Talk: [I don’t have a mic.]
This person’s nature was obviously a bit introverted. Li Cangyu didn’t force him and simply
joined the qualifiers list.
When teaming up, the system presumed the members were good friends so the matched
opponents would be relatively strong. This stage was too simple for Li Cangyu and
professional players. Still, everyone wanted to see the black magician’s strength so they
collectively pretended to be novices.
The black magician didn’t hate on this ‘small novice’ teammates. He used obstacles to
slowly hit the opponent and sometimes took advantage of the terrain to grind at the
The more Li Cangyu looked, the more he liked this person. This guy was like a snail that
could kill people slowly.
The mastery of his skills was particularly precise. Every skill was released at the right
timing and he didn’t waste a single drop of blue. He was a prudent type player.
In the voice room, Bai Xuan couldn’t help commenting, “It is rare for a black magician to
play like this.”
Xie Shurong agreed. “It is rare. The strongest black magicians in the country are in the
Wind Colour team. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan have reduced the cooldown of their skills as
much as possible to play quickly. This matches the violent output style of Wind Colour’s
In Miracle, skill points could be added at will and the degree of freedom was quite high. As
Xie Shurong said, both Yan and Guo of Wind Colour had skills that ‘reduced cooldown.’
They could quickly cast spells and match with Ling Xuefeng to suppress the opponents. The
black magician in front of them was obviously different. The ‘add magic damage’ skills were
slow to cast but as long as they hit, the damage would be high.
Zhang Jueming mused, “A class doesn’t have a fixed gameplay. Since I can use a white
magician as an auxiliary, is there any problem with the black magician’s slow style?”
Li Cangyu laughed. “That is the truth. There are advantages to the fast and slow style. The
main thing is to look at the team’s lineup. Pure Cleansing’s double auxiliary lineup is
especially slow but it also gives many strong teams a headache. When necessary, slow
down the rhythm to seize an opportunity and counterattack.”
The captain clearly liked this slow and introverted person, but Bai Xuan still had some
concerns. “The origin of this person is unclear. It is hard to say if he can become a
professional player or not.”
Li Cangyu said, “Let me ask him.”
Then he sent a message to the other person. “Hello, I am Old Cat. I am forming a
professional team to participate in the seventh season’s professional league. I am looking
for a black magician teammate. Are you interested in playing in the professional league?”
The other person was somewhat flattered and asked after a long time: [Cat God?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Have you heard of me?]
[Yes, the behind the scenes strategist.]
Li Cangyu understood that his role as the behind the scenes strategist had been circulated
on the Internet during the Carnival. The news that Cat God is coming back was widely
forwarded by Miracle fans. It was no secret if people were paying attention to the World
Carnival. It wasn’t strange that people knew him.
[That’s right, I’m Old Cat.] Li Cangyu quickly typed: [I will ask you seriously. Are you
interested in playing in the Professional League?]
[Yes, it is you.]
Don’t Like to Talk was silent for a long time before saying: [Is it okay?]
Li Cangyu replied with a smile: [Of course. What other reason would I have for bringing my
teammates to play the bronze qualifiers with you? One of my teammates met you and
found that you are special and talented. We collectively came to check. The people present
are professional players in my team and they all appreciate you.]
Don’t Like to Talk: […]
Li Cangyu said: [Why don’t you come to the voice channel and I’ll say it directly?]
Don’t Like to Talk: [Okay.]
A moment later, a person entered the voice room and a weak voice entered everyone’s
ears. “H-How are you?”
Li Cangyu spoke cheerfully, “Hello, I am Old Cat. What are you called?”
The person whispered, “My, my surname is Li, I’m called Li Xiaojiang.”
This voice wasn’t too old. He was probably a teenager?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. “How old are you?”
“18, 18 years old.’
“Then can I call you Xiao Li?”
“Okay, okay.”
Bai Xuan found that every time this person spoke, he would repeat the first word. Bai Xuan
took off his headset and whispered, “Does this little guy have a stutter?”
Li Cangyu also took off his headset and nodded. “It is possible.”
It was possible that due to his speech, he didn’t like to talk and became more introverted.
The voice of this young boy was feeble and had a sharp contrast with the unrestrained
Uncle Zhang and lively Xiao Gu. This made Bai Xuan think of a pitiful stray cat in the corner.
Cat God really had an aura that attracted young people. This time, it was this introverted
young man. Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling. “If two more youngsters join the team, we can
put together a table of four for mahjong.”
Li Cangyu gave him a look. “Let’s check this Xiao Li first.”
Bai Xuan said, “This person is easier to deal with than Xiao Han. Xiao Han was rebellious
and we have to kill him until he had his underwear left before he would agree. This Xiao Li
sounds very good. Perhaps he will follow you after you say a few words.”
“I hope so.” Li Cangyu put on his headset again and said, “Xiao Li, I appreciate your talents
in the game. Your dragging style is slow and sluggish, but this is a strong match with my
teammates. I would sincerely like to invite you to join my team. Are you willing?”
Li Xiaojiang was silent for a moment before carefully saying, “But, but I haven’t played
His stuttering became more apparent when he was nervous. Li Cangyu said softly, “You can
follow me to play the game. Give yourself a chance. How about it?”
Li Xiaojiang whispered, “I, I will drag you down…”
Li Cangyu stated, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll be there to cover you.”
Li Xiaojiang seemed touched as he blushed. “Then, then let me think about it.”
Gu Siming heard the stuttering youth and couldn’t help whispering to Uncle Zhang, “He
plays the game slowly and talks slowly. He is a slow person.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “It is enough for our team to have you as a little madman. Cat God
would have a headache if there are a few more madmen. I think this Xiao Li is very good. It
doesn’t matter if he is slow. This makes him more stable on the field.”
In fact, Li Cangyu had the same thoughts. Gu Siming was too hot-blooded and really was a
small madman. Xiao Han was arrogant and rebellious, although he played well. This Xiao Li
was slow but he was far more stable than Xiao Han and Gu Siming. It would be great if he

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GLS: Chapter 99
Chapter 99 – Challenger

Li Xiaojiang never thought that he could become an e-sports player. He had been playing
Miracle for three years. The dark magician was his favourite class but his hand speed
couldn’t keep up. Thus, he could only use the ‘slow’ style. Of course, this was also related to
his nature. Since he was a child, he wasn’t good at communicating with people. When he
talked, his tongue couldn’t help knotting. After being laughed at several times, he was even
less likely to speak.
He was like a snail shrinking into his shell. He slowly crawled forward, regardless of what
the people around him thought.
He met Cat God in the game through an accident and was invited by Cat God to join the
team. Li Xiaojiang was so excited that his fingers were shaking, but he wasn’t likely to
express it. He ran to his boss’ office and could only clench his fist as he said, “I, I want to
play, play the game. Next, next month, I won’t come to work.”
The boss, who was surfing the Internet, glanced at him and asked, “What game?’
“The Miracle Professional League.”
The boss was called Li Hai and he was Li Xiaojiang’s cousin.
Li Xiaojiang had been slow since he was a child. He looked dull and his grades weren’t good.
After graduating from high school, he didn’t get into a good university. His person’s cultural
level wasn’t high and they didn’t have any good ideas for their son’s future. Therefore, they
sent him to a provincial city to spend a few years with his cousin.
His cousin opened an online store in the provincial city, specializing in assembling
computers, keyboards, mouses, audio and other peripherals. There was a physical store in
the city and the business was very good. The annual income reached millions of yuan.
He knew this child wasn’t good at communicating with others and asked his cousin to help
with miscellaneous tasks such as printing orders and counting inventory, which didn’t
require talking to others.
Li Xiaojiang did things slowly but he was careful and serious. It was handy for him to do
these tasks and he never made a mistake. After finishing his work during the day, he was
idle at night and played games. His days were very comfortable.
Today, he suddenly said that he was going to play in the Miracle Professional League. Li Hai
knew the Miracle League very well and thought it was funny. He looked at the blushing
teenager and patted his shoulder. Li Hai asked, “You are going to play competitively at this
level? Who’s fooling you? You shouldn’t meet liars.”
“No, no.” Li Xiaojiang anxiously explained. “It is Cat, Cat, Cat…”
Li Hai quickly rushed him. “There is a relationship with a cat?”
“Cat, Cat God asked me to join.” He finally said the sentence in its entirety. Li Xiaojiang
sighed with relief and looked at his cousin with eyes full of anticipation.
Li Hai was startled.
Cat God?
Of course, he had heard the name of this great god. Some time ago, Cat God was the behind
the scenes strategist at the World Carnival and he heated up the country. As a veteran of
Miracle, he naturally heard the news of Cat God’s return.
Did his stupid cousin really meet Cat God?
Li Hai couldn’t help feeling excited and asked, “Are you sure that it is Cat God? You’re not
Li Xiaojiang nodded seriously. “Yes!”
Li Hai excitedly cried out, “Quickly quickly, take me to meet Cat God!”
Li Cangyu was chatting with everyone on the voice channel. In less than half an hour, Li
Xiaojiang came back and whispered, “Cat, Cat God, I’m back.”
Then the voice of an adult male was heard. “Hey, is Cat God really there?”
Li Cangyu replied, “I am Old Cat.”
Li Hai was excited. “Are you Cat God?”
“Yes… how are you related to Xiao Li?”
Li Hai explained, “I am Li Xiaojiang’s cousin. Xiaojiang’s parents aren’t local and he is
currently working in my store. He just told me that Cat God wanted him to join the
professional league. I thought he was dreaming!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I’m sincerely inviting Xiaojiang to join our team. There is a formal
contract after joining. The address of the club is in Changsha. If you are worried, you can
come to check the team in person once I return to China. Look and then make a decision.”
“Yes, the store won’t be busy in a few days so I will take him there!” Li Hai paused before
asking uneasily, “Cat God, my brother’s level… can he really play the game? He is a slow
child from an early age and I can’t wait to be killed by him in PK.”
“I’m not mistaken. Xiaojiang is very talented.” Li Cangyu explained warmly.
“Really?” Li Hai happily patted Li Xiaojiang’s head and said, “Then you have made it! Since
Cat God likes you then I can rest assured. Brother will take you to report to the team next
“Yes.” Li Xiaojiang was also excited and spoke seriously, “Thank, thank you Cat God.”
His brother happened to be an otaku with an online store. He knew e-sports and Miracle, as
well as being familiar with the professional league. This made things much easier to handle.
Li Cangyu didn’t need to bother him with more details as Li Hai readily agreed to let his
brother play competitively.
This slow fellow didn’t hesitate too long to decide to join the team. He was clearly very
passionate about the Miracle League. This meant he could be well nurtured in the future.
Li Cangyu received a new teammate and was in a good mood.
He was one member away from his goal of an eight-person team.
That evening, Li Cangyu commissioned the vice president of the Food Squad to help him
write a promotional post that was sent all over the Miracle forums.
The contents of the post were very concise. [Cat God is bringing a team back to the Miracle
Professional League. He is currently looking for teammates. It is room number 7713 in the
cross-server arena and the password is 9999. Looking for any strong masters to join!]
The post made headlines as soon as it was released.
Cheng Wei was Li Cangyu’s biggest fanboy and he naturally saw the post. He quickly
forwarded the forum post to Weibo with the comment: [Where are the masters? Quickly
join! Cat God’s team is absolutely trustworthy!]
Someone couldn’t help commenting below: [Aren’t you the vice-captain of Time? Why are
you helping Cat God to advertise?] [Cheng Wei’s heart is with Old Cat. Poor Captain Tan.]
[’Pained Captain Tan team’] [‘Strongly Distressed Captain Tan team’ +1]
Cheng Wei was somewhat upset when he saw the comments below his Weibo. He looked
for Tan Shitian to explain but didn’t expect Tan Shitian to act so generously by forwarding
the same post and writing: [Cat God’s team should be full. If you are interested in playing in
the professional league, you should seize this opportunity.]
Cheng Wei was moved as he knocked on the door of the bedroom. “Why did you write that
on Weibo? I thought you would scold me.”
Tan Shitian smiled and rubbed Cheng Wei’s head. “How can I scold you? It doesn’t matter if
you help Cat God with advertising. Can’t people on different teams be friends?”
Cheng Wei agreed, “Yes! People on different teams can also be friends!”
Tan Shitian added, “It is fine as long as you don’t go easy on Cat God when you encounter
him in matches.”
Cheng Wei immediately formed fists and declared confidently, “It is impossible for me to go
easy on him. If I met Cat God on the field, I won’t be polite and will beat him up.”
Tan Shitian, “…”
He was bullied by Cat God yet he wanted to beat Cat God up? Wasn’t this too much?
To the surprise of the fans, Ling Xuefeng also forwarded it along with Tan and Cheng.
Captain Ling wrote straightforward words: [Help expand.]
Ling Xuefeng’s personality was solemn and cold. His Weibo was like an official promotional
platform. He rarely wrote anything about his private life and usually only forwarded news
about the professional league and the Wind Colour team. However, many careful fans found
that since the appearance of Cat God, Captain Ling actually forwarded news related to Cat
God three times in a row.
The first one was Tan Shitian’s story about the big cat and kitten. Captain Ling explained
that the big cat and the kitten had a father-son relationship. The second was the matter of
the behind the scenes strategist at the World Carnival. Captain Ling forwarded Old Cat’s
post. Today, Cat God’s team was recruiting and Captain Ling forwarded a post to help
increase the publicity.
Fans were very puzzled. [Captain Ling seems to care about Cat God?] [Weren’t they the
strongest opponents?] [The question about who is the best summoner in the league hasn’t
been settled. Captain Ling must refuel to kill Old Cat!] [Kill the Cat +1]
[Kill the Cat + ID number.]
A bunch of ‘Kill the Cat’ filled the comments.
Ling Xuefeng sat calmly in front of the computer but he was thinking, ‘What do you know?
That cat is mine.’
The news that Cat God was recruiting teammates was widely forwarded by professional
players, and it clearly had an overwhelming publicity effect. Xiao Han’s challenge room was
overcrowded. Many people who couldn’t enter had to queue up outside.
Some people gladly paid 1,000 gold coins to enter the challenge arena and see Cat God’s
face. It was a pity that most of them couldn’t see Cat God’s face as they were sent away by
Xiao Han.
The people watching the screen excitedly typed: [Lick Cat God!] [Cat God, please give me a
signature!] [Love to Eat Braised Fish is actually Cat God! The members of the Food Squad
are very proud!] [Cat God, come out! Don’t be shy!] [Cat God, do you want to personally
beat me up? I want to fight the strategist behind the scenes!]
There were too many people who flocked to the room after hearing Cat God’s name. More
than 95% of them came to join the fun and only a few had the strength to fight in the
challenge arena.
Today’s challenge arena opened until 2 p.m. in New York, which was 2 a.m. in China.
Since Cat God didn’t make a public appearance, the first wave of people gradually
dispersed. It was late at night and only a few dozen people were left as onlookers. Xiao Han
had been playing since morning and he was tired and dizzy. He let Frost Descends sit in the
middle of the arena to rest as he went to the bathroom.
Li Cangyu had thrown his apprentice into the arena to train Xiao Han’s ability to cope with
challengers alone.
Li Cangyu saw his apprentice come out of the bathroom with a tired expression and
softened. He waved to Xiao Han and said, “Come rest for a while. Eat some fruit.”
Xiao Han immediately came over and took a peeled apple from Bai Xuan.
Li Yunyu asked, “What’s the situation like in the arena? There still isn’t a harvest?”
Xiao Han bit the apple and replied, “Most of them came to get Master’s signature. There was
no one who beat me this morning.”
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan looked at each other.
This high-intensity challenge mode was actually an excellent exercise opportunity for Xiao
Xiao Han, who only knew how to kill people from behind, was now winning against
hundreds of people of different races and classes. The fact that no one beat him this
morning made Li Cangyu surprised and very happy. His apprentice was gradually changing
and hadn’t realized the progress he was making.
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before saying, “Wait for me and I will go to the arena to
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes.”
Surprisingly, the duo returned after eating fruit and found a person sitting in the ring.
The man was sitting next to Xiao Han’s assassin and the room was filled with messages that
he had sent: [Is Cat God there? I came to join your team.]
[Cat God?]
[Cat God, accept me. My level isn’t bad!]
[I am young and have a first-class awareness. I am very talented and there is a lot of room
for progress!]
[I’m sure that I will become a strong teammate! [Haha][Haha].]
Li Cangyu, “…”
His boasting ability was quite good.
Was he as skilled as his mouth? Of course, Li Cangyu had to judge it himself.
Li Cangyu logged into his summoner account on the next computer. He made another arena
room and had Xiao Han send the person a message: [Room 7319, the password is 8899.
Come for a fight.]

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GLS: Chapter 100

Chapter 100 – Unexpected Harvest

The boastful fellow had the ID Great Navigator and was an elf hunter.
Elf hunters were the most mainstream gameplay in the current Miracle League. They could
use the elf’s agility to quickly move and arrange various traps to control and kill the
However, the layout of the traps was very particular and it was difficult to control.
Sometimes the enemy wouldn’t step on traps and they would be wasted. Therefore, the
hunter was one of the most challenging classes to play apart from the summoner.
Li Cangyu changed to a new room and added a password to avoid the interference of
He would let Xiao Han play first to test this person’s level.
Xiao Han had received half a month of high-intensity training and his current level had
already caught up with those in the online game. The thing that surprised Li Cangyu was
that this hunter was skilled and Xiao Han lost to him.
Xiao Han was very shocked. He looked back at his master and said, “I couldn’t react just
Li Cangyu gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “It doesn’t matter. You have rarely
encountered skilled hunters in the arena.”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes, I’ve never met one.”
It wasn’t easy to play a complex class, so high-level hunters and novice hunters seemed like
two completely different classes. In this half a month, Xiao Han had mainly encountered
archers, magicians and swordsmen. Summoners and hunters were especially rare. Today,
he met a hunter master and stepped on the traps arranged by the other person, causing
him to be killed by the traps.
“Play another round.” Li Cangyu ordered.
Xiao Han nodded and pressed the ready button. Then he typed: [One more game.]
Great Navigator asked: [I want to fight Cat God. What about Cat God?]
Xiao Han: [He is watching.]
Great Navigator: [Oh, then come again! Cat God, watch carefully! See my incredible
Li Cangyu, “…”
This guy, wasn’t he too good at boasting about himself?
Li Cangyu sat down and watched the two of them seriously.
Xiao Han had accidentally stepped on a trap and suffered a big loss. He would naturally play
more carefully in this round. However, he didn’t have experience with playing high-level
hunters and accidentally stepped on a confinement trap.
Great Navigator immediately jumped to his side, placing five traps at a very fast speed and
exploded them. This directly cut Xiao Han’s blood volume in half.
Xiao Han helplessly entered stealth. This time he was smart and stared at where the hunter
was standing. He moved behind the other person and his knife fell, quickly reduced the
blood volume gap.
[You’re quite good!] The person typed while putting down a trap and jumping away from
Xiao Han. Xiao Han wanted to catch up again but it wasn’t that easy. The other party had
put down a large number of hidden traps. One careless step would result in a loss of blood,
making every step difficult.
Li Cangyu saw that Xiao Han was having a hard time and couldn’t help opening his mouth
to give a reminder. “Whenever you encounter a hunter, use movement skills and light
footwork. Don’t walk on the ground since it is easy to walk on a trap.”
“Yes!” Xiao Han used a teleport skill to chase the other side but the hunter’s movement
speed was extremely fast. He moved in a dazzling manner while quickly placing traps.
The most annoying class in the Miracle League was undoubtedly the summoner because
there were too many pets to kill. The second was the hunter, since taking one step could
activate a trap, making people very annoyed.
Li Cangyu had his own ways of dealing with hunters but Xiao Han obviously didn’t know
how to fight them. He was disturbed by traps and his blood volume became lower and
In the second game, Xiao Han lost again and he stared at the computer with great
Li Cangyu chuckled and touched his apprentice’s head. “It doesn’t matter. You haven’t
learnt the skills of a hunter yet. Let me do it.”
Xiao Han immediately got up and gave his position to his master. Li Cangyu used the Love
to Eat Braised Fish account and entered the arena.
Bai Xuan heard the movements and came over to watch. Once he saw that Xiao Han was
defeated, he couldn’t help feeling shocked. “Who is this person?”
Li Cangyu explained, “He saw our publicity post and said he wanted to join our team. I am
testing him.”
Bai Xuan sat down with interest. “It is a self-recommendation? I’ll watch as well.”
The third match started. Great Navigator saw that his opponent had changed to Love to Eat
Braised Fish and immediately sent a row of hugging emojis. [Cat God, Cat God! I’m here to
convince you to take me. I’m excellent!”
Li Cangyu typed: [I will know after testing you.]
At the beginning of the match, Li Cangyu summoned his water spirit, fire spirit, thunder
spirit and wind spirit. The four spirits of the elf summoner were all dispatched. The hunter
was shocked. […Cat God has too many younger brothers!]
Li Cangyu said gently: [I didn’t summon the three universal pets because I was afraid that
you couldn’t cope.]
Great Navigator: […]
Four was scary enough. If Cat God summoned seven pets then he could only surrender!
In order to avoid being killed by the numerous pets, Great Navigator immediately placed
self-protection traps around him.
Xiao Han was shocked. Master usually acted like a soy sauce when playing instances in the
game. This was the first time he saw all four of his master’s pets.
The blue water spirit, the red fire spirit, the purple thunder spirit and the green wind spirit,
the four spirits were arranged around Li Cangyu and looked spectacular.
Li Cangyu calmly stood in the distance, not getting close to the hunter as he operated his
four pets from four directions.
This multi-line operation was excellent as four spirits moved forward in four directions. It
was equivalent to one heart, four users. He could actually operate all four so quickly
without any flaws. Xiao Han listened to the clattering of the keyboard and felt an intense
admiration fill his heart.
He suddenly felt extremely proud at having this master!
In the middle of the arena, Great Navigator was clearly in a hurry as four pets surrounded
The trap he placed trapped the water spirit but the fire spirit’s Fire accurately hit him. This
was immediately followed by the thunder spirit’s big move and was stunned by Thunder’s
Great Navigator’s fingers quickly hit the keyboard and he moved to avoid the pets’ attacks.
This made him completely passive. He could only deal with the spirits and couldn’t attack.
His death was inevitable.
After playing for nearly 10 minutes, Li Cangyu stood in the distance and was still full of
blood. Great Navigator was gradually losing blood due to the pets. Li Cangyu was no longer
polite with him and once again dispatched the fire spirit. Fireballs were successively fired
and the hunter was killed.
Great Navigator: […]
Li Cangyu laughed: [You aren’t that great?]
Great Navigator blushed and typed: [I am very powerful but Cat God is even better!]
Bai Xuan was amused and couldn’t help saying, “This guy is really shameless.”
Li Cangyu seriously commented, “His level is decent. I used four pets to suppress him and
he could actually endure for 10 minutes.”
Bai Xuan nodded. “That’s true.”
Li Cangyu added, “He is also very fast which is the exact opposite of Xiao Li.”
The hunter’s operator was a person with a very high hand speed. He moved in the arena
like a gust of wind, leaving no shadows and no traces. The connections were very smooth
when placing a trap and he could place them on the ground in an instant.
He had a good chance of winning against the melee Xiao Han but could only be suppressed
by the summoner Li Cangyu. He apparently had a lot of experience playing melee but
lacked experience against master remotes.
Li Cangyu thought this and couldn’t help asking: [How many years have you been playing a
Great Navigator: [One year!]
Li Cangyu: [It is great that you can reach this level in one year.]
Great Navigator replied cheerfully: [Right? I also think that I’m very talented!]
Originally Li Cangyu wanted to praise him but changed his mind after seeing this proudly
raised tail. Instead, Li Cangyu attacked. [Unfortunately, your fast hand speed is useless. You
placed so many traps on the ground but most of them were wasted. Didn’t you think about
limiting the actions of the opponent instead of attacking?]
Great Navigator lowered his head. [Oh, it seems so.]
Then he came alive again. [But I think I am still salvageable.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
Great Navigator sent a row of expectant eyes emojis. [If Cat God accepts me then my level
will surely go further.]
Li Cangyu, “…”
Great Navigator: [Accept me. My hand speed is very fast. I tested it and I can reach 500!]
Li Cangyu, “…”
Bai Xuan was laughing so hard that his belly hurt. He was suddenly reminded of a kitten
meowing and wrapping himself around Li Cangyu. Wouldn’t Li Cangyu relent?
Li Cangyu was very sensible so he sent: [Fast speed is just a hardware advantage. The
software can’t be useless.]
Great Navigator: [Cat God, are you saying that my software can’t keep up?]
Li Cangyu smiled. [Yes.]
Great Navigator said cheekily: [The software can be updated. I need Cat God to transfer my
brain system. Let me join the team. Cat God can reload the software for me!]
In fact, he was too good at bragging so Li Cangyu was just teasing him.
He didn’t think that guy would be so persevering to keep asking to join the team. His self-
recommendation was really courageous. Li Cangyu became serious and asked: [Do you
really want to join the team?]
Great Navigator didn’t hesitate. [Of course! I saw the forum post recruiting and
immediately came to find Cat God. Becoming an e-sports player has always been my dream.
I’ve been to other teams for interviews but they don’t want a hunter [Sad][Sad].]
This sentence seemed sincere.
Li Cangyu asked: [Is it convenient for you to tell me your name and age?]
Great Navigator replied: [It is convenient, very convenient! My name is Zhuo Hang and I am
17 this year.]
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling at Li Cangyu and teased him. “He is a young boy. The
mahjong table has been gathered.”
Li Cangyu also laughed. “You were correct.”
Li Cangyu thought for a moment before typing in the arena channel: [Xiao Zhuo, you will
follow us for a week in the arena as a test. If you pass the test, I will allow you to join.]
Zhuo Hang excitedly typed: [Great, thank you Cat God! I love you! [Kiss][Kiss][Kiss].]
Bai Xuan, “…”
Wasn’t this little guy surnamed Zhuo a bit unrestrained?
It seemed Cat God’s luck was excellent when returning to Miracle. He recruited four young
teenagers. One was the crazy and wildcat Gu Siming. There was also the proud and cold
Persian cat Xiao Han, the slow and stuttering poor stray cat Li Xiaojiang and the cheeky and
unrestrained cat Zhuo Hang…
The four kittens together made a mahjong table. Besides, the cool and sharp black cat took
the lead. This was simply a perfect cat team!

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GLS: Chapter 101

Chapter 101 – Team Formation

Li Cangyu said that he would test Zhuo Hang for one week but he already thought of this
person as a teammate.
This week with Zhuo Hang in the arena was to learn more about this boy. Zhuo Hang liked
to boast about himself from time to time but the fact that he could muster up the courage to
recommend himself proved this boy was very confident.
On the field, confidence was better than inferiority.
The facts proved that Zhuo Hang truly was talented and he smoothly passed the test.
A week later, Li Cangyu summoned several teammates into the game and said happily in
the voice room, “I’m here to share good news with everyone. Our new team members have
finally all been found. If time permits, we will go to the Dragon Song Club on December 1st
and officially start training!”
Gu Siming excitedly filled the team channel with flowers. “Great! I’ve been dreaming about
this day!”
Xiao Han said, “The team formation is very fast.”
Zhuo Hang sent a row of kisses. “Cat God is awesome!”
Li Xiaojiang was excited but he didn’t know how to express it. He just quietly watched
Bai Xuan asked doubtfully, “Training is so soon? Didn’t you plan to return to China after the
Spring Festival?”
“I didn’t expect the change in competition methods in the seventh season to be so big.” Li
Cangyu explained. “The other day, Ling Xuefeng sent me the data from the league meeting.
The next competition has changed a lot. We are a new team so we needed to train the
members, but we also need to study the new competition method. Thus, the training time
has to be pushed forward.”
Xie Shurong said, “I understand. I also read the new rules. It is a lot more complicated than
the old rules. I have been officially released from the ICE Club and can return home at any
Zhang Jueming asked curiously, “What are the new competition rules?”
Li Cangyu said, “The changes are very big and I can’t say them clearly. Let’s wait until I go
back and then we will study it carefully.”
Zhang Jueming was very simple. “Then I will wait in Changsha for your return!”
Xiao Han stated, “I can go to China at any time.”
Zhuo Hang added, “I’m flying over on December 1st!”
Li Xiaojiang whispered, “I, I…”
Zhang Jueming asked, “Does this mean we have four young people on the team?”
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Yes, there are more young players, making the team more
energetic. This is great.”
Li Xiaojiang’s voice was too small and was drowned out. “I, I…”
Li Cangyu heard the weak voice and couldn’t help smiling., “Xiaojiang, what do you want to
Everyone calmed down as Li Xiaojiang stuttered with a red face. “I, I wanted to say that I
can also, also gather in December.”
Everyone, “…”
Young man, it was too hard to hear you say something!
The eight people formed a new team.
On November 30th, Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Xiao Han departed from New
York and boarded a flight home.
Liu Chuan knew that Cat God was coming back and gave face by personally picking him up
at the airport. After picking up the four people at the airport, he wanted to hold a
welcoming party but Li Cangyu stopped him. “Wait, there are two people arriving
Liu Chuan patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder and cried out, “You worked hard. I didn’t think that
you could actually form a team in less than half a year!”
Li Cangyu stated, “Perhaps I have better luck recently?”
Liu Chuan smiled and said, “I’ll go back and prepare the contracts. Then I will arrange the
dorms. Do you think a double room, triple room or quadruple room will be more
Li Cangyu thought about it before replying, “We are eight people so two rooms of four
should be suitable.”
“No problem!” Liu Chuan readily agreed.
On the morning of December 1st, Li Xiaojiang and his cousin Li Hai took the high speed
train from Wuhan to Changsha. At the same time Zhuo Hang checked in at Nanjing Airport.
In the afternoon, Li Hai arrived at the headquarters of the Dragon Song Club with his
younger cousin Li Xiaojiang.
Li Hai saw the new office building, formal training room and meeting rooms of the Dragon
Song Club and couldn’t help patting his younger cousin’s shoulder. His voice shook with
excitement. “Xiaojiang, you should follow Cat God well. Then once you have good results,
endorse Brother’s online store. The keyboards and computer business will be even more
on fire!”
Li Xiaojiang nodded seriously. “Yes.”
The two of them went to the hall of the club and saw a tall man waiting for them. This man
was very handsome while his eyebrows were sharp. He saw the two of them and took the
initiative to come forward. Holding out a hand, he smiled and said, “Hello, I am Old Cat Li
He was a great god but there was no arrogance at all. He laughed honestly and gave people
a very reliable first impression.
Li Hai immediately shook his hand. “Hello Cat God! How are you doing?”
Li Xiaojiang also excitedly said, “Cat God, Cat God is well!”
Li Cangyu heard this familiar stuttering and couldn’t help looking at the boy. Li Xiaojiang
was thin and small. He seemed nervous as his cheeks were red and his black eyes were
especially bright.
Li Cangyu quite liked this slow guy and couldn’t help touching his head gently. He asked,
“Are you Xiaojiang?”
Li Xiaojiang immediately nodded. “Yes.”
Then a sunny voice was heard from next to him. “I am looking for Cat God. Is Cat God here?”
Li Cangyu saw this teenager’s bright smile and tentatively asked, “Are you Zhuo Hang?”
The teenager immediately came over and took the initiative to hug Li Cangyu. “Are you Cat
God? The actual Cat God! Hahaha. I am Zhuo Hang, that great elf hunter.”
“…” Li Cangyu reluctantly pushed him away by 10 centimeters. Bai Xuan wasn’t wrong
when he said that this child was unrestrained. He hugged Li Cangyu when they met, like he
wasn’t afraid to die at all. Li Cangyu almost fell over.
After stabilizing his feet, Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and said, “Good elf hunter,
are you here alone? Your parents didn’t bring you here?”
Zhuo Hang immediately replied, “I have grown up and I’m an adult. I don’t need to be
brought here by my parents!”
Li Xiaojiang who was brought here by his brother. “…”
Zhuo Hang turned his head and saw the little guy standing next to him. He couldn’t help
asking, “Who are you?”
Li Xiaojiang stuttered out, “I, I am Li, Li Xiaojiang.”
Zhuo Hang exclaimed, “Ah, the black magician?”
Li Xiaojiang nodded. “Yes.”
Zhuo Hang looked at him curiously. Li Xiaojiang wasn’t good at communicating with people.
His face turned red and he was embarrassed to speak.
Li Cangyu looked at the two of them and said, “The two of you have reported to me first.”
He headed to the meeting room with Li Xiaojiang and Zhuo Hang. Xiao Han, Xie Shurong
and the other people were already chatting. Liu Chuan was also present. Li Cangyu walked
up to Liu Chuan with the two teenagers and introduced them. “This is the boss of the
Dragon Song Club.”
“Hello Boss!”
“Hello, Hello Boss.”
Liu Chuan looked carefully at the two teenagers in front of him. One was very small and
stuttered. He was obviously very afraid. The other was tall and looked handsome despite
his age. His personality was sunny and his actions generous. He was obviously a very bright
Combined with the small madman Gu Siming and the mixed-race Xiao Han, the four
youngsters of this new team had different personalities. It wasn’t easy for Li Cangyu to
collect so many youngsters!
Liu Chuan smiled and shook hands with both of them. “Welcome to the Dragon Song Club.”
After saying that, he turned back to Li Cangyu.”You found many youngsters this time?”
“I assembled a mahjong table.” Li Cangyu looked at the four little boys in front of him and
couldn’t help smiling. “The four of them are 17 or 18 years old. They are in the best state so
they can lead the team even after I retire.”
“It’s true. Young players do have greater development potential.” Liu Chuan paused and
said, “Let me first show the contract to everyone. If there are no problems then we will sign
them today.”
He dialed a number inside the building. Soon afterwards, a middle-aged man came over
with a pile of contracts in his hand.
Liu Chuan introduced him. “This is Mr. Qi, the legal adviser of the Dragon Song Club. The
previous contracts were handled by my Zewen but Zewen is busy leading the team. Thus, I
specifically invited a lawyer.”
Little boys, “…”
This club actually had a special lawyer!
Mr. Qi gave the contracts to everyone and said, “Take a look at the contract first. If you have
any questions, you can always ask me.”
The new players sat down and seriously examined their contract.
After a while, Zhuo Hang looked up and asked, “Do new people have to sign for three
“Yes.” Lawyer Qi explained, “It isn’t easy for a team to train a player. If the contract is only
for one or two years, many people will jump to another team after becoming gods. Then the
efforts of the previous team would be wasted. Three years is enough for a contestant to
mature. Then if they want to renew their contract, they can also get a pay raise.”
Zhuo Hang nodded. “I understand.”
Zhuo Hang carefully examined the contract before decisively signing his name.
Li Xiaojiang and Xiao Han didn’t really understand the contract issues. They saw Zhuo Hang
sign and followed him by signing.
Uncle Zhang’s contract had been signed last time and Xiao Gu was a member of the training
camp, meaning he didn’t need to re-sign. The other three teenagers were treated as
newcomers but the Dragon Song Club was very good to the players. The conditions for
them were excellent compared to other teams.
Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan’s contracts were naturally different from the teenagers. A’Shu
was one of the Three Musketeers and famous while Vice-Captain Bai Xuan was Li Cangyu’s
old partner. The two people were qualified so their conditions were naturally much higher.
Liu Chuan gave them the contract for star players.
Everyone happily signed their contracts and Lawyer Qi gave them their own copies. Then Li
Cangyu’s new team was officially formed.
Liu Chuan turned back and asked, “Cat God, is the name of the team still Canglan like we
discussed at our first meeting?”
The first time Liu Chuan had run to Hangzhou to confirm the cooperative relationship with
Li Cangyu he mentioned the name of the team. Li Cangyu couldn’t think of anything good
and decided to use Canglan.
The cold and vastness of the swelling water, this was the name that Bai Xuan thought of
when they transferred to Wulin and it was quite artistic.
Unfortunately, Li Cangyu’s team didn’t win any trophies after transferring to Wulin. This
had always been Li Cangyu’s biggest regret.
Now that he had a brand new team in Miracle, he wanted to achieve the dream that hadn’t
been realized for many years.
If one day, the Canglan team could really stand on stage at the awards ceremony, wouldn’t
the old friends that struggled with him for so many years also feel relieved?
Li Canglan thought of this and a hint of determination filled his eyes. He smiled and said,
“The name of the new team is Canglan.”
New players using the old team name, just like an old bottle is filled with new wine.
The team was changed and filled with vigorous and strong teammates. The things that
remained unchanged were the persistent dream and the firm heart.

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GLS: Chapter 102

Chapter 102 – Dragon Song’s Big Party

In order to celebrate the official formation of the Miracle team, Liu Chuan gathered all the
members of the Wulin team and the new people in the club’s training camp. Everyone went
to the restaurant near the club where a large private room with three tables was booked. It
was a meal to welcome Cat God.
Liu Chuan had heard about Li Cangyu’s love of eating fish. He deliberately ordered the
famous boiled fish and chopped pepper fish head from the restaurant. Li Cangyu looked at
the menu and was really satisfied.
The food hadn’t arrived yet when Wu Zewen, captain of the Wulin team, and Li Xiang, the
vice-captain, came over to the table to say hello.
Wu Zewen wore silver-rimmed glasses and his expression was very calm. He was the
person who helped Liu Chuan at the beginning of the club’s creation. Once Liu Chuan
retired to be the boss, he became captain. In a few years, Wu Zewen took the Dragon Song
Club to repeated success. His ability to organize information and to analyze maps was
extremely strong. He was a rare talented player.
Vice-Captain Li Xiang was enthusiastic and hearty. He was Liu Chuan’s apprentice in Wulin
and used to be a stupid novice. He became one of the best players in the league under Liu
Chuan’s personal training. Then he took over as vice-captain and matured a lot.
Wu Zewen wasn’t good with alcohol so he was responsible for pouring the wine. Li Xiang
raised a glass to Li Cangyu and declared, “Cat God, I didn’t expect that you would one day
join Dragon Song. I would like to represent the full Dragon Song team by raising a cup to
you. First of all, welcome to the Dragon Song Club! If you encounter any problems in the
future, tell us. We are family so don’t hesitate!”
He said it with great pride.
Li Cangyu smiled at him and touched their glasses together before drinking. “Please take
care of me in the future.”
“Cat God is too polite!” Li Xiang followed up by going to Bai Xuan. “Milk God, long time no
see. Come have a drink!”
Bai Xuan stood up with a smile. “I can’t drink. I have been taking Chinese medicine lately so
I will just have tea.”
Li Xiang wondered, “Do you have stomach problems?”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan replied helplessly. “It is an old problem.”
Li Xiang immediately made a fuss. “You have to take care of that. Pay attention to your diet
and sleep. I used to have stomach problems caused by irregular working hours and
drinking iced drinks. Later, I took stomach medicine and now I’m completely fine.”
As he was speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open and a cold voice was heard.
“Everyone is here? Sorry, I went to the airport to pick up Si Lan and there was a traffic jam.”
Li Xiang immediately turned around and greeted the person. “Yeye came!”
The group turned to look and saw two men come in one after the other.
The man that Li Xiang called ‘Yeye’ was very cold. He wore tight black pants and a slim
jacket that showed off his slender figure. His short hair fell over his face and there seemed
to be an innate pride on his face. Add the shiny shoes on his feet and the whole person gave
off a delicate feeling.
The other man had a languid demeanor. His hands were in his pockets as he yawned while
walking casually. He had slightly longer chestnut hair and had a strange temperament
similar to an ‘artist.’
Once the two men arrived, all members of the Dragon Song Wulin team stood up very
Xiao Han, Li Xiaojiang and the others didn’t know who these men were but they had to
stand up with blank expressions.
“Yeye, Si Lan, you came?” Li Cangyu walked up to them with a smile and shook their hands.
“Liu Chuan told us to come back because something big happened. I guessed it was the
formation of the Miracle branch.” Qin Ye looked over at Bai Xuan and the new faces on the
table and asked, “Cat God, is this the team that you built?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, today is the first day the full team is gathered.”
Qin Ye gave a rare smile as he said, “Your progress is quite fast. You found teammates in
only half a year.”
Liu Chuan laughed as he walked over. “Our club has taken a new step and our power has
grown. How can two old veterans not give face by not coming to the celebration. Right, Si
The yawning man turned around and narrowed his eyes. “Yes, Boss Liu is right about
Liu Chuan smiled and turned to the new people on the Miracle side. “This is Qin Ye, he is
the Dragon Song Club’s ace coach. This is Lan Weiran, abbreviated to Si Lan. He is the first
vice-captain of the Dragon Song team.”
The newcomers were very surprised.
They didn’t expect that Liu Chuan would invite such veterans to welcome the new team.
Coach Qin Ye was famous in the e-sports circle. It was said that he was very strict with the
players, especially newcomers. If they weren’t obedient, they would be scolded by him.
When Xiao Gu saw Qin Ye, he tried to hide under the table. He had obviously been scolded
by Qin Ye.
Lan Weiran was the vice-captain of the Dragon Song team and the legendary strategist.
After retiring, he disappeared for many years. Even many newcomers in the Dragon Song
Club had never seen him. Liu Chuan inviting him today showed that the reformation of the
Canglan team was very important.
The scene became very lively once two great gods arrived.
Liu Chuan, Qin Ye and Si Lan took the initiative to sit at Li Cangyu’s table. Liu Chuan gave a
brief explanation of the situation of the new team. Si Lan looked at these teenagers and his
eyes narrowed. “The four youngsters are very good but Cat God will need to work hard. The
newcomers need time to grow slowly.”
Li Cangyu agreed, “Fortunately, before the start of the first division, there is the second
division that will be a transitional event. It will train them well.”
“That’s how our team was like in the past. At first, the new people were in a precarious
state and they gradually matured.” Qin Ye’s eyes swept over the four team and he asked
calmly, “You seem to be confident in your team this time?”
Li Cangyu nodded firmly. “Yes, I’m sure I will win the prize.”
Lan Weiran spoke emotionally, “In fact, we have the same experience. In the past, I never
won any trophies and only joined the Dragon Song team to prove myself. I believe that your
luck will be as good as mine and you will become the champion.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I think so as well.”
Liu Chuan suddenly interjected, “Cat God could tie with me in that year. He is obviously
very powerful and will take the championship.”
Qin Ye looked at him. “Are you praising Cat God or yourself?”
Liu Chuan laughed. “We are equally powerful! There is a magnetic field of empathy
between masters. Cat God and I are masters standing at the top of the professional leagues
and can happily cooperate, isn’t that right?”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Everyone, “…”
The boss started to boast and everyone immediately ducked their heads.
Zhuo Hang felt that he was too lacking compared to Boss Liu’s boasting power! He needed
to continue learning.
The atmosphere of this meal was very joyful, especially Li Cangyu, Qin Ye and Si Lan. These
players haven’t seen each other for a long time and couldn’t stop once they started chatting
about the past.
Xiao Han and Xiao Li weren’t familiar with several seniors but thanks to Xiao Gu’s
explanations, they learned about some past events. Liu Chuan, Qin Ye and Lan Weiran were
the beginning of the Dragon Song Club’s establishment. The three pillars used to the heroes
of the professional league. They were retired ow but they had the same style. The invincible
appearance of them on the field could still be seen.
Everyone felt excited when they heard Cat God chatting with these gods, as if the
championship trophy was waving to everyone.
After dinner ended, Wu Zewen took the initiative to pay for it with his team’s funds. Liu
Chuan took Li Cangyu back to the team dormitory and arranged two quadruple rooms for
them. The two apartments were on the same floor and facing each other, making later
discussions convenient.
Once this was settled, Liu Chuan patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder and sighed. “The newcomers
might be strong but you have to bring so many newcomers with you to the competition. It
will be very hard on you as the captain…”
He had also been a team leader and knew how difficult it was to raise newcomers. Thus, he
was very impressed with Li Cangyu’s decision to find so many newcomers.
Li Cangyu declared confidently, “It doesn’t matter. I believe they won’t let me down. These
four talents aren’t bad. I will slowly train them.”
Liu Chuan smiled and said, “I am 100% reassured with you leading them. The four
newcomers have just joined the team and might not be used to the daily life. You and Vice-
Captain Bai should think about this.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, I’ll talk to Xiao Bai.”
Liu Chuan left and Li Cangyu started arranging the accommodations.
He let Bai Xuan, Li Xiaojiang, Xie Shurong and Zhuo Hang live in one room while he lived
with Uncle Zhang, Xiao Gu and Xiao Han.
The Dragon Song Club had excellent accommodations and there were many double
apartments. However, Li Cangyu felt that the team was just established and everyone
wasn’t familiar with each other. If the two roommates sharing the double room weren’t
suitable to be roommates, it was easy to have problems. A quadruple room was also more
convenient to communicate with each other.
Li Cangyu lived with Xiao Han in order to personally raise his apprentice. Uncle Zhu had
been helping familiarize Xiao Gu with other classes and could guide Gu Siming.
Li Xiaojiang had an introverted personality and wasn’t good at talking so Bai Xuan’s gentle
coaxing would help integrate him into the team more quickly. As for Zhuo Hang being
paired with Xie Shurong, Li Cangyu thought that A’Shu was the best at playing fast. Zhuo
Hang had a very high hand speed so he could learn to maximize his strengths from A’Shu.
It was a simple dormitory arrangement but Li Cangyu considered it so carefully. An old
player was paired with a new player. The one on one tutoring would allow the youngsters
to adapt to the team’s rhythm as quickly as possible.
Zhuo Hang naturally had no opinions on the arrangement of the dormitory. The
unrestrained teenager soon became familiar with Xie Shurong and called Brother Tree very
It was Li Xiaojiang who was uneasy about living with so many strangers.
He was silently unpacking when Bai Xuan suddenly knocked on the door of his bedroom.
“Xiao Jiang, Cat God is decisive. He seems serious when it comes to business but he is
actually very easy to get along with. Don’t feel any psychological pressure. If you aren’t
used to eating the food or if you have any problems during training, you can secretly tell
Li Xiaojiang was moved and nodded. “Yes, I know. Thank you Vice-Captain.”
Bai Xuan gently touched the teenager’s head. Among the four teenagers, he was most
worried about Li Xiaojiang, who was thin and small. He stammered and clearly lacked
confidence. It wasn’t easy to raise this child’s confidence but Bai Xuan believed that he
could let Xiao Jiang gradually let down his guard.
Once all the team members settled in their dorms, Li Cangyu returned to his bedroom and
stood by the window. He sent a text message to Ling Xuefeng: [The team is good. I have
already arrived at the club and will officially start training tomorrow.]
Ling Xuefeng quickly replied: [Congratulations. It is a new beginning. You have to refuel.]
Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng’s brief words of encouragement and was moved.
At the age of 17, he refused Ling Xuefeng’s invitation to serve as the vice-captain of Wind
Colour and set up his own team. The first FTD team was established during a period of hot-
blood and his teammates were all excited. Li Cangyu had been full of enthusiasm and
expectations for the future. Unfortunately, he only met a basin of cold water for three years.
FTD disbanded and he led the team to transfer games. At that time, he wasn’t as simple and
became more mature and stable. Once the Canglan team transferred to Wulin, they faced
many accusations and doubts. Every time they lost a game, there would be a large number
of netizens ridiculing them. However, he was able to withstand these criticisms because it
was his own choice.
It was the path he chose so he should finish it.
Today, the new Canglan team was completely formed according to his own ideas. Half the
members might be youngsters who had no experience with the professional league but
they were talented. Li Cangyu had full confidence that he could go further with this team
and realize the dream of standing on the stage.
He looked out the window at the bustling night scenery and couldn’t help smiling
As Ling Xuefeng said, it was a new beginning and he had to refuel.
So many years past and his third team was settled. The long-lost Miracle League, the old
friends and old opponents, Old Cat Li Cangyu was finally coming home!

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GLS: Chapter 103

Chapter 103 – Cat God’s Classroom (1)

The next morning, Li Cangyu got up and found that Uncle Zhang and Xiao Gu had already
washed up and were waiting for him in the living room. Xiao Han’s bedroom door was
closed, probably because he still hadn’t recovered from the time difference.
Li Cangyu opened the bedroom door to take a look and found Xiao Han lying sideways on
the bed. His blond hair covered his white forehead and his lips were slightly pouted,
making him look like a little angel.
He was reluctant to wake Xiao Han up but the training time was approaching. Li Cangyu
had to walk over and gently touch Li Cangyu’s hair. “Xiao Han, get up.”
Xiao Han sat up in a daze, rubbing his eyes and asking with confusion, “Master… what time
is it?”
“It is almost 8 o’clock. Get up and have breakfast.”
“Oh.” Xiao Han quickly got dressed, washed his face and brushed his teeth. Then he
followed behind his master.
The four people headed to the dining room of the Dragon Song Club. The rectangular tables
were neatly arranged with many players burying their heads to eat breakfast. They couldn’t
help thinking about the student canteens.
The club had a special chef responsible for cooking for the team members. It was a buffet
style and they didn’t need to pay. Any member of the Dragon Song Club could take a plate
and pick any food.
Li Cangyu walked to the breakfast window and saw the vice-captain Li Xiang holding a
plate. He took many things in portions of two. Not far away, the coach Qin Ye was sitting
and waiting. Li Xiang was obviously taking a portion of food for him.
Li Xiang was very hospitable and walked over to say hello to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, you
Li Cangyu smiled. “Good morning Vice-Captain Li.”
“Hey, I’m not used to you calling me that.” Li Xiang took the plates and walked forward,
taking the initiative to introduce this place. “The dining place of the Dragon Song is
excellent. The bread on that side is delicious. It was just made so Cat God can taste it.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu walked with him to take a piece of bread, fried eggs and milk. Then he
praised, “There is a lot of variety!”
“Breakfast is served daily with bread, milk, soy milk, etc. There will be even more dishes for
lunch and dinner.” Li Xiang continued, “If you aren’t used to eating at the canteen, you can
go out on weekends to buy food. There is a shopping centre opposite here and there is a
fine food area on the seventh floor. There are the grilled fish and pickled fish that you love.”
Li Xiang was like a guide NPC in the game for novices. He was too dedicated.
Li Cangyu’s eyes lit up at the mention of fish. “I will try the fine foods city another day!”
Then Bai Xuan and the others also arrived. Li Cangyu beckoned and let everyone find a
table to sit down on.
Xie Shurong saw Li Xiang taking a plate to serve Qin Ye and laughed. Then he asked, “Vice-
Captain Bai, what do you like to eat? I will go and help you get it.” He decided to curry
favour with Vice-Captain Bai so that he might not have to wash the dishes later.
Bai Xuan looked at the plentiful breakfast dishes and said, “Take a bit of each one to see
which is delicious.”
“Okay!” Xie Shurong quickly ran to grab the breakfast.
The young teenagers entered a team canteen for the first time and looked at the window
displaying all types of delicious foods with bright eyes. In particular, Li Xiaojiang had seen
‘inclusive of room and board’ when signing the contract yesterday. He thought he would
have to eat fast food or boxed lunches. He didn’t expect the club to have a special canteen.
Everyone was a newcomer and they didn’t dare mess around. Fortunately, Xiao Gu was
familiar with this place and led everyone forward. “Go up and get the food. There is no need
to pay for it so don’t hesitate.” He was like a little master.
The four young teenagers lined up for breakfast. Xiao Gu took the lead, Xiao Han and Zhuo
Hang were in the middle and the shy Li Xiaojiang hung his head at the end. This scene made
Li Cangyu’s mood instantly improve.
He saw these four little guys and suddenly had the sense of being a ‘parent.’
Not long afterwards, Liu Chuan, Lan Weiran and Wu Zewen walked in together.
Lan Weiran had his hands in his pocket and inspected the canteen like a leader. Once he
finished turning around, he touched his chin and commented, “This canteen is good. The
Dragon Song Club is becoming better and better.”
Liu Chuan stated proudly, “Of course! Look at who the boss is!”
Lan Weiran picked up a plate and consciously looked for Li Cangyu. They sat at a table and
Qin Ye followed him. Then Qin Ye took the initiative to talk with Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain
Bai, if you have stomach problems then it is better to have a cup of hot milk in the morning.
I used to have stomach problems and milk with bread is easier for digestion.”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan nodded with a smile before yelling into the distance. “A’Shu, bring me back
a glass of milk.”
Xie Shurong replied, “Okay!”
The four long tables connected together sat more than a dozen people. Li Cangyu couldn’t
help thinking of the class committee sitting in a row in the dining hall.
Li Cangyu looked at Lan Weiran bending his head to drink milk and couldn’t help
wondering, “Si Lan, where did you live last night? I didn’t see you come back here after
Lan Weiran replied, “I’m staying in the opposite hotel. This time, I mainly came back to see
the situation of the club and the new team. I will be returning to Shanghai tomorrow.”
Qin Ye asked, “You can’t stay for a few more days?”
Lan Weiran spoke around a mouthful of bread. “I have something else to do.”
Qin Ye made an expression like he understood. “Are you going to travel again?”
Lan Weiran nodded. “Yes.”
Liu Chuan sat opposite Li Cangyu and smiled. “Cat God, the new players can keep eating in
the dining hall. It is convenient and clean. The canteen chef is a local and is good at Hunan
cuisine. Are you used to eating Hunan food?”
Li Cangyu replied, “I don’t mind eating anything but Bai Xuan has stomach problems. Xiao
Han is also from abroad and isn’t accustomed to spicy food.”
Liu Chuan said, “That isn’t a problem. I will tell the chef to do more light meals.”
At this time, the Gu Siming quartet came back with food. Gu Siming saw Liu Chuan sitting
here and asked with surprise, “How did Boss come to the canteen?”
Boss Liu didn’t usually spend a lot of time in the team, let alone eat in the dining hall.
“I came to see how you are eating.” Liu Chuan’s gaze swept over Li Xiaojiang, who was
sitting silently in the corner. He couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Li, you are too thin. You should
eat more delicious food and build up fat within a year.”
Li Xiaojiang was flattered about being called out and stuttered, “I, I know. I will eat, eat
Liu Chuan smiled and touched the head of the young boy.
Wu Zewen came over with a plate and sat next to Liu Chuan. He looked at Li Cangyu and
said, “Cat God, I sorted out the information of the second division teams and the map
library’s data in the past few days. I will give it to you in the afternoon.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Thank you Captain Wu.”
Liu Chuan interjected. “You are welcome. My Zewen is an expert. He used to be a school
tyrant and likes to organize information.”
Wu Zewen glanced at him. “You love to boast too much. Don’t keep exaggerating things
about me, okay?”
Liu Chuan laughed. “I can’t help it. Who told you to be born so good?”
Wu Zewen, “…”
Qin Ye frowned. “I lost my appetite sitting next to Liu Chuan.
Lan Weiran also said, “It is too early in the morning for such a cheap mouth. Zewen, quickly
put an egg in his mouth.”
“Yes.” Wu Zewen took the initiative to shove a peeled egg into Liu Chuan’s mouth. The
hated Boss Liu had to eat the egg with an innocent face.
Li Cangyu looked at the scene and couldn’t help laughing.
Liu Chuan was often scorned by Qin Ye and Lan Weiran and they bickered from time to
time. However, the friendship between these people hadn’t changed for many years.
He hated the intrigue between players so Li Cangyu hoped that the new team would be
infected by the relaxed and warm atmosphere of the Dragon Song Club, with everyone
being friends.
After breakfast, everyone headed to the training room together.
Li Cangyu walked with Wu Zewen and asked in a concerned manner, “The playoffs for
Wulin have already started, right?”
Unlike Miracle which had one season a year, Wulin was divided into the spring and autumn
seasons. March to July was the spring season while the autumn season was from September
to December. December was when the most intense playoffs stage for autumn occurred.
Wu Zewen nodded. “Yes, the players are busy training these days.”
Liu Chuan added, “Cat God, I discussed it with Zewen last night. I think it is better to
temporarily separate the training rooms of the two teams. It is more convenient for
teammates to discuss problems without being afraid of influencing the other team. There is
only one meeting room with a projector. The team who wants to use it will discuss it with
the other side in advance so you don’t clash.”
With so many newcomers, Li Cangyu definitely needed separation. If the old and new teams
were put together, it was easy to affect the other side. There was no need to worry about
this if they were separated. Liu Chuan was obviously being thoughtful.
“This is better.” Li Cangyu asked, “Can I use the meeting room today?”
“No problem.” Wu Zewen said, “I have been meeting in the training room recently so you
can have the meeting room.”
The group separated at the entrance of the training room. The players of Dragon Song
started to nervously prepare for the playoffs while Li Cangyu took his team to the meeting
There was an oval table in the meeting room and a podium connected to the computer and
projector. Li Cangyu turned on the computer and inserted a USB. He flipped through files
while saying, “Find a place to sit. They will be your seats for the meetings after today.”
Everyone quickly found a place to sit down. Li Cangyu opened a PPT document and said,
“Today, I will give you a basic course. Xiao Bai, A’Shu and Old Zhang don’t need to listen.
The other four must listen carefully.”
Bai Xuan saw the serious man on the podium and couldn’t help smiling.
Cat God’s class finally started again.
When Li Cangyu led the team in Wulin, every time there was an important event, Li Cangyu
would stand on the podium and carefully analyze the lineup and formulate tactics. After
half a year, Cat God once again stood on the podium as a teacher although the students had
completely changed.
Looking back, Bai Xuan saw that the four teenagers had their ears pricked to listen. Li
Xiaojiang even took out a notebook to take notes.
Li Cangyu continued saying, “In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about the basic features
of the Miracle classes. Several of you might be knowledgeable and proficient in the class
you are playing, but you don’t know other classes very well. As a professional player, we
must know the skills of all classes, including effects, timing of release and even the
movements. You must keep all of this in mind when facing opponents on the field to know
how to deal with them.”
He spoke as he opened a PPT. The title on the first page was: Miracle’s Full Class Details.
However, the author was written as: Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng.
Everyone was stunned when seeing this name. Captain Ling’s name actually appeared in
the Canglan team’s meeting…
Bai Xuan coughed and said, “Did you directly take the data from Wind Colour?”
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Time is short so I borrowed the PPT from Ling Xuefeng.
Bai Xuan, “…”
Captain Ling was really generous to lend this to him!
This type of basic data was also available on the official website but Captain Ling just made
it more detailed. There were no secrets like tactics and lineups included. It was harmless to
lend this to Cat God.
Li Cangyu pressed the laser pointer and changed it to the next page. This page listed all the
classes and races of Miracle.
There were a total of 12 Miracle classes. There were the four melee classes: the paladin,
berserker, swordsman and assassin. The black magician, white magician, bard and
summoners were the four ranged classes. There were the two healing classes of the priest
and sacrifice. Finally, there were the auxiliary psychic and the hunters who relied on traps
to attack.
There were six races, mainly the beast species, terran, angels, demons, blood kin and elves.
Li Cangyu pointed the laser pointer at the race row and said, “We should all know the six
races. The beast race has the highest defense, the terran are even overall, the elves have the
fastest movement speed, the blood kin’s advantage lay in stealth and attack, the demons
have strong magic and give negative statuses, while the angels also have strong magic but
they have more control abilities.”
“Based on the classes chosen by the different races, the final stats must be different.”
“After many years of verification, there are 20 different types of builds that can be played. I
will give you a detailed analysis of each one.”
“First of all, the paladin is the main defense for a melee class. The most popular builds are
the beast paladin and terran paladin. The former has the strongest defense but their bodies
are heavy and their actions will be slow. The latter’s defense is slightly weaker and their
advantage is their flexibility when it comes to actions. The most commonly used skills of
the paladin are Guardian’s Power and Protection Light…”
The man’s voice was like flowing water in the meeting room.
Li Cangyu’s speech was very clear and every word was loud.
He had a good voice and was tall and handsome. Once he stood on the podium to give a
lecture, he had a calm and talkative style that made people look at him.
The four young teenagers looked up and listened carefully, adoration filling their faces.
The old players like Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming had clearly mastered this
knowledge but they still listened with relish to Cat God’s lecture.
Liu Chuan, the owner of the meeting room, saw the scene of Cat God giving a lecture to the
kittens. He couldn’t help smiling happily. He really didn’t choose wrong when he chose to
sign Cat God to the Miracle branch. This confident Cat God would surely take this brand
new team step by step towards the throne that belongs to him!

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GLS: Chapter 104
Chapter 104 – Cat God’s Classroom (2)

Li Cangyu used the class time to give a detailed explanation of the 20 types of builds to new
players. The youngsters all listened carefully. As Cat God said, they were familiar with the
class they played but they had little knowledge of other professions. This was such a
systematic and comprehensive lecture that they had a deeper understanding of all
Next, Li Cangyu took everyone to the Canglan team’s training room.
The training room had dozens of computers side by side, more than enough for eight
people. The computer configurations were also at the highest level and the keyboard and
mouse were of excellent quality.
Li Cangyu asked everyone to find a place to sit down and turn on the computer. There were
some small training software programs on the desktop. Li Cangyu introduced the functions
of these softwares and then arranged training tasks.
“Xiao Gu, you have been in the training camp for half a year. Your foundation is very solid
so your training time has been reduced. Every morning and afternoon, take half an hour to
stabilize the hand speed. The rest of the time, follow Uncle Zhang to understand the
operations of all the classes.”
“I understand!” Gu Siming nodded seriously.
Li Cangyu went on to say, “Xiao Han, Xiao Li and Xiao Zhuo, all three of you haven’t received
systematic training. Starting today, you must begin from the most basic training. Practice
one hour of random walking in the morning, an hour of steady hand speed training and
spend one hour familiarizing yourself with the maps. In the afternoon, go to the cross-
server arena to find someone to practice with and then practice with your teacher to
strengthen your class.”
“Xiao Li’s teacher is Vice-Captain Bai, Xiao Zhuo’s teacher is A’Shu and Xiao Han will be
taught by me. If there are any problems, don’t hide it. Boldly ask your teacher.”
“You are new people. It isn’t shameful to ask questions. If you don’t understand and don’t
ask then you will harm not only yourselves but others as well, do you understand?”
The three teenagers immediately nodded. “I understand!”
“There is still a problem that needs to be emphasized.” Li Cangyu continued saying, “The
four of you are almost the same age and you are equally good in my heart. I hope the four of
you can form a virtuous competitive atmosphere. Let’s make progress together. Don’t
compare each other or secretly compete in the dark. Do what you should do.”
“During matches, I will send different people to play according to different tactics. In the
future, you will form a cooperation with each other. Remember, you are teammates, not
Li Cangyu’s words were very serious. The thing he cared about the most was the unity of
the team.
No matter how strong the team, if there was a crack then the team wouldn’t be far from
death, just like the roots of a tree rotting.
The four teenagers were very simple but they would be in the competition in the future. It
was difficult to ensure that they don’t compete with each other over strength or popularity.
Li Cangyu didn’t want these four children to have hostility. He hoped they would grow up
together, overcoming problems and supporting the Canglan team to the end.
The young teenagers nodded slightly, causing Li Cangyu to smile and raise his right hand.
“Okay, start the training!”
This action was decisive and handsome. The several young teenagers immediately made
looks of worship and started to concentrate on the training, afraid that they would be
slower than others.
Bai Xuan laughed. Four little milk cats being obediently trained by the cat god. At the very
least, there was no need to worry about them fighting each other in the future.
In the afternoon, Li Cangyu let the four teenagers go to the arena by themselves. There was
too much knowledge input so he had to leave them time to digest and ponder on it.
The arena practice had just been arranged when Wu Zewen knocked on the door and
handed a USB to Li Cangyu. “This is the data on the teams in the second division as well as a
modeling of the Miracle maps that Liu Chuan had me organize for you.”
Li Cangyu happily accept it. “Thank you so much!”
The school tyrant’s organizational ability was first-class, which really helped the busy Li
Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and said, “You’re welcome. I’m glad to help.”
Li Cangyu said, “I also hope you achieve good results in the playoffs.”
Wu Zewen nodded earnestly. “I will.”
He left and Li Cangyu immediately accessed the USB flash drive to check.
He was very confident about winning the second division but the situation on the field was
always changing. There was always a danger of losing, making it good to know more about
the opponent. The data compiled by Wu Zewen listed the ace players and basic tactical
styles of each team, which was quite practical.
In addition, there was a modeling of the map library which made Li Cangyu stunned.
It wasn’t a secret since the Miracle League had published this information in the league’s
maps and had a special map package software. As long as this map was installed on the
computer, all game maps could be seen.
However, Wu Zewen used his powerful spatial analysis ability to mark many blind spots on
the map with coordinates.
This was invaluable information that was exclusive to the Dragon Song.
Li Cangyu studied the map carefully. The more he looked, the more he liked it. According to
the characteristics of the maps, he could arrange a variety of tactics for different teams in
the future.
He was busy studying when Liu Chuan knocked on the door. He was very pleased when he
saw everyone training and said, “Don’t you look serious? Am I interrupting?”
Li Cangyu raised his head and said, “It doesn’t matter. Does Boss want anything from me?”
Liu Chuan stated, “I got the new competition rules from the Miracle League. Do you want to
see it?”
Everyone heard about the new competition rules and looked up curiously.
Li Cangyu smiled. “I’ve seen it so show it to everyone else.”
Liu Chuan sent a copy of the file to everyone. The group of people looked at it and became
excited. Xiao Gu almost jumped up as he exclaimed, “Wow, it is a big change. It is
completely different from the old arena rules!”
Xiao Han also said, “The new competition has changed from moving the crystal to
destroying the crystal?”
Zhuo Hang seemed to know the competitive game very well. He spoke the key points in a
brief summary. “It is the tower defense mode. The economic difference will determine the
outcome. This makes the tactics more changeable and the game more interesting.”
Li Cangyu glanced at him with appreciation and asked, “Xiao Zhou, don’t you know a lot
about this?”
Zhuo Hang laughed. “Someone in my family has played this type of competitive game
before. I have been watching it since I was a child.”
It was no wonder that he could capture the key points of the contract. There were insiders
inside his family.
Li Cangyu put away his curiosity and said, “The changes for the new competition are really
big. Previously, we would get a point if we captured the crystal and moved the crystal back
to our base. The new system requires us to destroy the crystal to get points.”
“The front and rear of the crystal respectively have the ice phoenix and fire phoenix as
guards. The attack power is extremely strong and they will appear after a certain period of
time. There are four defense towers in the east, west, south and north. Outside the defense
towers is a foggy area and there are some mobs that will give a status bonus after killing
Li Cangyu paused and said, “The key to the new system is to kill all types of mobs in the
wild area to make money and accumulate an economy advantage. Once you have money,
you can buy equipment in the battlefield store. The new rules means that in the middle of
the game, we can choose equipment that is beneficial to us or can target the enemies.”
Zhang Jueming exclaimed, “The way of playing has really changed! The crystal is equivalent
to the ultimate boss. The ice phoenix and fire phoenix are two small bosses while the
defense towers are the surrounding elite monsters. If we want to break the crystal in the
middle, we must first take care of the surrounding four defense towers and the ice and fire
phoenix. Is that right?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “This is what it means. I just saw the map data compiled by Captain Wu.
Most of the crystals will refresh in the middle of the map. There are four roads leading to
the crystal location and many mobs on the road that can be killed for experience. The fields
between the roads are suitable for ambush tactics. This system is much more tactically
interesting than the previous crystal mode.”
Liu Chuan heard this and couldn’t help smiling. “The big change in the competition is
actually good for our new team. Other teams have to face new rules and will certainly train
again from the beginning. It is equivalent to standing at the same starting point as us.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu looked back. “It is currently December. There are only two months left
until the second division that starts in February. There is also the Spring Festival holiday,
making our timing quite tight. The next training tasks will be very heavy and the
newcomers might be under great pressure. I hope that everyone can grit their teeth to
survive this difficult stage. Will you show me?”
Xiao Gu answered in a positive manner. “Captain, I have no problem staying up late to train.
I like training!”
Zhuo Hang also said, “I have no problems. Cat God can arrange it however you like.”
Xiao Han’s eyes were firm. “Master, rest assured that I can hold on.”
Li Xiaojiang looked up at Li Cangyu and said seriously. “I, I also have no, no, no problems.”
Li Cangyu smiled and thought, ‘Since you made your guarantees in person, don’t blame me
for trying to trample on you.’
Bai Xuan thought sympathetically, ‘Small milk cats, be ready to be abused by the big cat!’

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GLS: Chapter 105

Chapter 105 – Abused Teenagers

Everyone came to the training room the next morning and found Li Cangyu already waiting
there with a stack of printed forms in his hand. He distributed it to the four teenagers and
said, “For the next week, you will train according to my arrangements. After each training
section, I will look at the results. If you don’t pass, there will be overtime.”
This was the same as not doing homework for school and then being forced to stay behind
after class by the teacher.
The teenagers took the forms that detailed the training items and times for each person.
The Dragon Song Club had many training software for e-sports players. For example, there
was the software for practicing speed. After it was started, English letters would randomly
appear on the screen. The speed at which the letters appeared could be adjusted.The
fingers had to quickly press the right letter after seeing it to eliminate the letter, otherwise
it would be game over.
The walking software had a variety of random labyrinth maps. Some had cliffs which would
cause the players to fall to their deaths if they were even slightly careless, which tested the
player’s psychological quality and movement operations. There was also a software to
practice skills. The player could freely choose a race and class in the initial interface then
enter a single player instance to challenge a boss. This allowed them to become familiar
with the gameplay of different classes.
Gu Siming was very familiar with these training softwares and Zhuo Hang showed no
curiosity at all. Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang looked excited because this was their first contact
with the software.
In the morning, everyone trained according to the captain’s arrangements and no tiredness
could be seen on their faces.
This lasted until the afternoon when Li Cangyu looked over the training videos and
frowned. “Xiao Han, your hand speed training is not qualified. Change it to 400 keystrokes
per minute and then re-train for one hour.”
Xiao Han lowered his head and replied, “Oh…”
“Xiao Li, it took you too long to play the boss. Practice again for two hours.”
Li Xiaojiang made a mistake and hung his head. “I, I know.”
“Xiao Zhuo, there were five mistakes that occurred 10 times during your movement
training. The error rate is too high. Do it again!”
Zhuo Hang also lowered his head. “Okay.”
The only one not trained was Gu Siming. He had trained in the Dragon Song camp for half a
year and his foundation was relatively solid. He was happily thinking he was passed over
when Li Cangyu came to him. “Xiao Gu, did you master the white magician’s skills?”
Gu Siming was embarrassed. “Er…I’m not very familiar with them.”
Li Cangyu ordered, “Open an account in the arena. Once your winning rate is more than
95%, come and report to me.”
Gu Siming also hung his head. “Yes, I know…”
Bai Xuan looked at the four youths who had lowered heads and couldn’t help smiling. He
went up to Li Cangyu and whispered, “Aren’t you afraid your requests are too strict?”
Li Cangyu helplessly shrugged. “There is no other way. The time is tight and I must increase
their training intensity.”
Xiao Han sat in front of the computer and adjusted the hand speed to 400 according to
Master’s instructions. It was very difficult.
His usual steady hand speed was 350/min. It was slightly higher when unleashing an
outbreak of attacks. Now he adjusted the hand speed to 400/min, which was equivalent to
pressing six to seven keys in one second. It could be imagined how fast the fingers needed
to be.
He had been pressing the keys for less than half an hour when he felt his fingers becoming
very tired.
He saw the words ‘game over’ appear on the screen and wanted to take a short break.
However, he turned back and saw Master looking sharply at him. Xiao Han immediately
shrank back, straightened his back and continued with the training software.
Li Xiaojiang was even more miserable. He originally had a slow nature and his hand speed
was naturally the slowest in the whole team. If he faced a boss alone, he was often chased
by the boss and couldn’t cast his skills. He could only rely on using the terrain, making it
difficult for him to end the battle in 10 minutes like the captain said.
It took him more than 15 minutes to kill the boss. Li Xiaojiang was discouraged and gritted
his teeth while staring at the computer. He obviously didn’t know what to do. Bai Xuan
smiled and reassured him. “Don’t worry, concentrate slowly.”
Li Xiaojiang took a deep breath, focused on the computer screen and placed his fingers on
the keyboard again.
The big-headed Zhuo Hang was also suffering.
Cat God found a particularly complicated map for him. There were many cliffs and the road
was as narrow as steel wire. If his fingers shook even a little bit then he would fall into. He
only moved 20 metres when he fell down.
Zhuo Hang really wanted to remove the key caps on the keyboard one by one.
Xie Shurong saw his depressed expression and couldn’t help laughing. “Fierce hunter,
quickly get up and continue.”
Zhuo Hang endured the impulse to hit the wall and spoke into Xie Shurong’s ears. “Brother
Tree, do you have a special method?”
Xie Shurong stated, “Practice makes perfect.”
“…” You should’ve just not said anything!
Zhuo Hang nodded in a depressed manner. “I’ll try again…”
Gu Siming opened a white magician account to PK with people in the arena. Cat God gave
him the task of achieving a 95% winning rate i.e. he had to win at least 95 games out of 100.
The result was that he met several masters just after he started and lost three games in a
row, making Gu Siming depressed.
He didn’t know that Uncle Zhang, sitting opposite him, was stealing his wins. Yes, the three
games that Gu Siming lost were all Zhang Jueming’s accounts playing with him. He was the
owner of a leveling studio and had a basket of accounts in his hand.
Zhang Jueming’s state wasn’t as good as the past but he had a large amount of experience.
His understanding of Miracle was more thorough than Xiao Gu. In addition, Xiao Gu wasn’t
familiar with a white magician while Zhang Jueming was a white magician. It was natural
that Gu Siming couldn’t fight back in these three matches.
He lost three rounds so reaching a 95% winning rate was even more difficult. Gu Siming
suddenly felt pressure that was as heavy as a mountain.
The afternoon training was particularly difficult. The excitement of the four teenagers had
already disappeared.
At 5 o’clock when the training ended, Li Cangyu received the videos of the four people and
they naturally all failed.
Li Cangyu had a solemn expression as he stated, “You all failed. Stay and train for another
The four people hung their heads. “Yes…”
Their faces were pathetic.
Bai Xuan had a soft heart but he knew that Li Cangyu was acting like a captain towards the
young children. He found it hard to meddle and said, “Then shall we go to dinner first?”
Li Cangyu said, “Then let’s go.”
Bai Xuan, A’Shu and Old Zhang went to dinner first while Li Cangyu stayed to supervise the
One hour felt longer than a century, especially when everyone was hungry. Zhuo Hang
particularly wanted to protest. ‘Cat God, it is illegal for you to abuse minors like this! I want
to eat, I’m so hungry!’ He was so tired and dizzy that he couldn’t see what was on the
computer and… fell to his death.
Xiao Han was also angry but he had a stubborn personality. He was angry but insisted on
continuing to tap on the keyboard.
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes were wet and he was almost crying. Obviously, one afternoon of practice
had made him very depressed. His lips were bitten until they cracked and he looked very
pitiful as his stomach growled.
Xiao Gu’s state was relatively good. After all, he was a little madman who wasn’t afraid of
staying up all night. He was just depressed from losing in the arena during the afternoon
and it was like dark clouds were floating above his head.
Li Cangyu supervised them for another hour before mercifully letting them go. “Okay, go
eat dinner.”
The four youths immediately jumped up and rushed to the canteen.
They spent all afternoon training and were dizzy from hunger. The four people rushed to
get a plate full of food and stuffed things into their mouths. They didn’t care about anything
Li Cangyu watched the young teenagers sitting together while eating and couldn’t help
‘Do you see what I am capable of? Don’t worry, this is just the beginning.’
In the next training session, Li Cangyu made them work overtime again. They gradually
became used to eating dinner at 6 o’clock.
It was only one extra hour a day but once this accumulated, Li Cangyu believed that it
would certainly be effective.
One week of training passed and it was finally the weekend. Li Cangyu mercifully gave
everyone a day off.
That night, Li Cangyu called everyone together to open a ‘symposium.’
Several people sat in the living room and Li Cangyu asked softly, “How do you feel about
this week’s training?”
All four lowered their heads and didn’t speak.
Li Yunyu said, “Didn’t you say you could hold on? How is it? Do you feel very tired?”
The four men’s heads hung lower and they wanted to bury their heads in their chests.
“The daily training of other teams is the same as what I arranged for you. I repeated the
same operations every day, tapping on the keyboard from morning until night. The life of a
professional player is actually very boring.” Li Cangyu paused and his tone became serious.
“It is practicing basic operations like this that you won’t make mistakes on the field. One
minute on the stage, 10 years under the stage, do you understand this principle?”
“Yes.” The four young men nodded.
Li Cangyu smiled. “Come and talk to me about your feelings. Xiao Gu first.”
Xiao Gu replied positively. “My white magician’s winning rate has reached 90%. I will be
able to complete the task next week. Then I will change to a black magician to play the
Xiao Han went on to say, “I feel there is some improvement in my hand speed. It used to be
around 350 and now I estimate it to be around 380. The goal of 400 hand speed will be
completed soon.”
Zhuo Hang said, “Cough, I walked 50 metres in the maze. I am 50 metres from the finish line
so I will continue to work hard, Cat God!”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was red and he spoke in a very embarrassed manner. “I, I, I am still very
slow playing the boss. I will speed up.”
Li Cangyu’s eyes swept over the four teenagers and found that they were staring at him
with shining eyes. He couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t be discouraged. The high-intensity
training tasks I have arranged are tailor-made for you. Once this stage’s training is over,
you will look back and find that your level has improved.”
The four immediately replied in unison. “Yes!”
Bai Xuan also came to Li Cangyu’s dormitory to join in on the fun. He found the four
teenagers sitting side by side on the sofa while listening to Cat God. Their tired and
annoyed expressions were gone, replaced by confidence…
He knew that Li Cangyu’s way of dealing with the players was to abuse them before holding
them up to raise their confidence. Under Li Cangyu’s training, their psychological state
would be very strong.
However, they were young and this week’s training put them under too much pressure.
Some people had dark circles under their eyes, which was distressing for Bai Xuan to see.
Bai Xuan headed to the refrigerator to take out some fruit and cut it, saying, “We should
relax this weekend. Eat some fruit.”
The four teenagers looked at Li Cangyu, who waved his hand. “Eat.”
It was as if they heard an imperial decree. Everyone immediately grabbed the fruit to eat. Li
Xiaojiang had the slowest movements and half the plate was empty before he could grab
anything. Li Xiaojiang stared with a dazed expression and Bai Xuan handed an apple to him.
Bai Xuan sat on the sofa and looked at Li Cangyu. “I saw a message on the internet today.
The large-scale update for the Miracle national server will start on Monday. In addition to
the skills adjustment of some classes, the biggest update will be to the arena. The points in
the arena will be reset to 0 and the rules will change to those of the new competition rules.”
Li Cangyu speculated, “It seems that the officials plan to release the new system in advance,
allowing players and netizens to familiarize themselves with it.”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan asked, “What are you going to do? Should we team up to play the arena?”
Li Cangyu looked at the young children eavesdropping while eating fruit and grinned. “Of
course we will go. The arena update means many teams will be using side accounts to test
the waters. How can our Canglan team be lacking?”

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GLS: Chapter 106

Chapter 106 – Arena Encounters

On Monday, the Miracle official website released an announcement that all world servers
would be shut down for a full update. The key to this update was the change in arena rules
and the expansion of the equipment library.
Old players selected their equipment before entering the map and couldn’t change it. The
new system allowed players to buy equipment in the battlefield store in the middle of the
match, increasing the number of variables and allowing more flexible tactical designs.
Li Cangyu carefully studied the information published on the official website. This
professional equipment expansion was the largest in the seven years since Miracle opened
and the data was dazzling.
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the Miracle server in China opened.
In less than five minutes, all regional servers were full. This showed that the update
attracted countless new and old players. The official emergency team added 10 server
lines, doubling the number of players in the cross-server arena.
Li Cangyu asked Uncle Zhang to prepare a batch of side accounts to play the arena
The new update cleared all arena points, meaning those who previously hit the diamond or
king rank had to regain the points from scratch. In addition to the previous 6v6 team mode,
the arena added a new 2v2 arena mode, both of which could be used to accumulate points.
The team battle was more complex and winning gave 10 points. The partner arena mode
was simpler and only gave 2 points for winning. Their scores might accumulate slower but
this mode was very beneficial for Li Cangyu to train his team members. There happened to
be four old and four new players in the Canglan team. Li Cangyu arranged the youngsters
with their respective masters and everyone entered the partner mode in the arena
The bronze qualifying section were for those with less than 1,000 points. Apart from
masters who were starting from scratch, most of them were novices and rookies. Li Cangyu
played the 2v2 mode with Xiao Han and Xiao Han alone could kill two people easily. Most
people were handled in one minute battles and they won more 50 games in an hour.
Li Cangyu was very confident in Xiao Han. Therefore, he acted as a soy sauce and let Xiao
Han play alone.
To his surprise, once the pair won their 60th match, XIao Han was actually killed by the
opposing archer.
What was this situation?
Li Cangyu saw the prompt that Xiao Han had been killed appear on the screen and
immediately moved behind a stone pillar in the ring. His mouse clocked on the upper right
corner to view the battle record. It turned out that Xiao Han had been controlled by the
opposite side’s white magician, who used God’s Seal. Then the archer followed up with a set
of critical damage, killing Xiao Han.
The matching rule for the arena was generally ‘matching similar levels together.’ He and
Xiao Han won 60 games in a row and the system matched them with opponents who also
won more than 60 matches.
Were they Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling and he typed in the public channel: [Cheng Wei?]
Cheng Wei was startled and typed: [Hey? You know me? An elf summoner, are you Cat
Li Cangyu: [Yes.]
Cheng Wei excitedly slipped into the central fountain.
Tan Shitian, “…”
Li Cangyu wondered: [Did you also come to play the qualifiers?]
Cheng Wei quickly typed: [Yes! Haven’t the rules changed? The single player mode is
cancelled and it has become combination VS combination. Captain Tan and I came to
practice our combination in the online game!]
This was equivalent to exposing the combination tactics of the Time team in advance but…
he didn’t reveal anything. Everyone knew that the Time team’s Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian
would definitely come as a duo.
Tan Shitian asked politely: [Cat God, are you with a teammate?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Yes, I’m taking my apprentice.]
Cheng Wei remembered the mixed-race child he met in New York and couldn’t help typing
jealousy: [Xiao Han, you are just lying there. You’re dragging Cat God down!]
Xiao Han didn’t understand why Cheng Wei was so hostile to him and spoke in a somewhat
puzzled manner: [I couldn’t react in time.]
Li Cangyu smiled and said: [I will let you have this game.]
In fact, he couldn’t help it since Xiao Han died. Li Cangyu might have confidence but even he
would find 1v2 hard against the ace combination of Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei.
It was better to die quickly and move to the next game. After all, it was just a promotion
match and there was no need to waste time.
Cheng Wei was thrilled. [Thank you Cat God! Tan Shitian, you stay still. I want to kill Cat
Tan Shitian: […Okay.]
Li Cangyu stood still and let Cheng Wei kill him. Cheng Wei was very happy about
personally killing Cat God and sent a row of hugging emojis.
The score for this match was quickly calculated on the screen. Tan and Cheng won 61
rounds in a row and got a lot of bonus points. Li Cangyu and Xiao Han lost and had two
points deducted by the system.
After exiting the room, Tan Shitian took the initiative to add Li Cangyu’s side account as a
friend and asked: [Cat God, have you assembled your team?]
[Yes, I’ve just assembled it.]
[Then refuel with your apprentice.] Tan Shitian smiled and said: [I will take Xiao Wei to
continue to upgrade.]
[Go ahead!]
Li Cangyu bid farewell to Tan and Cheng before turning back to Xiao Han. “We have a 60
winning streak and are likely to meet more masters. Cheer up and play well.
Xiao Han, “…”
‘I’ve been playing well the whole time. You are the one idling, Master!’
Xiao Han saw Li Cangyu’s serious expression and didn’t dare say it. He just nodded in
The new rules had been updated today. Many guild management and passersby filled the
arena. There were many combinations with a 60 winning streak, making it not that easy to
encounter Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei.
Only, Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing at the names of their accounts—Only Soy Milk and
Progress Day by Day, what were these messy names? They weren’t as creative as his own
‘Fish Farming Professional’!
In the next few rounds, Li Cangyu didn’t meet any professional players. Most of the online
masters were jointly handled by him and Xiao Han. An afternoon of playing the arena
passed. The mentor and apprentice scored too quickly and quickly advanced to the silver
At dinner time, everyone gathered in the dining hall to eat. The faces of the teenagers were
bright. They joined with a great god and the speed of their upgrade was very fast!
Gu Suming excitedly cried out, “Go back and play at night. I want to rise to the diamond
group in one breath today!”
Zhang Jueming patted him on the head and said, “Don’t dream about it. We need 5,000
points to rise from silver to gold and then 15,000 points to rise to diamond. At our current
speed, it will take at least one week.”
Gu Siming calmed down and scratched his head. “I was just thinking about it.”
Zhuo Hang wondered, “Isn’t getting to diamond in one week fast enough? It took me one
month to rise to diamond.”
Xiao Han echoed him, “I also spent one month.”
Li Xiaojiang stammered, “Me, me too.”
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “Since you are so interested in raising your rating, return to
your dorm and continue to play the arena. However, you must go to bed before midnight.”
The group cheered. Apparently, they were very fond of the pairs arena mode of the new
Li Cangyu returned to his dormitory and took a shower. Then he logged into the game and
opened his Q account.
There were thousands of unread messages in the Miracle Gossip Group. He opened it and
saw that all the professional players of the major teams were discussing the new system.
Cheng Wei was saying: [@Grey Wolf, why don’t you go to the group battle? All of you are
running to play the pairs mode!]
Su Guangmo said: [The pairs mode can accumulate scores quickly. A group battle will take
more than 20 minutes. It isn’t too late to wait until the diamond section and then do the
team battles.]
Cheng Wei sent a row of vomiting blood emojis.
Su Guangmo smiled: [If you lose to us, you will vomit blood. There are still many bosses in
the future.]
Cheng Wei was surprised. [Who else?]
Su Guangmo replied: [Wind Colour’s Yan Guo combination and the Red Fox’s two sisters, I
have met these two groups.]
Tan Shitian came forward to say: [It is estimated that the major teams will have people
playing the pairs mode. After all, upgrading in the pairs mode is fast and the rules of the
group battle haven’t been studied clearly. The group battle can be tried out after reaching
diamond rank.]
Su Guangmo agreed. [This is the truth.]
The just mentioned Yan Ruiwen also spoke up: [There are three groups from Wind Colour
in the pairs arena. Captain Ling is also there.]
Li Cangyu temporarily shut down the Q group and headed to the cross-server arena. Then
he sent a private chat to Xiao Han: [Continue doing the arena.]
Xiao Han immediately replied: [Okay Master.]
The mentor and apprentice joined the cross-server arena’s qualifying list. The new rules
had just been updated and everyone’s points had been cleared. It was obvious that no
rookies would’ve rushed to the silver rank in one afternoon. The probability of
encountering masters would naturally be greater than before.
Li Cangyu thought about which professional players he would encounter next. As soon as
the map was loaded, he saw the combination of a demon summoner and a blood kin
The ID of the demon summoner was Wooden Wind.
Li Cangyu was startled and sent a message in the public channel: [Ling Xuefeng?]
Wooden Wind: […] (TL: Wooden Wind= Mu Feng)
This guy’s ID was even less creative and he used the ‘feng’ part of his name. It was simply
too obvious. As for the blood kin summoner called ‘Side Account Name is Difficult to
Decide’, they were either Xu Feifan or Qin Mo.
[Is the other person Qin Mo or Xiao Xu?]
Side Account Name is Difficult to Decide immediately typed: [Cat God is well. I am Qin Mo.]
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. [Xuefeng, are you also taking your apprentice along?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Yes, I wanted to try out the pairs arena.]
Li Cangyu asked: [Let me win this game?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Why should I let you win?]
Li Cangyu: [The 10 steamed bass you owe me will be decreased by one.]
Ling Xuefeng: […When did I owe you 10?]
Li Cangyu: [Your Steamed Bass account was an undercover in my guild for so long. 10 is
Ling Xuefeng helplessly smiled and typed: [Fine.]
Qin Mo, “…”
Master, wasn’t this the arena?
Shouldn’t there be an earth-shattering confrontation between gods instead of discussing
fish like this?
Moreover, Master agreed with whatever Cat God said. Every time Master met Cat God, he
will throw all principles away.
He was scolding in his heart when a friends application popped up. It was sent by Li
Cangyu. Qin Mo accepted and the other person immediately sent him a private message:
[Xiao Qin, how is the task I assigned to you?]
Qin Mo immediately replied: [I checked. Master shouldn’t have a girlfriend. When the Wind
Colour team was on holiday, he went to Beijing for a meeting. After the meeting, he
returned to Shanghai and according to the Wind Colour Guild’s president, he stayed in the
team for half a month and never went out on a date.]
Li Cangyu nodded with satisfaction. [Very good.]
Qin Mo was puzzled: [Cat God, why are you asking this? Do you want to introduce a
girlfriend to Master?]
Li Cangyu said: [The secret can’t be revealed!]
Meanwhile, he was thinking in his heart, ‘You are too naive. I don’t want to introduce a
girlfriend to your master. I am trying to gain your master as my wife.’

The author has something to say:

[April Fool’s Day small theater]
On April 1st, Li Cangyu took the initiative to tell Ling Xuefeng, “Xuefeng, I really like you.
Become my wife.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded calmly. “Okay.”
That night, Li Cangyu happily threw Ling Xuefeng down. He wanted to do that to Captain
Ling when there was suddenly a reversal. He was stripped, eaten dry and then cleaned…
The next morning, Li Cangyu rubbed his sore waist and cried out angrily, “Didn’t you agree
to be my wife?”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and kissed him gently. “You shouldn’t believe anything you hear on
April Fool’s Day.”
Li Cangyu, “…”

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access to any chapters I have completed.
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GLS: Chapter 107

Chapter 107 – Pairs Arena Battle

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng encountered each other in the arena qualifiers. They chatted
for three minutes without doing any actions, causing the system to give them a warning.
[Don’t be passive in the game or the online account will be sealed.]
Qin Mo was speechless. The two of them chatted so much that the system had to give a
In order to prevent some people from holding up their opponents in the arena, three
minutes of no action would be regarded negatively and the system would give a warning.
After the warning, the account would be sealed.
Li Cangyu saw this warning and moved the Fish Farming Professional a few steps forward.
He operated his elf summoner while typing on the public screen: [Xiao Han, Qin Mo, the
two of you fight.]
Ling Xuefeng agreed with this. [Okay.]
Xiao Han wondered, “Master, you aren’t going to fight?”
Li Cangyu thought, ‘I rarely see Ling Xuefeng in the arena and naturally want to chat with
him. How can we fight when we’ve just met? It is good to leave the fighting to the
apprentices while the masters have an emotional exchange.’
“I will watch.” Li Cangyu stated decisively. “Come, let me see if you have improved
Xiao Han stepped forward and started to PK with Qin Mo.
This wasn’t the first time he fought with Qin Mo. In the beginning, he didn’t have any
experience facing a blood kin summoner and was often killed by Qin Mo. Sometimes he
wouldn’t even last half a minute. Later, he had a long training period with Qin Mo and
gradually discovered the way to deal with Qin Mo. Now Xiao Han found that it wasn’t as
hard to play against Qin Mo.
This time, Xiao Han was very active. He entered stealth and looked for opportunities. Once
Qin Mo summoned four blood kin pets to suppress him, he calmly bypassed the pets’
encirclement and came to Qin Mo’s back. His daggers fell and the crit directly reduced Qin
Mo’s blood by 15%.
Qin Mo wasn’t anxious. After Xiao Han appeared, he quickly summoned his death knight to
resist the next wave of damage. At the same time, he had his blood spider return and fix
Xiao Han’s body in place while he quickly retreated. The blood snake also tangled around
Xiao Han and used the blood-sucking effect, so that Qin Mo’s blood volume instantly
surpassed Xiao Han’s blood.
Li Cangyu saw that their two apprentices were starting to fight seriously and sent a private
message to Ling Xuefeng: [I heard you are still staying with the team?]
He naturally just heard this from Qin Mo.
Ling Xuefeng said: [Yes.]
Li Cangyu was concerned: [Aren’t you going home for the holidays?]
[There are some things in the team that I need to deal with. I will go home for the Spring
Festival.] Ling Xuefeng paused before asking: [What about things on your side?]
[It is well. I’ve gathered eight people.] Li Cangyu explained: [Your method really worked. I
opened my identity and recruited for the team. Someone voluntarily came to the door to
recommend himself. He is an elf hunter and very talented. Thus, I accepted him.]
[That’s not bad.] Ling Xuefeng asked: [Are you busy with training your teammates?]
[Yes, many new people on my team haven’t played competitively. They haven’t been
systematically trained and need to start from scratch.] Li Cangyu spoke emotionally:
[Thanks to this group of youngsters, I feel like a father rather than a captain.]
[You should pay attention to your rest and don’t work too hard.] Ling Xuefeng typed.
Li Cangyu was startled. Was Ling Xuefeng caring about him? This was concern, wasn’t it?
Li Cangyu felt a ripple in his heart. If it wasn’t for the computer, he would pounce on Ling
Xuefeng and kiss him, saying, “I’m not working hard. You also shouldn’t work too hard.”
The captain staying behind while on holiday, this was really too dedicated.
The two people operated their accounts in the game while chatting. Five minutes passed
and they saw a prompt on the screen: [Side Account Name is Difficult to Decide has killed
Wintry Twelfth Lunar Month.
They looked back and found that Xiao Han had fallen while surrounded by blood kin pets
while Qin Mo’s blood volume was at 20%.
Ling Xuefeng opened the battle panel and read the records. Qin Mo relied on the blood
snake and vampire bats’ big moves to instantly kill Xiao Han. Xiao Han was able to fight
with Qin Mo for five minutes, showing the rapid progress he was making under the
guidance of Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu turned back to Xiao Han and praised him. “You played well.”
Xiao Han lost but Qin Mo was the winner of the sixth season’s Best Newcomer Award. The
team’s systematic training and arena experience allowed Xiao Han to last for five minutes.
Li Cangyu was already satisfied with this.
Resurrection wasn’t allowed in the arena. Xiao Han lay on the ground and typed in the area
channel: [Master, what should we do about this round?]
Li Cangyu said: [Of course we will win. Xuefeng, stand still. I will kill you okay?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Okay.]
Qin Mo, “…”
Qin Mo wanted to vomit up three litres of blood. He managed to win against Xiao Han and
as a result, Master completely disregarded his principles and gave the game to Cat God. As
the person at the bottom of the food chain, Qin Mo felt that he should directly concede to
Cat God in the future!
Li Cangyu happily used a set of moves to kill Ling Xuefeng.
Qin Mo also didn’t move as he let Cat God kill him. Li Cangyu saw the word ‘victory’ on his
screen and was naturally in a good mood. He typed: [Thank you. [Kiss][Kiss].]
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han was puzzled. “Master, did you send the wrong emoji?”
Li Cangyu thought, ‘Fool, your master is sending this to Ling Xuefeng, not Qin Mo.’
However, Captain Ling seemed quite calm and he replied with: [You’re welcome.]
Li Cangyu imagined the man’s handsome and abstinent face and suddenly had an itchy
feeling. He wanted to hold this man like in the New York hospital and see a different
expression on his face.
They exited from the arena and Li Cangyu smoothly added Ling Xuefeng’s side account as a
He saw Xiao Han beside him and couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Han, you team up with Qin Mo.”
The teenager sitting beside him looked surprised. “Master, why should I group up with Qin
Li Cangyu explained seriously, “You and Qin Mo should play the pairs arena. Cooperating
with a blood kin summoner is very good for gaining more ideas.”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes!”
At the same time. Ling Xuefeng sent Qin Mo a private chat message: [You go with Xiao Han
to play the qualifiers.]
Qin Mo was surprised but he habitually obeyed his master’s orders and had to reply:
Thus, the two small apprentices (small lightbulbs) were grouped together.
Li Cangyu privately sent to Ling Xuefeng: [The children are playing on their own. How
about we team up?]
Ling Xuefeng: [Yes.]
The two connected hearts formed a pairs team and joined the qualifiers.
As a result, the system seemed to be incompatible with them. The first match was actually
against Xiao Han and Qin Mo!
The four people once again entered the arena.
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han, “…”
‘Master, are you so good? Driving away your apprentice by saying that teaming up with a
different class can open new ideas. In fact, the most fundamental reason is for the both of
you to team up together, right?’
Xiao Han suddenly felt as if he realized something.
Li Cangyu saw the familiar ‘Side Account Name is Difficult to Decide’ and ‘Wintry Twelfth
Lunar Month’. He was a bit embarrassed but he still typed seriously: [You don’t have a
master with you. You have to try your best and see how many games you can win with your
level. Come back and report to me later.]
Xiao Han: [Yes.]
Qin Mo: [Yes.]
Ling Xuefeng: [You aren’t allowed to give up this game. Fight well.]
Xiao Han: [Oh.]
Qin Mo: [Yes.]
The two apprentices were tossed by their masters and didn’t know what to say.
Ling Xuefeng told them to fight well but actually… he joined forces with Li Cangyu and
killed Qin Mo and Xiao Han in one minute.
The two apprentices lay on the ground with dazed expressions.
Li Cangyu typed: [Look at you, fool and fool. You don’t know how to cooperate with each
other. Quickly go and practice.]
Ling Xuefeng also echoed his words: [Qin Mo, bring Xiao Han with you. Try to cooperate
with a melee. This is also a good experience for you.]
The two apprentices, “…”
‘Making us fight each other while the two of you are chatting next to each other.
After a while, you let us team up and cooperate with each other, while the two of you go off
The pressure was really too big as their apprentices.

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GLS: Chapter 108

Chapter 108 – Boss Combination

After being ruthlessly abused by their masters, Qin Mo and Xiao Han entered the qualifiers
list again. The result was that they encountered Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei. They were
once again killed without the power to fight back.
Previously, their masters brought them to victory. Now they teamed up and lost.
The depressed Qin Mo typed to Xiao Han: [Can you not be so anxious? Why don’t you wait
for me to summon a pet before acting?]
Xiao Han replied: [This is how I played with Master before.]
Qin Mo wanted to cough up blood. How could he be on the same level of Xiao Han’s master?
Cat God could interact with anyone instantly. Did Qin Mo need to reflect on how to summon
Xiao Han asked tentatively: [Should I slow down next time?]
Qin Mo frowned. [I’m not telling you to slow down!]
Xiao Han was even more confused. [Then should I act faster?]
[It isn’t a problem of speed. It is the cooperation. You have to cooperate with me, do you
understand?] Qin Mo had a headache. [It is hard to communicate with you.]
Xiao Han replied honestly: [I grew up abroad and my Chinese is at primary school level.
Should we use English?]
Qin Mo: […Forget it.]
His English was at the primary school level.
The two people bickered while continuing to play the qualifiers. After losing several games
in a row, they finally matched with less powerful opponents and won the game in a thrilling
way. Qin Mo suddenly found that he was even happier than when he got the trophy. It was
too difficult to win with the rookie Xiao Han and really gave him a sense of
In contrast to their two apprentices who kept losing, the combination of Li Cangyu and Ling
Xuefeng was invincible. In just half an hour, they won 10 games in a row.
After the major update to the arena, everyone’s points were cleared and the fastest ones to
rise in the arena were playing in this group. There were almost no weak players in the
silver rank. 80% were the management of the major guilds, 10% were randoms in the
online game and 10% were the side accounts of professional players.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s winning streak was too high. The system kept matching them
with the side accounts of professional players.
On the 21st match of their winning streak, they met Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei.
This time Li Cangyu didn’t give up and cooperated with Ling Xuefeng instead. Ling Xuefeng
controlled Tan Shitian at the beginning of the game and Li Cangyu let out a burst of hand
speed to kill Cheng Wei. Then the two people teamed up to kill Captain Tan.
Cheng Wei was dazed from the beginning. He thought that Cat God would chat like last
time. The result was that he was instantly killed by Cat God while Captain Time was killed
by Wooden Wind. Cheng Wei asked doubtfully: [Cat God, is this demon summoner part of
your team?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Yes, isn’t he amazing?]
Cheng Wei sent a row of thumbs up. [He is really amazing!]
Tan Shitian smiled helplessly. If Cheng Wei was next to him then he would rub this idiot’s
head hard. However, it was the holidays and Cheng Wei went home. Tan Shitian had to
send Cheng Wei a private chat message: [This person is obviously Ling Xuefeng. Can’t you
recognize him?]
Cheng Wei was shocked. [How can that be? Ling Xuefeng is playing with Cat God? They
aren’t teammates.]
Tan Shitian smiled and said: [One day you will understand.]
Cheng Wei was dying with curiosity. [What is it? Don’t leave me on tenterhooks. Just tell
Tan Shitian: [I won’t tell you.]
Cheng Wei: [Do you want me to add you to the blacklist?]
Tan Shitian sent a smiling emoji. [Are you willing?]
Cheng Wei’s hairs stood up. [Tan Shitian, die!]
He was too excited and ended up sending this message to the public chat. Li Cangyu
wondered: [Xiao Wei, you only lost. Why are you scolding Captain Tan?]
Cheng Wei blushed because he typed in the wrong channel. Tan Shitian laughed so hard
that he got a stomachache. This emotional cat typed in the wrong channel and was seen by
Cat God. Wouldn’t the kitten want to slam into the wall?
Tan Shitian sent him a patting head emoji and said: [Okay, don’t be angry. Let’s continue to
Cheng Weis send a row of knives and reluctantly followed Tan Shitian to continue the
The Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng combination reached a 21 winning streak.
Li Cangyu asked thoughtfully: [Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?]
Ling Xuefeng sent back: [I’m not tired.]
Li Cangyu: [Do you want to continue?]
The two of them once again joined the pairs qualifiers and found they were matched with a
terran swordsman and terran berserker.
[It is Su Yu.] Ling Xuefeng typed in the private chat.
[Are you sure?] Li Cangyu asked.
[Sword of Judgment is Su Guangmo’s side account and Quiet Berserker is Yu Pingsheng’s
side account. It should be right.]
[It seems that our winning rate is too high and the system is matching us with professional
[I haven’t played with Yu Pingsheng yet. I will control him while you deal with Su
[Okay.] Ling Xuefeng decisively responded.
Su Guangmo didn’t know the identities of the opponents but according to the principle of
the system matching, the winners of so many games would definitely be masters. Su
Guangmo thought about it and turned back to his younger brother. “These two people
aren’t simple. Be careful. I suspect that this Wooden Wind is Ling Xuefeng.”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to talk. He just nodded to show his understanding.
The match soon started.
The map for the pairs arena was randomly selected by the system. The map for this game
was the simple ‘Zeya Square’ which was similar to the City Square map used in the 3v3
Carnival event. However, there were six statues in the middle of the city square and four
stone pillars in the southeast and northwest.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng appeared in the southeast direction. The two of them moved
quickly and hid behind the stones pillars in the southeast, taking positions where they
could take care of each other.
Su Yu were two melees. They just came behind a stone pillar when they happened to see
the elf summoner. Su Guangmo didn’t hurry forward and carefully maintained a distance.
In the absence of the demon summoner, rushing was likely to make him fall into a trap.
However, Li Cangyu knew the details of the other side and played very actively. Once he
saw them come over, he immediately summoned his water spirit to freeze Yu Pingsheng’s
berserker and then had his fire spirit quickly hit Yu Pingsheng with Fireball.
Su Guangmo’s reaction was also very fast. The moment that he saw his brother being
frozen, he turned and killed the water spirit with two ordinary attacks before turning to the
fire spirit.
At this moment, Ling Xuefeng saw Su Guangmo enter his attack range and summoned the
demon banshee, accurately using Charm to pull Su Guangmo to him.
The match was divided into 1v1 and Li Cangyu started to concentrate on handling Yu
Yu Pingsheng was introverted and walked around quietly like a ghost. His berserker
gameplay was the opposite of his personality. It was fierce and violent.
Once the freezing effect was lifted, the huge axe in his hand suddenly raised and cut
straight down at where Li Cangyu was standing. It cut through all obstacles in the way!
Splitting Bone Chop!
The golden axe cut through the air and created a deep crater in the ground. At the same
time, the weak summoner lost 20% blood!
This was the attack power of the league’s first ranked berserker. Once he raised his axe to
chop at a fragile remote, it was simple frightening.
Li Cangyu was stunned but his fingers pressed firmly on the keyboard. He called the
thunder spirit and used Thunder’s Wrath to even out the blood. Then he used Flying
Feather Steps to quickly move away and summoned his wind spirit.
Yu Pingsheng saw the opponent widening the distance and immediately pursued with the
charging skill ‘Circle Around Three Chops.’ This skill had the shortest cooldown time of the
berserker’s movement skills. It allowed the berserker to rush three times in a certain
direction while attacking three times. The attacks could also change direction in the
process of the charge, making it very flexible.
Yu Pingsheng was obviously very skilled with this skill. He immediately caught up to Li
Cangyu but Li Cangyu’s wind spirit was waiting. Storm Fury!
There was a gust of wind and Yu Pingsheng was immediately blown back 10 metres.
It was hard to catch up with the summoner only to end up being blown away 10 metres by
wind. Li Cangyu’s move was equivalent to directly abolishing Yu Pingsheng’s best chasing
The wind spirit was Li Cangyu’s most powerful and flexible pet.
Yu Pingsheng couldn’t help being surprised after being hit and asked Su Guangmo, “Is this
Cat God?”
In fact, Su Guangmo had some doubts at the beginning. The ID of Fish Farming Professional
really made people think of a person who likes to eat fish. Still, he didn’t dare believe it.
After all, Wooden Wind was Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu weren’t in the same
team so how could they be together?
It wasn’t until the first exchange that he found out… they really teamed up together?
Su Guangmo’s swordsman could tie with Ling Xuefeng’s demon summoner but the
berserker wasn’t as flexible as the swordman. Yu Pingsheng gradually started struggling.
Li Cangyu had a lot of experience playing melee classes. In particular, he flexibly used the
wind spirit, making it hard for Yu Pingsheng to get close to him. He flew around like a kite
and made Yu Pingsheng uncomfortable.
Su Guangmo wanted to help but he was entangled by Ling Xuefeng. The skeleton infantry’s
explosion and the banshee’s Charm. He wasn’t free enough to help his brother.
10 minutes later, Li Cangyu finally killed the berserker and circled around to help Ling
Xuefeng. The two people summoned the skeleton infantry, demon god, thunder spirit, fire
Four types of pets attacking, Su Guangmo’s death was simply unfair!
[Congratulations to Wooden Wind and Fish Farming Professional for winning. The team
has won 22 matches in a row and the qualifying points increased by 50.]
[Sword of Judgment and Quiet Berserker have failed in the qualifying and lost 2 points.]
[About to exit the arena, please confirm.]
Su Guangmo didn’t rush to press the confirmation button and instead typed: [Captain Ling,
Cat God, is it okay for you to team up to abuse people?]
Li Cangyu smiled: [What’s wrong with it? There is no rule that people from different teams
can’t pair up!]
Su Guangmo, “…”
The question was, ‘Do the two of you want to let others live?’
Su Guangmo spat out in his heart.
However, he thought of the many combinations still to be abused and felt psychologically
balanced. He sent a row of thumbs up before withdrawing from the arena with his brother.
The next ones to encounter the boss combination was the Ghost Spirits’ Lou Zhang
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui also set up a team to fight in today’s pairs arena. Zhang
Shaohui was living with his cousin so they were together even on the holiday. The two
computers next to each other in the study allowed for easy communication. The two of
them always had a tacit understanding and maintained a winning streak so far.
Only this time, Lou Wushuang felt something was wrong when he entered the arena.
“This demon summoner and elf summoner, the combination hasn’t been seen in the
league.” Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and said lightly, “They should be Ling
Xuefeng and Li Cangyu.”
Zhang Shaohui made an admiring expression. “Brother, you are so smart! You can actually
guess this!”
“…” Lou Wushuang looked helplessly at his brother. “The IDs are too obvious. Wooden
Wind directly contains the character for ‘Feng’ while the other one is Fish Farming
Professional. Cat God has always been persistent regarding fish.”
Zhang Shaohui suddenly realized. “That’s right!”
Lou Wushuang calmly said, “The combination of these two masters, it is a rare encounter.
Play well.”
“Yes!” Zhang Shaohui immediately responded and entered stealth. Then he moved with his
cousin to find the opposite two people.
Ling Xuefeng saw no one appear for a long time and reacted quickly. [Is it a double blood
kin summoner in stealth mode?]
Li Cangyu asked: [The Lou Zhang brothers?]
Ling Xuefeng nodded. [It is possible.]
He just said this when Lou Wushuang suddenly acted. The sharp blade in his hand raised
and he decisively used Death Mark, Backstab and Fatal Blow! The consecutive moves
directly greeted Li Cangyu’s body!
Zhang Shaohui released the same three moves on Li Cangyu!
The two brothers had a tacit understanding and their assassination ability couldn’t be
underestimated. The combination of moves directly removed half of Li Cangyu’s blood!
Ling Xuefeng immediately summoned his banshee and used Witch Demon’s Curse to pull
the two enemies over!
The rescued Li Cangyu immediately used Flying Feather Steps to widen the distance. At the
same time, he summoned his thunder spirit, fire spirit, water spirit and wind spirit. The
water and wind spirits controlled Lou Wushuang while the thunder and fire spirits
attacked Zhang Shaohui!
Ling Xuefeng also summoned his skeleton infantry to Lou Wushuang’s side and used Death
Imprisonment to confine him.
The two people had just started cooperating today but they had a tacit understanding.
Zhang Shaohui sighed with admiration, “Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu really cooperate well.
Are they actually a team? Why do I feel like they share the same brain when playing
Lou Wushuang also had this feeling. He had cultivated his understanding with his cousin
since childhood but the tacit understanding between Ling and Li could be compared to
Fortunately, Cat and Ling weren’t on the same team or the other teams in the Miracle
League wouldn’t be able to survive.
This match was much harder than the Su Yu combination.
The league’s strongest killers were really difficult to deal with. They would enter stealth
and then pop out for a combo.
The even scarier thing was that the two members would tacitly attack the same opponent.
After two rounds of crits, Li Cangyu only had a bit of blood left. They obviously wanted the
advantage of killing one person.
However, Ling Xuefeng once again saved Li Cangyu at the critical moment. He decisively
used a lot of mana to call the black crows to cover the vision of Lou and Zhang. Li Cangyu
joined hands with Ling Xuefeng to kill Zhang Shaohui.
Lou Wushuang let out a burst of hand speed to kill Cat God but Ling Xuefeng used this
chance to kill Lou Wushuang and the Ling Cat duo won the arena match in a thrilling
[Congratulations to Wooden Wind and Fish Farming Professional for winning. The team
has won 23 matches in a row and the qualifying points increased by 60.]
[Congratulations Wooden Wind and Fish Farming Professional. You have gained enough
points in the silver rank and can advance to the gold rank!]
Zhang Shaohui saw this and couldn’t help sending a thumbs up on the public channel. [The
two of you are really amazing. It is estimated that you are the first pair in the whole
national server to advance to the gold rank!]
Li Cangyu liked the description of ‘first pair’ and sent a smiling emoji. [You are also fast.]
After finishing this match, Li Cangyu sent a private message to Ling Xuefeng. [We have
played for one hour. Shall we take a break?]
[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng would never refuse Cat God’s proposal.
Li Cangyu continued to speak: [How will you arrange this holiday?]
Ling Xuefeng replied: [I plan to go home for Chinese New Year and then return to the team
on the fifth day of the new month. There is a big change in the seventh season so the team
will gather in advance for training.]
Li Cangyu: [I talked to my mother on the phone a few days ago. She told me that she was
going to the United States to visit my father during the Winter holidays. I have to celebrate
the new year on my own.]
Ling Xuefeng asked: [Then? What are you going to do?]
Li Cangyu laughed: [Is it okay if I go to your house for the New Year?]
Ling Xuefeng: […]
Li Cangyu pretended to be pure as he said: [I am just visiting your home as a friend. I will
bring gifts for Auntie and Uncle.]
Ling Xuefeng: […]
If it wasn’t a friend then what did he want to be?
Ling Xuefeng thought of Li Cangyu’s initiative to bring gifts when visiting his parents and
couldn’t help smiling. ‘Li Cangyu, do you know what you are doing? I will only bring my
wife home for Chinese New Year. It won’t be easy if you want to play tricks later!’

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GLS: Chapter 109

Chapter 109 – Holiday Period

In the Miracle Gossip Group, Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help sending a message: [Captain Ling
and Cat God have teamed up to abuse people in the arena. Everyone be careful!]
Su Guangmo, who just lost, immediately came forward: [The boss and boss together is
unscientific. We have to protest.]
Cheng Wei followed: [Protest, protest! Cat God, don’t you want to break up with Captain
Ling and team up with me?]
Li Cangyu wasn’t polite. [You go on your own side.]
Cheng Wei: […[Cry][Cry]]
Tan Shitian smiled and said: [A boss and boss are together. Everyone should directly
surrender when meeting them.]
Su Guangmo: [It makes sense!]
Zhang Shaohui proposed: [Why don’t we also split up and reorganize? Su and Tan, do you
want to try playing the bosses together? Maybe you can win against Ling Cat!]
Su Guangmo hated it. [I don’t want to be with a weak archer.]
Tan Shitian also disliked it. [I hate terran swordsmen the most.]
Su Guangmo sent a handshake emoji. [It is good that we hate each other. I will continue to
play with my younger brother.]
Tan Shitian said: [Xiao Wei, stop talking nonsense in the group. Play seriously.]
Cheng Wei: [Oh! I’m coming.]
The people were chatting with each other when the event protagonist, Ling Xuefeng came
forward: [Cat God, I won’t be able to fight with you for a bit. There is something I have to do
regarding the team.]
Li Cangyu replied: [Okay. Go ahead.]
Onlookers, “…”
What was this situation? The boss combination was breaking up?
Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng went offline and Li Cangyu stopped playing the arena. He turned
around and went to Xiao Han to watch him play.
Xiao Han and Qin Mo had lost several games.
The two of them were used to being carried by their masters and didn’t want to cooperate
with each other. Xiao Han would strike on his own while Qin Mo didn’t take care of Xiao
Han. The two people’s thoughts weren’t synchronized and they were pig teammates to each
other. It was a bit sad.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Han, calculate the cooldown of the pets. When Qin Mo
is preparing a big move, enter stealth and hit the opponent. Then Qin Mo can directly take
away a head.” Xiao Han was guided by his master and immediately nodded. “Yes!”
Previously, he hadn’t cared about Qin Mo and just rushed forward. This time, he looked
back and found that Qin Mo’s blood snake was following. Xiao Han typed a word on the
team channel: [Ready.]
Qin Mo was surprised and soon realized that Xiao Han was giving him a hint.
Sure enough, Xiao Han finished speaking and entered stealth, unleashing a smooth combo
on the opponent to decrease their blood. Qin Mo had the snake bite the opponent and they
worked together to kill the other side.
Xiao Han continued typing on the team channel: [You control the hunter.]
Qin Mo was a bit upset. Why was Xiao Han directing him? He was obviously better than
Xiao Han!
The strange thing was… Qin Mo was used to being at the bottom of the food chain and
unconsciously obeyed. His fingers reacted faster than his brain and he fixed his blood
spider on the hunter according to Xiao Han’s instructions.
Xiao Han said: [Very good!]
The obedient Qin Mo, “…”
The game was won smoothly. Li Cangyu touched his apprentice’s head and said,
“Communicate with Qin Mo when playing the arena. Discuss tactics in the team channel.
Don’t just think in your head. You are teammates now.”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes, I know.”
Li Cangyu got up and left, heading back to sit in front of his computer.
After playing the pairs arena all afternoon, Li Cangyu found that the game system for the
pairs arena hadn’t changed much. It was a random map 2v2 mode. Killing the opponents
would allow the players to win but it was more focused on cooperation than the previous
single player arena.
The key was still the group battle, which needed to be studied carefully.
Li Cangyu opened the officially released database. He carefully reviewed the equipment
from the first page before going to sleep at midnight.
One week later, the eight people of the Canglan team smoothly rose to the diamond rank.
The training mode arranged by Li Cangyu allowed the youngsters to progress quickly. The
four people practiced their PK techniques and had a more comprehensive understanding of
the skills of other classes. They finally became ‘entry-level’ e-sports players.
Yet this is far from enough.
Next, Li Cangyu printed a thick booklet of information and sent it to the four teenagers.
“Spend two hours a day memorizing this data book.”
The four people looked down and found that it was the officially announced equipment
There were dozens of pages of equipment. They had to remember the information and
special effects of each equipment. This was comparable to a university entrance exam’s
review manual! Zhuo Hang couldn’t help protesting, “Cat God, we have to memorize all of
Li Cangyu said seriously, “The rhythm in the game is tight. There won’t be time for you to
slowly look through the information of the equipment. I hope that you can look at the name
and the information will immediately appear in your mind.”
He saw the stunned expressions of the four teenagers and continued saying, “This is the
basic quality of an e-sports professional player. Since we are taking the game as our
occupation, we naturally have to do it seriously.”
Zhuo Hang looked at the thick data booklet and couldn’t help thinking bitterly, ‘Cat God is
too strict! We actually have to recite these equipment from memory!’
From that day on, the four teenagers lived the life of a high school student studying for
entrance exams.
Every morning, the four people would read the equipment book and shake their heads. Li
Cangyu would do a spot check from time to time. The penalty for failure was terrible!
Thanks to this nightmare difficulty training, which including memorizing the equipment
book, hand speed training and playing the arena, time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye,
it was January and Chinese New Year.
This year, the Spring Festival occurred on January 20th. The start of the Miracle second
division was March 1st. Li Cangyu accepted the training results of the four youths and
arranged time for the holidays.
Dragon Song wasn’t a new team. Wu Zewen led his team members to return right after the
Spring Festival. On the Canglan side, Li Cangyu asked everyone to return on the third day
after the new year due to time constraints.
Liu Chuan had someone set up the plane and train tickets for the team members. He didn’t
expect that Li Cangyu booked a ticket for Shanghai instead of returning to his hometown of
Liu Chuan wondered, “Why are you going to Shanghai?”
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “I am going to meet a friend.”
Liu Chuan didn’t have any doubts. He simply let the assistant book the tickets and
reimbursed the costs with the club funds.
On January 18th, players went home to reunite with their loved ones.
Li Cangyu’s parents were abroad so he was going to Ling Xuefeng’s place for the new year.
After arriving at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, Li Cangyu took a taxi directly from the airport
to Ling Xuefeng’s private residence.
Ling Xuefeng was watching a game at home when he heard the ringing of the doorbell. He
got up and opened the door, seeing Li Cangyu standing there with a smile. The two of them
looked at each other before Li Cangyu rushed over to hug Ling Xuefeng. “Long time no see!”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
It was really exciting that the big cat took the initiative to throw himself into Ling Xuefeng’s
Ling Xuefeng hugged him back and spoke in an uncontrollable voice, “I wanted to meet you
at the airport. Why did you arrive so early?”
Li Cangyu explained, “The boss said that an afternoon flight couldn’t be booked so he
bought a ticket for a morning flight. In any case, I know this place and decided to come over
instead of having you pick me up.”
“Okay.” Ling Xuefeng whispered.
He held Li Cangyu who jumped into his arms and felt his heart soften.
Li Cangyu had never been so active before. Even if he actively hugged Ling Xuefeng, he was
always in ‘good friends’ hug mode. However, this time his hug was obviously very tight and
it was different from the past.
When did it start to change?
Ling Xuefeng thought carefully and found that it seemed to be when Li Cangyu’s father was
in the ICU in New York and Ling Xuefeng stayed with Li Cangyu for the whole night. Since
then, Li Cangyu’s attitude changed significantly.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had known each other for many years and Ling Xuefeng
naturally noticed Li Cangyu’s change.
At present, the other person hadn’t confessed and Ling Xuefeng didn’t want to destroy this
warm atmosphere. Besides, he enjoyed Li Cangyu’s initiative. He wanted to see how far the
big cat would take this.
The two people hugged silently for a while. Li Cangyu’s heart was moving eagerly. Ling
Xuefeng had apparently taken a shower not long ago because there was the clean shower
gel fragrance coming from him. This was clearly a cold person but this hug felt
extraordinarily warm and reassuring.
He hugged Ling Xuefeng again and couldn’t control it!
Li Cangyu resisted the urge to kiss Ling Xuefeng and let go. He changed the topic by asking,
“Have you eaten?”
As he spoke, he walked into the house like he was the owner.
Ling Xuefeng brought his luggage into the house and closed the door. “I was waiting for you
to eat together. I’ll make you fish.”
Li Cangyu’s eyes lit up and he immediately headed to the kitchen. “What fish are you
Ling Xuefeng said, “I owe you steamed bass.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Yes, you are really aware! Go ahead and make it. I’m hungry.”
Then he turned and sat on the sofa, waiting to eat fish.
He was outstanding at eating fish but he was a typical kitchen idiot.
He couldn’t cook at all so Li Cangyu consciously didn’t go to the kitchen to mess Ling
Xuefeng up. He even thought happily that it was good to be served by his wife. It was a
blessing that he could find a wife with good cooking skills and good at the game.
Ling Xuefeng was naturally very happy to serve the big cat who loved to eat fish. He went
back to the kitchen to put the processed fish into the pot to be steamed. He set a timer and
then skillfully cut a few vegetables and stir fried them.
Look at this man’s handsome appearance when cooking. The face was obviously indifferent
and abstinent but it inexplicably revealed an intoxicating warmth.
Li Cangyu smelt the fragrance that occasionally came from the kitchen and was moved.
He never thought that he would one day like a man.
He was busy playing games and had no time to consider his feelings. He never encountered
a woman who tempted him. Now he suddenly felt that it was very natural to be with Ling
There were too many common topics between them and they knew each other so well. No
one in the world knew him better than Ling Xuefeng.
With Ling Xuefeng, he wouldn’t feel embarrassed even if no words were spoken.
Every time he was with this man, he could put down the exhaustion in his heart and the
pressure on his shoulders, even peacefully falling asleep next to this person. He always felt
that as long as there was Ling Xuefeng, no big difficulties would be too hard.
Over the years, Li Cangyu was accustomed to being a strong person. He took care of others
and protected others, carrying the hopes of the team with his own strength. He didn’t say it
but this path was extremely hard. Now he could let go of his strong side. It was easy to get
along with Ling Xuefeng and for him, this was the rarest and quietest life.

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GLS: Chapter 110

Chapter 110 – Meeting the Parents
Li Cangyu treated his feelings as seriously as playing the game. Since he had made up his
mind, he was going to take the initiative because he really didn’t want to give Ling Xuefeng
to anyone else.
Ling Xuefeng was his. Others might want to hug or kiss him but they couldn’t.
If Ling Xuefeng was a woman, he would’ve confessed a long time ago. However, the other
person was a man… a man who was serious and indifferent. A hasty confession wasn’t too
Li Cangyu wanted to visit Ling Xuefeng’s house as a friend. In addition to wanting to know
more about Ling Xuefeng, he wanted to see what Ling Xuefeng’s parents were like. Could
they accept it if their son was with a man?
Before their relationship began, he wanted to lay the foundations first. Then he wouldn’t be
disturbed by the elders in the future.
Li Cangyu sat on the sofa and thought about it. Meanwhile, Ling Xuefeng quickly prepared
the food and set the table. He looked into the living room and stated, “Come and eat.”
Li Cangyu smelt fish and immediately rushed over. He picked up his chopsticks and quickly
tasted a mouthful, praising, “It is so delicious!”
Ling Xuefeng looked at this greedy appearance and couldn’t help smiling slightly, his eyes
full of affection.
It was just that Li Cangyu’s head was buried in eating the fish and didn’t see it.
Once the two of them had eaten, Ling Xuefeng went to the kitchen to wash the dishes while
Li Cangyu borrowed his shower.
The shampoo and shower gel were those used by Ling Xuefeng. Li Cangyu hadn’t come here
with shower gel, forcing him to borrow Ling Xuefeng’s.
After the shower, he found that his body had a faint mint scent. It was the exact same scent
as Ling Xuefeng’s body. LI Cangyu was very satisfied with this and the feeling made him
He went out in his pyjamas and found that Ling Xuefeng had finished the washing and was
watching TV in the living room. Li Cangyu went up to him and sat down, discovering that a
basketball game was being broadcasted on TV. It was a big NBA matchup.
Li Cangyu himself played basketball and watched the games when he was free. There were
many stars on the screen that he knew and he found that Ling Xuefeng was watching the
screen seriously. Li Cangyu couldn’t help saying, “The number 8 is very handsome. His
shooting rate is high.”
Ling Xuefeng echoed him, “Yeah.”
Li Cangyu suddenly asked, “Do you think I am handsome when playing basketball?”
Ling Xuefeng looked over at Li Cangyu and found that the other person was quite serious
when asking this question. Ling Xuefeng endured the impulse to directly pounce on him
and pretended to be calm. “You are very handsome.”
Li Cangyu was ecstatic in his heart and there was a bright smile on his face. Being praised
by the person he liked really made his mood fly up. The feeling of being appreciated was
indescribably good.
The thing that Ling Xuefeng didn’t tell Li Cangyu was that he actually started to pay
attention to basketball because of Li Cangyu.
A few years ago, after a pre-match meeting of the Miracle Professional League, Li Cangyu
was bored and went to the open air court behind the hotel with Su Guangmo. It was the
first time that Ling Xuefeng had seen him playing on the court. The fast-running teenager
with a bright smile in the sunlight, his strong figure when jumping and shooting was a
visual shock inscribed in Ling Xuefeng’s heart.
It was also that day that Ling Xuefeng discovered Li Cangyu’s favourite outdoor sport was
basketball. He had a favourite team and often took time to watch the games.
The sport that his beloved person liked, he needed to know more so that they had a
common language in the future.
With that in mind, Ling Xuefeng started to pay attention to NBA games.
Over the years, he gradually fell in love with this intense sport because… it reminded him of
the beautiful teenager in his memory who dribbled the basketball with a smile. This scene
was as pure and beautiful as a watercolor.
Today was the first time that the two people sat together to watch the game. LI Cangyu
commented while Ling Xuefeng echoed a few words. It was simple communication but Li
Cangyu felt particularly comfortable. Ling Xuefeng really understood him. They even had
similar hobbies!
He never thought that these so-called ‘similar hobbies’ was actually because a person had
been silently waiting.
By the time the game finished, it was almost time for bed. Ling Xuefeng had bought a two-
bedroom apartment in Shanghai, turning it into one bedroom and one study. There was no
bed in the study but the sofa in the living room was enough to fit an adult male.
Ling Xuefeng originally wanted to give Li Cangyu the bed and sleep on the sofa. Then Li
Cangyu offered, “Your bed is big enough. If you don’t mind, we can sleep together.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
This person was really unstoppable when he took the initiative.
Ling Xuefeng saw the pure gaze and smiled. “Fine.”
The two men brushed their teeth and entered Ling Xuefeng’s bedroom to sleep.
The size of this bed was really big. Li Cangyu had slept here last time and he remembered
that the bed was soft and comfortable. He slept particularly well.
Only, this time it was impossible for him to sleep.
The person he liked was lying next to him, how could he sleep?
He lay in bed with Ling Xuefeng and the two people had the same shower gel scent, like it
was wrapped around their bodies. Li Cangyu felt his heart going ‘thump, thump’ like a
runaway drumbeat. He desperately breathed to restrain himself from the urge to turn
around and hold Ling Xuefeng.
Compared to Li Cangyu’s taut body, Ling Xuefeng was calmly lying down next to him.
The man’s expression was calm, his eyes were closed and it didn’t take long for him to
breathe evenly. He seemed to be sleeping very well?
Li Cangyu heard the uniform breathing sound beside his ears and couldn’t help whispering,
“Xuefeng, are you asleep?”
There was no answer.
Li Cangyu boldly turned around.
This was the first time he could observe Ling Xuefeng so closely. The tall nose was really
carved by the creator. The eyebrows were slightly raised, revealing a hint of indifference.
With the eyes closed, the side of his face appeared a bit gentle. His lips were the best. The
shape was beautiful and people couldn’t help wanting to kiss them.
This appearance was worthy of being the top three in the Miracle League.
Of course, there were no fixed standards for netizens in the Miracle League. Everyone had
their own preferences. Su Guangmo’s heartiness and Tan Shitian’s warmth made them a lot
of fans. Therefore, no player dared say they were the first.
But in Li Cangyu’s heart, Ling Xuefeng’s was the handsomest man in the league! Su
Guangmo and Tan Shitian were on the sidelines. How could they be more handsome than
his Xuefeng?
He was so good-looking that the way he fell asleep was nothing short of a crime…
Maybe it was in the eyes of the beholder but why didn’t Li Cangyu realize he was so
handsome before?
Li Closed thought for a while and saw that the other person’s eyes were still closed. He
finally raised his courage and gently touched this good-looking nose. Then his fingertips
touched the lips.
His fingers poked the lips. The soft lips were a contrast to the indifferent appearance.
Li Cangyu’s heart suddenly beat fiercely and breathing was a bit difficult. His mind was
blank as Li Cangyu moved like a ghost, slowly approaching and then… gently planting a kiss
on Ling Xuefeng’s lips.
Once his spirit came back, Li Cangyu realized what he had done and immediately moved
…Had his brain short-circuited?
He wasn’t even sure of Ling Xuefeng’s sexuality yet he stole a kiss. This was simply immoral
It was too much, the sin was unforgivable!
Li Cangyu was yelling at himself in his heart but the warm touch on his lips made his mood
particularly pleasant.
It was his first kiss. What about Ling Xuefeng? In any case, it was better than he imagined.
It was a pity that Li Cangyu was so afraid to wake Ling Xuefeng up that he could only kiss
the lips gently.
He was worried that there wouldn’t be a good end. Li Cangyu immediately turned around
and wrapped the quilt around himself to sleep. Still, the kiss left an endless aftertaste in his
He was completely unaware that the Ling Xuefeng behind him suddenly opened his eyes.
The always cold and tough man’s eyes were full of turmoil. Complex colours filled his eyes
before he finally gave a gentle smile.
Li Cangyu woke up the next morning and found that the bed beside him was empty. He
guessed that Ling Xuefeng was making breakfast and didn’t care about him. Li Cangyu first
went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Then he headed to the dining
The prepared breakfast was already on the table.
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu coming over and asked, “Did you wake up?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu looked into this deep eyes and then his eyes moved to Ling Xuefeng’s lips.
He remembered his daring kiss last night and couldn’t help blushing.
“Eat something first. We will head to my parent’s house in the afternoon.” Ling Xuefeng sat
down opposite him and handed hot milk to Li Cangyu.
The two of them ate breakfast and Li Cangyu suggested, “We are free in the morning. Let’s
go visit the mall so I can buy Auntie and Uncle a small gift.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “There is no need to be polite. My parents aren’t lacking anything.”
Li Cangyu protested. “How can I do that? It is the first time visiting your home. I can’t come
He insisted on buying gifts. The helpless Ling Xuefeng had to take him to a nearby shopping
Li Cangyu opened the buying mode of a local tyrant and bought a super expensive massage
foot bath for Ling Xuefeng’s father and a valuable jewelry for his mother…
Such valuable gifts, who would believe the person was an ordinary friend?
Ling Xuefeng followed to help him carry things. Once he saw Li Cangyu buying presents for
his parents, his eyes filled with tenderness.
After last night where ‘Li Cangyu stole a kiss’, Ling Xuefeng was able to be sure that this
person had made up his mind. That’s why Li Cangyu cared for him and took the initiative to
come over to hug, sleep and gain his parent’s approval.
Cat God was really enthusiastic, just like the straightforward youth from his memories.
The two people hadn’t officially entered a relationship but Ling Xuefeng knew how happy it
was to have his beloved finally like him back! At this warm time, he wanted to turn one
second into ten seconds to slowly relish it.
Li Cangyu bought two more bottles of red wine and was satisfied. He looked at the big bag
of gifts Ling Xuefeng was holding and asked worriedly, “What if Uncle and Auntie don’t like
what I bought?”
Ling Xuefeng smiled. “Don’t worry. They are already very happy that you are coming home
with me for the new year.”
This morning, Ling Xuefeng had sent a text message to his mother: [This year, I will bring
back an important person for the new year.]
Ling Xuefeng’s mother was ecstatic and immediately went to buy a lot of food.
Thus, Li Cangyu arrived at dinner time carrying a large pile of gifts and was unexpectedly
warmly welcomed by Ling Xuefeng’s mother.
The well-maintained woman had a gentle and generous temperament. Her face was full of
laughter as she said, “You must be Xiao Li. Xuefeng often mentioned you. Come in, come in
and sit. This young man, you are really tall and handsome! I made a table of delicious
dishes. There is the braised fish that you love to eat. Come and eat!”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Auntie, wasn’t this wrong? You are too… too enthusiastic!

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GLS: Chapter 111

Chapter 111 – Spring Festival

Mother Ling was so warm that Li Cangyu felt flattered.

After all, Ling Xuefeng’s nature was cold and severe. Before coming to the Ling home, Li
Cangyu always thought that Ling Xuefeng’s parents would also be very serious and difficult
to please. He hadn’t expected Mother Ling to be so enthusiastic before even receiving the
gifts. He was pulled into the house.
Li Cangyu recovered his spirit and immediately handed the gifts to Mother Ling. He smiled
politely and said, “Auntie, I brought you and Uncle some small gifts. Happy holidays.”
Mother Ling took it with a smile. “Why are you so polite? You should treat my house like
your own house. Bringing gifts is too much. You aren’t allowed to bring them in the future.”
“Cough.” Ling Xuefeng coughed and said, “Mom, let’s eat first.”
“Yes, eat first. Xiao Li, come in and sit down. I’ll serve you!” Mother Ling placed Li Cangyu’s
gifts to the side and brought out plates from the kitchen. It was a full table of gourmet
Such a sumptuous table of food was definitely the standard for entertaining guests.
Li Cangyu was puzzled and couldn’t help asking Ling Xuefeng, “You told your mother I was
coming over?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng calmly nodded.
“Auntie is too enthusiastic. She made so many delicious dishes.” Li Cangyu smiled at Mother
Ling who was busy in the kitchen. Then he looked at Ling Xuefeng’s expressionless face and
couldn’t help laughing. “It seems like your personality is more like your father’s?”
He just said this when somebody opened the door and entered. Li Cangyu looked up and
saw a middle-aged man with deep eyes. This man was 70% similar to Ling Xuefeng. He was
tall and looked more stable than Ling Xuefeng. His expression was cold and serious. He
looked very difficult to handle.
This should be Father Ling right?
Li Cangyu immediately took the initiative to stand up and politely greeted him. “Uncle is
“Yes.” Ling Boyan replied softly. He looked carefully at Li Cangyu and saw that this man’s
smile was straightforward and bright, making people feel that he was very sincere. He
didn’t look like an impetuous young person. Rather, he gave off a decent first impression.
Ling Boyan changed into slippers and saw that his wife was busy in the kitchen. He sat
down at the table and asked Li Cangyu, “Are you Xiao Li?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, Uncle. My name is Li Cangyu. You can call me Xiao Li.”
“How long have you known Xuefeng?”
“More than six years. We met when we were 17 and 18.”
“Oh.” Ling Boyan nodded. “Xuefeng has never brought a friend home for dinner. You are the
Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “Is that so? The two of us have a good
relationship, like brothers.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
This guy really had first-class acting. The person who secretly kissed him last night was
now acting like ‘good brothers’ in front of the family?
Li Cangyu thought he had covered it up very well. He continued to chat with Uncle Ling in
order to build up a good relationship.
“What do your parents do?” Ling Boyan asked.
“My parents are doctors. They are a Western doctor and Chinese doctor. My sister is also a
doctor.” Li Cangyy answered seriously.
“Then how did you run to play e-sports?” Ling Boyan’s face was filled with doubts.
“It is because I’m not very interested in studying medicine. I feel that playing the game is
more suitable for me.” Li Cangyu said with a smile.
“Dad, is this checking an account?” Ling Xuefeng interrupted the strange conversation with
a displeased expression.
Ling Boyan stated gravely, “I am just understanding your friend’s basic situation. What’s
wrong with it?”
Li Cangyu agreed. “Yes, Uncle is right. He just wants to understand your friends. This is him
caring about you.”
Ling Boyan suddenly felt that the young man in front of him was very interesting and polite
to his elders. Ling Boyan stared at Li Cangyu and saw his bright smile. Ling Boyan stopped
asking questions. He believed in the look in this person’s eyes. The person brought back by
his son should be a good person.
Ling Xuefeng’s mother, Yuan Xin, quickly brought out the last dish, which was fragrant
braised fish.
She placed the fish next to Li Cangyu and smiled. “I heard from Xuefeng that you love fish. I
made braised fish for you. Come and try it.”
“Thank you Auntie.” Li Cangyu stood up and pulled the chair next to him out in a
gentlemanly manner. “Auntie, come and sit down. We have to eat together or the food will
become cold.”
Yuan Xin, who had her chair pulled out for her, laughed and sat down. “Xiao Li is sensible.”
Ling Xuefeng watched this scene and couldn’t help the raising the corners of his mouth
It seemed that his parents were very satisfied with Li Cangyu?
The meal was delicious. Li Cangyu was straightforward and his desire to curry favour with
Ling Xuefeng’s parents had him politely giving the two elders dishes at dinner. Yuan Xin
was full of smiles.
After dinner, Li Cangyu got up and took the initiative to help clean up the dishes but was
blocked by Yuan Xin. “You are a guest. How can I let you clean up? I will clean up! Xuefeng,
you accompany Xiao Li to eat fruit.”
Ling Xuefeng agreed and took Li Cangyu to the living room. He brought over a plate of fruit
and asked, “Do you want to eat?”
“I won’t eat, I’m full.” Li Cangyu just ate a lot of food and more than half the fish. He touched
his belly and sat on the sofa to accompany Uncle Ling in watching TV.
Ling Boyan was watching a basketball game. Li Cangyu actively brought up the topic.
“Uncle, do you like to watch basketball games?”
“Which team do you like?”
“I don’t have a favourite. I just watch casually when I have time.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I am the same. I haven’t been closely following this season’s NBA games.
I always miss the live matches and will sometimes watch the replays. I particularly like to
play basketball.” Ling Boyan looked at him. “You can play? How about playing a match one
“Is there a basketball at home?”
“Of course.”
“Why don’t we play tomorrow?”
Li Cangyu’s cheerful and straightforward personality was easy to please the elders. He and
Father Ling talked happily, the always serious Father Ling showing a rare smile.
Ling Xuefeng sat next to them but was more like a guest of this family.
In fact, Ling Xuefeng’s parents knew about Li Cangyu’s existence a long time ago.
It was the year that Li Cangyu led his team to leave Miracle. In order to persuade him to
stay, Ling Xuefeng bought an expensive ticket and went all the way to New York. At that
time, Ling Boyan and Yuan Xin had come to Shanghai to visit him at the club. They found it
empty and learnt that their son had flown to New York to find someone. The two of them
returned home in a confused manner.
Ling Xuefeng hated lying. After returning home, he simply confessed to his parents that he
liked this person.
His parents naturally couldn’t accept it and Ling Boyan almost beat him up.
Ling Xuefeng talked to his parents for a long time before they realized that liking the same
sex wasn’t a disease and many countries had actually passed the same-sex marriage law.
As long as two people loved each other, they could grow old together, even if they were the
same gender. On the other hand, the marriages without love between a man and woman
could end up in divorce despite being together for many years and having children.
Ling Xuefeng’s father, Ling Boyan was a businessman. He travelled a lot and was well-
informed in the last few years. He was sad about his son’s love of men but Ling Xuefeng was
determined from an early age. As long as he made up his mind, he wouldn’t regret it, even if
his head ended up bleeding.
Ling Boyan knew that his son wouldn’t change. He could only hope that his son would calm
down as time passed. But after so many years, Ling Xuefeng still stubbornly liked that
Ling Boyan helplessly adopted the ‘Do whatever you want. I am too lazy to care about you’
Yuan Xin was a gentle housewife but she felt distressed for her son. She saw that Ling
Xuefeng liked this person so much and gradually accepted it, hoping her son could be
sincere. He should chase after the person called Li Cangyu and take him home to show
them one day.
As a result, this day really arrived.
Yuan Xin received a text message from her son this morning, stating that he was bringing
someone home. She was so excited that she shed tears and immediately went to the nearby
supermarket to buy many ingredients. She wanted to cook a table full of delicious food
because she was afraid to be rude to Li Cangyu.
She treated Li Cangyu as a VIP.
As a mother, she hoped that the person her son liked could be good for her son. The male
or female aspect was no longer so important. It was fine since her son liked this person.
Ling Boyan wasn’t as excited as Yuan Xin and he looked at the person his son brought with
questioning eyes. However, Li Cangyu gave a good first impression, not the feminine type
that Ling Boyan expected. He was very sunny, handsome and was as good as their son.
The last layer of concern in their hearts were dispelled and Ling Boyan’s attitude towards
Li Cangyu was a lot softer.
Li Cangyu originally came to Ling Xuefeng’s house to please his future parents-in-laws. The
result was that Father Ling and Mother Ling already knew about his existence and had a
look of ‘watching the daughter-in-law’. They evaluated him and were very satisfied. He
already got the elders’ approval without knowing.
That evening, the unwitting Li Cangyu took the initiative to set up the massage foot bath
that he bought, explaining to Ling Boyan, “Uncle, this massage basin is very easy to use. It
automatically heats the water and the intensity of the massage can be adjusted. The
disinfection function also means that two people can use it with no problems. You and
auntie should use this to wash and massage your feet before going to sleep. It will make
your sleep better!”
“Yes, thank you.” Ling Boyan received the gift and felt very appreciative of this young man
who knew how to be filial to his elders.
Then Li Cangyu gave a set of valuable jewelry to Yuan Xin. Yuan Xin tried it on and Li
Cangyu spoke seriously, “Auntie, you are beautiful when wearing this. You look really
Yuan Xin smiled and looked at herself in the mirror while praising Li Cangyu. “Our Xiao Li is
sensible. My Xuefeng never bought me things like this. He probably thinks his mother is
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Li Cangyu is your son isn’t he? Did you get bought by the gift?
“By the way, I have something for you.” Yuan Xin went to her bedroom and grabbed a box.
“This is the first time you came to our house and you brought us so many gifts. Auntie
didn’t prepare anything so I’ll just give you this.
She placed the delicate box in Li Cangyu’s hands as she spoke.
Li Cangyu opened it and saw a piece of jade inside. Although he lacked knowledge about
jade, the jade was warm and smooth in his hand. It was crystal clear under the light. At first
glance, it was a valuable jade attached to a simple red rope, meaning it could be worn as a
necklace. It was simple and stylish, making it suitable for both men and women.
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Auntie, this is too expensive…”
Yuan Xin smiled. “It isn’t expensive. It contains a bit of my heart. Accept it.”
Li Cangyu wanted to refuse but Ling Xuefeng said calmly, “Since my mother is giving it to
you, take it.”
He placed the piece of jade into Li Cangyu’s pocket as he spoke. Li Cangyu smiled brightly.
“Thank you, Auntie.”
Yuan Xin replied happily, “You’re welcome! This is a talisman that can bring good luck. You
should wear it often in the future!”
“Then I will wear it.”
Li Cangyu placed the jade around his neck, thinking it was just an ordinary jade necklace.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t have time to tell him that this was the jade that his mother bought him
when he was born. He wore it for a while when he was a child. Later, he didn’t want to wear
it and his mother said, “Then Mother will help you store it. Give it to your wife when you
grow up.”
She gave the jade to Li Cangyu, showing that she approved of the man her son brought
Li Cangyu didn’t know and put on the jade, taking the initiative to wear the mark of the Ling
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and gently placed an arm around his mother’s shoulders.
“Thank you Mom.”
Yuan Xin smiled but her eyes were shining with tears. ‘What thanks? As long as you are
happy, Mother is very content!’
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GLS: Chapter 112

Chapter 112 – Confession

Ling Xuefeng’s hometown was in Suzhou, which was close to Shanghai. His family was
obviously rich since his father bought a duplex that was nearly 300 square metres in
Suzhou. There were four bedrooms scattered upstairs and downstairs, as well as a separate
study and gym. The house was simple, elegant and spacious.
His parents were at home and it wasn’t good to sleep together in front of elders. Ling
Xuefeng arranged for Li Cangyu to stay in the room opposite his bedroom on the upper
floor. Li Cangyu had no opinion on this and quietly went into the room to sleep.
The next morning, Li Cangyu ate breakfast with Ling Xuefeng. Yuan Xin said that she would
go to the supermarket to handle the new year’s goods. Li Cangyu took the initiative to say,
“Auntie, I will accompany you. I can’t buy food but I can help with the bags.”
Yuan Xin agreed with a smile. “Then come with me and act as my hired labourer.”
Li Cangyu joked, “Auntie, it is my honour to be your hired labourer!”
The two of them laughed and talked on the way to the supermarket to buy food. Ling
Xuefeng stayed at home and helped his father with the couplets. (TL: verses written
vertically that are stuck on the doorways on Chinese New Year as a blessing).
Ling Boyan was more traditional and attached great importance to the Spring Festival.
Every year, he personally had to put up couplets at the door. The windows also had the
character ‘Fu’ hung while two festive lanterns hung from the living room’s balcony.
Of course, after Ling Xuefeng grew up, these activities were done by him.
He was just hanging up the lanterns when he heard his father’s voice behind him, “Are you
sure you want to be with this Li Cangyu?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng answered decisively. “No one in this world is more suitable for him
than me.”
Ling Boyan frowned. “The two of you, is your relationship certain right now?”
“Not yet.” Ling Xuefeng replied honestly. “However, it is almost the same. I love him and he
also likes me. Dad, you can rest assured that my eyes aren’t wrong.”
Ling Boyan was silent for a moment before nodding. “It is your own matter. Handle it
At the supermarket, Li Cangyu pushed the shopping cart and walked behind as a hired
labourer. Yuan Xin put things inside while telling Li Cangyu many things about her son
when he was a child.
“Our Xuefeng, he hasn’t been talkative since childhood. He looked very cold so many
children didn’t like to play with him.”
“How did he act when he was a child?”
“He drew or read books at home. But his drawings are really ugly.”
“Is that so? Auntie, show me once we go back.” Li Cangyu was interested in Ling Xuefeng’s
black history.
“Okay. I have collected them and will show you when we get back.”
The two people chatted while shopping. They soon bought the food required for the new
year and returned home. Yuan Xin went into the kitchen to cook. Before that, she took Li
Cangyu to the study to show him Ling Xuefeng’s collection of childhood drawings.
He was really soul drawer! What was this mess?
If this black history was posted to the forums, it was unknown how Captain Ling’s fans
would react.
Li Cangyu was looking at them with relish when Ling Xuefeng suddenly pushed open the
door and saw Li Cangyu observing his black history. His expression wasn’t embarrassed as
he stated calmly, “They were drawn when I was a child.”
Li Cangyu asked curiously, “You loved to draw as a child. Then what about how? Have your
drawing skills improved?”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder. “You are so honest.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and said, “My dad told you to go and play basketball.”
“Okay, I will go and play with Uncle for a while. You go help Auntie, she is busy in the
The two people worked together, one accompanied Father Ling while the other spend a
harmonious time with his mother.
Li Cangyu accompanied Ling Boyan to play basketball for a bit on the open-air basketball
court. He didn’t expect that Ling Boyan would be so strong and have such a high basketball
level despite being in his 40s. Li Cangyu thought he would let Father Ling win but he could
barely make it a tie.
Ling Boyan explained, “I used to be the captain of the basketball team when I was in
“Is that so? Li Cangyu praised him. “No wonder why you are so amazing!”
Ling Boyan threw the ball at Li Cangyu. He saw the other person catch it and said with
satisfaction, “Come again.”
The duo played for two hours until Ling Xuefeng called them home.
At home, Yuan Xin had already finished making dinner. The thing that surprised Li Cangyu
was that there were two more guests. One was a middle-aged uncle and the other was a
young man who looked familiar.
Ling Xuefeng took the initiative to introduce them. “This is my uncle and cousin.”
Li Cangyu politely greeted them.
The cousin saw Li Cangyu and immediately came over to shake hands. “Xiao Li, long time
no see. Don’t you know me?”
Li Cangyu observed the person carefully and finally recognized him. “Ah, Vice-Captain
Ling Xuefeng’s cousin, Yuan Shaozhe was the first vice-captain of the Wind Colour team.
At that time, Yuan Shaozhe and Ling Xuefeng had come to Hangzhou to invite him to the
Wind Colour team. Yuan Shaozhe had only been in his early 20s and now he was a mature
man of 27.
Yuan Shaozhe retired at the end of the second season and handed over the vice-captain’s
position to Yan Ruiwen. Li Cangyu had played against him many times on the field and was
impressed with his blood kin summoner.
They unexpectedly met here. Li Cangyu asked doubtfully, “Where did you go after
retirement? Why haven’t I heard from you?”
“Oh, once I retired, I went to the Miracle League as a data director. I’m mainly responsible
for the balance of data in the online game and the league. I transferred from the stage to
behind the scenes. You…” Yuan Shaozhe paused and carefully examined the youth in front
of him.
Yuan Shaozhe had definitely heard about what happened to Li Cangyu in the past few years.
A few years ago, the 17 year old boy resolutely refused the position of vice-captain of Wind
Colour and firmly said, “I want to build a team myself.” Yuan Shaozhe had tried to persuade
him but the determination in the young man’s eyes made Yuan Shaozhe give up.
After so many years, Li Cangyu was a lot more mature than the memories. However, the
confidence and determination in his eyes were exactly the same as that original youth.
He was a tough person who became braver the more frustrations he experienced.
Yuan Shaozhe looked at him with appreciation and couldn’t help smiling, “I heard that you
are returning to Miracle?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, my team has been assembled and we are preparing to play in the
seventh season of the professional league.”
“Yes, I am feeling very optimistic.” Yuan Shaozhe patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder with
approval. Then he asked, “By the way, why did you come to Xuefeng’s place for the new
Li Cangyu thought, ‘I want to advance our relationship through meeting the family and then
take Ling Xuefeng as my wife.’
However, Li Cangyu naturally didn’t dare tell the truth to Yuan Shaozhe. He touched his
nose and calmly explained, “My parents are abroad and I didn’t have anywhere to spend
the holidays. Xuefeng took me home to eat.”
Yuan Shaozhe was surprised. “It is like me! My mother isn’t home and my father and I can’t
cook. That’s why we came to my aunt’s house for a meal.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It is really a coincidence.”
Ling Xuefeng heard him lying so easily and slightly smiled. He calmly interrupted them, “Go
to eat.”
There were many people gathered at the dinner table. They watched TV while eating
dinner and this Chinese New Year was incredibly lively.
Once the New Year’s Eve dinner was over, the Yuan Shaoze father and son set up a table of
mahjong with Ling Boyan and Yuan Xin. Ling Xuefeng went upstairs to take a bath. Li
Cangyu didn’t play mahjong but he sat next to them to watch.
Yuan Xin’s heart warmed when she saw Li Cangyu sitting with them and couldn’t help
saying, “Xiao Li, you go to sleep first. You don’t need to accompany us. We will play all night
and we greet the dawn like every holidays.”
Yuan Shaozhe echoed her words, “Yes, you aren’t playing anyway. Go upstairs and play
Miracle with Xuefeng.”
Yuan Xin continued, “Or take a shower first and go to sleep early.”
Li Cangyu didn’t understand mahjong and had been watching in a confused daze. Once he
heard this, he stood up and said, “Then I will go upstairs to take a shower. Uncle, Auntie,
Uncle, Cousin, you play well!”
Yuan Xin smiled. “Go!”
This handsome young man was sensible and talked to his elders so smoothly. It was
estimated that soon after, his uncle and aunt could be changed into father and mother!
Li Cangyu went upstairs and took a shower. It wasn’t midnight yet and he was bored. Thus,
he gently knocked on the opposite door that belonged to Ling Xuefeng. “Xuefeng, are you
“I’m not sleeping. Come in.”
Li Cangyu pushed open the door and saw that Ling Xuefeng was sitting on his bed and
drying his hair. The man who just showered had a layer of water vapor on his body. His
moist hair hung over his eyes and water kept dripping down. A sexy collarbone was
exposed and his neck moved up and down as he spoke.
Li Cangyu gulped, wanting to directly go over and nibble.
Ling Xuefeng looked up and saw that the big cat was standing motionless. He couldn’t help
wondering, “What’s the matter?”
Li Cangyu recovered and pretended to be calm. “It’s nothing.” He smiled and sat down next
to Ling Xuefeng. “I was bored and couldn’t sleep. Let’s greet the new year together.”
Ling Xuefeng asked curiously, “Do you still have the habit of greeting it?”
“Yes, before my father and sister went abroad, our family of four would stay up to 1 o’clock
to greet the Spring Festival and see the fireworks. I only feel like it is the new year when it
is the Spring Festival.” Li Cangyu spoke emotionally, “Since my father went abroad, I have
never had such a lively Spring Festival.”
Ling Xuefeng looked at the man lost in his memories and gentleness filled his eyes. He
whispered, “Do you want to set off fireworks? I have some at home.”
Li Cangyu’s eyes brightened. “You have fireworks? Why didn’t you say so earlier?”
“My father and I don’t like them. The fireworks that my mother buys every year will
eventually be taken by relatives for their children to play with.” Ling Xuefeng got up and
grabbed a bunch of fireworks from the study. He found a lighter, turned off the lights in the
house and then took Li Cangyu with him to the window, pushing open the window.
He had grabbed all the long fireworks that he could hold in his hand. They each took one
and lit them with the lighter. Then they tacitly reached out of the window at the same time.
Not long afterwards, they heard whooshing sounds in their ears. Two red and blue clusters
of fireworks exploded in the night sky. The decorated sky was extraordinarily beautiful and
illuminated the two faces.
The two of them didn’t speak as they continued to light fireworks. The booming sound of
the fireworks seemed in line with their heartbeats, producing a warm melody.
It wasn’t until the fireworks in their hands stopped moving that the two men looked at each
other and laughed.
Li Cangyu said, “Two big men standing together while setting off fireworks. Haven’t we
suddenly become childish?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “No, there is no stipulation that adults can’t do this.”
“Then do you want to do it again?”
Ling Xuefeng agreed. “Okay.”
At this time, the clock reached 0 and every household started to set off fireworks to
welcome the arrival of the new year. Countless fireworks soared, making the two people’s
faces particularly clear.
Li Cangyu looked at Ling Xuefeng’s handsome face set against the fireworks. His heart
suddenly moved and he had a strong desire to tell the other person his heart. It was a
monstrous wave that swept over his mind in an instant.
“I…” Li Cangyu was just about to talk when he heard Ling Xuefeng’s low and familiar voice
in his ears.
“I like you.”
The deafening sound of fireworks outside couldn’t cover up Ling Xuefeng’s simple and
direct confession.
Li Cangyu thought he had misheard and looked at the man in front of him with shock.
“What did you say?”
“I like you.” Ling Xuefeng softly repeated. He saw Li Cangyu’s big eyes and couldn’t help
laughing. He leaned over and accurately kissed Li Cangyu’s lips.
Outside the window, fireworks of various colours bloomed in the sky, causing the night sky
to be as bright as day.
Li Cangyu felt his mind become blank as he was kissed. It was as if something was wrong
but… Ling Xuefeng’s kiss was too gentle. His tongue gently opened Li Cangyu’s mouth,
slowly and thoughtfully sweeping through every inch of his mouth. Li Cangyu couldn’t help
indulging in this kiss.
This was the best New Year’s gift for him!

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GLS: Chapter 113

Chapter 113 – New Year’s Wishes

Ling Xuefeng’s gentle kiss lasted a long time, making Li Cangyu’s brain a bit dizzy.
He didn’t expect that the intimate contact with the person he liked would be so beautiful.
Their tongues were intertwined and it was like their souls were blending with each other.
After the kiss, Ling Xuefeng let go of Li Cangyu and used his tongue to clean his lips.
This embarrassing move made Li Cangyu’s scalp number and his mind finally recovered.
Wasn’t this wrong?
He saw Ling Xuefeng’s deep eyes and Li Cangyu finally reacted.
Hadn’t he gone to Ling Xuefeng’s home to inquire about the attitudes of Father Ling and
Mother Ling? He hadn’t probed clearly yet when Ling Xuefeng confessed first?
The order was completely reversed. Shouldn’t Li Cangyu be the one confessing first?
Ling Xuefeng suddenly asked, “What did you want to say just now?”
‘Of course, I wanted to say that I like you.’
Li Cangyu smiled frankly and said, “I wanted to confess to you. The result is that you acted
first. I really didn’t see it. Ling Xuefeng, when did you start liking me? How come I didn’t
Ling Xuefeng stretched out and gently pulled Li Cangyu into his arms, whispering, “It has
been a long time.”
Li Cangyu was shocked. “What?”
“I’ve liked you for a long time.” Ling Xuefeng’s voice was low and sexy. It slid through Li
Cangyu’s ears like mellow wine and was especially fascinating at night.
Ling Xuefeng slightly tightened his arms and placed his chin on Li Cangyu’s shoulder. Then
he continued, “I don’t know when I started liking you but I liked you before you led your
team away from Miracle.”
“…” Li Cangyu’s mind was a mess because of the shocking truth. “Isn’t that three years?”
“Yes, it was the reason I came to New York to talk to you. I didn’t just think of you as a
friend.” Ling Xuefeng whispered.
“…” Li Cangyu recalled the scene of that year which was still as clear as yesterday.
Three years ago, Ling Xuefeng came alone to New York. Li Cangyu thought it was just the
loyalty of a friend and hadn’t expected that Ling Xuefeng already liked him at that time.
Ling Xuefeng ran all the way abroad to find him but he firmly said he was leaving Miracle…
What did Ling Xuefeng feel as he returned to China alone? Li Cangyu didn’t dare think
about it.
Since Ling Xuefeng liked him, why didn’t he say anything earlier?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help asking, “Why did you never tell me?”
In the past few years after leaving Miracle, the two people hadn’t broken off contact. The
text messages that Ling Xuefeng sent only seemed like concern between good friends. Li
Cangyu was completely unaware that something wasn’t right.
Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment before explaining, “I know that you are busy and the
pressure on your shoulders is big. I didn’t want to put any more burden on you.”
“…” Li Cangyu’s heart trembled slightly and he didn’t know what to say.
In the past few years, he was in dire straits. He faced accusations every day from the media
and fans, while having to wrack his brain for the tactical arrangements of every game. The
result was that no matter his effort, the Canglan team kept losing. Li Cangyu was in a calm
state but inwardly, he was very anxious.
If Ling Xuefeng had confessed to him at this time, it would’ve placed a greater psychological
burden on him. Moreover, with his temper, perhaps the two of them wouldn’t even be
friends anymore.
Ling Xuefeng was undoubtedly very considerate. His beloved person was too busy so he
chose to silently wait. He cared for the other person as a friend instead of exerting
psychological pressure.
It wasn’t until he realized that Li Cangyu held some liking for him that he voluntarily
confessed. He acted in the same style that he used to play the game.
Li Cangyu wasn’t stupid and quickly figured this out.
Li Cangyu looked into Ling Xuefeng’s gentle eyes and warmth burst in his heart. The warm
temperature flowed through his limbs, as if his body was bathed in the spring sun.
It turned out that for the past three years, Ling Xuefeng had been silently waiting for Li
Cangyu to return?
It was no wonder that the moment they reunited in the Moonlight Forest district, Ling
Xuefeng would say, “I have been waiting for you to come home.”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling moved. However, what if he was so disheartened that he
wouldn’t play competitively anymore. What would Ling Xuefeng do? Wouldn’t it be empty
to wait in vain for so many years?”
Li Cangyu asked, “Were you so certain I would return to Miracle? What if I didn’t come
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and whispered, “With your nature, you won’t be willing to
miss out on a trophy. The thing you love the most is the Miracle elf summoner. One day you
would come back. Wasn’t I right?”
“…” He was right.
Li Cangyu’s eyes suddenly felt a bit sore.
Ling Xuefeng was truly the person who knew him the best. Li Cangyu was so lucky that
such a person silently liked him and waited for him to come back!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help clinging to the other person and spoke earnestly, “It has been hard
on you, waiting for me for so long.”
The hugged Ling Xuefeng smiled and thought, ‘As long as I could wait for you, the hard
work is worth it.’
The two people stood by the window, hugging each other tightly. Fireworks dotted the
beautiful sky, making the most beautiful celebration background in their minds.
Li Cangyu was hugging and being hugged when he recalled that fascinating kiss just now.
He couldn’t help looking up and saying, “You suddenly kissed me and I didn’t react. This
time, I will kiss you?”
Ling Xuefeng smiled at his shining eyes and reached out to touch Li Cangyu’s head. “Okay.”
Strangely enough, touching his hair felt quite good. Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help touching it a
bit more.
Who dared to touch Cat God’s head?
The small cats worshipped him as an idol while Uncle Zhang and A’Shu respected him. The
person who was most familiar with him, Bai Xuan was short and couldn’t touch his head
even if Bai Xuan wanted to.
However, Ling Xuefeng’s movements were incredibly natural.
After touching it, Ling Xuefeng moved his hand to the back of the head and narrowed the
distance between them.
Li Cangyu didn’t feel uncomfortable. Instead, his heart beat like a drum as he looked up at
Ling Xuefeng’s lips. He couldn’t help pouncing, biting on those rosy lips and almost eating
Ling Xuefeng’s mouth.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t comment on Li Cangyu’s gnawing and biting kissing skills.
Such a passionate big cat made Ling Xuefeng feel that this person was particularly
straightforward and sincere. His heart softened as he was kissed. His fingers gently touched
the back of Li Cangyu’s head as he actively guided Li Cangyu to open his teeth.
“Oh… um…”
Ling Xuefeng’s tongue plunged into his mouth and gently swept over his gums and teeth. Li
Cangyu felt a bit itchy but there was a strange numbness that washed over his mind.
Li Cangyu closed his eyes comfortably. He had long forgotten about who was active and
who was passive.
“Ah… um…uhh.”
The kiss was too deep that Li Cangyu couldn’t help letting out ambiguous sounds.
The result was that he was kissed and became intoxicated again.
Once the kiss ended, Li Cangyu wiped and gasped as he looked at Ling Xuefeng. He asked
with dissatisfaction, “Have you had a few boyfriends or girlfriends before?”
Ling Xuefeng immediately clarified. “No, you are the first.”
Li Cangyu glanced at him suspiciously. How could his kissing skills be so good?
Ling Xuefeng seemed to guess his thoughts and whispered in his ears, “Do you feel
comfortable when I kiss you?”
He actually asked such a straightforward question!
‘Ling Xuefeng, your image of the ‘icy abstinent male god’ is going to collapse, do you know?
If your fans hear you say something like this, they will definitely turn black!’
Li Cangyu felt his ears become hot and he replied cheekily, “It is okay, very comfortable.”
Then he added, “You have to teach me. I will learn and kiss you until you are out of breath.”
Ling Xuefeng agreed. “Good.”
Li Cangyu declared, “I will come back to PK again.”
The look in Ling Xuefeng’s eyes deepened. “Okay.”
In any case, he would unconditionally agree to anything Cat God said.
Li Cangyu looked at the handsome man in front of him and made a serious expression. He
reached out to hold Ling Xuefeng and declared, “Xuefeng, I really like you.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
The always calm man couldn’t help being moved when he heard this. Tenderness
overflowed from his eyes.
There were more and more fireworks outside the window as many people celebrated the
arrival of the new year.
When Li Cangyu was young, his sister told him that on every big night, a wish could be
realized when fireworks rose into the sky. After growing up, he hadn’t set off fireworks for
a long time.
Li Cangyu looked at the remaining fireworks on the ground and smiled. “Let’s keep lighting
them until we finish this.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
He picked up a fireworks stick, handed it to Li Cangyu and lit it with the lighter.
There was a whooshing sound as the fireworks emerged. Li Cangyu immediately made a
silent New Year’s wish in his heart. ‘I wish that I can stay with Ling Xuefeng for a long time.
I hope that the Canglan team can get great results in the upcoming seventh season and I
hope that the Chinese team will win the World Competition.’
These wishes would all require great effort to reach.
In the new year, there were many important things waiting. This rare leisurely Spring
Festival holiday, it was the best time for him to confirm his relationship with Ling Xuefeng.
Once all the fireworks were released, Li Cangyu raised his head and demanded, “Kiss me
again. Being together with you, I still feel that it isn’t real.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
This big cat was really active and straightforward.
Still, Ling Xuefeng liked his initiative and directness. Li Cangyu wanted a kiss and didn’t
Ling Xuefeng smiled, reached out and kissed him.
This kiss was much longer than the previous two times, as if to make up for three years of
waiting. Ling Xuefeng’s kiss became fierce as his tongue swept through Li Cangyu’s mouth.
It was like he wanted to directly swallow up Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu’s learning ability was strong and he quickly learned, enthusiastically kissing
The two people shared a hot kiss. The cold wind blowing through the window couldn’t
dampen their enthusiasm for each other.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GLS: Chapter 114

Chapter 114 – Photo of Lovers

That night, the mahjong table set up downstairs by Ling Xuefeng’s parents, uncle and
cousin played until dawn. Upstairs, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng hugged each other until
three in the morning before reluctantly going to sleep.
Li Cangyu was placed in the guest room and it would be bad if he was suddenly seen in Ling
Xuefeng’s room the next morning by the elders. So even if they couldn’t bear to be
separated, Li Cangyu went to sleep in the next room.
Once they got up in the morning, Yuan Shaozhe’s eyes were swollen while Li Cangyu’s
mouth was swollen.
Yuan Shaozhe was surprised. “What happened to your mouth?”
Li Cangyu replied with a straight expression, “Last night, I ate too many peppers and it was
on fire.”
He didn’t dare tell Yuan Shaozhe that it was due to Ling Xuefeng’s kisses. Don’t look at Ling
Xuefeng’s usual indifference and seriousness and how he was called the ‘abstinent god’ by
fans. In the face of the person he liked, this man’s enthusiasm wasn’t reduced.
Li Cangyu washed up and turned on his phone. He found that there were countless unread
text messages that were almost all New Year’s greetings.
Cheng Wei: [Your brainless fan coming to report at exactly 12 o’clock. I wish Cat God a
happy new year, good luck! I am the first, I am definitely the first. If I’m not first, please
delete all previous New Year’s greetings. Thank you!]
Bai Xuan: [Old Cat, be happy on the Spring Festival. I plan to return on the 2nd.]
Zhang Jueming: [I wish all team members of Canglan a happy new year. All the best and I
hope your dreams come true. This is a mass thank you message!]
Xie Shurong: [Cat God, I hope you have a happy Spring Festival. I haven’t spent the holiday
in China for a long time. It is so lively!]
Zhuo Hang: [Cat God, happy Spring Festival. I have been practicing the arena on my own
and have become more powerful. Please give me a test when we come back!]
Xiao Han: [Master, have a happy new year. I heard from Qin Mo that masters will give their
apprentices a red envelope for the new year. Will I get one?]
Gu Siming: [Cat God, happy new year. Our Canglan team must win the championship in the
new season. Sweep the league, come on!]
Li Xiaojiang: [Captain, happy Spring Festival.]
He looked at the different styles of text messages and couldn’t help smiling.
The new year was a new beginning for him, whether it was feelings or his career.
This was the happiest Spring Festival from childhood to the present.
God gave him a lover who understood him the best and many lovely and excellent
teammates. This was his greatest blessing in the new year. He would certain grasp and
cherish it.
After breakfast, Ling Xuefeng’s parents and relatives packed their bags to go to their
grandmother’s house to celebrate the new year. Mother Ling considerately said, “Xuefeng,
you don’t have to go this year. Stay home with Xiao Li.”
Li Cangyu was a bit embarrassed. “Is this okay? Won’t Grandmother be angry?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “It’s fine. In previous years, I have been busy and haven’t gone to
Li Cangyu put down his worries.
Ling Xuefeng sent away his parents and turned to Li Cangyu. “Staying home is boring. Do
you want to go for a walk?”
“Yes, this is the first time I’ve been to Suzhou so you should take me around.”
The two men went out in thick clothes. Li Cangyu was afraid of the cold and wore a hat.
Suzhou’s tourist attractions were very famous in China, especially Suzhou Gardens.
However, there were too many people during the Spring Festival. Ling Xuefeng didn’t
recommend looking at the scenery in such a crowded place. Instead he took Li Cangyu to a
place he often played at when he was a child.
The surrounding villages weren’t as famous but there were beautiful mountains and
scenery. There weren’t many people, making it like a rare quiet paradise.
The two men were walking next to each other when Ling Xuefeng suddenly extended his
right hand, gently holding Li Cangyu’s left hand.
Li Cangyu was startled and actively held his hand.
They had hugged each other a long time last night but now that they were holding hands in
the daytime, Li Cangyu was particularly excited. His heartbeat was faster than when they
kissed last night.
“Hey, what if a paparazzi takes photos of us?” Li Cangyu asked as he looked around.
“It won’t happen.” Ling Xuefeng’s mouth lifted slightly. “Paparazzi also have to celebrate the
New Year. Besides, there is no e-sports club in Suzhou. There won’t be as many e-sports
reporters as there are in Shanghai.”
Li Cangyu let go of his worries and held Ling Xuefeng’s hands, their 10 fingers interlocking.
His mood was great.
Wasn’t this a date?
Walking hand in hand, it was very simple but warm.
It felt more romantic than a TV show.
Of course, unlike the TV dramas… the wife wasn’t a beautiful woman but a handsome man.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at this thought and looked over at Ling Xuefeng. “If your
fans know that I am holding hands with you, will they collectively drown me with saliva?”
Ling Xuefeng came close to him and asked, “Are you afraid?”
Li Cangyu waved his hand in a chic manner. “What am I afraid of? I will tell them that the
first male god in the league belongs to Old Cat alone. After watching the live broadcasts,
they can’t lick the screen. Captain Ling can only be licked by me. Let them be jealous.”
As he spoke, he moved up and kiss Ling Xuefeng on the side of the face, like a seal of
confirmation. His eyes were full of pride.
Ling Xuefeng was amused by him and couldn’t help pulling Li Cangyu into his arms.
“Yes, I will be yours alone in the future.” Ling Xuefeng declared.
“That’s right!” Li Cangyu smiled in a particularly pleased manner.
The two people hugged for a moment on the scenic street. The winter sun shone on their
bodies. They listened to the other person’s heartbeat and felt warm.
After a while, Ling Xuefeng opened his arms and asked softly, “Do you want to stay at my
house for a few days?”
Li Cangyu said, “I booked a flight back to Changsha tonight.”
Ling Xuefeng was a bit surprised. “You are going back so early?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu asked curiously, “When will the Wind Colour team gather?”
“We will gather after the Lantern Festival. The first division starts in May so we have a lot
of time.”
Li Cangyu nodded with understanding. “I have juniors so I have to go back and prepare in
He felt very reluctant because he wanted to stay with Ling Xuefeng a few more days. But as
the captain, Li Cangyu had a responsibility to bear. He couldn’t set aside his teammates and
dreams because he fell in love.
Fortunately, Ling Xuefeng understood him and didn’t ask much. Instead, he said
thoughtfully, “You should go back early to prepare. The second division will start on March
1st. The Canglan team only has 30 days of training time left.”
Li Cangyu was moved and held him tighter. “You truly understand.”
Ling Xuefeng who was once again actively hugged, “…”
Sure enough, after the confession he needed to be prepared to be caught by the big cat at
any time!
Ling Xuefeng smiled and said, “The opening ceremony of the seventh season in May, will
you attend with Bai Xuan?”
Li Cangyu asked, “Are you so sure that the Canglan team can make it there?”
“I have complete confidence in you.” Ling Xuefeng declared. “What is the second division?
Aren’t you aiming for the World Competition?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “You truly know me the best. It is great that I have you.”
Ling Xuefeng found that Li Cangyu wasn’t embarrassed when speaking such loving words.
The strong and courageous person turned soft in front of his lover.
Just then, there was a sudden ‘click’ sound. It was obviously the sound of a camera’s shutter
being pressed. The two of them immediately separated and looked back, seeing an
approximately 20 year old girl who was panicking.
“Ah, sorry, I’m sorry. I originally wanted to shoot the house and accidentally photographed
She was alone and carrying a travel bag with a SLR around her neck. Apparently she had
come out to play.
Li Cangyu was relieved that it wasn’t a paparazzi and smiled. “It’s okay. Can you delete this
The girl immediately replied, “I will delete it right now.”
She turned the camera around because she wanted to delete it in front of them. However, Li
Cangyu looked at it and found that the scene was too beautiful—sunshine, green trees, long
streets and two people hugging together. The whole photo was like a soft watercolor
painting, soaked in a quiet and calm atmosphere.
Li Cangyu suddenly felt reluctant to delete it. He saw that the girl’s finger was about to
press the delete button and cried out, “Wait, don’t delete this photo. Can you send it to me
after you go back? I will leave you my email address.”
The girl was stunned and promised to send it as she carefully wrote down the email
Not long after the two of them arrived home, Li Cangyu received an email with the photo
from the girl, along with a message: [Sir, I sent you the photo. Rest assured, the negatives
on the camera have been deleted and it won’t be used for other purposes. I wish you
She was just a passing stranger but she was clearly kind and didn’t make a fuss when she
saw two men hugging. She left them alone and didn’t pry into their private matters.
This goodwill placed Li Cangyu in a pleased mood. He saved the photo and directly set it as
his phone background.
Ling Xuefeng copied the photo and also set it as his phone background.
Li Cangyu told him, “You should take care of your phone. Don’t let it be seen by people in
your team!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes, you too.”
The two of them smiled at each other, as if they shared a secret only they knew.
In the evening, Ling Xuefeng took the initiative to drive Li Cangyu to the airport.
They arrived at the airport together. Once the security checks were passed, Li Cangyu took
a few steps with his luggage. Then he suddenly turned back and gave Ling Xuefeng a hard
hug. “I will miss you.”
Ling Xuefeng’s heart was really warm when he heard this.
Once Li Cangyu made up his mind, he would express himself directly. He wasn’t shy like
many girls or introverted like some boys.
He had a frank and straightforward character, treating his loved ones with the greatest
‘I will miss you.’
This was what he most wanted to say to Ling Xuefeng when saying goodbye and he didn’t
Ling Xuefeng held this person in his arms and his mood was great. He particularly liked Li
Cangyu’s sincerity and honesty. It was very relaxing and warm to fall in love with such a
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help tightening his arms as he whispered, “I will also miss you.
Contact me often.”
“Yes, then I’m going!” Li Cangyu let go and waved. Then he turned around and left.
There were too many parting scenes between them but this time was different.
The two of then weren’t in the same city but their hearts were closely connected.
Ling Xuefeng opened his phone and looked at the beautiful photo of the two people
hugging, lips slightly raising.
‘In the new year, we must continue to work hard. Li Cangyu, my strongest opponent, my
favourite lover, I will wait for you on the stage of the World Competition.’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
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GLS: Chapter 115
Chapter 115 – Pre-Competition Training

Li Cangyu returned to the Dragon Song Club at approximately 10 o’clock that night.
Today was Chinese New Year and there was no one present. Li Cangyu headed back to the
dormitory alone. Uncle Zhang, Xiao Gu and Xiao Han hadn’t returned, making the dormitory
seem empty.
Li Cangyu tidied up his luggage and had a bath. After returning to his bed, he found that his
phone was on and the screen showed an unread text message: [Are you there yet?] It was
sent by Ling Xuefeng.
They were simple words but they made Li Cangyu’s heart warm.
It was good to have a boyfriend! He was still cared for when returning to the dormitory.
Li Cangyu immediately typed back: [I just arrived. I’m alone in the dormitory.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Be careful and go to sleep early.]
Li Cangyu said with a smile: [Yes, I’m going to sleep now. Good night.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Good night.]
The text message exchange before bedtime made Li Cangyu’s heart feel very solid. He soon
became sleepy and peacefully fell asleep.
He slept until dawn. Li Cangyu finished washing up and planned to go downstairs to buy
some breakfast. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Bai Xuan carrying a suitcase at the
door. He was preparing to open the door with a key.
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Are you back already?”
Bai Xuan heard his voice and turned around with a smile. “I sent you a text message about
coming back on the 2nd. Didn’t you see it?”
“I saw it. I thought you would arrive in the evening. Why are you back so early?”
“My parents have gone to visit relatives to celebrate the new year. I was bored being at
home alone. I decided to come back to help you.” Bai Xuan laughed. “Why does it seem like
I’m not welcome?”
Li Cangyu saw the gentle smile of the man in front of him and was moved.
Bai Xuan was his most trusted right arm. Without Bai Xuan, he would’ve had to work a lot
harder over the years. They had known each other for many years and struggled together
since childhood. Bai Xuan looked gentle with a good temper, but he was actually as tough as
him. That’s why he could continue all the way to the present, staying despite his stomach
Li Cangyu reached out to pat Bai Xuan’s shoulder and sighed. “How can I not welcome you?
It’s great that you came back.” At this moment, a laughing voice was heard from the side.
“Cat God, Vice-Captain Bai, you’re both here?”
It seemed to be A’Shu’s voice.
Bai Xuan looked back and saw Xie Shurong’s bright smile.
He was wearing a large grey coat with skinny jeans underneath and a colourful scarf
around his neck. He looked taller and more upright. He had always been handsome and
such a style of dressing suited his superior temperament.
This person was younger than Bai Xuan but was taller and more handsome. It was simply
killing a person.
Xie Shurong saw Bai Xuan look up up and down and couldn’t help grinning. “Do you think I
have become handsomer?”
Bai Xuan was speechless. “Have you learned to boast as well?’
Xie Shurong came over and stretched out his arms for a big bear hug. “Happy New Year!”
The captain’s aura was too strong and Xie Shurong didn’t dare to hug him. He had to hug
the gentle and good-tempered vice-captain.
Strangely, the vice-captain was particularly soft in his arms. Xie Shurong hugged him tightly
and didn’t want to let go.
Bai Xuan rolled his eyes and asked, “Why did you come back so early?”
Xie Shurong rubbed his chin against Vice-Captain Bai’s shoulder and complained with a
wronged expression. “My parents are killers in the kitchen and can only make dark dishes.
If I stay at home for a weak, it is too much for my stomach. The team’s food is too good and I
have been thinking about it for the past few days. Make something delicious for me!”
Bai Xuan was amused by his reasons. “You are such a big person yet you still care so much
about food?”
Xie Shurong responded in a reasonable manner. “Appetite is human nature. Besides, Vice-
Captain Bai’s cooking is too good. I can’t resist it!”
“Okay, stop talking.” Bai Xuan smiled. “Put your luggage away and then we will have
Bai Xuan opened the door and the two of them entered their dormitory to put down their
luggage. Then they headed downstairs to have breakfast with Li Cangyu.
The location of the Dragon Song Club was convenient for transportation and lifestyle. The
food court hadn’t opened because it was the first day of the new year but there were many
small stores around. The three people went to a roadside stall and casually ate some soy
milk buns.
They ate breakfast and returned to the dormitory together. Li Cangyu came to Bai Xuan and
Xie Shurong’s room, bringing his USB and laptop.
He came back early to study the rules of the new system as well as the situation of the
second division teams. The three people had a detailed discussion in the dorms and finally
organized the key contents.
In the evening, Uncle Zhang also came back from his studio. The four old players met in the
dormitory and Li Cangyu asked about the youngsters.
Zhang Jueming explained, “Xiao Gu’s current level means there won’t be any big problems
on the field. However, this child is a typical radical player. Once he appeared on the field, he
will definitely go forward. It is okay when dealing with weak teams but he will easily be
caught by a strong team. He needs to be tempered.”
“Well, Xiao Gu has the best foundation among the four people. I believe that he will calm
down with more experience in the future. Being too impulsive isn’t a good thing.” Li Cangyu
paused and then asked, “What about Xiao Jiang?”
Bai Xuan was responsible for the one-on-one training with Li Xiaojiang. The advantages
and disadvantages of this boy were very obvious. The advantage was that he was calm and
stable. No matter how fierce the opponent, he would still play slowly and he was never in a
hurry. The disadvantage was that his style of play didn’t vary. It was always a slow style
and could be easily targeted.
Bai Xuan thought of this and smiled. “Xiao Jiang is using this time to learn seriously but his
hand speed is slow. The room for progress is limited. I have been making him stabilize his
original style of play to maximize it to the extreme. Then we will have to use a lineup that
cooperates with him.”
Li Cangyu nodded. Li Xiaojiang had the worst foundation among these teenagers but he was
particularly hardworking. He might be a slow snail but he always tried to climb forward
and never fall behind, which wasn’t easy.
Xie Shurong took the initiative to say, “Zhuo Hang has made rapid progress. He knows a lot
about e-sports. I think he previously had the guidance of a master, and he particularly
knows the Miracle League. I am curious about his origins.”
Li Cangyu was also very curious about this. Zhuo Hang had recommended himself
confidently and he was calm when dealing with professional gods. This wasn’t something
that ordinary masters could do.
“We will talk about it when he comes back.” Li Cangyu smiled and continued, “Xiao Han’s
progress is also very fast. Once they arrive, I will give them an arena assessment. If
everyone is qualified then we will try the arena team battles.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
After all, training was a gradual process. The four youngsters had to first practice their
personal standards to a relatively stable state. Then they would cooperate in the team
battle, so that they didn’t drag down the team.
On the third day of the new year, the four youngsters returned to the team.
Li Xiaojiang carried a large bag of duck neck and stuttered, “My, my brother told me to
bring back some Wuhan duck, duck…”
Zhuo Hang saw him speaking with a red face and couldn’t help taking the initiative to help
him finish, “Is it Wuhan duck neck? I know it, it is quite famous. Give it to everyone to
Li Xiaojiang looked at him gratefully and immediately gave him a share of the duck neck.
Xiao Gu rushed to grab it. “Me, I also want it.”
Li Xiaojiang gave everyone a share. Li Cangyu asked the youngsters to sit around a table
and said, “Everyone, open your phones and log into the team’s Q group.”
Everyone thought that the captain had something important to announce and immediately
took out their phones.
Li Cangyu filled the group with New Year’s red envelopes.
[Happy New Year, Canglan must win!]
The red envelopes popped out and everyone rushed to grab them.
Xiao Gu was the most active and his hand speed was extremely fast. He grabbed the red
envelope and the result was… 1 yuan.
Zhuo Hang followed closely and grabbed 19 yuan.
Xiao Han received 25 yuan.
The slow Li Xiaojiang was the last to move but he grabbed the biggest amount—55 yuan.
The 100 red envelopes were randomly divided into four. Gu Siming was very dissatisfied
with only grabbing 1 yuan. “Why is it so little?”
Li Xiaojiang was very happy. “I, I grabbed such a big, big, big red envelope.”
He was obviously excited as he repeated ‘big’ several times.
Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed Li Xiaojiang’s head. “Being slow isn’t necessarily poor, being
fast isn’t necessarily good. I will send you a few more to let you grab it.”
The four of them immediately replied in unison, “Yes!”
It was good to have such a captain. Every round of red envelopes was 100 yuan!
At this time, Bai Xuan was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Xie Shurong actively helped him
out with washing the dishes while Uncle Zhang sat on the sofa and watched an anti-war
movie. From time to time, the sound of machine guns was heard.
Li Cangyu and the four small cats played the game of grabbing red envelopes in the dining
room. Li Cangyu looked up and saw that Bai Xuan had started cooking. A’Shu was following
behind him while Uncle Zhang watched TV in the living room. The youngsters sat next to
each other at the table, looking up at Li Cangyu like they were saying, “Cat God, send us
There were so many good teammates gathered together that Li Cangyu couldn’t help being
in a good mood. He generously sent another 100 red envelopes in the Q group. The young
teenagers became more excited.
He saw Xiao Han look up at him, saying with his eyes, ‘Master, I want a separate big red
Li Cangyu patted Xiao Han’s shoulder and said, “Giving a red envelope to the apprentice is
just Qin Mo lying to you. Ling Xuefeng also gives red envelopes to the Wind Colour team.”
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully. “Oh.”
Li Cangyu said, “Come on, grab it.”
He sent another 100 yuan and the four people immediately jumped up to grab it.
It was the new year, the red envelopes were a common sight and this much money wasn’t
much. It was great that the children were happy.
Soon, Bai Xuan served a table full of dishes, including Li Cangyu’s favourite fish.
Everyone gathered at the table and ate a reunion dinner.
At dinner, everyone showed the true nature of the Food Squad. Chopsticks were weapons,
the table was the battlefield and the amount they ate depended on what they grabbed. Be
too slow and the food would be gone.
The ribs and chicken wings were quickly snapped up. The fish was naturally taken by Li
Cangyu. The slow-moving Li Xiaojiang made an expression of ‘How can this be?’ By the time
he recovered, a lot of the food was gone!
Bai Xuan smiled and secretly gave a bowl to the slow-moving youth. “I left you some food or
else you wouldn’t eat enough with this group.”
Li Xiaojiang looked gratefully at the vice-captain and silently ate over the small bowl. This
appearance was really like a poor stray cat who couldn’t insert himself into the cat war.
Bai Xuan looked at the chopsticks flying across the table and helplessly pressed a hand to
his temple.
The style of the team had become crooked because of Cat God…
Strangely enough, looking at this scene made his heart feel particularly warm.
The eight people eating together was like a happy family.
Starting tomorrow, everyone would enter an intense training period and the things waiting
for them in the future were unpredictable. Still, Bai Xuan believed that under the leadership
of the powerful Cat God, as long as everyone joined hands, the Canglan team would be able
to ride the wind and waves, smash the thorns and establish themselves in the Miracle
League of masters.
He was looking forward to when these four teenagers grew up and became the most eye-
catching stars of the seventh season!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 116

Chapter 116 – Opening of the Seventh Season

On the fourth day of the new year, Li Cangyu came to the training room with the team
members and turned on the computer as the four teenagers lined up for their test.
As discussed yesterday with Bai Xuan, the four youngsters made rapid progress and
successfully completed the basic training tasks of the first phase of consolidation and
speed. They finally became entry level e-sports players.
The next step was the focus of the training: their ability in a match.
It was no good being strong if they couldn’t cooperate with their teammates.
Li Cangyu decided to take the four teenagers to the team battles in the arena to train them
to cooperate with teammates and to follow the team’s commands.
Since they had to fight a team battle, everyone had to understand the rules of a team battle.
Li Cangyu first opened the human-machine training mode, taking the four teenagers to a
simple city square team battle map. He placed marks on the map and explained carefully.
“The new system is actually playing a boss. Our ultimate goal is to destroy the white crystal
in the centre of the map. Whoever destroys the crystal first will win. The white crystal is
the boss. In order to get close to it, we must first destroy the surrounding defense towers,
as well as the ice and fire phoenixes protecting it.”
“Once the game starts, we will be wearing the most basic equipment. It will be difficult to
rush to destroy the crystal. Therefore, everyone needs to go to the east, south, west or
north wild areas. Fight the mobs, gain money and buy more powerful equipment.”
“There are three types of wild monsters. One is an ordinary mob that will only drop money.
The second is the blue mobs, which will restore your blue for a certain amount of time after
killing them. The third one is the red mob, which will restore your blood for a certain
amount of time after killing. It is equivalent to bringing your own milk dad.”
“Five minutes after the battle starts, an ice dragon will appear on the field. Killing the ice
dragon will increase the team’s economy by 10,000 coins and we can freely purchase
equipment. 10 minutes after the start, the fire dragon will appear. Killing it will increase the
entire team’s attack by 20%. The ice and fire dragons can’t be beaten alone. A group fight is
needed. They are important resources that the two sides must compete for. At that time,
you must obey the commander’s orders.”
A few teenagers were dazed.
In the old system, there were no such things like blue mobs, red mobs, ice dragons and fire
dragons. Once the two teams met, it would be a wave of fighting and then it was simple to
win the crystals.
This new competition system was obviously much more complicated but it was also more
Zhuo Hang opened his mouth. “This is similar to the competitive game LOL and Dota that
used to be popular in the world and it is the most balanced group battle system. It fact, it is
easy to understand that we must prepare before facing the boss white crystal. Kill mobs
and the ice dragon to make money. Once there is enough money to buy good equipment,
rush to the towers and destroy the crystal. If there isn’t enough confidence in the team’s
attack power, you can kill the fire dragon and increase the whole team’s attack by 20%,
making it easier to win the boss. The ice dragon gives money, the fire dragon gives attack.
They are important resources that the two sides will compete over in the early stages,
Li Cangyu heard this and couldn’t help asking, “Xiao Zhuo, is there anyone in your family
who plays in competitions?”
“Yes.” Zhuo Hang confirmed with a smile. “My family has several e-sports players.”
He obviously didn’t want to elaborate. Li Cangyu didn’t ask again and looked at him with
appreciation. “Xiao Zhuo summed it up well. The new system is actually a process of laying
the groundwork to kill the boss. We must have enough patience, especially when killing the
mobs in the early stages. Don’t worry, today we will practice the method to kill mobs while
consuming the least amount of resources.”
Fortunately, the major teams were also new to this system. They were standing on the
same starting line and it was relatively fairer.
Li Cangyu was also in a state of learning while playing.
This new system meant more tactical ideas. If he couldn’t keep up with the rhythm of the
league’s update, he would certainly be eliminated. Thus, he couldn’t relax for a moment.
That afternoon, Li Cangyu and his teammates familiarized themselves with the maps of the
new competition and found some important rules.
The ice dragon that gave money and the fire dragon that increased attack refreshed in fixed
positions. There was usually a big pit around them as if to say, ‘I have dug a pit for you. If
you aren’t afraid to die then kill me.’
If the whole team jumped down such a big pit, it was very easy to be hit by the other side!
Therefore, the captain must consider the current situation before deciding to kill the
dragons or not.
It was obviously that if they were too heated up and hit the dragon, the result would be
destruction by the other team. This was once a popular phrase in the past: hitting a dragon
will ruin your life!
Another example was that no matter what type of map, the blue mobs would only appear in
the east and west wild areas, while the red mobs only appeared in the south and north. This
would produce a series of butterfly effects.
Classes like magicians and healers, who were prone to consuming blue, would make sure to
kill the blue mobs. Melee classes like swordsmen and berserkers might be inclined to kill
the red mobs to add more blood to themselves.
In the stealing of the wild mobs, the two sides were likely to meet alone or in teams of two
or three. This would inevitably cause some small-scale fights.
The ability to act alone or in a team, both would be tested in the new system.
Only a team with a comprehensive strength would achieve the final victory.
This new system was complicated but the more Li Cangyu studied, the more excited he felt.
He was looking forward to making a big impact in the seventh season!
Time passed quickly. The 30 days of high-intensity training allowed the players of the
Canglan team to become familiar with the new system. Now Li Cangyu could casually ask
about the refresh times of various mobs and they would answer without making mistakes.
The teenagers also worked hard to memorize the special equipment in the arena.
In particular, the equipment they usually used were on the first few pages. The attack
power, the crit rate, the hidden skill effects that could be triggered… all four teenagers
remembered them clearly!
The small cats were so powerful that the old players like Zhang Jueming, Bai Xuan and Xie
Shurong were embarrassed to lag behind. Li Cangyu didn’t make them remember the
equipment but the three people consciously memorized all types of equipment.
Everyone was excited and nervous as the opening of the seventh season got closer and
Li Cangyu was calm was he trained during the day and watched new videos recorded by
netizens at night. He researched tactics and chatted with Ling Xuefeng, seemingly very
In fact, he was also nervous. After all, he hadn’t been in the Miracle League for a long time!
At the end of February, Li Cangyu received a call from the official Miracle committee. They
asked him to take all players to the competition area to register their data and complete the
registration of players.
There were many teams in the Miracle second division since any teams who passed
through the league’s online assessment could join.
The regular season of the second division didn’t adopt the method of home and away match
rotations. The organizing committee designated a main stadium and all matches would be
conducted there.
For the seventh season, the main venue selected was in Guangzhou, which was very close
to Changsha.
On the 27th of February, Li Cangyu said goodbye to Liu Chuan and took the high-speed rail
to Guangzhou with his team members.
After checking in at the official hotel, Li Cangyu went to find the person in charge of the
tournament committee. Then the person took everyone to the venue to register the data
and confirm their identities.
In addition to the Canglan team, there were many new teams registering, making the room
very lively.
The staff at the front desk responsible for reception spoke politely, “Hello, please enter
your professional player ID, your real name, the ID number you want to register with.
Confirm the information is correct and then submit it.”
Li Cangyu quickly entered it on the computer next to him.
The female worker saw that the ID submitted was ‘Old Cat’ and couldn’t help exclaiming
with surprise, “Hey, you are Cat God!”
The remark drew the attention of the team next to them and a group of people immediately
surrounded him. “Cat God, can I have a signature?” “Cat God, you came to play the second
division. It feels like we will cry after being abused by you!” “The level of Cat God is enough
to be a strategist for the World Competition. To actually fight in the second division…”
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “There is no need to be so polite. I haven’t played for several
years and am starting from scratch.”
The players in the second division weren’t as good as the eight giants but they were still
young people working hard for their dreams. Li Cangyu didn’t look down on them for being
He readily signed a lot of signatures before returning to look at the registration of his
Uncle Zhang’s ID was Juemingzi, which was the ID he used in the first season. Many people
might have no impression of this ID but he reactivated the name to prove himself.
Bai Xuan used the English version of his name like Li Cangyu. This time, he changed to the
Chinese ID ‘White Fox.’
Xie Shurong didn’t need to use ‘Tree’ like he did in the United States. He changed it to the
Chinese characters ‘Ashu.’
For the four teenagers, Xiao Han registered the name ‘Frost Descends’. Gu Siming still used
the ID of ‘As the Name Suggests’, Li Xiaojiang registered ‘Snail Crawling Slowly’ and Zhuo
Hang was ‘Great Navigator’.
Once their IDs were registered, the teenagers showed obvious excitement.
The IDs were the symbol of a professional player and couldn’t be repeated. It was bound to
the ID card and MIracle data. Even if they transferred, it couldn’t be changed. Once
registered, it would usually accompany them for their entire career.
With the formal registration of their IDs, they finally became real professional players!
Li Cangyu used the name Old Cat (English) in the first season because the name of the team,
FTD was also in English. Three years ago, the FTD team was disbanded and the information
on Old Cat was completely erased from Miracle. Today, he led the Canglan team to return
and changed back to the Chinese characters for ‘Old Cat’, opening a new journey.
Looking back, he saw Bai Xuan’s moist eyes and knew what he was thinking. Li Cangyu
patted him on the shoulder and whispered, “We are back.”
Bai Xuan smiled and spoke emotionally, “Yes… the name has changed, the team has
changed and the teammates have changed… We are back.”
Li Cangyu declared calmly, “This time I will change the ending.”
He was no longer the person who would lead his team away or helplessly watch the team
This time, he would absolutely change the ending. Li Cangyu firmly believed it.

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GLS: Chapter 117

Chapter 117 – Pre-Match Arrangement

Once the registration was over, Li Cangyu looked up and found that this year’s event
schedule was being shown on the electronic screen. The second division was from March
1st to May 1st, the champion team would get the opportunity to advance to the first
On May 10th, the Miracle’s first division would officially open. The regular season would
continue to the end of September, where there would be a week off that coincided with the
World Carnival. Once the Carnival was over, it would be followed by the first division’s
fierce playoffs and then the First World Competition would open in late November.
In the middle of these events, there were also the ‘King’s Cup’ free challenge, the live
platform team tournament, the T.G.A. Grand Prix and other events. In general, the eight
giant teams of the first division had no time to participate in these events. The teams from
the second division were free to register for them.
Li Cangyu’s eyes quickly swept through this year’s schedule. Obviously, this year’s schedule
had been adjusted according to the World Competition. The events during the World
Competition had been cancelled, making a live broadcast convenient.
The other team members saw the captain watched the event arrangement and looked up at
the big screen. Xie Shurong couldn’t help asking Bai Xuan, “The King’s Cup free challenge,
what is that? Why haven’t I heard of it before?”
Bai Xuan explained, “It is an event that only started in China last year and can involve both
professional players or private masters. There are three modes of 1v1, 3v3 and 6v6. The
registration threshold is very low and it has the highest number of participants.”
Xie Shurong smiled. “It turned out to be like this.”
As he spoke, he took the initiative to put an arm around Vice-Captain Bai’s shoulders. Bai
Xuan didn’t like close contact with people and unceremoniously removed the hand before
turning to find Cat God. Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan’s back with a depressed expression.
“Shall we go back to the hotel first?” Bai Xuan asked.
“We will go to dinner first. There is the opening ceremony in the evening so we should
watch it with a full stomach.” Li Cangyu waved. “Everyone gather!”
The four teenagers looked up at their captain’s call and immediately ran back.
They headed to a nearby restaurant and sat in a big private room. Xie Shurong sat next to
Bai Xuan and attempted to continue the conversation. “Vice-Captain, the King’s Cup
challenge, it is in the middle of the regular season’s holiday. The reward for the single
player bonus is high. Should I sign up for it?”
Bai Xuan said, “It is a national event and many masters will register for it. Professional
players who are famous generally won’t participate or they will be yelled at by the
Li Xiaojiang suddenly whispered, “I-I took part last year.”
Bai Xuan looked over at him curiously, “Is that right? Did you get a trophy?”
The shy teenager had red cheeks but his eyes were extraordinarily bright. “I got second
Bai Xuan smiled and touched his head. “Amazing.”
Zhuo Hang suddenly cried out, “I was the champion! Then the slow black magician who lost
to me last year was you?”
Li Xiaojiang, “…”
Li Cangyu asked with interested, “Then did you meet before?”
Zhuo Hang smiled and said, “I was bored last year and joined the King’s Cup solo event. I
made it all the way through and took the championship in one breath. Cat God, don’t you
think I’m great?”
Li Cangyu was too lazy to praise him. “The point is that you fought against Xiao Li?”
“Oh!” Zhuo Hang looked at Li Xiaojiang. “In the finals, I met a slow black magician. His style
was very similar to Li Xiaojiang. In the end, I won right? Li Xiaojiang?”
“…” Li Xiaojiang’s head hung lower.
Zhuo Hang was feeling proud that he won against Li Xiaojiang when he heard Li Cangyu
suddenly say, “That’s right, in tomorrow’s game, you will form a combination with Li
Xiaojiang for the first arena stage.”
Zhuo Hang was shocked, “Ah?”
Li Xiaojiang also looked up with surprise. “I, I will partner with Zhuo Hang?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu told them seriously, “The two of you are fast and slow, this combination
will make the opponents very confused. It hasn’t be used yet in a match so we can try it.”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
He really didn’t want to partner with this slow snail!
Bai Xuan said with a smile, “It is a good idea. In any case, this is the beginning of the new
system and we have many new players. We can try all types of lineups.”
“Yes, I got the schedule for the second division. Take a look at it.” Li Cangyu handed the file
to Bai Xuan next to him and continued, “Our first opponent is the Dream team. This is a
medium sized team in the second division. The game time is 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
The pairs arena stage will be played by Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li. The remaining six people will
participate in the team battle. It is the first match. You don’t need to feel pressure but you
should play seriously. We are still becoming familiar with the new competition system.”
The event schedule was quickly circulated while they listened to the captain’s
There were originally 16 teams in the second division. Li Cangyu led the Canglan team to
return and another new team was formed, making a total of 18 teams.
Due to time constraints, the second division wouldn’t play the home and away games of the
regular season. Instead, it would be played in three rounds.
For example, they would play three matches tomorrow against the Dream team. The two
sides would each chose a map for one match. If the first two rounds were tied, they would
enter the third tiebreaker round. The third round would have the system randomly pick a
The arena was a 2v2 partner showdown and winning one game would give 2 points.
The team battle was a 6v6 competition over the crystal, winning a game would give 5
While waiting for the food to be served, Li Cangyu quickly arranged the lineup for
As for tactics, there was no need to rack their brains for special tactics against a medium
level team in the second division. Tomorrow they would first look and adapt to the new
competition system.
Zhuo Hang seemed unhappy with tomorrow’s arrangements while Li Xiaojiang was a bit
nervous about being put in the pairs arena. Li Cangyu looked at them but didn’t say much.
The psychological quality of the youngsters wasn’t enough and they needed to be grinded.
The evening of the same day, the opening ceremony of the Miracle second division began
on time at the Guangzhou e-sports venue.
It was just a sub-competition but there were still many people who came to see the opening
ceremony. The seats at the venue were full, showing how popular the game MIracle was.
The opening ceremony also brought in a number of well-known singers to cover the
Miracle theme songs. The audience was very excited, giving off deafening screams and
applause from time to time.
Li Cangyu didn’t have much interest in the show. He sat in the audience and texted Ling
[I’m going to play on the field tomorrow. Do you have anything to say to me?]
[Do well.] Ling Xuefeng replied in a simple manner.
[Only these two words? Are you my boyfriend?] Li Cangyu suddenly wanted to tease this
serious man.
[I’ll watch the live broadcast of the match.] Ling Xuefeng replied.
[Is there anything else?]
[I miss you.]
Li Cangyu was satisfied.
He looked at the simple ‘I miss you’ and his heartbeat accelerated. To be honest, he wanted
to see Ling Xuefeng. He sent text messages every day but it was a big gap from meeting,
hugging and kissing!
Fortunately, there was a great chance of the Canglan team qualifying. As long as they
successfully advanced to the first division, the number of times he could meet Ling Xuefeng
would naturally increase.
[Are you ready for tomorrow’s game?] Ling Xuefeng asked in a concerned manner.
[Pretty much. It is just looking at the system. There is no need to put pressure on everyone
in the first game.] Li Cangyu replied.
Suddenly, Bai Xuan’s doubtful voice was heard from the side. “Who are you texting with?
You are smiling so happily?”
Li Cangyu calmly put away his phone and said, “It is my sister.”
Bai Xuan didn’t doubt it and continued to watch the opening ceremony.
Li Cangyu took out his phone again and saw the photo of the two of them on the screen. He
couldn’t help smiling. Texting without his teammates knowing, it had feeling of ‘cheating.’ If
other people knew he was with Ling Xuefeng, wouldn’t they be so scared that their eyes
would bug out?
That night, they returned and the four old players bathed and slept calmly, recharging
The four teenagers were full of energy and couldn’t sleep.
Li Xiaojiang and the enthusiastic Xiao Gu were arranged in one room. Li Xiaojiang sat on the
sofa and carefully thought about it before deciding to talk to Zhuo Hang. He knocked on the
door next door. Xiao Han was taking a shower while Zhuo Hang had finished washing up.
He was wearing pyjamas and playing mobile games. He saw Li Xiaojiang standing up the
door and asked with a smile, “Are you looking for me?”
Li Xiaojiang nodded. “Yes… Tomorrow, tomorrow we will fight together in the arena. My,
my speed might not follow, I can’t keep up with you… Don’t worry, taking care of me… go
on your own… go ahead and fight.”
Zhuo Hang heard him finish and thought, ‘I already didn’t intent to care about you, small
“Yes, I know. Then go back to sleep.” Zhuo Hang patted Li Xiaojiang on the shoulder. “Good
Li Xiaojiang originally wanted to talk to him more. The result was that he was blocked by a
good night. He was stunned for a moment before saying with a red face, “Good, good night.”
Then he walked away silently with his head down.
Zhuo Hang ignored him, closing the door and returning to the room to play games. Xiao Han
came out after taking a shower and asked in a confused manner, “Did Xiao Li come to see
you? I thought I heard his voice.”
Zhuo Hang casually made a sound and continued to play the mobile game.
Xiao Han was too lazy to talk to him. He lay in bed and turned on his phone, logging into his
Shepherd: [Are you going to play tomorrow?]
Qin Mo had sent him a message. He and Qin Mo were poor sheeps that had been put
together by their masters. Some time ago, they played together in the pairs arena and
would now occasionally chat on Q.
Xiao Han replied: [Yes, my master is there. I am sure I will win.]
Qin Mo: [Don’t you have a lot of confidence in Cat God?]
Xiao Han: [Don’t you have a lot of faith in your master?]
Qin Mo: [Of course! My master can definitely sweep up the league.]
Xiao Han: [My master can sweep up the world.]
Qin Mo: [Don’t talk. If my master and your master PK, my master will win.]
Xiao Han: [Who said that? Obviously my master will win.]
The two people started a pointless debate on whose master was more powerful. They
weren’t aware that their masters had long hugged and kissed. They even set up a couples
photo as the background for their phone.

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GLS: Chapter 118

Chapter 118 – The First Arena

The next day at 8:30, the second division of the Miracle League finally began.
The Canglan team’s match was arranged for 3 p.m. and Li Cangyu let everyone rest. He took
them to the stadium once they all woke up.
The official commentators for the second division were still a man and a woman. The male
was called Shao Yu and the female was called Chen Weiwei. Their commentating style
wasn’t as strict and calm as Yu Bing but they were easy and cheerful. They often gossiped in
the middle to raise the atmosphere.
As soon as the Canglan team appeared, Chen Weiwei said with a smile, “The biggest god of
the second division has come out. Please welcome Cat God who is debuting in the second
division with a brand new team, the Canglan team!”
Shao Yu looked over and asked, “Weiwei, what do you know about Cat God?”
Chen Weiwei replied: “Cat God had already left Miracle when I started commentating. I only
heard some of my predecessors say that he is a contestant with a very distinctive personal
style. This is the first time I’ve personally watched him in a match. I suddenly feel
particularly honoured to be explaining the first game after Cat God’s return!”
“I feel honored too.” Shao Yu said, “Of course, let’s tell the audience about the other
members of the new Canglan team.”
The big screen showed the data of the eight players. Chen Weiwei followed closely with,
“This lineup is really luxurious for the second division. In addition to Captain Old Cat, Bai
Xuan is one of the best healers. Xie Shurong’s identity should be no stranger to everyone.
He is the youngest brother of the Flying Feathers’ Three Musketeers. In addition, Zhang
Jueming is an old contestant. Shao Yu, do you know him?”
Shao Yu nodded. “I checked the information of this player last night. He was a captain the
first season but his Full Moon team has long since disbanded. Captain Zhang had been
missing for many years. To even dig out a player who has been retired for many years, Cat
God’s ability to collect teammates is absolutely first-class!”
Chen Weiwei was excited. “The members of the Canglan team have entered. We can see
that the eight of them are dressed in neat uniforms and the style of the uniform is also very
Liu Chuan urgently found a manufacturer to custom make the Canglan team’s uniform. The
white base had a blue wave pattern and a simple wave shaped team logo. It looked very
refreshing and gave the cool feeling of summer.
It was just that the four teenagers were almost the same age and it was hard to distinguish
them when they were neatly dressed in uniforms.
“I’m a bit dizzy. Why do I feel like the four teenagers are four brothers? How do I
distinguish them?” Chen Weiwei had a headache.
“There is one who is easy to recognize due to his blond hair.” Shao Yu said with a smile.
“The person with blond hair is Xiao Han. I will remind the audience that his hair isn’t dyed.
He is a mixed-race child.”
“Oh, this golden hair is really easy to recognize. What about the other three?”
“The shy one walking at the end with his head down is Li Xiaojiang. Of the other two, the
tall and handsome one is Zhuo Hang while the very cute one with a bit of baby fat is called
Gu Siming.”
Shao Yu’s explanation allowed the viewers to attach names to the four teenagers.
The players of both teams entered and checked their equipment while Chen Weiwei started
to introduce the members of the Dream team.
Moments later, the referee turned on the light that signaled the start of the match.
The first was a three game, two wins elimination battle. In the first round, the Canglan was
the home team and could select the map.
Li Cangyu sat in the command post and quickly selected the Magic Mirror Forest.
The characteristic of this map was that there were many tall trees obscuring line of sight. It
was suitable for Xiao Li’s black magician to move while casting and slowly killing the
opponent. It was also suitable for Xiao Zhuo’s hunter to arrange traps according to the
Once the map was confirmed, the players from both teams sat in the contestant seats.
Chen Weiwei was surprised. “The Canglan team sent two teenagers? The old players aren’t
Shao Yu speculated, “Perhaps Cat God wants to take the opportunity to train the players? In
any case, it is the beginning and there isn’t much pressure regarding points.”
“It makes sense.” Chen Weiwei nodded. “However, the Dream team sent their ace
combination. It is an archer and white magician, with the captain personally playing. It is
obvious that they place great attachment to this game with Canglan.”
It was natural since Cat God’s name had spread like thunder after the glorious victory
against the US at the World Carnival. This story had spread through the Miracle League.
Such a big god appeared in the second division, making all teams treat him as the ‘ultimate
Li Cangyu’s mentality was relatively calm. He took the four teenagers who never played
and would take advantage of the second division to practice their training and try out a
variety of lineups and combinations.
Today’s Dream team had clearly brought out the strongest lineup to deal with Canglan.
In the soundproof room, Bai Xuan made a worried expression, “The opposite side sent a
white magician and archer. Won’t it be very difficult for Xiao Li and Xiao Zhuo to fight? The
archer can restrain Xiao Zhuo and then it is the white magician’s magic against Xiao Li’s
black magic. I don’t feel very good…”
Li Cangyu’s expression was calm. “That doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance. I gave them a
very advantageous map and it depends on how well they cooperate.”
The game soon started and the players refreshed at the same time in a corner of the map.
Li Xiaojiang’s Snail Crawling Slowly and Zhuo Hang’s Great Navigator refreshed in the
southwest corner of the map. Zhuo Hang didn’t care about Li Xiaojiang and walked in front
by himself. Li Xiaojiang reacted a bit slowly and waited a bit before slowly following.
Once the two of them arrived at the central part of the map, Zhuo Hang immediately took
advantage of the elf’s superior agility to place some traps on the ground. He waited for the
prey to enter the net while Li Xiaojiang hid behind a tree and patiently searched for
Moments later, the archer and white magician appeared in their field of view.
The white magician walked in front and the archer followed. The white magician saw Zhuo
Hang and started off with God’s Seal to seal this hunter. However, Zhuo Hang’s movements
speed was very fast and his positioning was flexible. He teleported sideways and just
escaped from this skill!
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help praising him, “Zhuo Hang’s reaction response is very sharp. It is
like this isn’t his first time playing competitively!”
Shao Yu agreed. “His movement skills are skillful.”
The two of them praised Zhuo Hang but on the big screen, there was a sudden change in the
situation. The archer’s big move Death Arrow Rain suddenly fell. The hiding Zhuo Hang just
stepped into the range of this group attack.
The white magician was obviously very skilled. If Zhuo Hang didn’t hide then he would be
hit by God’s Seal. If he hid, he would enter the scope of the archer’s big move.
The only way to deal with it was to retreat but Zhuo Hang hadn’t expected it and didn’t
He was hit by the archer’s big move and Zhuo Hang’s blood instantly fell by a third.
He saw Li Xiaojiang secretly hiding behind a tree and anger filled his heart. Zhuo Hang
couldn’t help saying on the team channel, “Come out, why are you hiding?”
He was such a slow snail. Why had Cat God partnered him up with Li Xiaojiang? It was
better to change to Xiao Han or Gu Siming.
Li Xiaojiang didn’t come out to help Zhuo Hang. It wasn’t because he was afraid but because
he felt the timing of his current shot wasn’t good. He was waiting for the white magician to
take one step further.
Yes, it was this moment!
Li Xiaojiang’s hands had long held back the control skill, finding the right time to use Death
The move successfully hit and the opposite white magician entered a state of fear. Li
Xiaojiang followed with the three big moves of Death Spell, Shadow Winding and Hellfire!
The speed of his casting almost killed the audience. However, once it hit, the effect was
quite terrible. The blood of the white magician instantly fell by 30% from these three basic
spells. It was almost equivalent to a black magician’s big move that consumed a lot of blue!
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help saying, “This player is very distinctive. A slow black magician is
Shao Yu nodded in agreement. “Most of his stats are placed in attack and his weapon is also
an attack one. The speed of his actions are slower but as long as the opportunity is grasped,
every move is very important. In fact, the effect is quite good.”
As explained by the commentators, Li Xiaojiang’s attack was slow but the three moves
suddenly pulled back the blood gap. If Zhuo Hang could follow up with control then they
could kill the white magician.
Li Xiaojiang thought this and immediately looked at Zhuo Hang. However…
Zhuo Hang hadn’t paid attention to what he was doing and quickly went around to fight the
The other side’s elf archer was the captain of the Dream team. His level wasn’t high but he
had played two years in the second division and his experience was quite rich.
He was an elf player and his movement speed didn’t lose to Zhuo Hang. Zhuo Hang was fast
but he could be faster. The result was that Zhuo Hang chased the archer while putting
down traps, but it was useless.
On the other side, the white magician in charge of control had the fear effect ended. He
cautiously opened the distance with Li Xiaojiang and started to look for opportunities to
fight Li Xiaojiang.
It was Li Xiaojiang’s first time on the field and he was a bit nervous. Still, he was used to
playing slowly, not matter how nervous.
White magic and black magic restrained each other. In a match between black and white
magic, it was about who could seize the opportunity.
It was obvious that the little rookie Li Xiaojiang had no way to compare to the experienced
vice-captain. He was controlled by the opponent’s control skills and a set of consecutive
moves evened up the blood gap.
At this time, Zhuo Hang and the elf arched had gone far away and were having a fierce one
on one match.
In the commentators’ room, the two commentators felt a bit awkward. Chen Weiwei
watched for a while before saying, “Er… it might be that they haven’t adapted to the new
system. The 2v2 combination effect can’t be seen at all. It is two 1v1 matches.”
Shao Yu had some doubts. “Cat God is famous for his unfathomable tactics. What tactics is
he using today?”
Chen Weiwei wondered, “…I feel like there is no tactic?”
This was what many viewers were wondering.
The two teenagers, what are you doing?
It was clearly a combination but there was no tacit understanding between the
combination. When Li Xiaojiang needed Zhuo Hang to take over control, Zhuo Hang wasn’t
there. When Zhuo Hang needed Li Xiaojiang as the output, Li Xiaojiang’s skills were cooling
Five minutes later, two kill prompts appeared on the big screen.
[Dream God has killed Great Navigator.]
[Dream South Star has killed Snail Crawling Slowly.]
Once these two kill prompts appeared on the screen, the grey ‘Failure’ appeared on their
screens at the same time.
In the first round, the Canglan team lost and the Dream team took the lead in the score. The
score on the big screen became 2:0.
Zhuo Hang scratched his head with chagrin while Li Xiaojiang looked at the screen with a
stunned expression. Both of them were a bit dazed.
Their debut match… they inexplicably lost?
Under the stage, Bai Xuan was feeling helpless. “They aren’t cooperating at all. Maybe we
should’ve let Xiao Gu and Zhuo Hang go together?”
Li Cangyu said calmly, “I deliberately sent Li Xiaojiang in order to grind Zhuo Hang’s
Bai Xuan turned to him doubtfully. “You did it deliberately?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Xiao Han has a stubborn personality but he won’t look down on those
below him. Zhuo Hang is different. He looks fine on the surface but haven’t you found that
there is a strange sense of superiority in his heart?”
Xie Shurong heard this and couldn’t help saying, “No wonder why Zhuo Hang sticks to me
and wants me to take him to the pairs arena. He doesn’t want to go with the other
teenagers because he thinks that among the four youngsters, he has the highest level. Is
there some sense of superiority in his heart?”
Uncle Zhang also added, “Is it because one of the top gods in the Miracle League is his
“Yes, no matter who the person is…” Li Cangyu’s eyes narrowed. “I have to clean up Zhuo

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GLS: Chapter 119

Chapter 119 – First Team Battle

The second division had the team battle after the arena. Li Xiaojiang and Zhuo Hang lost the
home game of the first round. They could only take a break and enter the second game,
which was the away game. This arrangement was a great test of the players’ psychological
In the second game, the map chosen by the Dream team was Zeya Square.
This map was very common in online games. It was a typical square map with a wide field
of view. There were several stone pillars in the central confrontation area. Players could
walk around the stone pillars to achieve a tactical purpose.
Compared to the complex forest and swamp maps, this simple and open map minimized
the effect of terrain on the game. It was more suitable for a pure frontal confrontation that
revealed the true strength of both sides.
On this map, Li Xiaojiang’s casting was easy to be interrupted. Zhuo Hang’s hunter play was
also restricted, while the archer’s big shots would be more comfortable in the open area.
The selected map was obviously a big advantage to them.
In the regular season, the map selection of both sides would be submitted to the
tournament committee before the game. The Dream captain selected this map when he
didn’t know what lineup the Canglan team would send and was obviously very lucky today.
The god of good fortune gave them confidence and they gained a great advantage in the
On the Canglan side, Li Xiaojiang and Zhuo Hang still couldn’t form a good cooperation.
Li Xiaojiang took the initiative to try and cooperate but Zhuo Hang was too fast and Li
Xiaojiang couldn’t keep up. The psychological pressure was too great after losing the first
game and their combination collapsed in less than five minutes.
In the arena stage, the Dream team won two games in a row and the third ‘decider’ didn’t
need to be played.
In other words, Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang couldn’t get one point and gave four points to
the opposite side.
The faces of the two teenagers were a bit ugly as they saw the dazzling red 4:0 score on the
big screen. They walked down from the players’ seats and sat down, their heads hung low
as they didn’t dare say anything.
Li Cangyu didn’t scold them, instead saying to the other six people, “Prepare for the team
In the commentators’ room, Chen Weiwei wouldn’t bear it. “The two young players, this is
their first match. As a result, they lost two games. They should be hard hit. Look at them not
“This is a necessary experience for new people.” Shao Yu added. “Some newcomers will be
full of enthusiasm when debuting. They will kill many players in succession and become a
god in one swoop. On the other hand, some newcomers start off playing badly. After a
period of training, their level will gradually rise. These type of players are relatively slower
and need to be given time to grow up.”
“Yes, the competition is just beginning. We can’t use this strength to evaluate their strength.
I feel like Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang aren’t playing to the normal level today. Let’s look
forward to their next performance.”
The two commentators were obviously full of admiration for Cat God and didn’t blame his
teammates too much. After all, Cat God had worked hard for all these years and gaining the
courage to come back wasn’t easy. They would guide public opinion so that the players
didn’t suffer too much.
However, some netizens didn’t buy the kind commentary. The live screen was full of bricks.
[What type of mess are these kids showing? If they aren’t up to the arena then play in the
online game!] [Is it really okay for Cat God to have them as teammates?] [It feels like those
two will drag down the team!]
Such questions were inevitable. LI Xiaojiang saw the comments on his phone Weibo and his
head dropped lower.
Zhuo Hang wasn’t in the mood to read the comments and was frowning in a daze.
The two people stayed in the corner and silently thought about things. Next to them, Li
Cangyu quickly made arrangements for the group battle.
The five minute break ended and the team battle stage officially began.
The first game was the Canglan team’s selection and Li Cangyu still chose the Magic Mirror
Forest map.
Chen Weiwei laughed. “Cat God is lazy and didn’t change the map. This saves us a lot of
effort because we don’t need to introduce the map in detail.”
“The map might have the same name but there is a big difference between the arena map
and the team battle map.” Shao Yu added. “The team battle map will be five times bigger
than the arena map and it will be divided into four wild areas. The wild areas between the
roads can’t be seen and have to be illuminated with lights. There is a barrier around the
central crystal area, which can’t be entered before the defense towers are destroyed…”
Shao Yu quickly explained the team battle map while the players on both sides selected the
basic equipment.
The game interface started to count down. 10 seconds later, the players on both sides were
refreshed in opposite corners of the map. This was the birth point i.e. their base camp. After
death, they would be resurrected at the base camp. The battlefield store was also located
The initial economy of the team was 3,000 gold coins, with each person having 500 gold
Bai Xuan wasn’t responsible for investigation and bought a sapphire to restore mana. The
other five people bought lamps.
The team map was divided into four wild areas by vertical and horizontal lines, like a
square ‘田’ character. The Canglan team was born in the lower left corner that was the
southwest. The Dream team was born in the upper right corner that was the northeast
direction. The two wild areas were naturally the best places to occupy for both sides.
The remaining two areas would be fiercely competed over.
Li Cangyu quickly made a mark at the fork on the small map and issued instructions on the
voice channel. “A’Shu and Xiao Bai will hold the southwest home area. Xiao Gu and Uncle
Zhang will go to the northwest. Xiao Han and I will go to the southeast. Quickly occupy
these two wild areas.”
On the big screen, the six people walked forward and divided into three different
Since the ‘田’ battlefield had four areas, there were many ways to split up. Li Cangyu chose
to divide the team into three. This was for the sake of being conservative. In any case, it was
the first match and they could try this style first.
Everyone had just arrived in a good position when the mobs in the wild areas refreshed.
There was no need for Li Cangyu to give instructions. Everyone immediately started to kill
the mobs at the fastest speed!
The team economy on the data panel was growing rapidly. The Dream team was also killing
mobs but the map was too big and the two sides hadn’t met yet.
Xiao Han saw a blue mob in the front area and consciously ran to kill. Master had told him
that when encountering mobs in the wild, priority should be given to killing the blue and
red mobs. They had the effect of adding blue or blood, while white mobs only gave money.
The blue mob’s refresh point happened to be at the junction of two areas. Xiao Han saw it
and the white magician on the opposite side also saw it.
Xiao Han entered stealth to steal the kill while the white magician happened to fire God’s
The opposite white magician was very clever. He didn’t attack the mob but used the group
attack skill to hit Xiao Han who had just entered stealth. His reaction was also very fast. He
immediately followed up with God’s Seal to fix Xiao Han in place!
The Dream team’s captain was behind him and saw that his teammate had handled the
opposite assassin. He didn’t hesitate to fire the long bow and use the archer’s strongest
single target skill, Seize Life Shot!
Xiao Han’s blood dropped by one third and he was still stuck, making the situation quite
However, Li Cangyu didn’t rush to help. His position was in the blind spot on the other side
of the field. This meant that the people of the Dream team couldn’t see Li Cangyu and the
two players thought Xiao Han was the only one in the area. It was why they were so bold
and direct with starting the battle, because 2v1 was almost always a winning situation.
This was very common on the battlefield. The assassin wasn’t far away but there were two
of them. This was a good opportunity that no one would let go.
Li Cangyu didn’t directly go to help Xiao Han. He made the bold move to go around!
He took advantage of the rapid movements of Flying Feather Steps and instantly
circumvented around, coming behind the archer and white magician.
The two people couldn’t see Li Cangyu but teammates shared a field of view. Xiao Han
could clearly see his master’s position.
Li Cangyu said, “Let’s cooperate.”
Xiao Han immediately understood. Master intended to strike from the front and the back!
The fixed effect on his body finally finished and Xiao Han immediately pounced fiercely.
The sharp blade in his hand moved and greeted the white magician, quickly cutting his
blood by 20%!
The white magician wasn’t afraid of Xiao Han at all. The assassin was going to die.
Sure enough, the archer used Ice Arrow. The cold arrow flew to Xiao Han and rapidly froze
him, once again setting Xiao Han in place.
The two men had been partners for many years and this was obviously a very tacit
After freezing Xiao Han, the archer was the main output while the white magician took a
few steps to widen the distance. He wanted to continue to attack Xiao Han from a distance
when at this moment, an ID suddenly appeared in his field of view. Old Cat!
The visibility in a team battle was only 5 metres. He just retreated within 5 metres of Li
Cangyu’s ambush point and saw that Old Cat was behind him.
Not good!
Alarm bells rang in his heart but it was too late.
Li Cangyu already summoned the water spirit and froze the white magician. He followed up
with the rapid outbreak of the fire spirit and quickly smashed him.
The archer found that his teammate was being ambushed and wanted to go back to help.
However, Xiao Han was already in a state of residual blood. Going back to help would be
abandoning Xiao Han. The rational approach should be to kill Xiao Han and then return to
join his teammate. After all, there was a blood volume advantage…
The Dream team’s captain didn’t have the wrong idea. It was just that he ignored Cat God’s
explosive power!
What was this advantage in Li Cangyu’s eyes?
Fireballs flew in succession like fireworks. The white magician couldn’t take care of his life.
Then this was followed by the thunder spirit’s Thunder’s Wrath, directly causing the white
magician to fall to residual blood!
Fortunately, the white magician’s frozen effect was finally lifted!
The white magician had just turned to run when Li Cangyu’s wind spirit came out. The
move ‘Wind and Clouds Destruction’ was accurately thrown in the direction of the two
people. A strong gust of wind blew and the white magician and archer were blown five
metres away!
The angle at which Li Cangyu released Wind and Clouds Destruction was excellent. The
white magician was blown into a big hole and couldn’t climb up for a while. The archer just
deviated from his original position but this distance was enough that he couldn’t attack
Xiao Han!
Using one move to take care of two people, this was the powerful control ability of Cat
God’s wind spirit.
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help exclaiming excitedly, “The legendary wind spirit’s field control,
today is the first time I’ve seen it!”
Shao Yu was also very excited. “Yes, everyone knows that the elf summoner’s four race pets
are the water, fire, wind and thunder spirits. The water spirit freezes players, the fire
spirits use single attacks and the thunder spirit has the big group attack. Meanwhile, the
wind spirit isn’t used by many people and some people think that its skills are useless. In
fact, an elf summoner’s most powerful pet is the wind spirit! We have just seen it. Cat God
used the wind spirit’s move to directly stop the attack power of the opposite two people!
The control effect of this pet is excellent and doesn’t lose to the demon summoner’s
How many years had it been since a wind spirit appeared in the Miracle League’s arena?
Many professional players were emotional when they saw this scene.
In the past, Li Cangyu was incomparably strong in the arena. He relied on his wind spirit to
control the field. His use of the wind spirit was so superb as he used wind to blow people
away. Some people said that Cat God used the wind spirit to turn the group into a mess and
then clean them up with the thunder spirit, simply giving them no way to fight back!
Today, the wind spirit had reappeared. It was only a small 2v2 team battle in the league’s
second division but it caught the eyes of many spectators.
Their strongest elf summoner was really back!

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GLS: Chapter 120
Chapter 120 – Result of the Team Battle

Li Cangyu’s wind spirit controlled the field. The white magician fell into a pit while his
apprentice was rescued from the archer’s violent attacks.
Xiao Han only had a trace of blood left and the effects on his body were finally lifted. He
immediately chose to enter stealth and save his life. Master had said that in a team battle,
he couldn’t casually give his head! One head would give the other person 500 coins and a
5% status bonus!
Li Cangyu saw his apprentice smartly turning to run and had no worries. He summoned a
fire spirit to kill the white magician in one breath.
[Old Cat has killed Dream South Star, first kill!]
The archer saw that his teammate was called and had no confidence facing Cat God alone.
He had used too many key skills in order to kill Xiao Han and the consumption of blue was
very serious. It was impossible to win against Cat God in this state.
He wanted to run but Li Cangyu wouldn’t give him the chance.
In addition to freezing the opponent for five seconds, the water spirit also had a slowdown
Water Ball, Water Ball…
The lovely blue water spirit threw small water balls at the archer, causing a 2% slowdown
which became a 4% slowdown…
After being hit by a few water balls, the archer slowed down like a layer of mud was on the
soles of his feet.
The other elf player was slowed and Li Cangyu naturally caught up easily with him. He used
the fire spirit’s attack and the thunder spirit’s big move to instantly kill the other side.
[Old Cat has killed Dream God, double kill!]
The applause was thunderous and the audience watching the live broadcast didn’t hesitate
to give Cat God a bunch of flowers.
In the commentators’ room, Chen Weiwei made an admiring expression. “This wave of
attacks is quite beautiful. If replaced by another player, it is likely that they would directly
attack from the front. Cat God thought of using the blind spot to sneak around. It is clear
that not only is he very calm, he is also very smart!” Shao Yu felt that Chen Weiwei was
quickly becoming Cat God’s fangirl.
Still, she was right. It was true that a person’s psychological quality was crucial in a match
and Cat God’s psychological quality was obviously stable enough.
On the field, Li Cangyu won two consecutive heads and his personal economy took the lead.
He got 450 coins from killing mobs and the two heads rewarded him with 1,000 coins,
adding up to 1,450 coins.
Rather than rushing to return, he placed a light in the middle of the southwest wild area. At
the same time, the hidden Xiao Han placed a light in the northeast edge.
With the placement of these two lights, the field of view on this wild area side became
incredibly open for the Canglan team.
The mobs in this wild area were quickly cleared thanks to the illumination. Li Cangyu
patrolled in a circle and found a mob he missed, killing it in one strike. His personal
economy finally reached 1,500 crystal coins.
At this time, Li Cangyu chose to return.
He returned to the base camp, opened the battlefield store and bought the ‘Elf’s Tears’
necklace from the equipment library. The effect of this necklace was to increase attack by
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help sighing. “After his double kill, he already has a 10% attack
bonus. Add this 5%… it is scary!”
Shao Yu said with a smile, “If he takes a few more heads, he will turn into a boss.”
As a result of the two kills, the overall economy of the Canglan team surpassed the Dream
In the northwest top area, the combination of Uncle Zhang and Xiao Gu didn’t encounter
the opposite side. Uncle Zhang was relieved and assisted, giving up the mobs to Gu Siming.
Gu Siming now had 1,000 coins.
In the middle southwest area, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong divided the resources, each person
holding 500 coins.
Xiao Han had been controlled for a long time and couldn’t kill mobs. He had the least
amount of money with only 400 coins.
Once everyone returned to the city, Li Cangyu ordered, “Xiao Gu, buy the meat clothes.”
Meat clothes meant a defense outfit. Gu Siming was the main T in the front row. The
stronger his defense, the more reassured the outputs in the back row could be.
Gu Siming heard this and immediately bought a Guardian Light Shield from the store. This
increased defense by 10% and cost 1,000 coins.
Xie Shurong bought a ring that added attack while Bai Xuan bought a ring that added to the
healing amount. The rings were relatively cheap and could be bought with 500 coins.
Xiao Han was so pitiful at 400 coins that he couldn’t afford the cheapest ring. Li Cangyu
looked at the data on the economic panel and said, “Xiao Han, buy a scouting light.”
He could still afford this type of item! Xiao Han immediately bought a scouting lamp
according to Master’s order.
A lighting lamp could widen his field of vision while a scouting lamp could detect the
lighting lamp placed by the other party within a range of 10 metres and extinguish it.
This was the most interesting visual field control of this new system.
If there was no vision in the wilderness area, it was like being blind and it would be difficult
to fight. Li Cangyu had Xiao Han buy the scouting lights to control the opposite side’s field
of view.
Compared to the Canglan side, the Dream team seemed very poor.
They couldn’t afford the 1,500 coins attack necklace. They could only buy a few rings at
most and then used the spare money on the scouting lamps.
The economic gap between the two sides led to a gap in equipment. Fortunately, there
were two ways to remedy this. First was to kill the enemies in the field and destroy the
economic gap. Second was to kill the ice dragon that refreshed in the wild. The ice dragon
would supplement the team’s economy with 10,000 crystal coins, which was simply
sending them money.
This setting was to give the initially disadvantageous team a chance to reverse the
Li Cangyu definitely wouldn’t give this opportunity to the Dream team.
The ice dragon was about to refresh and the first wave of large-scale fighting couldn’t be
avoided. After buying equipment and refilling their blood and blue, Li Cangyu and his team
rushed to the ice dragon’s refresh point.
The ice dragon refreshed in a fixed location and there was an obvious pit around it. Players
didn’t necessarily have to jump into the pit when playing the ice dragon. For example,
magicians and archers could stand outside the pit but melee must jump in, otherwise they
wouldn’t be able to reach the dragon.
The Dream team had to win the ice dragon because they knew that if the Canglan team got
it, they had absolutely no chance to win.
The two sides met at the ice dragon’s refresh point. Li Cangyu hadn’t had time to open his
mouth when Gu Siming rushed over like a best, using the move ‘Fighting Howl’ to directly
pull over the other side’s paladin.
Li Cangyu, “…”
He really was a small madman!
Gu Siming went forward and Xie Shurong had no choice but to follow. Xiao Han also
followed along, the three melee unleashing their hand speed to attack the paladin.
Zhang Jueming immediately released a white magician’s auxiliary skill, Inspiring Voice and
Song of Encouragement!
The entire team’s attack power increased for 10 seconds.
It was only 10 seconds but this was enough for the Canglan team members.
Li Cangyu’s explosive ability was already very strong. Now he had the 10% attack bonus
from the double kills and the 5% attack necklace. Together with Zhang Jueming’s skills, his
attack power was amazing enough to be incomparably painful!
[Old Cat has killed Dream Everlasting, third kill!]
This was an additional 5% status bonus.
Cat God truly became a boss and could beat anyone!
After killing the paladin the front row, they chased after the rest of the group and Li Cangyu
cleaned them up one by one.
[Old Cat has killed Dream Less Ice, fourth kill!]
[Old Cat has killed Dream Polar Bear, fifth kill!]
[Old Cat has killed Dream Sky, sixth kill!]
[Old Cat can’t stop!]
[Old Cat has become super god!]
Li Cangyu walked around with his pets and directly defeated the Dream team.
The live audience clapped while thousands of ‘Cat God 666’ comments filled the screen of
the online broadcast.
The big golden characters suddenly appeared on the screen. Li Cangyu was startled. The
central crystal hadn’t been destroyed but victory was suddenly decided. The other side had
probably pressed the surrender button.
In the team battle, as long as all teammates agreed, a team could choose to surrender in
advance. In a situation where it was impossible to reverse the result, it was better to
surrender directly instead of delaying the time and slowly affecting the human heart. This
way the teammates wouldn’t completely lose confidence.
The captain of the Dream team didn’t want to continue this game because he knew exactly
what ‘Old Cat has become super god’ meant.
He already made a judgment on Cat God’s personal strength after today’s fight. This man
had left Miracle for so many years. Forget about a status decline. He was even more terrible
than the past.
A super god Old Cat with a 50% increase in attack would really be a boss!
Such a super Old Cat, even Ling Xuefeng would kneel if he encountered it, let alone their
small team. It was better to simply surrender!
Li Cangyu successfully won five points in the team battle and touched his chin with a smile.
The first team battle after returning to Miracle ended with the other party taking the
initiative to surrender. Li Cangyu was in an excellent mood!

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GLS: Chapter 121

Chapter 121 – Ingenious Tactics

The first round of the team battle, the Dream team took the initiative to surrender and
concede defeat. In the second round, it was the Dream team’s turn to select the map.
The other team’s captain chose Moonlight Waterfront!
Once the map appeared on the big screen, Chen Weiwei immediately explained to the
audience. “The Moonlight Waterfront is a beautiful dating place in the elves’ Moonlight
Forest. However, the Moonlight Waterfront in the team battle is very different. 90% of the
entire map is in the water. There are two roads in the middle that divide the map into the
‘田’ character, forming the four foggy wild areas.”
Shao Yu followed with, “This should be the first time that the audience is seeing the
Moonlight Waterfront map under the new system. The environment is still beautiful but the
90% water map will be very difficult to play. In particular, the mobs in the wild area all
swim in the water and used ranged spells. The melee players will definitely have a
The water map was undoubtedly a difficult map for the new team because the effect of
many moves in the water were completely different from the land. Moreover, the fog area
was full of water and everyone’s speed in the water would be slow. A melee class would be
greatly limited.
The archer was the class with the furthest attack distance of all classes. The Dream team’s
archer could stand at a distance and shoot arrows, using the advantage of his attack range
to suppress the enemy. This map was particularly beneficial to the Dream team while
disadvantageous to Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong.
With such a targeted selection, the captain had clearly worked hard before the game.
Li Cangyu’s expression was very calm when he saw this map. At the beginning of the team
battle, the members of the Canglan team refreshed in the northeast area in the upper right
corner of the map. Li Cangyu immediately issued instructions on the voice channel. “Xiao
Gu, Xiao Han and Old Zhang will go to the northwest while A’Shu and Xiao Bai will continue
in our home base. I will go to the southwest wild area.”
This time, it was still a three road plan but Li Cangyu went alone instead of bringing a
In the commentators’ room, Chen Weiwei couldn’t help wondering, “Cat God is going to the
wild area alone… what is he trying to do?”
Shao Yu thought for a moment before guessing, “Does he have the confidence to beat them
Chen Weiwei was somewhat worried. “Cat God’s personal strength is very strong but it is
unrealistic to fight 1v2 in a water map. The advantage of the elf summoner is its quick
actions. All pets will be affected by the water in the water map. They will become sluggish
and the fast-moving style can’t be played at all. If an archer who can attack from far away
shows up, 1v1 will be difficult, let alone 1v2…”
Li Cangyu’s bold decision confused many viewers.
The thing that made everyone more afraid was that from their point of view, the Dream
team’s ace combination of elf archer and white magician had gone to the southeast corner
in the lower right. If there was no accident then they would meet soon!
The wild mob areas refreshed on time and Li Cangyu started to clean up the mobs where he
was standing. He had just killed four mobs and got 200 crystal coins when both sides met in
the wild area.
Due to dealing with the long distance mobs, Li Cangyu lost 10% of his blood. Meanwhile,
the two Dream team members were full of blood because they joined hands to kill the mobs
and were safer and faster than Li Cangyu!
This was a completely overwhelming advantage!
To the surprise of the audience, the archer and white magician of the Dream team didn’t
kill Cat God.
The audience sitting under the stage felt urgent while the live commentators typed:
[Come on!]
[Two against one and Cat God has lost blood, he can absolutely be killed!]
[Hurry and kill Cat God!]
[There is a sense of accomplishment in killing Cat God. Why aren’t they going?]
[What are they hesitating for?]
Chen Weiwei was also worried about them.
Once she discovered that the two people hadn’t acted, Chen Weiwei couldn’t help saying,
“Cat God is standing in front of them with less blood yet the people of the Dream team
aren’t going to kill him. Are they scared from the last game?”
Shao Yu shook his head and analyzed, “I guess that they are wondering if there is an
ambush behind Cat God. After all, Cat God is notorious for his unfathomable tactics.” Shao
Yu guessed right. The two of them did hesitate because they didn’t think Cat God would
dare wander alone on a water map. They thought that Cat God must have a teammate
behind him!
Thus… the two people of the Dream team didn’t rush. They first placed a light on the left
and right sides of Cat God in order to check the situation around him before making a
Li Cangyu had been calmly killing the mobs, as if the two opponents in front of him didn’t
Once the Dream team’s captain placed the lights down, they found that Cat God was indeed
alone and boldly ordered, “Go!”
The white magician immediately cast a control skill in order to send Cat God into the water.
However, Li Cangyu expected this and used Flying Feather Steps to transport to the right
and avoid this control.
The archer followed with Ice Arrow to freeze him in place and then unleash a combo.
However, Li Cangyu used a small sliding step and once again subtly escaped the archer’s
control skills!
Chen Weiwei saw the ice arrow pass Li Cangyu in a thrilling manner and couldn’t help
clapping. She praised, “These movements are simply godlike!”
Shao Yu also sighed, “This is Cat God. His random walking is really handsome. Despite this
being the more unfavorable map for him, he can rely on his walking technique to
continuously avoid the two control moves…”
“Then while avoiding the control, he took the time to throw a Water Ball and kill a mob not
far away!”
“We can see that Cat God is surrounded by two people but his personal economy has gone
“Yes, it is because he has been seriously fighting the mob from beginning to end, not
missing a single one!”
“Cat God has killed six mobs and now has 300 crystal coins. Meanwhile, the two people of
the Dream team hesitated to kill him and only have 100 crystal coins.”
“It seems that this is Cat God’s intention!”
At this time, a fierce small battle broke out in the northwest area on the upper left. Then
two prompts filled the screen.
[Frost Descends has killed Dream Everlasting, first kill!]
[Frost Descends has killed Dream Polar Bear, double kill!]
Cat God’s performance in the last game was too prominent and his name was always filling
the screen. Thus, people didn’t expect the first battle to be in the northwest wilderness area
and for it to be a big victory for Canglan!
The guide immediately cut the camera back and replayed the scene just now.
Chen Weiwei finally reacted, admiration filling her face. “Cat God’s sudden change in tactics
is very useful! He moved 1v2. This might seem like he has a disadvantage but he relied on
his strong walking skills to hide from the opposite side’s control! On the road, the Gu, Zhang
and Xiao trio took on two members of Dream. 3v2 is relatively good plus the player Gu
Siming was full of momentum. Xiao Han used stealth while Gu Siming drew the attention of
the two players. In this case, Xiao Han relied on Zhang Jueming’s help to use a beautiful
sneak attack to take two consecutive heads!”
Shao Yu said, “The Dream team probably didn’t expect Cat God to change the way he
divided the team members. The two people in the northwest wild area were too careless
and even gave away two heads. The two people in the southeast were too careful and now
they can’t kill Cat God.”
Chen Weiwei said with a smile, “This way, the negative impact of the water map has been
successfully solved by Cat God’s clever tactics. Xiao Han now has two heads and his sneak
attacks will be harder to deal with!”
As the two people analyzed, Li Cangyu accurately caught the cautious attitude of the Dream
team’s leader. He appeared in the southeast in a brave manner, so that the other side
couldn’t easily act. Then in the northwest area that had three people, Xiao Han cleverly
used Uncle Zhang’s assistance to kill two people, successfully establishing an initial
The next step was to play even better.
Li Cangyu was surrounded by two people and didn’t hurry to fight back. Instead, he
withdrew while killing wild mobs. Once he killed 10, he could get 500 crystal coins and
directly return to the base to buy a ring.
After playing for so long, Cat God calmly returned to his base. Both of the Dream team
members wanted to vomit blood!
The thing that made them even more frustrated was they spent so much time trying to kill
Cat God that they missed a lot of mobs. Their accumulated money was so poor that they
couldn’t even afford a ring.
The Canglan team’s slight advantage was steadily growing and they maintained this to the
Xiao Han’s performance in this game was very bright. He took two heads and was like a fish
in water, hiding in the darkness for all types of sneak attacks and annoying the Dream
After the ice dragon appeared, the Dream team went all out, the elf archer suppressing
them from a distance. They successfully killed Gu Siming in the front row but also lost a
The two sides had a fierce exchange and both teams had three people die. The remaining
three people couldn’t beat the ice dragon and they consciously returned to their base.
However, the Dream team was desperate because the three people who died were all killed
by Cat God!
Cat God’s level after gaining heads was terrible. He once again bought the Elf’s Tears
Necklace and became a boss…
This time, the Dream team didn’t surrender. Consecutive surrenders would cause them to
drown in the netizens’ curses. However, they were quite frustrated. It was obvious that a
water map was beneficial to their side but the result was that they were controlled. It was
like a group of cotton emerged to catch their ankles, dragging them to a chronic death.
In the end, Li Cangyu accumulated enough of an economic foundation and the Canglan team
unleashed a wave of attack, sending the Dream team back to their base. Then everyone
rushed down the east road, pushing through the defense towers, killing the ice phoenix and
ultimately destroying the white crystal!
The effect of the crystal bursting was quite gorgeous. Countless fragments of different sizes
flew up, looking like dazzling diamonds under the light.
Along with the clear sound of the crystal breaking, the golden word ‘victory’ finally popped
Li Cangyu smiled and reached to take off his headset.
He didn’t expect for the camera’s lens to zoom in on his smile, causing a new round of
rioting to appear in the live broadcast room.
[Cat God is very handsome close-up! He is a handsome man!]
[Why didn’t I know he was this handsome before?]
[Handsome, are you still lacking leg pendants?]
[Cat God 66666!]
[Our Cat God is handsome and manly!]
[Lick Cat God!] [Cat God, marry me!]
Ling Xuefeng looked at the screen filled with ‘Cat God is handsome’ and couldn’t help gently
smiling as he thought, ‘This handsome cat is mine alone, not yours.’

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GLS: Chapter 122

Chapter 122 – Summary After the Game

Due to the two consecutive victories, Canglan didn’t need to play a third round of the team
battle. The match between Canglan and Dream was over and the final score was 10:4. The
initial two youngsters lost in the arena round but Li Cangyu personally led the team battle
and won twice, finally scoring 10 points.
In the commentators’ room, Chen Weiwei and Shao Yu gave a simple explanation of the
game. Both of them praised Cat God’s first match after returning to Miracle.
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu signed his signature on the form submitted to the
referee and then took the players to the opposite room to shake hands with the Dream
team. The Dream players were very depressed but they admired Cat God’s personal
strength and ingenious tactical arrangements.
After coming back, Li Cangyu brought everyone to eat dinner.
Today’s first match harvest of 10:4 wasn’t bad. Bai Xuan proposed to eat in celebration and
Li Cangyu also had this idea. He took everyone to a local restaurant in Guangzhou to eat
Cantonese cuisine.
The team was sitting in a chartered car arranged by the club for during the competition.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang both sat down and Li Cangyu didn’t care about them. He
opened up WeChat and sent someone a message.
[We played 10:4 in the first game.] It was naturally sent to Ling Xuefeng.
[I watched it live.] Ling Xuefeng returned a message in seconds.
[Aren’t you going to comment on your boyfriend’s performance?] Li Cangyu continued to
[Very handsome.] Ling Xuefeng was helpless towards the big cat who desired praise.
However, his eyes couldn’t help becoming gentle when he typed these words.
The always serious man was unable to say flowery words so Li Cangyu no longer
embarrassed him. He smiled and sent a hug emoji, before asking, [By the way, do you know
Zhuo Hang?]
Ling Xuefeng wondered: [The newcomer in Canglan, the one playing the elf hunter?]
[Yes, do you know him?]
[I don’t know.]
Li Cangyu looked back at Zhuo Hang and found that this youth was looking out the window.
The side silhouette was handsome and his slightly raised chin made him look really proud.
His eyes were no longer as bright as usual after losing the game. They were a bit bleak.
Whose child was he?
Li Cangyu turned around and thoughtfully touched his chin.
Everyone arrived at the restaurant and circulated the menu while chatting. They were all
happy apart from Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
Gu Siming took the initiative to pat Zhuo Hang’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“Don’t be sad. We might’ve lost in the arena but we won two rounds in a row and got 10
Xiao Gu obviously intended to be kind but the result was counterproductive. To Zhuo
Hang’s ears, it just sounded like sarcasm.
Zhuo Hang didn’t answer and turned away with a pale look.
Gu Siming received the cold shoulder and scratched his head before turning to comfort Li
Xiaojiang. “Xiao Jiang, don’t take it to heart. Today’s loss in the arena isn’t your
“…” Li Xiaojiang’s head hung low enough to hit the table. Zhuo Hang’s face became paler.
Li Cangyu was speechless. This Xiao Gu added to the chaos!
Only Xiao Han wasn’t worried. He knew his Chinese wasn’t good enough and didn’t speak
nonsense. He just lowered his head and focused on the menu.
Bai Xuan saw that Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang’s faces had become uglier and couldn’t bear
it. He gently rubbed Li Xiaojiang’s head and smiled. “Don’t mind it. It is normal to win or
lose in a game. You are still newcomers and it doesn’t matter if you didn’t play well in the
first match. When I was a newcomer, my fingers were shaking so much that I couldn’t add
blood. Why don’t you take it slowly? There will be many games in the future. You are slowly
making progress, don’t worry.”
Vice-Captain Bai’s voice was very gentle. Like soft feathers, it gentle swept over their ears.
Li Xiaojiang head these comforting words and his mood improved.
The dishes were quickly served and once the table was full, the group immediately moved
their chopsticks to grab the food.
Li Xiaojiang was slow and always couldn’t grab the food. Bai Xuan considerately set a small
bowl of various dishes in front of him. Li Xiaojiang gratefully looked at Bai Xuan before
bowing over the small bowl of food in front of him.
Zhuo Hang was silent. Once the turntable reached him, he would casually move his
chopsticks like it was an errand. He was clearly absent-minded.
Li Cangyu took the initiative to raise the water glass and made a toast. “During the
competition, the team is banned from drinking wine. Today, we will use water to replace
wine. Let’s raise our glasses for gaining 10 points in the first match today.”
Everyone stood up. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang had to follow and hold up a glass of water
to clink it against everyone’s glasses.
“Canglan must win!” Gu Siming shouted excitedly.
“There will be more points in the future. We will win the championship in one go.” Zhang
Jueming readily drank the water in the cup. Bai Xuan couldn’t help saying, “Old Zhang, take
it easy. It isn’t alcohol so is there a need to chug it down?”
“I’m thirsty!” Zhang Jueming laughed. “If this was liquor, I would drink it all in one go.”
Uncle Zhang’s words made everyone laugh, apart from Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
Li Cangyu didn’t want to teach them at the dinner table. He saw that the two teenagers
were still looking down and couldn’t help saying, “Xiaojiang, Xiao Zhuo, since we came to
eat, you should eat well. Don’t think about anything else at the dinner table. The chicken
here is very famous. Come and try it.”
He took the initiative to give Zhuo Hang a chicken leg as he spoke. Zhuo Hang was flattered
and quickly picked it up, almost knocking over his plate.
Li Cangyu smiled at him and thought, ‘Boy, eat a bit. You need strength for when I clean you
up later!’
Everyone returned to the hotel and Li Cangyu ordered, “Xiaojiang, come to my room. Zhuo
Hang, come 10 minutes later.”
Li Xiaojiang hung his head and followed. Zhuo Hang’s face was also ugly. Cat God named
them separately. Wasn’t this to scold them?
In order to give Cat God time to teach them, Uncle Zhang who lived with him took the
initiative to go with Xiao Han and Gu Siming to play the computer.
Once Li Cangyu opened the door, Li Xiaojiang entered and said, “Sorry Cat God, I didn’t,
didn’t play well today. I, I…”
Li Cangyu saw him stuttering for a long time with slightly red eyes and couldn’t help feeling
pained for this kid. HIs voice was gentle as he said, “Xiao Li, I’m not scolding you. Don’t rush
to admit your mistakes. Come and sit down.”
Li Xiaojiang looked up with a startled expression. He found that the captain’s face wasn’t
terrible. Instead, he was smiling. Li Xiaojiang couldn’t help feeling confused as he went to
the sofa and sat down.
Li Cangyu then asked, “I arranged for you and Zhuo Hang to fight together in the arena.
How did you communicate with him?”
Li Xiaojiang hesitated for a moment before answering, “I, I went to him but I didn’t know
how to tell him.”
Li Cangyu’s eyes were cold. “Did he ignore you?”
Lai Xiaojiang lowered his head.
It was obvious from this action that Li Xiaojiang was definitely ignored by the proud Zhuo
Hang before the game.
Poor Xiao Li, he was very introverted and couldn’t speak without stammering. He took the
courage to find Zhuo Hang to try and cooperate, only to be ignored by Zhuo Hang. Wouldn’t
Li Xiaojiang’s heart at that time be sad?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help gently patting Li Xiaojiang’s hair. “Your approach is right as
communication is very important. You don’t speak much but at least you know how to
cooperate with the team. In this game, I found that you cooperated with Zhuo Hang many
times but couldn’t keep up because of your slow hand speed. This isn’t your fault. You tried
your best.”
Li Xiaojiang was stunned as he stared at his captain. He didn’t expect for the captain not to
scold him.
Li Cangyu went on to say, “You were actually very calm in this match. You judged the timing
that is most advantageous and carefully controlled and consumed the other people
according to your own rhythm. The problem is inexperience. There is no need to blame
yourself. This is just the beginning so have more confidence. Don’t question yourself. The
fact that I chose you as my teammate is a confirmation of your strength.” Li Xiaojiang
looked emotionally at Cat God. His eyes were wet and full of gratitude. It was like a stray cat
that no one wanted was finally picked up and found a good home.
Li Cangyu softened at the sight and couldn’t help smiling. He smoothed out Li Xiaojiang’s
hair and stated, “In the future, I will give you more opportunities to fight. There might be
many times where you will need to pair up with Zhuo Hang for the arena. You have to
remember to believe in your own judgment and play at your own pace. Don’t try to
accommodate Zhuo Hang. You are the core of this combination, understood?”
Li Xiaojiang nodded vigorously. “Yes, I understand!”
Li Cangyu found that this child was outstanding and worked very hard. However, the
stuttering made it difficult for him to communicate with others. He lacked confidence from
an early age and habitually let others take the lead, becoming a supporting role instead.
Still, the black magician was a highly aggressive class. It was necessary to build up
Xiaojiang’s confidence as soon as possible.
Li Xiaojiang left and Li Cangyu poured a glass of water, slowing drinking it on the sofa. It
didn’t take long before he heard the ringing of the door bell. He opened it and found Zhuo
Hang standing at the door.
They were a similar age but Zhuo Hang was taller and stronger than Li Xiaojiang. His
appearance was very handsome, especially when he laughed. He was a typical sunny
handsome person in a young idol campus drama. Once he grew up, his appearance and
figure would improve. Even if he wasn’t an e-sports player, he could rely on his face to eat.
He was tall, handsome and had a relative who was a big god in the e-sports circle. It was no
wonder that he had a sense of superiority.
He was young and his character wasn’t stable enough. His own conditions were good and
he was pampered since childhood. It was normal for him to have a sense of superiority.
However, Li Cangyu wouldn’t allow him to bring this to the field. It was absolutely taboo to
not cooperate with his teammates or to abandon his teammates in his heart.
If Zhou Hang had won in the arena today, he would rush over to hug Li Cangyu and say, “Cat
God, was I good?” Now that he lost, Zhuo Hang obviously wasn’t happy. He lowered his
head after entering the house and cried out, “Cat God.”
Li Cangyu didn’t let him sit down. He walked back to the sofa and sat down. He took a sip of
water before asking seriously, “Powerful hunter, tell me why you lost today?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Cat God’s posture was like a parent teaching their child. Zhuo Hang suddenly felt afraid of
Li Cangyu saw that the other person wasn’t speaking and went on, “Okay, then let’s change
the topic. Who is the relative in your family? He might be quite famous in Miracle to give
you such a sense of superiority?”
A hint of embarrassment flashed on Zhuo Hang’s face. “Cat God, please don’t ask…”
“Why, are you ashamed?” Li Cangyu’s voice deepened. “If you can’t overcome the
psychological barrier, I have to at least know who your relative is so I don’t send you to
those matches.”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
The boy looked very embarrassed.
Li Cangyu wondered, “The great gods of the Miracle League, they can be counted on 10
fingers. Let me guess… are you related to Su Guangmo, captain of the Flying Feathers
Zhuo Hang lowered his head and didn’t speak.
Li Cangyu kept asking, “What about Tan Shitian?”
Zhuo Hang’s head lowered further.
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Really? You know both Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Li Cangyu saw his sad expression and couldn’t help smiling. “Then you really aren’t small!”
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GLS: Chapter 123

Chapter 123 – Zhuo Hang’s Background

Speaking of the relationships in Zhuo Hang’s family, the world ‘complicated’ could be used
to describe it.
Zhuo Hang’s paternal grandfather had two younger sisters. The youngest sister was nearly
20 years younger and later, she married Su Jiasheng and had one son, Su Guangmo. From
the blood relationship perspective, Su Guangmo’s uncle was Zhuo Hang’s grandfather and
to Zhou Hang, Su Guangmo was the son of his grandfather’s sister.
Tan Shitian was a relative of Zhuo Hang’s mother. Zhuo Hang’s mother was also surnamed
Tan and Tan Shitian was her cousin. The age gap between Zhuo Hang and Tan Shitian
wasn’t big and was still within one generation. Thus, Tan Shitian was Zhuo Hang’s maternal
Zhuo Hang’s parents were born in a big family. Zhuo Hang was the only son and never had
any grievances when growing up. This made him develop a confident nature with a high
sense of superiority.
Zhuo Hang’s grandfather might be in his 70s but his spirit was very good and he had a
strong body. Every year, everyone had to go to his home to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Zhuo Hang and Su Guangmo became familiar with each other from childhood, despite being
separated by a familial generation. Their ages were similar and they had a common
language. When they were young, they piled wood together, played with trains and swam
Su Guangmo’s personality was refreshing and he didn’t care much about generations. He
always treated Zhou Hang as a younger brother. Their relationship lasted from childhood
to adulthood and were more like friends.
On Tan Shitian’s side, Zhuo Hang often saw him when visiting his maternal grandfather’s
Tan Shitian had a gentle personality, was handsome and had a good sense of humour. He
often told funny jokes and his stories were more interesting than novels. As a child, he
often told stories to amuse Zhuo Hang, thus Zhuo Hang also had a particularly good
relationship with Tan Shitian.
Speaking of which, Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian actually met each other before the league.
Four years ago, Zhuo Hang’s father had a car accident while on a business trip. He had to
rest at home after surgery and relatives naturally came to visit. Su Guangmo and Tan
Shitian happened to come over on the same weekend and met each other at Zhuo Hang’s
There was no blood relationship between Su and Tan but Zhuo Hang introduced them,
causing the two of them to quickly becoming familiar with each other.
After dinner, Zhuo Hang proposed that they play basketball and the three people went to
the court to practice. Su Guangmo found that Tan Shitian’s skills weren’t bad. The two of
them stayed in contact with each other and would play basketball together when they had
the chance.
At that time, Su Guangmo was already a newcomer in the Flying Feathers team. Tan Shitian
hadn’t yet debuted and was just a small rookie in the online game.
Later, Tan Shitian formed a strong interest in Miracle and his level was getting higher. He
wanted to play in the professional league and asked Su Guangmo about the situation of the
Miracle League.
Su Guangmo was the captain of the Flying Feathers team but Flying Feathers was a melee
team with the swordsmen as the main force. It was useless for Tan Shitian’s archer to join
Flying Feathers. The Time team was focused on long-range player and Su Guangmo gave
Time’s old captain Xu Luo a private recommendation, allowing Tan Shitian to have a direct
interview with Captain Xu.
Xu Luo appreciated Tan Shitian’s talent and nature and recruited him as an apprentice.
Tan Shitian debuted in the fourth season and successfully won the Best Newcomer Award.
Then he become the Time team’s captain after Xu Luo’s retirement in the fifth season. He
became the youngest captain of the new generation of Miracle League players.
The media wasn’t aware that Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian had this relationship. The
reporters just thought that they two people disliked each other. Every time the reporters
asked Tan Shitian who the most annoying player was, he would smile and say, “Of course
the person I dislike most is Su Guangmo. It is too annoying to be chased and killed by a
swordsman.” When a reporter asked Su Guangmo the same question, Su Guangmo would
say, “The one I dislike the most is the archer Tan Shitian. The remote kiting is too
Think carefully. If they weren’t familiar with each other, would it be possible for them to
publicly say words that would offend the other person?
Not long ago, Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian had a very good understanding in the basketball
event and won a small award. People thought it was because they both played basketball.
They completely didn’t know that Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian had been friends for several
years, playing together since they met through Zhuo Hang.
Whenever Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian were together, in addition to playing basketball,
they would talk a lot about the Miracle League. Zhuo Hang became curious and went online
to check. He knew that these two were Miracle professional players and under their
influence, he also fell in love with the Miracle game.
He was a bit talented himself and studied for a year. His standards soared and he had no
rivals in the online game.
Zhuo Hang felt that both Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian were great gods in the Miracle
League. They certainly weren’t bad but he knew that neither the Flying Feathers team or
the Time team needed an elf hunter. He wanted to find a team himself and maybe he would
one day be the captain!
He was filled with these dreams and confidence as he looked for a team in the league to
accept him.
On the day that Cheng Wei forwarded Cat God’s recruitment post, Tan Shitian also
forwarded it. Zhuo Hang saw this message on Tan Shitian’s Weibo and didn’t hesitate to
recommend himself to Cat God. His talents were indeed appreciated by Cat God and he
formally became a professional player.
Only, his superiority was too strong and his tail too high. He fell to the ground in the first
Li Cangyu had no doubt that Zhuo Hang had a relationship with Tan Shitian and Su
Guangmo. He asked Ling Xuefeng and Ling Xuefeng said that he didn’t know Zhuo Hang.
Thus, he asked Zhuo Hang whether he knew Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian, following the
order of the league’s most popular players.
The result was that Zhuo Hang really knew them!
If he didn’t know them, he would definitely say it. Not only did he not refute Li Cangyu’s
words, he lowered his head when Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian were mentioned. This was
too obvious!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he saw this boy’s head move lower and
lower. He asked, “You don’t want to say it? Should I call Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian right
now to confirm it?”
“Don’t!” Zhuo Hang immediately looked up. “Don’t call them.”
“Then tell me exactly what is your relationship with them?” Li Cangyu was very curious
about this. It was no wonder that Xiao Zhuo had such a strong sense of superiority if he had
two gods like Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian at home. It was natural to be confident.
“Er…” Zhuo Hang scratched his head and whispered, “Su Guangmo is the son of my paternal
grandfather’s sister and Tan Shitian is my mother’s cousin. Cough, it is complicated…”
This might sound complicated but Li Cangyu understood. Su Guangmo was a relative of
Zhuo Hang’s father while Tan Shitian was a relative of Zhuo Hang’s mother. Su and Tan had
no blood relationship.
Zhuo Hang’s age wasn’t much younger than Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo but they were in
different generations.
It seemed that a player qualified to ‘enter the Miracle League at the bottom’ had finally
appeared. The other players were mostly a younger brother generation while Zhuo Hang
came out and was in a completely different generation from his relatives.
Tan Shitian was Zhuo Hang’s maternal cousin then Cheng Wei, who was Tan Shitian’s peer,
would be also be Zhuo Hang’s maternal cousin!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing at this thought and asked, “Then do you usually call Su
Guangmo by Uncle (father’s younger brother)? Do you call Tan Shitian by Uncle (mother’s
“Hmm…” Zhuo Hang hung his head with red ears.
There was no other way. Who told him to be born in a home with such a complicated family
tree? He didn’t clearly know his uncles and aunts. He always called Su Guangmo and Tan
Shitian by Uncle, causing him to be scolded many times by the elders.
Li Cangyu stood up and walked to Zhuo Hang. “Captain Tan and Captain Su must’ve seen
today’s game. Do you believe me?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Many players in the professional league were watching Cat God’s return. The two captains
were bored so it was normal for them to watch the second division. Zhuo Hang’s head hung
ever lower when he thought of this and he almost cried.
Li Cangyu asked curiously, “Did you tell them about the Canglan team?”
Zhuo Hang made an awkward expression. “I didn’t tell them.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Then won’t they be very surprised right now?”
As soon as these words were heard, Zhuo Hang’s phone rang. The caller ID was Su
Zhuo Hang awkwardly picked up the call. It had just connected when a man’s refreshing
voice was heard. “Xiao Hang, the elf hunter from Canglan who played particularly badly in
today’s arena, was that you?”
The elf hunter who played particularly badly… Captain Su was really direct!
Zhuo Hang looked at Li Cangyu with embarrassment.
Su Guangmo continued to ask, “Why did you suddenly run to the Canglan team?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Su Guangmo frowned. “Speak!”
Zhuo Hang explained with a bitter expression, “I want to play in the professional league as
well. I just tried it…”
Su Guangmo suddenly realized. “No wonder why you were hiding and secretly sending text
messages during the Spring Festival. I thought you had a girlfriend but you were sneaking
around to play competitively!”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Su Guangmo said, “I really can’t bear to watch you play the game. You were literally abused
by the other side. You ran to Cat God’s team but are you sure you won’t be driven out by Cat
God? A newcomer’s tail is so high that you aren’t afraid to step onto air and fall into the
mud. If I was Cat God, I would make you look at the keyboard all night as reflection!”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
The young boy looked at Li Cangyu with a wronged expression.
Li Cangyu was very happy when he heard Su Guangmo scolding his small nephew on the
phone. It seemed he didn’t need to come forward. Su Guangmo would first scold the
arrogance out of this child.
Su Guangmo spoke a few more sentences before finally hanging up. Then Zhuo Hang’s
phone rang again. This time, the caller ID was Tan Shitian.
Zhuo Hang held the phone and didn’t know what to do. Li Cangyu smiled and ordered, “Pick
it up.”
“…” Zhuo Hang was forced to pick up the call.
A gentle voice entered his ears, “Xiao Han, why are you in the Canglan team?”
Tan Shitian had something to do today and didn’t watch the live broadcast of the match
between Canglan and Dream.
Once he came back in the evening, he was caught by the brainless fan Cheng Wei and
watched a replay of the game. Cheng Wei kept boasting about how handsome and cool Cat
God was but Tan Shitian’s eyes were fixed on a little boy with a proud face in the
soundproof room.
Wasn’t this person Zhuo Hang? How did he appear in the Canglan team?
Tan Shitian was full of questions and immediately called his small nephew. “You didn’t tell
me that you wanted to be a professional player. How did you suddenly join Cat God’s
Zhuo Hang explained, “I usually watch you play and wanted to try it myself.”
“The professional league isn’t as simple as your think. Your current level is still a bit worse
than good professional players.” Tan Shitian said with a smile, “I’m not against you playing
competitively but you have to be clear about your strength and don’t be overly proud. I saw
your arena games today and you played badly. You have to practice more.”
Zhuo Hang nodded. “Yes…”
“Cat God is a good captain. Follow him and study hard.” Tan Shitian spoke softly, “Many
competitors are better than you. You are new and should have a humble attitude. When
you played Miracle with me, I didn’t say anything when you made mistakes because you are
my family, not a team member. However, the team is different. Since you have become a
professional player, you must be serious. Cooperate with your teammates and integrate
with the team as soon as possible. Understood?”
Tan Shitian was the youngest and gentlest captain in the Miracle League. Even when
teaching the team, he usually spoke in this kind and cordial tone. He was reasonable but
spoke enlightening words. Thus, the players were convinced about this despite his young
Cheng Wei listened to him talk on the phone and couldn’t help asking curiously, “Do you
know Zhuo Hang?”
Tan Shitian smiled and explained, “He is my nephew.”
Cheng Wei was immediately excited. “Ah? Then I am your peer and he is my junior. Hahaha,
my seniority is upgraded!”
Tan Shitian saw his happy expression and couldn’t help rubbing Cheng Wei’s head,
thinking, ‘You really have to upgrade generations. After all, you will be my wife in the
Cheng Wei didn’t know Tan Shitian’s thoughts and was studying the relationship between
Zhuo Hang and Tan Shitian.
Zhuo Hang was red-faced and a bit stunned. His head dropped as he said, “I understand…”
Tan Shitian suddenly asked, “Didn’t Cat God scold you?”
Zhuo Hang looked up at Li Cangyu. He thought, ‘Cat God hasn’t scolded me yet. You and Su
Guangmo took turns to call and scold me!’
Tan Shitian saw that there wasn’t an immediate reply and guessed, “Is Cat God next to
Zhuo Hang whispered, “Yes…”
Tan Shitian ordered, “Give him the phone.”
Zhuo Hang handed the phone to Li Cangyu who accepted it. “Captain Tan is looking for
Tan Shitian touched his nose and spoke somewhat awkwardly, “My Xiao Hang isn’t sensible
and brought Cat God trouble.”
“It isn’t a problem.”
Tan Shitian continued, “This child’s nature isn’t bad. He is too arrogant because he is an
only child. He is used to being spoiled by his family. He is now an adult so Cat God shouldn’t
be polite with him.”
Li Cangyu glanced at Zhuo Hang and smiled. “Of course. Leave it to me.”
Then Cheng Wei’s excited voice filled his ears. Apparently he had stolen the phone. “Cat
God, Cat God, your performance in today’s match was as handsome as always! Super god is
too handsome! Quickly finish playing the second division. The first division starts in May
and I want to see you on the field!”
Li Cangyu smiled.”Yes, I will.”
He hung up and returned the phone to Zhuo Hang. Then Li Cangyu patted the teenager’s
shoulder and stated, “Captain Su and Captain Tan have finished their calls. Is it my turn?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
He could imagine that every time he made a mistake, Su Guangmo would scold him, Tan
Shitian would speak to him, Cat God would train him…
Wasn’t his sense of superiority actually an illusion?
He was the real ‘bottom of the Miracle League’ player.
Other people would only be scolded by their captain for a mistake. If he made a mistake…
he would be scolded by three captains…

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GLS: Chapter 124

Chapter 124 – Brilliant Idea

Zhuo Hang hung his head in a depressed manner, waiting to be scolded by Cat God.
The thing that surprised him was that Cat God didn’t directly scold him, instead saying
earnestly, “Xiao Zhuo, your talent isn’t bad but there are many talented players like you in
the Miracle League. There aren’t many who can stick out. Do you know why?”
Zhuo Hang was stunned and looked up at Li Cangyu. He tentatively answered, “Is… is it a
matter of opportunity?”
“Opportunity is an important factor but the key is to rely on yourself.” Li Cangyu explained
seriously, “Many talented players experience a few setbacks in the newcomer period. They
suffer severe psychological blows and then collapse. There are also many talented players
who have too smooth a path. They climb all the way up but once they finally fall, they can
no longer get up…”
Li Cangyu looked gently at the teenager in front of him. “Xiao Zhuo, you are thinking too
lightly of the league. Like me, there are many players who haven’t won trophies for many
years. Like Old Zhang, there are players who can’t achieve their dreams and leave with
regrets. The players who can stand out are only a small percentage. The professional league
is a very cruel place and everyone who can become a god has worked harder than others.
Don’t look at Su Guangmo and watch Tan Shitian. He is so popular now and is sought after
by countless fans. Yet he also experienced a lot of setbacks and tempering in the newcomer
“You are still a newcomer and your posture can’t be too high. Climb up step by step, making
your foundation stable. If you become boastful because you know a few great gods, there is
no need for me to tell you what will happen.”
“I will be direct. The key to losing today’s matches is you, not Xiao Li. You should know that
Xiao Li is very introverted and shy. He doesn’t know how to express himself but he tried to
cooperate with you many times. However, from beginning to end, you never paid attention
to what he was doing. This is the pairs arena, not the solo arena. You completely lost the
meaning of a combination.”
“You should remember the match between China and the US at the World Carnival. If Ling
Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan kept playing 1v1 against the US team’s three attackers,
it might be a losing situation. They eventually won because they replied on the power of
cooperation. You and Li Xiaojiang certainly can’t fight when facing these old players alone
and will be broken one by one. It is only when combined together that 1+1=2.”
“You lost two arena matches and was almost abused because you looked down on Li
Xiaojiang. You thought he would drag you down and didn’t want to cooperate with him.
This subconscious thinking is fatal on the field. In order to get your teammate’s help, you
first have to trust your teammate. Xiao Zhuo, even I don’t look down on Li Xiaojiang. What
right do you have to be biased against him?”
Zhuo Hang was stunned. He thought for a long time before his head dropped, his eyes
turning red.
He couldn’t refute a single one of the captain’s words. He only only feel ashamed and
What qualifications does he have to swell up with confidence and look down on others?
Even a world-class player like Cat God could calm down and cooperate with the four
newcomers. Why did Zhuo Hang act like he was superior in the team?
Li Xiaojiang was indeed introverted and took a long time to stutter out a sentence, but this
wasn’t his fault. He was born like this. He played slowly on the field because it was his
Since Cat God let them form a fast and slow combination for the arena, they should’ve
looked for the advantages of the combination and find a way to use these advantages to
defeat the opponent. Instead, he questioned if Li Xiaojiang would drag him back or not and
decided that regardless of Li Xiaojiang’s life or death, he would fight alone.
Today’s match, it was estimated to be a farce that wasn’t as good as the online game’s arena
in the eyes of many great gods.
It was no wonder why Su Guangmo called him and why Tan Shitian gently told him that
newcomers should be modest and learn more. They clearly saw his pride and hoped to
wake him up in time.
Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian, these great gods wouldn’t be so blind. Zhuo Hang was a
newcomer who just debuted and he actually dared to look down on this teammate.
Regardless of whether his teammate could play on their own or not, this was really a big
Zhuo Hang formed fists as he thought this and whispered, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.”
This teenager’s voice was very small, just like a mosquito. From an early age to when he
was older, he hadn’t bowed to people when making mistakes. This time he sincerely
admitted it so Li Cangyu didn’t want to force him.
Putting down this child’s pride wouldn’t happen overnight and too much might be
counterproductive. Li Cangyu thought this and gently touched Zhuo Hang’s head. His tone
was mild as he told Zhuo Hang, “It’s okay. We have a lot of time and can slowly adjust this.”
Zhuo Hang nodded seriously. “Yes.”
Li Cangyu paused and asked, “Do you have an opinion on Xiao Li?”
Zhuo Hang’s head was lowered as he replied, “No.”
Li Cangyu inwardly sighed and stated, “Xiao Li grew up in a very different environment
from you. His parents aren’t cultured and he didn’t see many people growing up in the
country. He isn’t like you who has worn the best clothes and eaten the best food since
childhood. There might be a big difference but since you have become teammates, I hope
you can get along well.”
Zhuo Hang was silent for a moment. “I… I will.”
“Go back and change rooms with Xiao Gu. Later Gu Siming will live with Xiao Han and you
will live in a room with Li Xiaojiang during the away matches.”
Zhuo Hang was shocked, “Eh? I will live with him?”
Li Cangyu asked gravely, “Didn’t you just promise to get along well? Is this remorse?”
Zhou Hang was embarrassed. “I… I have no common language with Li Xiaojiang.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Then start with a mutual understanding and look for a common
Zhuo Hang saw that Cat God had made up his mind and scratched his head. “Oh… okay.”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help inwardly laughing at the reluctant look.
He would let the confident Zhuo Hang live with the unconfident Li Xiaojiang. Perhaps they
would influence each other and their mentalities would become more stable.
‘This is a wonderful idea,’ Li Cangyu thought happily.

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GLS: Chapter 125
Chapter 125 – New Roommate

TL: Bonus ko-fi chapter

The first match against the Dream team ended with a score of 10:4. This result soon
became hot news on the major e-sports websites. Many media reporters were concerned
about the movements of Cat God’s new team. Cat God’s team battle was widely praised
while Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang’s erratic play in the arena stage was questioned by many
There were many e-sports reporters who wanted to interview Li Cangyu. The second
division didn’t have rules for interviews after matches. Due to the tight schedule, it was up
to the players to decide if they wanted to accept an interview or not. Li Cangyu didn’t want
to let the media’s attention affect the state of the teenagers and declined all interview
It was still early after he finished his evening scolding of Zhuo Hang. Li Cangyu summoned
the players to his room for a small meeting. He gave a brief summary of today’s
performance and gave special praise to Xiao Han who played well in the team battles.
He had spoken privately to Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang and it wasn’t good to say anything
in front of everyone else. Li Cangyu skipped them and focused on analyzing the game
“Today’s splitting up tactics achieved remarkable results. This is a bold attempt and there
will be more tactical changes in the future. As long as we keep up with the commands and
cooperate with each other, I believe that the new system can’t beat us.” Li Cangyu spoke
Bai Xuan smiled. “It seems that this new system isn’t really complicated. It is just that the
map is divided into four wild areas and the grouping methods will be more varied than
with the old system. Moreover, killing an opponent will give 500 crystal coins, which is
equivalent to killing 10 small mobs. Killing people to make money is faster than killing the
Xie Shurong immediately agreed. “Vice-Captain Bai is right!”
Bai Xuan continued, “In the future team battles, try to kill people. If you don’t meet any
opponents, focus on killing the mobs. The new system uses the ‘economic warfare’ as the
core. If you have money then you can strike. If you don’t have money, you can only be
Xie Shurong continued to nod. “Vice-Captain Bai is right!”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help looking at him. “You are praising me so much. Are you hungry
The thick-faced Xie Shurong said, “I want to eat the ribs made by Vice-Captain Bai. When
will we go back to Changsha?”
Bai Xuan rolled his eyes. “According to this schedule, we have no time until next week.”
Li Cangyu added, “Next week, we have two matches. On Friday, we can collectively go back
to the club to take a change of clothes. Later, try to go back as little as possible. After all,
running back and forth is energy-consuming.”
Zhang Jueming agreed. “Yes, we should just wait until the second division finishes before
going back. The hotel costs are all paid by the league and I really hate going back and forth
with the high-speed rails.”
The proposal was endorsed by the group.
Li Cangyu went on to say, “I believe that everyone should be clear about the new system
after today’s match. The level of the second division isn’t strong but we can’t be careless.
The regular season is ranked by total points. Every match, regardless of whether it is the
arena or team battle, try to get as many points as possible for the final qualifiers.”
The group nodded seriously.
“In the regular season, I will let old and new players alternate playing in the arena to give
new people more opportunities to learn and practice. In the next game, A’Shu and Xiao Li
will play the arena. Zhuo Hang doesn’t have to play. A’Shu will give you a demonstration so
watch closely and study seriously. The match after that one, I will have you continue to
cooperate with Li Xiaojiang in the arena. Do you understand?”
Li Cangyu’s method of letting a new person cooperate one and then replacing them with an
old player was to let the newcomers learn more things. Otherwise, the newcomers’ heads
would be dull and they would head into a dead end they couldn’t escape from.
Zhuo Hang immediately nodded and cried out, “I understand!”
Li Xiaojiang also said, “I, I understand.”
Li Cangyu added, “There is still one thing. After this meeting ends, Zhuo Hang and Gu
Siming will change rooms. Later, Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li will live together, Xiao Gu and Xiao
Han will live together. The four of you are the same age. If you have something to say, don’t
keep it stewing in your heart. I hope the four of you can get along well and get to know each
other better so that you can trust each other on the field.”
The four youngsters nodded. “Yes!”
Li Cangyu smiled with satisfaction. “Okay, go back and rest.”
After returning to the room, Xiao Han lay in bed and held his notebook while watching a TV
He had lived in the US for many years and hadn’t see a Chinese TV drama for a long time.
He was curious and had just watched 80 episodes of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He
recently started watching Outlaws of the March. He looked at the costume drama with a
serious expression like it was an ‘academic research report’, making Zhuo Hang feel
Zhuo Hang walked to the bed and stood there a while. Xiao Han raised his head to look at
Zhuo Hang. Then he lowered it and continued to study the TV drama, treating Zhuo Hang
like he was air.
Zhuo Hang wondered, “Why aren’t you asking me what Cat God told me in private?”
Xiao Han glanced at him and quietly said, “Didn’t Cat God scold you? Since he has already
scolded you, I don’t want to mention this incident and make you sad. Qin Mo called this
sprinkling sugar on the wound?”
Zhuo Hang’s chest felt stuffy. “It is sprinkling salt… sprinkling salt!”
Xiao Han mused, “Isn’t it the truth to sprinkle sugar on a wound? Will sprinkling sugar
Zhuo Hang sincerely suggested, “You should find a Chinese teacher.”
Then he turned back to his bed and packed in a depressed manner.
This time, he came from Changsha to Guangzhou. Apart from occasional trips to the club on
weekends, most of the time he would be staying here. Therefore, Zhuo Hang had a lot of
luggage. There was a change of clothes, a SLR camera, iPad for playing games, laptop,
umbrella, etc.
Zhuo Hang might have an arrogant nature but he was careful when living. This was because
he had a father who travelled all year for business and an unreasonable mother. As he grew
up, he slowly learned how to care for himself and had daily necessities like band-aids and
cold medicine.
Xiao Han kept watching the TV. Once he saw that Zhuo Hang had finished packing, Xiao Han
couldn’t help saying, “I might not be good at Chinese but you can understand most of what I
am saying right? I think that sprinkling salt and sprinkling sugar will both cause pain and
inflammation of the wound. Then why do you say sprinkling salt in Chinese?”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Help, wasn’t there anyone slightly normal among his peers in the team?
Xiao Han’s brain circuits were different from everyone else. Zhou Hang didn’t know what
he was thinking about all day in that golden head of his!
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GLS: Chapter 126

Chapter 126 – Start Being Friends From Today

Next door, Gu Siming was reluctantly saying farewell to Li Xiaojiang. “Xiaojiang, I don’t
know why Cat God wants you to live with Zhuo Hang. If you don’t want to talk with Zhuo
Hang, go next door to find me and Xiao Han to chat.”
Li Xiaojiang knew that Gu Siming really cared about him.
Of the other three peers on the team, Zhuo Hang smiled all day and looked sunny but he
was actually very arrogant and difficult to get close to. His smile was just a distant
politeness. Xiao Han’s brain circuits weren’t the same as everyone else and his words used
were sometimes strange. Only Gu Siming was enthusiastic and sincerely cared about him.
Li Xiaojiang might be a slow child but he wasn’t stupid. He could feel the attitude of others
towards him.
Li Xiaojiang was a bit sad about being separated from Gu Siming. He couldn’t help lowering
his head as he said, “I, I know. I will go next door to find, to find you.”
Gu Siming hadn’t closed his door when packing. Zhuo Hang had just arrived at the door
when he heard this conversation. He couldn’t help feeling depressed. Did Li Xiaojiang
actually hate him that much? What was going on with Gu Siming here?
He endured this feeling and knocked on the door. Gu Siming turned back to open the door
and cried out, “Since this is Cat God’s arrangement, I won’t say anything more. You
shouldn’t bully Xiao Li in the future!”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Then in the eyes of others, he was a big bastard who would bully Li Xiaojiang?
He looked into the room and happened to meet Li Xiaojiang’s wet black eyes. As a result,
something like fear filled the latter’s eyes and he removed his gaze, immediately shrinking
Zhuo Hang who was treated as a bad person, “…”
Gu Siming reluctantly pulled his luggage out and didn’t forget to look back to tell him,
“Don’t bully Xiao Li, understand?”
Zhuo Hang rolled his eyes. “Really long-winded! Go to sleep!”
He drove Gu Siming to the next room and pulled his luggage inside, locking the door.
He looked up and found that Li Xiaojiang was looking down, hands clenched tightly and not
speaking. It was like he was prepared to enter combat against an enemy.
Zhuo Hang finally couldn’t bear it and stepped forward. “Why are you so afraid of me? I’m
not a man-eating beast!”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was slightly red as he retorted, “I, I’m not afraid of you. I… I’m a bit
Nervous? Zhuo Hang was startled and frowned. “Why are you nervous? Am I hard to get
along with?”
Li Xiaojiang was silent for a moment before whispering, “I, I thought you hated me…”
Zhuo Hang actually didn’t like Li Xiaojiang’s slow personality. After all, most of his family
were refreshing and resolute. Li Xiaojiang was slow in everything and his words were
hesitated. He would take half a minute to say something that other people could say in five
seconds and he would also stutter. Zhuo Hang wanted to reach out and straighten his
However, looking at this pathetic appearance that was like a bullied stray cat, Zhuo Hang
felt very awkward. It was as if he had become a big bully!
He coughed with embarrassment as he remembered Cat God telling him to get along with
the other person. Zhuo Hang reached out gently to touch Li Xiaojiang’s head and smiled. “I
don’t hate you. It is just that I’m not familiar with you and there isn’t much common
language. Don’t think too much. We can become familiar with each other later.”
Surprisingly, Li Xiaojiang’s hair was very soft to touch and his height was just right. It was
very easy to pat his head.
Li Xiaojiang heard this and looked up with surprise. “Yes, yes? You don’t, you don’t hate
His black eyes were clear like gems, making Zhuo Hang feel guilty.
Looking closely, he found that Li Xiaojiang had a very flattering face. His height was
relatively small since he was almost 18 years old and was still less than 175cm. He was the
shortest one on the Canglan team and his face was also very small as it could be held with
one hand. HIs body was thin and there weren’t many muscles on his thin arms and legs.
Why did Zhou Hang want to compete with such a weak guy?
Zhuo Hang saw that Li Xiaojiang was still looking at him seriously and moved his line of
sight. “Cough, in any case, Cat God arranged for us to be roommates. Later we should take
care of each other.”
Li Xiaojiang agreed happily. “Yes, yes!”
In fact, Li Xiaojiang was simple and easy to satisfy.
Becoming a professional player of the Canglan team was already a great fortune for him. He
had been stuttering since an early age and often receive a cold reception from others. He
had been accustomed to this treatment and didn’t find it strange that Zhuo Hang hated him.
He didn’t think Zhuo Hang was wrong, he just felt a bit sad about being hated.
Today, Zhuo Hang said he didn’t hate Li Xiaojiang. It was just that they weren’t familiar
with each other. Li Xiaojiang’s mood instantly became happy. He opened his suitcase and
took out a package of well-preserved duck neck and said, “This, this is for you to eat. Do you
like, like it?”
Zhuo Hang didn’t like to eat duck neck as a snack. When Li Xiaojiang brought back a whole
bunch for the team, he only ate half a packet before giving the rest to Gu Siming.
However, Li Xiaojiang was currently smiling at him and Zhuo Hang couldn’t bear to say
words of rejection. He reached out and smiled. “Thank you, it is very delicious.”
Li Xiaojiang saw him smiling and also smiled happily. “Is it? I, I also think it is very
Zhuo Hang didn’t want to talk to Li Xiaojiang for a bit so he suggested, “You go take a
shower first. I will unpack my luggage.”
“Yes!” Li Xiaojiang ran to the bathroom to take a shower. Zhuo Hang opened his suitcase
and took out the clothes to be worn tomorrow. Then he sat on the bed and played games on
his iPad.
Five minutes after he started playing, Li Xiaojiang quickly came out. Zhuo Hang was a bit
surprised, “You have finished already?”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was red from the steam. He spoke while rubbing his hair with a towel.
“Yes, I wash up and shower quickly.”
Zhuo Hang smiled and asked, “Aren’t you a slow person? How did you suddenly become
fast when showering?”
Li Xiaojiang explained seriously, “My body isn’t dirty. Just casually washing is fine since it
won’t waste water.”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Was this the different living environment that Cat God was talking about?
When Zhuo Hang was a child, he often filled a bathtub with water and spend half an hour
playing with bubbles. Once the bubbles were gone, he had to wash again. The concept of
saving water was never mentioned by his parents.
Li Xiaojiang was different. He had been frugal since he was a child and wasn’t used to
showering for half an hour.
Zhuo Hang thought about it and felt more awkward. He grew up like this since he was a
child and never felt there was anything wrong with it. How did he become a sinner when
compared with Li Xiaojiang? Even the long washing time, a problem he had never noticed
before, suddenly produced a sense of guilt…
Zhuo Hang was thinking about this when Li Xiaojiang came over in big pyjamas. The hotel
pyjamas he was wearing went down to the ankle, making him look like a small white
zongzi. (TL: traditional Chinese rice dish made of glutinous rice stuffed with different
fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves)
As he climbed into his bed, his pyjamas opened a bit and Zhuo Hang saw his underwear.
It was cartoon shorts with a robot cat printed on it.
Zhuo Hang, “…”
‘Actually wearing this type of cartoon robot cat shorts, Li Xiaojiang, is your sense of
aesthetics eaten by a dog?’
Zhuo Hang was a blunt person and he couldn’t help asking, “Why are you still wearing this
type of children’s underwear? 18 years old is already counted as an adult. Changing to a
pure colour is better. I think white suits you.”
Li Xiaojiang was startled and looked down at his cartoon underwear, his cheeks slightly
red. “I, I didn’t bring white… I only brought three pairs to wear…”
Zhuo Hang asked, “What are the other two?”
Li Xiaojiang pointed to the closet. Zhuo Hang opened it and found that there were two clean
underwear inside. The pattern and shape made him stunned. They were still cartoon
shorts. The various cartoon characters and small size reminded him of what primary school
students wore.
Zhuo Hang decided to save Li Xiaojiang’s aesthetics, otherwise this guy wouldn’t be able to
get a wife when he was older.
He turned back and pulled out a packet of new underwear that hadn’t been worn yet. He
picked a white one and handed it to Li Xiaojiang. “Try to wear this. It has a protective cover
over a male’s key parts. If you wear loose boxers everyday, don’t you feel like it is
They were both boys and peers. Thus, Zhuo Hang felt there was nothing wrong discussing
this type of problem. In high school, didn’t he often gather around with his roommates to
look at those type of magazines?
Li Xiaojiang’s nature was shy and no one had ever said this to him before. His ears were red
as he accepted the sexy white underwear given by Zhuo Hang. Li Xiaojiang felt like he was
taking a hot potato.
Zhuo Hang said, “This is a new purchase and I have never worn it. The trademark hasn’t
been cut. It is definitely more comfortable than your boxers. The white one is for you. Take
it and try it.”
Li Xiaojiang nodded and silently changed under the blanket.
Zhuo Hang asked, “How is it? Is it comfortable?”
Li Xiaojiang was silent for a moment before stuttering with a red face, “I wore it, it is a bit
big, big…”
Zhuo Hang quickly understood. This guy’s thing must be small and the underwear was too
big for him.
Zhuo Hang looked at Li Xiaojiang’s red face and finally reacted. Damn, why had he used this
topic to become familiar with each other? What was wrong with him, talking about
Zhuo Hang wanted to slap himself and immediately changed the topic. “What time do you
usually sleep?”
Li Xiaojiang answered, “11, 11 o’clock.”
Zhuo Hang suggested, “There is still one hour left. Do you want to play a game?”
Li Xiaojiang asked, “Miracle?”
“Aren’t you tired of playing Miracle every day? I will recommend a mobile game. It is fun
and also lets you practice your reaction speed.” Zhuo Hang opened his iPad to a shooting
game. He sat next to Li Xiaojiang to show him. “The left side is the sight and the right side is
the shooting button. The next button fills you up with bullets. This is up and down and left
and right. Avoid the bullets and kill the opposite side to achieve victory.”
Li Xiaojiang made a curious expression and nodded earnestly, “Yes.”
Zhuo Hang started a game. There were gunshots and several opponents were consecutively
shot in the head. The prompt ‘Congratulations, you have passed’ appeared on the screen.
Zhuo Hang handed the iPad to Li Xiaojiang and said, “Come and try.”
This was Li Xiaojiang’s first time playing on the iPad and he was very excited. He tried to
shoot and ended up being shot to death.
“I, I’m not very good at playing.” Li Xiaojiang handed the iPad back to Zhuo Hang with a red
Zhuo Hang laughed. “It doesn’t matter. Try it a few more times.”
“Oh.” Li Xiaojiang accepted the iPad again and pressed start.
This game was much better. Li Xiaojiang hid behind obstacles and slowly aimed. Then he
got up to shoot and the opponent really fell down. Li Xiaojiang continued to hide behind
obstacles and played slowly. After playing for 10 minutes, he finally passed.
“I passed!” Li Xiaojiang’s face filled with joy and his eyes shone.
Zhuo Hang saw this and couldn’t help smiling.
If he didn’t mind Li Xiaojiang’s slowness, this guy was actually good to get along with. His
mind was simple and he hadn’t seen the big world. If Zhuo Hang was good to him, he would
be good back.
He was like a stray cat that was easy to satisfy. Just give him something to eat and he would
follow you to death.
The more he saw Li Xiaojiang seriously holding the iPad, the more Zhuo Hang thought that
this guy was cute. Why did he hate Li Xiaojiang before? In fact, it was because his sense of
pride that made him think Li Xiaojiang would drag him down.
In fact, Li Xiaojiang was a hard-working person.
Zhuo Hang just needed to watch him play this shooting game to know he was serious about
everything he did.
When he played this game, he lost and lost. However, Li Xiaojiang focused as he played.
Every time he shot, he considered it very carefully, allowing him to achieve a killing blow
every time.
He took a longer time then Zhuo Hang but his seriousness was hard to match.
Zhuo Hang finally understood why Cat God wanted him to live with Li Xiaojiang. Li
Xiaojiang had many advantages, especially the patience and seriousness that Zhuo Hang
An active exchange with Li Xiaojiang was still awkward but Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian and Li
Cangyu were staring at him. Once he made a mistake, the three gods would scold him.
Zhuo Hang had to obey Cat God’s arrangement and slowly adapt to the environment of the
From now on, he must try to accept Li Xiaojiang’s existence.
According to Cat God, Xie Shurong would play a demonstration game with Li Xiaojiang in
the next match. Then the match after that would be Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang again…
Zhuo Hang still had no clue on how to cooperate with Li Xiaojiang but he would calm down
and slowly learn. At the very least, he shouldn’t be scolded by the three captains in the next
match. Even if he lost, he had to play to his own standards and not make it as shameful as
the first match.
There was a moment of silence as Zhuo Hang finally understood. He smiled slightly and
turned to Li Xiaojiang. “Xiaojiang, there might’ve been a misunderstanding between us.
From today, shall we be friends?”
Li Xiaojiang put down the iPad and looked up at Zhuo Hang, somewhat flattered.
Zhuo Hang saw a small animal’s frightened eyes and couldn’t help reaching out to touch his
head. “Are you still afraid of me? You look so shocked.”
Li Xiaojiang said with a red face, “I, I didn’t mean that…”
He knew that Zhuo Hang’s family was very good and there were several great gods as
relatives. He thought that Zhuo Hang would look down on him. He didn’t expect that Zhuo
Hang would uncharacteristically volunteer to become friends with him.
Zhuo Hang saw Li Xiaojiang’s doubts and reached out to gently hold Li Xiaojiang’s hand.
“Then it is decided!”
Li Xiaojiang, “…”

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GLS: Chapter 127

Chapter 127 – Demonstration Match

Zhuo Hang previously didn’t like Li Xiaojiang but there were no grudges between them. The
two people were of similar age and the small Li Xiaojiang was no threat. Zhuo Hang’s
proposal to be friends with him was to ease the relationship between teammates. After all,
didn’t they have to cooperate in the future?
Cat God said he would send them to play the third match. Zhuo Hang had to learn
something from Xie Shurong tomorrow otherwise he didn’t really know how he could
cooperate with Li Xiaojiang.
The next day, Li Cangyu gathered everyone at the hotel’s restaurant and gave a simple
explanation of the things they needed to pay attention to.
This afternoon, the Canglan team was arranged for another match. The opponent was a
weaker team in the second division and the name was Blades. The team’s characteristics
were the same as the team name and they were filled with melee players who used the
clever type style of play.
For the arena stage, he had decided to send Xie Shurong and Li Xiaojiang. For the team
battle, Li Cangyu decided to use the lineup of the previous game—Gu Siming, Xiao Han and
A’Shu as the three melee front row while Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Old Zhang were the three
remotes back row.
Zhuo Hang didn’t need to play today. Li Cangyu wanted him to calm down and study hard.
Zhuo Hang naturally didn’t have any opinions about this.
After the lineup was properly arranged, Li Cangyu asked everyone to go back to take a nap
and raise their spirits for this afternoon’s match.
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, everyone from Canglan rushed to the venue. They entered the
players’ soundproof room and started to prepare for the next game.
The commentator Chen Weiwei turned back and asked her partner, “Shao Yu, what do you
think the score of this match will be?”
Shao Yu speculated, “I think it will be 14:0.”
Chen Weiwei pretended to be surprised. “Do you mean this match will be a complete
Shao Yu smiled and said, “If Cat God personally plays in the team battles, the result will
surely be two consecutive victories. If A’Shu or Cat God appears in the arena, it is easy to
win… Moreover, the Blades team is a weak team in the second division. If they meet Cat
God, their hope of winning isn’t big.”
In fact, Chen Weiwei also thought this. Since watching the last match, she admired Cat God’s
personal strength. She always felt it was too much for Cat God to play in the second
division. He should quickly finish the second division to face the most powerful teams in
the first division.
It was estimated that many players were psychologically aware that Cat God was the
ultimate boss of the second division.
The two of them chatted casually for a few minutes before the live game finally began.
The list of players appeared on both sides of the big screen at the same time. The Canglan
team sent out the combination of a swordsman and a black magician.
Chen Weiwei was surprised. “This time he sent out Ashu and Li Xiaojiang. Li Xiaojiang is
fighting twice in a row. It seems that Cat God attaches great importance to the player Li
Shao Yu nodded in agreement. “Li Xiaojiang is indeed special. His slow style of play is rare
in Miracle. Cat God probably wants to train him well.”
Chen Weiwei said, “The Blades team has sent two berserkers. The berserker’s attack power
is very strong, especially against the fragile magician class. The axe will be very painful. It
depends on whether Li Xiaojiang can control the rhythm well.”
“Then game will start soon. Let’s look at the Canglan team’s map selection.”
Li Cangyu the ‘Demon Forest’ map that he used yesterday because he wanted Zhuo Hang to
see how this forest map that benefited Xiao Li should be played.
Zhuo Hang understood the captain’s good intentions and immediately raised his head,
intently staring at the screen.
The game started and the players simultaneously refreshed at two corners of the map.
Xie Shurong didn’t rush forward and stayed by Li Xiaojiang’s side like a bodyguard. The two
moved together to the centre of the map and saw the other team’s berserkers rushing over.
The Blades team knew that Li Xiaojiang’s level was relatively weak. Meanwhile, they had
heard of A’Shu and knew that he was one of the Three Musketeers who wasn’t lacking
compared to his brother Su Guangmo.
The soft persimmon should be picked. Once both sides met, the two berserkers directly
rushed at Li Xiaojiang.
Li Xiaojiang was a long-range magician. They just needed to slash him a few times with a
berserker’s axe and he would die here…
Zhuo Hang’s eyes widened nervously.
Then Xie Shurong’s actions were eye-catching. The terran swordsman suddenly jumped in
front of Li Xiaojiang, his sword in his hand falling down before accurately crossing to the
other side. It was the most commonly used control skill of a swordsman, Spirit Lock!
The person hit by Spirit Lock would be fixed in the same place. Li Xiaojiang took this time
to retreat behind a big tree and started to cast a black magic spell. The target was the mad
warrior controlled by A’Shu.
Death Mantra, Hell Flames!
He read the spells very slowly and could only cast these two skills during the time the
opponent was still. Moreover, Death Mantra just increased black magic damage and wasn’t
considered an attack skill.
However, under the bonus of Death Mantra, the damage caused by Hell Flames was
The thick-skinned berserkers directly lost 20% of their blood!
The control on the berserker ended and he immediately waved his axe towards Li
Xiaojiang. This time, Li Xiaojiang didn’t retreat and kept still as he cast the next skill.
The reason he didn’t retreat was because he had the extremely fast Xie Shurong to protect
Xie Shurong opened the move Light and Shadow Rotation, his sword sword blocking the
two berserkers from moving forward. Li Xiaojiang slowly cast a skill again. This time it was
Shadow Winding.
This skill was a relatively strong group attack skill of a black magician that caused a
negative status. Under the effect of Death Mantra, Shadow Winding would cause the
opponent to lose 3% of blood per second and this lasted 10 seconds, for a total blood loss of
The casting time was very long but the advantage was the skill had a relatively wide release
range. It wasn’t effective if the other side was running away but once it hit, it caused a 30%
blood loss, which was equivalent to a final move.
Without a healer to help relieve the negative state, the opposite side’s berserkers could
only continue to pursue Li Xiaojiang.
The thing that surprised them was that although Li Xiaojiang’s movements were slow, Xie
Shurong was extremely fast!
The terran swordsman constantly released various skills to interfere with the two
berserkers. He didn’t use many attack skills but the chaotic sword caused great trouble for
The two people couldn’t catch up with Li Xiaojiang and were hit by his black magician,
reducing their blood volume.
It was hard to catch up. Xie Shurong would use Spirit Lock to control a person while Li
Xiaojiang kept using black magic after running far away. The combination of one person
protecting and one person dealing damage seemed weak. However, if they cooperated well
then the power was terrible!
Zhuo Hang sitting under the stage was shocked until a prompt appeared on the big screen.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed I am a Madman!]
The shock in Zhuo Hang’s heart was indescribable.
It turned out that Li Xiaojiang could have such a dazzling performance on the field.
The key was that he worked well with Xie Shurong. Xie Shurong protected him and
provided him with the perfect environment to deal damage. Li Xiaojiang ran and played.
From beginning to the present, his casting had never been interrupted by his opponent.
Li Xiaojiang’s disadvantage was his slow speed but his advantage was that every spell dealt
huge damage. As long as his skills were smoothly cast, they would deal a terrible injury to
the body!
Li Xiaojiang who could cast his skills was simply scary!
Li Cangyu saw Zhuo Hang’s expression and knew that this young man had figured it out. He
smiled and whispered into Zhuo Hang’s ears, “If the person on the field is you, what would
you do?”
Zhuo Hang scratched his head with embarrassment. “I… I will cooperate with him in the
“It isn’t just that.” Li Cangyu shook his head and looked seriously at Zhuo Hang. “The
protection of a swordsman is actually very limited. A’Shu has to let out a burst of hand
speed to protect Xiao Li but a hunter is different.”
Zhuo Hang’s eyes lit up. “Cat God means… can a hunter provide a better output
environment for a black magician?”
“Yes, a hunter’s traps is much better than a swordsman’s control and movement
interference. The traps are invisible and the other side can’t see where you place the traps.
They are completely controlled by you and the degree of freedom is high. As long as the
trap is stepped on, there will be a slowed effect. There are also special silence and stop
traps. As long as you use them well, the opposite side’s melee can’t get close to Li
Xiaojiang.” Li Cangyu patiently explained.
Zhuo Hang nodded seriously. “I understand!”
Li Cangyu patted his shoulder with relief. “This is why I had you form a combination with Li
Hunters could lay traps all over the place, making the opponents feel fear. He could even
place traps around Li Xiaojiang so that the enemies couldn’t get close. This way, Li Xiaojiang
could stand there with peace of mind and slowly cast his skills, suppressing the other side
with black magic.
This was the ingenuity of the combination of hunter and black magician.
If the enemies were two melee, this quick and slow combination would make them want to
vomit blood.
Zhuo Hang finally understood the meaning of Cat God making them pair up.
He thought that Cat God just paired them together to help grind their personalities. He
didn’t expect for Cat God’s vision to be so high, actually trying to form an ace combination
for Canglan…
He was too superficial compared to Cat God’s foresight. He didn’t understand the power of
the combination and abandoned Li Xiaojiang…
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Invincible!]
On the big screen, Li Xiaojiang once again cast a spell and directly killed the remaining
Zhuo Hang saw this scene and couldn’t help hanging his head with shame. He recalled the
game where he left Li Xiaojiang alone and couldn’t wait for a hole to open up to bury
himself in it.
Li Xiaojiang was sitting in the player seats and was flushed with excitement. His fingers
shook slightly and he could barely hold the mouse.
He killed two opponents in a row and won! He could actually win!
The young boy’s eyes filled with tears as he looked gratefully at Xie Shurong next to him.
Xie Shurong said with a smile, “Great, Xiao Li. Continue to play well in the next game.”
“Yes!” Li Xiaojiang nodded eagerly, took a deep breath and held his mouse tightly.
The second game was the Blades team’s selection but Li Xiaojiang clearly played better
than the first game.
He gained some confidence after the first round and Xie Shurong protected him too well. Li
Xiaojiang naturally let go of any fear and his black magic accurately hit. Every hit was
accompanied by a huge blood loss. The two kill prompts once again appeared on the big
screen, the Canglan team winning the two arena rounds!
Li Xiaojiang excitedly returned with Xie Shurong.
Li Cangyu took the lead to come over and gently pat the teenager’s head while smiling.
“Your performance was amazing!”
Bai Xuan also came over to pat his head. “Our Xiao Li is really powerful!”
This was followed by Uncle Zhang. “Xiao Li, I never thought you would be so strong!”
His hair was messed up by them but Li Xiaojiang was very happy and replied seriously,
“Yes, A’Shu was too good.”
Xie Shurong rubbed his hair and smiled. “Don’t be humble. You are also powerful.”
Gu Siming excitedly held Li Xiaojiang’s hand. “Too handsome, too handsome! I took a few
photos and will send them to you when we get back!”
Xiao Han quietly walked over. “You performed well.”
Qin Mo taught him this sentence. It was a phrase that Captain Ling commonly used to
praise someone and Qin Mo said that these words had more meaning.
Everyone was praising Li Xiaojiang. Zhuo Hang, who was sitting in the corner, also came
forward while touching his nose with embarrassment. “You… you are awesome.”
This sentence was very awkward but they were Zhuo Hang’s true feelings.
After today’s game, he finally discovered that Li Xiaojiang was excellent. He was always
serious and worked hard. Every step was carefully calculated and there were few mistakes.
The bad one was Zhuo Hang.
Look, Li Xiaojiang just changed partners and he became so radiant.
In the last match, Zhuo Hang had played worse than rookies in the online game.
Zhuo Hang was well aware that his current level wasn’t comparable to Xie Shurong. It was
impossible for him to protect Li Xiaojiang and provide him with such a peaceful output
However, Zhuo Hang believed that one day, he would stand by Li Xiaojiang as a teammate
and bodyguard, causing Li Xiaojiang to exude the most dazzling brilliance.
The combination of fast and slow proposed by Cat God would surely become a special
killing trick of the Canglan team.
It was possible that in the future, Cat God would probably send him with Li Xiaojiang when
encountering teams with more melee classes. He had to live up to the expectations of Cat
God and his teammates.
Zhuo Hang thought this and finally calmed his emotions. He formed fists and walked in
front of Li Xiaojiang. He grinned and reached out a hand. “In the future, I will try to protect
you. You can confidently stand behind me and unleash your output.”
This was the essence of the fast and slow combination.
Li Xiaojiang was the core and Zhuo Hang had to protect him, not desperately try to be the
Li Xiaojiang was stunned. He knew that Zhuo Hang was taking the initiative to show him
goodwill. He was somewhat shy but he reached out and shook Zhuo Hang’s hand. “Yes, we
will do it together!”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help grinning at this scene.
After all, they were both young. Grievances came quickly and went quickly. It seemed that
the combination of hunter and black magician should be eligible to stand in the league’s
first division in the near future.

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GLS: Chapter 128

Chapter 128 – Growth (1)

As Shao Yu predicted, the match between Canglan and Blades was a crushing game.
Canglan won four points from Xie Shurong and Li Xiaojiang’s two games winning streak.
Then Li Cangyu led the team battle and the six players won two games, making the final
score 14:0.
They won 10 points from the previous match with Dream and now 14 points. The total of
24 points made them jump to the top of the leaderboard in an instant.
Chen Weiwei was a bit surprised by the current rankings. “I thought that Canglan wouldn’t
get to the top of the rankings until at least halfway through the schedule. I didn’t expect
them to jump straight to the top after playing two matches.”
Shao Yu explained, “This is also related to the schedule. Canglan hasn’t faced the relatively
strong teams in the second division. We have to see if they can keep first place after the
next match.”
Chen Weiwei agred. “Yes. The next match is against the winner of last year’s second
division, the Yaohua team. This team has several good players who have the strength to
advance to the first division. Captain Wei Hua has played for several years and has a lot of
experience. The match is scheduled for two days from now. I welcome all friends in the
audience to watch at that time!”
They returned to the hotel and Li Cangyu gathered everyone to briefly summarize today’s
match and give special praise to Li Xiaojiang.
Xiao Li’s hair was messy from being patted by everyone, his cheeks were red and his eyes
were extraordinarily bright. Li Cangyu really liked this slow young boy and couldn’t help
rubbing his head even more.
Li Cangyu finished the summary and went on to arrange the lineup against the Yaohua
As Chen Weiwei said, the next opponent were similar to the teams ranked at the bottom of
the first division, making them the most difficult opponent at the current stage.
However, Li Cangyu wasn’t worried at all.
He wasn’t even afraid of the world boss so how could he be afraid of the small boss?
He had mentioned a long time ago that the arena would be played by Zhuo Hang and Li
Xiaojiang. This was to let Zhuo Hang try the style of play that he learnt from Xie Shurong.
For the team battle, Li Cangyu continued to follow the lineup of the previous two matches.
This was mainly because Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang’s states weren’t stable enough and
they currently couldn’t integrate into the team battle.
In any case, there was still a long schedule remaining. He didn’t need to hurry and could
slowly hone the teenagers.
The Canglan team took a day off before having to face their most powerful opponent, the
Yaohua team.
The seats were full for today’s match. Many spectators were holding a fluorescent Yaohua
cheering sign. It was obvious that this team’s popularity in the second division was quite
high. Captain Wei Hua and Vice-Captain Yao Shuan were very good players.
The simple preparations ended and the match officially began.
For the first arena stage, the information of the players for both sides appeared on the big
The Canglan team really did send the combination of Zhuo Hang’s hunter and Li Xiaojiang’s
black magician.
The combination sent by the Yaohua team made many audience members scream excitedly.
Black magician Captain Wei Hua, ID: Glittering Flower, and the beast berserker Vice-
Captain Yao Shuan, ID: Escape Without a Trace.
The leaders of the team joined forces to fight the arena, showing how much importance
they attached to the Canglan team.
This combination of berserker and black magician was very similar to the Xie Shurong and
Li Xiaojiang combination. The berserker would control and protect while the black
magician was the main output.
If a combination with similar tactical ideas met on the field, victory could only be
determined with pure strength.
Li Cangyu looked at the list and whispered into Li Xiaojiang’s ears, “Don’t worry. Just play
as usual and believe in yourself.”
Li Xiaojiang nodded and went to the contestant area with Zhuo Hang.
During the map selection, Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to submit the long-selected map—
Demon’s Forest.
Many viewers saw this familiar image and were speechless. Some netizens were also
grumpy. [Can’t Cat God change the map?]
[Three consecutive Demon Forest!]
[Is Cat God’s true love the Demon Forest?]
Shao Yu understood it as, “Cat God keeps choosing Demon’s Forest to let the Zhao and Li
combination to practice the forest terrain until they are fully proficient in the forest
Chen Weiwei suddenly realized. “No wonder! The Demon Forest map is really the most
classic and representative forest map. Cat God is using this map for training?”
Once it came to this, the map finished loading and the players of both teams refreshed in
two corners of the forest.
This time Zhuo Hang didn’t rush forward. Instead, he waited for Li Xiaojiang and they
walking forward together, each maintaining a certain distance from the other.
The two people walked through the dense forest. Once they were near the centre, Zhuo
Hang placed two traps in front so that the berserker would have to step on them if he
wanted to hit Li Xiaojiang.
Soon, the contestants on both sides met in the middle of the map.
The opposite side’s berserker didn’t rush at Xiaojiang. Zhuo Hang wasn’t in a hurry as he
quickly moved in front of Li Xiaojiang. He was an elf and the speed of his actions was fast.
Combined with his hand speed, the level of his random walking was high, making him look
like an invisible wind running around.
Moreover, when he ran quickly like this, it was difficult for the opponent to judge where he
placed the traps.
Since the hunter’s skills were known as traps, they were naturally invisible to the
opponents. Any place where Zhuo Hang ran had the potential to contain traps, giving
people great psychological pressure.
In fact, Zhuo Hang didn’t place too many traps. He just moved quickly so that the other side
couldn’t control him. Yaohua’s captain Wei Hua was an experienced player. He looked at
Zhuo Hang’s remaining blue and analyzed that only two trap skills were used. He no longer
hesitated as he ordered, “You go after the hunter. I will deal with the black magician.”
This arrangement was clearly the best approach. The berserker would get close to the
hunter while the captain played against the slow black magician. This was very favourable
towards the Yaohua team.
Once he saw that the berserker Escape Without a Trace was heading towards him, Zhuo
Hang immediately unleashed a burst of hand speed and placed three trap around him—the
Silence Trap, the Stop Trap and the Death Trap!
Zhuo Hang’s tree traps trick made the audience feel like there was a flower in front of them.
Three different trap arrays appeared on the ground in the big screen, looking very
The berserker stepped into the first Silence trap and was in a state where he couldn’t use
any skills. Due to the inertia, he couldn’t stop in time and stepped forward into the Stop
Trap and Death Trap!
Yes, Zhuo Hang placed the Stop Trap and Death Trap in one place!
The Stop Trap froze the berserker and the Death Trap caused a huge amount of damage,
causing the berserker’s blood volume to instantly fall by one-third!
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help feeling excited. “Zhuo Hang, this contestant has become really
impressive after three days! The first match made me thing he was very good. This match…
he feels like a master?”
Shao Yu smiled, “Perhaps today is his normal level? There aren’t many people who can use
a hunter’s chain traps well. If the position is wrong, the angle is biased or if the opponent
doesn’t enter the trap then it is equivalent to wasting skills. Zhuo Hang’s pre-judgment of
the positions is very accurate and all three traps hit!”
Chen Weiwei said, “Vice-Captain Yao might be a bit careless. After all, Zhuo Hang didn’t
perform well in the first match.”
She guessed correctly. Yao Shuan, the vice-captain of Yaohua, was really careless. He
thought that Zhuo Hang’s level wasn’t good enough and wasn’t afraid. The result was that
he stepped into the chain traps. His blood volume fell by one-third but it was too late to
regret it.
At this time, Li Xiaojiang already aimed his spell at the location of Zhuo Hang’s death trap.
Not two seconds after the Death Trap activated, Li Xiaojiang’s spell followed closely—Hell
The red flames from the demon world rose and swallowed the opponent like a fire snake.
This move made the berserker’s blood drop by another 20%. He fell to half blood in just the
The first attempt to cooperate was excellent. Zhuo Hanga and Li Xiaojiang felt a bit happy.
However, they weren’t happy for long. The other black magician used Dark Fear to control
Zhuo Hang.
This control made even Li Cangyu feel appreciation. Zhuo Hang moved very quickly,
making people feel dazzled. It was difficult for the average person to judge his location and
use a non-targeted skill to accurately control him.
Yet Wei Hua managed it. He was an old player and guessed Zhuo Hang’s next move based
on his experience in many competitions. Then he controlled Zhuo Hang with the black
magician’s fear magic.
A feared player was unable to release any skills, just like a silenced player.
Zhuo Hang couldn’t place any traps and Wei Hua immediately chased Li Xiaojiang.
Li Xiaojiang found it difficult to cope with such a situation. Both of them were black
magicians but the opponent’s speed was faster than his. His skills were repeatedly
interrupted, making it easy to be suppressed by the opponent.
It didn’t take long for Li Xiaojiang’s blood to fall to 50%.
Besides, the berserker affected by the control traps could finally move. He immediately
waved the giant axe in his hand and used Mountain Chop on Zhuo Hang.
The giant axe caused a long and deep crack in the ground. Zhuo Hang not only lost a lot of
blood but was also stunned by the strong attack power.
This was the berserker’s strongest control skill. It was a straight-line attack that could split
apart the ground while also stunning the opponent.
Zhuo Hang was continuously controlled by two people and had no room to act. His heart
was in a hurry.
Meanwhile, Li Xiaojiang was chased by the opposite side’s black magician and his blood
was decreasing. Zhuo Hang felt guilty and wished to enter the computer to pinch the other
two people to death.
Once the control effect ended, Zhuo Hang immediately rushed forward like mad and placed
traps all around him.
The berserker stepped onto the traps and fell to residual blood. However, bad news popped
up on the screen.
[Glittering Flower has killed Snail Crawling Slowly!]
Li Xiaojiang died, leaving Zhuo Hang to 1v1 with the black magician. Zhuo Hang had little
blood left while the black magician still had 80% blood. The black magician kited and
slowly killed Zhuo Hang.
The first round was a defeat. Zhuo Hang took off his headset with a depressed expression,
his face very ugly.
Li Xiaojiang came over and quietly comforted him,. “Don’t, don’t worry. There is still the
next round.”
Zhuo Hang looked into Li Xiaojiang’s clear eyes and his heart inexplicably calmed down.
The small snail was so calm that he couldn’t be irritated!
Zhuo Hang took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions. Then he smiled and reached out.
Like Cat God, he gently patted Li Xiaojiang’s head and said, “In the next game, stand behind
me. I won’t let the black magician hit you.”
Li Xiaojiang nodded. “Come on!”

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GLS: Chapter 129

Chapter 129 – Growth (2)

In the second round, Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang learned a lesson from the previous game.
Li Xiaojiang paid more attention to his position and tried to walk behind Zhuo Hang, not
letting the other side’s black magician find an opportunity to split them up into 1v1.
However, they didn’t have much experience in the competition and were no match for
professional players who had been playing for more than two years.
Five minutes after the game started, the carefully maintained situation was broken.
The reason was that the the angle of the berserker’s Mountain Chop move was extremely
tricky. It caused a deep crack in the ground while also stunning Li Xiaojiang!
Li Xiaojiang’s attack rhythm was interrupted, giving the other side a chance.
The captain and vice-captain of Yaohua joined forces to kill Zhuo Hang. Zhuo Hang used
Flying Feather Steps to move quickly while putting traps, trying to delay things for a period
of time.
Once Li Xiaojiang’s stun effect was over, Zhuo Hang said in the voice channel, “Open a big
move and kill the berserker!”
The berserker might be thick skinned but a black magician was more painful in close
combat. In addition, the berserker had stepped on several traps when chasing Zhuo Hang
and didn’t have much blood left.
Li Xiaojiang immediately hid behind a tree to read a big move.
The casting time was so long that the game setting allowed a black magician to change the
angle of the camera in the middle. As long as the last shot was in the right direction, he
could successfully hit the other person.
However, the other person was moving and it wasn’t so easy to find the right direction.
Fortunately, Li Xiaojiang’s observation ability was very strong and he was also a careful
person. He quickly guessed the movements of the berserker and aimed at the position that
the other person was about to reach, casting the ultimate black magic.
Shadow Wrath!
This was a black magician’s most aggressive move. Li Xiaojiang’s skill points were all added
into magic attack and once the skill accurately hit, it directly wiped out the bloody
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Escape Without a Trace!]
This made Li Xiaojiang shocked. He looked over and found that Zhuo Hang was too close to
the berserker. The result was that Zhuo Hang was killed by the black magician behind the
[Glittering Flower killed Great Navigator!]
It was equivalent to a head exchange, changing from 2v2 to 1v1.
Li Xiaojiang had a bad feeling. The opponent had more blood than him and the casting
speed was over faster. His hope of winning seemed small…
Still, Li Xiaojiang held on for a while. Unfortunately, in the end he failed to kill the opponent.
The second round once again ended in a loss. The two people lowered their heads, their
expressions somewhat frustrated.
Then after a few moments, Zhuo Hang regained his spirit and patted Xiao Li’s shoulder. “It’s
fine. We tried our best. We are just starting and our cooperation isn’t the best yet. It will
improve in the future.”
Li Xiaojiang was startled. He had been very sad the moment he lost the 1v1 and thought
Zhuo Hang would be upset with him. The result was that Zhuo Hang didn’t say anything
about that and generously comforted him.
Zhuo Hang’s heart was actually a bit uncomfortable but he felt reluctant to say anything
after seeing Li Xiaojiang’s depressed face. He felt that Xiao Li’s 1v1 wasn’t easy. If Zhuo
Hang said something, wouldn’t Xiao Li become more upset?
Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian never succumbed because of a loss. They only scolded the
players when the mistakes were due to things like distraction, carelessness and
underestimating the opponent. As long as they played as hard as possible, the loss didn’t
matter. How could two newcomers expect to beat the champion team of the second
division as soon as they started?
Zhuo Hang understood this and acted quite generously.
Yes, teammates should encourage each other, not hate each other!
It was naturally exciting if they had won but since they lost, he should stand with Li
Xiaojiang and face everything together, sharing the responsibility of losing the game.
They were a combination, not independent individuals. The combination should advance
and retreat together.
Zhuo Hang thought up to here and grabbed Li Xiaojiang’s hand. “Losing is losing. Don’t
worry too much. Cat God shouldn’t scold us. Even if he wants to scold us, it should be both
of us!”
Li Xiaojiang, “…”
Li Xiaojiang’s heart became warm as he was pulled down from the contestant area. It was
as if the hot temperature of Zhuo Hang’s hand was passed through the skin and blood
vessels into the depths of his heart.
This feeling was very different from when they lost the first match.
They once again lost but Li Xiaojiang’s mood wasn’t as uncomfortable as the first loss.
He was walking with Zhuo Hang as a teammate instead of alone. This was a very warm
feeling. No matter what happened, he would have someone walking beside him and facing
the consequences together.
This person used to be particularly arrogant and didn’t like to take care of Li Xiaojiang.
Now he had changed. He thought of them as partners. If they won then accept the praise, if
they lost then accept the lesson together. This was because they were a combination.
The fast and slow combination might still be a bit immature in the eyes of many people but
they were teammates who stood together. They would cooperate with each other and
slowly explore the game. After that, they would progress and grow together.
Li Xiaojiang’s expression gradually became calmer.
He walked with Zhuo Hang to Li Cangyu and both of them lowered their heads, ready to
accept Cat God’s lecture.
Li Cangyu smiled and reached out to touch their heads. He declared, “You played well.”
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang looked at each other.
Li Cangyu’s voice seemed a bit hoarse but his eyes were very gentle. “At the very least, you
played to your own level. The loss was because your understanding of each other wasn’t
high enough. The Yaohua captain and vice-captain have been teammates for two years. You
have just started to cooperate. Killing one person in the second round is already very good.
Li Cangyu paused and coughed twice before continuing. “I’m not asking you to win the
games. I just want to see you progress. Today, both of you made a lot of progress in terms
of cooperation and mentality. I am very satisfied. There is no need to blame yourselves.”
This sentence was true. In particular, the scene where Zhuo Hang comforted Li Xiaojiang
after the loss made Li Cangyu feel very warm.
As Tan Shitian said, Zhuo Hang was a young master who was spoiled by his parents from a
young age. He was a bit arrogant and superior but his heart wasn’t bad. After
understanding the truth, he took the initiative to pull down his arrogance and get along
with Li Xiaojiang. Li Cangyu was extremely pleased.
Li Cangyu saw that the two of them still had lowered heads and smiled. “Okay, don’t make a
mistake. Go back and watch the next team battle. Once your combination is almost honed, I
will let you participate in the team battle.”
The two of them immediately nodded and sat upright in their seats, looking like students
listening attentively.
Bai Xuan looked at the scene and couldn’t help coming over. “Did you scold them?”
Li Cangyu shrugged. “I wasn’t fierce and encouraged them with a few words. The two of
them are probably wondering why I didn’t lecture them.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Okay, get ready for the team battle.”
Canglan had lost 0:2 in the arena stage and it was time for the team battle.
This time, Li Cangyu’s map selection finally changed to Moonlight Waterfront.
The war map often appeared in the league and Li Cangyu obviously wanted to test the
team’s ability to fight on water.
To the audience’s surprise, Cat God actually made a serious mistake on this home map. His
pets’ attacks were on cooldown when he attacked the opponent in the water. He ended up
being controlled by the opponent and killed.
[Glittering Flower killed Old Cat!]
The audience saw Cat God lying flat in the water and looked at each other.
Chen Weiwei also made a disbelieving expression. “This… Cat God shouldn’t make this type
of mistake right?”
Shao Yu also said, “It feels that Cat God isn’t quite right in today’s team battle.”
In the soundproof room, the camera immediately zoomed into Li Cangyu. The audience
found that Cat God’s face was very serious and he seemed to be enduring something. After
his character died, he gently rubbed his forehead with his hand. Did he have a headache?
Wasn’t he normal when comforting the two teenagers just now? How did he suddenly
make a mistake?
To the surprise of the audience, Li Cangyu met the other team after being killed once and
actually made a mistake again… he sent the opponent his head twice!
Comments started to fill the live broadcast room. [Cat God sent two heads, what’s the
matter?] [Did Cat God faint?] [Cat God’s expression is scary. What’s wrong?]
The audience couldn’t guess it but Ling Xuefeng immediately realized after watching the
live broadcast and couldn’t help frowning.
The game dragged on to 30 minutes. Due to the small mistakes, Canglan had an economic
disadvantage. In the end, Li Cangyu led a counterattack and succeeded in killing the fire
dragon. Then Canglan pushed to the crystal in one breath, taking 5 points in a thrilling
However, in the second and third rounds, Canglan’s mistakes became more frequent. The
audience was confused and finally a bit loss.
The final score of the match was determined to be 5:14, with Canglan only winning one
This result wasn’t too bad., After all, the Yaohua team truly wasn’t weak. Still, today’s three
team battles were a bit strange. In particular, Cat God’s continuous mistakes made many
viewers feel puzzled.
Chen Weiwei tried to help Cat God. “Cough, maybe Cat God’s state isn’t right today?”
Shao Yu also said, “It is normal for people to make mistakes. We don’t need to be too
surprised. We have to wait for the reporter to interview Cat God to find out the specific
Li Cangyu came down from the stage. Bai Xuan immediately came to his side and asked
worriedly, “Are you uncomfortable?”
“…” Li Cangyu pressed a hand to his forehead. “Let’s go back first.”
Just then, Li Cangyu’s phone rang. He saw that the caller ID was Ling Xuefeng and turned to
one side to pick up the phone. He said tiredly, “Hey Xuefeng, were you looking for me?”
Ling Xuefeng asked directly, “Are you sick?”
Li Cangyu smiled bitterly. “It seems so.”
Ling Xuefeng frowned. “What do you mean? Shouldn’t you know if you are sick?”
“I didn’t think it was serious.” Li Cangyu sighed. “It was raining in Guangzhou yesterday
afternoon. I was drenched in rain when I returned to the hotel and had a headache in the
morning. I am used to having headaches and didn’t pay attention. Then it became more and
more uncomfortable in the afternoon. Cough… while I was playing the game, I felt like I
was sleepwalking. My head was muddled.”
Ling Xuefeng heard his hoarse voice and frowned even more.
It turned out that Li Cangyu was sick. No wonder why he made mistakes when playing the
He thought of this always strong man being sick and couldn’t help softening. He whispered,
“Hurry back to your hotel to rest. Don’t force it. If you can’t play the team then let Bai Xuan
lead Canglan.”
Li Cangyu touched his nose and smiled at Ling Xuefeng’s serious commanding tone. “Okay.”
Ling Xuefeng immediately hung up and used his phone to book a ticket to Guangzhou.
Li Cangyu was sick and Ling Xuefeng didn’t want to stay in Shanghai. He wanted to
immediately fly to Li Cangyu’s side. This person, he definitely wouldn’t let his teammates
worry about him. What would happen if there was no one around to take care of him?

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GLS: Chapter 130

TL Note: I’m going to change A’Shu to Ah Shu from now on.

Chapter 130 – Unexpected Visitor

Li Cangyu was healthy from a young age and rarely fell ill. He had been rained on before but
never caught a cold. Yesterday afternoon, the Canglan team didn’t have a match. Li Cangyu
explored the vicinity to see if there was a good restaurant. In a few days, he would lead his
teammates there to improve their meals. Then the weather in Guangzhou suddenly
changed and he encountered a torrential rain when coming back. He was drenched like a
drowned chicken. Combined with the low temperature of the hotel’s air conditioner, he got
a cold and sneezed when he woke up this morning.
He had always been in good health and didn’t pay much attention to it as he went to the
venue with his teammates.
Unexpectedly, his body became more uncomfortable in the afternoon. At this point, it was
too late to change the members participating. Li Cangyu had to bear it but the reaction of
his mind slowed down and his fingers couldn’t keep up. His mistakes caused Canglan to
lose two consecutive team battles.
This result made Li Cangyu felt extremely guilty. He didn’t expect that he would influence
everyone like this.
Once he returned to the hotel, he called the players to his room and frankly admitted his
mistake. “Today’s team battle is my mistake. I’m sorry. I didn’t get one work and wasted
your hard work.”
His voice was hoarse like there was a large amount of sand in his throat. It was difficult to
speak but he still gave an account to his teammates. The team members naturally didn’t
blame such a responsible captain. Instead, they felt distressed.
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu with worry and said softly, “You are in a bad state, Don’t
blame yourself, we don’t blame you. In any case, it is just the regular season. Losing a few
points has little impact on us.”
Xie Shurong smiled and echoed the words. “Vice-Captain Bai is right. Cat God, don’t mind it.
This game was good practice.”
Zhang Jueming asked, “How are you feeling? Do you want to go to the hospital?”
Li Cangyu waved his hand. “I’m fine, I just need to rest.”
Li Cangyu saw the four youngster’s worry for him and felt warm. He smiled and declared,
“I’m really fine. It is just a small cold. If my cold isn’t better by the next match tomorrow
afternoon then…”
Li Cangyu’s eyes swept over the teammates in front of him before finally stopping on Zhang
Jueming. “Old Zhang, how about you arrange it?”
Zhang Jueming was startled. “Me?”
“You used to be captain and it isn’t the first time you’ve directed a match. I will let you
arrange the next match.”
“Shouldn’t it be arranged by Vice-Captain Bai?” Zhang Jueming looked back at Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan touched his nose and muttered in an embarrassed manner, “I can only add blood.
I’m not good at tactics.”
Li Cangyu agreed. “Xiao Bai has never commanded. He is the healer and has to take care of
everyone’s blood. He will be too distracted to see the opposite side’s situation. I will leave it
to you.”
Zhang Jueming readily nodded. “Since you believe in me so much, I will try it. Don’t lecture
me if I lose!”
“It won’t happen.” Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “You arrange the next
match with everyone. I have a headache and will go to sleep first.”
Zhang Jueming quickly said, “Then go to rest. We will go to Vice-Captain Bai’s room to
discuss it.” He looked at the four teenagers and gestured. “Kids, let’s go! Don’t argue with
Cat God!”
The four youngsters immediately followed behind Uncle Zhang.
Xiao Han reached the door when he turned around and said, “Master, take a good rest. Qin
Mo said you should drink hot water if you have a cold.”
Li Cangyu waved at him. “Yes, go ahead.” He paused before calling out, “Come back!”
Xiao Han had just stepped out of the door and returned when he heard the words. “Master,
what’s wrong?”
Li Cangyu wondered, “You seem to be getting along well with Qin Mo?”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes, my Chinese is relatively poor. I have been chatting with Qin Mo
every day to practice my grammar.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Was he sure that Qin Mo’s Chinese was good?
Xiao Han continued, “Many people in the Wind Colour team watched today’s match. Master
made many mistakes in the game so once it ended, Qin Mo asked me what was going on. I
told him that Master has a cold.”
It was no wonder why Ling Xuefeng called him. It seemed his confusing performance today
was seen by many people in the league!
Li Cangyu was too lazy to worry about these things. He waved his hand and ordered, “Okay,
you can go.”
Xiao Han turned and walked away, carefully closing the door for his master.
Li Cangyu touched his aching head, took off his coat and lay on the bed to sleep.
He was sleeping so deeply that he didn’t hear his phone ringing. Once he woke up, it was
the next morning and he had a large number of missed calls. They were all from Cheng Wei.
There were also several serial bombing messages: [Cat God, what’s wrong? Your mistakes
were a bit strange. Were you in bad shape?] [Cat God, why aren’t you answering your
phone?] [Cat God, Cat God! Cat God, read my messages and reply to me!]
Li Cangyu sent back: [I just woke up. It’s nothing. I wasn’t in good shape yesterday.]
He didn’t want to tell Cheng Wei about the cold. Once he knew, it might spread through the
entire Miracle League. There was no need to make such a big fuss for a small cold.
Cheng Wei saw the text message and immediately replied: [You’re not in good shape? Then
take a break! Don’t be too tired! Your body is your asset!]
Li Cangyu looked at the row of exclamation points and helplessly replied: [I know.]
Cheng Wei, this guy always had an excitable personality but his concern was particularly
Li Cangyu put down his phone and went to the bathroom to wash his face.
His headache was still very strong and he was slightly dizzy. The confusion was like his
mind had become messy paste and his thoughts were sluggish. He took a long time to send
the text message because his fingers weren’t too stable. It seemed that he really couldn’t
play today’s match. Fortunately he let Old Zhang arrange it yesterday.
He just thought this when Zhang Jueming opened the door and saw that he got up. Zhang
Jueming placed a bowl of rice porridge and a bag of buns on the table, stating, “Vice-Captain
Bai had me bring you breakfast. Wash your face and eat a bit. How are you? Is it better?”
Li Cangyu didn’t want his teammates to worry so he reluctantly smiled. “It is much better.
Don’t worry about me and go play the game.”
Zhang Jueming asked, “You aren’t going to watch?”
“Yes, I’m a bit tired and will take the day off at the hotel. Please tell everyone else.”
Zhang Jueming nodded. “Okay, have a good rest. I’ll take them to lunch first then we will
head to the venue after eating.”
Li Cangyu said, “I’ll cheer for you.”
Once Zhang Jueming left, Li Cangyu sat on the bed and saw the bowl of porridge and hot
steamed buns on the table. He didn’t eat dinner last night and still didn’t have an appetite.
He opened the porridge to take a look and didn’t feel like eating. He just went back to bed
to sleep.
The Canglan team ate lunch at the hotel. Zhang Jueming explained while eating, “The arena
will be Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li. Cat God won’t be in the team battle. This means that Xiao Li
will play and be the main output. Everyone will protect you. Just read your spells with
confidence. Everyone should remember how to split up based on our discussion last night.
Remember to listen to my commands.”
The youngsters nodded while Ah Shu and Bai Xuan didn’t have much opinion.
Zhang Jueming had left the Miracle League for many years but he was once an aspiring
captain. He wanted to win the championship to prove his strength but unfortunately had to
When he was young, he worked hard to study the various pairings and styles of Miracle.
Despite leaving for several years, these things were deeply engraved into his bone marrow
and were still as clear as yesterday.
He was a person who had been a captain. He was very different from a temporary
Bai Xuan listened to his quick analysis of the tactics and the lineup arrangement and felt
relief for Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu carried everything in the old Canglan team. Now they had
Old Zhang. If Li Cangyu felt uncomfortable, he could share some of the pressure.
Bai Xuan’s healing level was first-class but he wasn’t proficient in tactics. Ah Shu’s personal
strength was high but he didn’t have many ideas when it came to commanding the team
battles. At the crucial moment, Old Zhang could control the scene for the Canglan team.
Once they finished eating, Zhang Jueming headed to the arena with his teammates. They
had just walked to the hotel’s lobby when they saw an unexpected figure—Ling Xuefeng.
The man was wearing a black trench coat and there was no expression on his handsome
face. He stood there as if waiting for someone.
Once he saw the group, he immediately strode to Bai Xuan and asked, “Where is your
The startled Bai Xuan replied, “He is resting in his room.”
Ling Xuefeng demanded, “Who lives with him? Give me your door card.”
Bai Xuan had some doubts. “Captain Ling, did you come here looking for Cat God?”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t give much explanation. He just made a sound of agreement and said,
“Give me the door card. I will go straight to him.”
Zhang Jueming thought it was strange but it wasn’t easy to refuse. He pulled out his door
card from his pocket and handed it to him.
Ling Xuefeng turned and left, leaving the stunned group behind him.
A moment later, Xie Shurong couldn’t help asking, “How can Ling Xuefeng appear here?
Why is he looking for Cat God?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Don’t be curious. He is familiar with our captain and probably has
something to discuss.”
Xie Shurong stared at Ling Xuefeng’s disappearing back and thoughtfully touched his chin.
Bai Xuan saw him staring at Ling Xuefeng waiting by the elevator and pulled his arm. “Let’s
go and play. Don’t worry about it.”
Ah Shu was towed away by the vice-captain and other people had to follow.
They didn’t ask on the surface but curiosity filled their hearts. Why did Ling Xuefeng
suddenly come to the hotel to find Cat God? Shouldn’t he be in Shanghai?

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GLS: Chapter 131

Chapter 131 – Ling Xuefeng Appearing Out of Nowhere

Li Cangyu was sleeping in a daze. He was sluggish and his fever turned his consciousness
into a mess. There was a burst of pain from his temples and it felt like his head was going to
burst. His throat was smoky and his forehead was so hot it was almost burning. His body
was covered in sweat, making his clothes stick to him tightly. It was like sleeping in muddy
water, really uncomfortable.
In his dreams, he seemed to have come to a hot desert. He wanted to drink water but
couldn’t find his way.
Li Cangyu struggled to open his eyes and find water to drink. To his surprise, he saw the
door to his room open and a man entered.
Li Cangyu subconsciously asked, “Is it Old Zhang? Pour me a glass of water…”
The man rushed to the bedside and tested the temperature of Li Cangyu’s forehead with the
back of his hand. Then he frowned and poured a glass of warm water. He leaned Li Cangyu
against his chest and whispered, “Drink some water.”
This voice didn’t sound like Zhang Jueming.
Li Cangyu opened his eyes with much difficulty. The figure in front of him was a bit fuzzy
but the faint scent, handsome side profile and the perfect chin allowed Li Cangyu to
instantly recognize the other person. “Ling… Ling Xuefeng?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “Yes. Come and drink water.”
The cup was raised to his lips. The thirsty Li Cangyu immediately bowed his head and
drank some water. The smokiness in his throat was relieved but his voice was still very
hoarse. He looked at the man in front of him with disbelief. “How are you here?”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly when he saw Li Cangyu’s dazed look.
This person was also firm, decisive and vigorous, especially in the arena. His methods were
powerful and his tactics unpredictable. He seemed to be afraid of nothing. Ling Xuefeng had
never seen his sick appearance and didn’t expect the sick Cat God to become so confused
that his eyes couldn’t focus…
This scene made Ling Xuefeng feel particularly distressed and he wanted to take good care
of Li Cangyu.
It was probably that the stronger a person was, the more shocking it became when they fell
down? Ling Xuefeng felt that his heart was going to melt when he saw Li Cangyu showing
such a confused and uncomfortable expression.
He couldn’t help reaching out to touch Li Cangyu’s head and found that sweat had soaked
his hair. Ling Xuefeng’s low voice was filled with obvious gentleness. “I am your boyfriend
and you are sick. Of course I have come to see you.”
Li Cangyu didn’t hear exactly what he was saying. He only captured the key word:
Li Cangyu knew that the man in front of him was his most trusted and favourite person and
let down his defenses. He couldn’t help reaching out to gently hug Ling Xuefeng and
complained, “I feel bad.”
This wasn’t being spoiled. He was just showing his true feelings in front of his most trusted
He was so uncomfortable that he wanted to take his head off!
The headache caused by the cold was like an electric drill repeatedly drilling into his brain.
Combined with the fever and sweating, his whole body seemed to be burning. This was the
first time he had been so sick since he was born.
He didn’t dare say these feelings in front of his teammates because he was afraid of
affecting their mood when playing the match. He didn’t need to be so scrupulous in front of
Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu frowning and gently kissed his forehead. “I brought you cold
medicine. Take some medicine and then have a good rest.”
He pulled the cold medicine out of his pocket as he spoke. He measured the dosage
according to the manual and then fed it to Li Cangyu. Then he raised the pillow and had Li
Cangyu lean back before going to the bathroom and soaking a towel with cold water to
place on Li Cangyu’s forehead.
The cold temperature on his forehead made Li Cangyu have a moment of clearness. He
looked at the man whose front profile gradually became clearer and asked, “Why did you
come from Shanghai?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “I saw the schedule. Canglan has a match both today and
tomorrow. You are strong and definitely won’t tell your teammates. Thus, they won’t take
care of you. I was worried and came to see for myself.”
Li Cangyu was moved but his mouth still said, “The round-trip tickets are expensive. It is
enough to buy two cars full of cold medicine. It wasn’t necessary for you to go all this way.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and touched his head. “I have already come. Don’t think about this
mess and have a good sleep. I will pour you another glass of water.”
Once he came back with the water, the cold tower had already heated up. Ling Xuefeng
tested the temperature of the tower and went back to the bathroom. He washed the towel
with cold water again and placed it on Li Cangyu’s forehead.
Li Cangyu felt very comfortable as he was taken care of by Ling Xuefeng. His body was still
a bit uncomfortable but his heart was warm.
Perhaps a sick person was easy to feel moved. The feeling of someone taking care of him
was particularly excellent. Otherwise, he would be lying alone in the hotel and it would be
very difficult if he wanted a glass of water.
Li Cangyu stared at Ling Xuefeng and didn’t hide the love in his eyes.
Ling Xuefeng was shocked by these confused and dependent eyes. His heartbeat
accelerated and if Li Cangyu wasn’t sick, he would directly overpower Li Cangyu and kiss
him all over his body.
Ling Xuefeng looked down and found that Li Cangyu had sweated too much. His clothes
were stuck to his body, which was definitely uncomfortable. Ling Xuefeng helped him take
off his clothes, used a towel to gently wipe the sweat off his body and found a new set of
pyjamas for him to change to. Then he carefully covered Li Cangyu with the quilt.
Li Cangyu was too lazy to move. He waited until Ling Xuefeng changed his clothes for him
and covered him with the quilt. His eyes were still staring at Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help asking, “Why are you staring at me?”
Li Cangyu declared, “I like you.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
This person was really unstoppable when he took the initiative.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t hold back and gently kissed him.
Cat God’s body temperature was particularly high. Once the tongue entered his mouth, the
high temperature almost melted a person. Ling Xuefeng gently moved his tongue and
sucked for a moment. Li Cangyu’s head was already confused by the fever and he lost all
sense of reason from the kiss. He reached out and hugged Ling Xuefeng’s neck.
He seemed to notice that Ling Xuefeng’s temperature was particularly comfortable and
tightly hugged his person.
Ling Xuefeng was kissing when he found that Li Cangyu didn’t respond. He looked down
and found that this person had actually closed his eyes and fell asleep. Ling Xuefeng
removed his mouth and gently licked the liquid against Li Cangyu’s lips. Then he said softly,
“Sleep well. I am here.”
The dazed Li Cangyu heard this sentence and felt at ease, falling into a heavy sleep.
It was afternoon when he woke up again. Li Cangyu found that his entire body was
wrapped around Ling Xuefeng like an octopus. Ling Xuefeng was calmly leaning against the
bed, one hand wrapped around Li Cangyu’s waist. It was a very indulgent manner and he
showed no trace of impatience.
Li Cangyu didn’t feel embarrassed. It was great holding his wife while sleeping!
He felt much better after waking up. Ling Xuefeng saw the bright eyes shining at him and
couldn’t help smiling gently. He reached out to touch Li Cangyu’s forehead and asked, “Is
the fever gone?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu sat up and hugged Ling Xuefeng. “It feels much better. It’s great that you
Ling Xuefeng hugged him back and felt it was worthwhile coming here.
Fortunately, he came in time when Li Cangyu needed him most.
Li Cangyu hugged the other person for a while before retracting his arms. “You suddenly
ran to Guangzhou. Will there be any problems with the team?’
“It’s fine, Vice-Captain Yan is there. Lately, it has just been routine training, meaning it
doesn’t matter if I’m not there.” Ling Xuefeng paused before asking, “Are you hungry? I’ll
order something to eat.”
Li Cangyu did feel hungry. He thought carefully and remembered that he hadn’t eaten
anything from last night to the present. He didn’t have an appetite this morning due to the
fever. Now the fever was gone and he was aware of his empty stomach. He demanded, “I
want to eat porridge.”
Ling Xuefeng kissed his forehead and replied, “Then wait for me. I will order you a meal.”
He went to the room’s phone, flipped through the menu and had the staff send some food
up. He thoughtfully asked for Li Cangyu’s favourite porridge as well as some vegetarian
dishes that were easy to digest.
The hotel staff soon sent up food. Ling Xuefeng took it to the bedside table and said, “Eat it.”
Li Cangyu didn’t eat, his black eyes staring at Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng was puzzled. “What is it? Don’t you want to eat?”
Li Cangyu told him, “I’m a patient.”
Ling Xuefeng reached out and touched his forehead. “Is the fever back? Eat something first.
You haven’t eaten all day.”
Li Cangyu shook his head. “My cold is better.”
“Then you don’t want to eat?”
Li Cangyu laughed. “How can you not understand? I mean that I’m a patient so you should
feed me.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
This person really wanted a mile after giving him an inch!
Ling Xuefeng saw the expectant expression and knew that this person was deliberately
teasing him, but Ling Xuefeng had to recognize it.
He took a spoonful of the fish porridge and raised it to his mouth. Li Cangyu immediately
opened his mouth and ate it while thinking, ‘It is amazing to be taken care of by my wife. No
wonder why a lot of people want to have a wife to go home to!’
Ling Xuefeng watched him take a serious sip of the porridge. Compared with the usual
decisive Cat God, Li Cangyu was more like a greedy cat who was hungry. His contented face
while being fed made Ling Xuefeng feel very soft. He wanted to keep this big cat for the rest
of his life.
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and continued to feed Li Cangyu. Once the bowl of porridge
was finished, Li Cangyu ate a few buns. Then he wiped his mouth with satisfaction and said,
“I will get up and walk around. I have been lying in bed all night and day. The more I lie
down, the worst my headache will become.”
“Okay.” Ling Xuefeng helped him up and handed him a glass of water.
Li Cangyu actively moved around the room and felt much better. Then he opened his laptop
and opened to the live channel of the second division.
Half of the Canglan team’s match was over. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang had tied with the
other team in the first two games. The score on the big screen was 2:2. The two teams had
each taken a game and were starting the third tiebreaker game.
When Li Cangyu opened the live channel, Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang were in the midst of a
fierce competition with the other side. Zhuo Hang let out an explosive burst of hand speed
and placed traps while Li Xiaojiang slowly cast his skills while moving. Every skill cast was
extremely accurate.
The thing that surprised Li Cangyu was that the two youngsters joined forces and actually
took the lead in killing the opposite side’s swordsman. Then they joined forces to take care
of the white magician and won the third game in one breath.
The final score of the arena was 4:2 and the Zhuo Li combination won for the first time!
During the intermission, Zhuo Li both excitedly ran off the stage to accept everyone’s
Li Cangyu wasn’t at the venue but he was very pleased with the youngsters.
Of course, the opponent in this match was a weaker team in the second division. The
victory of Zhuo Li didn’t prove how good they were. Still, it showed that the tacit
understanding between them was much higher than the previous match. As long as they
slowly progressed and steadily gained experience, one day they would become a truly
excellent combination in the arena.
Ling Xuefeng sat next to Li Cangyu to watch the game. Once the fight was over, he saw the
gratified expression on Li Cangyu’s face and couldn’t help gently holding his shoulders.
“Are you tired with four newbies playing?”
Every game he had to consider who to send out, who to train, what map was most
appropriate to train on while also ensuring that the score wasn’t bad enough to squeeze
them out of the playoffs. Li Cangyu had to consume a lot of brain cells.
Li Cangyu didn’t want to cover up in front of his lover. He spoke bluntly, “It is very hard but
there is no other way. They are still small and need to be honed. Otherwise, they can only
wait to be abused in the first division. The future of the Canglan team will be in their hands.
I have to raise them as much as possible while I’m still on the team.”
Ling Xuefeng whispered, “I understand that is hard. But are you happy?”
“Yes.” The two of them stared at each other and smiled.
They were both captains and knew the pressure on each other’s shoulders. There was no
need to say anything else. Just one look was enough.
Li Cangyu saw the man who run all this way to take care of him and couldn’t help saying, “It
is troublesome for you to run from Shanghai to Guangzhou. Still, I’m really glad you came.”
Nothing would happen to Li Cangyu if Ling Xuefeng didn’t come. It was just a cold and he
would get over it. It was just that no one would bring him medicine, pour him water, take
care of the sweat from his fever, feed him and let him enjoy the treatment of a VIP patient.
This treatment was outstanding.
Having someone bring the water to his lips was much better than having to get up and pour
water for himself.
Li Cangyu thought this and gently kissed Ling Xuefeng’s lips. “If you are sick in the future, I
will take good care of you.”
It was a simple promise but it showed he would never leave.
Ling Xuefeng smiled and touched his head. Then he reached out and held Li Cangyu in his
A tough person also needed someone to accompany him in times of need.
Ling Xuefeng was thankful that the moment when Li Cangyu needed care, it was him who
was by Li Cangyu’s side.

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GLS: Chapter 132

Chapter 132 – Team Battle Time

The combination of Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang won for the first time in the arena and
many viewers gave credit to the two young boys. The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu
didn’t play in the team battle.
Since the appearance of the Canglan team in the second division, Li Cangyu gained many
new fans because of his outstanding performance, particularly in the team battles of the
first two matches. Many fans were worried after not seeing Cat God in the team battle.
Some people asked about him on his Weibo and others filled the comments of the live
For a while, the Internet was full of: [Cat God?] [Why isn’t Cat God here?] [Didn’t Cat God
come today?] Ling Xuefeng saw these comments and looked back. “Your popularity is quite
Li Cangyu replied with a calm expression, “High popularity isn’t necessarily a good thing.
Once I lose, the comments will be very miserable.”
Ling Xuefeng also had a deep understanding of this. The current environment was very
fickle. Many people vented their negative emotions on the Internet. They were many people
with no brains who spewed out dirty words. There was no point competing with them.
Li Cangyu directly disregarded these negative comments.
It was why he didn’t explain the reason for losing the last match to the reporters. If he
stated he was ‘sick’, the people who cared for him might be considerate but more people
would think that he was making up an excuse for losing.
It was better to say nothing.
He preferred to prove himself through practical actions, not his mouth.
On the live broadcast screen, six players of the Canglan team were already sitting in the
contestant seats. Li Cangyu had handed command of this match over to Zhang Jueming and
the map he selected was Bloody Forest. This map was darker than Demon Forest and the
sky was red. It was a typical night map.
The advantage of the night map was mainly for two players in Canglan, Xiao Han and Li
Xiaojiang. Xiao Han was a blood kin assassin and the best at sneak attacking at night.
Meanwhile, Li Xiaojiang was a black magician and wore black equipment. It was easy for
him to integrate with the surrounding environment in the night map, making it difficult for
the opponent to accurately judge his position.
It was clear that Zhang Jueming chose this map after careful consideration.
The two commentators found that Canglan was missing a key member today and Chen
Weiwei couldn’t help saying, “Cat God didn’t come to the venue today. I don’t know the
reason but look at the Canglan team’s map selection. The commander of the game should
be the veteran Zhang Jueming, the white magician with the ID of Juemingzi.
Shao Yu saidm, “Zhang Jueming, I don’t have an impression of this player. I just heard that
he is a white magician auxiliary from the first season. After the disbandment of his team, it
is unknown where he went. I am looking forward to seeing his performance since his style
is relatively rare.”
Chen Weiwei nodded in agreement. “The white magician auxiliary style is rare in the
Miracle League. The old captain of Time, Xu Luo created the white magician with strong
control and violent output. Later, Cheng Wei who was raised by him also used this style of
play. Now all the white magicians in the Miracle League play the output build. There are
none who play support.”
Shao Yu smiled. “I suddenly found that many players in Canglan are taking different routes.
For example, Li Xiaojiang plays a slow style for the black magician. It is really different from
an average player.”
“Yes, black and white magic is originally a violent output combination. The result here is
that the white magician is an auxiliary and the black magician is a snail. They shouldn’t be
The two people said this as the team battle officially began. Both teams refreshed at the
same time on the map.
The Canglan’s team birth point was in the southwest corner of the map. The six people took
a few steps forward and divided into three paths according to the arrangement of Zhang
Jueming. They split into 2:2:2 respectively, heading to the lower left, upper left and lower
right areas.
Bai Xuan and Gu Siming stayed in the southwest area in the lower left corner closest to the
birth point. The combination of a meat shield and milk daddy was obviously to defend and
resist any pressure. Zhang Jueming didn’t want them to fight and just stabilize their
Xie Shurong and Li Xiaojiang headed to the southeast corner in the lower right. This
arrangement allowed Li Xiaojiang to play better. After all, he had cooperated with Xie
Shurong once in the arena. Ah Shu had rich experience and can help Xiao Li in the team
Zhang Jueming and Xiao Han went together to the northwest wild area in the upper left
corner. Xiao Han could easily use his assassination techniques on such a map while Zhang
Jueming would personally assist him to gain an advantage in the early stages.
This type of splitting up was truly the best arrangement at present. Even if Li Cangyu was
the commander, he would still choose this method.
In the early stages of the team battle, both sides quietly made money by killing mobs. Then
a fierce battle broke out in the northwest corner. Xiao Han’s ability to seize opportunities
was very strong. In the online game, he was used to stealth attacks and he liked this dimly
lit night map. He saw that the opposite side’s archer had lost 10% blood because of the
mobs and the skills were on cooldown. Xiao Han immediately seized the opportunity, using
stealth to go around and secretly add a Death Mark to the archer.
The killer’s Death Mark wasn’t able to be detected by the other person, just like people
didn’t know when they were targeted by a killer.
The Death Mark would increase the killer’s output damage to the target in the next 30
seconds. It also gave the teammates a ‘I want to kill him’ signal.
Zhang Jueming saw that Xiao Han had placed Death Mark on the opposite side’s archer and
immediately used two auxiliary skills, increasing Xiao Han’s attack power while decreasing
the opponent’s defense. Xiao Han decisively used Backstab and Arc Stab to lower the
person’s blood to 50%.
The other side reacted and immediately tried to return fire. However, Xiao Han’s ability to
respond was extremely fast and he used combat stealth to disappear into the night.
Once he reappeared again, he changed the direction of attack. The dagger in his hand
emitted a fierce light as he slashed at the opponent’s back. It was the most aggressive
attack of the blood kin killer, Whirlwind Stab. Fatal Blow!
The dagger in his hand was like a spinning blade that mercilessly cut at the other side’s
body. It forced the opponent’s blood to below 20% and then he used Fatal Blow to kill the
[Frost Descends has killed Boundless Horizon, first kill!]
This news made all the Canglan team members stunned. Then the southeast corner also
sent good news.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Xijiang Moonlight!]
It was the second kill and the killers were the young players of the Canglan team. This
made the viewers amazed.
The commentator Shao Yu quickly said, “Li Xiaojiang also took a human head. Let’s take a
look at the replay in the southeast wild area!”
The screen replayed the situation in the lower right corner. Everyone found that the
moment the two sides met in the right corner, the berserker Xijiang Moonlight wanted to
chase after Li Xiaojiang and ended up being hit by Xie Shurong. The berserker only had a bit
of blood left when Ah Shu suddenly stopped and let Li Xiaojiang win the head.
Chen Weiwei couldn’t help wondering, “Ah Shu deliberately gave him the head?”
Shao Yu nodded. “He obviously gave the head away on purpose. Otherwise he could’ve
killed the player with a simple attack.”
Chen Weiwei said, “He probably did this to encourage the snail boy fighting in his first team
Chen Weiwei particularly liked Li Xiaojiang and gave him the nickname of snail boy.
Shao Yu couldn’t help sighing. “Cat God didn’t come today but the Canglan team fortunately
didn’t collapse. The three old players brought a new person and took care of the
newcomers. It is good and shows that Canglan must be united.”
Chen Weiwei nodded in agreement. “This is actually very difficult. After all, Cat God didn’t
come. If it was another team and their captain was absent, it is likely they would become
unstable and their playing would be a mess. Yet today, the Canglan team seems to be telling
people that they won’t be bullied even if Cat God isn’t present!”
Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang had both taken a head, giving the Canglan team a huge advantage.
The personal economy of Xiao Li alone exceeded the opponent. Not to mention, Bai Xuan
and Gu Siming had stably killed the mobs, making them money. Then Xiao Han and Li
Xiaojiang returned and directly bought an attack necklace!
Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang had a 5% attack buff from killing one person each plus there was
the attack necklace. The two young boys played an important role in the ice dragon battle.
In particular, Li Xiaojiang was well protected by everyone as he stood in the distance.
Thanks to the attack bonus, once he cast a black magic spell… he directly reduced the
opponent’s blood to 50%!
The terrible attack was too scary!
Shao Yu couldn’t help saying, “Li Xiaojiang has a really distinctive character. He might be
slow but as long as his move hits, it will make people feel very painful! Discarding speed
and focusing on attack, this was actually quite scary when cooperating well with
Chen Weiwei said, “Yes, now the opposite side is collectively in residual blood. The other
Canglan members can complete the harvest!”
These words had just ended when Ah Shu flexibly cut into the front row of the other party,
disabling all three people in the front row. Then he allowed Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang to
collect the heads of those in residual blood. The formation of the other team collapsed and
the Canglan team successfully won the ice dragon, increasing their economy!
The advantage of this slowly accumulated and the battle reached a critical moment.
In order to prevent an incident where the other team reversed the situation, Zhang Jueming
made the wise decision to directly give up on the fire dragon.
Now the six people’s attack power was high enough to push through to the crystal. There
was no need to be greedy over the fire dragon’s attack bonus. If the other team managed to
take it, the advantages gained in the early stages would be lost.
The Canglan team gave up on the fire dragon and pushed directly past the towers in the
middle and quickly destroyed the central crystal!
Once the golden word popped up on the screen, Zhang Jueming’s eyes felt hot.
He didn’t tell his teammates that this was his first team victory in his career. It was the first
time since becoming a professional player that he commanded a team battle and won!
At this moment, he really thanked Cat God for his trust and giving him the opportunity to
command the team.
He was very grateful to his teammates for their cooperation.
He wasn’t the captain or vice-captain of the Canglan team. He was the oldest player in the
league and an invisible auxiliary that the youngsters carelessly called Uncle Zhang.
However, the four young teenagers didn’t disobey his command. Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong
also tried to cooperate with him. At this critical moment when Cat God was sick, the won
the team battle under Zhang Jueming’s command!

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GLS: Chapter 133

Chapter 133 – Canglan Team’s Commander Zhang

The first team battle was a big victory. Zhang Jueming didn’t feel proud because the second
game was the opponent’s home game. Without the advantage of the night map, Xiao Han
and Li Xiaojiang couldn’t play as well.
Sure enough, the map chosen by the other team was Frost Temple.
This was a map of the angel realm and the whole environment was white, with white
buildings towering into the clouds. Frost Temple was covered in ice and snow.
It was impossible for Li Xiaojiang to reduce his sense of existence on such a map. He wore
black clothes and was an obvious target on the Frost Temple map.
Xiao Han and Xiao Li’s map advantages no longer existed, making the second game
significantly more difficult.
Today’s opponents weren’t strong but the targeted map brought a lot of trouble to the
Canglan team, especially Li Xiaojiang. The Frost Temple map didn’t have many trees to hide
behind and the horizon was relatively wide. Li Xiaojiang had nowhere to hide and it took a
lot of energy for Ah Shu to protect him.
Zhang Jueming glanced at the situation in the lower right wild area and said, “Ah Shu, you
will be the main attacker. Don’t worry about Xiao Li. Xiao Li will immediately retreat and
lead the other person around.”
This was clearly a shift in the core tactics.
In the last game, Xie Shurong was the one assisting Xiao Li. The game could no longer be
played like this. Therefore, Ah Shu would use his personal ability to kill and give up on
assisting Li Xiaojiang.
Xie Shurong had long wanted to do this. He heard this and immediately moved forward,
wielding the sword in his hand. He used a gorgeous set of moves to tear the fragile
opponent and took one head in one go. The explosive ability of the terran swordsman was
really powerful!
Li Xiaojiang assisted Ah Shu by casting spells and ran around when he couldn’t. If he
couldn’t kill people then he at least couldn’t give them his head.
In the beginning, the Shu Li combination was suppressed by the other side and had an
economic disadvantage. Then once Ah Shu counterattacked and killed one person, the gap
was quickly pulled back and he successfully reversed the situation.
In the upper left wilderness area, the cooperation between Xiao Han and Zhang Jueming
didn’t produce an immediate effect.
Xiao Han’s reaction was fast but he was controlled by the opposite two remotes. His playing
style was greatly restricted and he was almost killed.
Fortunately, this little guy was clever. Once he was about to die, he immediately entered
stealth and ran away. The mixed-race teenager, he was fierce and decisive when killing
people and the speed at which he ran away was also dazzling!
The audience sent him running away and typed a row of ellipses on the live broadcast
[The mixed-race boy runs faster than a rabbit!] [He is smart!] [It is said that the mixed-
raced child is smarter than an average person. I also think Xiao Han is smart.]
Xiao Han had managed to escape but he was obviously at an economic disadvantage.
Fortunately, Ah Shu had a relative advantage after killing one person. This stabilized the
situation in the early stages.
This lasted until the ice dragon refreshed.
The ice dragon was a very crucial part of the team battle. The early disadvantages could be
overturned by the ice dragon. The early advantages could also be countered by successfully
killing the dragon. In the case of a tie, the economic bonus of the ice dragon should be
competed over.
Zhang Jueming thought about it and soon came up with a sophisticated layout.
The moment that both sides started the team battle, he had Li Xiaojiang and Xiao Han ran
to the left and right as bait in order to spread out the firepower of the opposite team. He left
the protector Gu Siming with Xie Shurong. Ah Shu had the equipment advantage and attack
bonus. He had the quick attack and high flexibility of a swordsman, allowing him to cut
through the chaotic battle and completely the heads harvest!
This type of tactical thinking wasn’t uncommon in group battles. It was based on the
sacrifice of the teammates to cripple the people on the other team. Finally, a good
teammate would come out to harvest the heads. This person must have strong personal
ability in order to find the most favourable entry point in the chaotic battle and ensure that
they don’t die.
Zhang Jueming was convinced of Ah Shu’s abilities. He had been playing abroad for three
years, meaning Zhang Jueming didn’t hesitate when handing over this important task.
Xie Shurong didn’t let his teammates down.
The audience was shocked by the thrilling scenes. In this battle, the fragile Li Xiaojiang died
first, then Xiao Han, then Zhang Jueming…
Canglan obviously had three people die first. However, at this time, the full of blue Ah Shu
was able to find the right timing to suddenly cut into this chaotic battle. He quickly swept
through the residual blood opponents and wiped out the team in one breath!
The audience was still stunned when exciting news popped up on the screen: [Ah Shu is
super god!]
Zhang Jueming hit his thighs. “Very good! Resurrect at the city and speedily return. We will
directly push through to the crystal.”
Bai Xuan looked at Zhang Jueming’s thigh with a distressed expression. Old Zhang’s
command style was really unrestrained. His thighs were really pitiful as they were
currently swollen…
Once the three dead team members resurrected, they took the closest road to the central
They weren’t greedy over the fire dragon. The fire dragon was extremely aggressive and it
took a lot of fight the dragon. If they weren’t careful, they would die themselves. It was
better to push through to the crystal quickly.
Once the two opposite sides met again, the crystal was already at half blood.
Super god Ah Shu immediately used the big move Light and Shadow Rotation to prevent
the enemies from approaching. Meanwhile, Xiao Han, Gu Siming and Li Xiaojiang
concentrated on the crystal with Old Zhang’s help.
In the end, the blood volume of the crystal was emptied by the three young teenagers and
dozens of crystal fragments flew into the air. Then a golden word popped up on the screen:
Zhang Jueming stood up excitedly and hit his thighs. “We won!”
Bai Xuan, “…”
He really wanted to ask, ‘Old Zhang, is your leg okay?’
The four teenagers immediately gathered together in a pleased huddle. “We won, we won!”
Ah Shu also stood up and smiled. “Old Zhang’s command is great!”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “It is due to everyone’s excellent cooperation!”
He wasn’t being humble. The tactics he used today were common. If the team didn’t have
excellent cooperation, they wouldn’t necessarily have won the two team battles.
In particular, Xie Shurong was the biggest hero in today’s team battle. He assisted Li
Xiaojiang and made Xiao Li into a terrible black magician. Then he became a super god. Ah
Shu was the almighty brick of the Canglan team, moving wherever he was needed.
In the absence of Cat God, Xie Shurong was really reliable. He steadily cooperated with
Zhang Jueming’s tactics and led the youngsters to victory. He was a first-class player!
The Canglan team had two consecutive victories and didn’t need to play a third deciding
match. Today’s confirmed score was shown on the big screen.
They took 10 points in the team battles and four points in the arena. This result was quite
The captain wasn’t there so Vice-Captain Bai Xuan signed the confirmation form handed
over by the referee. Then everyone politely went to the other side to shake hands before
returning backstage.
Zhang Jueming immediately took out his phone and called Li Cangyu, “Cat God, are you
feeling better?”
“I’m much better.” Li Cangyu’s voice was still hoarse but he sounded clear-minded. “The
fever has receded and I just watched the live broadcast. You played very well.”
Zhang Jueming scratched his head and smiled cheerfully. “Hahaha, I didn’t let Cat God
Bai Xuan took the phone from his hand and asked, “Cat God, how are you? Should I bring
you some cold medicine when I come back?”
“There is no need to buy medicine.” Li Cangyu shook his head. “My father and sister are
doctors and they never take medicine when they catch a cold. The natural course of a cold
is one week. If you can, it is better not to take medicine. My body is excellent and this small
cold will soon pass. You don’t need to worry.”
Li Cangyu didn’t obey his father’s wishes to be admitted to medical school but there were
two doctors at home. He listened to his father and sister talking and knew the basics of
A common cold was usually an ‘upper respiratory tract infection’, causing sore throat,
cough, headache and other symptoms. Their bodies had an immune system that was
resistant to external pathogens and could automatically remove common pathogens. The
natural course of a cold was normally one week. In other words, even if he didn’t take
medicine, the immune system would completely remove the bacteria in one week and he
would naturally recover from the cold.
Taking medicine wasn’t good since if too much was taken, resistance to the drug could
develop. In the United States, it was necessary to make an appointment to see a doctor.
Many people would just drink water and use ice when they had a cold, making it more
conductive to enhancing the body’s immunity. If they took medicine when sick, this would
worsen the body’s immune system.
Li Cangyu knew these medical principles. Last night, he judged that he only had a cold and
it hadn’t reached the level of pneumonia. He didn’t go to see a doctor and wanted to rely on
his own immunity to resist this minor cold.
However, Bai Xuan didn’t have a doctor at home. He didn’t know these common sense
principles. Bai Xuan knew that Li Cangyu’s father was a doctor and no longer argued with
him. “Then I won’t buy you medicine. Do you want me to bring back dinner for you?”
“No, I’ll go out to eat.”
“Oh right, didn’t Ling Xuefeng come to see you?” Bai Xuan suddenly thought this and
couldn’t help asking.
“Yes, he’s right next to me. I’m going to have dinner with him.”
“Then I won’t buy you food and will see you later tonight!” Bai Xuan hung up and told
everyone the good news about Cat God’s improvement. The group was relieved and
followed their vice-captain to dinner.
At the hotel, Ling Xuefeng listened to his call and couldn’t help asking seriously, “You don’t
need medicine for a cold? I gave you some cold medicine in the morning.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I just said that so that Xiao Bai doesn’t bring me medicine. I didn’t mean
to blame you. Don’t think too much. You gave me medicine for my sake. I am naturally very
Ling Xuefeng frowned. “Is that so?”
Li Cangyu just told Bai Xuan that there was no need for medicine with a cold. Ling Xuefeng,
who took the initiative to feed him medicine naturally wasn’t very happy. Li Cangyu rushed
over and gently kissed Ling Xuefeng. “I really didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t be angry.
You see, my fever disappeared so quickly because of you!”
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t angry anymore after seeing Li Cangyu come over and kiss him to
comfort him. He couldn’t help smiling and hugged Li Cangyu around the waist. “Do you
want to go to dinner?”
“Yes, let me change my clothes first.”
Li Cangyu quickly changed and left the hotel with Ling Xuefeng.
The two of them headed to a nearby restaurant and ordered some light dishes, chatting
while eating.
Li Cangyu looked up and asked, “What do you think about the match today under Old
Zhang’s command?”
Ling Xuefeng said, “His commanding was very good and decisive.”
“Indeed, the action of giving up on the fire dragon both times was particularly sensible. Li
Cangyu nodded in agreement. “Old Zhang usually has a bold personality and is careless. I
didn’t expect him to arrange the tactics so carefully. I really didn’t misread him.”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Isn’t he 26 years old?”
“Yes, his birthday is in June. He will be 27 during the first division.” Li Cangyu didn’t sigh.
“Like us, he debuted in the first season. However, he is a few years older than us and is the
same age as Xu Luo and Song Yang. Captain Xu and Captain Song have already retired. Old
Zhang should be the oldest contestant in the Miracle League.”
Ling Xuefeng listened to Li Cangyu’s words and felt somewhat emotional.
Among the five gods of the first season, the swordsman Song Yang, the white magician Xu
Luo and the blood kin assassin Mo Quan had all retired as legends. The remaining Li
Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were two or three years younger than them and were still in the
league. They were already veteran players but Zhang Jueming was older than both of them.
It really wasn’t easy for him to come back and play.
Ling Xuefeng’s impression of Zhang Jueming from the first season was the talkative captain
of Full Moon. His white magician auxiliary style was very dim compared to the white
magician output style and he didn’t show any good results in the field. Later, the Full Moon
team quietly disbanded and Zhang Jueming was completely unknown in the history of the
Miracle League.
There were many such people in the league. Most players couldn’t help leaving the Miracle
League without making a mark on it. The fact that Zhang Jueming could come back showed
that apart from his good luck in meeting Cat God, he had already been unwilling to give up.
A 26 year old could still stand on the field of e-sports. This really took a lot of courage that
deserved to be respected.
Li Cangyu paused before saying, “This time, I let Old Zhang act as commander and he
performed spectacularly. I am a bit surprised. It seems that he left the league with many
regrets. His teammates weren’t strong and he couldn’t realize many of his tactical ideas.”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Aren’t you the same?”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Yes, good teammates are important. The reorganization of Canglan has
given me a lot of confidence. They played well despite my sickness. This shows that the
overall strength of the team has stabilized and they won’t collapse because one person is
missing. This is the most comforting thing.”
In the past, the reason why Canglan often lost was because Li Cangyu was too important to
the team. Once he fell, the team would immediately collapse because there was no second
person who could withstand the onslaught of the opposite team.
The current Canglan was different. In addition to his core players, there was Old Zhang who
could act as a temporary commander. There was the stable healer Bai Xuan and Ah Shu
who had excellent personal ability and could reliably stabilize the situation. Finally, there
were the four hard-working teenagers.
Li Cangyu felt that the burden on his shoulders was a lot easier. There were many people
standing with him and sharing the pressure of the team.
Ling Xuefeng was pleased for Li Cangyu. Ah Shu, Old Zhang and the four teenagers were
undoubtedly lucky to meet Cat God. However, Li Cangyu was also quite lucky to find these
powerful teammates to form the Canglan team.
Ling Xuefeng thought this and couldn’t help asking, “Old Zhang’s command today was
outstanding. Will you give him more opportunities to train as the vice-commander of the
This man really knew him the best to be able to guess his thoughts so quickly.
Li Cangyu smiled and agreed. “Yes, I don’t have as much energy as the past. It is good to
have Old Zhang share this with him. I plan to let him command more matches in the regular
season. I can also obtain new tactical ideas from him, allowing us to play better in the first
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu’s relieved expression and couldn’t help holding his hand,
whispering, “I believe that you will realize your dream this time.”
Li Cangyu declared confidently, “Of course, I have been busy for so many years and it is
time to reap the harvest.”

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GLS: Chapter 134

Chapter 134 – Canglan’s Advance (1)

The two of them returned to the hotel after dinner. Ling Xuefeng went to the front desk to
book another room, intending to stay for the time.
He suddenly came to Guangzhou to see Li Cangyu due to a temporary decision and he
hadn’t bought a return ticket. In any case, Li Cangyu’s body still hadn’t recovered. Ling
Xuefeng wanted to stay here a few more days before returning to Shanghai.
Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng used his ID card to book a room and couldn’t help saying, “If
the team is busy, you should go back first. I will recover from this cold in two days. You
don’t have to stay with me.”
Ling Xuefeng looked back and couldn’t help smiling when he saw Li Cangyu’s serious eyes.
“I am staying here not just to accompany you. There are also some things to deal with.”
Li Cangyu wondered, “Is it a private matter?”
“It is a team matter.” Ling Xuefeng didn’t intend to hide it and honestly explained, “There is
a live broadcasting platform that wants to ask the Wind Colour team to broadcast some
games. I have discussed it with the manager and feel there is no harm in it, so I agreed. The
headquarters of the live broadcast company is in Guangzhou. I came here to talk to them.”
“Live broadcasting platform?” Li Cangyu thoughtfully spoke, “A first person live perspective
of the arena, isn’t this more like an instructional video?”
He had seen some broadcasts before. Many experts used the first perspective to teach the
audience the operations of certain classes. Novices watching these live videos could learn
many things.
Ling Xuefeng’s live broadcast platform wanted to invite team players to participate in
interactive live broadcasts. Viewers would be attracted by the popularity of the players and
the live broadcast platform would gradually expand.
Many newcomers had poured into Miracle in recent years, especially after news of the
World Competition was released. This year’s system changed and the arena rules were
more complicated than before. Many newcomers didn’t know how to play. Some e-sports
players would use the first perspective explanation videos to teach everyone, which was
very good for new players.
Li Cangyu asked, “The live broadcast platform probably didn’t just find the Wind Colour
team, right?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Time, Flying Feathers and Ghost Spirits also promised to cooperate
with them. On free weekends, players will go to the arena and play casually, making
instructional videos for the novices. This is extra income so most players are happy.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “It seems like Xiao Cheng Wei is the most eager to do this?”
“Well, Time was the first to sign. Cheng Wei said he would go live and he also preempted
the room number 6666.”
Li Cangyu whispered, “He should register 2222.”
In the distant Beijing, Cheng Wei suddenly sneezed.
Ling Xuefeng smiled softly and said, “If there is a chance in the future, open a side account
to accompany me in the live broadcast room. I will go there one a fortnight and winning or
losing doesn’t matter. Thus, it is a relaxing event.”
“If I go, won’t I be recognized?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “Just don’t talk.”
Li Cangyu made an ‘OK’ gesture. It was great to be able to accompany his boyfriend in the
arena and relax after a match. But… Li Cangyu demanded, “I need an appearance fee.”
Ling Xuefeng offered, “I will make you pickled fish if you appear?”
Li Cangyu held out his hand with a satisfied expression. “Deal!”
Ling Xuefeng gently shook his hand and turned back to the front desk to check-in.
At this time, the Canglan team members returned from their meal.
They saw Li Cangyu in the hall and the four teenagers immediately ran to him. Xiao Gu
excitedly hugged Li Cangyu and cried out, “Cat God, we won! 14:2 is so cool!”
Zhuo Hang smiled and added, “Xiao Li and I got four points in the arena. Cat God, do you
want to praise me?”
The surrounded Li Cangyu helplessly stretched out his hand and rubbed their heads,
stating, “You all did very well. This time I can praise you.”
Gu Siming smiled happily and Zhuo Hang was also proud. Xiao Han thoughtfully bowed his
head while Li Xiaojiang stood quietly next to Li Cangyu, not saying a word.
Ling Xuefeng came back after checking in and found Li Cangyu surrounded by four
Ling Xuefeng’s heart suddenly felt a bit upset. Was it necessary for these four little guys to
stick to Li Cangyu like candy? In addition, that Xiao Gu. Why wasn’t he letting go of Li
Gu Siming felt cold eyes on the back of his neck and let go of Cat God. He looked back and
his eyes brightened. “Eh? Captain Ling is still here?”
Ling Xuefeng told him with a blank expression, “I have something to do in Guangzhou and
will be staying a few days.”
The black fan Gu Siming walked up to him. “Can you give me a signature again?”
Ling Xuefeng agreed. “Yes.”
Bai Xuan saw Ling Xuefeng and took the initiative to step forward, politely saying, “Captain
Ling, did you come to Guangzhou on a business trip?”
Ling Xuefeng certainly couldn’t say that he came to take care of a patient. He used the
excuse Bai Xuan found for him and nodded. “I had something to do and came here. I heard
you were staying in this hotel and dropped by to take a look.”
Bai Xuan glanced between him and Li Cangyu before smiling. “That is really a coincidence.
Cat God just became sick.”
Li Cangyu coughed because of his guilty conscience and said, “Don’t stand in the hall and
chat. Let’s go back.”
Everyone took the elevator to the floor where they lived. Li Cangyu suggested, “Everyone is
tired from today’s game. We will go back to rest. Tomorrow’s match will still be arranged
and commanded by Old Zhang.”
His voice was still a bit hoarse but his state of mind was obviously better. The group put
down their worries and returned to their rooms to rest.
Ling Xuefeng’s room was next to Li Cangyu. He went to the door and ordered, “Once you go
to bed, turn the air conditioner up higher. Don’t make your cold worse.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Don’t worry. Go back to take a bath and sleep early. I will find you
The two of them looked at each other with understanding and returned to their rooms.
Zhang Jueming was thick-skinned and didn’t realize anything was wrong when he saw
them saying goodbye to each other.
He swiped the door card to enter and asked, “Is your cold really okay?”
Li Cangyu poured a glass a water and took a few gulps before replying, “It is nothing. My
body has always been in an excellent state and this minor cold is nothing. By the way, how
did you feel commanding the game today?”
Zhang Jueming bluntly replied, “Not bad. Winning is very cool!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It is unlikely that the former Full Moon and FTD team would win so
beautifully. The current lineup of Canglan isn’t mature enough but the young ones are
progressing quickly. There are also two stable players in Xiao Bai and Ashu. Commanding
them is very smooth, right?”
Old Zhang laughed. “Of course! This is the first time the reactions of my teammates could
keep up with my commands. I didn’t need to explain too much and they knew how to do it
He paused before adding, “Especially Ah Shu. I never noticed how strong he is before but
after personally commanding today’s match, I discovered that Ah Shu’s strongest
advantage is that he can react differently according to different tactics. The speed of his
responses is extremely fast and the error rate is low. He always goes where he is needed!”
Li Cangyu didn’t often praise Xie Shurong but he really liked Xie Shurong. Compared with
the old players like Bai Xuan and Zhang Jueming, Xie Shurong was younger. However,
compared to the four young rookies, Xie Shurong was a senior who had played for many
In the Canglan team, Xie Shurong was a person in the middle. He was younger than Li
Cangyu but older than Xiao Han.
In the past, Xie Shurong became angry and left Flying Feathers to play in the US for several
years. He experienced many things staying alone in a foreign country. He might seem like a
big boy by the way he often clung to Bai Xuan’s food and refused to wash the dishes. In fact,
his mind and state were very stable. He was the most stable player in the team.
In the critical moment when Li Cangyu was sick, Xie Shurong stood up and steadied things.
He wasn’t the commander of the match but he was the core of it.
Li Cangyu thought this and couldn’t help smiling. “I really appreciate Ah Shu’s style. He is
different from his two brothers. His sword is fast but he is more inclusive. He can attack
and retreat, as well as match with the newcomers. This is what I like the most.”
Zhang Jueming sighed. “Yes! Cat God is amazing for being up to bring such a person to the
Canglan team!”
“I happened to meet him in the new district when his contract was about to expire. He was
looking for a team to accept him. Perhaps it is fate?” Li Cangyu also felt that he was lucky.
He never expected to meet Xie Shurong in the new district and for Xie Shurong to become
his teammate. It was difficult to explain such a coincidence as anything other than fate.
Li Cangyu paused before continuing, “Old Zhang, now Canglan has gradually become a
regular team. After these matches, the mentality of the four young ones have stabilized. In
the next regular matches, I want to give you some opportunities to command. In the first
division, the pressure will be huge. There are no disadvantages in having two
Zhang Jueming was stunned but quickly understood his meaning. The bold man couldn’t
help feeling moved and scratched his head with embarrassment. “Cough, my command
level might not be as good as you think…”
Li Cangyu grinned and patted him on the shoulder. “I believe in you.”
‘I believe in you.’
These simple words made Zhang Jueming let go of any worries.
Cat God believed in him. Why should he hesitate? They were all old players so let’s just fight
it out!
Zhang Jueming thought this and immediately nodded. “Since you think I am trustworthy, I
will try it. However, I have been away from the league for many years. You have to tell me if
my commanding isn’t good!”
“Yes, in the future we can study tactics together.”
By training Zhang Jueming as the vice-commander, Li Cangyu’s real goal was to relieve
some of the pressure of the most stressful playoffs stage. At that time, he might have to play
in the pairs arena and wouldn’t have so much energy from beginning to end. There was
Zhang Jueming to help him. Why not have a double insurance?

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GLS: Chapter 135

Chapter 135 – Canglan’s Advance (2)
In room 1701, Bai Xuan came out of the bathroom and saw Xie Shurong lying on his bed
watching a cartoon on his iPad. He smiled and wondered, “You are so big yet you’re still
watching cartoons. Aren’t you afraid of people making fun of you?”
Xie Shurong put his iPad down and looked up at Bai Xuan, raising his eyebrows and
pretending to be serious. “I might but an adult but I still maintain a childlike heart. Don’t
you know this is very rare?”
Bai Xuan laughed. “The meaning is that you aren’t young but you’re still childish.”
Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan with a wronged expression. “Why are you always hitting
Bai Xuan ignored him and starting drying his hair.
Xie Shurong put away his iPad and asked, “Do you really think that Ling Xuefeng came to
Guangzhou for a business trip? Why do I feel like it isn’t quite right? He came to Guangzhou
for business just as Cat God is sick?”
Bai Xuan smiled slightly and said, “Don’t meddle. Take care of yourself first.”
Xie Shurong made an innocent expression. “How am I not taking care of myself? Today I
played so well that Old Zhang praised me. You never praise me. You only complimented
Xiao Li and Xiao Zhuo…”
There were some grievances in his voice when he complained.
Bai Xuan put down the hairdryer and looked helplessly back at him. “How old are you?
You’re not a 17 or 18 year old newcomer. Do I need to praise you?”
Xie Shurong got up from the bed and cheekily walked behind him, reaching out to hug Bai
Xuan from behind. He placed his chin on Bai Xuan’s shoulder and wondered, “Haven’t you
heard? No matter how good a person is, they are actually looking forward to be praised and
acknowledged by others. Can’t you praise me with a few words? I want to hear you
complimenting me.”
Bai Xuan had to reach out and pat his head. “Yes, you are very reliable when playing the
game. You are especially smart, tall, handsome and you have an impeccable personality.
You even wash dishes better than other people. You are the most perfect person in the
world… is this enough?”
Xie Shurong listened to the perfunctory praise and didn’t let go, holding Bai Xuan tighter
“It isn’t enough?” Bai Xuan looked at Ah Shu shamelessly wrapped around him and couldn’t
help laughing. “Did you intelligence regress to a kindergarten student? Xiao Shu?”
Xie Shurong saw this man’s soft eyes and suddenly found it difficult to breathe.
Bai Xuan had just showered. His skin was as white as flawless jade, his rosy lips were
covered with a hint of water vapor, his body was fresh with the smell of shower gel and his
voice was so gently that it made people’s hearts…
Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong staring at him in a daze and couldn’t help reaching out to hit him
on the back of the head. “Hey, I am asking you something!”
Xie Shurong, “…”
He wouldn’t admit that he was watching a man like this!
He was the handsome Tree God!
He wasn’t the Xiao Shu whose intelligence had regressed to a kindergarten student!
Xie Shurong touched his nose and said, “You just praised me in an exaggerated manner and
there is no sincerity at all. Do it again.”
Bai Xuan exclaimed, “There are too many problems!”
He still looked good despite his anger. His round eyes staring…
The two of them were too close. As long as Xie Shurong slightly leaned forward, he could
kiss Bai Xuan on the lips.
Would his lips be soft when kissed?
Shouldn’t it be soft? After all… Bai Xuan was such a gentle person. Holding him was so
comfortable that kissing him must also be soft.
Xie Shurong put away the strange thoughts that suddenly popped into his mind and pulled
back to reality. Then he realized that his body had reacted and he immediately let go of Bai
Xuan in an embarrassed manner.
Bai Xuan didn’t notice anything was wrong.
He was used to being held by Xie Shurong in a petulant manner. When they were in the
United States, Xie Shurong would always try to curry favour in order to not wash the
dishes. After returning to China, he would still shamelessly demand ribs from Bai Xuan.
This guy was more childish than Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
Bai Xuan had long been accustomed to being hugged by Ah Shu and thought it was just a
joke. Therefore, he didn’t care and turned back to the mirror to finish blow drying his hair.
“We don’t need to know why Ling Xuefeng came to Guangzhou this time. You just have to
know that he and Cat God are equally responsible captains and won’t affect the team due to
personal matters.”
“Do you believe in Cat God?” Xie Shurong couldn’t help asking, “Do you believe him in any
“Of course. I have been friends with him for many years.” Bai Xuan replied.
Xie Shurong’s heart inexplicably felt uncomfortable and he frowned. “Is Cat God very
important to you?”
Bai Xuan nodded without hesitation. “Yes, he is like family.”
A question popped into Xie Shurong’s head. ‘If he is family to you, what about me? Am I just
a teammate? Is he much more important in your heart than me?’
Once this question popped out, Xie Shurong was startled. Why was he comparing himself to
Cat God? Cat God was the captain. Wasn’t it normal for Bai Xuan to care more about the
captain. Besides, they had been partners for many years and faced a lot of bitterness and
setbacks together. There was nothing wrong with them being very close.
Still, Xie Shurong couldn’t help feeling a bit uncomfortable and sour, like he was jealous.
Bai Xuan saw that Xie Shurong was suddenly silent and looked back in a confused manner,
“What’s wrong with you?”
Why did Ah Shu seem weird today?
Bai Xuan placed a hand against Xie Shurong’s forehead in a natural manner. He wanted to
see if this guy had a fever. Perhaps he caught it from Cat God? Otherwise, why would he ask
such strange questions?
However, his hand had just touched the forehead when it was suddenly grabbed. Xie
Shurong’s fingers were particularly tight and Bai Xuan’s hand was almost crushed.
Extremely complex emotions flashed in Xie Shurong’s eyes.
Bai Xuan looked at him in a bewildered manner. “What is it? Are you in a bad mood?”
Xie Shurong, “…”
He quickly released the hand like he got an electric shock. Xie Shurong’s heartbeat was
extremely fast as he quickly turned his eyes away. He awkwardly cried out, “It’s nothing!
I’m going to sleep.”
Then he fell down on his bed and buried himself in his quilt.
Bai Xuan looked at this person wrapped up in the blanket and smiled slightly before
ignoring him.
Ah Shu’s sleeping posture was quite interesting. This guy was 21 years old but his
personality was like a big boy. Sometimes he would act in a really childish manner. Bai
Xuan didn’t find it strange.
Bai Xuan finished drying his hair and went to sleep.
In the next bed, Xie Shurong was rolling around in his blanket and finding it hard to sleep.
He has seen many beautiful people before but Bai Xuan was special. His gently
temperament entered deeply into his bone marrow. Bai Xuan’s movements, voice, smile
and eyes were all gentle. People couldn’t help wanting to be close to him. Even if nothing
happened, just listening to him speak was a special type of enjoyment.
How could Xie Shurong watch a man in a daze? It was just unbelievable…
Xie Shurong slammed his head against the pillows. He close his eyes and slept.
In his dreams, Bai Xuan once again appeared. He was smiling and looking at his picture,
making Xie Shurong’s heart feel unbearably itchy. He wanted to pounce and bit Bai Xuan a
few times.
Once he woke up the next morning, Xie Shurong found that his underwear was wet and ran
to the bathroom to wash it.
Bai Xuan saw him running to the bathroom and couldn’t help caring. “Do you have
Xie Shurong sighed as he looked at the white liquid. He felt a bit dazed and distressed.
At noon, the team gathered in one place. The match was still being commanded by Zhang
Jueming. Old Zhang carefully arranged the tactics and lineup before taking everyone to the
The opponent wasn’t strong but there were some minor problems in the team battles. The
final score was determined to be 14:7, requiring three rounds in the arena and three
rounds for the team battles.
Li Cangyu’s cold wasn’t completely better but his mental state was good. Thus, he also went
to the venue.
After the match, he had dinner with Ling Xuefeng while Bai Xuan took the other players to a
group dinner.
The captain was absent from dinner again, making the teenagers very confused. However,
they didn’t dare ask and could only return to the hotel after eating with the vice-captain.
Xiao Han was chatting with Qin Mo every day to learn Chinese. Today was no exception. On
the way back to the hotel, he sent a message to Qin Mo: [My master didn’t have dinner with
us is it because he is having dinner with your teacher.]
Qin Mo replied: [It is polite to type with punctuation.]
Xiao Han: [Oh.]
Then he added the punctuation and carefully resent the message.
Qin Mo was pleased. He always felt that his position at the bottom of the food chain had
changed. At least in the matter of learning Chinese, Xiao Han always listened to him!
[My master went to Guangzhou to sign a contract with the BTA live broadcast platform.
Wind Colour promised to cooperate with them. Later, professional players will broadcast a
first perspective video and teach netizens how to play the arena.] Qin Mo patiently
Xiao Han said: [But his room is next door to my master’s room.]
Qin Mo: [What’s wrong with that?]
Xiao Han: [He came to see Master and has dinner with Master every day.]
Qin Mo was surprised: [Is that right?]
Xiao Han: [What do you think they are talking about all day? Will there be any plans? Is it
like when they had me practice with you?]
Qin Mo: [Get lost! I don’t have time to be your sparring partner! And don’t always use
question marks! It is annoying to see!]
Xiao Han: [Then why do you always use exclamation marks?]
Qin Mo: […]
Xiao Han: [What does the ellipsis mean?]
[Your friend Shepherd is offline.]
Xiao Han looked at Qin Mo’s dark symbol and was still confused. He felt that Chinese was
really profound and didn’t understand the meaning of many symbols, especially the ellipsis.
The meaning was too rich.
Ling Xuefeng stayed in Guangzhou for half a month before returning to Shanghai. During
this two week period, the youngsters of the Canglan team grew rapidly. The cooperation
between Zhuo Li became smoother while Xiao Gu and Xiao Han’s play stabilized. Zhang
Jueming and Li Cangyu’s command styles were different but the teammates cooperated
well. Canglan won more games than they lost and stayed in the top three of the rankings.
The schedule for the second division was very tight, allowing the intense competition to
hone the players’ pressure resistance. After a few ups and downs,the four teenagers
matured a lot. Even if they occasionally lost, they wouldn’t be frustrated as they were in the
Next, Li Cangyu started to hone the other combinations in Canglan.
For example, letting Ah Shu and Zhuo Hang fight together in a fast and fast combination or
letting Gu Siming resist the opponents while Xiao Han used this opportunity to assassinate
the enemies. There was also Ah Shu and Bai Xuan or Li Cangyu bringing Old Zhang to assist
In more than 10 games, it was difficult for the audience to see a repeated lineup. The
commentators Chen Weiwei and Shao Yu were very happy to see this because it was
refreshing every time they explained a game.
The audience also noticed that Cat God was using the second division as a training ground.
The giant teams in the first division were much stronger than the second division. It was
impossible to train the newcomers in the first division or Canglan would be in danger of
not entering the playoffs.
On the other hand, the overall strength of the second division was weak. After the Yaohua
game that they lost due to Cat God’s mistakes, Canglan never suffered when in came to
scores and their ranking was stably in the top three. It was reasonable for Cat God to use
this opportunity to train the four newcomers. After all, he was aiming for the first division.
Time passed quickly and it was the end of April.
After experiencing more than 10 games, the Canglan team finally entered the playoffs stage
of the second division with a rank of third.

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GLS: Chapter 136

Chapter 136 – Playoffs

The Canglan team was third in the rankings and their first opponent in the semi-finals of
the playoffs was the second ranked Glory team.
The rules of the playoffs of the second division were different from the regular season. It
was no longer a two victory per stage model. Instead, it used the last one remaining
elimination system. This meant that each team would send three sets of partners. If they
could last to the end, they would win one point.
The rules of the team battle were similar to the regular season but winning also only
counted as one point.
The schedule was: Team A selected a map to play the arena and team battle. Then it would
be exchanged with Team B selecting a map for the arena and team battle. If they tied in
these four games, there would be a random map selection for a team battle.
It could be seen that one point in the playoffs was more precious than five points in the
regular season.
The playoffs used the five games, three wins system. Regardless of arena or team battle,
whoever took three games would win.
This rule change was similar to the playoffs of the first division and the World Competition,
making the arena as important as the team battle. Moreover, the three rounds partner
system paid attention to the cooperation cooperation between partners.
If the playoffs, anyone who lost would immediately be eliminated.
The strength of the Canglan team wasn’t weak and the youngsters had matured after the
regular season’s training, but Li Cangyu didn’t dare act carelessly. If he made a mistake and
they lost a match in the playoffs, everything they did would be in vain. Don’t even talk
about the World Competition, even the promotion qualification to the first division would
be lost.
They must win the championship of the second division!
This was the goal that Li Cangyu emphasized in the pre-match meeting.
The lineup of the Glory team was based on a melee output. Li Cangyu studied the
configuration of their members with Old Zhang, Ah Shu and Bai Xuan before finalizing the
arena combinations.
The Canglan team chose a forest map to let Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Li take the lead. Xiao Han
and Ah Shu would be the middle team and the Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming combination
would finish it off.
This arrangement could be regarded as a double insurance. Even if the opening pair of
Zhuo Li fell into a disadvantage, there was Ah Shu in the middle to stabilize the situation.
Finally, Li Cangyu would personally end it to ensure they wouldn’t lose the arena.
During the team battle, Li Cangyu also had all four old players participate in order to
minimize the error rate.
Since all four veterans of Canglan played, there was no suspense in this semi-final game.
They won three games in a row with a big score of 3:0!
Two days later, the Canglan team would play in the finals of the second division and the
opponent was the Yaohua team.
In the regular season, Li Cangyu’s state was affected by his cold and there was a big loss to
Yaohua. This team was the strongest team in the second division and the captain and vice-
captain were experienced veterans who had played for several years.
Li Cangyu still wasn’t worried.
In the first arena round, he directly had Zhuo Li and Xiao Gu go out to compete. It was a
rare opportunity in the finals to train their psychological tolerance. Of course, he would be
the final guard pair with Old Zhang.
The match was much harder than the last one because it was for the championship of the
second division and to gain the ticket for the first division.
In the first round, the four young players were probably too nervous. The disadvantages in
the early stages were too great so that even Li Cangyu couldn’t gain back the situation
despite his personal strength. The team unexpectedly lost and the score was 0:1.
In the team battle, the four old players joined forces. Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong were people
who had experienced various competitions and were stable. Old Zhang’s psychological
state was relatively strong, not to mention Li Cangyu who wasn’t even afraid of the World
The four of them joined hands to pressure the opponents and quickly pushed to the crystal,
gaining one point and making it a 1:1 draw.
In the third game, Li Cangyu changed his mind and replaced the Zhuo Li and Gu Xiao duos.
He had Ah Shu with Xiao Zhuo, Xiao Han with Old Zhang and he personally took Li Xiaojiang
to end it.
There was a great god with them and the youngster’s mental state was robust. The rounds
were played very smoothly. Once Li Cangyu appeared, the two people opposite him were
already in residual blood from Xiao Han. Li Cangyu successfully completed the harvest and
a big 2:1 filled the screen.
As long as they won another game, the finals would be won!
Li Cangyu had been close to the trophy many times since becoming a professional player
but missed it due to a variety of reasons…
This time, he wouldn’t let the opportunity go!
Li Cangyu took a deep breath and gathered his teammates together. He said simply, “This is
our match point. If we win this game, we won’t have to play the fifth game. Everyone, go all
out and make it quick!”
The people who won two games were encouraged and became excited.
In the crucial second team battle, Li Cangyu sent the most stable lineup of himself, Xiao Gu,
Xiao Han, Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong and Old Zhang.
The Gu Xiao Shu were in the front row for a rapid impact and Li Cangyu used violent
suppression from behind. There was also Bai Xuan’s stable healing and Old Zhang’s flexible
assistance. The Canglan team was really quick and finished the battle in just 20 minutes.
It was a big score of 3:1! The Canglan team won!
Once the golden ‘victory’ popped on the screen, Li Cangyu’s performance was calmer than
many reporters expected. He just smiled slightly before getting up to gently hug his
teammates. The four teenagers jumped with joy while Li Cangyu was calm, as if winning
was already expected.
In the seventh season of the Miracle League, the champion of the second division was the
Canglan team.
This could be counted as the first trophy in Li Cangyu’s career.
He led the FTD team from the first season of the Miracle League and then later transferred
to Wulin. For the three years in Miracle and the three years in Wulin, he never won any
team trophies.
Now that he obtained one, the expression on his face was unusually calm.
It was because his goal was far beyond this! The champion of the second division, this was
just a staged victory and it was only halfway along his path. He wasn’t satisfied and had to
move on.
Once Li Cangyu led his team members over to shake hands, Captain Wei Hua of the Yaohua
team took his hand and seriously told, “Cat God, I hope that you can win the championship
of the first division, so that Yaohua losing to you won’t be an injustice.”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “I will try my best.”
The players in the second division weren’t as strong as the gods in the first division.
However, Li Cangyu knew that they worked hard for the same goal and they deserved
The second division ended and the awards ceremony was held directly at the venue. The
president of the Miracle League’s Organizing Committee personally handed him the trophy
for the second division. He patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder emotionally and said, “Old Cat, you
did well.”
Li Cangyu took the trophy and raised the first trophy in his career to the cheers of the
The host excitedly asked Li Cangyu, “Cat God, this is the first time you have received a
trophy. Do you have any thoughts?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “This is indeed the first trophy since I became a professional player but
there is still the promotion match and more competitive league waiting for us. I won’t be
complacent because there are more challenges waiting for me.”
There were more challenges waiting for him. This obviously meant he was coming back to
challenge the giants in the first division!
The Wind Colour team’s dormitory.
Ling Xuefeng saw the bright and firm eyes on the computer screen and couldn’t help
smiling. He thought inwardly, ‘I have been waiting for you to come back. The first division
is the real venue to prove your strength.’
In the second division of the seventh season, the Canglan team won the championship, a
result expected by many reporters.
The rapid growth of the several newcomers in the Canglan team showed that the overall
strength of the team had improved one step from the beginning.
Now the Canglan team wouldn’t necessarily lose to some teams in the first division.
Cat God’s ambition wasn’t small and he was looking long-term.
Now that he returned, it was naturally impossible for him to be satisfied with being the
champion of the small second division.
This trophy was too small to prove his true strength. He repeatedly sent out the young
players in the middle and late stages to prepare for the first division. He was obviously
determined that he would be the champion of the second division.
Of course, he must win the next promotion match!

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GLS: Chapter 137

Chapter 137 – Promotion Match
The opening ceremony of the first division of the seventh season would take place on May
10th in Beijing. The promotion match was scheduled for May 1st and the Canglan team had
a week to prepare.
After winning the championship of the second division, Li Cangyu took the team back to the
Changsha club. Liu Chuan personally sent a car to the high-speed rail station to pick them
up for a lively celebration party.
At the celebration party, Liu Chuan patted Li Cangyu on the shoulder and cried out,
“Excellent Cat God!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Everyone worked hard. The championship is a good start for us but
there are more games. We can’t relax. I plan to rest in Changsha for three days before going
to Beijing to prepare for the promotion match.”
Liu Chuan agreed. “It is good to get there early to familiarize yourself with the situation.
The tickets and hotel has already been arranged. You can prepare for the match without
worrying about anything.” He spoke while pulling out a USB and handing it to Li Cangyu.
“This is the data that Zewen gathered on the opponent of the promotion match, the
Terminator team. Go back and study it well.”
Li Cangyu received it gratefully. “Thank Captain Wu for me!”
Liu Chuan laughed. “There is no need to be polite. Zewen likes organizing data so he
enjoyed helping you.”
In the previous sixth season, the last ranked team in the first division was the Terminator
team. According to the rules of the Miracle League, they would have a promotion match
with the champion team of the second division to earn a ticket to the first division.
The opponent of the promotion match had long been identified as the Terminator team.
Li Cangyu headed back that night and called the team to his dorm room to carefully study
the information on the Terminator team.
The style of this team wasn’t particularly distinct compared to the other teams in the first
division. Their main lineup was the remote magic control style with their black magician
and white magician.
Captain Liao Zhendong was a famous white magician in the MIracle League. However, his
reactions were much slower and his style more stable compared to Cheng Wei.
He was matched with the vice-captain Lin Ziping, a black magician with a relatively fast
hand speed. It was just that compared to Yan Ruiwen, vice-captain of the Wind Colour
team, he was slightly weaker.
Liao Zhendong and Lin Ziping’s personal abilities were inferior to Cheng Wei and Yan
Ruiwen but their tacit understanding could be compared with any pair in the Miracle
League. The two of them had been old partners for many years and the understanding
between them was high.
The combination of the white magician and black magician had an unexpected effect. The
black and white magician originally meant to restrain each other could fill in the gaps of
their teammate and maximize the power of the combination.
To be honest, it wasn’t good to fight the Terminator team in the team battles.
Instead, the best stage was the arena.
The arena stage in the playoffs used the elimination system. Three sets of partners
continuously fought in the arena. If the old partners Liao Zhendong and Lin Ziping were in
the arena, the combinations of Zhou Li and Gu Xiao couldn’t beat them. However, both Xie
Shurong and Li Cangyu would be enough to break their combination.
This way, the Terminator team would be at a disadvantage in the arena.
Li Cangyu focused on tactical research. “According to the rules of the promotion match, the
Canglan team will choose a map for the arena first, then the Terminator team will choose
for the arena. This will be repeated with the team battles. If the four games end up in a 2:2
result, a fifth team battle round will be played.”
“The Canglan team has an advantage in the arena stage and we should try to win the home
and away rounds of the arena as much as possible. As long as we win the two arena games
and take another game, we can win with a score of 3:1.”
The playoffs used the final score to judge the victory. It counted as one point whether the
team won in the arena or the team battles.
This way, a team with superiority in the team battles or superiority in the arena could
arrange their lineup according to their strengths and selectively win points.
In fact, the changes to the arena stage of the seventh season was equivalent to continuous
team battles, but the six person team battle was more focused on overall cooperation while
the pairs arena was focused on the connection between a duo.
Li Canglan was full of confidence that Canglan could make a smooth transition in the arena.
The Canglan team headed to Beijing on April 28th. Li Cangyu had many friends in Beijing
but he didn’t take the time to visit them. Instead, he closed himself off in the Internet cafe
that Liu Chuan secretly rented.
There couldn’t be the slightest mistake in this game or everything would be wasted!
On the afternoon of May 1st, the e-sports venue in Beijing was crowded with people. The
commentators for this match, Shao Yu and Chen Weiwei also came from Guangzhou to
The two of them had been explaining the second division and the promotion match was the
one with the highest requirements. Thus, the two of them dressed up in clothes that were
more formal than usual.
Chen Weiwei said with a smile, “I believe that many people are concerned with the
promotion match today. Apart from the fans of the Terminator and Canglan teams, there
are many fans of the teams in the first division worried about this match. It is because the
winner of this match will gain a ticket for the first division and compete with the teams
there for the championship of the seventh season!”
Shao Yu added, “At present, the online predictions show that 60% expect Canglan to win
and 40% expect Terminator to win. This ratio shows that many viewers acknowledge the
strength of the Canglan team. After all, there is Cat God!”
Chen Weiwei said, “Of course, there are four newcomers who just debuted. Their
experience with the league is lacking and they are unreliable. The Terminator team has
played in the league for several years and the players are experienced. It isn’t certain who
will win yet. The key is how they play on the field.”
Shao Yu agreed. “In particular, the ability of the four teenagers in the Canglan to resist the
pressure will be the key to winning or losing this match.”
The audience thought so as well. People like Li Cangyu who experienced many ups and
downs would have a strong mental state. No one doubted this. The fact that he could make
a comeback after three years in Miracle and three years in Wulin showed that this man’s
heart was as strong as iron.
Bai Xuan was his old partner who walked with him for many years. He naturally wouldn’t
be afraid in this match. Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming were old players and their faces
were quite calm.
The key was still the four teenagers. The youngsters who just debuted were all 17 or 18
years old. If they couldn’t bear the pressure and made mistakes… these mistakes were
likely to ruin the team’s advantage.
The Canglan fans were very worried about this and desperately wrote: [Four youngsters,
come on! Don’t let Cat God down!] [The four kittens of Canglan, I believe in you!]
At this time, the team members in uniforms were gathered in the soundproof room. It
could be seen that Li Cangyu looked very relaxed but the four teenagers seemed a bit
nervous. This was also normal. After all, it was an important event that determined the fate
of the team. The young players couldn’t be as calm as the old players.
The promotion match, the Canglan team’s map selection.
For the first arena game, Li Cangyu selected the Demon Forest map. This was the most
familiar map for several teenagers and ensured that they could play well.
The first combination he sent was Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
The Zhuo Li combination wasn’t strange to people. The two players teamed up many times
in the second division’s regular season. After such a long training period, the two of them
had formed a good understanding. Zhuo Hang was responsible for protection while Li
Xiaojiang was responsible for the output.
The Terminator team saw this and immediately sent a combination of archer and healer.
Ling Xuefeng frowned from where he was watching under the stage. It was estimated that
Canglan would lose this round.
Zhuo Hang’s traps were effective against melee classes but it was hardest for a hunter to
deal with a ranged archer. He couldn’t place traps next to the archer while the arrows could
hit him from a distance.
Sure enough, the archer took advantage of the long attack distance and suppressed Zhuo
Hang. The enemies still had more than half blood left when the Zhuo Li combination were
sent off.
The first round of the elimination arena was a serious disadvantage. Both Zhuo Hang and Li
Xiaojiang were afraid to speak because they knew that if this game was lost, Cat God’s early
preparations would be in vain!
Li Cangyu didn’t say anything. He just calmly patted their heads before sending the second
pair—Xie Shurong and Xiao Han!
This combination made the Canglan fans cheer with excitement.
Tree God and the mixed-race teenager were the representatives of the fast actions and
quick responses in the Canglan team. They were quick to play and could definitely make
the Terminator team’s two remote classes cry!
The quick combination of Xiao Han and Xie Shurong was really powerful.
Xiao Han entered stealth and targeted the opposite archer while Xie Shurong… he played
the role ‘special healer killer’ from the Flying Feathers team, chasing the healer and making
them unable to cast a spell.
Bai Xuan was really distressed while watching. He might be teammates with Ah Shu but
when he saw Xie Shurong chasing the healer, he was reminded of the match where he was
killed 10 times…
Shu Xiao successfully killed the Terminator team’s remote combination and faced the
second combination—a berserker and swordsman.
This combination didn’t have much advantage against Xie Shurong and Xiao Han but there
was no other way. There was no one else they could send from Terminator since the
captain and vice-captain were required to be the guard.
Xie Shurong and Xiao Han died with the other team’s combination, completely wiping out
the disadvantage of the earlier round.
For the third round, the two teams would send their guard combination. There were no
accidents with the Terminator team and they sent their ace combination of Liao Zhendong
and Lin Ziping. Meanwhile, the Canglan team’s combination made the fans shout with
—Old Cat, White Fox.
It was the Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan combination.
The two men had been partners since the first season six years ago. They experienced so
many years of ups and downs yet Bai Xuan never left Li Cangyu.
They created the FTD team together, transferred to another game together, faced two team
disbandments together and teamed up again.
They were no longer just teammates but were family.
The tacit understanding between them didn’t lose to any partners in the Miracle League.
Even the Ghost Spirits Lou and Zhang combination didn’t dare say that their understanding
was higher than that of Cat and Fox.
This was a full six years partnership!
Li Cangyu just needed to give a look or position himself in a certain way and Bai Xuan could
tell what he wanted to do.
Cat and Fox appearing in the third round of the arena was sure to make the audience enjoy
themselves! Thanks to the healing, Li Cangyu personally told them what it meant by an old
cat who wouldn’t die!
Thanks to Bai Xuan adding blood to him, he could move with his pets and smash the
combination from the Terminator team.
The Canglan team won the first arena game without any suspense. They temporarily took
the lead with a score of 1:0.
Under the stage, audience member Cheng Wei couldn’t help exclaiming, “Cat God with a
healer, how can we fight this? It is a bug! We should talk to the chairman of the league
about not letting healers play in the arena!”
Tan Shitian smiled. “In any case, there are the team battles. Cat God doesn’t have enough
energy to play four games in a row. I think he will only play once in the arena.”
“That isn’t necessarily the case.” Su Guangmo’s voice was suddenly heard from next to him.
Cheng Wei looked back with surprise. “Eh? Captain Su is here as well!”
Su Guangmo said with a smile, “It is the opening ceremony of the first division in a few
days. I just came to Beijing early to prepare. It isn’t just me. Many people came to the venue
today. Captain Ling is over on that side.”
Cheng Wei followed his directions and saw Ling Xuefeng watching the screen with a blank
expression, the side profile looking like a perfect statue.
There was a short break and Canglan’s home team battle began.
Li Cangyu took Li Xiaojiang with him in this team battle, probably to aim for the white
magician on the Terminator team. However, the flaw of Li Xiaojiang’s slow casting was
caught by the opponents in the first team battle. In particular, the archer kept staring at Li
Xiaojiang and interrupting his casting, meaning that many of Li Xiaojiang’s skills couldn’t
The Canglan team wasn’t able to overcome the early disadvantage in the team battle and
the score changed to 1:1.
Under the stage, Cheng Wei couldn’t help feeling anxious. “How is it 1:1? Ah, the next arena
game must be won!”
He was only watching but he looked more excited than Cat God who was playing on the
field. He was worthy of being called the first brainless fan in the Miracle League.
Tan Shitian looked at him helplessly. “Don’t worry. Canglan’s advantage in the arena is
Sure enough, for the first round of the arena, Li Cangyu sent the Shu Li combination.
Xie Shurong took the lead with Li Xiaojiang. Under Ah Shu’s strong protection, Li Xiaojiang
could finally use his high damage skills and successfully killed the opponent’s melee
combination, giving his team the advantage.
Xiao Han and Xiao Gu appeared in the second round. They were two newcomers but Gu
Siming’s impact style combined with Xiao Han’s ability to grasp opportunities made it a
relatively stable combination.
The two people maintained the advantage and then Li Cangyu took Zhuo Hang to complete
the harvest, winning the game.
The score was 2:1 and the Canglan team was at match point!
As long as they took the next team battle, Canglan could directly win 3:1.
To the surprise of the audience, Cat God didn’t play in this team battle. He actually let Zhang
Jueming take command!
The Terminator team hadn’t expected this and had sent a lineup specifically aimed at Li
Cangyu’s elf summoner. The result was that they were stunned by Old Zhang’s violent
crushing tactics and fell into a disadvantage.
Liao Zhendong wanted to reverse the situation when the ice dragon refreshed but Xie
Shurong obviously wouldn’t give them such an opportunity. Xie Shurong took Xiao Gu and
Xiao Han to rapidly break through the front row, directly sweeping away the Terminator
The Canglan team grasped this match point and pushed to the crystal. The score changed to
3:1 and they directly won!
The four teenagers jumped excitedly. Li Cangyu smiled and stretched out his arms for a big
hug with his teammates.
The sudden change in commanders at a crucial moment left many viewers confused. They
thought that Cat God was using tactics. After all, Cat God was known for his ‘tactical
unpredictability’ in the league.
In fact, Ling Xuefeng watched from under the stage and knew that Li Cangyu’s status
couldn’t keep up.
In the first three games, Li Cangyu exposed his highest hand speed. In particular, the
Canglan team had a hard time in the second game because Li Xiaojiang was targeted. That’s
why he consumed a lot of energy letting out a burst of hand speed to suppress the
Terminator team.
Then he went on to play in the third game. After so many high-intensity continuous games,
he probably realized that he might not be able to cope with the fourth game. Thus, in order
to avoid any mistakes, he handed over the command to Old Zhang.
It could be found that he was actually very careful with the lineup arrangements for the
arena and team battle stages. In the third game that was the arena mode, he didn’t bring
Bai Xuan in order to give Bai Xuan some time to rest.
It was good that Zhang Jueming won the fourth game. If he lost, Li Cangyu would be in a
good state for the fifth game thanks to the break.
This was the safest approach.
Ling Xuefeng proudly watched the smiling man in the soundproof room. Li Cangyu was a
calm, steady and determined person. He was the most handsome person in the eyes of fans
and also the most precious lover in Ling Xuefeng’s heart.
It was great to see him win this promotion match. It meant that the big cat who loved to eat
fish had finally returned to Miracle.
Ling Xuefeng’s lips slightly curved amongst the deafening applause of the audience.
In the commentators’ room, Chen Weiwei resisted the urge to cry. “Congratulations to the
Canglan team for their 3:1 victory! This means that the Canglan team will get the ticket to
participate in the first division of the seventh season! Let’s once again congratulate the
Canglan team with warm applause!”
Shao Yu also excitedly exclaimed, “Congratulations on Cat God’s return! After three years of
being away, he is finally back! This time he has returned to the league with a brand new
Canglan team. I believe that he will continue to bring you more wonderful scenes in the
first division!”
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu briefly celebrated with this teammates before going to
the other room to shake hands.
Compared to the Canglan team’s joy, the Terminator members naturally weren’t happy.
The promotion of the Canglan team meant that Terminator would be downgraded. In the
future, they could only play in the second division.
…It was still better than the team disbanding.
Liao Zhendong quickly adjusted his mood and shook Li Cangyu’s hand. “Congratulations to
Cat God.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “I didn’t give up when the FTD team disbanded. Captain Liao, I believe
that you won’t easily give up, right?”
Liao Zhendong was stunned before soon reacting. He finally smiled as he cried out, “Of
It was just a downgrade to the second division. It wasn’t impossible to play the game. In the
face of a tough person who didn’t give up for six years, how could he say that he wanted to
give up?
Li Cangyu smiled and gently patted him on the shoulder. “Refuel.”
He himself had been eliminated by strong teams countless times. This feeling was very
comfortable so he understood Liao Zhendong’s mood. Words of comfort might be of little
use but he believed a truly determined person wouldn’t be easily defeated by setbacks.
In the live broadcast room, the screen suddenly showed the audience and people started
cheering madly. Chen Weiwei excitedly cried out, “We just saw that there are several
familiar gods in the VIP section. There is the Time team’s Captain Tan and Vice-Captain
Cheng Wei, the Flying Feathers team’s Captain Su and Vice-Captain Yu as well as the
handsome Captain Ling. It seems they are very concerned with this match!”
“Cat God is Captain Ling’s old rival, Xie Shurong is the younger brother of Captain Su and
Vice-Captain Yu while Cheng Wei is Cat God’s most loyal fan… it isn’t surprising that these
great gods would appear at the venue.” Shao Yu said with a laugh. “Next week is the
opening ceremony of the first division. The addition of Cat God should cause a big shuffle in
the seventh season’s standings.”
“Naturally.” Chen Weiwei said, “Audience members, please continue to support the first
division of the seventh season! Shao Yu and I will be commentating on the Champions
League tournament next. Any interested audience members are welcome to watch it. The
commentating for the first division will be handed over to Sister Bing and Kou Hongyi!”
The camera cut to another room where Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi were sitting and watching
the game.
The handover of the commentators could be regarded as the successful handover of the
second division to the first division.
Kou Hongyi smiled and said, “First of all, congratulations to Canglan for their successful
promotion to the first division. Sister Bing, shall we give some short comments on the
Yu Bing nodded calmly. “In this match, the lineup from beginning to end reflects Cat God’s
precise tactics. There are many combinations that appeared in the arena but if you study it
carefully, you can find Cat God’s care. For example, after losing the second game that was
the team battle, Cat God sent Li Xiaojiang with Xie Shurong in the third game. Ah Shu’s
protection of Li Xiaojiang allowed for a victory in the arena and for Li Xiaojiang to regain
his confidence.”
Kou Hongyi realized. “It seems that Cat God isn’t only considering victory when it comes to
the lineup. He is also taking into account the psychological state of the young players.”
Yu Bing said, “Yes, Cat God has always been a decisive but careful captain. I am looking
forward to the Canglan team’s performance in the first division.”
The screen showed all the teams in this year’s first division. Kou Hongyi immediately
introduced them. “With the smooth promotion of the Canglan team, the eight teams in the
seventh season have also changed. There is Wind Colour, Time, Flying Feathers, Ghost
Spirits, Pure Cleansing, Red Fox, Cheetah and the just promoted Canglan!”
Yu Bing added, “The opening ceremony of the first division will be held in Beijing on May
10th. The audience is welcome to watch it on time! The seventh season’s first division will
be explained by me and Kou Hongyi.”
There was a rare smile on the normally indifferent looking Yu Bing.
Cat God had finally returned and the seventh season she was looking forward to has
started. As a former Red Fox captain and current official commentator, she was fortunate to
be able to witness the most intense season in the history of the league.
Once he shook hands with the other team, Li Cangyu came to the big stage with his team
members and bowed to thank the audience for their support.
Applause thundered and the lights on the stage were dazzling. Li Cangyu couldn’t see the
faces of the audience members but he knew there were many friends watching today. LIng
Xuefeng, Cheng Wei and Su Guangmo should’ve come here. They wanted to witness the
moment of his return and fortunately, he didn’t let them down.
The host came forward and handed the microphone to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, with this
victory, you are going to join the top eight teams in the first division. What do you want to
say to these powerful opponents?”
Li Cangyu smiled at the camera and declared, “I am coming back. Please be prepared to
accept the challenge of the Canglan team.”
He said this in a very calm manner but he was throwing a huge gauntlet to the other teams
in the Miracle League.
Under the stage, Cheng Wei jumped up excitedly. “Great! Canglan finally advanced! Cat God
is so handsome, this sentence is too handsome!”
Tan Shitian helplessly said, “Cat God’s words also includes you.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. He scratched his head as he thought about this and quietly sat
Su Guangmo lamented, “It seems there will be a bad fight in this year’s league!”
Tan Shitian laughed. “When has it ever been a good fight?”
Su Guangmo also laughed. “Indeed, every season is hard.”
Ling Xuefeng heard Li Cangyu’s declaration but he only slightly smiled. He seemed to be
saying, ‘I am waiting for you.’
Among the many gods in the Miracle League, the team that could win the championship
depended on some luck as well as strength. Every season wasn’t easy to play but this
season would be particularly fierce.
In the seventh season, the system changed completely and Cat God returned with a new
team. This was also a new starting point for the Miracle League.

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GLS: Chapter 138

[Volume 4- Return of the King]

Chapter 138 – Pre-season Meeting (1)

The news of the Canglan team’s victory in the promotion match soon spread through the e-
sports circle. As the owner of the Dragon Song Club, Liu Chuan personally went to the
venue to watch and immediately came backstage after the match.
Once he got backstage, he saw the four teenagers of the Canglan team surrounding Li
Cangyu. Their faces were full of excitement and joy, especially Gu Siming who was jumping
around. Li Cangyu was very calm as he smiled and spoke to them. Then he saw Liu Chuan
and came over. “Boss, we won.”
Liu Chuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Everyone did well. Let’s go out for
dinner tonight. My treat!”
The group immediately cheered.
Just then, a handsome man came this way. Li Cangyu’s eyes light up when he saw the
person and he smiled in welcome. “You also came to watch the match?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded and whispered, “Congratulations.”
He spoke while stretching out his arms. Li Cangyu hugged him in a natural manner. This
hug seemed to be the simplest congratulations between friends. Only Li Cangyu knew how
warm his heart felt the moment he gently hugged the man in front of him.
Ling Xuefeng personally came to the venue to witness Li Cangyu’s return to the league? Li
Cangyu had expected him to come but couldn’t help feeling happy when he actually saw the
The two of them hugged for a while, forcing the teammates to wait until the hug ended.
Li Cangyu was probably aware of the sight behind him and let go of Ling Xuefeng. Then he
turned back to Liu Chuan. “This is the captain of the Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng. Ling
Xuefeng, this is the owner of the Dragon Song club, Liu Chuan.”
Liu Chuan smiled and held out a hand. “Captain Ling, I have long admired you.”
Ling Xuefeng also held out his hand to shake. “God Chuan, I’m glad to meet you.”
This was the first time Ling Xuefeng and Liu Chuan had met but the e-sports circle was only
so big. Liu Chuan was the first e-sports player to become the owner of a club and it was said
that everyone in the e-sports circle knew who he was. He was a legendary player, not to
mention the size of the Dragon Song club was becoming bigger and bigger. Now he had
signed the Canglan team to enter Miracle. Ling Xuefeng had naturally heard of this person.
Liu Chuan also had a very deep impression of Ling Xuefeng. It was due to the data on the
Miracle League team members that Wu Zewen organized. Among them, the 24 year old
Ling Xuefeng was ranked at the front. He also led the Wind Colour team to win the
championship last season. His playing was stable and he was the strongest opponent
standing in the way of Li Cangyu’s return to Miracle.
The two of them simply shook hands, not intending to talk. Li Cangyu patted Ling Xuefeng’s
shoulder and said, “I will go to dinner with my team first. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Okay, I will contact you later.”
The group had just taken a few steps forward when they saw Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, Su
Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng walk over. Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. “Isn’t today really
lively? Such a big group is welcoming me back?”
Zhuo Hang immediately hid behind Bai Xuan and pretended he didn’t exist.
Cheng Wei saw Li Cangyu and excitedly rushed over, happily hugging him and crying out,
“Cat God, Cat God, congratulations! Great, I will be able to see you in the future!”
Li Cangyu said, “You want me to abuse you on the field?”
Cheng Wei was dissatisfied. “Maybe I will abuse you!”
Li Cangyu patted him on the head. “Wake up, how can you abuse me?”
Cheng Wei boasted, “I am much more powerful than I was before. Believe it!”
Tan Shitian walked over with a smile. “Congratulations to Cat God.”
Su Guangmo also came over. “Congratulations.” Then he reached out and patted Xie
Shurong on the shoulder. “Welcome back.”
Xie Shurong was puzzled. “Brother, you came to Beijing so early? Doesn’t the first division
start on May 10th?”
Su Guangmo explained, “There will be a meeting for captains tomorrow. I went one day
ahead to watch your match with Xiao Yu.”
Yu Pingsheng had been following Su Guangmo like a ghost. He had a low existence as
always. Xie Shurong looked over at him and he only smiled gently. Xie Shurong knew that
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to talk and just returned the smile.
After greeting some old friends, Li Cangyu took everyone to dinner with Liu Chuan. Liu
Chuan had already booked a table for the party.
During dinner, Li Cangyu took the initiative to stand up and make a toast. “This time,
everyone played a role in our successful promotion. I want to toast everyone!”
The group immediately stood up and raised their glasses, shouting, “Cheers!”
In retrospect, it wasn’t easy to come all this way. However, everyone knew that the teams
in the second division were weaker and relatively easier to face than the giants of the first
division. The promotion was just the beginning of a new phase for everyone. There was
only nine days until the opening of the seventh season’s first division. They couldn’t relax.
Everyone sat down and Li Cangyu continued speaking. “Tomorrow, I will participate in the
pre-season preparatory meeting with Bai Xuan. The others will go back to Changsha to
pack their luggage. I will give you a week off. Everyone, use this time to rest and recharge
your batteries. Then we will go to Beijing on March 9th to participate in the opening
ceremony of the first division.”
Liu Chuan had no opinion on Li Cangyu’s decision. “Tomorrow I will go back to the club
with everyone. Cat God, after the meeting, remember to send me the schedule. I will
arrange the team’s round-trip tickets and hotels in advance, leaving the training time to
Li Cangyu nodded. “No problem. I will send the schedule to your email.”
They returned to the hotel and Li Cangyu went to sleep directly after taking a shower.
His spirit had been highly strained during this time, especially the days of closed door
training before the promotion match. He stayed up late every night. Now that the
promotion match was over, his spirit relaxed and his sleep was particularly deep.
At noon the next day, Zhang Jueming woke up up before setting off for the airport. “Cat God,
it is almost time for the meeting. You should get up!”
Li Cangyu rubbed his eyes and sat up. He found it was already bright and couldn’t help
rubbing his temples. “How did I sleep so long? It is already noon.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Vice-Captain Bai said that you should find him to have lunch once
you wake up. I have to go to the airport first.”
“Yes, pay attention to safety on the road.”
Li Cangyu finished washing up and headed to the next room where Bai Xuan had already
packed up. Once he heard the doorbell, Bai Xuan immediately opened the door and looked
at him. “You actually slept until noon. Are you that tired?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I’m fine after getting a lot of sleep. Shall we have lunch first?”
“Okay, we will go to the meeting after you’re done eating.”
The two people ate lunch near the hotel before taking a taxi to the venue. Due to
encountering a traffic jam, almost everyone else was present when they arrived.
The first division’s preparatory meeting was held at an official hotel that cooperated with
the league. Apart from the captains and vice-captains, there were a number of media
reporters from well-known e-sports websites and magazines present.
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were surrounded by reporters as soon as they arrived.
“Cat God, what do you want to say to the fans about making it to the first division?” “Cat
God, previously you didn’t get a trophy after so many years in Miracle and Wulin. This time
you came back, do you have confidence in winning the prize?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Of course I am confident that I will win the prize. Otherwise, why did I
come back?”
The reporters, “…”
This sentence was really domineering! What was the point of coming back without winning
the prize? He came back to get the prize!
A female reporter stepped forward and said excitedly, “Cat God, have you discovered that
after the Canglan team’s promotion yesterday, your Weibo has rise by tens of thousands of
fans overnight?”
“Is that so?” Li Cangyu was a bit surprised before smiling honestly. “Thank you for the
attention. I was previously too busy to go online but I will post on Weibo in the future. I
can’t write small paragraphs to amuse everyone like Captain Tan but I can share with you
many fish eating methods.”
The reporters, “…”
Sharing the methods to eat fish? Cat God, you are an e-sports player, not a chef! We aren’t
following you to see you eat fish!
A reporter ran over and asked Bai Xuan, “Vice-Captain Bai, do you have anything you want
to say?”
Bai Xuan glanced over at Li Cangyu and smiled. “You can find my Weibo from Cat God’s
friends list. In the future, I will also go on Weibo and share with you a wide variety of food.”
The reporters, “…”
The Canglan team should change its name to the Food team. The vice-captain didn’t know
how to take about tactical related issues but was happy to talk about food… how could they
have a good interview?
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were tacit partners and fooled the reporters with these simple
In fact, it wasn’t good to answer many questions before the matches. It was easy to be
beaten by their own words if they were too exaggerated. If they were too modest, some
people would say they were acting contrived. It was better to wait for the real matches
before answering questions.
Li Cangyu didn’t want to be targeted before the matches started because he was too high
profile. After all, the shot hits the bird that pokes its head out! (TL: Conformity is better
than individuality. It wasn’t good to stand out)
The two of them walked into the meeting and found many captains and vice-captains
already sitting down.
At the meeting place, the seats of the captains and vice-captains had been set in advance.
The team seats were arranged according to the initials in pinyin. The C of Canglan and F of
Wind Colour (Feng Se in pinyin) happened to be next to each other.
Originally, the seat arrangement was Ling Xuefeng, Yan Ruiwen, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan.
However, after seeing Li Cangyu, Yan Ruiwen politely stood up and shook hands with him.
Then he consciously changed seats with Ling Xuefeng.
Thus, Ling Xuefeng sat next to Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu glanced at Yan Ruiwen and couldn’t help praising in his heart, ‘You are really
Yan Ruiwen gave him a friendly smile before looking back at the podium.
Wind Colour’s vice-captain had a relatively weak presence. After all, Ling Xuefeng was such
a strong captain that he covered up the light of the vice-captain.
In fact, Yan Ruiwen was Ling Xuefeng’s best assistant. He took care of many daily
arrangements in the Wind Colour team. Yan Ruiwen had debuted in the second season and
was three years younger than Ling Xuefeng. He was a newcomer discovered by the former
vice-captain Yuan Shaozhe. Ling Xuefeng also often guided him during his debut year,
causing him to feel considerable respect for Ling Xuefeng.
He knew that the two men had a lot to talk about and consciously changed seats. This was
enough to see the man’s careful nature.
Li Cangyu sat next to Ling Xuefeng and saw his handsome side profile. He couldn’t help
whispering, “I can finally be with you.”
A smile appeared on Ling Xuefeng’s serious face and he spoke in a low voice, “Sit down and
don’t be photographed by reporters.”
Li Cangyu whispered, “Why should I be afraid of being photographed? I will just say that I
am sending you a challenge. You will end up in second place.”
Ling Xuefeng looked into his smiling eyes. This straightforward person always challenged
his limits. If there weren’t so many people present, Ling Xuefeng would hold him down and
kiss him speechless.
The two men faced each other. On the podium, the Miracle League’s chairman Nan Jiangang
finally stood at his spot. His low-pitched voice was amplified by the microphone.
“Colleagues of the Miracle League, team captains, vice-captains and journalist friends, a
good afternoon to everyone. The pre-season preparatory meeting for the seventh season of
the Miracle League has now officially started.”

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GLS: Chapter 139

Chapter 139 – Pre-season Meeting (2)

Chairman Nan Jiangang didn’t like to speak very much, especially official words. Thus,
every time there was a meeting to open the Miracle League, he would speak particularly
simple and concise words.
This time was the same. He first read the changes to the system before letting his assistant
put the details on the big screen.
“The first division’s regular season has more changes compared to the second division. The
second division doesn’t divided between home and away games for Team A and B. The
first division will have one match played at home and one match on the road. It is a practice
in previous years to go to the city where the home team is located.”
“Unlike previous years, the home team has the right to freely choose the maps and the
“It is the so-called right to choose. In other words, every match in the first division will have
three games. The three games can all be the arena or they can all be the team battle. The
rules of the team battle will be the same. The home team can specifically choose if the mode
will be the arena or team battle.”
The venue fell silent as it seemed that many people couldn’t respond to this ‘free choice’.
Nan Jiangang said, “You can ask questions if you don’t understand anything.”
Cheng Wei, vice-captain of Time, immediately raised his hand and asked, “Chairman, what
does free choice mean?”
Nan Jiangang explained, “In other words, the form of the three games can be freely chosen
between either the arena or team battle.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. “Isn’t this unfair? For example, the Canglan team is strong in the
arena. If they keep choosing the arena and don’t choose the team battle, how will the other
teams face them?”
Nan Jiangang said with a smile, “The home side can freely choose but it will be different for
the away matches. If today was the Time team’s home match against Canglan, then you can
choose the team battle that the Time team is confident in for all three games.” Nan Jiangang
paused before continuing his explanation, “Every team has advantages and disadvantages.
This will be exchanged for the home and away matches, making it very balanced overall.”
“Oh, I get it. The home match you can select the advantages but you will be targeted during
the away matches. This is similar to the map selection!” Cheng Wei finally realized what
was going on. He scratched his head and sat down.
Zhang Shaohui, the vice-captain Ghost Spirits, immediately raised his hand and asked, “Is
the right of free choice for all three games? For example, when we are at home, I can choose
one team battle and two arena games, or two team battles and one arena game? The order
is also decided by us?”
“Yes.” Nan Jiangang said, “This change is also in line with the World Competition. The free
selection will actually test the ability of competitors to adapt on the spot.”
The group finally understood the meaning of the game system change.
In other words, when playing at home, they could choose both the map and game mode
beneficial to them. If a team was very strong in the arena, they could continuously choose
to play the arena, giving them the advantage.
Of course, the captains weren’t likely to select the advantageous mode for all matches in the
regular season. Otherwise, the weaker players wouldn’t get any exercise and the team was
sure to be eliminated in the playoffs.
A team had to get good results while continuously developing. There must be no obvious
shortcomings. The right to freely choose meant that in addition to being able to score
points in key moments, the captain could conveniently train the team in their weaker
Chairman Nan Jiangang went on to say, “The playoffs are still a five game, three win system.
Like the previous promotion match, the order will be Team A, team B, team A and Team B.
If the four rounds are a tie, the decisive game will be a team battle on a randomly selected
The main changes to the first division were to the home and away games of the regular
season which gave captains more freedom.
After reading the rules, Nan Jiangang had his assistant place the player data of the eight
teams on the big screen.
Most of the player data had been compiled by Wu Zewen from the sixth season. However,
today Li Cangyu found that many teams had changed in the seventh season. Some old
player retired and newcomers were added to supplement them. There were many names Li
Cangyu didn’t know.
The biggest change should be the Cheetah team. The captain was Jiang Xu while the vice-
captain was replaced by Chen Anran.
Li Cangyu wasn’t familiar with Cheetah’s captain, Jiang Xu but he had least heard this name.
Jiang Xu was currently the strongest elf hunter in the Miracle League. Li Cangyu was a bit
surprised at Cheetah’s vice-captain becoming Chen Anran.
Ling Xuefeng saw his doubts and whispered an explanation, “The former vice-captain of
Cheetah retired so Chen Anran took over as vice-captain. He is the same age as Qin Mo. Do
you remember the terran hunter who won the rookie award last season?”
Li Cangyu suddenly realized. “I remember, he is the 16 year old hunter. Isn’t he too young?”
“Yes, he is only 17 this year.” Ling Xuefeng said, “Jiang Xu making him captain means he is
very sure of this young teenager’s talent. The gameplay of a terran hunter is special. You
will know after you face him in a match.”
Li Cangyu nodded.
Next, the schedule of the seventh season appeared on the big screen while the printed
version was distributed to the captains and reporters.
The pre-season meeting ended in half an hour. Next was the interview time for the major
teams. Most reporters asked about the preparations of the players, their views on the new
system, etc. At 5:30, Chairman Nan Jiangang called everyone to dinner.
The dinner was booked at the banquet hall on the third floor of the hotel. The media
reporters filled the hall while the professional players had a quiet private room arranged.
The captains and vice-captains of the eight teams sat at two tables.
Wind Colour’s Ling Xuefeng and Yan Ruiwen, Flying Feathers’ Su Guangmo and Yu
Pingsheng, Time’s Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei and Canglan’s Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan sat at
one table.
Next to them was Ghost Spirits’ Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui, Pure Cleansing’s Chu
Yan and Zhu Qingyue, Red Fox’s Liu Xiang and Yang Muzi and Cheetah’s Jiang Xu and Chen
Li Cangyu had contact with the other teams at the first World Carnival. He was just
unfamiliar with the Cheetah team and wanted to say hello. The result was that Jiang Xu
brought Chen Anran over with a smile. “Cat God, Vice-captain Bai, it is nice to meet you for
the first time.”
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan stood up and shook hands with him. “Captain Jiang is well.”
Jiang Xu continued, “This is Cheetah’s new vice-captain, Chen Anran. Xiao Chen, say hello to
your seniors.”
“Yes.” Chen Anran raised a glass of orange juice and toasted the people at the table.
“Captain Ling, Captain Su, Captain Tan and Captain Li, I hope you’re well.”
Li Cangyu was called Captain Li for the first time. He was unaccustomed to it and couldn’t
help correcting him, “You can call me Captain Cat.”
“What?” Chen Anran stared at him. His expression made Li Cangyu laugh.
This guy was really young. He was small and his round face looked very tender. If he wore a
school uniform then people would think he was a middle school student.
The gameplay of a terran hunter, Li Cangyu should have Zhuo Hang study it well.
Li Cangyu smiled and clinked glasses with him before sitting down, not wanting to
embarrass him anymore.
Once Jiang Xu and Chen Anran finished, the waiter started to serve the dishes. There was a
plate of braised fish on the table. Li Cangyu hadn’t done anything when Ling Xuefeng
consciously transferred the plate of fish to him.
Li Cangyu smiled at Ling Xuefeng before placing a large chunk of the fish into his bowl to
Everyone, “…”
They had long heard that Cat God loved to eat fish but this was the real thing!
Everyone seemed to want to confirm whether he could eat a whole fish or not and stared at
Li Cangyu looked puzzled. “Aren’t you eating?”
Cheng Wei cried out, “Cat God, I will watch you eat. If I can see you eat, I will become full!”
Everyone, “…”
The power of the brainless fan was really terrible!
Su Guangmo stated, “Cat God is a cat. This fish belongs to Cat God. What do people think?”
Tan Shitian smiled and wondered, “If we give this fish to Cat God to eat, will he show mercy
in the game?”
Yan Ruiwen echoed it. “How about Cat God give us one pet?”
Su Guangmo shook his head. “How can one pet be enough? He should let us kill two, the
water spirit and fire spirit!”
Zhang Shaohui interjected from the next table, “What if we give the fish at our table to Cat
God? Then will you give us your thunder spirit?”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying, “Don’t you have any shame? How can Cat God fight us
without any of his pets?”
Su Guangmo smiled. “There is still the wind spirit. He can use a gust of wind to blow us
The group were chatting when Yu Pingsheng suddenly grabbed Su Guangmo’s arm and
whispered, “The fish is going to be finished.”
Su Guangmo turned and saw that the plate in front of Li Cangyu was empty.
Everyone, “…”
Cat God was so fast!
Everyone was just discussing the matter of him sacrificing a few pets when he ate the fish,
leaving only the complete fishbone.
Li Cangyu ate the fish and wiped his mouth in a satisfied manner. “Isn’t a few pets okay? No
problem. I will make the fire, water and thunder spirits hide behind trees so that you can’t
see them.”
Everyone, “…”
Wasn’t this digging a deeper hole?
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling as he saw everyone’s expressions.
Many years ago, many people didn’t like to eat fish when there were dinner gatherings. He
would grab the fish to eat and the others took the opportunity to bargain with him.
Nowadays, many players had retired and the rookies became the pillars of the Miracle
League teams. However, there were still many customs that had been passed down.
For example, the warm atmosphere when everyone ate together. There were no malicious
jokes between the competitors.
Apart from on the field, there were no grudges or knots between them in real life. They
could actually become good friends.
Ling Xuefeng was right. The Miracle League was his real home.
He had been away from Miracle for three years and always missed his friends here. Now he
was finally back.
With so many familiar friends and opponents present, Li Cangyu was full of expectations
towards the upcoming seventh season.

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GLS: Chapter 140

Chapter 140 – Big Party

After the dinner for the pre-season meeting, Tan Shitian was the Beijing host and offered to
treat the guests to a nearby KTV to sing karaoke. Cheng Wei always loved exciting things
and naturally raised both hands to agree with the proposal.
Li Cangyu originally didn’t want to go but Cheng Wei pestered him, crying out, “Cat God,
let’s go together! In any case, you will just go back to the hotel and do nothing! It is one
week before the season starts. Just relax!”
Li Cangyu was dragged forward by him and helplessly had to keep up with Cheng Wei’s
It was Tan Shitian’s first time since taking over as captain of Time that the opening
ceremony was held in Beijing. He wanted to do his best as host. The other captains gave
him face by taking several cars from the hotel to the KTV place.
Tan Shitian booked a large business room that fit more than 20 people.
The private room was very spacious and the decorations luxurious. The lighting was
beautiful and the acoustics were excellent. The Time team often came out for parties and
Tan Shitian was obviously very familiar with this KTV.
Cheng Wei picked up the microphone and actively became the host. “Today is our Captain
Tan’s treat. Everyone, order what you want to eat and drink. Don’t be polite!”
Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help asking, “You aren’t the one paying? Is it okay for you to say
this? Captain Tan is your captain. Aren’t you afraid he is going to clean you up when you get
Cheng Wei scratched his head. “Captain Tan is very generous. He shouldn’t blame me?”
Tan Shitian glanced at him and agreed. “Xiao Wei is right. Tonight is the time to relax before
the regular season. Everyone should eat, drink and have fun!”
The crowd immediately clapped. “Okay!”
“Captain Tan sing first!”
“I heard that Captain Tan sings very well. Come sing a song!”
Tan Shitian proposed, “Shouldn’t we let the new entrant Cat God sing first?”
Cheng Wei instantly agreed. “Yes, Cat God first!”
Then he ran to Li Cangyu and actively handed the microphone to the other person.
Li Cangyu had to stand up and accept the microphone. “Then I will casually sing a song.”
He had always been straightforward. Rather than protesting, he simply walked forward. On
the stage, he ordered Mayday’s Stubborn.
This song was popular all over the country a few years ago and many people present were
familiar with it. Li Cangyu sang it with a clear and low voice, giving people a shock.
“When I am different from the world, let me be different. If I compromise myself, if I lie to
myself, even if other people forgive me, I won’t forgive myself. The most beautiful wish is
the craziest. In my living place, I am my own god. I and my last stubbornness, holding both
hands tightly, I absolutely won’t let go. The next stop might or might not be paradise. Even
if I am disappointed, I can’t despair…”
Li Cangyu’s singing wasn’t particularly special but his voice was nice and clear. The
wording was accurate and he didn’t go out of tune. In particular, the song was exactly in
line with his mood at the time and he sang it with his heart, making it sound very nice.
Many people were fascinated. They didn’t expect Li Cangyu to be so charming when he
sang, not losing to the recognized song god of the league, Tan Shitian.
He stood under the dazzling lights and sang the lyrics, as if he was calmly telling a story.
His singing wasn’t a hoarse shouting but every word touched the heart.
Ling Xuefeng sat on the sofa and smiled as he watched Li Cangyu sing. Still, he couldn’t help
feeling sour. The lyrics were exactly what Li Cangyu thought over the years. Even if he was
disappointed, he never despaired. He held onto his stubbornness and insisted on going all
the way today, never compromising due to difficulties.
He was hard on himself, which was how he could become as tough as he was today.
Ling Xuefeng liked and appreciated him but he also felt admiration.
The people present listened to Li Cangyu singing and immediately clapped.
“Nice!” “Cat God sings well!”
Cheng Wei was excitedly recording the song with his phone. He changed occupations and
was quite professional. After the recording, he said, “Cat God, I will send the video to you
after I go back! You are too handsome!”
Li Cangyu smiled and handed the microphone back to Tan Shitian. “Captain Tan, my
mission is done. Is it your turn?”
Tan Shitian said, “Cat God sang so it is Vice-Captain Bai’s turn. What do you say?”
Everyone immediately cheered. “Vice-Captain Bai sing!”
“Vice-Captain Bai! Vice-Captain Bai!”
Bai Xuan was forced to laugh. “I really can’t sing.”
Li Cangyu suddenly interrupted and sold his teammate. “Xiao Bai can’t sing Chinese songs
but he sings English songs very well.”
Bai Xuan stared at Li Cangyu. “Hey! Is it okay to sell your teammate?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Don’t be humble. Today is for everyone to happily play. You should also
show your hand.”
“…” Bai Xuan was sold by Li Cangyu and was forced to take the microphone, picking an
English song to sing.
He sang the Backstreet Boys’ I’ll Never Break Your Heart. His voice was very gentle and
when he sang this song, it was like he was confessing to a loved it. It was gentle and warm
enough to make the heart drunk!
Many people didn’t know that Vice-Captain Bai graduated from the English department.
They heard him sing the English song smoothly and made expressions of worship.
After Bai Xuan finished, the group cheered and demanded Ling Xuefeng sing.
Ling Xuefeng told them in a grave manner. “I can’t sing.”
Li Cangyu had been standing next to Ling Xuefeng and added, “He really can’t sing. At least,
I’ve never heard him sing.”
In any case, he was the abstinent god of the league and didn’t seem suitable for this
‘singing’ activity.
Tan Shitian suggested, “If you don’t sing then how about drinking? Do you agree?”
“Agreed! Captain Ling, have a drink!”
Ling Xuefeng simply picked up a glass of beer and drank it.
The group immediately clapped and cheered.
Next, the host Tan Shitian sang for everyone.
This was the first time Li Cangyu had heard him singing. The league’s number one singer
Tan Shitian really deserved his reputation. His gentle and low voice was particularly
suitable for campus singing. It was intoxicating and it would be perfect if he sang while
playing a guitar. Compared with the other people’s amateur-level singing, Tan Shitian was
a professional.
The captain of Ghost Spirits, Lou Wushuang had been expressionless the whole time. He
usually looked cold and didn’t like these lively occasions. However, Zhang Shaohui went
and he could only follow.
As everyone was cheering, Lou Wushuang calmly pushed up his glasses and declared, “I
won’t do it.”
Zhang Shaohui stood up to protect his brother. “My brother dislikes singing from a young
age. He also isn’t good with alcohol. In order to give him a bit of face and not embarrass
him, how about I drink two cups?”
He really did drink two cups of beers, forcing the crowd to let go of Lou Wushuang.
The thing that surprised Li Cangyu was that Zhang Shaohui’s singing was also good. He
sang while jumping and his energy was great.
Lou Wushuang stared at his brother’s back. This guy might be a single-celled organism with
low IQ and EQ, but he was strong and handsome. He played basketball, could sing and cook
and he was honest. In fact, a man like Zhang Shaohui would be the perfect husband in the
eyes of many girls.
However, this blockhead felt that girls wouldn’t like such an honest person and he rarely
had contact with girls.
Zhang Shaohui finished singing and returned to sit next to his brother. He smiled and
asked, “Brother, how was my singing?”
Lou Wushuang showed a little smile as he answered, “Not bad.”
Zhang Shaohui was excited. “Come, let’s listen to the song while playing the turntable.
Otherwise it will be too boring.”
People gathered around him. Zhang Shaohui pulled Li Cangyu to join and Ling Xuefeng saw
this and sat down as well.
There were many people around the table. Zhang Shaohui explained the simple rules for
playing the turntable. This type of turntable was a common item in KTV. There were
options like truth, dare, drink a cup, drink four cups, jump to the next player, etc. There was
an arrow in the middle and the rules were simple. The arrow pointed to a person and they
would have to do the task written.
Zhang Shaohui turned it first. The arrow pointed to Ling Xuefeng and the task was to drink
four cups.
“Wow, four cups!”
“Does Captain Ling dare?”
“What are you afraid of?” Ling Xuefeng easily drank four cups.
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t be afraid, I will carry you back if
you are drunk.”
Ling Xuefeng retorted, “You are usually the one who gets drunk first.”
Li Cangyu wasn’t convinced. “I can drink a lot. If you don’t believe me then look!”
As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shaohui’s turntable stopped on Li Cangyu. “Drink
four cups.”
Li Cangyu was like Ling Xuefeng. He drank four glasses of beer in one breath.
The group clapped and cheered. “Okay!” “You are handsome!” “Let’s see who will get drunk
first between you two!”
Zhang Shaohui continued to turn the turntable. This time, the arrow stopped in front of Lou
Wushuang and the task was: tell a truth.
Lou Wushuang’s expression was calm. “What is your question?”
Zhang Shaohui asked curiously, “Brother, do you have someone you like?”
Lou Wushuang easily replied, “I do.”
The group was shocked by the answer and Zhang Shaohui’s eyeballs almost popped out.
“Eh? How come I didn’t know? Brother, who do you like? Can you describe them?”
“…” Lou Wushuang stared at him and described, “A very stupid person.”
Zhang Shaohui scratching his head and laughed. “Haha, it turns out that my brother likes
stupidity! This is good. Your IQ is high and the other person’s IQ is low. You complement
each other.”
Su Guangmo curiously interjected, “Who do you like? Can you tell us?”
Lou Wushuang’s face was cold. “No.”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “Cough, the truth task only needs to answer one question. Let’s
Cheng Wei came over. “I want to play, I want to play!”
As a result, the turntable moved and pointed to Cheng Wei. The task was: find someone at
this location to kiss.
Zhang Shaohui urged, “Vice-Captain, do the task.”
Cheng Wei immediately pouted. “I’ll go to the bathroom…”
He wanted to pee but Zhang Shaohui stopped him. “You can’t cheat when playing!”
The group chanted, “One kiss, one kiss!” “Cheng Wei, kiss me! There will be no charge!” “It
might be Cheng Wei’s first kiss but don’t make a fuss. Kiss me!”
Cheng Wei’s face flushed. “This is breaking the rules and doesn’t count. Do it again!”
“That won’t work. The turntable pointed to you. Admit it!” Zhang Shaohui was the host and
naturally couldn’t allow anyone to refuse. Otherwise it wouldn’t be fun.
Cheng Wei’s black eyes helplessly moved around in a circle. He looked over everyone
before helplessly locking onto Cat God. He ran over and said in an embarrassed manner,
“Cat God…”
He obviously meant to kiss Li Cangyu to complete the task.
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes sank and he interrupted Cheng Wei. “You can’t kiss Cat God.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. “Why not?”
Tan Shitian immediately dragged Cheng Wei away, rubbing his head. “Stupid, Cat God
definitely doesn’t want to kiss you. He wants to keep his first kiss for his girlfriend. I will
sacrifice myself and help you. Come on, don’t hide.”
Cheng Wei looked back and found that Tan Shitian was laughing as he directly placed his
face in front of Cheng Wei’s mouth.
Cheng Wei was helpless and had to stand on tiptoe to quickly kiss his cheek, crying out with
a red face, “That’s it!”
Tan Shitian touched the cheek that Cheng Wei kissed, his heart beating very quiet. He
smiled and said, “That’s fine. The task said you just needed to kiss someone, not the
location of the kiss.”
Cheng Wei immediately felt regret. “Eh? Then I could’ve kissed the back of your hand?”
Tan Shitian thought, ‘It’s too late now.’
Zhang Shaohui shouted, “Good, Cheng Wei passed! Next!”
The turntable stopped randomly in front of someone and different tasks were carried out.
The atmosphere at the scene became more and more lively. Later, there were things like
braying like a donkey and barking like a dog. The group of great gods had fun playing and
forgot their image.
Li Cangyu didn’t know why he had bad luck today. Every time the turntable pointed at him,
he had to drink. He drank several glasses of beer in a row. Even if his alcohol tolerance
wasn’t bad, he still felt a bit dizzy.
Everyone played until 3 in the morning and then separated into four cars to head back to
the hotel.
Once he arrived at the hotel, Li Cangyu was so drunk that he couldn’t stand. The still sober
Ling Xuefeng just carried him. Li Cangyu lay on his back and mumbled, “One braised fish,
two pickled fish…”
The people next to him didn’t know if they should laugh or cry!
In particular, Bai Xuan was a friend for many years and was aware of Li Cangyu’s habits.
This cat had a habit of counting fish every time he became drunk. He counted the types of
fish he ate from beginning to end until he fell asleep.
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was calm as he carried Li Cangyu to the hotel room. He helped
take off Li Cangyu’s shoes and coat, wiped his face with a hotel towel and then covered him
with the quilt.
Bai Xuan went to the bathroom to shower and Ling Xuefeng poured a cup of warm water
for Li Cangyu. The drunk cat was particularly interesting. Other people would do things like
swear or fall when drunk. This person wasn’t noisy and he kept talking about fish. He also
stretched out and grabbed Ling Xuefeng’s arm tightly, as if it was a delicious fish.
Ling Xuefeng smiled and touched Li Cangyu’s hair, saying, “Don’t keep counting. I will make
all types of fish later for you to eat.”
Li Cangyu seemed very satisfied with this. He let go of the other person’s arm and closed
his eyes to sleep.

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GLS: Chapter 141
Chapter 141 – Opening Ceremony Battle

Cheng Wei returned to the hotel room and looked at Tan Shitian in an uncomfortable
manner. He hesitated for a moment before saying, “Captain Tan, you don’t mind today’s
joke with the kiss?” His heart yelled, ‘Blame that bastard Zhang Shaohui for not letting it
Tan Shitian looked back and saw Cheng Wei’s red ears. His heart was moved and he
couldn’t help walking over to pinch Cheng Wei’s face. He said softly, “I don’t mind. I won’t
lose a few pieces of meat from being kissed by you.”
Cheng Wei thought, ‘Captain Tan is too arrogant. Wouldn’t an average man dislike being
kissed by the same gender?’
He completely didn’t know that Tan Shitian was happy. Today was only a kiss on the cheek
but Tan Shitian wanted to hold Cheng Wei for a deep French kiss.
Tan Shitian saw the ignorant and simple eyes and suppressed his evil thoughts. He smiled
as he rubbed Cheng Wei’s head, saying, “Let’s go to bed first. Tomorrow we will have a
team meeting.”
Cheng Wei nodded. “Yes Captain Tan! You should also go to bed early!”
In the next room, Zhang Shaohui was still asking Lou Wushuang, “Brother, who do you like?
How come I don’t remember you being in contact with a girl? Or do you mean… did you go
on a date without telling me during the holiday?”
His eyes were bright as he asked, “Brother, did you hold hands? Do you have a photo? Can
you take me to meet my sister-in-law one day?”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
‘Idiot! I like you! Where is the sister-in-law? Did you brains get eaten by a dog?’
Zhang Shaohui saw his brother’s face reddening and raised his hand in surrender. “Okay, I
won’t ask! Brother, don’t be angry. It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. In any case, send me
some candy when you get married.”
Lou Wushuang glanced at him before ignoring him to take a shower.
It was really hard to like such a person but what could he do? He had long since fallen for
Zhang Shaohui’s tenderness.
Zhang Shaohui might not have a high IQ and EQ but he was frank and natural. After being
besides him for so many years, this stupid brother became a treasure who couldn’t be
Zhang Shaohui might not known now but one day he would understand.
Lou Wushuang sighed gentle and turned the shower to the maximum, driving away the
confused thoughts in his mind.
Everyone played indulgently tonight because they knew it was the last moment of
relaxation before the seventh season started.
The next day, the captains and vice-captains returned to their teams, while others stayed in
Beijing and had their teammates come over. The preparations for the seventh season were
completed and everyone had to make strategic arrangement according to the schedule.
Li Cangyu was refreshed after waking up. He first took a photo of the seventh season’s
schedule and sent it to Liu Chuan’s email. Then he studied the lineup configuration for the
opening ceremony with Bai Xuan.
The schedule for the Miracle League’s first division wasn’t as close as the second division. It
was because in the second division, all teams gathered in the host city and lived together.
There were no problems playing two matches in one day. However, the first division had
home and away games. The away team had to fly all the way to the city of the home team to
play. If the schedule was too tight, the contestants wouldn’t be able to adapt to the rhythm.
Generally speaking, the first division was a maximum of one match per team per week.
There would be a warm-up match on the day of the opening ceremony, which had the new
team go against the home team. This year’s opening ceremony was in the home city of
Beijing. The home team was naturally the Time team located in Beijing.
Tan Shitian might be the youngest captain in the Miracle League and he looked gentle and
harmless, but his tactical ideas were extremely strong. He didn’t lose to the old captain Xu
It wasn’t good to play at the Time team’s home venue.
Li Cangyu had played against Xu Luo in the first season and he knew how terrifying Time
could be. This was a team that could apply kiting tactics to the extreme. After the
retirement of Captain Xu Luo, the emergence of the genius elf archer Tan Shitian made their
kiting tactics more terrible than before.
The core of Time was undoubtedly Tan Shitian. Apart from Tan Shitian, the Time team had
several other first-class players.
In order to develop tactics and train the team in advance, Li Cangyu asked the team
members to arrive in Beijing at the end of the holiday, two days ahead of the scheduled
Once the players arrived, Li Cangyu called a tactical meeting.
The big screen showed the information of the entire Time team that he created after
analyzing them for the past few days. Li Cangyu patiently explained, “In addition to the
Time team’s ace Tan Shitian, there is a person everyone is very familiar with—the vice-
captain, Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei’s tactical level isn’t high but his individual ability is
extremely strong. He is the leading white magician in the league and can use control skills
in an excellent manner. The main player Lu Xiao is a very sharp elf archer. In addition, the
Time team has two players called Liang Sejie and Liang Deyuan. The two of them are very
good elf archers and their task is to assist Tan Shitian to interrupt the opponent’s offensive
“The front row of the Time team is the terran paladin Chai Jun while the healer is the angel
priest Xu Kai. These two players aren’t 20 years old yet and they debuted with Tan Shitian.
They followed the Time team to today and have a tacit understanding.”
Li Cangyu aimed his pointer at the race column. “Combined together, the Time team is very
distinctive. They mainly consist of elves and angels and are a light based team, which is
completely opposite from the dark based Wind Colour team.”
“The Time team will mainly depend on the elves’ attack distance and speed, as well as the
strength of the angel’s control. The tactics of remote kiting and rapid guerrilla warfare will
be used to quickly take heads.”
“It will be hard to face the six members of Time so we need to gain economic advantages in
the early wilderness area….”
Li Cangyu analyzed the Time team and everyone listened carefully.
The first match a the opening ceremony was Canglan VS Time. It might just be the regular
season but for the Canglan players, this match was particularly important. It was because
this was the first match since entering the first division. Everyone wanted to make a good

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GLS: Chapter 142
Chapter 142 – Seventh Season’s Opening Ceremony

On May 10th, the opening ceremony of the Miracle League’s first division was held at the
venue in Beijing.
In accordance with the practice of previous years, all players of the major teams must
attend. The sight of so many great gods gathering was rare. Many fans rushed to see the
opening ceremony. The audience was enthusiastic and many people held fluorescent signs.
The items such as light cards and big posters made it very lively.
The Canglan team members came backstage at 6 in the evening.
They were occasional deafening cheers from the venue. The big screen backstage showed
the scenes happening at the venue. Xiao Han saw the frightening sea of audience members
and couldn’t help saying, “It is more than the audience of the second division.”
Gu Siming excitedly replied, “Of course! The first division has many great gods with high
popularity. It can’t be compared to the second division.”
Li Xiaojiang whispered, “The star’s performance, performance, performance…”
Zhuo Hang helped him finish the words. “Isn’t it more lively than a concert?”
Li Xiaojiang nodded seriously. “Yes!”
As everyone was chatting, the full team of Wind Colour came backstage under Ling
Xuefeng’s leadership.
Ling Xuefeng saw the group of people and walked in a natural manner over Li Cangyu. He
asked, “Are you prepared for the match?”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Pretty much.”
Ling Xuefeng said, “Time isn’t good to fight. I’ll cheer for you.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Beside Ling Xuefeng was Wind Colour’s little prince, Qin Mo. Li Cangyu’s apprentice Xiao
Han was also next to him. The two masters walked together and the apprentices happened
to face each other.
Qin Mo had sparred with Xiao Han for a long time and the two people gradually became
familiar with each other. Recently, Xiao Han had been looking for Qin Mo to learn Chinese.
They had never officially met but they had seen each other’s photos from the players data.
The two people recognized each other at the same time and looked at each other curiously.
Xiao Han found that Qin Mo was handsome and young, his body not fully matured yet.
There was a trace of youthfulness on his face and the corner of his eyes were slightly
raised, giving him an air of pride. However, Xiao Han knew that Qin Mo wasn’t as arrogant
as other people described. He was often too angry to speak and would type a line of ellipses
before going offline…
Qin Mo also carefully looked at Xiao Han. He already knew that Xiao Han was a mixed-raced
child and also saw his face when the Canglan team played. Now that he was directly facing
Xiao Han, he found that this mixed-raced child looked very good. In particular, the blond
hair that fell over his ears made people want to touch it and see if the hair was real.
The two people looked at each other for a moment. Then Qin Mo removed his gaze in an
uncomfortable manner. Xiao Han didn’t feel embarrassed and kept staring curiously at Qin
Mo. Qin Mo’s cheeks became hot and he couldn’t help asking, “What are you looking at?”
Xiao Han replied earnestly, “You look better than your photo.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Did people from the United States like to praise others so bluntly?
Qin Mo couldn’t help feeling happy at this praise and said, “Thank you.”
Xiao Han was perplexed. “Chinese is subtle. Shouldn’t you be modest when being praised?
Why did you just say thank you?”
Qin Mo, “…”
Li Cangyu heard the two apprentices talking and couldn’t help laughing. He touched Xiao
Han’s head and explained, “When praised, many young people will say thank you,
especially if they are confident. Qin Mo has grown well, right Qin Mo?”
Qin Mo’s face was slightly red. “Cat God is flattering me.”
Xiao Han asked, “Why didn’t you say thank you again?”
Qin Mo glanced at him. “Conversations should be divided into contexts!”
Xiao Han was even more confused. “What is context?”
Qin Mo, “…”
Li Cangyu helplessly patted Xiao Han on the shoulder. “The domestic language habits are a
bit complicated. You can slowly learn it.”
Xiao Han muttered “Oh,” and followed his master. He just walked two steps when he turned
back and waved at Qin Mo, making a gesture that showed he wanted to continue discussing
the problem of context later on.
Qin Mo felt like crying.
Ling Xuefeng suddenly turned around and asked, “Are you teaching Xiao Han Chinese?”
Qin Mo lowered his head and replied, “Yes, I didn’t want to teach me but he kept following
me to learn…”
“Then teach him well.” Ling Xuefeng said.
The bottom of the food chain Qin Mo had to nod. “Yes, I know…”
He looked at Xiao Han’s back and couldn’t help feeling some curiosity. How many skills had
this mixed-race child learnt from following his master? Shouldn’t he show them in today’s
match? Then there would be a good show!
The major teams were ready backstage while the opening ceremony officially began.
First there was a speech from the league’s chairman, Nan Jiangang.
Chairman Nan walked onto the stage, picked up a microphone and said simply, “The
seventh season is when there will be an overall reform of the competition system. Together
with the World Competition, it will be a new starting point for our Miracle League. Whether
it is an old contestant or new contestant, this season everyone stands at the same starting
point. I hope that everyone takes the matches seriously and respects their opponent. Show
the audience the wonders of the league’s professional players!”
The chairman never liked to talk. Once he finished, he decisively handed the microphone to
the host.
The host smiled and said, “Thank the chairman for his message! I believe that the players
won’t let down the audience supporting the league! Next up is the exciting entrance of the
teams. First, there is the team that just returned to the league this season, the Canglan
The eight contestants dressed in neat uniforms walked onto the big stage. The host read
their names in turn and introduced the team. “This is a team made of four old players and
four newcomers. It is led by Cat God, who has left Miracle for three years and finally
returned with new teammates! Let us welcome the Canglan team with warm applause!”
There was deafening applause as Li Cangyu entered with his teammates. His face was very
Next was the Flying Feathers team, the Ghost Spirits team, the Red Fox team, the Cheetah
team, the Pure Cleansing team and the Time team. This was arranged according to the first
letter in the pinyin spelling of their name. Finally, the winners of the last season, the Wind
Colour appeared as the finale.
Once all contestants stood on the stage, the photos snapped a few photos. The audience
cheered wildly and a number of people stood up, excitedly waving their light sticks.
Once the photo taking session was complete, the host allowed all players to walk down
from the big stage. They sat on the pre-arranged VIP seats and watched the opening
ceremony with everyone.
This year’s opening ceremony was much larger than usual. The venue had been expanded
by a few times and the number of people who came to watch today exceeded 100,000. It
was the more wonderful opening ceremony.
However, the players of the Canglan team weren’t in the mood to watch the opening show.
It was because once the opening ceremony was over, the important opening match of the
seventh season was waiting for them.
Halfway through the opening ceremony, Li Cangyu took his teammates backstage to
prepare. At the same time, Tan Shitian and the Time members also headed backstage.
The backstage area had separate lounges for the teams in order to prevent tactical leaks
before the match.
Li Cangyu closed the door and stated, “In the match that will take place later, there is no
way to determine what mode Tan Shitian will select. Still, I can be sure that Time will
definitely choose a team battle.”
Bai Xuan nodded in agreement. “In order to deal with a new team, the team battle has a
higher rate of winning then the arena. Time has always been strong in a team battle. I feel
that Tan Shitian might choose to play two games as a team battle or perhaps even directly
select three team battles.”
Li Cangyu told them, “Our lineup will be the same as what was previously arranged.
Everyone be sure to listen to the commander. Don’t feel pressure. Relax and play well. It
doesn’t matter if we win or lose. This is the first game and it is enough if we play according
to our level.”
Then he reached out a hand and placed it in the middle. “Come on!”
The team immediately placed their hands together and shouted, “Come on!”
Next door, Tan Shitian’s expression was very relaxed. He smiled and said, “This is our home
match. Not only do we have the advantage of selecting the map, we also have the freedom
to choose between the team battle and arena. Cat God’s tactics are varied and we have to
adapt.” He turned to look at the person standing next to him and added, “Xiao Wei, you
stare at Cat God. If you can control him then do so. Don’t let him use his wind spirit.”
He had never played against Li Cangyu but Tan Shitian had seen many of the Canglan
team’s battles. It was clear that the most difficult thing about Li Cangyu was the wind spirit.
It could often reverse the situation with Storm Fury.
Cheng Wei nodded seriously at his captain’s order. “Rest assured, I will keep an eye on Cat
Cat God might be his most adored idol but once they met on the field, Cheng Wei wouldn’t
be polite to his opponent!
The opening ceremony finally came to an end. The theatre performance of the six Miracle
races brought the atmosphere to the peak. The audience’s deafening screams and clapping
could be clearly heard backstage.
The two hosts smiled and walked to the centre of the big stage. “The opening ceremony
ends here. Thank you to all the performers for bringing us this wonderful evening.”
“There is another important event that will be unveiled. I believe that the audience has
been looking forward to it for a long time. The season’s opening battle will be between the
new Canglan team and the host Time team. Both sides have great gods gathered and it will
definitely be a great sight!”
“Let’s switch to the live room where Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi will be explaining this
wonderful event for everyone!”
The camera switched to the commentators who were already ready.
Kou Hongyi saw the switch and immediately said, “Audience friends, good evening.
Welcome to the first match of the first division of the Miracle League. The first match is
Canglan VS Time. First, let’s take a look at the pre-match winning percentage prediction.”
The winning rate predictions appeared on the big screen. 40% guessed that Canglan would
win, 50% guessed that Time would win and the remaining 10% were unsure.
This type of support ratio was normal. After all, the Time team had always performed well
in the Miracle League. The major media outlets had reported on Li Cangyu’s return but he
had still left Miracle for many years. Many new fans didn’t know him.
Kou Hongyi turned back and asked, “Sister Bing, what do you think?”
Yu Bing said lightly, “Today is the home match of the Time team. It will be difficult for the
away team, Canglan to take points. However, Canglan has several ace players, especially Cat
God. His ability to respond on the spot is extremely fast and his tactical literacy is also high.
He is good at dealing with various situations. It depends on the games.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “The strength of both sides are quite high and it is hard
to predict before the match. Let’s take a look at the data for the players on both sides.”
The big screen listened the data for both teams.
In the seventh season, the number of participants was limited to six players in the team
mode and two on the arena mode. However, the number of players in the team battle and
the arena could be repeated.
In the seventh season, the Time team consisted of Captan Tan Shitian, Vice-Captain Cheng
Wei, main elf archer Lu Xiao, assistant elf archers Liang Sejie and Liang Deyuan, elf hunter
Zhou Yu, the paladin Chai Jun and the healer Xu Kai.
This was the exact same lineup of the Time team in the sixth season.
Time was a very young team and the average age of the players was less than 20 years old.
There was no need to worry about the player retiring and they didn’t need to change
people this season.
Compared to the young Time team, the Canglan team was scary. There was a 26 year old
Once Zhang Jueming’s data emerged, the audience members who hadn’t paid attention to
the second division were surprised. People typed on the Internet broadcast room: [26! He
is an antique in the World Competition!] [Uncle has courage! I will praise Uncle!]
In addition to Zhang Jueming, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were 23 to 24 years old. They were
considered old players in the e-sports circle.
It was the four teenagers who pulled down the average age of the team. The four of them
were 17 or 18 years old and they looked quite young in their photos.
Once the list of players was revealed, Yu Bing said, “The players on both sides are ready.
The match will start soon so let’s cut the camera back to the soundproof room.”
The camera switched and the audience saw the players on the big screen. Two faces
appeared on both sides of the screen. The captains of both teams were given a zoomed in
shot. Tan Shitian smiled and looked relaxed while Li Cangyu’s expression was very calm.
The two captains didn’t seem nervous at all.
Soon, the referee’s lights lit up and the match officially began.
The Time team’s home lights were on as the captain chose the match mode and maps.
Tan Shitian quickly submitted the match modes—team battle, team battle, arena.
Li Cangyu came to Bai Xuan and said, “Fortunately, Tan Shitian didn’t choose three team
Bai Xuan looked at him helplessly. Captain Tan’s choices were actually very difficult for
Canglan. Tan Shitian’s intentions were obvious. He planned to use the advantages of the
Time team in the team battles to win some points. In the end, he and Cheng Wei would join
hands to finish the match in the arena. The young captain’s ambition wasn’t small. He
probably wanted to win all three games.
However… there was Cat God sitting here. Wanting to take a full score from underneath Cat
God’s nose, Tan Shitian was thinking too simply!

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GLS: Chapter 143

Chapter 143 – Canglan VS Time

The order of the Canglan team and Time team quickly filled the big screen. Two team
battles plus one arena mode, along with the maps being selected by the Time team. The
home advantage for the Time team was quite obvious.
Along with the mode confirmation, there would be 10 minutes for the Canglan team to
make the corresponding deployment. Li Cangyu had already arranged the Canglan team
and didn’t hesitate to submit the contestants list to the referee.
The match soon started and the list of players who would be participating in the first round
of the team battle was shown on the big screen.
The Time team’s lineup consisted of the front row paladin Chai Jun, the healing priest Xu
Kai, the main output in Tan Shitian’s bard, the two elf bards Lu Xiao and Liang Deyuan
assisting him plus white magician Cheng Wei who was responsible for controlling the field.
The Canglan team sent the most stable lineup in the second division: Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan,
Xie Shurong, Zhang Jueming along with the two newcomers Gu Siming and Xiao Han.
The VIP seats under the stage.
Qin Mo saw this lineup and couldn’t help saying, “The Time team sent three bards. Are they
using a lot of archers to dominate with the kiting tactics?”
Yan Ruiwen was sitting next to him and smiled. “Tan Shitian has always been confident in
the kiting tactics of Time.”
Xu Feifan also agreed. “The archers of the Time team are very strong. The three archers of
Tan Shitian, Lu Xiao and Liang Deyuan can play the guerrilla warfare by relying on the
attack distance advantage. It will be very difficult for Canglan to fight!”
Qin Mo asked curiously, “Brother Xu, what do you predict the score to be?”
Xu Feifan didn’t hesitate. “I think it will be 3:0. The possibility of Time winning all three
games at home is great.”
The teammates beside him were discussing the score. Ling Xuefeng said nothing but he
thought, ‘Canglan has Cat God. A 3:0 score is impossible.’ Even in the case of an extremely
unfavourable combat situation, Li Cangyu would find a way to reverse the situation and
gain one point.
The home team of Time was really hard to play but Ling Xuefeng was confident in Li
In the commentary room, Yu Bing gave a brief review of the configuration of both teams
and the match officially began.
The Time team selected the map and the map chosen by Tan Shitian was ‘Elf’s Fantasyland.’
This map was a mysterious land in the depths of the elf forest. The scene of the map was
dominated with green tones. There were many strange shapes in the elf trees and countless
vines wrapped around the branches, blending into each other. Many rattan fell down and
formed a huge umbrella of vines, blocking the sun above the forest.
Walking in the Elf Fantasyland was like walking in a flower pavilion. The scenery was
The biggest feature of this map was that there were many obstacles. Some of the bard’s
skills ignored obstacles and there were three elf bards in this team battle. It was very
suitable to use the obstacles in this map for guerrilla warfare.
Tan Shitian’s tactical thinking was very clear. It all depended on how Li Cangyu responded.
The contestants soon refreshed in opposite corners of the map.
In the ‘田’ type map, the Canglan team was born in the lower left corner and the Time team
was born in the upper right corner.
Li Cangyu led his teammates forward and everyone divided into three groups at the fork. Li
Cangyu took Xiao Han to the lower right corner, Zhang and Gu went to the upper left corner
and the Shu Bai combination held the home base. This was the most common splitting up
method and it was the most stable.
On the other side, Tan Shitian stayed at home with the healer. Cheng Wei and the paladin
went to the upper left corner and Lu Xiao and Liang Deyuan went to the southeast corner in
the lower right.
According to this splitting, Cheng Wei and the paladin Chai Jun should encounter Zhang Gu
of the Canglan team. Coincidentally, both sides had the combination of white magician and
Yu Bing saw this scene and couldn’t help saying, “According to Cheng Wei’s personality, a
fierce fight should start as soon as both sides encounter each other.”
Kou Hongyi said, “The combination of Zhang and Gu isn’t very good. Old Zhang might be a
white magician but he added all points into auxiliary skills. This is unlike Cheng Wei, who
added them into control and attack skills.
Yu Bing agreed with this. “Cheng Wei is only 19 years old this year. His condition is at the
peak. Old Zhang’s speed can’t keep up with Cheng Wei. If the two white magicians fight, the
chances of Canglan winning isn’t high.”
In the case where their teammates were also paladins, the auxiliary white magician had a
low possibility of survival when encountering an output white magician. The audience had
their hearts in their throats.
Both sides started to slowly make money by killing the mobs. Then 30 seconds after the
match started, the combinations of paladin and white magician met in the northwest road!
Cheng Wei was usually emotional, especially when he swore. In fact, this temper was the
same on the field. As long as he saw an opponent and Tan Shitian didn’t stop him, he would
definitely rushed forward to kill or be killed by the opponents. In any case, someone would
Cheng Wei was straightforward and never calculated anything but this style attracted many
fans. The league officials had once calculated it. Since the third season, the player who had
been killed the most and who killed the most players was Cheng Wei. This showed how
active he was on the field.
Today was Cheng Wei’s first time against Canglan and he was obviously more excited than
usual. He saw the opposite side’s white magician and immediately used God’s Seal.
Zhang Jueming’s hand speed wasn’t high but his reaction rate was extremely fast. He saw
Cheng Wei and felt that this person would use a white magician’s sealing skill to control
him. Thus, he put his finger on the key in advance and cleverly moved to avoid Cheng Wei’s
Yu Bing couldn’t help exclaiming, “Beautiful! Old Zhang’s experience played a role in a
critical moment. The level of Old Zhang is really first-rate.”
Cheng Wei wasn’t willing to let his opponent escape from his control and followed up with
God’s Light. A dazzling white beam of light hit Zhang Jueming’s chest, directly causing him
to lose 20% blood.
God’s Light was called a fool’s technique by netizens but it was Cheng Wei’s favourite skill.
It was a targeted skill. No matter how fast the opponent was moving or how fast they hid,
as long as they were within the attack range, God’s Light would automatically hit the
Cheng Wei particularly liked to hit people with God’s Light. The skill of automatically
locking onto the target was easy to use but the cooldown was too long.
Zhang Jueming was hit and immediately ran away. Xiao Gu hurriedly came up to protect
Uncle Zhang. As a thick-skinned paladin, he couldn’t watch his teammate being hit.
However, the Time team also had an experienced paladin. Chai Jun knew that Cheng Wei
wanted to kill the white magician and immediately stepped forward to entangle with XIao
Gu Siming shouted in the voice channel. “Uncle Zhang, you run! I can’t resist for long!”
Zhang Jueming was calm. “Don’t worry. I will delay as long as possible.”
There was no other way. This white magician was a support and couldn’t face the
aggressive Cheng Wei. He could only try to delay the time for his teammate to find an
In the southeast corner, the combination of Li Cangyu and Xiao Han encountered the Time
team’s Lu Xiao and Liang Deyuan.
All four of them were output type classes and it was reasonable that the fight would be very
quick. It was strange that they were no fierce fighting between them. They just cleaned up
the mobs quickly.
Lu Xiao’s personality wasn’t like Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei might be the vice-captain of Time
but Cheng Wei didn’t care about these matters. Tan Shitian was in charge of tactics and
external affairs. The training of newcomers to the team was actually left to Lu Xiao. This
man’s temper was better and he was always optimistic.
He and Tan Shitian were players who debuted at the same time. Since both of them were elf
archers, Tan Shitian naturally covered up Lu Xiao’s light. Fortunately, Lu Xiao wasn’t so
narrow-minded. He wasn’t jealous of Tan Shitian and felt relief at being the secondary
output for the Time team.
A reporter once asked him, “You would be the lead if you go to another team. Why are you
willing to stay in Time as the third-ranked person?” Lu Xiao’s answer was, “The pressure of
a leader is very high. I am relaxed in Time. Even if we lose, everyone will bombard Tan
Shitian. No one will blame me!”
The reason was really irrefutable.
Some people liked to lead a team to victory. For example, Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng and Tan
Shitian were born to be captains. A player like Lu Xiao was more suitable for a supporting
role. If he was in the protagonist’s role then he might feel too much pressure and not be
able to play well.
Li Cangyu had long heard that there were a few good archers in Time apart from Tan
Shitian. The most powerful one was Lu Xiao, who often appeared in the arena and team
Today was their first encounter and Li Cangyu wanted to try a PK. He didn’t expect for this
Lu Xiao to be particularly stable. He was clearly within range to attack Li Cangyu but he
stood still.
The enemy didn’t move so he didn’t move. Li Cangyu also ignored him and focused on the
small mobs.
The two wild areas in the middle were relatively calm. Bai Xuan held Xie Shurong and Xu
Kai treated Tan Shitian.
Both sides focused on their economic development. However, Tan Shitian had a long range
and would occasionally interfere with Xie Shurong’s killing. Xie Shurong just calmly moved
to avoid it. If he couldn’t escape, he would run to Bai Xuan’s side and had Bai Xuan fill up his
blood. It was good to bring a milk dad with him as all the lost blood was filled up.
Both sides tested each other for a while. By the time the wild mobs were cleared, Tan
Shitian and Xie Shurong were still full of blood.
The audience was a bit cranky as they filled the screen of the live broadcast: [Captain Tan,
destroy Tree!] [Ah Shu, kill that archer!] [Damn, the two of you are still full of blood after a
long time. Hit each other!]
Yu Bing had a reasonable explanation for this. “It is a situation where the level of both
players are the same and there is a healer. A 2v2 battle can’t finish in 10 minutes. Captain
Tan and Ah Shu clearly know that they can’t kill the other person. Thus, they can only use
some small skills to interfere and won’t really fight.”
Kou Hongyi agreed. “This is a very sensible approach. It is impossible to kill each other in
10 minutes with a healer. The ice dragon will soon refresh. That’s why both sides are
mainly focusing on their economic development, probably waiting for this ice dragon to
Yu Bing added, “We will go back to the northwest area. Cheng Wei’s output ability is indeed
strong. Zhang Jueming is already at 10% residual blood. Old Zhang is an auxiliary and it
hasn’t been easy for him to persist under Cheng Wei’s pursuit for so long!”
At this time, Li Cangyu and Xiao Han had finished killing all the small mobs. Li Cangyu was
about to return to the city when he saw the situation of Old Zhang being hunted by Cheng
Wei and he couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Gu, go back and save him!”
Gu Siming was busy fighting the opposite paladin and completely forgot about protecting
his teammate. Once he heard Cat God, he hurriedly looked around but then a message
popped up on the screen.
[Only Dedication has killed Juemingzi, first kill!]
The audience cheered.
Gu Siming was stunned and wanted to apologize to Uncle Zhang. Unfortunately, the
moment he was feeling stunned, a white beam flew towards him and a white circle
appeared around him. It was God’s Seal.
Cheng Wei took this opportunity to seal him and then cooperated with his paladin
teammate to quickly smash Gu Siming, who only had a small amount of blood left.
[Only Dedication has killed As the Name Suggests, double kill!]
Cheng Wei was ecstatic by the double kill. Tan Shitian smiled and said, “Don’t be happy.
Hurry and return back to town.”
Cheng Wei replied happily, “Yes, I’m coming!”
Thanks to the two heads, Cheng Wei’s economy took the lead. After returning to the store,
he bought his favourite attack necklace, ‘Light God’s Blessing’ and followed Tan Shitian to
prepare for the next big group battle.
On the Canglan side, Li Cangyu didn’t say much.
Xiao Gu liked to rush forward and fight with people. It wasn’t surprising that he was caught
up in the moment and didn’t take care of his teammate. Gu Siming’s foundation was solid
but he was impulsive and lacked patience. This was related to his personality and it would
be difficult to change quickly.
In addition, it was taboo to lecture people in the middle of the game. If there were any
problems then it had to wait until the game was over.
Li Cangyu gathered his teammates together and spoke some precautions.
In the next ice dragon team fight, it would be a 6v6 matchup. Cheng Wei had a 10% attack
bonus and necklace bonus. It was very hard for Canglan to reverse the situation.
Many viewers even lit a row of candles for Canglan in advance.
In the VIP seats, Qin Mo nervously stared at the screen and asked, “Will Xiao Han lose?”
Yan Ruiwen smiled and said, “Not necessarily. Cat God is the best at using strange tricks. It
is possible for Canglan to reverse the disadvantageous situation.”
Ling Xuefeng agreed with these words.
Canglan was indeed at a disadvantage. Xiao Gu and Old Zhang were chased by Cheng Wei
and the money earned was so poor that they couldn’t afford the cheapest ring. Meanwhile,
Time had Cheng Wei whose attack power was greatly improved by the double kills.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t feel that he would lost. It was because Ah Shu, Bai Xuan, Xiao
Han and himself had played very stably in the early stages and their equipment didn’t fall
behind the other four members of the Time team.
Once the six member teams fought against each other, there was still hope as long as they
controlled Cheng Wei.
The two sides met at the ice dragon’s refresh point and Li Cangyu let the Zhang Gu
combination expand the field of view.
Cheng Wei also came this way and responded quickly as soon as he saw the group. He
didn’t hesitate to use God’s Seal to control Li Cangyu but Li Cangyu used the water spirit’s
Water Ball to freeze Cheng Wei in place instead!
The two men fired at almost the same time but Cat God’s hand speed was faster than Cheng
Wei. Cheng Wei was frozen first while Li Cangyu cleverly avoided Cheng Wei’s seal the
moment he released the skill.
He released a skill while using positioning to hide from an opponent’s attack. This superb
operation wasn’t just due to Li Cangyu’s strength but also his understanding of Cheng Wei.
This player was a person he patiently taught in the past. He was clear about many of Cheng
Wei’s habits.
After hiding from the skill, Li Cangyu immediately summoned his fire spirit and used
Fireball one after another on Cheng Wei. This was followed by summoning a thunder spirit
and the big move Thunder’s Wrath slammed into Cheng Wei!
He even used a big group attack to kill Cheng Wei. It was obviously that Cat God planned to
kill Cheng Wei!
Tan Shitian immediately ordered, “The front row, quickly protect him! Healer, add blood!”
Cat God’s hand speed was very fast and he beat Cheng Wei to residual blood in just a few
seconds. However, Cheng Wei had teammates around him. The front row paladin used
Guardian’s Light Shield to reduce the damage that Cheng Wei received while the rear row
healer used Holy Light Surge to fill Cheng Wei’s blood!
At this time, the freezing effect on Cheng Wei’s body finished. He immediately cast the
white magic big move, World of Ice and Snow at Li Cangyu. This was a white magician’s
most powerful group attack spell. Countless ice and snow fell from the sky, resulting in a
large drop of blood as well as a deceleration effect.
Cheng Wei’s World of Ice and Snow finished and he followed up with the locking attack,
God’s Light to force Li Cangyu’s blood to 50%.
At this time, the three archers in the back row fired at Li Cangyu, forcing Li Cangyu to a
residual blood state!
Bai Xuan naturally wasn’t idle. He immediately gave Li Cangyu an injury reduction skill,
filled the heal over time (HOT) blood buff to the full amount and then used a single blood
increase skill to pull back Li Cangyu’s blood from the danger level.
Once the group battle started, the audience held their breaths. Cheng Wei and Cat God
played fiercely. Cat God used his pets while Cheng Wei also used a big move…
The thing that made many viewers nervous was that Xiao Han and Xie Shurong of Canglan
were going around to the rear of the Time team!
Yes, the audience was watching from a god’s perspective. They could see the positions of
Xiao Han and Xie Shurong but Tan Shitian couldn’t see it!
Tan Shitian was focused on killing Old Cat and hadn’t noticed two team members were
missing. He thought that these two people were in the dark area of his field of view and he
just couldn’t see them. He didn’t expect that these two actually went around behind him!
At this moment, Xie Shurong typed a 1 on the team channel, indicating he was ready.
Li Cangyu smiled. His fingers quickly pressed the keyboard and he summoned the wind
spirit. Storm Fury directly blew the Time team back two metres towards Xie Shurong and
Xiao Han!
Xie Shurong first used Spirit Lock to seal the healer and then he used Light and Shadow
Rotation to take care of the fragile archers!
Xiao Han had long placed Death Mark on Tan Shitian and he followed up with Backstab and
Fatal Blow!
At the same time, Zhang Jueming unleashed his big moves, Song of Encouragement, Voice of
Combat to greatly enhance their combat power!
The sudden attack shocked Tan Shitian. The healer was fixed in place while the opposite
side’s melee struck. The fragile archers instantly fell to a residual blood state.
The control effect on the healer had just ended when Li Cangyu once again controlled him
with the water spirit. At the same time, he used the fire spirit to attack Tan Shitian. He
waited until Tan Shitian had one drop of blood left before letting Xiao Han accept the head.
[Frost Descends has killed Ten Days!]
The fans of the Time team were stunned when this popped up.
The fans of Canglan started to cheer. [Great!] [It is the threaten the east and strike in the
west strategy again. Cat God is amazing!] [The mixed-race boy is powerful. He is worthy of
being Cat God’s apprentice!] [Xiao Han, marry me!] [Touch Xiao Han, this golden head is
Xie Shurong had used a big move to hit all three archers. The moment Xiao Han killed Tan
Shitian, Xie Shurong also forcibly killed Lu Xiao using Breaking Bone Sword.
[Ah Shu has killed Unfettered!]
In the front row, Li Cangyu had initially acted like he wanted to kill Cheng Wei. Then he
ignored Cheng Wei and changed targets to Time’s third archer.
[Old Cat has killed Xiao Liang!]
Cheng Wei was very sad. He felt that he had been deceived!
Cat God had clearly been aiming for him. Why did Cat God suddenly ignore him and instead
killed the people behind him?
At this time, Li Cangyu turned back and used the help of Ah Shu and Xiao Han to smoothly
take Cheng Wei’s head.
[Old Cat has killed Only Dedication, double kill!]
Canglan cleverly used the front and back tactic to surround the Time team and killed four
people in one breath. The remaining paladin and priest quickly fled according to Tan
Shitian’s instructions but it didn’t help.
The 4:0 heads in this wave of battle was a big victory and Canglan’s economy completely
overtook the Time team.
Li Cangyu’s equipment became the best in the game while Ah Shu and Xiao Han’s attack
power also improved. Under Li Cangyu’s steady command, everyone pushed through the
defense towers, killed the phoenixes and arrived at the crystal.
The moment the crystal shattered, many viewers still hadn’t recovered.
This game was played very strangely. In the early stages, the two sides were slow-paced
and people felt sleepy. Only Cheng Wei scored two heads, which seemed to indicate the
Time team’s victory.
The surprising thing was that in the first wave of the big team fight, the winner was actually
the Canglan team.
The early slow-paced game sped up the moment the ice dragon refreshed, like chicken
blood was injected.
The Canglan team unexpectedly used the threaten the east to strike in the west tactic. Li
Cangyu unleashed his big moves and attracted the full attention of the other side. The two
melee used the opportunity to go to the rear. Li Cangyu’s acting skills and the control of his
wind spirit at the crucial moment meant that the three archers of the Time team died in an
The eyes of the audience members were about to fall out at the thrilling reversal of the
Canglan team.
In the VIP seats, Ling Xuefeng looked at the score of 1:0 on the big screen and couldn’t help
smiling slightly.
This was Cat God.
Unexpectedly reversing the situation was normal for Li Cangyu.
This witty cat, as long as a person was slightly careless, they would be beaten to death by
his paws.
In order to deal with Li Cangyu, a person had to always be on guard against his
unpredictable tactics. They had to pay attention to who was around him and who was
missing. Daring to fight after seeing Canglan only having four people, Tan Shitian was still
too young!

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GLS: Chapter 144

Chapter 144 – Canglan VS Time (Second Team Battle)

In the first team battle, the Canglan team relied on Li Cangyu’s tactic of ‘threatening in the
east while striking in the west’ to reverse the situation at the crucial moment, scoring one
point first. During the intermission, Cheng Wei stared blankly at Tan Shitian. “I thought he
was desperately trying to kill me…”
The result was that Cat God killed the archers of the Time team before killing Cheng Wei
Cheng Wei felt very depressed. It was like the most basic trust between people was gone.
Cat God’s acting was so superb that it was a pity he wasn’t an actor!
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s depressed expression and rubbed his head with a smile. “You
thought Cat God was trying to kill you because he used a big move against you? You are
thinking too simply of Cat God.”
Cheng Wei wasn’t convinced. “Didn’t you react the same as me?”
Tan Shitian sighed helplessly. “I really underestimated him. We should’ve used the map
advantage to slowly hit him. The result was that we hadn’t fully shown our tactics when we
were interrupted by Cat God’s surprise.”
Tan Shitian recognized his own carelessly. He bowed his head and touched his chin for a
moment before saying to his teammates, “The second game will be played stably. In the
early stages, don’t easily start a battle. For the lineup, we will make one change. Xiao Liang
will step down while Zhou Yu will play. The hunter will be used to limit the opposite side’s
swordsman and assassin. Xiao Liang, you will get ready for the arena in the third game. Are
there any problems?”
Tan Shitian’s style had always been like this. He was calm and collected no matter the
outcome. Captain Tan was always smiling and he would give a full explanation if he made a
halftime substitution. The result was that people didn’t feel uncomfortable when
exchanged and the unity of the Time team increased.
Zhou Yu was a hunter and he wasn’t as famous as the other archers of Time. His advantage
was that he was very stable on the field and his character was sedate. He was the oldest
player in the current Time team. He was only in his early 20s, showing how young the Time
team was.
After hearing the captain’s arrangement, the two people to be swapped nodded and said
there were no problems.
Tan Shitian continued, “In this game, we must make full use of the terrain advantages. Zhou
Yu will do trap protection for the front row and middle rows. This is convenient for our
back row which is full of outputs. Everyone listen to my command. Once I give an order, set
fire to kill that person and gain the first head advantage…”
The Canglan team’s soundproof room.
The unexpected victory in the first game made everyone feel ecstatic, especially Xiao Gu.
Uncle Zhang was killed in the beginning because of his mistake. He felt very guilty but it
was fortunate that they won. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to face his teammates.
Li Cangyu was calm as he encouraged his teammates with a few words before starting the
arrangement of the next game.
He had a hunch that Tan Shitian would make adjustments to deal with the Canglan team’s
lineup. However, the quick Xie Shurong and Xiao Han were necessary to deal with the fast
kiting tactics of Time. They could cut into the rear and interfere with the archers. It would
be harder for Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang, so the lineup of Canglan remained unchanged.
The 10 minutes intermission time ended and the second team battle began. The map
chosen by Tan Shitian was still Elf Fantasyland.
Yu Bing said, “Tan Shitian should’ve specifically prepared for this map. The barrier of the
forest is very suitable for guerrilla warfare. He wasn’t able to play out his tactics in the last
game and was accidentally counterattacked. It is normal not to change the map. He should
be trying to stabilize their play and will use the characteristic kiting tactics of Time.”
Kou Hongyi saw the change in IDs in the team battle participants list and couldn’t help
adding, “The map remained the same but Time’s lineup has changed. The elf archer has
come off and the elf hunter Zhou Yu is playing.”
Yu Bing frowned slightly. “Zhou Yu’s presence in the Time team is very low. After all, the
most famous players are the elf archers. He is a hunter and only players when necessary. In
the analysis of last year’s players, he is the one when the lowest play rate in the Time
Yu Bing paused before adding, “Zhou Yu’s appearance rate isn’t high but once he
participates in the team battle, the Time team’s winning rate is very high.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “It is true that many players might have a weak personal
strength but they can have a great impact on the team battle. Now let’s look at the Canglan
side. The lineup hasn’t changed. It is still the same six people as the last game!”
On the big screen, the players were loaded onto the map.
The Canglan team were still at the bottom left while the Time team were at the top right.
Li Cangyu didn’t change the lineup but he changed the way they split up. This time, he
asked Uncle Zhang to go to the southeast wilderness area with Xiao Han. He would go with
Xiao Gu to the northwest area. He wanted to hit Cheng Wei and try to kill Cheng Wei’s
economic development in the early stages.
Coincidentally, Tan Shitian also changed the way they split up and Cheng Wei headed to the
southeast corner with the paladin Chai Jun. Meanwhile, the archer Lu Xiao and the elf
hunter Zhou Yu took the road to the northwest area.
The result was that Cheng Wei and Zhang Jueming met again!
Cheng Wei saw the auxiliary white magician and immediately pressed the keyboard. This
time he didn’t directly use God’s Seal to control Zhang Jueming. Instead, he used the group
attack skill Tidal Surge!
Tidal Surge would cause the group to slow down. He used this skill to prevent Xiao Han
from interfering.
Sure enough, the slow Xiao Han couldn’t catch up and Cheng Wei tried to kill Zhang
Old Zhang was already prepared to be chased by Cheng Wei. Fortunately, this map had
many obstacles. His hand speed wasn’t as good as Cheng Wei but his movements were
flexible. He hid among the trees, forcing Cheng Wei to chase him for a long time. However,
his field of view was blocked by the trees and he had no way to kill the opponent.
Tan Shitian saw this scene from down the road and immediately gave a reminded. “Xiao
Wei, come back and kill the mobs first.”
“Yes…” Cheng Wei had to come back and focus on killing the mobs to make money.
Zhang Jueming saw him going back and couldn’t help typing on the area channel: [You
aren’t going to fight?]
Cheng Wei: […]
Zhang Jueming sent a row of laughing emojis. [Uncle’s legs aren’t good. Thank you for not
chasing me.]
Cheng Wei: […]
Damn, he couldn’t bear it! He watched the bloody white magician moving in front of him
and wanted to get rid of the opponent with God’s Light. Unfortunately, God’s Light had just
been used and was on cooldown.
Tan Shitian said, “He is using the provoking method. Leave him alone.”
Cheng Wei listened to the captain and hid behind the paladin to quickly take care of the
mobs nearby.
Tan Shitian and Xie Shurong didn’t interfere with each other this time. The two people
were too lazy to waste their skills. They walked in front of each other with an ‘I can’t see
you, you don’t see me’ attitude.
Bai Xuan was always on guard against the possibility of Tan Shitian suddenly trying to kill
Ah Shu. The result was that Tan Shitian ignored Xie Shurong from beginning to end. Bai
Xuan followed next to Xie Shurong as a soy sauce until the mobs were cleared and they
returned to the base.
In the northwest wilderness area, the combination of Li Cangyu and Gu Siming met Lu Xiao
and Zhou Yu.
Lu Xiao was a relatively stable player. Like the last game, he didn’t rush when he
encountered them in the wild area. Zhou Yu was even more stable. Apart from setting down
traps to interfere with Gu Siming approaching, he didn’t even kill the mobs and gave all the
resources to Lu Xiao.
Li Cangyu saw this and his heart was like a mirror. It was clear that Tan Shitian changed to
the hunter Zhou Yu in order to have him play an interference role. That’s why Zhou Yu gave
all the economy to Lu Xiao. Once the two teams met, Lu Xiao would assist Tan Shitian in
unleashing attacks.
The presence of a hunter in Time would make the front row players of Canglan pause,
which would affect the advance of the entire team.
The wild mobs were quickly cleared and Li Cangyu pressed the TAB key to view the game’s
Based on the list, Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao were currently leading with their economy. They
both had 1,000 crystal coins, indicating that they didn’t miss a single mob in the early
Cheng Wei and Zhang Jueming had tangled together. This affected the killing of mobs and
no heads were won. Thus, they currently only had 500 coins like Xiao Han.
The difference lay in the healers and front row of both sides.
The Time team’s healer didn’t take a single coin and gave all the resources to Tan Shitian.
On the other hand, Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan divided the resources and both of them had
500 crystal coins.
Time’s paladin Chai Jun didn’t have a single coin while Xiao Gu got 500 coins.
This way, the economy of the Canglan team was more average. Apart from Zhang Jueming
who was slightly lower, the other five people had 500 coins. In the Time team, there was a
clear split of the resources. Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao had 1,000 coins, Cheng Wei had 500
and the hunter, paladin and healer had 0 coins.
Yu Bing also discovered this point. She took advantage of the time when both teams were
returning to the base to quickly explain to the audience, “We know that the number of
mobs that will appear in the wild area is fixed. The Time team gave all the resources from
the wild area to their main outputs. This will allow Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao to occupy the
economic advantage in the early stages and facilitate their violent output in the next group
Kou Hongyi suddenly realized. “Yes, the new system is based on economic warfare. Even if
the two sides didn’t break out fighting in the early stages, the division of resources will
have a great impact on the group fights. Tan Shitian bought a necklace that affects crit rate.
Lu Xiao also chose the same necklace. The two of them should be relying on the crit bonus
to kill people.”
Li Cangyu saw the economic gap and knew that Tan Shitian wanted to use violent kiting
tactics in the first wave of group fighting. They would definitely unleash an onslaught but
fortunately, the Canglan team’s paladin and healer had better equipment than the other
side. They could withstand this output pressure.
Li Cangyu thought this and immediately ordered on the voice channel, “Tan Shitian will
definitely launch a round of assault. We will try not to confront them head on. Xiao Gu and
Xiao Bai, you have to endure it!”
Sure enough, once the ice dragon refreshed, the hunter Zhou Yu placed traps in front so
that Xiao Han and Xie Shurong couldn’t get close. Cheng Wei used the group control skills to
slow down the Canglan team while Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao relied on their range to quickly
shoot at Xie Shurong!
The archers had the equipment bonus and Ah Shu was quickly beaten to residual blood. His
life was about to disappear when Bai Xuan suddenly used Holy Light Surge to recover his
Xie Shurong was excited. It was really great to have a strong milk dad!
Cheng Wei realized that the existence of the healer greatly restricted the plan of Tan and
Lu. He immediately tried to use God’s Seal to control Bai Xuan. However, Xie Shurong
moved sideways and quickly covered Bai Xuan. To everyone’s surprise, Bai Xuan saw Xie
Shurong suddenly rush over and actually took a step to the side.
The audience, “…”
The two commentators were also dazed. Yu Bing couldn’t figure out why Bai Xuan was
hiding. Only Xie Shurong knew that conditioning had kicked in at this key moment!
Xie Shurong endured the urge to swear and helplessly used Light and Shadow Rotation to
forcibly protect his healer.
Bai Xuan found that Ah Shu had come to protect him and smiled slightly. He was sorry for
his conditioned reflexes that made him hide and immediately put a full layer of blood buffs
on Ah Shu.
The two sides fought fiercely for five minutes and couldn’t kill anyone.
Yu Bing couldn’t help sighing. “Player Bai Xuan’s healing ability is too powerful. He can
instantly restore the blood of the teammate that the two Time archers are focused on.
When fighting the Canglan team in the future, you will have to find a way to control the
healer first. Otherwise, Bai Xuan will turn his teammates into undead blood cows!”
Kou Hongyi smiled. “Cheng Wei obviously realized this. Unfortunately, he failed in his
attempt to control Bai Xuan. There is a super bodyguard by the vice-captain’s side.”
The first wave of group fighting dragged out. Bai Xuan ran out of blue and Xie Shurong was
killed. Without any blue, Bai Xuan was also quickly killed. On the Time side, the paladin
Chai Jun and hunter Zhou Yu were killed by Li Cangyu. The two sides completed a 2:2 heads
exchanged and there wasn’t a clear advantage.
Both teams gave up on the ice dragon and returned to their bases.
The audience thought that both sides would launch a second wave over the ice dragon. The
result made the crowd stunned. Once the Canglan team recovered and rushed to the ice
dragon’s refresh point in the southeast region, they found that the Time team wasn’t
Li Cangyu had a bad feeling and instantly ordered, “Quickly kill the ice dragon!”
Xiao Gu pulled the aggro while the other members attacked, causing the ice dragon’s blood
to drop rapidly.
At this point, the Time team had gone to the northwest area under Tan Shitian’s leadership.
The camera switched and it was discovered that the fire dragon had refreshed in the
northwest area. The Time team immediately rushed up while Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao
stayed in the back to kill the fire dragon from a distance!
This unexpected change made many viewers unable to react. Yu Bing excited exclaimed,
“Tan Shitian actually went to steal the fire dragon! It is unexpected. The fire dragon is
harder to kill then the ice dragon but once it is killed, the whole team will get a 10% attack
bonus. This is more useful than the ice dragon’s money bonus!”
Kou Hongyi smiled. “Cat God probably didn’t expect Tan Shitian to be so brave.”
The audience and professional players really didn’t expect Tan Shitian to be so daring.
Generally speaking, teams would accumulate economy, kill the ice dragon to accumulate
more money. Then they would buy enough equipment to hit the fire dragon. Tan Shitian
directly skipped the second stage and went with his teammates to hit the fire dragon. The
shocking thing was that the Time team killed the fire dragon in a thrilling manner!
This was because in the first wave of group fighting, Tan Shitian took the heads of Xie
Shurong and Bai Xuan. The two heads plus the early resources that his teammate gave him
allowed Tan Shitian to sell his necklace and immediately buy a weapon, the Recurve Bow!
This bow was surrounded with a blue light and increased attack speed by 20%. In Tan
Shitian’s hands, the output was almost terrible. Arrows were continuously fired, like a rain
of arrows falling from the sky. The fire dragon was soon killed.
The prompt ‘All stats +10%’ appeared.
Tan Shitian immediately ordered, “Push to the tower first before returning to the city at full
Before the Canglan team rushed over, everyone pushed to the defense towers and then
returned to the city to fill up their blood and blue.
The Time team’s stats bonus was too strong and their kiting tactics played a miraculous
effect. Under the protection of his teammates, Tan Shitian boldly fired and each arrow dealt
30% damage to the fragile classes. He literally became a terrible moving turret.
Once the crystal shattered and the word ‘failure’ popped on the screen, Li Cangyu couldn’t
help smiling. He felt very appreciative of the young captain Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian abandoned the ice dragon and unexpectedly ran to steal the fire dragon. It was
obvious that Tan Shitian’s tactical thinking was flexible but he also had great courage. It
was no wonder that the Time team’s performance never slipped after the retirement of Xu
Luo. There was such a young and promising captain to replace him, making Time worthy of
being called a giant team.
The score on the big screen became 1:1.
It was the intermission again and Xie Shurong helplessly looked at Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain
Bai, when can you change your reflexes? I’m here to protect you. Can you stop hiding?”
Bai Xuan smiled with embarrassment and said, “Next time, next time.”
Li Cangyu saw the two of them chatting and couldn’t help coming after. “Xiao Bai’s
psychological shadow of being chased and killed by Ah Shu 10 times hasn’t been cured.
Therefore, the two of you will play in the arena.”
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu with a bitter expression. Xie Shurong laughed and wrapped
an arm around Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “We will listen to Captain and form a team!”
‘This time, I will definitely protect you,’ Xie Shurong declared in his heart.

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GLS: Chapter 145

Chapter 145 – Canglan VS Time (Arena Battle)

Li Cangyu often had Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong play together in the second division.
However, the strength of the second division wasn’t high and Xie Shurong quickly took care
of the outputs in the front row. Bai Xuan only needed to follow him as a soy sauce.
Today, during the chaos of the game against Time, Xie Shurong suddenly turned back to
him. A scene of the FTD team against the Flying Feathers team flashed through Bai Xuan’s
mind. It was the scene of the swordsman rushing to kill him. Bai Xuan was chased
throughout the whole game and was killed 10 times!
Bai Xuan had often lost since his debut but he only once encountered the tragic situation of
being killed 10 times in one game. He had a psychological shadow towards a swordsman
rushing towards him. Every time he saw a swordsman coming over, he wanted to hide.
Thus, he reflexively hid when Ah Shu rushed over to protect him.
Li Cangyu put them in the arena to cure Bai Xuan of this ‘reflexively hiding from Ah Shu.’
Xie Shurong really wanted to cry. What could he do if his family’s dad treated him as a
He looked at Bai Xuan’s apologetic eyes and the bit of temper he had disappeared. “You
can’t hide when we’re in the arena!”
Bai Xuan smiled apologetically. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong looked at this smile and couldn’t help thinking, ‘His smile is really nice to see.
How can there be such a gentle and beautiful man?’
Bai Xuan saw Ah Shu staring at him and touched his nose with embarrassment. “Don’t stare
angrily at me. Conditioning is hard to change but I will try to overcome it.”
Who was staring angrily? He obviously thought Bai Xuan was handsome… Xie Shurong
immediately removed his gaze and concealed his cough. He asked Li Cangyu, “Cat God, will
Bai Xuan and I come out in the first round? Or do you want the little guys to start first?”
The four teenagers raised their heads at the same time and stared at Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. “This is the first match of the first division. I will give each
player a chance to participate in such a memorable game. Therefore, the four round of the
arena will be… the Zhuo Li combination.”
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes brightened.
Zhuo Hang was more direct and rushed over to hug Li Cangyu. “Cat God, thank you!”
The Zhuo Li combination hadn’t played in the team battle. They had to sit under the stage
and watch their teammates play. Li Xiaojiang wasn’t very talkative but he was looking
forward to playing. Now Li Cangyu gave him this opportunity. He gratefully looked at the
captain and then back at Zhuo Hang. “Zhuo, Zhuo Hang, I want, want to say…”
“Come on!” Zhuo Hang helped him fill the second half of the sentence. He touched Li
Xiaojiang’s hand in a cheer and smiled. “We will win.”
The handsome face in front of him was slightly immature but the confident words made Li
Xiaojiang feel an inexplicable sense of peace. No matter if he won or lost, Zhuo Hang would
accompany him. Their combination might not be strong but they worked hard together.
The Canglan team submitted their lineup while Tan Shitian also submitted the map to the
It was still the Elf Fantasyland. The netizens were mixed about this map being used for all
three games. Yu Bing said calmly, “The Elf Fantasyland map is very beneficial for archers.
The Time team is obviously skilled in this map, making it normal to use it for all three
Kou Hongyi’s gaze was focused on the players list of both sides. “For the first round, the
Canglan team sent Zhuo Hang’s hunter and Li Xiaojiang’s black magician. Time sent Zhou
Yu’s hunter and Lu Xiao’s archer. This way, both hunters can use traps to interfere with the
other. The key to winning or losing depends on the main output.”
Yu Bing examined the data of both sides and said, “Li Xiaojiang is focused on attack but the
speed of his skills release is very slow. Lu Xiao is the strongest elf archer in the league apart
from Tan Shitian. If Lu Xiao relies on his rapid kiting to interrupt Li Xiaojiang’s casting, the
Zhou Li combination will find it difficult to win.”
As they spoke, both teams already appeared on the Elf Fantasyland map.
There wasn’t a ‘田’ field like in the team battles but the map was still in a square structure.
The map had no obvious central area and was covered with trees. It was possible to fight
wherever they wanted and it was also suitable for hide and seek. Fortunately, the map area
was small. Even if a player hid, they could be easily found by the opponents.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang rushed to the middle of the map and didn’t see the opponent’s
figures. A sharp arrow was fired from a distance. Zhuo Hang was in front and lost 10% after
being struck by the arrow.
This wasn’t a high amount of damage but it made Zhuo Hang very uncomfortable. He didn’t
see the enemy at all but was shot with an arrow. It was really depressing!
Su Guangmo sat in the audience and couldn’t help saying, “This kid will probably suffer a
big loss!”
Yu Pingsheng looked over at him with confusion. Su Guangmo saw his curiosity and
couldn’t help confessing, “The Zhuo Hang on the Canglan team, he is my nephew.”
Yu Pingsheng’s face showed a hint of surprise but he didn’t say much. He just nodded and
said, “Oh.”
This brother never liked to talk. He saw and watched the game like an invisible person.
Su Guangmo didn’t explain much and muttered to himself, “The Canglan team shouldn’t
send the Zhou Li combination. This is obviously a disadvantageous situation. What type of
medicine is Cat God selling? The archer’s attack distance is nearly a metre further than the
black magician. As long as the archers attack Li Xiaojiang, he won’t be able to cast his skills
at all.
Yu Pingsheng listened silently and nodded in agreement after listening to his brother.
Su Guangmo looked over at him. “Do you think Cat God is using this opportunity to train
Zhuo Hang’s psychological quality?”
Yu Pingsheng thought for a moment before replying, “Yes.”
“…” Su Guangmo felt helpless. He thought so long just to say one word?
Yu Pingsheng’s communication issues were serious but Su Guangmo still liked to talk to
him. It was great so see him seriously speaking after a long time. Su Guangmo couldn’t help
smiling as he patted Yu Pingsheng’s shoulder. “I also think that Cat God should be giving
these two teenagers a chance to play in the first match.”
As the two people were chatting, the Zhuo Li combination had completely fallen into a
Sure enough, it was as Su Guangmo said. The archer Lu Xiao was very clever and stared at
Li Xiaojiang to interrupt the black magic casting. Li Xiaojiang’s big moves couldn’t be
released and the archer repeatedly consumed his blood. Li Xiaojiang’s blood gradually fell
below the safe value.
Zhuo Hang had no choice. If the opponents were a melee class then he could use traps to
limit them. However, the opponents were ranged classes. In addition, the archer had the
longest attack distance. Zhuo Hang couldn’t get close to Lu Xiao and was hunted by the
other person. Zhou Yu also restricted him and he couldn’t act freely.
Zhuo Hang saw that Li Xiaojiang’s blood was decreasing and felt powerless.
It was a really bad feeling.
Xiao Li was going to die but Zhou Hang couldn’t do anything. Instead, he was entangled by
the opposite side’s hunter and couldn’t get away. He still wasn’t strong enough to protect
Xiao Li?
Once the news of Lu Xiao killing Li Xiaojiang popped up on the screen, Zhuo Hang tried his
best to explode the hunter’s traps and wiped out the blood of Zhou Yu before he was killed
by Lu Xiao.
Li Xiaojiang didn’t play much of a role and Zhuo Hang was no match for the veteran hunter.
When the two of them were sent off, the archer Lu Xiao still had 70% blood left while the
hunter Zhou Yu had 30% blood.
The first combination in the arena could be said to be a big defeat for Canglan.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang walked off the stage together. Li Xiaojiang seemed very
unhappy. Although Zhuo Hang was depressed, he gently held Li Xiaojiang’s hand and
comforted him. “Don’t worry, Brother Shu is after us. There is also Cat God. We can win.”
Li Xiaojiang sullenly followed him back to the seats and sat down. Li Cangyu glanced at the
two of them and didn’t say anything. He let Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan prepare to play.
The Canglan team sent the Shu Bai combination for the second round ot eh arena. This
combination often appeared during the team battle but this was the first time they fought
together in the arena. Both of them were ace players, giving some confidence to the fans of
Xie Shurong had played in the competition for many years. No matter the situation, he
could calmly deal with it. The disadvantage that he and Bai Xuan had was very serious but
he played steadily in the face of the Lu Xiao and Zhou Yu combination.
He didn’t rush forward like Xiao Gu nor was he suppressed like Xiao Li. Ah Shu was Ah Shu.
He was steady but still sharp!
He was no longer the younger brother of the Three Musketeers who chased the healer. His
style was mature and stable. Xie Shurong holding the sword to kill the enemy was a general
from head to toe.
Bai Xuan was at a distance where they could respond to each other.
The hunter Zhou Yu placed a lot of traps to interfere with Xie Shurong but Xie Shurong was
quite calm. With his rich competition experience, he bypassed the control traps and
stepped on the aggressive Death Trap. He didn’t fear this trap because after he stepped on
it, Bai Xuan immediately gave him blood, making him a blood-filled tree.
The presence of a milk dad in the arena made him think of only one word: cool!
Xie Shurong had Bai Xuan cover him and didn’t need to worry as he rushed forward. He
first cleaned up Zhou Yu’s blood and then cut at Lu Xiao with his sword. His actions were
handsome and chic.
The archer was particularly disgusting when attacking from a long distance. However, once
a melee class got close to it, the fragile archer would be beaten without being able to take
care of themselves.
Lu Xiao now tasted what Li Xiaojiang felt. He was beaten by Xie Shurong but tears couldn’t
In any case, there were teammates behind him. Lu Xiao made a dying struggle by throwing
all his big moves at Xie Shurong before he was helplessly killed by Xie Shurong.
There was a break of one minute for the next team to come on. Xie Shurong took this time
to relax his fingers and he turned back to Bai Xuan. “Do I look good? Isn’t 1v2 handsome?”
Bai Xuan smiled and praised him. “Yes, you are the most handsome person. Keep going.”
Xie Shurong laughed at Bai Xuan’s praise and patted Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “Vice-Captain,
thank you for your praise.”
If he had a tail behind him, it would be wagging a long time ago. Bai Xuan always felt
helpless towards this guy. He felt that Ah Shu was even more childish than the four
teenagers of the Canglan team combined. It was terrible when his IQ dropped down to a
kindergarten level!
The break was very short and the second Time combination was soon sent on. It was the
double archer combination.
Liang Sijie and Liang Deyuan were a pair of famous elf archers. They were both surnamed
Liang but they had no blood relationship. It was also a coincident that both of them loved to
play archers.
The two of them were newcomers in the training camp the year that Tan Shitian debuted.
Once Xu Luo retired and handed over the captain’s position to Tan Shitian, Tan Shitian felt
that he could raise a pair of elf archers with a tacit understanding. The two people could be
sent to the team battles and the arena, it was the best of both worlds.
Thus, he took the two of them to the fifth season’s regular season and trained them.
The two of them were only 18 years old and had been raised by Tan Shitian. This year, the
system changed to a pairs arena and they came in handy.
In the second round, the Liang double combination appeared as Li Cangyu expected. He
sent Shu and Bai in the second round to use Ah Shu’s assault ability to break up the archer
Shu and Bai had consumed only 10% of their blue to kill the first combination. Due to the
presence of the powerful milk dad Bai Xuan, both of them had full blood.
The two players quickly met in the central area of the map. Liang Sejie relied on the elf’s
Breaking Wind Arrow to cross the tree obstacles, firing at Xie Shurong from a distance. His
teammate Liang Deyuan cooperated with him to release arrows. Before long, Xie Shurong
had been shot to half blood.
However, there was the milk dad behind him. Xie Shurong didn’t worry about dying. Sure
enough, a beam of white light hit his body and Xie Shurong was full of blood again.
The Time duo, “…”
Damn, bringing a milk dad to the arena was a bug!
The two of them realized it was useless to hit Xie Shurong and concentrated on killing Bai
Bai Xuan was very clever. He saw that the other team changed targets and immediately ran.
His survivability was enough to call him a cockroach, especially in this forest terrain. He hid
and occasionally filled up his blood. It wasn’t that easy to kill him!
The other team focused on killing the healer which facilitated Xie Shurong’s output.
He used the swordsman’s big move, Light and Shadow Rotation to cut a lot of blood from
the two archers.
Thus, it changed to the scene of ‘you chasing me.’ Bai Xuan ran in the front, the archers
chased behind him while Xie Shurong chased the archers…
Bai Xuan wisely ran around the forest. The Time team originally wanted to kite him but the
result was that Bai Xuan turned it back on them. The comments of the live broadcast were
filled with: [Milk Dad 6666!]
Bai Xuan could run around to save his live but this wasn’t a long-term solution. It was
because his blue was limited. Filling up his blood would make the consumption of blue very
severe. He would be slaughtered once he ran out of blue.
Bai Xuan thought about it and said on the voice channel, “I can last up to 10 seconds. You
try to take care of the two people at once.”
Xie Shurong nodded. “No problem!”
At this time, Bai Xuan was hunted by the two archers down to residual blood. He struggled
to support himself but his blue was only enough to last him a short time. Bai Xuan quickly
circled a big tree. The two archers looked at the healer with only a trace of blood left and
naturally refused to let him go. The big move Death Arrow Rain fell down on Bai Xuan,
turning him into a hedgehog.
He only had 3% blood left. One more ordinary attack could wipe him out!
However, Bai Xuan used Holy Light Surge on himself and rescued his bloody self.
The two archers followed with rapid shooting, forcing Bai Xuan’s blood to 5%. He was
about to die but… Bai Xuan used his last bit of blue to heal himself.
‘I can still save myself.’
This was the message that Bai Xuan revealed to the audience. The audience watching the
game felt helpless. This Xiao Bai really wouldn’t die!
The two Time archers were extremely aggravated. Liang Deyuan couldn’t stand it anymore
and fired another shot. The residual blood Vice-Captain Bai was finally sent away.
Finally killing the blood cow healer… this was the bitter feeling of a submissive daughter-
in-law becoming a domineering mother-in-law!
The two of them were feeling happen when a sword slipped behind them. It was the
swordsman’s big Light and Shadow Rotation!
Xie Shurong hadn’t moved in order to let the two people relax their vigilance as well as
waiting for the cooldown to end. Bai Xuan died the moment the cooldown of his big move
ended. Xie Shurong rushed over and his sword waved, directly cutting at the two fragile
Their blood was forcibly decreased to 30%. Xie Shurong froze one of them with Spirit Lock
and then used Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to kill the other. Then he
returned to kill the remaining person. He was an unstoppable force!
The archer was cut by the swordsman. He tried his best to fight back but eventually fell
under Xie Shurong’s sword.
Ah Shu once again killed two people in a row and looked over at Bai Xuan with a laugh.
“Seeking praise.”
Bai Xuan smiled helplessly. “You are so handsome that the world will weep.”
“…” Xie Shurong ignored the second half and focused on the keyword ‘handsome.’ He
touched his chin and watched Bai Xuan’s smile, feeling extremely satisfied.
He knew that Bai Xuan had tried his best to delay the time to create an opportunity for Xie
Shurong. It was for the cooldown of the swordsman’s big move to be over.
This person was always considerate and careful. He would struggle to give his teammates a
few more seconds before dying.
Xie Shurong used to think that Bai Xuan was a very reliable milk dad. Now he realized that
Bai Xuan was an excellent e-sports player.
Vice-Captain Bai had stayed with Li Cangyu for the past few years, quietly encouraging and
supporting Li Cangyu. This tenacity was very difficult. He wasn’t as radiant on the field as
Cat God but he always gave his teammates the most timely support at crucial moments.
This man was careful and considerate, but also powerful enough to make people unable to
In recent years, the team’s performance had been bad. He worked hard to help Li Cangyu
deal with internal affairs while also comforting the depressed members, eventually gaining
a serious stomach illness…
Xie Shurong suddenly felt distressed for Bai Xuan. Such a dedicated vice-captain and tough
person was actually a player worthy of respect.
Xie Shurong saw the smile on Bai Xuan’s face and thought it was great that he joined
Canglan. Otherwise, how could he find such a treasure?

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GLS: Chapter 146

Chapter 146 – Canglan VS Time (End)

The Shu Bai combination was really powerful and completely reversed the Canglan team’s
disadvantage in the early stages of the arena. Xie Shurong took care of the Zhou Lu
combination, followed by the double archers of Time. He might not have much blood left
but he successfully completed his mission on the arena.
Now it was up to Cat God.
Xie Shurong easily placed his hands on his keyboard and patiently waited for the Time
team’s guards to play.
On the big screen, the IDs of the opponents for the third round were quickly revealed: Ten
Days and Only Dedication. Time sent their ace combination of Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei in
the key guarding stage, which everyone expected.
The two people refreshed on the Elf Fantasyland map. Tan Shitian quickly found Xie
Shurong’s position and relied on the bard’s attack distance and quick archery to kill Xie
Xie Shurong wasn’t easily slaughtered. He learned from Vice-Captain Bai’s ‘I can still save
myself’ and deliberately moved around several big trees, interfering with Tan Shitian’s field
of view. Despite his low blood, he incredibly lived for a full half a minute.
At the same time, he used the swordsman’s pursuit footwork to rush to Cheng Wei. He used
his remaining amount of blue to release the single attack skill, Devouring Soul Sword. The
long sword in his hand stabbed straight forward and Cheng Wei’s blood decreased by
nearly 10%.
Cheng Wei was grumpy after being hit. He thought in his heart, ‘How come this tree isn’t
dead yet? Come on, die! I want to see Cat God!’ Cheng Wei used the white magic attack skill
God’s Light to directly send Ah Shu away.
[Only Dedication has killed Ah Shu!]
This made the fans of the Time team cheer excitedly. The combination of Shu and Bai finally
ended. It took so long to send away these cockroaches who wouldn’t die. It wasn’t easy!
Once Xie Shurong died, he immediately ran to Bai Xuan and looked at him seriously. “I only
had a bit of blood left and decreased Cheng Wei’s blood by 10%. Aren’t I amazing?”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help laughing. For such a big person, his IQ always returned to the
kindergarten level. This expression of ‘seeking praise’ was even more childish than Zhuo
Bai Xuan still extended a hand to touch Ah Shu’s head and said, “You are really amazing, too
Xie Shurong was comforted by these gentle hands. He pushed his head against Vice-Captain
Bai’s hand to maintain the touch. Vice-Captain Bai retracted his hand, making Xie Shurong
feel inexplicably lost.
If it wasn’t for the presence of so many teammates, he would’ve hugged Bai Xuan in his
arms. This person was the kindest man he ever had contact with.
Once the Shu and Bai combination left the scene, the next stage was the exciting guard
Everyone believed that Cat God would appear but they didn’t know who Cat God would
bring as a partner.
In the VIP seats, Qin Mo couldn’t help asking, “Vice-Captain Ya, do you think Cat God will
bring Old Zhang or Xiao Han?” He personally hoped that Cat God would take Xiao Han to
the field because he wanted to see more of this mixed-race boy’s performance.
Yan Ruiwen sat next to Qin Mo and immediately replied to the question. “You have to ask
the captain. The captain can certainly guess it.” He looked over at Ling Xuefeng as he said
this. “Captain Ling, which partner do you think Cat God will take?”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate. “He will take Xiao Han.”
Qin Mo looked at his master with surprise. “Why? Old Zhang is an old player. Wouldn’t he
be more stable in the competition?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “Zhang Jueming’s auxiliary is more stable but Xiao Han’s attack is
stronger. It will be hard to play against the Tan Cheng combination without a melee.
Besides, he will give new people more opportunities to train in the regular season.”
Qin Mo suddenly realized, “Ah!”
If a dual remote combination was used against Tan Cheng, it would be easy to be dragged
into Tan Shitian’s pace because of the archer’s far distance. Xiao Han’s assassin was agile
and he had the stealth skill. He could look for opportunities to interfere with the
opponent’s output, also giving Li Cangyu more opportunities to break out with his output.
Ling Xuefeng’s analysis was natural but it was more based on his understanding of Li
The Canglan team’s guard combination soon appeared on the big screen: Old Cat, Frost
Sure enough, it was the combination of Cat God and the mixed-race teenager.
Qin MO couldn’t help lamenting. Master really understood Cat God. It would be good if he
could guess Cat God’s thoughts later in the game against Wind Colour.
As Qin Mo thought this, Li Cangyu and Xiao Han had already appeared in the lower left
corner of the map.
The master and teacher had a high understanding. Xiao Han used the assassin’s Nightfall
stealth skill to walk in front. Li Cangyu followed him. In order to prevent the invisible
assassin from being hit by Tan Shitian, Li Cangyu asked Xiao Han to change his route and go
from the side.
Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian saw that Li Cangyu was coming over. The elf summoner with
the ID of Old Cat wore the uniform of the elves, which was white with green
embellishments. It looked very chic and elegant.
When he walked quickly, it was like a white and green wind blew in front of their eyes. This
made the opponent difficult to accurately aim at his position.
There were no pets beside him. Cheng Wei might be a fierce and impatient child but he was
hit by Cat God’s acting skills in the first team battle. He naturally learned his lesson and
didn’t act rashly.
Li Cangyu swayed in front of the two people for a while and found that Tan Cheng weren’t
acting. He doubtfully typed in the area channel: [Can’t you see me?]
Cheng Wei, “…”
‘We can see you but don’t want to hit you in case it is a trap!’
Cheng Wei endured the urge to go to his soundproof room to bite him. Then he asked Tan
Shitian, “Do we kill Xiao Han first?”
Tan Shitian smiled and said, “Yes, wait for Xiao Han to show up first before killing him.”
The thoughts of the two men were very clear. They would first take care of the assassin that
interfered with the remote output then deal with Cat God in a 2v1 manner. This would
increase the odds.
In order to prevent an assassin from going behind him, Tan Shitian quickly took a few steps
in front of Cheng Wei and placed his back to Cheng Wei. They stood back to back, allowing
Xiao Han no way to assassinate them. No matter which direction he came from, Tan Shitian
or Cheng Wei could always see him.
Li Cangyu appreciated Tan Shitian’s wit but Xiao Han wasn’t in a rush. The audience could
see that Xiao Han was hiding behind a tree not far away, waiting quietly for an opportunity.
Li Cangyu summoned the fire and thunder spirits.
In order to prevent Xiao Han’s assassination, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were in a back to
back position. This allowed them to defend against Xiao Han but put them in Li Cangyu’s
attack range. Li Cangyu naturally wouldn’t be polite. He used Thunder’s Wrath to hit both
of then and then fired a Fireball at Tan Shitian.
Cheng Wei exclaimed, “Let’s hit back!”
Cheng Wei couldn’t bear to be beaten anymore and used the big white magic spell, God’s
A white light beam fell from the sky and covered a five metre range around Li Cangyu. This
white magic group attack skill had extremely high damage, forcing Li Cangyu to lose 30%
blood and the fire spirit was directly killed.
Li Cangyu wasn’t in a hurry. He summoned the water spirit and used the small attacks to
consume Tan Shitian. The water spirit’s attacks caused a deceleration effect along with the
damage. Tan Shitian was hit by three consecutive attacks and the deceleration effect was
overlapped. He couldn’t keep up and Li Cangyu disappeared.
Xiao Han still hadn’t emerged but it wouldn’t be easy to find an invisible assassin in the
dense forest. Who knew where Xiao Han was hiding? It wasn’t worthy it if they missed the
chance to kill Cat God in order to block Xiao Han.
Tan Shitian took the initiative and ordered, “Kill Cat God first!”
Cheng Wei heard the captain’s instructions and immediately let out God’s Light and Voice
of Combat! The series of white magic spells headed towards Li Cangyu. Tan Shitian
followed by using big moves—Shock Shot, Seize Life Shot, Death Arrow Rain!
The Tan Cheng combination was really terrible. The white light effect of the spells and the
green light of the bard’s skills mixed together, bursting around Li Cangyu like fireworks.
Li Cangyu relied on his superb movement skills to avoid a few of them. However, he was
still hit by the locked on attack and group skills, instantly lowering his blood!
Cat God’s blood was very dangerous but to the surprise of the audience, he was still calm.
Meanwhile, Xiao Han stayed hidden at a tree near Tan Cheng.
Tan Shitian knew clearly that Cat God had a plan with Xiao Han. However, he saw Cat God’s
blood in front of him and believed that no player in the league would let Cat God go!
If he didn’t kill the witty Cat God in one breath, he would be affected by the endless
Tan Shitian thought this and immediately pulled the longbow in his hand, using the bard’s
strongest single target attack skill, Precise Aim and Seize Life Shot!
The bard’s Precise Aim was like the killer’s Death Mark. It was a skill that marked the
opponent. Once the opponent was hit again, the damage of Seize Life Shot would double!
This shot hit and Li Cangyu had only 10% blood left!
Cheng Wei was excited and his heartbeat accelerated. Cat God’s blood was flashing red and
he would soon die! Could he finally kill Cat God in the arena?
Cheng Wei thought this and immediately followed up with the big move Ice Storm.
The Time fans were ready to cheer…
However, the prompt about Old Cat being killed didn’t pop up on the screen.
The audience took a closer look and found that there was a human type guard by Li
Cangyu’s side. The guard was wearing gold armour and holding a shield of light, looking
The Time fans were stunned while Yu Bing smiled and explained, “Cat God rarely summons
the guardian. In the previous second division, he basically only used the elf’s water, fire and
thunder spirits to kill the opponents. Today is the first time his guardian appeared on the
Kou Hongyi also sighed. “The timing was excellent. Just after Tan Shitian’s big move, Cat
God chose to summon the guardian to forcibly resist the follow-up white magic.”
Yu Bing seemed to think of something, her eyes drifting for a moment before her spirit
returned. “Summoners have a total of seven pets. Four of them are race-specific pets and
there are three public pets. In other words, skills that all summoners can learn. The
guardian is public pet. Captain Ling’s demon summoner and Qin Mo’s blood kin summoner
can also use it. However, public pets have few skills and summoning them consumes a lot of
blue. In general, summoners prefer the racial pets and rarely call out the public pets.”
The public pets appeared too few times that Cheng Wei was careless and forgot that Li
Cangyu had this guardian. The existence of the guardian was equivalent to three seconds of
invincibility. Cheng Wei had just consumed a large amount of blue on Ice Storm only for it
to be resisted.
Cheng Wei wanted to spit out blood!
To make matters worse, Xiao Han finally appeared!
This boy had felt very suffocated. In accordance with his master’s orders, he kept hiding
and waited for an opportunity. It wasn’t until Li Cangyu managed to successfully consume
the two men’s big moves that he decisively jumped towards Tan Shitian. He raised his
dagger and used the blood kin assassin’s set of moves to ruthlessly strike at Tan Shitian.
Death Mark, Soul Stab, Arc Stab, Shadow Stab, Fatal Blow!
Tan Shitian had been slowly grinded to half blood by Li Cangyu. Once Xiao Han unleashed
these moves, Tan Shitian instantly fell to less than 10% blood!
The blood of both captains flashed red and it depended on who would kill the other person
Tan Shitian immediately used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move away from Xiao Han.
Xiao Han saw his actions and aimed at the nearby Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei had wanted to use
God’s Seal to control him but Xiao Han used Soul Stab to interrupt him.
Tan Shitian quickly ran out of Xiao Han’s attack range and aimed his bow at Li Cangyu.
He had been chasing Li Cangyu the whole time and only had a bit of blue left. It was enough
to use one skill. However, Li Cangyu had less than 10% health left. As long as this skill hit,
Cat God would die.
Seize Life Shot!
The bow string elongated and the arrow was about to be fired!
The league’s strongest archer, as long as this move hit, it was unquestionable that Li
Cangyu would die.
To the surprise of the audience… Tan Shitian wasn’t able to shoot his arrow.
Li Cangyu had started summoning his fire spirit, water spirit, thunder spirit and wind spirit
the moment Tan Shitian escaped from Xiao Han’s attack.
He methodically called out his four favourite elf pets and then pressed the R key on the
This was his summoner’s big move. He didn’t use it in the second division because the
teams were weaker. Today, he was ready to bring back the big move to the Miracle League
on the Time team’s young captain.
Once this skill was pressed, there was a sudden explosion in the forest. It was a big water,
fire, thunder and wind cataclysm that had the widest range and the most terrible damage.
The water spirit’s ice attribute attack, the fire spirit’s Fireball, the thunder spirit’s thunder
strike and the wind spirit’s wind attacks united together, resulting in an attack with
multiple attributes and double the area damage!
The moment this move was pressed, Tan Shitian hadn’t fired the arrow yet and he fell to
the ground in an instant.
[Old Cat has killed Ten Days!]
Cheng Wei was also uncomfortable. He was hit by Xiao Han and only had half his blood left.
Then he was affected by Cat God’s Cataclysm and his blood fell to 40%. His blood strip also
started flashing red.
Li Cangyu ordered, “Xiao Han, I’ll leave him to you.”
Once Cataclysm was used, all his skills were on cooldown. Li Cangyu immediately turned
and hid behind a tree. Xiao Han immediately used a set of combos to wipe out Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei struggled to kill Li Cangyu and as a result, Li Cangyu hid behind a tree. Cheng
Wei couldn’t reach for a while and only had a bit of blood left once he finally arrived in
front of Li Cangyu. He wanted to use a white magic spell to remove Cat God’s residual blood
but Li Cangyu reacted quickly. As soon as Cheng Wei appeared, he killed Xiao Wei with two
common attacks that didn’t require casting.
[Old Cat has killed Only Dedication!]
This scene was really unbearable. It was like Cheng Wei had a layer of blood left and took
the initiative to run to Cat God to die…
Cheng Wei really wanted to vomit out blood.
He couldn’t bear it anymore and typed on the area channel: [You are too cunning!]
Li Cangyu smiled: [All is fair in war.]
[…] Cheng Wei sent a row of ellipses before spitting out: [Nasty Cataclysm!]
Li Cangyu sent a touching head emoji.
On the big screen, the victory subtitle popped out. The match of Canglan VS Time was over
and the score was determined to be 2:1.
Many audience members couldn’t recover their spirits.
Yu Bing looked at the unexpected score and couldn’t help saying, “Cat God’s Cataclysm, this
is a big move that only elf summoners can use. It hasn’t appeared in the Miracle League for
three years…”
She held back her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself down. “The conditions for
Cataclysm are very harsh. First of all, the summoning and skills of the four pets can’t be on
cooldown. Secondly, the player must summon all four pets in a short amount of time and
allow them to complete the Cataclysm combo. Once the Cataclysm combo is over, all pet
skills are no longer available. This skill has many preconditions and there are serious
consequences after its release. However, if the right timing is grasped, this powerful group
attack skill is likely to reverse the situation in an instant.”
Kou Hongyi was dazed for a moment before covering. He sighed, “The elf summoner’s
Cataclysm, it had long been a legend by the time I entered the circle. Today I was fortunate
enough to witness it. Sure enough, it is terrible!”
Yu BIng smiled. “This is our strongest elf summoner Cat God. Only he can complete this
complicated operation and use his four pets to achieve the best results.”
Kou Hongyi excitedly exclaimed, “He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.
If we look at the replay, we can see that after the Tan Cheng combination, Cat God didn’t
summon his pets again. Instead, he relied on his flexible walking and movement skills to
consume Tan Shitian. At the last moment, he released it to reverse the situation! Amazing!”
This evaluation was what many fans were feeling at this time.
The Canglan was the away team against Time. Without knowing the mode and map
selected, many fans felt that it was acceptable for Cat God to lose all three games. After all,
the first match was an away match and there were many newcomers in the team…
However, Cat God relied on his delicate tactical layout and big output break at key
moments to successfully reverse the situation twice, winning with an unexpected score of
Many of Li Cangyu’s long-time loyal fans were so excited that they shed tears.
After experiencing so many twists and turns, this man could still calmly handle the game,
bring such wonderful and exciting scenes.
Cataclysm, it was just a skill…
But only Li Cangyu had a good grasp of this skill.
Many elf summoners in the online game would blindly use Cataclysm and then become a
slaughtered fish afterwards. Some people were confused by the preconditions and often
couldn’t release it.
Cat God was different. The cooldown time of each pet and how much blue was consumed by
each skill. These materials were deeply imprinted in the depths of his bone marrow. Thus,
he was able to easily use Cataclysm despite being away from Miracle for three years.
Counterattacking at the last moment, this was Cat God’s style.
The camera aimed at the Canglan team. Li Cangyu calmly stood up and spread open his
arms with a smile. The four teenagers rushed to hold him and celebrate their first victory.
Under the stage, Ling Xuefeng saw this scene and his eyes became hot.
He still had some worries before the game. Perhaps Li Cangyu would be pressured by the
newcomers and not play well? Facts proved that Li Cangyu was a strong and courageous
captain. Regardless of the team battle mode or arena mode, he would smoothly finish the
game according to his own ideas. Winning or losing didn’t have an effect on his
psychological state.
He enjoyed the game and loved the Miracle League.
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu hugging the four newcomers in celebrating and couldn’t help
smiling slightly. The elf’s Cataclysm that had disappeared for a long time finally appeared
again. The player who once left with regret finally stood in the posture of the ‘return of the
king’ in the Miracle League’s seventh season.

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GLS: Chapter 147

Chapter 147 – Post-Match Interview
Li Cangyu wrote his signature on the form handed over by the referee and took his
teammates to the opposite soundproof room to shake hands with the members of the Time
As soon as he entered the soundproof room, he saw Cheng Wei’s sullen face. Li Cangyu
smiled slightly and walked up to him, rubbing his head. “Are you still depressed?”
Cheng Wei suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Cangyu. “You are too cunning!”
There was almost fire coming from the clear eyes and his cheeks were also bulging. His
emotional state looked a bit cute. Li Cangyu’s smile deepened and he rubbed Cheng Wei’s
head in a counterclockwise manner. He told Cheng Wei bluntly, “I have to be cunning on the
field. Otherwise, how can I win against you?”
Cheng Wei, “…”
How was this possible? There was no need to abuse him to win!
Cheng Wei continued to stare at Li Cangyu, who softened and straightened out the
disorderly hair. “The next match at Canglan’s home, you can try to win against me.”
Cheng Wei immediately formed a fist and vowed, “That’s for certain!”
Li Cangyu turned around and saw Tan Shitian coming to shake his hand.
Tan Shitian was very calm compared to Cheng Wei. Despite the unexpected score of 1:2 at
home, the young captain didn’t show any disappointment. Instead, he smiled and reached
out his hand. “Congratulations on Cat God’s victory.”
Li Cangyu shook hands with him and said, “Captain Tan is very polite.”
The two people exchanged greetings and the players on both teams shook hands. Then Li
Cangyu took his teammates back to Canglan’s soundproof room.
In order to cooperate with the media’s publicity, the Miracle League asked that all teams in
the first division send at least two players to attend the post-match interview.
Today was Canglan’s first match. Li Cangyu thought about it and decided to bring Bai Xuan,
Xie Shurong and Xiao Han to the interview. The combination of Bai and Shu played well in
this match and Xiao Han’s performance was very bright. Li Cangyu also wanted to take the
opportunity to introduce his apprentice to the reporters. The remaining four were led by
Uncle Zhang to a good restaurant where they could freely order what they wanted.
There was an interview room specially arranged backstage and the Time team was
interviewed first. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were the only ones to attend. The two people
received a camera flash baptism as soon as they arrived.
A female reporter stood up and asked, “The Time team played a 1:2 score at home. I believe
that Captain Tan isn’t satisfied with this result. Can you analyze it for us? What do you think
is the key reason for your loss in the fist game and the third game?”
Tan Shitian smiled and said, “We lost the first game because Cat God’s tactics were too
unexpected. I didn’t realize the threatening the east while striking in the west strategy and
fell into the trap he set.” Tan Shitian paused as he stared calmly at the reporters. Then he
continued, “In the third game, I wanted to wait for the best time in the early stage. As a
result, I wasted time and gave Cat God an opportunity. Moreover, this was the first time I
played against Cat God and didn’t notice him setting up for Cataclysm. I let him open this
skill at the critical moment. I was too careless.”
Cheng Wei heard him say this and couldn’t help feeling a bit sour.
Since taking over as captain of Time, Tan Shitian always smiled and shouldered all
responsibilities whenever the Time team lost and were interviewed. His popularity was
very high but there were still people who blamed him.
Previously, Cheng Wei hadn’t thought there was anything wrong with this. However, after
he was scolded by Cat God at the Carnival, he discovered that he was actually an
unqualified vice-captain.
In the past few years, he hadn’t done anything for the team. Even Lu Xiao was responsible
for the training of newcomers while all Cheng Wei did was play the game, train and go out
to play when he was idle…
He never helped Tan Shitian so was he truly the vice-captain of Time?
How could he hide like a coward behind Tan Shitian whenever he was in trouble?
Cheng Wei took a deep breath, picked up the microphone and said, “I also made a lot of
mistakes in this match.”
The reporters were immediately caught by him and Tan Shitian also looked over at him.
Cheng Wei continued, “For example, when Cat God used a big move against me, I
immediately hit back and didn’t notice there were two teammates missing behind him. In
the arena in the third game, I clearly knew that Cat God’s strongest skill is Cataclysm.
However, I was too excited chasing him and ignored the cooldown of his pet summoning
“In fact, in the third game, I should’ve used more control skills to interfere with him while
leaving the output to Captain Tan. Cat God’s movement techniques are first-class. Many
skills can’t hit him if he isn’t controlled. I didn’t complete the task of a white magician to
control the opponent. Instead, I allowed Captain Tan to waste a lot of output. This is the key
to why we failed to kill Cat God.”
“In addition, at the end we both had less than 10% blood left. I was too anxious to kill Cat
God and didn’t accurately read my key skills. Instead, I was killed by him. This is also my
“After this match, I won’t be so impulsive. I’ll try to calm down and observe my opponent’s
cooldown time, taking advantage of any opportunities that show up.”
Cheng Wei seriously looked at the reporters. “I’m done. Please unleash your criticisms.”
Tan Shitian, “…”
The reporters, “…”
The venue was suddenly silent.
Many reporters wondered if Cheng Wei was possessed by someone else. Had their souls
changed bodies? Why did his personality suddenly change?
In previous post-match interviews, Cheng Wei’s answers were generally, “Our Time team is
the strongest!” “I think we will definitely win the next match.” “Today was very enjoyable to
play!” He shouted the same words.
Today, not only did he seriously analyze the game, he self-reflected in front of everyone…
It felt like an emotional cat suddenly lying in front of them and saying earnestly, “I was
He looked very serious but they couldn’t help wanting to rub his head and bully him.
The reporters could only think this but Tan Shitian put the thought into action. He reached
out to gently pat Cheng Wei’s head and said softly, “Not all the blame can be put on you. You
haven’t played against Cat God in a long time. We both neglected his outbreaks and
unpredictable tactics. It is enough that you are aware of your shortcomings and will
continue to improve in the next match.”
Cheng Wei immediately nodded in agreement. “Yes, that’s right!”
Tan Shitian stared at him and the positive emotions in his eyes deepened. It seemed that
Cheng Wei’s mentality had stabilized through this match. Cat God returned to Miracle with
new teammates. It was time for the boy who idolized him to grow up.
The reporters saw Tan Shitian gently touch Cheng Wei’s head and felt touched. The feelings
between Tan and Cheng were really good!
A male reporter stood up and asked, “Captain Tan, how would you evaluate Cat God after
this match?”
Tan Shitian retracted his hand and smiled. “Cat God is an admirable contestant. Whether it
is his firm will that made him not give up after twists and turns or his calm attitude in the
game, I really admire him. Moreover, his hand speed is in the first-class standards. In
particular, the outbreak of the Cataclysm skill is very handsome.”
Cheng Wei listened to Tan Shitian praising Cat God and couldn’t help smiling. “Yes, very
The reporters, “…”
‘Vice-Captain Cheng, do you only exist as a prop to be attached to Captain Tan? Mindlessly
nodding next to him, don’t you know that you look silly and foolish?’
Tan Shitian was very fond of Cheng Wei sitting next to him and echoing him. This feeling of
‘following the husband’ was great.
Backstage, Li Cangyu heard the interview and couldn’t help smiling. “Since Tan Shitian
praised me so much, I will praise him later.”
In the interview with the Canglan team, a reporter asked, “Cat God, when I was
interviewing Time, Tan Shitian said that you are a very admirable player. Then what do you
think of the young captain of Time?”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to praise Tan Shitian. “As the youngest captain of the Miracle
League, Tan Shitian has a good temper and a sense of humour. He doesn’t put on airs and
writes small stories on Weibo. He is very calm on the field and can smile whether he wins
or loses. Such a young and promising captain, I really have no problems with him.”
The reporters, “…”
Did the two of them give red envelopes to each other? What was this feeling of being
‘trusted’ by the other person?
The reporter asked again, “Then what does Cat God think about Cheng Wei, the vice-captain
of Time?”
Cheng Wei immediately pricked up his ears, wanting to ear Cat God praise him. As a result,
Li Cangyu just smiled and said, “Cheng Wei? His hair is very soft. It is no wonder why
Captain Tan likes to touch his head.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
‘You won’t praise me? Boast about my keen responses, amazing outbreak and first-class
operations! What do you mean by my hair is soft? Is soft hair a compliment? I’m going to
become a black fan!’
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s exasperated look and couldn’t help touching his head.
‘Cat God is right. His hair is really soft!’
After getting Li Cangyu’s opinion on the Time team, the reporters changed the topic. “The
Canglan team won the first match with a score of 2:1 at an away match. What does Cat God
want to say to the fans?”
Li Cangyu answered decisively, “Today we managed to win two games. Apart from the
tactics that surprised Time, some of it was due to luck. After today’s match, my Cataclysm
will certainly attract the attention of other teams. The next match might not be so lucky. I
hope that all fans supporting Canglan will be able to treat the next match with a normal
“There is still a long way for Canglan to go. You just have to believe that no matter how
much difficulties we encounter, the eight players of Canglan will definitely try their best to
reach the finish line.”
His eyes were very calm and every word he spoke was worthy of a person who was a
captain. His aura wasn’t ordinary when he talked business.
The meaning of these words were obvious. Even if Canglan lost, people shouldn’t rush to
scold them. No matter how many ups and downs there were on the road, Li Cangyu would
firmly walk forward with his teammates.
The reporters at the venue excitedly applauded the return of the old player.
Once the applause ended, another reporter glanced at the mixed-race boy sitting next to Li
Cangyu and asked, “Xiao Han, many people are curious about your origins. Can you tell
everyone where you are from?”
Xiao Han replied seriously, “I am a Chinese mixed-raced.”
The reporter was stunned and asked, “What about your other lineage?”
Xiao Han wondered, “What do you mean by other lineage?”
Li Cangyu reminded him, “They are asking about the countries your parents are from.”
Xiao Han suddenly realized. “Oh, my mother is American.”
“…” The reporter was relieved at finally getting an answer. Then he asked, “Didn’t you use
to live abroad? Can you tell everyone how you ended up joining the Canglan team?”
Xiao Han said, “In the online game, I was hunted and killed by Master and Vice-Captain Bai
until I was down to my underwear and couldn’t play anymore.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Everyone, “…”
‘Boy, do you have to be so honest?’
Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu helplessly looked at him. Li Cangyu seemed like a person who
bullied his apprentice!
Xiao Han saw his master’s gaze and seemed to perceive that he had said the wrong thing.
He immediately corrected himself, “However, I volunteered to join the Canglan team
because I like playing the game and wanted to become an e-sports player.”
The reporters felt a bit strange. This young man seemed to talk a bit awkwardly? Did he
have to use so many related words in one sentence?
Another reporter stood up and asked, “Xiao Han, are you satisfied with your performance
today? Cat God and Captain Ling have always been compared. Then between you and
Captain Ling’s apprentice Qin Mo, who do you think is stronger?”
This ‘who do you think is stronger’ question was a favourite with reporters.
An ordinary player would laugh and say one or two sentences but Xiao Han was different.
He bowed his head and thought for a few seconds before answering seriously, “I don’t want
to answer this question because Qin Mo is my sparring partner but also my good best
friend, if I say that I am stronger than him, he will be angry with me, but I don’t want to
admit that I am weaker than him so I won’t answer.”
The reporters, “…”
Qin Mo, “…”
‘Damn, come here for a PK! Why tell them about the sparring thing? In addition, saying
such long sentences. Don’t say that your Chinese was taught be me!’
Ling Xuefeng saw this interview and glanced back to find his apprentice was so angry he
formed fists as he glared at Xiao Han on the TV. However, his eyes showed a hint of joy.
Presumably because Xiao Han said that Qin Mo was his best friend?
At the beginning, he sent Qin Mo to be a sparring partner in order to raise the two people’s
PK standards. He didn’t expect the feelings between the two young apprentices to become
so good. It was unexpected for Ling Xuefeng that they became such good friends.
The reporters at the scene didn’t know if they should laugh or cry at Xiao Han’s answer.
They always felt that this mixed-race child’s brain circuits weren’t the same as normal
The reporters had to give up on interviewing Xiao Han and handed the microphone to Bai
Xuan instead. “Vice-Captain Bai, the netizens gave you many nicknames after today’s match.
Some people call you a super dad and others are calling you an invincible cockroach. What
do you think about this?”
Bai Xuan had a good temper and smiled. “The nickname doesn’t matter. It is good as long as
everyone is happy.”
The reporter added, “Do you often practice the combination with Ah Shu? The two of you
played particularly well today in the arena.”
Xie Shurong immediately grabbed the microphone and replied, “Today is the first time I
cooperated with Vice-Captain Bai in the arena. It was great because I have a special
understanding with Vice-Captain Bai, right?”
He looked at Bai Xuan with a smile and Bai Xuan had no choice but to agree. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong happily wrapped an arm around Bai Xuan’s shoulder and said to the reporters,
“In the future, we will often appear in the arena. The Shu Bai combination sounds
particularly smooth. With Vice-Captain Bai in the arena, it doesn’t matter how much I’m hit.
He can add blood back. It is really great to have a healer in the family.”
Bai Xuan was praised by him and had to smile. “My teammate also gives me strength.”
He was speaking the truth. If it wasn’t for Ah Shu’s outbreak, bringing a healer to the arena
would be too inadequate. As long as the healer was killed, it was too easy for the other side
to use the 2v1 situation to kill the remaining person. Today, Xie Shurong protected Bai
Xuan in a quiet manner. This allowed the Shu Bai combination to reverse the situation in
the arena.
Bai Xuan thought this and looked over at Xie Shurong, meeting Xie Shurong’s deep eyes.
He didn’t realize that in the sentence just now, he had been privately included into Xie
Shurong’s ‘family.’

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GLS: Chapter 148

Chapter 148 – Like

The interview finished and Li Cangyu took his teammates backstage while planning to join
up with Zhang Jueming and the others. He had just gone backstage when he saw Qin Mo
and Ling Xuefeng walking towards Li Cangyu. Ling Xuefeng took the initiative to say,
“Today you played very well.”
Li Cangyu pretended to be serious. “Thank you for Captain Ling’s praise.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly. He had scruples due to the teammates present and didn’t do
anything special. He just patted Li Cangyu on the shoulder and said, “I will be leading the
team back to Shanghai tomorrow. The next time we meet, it will be the Wind Colour match
against Canglan.”
Li Cangyu looked at him earnestly. “I won’t be polite to you.”
Ling Xuefeng also stared him in the eyes, equally earnest. “I won’t be polite to you either.”
Li Cangyu smiled and took the initiative to extend his arms for a hug. “See you on the field.”
They were each other’s most cherished lovers but the game was related to the honour of
the entire team. No one could show mercy, regardless of personal feelings. This was a
principle that all e-sports players should have.
Li Cangyu was well aware that the match against Wind Colour would be the toughest in the
regular season. He wasn’t worried about the match against Ling Xuefeng. Rather, he was
looking forward to the direct confrontation between them that had somehow been avoided
for six years. In the seventh season of the Miracle Professional League, they would fulfill
this wish.
Qin Mo waited here with his master because he wanted to say a few words to Xiao Han. The
young teenagers looked at each other and consciously came together. Qin Mo whispered in
Xiao Han’s ear, “In future interviews, don’t be straightforward and tell everything to the
reporters. Understood?”
Xiao Han looked at him doubtfully. “What does straightforward mean?”
Qin Mo rolled his eyes and explained, “It means you are too direct and honest!”
“Oh.” Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully before wondering, “Isn’t honesty a good quality?”
“…” Qin Mo felt it was too hard to communicate with this person whose brain circuits were
different from ordinary people. He gave up trying to convince Xiao Han and changed the
topic, “Cough, when you talked today, you used too many related words.”
Xiao Han looked at him innocently. “Related words can make the sentence more complete.
This is what you taught me.”
“…” Qin Mo almost coughed up blood.
They could make the sentence more complete but there was no need to use them all in one
Qin Mo took a deep breath and endured the impulse to hit him on the head. “You can’t use it
too much or it will be cumbersome. You can watch the TV dramas and see how they talk…
Forget it, I can’t tell you what to say.”
Xiao Han continued to watch him innocently with clear black eyes while golden hair hung
over his ears. The beautiful mixed-race teenager make people want to rub his head…
Qin Mo didn’t dare do this action. He guiltily looked away and said, “Don’t tell reporters in
the future that Qin Mo is your good best friend.”
Xiao Han wondered, “Isn’t it true?”
Qin Mo felt that he was going crazy. “The good best friend is repeating words. You only
need one of them.”
Xiao Han suddenly realized. “Oh, then I should say you are my good friend?”
Qin Mo was silent for a moment before scratching his head with embarrassment. “Keep the
other word.”
“Best friend?”
The satisfied Qin Mo suppressed a smile and nodded. “This is more like it.”
At this point, Ling Xuefeng suddenly said, “Qin Mo, let’s go.”
Qin Mo glanced over at Xiao Han. “Next time we will be meeting in Shanghai. Have you been
to Shanghai before?”
Xiao Han shook his head. “No.”
“Then I’ll show you around.”
Xiao Han suggested seriously, “Once I beat you on the field, take me to play.”
Qin Mo, “…”
‘Damn it, I want to have a real PK with him! Who said that you will beat me? Don’t cry and
beg for mercy when the time comes.’
Qin Mo scoffed and said, “Perhaps I will beat you. Prepare well for the next game and don’t
tell people that I’m your sparring partner!”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes.”
Qin Mo calmed down and waved his hand. “Goodbye.”
Li Cangyu saw the two little guys seriously saying goodbye and patted Xiao Han on the
shoulder. “Do you think it is useful to have Qin Mo teach you Chinese?”
Xiao Han thought about it in a distressed manner. “I think it is a bit useful? At least I know
many related words and I know what context means.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Never mind, learn slowly. However, he is right. You can’t be so
straightforward in future interviews. Saying that Master killed you down to your
underwear… well, don’t you know that Master chased you for your own good?”
Xiao Han nodded. “Yes.”
He thought there was something wrong with the logic of ‘chasing you for your own good’
but he knew that Master was always right.
Li Cangyu’s quartet arrived at the restaurant. Zhang Jueming and the others had already
ordered the dishes. The eight people sat around the table and chatted with excited
expressions. The fact that they could win two games at an away match made everyone feel
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang hadn’t played well in the arena but the Shu Bai combination
reversed the situation and Canglan ultimately didn’t lose points. Gu Siming’s performance
today wasn’t great but Li Cangyu didn’t hurry to scold him. It was because Xiao Gu clearly
realized the shortcomings of his impulsiveness and this would be improved in the next
The meal ended in a happy atmosphere. Everyone returned to the hotel by car. Li Cangyu
told everyone to rest early because they would catch a flight back to Changsha tomorrow.
For the away games, the rooms were arranged as Li Cangyu and Xiao Han, Xiao Gu and Old
Zhang, Zhuo and Li, and Shu and Bai. This arrangement was to facilitate the exchange
between combinations.
Bai Xuan had no opinions on this room arrangement. Ah Shu didn’t snore or have any other
bad habits. Apart from his love of praise, it was quite good to live together.
However, after returning today, Xie Shurong seemed somewhat abnormal. He didn’t hang
around Bai Xuan or ask the vice-captain to reward him with a plate of ribs. Instead, he sat
quietly on his bed and looked down seriously at his iPad.
Bai Xuan also ignored him and went to the bathroom to wash up.
He didn’t realize that the game interface on Xie Shurong’s iPad was already showing game
The sound of water from the bathroom made Xie Shurong uneasy. In the past, he only
needed to move his fingers to clear the game but today he failed repeatedly. He closed his
iPad with some irritation and pricked his ears to listen to the movements in the bathroom.
He thought of that gentle-looking man taking a shower, water drops dripping down his
body and Xie Shurong’s heartbeat accelerated!
He looked down to check the time but found that his wrist was empty. Xie Shurong was
stunned and remembered that when he had washed his hands, he took off the watch and
placed it next to him. This was a birthday gift from his mother. It was very expensive but
not very waterproof. Xie Shurong thought this and immediately got up to get back his
However, Bai Xuan was in the shower…
Or should he take a peek when getting his watch?
Once this evil thought popped up, it was like a small flame that suddenly burst. It burned all
over his body and he couldn’t bear it anymore. Xie Shurong went to the bathroom and took
a deep breath to keep himself calm. Then he gently knocked on the door and asked, “Vice-
Captain Bai, my watch is inside. Can I come in and take it?”
Bai Xuan’s gentle voice was soon heard. “Okay.”
Xie Shurong stepped in and thought he could see the beautiful scene of a beauty washing
up. The result… damn! The shower was blocked by frosted glass. The designer of this hotel
room simply had no brains!
Vice-Captain Bai was taking a shower with the glass door closed and the frosted glass
blocked most of his body. Xie Shurong could only see a faint outline.
However, this outline showed that Bai Xuan’s figure was excellent, especially his pair of
long legs…
Bai Xuan turned off the nozzle and asked doubtfully, “What’s wrong? Did you find it?”
“…Cough, I found my watch.” Xie Shurong coughed awkwardly, picked up his watch on the
sink and fled.
After returning to the room, Xie Shurong took a deep breath to calm his heartbeat. Was he
really a devil? He had been to a public bathhouse before and he didn’t feel anything at the
sight of many people squeezed together in the bath. However, today when he saw Bai
Xuan’s blurred back, he was so excited that his body became hot.
This was so strange. Did he like Bai Xuan?
Xie Shurong shook his head and felt that his IQ wasn’t enough.
He sat on the bed and started to carefully recall the details of what he knew about Bai Xuan.
When he was young, he chased Bai Xuan and killed him 10 times. When they shook hands
in the soundproof room, he felt that this man was very gentle but his impression of Bai
Xuan wasn’t deep.
Later, after meeting Cat God and Bai Xuan in New York, he found that not only did Bai Xuan
have a good temper but also excellent cooking skills. Bai Xuan usually liked to smile and he
made people feel warm and gentle. He would show his sorrow and frown because of his
stomach problems. He also steadfastly declared that they would return to Miracle together.
That vague image gradually became clearer in Xie Shurong’s mind, making Xie Shurong
want to get along with Bai Xuan and become closer to him.
In particular, he always felt that Bai Xuan was warm and soft when hugging him. It was
more comfortable than the big pillow Xie Shurong slept with every day, making Xie
Shurong reluctant to let go.
He thought there was nothing wrong with this until today when he found himself wanting
to peek at Bai Xuan washing up…
Xie Shurong jumped into bed and covered his face with a pillow.
God, why did it seem like he had the negative IQ of a pervert?
This was the scene that Bai Xuan saw after coming out of the bedroom. Xie Shurong had
covered his head with a pillow and was rolling around the bed… rolling around…
It was unknown how many times he rolled back and forth. Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling at
these childish actions and took out his phone to take a small video. Then he went to the bed
and gently touched Xie Shurong’s head. “Xie Shurong, are you exercising on the bed?”
Xie Shurong heard this and suddenly stopped like he pressed the brakes. Xie Shurong’s face
was red as he turned over and saw Bai Xuan’s smile.
Bai Xuan wondered, “Why are you blushing?”
“I, I… I’m too hot!”
Then he ran away from Bai Xuan into the bathroom.
Bai Xuan, “…”
Xie Shurong saw his red face in the mirror and angrily slammed his fist against the sink.
Why couldn’t he be more mature in front of Bai Xuan? Blushing? What was good about
blushing? Was it necessary to be so nervous after discovering that he liked Bai Xuan?
Xie Shurong washed his face with cold water to lower the heat on his face.
This was his first love and it was natural to be nervous. He understood the excitement of
liking a person for the first time.
Xie Shurong smiled into the mirror and touched his chin while thinking, ‘I am handsome
even when blushing? I don’t know if Vice-Captain Bai likes this type of handsome person? I
will wash the dishes, warm the bed, ship packages to your door and not waste money! All
my wealth will be yours!’

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GLS: Chapter 149

Chapter 149 – Spoiled Shu
Xie Shurong washed his face with cold water in the bathroom. Bai Xuan happily opened his
phone and watched the video of Xie Shurong rolling around on the bed. The more he
looked, the more interesting it was. Bai Xuan smiled and sent the video via private chat to
Xie Shurong’s Q, along with the sentence: [This rolling posture can be made into a moving
emoji later. If you don’t get up in the future, I will send it to everyone.]
Xie Shurong finished washing his face and saw this message as soon as he turned on his
computer. The video was of him being buried in his pillow and rolling around. This was
actually recorded by Bai Xuan? Could this black history be deleted?
Xie Shurong coughed and went to Bai Xuan. “Can’t you delete this?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Now, look how cute it is. I want to keep it as a dynamic emoji.”
“…” Xie Shurong’s face darkened and he grabbed at the phone. “Delete it, delete it! It is too
humiliating!” He wanted to delete the video but found that Bai Xuan’s phone had an
automatic lock screen. Xie Shurong had to ask, “What is the password?”
“I won’t delete it and will keep it.” Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong’s awkward expression and
smiled to comfort him. “Only I will watch it. I won’t show it to others.”
Xie Shurong returned the phone to him and reminded him, “No one else!”
Bai Xuan raised his hand and made an ‘I swear’ gesture. “I promise not to spread it around.”
Xie Shurong was happy. He didn’t want his childish appearance to be seen by others. Xie
Shurong had always been handsome and decisive to others. He was Tree God to the four
youngsters in Canglan. His image would be over if this video leaked! It was better for the
mental health of the teenagers that they didn’t know.
Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong’s complicated expression and couldn’t help having a
stomachache. He suddenly felt that Ah Shu’s personality was very cute. His appearance
might be handsome but Ah Shu was actually a big boy who hadn’t grown up yet.
Bai Xuan couldn’t help reaching out and gently touching his head. “Well, I saw you rolling
around in bed but there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Go to sleep. It isn’t too late and
you need to get up early tomorrow.”
Xie Shurong was touched by Bai Xuan’s hand and felt that his heart was going to jump out
of his chest. This type of gentle feeling was too intoxicating and he didn’t want to let it go.
Bai Xuan comforted the childish Ah Shu and went to his own bed to sleep. Xie Shurong
stared at his back for a moment and found that the other person had fallen asleep very
quickly. He reluctantly took back his burning gaze and lay in his bed.
It was a pity that he couldn’t go to sleep at all. His mind was full with the sight of Bai Xuan
Xie Shurong tossed and turned until the early hours of the morning. As a result, he didn’t
sleep long and woke up in a hurry. He went to the bathroom and when he came out, he
found the room was dark. The curtains hadn’t been pulled closed so he could see Bai Xuan’s
face outlined by the lights outside.
Under the illumination of the night lights, his side profile looked particularly gentle. Thick
eyelashes hung down quietly, soft black hair fell on the forehead and the skin was as clean
as jade. This sleeping appearance was really beautiful.
Xie Shurong took a deep breath and finally couldn’t help walking over and raising a corner
of the blanket.
Bai Xuan’s bed was warm and still seemed to carry the refreshing scent of shower gel. Xie
Shurong endured his intense heartbeat and gently pulled the sleeping Bai Xuan into his
arms, greedily smelling him.
Bai Xuan was a very light sleeper. He was awakened by these movements and opened his
eyes in a confused manner. He found that he was being hugged by Ah Shu and initially
thought it was a dream. Then he found that the strength of this young man’s arms became
more and more real. Bai Xuan asked the Ah Shu in front of him, “Ah Shu, what’s wrong?”
Xie Shurong pretended to be confused. “Um… my pillow is missing… let me hug.”
Bai Xuan laughed. “Are you sleepwalking?”
Xie Shurong found that sleepwalking was an excellent excuse and immediately pretended
to be sleepwalking. He tightly hugged Bai Xuan and muttered, “Sleepy… sleep…”
Bai Xuan was both angry and amused. This large person actually sleepwalked into another
person’s bed. It was an addition to his black history.
Bai Xuan wanted to break away but found that Ah Shu’s arms were tight. Bai Xuan was
forced to give up struggling and closed his eyes to go back to sleep. Xie Shurong was just
sleepwalking and Bai Xuan had always been soft to children.
Once the man’s breathing became even again, Xie Shurong secretly opened his eyes and
looked at Bai Xuan quietly sleeping in his arms. Xie Shurong couldn’t help smiling and
tightened his arms. He hugged this person tightly, like a child hugging his most beloved
Bai Xuan woke up the next morning and found that Xie Shurong was still holding him. It
seemed that he was really regarded as a pillow? Bai Xuan helplessly messed up Xie
Shurong’s hair and shouted in his ear, “Get out of bed!”
Xie Shurong opened his eyes and smiled at Bai Xuan. “Cough, why am I sleeping with you?”
Bai Xuan glanced at him and replied, “You sleepwalked to my side last night.”
Xie Shurong looked innocent. “Is it? Why can’t I remember?”
Bai Xuan had heard before that some people would sleepwalk in the middle of the night
and sleepwalking people were hard to wake up. However, he had lived with Ah Shu for so
long and this was the first time he encountered the Ah Shu sleepwalking situation.
Sometimes people sleepwalking would go to other places. When he was studying, he heard
friends going to other dormitories in the middle of the night. Bai Xuan didn’t find it strange
for Xie Shurong to climb into the wrong bed when sleepwalking.
Still, he slept in Xie Shurong’s arms all night and his shoulders were sore. Bai Xuan sat up
and spoke while rubbing his shoulders. “Next time you sleepwalk, I will wake you up with
cold water.”
Xie Shurong immediately helped rubbed his shoulders and laughed. “I won’t dare. Next
time I go to bed, I will use rope to tie myself to it.’
Bai Xuan imagined Xie Shurong tying himself to the bed and couldn’t help laughing. “That
isn’t necessary.”
Xie Shurong’s movements were very gentle. After a while, Bai Xuan’s shoulder muscles
relaxed. Bai Xuan turned back to him and smiled. “I will wash my face first. You quickly
pack your bags.”
Once he left, Xie Shurong climbed out of bed.
It was terrible! He held Bai Xuan all night and his morning reaction was fierce. Fortunately
Vice-Captain Bai hadn’t discovered it or he really didn’t know how to explain it!
Xie Shurong took a deep breath and took a few gulps of cold water to calm down his mood.
He listened to the sound of water coming from the bathroom and thought helplessly, ‘I can
be excited with one glance from Bai Xuan. When he touched my head, I thought I was going
to fly to heaven. I’m so happy holding him to sleep, it seems that I can’t escape this time.’
He had been playing in the United States for the past few years. He had seen many same-
sex couples and many of them registered to get married. Foreigners were more open in this
respect. Thus, Xie Shurong didn’t reject the fact that he liked a man.
Moreover, Vice-Captain Bai was so good. Where could he find such a gentle, considerate
and kind person? Wasn’t it like winning the lottery? He had to be sure to take care of this
It was just… Vice-Captain Bai still treated him as a big child. How could Xie Shurong show
his feelings? This was the troublesome thing and he had to plan well.
Xie Shurong searched on the Internet: [I like a person older than me. He is more mature
than I am and his character is gentle. He easily gets along with others but he seems to be a
straight person. He also thinks of me as a child. What should I do?]
There was endless bad ideas in the replies such as use strong kisses, sell meng, make him
put down his guard and then… Xie Shurong passed over these unreliable answers and
finally locked on one. ‘Let him know that although you are young, you have the ability to
shoulder these feelings and impress him with your sincerity.’
Xie Shurong thought this was very reasonable. The other messy strategies were all
auxiliary means. The key was to rely on sincerity. He believed that as long as he sincerely
liked Bai Xuan, one day Bai Xuan would feel it.
At 9 in the morning, the members of Canglan gathered at the airport to check in.
The game with Time had finished and they were returning to the Dragon Song Club to
prepare for the next match. There was a week until the next game but no one could relax
just because of the good results in the first match.
At noon, the group arrived at the club’s dorms and settled their luggage. They had been
sitting on a plane for several hours so everyone was a bit tired. Li Cangyu let them rest for
the afternoon and would hold a meeting the next morning.
After returning to the dormitory, Bai Xuan finished organizing his luggage and planned to
go to the kitchen to cut some fruit. Xie Shurong immediately picked up the knife and
actively volunteered. “I will help you cut the apples.”
Bai Xuan smiled and picked up grapes to wash them. Then Xie Shurong snatched the grapes
from his hand. “I will wash them!”
“…” Bai Xuan watched the young man who was too diligent and couldn’t help asking, “What
is wrong with you? Don’t you normally flatter me to get out of washing the dishes?”
Xie Shurong smiled and exclaimed, “It is right that I wash the dishes! Doing housework is
also right. You just need to lie down and enjoy. Leave everything else to me!”
Bai Xuan made a baffled expression. “In the past, didn’t you hate to wash dishes? You would
make a face like you were going to your execution when made to wash dishes. Why do you
suddenly love doing housework? Do you have a fever?”
He touched the back of his hand to Xie Shurong’s forehead and found that the temperature
was normal. Bai Xuan felt even more puzzled. Why did Ah Shu suddenly love to do
housework? Wasn’t it the most annoying thing previously?
Xie Shurong smiled. “There is no reason. I just want to serve you!”
Bai Xuan wondered, “Are there any benefits?’
Xie Shurong thought, ‘The benefits is that if I serve you well, perhaps you will agreed to be
my wife when you are happy…’ However, Xie Shurong saw Bai Xuan’s doubtful look and
didn’t dare say this.
“It’s nothing. I just feel that you are always doing this alone and it is hard on you.” Xie
Shurong stared seriously into Bai Xuan’s eyes. “You are always looking after everyone else.
Let me do this for you. After all, your stomach isn’t well. You should take more time to rest
and not worry about these trivial things.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling moved when he heard this. Ah Shu was actually a reliable
young man who knew how to take on his share of the housework. It was really rare.
Bai Xuan saw his serious expression and couldn’t help smiling. “Then I want to eat apples
and grapes. Wash them clean, peel the apples, cut them into small pieces and send them to
my room.”
Xie Shurong immediately bowed. “I will obey!”
Then he ran to wash the fruit bowl. He seemed quite happy, as if he was doing something
important. He was even humming as he washed the grapes in the kitchen.
Bai Xuan’s heart softened. He always felt that this person was a childish youth but he was
like a younger brother who grew up next door, real and kind.
If Xie Shurong cutting apples in the kitchen knew that Bai Xuan was treating him as a
brother next door then he would definitely want to cry!

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GLS: Chapter 150

Chapter 150 – Next Opponent

Xie Shurong originally intended to use ‘sleepwalking’ as an excuse to run to Vice-Captain

Bai’s room in the middle of the night. The result was that he was halfway through the
sleepwalking when he suddenly encountered Li Xiaojiang heading to the bathroom. The
latter politely said, “Brother, Brother Shu, are, are you going to the bathroom? Then you go
first. I, I’m not in a hurry.”
Xie Shurong listened to his stuttering and felt anxious. It was really inconvenient to have
roommates! The person pretending to sleepwalk met a big light bulb. Xie Shurong had to
touch his nose and say, “Cough, I’m done. You can go.”
He returned to his room in front of Li Xiaojiang’s confused eyes, closed the door and went
to bed.
The ‘sleepwalking’ would have to wait until he lived with Vice-Captain Bai again during
away games!
The next morning, all members of Canglan arrived at the team’s training room on time.
Li Cangyu had given everyone a day off yesterday and the players looked energetic,
especially the four teenagers. It was difficult for them to hide the excitement on their faces.
It was clear that everyone was ready to meet their next opponents.
According to the arrangement of the seventh season’s schedule, the Canglan team had the
opening match against the Time team. The next game would be at home and the opponent
this time was the Flying Feathers team from Kunming.
Flying Feathers was the same as Wind Colour and Time. It was a veteran team established
in the year that the professional league began. The melee-based style was also very distinct.
In the third season, Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong formed the Three
Musketeers. Flying Feathers swept through the Miracle League and set the historical record
of ‘never losing in the regular season and the playoffs.’
The trio teams up from the first game to the finals and eventually won the championship.
No other team was able to recreate the glory of the Flying Feathers team in that year.
After the behind the scenes coach Song Yang and the main swordsman Xie Shurong left,
Flying Feathers wasn’t as strong as the third season but Su Guangmo didn’t lose to his
master when it come to personal ability or leadership. Thus, Flying Feathers did well for
many years and repeatedly got a trophy in the playoffs.
In addition, Yu Pingsheng changed to a berserker. The output capacity of Flying Feathers
was slightly weakened but the front row’s ability to withstand pressure was stronger than
the third season. Yu Pingsheng was currently the strongest front row in the Miracle League.
Li Cangyu placed the list of Flying Feathers players on the big screen and then looked at Xie
Shurong. “When it comes to Flying Feathers, I think no one in this room knows more than
Ah Shu. You should be the one to analyze the characteristics of Flying Feathers first.”
Xie Shurong usually loved to be spoiled by the vice-captain and his IQ fell to the
kindergarten level but he was still very reliable. Once he heard the captain’s words, he
stood up and took the laser pointer from the captain’s hands, pointing it at the information
of the players on the screen. “Su Guangmo is my older apprentice brother. His personal
style is very clear. He is fierce and aggressive, with extremely high attack. As long as they
are caught by him, more than 70% of fragile ranged classes will be killed in one breath.”
In the league that was full of masters, this 70% statistic was terrible. Xie Shurong saw his
teammates listening carefully and continued explaining, “Yu Pingsheng originally played a
swordsman and later changed to a berserker. His personality is somewhat… he is a bit
withdrawn and rarely talks to people. However, his berserker style is very violent. It is the
exact opposite of his nature.”
“In the case of Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, few teams in the league can break through
the defensive front row of Flying Feathers. Moreover, they aren’t just defensive. They can
jointly attack together. This type of melee flow was fast and hard, which is why Flying
Feathers can stand firm in the Miracle League.”
Li Cangyu saw this person analyzing Flying Feathers’ characteristics and nodded in
appreciation. He asked, “Do you know the other players?”
Xie Shurong said, “I used to watch the Flying Feathers team when I was aboard. Apart from
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, there are two front row main players and their healer Xiao
Mu is a very stable player. Compared to our Vice-Captain Bai…”
He looked over at Bai Xuan and found that the latter was watching him and listening
carefully. Xie Shurong couldn’t help feeling a bit happy.
Bai Xuan saw that Xie Shurong was looking at him and asked in a confused manner, “What
about me?’
Xie Shurong didn’t hesitate to say, “Of course, he is far worse compared to our Vice-Captain
Bai Xuan smiled with amusement. “Okay, don’t flatter me. Go on.”
“Yes!” Xie Shurong nodded and continued, “Xiao Mu is a terran priest. A terran priest’s
endurance is better than an angel priest but its ability to increase blood is weaker than the
angel priest. Vice-Captain Bai should be very clear on this?”
Bai Xuan agreed. “It is true. A terran priest has higher defense than an angel priest but the
amount of blue isn’t enough. In an emergency, they might not be able to add blood. Flying
Feathers uses a terran priest, which is consistent with the style of the team. Most of them
are human players.”
“Yes, Flying Feathers has four terran swordsmen.” Xie Shurong said, “Apart from Su
Guangmo, there are three people called Dong Le, Lin Shiliang and Liu Zili. Among them,
Dong Le is a newcomer who just debuted this year and is only 16 years old. He should be a
newcomer Su Guangmo is training and won’t necessarily play. In addition, the Lin Shiliang
and Liu Zili combination often appears in the team battle as Su Guangmo’s auxiliary output.
If there is no accident then they should appear in the arena.”
Up to now, Xie Shurong had introduced six people in the Flying Feathers team.
Zhang Jueming couldn’t help asking, “What about the remaining two?”
Xie Shurong explained, “Of the remaining two, one is called Cao Lang. He plays a blood kin
assassin and his presence in the league is relatively low compared to the Lou Zhang
combination. However, he often appears in the team battles. In the games I have seen, the
front row of Flying Feathers has always been strong. Cao Lang follows behind Su Guangmo
and uses stealth to check for possible traps. His attacking ability is particularly strong and
he is very good at grasping opportunities.”
“The last player is Zhao Xinglin, a terran paladin. HIs defensive ability is first-class in the
league but Flying Feathers’ front row defense is enough. Captain Su will only use him in
necessary games. For example, if Yu Pingsheng is in a wrong state. At that time, he would
substitute for the berserker and protect the front row of the team.”
Xie Shurong smoothly introduced the situation of the Flying Feathers team. Li Cangyu was
very satisfied and couldn’t help clapping. “Good! Ah Shu, this analysis is very thorough!”
Bai Xuan was also impressed. Xie Shurong often lowered his IQ in front of Bai Xuan and did
various naive actions but this young man was actually a responsible person. He was an
honest and simple guy.
In the past, he was a member of Flying Feathers only to be replaced by ordinary people. It
was inevitably for there to be some awkward feelings, especially when the opponents were
his two brothers…
However, Xie Shurong didn’t look affected. It seemed he controlled his mental state well.
Now he was a professional player of the Canglan team, the Ah Shu that everyone trusted.
He had chosen this path and shouldn’t be bound by the past. Decisively going forward was
what a professional player should do.
Thus, he didn’t feel embarrassed when analyzing the characteristics of the Flying Feathers
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were once his most respected brothers and their
relationship when young was excellent. Now they would be his opponents in the near
future and he wouldn’t show any affection to them. He would go all out!
Bai Xuan admired that Xie Shurong could think so clearly. If one day Li Cangyu became an
opponent, it was estimated that he would take a long time to adjust…
He just thought this when Li Cangyu stood up and took the laser pointer from Xie Shurong’s
hands. “Ah Shu has told everyone in detail about the characteristics of Flying Feathers. This
season, Flying Feathers has registered the eight people that Ah Shu mentioned to play. In
addition to Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, we must also understand the healer Xiao Mu,
the two swordsmen Lin and Liu and the blood kin killer Cao Lang.”
“Flying Feathers tactics has always been a simple and rough melee game. There are too
many remotes on our side. If our kiting fails in the team battle, it will be easy for Flying
Feathers to come in and break us up.” Li Cangyu pulled up a classic video as an example. He
watched from one side while explaining, “Su Guangmo’s swordsman moves fast and has an
amazing explosive ability. Combined with Yu Pingsheng’s protection, he is a big killer in the
front row. We must think of a way to solve them.”
“Fortunately, the next match is our home selection. I will study the maps this morning and
tell you in the afternoon. Let’s arrange the lineup first.”
Li Cangyu’s efficiency was high and he soon arranged the lineup for the next match.
Everyone naturally had no opinion on the captain’s arrangement and teamed up to play
side accounts in the arena.
Changsha’s home match was definitely more important than the away match. Losing at
home had a very big impact on morale. In addition, this was the first home match after
signing with Dragon Song. There would definitely be fans of the Dragon Song Club who
would come to watch the game. In order to give face to Liu Chuan and to prove it was worth
rushing to watch, Li Cangyu wanted to give the audience a satisfactory sight.
The lineup was arranged and Li Cangyu started to seriously study the maps. Ah Shu went
with Bai Xuan to practice the pairs arena. Once they successfully won a game, Bai Xuan
couldn’t help sending him a private message: [How are you feeling? Are you under a lot of
pressure facing your two brothers?]
Xie Shurong smiled. [It isn’t big. Playing with you is like carrying a cheating software. Why
should I be afraid?]
Bai Xuan was speechless. [Don’t describe me as a cheat software okay?]
Xie Shurong quickly correct himself. [Yes, super dad. The league’s first milk god. Partnering
with you is really my pleasure.]
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling helplessly. [You really flatter me too much… in any case,
your status really isn’t a problem?]
Xie Shurong smiled and walked over to whisper in Bai Xuan’s ear, “Don’t worry about my.
There are no problems with my mental state. Just wait to see my handsome performance. I
will be the handsomest person on the field.”
Bai Xuan endured his smile. “Your boasting is really better than Liu Chuan!”
It seemed that under the atmosphere of the Dragon Song Club, Xie Shurong learnt how to
boast with a cheeky face?

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GLS: Chapter 151

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 151 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers

The Flying Feathers Club was located in Kunming, Yunnan. After the opening ceremony, Su
Guangmo returned to Kunming with the players to prepare for the match against Canglan.
Compared to Tan Shitian who debuted in the fourth season, Su Guangmo had played with
his master from the season season and had often encountered Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan. His
understanding of Li Cangyu was naturally deeper than Tan Shitian’s. As early as the second
season, he had been defeated by the elf summoner’s Cataclysm and was very impressed
with Cat God’s big outburst.
As analyzed by Yu Bing, the Cataclysm skill wasn’t easy to use. First, you must ensure that
all pets were in a state to be summoned. Second, the operator needed a very high hand
speed. In the shortest time, the four pets, the water, fire, wind and thunder spirits needed
to be summoned and their big outbreaks completed.
The many pre-conditions were almost impossible to meet in the ever-changing arena. Thus,
Cat God’s skill might be terrible but there weren’t many opportunities to release it. As long
as the opponents were wary and sent someone to interfere, Cat God’s big move could be
Su Guangmo wasn’t worried about the power of Cataclysm. He was more worried about Xie
Shurong. Ah Shu was very familiar with the Flying Feathers team and would definitely
assist Li Cangyu with making the tactical layout. Today’s Canglan might be half newcomers
but the four old players were powerful. The overall strength of Canglan couldn’t be
In the battle of Canglan VS Time, it could be seen that this new team would become one of
the hardest to nibble bones in the Miracle League’s seventh season.
Su Guangmo returned to the dormitory and sat in front of the computer, replaying the
video of Canglan VS Time. Yu Pingsheng sat next to him, not saying a word as his clear eyes
stared at the computer screen. Su Guangmo was accustomed to this ghostly quiet
companionship and naturally used the progress bar to replay the highlights of the match.
He watched it five times in a row before asking, “Have you found anything.”
Yu Pingsheng thought carefully and said, “The mixed-race teenager.”
Su Guangmo smiled. “His name is Xiao Han. He is Li Cangyu’s new apprentice.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded and stared at the blood kin assassin on the computer screen. “He
played well.”
“Yes, among the four newcomers, Xiao Han’s strength is the highest.” Su Guangmo carefully
analyzed, “Gu Siming’s play is too impulsive. Zhuo Hang hasn’t yet found his own position.
Li Xiaojiang is too slow and needs his teammates’ protection. Half the time he can’t use his
strength. On the other hand, Xiao Han often follows his master to play the arena and he
spars with Qin Mo. The speed of his progress is fast. The even rarer thing is that he can
keep up with Ah Shu and Cat God’s rhythm.”
Yu Pingsheng looked over at his brother and found that there was a rare serious expression
on his face. Su Guangmo’s fingers touched his chin and he seemed to be considering a very
important issue. This man’s usual style was cool and bold. He might be chivalrous in the
game but in fact, he was a very careful person. His eyes were sharp and he could see
through the weaknesses of the opponent with one glance.
After Master left Miracle, Su Guangmo was able to ensure that the performance of the
Flying Feathers team didn’t decline, proving that his leadership ability wasn’t lacking to
Song Yang.
He was one of the league’s three most popular captains. Ling Xuefeng’s style was calm and
he was excellent at directly killing the opponent. Tan Shitian had a flexible mindset and was
best at long distance kiting. Su Guangmo liked a straightforward, simple melee suppression.
He already had some ideas to deal with the Canglan team. Once he organized everything, he
would find his teammates to implement it.
Su Guangmo closed his laptop and stood up to take a shower. Yu Pingsheng looked at him
doubtfully and asked, “Have you thought about it?”
Su Guangmo smiled. “Pretty much.”
Yu Pingsheng let out a sound and didn’t ask anything else. He knew that his brother would
think of the countermeasures. He just needed to follow his train of thoughts.
Su Guangmo saw Yu Pingsheng’s serious expression and couldn’t help laughing. He reached
out and patted him on the shoulder. “You followed me to watch videos in the middle of the
night. Go to bed early.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded before saying, “Yes.”
He wasn’t good at expressing himself. He always avoided speaking as much as possible and
spoke in short words. However, Su Guangmo knew that on the field, the quiet Vice-Captain
Yu Pingsheng would become a terrible mad warrior!
Su Guangmo used a full day to analyze Canglan’s lineup, developed a set of team battle
plans against them and used the next five days to expedite the training. He had the team
members go to the arena together to practice the combinations.
Time passed quickly and it was the weekend.
This weekend, the Miracle Professional League had arranged four games. Saturday morning
was Wind Colour VS Cheetah and the afternoon was Red Fox VS Time. Sunday morning was
Ghost Spirits VS Pure Cleansing and the afternoon was Canglan VS Flying Feathers.
The match with Flying Feathers was arranged as the final game so Li Cangyu’s mood was
very relaxed. On Saturday morning, he took the members to the training room to watch the
other teams.
First was Wind Colour against the Cheetah team. Wind Colour had the home advantage and
took three games in one breath, winning with a score of 3:0. Li Cangyu immediately sent a
text message to Ling Xuefeng. [Really handsome.]
Ling Xuefeng was in a very good mood after receiving the text message and replied:
[Tomorrow is Flying Feathers. You should refuel.]
Next to Li Cangyu, Xiao Han also sent a text message to Qin Mo: [Played well. You taught me
that I should be more calm when praising people.]
Qin Mo: [……]
Xiao Han wondered: [What do you mean by connecting two ellipses together?]
Qin Mo: […]
Xiao Han: [How did it turn into one ellipsis again?]
Qin Mo was simply going to collapse! [Enough!]
Xiao Han: [What is enough?]
Qin Mo made a crying expression. Ling Xuefeng looked over and knew that he was teaching
Xiao Han Chinese. Li Cangyu collected this half-Chinese as an apprentice, making it really
hard on Qin Mo. Qin Mo had to be a chaperone and translator.
Ling Xuefeng reached out and touched his apprentice’s head. “Just be like Xiao Han, train
your endurance and be patient with him.”
Qin Mo cried and had to suppress his temper to explain to Xiao Han: [An ellipsis means that
I am speechless. Two ellipses means that I am particularly speechless.]
Xiao Han understood. [God it. But why are you speechless? I’m praising you.]
Qin Mo endured the impulse to send five ellipses and replied: [Thank you for the
Xiao Han happily said: [Tomorrow I will be playing. Wait to see my wonderful
Qin Mo: [Who did you learn this from?]
Xiao Han seriously replied: [I learned it from Brother Shu.]
Qin Mo: [……]
Xie Shurong had previously said, “Wait to see my wonderful performance.” Xiao Han
thought his expression was very handsome when saying this and learnt it.
Li Cangyu didn’t know that his half-Chinese apprentice actually learnt how to boast from
Ah Shu!
The first three games ended quickly. Time played against Red Fox and won with a 2:1
score. Tan Shitian did a big turnaround after the loss at the opening ceremony. The Ghost
Spirits team played against Pure Cleansing. The Lou Zhang combination played normally
and took it with a 2:1 score. There wasn’t too much suspense.
The media reported on the three games and waited for this week’s closing battle, Canglan
VS Flying Feathers.
Xie Shurong was once a member of Flying Feathers and along with Su Guangmo and Yu
Pingsheng, the Three Musketeers had swept the league in the third season. This name
naturally gained a lot of attention.
Some fans of the Flying Feathers team were dissatisfied with Ah Shu’s departure from the
team. Many reporters were still wondering why Xie Shurong left Flying Feathers but most
sensible audience members were looking forward to seeing the match between brothers.
Su Guangmo led the team to Changsha on Saturday afternoon. This was the first time the
Flying Feathers team came to Changsha. He wasn’t anxious about tomorrow’s match and
led his teammates to eat authentic Hunan cuisine.
At 2 o’clock on Sunday afternoon, Su Guangmo came to Changsha’s e-sports venue with the
The venue was full. This was the first time a match was being held in the club’s home city
and it was important for the Canglan team to win and gain fans. Liu Chuan took the
initiative to send tickets to a large number of media friends to come and help raise
attention. Of course, he also took the initiative to send tickets to fans of the Dragon Song
Club to cheer on Canglan.
Li Cangyu was well aware that if he lost the first game at home, the sale of times would be a
problem whenever Canglan played a home match. The audience wasn’t willing to buy
tickets to see them lose.
Canglan had to win at least two games in this match. Thus, Li Cangyu carefully made
arrangements according to the characteristics of Flying Feathers.
The four games on the weekend were held in different cities and the commentators were
naturally different. However, Yu Bing was a loyal fan of Cat God and applied to explain this
game. She and her partner Kou Hongyi came to Changsha early.
Yu Bing couldn’t help sighing as she looked at the lively auditorium where many fans were
raising fluorescent cards. “The popularity of the Dragon Song Club in Changsha is really
high. Despite being a newly signed team, many loyal fans came to help Canglan. Tickets
were snapped up and the fans are full of expectations for today’s match.”
Kou Hongyi said, “The home game will certainly be easier than the away games. Cat God
should’ve made arrangements against the Flying Feathers team. There is also Xie Shurong
and his two brothers.”
Yu Bing added, “The contestant Xie Shurong, I met him in the arena in the past. His style is
sharp. Then after watching the game with Time, I found that his style has become more
mature and stable. However, it is still fast and flexible. It is very different from Su
Guangmo’s strong suppression.”
“These swordsmen brothers are definitely the strongest swordsmen in the Miracle League
at the moment. I am looking forward to their encounter.” Kou Hongyi paused and said,
“Okay, the players on both sides are ready. The camera will cut to the live broadcast
platform. We can see that Captain Li Cangyu is submitting today’s game mode to the
“Wait… Cat God is submitting… three arena games?!” The game mode that popped up on
the big screen was unbelievable. Arena, arena, arena… what did Cat God mean by this?
There would be no team battle today? Just three arena games?
The audience was shocked and the live broadcast site was filled with question marks.
[Is Cat God acknowledging his fear? Is he afraid to fight Flying Feathers?]
[No, the witty Cat God wouldn’t admit that! He must have an idea to deal with Flying
Feathers! In any case, the Miracle League’s regulates stipulates that the home team is free
to choose the game mode. He can choose three team battles if he wanted!]
[Why does the above comment sound a bit like Cheng Wei?]
[Where, where? Where does it look like Cheng Wei? Am I saying anything wrong? The
league gives the freedom to choose. The captains can choose three arena games or three
team battles if they want!]
[…Vice-Captain Cheng, your identity has been uncovered.]
Cheng Wei almost angrily slammed down on the keyboard. Tan Shitian smiled and patted
his head. “You can’t conceal your identity with your brains. Don’t open a side account to
help Cat God. Can’t you see that he is very calm?”
At the venue, Li Cangyu’s expression was calm, as if choosing three arena games was like
eating a meal at noon.
The Canglan members also didn’t show any reaction because they already knew their
captain’s choice.
On the Flying Feathers side, Su Guangmo almost vomited out blood.
‘Cat God! I have been preparing the whole week for a team battle and you chose three
rounds of the arena? What? You dug a pit like this?’

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GLS: Chapter 152

Chapter 152 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (2)

In order to prepare for the match against Canglan, Su Guangmo had spent a lot of energy.
He studied the team configuration and repeatedly watched the team battles before the
match. He finally developed a strategy and let his teammates practice it repeatedly. The
result of a week’s hard work… Cat God directly chose three arena games and his previous
preparations were in vain!
This was like in his student days. He would stay up all night before an exam to study 10 big
questions. Then the test paper was seen and the questions weren’t present at all.
It was too big a pit! It made people want to cough up blood on the spot!
The mind of Cat God, how could ordinary humans guess it?
The Flying Feathers members also had complicated expressions on their faces when they
saw this. They wanted to climb over and strangle Cat God.
Su Guangmo was cursing Cat God in his heart but as the captain, he must stabilize the
situation. Su Guangmo took a deep breath and pretended to be calm. “Three rounds of
arena against the Canglan team, there is nothing to be afraid of. We will follow the regular
arena arrangements. For the first game, Xiao Dong and Ah Liang will take the lead. Cao
Lang and Xiao Lu will be in the middle while Vice-Captain Yu and I will be the guards.”
Among the eight members of the Flying Feathers team, Zhao Xinglin was a thick-skinned
paladin. He wasn’t suitable for appearing in the arena. In addition, the human priest Xiao
Mu rarely fought in the arena. Of the remaining six people, there were four swordsmen, one
assassin and one berserker. They were all combat-oriented classes and the combination of
two and two would be enough to cope with the arena.
Today Cat God unexpectedly chose three arena games. It was really difficult for Flying
Feathers but Su Guangmo could only steadily play the first game.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing secretly raised a thumb at Cat God’s intentional trap
but spoke calmly on the surface. “Thanks to the changes in the seventh season, the home
team can freely choose the mode of the games. Cat God selecting three arena games today is
surprising but his choice isn’t wrong. Perhaps he wants to give the newcomers an
opportunity to play?”
Kou Hongyi was in favour of this. “Every arena game requires three combinations and there
are three games for a total of nine combinations. For example, the Zhuo Hang and Li
Xiaojiang combination. If Cat God is willing to give them the opportunity, they can play
three consecutive games. This is really a good opportunity for the new people.”
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang played badly in the last match against the Time team. If it
wasn’t for the strong counterattack of the Shu Bai combination then it is likely that the
Canglan team would’ve lose the arena game. The majority of audience members
understood after this explanation. Perhaps Cat God’s choice was indeed biased towards
giving the Zhou Li combination more opportunities.
Tan Shitian watched the live broadcast and said, “I guess that Cat God will send Zhou Hang
and Li Xiaojiang as the main force against Flying Feathers.
Cheng Wei heard Kou Hongyis explanation and immediately echoed it. “Cat God obviously
has his own plans. The netizens know nothing!”
Tan Shitian helplessly looked at him. “Don’t open an account to argue with them. Your
account can be recognized by everyone.”
Cheng Wei was using a side account called Number One Fan, it was simply too obvious.
Many people in the live broadcast site were still laughing at him. [What about Vice-Captain
Cheng?] [He was recognized and ran away!] [Great God Cheng, next time you should change
to a less recognizable account e.g. Passerby A or Passerby B!]
Cheng Wei thought that this friend’s words were very reasonable and immediately logged
out. Then he re-registered a new account called Passerby C.
Tan Shitian suppressed a smile and said, “The match is about to start. Don’t be busy
opening a new account and watch.”
“Yes.” Cheng Wei’s eyes focused on the computer screen. Sure enough, Flying Feathers
confirmed the mode and the two sides entered the stage of submitting the maps and
participants for the first round.
Flying Feathers’ first combination was Dong Le and Lin Shiliang. The former was a
newcomer who debuted this season and today was his career debut. The latter was an
established member of Flying Feathers’ main force. He followed Su Guangmo since the first
season and had a lot of experience. Both of them were terran swordsmen and the
combination of ‘one old and one new’ was a relatively safe arrangement.
On the Canglan side, Li Cangyu really did send Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
The Zhuo LI combination was well-known thanks to the second division. The distinctive
fast and slow combination hadn’t appeared in the league before. This combination worked
in principle. As long as the hunter could protect the magician, Li Xiaojiang’s output would
be the most stable turret.
However, since both of them were newcomers, they didn’t play very well during matches.
They won several times in the second division but lost most of the time. In the first match
against Time, it was almost impossible for them to fight back. Many audience members
remained in a wait and see state towards the Zhuo Li combination.
Today Li Cangyu let them play against the melee Flying Feathers team. It was obvious that
he wanted to hone the two people.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang were well aware that Cat God was giving them opportunities.
During the week, they had teamed up to practice in the arena. Before going onto the stage,
Zhuo Hang squeezed Li Xiaojiang’s hand and whispered, “Xiaojiang, refuel.”
The fact that Su Guangmo and Flying Feathers was the opponent made him slightly nervous
but Li Xiaojiang’s hand was very soft and his eyes clear. Not a single bit of tension could be
seen, making Zhuo Hang magically calm down.
It wasn’t a big deal if they lost since there was the Shu Bai combination behind them, as
well as Cat God, Xiao Han, Old Zhang and Xiao Gu… There were so many teammates. It was
enough if he and Li Xiaojiang did well.
Zhuo Hang smiled slightly as he thought this and sat in the contestant seats with Li
The first map that Li Cangyu selected was Demon Forest.
This map was no stranger to the audience. After all, it was a typical forest map and was
often used by Canglan in the second division. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang were most
familiar with this map.
Li Cangyu’s thinking was very clear. This was the regular season and there was no need for
a surprise map. Letting the newcomers hone their level was more important.
The map was selected and the contestants quickly refreshed on the map.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang rushed to the middle of the map. Once they arrived at the
centre, Zhuo Hang carefully placed a low-level trap that lasted a long time but didn’t
consume a lot of blue. The trap was exactly triangular to Li Xiaojiang’s position. If the other
person wanted to attack Li Xiaojiang, there was a great possibility that they would step into
the trap.
Once the trap was set, Zhuo Hang took a few steps back and stood near Li Xiaojiang.
Not far away, the two terran swordsman were rushing over here. Lin Shiliang with the ID of
Big Bard was in front while the newcomer Dong Le with the ID of Half Understand was
behind him.
Lin Shiliang’s competition experience was very rich. Once he saw Zhuo Hang, he guessed
that there was a trap nearby and stopped. It was Dong Le who accidentally stepped into
one of the traps!
Li Xiaojiang had been carefully staring at the computer screen. The moment that the other
team entered his field of view, he prepared a skill in the direction of the traps arranged by
Zhuo Hang. He could adjust to the left or right the moment he released the skills.
He was betting that the other side would step on one of the traps. In case the traps weren’t
stepped on, he would interrupt his casting and run behind a tree.
The result was that the newcomer really stepped on it and was fixed in place.
Li Xiaojiang immediately cast the spell that he had prepared for a long time—Death Mantra,
Shadow Winding!
Death Mantra enhanced the effects of black magic while Shadow Winding was the black
magician’s continuous damage ability. Thanks to the bonus of Death Mantra, the newcomer
would lose 2% of health every 10 seconds.
Dong Le was only frozen for three seconds and could soon get out of the control of the trap.
Zhuo Hang immediately used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move to Dong Le’s vicinity,
placing further silence traps and death traps.
Since the traps were invisible, Dong Le subconsciously stepped back after the control effect
ended only to step into the Silence Trap.
Li Xiaojiang had already prepared a skill. This time it was Shadow Wrath and Hell Flames!
Shadow Wrath was a single target black magic attack skill that caused 10% damage. If the
target was in a state of bleeding from the effect of Shadow Winding, it would make the
damage over time more effective.
Hell Flames was a group attack skill that took a long time to cast. The special effects were
gorgeous as dark flames rose from under the feet, resulting in a group damage of 30%.
Li Xiaojiang used two skills and the effects were superimposed, directly consuming 60% of
Dong Le’s health!
This terrible damage made the live audience speechless.
Even the always calm Yu Bing couldn’t help saying, “Li Xiaojiang added all his skill points
into attack. He might take a long time to cast a skill but as long as it hits, the damage is
terrible. The Flying Feathers’ newcomer is obviously lacking in experience. He stepped into
Zhuo Hang’s serial traps and gave Li Xiaojiang an opportunity to keep unleashing spells.”
Li Xiaojiang’s output was fierce but the rarer thing was how he arranged his skills in order.
He first used Death Mantra to increase the effect of all black magic attacks, gave the
opponent continuous damage. Then he waited for the opponent to step on Zhuo Hang’s
traps again and followed up with explosive skills, beating the opponent to less than half
blood in one breath.
Looking closely at the big moves he just cast, the angles were also tricky. They covered
Dong Le while also taking into account Lin Shiliang’s position. This made Lin Shiliang find
ways to avoid the skills and interfered with the opponent’s movements.
Li Xiaojiang was able to have such a cool mindset despite being a newcomer and didn’t
panic. Yu Bing couldn’t help feeling a bit of affection for this stuttering shy teenager.
The old player of Flying Feathers, Lin Shiliang reacted very quickly. The moment that Li
Xiaojiang opened his big moves, he immediately hide from Hell Flames and used Spirit Lock
to set Zhuo Hang in place.
Then he quickly rushed in front of Li Xiaojiang, trying to interrupt Li Xiaojiang’s output. Li
Xiaojiang saw him coming over and immediately retreated, entering the forest with many
He was very familiar with this map and had practiced it many times with Zhuo Hang. After
Zhuo Hang fell asleep, he would go to the computer to open the map and walk it over and
over. He didn’t have the highest level in the team but he was definitely the most serious
His seriousness achieved results in today’s game. He pretended to be flustered as he moved
and Lin Shiliang naturally pursued with all his strength. After chasing around a tree, he
suddenly froze. It was a Frost Trap.
Ice crystals rose from his feet, freezing the person in place.
Lin Shiliang, “…”
Damn it, the Canglan team were full of actors!
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang had learnt their acting skills from Cat God. They had practiced
this several times. Zhuo Hang placed a trap behind the tree in advance and Li Xiaojiang fled
in that direction, leading the opponent.
Lin Shiliang was fixed in place and Li Xiaojiang immediately emerged from behind a tree,
taking advantage of the distance of a remote class to keep attacking Dong Le.
Dong Le used a swordsman’s skill to remove the trap controls and wanted to rush over to
Zhuo Hang. The result was that Li Xiaojiang’s black magician directly hit him from the front.
Dark Fear!
This was a group control skill that caused group fear for three seconds. It should be saved
in a team battle but the arena was different. Cat God said that in order to create a numbers
advantage, he shouldn’t hesitate to open a big move to kill a person. This would create a
2v1 situation that made it easier to win.
Li Xiaojiang didn’t hesitate to open Dark Fear to make Dong Le out of control again!
At the same time, Li Xiaojiang cast Thorns Rising and Dong Le’s blood once again fell.
Zhuo Hang’s fixed body effect ended at this time and he immediately rushed to place a
chain trap at Dong Le’s feet. This time he showed his fast hand speed and the speed at
which he placed traps was simply dazzling. In the blink of an eye, he placed five traps in
front and behind Dong Le before pressing his big move—Trap Blast!
Five serial traps, this was a hunter’s big move. The faster the hand speed, the better the
The explosion of five traps caused Dong Le to directly fall to the ground.
[Great Navigator has killed Half Understand!]
The two of them opened big moves and killed the newcomer of Flying Feathers, forming a
2v1 situation.
Many of their moves were in cooldown and they didn’t have a lot of blue left. Still, it was as
Cat God said. When playing 2v1, they could use the advantage of numbers to compete with
the remaining opponent. After Li Xiaojiang took care of Dong Le, he immediately ran into
the depths of the forest. At the same time, Zhuo Hang used a footwork skill to run with him.
Lin Shiliang took a long time to find them.
Once he found them, the cooldown of their big moves were almost over. Zhuo Hang placed
a bunch of traps to annoy the opponent while Lin Shiliang stayed in the distance as a stable
output. Lin Shiliang relyed on his strong personal ability to hit the two of them but still
failed to reverse the situation.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Big Bard!]
Once the prompt appeared, both Canglan players were excited and their eyes were hot.
They won! They killed two people in the first division!
Zhuo Hang endured the urge to hug the small snail around him. He stretched out his hand
and said, “Good job Xiaojiang!”
Li Xiaojiang nodded happily. “Yes, you also played very well!”
Zhuo Hang once disliked Li Xiaojiang and thought this slow person would drag his hind
legs. Today, he found that Li Xiaojiang was particularly meticulous and he played very
calmly. Every step that Li Xiaojiang made was serious and his skills arrangement was
Xiaojiang was better than Zhuo Hang’s impulsive self.
If it hadn’t been for Li Xiaojiang’s control and output at the critical moments, it wouldn’t
have been possible to kill both opponents.
This was the moment that Zhuo Hang truly appreciated Li Xiaojiang in his heart. He
suddenly felt that his small snail was particularly lovely and it was his blessing to have such
a serious and hardworking partner!
Under the stage, Li Cangyu also smiled when he saw this scene.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang’s luck today was excellent. They met the Half Understand
rookie of the Flying Feathers team. Dong Le was in a dazed state and allowed the Zhuo Li
combination to win, which was helpful in raising their confidence.
The thing that made Li Cangyu truly happy was that these two learnt to protect each other
and work with each other. This was what a good combination should look like!

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GLS: Chapter 153

Chapter 153 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (3)
In the first round, the Flying Feathers combination were defeated by the Zhuo Li
combination but Su Guangmo wasn’t surprised by this result. Dong Le was only 16 years
old this year and was a newcomer in the Flying Feathers team. His experience in this
competition was worse than Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang. He hardly played a role in this
round and losing was a normal result.
Fortunately, this guy’s mentality was good and he spent all day being happy. He didn’t
show any frustration at losing. He just scratched his head and smiled at Su Guangmo.
“Captain, I’m sorry. I couldn’t react…”
Su Guangmo patted him on the shoulder. “It doesn’t matter. Take a break and prepare for
the next game.”
Dong Le’ eyes widened with surprise. “Eh? I’m playing in the second game?”
“Yes.” Su Guangmo helplessly gestured to the soundproof room. “Cat God chose three arena
games. All outputs in our team should be ready to play three games in a row.”
“Oh!” Dong Le nodded and immediately sat down.
Su Guangmo beckoned. “Cao Lang, Xiao Liu, it’s your turn.”
The two men looked at each other and went to the stage in a tacit manner.
Compared to the rookie Dong Le, Cao Lang and Liu Zili were old players who had been with
Su Guangmo for many seasons. Their mentality was relatively stable. Despite the defeat in
the first round, the expressions of the two players were calm. They walked to the
contestant seats and logged into their accounts without saying anything.
Their teammates had already beaten the Zhuo Li combination into a residual blood state.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang had less than 20% blood at this time. More importantly, Zhuo
and Li had used their powerful skills to kill the previous opponents and their remaining
skills weren’t much of a threat.
Many professional players watching the TV were aware that Flying Feathers might’ve lost
in the beginning but the disadvantage wasn’t big. As long as the situation was steady, this
gap was easy to regain.
Moreover, Flying Feathers had a special player, the blood kin assassin Cao Lang.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were the more famous assassin brothers in the
professional league. Aside from their strength, the most important thing was the cousin
relationship that the media wrote many articles on. They had the highest exposure among
the assassin players in the league. Their tacit cooperation made many teams suffer losses
and they were rated as the strongest assassin combination in the league by netizens.
In fact, Cao Lang’s personal strength wasn’t much worse than the Lou Zhang brothers but
his style wasn’t the same.
Lou Wushuang was a calm and fierce assassin. Zhang Shaohui’s assassin was capable of
letting out an explosive force of power. If they had a chance, they could even kill a full blood
Cao Lang was different. He was the best at ‘checking for flaws’, not assassination.
This was a typical knife type contestant. In a team fight, he sneaked around as an invisible
person. As long as the opponents weren’t paying attention, he would suddenly come to take
their heads.
Everyone knew that the Flying Feathers team had swordsmen as their main lineup.
However, it was impossible for Flying Feathers to maintain a good result with just
swordsmen. It could be said that Cao Lang’s role in the Flying Feathers team was no less
than Vice-Captain Yu Pingsheng. His flexible lurking and fast sneak attacks could often
exert great effects in team battles.
This person was introverted and never accepted interviews from reporters. His sense of
existence was low and the audience wasn’t familiar with him. On the other hand, anyone
who encountered Flying Feathers knew that he was a powerful person.
Yu Bing had commented on many games and was clear about the strength of this ‘invisible
assassin.’ She saw that Cao Lang and Liu Zili were getting on stage and immediately said,
“Cao Lang and Liu Zili, they are old partners in the Flying Feathers team. They shouldn’t
give the Zhuo Li combination too many chances.”
Kou Hongyi agreed. “Cao Lang is the best at gaining heads. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang are
currently in a state of residual blood. Their heads should be quickly taken by him.”
Speaking of which, they saw the blood kin assassin secretly lurking behind the hunter Zhuo
Hang. His knife descended a few times and took the head of the residual blood Zhuo Hang
in one breath.
After killing Zhuo Hang, he immediately lurked behind Li Xiaojiang and killed the two
people with the fastest speed. He showed the advantage of a blood kin assassin in the
endgame harvest.
There were no shadows and traces. He had the name of a top assassin in the Miracle League
for a reason.
The straightforward Kou Hongyi immediately said, “This is really a head harvester. He took
less than a minute to take away the residual blood people.”
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang couldn’t react to what happened. It was their first experience
with being quickly assassinated by a top assassin. The two men glanced blankly at each
other and turned back to the team.
Li Xiaojiang looked at Li Cangyu with embarrassment. “Captain, I, I wanted to stay longer
and persist for a while. But that assassin was too, too, too fast…”
Li Cangyu saw the teenager trying to talk with a red face and couldn’t help smiling. He said,
“It doesn’t matter. You performed well killing the first combination of Flying Feathers. Go
to rest first.”
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang sat in their seats, basking in the afterglow of the game just now.
Xiao Han suddenly walked by him and said, “You played well.”
Zhuo Hang glanced at him. “Do you only say these words when praising people?”
Xiao Han nodded earnestly and was about to explain when Gu Siming said, “This type of
praise seems calm.”
Everyone laughed. It seemed that the teammates were used to Xiao Han’s strange Chinese.
Xiao Han scratched his head and decided to learn a few more lines of praise from Qin Mo.
Li Cangyu saw this happy scene and his mood relaxed. He was relieved that the teenagers
didn’t look as nervous as when the match started. Flying Feathers’ Cao Lang was powerful
but Canglan had even more powerful people! Li Cangyu thought this and beckoned to a
laughing person. “Ah Shu, it is your turn.”
“All right!” Xie Shurong immediately stood up and took the initiative to pull Bai Xuan’s
hand. “Milk God, look at my handsome performance!”
Bai Xuan was speechless. “Can you stop being so narcissistic?”
Xie Shurong showed a handsome smile and declared, “I call it confidence. Let’s go and
provide them with some colour.”
Bai Xuan had to helplessly follow him.
Xiao Han seriously pondered on the meaning of ‘provide them with some colour’. He
couldn’t figure out this sentence and sent a text message to Qin Mo.
Qin Mo was watching the live broadcast with this teammates in Wind Colour’s training
room when he suddenly received a text message. [What does provide them with colour
He had just drank a mouthful of water and almost spat it out as he coughed violently.
Ling Xuefeng looked back doubtfully. “What’s the matter?”
Qin Mo smiled awkwardly. “It’s nothing.” He thought in his heart, ‘You told me to be the
sparring partner of this mixed-race child and now I am being used as a Xinhua dictionary.’
Qin Mo endured the impulse to drop his phone and patiently typed out an explanation.
[Provide them with colour is to let them know how powerful you are. It is usually used as
fighting words before the battle starts.]
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully and immediately learnt it. [Do you want to go to the arena
this evening? I will provide you with some colour.]
Qin Mo: [……]
Two ellipses meant to be particularly speechless. Xiao Han was puzzled and typed: [Did I
say the wrong thing?]
Qin Mo: [Can’t you concentrate on watching the game?!]
Xiao Han: [Yes.]
Xiao Han put away his phone and returned his gaze to the screen.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GLS: Chapter 154

Chapter 154 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (4)

The Shu Bai combination entered the field. On the Flying Feathers side, Liu Zili was full of
blood and blue. Cao Lang still had 90% blood and 85% blue despite taking two heads. Their
status wasn’t bad.
In a matchup between masters, this blood advantage was almost negligible.
However, Xie Shurong was confident that since his partner was Bai Xuan, he would be able
to play with his highest strength. He couldn’t let Vice-Captain Bai think he was just a
Xie Shurong thought this and immediately raised the sword in his hand. He used several
displacement movement skills to quickly rush to the front of the Flying Feathers’
swordsman Liu Zili. He directly used Breaking Bone Sword on the other person. There was
a bright blue skill effect and his actions were truly domineering.
Liu Zili was startled by the sudden attack.
As Captain Su had analyzed before the match, Ah Shu had been playing abroad for a few
years. His style was much more mature than his youth and he wasn’t as impulsive as
before. Why was today’s Ah Shu like a mad dog? Wasn’t this a bit wrong?
Since Xie Shurong wanted a quick fight, Liu Zili had no choice but to deal with it.
The result was that the light effects of various swordsmen skills intertwined, looking
gorgeous and dazzling. At the same time, the blood volume of both people dropped rapidly.
Bai Xuan followed behind and wanted to add blood to Xie Shurong but Cao Lang’s
entanglement ability couldn’t be underestimated. The assassin’s stealth around the healer
was very annoying. Bai Xuan’s big casting was repeatedly interrupted and he had to jump
back to avoid Cao Lang’s attacks.
Cao Lang’s ability to interfere was really strong. If it wasn’t for Bai Xuan’s strong mind and
walking skills, the healer would’ve died from the assassin long ago.
Bringing a healer to the arena was strong but the shortcomings was obvious. The output
wasn’t enough.
Flying Feathers had the double output of swordsman and assassin while Canglan only had
Xie Shurong as the output. If Bai Xuan couldn’t add blood then the advantages of the Shu
Bai combination wouldn’t be fully displayed.
Fortunately, Xie Shurong reacted quickly. He saw that Bai Xuan was tangled up in the
assassin and immediately turned from Liu Zili towards Cao Lang.
At this time, Xie Shurong didn’t have much blood left and it was actually quite risky. If Cao
Lang and Liu Zili joined together to attack him then it was likely that he would die in
seconds. Yet Xie Shurong didn’t hesitate to raise his sword and rush towards Cao Lang. It
was a ‘you dare to hit my family, I will kill you’ attitude.
The audience were speechless and the two commentators were also stunned.
After all, Xie Shurong and Liu Zili had been fighting for so long and both of them lost blood.
Suddenly Ah Shu gave up his goal and went back to kill the assassin. People really couldn’t
understand this.
Only Bai Xuan knew what was going on.
Many of his healing skills were interrupted and it was impossible to form a cooperation
with Xie Shurong. It was difficult to show the advantages of a healer with Cao Lang sticking
to him. Xie Shurong might be able to kill Liu Zili in 10 minutes but Cao Lang was interfering
with Bai Xuan, making Bai Xuan very uncomfortable.
Xie Shurong took into account the feelings of his teammate and decided to leave Liu Zili to
Bai Xuan saw the guy chasing the assassin and couldn’t help smiling. He knew that the
output protecting the healer was good. It might be risky but as long as the two of them
connected, the advantages of a healer would constantly expand.
Ah Shu had really grown. He could calmly let go of the residual blood opponent and return
at a critical moment to protect the healer. This wasn’t something that ordinary people
could do.
Bai Xuan didn’t hide from him this time.
Previously, Bai Xuan was conditioned to hide whenever Xie Shurong came back to save
him. This time Bai Xuan was troubled by Cao Lang and didn’t care about the psychological
shadow of being chased by Ah Shu. There was no time to hide once Ah Shu turned back.
Thus, the skills of the two people formed a tacit cooperation.
Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong run back to save the healer and thoughtfully gave him blood. Xie
Shurong saw his blood volume rising and said with a smile, “Continue. Vice-Captain Bai’s
blood adding is really sweet. It is like adding sugar.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Could he be more shameless?!
Bai Xuan saw this person boasting and really wanted to throw him down.
However, he saw Xie Shurong work hard to let out a burst of output to protect the healer
and couldn’t help his heart softening. He quickly added a few mouthfuls of blood to Ah Shu.
Xie Shurong naturally worked harder and used a set of moves to take away the blood of Liu
It didn’t take long for the swordsman and assassin sent by Flying Feathers in the second
round to be killed by Xie Shurong.
Once Xie Shurong killed the two people, his blood volume was quickly filled up by Bai Xuan.
He proudly raised his sword and circled the map. He seemed to be saying to the audience,
“Hey, fighting with a healer is excellent. I can be full of blood in an instant!”
However, Xie Shurong couldn’t laugh when Flying Feathers sent out their third
It was the ace combination of Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng. They were the guard
combination and sure enough, Su Guangmo wasn’t polite to his younger brother. He
directly used the terran swordsman’s big move, Light and Shadow Rotation!
The white gorgeous light effect shrouded Xie Shurong’s body in an instantly. Xie Shurong
ran away but unfortunately, Yu Pingsheng’s big axe was waiting for him. Mountain Chop!
The axe fell and a deep crack formed in the ground, completely blocking Xie Shurong’s
escape path.
Yu Pingsheng’s axe followed closely and he used the big move Cut Through Thorns to cut
Xie Shurong at the waist!
The Su Yu brothers were really one of the best partners in the Miracle League. The
cooperation between their moves could be called a seamless connection. Su Guangmo’s
style was fierce and violent while Yu Pingsheng’s ability to control the field was strong. The
huge and heavy axe seemed extremely flexible in his hands. He blocked all of Xie Shurong’s
escape paths and let Su Guangmo use his big moves.
Xie Shurong was very depressed after being attacked by his two brothers. He wanted to use
Light and Shadow Rotation as well but unfortunately, all his big skills were on cooldown
and he only had 10% blood left. Bai Xuan’s blood was full but a swordsman without blue
had no fighting power. He was quickly killed by his two brothers.
Many viewers filled the screen with comments: [I feel bad for the little brother dying in two
seconds!] [Don’t be distressed little brother!]
Xie Shurong had wanted to play against his brothers in a state of full blood and blue.
However, this was a match and he went out in the second round, completing his captain’s
mission. He had no complaints about being killed now.
After Xie Shurong died, Bai Xuan was inevitably pursued by Su and Yu. Bai Xuan exerted the
tenacious survivability of an ‘invincible cockroach’ and flexibly moved around the big trees.
He seemed to be saying to everyone, ‘I don’t want to give up.’
The result was that Bai Xuan stubbornly survived for half a minute under the fire of Su and
Yu. He forced Yu Pingsheng to use a big move and created an advantage for the next
teammates before falling to the ground.
The fans of the Canglan team really liked the gentle and friendly vice-captain. They saw that
he persisted so long and applauded him excitedly. The live broadcast room was filled with:
[Milk God 666!] [Vice-Captain Bai is so tenacious. He must be praised!]
Yu Bing also praised him. “Bai Xuan is truly a healer with a high survival instinct. He can
last for half a minute under the combined outbreak of Su and Yu. Among the healers in the
entire Miracle League, there are no more than five people who can do this.”
Red Fox’s captain, Liu Xiang watched the live broadcast on the TV and nodded in
agreement. She admired this seemingly gently but tough man.
Vice-Captain Yang Muzi saw her smiling and nodding and couldn’t help asking, “Captain
Liu, Sister Bing said that no more than five people can do this. Apart from you and Vice-
Captain Bai, who else is there?”
Liu Xiang explained, “The main healers of Wind Colour, Time and Ghost Spirits. Their level
is very high and they can survive a melee class.” She paused and added, “However, a
survival ability isn’t enough. The resilience and blood-adding techniques have to be fast
and flexible. Vice-Captain Bai’s overall level is very strong, which is why Cat God dared to
put him in the arena.”
Yang Muzi asked curiously, “How is he compared to you?”
Liu Xiang smiled slightly and said, “Pretty much the same.”
Healers rarely played directly against each other on the field and there was no intuitive
comparison. The key was their teammates.
No matter how skilled Bai Xuan was, he wouldn’t be able to go far without strong
teammates. Now it was different. He had Ah Shu around him and the Shu Bai combination
became an ace partnership of the Canglan team.
Liu Xiang knew how rare it was for a healer to find a good partner and felt happy for Bai
After the Shu Bai combination exited, Canglan’s third pair became the focus of everyone’s
attention. The names on the big screen were expected by many people—Li Cangyu, Xiao
The master apprentice pair had appeared in the previous match. Xiao Han was a newcomer
who just debuted but he knew how to cooperate with his master and keep up with his
master’s rhythm. Besides, this little guy’s brain circuits were different from ordinary
people and he never appeared tense.
Xiao Han sent a text message to Qin Mo before playing: [Wait to see my wonderful
“…” Qin Mo really didn’t know what to say.
Every time this studious baby learnt a fresh sentence, he would repeat it several times. It
was as if he discovered a new world. He had learnt this sentence from Xie Shurong and
since learning it, he would say it before every game.
Qin Mo was sad to discover that the whole team learnt to boast like this. How on earth was
Cat God leading the team? Even the mixed-race Xiao Han was dyed black by him?
Qin Mo felt like laughing and crying when he saw Xiao Han’s strange text message. He felt
this mixed-race boy seemed a bit… ignorant and cute?
Xiao Han learnt to boast from Xie Shurong but once he arrived on the field, he found that he
couldn’t show a wonderful performance.
In a fight between an assassin and swordsman, it was impossible to face the swordsman
head on. Xiao Han could only find an opportunity to attack.
However, Su Guangmo’s swordsman was violent and his sword didn’t show many gaps. It
wasn’t easy to sneak attack him. There was also Yu Pingsheng as his escort. The giant axe
caused countless ditches to stop Xiao Han’s movements. Xiao Han found it hard to get close
to Su Guangmo to release his skills, let alone go behind the other person.
The result of Xiao Han being blocked was Li Cangyu suffering under the Su Yu combination.
Su Guangmo’s idea was simple and crude. Kill Cat God first, regardless of the small
apprentice. As long as Cat God died then there would be no suspense in them killing Xiao
Still, Li Cangyu wasn’t easily chased. He summoned his pets and after a while, the water
spirit froze Su Guangmo. Then some time passed and the wind spirit would blow away Yu
Pingsheng. This scene made the audience feel very frightened!
The nimble elf summoner was chased by two melee gods. Every time he was caught, he
would use a control skill to escape or Flying Feather Steps to teleport. On the big screen,
everyone saw Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng quickly chasing Cat God. Meanwhile, Cat God
escaped while using his pets to control the opponent…
Li Cangyu could still summon his pets in an orderly manner despite being chased by two
people. His frightening hand speed surprised many people.
Yu Bing couldn’t help saying, “Once stunned by Captain Su or controlled by Vice-Captain Yu,
the fragile summoner will face two melee joint attacks and the hope of living will be very
small. This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for Cat God’s fast hand speed. Anyone else
would’ve already died.”
Ling Xuefeng was in agreement with Yu Bing’s words. In a match of Wind Colour and Flying
Feathers, he had been chased by the Su Yu combination. He was well aware of the
disadvantages of a remote summoner in close combat with a violent melee class. One
positioning error meant instant death.
Now Li Cangyu was being chased by the Su Yu combination while quickly summoning his
pets. Ling Xuefeng was calm on the surface but he was inwardly sweating for Li Cangyu.
Xiao Han obviously couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. The cooperation between Su
Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng was too excellent. They had been working together for many
years and knew each other. Su Guangmo only had to raise a hand for Yu Pingsheng to know
what he wanted. For them, the one plus one effect was much larger than two.
Xiao Han’s understanding with his master hadn’t reached this level and his hand speed
couldn’t keep up.
Every time he fought with Master, he was able to keep up because Master deliberately
slowed down the rhythm to match out. It turned out that he wasn’t strong enough to be
with Master. Master was deliberately taking care of him!
Xiao Han understood this and was very moved, while also somewhat depressed.
He realized that when facing great gods, he would be a hindrance to Master and couldn’t
The Su Yu was getting further and further away from him. Even if Master was strong, he
could win one against two. Xiao Han had to do something.
Xiao Han took a deep breath and calmed down. He held his mouse and carefully observed
the surrounding terrain. There was a big tree to the right and Master was going over there.
XIao Han’s eyes brightened and he immediately went into stealth and hid there.
Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Li Cangyu to appear in his field of vision. The Su Yu
combination were still chasing after him.
Xiao Han’s eyes lit up and he suddenly moved. He jumped behind Su Guangmo’s body and
raised the dagger in his hand. The Pain Blade set Su Guangmo in place, followed by the
three consecutive moves of Backstab, Soul Stab and Fatal Blow!
This combination of stealth, control and outbreak was truly very beautiful, making many
people feel shocked.
Qin Mo watched the game on TV and couldn’t help clapping. “Good!”
Li Cangyu also gave Xiao Han a thumbs up in his heart.
Today he deliberately didn’t guide his apprentice on what to do because he wanted to test
Xiao Han’s ability to respond.
He played with Xiao Han in the previous match but he couldn’t always protect Xiao Han. It
was time for his apprentice to gain the ability to think and respond to the situation on the
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were top gods of the Miracle League. Li Cangyu long
expected that Xiao Han would feel a lot of pressure facing them. He wanted to use this
opportunity to hone Xiao Han’s ability to withstand pressure.
As it turned out, Xiao Han didn’t let him down.
Xiao Han had a few seconds of emotional depression and couldn’t keep up with the rhythm.
However, his resilience and mentality were firm and he soon adjusted.
Li Cangyu had chased Xiao Han in the online game until Xiao Han was down to his
underwear. Li Cangyu knew how stubborn and strong he was. Today Xiao Han proved with
practical actions that he wouldn’t fall easily!
Most newcomers found their confidence collapsing when suppressed by great gods but not
Xiao Han!
He was completely lost when he couldn’t fight back against Yu Pingsheng’s initial control
and started to doubt himself… but once he adjusted his emotions, he quickly found a chance
to fight back. This was the rarest thing.
Su Guangmo was too careless. He thought Xiao Han had been left behind him and couldn’t
keep up with the rhythm. He hadn’t expected this mixed-race boy’s brain to be different
from ordinary people. After being thrown off, the boy actually circled around and hid
behind a tree, waiting for an opportunity to move.
The attack gave Su Guangmo a big surprise. Fortunately, his reaction speed was extremely
fast and he wasn’t controlled by Xiao Han. On the other hand, Xiao Han’s appearance
interrupted his cooperation with Yu Pingsheng, giving Li Cangyu time.
What type of person was Li Cangyu?
Just give him a chance and he would accurately seize it to kill the opponent in one breath!
Su Guangmo had just left Xiao Han’s dizziness control when he was hit by a gust of wind
that blew him away. It was the most annoying wind spirit!
Su Guangmo wanted to spit out blood!
Li Cangyu used the wind spirit to completely separate Su and Yu before unleashing his
hand speed. He summoned the fire spirit and successively fired Fireballs at a very fast
speed towards Su Guangmo!
The audience at this time discovered Cat God’s carefulness. During the chasing process, he
had used various small skills to decrease Su Guangmo to half blood. Combined with Xiao
Han’s critical hits, Su Guangmo was already in a residual blood state. Li Cangyu’s full blow
directly killed Su Guangmo!
[Old Cat has killed Grey Wolf!]
Once this prompt appeared, the spectators watching the game cheered wildly.
However, the professional players watching on the TV didn’t rush to clap. Su Guangmo
might’ve been in residual blood but Li Cangyu himself had residual blood. Li Cangyu might
die the moment he was hit by Yu Pingsheng’s big move!
Yu Pingsheng naturally wasn’t idle and seized this chance with his hands. The giant axe
swept forward in the attack with the biggest range and highest damage for a berserker.
This big move could instantly wipe out Li Cangyu’s blood if it grazed him. The fragile
summoned would surely be killed in an instant. The audience members held their breaths
However, after the berserker’s big move, there was no prompt that Cat God had died. It was
because there was a rare pet in front of Li Cangyu, the guardian!
This was the universal pet of the summoners. Summoners of all races could call it and the
consumption of blue was very high. The cost of summoning it once was too great and Li
Cangyu rarely called it.
Still, it was a very important skill at a critical moment. It protected the owner and took all
damage for the owner.
Li Cangyu used the guardian to block Yu Pingsheng’s big move. At the same time, he used
Flying Feather Steps to escape Yu Pingsheng’s attack range, surviving in a thrilling manner!
Deafening applause filled the venue.
Xiao Han saw that his master survived and wittily tangled together with Yu Pingsheng. He
used all types of moves as they created a two against one situation.
This wasn’t a certain win situation. Li Cangyu was still in a residual blood state and Xiao
Han was a fragile assassin. Yu Pingsheng’s axe made him fall to residual blood while Yu
Pingsheng’s defense was very high. The berserker Yu Pingsheng’s health was still
maintained at half blood.
Li Cangyu reminded Xiao Han, “Circle around him and interfere with his vision.”
Xiao Han immediately understood his master’s intentions and moved around Yu Pingsheng,
stabbing him from time to time. This was the role of ‘interference.’
Unfortunately, Xiao Han could only interfere for half a minute before Yu Pingsheng killed
him with a single target attack skill.
[Smog of Rain has killed Frost Descends!]
The audience didn’t have time to respond to this when another prompt appeared.
[Old Cat has killed Smog of Rain!]
Kou Hongyi looked at Yu Bing in a daze and the latter immediately said, “Let’s look at the
slow-motion playback.”
The screen cut to a slow-motion replay. The audience took a closer look and discovered
that Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to escape because many of his pet skills were
cooling down. Xiao Han’s interference gave him a bit of adjustment time and the moment
Xiao Han was killed, he could use a pet skill.
—Thunder’s Wrath!
It was the skill that killed Yu Pingsheng and was the big move of the thunder spirit.
Yu Pingsheng’s skill that killed Xiao Han was released at the same time and the light effects
of the two skills overlapped, not allowing the audience to see it. It was only through the
slow-motion replay that everyone figured out how Vice-Captain Yu was killed by Cat God.
The audience was shocked by the bloody Cat God and Yu Pingsheng who collapsed in front
of him.
How powerful was this man? The counterattack was calculated so accurately that he was
like a computer program!
He survived with a trace of blood and used a last skill to kill the opponent. This type of
sharp operation made people worship him.
The applause at the venue was thunderous, with many audience members in the back row
standing up to cheer for Cat God.
In the Wind Colour training room, the sweating Ling Xuefeng finally released his fists and
smiled slightly.
On the Time side, Cheng Wei jumped up excitedly. “Handsome handsome! Cat God is the
most handsome!”
Tan Shitian, “…Cough.”
Yu Bing was also obviously excited. “We can see that Cat God’s blue is completely empty. He
used the last of his blue to open the thunder spirit’s big move and directly killed Vice-
Captain Yu! Congratulations to Canglan for taking the first game!”
The score on the big screen became 1:0.
Li Cangyu smiled slightly when he saw this score and walked back with his apprentice.
He was originally prepared to lose the first game but Xiao Han was clever!
Li Cangyu looked at the blond youth by his side and couldn’t help patting that golden head.
“You did well. Your reactions are fast enough. Continue to work hard!”
Xiao Han immediately nodded. “Yes!”
It was his greatest blessing to meet such a master. How could he not work hard?
Xiao Han returned to the rest of the team and immediately sent a text message to Qin Mo.
[Master said that I did very well.]
What was this feeling of seeking praise?
Qin Mo smiled and replied: [Yes, you did perform very well.]
Xiao Han: [Right, in addition to playing well, what other sentences are commonly used?]
Qin Mo quickly replied: [Friend you are so handsome, you are great, you are amazing, let
me worship you!]
Xiao Han: [Thank you!]
Qin Mo: [Damn! I’m not praising you!]
Xiao Han said: [I’m thanking you for teaching me new phrases.]
It was another chicken speaking with a duck situation (not understanding each other). Qin
Mo didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. [You’re welcome. Feel free to use it. In addition, I
will teach you how to boast with numbers. 6666. ‘6’ and ‘smooth’ are homophones,
meaning things went smoothly, very handsome.]
Xiao Han suddenly realized. [No wonder why I often see 666 in the comments of the live
Qin Mo: [Yes, your master was really 6 just now.]
Xiao Han thoughtfully put away his mobile phone and ran to Li Cangyu. He seriously
watched his master and said, “Master 6666.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Everyone, “…”
Young man! We advise you not to follow Qin Mo to learn Chinese!

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 155

Chapter 155 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (5)

The first arena game was successfully won, which made Li Cangyu feel peaceful. He had
been prepared to lose. After all, Zhuo Hang, Li Xiaojiang and Xiao Han were younger players
than the Flying Feathers team. There was still a certain gap between them and Flying
Feathers had the Su Yu combination. The level of Cao Lang and Liu Zili wasn’t weak and it
wasn’t easy to win against Flying Feathers.
However, it turned out that the teenagers were in excellent shape today. Not only did the
Zhuo Li team get their first win in the first division, Xiao Han’s performance also made Li
Cangyu very satisfied.
He saw that the teenagers were happy and their mental states had relaxed. They weren’t as
nervous as they were at the beginning.
Thanks to the foundation from winning the first game, he could better arrange the next two
Li Cangyu carefully thought for a moment before gathering everyone together and telling
them the next lineup.
On the Flying Feathers side, Su Guangmo touched his chin while thinking.
He had prepared for a team battle in the one week before the match. He thought that
Canglan would choose at least one team battle. The result was that Li Cangyu unexpectedly
chose three arena games and Su Guangmo could only work hard.
The key to losing the last game was the second round. The advantages of the Shu Bai
combination were too good, especially Bai Xuan who survived for a long time and even
forced a big move from Yu Pingsheng. This led to Yu Pingsheng’s big move cooling down at
the start of the third round. Otherwise, Li Cangyu wouldn’t have escaped with a bit of blood
at the end.
If he continued to send the same lineup as the previous game, Li Cangyu would use the Shu
Bai combination in the middle to create an advantage. Su Guangmo had to change his
strategy. Captain Su finally made up his mind and said, “We are going to change the
The break time ended and the second game between Canglan and Flying Feathers began.
This time, Li Cangyu no longer chose the Demon Forest that everyone was familiar with.
Instead, he changed it to Endless Sea.
In the game, Endless Sea was located in the demon realm and was an endless red ocean.
This map had been adjusted for the competition. There were many light gray reefs
scattered randomly in the red sea water which could be used by people to stand on. The
reefs could be big or small. The large ones could fit around six people while the small ones
only fit one person.
The special thing was that the sea water was extremely corrosive. It was said that the sea
was red because it contained hot magma. Once a player fell into the water, the result was
being burned by hot magma. Their flesh was boiled and they died instantly.
The complexity of this map was rated at seven stars and belonged to the high difficulty
maps of the league.
Once this map appeared on the big screen, the audience at the scene was dazed. Many
people felt doubts. Could the newcomers could with the complex map that Cat God chose?
What if they burned to death instantly? Did he have that much faith in the newcomers?
In fact, only the team members knew that Cat God chose this map to test them.
During the week long preparation period, all members had practiced on the Endless Sea
In the previous matches, Li Cangyu mainly chose the forest map to help the four teenagers
play. The level of the teenagers had been raised so shouldn’t he change things around?
If Canglan wanted to be a top team in the league, they had to become a powerful team with
comprehensive strength.
Endless Sea was a typical killing map. In other words, one mistake meant the player being
directly killed by the map. This type of map had high risk and the play style was very
exciting. It could also train a person’s psychological ability and ability to think on the spot.
Li Cangyu wanted the teenagers to grow quickly and chose this map to practice.
Yu Bing saw the questions in the comments and took the initiative to explain to everyone.
“The kill map is really dangerous but Cat God is being far-sighted. He has won the first
game at home, making this a good opportunity to take out the kill map to practice. It is
impossible to let the newcomers always play a comfortable map. This will make it difficult
to win when targeted by the other teams.”
Kou Hongyi agreed. “Canglan fans don’t have to be too worried about Cat God choosing a
kill map at home. It is clear that the team members repeatedly practiced this map during
the one week preparatory period. The worrisome thing is for Flying Feathers. As you know,
Flying Feathers mainly consists of melee swordsmen. The difficulty of this map is doubled
for them.”
Yu Bing nodded. “This is obviously a targeted map selection.”
The footholds in Endless Sea were too messy and many reefs weren’t next to each other. A
remote close could stand on a distant reef and adjust the angle to attack the enemies in the
distance. It was difficult for melee classes to get close to the opponent.
Kou Hongyi said, “It isn’t an exaggeration that this map is more difficult for swordsman. It
can be said that Li Cangyu chose this map to really target the Flying Feathers team.”
A targeted map selection was the right of the home team to find a way to win against the
away team, Flying Feathers. Su Guangmo’s expression was very calm but the Flying
Feathers’ fans were worried.
The game soon started and both sides submitted those who would appear in the first
round. Canglan still sent the combination of Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang while Flying
Feathers also didn’t change. They sent the two swordsmen Lin Shiliang and Dong Le.
Many viewers were puzzled. Dong Le, the 16 year old newcomer, hadn’t played a role in the
last game against Zhuo Hang. Captain Su still dare to let him play?
To the surprise of the audience, Dong Le didn’t seem affected by his previous defeat. He
wasn’t old but his mentality was very good. He sat there with a relaxed expression and
didn’t seem very reliable.
However, Su Guangmo knew that this person always had an optimistic personality. He had
been abused by his seniors in the team and his ability to withstand pressure was very
strong. In the last game, it was the first time he encountered a fast moving hunter. He was
slow to react and stepped into Zhuo Hang’s serial traps. Su Guangmo believed that in this
game, Dong Le could play to his true strength and make the audience impressed!
In Su Guangmo’s heart, Dong Le had the strength to compete for the Best Newcomer Award
of the seventh season. Thus, he would never let the child sit on the bench because of just
one loss.
The facts proved it. Dong Le didn’t let his captain down.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake a second time, especially after the captain’s advice to
him. In the first game, he accidentally stepped into Zhuo Hang’s traps. He wasn’t so careless
this time. He paid special attention to Zhuo Hang’s position when moving and his pace was
very flexible.
The audience discovered that the newcomer Dong Le was too strong when it came to
flexible movements!
On the messy reef map, he was able to jump quickly and his foothold was extremely
precise. He was able to subtly avoid the traps that Zhuo Hang placed.
Many old players might not be able to do this!
Li Cangyu was very appreciative of this nimble newcomer. It seemed that Su Guangmo had
found an excellent seed in the seventh season.
However, the targeted map created great difficulties for Flying Feathers’ two swordsmen.
The reefs might be full of traps left by Zhuo Hang, creating a dilemma.
The good thing was that Lin Shiliang had played for many years. He was an experienced
contestant and had encountered this map many times. With his experience of playing
hunters and the amount of blue remaining, he quickly judged the direction free of traps.
“Xiao Le, go and kill the black magician by jumping to the small reef to the right. I will stop
the hunter.” Lin Shiliang ordered.
“Okay!” Dong Le immediately jumped to the right.
Due to the short attack distance of a melee class, Li Xiaojiang managed to cast a spell before
he approached. The black magician’s spell was highly aggressive and Dong Le was beaten
to almost half blood.
Dong Le didn’t show impatience and steadily moved towards Li Xiaojiang. His sword
extended and he used Spirit Lock.
Li Xiaojiang’s attack was strong but his speed was very slow. He wanted to avoid Dong Le’s
rapid strikes but it was too late. He was set in place by this move and was hit by the
swordsman’s set of moves. He fell to half blood in an instant.
Zhuo Hang’s side also wasn’t good. Lin Shiliang cleverly entangled with him so that he
couldn’t help Li Xiaojiang.
Fortunately, Zhuo Hang’s hand speed was fast enough and the hunter’s distance was
relatively far thanks to the traps. He decisively filled the surrounding reefs with a Stop
Trap. He turned and led Lin Shiliang into the traps and then used Trap Blast!
This type of play on a kill map was very effective against melee classes. Lin Shiliang wanted
to close in on Zhuo Hang but found that this young hunter was more difficult than he
Zhuo Hang’s operations were as fast as the wind and he quickly threw traps around,
making it hard for Lin Shiliang.
Still, he was busy dealing with Lin Shiliang and left Li Xiaojiang in a completely passive
Dong Le’s hand speed was fast and combined with the swordsman’s strong attack and the
black magician’s low defense, Li Xiaojiang’s blood was cut with a few strikes.
Zhuo Hang wanted to go over to help but Lin Shiliang was always blocking his way!
Zhuo Hang felt anxious when he saw Li Xiaojiang’s blood gauge flashing red and
immediately unleashed his hand speed to the limit. He used the elf’s acceleration skill to
reach the reef Lin Shiliang was standing on. He placed four death traps to the front, rear,
left and right of the opponent and followed with Trap Blast!
There was a loud boom and the death traps all exploded, killing the residual blood Lin
Shiliang instantly.
At the same time, Li Xiaojiang was killed by Dong Le!
Lin Shiliang and Dong Le have obviously agreed to kill the remote Li Xiaojiang first.
Otherwise this map would be more difficult to play.
Lin Shiliang was a veteran of the Flying Feathers team and wisely completed an exchange
of heads, leaving Zhuo Hang and Dong Le to fight it out 1v1.
The gap in the blood volume of the two people wasn’t big. It was unknown who would win
or lose.
Tan Shitian watched the live replay and suddenly said, “Zhuo Hang might lose.”
Cheng Wei asked doubtfully, “Why? They have the same amount of blood and doesn’t a
hunter play better on this map? Zhuo Hang can place traps in the distance, not allowing a
swordsman to get close.”
Tan Shitian shook his head and said, “Xiao Hang is too anxious. It wasn’t necessary to place
four Death Traps. Putting down two death traps and two basic traps was enough to kill Lin
Shiliang. He caused such a big outbreak in a few seconds. It looks excellent but the
consumption of blues was serious. The death traps also have a long cooldown period. It will
certainly affect the subsequent output.”
Cheng Wei heard the captain’s calm analysis and suddenly realized. “He was too anxious to
go to his teammate and didn’t calculate the amount of damage. The skill damage was
actually too much!”
Tan Shitian said helplessly, “He still isn’t calm enough. He probably saw that Li Xiaojiang
was going to die and became anxious. Of course, this is excusable.”
Cheng Wei nodded. “Yes, sometimes I will also be anxious if my teammates are going to die
and use skills I shouldn’t. Being able to stay calm the whole time on the field, only a great
god like Cat God can do it!”
Tan Shitian looked back at him. “Are you really using this opportunity to boast about Cat
Cheng Wei smiled happily. “Of course. Otherwise I’m not qualified to be Cat God’s fan.”
Tan Shitian saw his cute expression and couldn’t help gently rubbing his head. “Then you
should pray that Cat God will also win the second game.”
Cheng Wei was depressed. “Can you stop touching my head?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Rubbing the head of a fanboy can bring good luck to your idol.”
Cheng Wei cried out, “Get lost! You actually came up with this reason? God Tan Shitian, can
you be so shameless?”
He became angry again.
Tan Shitian covered his ears like it was painful. However, he was actually thinking, ‘In fact, I
rub your head because your hair is very soft and you look particularly cute when I do so. If
this was an average person, my hands would be too lazy to touch it!’
Of course, he was afraid to say this or else Cheng Wei would unleash his machine gun
The game went as Tan Shitian analyzed. Zhuo Hang had been too eager to kill Lin Shiliang
and used more explosive skills. This resulted in a serious consumption of blue and his skills
being on cooldown. He wasn’t able to fight against Dong Le.
Of course, the newcomer couldn’t be blamed for this. It wasn’t easy to unleash big moves at
a critical moment. It was too much to ask him to calmly calculate his skills while his
teammate was dying. Only a god on the level of Cat God could do this.
Dong Le seemed careless but his mentality was really rare. He wasn’t worried about his
own residual blood and played in an active manner.
Before long, Zhuo Hang was killed by Dong Le. After winning the first game, the Zhuo Li
combination opened the second game and lost to Flying Feathers.
Yu Bing wasn’t surprised by this result. “The game is like this. It is normal for a
combination to win and lose in one match. Fortunately, the disadvantage from the first
round isn’t too big. Dong Le is in a residual blood state and the second round of team
members can quickly kill him.”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “I can guess that the Canglan team will send the Shu Bai combination.”
However, the names that popped up on the big screen made Kou Hongyi’s face become
swollen. They were Li Cangyu and Xiao Han!
“Cough cough.” Kou Hongyi touched his nose with embarrassment. “Cat God’s thinking it
different from mine, hahaha.”
Yu Bing, “…”
She also didn’t expect that Li Cangyu would appear in the middle round of the second

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GLS: Chapter 156

Chapter 156 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (6)

Li Cangyu chose the Endless Sea map to train the newcomers but he couldn’t lose points
while training them. He would use the regular season to train the newcomers but he still
wanted to get points at home matches. Otherwise, what if he didn’t make it to the playoffs?
This map was difficult for Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang but Li Cangyu was like a ‘fish in
The summoner could call a pet to a designated location and their skills could be released
from a distance. Li Cangyu could stand in the distance and use his pets to control and attack
the opponents.
Li Cangyu handed over the residual blood Dong Le to Xiao Han to take care of. Then the
second pair from Flying Feathers surprised Li Cangyu. They were Su Guangmo and Xiao
It was a swordsman with a healer. The Flying Feathers ace combination of Su Yu was
actually broken.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “It seems that in order to cope with the three arena
games, Captain Su has made great changes to the lineup. He opened in the second round
with a healer and left Vice-Captain Yu as a guard. This arrangement was really surprising.”
Yu Bing said, “Xiao Mu is the only terran priest in the professional league. The terran priest
has higher defense than an angel priest but the disadvantage is that the amount of healing
isn’t as high as an angel priest. Bringing the terran priest to the arena is a good option. The
arena only requires him to add blood to himself and his partner so the healing pressure
isn’t as big compared to a team battle.”
Li Cangyu understood Su Guangmo’s intentions. He split up the Su Yu combination and
joined with a healer. This was obviously to target the Shu Bai combination. If Xie Shurong
wanted to bring a healer then Su Guangmo would as well!
As a result, Li Cangyu adjusted his order of appearance. He put the Shu Bai combination at
the end and played in advance with Xiao Han. Su Guangmo wasn’t able to face his younger
brother in the second round.
Su Guangmo’s plan to kill his little brother with a healer was ruined.
This gave Su Guangmo an ominous feeling. He saw Li Cangyu in the middle of the map but
didn’t rush forward. It was because Li Cangyu’s wind spirit was simply a bug on this map.
One blow might blow the player into the water and kill them directly!
Li Cangyu didn’t rush to summon his wind spirit. He calmly stood still and watched. Xiao
Han cleverly used stealth to move behind Xiao Mu, using Pain Blade to set him in place!
Xiao Mu’s performance was very calm. He used a skill to release the control and jumped to
the left, successfully dodging Xiao Han. To his surprise, Li Cangyu suddenly summoned the
wind spirit and used Wind and Clouds Destruction in his exact direction!
The audience saw a shocking scene. Xiao Mu had just dodged Xiao Han’s sneak attack when
he was blown away by Cat God’s wind spirit, directly falling into the red water.
[The Endless Sea has killed Absolute Solemn Silence!]
Xiao Mu, “…”
Su Guangmo, “…”
Cat God, did he have to dig a deeper pit?
Su Guangmo wanted to vomit three litres of blood at the computer screen!
The audience also felt distressed for Captain Su. Captain Su worked hard but Cat God dug
such a miserable pit for him today!
As the first player to be killed by the map in the seventh season, Xiao Mu’s mood was
somewhat complicated.
Li Cangyu was in an excellent mood. He saw the opposite side’s healer being blown into the
sea and sent a handsome smile towards the camera.
The fans of Flying Feathers wanted to go to the soundproof room to beat him up when they
saw this smile. However, Ling Xuefeng watched the game in front of the TV and thought
that Li Cangyu’s small show of pride made him more real.
After all, he wasn’t a god. A human always had emotions and it was normal for him to feel
pride and joy after tricking an opponent. How could he be asked to always maintain a calm
Li Cangyu only allowed himself two seconds of pride before putting away his smile and
concentrating on Su Guangmo.
The wind elf’s surprise victory could only be used once. The opposite side would be
cautious about it. He and Xiao Han played 2v1 against Su Guangmo and had a big chance of
Fortunately, Li Cangyu’s technique was very stable and Xiao Han wasn’t an impulsive
player. The two of them cooperated to kill Su Guangmo and kept the advantage in the third
round. Yu Pingsheng and Cao Lang were sent for Flying Feathers in the third round.
The game was won by Canglan without much suspense and the score on the big screen
turned to 2:0.
On the Time team’s side, Cheng Wei cried out excitedly, “Come on, refuel! I feel that Canglan
can win 3:0 today.”
Tan Shitian said, “3:0 should be difficult. The second round with the healer was just an
accident. In the third round, I think that Cat God will continue choosing this map and
Captain Su will adjust.”
Cheng Wei asked doubtfully, “How can he adjust? This game he brought a healer. Will he
bring the paladin of the Flying Feathers team to the next stage?” The paladin played a big
role in the team battle. They could withstand the firepower in the first row to protect their
teammates. However, there wasn’t much time to play in the arena. Their actions were slow
and the output was very low. In a 2v2 match, it was easy for the the paladin’s teammate to
be killed. A paladin only had thick skin and it was useless to survive alone.
This was why Gu Siming never appeared in the arena stage.
Tan Shitian replied, “I think he will change the order. It is more secure to have the Su Yu
combination as the guard.”
Cheng Wei looked at him suspiciously. “Is that so?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Watch and then we’ll talk.”
In Canglan’s soundproof room, Li Cangyu called Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang and whispered
a few words to them. The audience saw the two members nodding seriously. It was unclear
what the captain said but everyone guessed that Li Cangyu had called them to advise them.
This meant that Zhuo Li would play again in the third game.
In the third game, Li Cangyu once again chose Endless Sea and the starting pair were Zhuo
Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
He was obviously trying to give the Zhuo Li combination more chances today. They played
three games in a row and won the first game. Their performance in the third game would
be the key.
Flying Feathers also sent Lin Shiliang and Dong Le again. The four people had played two
games in a row and were very familiar with each other’s characteristics.
To the surprise of the audience members, Zhuo Hang changed in the third game and played
He no longer used a rapid outbreak of traps to hit the opponents. He carefully used the
lowest level traps to block and consume the opponents’ resources. Tan Shitian knew that Li
Cangyu must’ve specifically told him this point. Zhuo Hang might be prideful but he wasn’t
stupid. He listened to Li Cangyu’s words and immediately adjusted in the third game.
Previously, Li Xiaojiang stood in the same place like a fort and released his output. The
result was that Dong Le could get close to him to control him. He was smart in this game
and didn’t rush to cast skills. Instead, he used displacement skills to jump the reefs and hid
behind Zhuo Hang, using the black magician’s control skills to interfere with the opponent.
This way, the two people worked together to enhance their advantages in the Endless Sea
map to the extreme.
Zhuo Hang used his traps as interference while Li Xiaojiang used his black magic for
control. Combined with the long distance of their skills release, they didn’t allow the Flying
Feathers’ melee swordsman to move.
Zhuo Hang slowed down and Li Xiaojiang was a famous snail. The result of the careful
calculations was that their rhythm was particularly slow. The two sides had a stalemate for
15 minutes. Then Li Xiaojiang found an opportunity to silence the opposite side’s Dong Le
and used Zhuo Hang’s traps to kill him.
However, the cost of killing Dong Le was very fierce. Zhuo Hang was simultaneously killed
by Lin Shiliang.
Zhuo Hang died and Li Xiaojiang could only fight 1v1.
He had a big advantage in blood volume but the audience wasn’t very optimistic. Everyone
knew that Li Xiaojiang’s biggest feature was that he was particularly slow!
The slow snail lost the protection of his teammates and people didn’t have high hopes of
him winning.
Besides, Lin Shiliang’s competition experience was very rich. His blood volume might be
10% less but he could certainly think of ways to kill Li Xiaojiang once he got close. The
Flying Feathers’ fans were very confident about this.
To everyone’s surprise, Li Xiaojiang might be slow but he was extremely accurate!
Once Zhuo Hang died, he decisively jumped back and fell on a reef.
As people knew, Miracle had a first person perspective when operating the game. It was
easy to make a mistake when jumping and to fall into the sea.
However, Li Xiaojiang didn’t make this mistake. He apparently trained hard on the map and
was quite skilled in handling the distance between footholds.
This time Lin Shiliang had a bit of trouble. The reef that Li Xiaojiang jumped onto was too
small and barely fit two people. He needed to be close if he wanted to attack Li Xiaojiang.
However, he risked falling into the sea if he jumped to Li Xiaojiang’s reef. He intended to
first go to the three reefs in front of Li Xiaojiang to get closer.
The two men froze on the vast sea for a moment. Li Xiaojiang carefully observed the
opponent, his fingers waiting on the keyboard for an opportunity.
The cooldown of his big control skill had finally ended. It was like Cat God said. On a map
like this, he had to control the opponent and wait for a chance for a big outbreak.
Successfully silencing the opponent was the key to whether he won or lost!
Li Xiaojiang took a deep breath and aimed at the position the other side was standing in.
Lin Shiliang wasn’t stupid enough to stay still and was jumping fast. Li Xiaojiang also wasn’t
stupid enough to aim for the original place. He predicted where Lin Shiliang would move!
The next step for the opponent should be the stone to the left because this stone was
closest to him!
People had a certain type of mindset. When there were two footholds in front of a person,
most people would jump to the nearest stone before jumping to the desired location. This
was energy saving and reduced the risk of falling into water.
Li Xiaojiang thought about it and aimed his skill to the stone to the left, gently pressing the
The stone was empty for a moment and then two seconds later, Lin Shiliang jumped there.
The black magician’s Dark Fear control skill took two seconds to cast, allowing the
audience to see a marvellous scene. Lin Shiliang had just jumped to the reef to chase Li
Xiaojiang when a black fog surrounded his whole body!
Dark Fear!
This was the silence skill of the black magician.
Many viewers were confused but Yu Bing reacted immediately. “Li Xiaojiang successfully
prejudged the opponent’s position and cast Dark Fear in advance. It is so beautiful!”
She particularly liked this slow snail who worked hard. Yu Bing saw Li Xiaojiang smartly
predicting the opponent’s position and had a ‘my family member is growing up’ type of
Zhuo Hang looked at his partner with appreciation. He found that although Li Xiaojiang
looked very calm, his fingers were tightly gripping his mouse. He was obviously a bit
Still, he didn’t make a mistake. He had long pressed the next key and followed up with the
black magician’s strong attacks, Shadow Winding and Hell Flames!
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Big Bard!]
Li Xiaojiang’s fingers shook slightly the moment the system message popped up.
It was the first time in the first division that he had killed an opponent on his own. The
opponent was also an experienced veteran of the Flying Feathers team. Li Xiaojiang always
thought that he was the weakest in the team and needed the protection of his teammates.
He never thought that one day he would be able to kill independently on the field.
Li Xiaojiang was so excited that his eyes were hot and tearing up. Zhuo Hang directly stood
up and embraced him tightly, whispering, “Amazing, Xiaojiang is so great!”
Zhuo Hang’s words were sincere. He was initially uncomfortable with Li Xiaojiang but now
he found this person extremely pleasing!
Li Cangyu smiled from where he was sitting.
The harvest in today’s match against Flying Feathers was extremely huge. Compared to
their initial ignorance and tension, the three teenagers showed different levels of
improvement in today’s match.
Xiao Han learnt to think independently and adapt, Zhuo Hang learnt to calm down and
carefully calculate things while Li Xiaojiang understood that as an output, he could kill the
opponents without the assistance of his teammates!
Li Cangyu originally had Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang form a partnership to have Zhuo Hang
protect Li Xiaojiang. This would maximize Li Xiaojiang’s black magic output. After all the
training in the second division, their understanding reached a certain level but Li
Xiaojiang’s confidence was still insufficient.
It was discovered that once Zhuo Hang died, Li Xiaojiang would become a slaughtered snail.
He found it difficult to deal with the enemy independently and didn’t know what to do.
Today Li Cangyu tried to raise Li Xiaojiang’s self-confidence.
Really good players should know how to cooperate with their teammates but also couldn’t
rely too much on their teammates.
They had to believe in their own strength and judgement. This was what Li Cangyu told Li
Xiaojiang before the game.
Li Xiaojiang didn’t let his captain down. In a key moment, he completed his first
independent kill!
In the absence of Zhuo Hang, he alone killed the Flying Feathers’ swordsman.
Li Cangyu had the feeling of a ‘parent seeing his child grow and evolve’ when he saw Li
Xiaojiang’s excited eyes. The small snail was slow but the small snail would also try to kill
the opponent! ‘That’s right Xiaojiang! You are actually excellent. You have to be confident!’
The TV showed Li Cangyu smiling while gazing at Li Xiaojiang. Ling Xuefeng also couldn’t
help smiling with relief.
Ling Xuefeng fully understood the arrangements for the newcomers today.
‘Small kittens, Cat God is so well-intentioned towards you. You have to live up to his

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GLS: Chapter 157

Chapter 157 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (7)
Li Xiaojiang’s outstanding performance at a critical moment made a good head start for the
third arena game. He didn’t survive long when he met the second Flying Feathers’ pair but
he successfully completed his task.
Li Xiaojiang walked down with Zhuo Hang and immediately came to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu
patted him on the shoulder and said, “You played very well. You should believe in yourself.”
Li Xiaojiang immediately nodded. “Yes!”
Zhuo Hang also said, “Xiaojiang is amazing. Your progress is particularly fast.”
Bai Xuan suddenly interjected. “It is really rare. This is the first time I’ve heard Xiao Zhuo
praising someone.”
Xie Shurong immediately agreed. “Yes, Xiao Zhuo never praised us.”
Zhuo Hang blushed and scratched his head. Li Xiaojiang consciously sat down next to him.
Zhuo Hang was unable to calm down after the game just now. He saw the excitement in Li
Xiaojiang’s eyes and felt that in the days to come, it would be excellent if he could keep
having Li Xiaojiang as a partner.
Why did he dislike Li Xiaojiang when they first started? Xiaojiang tried so hard and his red
face as he stuttered was cute. What was Zhuo Hang thinking at that time?
In the future, he must be good and cooperate with Li Xiaojiang. Zhuo Hang secretly made
this promise as he held Li Xiaojiang’s hand. The latter turned to Zhuo Hang with a confused
look. “What is it?”
Zhuo Hang smiled and said, “Nothing.”
In his heart, he was thinking that it was wonderful to sit next to the slow Li Xiaojiang. Zhuo
Hang believed that he and Xiaojiang would become the league’s best combination.
On the field, Flying Feathers sent Cao Lang and Xiao Mu as the next pair. It was a blood kin
assassin and a terran priest.
Cao Lang was known as the ‘head harvester’ and his ability to find opportunities was
extremely strong. Xiao Mu was the only terran priest of the MIracle League and his survival
ability wasn’t lacking compared to Bai Xuan. The combination of this two people would be
very hard.
As it happened, Li Xiaojiang was out and the second pair from Canglan was Xiao Han and
Zhang Jueming. It was the blood kin assassin and white magician combination!
This way, the two sides formed an assassin and auxiliary combination match.
Li Cangyu didn’t partner with his apprentice and sent Old Zhang instead. Yu Bing’s
explanation was, “Cat God doesn’t want to go out. He sent an auxiliary as Xiao Han’s
partner. It is probably to test Xiao Han’s independent thinking and flexibility.”
Her explanation was acknowledge by the Canglan fans. They now thoroughly understood
Cat God’s thinking when sending people. He wanted to train new people while gaining
He played the first two games with Xiao Han. This time, he saw that Xiao Han was in good
shape and didn’t play, sending him with an auxiliary instead.
Xiao Han naturally wouldn’t let his master down. In a fight between assassins, winning or
losing depended on grasping the right timing.
The other side’s healer was really strong and he could easily add blood back. However,
Uncle Zhang’s white magician wasn’t weak. He could control the opponents at key
moments and help Xiao Han complete big moves.
Kou Hongyi saw this matchup and sighed. “The attackers are assassins while there is an
auxiliary and healer. This should be a protracted battle and take at least 10 minutes.”
Yu Bing added, “In a slow battle, it depends on who is more patient and is able to seize
more opportunities.”
“This is the truth.” Kou Hongyi went on, “A quick fight is difficult as long as the healer
doesn’t die. It will obviously become a protracted battle and it depends on whether the two
sides have the patience to grind down their opponents.”
In the Wind Colour training room, Qin Mo couldn’t help opening his mouth to ask, “In a
protracted battle, Xiao Han has less experience. Isn’t he likely to lose?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “Not necessarily. Xiao Han’s mentality is excellent and he might be
able to find a chance.”
Qin Mo didn’t feel that Xiao Han could win against Cao Lang but he hoped that Xiao Han
could play to his true level.
This arena game really turned in a protracted battle like Kou Hongyi said. The two sides
jumped back and forth on the vast sea and didn’t rush to act. This made people feel sleepy.
The reason why Cao Lang wasn’t anxious was because he knew that the white magician
could release skills from a distance. If he got close to kill Xiao Han, Zhang Jueming would
definitely control him. Therefore, Cao Lang wanted to find a better time to act.
Xiao Han was also very patient. The other side didn’t act and he wasn’t in a hurry either.
Uncle Zhang adjusted their positioning and he started to tentatively attack the opponent.
Once the standoff lasted for three minutes, Canglan’s auxiliary moved first!
God’s Seal emerged from Zhang Jueming’s hands. This was the white magician’s skill to fix a
body in place. The spell accurately fell on Cao Lang’s body and he couldn’t move.
Xiao Han seized this opportunity and immediately moved behind Cao Lang, using Death
Mark, Backstab, Fatal Blow and Absorb and Seize the Soul!
This combo caused Cao Lang’s blood to instantly fall to 40%!
It wasn’t that Xiao Han’s output was terrible. It was because Zhang Jueming accurately
grasped the timing and used the white magician’s skill to enhance his teammate’s attack,
Inspiring Voice. This doubled his partner’s attack for five seconds!
Xiao Han took advantage of this support skill to unleash a scary amount of damage, causing
Cao Lang to fall belong half blood in one breath.
Xiao Mu saw Cao Lang’s blood and immediately used the terran priest’s strongest single
target healing skill, Holy Light Surge.
Holy Light Surge restored a certain percentage of blood. It instantly added 60% blood in
critical situations.
Such a big move naturally had a very long cooldown time. It was more than 50 seconds and
the consumption of blue was also huge. The advantage was that he could rescue his
teammate from near death. Xiao Mu was obviously worried that a second combo would kill
Cao Lang and decisively used the big move.
To the surprise of the audience, the gorgeous skill was released but Cao Lang’s blood was
only raised by 20%.
Yu Bing immediately explained, “We can see that Xiao Mu’s big skill only added 20% blood
to his teammates. This is because Zhang Jueming used a skill at the critical moment,
She made a gesture and the screen opened a small window in the lower left that had a
replay. “You might be curious. Doesn’t the Purification skill remove negative states and
makes the person immune to control?”
Cheng Wei watched the game on the TV and immediately said, “That is the regular options.
It can add something else!”
Sure enough, Yu Bing also said, “This is normal for output white magicians. However, Zhang
Jueming’s white magician took the auxiliary route. The special effects of Purification isn’t
quite the same. He abandoned the lifting negative states effect but added a substantial
reduction in the healing amount. In the team battle, this can greatly reduce the effect of
healing in a key moment, allowing his teammates to break out and kill a person.”
Kou Hongyi suddenly realized. “No wonder. The white magician auxiliary build died out a
long time ago in the Miracle League. This contestant is very different from the white
magicians we normally see. Xiao Mu is probably shocked. This is equivalent to wasting a
healer’s big move!”
On the field, Uncle Zhang decisively used a skill to offset the healer’s big move. Xiao Han
was happy and continued to release three skills, forcing Cao Lang’s blood to 30% in one
Cao Lang naturally didn’t stand still. He escaped the control effect and immediately
attacked Xiao Han. However, Xiao Han didn’t struggle with him and turned quickly to
The audience was a bit puzzled but Li Cangyu was relieved. Xiao Han was really clever.
Cao Lang had a healer and his blood could be restored. Xiao Han had an auxiliary and his
blood couldn’t be restored. He knew that he couldn’t kill Cao Lang this time and decisively
retreated, once again waiting for another opportunity.
Uncle Zhang had offset the healer’s big move, making Xiao Mu use more blood adding skills
to recover Cao Lang’s blood. His blue amount fell to 50%.
For a healer, the blue was the key, not blood!
There was no reason to fear a healer who had no blue, even if they were full of blood.
Xiao Han was smart and understood it was a battle of attrition. He forced the healer to use a
big move, controlled the healer’s cooldown time and made the healer consume a large
amount of blue. Once Xiao Mu ran out of blue, he couldn’t add anymore blood and killing
Cao Lang would become easier.
Zhang Jueming’s role was key but Xiao Han’s reaction was fast enough to grasp his
teammate’s intention.
Xiao Mu’s survival ability was very strong but Xiao Han didn’t attack him at all. Instead, he
struck Cao Lang and made Xiao Mu consume his blue. This feeling was very uncomfortable.
It appeared that Xiao Mu and Cao Lang were full of blood but experienced professional
players knew that Xiao Han and Zhang Jueming were using the map to look for
opportunities. Their wave of attacks would make things more difficult for Xiao Mu.
Fortunately, Cao Lang’s reaction wasn’t slow. He understood the other side’s intentions and
chased Xiao Han to consume Xiao Han’s blood.
Consuming blood while consuming blue. The result was that Xiao Mu was almost empty of
blue while Xiao Han had residual blood.
At this critical moment, Zhang Jueming acted again. Song of the Soul!
A soft sound filled the venue accompanied by the white magician’s holy light effect. This
was the white magician’s strong control skill. Like its name, Song of the Soul put the
opponent to sleep!
Cao Lang fell asleep and couldn’t use any skills. Xiao Han grasped this opportunity and used
a series of attack skills.
He saw Cao Lang was waking up and didn’t hesitate to use Pain Blade to make Cao Lang
This continuous control made Cao Lang’s blood fall to 10% instantly!
Cao Lang’s control effect finally ended and he used an attack that couldn’t be avoided. Xiao
Han also used an attack skill and the two residual blood players fell to the ground at the
same time.
[Frost Descends has killed Bright Clear Sky!]
[Bright Clear Sky has killed Frost Descends!]
This result made many audience members surprised. In front of the TV, Qin Mo’s eyes
widened. He didn’t expect that Xiao Han could actually kill a first-class assassin in the
There was the factor of the auxiliary’s assistance but as a newcomer, Xiao Han’s
performance made the audience clap!
The mixed-race teenager had white skin and his hair was gold. His eyelashes were long and
he was very good-looking. After this battle, the number of fans on Xiao Han’s Weibo rose by
tens of thousands.
At this time, Xiao Mu and Zhang Jueming were embarrassed as they faced each other on the
Xiao Mu was full of blood and empty of blue. Zhang Jueming was also full of blood and
empty of blue. How could they fight?
A healer and auxiliary who couldn’t use skills had to face each other?
The camera cleverly zoomed in to both sides’ blood gauge and laughter filled the veue.
Zhang Jueming also smiled and typed: [Shall we go down together?]
Xiao Mu helplessly agreed: [Okay.]
The referee had no objection to their decision. The two men didn’t have any skills and
didn’t need to continue fighting. Such a situation was judged as a draw.
The result was that the two full blood players stood up and left the contestant seats at the
same time.
On the way back to the team, Zhang Jueming patted Xiao Han’s shoulder and said,
“Excellent cooperation!”
Xiao Han also said, “Uncle Zhang, you played very handsome.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Of course! However, played very handsome is a bit strange. You
should directly say that I was very handsome.”
Xiao Han seriously corrected himself. “Uncle Zhang, you were very handsome!”
Li Cangyu saw them come back and raised his thumbs. There was no need to talk about
Zhang Jueming. The old player was very reliable in critical moments. The rare thing was
that Xiao Han could adapt to Zhang Jueming. Xiao Han had certainly gained a lot of
experience from this, making Li Cangyu satisfied.
Next was the critical third round.
Xie Shurong stood up. “It is my turn to be handsome on the stage.”
Bai Xuan helplessly asked, “Can’t you change your lines?”
Xie Shurong touched his chin and said, “This line suits my temperament. I won’t change it.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
This guy’s shamelessness was too big!

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GLS: Chapter 158

Chapter 158 – Canglan VS Flying Feathers (End)

The result of the second round’s tie meant that both side sent their third round players at
the same time.
Flying Feathers naturally sent Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng while Canglan sent Bai Xuan
and Xie Shurong.
It was a match between brothers. Both sides were full of blood and blue and it could be said
that this was a very fair game.
In front of the TV, Cheng Wei touched his chin and pretended to seriously comment, “Su
Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, the two people’s output is very scary. Canglan only has Xie
Shurong as an output. It will be hard if they want to win.”
Tan Shitian glanced at him and smiled. “This round is estimated to take at least 15 minutes.
It will be longer than the previous round.”
Cheng Wei nodded while thinking, ‘How should Tan Shitian and I cooperate to win against
Flying Feathers?’
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were the most classic melee combination in the Miracle
League. They were violent and fierce, making it hard for the fragile remotes to escape.
The swordsman’s sword and the berserker’s giant axe. The slashing, sweeping, big moves
and light and shadow effects when cooperating became a unique landscape in the Miracle
Yu Pingsheng was actually a rare genius. He had a serious communication disorder and
would think seriously when asked a question. Perhaps he would think for a moment before
replying with, “Yes.”
The result was that he was first among the people that reporters’ ‘least wanted to
He might not be eloquent but he had the most delicate mind in the Miracle League. He could
combine his patience and meticulous observations together with a berserker’s wild moves.
Many Miracle League berserkers were careless or rough. The softness of Yu Pingsheng was
definitely special.
Since he abandoned a swordsman in the fourth season to play a berserker, the ID of Smog
of Rain was always at the top of the domestic berserker rankings.
The combination of Yu Pingsheng and Su Guangmo gave other teams a headache. Today
they faced the full of blood Shu Bai combination. This was a direct confrontation between
the top players of the two teams.
The excited audience members stared at the big screen.
The four people soon met in the centre of the sea map.
Both pairs were melee and the positioning became the focus of the battle. The audience
members found that Xie Shurong’s hands moved incredibly quickly as he jumped between
reefs. Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng weren’t as fast but they always mutually controlled
the distance between them.
This was the tacit understanding of a long-term partnership. Sometimes they didn’t need to
look for each other. As soon as they looked back, they could see the other person beside
This time Su Guangmo moved first. He used a movement skill to fly to Xie Shurong and used
Spirit Lock to fix the opponent in place. Then he directly followed up with Light and
Shadow Rotation!
A dazzling light surrounded Xie Shurong. Using a big move straight away, his older
apprentice brother was obviously very rude today. Xie Shurong was badly injured by this.
In the distance, Bai Xuan immediately used Healing Language, a heal over time skill that he
stacked to the maximum amount. Then he used a small healing skill to fill his blood.
To the surprise of the audience, Yu Pingsheng didn’t run to interfere with Bai Xuan. He
jumped to the reef behind Xie Shurong and his huge axe descended, hitting Xie Shurong
with Mountain Chop.
Yu Bing adjusted the camera to overlook the map from above. The audience found that Yu
Pingsheng and Su Guangmo chose the terrain very cleverly, surrounding Xie Shurong in the
Xie Shurong hadn’t expected his two older brothers to directly set fire to kill him. He
thought that Su Guangmo and him would fight while Yu Pingsheng went to interfere with
the healer. The result was that they ignored the healer and acted to kill their little brother.
The helpless Xie Shurong had to carefully cope.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “Captain Su has learnt. Everyone saw in the last round
how Xiao Han and Zhang Jueming dragged it out into a 10 minute battle. In this round, the
Su Yu combination are ignoring Bai Xuan and setting fire to Ah Shu. In the face of this high-
output classes, Bai Xuan’s pressure to add blood will be very large.”
Fortunately, Bai Xuan was an experienced veteran player. He could calmly respond even in
the face of the Su Yu combination’s outbreak. The audience watched on in fear because Xie
Shurong’s blood volume went up and down like it was a roller coaster. It was really
Xie Shurong didn’t worry that he would die. He had absolute confidence in Bai Xuan’s
ability to add blood.
Xie Shurong wasn’t afraid after being ganged up on by his two brothers. Once the control
effect ended, he also used Light and Shadow Rotation and directly struck Su Guangmo!
The two brothers kept fighting to hurt each other. Xie Shurong had Bai Xuan to recover his
blood but Su Guangmo’s blood kept dropping. It seemed like the Ah Shu combination were
However, Li Cangyu watched the battle and didn’t think so. He knew that if the Su Yu
combination kept this up, Bai Xuan wouldn’t be able to keep up! This wasn’t just a battle of
attrition, it was a battle of fatigue!
Su Guangmo had been a captain for many years and his tactics weren’t any worse than Li
Cangyu. It was just that today was an away game and he was targeted by Li Cangyu’s three
consecutive arena games and map selection. It was also unlucky that in the second game,
Xiao Mu was unfortunately killed by a trick.
This didn’t mean Su Guangmo was going to sit back and lose three games in a row.
In the last game, Su Guangmo carefully considered the combinations he sent. He and Yu
Pingsheng were the guards and he sent Xiao Mu to the second round. No matter who the
opponents were in the second round, XIao Mu was good at a protracted battle and would
let the opponents enter the third round without any advantages.
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng had recharged their batteries and acted as the guard. The Su
Yu combination had a chance to win against any combination in the Miracle League. The
key was timing and a bit of luck.
The facts proved there was nothing wrong with Su Guangmo’s arrangement. The second
round ended up in a tie and he and Yu Pingsheng didn’t have too much pressure in the third
In addition, the opponent was Xie Shurong, the younger brother whom they knew very
The fierce battle continued for 10 minutes and Xie Shurong became aware that Bai Xuan’s
hand speed couldn’t keep up. Normally he could fully stack Healing Language in three
seconds but now it took him nearly 3.5 seconds.
Professional players were very sensitive to the timing of skill releases and this tiny gap was
immediately captured by Xie Shurong.
In fact, he knew his brothers’ intentions. The high-intensity output would give great
pressure to the healer. Bai Xuan’s nerves had been tight as he quickly filled Xie Shurong’s
blood. It was okay for three minutes or five minutes. However, once it lasted for seven or
eight minutes, a strong healer might not necessarily keep up.
Besides, Bai Xuan was 23 years old. He belonged to the older group of contestants in the
Miracle League. He played in the previous two games and it wasn’t easy for him to last until
Xie Shurong couldn’t give Bai Xuan any more pressure…
Xie Shurong thought this and immediately left Su Guangmo, turning and quickly jumping to
a distant reef.
Many viewers found this move incomprehensible but Bai Xuan sighed with relief. Ah Shu
had given him some breathing time that would allow him to slightly adjust his skills.
However, Yu Pingsheng wouldn’t let Xie Shurong leave so comfortably. The moment Ah Shu
jumped, he also jumped over. His reaction speed was simply amazing!
Yu Pingsheng’s carefulness was reflected here. In a battle, he always kept an eye on the
opponent’s movements. The movement Ah Shu moved, Yu Pingsheng guessed that the
other person wanted to escape and immediately followed. He used Mountain Chop to
forcibly stop Xie Shurong’s retreat.
This was closely followed by Su Guangmo’s Breaking Bone Sword. The tacit understanding
between the two people made the audience sigh. Yu Pingsheng moved and Su Guangmo
immediately followed. It looked like a follow program set up by the computer.
Xie Shurong saw his big brothers chasing him and immediately turned back to use Splitting
Heaven and Earth on Su Guangmo!
In the previous fight, all of Xie Shurong’s moves were aimed at Su Guangmo. He had Bai
Xuan to restore his blood and it was still maintained at around 80%. Meanwhile, Su
Guangmo couldn’t do anything about his blood and there was less than 30% left.
Xie Shurong’s latest move was a critical hit and cut Su Guangmo’s blood directly to 10%!
There was hope in killing him!
Xie Shurong wanted to do this when Yu Pingsheng’s axe swept towards him. It was the
berserker’s big move, Circle Around Three Chops.
The release of this move was very difficult and it must be triggered when facing away from
the target. Still, as long as it was successful, the damage would be considerable.
The axe swept over Xie Shurong three times. The visual effect was gorgeous and Xie
Shurong was almost cut into three sections.
The scarier thing was that this skill had the effect of interrupting the opponent’s moves.
Xie Shurong had just wanted to kill Su Guangmo only to be interrupted by Yu Pingsheng. Su
Guangmo smartly jumped to another reef to get away from Xie Shurong.
However, Xie Shurong couldn’t miss such a good opportunity. He was forced to use a
movement skill to jump to Su Guangmo. Then he used Devouring Soul Sword to stab the
other person’s chest. Su Guangmo finally fell to the ground.
[Ah Shu has killed Grey Wolf!]
The audience members warmly clapped.
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu didn’t show a smile. He knew that Xie Shurong and Su
Guangmo were originally brothers and the gap between them wasn’t big. Xie Shurong used
too much skills in order to kill Su Guangmo while Yu Pingsheng still had a lot of blood.
Ah Shu only had 30% blue left. It wasn’t enough to kill the defensive berserker, even if his
blood was filled up by Bai Xuan.
Moreover, Bai Xuan was obviously fatigued by the long high-intensity battle and didn’t
have much blue left.
Yu Pingsheng’s status was very good. Most of the time he had cooperated to intercept and
control Xie Shurong. He still had many attack moves left and his blue was also carefully
calculated. At present. he had around 60% blue left.
It might seem like 1v2 but in fact, the damage left by Yu Pingsheng’s remaining moves was
much great than that of Xie Shurong.
Su Guangmo’s purpose was achieved once the attrition battle reached this point.
Xie Shurong knew in his heart that he would probably lost this game but it couldn’t be
helped. Coping 1v2 against his two brothers was very hard. It might be different if the
opponents were normal players but it was impossible for him to kill both brothers.
He was well aware that Yu Pingsheng was a super defensive berserker!
Xie Shurong had watched previous matches and felt that Yu Pingsheng’s level had
improved. Today he had a deeper understanding about why Yu Pingsheng thought a
berserker was more suitable for him.
This introverted, ghost-like person could lift a heavy axe and decisively crush the
opponent’s defense.
The invisible swordsman who followed his brothers had become history. Now the person
standing in front of Xie Shurong was the most powerful berserker of the league, Yu
Xie Shurong knew that his hope of winning wasn’t great but he didn’t give up. He fought
against Yu Pingsheng for a while and cut the opponent’s blood to less than 30%.
But it had to stop here.
He didn’t have enough blue and used his big moves to kill Su Guangmo. He didn’t have
enough to kill Yu Pingsheng.
Yu Pingsheng was very calm and carefully calculated the blue and skills. He finally used Cut
Through Thorns to kill Ah Shu.
The remaining Bai Xuan was also almost empty of blue. Yu Pingsheng slowly consumed the
other person’s blood with small skills that consumed very little blue. Once Bai Xuan ran out
of blue, Yu Pingsheng killed him in one breath.
[Smog of Rain has killed Ah Shu!]
[Smog of Rain has killed White Fox!]
The two messages appeared on the big screen on after the other. Fans of Flying Feathers
immediately cheered in front of the TV. Many people went to Yu Pingsheng’s Weibo to
leave the following messages: [Vice-Captain Yu 6666!] [Vice-Captain Yu is so handsome!]
[Vice-Captain doesn’t want to talk so there is no need to reply. Just listen to me. You are
really handsome!]
Unlike the introverted Yu Pingsheng, his fans were very lively.
Su Guangmo smiled and wrapped an arm around his brother, whispering, “Well done.”
Yu Pingsheng wasn’t very talkative. He looked at his brother and smiled shyly. The smile
was shallow and contained no sense of existence, but the light in his eyes was as bright as a
Canglan VS Flying Feathers, the final score was 2:1.
In this regard, Canglan fans were still satisfied. After all, there were many newcomers and
the opponents were the strong team of Flying Feathers. 2:1 at home was very good. More
importantly, the newcomers improved in this game.
Flying Feathers was a strong team in the Miracle League and it wasn’t easy to play 3:0
against them. After all, Su Guangmo wasn’t a vegetarian. Today, he was pitted by Cat God
and it was normal to counterattack in the third game.
Li Cangyu was pleased with this result. He was sure he would be questioned about why he
didn’t appear in the last game but he felt that this arrangement had more benefits for the
players. It was worth it.
Bai Xuan left the contestant seats and descended the stage. Then he suddenly pulled Xie
Shurong’s arm and asked, “I couldn’t keep up. Did I drag you down?”
Xie Shurong turned to see Bai Xuan’s gentle and apologetic eyes. His heart melted and he
didn’t blame Bai Xuan. Instead, he wanted to immediately pull out his heart for Bai Xuan to
Of course, this was just a thought. Xie Shurong stretched out an arm and hugged Bai Xuan.
He smiled and said, “You shouldn’t blame yourself. You are the best healer in the Miracle
League. Today we lost to Su Yu because my output couldn’t keep up. It isn’t due to you.
Besides, we can win together and lose together. It isn’t a big deal.”
Bai Xuan understood that this person was comforting him an didn’t say anything. However,
he suddenly felt that Ah Shu was actually very reliable. His IQ sometimes regressed to a
kindergarten age and he acted childish, but he was reliable in critical moments.
When he won. he would proudly say, “Look at how handsome I was,” making people want
to kick him. When he lost, he didn’t blame his teammates or appear downcast. Instead, he
was very open-minded.
‘We can win together and lose together…’ They were simple words from Xie Shurong but
Bai Xuan was really moved.
Such a partner was rare.
Ah Shu was a reliable young man. Bai Xuan thought this way and his eyes became gentler
when he looked at Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong’s heart beat faster. He really wanted to hug and kiss him. ‘Vice-Captain Bai,
don’t you know what you do to me when you give such a gentle look?’
The two people watched each other for a moment. Then Xie Shurong couldn’t bear it
anymore and hugged Bai Xuan tightly. Bai Xuan was shocked but his hands moved to rub
this person’s head. He couldn’t bear to push this petulant young man away.

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GLS: Chapter 159

Chapter 159 – Post-Match Interview

The Canglan members finished the after-match procedures and followed the captain to the
big stage. This was their first home game in Changsha and many fans came to the venue.
They saw the eight members appear and the audience stood up, deafening applause and
screams filling the venue. Many fans raised the fluorescent cards that they specifically
Li Cangyu looked at the crowd and the shiny fluorescent cards with the player IDs. He
smiled and took the microphone, saying simply, “Thank you for the support and for coming
to watch this match!”
More than 80% of the audience members willing to buy tickets were iron fans. No matter
which team members came, the warm atmosphere of the venue made the team members
feel that this was a real home match!
At an away game, the audience were cheering for the other team. At Changsha, it became
the world of the Canglan team! Canglan might be a new team just set up this season but the
enthusiasm of fans were undiminished. This made Li Cangyu feel very moved.
The former Canglan team didn’t have so many fans and their results were bad. Sometimes a
home match would only have half the seats filled. Had it ever been as full as today?
It was the first time he experienced the strong supporting atmosphere of a home match.
He had taken full advantage of the home game mode and map selection and was able to
score 2:1 against a first-tier team in the Miracle League. Li Cangyu was actually very
The fans were obviously happy as well and game the team members a standing ovation.
The applause and cheers lasted a long time. Li Cangyu had everyone bow to the audience
and then moved backstage, ready to be interviewed by the reporters.
Of course, it was customary for the losing team to be interviewed first.
On the Flying Feathers side, Su Guangmo took Yu Pingsheng and Xiao Mu with him. Yu
Pingsheng sat next to him and listened from beginning to end. The Flying Feathers fans had
been long accustomed to this. Yu Pingsheng would become part of the background in
The focus of the reporters’ questions was naturally the captain of Flying Feathers Su
Guangmo. “Captain Su, what do you think about Cat God’s arrangement of three arena
games today?”
“To be honest, I wanted to vomit out blood when I saw it.” Su Guangmo replied very
honestly. “Before the match, we worked hard preparing for a team battle. The result was
completely unusable. I can only say that… Cat God is too playful.”
Many reporters laughed. Captain Su was always straightforward when being interviewed.
He wanted to say that he was miserable today due to Cat God and frankly told the
Su Guangmo paused for a moment before continuing, “Of course, Cat God’s idea is correct. I
think this match will certainly provide new ideas to the captains of major teams. I have to
learn to dig a pit for others at Flying Feathers’ next home match. Flying Feathers’ next
opponent is Time. I have decided to choose three team battles so that Tan Shitian and
Cheng Wei can’t appear in the arena together.”
Cheng Wei immediately jumped up in front of the TV. “Damn Su Guangmo, do you really
want to be like this? Why are you retaliating against us because of Cat God?”
Tan Shitian hurriedly patted him on the shoulder. “He is just talking nonsense. Do you
really believe it? It is impossible to expose the mode selection before the match.”
Cheng Wei froze and felt that his IQ had been insulted.
Then a reporter asked, “Captain Su, today the score was 1:2 in the away match. Is this what
you expected?”
Su Guangmo smiled helplessly. “There were too many unexpected factors in the game. I’m
not satisfied with the score. Of course, this is the fun of competitive gaming. If we win then
we can also lose. There is no need to fret over a score of 1:2.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded.
The reporter handed the microphone to Xiao Mu. “Xiao Mu, how did you feel when you
were killed in seconds by Cat God’s wind spirit?”
“…” Xiao Mu touched his nose. “I can probably use the phrase ‘messy in the wind’ to
describe it?”
The reporters laughed but Xiao Han thoughtfully watched the broadcast and wrote down
‘messy in the wind’. He planned to go back and ask Qin Mo about the usage.
The reporter asked, “Are you satisfied with your performance in today’s match?”
Xiao Mu replied, “This is the first time I played in the arena. I wasn’t comfortable and didn’t
have an understanding with my teammates. I feel that many of our members only played
with 80% of their strength today. I hope that the next Flying Feathers match can make
everyone more excited.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded again in agreement.
The reporters, “…”
Vice-Captain Yu, he was a really dedicated background board. He would also nod in
Su Guangmo saw that Yu Pingsheng was nodding and handed the microphone to him,
instructing him to say a few words. Yu Pingsheng thought for a while before saying, “We
will refuel.”
The reporters saw his serious expression and wanted to laugh. The vice-captain took so
long just to say such a sentence!
Fortunately, a witty reporter immediately changed the topic and continued to ask Su
Guangmo, “Captain Su, how do you evaluate the performance of your younger brother Xie
Shurong in today’s match?”
“I think that Ah Shu has improved a lot compared to when he was in Flying Feathers. He
still has some impulses but he has become very calm and patient. He knows how to
cooperate with his teammates and how to adjust the rhythm. I think he played very well
Su Guangmo was very generous. Yu Pingsheng sat quietly beside him and nodded from
time to time. Gradually, the reporters treated him as a ghost. He seemed use to it and
continued to be in the background.
Some newcomers to Flying Feathers wanted to ask, ‘If Vice-Captain Yu doesn’t like to talk,
why does Captain Su take him to every interview? Isn’t it embarrassing to sit next to him?’
Flying Feathers’ veteran fans would definitely say, “It is because Vice-Captain Yu is Captain
Su’s sidekick and follows him everywhere!”
In fact, only people who knew the inside story knew that Su Guangmo took Yu Pingsheng
everywhere because he was worried that if Yu Pingsheng was left alone, his symptoms
would get worse.
He took Yu Pingsheng with him everywhere so that Yu Pingsheng could communicate with
others. After many years, Yu Pingsheng’s communication disorder symptoms had
improved. At the very least, he wasn’t afraid of photographer’s camera and wouldn’t hide
Su Guangmo finished answering questions and left the interview room with Yu Pingsheng
and Xiao Mu.
On the way back, Su Guangmo watched the silent Yu Pingsheng and couldn’t help holding
his hand and asking, “There were many people in the room. Was it a bit stuffy?”
Yu Pingsheng was silent for a moment before nodding softly. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled and placed an arm around his shoulder. “It is our first time in
Changsha. I will take you for a walk.” He turned back and said, “Ah Mu, go to the team and
tell them it is a break tonight. Everyone is free to play but pay attention to safety.”
Xiao Mu seemed used to the captain sneaking away with the vice-captain and nodded
calmly before walking away.
The Shu Yu duo was walking when they suddenly saw Ah Shu and Bai Xuan coming around
the corner. Xie Shurong was talking and laughing with Bai Xuan. He saw his two brothers
and immediately walked over. “Brothers, are you going back to the hotel?”
Su Guangmo replied, “We aren’t going back yet. We want to explore Changsha. Are there
any places you would recommend?”
Xie Shurong said, “I’m not familiar with this place.”
Bai Xuan smiled and recommended several places. He also told them a few restaurants with
good reviews. “If you want to eat authentic Hunan cuisine, you can go to the places I
mentioned. There is also delicious crayfish. Is Captain Su interested?”
Su Guangmo answered, “Forget the crayfish. I will go and try Hunan cuisine. Thank you!”
The two of them walked away and Xie Shurong smiled. “Vice-Captain Bai, you are really
considerate. Thank you for recommending places to eat for my brothers.”
“You’re welcome.”
Xie Shurong laughed. “It is better to hug you as thanks.”
Then he hugged Bai Xuan with a cheeky expression. Bai Xuan was dumbfounded. “I don’t
want this way of thanks!”
Xie Shurong had to let go, his deep eyes watching Bai Xuan closely.
Bai Xuan felt puzzled and couldn’t help reaching out to touch the young man’s forehead.
“Do you have a fever again?”
Xie Shurong smiled slightly and thought, ‘I don’t have a fever. I just like you and want to
hold you, so I found a shameless excuse.’
Bai Xuan would definitely want to kill Xie Shurong if he knew these crooked thoughts.
Xie Shurong didn’t say anything before smiling in a handsome manner. Then he whispered
into Bai Xuan’s ears, “I was just testing my charm to see if your heartbeat will speed up
when I hug you.”
Bai Xuan rolled his eyes. “You can roll out of here.”
Xie Shurong immediately squatted and held his head. He looked up at Bai Xuan and asked
sincerely, “Should I rolls sideways or the other way?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
He really couldn’t be helped! How on earth did he become so shameless?
Fortunately, Li Cangyu came over with the others at this time. Bai Xuan immediately turned
and greeted him. Li Cangyu said, “We should go quickly. We can’t let the reporters wait too
Xiao Han found Ah Shu crouching on the ground and asked curiously, “What happened to
Ah Shu?”
Xie Shurong stood up and patted his trousers while explaining, “There was something on
the ground. I picked it up.”
Xiao Han continued to ask, “What is it?”
Xie Shurong said, “My thick face.”
Everyone, “…”
He was quite self-aware!

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GLS: Chapter 160
Chapter 160 – Post-Match Interview (End)

This was the first home match for the Canglan team. For today’s post-match interview, Li
Cangyu decided to bring all eight members of the Canglan team to say hello to the local
The reporters were excited when they unexpectedly saw all eight players coming into the
interview room. They stood up and applauded the players. The photographers kept
pressing the shutter button for fear of missing this wonderful moment.
The host responsible for maintaining order took the microphone and said, “Reporters, the
time for asking questions is only 15 minutes. I hope that everyone can prepare the key
questions in advance for the players to answer. The post-match interview of the Canglan
team is now starting.”
As soon as these words were heard, a female reporter stood up and asked Li Cangyu, “Cat
God, you played a 2:1 game at home today. This is definitely due to your careful
arrangements. Did you calculate all of this before the game?”
Li Cangyu took the microphone and replied honestly, “The order of the first arena game
was decided before the match but the second and third games were decided on the spot.
During the one week preparation time, we practiced a variety of combinations. Then today
I made corresponding adjustments based on the performance of several players.”
The reporter asked, “What are the specific adjustments?”
Li Cangyu replied, “It has long been decided that Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang would play all
three games. Today I adjusted the appearance of the other combinations. The cooperation
between Xiao Han and Old Zhang was also a temporary decision. It is because at the end of
the second round, I felt that Xiao Han was in good shape and felt reassured about letting
him go with an auxiliary.”
The female reporter asked another question. “Cat God, did you think that it might’ve been
possible to get a 3:0 score if you played in the third game?”
“It is hard. I used my wind spirit once and no professional player would make the same
mistakes in a row. In my opinion, I would’ve played similarly to Ah Shu.” Li Cangyu paused
and explained seriously, “Besides, Ah Shu’s state is excellent. He has more understanding of
the opponents and also needs opportunities to train his cooperation with Vice-Captain Bai.
I don’t think I made a mistake. A 2:1 score is similar to my expectations.”
“You had Ah Shu play three games in a row? Weren’t you worried that he would make a
mistake when facing his brothers? Or weren’t you worried about affecting the feelings
between brothers?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I wasn’t worried about that at all. Ah Shu is a very good professional
player. All team members should try their best on the field. This is the most basic quality of
a professional player. I believed he could absolutely do it… As for the relationship between
brothers, I think that Captain Su, Vice-Captain Yu and Ah Shu aren’t so stingy. A match is a
competition and a personal relationship is a personal relationship. Professional players
should be able to distinguish between it.”
“Thank you, Cat God.” The female reporter got her answers and sat down politely. She
couldn’t help giving a thumbs up to Cat God in her heart. This was her first interview with
Li Cangyu and she found that this man was very serious when answering all questions.
Moreover, he could calmly cope with hard questions.
This was followed by a young male reporter standing up. “In the last match against Time, it
was Cat God’s Cataclysm that turned the tide at the crucial moment. Today you summoned
the wind spirit in a key moment to directly kill the other side’s healer. Cat God, how many
secret weapons do you have left?”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly. “There are many things that will be slowly pulled out in future
The captains in front of the TV really wanted to beat him up. There were many more
things? How many times was he going to pit them?
“Is Cat God going to pick more arena games at home matches?”
“Not necessarily. It will be according to the opponent.”
“What about Wind Colour?”
Li Cangyu grinned. “Are you an undercover sent by Ling Xuefeng? This must not be
revealed in advance!”
The crowd laughed while the reporter who asked the question blushed and sat down.
There were no frivolous answers from Cat God’s mouth. He was an old captain who led the
team for many years and knew how to answer every question.
“I want to ask the new members. What is your biggest feeling from today’s match?” A
female reporter with a ponytail changed the topic to the newcomers. Gu Siming
immediately took the microphone and replied, “My biggest feeling is that it is boring to play
soy sauce. I also want to play.”
Laughter filled the venue. The reporters were deeply sympathetic to Xiao Gu who had to
watch from the sidelines the whole time.
Gu Siming pointed to himself and said, “Everyone can take a few more photos. I didn’t play
today but you can’t miss me when writing the articles!”
The photographers pointed the camera at him and found that this baby-faced man was
quite good.
The reporter continued asking, “Zhuo Hang? What is your harvest from today’s match?”
Zhuo Hang smiled slightly as he took the microphone and faced the reporters. “This game
allowed me to learn many things. My performance wasn’t perfect, especially in the second
game. I didn’t calculate the skill damage and I have to be more careful in the future. I feel
there is still a lot of room for improvement and I will continue to work hard.”
The reporters cooperated to give him some applause. He might be young but they liked his
calm appearance.
“Xiao Han? Is there anything you want to say?”
Xiao Han took the microphone from Zhuo Hang and said, “Master told me I played well. I
also felt that I played 666.”
The reporters, “…”
They stared at Xiao Han with a dull expression.
Li Cangyu suppressed his laugh and reminded Xiao Han, “Very few people will use 666 to
describe themselves.”
Xiao Han immediately changed it. “I played very well.”
The reporters, “…”
‘Mixed-race child, can’t you save your Chinese?’
Everyone suppressed their smiles. A strange feeling grew inside them as they listened to
his nonsense.
Qin Mo saw the interview and immediately had a headache. He cried out in his heart, ‘Don’t
tell anyone that I am teaching you Chinese! I don’t have a student like you!’
Xiao Han’s Weibo was blowing up. [Xiao Han, you are really 6!] [Young man, who taught
you the language? Kick him away and learn from me!] [It is great. I’ve learned a new
expression.] [Xiao Han, you are really great!]
Xiao Han noticed the reporters’ expressions and realized he said the wrong words. He
scratched his head with embarrassment and handed the microphone to Li Xiaojiang.
Li Xiaojiang stammered, “I am, I am very happy today. I could kill, kill a person alone on the
field. The captain gave me more, more confidence. I will, will continue to work hard.”
The reporters listened to his serious answer and clapped in encouragement.
Li Xiaojiang’s face reddened. “Thank, thank, thank you.”
The reporters, “…”
Other people said it once but this boy had to say it many times.
Many reporters felt that the Canglan team was full of style. The four newcomers each had
their own characteristics and interviewing them was particularly interesting. They wanted
to talk to the members all night but unfortunately, the interview time was limited.
Once all four teenagers answered the questions, a reporter aimed a question at Zhang
Jueming. “Old Zhang, your auxiliary white magician is currently the only one in the Miracle
League. What made you stick with it to the present?”
Zhang Jueming answered enthusiastically, “It is probably because of my stubbornness! The
white magician output is the mainstream style for professional players but I wanted to play
an auxiliary. In any case, I am back again after so many years have passed. I didn’t want to
change myself.”
The reporters admired him. “You control and status enhancement skills were quite
accurate today in key moments. It turns out that a white magician auxiliary can also play a
big role.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Right? I also feel that I am very handsome today!”
The reporters, “…”
Was the boasting of the Canglan team contagious? Old Zhang learnt it as well? Fortunately,
Cat God still maintained his integrity!
“Vice-Captain Bai played three games in a row with Ah Shu today? How do you feel? Please
evaluate your partner.” A reporter stood up and asked Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “The first feeling is that I am very tired. I played three games and
couldn’t maintain my state well. The rhythm of my healing couldn’t keep up with the speed
of the opposite side’s output. This is the key to losing the last match.”
He took the initiative to take all blame. Xie Shurong pinched his hand under the table and
whispered, “Don’t say this.”
Bai Xuan glanced at Xie Shurong and kept talking, “If I have to evaluate my partner, I think
that Ah Shu is… he might be a bit childish and shameless but he is very reliable in key
moments. He is a partner that all team members can trust.”
Xie Shurong was happy about being praised and held Bai Xuan’s hand tightly under the
A reporter followed up with, “What about Ah Shu? How do you evaluate Vice-Captain Bai?”
Xie Shurong spoke without hesitation. “I think that Vice-Captain Bai is a gentle, considerate
and careful person. No matter in life or on the field, he will make his teammates feel
particularly comfortable. As a healer, his survivability is very high and his blood adding
technique is powerful. I feel that I have 10 lives when I’m with him on the battlefield.”
“…” The embarrassed Bai Xuan interrupted him. “Cough, you are boasting too much. It is
almost over.”
The reporters laughed while Xie Shurong smiled. “In fact, no words can describe how good
Bai Xuan is. In my heart, he is the perfect partner.”
Bai Xuan blushed and couldn’t help thinking, ‘Ah Shu’s boasting technique is first-class. He
always exaggerates and his mouth is as sweet as honey. Doesn’t he feel numb?’
In fact, Xie Shurong’s words came from deep in his heart.
It was impossible to describe Bai Xuan’s strengths, let along express Xie Shurong’s affection
towards him.
It was the so-called ‘in the eyes of the beholder’. In Xie Shurong’s opinion, Bai Xuan was the
best existence in the world.

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GLS: Chapter 161

TL: Going to change Dragon Warriors to Dragon Song from now on.
Bonus ko-fi chapter.

Chapter 161 – The Problem of Vice-Captain Bai

The interview ended and the Canglan team followed their captain to a nearby restaurant.
Liu Chuan had already booked a table for the celebration party. Once everyone entered, he
immediately stepped forward and said, “Everyone has worked hard. I will treat you this
The teenagers stared at the table of food, especially the hungry Gu Siming who was about to
drool. Li Cangyu glanced at them and smiled. “Don’t be polite and sit down. The boss will
treat us so we can eat a lot.”
The group immediately sat down to eat.
Liu Chuan watched the people quickly grabbing the food and couldn’t help laughing. “You
seem to be starving?”
Xiao Gu spoke while eating, “Of course. In the afternoon, we rushed to the venue and played
three consecutive games. There was no break in the middle and lunch has already been
digested. I was so hungry that my stomach went up to my chest.”
Liu Chuan looked at him curiously. “But you didn’t play?”
Gu Siming made an upright expression. “A soy sauce will also be hungry!”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder. “Then eat a bit more and save energy. You have to
play well in the next match.”
Gu Siming excitedly replied, “No problem, wait to see my handsome performance!”
Xie Shurong couldn’t help interjecting, “This line was originally mine. Why is everyone
learning it?”
Zhang Jueming agreed. “Yes, it isn’t good for you little guys to learn how to brag from Ah
Xiao Han mused, “Uncle Zhang, didn’t you say that you are very handsome in today’s
Zhang Jueming pretended to be innocent. “Did I?”
During this time, Li Cangyu quickly took care of the plate of fish in front of him. Bai Xuan
picked up the chopsticks and only took a bite when he saw empty plates. Bai Xuan
helplessly asked, “Aren’t you going to leave anything for me?”
Li Cangyu wiped his mouth with contentment and replied seriously, “Eating is about seizing
opportunities. You were listening to their bragging and missed the best timing to eat fish.
You can’t blame me.”
Bai Xuan laughed. “You are so serious when talking nonsense!”
Xie Shurong suddenly gave him a piece of ribs in a thoughtful manner. “This one is for you.
It is the last piece.”
It was like a war zone at the table. Xie Shurong’s hand speed was truly much faster than the
four newcomers if he could grab the last piece of ribs. However, his favourite dish was ribs.
How was he willing to give the last piece to Bai Xuan? Bai Xuan was very confused about
this. “Shouldn’t you keep it to eat yourself? Why are you trying to curry favour by giving it
to me?”
Xie Shurong laughed. “Giving my favourite food to you to eat, isn’t this true love?”
Bai Xuan was startled and he suddenly felt a bit awkward.
A joke like this between men wasn’t a big deal. When he was in university, a roommate saw
him washing clothes and stated, “Bai Xuan, you are outstanding. I really want to marry
you,” and other such jokes. These roommates had girlfriends but jokes like this were part of
the daily life of a boy’s dormitory. Bai Xuan didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.
Today, Xie Shurong called him the perfect partner. This sentence spoken by a mature
professional player was a bit excessive.
There were many excellent teammates in the team. If Ah Shu was partnered with Cat God,
they would form a very fast output combination. If he was paired with Old Zhang, his
output would double. In the second division, he teamed up with Li Xiaojiang as a
demonstration to Zhuo Hang and the effect was good.
Xie Shurong’s words about the perfect partner were excluding all other teammates.
Of course, the other players knew that this person had a bragging personality and his
words wouldn’t be true. Thus, they didn’t become angry. However, Bai Xuan couldn’t help
feeling strange.
There was also the ‘true love’ that Xie Shurong said just now. Bai Xuan looked at the ribs on
the plate and suddenly found the food hard to swallow.
The other teammates were present so Bai Xuan didn’t care about this person for the
Then after they returned to the dorms, Bai Xuan took a shower and lay in bed. The more he
thought about it, the more he felt that things weren’t quite right.
In New York, Xie Shurong’s main purpose of his spoiled actions was to eat. The American
ICE Club’s food was mainly Western food and Ah Shu wasn’t used to it. Bai Xuan’s cooking
was also excellent and his homemade dishes delicious. Ah Shu never forgot it after eating
once and often ran over to eat ribs. This was understandable.
Yet there was no need to cling to Bai Xuan after returning to China.
Come to think about it, Bai Xuan had never cooked since moving into the team dorms of the
Dragon Song Club. First, the Dragon Song Club had its own restaurant. Liu Chuan spent a lot
of money to hire a few local chefs who were very good at cooking in order to manage the
players’ diet. Second, after the establishment of the Canglan team, the training time was
heavy. Bai Xuan was a professional player and must take care of his hands. Li Cangyu also
didn’t want him to waste time cooking.
Why was Ah Shu still clinging to Bai Xuan?
During the last away game, he shared a room with Ah Shu. Then Ah Shu sleepwalked in the
middle of the night and hugged him all night. In retrospect, Ah Shu’s sleepwalking problem
might not be real.
Bai Xuan became more confused the more he thought about it.
A man with a good relationship with another man would hug each other, clasp hands to
encourage each other and place an arm around the shoulders. These movements were
normal. However, Xie Shurong always liked to hug him from behind, put his head on Bai
Xuan’s shoulders and also pretended to sleepwalk to hold him while sleeping. This was
overdoing it.
If it was Xiao Han or Li Xiaojiang doing this, Bai Xuan would think that they were treating
him as a big brother. On the other hand, Xie Shurong was already in his twenties. Shouldn’t
there be a limit to acting childish?
Did he think that Bai Xuan had a good temper and was easy to bully, which was why he
joked around unscrupulously?
Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling a bit angry when he thought this. He lay under his blanket
and frowned slightly.
That night, Bai Xuan didn’t sleep well because his head was in a mess. Xie Shurong was also
tossing and turning next door because he was thinking about how comfortable Bai Xuan
was to hold and fantasizing about kissing Bai Xuan.
They met in the bathroom the next morning and both of them had panda eyes.
Xie Shurong asked, “Vice-Captain Bai, didn’t you sleep well?”
Bai Xuan reluctantly smiled. “Yes, I had insomnia. What about you?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “I also had insomnia. What were you thinking about?”
Bai Xuan’s face became slightly cold and he turned his head to ignore Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong felt concerned. “What is it? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” He gently placed a
hand on Bai Xuan’s forehead to check if this person had a fever. The result was Bai Xuan
taking a step back, his brow slightly wrinkled. “I’m fine.”
Xie Shurong was puzzled as he watched Bai Xuan walk away stiffly. Why did he feel that the
vice-captain was rejecting him this morning? Had he offended Bai Xuan somehow?
Everyone came to the training room on time. Li Cangyu connected to the big screen and
briefly summed up the match against Flying Feathers. He also praised the progress of the
“The important thing isn’t the 2:1 score. It is that you have learnt a lot. Your level and
mentality have improved. I hope that all of you will continue to work hard.”
He turned off the video and opened a PPT file on the USB. “Our next opponent is the Red
Fox team. Everyone knows that this is a very special team. It is the only pure women’s team
in the Miracle League.”
“Everyone shouldn’t underestimate the female players. In the years that Yu Bing was
captain, Red Fox beat many strong teams. Now Red Fox has Liu Xiang, who is a meticulous
and hard-working captain. Their overall strength isn’t as high as Flying Feathers and Time
but they can be more difficult to fight than Flying Feathers and Time.”
“I can guess 50~60% of Su Guangmo’s arrangements but I can’t guess Liu Xiang’s thoughts
at all…”
Old Zhang heard this and interrupted. “Cat God, you don’t understand what girls are
thinking. It is no wonder why you have no girlfriend.”
Li Cangyu smiled and touched his nose, not refuting the words. He only thought in his heart,
‘I have no girlfriend? I have a boyfriend! I won the first male god of the Miracle League. I’m
not saying anything because I don’t want to abuse you single dogs.’
Li Cangyu’s eyes swept over the team and found that Bai Xuan was in a daze. He asked
doubtfully, “Vice-Captain Bai, is something wrong?”
Bai Xuan recovered his spirit and smiled awkwardly. “It is nothing. Go ahead and continue
Li Cangyu went on to analyze the Red Fox team but Bai Xuan was uneasy. His state wasn’t
very good when training in the morning and the depression in his heart choked him at
The team members had a fixed lunch break every day. Xie Shurong entered the dormitory
and ran to Bai Xuan’s bedroom, asking with worry, “Vice-Captain Bai, what’s wrong with
you today? Are you in a bad mood?”
Bai Xuan had endured it all morning and finally couldn’t suppress it anymore. “I have
something to say to you.”
Xie Shurong saw his serious expression and immediately sat down like a good student. “Mr.
Bai, please tell me. I am listening.”
If this was a normal situation then Bai Xuan would be amused by his appearance.
Today, Vice-Captain Bai just watched the young man in front of him and told him seriously,
“Ah Shu, we are teammates. I want to get along with you so I haven’t paid much attention to
your wayward actions. However, you can’t keep doing it because I don’t mind. The joke had
gone too far. In particular, sleepwalking to hold me while sleeping and clinging to me all
day. I can’t accept jokes like this. Do you understand?”
The smile on Xie Shurong’s face gradually faded as he watched Bai Xuan seriously.
Bai Xuan realized that he might’ve hurt Xie Shurong’s self-esteem and changed his
expression, making it more like a joke. “Cough, I mean… there are many ways to express a
good relationship between men. Your way… feels too overdone. If you go on, you definitely
won’t get a girlfriend in the future.”
“I’m not going to get a girlfriend. You don’t have to worry about this.” Xie Shurong suddenly
interrupted Bai Xuan, looking a bit hurt. “Bai Xuan, do you think I am deliberately bullying
you by making these jokes?”
Bai Xuan was stunned by Xie Shurong calling him by his full name.
The young man in front of him was particularly serious. He was no longer as shameless as
usual as he stared at Bai Xuan. “Haven’t you thought of another possibility?”
Bai Xuan’s spirit returned and he wondered, “What.. possibility?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “For example, I want to be close to you, I want to hold you because… I
like you?”
“…Eh?” Bai Xuan was completely dumbfounded.

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GLS: Chapter 162

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 162 – Types of Love

Bai Xuan hadn’t expected Xie Shurong to actually say such things. It was the first time he
had been confessed to and the other person was the joker Ah Shu. Bai Xuan didn’t know if
he should laugh or cry.
Bai Xuan shifted his gaze with embarrassement from Xie Shurong’s shining eyes and
coughed. “Ah Shu, stop messing around. This type of joke can’t be said.”
Xie Shurong wondered, “Do you think I’m joking?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Xie Shurong stepped forward, gently holding Bai Xuan’s shoulders with both hands and
whispering, “I didn’t intend to say it so early but I don’t want you to misunderstand. I want
to be close to you because I like you. This isn’t a joke.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
“I have been playing the game for the past few years and never chased after another
person. Thus, after I realized I like you, I didn’t know how to express myself. I just wanted
to be closer to you. It would be good if I could see you every day…”
Xie Shurong seemed a bit embarrassed and stopped here. He gently touched his nose
before speaking again, “Bai Xuan, my feelings for you are serious. Please don’t doubt my
heart. I usually like to joke but I would never joke about feelings. This is the first time I’ve
confessed to someone.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
The expression on the young man’s face was extraordinarily serious and he didn’t seem to
be joking.
Bai Xuan didn’t know how to deal with this matter. He was always calm but at his moment,
he felt that his head was swimming and his mind was a confused mess.
Xie Shurong’s serious confession sounded very moving but the key was… Bai Xuan saw him
as a brother!
Ever since eating a Chinese meal in the US, Xie Shurong would often make excuses to run
over for a meal. Every time he washed the dishes, he would have a bitter face. Then after
returning home, he would always say, “Vice-Captain Bai, I want to eat this…”
In Bai Xuan’s view, Xie Shurong was a little brother who hadn’t grown up yet. He was
capricious and childish but Bai Xuan could tolerate it. Sometimes he felt that Ah Shu was
somewhat cute.
It never occurred to him that Xie Shurong would like him…
The shock in Bai Xuan’s heart couldn’t be described with words.
Xie Shurong was embarrassed by Bai Xuan’s shocked eyes and scratched his head. “What?
Do you think I’m immature? I might have a poor mouth and like to brag but aren’t I reliable
in critical moments?”
Bai Xuan explained, “I’m not saying that you’re unreliable. I’m just surprised. How can you
like me?”
Xie Shurong asked, “Why not? You are so good. It is normal to like you.”
Bai Xuan stated, “I’m a man.”
Xie Shurong grinned, revealing neat white teeth. “I am also a man. See how well matched
we are? We even have the same gender.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
This person’s poor mouth was simply irrefutable!
Xie Shurong smiled and patted Bai Xuan’s shoulder in comfort. “I understand your
concerns. I’ve been abroad for a long time and I’ve seen many loving same-sex couples on
the street. There are even gay lovers who will hold hands to get married. In my opinion,
feelings are the purest thing in the world. I don’t need too many reasons to like a person
and there is no need for scruples. If I like a person then I should fight for them. You being a
man isn’t an obstacle between us.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Xie Shurong took a deep breath and stared gently at Bai Xuan. “I like you, I hope you can
think about me.”
“Think about it, aren’t I tall and handsome? Isn’t my face pleasant to look at? I am very
powerful when playing the game and am the perfect partner to cooperate with you. I can
help you clean the table, wash dishes and cut vegetables. If you promise to be my boyfriend,
I will listen to you unconditionally and hand you my salary card. If you tell me to go East
then I will never go West. Where else can you find such an obedient boyfriend? Just accept
Bai Xuan, “…”
His heart had been somewhat touched when hearing Xie Shurong express feelings of love.
Then his style changed. How could this guy start to brag when he was confessing. He
directly called himself tall, handsome and obedient?
Xie Shurong, don’t you know that your face has fallen to the ground again?
However, Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling funny and soft when seeing this person’s cheeky
expression. This person was obviously sincere. A person would always feel a strange
uneasiness in front of their beloved. Xie Shurong was worried that Bai Xuan wouldn’t see
him and worked hard to list his various advantages.
In fact, Bai Xuan knew that this person might have a poor mouth that made people want to
beat him up but he was reliable in key moments. He was indeed very handsome.
It was a pity…
He wasn’t the type that Bai Xuan liked.
Bai Xuan discovered his sexuality in university. He had a mild temper since childhood and
didn’t have too fierce a reaction to this matter. He accepted it naturally.
Then he discovered there was a 1 and 0 in gay relationships (gong and shou). After
watching a real video, Bai Xuan sensed that he was a 0. It was because in his dreams, he
found out that he was the one being pressed down…
He also accepted this matter sensibly. Was there a need to be a gong in this world?
Of course, he wasn’t the type of gay person that people typically had stereotypes about. He
was very manly and seemed like a brother next door type that women liked.
In his school years, he had many female friends because he had a good temper and always
thoughtfully listened to the other person. The girls regarded him as a brother or a male
friend. He didn’t have any troubles in regards with being pursued by girls.
His usual performance was no different from other males and his male friends also
regarded him as a good friend.
At the age of 18, he started to play in the professional league with Li Cangyu. The team’s
performance in the first few years was bad and the pressure was very big. Later, they
experienced two disbandments and reorganizations. Bai Xuan was busy and didn’t have
time to consider these emotional problems, meaning he was single.
By all accounts, he and Li Cangyu got along well. Since he liked men and Li Cangyu was the
manly type, he should’ve tried it with Li Cangyu.
Unfortunately, Bai Xuan didn’t feel that way about Li Cangyu. The two people were too
familiar with each other and they had a pure friendship. Bai Xuan didn’t want to change this
relationship. In his opinion, the current mode of getting along with Li Cangyu was excellent.
Bai Xuan’s type was a mature and stable man. He liked men who wore suits and ties. They
should be elegant and knowledgeable. Some people would look very attractive if they had
their own career or dared to start their own business.
Xie Shurong was too lively and always smiling every day. If Bai Xuan liked mature men, Ah
Shu was a cute and childish man. The gap between him and Bai Xuan’s ideal type was too
Bai Xuan thought about it carefully and decided to reject Ah Shu early on.
“I’m sorry Ah Shu, I always thought of you as…”
Xie Shurong immediately interrupted him with a pause gesture while smiling bitterly. “It’s
okay. I don’t want to hear the good person and brother card. You are rejecting me, right?”
Bai Xuan spoke with regret, “Yes, I don’t like you and I don’t want you to waste your time
on me. It is better to clearly tell you my feelings.”
This was why Xie Shurong appreciated Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan was gentle but also principled
when handling things.
Bai Xuan wasn’t a soft bun that people could pinch or flatten. He does things decisively and
never dragged it out. He didn’t like to muddy the waters and thought that speaking directly
was the best solution.
Xie Shurong was uncomfortable about being rejected but he quickly adjusted his
expression. He showed Bai Xuan a smile that said he didn’t mind and told Bai Xuan, “It
doesn’t matter. Love at first sight is a minority. Many relationships form after one side
takes the initiative. You don’t feel anything for me now but maybe you will like me after a
while? I won’t give up so soon.”
Bai Xuan helplessly told him, “You aren’t the type I like.”
“What type do you like?” Xie Shurong reflexively asked before he suddenly hesitated. He
noticed the key meaning of this sentence. “Wait, you mean you like men but I’m not your
Bai Xuan smiled slightly. “Yes.”
Bai Xuan didn’t intend to hide this from Ah Shu. It would be too terrible of him if he
deliberately said that he liked girls to reject the other person. Since Ah Shu treated him
sincerely, he didn’t want to lie. There was nothing wrong with being honest.
Xie Shurong heard this answer and his mood became complicated. He thought it would be
difficult to bend Vice-Captain Bai. The result was that Vice-Captain Bai was originally bent
but he didn’t like this type of man.
In fact, this was great. It omitted the most difficult process of getting a straight man to
change their preferences. You know, forcing a straight person was unethical. This thing
couldn’t be publicly told to their family. However, since Bai Xuan didn’t like women, Xie
Shurong had no such concerns and could safely pursue him!
Xie Shurong couldn’t help giving a big smile when he thought of this. He looked at Bai Xuan
and said, “It’s fine. Maybe I can’t become the type you like but I will try to make you like
He continued, “Haven’t you heard this before? Before encountering true love, a person
might think they should like someone of a certain type. Then they meet someone they
really like only to discover that the previous conditions they set for themselves could all be
Xie Shurong’s words were true. In fact, many people had conditions when choosing a
partner. For example, the height and the personality…
Still, God wouldn’t customize a person that met all requirements. A person might arrive
who didn’t meet the relationship criteria originally set.
After falling in love, all previous conditions would be subconsciously left behind.
Xie Shurong believed that he could use his sincerity to impress Bai Xuan.
Perhaps he wasn’t as mature and stable as Bai Xuan liked, nor did he wear a suit and tie like
an elite worker, but he could heat up Bai Xuan’s heart. He could tease Bai Xuan to make him
laugh, help warm Bai Xuan’s bed, give Bai Xuan a reliable shoulder when he was tired and
give Bai Xuan a warm hug when he was cold.
“I won’t give up on you.” Xie Shurong’s smile was particularly bright and dazzling under the
light coming in from the window. “Bai Xuan, even if you don’t like me now, please give me a
chance to pursue you. Don’t just deal the death penalty. Can’t you give me a reprieve?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Xie Shurong showed his thick skin. “Isn’t it okay? Give me a period of time where I can
show you. If you still feel that I am annoying then it won’t be too late to drive me away.
Don’t you think it is cruel to directly impose the death penalty? My heart is bleeding…”
Bai Xuan looked at this cute guy wagging his tail and finally smiled helplessly. “How long
should the trial period be?”
“It is best if it is a lifetime!” Xie Shurong exclaimed.
Then he saw Bai Xuan’s stare and immediately changed it. “How about half a year?”
Bai Xuan nodded. “Then I will give you six months. Still, I’ll tell you in advance. I really don’t
like your type.”
Xie Shurong made an OK gesture while thinking in his heart, ‘The more stubborn a person
is, the easier it is to be hit in the face. Vice-Captain Bai, I am looking forward to the day
when you change your mind and will blush when asking for a kiss!’
This scene was bound to be better than all dreams.

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GLS: Chapter 163

Chapter 163 – Suits

Xie Shurong said he wanted to perform well in front of Vice-Captain Bai and naturally
wouldn’t fail to show it with actual actions. He wasn’t a person who would play tricks.
From that day on, he would get up five minutes earlier than Bai Xuan to place a cup of
warm water on the table. It was because he heard that having a cup of warm water in the
morning would be beneficial to the stomach.
This was the answer he got after consulting with a doctor. Bai Xuan had been drinking
Chinese medicine to regulate his stomach. After a few courses, his stomach disease had
improved and he stopped drinking the medicine. However, Xie Shurong was still worried.
He always felt that Bai Xuan’s body wasn’t good and that he should pay more attention to
these details in everyday life.
Don’t look at Xie Shurong’s carefree smile and think he couldn’t be serious. Once he cared
about a person then he was very considerate.
Bai Xuan felt particularly helpless every time he saw Xie Shurong smiling and looking
pleased with himself. He clearly told Xie Shurong that this wasn’t the type he liked.
However, this guy had thick skin and great perseverance. He was around Bai Xuan every
Bai Xuan went along with his actions. In any case, he gave Xie Shurong half a year. Surely
Xie Shurong would give up by then?
The rest of the Canglan team were busy with training and didn’t notice the change between
the two people. It was because Xie Shurong had always been clingy with the vice-captain. It
just intensified after the confession.
The opponent in the next match was the Red Fox team. This pure female team had always
been mysterious and Liu Xiang was a careful and cautious girl. Li Cangyu couldn’t guess her
strategic deployment and everyone had to train using the most stable lineup.
Li Cangyu had a bad feeling. He sensed that Red Fox was likely to choose three team battles
for the Canglan away match.
Still, he couldn’t completely ignore the arena because of this guess. Thus, he had the players
practice in the arena according to the regular training intensity. They would train in the
arena in the morning and then open a team battle in the afternoon.
Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong were sent to practice the pairs arena. This morning, the two of
them won 10 games in a row when Xie Shurong turned back and smiled at Bai Xuan in a
handsome manner. He leaned towards Bai Xuan’s ears and whispered, “These two
cooperate with each other so tacitly. It is a pity they aren’t together.”
Bai Xuan smiled and agreed. “Yes, I think so as well.”
Xie Shurong thought he was shaken. Then Bai Xuan pointed to the IDs of the opponents on
the screen. “Flower Isn’t a Flower and Fog Isn’t Fog, these two people look like a couple.”
Xie Shurong made a depressed expression, “I’m not talking about them!”
Bai Xuan was well aware of this but pretended to be puzzled. “Then who are you talking
Xie Shurong touched his nose. “Here!”
Bai Xuan smiled and ignored him. He turned and continued to operate his priest to line up
for the arena. Xie Shurong scratched his head and whispered to himself, “Hey, you can
ignore me now. This sincerity will open the stone one day. You will eventually fall under my
suit pants.”
Bai Xuan suppressed his smile. “Then you have to wear a suit pants first.”
Xie Shurong wasn’t embarrassed about being heard. Instead, his eyes lit up. “Do you like
suit pants? I will go back and wear it for you!”
Xie Shurong returned to the dormitory after the day’s training and rummaged through his
cupboard for a long time. He brought out a pile of sweatpants, casual pants, various jeans…
it was just that there were no formal suit pants.
There were a few jeans with holes in them and casual pants that were relaxing to wear. He
looked like a young man carrying a bag and riding a bike on the streets.
It was no wonder why Vice-Captain Bai said Xie Shurong wasn’t his type. It was estimated
that in the vice-captain’s eyes, Xie Shurong was still a child who hadn’t grown up?
The distressed Xie Shurong scratched his head and decided to find someone to ask
questions about matching and dressing.
Speaking of suits, different brands showed the different tastes of men. Xie Shurong hadn’t
worn a suit before and didn’t know which brands were better.
In the Miracle League, the person who wore suits the most was definitely the Wind Colour’s
abstinent male god, Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng wore a formal suit every time he represented Wind Colour at various events
or interviews with reporters. His tie was meticulous and matched with the colour of his
Therefore, the photos that reporters took of Ling Xuefeng were more powerful than those
of other captains. In the suit, the already handsome looks would be enhanced and he
seemed calmer.
The reason why Captain Ling ranked first in the Miracle League’s face value list had a lot to
do with his love of formal attire. If it wasn’t for reporters putting ‘Interview with the
captain of the Wind Colour team, Ling Xuefeng’ in the title, some outsiders would see his
photos and think he was a celebrity or wonder who this rich and handsome person was.
Xie Shurong couldn’t rely on his two brothers for the problem of wearing a suit. It was
absolutely right to find Ling Xuefeng.
He wasn’t familiar with Ling Xuefeng but he was familiar with Xiao Han. Xiao Han was
friends with Qin Mo and wasn’t Qin Mo the apprentice of Ling Xuefeng?
Xie Shurong wisely ran to find Xiao Han and gave him a task. “Xiao Han, look for Qin Mo and
ask him what brand of suits his master wears. Is two buttons or three better? How does he
match the colour of his tie? Remember to ask secretly and don’t say that I’m the one who
wants to know.”
Xiao Han was stunned. “Why are you investigating Captain Ling’s suits?”
Xie Shurong smiled and patted Xiao on the shoulder. “There is no need for you to know. In
any case, this is an important task and is related to our win or loss against the Wind Colour
team. You must give me an answer within a week.”
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully. “Okay.”
Once Ah Shu left, he started to ponder how Ling Xuefeng’s brand of suits had anything to do
with winning or losing? Xiao Han really didn’t understand Ah Shu’s logic.
He didn’t know that Xie Shurong had just made up an excuse!
In any case, Xiao Han didn’t understand but Ah Shu had given him an important task. He
could only do his best.
Thus, Xiao Han found Qin Mo and typed: [Go ask your teacher about what brand of suits he
normally wears. Is two or three buttons better and how does he match his tie?]
Qin Mo directly sprayed a mouthful of tea onto the computer screen.
What the hell was going on in the Canglan team?!
Previously Cat God asked him to find out if his master had a girlfriend. Now he had to find
out what suits brand his master wore? Even if they wanted to learn about his master to
defeat Wind Colour, wasn’t this too much? It was better to ask what he liked to eat and then
put laxatives in the food!
Qin Mo made a complicated expression as he wiped the computer screen. The last time, he
was forced by Cat God’s power and didn’t dare tell his master. This time it was Xiao Han
asking. He wasn’t afraid of Xiao Han so he turned and sold his friend.
Ling Xuefeng was sitting on the sofa in the living room and drinking tea while reading a
He was wearing casual trousers and a short-sleeved white shirt. He looked handsome and
impeccable as he held the cup. Ling Xuefeng’s personality was low-key, restrained and
relatively cold but he had a high taste when it came to dressing. No one had ever seen him
look messy.
There were many times when Ling Xuefeng didn’t deliberately dress up but other people
thought the clothes he wore were beautiful. They were very compatible when paired with
his personality. This was probably his habit. If someone opened his wardrobe, they would
mainlyl find neat suits, shirts and ties. In winter, there would be long coats that gave off the
charm of a mature man.
Qin Mo couldn’t help sighing when he knocked on the door and saw his master’s side
profile. If the Canglan team didn’t consist of men then he would wonder if these people
secretly loved his master.
Ling Xuefeng looked up at Qin Mo and asked, “What is it?”
The newspaper he was holding happened to be this week’s Miracle Weekly, the largest
newspaper in the Miracle e-sports circle.
Qin Mo felt some regret when his master’s cold eyes stared at him. Still, he had already
come here so he bluntly explained what happened. “Xiao Han wants to know what brand of
suits Master loves to wear…”
He originally thought Ling Xuefeng would be angry. The result was that Ling Xuefeng
calmly put down his newspaper and asked, “Why does he want to know this?”
Qin Mo replied, “I don’t know. He also asked me if suits with two or three buttons are better
and how you match the colour of your tie.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
There was a moment of silence before Ling Xuefeng said, “I know.”
Qin Mo’s face had a ‘What do you know?’ expression. However, he didn’t have time to ask
when his master said, “Go back to training. I will deal with this matter.”
Qin Mo had to turn and leave.
He returned to the computer and saw a message from Xiao Han in the lower right corner.
[Did you ask?]
Qin Mo: [Master said he would deal with it.]
[Oh!] Xiao Han typed out and thought to himself, ‘Captain Ling handling it is like directly
telling Master. In any case, Ah Shu said it is related to the team winning or losing so it
should be fine for Cat God to know.’
He thought this and immediately put the problem of the suits behind him. He asked: [What
does it mean to be messy in the wind?]
Qin Mo, who was treated as a dictionary, patiently explained: [For example, a gust of wind
blows and makes your hair a mess. You can use messy in the wind to describe your mood at
the moment. These words are especially suitable for when your master summons the wind
Xiao Han touched his chin in understanding and then asked: [Can I use messy in the
thunder when Master summons a thunder spirit?]
Qin Mo: [……]
Xiao Han: [What about the water spirit and fire spirit? How do you describe it? Is there
anything like messy in the water or messy in the fire?]
Qin Mo: [There is no such saying.]
Xiao Han: [Why?]
Qin Mo: [……]
Xiao Han: [Water, fire, wind and thunder are all part of nature? There is messy in the wind
so why isn’t there messy in the water?]
Qin Mo: […I’m going to sleep. Bye!]
Qin Mo quickly fled offline.
He always felt that his IQ regressed to an elementary school level after talking with Xiao
Han for a long time. What was messy in the thunder or messy in the water? Xiao Han liked
to learn and put what he learnt into practice. But raising a classmate like Xiao Han…
In Ling Xuefeng’s dormitory room, he drove away his apprentice and picked up the phone.
In fact, he had just been chatting with Li Cangyu. When Qin Mo knocked on the door, he
pretended to read the newspaper. His purpose of picking up the newspaper was to block
the phone.
He reconnected the video call and Li Cangyu asked with a smile, “Why did you suddenly
hang up? Did someone in the team come looking for you?”
A hint of a smile appeared in Ling Xuefeng’s serious eyes. “Qin Mo came to ask me
Li Cangyu wondered, “What is it?”
“It is related to the Canglan team.”
Li Cangyu’s curiosity was caught. “Say it!”
Ling Xuefeng deliberately didn’t say it. Li Cangyu placed his fingers to his lips and then
pointed it to the screen, as if kissing him. “I kissed you. Now can you say it?”
Ling Xuefeng’s heart was beating madly as he said, “Xiao Han asked what brand of suits is
better. He also wanted to know about buttons and ties.”
Li Cangyu was stunned. “Xiao Han? His interest in Chinese has shifted to suits?”
Ling Xuefeng said, “Your apprentice is a living treasure.”
“I also feel that I should let him study it himself.” Li Cangyu smiled and continued, “By the
way, today’s outfit is great. I haven’t seen you wearing it before.”
Ling Xuefeng pointed to his shirt. “I specifically changed into it in order to video chat with
Li Cangyu made a surprised expression. “Is that so?”
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were gentle. “It is because I want to look more handsome in front of
Li Cangyu smiled warmly and said, “In fact, you are handsome in everything you wear. Of
course, you are most handsome when wearing nothing.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
How was he so direct?
However, Ling Xuefeng liked this straightforward cat.
Ling Xuefeng lowered his voice. “Shall I show you the next time we meet?”
Li Cangyu answered, “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”
Ling Xuefeng changed the subject. “The next meeting should be on the field.”
Li Cangyu cleverly changed his words. “Then you take off all your equipment.”
Ling Xuefeng was stunned. “…Then I can’t use any skills and you will win?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Yes.”
Ling Xuefeng saw this straightforward smile and really wanted to fly to Changsha to kiss
Unfortunately, at present they had to be separate. The feeling of missing each other every
day was also a wonderful experience.
Fortunately, communication technology had developed. They could always see each other’s
appearance through the mobile phones, even if they were far apart.
After a busy day of training, the hours of chatting with their beloved was the most
comfortable and relaxing time for the both of them.

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GLS: Chapter 164

Chapter 164 – Canglan VS Red Fox

Xie Shurong patiently waited two days before running to find Xiao Han. “Did you ask?”
Xiao Han replied seriously, “Captain Ling said he would deal with it. I think he talked to
Xie Shurong, “…”
He had long guessed that this child wasn’t reliable but he hadn’t expected Xiao Han to be so
Xie Shurong heard the results and had to go back to his dormitory in a depressed manner.
He worried over his casual T-shirts and jeans. Since he couldn’t ask Captain Ling anything,
he could only search for information on the Internet.
Perhaps Vice-Captain Bai would feel warmer towards him if he dressed more handsomely.
After training, Xie Shurong checked the information on the Internet and found suits brands,
matching schemes etc. He was fully prepared. Unfortunately, he had to train with the team
every day and had no time to go shopping and buy clothes. Xie Shurong could only
implement his plans after this weekend’s game.
This weekend was the third cycle of the Miracle regular season. They would challenge the
Red Fox team in an away match and the other six teams also had corresponding
In the current team rankings, Canglan had scored 2:1 against Time and Flying Feathers and
were second among the eight teams. Wind Colour was first with big scores of both scores of
This ranking was much better than Li Cangyu expected. There was an unexpected victory in
the first match due to the release of Cataclysm. The second win was by fully making use of
the home court advantage. Such luck was unlikely to last. The future away matches would
be more difficult and they probably couldn’t maintain the second place.
Fortunately, LI Cangyu’s mentality was calm and he was open to winning or losing. The
important thing right now was to raise the newcomers as quickly as possible.
The next opponent of Red Fox wouldn’t be worse than Time and Flying Feathers.
The overall strength of Red Fox wasn’t high but this pure women’s team was completely
different from other teams. Moreover, the female players had a terrible explosive force.
This time it was an away match and Li Cangyu was fully prepared.
However, Li Cangyu became shaken once he arrived at the venue.
Red Fox’s home was the beautiful Suzhou and the team emblem was a fiery fox. Their
uniform was also a conspicuous red. The Canglan team arrived at the venue and were
frightened by the audience. It could really be called a ‘red ocean’!
It could be seen that the fans of the Red Fox team were strong and cohesive. It could be
credited to the organized and disciplined home cheering organization.
More than 70% of audience members were female. Red Fox was also the team with the
most number of female fans in the Miracle League. Of course, there were many otakus who
supported the female players of the Red Fox team. Liu Xiang and Yang Muzi were extremely
popular with the otakus.
Gu Siming was obviously shocked by the current situation and said enviously, “This is the
home of Red Fox and the fans are really united. When can a blue ocean appear at Canglan’s
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “It will happen one day.”
Everyone felt a bit emotional as they looked through the glass window and saw the
audience members dressed in a neat uniform.
Canglan was just getting started. In Changsha, they relied on the foundation set by Liu
Chuan’s Dragon Song Club. The last game was packed due to Liu Chuan’s actions behind the
scene. Many of Liu Chuan’s fans came to watch and there weren’t many people who were
actually fans of Canglan.
If the Canglan team members didn’t have a good foundation or get good results then no
fans would come to watch the match at home.
The foundation of Canglan was provided by Liu Chuan. They started in a higher position
due to the well-funded club but how far they went would depend on themselves.
They might be born in a giant halo but the strength of the team had to be shown in the
The players understood this and became determined.
The commentators for this match were still Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi. It was because Yu
Bing specifically picked a few Canglan matches before the season started.
She was the first captain of Red Fox and would love to witness the match between Red Fox
and Canglan. She wouldn’t miss the opportunity to explain this match.
Kou Hongyi looked a bit excited today and his voice was louder than usual. “I’ve explained
so many games in the competition and all of them were male players. Today I can finally
see the female players of the Red Fox team! I think the audience members will have a
different feeling!”
The live broadcast rom was more lively than usual as people excitedly commented,
[Goddess Xiang Xiang, marry me!] [Our Muzi is the best!] [There is the high energy sister in
front!] [I think the Red Fox team can be renamed to the Rare Species team!] [All the female
players in the Miracle League are part of Red Fox. Wouldn’t the other teams feel lonely?]
Surprisingly, the support rate of this match had 70% of people guessing that Red Fox would
win. Red Fox had a big home advantage and the Red Fox team had a history of overturning
strong teams. The audience members were very confident in them.
The players entered the soundproof room and Kou Hongyi immediately said positively, “Let
me introduce the girls to the Red Fox team to wash everyone’s eyes!”
“The long-haired beauty the camera is pointing to is the second-generation captain of Red
Fox, Liu Xiang. She was selected for China’s Carnival team and formed a 3v3 team with Tan
Shitian and Lou Wushuang, eventually winning a bronze medal in the Carnival.”
The 3v3 event was still fresh in the minds of the audience members. Liu Xiang’s
performance on the world stage was remarkable. She took on world-class players and her
cooperation with the two great gods of Tan and Lou were great. As a healer, she was able to
stabilize the scene. Many people might be nervous when performance outside the country
for the first time but Liu Xiang’s performance was very atmospheric.
The rarest thing about Liu Xiang was that she was beautiful but she wasn’t the flamboyant
and dazzling type of beauty. She gave people a feeling of warm affinity.
She debuted with Tan Shitian and was a junior captain in the league. She was relatively
low-key and modest. She was very polite to her seniors and posted team related content to
her Weibo every day. She gave off a solid and steady feeling, not vain and impetuous.
She had been leading since joining Red Fox and had no scandals in the past few years. The
fans had a high degree of recognition for this second-generation captain.
Kou Hongyi also had a great impression of Liu Xiang since she was Yu Bing’s apprentice. Yu
Bing also boasted, “Liu Xiang is one of the best healers in the Miracle League. Her healing is
very flexible and quick. She also has strong resilience, which is the key to maintaining the
soft guerrilla tactics of the Red Fox team.”
The camera moved to the side and Kou Hongyi changed the introduction. “Now this short-
haired woman is the vice-captain of Red Fox, Yang Muzi. Her personality is relatively hot-
tempered and she plays a white magician. Her style is different from Vice-Captain Cheng
Wei. Vice-Captain Cheng Wei is very aggressive while Vice-Captain Yang is more a soft
Kou Hongyi spoke too much today. By the time he finished the introduction, both teams had
already debugged their equipment and the referee turned on the green light for the start of
the game.
Yu Bing interrupted him and pulled the topic back to the competition. “Audience members,
this is the third cycle of the seventh season’s regular season. The Canglan VS Red Fox game
is about to begin. Today is Red Fox’s home match and Captain Liu is submitting the modes
for the games.”
“A team battle, team battle… oh, three team battles in a row!” Kou Hongyi kept up with Yu
Bing’s speed and cried out with surprise, “Last time Canglan chose three arena games
against Flying Feathers. Now Red Fox chose three team battles. They probably don’t want
to give the Canglan team a chance to train the newcomers in the arena.”
Yu Bing calmly said, “Captain Liu’s choice is very reasonable. Red Fox is stronger in the
team battle. To tell the truth, Red Fox’s winning rate in the arena is less than 30%. Liu
Xiang’s personal ability is very strong but Red Fox doesn’t have enough strong people to
partner with her against the Shu Bai combination. In addition, there is the powerful Cat
God. None of the attackers on the Red Fox side are better than him.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “Sister Bing said this and I think that Red Fox’s choice of
three team battles is very suitable. Let’s look at the map submitted by the Red Fox team. It
is the Ice Valley!”
There was a hint of appreciation in Yu Bing’s eyes. It seemed that Xiang Xiang had thought
hard about the map selection today.
Then the list of team members submitted by both sides appeared on the large screen.
Since the first lineup had to be selected before this, the home team would definitely have an
advantage. Li Cangyu was the away team and wasn’t allowed to know the arrangement of
the other party. The arena list couldn’t be used and the referee directly selected the team
battle list.
“Let’s look at the members sent by the home team, Red Fox.” At Kou Hongyi’s words, the
screen enlarged the list of the Red Fox’s lineup. Kou Hongyi introduced them in turn,
“There is Liu Xiang’s healer and Yang Muzi’s white magician. It isn’t a surprise for these two
to appear in the team battle. For the rest of the contestants, there are Red Fox’s four main
attackers, Liu Xueqin, Zhu Yan, Luo Shanshan and the front row female berserker Meng Jie.”
Yu Bing added, “Liu Xueqin, Zhu Yan and Luo Shanshan are three players who joined Red
Fox at the same time. They are all 18 years old this year and play white magicians. Along
with the vice-captain Yang Muzi, there will be four white magicians in the lineup.”
Kou Hongyi sighed, “Red Fox is really a team filled with angel players. Among the six
contestants, only the front row Meng Jie is a terran berserker. The remaining five are all the
angel race. Meng Jie is a player whom the Red Fox audience members should be familiar
with. Her berserker gameplay is very fierce and she is the Red Fox’s most powerful front
row protector.”
“It seems that Red Fox should be using the soft control for a consumption battle today. The
white magician is originally the class with the most control skills. Red Fox has four white
magicians so I estimate that Canglan will be crying from the change in rhythm today.” Kou
Hongyi’s tone was slightly gloating. “Let’s take a look at Canglan’s lineup.”
The audience found that the lineup sent by Canglan wasn’t the same as before. The front
row Gu Siming, the auxiliary Zhang Jueming and the healer Bai Xuan hadn’t changed. The
outputs have been replaced by Li Cangyu, Xie Shurong and Li Xiaojiang.
That’s right, the output was changed to Li Xiaojiang!
Yu Bing said, “Black magic and white magic mutually restrain each other. Many black magic
skills can greatly reduce the effect of white magic. Cat God’s idea should be to let the black
magician Li Xiaojiang restrain Red Fox’s white magic.”
“There is nothing wrong with this idea. Unfortunately, the player Li Xiaojiang is very slow.
Red Fox has four white magicians today. He could restrain one but to restrain four… the
little guy will certainly be busy!”
Yu Bing also agreed with this. She didn’t think that Cat God’s decision to let Li Xiaojiang
restrain the white magicians of Red Fox was the best. Yu Bing thought that in the game of
Canglan against Red Fox, Xiao Han would be better.
However, no one knew what changes would occur on the field.
Yu Bing thought this and went on to say, “The Ice Valley map has loaded and the game will
soon start. We have to wait and see the result of this game.”

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GLS: Chapter 165

Chapter 165 – Canglan VS Red Fox (2)
Ice Valley was a map located in the Divine Realm and was one of the best dating sites in the
game. The scenery was very distinctive. It was a valley covered by heavy snow. The vast
expanse of white snow was like a fairy tale world made of snow and ice.
The terrain of Ice Valley was very narrow but was adjusted in the competition to ensure
fairness. It was divided into four fields in the shape of ‘田’ where mobs refreshed. The
coordinates of the central crystal were consistent with the other competitive maps.
The characteristic of this map was that players were slowed down by the ice and snow.
Compared to the Endless Sea map chosen last time by Li Cangyu, the Ice Valley map was
only six stars and the difficulty wasn’t as high.
It wasn’t a kill map where a mistake would cause a player to be killed by the map. This was
a status map that had to be played with patience. In this type of slowdown map, players
would feel particularly annoyed if they couldn’t adapt to the map environment.
There were large areas of the ground covered with snow. After entering the snow, the
movement speed of all characters/pets was automatically reduced by 30%. This was a map
added effect and couldn’t be lifted by any skill.
In other words, a usual one minute walk to the centre of the map would take one and a half
minutes in Ice Valley.
In the snow, actions were slowed down and the accuracy of skills release would naturally
be affected.
The Red Fox team must’ve repeatedly practiced on this map before daring to choose it to
fight against Canglan. Canglan would suffer a bit in this away match.
Li Cangyu guessed Liu Xiang’s tactical idea when he saw this map. She was going for a soft
control to consume the opponents’ resources and then grab opportunities. The white
magician had many control skills. Red Fox sent four white magicians and could connect
control skills if he wasn’t careful.
Li Cangyu thought of this and deliberately said, “Everyone, stay steady. Don’t rush to kill
people and in the ice dragon battle, pay attention to where your disperse. Ah Shu is
responsible for protecting Xiaojiang.”
Everyone split up into three according to the previous arrangements.
This time, in order to take care of Li Xiaojiang, Li Cangyu split up the Shu Bai combination
and let Ah Shu take Xiaojiang to the middle. Bai Xuan went with Gu Siming to the northwest
area while Li Cangyu went with Zhang Jueming to the southeast area.
The start for both sides was relatively stable. There was no attacking when they met each
other and they steadily killed mobs to gain money.
The gap in the hand speed of professional players wasn’t big and they killed the mobs
relatively quickly. After the first wave of mobs was finished, the economic gap between
both sides was within 100 crystal coins.
The key was to see who the money was concentrated on.
On the Canglan side, Ah Shu gave most of the resources to Li Xiaojiang while Old Zhang also
gave the resources to Cat God. Bai Xuan gave the money to Gu Siming so the three people
had similar amounts of money.
On the Red Fox side, Li Cangyu opened the data panel to take a look and found that the
resources were concentrated on the three players of Meng Jie (ID: Meng Jiejie), Liu Xueqin
(ID: Guqin) and Zhu Yan (ID: Beautiful Tears).
This gave Li Cangyu an ominous feeling.
He didn’t have experience playing against the Red Fox team. During this week, he watched
many videos of the Red Fox matches and knew that Meng Jie had the nickname of ‘manly
female.’ In addition, Liu Xueqin and Zhu Yan had always been the white magic output
partners in Red Fox…
Liu Xiang was concentrating the resources on the three of them. This didn’t seem like her
previous tactics?
The contestants soon returned to the city to supplement their equipment.
The first wave of mobs didn’t give much money. It was just enough to buy a ring.
Each contestant had their own preferences when it came to choosing a ring. Li Xiaojiang
hadn’t participated in many team battles and didn’t know what to choose. Li Cangyu
reminded him, “Xiaojiang, buy the ring that adds magic attack.”
Li Xiaojiang obediently bought the ring and turned to follow the team.
In the case of an initial tie, the outcome of the ice dragon was likely to determine the final
outcome. The next goal of the Red Fox team was to add to their economy with the ice
dragon. Of course, Canglan couldn’t let it go either. The two sides met at the ice dragon’s
refresh point.
On this cold Ice Valley map, the colour of the ice dragon blended in with the surrounding
environment, making it look extraordinarily beautiful. An ordinary player would surely
take a few screenshots of the pure white ice dragon in remembrance.
Li Cangyu didn’t rush to attack and let the players carefully disperse their positions…
He didn’t expect for Meng Jie, Red Fox’s front row player, to suddenly move!
The handsome female berserker with short hair carried an axe on her shoulder and directly
pounced towards the healer Bai Xuan. Her axe descended, instantly making Bai Xuan dizzy.
Bai Xuan, “…”
Xie Shurong perceived something wasn’t right and turned back to save him. The result was
a silver halo appeared on his body. It was God’s Seal from Yang Muzi.
Bai Xuan was dizzy and Ah Shu was fixed in place. This all happened in a matter of one
Once Meng Jie stunned Bai Xuan, she turned and used Mountain Chop to full a deep crack in
the ground, blocking Li Xiaojiang’s way!
At the same time, Zhang Jueming was fixed in place by God’s Seal from the white magician
Luo Shanshan.
Li Cangyu was currently standing on the other side of this crack. If he wanted to rescue
them, he would have to circumvent the big pit where the ice dragon refreshed and would
undoubtedly be attacked by the ice dragon boss!
The audience was surprised to find that in just a few seconds, the lineup of Canglan was
forcibly split. The four white magicians connected their attack skills and greeted Li
Xiaojiang. The dazzling white lights were like white flowers blooming at Li Xiaojiang’s feet
and Li Xiaojiang was beaten to residual blood!
Kou Hongyi was stunned. “This is the opening of the battle? I’m not ready to explain…”
Yu Bing responded extremely quickly. “Red Fox’s sudden wave is really unexpected. It
seems that the other side wasn’t ready.”
By the time the control effect on Bai Xuan ended, Li Xiaojiang had already been killed. He
didn’t have time to heal his teammates when the next control skill was placed on his body,
God’s Light!
This was the white magician’s most powerful control skill that created a field of silence. The
silence of God’s Light would have a greater impact on the contestant than God’s Seal. In
particular, the healer was silence and couldn’t use any skills. They would certainly be in a
Bai Xuan felt his heart sinking to his keyboard. He became dizzy due to the berserker and
then silenced by the white magician. Had he become the target of the sisters? They wanted
to do this?
The auxiliary Zhang Jueming wanted to help but he was also controlled by the other side…
Li Cangyu felt a bit awkward.
He thought that the Red Fox players chose this map to slowly grind the opponents in a
battle of attrition. The result was the Red Fox players attacking straight away?
This feeling was like when he was prepared to discuss something with the other party. It
would be slowly discussed and he made tea and even set up snacks. The result as that the
other person directly slapped him as soon as they met.
Even a great god like Li Cangyu would become a bit stunned. This unexpected style of play
really shocked him. It was like the Red Fox players had been injected with chicken blood
Li Cangyu quickly ran away but this only ensured that he didn’t kill himself.
Li Xiaojiang, Xie Shurong, Gu Siming and Bai Xuan were killed. Old Zhang struggled and
succeeded in escaping. The two players were really speechless.
Canglan had never been caught so off guard since the seventh season started.
Li Cangyu usually held things to his chest and every team battle was arranged in good
order. Today he was dazed after being beaten by the Red Fox members and many of the
audience members watching the match gloated.
[Cat God 666! You ran well 6!] [No wonder why Cat God doesn’t have a girlfriend. He
doesn’t know girls at all!] [The Red Fox girls won’t be polite with you. Girls are fickle. Do
you really think they would drag out the game? Don’t be naïve, Old Cat!] [Every time I see
Cat God calmly destroy the opponent. Today I get to see his dazed expression and I
suddenly feel great. Hahaha!]
[Ah Shu was also stunned. He wanted to go back to save Vice-Captain Bai but ended up
being killed!] [Vice-Captain Bai must be the most depressed one. He was the focus of three
people connecting their control skills. The milk dad must want to cry!] [Xiao Gu is the most
pitiful. The small teenager can’t fight against Sister Meng…]
[Xiaojiang touched his head and died. He probably couldn’t even figure out how he died.]
The fans of the Canglan team were strange and they were probably influenced by the
atmosphere of the Dragon Song club. Other people didn’t say anything but they started to
laugh at their own team players.
Canglan clearly lost miserably in this wave but their fans seemed very happy. There were
many people who took screenshots of Li Cangyu’s dazed expression. Some people even
used PS (photoshop) to turn it into an emoji package for friends and relatives.
Ling Xuefeng watched the game on TV and couldn’t help smiling when he saw these
comments. The Canglan fans were excited because it was really difficult to see this
‘stunned’ expression on Li Cangyu’s face.
The powerful Cat God had always been calm no matter the situation. Today he had a ‘What
is this?’ expression after being pitted by the Red Fox members. Ling Xuefeng found this
puzzled expression very interesting.
Of course, Li Cangyu couldn’t always be stunned. Once the first wave ended, he realized
that Red Fox didn’t intend to fight a consumption battle today. The resources had been
concentrated on the berserker Meng Jie.
However, this made it harder to play. The four white magicians had a total of eight control
skills, of which God’s Light was a terrible group control. In addition, Meng Jie had a skill
that created a dizzy effect. She could also use the axe skills to split apart the battlefield.
Once this happened, it was difficult for the Canglan team to reverse the situation.
As Li Cangyu expected, the disadvantage in the first wave was too great. Li Cangyu couldn’t
find a chance to counterattack and the Red Fox sisters quickly pushed to the crystal after
updating their equipment.
The score on the big screen became 0:1.
During the intermission time, Li Cangyu called the players to arrange the next game.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help sighing. “Isn’t it too hard to counter Red Fox’s lineup? The white
magicians have too many control skills. There are four white magicians with four God’s Seal
and four God’s Light. The group silence… it is estimated that many teams in the league will
have a headache when encountering such a lineup!”
In the past, Red Fox normally only used three white magicians. There was also a
swordsman in the team who would join the berserker in the front row.
Today was the first time Liu Xiang came out with the lineup of four white magicians and it
opened the eyes of many viewers.
Yu Bing calmly explained, “Red Fox’s lineup isn’t unsolvable. For example, Wind Colour
doesn’t have to be afraid of Red Fox. It is because Wind Colour has a very good black
magician who can restrain Red Fox’s white magic. Flying Feathers also isn’t afraid of Red
Fox. Yu Pingsheng can act first and then they will violently cut into the back row to break
up the four white magicians. For other teams, it will be very difficult to play against Red Fox
if they can’t grab the first move. Being controlled by four white magicians is like a death
Cheng Wei was watching the match and couldn’t help saying, “Sister Bing, you skipped us!
We aren’t afraid of Red Fox. We have the best archers in the league and can interrupt their
casting from a greater distance!”
Tan Shitian smiled and came over. “Am I the best archer?”
Cheng Wei glanced at him and didn’t speak.
Tan Shitian came one centimeter closer. “Is it me?”
Cheng Wei cried out impatiently, “Yes, yes! Do you have to keep bothering me?”
Tan Shitian smiled with contentment and returned to his former position. He put an arm
around Cheng Wei’s shoulder and asked, “Do you think your idol will be hit 3:0 by Red Fox
Cheng Wei immediately covered his mouth. “Shut up, shut up! Don’t have a crow’s mouth!”
The second game would soon begin. Cheng Wei prayed that Li Cangyu would find a chance
to reverse the situation. The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu actually didn’t change the
lineup of the Canglan team.

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GLS: Chapter 166

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 166 – Canglan VS Red Fox (3)

Li Cangyu didn’t change the lineup for the second team battle and still sent the black
magician Li Xiaojiang. The audience members were very surprised, including Yu Bing and
Kou Hongyi in the commentators’ room.
The first game was obviously a big loss. Why not replaced him with Xiao Han or Zhuo
In theory, black magic had a restraining effect. However, Li Xiaojiang reacted slowly. The
other side’s white magicians would control him before he could release his skills. It could
be said that he played almost no role in the last game before dying.
In comparison, Zhuo Hang’s hand speed was faster and his traps could be used to limit the
actions of the white magicians. Xiao Han could also stealth and go behind to interrupt the
white magicians’ casting. From Yu Bing’s viewpoint, the best lineup to beat Red Fox should
be replacing Zhang Jueming and Li Xiaojiang to let Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han play quickly.
Kou Hongyi’s tactical literacy wasn’t as high as Yu Bing’s but he also felt that Li Xiaojiang
should be exchanged with Xiao Han. He was very puzzled about why Li Cangyu continued
the same lineup in the second game.
Ling Xuefeng was the one who guessed Li Cangyu’s thoughts. Li Cangyu wanted to use this
opportunity to train Li Xiaojiang’s ability to withstand stress.
Li Xiaojiang himself knew that the captain wanted to give him a rare opportunity to
compete with the best white magicians of the Red Fox team. When Li Cangyu had called
everyone together, he specifically said to Li Xiaojiang, “Don’t feel too much pressure and
play according to your own ideas. Focusing on Vice-Captain Yang Muzi. There is no need to
worry about the other players.”
Li Xiaojiang did feel a lot of pressure facing four white magicians but Cat God told him to
control only one. Li Xiaojiang felt that he should be able to cope. He took a deep breath to
encourage himself and went to the contestant seats with his teammates.
The second game began and the Red Fox team selected a map. It was once again Ice Valley!
Yu Bing immediately said, “Liu Xiang continued to use the deceleration Ice Valley map. It
seems that she is very confident in the players.”
Kou Hongyi added, “The Red Fox players must’ve practiced for a long time on this map. The
deceleration will greatly limit the outbreak of the two players, Xie Shurong and Li Cangyu.
The second game will be difficult for Canglan. We should look at how Cat God will deal with
Li Cangyu saw this map and wondered if it would be the same as the last game.
It turned out that he really couldn’t guess the thoughts of girls. This time Meng Jie didn’t
directly rush over. Instead, she took a defensive posture and the several players in the back
row spread out. The healer Liu Xiang was hiding out of reach.
Li Cangyu, “…”
He put out tea and snacks and was prepared to play slowly. The result was that he was
slapped as soon as he met the person. This time he was prepared to fight only for the
opponents to slowly delay it?
It was really tiring to play against the women!
Li Cangyu was forced to say, “Everyone protect the healer. Xiao Li, hide behind Ah Shu and
pay attention to the positioning.”
The two sides had a standoff at the refresh point of the white dragon. Then Vice-Captain
Yang Muzi suddenly found an opportunity and accurately used God’s Seal on Xie Shurong!
Xie Shurong had been rapidly moving left and right to protect Li Xiaojiang. This random
movement often dazzled the opponent and made it hard for them to find his direction. The
surprising thing was that Yang Muzi accurately hit him!
Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “This ability to control a fast moving opponent, Yang Muzi’s control
level is truly one of the best in the Miracle League.”
Yu Bing said, “Muzi is a very ingenious player. Her role in the Red Fox team is similar to
Cheng Wei’s role in the Time team. She will control an opponent and then her teammates
will set fire on them.”
She just finished speaking when the other three white magicians of Red Fox threw their
attack skills towards Xie Shurong’s body. Xie Shurong’s blood plummeted but Bai Xuan
fortunately pulled him back from the brink of death.
Li Cangyu frowned slightly. The players didn’t seem focused enough today. It wasn’t Ah
Shu’s fault. Yang Muzi’s move hitting him was actually 50% due to luck. It was Gu Siming’s
reaction that made Li Cangyu somewhat disappointed.
The moment that a teammate was fixed, Gu Siming was a paladin and he should
immediately give his teammate Guardian’s Power to alleviate the damage that Ah Shu
suffered. Unfortunately, Gu Siming didn’t respond because his attention was completely
attracted by Red Fox’s berserker.
Of course, this couldn’t be completely blamed on him. Him had been badly suppressed by
Meng Jie in the last game so it was justifiable that he would be focused on the berserker in
this game.
Li Cangyu didn’t say anything for the moment and made on a signal on the map to attract Li
Xiaojiang’s attention.
“Xiaojiang, keep up with me and hit Yang Muzi first!”
Li Xiaojiang immediately nodded and started to cast the big move Dark Fear to control
Vice-Captain Yang Muzi. At the same time, Li Cangyu unleashed his hand speed and
summoned his water, fire, wind and thunder spirits in an attempt to use Cataclysm to stop
Yang Muzi.
Unfortunately, Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang was very clever. The moment Liu Xiang
continuously summoned his pets, she suddenly used a big move on her teammates,
Desperate Prayer!
He saw the female angel wearing a priest’s robe clasp her hands together with closed eyes.
A light blue effect floating from her want to the top of her head and there was a soft holy
glow that enveloped 10 metres around her. It added 50% blood to the whole team and
made them immune to damage for three seconds!
This was a healer’s most powerful and blue consuming move. A healer would only use this
at a critical moment on the field. It was because the consumption of blue was too big
compared to two group healing skills.
Many viewers couldn’t quite understand why Liu Xiang suddenly used it at this time. Even
Cheng Wei had question marks above his head. “What is this? The Red Fox members
haven’t lost much blood and using a group skill will do. Using Desperate Prayer is just a
It wasn’t until the next scene that Cheng Wei finally understood.
It was at this time that Li Cangyu’s water, fire, wind and thunder spirits exploded. The
domineering wave of visual effects rushed towards the Red Fox players and covered them.
The result was that they were completely protected by Liu Xiang’s halo.
Li Cangyu: A stunned face.jpg.
Cheng Wei exclaimed, “Cat God’s big move was actually blocked! This is the first time in
Tan Shitian also gloated. “Every time Cat God would use the guardian to block other
people’s big moves. Today his own big move was blocked. It is fair.”
Cheng Wei’s mood was a bit complicated. As a fanboy, he should feel sad that Cat God’s big
move was blocked. Strangely… he was actually quite happy? He looked at the always calm
man showing a puzzled expression and finally couldn’t help laughing. “Hahaha, I didn’t
expect Cat God to be pitted by the Red Fox girls!”
Tan Shitian smiled and said, “Liu Xiang is actually more careful than many captains. During
the Canglan match, I ignored Cat God’s Cataclysm and allowed him to use it. Liu Xiang’s
reaction today was extremely fast. She used a defense skill as soon as she saw him
successively calling his pets.”
Cheng Wei agreed. “Well, it is normal for girls to be more careful. I remember that Liu Xiang
debuted with you?”
Tan Shitian looked over. “Yes. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”
Cheng Wei scratched his head and blushed. He suddenly felt that he debuted in the third
season and hadn’t improved over the years. Meanwhile, younger players like Tan Shitian
and Liu Xiang were making rapid growth. They were already captains and calm and careful
when facing strong teams. He couldn’t be compared to them.
He had to work harder in the future! Otherwise he would be knocked out of the league!
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei blush and them form fists. It was unknown what he was
thinking but Tan Shitian felt that Cheng Wei was very cute.
He couldn’t help reaching out and gently touching Cheng Wei’s hair. Then Tan Shitian
turned his gaze back to the screen.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing was showing her appreciation. “Captain Liu’s big move
was very timely and Cataclysm couldn’t show any effect. Li Xiaojiang’s control skill was
released but it unfortunately didn’t hit Yang Muzi. It was blocked by Meng Jie.”
Li Xiaojiang had really aimed the fear skill in Yang Muzi’s direction but the moment the skill
was released, the berserker Meng Jie suddenly moved sideways and helped block the skill.
Li Xiaojiang’s fear skill controlled Meng Jie and Gu Siming immediately rushed to beat her.
However, a berserker had thick skin and there was Liu Xiang adding blood in the rear. It
was basically impossible to kill her in a short amount of time.
Li Cangyu immediately said, “Xiao Gu, stop and come back to protect the outputs.”
Xie Shurong’s control effect finally ended. He wanted to cooperate with Li Cangyu to kill
one person first. Unfortunately, the Red Fox team moved fast and they suddenly all
retreated. It was obvious that they wanted a battle of attrition.
This soft control consumption play was actually a classic slow-tempo strategy. Red Fox
would use control skills and small output skills to consume the other side’s blue until the
healer’s blue couldn’t keep up or the other party couldn’t keep up.
Red Fox was the best at this style because the white magician had many control skills. Their
output skills were also terrible.
Four white magicians sounded frightening but as long as they couldn’t control their
opponents then Red Fox was prone to collapse.
That’s why they used the slow-paced style to find opportunities.
This game was a complete showcase of Red Fox’s soft control tactics. Choosing the Ice
Valley map made the Red Fox players like boats floating on the current.
The deceleration effect of the map relieved their stress.
Li Cangyu couldn’t explode from behind because his Cataclysm was blocked and his pet
skills were on cooldown. It had long been said that Cataclysm was a skill that could
instantly turn the tables but the consequences of failure were severe.
Li Cangyu’s luck wasn’t good today and his Cataclysm was wasted.
Xie Shurong wanted to save the situation but Cat God’s output couldn’t be counted on. Li
Xiaojiang’s actions were slow and Canglan failed to catch up with the rhythm of Red Fox.
They eventually lost again.
The score on the big screen became 2:0 and the Canglan teams couldn’t help blackening
themselves. [I don’t feel good today. It will be 0:3!] [It would be too bad to be beaten 3:0 by
the female players!] [Everyone, today we can take screenshots of Cat God’s stunned,
surprised and helpless expressions. All types of emojis are complete!] [This is a big harvest!
Above person, please send Cat God’s expression pack to my mailbox! Thank you!] [Send it
to me as well. Thanks!]
Cheng Wei, “…”
As the number one brainless fan, he thought that people would be scolding Cat God and
was prepared to defend him. Instead, he saw the group of people sharing screenshots of Li
Cangyu’s various expressions. The brains of these fans were too strange.
How could the upright Cat God have such teasing fans?
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu shrugged helplessly and patted the shoulders of the
team members. “Today, everyone doesn’t seem to be in a good state. This is also the first
time I’ve played against Red Fox and I was a bit stunned.”
Bai Xuan smiled. “It doesn’t matter. We should concentrate in the third game. Losing 0:3 is
too ugly.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “I think so as well.”
Bai Xuan asked, “Will we change the lineup?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “We won’t change!”
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi took advantage of the intermission time to say,
“The personal strength of the Red Fox players might not be at the forefront of the league
but their tacit understanding is incomparable. The female players united in playing the
game and take care of each other. This is why Red Fox’s soft control style can beat many
He paused and continued to praise them. “In the game just now, the players probably felt
that they were punching cotton. This is where Red Fox is powerful. Their actions are very
uniform and when the team stops, you can only be controlled. Once they move, they are like
flexible foxes that the opponents can’t catch up with.”
Yu Bing smiled slightly and didn’t say anything. However, she was very pleased.
In the field of e-sports, the proportion of male players was over 90%. In many games,
female players were rare treasures like giant pandas. There were actually many girls
playing Miracle but few had a high enough level to play professionally.
She was very happy that she created the pure female team Red Fox and was also pleased
about handing it over to Liu Xiang. This group of women could continue the Red Fox team’s
style to today. Even if they weren’t strong, they could unite and play the game. There were
many outstanding records where they overturned strong teams.
Today Cat God lost two consecutive games to Red Fox. It could only be said that he didn’t
know enough about the female players. Liu Xiang seemed gentle but she was actually a
terrible opponent. In order to win against her, Li Cangyu needed to find a countermeasure
as soon as possible.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
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GLS: Chapter 167

Hey everyone, I’ve actually been on holiday for the last two weeks which was why the
chapters released decreased. Now I’m back and should have a bit more time for translating.
I also noticed that while I was on holiday, I actually missed my fourth year anniversary of
when I started translating, which was on the 7th December. As a result, I have decided to
release some of the chapters in my stockpile in celebration.

Chapter 167 – Canglan VS Red Fox (4)

The Canglan fans were enthusiastically discussing Cat God’s rich array of expressions but
they were actually very anxious. Canglan had lost two games in a row. It would be really
unspeakable if they lost the third game.
In particular, Li Cangyu lost the first game and didn’t change the lineup in the second game.
Many fans actually had opinions on this but they temporarily refused to say anything.
To everyone’s shock, the team battle list that Li Cangyu submitted was the same as the
previous two games!
The atmosphere inside the live broadcast room quieted down. The fans who were sending
the expression back fell silent. They couldn’t help questioning: [What is Cat God doing? It is
hard for this lineup to beat Red Fox. Why does he want to take this lineup and die to Red
Fox?] [Isn’t the captain being too capricious by not changing the lineup?] [Change to Xiao
There were some sensible fans who said: [Perhaps he has his own ideas? Don’t rush to
judge. Wait until it is over.]
Regardless of the noisy comments, Li Cangyu had already pressed the OK button. This
meant that he would continue to use this lineup to fight Red Fox.
Red Fox also didn’t change the map. Liu Xiang was obviously very confident playing this
“There is no lineup or map changes for both sides. It is the same lineup but Canglan lost the
first two games to Red Fox. Let’s see if the results of the third game will change.”
Kou Hongyi carefully stared at the big screen. It could be seen that the splitting up method
had changed. Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan guarded their home base, Ah Shu protected Li
Xiaojiang in the northwest area while Gu Siming and Zhang Jueming were in the southeast
The Cat Bai combination hadn’t been seen for a long time. The old partners of many years
naturally understood each other the best. The Canglan fans suddenly saw hope.
Everyone thought that Li Cangyu teamed up with Bai Xuan to rely on Bai Xuan’s protection
to make an early advantage. The result proved that people were thinking too much. He
didn’t rush to kill, just like the previous two games. He killed mobs to make money while
turning a blind eye to the Yang Liu captain and vice-captain combination.
Both sides’ captain and vice-captain met but politely passed each other, killing the mobs on
their own.
The audience, “…”
It wasn’t exciting!
Just as the Canglan fans were feeling disappointed, a battle broke out on the road one
minute after the start!
The combination that Red Fox sent to the road were Zhu Yan and Liu Xueqin. The two of
them were the most stable white magician outputs in the Red Fox team since their debut
and they naturally had an understanding.
However, Xie Shurong found an opportunity.
A blue mob refreshed near where Zhu Yan was standing. The blue mob gave a blue
recovery bonus and everyone would definitely kill it first when it appeared. Zhu Yan knew
that Li Xiaojiang was slow and wanted to grab the blue mob first.
Originally both sides were playing on their own and the mob appearing wasn’t unexpected.
When both sides were peacefully co-existing, the default rule was that whoever was closest
to the mob would get it.
She didn’t expect that the moment she cast a skill, Xie Shurong would suddenly reach her
with a teleport skill and use Spirit Lock to fix her in place.
Li Xiaojiang’s skill seemed to be aimed at the blue mob but it had actually been long aimed
at her. Dark Fear was used!
It was the black magician’s group fear skill and the angle was extremely accurate. It was
just right to control Zhu Yan and Liu Xueqin.
Xie Shurong gave a thumbs up in his heart to Xiao Li’s precision and used Light and Shadow
Rotation, quickly suppressing the blood of the two white magicians!
Li Xiaojiang also wasn’t idle. After successfully placing fear on the opponent, the teenager
who had been unable to use any skills in the first two games excitedly pressed the
keyboard. Death Entanglement, Shadow Wrath, Hell Flames!
Li Xiaojiang who used skills and Li Xiaojiang who couldn’t use skills could be judged as two
different people!
The snail’s movements were slow but once he was given an opportunity to use skills, he
became the most stable output turret.
Xie Shurong and Li Xiaojiang’s skills all hit and Zhu Yan and Liu Xueqin were beaten to
residual blood.
The two female players were helpless. The moment the control effect ended, they used
God’s Light to silence Xie Shurong and turned to retreat.
This wave of combat didn’t give any heads, making the audience slightly disappointed.
However, Yu Bing knew that Canglan had made a large profit from it.
Since the two players of Red Fox retreated, the coins of all mobs in this area went to Li
Xiaojiang’s pocket.
The mobs in one wild area gave a total of 2,000 crystal coins. If equally divided between
four people then it was 500 per person. Ah Shu gave all the resources to Li Xiaojiang so Li
Xiaojiang should have 1,000 crystal coins. Now the Red Fox pair were forced to retreat.
Putting aside the mobs they already killed, Li Xiaojiang killed the rest of the mobs and got
1,500 crystal coins!
Sure enough, at the end of the mobs stage, Li Xiaojiang became the local tyrant. He bought
an attack ring according to Cat God’s orders as well as a necklace to increase the duration of
the control effect.
After replacing the equipment, Canglan went to the ice dragon refresh point.
This time, Red Fox wanted to play quickly but Li Cangyu turned it into a battle of attrition.
Liu Xiang knew that Red Fox had an advantage at this time because Ah Shu and Li
Xiaojiang’s skills were on cooldown. However, Li Cangyu didn’t give them a chance. His
water spirit played a full role as his Water Balls smashed into one player after another. Gu
Siming also acted as shield in the front row. It wasn’t easy for Meng Jie to get close!
In the first game, she unexpected stunned Gu Siming but now she found that this little guy
had become flexible. He swam around Cat God’s water spirit and wasn’t good to deal with.
Due to the delay in the battle, the Canglan team grabbed the initiative.
Li Cangyu calculated the time and estimated that the two players should have their big
moves back. He ordered, “Fight!”
Xie Shurong immediately used Light and Shadow Rotation and forced himself into Red
Fox’s formation. The swordsman’s big move was full of power and the visual effect was
gorgeous. However, Ah Shu’s big move wasn’t to decrease the other side’s blood volume. It
was to interfere.
Once Light and Shadow Rotation was released, there would be a dazzling white light that
covered the area where the sword moved. This would lead to blind spots in the opponents’
At the same time, Li Cangyu used Fireball to control Red Fox’s main control, Yang Muzi.
Yang Muzi simply couldn’t put out any control skills!
Xie Shurong and Li Cangyu did this to create an opportunity for Li Xiaojiang!
Xiaojiang’s Dark Fear took a long time to cast. Once discovered, it was easy to be
interrupted by the opponent. Light and Shadow Rotation and Fireball interfered with the
front row and Li Xiaojiang finally found a chance to release Dark Fear.
This group fear was aimed just right to control the four white magicians of Red Fox, forcing
the Canglan fans to clap. Li Xiaojiang’s grasp of the skills release was becoming more and
more accurate.
Liu Xiang immediately cast a big skill to save them but Li Cangyu didn’t give her a chance
this time. Purple thunder dropped from the sky and interrupted the healer’s casting.
At the same time, Zhang Jueming used auxiliary skills to increase the output of his
teammates and reduce the effectiveness of the other side.
Xie Shurong, Li Cangyu and Li Xiaojiang started to erupt. The audience was shocked to find
that Li Xiaojiang’s output was particularly terrible. Due to the advantage of the first stage,
he bought two pieces of equipment and his output had doubled. His fear control effect was
also extended by one second.
One second wasn’t a big deal for the average player but it was critical for professional
Due to this one second, Li Cangyu could connect it with the control of his wind spirit!
The result was the four white magicians had just been freed from the effects of Dark Fear
when they were hit with Li Cangyu’s Storm Fury!
Xiao Han was watching from under the stage and immediately sent a message to Qin Mo:
[They should be messy in the wind right?]
Qin Mo: [Yes, your words are correct.]
Xiao Han smiled and replied: [We should be winning this game.]
Ling Xuefeng was watching the game and already confirmed that Canglan would win. Once
Li Cangyu had an advantage, it was impossible for him to give the opponent an opportunity
to overturn it. In the first two games, he couldn’t keep up with Red Fox’s thoughts. He was
finally restored to his normal level in the third game and made careful arrangements.
Sure enough, as Ling Xuefeng expected, the first person on the Red Fox team to be killed
was Yang Muzi.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Cotton Tree!]
Li Cangyu attacked Liu Xueqin and then gave the head to Li Xiaojiang.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Guqin!]
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Meng Jiejie!]
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed Flying Cotton!]
[Snail Crawling Slowly has become super god!]
The audience hadn’t expected Red Fox’s collapse. Even the two commentators couldn’t
understand it. The screen broadcasted a slow motion replay and everyone discovered that
Ah Shu and Cat God used a variety of big moves to reduce the blood of the Red Fox
members. Gu Siming suddenly put a defensive light shield on himself and rushed into the
Red Fox lineup, forcibly stunning Liu Xiang.
Without the help of the healer, the lives of the Red Fox players were in jeopardy. Li
Xiaojiang used this chance to cast the big move Hell Flames, killing the few residual blood
Liu Xiang was finally killed by Li Cangyu hitting her with fireballs before giving Li Xiaojiang
the head.
Li Xiaojiang looked at the ‘super god’ on the screen and his face flushed with excitement.
Under the stage, Zhuo Hang stood up and clapped for him! Li Cangyu smiled with relief and
patted Li Xiaojiang on the shoulder. “Well done.”
Li Xiaojiang was so moved that he didn’t know what to say.
In the first two games, he had been killed by the white magicians of Red Fox and couldn’t
fully play. He lost confidence in his speed. Then in the third game, there was a big reversal
with Cat God and Ah Shu’s help. Thanks to their help, he managed the achievement of
killing six gods in the first division!
It was something he had never dreamt of…

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GLS: Chapter 168

Chapter 168 – Confidence

Canglan beat Red Fox in the first wave and Li Xiaojiang became super god. The economic
gap between the two teams was more than 10,000 coins. In such a situation, it was difficult
for any team in the league to make a comeback.
Li Cangyu’s style of play was very stable and he kept this advantage until the end of the
game. This game was successfully won by Canglan and the final score was determined to be
The match ended and the Red Fox players took the initiative to come and greet them. Liu
Xiang behaved politely and Li Cangyu graciously shook hands with her, saying, “Captain Liu
is very strong.”
Liu Xiang smiled. “Cat God is also very strong. The third game was well arranged.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Thanks for the praise!”
“My master is present and wants to ask you to have a meal. Can Cat God do us this favour?”
Her master was a friend Li Cangyu knew in his early years, Yu Bing. Yu Bing took the
initiative to invite him so Li Cangyu promised to come. “Okay, I will go out and eat with her
later.” Then he turned and said to Bai Xuan in a low voice, “I won’t go to dinner today. Let
everyone move freely. It is their first time in Suzhou and they can explore the city.”
Bai Xuan nodded. “I understand. I’ll arrange it.”
For this post-match interview, Li Cangyu only brought Li Xiaojiang with him.
The reporters asked as soon as they saw him, “Cat God, why didn’t you change the lineup
when you lost the first two games?”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate. “It is because I had confidence in Li Xiaojiang.”
Li Xiaojiang was very moved from where he sat next to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu smiled at him
in an encouraging manner and continued, “The four newcomers currently aren’t mature
enough. In particular, Li Xiaojiang lacks confidence in himself. I let him play in the third
game today to tell him that no matter the circumstances, Canglan won’t give up on him.”
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes became wet at the captain’s firm remarks.
It was true that he would’ve felt more uncomfortable if the captain replaced him after
losing the first two games.
He didn’t tell anyone but he actually felt very inferior. In the Canglan team, he was the
slowest one with the worst foundation. He was also the worst when it came to family.
He was from a small country village and his parents were honest and loyal farmers. He
couldn’t compare to Xiao Han who lived in a foreign country, Zhuo Hang whose parents
were rich and Gu Siming, who had lived in Changsha for many years. Once the four
newcomers got together, they would naturally talk about the game as well as other topics.
For example, when talking about hobbies, Zhuo Hang was very fond of snooker and loved
watching the Snooker World Championship on his iPad. Gu Siming loved to watch anime
like Naruto and One Piece. Xiao Han liked American dramas and could watch them without
subtitles. However, Li Xiaojiang didn’t understand any of their words.
He didn’t know what snooker was, he had never seen Naruto and he hadn’t heard of the
Vampire Diaries.
He didn’t seem to live in the same world as his peers.
Li Xiaojiang was usually silent when Cat God was absent. It was because he couldn’t discuss
things with the three teenagers.
He always felt that he was an insignificant presence in the team. He was a dispensable
invisible person. When necessary, Cat God would send him to cooperate with Zhuo Hang in
the arena. At other times, he just sat on the bench and watched everyone’s performance.
Every team would have second-tier players who were substitutes so Li Xiaojiang didn’t
complain. He already thought he was lucky that he was discovered by Cat God and joined
the Canglan team. He couldn’t ask for too much.
Li Xiaojiang had been very satisfied after killing one person in the last match. He thought
that perhaps he could also kill solo on the field? He cooperated well with Zhuo Hang and
completed Cat God’s task.
Today, Li Cangyu told him with practical actions that he wasn’t a small and invisible player
on the Canglan team. He was as important as other players!
No matter the circumstances, Canglan wouldn’t give up on him!
Not only could he be Zhuo Hang’s partner, he could also be the main attacker in the Canglan
team and become the core output in a team battle, taking the achievement of super god in
one breath!
He, Li Xiaojiang, could do it!
Becoming an unstoppable super god in the seventh season’s first division was something
he had never dreamt of before.
He had watched the Miracle League for several years and admired and envied those who
got the achievement of super god. Now Li Xiaojiang personally stood on the stage of the
professional league and became a super god!
At this moment, Li Xiaojiang felt that the door to a new world had opened in front of him.
He wasn’t as bad as he thought and could become stronger.
This was why Li Cangyu told him with this game.
Li Cangyu’s care for Li Xiaojiang moved the reporters at the venue.
In particular, many female reporters were distressed after seeing the young boy’s tearful
This child was working very hard but his talent wasn’t high and his personality was
introverted. It seemed he still had some sense of inferiority. Li Cangyu was trying to
strengthen his confidence and push him towards a higher throne.
A female reporter stood up and asked in a gentle tone, “Xiaojiang, is there anything you
would like to say about the captain’s arrangement?”
Li Xiaojiang picked up the microphone and choked out, “Thank you, thank you. The captain
gave me this opportunity. I know that today, today I could win the achievement of super
god thanks to everyone giving me, me the head. I am particularly touched. I never thought
that one day I could get, get the super god. I will work hard in the future and not let my
teammates down…”
The little guy stammered with tears in his eyes and Li Cangyu led the applause.
This was the longest Li Xiaojiang had spoken in front of reporters since becoming a
professional player. It was very simple but sincere.
Many reporters couldn’t help following Cat God to clap.
Compared to the talented players who had the aura of a genius since debut, the progress of
ordinary and weak players like Li Xiaojiang made people more moved.
A reporter couldn’t help saying, “Cat God, you seem particularly concerned about Xiaojiang.
Aren’t you afraid the other three newcomers will have an opinion on this?”
Li Cangyu replied honestly, “No, I don’t believe that the players are that small-minded.
Besides, my training for them hasn’t officially started yet!”
The three newcomers watching the interview immediately pricked up their ears, their eyes
full of expectations.
Bai Xuan saw this and couldn’t help laughing. As the vice-captain, he was naturally very
clear about the situation of the four players. Among the four newcomers, Li Xiaojiang had
the weakest confidence and the worst foundation. It was correct for Li Cangyu to start with
Li Xiaojiang first since weak people had a bigger room for improvement. It was harder for
those who were already very good to make a breakthrough.
It was like those who practiced martial arts in martial arts novels. It might take two or
three years to get started with martial arts and then five to eight years to become a master.
Those who became a master might take a lifetime to break through.
Of the four newcomers, the one who was hardest to progress was Gu Siming. He had been
training with the Dragon Song Club for a long time and his foundation was very solid. His
impulsive problem had to do with his personality, which was even more difficult to correct.
Therefore, Li Cangyu didn’t rush to correct him despite his performance in the last few
game being slightly lacking. Xiao Gu’s change needed to be slow and subtle. It was
impossible to change the style of a player in one or two matches.
As for Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han, Bai Xuan knew Li Cangyu and their training would
definitely be worse!
Look at Xiao Han who was currently playing very comfortably with his master. Li Cangyu
wasn’t stingy when it came to praising him. However, if Xiao Han didn’t improve then Cat
God would certainly use cruel tricks to make this guy break through.
Where was the cruel trick? It would probably happen against Wind Colour!
Bai Xuan smiled as he thought this. The four newcomers were looking forward to being
taught by Li Cangyu. This was obviously Cat God’s personal charm that had already
overwhelmed them.
Bai Xuan’s eyes were on the screen but Xie Shurong’s eyes were always on Bai Xuan.
This smiling man’s side profile was soft under the illumination of the light. The curve of his
nose and lips was simply the creator’s most perfect masterpiece. Xie Shurong almost went
crazy seeing it.
In the post-match interview, Li Cangyu not only explained the reasons for not changing the
lineup but also evaluated the Red Fox players.
“In my opinion, there isn’t much difference between a female player and a male player.
They are worthy of my respect as long as they are professionals who try to play the game.
In today’s match, the Red Fox team’s performance was excellent. In particular, Red Fox
Captain Liu Xiang’s clear thinking and meticulous tactics were daunting.”
A reported wanted gossip. “Cat God, who do you think is the most beautiful player in Red
Li Cangyu was slightly startled at being asked something that had nothing to do with the
game but replied, “I didn’t pay attention.”
The reporters, “…”
Many viewers typed ellipsis. [Cat God, do you only stare at the screen?] [Strength hurts Old
Cat. Not even looking at so many beautiful women. No wonder why you don’t have a
girlfriend!] [Old Cat, you will be an old dog~ an old single dog!]
Li Cangyu naturally ignored the comments and went backstage with Li Xiaojiang after
finishing the interview.
Li Xiaojiang suddenly stopped in the hallway and pulled gently at Li Cangyu’s sleeve. “C-
Li Cangyu was puzzled. “What is it?”
Li Xiaojiang looked up at him and said earnestly, “Thank, thank you. I understand what you
mean and will refuel.”
This guy wasn’t very talkative but every word was sincere.
Li Cangyu knew the thanks was sincere and that through this match, Li Xiaojiang would
have a clearer and more accurate understanding of his position in the Canglan team.
A team always had top students and weaker students. In order to improve the overall level
of the team, the best way was to pull up the weaker students first.
Thankfully, Li Xiaojiang might have some inferiority but he wasn’t a coward. He kept up
with the whole team with the help of his teammates.
Li Cangyu believed that Xiaojiang’s mentality would slowly chance and a mature and stable
black magician would contribute more to the Canglan team.
Only confident, decisive players were qualified to walk side by side with their teammates
into the playoffs.
Li Cangyu looked at the boy with tears in his black eyes and couldn’t help smiling slightly.
He patted Xiaojiang on the shoulder and said softly, “I can only help you this much. How
high you can climb in the future depends on yourself.”
Li Xiaojiang nodded vigorously. “Yes, I understand!”
The ID he registered was Snail Crawling Slowly. His progress was indeed a bit slow but
with Li Cangyu’s help, he walked solidly every step of the way.
It was like a student who always failed the exam finding out that he could get 80 points.
Then why not aim for 90 or 100 points?
He could only go further by setting a higher goal.
Li Xiaojiang formed fists at Li Cangyu’s gentle encouragement and gave himself a new task.
Perhaps he didn’t have Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han’s talent or Gu Siming’s solid foundation but
he could make up for his own shortcomings with twice as much hard work.
One day he would stand with his teammates and no longer need their deliberate care. He
would use his own strength to become a real super god!
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GLS: Chapter 169

Chapter 169 – Man in a Suit

After the post-match interview, Liu Xiang came backstage to find Li Cangyu. “Master has
booked a good location. Cat God, shall we go now?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Zhang Jueming came over and joked, “Two beautiful women accompanying you to dinner,
this is an opportunity.”
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Yes, I’ll exchange tactics with them.”
Zhang Jueming lowered his voice. “Who asked you to exchange tactics? Can’t you think
about anything other than tactics? As far as I know, Yu Bing and Liu Xiang are single. You
have to seize the chance.”
Li Cangyu understood what he meant and bluntly countered, “You are single and should
worry about yourself first.”
Zhang Jueming made a heavy expression after being blocked. “I am a rough man older than
25 years old and certainly won’t be liked by girls. Alas… I should go back to the hotel to
wash and sleep.”
Li Cangyu watched Old Zhang’s slightly desolate back and sighed helplessly. A bold person
like Zhang Jueming would find it really hard to gain a girl’s favour. In addition, his career
hadn’t been very good the past few years. He worked hard to earn money to open a studio
and love affairs were delayed.
However, Li Cangyu believed there would definitely be a person who understood Old
He arrived at the restaurant with Liu Xiang and Yu Bing was already waiting there. She
wore white pencil pants and a casual shirt, along with a pair of high heels and sunglasses
on her face. She looked like a celebrity afraid of a paparazzi’s sneak shot.
Li Cangyu stepped forward and sat down opposite her. “Is it necessary to be dressed like
this for a meal?”
Yu Bing said quietly, “I don’t want to be linked to gossip with you again.”
He thought about the time when they were photographed eating by reporters and netizens
said there was something between them. As the number one gossip item linked with Yu
Bing, Li Cangyu stated calmly, “Don’t worry, I will explain it if we are really photographed.”
Yu Bing smiled and wondered, “Won’t your lover be jealous?”
Li Cangyu replied, “No, he is very rational and will believe in me.” (TL: Uses gender neutral
Chinese words)
Yu Bing took off her sunglasses with surprise. “You really have a lover?”
Li Cangyu coughed as he found himself falling into her language trap and touched his nose.
“Yu Bing, you have been commentating for a few years. Your way of speaking has become
more skillful?”
Yu Bing smiled. “It is an occupational need.”
The silent Liu Xiang couldn’t help interjecting, “Cat God has a girlfriend?”
Li Cangyu smiled, not intending to answer.
Liu Xiang also smiled. “If it is inconvenient to say then it doesn’t matter. I just think that
your girlfriend will definitely be depressed. You must not have much time to accompany
Yu Bing turned back, “Xiao Xiang, don’t be so direct. Cat God must be very qualified as a
boyfriend, right?”
Li Cangyu felt slightly guilty. He really didn’t have much time to accompany his lover. An
average person would certainly have problems with such a boyfriend. However, Ling
Xuefeng was as busy as he was. Both of them were professional players and understood
each other.
Liu Xiang changed the topic. “Cat God, did you hear the recent news about the league?”
Li Cangyu suppressed his thoughts and asked, “What news?”
Liu Xiang explained, “This year’s second World Carnival, the selection mechanism might
change. The online voting method from last year will no longer be used.”
Li Cangyu was surprised. The last Carnival was a test and the simplest online voting
method was used to select six representatives. Did the chairman change the strategy to
prepare for the World Competition?
Sure enough, Yu Bing said, “I heard that the captain of this season’s championship team will
directly win one of the six seats. The remaining five will be selected from the final national
team players.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “The chairman wants the Carnival players to test it first?”
If they followed the online voting method, it was likely that the netizens might not choose
someone on the national team. Thus, a direct selection from the national team would allow
the members to go to the world stage and see the situation of players in other countries.
Chairman Nan Jiangang’s consideration was very thoughtful.
The trio talked while eating. Yu Bing knew Li Cangyu’s preferences and gave him a sweet
and sour fish that was especially delicious in Suzhou. Li Cangyu was very satisfied with this
The surprising thing was that there was no one in the room when he returned to the hotel.
Li Cangyu opened the door to his room and found Zhang Jueming surfing the Internet. He
went over and asked doubtfully, “Why are you here? Where are the others?”
Zhang Jueming explained, “Ah Shu took them into the city to go shopping. Vice-Captain Bai
wasn’t at ease and accompanied them.”
“You didn’t go?”
Zhang Jueming smiled. “I have no interest in shopping so I stayed back to go on the
Li Cangyu called Bai Xuan who said that everyone were still exploring. Li Cangyu told them
to pay attention to safety and then hung up to bathe.
Xie Shurong said he would bring the newcomers shopping but he actually wanted to go
shopping with Bai Xuan.
However, he knew that Vice-Captain Bai wouldn’t agree if they were alone. He made up an
excuse to call out Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhuo, Xiao Han and Xiao Li, saying, “Brother Shu will buy
you gifts. Let’s go!”
The teenagers heard it was a present and actively followed.
Xie Shurong wrapped himself around Bai Xuan and said, “Vice-Captain Bai, I’m not familiar
with Suzhou and don’t know how to look at maps. Can you go with us?”
Bai Xuan helplessly had to follow this group, dutifully acting as navigator.
Xie Shurong took them to dinner and then they headed to a nearby shopping mall. He said
that he would be everyone a gift and the newcomers didn’t have to be polite.
Gu Siming soon picked a present. It was a new solo game that had recently been released
online. He had been paying attention to it for a long time and always wanted to buy it.
Today, Ah Shu was paying and he decisively decided to buy it.
Xiao Han went for a high-capacity hard drive. He downloaded too many American movies
and didn’t have room on his computer’s hard drive. He would use this as a back up.
Zhuo Hang picked a summer cap and tried it on in front of the mirror. He smiled and said,
“Too handsome. Why can’t I bear to take it off?”
Xie Shurong decisively said, “Then buy it!”
All three people had chosen a gift. Li Xiaojiang followed behind everyone and didn’t know
what to pick. There were too many good things in the mall, many of which he had never
seen before. Those clothes looked delicate, they must be expensive?
Xie Shurong saw the small snail alone in the back and couldn’t help saying, “Xiaojiang, you
also pick one.”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was red. “No, no, Brother Shu, it isn’t easy for you to make money. You
don’t need to buy for me…”
Zhuo Hang wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Don’t be polite. Tree God is in a good
mood today and wants to buy us gifts. Just directly say what you want!”
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes moved in a circle and stopped on an outdoor sports store for a moment.
Zhuo Hang followed his gaze and found that he was staring at a pair of shoes with envious
eyes. Zhuo Hang immediately pulled him into the store. “Come on, you like it so try it on.”
The employee enthusiastically came over and asked, “Hello, what size shoes do you wear?”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was red and he remained silent.
Zhuo Hang asked, “What’s the size of your shoes?”
Li Xiaojiang hesitated for a moment before whispering, “Size 37.”
This was a small size among men’s shoes and often weren’t available. Zhuo Hang was a bit
surprised. He didn’t expect Li Xiaojiang’s feet to be so small.
Li Xiaojiang had always found it difficult to buy the right size shoes at the mall and would
sometimes suffer from the staff’s eyes. The thing that surprised him was that this beautiful
sister didn’t laugh at him. Instead, she brought him a pair of size 37 shoes in a friendly
manner. “Try this one first. There are other styles.”
Li Xiaojiang was flattered and tried on the shoes. They were really comfortable to wear…
The employee asked, “Do you like this? Would you like to see another style?”
He liked it but the price…
He was hesitating when Xie Shurong went to the side and readily used his card. He put the
wrapped new shoes into Li Xiaojiang’s hands and smiled. “You like it so don’t hesitate.”
Li Xiaojiang held the shoes and looked at him with a touched expression. “Brother Shu,
thank you!”
Once he bought the four little guys a gift, Xie Shurong said, “I will buy myself a present as
well. You can help me!”
He took everyone to an area where men’s clothes were sold. There were many dazzling
branded suits in the area.
Xie Shurong asked, “Which one looks good?”
Gu Siming pointed to a red set. “This one!”
Zhuo Hang interrupted him. “This suit looks very old. Think about Brother Shu’s age. I think
blue suits him better.”
He pointed to a blue set and told Xie Shurong, “This one is good!”
Xiao Han thoughtfully went to the side and pointed to a grey suit. “I think this set is more
Everyone automatically ignored his grammatical mistakes. Xie Shurong didn’t listen to the
three people’s advice. He looked back and smiled at Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain Bai, what do
you think?”
Bai Xuan asked, “Do you really want to buy it?”
Xie Shurong nodded. “As a grown man, how can I do without a suit? I can wear it when
attending formal occasions. Help me pick one.”
Gu Siming exclaimed, “Yes, Vice-Captain Bai should pick it. You must have a good eye.”
Bai Xuan had to smile. “Okay, I will help you.”
He looked closely at Xie Shurong’s figure before going to a suits store. He glanced over a
row of neatly displayed suits before eventually picking a white suit with a blue shirt and
striped tie.
He picked it and told Xie Shurong to try it on. Xie Shurong immediately ran over and
happily changed into it.
He left the dressing room and everyone felt that he was eye-catching. The tall figure of the
young man was appropriately set up by the suit that fit him perfectly. He was handsome
and sunny. In this suit, he looked like the protagonist of an idol drama!
Gu Siming excitedly circled Ah Shu., “You are so handsome! This suit is really suitable. Vice-
Captain Bai truly has great eyes!”
Xiao Han added, “Ah Shu’s temperament is very good when wearing white.”
Zhuo Hang also said, “White isn’t something that an average person can control. Xiao Han is
right. Some people will appear very pale when wearing white. I think that Brother Shu is
particularly suitable for white. You look handsome!”
The young guys acted like honey was in their mouth. It was because Xie Shurong bought
gifts for them but most of them were telling the truth.
Bai Xuan also thought that Xie Shurong was suitable for these clothes and smiled. Xie
Shurong might still be far from Bai Xuan’s ideal mature and stable man but he had to admit
that Ah Shu was really sunny and handsome.
Xie Shurong walked to Bai Xuan while adjusting his tie and asked, “How is it?”
Bai Xuan said appreciatively, “Not bad.”
“Then I will buy this one.”
He excitedly ran to swipe his card. He wrapped up his old clothes and simply wore the new
They returned to the hotel and Xie Shurong continued to look at himself in the mirror. Bai
Xuan saw his smug expression and finally couldn’t help wondering, “What happened to you
today? You suddenly took them to buy gifts and bought a suit for yourself?”
Xie Shurong turned around with a smile. “Buying gifts was just an excuse. My purpose was
to have you pick a suit for me and I’ll wear it for you. Don’t you think that I’m handsome?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
‘I just think that your skin is thicker?’
Xie Shurong suddenly said, “In fact, today is my birthday.”
Bai Xuan was stunned and embarrassed. “Cough, happy birthday. Why didn’t you say
anything? Everyone should be buying you birthday gifts. Why did you suddenly reverse it
and ended up buying gifts for everyone?”
Xie Shurong whispered, “It’s fine. Meeting you is my best gift. In particular, you let me
understand the feeling of liking a person. This is more precious than any gift.”
“…” Bai Xuan felt numb. This guy was really sweet enough to give him a toothache.
Bai Xuan’s face turned slightly red and Xie Shurong couldn’t help smiling in a handsome
manner. “You look great when blushing. I want to kiss you.”
Bai Xuan’s ears turned red. How could there be such a shameless person? He clearly
rejected Xie Shurong so how he could become more shameless?
It turned out that Xie Shurong could be even more shameless.
He took advantage of Bai Xuan’s blushing time and suddenly kissed Bai Xuan on the
forehead. “I like you, I really like you. This is my birthday present so don’t be angry okay?”
The forehead kiss was as light as a feather. Bai Xuan wanted to be angry but he couldn’t. It
was because he felt the sincerity in Xie Shurong’s words.
Bringing a few small lightbulbs to go shopping but it was just to let Bai Xuan pick a suit for
him. It could be said that Xie Shurong remembered the words Bai Xuan casually said about
a suit and seriously recorded it in his heart.

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GLS: Chapter 170

Chapter 170 – Gossip Storm

The team members didn’t know until today that it was Ah Shu’s birthday. The four
newcomers who received gifts were a bit embarrassed. They came out in a group and lined
up to wish Tree God a happy birthday.
Li Cangyu was also alarmed and asked in puzzled manner, “Today is Ah Shu’s birthday?”
Bai Xuan had naturally told everyone about it. Since the captain of the team asked, Bai Xuan
immediately replied, “Yes, we were too busy playing the game that we forgot about this
Li Cangyu stated, “Dinner has been eaten so I will go buy a cake for Ah Shu’s birthday.”
Xie Shurong quickly said, “No, I never really celebrated my birthday before.”
“It isn’t the same. You used to be in the United States. This is your first birthday with the
Canglan team. We must make up for this blunder.” Li Cangyu was very stubborn and
immediately set out to buy a birthday cake. However, he wasn’t familiar with Suzhou. It
was already late so after thinking about it, Li Cangyu decided to ask Liu Xiang.
Liu Xiang enthusiastically told him the address of a cake store. The location of the store
wasn’t easy to find so she took a taxi to the hotel to go buy it with Li Cangyu.
By the time he bought the cake, it was almost 11 o’clock. Li Cangyu called the players into
his room, put a candle on the cake, turned off the light and smiled. “Come and sing the
birthday song.”
Everyone sang the birthday song in unison. Xie Shurong was a bit moved. In fact, he hadn’t
really cared about his birthday but Li Cangyu went to buy a cake at night. Thus, he felt that
the Canglan team was like a warm family. It was a warmth he never felt in his two years of
playing with the ICE Club.
“Happy Birthday!” “Brother Shu is becoming more handsome!” “Make a wish and blow out
the candle!”
Xie Shurong smiled and clasped his hands together, making a wish.
At present, his biggest wish was to catch Vice-Captain Bai. It would definitely be the
happiest thing if he could hold the gentle and considerate Bai Xuan in his arms.
After silently making a wish, Xie Shurong blew out the candle in one breath. Li Cangyu
turned on the light and let Xie Shurong cut the cake for every person. Fortunately, Li
Cangyu smartly bought a small cake. The taste was delicious and it could be easily divided
into eight parts. They could still eat it despite already having dinner.
Xie Shurong ate the cake and returned to the room. Then the thick-faced Xie Shurong said
to Bai Xuan, “Guess what birthday wish I made?”
Bai Xuan cooperated with him. “What is it?”
Xie Shurong winked. “It is about you. It is said that the wish made on a person’s birthday is
especially easy to achieve.”
Bai Xuan smiled slightly. He knew what Ah Shu meant but Ah Shu really wasn’t the type he
liked. He always thought of this person as a younger brother who hadn’t grown up. It was
difficult to treat Ah Shu as a mature man and this wouldn’t change for a while.
He just had to give it time. Perhaps Ah Shu would change his heart?
The members of Canglan returned to Changsha the next morning. They entered the team
dorms and Li Cangyu had just put down his luggage when he heard a person knocking on
the door. He opened it and unexpectedly saw Liu Chuan.
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Boss, what happened? Why did you come here in person?”
Liu Chuan smiled in a sly manner. “I just happened to be idle and came over to see you…”
He paused and suddenly lowered his voice. “This time you went to Suzhou, isn’t your profit
Li Cangyu replied seriously, “It is okay. We lost 1:2 but Li Xiaojiang’s mentality went
through a great change.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
Li Cangyu was puzzled. “What is it?”
Liu Chuan handed a newspaper to Li Cangyu. The headline said ‘Canglan’s captain Li
Cangyu and Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang on a late-night date at the cake store with an
intimate demeanor.’
The following article was an analysis about the possibility of the two of them being lovers.
One piece of evidence was the smile that Li Cangyu gave when Liu Xiang came over to
shake hands. The second evidence was the two people praising each other in the post-
match interview, both saying that the other person was worthy of respect. Evidence three
was Liu Xiang, Yu Bing and Li Cangyu eating together at a well-known sweet and sour fish
store in Suzhou. Evidence four was the two people taking a taxi together to Liu Xiang’s
favourite cake store late at night.
Li Cangyu, “…”
The reporter’s brain hole could really break through the sky! The evidence was his smile
when shaking hands? Should he laugh or cry?
Liu Chuan gossiped, “I remember that you were previously linked with Yu Bing? This time
you changed to Liu Xiang?”
Li Cangyu made an embarrassed expression. “Cough, I just asked her for directions.
Yesterday was Ah Shu’s birthday so I went out to buy him a cake. I’m not familiar with
Suzhou and looked for Captain Liu to recommend me a cake store. The place is difficult to
find so she personally took me.”
Liu Chuan suddenly realized. “Oh, the paparazzi are just fanning the flames?”
Li Cangyu helplessly nodded. “I was actually eating with Yu Bing yesterday to discuss the
issue of this year’s World Carnival selection. We didn’t talk about private matters at all. The
reporters were just writing nonsense.”
Liu Chuan cautioned, “This message has been forwarded tens of thousands of times on
Weibo. I saw it on the front page which is why I asked you. You should clarify the rumour.
After all, Liu Xiang is young and might not be able to endure this gossip.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “I understand.”
Once he returned to the dormitory, Li Cangyu immediately turned on the computer. Sure
enough, the Weibo home page was filled with this message. Many professional players also
forwarded it with a row of question marks.
Cheng Wei wrote a string of question marks followed by: [Cat God and Captain Liu? No
way! I would believe it if it was going to buy fish late at night but cake?]
Tan Shitian saw this post and opened his mouth to remind Cheng Wei, “Liu Xiang loves to
eat cake.”
Cheng Wei suddenly realized. “I still don’t believe they are together. Over the years, Cat God
has never pursued a girl and Liu Xiang isn’t the type to take the initiative to chase people.
They usually don’t intersect at all. How can they suddenly become lovers?”
Tan Shitian suppressed his smile and praised Cheng Wei. “Your analysis is reasonable. You
are very clever.”
Cheng Wei proudly raised his chin. “I have always been smart. Did you only find out now?”
Tan Shitian laughed without speaking.
A fanboy would become smart every time he met his idol. He should apply it to his own
Zhang Shaohui, vice-captain of Ghost Spirits, actively forwarded the news. [The photos look
Lou Wushuang had a cold face. “They clearly aren’t in a relationship. Can you not care
about these meddling reporters?”
Zhang Shaohui looked back doubtfully. “Why isn’t it possible? Cat God is tall and handsome
while his personality is straightforward and righteous. Liu Xiang is very beautiful and has a
gentle personality. Don’t they match?”
Lou Wushuang replied, “Li Cangyu doesn’t like Liu Xiang and Liu Xiang only feels respect
towards him.”
“How do you know that?”
“I can see it.”
“Is that so?” Zhang Shaohui scratched his head doubtfully. “Why didn’t I see it?”
Lou Wushuang answered, “It is because you are stupid.”
He couldn’t even see that Lou Wushuang liked him. How could he see other people? Stupid,
forget it!
Zhang Shaohui looked at his brother’s cold face and grinned. “I am stupid. This is a natural
gene that can’t be changed. However, you are the smartest.”
Lou Wushuang saw his honest appearance and couldn’t be angry anymore. He reached out
and patted Zhang Shaohui on the shoulder. “Okay, prepare for the game. The next match is
against Canglan. You have to practice well.”
The reporter’s Weibo was full of several clear photos. They were photos of Li Cangyu eating
with Liu Xiang and Yu Bing after the game, photos of him and Liu Xiang going to the cake
store late at night and various arguments to prove that their relationship wasn’t simple.
The reporter was too good at writing manuscripts and turned white to black. Many people
believed it was true and there were also the passersby watching the lively scene. The
Weibo’s forwarding number was getting higher and the number of comments increased.
Li Cangyu saw the situation was becoming more serious and had to come forward to clarify.
[The total number of times that I’ve personally met Captain Liu is no more than five times.
Last night, Captain Liu went with me to buy a cake because it was our Ah Shu’s birthday. I
didn’t expect to attract the reporter’s misunderstanding. I am sorry about making trouble
for Captain Liu. To clarify, I’m not lovers with Captain Liu. We are just simple friends.
Besides, I already have a lover. In order to avoid him being jealous, can reporters stop
writing this type of gossip? Thank you!]
The beginning part wasn’t the key point. It was the last few sentences that made the
Miracle League explode in an instant.
Cheng Wei was the first to come forward in the group chat. [@Old Cat, you have a lover?
Come on, show the photos!]
Zhang Shaohui joined the fun. [Is there really a lover? What team are they from?]
Lou Wushuang also felt curious. [An outsider?]
Tan Shitian said: [Based on yesterday’s dinner, is Yu Bing the actual person?]
Bai Xuan sent a row of sad emojis. [We didn’t know that the captain has a girlfriend.]
Xie Shurong followed next. [Captain is too mean. When are you going to bring your
girlfriend to meet the team?]
The group of people started to fill the screen and the number of messages instantly broke
through the 100 mark.
Just then, Ling Xuefeng suddenly came out. [All of you are gossiping? Don’t you have to
There was a cold wind in the group. Then the bold Cheng Wei jumped out. [Captain Ling,
aren’t you curious? Cat God said he has a lover!]
Ling Xuefeng sat in front of a computer and slightly smiled. ‘What do I have to be curious
about? I am his lover. If I say this then you will be scared to death.’
Li Cangyu saw that Ling Xuefeng spoke and immediately followed his lead. [Everyone
shouldn’t be curious. Curiosity killed the cat! Now go to train! I just mentioned this to fool
the reporters yet you really believed me.]
[Cutting the gossip with excitement!]
[I figured you were fooling the reporter!]
The group chatted for a moment before dispersing.
Li Cangyu sent a private message to Ling Xuefeng: [Xuefeng, you aren’t angry right?]
Ling Xuefeng: [What if I said I was angry?]
Li Cangyu sent a smiling emoji. [You aren’t that stingy. I explained that I went with Liu
Xiang to buy a cake for Ah Shu. It is really nothing!]
Ling Xuefeng: [What else do you want to do?]
Li Cangyu: [Nothing, I only have you in my heart. Don’t misunderstand. [Kiss][Hug]]
Ling Xuefeng’s smile became deeper as he saw Li Cangyu anxiously explaining. Then he
sent Li Cangyu an expression. It was the expression Li Cangyu made when his big move was
Li Cangyu was shocked and asked: [How do you have this expression?]
Ling Xuefeng: [I downloaded an expression pack made by your fans. It is very interesting.]
Li Cangyu laughed. [I am all yours. Just tell me what expression you want me to make and I
will make it for you. I’ll give you an exclusive version that outsiders can’t see.]
Ling Xuefeng’s heart was moved. He was most looking forward to seeing Li Cangyu’s pained
yet excited expression in bed. It must be very sexy. Of course, it wasn’t good to say this
straight to Li Cangyu’s face. Ling Xuefeng would see it in person one day.

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GLS: Chapter 171

Chapter 171 – Gossip Storm (2)

Ling Xuefeng actually wasn’t angry about this storm of gossip. In the third season, Li
Cangyu had been linked to Yu Bing so Ling Xuefeng had long been calm about this type of
thing. This time, Li Cangyu went to buy a cake with Liu Xiang late at night and the reporters
happened to be there to catch it. In fact, Li Cangyu’s attitude towards female players was no
different from male players.
Li Cangyu’s clarification on Weibo thrilled many reporters and fans. Everyone started to
look for clues about his lover in the Miracle League.
The first to be ruled out was Yu Bing. When gossip about them had spread, Li Cangyu
clarified that Yu Bing was a friend and the two of them shouldn’t suddenly become lovers.
The other female players in the Miracle League were all in the Red Fox team. Apart from
Liu Xiang, it seemed that only the Vice-Captain Yang Muzi had any interactions with Li
Unlike Liu Xiang’s quiet and gentle personality, Yang Muzi was lively and cute, with short
hair like a girl who hadn’t grown up. Did Old Cat like the loli type?
On the Miracle forum, a special post about Cat God’s lover was opened. Everyone was
making guesses when a person with the ID of ‘Passerby C’ sent a message: [I have read Cat
God’s Weibo post 10 times. Cat God said he had a lover and avoided using gender specific
words. Cat God’s lover must be a man!]
This post woke up the dreamers, making many people shocked.
[Cat God’s lover is a man? [Stunned Face]]
[The scope is big. There are hundreds of male players in the Miracle League!]
[We have to add the Wulin League since Cat God spent two years playing Wulin
[If we are speculating based on the grounds of knowing each other for a long time… could it
be Bai Xuan?]
[It might also be the fanboy Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei clings to Cat God every day. Every time
the Canglan team plays, he will open an account to cheer for Cat God. I think Cheng Wei is
secretly in love with Cat God.]
Passerby C: [No, no, no! Don’t talk nonsense. Cheng Wei feels pure admiration towards Cat
God, admiration!]
[…Is the above comment Vice-Captain Cheng’s account?]
Passerby C: [You are Vice-Captain Cheng’s account!]
[Isn’t this being too angry?]
“…” Cheng Wei angrily closed the forum on his computer.
Tan Shitian came over and asked, “Why are you running to the forum to join the fun?”
Cheng Wei looked depressed. “I am just curious. Cat God used ‘him’ on the Weibo post. Is
this really just to deal with the reporter’s nonsense? Or is Cat God’s lover a man?” Cheng
Wei looked up doubtfully at Tan Shitian. “How can he like a man? He should find a big
beauty and have a chubby son!”
Tan Shitian helplessly smiled. Xiao Wei felt pure love and admiration for Li Cangyu.
Therefore, he hoped that Li Cangyu could have a happy life. However, Tan Shitian was very
clear about who Li Cangyu’s lover was. When Li Cangyu returned to Miracle, Ling Xuefeng
continuously forwarded posts about him despite never posting team-related news on
Weibo. His concern for Li Cangyu was very obvious. In addition, Tan Shitian wrote the story
of the big cat and the kitten and Ling Xuefeng forwarded a clarification. Tan Shitian and
Ling Xuefeng didn’t say it but there was already a tacit understanding.
The reporters obviously didn’t expect this and the fans were even more unlikely to think
about it. The fans on both sides had always fought over who was the best summoner in the
league. There were often fierce war of words in the forums until Li Cangyu left Miracle. The
war between both sides gradually subsided but the relationship between the fans wasn’t
Everyone always thought that Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were fated opponents and the
strongest enemies. They were often compared to see who was stronger but the fans never
thought that they were the ones who knew each other the best.
This type of feeling was actually very subtle. The person who knew you the best was often
your strongest opponent.
Ling Xuefeng’s understanding of Li Cangyu had always been far superior to the number one
brainless fan, Cheng Wei.
As top summoners in the league, there was a common language between them. Both of
them were also captains of their teams and shouldered heavy responsibilities. The mutual
understanding and empathy between them wasn’t something that outsiders could
From Tan Shitian’s viewpoint, it was natural for Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu to be together.
Apart from Ling Xuefeng, Tan Shitian couldn’t think of a second person who could stand
side by side with Li Cangyu.
However, these thoughts could only be hidden in his heart, just as he kept his love for
Cheng Wei in his heart.
Cheng Wei made a startled expression and Tan Shitian had to pretend to smile. He asked,
“Would you support him if Cat God is really with a man?”
Cheng Wei was stunned and his face immediately wrinkled up like a bun.
Tan Shitian couldn’t help pinching this bun-like face and changed his word.s “I’m joking.
Maybe Cat God just casually said it to deal with the reporters. It is casual nonsense.”
Cheng Wei didn’t believe this. He had a strange intuition that with Li Cangyu’s personality,
there was no need to lie to handle the reporters. It was likely that his words on Weibo were
Cheng Wei thought about it carefully and scratched his head. “I will support him no matter
what decision he makes. As long as he is happy…”
Tan Shitian heard this and couldn’t help feeling moved. Li Cangyu was very lucky to have
such unconditional support from his fan. Cheng Wei might be simple but when he first
entered the league, Li Cangyu had helped and guided him. He always remembered this
kindness in his heart.
If others were good to Cheng Wei then he would repay them. He didn’t compete for fame
and fortune and did things according to his own mood, no matter what outsiders thought of
him. For example, every time Canglan fought, he would open a side account to cheer for Cat
God. This was very naive and wasn’t in line with the identity of a great god. Yet Cheng Wei
stubbornly did what he liked.
In the complex circle of the Miracle League, it was rare to be able to maintain his pure
heart. It was also the thing Tan Shitian most liked about Cheng Wei.
Tan Shitian couldn’t help smiling as he stared into Cheng Wei’s shining eyes. He said softly,
“It isn’t difficult to accept men being together with men. There is no way to control their
feelings. They like the person regardless of identity or gender. This type of affection is the
purest thing in the world.”
Cheng Wei listened to this and nodded. “Your words make sense.”
Tan Shitian was amused by his ignorant expression and couldn’t help patting his head. “Do
you really understand?”
Cheng Wei replied honestly, “I don’t understand.”
His expression was really cute. Tan Shitian stared gently at him and said, “One day you will
Cheng Wei nodded. “Oh… it is 10 o’clock. Let’s go train!”
Tan Shitian saw him running away and smiled while thinking, ‘This ignorant person, your
mental age isn’t grown up yet! One day I will let you know how to like a person and let you
grow up.’
People gossiped on the forum for a long time but still couldn’t get any clues.
Bai Xuan became the most suspected person. After all, he stayed with Li Cangyu for a long
time and was said to be a close friend since childhood. However, apart from this, there was
no strong evidence to be found.
Bai Xuan was dumbfounded when he saw these comments. He turned back to Li Cangyu
and said, “They think we are a pair.”
The four teenagers of Canglan immediately pricked their ears to listen to the gossip.
Li Cangyu asked in a straightforward manner, “Do you want me to clarify it?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Forget it. The more you say, the more suspicious it seems. It will calm
down in a few days if you ignore it.”
Li Cangyu thought that Bai Xuan’s words were very reasonable. If it hadn’t been for Liu
Xiang’s reputation then he wouldn’t have come forward to clarify things. More explanations
would just make the gossip more troublesome. The best way was to ignore it. As long as the
main character of the event didn’t speak, the reporters and spectators would get bored and
disperse on their own. This type of entertainment news generally didn’t remain hot for
more than three days.
Li Cangyu thought this and put it aside. He called everyone to a meeting to prepare for the
next match.
The third week of the seventh season’s regular season ended. The Canglan team was
temporarily ranked fourth in the points list with 2:1 against time, 2:1 against Flying
Feathers and 1:2 against Red Fox.
The loss to Red Fox caused their ranking to drop but it didn’t matter. Li Xiaojiang, who had
the worst foundation, gained a lot in the game and his mentality also underwent a
transformation. Li Cangyu’s guidance and tempering of Li Xiaojiang was considered to be
very effective. He could safely let Li Xiaojiang work hard on his own.
The next matches were Canglan in a home game with Ghost Spirits, an away game with
Pure Cleansing, a home game with Cheetah and an away game with Wind Colour.
Li Cangyu already had an idea about these four matches. He managed to win against the
two strong teams of Flying Feathers and Time and the points pressure wasn’t too big. He
could use the following games to focus on honing the newcomers.
Ghost Spirits currently had the most powerful killer combination in the Miracle League.
The understanding between the brothers was comparable to twins. Their assassination
ability was first-class so it wouldn’t be a good match, even if it was at home.
Pure Cleansing was a classic illusionist team. Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue were the most
powerful psychic players in the league. The psychic class had always been obscure as an
auxiliary and only became powerful in the last two years. Since they could control the field
with illusions, Canglan would definitely be targeted with the map in the away game. It
might even be three team battles, which was even worse.
The overall level of the Cheetah team wasn’t strong but the captain Jiang Xu was known as
the best hunter and he wasn’t very good to deal with. He also had the terran hunter Chen
Anran who won the Most Potential Rookie Award last season, This boy was only 16 years
old and was said to be a talented player. Perhaps his surprise play would give them victory
on the field.
Finally, Wind Colour was the hardest bone to nibble on in the Miracle League. Qin Mo had
grown after his low point in the last season while Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s
double black magician combination was the most classic combination in the league. Ling
Xuefeng’s understanding of Li Cangyu was also unparalleled. It could be said that the battle
against Wind Colour was the worst.
In any case, Li Cangyu had to maintain a calm mind. He had to face so many difficult
opponents and couldn’t pay attention to gossip. The most important thing was taking
Canglan to the playoffs and winning the trophy.

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GLS: Chapter 172

Chapter 172 – Low Period

The fourth week of the regular season would start soon. The first place in the team
standings was Wind Colour while second place was Time. This week happened to be the
showdown between Wind Colour and Time so many eyes were naturally attracted to this
heavyweight event. Relatively speaking, there weren’t many people concerned about the
confrontation between Canglan and Ghost Spirits. The match started at 9 o’clock on
Saturday morning and many viewers were sleeping in bed.
The live broadcast ratings for early morning games wasn’t high but the Canglan team’s
home attendance was more than 70%. The local fans gave face by going to the venue to
To everyone’s surprise, Canglan didn’t choose three arena games like before. Li Cangyu
chose to fight three team battles.
Everyone knew that the Lou Zhang combination in Ghost Spirits had an extremely high
understanding and were fierce in team battles. The viewers couldn’t understand Li
Cangyu’s choice and Yu Bing didn’t know how to explain it. She could only say that Li
Cangyu never acted according to common sense and would surprise people in every match.
The layout of this match was also incomprehensible. In the three team battles, the first
game was directed by Li Cangyu. During the battle, Cat God was accidentally assassinated
by the Lou Zhang combination and he fell to a disadvantage from the beginning, leading to a
The commander of the second game was suddenly changed to Zhang Jueming. Li Cangyu
didn’t play and Zhang Jueming’s command style was partial towards being bold and
unconstrained. Lou Wushuang was extremely cautious and Canglan failed to find a good
fruit to eat.
In the third game, the commander was once again Li Cangyu and Canglan scored 1:2 after a
hard struggle.
The fans weren’t happy with the result of 1:2 at home. However, the killer combination of
Ghost Spirits was the best at killing core players during a team battle. Everyone could
understand this.
In the post-match interview, Li Cangyu was very calm and didn’t explain his arrangements.
Many professional players watching the live broadcast knew that Li Cangyu had started the
second step of his training plan.
Of the eight players on the Canglan team, Li Cangyu was most reassured about his old
partner Bai Xuan. The two of them had cooperated for many years and Bai Xuan’s healing
ability was one of the best in today’s Miracle League. The second person was Xie Shurong
who played in the foreign ICE Club for two years. Ah Shu’s level had matured after being
honed by foreign competitors and he wasn’t much worse than his brother Su Guangmo.
Objectively speaking, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong were on the level of gods in the Miracle
League. Li Cangyu didn’t have to worry about them as they could cope with various
situations in the competition.
However, the standards of the other players were somewhat different.
Li Cangyu first had to train Li Xiaojiang, who was the weakest in the Canglan team. Li
Xiaojiang achieved remarkable results in the Flying Feathers and Red Fox matches.
Therefore, Li Cangyu started to train the powerful auxiliary. Based on today’s match, he had
shifted his focus to Zhang Jueming.
Zhang Jueming’s talent really wasn’t good in the league. In the first year, Zhang Jueming
was invisible and he left the league with regrets after his team disbanded. Then he set up a
studio to make a living. These years had been very hard.
The duration of an e-sports professional player wasn’t long. It was necessary to practice
regularly to prevent their state from declining. Zhang Jueming had abandoned the league
for a few years and he was getting older. His state wasn’t as good as the past and wasn’t
enough to support him returning to the league. It was just that he felt regrets in his heart.
His level might not be good but the 25 years old e-sports player could stand on the field.
This courage was worthy of respect.
Li Cangyu wanted to give him a chance to show his talents and made him commander in the
game against Ghost Spirits.
Old Zhang seemed bold and unrestrained but he was still a captain. There were a few
tactical ideas in his head that hadn’t been realized. Now they were working together to
return to the league. Li Cangyu couldn’t always stand alone in the limelight.
As Zhang Jueming’s friend, Li Cangyu should give Zhang Jueming an attempt to command
and complete the wish he couldn’t fulfill in the past.
Cat God was a person with a special loyalty. Zhang Jueming had heard this before but he
hadn’t expected it to reach this extent. Letting go of the command and risk losing the
match… was this necessary?
After the game, Zhang Jueming found Li Cangyu and scratched his head in a guilty manner.
“In fact, you don’t need to let me command. My tactical ideas aren’t necessarily useful. I lost
the game but everyone will scold you. Why?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Results aren’t everything. It isn’t good for players to win all the time.
You don’t have many chances so you should grasp them when you can. We are teammates,
needless of other things, I let you command because I just believe in you.” He patted the
man’s shoulder and said seriously, “Old Zhang, I believe that you can win. A few years
might’ve passed but your thoughts are still valid.”
Zhang Jueming was moved to tears. As a rough man, this was the first time he almost shed
tears in front of other people. He quickly reached out and wiped his eyes. Then he laughed
and cried out, “Yes! I will try again since you believe in me so much!”
The fans were puzzled. After the 1:2 loss against Ghost Spirits, the next match was an away
match with Pure Cleansing and Cat God actually let Zhang Jueming take command again.
The Pure Cleansing team was located in Hangzhou. In the past few days, the weather in
Hangzhou was rainy. The Canglan team came from far away to play. Despite having the
disadvantage of location and people, Li Cangyu boldly let Zhang Jueming play. This game
Canglan fans a bad feeling.
It turned out that recently Canglan was surrounded by bad luck. In this game, Chu Yan
chose a map that was very helpful to Pure Cleansing. The mode was three team battles and
the classic illusionist flow caught the Canglan members off guard. They lost all three games!
The reporters were disappointed with Canglan’s recent performance.
However, Li Cangyu was still calm. He just smiled in the interview and said, “It is normal to
win and lose. You can rest assured that the mentality of the players won’t be affected. This
is the first round of the regular season. There are still more matches in the latter half and
we will continue to work hard.”
His sentence was almost an omnipotent official statement. One reporter stood up politely
and asked, “You let Zhang Jueming continuously act as commander. Cat God, do you feel
that this is a mistake?”
Li Cangyu shook his head. “I can’t say that we would necessarily win if I was the
commander. Pure Cleansing’s home match is very hard to win and the players aren’t
comfortable with the illusion flow. The fact that we lost three games today was an accident.
I will sum up the mistakes when we go back.”
“It’s my fault.” Zhang Jueming took the initiative to take responsibility. “I was too careless
when commanding today. I will go back and reflect on it. I will work hard to win the next
The reporters, “…”
The fans, “…”
The next match?
Uncle Zhang, you are old. Can’t you let go of commanding and peacefully act as an auxiliary?
Many people left messages on Li Cangyu’s Weibo. Their words were fierce as they directly
said: [Old Zhang is old. Can’t you let him have peace of mind as an auxiliary?] [The ranking
of Canglan has fallen. The playoffs are in danger!]
Li Cangyu didn’t care about the messages. He had his own ideas. In fact, the original ranking
was so high because he unexpectedly used Cataclysm in the first match to grab the point
from Time. In the second match, he used the extreme method of three arena games to
attack Flying Feathers and win with a 2:1 score. Time and Flying Feathers were strong
teams. Canglan won two matches and temporarily ranked in the top three.
Since the Red Fox match, Canglan continuously lost and the e-sports weekly magazine even
used ‘Canglan Fell 3 Times in Succession’ to report on the matter.
1:2 against Red Fox, 1:2 against Ghost Spirits and today it was 0:3 against Pure Cleansing.
The key reason was that Li Cangyu didn’t appear, Zhang Jueming was slightly rusty when it
came to commanding and there were newcomers in the Canglan team. After several games,
they all exposed their shortcomings and were specifically targeted by the captains of the
other teams.
After returning to Changsha, Li Cangyu summoned the players and watched the games they
The teenagers found that not only did they not progress, they actually became more
stunned. Li Cangyu explained, “Every newcomer will experience a bottleneck. You played
fairly well against Time and Flying Feathers. This is because the other gods of those teams
weren’t familiar with you. After those two games, your performances were analyzed by the
tactical gods of other teams. They identified your weaknesses and made targeted
“It is the reason why the last few games have been tough. In order to break through this
bottleneck, you need some understanding and some opportunities.” Li Cangyu watched the
four teenagers as he spoke. They were incredibly dazed and he couldn’t help laughing in his
These four people were like simple, older children. They believed everything Li Cangyu
said. His words were true but there were also things that Li Cangyu added. In order to
relieve some pressure on Old Zhang, he put the loss of the matches on everyone.
Li Xiaojiang’s performance wasn’t a problem and Xiao Han’s play was also stable. The key
was Zhuo Hang and Gu Siming.
Li Cangyu thought this and said, “The next game is at home against Cheetah. I hope that
everyone can get a good performance. I don’t want to see the headline change from ‘three
losses’ to ‘four game losing streak.’”
Everyone, “…”
He could actually still laugh. Cat God’s mentality was really good!
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling. This man’s mentality was extremely strong. He could calmly
encourage his teammates when FTD experienced a 10 game losing streak. How could he be
upset by losing three games now?
“Come on, everybody.” Bai Xuan said with a smile. “The Cheetah team is the overall weakest
team in the league at the moment. If we lost then I’ve decided to let you be hungry for three
The four teenagers’ eyes widened. The punishment of going hungry for three days was too
Bai Xuan couldn’t help laughing when he saw the four pairs of stunned eyes. “If you don’t
agree then should I make it five days?”
Gu Siming immediately raised his hand. “I agree! Three days, three days!”
Zhuo Hang glanced at him. “We will only go hungry for three days if we lose. What are you
anxious about? Who said we will lose?”
Gu Siming scratched his head. “Yes…”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted Zhuo Hang’s shoulder. “The Cheetah team has the best hunter
in the league, Jiang Xu. Starting from today, you will watch videos of his games and study
every one of his movements. This match depends on you, Xiao Zhuo.”
Zhuo Hang immediately nodded. “Yes, I understand!”
This newcomer was somewhat proud, slightly narcissistic and often boastful. Li Cangyu
decided to use this match to test Zhuo Hang’s true standards.
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GLS: Chapter 173

Chapter 173 – Canglan VS Cheetah (Trap Cooling)

As Bai Xuan said, the Cheetah team was currently the overall weakest team in the Miracle
League. Before the Canglan team returned to the league, the Terminator team was ranked
at the bottom with Cheetah right above them. Cheetah ranked second last in the sixth
season’s regular season.
This team’s style was very clear. It mainly relied on the hunters’ traps for output.
Cheetah’s captain, Jiang Xu was a player who debuted in the second season with Su
Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng. However, Jiang Xu was low-ley in the league compared to the
highly popular Su Guangmo. He was known as the best hunter but he didn’t have many
The operation of a hunter in Miracle was extremely complicated. The number of people
playing a hunter in the players base wasn’t big and Jiang Xu wasn’t handsome compared to
the other captain. His face naturally couldn’t capture beauty fans.
Of course, Jiang Xu had his own means if he could lead the Cheetah team for so many years
in the Miracle League. A;though the Cheetah team’s tactic was the ‘trap flow’ style, many
strong teams had been beaten by it, especially in the regular season. The giant teams of
Flying Feathers, Time and Wind Colour had all lost to Cheetah before. Jiang Xu’s use of
maps to set up tactics couldn’t be underestimated.
Last season, an old player of Cheetah retired and Jiang Xu discovered the talented
newcomer Chen Anran. This newcomer’s debut was different from Cheng Wei and Qin Mo.
He was as low-key as his captain and no one noticed him until the end of the season where
the judges discovered that this 16 year old was particularly stable.
The Most Promising Rookie Award went to Chen Anran, leaving many viewers confused.
However, most of the league’s captains recognized Xiao Chen’s level.
This included Li Cangyu. He watched the videos of Cheetah’s games and noticed that Chen
Anran, a player with almost no sense of existence, was the Cheetah team’s most powerful
For the preparations this week, Li Cangyu specifically arranged for Zhuo Hang to watch the
videos of the Cheetah team and to ask if he didn’t understand anything.
Watching videos over and over was more boring than daily training. Li Cangyu originally
thought that Zhuo Hang wouldn’t be eager to do this due to his pride and narcissism.
Surprisingly, Zhuo Hang was very serious. He didn’t show any impatience despite watching
the same video ten times in a row.
On a closer look, it was discovered that Li Xiaojiang was sitting next to him.
Li Cangyu had confirmed in advance that Li Xiaojiang wouldn’t be playing in the match
against Cheetah. His black magician had no advantage over the hunters who could quickly
set traps. He had Li Xiaojiang train by himself for a few days which would allow him to
digest what he learnt.
There was no need to play on the weekend. Other players might used this time to rest but
Li Xiaojiang had always been the most serious person. He might not have to play in the next
match but he wasn’t idle. He sat seriously and watched the videos together with Zhuo Hang.
The two little guys had been working together for a long time and their relationship had
improved greatly. Even if Zhuo Hang might not be happy in his heart about Cat God’s
arrangement, Li Xiaojiang was watching the videos so seriously that Zhuo Hang didn’t dare
express it.
He watched it many times and made a discovery. He looked back at Li Cangyu and said,
“Captain, this Chen Anran plays a terran hunter. It is reasonable to say that his movement
speed shouldn’t be faster than an elf hunter. However, I found that when he is setting traps,
he is actually faster than his captain Jiang Xu and he is a lot faster than me!”
“Being able to find it means that you are looking carefully.” Li Cangyu patted him on the
shoulder. “You should figure out the reason yourself.”
“Okay!” Zhuo Hang scratched his head and thought carefully. Then Li Xiaojiang suddenly
whispered, “Is it because of his hand, hand, hand speed?”
Zhuo Hang’s eyes brightened and he immediately pulled up the game’s statistics panel. Sure
enough, Chen Anran’s hand speed actually exceeded 500. This was almost comparable to
the great gods with the best hand speed in the league!
The fastest players in the Miracle League were undoubtedly Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu.
Their peak outbreak could reach a hand speed of more than 550. Other big captains like
Tan Shitian, Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang could reach a speed of almost 500. Chen
Anran’s hand speed could reach the level of these great gods. It was no wonder why he won
the Most Promising Rookie Award last season.
Zhuo Hang couldn’t help sighing. “This is why he plays a terran hunter. His hand speed is
fast enough and he doesn’t need the agility advantage of an elf. A terran hunter might lack
speed but he can make up for it with his hand speed. A terran hunter has higher
survivability so his hunter is a fast, defensive and highly flexible output.”
Li Xiaojiang seriously asked, “B-But don’t skills have cooldowns? How can he become faster
by relying on his hand speed?”
Zhuo Hang listened to his stuttered question and couldn’t help smiling. He explained,
“Hunters have a difficult method of play called trap cooling. It means that a trap placed by a
hunter can reduce the cooldown time of a trap and enhance the damage as long as it
successfully captures the prey. In other words, if a hunter’s operation is accurate enough
and the traps always capture the prey then in theory, the trap skills can be continuously
released without a cooldown.”
“Oh!” Li Xiaojiang nodded as he realized. He was silent for a moment before saying
doubtfully, “Isn’t, isn’t this just a theory? It should be difficult to actually achieve.”
“Yes.” Zhuo Hang patiently replied, “At present, the world’s strongest hunter can achieve
the seamless connection of common trap skills at key moments. My, cough, my accuracy
isn’t high enough. At this point, Chen Anran is much more powerful than me.”
Xiao Han heard the conversation between them and couldn’t help interrupting, “Are you
actually admitting someone is better than you? This is rare.”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
‘Youngster, do you have to be so honest? I know it in my heart. Do you need to say it?’
Xiao Han’s words made Zhuo Hang cough with embarrassment a few times. Li Xiaojiang
saw this and couldn’t help smiling. Xiao Han’s words were true. Zhuo Hang always said
things like, ‘I am handsome’, ‘I am very good’ and ‘watch my powerful performance.’ This
was the first time he said that someone was better than him.
Zhuo Hang saw Li Xiaojiang smiling and his ears turned red. He glanced at Xiao Han and
cried out, “Go practice and stop fooling around!”
Xiao Han made an innocent expression. “I am listening to you speak about the hunter’s trap
cooling. Your words are very reasonable.”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Li Cangyu’s fingers were quickly tapping the keyboard but his ears weren’t idle. He heard
the words of the teenagers in his ears.
He ignored Xiao Han’s blunt words and was very happy that Zhuo Hang could find Chen
Anran’s advantages and admit his own shortcomings.
It seemed that Zhuo Hang’s mentality had changed after working with the sluggish Li
Xiaojiang for a long time.
Compared to the initial Zhuo Hang who was proud and looked down on this teammates,
this Zhuo Hang was willing to discuss issues and share his experiences with his teammates.
It was definitely a great improvement.
The child was proud due to being spoiled but he wasn’t blind to the facts. He only spoke
narcissistic words but his heart was calm. The best thing in a match was to recognize the
gap between yourself and your opponent. It was only by understanding the opponent’s
strength and your weaknesses that it would be possible to find a way to win.
Li Cangyu saw that Zhuo Hang was still watching the video and walked behind him. “If you
play with Chen Anran alone, what do you think is the most important thing?”
Zhuo Hang seriously thought about it and replied, “Breaking his rhythm?”
“You have a good understanding.” Li Cangyu smiled and confirmed his answer. Then he
said, “How do you interrupt your opponent’s fast pace? Come to the arena and fight me. I
will personally teach you.”
Zhuo Hang excitedly jumped out of his seat. This was the first time that Cat God would be
personally guiding him!
Li Cangyu took Zhuo Hang to a corner of the training room and found two free computers.
They sat down, opened a side account and created a locked room in human-machine
training mode.
Xiao Han, Gu Siming and the others had their own training tasks. They were curious but
didn’t dare run around. Li Xiaojiang looked over with a curious expression and Li Cangyu
couldn’t help smiling. “Xiaojiang, come here and watch.”
Li Xiaojiang was happy and immediately pulled a chair to sit behind Zhuo Hang.
The Miracle human-machine training mode could be set by him. Li Cangyu chose a forest
map filled with mobs and also opened a hunter account. It was the first time Zhuo Hang had
seen Cat God playing a hunter.
He thought that Li Cangyu was a master of summoning. Now he was playing a hunter and
Zhuo Hang should be able to cope. It turned out that Cat God might not be a professional
hunter but he could rely on his hand speed to give the enemy great trouble!
Trap cooling… this style of play was used by Li Cangyu. Zhuo Hang could only feel dazzled
as colourful and beautiful light effects flashed without interruption. The hunter’s traps
were placed one by one and the mobs on the ground fell one by one. Cat God wasn’t playing
a hunter, he was simply a bulldozer!
In less than a minute, the nearby mobs were wiped out by Cat God. Li Xiaojiang looked at
the captain with adoration and Zhuo Hang was gobsmacked.
Li Cangyu saw the teenager’s surprised face and patted him on the head. He asked, “Do you
Zhuo Hang smiled with embarrassment. “…No, it’s too fast.”
Li Cangyu explained, “It will be like this against Chen Anran. You will find that his speed
isn’t slower than me. He is a full-time hunter and is definitely better at the hunter’s skills.
The Cheetah team is strong in team battles because Chen Anran and Jiang Xu will rely on
trap cooling to reduce the cooldown and clean up the mobs on the map as quickly as
possible. This might not seem terrible but once it accumulates, their economic benefits will
become the highest in the game.”
Zhuo Hang suddenly realized. “I understand. He relies on this quick killing method to gain a
higher economy and take the advantage?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Yes, if you want to confront him then you must find a way to interrupt
his rhythm.”
Zhuo Hang carefully pondered on it. He seemed to understand and seriously gripped his
mouse. “Try again!”
Li Cangyu pressed start and the two people entered the dense mob forest map to practice
releasing traps.
Zhuo Hang was extremely serious and had a high understanding. It only took him a bit of
time to know what to do, making a hint a appreciation form in Li Cangyu’s heart.
Perhaps Zhuo Hang wasn’t as impetuous as he was in the beginning due to the subtle
influence of Li Xiaojiang. Now he could calm down and practice this boring and
monotonous operation. He had no complaints despite the hours of continuous practice. Li
Cangyu’s decision to let him partner with Li Xiaojiang was really correct. The people with
opposite personalities had a positive influence on each other. This was a good thing as they
could progress together.

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GLS: Chapter 174

Chapter 174 – Canglan VS Cheetah (Unexpected Selection)
The week passed quickly and it was time for the match between Canglan and Cheetah.
After experiencing three losses, Canglan’s popularity dropped severely. Many reporters
weren’t optimistic about them. Some reporters even speculated that their initial wins were
because many teams didn’t know much about the new team. Now the new team halo had
passed and they lost three games. This showed that Canglan couldn’t enter the playoffs.
Of course, there were reporters who firmly stood on the side of the Canglan team, writing
detailed reports on the three losses. They were optimistic about the growth of the
newcomers and insisted that Canglan would win the championship this season.
Regardless of the outside world’s evaluation, Li Cangyu’s attitude was as calm as usual. He
rarely appeared in Weibo, showing an attitude of ‘only playing the game without caring
about the outside world.’
This time the match between Canglan and Cheetah was scheduled at 3 o’clock on Sunday
afternoon. The number of spectators were higher in the afternoon and the audience rating
of the broadcast was slightly higher at 80%.
The Cheetah team’s leopard pattern uniform was very distinctive. Their logo was a
vigorously running leopard and the whole team seemed imposing as they entered the
soundproof room in their uniforms.
This was Canglan’s home court and many fans were wearing the Canglan uniform to cheer
for them. Li Cangyu waved to everyone before taking the players to the soundproof room.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing compiled the information of the two teams and started
with a simple introduction of the players. “Audience members, this is the sixth week of the
seventh season. It it the Canglan team’s home match against the Cheetah team. Let’s look at
the information of both sides.”
The audience were very familiar with the eight people of Canglan but many faces in the
Cheetah team were new.
Kou Hongyi enthusiastically introduced them. “Cheetah’s captain Jiang Xu is 21 years old
and a well-known elf hunter in the Miracle League. The vice-captain Chen Anran is a terran
hunter and the winner of last year’s Most Promising Rookie Award. He is only 16 years old
and became the vice-captain this season. He is the youngest vice-captain in the league.”
Yu Bing continued, “Xiao Chen is a very talented player. He is especially distinctive among
the newcomers who joined the league in recent years. Becoming a vice-captain at the age of
16, this is also the first case in the history of the Miracle League.”
“Yes, he is really young and promising.” Kou Hongyi praised. “He isn’t as sharp as some
newcomers and his personality is more introverted. It is said that he is very shy and he
hides behind his teammates when asked a question by reporters.”
Yu Bing had seen the scene of Chen Anran shrinking back to avoid the reporters and
couldn’t help smiling a bit. “Well, he is young and probably isn’t used to being surrounded
by reporters.”
“For the rest of the eight Cheetah players, there is a necessary front row paladin and back
row healer. The remaining six players are four hunters, one assassin and one swordsman.”
Kou Hongyi turned the topic back to the lineup of the team. “This team is dominated by
hunters and uses the trap flow system that the rest of the league teams can’t replicate.”
Yu Bing nodded. “The trap flow requires a suitable map and isn’t stable enough. Therefore,
the Cheetah team’s winning rate at home is high. It is over 70%. However, the winning rate
at away matches is less than 30%.”
“It is because the captains of other teams will make targeted arrangements against Cheetah.
For example, if there isn’t a suitable map then it will be hard for the Cheetah team’s hunters
to win against the explosive combination of swordsmen and magicians.” Kou Hongyi
glanced at the game data and said, “Last week, Cheetah won 2:1 against Red Fox at home.
This week I think the Cheetah team’s winning percentage isn’t large. After all, Cat God can
choose three arena games or select a difficult map. Sister Bing, what do you think?”
Yu Bing calmly answered, “It isn’t necessarily the case. I can’t guess Cat God’s tactical
In the soundproof room, both teams quickly debugged their equipment. After the referee
gave the signal, Li Cangyu submitted the mode for today’s match.
Three team battles?
The audience’s eyes widened with surprise and even Yu Bing was speechless.
Everyone knew that Cheetah was strong in team battles. Once the four hunters joined
forces, they would set down many traps. They would often send three hunters plus an
assassin or swordsman and use the hunter’s traps to fight the opponent. Then the
assassin/swordsman would finish off the harvest.
Canglan’s chances of winning in the arena were very high. There was the Shu Bai
combination and Cat God and his apprentice combination. There was no need to be afraid
of double hunters. Why did Li Cangyu choose three team battles?
Many people on Weibo wrote: [Cat God, why do you want do die? What are you thinking?]
[Does Cat God want the achievement of four continuous losses?] [Cat God’s mind isn’t
something that stupid humans can understand…]
The comments exploded when Li Cangyu submitted the lineup for the first team battle.
Gu Siming, Xiao Han, Xie Shurong, Bai Xuan, Zhuo Hang and Zhang Jueming.
Li Xiaojiang not playing was in line with everyone’s expectations but Li Cangyu wasn’t
playing. This made many viewers who came to watch the game disappointed. The
professional players watching on TV couldn’t help feeling admiration. Cat God was giving
an opportunity to Old Zhang!
After submitting the list, Li Cangyu walked calmly back to his seat. The Cheetah team
submitted the classic trap flow lineup of a paladin, a healer and four hunters.
Now it was up to his teammates. Li Cangyu believed that after this week’s devil training,
Zhuo Hang and Zhang Jueming could impress everyone!
The command of the game was given to Zhang Jueming. After the six players sat down, the
indicator light turned on at Zhang Jueming’s seat. The referee opened the command
channel and Zhang Jueming skillfully moved the mouse to select a map.
The map he chose was the Beast Tribe.
It was obvious by the name but this was the land of beasts. In Miracle, the beast race always
lived in ancient forests. The forests were full of dense and towering trees with various
animals in the forest. The Beast Tribe map had dense trees and dim lighting.
This map wasn’t high in difficulty compared to the kill map of Endless Sea or the
deceleration map of Ice Valley. There was no map effect and it could be regarded as a
conventional mountain forest map. However, the dense trees was the highest among all
mountain forest maps.
Yu Bing summed it up in one sentence. “This is the Cheetah team’s most commonly used
There was no expression on her face but she was clearly shocked by Cat God’s decisions.
It was a home match but he chose the other team’s favourite map!
Kou Hongyi was silent for a moment before he touched his nose. “Canglan actually chose
the map that the Cheetah team loves the most. I really can’t understand this decision. Is it to
train the newcomers? Is there a need to fight like this? If they lost another game then the
playoffs will be in danger. Canglan’s current ranking is worrying.”
Yu Bing was also silent for a moment until the two teams refreshed on the map. “Let’s pay
attention to the performance of both sides. Perhaps there is a special intention behind
choosing the Beast Tribe map?”
Li Cangyu sat under the stage and smiled. This smile made many audience members guess
that Cat God had a special trick.
Ling Xuefeng frowned slightly in front of the TV. This extreme practice was truly bloody. He
guessed that Li Cangyu wanted to test Zhuo Hang and deliberately chose a map that was
beneficial to the opponents.
However, Ling Xuefeng believed that Li Cangyu wouldn’t be bold enough to choose Beast
Tribe three times. The audience guessed wrong. The first game was just an appetizer while
the true focus would be the last two games!

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GLS: Chapter 175

Chapter 175 – Canglan VS Cheetah (Appetizer)

As Ling Xuefeng speculated, the first game ended up being an appetizer. The Cheetah team
sent a paladin, healer and four hunters. The four hunters cooperated to fill the entire area
with traps, making it difficult for melee players to fight.
In the fight against Chen Anran, Zhuo Hang was suppressed very badly. His speed was fast
but Chen Anran’s hand speed was faster than him. Zhuo Hang often hadn’t released his
skills when Chen Anran already placed a row of traps under his feet. Zhuo Hang’s limbs
were tied and he couldn’t play to even 70% of his level.
Less than 10 minutes after the game started, the crystal in the centre was crushed. Many
fans of the Canglan team looked solemn. Some anxiously clenched their fists and wished to
help the players fight.
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu stood up and went to Zhuo Hang. “How do you feel?”
Zhuo Hang’s expression was a bit anxious as he scratched his head. “I found that Chen
Anran’s speed is faster than when I watched the video and it is harder to cope…”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and said, “The audience and fans are different. The
rhythm of the game that you feel when watching the video is different from when you are
in the game. Don’t be caught by his quick movements. Maintain your own rhythm and find a
way to interrupt him.”
Zhuo Hang nodded seriously. “Yes.”
The devil training meant they were abused for several hours by Cat God during this week.
Among the members, Zhuo Hang’s skill release accuracy had significantly improved. It was
just that he suddenly encountered Chen Anran’s speed and couldn’t adjust for a while,
falling into the other side’s rhythm.
Now he could calm down and think about it. In fact, he wasn’t much worse than Chen
Anran. The loss in the last game was because he wasn’t decisive enough. He hesitated and
missed the best timing.
He must eliminate any distractions in the next game, calm down and grasp his own
He was thinking when a hand suddenly grabbed his finger and gently pulled. The startled
Zhuo Hang looked back and see Li Xiaojiang’s clear eyes.
“What is it?” The puzzled Zhuo Hang asked.
“You, you can do it. I’m cheering for you.” Xiaojiang’s tone was particularly serious. This
clumsy encouragement was simple but passed directly into Zhuo Hang’s heart.
Zhuo Hang couldn’t help smiling as he firmly gripped the other person’s hand. “Rest
assured, I will!”
To the surprise of the audience, Li Cangyu still didn’t appear in the second game and Zhang
Jueming remained the commander.
It wasn’t that people looked down on Old Zhang. It was because all the recent games that
Old Zhang commanded ended in failure and fans lost faith in him. He didn’t mind that he
lost and sat in the commander’s seat with a happy smile.
The map for this game was still Beast Tribe. The Canglan fans were long accustomed to this
practice. The Canglan team had a special knack for angering people. They wouldn’t change
the same map for all three games, causing anger to rise.
Most fans weren’t optimistic about this game and many were prepared for a loss.
However, less than three minutes after the game started, Canglan gained the first
A small-scale fight broke out on the road. At the time, Zhuo Hang and Zhang Jueming had
been working together to clear up the mobs. The members of the Cheetah team in this area
happened to be Chen Anran and another hunter. The two hunters placed numerous
invisible traps on the ground and Zhuo Hang and Zhang Jueming didn’t dare approach
The Zhuo Zhang combination were hiding behind a big tree. Many spectators watching on
the TV scolded them and some people gloated, “Old Zhang, how can you win if you keep
shrinking back?” “It is better to surrender early!”
The result was that the moment a status mob refreshed, Zhuo Hang suddenly jumped out
from behind the tree. He accurately used Death Trap with the attack bonus from Zhang
Jueming to quickly kill the mob.
Chen Anran also wanted to kill the mob but due to the viewing angle, he saw it a bit slower.
His skill release was 0.5 seconds slower as he used the same Death Trap.
After killing the mob, Zhuo Hang immediately hid behind the tree and hit the mobs on his
side. Chen Anran ignored him and the result was that another status mob refreshed. Chen
Anran wanted to release the trap skill when Zhuo Hang quickly used Death Trap to kill the
Chen Anran, “…”
This time Chen Anran looked a bit stunned. In the last game, he used his hand speed to
clean up the mobs. Zhuo Hang had been in the same area as him and couldn’t gain much
money, forcing him into the disadvantage.
However, in this game his mobs were robbed at crucial moments and it happened twice in
a row. The result was that Chen Anran’s fast pace was completely interrupted.
The status of e-sports professional players was very important. If a stable state could be
maintained then the game would be much smoother. Once their rhythm was repeatedly
destroyed, players with a poor mentality would become irritated and make more mistakes.
If they wanted to restore their level to their previous peak then they had to adapt to the
new rhythm.
Chen Anran undoubtedly belonged to the players with a good mentality. Despite being
continuously interrupted by Zhuo Hang, he only took a few seconds to calm down. Then he
carefully followed his normal rhythm.
Unfortunately, Zhuo Hang wasn’t a fuel-efficient lamp. He was clearly targeting Chen Anran.
He would always come out and interrupt Chen Anran’s combos at the most critical time.
This practice was particularly cheap and it was estimated that any bad-tempered player
would want to go over and strangle Zhuo Hang.
Once again, the 16 year old Chen Anran seemed different from ordinary people. Zhuo Hang
bullied him but he kept playing by himself. This scene was like a child slowly stacking
wood. Every time it would be piled out, a person hiding behind the tree would pop out and
overturn it. The child kept piling the wood according to his own ideas. The result was that
it was overturned…
This repeated several times until the audience members couldn’t help saying, “I have never
seen Zhuo Hang acting in such an embarrassing manner before!” “Today’s Zhuo Hang is
particularly wretched! He destroys Xiao Chen’s move and runs away. Then after a while, he
comes out to destroy it again. Too irritating!” “Poor Xiao Chen is miserably being bullied.
Doesn’t Captain Jiang care?”
It was difficult for Jiang Xu to help because at this time, Jiang Xu was tied up by Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan had partnered up and encountered the captain and healer of the
Cheetah team. Xie Shurong didn’t risk being caught by traps and directly used a big move to
rush to the other side.
Ah Shu’s ferocious moves had a great impact on Jiang Xu. He laid down many traps to
decrease Xie Shurong’s blood but Xie Shurong wasn’t afraid of losing blood since he had a
healer. The result was that the two sides couldn’t kill each other. They used a few skills
before going back to killing the mobs.
In another area, Gu Siming and Xiao Han met the Cheetah team’s paladin and hunter and
was barely able to make it a tie.
The two sides didn’t harvest any heads in the early stage of the game. Zhuo Hang
interrupted Chen Anran many times and he was slightly ahead in economy. He had 100
more coins than Chen Anran. This lead was almost negligible but it was much better than
the last game when Zhuo Hang was suppressed from the beginning.
Both sides returned to the city to change their equipment while the ice dragon finally
refreshed in the bottom left of the map.
Zhang Jueming immediately gave the orders. “Xiao Gu will act as cover in the front to let Ah
Shu and Xiao Han rush to the rear of the other side and break up the four hunters. Xiao Gu,
pay attention to keep up the protective shield and don’t die too quickly!”
Gu Siming immediately replied. “I know!”
Zhang Jueming continued quickly, “After their formation is swept away, listen for my
password and then use your big moves on Chen Anran!”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
The two sides met and a fight broke out.
The most important thing when facing the Cheetah team was to play quickly. Once they
delayed, the other side would easily arrange a large series of traps. Thus, Old Zhang’s idea
was simple. Force them to disperse before they could set up the chain traps.
The hunter’s trap had a characteristic of a teammate’s trap being able to set off another
teammate’s trap. For example, if the Cheetah team wanted to kill someone then they could
lay four death traps down at the foot of that person. At that time, the four times damage
would direct ruin the other person.
Of course, this also required an understanding between teammates and the timing of the
trap placement must be well grasped. Once control was necessary, control traps such as
Silence would be released. When killing was necessary, death traps would be placed.
Cheetah’s four hunters had cooperated for many seasons and they knew each other well.
The moment they met the Canglan players, they didn’t need their captain to give an order.
They tacitly arranged a trap array. As long as someone stepped inside, they would face the
tragedy of continuous control and injury traps.
Once he saw this, Kou Hongyi who rarely talked in this game couldn’t help saying, “The trap
flow of the Cheetah team is terrible. I remember there was once a white magician who
stepped into the Cheetah team’s traps. Then he was hit by the traps one by one and died.
Right, his surname is Cheng. I’m sure everyone can guess who he is.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
There was only one white magician in the Miracle League with a surname of Cheng. Kou
Hongyi must be really bored to expose his black history!
However, there was nothing good to comment on in the early stages of this game. He
looked like he wanted to fall asleep. Then once the two sides met, the atmosphere finally
made him spirited. “We can see that Gu Siming in Canglan’s front row accidentally stepped
into a silence trap laid by the Cheetah team. Oh, he didn’t retreat. He is continuing to rush
forward. He just stepped into a Death Trap!”
On the big screen, Gu Siming was like a nail stuck to the soles of the feet as he ran around
and smashed into the Cheetah team’s traps one after another!
Just before stepping into the first trap, he used Guardian’s Power on himself. Even so, his
blood volume was dropping rapidly from the serial traps.
Cheetah’s captain Jiang Xu saw that Gu Siming was rushing around and accurately put
down a trap that would fix Gu Siming in place. Several other hunters received the captain’s
signal and immediately dropped Death Traps. They wanted to kill Gu Siming in seconds!
Unfortunately, Bai Xuan wasn’t a vegetarian. The moment he saw Gu Siming’s blood
decreasing, he started to cast skills. He saw that Gu Siming’s blood gauge was flashing red
and finished casting Holy Light Surge, pulling Xiao Gu back from death.
At this time, Xie Shurong and Xiao Han finally came out. Everyone felt there was a flower in
front of them as Xie Shurong jumped five metres with a teleport skill. He was like a sharp
sword as he cut into the rear of the Cheetah team and set Jiang Xu in place.
Xiao Han followed closely behind Xie Shurong in stealth mode and used Pain Blade to
silence the healer!
Then Zhang Jueming cast a skill and soft music filled the map. A while light shone above his
teammates. All teammates had their attacks doubled and crit rate increased by 30% for
three seconds!
Everyone must take advantage of these three seconds.
The nervous audience held their breaths as they worried about whether the other
teammates could keep up with Old Zhang’s big move.
To the relief of the audience, the Canglan team didn’t let them down. In particular, Zhuo
Hang used Flying Feather Steps the moment Zhang Jueming started casting. Once Old
Zhang’s auxiliary skill fell, he placed four traps in the front, rear, left and right of Chen
Anran. Then he decisively pressed the R key.
This was the key he set for his big move, the hunter’s most powerful attack skill—Trap
The damage caused by this skill was directly proportional to the number of traps on the
field. Zhuo Hang placed four traps in three seconds so the damage of Trap Blast was four
times that of a single Death Trap!
There was also Zhang Jueming’s auxiliary skill. Thus, during this three second period, the
traps dealt eight times the damage!
Ah Shu and Xiao Han also weren’t idle. During the short duration of Zhang Jueming’s skills,
Xie Shurong decisively used Light and Shadow Rotation while Xiao Han broke out with
Fatal Blow. The three people’s outbreak killed Chen Anran in seconds.
[Great Navigator has killed Vigilant in Peacetime, first kill!]
Zhuo Hang sweated with excitement the moment this prompt popped up. His speed wasn’t
as good as Chen Anran but his ability to find opportunities was no worse than Chen Anran!
He took advantage of Old Zhang’s attack bonus, Ah Shu and Xiao Han’s violent attacks and
the consecutive explosion of four traps to kill the terran hunter Chen Anran!
Previously, he interfered with Chen Anran and had 100 more coins. Now he gained a head
and his economy increased to 600. Zhuo Hang was happy in his heart.
However, the next system news made the audience happy.
[Rising Sun Rising Moon has killed As the Name Suggests!]
Xiao Gu had stepped into too many traps and couldn’t endure anymore. He died from the
series of traps.

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GLS: Chapter 176

Chapter 176 – Canglan VS Cheetah (Final Outcome)
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi expressed his admiration. “I understand now. Gu
Siming stepped into a lot of traps deliberately. He did it to help his teammates by
eliminating the traps!”
Yu Bing nodded in agreement. “This should be the arrangement of the commander. In fact,
Canglan gave up Gu Siming from the beginning. He was sent out as cannon fodder.
Kou Hongyi laughed. “Still, the effect of this cannon fodder is great. Almost all of Cheetah’s
traps were stepped on while the teammates behind him, Xie Shurong, Xiao Han and Zhuo
Hang weren’t affected by the traps. It is similar to a mine war. The person walking in front
stepps on the mines and the teammates in the rear can move forward with confidence.”
As Kou Hongyi said, Xiao Gu sacrificed himself for the other members of the Canglan team.
Without the influence of Cheetah’s trap array, Ah Shu’s attack power was even fiercer. The
invisible Xiao Han didn’t have to worry about the traps under his feet. Zhuo Hang took the
initiative to place traps on the group to limit the other party’s movements.
After killing Chen Anran, Zhuo Hang’s next target was his partner Yanjun.
In the previous mob stage, Zhuo Hang had interrupted Chen Anran’s rhythm using the
wretched method of ‘fighting and hiding’. Chen Anran’s partner was also affected. Zhuo
Hang had observed the statistics and saw that Yanjun didn’t get 500 coins. In order words,
he couldn’t even afford a ring. This situation was really serious!
The soft persimmon should be pinched. Zhuo Hang naturally aimed for Yanjun as his next
Ah Shu and Xiao Han saw Zhuo Hang using a trap to set the opponent in place and
immediately knew what to do. They set fire towards Yanjun. The healer tried to save him
but Zhuo Hang’s Silence Trap at the critical meant no skills could be used!
[Frost Descends has killed City Hunter!]
Xiao Han quickly took away the opponent with a crit and Canglan completely occupied the
upper hand in this wave of combat.
Jiang Xu managed to retreat with the remaining members but Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han all
had a head. Their attack power was enhanced and there was Zhang Jueming’s key auxiliary
skills. The Canglan team was like an unstoppable beast as they forcibly broke through the
Cheetah team’s traps and crushed the white crystal, signaling victory
The victory in the second match immediately made the lifeless atmosphere at the venue
lively. The audience saw hope. Zhuo Hang played very well in the second game. He
unleashed his attacks at the right time and controlled himself. It could be said that a large
part of the victory in the second game was due to Zhuo Hang. Old ZHang’s commanding
also didn’t seem too bad?
Everyone’s heavy expressions changed and many viewers raised the support card in their
hands as they cheered for their favourite player.
Many people felt that Li Cangyu should go on for the third game. The captain had already
acted as a soy sauce for two games. Shouldn’t he play in the third game?
It turned out that Li Cangyu was going to be a lazy cat today. He sat with Li Xiaojiang and
watched the drama.
The third game was still under Zhang Jueming’s command.
This time, the Cheetah team was prepared and it was naturally impossible to repeat the last
Jiang Xu changed the splitting mode and let Chen Anran go somewhere else to make money.
Meanwhile, he went to do with Zhuo Hang. To his surprise, Zhang Jueming also changed the
splitting mode and Zhuo Hang ended up encountering Chen Anran again!
This coincidence made many professional players watching the match sigh.
It seemed that Old Zhang was also a thoughtful person. He guessed that Jiang Xu would
change the roads and followed.
Chen Anran had a headache when he saw Zhuo Hang. Zhuo Hang always jumped out at
critical moments to destroy Chen Anran’s rhythm and make him particularly
uncomfortable. He didn’t know that Zhuo Hang had experienced Cat God’s devil training for
a week.
Fortunately, Chen Anran’s reaction speed was extremely fast. He was no longer as passive
as the last game. Instead, he actively ran to interfere with Zhuo Hang. The result was that
neither of them made money.
During the team battle, Jiang Xu deliberately blocked Gu Siming so that the thick knight
couldn’t run over to destroy Cheetah’s traps. But how could Zhang Jueming repeat the same
trick a second time?
Old Zhang thought of a new move this time. Once the Cheetah team set up a chain of traps
to prepare for their moves, he simply didn’t start the team battle and turned to play the ice
Jiang Xu, “…”
It felt like the hunters had laid out a bunch of traps and waited for the prey to be hooked.
The result was that the prey went around and fell in love with killing the ice dragon!
Jiang Xu really wanted to spit out blood. Zhang Jueming seemed to be a rough person but he
was actually so careful when commanding!
The helpless Cheetah members had to go forward to fight against the Canglan team.
However, the hunters were greatly restricted by the narrow terrain and their attack wasn’t
as good as a swordsman. The two sides fought for a while and the ownership of the ice
dragon was finally won by Canglan!
Canglan relied on this team economy bonus to play smoothly in the later stages. They
changed their equipment and directly pushed to the crystal!
The golden words filled the screen and Zhuo Hang excitedly stood up. Zhang Jueming gave
his thighs a hard slap and exclaimed, “We won!”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Zhang Jueming’s legs were really pitiful. He would slap them every time he was excited.
Shouldn’t they be swollen by now?
Still, Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling pleased when he saw Zhang Jueming’s bright smile.
In fact, Old Zhang’s pressure this time was very big. The fans had lost confidence in him and
some black fans ran to his Weibo to scold him. [Porcelain shouldn’t do the work of a
diamond.] [You aren’t suitable to command. Just peacefully act as an auxiliary.]
Netizens often talked without caring but they didn’t know how hurtful these words were to
a serious and hardworking professional. Zhang Jueming was old and this comeback with
Cat God was his last chance.
In the past, he was a young man with the dream of entering the Miracle League.
Unfortunately, his dream was completely broken when he failed to achieve in. IN the past
few years, he ran the leveling studio but his heart hadn’t forgotten. He longed to stand on
the big stage at the awards ceremony so he raised the courage to try again.
Li Cangyu gave him the opportunity to command because he wanted Old Zhang to prove
himself. Old Zhang might not be young but his brain was still good. He had many tactical
ideas that could be achieved on the field and he could also carry the Canglan team to
Zhang Jueming finally proved himself with these two victories.
This made Li Cangyu feel particularly gratified.
The surprising thing for Li Cangyu was that after experiencing a setback in the first game,
Zhuo Hang quickly recovered and found a new method of running and interfering with his
opponent. It was something that Li Cangyu hadn’t thought of, making him feel very proud
of this little guy. Zhuo Hang was savvy and smart. Once he adjusted his mentality, his room
for improvement was big. Now was the beginning of his breakthrough.
In this match, Li Cangyu didn’t play. He watched the stage from the perspective of the
audience and could clearly see the performance of every team member.
In this match, everyone found their places and could cooperate with each other. The mutual
trust and tactic cooperate between teammates was the most important part of a team.
After experiencing the low point of three straight losses, the Canglan team finally ushered
in the true spring that belonged to them.

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GLS: Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Canglan lost three matches in a row and finally won 2:1 at home. This rekindled the hopes
of the Canglan fans. However, many people were still worried. After all, the Cheetah team
was the weakest overall team in the league. Winning against them wasn’t something to be
too happy about.
In the post-match interview, Captain Jiang Xu of the Cheetah team calmly answered the
reporters’ questions. He was very clear about the strength of the Cheetah team but also
dreamt of making it to the playoffs. He had been working hard while aiming for this goal.
Jiang Xu had always been low-key in the league. Many reporters didn’t pay much attention
to the Cheetah Team but Chen Anran was a 16 year old vice-captain who won the Most
Promising Rookie Award last year. This attracted people’s attention and the reporters
prepared many questions The result was that Vice-Captain Chen didn’t appear in the post-
match interview.
A reporter expressed doubts and Jiang Xu explained, “Xiao Chen is very shy and not
talkative. If you want to interview him then you can send an email and list the questions.”
In other words, Chen Anran still had the habit of responding as a student. If the reporters
wanted to interview him, the must send him the questions and he would seriously answer
them. If he was interviewed in person, he would blush shyly and hide behind his
teammates, not answering one question.
This was the only vice-captain in the history of the Miracle League who would answer
written questions! The 16 year old Chen Anran hadn’t grown up yet. Perhaps after he grew
up, the performance of the Cheetah team would really improve.
The interview with the Cheetah team was soon over. Once it was the Canglan team’s turn,
the applause was more enthusiastic than before. After all, this was Changsha, the home of
the Canglan team. Many reporters were familiar with the Dragon Song Club and had to give
the team a bit of face.
Zhang Jueming, Zhuo Hang and Li Cangyu attended the post-match interview. A reporter
saw the three people and immediately asked, “Cat God, you finally won once after a three
game losing streak. However, you didn’t play from start to finish. Is this arrangement to
give more opportunities to Old Zhang?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu honestly admitted it. “I know many reporters and friends questioned my
arrangements but I have absolute confidence in Zhang Jueming. I always believed that he
could take the Canglan team to victory.”
The reporter continued asking, “I want to ask Old Zhang. Cat God gave you such a difficult
task. What were you truly thinking? Was it stressful when you were questioned by the
Zhang Jueming scratched the back of his head and smiled. “In fact, I didn’t think too much.
Old Cat believed in me so I should go out and live up to his trust. As for the stress… there
was some. I saw that many people yelled at me on the Internet. Most of the responsibility
lay with me for the losses in the last few games. I want to tell everyone that I am sorry.”
Li Cangyu patted his shoulder to show encouragement. Zhang Jueming coughed twice and
continued, “In fact, I am very happy to personally command two games to victory today.
This shows that my command level is still good, hahaha!”
The reporters, “…”
Uncle, did you learn to boast from Xie Shurong? Or was this boasting the style of the
Canglan team?
However, the reporters watched the appearance of the oldest player in the Miracle League
and couldn’t help clapping. They even felt that such a straightforward uncle was cute.
It wasn’t easy for Zhang Jueming to come all this way. If it hadn’t been for Li Cangyu then he
probably would’ve continued the leveling studio, toiling to make a bit of money for a living.
Mustering the courage to return to the MIracle League showed that his heart hadn’t given
up on his young dream.
The facts proved that Zhang Jueming wasn’t just an invisible auxiliary who was dragging
down the Canglan team with his age. His hand speed might not be high and his white magic
wasn’t brilliant but he had many clever tactical ideas. He could be timid and careful in a
game, then unexpectedly attack the opponent.
At this moment, the reporters’ applause was sincere. 70% of it was affirmation while 30%
of it was admiration. They respected that the 25 year old could stand on the e-sports field
and admired him for withstanding the pressure of public opinion to finally prove himself.
Zhang Jueming would definitely become the most trusted deputy commander for Li
Cangyu, leading the Canglan team to victory together.
After interviewing Zhang Jueming, the reporters also noticed Zhuo Hang who played
particularly well today.
Among the four teenagers, Zhuo Hang had been relatively mediocre in previous matches.
Today, he made decisive shots at critical moments so that the reporters couldn’t help
looking at him.
The impetuous problem had disappeared completed. Today Zhuo Hang played the second
and third game very calmly. He would hide like a coward behind a tree when it was the
right time. When it was time to unleash violence, he would break out with his traps.
Retreating and going forward wasn’t easy for a newcomer who just debuted to do.
In addition, Zhuo Hang was handsome and his image was good. The reporters started to
pay more attention to him from this moment on.
“Zhuo Hang, do you think you did well today?” A reporter stood up and asked.
Zhuo Hang looked over at Li Cangyu. “This is for my captain to judge. It isn’t good if I say it
Li Cangyu took the microphone and answered honestly, “Xiao Zhuo did very well today.”
“I think so too.” Zhuo Hang smiled with a trace of pride. “During this week, I experienced
the captain’s devil training. The effect of the training isn’t bad and I feel like my awareness
has improved.”
The reporters, “…”
This guy really didn’t blush when praising himself.
Zhuo Hang stopped smiling and said seriously, “I was the most arrogant person when I first
came to the Canglan team. After this period of training and competition, I found that I am
far worse than my other teammates.”
“Here, I want to thank my roommate Li Xiaojiang. He taught me how to treat every game
calmly and seriously.”
“Of course, I also have to thank my captain, Cat God. Cat God is like a parent to the Canglan
team members and patiently help all the newcomers. The four of us dragged down the
team but Cat God fortunately didn’t get angry at us. He set up a special training plan for our
shortcomings and let us slowly grow. Cat God, thank you for taking us. We will work hard.”
Li Cangyu heard this and couldn’t help smiling. This young guy was worthy of being related
to Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian. He was an excellent speaker and had good answers to the
reporters’ questions. He also made a serious expression for serious questions.
Among the four teenagers, Li Cangyu had been most dissatisfied with the proud and
conceited Zhuo Hang. However, apart from the occasional narcissism, Zhuo Hang had
completely changed his concept and was actually a talent worthy of training. The other
three weren’t comparable to him when it came to the reporters.
Gu Siming’s mouth often ran along the wrong track, Xiao Han’s half-baked Chinese wasn’t
reliable and Li Xiaojiang’s stuttering wasn’t good. Only Zhuo Hang could handle the
reporters’ questions. It seemed that Zhuo Hang was a good candidate for the next
generation Canglan team.
Li Cangyu was thinking about this when he heard a reporter ask, “Cat God, I have a question
I would like you to answer.”
“Please say it.” Li Cangyu pulled back his thoughts and politely looked at the reporter who
asked the question. She was a girl with long black hair who was around 20 years old. Her
facial features could be called beautiful and she wore a light blue knee-length dress without
any extra ornaments. She gave off a simple and refreshing feeling.
She saw Li Cangyu looking at her and asked, “In the first round of the regular season, the
Canglan team has already faced six teams. There is only the Wind Colour team left. Next,
Canglan will go to Shanghai to challenge the Wind Colour team. Cat God, do you have
confidence in this match?”
This question brought the topic to Wind Colour.
Li Cangyu felt that this female reporter was familiar but couldn’t remember where he had
seen her. The other person was waiting for a reply so he put it aside and directly replied, “I
must say that I have confidence. No captain would say that they have no confidence in the
next match.”
The woman then asked, “However, the strength of Wind Colour is first-class in the Miracle
League and their performance this season has been excellent. They are currently ranked
first on the team standings and it is much higher than the second place.”
She paused before continuing unceremoniously. “Besides, Wind Colour is an old
powerhouse. The players are stable and the only instability, Qin Mo, has grown into a very
good player after the tempering last season. In the face of this Wind Colour, can you still
Li Cangyu smiled. “Of course. The result of a match is always unpredictable. I admit that the
strength of the Wind Colour team is very strong but strong teams also lose.” The female
reporter changed topics. “Then what do you think about the captain Ling Xuefeng?”
Li Cangyu found that this woman’s questions were sharp and much harder to answer.
However, Li Cangyu had long expected a reporter to ask this question and didn’t hesitate.
“Ling Xuefeng is an outstanding captain. I admire but also appreciate him. He is a master in
the Miracle League and can lead Wind Colour to gain a foothold in the Miracle League. This
itself attests to his high strength.”
“As for his personal level, Ling Xuefeng is undoubtedly in the top echelons of the current
Miracle League. His ranking is also very high in the world. I believe that everyone won’t
question that he is the strongest demon summoner. However, I’m not afraid of him because
I am the strongest elf summoner.”
The reporters, “…”
Since becoming captain of the Canglan team, Li Cangyu’s impression had always been very
calm. He was sincere and honest when answering questions, making him popular with
Today he actually learnt to boast?
This imposing remark had an element of boasting and left the reporters in shock and
‘I am the strongest elf summoner’
Cat God declared it directly and simple, with confidence and calmness. The reporters had
no way to refute his words.

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GLS: Chapter 178

Chapter 178

At this time, Ling Xuefeng was smiling as he watched the TV.

Li Cangyu’s compliments during the interview meant that Ling Xuefeng was in a very good
mood. He also appreciated Li Cangyu’s straightforward words at the end.
His favourite thing was Li Cangyu’s confident and calm expression.
Li Cangyu’s remark definitely wasn’t boastful because in the current Miracle League… there
was only one elf summoner.
However, many spectators were fooled by him and couldn’t notice this point. Only the
female reporter at the scene recovered quickly and threw a sharp question at Li Cangyu.
“Cat God, you said that you are the most powerful elf summoner. Is this domestically or
globally? If it is domestic, there is only one elf summoner among the eight teams in the first
The audience, “…”
Everyone’s spirits returned. This reporter was right. There was only one elf summoner
domestically so he was naturally the strongest. No one could compare to him!
If it was globally then it wouldn’t be the same…
Everyone was looking forward to Li Cangyu’s answer and he didn’t hesitate to give it to
them. “Of course, it is the world. What is the point domestically when no one else in the
country plays an elf summoner?”
Everyone was shocked. The Canglan team often boasted that they were handsome or
played well but Li Cangyu was on a different level. He directly boasted that he was the best
elf summoner in the world!
His boasting was so big that wasn’t he afraid of it ending in failure?
Many Li Cangyu fans wrote on his Weibo: [Cat God, act more leisurely and don’t boast so
big!] [I didn’t expect you to be such a Cat God!] [Ah Shu, Xiao Zhuo and Old Zhang’s casual
boasts can’t compare to you!] [Cat God, you have completed the upgrade of your boasting
skill This boast, I give it full marks!]
Li Cangyu was sitting at the venue and naturally didn’t know what Weibo was going crazy.
His expression was very calm, as if he was saying what he had to eat today.
The female reporter was silent for a moment before asking politely, “Cat God, do you really
feel that you are the world’s strongest elf summoner? The United States, Japan, Korean,
Germany… many countries have very strong elf summoners. In addition, in the current
world summoner rankings, the top four are the blood kin summoner Jack Josh, the demon
summoner Ling Xuefeng, the angel summoner Kim Jongho and the elf summoner Mitchell.
Your name can’t be seen at all.”
Li Cangyu smiled and declared with confidence, “That’s because it has been three years
since I’ve left Miracle, the people in charge of the statistics have long forgotten me. I’m sure
that by the end of this year’s season, everyone will see my name on the rankings.”
Everyone, “…”
The female reporter, who was always known for her sharp questions, was dumbfounded
and could only sit down helplessly.
Ling Xuefeng really admired the bold Li Cangyu. He could be so calm in the face of the
reporter’s sharp questions. Not only did he answer confidently, he boasted that he would
enter the world rankings.
What if it didn’t happen?
However, Li Cangyu’s personality was always straightforward. The fact that he dared to say
this today showed his goal—the peak of the world’s summoners.
The video of the post-match interview was released and Weibo instantly split into two
sides. One side supported Li Cangyu and felt that this confident player was really manly
and attractive. The other side thought unfavorably and felt that Li Cangyu shouldn’t be
arrogant. He should be humble since modesty was a virtue.
The netizens were arguing but Li Cangyu’s number of Weibo fans rose significantly. In just
a few days, he caught up with the great gods of the Miracle League. He had left Miracle for
three years and his popularity after coming back was inferior to rising stars like Tan Shitian
and Liu Xiang. Now the number of people who liked him rose greatly.
Li Cangyu also received extensive attention from netizens in the Miracle League. Many
people ridiculed him saying: [Daring to call himself the world’s best elf summoner but he
can’t even leave the country!] [Maybe he can’t even get into the national team yet he is
bragging here…]
[The Canglan team’s boasting is really bad. It turns out to be due to the captain!]
The Canglan team looked at these comments and felt helpless.
Bai Xuan had been with Li Cangyu for many years and his mood was particularly
complicated. “Why can’t you be a bit more humble? Why do you have to say this and be
miserably scolded?”
Li Cangyu was calm. “It doesn’t matter. I will prove with my strength that what I said is
Xie Shurong patted him on the shoulder. “Captain, I am sure that you will definitely become
the world’s strongest elf summoner but now the demon summoner called Ling Xuefeng is
in front of you. This is the key point.”
Bai Xuan nodded in agreement. “Yes, do you have any idea about how to play the next
Li Cangyu smiled. “Let me think about it again.”
That night, Li Cangyu held his phone and lay in bed. He was just about to send a message to
Ling Xuefeng but their hearts must be connected. A message from Ling Xuefeng popped up
on the screen. [Has the world’s strongest elf summoner gone back to his dormitory?]
The abstinent male god actually made such a cold joke. Li Cangyu was amused and
immediately replied: [I’m back, what are you doing?]
Ling Xuefeng: [I just finished my shower.]
Li Cangyu: [The next match against Canglan, is the tactical layout ready?]
Ling Xuefeng: [No.]
Li Cangyu: [What modes are you going to choose?]
Ling Xuefeng asked: [What do you think?]
Li Cangyu typed: [I think you will choose arena, team battle and arena.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Why?]
Li Cangyu bluntly said: [This way I am more likely to win!]
Ling Xuefeng laughed. [You are asking me about tactics. Aren’t you afraid I will lie to you?]
Li Cangyu: [No, you will never lie. If you can’t tell me then you won’t speak. If you tell me
then it must be true.]
Ling Xuefeng’s heart was warm. He didn’t expect Li Cangyu to know him so well and to
trust him, Indeed, he couldn’t lie to Li Cangyu. When it came to the tactical secrets, the best
way was to not tell each other.
Li Cangyu definitely knew this and was just asking as a joke.
Ling Xuefeng thought this and changed the topic: [The first round of the regular season is
coming to an end. Now the Canglan team’s ranking is in danger. In the second round, you
can’t be too willful and must act carefully.]
Li Canglan seriously replied: [I know. The training of the newcomers is almost complete.
Canglan must take more points in the second round or it will be troublesome if we can’t get
into the playoffs.]
[Yes, maintain this good mindset.]
[Wind Colour doesn’t need to be afraid. Based on the current rankings, you should steadily
make it into the playoffs?]
[Not necessarily. The teams are more stabilized in the second round. It isn’t impossible for
a team ranked first to fall down.]
The two people chatted for a bit. Once Li Cangyu became sleepy, he said goodbye to Ling
Xuefeng and fell asleep.
The next morning, Li Cangyu called the members of the Canglan team to the training room
for a meeting. This meeting was naturally to discuss the next tactical arrangements against
the Wind Colour team. Everyone listened carefully.
Li Cangyu once again used a PPT to introduce the Wind Colour team. This time, the PPT
obviously wasn’t made by Ling Xuefeng. It was a simple white background with black
words. There were no effect at all. Still, the contents were concise and basically spelled out
the current situation of the Wind Colour team.
“Wind Colour’s captain, Ling Xuefeng. I don’t need to talk much about him. He is currently
the strongest demon player in the Miracle League. Everyone should’ve seen the previous
matches and realize how strong he is. Today I will give you a detailed introduction of the
Wind Colour lineup.” Li Cangyu’s laser pointer stopped on a black magician with the ID of
“Yan Ruiwen, the vice-captain of the Wind Colour team. He is the strongest black magician
in the league and his style of play is very calm. He relies heavily on using a large number of
negative states to decrease his opponent’s blood and create opportunities for his
teammates to grab a head…”
“Guo Xuan (ID: Blade Dancer) is partnered with Vice-Captain Yan and is also a very good
black magician. The combination is the most classic black magic overlap style that netizens
“The blood kin summoners Xu Feifan and Qin Mo. One of these two players usually partner
up with Ling Xuefeng to form the strong field control combination of double summoners. A
summoner has many pets and the control skills can work together to achieve a seamless
connection. This is the basis of Wind Colour’s strong field control.”
“The other players aren’t so famous but they are all old players who have followed Ling
Xuefeng for many years. Their form is very stable. Among them, the front row beast
berserker, Liao Zhenyu has a very strong attack. He is a typical offensive defender. The
healer is He Qun and he is a rare demon sacrifice. A sacrifice has less skills to add blood but
there are more status skills. He can often create protective shields for his teammates.”
“The last one is called Lin Ke. He just debuted this season. Ling Xuefeng should be
preparing him as a transition after Guo Xuan retires. He is a black magician reserve and
hasn’t appeared many times in recent matches.”
Li Cangyu introduced all the players and turned a page on the PPT. He said, “Wind Colour is
a typical magic based time. The team battle lineup is generally two black magicians, two
summoners, a front row protector and a healer. Ling Xuefeng is the core of the team. As
long as he controls a person, his teammates will set fire to kill that person. This is the most
terrifying thing about the Wind Colour team. The output of all four attackers is the fiercest
among all teams in the league.”
Next, he played a few featured clips from games, most of whom included people like Tan
Shitian, Su Guangmo and other great gods. The more they looked, the more surprised they
became. Wind Colour sometimes crushed the other team and their method of breaking the
rhythm was terrible.
Li Cangyu saw that everyone was solemn and smiled slightly. “The truth is that it is
basically impossible to gain an early advantage against Wind Colour. We have to play for
the worst and then prepare to overturn the table.”
Li Cangyu gave everyone a preventive shot. The opponents were the champions of the sixth
season and they couldn’t be careless.
It was only be preparing for the worst that they would be able to burn the boats and win
the game.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help becoming excited at the thought of meeting Ling Xuefeng on the
field after several years.

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GLS: Chapter 179

Chapter 179 – Canglan VS Wind Colour

It was the weekend again and many Miracle fans got out of bed early to watch the matches.
It was because this week was the final matches of the first round of the regular season. The
competition was fierce and this match was crucial. The team with a slightly higher rank at
the end of the first round would naturally have less pressure in the second round.
Meanwhile, the teams at the bottom were doing their best to compete for the playoffs.
In the current rankings, Wind Colour was first followed by Flying Feathers, Time, Ghost
Spirits, Red Fox, Pure Cleansing, Canglan and Cheetah. The Canglan team was ranked
second last and today’s match was against the strong Wind Colour team. It was also an
away match. The situation wasn’t optimistic.
Before the match started, netizens voted on the predicted score and 70% guessed that
Wind Colour would win 3:0. Many senior reporters also conducted a detailed analysis of
the lineup for both teams before the match. The overall strength of Canglan truly wasn’t as
good as Wind Colour. If Ling Xuefeng chose three team battles, the probability of Canglan
winning was less than 20%.
Li Cangyu had long guessed the comments on this match. In order to avoid adding
psychological pressure on the newcomers, Li Cangyu told them not to go to the forums
before the game and to try and maintain a relaxed attitude. Thus, the Canglan team’s
expressions weren’t as serious and frustrated as the audience imagined when they arrived
at the main stadium in Shanghai. Li Cangyu was relaxed every time but the newcomers
were also smiling and didn’t look nervous.
It was just that the atmosphere of Wind Colour’s home made them marvel. This was a black
ocean that made they feel like they had entered the demon’s territory!
The Wind Colour players consisted mainly of the demon and blood kin races. The design of
the uniform was black with a simple red pattern. Now fans at the venue were dressed in the
uniform and it really was like a wave of black pressure that headed to the stage.
Gu Siming was always outspoken and he couldn’t help saying, “I still like the uniform of the
Time team. The white and green accents are refreshing. The style of Wind Colour is too
depressing. The black is used to scare people!”
Zhuo Hang laughed. “Black gives more pressure but it is also consistent with the
personality of the abstinent god Ling Xuefeng. Don’t you think?”
Xiao Han suddenly turned and asked Li Xiaojiang, “Xiaojiang, what does abstinent mean?”
Li Xiaojiang’s face turned red and he stuttered for a long time, “Yes, yes, it is…”
Zhuo Hang immediately placed a hand on Xiao Han’s shoulder. “This question is
complicated. Go to Baidu and look it up. It is too hard for Xiaojiang to explain such an
esoteric question.”
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully and decided to ask Qin Mo later. Li Xiaojiang looked at Zhuo
Hang gratefully and the latter smiled in a handsome manner at him.
Li Cangyu saw the discussion between the four newcomers. Regardless of the outcome, the
four people were relaxed in front of a strong enemy. This made him feel very relieved. After
so many games, the four little cats had matured and weren’t as nervous as mice anymore.
Both teams quickly walked into their soundproof rooms and started debugging the
Both sides were wearing their uniforms. One was a red pattern on a black background and
the other was a blue pattern on a white background. Kou Hongyi saw this and couldn’t help
saying, “I suddenly found that the colours of both uniforms are the opposite of each other.
One side is black red and the other side is white blue. It has been said since ancient times
that blue and red are a pair and black and white are the best match. The team uniforms can
be called couple outfits!”
The audience, “…”
The Wind Colour fans made angry expressions. Who wanted to be a couple with Canglan?
In addition, red and blue and black and white matching? What nonsense was he saying?
Kou Hongyi was bored and just idly adjusted the atmosphere while Yu Bing sat next to him
with an expressionless face.
Once the big screen showed the list of the players on both teams, Yu Bing immediately got
back on topic. “Let’s take a look at the contestants of both teams. Wind Colour’s captain
Ling Xuefeng is the strongest demon summoner in the Miracle League. The vice-captain Yan
Ruiwen is the strongest black magician. The main players Xu Feifan and Guo Xuan are also
famous gods.”
“Among them, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s double black magician combination have won
the Best Partnership award before and they also created the classic black magic status
overlapping tactic. Qin Mo is 18 years old and he won the Best Newcomer Award last
season. His blood kin summoner style is also remarkable. The healer He Qun is one of the
few blood kin sacrifices in the league. Meanwhile, the front row berserker Liao Zhenyu is
extremely fierce, using attack as a defense.”
The seven players listed by Yu Bing were gods that the audience were familiar with.
Kou Hongyi added, “Wind Colour is truly a team of great gods. Everyone is strong
individually. Aside from these seven people, Wind Colour also brought a small contestant to
play this season. He is the 17 year old Lin Ke and he is a black magician. Captain Ling is
clearly trying to train a strong black magician successor. This newcomer hasn’t played
much this season and we don’t know how high his strength is. Perhaps he will get an
opportunity to play today.”
Yu Bing said, “The overall strength of Canglan is much weaker than Wind Colour. Li Cangyu,
Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong are ace players and Zhang Jueming could be considered a stable
auxiliary. The key is that there are too many newcomers in the team and they can’t
compare to the experienced gods.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “The overall strength is truly as Sister Bing analyzed.
Wind Colour is a lot stronger. After all, Wind Colour is the favourite to win this season!
Many people who predicted the score guessed 3:0. However, I think that even if the overall
Canglan isn’t as strong as Wind Colour, isn’t it impossible to get 3:0 considering Cat God’s
flexible tactics?”
Many spectators held this and expressed doubts. [They lost 3:0 to Pure Cleansing not long
ago? How is it impossible? Is Wind Colour not as good as Pure Cleansing?]
[Pure Cleansing was an accident. The commander Old Zhang was a bit stunned by the
illusion array. If Cat God is personally commanding this match then I think Canglan will win
at least one game.]
[There is a chance that it will be 3:0. Facing Wind Colour at their home is too hard!]
[I’m guessing 3:0, Canglan 3: Wind Colour 0! Cat God will be sure to counterattack and get
rid of all doubts!]
[Vice-Captain Cheng, your identity has been discovered again.]
The discussion in the live broadcast room was very lively because the match hadn’t started
yet. The referee’s light didn’t turn on, indicating that a problem had been encountered.
Kou Hongyi found it hard to speak. “Cough, it seems that there are some faults with the
players’ computer network. The referee is solving it as a soon as possible. We are better off
talking about Cat God and Captain Ling, who have known each other for many years. Sister
Bing, you debuted in the second season and you should be very familiar with their past? I
heard that Captain Ling once invited Old Cat to join as vice-captain of Wind Colour. Then
the 18 year old Cat God rejected it?”
Yu Bing nodded. “Many people in the league knows about this because the former vice-
captain, Yuan Shaozhe accidentally talked about it at a party. Cat God wanted to build his
own team and didn’t join Wind Colour.”
Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “It is thankful that he didn’t join Wind Colour that year…”
Yu Bing stared at him. “Why do you say this?”
Kou Hongyi explained, “If Li Cangyu joins Wind Colour then he will be vice-captain and
team up with Captain Ling! The Miracle League would completely go sideways.”
Yunyu was startled but soon reacted. She thought of the two summoners joining hands and
couldn’t help smiling. “That is true. Both of them are the fast hand speed and high outbreak
type player. If they join forces then it is estimated that no other teams would dare mix with
Her words contained a very high evaluation of Li Cangyu. There weren’t many people like
him who could stand side by side with an old god like Ling Xuefeng. Li Cangyu was Ling
Xuefeng’s strongest opponent and his personal strength had been confirmed by everyone.
However, the confrontation between the two teams wasn’t a solo fight between the two of
them. It was based on the overall strength of the team. Yu Bing always admired Li Cangyu
but she wasn’t very optimistic about today’s match.
The debugging in the soundproof room ended. It turned out that there was a small fault in
the stadium’s network. After the inspection ended, the referee finally signaled the start of
the match.
Ling Xuefeng soon submitted the mode of the games to the referee.
Three arena games!
The audience saw this scene and excitedly clapped.
Captain Ling was truly bold. He would definitely have a higher winning rate if he chose
three team battles. Everyone knew that Canglan was stronger in the arena than team
battles. Yet Ling Xuefeng dared to select their strength and it was for all three rounds.
This was obviously saying, ‘So what if Canglan is strong in the arena? I’m not afraid of you
at all. Let’s fight!’
Ling Xuefeng’s fans excitedly filled the screen in the live broadcast room. Li Cangyu smiled
slightly. He also admired Ling Xuefeng’s bold decision.
Since he wanted to fight in the ring then Li Cangyu would accompany him!
In the past, every time they faced each other, they would guess the other person’s thoughts
so much that they never met directly in the arena during the six matches spread out over
three years.
Could he guess right this time? Li Cangyu touched his chin and estimated that the first game
wouldn’t be right. The first game’s lineup needed to be submitted before the match. Li
Cangyu didn’t think that Ling Xuefeng would select three arena games and only submitted
the most common lineup. Ling Xuefeng would definitely make arrangements for the normal
lineup of the Canglan team.
The list of players on both sides soon fill the screen.
Wind Colour had the combination of Qin Mo and He Qun while Canglan had Xiao Han and
Zhang Jueming!
Canglan fans silently mourned. The little prince of Wind Colour had a milk dad while the
little prince of Canglan had an auxiliary. It was likely that Xiao Zhang would lose!

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GLS: Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (2)
Li Cangyu hadn’t expected for the first game to directly let Qin Mo and Xiao Han confront
each other. He thought that Ling Xuefeng would have Qin Mo play in the middle. However,
Xiao Han and Qin Mo happened to meet each other. This was a rare opportunity to let their
apprentices fight.
When Xiao Han was a rookie, Qin Mo played with Xiao Han for half a month in the online
game. At that time, Xiao Han had no resistance to Qin Mo and often died in less than a
Later, they often went to the arena to spar together and their relationship became closer.
Recently, Xiao Han had been learning Chinese from Qin Mo and the two princes became
good friends.
This matchup caused Canglan and Wind Colour fans to excitedly fill the screen with
comments cheering for their little prince. Even Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were looking
forward to it.
Qin Mo was very excited with he saw the participants list. Xiao Han might use half-baked
Chinese to make him speechless but he felt that Xiao Han was particularly interesting.
Xiao Han would send text messages to Qin Mo every day to learn new words. These days,
the training tasks were probably too heavy and Xiao Han didn’t have time to look for Qin
Mo to learn. There had been no contact for several days and this made Qin Mo actually feel
a bit lost.
He had long wanted to play a good match with Xiao Han in the arena. Today, the match
between Canglan and Wind Colour finally arrived!
Qin Mo’s state was a bit excited as his fingers tapped the keyboard to warm up.
Xiao Han was stoic. He always had a calm expression when playing the game and seemed a
bit prideful and haughty. Only the Canglan members knew that Xiao Han looked like this
because there were many things he couldn’t understand…
Compared to the two teenagers, their partners He Qun and Zhang Jueming were very
relaxed. He Qun had debuted in the third season with the black magician Guo Xuan and
blood kin summoner Xu Feifan. He followed Ling Xuefeng for many years and won many
trophies. Old players had experienced more competitions and were naturally more stable
in their mentality.
Ling Xuefeng submitted the map he selected for the first arena game—Dark Grotto.
Kou Hongyi immediately introduced it. “Dark Grotto, this is a secret environment in the
demon realm. The Wind Colour team mainly consists of demon players and the map is also
a demon map! Today the audience is dressed all in black and the map is also suitable. Black
is the main colour.”
Yu Bing followed up. “This is a typical cave map where the internal terrain is complicated.
There are many paths. The difficult of this map is only six stars. It is better to play than
some seven star kill maps. However, players need to adapt to the dark environment as soon
as possible. The light effect will have a significant impact on the battle.”
The players loaded into the game map and Yu Bing stopped explaining to focus on the
performance of the four players on the big screen.
The Dark Grotto map was very dim and the entrance was extremely dark.
After walking inside the grotto, there were sporadic red crystal inlaid into the stone wall
that served to illuminate the map. The shine of these crystals were very weak. The players
would require a period of adjustment after entering. Due to the dark environment, many
netizens dubbed this map as the ‘small black house.’
There was a lively audience in the live broadcast room. [Captain Ling chose the small black
house to face Cat God! He is the strongest opponent!] [Choosing this black house is also a
test of vision!]
Li Cangyu had nothing to say about this map. Ling Xuefeng, this person chose the ‘small
black house’ to fight and it was actually very unfavorable to the Canglan team. It was
because black magicians, demon summoners and blood kin summoners wore black or dark
red clothing. They could easily hide in this cave and integrate with the surrounding stone
Using the map environment to create advantages for oneself was a very common tactic on
the field.
Ling Xuefeng obviously wouldn’t be polite just because his opponent was Li Cangyu. On the
contrary, it was because his opponent was Li Cangyu that his attitude was particularly
serious. It could be seen from the map selection and the modes of the two games that he
wouldn’t take it easy in this match. This had nothing to do with personal feelings but was
out of respect for the opponent.
The players on both teams refreshed and the game officially began.
The blood kin summoner Qin Mo and blood kin sacrifice He Qun walked along the path in
the grotto. On the other side, Xiao Han and Zhang Jueming were also rushing towards the
middle of the map.
Yu Bing took advantage of this time and quickly analyzed, “Wind Colour has a slight
advantage in this game. The healing ability of a blood kin sacrifice isn’t as strong as a priest
but there are many protection skills. It will be hard for Xiao Han if he wants to kill Qin Mo
in seconds.”
“If Xiao Han can’t kill Qin Mo quickly, Qin Mo with a healer will become more and more
difficult. Old Zhang can provide assistance to Xiao Han but Xiao Han’s blood can’t be
restored. Meanwhile, Qin Mo can suck blood with his skills and there is the healing of the
blood kin sacrifice. If a long time passes then Xiao Han will fall into a disadvantage.”
This week’s Canglan VS Wind Colour was the last match of the regular season’s first round.
The captains of other teams had nothing to do after playing their matches and gathered in
front of the TV to watch the live broadcast.
On the Flying Feathers side, Su Guangmo smiled and said, “This is interesting. Wind Colour
also sent a combination with a healer. Captain Ling’s intention was probably to let them
face Shu Bai but ended up missing. He really is connected to Cat God. Their guesses when
facing each other are often wrong.”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to talk. He just nodded in agreement.
In the Time dormitory, Cheng Wei watched the TV while eating watermelon. He swallowed
the watermelon and said, “I think Xiao Han is going to lose since he has a auxiliary instead
of a healer.”
Tan Shitian looked at his red lips and smiled slightly. “The blood kin summoner is the more
durable among the four racial summoners. Their attacks have a blood-sucking effect and
Qin Mo also has a healer today. Once the battle is drawn out, he will become an undead
blood cow… You can finish your watermelon first.”
“That’s right!” Cheng Wei picked up the watermelon again and muttered while eating, “This
combination is more shameless than the Shu Bai combination. The shameless blood cow
combination, a blood kin summoner and blood kin sacrifice, they can keep sucking your
Theoretically speaking, the blood kin summoner with the blood kin sacrifice was more
difficult than the Shu Bai combination of a swordsman and priest. It was because the blood
kin summoner can suck blood while attacking and there was the sacrifice protecting him. In
order to kill Qin Mo, the player had to be a fast attacker and control the blood kin
However, Xiao Han didn’t belong to the category of player with a strong output. He was
best at looking for opportunities to sneak in and assassinate the target.
Xiao Han actually liked this dark map. At the start, he used the blood kin assassin’s latent
skill to hide. Forget Qin Mo, even the audience watching the live broadcast had difficulty
finding Xiao Han. The black map, the black clothes and the stealth was simply making it
difficult for everyone’s eyes!

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GLS: Chapter 181

Chapter 181 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (3)

Qin Mo came to the middle of the map and didn’t see Xiao Han. He immediately knew that
the other person was in stealth.
He wasn’t in a hurry and summoned his death knight. The blood kin’s death knight would
help the owner withstand some damage. Thanks to the existence of this pet, it was even
more difficult to kill the summoner.
Xiao Han wasn’t stupid enough to fight Qin Mo in these circumstances. He sent a signal to
Zhang Jueming and put a mark on the map to indicate Qin Mo’s position., Zhang Jueming
immediately moved there and used God’s Seal to silence Qin Mo.
After seeing that Qin Mo was controlled by his teammate, Xiao Han immediately appeared
behind the healer He Qun and started with the assassin’s strong control skill, Pain Blade!
The knife descended and He Qun was directly stunned. Then Xiao Han’s hands moved at
their highest speed and continuously pressed the assassin’s skills, Death Mark, Back Stab,
Soul Stab, Fatal Blow!
Blood splashed from the dagger in Xiao Han’s hand and the visual effect of the assassin’s
fast attacks was gorgeous. On such a map, the killer hiding in the darkness suddenly
appeared behind a person. This set of combos was truly frightening.
Many fans of the Canglan team excitedly filled the screen. [Xiao Han 6666!] [The little
prince is so handsome!]
However, the healer of the Wind Colour team wasn’t a vegetarian.
He Qun had played in the competition for many years and it was impossible for him to be
killed in seconds. The moment when Xiao Han’s set of moves forced his blood volume to
50%, the control effect finally ended. He Qun immediately opened the sacrifice’s skill, Lava
A crimson halo appeared around the blood kin sacrifice like a burning flame.
The effect of Lava Shield was immunity to control and to rebound damage for three
seconds. It was critical for rescuing the person in critical situations. Xiao Han’s speed was
too fast and the result was that the last move Chain Strangulation was bounced back to him
by the Lava Shield!
Xiao Han was stunned and immediately stopped but it was too late. Qin Mo’s control effect
was over.
A blood spider suddenly appeared at Xiao Han’s feet to set him in place. Qin Mo summoned
his pets quickly. He used the spider to fix Xiao Han and then called the blood snake to place
three layers of blood loss.
Qin Mo was about to call the vampire bat which would reduce Xiao Han’s blood volume.
Zhang Jueming saw this and immediately used Tidal Surge.
If this skill was released by Cheng Wei, it would be a very strong white magic attack skill.
However, Zhang Jueming specialized in the auxiliary route and his way of adding points
was different. The auxiliary route of Tidal Surge was that the tide flowed to the teammates,
relieving all negative states and pulling the teammate to his side!
It was Zhang Jueming’s first-aid skill and the use was very straightforward.
Xiao Han was rescued in time by Old Zhang and was very grateful. He had been too careless
and wanted to use big skills to kill the blood kin sacrifice. He ignored the other side’s
rebound shield.
A blood kin sacrifice was very rare in the Miracle League and this was the first time Xiao
Han fought one. His experience wasn’t enough. Xiao Han was somewhat depressed because
this wave of attacks made him fall into a disadvantage.
Still, he quickly adjusted his state and hid behind a stone pillar in combat stealth.
Qin Mo hadn’t cooperated many times with He Qun in the arena. Today was the first time
that Wind Colour had sent the blood cow combination.
Qin Mo might be in the limelight but he knew that old players like He Qun might be
unknown but their ability to adapt in critical moments was far superior to his.
Just now, he had been a bit anxious and made a small mistake when walking. The result
was that he was controlled by the other party’s auxiliary. Qin Mo thought this and
immediately focused, staring sharply at the map to find an opportunity.
Xiao Han was obviously invisible. Where would he be hiding?
Qin Mo carefully looked around. There were many stone pillars in the grotto and the
terrain was extremely complicated. It wasn’t easy to find a stealthed assassin. Yet Qin Mo
instinctively sensed that Xiao Han was at the stone pillar behind him.
This map was Wind Colour’s home selection and Qin Mo was very familiar with it. He could
go back and forth here with his eyes closed.
Xiao Han liked to go around for a sneak attack. One of the stone pillars behind Qin Mo was
the thickest. If he looked back then his vision would be blocked. Thus, Xiao Han must be
Qin Mo no longer hesitated and decisively acted.
The audience saw the blood kin summoner on the screen suddenly turn around and
directly summon the vampire bats! The overwhelming bats screamed and flew towards the
back of the stone pillar, hitting Xiao Han who was in the stealth state!
Many viewers were shocked…
Despite not seeing the other person, Qin Mo suddenly turned around blindly and used a big
Yu Bing was somewhat speechless. “This… I didn’t expect Qin Mo to directly open a big
move. It was a great risk and was likely to waste his big move. This was a big gamble but
he fortunately won the bet.”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “I suddenly found that today’s match is particularly magical. Not only
are the two teams’ uniforms like a couples outfit, the captains are each other’s strongest
opponents. Now the two princes on both sides have a wonderful understanding of each
The audience, “…”
It was really true!
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were said to have a good relationship. Xiao Han also disclosed in an
interview that Qin Mo was his sparring partner. Their masters were so familiar with each
other that the two small princes must’ve played together in private.
Therefore, Qin Mo knew a lot about Xiao Han.
That’s how he guessed Xiao Han’s position.
This wasn’t a blind move but a targeted one based on the understanding of the opponent.
The result proved it since Qin Mo successfully hit Xiao Han. He used the blood bats’ big
move to force Xiao Han’s blood volume to below 50%!
Xiao Han, who was hiding behind a pillar, was suddenly attacked by a group of bats. The
expression on his face was very dazed.
Then he thought about it and soon understood that Qin Mo had pre-judged his position.
At this moment, Xiao Han couldn’t help admiring Qin Mo.
He stubbornly said that ‘Qin Mo is my sparring partner’ and deliberately angered Qin Mo.
However, he was actually very clear in his heart. Qin Mo’s level was much higher than his.
The best newcomer of the seventh season and Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice wasn’t a useless
straw pillar. Qin Mo himself had a strong talent that allowed him to be recognized by the
league’s judges.
After being abused by many great gods last season, Qin Mo grew very quickly. Xiao Han
could sometimes win when they fought in the arena but that was because Qin Mo didn’t do
his best and sometimes deliberately lost.
Today was an official match.
Their masters were sitting under the stage and the Wind Colour fans were at the scene.
Countless people were watching on the TV. Qin Mo couldn’t joke around in the game.
Thus, today’s Qin Mo played the game seriously.
A serious Qin Mo was very strong. Xiao Han had to acknowledge not just the timing of the
blood kin pets but also the ability to predict the opponent’s position. In the beginning, Qin
Mo was accidentally controlled but he quickly adjusted his state and fought back.
Today’s Qin Mo actually had a very stable mental state. He was no longer the glass heart
newcomer who was directly killed by Tan Shitian at the beginning of the last season.
He was worthy of being called the small prince of Wind Colour and his style of play also
matched the Wind Colour’s fierce style.
There was almost no suspense in the next meeting.
Xiao Han accidentally had his big move reflected on him by the sacrifice’s shield, forcing
him to fall into a disadvantage. Then in his stealth state, he was once again hit by Qin Mo’s
big move while Qin Mo was still full of blood.
Qin Mo grasped the opportunity to used the blood spider and blood snake to pursue Xiao
The level of pet control that he learned from Ling Xuefeng forced people to feel admiration.
It felt like the pets were his own eyes as he accurately chased the opponent.
[Shepherd has killed Frost Descends!]
Once this news appeared, the Wind Colour fans cheered while the Canglan fans mourned.
[Xiao Han, go and bite him!] [Supporting Xiao Han’s real person PK!]
To everyone’s surprise, Xiao Han was very calm after being killed.
He sat in his seat until Uncle Zhang was killed and once the pair died, he typed on the public
screen: [Your level is really very good.]
Qin Mo: [……]
The audience laughed.
There was a strange feeling when the cold prince of Canglan typed such a line.
Many netizens watching the live broadcast laughed and typed: [Xiao Han, you are really
very good!] [Xiao Han is really slipping. His bad Chinese is exploding!] [You can’t beat Qin
Mo in the game but you can crush Qin Mo’s IQ with Chinese!]
Qin Mo resisted a smile. He really wanted to fly into the soundproof room next door and
force open Xiao Han’s head to see what was inside it.
However, Xiao Han’s next remark surprised everyone.
[But one day, I will overtake you.]
There were no grammatical errors in the sentence and the boy’s expression was extremely
Qin Mo put away his smile as a wonderful feeling rose in his heart at these words. Perhaps
this was the feeling that Ling Xuefeng felt when he met Li Cangyu. They were friends and
opponents. They aimed to surpass each other and spurred each other on to improve.
After all, Xiao Han was a newcomer who just debuted this year. He was lacking experience
and awareness compared to Qin Mo who had been abused by the great gods of the major
teams for a whole year.
However, Xiao Han’s talent wasn’t worse than Qin Mo’s.
After a long time passed and their masters retired, they would become the next generation
successors of Wind Colour and Canglan. Perhaps the two former princes might really
become the strongest opponents like their masters?
In fact, this was also very good.
There was an opponent who grow up with them since young. No matter how hard it was,
they wouldn’t feel lonely. It was because they knew, there was another person like
themselves who was silently working hard.
Qin Mo smiled and typed on the public chat: [Okay, I will wait for you to surpass me.]
His words made many fans dazed and they didn’t know what to say.
The competition between the two small princes today was very fierce but there was a kind
of… sweet feeling?

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GLS: Chapter 182

Chapter 182 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (4)

Xiao Han and Zhang Jueming exited and the second combination sent by Canglan was Shu
Bai as many people expected. Xie Shurong relied on his speed to successfully defeat Qin Mo
and He Qun.
However, Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan consumed a lot of skills in order to kill Qin Mo. By the
time they sent away Qin Mo, both of them only had around 60% of blue left. This state
wasn’t enough to take on the dark magician combination of the Wind Colour team.
The combination of Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan had been partners for a full four years. Since
taking over as vice-captain of Wind Colour, Yan Ruiwen acted in a low-key manner and his
style of play was particularly calm. As Ling Xuefeng’s right arm, his strength wasn’t much
worse than Ling Xuefeng. He was usually responsible for Wind Colour’s internal affairs and
the number of appearances in front of reporters was small. Thus, his popularity among
netizens wasn’t high. He didn’t care about this.
Yan Ruiwen had a good temper and was very smart. He knew what to say and what should
be hidden. In the past few years, the team had been well organized and his strength was
steadily improving.
Li Cangyu hadn’t played against Yan Ruiwen but he watched the match between him and
Ah Shu and could see that Yan Ruiwen truly was the most powerful black magician in the
Miracle League.
His partner Guo Xuan also wasn’t weak. The understanding between the two of them was
quite high.
Under the attack of the two black magicians, Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan failed to reverse the
situation. Of course, this was expected by Li Cangyu. After all, Xiao Han’s disadvantage was
too big for Ah Shu to easily reverse it.
In the third round, Li Cangyu took Gu Siming with him.
Xiao Gu hadn’t played many times on the arena. Today Li Cangyu took him because he
wanted Gu Siming to play the protective role of a paladin. As long as Xiao Gu protected him,
Li Cangyu could output without any worries.
At this time, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan both had around 40% blood left. In order to quickly
kill the two people, Li Cangyu caused a big explosion at the beginning of the game. They
saw the elf summoner’s water, fire, thunder and wind spirits explode like a fierce beast
towards the black magicians on the opposite side. It was Li Cangyu’s signature skill—
The result was that Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan died in seconds from Li Cangyu’s big move!
Yan Ruiwen, “…”
Guo Xuan, “…”
The audience: [Cat God is bursting!] [Killing two people in seconds, our Cat God is
handsome!] [According to Xiao Han’s description, Master, you are really very good!] [Very
good +1]
The fans in the live broadcast were so excited that they were almost incoherent. This scene
was really handsome.
However, Yan Ruiwen was still relatively calm. He was speechless for a moment before
smiling slightly. He patted the dazed Guo Xuan, who was scratching his head and said, “Let’s
go, Cat God isn’t happy playing with us. We will change with captain.”
Guo Xuan was very confused and said while walking, “I hadn’t reacted yet. I was ready to
hide behind a pillar when I was killed by his pets. How can he open Cataclysm as soon as
we meet? Isn’t he fighting too hard?”
The two people arrived in front of Ling Xuefeng at this time. Yan Ruiwen laughed and said,
“Captain Ling, send the next combination.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded with a blank expression. “Feifan, Lin Ke, prepare to go out.”
The audience were surprised when Wind Colour sent the third pair of partners because the
IDs on the screen were ‘Out of the Ordinary’ and ‘Mu Lin Sen’, which belonged to Xu Feifan
and Lin Ke respectively. The captain Ling Xuefeng didn’t play.
Li Cangyu was slightly surprised by this but he soon understood. Ling Xuefeng wanted to
train the newcomer in Wind Colour? The young boy Lin Ke only debuted this season and
didn’t have many chances to play against masters. Ling Xuefeng placed in the important
guard position because he clearly wanted to train this newcomer.
Fans of Wind Colour didn’t see Captain Ling playing and were a bit puzzled. However,
nobody questioned Captain Ling’s decision. They even applauded the players to encourage
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi saw the director aim the camera at the young boy
and smiled. “Lin Ke is only 17 years old this year. It is the easiest age for an e-sports player
to improve. Captain Ling placed him in the third round. The intention to hone the
newcomer is obvious. Wind Colour is currently ranked first and it is understandable to use
this game to train the newcomer.”
Yu Bing continued, “Yes, sometimes it isn’t necessary to do your best in the regular season.
In fact, based on Wind Colour’s current ranking, losing a point in today’s match won’t have
much impact. However, chances for Lin Ke to play against someone like Cat God is rare.
Captain Ling’s decision is really sensible.”
“Sister Bing, do you think that Xu Feifan and Lin Ke have a good chance of winning against
Cat God?”
“I predict it is less than 50%.” Yu Bing declared.
“How come?” Kou Hongyi looked at her in a confused manner. “Cat God killed two people in
one move and is still full of blood. However, everyone knows that no skills can be used after
Cataclysm. For the next 10 seconds, Cat God has almost no skills available.” Kou Hongyi
paused and looked at Li Cangyu’s current blue, “Cataclysm also consumed nearly one-third
of his blue. In this state, do you think his winning percentage is over 50% when the dark
magician and blood kin summoner are full of blood?”
“I have faith in Cat God. You will see when you watch.” Yu Bing didn’t give any more
explanation. Kou Hongyi smiled and said, “Then let us wait and see. Can Cat God really
overcome this adversity?”
Kou Hongyi’s analysis was something that many viewers were aware of. Li Cangyu sending
away the Yan Guo combination was really handsome but now all his skills were cooling
down and he had no pets by his side.
You know, a summoner without pets was like a swordsman without a sword. He could only
be slaughtered on the field. As long as Xu Feifan and Lin Ke seized the opportunity to
control him, he would experience death within seconds.
Of course, it was understandable why Cat God used Cataclysm. The disadvantage would
increase if he kept being consumed by the double black magicians. Quickly sending away
the Yan Guo combination was the most appropriate method.
Unfortunately, Cat God’s defense after his outbreak was very fragile. How he would handle
it was naturally the focus of the audience.
In front of the TV, Cheng Wei had anxiously stood up, his big eyes staring at the screen as
he wished to rush in and help Li Cangyu fight.
Tan Shitian didn’t say anything. He wasn’t optimistic about this arena game. Xie Shurong
couldn’t move back the disadvantage caused by Xiao Han. Then Li Cangyu forcefully used a
big move and had the disadvantage of ‘skills cooling down.’ In the final round of the game, it
was likely that Canglan would lose as long as there were no accidents.
However, Canglan fans still had a glimmer of hope. They hoped that Li Cangyu could create
a miracle. Didn’t this man often create miracles? He could reverse the overwhelming
The Wind Colour fans and Canglan fans in front of the TV held their breaths, fearing that
they would miss a shot.
In the soundproof room, LI Cangyu’s expression was exceptionally calm. His left hand
pressed against the keyboard while his right hand firmly held the mouse. In Dark Grotto,
the combination of Lin Ke and Xu Feifan soon appeared in his field of vision. His eyesight
was excellent and even if the lightning was dim, he could see the opponent’s position with
one glance.
Of course, Xu Feifan saw him at the same time.
Xu Feifan was the apprentice of Yuan Shaozhe, Ling Xuefeng’s cousin and the former vice-
captain of Wind Colour. He was also instructed by Ling Xuefeng for a long time. His blood
kin summoner could be called a combination of Yuan Shaozhe’s consumption tactics and
Ling Xuefeng’s violent play. His outbreak was very strong but he could also delay things by
skillfully summoning various pets to consume the opponents’ resources.
It could be said that Xu Feifan’s role in the Wind Colour team was like Tiger Balm and his
style of play was very flexible.
Over the years, the Wind Colour team used the double summoner as their core tactic and
Xu Feifan had worked with Ling Xuefeng for many years. HIs awareness was much better
than the ‘young Xu.’
Li Cangyu had once fought with Xu Feifan but after a long period of time, the young man
standing in front of him was no longer the newcomer of the past. Xu Feifan’s level and
awareness wasn’t bad compared with first-class players such as Cheng Wei and Xie
This was why fans of Wind Colour felt that Xu Feifan could win against Old Cat without any
pressure. After all, Cat God’s skills were on cooldown. A cat without pets was just a sick cat
to be bullied.
However, it turned out that Li Cangyu wasn’t so easily killed!
Xu Feifan was very decisive. The moment they met, he released a black spider and made it
bite Li Cangyu.
As long as the black spider set Li Cangyu in place, he would face the tragedy of being
controlled by two outputs. Once the black spider arrived at Li Cangyu’s feet, the audience
felt like a flower was in front of their eyes. Xu Feifan instantly lost all traces of the elf
summoner in the white outfit!
Lin Ke was startled and immediately followed up with the dark magician Dark Fear control
skill. He quickly read it and aimed at the position where Li Cangyu stood. Everyone saw a
flash of light and Li Cangyu once again avoided it!
The two control skills were wasted and fans of Wind Colour were stunned. How did Li
Cangyu suddenly learn teleportation? He also did it twice in a row?
It wasn’t until the slow-motion replay that everyone realized what happened.
It was Flying Feather Steps!
The fans of Canglan cheered excitedly and even Yu Bing was pleased.
She knew that Li Cangyu would never sit still!
“I was wrong just now!” Kou Hongyi also realized that he had made a serious mistake and
rushed to remedy it. “Not all of Cat God’s skills are on cooldown. His pet summoning skills
are on cool down but he still has his racial general skills. The elf’s Flying Feather Steps!”
Flying Feather Steps was a skill that all elves automatically mastered at birth. It increased
their movement speed and this would be improved as the level increased. The league’s
famous elves, such as archer Tan Shitian and hunter Jiang Xu, all had this skill.
However, people had never seen Tan Shitian move so fast. Kou Hongyi explained it. “Li
Cangyu took the full agility route and he currently has the highest agility stat in the Miracle
League! Due to the agility state, he moves the fastest when using Flying Feather Steps! I
now understand why he didn’t hesitate to open Cataclysm in the second round. It is
because even if all his skills are on cooldown and his defense is weak, the opponent won’t
find it easy to kill him! If they want to kill him, they have to catch up with him!”
The audience, “…”
Yu Bing gave a rare smile when she heard this. “Ling Xuefeng chose Dark Grotto today to
provide convenience to the Wind Colour members. He didn’t expect it to be used by the
witty Li Cangyu. In such a map with a complex terrain, the opponent will find it really hard
to catch up to Li Cangyu who is using Flying Feather Steps.”
On the screen, Li Cangyu was like a white phantom as he used Flying Feather Steps to move
through Dark Grotto, dazzling people. Xu Feifan couldn’t even see Li Cangyu, let alone
control him.
Ling Xuefeng helplessly watched this scene from under the stage. His cat was clever and
adaptable. He used Flying Feather Steps to travel like a fish in water through the complex
Li Cangyu’s positioning was first-class in the world. Lin Ke couldn’t catch up with him and
once Li Cangyu’s skills finished their cooldown, he would be even harder to fight.
Sure enough, it was as Ling Xuefeng expected. Not long afterwards, Lin Ke was dizzy from
Li Cangyu’s movements and the initial advantage was gone. Li Cangyu calmly emerged from
behind a stone pillar and called his water spirit to set Lin Ke in place.
His pet skills had finished cooling down and he followed up with his fire spirit. The fireballs
that appeared one after the other in Dark Grotto were like beautiful fireworks!
On the other side, Gu Siming was being chased by Xu Feifan.
Compared to the newcomer Lin Ke, Xu Feifan had a rich amount of competition experience
and his judgement of the situation was calmer. He gave up chasing the moment Li Cangyu
escaped because he knew he couldn’t catch up with an elf using Flying Feather Steps. He
wanted to kill Gu Siming but Xiao Gu was also slippery and took the opportunity to hide
behind a pillar.
The four people played hide-and-seek in the grotto. Xu Feifan had to expend a lot of effort
to kill Gu Siming!
[Old Cat has killed Mu Lin Sen!]
[Out of the Ordinary has killed As the Name Suggests!]
The two messages appeared one after the other and it became a 1v1 situation. Yet it was
obvious that Li Cangyu’s state was better than Xu Feifan. He had easily killed Lin Ke while
Xu Feifan had to consume a lot of skills to kill the thick-skinned paladin.
The result was that Li Cangyu relied on the thunder spirit’s big move to take Xu Feifan’s life.
The first arena game, the Canglan team won!
The outcome of this arena game made many viewers feel surprised. They didn’t suspect
that despite the initial disadvantage, Li Cangyu could actually reverse the situation with his
personal strength.
The expressions of the Wind Colour fans were dull.
Many fans watching on the Internet couldn’t help commenting: [Captain Ling, how can you
let that cat act so impudently on our turf? Come out and kill him!] [Captain Ling, play in
person and clean up the cat!] [Don’t train the newcomers okay! You will be thrown into the
Pacific Ocean if you lose 3:0 at home!]
Before the game started, 70% of viewers guessed that Canglan would lose by 3:0.
Now many viewers started to worry. Would Wind Colour be the one who lost?
This was the charm of competitive games. In the end, no one knew what would happen on
the field. Li Cangyu was the player most likely to create miracles and reverse the situation.
This was the terrible thing about him.
After realizing this, many passersby viewers became Li Cangyu’s fans. They discovered that
this blunt, calm, loyal and responsible man had many shining points. He was so good. Even
when facing a strong enemy like Ling Xuefeng, he could find a chance to overturn the
situation in the face of adversity.
[This powerful cat is so handsome, how can people not like him?] [Is Cat God still missing
leg pendants? I want to sign up!] [I will add a waist pendant!] [I want to be Cat God’s shovel.
Cat God, marry me!]
The audience watching the live broadcast became more lively as the players on both sides
started to prepare for the next game.

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GLS: Chapter 183

Chapter 183 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (5)

The second game was still the arena mode but the map selection and lineup were
The rules of the regular season was that the lineup for the first game were to be submitted
before the match. Then they could change the list for the remaining games. This was to give
the away team a chance to adjust strategies and prevent the advantage of the home team
from being too big.
During the intermission time, Ling Xuefeng calmly brought the team members together and
explained the tactical arrangements again. On the Canglan side, Li Cangyu’s expression had
obviously relaxed as he analyzed how to deal with the next game.
The atmosphere in both soundproof rooms seemed a bit tense and the audience members
stared nervously at the big screen.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing spoke briefly on the last round before analyzing the
next lineup arrangement. “The combinations on the Wind Colour team might not
necessarily be the same, apart from the Yan Guo combination which won’t be broken apart.
It is possible for Captain Ling to take a healer or to form a double summoners combination
with Xu Feifan.”
Kou Hongyi said, “On the Canglan side, the Shu Bai combination should be second. I think
that Li Cangyu might play with his apprentice Xiao Han. It is also possible to keep the
previous lineup of Xiao Han and Old Zhang, Cat God and Xiao Gu. In addition, Zhuo Hang
and Li Xiaojiang might not appear today. It is because the Zhuo Li combination has no
advantage over the black magicians.”
Yu Bing agreed. “The Zhuo Li combination might not have a chance to play today…”
She just finished when the second game began. The map submitted by Ling Xuefeng was
still Dark Grotto and the first combination sent by the Canglan team was Zhuo Hang and Li
Yu Bing was expressionless despite being hit in the face but she couldn’t help inwardly
thinking, ‘Cat God, your train of thought is really unfathomable! What are you doing by
sending Li Xiaojiang against Wind Colour? Do you want to hone the small teenager again?’
The thing that surprised Yu Bing even more was that Lin Ke and Xu Feifan were sent in the
first round.
Well, Captain Ling’s thoughts were also unfathomable.
It was reasonable to say that Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang didn’t have much chance of
winning against Wind Colour. However, Wind Colour sent the newcomer Lin Ke in the first
round so Zhuo Hang gained a bit more confidence.
On this map, Xiao Li’s movements were slower and there weren’t many advantages.
However, Zhuo Hang’s speed was fast. He could set traps around the stone pillars and
protect Li Xiaojiang. It wasn’t impossible to fight.
The two sides circled each other in the grotto. Li Xiaojiang took the lead in finding an
opportunity. He used Dark Fear and controlled Lin Ke. Zhuo Hang immediately followed up
with Trap Blast and Lin Ke’s blood decreased.
Lin Ke probably had too little experience in the competition. He had been overtaken by Li
Cangyu and his mentality wasn’t very stable. This meant he wasn’t cautious enough in the
second game. However, he quickly reacted by controlling Zhuo Hang. Then Xu Feifan used
his pets and hit Zhuo Hang.
The two sides struggled and dragged the battle out to 10 minutes.
In the end, the Zhuo Li combination was killed. Li Xiaojiang fought hard to kill Lin Ke and
finally died under Xu Feifan’s hands. Xu Feifan was the only one left from Wind Colour and
it could be said that the advantage wasn’t big.
Li Cangyu was very pleased with the performance of Zhuo Li. He sent these two because
Xiaojiang hadn’t played in the last game. If Xiaojiang sat on the bench for two consecutive
games, his recent excellent state might not be maintained. He wanted to see the results of
Xiaojiang’s training and was very satisfied.
He patted the shoulders of the two teenagers and had them sit down. Then Canglan sent the
Shu Bai combination.
There was almost no accidents. Shu Bai often played in the second round. They would
expand the advantage and try to catch up if there was a disadvantage. In this game. the
initial advantage wasn’t big so Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan steadily maintained it to the end.
Then look at the third stage!
Wind Colour actually sent Qin Mo and He Qun!
Many Wind Colour fans were angry.
[What happened to Captain Ling today?] [He is just sitting there. What does he want to do?]
[Captain Ling, are you shy about seeing your old friend Cat God? Come out and kill Cat
No matter how anxious the audience became, Ling Xuefeng maintained his blank
expression. The handsome face with almost no flaws filled the screen. The man sat there, as
cold as a statue, as his deep eyes stared at the screen.
The final combination for Canglan was Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming. Thanks to the help of
Old Zhang, Li Cangyu ruthlessly broke out and killed Wind Colour’s sacrifice.
Yu Bing’s opening analysis was that only players with a strong explosive power could break
the Qin Mo and He Qun combination. Undoubtedly, Li Cangyu was one of the best at
unleashing his power in the Miracle League. The blood cow combination couldn’t drag out
the time in front of him.
The Canglan team won!
Even professional players watching the game in front of the TV were somewhat confused
by this result.
“Is Ling Xuefeng throwing the game today?” Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help saying in Ghost
Spirits’ dormitory. “Wind Colour might be ranked first on the leaderboard but it is too
much to lose two consecutive games to Canglan. He is obvious throwing the match!”
“He isn’t throwing the match. You shouldn’t only look at the surface.” Lou Wushuang
pushed up his glasses and explained coldly. “This match has no influence on the rankings,
regardless of winning or losing. He is taking this rare opportunity to let the players
increase their insight and challenge the strongest summoner. This action shows that Li
Cangyu’s weight in his heart is incomparable to other gods.”
Zhang Shaohui’s face was blank. “Ah? Is this true?”
Lou Wushuang resisted the urge to hit his stupid head. “Nonsense! Do you think Ling
Xuefeng is the type of person to throw a match? Look at the arrangements of the regular
season. This is a home match in Shanghai. The order of the second round is reversed and
Wind Colour’s first opponents will be Canglan. Maybe Canglan will enter the playoffs this
year and they might meet in the playoffs. There is no need to expose every tactic in the first
match. Ling Xuefeng obviously is holding back.”
Zhang Shaohui suddenly realized. “Oh, he is far-sighted and considering the next matches?”
Lou Wushuang nodded. “Yes.”
Zhang Shaohui smiled and scratched his head. “Brother, you’re so smart. I didn’t think of
this at all!”
Lou Wushuang could calmly see Ling Xuefeng’s thoughts but the netizens might not
understand. They didn’t accuse Ling Xuefeng of throwing the match but there were many
fans dissatisfied with Wind Colour’s arrangement today.
The third game started quickly. Wind Colour and Canglan fought fiercely in the first two
rounds. The combination of Yan Guo and Shu Bai reached the point of their blue being
empty. Finally, it was the critical guard round. The fans of both teams nervously watched
the big screen.
Wind Colour’s appearance list: Shepherd, Undead Demon.
Canglan’s appearance list: Frost Descends, Old Cat.
At this moment, not only were the audience members at the venue jumping excitedly, the
professional players watching on TV were also excited.
Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo against Li Cangyu and Xiao Han!
Ling Xuefeng, the strongest demon player finally appeared with his apprentice in the third
stage. Coincidentally, the Ling Xuefeng duo actually confronted Li Cangyu who was also
playing with his apprentice!
The mentoring group VS mentoring group, this alone was enough to grab the attention of
the reporters.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying. “Canglan and Wind Colour’s white blue and black red
uniforms are like couples outfits. Both sides have a small prince and the captains are
summoners. They really feel like destined opponents!”
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GLS: Chapter 184

Chapter 184 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (6)

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s confrontation made the fans of both sides immediately
excited. There were tens of thousands of comments on the live broadcast, all cheering on
Captain Ling or Cat God. The two of them had been compared by journalists and fans since
their debut and the question of who was the strongest summoner had never been decided.
In the first three seasons, they always missed each other in the arena. Now it happened!
A once in a lifetime matchup between top summoners!
The reporters all prepared their computers, planning to type the news while watching the
game. Perhaps they could grab a headline later.
The camera also gave a close=up of the players on both sides. Ling Xuefeng still looked cold
while Li Cangyu was as calm as always. Both of them had their left hands gently placed on
the keyboard. The camera zoomed in on the slender fingers—these were the hands with
the highest speed in the Miracle League.
The two players with the strongest explosive ability would face each other. The venue
would definitely be heated up!
The audience thought this and the facts proved everyone right.
Once Li Cangyu and Xiao Han refreshed in Dark Grotto, they immediately rushed to the
middle of the map. Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo also didn’t waste a second. The moment that
both sides met in the centre of the map, Li Cangyu quickly summoned his four water, fire,
wind and thunder spirits, their attacks sweeping towards Ling Xuefeng in a wave.
—Elf Cataclysm!
At the same time, Ling Xuefeng also exploded his hand speed and quickly summoned the
demon lich, skeleton infantry, black crows and demon god. A wave of dark magic filled the
area and swept over Li Cangyu’s side!
—Demon God’s Rage!
The audience at the venue were stunned and many of the front-row spectators had their
jaws dropped open.
Even the talkative Kou Hongyi forgot to speak from the shock while Yu Bing had a
complicated expression on her face.
These two people were too exaggerated! Using the big moves as soon as they met?
Li Cangyu’s Cataclysm had been seen by many audiences. It was powerful and could make a
fragile opponent’s blood directly fall to around 50%. However, the shortcomings of this
skill were also known to everyone. During the vacuum where no skills could be used, Li
Cangyu would be easily killed if he couldn’t hide from his opponent’s control.
Ling Xuefeng’s big move didn’t often appear on the field. It was because the Wind Colour
team’s ability to set fire was very strong. Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan were very
powerful attackers and their speed of aiming at a person was very fast. There was no need
for Ling Xuefeng to use the big Demon God’s Rage move.
The nature of this skill was similar to the Elf’s Cataclysm. It required quickly summoning
four demon pets and instantly let out a wide-range attack at the expense of the pets. The
power wasn’t inferior to Li Cangyu’s Cataclysm.
On the big screen, the green light effect of the elf’s skill and the red smoke of the demon’s
skill entangled together, as if trying to devour each other.
However, the power of the two people’s outbreaks were similar and no one could take
advantage of it. The result of the big moves being opened at the same time was that all four
people on the field had their blood reduced by half.
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han, “…”
The two teenagers were in a dazed state. They didn’t expect their masters to be so fierce
and to unleash these ruthless moves at the very beginning!
In the live broadcast room, many spectators started excitedly taking screenshots. [A once in
a lifetime outbreak!] [The two people are really connected. If you open the Elf’s Cataclysm
then I will open the Demon God’s Rage, no one will suffer!] [When they meet on the field,
will they always use big moves against each other?] [The Ling Cat PK isn’t the same. They
meet up and threw the big moves at each other. No friends!]
The audience was thrilled and Kou Hongyi’s spirit finally returned. He touched his nose and
sighed, “They haven’t encountered each other in the arena in so many years and today they
met each other, the thunder will hook the fire. Truly the strongest opponent!”
Yu Bing helplessly said, “The thunder hooking the fire isn’t that useful right?”
Kou Hongyi realized that he said the wrong thing and immediately corrected, “Is it a dry
Yu Bing, “…”
The level of his words was enough for him to fight with Xiao Han!
Still, Kou Hongyi’s words had a bit of truth. The two people didn’t often fight and now that
they met, they directly opened their big moves. This was rare in the history of the Miracle
The audience took screenshots to commemorate the scene but the two people in the
soundproof room were very calm. Li Cangyu’s lips were even curved in a smile. Sure
enough, Ling Xuefeng was the one who knew him the best. He knew what Li Cangyu wanted
and violently opened Demon God’s Rage.
In fact, the reason why Li Cangyu used Cataclysm was simple. With Ling Xuefeng’s
understanding of him, he would never be able to release the skill if he didn’t use it in the
beginning. Ling Xuefeng would definitely try to destroy his attack rhythm by killing his pets
or interrupting his skills.
When they first met, the light of the map was dim and Ling Xuefeng’s adjusting eyesight
couldn’t kill the pets instantly. Thus, Li Cangyu quickly opened the big move to decrease the
other person’s blood. Otherwise, if he fought Ling Xuefeng slowly then Xiao Han couldn’t
keep up and Li Cangyu’s side didn’t have a high chance of winning.
The result was that the two people used big moves, like Mars hitting Earth, and the blood
volume of both sides was knocked to 50%.
It took less than half a minute from the moment they refreshed the map to when they met
each other. It showed how fast Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s hand speeds were.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han was inexplicably beaten to half blood and still hadn’t recovered.
After the strong outbreak, Li Cangyu’s skills were on cooldown and he immediately moved
behind a stone pillar. Ling Xuefeng chased him. Ling Xuefeng’s demon summoner wasn’t as
fast as the elf but he was familiar with this map. Li Cangyu might be fast but Ling Xuefeng
could take a shortcut through the obstacles!
The audience was once again stunned.
When Li Cangyu wandered to the left side, Ling Xuefeng didn’t directly chase him but went
around the right side. From the perspective of the audience, the two people were always
separated by a few pillars. Then when Li Cangyu came out from a left stone pillar, Ling
Xuefeng appeared right it front of him. It was as if Ling Xuefeng had been waiting for him to
run over!
Li Cangyu, “…”
At this moment, Li Cangyu’s heart collapsed. This truly was an opponent who knew him.
Ling Xuefeng even guessed the way he would go!
Sure enough, the sly cat was at this junction. Ling Xuefeng showed a slight smile on his
serious face.
The audience was quite speechless at this time. They felt that the mutual understanding of
these two people had reached a realm that ordinary people couldn’t understand. The
person who knew you the best was your strongest opponent!
By the way, was Ling Xuefeng smiling?
The big screen was always aimed at the game while the small screen next to it had a close-
up of the players’ faces. The audience sitting in the back rows couldn’t see it but the loyal
Wind Colour fans in the front row were concerned about the captain’s state. Many people
saw the scene where his lips curved slightly.
However, everyone felt that they must be seeing things.
Ling Xuefeng was smiling? Don’t joke around! Captain Ling had always been known as the
‘abstinent male god.’ In the past, whether he was playing the game or in an interview, he
was always calm and never smiled. Many people thought that Ling Xuefeng had long lost
the skill of ‘smiling.’
Then what happened just now? Everyone was confused.
On the field, Ling Xuefeng succeeded in guessing Li Cangyu’s movement route and detoured
to block him. Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to release a demon general racial skill, Demon
The demons were originally from the dark world and all skills contained the curse of black
magic. The skill Demon Possession was particularly annoying. It reduced the movement
speed of the possessed person by 80%, making them a slow snail. Moreover, this state
could only be lifted by an angel’s white magic.
The Demon Possession skill was different from other deceleration skills. The normal
deceleration skills generally lasted for only 5 seconds. The terrible thing about Demon
Possession was that as long as it wasn’t dispelled, the opponent would always be in a
decelerated state.
Li Cangyu didn’t bring an angel teammate with him and Demon Possession couldn’t be
lifted. He would always be slowed down by Ling Xuefeng’s Demon Possession and the elf’s
agile advantage would be immediately lost.
The Wind Colour fans saw Cat God’s slow appearance and couldn’t help laughing, [Hahaha,
you are possessed by our Captain Ling, let’s see you run!] [Captain Ling is mighty! The
spirit has possessed Old Cat’s body and Old Cat is completely unable to move!] [The fast Old
Cat has turned into a slow, sick cat!]
The Canglan fans thought that this Ling Xuefeng’s means were really despicable!
Of course, the Demon Possession only slowed down Li Cangyu and didn’t cause any
substantial harm to him. Ling Xuefeng’s skills were also on cooldown after using the big
move and the two people couldn’t fight each other.
Ling Xuefeng’s purpose of slowing down the opponent was obvious. It was to prevent the
witty cat from detouring to help his apprentice and killing Qin Mo as soon as the cooldown
of his skills finished. Ling Xuefeng had to keep an eye on Li Cangyu’s movements.
On the apprentices’ side, Xiao Han cleverly concealed himself after the disappearance of his
master. Qin Mo used the blood spider and blood snakes to find him when he found that
Ling Xuefeng had made a mark on the map. Qin Mo headed towards where his master was.
Qin Mo was happy to see Cat God’s decelerated state and put a snake to bite him. The blood
snake had just neared Li Cangyu when it was cut down by an assassin.
Xiao Han also rushed over to protect his master!
Li Cangyu took advantage of this to once again fly behind a stone pillar. Ling Xuefeng
immediately chased, leaving Qin Mo and Xiao Han alone.
The two apprentices, “…”
From the day they met, they were often abandoned by their masters and had become
accustomed to it.

Merry Christmas! Keep an eye out on my wordpress for teasers of my next BL projects after
EO and GLS finishes.

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GLS: Chapter 185
Chapter 185 – Canglan VS Wind Colour (7)

Li Cangyu moved around the cave for a while and Ling Xuefeng chased him. Soon, the
cooldown of his skills was over and Li Cangyu suddenly stopped. He summoned the water
spirit and used its control skill!
However, Ling Xuefeng seemed to have long guessed this and cleverly slipped to the side to
avoid it.
Li Cangyu suddenly turned back to attack and the result was that Ling Xuefeng could still
avoid it…
Did they share one brain?
The more the audience looked, the stranger they felt this game was. It felt like a
confrontation between two people with tacit understanding. The Ling Cat combination
didn’t even lose to the brothers of the Ghost Spirits team!
Li Cangyu’s water spirit control skill was wasted but he wasn’t in a hurry. He wandered
around the back of a stone pillar and summoned the fire spirit and thunder spirit. His
movement speed was affected by Demon Possession but his attack speed wasn’t. The speed
of his pets summoning was still dazzling.
By the time Ling Xuefeng found him being the stone pillar, he faced the fire spirit’s Fireball
and the thunder spirit’s Thunder’s Wrath!
This time, Ling Xuefeng only escaped Fireball. The range of Thunder’s Wrath meant he was
hit hard and his blood volume fell from 50% to 25%.
This blood volume was very dangerous. The explosion of many great gods in the league
could take his life with one wave. The Wind Colour fans were a bit anxious…
On the other hand, Ling Xuefeng was calm despite his residual blood state. After being hit
by Li Cangyu’s group attack skill, he immediately retaliated by summoned his skeleton
infantry and using Skeleton Explosion!
The two demon skeletons surrounded Li Cangyu on the left and right and exploded, also
forcing Li Cangyu’s blood volume to 25%!
The two people’s blood volume levelled out again.
At this time, Demon Possession came to an end. Li Cangyu resumed his previous movement
speed and used Flying Feather Steps to disappear from Ling Xuefeng’s field of view.
The audience couldn’t help feeling nervous. The two gods were bloodied and anyone could
seize the opportunity to kill the other person.
The even more worrying thing was that the two small apprentices had fought alone and
also beat each other into residual blood.
Xiao Han actually played well in the game. At least, he didn’t make the mistake of being
accidentally injured by the sacrifice’s rebound shield.
He cleverly used his stealth skill to delay Qin Mo and went around him, using a beautiful set
of assassin combos. However, Qin Mo’s game experience was richer. Immediately after
being hit, he summoned the spider to set Xiao Han in place.
Qin Mo was very familiar with quickly summoning pets. The blood snake’s bite added
several layers of blood loss effects on Xiao Han and the blood kin race had the special
feature of sucking up blood while attacking. Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s blood volume were
originally even but this set of attacks restored Qin Mo’s health.
Xiao Han was also a blood kin but his skill in sucking blood while attacking wasn’t as
sophisticated as Qin Mo. After a long time, the amount of blood that Qin Mo absorbed from
attacking surpassed Xiao Han.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng both had 25% blood left, Xiao Han had only 10% and Qin Mo
had 15%.
Xiao Han’s blood strip was flashing red and he immediately hid in stealth. In this state, he
was likely to be directly killed if Qin Mo used the vampire bat’s big move!
However, Xiao Han underestimated Qin Mo’s sharp insight. The moment he used combat
stealth, Qin Mo already opened the vampire bats’ big move. The black bats flew and
decisively took away Xiao Han’s blood!
[Shepherd has killed Frost Descends!]
The Wind Colour fans cheered excitedly the moment this popped out.
Xiao Han had died, Qin Mo had 15% blood and Ling Xuefeng had 25% blood left. If the two
people stably played Cat God then they would win. Many people wanted to celebrate in
Still, Li Cangyu wouldn’t admit defeat so easily. The moment Xiao Han died, he already
rushed to the battlefield on the other side of the map. He saw the bloody Qin Mo from
behind a pillar and summoned his wind spirit to blow Ling Xuefeng away and prevent him
from interfering. Then he used the fire spirit’s attack skill to empty Qin Mo’s blood!
[Old Cat has killed Shepherd!]
This instantaneous explosive force made Qin Mo feel admiration. When he saw Cat God
coming, he wanted to summon the death knight to protect himself. The result was that
while reading the skill, he was interrupted by Cat God’s fireball and it was cancelled.
In other words, Cat God’s reaction speed was at least 0.5 seconds faster than him. This was
the gap in awareness between him and a great god.
Qin Mo was convinced and after dying, he continued to stare seriously at the computer
screen to watch his master and Cat God fight.
The fans of Wind Colour were once again nervous. They thought 2v1 had ensured victory.
Who would’ve expected Cat God to use the simplest fireball combo to kill Qin Mo?
In the commentators’ room, the battle situation was too fierce and the two commentators
didn’t dare say too much to interrupt the audience watching the game. After killing Qin Mo,
Li Cangyu once again used Flying Feather Steps to escape from Ling Xuefeng. Yu Bing found
a gap and immediately said, “It seems that Cat God’s idea today is very clear. He wants to
rely on the advantage of his agility to deal with Ling Xuefeng, slowly finding opportunities
to attack.”
The audience could also see this point. From the opening, Li Cangyu had been detouring the
grotto and looking for a chance to shoot. He didn’t fight Ling Xuefeng head on because
while he and Ling Xuefeng were fighting, Xiao Han wouldn’t be able to win against Qin Mo.
Then Li Cangyu would definitely lose.
Thus, while facing Ling Xuefeng, he had to carefully observe Qin Mo’s situation. That’s how
he took the opportunity to successfully kill Qin Mo. Now that he was left with Ling Xuefeng,
he started to rely on the advantage of agility to play a guerrilla style.
Li Cangyu’s skills had less attack power than the other side and he must be careful. If Ling
Xuefeng caught an opportunity then Li Cangyu would be the one to die.
The audience held their breaths as they watched the big screen. They saw Li Cangyu,
wearing the white elf uniform, move quickly in the grotto. Ling Xuefeng pursued behind
him. After bypassing a complex group of stone pillars, they met in an open space!
Li Cangyu started to use the thunder spirit’s big move!
The reason he took a detour was to wait for the cooldown of this move to finish. He didn’t
have much blue yet and it was just enough to use this skill. As long as it hit, he would be
able to take away the residual blood Ling Xuefeng.
However, Li Cangyu was halfway through the casting when he was forcibly interrupted by
Ling Xuefeng!
Qin Mo’s reaction speed was slower than Li Cangyu but Ling Xuefeng’s reaction speed
didn’t lose to Li Cangyu. The moment they met each other, Ling Xuefeng summoned the
demon banshee and used the skill with the shortest casting time, Charm!
The banshee’s Charm was released quickly, much faster than Li Cangyu’s Thunder’s Wrath.
It interrupted Li Cangyu’s skill and also pulled him to Ling Xuefeng’s side.
The strong pull of Charm not only brought Li Cangyu over but also interrupted his skill
casting. This showed that Ling Xuefeng’s grasp of the timing of skills release was also quite
After pulling the other party over, Ling Xuefeng also used a big move—Demon God’s
He obviously wanted to kill Li Cangyu but was interrupted by Li Cangyu’s water spirit!
You interrupted me once so I interrupted you. This is quite fair.
The audience were speechless. The two of them played at 25% blood for a long time and
the interruption of skills was like showing love. Couldn’t they finish it quickly? The
audience’s hearts couldn’t bear it.
Ling Xuefeng seemed aware of the audience’s complaints and directly summoned his
demon crows!
The overwhelming black crows surrounded Li Cangyu and instantly blocked his vision. This
was the skill that Li Cangyu hated the most.
Li Cangyu had his vision blocked and naturally couldn’t use any skills. Ling Xuefeng took
advantage of this short control time to quickly summon the skeleton infantry and had them
surround Li Cangyu…
[Undead Demon has killed Old Cat!]
The Wind Colour fans were finally relieved the moment this news popped up on the big
The Canglan fans were a bit depressed but they thought about how they won the two
previous games and the score was 2:1. Then their moods improved.
The dead Li Cangyu didn’t show a disappointed or frustrated expression. Instead, he
showed a handsome smile and quickly typed on the public chat: [Your consciousness is
good. Have you been holding back the black crows all this time?]
Ling Xuefeng looked serious. [I can’t let you play 3:0.]
Li Cangyu’s smile became happier. [I was prepared to lose 3:0 to you. The result of 2:1 is
really cheap. Aren’t you afraid of the reporters saying that you are throwing the match?]
The reporters in front of the computer who were prepared to write about Captain Ling
throwing the match couldn’t help feeling a bit dull…
Ling Xuefeng replied calmly: [I never throw a match. The fact that you can take two points
is due to your ability.]
Li Cangyu felt very proud. [Captain Ling, thank you for the compliment!]
Ling Xuefeng asked: [You played three games in a row, are you tired?]
Li Cangyu replied: [Fortunately, there is more time to rest in the middle of the games. I
would’ve died from three team battles.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Then go back and sleep early.]
The players, “…”
The audience, “…”
The referee stared blankly at them chatting before he couldn’t stand it anymore. He
coughed twice and reminded them on the voice channel, “The captains of both sides, please
go back to chat. First confirm the score and sign the form. Thank you.”
The referee’s assistant took the game form to both people for their signatures. Li Cangyu
and Ling Xuefeng walked down from the players’ seats and signed their names on the
results confirmation form.
At the end of the match, the big screen scored the score of Canglan 2: Wind Colour 1.
However, the Wind Colour fans were still immersed in their shock.
This was the first time in seven years that Ling Xuefeng competed with an opponent in the
beginning of the match with his big move and then chatted with the opponent on the public
chat once it ended.
What was wrong with today’s Captain Ling?

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GLS: Chapter 186

Chapter 186 – Post-Match Interview (1)

According to the rules, the winner of the match must take the initiative to shake hands.
After signing the confirmation form, Li Cangyu took the players to the soundproof room of
the Wind Colour team.
Li Cangyu walked towards Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “I didn’t expect to win this time.”
Ling Xuefeng stood up and gently pulled Li Cangyu into his arms, whispering,
The Wind Colour fans were gobsmacked.
Captain Ling really wasn’t right today!
The Miracle Professional League had been running for seven seasons and for the past seven
years, the Wind Colour team had faced many opponents. They won and lost but when had
Ling Xuefeng ever hugged his opponent after the game?
The always serious and cold Captain Ling would usually shake hands with the opposing
team’s captain. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes then no one would believe that he
could actually hug someone!
[Cat God, let go of our Captain Ling!] [Captain Ling’s first hug is actually given to Old Cat.
This world isn’t real!] The Wind Colour fans who saw this image on the live broadcast
couldn’t remain still.
Li Cangyu was very calm when he was hugged and just hugged Ling Xuefeng back. Then the
two of them separated.
This might seem like a simple hug to express friendliness after a game but Ling Xuefeng had
never held anyone, only Li Cangyu. This was enough for the reporters to gossip about for a
The players following behind Li Cangyu shook hands with the members of Wind Colour in
turn. Xiao Han shook hands with people but once he reached Qin Mo, he extended his arms
and hugged Qin Mo.
Qin Mo, “…”
The little prince made a dull expression and the Wind Colour fans turned it into an emoji
After a moment, Qin Mo’s spirit returned and he smiled. “Why are you holding onto me?”
Xiao Han earnestly replied, “I learnt it from master. This expresses that you are a very
special and very good friend in my heart.”
Qin Mo felt like laughing when he heard the strange description. However, he felt the warm
and soft body of the mixed-race youth and Qin Mo’s heart inexplicably softened. He gently
touched Xiao Han’s blond hair and said, “Ah, then you can get rid of good friend. Use very
special or very good, one is enough. Don’t use both.”
Xiao Han let him go and nodded. “Yes.”
Qin Mo was just going back to clean up his keyboard and mouse when Xiao Han whispered
in his ear, “What does abstinent mean?”
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han asked with a serious expression, “They all describe Captain Ling as an abstinent
male god. What does this mean? What is the difference with other male gods?”
Qin Mo also choked. He coughed twice and touched his nose with embarrassment. “Cough…
it means… uh… it means to be relatively cold.”
Xiao Han wondered, “Is that right?”
Qin Mo nodded. “Yes.”
Xiao Han thought about it and said, “I understand.”
Then he turned away with a thoughtful expression.
Qin Mo watched his back and felt like crying. This guy didn’t understand the meaning of
many words and it was really unknown what jokes he would make in the future. Xiao Han,
don’t talk nonsense in front of the reporters!
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi saw the players of both sides packing up their
things and smiled. “Audience members, this match has ended and the final score is 2:1 with
Canglan as the winner. The first round of the regular season is completely over. Let’s take a
look at the current rankings.”
The screen pulled up the league’s official website leaderboard. Kou Hongyi briefly
explained, “At present, Wind Colour is still in first place. The loss in this match doesn’t have
much impact on their rankings. Of course, their gap with the second ranked Flying Feathers
had shrunk.”
“The third is Ghost Spirits, fourth is Time, fifth is Red Fox and sixth is Canglan.” Kou Hongyi
paused before saying, “You should remember that Canglan was ranked seventh last week.
This 2:1 win against Wind Colour allowed the Canglan team’s ranking to rise to sixth place.
Pure Cleansing is seventh and the Cheetah team is still at the bottom.”
Yu Bing said, “The second round of the regular season will exchange the home and away
games. Only the top four can enter the playoffs and the competition is still fierce. With the
exception of Wind Colour, who are expected to steadily make it into the playoffs, the second
to sixth place results are sure to change.”
Kou Hongyi nodded. “Next, the league will give all teams a seven days holiday as a mid-
season adjustment period. The good news is that the Chinese Miracle Carnival will be held
during this week. In previous years, it was held before the start of the playoffs. However, in
order to give sufficient preparation time for the World Competition, the schedule has been
adjusted this year.”
Yu Bing had the camera director show the official website’s page on the big screen and
explained, “This year’s Chinese Carnival still uses the form of voting to decide. There are a
total of 12 places and each place is very precious. Members registered on the official
MIracle forum can log into the account and will automatically get three Carnival votes. You
can vote for your favourite players.”
Kou Hongyi added, “The deadline for the voting is next Tuesday. The Carnival will begin at
2:30 p.m. next Saturday. I hope you don’t miss out on this opportunity to vote for the
players you like!”
The two people cooperated to explain the league’s official announcement.
The Miracle Chinese Carnival usually occurred a week after the regular season was over.
This year, due to the World Competition in October, the league’s top executives decided to
finish the seventh season in September and select the national team before training them.
Thus, the Carnival had been adjusted to the small vacation period after the first round of
the regular season, which would save a week on the schedule.
The 12 Carnival players would be divided into two teams to play against each other.
Winning or losing was irrelevant. This was actually an entertainment project for the gods
and fans so the participants were decided by voting.
The fans were instantly excited by the news. Once the voting channel was open, the popular
trio Ling Xuefeng, Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo immediately reached more than 5,000
votes. The fans of other players weren’t far behind. The competition over the rankings was
particularly fierce…
At this time, Ling Xuefeng was preparing to participate in the post-match interview.
This time he took only Qin Mo with him. A bold reporter politely asked, “Captain Ling,
today Canglan beat Wind Colour with a score of 2:1. Many people said that you threw the
game. Do you have an explanation for this?”
Ling Xuefeng glanced at her and replied lightly, “There is nothing to explain.”
The reporter, “…”
The temperature of the on-site air conditioner seemed to be lower. Many reporters felt that
their backs were cold. Captain Ling was always concise when answering questions but…
there really was nothing for him to explain! It was impossible for him to threw the game.
Today he sent the newcomers to practice. It was normal for a captain to make such a
decision when they were in the lead by many points.
After a few minutes of the cold field, another reporter stood up and asked, “I want to ask
Captain Ling a question. How do you evaluate Old Cat? It is said that you have known each
other for many years. You are opponents so your relationship must not be very good?
However, it seems to be a good relationship based on your hug after the match today.”
Ling Xuefeng thought, ‘Isn’t the personal relationship between us more than good? It is so
good that we have become a couple.’
In the face of the reporter’s doubts, he calmly replied, “In my opinion, Li Cangyu is an
excellent player. His level is very high and the even rarer thing is that he has never given up
despite all the setbacks he suffered in the past few years. His character is very determined
and hardships only make him stronger. This is where I admire him the most.”
The reporters were stunned. It was really hard to hear Ling Xuefeng praise a player like
Still, his words were right. Li Cangyu had experienced many things over the years and
never gave up. From the disbandment of the FTD team to the disbandment of the team in
Wulin, he had no gains for six years. An ordinary person would’ve long given up but Li
Cangyu never forgot his heart and dared to return to Miracle.
This man had a perseverance that wasn’t afraid of death or losing. He just bravely kept
going forward. As Ling Xuefeng said, setbacks and hardships only made him stronger.
Ling Xuefeng saw the reporters listening carefully and continued, “Li Cangyu isn’t just an
opponent but also my friend. We have known each other for many years. Since he is also a
summoner, we often exchanged ideas. He is like a mirror that lights up my weaknesses and
inspires me to progress. I’m very lucky to have such a well-matched opponent. I’m happy
that he has returned to Miracle.”
Ling Xuefeng’s expression expression was still serious and cold but his eyes had obviously
Many reporters were moved by their friendship and couldn’t help clapping.
A reporter suddenly stood up. “Captain Ling, there will be the World Competition after the
end of the seventh season. Have you thought about one day fighting alongside the strongest
opponent, Cat God?”
This was also a concern for many reporters and they couldn’t help pricking their ears.
Ling Xuefeng’s lips slightly curved as he firmly replied, “Of course, this is my biggest
The applause of the reporters was even more enthusiastic!
Through today’s competition, everyone could see how excellent Li Cangyu’s level was.
There weren’t many gods in the Miracle League who could almost tie with Ling Xuefeng.
What’s more, Li Cangyu had the same explosive hand speed as Ling Xuefeng and this was
comparable to internationally renowned players!
The image would definitely be gorgeous if one day they could fight side by side!
Many reporters started to look forward to it. Li Cangyu saw the interview backstage and
couldn’t help smiling. Ling Xuefeng’s compliments made him feel really good. His wife
worked hard to boast about him in front of reporters! How should Li Cangyu reward him
later? Was a kiss enough?
A reporter aimed a question at Qin Mo. “Today you won the confrontation against the
mixed-race Xiao Han. Then he said that he will one day surpass you. What is your opinion
on this public challenge?”
Qin Mo picked up the microphone and replied earnestly, “Xiao Han is still young but he is
very talented. I believe that he will soon grow into an outstanding professional player. As
for being better than me…” Qin Mo smiled slightly, his young face full of confidence. “That
depends on me. While he is making progress, I am also improving!”
The reporters immediately clapped. Xiao Han stared at the screen and declared seriously, “I
will progress faster than you so won’t I surpass you?”
Li Cangyu rubbed his apprentice’s head with satisfaction. “You have ambition!”
It was unknown if this was done intentionally or not but in the Canglan interview, Li
Cangyu also brought his apprentice Xiao Han.
The reporters saw the pair of mentor and apprentice and felt speechless. Had they
discussed this?
A reporter immediately stood up and asked, “Cat God, did you hear Captain Ling’s
evaluation of you just now? How are you feeling?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Of course I am very happy. Ling Xuefeng rarely gives compliments. The
lines used to praise me today are probably the longest sentences in his interview, right?”
The reporters, “…”
What was with his smug expression? Did he have to look so smug after being praised by
Ling Xuefeng?
A reporter wondered, “Cat God, do you also want to praise Captain Ling?”
Li Cangyu paused before stating seriously, “Ling Xuefeng is so good that poor words can’t
be used to describe him.”
The reporters, “…”
This level of exaggeration was worth more than a thousand words!
A reporter asked Xiao Han, “Xiao Han, how do you think you did today?”
Xiao Han replied, “Very bad.”
He didn’t say that he was very, very bad. The reporter was pleased with his progress in
Chinese and asked again, “What are you plans for next time?”
“Go back and practice well. Next time I will perform better.”
The reporters, “…”
This little guy, he was really straightforward when answering questions. So cute!
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GLS: Chapter 187

Chapter 187 – Post-Match Interview (2)

The interview ended and Li Cangyu wanted to take everyone to dinner. The result was that
he saw Ling Xuefeng waiting at the entrance of the lounge. Ling Xuefeng quickly walked
over and said, “Let’s take your teammates to eat dinner together. I have booked a
Li Cangyu asked bluntly, “Is it your treat?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes, this is the first time you came to Shanghai to play a match so I’m
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “It is good since I save money.”
He went back and called Bai Xuan to have everyone eat dinner together. It was Captain
Ling’s treat so the Canglan members were naturally very happy. The group of people sat in
the team’s van and headed to the restaurant Ling Xuefeng booked in advance. They entered
the largest private room where two tables were set.
Both teams ate dinner together, which was rare in the league. It was enough to show the
good relationship between the captains.
On this occasion, the Canglan team and Wind Colour team should sit at a table each but Ling
Xuefeng made adjustments to the seating arrangements. “Let’s have the newcomers sit
together since there will be more common topics.”
Thus, the four teenagers and Wind Colour’s Qin Mo and Lin Ke sat at a table. Xu Feifan and
He Qun were familiar with Qin Mo and followed him. The remaining eight people sat at the
other table.
Ling Xuefeng naturally sat next to Li Cangyu and told him, “We will go to Changsha at the
start of the next round. Then you should treat us.”
Li Cangyu looked over at him. “Aren’t you willing to pay a bit to eat?”
Ling Xuefeng refuted, “It is a courtesy.”
Li Cangyu had to promise. “Okay, I will bring you to eat Hunan food.”
Bai Xuan saw that the two of them were having a good time talking and couldn’t help
asking, “Captain Ling, what is the arrangement for this week’s holiday?”
Ling Xuefeng said, “I might stay home for a few days. My mental state has been tense from
the matches recently and I should relax.”
Li Cangyu agreed. “I also feel that it is good to relax. The second round of the regular season
begins next week and it will be more stressful than the first round.”
Everyone agreed while Xie Shurong interjected, “Captain, are you giving everyone a
holiday? Then I’ll refund my return ticket to Changsha. I want to go home and see my
Bai Xuan looked over at him. “Who knew that you are a filial son?”
Xie Shurong sent him a handsome smile. “Do you think this Xie Shurong is more attractive?”
Bai Xuan almost choked on his tea and ignored Xie Shurong.
The waiters brought the food and everyone was surprised to find there were two plates of
fish for this table.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t give anyone a chance to express their confusion as he placed one plate
of fish directly in front of Li Cangyu. This meant that his cat should eat one plate separately
while the other plate was for everyone else.
Bai Xuan saw Li Cangyu eating fish and Ling Xuefeng who gave him the fish. He felt that the
time had returned to many years ago. Whenever the league held a party, as long as Ling
Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were at the same table, Ling Xuefeng would always help Li Cangyu
grab some fish. At that time, they were still ignorant and young teenagers less than 20
years old. Many years had passed in the blink of an eye but some friendships never
The dinner ended and Li Cangyu gave everyone a week off. The current results were
dangerous but everyone had worked hard in the first round. It was appropriate to relax for
a few days in a happy mood. In the second round, they had to face every strong opponent in
the most relaxed state.
Xie Shurong went back to his hometown to visit his parents while Old Zhang went to
Changsha to visit his studio. Zhuo Hang, Xiaojiang and Xiao Gu all returned home. Xiao Han
originally wanted to go back to Changsha but Qin Mo said, “I will take you around Shanghai
for a few days! You haven’t been to Shanghai yet, have you? I’ll show you around.”
Xiao Han was very curious about Shanghai and immediately agreed. “Okay!”
The two little guys decided to go around to play and Li Cangyu had no objections. The two
of them were 18 years old and it was the time to play. In any case, Qin Mo was there so
there was no need to worry about Xiao Han getting lost in Shanghai.
Then what would he do during these days?
Li Cangyu thought for a moment before deciding to call Ling Xuefeng.
“Hey, are you going to stay home and rest for a few days?” Li Cangyu asked with a smile.
Li Cangyu told him, “I can’t buy a ticket back to Changsha. Can I stay at your house for a few
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling. This excuse was a bit terrible. Who didn’t know that the
Dragon Song Club booked all of the members’ tickets in advance?
Still, he was clever enough not to smash Li Cangyu’s lies. He asked softly, “Do you want to
come and stay with me?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, previously, you used the Steamed Bass side account to enter my
guild as an undercover. After I smashed your identity, you promised to make me a lot of
steamed bass as compensation.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Then I’ll come and pick you up.”
10 minutes later, Ling Xuefeng’s car stopped at the hotel’s door. Li Cangyu dragged his
luggage into the car and went home with him.
This wasn’t the first time Li Cangyu had come to Ling Xuefeng’s small home in Shanghai.
The two bedroom home was small in size but the overall decorations were very warm. It
was hard to think that the indifferent Ling Xuefeng would be such a family person.
Not only did he clean his house neatly but he also wore an apron to cook.
Ling Xuefeng leaned against the kitchen door and took a few photos using his phone. He
praised Ling Xuefeng while shooting, “You look so handsome when wearing an apron. If I
post this photo online then the viewers will be shocked.”
Ling Xuefeng turned back and said, “Don’t post it.”
Li Cangyu smiled and put away his mobile phone. “Of course, I am the only one who can see
you like this. I won’t share it with outsiders.”
As he spoke, he walked to Ling Xuefeng and gently hugged him from behind. Ling Xuefeng’s
hand holding a spoon slightly shook. He turned back, a hint of reproach in his eyes. “Don’t
make trouble and wait for me to finish…”
Before he could finish speaking, Li Cangyu directly kissed him.
His kisses were still slightly inexperienced but he had the taste of a clean and refreshing
adult man. Ling Xuefeng was swayed by this kiss and forgot all about the fish in the pot. He
pulled Li Cangyu into his arms.
Li Cangyu only kissed him shallowly before stopping. He smiled at Ling Xuefeng and
declared, “Xuefeng, I missed you.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
If the kiss just now was an ignition then this sentence was simply adding fuel to the fire.
Ling Xuefeng’s body instantly stiffened. Did this person know how unethical his behavior
Ling Xuefeng saw the person’s smile and couldn’t bear it anymore. His arms tightened until
there was no gap between the two bodies and his lips decisively pressed down in a hard
This kiss was extremely fierce, as if releasing all the thoughts that had been suppressed for
a long time. Ling Xuefeng’s tongue swept through Li Cangyu’s mouth like a violent gust of
wind. Li Cangyu found it hard to breathe and could only grab onto Ling Xuefeng’s
Ambiguous sounds filled the kitchen as the two men hugged and kissed…
Until a strong smell came from the pot. Li Cangyu’s mind came back and he shoved Ling
Xuefeng away, pointing to the pot. “Fish paste!”
Ling Xuefeng took off the lid and saw that the braised fish inside had turned into a pile of
charcoal. He felt both angry and amused as he pinched Li Cangyu’s nose. “In the future, you
can’t come into the kitchen when I cook.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Oh… can we still eat it?”
Ling Xuefeng replied helplessly, “Throw it away.”
Li Cangyu made an apologetic expression and Ling Xuefeng’s eyes became gentler. He
kissed Li Cangyu and said, “Go to the dining room and wait. I will re-steam it for you.”
Li Cangyu happily ran to the dining room to wait.
Ling Xuefeng saw the man sitting there quietly waiting to eat, the soft light of the dining
room shining on his handsome face and Ling Xuefeng’s heart softened. This passionate and
greedy big cat, Ling Xuefeng really wanted to raise him for a lifetime.

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GLS: Chapter 188

Chapter 188 – Holiday

The two people had dinner together at home and then headed to the living room to watch
TV. Li Cangyu switched to an e-sports channel and happened to see a replay of the Canglan
VS Wind Colour match.
The moment he met with Ling Xuefeng, they threw big moves towards each other. The Elf’s
Cataclysm and Demon God’s Rage opened and the same time, creating a rare splendid scene
from the perspective of the onlookers.
In addition to the game on the big screen, there were two windows that showed the close-
up expressions of both players. Ling Xuefeng’s face was very serious when making a big
move. His handsome and cold side profile was like a god.
Li Cangyu looked over at him and couldn’t help gently kissing his ear. “Your serious look
when playing the game is really handsome.”
Ling Xuefeng was taken in by him and had itchy ears. His heart was swaying because Li
Cangyu was really deadly when he took the initiative. He was straightforward and
seductive. If Ling Xuefeng’s self-control wasn’t amazing then he would directly overpower
Li Cangyu on the sofa.
Li Cangyu kissed the other person before sitting back, staring at the screen with a
thoughtful expression.
Ling Xuefeng pulled Li Cangyu into his arms and kissed him on the forehead, asking, “What
are you thinking about?”
“Your apprentice has grown quickly. He is calm when playing the game and has lost his
conceited problem from the past. His progress this season is obvious and he has potential
to be a great god.” Li Cangyu saw Qin Mo manipulating his pets to chase Xiao Han and
seriously evaluated, “In the next few years, he will become a top master of the new
generation of the Miracle League.”
Ling Xuefeng glanced back at the TV screen and saw Qin Mo’s outstanding performance.
“He has to grow up a bit fast or I won’t feel reassured leaving the Wind Colour team to him
after I retire.”
Li Cangyu was a bit surprised. “You want to hand the captain’s position over to Qin Mo?
What about Yan Ruiwen?”
“Yan Ruiwen is very good at taking care of the team’s internal matters and is more suitable
to being vice-captain. I want Qin Mo to be the captain.” Ling Xuefeng paused before adding,
“Qin Mo’s personality is a bit arrogant but he has matured in this season. I hope that he can
take on the captain’s responsibilities in the future.”
“Well, Xiao Qin is suitable to be a captain. He is much better than my family’s Xiao Han.” Li
Cangyu sighed. “Xiao Han loves to use strange words. I previously thought about handing
over Canglan to him but his Chinese is really a headache. If there is a captain who talks
nonsense in the interview then won’t the post-match interview become a joke?”
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling as he thought of Xiao Han’s ‘really very good’ that
spread on Weibo. “Xiao Han’s thinking is really different from ordinary people but that is
also his feature. There is no need to force him to change. For the captain’s position, you can
observe for a while and hand it over to Xie Shurong first?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “That’s true. Ah Shu is currently 21 years old and can still play for two or
three more years. If he is still in the league when I retire then I can hand the captain’s
position of Canglan to him first.”
Originally, the word ‘retirement’ was very sad for e-sports competitors. However, these
two people didn’t feel sad when discussing the topic of retirement. They focused on their
disciples Qin Mo and Xiao Han and it was more like a husband and wife discussing the
future of their children. It was a different type of warmth.
Li Cangyu suddenly turned around and stared at Ling Xuefeng. “When are you going to
Ling Xuefeng thought for a moment before replying, “Perhaps at the end of this season.”
Li Cangyu said, “I might also retire at that time. Then we can do it together.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and pressed a gentle kiss against Li Cangyu’s lips.
The kiss was as light as a feather. Afterwards, Ling Xuefeng stared into Li Cangyu’s eyes and
whispered, “I haven’t retired because I was waiting for you to come back.”
In an instant, Li Cangyu felt that the softest place at the bottom of his heart was touched.
He took the initiative to hug Ling Xuefeng and declared seriously, “Fortunately, I’m back
and this time we will be together.”
They would experience the new seventh season together and also create the glory of the
The intimate embrace joined the two people’s hearts together, as if their souls were close.
Li Cangyu had never experienced this feeling of connecting with a human heart before but
there was always such a connection when he was with Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng was a
cold person but his arms always made Li Cangyu feel particularly warm.
That night, they finished watching the match and Li Cangyu consciously ran to Ling
Xuefeng’s bed. By the time Ling Xuefeng finished his shower, this guy had actually fallen
Ling Xuefeng saw his sleeping appearance and smiled before laying down on the bed.
The sleeping Li Cangyu felt the familiar warmth and couldn’t help entering Ling Xuefeng’s
arms. This action was really like a comfortably sleeping cat.
Ling Xuefeng’s heart was soft as he gently reached out and hugged Li Cangyu.
When he woke up the next morning, Li Cangyu found that he was in Ling Xuefeng’s arms.
Their hands and feet were tangled together and this posture was very shameless. Li Cangyu
didn’t feel embarrassed and instead kissed Ling Xuefeng’s forehead, saying, “Morning!”
Ling Xuefeng touched his smooth shoulder and said, “Good morning.”
Li Cangyu looked down and saw Ling Xuefeng’s chest muscles.
The sturdy but unobtrusive chest muscles were perfectly displayed in front of him. Li
Cangyu couldn’t help stretching out a hand and touching them. He moved along the chest
muscles to the firm abs. Li Cangyu couldn’t help sighing, “You are usually wrapped up in a
suit. I didn’t expect you to look like this after taking off your clothes.”
Ling Xuefeng became stiff all over and immediately grabbed Li Cangyu’s hand, whispering,
“Don’t make trouble.”
His voice was hoarse and subdued.
Li Cangyu noticed the reaction of Ling Xuefeng’s body and immediately let go like it was a
hot potato. He smiled and said, “I’m going to take a shower.”
Then he ran to the bathroom in front of Ling Xuefeng’s hot eyes.
Li Cangyu took a shower while his mind was full of Ling Xuefeng. The body that was
comparable to a model, the handsome looks, the deep eyes, the sexy voice…
It was terrible to experience such a big fire in the morning!
Li Cangyu really liked the other person but didn’t want to go further with Ling Xuefeng at
the moment. In fact, his ideas were more traditional. Before he liked Ling Xuefeng, Li
Cangyu always thought he would marry a gentle woman in the future. He wouldn’t casually
take possession of his lover’s body before they were engaged because he thought it was
Now that the target had been replaced by a man, Li Cangyu was a bit dazed.
What could he do with a man?
Ling Xuefeng’s personality was cold and strong. Li Cangyu naturally knew this, although the
man would show a rare gentle side in front of him. Still, Li Cangyu couldn’t imagine how he
could overwhelm and eat Ling Xuefeng.
The picture was very exciting but… was it painful? What if he hurt Ling Xuefeng?
Li Cangyu felt that if he accidentally hurt Ling Xuefeng, he would definitely be drowned by
the Wind Colour fans!
Thus, before he was completely prepared, he didn’t want to progress his relationship with
Ling Xuefeng any further. He could only think about it in his mind.
Li Cangyu was unaware that Ling Xuefeng was taking a shower in another bathroom.
The house he bought had two bathrooms. One with just a shower and the other with a large
bathtub. Li Cangyu occupied the room with a large bathtub so Ling Xuefeng had to go to the
other one to chill his body’s reaction with cold water.
He knew Li Cangyu’s concerns and wasn’t in a hurry.
Li Cangyu was already his lover so it was best to let it develop naturally.
The two people took care of the problem in the bathroom. Both their expressions were
calm when they returned to the dining room. As captains, their ability to regulate their
emotions was first-class.
Ling Xuefeng prepared milk and bread and finished eating breakfast with Li Cangyu. He
asked, “Do you want to rest at home or go out?”
Li Cangyu thought for a moment before replying, “It is boring staying at home every day.
What is a fun place around here?”
Ling Xuefeng suggested, “Do you want to go and play ball?”
Li Cangyu questioned, “Basketball?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Do you want me to take you to play for the day?”
Li Cangyu immediately agreed. “Okay!”
He usually played games on the computer and the number of sports he played wasn’t much.
Apart from e-sports, Li Cangyu’s favourite game was basketball. Ling Xuefeng’s proposal
was just right for him!
Ling Xuefeng drove Li Cangyu to a basketball club. This was a fee-based basketball court
and they could play privately as long as they have money. Ling Xuefeng was paying at the
front desk when he suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him. “I used to play basketball
when I was abroad. I will definitely win against you.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Wasn’t this Xiao Han?
The two of them turned back and saw Xiao Han and Qin Mo entering.
The two little guys saw their masters and their expressions became dazed. It was quite
Qin Mo reacted first and took the initiative to walk over. “Master, Cat God, are you playing
basketball as well?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded lightly and asked, “Why are you here?”
Qin Mo coughed. He looked back at Xiao Han before explaining, “Xiao Han didn’t return to
Changsha so I offered to take him around Shanghai to play for a few days. Yesterday, I took
him to the playground and today he says that he wants to play basketball. That’s why I took
him here.”
The blood kin summoner Xu Feifan liked basketball a lot. Qin Mo was familiar with him and
naturally knew this place. In fact, Ling Xuefeng knew this place because it was
recommended to him by Xu Feifan. The result was that the masters and apprentices
actually met here.
This could be called fate!
Li Cangyu saw the two teenages wearing sportswear like high school students and his
interest was peaked. “It is just right that you came here. I’m not interested in playing alone
so it is better for the four of us to play together. The team that loses will buy lunch.”
Xiao Han scratched his head and said, “Master, I used to go and play with people when I
was abroad. My level is very good. Can I join a team with you?”
Qin Mo immediately objected. “How can that be? Everyone knows that Cat God is excellent
in basketball. If the two of you team up then won’t it be abusing me and my master?”
Ling Xuefeng, who was dismissed by his apprentice, remained serious and didn’t speak.
Li Cangyu said with a smile, “Then how about I be with Xuefeng and the two of you team
up? The masters against the apprentices, let’s see who wins?”
Xiao Han wanted to protest but Ling Xuefeng immediately agreed. “It is decided.”
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GLS: Chapter 189

Chapter 189 – Basketball Match

The result was that a fierce battle on the basketball court was launched between the
masters team and the apprentices team.
Li Cangyu’s basketball techniques were excellent. He was fast when dribbling and his
shooting was stable. In particular, his action of jumping and doing a hook shot was so
handsome that people couldn’t help staring.
To his surprise, Xiao Han also played very well. Xiao Han wasn’t as tall as him but his
footsteps were more flexible and he had a high shooting rate from long distances.
The thing that made Li Cangyu cry was that Qin Mo’s level of playing basketball was really
unbearable. Once the ball was passed to him, he would lose it after two moves. When he
stood in front of the basket, he would throw it and the ball would be thrown outside the
basketball court!
Young man, are you playing basketball or throwing the ball?
Xiao Han disliked this pig teammate and suggested, “Don’t shoot. Just grab the ball and
throw it at me.”
Qin Mo, “…Ah.”
He used to sneer at Xiao Han’s Chinese level and didn’t expect that he would be teased for
his basketball skills. Qin Mo was a bit sad… However, he saw that his master wasn’t as good
as Cat God and Qin Mo’s heart was suddenly balanced.
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t as terrible as Qin Mo but his shooting accuracy was very low. He could
only rely on the advantage of his height and stand under the basket to dunk. Then three out
of ten balls would make it in. The point was that his dunking action was very handsome.
This handsome action alone could make up from his lacking skills.
Poor Qin Mo never threw one ball in from beginning to end.
In other words, every time the four people got together, Qin Mo couldn’t change his fate of
being at the ‘bottom of the food chain.’
In the basketball game, the score of the masters team was overwhelmingly dominant.
Ling Xuefeng wasn’t as good at shooting as Li Cangyu but his ability to find opportunities
was strong. His ability to grab the ball was quite accurate. Xiao Han often couldn’t react
before the basketball in his hand was taken away by Captain Ling. Then Ling Xuefeng
would decisively turn and throw the ball to Li Cangyu, who would dribble the ball at a fast
speed and shoot, scoring points.
Every time the ball made it in, Li Cangyu would happily walk to Ling Xuefeng and celebrate
each other’s tacit cooperation.
The apprentices saw their masters high-fiving and wanted to cry. Once the score reached
96:36, Xiao Han finally couldn’t help exclaiming, “Master, it isn’t right for you to bully your
The soy sauce Qin Mo immediately agreed. “Yes!”
Li Cangyu saw the two teenagers gasping from tiredness and his heart softened.
He did have fun today abusing the two little guys who couldn’t fight back. This abuse of his
apprentice wasn’t good so Li Cangyu beckoned for the two of them to come over and told
them, “Okay, Master will invite you to eat. It is my treat and Xuefeng will pay the bill.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “No problem.”
Xiao Han was happy. “This method of returning is a lot bad.”
Qin Mo almost sprayed out his water and immediately correct. “Not, it is not bad! Didn’t I
teach you this morning?”
Xiao Han said, “Oh, it is almost the same.”
Li Cangyu laughed at both of them and couldn’t help patting Xiao Han’s golden head. “What
do you want to eat?”
Xiao Han stared at him. “Master, you don’t want to eat fish?”
Li Cangyu would buy fish every time he treated someone so Xiao Han was very confused. Li
Cangyu had just eaten Ling Xuefeng’s personally cooked fish yesterday and didn’t want to
eat fish again today. He went over to Ling Xuefeng and asked, “What is good to eat nearby?”
Ling Xuefeng thought carefully. “There is a privately-owned restaurant nearby that isn’t
bad. I will take you to try it.”
The decision immediately got everyone’s approval. Ling Xuefeng drove them to a
community with a good environment to try an authentic Shanghai private restaurant.
It was rare for Li Cangyu to be so completely relaxed. He was in a good mood and ate a lot
of food.
In the afternoon, Ling Xuefeng drove them to the city to go shopping. If they were
discovered by paparazzi, the image would be like two big gods taking their sons around to
The two teenagers played happily. They had their masters escorting them and a free
private car to sit in. This was definitely more convenient than taking a taxi or catching a
More importantly, they didn’t have to pay for anything they wanted to buy! Their masters
would pay. It was great to have a backer!
Of course, Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu also felt warm. Qin Mo and Xiao Han might not be
their sons but they were teenagers that the masters appreciated and focused on raising.
These apprentices would receive important tasks in the future.
Ling Xuefeng might be particularly strict with Qin Mo but he actually felt very appreciative
of this boy. Otherwise he wouldn’t accept Qin Mo as a disciple.
Li Cangyu was even more fond of Xiao Han. He sometimes touched his apprentice’s head
and was very patient when speaking to his apprentice.

One day passed quickly. Ling Xuefeng considerately sent the two apprentices back to their
hotels and then took Li Cangyu home.
On the way back, Li Cangyu suddenly asked, “Xuefeng, do you like children?”
Ling Xuefeng was a bit surprised by the question. He looked over and wondered, “Why are
you suddenly asking this?”
Li Cangyu looked into the other person’s eyes and said seriously, “I just think that if you
have children, you will be a good father. You will be strict with your child’s education and
talk to them seriously but you can give your child the most correct guidance. You will be a
father whom the children respect the most.”
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling at the praise. “I don’t think I’m as good as you say?”
Li Cangyu exclaimed, “Don’t be modest! Based on your attitude towards Qin Mo, you will be
strict towards the younger generation but this will allow them to grow up as quickly as
possible.” He paused before suddenly changing the topic. “If you like children, later we can
adopt one… or two?”
Ling Xuefeng was startled. He hadn’t expected this topic to suddenly be brought up.
Li Cangyu continued, “We are together and definitely can’t have children. However, I can’t
selfishly deprive you of the right to be a father. So… if you like, I really don’t mind adopting
Ling Xuefeng listened to him seriously considering the future and was moved.
In fact, the two of them were in a hurry when they were together and hadn’t planned
carefully for the future.
Falling in love and getting married were completely different matters. Many people in love
were happy as long as they were together and didn’t think about the future. Now his lover
was thinking of him and planning their future. This showed that Ling Xuefeng’s weight in Li
Cangyu’s heart wasn’t as simple as lovers.
He was the one Li Cangyu wanted to spend a lifetime with so he was included in the plan.
Li Cangyu’s future would always contain Ling Xuefeng.
This was obviously Li Cangyu’s intention behind staying with Ling Xuefeng. He wasn’t
playing around in this relationship. It was a serious love so he would worry over these
things. He thought about Ling Xuefeng’s feelings and considered the future.
Such a straightforward and serious Li Cangyu instantly softened Ling Xuefeng’s heart. He
suddenly braked and parked the car on the side of the road. Then he turned and hugged Li
“It is enough to have you.” Ling Xuefeng whispered, “As long as you are willing to stay with
me, that is enough.”
The man’s low voice contained a hint of excitement…
Li Cangyu was startled before reaching out to gently stroke Ling Xuefeng’s back.
He understood Ling Xuefeng’s excitement,
In the years he had left Miracle, Ling Xuefeng had been waiting for him. Li Cangyu hadn’t
personally experienced this type of ‘obsessively waiting for a person’ but he could
understand it.
Perhaps because he waited for too long but Ling Xuefeng’s heart still had some unreal and
uncertain feelings despite the two of them being together. Perhaps Ling Xuefeng was
worried that one day Li Cangyu would leave him?
Li Cangyu gently hugged him and said softly, “Xuefeng, you should know what type of
person I am. Once I am serious about something, I will definitely stick to it. I am serious
about you. No matter what happens in the future, let’s face it together and resolve it
together. I will be the person you most rely on. Understood?”
Ling Xuefeng had been decisive and strong from an early age. If someone had said this to
him then he would find it ridiculous. Now these sentences were spoken by his beloved and
he felt an extra warmth.
Yes, in this relationship, Li Cangyu was as determined as Ling Xuefeng was.
Ling Xuefeng happily discovered Li Cangyu’s true intentions today and he felt that waiting
for many years was particularly worthwhile.
How could three years matter when he could wait for a lover like Li Cangyu?
Ling Xuefeng tightened his grip and whispered, “Li Cangyu, I love you.”
This simple confession was what he wanted to say most. It was the first time he formally
called out the other person’s name. Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling and patted him on the
shoulder. “Me too.”
The two people smiled at each other.
The so-called love was deep and spring blossoms were blossoming in the depths of their

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GLS: Chapter 190

Chapter 190 – Carnival (1)

They returned home that night and Ling Xuefeng opened the computer in the study room,
logging into the official Miracle League website to check the results of the Carnival vote. Li
Cangyu pulled a chair over and sat next to him.
“It is no problem for you to be selected for the Carnival.” Li Cangyu declared with great
confidence as he put an arm around Ling Xuefeng’s shoulder. “Your popularity is so high. If
I’m not mistaken, you will be in first place in the voting.”
The voting interface opened in front of them and Wind Colour’s captain, Ling Xuefeng was
currently in first place.
Ling Xuefeng looked back at the other person and found that Li Cangyu was happier than
him. Li Cangyu touched his chin and said, “I guessed correct. The eyes of the audience are
high and they know your strength.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly as he held Li Cangyu’s hand that was on his shoulder. “Your
strength isn’t weak. This time you should be able to enter.”
“Me?” Li Cangyu asked with some doubt and shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’ve been
away from the league for three years and I’m not more popular than the players who have
been fighting in the league. This Carnival has only 12 places and I shouldn’t make it.”
“Not necessarily. Take a look first.” Ling Xuefeng scrolled down to see the rankings of the
other votes.
The voting time for the Chinese Carnival was until 24 o’clock on Tuesday. For the current
voting poll, the top three were occupied by the three highly popular players of Ling, Su and
Tan. The fourth was Lou Wushuang of Ghost Spirits. This was because the team performed
well recently and the captain himself had high popularity. He gained new fans who voted
for him.
In addition, Red Fox’s Liu Xiang was a regular visitor on the popular list. Pure Cleansing’s
captain Chu Yan was the best auxiliary psychic in China and his votes didn’t fall. Then there
was Wind Colour’s vice-captain Yan Ruiwen, Flying Feathers’ vice-captain Yu Pingsheng,
Time’s vice-captain Cheng Wei, Ghost Spirits’ vice-captain Zhang Shaohui…
Then Ling Xuefeng saw the name Li Cangyu followed by Bai Xuan.
He carefully counted it from the beginning and said with certainty, “You are currently
ranked 11th and Bai Xuan is 12th. There are still a few hours left in the voting. It is better to
make a Weibo post so you aren’t overtaken by the people behind you.”
Behind him was Pure Cleansing’s crybaby Zhu Qingyue and Red Fox’s vice-captain Yang
Muzi as well as Cheetah’s captain Jiang Xu. Their votes were close and the possibility of
some senior fans deliberately holding back tickets to vote at the last minute couldn’t be
Li Cangyu felt surprised. “Bai Xuan and I could actually make it into the top 12? Canglan has
that many fans?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “Canglan has done well in recent matches and you publicly said
that you want to enter the world summoner’s list. Many people yelled at you for bragging
but there are also many people who like you and paid attention to you.”
Li Cangyu touched his nose. “It turned out to be like this.”
He didn’t care too much about popularity or being selected for the Carnival. The Carnival
was originally an entertainment project and it didn’t matter if some of the most popular
gods were chosen to play together for two days.
However, Li Cangyu was quite happy about the affirmation of his fans. He logged into
Weibo and sent a message: [I am very surprised that my votes can exceed 10,000. Thank
you for voting. I don’t mind if I participate in the Carnival or not. It is the next match that
matters and I’m not going to let the people who support me down.]
He had always been blunt when speaking and didn’t sell his popularity on a public platform
like some players. Still, his honest and refreshing words made the fans who liked him more
Li Cangyu’s Weibo soon got thousands of replies. [Cat God is really domineering. I will give
you a bunch of dried fish as a reward!] [Cat God, I really want to be your shovel!] [Cat God,
my ticket has been cast!] [On behalf of the Canglan Support group, many people just
registered on the forum and aren’t eligible to vote. Everyone is trying their best and next
time it will be higher!]
Li Cangyu became more surprised the more he looked, especially by the comment of the
‘Canglan Support group.’ He couldn’t help replying curiously: [What group is the Canglan
Support group? Did you build it yourself?]
The fan who got the response was so excited that she wanted to go downstairs and run two
laps. She took a deep breath to calm down before replying: [Captain! Your loyal fans
privately built the group. The owner is @Sister Shasha who has liked you since she was in
school. Everyone is really happy that you returned to Miracle!]
Some people came forward to say: [Cat God, I have been paying attention to you since the
second season and really like the elf summoner. I haven’t played since you left Miracle. I
heard you are back and built a side account in the new district. I can’t play like you but
watching you play is very cool!]
[I didn’t know about Cat God until you moved to Wulin. It is because of you that I found out
about Miracle! I really like your decisiveness and you look very handsome. This is the
important point. I am a face devotee!]
[It isn’t easy for Old Cat to persist for so many years. I have pulled all my friends and
relatives to vote for you. I’m not asking for anything else. I just want to let everyone know
that you are qualified to stand on the Carnival stage!]
Li Cangyu was a big man but his eyes became hot when he saw these comments.
He remembered the person called Shasha seven years ago. He also remember that the
Miracle League of that time wasn’t as prosperous as it was now. The number of fans for
every team wasn’t as high. In particular, the FTD team did badly and barely had support
thanks to Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan. However, there were always a few people who cheered
for the FTD team whenever they played.
Later, Li Cangyu met with them and the leader of the group had an ID called Shasha. She
was a university student. Her nature was very hearty and she liked tying her hair in a
handsome ponytail. When she first met Li Cangyu, she gave him a model of a big cat and
smiled. “Captain, cheer up. Even if your performance now isn’t good, we believe that one
day you will stand on the highest podium in Miracle!”
This simple sentence was undoubtedly the biggest inspiration for the young Li Cangyu.
A few years had passed. Li Cangyu didn’t think she would come back and re-establish the
support group.
There were also many fans who knew him from Wulin and merged with the Miracle fans.
There were the old players who liked elf summoners and returned because of his return…
Everything was shocking and made him feel moved.
Li Cangyu didn’t think he would have so many loyal fans.
Today, in order to vote, the old Cat God loyal fans that were hidden for many years all came
out. In particularly, the appearance of old friends who he met in the first season made Li
Cangyu feel particularly pleased.
He found Shasha on Weibo and sent her a private chat. [Shasha? Did you build the Canglan
Support group?]
The other person quickly replied: [Captain is well! I can’t say it is new. This group has
always been there! Most of the administrators are veterans who have watched you play
since the first season. Everyone is very happy that you came back. Recently, many new fans
have been added and the current group is full and very lively. I’m planning to open a sub-
Li Cangyu wrote emotionally: [I haven’t seen you for a few years. I thought you left Miracle
a long time ago!]
Shasha replied: [There are some friends who have left but there are also many who stayed.
Like Lei Shao, Xiao Yang and Bubu, they are a few you saw in the past. We are usually low-
key and afraid to cause you trouble. Now we don’t need to hide because the contestant we
like will stand on the world podium! Isn’t that right?]
Li Cangyu was even more moved when he saw this. [Thank you.]
He was really grateful to those who silently supported him for a long time.
In the past, he hadn’t been able to get good results but this group didn’t give up on him. It
was the so called ‘true sentiments are seen in hard times’. These fans were very pure and
sincere toward him. Their encouragement and support was his greatest motivation.
Shasha was the leader of the FTD Support group. The Lei Shao, Xiao Yang and Bubu she
mentioned were veteran players of Miracle. They were dead loyal fans of the elf summoner
and Bai Xuan who played a healer. During FTD’s most difficult period, they personally went
to the matches to cheer for Li Cangyu. He didn’t expect them to still be here after so many
As Shasha said: [The contestant will like will one day stand on the world podium!]
Yes, Old Cat would one day make them proud of liking him!
[Our fan club was privately built for Cat God but you can rest assured that we will take care.
We won’t smear other players or cause you trouble.]
Li Cangyu was naturally 100% reassured at his fan club being managed by this group of
elders. He immediately replied: [Okay, work hard. Give everyone my thanks and I won’t let
you down!]
Shasha took a screenshot of Cat God’s words and sent them to people in the group. The fans
immediately cheered. The feeling of being recognized by their idol was really great and
everyone became more motivated to vote!
The conversation between Li Cangyu and his fans was seen by Ling Xuefeng.
He also had an impression of this person called Shasha. Many years ago, she came with
several fans to encourage Li Cangyu when FTD was defeated. She sent a plush cat model to
Li Cangyu and gave a present to Bai Xuan. Li Cangyu must be very happy about these old
fans still being here.
Li Cangyu rarely cared about his popularity and he attracted a lot of controversy by
switching games but no player could completely ignore outside evaluations. The fans who
liked him and supported him would be the greatest encouragement and comfort.
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu’s touched appearance and gently reached out to hug him. Ling
Xuefeng’s fingers slowly stroked his back. “They are still… I’m still here.”
Li Cangyu smiled and hugged Ling Xuefeng. This really was his home and it was good that
he could come back!

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GLS: Chapter 191

Chapter 191 – Carnival (2)
The Carnival voting officially closed at 24 o’clock on Tuesday. Many people were surprised
that Li Cangyu’s votes actually reversed at the last minute, breaking through the 20,000
mark and directly reaching the top four. He closely followed the three giants of the Miracle
League, Ling, Su and Tan. This momentum almost seemed enough to overtake the three of
Bai Xuan’s number of votes also leapt forward. The moment when the voting channel
closed, it jumped to 8th place and was comparable to Vice-Captain Cheng Wei!
The fighting power of the Canglan fans was so amazing that even the official reporters of
the league were alarmed. There were soon reporters who discovered the support club and
tried to contact Shasha.
The reporter asked, “I heard that many people in the group have supported Li Cangyu and
Bai Xuan since the first season. At that time, the team’s results were poor and there were
many excellent players in the Miracle League. Why did you like them?”
Shasha replied simply, “There is no reason to like a player. We just like them.”
“…” The blocked reporter had to change his words, “What made you stick with liking Cat
God and Vice-Captain Bai for so many years?”
Shasha replied, “I probably didn’t forget my initial heart. I always believed that the person
who could compete with Ling Xuefeng for the position of strongest summoner won’t
remain silent. Old Cat is just late. He’s worth waiting for.”
This interview was published by the reporter on an e-sports website and became the hot
news of the day. The title ‘Don’t Forget My Initial Heart’ touched many fans who once
supported unknown players.
The number of forwards for this report increased and many fans who left Miracle for a long
time returned.
Not forgetting the initial heart was the rarest thing.
The support for a player wouldn’t be weakened because of his poor performance. They
liked him and firmly believed that one day he could fly to a higher sky, proving his strength
to everyone!
On Wednesday morning, the Miracle officials announced the participants for the domestic
Carnival project.
They were Wind Colour’s Ling Xuefeng and Yan Ruiwen, Flying Feathers’ Su Guangmo and
Yu Pingsheng, Time’s Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei, Canglan’s Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan, Ghost
Spirits’ Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui, Red Fox’s Liu Xiang and Pure Cleansing’s Chu
They were the super popular gods in China. Their foundation was relatively stable and the
loyalty of their fans was high.
Young players like Qin Mo, Xiao Han and Chen Anran had fans but there was still a gap
compared with the older gods. They naturally had no chance to be selected.
The 12 people selected received a notice from the league so that everyone could gather at
the designated hotel in Shanghai at noon on Saturday.
Cheng Wei saw this announcement and immediately called Li Cangyu. “Cat God, you have
also been selected for the Carnival. This is truly great! When are you going to Shanghai?”
Li Cangyu thought, ‘I am in Shanghai with Ling Xuefeng and I’m lying in Ling Xuefeng’s
Cheng Wei would surely drop his phone in shock if he knew this. Li Cangyu yawned and
replied while lying in bed, “I am going there Saturday morning. What are you doing during
this holiday?”
Ling Xuefeng stretched out an arm and hugged him, clearly hearing the contents of his chat
with Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei told him, “I went to Sanya with Captain Tan. It is really hot and I feel like I am
being burnt to charcoal! I’ll send you a photo later. I have two colours all over my body
right now!”
Moments later, Li Cangyu’s WeChat received a photo. In front of the blue sea, Cheng Wei
was wearing a white cap and short-sleeved t-shirt and smiling at the camera. His face
wasn’t tanned because of the hat but his exposed neck, arms and calves were tanned.
Li Cangyu looked at the sharp contrast between his fair face and dark neck and couldn’t
help laughing. “The black and white is clear!”
Cheng Wei wondered in a depressed manner, “How can I participate in the Carnival when I
have this ghost-like look?”
Li Cangyu advised him, “Wear a long-sleeved shirt.”
Tan Shitian just finished his shower and saw Cheng Wei sitting on the hotel bed while
chatting happily with someone. There was no doubt that it was Cat God.
Tan Shitian sat next to him and saw some of the chat contents. He couldn’t help smiling, “I
am also turned into charcoal from the sun.”
Cheng Wei looked over at him curiously. “Are you tanned as well? Let me see it!”
Tan Shitian lifted the hem of his bathrobe and revealed a portion of his sturdy calves.
Cheng Wei smiled. “You are black and white like me. We match!”
Then he froze as he saw Tan Shitian gazing at him with a deep look. Cheng Wei immediately
realized he made a mistake. His cheeks turned red as he hurriedly explained, “Cough cough,
I mean, this is just right… oh, it’s just tanned.”
Tan Shitian smiled and didn’t pester him with this slip. He reached out and squeezed Cheng
Wei’s white face before pinching his tanned arm. “Yes, your face is so white and your arms
are so dark. It is obviously suntanned with one glance.”
Cheng Wei’s hackles rose. “Don’t pinch me!”
Tan Shitian stretched out his other hand and pinched his right cheek. “It is now
Cheng Wei angrily stood up to hit a person. Tan Shitian immediately turned and fled. The
two people chased each other in the hotel room for a while before Tan Shitian suddenly
turned and stopped. Cheng Wei didn’t have time to brake and slammed in Tan Shitian’s
Tan Shitian smiled and hugged Cheng Wei. “Ah, you are so sentimental. I’m embarrassed!”
Cheng Wei was so angry he was going to blow up. His face was extremely red as he
exclaimed, “Tan Shitian, how is your face so thick? I won’t go anywhere with you in the
future. Don’t you know that your smile is particularly annoying?”
This person spoke extremely fast with flushed cheeks. Tan Shitian thought he looked
exceptionally cute.
Tan Shitian sometimes felt that he was stupid. He always wanted to bully Cheng Wei and
provoke Cheng Wei’s anger because this way Cheng Wei would place all his attention on
Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian sighed gently in his heart and let go of Cheng Wei. “Okay, don’t be noisy. I have
booked a ticket. We will play for another day before flying directly to Shanghai on Friday.”
Cheng Wei was startled. “You’ve bought the plane tickets already? Why didn’t you ask me
for my ID number…”
Tan Shitian smiled, “I have already memorized your ID number.”
Cheng Wei was still angry at Tan Shitian for teasing him but he felt touched. This person
was able to recite Cheng Wei’s ID number, showing that Tan Shitian actually cared about
him. Cheng Wei suddenly felt very happy.
“It is almost the same!” Cheng Wei instantly smiled. “Did you expect both of us to enter the
“Of course, who else would enter? Do you doubt our popularity?”
“…” Cheng Wei almost choked on his saliva. “Hey, did you learn to boast from the Canglan
team? This will give Time a bad reputation!”
On the Saturday that the Carnival opened, the 12 selected players gathered at the
designated hotel. Everyone was surprised that the captain Ling Xuefeng and vice-captain
Yan Ruiwen didn’t arrive at the same time. The captain Li Cangyu and vice-captain Bai Xuan
also acted separately. However, Ling Xuefeng was the one who drove Li Cangyu to report to
the hotel.
The person in charge of the front desk stared at them with confusion. The two people
remained calm and didn’t explain too much. Once the formalities were completed, they
grabbed their room cards and headed to their respective rooms to rest.
Bai Xuan soon arrived. He saw Li Cangyu drinking tea on the sofa and wondered, “Where
have you been these days? Why didn’t you go back to the club?”
Li Cangyu replied, “I was casually strolling around.”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Strolling around with Ling Xuefeng?”
Li Cangyu looked up doubtfully. “How did you guess?”
“I took a taxi and happened to see the two of you arrive at the hotel together.”
“Yes, I stayed in Shanghai for two days and strolled around with him.” Li Cangyu replied
Bai Xuan stared at him carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with his
expression. Thus, Bai Xuan didn’t ask anymore.
At 2 in the afternoon, the league sent a car to bring the 12 Carnival players to the venue.
The venue had long been full of fans. Many people held fluorescent signs to cheer for their
favourite player. Li Cangyu unexpected found a place holding the Canglan logo. The white
and blue uniform of the Canglan team was particularly conspicuous.
Li Cangyu smiled and waved in that direction. The fans excitedly raised the team logo
Bai Xuan had some doubts. “Are there so many Canglan fans in Shanghai?”
Li Cangyu explained, “A group of veterans who liked us for many years built a support
group. Do you remember the girl called Shasha? The people who arrived here should be
organized by her.”
Bai Xuan said, “I remember her. That year she gave me a homemade pillow that I really
Bai Xuan felt emotional as he thought of losing that match and then receiving a gift from the
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “It will be better.”
This year’s Carnival was very different from previous years. In order to save time,
entertainment projects like the racing and tree-climbing were greatly reduced, leaving only
fun competitive games where two teams faced each other.
“For this fun competition, we will be divided into the Frost Team and Fire Team. Each
contestant will first draw a lot to decide their team!” The host read the rules and brought
the lottery box to everyone.
Ling Xuefeng grabbed something and it was the snowflake badge of the Frost team. He
consciously stood on the ice blue side of the big stage.
Next was Su Guangmo who got the fire badge and went to the right side that contained a
fire sign.
When it was Li Cangyu’s turn, he put his hand in the box and drew a snowflake bad. The
Frost Team!
Li Cangyu walked to Ling Xuefeng’s side and Ling Xuefeng stared at him. The two people
smiled at each other.
This scene made people feel a bit dazed. Weren’t they the strongest opponents? What did
they mean by smiling at each other? Were they that happy to be in the same team?
Li Cangyu was naturally very happy. He had never been eligible to participate in the Miracle
Carnival project before. This was the first time he was participating and he was assigned to
a team with Ling Xuefeng. Wasn’t this fate?

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GLS: Chapter 192

Chapter 192 – Carnival (3)
The host took the box to the great gods in turn and the 12 people were quickly put into
In addition to Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu, the other members of the Frost Team were
Cheng Wei, Zhang Shaohui, Liu Xiang and Chu Yan. Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng, Ghost
Spirits’ captain Lou Wushuang, Time’s captain Tan Shitian, Bai Xuan and Yan Ruiwen were
in the Fire Team.
The Frost Team had the double summoners Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu but the Fire Team
had the three super popular captains of Su, Tan and Lou. The strength of both sides could
be called quite equal.
For this grouping, the happiest one was Cheng Wei. Once he draw the badge, he
immediately ran to Li Cangyu’s side with a smile. “Hey, Cat God and I are in a team. We will
definitely win and kill them!”
His expression really was like a kitten. Li Cangyu saw him smiling so happily and patted
him on the shoulder. “Do a good job later.”
Cheng Wei formed fists and cried out, “Of course!”
The host posted the list of members for both teams on the big screen while also opening
the voting channel for the off-site audience.
Within three minutes, the Frost and Fire teams support votes exceeded 20,000, showing
that the gap in fans for both sides wasn’t large.
The host asked the 12 great gods to take the seats on both sides of the stage.
The Carnival was grand in scale and the venue was carefully arranged. There was a ice-blue
light on the Frost Team’s side, while the floor of the stage was rendered with the effect of
ice and snow. On the other side, the Fire Team naturally had warm red lights and the stage
was like flashing flames.
For the Frost Team, Ling Xuefeng naturally sat in first place and Li Cangyu consciously sat
next to him. Cheng Wei immediately followed and sat next to Cat God while the other
players were more casual about their position.
Everyone in the Fire Team was also sitting around while the most qualified Su Guangmo
was pushed to the top.
The contestants on both sides were ready and the host announced the rules of the
competition. “There are three projects today. The team that wins two of them will win. The
first one is—the knowledge contest! “”At the beginning of the game, the topic will be
released on the big screen. Once you see the question, you can start to answer it. You can
get 10 points for a correct answer and will be deducted 10 points for a wrong answer.
There are 12 questions in total and the team with the highest score will win! Do you have
any questions about the rules of the game?”
Li Cangyu had watched some broadcasts of the previous Miracle Carnivals and there was
no knowledge competition. He was confused and asked Ling Xuefeng, “Is this a new game
added this year?”
Ling Xuefeng tilted his head and whispered in Li Cangyu’s ear. “Yes, from the third season,
the Carnival’s annual events were updated to keep it fresh for the audience. This year is the
first year the knowledge contest has emerged.”
Li Cangyu suddenly realized. “Oh, no wonder. I remember it used to be 1v1, a team battle
and a race or something.”
The two people were whispering together, lips stuck to their ears. The host couldn’t help
joking, “Cat God, you should ask me the questions! Don’t just ask Captain Ling. I am the
Li Cangyu turned around and gave a handsome smile. “Sorry, this is the first time I’m
participating in the Carnival and I was too excited.”
The words made the audience burst out laughing while those in the front row felt
complicated. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were openly whispering and this image was really
blinding. Were they really the strongest opponents? If they have such a good relationship
then what about the fans? The war of words between the fans weren’t over yet so couldn’t
the two of them cooperate?
Then Cheng Wei suddenly raised his hand. “Host, I would like to ask a question. Is there no
time limit for answering? For example, in many knowledge questions, everyone will press
the buzzer in advance and then answer.”
The host smiled and said, “We don’t have a time limit. The question will be shown on the
big screen and everyone will see it. If you know the answer, you can press the answer
buzzer. If you have confidence in your answer then you can answer it in advance.”
Cheng Wei nodded thoughtfully. “I understand!”
“Does anyone else have questions?”
Zhang Shaohui raised his hand. “What if two people press the buzzer at the same time?”
The host replied, “There will always be a second difference. Our buzzers are very sensitive.”
Zhang Shaohui seriously asked, “What if it is really at the same time?”
The host was helpless. “If it is at the same time then the question will become invalid.”
Zhang Shaohui smiled. “Understood!”
“If there are no problems then the first round of our knowledge contest will officially begin!
Audience members here and watching in front of the TV, if you know the answer then you
can send it directly to our official public platform. The top six who answer the most
questions correct will receive an official commemorative souvenir!”
At this time, many professional players not participating in the Carnival were watching the
live broadcast on TV.
In the Canglan training room, everyone was gathered in one place. Xie Shurong opened the
big screen the captain usually used to explain tactics and connected to the live broadcast
room, just like watching a movie.
Upon hearing the host, the four teenagers immediately took out their phones and prepared
to answer the questions.
Zhang Cheming couldn’t help wondering, “Are you that interested in signatures? What if
the prize is Cat God’s signature? You can just wait for him to come back.”
Gu Siming’s fingers quickly moved on his phone as he said, “No. The signature is usually
given to an audience member randomly drawn. The off-site audience generally receives a
super precious limited edition!”
Zhang Jueming heard this and also shamelessly pulled out his phone. “Then I will also
After one minute of preparation time, the first question finally appeared on the big screen.
[There are six races in Miracle, of which the one with the fastest movement is…]
The light in front of the Frost Team’s Cheng Wei suddenly lit up. He had quickly pressed the
answer button.
“The elf race!” Cheng Wei excitedly cried into the microphone. “Did I get it right?”
The host smiled. “The answer is wrong. The Frost Team has lost 10 points.”
Cheng Wei’s expression was dull, as if he couldn’t believe that he actually answered
“Isn’t the elf race the fastest? I can’t make such a low-level mistake!” Cheng Wei stared at
the host for a clarification.
The host helplessly said, “The question isn’t asking for the race that is the fastest. Vice-
Captain Cheng, keep looking at the question.”
Cheng Wei scratched his head. “Oh…”
The question continued to be typed out on the big screen in black font. [The fastest is the elf
race. The elves have a special racial movement skill called Flying Feather Steps. The
cooldown time of Flying Feather Steps is…]
Buzz! The light in front of the Frost Team’s Zhang Shaohui lit up and he answered
decisively. “Five seconds!”
The host said, “The answer is wrong. The Frost Team has lost 10 points.”
Zhang Shaohui made a dull expression. “It isn’t five seconds?”
The host looked very helpless. “The question isn’t asking this.”
The audience burst out laughing. The Frost Team’s Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui were
simply living treasures! Giving 20 points away in the beginning, it was really terrible for
their other teammates.
The question on the big screen continued. [The cooldown is five seconds. If an elf player’s
Flying Feather Steps is in cooldown, how long does it take to finish a 20 metre waterway at
a normal speed?]
The pile of nonsense at the beginning was obviously to deliberately confuse the contestants
and people like Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui actually fell for it!
Buzz! At the end of the question, the Fire Team’s Lou Wushuang pressed the buzzer. He
pushed his glasses up his nose and replied coldly, “It takes 15.5 seconds.”
The host clapped. “The answer is correct! The Fire Team has gained 10 points!”
The audience gave Lou Wushuang a warm applause.
They heard that Captain Lou was really good at mathematics and he could instantly
calculate the answer to this question. The man’s expression was cold and he usually didn’t
like to be interviewed, but this image of an iceberg man attracted many fans. For the
players who especially loved to play an assassin, Lou Wushuang was regarded as the
perfect assassin male god.
As for Zhang Shaohui…
The teasing type assassin was really the wrong style!
On the big screen, the Fire Team had 10 points while the Frost Team had -20 points. Cheng
Wei and Zhang Shaohui were tearful while Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were helpless. What
was with these pig teammates? Why were they in a hurry to answer? The question hadn’t
The audience also found it ridiculous. They saw the Fire Team’s 10 points and the Frost
Team’s -20 points and many people expressed concern about Cheng Wei and Zhang
Shaohui’s IQ…
In the live broadcast room, people commented: [I feel that the Fire Team can win this
game!] [Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui must be undercovers sent by the Fire Team!] [Vice-
Captain Zhang listens to his brother. Once his brother’s cold eyes swept over him, he
automatically answered and lost points!] [The Fire Team has Captain Lou. Captain Lou is a
famous school tyrant. If there are more calculation questions then the Fire Team will win!]
The problem was that the two pig teammates Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui gave away 20
points. Li Cangyu had a headache as he explained to Cheng Wei, “Wait for the question to
finish before answering.”
Cheng Wei nodded with a red face. “Yes!”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head with embarrassment as he saw Lou Wushuang slightly
smiling across the stage because of his correct answer. Zhang Shaohui felt that he was a big
stupid. No, he was stupid. He shouldn’t go for the buzzer!
Due to the Frost Team’s loss in the first question because of the two living treasures, Cheng
Wei and Zhang Shaohui consciously quieted down and acted as soy sauce.
[Which of the following is a difficult kill map in the professional league. A: Endless Sea…]
Buzz! This time the light in front of Li Cangyu turned on.
“I select A.” Li Cangyu spoke confidently.
The host asked, “Cat God, do you want to consider other options? BCD hasn’t appeared
Li Cangyu simled. “It must be A. We always choose this map at home.”
Endless Sea was indeed a kill map that Canglan chose at home. It was no wonder why he
pressed the buzzer in an instant. However, everyone had to admire his reaction rate. Some
people hadn’t finished reading the question when he finished answering!
The host’s eyes lit up with appreciation. “Let’s see the rest of the answers. B: Dark Cave. C:
Ice Valley. D: Demon Forest. The correct answer is A. The Frost Team has gained 10 points.”
The audience members warmly clapped.
It was an early answer but Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui both lost 10 points while Li
Cangyu decisively gained 10 points. So… Cat God was reliable while Vice-Captain Wei and
Zhang only dragged down their legs.
Cheng Wei was confused. “How can you answer it correctly in advance?”
Li Cangyu explained, “The wording of the question shows that it is clearly a multiple choice
question. If you see the right option then you can answer it directly. There is no need to
Cheng Wei blushed and scratched his head. “Oh…”
He was bad in school. Every time there was a test, he was busy biting his pen and didn’t
have any skills when it came to answering questions.
Li Cangyu had answered a question correctly but the Frost Team started to -20 points. The
addition of 10 points was still a negative score. It wasn’t easy to catch up.
“Please look at the third question!” The host released the next question on the big screen.
[The angel white magician has only 30% and 20% blue left. The demon black magician has
only 20% blood and 30% blue left. The two people have a similar level. In a stateless and
ordinary map showdown, what is their winning percentage?”
The audience, “…”
This type of question was similar to: Xiao Ming departed form the airport to the station and
Xiao Tian departed from the station to the airport. If their speed is XXX each, how long does
it take to meet?
How could they calculate the probability? The question was really difficult for a lot of
professional players.
Cheng Wei even took out his phone to use it as a calculator.
The result was that the question just appeared when Ling Xuefeng on the Frost Team
pressed the buzzer.
The host was surprised. “Has Captain Ling figured it out?”
Ling Xuefeng answered calmly, “There is no need to calculate anything. The winning
percentage is 50%.”
The host looked confused. “The white magician’s blood is higher while the black magician’s
blue is higher. How can the winning percentage be equal?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “This amount of blood means a set of moves can take away the life.
The person who finds an opportunity first will win. The amount of blue and blood given is
just to confuse everyone. We don’t need to pay attention to it.”
The answer on the big screen was really 50%.
The host looked at Ling Xuefeng with an expression of worship. “Captain Ling is really
amazing. You can see it instantly!”
The Captain Ling fans excitedly filled the screen with flowers.
Ling Xuefeng was already handsome and his calm expression when answering the question
could be made into a desktop image. Many people commented: [Lick Captain Ling!] [I am
licking the screen +1!]
[Today’s uniform is so handsome!]
[I suddenly feel that when Captain Ling and Cat God are sitting together, the uniform is a bit
like a couples outfit…]
This comment was instantly killed by fans of both sides.
[Get lost, we don’t want to be a couple with the cat!] [The Canglan team’s uniform is ugly.
Who wants to be paired with Canglan?] [The Wind Colour uniform is ugly and I can’t look
directly at it. Adding a red embellishment to black, it is just like the scene of a murder!]
[White with blue is more like a rag!]
The fans on both sides were arguing while at the venue, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were
clapping in celebration for the Frost Team finally returning to 0 points after losing 20
points due to their pig teammates.
Ling Xuefeng wearing black and red was extremely calm while Li Cangyu wearing white
and blue was extremely sunny and refreshing. The moment the two of them clapped in
celebration, they seemed a bit like a couple…
The arguing in the live broadcast room stopped and the fans on both sides were tearful.
The relationship between the two gods was so good that the fans felt like their left hand
was twisting their right hand. No one could win!

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GLS: Chapter 193

Chapter 193 – Carnival (4)

Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu tried their best to recover but the Fire Team’s players didn’t
react slowly. For the next few questions, Tan Shitian, Su Guangmo, Lou Wushuang and Bai
Xuan took turns to answer. The Frost Team eventually couldn’t recover the situation.
The first game had 12 questions and the Fire Team eventually won by 70:50!
This only showed that the pig teammates Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui were definitely
undercovers sent by the Fire Team.
On the big screen, the score became 1:0 and the Fire Team took the lead.
The six members of the Fire Team were smiling while on the Frost Team, Cheng Wei and
Zhang Shaohui looked like students who made mistakes.
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei making the mistake and had to hold back his smile. He always
thought this guy was silly but very cute. Lou Wushuang also felt that despite his younger
brother’s mistakes, many people liked him. Zhang Shaohui’s IQ wasn’t high but he was tall,
strong and honest. Whenever Lou Wushuang leaned on his chest, he always got a strange
sense of security.
The first game ended and the host announced the rules for the second game.
“The second game is called ‘The Heart has a Connection’. The two sides will each send a
combination. One person will have their back to the big screen while the other person will
face the big screen. Words related to Miracle will appear on the screen and the person
facing it will have to use language and movements to describe the word. When describing
it, the person can’t speak the word or it will be regarded as a foul. The person will their
back to the screen has to guess the word. Guessing correctly will add 10 points while
guessing incorrectly will deduct 10 points. The time limit is 2 minutes. The team that scores
higher will win! If you can’t guess then you can directly pass the word.”
This time of game had appeared in many variety shows and it was to test the tacit
understanding between two people.
The combination sent by the Fire Team should be Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng. The two
of them got along with each other and their tacit understanding was definitely the highest.
However, everyone knew that Yu Pingsheng had a silent personality and he wouldn’t be
able to think of a way to describe the word in one minute. It should be Su Guangmo
explaining and Yu Pingsheng guessing.
The focus of the viewers’ speculation was on who the Frost Team would send. A closer look
revealed that the six members of the Frost Team, Ling, Cat, Cheng, Zhang, Liu and Chu were
all from different teams. They definitely weren’t as good as the Fire Team’s Su Yu…
Many viewers thought this but only Bai Xuan knew… he was afraid that the Fire Team
would lose this game.
Moments later, the two sides submitted the people they would send.
The Fire Team: Su Guangmo explaining and Yu Pingsheng guessing.
The Frost Team: Li Cangyu explaining and Ling Xuefeng guessing.
Many spectators were so startled that their mouths dropped open. Captain Ling and Cat
God were partners?
Could their tacit understanding exceed the Su Yu combination?
The second game officially began and Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng went first.
The first word on the big screen was ‘swordsman.’ Su Guangmo pointed to himself and said,
“The class I play.” Yu Pingsheng quickly reacted. “Swordsman!”
Of course, this simple question could be answered by anyone.
The second question ‘western suburbs of Yisu City’ many many viewers feel worried. How
could this be described? As a result, Su Guangmo bluntly said, “The place where I robbed
your goods that were protected by an escort.”
Yu Pingsheng, “The western suburbs of Yisu City.”
The audience, “…”
Captain Su, do you want to reveal your own black history?
The two people really understood each other. Su Guangmo’s fingers moved as he explained
and Yu Pingsheng watched seriously. In two minutes, they actually guessed 20 questions,
which was a speed of 6 seconds per question!
The viewers saw the 200 points on the Fire Team’s scoreboard and many of them wanted
to celebrate the Fire Team’s victory in advance!
The host smiled and said, “Captain Su and Vice-Captain Yu are really old partners. The
degree of their understanding is admirable! Can Captain Ling and Cat God from the Frost
Team surpass this 200 points? I will invite the two of them to play!
Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu walked to the centre of the big stage.
The lights on the stage were a bit dazzling. As they shone on Ling Xuefeng’s body, his deep
eyes became as bright as stars. He nodded slightly towards Li Cangyu in an encouraging
Li Cangyu smiled back at him and made an OK gesture to the host.
The guessing session officially began!
The first question: Race.
Li Cangyu reacted quickly and immediately said, “There are six!” Ling Xuefeng answered,
It took less than three seconds for 10 points to appear on the scorecard.
The next question: Cover the Sky.
Li Cangyu said, “The skill I hate the most.” Ling Xuefeng replied without hesitation, “Cover
the Sky.”
The audience was a bit surprised. They didn’t expect Ling Xuefeng to understand Li Cangyu
so much. He didn’t show any hesitation and could immediately answer?
The third question: Cataclysm.
Li Cangyu pointed to himself and didn’t speak. Ling Xuefeng replied, “Cataclysm.”
“Amazing!” Li Cangyu gave a thumbs up and happily explained the next question. “The new
district I opened an account in.”
“Moonlight Forest.”
“New District Saturday…”
“Legion defense.”
“The class of your side account.”
“Black magician.”
“Where was our first PK?”
“Yisu City Square.”
“Your favourite pet.”
“My favourite pet.”
“Wind spirit.”
The audience watched them with complicated expressions.
For many questions, Li Cangyu only had to say half a it and Ling Xuefeng could guess. Based
on this process, the audience discovered that their private relationship was really good. Li
Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng knew each other’s side accounts and also preferences!
The favourite pet and most annoying skill. Li Cangyu just had to say it and Ling Xuefeng
didn’t make any mistakes when guessing!
The audience was gobsmacked as two minutes finally ended. Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu
were from different teams but they unexpected counterattacked, surpassing the Su Yu
combination and taking 300 points in one breath!
30 questions, it was a speed of 4 seconds per question. Who would dare to believe they
weren’t a team.
This game was called The Heart has a Connection. Were their hearts really connected?

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GLS: Chapter 194
Chapter 194 – Carnival (5)

The combination of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu could actually surpass the Su Yu brothers
of the Flying Feathers team. This result made the watching Xie Shurong very surprised.
“No? My brothers have been inseparable since the training camp. This is almost five years.
Brother Su even knows what Brother Yu wants to say. How could they be defeated by Cat
God and Captain Ling?”
Gu Suming was excited. “Is it because Cat God explains it more skillfully?”
Xiao Han said, “It is because the tacit understanding between Captain Ling and Master is
also very high. They have known each other for more than seven years.”
Xie Shurong thought about it and Xiao Han’s words were reasonable. Cat and Ling had met
each other in the Miracle online game before the first Miracle Professional League started.
Plus, they were each other’s strongest opponents. They naturally knew each other the best.
For example, Cat God’s most hated skill, favourite pet, etc. Ling Xuefeng knew all of them
and it would be very easy for him to guess.
The reverse attack of the Ling Cat combination meant the scores of the Frost Team and Fire
Team became 1:1. The audience clapped enthusiastically and the people watching the live
broadcast started to wonder.
[What will be the third event?] [I feel like the Frost Team will win!] [There haven’t been
many chances for the great gods in the first and second rounds. I think the third round will
be a match! Guessing the answers is quite boring!]
The audience comments immediately reached the thousands. There was a short break
before the host came to the centre of the big stage. He smiled and announced, “The Frost
Team and Fire Team are equal with 1:1. The third game will determine the outcome for
both sides. What exactly is the third game? I just received news from the league so let’s
look at the contents of the envelope with me.’
The host opened a sealed envelope and took out the paper inside to show the audience.
They immediately saw two familiar words, the pairs arena.
“The third game is similar to the pairs arena in the regular season of the professional
league!” The host explained with a smile and the audience clapped warmly.
The thing that everyone liked the most was the way that professional players played the
game. They were very happy with the previous two events but it was just dessert before
dinner. The third game was the true dinner on the first day of the Carnival.
After the announcement of the game, the names and IDs of the 12 great gods were
displayed on the big screen. The host followed up with an introduction. “Let’s look at the
configuration of the Frost Team. There is the demon summoner Ling Xuefeng, the elf
summoner Li Cangyu, the white magician Cheng Wei, the blood kin assassin Zhang Shaohui,
the healer Liu Xiang and the psychic Chu Yan.”
“The Fire Team consists of the terran swordsman Su Guangmo, the beast berserker Yu
Pingsheng, the elf archer Tan Shitian, the blood kin assassin Lou Wushuang, the black
magician Yan Ruiwen and the healer Bai Xuan.”
“The guessing channel is now officially open. Audience members, please vote for which side
you think will win!”
In the Canglan training room, the players watching the live broadcast on the projection
screen immediately picked up their phones to vote. Gu Siming cried out without any
hesitation, “I think the Frost Team will win. I have confidence in Cat God!”
Xie Shurong replied calmly, “Based on just the lineup configuration, the Fire Team’s
advantage is greater.”
Xiao Han seriously asked, “Why?”
“The Fire Team has five outputs and a healer. The Frost team has four outputs, one healer
and one auxiliary. Chu Yan might have the title of the best auxiliary but the role of the
psychic is generally reflected in team battles. This is why the Pure Cleansing team is the
strongest in team battles.” Xie Shurong patiently explained. “In the pairs arena, the role of
the psychic isn’t big.”
Zhang Jueming agreed with this. “On the Fire Team, one output can take our milk dad and
the other four outputs can form lethal combinations. Su Yu are old partners and will likely
be left at the end. The Frost Team is different. Their combinations are very limited.”
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan weren’t here so Ah Shu and Old Zhang explained to the four
The four of them listened carefully and Zhuo Hang couldn’t help asking, “Can’t Ling Cat
form a combination on the Frost Team?”
Xie Shurong shook his head. “If Captain Ling and Cat God partners up, Cheng Wei and Zhang
Shaohui will have to go with the healer and auxiliary. Do you think these two pig
teammates can win?”
Zhuo Hang laughed. “Ah right! Vice-Captain Cheng and Vice-Captain Zhang are undercovers
sent by the Fire Team!”
Xie Shurong seriously touched his chin. “If I’m not guessing wrong, Cat God should play
with Xiao Wei. After all, the combination of brainless fan and idol should be full of power.
Perhaps Cheng Wei can kill his Captain Tan.”
On the Carnival side, the host said, “I will ask each team to select a captain and then submit
the lineup to the referee after three minutes.”
The captain of the Fire Team was undoubtedly Su Guangmo. He debuted in the second
season and had the oldest qualifications.
On the Frost Team’s side, Cheng Wei actively raised his hand. “Cat God will be captain!”
Li Cangyu wanted to refuse but Ling Xuefeng gently looked at him and said, “Do it.”
The others had no opinions and unanimously agreed on Li Cangyu as the interim captain.
The six of them gathered to discuss the arena lineup. Everyone was a professional player
with first-class awareness. Apart from Cheng Wei who was in ‘I will listen to Cat God’ mode,
the others realized that this situation wasn’t advantageous for them.
Zhang Shaohui said, “If I face my brother, I am likely to lose. It is best that I miss him.”
Li Cangyu nodded with understanding.
Liu Xiang suggested, “The healer and auxiliary have to be separated. I am best at remote
addition of blood since all of the Red Fox’s outputs are remote classes.”
Li Cangyu thought about her suggestion. “Captain Ling and Captain Liu will be last. I will
open the game with Cheng Wei and Vice-Captain Zhang and Vice-Captain Chu will be the
transition group. Do you think it is feasible?”
Ling Xuefeng thought for a moment before saying, “Yes, there’s no better plan.”
Li Cangyu’s tactical literacy was high. The combination configuration was the most
reasonable one in the current situation. Cheng Wei jumped with excitement. Li Cangyu saw
his happy expression and couldn’t help patting his head. “If you meet Captain Tan later then
don’t panic!”
Cheng Wei formed fists. “No, I have never killed him before. Today I must kill him once!”
Soon, the captains on both sides submitted the lineup and the third game officially began.
The first pairing for the Frost Team was Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei. On the Fire Team side, it
was Tan Shitian and Yan Ruiwen. Many people saw Cheng Wei’s ecstatic look and
commented: [The fanboy is complete today.] [Your idol took you to fly!] [I’m cheering on
Xiao Wei to kill Captain Tan!] [Cat God brought the small white cat out, the dog is very
unhappy – BY Tan Shitian.] [The kitten and big cat don’t want the dog. Captain Tan must be
Tan Shitian’s story had been revealed to everyone but on the screen, Tan Shitian was very
calm. He just smiled graciously when he saw this lineup.
The map selection was random and this time it actually ended up on the kill map, Endless
The audience was amazed. Once someone fell into the sea, they would be killed by the hot
magma of the sea. Such a map was very exciting and full of unknown things. The group
thought that the Frost Team was likely to lose but then they saw this map. It wasn’t
uncommon for a weak team to defeat a strong team on the Endless Sea map.
Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei quickly came to the middle of the map. Tan Shitian and Yan
Ruiwen were a duel remote combination but as it happened, Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei
were also dual remotes. Tan Shitian’s archer could attack from a long distance but Li
Cangyu had more control skills. The difference in the two sides wasn’t big and it depended
on who could grasp an opportunity.
Cheng Wei followed his idol and it was like he had been injected with chicken blood. His
state was very excited as he followed behind Li Cangyu like a super stalker.
Li Cangyu told him, “I will deal with Yan Ruiwen. I’ll give Tan Shitian to you.”
Cheng Wei immediately nodded. “Yes!”
The two sides met in the central area. Li Cangyu quickly summoned the water elf and froze
Yan Ruiwen not far away. Yan Ruiwen also wanted to use black magic to control Cat God
but the casting time of his fear skill was longer than Cat God’s water spirit. He was quickly
interrupted without finishing the skill.
Li Cangyu wanted to rely on this wave of control to play a combo but Tan Shitian wasn’t a
fuel-efficient lamp. His teammate was hit and he immediately aimed at Li Cangyu, using
Shock Shot to interrupt Li Cangyu.
Cheng Wei saw this scene and decisively pounced. He jumped flexibly to the stone on the
side and cast a skill, which was the white magician’s God’s Seal.
The angle of this shot was very tricky. Tan Shitian didn’t check for a moment and was
actually sealed in place.
Tan Shitian was startled when he saw the white halo around his body and his mood was
somewhat complicated. Xiao Cheng aimed so accurately today. Was it because he followed
his idol?
Cheng Wei was very happy about controlling Tan Shitian. He followed up with God’s Light,
God’s Belief and Tidal Surge.
A single target attack, a group attack and finally a slowdown. Tan Shitian’s blood was
reduced by a large amount and Cheng Wei cleverly turned to run, looking back to find Cat
Tan Shitian who was released from the effect of the seal, “…”
Li Cangyu found that Cheng Wei was particularly smart today and couldn’t help praising
him. “Good, your level has improved!”
Cheng Wei smiled happily after being praised., “Yes, I knew that Tan Shitian would
definitely stand there and used God’s Seal. It is amazing!”
Usually, it was Tan Shitian bullying him by patting his head, pinching his face or opening a
side account to abuse him. Today, Cheng Wei could bully him back and felt particularly
good. His fingers on the keyboard were hot.
He was feeling smug when his back was suddenly shot with a cold arrow. It was Tan
Shitian’s Ice Arrow!
He knew Tan Shitian but Tan Shitian also knew him. This arrow was too sudden. Cheng Wei
hadn’t yet reacted when he was hit by Tan Shitian’s next moves.
Precise Shot and Seize Life Shot!
The two shots caused Cheng Wei’s blood to fall down.
Cheng Wei typed in the public channel: [You used the cold arrow!]
Tan Shitian sent back a smiley face. [Don’t you want to bite me?]
Cheng Wei immediately wanted to bite him. He took a deep breath and quickly typed: [Wait
for me to abuse you! Just wait!]
The freezing effect of Ice Arrow was less than three seconds. In this short period, the two
people could type on the chat. The audience felt that this style was wrong. This was a game.
Couldn’t the two gods be serious?
Still, who would be serious about the Carnival? Most people took part in this type of project
with an entertainment mentality.
Cheng Wei’s frozen status was lifted and he immediately rushed to use a spell. Frost Heart!
World of Ice and Snow!
If he had an arrow with ice properties then Cheng Wei also had magic with ice properties.
He would retaliate to bully Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian was directly damaged by this set of moves and soon returned it
unceremoniously with Death Arrow Rain!
The two teammates who got along on weekdays weren’t polite when fighting each other.
They used big moves, the gorgeous skill effects almost blinding people’s eyes.
The archer’s output distance was the furthest. Tan Shitian could rely on the advantage of
his attack distance to attack more times. Cheng Wei’s blood volume naturally decreased
and he quickly entered the 20% residual blood state while Tan Shitian had 30% blood left.
It was at this moment that Li Cangyu summoned his wind spirit and used Storm Fury.
Then Tan Shitian was blown into the sea.
[The Endless Sea has killed Ten Days!]
Cheng Wei was startled before he laughed. [Hahahaha, you were blown down by Cat God!]
Tan Shitian, “…”
Li Cangyu made a face like the sudden sneak attack had nothing to do with him.
Many viewers of the live broadcast lit candles. [The big cat and kitten joined hands. The
dog’s heartache must be strong!] [Captain Tan will definitely write a sad story. As a story
fan, I welcome it!] [Captain Tan, don’t be sad. After returning to the team, take care of Xiao
Cheng!] [Supporting Captain Tan to rub Xiao Cheng’s head until it is an explosive
Tan Shitian smiled helplessly at the screen after dying and Yan Ruiwen would naturally
find it hard after he was left alone. However, Wind Colour’s vice-captain wasn’t easy. He
used Death Mantra and Shadow Winding on Cheng Wei, before cursing Cheng Wei to death.
Still, he couldn’t beat Cat God and was finally killed by Cat God.
The Frost Team had a small advantage as Li Cangyu had around 40% blood and blue.
Soon after, the second stage of the arena began and the ones who appeared were actually
Lou Wushuang and Bai Xuan.
Li Cangyu was speechless. [The Su Yu combination refuses to be torn open?]
Bai Xuan helplessly replied: [Well, they are keeping guard.]
Li Cangyu smiled and said: [Xiao Bai, you used to give me blood. Now I am embarrassed to
hit you when you come to me.]
Bai Xuan said: [Why don’t you kill yourself?]
Li Cangyu made a straight face. [No, if I kill myself, Captain Ling will scold me.]
Ling Xuefeng under the stage, “…”
When would he scold Li Cangyu? Don’t talk about committing suicide. If Li Cangyu jumped
to the Fire Team to kill Ling Xuefeng then Ling Xuefeng still wouldn’t scold him.

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GLS: Chapter 195

Chapter 195 – Carnival (6)

During the time when Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were chatting, Lou Wushuang quickly
entered stealth and lurked behind him. Li Cangyu noticed this and didn’t hesitate to
summon the guardian.
However, Lou Wushuang was very calm and he didn’t use the strongest attack skill to deal
with Li Cangyu. He only used an assassination skill that consumed a low amount of blue
and it was successfully blocked by the guard.
Lou Wushuang immediately transferred targets and directly killed Li Cangyu’s guardian.
Li Cangyu summoned the fire spirit to deal with him and Lou Wushuang decisively killed Li
Cangyu’s fire spirit.
Li Cangyu admired this. He saw that Lou Wushuang’s IQ was extremely high and his playing
style was quite smart. He dropped two of Li Cangyu’s pets in a row and then counted the
cooldown time of the other pets. This made it difficult for Li Cangyu to use pets to control
his opponent. Instead, he would fall into the danger of having no pets available.
Li Cangyu naturally couldn’t let himself fall into such a disadvantage. He noticed something
was wrong and immediately used Flying Feather Steps to run. Cat God’s escape technique
was particularly skillful.
His 40% blood meant he would undoubtedly lose to Lou Wushuang and Bai Xuan but Li
Cangyu still refused to die. He used Flying Feather Steps to consume a lot of Lou
Wushuang’s skills before finally falling under his dagger.
The Frost Team sent the second group of partners, Zhang Shaohui and Chu Yan.
Many Ghost Spirits fans were excited when they saw this. The Lou Zhang brothers had
grown up together and were cousins. They were usually inseparable in the team and
cooperated with the best understanding. They were repeatedly nominated for the best
partners aware and led the Ghost Spirits team to successfully win the championship.
Since their debut, the two of them had always appeared in the form of a combination.
Zhang Shaohui had to protect his brother no matter what. In a post-match interview, a
reporter once said that if Lou Wushuang was in front, Zhang Shaohui would be behind him.
The vice-captain’s protection of his brother was notorious in the league.
The two brothers were actually facing each other in the arena today. It was enough to make
the audience members feel excited.
Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help feeling dazed when he saw Lou Wushuang. His brother was
smart and rational. Sometimes he was so calm he was like a cold-blooded animal.
Zhang Shaohui was first discovered by the captain of Ghost Spirits because of his excellent
game talent. At that time, Lou Wushuang was still ignorant of Miracle. Then in less than a
year, Lou Wushuang caught up to Zhang Shaohui and even surpassed him.
This time, Zhang Shaohui didn’t have much confidence facing his brother in the arena!
Even so, he couldn’t just admit defeat.
Zhang Shaohui immediately entered stealth and lurked behind Bai Xuan, trying to use Chu
Yan’s help to kill the milk dad Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan’s alertness was very strong. As Zhang Shaohui moved around, Bai Xuan was also
jumping around. This meant Zhang Shaohui couldn’t accurately locate him and ended up
being behind Lou Wushuang.
Lou Wushuang asked: [What are you doing behind my back? You aren’t coming out?]
Zhang Shaohui was embarrassed. […Did you guess?]
Lou Wushuang was a bit speechless. This idiot, they had been together for so long that it
was impossible not to guess. He must’ve unsuccessfully tried to assassinate Vice-Captain
Bai and then ended up lurking behind Lou Wushuang.
Obviously lurking but not acting, wasn’t this showing heart to his brother?
Lou Wushuang’s indifferent eyes softened at this thought and he directly lurked behind Chu
Yan to deal with Chu Yan.
The brothers asked each other a question and then left each other. The Ghost Spirits fans
were a bit dull. [Aren’t they fighting?] [Captain Lou and Vice-Captain Zhang don’t seem
used to being opponents.] [Vice-Captain Zhang still has a bit of conscience, unlike Vice-
Captain Cheng who went hard against Captain Tan!] [This is why brothers are brothers!]
[You forgot, Vice-Captain Zhang said that when they registered, they agreed that they
should always be good partners and never aim blades at each other.]
Zhang Shaohui was really in a daze because Lou Wushuang’s ID of Vestige always
accompanied him for a full five years. He was used to seeing this blood kin assassin as his
own person.
On the field, he always cooperated with Lou Wushuang to protect each other and kill the
enemy. Suddenly, Vestige became an opponent and Zhang Shaohui couldn’t respond.
Lou Wushuang also didn’t attack him. For these brothers, the names Vestige and Shadow
had a special meaning when they were registered together. At the time, they agreed to
never aim blades at each other and would consciously open side accounts when training
with the team. The pair of assassins who accompanied each other for five years didn’t want
to aim at each other today.
However, since they met in the ring, they couldn’t stand in place as soy sauce.
Zhang Shaohui turned to kill Bai Xuan and Lou Wushuang to kill Chu Yan. The survival
ability of Bai Xuan’s healer and Chu Yan’s auxiliary was extremely high and it was hard to
chase them on this map. The result was 10 minutes passed without anyone dying.
Once the battle continued to 12 minutes and Bai Xuan still had half blood left, Zhang
Shaohui couldn’t bear it anymore and made a suggestion. [Why don’t we all go down and
let the third group play?]
Lou Wushuang agreed. [Yes.]
Zhang Shaohui: [Brother, you jump into the sea first?]
Lou Wushuang: [You first.]
Zhang Shaohui smiled. [Don’t lie to me.]
Bai Xuan suggested: [Or perhaps Vice-Captain Chu should jump first.]
Chu Yan asked: [Am I stupid? What if you don’t die after I jump?]
Bai Xuan smiled. [I will keep my word. You kill yourself and I will kill myself.]
Chu Yan: [Then you jump first.]
The audience, “…”
There was laughter at the venue. How did things end up like this? This was the arena and
they were big gods. Yet the big gods were discussing about who would jump in first?
However, there was no other way. Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui had an agreement
since they were young that Vestige and Shadow would never oppose each other. This was
known to fans. The two brothers wouldn’t take the initiative to kill each other.
The two outputs didn’t do their best and the healer couldn’t die. It was estimated that this
match would last until dinner so it was better to finish it quickly for the next group.
In the end, the oldest Chu Yan said, “Let’s look at the time bar and jump when it is 15
The other three people agreed.
The time bar quickly reached 15 minutes and the four people jumped into the sea, directly
ending the second stage.
The audience, “…”
These guys were so funny! The second stage of the arena turned into a suicide discussion
and everyone could only wait for the third stage to restore the atmosphere.
The third stage was the Fire Team’s Su Yu against the Frost Team’s Ling Liu combination. In
fact, Li Cangyu saw this combination and thought the Frost Team would lose.
It wasn’t because Ling Xuefeng and Liu Xiang’s level weren’t as good. It was because the
frequency of Liu Xiang adding blood was different to Ling Xuefeng’s attack frequency. After
all, the two people weren’t teammates and were hastily put together. They couldn’t
compare to the Flying Feathers team’s ace combination.
The facts proved it. Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng used the violence of the two melee
classes to take away the healer Liu Xiang. Then it was 2v1 and Ling Xuefeng found it
difficult to fight.
The moment Yu Pingsheng made him dizzy with the axe, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help
thinking, ‘The two of you can be arrogant now. One day I will go out with my Cat and abuse
The Su Yu pair didn’t know Captain Ling’s thoughts and happily killed Captain Ling.
The host announced, “The Fire Team has won the third game! Today’s Carnival score is 2:1
with the Fire Team as the victor. The losing team will provide three signature prizes to the
audience. They have to also select a person to accept the punishment of the other team!
You can discuss who will accept the punishment.”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to point at Cheng Wei. “Cheng Wei will take it.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. ‘Idol, did you just sell me? I’m going to become a black fan!’
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Go on.”
The others were in favour of letting Cheng Wei be punished and Cheng Wei had to go to the
centre of the stage with his head bowed.
The Fire Team unanimously agreed to let Tan Shitian set the punishment. Tan Shitian came
forward and the audience thought that Tan Shitian would be evil to Cheng Wei. The result
was that Tan Shitian just smiled and said, “You always dislike it when I touch your head. I
will give you a chance to touch my head today.”
The audience, “…”
What type of punishment was this? Captain Tan was too much!
Cheng Wei made a disbelieving expression and cried out when he saw that Tan Shitian
wasn’t joking, “Don’t regret it!”
Then he reached out to touch Tan Shitian’s head. The result was that he was too short and
couldn’t touch it…
He reached out again and still couldn’t touch…
The audience just realized that their height difference was so big. Wasn’t Tan Shitian
blatantly mocking Cheng Wei? Look at Cheng Wei’s flushed face.
After trying to touch it a few times, Cheng Wei saw the audience laughing and immediately
retracted his hand with a red face. “Change the punishment. What punishment is this?”
Tan Shitian looked at him tenderly. “I see… what about this?”
Captain Tan slightly bent over so that Cheng Wei could reach out and touch his head. Cheng
Wei angrily rubbed his head and unexpectedly found that it felt good!
The audience was speechless. ‘Captain Tan, are you punishing Cheng Wei or yourself?’
Captain Tan was really soft. Cheng Wei beat him so hard in the game but he let Cheng Wei
go in the punishment stage.
Cheng Wei also knew this and indescribable feelings burst in his heart as he looked at the
man who took the initiative to bend down in front of him. He couldn’t help reaching out to
organize Tan Shitian’s messy hair.

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GLS: Chapter 196

Chapter 196 – Carnival (7)

The first day of the Carnival ended in this happy atmosphere. The six members of the losing
Frost Team prepared three signatures each as gifts for random audience members and the
officials also prepared many souvenirs for those in front of the TV who guessed right.
The fans supporting the Fire Team saw this scene and couldn’t help feeling envious.
[Limited edition signatures! I knew I should’ve prayed for the Fire Team to lose!] [I am a
Captain Su fan and I want the Fire Team to lose!] [I’m a fan of Daddy Bai! I want his
signature. Asking the Fire Team to lose!]
A scene where the fans demanded their favourite players lose could only be seen at the
After the event, the 12 contestants were sent back to their hotel in a car. The league
arranged a dinner for them in advance. Cheng Wei actively sat next to Li Cangyu while Tan
Shitian came over and sat next to Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei felt a bit awkward. He tried his best to kill Tan Shitian in the game today and the
result was that Tan Shitian spared him in the punishment stage. He felt a bit sorry towards
Captain Tan… However, Cheng Wei wasn’t a person who easily bowed his head and
admitted his mistake, especially in front of Tan Shitian.
Originally, he debuted a year earlier than Tan Shitian and was considered Tan Shitian’s
senior. The result was that he was worse than Tan Shitian. If he admitted his mistake then
he would have no dignity as a senior!
He was thinking this when a chicken leg was placed in his bowl. He looked up to see Tan
Shitian’s smiling eyes. “I’ll give this to you so eat it quickly.”
Cheng Wei wasn’t very comfortable. He ate the chicken leg while muttering, “Oh, thank
Next to them, Ling Xuefeng naturally helped Li Cangyu grab fish while Su Guangmo took
care of Yu Pingsheng. Lou Wushuang’s gaze swept over this scene and then he looked at his
stupid brother who was taking care of himself and hit him on the thigh.
Zhang Shaohui was hit and looked up innocently at him. “Brother, what’s wrong?”
Lou Wushuang touched his glasses and demanded coldly, “Give me a piece.”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and placed a piece of lean pork ribs into his brother’s
bowl. Lou Wushuang was satisfied as he coldly ate the ribs.
Bai Xuan and Yan Ruiwen were chatting together. Both of them were vice-captains and
there were many common topics. In these types of occasions, Liu Xiang didn’t speak a lot
and she just quietly ate. Chu Yan was bored and joined Yan Ruiwen and Bai Xuan’s
The group of people finished dinner and went back to the room to rest. Cheng Wei followed
behind Li Cangyu and refused to leave when he arrived at Li Cangyu’s door. Li Cangyu
smiled and looked at him. “What is it?”
Cheng Wei hesitated for a moment before suddenly exclaiming, “Cat God, I will sleep with
you tonight!”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Tan Shitian, “…”
The two men walking in the back looked a bit strange when they heard this. Cheng Wei had
a simple expression on his face as he hugged Li Cangyu’s arm. “I haven’t seen you for a long
time and I want to chat with you. Can I change rooms with Vice-Captain Bai?”
Bai Xuan helplessly looked at Li Cangyu and didn’t saw anything. Tan Shitian came over to
help. “These rooms are arranged by the league and can’t be changed. If you want to change
it then talk to the chairman.”
Cheng Wei was startled and asked, “Is this true?”
Tan Shitian seriously replied, “Of course, the league has records of the check-in.”
Cheng Wei was successfully deceived and scratched his head. “Oh, then I will talk to Cat God
for a bit and go to sleep at 11 o’clock.”
He had a strange sense of dependence on Li Cangyu. It was probably because he joined the
league when he was really young. He left his hometown and came to the strange Beijing
alone. During that critical period, Li Cangyu pointed out the most suitable road for him and
he won the newcomer award in one swoop…
Cat God was always on Cheng Wei’s mind so every time he saw Cat God, he wanted to be
close to the other person. Now that he made this request, he felt some apprehension. He
was afraid that Cat God would dislike it.
This really was like a small fan facing an idol!
Li Cangyu softened when he saw Cheng Wei’s eyes and he couldn’t help smiling. “Then
come in and chat for a bit.”
Cheng Wei made a happy sound and followed Li Cangyu into the room. The result made
him depressed because Ling Xuefeng and Tan Shitian also entered!
He wanted to say a few words to Cat God. Why were these two big lightbulbs following?
Cheng Wei was very depressed and didn’t say much as he followed behind Li Cangyu.
Bai Xuan considerately brewed a pot of tea for everyone. They sat down on the sofa and
Ling Xuefeng said, “If there isn’t something unexpected tomorrow then it should be a team
battle event. After the event, everyone will go back to their teams.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “The next round is Wind Colour’s away game against Canglan. You have
to be prepared when leading the team to Changsha. I will give you a surprise.”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Is the surprise winning against me 3:0?”
Li Cangyu cried out, “You guessed it!”
Ling Xuefeng casually said, “Don’t be too proud. Maybe Wind Colour will win 3:0.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were chatting and Cheng Wei couldn’t insert any words.
Tan Shitian said gracefully, “The two-day Carnival is just a domestic activity. The second
World Carnival in October this year is the highlight. Last year, our 3v3 teams won the
championship and third place. Perhaps this year we can win the championship and second
Li Cangyu told him, “Not necessarily. I heard gossip that the World League will change the
rules of the 3v3 project. It is likely that each country can only send one 3v3 team, so as to
not have powerful countries send two teams like last year.”
Cheng Wei finally found an opportunity to interject. “If you play 3v3, Cat God and Captain
Ling can team up!”
Li Cangyu looked at him. “I might not be selected.”
Cheng Wei exclaimed, “It will definitely be fine. I will help you gain votes!”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted his head. Cheng Wei was pure in nature. During this domestic
Carnival, he publicly helped Li Cangyu gain votes on Weibo. He seemed to have forgotten
that the World Carnival had a limited number of players. If he helped others then he might
not be able to enter.
Tan Shitian looked at his warm scene and couldn’t help feeling envious. If Cheng Wei’s
heart towards him could be half as good as it was towards Cat God, he would be fine…
That night, Cheng Wei stayed in Li Cangyu’s room until 11 o’clock. Once he returned to his
room, he immediately rushed into the bathroom. It seemed he was too embarrassed to face
Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian didn’t care and entered the bathroom once Cheng Wei finished washing up.
Cheng Wei lay in bed and listened to the sound of water in the bathroom. He closed his
eyes, wanting to sleep but he couldn’t. His mind repeatedly replayed the image of Tan
Shitian bending over in front of him as his fingers slipped gently through Tan Shitian’s hair.
Tan Shitian came out after his shower and Cheng Wei secretly opened his eyes to have a
look, only to meet Tan Shitian’s eyes.
The person who was discovered peeking turned red and quickly covered himself with a
quilt, pretending to sleep. Tan Shitian came over and sat by his bed. “Are you hiding? Are
you afraid to see me? Didn’t you say that you were going to abuse me?”
Tan Shitian forcibly opened the quiet and his heart trembled when he saw the red Cheng
This person had no idea how tempting he was.
The red face, the clear black eyes and the gently bitten lips made Tan Shitian want to
directly pounce and kiss him breathless!
Moreover, today Cheng Wei joined hands with Cat God to kill him. Tan Shitian didn’t say
anything but he was actually a bit jealous. Cat God’s weight in Cheng Wei’s mind was much
higher than Tan Shitian. This feeling was really uncomfortable.
The simple eyes made Tan Shitian suppress his heart. He gently touched Cheng Wei’s head
and said, “Do you know why I particularly like to touch your hair?”
Cheng Wei wondered, “Because I am easier to bully?”
Tan Shitian laughed. “Stupid, others put their heads in front of me and I don’t want to touch
them. I want to touch your head because I think you are really cute.”
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened angrily. “Don’t use the word cute to describe a man!”
Tan Shitian smiled and leaned so that his lips were against Cheng Wei’s ears. He spoke in a
low voice, “Are you a man? You are considered a small boy at most.”
Cheng Wei’s face flushed. “I am 19 years old, I’m almost 20!”
“Yet you aren’t mature in some respects.” Tan Shitian smiled. “You haven’t held a girl’s
hand and don’t you still have your first kiss?”
Cheng Wei became more and more angry. “So what? This shows that I am a very serious
person! I don’t mess around with people! My first kiss is to be left to my future wife!”
Tan Shitian saw his desperate appearance and liked it even more. He couldn’t help leaning
closer. “You want to kiss your wife but do you know how to kiss someone?”
Cheng Wei was stunned. “No, just… mouth to mouth?”
Tan Shitian was about to laugh to death. He suppressed it and whispered, “It naturally isn’t
that simple. You don’t even know this. You will be hated by your wife in the future.”
Cheng Wei shouted angrily, “Shut up! I don’t want to discuss this topic with you!”
He covered himself with the quilt to sleep. As a result, Tan Shitian once again opened the
quilt and asked, “Do you want me to teach you?”
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened with surprise. “Are you stupid?! You will still teach this?”
Tan Shitian thought, ‘Aren’t you the stupid one? Since joining the Time Team at the age of
16 and winning the Best Newcomer Award in the third season, you became the vice-captain
in the first season. You only know how to play games and know nothing about the world.’
He really wanted to bully Cheng Wei from the beginning, thoroughly dyeing this piece of
white paper black and making him beg for mercy…
However, Tan Shitian felt soft and reluctant when he saw Cheng Wei’s simple appearance.
Tan Shitian smiled. “In fact, you can try it. I will teach you free of charge. If I’m not a good
teacher then you don’t need to have me as a teacher.”
Cheng Wei had a young man’s heart after all and he was very curious about this. He always
felt that Tan Shitian was planning something but his strong curiosity prevailed. What harm
was there in learning from Tan Shitian? It was like Tan Shitian said. If he didn’t learn then
he might be abandoned by his girlfriend in the future!
Cheng Wei blushed when he thought this and curiously asked, “Will you? Then… try and
teach me.”
This sentence was simply adding fuel to the fire for Tan Shitian. He originally endured the
desire to kiss Cheng Wei but once he heard this, he decisively grabbed the back of Cheng
Wei’s head and leaned over to kiss him.
Cheng Wei was stunned and by the time he reacted, Tan Shitian had already put his tongue
in. The flexible tongue gently swept through the mouth, like dyeing white paper black, he
left traces of himself everywhere in Cheng Wei’s mouth.
Tan Shitian was also young but his kissing skills were quite superb. He had liked Cheng Wei
for a long time and was naturally gentle and considerate to his beloved. He had to take care
of every aspect.
Cheng Wei was firmly kissed. He thought it would be disgusting but strangely, Tan Shitian’s
gentle touch made Cheng Wei feel particularly comfortable…
He even comfortably raised his eyes.
“Um…mmm… hmm…”
Compared to his usual appearance, the current Cheng Wei looked like a confused kitten as
he subconsciously made seductive sounds.
Tan Shitian’s gaze became deeper until Cheng Wei was almost suffocated by the kiss. Then
he suppressed his body’s fierce reaction and put the brakes on in time, retreating from
Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei desperately gasped. Some time passed before his breathing calmed down and
his sense of reason returned. Cheng Wei only just realized that he was kissed.
“Ahhh! Tan Shitian, you’re dead! How dare you kiss me? You son of a b…” Before he could
finish, Tan Shitian smiled and gently blocked his mouth. He gently asked, “Are you
Cheng Wei froze. He no longer talked and his cheeks turned red.
Tan Shitian whispered into his ears, “This is a kiss. Do you understand? If you don’t
understand then come find me at any time. There is no need to be embarrassed. Men
exchanging experiences is nothing.”
Cheng Wei turned over and ignored him. He buried himself in the quilt and thought that
today was really humiliating.
However, Tan Shitian’s kiss was really comfortable. Once he was kissed, Cheng Wei felt that
his previous brain process was wrong. It felt like a door to a new world had been opened?

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GLS: Chapter 197

Chapter 197 – Carnival (8)

That evening, Cheng Wei lay down and couldn’t fall asleep. He felt excited about ‘finally
learning to kiss’ but felt sorrow at the ‘person being Tan Shitian.’ He rolled around in bed
and thought for a long time. He didn’t fall asleep until 3 o’clock and ended up dreaming
about being kissed by Tan Shitian…
He woke up and saw Captain Tan’s calm face. Cheng Wei was embarrassed to look at him
and rushed into the bathroom. The result was that he didn’t pay attention and bumped into
the glass.
Tan Shitian hurriedly came over and rubbed his forehead, asking softly, “Are you hurt?”
Cheng Wei avoided his gaze. “I’m fine. Cough, let’s go for breakfast…”
The two of them went downstairs together and found the other players gathering around
the breakfast buffet. The vice-captains of Canglan and Wind Colour were sitting at a table
and Cheng Wei didn’t hesitate to sit beside Cat God.
Li Cangyu asked doubtfully, “What happened to your forehead?”
Cheng Wei was too embarrassed to say that he stupidly walked into the glass door.
Fortunately, Tan Shitian rescued him. “I didn’t pay attention and accidentally hit him.”
Li Cangyu nodded and didn’t ask anymore questions. “Go get breakfast. We will eat
together before going to the venue.”
Today’s Carnival officially started at 10 in the morning and it was a six member team battle
as everyone had long guessed.
Yesterday the Frost Team had been helplessly defeated in the arena and the audience was
most looking forward to today’s team battle.
The Frost Team had the two explosive players, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng. Together with
Cheng Wei’s control, Chu Yan’s assistance, Zhang Shaohui’s assassination and Liu Xiang’s
healing, this team could directly enter the world competition and have a chance of winning
when facing the top teams from the US and South Korea.
On the Fire Team’s side, they lacked an auxiliary but their output was very stable. Su
Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Lou Wushuang were the three front row attackers, Yan
Ruiwen added negative states and Tan Shitian could suppress from a distance. There was
also the super-survival god’s milk, Bai Xuan. This team was also top in the world.
Many viewers were excited. [In fact, the Chinese Miracle players have improved quickly in
the past two years. Last year’s 3v3 victory at the World Carnival won’t be the last
championship we win!] [Seeing the great gods at the domestic Carnival, I think we might be
able to get a prize in the World Competition!] [The seventh season isn’t over yet. It is too
early to worry about the World Competition!]
The discussion in the live room was very lively. In order to better explain the game to the
audience outside the stadium, the league had Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi come to commentate
for everyone.
At the Carnival, the host came forward with the microphone and smiled. “Audience
members, the last showdown of this year’s Carnival is about to begin. I believe that
everyone has already guessed today’s matchup mode. It is the long expected six person
team battle! The lineup of both sides is on the big screen. Who will be the commander of
the game? Let’s wait for news from the referee’s side.”
The contestants on both sides had already sat down and submitted their commander to the
The Fire Team was commanded by Su Guangmo and the Frost Team was LI Cangyu.
The temporary captains on both sides acted as commanders, which was expected by many
people. It was only the Wind Colour fans who felt it was unfair. They didn’t expect Captain
Ling to give the command to that cat!
In order to save time, today’s team battle was only one game. The map was naturally
randomly selected by the system.
Half a minute later, the random map finally appeared on the big screen. It was Yisu City
This map wasn’t very difficult. It was an ordinary map with a wide field of view and was
fair to any class.
The players sitting on the stage saw the map and looked very calm. Once the two sides
refreshed at the birth point, Li Cangyu immediately deployed them. “I will stay with Xiao
Wei in the middle. Xuefeng will go with Liu Xiang and Vice-Captain Zhang will go with Chu
The purpose of raising Zhang Shaohui and Ling Xuefeng’s economy was very obvious. After
all, the resources on the map were limited. Ling Xuefeng could gave a full income with a
nanny and Zhang Shaohui could also pick up coins in the early stages.
Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei could only divide the resources of the wild area. Cheng Wei had
no opinion on this. After all, this lineup didn’t require him to be an output. He only needed
to control the field.
On the Fire Team’s side, the splitting up was the same as yesterday’s arena. The Su Yu
combination still didn’t split up, Tan and Yan were together while Bai and Zhang went to
their allocated area.
Yu Bing saw this scene and couldn’t help saying, “Today’s game is really a gathering of great
gods. I guess that both sides will play conservatively early on. I just saw that Cheng Wei
appeared in Tan Shitian’s attack range but he didn’t act and kept killing the mobs. The
other two areas are the same. They want to stably develop first and the first wave of
combat will probably be over the ice dragon.”
It was as Yu Bing said. Both sides had great gods and their mentality was relatively stable.
They had an attitude of enjoying this game and didn’t rush to attack.
Once the first wave of mobs was cleared, the ice dragon refreshed on time.
The turning point of a team battle was generally when the ice dragon refreshed. The team
with the advantage could keep it by taking the ice dragon. The disadvantaged team could
reverse the situation if they won the ice dragon. If there was an initial draw, winning the
team economy boss would lay the foundation for a later victory.
The ice dragon was definitely a resource both sides had to fight over. There was no need for
a command as everyone consciously went to the refresh point.
Li Cangyu instructed while walking, “Cheng Wei and Chu Yan, try to control Bai Xuan. Vice-
Captain Zhang, detour to the left side and stare at your brother. Xuefeng, you know.”
Ling Xuefeng hummed in agreement.
Cheng Wei was curious. “What does he know?”
Zhang Shaohui also asked, “What is it?”
Liu Xiang was really speechless at the worrying IQs of these two people and reminded
them, “Don’t be distracted. They’re coming.”
The female captain’s gentle voice made everyone calm down. Zhang Shaohui actively
lurked to find Lou Wushuang while Cheng Wei and Chu Yan started reading their control
God’s Seal!
Cheng Wei’s white magic aimed at Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan’s pre-judgement ability was first-
class. He moved to the side as if he guessed and successfully hid from this control.
Psychic Array, Absolute Zero!
This was Chu Yan’s ranged silence array. The large array of the psychic often had a
powerful group control effect. Tan Shitian and Yan Ruiwen had played remotely against
Chu Yan many times. They were far away and naturally unaffected. However, the few
people in the front row as well as Bai Xuan, who just moved a step into the array because
he hid from Cheng Wei’s skill, were affected.
Kou Hongyi quickly said, “Cheng Wei and Chu Yan cleverly cooperated. Cheng Wei might’ve
wasted his control skill but he successfully pushed Bai Xuan into Chu Yan’s skill—oh my
god, why are there so many pets on the field? My eyes are going blind!”
Don’t blame Kou Hongyi for yelling. Many spectators were in the same state.
The moment Chu Yan successfully controlled Bai Xuan, Li Cangyu summoned his four
water, fire, wind and thunder spirits while Ling Xuefeng summoned his skeleton infantry,
black crows, banshee and the demon god. This image was too beautiful!
The audience became even more gobsmacked when Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to open
Cataclysm and Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to open Demon God’s Rage…
The result was a loud booming noise. The green light effect of the elves and the red light
effect of the demons intertwined and flooded towards the three people controlled in the
psychic’s array!
Su Guangmo lost 80% blood, Yu Pingsheng lost 70% blood, Bai Xuan lost 80% blood and
the invisible Lou Wushuang was also hit…
The two people joined forces and directly disabled the three people on the opposite side!
The audience couldn’t calm down for a long time. Cheng Wei’s eyes were dull and Zhang
Shaohui was also shocked. Then Li Cangyu’s voice pulled them back from their thoughts.
“What are you doing? Hurry and use your moves!”
Cheng Wei immediately reacted and excitedly opened the white magician’s big move, Ice
Storm. Zhang Shaohui wasn’t far behind and used Fatal Blow on Yu Pingsheng!
[Only Dedication has killed White Fox!]
[Only Dedication has killed Grey Wolf!]
[Shadow has killed Smog of Rain!]
Three people on the Fire Team died in an instant. The audience couldn’t believe it…
Su Guangmo helplessly looked at his scene. He thought that Cat God would play more
conservatively today. Who would’ve thought he would be so fierce?
Su Guangmo directly wrote: [GG!]
GG was an abbreviation for ‘good game.’ It originated from a confrontation between two
high level e-sports players many years ago. One of them made his character say this praise
before exiting the competition. It meant the opponent ‘played very well. This game is good.’
Later, the two letters GG had a variety of usages in e-sports. Sometimes, GG was used to
directly give up while some seniors used it to praise the younger generation.
Su Guangmo used it as a pun. In addition to appreciating the cooperation between Ling and
Cat, there was also the meaning of directly surrendering.
Tan Shitian followed by joking on the public channel: [The summoners have released their
outbreak. I don’t think it is necessary to fight anymore.]
The dead Bai Xuan agreed. [Ling Cat can’t be on the same screen. They are simply a
biological weapon.]
[Captain Ling and Cat God have a total of eight pets. It is equivalent to a 6v14 fight!] Cheng
Wei excitedly typed.
He finally understood what Li Cangyu meant by ‘Xuefeng, you know’. These two people
really had a connection. Cataclysm and Demon God’s Rage were difficult skills. Today,
under Li Cangyu’s delicate layout, they actually opened the big moves at the same time and
directly killed the Fire Team.
No one else had this tacit understanding.
At this moment, the mood of many Captain Ling and Cat God fans were somewhat
complicated. Before, they were arguing for several days on the forum about who the best
summoner was. Now they saw the horrible scene of both summoners together and couldn’t
help becoming fans.
[In fact, Cat God is very handsome!] A Captain Ling fan weakly said. [It isn’t easy for him to
stick around for so many years. Can we still blacken him?]
[Don’t blacken, don’t blacken. It is all gone! The two of them have such a good relationship.
How can the fans argue?]
[The gorgeous skills of Captain Ling and Cat God together crashed my computer…]
[They are really strong together. They are both fierce players and their hand speed is over
500APM. The instantaneous output is amazing! It is fortunate they aren’t in the same team
or the other teams can’t last!]
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing saw this scene with a complicated expression.
She originally thought that today’s team battle would last for half an hour. The result was
that it ended in less than 10 minutes. The Fire Team directly admitted defeat. This might
have an element of joking but it was also a great affirmation of the Ling Cat team.
At this point, the two people at the centre of the discussion were extremely calm. They
were long accustomed to this cooperation.
Li Cangyu didn’t have to think about where Ling Xuefeng would summon his pets and Ling
Xuefeng didn’t have to worry about interfering with Li Cangyu’s rhythm. They just needed
to fight according to their own ideas and their skills combined perfectly.
Li Cangyu glanced over at Ling Xuefeng and saw the deep confirmation, appreciation and
affection that only Li Cangyu could understand in his eyes.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling and patted Ling Xuefeng on the shoulder. “Well done.”
Ling Xuefeng leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Today is the first time we have
cooperated in public but it is just the beginning.”
“I understand.”
Li Cangyu remembered their agreement regarding the national team and he naturally
understood Ling Xuefeng’s words.
One day, they would become the most tacit teammates and head towards the wider world
—the World Competition!

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GLS: Chapter 198

Chapter 198 – Temporary Farewell

The two Carnival days allowed the Miracle fans to enjoy a pleasant weekend, especially the
fans who came to the venue. In addition to seeing the great gods gathered, there were some
lucky viewers who got a precious signature souvenir.
Once the Carnival ended, the league arranged for media reporters to interview the players.
Reporters swarmed the moment Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan appeared. The host was scared by
this and stood up to maintain order. “Don’t rush. Ask questions one by one!”
A female reporter asked, “Cat God, you participated in the Carnival for the first time this
year and directly served as temporary captain and commander of the Frost Team. Many
people are curious since the captain in previous years is normally Ling Xuefeng. Why did he
retreat and let you develop the lineup tactics?”
Li Cangyu answered calmly, “The audience won’t feel it is fresh if he is the captain every
year. Thus, he let me do it this time.”
The reporter asked, “Is your relationship as good as rumoured?”
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “Ling Xuefeng and I aren’t good actors. We don’t need to pretend
to have a good relationship. We are opponents on the field but in private, we are excellent
“How good is it?” A reporter wanted gossip.
Li Cangyu thought, ‘It is good enough for me to kiss him casually. Won’t you die if I say
“I don’t know how to describe it.” Li Cangyu touched his nose and cleverly shifted the
subject. “Probably… I must try to win against him on the field and then I will ask him to eat
fish after the game.”
Everyone was amused by Cat God. The rumour about him expressing kindness through
eating fish was true.
Someone stood up and joked, “Cat God, today you joined hands with Captain Ling. This
scene was described as a ‘biological weapon’ by Vice-Captain Bai. The audience also saw
the power of the double summoners at the time. Have you ever thought about later having
an opportunity to cooperate with Captain Ling?”
“There will be if we can go to the World Competition.” His voice was calm and his eyes very
confident. Many reporters on the scene excitedly recorded this scene. They were looking
forward to the two people cooperating at the World Competition.
However, some reporters questioned it. “At the end of the first round of the regular season,
Canglan is third from the bottom. Does Cat God have confidence in reversing the situation
in the second round and leading Canglan to the playoffs?”
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate. “Of course. I am best at reversing the situation.”
Bai Xuan sat next to him and couldn’t help smiling. He picked up the microphone and said,
“We didn’t perform well in the first round because the experience of the few newcomers
was still lacking. Still, I believe that everyone will try their best to grab points in the second
Bai Xuan’s nature was gentle but the self-confidence revealed in this sentence made the
reporters clap appreciatively. Canglan’s performance in the first round wasn’t particularly
good but there were a few remarkable matches. The key was the growth of the four
teenagers. If they could complete their breakthrough as soon as possible then Canglan
would have the strength to play in the playoffs.
That afternoon, the great gods went to the airport and returned to the city where their
clubs were located.
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei had the earliest flight to Beijing. The two of them checked out
first. Cheng Wei looked at Li Cangyu reluctantly and said, “Cat God, the next time we meet
will be the final week of the second round. I will go to Changsha to find you!”
Li Cangyu replied simply, “Okay, I’ll be waiting.”
The Lou Zhang brothers went to Shenzhen together, Su Yu returned to Kunming, Chu Yan
and Liu Xiang also left. Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan had the latest flight times and rested at the
hotel. Ling Xuefeng offered to drive them to the airport and Li Cangyu didn’t refuse.
On the way to the airport, Bai Xuan was in the car so the two of them didn’t do anything out
of the ordinary. They just chatted about the game and the league. Once they separated at
the security check, Ling Xuefeng stretched out his arms and gently hugged Li Cangyu,
saying, “Take care.”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulders. “I will see you at the playoffs.”
Bai Xuan watched them from the side. Li Cangyu was embarrassed and quickly let go of
Ling Xuefeng. He gestured goodbye to Ling Xuefeng before walking through the security
check with Bai Xuan.
On the plane, Bai Xuan couldn’t help asking, “Your relationship with Ling Xuefeng seems to
be better than before.”
Li Cangyu made an innocent expression. “Is it? How come I didn’t know? You are thinking
too much.”
Bai Xuan smiled and didn’t say anything. It was just that his heart was a bit complicated. He
knew Li Cangyu for many years and naturally understood Li Cangyu very well. Li Cangyu’s
personality was straightforward and he hated greasy people. He rarely cuddled with people
but recently, he hugged Ling Xuefeng almost every time they met. This was really
inconsistent with his past style.
Not to mention, Captain Ling was a famous abstinent male god. He was very cold to people
but when it came to Li Cangyu, he could naturally stretch out his arms and hug Li Cangyu…
Bai Xuan didn’t believe they were just ordinary friends.
Of course, Li Cangyu didn’t say it so Bai Xuan thoughtfully didn’t ask. After all, Bai Xuan
wasn’t interested in invading other people’s privacy. Moreover, he believed that Li Cangyu
and Ling Xuefeng were responsible captains who wouldn’t let the team be affected by
personal feelings.
The plane would soon take off and the broadcast repeatedly reminded passengers to turn
off their phones. Bai Xuan took out his phone to shut it down when a message appeared on
the screen. [Have you already boarded? Have a safe journey. I am waiting for you in
Changsha. I’ve washed the fruit that you love to eat. Tree thinking of you O(∩_∩)O]
Bai Xuan was stunned by the last sentence and the smiley face. Li Cangyu saw his weird
expression and wondered, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing… it is an advertisement SMS.” Bai Xuan smiled and pressed the shutdown key on
his phone.
These days, the captain and vice-captain weren’t present. A certain Shu must be
particularly arrogant. Bai Xuan imagined Xie Shurong as the child king leading the four
little guys to act in a lawless manner…
However, the thing that made Bai Xuan feel complicated was that Xie Shurong seemed
serious about him? Almost a month had passed of the six months contract. If it was just for
fun then Xie Shurong’s enthusiasm should’ve died down but he hadn’t given up. Every day,
the SMS and phone calls continued, making Bai Xuan’s head swell up.
The dazed Bai Xuan fell asleep and woke up when the plane landed at Huanghua Airport in
Changsha. The two people grabbed their luggage and left the airport. The special car from
the Dragon Song Club was waiting outside. Bai Xuan wanted to talk to the driver when the
door opened and a young and handsome face appeared. He smiled at Bai Xuan, “The two
great gods are back?”
Perhaps it was because the afternoon sun was too hot but Xie Shurong’s smile was brilliant.
Combined with the suit, he felt like a male lead in an idol drama.
Li Cangyu asked, “Why are you wearing a suit to pick us up on such a hot day? People who
don’t know you will think you are here to pick up your boss.”
Xie Shurong smiled and looked at Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain Bai, does my suit look good? I
bought it myself.”
Bai Xuan glanced at the light grey suit. “…Cough, it’s okay.”
He was tall and upright and really did look handsome in this suit. His childish personality
wasn’t consistent with a suit but his body and face could fool people. As he stood in front of
the car, he attracted the attention of many passersby.
Bai Xuan raised his suitcase to place it in the trunk. Xie Shurong immediately helped him. “I
will do it.”
He didn’t care about Li Cangyu’s luggage and the captain had to say, “What about mine?”
Xie Shurong turned back to help the captain as well, making Li Cangyu pat him on the
shoulder with satisfaction. “Ah Shu has really grown up. You actually know to come to the
airport to pick us up.”
Li Cangyu got on the car and Xie Shurong asked with a smile, “Do you know why I came to
the airport to pick you up?”
Bai Xuan joked, “Do you want to show a good performance in front of the captain and vice-
Xie Shurong shook his head and whispered in Bai Xuan’s ears. “It is because I miss you and
I want to see you first.”
Bai Xuan’s ears turned red at Xie Shurong’s deep gaze and he immediately looked away.
Didn’t this guy have any shame? He said such a strange thing in public. What if Cat God
heard him?
Bai Xuan ignored Xie Shurong’s infatuated eyes and sat in the back seat with a red face. Xie
Shurong followed him in.
Li Cangyu asked, “The two of us haven’t been present. What have the four little ones been
Xie Shurong answered, “Don’t worry Captain, I have been watching them. Apart from
watching the live broadcast of the Carnival, they have been training very seriously.”
Li Cangyu nodded with satisfaction. As Ling Xuefeng proposed before, he was ready to hand
the captain’s position to Xie Shurong for a period of time after retiring. Ah Shu was
currently only 21 years old and his state hadn’t declined yet. It was fine for him to play a
few more years. Once Ah Shu wanted to retire, he would hand over the team to Xiao Han so
that the newcomers wouldn’t feel too much stress.
During the Carnival, Li Cangyu had handed management of the team over to Ah Shu. Ah Shu
had taken the four newcomers to watch the games and gave an explanation. Xie Shurong
didn’t seem like his usual frivolous self at that time and was quite reliable.
The trio chatted casually and quickly arrived at the Dragon Song Club. The four teenagers
saw that the captain had come back and like kittens seeing their father, they pounced on Li
Li Cangyu was in a great mood. He rubbed their heads and said, “I bought you gifts. They
are posters that contain the signatures of all the great gods present at the Carnival and you
can add them to your collection.”
“Great!” “Cat God is awesome!” “Captain, thank you!”
Gu Siming almost jumped with joy, Li Xiaojiang stared with wide eyes, Xiao Han showed a
strong curiosity and Zhuo Hang looked at Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian’s signatures with a
complicated expression. Ah Shu and Old Zhang also got gifts and were quite excited. A
poster signed by 12 great gods definitely couldn’t be bought from the market.
The gifts were delivered and Li Cangyu called everyone out for dinner. The team happily
went to a restaurant for dinner, which was the last time they had to relax before the start of
the regular season’s second round.
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GLS: Chapter 199

Chapter 199 – Second Round of the Regular Season

That evening, all players returned from holiday and the Miracle Gossip Group was
extraordinarily lively. Li Cangyu opened the group and the number of unread messages
exceeded 300.
The reason was because Tan Shitian sent another story, which was more obvious. There
was a black cat standing on the left, a big tiger standing on the right and these words above
their heads, “You know.”
The fans were in a daze. [This is the first time a tiger has appeared in Captain Tan’s posts!]
[Captain Tan, aren’t you raising a dog? Why is it a tiger?] [Captain Tan, I don’t understand.
Please explain!] [God Ten Days, I think you can change to being a cartoonist after your
retire. Your brain is so strange and your drawings are realistic. You will definitely be
The fans on Weibo were confused but the players who participated in the Carnival were
Cheng Wei posted a screenshot of the drawing into the group and said: [The meaning of
this is that Cat God commanded, “Xuefeng, you know.” Tan Shitian is so fast. I only
described it to him yet he draw a cartoon about it!]
Zhang Shaohui came forward to testify. [I also heard it. ‘Xuefeng, you know.’ But I didn’t
understand at the time.]
Cheng Wei: [Captain Ling, did you really know? We didn’t know. @Undead Demon]
Zhang Shaohui: [Nonsense. If Captain Ling didn’t understand then how could he use the big
move? @Undead Demon]
The group of people spoke in the group for this purpose. The protagonist of the event, Ling
Xuefeng finally appeared. [This tiger is drawn well.] He calmly commented on Tan Shitian’s
Tan Shitian replied: [Thank you for the compliment!]
Li Cangyu also came out: [You didn’t understand?]
Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui lined up +1.
Li Cangyu: [Xuefeng is still the smartest, right? @Undead Demon]
This sentence made many players feel dazed. The Miracle League had been going on for
many years yet who would dare call Captain Ling by just Xuefeng? Li Cangyu was too bold
to direct the joke at Ling Xuefeng.
The surprising thing was that the stoic Ling Xuefeng replied with a smiley expression.
Everyone was blinded by the smiley expression. They knew that whenever Captain Ling
chatted with someone on Q, he would reply concisely within 10 words and never used any
What was going on today?
Bai Xuan saw this and his previous conjecture was confirmed. The relationship between
Ling Cat wasn’t simple. They treated each other too well to be simple friends. However, the
other Miracle players didn’t know much about Cat God and didn’t think in that direction.
Then Cheng Wei mindlessly typed: [Right, previously Cat God wrote on Weibo that he
already has a lover. Cat God, I suddenly feel a bit of doubt towards you and Captain Ling!]
Cheng Wei was bold and never hid what he was thinking. He directly spoke these words
and the group suddenly feel silent. Ling Xuefeng was the oldest in the current Miracle
League and most of the younger generations were awed by him. They certainly wouldn’t
dare to joke with him.
Li Cangyu saw this and wanted to put his hand through the computer to hit this idiot. This
fool didn’t usually see anything so how could he hit the main point when speaking
Everyone stayed silent, staring at the computer screen as they waited to see how the two
people involved would explain.
Ling Xuefeng typed very calmly: [If I said yes, would you believe it?]
Li Cangyu immediately replied: [Yes Xiao Wei, how are you so smart. [Touches Head].]
Cheng Wei, “…”
The result was that nobody believed it.
This method was really effective. The people who originally suspected the two protagonists
now felt that they were smearing the innocent friendship. Cheng Wei even felt
embarrassed. [I’m sorry! Captain Ling, Cat God, I just spoke nonsense.]
Ling Xuefeng: [It doesn’t matter!]
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. This person was really stupid.
Li Cangyu stopped laughing and sent Ling Xuefeng a private message: [We have to keep a
low profile. It seems that we are seen by some people.]
[Yes.] Ling Xuefeng paused before sending another message. [Do you mind?]
Li Cangyu naturally didn’t mind. It wasn’t a big deal if they were discovered. They were
doing their work right, being captains and playing their own game. Then in their free time,
they talked about love. It didn’t affect others so why did it matter if they were together?
However, it wouldn’t be good to announce it now when considering the team members and
fans. After all, the Canglan team’s foundation in the Miracle League was still unstable and
there were many matches to play. Li Cangyu didn’t want to deal with the reporters’
speculations about his private life before he head to.
[Of course I don’t mind if the two of us reveal our relationship.] Li Cangyu smiled. [Still, it
will affect the emotions of the other players in the team if it is announced. Let’s find a
suitable opportunity to talk about it later.]
[Actually, I don’t care if you want to keep it from everyone. We know each other’s hearts.
The opinions of unrelated people don’t matter.] Ling Xuefeng stated calmly.
Both of them were very committed and the relationship between them wouldn’t change.
Still, it was like Li Cangyu said. They were captains and had to consider their teams. At
present, the second round of the regular season was imminent and everyone would be
trying their best to compete for a place in the playoffs. Emotional things would naturally be
This evening, many professional players appeared in the group because tomorrow,
everyone would enter the intense training stage and there was no time to relax.
Many people went to play together and the group was lively until it quietened down
around midnight.
The next morning, Li Cangyu summoned the players of the Canglan team for a meeting. The
schedule for the second round was the opposite of the first round. In other words, it would
be Wind Colour, Cheetah, Pure Cleansing, Ghost Spirits, Red Fox, Flying Feathers and Time.
After a week of vacation, their first opponent was the strong Wind Colour. The Canglan
members were exuberant and seemed to be immersed in the joy of the last 2:1 victory.
However, Li Cangyu was very certain. It was impossible for Ling Xuefeng to give points
away to Canglan. A situation where Wind Colour lost twice in a row to the same team had
never been seen in the history of the league.
In this match, Li Cangyu still chose three arena games. The difference with the previous
match was that the newcomer Lin Ke played very well and Qin Mo was more stable.
Canglan couldn’t gain an advantage in the early stages, until they managed to score one
point in the last game.
The audience didn’t see the confrontation between Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu because
Ling Xuefeng only played in the first game and missed Li Cangyu. He didn’t play at all in the
next two games.
Wind Colour could still be so strong despite Captain Ling not playing. This made a lot of
viewers think that Wind Colour was worthy of being the winning candidates for this
It was just that the fans of both sides had some complicated emotions. After all, they saw
the wonderful cooperation between the two captains during the Carnival. In the blink of an
eye, they once again faced each other on the field. Wind Colour wasn’t polite and won 2:1…
Sure enough, the hearts of professional players were really strong. Opponents and friends
could be freely interchanged!
The loss in the first game caused the Canglan team’s ranking to fall again. They moved back
the score by winning against Cheetah and Pure Cleansing, only to lose to Ghost Spirits. The
ranking of Canglan was always sixth and they couldn’t enter the top four.
Many fans were worried. There were few matches left in the second round and the playoffs
would be in danger if it continued like this.
The four teenagers were also anxious but Li Cangyu was very calm. He called them to the
meeting room and patiently said, “I have lost 10 matches in a row and wasn’t as depressed
as you. Before each match, forget about the results in the past and only remember the
lessons. There is no need to worry about points and rankings. Play every match with your
heart. Even if we can’t make it to the playoffs, let’s do our best.”
The four teenagers were moved when they heard these words and Li Xiaojiang was even
crying. Everyone knew Cat God’s hard work and that he hadn’t won awards for many years.
If they couldn’t win the prize this time, how could they stay in Canglan? How could they fail
Cat God’s training?
The newcomers weren’t bad but the pressure recently had been too great and they were
indeed affected by the outside world. They felt uneasy every time they saw the rankings.
Li Cangyu patted them on the shoulder and said, “There are three matches left. Don’t leave
any regrets for yourself.”
The second round of the regular season reached its penultimate stage. The desperate
Canglan had a home match against Red Fox. This pure women’s team once dealt a big hit to
Li Cangyu and now they met again. Li Cangyu naturally wouldn’t be confused by their
tactics like the first time.
The initiative was his. It was Canglan’s home match and he had the choice of map and game
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to choose three arena games.
Some netizens commented: [This is deliberately bullying Red Fox. Everyone knows that
Red Fox isn’t good in the arena.]
However, some people sensibly knew that Cat God was only doing this because if Canglan
lost to Red Fox, they would completely miss the playoffs.
The Canglan fans were relieved because this match was played quite beautifully!
Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming were steadily in the guard position for three consecutive
games and won 3:0 against Red Fox!
On the same day in Shanghai, Wind Colour won 3:0 against Pure Cleansing.
It was like coincidence or destiny. Canglan’s points continuously surpassed Red Fox and
Pure Cleansing and they finally squeezed into the top four!
However, Li Cangyu couldn’t relax. Next, they would have to face the strong teams of Flying
Feathers and Time.

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GLS: Chapter 200

Chapter 200 – Final Game of the Regular Season (1)
The competition between teams in the Miracle League became particularly fierce. There
were only two weeks left in the second round. In other words, everyone had two last
chances to gain a ticket to the playoffs.
The Wind Colour was firmly ranked first and had already confirmed their place in the
playoffs. To the surprise of many reporters, the performance of the Ghost Spirits team was
extremely good. The Lou Zhang combination showed increased understanding and they
assassinated many strong teams. They could actually reach the second place in the
The third was Time and Canglan was fourth.
Flying Feathers was temporarily ranked fifth but they were only one point behind Canglan.
As long as their performance in the next match was excellent, they would surpass Canglan.
In addition, the sixth place Red Fox also had the possibility of competing for the playoffs.
Their next opponent was Cheetah. If they get win with a big score of 3:0 then they would
have an opportunity to compete for the playoffs.
On the leaderboard, the third to sixth places weren’t fixed and the atmosphere became
In the past few days, the members of Canglan had been in closed door practice, especially
the four newcomers. Li Cangyu played with them one by one, pointing out their
shortcomings in the game. Fortunately, the four little ones were energetic and carefully
listened to Li Cangyu’s guidance.
In a blink of an eye, a week passed and the second last week of the regular season kicked
Many reporters made predictions before the match. There were a few key dramas to watch
this week. There was the match between the fourth ranked Canglan and fifth ranked Flying
Feathers, a match between the first ranked Wind Colour and third ranked Time and the
match between the sixth place Red Fox and the Cheetah team. This was the last chance for
the Red Fox team to enter the playoffs.
Before the matches began, fans of the teams sent thousands of cheering messages on the
In the Canglan Support group, many fans were praying that Old Cat and Vice-Captain Bai
would have good luck this year and that they didn’t lose in the crucial matches.
The owner Shasha sent a private letter to Li Cangyu, saying: [Cat God, we will support
Canglan no matter what. Don’t feel psychological pressure and prepare well for the next
The short message made Li Cangyu feel moved. He responded with a smiley expression.
[Rest assured, we will.]
In the first round of the regular season, Canglan used the advantage of the home team to
pick three arena games and win over Flying Feathers. Now that it was an away game, Li
Cangyu couldn’t use this extreme method. Therefore, many reporters weren’t optimistic
about this match.
Flying Feathers home game definitely wouldn’t be as good and Su Guangmo wasn’t likely to
be polite to Canglan.
As the reporters expected, Su Guangmo directly chose three team battles!
Captain Su had prepared for a team battle for one week, researching a variety of maps and
tactics. The result was that Cat God chose three arena games and he almost vomited out
blood. Now that it was Flying Feathers’ home match, he directly selected the team battles
that they were most powerful in.
The difference was that Li Cangyu already expected this.
He had long knew that Su Guangmo would use this method and Canglan had been
preparing all week for the team battle. Therefore, Li Cangyu was very calm when he saw
the screen.
The map chosen by Su Guangmo was a city square. This was the map that Flying Feathers
often used during team battles and the stability was the highest.
Due to the characteristics of the Flying Feathers’ melee members, they were destined not to
be too good at complicated maps. The wider the field of vision and the more spacious the
map, the more Yu Pingsheng’s giant axe could wave around and cause the most powerful
In the most crucial part of the regular season, the home choice of picking a stable map was
the most sensible approach. It was easy to be overturned by the other side so Su Guangmo
definitely wouldn’t give Canglan a chance.
This way, it would be more difficult for the opponents to fight. It was because the open map
made it easy for Yu Pingsheng to divide the battlefield and control Li Cangyu’s pets. Then
Su Guangmo would intercept him.
The Flying Feathers team played in a remarkable manner. Canglan’s remote members were
pursued by the Su Yu combination and Flying Feathers relied on the home advantage to
win two games in a row!
The score was 2:0!
The last game was particularly important and the Flying Feathers were frantically cheering.
The venue was filled with excited shouts and the enthusiasm of the fans was obvious even
from the soundproof rooms.
The Canglan fans watching in front of the TV were a bit nervous and many people had wet
eyes. Some fans with poor psychological quality were already crying. If this game was lost,
Canglan’s season was over. It would be really dangerous.
In the third game, the Canglan team changed strategies. Li Cangyu didn’t play and let Zhang
Jueming be the commander. To everyone’s surprise, Old Zhang was very powerful today
and actually dragged out the team battle for a full 25 minutes. Finally, they relied on a wave
of perfect cooperation to defeat the Flying Feathers team at home!
This score made many Canglan fans feel more comfortable. However, Canglan didn’t win
and it would certainly have an adverse effect on the rankings.
In the post-match interview, a reporter stood up and asked Li Cangyu for the reason behind
the change in commanders. Li Cangyu replied calmly, “The Su Yu combination is really
strong. I was targeted by them and couldn’t do anything on this map. I decided to make a
bold attempt and changed to Old Zhang. The facts proved that he is very reliable.”
“Today, Flying Feathers won 2:1 and Canglan’s ranking fell. Canglan was originally ranked
fourth and now you are fifth. Cat God, aren’t you feeling a bit frantic about this? Canglan
only has one match left!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It is useless for me to be anxious. Moreover, your words aren’t
necessarily correct. Canglan might’ve lost 1:2 to Flying Feathers but we aren’t necessarily
ranked fifth.”
The reporter was surprised and took out the scoreboard. “Canglan was originally in front of
Flying Feathers. Now that you lost this game, won’t you be behind Flying Feathers?”
Li Cangyu explained, “The other matches aren’t over yet. The standings might change. Of
course, we still have a chance to compete and I will definitely grasp it.”
He was talking about the matches between Wind Colour and Time and Red Fox and
Cheetah in the afternoon.
The reporters finally reacted. If anyone lost 3:0 then a lot of points would be deducted! In
other words, if Time lost 3:0 then they might fall out of the top four.
That evening, the rankings really shuffled. It was because Wind Colour actually played 3:0
against Time at home!
This score made many Time fans want to cry.
Ling Xuefeng arranged the tactics and selected a map with many obstacles to personally
stare at Tan Shitian. Then he sent Qin Mo around with his spiders and snakes to repeatedly
interfere with Cheng Wei’s casting. He completely broke up the Tan Cheng combination.
The tactics of the Time team meant it was very easy for them to be targeted. Tan Shitian
was the strongest mobile fort in the league but he was very fragile. Once he was tangled up
with Ling Xuefeng, only half of Time’s firepower could be played. Today’s Time had bad
luck. Their chances of a counterattack were blocked by obstacles and they didn’t get even
one point.
They lost 0:3 and had many points deducted!
The Red Fox team also didn’t score many points from Cheetah, resulting in Red Fox failing
to qualify for the playoffs.
The few female players didn’t shed tears. Liu Xiang stated very calmly, “There are many
excellent teams in the Miracle League. We did our best to get this far and will work hard
again next season.”
Yang Muzi said, “Red Fox might be eliminated but we will still play well in the next game.
Audience members who like the Red Fox team, please continue to pay attention to us.
Thank you for the support.”
The great performance by the female team was also acknowledged by the reporters. They
lost the season but they didn’t lose their ambition. They were female players but they were
also proud!
This week’s matches finished and the top five in the rankings became Wind Colour, Ghost
Spirits, Flying Feathers, Canglan and Time.
Originally, the points of two or three teams were close. Time had a huge lost and directly
fell from the top four. Cheng Wei was depressed and wished to climb over to Ling Xuefeng
and bite him.
Tan Shitian looked relaxed and wrapped an arm around Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “Don’t be
discouraged. There is still the next match. If we kill your idol then we will enter the
playoffs. Are you confident in killing your idol?”
Cheng Wei didn’t like the joke at all. He was a bit stupid but he knew exactly how hard it
was to play against Cat God.
In fact, Tan Shitian also knew the difficulty of this match. It was impossible for Li Cangyu to
give Time any points at home.
Looking back at today’s match, the four newcomers of Canglan were now very stable and
even cooperated many times. They didn’t rely on Li Cangyu like they did in the beginning.
The fastest one to grow was Xiao Han. It was probably because he was abused by Qin Mo
and became determined to surpass Qin Mo. He recently worked very hard and his talent
wasn’t bad so he found a way to break through his bottleneck.
Zhuo Hang’s progress was also fast. He admitted his hand speed wasn’t as good as Chen
Anran but he found a way to combine his fastest hand speed with an effective attack to
achieve the best results.
Li Xiaojiang and Gu Siming also found their own style with the help of Li Cangyu. Xiaojiang
became more confident. Gu Siming was still impulsive but at least he wouldn’t be hot-
blooded and run forward, leaving his teammates behind. He was gradually settling down as
the front row of Canglan.
The Canglan team won and lost in the second round but everyone reached a consensus that
the overall strength of the Canglan team was steadily improving under Cat God.
In the blink of an eye, the last weekend of the Miracle League’s seventh season started. Red
Fox, Pure Cleansing and Cheetah were destined to be out while Wind Colour and Ghost
Spirits were certain to advance. The remaining teams of Flying Feathers, Canglan and Time
were all uncertain.
Flying Feather’s opponent was Ghost Spirits and they had to go to Shenzhen to fight. It
wouldn’t be easy to win points.
Time’s away match with Canglan was also the focus of attention.
These two matches would determine the finalists in the playoffs. The faces of the players
were calm but many of them were inwardly tense.
Canglan’s four teenagers were very nervous. They always felt that they would drag down
the team if they played badly. Meanwhile, the captain Li Cangyu was drinking team in the
waiting room in a relaxed manner.
Xiao Han saw him drinking the team and couldn’t help asking, “Master, aren’t you
Li Cangyu laughed. “If being nervous will let me achieve victory then I must be nervous
seven or eight times. In fact, nervousness will only have a negative impact on the outcome.
Why should I be nervous?”
Xiao Han was stunned. He was a bit dizzy by the complex Chinese and scratched his head as
he thought about the meaning of this sentence.
Bai Xuan came over to sit next to Li Cangyu and whispered, “For so many years, you
couldn’t get into the playoffs or were eliminated in the first round. It felt like both of us are
cursed. You really won’t mind if you can’t get the prize this year?”
Li Cangyu patted his old partner on the shoulder and whispered, “Don’t think too much
about it and just play well. It will naturally be a good thing if we can make it into the
playoffs. If we can’t enter then it might be the last match of our career. Why not perform
well and enjoy it?”
Bai Xuan was startled and couldn’t help admiring Li Cangyu’s mindset.
Xie Shurong was sitting behind them and overhead it. He couldn’t help smiling as he said,
“Cat God is right. Enjoy this game. It is the end of the seventh season and let’s show the
audience members how handsome our players are.”
Everyone, “…”
The four teenagers turned to look at him. Bai Xuan made a disgusted expression of ‘I don’t
know him’ and Old Zhang laughed happily. Li Cangyu looked at Xie Shurong with
His words actually relaxed the atmosphere.
At this moment, his phone lit up due to a text message from Ling Xuefeng. “Come on, I am
waiting for you in the playoffs.”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. He put away his mobile phone and stood up. “Come, treat
this as your last match and enjoy it!”
They had to fight back because it was really their last chance.

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GLS: Chapter 201

Chapter 201 – Final Game of the Regular Season (2)

The crucial match was Canglan’s home match and Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to choose three
arena games. Canglan was much stronger in the arena than in team battles. This match
determined if Canglan could enter the playoffs or not and Li Cangyu couldn’t be sloppy.
Even if a player made a mistake, the ones behind them could find a way to slowly recover
from the disadvantages. Once defeated in a team battle, it would be extremely difficult to
grab the situation from Tan Shitian’s hands.
The fans understood Li Cangyu’s choice and Tan Shitian had also long guessed it.
Next up was the map. Li Cangyu chose a map that didn’t often appear—Elf’s Covenant.
This was a secret place in the elf realm. It was a dense forest where the trees were silver
white and gave off a faint glow. There were many lovely silver spores that flew around the
forest like small fireflies.
This map was characterized as a status acceleration map.
The Red Fox team had used a cold deceleration map to face Canglan. Now Li Cangyu chose
an acceleration map to deal with Time. All members who entered the map would have
movement speed increased by 20%.
This choice surprised many players. Time’s archers were ranged players. If they were
accelerated, wouldn’t their skills be more effective?
Kou Hongyi also wondered about this. [I can’t understand Cat God’s thoughts. I feel there is
a bit of danger choosing the acceleration map for the arena…]
Yu Bing was aware of something. She maintained a calm expression as she guessed:
[Although the acceleration map has the same effect for both sides but… for example, let’s
say you often wear skates. On an important day, you will be very comfortable moving on
roller skates. However, for a person who usually wears leather shoes, suddenly changing to
roller skates will certainly affect his speed.]
Kou Hongyi’s IQ wasn’t as high as Yu Bing and he immediately made a worshipful
expression. “Sister Bing’s words are right! Canglan must’ve specifically trained during this
one week on the acceleration map and will naturally be comfortable. That isn’t necessarily
the case for Time. They probably didn’t practice at all on an acceleration map. Even if they
practiced, they certainly didn’t specifically study this map. In a tense moment where the
fate of the playoffs will be decided, the players might make a mistake if they are
uncomfortable and Canglan will grab that chance.”
The audience listened to their explanations and probably understood Li Cangyu’s meaning.
The status acceleration map was nothing compared to the difficult kill maps so there was
no point in Time practicing it. Canglan had been practicing for a week and would naturally
have the advantage.
It was like Yu Bing said. A person used to wearing leather shoes suddenly changed into
roller skates. They would be very fast but it was easy to fall. Li Cangyu was also a person
excellent when it came to grasping opportunities. It would be difficult for Time to win when
he was the guard.
The first combination that the Time team sent was Liang Sejie and Liang Deyuan, the two
elf archers. This was the classic double archers combination of the Time team. They weren’t
brothers but their long-term cooperation led to a tacit understanding forming between
them. This meant they often appeared in team battles to assist Tan Shitian to output.
On Canglan’s side, the first to play were Xiao Han and Gu Siming.
Many viewers didn’t understand this arrangement. This changed once the game started.
What was Gu Siming’s nickname? Little madman! He was very aggressive and active. On the
20% acceleration map, he was simply a mad bull provoked by the Spanish bullring.
Gu Siming evolved from a little madman into a super madman. He raised shields and
chased the two archers. The two archers laughed as they were chased by him, thinking,
‘You are a thick paladin. How can you catch up with us?’
Canglan’s fans were also a bit anxious. Xiao Gu starting the quick chase seemed excellent
but paladins didn’t have many attack skills. He only had a bunch of protective skills and
thick skin. In the face of the two archers’ outputs, could he endure for long?
As it turned out, Gu Siming was more resistant than everyone thought.
During this time, Li Cangyu had intensively trained his ability to resist stress. Sometimes
the other three teenagers would team up to play Xiao Gu and Xiao Gu was tortured all day
long. After a long time, he gained some survival ability.
The biggest advantage of a paladin was their high defense and they had many protective
skills to help their teammates resist damage. In the past, Gu Siming always thought about
going forward and breaking open a bloody road to let his teammates output. In fact, many
times he should do more protection. Attacking the enemy and opening a gap was the
responsibility of the sharp swordsman Xie Shurong!
After trying to understand this, Gu Siming patiently practiced for a month in accordance
with Li Cangyu’s arrangement. In the second round of the regular season, Canglan’s tem
battles had been erratic. Everyone thought this young player wasn’t in the right state but it
was actually because Gu Siming was seriously looking for a suitable style.
Today he found it.
Gu Siming lasted for three minutes and still didn’t die. The two players of the Time team
couldn’t help feeling anxious. They had already wasted many skills on this paladin and it
would be too shameful if they didn’t kill him. There was also Xiao Han hidden in stealth. No
traces of him had been found yet.
Liang Sejie made a blue signal on the map. This was an indication that they should unleash
their full attacks.
The two people tacitly agreed and simultaneously fired their big moves—Seize Life Shot!
However, a clear ringing sound entered their ears. Everyone saw a golden light appear on
the paladin’s body, the light quickly taking the shape of a shield in front of Gu Siming.
—Furious Light Shield
The paladin used the anger in their heart to form a light shield, guarding themselves or
their teammates and bouncing all the damage back to the other party!
The effect of this skill was similar to the blood kin sacrifice’s Lava Shield that Xiao Han had
been hit by.
The two Time players were caught off guard and their own big moves immediately
decreased their blood by 30%!
Gu Siming’s light shield shattered immediately after being attacked. The golden fragments
flew through the air in a dazzling manner. Many fans excited sent him flowers and the
Canglan support group suddenly became lively.
[Xiao Gu is good! I give you 100 points for your awareness!] [The two members of Time
probably want to cry. Their big moves were bounced back to themselves…]
[This is the consequence of underestimating paladins! Don’t look down on them because
they have less attack skills. They can bounce back attacks and kill you!]
Gu Siming was very excited at this time. He had been suppressed by Zhuo Hang, Xiao Han
and Li Xiaojiang some time ago. He already worked out that he should wait patiently
regardless of how he was abused.
He had been waiting and patiently held onto this skill. He saw that his blood was
decreasing and didn’t impulsively open the shield. He waited until the two men finished
Shock Shot before immediately pressing the key for the light shield.
During this week, they had repeatedly watched the videos of the Time matches and Cat God
summarized the characteristics of some opponents. The double archers had a habit of
joining hands when dealing with a person. Once they used Shock Shot, the terrifying Seize
Life Shot would come!
The habits of many professional players were impossible to casually change. Once Gu
Siming made a decision, he was very decisive. He actually ended up countering these
deadly moves!
It was at this critical moment that Xiao Han appeared.
The intelligent teenager was very good at grasping opportunities. The cold light of his
bloody daggers starkly contrasted with the silver and white background of the elf area.
He was like a dark but flexible shadow on the brightly coloured map. He appeared silently
behind Liang Sejie and decisively slashed at his neck.
—Death Mark, Backstab, Soul Stab, Fatal Blow!
Due to the increase in movement speed, Xiao Han’s actions when attacking were
particularly handsome and smooth. Many Xiao Han fans saw it and cried out:
[The little prince is so handsome!] [Our little prince is powerful!] [He really is like a
shadow! So difficult to fight!]
Liang Sejie of the Time team thought that this young boy’s speed was terrible.
The last time he faced Xiao Han at the beginning of the seventh season, this body didn’t play
well apart from the impressive appearance of blond hair and black eyes. In just a few
months, he had been reborn as an assassin!
Qin Mo watched the game on TV and felt admiration. “Xiao Han’s hand speed is very fast.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “It is also effective hand speed.”
The difference between pure hand speed and effective hand speed was very high. It
definitely wouldn’t work if your hands were fast but you kept missing. Effective hand speed
was the speed at which skills were accurately released. It could be seen that under Li
Cangyu’s training, Xiao Han had broken through his own bottleneck. He connected his skills
together as quickly as possible.
Quietly emerging from the darkness and letting out a burst of hand speed to directly kill the
opponent, this was a real assassin!
Xiao Han was playing at the super level in the accelerated map. Liang Sejie was a relatively
good player in the league but the map acceleration and silver white light made his eyes and
hand speed somewhat uncomfortable. Xiao Han was like a phantom as he struck from the
front and rear…
[Frost Descends has killed Big and Young Liang!]
The news that appeared on the big screen caused the audience to clap and Li Cangyu
It seemed that the mentality of the young ones had adjusted quite well.
This game was crucial to the Canglan team but Xiao Gu and Xiao Han weren’t stressed and
played well. As Li Cangyu said, they should enjoy it like it was the final match!
The four teenagers were all proud and didn’t want to end the seventh season’s regular
season with too much regrets. They fought with the attitude of ‘I want to do my best.’
As long as they played to their own standards, Li Cangyu had the confidence to lead them
into the playoffs to compete for the trophy!

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GLS: Chapter 202
Chapter 202 – Final Game of the Regular Season (3)

Gu Siming and Xiao Han performed well in today’s game. The two old players of Time were
stunned by Gu Siming’s quick pursuit and Xiao Han’s phantom positioning. After Xiao Han’s
set of moves killed Liang Sejie, the remaining Liang Deyuan couldn’t hold on for long and he
died after the two people’s joint attacks.
The combination in the second stage was the archer Lu Xiao and hunter Zhou Yu. Both of
them were elves and their movement speed was very fast. Together with the acceleration
effect of the map, they could play a fast guerrilla battle.
However, the second combination sent by Canglan was Shu Bai. Thanks to the existence of
the milk god Bai Xuan, it was impossible for the archer and hunter to kill Xie Shurong in
seconds. Xie Shurong’s biggest feature was his fast attacks. Thanks to the full map speed
bonus, he could actually catch up with the enemy archers!
The audience also found that the map Cat God chose with many trees made Xie Shurong the
real winner!
A swordsman had teleporting skills to cross obstacles. Xie Shurong’s actions were very
agile as he chased around trees, making the archers on the other side annoyed. Many
Canglan fans happily commented: [Tree God, he is really good at maps with trees!] [Ah Shu
is handsome and earth-shattering!]
Xie Shurong’s swordsmanship was indeed gorgeous and his attack speed was dazzling. The
fragile archers of Time was slashed and became rather passive. Eventually, they were killed
by the Shu Bai combination.
As the Time fans expected, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were the last combination.
Tan Cheng’s remote control guerrilla tactics was one of the most classic combinations in
Miracle. The residual blood Shu Bai couldn’t consume much resources but Bai Xuan
believed that Canglan should win this game.
It was because their guards were Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming!
The two veterans with a stable mentality and rich experience confronted the younger
generation of Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei. Li Cangyu and Old Zhang were very calm and
didn’t show a negative status.
Compared to Cheng Wei, Zhang Jueming’s auxiliary white magician wasn’t so aggressive
but they could double Li Cangyu’s bursting power!
Tan Shitian played calmly and cleverly. He kept paying attention to Li Cangyu’s pet
cooldown times in case Li Cangyu cooperated with Old Zhang to use the Cataclysm skill. Li
Cangyu was stared at by him and didn’t want to use this big move. Instead, he looked for
opportunities to slowly consume Tan Shitian’s health.
His attack distance was not enough to hit Tan Shitian so he aimed for Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei was surrounded by Cat God’s various pets and his skill casting kept being
interrupted. After three consecutive skills were interrupted, Cheng Wei was going crazy. Li
Cangyu seemed to be reading his mind and knew what skills he wanted to use!
It was no wonder. After all he was half Li Cangyu’s apprentice and his white magician style
was taught by Li Cangyu.
Cheng Wei’s fans felt somewhat distressed for him. He was chased by his idol and his skills
couldn’t be cast. Maybe Vice-Captain Cheng would become a black fan after today’s match.
Li Cangyu’s expression was very calm, like a big cat playing with a kitten. He completely
controlled Cheng Wei while Tan Shitian was helpless. As the best archer in the Miracle
League, he killed many opponents on the tree maps. However, this was when he could hit
the opponent!
Today he met an elf opponent and Li Cangyu’s agility stat was higher than his. Li Cangyu
moved faster than him. Often, his arrows aimed at Li Cangyu’s position but Li Cangyu had
already escaped. Tan Shitian had to admire Cat God’s movement level. Thanks to Cat God’s
white outfit and the silvery forest, he seemed as elusive as the wind!
Tan Shitian failed to hit Cat God several times in a row and desperately had to kill Zhang
Jueming as well as Cat God’s pets.
The result of the fight was that Li Cangyu took the lead in killing Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian
also killed Zhang Jueming.
However, Zhang Jueming put a fixed body control on Captain Tan before dying. Li Cangyu
seized this opportunity to set off a series of explosive moves to kill Tan Shitian. By the time
Tan Shitian’s control effect ended and he wanted to chase Cat God, Li Cangyu had already
disappeared into the forest.
The elf summoner played a guerrilla warfare in the forest. Tan Shitian didn’t know if he
should laugh or cry. He was best at fast guerrilla tactics but today he died under Cat God’s
guerrilla tactics.
In other words, Li Cangyu’s movement speed was faster than his.
—The Canglan team won!
At the end of the first game, the dead Tan Shitian sent a row of thumbs up on the public
chat and then calmly walked down.
At the venue, the Canglan fans stood up and clapped excitedly. The live room was filled
with Cat God 6666. In the support group, everyone was happily discussing the deployment
of the next game.
[Cat God is clearly ready today! Ah, I feel like the possibility of Canglan winning is very
high!] [Three arena games and the home map selection, Canglan has a really big chance of
winning! [Everyone, don’t talk big. Tan Shitian isn’t a fuel-saving lamp. The map must be
submitted first in the second game. Time has the opportunity to adjust the order according
to the map selection. Perhaps Tan Shitian will think of a strategy to deal with it.]
Everyone enthusiastically discussed it while in the soundproof room, the players were
gathered together to listen to the captain’s arrangement.
Cheng Wei was depressed. Tan Shitian gently patted his head and said, “Don’t be depressed.
Let’s change the order in the next round.”
“Eh? What do you mean?” Cheng Wei looked up with surprise. “You won’t be the guard?”
Tan Shitian explained, “I will continue to be the guard. I mean to change your order.”
“You want to split out combination?” Cheng Wei’s eyes were wide with shock.
The dark and big eyes were full of incredulity and Tan Shitian couldn’t help smiling. “Why?
Are you reluctant?”
Cheng Wei’s face turned red with anger. “Who is reluctant? I mean, the two of us have
never been split apart in the arena.”
“Today we can’t play as usual because Cat God would’ve long expected the Tan Cheng
combination to be the guard. He will surely be the guard in every game and choose a
targeted map specifically aiming for you.” Tan Shitian put away his smile and calmly spoke.
“This way, no matter how big the advantage in the early stages, the last round against Cat
God will be extremely difficult for us to win.”
Cheng Wei also calmed down. Captan Tan made sense. This was Canglan’s home match and
it would also decide the playoffs. Li Cangyu wouldn’t show any mercy to Time and would
specifically target them.
In order to escape from danger, Time must use unconventional methods.
Cheng Wei thought this and nodded. “Okay Captain, you arrange it.”
Tan Shitian was relieved when he saw Cheng Wei’s obedient appearance. His voice was
calm but contained a decisively that couldn’t be rejected. “In the next game, we will change
the mode. Cheng Wei and Lu Xiao will start to break apart the newcomers.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi were giving a simple summary. Kou
Hongyi directly said, “In the first game, most players played at their normal levels.
However, Time couldn’t keep up with the rhythm of the acceleration map and didn’t expect
Xiao Gu and Xiao Han to play so well. They fell into a disadvantage from the opening.”
Yu Bing nodded. “The Canglan team has been at a disadvantage many times in the arena in
the regular season. However, if you look carefully, you will find that they never lost when
they got the opening advantage. This means that it other teams want to reverse the
situation, it is almost impossible.” She paused and spoke with appreciation, “This is because
the Shu Bai combination in the middle is extremely stable and there is also the captain Li
Cangyu as the guard. It is almost impossible for other teams to continuously kill the Shu Bai
combination and then Cat God.”
Kou Hongyi also discovered this point and exclaimed, “In fact, at the beginning, I felt that
Canglan had too many newcomers and it was dangerous for them to enter the playoffs.
After seeing the performance of Xiao Gu and Xiao Han today, I suddenly found that these
four little guys have been making steady progress and every step is solid, especially in
mentality. They don’t look nervous at all despite today’s important match.”
The director changed the camera to the soundproof room of Canglan. The four teenagers
were gathered together. Gu Siming was excitedly drawing something, Zhuo Hang was
smiling, Li Xiaojiang was carefully listening and Xiao Han was thinking about something.
The four people behaved differently but there wasn’t the slightest bit of tension on their
faces. The atmosphere was very relaxed.
A professional player growing their mentality was the rarest breakthrough!
It was only by practicing the mentality of ‘not collapsing in front of a mountain’ that they
could play at their normal level in the stressful competition and sometimes they could even
play in an extraordinary manner.
Li Cangyu’s leadership was outstanding. In just half a year, he raised the four newcomers to
today’s professional players. Yu Bing felt a lot of admiration and she even thought it was
good if Canglan could make the playoffs.
In the first season, Time won the championship under the leadership of the old captain Xu
Luo. They also won it again in the fifth season under the leadership of the new captain Tan
Shitian. Li Cangyu was such a good player but he hadn’t received any trophies…
It might just be sympathy but she wanted Canglan to make it over Time this season.
Yu Bing secretly looked at the audience’s support rate and found that the Canglan team
actually had 70% of the votes!
It could be seen that apart from the loyal fans who hoped that Time could enter the
playoffs, the fans of other teams and neutral viewers hoped that Canglan would get this
rare opportunity.
Would Canglan disappoint the audience? It depended on Li Cangyu’s careful layout today!
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GLS: Chapter 203

Chapter 203 – Final Game of the Regular Season (4)

The second game started very quickly. During the selection stage, the map submitted by Li
Cangyu surprised many viewers—Ice Valley!
It was a deceleration map.
[The first round is acceleration and the second round is deceleration. Cat God really knows
how to play!]
Comments filled the live broadcast room and Yu Bing couldn’t help saying, “Cat God’s
selection will really disrupt the Time team. Let’s see how Captain Tan deals with it.”
After the map selection, the two sides started to submit their lineup to the referee.
The referee’s lights lit up and the first pairing of Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang appeared on
the Canglan side. The Time side was actually Cheng Wei and Lu Xiao!
This game made the jaws of many Time fans drop open. The Tan Cheng combination was
Many Flying Feathers fans gloated: [The Su Yu combination was never torn down but Tan
Cheng can’t withstand Cat God!] The Time fans immediately fought back. [Flying Feathers
still has to play Wind Colour in the afternoon. Su Yu might not necessarily be able to resist.]
Li Cangyu felt some surprise but this immediately changed to appreciation for the decisive
Tan Shitian. It seemed that the young captain discovered his intention to target Cheng Wei
and immediately made adjustments.
The result was that his plan for the second game became like punching cotton.
Li Cangyu originally thought that since Li Xiaojiang’s speed was slow, choosing a full
deceleration map would also slow down the opponent so that Li Xiaojiang could better hit
them. He didn’t expect the Zhuo Li combination to have to go against Cheng Wei as well as
the other main archer of Time, Lu Xiao.
Cheng Wei might be very depressed when facing Li Cangyu but he played consistently
against other players. Otherwise, his popularity in the league wouldn’t be so high.
Bai Xuan looked at Li Cangyu and whispered, “It will be hard to win.”
Li Cangyu smiled back. “Try your best.”
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang did their best but there was nothing they could do against
Cheng Wei and Lu Xiao.
Lu Xiao and Cheng Wei weren’t fixed partners but they often cooperated in Time’s team
battles. They had been teammates for more than three years and naturally had an
understanding. In addition, Lu Xiao’s attack rhythm was similar to Tan Shitian and his
teamwork with Cheng Wei was quite smooth.
After the Zhuo Li combination was sent off, Cheng Wei consumed some blood from Shu Bai
before withdrawing.
The second pair from Time was the double archers. They didn’t play well in the first game
but this time they quickly adapted to the slow paced map. They steadily maintained the
20% blood volume advantage to the end before passing it over to the guard, Tan Shitian.
Cheng Wei had already appeared so who would Tan Shitian pair up with?
Was it the hunter Zhou Yu?
As it turned out, everyone still thought too simply of Captain Tan. He actually took a healer
with him!
Li Cangyu felt somewhat speechless. An archer’s attack distance was already far away,
making them difficult to kill. Now with the addition of the healer’s help, Tan Shitian would
become a quick moving undead cockroach!
On Canglan’s side, the third combination was still Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming. There was
the early disadvantage and they lost a bit of health. In a battle between an output and
auxiliary and an output and healer, Canglan had no advantage.
In the end, Tan Shitian relied on the help of the healer and the guerilla consumption tactic
to win. Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming failed to move back the disadvantage and let Time
take a point.
The score on the big screen turned into 1:1 and the fans of both sides were in an anxious
Qin Mo couldn’t help feeling anxious when he saw this and he asked, “What map will
Canglan choose in the third game?”
Ling Xuefeng thought about it before replying, “If there are no surprises, it should be a kill
Qin Mo looked at his master with amazement. “In such an important game, wouldn’t a kill
map be too risky?”
Ling Xuefeng explained, “Captain Tan saw through Canglan’s intentions and changed the
order to target the newcomers. In order to cope with the situation, the best way is to use a
kill map to take care of Tan Shitian.”
Qin Mo nodded while inwardly thinking, ‘Is Master’s guess right?’
As it turned out, no one could beat Ling Xuefeng’s understanding of Li Cangyu. For the last
game, Canglan also chose a kill map—Void Realm!
This was a secret map in Miracle. The entire map floated in the air and there were a
number of different sized stones chaotically suspended. Players could stand on these
stones but once they fell in the gap between stones, they would be directly swallowed up
by the map. This was the origin of the name.
Choosing such a difficult map in a key deciding game really frightened the audience.
Tan Shitian hadn’t expected Cat God to be so bold but he soon understood. Cat God’s wind
The advantage of Li Cangyu’s wind spirit’s control on this map was extremely obvious. He
would definitely be in the guard position. Tan Shitian lowered his head and thought about
it while the other players of Time didn’t dare both him. The impatient Cheng Wei saw that
Tan Shitian was seriously thinking and didn’t dare speak.
Cheng Wei knew that this game was crucial to the Time team and Tan Shitian would
definitely think about a countermeasure.
This time, Captain Tan thought about it for a while. Li Cangyu submitted the participants
list early but the Time side was still in the ‘waiting’ state. This made many fans of Canglan
so anxious that they couldn’t sit still.
It wasn’t until the final moments of the countdown that Tan Shitian submitted the arena
The first round was still Zhuo Li from Canglan and Cheng Wei and Lu Xiao from Time. This
was the same as the previous game, making the audience was very confused. This was the
same lineup so what was Tan Shitian thinking about for so long?
It was the same lineup but the results wouldn’t necessarily be the same.
On the slow-paced map, Zhuo Hang was always controlled by Cheng Wei and couldn’t play
much of a role. This type of jumping map was Zhuo Hang’s favourite because he was the
best at rapid displacement!
The suspended stones in the air were in a mixed arrangement and some viewers were
afraid when seeing them. Yet Zhuo Hang smoothly jumped between stones.
Zhuo Hang wore the hunter’s costume and jumped on the map like a gust of wind, quickly
placing a bunch of traps and letting Li Xiaojiang output very comfortably.
In this game, Zhuo Li held on for 15 minutes and almost tied with Lu Xiao and Cheng Wei.
Zhuo Hang dragged Lu Xiao to die with him and by the time Li Xiaojiang died, Cheng Wei
only had a trace of blood left.
The Canglan fans were very satisfied with this result, especially after the passive beating of
the previous game. Zhuo Li had quickly adjusted their status in the third game, which was
very hard for two newcomers to do. Li Cangyu was also very satisfied.
The next combination was Shu Bai against the double archers of Time. It was almost a tie
and the most crucial guard stage was handed over to the captains.
The audience stared intently at the big screen, looking forward to the participants list of
both sides. It soon appeared on the big screen. The Canglan team sent Li Cangyu and Xiao
Han while the Time team sent Tan Shitian and the hunter Zhou Yu!
The Time fans suddenly realized!
Tan Shitian thought for so long because he was considering the arrangement of the guard
stage. In the kill map, a combination wouldn’t be effective unless it was as tacit as the Shu
Bai combination. Otherwise, they would be killed by the map in seconds if they were
careless. It would be impossible to win against Li Cangyu.
He eventually decided to take a hunter to control Li Cangyu’s pets with the traps.
Li Cangyu’s intention behind bringing Xiao Han was also very clear. It was because Xiao
Han could go invisible!
Thanks to the thrilling terrain of the kill map, a person in stealth would psychologically
suppress the opponents.
Of course, Tan Shitian’s psychological quality was very good and he wouldn’t be
emotionally tense because of the existence of the assassin. Zhou Yu was also an old player
of Time and his expression was very calm. After the two people reached the middle of the
map, Zhou Yu quickly placed some traps on the suspended stones around him. The result
was that Li Cangyu’s pets were easily trapped and his attack rhythm was affected.
The facts proved that Zhou Yu’s interference made it difficult for Li Cangyu and the speed of
his pet summoning was significantly slower than in previous games.
However, the kill map slowly consumed the opponent’s blood. In fact, it didn’t matter if Tan
Shitian had 80% blood or 40% blood. As long as Li Cangyu could successfully summon the
wind spirit to blow him down, it would still end up in death.
The battle lasted 10 minutes. Tan Shitian’s positioning was extremely cautious and Zhou Yu
was beside him. Li Cangyu couldn’t find a chance to kill him and both sides slowly
consumed each other’s blood down to 50%.
The tension of the fans reached the peak and many spectators had clenched fists.
Just then, Xiao Han suddenly disappeared.
Combat Stealth, this was a skill that had a long cooldown time but it forcibly let the assassin
hide while in combat, forcing the opponent to lose the target. Many assassin players knew
that it was saved for critical moments when confronting opponents. This wasn’t a critical
moment so why did Xiao Han suddenly enter stealth?
Moreover, the viewers couldn’t understand why after entering stealth, Xiao Han stayed still
instead of moving to Tan Shitian.
…Was he frozen?
The audience was very confused and Kou Hongyi directly asked, “What is Xiao Han doing?
Did he press the wrong button?”
It was Zhou Yu’s reaction that made Kou Hongyi understand. Zhou Yu turned his camera
and quickly placed a trap on the suspended stone behind Tan Shitian. His intention was to
prevent Xiao Han from approaching.
At this moment, Li Cangyu summoned his wind spirit.
—Storm Fury!
The gust of wind blew and the jumping Zhou Yu fell into the cracks between stones and was
instantly killed!
Kou Hongyi excitedly exclaimed, “It’s too bad! Xiao Han’s stealth was actually a
psychological move to deliberately mobilize the other hunter and create an opportunity for
his master!”
Yu Bing also praised him. “This child’s awareness is excellent. After entering stealth, he
stood in place. The other hunter is killed and now he can deal with Tan Shitian.”
Sure enough, Xiao Han saw that the hunter was directly killed by his master and moved
behind Tan Shitian’s body. He had an understanding with his master and Li Cangyu didn’t
need to say anything. Xiao Han immediately started with Pain Blade!
Tan Shitian was forcibly stuck in place and Li Cangyu summoned his fire spirit. Countless
fireballs aimed at Tan Shitian.
The moment Tan Shitian’s control effect was about to end, Li Cangyu called the water spirit
to freeze him again!
Tan Shitian was controlled by the master and apprentice for six seconds. He instantly fell
into residual blood and had no possibility of coming back.
[Old Cat has killed Ten Days!]
This news finally popped up on the big screen. Li Cangyu’s hands left the keyboard and a
handsome smile appeared on his face.
The Canglan fans immediately jumped up from their seats and cheered!
[Won, we won! Canglan really won!] [I knew that Canglan would be able to enter the
playoffs!] [Great, our captain and little prince!] [Everyone is handsome!]
In the support group, the Canglan fans sent flowers to celebrate.
[Cat God, Vice-Captain Bai, Ah Shu, Old Zhang, Xiao Han, Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhuo and Xiaojiang, I
am proud of you!]
The group leader Shasha sent this sentence on Weibo and thoughts of fans instantly
forwarded it along with a row of thumbs up.
It was for the old captain who never won a prize but never gave up, the vice-captain who
stood firmly beside him, the handsome Ah Shu, the uncle who persisted with his dream and
the four newcomers who worked hard.
Four big people with four small ones, people initially weren’t optimistic about their
progress but they successfully entered the playoffs. The fans saw the hard work they put in
and were moved, felt happy for them and proud of them.
In the soundproof room, the four teenagers excitedly hugged each other, Li Xiaojiang
almost crying. Bai Xuan also felt hot as he looked at Li Cangyu. “Finally…”
Li Cangyu nodded. He knew what Bai Xuan wanted to say. It wasn’t easy to walk this path
for so many years. It was probably only Bai Xuan who knew what he felt best but in the end,
Bai Xuan didn’t say it. He choked up and the conversation stopped.
Xie Shurong placed an arm around Bai Xuan’s shoulder in comfort.
Zhang Jueming came over and laughed. “I still feel like I’m dreaming.”
Li Cangyu said, “It isn’t easy but we’re finally there.”
Bai Xuan smiled and nodded. “Yes.”
The playoffs and the trophies, the time wasn’t that far away.
After the storm passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. They were finally
fortunate enough to witness it.

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GLS: Chapter 204

Chapter 204 – Playoffs List

Canglan was in the playoffs!

The news swept through all of the Miracle League. The Canglan fans cheered excitedly
while the Time fans were so uncomfortable they almost shed tears. Time was only one step
away but they were eliminated in this match!
Cheng Wei was also ruining his teeth. If he wasn’t stupid enough to be figured out by Cat
God then Time wouldn’t have been targeted so badly and Tan Shitian wouldn’t need to
temporarily adjust the lineup. It could be said that today’s lost was because he didn’t play
the role of vice-captain and dragged down the team instead.
Time failed to make it to the playoffs in the sixth season. Cheng Wei thought it could turn it
around in the seventh season but the result was that Time was once again shut out of the
Since the old captain Xu Luo retired, the Time team had never been absent from the
playoffs list. Now it happened in the last two years, whether from bad luck or other
reasons. Even the optimistic Cheng Wei couldn’t be happy after being eliminated twice in a
crucial moment.
In the blink of an eye, the Canglan team members came over under Li Cangyu’s guidance.
Cheng Wei usually pounced like a small fan when he saw Li Cangyu but this time he just
hung his head and cried.
Li Cangyu felt so heartache for Cheng Wei. It was estimated that this person had suffered a
huge psychological blow today. However, as a captain, Li Cangyu had his own principles. It
was impossible for him to show mercy to anyone on the field. This was equivalent to
looking for death.
Li Cangyu sighed inwardly when he saw the usually energetic Cheng Wei hanging his head.
He patted Cheng Wei on the head and said, “Don’t be discouraged, you are still young.”
Cheng Wei looked up with a startled expression and saw Li Cangyu’s smile.
His eyes were black and bright, filled with encouragement for the younger generation. “You
have done too well in the last few years. It is time to calm down and think about your
future. You’re not even 20 years old yet. You still have a long way to go.”
The comforted Cheng Wei finally calmed down. He clenched his fists and said, “I won’t give
up and will come back next year!” Suddenly he smiled and said, “Congratulations to Cat
God. You have finally entered the playoffs. You must take the trophy back!”
The congratulations wasn’t perfunctory. Li Cangyu could see sincerity from his eyes and
couldn’t help reaching out to hug Cheng Wei. “Thank you.”
Many Time fans felt a bit awkward when they saw this scene. Some people who hated
Cheng Wei ridiculed him on the Internet and some people joked that Cheng Wei was the
undercover that Cat God sent to Time.
Tan Shitian finished packing away his keyboard and opened his phone. He unexpectedly
saw many negative comments towards Cheng Wei but remained silent when he saw Cheng
Wei’s simple face.
In the post-match interview, many questions were directed towards Cheng Wei.
“Vice-Captain, everyone knows that you are a fan of Cat God. Today Time lost the game. Is it
because you were too excited at seeing your idol and played abnormally?”
“A netizen said that you are Cat God’s undercover. What do you think of this comment?”
“Time hasn’t been able to enter the playoffs for two consecutive years. Isn’t it proof that
Time’s overall strength is slipping?”
Cheng Wei was stunned because he didn’t expect the reporters to target him like this.
Normally his mouth never stopped moving when arguing with Tan Shitian but now he
couldn’t say a word to the reporters’ questions.
He truly was a fan of Li Cangyu and he never hid it. In his view, it was normal for a
professional player to appreciate another senior god. He didn’t think so much about it.
Today, Time’s loss really had a lot to do with him and Cheng Wei had no way to deny it.
After a moment of silence, he picked up the microphone and said seriously, “I really
appreciate Cat God and admire him. When I first entered the Miracle League, he helped me
a lot. Without him, there wouldn’t be the Cheng Wei who won the Best Newcomer Award in
the third season. However, before my admiration of him, I am the vice-captain of the Time
team. I have spend four years in the Time team and have deep feelings for the team. I really
didn’t play well today but it wasn’t intentional…”
His voice choked up a bit at the end. He had been in the Time team for so many years. He
might not command any games or give the team much help but he did think of it as his
home. Usually, he was noisy with Tan Shitian but it was mostly joking. He was actually very
close with Tan Shitian. In addition, his relationship with Lu Xiao, Zhou Yu and the others
were very good.
It was a bit too much to say that he was Cat God’s undercover, which was equivalent to
denying his value as the vice-captain of Time.
Cheng Wei couldn’t go on. Suddenly, his fingers were gently held. The warmth passed
through his fingertips made Cheng Wei look up and met Tan Shitian’s gentle eyes.
Tan Shitian pinched his palm to express comfort. Then he took the microphone and said to
the reporters. “I know that Time wasn’t able to enter the playoffs. Everyone is very sad so
they will blame us but… matches are full of variables. Today the players tried their best and
finally lost.”
Tan Shitian slightly looked back into Cheng Wei’s eyes before continuing, “Vice-Captain
Cheng is a member of Time. Accusing him is no different from accusing me. I really like the
Time team’s fans. I’m not looking for the applause given when Time wins the championship
but the encouragement and companionship that happens when Time loses a match. I hope
that everyone will be less angry and more tolerant to the players. Any questions can be
directed to me and I will accept it on my Weibo.”
Captain Tan had a gentle and warm man image. These words were said with a smile but
contained a trace of the captain’s decisiveness. Many fans of Time liked this young and
promising captain. They heard him say this and their emotions gradually calmed down.
The reporters who just questioned Cheng Wei turned red at the surrounding eyes and sat
A sensible reporter stood up and asked, “Time is going to stop here for the seventh season.
What are Captain Tan’s next plans?”
Tan Shitian replied, “In fact, the fundamental reason for Time’s loss is that our tactical
system is too singular, especially in the arena. As we watch more matches, we can find that
strong teams like Wind Colour and Canglan have a variety of combinations they can choose
from. The Time team mainly consists of archers and it is too easy for us to be targeted.”
“Before the competition system changed, it wasn’t so obvious in the single player arena.
The seventh season as started focusing on partner combinations. There are drawbacks to
having too many archers. I will look back on this point carefully. There are many
outstanding newcomers in the Time team’s training camp. You don’t have to worry about
the decline of the team’s performance. After all, Time is from a big club. If our performance
declines then as captain, I will be the first one to leave.”
The reporters were attracted by Tan Shitian’s gentle and patient explanation. Everyone
listened intently and the post-match interview turned into a happy outlook for the future.
Cheng Wei sat on the stage and listened to the person next to him talking.
At this moment, he was completely awakened. He realized why the old captain give the
position to a newcomer in the team.
This man might seem gentle but he was powerful. Despite the fiery interview room, he used
words to lightly blow it away and shift the topic. He was like this. He was always smiling
and looked like a gentle big brother but he was the toughest and calmest one on the Time
team. Thus, he became the captain and a reliable support.
Tan Shitian might always bully Cheng Wei with a smile but in crucial moments, he always
stood up and protected Cheng Wei. If Cheng Wei looked closely, Tan Shitian’s side profile
was handsome and he was as straightforward as Cat God. Tan Shitian’s handsomeness was
very special. It felt as warm as a spring breeze.
In the interview, Tan Shitian calmly responded to the reporters’ various questions and
Cheng Wei watched him in a daze. The sharp-eyed Time fans discovered this and couldn’t
help joking: [Xiao Wei, hurry and become Cat God’s black fan. Look how good our Captain
Tan is!] [Will Xiao Wei become Captain Tan’s fan? Look at his infatuated eyes.]
Cheng Wei’s gaze towards Tan Shitian in the interview was screenshotted by fans and
spread around as widely as Cat God’s expression pack. The Time fans were connected and
it swept through the major support clubs.
After the interview ended, Cheng Wei turned on his phone and flushed when he saw this.
“W-Which bastard, why capture this expression?”
Tan Shitian was very satisfied with this picture. It was a good feeling to be watched by
Cheng Wei. Had this person finally realized that his Captain Tan was actually very
Unlike the tense atmosphere of the Time interview, the Canglan members were warmly
baptized with flashes and claps.
The captain and vice-captain of Canglan attended together. The first question from a
reporter was, “Cat God, how do you feel about finally reaching the playoffs after so many
ups and downs?”
Li Cangyu replied directly, “It feels like a heavy burden on my shoulder has finally been put
down. My body is very relaxed.”
A reporter interjected, “Cat God, don’t you think that the playoffs are a heavier burden?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “In fact, my biggest concern has always been for Canglan to enter the
playoffs. The matches after that won’t have too much pressure. I will play in a relaxed mood
and might see the trophy if I’m lucky.”
“Do you feel that Canglan’s strength is enough to match Wind Colour and Ghost Spirits?”
Li Cangyu confidently nodded. “Of course, our team can’t be weak if we made it to the
playoffs. Our overall strength is no worse than Ghost Spirits and Wind Colour.”
The reporters applauded his confidence. As for why he directly ignored the other team
Flying Feathers, it was because based on Flying Feathers’ current results, they wouldn’t
meet Canglan in the playoffs.
“Vice-Captain Bai, what do you think about the status of the players? In particular, will the
four newcomers be able to cope with the pressure of the playoffs?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “There should be no problem. Their hearts are very strong after being
abused by our captain.“
“The opponent in your next match is still unsure. Canglan won against Time and your score
is exactly the same as Flying Feathers. However, the match between Flying Feathers and
Ghost Spirits isn’t over. If the points aren’t enough then Canglan will be third. According to
the rules of the playoffs, the fourth place will face Wind Colour in the semi-finals.” This
reporter was obviously concerned about the playoffs. He looked at the charts on his laptop
and asked, “If the next game is against Wind Colour, do you think there is a chance of
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan looked at each other. To tell the truth, if they directly confronted
Wind Colour in the next match then Li Cangyu only had a 40% chance of winning. However,
it wasn’t impossible to play. He had to use his home court advantage as much as possible.
Li Cangyu thought this and replied bluntly. “Just based on strength, we have a 40% chance
of winning. Still, Canglan has better luck recently. If I add the 20% luck then I have 60%
confidence in winning.”
The reporters, “…”
Cat God, how are you calculating things? Was your maths taught by a language teacher?
On reflection, didn’t his words seem a bit reasonable? Canglan’s luck had really picked up
recently. They were almost knocked out and then Time experienced a big loss, giving
Canglan another chance. If this wasn’t luck then what was?
How far could the lucky cat go in the playoffs? Everyone was full of expectations.

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GLS: Chapter 205

Chapter 205 – Playoffs List

At this point, the match between Ghost Spirits and Flying Feathers wasn’t over.
This match was Ghost Spirits’ home in Shenzhen and Flying Feathers was fighting an away
match. Both sides were melee based teams and their plays were exceptionally wonderful.
By the time Li Cangyu returned to the team, it had reached the third game and the score on
the big screen showed 2:0. Ghost Spirits had won two games.
Li Cangyu didn’t have to watch the replay and directly asked, “Ghost Spirits used the blood
kin map for three team battles?”
Xiao Gu, who was actively watching the replay on his phone, immediately looked up. “Cat
God really is a god. You guessed the truth!”
Li Cangyu wasn’t a god. It was just that Ghost Spirits used the three team battles
assassination tactics at home to bully many teams. Time and Flying Feathers were very
strong in team battles but it had always been the signature for Ghost Spirits. In particular, if
they were at home then they would choose a dimly lit map and the four assassins would
enter stealth to interrupt the opponent’s rhythm.
With the exception of Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits had barely lost any points in the seventh
The reason for their loss to Wind Colour was because Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan
summoned too many pets, which hindered the attack rhythm of the assassins. This gave
Ling Xuefeng an opportunity to reverse the situation and beat them.
It was understandable that Ghost Spirits’ home was a nightmare for many teams.
People who played online games knew how annoying it was to be targeted by an assassin.
Their lurking sneak attacks and other skills made assassins the most flexible class. There
were many assassin masters in online games. There was an incident where a powerful
assassin killed a 20 member casual group.
There were four assassins in the main line up of Ghost Spirits and this lineup worked.
They won too many points at home, causing them to be ranked second. This was the best
result in the regular season since Lou Wushuang became captain.
Bai Xuan watched the game and commented, “Ghost Spirits has shown a great performance
this season. It is because the other assassin pair’s combination with Lou Zhang is complete.
The four assassins team up to assassinate the core players of the opposite team. This tactic
is very simple and rough, but it is hard to beat.”
The vice-captain’s words made Xiao Han feel confused. “Didn’t you say not to use similar
words in a row? Why can Vice-Captain Bai use it and it doesn’t sound bad?”
“…” Boy, you were looking at the wrong point.
Bai Xuan patted the golden head, “It is because ‘very’ is a qualifier. That’s why the
description of a person can be very handsome, very gracious, very gentle. The words can be
Xie Shurong came over. “Are you describing me?”
Bai Xuan exclaimed, “Roll out of here.”
Xie Shurong immediately walked over and sat next to him. “I rolled over.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
This tree was too thick-faced and should be skinned. The tree of Canglan had never been
skinned and everyone had no way of talking to him.
The pressure of entering the playoffs was removed and everyone in the team was very
relaxed when watching the game.
Flying Feathers had lost two games in a row. In the third game, Su Guangmo had a fierce
headache. At the beginning, he and Yu Pingsheng directly opened their big moves to attack
the assassins of Ghost Spirits.
The two sides had a fierce exchange in the middle of the map. After seeing that Lou
Wushuang was going to die in seconds, the Ghost Spirits’ paladin suddenly put a light shield
on Lou Wushuang and Lou Wushuang released his moves to kill Yu Pingsheng.
Xiao Gu exclaimed, “This paladin has good senses!”
Zhuo Hang said from next to him, “You have to learn from him.”
Xiao Gu nodded. “Yes, I will go back and watch the slow motion replay.”
Li Xiaojiang weakly said, “It seems that Ghost, Ghost Spirits will win again, again…”
Xiao Han seemed to have figured out the usage from what Bai Xuan taught him “The Lou
Zhang combination is very strong and they have a few tacit understanding. I think it is
comparable to Master and Captain Ling.”
This sentence made everyone look at their captain with startled expressions.
“Cough.” Li Cangyu had a guilty conscience and he quickly covered it up. “The Lou Zhang
combination are brothers. How can Ling Xuefeng and I compare with them?”
Xiao Han said earnestly, “I think Master and Captain Ling are more intimate than brothers.
Li Cangyu, “…”
You are a professional at selling your master. You really can’t hide any words in your heart!
Everyone looked like they were watching a good play and Li Cangyu was forced to say, “It is
due to the similarity in class awareness. Once the Ghost Spirits’ four assassins form an
understanding and stare at their target, even I can’t stop it.”
The captain restored the topic and Zhang Jueming touched his chin. “This is a bit difficult.
The assassins are already difficult to detect in the darkness. If they suddenly appear from
behind and act then our lives will be taken.”
Xie Shurong spoke up, “Ghost Spirits is strong in appearance but they are only okay in away
matches. When they faced Flying Feathers in an away match, they lost two games. My
brother used a desert map against them.”
Li Cangyu nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, that is a good idea.”
Bai Xuan saw his serious expression and asked, “Are you already thinking about the
“It is nothing to think about it in advance. My brain cells are adequate.” Li Cangyu added,
“Maybe we will face Ghost Spirits in the next round.”
Su Guangmo’s big move finally killed the Ghost Spirits’ Lou Wushuang. However, Flying
Feathers’ follow up output couldn’t keep up with the rhythm and the whole formation
collapsed. Ghost Spirits actually won three consecutive games!
This result made many fans stunned. Su Guangmo also had a helpless expression. Flying
Feathers was unlucky lately and today a failure in pre-judgment failed to catch Lou
The man dubbed by the fans as the ‘cold viper’ clearly had a beautiful face but he also had a
high IQ, clear thinking and a keen sense of the game. Lou Wushuang was usually very low-
key but in the seventh season, he eliminated several strong teams at home.
Bai Xuan glanced at Li Cangyu. “You guessed correctly. Our next opponent is Ghost Spirits.”
With Flying Feathers’ defeat, the regular season’s schedule was over. All the team points
were officially published.
Wind Colour was first, Ghost Spirits second, Canglan third and Flying Feathers fourth.
These four teams won a ticket to the playoffs and would be eliminated according to the 1st
VS 4th, 2nd VS 3rd rules of the playoffs.
There was a week before the semi-finals. Li Cangyu stood up and stretched. “Let’s go have
an excellent meal to treat your stomachs. There will be the devil training so I have to
recharge everyone.”
The four teenagers who had experienced the ‘devil training’ looked at Li Cangyu’s smile and
suddenly shuddered!
Cat God, how are you going to destroy us again? You might as well tell us!

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GLS: Chapter 206

Chapter 206 – Devil Training

The season’s top four was soon announced on the professional league’s official website.
The website also opened a poll for who would win the championship on the live broadcast
platform. The Wind Colour team performed well this season and the number of people
who thought they would win was 30%. Flying Feathers and Ghost Spirits each had 25% and
Canglan was at the bottom with only 20%.
A reporter interviewed the captain of other teams. Tan Shitian’s answer was quite different
from the result of the vote. “The support rate of passersby is low because there are too
many newcomers in the team. Newcomers do have the potential to have a bad influence on
the game. However, once a newcomer breaks through their own bottleneck, they will
become a weapon to catch others off guard.”
“Captain Tan, does this mean you are optimistic about the Canglan team?”
Tan Shitian smiled and replied, “They can enter the top four. The strength difference
shouldn’t be too big and everyone has the possibility of winning. It depends on how well
they all play.”
His sentence was nonsense but it was also the least offensive words.
Cheng Wei saw the interview in the dormitory and couldn’t help saying, “I still feel that
Canglan is likely to win the championship.”
Tan Shitian looked back and saw a trace of seriousness. He couldn’t help asking, “Why? You
like Cat God so you will support him unconditionally?”
“I’m not that shallow!” Cheng Wei immediately retorted. “I just think that you were right in
the interview. Canglan has many combinations for the arena and the rules of the playoffs
are different from the regular reason. Canglan can win many points by relying on the arena.
In the team battles, Cat God’s tactical level is good and he can send out a targeted lineup.”
Tan Shitian hadn’t expected this guy to grow up and actually analyze tactics. He saw Cheng
Wei’s serious expression and couldn’t help smiling. “Yes, I think so as well. The key is the
tactical arrangements.”
The teams that didn’t enter the playoffs could easily discuss who would win the
championship. For the four teams in the playoffs, they will busy with the final sprint
In Canglan’s training room, Li Cangyu brought all the players together and started to
systematically analyze the next opponents, Ghost Spirits.
This team was founded in the first season by the old captain Mo Quan. Together with
Time’s old captain Xu Luo, Flying Feathers’ old captain Song Yang, Ling Xuefeng and Li
Cangyu, they were called the Five Gods. Mo Quan was the person who pioneered the
assassin flow tactics in Miracle but the Ghost Spirits members didn’t have too much force
and they couldn’t get the trophy before Li Cangyu retired.
The turning point was the third season. That year, Mo Quan discovered the talented Lou
Zhang brothers and trained the intelligent and sensitive Lou Wushuang to be the successor
of the next generation.
After Captain Mo retired, the Lou Zhang combination led Ghost Spirits through a difficult
journey in the league. In the third season, Cheng Wei and Xie Shurong were the brightest
and the Lou Zhang combination was obscured, not winning any awards.
After Li Cangyu left Miracle, he only remembered the brothers had a very good relationship
and were inseparable. A tall person who was always smiling would shout ‘Brother’ towards
Lou Wushuang, like he still hadn’t grown up.
Unexpected, shortly after Li Cangyu’s departures, the Lou Zhang brothers started to exert
their strength and their cooperation became more tacit. The Ghost Spirits team’s
assassination flow tactics matured and they won the championship in the fourth season!
The Lou Zhang combination became the signature partnership of the Miracle League.
The championship of the fifth season was taken away by the new captain Tan Shitian and
the sixth season was won by Wind Colour. The Ghost Spirits performed in an outstanding
manner in the seventh season and had the strength to compete for the championship.
In their two confrontations in the regular season, Canglan couldn’t take advantage of Ghost
Spirits and could only win one game at home. It was no wonder why the audience didn’t
think Canglan would win.
Still, the rules of the playoffs were different. Li Cangyu pointed to the big screen to explain
it in detail. “The regular season has the home and away matches set in advance. The away
team will go to the city where the home team is located. The playoffs are different. All
teams are fixed in this year’s host city of Beijing. The first game will draw lots to determine
who will be the home side, then it will switch in the second game. It adopts the B05
In other words, the home side still had the right to select the mode and the map. If Ghost
Spirits was the home side in the first game, the second game would have Canglan as the
home team, then the third game would have Ghost Spirits as the home team and the fourth
game was Canglan. If the first four games ended up with a score of 2:2, a random tiebreaker
would be played for the fifth game.
There were two more games than the regular season and the home and away sides were
exchanged. This would avoid the situation where the away side was crushed.
The four teenagers listened to the captain’s explanation and finally understood the playoffs
system. Gu Siming raised his hand and asked, “In other words, if Ghost Spirits wins at home
in the first game then we can score in the second game?”
Li Cangyu nodded, “Yes, the home side can freely choose the game mode and map. The
captains on both sides also have a chance to temporarily adjust the lineup based on the
circumstances of each game.”
Xiao Han felt doubts. “Doesn’t the list have to be determined in advance?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “No. The home team has the advantage of the mode and map selection.
The away team can adjust the members to deal with it. In other words, I will send people to
fight after seeing their lineup.”
Xiao Han couldn’t help feeling relieved after hearing this. The rules of the playoffs were
much better than the regular season. The first team had an advantage but the away team
wouldn’t be too passive and could send people to target the lineup.
Li Cangyu saw that there were no questions and continued, “The tactics of Ghost Spirits is
actually very simple. They are assassins. The assassins will aim at the core players and set
fire to kill them. They will first establish a numbers advantage and then break the enemies
one by one.”
“I think that everyone isn’t a stranger to the captain Lou Wushuang and the vice-captain
Zhang Shaohui. They are cousins who grew up together. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that
the level of their understanding is at the top among the gods in the league.”
“Apart from the Lou Zhang brothers, Ghost Spirits has four assassins, a paladin and a blood
kin sacrifice. Like Wind Colour, the healer chosen by their team is a blood kin sacrifice. The
amount of healing isn’t as strong as the priest but there are more negative statuses. They
can cooperate with their teammates to carry out attacks.”
Li Cangyu placed the information of Ghost Spirits’ eight players on the big screen. “Ghost
Spirits is a very aggressive teams. Four assassins move together and there will often be a
burst of output to take away a head. They rarely play defensive battles. When encountering
difficult opponents, they might stealth and guerilla attack. The maps used are dense forest
maps and dimly lit maps for assassins to lurk in.”
In the regular season, Ghost Spirits was like a sharp and frightening dagger. The dagger
passed you and blood splashed. Many strong teams in the Miracle League had been killed
by them.
A very aggressive team was hard to deal with. If Canglan played a defensive battle then it
would be easy to be attacked by the other side. Not to mention, they were invisible and
hard to prevent. It was also hard to face them because many teams couldn’t attack as fast as
the assassins who had the highest agility among melee classes.
Can’t resist and can’t fight, what should they do?
Zhuo Hang couldn’t help asking, “Cat God, is there a way to deal with it?”
Li Cangyu looked over at him. “That’s why it is up to you.”
Zhuo Hang’s eyes widened with surprise. “Me?”
“What is the thing that stealth assassins are most afraid of?” Li Cangyu asked.
Zhuo Hang suddenly realized. “The hunter’s traps!”
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu glanced at him appreciatively. “Assassins must be invisible in
order to avoid our frontal group attacks and group control. They must find ways to sneak
around but they can’t get close if our backs are full of traps.”
The four teenagers had a ‘Cat God, how are you so smart?’ expression on their faces.
Bai Xuan saw this familiar scene and couldn’t help smiling. “Moreover, Xiao Zhuo has rarely
participated in team battles in the regular season. They might be unexpected results if he is
sent to the team battles in the playoffs.”
“This is the truth.” Li Cangyu paused and stared at Zhuo Hang. “The biggest problem is that
Zhuo Hang hasn’t played with us many times. The time limit is one week. Zhuo Hang, are
you confident in being able to keep up with the rhythm of the entire team?”
Zhuo Hang nodded confidently. “No problem!”
Li Xiaojiang stuttered, “Zhuo Hang, certainly, no problem. My movement is slow. His hand
speed is actually very, very fast.”
Xiaojiang’s sentences were true. Zhuo Hang usually cooperated with Li Xiaojiang and would
deliberately slow down his speed to match Xiaojiang’s rhythm. In terms of hand speed, he
didn’t lose to Gu Siming or Xiao Han.
Li Cangyu saw his confident expression and patted him on the shoulder. “Okay. I will train
your separately in the next week and force your explosive power to the maximum. Be
Zhuo Hang didn’t look worried about the upcoming abuse. Instead, his face was full of
excitement. “I know!”
Li Cangyu continued, “Many views and professional players feel that Canglan is stronger in
the arena and our home games in the players will definitely be the arena. Lou Wushuang
might believe this. In fact, we aren’t only strong in the arena. We don’t need to rely on the
arena because if we do, we will lost if the last random game is a team battle.”
“Thus, we must take the momentum from the first match! I want to tell everyone that
Canglan isn’t only strong in the arena. We are also very strong in team battles!”
Li Cangyu’s words were powerful. The whole team’s blood was mobilized and everyone
immediately clapped. The four teenagers even felt that the championship trophy was
beckoning to them.
Then after the excitement, Li Cangyu unceremoniously said, “The next step is a week of
devil training. The four of you, come with me.”
The four people followed Li Cangyu and he had them sit down. Then he started from the
first person.
“Xiao Gu and Xiao Li need to strengthen their ability to resist stress. Ah Shu and Old Zhang
will try to kill you at the fastest speed. The two of you have to find a way to live…”
“Xiao Han needs to train your short-term explosive ability. You will go against our league’s
most durable healer, Bai Xuan and see how long it takes to kill him. If you can’t kill him then
one chicken leg will be reduced for dinner.”
Xiao Han muttered, “…Eh?”
Li Cangyu wasn’t polite. “Don’t you understand?”
Xiao Han lowered his head. “Yes.”
Tonight’s chicken leg would definitely be out of the picture. Vice-Captain Bai was super
strong and Xiao Han really couldn’t kill him!
The last person remaining was Zhuo Hang and Li Cangyu would personally guide him. “Xiao
Zhuo, you have the awareness and your hand speed can also reach the standard. I want you
to strengthen your training in grasping the various map terrains. Apart from trapping
skills, a truly good hunter must learn to combine different terrains to maximize the role of
Zhuo Hang immediately gripped his mouse with excitement. “Okay!”
“Start training!”
The eight people grouped up as Li Cangyu ordered and entered the custom arena rooms to
start the training.
Li Xiaojiang and Gu Siming were chased by Xie Shurong while Old Zhang added various
negative statuses. The two people were chased and after a few minutes, Li Xiaojiang died
On Xiao Han’s side, he entered stealth and erupted with a set of moves to decrease the vice-
captain’s blood to 50% only for Bai Xuan to be full of blood again. Xiao Han silently turned
and walked away. After waiting for his next chance, he unleashed another set of moves only
for Vice-Captain Bai to once again be full of blood.
Xiao Han, “…”
At this moment, he felt the aggressiveness that the outputs of other teams must’ve felt
towards Bai Xuan. He wanted to directly reach through the computer and pinch the smiling
milk dad!
Zhuo Hang’s side was the worst. Li Cangyu called various pets and he was too busy to set
traps, let alone control Cat God. Even Cat God’s pets bullied him…
After a day of abuse, the four teenagers stared and drooled as they watched the chicken
In the end, Bai Xuan had a soft heart and secretly gave each person half a chicken leg. Li
Cangyu closed one eye and let everyone go back to rest to prepare for the next day’s
The result was that the four people didn’t rush back to the dormitory after dinner. They
consciously stayed in the training room to continue practicing, as if practicing for a while at
night would make them more powerful tomorrow.
Li Cangyu saw the warm yellow lights of the training room and couldn’t help smiling.
Bai Xuan asked, “Do you think one week of training will be effective?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Their foundations are very solid and there is some awareness. Of
course, it is best if they can break through the bottleneck. Today, I tried me best to suppress
Zhuo Hang. You should’ve also felt how sharp Xiao Han’s attacks are… if they practice for a
few more days, it will definitely have an effect. I believe in them.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling. Just as the four kittens had always believed in the big cat,
the big cat also believed in the four teenagers.
He hoped they would really grow in the playoffs!
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GLS: Chapter 207

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 207 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (1)

In the blink of an eye, the weekend came and all members of the Canglan team headed to
Beijing. It was the host city of the professional league and Wind Colour, Flying Feathers and
Ghost Spirits also arrived at the hotel designated by the league.
These days, everyone was busy training. Li Cangyu hadn’t contacted Ling Xuefeng so he
didn’t expect to meet the people of Wind Colour when checking in to the hotel. Li Cangyu
saw the tall and upright back in the distance and immediately patted the other person’s
shoulder happily. He said, “Hey, what a coincidence.”
Ling Xuefeng originally had a serious expression but he turned his head at Li Cangyu’s
smile. The expression on his face immediately softened and he nodded. “Are you
Li Cangyu joked, “I can almost kill Wind Colour.”
The Wind Colour members collectively stared at him. Cat God was too much, actually
saying he wanted to kill Wind Colour in front of the captain? The surprising thing was that
Ling Xuefeng didn’t become angry. Instead, he said calmly, “Then I’ll cheer you on.”
Everyone, “…”
The communication methods of these two people couldn’t be understood at all.
Bai Xuan knew the inside story and smiled slightly, stepping forward to say, “Tomorrow’s
first match is Wind Colour against Flying Feathers. Captain Ling, I’ll also cheer for you.”
Ling Xuefeng replied lightly, “I will.”
The two teams carried their luggage to their rooms to settle in. Li Cangyu called everyone
together to give them some notes before letting them rest to raise their spirits for
The next morning, the Miracle League’s main venue in Beijing was crowded with people.
There were queues all the way down the road early in the morning. Fans held posters
The match actually started at 10 in the morning but many fans ran around at 8 in order to
line up. By 9:30, the entire venue was packed.
The cute girl in charge of warming up the venue held a raffle box while in the
commentators’ room, Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi did a final data check.
At 9:50, the players of Wind Colour and Flying Feathers officially entered. The familiar big
gods headed to the main stage to deafening applause.
In the VIP seats, Li Cangyu watched the match with the players. Canglan had a match this
afternoon and he shouldn’t be running to watch the match. However, Li Cangyu believed
that there was no harm in letting the players feel the atmosphere of the playoffs in advance.
Moreover, there was no need to continue training. They should rest for half a day so that
their could play normally in the afternoon.
This match was extremely fierce. Wind Colour first selected a team battle and smoothly
scored one point. At home, Flying Feathers continued to select a team battle and forcibly
gained back one point. For the third game, the Wind Colour team changed to the arena and
the score became 2:1. In the fourth game, Flying Feathers chose a team battle to equalize
the score but at a crucial moment, Wind Colour killed Yu Pingsheng and the score was
determined to be 3:1.
According to the three wins rule of the B05 system, the final fifth game didn’t need to be
played and the Wind Colour team directly advanced.
The Wind Colour fans excitedly jumped up to celebrate while the Flying Feathers fans
looked lost. Still, everyone had long been mentally prepared. After all, Wind Colour was too
strong this season and it was normal for Flying Feathers to lose.
Su Guangmo walked over to Ling Xuefeng while in the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi
quickly said, “Audience members, Wind Colour has beaten Flying Feathers 3:1 and have
successfully made it into the finals! This afternoon’s match between Canglan and Ghost
Spirits will determine Wind Colour’s opponent in the final. It means that this season’s
champions will be either Wind Colour, Ghost Spirits or Canglan. The afternoon’s match will
officially start at 3 o’clock. Please watch on time!”
Li Cangyu silently took the players backstage when he heard this. There were still a few
hours remaining and they needed to completely relax.
At 2:30 in the afternoon, the long awaited second match of the semi-finals opened for
MIracle fans in Beijing.
Many fans came from afar and bought tickets to support the team they liked. In the
audience, many people held fans like ‘Canglan Win!’ and ‘Ghost Spirits, Refuel!’. There were
also a few with zoomed in photos of the players and a few cat drawings… the venue was
made particularly lively by the variety of quirky signs.
Yu Bing took advantage of the warm up time and quickly introduced the members of the
two teams. “I believe we should already be very familiar with Canglan’s lineup. There are
four old players who have unique characteristics and the four newcomers. Today the brutal
knockout rules of the playoffs are in place and I am looking forward to their performance.”
Yu Bing paused and changed the data on the big screen to the other team. “Ghost Spirits
uses a skeleton logo. At first glance, they use the dark system to play. There have the
famous Lou Zhang combination and use assassination techniques. Ghost Spirits was
particularly sharp in the regular season and the other players grew quickly under Captain
Lou’s leadership.”
Kou Hongyi agreed. “In fact, Ghost Spirits wouldn’t be so terrible with the Lou Zhang
combination. The key is that in addition to Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui, there are
four more powerful assassins, the paladin Mo Yuan and the sacrifice Zhou Jianan. The
overall strength of the team is very high.”
Yu Bing continued, “For the battle between Canglan and Ghost Spirits, both sides have a
chance of winning. It depends on how the commanders on both sides arrange today’s
Their explanation finished and the clock used reached the number 3. The referee lit up the
indicator and the captains on both sides came up to draw lots.
Li Cangyu smiled. “Would you like to do it?”
Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and said, “Cat God, feel free to come first.”
“Then I will welcome it.” Li Cangyu placed his hand into the box and Lou Wushuang
followed. Both of them opened the envelope at the same time to discover—Ghost Spirits
had the home side first and Canglan was second!
This result wasn’t good for Canglan. After all, it would be difficult to win the first home
game against Ghost Spirits. If they lost then it would have a great impact on the morale of
the whole team.
Fortunately, Li Cangyu was very calm. He returned the envelope and returned to the
soundproof room to wait patiently.
Ghost Spirits soon submitted their choices for the first match. The mode was a team battle
and the map was Ghost Domain. The lineup was the assassin Lou Wushuang, the assassin
Zhang Shaohui, the assassin Lin Yu, the assassin Zhao Zhicheng, the paladin Mo Yuan and
the sacrifice Zhou Jianan.
Sure enough, it was the most classic assassination lineup with four assassins, a main t and a
Li Cangyu pondered for a moment before sending—the summoner Li Cangyu, the priest Bai
Xuan, the auxiliary Zhang Jueming, the swordsman Xie Shurong, the paladin Gu Siming and
the hunter Zhuo Hang.
Many viewers were confused when they saw the list. Zhuo Hang?
Zhuo Hang hadn’t appeared many times in the group battles of the regular season. He
normally formed a combination with Li Xiaojiang. How could he suddenly appear in today’s
group battle? Was he reliable?
Yu Bing gave a reasonable explanation. “Cat God sending Zhuo Hang in the team battle
should be in consideration of the Ghost Spirits’ assassins. The hunter’s trap can limit them
when they are in stealth and it will improve Canglan’s fighting ability.” She paused and
frowned with concern. “The problem is that Zhuo Hang rarely plays in team battles. The
difference between the arena and team battle is very different. In such a heavyweight
match, it isn’t easy to say if he can adapt to the rhythm of the game.”
This was Ling Xuefeng’s concern as he watched from under the stage. Li Cangyu loved to
surprise people and Ling Xuefeng had expected this. Still, it was too bold to take a teenager
inexperienced with team battles to such a crucial knockout match.
The newcomers hadn’t experienced the pressure of the playoffs and it was uncertain if
their psychological state could be adjusted. Now Zhuo Hang was playing a position he
rarely played, which was even more taboo for a commander.
However, Li Cangyu’s commanding style had always been bold. Since he dared to send
Zhuo Hang, Ling Xuefeng could only look forward to Zhuo Hang’s performance.
The players on both sides debugged their equipment and the match officially started.
The atmosphere of the Ghost Domain map was extremely gloomy. It was a abandoned
castle in the blood kin realm. According to the description in the game, it was a place that
no one dared to go. It was said that at night, the branches would dance and not only did
they emit a cold sound, the shadows they cast on the ground looked particularly like
The dimly lit map was very beneficial for assassins. In particular, the Ghost Spirits team had
four blood kin assassins and a blood kin sacrifice. The five blood kin players were dressed
in black clothes and could integrate into the map.
In addition, the blood kin had stealth skills…
In the early stages, both sides developed steadily and temporarily didn’t fight each other. It
was understandable since this was a large event. Then once the ice dragon refreshed, the
two sides finally confronted each other!
However, the audience members saw a ridiculous scene. The two teams met at the ice
dragon’s refresh point. The Canglan team’s six people were complete but Ghost Spirits only
had one paladin? Where were the other five? They couldn’t be seen at all!
Many of the great gods who played against Ghost Spirits had experienced this. The
assassins and sacrifice lurked like ghosts around them. It was unknown when they would
suddenly emerge and set fire to a target.
In order to fight the Ghost Spirits team, players must have a long psychological quality and
couldn’t be easily scared to death!
Li Cangyu was undoubtedly a bold commander. Once he saw the opposite paladin dangling
in front of him, he didn’t care. It was because he knew the paladin was only used as bait and
Lou Wushuang’s eyes were sharp. If someone anxiously attacked the paladin then they
would enter Ghost Spirits’ trap.
“Xiao Zhuo.” Li Cangyu gave a reminder on the command channel.
Zhuo Hang immediately pressed the keyboard, the rhythmical keyboard tapping sound
entering their ears. The audience saw Great Navigator moving around the Canglan team
like a dazzling tornado. Everyone was wondering what was going on. Then the saw that
behind the players, five traps were set in succession and they were connected in a curve at
an extremely tricky angle, so that the assassins of Ghost Spirits couldn’t get close!
This was Zhuo Hang’s speed, the real speed of a growing hunter!

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GLS: Chapter 208

Chapter 208 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (2)
The setting of Zhuo Hang’s traps was so fast that an assassin of Ghost Spirits inadvertently
walked into the trap, had his stealth skill removed and the blood kin assassin immediately
The light of this map was extremely dim but Li Cangyu’s eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He
aimed at the position where the assassin was standing and unceremoniously had this
thunder spirit attack.
—Thunder’s Wrath!
There was a loud bang and a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky. In addition to the
exposed assassin, the teammate beside him were also hit. Two assassins of the Ghost
Spirits team immediately lost 20% of their blood!
Xie Shurong and Zhang Jueming followed their captain’s rhythm. Once they saw Cat God
act, Zhang Jueming didn’t hesitate to use the white magician’s auxiliary big move while Xie
Shurong teleported to the two people and used Light and Shadow Rotation!
Zhuo Hang also dealt some output damage. Trap Blast!
The big moves came one after another, the speed too fast. In just three seconds, various
skills and light effects overlapped, causing the dark map to become bright. The two
assassins of Ghost Spirits didn’t have any time to output before they were directly hit by
the Canglan team!
[Ah Shu has killed Flowing Moon, first kill!]
[Ah Shu has killed Quicksand, second kill!]
These assassins were newcomers raised by Lou Wushuang in the sixth season. After the
sixth and seventh seasons, the two of them had become a highly familiar assassin combo
along with the Lou Zhang brothers. They formed the assassination lineup of the Ghost
Spirits team.
However, the two people were unlucky today. One step in Zhuo Hang’s traps caused them
to instantly be killed.
“Beautiful! Kou Hongyi couldn’t help cheering. “I didn’t expect the team’s ability to set fire
to be so strong. Once Zhuo Hang’s trap was triggered, Cat God, Ah Shu and Old Zhang
combined to kill them and the skills were so fast that is was dizzying!”
Yu Bing also sighed. “It seems that sending Zhuo Hang in today’s team battle was a bold
move for Cat God but it was effective. The hunter’s traps caused big trouble to the assassins
of Ghost Spirits.”
This was a bit unexpected for Lou Wushuang and he frowned slightly.
Before the game, he tried to guess Li Cangyu’s formation and thought that Xiao Han was
most likely to play in the team battles. He didn’t expect Zhuo Hang who rarely appeared in
the team battles to actually participate in this one.
The even more unexpected thing was that Zhuo Hang’s speed was extremely fast. It was
almost comparable to the winner of the sixth season’s rookie award, Chen Anran.
The most terrible thing about hunters was their ability to quickly set up traps to suppress
the opponents. If they could arrange traps in combination with the terrain then it would be
hard for the opponents to move!
Today, Zhuo Hang could do both these things. He didn’t just move like the wind but his trap
layout was extremely sturdy. It was just against the black stone pillars where an assassin
had been hiding. The assassin stepped forward and accidentally triggered Zhuo Hang’s
This wasn’t a coincidence but Zhuo Hang’s precise grasp of the terrain.
The two people killed by Canglan were obviously annoyed. They looked at each other and
reluctantly waited for their resurrection.
Captain Lou Wushuang was very quiet. He gave Zhang Shaohui a signal on the map. Zhang
Shaohui immediately followed him to the front of the Canglan team.
The audience felt a bit nervous. From their perspective, the Lou Zhang brothers were
standing opposite Li Cangyu at this time. However, they were both invisible so Li Cangyu
didn’t notice there were two terrible assassins in front of him.
The Lou Zhang brothers took advantage of this opportunity to act at the same time.
Zhang Shaohui used Pain Blade to stun Li Cangyu while Lou Wushuang controlled the
healer Bai Xuan. Then both of them attacked Li Cangyu while cooperating with the blood
kin sacrifice. Li Cangyu’s blood immediately fell to 10% residual blood!
Cat God’s blood gauge was flashing red and the milk dad Bai Xuan was fainted and unable
to add blood. After seeing that Li Cangyu was going to die in seconds, Gu Siming rushed to
the captain’s side and decisively opened Guardian’s Power!
A golden light shone on the body of the elf summoner. This was the paladin’s skill that
protected the designated target. Gu Siming placed the shield on his captain and Lou
Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s most critical attack skills were transferred to Gu Siming.
Li Cangyu saw this and felt gratified. He didn’t exact Xiao Gu’s reaction to be so fast and he
actually knew to run back to protect the captain at a key moment…
The thing that made Li Cangyu especially happy was that the Lou Zhang brothers failed to
kill him and wanted to retreat, only to be set in place by Ah Shu’s Spirit Lock!
Wanting to kill their captain, it wasn’t so easy to leave!
Xie Shurong wasn’t a herbivore. He just killed two assassins and was in an excited state. He
turned back and hit Lou Wushuang with a set of combos, causing Lou Wushuang’s blood to
fall to 50%. Lou Wushuang was forced to open Combat Stealth to rapidly retreat and Zhang
Shaohui naturally withdrew with him.
This wave of the team battle ended with two assassins being killed and the Lou Zhang
brothers reluctantly retreating.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “Ghost Spirits is suffering at home, this
is rare!”
Yu Bing explained calmly, “We can’t blame them. The two assassins of Ghost Spirits
obviously didn’t expect Zhuo Hang to set a trap nearby and accidentally triggered it, giving
Cat God a chance to kill them.”
Kou Hongyi said, “Ghost Spirits suffered a big loss in this wave and it will be difficult for
them to make a comeback.”
Yu Bing agreed.
The game wasn’t over yet but many people already expected the ending. Xie Shurong had
two heads and after Ghost Spirits retreated, the Canglan team quickly won the ice dragon’s
economic bonus. Gaining the ice dragon was such a big advantage that it was almost
impossible for the Ghost Spirits to reverse the situation.
Unless Li Cangyu lost his IQ at a critical moment… but this probability was infinitely close
to 0%.
Cat God’s IQ was online for a long time, especially during a match. Cat God’s head worked
quickly and he was always stable when he had an advantage. Moreover, Ah Shu’s attack
bonus from the double kills was enough to make the Ghost Spirits’ assassins nervous. It
wouldn’t be easy for the assassins to kill Old Cat in one breath.
Sure enough, it was as Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing expected. After the defeat in the first wave
of combat, Ghost Spirits found it more and more difficult to play.
Li Cangyu had a habit when commanding games. He would play very hard when in the
disadvantageous position, letting the opponent accidentally make a mistake and then
seizing this opportunity to reverse the game. However, he was particularly stable in the
advantageous position. He was as stable as a mountain and didn’t move. The enter Canglan
team was like an unbreakable wall that didn’t give the opponent a chance to counterattack.
The first wave of combat fattened up Xie Shurong and he became a very sharp swordsman.
His hand speed plus the equipment bonuses made his big moves the same as cutting
Meanwhile, Zhuo Hang and Li Cangyu were the typically fast attackers. Thanks to Old
Zhang doubling their attack at key moments, the attack power of the three people far
exceeded the four assassins of Ghost Spirits.
Once the two sides met again in the lower middle road, Ghost Spirits fought Canglan and
lost, sending another two heads.
At this point, Ghost Spirits completely lost any chance of turning things around. The
Canglan team pushed through through the defense towers and directly crushed the central
The result stunned the audience. After all, Ghost Spirits’ home games were notoriously
difficult to deal with. In the regular season, Ghost Spirits eliminated many strong teams at
home, including Canglan!
Today, Ghost Spirits’ assassin pair were killed by a newcomer, making it difficult for the
Ghost Spirits fans to accept.
Canglan fans were very pleased. They won the first game, which was extremely beneficial
to the morale of the team. It was a good start to the playoffs.
The score on the big screen became 1:0. Li Cangyu smiled and brought the players together
to prepare for the next game.
In the VIP seats, Qin Mo commented, “I think that Gu Siming and Zhuo Hang are performing
very well today. Their reaction rates are much faster than the regular season.”
Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen smiled. “This is the process of quantitative change to achieve
qualitative change. Xiao Gu is a player from the Dragon Song training camp. His foundation
is very solid but his awareness wasn’t enough in the regular season, especially when it
came to protecting teammates. During this period of time, Cat God should’ve designed
targeted training for him. He isn’t stupid so it isn’t surprising that he can keep up with the
pace of the team.”
Qin Mo nodded in agreement. “Yes, just now, if he hadn’t come back in time to throw the
shield on Cat God then Cat God would’ve probably died. Once Cat God dies, Xie Shurong
would have to face the Lou Zhang brothers and might not be able to fight. The ones to
collapse would be Canglan.”
Guo Xuan interjected. “I think Zhuo Hang has made very fast progress. I watched the last
match between Canglan and Cheetah and he didn’t have too much of an advantage against
Chen Anran, vice-captain of Cheetah. However, based on today’s performance, he has
learned from Chen Anran. He blended his own style with what he learn, combining his
effective hand speed with the terrain.”
“The most difficult thing for a hunter is to grasp the terrain. Zhuo Hang’s level has
improved a lot…” Qin Mo scratched his head and asked doubtfully, “The newcomers of
Canglan seem to have hormones injected in them today. How can they improve so much?”
Yan Ruiwen touched his chin and thought for a moment. “Perhaps this was Cat God’s
targeted training during the week. They aren’t stupid and also have the long accumulation
of experience in the seventh season. Perhaps that’s why they seem better today than
After discussing it for a while, Yan Ruiwen found that Ling Xuefeng was silent. Yan Ruiwen
couldn’t help looking over and asking, “Captain Ling, what do you think?”
Ling Xuefeng only said one thing. “We have to prepare for the next battle with Canglan.”
Everyone knelt down!
The captain’s words were really domineering. The match wasn’t over yet he was so sure
that Canglan would advance?
Still, no one could refute him when they saw Ling Xuefeng’s cold but firm eyes. They could
only think in their heart, ‘Your confidence in Cat God is really unparalleled. Only the first
game is finished yet you directly confirmed that Canglan will win! Is this an opponent or
true love?’

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GLS: Chapter 209

Chapter 209 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (3)

In Ghost Spirits’ soundproof room, Lou Wushuang’s expression was still calm. Regardless of
the occasion, he always maintain his cold appearance. The indifferent gaze from behind the
silver glasses made people feel cold.
Maybe his gaze would be milder when facing his younger brother Zhang Shaohui but at this
moment, his eyes weren’t looking at the tall man beside him. They were staring coldly at
the players as he said, “This is only the first game. You don’t have to be discouraged.
Canglan sending Zhuo Hang today is something I didn’t expect. Zhuo Hang’s hunter will
indeed cause us a lot of trouble but it isn’t impossible to deal with. We will shift our target
and kill Zhuo Hang first!”
Captain Lou’s words were as cold as the water in winter but there was a force in the tone
that couldn’t be rejected. “Canglan should choose the arena as the second game. After all,
the arena is their strength. On our side, there is only one way to win in the arena. I will split
into a separate group with Ah Hui.”
Zhang Shaohui’s eyes widened with surprise. “Brother, we rarely split up…”
Lou Wushuang explained, “Being unexpected is the only way to beat Canglan. Do you
remember that the Tan Cheng combination of Time also split up when encountering
Canglan? We might not be able to win against the combination of Cat God and Old Zhang if
both of us are the guards. If we separate, I will bring the healer, you will take the paladin
and the middle will have the double assassins combination. This is triple the insurance.”
The named players nodded seriously.
Ghost Spirits had six assassins, a paladin and a blood kin sacrifice. The previous arena
games had the Lou Zhang brothers as the guards while the front two combinations were
relatively weak. Today when facing Canglan who was strong in the arena, Lou Wushuang
would take the sacrifice and Zhang Shaohui the paladin. The strength of these two
combinations should be enough to fight the aces of Canglan.
Zhang Shaohui naturally had no objection to his brother’s decision and quickly nodded. “I
In fact, the Ghost Spirits team had focused on practicing the arena during this one week.
After all, Canglan was acknowledged to be strong in the arena. In order to cope with them
Lou Wushuang had combined with the sacrifice and Zhang Shaohui also cooperated with
the paladin. They were all first-rate players and often cooperated in team battles. This one
week of training was enough for them to form a combination in the playoffs.
Everything was prepared and the rest time was over. The referee lit the signal light to
indicate the beginning of the second game. The waiting audience members encouraged the
players with warm applause.
The second game was Canglan’s home game.
Kou Hongyi said with a smile, “I think this game will definitely be the arena mode.”
As a result, Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to submit the game mode and map to the referee—a
team battle, the Frost League.
“…” Kou Hongyi once again felt like crying. He suddenly found that every time he explained
a Canglan game, he would guess wrong. Cat God’s thoughts really couldn’t be guessed by
stupid humans!
Canglan was strong in the arena yet they actually chose a team battle at home?
Kou Hongyi cursed in his heart and touched his nose. “Cough, it seems that I guessed
Yu Bing had long been accustomed to this and calmly said, “Cat God’s thinking, 99% of
people can’t guess it.”
Kou Hongyi smartly replied, “The remaining 1% is called Ling Xuefeng.”
The audience, “…”
They carefully pondered it and found that these words were true. To be honest, 99% of
people couldn’t guess Li Cangyu’s tactical thinking but Ling Xuefeng could often guess it.
Perhaps because they were both summoners?
In front of the TV, Su Guangmo couldn’t help laughing, “Haha, Lou Wushuang probably
wants to cough up blood!”
The Flying Feathers team had prepared for a week for team battles only for Canglan to
choose three arena games. This caused Su Guangmo pain. Now Lou Wushuang also felt this
pain. After practicing the arena for a week and spending the few minutes of rest time
arranging the order of the arena, even splitting up the Lou Zhang combination, the result
was that Canglan chose a team battle!
What did Cat God want to do?”
Zhang Shaohui directly let out crude words. “Crap! Frost League, isn’t this too sinister?”
Ghost Spirits, “…”
Frost League was within the angel realm in the Miracle game. It was a bright white map
where the ground was paved with ice crystals. Walking on it would reflect their image, like
stepping on a mirror. The map was similar to Ice Valley and had a full map deceleration
effect. Unlike Ice Valley, this map had a number of icicles in the middle as obstacles in
addition the deceleration.
If it was just deceleration than the assassins of Ghost Spirits weren’t worried.
The key was the icicle obstacles. It was reasonable to say that a map with obstacles was
excellent for an assassin since they could hide behind various obstacles to unexpectedly
attack the opponent.
However, today there was Zhuo Hang!
As long as Zhuo Hang placed traps around the icicles, it was impossible for the assassins of
Ghost Spirits to be invisible!
The impact of the small Zhuo Hang was so large on Ghost Spirits. This was unpredictable
for the audience members and Lou Wushuang.
The game soon started and both teams loaded on the map.
The lineup for Canglan was the same as before. Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhuo, Ah Shu, Vice-Captain
Bai, Cat God and Old Zhang. The lineup of Ghost Spirits also hadn’t changed. They brought
four assassins, a paladin and a blood kin sacrifice. This was the most stable lineup.
After seeing this, Yu Bing had a hunch that Ghost Spirits would find it hard to win.
There was a reason for Lou Wushuang’s decision. This was the most stable lineup for Ghost
Spirits and had won against many strong teams. The problem was that this lineup didn’t
have many advantages against Canglan. The playoffs were a brutal elimination system and
a tactical error was likely to ruin the chances of the team advancing.
If Ling Xuefeng was the commander, he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to change people in the
second game. Ling Xuefeng was tough and would decisively substitute someone on the
spot. In comparison, Lou Wushuang was more cautious and conservative. The style of his
command was calm and meticulous, but he was rarely bold.
Li Cangyu was the opposite. Among the commanders in the league, he could be called
daring and would give many wonderful lineups. The amazing thing was that he could still
This game turned out like Yu Bing guessed. Lou Wushuang was calm and conservative
while Li Cangyu was particularly bold. He directly used Zhuo Hang as a super bodyguard.
Zhuo Hang’s traps were present wherever the players went. It was basically impossible for
the assassins of Ghost Spirits to sneak up on Canglan.
In the first wave of combat at the ice dragon, Li Cangyu used his wind spirit and blew the
players towards the icicles. Cat God once again acted to kill Flowing Moon and Quicksand of
Ghost Spirits!
Both of them wanted to cry. Why were they so unlucky today? They were forced out of
stealth twice?
This wave of combat was more intense than the previous game. The two assassins of Ghost
Spirits took Xie Shurong’s life before dying and the Lou Zhang combination killed Zhuo
Hang. The two sides exchanged 2:2 heads with no loss.
The key point was that the two heads were taken by Li Cangyu while the Lou Zhang
brothers took one head each.
This would create an economic gap and was equivalent to fattening up Li Cangyu. There
was an elf summoner with an acceleration staff in his hand. In the next wave of combat, he
became like a phantom and was an unpredictable existence. His pets walked across the
field and others couldn’t catch him. He was a bug!
Cheng Wei came to the venue to watch the game and couldn’t help saying, “I want to turn
black on Cat God. Deliberately wandering around in front of the Ghost Spirits members. Is
this intentional? Captain Lou’s psychological quality is really good if he hasn’t coughed up
blood yet!”
Tan Shitian smiled and said, “Fattening up Cat God, Ghost Spirits won’t have any good fruit
to eat next…”
Indeed, the result of Li Cangyu’s double kill wasn’t just the acceleration equipment to
improve his movement speed but also an attack bonus to improve his explosive power. A
simple Fireball from the fire spirit could decrease the opponent’s blood by 15%. Two
Fireballs was equivalent to a big move!
Li Cangyu was extremely fast and Fireball had a short casting time. He could almost
seamlessly connect them. The audience saw Old Cat wearing the white summoner’s outfit
and blowing like the wind through the map. The fire spirit followed him and Fireball was
released one after the other, almost becoming a gorgeous fireworks show!
The healing ritual of the Ghost Spirits team was interrupted by Fireball and the sacrifice
was so angry that he wanted to drop his keyboard!
In this game, Ghost Spirits once again lost and the score on the big screen became 2:0.
This was unfavourable for Ghost Spirits!
The mood of the Ghost Spirits fans were very low. Everyone thought that Ghost Spirits
would have no problems before the match. However, today everyone saw a brand new
Canglan team that defeated Ghost Spirits in two consecutive games!
Li Cangyu also proved to everyone—we are strong in the arena but our team battle isn’t

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GLS: Chapter 210

Chapter 210 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (4)

The Canglan team won two consecutive team battles and the referee turned on the ‘match
point’ indicator light. According to the three wins out of five games system of the playoffs,
whoever won three games would be judged as the winners. In other words, the next game
was crucial. If Canglan won then Ghost Spirits would be eliminated directly with a score of
Kou Hongyi saw this and couldn’t help exclaiming, “I didn’t expect the Canglan team to get
match point first!”
Yu Bing looked at the soundproof room and said, “Ghost Spirits has lost two games and the
situation is serious. If the captain doesn’t do anything, Ghost Spirits will end their seventh
season here.”
The fans of Ghost Spirits were hurriedly cheering for the members on the live broadcast
room and the Canglan fans weren’t to be outdone. The fans organized by the support
groups dressed in the uniform of the team and cheered in unison.
The players in the soundproof room couldn’t hear the things outside. The Ghost Spirits
were focused on Captain Lou with a serious expression. The atmosphere on the Canglan
side was more relaxed with some of the newcomers smiling.
After a short break, the captains of both sides sat on the podium again.
It was the third game and the home and away sides had switched. Ghost Spirits once again
had the initiative and Lou Wushuang quickly submitted the mode and map of the game—
team battle, Blood Swamp!
Li Cangyu saw this map and sensed something. He remained calm on the surface until the
lineup list submitted to the referee was shown on the big screen.
There were actually six assassins!
The calm on Li Cangyu’s face broke as he finally showed a surprised expression.
It wasn’t just Li Cangyu., The other professional players and spectators didn’t think that
Lou Wushuang would deal with the Canglan team’s match point in such an extreme way. It
was obvious that he was forced onto this road by Cat God.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi’s face was dull and stunned. He only reacted after
a moment. “Six assassins! Isn’t this too hard?”
Yu Bing just thought that Lou Wushuang’s command style was too cautious and
conservative. The result was that Lou Wushuang suddenly came out with a bold all output
lineup. She was quite surprised and also felt admiration. “Zhuo Hang’s trap interference
meant that the assassins of Ghost Spirits couldn’t cooperate. Captain Lou using a bold move
is reasonable. Sending six assassins is extreme but in the case of a match point, if they don’t
do something new then Ghost Spirits will lose and be directly eliminated.”
The audience understood Yu Bing’s words. After all, the match point was the most crucial
game in the whole match. The advantageous team would be stable and steady while if the
losing team didn’t fight, they would directly lose.
In front of the TV, Cheng Wei excitedly said, “Oh, six assassins! I have never seen so many
assassins playing a team battle before! Is Captain Lou planning a wave of outbreaks?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Well, Captain Lou’s thoughts are correct. The role of the paladin in
Ghost Spirits is to protect the Lou Zhang combination. However, in today’s situation, the
role of the paladin is greatly reduced. It is useless if assassins can’t kill people so Captain
Lou simply sent a full assassin lineup. This can be very tricky.”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help asking, “Do they want all six people to work together to kill Cat
Tan Shitian thoughtfully touched his chin. “It is possible.”
On the VIP seats, Qin Mo spoke softly into Yan Ruiwen’s ears, “The tactics of Ghost Spirits is
actually the most singular in the Miracle League. It is purely based around assassins so it
will be more difficult to fight when encountering classes that restrain the assassin.”
Qin Mo’s meaning was clear. For example, hunters were very good against assassin. In the
regular season, Ghost Spirits found it very hard to win when encountering Cheetah. It was
also the reason why Li Cangyu sent Zhuo Hang today to limit the stealth skills of the
Yan Ruiwen looked seriously at the little prince.
The captain of Wind Colour was too cold and tough so the little prince didn’t dare go to his
master. Whenever there was a problem, he would secretly communicate with Vice-Captain
Yan. Yan Ruiwen found that Qin Mo recently liked to analyze tactics when watching the
game and his eyes were much better than last year. Today’s Qin Mo was more mentally
mature and he was becoming more and more like the team’s heir.
Yan Ruiwen smiled with pleasure when he thought this and patiently said, “Yes, a team
with a lineup that is too singular will be easy to target. The most annoying thing for an
assassin is a hunter. It was a wise choice for Cat God to let Zhuo Hang join the team battle
today. Captain Lou had to use an extreme formation of all assassins.”
Qin Mo asked, “Which team do you think will be the winner of this game?”
Ling Xuefeng suddenly interjected, “Ghost Spirits has a bigger advantage.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Master’s hearing was very good. He could hear from so far away!
Yan Ruiwen also thought it was funny. The captain clearly had a cold and serious
expression but he was always paying attention to the discussion over here. He inserted a
sentence at a crucial moment, almost scaring them to death.
Qin Mo asked, “Master… why is Ghost Spirits superior? They don’t have the protection of
the paladin and healer. If Cat God and Ah Shu hits them with big moves, they will die
because they are very fragile.”
Ling Xuefeng reminded him, “The Blood Swamp.”
Qin Mo suddenly realized.
That’s right, the key lay in the map Lou Wushuang chose, Blood Swamp!
This was the most complicated swamp map. The lighting was dim and the swamps on the
maps slowed down the speed of the players while adding the negative ‘bleeding state’,
which automatically decreased blood every second. In addition, the negative states of this
map couldn’t be lifted by any skill!
There were only cluttered stones on the swamp for people to stand up, making the Canglan
team face a problem. If everyone dispersed then it would be harder for Zhuo Hang to place
his traps. However, if they stood together, it would be easy for the assassins of Ghost Spirits
to sneak around and open big moves!
Once Li Cangyu saw this map, he immediately understood Lou Wushuang’s intentions. He
thought for a moment before submitting the lineup of the game.
It was still the same as the previous two games.
Kou Hongyi was surprised. “It seems that Cat God is very confident in this lineup!”
Yu Bing said, “Xiao Han and Li Xiaojiang have been sitting on the bench today. Zhuo Hang is
the highlight of today’s match with Ghost Spirits but this map… is really difficult for a
hunter. The extent that Zhuo Hang can play depends on his understanding.
The two teams sat and the 12 players logged into the match room.
Li Cangyu’s splitting mode was the same as before. He went to the southeast area with Old
Zhang, Shu Bai were in the middle while Zhuo Hang and Gu Siming went to the top. In the
early stages, Gu Siming would take the initiative to give all the economy on Zhuo Hang. In
combat, they had to rely on Zhuo Hang’s traps to stop the assassins from getting close.
This tactic wasn’t wrong in theory and was the best configuration for dealing with Ghost
Lou Wushuang wasn’t an incompetent person and wouldn’t be still for so long after being
targeted. In this game, Ghost Spirits changed their style of play and abandoned the
protection of the paladin and healer, directly sending six assassins. The nerves of the
audience were mobilized because the six members all directly entered stealth. In the eyes
of the Canglan players, the entire map was empty and no enemies could be seen!
What was the concept of six assassins staring at you?
Many viewers thought their backs would be freezing.
An assassin had two stealth skills. One was the stealth that could be opened in the non-
combat state and it lasted for a long time. As long as they didn’t attack or were attacked,
their figures wouldn’t appear. There was also the short combat stealth which could be used
to release a big outbreak or escape at a critical moment.
The six Ghost Spirits obviously opened non-combat stealth. The more extreme thing was
that Lou Wushuang didn’t split the players into three roads. All six people moved together!
Since the start of the seventh season, 95% of team battles had the teams split into three
ways to kill mobs and earn money. This was the most stable and reasonable arrangement
recognized by the captains of the major teams.
However, Lou Wushuang made a strange move today. He didn’t send people to the middle
of the south areas and went together on the road. The players of Canglan didn’t know this
because all of the Ghost Spirits members were completely invisible!
Lou Wushuang used this small trick to gather a large number of troops on the road. He
decisively ordered, “Go!”
His voice was like a glass of ice water in the summer, making people feel refreshed!
The other give assassins of Ghost Spirits immediately appeared and followed Lou
Wushuang. They flexibly circled, with one person controlling Gu Siming and the other
controlling Zhuo Hang. Then the remaining four people exploded their moves.
—Pain Blade, Backstab, Fatal Blow!
Six assassins teamed up to attack on the road. Gu Siming and Zhuo Hang couldn’t
understand what happened and immediately died.
[Vestige has killed As the Name Suggests!]
[Shadow has killed Great Navigator!]
The tacit understanding between Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui surprised the
audience. One brother received a head and the younger brother received one. The time
difference between them was no more than two seconds!
The moment of the attack, Gu Siming shouted into the voice channel, “There are six people
on the road. Oh my god, six people!”
The killed Zhuo Hang made a tearful expression on the team channel.
The other four people saw the news of their deaths and were a bit surprised. Li Cangyu
couldn’t help sighing. Lou Wushuang’s play was really unexpected but also very beautiful!
He abandoned the resources in the middle and lower areas and went to suppress Zhuo
Hang and Xiao Gu, directly killing both of them. This was actually very profitable for the
Ghost Spirits team.
There was no other way. Li Cangyu had to say, “Hurry and kill the monsters. Prepare for the
first wave of combat!”

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GLS: Chapter 211

Chapter 211 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (5)

The careful audience members found that after killing Gu Siming and Zhuo Hang on the
road, the other four members of Ghost Spirits rushed to interfere with the Shu Bai
combination while the Lou Zhang brothers stayed to kill mobs. Thus, after the first wave of
mobs was finished, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui took the lead in buying rings due to
the economic advantage of one head and the mobs.
For Miracle equipment, weapons increased attack power, necklaces increased blue and
magic while rings increased crit rate. There were solo rings and pair rings and these rings
were naturally the most expensive.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s economic advantage meant they chose the Blood
Colour ring.
The pair of rings was very nice. The middle of the silver-white ring had a red gem in the
shape of a teardrop, which glowed red at night.
Of course, for professional players, the appearance was secondary and the most important
thing was the attributes.
—Crit rate +20% and attack speed +20%!
The left and right hands wore the Blood Colour Ring and and the effect of the bonus was
quite powerful. Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were first-class fast attacking players in
the Miracle League. Their explosive power was terrible and the additional crit rate and
attack speed were added, making them terrible night killers!
In the first wave of combat, due to the map restrictions and the impact of being killed, Zhuo
Hang couldn’t play his role like the first two games. His traps couldn’t stop six assassins and
the Blood Swamp map didn’t allow him to lay traps behind his teammates.
The result was that Lou Wushuang and the other assassins rushed to Zhuo Hang and killed
him first!
Zhuo Hang wanted to cry. He didn’t expect that six people would join together to kill a
newcomer and it was even twice! Wasn’t the treatment given to him by Captain Lou too
Gu Siming wanted to save Xiao Zhuo but it was too late. The Ghost Spirits assassins
suddenly appeared and unleashed big moves. His paladin couldn’t endure it, let along a
fragile hunter.
The double kill went to Captain Lou’s hands and his momentum became even fiercer.
Together with Zhang Shaohui, they broke into the rear towards Li Cangyu…
The Canglan formation was broken up. In this wave of combat, the Ghost Spirits team
occupied a great advantage and this was maintained to the end. They won the third game in
a thrilling manner!
The score on the big screen became 2:1.
Many Ghost Spirits fans were surprised by the result of this game. The pure assassination
tactic involving six assassins was something that Ghost Spirits had never tried before and
the effect was unexpectedly good!
The Ghost Spirits fans started to cheer madly, expecting Ghost Spirits to gain back some
On the Canglan side, Zhuo Hang was a bit depressed. Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on
the shoulder. “You are a newcomer. The fact that you were aimed at by six assassins shows
that Captain Lou acknowledges you. You should feel happy.”
Zhuo Hang’s mood quickly changed after these words and he scratched his head. “What will
we do in the fourth game?”
Li Cangyu looked over at Li Xiaojiang and Xiao Han. “It isn’t good for you to just sit and
watch. It is your turn to play in the fourth game.”
The four teenagers immediately brightened and they surrounded Li Cangyu like they were
begging for candy.
The fourth game was Canglan’s home. Due to winning two points, this game was still match
Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought about it. If the situation was dragged out to the fifth
game, it was impossible for Lou Wushuang to make it easy to win. Thus, it was best to end
the match directly in the fourth game.
What could he do to win the fourth game in a safe and secure manner?
Li Cangyu considered it for a while before showing a confident smile. “Then we will fight in
the arena.”
Everyone, “…”
Captain, are you really going to break Captain Lou’s rhythm today?
There were still three minutes left of rest time. Ghost Spirits would feel more psychological
pressure because they had to win this game to get a chance of winning the match. If this
game was lost, the score of 3:1 still meant elimination.
It was also Canglan’s home game so Yu Bing felt it was less likely for Ghost Spirits to win.
“In the second game when Canglan is home, Cat God unexpectedly chose a team battle.
What will he choose for this home game?”
Kou Hongyi said, “I won’t guess. Every time I do, I am beaten by Cat God until my face is
swollen. I think that Captain Ling can definitely guess it. Oh right, why didn’t the league let
Captain Ling explain this game?”
Yu Bing suppressed her temper. “You can give the chairman a suggestion.”
Kou Hongyi smiled. “Isn’t Captain Ling here today? I saw him in the VIP seats. Would you
like to help us guess what Cat God will choose in the fourth game?”
Due to Kou Hongyi’s words, the camera director wisely pointed the camera to the VIP seats.
The audience saw Ling Xuefeng’s face appear on the big screen and the veniue became
There were also many Wind Colour fans who came to watch the game. The close-up of their
captain on the big screen was an unexpected benefit for everyone.
Ling Xuefeng usually wouldn’t care about Kou Hongyi’s jokes but today he seemed to be in
a good mood. Once he saw the camera on him, he used his face and mouth to tell everyone:
His action caused screams that almost tore off the roof!
The Canglan fans watching the live broadcast outside the stadium couldn’t sit still. [This is a
Canglan match. Why is Ling Xuefeng grabbing the camera?] [Ling Xuefeng used his face to
create a sense of presence but I still want to see Cat God…]
[Can the 1% Ling Xuefeng guess accurately this time?] [I think it is reliable. They lost in the
last game so the witty cat definitely won’t choose a team battle again.]
The rest time ended and the captains of both sides sat at the command post again. Li
Cangyu didn’t hesitate and submitted his choice directly to the referee—the arena, City
Lou Wushuang really wanted to vomit up blood!
He finally understood Su Guangmo’s feelings when Flying Feathers fought in Changsha. At
the time, Flying Feathers prepared for team battles in that one only to almost cough up
blood from Cat God choosing three arena games. Now in the crucial game, Lou Wushuang
found a way to deal with Canglan in the team battle. If there was another team battle then
he might be able to move back the score. The result was that Li Cangyu didn’t fight with
him and chose the arena!
Of course, from an objective point of view, Li Cangyu’s choice was very reasonable. It was
match point so it was natural to choose the arena, which Canglan was stronger in.
The players of Ghost Spirits were very depressed because everyone had been fired up!
Fortunately, it wasn’t impossible for Ghost Spirits to play the arena. Lou Wushuang had
thought Cat God would choose the arena for all home games and specially trained his
players for a week, as well as suggesting splitting the Lou Zhang combination.
Now it happened to come in handy.

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GLS: Chapter 212

Chapter 212 – Canglan VS Ghost Spirits (6)

In accordance with the idea of tearing apart the Lou Zhang combination, Zhang Shaohui
would play with the paladin in the opening while Lou Wushuang would play with the blood
kin sacrifice. One opening and one ending the game, this would form a ‘double insurance’
for the Ghost Spirits team. Even if the initial situation was a disadvantage, they could find a
way to move back the situation.
Surprisingly, Li Cangyu sent Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han in the first stage of the arena game.
Everyone familiar with the Canglan team knew that Zhuo Hang normally formed a
combination with Li Xiaojiang.
Li Xiaojiang was as slow as a snail while Zhuo Hang was as fast as lightning. The seemingly
uncoordinated fast and slow combination formed a distinctive style under Li Cangyu’s
guidance. However, in the regular season, the Zhuo Li combination didn’t play as well
compared to other combinations. It was easy for them to be restrained when encountering
great gods.
In the regular season, Xiao Han mostly paired up with Li Cangyu. Today, Li Cangyu tore
apart the Zhuo Li combination and placed Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han together.
Lou Wushuang was silent for a moment before submitting his lineup, Zhang Shaohui and
Mo Yuan.
The fans of Ghost Spirits were surprised by this. The Lou Zhang combination had been
inseparable since their debut. Captain Lou could always be found where his stupid brother
was but today, the Lou Zhang combination was actually split apart!
The Canglan fans were happy. [After meeting our Cat God, the Tan Cheng combination was
also torn apart. Now it is the Lou Zhang combination!] [Our Cat God is the professional
combination demolisher in the league. Any combination that meets him has to be torn
The captains of the other teams felt helpless about this point. There had been too many
changes to the arena. In particular, the pairs arena of the new season was very favourable
to Canglan’s lineup configuration.
Canglan had many new people. Their state wasn’t stable but this also had a benefit. It was
easier for newcomers to accept the new system and the captain often sent a combination
that other teams couldn’t guess.
For example, today was the first time Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han appeared together. Li
Cangyu dared to send these two people in the playoffs, showing he was very confident in
In fact, this might be the first time Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were playing as ‘partner’s in
the league but they often played together during daily training and were very familiar with
each other. There was an understanding between them. After this week’s intensive training,
they were now skilled in keeping up with each other’s ideas.
—Hit quickly.
This was the reason why Li Cangyu sent Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han.
At the beginning of the fourth game, the assassin and paladin of Ghost Spirits faced the
assassin and hunter of Canglan.
As both sides tested each other in the beginning, Kou Hongyi took the opportunity to
explain, “There is a chance for both sides to win. On Ghost Spirits’ side, the paladin will
obviously protect Vice-Captain Zhang and let Zhang Shaohui be the main output. On the
Canglan side, Zhuo Hang play the role of protection and auxiliary output. Xiao Han is the
main output.”
“Based on attack power, the Canglan side is higher but Ghost Spirits can last longer. This is
like a sharp bayonet stabbing a solid shield. Either the bayonet will be broken or the shield
pierced. We can’t rely on data to calculate it. Everything will depend on the timing of player
on both sides…”
As he said this, Zhang Shaohui suddenly used Combat Stealth!
The assassin’s combat invisibility skill had a short effect but the cooldown time was very
long. An average player wasn’t willing to use it if it wasn’t a critical moment. Zhang Shaohui
suddenly opened stealth, confusing many audience members.
The next moment, everyone saw ‘Shadow’ suddenly appear behind Zhuo Hang and used
Pain Blade!
Zhuo Hang was dizzy and Zhang Shaohui used the assassin’s big moves, dropping his blood
to 50%!
Xiao Han saw that his teammate was attacked and immediately went to repay the favour to
Zhang Shaohui. However, the paladin directly used Guardian’s Power and placed a golden
shield on the vice-captain. All of Xiao Han’s attacks were transferred to the paladin’s body.
A few seconds after Zhang Shaohui’s combo ended, the effect of Guardian’s Power was
about to end. He no longer tried to fight and retreated to the paladin, running behind a
pillar with his teammates.
Li Cangyu observed this scene and couldn’t help feeling admiration. Vice-Captain Zhang
was a warm person who was a bit silly. Along with Cheng Wei, they were called the two
silly gods and people often laughed at their IQs…
Still, his knowledge of the game was a match for any great god and he had been with Lou
Wushuang for a long time. His observation and awareness were very sensitive. Zhuo Hang
and Xiao Han’s combined attack power was much higher than his assassin but he could use
the protection of the paladin to find a chance to fight a consumption battle.
Hit and run, this type of practice was very smart. Lou Wushuang inwardly praised Zhang
Shaohui. He often inwardly scolded this person for being a fool but that was only when it
came to life. Who would dare to underestimate the ace assassin of Ghost Spirits?
Vice-Captain Zhang’s sudden attack caught Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han off guard. Zhuo Hang’s
health fell to 50% while Xiao Han’s attacks were transferred to the paladin. The paladin had
thick skin and Xiao Han only knocked out 30% of his blood.
This blood volume advantage, Xiao Zhuo quickly understood.
Zhang Shaohui used the paladin to delay the battle. As a result, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang
couldn’t kill the paladin and lost blood. It would be easy for Zhang Shaohui to take the
opportunity to collect their heads.
They couldn’t let him do this!
Zhuo Hang made a decision and placed a blue mark on the map for Xiao Han.
The two people had trained together and Xiao Han naturally knew the meaning of the blue
mark. He quickly opened Combat Stealth to hide and moved around a pillar. Zhuo Hang
walked in front of used Flying Feather Steps to set a trap that held Zhang Shaohui in place!
The assassin was invisible and the hunter placed a trap. Did they mean to kill the vice-
captain? The paladin Mo Yuan thought this and immediately placed the live-saving skill
‘Iron Will’ on Zhang Shaohui!
Iron Will, it placed a golden shield on the specified target and made them immune to all
damage for three seconds!
This was three seconds of invincibility and the timing of the trap on Vice-Captain Zhang
would be gone in three seconds. The paladin’s rapid response was understandable.
To the surprise of the audience, Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han’s goal wasn’t Zhang Shaohui at all!
After Zhang Shaohui was set in place, Zhuo Hang turned to the paladin without hesitation
and circled him at a very fast speed, setting death traps in the front, rare, left and right.
At the same time, Xiao Han broke out his attack power. He waved the dagger in his hand
and completed the big move, Death Strangulation!
The paladin’s thick skin fell to 45% under the combined attacks of the two teenagers.
Kou Hongyi understood this and couldn’t help clapping. “I didn’t think of this! Zhuo Hang
set Zhang Shaohui in place to deceive the paladin into using his big move. These small
people of Canglan were really raised by Cat God, they are too bad!”
Yu Bing was very pleased with this. Previously, the teenagers gave the impression that they
always listened to Cat God. They followed him everywhere, were happy when he praised
him and felt frustrated when he scolded them. They were like small babies who hadn’t
grown up…
Today, she discovered that something was different about Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han.
They learnt to think for themselves and found ways to deal with complex situations.
The two teenagers didn’t panic in front of the sudden attack of the first-class assassin in the
league. They were flustered but soon recovered and made a fierce counterattack!
This was the quality that a professional player should have.
If they forever relied on Li Cangyu then they would never grow up. Fortunately, these
young rookies found a style that suited them. They learned to think calmly in the game and
rely on their own strength to win!
This was the first time Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were teaming up on the field but they were
indeed talented rookies. This wave of counterattacks was quite beautiful and Zhang
Shaohui’s initial advantage was reversed.
By the time Zhang Shaohui’s control effect ended, the thick-skinned paladin had less than
half his blood left. Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang’s big moves were on cooldown and they went
behind a stone pillar.
The two sides once again stood on the same line.
The rest of the game was a consumption battle. The Ghost Spirits fans were a bit anxious
but Li Cangyu knew that Zhang Shaohui’s performance wasn’t over yet.
Yes, he had Combat Stealth!
The reason why he used it in the beginning was because the skill cooldown was very long!
It took nearly three minutes for this signature skill to cooldown. The earlier he used it, the
sooner the cooldown time would end. Now it was almost the time when he could use it
Sure enough, the moment the cooldown ended, Zhang Shaohui was hidden again and
moved behind Zhuo Hang. He used a set of explosive moves to kill the residual blood Zhuo
[Shadow has killed Great Navigator!]
Zhuo Hang felt slightly helpless but there was no other way. The explosive power of an
assassin was very amazing, especially after using stealth.
Once the hunter died, Xiao Han wasn’t able to hold on for long. He soon fell under Zhang
Shaohui’s onslaught. Before he died, he used all his skills to kill the paladin so that Canglan
didn’t eat too much of a loss in the first round.
The two of them left their seats and headed back to the team. Li Cangyu smiled and patted
their shoulders. “It was a good fight.”
Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han glanced at each other and felt slightly puzzled.
Li Cangyu explained, “Winning or losing is secondary. Your performance made me very
satisfied. Sit down and rest first.”
The two teenagers who were praised sat down and looked forward to the next
performance of their teammates.
They didn’t win against Zhang Shaohui but they killed the thick-skinned paladin. Zhang
Shaohui still had a lot of blood but he used many explosive skills. It definitely wasn’t a
problem to hand him over to the Shu Bai combination.
Sure enough, after a short break, Canglan sent Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan.
Zhang Shaohui expected this but he had more than enough strength. One person faced two
people so he could only use all his skills. He only had 20% blue left but he had to delay as
much as possible and consume Bai Xuan’s blood adding skills.
In a few minutes, Zhang Shaohui was sent off by Ah Shu.
The Ghost Spirits team sent their second combination.
Flowing Moon and Quicksand, these two players were newcomers brought by the Lou
Zhang brothers from the training camp. After the veteran players retired, they became
main assassins.
Their standards were slightly worse than the Lou Zhang combination but they were
excellent in the entire league, comparable to the two Liang archers of the Time team.
Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan weer good at a battle of attrition while the two assassins of Ghost
Spirits were good at a fast outbreak. Both sides exchanged skills, the two assassins joining
forces to defeat Xie Shurong. Xie Shurong lost a lot of blood only for Bai Xuan to make him
full of blood again. This was quite a test of the psychological quality of players. The two
members of Ghost Spirits wanted to break their keyboards!
Bai Xuan had a very strong survivability and was a cockroach who wouldn’t die. This round
was dragged out for 10 minutes.
As soon as Bai Xuan’s blue emptied, the two assassins sent this super dad away but the
price paid was extremely heavy. They were cut to just a trace of blood by Xie Shurong!
Then Xie Shurong used Light and Shadow Rotation and took the lives of the two assassins.
Looking at the graceful terran swordsman standing in the centre of the square with 20%
blood and blue left, the fans of Canglan cheered excitedly while the Ghost Spirits fans were
The Shu Bai combination in the second round was too difficult and the two assassins were
killed. This way, Ghost Spirits would enter the final stage in a disadvantageous situation
and there was the older brother who was even harder to deal with!
Would Captain Lou have any other methods?
Everyone was making guesses when the third combination for Ghost Spirits appeared on
the screen.
—Lou Wushuang and Zhou Jianan.
The captain brought the blood kin sacrifice with him!
The fans of Ghost Spirits brightened up as they seemed to see hope for victory. However, Li
Cangyu’s lips slightly curved.
Using a sacrifice to slow the rhythm, Captain Lou was truly a very thoughtful commander…
however, if he knew the lineup that Canglan would dispatch, wouldn’t he be angrily
vomiting blood?

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GLS: Chapter 213

Chapter 213 – Semi-finals

Lou Wushuang’s intention behind bringing a blood kin sacrifice with him was obvious. Slow
down the pace and look for opportunities to kill.
An explosive attacker bringing a healer meant the healer’s ability to survive would be
greatly improved. As long as the healer survived, Lou Wushuang could find a way to
breakthrough and kill the opponents. Moreover, the Shu Bai combination were sent in the
second round, avoiding the possibility that Li Cangyu would take Bai Xuan with him in the
guard round.
At present, Xie Shurong still had 20% blood left. Lou Wushuang had to quickly kill Ah Shu.
Xie Shurong was very smart. He deliberately walked in a circle to delay the time. Lou
Wushuang was forced to open the stealth skill and sneak behind to kill him.
Xie Shurong finished using all his skills and was willing to leave. At this time, Lou
Wushuang’s blood was full while he had 85% blue left. His Combat Stealth was on
cooldown and the assassin’s Fatal Blow had just been used.
The audience was looking forward to seeing who Canglan would send next. There was no
doubt about Li Cangyu but the key was his partner. Xiao Han and Bai Xuan had already
appeared. The only ones remaining were Xiao Gu, Old Zhang and the slow snail.
[I think that Cat God is likely to take Xiao Gu. He has thick skin and can protect Cat God!]
[Maybe he will bring Old Zhang. Old Zhang’s knowledge is first-class and he has control
skills. He can help Cat God unleash a big explosion. This is also feasible!]
Canglan’s fans started guessing but they were all shocked when they saw the names on the
big screen. Li Cangyu and Li Xiaojiang?
What was his line of reasoning for taking the slow snail?
Lou Wushuang hadn’t expected this because in the regular season, Li Cangyu and Li
Xiaojiang never partnered up!
Kou Hongyi touched his face and smiled. “Fortunately I didn’t guess or I would’ve been hit
in the face again. Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han haven’t played together in the regular season but
today they appeared in the first round of the arena. Cat God and Li Xiaojiang have never
cooperated yet they appeared in the guard stage. It seems that Cat God wants to give
everyone a different surprise in the playoffs!”
Then Yu Bing said thoughtfully, “It seems that this was his intention behind tearing up the
Zhuo Li combination…”
Kou Hongyi asked, “What was his intention? Sister Bing, do you want to explain it to
Yu Bing asked, “Who is the slowest player in the Miracle League?”
Kou Hongyi was startled before suddenly realizing Li Cangyu’s arrangement. “Yes! Is there
anyone in the Miracle League slower than Li Xiaojiang? I think that if we have to choose the
slowest player, Li Xiaojiang will definitely win without a doubt! Captain Lou wanted to slow
down the speed with the sacrifice but Cat God is also playing slow. He is saying, we will see
who will drag who!”
The audience also figured it out and praised the witty Cat God.
Lou Wushuang really wanted to cough up blood. Why did he ignore Li Xiaojiang?
Indeed, Li Xiaojiang was a very slow player. There was nothing to fear when Li Xiaojiang
stood alone without the protection of his teammates but once he was protected, he was the
most stable remote turret and his damage was quite scary.
In the previous arena games, the Zhuo Li combination wasn’t as famous as Shu Bai but they
also showed wonderful performances. Li Xiaojiang was actually a very special player but he
must have strong teammates to cooperate with in order to achieve a better standard.
There was no doubt that Li Cangyu’s protection was absolutely the most stable bronze wall
in the league!
Li Cangyu had many pets and his techniques were first-class. It was basically impossible for
Lou Wushuang to bypass him to kill Li Xiaojiang. If Lou Wushuang went to kill Cat God then
Li Xiaojiang’s output would be terrible.
The big black magic spells would make him lose 35% blood at once. If he used the spell to
increase damage, the sacrifice would be needed to make sure Lou Wushuang didn’t die.
Once the healing couldn’t keep up, Cat God would unleash a big move and cooperate with Li
Xiaojiang to directly kill him!
The longer the time was dragged on, the more unfavourable the situation would be for
Ghost Spirits.
He had to find a way to kill one of them… but would it be so easy to kill Li Cangyu?
Lou Wushuang was well aware of the harsh situation facing the Ghost Spirits team but he
quickly calmed down. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on the keyboard to
prepare for the key guard stage.
As he expected, Li Cangyu and Li Xiaojiang went to the centre while protecting each other.
Li Xiaojiang was hiding behind the captain while Li Cangyu protected Li Xiaojiang with his
There were now two choices for Lou Wushuang. One was to kill God Cat or bypass Li
Cangyu to kill Li Xiaojiang. Both options were difficult.
The blood kin sacrifice could give him blood and enhance his ability to survive but it had a
fatal flaw. The sacrifice couldn’t control the field and could only rely on the rebound
damage shield to fight back at a critical moment. He could also use negative statuses to
drop the opponent’s blood over time but this was a more ‘defensive counterattack’ class.
What if the opponent didn’t attack the sacrifice at all? The sacrifice could only add blood
back to their teammates.
This was the reason why there were more priests in the Miracle League than sacrifices. A
priest was more flexible than a sacrifice. Ghost Spirits’ choice of a sacrifice healer was in
line with the team lineup. A blood kin sacrifice could go invisible and form a more tacit
cooperation with a blood kin assassin.
However, in today’s game against Li Cangyu and Li Xiaojiang, Lou Wushuang found that
bringing a sacrifice to slow down the rhythm was actually useless.
Li Xiaojiang was slower than them and his output more stable!
Five minutes had passed and there was no fierce confrontation between the two sides. Lou
Wushuang had been looking for opportunities to break through Li Cangyu’s defense. Li
Xiaojiang hid far away and would hit Lou Wushuang from time to time. Of course, they
were small skills and the damage wasn’t painful. The blood kin sacrifice would refill Lou
Wushuang’s blood.
Still, the audience weren’t stupid and could see that Cat God and Xiaojiang were
deliberately dragging things out.
It was like the small snail was constantly tickling him. If it wasn’t for Lou Wushuang’s
psychological quality, he would want to climb through the cables to kill this person!
However, Li Xiaojiang played very seriously and every small skill was accurate. It was very
annoying when he used small skills to consume the opponent’s resources. In addition, Li
Cangyu protected him from Lou Wushuang. There was no way to bypass the pets to kill the
black magicians.
The time was getting longer and longer, causing the fans of Ghost Spirits to become
anxious. [This black magician is so annoying!] [Canglan’s small snail is making people
anxious. Can’t you let us be happy?]
Finally, Captain Lou found an opportunity!
Li Cangyu’s pets had been constantly moving to interfere with Lou Wushuang. Lou
Wushuang killed a water spirit, a fire spirit was summoned. He killed the fire spirit and the
thunder spirit was summoned… the pets were too much!
At this time, Li Cangyu’s pet skills were cooling down and Lou Wushuang had been waiting
for this moment!
Combat Stealth and then get close quickly!
The audience saw Lou Wushuang disappear like a ghost and then appear behind Li
—Death Mark, Backstab, Fatal Blow!
The skills fluidly linked and the dagger fell cleanly towards Li Xiaojiang’s back! Xiaojiang
lost almost 40% of his blood after being hit by this set of moves.
Lou Wushuang followed with the big moves, Pain Blade and Death Strangulation!
Li Xiaojiang’s blood fell to the critical 10% threshold and his blood gauge flashed red. As
long as Captain Lou released one more skill, he would probably die.
The fans of Canglan were distraught and wished to log into a computer to help Xiaojiang
block this wave of damage.
At this critical moment, Li Cangyu suddenly summoned a very large pet, demon of
The giant holding a black hammer suddenly rushed to where Lou Wushuang was located.
His hammer fell and caused a huge crater where Lou Wushuang was standing, forcing Lou
Wushuang to fall into the pit.
Captain Lou: […]
Ghost Spirits fans: […]
Canglan fans: […]
Everyone saw this scene and typed out ellipses. Even the fans of Canglan wanted to hit Cat
God at this time. He still had such a trick? It was actually a pit?
But… it was a beautiful pit!
After the surprise move, the live broadcast room was filled with: [Cat God 6666!]
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing couldn’t help sighing with admiration. “The demon of
destruction is the same as the guardian. It is a summoner’s public pet but few summoners
will use it. The main function is to destroy the environment. The effect looks gorgeous but it
doesn’t cause too much damage to players. Moreover, the cost of summoning the demon of
destruction is extremely high. A lot of blue is consumed and the cooldown time is very long.
Cat God summoned it to protect Li Xiaojiang but this is a very smart move.”
It was as Yu Bing said. As long as this protected Li Xiaojiang, Canglan was in a very stable
After Lou Wushuang was buried in the pit, the dizzy effect on Li Xiaojiang was over and he
immediately hid behind Li Cangyu and cast a big move.
—Dark Fear!
Lou Wushuang was inevitably hit since he was in the pit. The sacrifice had to move forward
to give him blood. As a result, Li Xiaojiang’s fear hit both people!
—Hell Flames!
The accurate black magic group attack skill fell where the Ghost Spirits members were
standing. Red flames that seemed to emerge from the depths of hell instantly swallowed
the two people!
—Shadow Winding!
Li Xiaojiang’s black magic spells were released in an orderly manner. Several big moves
were released and both Lou Wushuang and Zhou Jianan were greatly affected.
Unfortunately, the effect of the fear wasn’t too long and both people recovered. The blood
kin sacrifice cast a large shield that pulled the two people’s blood above the safety line.
Unfortunately, Li Xiaojiang had been slowly consuming Lou Wushuang’s blood in the early
stages, forcing the sacrifice Zhou Jianan to continuously use skills to restore the captain’s
blood. Zhou Jianan didn’t have much blue left and was forced to use a big move. The
following situation wasn’t optimistic for Lou Wushuang.
It was because Li Cangyu hadn’t acted yet!
Li Cangyu had been protecting Li Xiaojiang the whole time…
A bad feeling rose in Zhou Jianan’s heart. Sure enough, Li Cangyu finally showed his hand.
He used the fire spirit’s long distance attacks to decrease their blood and then released the
group attack skill, Thunder’s Wrath!
The big move accurately hit and this time, the blood kin sacrifice couldn’t restore Lou
Wushuang’s blood.
[Old Cat has killed Vestige!]
The remaining sacrifice couldn’t kill Cat God and Xiaojiang. In a moment, Li Xiaojiang used a
black magic skill and emptied Zhou Jianan’s blood.
[Snail Crawling Slowly has killed South Wood!]
The news on the screen showed that Ghost Spirits had reached the end of the seventh
The Canglan fans stood up and shouted excitedly. Some girls who came from far away even
wept. In the players room, Li Cangyu’s hands left the keyboard and gently touched he head
of the small snail next to him.
Li Xiaojiang was very happy as he walked with Li Cangyu to their teammates!
“Won, we won!” The first one to appear was Gu Siming, who jumped like crazy.
Li Cangyu stretched out his arms and hugged his teammates.
The former FTD and former Canglan captain, every time he lost in a key game, he would
extend his arms and hug his teammates while pretending to be indifferent. He told
everyone: It is okay to lose this time. There is next time.
Next time and next time, he lost for many years and didn’t give up because he believed he
would win one day.
Now he could finally embrace his teammates as the winner and tell everyone, “We won!”
Yes, Canglan won!
They won for the first time in an important playoff game, rather than being knocked out of
the first round of the playoffs.
Canglan struggled hard in the seventh season to reach this point. Li Cangyu was confident
that they could go further.

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GLS: Chapter 214
Chapter 214 – Strongest Opponent

In the Ghost Spirits’ soundproof room, Lou Wushuang left his seat. Before he could talk to
the players, Zhang Shaohui hugged him and smiled to comfort him. “Brother, you played
really well. It doesn’t matter. We’ll come back next year.”
The smile on his face was bright and clear, without any pretenses. Lou Wushuang was in a
bad mood but at this smile, his emotions quickly calm down. He patted his brother on the
shoulder and said, “Yes, we’ll work harder next year.”
Zhang Shaohui was an optimist. Regardless of winning or losing, he could accept it quickly.
He still had a bright smile on his face despite not being able to continue in the playoffs. In
fact, Lou Wushuang had a cold personality so the Ghost Spirits team wouldn’t be so
harmonious without Vice-Captain Zhang’s active atmosphere.
In the past few years, Lou Wushuang’s desire to win was very light. He was happy as long
as he had this stupid bother playing the game with him. It was just that he was really
depressed today. He didn’t think the large stage would actually by the snail Li Xiaojiang…
He could only say that Li Cangyu’s arrangements were really wonderful. Lou Wushuang
was convinced.
Soon, the members of Canglan were led by Li Cangyu to the Ghost Spirits team. Lou
Wushuang stood up and shook hands with Li Cangyu. “Congratulations to Cat God.”
Li Cangyu smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”
They weren’t familiar with each other and the handshake was just a courtesy. Then the
players from both teams came to the big stage and thanked the audience.
Li Cangyu saw all members of Wind Colour sitting in the VIP stands. The eight people
dressed in black-red uniforms were really eye-catching. The handsome and cold-looking
man in the middle was the captain of Wind Colour, Ling Xuefeng.
Canglan had successfully advanced. Then in the finals of the seventh season, Wind Colour
would become the last opponent!
Li Cangyu smiled towards Ling Xuefeng. The other side also smiled and gave up a thumbs
In the post-match interview, the Ghost Spirits team lost and attended it first. The reporters
were satisfied with Ghost Spirits’ performance today. Unfortunately, the unexpected defeat
in the first game made it very hard for Ghost Spirits in the later stages…
In response to this, some reporters questioned, “Ghost Spirits almost created the myth of
being unbeaten at home during the regular season. Why did you unexpectedly lose to
Canglan today?”
Lou Wushuang quietly replied, “I didn’t expect Canglan to send Zhuo Hang in the team
battle since he rarely appeared in the regular season. A hunter’s restrictions on the
assassins were too great. Our assassination flow tactics couldn’t be played at all. Moreover,
the hunter Zhuo Hang grew very quickly, which we didn’t expect.”
“Then Captain Lou, do you think Zhuo Hang has a chance of being the best newcomer in the
seventh season?”
Lou Wushuang nodded. “Zhuo Hang isn’t much worse than Chen Anran who won the rookie
award last season. I think he should be shortlisted for this year’s award.”
This sentence made Gu Siming, who was watching the interview, jump up and run to Zhuo
Hang. “Hey hey, did you hear? Lou Wushuang says you have a chance of winning a
newcomer award!”
Zhuo Hang pretended to dig out his ears and said, “I hear you.” He played cool on the
surface but the smile couldn’t hide the joy in his inner heart.
Li Xiaojiang also smiled happily. “If you can, can get the new, newcomer award…”
Zhuo Hang reached out and touched his head. “If this is true then I will give you half the
award, good?”
Li Xiaojiang was shocked. “Eh? Why do you want to split it in half with me?”
Zhuo Hang smiled. “You are my partner. It isn’t right if I don’t split it in half with you!”
In fact, Zhuo Hang wanted to say more, ‘It is because you let me grow up.’
In fact, Zhuo Hang always understood Cat God’s purpose in placing him with Li Xiaojiang.
His personality was too proud and his hand speed didn’t contain any calm. This was
precisely Li Xiaojiang’s advantage.
Li Cangyu picked someone who was the exact opposite of Li Xiaojiang and combined them
together. The Zhuo Li combination wasn’t that strong but the two teenagers influenced
each other. Zhuo Hang calmed down and could quietly handle situations while Li Xiaojiang
gained more confidence and improved his movements.
Finally, Li Cangyu’s goal had been achieved. Under the influence of the complete opposites,
Zhuo Hang’s awareness improved by leaps and bounds while Li Xiaojiang became more
cheerful. They were slowly improving and growing up but they didn’t realize it.
Today’s match let Zhuo Hang realize how much progress he had made. The strange thing
was that he made so much progress but didn’t feel arrogant. He knew this was just the
beginning and he still had a long way to go.
Looking back on himself in the beginning, he thought the arrogant and conceited teenager
was very ridiculous. That Zhuo Hang was a frog in a well, not knowing how broad the
outside world was.
Now he jumped out of that narrow world and knew his weaknesses. He would no longer
think he was better than everyone else. He started to appreciate his teammates and respect
his opponents. Even if Zhuo Hang won the newcomer award this season, the gap with the
great gods was still huge. He needed to work tirelessly to keep up with the speed of the
Miracle League!
Zhuo Hang thought this and felt that his eyes were suddenly open. He sincerely thanked Li
Cangyu. If Li Cangyu hadn’t seen his defects and adopted a targeted training method then
perhaps he would just be a mediocre, invisible player, not the key hunter in the playoffs
who shone against Ghost Spirits at home!
Li Cangyu seemed to notice the teenager’s gaze and turned to smile at Zhuo Hang. “Are you
very happy to be praised by Captain Lou?”
Zhuo Hang slightly blushed and replied, “It is good to be taught by Captain.”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and whispered, “In fact, you have a good
understanding and your hand speed isn’t bad. However, you need to keep working to catch
up with your relatives.”
Zhuo Hang nodded. “I will.”
Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian, Zhuo Hang hadn’t experienced how strong these two people
were but this season’s many encounters let him know that the great gods weren’t weak. He
surely had a gap with them and must continue to work hard. Otherwise, he would be
thrown into the Pacific Ocean if the reporters discovered his identity!
Ghost Spirits’ post-match interview was quite harmonious. After all, there were few
reporters who could withstand Lou Wushuang’s cold atmosphere. None of them asked too
sharp questions while the vice-captain enthusiastically replied. The reporters asked
questions like ‘their plans for the next season’ and then ended it quietly.
Once it was Canglan’s turn, Li Cangyu took Bai Xuan with him and won warm applause
from the reporters.
One reporter immediately stood up and asked, “Cat God, why didn’t you bring the other
players with you today?”
“The newcomers aren’t used to answering questions and they are excited about entering
the finals. They are afraid that they will say the wrong thing because of nerves.” Li Cangyu
explained with a smile. In fact, he didn’t want the newcomers to be disturbed by the outside
world at this time. They didn’t need to listen to people praising them. Relaxing was the
most important thing before the finals.
It was also common for him to attend the interviews with the vice-captain. The reporters
stopped focusing on this matter and changed the topic. “Cat God has been playing Miracle
for many years and this is the first time you’ve made it into the finals of the playoffs. What
is your biggest feeling at the moment?”
Li Cangyu thought about it before seriously replying, “I feel like I’ve finally seen the light.”
The reporters heard this answer and felt very sad. This man really had a hard time for
many years. Two teams had disbanded and he could only now reach the finals. He was
simply an inspirational player who got back up after repeated defeats!
A female reporter stood up, her voice a bit choked. “Cat God, Vice-Captain Bai, you might
not remember me but I interviewed you in the year that the Miracle League was
established. I am particularly moved to see you come back. Congratulations on making it to
the finals. You must refuel!”
Bai Xuan smiled. “It is hard to get to the finals. We will definitely do so.”
“What do you think of Wind Colour as your opponent in the final? Cat God, are you
confident about winning?”
Li Cangyu said, “Wind Colour’s strength is very high. As for the finals, I can’t guarantee that
I will win. To be honest, Canglan will do our best to win the championship. As for winning
or losing, it depends on our performance and luck.”
Li Cangyu was truly an honest person. If Li Cangyu said that ‘I am confident about winning
against Wind Colour,’ it would seem like he was bragging. His honest answer gave the
reporters a good impression of him.
“I still have a question to ask Cat God. Today you sent Zhuo Hang to the team battle and
paired up with Xiaojiang. These are lineups that didn’t appear in the regular season. Did Cat
God arrange this to surprise everyone?”
Li Cangyu answered, “It isn’t to deliberately create a surprise. I just made lineup
adjustments when facing Ghost Spirits. I will certainly do more adjustments against Wind
Colour in the finals.”
“What type of adjustments will it be?” Someone asked curiously.
Li Cangyu joked, “You will know at the time. I certainly can’t reveal it before the match.”
A reporter made a teasing remark. “In today’s game, Kou Hongyi said that 99% of people
can’t guess Cat God’s thoughts and the remaining 1% is called Ling Xuefeng. We also found
that Ling Xuefeng often guesses your tactical layout. Are you nervous about meeting
someone who knows you so well in the finals?”
Li Cangyu gave a refreshing smile. “Ling Xuefeng often guesses my layout but that is against
other teams. Every time we face Wind Colour, he will become part of the 99% and his
guessing isn’t stable.”
He unceremoniously blackened Ling Xuefeng and the reporters were amused. They felt that
Cat God and Captain Ling truly had a good relationship, or who would dare joke about
Captain Ling like this? Don’t look at Wind Colour!
In response, some people privately interviewed Ling Xuefeng. “Cat God said that your
guessing level isn’t stable. You will guess wrong every time you encounter Canglan. What
does Captain Ling think?”
Ling Xuefeng calmly responded, “If I guess wrong then he will also guess wrong.”
The reporters, “…”
Then they were really fated enemies? Then what was this strange feeling?
After the interview, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan returned to the backstage lounge. In the
corridor, they encountered Ling Xuefeng. He seemed to be waiting here for a long time. He
saw Li Cangyu and quickly approached.
The very smart Bai Xuan left with the excuse of going to the bathroom and the two people
were alone in the corridor.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at the deep gaze. “Were you waiting for me?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and stretched out his arms, firmly hugging the other person.
Li Cangyu hugged him back. There was a moment of silence before he whispered, “Xuefeng,
I won’t show you mercy.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled. “I won’t either.”
The two of them looked at each other in the empty corridor, seeing their image in the other
person’s eyes. At this moment, time seemed to stand still. The moment they met to the past
seven years quickly slid through their minds, every scene exceptionally clear.
At a young age, Ling Xuefeng came to invite him to join Wind Colour. Li Cangyu reluctantly
said he was making his own team… the FTD team wasn’t good enough and disbanded. Ling
Xuefeng personally went to the US to discourage Li Cangyu from leaving but could only
watch the person walk away. After Canglan was disbanded, Li Cangyu returned with his
team. He met Ling Xuefeng in the online game and was told: [I have been waiting for you to
come back. This is your home.]
Over the years, there was one person who had been waiting for him. This person might be
his opponent but it felt very warm.
In the past, the 17 year old Li Cangyu smiled and said to the 18 year old Ling Xuefeng, “It
seems that we can’t be teammates.” Ling Xuefeng firmly replied, “Then I hope you will
become my strongest opponent.”
Many things happened over the years and time flowed. Many players left the Miracle
League and these two innocent teenagers became revered predecessors that countless
people admired.
However, the promise made at a young age was always remembered.
Finally, Li Cangyu took the new Canglan team and reached the finals with much difficulty.
Finally, Ling Xuefeng was in the finals, waiting for his king to return!

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GLS: Chapter 215

Chapter 215 – Finals (1)

The schedule for the playoffs was relatively tight. After the semi-finals, the Canglan team
only had three days of rest. Li Cangyu didn’t intend to return to Changsha. Instead, he found
an Internet cafe near the hotel where everyone could focus on training.
In the regular season, Canglan won against Wind Colour 2:1 in an away match while Wind
Colour won 2:1 at the home. The two sides were tied but Li Cangyu was well aware that
Wind Colour didn’t do their best in the regular season. In particular, Ling Xuefeng didn’t
appear in two games and sent the newcomers to train.
Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t be so relaxed in the finals and it would be more difficult to play.
The major teams of the Miracle League had distinctive features. Wind Colour might be
dominated by the dark style but the overall configuration of players was very reasonable.
Their tactics weren’t too singular. The black magicians would give negative states while the
summoners controlled the opponents. This lineup had a strong overall force. They could
move forward and retreat, attack and defend. Ling Xuefeng’s stable command also made
Wind Colour an extremely difficult enemy.
However, Li Cangyu wasn’t stressed about the result of the finals. He had already reached
this stage and winning or losing wasn’t his obsession. Instead, he was very excited at the
thought of playing in the finals and wasn’t able to sleep well these days.
The result of Cat God’s hyperactive spirit was that all team members once again entered the
devil training. It was impossible to improve the level of their game in just three days. The
more important thing was to consolidate their previous training results in case they drop
the chain in the finals.
The intensity of the training was high but everyone’s mood was relatively relaxed.Ah Shu
said very happily, “It is also good to be runner-ups. The runner-up also gets a money
The eyes of the teenagers lit up and Old Zhang couldn’t help patting him on the back. “Don’t
be so worldly okay? The significance of the prize isn’t money… although I also like the prize
Bai Xuan watched their boisterous actions with a warm smile, like he was watching his own
He had followed Li Cangyu for many years and the atmosphere of the former team wasn’t
so harmonious. Due to their frequent losses, everyone’s mood was always low and they
weren’t happy when training. Now it was different. Everyone moved shoulder to shoulder,
struggling until they finally reached the finals and could aim for the championship.
Canglan had already become a first-class team in the league.
Li Cangyu saw Bai Xuan’s thoughtful expression and joked, “Are you starting to feel it now?”
Bai Xuan looked back at him and smile. “So many years have passed and I didn’t think that
one day I could really enter the finals. Strangely, my mood is relaxed and I’m not nervous at
Li Cangyu nodded. “I am the same. At this step, winning or losing isn’t important. Of course,
being able to take the championship is still the best outcome.”
Bai Xuan reached out a hand. “Then let’s try it!”
The atmosphere on Canglan’s side was relaxed and the players of Wind Colour also weren’t
nervous. The players seemed confident in defeating Canglan.
Ling Xuefeng called everyone to a pre-match meeting and said seriously, “Don’t
underestimate the Canglan team. Their tactical layout has the most possible changes in the
Miracle League and the combination of eight classes will produce a variety of different
effects. Li Cangyu has high tactical literacy and I can’t guess what type of combinations he
will send in the finals.”
Sure enough, Captain Ling couldn’t guess whenever he encountered Canglan…
Ling Xuefeng paused before continuing, “However, the changes doesn’t change the Canglan
team. We just need to grasp their core and find out how to deal with it…”
The captain started to patiently analyze the characteristics and weaknesses of each
combination. The players listened carefully. After the pre-match meeting, everyone
consciously sat down at their computers to start the final training.
Time flew extremely quickly and three days passed in an instant. The finals of the seventh
season of the Miracle League finally opened on the weekend at 9 a.m. at the main venue in
The price of the ticket for the finals was extremely high but it was sold out in less than 10
minutes. The venue was crowded with people while the VIP stands were particularly star-
studded. Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, the Su Yu brothers of the Flying Feathers team, the Lou
Zhang combination of the Ghost Spirits team, Red Fox’s captain and vice-captain, the best
auxiliary Chu Yan, the hunter Jiang Xu, etc. All the gods who were famous in the Miracle
League came to watch the finals.
It could be seen that the great gods of other teams were very interested in this old
confrontation and came to witness a wonderful moment.
The audience was in high spirits and the number of people watching the Internet live
broadcast reached record highs. The front page headlines of e-sports websites were all full
of guesses and prospects…
After many years, the oldest opponents were meeting for the first time in the finals. This
alone was enough to detonate the audience’s attention.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi’s hairs were pricking up with excitement and his
voice was very high-pitched. “Audience members, the finals between Canglan and Wind
Colour is about to begin! The players from both sides had already arrived on the big stage.
Let’s first look at the players of both teams!”
On the big stage where lights were flashing, the two teams stood next to each other. Li
Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng stood side by side while the other players fanned out next to
them. The Wind Colour team members on the left were wearing red and black uniforms.
The Canglan members on the right were wearing blue and white. The couple clothes really
made it seem like a fateful match.
Information appeared on the big screen while the camera zoomed in on the corresponding
Li Cangyu was very handsome as he smiled at the camera. He waved and greeted everyone.
Vice-Captain Bai had a gentle smile while Ah Shu deliberately brushed at his bangs to look
cool. Old Zhang grinned boldly. Among the teenagers, Xiao Han still showed a cold
expression, Zhuo Hang behaved graciously, Gu Siming was excited and Li Xiaojiang shyly
lowered her head.
The eight people with different personalities formed the Canglan team. It really wasn’t easy
to get here and the audience warmly applauded them.
The players on the Wind Colour side also performed calmly. After all, Wind Colour had
entered the finals last season and won the championship. This grand scene was
commonplace for everyone.
The host handed the microphone to Li Cangyu and asked, “Cat God, this is your first time
leading the team into the finals. What do you want to say to everyone?”
Li Cangyu took the microphone and smiled. “I am very happy to enter the finals. I am also
grateful for everyone’s support, especially the friends who came to the venue from far
away. Thank you!”
The spectators wearing the Canglan uniform jumped from their seats with excitement and
cheers filled the venue.
The host then asked, “What do you want to say to your opponent before the start of the
Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “Captain Ling, refuel.”
The audience, “…”
Cat God, he is your opponent. Why are you cheering him on?
The host was also surprised for a moment before recovering. Then he asked Ling Xuefeng.
“Cough, what does Captain Ling want to say?”
Ling Xuefeng looked at Li Cangyu and replied calmly, “You should also refuel.”
The audience, “…”
These two people were unprecedented opponents yet they were cheering for each other?
What about the fated enemies where one lived and one died? The two of them were
supposed to look at each other with fiery eyes and say things like ‘come on’, or ‘wait for me
to abuse you.’ What was with the cheers?
Cheng Wei looked dazed. “I haven’t seen any opponents cheering for each other before a
Everyone around him nodded in agreement.
After the simple interview, the players of both sides walked into their respective
soundproof rooms and connected their mouse and keyboard to perform the final
At 10 o’clock in the morning, the match officially started!
The two captains went to the referee and started to draw lots. Ling Xuefeng made a ‘please’
gesture and said, “You first.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “You first.”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t argue and put his hand into the box to pull out an envelope. Li Cangyu
took the other one and the two people opened it at the same time. Wind Colour was first
and Canglan was second!
In the finals, the second team was actually more disadvantageous. If the first team won two
games then the back team would have to win two consecutive games and the possibility of
making a comeback was very small. Therefore, every game must be played cautiously.
Canglan absolutely couldn’t let Wind Colour take the lead to score 2:0.
Li Cangyu returned to the soundproof room and waited for the plan submitted by Wind
Colour. Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to submit the lineup that had already been set—team
battle, Wilderness Ridge!
The appearance of this map made many audience members scream, with even the great
gods in the VIP stands showing admiring expressions. It was a seven star, the highest
difficulty map. This was a fierce choice that was really worthy of Ling Xuefeng!
The Wind Colour lineup was then shown on the big screen. Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo’s
mentor and apprentice summoning combination, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s double black
magician combination, the beast berserker Liao Zhenyu in the front row and the blood kin
sacrifice He Qun.
Li Cangyu had guessed this lineup before. After all, it was Wind Colour’s most stable and
regular lineup.
This Wilderness Ridge map was really hard to fight in because it was a death map with
complicated terrain. This was actually a cemetery. If players stepped on a grave then they
would be directly buried in the ground and killed. More important, the tombstones in the
map changed frequently, which was equivalent to a set of flowing death traps.
Li Cangyu thought for a long time while the audience members were tense. It wasn’t until
the final three seconds that Canglan submitted their lineup.
—Gu Siming, Zhang Jueming, the Shu Bai combination, Li Cangyu and Xiao Han.
This was also a regular lineup for the Canglan team. The audience didn’t understand why
he had to think about it for so long. Only the great gods sitting in the stands knew that Cat
God had been thinking for so long because he was thinking about a tactical solution to deal
with Wind Colour, not the lineup.
The other side had made a fierce move so he had to calm down and think about the context
of the game.
As for what countermeasures he came up with in his head, only he would know before the
game started.

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GLS: Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Finals (2)

Li Cangyu had long known that Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t choose a map that was too simple in
the finals. Thus, in the past few days, he studied the seven star high difficulty maps in the
league gallery, including Wilderness Ridge.
Wilderness Ridge was located on the boundary of the blood kin realm. The map was dimly
lit, the sound was terrible, the scene particularly desolate and there were high and low
tombstones. This was actually a graveyard where vampires were buried. In the team
battles, the mobs were vampires that emerged from the ground. Girls with low courage
would be scared when they walked this map. The vampire mobs were also more difficult to
beat than mobs from general maps.
None of these things were a big problem for professional players. All professional players
would experience a league map once and it was impossible to be unfamiliar with a map.
The key was that there were too many tombstones in the wild area of the map. Accidentally
touching a tombstone would cause them to be cursed to death.
This death map was very tricky yet Ling Xuefeng dared to choose it. He naturally had
reasons for this. The black crows and banshees were Ling Xuefeng’s favourite pets and the
black crow’s Cover the Sky forcibly obscured the opponent’s field of view. Meanwhile, the
banshee could pull opponents directly towards the tombstones. These strong control skills
gave him a great advantage on the Wilderness Ridge map.
In this regard, Li Cangyu had ways to cope. It was because his wind spirit played the same
important role on death maps.
It was hard to win against Wind Colour but it wasn’t impossible.
Li Cangyu quickly told his teammates as they loaded into the map, “Don’t be impulsive if
you encounter Ling Xuefeng. Act like a turtle and hide from him. In particular, be careful of
his banshee! Even if your economy has to suffer, don’t give him a head.”
Everyone knew that giving Ling Xuefeng a head was basically making him into a weapon.
Then Canglan would have no way to win!
Li Cangyu quickly made a mark on the map. “Old Zhang and Xiao Gu will go to this area, I
will go to the next one with Xiao Han while Shu Bai will guard the middle. Be stable and kill
monsters in order to gain good equipment for the first wave of combat.”
His words just finished when both teams refreshed on the map. The six of them quickly
split towards three areas according to the captain’s arrangement and waited for the mobs
to refresh.
The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu and Xiao Han didn’t see any members of Wind
Colour where they were…
Li Cangyu noticed it wasn’t good and immediately spoke in the command channel, “Report
the number of people there!”
Xie Shurong said, “Vice-Captain Yan and the paladin are in the middle.”
Gu Siming actively replied, “I only see one black magician. The other is estimated to be a
blood kin who has gone invisible.”
Two black magicians were accounted for while meant Ling Xuefeng…
Li Cangyu reflexively ordered Xiao Han to retreat and didn’t hesitate to use Flying Feather
Steps to move behind a tree.
At almost the same time, not far from the tree, Ling Xuefeng summoned a banshee and
accurately aimed Charm at where Li Cangyu had been standing, only for it to miss!
The audience saw a strange scene. They saw Ling Xuefeng just used the female demon’s
skill only for Li Cangyu to retreat like he had eyes in the back of his head. The almost
synchronized brain waves was simply incredible!
In the live broadcast room, there were rows of: [Cat God 6666!] [Cat God is witty!]
Li Cangyu’s fans were naturally very satisfied with his excellent reaction rate.
Ling Xuefeng’s black fans also cheered. [It is really rare to see Captain Ling’s skills miss!]
[Clapping Captain Ling, Captain Ling is also 6!]
Ling Xuefeng wasted his skill and typed: […]
Li Cangyu replied: [It isn’t so easy if you want to catch me.]
Ling Xuefeng: [Yes.]
He had been hiding in Canglan’s blind spot and wanted to use the banshee to pull Li Cangyu
to the tombstone. The result was that the other person’s reaction was particularly
sensitive. As soon as Ling Xuefeng fired the skill, Li Cangyu immediately evaded.
Ling Xuefeng’s banshee had been called a ‘pulling machine’ by many players, showing how
accurate his skill release was. He rarely missed when using Charm.
Today he missed the skill in front of Li Cangyu but he remained calm. Ling Xuefeng saw that
the mobs refreshed and no longer interfered. He quickly cleaned up the mobs with the
invisible blood kin sacrifice.
Li Cangyu also returned to the wild area and rushed to interfere with Ling Xuefeng. Xiao
Han was next to his master and help interfere with Ling Xuefeng’s killing speed. However,
Ling Xuefeng’s positioning was extremely skillful. He still killed the mobs in an orderly
manner without Xiao Han’s interference disturbing his rhythm.
In just a few minutes, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s economy were almost even and no one
was at a disadvantage.
In the middle road, Bai Xuan habitually gave all resources to Ah Shu. Xie Shurong used his
rapid attacks to gain the most benefits with the least consumption. This was the advantage
of a fast-moving swordsman.
The main output on Wind Colour’s side was Yan Ruiwen and the paladin gave all the
resources to him.
On the other road, Old Zhang sent a message to the team channel. “Qin Mo.”
It was only two words but everyone had played many games together. Li Cangyu quickly
understood what he meant. Qin Mo was the one being developed while Guo Xuan assisted
This way, the economic resources of the first wave of mobs would be concentrated on Ling
Xuefeng, Qin Mo and Yan Ruiwen.
The lineup of the Wind Colour team battle rarely changed but the strategies were flexible. If
the focus was on Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan in the early stages, it meant the mid stages
would be based on the negative effects of black magic.
However, it could be see that the focus of today’s game was the Ling Qin master and
disciple and the vice-captain Yan Ruiwen. Ling Xuefeng would surely use the pets of both
summoners to control the field while Yan Ruiwen’s black magic would be a means to make
full use of the map characteristics.
Li Cangyu had an idea in his heart and spoke in the command channel, “Everyone go back
to the city and buy resistance defensive clothes.”
The Miracle library had a variety of equipment and each player had their own matching
scheme. Today, they definitely couldn’t play according to their previous outfits. Since Wind
Colour wanted to use control, they had to buy resistance clothing. In a death map, attack
power didn’t matter. The key was who would take the lead in grasping an opportunity.
10 minutes passed and there were no big explosions on both sides. Everyone went back to
the city to supplement their equipment and the ice dragon finally refreshed at the cave on
the southeast part of the map.
As the first boss, the significance of the ice dragon was self-evident.
Everyone went to the ice dragon refresh point to prepare for the first wave of combat.
Anyone who played Miracle would know the importance of the first wave of combat in
team battles. 70% of the teams who won the ice dragon would eventually win. The other
30% might be in the online game. In the professional league, the teams that could win after
losing the ice dragon was all due to an unexpected tactical arrangement.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were both good at counterattacking so this wave of combat
was particularly tense for the audience.
On the big screen, both players gathered in the vicinity of the cave. They were probably
waiting for the captain’s instructions because no one moved forward.
It could be seen that there were tombstones to the right and left of the cave. Both ace
players had strong pulling or control skills and could use the map to directly kill someone.
In the end, would it be Cat God or Captain Ling who acted first?
Yu Bing watched nervously while her voice remained calm, “At the beginning of the game,
Captain Ling wasted the banshee’s skill. Now 10 minutes has passed and the skill has
cooled down. He can use the banshee to pull a single person or a group to cause a death
effect on this map.”
Kou Hongyi nodded. “The role of Cat God’s wind spirit is similar. A strong gust of wind that
is well controlled can also directly kill a person of Wind Colour. This is the reason why the
players don’t dare go forward. We can see that members of both teams are maintaining a
delicate distance from the other side’s attack range. As long as a mistake is made, they are
likely to be killed in an instant.”
The thrill of a death map was that no matter how much blood a player had or didn’t have, it
was likely they would die directly after being careless.
The players on the field stared closely and didn’t dare relax.
The two sides stayed in the same place for a while before Wind Colour finally moved. The
blood kin summoner Qin Mo and blood kin sacrifice He Qun suddenly disappeared from
everyone’s eyes!
Li Cangyu immediately ordered, “Scatter!”
Canglan quickly dispersed, their reaction speed causing admiration.
Qin Mo’s blood spider had just appeared behind Li Cangyu, trying to hold him in place. Li
Cangyu seemed to guess this and used Flying Feather Steps to move to the left, before
summoning the wind spirit and casting without hesitation.
—Wind and Clouds Destruction!
This wave of tornadoes was extremely skillful. The group attack blew pass the berserker
Liao Zhenyu and the little prince Qin Mo, who were close to the Canglan team.
They hit the tombstones and Qin Mo and Liao Zhenyu instantly died!
Canglan fans were just about to clap when Ling Xuefeng decisively summoned the black
crows and used Cover the Sky!
This was the skill that Li Cangyu hated the most.
Black crows swept over where Canglan stood, causing them to lose their vision.
Then Yan Ruiwen used a black magic spell at the same time—Dark Fear!
The vice-captain of Wind Colour was first-rate and could keep up with the captain’s
thinking. After Ling Xuefeng used the crows to control their vision, the Canglan team didn’t
dare move easily. The result was that Yan Ruiwen’s group control skill hit all Canglan
Of course, Ling Xuefeng didn’t just prepare Cover the Sky. He was ready to follow up after
summoning the crows. He summoned the banshee and used Witch Demon’s Curse!
The beautiful demon used a big move. Black mist emerged from her body and then
gathered. The Witch Demon’s Curse drew the five people who lost the vision to the
tombstone next to them!
[The Wilderness Tombstone has killed Ah Shu!]
[The Wilderness Tombstone has killed White Fox!]
The death messages filled the screen.
Only one person survived and that was Li Cangyu.
It was because the moment Ling Xuefeng used Cover the Sky, he moved boldly in the
darkness and retreated behind a big tree, showing that his familiarity with the map was no
worse than Ling Xuefeng’s!
Li Cangyu escaped these big moves and didn’t hesitate to immediately run. His teammates
had died and he didn’t have confidence to win 1v4. The most sensible decision was to
return to restore his statuses and think of another method.
Canglan was sent back to the home while Wind Colour started to attack the ice dragon.
In the broadcast room, Yu Bing gave an objective evaluation of this wave of combat. “This
wave of combat was truly wonderful! Wind Colour was very meticulous in their tactics. Qin
Mo and He Qun entering stealth was actually for the sake of their team members. Their
positioning allowed Ling Xuefeng to use the black crows to darken the vision of the
opposite team. Yan Ruiwen followed with Dark Fear to control them and then Witch
Demon’s Curse was connected. The several skills were released in an orderly manner and
took advantage of the terrain of the death map to the extreme.”
Kou Hongyi continued. “We saw that Canglan was almost destroyed, with only Cat God
escaping. His luck was good and his resistance equipment played an effective role in him
resisting the fear. In the blinded state, he could withdraw from the banshee’s range using
his experience. This also shows Cat God’s understanding of the Miracle maps.”
In the live broadcast area, some people joked: [Fortunately Captain Ling didn’t miss this big
move or he would have no face in front of Cat God!] [The black crows vision control and the
banshee’s group pull is really strong!] [Wind Colour 6666!]
Ling Xuefeng’s first banshee skill missed so this wonderful wave of combat made the fans of
Wind Colour really proud.
The ice dragon was a wild map boss and wasn’t easy to kill. Despite the berserker and Qin
Mo dying, there was still Ling Xuefeng, two black magicians and the blood kin sacrifice. The
sacrifice could rebound damage, the black magician can give negative states and Ling
Xuefeng could use pets. Everyone circled the ice dragon and used ranged attacks to fight it,
smoothly reducing its blood volume.
[The Wind Colour team has killed the ice dragon!]
[The Wind Colour team has won the economic bonus!]
The two messages that popped up on the screen seemed to indicate the ending of the game.
Ling Xuefeng glanced at the statistics of the game and calmly ordered, “Go back to the city.”
They just killed the ice dragon and everyone’s status wasn’t good. They needed to go back
to restore blood and blue. They also made a lot of money and had to buy new equipment.
All members of Wind Colour happily replenished at the battlefield store.
At this time, there were two choices. They could go down the middle road to fight the
defense towers and pushed all the way to the central crystal. Another option was to rely on
the equipment advantage to play the second wild boss, the fire dragon.
The current equipment of the Wind Colour team was almost one level higher than Canglan.
Thus, Ling Xuefeng made a sensible decision. “Go to the fire dragon!”
As long as they won the fire dragon, they would win this game with no suspense.
On the big screen, all members of Wind Colour gathered at where the fire dragon would
However, the audience was surprised to see that Li Cangyu, after going back to the birth
point to restore his resources, actually ran to the fire dragon’s refresh point!
Since everyone had been focused on Wind Colour killed the ice dragon, no one had seen Li
Cangyu’s movements. It wasn’t until the director aimed the camera to Li Cangyu that
everyone discovered Cat God was stealthily advancing to the location of the fire dragon.
Yu Bing was startled. “What is Cat God doing? Is he planning to start a battle with Wind
Colour over the fire dragon?”
This was too unthinkable. Canglan had just been wiped out and everyone’s equipment was
worse than Wind Colour. It was impossible for them to fight the boss fire dragon with such
bad equipment. The moment that fire emerged from the fire dragon’s mouth, the entire
Canglan team would burn to death.
The audience watched with confusion, until Li Cangyu moved around the fire dragon and
quickly put down a few lights.
Yu Bing finally understood and couldn’t help shaking. “He is arranging the lights in a very
clever manner. Is he planning to use the dark zone to set up an ambush?”
Yu Bing had just finished speaking when the resurrected members of Canglan quickly
gathered near the fire dragon’s refresh point. They scattered according to Li Cangyu’s
arrangement and all hid behind trees.
The Canglan team took advantage of the time difference. They had died before facing the
ice dragon and it took only 10 seconds to resurrect after dying the first time. Wind Colour
took nearly half a minute to kill the ice dragon. Thus, Li Cangyu came to the fire dragon to
make arrangements in advance and had his teammates quickly gather.
The audience had a god’s perspective and found that the Wind Colour members were
coming this way.
After walking to the vicinity of the fire dragon, Ling Xuefeng didn’t rush to attack. Instead,
he let Qin Mo go around the field of vision. Wind Colour’s equipment was superior but they
couldn’t rule out the possibility of being attacked by the other team.
Qin Mo walked in a circle before saying, “There is no one from Canglan.”
Ling Xuefeng ordered, “Start! Quickly take it down!”
In fact, there were two choices after the ice dragon was killed. Canglan could go to the wild
area to kill the second wave of mobs, supplementing their economy and equipment. The
other method was going to the fire dragon to fight with Wind Colour. It was impossible for
Canglan to go directly to the crystal with their equipment.
Since Canglan wasn’t seen at the fire dragon’s refresh point, Ling Xuefeng naturally
concluded that Li Cangyu should be killing mobs in the wild area.
Wind Colour didn’t push to the crystal because their current equipment was still a bit weak
to do so. If the won the fire dragon, the attribute bonus meant it would be a stable win.
He had the advantage so Ling Xuefeng definitely wanted a stable win.
The audience could see that Cat God was actually very tricky. The Canglan members were
hidden behind tombstones. The death map killed people who touched tombstones so Qin
Mo couldn’t run towards the tombstones.
The person in Wind Colour in charge of scouting had always been Qin Mo who could go
invisible. Li Cangyu used psychology to place the lights behind tombstones. People couldn’t
get close to the tombstone but they could control items remotely.
The audience saw this and felt that the small prince’s IQ was crushed by Cat God.
The Canglan players were very calm and kept hiding as they watched the distant Wind
The Wind Colour team thought that Canglan was killing the mobs in the wild so they were
at ease when attacking the fire dragon.
The fire dragon’s blood was 80%…
The fire dragon’s blood was 50%…
The second boss was much less difficult to kill, especially if the Wind Colour members were
prepared for the wide range fire attack that occasionally came. However, it consumed many
In particular, the blood kin sacrifice used big moves and barely managed to maintain
everyone’s blood.
Fortunately, the Wind Colour team were better equipped and unleashed their hand speed.
The fire dragon’s blood was soon almost gone.
The fire dragon’s blood was 10%…
Li Cangyu saw this and ordered. “Go!”
The first to rush out were Gu Siming and Xiao Han. Xiao Gu carried his shield and used
Fighting Howl to directly steal the fire dragon’s aggro!
The Wind Colour members were shocked by this little madman. Before they could react,
the invisible Xiao Han’s Pain Blade struck the sacrifice, making him dizzy!
At this time, the Wind Colour members had fallen to residual blood due to fighting the fire
dragon. Their healer was controlled and they immediately fell into a dangerous situation!
Ling Xuefeng ordered, “Withdraw!”
He reacted quickly. Canglan had used this opportunity for a sneak attack. They were in a
full blood and blue state. Even if Wind Colour’s equipment was better, it was impossible to
beat the full blood Canglan team. It was likely that all six people of Wind Colour would be
directly killed.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t give him the chance to retreat.
Zhang Jueming released skills to enhance attack power and crit rate in a timely manner,
then used God’s Seal to control Qin Mo who wanted to run.
Xie Shurong used Spirit Lock to control the berserker in the front row!
Li Cangyu used the water spirit to personally control Ling Xuefeng.
The Wind Colour team encountered an ambush and couldn’t run away. In addition, their
blood was low, Ling Xuefeng’s crows and banshee’s big moves were on cooldown and their
healer was dizzy…
Forget Ling Xuefeng, not even a god could save Wind Colour.
Canglan had been waiting to ambush for a long time and all of them were full of blood and
blue. Xiao Gu was responsibility for maintaining the fire dragon’s aggro while everyone else
used their big moves. The swordman’s Light and Shadow Rotation, the assassin’s Death
Strangulation, the summoner’s Thunder’s Wrath… The big moves were superimposed and
the light effects were dazzling!
[Old Cat has killed Undead Demon!]
[Old Cat has killed Blade Dancer!]
[Frost Descends has killed Shepherd!]
[Frost Descends has killed Surrounding Mountains!]
[Ah Shu has killed Undying Gratitude!]
[Ah Shu has killed Mad Dragon!]
The whole team was wiped out!
The output of the three Canglan members matched each other and they instantly
completed a wave of head harvesting. The Canglan fans jumped up and cheered like crazy
while the Wind Colour fans were stunned.
How could this happen? Wind Colour clearly had the advantage yet they were wiped out?
To add insult to injury, once Wind Colour was completely destroyed, the ownership of the
fire dragon transferred to Canglan. Gu Siming used the Fighting Howl skill to steal aggro
and Gu Siming’s blood fell like crazy from the fire dragon’s attacks. However, Bai Xuan was
there to restore blood.
The Canglan team’s equipment wasn’t good but the fire dragon only had 10% blood left!
This could be emptied as long as everyone unleashed a wave of attacks.
Li Cangyu decisively ordered, “Quickly kill the fire dragon!”
The 10% blood fire dragon received the full output of the Canglan team and fell with an
unwilling roar within 10 seconds. Then two lines popped up on the big screen.
[The Canglan team has killed the fire dragon.]
[The Canglan team will gain an attack and defense status bonus.]
Li Cangyu smiled. “Don’t go home and directly push to the crystal!”
As more of the game time passed, the waiting time for resurrection became longer. It would
take the Wind Colour members 20 seconds to resurrection and then move from their home.
The fire dragon’s refresh point was very close to the crystal and Canglan was in a good
condition right now. The attack and defense bonus meant it was feasible to push to the
Bai Xuan quickly restored everyone’s blood and used the priest’s skill to give them some
blue. The six people pushed through the defense tower at a very fast speed. By the time the
resurrected Wind Colour members arrived, they could only watch as the crystal was
The Canglan members felt disbelief as they saw the word pop up on their screens.
Many audience members hadn’t recovered their spirits yet.
No one thought that after the loss in the first wave of combat, Cat God would actually set up
an ambush near the fire dragon.
A team that would run to fight the dragon while wearing bad equipment was only Canglan.
Still, Li Cangyu was truly daring.
He knew that Canglan’s current equipment meant it was impossible to fight the fire dragon
or Wind Colour. Thus, he used the characteristics of the map to arrange the field of view in
advance and patiently hid for a long time. Once the boss was almost wiped out by Wind
Colour, he took his teammates to finish the harvest. This was truly cunning!
Wind Colour played the boss for a long time only to be robbed… the thoughts of the witty
cat wasn’t based on common sense.
In the VIP seats, Cheng Wei excitedly exclaimed, “Hahaha, Ling Xuefeng must be going mad.
The 10% blood boss was robbed by Cat God and the residual blood Wind Colour team
wiped out by Canglan. I would be going crazy, hahaha!”
Tan Shitian smiled and touched his chin. “It is estimated that Captain Ling wants to cough
up blood but this doesn’t fit his abstinent style. Therefore, he must hold his breath. It is
estimated that he will give Cat God a good beating in the next team battle.“
Su Guangmo sat next to him and couldn’t help sighing, “Cat God’s tactical ambush is truly
wonderful! He has a deep understanding of Wind Colour. In fact, the key to that wave of
combat was that Qin Mo couldn’t find the vision lights of the other team. If Wind Colour had
detected Canglan’s ambush position then Canglan would’ve definitely been destroyed.”
Zhang Shaohui agreed. “Yes. Wilderness Ridge was originally chosen to use the tombstones
to kill Canglan in seconds. The result was that it was used by Cat God to place the vision
lights behind the tombstones!”
Everyone evaluated the game while feeling admiration for Li Cangyu in their hearts.
The Miracle League had many excellent commanders but Li Cangyu’s thoughts were the
most difficult to guess. Ling Xuefeng couldn’t be blamed for today’s unexpected loss. Who
would’ve thought that in an equipment and economic disadvantageous situation, Li Cangyu
would actually bring his teammates to set up an ambush?
Wind Colour hit the boss to 10% blood only for it to be taken away by the opponents.
In the soundproof room, Ling Xuefeng was very calm and not coughing up blood like Cheng
Wei said… however, no one knew what he was thinking.
In the meantime, Yu Bing took a deep breath to control her excitement and spoke in a
trembling voice. “The result of this game is really surprising! It can be said that Cat God’s
train of thoughts can’t be followed. I didn’t guess that he would actually dare to play like
Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “Cat God is too handsome! Captain Ling must be feeling helpless
right now. Cat God doesn’t follow common sense. Jumping out to grab the boss, this type of
method is a bit of a petty trick! However, from Canglan’s point of view, this is indeed the
only way to counter their disadvantage. It was very risky but the result was excellent!”
“Wind Colour used this map to gain an advantage in the early stages. They didn’t expect
Canglan to use it to reverse the situation. This is the first time the Wind Colour’s advantage
in the team battle was reversed in this season.” Yu Bing couldn’t help feeling admiration.
“The first game is so fierce. The next game will definitely be more intense.”
On the big screen, the score became 1:0. It was intermission time and the players prepared
for the next game.
Before leaving his seat, Ling Xuefeng typed on the public channel: [Your ambush was good.]
Li Cangyu sent a smiley expression. [Thank you for the praise.]
This tone seemed quite smug?
The Wind Colour fans silently cursed while the Canglan fans lost their IQs. Li Cangyu just
returned to his seat and arranged the next game with the players.
It was a real surprise that they won this game. In fact, he tried the ambush without the
expectations of succeeding. There was a chance that Ling Xuefeng would personally scout
and find their ambush, or that Canglan’s cooperation wouldn’t be good during the ambush.
They might be controlled by Wind Colour’s black magic and ultimately defeated.
Fortunately, Canglan was lucky today and this ambush was successful.
This was the thrill of the game. No one knew the ending until the last moment.
The tacit understanding between the team members made Li Cangyu very happy. In
particular, the scene where they connected skills to harvest the heads of the residual blood
Wind Colour members was beautiful!
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling when he thought about this. He patted the shoulders of his
teammates and said, “Everyone is good. Let’s work hard and win the second game!”

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GLS: Chapter 217

Chapter 217 – Finals (3)

The official reporters for the Miracle Professional League and the people on the forums
were paying attention to the finals. Canglan using the fire dragon to counterattack against
Wind Colour and win was quickly released. The big websites and forums were filled with
titles like—[The dragon is ruined for a lifetime!] [Wind Colour’s advantage was countered
and Canglan unexpectedly took one point first!] [Li Cangyu’s strange tactics allowing
Canglan to defeat Wind Colour at home!] [Who will be the ultimate winner of this fateful
In just a few minutes, the forums were filled with Canglan fans while Li Cangyu’s Weibo had
messages like: [Cat God, marry me!]
[Cat God gave me a monkey.]
In contrast, the mood of the Wind Colour fans was relatively low. However, most of the
rational fans were still full of confidence in the Wind Colour team led by Ling Xuefeng.
The intermission time finished and the second game officially started.
It was Li Cangyu’s turn to choose the game mode and map. Many people guessed that he
would choose the arena but Li Cangyu unexpectedly chose the team battle and the map was
Frost Temple. It wasn’t a difficult map and was only rated five and a half stars.
Unlike the dim lighting of the Wilderness Ridge, Frost Temple was very bright. The angel
temple was magnificent with crystal lamps hanging from the roof. The ancient white pillars
were engraved with delicate patterns and the white stone bricks on the ground were clean
and immaculate, allowing a person to see their reflection.
Frost Temple was a relatively common obstacles map. There were many stone pillars in the
temple and ranged players with first-class movement techniques could successfully attack.
Canglan had Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong. The former was good at using pets to interfere
with opponents while the latter was good at violent outbreaks. This map was good for them
to release their highest output.
Then the lineup that Li Cangyu submitted to the referee appeared on the screen—Li
Cangyu, Gu Siming, Zhuo Hang, Zhang Jueming, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong.
Xiao Han was changed to Zhuo Hang. It was because Zhuo Hang’s hand speed was faster
and he could use traps to help Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong control the opponents they were
Use obstacles to play quickly.
Zhuo Hang’s traps could be arranged in combination with the terrain, allowing the
members of Wind Colour to accidentally step on the traps after going around a pillar. After
being fixed in place or silenced, Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong would jointly attack to kill the
player. This way, their skills would be smoothly connected.
How should Wind Colour respond?
Many viewers were looking forward to Captain Ling’s deployment and thought he would
take a long time to think. The result was that he submitted the lineup in 10 seconds—the
berserker Liao Zhenyu, the black magicians Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan, the summoners
Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan and the blood kin sacrifice He Qun.
Wind Colour actually changed Qin Mo.
Many viewers couldn’t help sighing. [Canglan’s small prince was withdrawn and now Wind
Colour’s small prince is also withdrawn. Is this really a coincidence?] [I think it is due to Qin
Mo’s mistake last game. Captain Ling wants him to adjust.] [Not necessarily. After all, Xu
Feifan and the captain have been partners for a long time. It might be more stable to change
to an old partner.]
The audience was discussing it but Qin Mo’s expression was calm. He seemed to have
known about this arrangement for a long time.
The players on both sides quickly got into position and the countdown to the map loading
started on the big screen.
The Frost Temple map loaded and Canglan was born in the lower left while Wind Colour
was in the upper right.
Li Cangyu slightly changed the mode of splitting. Shu Bai still went to the middle, Gu Siming
and Zhuo Hang went to the top while he went to the bottom with Zhang Jueming. The
players that the resources were focused on in the early stages were naturally Ah Shu, Xiao
Zhuo and Li Cangyu. The other teammates consciously gave them the resources.
On the Wind Colour side, Ling Xuefeng’s arrangement made many people stunned.
They saw the blood kin summoner Xu Feifan, the berserker Liao Zhenyu and the demon
summoner Ling Xuefeng go to the top road together. The black magician Guo Xuan and
blood kin sacrifice He Qun were in the middle while Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen went alone!
Yu Bing was surprised. “The team is using the 3, 2, 1 splitting mode. It seems Captain Ling
wants to grab some heads on the road.”
Kou Hongyi looked at both sides and said, “The blood kin race can go invisible so Canglan
players are likely to make the wrong judgment.”
Yu Bing nodded. “This splitting mode is really difficult to guess.”
In Canglan’s command channel, Gu Siming actively reported, “I found Ling Xuefeng and Liao
Zhenyu on the road!”
Ah Shu said, “The middle is Guo Xuan.”
Li Cangyu only saw Yan Ruiwen so there was likely a blood kin summoner in the middle
and lower roads. As for whether it was a healer or summoner, Li Cangyu couldn’t decide.
Li Cangyu was silent for a moment before calmly issuing instructions. “Don’t go forward
before the blood kin on the other side emerges. Play stably.”
Everyone said they understood.
One minute after the opening, the first wave of mobs officially refreshed. Gu Siming was
ready to throw protection skills on Zhuo Hang while Zhuo Hang quickly placed traps to
clean up the mobs in front of him.
The opposite Liao Zhenyu and Ling Xuefeng also played stably. The former was responsible
for interference protection while the latter was responsible for output.
The invisible Xu Feifan stood beside a stone pillar and waited for an opportunity.
Xu Feifan was very patient and stayed invisible for nearly a moment.
This lasted until a blue mob refreshed and Zhuo Hang moved forward a bit to place a trap.
As a result, a blood spider bit down on Zhuo Hang and fixed him in place.
Gu Siming was shocked and immediately threw a protection skill on Zhuo Hang. However,
Ling Xuefeng’s banshee acted at this time, directly pulling Gu Siming forward and making
him surrounded by skeleton infantry!
—Skeleton Explosion!
—Blood Snakes Entanglement!
—Cut Through Thorns!
The summoners and berserker of Wind Colour used high damage skills. No matter how
thick Gu Siming’s skin was, he was attacked by three players and fell in 10 seconds.
Once Xiao Gu died, Zhuo Hang couldn’t run away and also gave his life away.
[Undead Demon has killed As the Name Suggests, first kill!]
[Undead Demon has killed Great Navigator, second kill!]
Ling Xuefeng got two heads, which was undoubtedly the worst news for Canglan.
Xiao Gu spoke with dismay, “I didn’t expect the blood kin summoner to be there as well!”
Zhuo Hang was also depressed. “Three against two!”
Li Cangyu glanced at the situation and was helpless regarding Xiao Gu and Xiao Zhuo’s
In the last game, he set up an ambush and stole the fire dragon. This game, Ling Xuefeng
used the stealth characteristic of the blood kin members to form a three on two situation,
forcibly killing Xiao Gu and Xiao Zhuo. It was a very powerful counterattack.
The thing that made Li Cangyu have a headache was that once Ling Xuefeng got a head, his
explosive power was quite scary. It would be difficult to fight in a team battle.
Since there was the invisible blood kin player, Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming didn’t rush to
face Yan Ruiwen. By the time they realized that Yan Ruiwen was alone and wanted to kill
him, the vice-captain had already retreated from their attack range.
It was obvious that Ling Xuefeng had long arranged this tactic and Li Cangyu couldn’t guess
it. He could only acknowledge it.
The first wave of mobs finished and Ling Xuefeng got a double kill, becoming the richest in
the game. He directly bought the Witch’s Tears necklace that increased attack power.
Zhuo Hang and Gu Siming weren’t able to make much money because they were killed and
were poor.
Bai Xuan asked softly, “Our equipment is too poor. Do you want to set up an ambush?”
Li Cangyu replied, “The same tactic can’t be used twice. This time, Ling Xuefeng will be
prepared and an ambush won’t work. We will directly give up the ice dragon and stay in the
wild area to clear mobs.”
“The Canglan team gave up the ice dragon!” Kou Hongyi was amazed. “You know, the ice
dragon’s economy bonus is very impressive. If Canglan abandons the ice dragon then their
gap with Wind Colour will only become greater!”
Yu Bing had a different opinion. “I think that Cat God’s choice is very wise. Ling Xuefeng has
two kills and his attack power is very scary. Meanwhile, Zhuo Hang and Xiao Gu’s
equipment aren’t so good. If they face the Wind Colour team and Ling Xuefeng gets three or
four kills, it is a direct defeat.”
Kou Hongyi thought about it and nodded. “Yes. Avoid a group battle and look for a chance
to turn the situation on Wind Colour.”
This was exactly what Li Cangyu thought.
Canglan wasn’t in a good position. Due to Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan’s trick, Ling Xuefeng
had two kills and the equipment advantage. A direct group battle would result in Canglan
being destroyed. It was more sensible for Canglan to go to the wild areas and increase their
The situation of the entire Canglan team was weak. There was no need to face Wind Colour
from the front.
The second wave of mobs refreshed in the wild area and Li Cangyu took his teammates to
earn some money.
Meanwhile, all members of Wind Colour were fighting the ice dragon. Canglan ran to the
wild area to face the mobs. The economy wasn’t as big as the ice dragon bonus but it eased
the disadvantage and let Xiao Gu and Xiao Zhuo buy key equipment.
A moment later, the message that Wind Colour had killed the ice dragon popped up on the
Li Cangyu’s expression was very calm since he had long expected this.
The ice dragon was taken away by Wind Colour and the gap between teams further
increased. Still, it was gratifying to note that the initially suppressed Xiao Gu and Xiao Zhuo
finally got enough money to buy a ring.
On the VIP stands, Cheng Wei felt anxious. “If Wind Colour gains the fire dragon then it will
be bad for Canglan. Will they set up an ambush like the last game?”
Tan Shitian touched his chin. “Captain Ling won’t fall for the same trick. I think he won’t go
for the fire dragon at all in this game.”
Cheng Wei asked, “You mean, they are going to fight directly in the middle?”
Tan Shitian replied, “There is a possibility.”
In fact, Tan Shitian guessed wrong. The Canglan team didn’t rush to push towards the
tower in the middle.
The rhythm of this game was obviously much slower than the previous one. Both sides
actually started to clear the third wave of mobs!
The time limit for a Miracle team battle was 30 minutes. If no one was able to destroy the
crystal after 30 minutes, the outcome would be judged based on the economy.
In general, a crystal would be destroyed in 20 minutes. If the dragon wasn’t fought and the
team pushed directly to the crystal, it was likely to be destroyed in 15 minutes.
Ling Xuefeng didn’t kill the fire dragon boss and Li Cangyu also didn’t go. The two sides
started to clear the third wave of monsters. This situation was rare in the seventh season
and the commanders on both sides were quite patient.
The mobs gave less money but the accumulation of money from the third wave of mobs
was still a lot.
Ling Xuefeng had the double kills and the ice dragon bonus. To the audience’s surprise, he
had enough money to buy a weapon but he didn’t buy the staff that had a high crit rate.
Instead, he bought an item from the battlefield store—Stealth Cloak.
Captain Ling put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared from the map…
The Wind Colour fans were gobsmacked. Wind Colour had been playing for many years but
they had never see Ling Xuefeng go invisible before!
The live broadcast room was filled with comments like: [Where is Captain Ling?] [Captain
Ling said that he wanted to play an invisible blood kin!] [The disappeared Captain Ling
wore the stealth cloak to find Cat God and get revenge!]
Li Cangyu wasn’t aware of this.
The Stealth Cloak wasn’t worthwhile because it was quite expensive. It was around the
same price as a weapon and only lasted one minute. Once the user launched an attack, the
cloak would become invalid, similar to the blood kin’s stealth skill.
A blood kin character definitely wouldn’t buy this item and teams without a blood kin
character wouldn’t spend a lot of money buying a cloak for the stealth skill. Thus, the
‘invisibility cloak’ item was often bought by players in the online game. However, the
probability of it appearing in the Miracle League was infinitely close to 0%.
Now Ling Xuefeng actually bought the cloak…
In the competition, a person who bought the cloak would definitely be called a pig
Yet the one wearing the cloak was the first male god of the league, Ling Xuefeng. Who
would dare to curse him? On the contrary, everyone thought that Captain Ling must have a
reason for doing this. Captain Ling was really unpredictable and him being in stealth was
In the wild area, Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming were killing mobs. Yan Ruiwen and He Qun
appeared in the same area. He Qun’s non-combat stealth skill had been used and this time
he was forced to be seen.
The middle of the road contained Liao Zhenyu and Guo Xuan. On the remaining road, only
Xu Feifan was seen. After this was reported in the command channel, Li Cangyu was
surprised. “Where is Ling Xuefeng?”
Bai Xuan replied, “I don’t know.”
Li Cangyu ordered, “Everyone be careful. He might be going to the middle or south roads to
catch people!”
In fact, Ling Xuefeng was wearing the Stealth Cloak and standing in front of Li Cangyu,
quietly watching Li Cangyu kill the mobs.
The audience, “…”
Captain Ling, you really spent a lot of money to catch Cat God!

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GLS: Chapter 218

Chapter 218 – Finals (4)

The scene of the invisible Ling Xuefeng watching Li Cangyu kill monsters was quickly sent
to the Miracle forums and accompanied by various comments: [I will quietly watch you
play.] [Don’t ask me where I am. I am actually in front of you.] [The furthest distance in the
world isn’t that you love me and I don’t love you, it is that I’m standing in front of you with
an invisibility cloak and you can’t see me.] [Dear Old Cat, I came to see you in an invisibility
cloak. Are you okay?]
The talented onlookers matched this image with various words of flirting between the two
great gods. However, they were fans of other teams or passersby who didn’t care about the
final outcome. The Wind Colour fans and Canglan fans weren’t in the mood to joke about
the captains. Everyone was nervously staring at the big screen.
Ling Xuefeng already had a double kill on his hands. The ice dragon’s economy might’ve
been used to buy a Stealth Cloak but the early advantage allowed him to buy the Witch’s
Tears necklace. If he killed one or two more people, Captain Ling would become a boss.
Would Cat God realize he was being targeted by Captain Ling?
The Canglan fans were distraught and wanted to reach into the soundproof room to tell Cat
On the VIP stands, brainless fanboy Cheng Wei hurriedly jumped to his feet. “Ling Xuefeng
is too unethical! He actually bought an invisibility cloak to kill Cat God. Cat God, quickly find
it, quickly find it!”
Ling Xuefeng was invisible. How easy could it be to find him?
The effect of the cloak was much more powerful than a blood kin assassin’s stealth skills.
Such a thing couldn’t be dismissed when hit or it would be a waste of money. The cloak was
automatically immune to all attacks. Unless the owner launched an attack, they could keep
appearing like a ghost by the opponent’s side.
Li Cangyu calmly fought the monsters. The mobs were quickly killed by him and the gold
coins constantly emerged above his head.
Ling Xuefeng was very patient and quietly watched him play.
Li Cangyu sometimes passed by Ling Xuefeng in order to kill the mobs. Ling Xuefeng was
steady and unmoving.
Suddenly, Li Cangyu seemed to notice something and took a step back.
This was a great god’s feeling about a crisis!
It had been almost two minutes since the third wave of mobs refreshed. There were no
fights on the road and Ling Xuefeng couldn’t be seen. Li Cangyu wasn’t slow to react.
Since the other two roads were quiet, Ling Xuefeng must be setting up an ambush!
Li Cangyu expected this but he hadn’t expected Ling Xuefeng to spend a lot of money
buying an invisibility cloak to catch him!
According to common sense, the ambush would generally be in the blind spot of the field of
view. There were two huge pillars in front of Li Cangyu and he suspected that Ling Xuefeng
might be hiding behind them. He thought he could retreat from the demon summoner’s
attack range by taking one step back. He didn’t expect Ling Xuefeng to actually be one step
away from him!
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu’s actions and finally moved. He summoned the black crows and
used Cover the Sky!
Li Cangyu jumped with fright when he saw the demon summoner suddenly emerge from
the invisibility cloak. The black crows rushed over and Li Cangyu’s computer screen turned
A man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, accompanied by black crows. If Li Cangyu’s
psychological quality wasn’t so high, he might’ve been scared to death!
Li Cangyu, “…”
His most hated skill was the black crows’ Cover the Sky. In addition, this time Ling Xuefeng
directly summoned the black crows in front of him. Li Cangyu’s face was stunned and the
shocked expression that he rarely showed was quickly captured by the viewers.
“This sneak attack is very cool!” Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying excitedly when he saw
this scene. “The Stealth Cloak can be used like this. Captain Ling’s actions today have
opened up a new way of thinking for us!”
Yu Bing continued, “Canglan is in trouble. Wind Colour has three people compared to
Canglan’s two. It is estimated that Cat God and Old Zhang can’t run away.”
Sure enough, as soon as Ling Xuefeng acted, the two Wind Colour members who had been
pretending to clear mobs finally moved. Yan Ruiwen used Dark Fear on Old Zhang so that
Zhang Jueming couldn’t use skills. Then the blood kin sacrifice used Blood shield on Li
Cangyu, making him constantly lose blood for a period of time.
The blood kin sacrifice’s Blood Shield could add blood when used on a a team member and
decrease blood when used on an enemy. It was very versatile. Li Cangyu had Blood Shield
placed on him while being blinded. Old Zhang was controlled and couldn’t help him. Thus,
Li Cangyu’s blood dropped to 80% in the blink of an eye.
It was a three against two situation. Li Cangyu was forced to summon the guardian to help
him resist the wave of big moves yet Ling Xuefeng didn’t let him go so easily. He summoned
the banshee without hesitation and forcibly pulled Li Cangyu away from the guardian!
The audience saw the beautiful demon being appearing and Li Cangyu being pulled from
the guardian. The position of the banshee was very clever. The owner Li Cangyu was 8
metres away from the guardian and out of its protection range, causing the effect to be
greatly reduced!
At this time, Li Cangyu was still blinded and couldn’t see what was happening in front of
Ling Xuefeng summoned four skeleton infantry that surrounded Li Cangyu. The moment
the vision control ended, all four skeletons exploded!
The black screen had just ended when there was the light effect of the skeletons exploding.
Li Cangyu blinked from the skill effect while Ling Xuefeng’s attack directly knocked out half
of his blood!
Wind Colour’s three against two advantage was extremely large. Old Zhang was being
controlled and Li Cangyu couldn’t fight Ling Xuefeng head on. He didn’t hesitate to use
Flying Feather Steps to move behind a pillar, wanting to escape.
It wasn’t so easy to stop the fleeing elf but Ling Xuefeng had his own unique method. After
seeing Li Cangyu go behind the left pillar, Ling Xuefeng summoned the banshee to the right
corner and the moment Li Cangyu’s head popped out, the banshee used Witch Demon’s
A black cloud emerged and spread out at the speed of light, pulling all the mobs and
opponent to her side.
Cat God wanted to escape but he was pulled back!
—Skeleton Explosion! —Demon God’s Descent!
Ling Xuefeng unceremoniously unleashed his skills and Li Cangyu’s blood volume was
quickly emptied.
[Undead Demon has killed Old Cat!]
Li Cangyu typed a row of ellipsis: […]
—Going this far! Was he trying to rob a dragon?
Spending a lot of money to buy the Stealth Cloak and then using a group skill…
Li Cangyu smile very helplessly and this was displayed on the big screen. The Wind Colour
fans excitedly typed: [Call you arrogant. Captain Ling definitely has a method to clean you
up!] [Captain Ling can stop being ashamed!]
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help laughing. “Captain Ling, this is definitely true love! He is doing
everything he can to kill Cat God!”
This was a joke but in fact, many of the jokes told to the audience were a truth that they
couldn’t guess.
Yu Bing calmly added, “Last time Captain Ling had the 10% fire dragon robbed by Cat God.
He must be sighing with relief because he definitely wanted to show Cat God in this game.
Moreover, Captain Ling’s actions weren’t impulsive or for a vendetta. Killing Cat God is very
beneficial for the Wind Colour team.”
In the VIP seats, Cheng Wei was a bit puzzled. “He wants to fight like this just to kill Cat
God? Captain Ling’s moves are all on cool down. What about the group battle later? He
won’t be able to release any skills.”
Tan Shitian smiled, “Once Cat God is killed, his resurrection time will be very long. Before
Cat God is resurrected, it will be impossible for Canglan to open a group combat with Wind
Colour. By the time Cat God is back, most of Captain Ling’s cooldowns will be over. It is very
cost effective for Captain Ling to do this.”
Cheng Wei suddenly lit up. “Of course. Canglan only has five people left while Wind Colour
is in a very good state. Canglan can’t go against Wind Colour.
Zhang Shaohui interjected. “It isn’t five people, it is four. Old Zhang is just about to die!”
While Ling Xuefeng had been killing Li Cangyu, Yan Ruiwen and He Qun had been fighting
Zhang Jueming. At this time, Old Zhang only had a trace of blood left and he finally fell
[Undying Gratitude has killed Juemingzi!]
This time, his head was taken by Vice-Captain Yan. This meant Yan Ruiwen could buy a
black magic necklace which would greatly improve the output of the whole team.
In the Wind Colour command channel, Yan Ruiwen asked, “Captain, do you want to go to
the middle highlands?”
Ling Xuefeng ordered, “Go back and update your equipment. The others will go the
highlands to prepare to push towards the towers.”
Time passed and Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming had to wait 20 seconds before they could be
resurrected. During this time, Wind Colour gathered in the middle highlands.
The defense towers would attack all players who entered within 5 metres of it and would
automatically select the closest player. It was almost as painful as being hit by a boss.
Usually when pushing to the tower, the thick-skinned melee would be in front. Wind
Colour’s front row was the berserker Liao Zhenyu. He wasn’t as famous as the melee of
other teams but he had a good awareness and played very stably. In addition, he bought
defense equipment after gaining the ice dragon bonus so the attacks of the towers weren’t
a problem.
Liao Zhenyu resisted the tower in front while his teammates stayed behind him and
attacked the tower. Within 20 seconds, the defense towers on the east and south sides were
broken and the six players gathered in the middle high ground.
The crystal in the centre shone brightly, still full of blood.
Compared to the fire dragon, ice dragon and defense towers, the crystal was much simpler.
It was because the crystal didn’t cause harm to the person who attacked it.
The problem was that the crystal’s defense was very high. If the equipment wasn’t
sufficient then fighting the crystal would be very slow. That’s why most teams would
develop well in the early stages by killing the ice dragon or gaining heads. After gaining the
key equipment, they would come to play the crystal. If their equipment wasn’t good
enough, they would kill the fire dragon or clear the mobs.
Today, both sides cleared mobs instead of facing the fire dragon.
The economy from clearing three waves of mobs was quite a lot. Both sides had enough
equipment to play the crystal but apart from the mobs, Ling Xuefeng had money from three
heads and Yan Ruiwen had it from one head. The other players had the ice dragon’s
economic bonus and their equipment was more than double Canglan’s!
The speed at which they hit the crystal was extremely fast.
Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong, Gu Siming and Zhuo Hang ran over to interfere but the berserker
Liao Zhenyu and blood kin summoner Xu Feifan stayed at the intersection after the towers
were cleared. The road was very narrow, like a canyon where two armies fought. It wasn’t
easy for Canglan to break through the defenses of these two people.
Ling Xuefeng sent two people to protect the road while the other four released their
outputs. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s black magic spells stacked up for five layers and He
Qun applied negative shields on the crystal. Ling Xuefeng couldn’t use any big skills but his
attack bonus and equipment meant he caused big damage with general attacks…
Once Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming rushed over after 20 seconds, they saw the scene of the
crystal being destroyed!
This time, it was Wind Colour who won and Li Cangyu who saw the crystal being destroyed.
Li Cangyu sent a row of thumbs up. [You played well.]
Ling Xuefeng replied, [Thank you for the praise.]
The audience was speechless as they remembered the last game. Li Cangyu used clever
tactics to hit Wind Colour and the almost dead fire dragon. Then he relied on the fire
dragon’s buff to take the crystal. Ling Xuefeng had told him that the ambush was good and
Li Cangyu had replied with: [Thank you for the praise.]
As a result, this situation of this game was completely reversed. The person who said ‘thank
you for the praise’ was Ling Xuefeng.
They were really worthy of being fated opponents!
Li Cangyu was convinced of the arrangement of Ling Xuefeng’s game. The initial 3, 2, 1 split
mode illustrated the flexibility of Ling Xuefeng’s tactical thinking. Later, in order to kill Cat
God, he bought a Stealth Cloak! It was really convincing!
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GLS: Chapter 219

Chapter 219 – Finals (5)

Wind Colour was beaten by Canglan at home and Canglan was beaten by Wind Colour at
home. The two sides were equal at 1:1. The onlookers might be joking about both captains
but the fans of the two teams were extremely tense. The third game was crucial. Whoever
won the third game would take the lead and match point.
According to the rules of the home and away rotation, the third game would be Wind
Colour’s home and Ling Xuefeng would decide the game mode and map. This was naturally
very beneficial for the Wind Colour team.
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu summoned the players together and spoke quickly. “In
the team battle just now, Ling Xuefeng used the 3, 2, 1 split mode to build more advantages
in the early stage. The next game at home, he has a high probability of choosing a team
battle. Our lineup is unchanged. Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Gu needs to be extra careful. Even if
you miss a few mobs, you have to pay attention to the positioning of the enemy and don’t
be caught by them.”
Zhuo Hang and Gu Siming immediately nodded seriously.
Li Cangyu continued saying, “In the first wave against the ice dragon, Xiao Zhuo and I will
use Flying Feather Steps to set up a trap. Once the people of Wind Colour arrive, we will set
fire to kill whoever steps into the trap first. The task of controlling the sacrifice will be
handed over to Old Zhang and Ah Shu will disturb their distance casting.
Zhang Jueming and Xie Shurong immediately exclaimed, “Understood!”
Vice-Captain Bai Xuan suddenly reminded softly, “The probability of Wind Colour choosing
a team battle at home is very high but you should remember that you guess wrong every
time you encounter Ling Xuefeng… is it possible he will choose the arena?”
Bai Xuan was right. Wind Colour’s tactics in the second game were quite beautiful but Ling
Xuefeng might not necessarily choose a team battle. The possibility of the arena had to also
be considered.
Li Cangyu kept this in mind and said, “If Ling Xuefeng chooses the arena then we will play
according to the arrangement already decided. The partners that will cooperate with each
The intermission time soon ended and the captains of both sides sat in the command
position again.
“Audience members, welcome back to the finals of the seventh season! In the previous two
games, Canglan and Wind Colour’s score is equal. The third game is Wind Colour’s home
game. Let us see how Captain Ling will choose!” Kou Hongyi quickly explained in an excited
manner. Yu Bing sat calmly next to him, eyes fixed on the big screen.
Finally, Ling Xuefeng’s submitted choices popped up on the big screen.
The third game was the arena, the map was the Space-Time Tunnel!
There was an uproar in the audience and many Canglan fans didn’t look good. It was
because Space-Time Tunnel was a super difficult seven star map. It wasn’t a death map or a
status map, it was a large maze!
Cheng Wei immediately spat out, “Why is Captain Ling choosing such difficult maps today?
In addition, he didn’t choose a team battle?”
Tan Shitian responded politely to Cheng Wei’s question. He heard this and softly explained,
“Captain Ling has continuously commanded two team battles. This is very energy intensive.
He might choose the arena to adjust his status. Wind Colour isn’t bad in the arena and there
is the home game advantage. Their chance of winning is still very big.”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help blushing and suddenly felt that he was a lot stupider than Tan
The moment Su Guangmo saw this map, he couldn’t help getting a headache. It was because
it evoked unpleasant memories. The Flying Feathers team had been smashed on this Space-
Time Tunnel map, which wasn’t good for melee classes.
The always silent Yu Pingsheng suddenly grabbed his brother’s arm and whispered,
“Canglan is in danger.”
Su Guangmo looked over at him and smile. “Yes.” The players of Wind Colour are very good
in the labyrinth. Previously, Wind Colour have never lost an arena game when playing with
this Space-Time Tunnel map. They haven’t uses this trump card map in this season and
finally selected it today. It seems that Ling Xuefeng is bound to win this game.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded seriously and moved his eyes to the big screen.
After submitting the game mode and map, Ling Xuefeng followed up by submitting the
lineup—Qin Mo and He Qun.
This combination had appeared in the regular season. Qin Mo’s explosive power was very
impressive while He Qun could protect Qin Mo and counter the opponents. Both of them
were blood kin players who could absorb the opponent’s blood while attacking. They could
go invisible and were the super blood cow combination of the Wind Colour team.
The away team could choose the map but they could some people to target the home team’s
lineup. After seeing that Ling Xuefeng sent the Qin Mo and He Qun blood cow combination,
Li Cangyu sat at the command post and thought for a moment. Then he submitted the first
lineup, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang.
The audience cheered on the live broadcast. [The small prince is on again!] [This is a bit like
the regular season but Xiao Han isn’t with Old Zhang?] [Cat God let Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang
appear. He should be wanting to play fast.]
Li Cangyu’s idea was obvious. Hit quickly.
The two blood kin players were capable of delaying the battle and it would take time to
move around the labyrinth map. If Canglan didn’t send fast attackers then time would drag
out and it would be more disadvantageous.
After submitting the list of people, Li Cangyu left the command post and walked back to the
seats. He whispered to Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han, “The opposite side’s blood kin will be
invisible. Xiao Zhuo will act as protection while Xiao Han will be the main output. Think of a
method to control the sacrifice and kill Qin Mo.”
The two people understood. They bumped fists to cheer each other on and walked towards
the player seats.
On the Wind Colour side, Qin Mo and He Qun were also ready. The referee lit up the
indicator lights and the third game officially begun!
The Space-Time map was very colourful. There were various bands of light flowing through
the tunnel, with one colour a winding road. This was a great test for the players. Colour
blind players and direction challenged players would completely lose their way.
There was a road at both ends of the tunnel that led to a central area and the terrain of the
central area was particularly complicated. The winding roads had four directions to the
east, south, north and west. Each direction branched into small channels that connected to
each other. If the opponent was interested in playing hide and seek, it wouldn’t be easy to
find them.
Qin Mo and He Qun were invisible from the beginning. Xiao Han’s blood kin assassin was
only invisible. Zhuo Hang didn’t have any stealth skills but he had Flying Feather Steps!
At the beginning of the game, Zhuo Hang immediately flew forward with Flying Feather
Steps. He reached the central area at the fastest speed and then placed the lowest-level
setting traps at the forks in the four directions.
The damage caused by the setting traps were very small and the effect only lasted one
second. The advantage was its short cooldown time and that the amount of blue consumed
was very low.
As the preliminary trap for hunters, Zhuo Hang generally only used it to limit enemies in
special terrain.
Space-Time Tunnel was the ace map of the Wind Colour team. Li Cangyu would’ve certainly
had everyone train in it. Zhuo Hang was very familiar with the terrain here. After the low-
level traps were arranged, he immediately retreated to the junction of two channels and
waited for Xiao Han to come.
The blood kin players moved slower than elves. Xiao Han only arrived at this time. He Qun
and Qin Mo also came over. The audience held their breaths because the two people of
Wind Colour were about to arrive at a fork and Zhuo Hang’s traps were waiting for them!
To everyone’s surprise, Qin Mo arrived at a trap but didn’t go straight. He summoned his
blood snake to explore the road. The small prince’s awareness wasn’t bad. He knew the
other side had a hunter and didn’t go himself, letting his pets step into the trap!
The blood snake moved forward and sure enough, it was set in place.
Zhuo Hang’s trap was successfully broken and the setting effect wasn’t applied, but at least
he and Xiao Han knew that Qin Mo had come!
“You hide first. I will drop the trap and blow them up before you start.” Zhuo Hang ordered.
“Okay, be careful.” Xiao Han spoke while turning the camera and staring sharply at the
southeast where Wind Colour were located.
The audience saw that after revealing the trap, the invisible Qin Mo let his blood snake
move to the other side of the road which happened to be the direction of the hidden Xiao
The shocking thing was that both sides were in stealth yet Xiao Han suddenly used a
He hit behind him and once the skill finished, Qin Mo appeared.
Qin Mo was surprised and obviously hadn’t expected Xiao Han to pop up.
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing were silent because neither of them could explain Xiao Han’s
magical intuition—or was it not intuition?
Only Li Cangyu knew that this was due to the complexity of the Space-Time Tunnel. During
training, he had Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han practice together. Zhuo Hang went east, Xiao Han
went west, Zhuo Hang went south, Xiao Han went north.
At present, only the trap in the east had been destroyed by Qin Mo’s blood snake. Qin Mo
would definitely advance from the east and Zhuo Hang played a trap in the fork at the east.
Since Qin Mo wasn’t caught by Zhuo Hang’s trap, he could only be coming from the north
Zhuo Hang’s traps weren’t just for capturing people. He could also assist Xiao Han in
making a judgment about the opponent’s position!
On the second floor, Chairman Nan Jiangang of the Miracle Professional League saw this
scene and couldn’t help smiling. “Xiao Han’s reaction surprised me. That child’s growth rate
is really too fast. Zhuo Hang’s awareness is also good. He used the combination of traps and
terrain to help his teammate judge the position. The two little ones know each other very
“Of course. Look at the club they are in.” The man wearing sunglasses and smiling was Liu
Chuan, the owner of the Dragon Song Club. He came to watch the match today but he was
also a member of the E-Sports Association.
Nan Jiangang glanced over at him and asked, “God Chuan is very confident in them? Do you
think Canglan can win this game?”
Liu Chuan grinned. “Li Cangyu’s standards are absolutely first class and he is well aware of
the Wind Colour team. Li Cangyu would have Canglan go through special training for this
map and this game shouldn’t be a problem.”
The colleague sitting next to him whispered, “Can’t you be less boastful?”
Liu Chuan made an innocent expression. “I’m just being honest.”
Everyone, “…”
In fact, the people of the China E-Sports Association were watching the finals of Wind
Colour VS Canglan but they were also preparing for the formation of the national team.
Liu Chuan was an executive director of the E-Sports Association. He used to be an e-sports
god. Compared to the so called leadership who didn’t understand e-sports, Nan Jiangang
preferred this person. He was experienced and at least understood the game.
Liu Chuan coming here was due to Chairman Nan Jiangang’s proposal. Liu Chuan was
naturally willing to see Cat God’s performance.
In the game, Xiao Han’s sudden attack made Qin Mo passively appear. Qin Mo was shocked
for a moment but he quickly reacted. He used the blood spider to set Xiao Han in place but
Xiao Han responded quickly and used Pain Blade!
This was the assassin’s stun skill and the control time was slightly longer.
Qin Mo was dizzy and couldn’t release any skills. Xiao Han was fixed by the blood spider
and lost blood but he could still attack.
He ignored his blood loss and quickly aimed a series of big moves towards Qin Mo.
—Fatal Blow! Soul Stab! Death Strangulation!
The blood kin assassin’s dagger moved in the direction, creating a series of handsome light
effects. Qin Mo’s blood plummeted. The blood spider’s attacks could give him blood but the
amount of blood recovered wasn’t enough when compared to Xiao Han’s damage!
The three seconds stun effect ended and the awakened Qin Mo immediately used Blood Bat
However, Xiao Han suddenly disappeared in front of him.
He used Combat Stealth!
The use of this Combat Stealth was too clever and allowed him to dodge Qin Mo’s big move.
Qin Mo wanted to cough up blood. The thing that made him depressed was that He Qun
was late.
The direction cut the camera to the southeast road where He Qun was caught in Zhuo
Hang’s traps. Zhuo Hang madly pressed the keyboard to set off one trap after another. He
Qun suffered from the wave of trap explosions.
Under the stage, Bai Xuan couldn’t help sighing, “Xiao Zhuo’s style of play is really
becoming smarter. He actually learnt to use the terrain of the maze to lay a chain trap to kill
his opponent…”
Li Xiaojiang whispered, “I, I have seen him. He has been training in Space-Time Tunnel,
sometimes until late at night.”
Bai Xuan heard this and couldn’t help smiling at Li Xiaojiang. “I know Xiaojiang. Are you
helping Zhuo Hang speak?”
Li Xiaojiang blushed and stammered, “He, he is very serious.
They were roommates so Li Xiaojiang had seen Zhuo Hang frequently practice and
improve. In the beginning, Li Xiaojiang felt that the arrogant Zhuo Hang was too hard to get
along with. Then after the two of them became familiar with each other, Li Xiaojiang
discovered that Zhuo Hang didn’t have a bad nature, he was just somewhat proud.
Li Cangyu listened to Bai Xuan and Li Xiaojiang’s conversation and didn’t express his
opinion. He knew that Zhuo Hang’s progress had been largely influenced by Xiaojiang. The
fact that they absorbed each other’s advantages to help themselves improve was consistent
with Li Cangyu’s original expectations.
Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were both talented players. The fast attack combination was
better than Li Cangyu expected.
On the field, Qin Mo was suppressed by Xiao Han and He Qun lost a lot of blood from Zhuo
Hang’s serial traps. The two of them finally met in one place and He Qun was forced to open
a big move to return blood. The blood volume of both sides didn’t seem much different but
the Wind Colour members knew that they suffered a great loss in the first wave.
Qin Mo’s big move had missed while Zhuo Hang only used small skills to consume He Qun’s
blood. Meanwhile, Zhuo Hang’s big trap skills were still kept.
In the skills exchange above, Canglan gained the advantage of two big moves.
Qin Mo and He Qun’s cooperation made a lot of trouble for Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang but
Zhuo Han’s cooperation on this map was extremely tacit. The narrow passages were
covered with Zhuo Hang’s traps and the two members of Wind Colour found it difficult to
In the end, the two of them seized an opportunity to kill. Zhuo Hang used a silence trap to
control He Qun while Xiao Han quickly took away the residual blood Qin Mo.
[Frost Descends has killed Shepherd!]
Once Qin Mo died, Xiao Han immediately turned to help Zhuo Hang. Zhuo Hang opened his
big move, Trap Blast and killed He Qun!
[Great Navigator has killed Surrounding Mountains!]
In the first stage of the arena, the two newcomers of Canglan actually completed the double

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GLS: Chapter 220

Chapter 220 – Finals (6)
This result not only was unacceptable to the Wind Colour fans but the Canglan fans were
also a bit surprised. At first, everyone thought that Canglan would lost this round. After all,
He Qun was an experienced veteran player and Qin Mo wasn’t weak. This game was also
the Space-Time Tunnel map that was Wind Colour’s ace…
Unexpectedly, Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were so strong, using traps and guerilla attacks to
send away the two people of Wind Colour.
Li Cangyu was actually quite surprised. He thought that this round would be a tie or one of
Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han would die. As a result, both of them survived. They might be
residual blood but at least they were alive. The meaning of sending away the opponent was
In Wind Colour’s soundproof room, Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen frowned with some worry. He
had a type of unpredictable foreboding feeling. Wind Colour played the first game smoothly
only to robbed of the fire dragon. This was Wind Colour’s home and the Space-Time Tunnel
where Wind Colour had the unbeaten myth, yet the start was like this…
Was Li Cangyu really Captain Ling’s nemesis?
His partner Guo Xuan couldn’t help saying, “They must’ve trained specifically in this map.”
Yan Ruiwen continued, “I didn’t expect the cooperation between Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han
to be so good.”
Captain Ling Xuefeng’s expression was very calm. He heard this and finally opened his
mouth, “It’s fine. The two of you are next and you are both black magicians, which is
superior to the Shu Bai combination.”
Yan Ruiwen smiled confidently. “That’s true.”
Bai Xuan’s healing level couldn’t be doubted. Bai Xuan had the title of ‘undying cockroach’
and was the person with the highest survival ability in the Miracle League. However, the
combination of two black magicians was bad for him because the two black magicians
could complete the ‘black magic overlapping’ style. In other words, Yan Ruiwen and Guo
Xuan could alternate stacking negative states. As long as the spells stacked, they could
cause great damage using the least amount of blue consumption.
In order to maintain blood volume, Bai Xuan must continue to fill up his teammate’s blood.
In the long run, he would face the situation of running out of blue.
There must be a stable conversion ration between the amount of blue, the amount of
damage and the amount of blood. Once this stability was broken, the players would become
weaker in the later stages. The combination of two black magicians meant that one could
act as the output and the other as the control. It was also handy in a consumption battle.
The strength of the Yan Guo combination was a match for the Tan Cheng and Su Yu
It was normal for Yan Ruiwen to feel confident for the second stage.
After a short rest, Ling Xuefeng submitted the second pair for Wind Colour—Undying
Gratitude and Blade Dancer!
Vice-Captain Yan and Guo Xuan’s presence won enthusiastic applause from fans.
At this time, Zhuo Hang only had 15%. Xiao Han had the characteristic of the blood kin race
and his blood volume was slightly higher at 20%. This amount of blood wasn’t enough to
have an effect on the Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan combination.
Moreover, Xiao Han’s stealth skill was on cooldown and Zhuo Hang’s big moves were also
used. They didn’t have many skills available.
Yan Ruiwen didn’t want to talk to the opponents. He simply took Guo Xuan to a fork. They
didn’t waste control skills but quickly put Death Mantra on Zhuo Hang’s body.
Death Mantra was a basic black magic skill. It allowed the opponent to continue to lose
blood for a certain period of time. The blue amount of this skill was relatively low but five
layers must be stacked to achieve maximum effect. It was much easier to stack when two
teammates were working together.
The Yan Guo combination had been old partners for many years. They released the skills
with perfect timing and Zhuo Hang had five layers of Death Mantra stacked on him.
Zhuo Hang was in a residual blood state but he didn’t feel fear. Instead, he bravely rushed
forward and placed two Stop Traps at Yan Ruiwen’s foot.
The damage from the traps weren’t high. It was like a tickle to Yan Ruiwen…
Vice-Captain Yan killed Zhuo Hang with a small black magic skill.
The audience gave a thumbs up to Zhuo Hang’s last minute dedication. The thing that
surprised everyone was that after Zhuo Hang died, Xiao Han bravely rushed forward, the
dagger in his hand shining coldly. He wasn’t polite to Yan Ruiwen and used a series of
Yan Ruiwen was trapped in place and hit by the assassin. Fortunately, Guo Xuan quickly
took Xiao Han’s head and there wasn’t too big a loss. Otherwise, the vice-captain of Wind
Colour had no face!
Xiao Han was sent off and Yan Ruiwen sighed slightly with relief.
Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han knocked out almost 20% of his blood but his blue was still more
than 90%. Guo Xuan’s state was better, he had 100% blood and 95% blue. The two black
magicians could join hands to slowly consume the Shu Bai combination. Their chances of
winning were still big.
The game was suspended again and it was Canglan’s turn to pick.
Li Cangyu went to the command post and submitted the players. The big screen soon
showed their information—Old Cat, Juemingzi.
Yan Ruiwen almost coughed up blood!
Your sister! What about the Shu Bai combination? Cat God, you have always been the guard.
Why are you suddenly appearing in advance?

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GLS: Chapter 221

Chapter 221 – Finals (7)

Under the stage, Ling Xuefeng’s always calm face couldn’t help showing a complicated look.
Li Cangyu was truly a very cunning commander. He saw Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s
intention to consume the Shu Bai combination and decisively changed the order of the Shu
Bai combination.
It was like accepting one loss to ensure two wins. The black magician combination had the
advantage against the Shu Bai combination but the summoner with an auxiliary had the
advantage against the two black magicians! Using the lineup advantage to beat him?
Li Cangyu’s thoughts were very sensible but in the eyes of many viewers, they suddenly
felt: [Cat God is angry!] [Captain Ling must be really psychologically strong to not be
coughing up blood!] [I feel that the vice-captain is coughing up blood!] [Where is the Shu
Bai combination in the middle?]
In the regular season, the Shu Bai combination showed up in the middle transition stage
95% of the time. The main reason was that Canglan would send newcomers to fight in the
first stage and newcomers were likely to make mistakes. In a disadvantageous situation,
the Shu Bai combination could bring it back. Then Li Cangyu would play last in a steady
Today, Li Cangyu confidently placed the Shu Bai combination in the guard stage. It was
because Canglan had the advantage after the first stage and he would personally appear in
the second stage, further expanding the advantage.
He believed that Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan wouldn’t lose the game when they had such a
big advantage.
He also took Old Zhang because Zhang Jueming was a white magician. White magic and
black magic restrained each other. Old Zhang could take care of the negative states of the
black magic spells.
Yu Bing greatly appreciated Cat God’s choice. “Cat God’s approach is really wise. If he sent
Shu Bai in the second stage, he will play against Ling Xuefeng in the third stage. There is a
chance of winning but the risk will be quite big. Now that he is playing in the second stage,
he can make it very difficult for the Yan Guo combination.”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “In fact, being the second team in the playoffs is also good. You might
not be able to choose the map or mode but you can pick a lineup that will make the other
party want to cry! Especially when it is Li Cangyu. This type of cunning tactical command is
like a sharp needle against Wind Colour’s lineup. I don’t know what Captain Ling is
The direction cut the camera towards where Ling Xuefeng was sitting and everyone saw a
cold and handsome face.
Kou Hongyi was speechless for a moment. “Cough, Captain Ling is still calm!”
After the break, the Canglan second stage players went to their seats. Li Cangyu and Zhang
Jueming entered the game and immediately rushed to the centre of the map.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were still standing at a fork in the road, forming a position
where they could attack and defend each other.
Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming came over and Yan Ruiwen used the Dark Fear that he had
prepared without hesitation. Dark Fear hit!
As the most powerful black magician in the league, Vice-Captain Yan’s prediction ability
wasn’t weak. The group fear made Li Cangyu and Zhang Jueming unable to release any
The Yan Guo took advantage of this opportunity to start with a big explosion—Shadow
Winding, Hell Flames!
Black shadows and flames rose from the feet of the two people, causing Li Cangyu and
Zhang Jueming’s blood to fall.
After the three seconds of fear was almost over, Guo Xuan used the follow up control and
Dark Fear once against swept towards the opponent!
The strong and continuous control of the two black magicians was almost seamless,
showing how high the understanding between the Yan Guo combination was.
However, Li Cangyu wasn’t in a hurry. It was impossible for Yan Guo to kill him
immediately. The moment the fear ended, he used Flying Feather Steps and moved behind
Guo Xuan, directly freezing him with the water spirit!
Zhang Jueming also used the Purification skill and released the black magic Death Mantra
on Li Cangyu. The result was that Yan Guo’s black magic stacking was interrupted.
After taking care of his teammate’s negative state, Old Zhang helped increase the captain’s
crit rate and attack speed.
Li Cangyu received the buffs and fought back without hesitation.
—Water Ball, Fireball, Thunder’s Wrath!
The wave of damage was released and Yan Ruiwen was beaten into residual blood. Zhuo
Hang and Xiao Han had deliberately decreased his blood before they left the field and Li
Cangyu gave priority to killing him first.
Guo Xuan’s frozen effect was over but Old Zhang used a seal to set him in place.
God Seal set the body in place. The person affected couldn’t move but could still release
skills. The problem was that today’s map was the labyrinth. Li Cangyu used Flying Feather
Steps to move around and the stuck Guo Xuan couldn’t hit him!
Guo Xuan could only cry as he watched Yan Ruiwen’s blood fall.
Yan Ruiwen was chased and killed by Cat God and almost cried. He suddenly felt that the
summoner was the most shameless class. How could there be so many little brothers?
Spirits that couldn’t be killed!
The water spirit slowed down the opponent, the fire spirit attacked, the thunder spirit
released a group attack and the wind elf could control people by blowing them away. Yan
Ruiwen couldn’t survive once singled out by Li Cangyu.
[Old Cat has killed Undying Gratitude!]
The moment he was killed, Yan Ruiwen was convinced that Cat God was the person worthy
of standing at the peak with their captain. This hand speed was really terrible…
Li Cangyu chased Yan Ruiwen in front while Guo Xuan turned to chase Zhang Jueming. He
might’ve forced Old Zhang’s blood to 20% before dying but Li Cangyu still had over 50%
blood left.
Wind Colour’s double magician combination left the field and Canglan’s blood volume
advantage had further widened.
The combination for the third stage was Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan. On the field, Li Cangyu
had 50% blood left. What could the half-blood Cat God do?
Li Cangyu told everyone the answer with practical actions.
The moment he saw Ling Xuefeng, he didn’t hesitate to throw all his skills at Ling Xuefeng.
One fireball flew after another, looking as beautiful as fireworks. While controlling the fire
spirit’s violent attacks, he used the water elf to control Xu Feifan and also used Flying
Feather Steps to move as fast as a phantom…
Li Cangyu’s hand speed caused many viewers to feel admiration!
Ling Xuefeng lost 40% of his blood to this wave of attacks. Then Li Cangyu turned and
killed the blood spider, making it fall into cooldown.
After these skills were released, his blue was empty and Ling Xuefeng used a series of
movies to kill him.
Everyone who knew the rules of the competition knew that Li Cangyu made the final and
most crucial effort for Canglan.
Ling Xuefeng had only 60% blood left. In order to kill Li Cangyu, he used a lot of blue and
skills. Xu Feifan’s key spider was also killed by Li Cangyu while the full-blooded Shu Bai
combination were appearing next. Under the care of Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong could use his
fast attacks to beat Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan.
Li Cangyu had made all the preparations and Shu Bai just needed to not drop the chain…
The Wind Colour fans silently cursed Shu Bai, hoping their IQ would fall. However, Xie
Shurong and Bai Xuan had many years of experience in the competition and it was
impossible for them to ruin the great advantage their teammates worked hard to create.
The Shu Bai combination was very stable. Bai Xuan’s blood adding techniques weren’t
panicked and Xie Shurong’s attacks were as fast as lightning. They kept their advantage to
the end and the word ‘Victory’ popped up on the computer screen!
On the second floor of the stands, Chairman Nan Jiangang smiled. “It seems that your self-
confidence is reasonable. Canglan really did win this game.”
“Of course.” Liu Chuan smiled proudly. “I don’t casually sign players. The moment I started
cooperating with Li Cangyu, I expected him to go to the finals…” Liu Chuan looked over at
Chairman Nan. “He has been working hard all these years. Isn’t it time for him to be
Chairman Nan Jiangang was silent for a moment before saying emotionally, “He really is a
late player. He has been losing at the time and I couldn’t bear to watch it. Fortunately, he
held on until the day he could win.”
The third game, Canglan was victorious.
Wind Colour’s unbeaten myth on the Space-Time Tunnel map was successfully broken by
Li Cangyu.
Like a black horse, the Canglan team took the lead and gained the first match point in the
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GLS: Chapter 222

Chapter 222 – Finals (8)

In the soundproof room, the Wind Colour members had complicated expressions. Since the
Space-Time Tunnel was added to the professional league’s map library, the Wind Colour
team had never lost on this map…
However, the captain and Cat God were fighting each other and Wind Colour’s home
advantage was being attacked.
Everyone’s mood became a bit better after they gathered to listen to the captain’s
Ling Xuefeng had no expression on his cold face. He only said calmly, “The last game is over.
Regardless of winning or losing, there is no need to worry over the result. Adjust your
states as quickly as possible for the fourth game. Don’t drop the chain on the field!”
The captain’s language was so severe that everyone immediately adjusted their mindsets.
The Wind Colour members had experienced many games and wouldn’t collapse from losing
just one game. Ling Xuefeng saw that everyone was looking at him and continued, “The
possibility of Canglan choosing the arena at home is extremely great. This game is match
point and Li Cangyu won’t play around. He has a greater grasp of the arena than the team
They had previously been guessing wrong but this time Ling Xuefeng instinctively knew
that Canglan would choose the arena.
Judging from the third game, the 17 year old teenagers of Canglan had become excellent
professional players. Li Cangyu was sure to have confidence in Canglan’s arena.
The risk in the arena was much smaller than the team battles. If someone made a mistake,
the later combinations could move back the disadvantage. This was different from the team
battle, where a person’s mistake was likely to disrupt the team’s lineup. Once there was an
economy gap, it wasn’t easy to reverse the situation.
Ling Xuefeng always guessed Li Cangyu’s arrangements incorrectly but this time he was
On the screen, the map and mode Li Cangyu selected for the fourth game was displayed—
the arena, Thorn Valley!
The players who would appear first were Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han.
The Wind Colour members had the expressions ‘The captain finally guessed correctly’ and
Ling Xuefeng’s lips slowly curved.
Yu Bing calmly analyzed, “There is nothing questionable about Cat God’s choice of the
arena. This is match point and the stability of the arena is much higher than the team battle.
This Thorn Valley map is more favourable to Canglan!”
The difficulty of the Thorn Valley map was seven stars. It wasn’t a thrilling death map or
status map but it had one of the most complex terrains among all maps in the professional
Like its name, the map was full of thorns. Those who walked into the thorns would ‘bleed’
and lose blood for 10 seconds. In addition, there were many swamps which would slow
down movement speed and skill release speed. Invisible players could fall into the swamp
and those casting skills could be interrupted. It was a map with many natural traps.
Jiang Xu, the hunter captain spoke from the VIP stands. “This map is great for hunters!”
Cheng Wei agreed. “Yes, it seems that Cat God is very attentive to Zhuo Hang. As long as the
hunter’s traps are well placed, the Wind Colour team won’t be able to move!”
Tan Shitian smiled and touched his chin. “That might not necessarily be the case.”
Cheng Wei looked over at him. “It isn’t?”
There was an inscrutable expression on Tan Shitian’s face.”It depends on who Zhuo Hang’s
opponent is.”
Cheng Wei was stunned and he suddenly thought of the last game when Li Cangyu
appeared early to face the double black magicians. The second team didn’t have the
advantage of selecting a map but they could send people in targeted manner! Ling Xuefeng
knew that Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han were playing in the first stage. Would he send Qin Mo
or the black magicians to play against Zhuo Hang?
Cheng Wei thought this and suddenly became cold. “Surely Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t go out
The result was that the list submitted on the big screen hit Cheng Wei in the face—Undead
Demon and Out of the Ordinary!
Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan, the ace double summoners combination of Wind Colour
actually appeared in the first stage of the arena!
The Wind Colour fans were also very surprised. SInce the start of the seventh season,
Captain Ling hadn’t played many arena games but every time he did, he came out in the
crucial guarding stage. It was unprecedented for him to appear in the first stage.
Li Cangyu was very helpless when he saw this but there was no other way. He took
advantage of being the away team to target the lineup last game and Ling Xuefeng could
also use this method!
The two commanders returned to the rest seats and Li Cangyu immediately whispered to
Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han, “Don’t feel pressure. Play to your own level was much as possible
and consume their blood and skills.”
Both of them were very serious. “Understood!”
To be honest, it wasn’t that easy if Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han wanted to win against the
ultimate boss.
However, the arena game had a special feature. Since Boss Ling was coming out in advance,
it meant that next combination from Wind Colour wouldn’t be too fierce. As long as the gap
wasn’t too big, their Boss Cat would later appear and they could still move back the
The fourth game officially began.
The terrain of this map was relatively long and narrow. Both teams refreshed at each end of
the map. There were countless thorny plants and swamps on the map and the actual
amount of ground was very limited. This was the reason why hunters had a big advantage
on the map. As long as traps were laid on the ground, the opponents would be unable to
Zhuo Hang’s ability to combine traps and the terrain was well mastered, not to mention
that he had specifically trained in the map before the match. As soon as he reached the
centre of the map, he quickly laid down a number of low level Stop Traps in the open space
between the bushes and the swamp.
Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan walked side by side. After reaching the middle of the map, Ling
Xuefeng decisively summoned four demon infantry and split them up in four directions.
Ling Xuefeng’s hand speed was vividly shown as he manipulated four skeletons in different
directions with no mistakes!
The soulless skeleton infantry quickly dispersed under Ling Xuefeng’s control. There were
a few loud noises as they stepped into Zhuo Hang’s traps.
Zhuo Hang’s traps were broken by Ling Xuefeng’s pets.
The fans of Wind Colour excitedly commented: [Captain Ling is handsome! [Captain Ling, I
will give you a monkey!] [This is the first time I thought the demon’s skeletons were so
cool!” [Who cares about traps?] [With so many younger brothers, Captain Ling can break
your traps in a minute!]
Zhuo Hang actually expected this point. He knew it would be difficult to fight when he saw
the list of names.
The demon summoner could summon up to four skeleton infantry to split up the actions or
surround the enemy. The usage was very flexible. thanks to Ling Xuefeng’s hand speed,
controlling four skeleton infantry in different directions was simply a breeze.
The four skeletons were set in place and Zhuo Hang no longer hesitated. He directly
launched Trap Blast to defeat the skeletons. He knew that if the skeleton infantry didn’t die
then these four pets would become Ling Xuefeng’s pathfinder, destroying all the traps that
Zhuo Hang arranged!
As soon as the skeletons died, Zhuo Hang opened Flying Feather Steps and quickly moved
around, putting a wave of traps to hinder the other party’s progress. Xiao Han also took the
opportunity to lurk behind Ling Xuefeng and used Pain Blade!
Xiao Han didn’t expect that at this moment, Ling Xuefeng would suddenly step into the
swamp with clever sidesteps!
There were exclamations of surprise from the audience. Captain Ling couldn’t make such a
low-level mistake as stepping into the wrong area. This was obviously intentional. His
awareness was strong enough to pre-judge Xiao Han’s move!
He guessed that Xiao Han would attack at this time and decisively jumped into the swamp
to avoid Xiao Han’s initial control. Then he summoned the banshee and used a precise
Charm to forcibly drag Xiao Han into the swamp!
Xiao Han, “…”
The Canglan fans, “…”
The Canglan fans had an unpredictable feeling that the little prince would be ruthlessly
taught by Captain Ling.
Xiao Han was slapped in the face. He thought his move would hti and was ready for the next
Backstab, Fatal Blow and Soul Stab. As a result, Captain Ling cleverly hid from him and also
pulled him into the swamp!
The swamp slowed down the release of skills. This meant the assassin who relied on sneak
attacks and fast crits were restricted. In addition, the position of Ling Xuefeng’s banshee
was quite clever. It pulled XIao Han six metres away. If Xiao Han wanted to come and hit
Ling Xuefeng then it would take twice as long as usual.
At this time, Xu Feifan cooperated with the captain to form a double-sided attack. He set the
blood snake and blood spider on Xiao Han, stacking five layers of bleeding on Xiao Han!
Xiao Han fell into the swamp and Zhuo Hang had no other way to save his teammates. He
made a rational decision to attack Xu Feifan!
Zhuo Hang circled Xu Feifan and placed three Stop Traps and a Death Trap in succession,
causing the other’s blood to fall by 30%.
He followed up with a Silence Trap, making Xu Feifan unable to put out skills. Xu Feifan’s
offensive rhythm was interrupted and he could only withdraw from Zhuo Hang’s offensive
range. Xiao Han took the opportunity to climb back onto the ground but something more
tragic happened. Ling Xuefeng’s banshee appeared and used Witch Demon’s Curse!
Xiao Han, who just climbed onto shore and Zhuo Hang, who was placing a trap, were
forcibly pulled into the thorns and the two players were affected by the ‘bleeding’ state.
The audience, “…”
Ling Xuefeng’s use of the banshee was absurd. Li Cangyu originally wanted to use the map
to target Wind Colour but the result was reversed by Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng proved
through practical actions why he never lost his position as king of the Miracle League. It
was enough for him to teach the two newcomers.
Once Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang were sent off, Ling Xuefeng had 60% of his blood left while
Xu Feifan was hit by Zhuo Hang and only had 20% blood left. Wind Colour’s advantage
going into the second round was actually quite big.
Yu Bing was a bit anxious. “The Canglan team needs to send Boss Ling away as soon as
possible. If the gap is widened even more, it will be difficult to recover in the third stage!”
Cheng Wei hurriedly jumped up, “Cat God, quickly kill Ling Xuefeng!”
In fact, he just blindly said this but Old Cat’s name really appeared on the screen. Cheng Wei
Cat God really was playing!

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GLS: Chapter 223
Chapter 223 – Finals (9)

At this moment, many viewers at the venue had complicated expressions.

The finals between Canglan and Wind Colour was really fiery. Ling Xuefeng took the lead in
forcibly sending away the two newcomers. In the face of the boss, Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate
to play directly to send Ling Xuefeng away!
—I will personally send you away.
Li Cangyu seemed to be saying this to the audience.
The second stage players for Canglan were Li Cangyu and Gu Siming. He didn’t bring Zhang
Jueming because his auxiliary skills weren’t really effective on this map. On the other hand,
the thick-skinned paladin could guarantee his safety.
Once Gu Siming saw Ling and Xu, he placed Light Shield on the captain. This Light Shield
lasted a long time and would transfer all damage and negative states from the target onto
his body.
With this Light Shield, Li Cangyu was invincible. All damage and negative states like
bleeding would be supported by Gu Siming. Xiao Gu became the captain’s personal
Ling Xuefeng saw that Li Cangyu came and immediately summoned the skeleton infantry to
block him. As a result, Li Cangyu skillfully used Flying Feather Steps to move to the left,
making the skeleton infantry pounce on empty air.
Li Cangyu called the water spirit to freeze Ling Xuefeng. The other side seemed to expect
this and moved to dodge the small water spirit. Then he used the banshee’s Charm to pull
Li Cangyu over!
However, Li Cangyu moved to the right to cleverly avoid the banshee’s control!
The two men kept moving and four skills continuously missed. The audience felt a bit
drunk. How well did they know each other to mutually avoid each other’s skills for so long?
The two skills of Captain Ling couldn’t hit Cat God and Cat God couldn’t control Captain
Ling. They were really fated enemies!
Ling Xuefeng no longer hesitated and used Cover the Sky!
Li Cangyu really wanted to spit at the screen. This was his most hated skill. He could hide
from Ling Xuefeng’s other skills but the range of the vision control skill was too wide. He
was so annoyed every time the crows covered the screen.
Ling Xuefeng took advantage of the vision control to summon the demon god. This was the
demon summoner’s fourth pet. It consumed the largest amount of blue and had the longest
cooldown. Naturally, its attack power was the strongest!
Once the demon god appeared, it would become the most terrifying output.
Its body constantly emitted black mist around it, causing a wide range group damage. The
affected opponent would have the negative state ‘Demon’s Curse’. Every time the demon
god used a big move, the negative effects would constantly stack. The frequency of the
demon god’s attacks were also very fast at 1.5 seconds.
Li Cangyu’s black screen lasted for three seconds and two layers stacked on him at that
time. In addition, Xu Feifan quickly had the blood snake and blood spider bite Gu Siming.
Then he used the blood kin summoner’s big move, Blood Bat Festival!
Gu Siming’s shield was on the captain so Li Cangyu wasn’t affected. However, there were so
many attacks that the thick-skinned paladin lost a large amount of blood and fell to the
30% residual blood state.
Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan’s explosive power was so terrible that the paladin was beaten
like this!
The field control ended and Li Cangyu immediately used Wind and Clouds Destruction!
This was the counterattack to Ling Xuefeng’s banshee. He pulled people then Li Cangyu
would use Wind and Clouds Destruction to blow people away!
The release angle of this move was extremely subtle. Li Cangyu blew Ling Xuefeng and Xu
Feifan into the thorns and had the water spirit use the big move Frost Heart!
The water spirit’s Water Ball could slow down the opponent and had a certain probability
of freezing them. Frost Heart froze all those within range. Ling Xuefeng and Xu Feifan were
frozen in the thorns and their bodies were smashed by the bleeding state.
Li Cangyu then summoned the thunder spirit and used Thunder’s Wrath!
His hand speed reached the peak as he used the water, wind and thunder spirit’s big moves
to directly take Xu Feifan’s head and disable Ling Xuefeng.
The fans of Canglan were comforted. Sure enough, Cat God was reliable against Boss Ling
Everyone’s mood had just improved while Ling Xuefeng was freed from the control and
summoned four skeleton infantry, making them surround Gu Siming before exploding.
There was a loud noise and Xiao Gu’s blood fell to 10%…
Li Cangyu couldn’t bear it and directly summoned the first spirit to send Ling Xuefeng off!
[Old Cat has killed Undead Demon!]
The stage ended but the Canglan team paid a great price. The professional players watching
the situation weren’t optimistic about the next situation.
Li Cangyu was still in a good state thanks to Xiao Gu’s protection but Xiao Gu barely had any
blood left. Then Li Cangyu would have to face the situation of two against one.
In addition, the signature double black magicians hadn’t appeared yet.
The Canglan fans were distraught and hoped that Cat God could let out an explosive wave
to move the situation back.
In the second stage, Wind Colour sent Qin Mo and He Qun.
This blood cow combination was a special combination that Wind Colour formed this
Qin Mo appeared and didn’t hesitate to release a wave of skills at Gu Siming, taking away
Gu Siming’s 10% blood.
Li Cangyu really had to face a 1v2 situation…
The thing that made the audience feel admiration was that Li Cangyu still played fiercely in
this disadvantageous situation. Qin Mo was suppressed by him and could barely use skills.
His blood volume also plummeted!
He Qun clearly felt the pressure of healing. This was a pressure he normally only felt when
facing two violent outputs. He had to keep adding blood to ensure that Qin Mo’s blood was
above the safety line. Cat God’s output was terrible!
Under the protection of He Qun, it wasn’t easy for Li Cangyu to kill Qin Mo.
He could only consume as much resources as possible.
He released everything at Qin Mo in order to maximize the healer’s consumption!
The battle lasted for almost 10 minutes. Li Cangyu’s blue became empty and He Qun’s blue
was almost empty. Qin Mo finally used the blood spider and blood snake to stack five layers
of bleeding on Cat God. Then he used the vampire bats to send Cat God away!
[Shepherd has killed Old Cat!]
This made Qin Mo feel very excited. It felt different to kill his master’s strongest opponent.
It was because his master did a good job in the previous round. However, Qin Mo was
always at the bottom of the food chain and he finally turned it around. It was a rare
moment so he was sure to take a screenshot!
For the key third stage, Li Cangyu could only send the Shu Bai combination.
Wind Colour’s little prince had 80% blood left due to He Qun filling his blood. The big move
Blood Bat Festival also allowed him to suck a lot of blood. The survivability of the blood kin
race was stronger than other races.
He Qun was in a very poor state as Li Cangyu consumed almost all his skills.
Before going to the player’s seats, Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan and smiled. “This game
will be tough. Let’s refuel.”
Bai Xuan looked over at him and was about to talk while Xie Shurong put away his smile
and made a firm expression. “Whether we win or lose, we will face it together. I won’t give
up until the last moment.”
Bai Xuan’s heart was moved. He tried to say something but forcibly resisted. He knew the
probability of winning this game was very small but Ah Shu’s words calmed his mood.
Yes, they wouldn’t give up until the last moment. It was enough if they fought as hard as
they could.
Yu Bing was obviously worried as she commented, “After killing Qin Mo, they will have to
face the double black magicians of Wind Colour. It is too difficult to reverse the situation.
This is because the advantage from the previous pairs was too big.
Kou Hongyi spoke in a serious manner. “As far as today’s match is concerned, the away
team is more advantageous than the home team. Previously, Wind Colour was beaten at
home and now Canglan is being beaten. It is because the commanders can target people.”
Yu Bing nodded in agreement. “The playoff rules are applied here. The role of the map is
weakened, the effect of the lineup is strengthened and it tests the strategic deployment of
both sides.
This was normal. Otherwise, the home side would choose a familiar map to defeat the away
side and the playoffs would be no fun. In the playoffs, the home side could choose a
targeted map and mode while the away side targeted the people. This allowed the two
sides to stand at a relatively fair starting line.
Obviously, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were captains who thoroughly studied the class
characteristics and lineup.
In the last game, Li Cangyu’s targeting broke Wind Colour’s unbeaten myth in the Space-
Time Tunnel. In this game, Ling Xuefeng personally went forward to crack Zhuo Hang’s
traps and Xiao Han’s assassination skills. The advantage he made in the early stage was too
great that it was impossible for Li Cangyu to reverse the situation.
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GLS: Chapter 224

Chapter 224 – Finals (10)

Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong had appeared many times in the guard stage of the arena but
today’s situation was the most severe one they had ever encountered.
He Qun had no blue and Xie Shurong rushed to quickly kill him, but Qin Mo was still full of
blood. He had a lot of skills left and it wasn’t easy to kill a blood kin player without
consuming a lot of resources.
Bai Xuan spoke in the channel, “I won’t give you blood. Take care of it yourself.”
Xie Shurong replied in a clear voice, “Understood.”
They had to face the Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan ace black magicians combination next. The
consumption during this stage had to be minimized. Bai Xuan’s decision not to add blood to
Ah Shu was the most sensible one.
Still, Qin Mo wasn’t stupid and he won the newcomer award last season for a reason. His
awareness was excellent and he knew that Xie Shurong wanted to kill him with the lowest
cost. Qin Mo immediately used stealth to lurk behind Xie Shurong and unleash a set of crits.
The blood kin race could rely on these attacks to suck blood. Originally, he had 80% blood
and this set of moves filled it back to 100%. Many Wind Colour fans excitedly typed: [Little
prince 6666!] [Qin Mo can be called the blood-sucking prince!]
Xie Shurong was hit and quietly turned to use Spirit Lock. The sword stabbed the other
person’s chest and set Qin Mo in place. Then Xie Shurong relied on his quick attacking
method and his sword struck Qin Mo. The audience saw the swordsman’s elegant
movements like a phantom around Qin Mo’s body as his blood volume quickly fell.
Xie Shurong’s blue was still at 95%, showing that he only consumed blue for Spirit Lock!
Many spectators were surprised at Xie Shurong’s speed. His senior brother, Su Guangmo
watched from the stands and praised him. “Ah Shu’s speed is getting faster and faster. He
relies on rapid attacks to cause high damage.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded seriously and spoke one word. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong’s stat points were mainly added to attack power, allowing ordinary attacks to
cause high damage. Unfortunately, Qin Mo was full of blood. It was impossible to take his
life with normal attacks and it was necessary to use some blue consuming skills.
Qin Mo was also smart. As soon as the Spirit Lock control was over, he summoned a blood
spider to control Ah Shu and widened the distance. Then he summoned the blood snake to
quickly bite Ah Shu.
The blood snake’s attack left several layers of ‘bleeding’ on Ah Shu and Bai Xuan quickly
cleared it with the Purification skill.
However, Qin Mo sucked a lot of blood and his original half blood returned to 60%.
This type of delaying the game made Xie Shurong feel quite helpless. In order to avoid
recovery, Xie Shurong immediately used a movement skill to catch Qin Mo and used
Breaking Bone Sword and Gale Sword to beat Qin Mo to 15%.
In any case, Qin Mo was the apprentice personally taught by Ling Xuefeng. It was
impossible for him to sit still and wait for death. He didn’t hesitate to call the death knight
at a crucial moment and used the death knight to block Xie Shurong’s next attack.
Xie Shurong had to change targets to the death knight before using Devouring Soul Sword
to take Qin Mo’s head.
[Ah Shu has killed Shepherd!]
The Canglan fans clapped while the Wind Colour fans also applauded the little prince’s
The third stage was about to begin and Wind Colour’s advantage was still very big. It was
because the upcoming Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were full of blood.
Xie Shurong used a few skills and had 70% blue and 60% blood left. Bai Xuan stacked five
layers of Healing Language followed by a small healing skill to fill Ah Shu’s blood. This
blood-adding technique reduced the blue consumption to a minimum.
After a short period of adjustment, the Yan Guo combination appeared in the guard stage.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were the two strongest black magicians in the Miracle League.
The two of them had been together for three years and had a very high understanding of
each other. In the regular season, Ling Xuefeng often handed the guard over to the Yan Guo
team when he didn’t play. The two men were full of blood and very confident in this game.
Bai Xuan had a bad feeling and the result was as he expected. Yan Ruiwen used Death
Mantra as soon as he appeared and used Shadow Winding which cooperated with Guo
Xuan’s Hell Flames. Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan’s blood volumes were completely
In the face of such a violent group attack, the pressure of the healer was very big. Then Bai
Xuan was once again controlled by Yan Ruiwen’s Dark Fear.
The strength of Wind Colour’s vice-captain wasn’t ordinary. Ling Xuefeng’s light was so
dazzling that Yan Ruiwen seemed a bit bleak. In fact, anyone who played with the vice-
captain knew he was a very careful and calm player. His black magic wasn’t as good as Guo
Xuan but the release of his negative statuses and control skills was always just right.
Bai Xuan couldn’t release any skills. At this moment, Xie Shurong jumped in front of Yan
and interrupted Yan Ruiwen’s casting with one strike.
Yan Ruiwen immediately jumped to avoid him and Xie Shurong followed up with Light and
Shadow Rotation, forcing the blood of Yan Guo to 70%.
The explosive power of his big moves was truly amazing and it allowed Bai Xuan to adjust
his timing. Bai Xuan gave a thumbs up to Ah Shu’s reaction.
This battle was very difficult because Ah Shu’s blue was limited. The pressure on Bai Xuan
would get bigger and it wouldn’t be easy to recover from the previous disadvantage.
The battle dragged on for five minutes and the blood volume of both sides was constantly
Suddenly, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan took advantage of the time when Bai Xuan’s skills
were on cooldown and stacked up five layers of Death Mantra on Xie Shurong. Yan Ruiwen
followed up with Shadow Wrath.
Thanks to the five layers of Death Mantra, Xie Shurong was hit by this instantaneous skill
and directly fell to 5% blood.
Even worse, Bai Xuan’s healing pressure was too great and he had just used a single
increase skill. It was obvious how accurate Yan Ruiwen’s grasp of the timing was.
Xie Shurong still didn’t give up despite having only a bit of blood left. He fiercely rushed
towards Yan Ruiwen and hit Yan Ruiwen with all his available skills. Breaking Bone Sword,
Bloodsucking Sword and Soul Hunting Sword!
The set of gorgeous swordsman moves pleased the fans and Yan Ruiwen was beaten to 5%
residual blood. Fortunately, Guo Xuan reacted quickly and used the big move, Soul Burning!
[Blade Dancer has killed Ah Shu!]
Yan Ruiwen received a sudden shock only to have his life saved in a thrilling way. A layer of
cold sweat appeared on his hand.
The two of them teamed up to kill the healer at a very fast speed, keeping the advantage to
the end.
In the fourth game, Wind Colour won!
Still, Yan Ruiwen sent a row of thumbs up to Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan on the public
channel. They fought fiercely to the last moment. Such opponents deserved his respect.
On the second floor stands, Chairman Nan Jiangang spoke with a bit of regret. “In this game,
the Canglan lineup was targeted too badly. No one can match Ling Xuefeng’s understanding
of Li Cangyu…”
The chairman’s words were very emotional.
A careful review of today’s match showed that Canglan was defeated at home by Wind
Colour and Wind Colour was defeated at home by Canglan. This happened in four
consecutive games as the two captains exchanged blows. It was intense and exciting.
Nan Jiangang paused before saying, “In this game, Old Cat’s thoughts were correct. If he
encountered other teams in Thorn Valley then he would really win. However, he
encountered Wind Colour. Ling Xuefeng saw his move and dismantled his entire lineup,
forcing Cat God to play in advance.”
Someone next to him asked, “Would it have been better if Cat God chose another map?”
Nan Jiangang shook his head. “It will be the same. I understand Wind Colour. In addition to
LIng Xuefeng’s strong attack power, Vice-Captain Yan is actually a very stable player. Wind
Colour always has a double insurance in the arena. In addition, the away team can target
the home team. Wind Colour winning this game is within expectations.”
Liu Chuan heard this and couldn’t help saying to the person next to him, “The match
between Captain Ling and Old Cat is really like the one we played in the finals in the past.
There was a 2:2 draw and it depended on the last game. The result was that Dragon Song
won against Seven Star Grass.”
The man next to him was expressionless. “What do you want to say?”
Liu Chuan smiled.”I want to say that Old Cat will definitely win today. He signed with the
Dragon Song Club and we are born to be champions.”
The people around him, “…”
They really wanted to kill this club owner! Was he running to watch the match or speak
annoying words?
On the other hand, the man sitting next to him was calm and cold. “You better speak
properly about Cat God or his good luck will be defeated by you.”
Liu Chuan immediately made a gesture like he was zipping his lips and his eyes moved back
to the big stage.
In the soundproof room on the stage, Li Cangyu stood up very calmly and patted the
shoulders of Ah Shu and Bai Xuan, encouraging them.
Liu Chuan had seen Li Cangyu embracing his teammates and encouraging them many
times. Every time he was defeated, the man would always used his shoulders to carry his
teammates. He had a will as tough as steel and a mind as broad as the sea. Despite repeated
defeats, he was unrelenting and climbed all the way to the present.
The Thorn Valley map couldn’t show its full effect because of Ling Xuefeng’s targeted
deployment. The away team had the opportunity to send people to target the home team.
Still, Liu Chuan believed that the god of luck would eventually pay attention to this man
who worked hard for seven years in the e-sports field.
The final game, he was cheering for Cat God!

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GLS: Chapter 225

Chapter 225 – Finals (11)

On the big screen, the score of Wind Colour and Canglan bcame 2:2 and the final game
would decide victory!
The director moved the lens towards the soundproof room. The two captains gathered
their team members together to patiently explain what would happen. The final
deployment made the atmosphere particularly tense.
The fifth game was a random selection so neither of them knew the map or mode.
Li Cangyu quickly said, “If it is a team battle, we will use the most stable lineup. Xiao Gu,
Xiao Han, Ah Shu, Bai Xuan, Old Zhang and me. In the early stages, I will go to where Ling
Xuefeng is located and kill him to create an advantage.”
“If it is the arena, Xiao Zhuo and Xiaojiang will prepare to play in the first stage. You have
been working together for so long. I believe you won’t drop the chain in the finals.” Li
Cangyu patted the shoulders of the two men. “Don’t let everyone down.”
Li Xiaojiang excitedly nodded. “Yes!” He hadn’t been able to play today. Since he had an
opportunity to play, he definitely wouldn’t lose face for the team!
Li Cangyu looked at Zhuo Hang. “Protect Xiaojiang and try to move smoothly to the second
stage. As for the second stage, I will decide when looking at Wind Colour’s arrangements.
Everyone be ready to go out at any time.”
Li Cangyu smiled as his eyes swept over the faces of his teammates. “Play stably and don’t
be impatient. Even if we lose, we will still be the runner-up. There is nothing to worry
about. Just relax and play this game.” He placed his hand in front of everyone, his slender
fingers inexplicably giving them peace of mind.
“This is the last game. Refuel!” Li Cangyu declared.
The group immediately placed their hands on the captain’s hands and shouted, “Refuel!”
The battle was imminent and Yu Bing’s mood was nervous despite her commenting for
many years. “I don’t know what mode and map the final game will be. The strength of the
two teams is equal and both have a chance. I can’t predict the final result.”
Kou Hongyi opened the online voting channel and looked at the date. “The current support
rate is 55% Wind Colour and 45% Canglan. Objectively speaking, today’s Canglan has the
strength to compete for the championship.”
Yu Bing nodded. “Yes. Previously we weren’t optimistic the four newcomers, Zhuo Hang,
Xiao Han, Gu Siming and Li Xiaojiang weren’t stable enough. Today, we have seen that the
four newcomers are making rapid progress, especially Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han. They are
leading competitors among the younger generation.”
“Speaking of which, Li Xiaojiang hasn’t played today. I wonder if he will have a chance to
play in the finals?” At this moment, the director indicated that the game was starting and
Kou Hongyi immediately brought the topic back. “Audience members, the fifth game of the
seventh season finals will soon start. Turn your eyes back to the big screen!”
On the big screen, the random selection for the game mode was in progress. The pointer
kept swaying and finally it stopped. The mode selection was completed and it was the
Next up was the random map selection. The hundreds of maps in the professional league
quickly scrolled on the big screen. Which map would the system choose?
The result was soon revealed—the western suburbs of Yisu City!
The live audiences suddenly booed. This was the simplest map in the professional league!
However, in the soundproof room, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s eyes flashed with a
complicated expression.
The western suburbs of Yisu City, this was the map they were most familiar with.
The 17 year old Li Cangyu and 18 year old Ling Xuefeng used to study there every day. At
that time, there wasn’t the Miracle League and they were just ignorant teenagers who
didn’t care about the world. They just liked the summoner class and had a common
language. They met in the square every night and exchanged views on the summoner.
Li Cangyu was a rookie and he was always beaten by Ling Xuefeng, but he learnt a lot from
every fight. Ling Xuefeng also found that this elf summoner had an unparalleled game
It was a precious memory of their youth.
Today, like a fateful arrangement, they led their respective teams and encountered this
map in the finals
The western suburbs of Yisu City had almost no technical content but for Li Cangyu and
Ling Xuefeng, this map carried their pure and beautiful time.
They had played on this map many times when they were young. Now they were top gods
in the league, leading their team to win or lose on this map. They would watch each other in
the championships and leave no regrets.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi couldn’t help spitting out, “It is such a simple map
which doesn’t match the temperament of the Wind Colour and Canglan team… Of course,
this simple map can better reflect the strength of both players.”
Yu Bing said, “Next is for the captains of both sides to send people. Both sides won’t know
the opponent’s arrangements and there is a bit of luck involved.”
The two sides could only blindly choose the lineup. They couldn’t choose to target the
opponents. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng didn’t think for too long and simply submitted it.
Wind Colour: Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan.
Canglan: Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang.
The two messages appeared on screen at the same time. The Wind Colour fans suddenly
became very excited. The signature black magician combination was actually played in
advance and were facing the slow Li Xiaojiang on the Canglan team. This selection was
really good!
Many spectators thought that the balance of victory tilted towards Wind Colour. After
seeing the list, Li Cangyu turned calmly and patted the shoulders of the two teenagers. He
whispered, “Xiaojiang, pay attention to their control and use the stone pillars as obstacles
to obstruct their view of you.”
On the other side, Ling Xuefeng told Yan Ruiwen. “Watch out for the traps and fight quickly.
Yan Ruiwen smiled and nodded. “I understand.”
Guo Xuan had some gloating thoughts. ‘Slow little snail, I will let you know today what a
truly violent black magician is.’
The players on both sides went to the player seats and the deciding game officially began.
The audience was very unfavourable towards the Zhuo Li combination. They were black
magicians but Li Xiaojiang was a bit far from the famous Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan. In
addition, he was slow to move and took a long time to cast skills. Facing two opponents of
the same class, perhaps he might not be able to cast any skills later!
The facts proved it. The Yan Guo combination worked to suppress Li Xiaojiang, forcibly
interrupting many of his skills. They thoroughly understood a black magician’s skills. Once
Li Xiaojiang started casting, Yan Ruiwen could make a pre-judgement by looking at his
starting action.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s positioning were also very flexible and they avoided many low
level traps. Zhuo Li walked around the pillars and looked extremely passive.
The two black magicians of Wind Colour chased them and quickly suppressed Li Xiaojiang’s
blood to less than 50%.
After seeing that Li Xiaojiang was forced into a corner of the square, Yan Ruiwen and Guo
Xuan started tacitly reading their big moves. As long as these moves hit, Li Xiaojiang would
die in a matter of seconds.
However, at this critical moment, Zhuo Hang suddenly moved from behind a fountain and
teleported behind the Yan Guo pair, using a Silence Trap.
The hunter’s Silence Trap made the person caught in it unable to use any skills. Yan Ruiwen
and Guo Xuan’s big moves were forcibly interrupted. The two people had a bad feeling and
tried to retreat. The result was that Zhuo Hang had cleverly placed a row of traps behind
This retreat caused them to step into a hunter’s trap and they were set in place.
Zhuo Hang’s trap release speed was extremely fast and the timing was also clever. Yan Guo
not only had their big moves interrupted but were also silent and fixed in place. They
became frozen targets!
Li Xiaojiang naturally wouldn’t let go of this opportunity. As early as when Zhuo Hang
placed the trap, he hid in a corner of the fountain and started casting. Zhuo Hang’s traps hit
and then Li Xiaojiang’s big move followed—Death Mantra, Hell Flames!
His casting speed was slow and he could only release two skills but his attacks were
extremely strong!
A large number of points was added into magic attack and the result of his big move was
frightening. Death Mantra increased the black magic damage and Hell Flames caused Yan
Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s blood to instantly drop to 65%!
Li Xiaojiang followed up with Dark Fear!
The fixed body and silence state on Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were lifted. The result was it
had just been lifted when Li Xiaojiang’s Dark Fear successfully hit!
The two teenagers’ cooperating with each other made Guo Xuan feel a bit annoyed but it
couldn’t be helped. Li Xiaojiang’s group control made him and Yan Ruiwen affected by the
fear effect and they couldn’t release skills.
Zhuo Hang took advantage of this to explode a wave of traps. The skill effect on the big
screen was gorgeous. Li Xiaojiang also stably cast a continuous damage skill—Shadow
Black mist wrapped around Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s body. Once all the skill damage
was settled, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s blood had fallen to 45%!
Many people were gobsmacked. The snail’s burst of attacks was really amazing!
Yu Bing, who always admired Li Xiaojiang, immediately said, “Xiaojiang was pressured and
couldn’t cast his skills in the early stages, but he wasn’t discouraged. He might be young but
his mental state is stable. He didn’t panic and seriously put out each skill. This is very rare
for a newcomer.”
Kou Hongyiadded, “Of course, the key is Zhuo Hang’s clever grasp of the timing. He used the
terrain of the fountain to complete the movement of Flying Feather Steps and arrange traps
behind the opponents. It is really fascinating.”
Yu Bing nodded. “Xiaojiang’s reaction is also very fast. The moment that Zhuo Hang acted,
he pre-judged where to cast it and he was also skilled in the release and connection of the
black magic. It was beautiful.”
The two commentators praised Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang because they had performed
very well.
Under the stage, Li Cangyu sighed with relief. It wasn’t wrong for him to spend so much
time and energy to train Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang. The cooperation between the two of
them dazzled their captain.
After all, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were experienced players. Zhuo Li’s outbreak caused
them to suffer losses but Yan Ruiwen quickly adjusted his position and cooperated with
Guo Xuan.
This time, the benefits of the double black magicians showed. Death Mantra was constantly
stacked so that Li Xiaojiang and Zhuo Hang always had blood loss. A long time passed and
the blood gap was pulled back. Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang also weren’t as passive as the
beginning. They instead took the initiative to attack.
They knew they had to do their best to get rid of more blood, consuming the other party as
much as possible to pave the way for their next teammates.
Zhuo Hang used his hand speed to release a wave of traps and explode a large amount of
blood from the Yan Guo combination. Li Xiaojiang also cast Soul Burning right before he
died, hitting Yan Ruiwen and making him lose blood while Guo Xuan lost blue.
The Zhuo Li combination was eventually killed but they fought until the end and managed
to turn Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan into a bloody state!
Yan Ruiwen had 20% blood left while Guo Xuan had 15% blood. Both of them also didn’t
have much blue. In particular, Yan Ruiwen was hit by Li Xiaojiang’s Soul Burning at the last
moment and his blue was burnt, leaving only 15% left.
The result was really unexpected, especially for the Wind Colour fans. They thought the Yan
Guo combination would easily take care of their opponents. They didn’t expect for Li
Xiaojiang’s psychological state to be very stable. He found a chance to fight back even when
suppressed. The black magic spells he cast were also very scary.
Li Xiaojiang’s level wasn’t as good as Yan Ruiwen. The shy teenager might be at the bottom
of the Canglan team but his bones were extremely tough. He put all his effort in every game
and did his best for the Canglan team!
This was enough!
Li Cangyu saw Li Xiaojiang coming this way and rubbed his head “Good, your mission is
done. Hand it over to your teammates.” He got up and submitted the lineup for Canglan’s
second stage.
Kou Hongyi wondered, “Will Canglan send the Shu Bai combination?”
He had just finished speaking when two names popped up on the big screen—Xiao Han and
Xie Shurong.
Kou Hongyi was punched in the face and had to cough twice. “Cat God is worthy of being
called the demolition expert. He dismantled the ace combinations of other teams and now
he separated the Shu Bai combination of his own team!”
The Shu Bai combination was broken and Xie Shurong actually partnered with Xiao Han.
This was unexpected for everyone.
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GLS: Chapter 226

Chapter 226 – Finals (12)

Xie Shurong’s biggest feature was his fast attacks and Xiao Han was also a very sensitive
player. By combining these two people, Li Cangyu’s intentions were obvious—play quickly!
The Shu Han combination’s movement speed was as fast as lightning. Guo Xuan was about
to read a skill when he was interrupted by Xie Shurong’s first move, Breaking Bone Sword.
Xiao Han also cleverly lurked behind Guo Xuan and released Backstab and Fatal Blow!
[Frost Descends has killed Blade Dancer!]
The residual blood Guo Xuan couldn’t cast a skill before dying. It was enough to see that
Xiao Han’s explosive power didn’t lose to the league’s first-class assassins.
Yan Ruiwen was smart. The moment his teammate was fixed in place, he quickly moved
and pulled away from the Shu Han combination. He followed up with the single target
attack skill, Soul Burning. This was the skill that Li Xiaojiang released before dying and it
caused Ah Shu to lose blood while his blue fell.
Then he used the Hell Flames group attack to successfully hit Xiao Han, although Xie
Shurong escaped with a teleport skill. He quickly chased Yan Ruiwen and stabbed the other
person’s chest.
The terran swordsman waved his silver sword and unceremoniously struck Yan Ruiwen.
[Ah Shu has killed Undying Gratitude!]
The residual blood Yan Guo combination couldn’t last for half a minute under the rapid
attacks of the Shu Han combination. It could be seen that Li Cangyu’s intentions behind
sending them in the second stage instead of the Shu Bai combination was perfectly realized.
In this way, Wind Colour didn’t have much of an advantage because Xiao Han had 80%
blood and 90% blue while Xie Shurong was almost full of blood.
The Canglan fans immediately heated up. They didn’t expect the combined power of Ah Shu
and the little prince to be so powerful. The two players were as fast as lightning, their
strikes fierce.
[Canglan, I’m cheering for you!] [Giving strength to Tree God and the little prince!] In the
live broadcast room, everyone was cheering on the players.
On the Wind Colour side, Ling Xuefeng submitted the lineup for the second stage—Qin Mo
and Xu Feifan!
This lineup made the eyes of the audience shine. Kou Hongyi immediately interjected, “Xu
Feifan and Qin Mo are both blood kin summoners! This combination hasn’t appeared in the
previous Wind Colour games against Canglan. The double summoners should be dominant
against double melee.”
Yu Bing said, “The vision in today’s square map is very clear. If Ah Shu and Xiao Han quickly
interrupt their casting, the summoners will have a headache.”
“In other words, both sides have hope. We will have to see who can seize the opportunity!”
Kou Hongyi added.
Xu Feifan and Xie Shurong both debuted in the third season while Qin Mo and Xiao Han
were newcomers in the team and had the title of ‘little prince’. Both sides could be called
The audience were nervous while Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were focused on the
big screen.
Qin Mo and Xu Feifan were both blood kin players. The moment they refreshed on the map,
the two of them became invisible and walked side by side to the centre of the map. Their
goal was obvious. First kill Xie Shurong!
Ah Shu couldn’t see the other side who were invisible and could only rely on his fast
movement skills to shuttle back and forth between the stone pillars. Suddenly, Qin Mo
locked on the target and the blood spider accurately set Xie Shurong in place. This was
followed by the blood snake which bit Xie Shurong!
Xu Feifan also moved to set a blood snake on Xie Shurong!
Ah Shu was set in place and couldn’t move. He had to hold out against the next wave of
attacks. Qin Mo and Xu Feifan tacitly understood to use their big move on Xie Shurong—Bat
Summoning, Blood Bat Festival!
At this time, Xiao Han suddenly appeared behind Xu Feifan and stunned him using Pain
Xu Feifan’s big move couldn’t be used and Qin Mo’s move only hit Xie Shurong to half blood.
Ah Shu was released from the control and returned fire. He teleported to Xu Feifan and
cooperated with Xiao Han, using Light and Shadow Rotation!
The damage caused by Light and Shadow Rotation was proportional to the number of times
the sword hit the target. If there were multiple enemies in range then the damage would
naturally be dispersed to many people. Now Xie Shurong used the group attack on Xu
Feifan and the damage was quite scary. The big move directly knocked out 35% of Xu
Feifan’s blood!
In addition, Xiao Han wasn’t polite. He moved to the rear and raised his dagger to unleash
the assassin’s most dangerous combo— Backstab, Soul Stab, Death Strangulation!
Xu Feifan was hit by both people and his blood fell to 40%. He had to summon the knight to
save his life.
During this time, Qin Mo had been using the blood snake and blood spider to nibble on Ah
Shu. Ah Shu now had 10 layers of bleeding stacked on his body and his blood fell below
Compared with the previous games where the Shu Bai combination appeared, the pace of
this game was significantly faster.
Xie Shurong was affected by bleeding but he didn’t appear afraid. He still fought very hard
in a handsome manner. His sharp sword left white shadows everywhere!
The terran swordsman chased the blood kin summoner and slashed at him. Xu Feifan
wanted to use his pet to control the opponent but Xiao Han wisely killed his pet.
The surrounded Xu Feifan had to move around the fountain. Qin Mo chased after him and
attacked Xie Shurong!
The result was that while Xie Shurong was killed, Xu Feifan was also killed.
[Shepherd has killed Ah Shu!]
[Frost Descends has killed Out of the Ordinary!]
This was a violent exchange of heads. Both sides set fire to kill each other at the fastest
speed, tacitly setting the goal as the god on both sides.
The ones remaining were the little princes of Canglan and Wind Colour, two young players
of the next generation.
This scene completely ignited the emotions of fans on both sides. Currently, Qin Mo had
60% blood and 50% blue while Xiao Han had 50% blood and 40% blue. Qin Mo still had
some advantages because Xiao Han was hit by Yan Ruiwen at the beginning of the second
The two men were across each other at the fountain and there were no movements for a
Since they met each other, they had always been fighting in the online game. Xiao Han was
a rookie and always killed by Qin Mo. As time passed, Qin Mo discovered that this clever
mixed-race boy progressed quickly. He had been tempered in the seventh season and
today’s Xiao Han couldn’t be underestimated!
Qin Mo took a deep breath and continuously summoned blood spiders, blood snakes, blood
knights and blood bats. The many pets were arranged in front of their master. This was the
violent blood-sucking style of the blood kin summoner.
Jack Josh, the world’s strongest blood kin summoner liked this gorgeous style of play. Qin
Mo previously used it often until he was severely taught by Cat God in the online game.
Now he was fighting in the finals!
He wanted to use a wave of blood kin pets to take Xiao Han’s life away in one breath!
The blood kin pets spread out rapidly under Qin Mo’s control and surrounded Xiao Han.
Xiao Han saw this scene and quickly used stealth to escape. However, Qin Mo was quick and
used his blood bats to make the invisible Xiao Han appear.
Xiao Han just kept rushing forward. The audience discovered at this time that Xiao Han
wasn’t escaping at all. He instead rushed to the blood kin spider!
His dagger fell and blood splashed. The blood kin spider was killed by him in a few seconds.
“Xiao Han seems to have no plans to save his life. He has only one idea, attack, constantly
attack!” Kou Hongyi exclaimed excitedly when he saw this scene. “The little princes on both
sides are playing very hard. They are exploding their full force to create advantages for
their masters in the last round.”
Xiao Han’s approach was actually very clever. He was surrounded by the blood kin pets and
couldn’t escape, even if he was invisible. The reason why he entered stealth was to force
QIn Mo’s bat move.
Many players were likely to be dazzled when facing a large number of blood kin pets but
Xiao Han’s goal was very clear. First kill the spider so that he wouldn’t be set in place,
followed by killing the blood knight. Then the master would lose the protection effect of the
Qin Mo summoned many pets. In addition to stacking up the bleeding effect, he wanted to
greatly consume Xiao Han’s blue. The spider and knight died but Xiao Han paid a heavy
price. He only had 20% blood and blue left, while there were still five layers of bleeding on
his body.
By the time the bleeding effect ended, Xiao Han would directly die!
At this moment, Qin Mo used Combat Stealth to disappear from Xiao Han’s vision.
This practice might seem shameless but Qin Mo was actually being quite rational. As long
as he was invisible, Xiao Han didn’t have an enemy to attack. He couldn’t suck blood and the
stacked bleeding would make him die in 10 seconds.
The Canglan fans felt reluctant. It would take a long time for Xiao Han to kill the pets and
too much bleeding was stacked. Was it necessary for him to die this way?
The Canglan fans were feeling depressed when Xiao Han suddenly used the assassin’s only
ranged attack, Arc Stab!
This skill was difficult to use. The assassin would throw the dagger in their hand and cause
damage along the arc that the dagger passed through. It was a type of damage chain attack.
The audience saw Xiao Han throwing the dagger into the air. Qin Mo was actually in the arc
of this attack and was unexpectedly hit by Xiao Han!
Qin Mo, “…”
He didn’t expect this guy’s judgment ability to be so strong. Xiao Han actually guessed the
position of the invisible Qin Mo!
After the opponent was revealed, Xiao Han didn’t rush to kill Qin Mo. He used a rapid
displacement to kill the bats. This attack didn’t absorb a lot of blood. Qin Mo decisively used
the blood snake to finally take away Xiao Han’s life.
[Shepherd has killed Frost Descends!]
He succeeded in killing Xiao Han but Qin Mo was particularly shocked. This person had
improved recently. Not only were his pre-judgment skills quite accurate, the calculation of
his various damages was also very clever.
If it wasn’t for the blood and blue advantage that Vice-Captain Yan had created, Qin Mo
might not be able to complete the kill against him. Despite completing the killing, Qin Mo
found that almost all his skills were used up by Xiao Han.
The blood spider, blood knight and blood bats were killed, with only the poor blood snake
Yu Bing couldn’t help expressing her admiration. “Xiao Han couldn’t kill the opponent but
he guaranteed that his next teammates wouldn’t be at a disadvantage. He showed
consideration to the overall situation of the team. To have such an excellent general view
and ability to make the most rational judgment at a crucial moment, Xiao Han really
surprised me.”
Kou Hongyi also felt admiration. “Their two masters are fated enemies and the little princes
show signs of also being enemies. This strength is really high! Next they will hand it to the
players in the final guard stage!”
The audience members warmly clapped and the Canglan team sent their final combination
to the guard stage.
—Old Cat, White Fox.
The appearance of these two IDs caused many Canglan fans to tear up.
The partners for seven years, partners who had been fighting together for seven years!
No matter how cruel failure was or how depressing the experience, Vice-Captain Bai always
faced it together with Li Cangyu. Without the vice-captain’s persistence, there wouldn’t be
the Cat God of today.
Now in the guard stage of the finals, they were finally working together again.
They would face the outcome with the most tacit combination of the old partners!

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GLS: Chapter 227

Chapter 227 – Finals (13)

Qin Mo only had one blood snake left, so he didn’t hesitate to have the snake bite Cat God
when he saw Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan coming over. However, Li Cangyu didn’t give him a
chance. He used a simple water spirit summoning and the Water Ball attack to delay the
progress of the blood snake. At the same time, he summoned the fire spirit and used two
Fireballs to kill Qin Mo in one breath.
He sent Qin Mo away using the least consumption and the Wind Colour team finally sent
their combination for the guard stage—Ling Xuefeng and He Qun, also a summoner and
This was really a once-in-a-lifetime show.
Kou Hongyi exclaimed excitedly, “The two captains are really connected. They are playing
the last stage with a milk dad!”
Yu Bing added, “The personal strength of the two summoners is at the top of the league. It
is fair for them to bring healers with them.”
The professional gods watching the game were all focused on the big screen. The camera
showed Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng looking very calm, as if they had been waiting for this
scene for a long time.
The guard stage of the deciding game officially started!
The blood kin sacrifice He Qun followed Ling Xuefeng. Once they arrived at the centre of
the square, they saw Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan across the fountain. Li Cangyu had the water
and fire spirits while LIng Xuefeng hadn’t summoned any pets. The two sides moved
around the fountain and Li Cangyu acted first.
Once Cat God moved, he was as fast as the wind. He used Flying Feather Steps to enter
within attack range of Ling Xuefeng.
The water and fire spirits moved to the left and right, surrounding Ling Xuefeng.
—Frost Heart, Raging Prairie Fire!
Two big moves were used as soon as they met!
Li Cangyu generally used the small skills of the water and fire spirits to hit the opponent, in
order to lower his blue consumption. Today he met Ling Xuefeng and used his big moves to
smash the other person. It was because his enemy took a healer. If he played using small
skills then it would be like tickling Ling Xuefeng.
He Qun didn’t expect Cat God to be so fierce and use two big moves which caused both of
them to lose a lot of blood. He had to open the blood kin sacrifice’s big move, Desperate
Sacrifice, which had a long cooldown time. The blood of both people were quickly restored.
Li Cangyu immediately turned around and re-positioned himself. He wanted to summon
the thunder spirit but Ling Xuefeng couldn’t sit still. The freezing effect of Frost Heart
ended and he instantly summoned four skeleton infantry. At the same time, he used
Skeleton Explosion to force Cat God’s blood down.
Bai Xuan quickly placed five layers of Healing Language on Cat God to let his blood slowly
recover, then gave a small healing skill to fill the blood.
Ling Xuefeng saw this scene and summoned the black crows and demon god to unleash a
wave of crits.
This damage was too terrible. Bai Xuan had to use the priest’s Divine Blessing to force their
blood back up.
The professional players in the stands were very impressed. The two people weren’t kind
to each other and unleashed a heavy bombardment, causing the pressure on both sides to
be very high. It had been less than half a minute since the stage started and He Qun and Bai
Xuan were already forced to use their big moves. It could be seen how terrible Ling Xuefeng
and Li Cangyu’s explosive power was. Once the healer couldn’t keep up with the rhythm,
the player was likely to be killed in one wave!
Bai Xuan’s eyes were fixed on the screen. Their understanding of many years made it easy
for him to judge Li Cangyu’s next move and Li Cangyu also knew Bai Xuan’s position. It was
like Li Cangyu had eyes in the back of his head. Even when he was rapidly moving using
Flying Feather Steps, he always kept within range of Bai Xuan.
After the wave of big moves, Li Cangyu quickly moved. He used Fireball and Water Ball on
Ling Xuefeng. Fireball dealt damage while Water Ball slowed Ling Xuefeng down, so he
couldn’t catch up and would become passive.
Cat God’s hand speed reached its highest speed. The audience saw the summoner wearing
the white elf’s costume quickly move around Ling Xuefeng like the wind. The blue water
sphere and red fire sphere were alternately thrown from the distance, dazzling people.
Cat God’s offensive rhythm was extremely fast. Relatively speaking, Captain Ling was much
calmer. He suddenly placed the banshee in a clever position and accurately used Charm to
pull Li Cangyu!
He followed up with the skeletons to quickly reduce Li Cangyu’s blood volume. Bai Xuan
had to release his hand speed to fill his teammate’s blood. Captain Ling’s output was too
fierce and Bai Xuan’s skills consumption was more terrible than a team battle.
The two sides faced each other for five minutes. Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were still full
of blood, making the viewers feel anxious. Yu Bing quickly explained, “In an arena game
with healers, it is difficult to wipe out the opponent in seconds. He Qun and Bai Xuan are
first-class healers. Thus, Captain Ling and Cat God can only use a lot of skills to consume the
healer and then seize an opportunity to break out.”
“We can see that although the captains are still full of blood, the healers have many big
moves are on cooldown and the amount of blue is getting less and less. Once they can no
longer keep up with the rhythm, the blood of their teammate will be wiped out in one
“He Qun and Bai Xuan will surely be very nervous right now. The captains of both sides are
fast and their skills are overwhelming. Under the pressure of the high-intensity healing, it is
easy to make mistakes!”
At this moment, Bai Xuan suddenly changed targets to He Qun. He used Purification to set
the other party in place, then quickly stacked up five layers of Healing Language!
In Miracle, the healers had a special feature. Healing skills would add blood to their
teammates while decreasing it for the opponents. The Purification skill would have a
similar effect on the opponent!
Bai Xuan’s change in target caused many viewers to feel confused, only for Li Cangyu to
also change targets. His elf summoner moved around a stone pillar at a very fast speed and
his water and fire spirits aimed their skills at He Qun!
He Qun had been full of blood. Now he fell to half blood from this wave!
Once the control effect ended, He Qun opened Lava Shield to counter all damage.
Yet at this moment, Li Cangyu decisively stopped and switched targets back to Ling
Xuefeng. It was because Ling Xuefeng had rushed over and used the demon god.
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were attacked by the demon god and had three layers of negative
effects stacked on them. Their blood started to plummet. The worst thing was that Ling
Xuefeng switched targets to Bai Xuan and called the crows to block Bai Xuan’s vision!
Bai Xuan was in a blinded state he still aimed to the front left, casting the Holy Star group
Li Cangyu couldn’t be seen with his eyes but the tacit understanding allowed him to judge
Li Cangyu’s general position. At critical moments, Li Cangyu was always to his left in front
of him!
The magnificent ‘blind casting’ become the classic shot of the seventh season. Bai Xuan’s
healing chain fell on Li Cangyu’s body, bringing Cat God’s blood back to 60%!
Bai Xuan was hurt by Ling Xuefeng’s move and only had 50% blood left, while also being
affected by the demon god’s negative state. He couldn’t restore the blood volume of both of
them at the same time…
At this time, Bai Xuan made a choice that was unexpected for many Canglan fans. He
struggled to move behind a stone pillar and used this brief respite to cast the healer’s big
move, Holy Light Surge!
Holy Light Surge was one of the most powerful single target healing skills, restoring 40%
His goal wasn’t his residual blood self but Li Cangyu to the front left.
This skill was released and Li Cangyu instantly became full blood. Bai Xuan only had 15%
blue left and he didn’t hesitate to use another skill—Energy Infusion!
This was a skill that transferred all his current blue volume to his teammate!
The spectators were gobsmacked and even the professional players felt complicated.
Bai Xuan’s approach was equivalent to a last-ditch attempt. It was hard for him to
guarantee the blood of two people so he decisively abandoned himself and gave the
opportunity to survive to his captain.
This was out of absolute trust in his old partner.
He believed that even if he was dead, Li Cangyu would be full of blood and additional blue
and this was enough to take care of the opponent.
Bai Xuan fell with a smile.
Ling Xuefeng felt very impressed the moment he killed Bai Xuan. This person was able to
make a strong decision at the crucial moment and abandon himself. He was worthy of being
the partner who stood next to Li Cangyu for seven years.
Thanks to the additional blue, Li Cangyu immediately used the water spirit’s Water Ball to
freeze He Qun in place. He took advantage of the fact that most of He Qun’s skills were on
cooldown and released his hand speed, taking away He Qun’s head!
[Old Cat has killed Surrounding Mountains!]
The audience didn’t expect that the healers of both sides would die.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were now 1v1. They were both full of blood thanks to the milk
dad but the Energy Infusion skill before Bai Xuan’s death meant Li Cangyu’s blue was 15%
higher than Ling Xuefeng.
What could an extra 15% blue do?
Li Cangyu told everyone the answer with practical actions.
Wind spirit summoning, Wind and Clouds Destruction!
This skill precisely blew Ling Xuefeng and his demon god pet into the fountain.
The demon god was out of range of his attacks. Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to
quickly move closer. He called the fire spirit to release a fierce attack, followed by
Thunder’s Wrath. This forced Ling Xuefeng’s blood down to 50%.
Ling Xuefeng also started to fight back—Witch Demon’s Curse, Skeleton Explosion!
The extremely strong pull dragged Li Cangyu into the water where the four skeleton
infantry were prepared. They exploded and Li Cangyu’s blood sharply decreased.
The two people didn’t go easy and the exchange of skills dazzled the audience.
Their rhythm was so fast that even the experienced commentators couldn’t tell what skills
they used. It could only be distinguished with the slow replay.
In the blink of an eye, the two men pressed their opponent’s blood below 20%. In the
absence of a healer, the two of them played three times faster than before and their various
moves filled the audience with excitement!
Li Cangyu calculated his blue consumption and the final skill cooldown time. Frost Heart
and Raging Prairie Fire still had 10 seconds left on their cooldown. These two set of moves
could undoubtedly kill Ling Xuefeng but his blue wasn’t enough.
If his speculation was correct, Ling Xuefeng’s blue was enough to summon a large number
of skeletons because the summoning cost was relatively small. The damage of the skeletons
was enough to kill him.
Li Cangyu absolutely couldn’t let him summon the skeletons and grab the first hand!
Li Cangyu thought this and immediately used Flying Feather Steps. He moved before the
stone pillars, temporarily escaping Ling Xuefeng’s field of view.
Many years ago when they were still 17 and 18 years old, they met every night to fight in
Yisu City Square. Li Cangyu especially liked to slowly grind down Ling Xuefeng’s blood
around the pillars.
At that time, he was a rookie and could only rely on such means to let himself live a bit
Today, they were both players who stood at the peak of the summoner’s class. The strategy
used by Li Cangyu returned them to the age of the online game.
This method was also effective because the elf race moved faster than the demon race.
Ling Xuefeng was very familiar with this method of avoidance. Li Cangyu moved behind a
stone pillar and Ling Xuefeng didn’t hesitate to follow. As he moved, he quickly summoned
four skeleton infantry, prepared to hit the other side.
However, he had just moved around the stone pillar when he found Li Cangyu’s water spirit
waiting for him.
—Frost Heart!
The overwhelming ice and snow, like a mountain top, froze all targets within a radius of 5
The water spirit’s big move consumed a lot of blue from Li Cangyu while accurately
freezing Ling Xuefeng and his skeleton infantry.
Li Cangyu only had 5% blue left, which was only enough to summon a pet.
The freezing time was three seconds. He had to find a way to kill Ling Xuefeng in three
seconds or else the awakened demon would empty his blood.
What was Cat God going to do?
The audience was anxious, especially the Canglan fans whose fists were clenched with
At this moment, Li Cangyu summoned the demon and attached it to Ling Xuefeng’s back…
Yu Bing was shocked. “Oh my god, he still has this pet!”
The demon was the summoner’s shared pet and the amount of blue required for
summoning wasn’t too much. There was only one effect: greatly slow down the movement
speed of the target.
In the regular season, Ling Xuefeng used this pet to control LI Cangyu. Now in the finals, Li
Cangyu repaid him by using Demon Possession to control Ling Xuefeng.
After three seconds, the freezing effect on Ling Xuefeng and the skeleton infantry ended but
he had no way of catching up with the fast moving elf summoner.
Li Cangyu relied on his agility and used the simplest attack that didn’t consume blue to hit
Ling. He took advantage of the opponent’s slower movements to move around the pillars
and lowered the other person’s blood to 0%…
[Old Cat has killed Undead Demon!]
All the Canglan fans finally couldn’t stand the excitement and jumped up from the seats,
screaming and cheering!
The two people in the soundproof room were very tired due to the fierce battle. Li Cangyu’s
fingers left the keyboard but Ling Xuefeng’s hand was still on his keyboard. He quickly
typed: [Congratulations.]
Li Cangyu smiled and replied: [Thank you.]
Many years ago when he was a rookie, no one in the online game played the elf summoner
because they died too easily. However, Li Cangyu had his own thoughts. In his view, as long
as the full agility route was taken, he could maximize the elf’s inherent speed advantage to
compensate for his lack of defense.
Many people opposed it at the time and some even said it was a fantasy.
It was only Ling Xuefeng who encouraged him. “If you have your own ideas then you can
try it.”
This test lasted seven years. Despite Li Cangyu changing games in the middle, he always
adhered to his agile and quick-moving tactical style.
Now he finally proved it to all those who questioned him. The elf summoner wasn’t weak!
In the deciding game of the finals, Li Cangyu relied on the deceleration control of the
demon and played the elf summoner’s agility to the extreme, defeating the famous god Ling
Xuefeng who was on the world summoner’s list!
This was the lightning fast elf summoner—Cat God Li Cangyu!
The champions of the seventh season belonged to the brand new team he led—Canglan!

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GLS: Chapter 228
Chapter 228 – Post-Match Interview

Li Cangyu hugged Bai Xuan as soon as he got off the player seats. If Bai Xuan had
abandoned his teammate at the crucial moment then it wouldn’t have been so easy to kill
LIng Xuefeng. Li Cangyu only had a bit of blood left when Ling Xuefeng died. It was obvious
how important the adding of blood and transfer of blue before Bai Xuan died was.
They had been walking side by side for so many years and mainly faced failure together.
Today, they finally joined hands to receive the crown of the championship!
There was no need to express too much gratitude between the old partners. There was just
a tight hug but Bai Xuan naturally understood.
As he was hugged by Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan also felt moved. He had watched Li Cangyu’s hard
work all those years. If it wasn’t for Li Cangyu’s firm beliefs then he wouldn’t have
persisted to the end.
The management and fans of Canglan who came to the venue saw Cat God and Vice-Captain
Bai hugging and a few of them couldn’t help crying.
They had been waiting for this moment!
Their favourite players experienced so many twists and turns, from the team disbanding
twice to returning with a new team. They finally reached today’s finals and worked
together to win in the deciding game!
Winning the championship was a dream that Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan had buried in their
hearts when they were young. They had been working hard for this dream but in each
season, their team was always far away from the championship.
Today, as if they were dreaming, the brand new Canglan team climbed through the thorns
all this way and finally won the championship of the seventh season!
People were happy for Canglan and proud of Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai!
Li Cangyu walked towards his teammates and immediately received a warm embrace from
everyone. The four teenagers surrounded the captain while Old Zhang hugged everyone.
The always lively man was really excited at this moment.
The Canglan fans saw this scene and suddenly couldn’t make a sound. The team’s emblem
was lifted up high and the posters were waved in the hands of those wearing a neat white
uniform, forming a white and blue ocean!
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing was shaking with excitement. “Congratulations to Cat
God, congratulations to Canglan! The championship of the seventh season belongs to the
Canglan team! Perhaps this is beyond the expectations of many people but the Canglan
members personally proved it to everyone. They won in the finals and really have the
strength to win the championship!”
Kou Hongyi was affected by Yu Bing’s emotions and his voice was also high-pitched.
“Canglan and Wind Colour, this finals match was very fierce. I think this match will
definitely be a classic match in the history of Miracle. It will be reviewed and studied
repeatedly by future professional players.”
“At 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, the Miracle League will hold the awards ceremony for
the seventh season! All types of awards will be revealed. Please wait and see!”
“The finals of the seventh season is over but the Miracle journey isn’t over. The World
Competition is coming and the rules regarding the selection of the national team will come.
Please keep an eye on the official website of the Miracle League!”
“Audience members, see you again tomorrow!”
The two hosts summed things up and the live broadcast video was closed. Still, many
viewers were reluctant to leave the room and kept celebrating Canglan’s win. Everyone
was still immersed in the fierce competition and watched the slow motion replay that
relive every detail of the game.
After Li Cangyu and his team members hugged, they went to Wind Colour’s soundproof
room to shake hands.
The Wind Colour members were very graceful. They might’ve lost but they acted
generously, especially the captain Ling Xuefeng. He took the initiative to extend his arms
and hug Li Cangyu. Then he whispered, “You played very well. You are deserving of this
Li Cangyu’s mood was particularly pleasant after the other person’s acknowledgement. He
hugged Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “You are very powerful. I don’t know how many brain
cells died in order to win against you today.”
This seemed to be a joke but it was the most direct expression of Li Cangyu’s heart. It was
too hard to win against Ling Xuefeng. He racked his brains in the past few days and killed
many brain cells formulating various strategies. Today’s game was very thrilling. If it
wasn’t for his powerful teammates, Canglan wouldn’t be able to win today.
As the strongest opponents, they were very familiar with each other’s strength. There was
some component of luck involved in the result. In particular, in the guard stage of the
deciding game, it was obvious that Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan had a higher tacit understanding
than Ling Xuefeng and He Qun.
Ling Xuefeng heard this and guessed that Li Cangyu hadn’t slept well in recent days. He
couldn’t help saying softly, “Yet you still won. After so many years, you finally won the
championship. I am really happy for you.”
Li Cangyu tightened his grip. “Thank you Xuefeng.”
He knew that Ling Xuefeng wasn’t a narrow-minded person and Ling Xuefeng wasn’t
bothered by the loss in the finals. Ling Xuefeng’s congratulations were sincere. They had
known each other for many years and understood each other’s thoughts.
The two people hugged for a long time while their teammates stared at them blankly. As if
becoming aware of the eyes of their teammates, Li Cangyu patted Ling Xuefeng’s shoulder,
pushed him away and continued shaking hands with the other members of Wind Colour.
“Congratulations to Cat God.” Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen spoke politely.
The other players followed suit and shook Li Cangyu’s hand. “Congratulations!”
Bai Xuan also received respect when shaking hands with He Qun. “Vice-Captain Bai, you are
worthy of being a god level healer. I admit defeat.”
Bai Xuan’s smile was very warm. “A blood kin sacrifice is difficult to play. You are also
Xiao Han took the initiative to go to Qin Mo. “Good friend, I won.”
Qin Mo almost spat out blood. “Hey, do you have to be so proud?”
Xiao Han’s face was blank. “I’m proud? I’m just reporting an objective fact.”
Qin Mo, “…”
This person looked simple and didn’t have a mocking personality, but his half-baked
Chinese was really irritating! In desperation, Qin Mo learnt from his master and hugged the
mixed-race boy in front of him. “Yes, you are amazing. Congratulations on winning the
Xiao Han replied seriously, “You’re welcome. Continue to play with me in the arena in the
future. Don’t be disheartened because you lost.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Your sister!
Li Cangyu heard his apprentice and Qin Mo’s conversation and really admired Xiao Han’s
lack of awareness.
The two princes stared at each other before Xiao Han finally extended his hand. “Goodbye, I
hope to see you in the national team.”
Qin Mo’s heart was slightly moved. He was just a newcomer. Was there a chance for him to
be selected for the national team?
He seriously looked at Xiao Han and suddenly felt that his whole body was full of
motivation. No matter what, he had to fight for a spot. This opportunity was only reserved
for prepared people. How would he know if he didn’t fight?
Compared to the fierceness of the finals, the image of the players shaking hands was
particularly warm.
The Wind Colour and Canglan fans were arguing with each other, only to feel there was no
meaning when they saw this scene. The rhythm of the comments slowed down. The
captains really didn’t cooperate. The fans were noisy for so long, only for the captains to
hug intimately!
[Scatter, stop arguing!] [Captain Ling and Cat God are hugging so happily while we are here
The two sides split up and started to focus on the live broadcast of the interviews.
According to the usual practice, the losing team must be interviewed first. Ling Xuefeng
arrived at the interview room with Vice-Captain Yan Ruiwen. He didn’t bring other players
because he was afraid the young players would be bombarded by the reporters. Vice-
Captain Yan had been in the league for many years and the reporters always gave the two
old players a bit of face.
Ling Xuefeng looked so serious that the reporters didn’t dare to ask questions that were too
A female reporter with a ponytail stood up and asked Yan Ruiwen, “Vice-Captain Yan, I
heard that you are usually responsible for the team training. What special training was
done for the finals?”
Yan Ruiwen smiled and replied, “We did intensive training according to Captain Ling’s
arrangements. You can see that in today’s finals, Wind Colour sent a lot of combinations
that never played in the regular season, such as Qin Mo and Xu Feifan’s double blood kin
summoner combination. If they didn’t carry out intensive training before the game then
they couldn’t have played as well.”
“Do you feel that the team members played very well today?” The reporter asked sharply.
“Even if the result is a loss?”
“There will always be a winner and a loser in the game. You can’t deny the players’ efforts
just because the result is a loss.” Yan Ruiwen smiled and answered seriously. “The Wind
Colour members played with their own strength and to their own standards. I think
everyone can calmly accept this outcome.”
Of all the vice-captains in the Miracle League, Yan Ruiwen was the most low-key. It was
precisely because Ling Xuefeng was so harsh and tough that Yan Ruiwen’s milder way of
doing things released tension in Wind Colour.
He answered the questions without leaking anything. The reporters couldn’t ask anything
else and shifted targets. “Captain Ling, today’s finals was very exciting but I found a special
phenomenon. Both Wind Colour and Canglan lost at home. The home court advantage of
the regular season was broken. What do you think of this?”
Ling Xuefeng replied casually, “It is just a coincidence. In the first Wind Colour game, Li
Cangyu’s tactical arrangement was very clever. I didn’t expect him to use the tombstones to
steal the fire dragon. In the third game, it was an arena game and it was reasonable for Li
Cangyu to target the Wind Colour lineup. They gained a big advantage in advance, so that
Wind Colour couldn’t recover the situation.”
Captain Ling didn’t forget to praise Li Cangyu as an opponent. The female reporter followed
up with another question. “How do you think Cat God played today? As the strongest
opponents, what do you think about him winning the championship?”
“Li Cangyu is an outstanding player. Frustration and difficulties didn’t defeat him. On the
contrary, it made him stronger.” Ling Xuefeng’s eyes swept over the audience as he spoke.
“He has come here step by step through the years. It really wasn’t easy. Today, his
commanding was excellent and it is reasonable for him to win.”
“I heard that you have a good private relationship. Were you emotionally more inclined to
let Cat God win the championship?”
“No.” Ling Xuefeng’s answer was very decisive. “First of all, I am the captain of Wind Colour.
I will take it seriously no matter who I play against. Wind Colour did their best today and
the result was due to Canglan’s efforts. It would be an insult to him if I deliberately threw
the game to let him win the championship.”
The reporters felt great admiration for Ling Xuefeng’s words. In fact, true respect for a
player was fighting against them with all our strength. It wasn’t clear how great Captain
Ling and Cat God’s private feelings were but in today’s game, both sides did their best and
left a classic match that all spectators would remember.
A reporter asked, “Barely missing out the championship, do you have a bit of regret in your
Ling Xuefeng said, “I have done my best and witnessed Li Cangyu’s team winning the
seventh season of the championship. As his friend and opponent for many years, I have no
The reporters warmly clapped the broad-minded Captain Ling.
He could accept the results so calmly while giving admiration and blessings to the
opponent. Ling Xuefeng was the captain of Wind Colour for a reason. He was calm, stable
and wasn’t stingy enough to calculate the gains and losses of a match.

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GLS: Chapter 229

Chapter 229 – Post-Match Interview (End)

Wind Colour’s interview finished and it was the Canglan team’s turn. The reporters were
surprised to find that all eight members of the Canglan team came to the interview room.
The excited reporters immediately welcomed the winning team with dazzling flashes and
warm applause.
The female reporter who just boldly asked Ling Xuefeng a question immediately stood up.
“First of all, congratulations to the Canglan team for winning the championships! I want to
ask Cat God, did you think you could win before the match?”
Li Cangyu took the microphone and smiled. “I didn’t think too much before the match. I just
decided to do my best in this finals. At the very least, I can be the runner-up and touch a
trophy, which is better than before.”
His small joke caused some reporters to turn red. Before each match, they would write that
the Canglan team would lose and Cat God would once again miss the playoffs. Fortunately,
today those reporters could finally praise Canglan.
Bai Xuan took the microphone. “We were all prepared to lose the moment we found out the
opponent was Wind Colour. After all, the strength of the Wind Colour team is too strong
and it is hard to win against them. Some elements of luck were involved in our victory
After Bai Xuan’s words, a reporter who liked this milk dad immediately stood up and cried
out excitedly, “Vice-Captain Bai’s cooperation with Cat God in the guard stage today really
made us open our eyes! In particular, your vision was darkened by Captain Ling yet you
could blindly add blood to Cat God. This judgment ability is too amazing!”
Bai Xuan was humble. “At that time, his blood volume was very dangerous. If I didn’t add
blood to him, it was likely he would’ve been killed by Captain Ling. I could only gamble. It is
also because we have been working together for too long. I am familiar with his positioning
and could make a bet in the key moment.”
This man’s voice was always soft when answering questions. The person who looked gentle
impressed everyone with his decisive performance in the finals.
“At the last minute, Vice-Captain Bai gave up on yourself and handed over your blue to Cat
God. This action made many fans feel touched. Can you tell us what your thoughts were at
the time?”
“At the time, I had a limited amount of blue and Captain Ling was suppressing me. I couldn’t
guarantee the blood of both of us. I decided it was better to give my resources to Cat God to
take care of it. I believe in his personal ability. As long as I gave this to him before dying, I
believed he could release the highest outbreak without any worries. The facts proved that
Cat God could create a miracle.”
Li Cangyu was praised by his old partner and couldn’t help smiling happily. He patted Bai
Xuan on the shoulder and said, “I have been with Xiao Bai for seven years. We faced
countless failures and climbed up from the bottom. We are more like family members. In
the most crucial moment, Xiao Bai always knows what I need the most. He volunteered to
give his blue to me at the key moment and this was simply helping me in my hour of need.”
The two people smiled and many reporters were touched by this scene. The friendship
between them was truly liked loved ones. They had been old partners for many years and
finally reached the peak of the Miracle Professional League. They really deserved it,
showing their strength and qualifications!
Warm applause filled the venue. This was applause for Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan, the old
partners who experienced twists and turns but always accompanied each other, never
giving up.
The interview with the vice-captain finished and the reporters moved onto the youngsters.
“The four newcomers, you just started and could follow Canglan to win the championship.
How are you feeling at the moment?”
Gu Siming replied bluntly, “I am so excited that I can’t hold the microphone!”
Laughter filled the venue. Then Xiao Gu grabbed the microphone and said, “I feel that my
luck is particularly good. I was discovered by the boss in the Dragon Song training club,
joined the team and followed Cat God to the championship! In fact, my own strength isn’t
particularly prominent. The key is that my teammates are excellent!”
The reporters were amused by him. This little madman wasn’t the best in the team but he
came from the Dragon Song training camp. His foundations were particularly solid and his
craziness made the opponents feel fear. In particular, his protection during the playoffs laid
the foundation to the finals.
The reporters turned to question Zhuo Hang. “Xiao Zhuo, your hunter shone in the playoffs.
Your ability to combine your traps with the terrain improved by leaps and bounds. What
caused such a sudden increase in strength?”
Zhuo Hang calmly replied, “The Dragon Song Club has a master who is an expert on maps. I
consulted him on some questions and he also gave me suggestions. I would like to thank
Senior Wu Zewen for his guidance.”
Some reporters were confused but other senior reporters knew that Wu Zewen was the
information genius who created the Dragon Song team and club with Liu Chuan! It was no
wonder that Zhuo Hang seemed different in the playoffs. It turned out there was such a
master behind him.
After being taught by the school tyrant for a period of time, Zhuo Hang broke through his
bottleneck. He paid more attention to the positioning of traps and the map. Wu Zewen
really contributed to this.
The old reporters explained to the new reporters and everyone realized why Zhuo Hang
made such rapid progress. It turned out he had the guidance of such a master. The Dragon
Song Club was really full of talents!
“Xiao Han’s play was also excellent. Do you also have a behind the scenes master guiding
you?” A reporter asked curiously.
Xiao Han took the microphone and asked seriously, “What is the meaning of behind the
scenes master? What is the difference with an illegal person?”
The reporters, “…”
Young man, your focus is wrong! These two words are completely different!
Li Cangyu helplessly leaned over and explained to him, “They are asking if there is a master
who secretly taught you?”
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully. “Does my sparring partner Qin Mo count?”
Qin Mo, “…”
Could he stop using the words ‘sparring partner’?
The reporters were speechless. This mixed-race child with different brain circuits made
them feel very tired. Still, they saw Xiao Han’s face and thought he was too cute. They
couldn’t help wanting to tease him.
“Xiao Han, you and Qin Mo are both called little princes. In private, do you have a tacit
rivalry like your masters?”
Xiao Han nodded. “We often fight in the arena.”
“Who is more powerful?”
“I think I am more powerful since I won the championship.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han’s straight talk was particularly irritating. Ling Xuefeng turned back and saw the
redness on his apprentice’s face. He couldn’t help patting Qin Mo’s shoulder and asking,
“Xiao Han’s Chinese has improved. Did you teach him?”
Qin Mo was very dissatisfied about this. “He comes to me every day to learn all types of
words and doesn’t even pay me tuition…”
Ling Xuefeng said, “I will buy you something as the tuition fee.”
Qin Mo was stunned. Why was his master giving him the tuition fees on behalf of Cat God’s
apprentice? Didn’t this mean Wind Colour was losing money?
Of course, Qin Mo was at the bottom of the food chain and couldn’t object to this. Since
Master was paying for Xiao Han’s tuition, he had to accept it.
In the interview room, Xiao Han’s answer made many reporters laugh. However, the mixed-
raced teenager’s expression said, ‘What are you laughing at? I am telling the truth.’ This
made people laugh even more.
After interviewing Xiao Han, another reporter asked Li Xiaojiang. “Xiaojiang, you made a
good counterattack while being suppressed by the two black magicians. You performed
very well.”
Li Xiaojiang stuttered with a red face. “Thank, thank you. Zhuo, Zhuo Hang protected me
Zhuo Hang gently waved his hand. “Stop being modest. You are excellent, which is why we
can work together.”
Li Xiaojiang’s face became redder but his eyes were shining.
“Xiaojiang, did you think you would win the championship when you joined Canglan?”
Li Xiaojiang shook his head. “I never thought I could become a professional player, let alone
win the championship. I want to thank, thank Cat God for giving me this opportunity as well
as the team, teammates for their help.”
His serious appearance made many reporters clap to give him encouragement. Li
Xiaojiang’s level was the worst in Canglan but he was the hardest worker. The fact that he
could keep calm in the finals showed he was already a mature professional player.
“Ah Shu played very well today. Your fast attack combination with Xiao Han caught
everyone’s eyes. Do you think you did well? What about compared to your brother Su
Xie Shurong showed a handsome smile. “I don’t know how I compare to him since we
haven’t fought alone in a long time. However, my face is definitely more handsome.”
Su Guangmo, “…” Could he be so shameless?
“What do you think is the difference between the American ICE Club and the domestic
Dragon Song Club?”
“The atmosphere of the Dragon Song Club is better and the food is naturally more
It was discovered that this person was a foodie and everyone suddenly understood why he
returned to China. Perhaps he was uncomfortable eating the Western food?
The last one to receive the microphone was Old Zhang. The reporter asked about his mood
and Old Zhang laughed happily. “Of course, I am super excited! It is lucky to return to the
field at such an old age. The face that I could take the championship with everyone made
me feel that it is worth it, haha! I want to laugh and wake up from the dream!”
The straightforward answer made the reporters laugh. However, his words were really
reasonable. At the end of his career, he met Cat God and won the championship with
Canglan. He no longer had any regrets.
They interviewed everyone and the questions returned to Captain Li Cangyu again,
“Captain Ling praised you in his interview and said he was happy to see you win the
championship. What do you have to say to this old rival?”
Li Cangyu smiled and simple said, “It is my luck to have such an opponent. Thank you
Xuefeng. In my heart, you are also an excellent player.”
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved as he watched the live broadcast.
‘For seven years, I know everything you’ve experienced and how you persisted. Now I can
see you on the throne at the peak. As your opponent and lover, I am happy and proud of

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GLS: Chapter 230

Chapter 230 – Awards Ceremony

The interview ended and Li Cangyu and the players were packing their bags backstage. Liu
Chuan suddenly came over and hugged Li Cangyu. “Congratulations! You finally got the
championship and proved yourself.”
Li Cangyu was slightly surprised. “Boss, when did you come?”
“I didn’t greet you because I was afraid it would affect your training. It is the finals so of
course I would come to the venue to watch!” Liu Chuan smiled. “Let’s go out at night to
celebrate. I will treat you.”
The Canglan members cheered at the words!
The restaurant had long been booked by Liu Chuan. Recently, the players had been eating
takeaway every day in order to train. Liu Chuan was treating the players and was very bold
when ordering food, creating an extremely rich table full of delicious dishes.
Once the meal finished, Liu Chuan stood up and said, “This is a toast for everyone. You have
worked hard this season. It wasn’t easy to win. All of you are great!”
The group stood up and raised the wine glasses in their hands.
The celebration dinner was fun as everyone ate while chatting. Li Cangyu was in a good
mood and drank a few more cups. As a result, he became drunk and stumbled back to the
hotel with his teammates.
He woke up at noon the next day. Zhang Jueming had to shake him to wake him up. “Come
on, get up! There is the awards ceremony in the afternoon!”
Li Cangyu was pulled up, washed his face with cold water to wake himself up, shaved in the
mirror, tidied up his hair, put on the uniform and went to the awards ceremony with his
The awards ceremony was a sea of people. As all the members walked in, their ears were
shocked by the screams.
The Miracle awards ceremony and closing ceremony always required all teams to attend.
They were many great gods around and Cheng Wei came over to excitedly grab Li Cangyu’s
hand. “Cat God, you won the championship. Congratulations!”
Li Cangyu laughed. “Thank you.”
The gods of the other teams congratulated him and Li Cangyu graciously accepted it.
The awards ceremony soon began and the first award for an online voting award.
“The most popular player in the seventh season—Ling Xuefeng!”
This result was expected by everyone. Captain Ling always got first in the online voting and
the ‘king of popularity’s throne’ was very stable. He won this award for several consecutive
“The most popular team of the seventh season—the Time team!”
This was a surprise to many people since the Time team didn’t enter the playoffs. It was
just that Tan Shitian’s fanbase was too large and as the Storytelling God, he attracted many
outsiders to vote.
Tan Shitian walked on stage to receive the award with a gracious smile. Cheng Wei
excitedly jumped and Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder to make him sit.
After the online voting, there were the performance awards.
“The Best Newcomer Award for the seventh season goes to…”
This award was anticipated because the player who won it would become the pillar of the
major teams. A panel calculated it based on the performance of the newcomers this season.
It was very objective and the audience members were looking forward to it.
“The Canglan team, Xiao Han!”
The name was read out and all the Canglan fans at the venue cheered!
Xiao Han was stunned since he hadn’t expected to win the prize. Li Cangyu smiled and
patted him on the shoulder. “Go and get the award.” He went to the stage with a
dumbfounded expression and received the award, saying, “Thank you.”
“Xiao Han, do you have anything to say about getting the Best Newcomer Award?”
“Thank you Master.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Thank you to the team.”
The host, “…”
The mixed-race teenager’s Chinese wasn’t great and he could only repeat his thanks. The
audience laughed and expressed deep sympathy for his Chinese teacher, Qin Mo.
Next was the potential award. The beautiful host smiled and said, “The Most Promising
Rookie Award for the seventh season goes to… the Canglan team, Zhuo Hang!”
This result surprised many viewers. Xiao Han was deserving of the Best Newcomer Award
but Zhuo Hang made a lot of mistakes in the first half of the seventh season. Then after
thinking about it, they realized he did a good job in the second half. He particularly played
very well against Ghost Spirits in the playoffs.
The Most Promising Rookie Award, this showed that the judges recognized the potential of
this newcomer.
Zhuo Hang was very excited but he spoke more fluently than Xiao Han. “I could grow from a
newcomer to the player I am today thanks to the captain’s training and the care of my
teammates. Thank you! Thank you Cat God for making me an e-sports professional. The
Most Promising Rookie Award is just the beginning for me. I am still young and there will
be room for improvement in the future. I will work harder!”
Li Cangyu sat and listened to Xiao Zhuo speak fluently. He couldn’t help saying to Bai Xuan,
“That child’s eloquence is really good.”
Bai Xuan smiled. “He must’ve watched his cousin and uncle.”
It was estimated that he learnt many official words from Captain Su and Captain Tan.
The host immediately followed with the heavyweight award. “The seventh season’s MVP,
the most valuable player award, goes to the Canglan team’s Li Cangyu!”
The Canglan fans cheered wildly while the fans of other teams were envious and disliked
the blue and white area. Was the awards ceremony today contracted by Canglan?
Li Cangyu took the MVP award and there was also the team championship award. Cat God
had never won a prize and now he was transformed into the winner of life.He got the grand
The second runner up was Ghost Spirits, the runner up was Wind Colour and the champion
was Canglan.
The team trophies were naturally what professional players were most looking forward to.
Lou Wushuang held the third place trophy and said briefly, “We didn’t win the
championship this year but we will continue to work hard next season.”
The man’s expression was very cold, despite being at the awards ceremony. The best
assassin of the Miracle League, the coldest captain in the league, his combination with
Zhang Shaohui and the all assassins lineup meant the performance of Ghost Spirits next
season was worth looking forward to.
The runner up was Wind Colour and Ling Xuefeng was still very calm. He held the
microphone and spoke to the supporters of Wind Colour. “Wind Colour is a very strong
team. Every season, we will do our best to bring you the most exciting games. Our team
members will never stop moving forward!”
Ling Xuefeng’s words were firm and reassured the Wind Colour fans.
From the beginning, Wind Colour was indeed built towards being an overall strong team. In
every game, Wind Colour was like a storm sweeping through the Miracle League. The Wind
Colour fans had reason to believe that the team’s progress will never stop!
In the end, the seventh season’s trophy was handed to Li Cangyu and many Canglan fans
excitedly stood up.
This was the first time everyone saw Li Cangyu standing on such a dazzling stage and
holding the championship trophy!
At this moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on them.
Cat God, Vice-Captain Bai, Ah Shu, Old Zhang, Xiao Han, Zhuo Hang, Gu Siming, Li Xiaojiang!
The four old players took the newcomers and walked towards the podium, making people
feel surprise and admiration!
Li Cangyu lifted the championship trophy and his voice was straightforward and clear as it
was amplified by the microphone. “The winner of the seventh season belongs to Canglan! I
am grateful to those who have helped us and supported us, allowing us to get to this point.
We have no regrets! Thank you!”
He led his teammates to bow towards the audience.
Many audience members couldn’t help tearing up.
The controversial player Li Cangyu finally stood at the highest peak of the Miracle League
and sat on his throne.
After several twists and turns, the king returned and wrote an eternal legend in the Miracle
League with his blood and tears.

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GLS: Chapter 231

[Final Volume – Top of the World]

Chapter 231 – League Dinner

After the awards ceremony, the professional players of the major teams returned to the
hotel in a vehicle arranged by the league. Dinner was booked at a Chinese restaurant on the
third floor of the hotel. Everyone had dinner together and it was a perfect ending for the
seventh season.
The players who got a trophy were naturally very happy. Players who didn’t win awards
quickly adjusted their mood. After all, this was the end of a season. There would be an
eighth season next year waiting for everyone to continue their efforts.
The six month race made the players exhausted. According to the practices of the previous
years, the off-season of the Miracle League would occur. All professional players would get
a two months holiday. They were free to arrange a holiday, accompany their family or go on
a trip.
This year was very different from previous years because the World Competition was going
to start in October. This meant the great gods wouldn’t have much time to rest and needed
to be ready to take on the serious world event.
At the dinner party, the chairman Nan Jiangang didn’t mention the topic of the World
Competition. Instead, he summarized the seventh season and let everyone eat well, drink
well and rest well.
The impatient Cheng Wei couldn’t help wondering, “What about the World Competition?
Why is the chairman so calm? What about the national team?”
After seeing that he was about to run and ask the chairman, Tan Shitian immediately
pressed down on his shoulder and made him sit down. “Don’t worry. The rules of the
national team’s selection shouldn’t come out yet.”
Cheng Wei was puzzled as he sat down. “How do you know?”
Tan Shitian patiently explained, “The World Competition will definitely attract widespread
attention from the media. The selection of the national team has to be fair and just or the
league will be scolded to death. The chairman must still be hesitant about the specific
selection plan. After the plan is decided, the league will definitely announce it.”
Cheng Wei remembered all the curses on the Internet and exclaimed, “Yes! If the league
directly chooses the team members, people will say we relied on relationships to go
through the back door. It would be really annoying! A direct public selection is more
reliable. We will speak with strength!” He shook his fist. “I want to enter the national team!”
Tan Shitian saw his vow and couldn’t help smiling, whispering into his ears, “If only one
white magician is chosen, can you win against Vice-Captain Yang Muzi?”
Cheng Wei was stunned. He and Vice-Captain Yang Muzi hadn’t fought alone against each
other for a long time. He might not necessarily win against her. However, he already said
the big words and had to continue with his swollen face, “I-I should be able to win against
Tan Shitian’s stomach was sore. This guy was really pure. How could he believe that the
league would only send one white magician? The national team wasn’t the second Time
team. It was impossible for there to be only one white magician.
Cheng Wei wasn’t the only one anxious. At the next table, Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help
saying, “What time is this? Why hasn’t the national team been formed or even a plan
determined. Is the league so inefficient? I don’t know how many assassins…”
Lou Wushuang heard his muttering and glanced at him, “What’s the hurry? Let’s wait and
Zhang Shaohui had a bitter expression. “I’m afraid that there will only be one assassin.
What if our combination is broken…?”
Lou Wushuang asked, “What if there really is only one spot?”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and smiled. “Then you go. Your strength is better than
me and you are a commander. I will come and cheer you on.”
Lou Wushuang heard this and showed a rare smile.
This person always gave the opportunity to Lou Wushuang. Every time his parents bought
delicious fruit, he would take the initiative to give it to Lou Wushuang, saying with a smile,
“Brother, eat first.” In the voting for the last world competition, he gave up his ticket and
had Ghost Spirits fans vote for the captain. Now he would also give away his opportunity
for the World Competition…
All professional players wanted to go to the World competition. It was a wider and more
exciting stage.
Going out of the country and playing against the big gods from other countries should be
the dream of every Miracle e-sports player.
Zhang Shaohui actually wanted to give the opportunity to his brother. Lou Wushuang was
touched by this silly younger brother. He gently gripped his brother’s hand with a soft
expression. “Let’s go together. There should be more than one assassin quota.”
Zhang Shaohui immediately became excited. “I also hope there are two spots! Then I can go
with my brother and sneak kill the world’s top players!”
Lou Wushuang couldn’t help smiling at his giggling brother. His teammates glanced at each
other. Captain, what about your iceberg male image? How did you suddenly become soft
today? This style was too wrong!
On the Flying Feathers side, Su Guangmo wasn’t in a hurry. He calmly picked vegetables to
eat. Yu Pingsheng was a person who didn’t like to talk. He just ate on his own and didn’t
seem to care about the World Competition.
The vice-captain didn’t speak and the other team members didn’t say much.
Yang Muzi, vice-captain of the Red Fox team, couldn’t help feeling concerned. “Sister Xiang,
how many healers will the national team have? If there is only one, is it possible for Vice-
Captain Bai to be directly selected?”
Liu Xiang smiled and replied very gracefully, “His healing is very accurate. I will be
convinced if he is selected for the national team. It is like the deciding game in the finals. I
certainly wouldn’t be able to sacrifice myself for my teammate. The overall situation of
Vice-Captain Bai is stronger than me.”
Yang Muzi wasn’t convinced. “Sister Xiang is being too modest. You have a different style. I
think his emergency healing is indeed better but in large groups, your ability is obviously
stronger than him.”
Meng Jie, the straightforward female warriors, told them, “I have a sense that the national
team’s lineup should be very big.”
Liu Xiang was doubtful. “Why do you think this?”
Meng Jie smiled. “The Miracle League has been going for eight years. In many countries, the
professional leagues have been running for at least seven years. The first World
Competition will definitely have a lot of noise or many Miracle fans in the world will be
Liu Xiang nodded thoughtfully. “It makes sense. If there is an open selection then we will
have to sign up and let foreigners look at the style of Chinese women.”
The team members immediately agreed. “Of course we will all try!”
Li Cangyu was very calm compared to the anxious attitude of the players of other teams.
Regardless of how the national team was selected, his quota was absolutely certain. The
captain of the championship team was directly appointed as captain of the national team.
This was the rule that the Miracle World League had long set.
In other words, the captain would be Li Cangyu, no matter who was selected for the
national team.
The Canglan team was very happy. Bai Xuan exclaimed, “Our Cat God will be the captain of
the national team!”
Xie Shurong asked curiously, “What about the vice-captain? Will Vice-Captain Bai directly
become vice-captain of the national team?”
“Probably not.” Li Cangyu replied. “The specific plan hasn’t come out yet. Xiao Bai, do you
want to be vice-captain?”
“I don’t have the energy and my body can’t afford it. Forget it.” Bai Xuan smiled. “In fact, you
should have a more suitable person in your heart, right?”
Xiao Han asked seriously, “Is Captain Ling the person in Master’s heart?”
Li Can really wanted to hit him. This apprentice, selling his master?
Everyone around them made a ‘it turns out to be like this’ expression.
Li Cangyu touched his nose guiltily and pretended to be calm. “Cough, Xiao Bai doesn’t want
to do it. Then I think Ling Xuefeng is really suitable for this position. It needs to be
discussed with the chairman before it is decided.”
Everyone nodded in unison. “Oh…”
Li Cangyu wondered, “What’s with your expressions?”
Xiao Han replied seriously, “Master doesn’t have to explain. We all understand.”
Understand a fart! What did they know?
Gu Siming seemed to understand and explained while scratching his head. “The strongest
opponent has become the strongest partner. This is a very magical story!”
Zhuo Hang smiled. “Once Cat God and Captain Ling joins hands, it is estimated that the
other countries will have to kneel before them.”
Xie Shurong strongly agreed. “The American team’s Jack Josh has always been arrogant. He
said many times that he is the world’s best summoner. Once Cat God joins forces with
Captain Ling, he will have to cry and will see what a real summoner is!”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly. “Don’t brag. There are many excellent players in other countries.
Of course, I am looking forward to joining forces with Ling Xuefeng in the World
Ling Xuefeng seemed to be aware they were talking about him as he turned and looked at
Li Cangyu, just in time to meet Li Cangyu’s gaze. Li Cangyu smiled at him and Ling Xuefeng
walked over. “Are you looking for me?”
Li Cangyu, “…”
We were just talking about you. What are you doing here?
The Canglan players smiled and endured their stomach pains. They saw their captain’s
expression and suddenly felt that Captain Ling truly was Cat God’s nemesis?
At the end of the dinner, Chairman Nan finally fulfilled everyone’s expectations by picking
up the microphone. “All players, the seventh season has been successfully completed but
we are waiting for the World Competition in October!”
The players immediately pricked their ears as they heard the keyword ‘World
Chairman Nan smiled. “You must be very keen to know the selection rules for the national
team. However, it is the national team and we will have to face the top players of each
country in the future. The team’s lineup can’t be hastily decided. Go back and wait for the
notice. By tomorrow night at the latest, the league will definitely release a detailed
selection plan.
The players, “…”
Everyone was very anxious but the chairman’s words were correct. The selection rules for
the national team had to be carefully considered. Hasty people don’t get to eat hot tofu.
They had to wait for the league’s notice.

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GLS: Chapter 232

Chapter 232 – Captain and Vice-Captain

The next morning, Li Cangyu had just finished washing up when he received a phone call. It
was the chairman’s assistant, Sister Lin Xiaotong. Her voice was very gentle, “Cat God, do
you have time now to go to the meeting room on the 14th floor? The chairman wants a
“Oh, I’ll be right there.” Li Cangyu headed to the meeting room on the 14th floor. He was
well aware that the chairman wanted to discuss the World Competition with him.
Lin Xiaotong stood at the elevator to pick him up and led him to the meeting room at the
end of the hallway. The thing that surprised him was the two very familiar faces that
appeared when he opened the door—Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing.
Liu Chuan was the boss of the Dragon Song Club and shouldn’t be here. Then after seeing
Xiao Sijing standing next to him, Li Cangyu immediately reacted. They must be here as
executive directors of the E-Sports League.
The year that Li Cangyu transferred to Wulin happened to be the year of Liu Chuan’s
return. The Canglan team led by Li Cangyu fought against Liu Chuan many times. The Seven
Stars Grass team was a strong team on the Wulin side. As the first captain of the Seven Stars
Grass team, Xiao Sijing was very popular in the Wulin League and the strongest enemy on
Liu Chuan’s road to winning.
That was already three years ago. Later, Liu Chuan retired behind the scenes to establish
the Dragon Song Club and joined the E-Sports League. Xiao Sijing was a coach after retiring
before also being invited to join China’s E-Sports League.
Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing, the two former e-sports gods were currently working at the
headquarters of the league. This time, the selection of the Miracle national team must be
supervised by headquarters personnel to avoid accusations of unfairness.
Both of them probably appeared here because headquarters sent them to supervise the
Li Cangyu quickly figured this out and took the initiative to reach out to Xiao Sijing. “Xiao
Sijing, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”
Xiao Sijing shook hands with him. “Congratulations on winning the championship. I also
went to watch and you played very well.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Thank you.”
Compared to Liu Chuan’s hateful smile, Xiao Sijing’s mature and stable style seemed much
more reliable. The league headquarters probably sent both of them over because they were
previously e-sports players. The various systems of e-sports would be easier for them to
They were talking when the door opened and Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng.
“Xuefeng, you are here as well?” Li Cangyu asked with a bit of surprise.
Ling Xuefeng nodded and walked over to Li Cangyu’s side. He asked Chairman Nan
“Chairman, did you ask me over to discuss the World Competition?”
Chairman Nan smiled and nodded. “Yes, let me introduce you first. These two people are
Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing, executive directors of the E-Sports League Headquarters. The
league sent them to supervise the national team trials to avoid any unfairness. The two of
them will also serve as referees for the trials.”
The E-Sports League governed many types of competitive games, including competitive
mobile games, tablet games, computer games, etc. Wulin and Miracle were two of the
biggest projects. They had the most formal leagues, the most professional players and the
highest popularity.
It was normal to send people when setting up a national team.
Ling Xuefeng naturally knew Liu Chuan. He was the boss of the Dragon Song Club where
the Canglan team was located. This was his first time seeing Xiao Sijing. The two men
looked at each other and shook hands.
Apart from Chairman Nan and the four great gods, there were two girls in the conference
room. One of them was Chairman Nan’s assistant while the other was a secretary sent by
the league headquarters. The two of them sat at the conference table and opened their
notebook to make a meeting record.
Chairman Nan saw everyone sitting down and kept speaking, “We will first start by
deciding the vice-captain of the national team. Cat God, you won’t have a problem being the
captain right?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I recommend Ling Xuefeng to be the captain of the national team.”
Everyone turned towards him with a startled expression.
Being the captain of the national team was a great honor. Many people were eager to be the
captain yet Li Cangyu wanted to give it away?
The named Ling Xuefeng immediately questioned it. “Why? You obviously have the ability
and Canglan won the championship this season. This is enough for you to be the captain.”
Li Cangyu’s reason was very straightforward. “I am bad in English. I will have to deal with
reporters abroad and also participate in various conferences. If I am the captain, I would
have to bring a translation dictionary with me. Your English is good and you are more
reliable as the captain.”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “Do you think this reason holds up?”
Li Cangyu stared at him, eyes extraordinarily serious. “I have left Miracle for three years. It
will be hard for me to serve as captain of the national team as soon as I come back. You are
different. You have been here for all seven years and your foundation is stable. The national
team will definitely be a gathering of great people. The key is to ensure that everyone
listens to the captain. I am more suitable as the vice-captain. I can stay in the team and be
responsible for arranging the training of the players.”
Ling Xuefeng gave him a look. “In fact, you are too lazy to go outside and want to train in
the dormitory every day, right?”
“I was discovered by you.” Li Cangyu touched his nose and smiled. “I just want to stay home
and seriously consider tactics.”
Ling Xuefeng glanced at Chairman Nan, who felt very helpless. “Cough, the World League
has stipulated that the captain of the championship team will be directly appointed as
captain of the national team. Old Cat, you can’t change even if you want to! To be honest,
both of you have the strength to be captain but the rules are like this and it isn’t good to
change them in private. Then… Captain Ling will be the vice-captain?”
Ling Xuefeng replied simply, “You don’t have to quit. How about you stay and train with the
team while I deal with things like interviews?”
Li Cangyu heard this and couldn’t help smiling. “Okay. Interviews and other matters will be
handed over to you. You shouldn’t feel wronged when you are the vice-captain.”
He really had the nature of a cat. Li Cangyu wanted to stay home and concentrate on the
team. This was also in line with his personality. Ling Xuefeng thought of this and couldn’t
help saying, “I understand what you are thinking.”
Li Cangyu was very happy. He really hated English interviews. If he said the wrong words,
wouldn’t he be a joke like Xiao Han in Chinese? It was right to leave these things to Ling
Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng’s English was first-class and he was suitable to be the image of the
national team.
Chairman Nan looked at the two men and felt very complicated. According to Ling Xuefeng,
Li Cangyu would only be the captain in name while he was do the work of the vice-captain.
Meanwhile, Ling Xuefeng was the vice-captain in name but he would be doing the captain’s
Did they need to do this?
Since Li Cangyu and LIng Xuefeng didn’t disagree, Chairman Nan also didn’t object. He
immediately clapped and exclaimed, “That’s decided! The national team will be left to you.
The division of tasks can be negotiated privately.”
The two people tacitly glanced at each other and smiled.
Chairman Nan then said, “Next is to determine the selection of the national team. I wanted
to call all the captains to discuss it but I changed my mind. The more people there are, the
more disagreement there will be. We might argue all day. Thus, I will leave it to the two of
you to directly decide.”
This sentence was a great gift to Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu.
The captain and vice-captain would decide the lineup of the national team. This was
equivalent to being in control of the national team’s life and death. It was enough to see
Chairman Nan’s trust in both of them.
Chairman Nan gave them a copy of the World League’s notice and explained, “The latest
notice from the World League states that the captains of the championship and runner-up
team of the domestic leagues are automatically eligible to join the national team. Other
candidates and classes will be freely determined by the country.”
“Why is it the captains of the winning and runner-up team, not the vice-captain of the
championship team?” Li Cangyu asked doubtfully.
Chairman Nan explained, “It is because many countries only have captains and no vice-
captains. It is only relatively large leagues like China, the United States, France and South
Korea who will have vice-captains to take care of training in the team.”
Li Cangyu had a clear understanding of this point and nodded. Then he asked, “What is the
maximum number of people in the national team?”
Chairman Nan answered, “The total number of people is 22. Apart from the two of you,
there are 20 places that can be freely determined.”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other with surprise. They thought that the
national team would be 10 people at most yet there was actually 22 spots!
Ling Xuefeng expressed his doubts. “There are so many people. Does this mean the system
has changed again?” Otherwise, 10 people would be enough for a team battle and arena.
Liu Chuan finally spoke up with a smile. “I just came back from the US a few days ago. The
meaning of the World League is that the scale of the first World Competition should be
bigger. If there is no difference with the domestic leagues then the strength of the World
Competition won’t be seen. Thus, they have added a special event to the World Competition
called the Death Racing mode.”
Li Cangyu frowned. “Death Racing mode? I’ve never heard of it.”
Liu Chuan shrugged. “The World League naturally wants to use new tricks to give the
audience a sense of freshness.”
Xiao Sijing’s explanation followed. “The World Competition will play three rounds per
match, which will be the arena, team battle and death racing respectively. The participants
in the three games can’t be repeated, which is the reason for relaxing the quota of the
national team. The death racing mode will be played by five people. They will randomly
refresh on the map and the first team to take 10 heads will win.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Both of them were speechless. They could say that the bigwigs in the World League were
very smart. This mode would definitely be exciting to play. However, 22 people was too
large. Wouldn’t it be hard to control the team?
Chairman Nan smiled as he saw their complicated expressions. “You shouldn’t feel too
much pressure. Let’s first confirm the lineup. The national team’s lineup needs to be
comprehensively considered. How will you arrange the other 20 people?”
The league had issued a notice so they could only accept the rules and choose the most
comprehensive lineup.
Xiao Sijing handed a piece of paper with information on it to the two people. “This is the
result of my investigation with Liu Chuan in the past few weeks. The names, classes and
characteristics of the aces of most countries are listed here. You can take a look at it.”
The two men took the material and read them. Then LIng Xuefeng said softly, “Since there
are two team battles, at least two healers must be taken. There must also be at least two
assassins, black magicians and white magicians to form a better cooperation. Together with
our two summoners, this is already 10 places.”
Li Cangyu nodded in agreement. “We must also bring a psychic based on the information
listed. The European countries have the psychic illusionist flow as a mainstream style. If we
don’t bring a psychic then we will be at a disadvantage.”
“Ah, we also have to bring melee or the front row will be too weak.”
“What about archers?”
“We don’t need too much archers. Two is enough. The national team isn’t the Time team
and it is impossible to play the kite flow style.”
“Should we select based on class? Or should we split it by remote and melee?”
“Let’s limit it to number of people per class. Otherwise, there is likely to be too many of one
class. The final lineup should be comprehensive.”
“It makes sense. However, I also think there should be two mobile quotas so the lineup isn’t
too rigid.”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng discussed arrangements for the national team. The other
people couldn’t interrupt and could only watch silently from the side.
The two girls recording the meeting minutes were crying. Two great gods, can’t you speak a
bit slower? You might have a tacit understanding but we can’t keep up with you!
A few minutes later, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng finished discussing the lineup and showed
it to Chairman Nan.
Two summoners, two black magicians, two white magicians, two hunters, two assassins,
two swordsmen, two front-row tankers, two healers, two psychics, two bards and the
remaining two people were free choice.
The 22 member national team lineup could be decided so quickly, showing the high
efficiency when these two men worked together.
Chairman Nan asked, “What does free choice mean?”
Li Cangyu explained, “The quota is free. It isn’t limited to class and will be an open
selection. Anybody with a strong ability will be selected.”
Chairman Nan nodded with satisfaction. This practice was truly reasonable or the lineup
would be too rigid and some people would feel it was unfair. Freely releasing two quotas
meant there everyone had a chance to compete freely.
“Do you have any opinions?” Chairman Nan asked Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing.
Xiao Sijing replied simply, “I don’t have any opinions. Captain Ling and Cat God definitely
have the best understanding of Miracle. I am only acting as the referee with Liu Chuan. You
can set the lineup.”
Liu Chuan also smiled. “Yes, I think this is quite reasonable. The classes are averagely
matched and the lineup is actually very comprehensive. It can respond to any opponents.”
Chairman Nan was pleased. “Okay, it is decided!”
The league sent two great gods who knew e-sports, which was better than laymen telling
them how to act.
These two weren’t interested in interfering with Miracle. As Xiao Sijing said, no one knew
more about this game then Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng.
The lineup that the two people formulated was certainly the most reasonable and perfect

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GLS: Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – Press Conference

In the afternoon, the official website of the Miracle Professional League released the lineup
of the national team. They announced Li Cangyu as the captain, Ling Xuefeng as the vice-
captain and the fact that the public selection for the national team would start in two days.
Apart from the two summoners filled by Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng, all other classes
would be fairly selected. The netizens had no opinion on this. After all, other domestic
summoners were no match for Ling Cat. They were also the captains of the championship
and runner-up team. It was understandable that they would be on the national team.
However, there were many of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu’s sunspots who weren’t satisfied.
[The nice point about the lineup is that it is comprehensive. The bad point is that there is
no distinctive characteristic!]
[There are two of every class. Why does the captain of the national team think this is a good
[Who set this up? Li Cangyu SB, Ling Xuefeng SB, the two of them are really a pair of SB!]
Li Cangyu saw this comment and couldn’t help smiling at Ling Xuefeng. “Look, they said we
are a pair.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Li Cangyu could selectively ignore the scolding words and extract the words ‘a pair’ in
order to joke around. His heart was really big. Ling Xuefeng gently touched his shoulder.
“The news has been announced so you will definitely be bombarded with reporters at the
press conference.”
Li Cangyu smiled lightly. “What is there to be afraid of. In any case, you will be there and I
will have company for the bombardment.”
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling at this.
Yes, no matter what happened, regardless of success of failure, they would face it together!
He had this person to walk beside him. Even if the road ahead was hard, they had the
confidence to go down it together.
At the noon press conference, many reporters questioned the lineup of the national team.
“This arrangement, don’t you feel there are too many remotes and too few melees?”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “No.”
Li Cangyu said, “I don’t think so.”
The two of them replied in unison and the reporters were a bit dazed.
The southerner who wasn’t clear about Li and Ling, smiled. “Cough, I actually wanted to ask
Cat God. Sorry.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It doesn’t matter. Xuefeng knows what I mean and answered the same
as me.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
The reporters, “…”
Were they wearing the same pair of pants for the interview today?
A female reporter stood up and asked, “There are 22 people on the national team. Isn’t two
healers too few? According to the six person arrangement of a team battle, shouldn’t there
be at least four healers?”
Li Cangyu explained, “The national team isn’t necessarily a copy of a league match. Some
team battles might not necessarily be played. Two healers are enough. If there are more
outputs then we can freely change the lineup later.”
The female reporter could only sit down with a red face.
“I noticed that in the national team’s lineup, there are only two spots for a front row tank.
The berserkers and paladins can play this role.” The reporter who stood up this time knew
more about the game. “The paladins and berserkers will be given to these two places. Isn’t
the name of spots for tank players too small?”
Ling Xuefeng replied calmly, “The team battle requires only one tank type. In the death
racing competition mode, sometimes a pure output lineup is needed and we might have to
abandon the front row meat shield. Having two tanks isn’t lacking.”
Li Cangyu added, “Yes, the World League’s new death racing mode is a speed game based
on 10 heads. There is definitely a need for more output classes, which is why we chose a
large number of output classes.”
Ling Xuefeng continued, “I have discussed all possible solutions with Cat. We finally set this
comprehensive selection plan to minimize accidental factors.”
The reporters were stunned and couldn’t respond when he said ‘Cat.’
Everyone looked at Li Cangyu with complicated expressions and found that the latter was
very calm. It seemed he was accustomed to this name…
A straightforward reporter directly asked, “Captain Ling, is that your special name for Cat
“Ah, I’ve called him that for many years and have become used to it.” Ling Xuefeng’s
expression was also very calm.
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “This is more amiable. You can rest assured that the national
team’s captain and vice-captain have a good relationship and there will be no
disagreements. Even if there are differences in opinions, we will discuss the solution. In the
past, we have been called the strongest opponents. However, this time our goal is the
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes, we will do out best with the national team in the World
Li Cangyu added, “Out netizens shouldn’t worry too much. Once the lineup is decided, we
will have a period of intensive training. I believe that the strength of the China Miracle
League players won’t disappoint anyone.”
Ling Xuefeng followed up, “If there are any questions about the national team, please ask.”
“…” The reporters looked stunned.
They suddenly felt that Vice-Captian Ling was ‘following his husband!’
The two great gods speaking in unison, was there anything else to say?
Finally, a reporter raised a relatively sharp question. “Captain Ling, you have always been
the boss of the Wind Colour team and everything was decided by you. Now you are the
vice-captain of the national team. Don’t you feel reluctant?”
Ling Xuefeng replied simply, “No.”
‘In my team, I have the final say. In the national team, my wife has the final say.’
Li Cangyu smiled. “The tactics of the national team is definitely something I will discuss
with Xuefeng. The commander will also rotate. The captain and vice-captain positions are
just in name and there is no need to be too tangled up in them. You only need to know that
we will work together.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
In any case, Captain Ling always felt that Cat God’s words were right and Cat God always
thought that Captain Ling was right.
Everyone felt that today’s interview gave off the illusion of two cats fitting together. They
wore the same pair of pants for the interview, talked together and gave reasons that
couldn’t be refuted. They were worthy of being the captain and vice-captain of the national
The many reporters felt that they were defeated…

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GLS: Chapter 234

Chapter 234 – National Team Selection (1)

After the national team’s lineup was announced, the happiest ones were Cheng Wei and
Zhang Shaohui. They had previously been worried they wouldn’t be selected and now their
classes had been given two places. Zhang Shaohui was confident that he could enter the
national team with his brother and show the Lou Zhang combination to the world-class
players. Cheng Wei also didn’t have to worry about Red Fox’s Yang Muzi being selected
over him.
The Miracle fans also selected 80% of the national team’s players. For example, Tan Shitian
must have one of the bard places, the black magicians were definitely the Yan Guo
combination and the assassins had to be the Lou Zhang brothers.
There were many famous gods in the league and the national team lineup set by Li Cangyu
and Ling Xuefeng could be said to have taken care of all aspects, basically including all the
famous gods.
However, unexpected situations couldn’t be ruled out. For example, some players making a
mistake in the selection trials. Most netizens had a wait and see attitude towards the final
list for the national team.
The national team’s selection trials would officially start the following morning. All players
who wanted to participate used the remaining day to register and prepare.
That night, Xiao Han went online and saw a message pop up in the lower right corner. The
person with a profile picture of a blood kin spider was Qin Mo.
[The summoner only has two places. My master and your master each have one place. I
have no chance.]
Didn’t he seem somewhat lost?
Xiao Han wondered: [Are you telling me this so I will comfort you?]
Qin Mo: [……]
[Then I will comfort you.] Xiao Han finished the sentence with a ‘patting a dog’s head’
Qin Mo wanted to cough up blood. What was this animation? When did Xiao Han learn to
download emojis from the Internet?
He was wondering this when Xiao Han sent another message: [I feel that I have no hope
myself. An assassin only has two places and they will certainly go to the Lou Zhang
Qin Mo ignored the strange words and sent the same emoji back to Xiao Han. [I touched
your head to comfort you.]
[It is hard to differentiate between an elder brother and younger brother.] Xiao Han sent a
‘hug and cry’ expression.
Qin Mo copied it and correct him: [The saying is: It is hard to differentiate between an elder
brother and younger brother.] (TL: Xiao Han uses a different character for ‘elder brother’
and Qin Mo corrects him about the right one)
Xiao Han had a question mark: [Isn’t it the same?]
Qin Mo explained: [Fixed idioms can’t be changed.]
The two people filled the screen with emojis. Suddenly, Qin Mo sent a message: [You should
first try for the assassin quota. If you can’t beat Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui, you can
participate in the free quota. That quota isn’t limited by class.]
Xiao Han inexplicably felt this person’s tone was different from Qin Mo and asked: [Are you
Qin Mo?]
The other party replied: [I am his master.]
Xiao Han suddenly realized. [Oh, Master is well.]
Then he found he was wrong and immediately corrected: [Captain Ling is well!]
Qin Mo was standing behind his master at the time and was really scared. He was just
exchanging emojis with Xiao Han when his master came and told him to participate in the
selection of the free quota. Then he sat down and told Xiao Han the same thing.
Qin Mo didn’t expect Xiao Han to realize the person had changed. Was it because the two of
them often chatted together? Xiao Han seemed to understand the way that Qin Mo spoke.
Qin Mo couldn’t help feeling a bit happy when he thought this.
A moment later, the opposite person sent a ‘Cat God stunned’ expression. [Xiao Han
actually collected my expression pack…]
This was obviously Li Cangyu. Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved as he asked: [Did you also come
looking for your apprentice?]
[Yes, I guess that he is unlikely to win a place in the assassin group. I wanted him to go to
the free group to try.]
[I thought so as well.]
[My guess is that 90% of the great gods will be selected for their class group. The free
group is last and there shouldn’t be many gods, but the competition will still be intense.
Xiao Qin should be prepared to do his best.]
Ling Xuefeng looked back at Qin Mo. “Cat God is telling you to be mentally prepared. The
competition for the free group will be very intense. Don’t be careless, understood?”
QIn Mo immediately nodded. “Yes, I understand!”
Li Cangyu asked: [Are you busy tonight?]
Ling Xuefeng: [No.]
Li Cangyu: [Then come play a few rounds with Xiao Han. I will play with Xiao Qin and this
will let them exchange ideas with different styles of players.]
The two apprentices stood behind and watched their masters chat, not daring to come
forward. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng chatted for a while on the Q number of Qin Mo and
Xiao Han and decided the training for the two apprentices tonight.
After their masters left, Qin Mo immediately typed: [The free group only has two places. It
would be best if we both make it.]
Xiao Han said: [Don’t draw my name or you will be eliminated.]
Qin Mo: […Shouldn’t I be the one saying this? You should be careful not to be eliminated by
Xiao Han was puzzled. [It is the same sentence. Why does it matter who says it?]
Qin Mo: […I’m going offline. See you later!]
Qin Mo went offline and Xiao Han scratched his head, still not understanding what he said
He turned off Q and immediately logged into his side account. Li Cangyu pulled him into a
room and then Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo appeared. The two masters exchanged apprentices
and abused them. Qin Mo and Xiao Han were mercilessly abused for one night and really
wanted to cry!
The next morning, the national team’s selection schedule was officially announced.
Apart from the summoners quota where it was decided that Cat and Ling were the players,
the other classes would hold an open competition.
In order to make the national team’s selection more transparent and fair, this selection
would adopt the offline competition mode and would be divided into two sub-tournaments
at Beijing’s large e-sports venue.
The referees for these trials were Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing from the E-Sports League. The
match mode was a ‘three games, two wins’ match ‘double defeat knockout’, where random
draws would determine the opponent
In other words, each player had one chance to lose. The defeated player would enter the
elimination group and if they lost again, they would be directly eliminated. This system was
to avoid a situation where masters met prematurely, e.g. Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui. If they met in the first game, one of them would enter the losing group and still
have a chance to qualify from the losing group.
At 8 in the morning, the first groups to be selected were the black and white magicians.
Xiao Sijing and Liu Chuan were the referees for one side while Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng
drank tea in the backstage command room. They watched the live broadcast on the big
screen to see who would be selected.
The number of magicians in the online game was very large and there were also a lot of
magicians in the professional league.
Cheng Wei’s luck wasn’t bad and the opponents he drew in the first two games weren’t
strong. In the finals, he met the vice-captain of the Red Fox team, Yang Muzi. Cheng Wei
relied on using God’s Seal at a key moment to quickly empty Yang Muzi’s blood, taking first
place in the white magician group and entering the national team. Of course, Yang Muzi
also successfully entered the national team.
The names of the two white magicians were confirmed. In the column of national team
players on the official website, the images of Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi were added.
Cheng Wei was very excited. He signed his name on the paper submitted by the referee and
immediately went backstage to report to Li Cangyu. He stood upright and bowed to Cat
God. “Captain! Team member Cheng Wei has come to report!”
Li Cangyu was amused and couldn’t help reaching out to rub Cheng Wei’s head. “Good.”
Yang Muzi’s character was more lively. The short-haired girl shook hands with Li Cangyu
and Ling Xuefeng and said, “I also came to report. Cat God, Captain Ling, please advise me in
the future!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded at her. “You can go back to the hotel first to rest.”
Cheng Wei immediately exclaimed, “It is too boring back at the hotel. I will wait for the rest
of the team members!”
Yang Muzi was the same. “I also want to wait and see.”
The two of them were the first to get the qualification to join the national team but their
teammates weren’t the same. They naturally didn’t feel like going back to the hotel to rest
and waited with Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng.
Almost all the professional players had signed up for the trials, including those in the
training camps. This was the decision of the captains of various teams. It was rare to have
an opportunity to fight against the gods. Even if they weren’t selected, they could join in the
fun and gain some experience.
Fortunately, the trials were three games and two wins. Soon after the white magicians were
confirmed, the black magicians were also decided.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan of the Wind Colour both signed the ‘national team invitation
letter’ handed to them by chief referee Xiao Sijing and then excitedly reported to the
command room.
Guo Xuan cried out, “Captain Ling, I have been selected with Vice-Captain Yan!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and told them, “Report to the captain.”
He meant for them to find the captain of the national team, Li Cangyu and report. Guo Xuan
looked a bit awkward but fortunately, Yan Ruiwen was relatively calm. He took Guo Xuan to
Li Cangyu and smiled. “Captain is well.”
Li Cangyu asked bluntly, “Is it strange to call me captain?”
Yan Ruiwen replied, “You are now the captain of the national team. We will listen to your
arrangements in the future.” Ling Xuefeng gazed at Yan Ruiwen with appreciative eyes and
Yan Ruiwen suddenly felt that acting like this was correct!
In the bard selection group, Tan Shitian made it all the way and came out as first in the
victorious group. Lu Xiao of Time was the first to qualify from the losing group and the two
of them came backstage.
The Time fans were very happy about this outcome. Lu Xiao had always assisted Tan
Shitian with output. His reputation might not be as high as Captain Tan but the low-key
player wasn’t much worse.
Cheng Wei saw his captain and immediately ran over. “Captain Tan, Captain Tan! Ah, Lu
Xiao as well. Hey, I knew you would definitely enter the national team. Come over to the
captain and sign!”
Tan Shitian smiled and went to Li Cangyu. They shook hands and Tan Shitian said, “Captain
Cat is well.”
Li Cangyu wondered, “Captain Cat? This name is too strange…”
Tan Shitian changed his words. “Should I call you Captain Li?”
Cheng Wei laughed. “Captain Cat is good. The group of Chinese fighting cats will sweep the
Li Cangyu looked over at him. “Who is a Chinese fighting cat? Are you talking about
Cheng Wei blushed and Tan Shitian thought he looked particularly cute. He rubbed Cheng
Wei’s head and asked, “Fighter Cat, what else should I do?”
Li Cangyu handed him the national team’s confirmation form. “Sign this.”
The two arrivals signed their names on the form, confirming that eight of the 22 vacancies
had been filled. Tan Shitian felt great. He could see the national team gradually filling,
causing his blood to heat up.

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GLS: Chapter 235
Chapter 235 – National Team Selection (2)

Next up was the swordsman group.

A terran swordsman needed speed, attack and defense. Its defense wasn’t weak and it
could serve as a front row tank when necessary. It could be called one of the most
comprehensive melee class and its class costume was white and gold-rimmed. The shape of
the big sword in the hand was also very handsome. Thus, the number of swordsmen
players in the online game was always ranked first.
In the Miracle Professional League, a master swordsman was usually used to breakthrough
enemy formations. This meant that the number of professional players who played a
‘swordsman’ was the highest and the candidates for the swordsman group actually entered
the double digits.
Xie Shurong hit quickly and made it all the way to the finals. Then he met his older
apprentice brother, Su Guangmo. The two brothers met and weren’t polite to each other.
Both of them played fiercely, allowing the audience members who liked swordsman to feel
Li Cangyu watched the game backstage and couldn’t help saying, “Ah Shu is still a bit
lacking compared to Captain Su. Ah Shu likes the rapid attacks of a swordsman while
Captain Su prefers to use skills. His play is fast and stable.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “I remember the Xie Shurong from the third season. His standard was
a lot worse than his brother but he has really progressed playing abroad.”
Li Cangyu added, “I hope he can be selected, In the case where we meet the US team in the
future, at least Ah Shu knows them very well.”
At this moment, Su Guangmo suddenly used Spirit Lock on Xie Shurong and then broke out
the big move, Light and Shadow Rotation, emptying Xie Shurong’s blood!
The fallen Xie Shurong typed: [Come again!]
Su Guangmo sent a smiley face. [You still can’t beat me even if you come again. A younger
brother is a younger brother.]
Xie Shurong: [Don’t you have any face?]
Su Guangmo replied: [You don’t have any bark. Why do I need face?]
The audience couldn’t help laughing. They thought their relationship was bad after Ah Shu
left Flying Feathers. Now it seemed that the two brothers had a very good relationship as
they joked on the public channel.
In the second round, Xie Shurong burst out his highest hand speed and used Spirit Lock on
Su Guangmo at a crucial moment, killing the master in one breath.
Xie Shurong proudly sent a row of smiles on the public screen. [A younger brother is a
younger brother! Do you understand it?]
Su Guangmo, “…”
The two men played the third round and Su Guangmo thrillingly won the first spot on the
national team.
The defeated Xie Shurong entered the loser group and become the champion, eventually
becoming the 10th member of the national team!
Compared to the fierce battles in the swordsman group, the atmosphere of the assassin
selection was completely different.
There was a large number of assassins in the league’s major teams. There were six
assassins in Ghost Spirits, not to mention the assassin players of other teams. The number
of applicants in this group also reached the double digits.
Surprisingly, Zhang Shaohui’s hand was very stinky and he directly drew Lou Wushuang in
the first round. Many fans wanted to cry. Captain Zhang, did you have to be so unlucky?
Fortunately, the selection system was a double defeat knockout and the loser group also
had a chance.
The surprising thing was that Lou Wushuang was actually beaten by Zhang Shaohui. Zhang
Shaohui looked at the result with a dazed face. Once the game ended, he immediately ran
over and asked, “Brother, what’s wrong? Do you have a fever?”
Lou Wushuang replied coldly, “It is nothing.”
His face was strangely pale. Zhang Shaohui worriedly reached out and touched his
forehead. He found that Lou Wushuang’s forehead was scarily hot. Zhang Shaohui’s
expression changed and he immediately helped his brother to the side to sit down. “You are
sick, what should we do? Should we apply to postpone the matches with the league?”
Lou Wushuang shook his head at his brother’s distraught words. “The league can’t change
the schedule because a candidate is sick… forget it.”
Zhang Shaohui looked like he was about to cry. “You are sick. If you lost another game, you
‘Be eliminated.’ He couldn’t bare to say these words.
Lou Wushuang replied calmly, “It doesn’t matter. It isn’t a big deal if I don’t go to the World
Competition since you are there.”
In fact, he felt a bit uncomfortable. When he was a child, his health wasn’t very good. In
order to play the game, he was forced by Zhang Shaohui to frequently run and exercise. His
physical fitness improved. This sickness came very suddenly. It was probably because he
kicked off the quilt when sleeping last night and the air conditioner’s temperature was set
too low. He had a headache since the morning.
In the games, Lou Wushuang could always be absolutely calm, the dagger in his hand sharp
and cold. Today, he made a mistake at the crucial moment, making him lose to Zhang
Shaohui in three consecutive games.
Li Cangyu was also very surprised by this result. He couldn’t help glancing at Ling Xuefeng.
“Is there something wrong with Captain Lou?”
“I hope he can adjust as soon as possible.” Ling Xuefeng whispered.
Among assassins, Lou Wushuang was absolutely the strongest. There was no doubt that if
he had problems in the selection trials, it would be a great loss for the national team.
Unfortunately for the Ghost Spirits fans, Lou Wushuang couldn’t adjust very quickly. Lou
Wushuang relied on his rich experience to win against the next few players before meeting
Xiao Han, who was sent to the loser ground by Zhang Shaohui.
Xiao Han was the best at grasping opportunities. His mastery of the timing for sneak
attacks was a match for the first-class assassins in the league. He took advantage of a gap
made by Lou Wushuang’s mistake and unleashed a set of violent combos. Lou Wushuang’s
blood fell and then Xiao Han used the terrain to move to the other side, finally winning.
The 12th ticket to the national team actually went to the newcomer of the Canglan team,
Xiao Han!
The result surprised many people. In particular, the Ghost Spirits fans couldn’t accept that
Captain Lou was actually eliminated. Zhang Shaohui’s expression was very heavy.
The two players went backstage to report and Xiao Han seriously ran to the side of his
master. “Master, I have entered the national team.”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder, letting him sign his name.
After filling out his name, Zhang Shaohui told Li Cangyu, “I will take my brother back to the
hotel to rest.”
Lou Wushuang saw his brother come out and was puzzled. “What are you doing out here?”
Zhang Shaohui decisively lifted him up. “I’ll take you back to rest.”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
Lou Wushuang lay on his wide back and suddenly felt a bit sour. This fool might only see
him as a brother but at least in Zhang Shaohui’s heart, he was very important. Zhang
Shaohui should be excited about joining the national team but he wasn’t smiling at all and
his brow was deeply furrowed.
Lou Wushuang sighed. “I’m sorry that I can’t enter the national team with you.”
“It’s not your fault.” Zhang Shaohui interrupted in a low voice. “Go back and have a good
sleep. Don’t say such dumb things.”
After carrying Lou Wushuang back to the hotel, Zhang Shaohui gently placed him on the
bed, poured him a cup of warm water and bought him cold medicine to take. Then he
patted the quilt and said, “Go to sleep.”
Lou Wushuang closed his eyes and slept well, waking up at two in the afternoon.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng took the group back to the hotel for a lunch break. In the
morning, 10 places were decided and the remaining 10 places would be arranged in the
afternoon. They were hunters, front-line tanks, healers, psychics and the random group.
The hunter group started at 2:30 and it was like the assassin group!
Chen Anran, the vice-captain of the Cheetah team, once again continued Zhang Shaohui’s
tragedy. His stinky hand directly drew his own captain Jiang Xu and Chen Anran was
It was reasonable to say that according to the rules of the double defeat knockout, Chen
Anran could win in the losing group and get the national team quota by coming first in the
losing group. However, the audience members were worried because there was another
strong player in the hunter group. Zhuo Hang of Canglan who just won the Most Promising
Rookie award
After Zhuo Hang was defeated by Jiang Xu, he also entered the losing group. Then the
second hunter quota would go to either Zhuo Hang or Chen Anran.
This match was more intense than the one between Xie Shurong and Su Guangmo, because
both teenagers knew that they had to win this game. They couldn’t lose!
Chen Anran was a typical fast player. His effective hand speed could almost reach the level
of Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng. This was why he won the Most Promising Rookie Award last
Zhuo Hang’s basic hand speed wasn’t as fast but Zhuo Hang had made rapid progress in the
playoffs this season, especially when it came to the combination of traps and terrain.
In the first and second game, the two of them were randomly connected to a square map
with open terrain. They each seized an opportunity to make it a 1:1 draw. They reached the
third and deciding game!
The system randomly chose a mountain map with many obstacles!
Zhuo Hang arranged a wave of traps according to the terrain and then deliberately lured
Chen Anran in. This wave of operation was smooth and level. Chen Anran accidentally
stepped into the first trap and suffered from chain explosions. His blood was directly blown
away to residual blood in one breath. Zhuo Hang followed with three consecutive Death
Traps and killed him!
This approach gained Yu Bing’s appreciation. “This is a real hunter! It can be said that Zhuo
Hang has mastered the essence of the hunter class.”
Kou Hongyi said, “The Cheetah fans might not feel good but it is very fair. Zhuo Hang’s
selection won’t lower the level of the national team. His strength isn’t bad compared to
Chen Anran and he is very good at using maps. Thanks to the existence of Zhuo Hang,
perhaps the national team can use the map to play more strategies.”
Compared to the uncomfortable Cheetah fans, Chen Anran was quieter. To be exact, he was
still a baby who hadn’t grown up and would hide shyly every time a match finished.
Jiang Xu explained for him. “Xiao Chen wants me to tell you that Zhuo Hang’s strength isn’t
worse than his. He has no opinions about Zhuo Hang being selected for the national team.
In addition, I will take him to watch the game abroad and also train him when there is time.
I hope everyone can support the national team.”
Li Cangyu was naturally the happiest about Zhuo Hang being selected.
He watched this young man grow step by step. The fact that Zhuo Hang could join the
national team was a result of his own efforts. Li Cangyu was going to the World
Competition with a player who was good at grasping the terrain. This was more reliable
than taking a shy baby.
Chen Anran was only 16 years old. He might be even better when he was two years older!
Li Cangyu patted Zhuo Hang’s shoulder and had him sign his name next to Jiang Xu. Zhuo
Hang signed the national team’s list, leaving eight names left.

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GLS: Chapter 236
Chapter 236 – National Team Selection (3)

The assassin and hunter group broke out in succession. The next melee-resistance selection
would probably have the fiercest fights. It was because both paladins and berserkers were
in this group!
The one who made a clean sweep was naturally the ghostly vice-captain of Flying Feathers,
the always silent Yu Pingsheng. His violent style made the opponents feel fear and the giant
axe smashed deep pits. He won first place and got the qualification for the national team.
For the remaining paladins and berserkers, the viewers were worried this wouldn’t be fair
to paladins. However, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng considered this in advanced and used
the ‘time scoring method’. As long as the paladin could persist for 10 minutes under the
violent attacks of the berserker, it could be considered a victory.
This highlighted the paladin’s ability to ‘resist pressure.’
There weren’t many paladins in the China Miracle League because Flying Feathers, Red
Fox, Cheetah, Wind Colour and other teams all used berserkers in the front row. Only Time
and Canglan had a paladin as their front row.
The most famous one was Chai Jun of the Time Team. The young madman Gu Siming was
still a newcomer and it was hard for him. In the first round, he faced Meng Jie of Red Fox
and entered the losing group.
Xiao Gu wasn’t discouraged. He entered the trials to enrich his experience and didn’t think
he could actually be selected for the national team. After all, this group of berserkers was
too much!
In the end, the one who won was Meng Jie of the Red Fox team. This sister played very
fiercely and the strong paladin male players were beaten by her. She was a complete tough
Next was the selection of the healers and psychics. They certainly couldn’t have the healers
and auxiliaries fight each other. Li Cangyu considered these two classes and submitted an
application to the chairman about obtaining an instance to test the healers and auxiliaries.
The technicians in the league worked overnight to make a single player instance
‘Nightmare’ that the healers could challenge.
In the Nightmare instance, there were many bosses with group and single target attacks.
There were four different NPCs teammates facing the bosses. The healers must guarantee
the blood of the teammates, with the death time of the first teammate being considered the
final grade.
This instance seriously tested the healers and some players lasted less than five minutes
before their teammates died. Finally, only Liu Xiang and Bai Xuan’s healing exceeded
20,000 per second and their teammates didn’t die for eight minutes. The two gods
successfully won the admission ticket for the national team.
Xie Shurong saw Bai Xuan reporting and was very excited. He walked over and hugged Bai
Xuan. “You will soon become a world-class milk dad!”
Bai Xuan looked at this guy whose IQ had regressed and smiled helplessly. He was very
happy to be part of the national team. Moreover, he saw the people gathered and thought
the lineup was very luxurious!
The psychic group was unquestionably won by Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue of the Pure
Cleansing team. The two people reported backstage and there were only two spots left in
the national team.
It was the free group where the class was unrestricted.
Qin Mo applied for this group as well as the blood kin summoner Xu Feifan. The
summoners were understandable since their spots had already been taken. The unexpected
one was that Lou Wushuang actually applied!
The Ghost Spirits fans filled the screen with comments as they cheered on the captain.
Captain Lou’s state still wasn’t too good but it was better compared to his pale face in the
morning. Zhang Shaohui was always with him, helping Lou Wushuang register and drew
the opponents.
The Ghost Spirits fans prayed that Vice-Captain Zhang’s unlucky hand wouldn’t be shown…
Fortunately, this time Zhang Shaohui lucky and drew more average players. Lou Wushuang
won five matches in a row.
In the sixth match, he faced the blood kin summoner Xu Feifan. He grasped an opportunity
for a sneak attack and sent the other party to the losing group in a thrilling manner.
Then he met Qin Mo in the finals and sent Qin Mo to the losing group.
Lou Wushuang played very hard in the afternoon game and the audience could see the
sweat on his forehead. He was sick but won the 21st spot in the national team. This
perseverance was enough to make people feel admiration.
The Ghost Spirits fans cried excitedly. Everyone had been really shocked by Captain Lou’s
surprise elimination in the assassin group earlier.
Zhang Shaohui’s gloomy face finally showed a bright smile as he hugged his brother. “Great!
Brother, we can enter the national team together! It’s really great!”
This hug was very hard and made Lou Wushuang feel slightly dizzy, but he wasn’t willing to
push the other person away. This embrace was warm and Zhang Shaohui’s bright smile
was like sunlight shining on his cold heart…
In the backstage command room, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other and
sighed with relief.
Xiao Han wasn’t weak but in terms of cooperation, he was definitely inferior to the tacit
understanding between the Lou Zhang combination. Lou Wushuang was sick in the
morning and lost. Fortunately, he was better in the afternoon. Otherwise, it would be very
regrettable if the national team lost such a player.
There was one last spot left!
Qin Mo or Xu Feifan in the losing group were likely to be selected. Both of them were blood
kin summoners and teammates on the Wind Colour team. This game made the Wind Colour
fans feel distressed.
Xu Feifan was Ling Xuefeng’s old partner and his strength naturally didn’t need to be
described. Qin Mo was in the spotlight as Wind Colour’s little prince. The battle between
old and new player caught the eyes of e-sports reporters.
Both the first and second games were played stably and it was a 1:1 draw.
In the third inning, Qin Mo suddenly changed his style, using a quick change of pets, stealth
and movement to fight a guerilla battle. Xu Feifan was caught off guard and lost 30% of his
blood from Qin Mo’s outbreak!
Xu Feifan smiled helplessly at the word ‘failure’ that appeared on the screen and typed his
congratulations to Qin Mo: [Your progress is very fast. Don’t lose face for Wind Colour in
the World Competition.]
Qin Mo immediately replied: [I understand Brother Xu! I will work hard!]
In the Wind Colour team, he was most familiar with Xu Feifan. Whenever he was in a bad
state, he was enlightened by Xu Feifan and Xu Feifan also taught him many things. Qin Mo
hadn’t been very happy about competing with him for the national team’s quota but it was
a fight. He naturally had to do his best on the field.
He won the national team’s quota and could go to the world stage with Master and Xiao
Finally, Lou Wushuang, Qin Mo and Zhang Shaohui came backstage together. Lou
Wushuang and Qin Mo signed their names in the national team’s register.
The team members had all come together! The first Chinese Miracle national team was
finally formed!
The author has something to say:
The 22 members of the national team:
Summoners: Li Cangyu (Canglan), Ling Xuefeng (Wind Colour), Qin Mo (Wind Colour)
Assassins: Lou Wushuang (Ghost Spirits), Zhang Shaohui (Ghost Spirits), Xiao Han
Black magicians: Yan Ruiwen (Wind Colour), Guo Xuan (Wind Colour)
White magicians: Cheng Wei (Time), Yang Muzi (Red Fox)
Healers: Bai Xuan (Canglan), Liu Xiang (Red Fox)
Swordsmen: Xie Shurong (Canglan), Su Guangmo (Flying Feathers)
Berserkers: Yu Pingsheng (Flying Feathers), Meng Jie (Red Fox)
Bards: Tan Shitian (Time), Lu Xiao (Time)
Psychics: Chu Yan (Pure Cleansing), Zhu Qingyue (Pure Cleansing)
Hunters: Jiang Xu (Cheetah), Zhuo Hang (Canglan)

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GLS: Chapter 237

Chapter 237 – First Meeting

Once the 22 people arrived at the meeting room, Chairman Nan Jiangang arrived with Xiao
Sijing and Liu Chuan to hold the first national team preparatory meeting.
The first part of the meeting was to confirm the list of national team players. Everyone was
very excited about the invitation letter in their hands. Many people put the invitation letter
away, planning to take it home as a commemoration item.
Chairman Na spoke solemnly. “Today is the first meeting after the establishment of the
national team. All players selected are the top players of out Miracle League. Everyone used
to be on different teams and were opponents most of the time. Now that you are on the
national team, I hope you can put down past grievances and work together to compete in
the World Competition!”
The chairman’s remark received warm applause from the players present. Regardless of
the past, from this moment on, everyone was a brand new team. They hard to work hard
for a common goal and not damage it!
“Captain, can you first introduce the World Competition’s system in detail?”
The chairman looked at Li Cangyu, who cleared his throat and readily explained,
“According to the latest notice from the World League, the World Competition has invited a
total of 16 countries. Those participating will be divided into four groups: A, B, C, D. Each
group has two places to enter the quarter-finals. From the quarter-finals, it will enter the
knockout mode until there is a winner.”
This was a common mode for world events. The World Championships or cups of various
spots had such a system and everyone was very familiar with it.
Li Cangyu saw everyone was listening and continued, “There will be three games per
match. The first game is the elimination arena, which is the same as our domestic league.
This is worth five points. The second game is an economic team battle and the rules are
also consistent with the domestic league. Destroy the crystal and gain five points. The third
game is the new event of the World Competition, the death racing mode.”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had mentioned this mode when they were interviewed by
reporters but the players were still unsure about the details. Many players pricked their
ears and some people even took out notebooks to take down notes.
“For the death racing mode, every team will send five players. There are 10 refresh points
on the map and two red and blue resurrection points. Every player will randomly refresh at
one point on the map and kill the other side. After death, you can be resurrected. The side
to kill 10 people first will win.”
Li Cangyu’s explanation gave everyone a bit of understanding of the rules of death racing.
The confused Cheng Wei raised his hand. “Every person can resurrect several times?”
“There is no limit to the number of resurrections. After being killed, you can immediately
resurrect and freely choose between either the red or blue resurrection points.” Ling
Xuefeng replied.
Many people had surprised expressions on their faces. This meant that when choosing
resurrection points, they could select the same resurrection point as the enemy.
It was worthy of being called ‘death racing’. This type of killing game would certainly by
“How will the maps be chosen?” Zhang Shaohui asked. “Is there a distinction between home
and away?”
Li Cangyu replied, “I just wanted to say this. The group matches of the World Competition
will no longer have the home and away system. The three game model is different and it
won’t be fair to the away team.”
Ling Xuefeng added, “The World Competition will randomly select seven maps from the
map gallery. Both sides will have an opportunity to ban two maps. The remaining three will
be used as maps for the three games.
This mode was quite new and was similar to previous DOTA games where the two sides
disabled each other’s heroes.
There were seven maps. They could ban two maps they weren’t good at or two maps that
the other team was particularly good at. This tested the overall quality of the team and the
on-spot thinking.
Li Cangyu smiled at Ling Xuefeng and continued, “We just got news from the World League.
For the World Competition maps, one-third will be old maps used by the league, one-third
will be maps dedicated to the World Competition and the remaining one-third will be maps
freely submitted by each participating country.
Su Guangmo showed interest. “In other words, our Chinese team can freely develop a map
and submit it for the World Competition?”
“That is what it means.” Li Cangyu looked at the big gods present. “Everyone can put
forward suggests about the maps our country will submit.
Cheng Wei raised a hand. “Can we use the Chinese style? How about hanging up red
Tan Shitian looked at him. “Do you want to place red carpets, incense burners and similar
Cheng Wei immediately nodded. “Yes!”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Once our players appear on the field, they will be accompanied by
sound effects of worship and it will be like a husband and wife worshipping?”
“We are playing a game, not going to the chapel!” Cheng Wei’s eyes were red with anger. “I
just want to hang red lanterns!”
Everyone suppressed their smiles. Vice-Captain Cheng was really funny. If red lanterns
were hung then how could a black and white magician play? His aesthetics were really
It was better to have more reliable people speak, for example, Captain Lou Wushuang of
Ghost Spirits.
“I think we can use real scenery. There are many places in our country with steep terrain
and beautiful scenery. If we change this into a map, we can make majestic scenes while also
using the familiar terrain to our advantage.”
Lou Wushuang’s words were always calm and his eyes were cold. His tone had no ups and
downs but due to his cold, his originally cold voice was a bit hoarse and people found it a
bit painful to listen to.
Zhang Shaohui immediately raised his hands in agreement. “My brother is right! In fact, this
is a lot more reliable then Vice-Captain Cheng’s red lanterns.”
Cheng Wei stared and Zhang Shaohui stared back.
Su Guangmo casually turned the pen in his hand. “Real landscape being turned into a map is
a plan. In addition, I feel it is possible to design a map with garden-style buildings suitable
for playing games. The roads, temples and other things can be used to make the foreigners
feel dizzy.”
Xie Shurong added, “As far as I know, the US team has map masters and it is hard to beat
them with a maze. Brother, you talked about a garden style map with temples and I think
you can add some designs inside the room. For example, adding an attic to a two or three
storey building, the remote classes can go upstairs to attack the opponent.”
The two brothers liked to ridicule each other but Su Guangmo agreed with Xie Shurong’s
opinion. “The attic idea is good. In the current Miracle League maps, the water and air
battle maps are too open. We can make a more comprehensive complex map. For example,
a large courtyard with an attic, a pond and many roads. It would be very interesting if this
map was selected for the death racing mode.”
Pure Cleansing’s Chu Yan said, “I had a thought. The five elements eight-trigram array is a
characteristic of out country. It can be made into a difficult status map. For example, the
five elements can give their own buffs or debuffs, such as enhanced attacks, enhanced
healing, deceleration, blue reduction or reduced defense. The central area will be a large
The great gods had their own opinions. The low IQ Cheng Wei listened with wide eyes
while Xiao Han was stunned since he wasn’t good at Chinese. Qin Mo sat beside him and
patiently gave him the translation…
To the surprise of Chairman Nan, the players weren’t cautious at the first team meeting.
There were no boring and lengthy leadership speeches. The players were masters who
talked together in an excited manner. Every person thought different things and the
collision of ideas produced many novel ideas. After 10 minutes, at least five options were
negotiated for the Chinese team’s submitted maps.
Li Cangyu had been listening carefully and occasionally took notes. He might be the captain
of the national team but he wasn’t an arbitrary dictator. Many people sitting here had high
standards and he wanted to listen to their suggestions.
He also thought of a map scheme, which was a three-dimensional map with upper and
lower levels. He could set up different mechanisms on the map. Different mechanisms
would trigger different effects, such as stepping on a floorboard and falling into a trap, or
being surrounded by arrows, etc. It should be very interesting to play.
Li Cangyu put forward this suggestion and immediately received strong support from the
brainless fan Cheng Wei. “This map is cool! It is best to do it with dim light like a tomb.
Everywhere will be full of dangerous traps!”
Finally, Li Cangyu summed up the plans that the great gods thought of and handed them
over to Chairman Nan.
Nan Jiangang asked, “God Chuan, can you lend us your map analysis expert? The
development of the map requires his help with coordinating the positioning!”
Liu Chuan replied quickly. “Of course, there is no problem. Our Zewen had a lot of free time
recently. I will have him discuss with the program director who will develop the maps and
try to make a plan that satisfies everyone.”
Nan Jiangang nodded happily. “There is one more thing. What do you think should be the
national team’s uniform? Next month, the World Competition will start. The team uniforms
need to be designed as soon as possible for the manufacturers to produce them.”
The silent Bai Xuan smiled and opened his mouth. “Don’t make it red and yellow. It would
look a lot like tomato scrambled eggs…”
Xie Shurong instantly nodded in agreement. “Yes, a red and yellow team uniform is too
bright. I think white and black are universal colours.”
Tan Shitian said, “Now it is summer so isn’t white more refreshing? Of course, black gives
off the feeling of a dark horse. I don’t mind.”
Li Cangyu also gave his opinion. “Since it is the World Competition, the national team’s logo
must be the country’s flag. A black uniform with the red pattern is too similar to the Wind
Colour uniform. How about a white uniform with red patterns and the national flag on the
Ling Xuefeng suggested, “We can’t see the effect just talking. How about you have the
designer make a few plans and then everyone will vote?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “That is also okay.”
Nan Jiangang thought this discussion would drag out but the national team’s vice-captain
was resolute. The maps and uniform took less than an hour to finish discussing. Nan
Jiangang was very relieved. He accepted the plan that Li Cangyu handed over and had his
assistant contact the map and uniform designers to hurry.
“Next will be a three day holiday. You can go back and spend time with your parents, as
well as arrange your luggage. Three days later, everyone will gather at the reception hotel
near Kunming AIrport. I’ll arrange for a vehicle to send you to the secret training base.”
Everyone was surprise when they heard this and the impatient Cheng Wei directly asked,
“Where is the secret training base? Why is it in Kunming?”
Nan Jiangang answered, “Now it is summer and Kunming will be a bit cooler. I have already
contacted the training place. Everyone will soon know what it is.”
Chairman Nan was deliberately vague and everyone had to suppress their doubts.

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GLS: Chapter 238

Chapter 238 – Team Reporter

After the first preparatory meeting for the national team, everyone went back to pack their
bags. Li Cangyu returned to Changsha with the other members of Canglan and
unexpectedly saw two friends at the door of the Dragon Song Club.
They were the original members of the Canglan team, Luo Zilong and Huo Jie, who haven’t
been seen in a year. Li Cangyu saw the two men and greeted them with excitement, hugging
his two good friends. “Long time no see!”
Bai Xuan also walked over and asked with a smile. “Ah Long, Ah Jie, what are you going
“I heard that you have been selected for the national team, congratulations!” Luo Ziling said
as he handed two boxes to them. They were hollow metal ornaments of Li Cangyu and Bai
Xuan’s characters in the game. They were also engraved with words. Li Cangyu’s one said
‘the elf summoner will win’ while Bai Xuan’s priest said ‘World-class god milk!’
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. “You are really considerate.”
He asked Old Zhang to bring the players into the club while he and Bai Xuan took his two
old friends to a nearby restaurant to chat.
After the disbandment of Canglan, all teammates except for Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan had left
the e-sports circle. Luo Zilong had returned to his hometown to become a civil servant,
marrying and having a son. Huo Jie went to his father’s food factory to help. They all had an
ordinary but peaceful life, no longer needing to worry about playing the game every day.
They could each find their own home. Li Cangyu was naturally very pleased and patted the
shoulders of both people. “It seems that you have a good life. I can finally rest assured.”
Luo Zilong rubbed his eyes and whispered, “In fact, we have been reflecting after the
disbandment. In the past few years, we dragged down both of you. Perhaps the two of you
would’ve already won the championship…”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Should you say this? The team was built by all of us. Our results might not
be good in recent years but we all worked together. There is nothing to regret.”
Huo Jie protested, “But…”
“If you treat me as a brother, don’t say such things again.” Li Cangyu interrupted. “The fact
that you are following the competition shows that you still really like it. Everyone has a
limited ability. A player who hasn’t won a prize isn’t necessarily a bad player. After two
days, I will leave for the national team training. I am really happy to see you before the
His sincere eyes made the two of them stop talking about it. They chatted about what
happened after leaving the e-sports circle.
Their days have indeed become calmer and stable. Every day they would go to work then
go home to take care of their wife and children, like many of their peers around them.
There might be no special achievements but they didn’t have to worry about losing their
It was just that they couldn’t forget the heated blood and excitement of the league and Li
Cangyu. It was the most precious thing they buried in the depths of their memories and
would never be forgotten.
Today, Li Cangyu was the captain of the Chinese Miracle national team and Bai Xuan was
also selected. This could be regarded as a substitute for the small group’s unfinished dream.
Luo Zilong suddenly grabbed Li Cangyu’s hand and said, “You must refuel for the World
Competition. We will watch every game. If you enter the finals, I will take my wife and child
to the United States to cheer you on!”
Huo Jie also said, “I might not be able to go abroad because I’m too busy lately but I will
cheer for you in front of the TV.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Rest assured. We will try our best.”
Li Cangyu’s heart was really warm at receiving the encouragement of old friends.
Perhaps in the eyes of many people, it was just a waste for him to play with the ordinary
players in the game. However, for Li Cangyu, it was very meaningful to work with his good
brothers for a common goal. He didn’t regret his original choice at all.
After returning to the team, Li Cangyu lay in bed and couldn’t fall asleep. He picked up his
phone and sent a message to Ling Xuefeng: [Today my old friends and former teammates
came to Changsha to find me.]
Ling Xuefeng replied in seconds: [What did they say?]
Li Cangyu: [The congratulated me for becoming captain of the national team and cheered
me on.]
Ling Xuefeng: [It seems they are quite loyal. Despite retiring, they paid attention to the
competitions you participated in.]
This sentence made Li Cangyu’s mood improve. [Yes, in fact, several of them are very good
people. Their level wasn’t high enough for the competition. This is a matter of talent and
there is no way to force it.]
He was pleased that Ling Xuefeng could understand his feelings towards these friends
instead of questioning him.
A few years of wind and rain had passed. Now he won the championship and was serving
as the captain of the national team, as well as having a strong partner like Ling Xuefeng to
assist him. He believed that on the stage of the World Competition, the Chinese team would
definitely give the opponents a surprise!
Ling Xuefeng knew this person couldn’t sleep. He turned on the voice chat and whispered,
“If you can’t sleep, do you want to analyze the characteristics of players from various
Li Cangyu was instantly spirited. “Good!”
Ling Xuefeng told him, “Let’s start with the American team…”
The two people started to talk until around midnight. Then Ling Xuefeng hung up to let Li
Cangyu sleep.
The next morning, a special visitor came to the Dragon Song Club. It was a female reporter
with her hair in a ponytail. The simple white dress made her look fresh and capable. She
introduced herself, “Hello Cat God, I am Zhao Yue, the reporter for the national team. This is
the photographer Zhou Yang.”
Li Cangyu looked at her doubtfully because he felt this reporter was a bit familiar.
Bai Xuan whispered to him as a reminder, “In every post-match interview, her questions
are very straightforward and sharp.”
Li Cangyu suddenly realized and smiled at her. “Miss Zhao came to our Dragon Song Club. Is
it an official interview task from the league?”
Zhao Yue explained simply, “I need an exclusive interview with the captain of the national
team. This was a task the league arranged.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Please come this way.”
He took the two people to the office of the Dragon Song Club. The photographer held his
camera and Zhao Yue asked him, “Cat God, do you want to change your clothes?”
Li Cangyu looked at his simple t-shirt. “Do I need to change it? This should be fine.”
Cat God wasn’t the same as Captain Ling and didn’t like to wear formal clothes. Since he
wanted to be free, Zhao Yue didn’t hesitate and turned on her recorder pen to start the
interview. “You have won the championship and five of your players are selected for the
national team. Cat God is a really good captain. Were there any strategies when training
your team?”
“I developed a personal training program for each person’s characteristics and weaknesses.
The four newcomers had different training tasks every day and this arrangement had a
better effect.”
Zhao Yue then asked, “Will you continue this method of training in the national team?”
Li Cangyu smiled and shook his head. “The national team is different. The foundation of
Canglan’s four newcomers wasn’t good and some of them encountered a bottleneck. I
needed to think of a method to help them break through that bottleneck. The national team
players are different. Everyone is top-notch and there is no need to strengthen their
personal standards. Teamwork is more important for the national team.”
Zhao Yue wondered, “Is it because everyone comes from different teams?”
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu explained, “Every team has a different style and the great gods of
different teams will have to adapt to each other. That’s why the national team will go to a
secret training camp, helping everyone became one as soon as possible.”
“With so many great gods together, there is bound to be a difference in opinion. What will
you do then?”
Li Cangyu answered, “I will use their opinions as a reference but the final plan is decided by
me and Ling Xuefeng. Otherwise, won’t the national team be a mess?”
Zhao Yue nodded in agreement. “In the domestic league, every team has distinctive
features, such as Ghost Spirits’ assassination tactics or Time’s kiting. However, the national
team only has two or three of each class. Is the national team going to abandon the original
tactics like assassination and kiting?”
This question was the key point. In order to consider the overall lineup, the national team
was balanced when choosing players. The result was that some extreme tactics couldn’t be
Li Cangyu thought about it before replying. “I have discussed it with Xuefeng and received
the approval of the chairman. Apart from us, the national team will have four mobile
commanders, namely Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang, Su Guangmo and Chu Yan. Captain Tan
will be mainly responsible for the kite flow tactics, Captain Lou will be in charge of the
assassin based lineup, the melee violent play will be handed over to Captain Su and Chu
Yan will deal with the European illusionists. I can’t command every game with Xuefeng.
These great gods will be in charge when necessary.”
This news will definitely make many fans excited.
The Chinese team was star-studded. If Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu took full control of the
command, there would be people who were dissatisfied. For example, a tactical
arrangement based on assassination was something that Lou Wushuang was best at. Li
Cangyu wouldn’t hold exclusive power would would hand it over to the other gods when
needed. This practice was very good.
Zhao Yue asked the last question. “Cat God, recently there are many e-sports websites that
use the word ‘late’ to describe you. Your success came too late and you won your first
trophy at the end of your career. What do you want to say about this?”
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “I might’ve gotten the trophy a bit late but there is nothing to
regret. These years of experience made me never afraid of losing. It was the countless
failures that enriched my experience and tactics. There are disadvantages and advantages.
There is no need to feel sorry for me.”
These words were very calm and atmospheric. This man worked hard for so many years
but didn’t sell his hardships to the fans to seek sympathy. It was enough to see his strength.
As long as he chose a path, he would firmly walk on it, every step very practical. He didn’t
regret it, even if he walked seven years on the tip of sharp knife
Seven years, this might be ‘late’ but Li Cangyu didn’t have any complaints.
Such a person was the captain of the national team. Zhao Yue suddenly had full confidence
in the journey of the national team!

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GLS: Chapter 239

Chapter 239 – National Team Training

Zhao Yue’s exclusive interview was published on the website, causing Li Cangyu’s
popularity to skyrocket. His number of fans rose by more than 100,000 in just one day.
There were many messages to cheer him on and also many saying ‘Cat God is married to
me.’ Li Cangyu’s personal charm was finally accepted and recognized. Compared with the
doubts that came from all sides when he just returned to Miracle, the number of fans
supporting him thoroughly crushed the sunspots.
However, others deliberately found things to criticize. [The national team doesn’t have a
knight, hehe. The front row is weak and will definitely be blown away!]
[South Korea has the angel summoner and the US has Jack. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng will
surely cry after being abused!]
[Captain Tan, your small body is going to lose. Isn’t the beautiful archer of the Japanese
team better than you?]
[Qin Mo, Zhuo Hang and Xiao Han can go to the National Competition? Is there no one else
in our country?]
[The crybaby Zhu Qingyue actually made it onto the national team. Don’t cry at the World
Competition and give the national team shame!]
These doubts were ignore. No matter how perfect a player was, there would always be
people who didn’t like them. If the professional players argued with them every day, their
brains would bleed from anger.
Three days passed very quickly. Everyone gathered at the hotel near Kunming Airport.
Once they all arrived, Chairman Nan finally appeared with the vehicle to drive them to the
secret base.
It was a bus with more than 30 seats and was very spacious.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng tacitly sat on the last row. They looked at each other and
secretly held hands. No one discovered that they were holding hands and expressing their
feelings for each other.
Bai Xuan originally wanted to sit with Xiao Han. As a result, Xie Shurong grabbed the seat
next to Bai Xuan and grinned. “Vice-Captain Bai, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
“…” Bai Xuan looked out the window and wore his earplugs.
Most of the other players were sitting together with people they knew. Some sit alone on
two seat and slept.
Perhaps they were too tired from the flight but the bus was quiet the whole way. After two
hours, the bus finally stopped. A sleeping person woke up and looked out the window. Then
his jaw dropped with surprise.
Beautiful scenery, singing birds and a calm atmosphere!
Cheng Wei excitedly stood up and accidentally hit the seat in front of him. He groaned from
the pain and Tan Shitian rubbed his forehead, asking in a soft voice, “Are you hurt? Why
were you in such a hurry?”
“There’s no pain, no pain.” Cheng Wei waved his hand and actively spoke, “Chairman, what
is this place?”
“This is Anning.” Chairman Nan smiled. “It is a city near Kunming and we are staying at a
hot springs resort. The alliance has specifically booked 12 suites for the national team as
well as a conference room as a temporary training base. For the next half-month, everyone
will be training here. If you are tired then you can soak in the hot springs. Every room has a
large bathtub which can be used freely.”
“A hot springs hotel!”
“Chairman, you are really willing to spend money!”
“We can soak in the hot springs tonight!”
There was a burst of exclamations in the bus.
The league used its hard-earned capital this time. The hot springs’ room rate for one night
was quite high, not to mention the three meals a day. The price of the meeting room also
wasn’t cheap. Obviously, this was an allocation of funds from the sponsorship funds that
Chairman Nan approved. Many brands were rushing to sponsor them for the World
Competition and the national team could afford to spend the money.
Of course, before the World Competition, it was understandable to pull out some players to
endorse certain products.
“I want to soak in the hot springs. I haven’t been to a hot springs yet!” Cheng Wei excitedly
turned around and grabbed his luggage. Then the chairman added, “Don’t worry, I ordered
double rooms in the name of the league. Considering the fact that there are three females
from Red Fox, the team reporter Zhao Yue will stay with one of them. You can rest assured
that the reporter will only do some interviews when everyone is idle and shoot tidbits of
you training. The fans will be pleased and it won’t affect your training.”
“The remaining 19 players plus the photographer are 20 people. The captain can arrange
how the rooms are allocated.”
“Okay.” Li Cangyu nodded and took out a pen and paper. “Everyone can freely choose if
they want to stay with someone. If there are no special requirements then I will assign it
Zhang Shaohui didn’t hesitate to raise his hand. “I will live with my brother.”
“No problem.” Li Cangyu wrote it down on the paper. “Is there anyone else?”
Xie Shurong pointed to the person sleeping next to him. “I will live with Vice-Captain Bai.”
Bai Xuan was wearing earplugs to sleep and didn’t hear what everyone was saying. Thus,
he ended up in Xie Shurong’s territory.
“I will stay with Xiao Zhu.” Chu Yan had to live with his crybaby apprentice Zhu Qingyue.
Similarly, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan of Wind Colour and Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng of
Flying Feathers were fixed partners.
There were three people selected from time. Cheng Wei raised his hand to say he would
live with Lu Xiao. The result was that Tan Shitian grabbed his hand and said, “I will live
with Xiao Cheng.”
Cheng Wei protested. “No, I will stay with Lu Xiao!”
Lu Xiao stared at his captain with a conflicted expression. Tan Shitian said, “Lu Xiao
recently bought a SLR camera and wants to stay with the photographer to discuss
techniques for taking photos. Don’t mess around.”
The smart Lu Xiao immediately nodded. “Yes, that’s right. The SLR camera is very
complicated and I was looking for a professional to learn from.” Then he ran to sit with the
photographer Zhou Yang.
Cheng Wei had no choice but to stay in Tan Shitian’s room.
Xiao Han should’ve stayed with Zhuo Hang from the same team but Qin Mo successfully
persuaded him on the grounds of ‘I will teach you Chinese.’ Thus, the two little princes
became harmonious friends and roommates.
The remaining Zhuo Hang stayed with Jiang Xu of the Cheetah team. Both of them were
hunters and could exchange ideas with each other.
After assigning the rooms, Cheng Wei suddenly had a thought. “Eh? Cat God, who are you
living with?”
Everyone looked at him like he was a fool. ‘Who taught you maths? Can’t you count? The
only one left is Captain Ling. Who else would Cat God be living with?’
People expressed sympathy for Cheng Wei’s IQ.
The silent Ling Xuefeng opened his mouth. “He is living with me.”
The sentence was calm and cold but Cheng Wei inexplicably got a chill down his spine. He
suddenly felt that Captain Ling was claiming ownership?

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GLS: Chapter 240

Chapter 240 – Hot Springs Hotel (1)

Most of the players had already gotten off the bus by the time Bai Xuan woke up. Bai Xuan
rubbed his eyes, grabbed his phone and got off. Xie Shurong had actively taken Bai Xuan’s
luggage from the bus and walked over. “Are you awake? Go and check in.”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan grabbed his luggage from Xie Shurong and headed into the hotel lobby.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were talking with each other at the front desk of the hotel. Bai
Xuan walked over and stood with Xiao Han. Then Li Cangyu came over with a watch.
“Please hand me your ID cards and I will help you check in.”
The group immediately took out the ID cards and handed them to the captain. There were
some people passing by who wondered which travel agency this large group had booked
“Luo Zhang duo, your room number is 7th building 201, Tan Cheng duo is 202, Su Yu is
301…” Li Cangyu named the rooms and returned the ID cards to everyone. The captain of
the national team didn’t need to do this but he helped everyone get their rooms. Everyone
felt that Cat God was a great captain!
—At the very least, he was kinder than the serious Ling Xuefeng.
Once it came time for Bai Xuan’s turn, Li Cangyu read, “Ah Shu and Xiao Bai have room
Bai Xuan was confused. “Who arranged the rooms?” He looked back and saw Xie Shurong
smiling at him. The latter met Bai Xuan’s eyes and spoke innocently, “Everyone freely
formed a group. We didn’t have anyone and were grouped together.”
“Is that so?” Bai Xuan felt very suspicious.
“Yes!” Xie Shurong smiled sincerely. “XIao Han wanted to live with Qin Mo to learn Chinese.
Zhuo Hang lives with Captain Jiang to exchange experiences about a hunter. Cat God
wanted to team up with Captain Ling to discuss things. We were the only ones left in
Canglan and were teamed up.”
His words sounded reasonable but Bai Xuan always felt that something was wrong.
He remembered the previous time when Xie Shurong crawled into his bed in the middle of
the night. Bai Xuan couldn’t help thinking that living for half a month in a room with the
person who confessed to him would be a big challenge!
However, Bai Xuan saw Xie Shurong actively help him lift his luggage while holding the
room card and was forced to follow.
The hot springs hotel had an excellent environment. After going out behind the lobby, they
arrived at the hotel accommodation area. A large musical fountain could be seen, as well as
two long coffee halls surrounded by green trees. Despite being a hot summer day, the
environment here was very cool.
Next to the coffee hall was an open-air swimming pool and further on were rows of villa-
like apartments.
The hotel apartment buildings each had seven storeys. The first floor was a public gym,
while the second to seventh floors contained two people rooms. The national team
members plus reporter and photographer took up 12 double rooms in the 7th building.
Everyone gathered downstairs. Li Cangyu patiently explained, “Go back tonight and take a
rest. Starting from 7 o’clock tomorrow morning, the restaurant on the upper floor of the
hotel lobby will have a breakfast buffet. You can eat breakfast by telling them your room
number. After breakfast, meet at the 10th floor meeting room. The gathering time is 8
o’clock. Don’t be late.”
Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying, “Cat God, you are like a tour guide!”
Li Cangyu smiled helplessly. “There is no other way. The chairman has to go back and has
handed over the training management to me and Xuefeng. This is the national team and
everyone should try to be punctual. I don’t want to waste everyone’s time because one or
two people are late.”
The members nodded to show they understood there was a need for strict management,
otherwise it would be a mess.
Li Cangyu continued, “Xuefeng and I are staying in room 601. If you have a matter to talk
about, you can directly call the hotel’s internal line to find us. Later, I will build a private Q
group for the national team.”
“In addition, today’s dinner is a hotel buffet. There is a third floor Chinese restaurant in the
building just now that is open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.” Li Cangyu looked down at his watch.
“It is still early. You can soak in a hot spring or eat dinner and go back to soak. Everyone is
free to arrange their time tonight.”
“Okay, go back to your rooms!”
Li Cangyu quickly explained things and took the elevator to the sixth floor with Ling
The view from the seventh floor was the best. In order to take care of the few sisters, Li
Cangyu let Liu Xiang, Yang Muzi, Meng Jie and the team reporter Zhao Yue live on the
seventh floor. He would stay on the sixth floor with Ling Xuefeng. Opposite him were Xie
Shurong and Bai Xuan.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were on the fifth floor. The fourth floor
was Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang, Lu Xiao and the photographer Zhou Yang. The third floor had
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng, Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue. Finally, Lou Wushuang and
Zhang Shaohui, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were on the second floor.
Cheng Wei was somewhat unhappy about this arrangement. He entered his room and
complained, “I am on the second floor and Cat God is on the sixth floor. This is too far
Tan Shitian wondered, “So? Do you want to go upstairs to find him and play?”
Cheng Wei was silent for a moment before replying, “He must be very busy. I won’t bother
Tan Shitian thought this person looked stupid and his IQ wasn’t high, but he was reliable in
key moments. There were many ‘things’ to discuss between Captain Ling and Cat God. He
still wanted to go to Cat God to play? Then he didn’t want to live!
He was finally able to be in a team with Cat God and Cheng Wei had been thinking about
chatting with Cat God. This was the result. He couldn’t help feeling depressed as he hung
his head and stared at his toes.
Tan Shitian walked over to him and whispered, “Do you want to soak in the hot springs
Cheng Wei recovered some spirit. “Yes! I haven’t soaked in it yet!” He actively opened his
suitcase and looked through his messy clothes. He found some pyjamas with the white
magician avatar and exclaimed after entering the bathroom, “Wow! This bathtub is so big!
The hotel is really luxurious!”
Tan Shitian was laughing at his cute pyjamas and couldn’t help going to the bathroom to
check. The bathtub truly was big. The width was 1.5 metres and it was comparable to a
small double bed.
The hotel designers clearly knew that many couples came to the hot springs hotel and
made the bathtub big so it was convenient for a couple to take a bath together.
Moreover, there were a few bottles and jars next to the bathtub. The small bottles looked
very delicate. Cheng Wei took a closer look and couldn’t help asking, “I know this is
shampoo and this is shower gel, but what is the green bottle?”
Tan Shitian came to take a look. “It is essential oil. You can drop it in when taking a bath.”
Cheng Wei understood and grabbed a blue bottle. “What about this?”
Tan Shitian’s expression became strange.
Cheng Wei continued to ask, “What is it?”
“Cough, it’s… lubricating supplies and there is a fee after using it.” Tan Shitian was forced to
speak with a straight face and he saw Cheng Wei’s face instantly turn red. Tan Shitian’s
heart was beating so quickly that he wanted to push this person into the bathtub and
directly eat him.
“I’ll take a bath first!” Cheng Wei turned the faucet and drove Tan Shitian out. “Go unpack
your luggage or watch TV!”
Tan Shitian thought, ‘I would rather watch you take a bath.’
However, he saw Cheng Wei’s fierce eyes and Tan Shitian had to smile, quietly leaving the
The bathtub was too big and it took time to fill the water. Cheng Wei grabbed his phone and
logged into his Q account. He received a verification message from Li Cangyu.
[Old Cat has invited you to join the Miracle National Team Q group. Do you agree?]
Cheng Wei immediately agreed. He entered the group and found that Li Cangyu and Ling
Xuefeng were the only ones present. It was obviously that many players hadn’t logged into
Q after returning to their rooms. He was the earliest one.
[I’m the first one!] Cheng Wei typed excitedly. [What are you doing, Cat God?]
Li Cangyu didn’t reply and Ling Xuefeng voluntarily typed: [He is sorting out the training
Cheng Wei wanted to ask, “Then what are you doing?” Then he thought about it again and
wasn’t comfortable asking the question.
After a while, more people joined the group and the water in the bathtub was filled. Cheng
Wei tested the water temperature with his hand and happily took off his clothes. He poured
the essential oil into the bathtub and mixed it well.
He stepped excitedly into the bathtub and as a result, he couldn’t stand up and slipped.
“Ah!” Tan Shitian was opening his notebook computer when he heard the scream from the
bathroom. He frowned and pushed open the bathroom door, asking, “What happened to
He saw Cheng Wei’s four feet in the bathtub and couldn’t help saying, “Why didn’t you grab
the handrail to enter slowly?” Then he reached out and helped him up.
Cheng Wei had choked on water and his face was rode. “W-Why did you come in? I just
wasn’t steady!”
Tan Shitian looked down and saw Cheng Wei’s white body and slender legs. He suddenly
had difficulty breathing. This guy wasn’t tall but he was well-proportioned and his legs thin
and white. His face was red as he lay in the bathtub. There was no need to mention how
tempting he looked…
Tan Shitian gulped and his eyes became darker.
Cheng Wei saw the other person was staring at him and his faced turned redder. He angrily
asked, “What’s so funny? It is the first time I’ve used such a big bathtub and happened to
“Are you in pain?” Tan Shitian suddenly asked.
Cheng Wei was startled and his original anger disappeared due to the gentle inquiry.
He saw Captain Tan’s gentle expression and scratched his head with a bit of
embarrassment. “No… it doesn’t hurt. I have to take a bath. You should go out first.”
Tan Shitian didn’t leave but raised Cheng Wei’s chin.
Their faces were so close that their breathing almost hit each other’s faces. Combined with
the heat in the bathroom, Cheng Wei felt his cheeks becoming hotter than before and his
body was like on fire.
The next moment, Tan Shitian leaned forward and kissed Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei’s eyes opened from shock. His legs hung stiffly over the edge of the bathtub
while his hands touched Tan Shitian’s chest, trying to push him away. The other person
didn’t let him go. Instead, Tan Shitian hugged him tighter as his tongue opened Cheng Wei’s
teeth, pushing straight in and making Cheng Wei feel dizzy.
“Um… hmm… let go… let me go…”
This was the moment that he discovered that Tan Shitian was actually so strong. Don’t look
at this man’s elegant and smiling appearance. He wouldn’t lose to anyone when it came to
actual strength.
The muscles in Tan Shitian’s arms were very tight as he hugged Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei
actually couldn’t break free!
The temperature in the bathroom was high. This kiss seemed extraordinarily long, making
Cheng Wei’s body burn up and his mind gradually becoming blank…
It wasn’t until Cheng Wei was almost about to suffocate that Tan Shitian let him go.
Cheng Wei opened his mouth and breathed in. Once he recovered, he immediately punched
Tan Shitian. “What are you doing?”
Tan Shitian caught his first and smiled. “I am teaching you. You haven’t studied in a long
time and forgot the skills I taught you before. How can this be? After you gain a wife, will
you just rub her back when bathing together?”
Cheng Wei almost spat out blood.
Since the last time when he accepted Tan Shitian’s ‘teaching’, Cheng Wei always felt that
this teaching method was wrong. Later, the Time team’s itinerary became fiercer and Tan
Shitian didn’t do anything special. Cheng Wei eventually forgot about it.
As a result, today Tan Shitian repeated his old words and kissed and kissed Cheng Wei
again. Cheng Wei was shy and his toes were red. “I don’t want you to teach me! Hurry up
and get out. I want to take a bath!”
Tan Shitian saw this guy’s hackles were raised and despite his dissatisfaction, he knew he
shouldn’t be too eager. He immediately took a step back and smiled. “Okay, continue to
bathe. Call me if you need me.”
Cheng Wei was almost angry to death. “Who will need you? Get out of here!”
Tan Shitian walked to the door and looked back. His eyes swept over the white body and
the lips that were kissed by him. Tan Shitian gulped and thought that one day, he would
imprint himself on Cheng Wei’s body.
Of course, he couldn’t be too hasty with the frog being boiled in warm water. Xiao Wei was
ignorant and didn’t know much. Tan Shitian couldn’t do too much and frighten him!

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GLS: Chapter 241

Chapter 241 – Hot Springs Hotel (2)

Tan Cheng were bickering but the opposite room 201 was much warmer.
Lou Wushuang’s cold was much better but Zhang Shaohui still wasn’t at ease. As soon as he
entered the room, he raised the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees and
helped his brother carefully arrange the luggage.
Lou Wushuang sat on the edge of the bed and watched his brother. The corner of Lou
Wushuang’s lips couldn’t help curving upwards.
“I’ll take a bath first.” Lou Wushuang suddenly told his brother.
Zhang Shaohui turned around and said, “Then wait for me. I will give you water.”
Then he diligently ran to the bathroom, opening the faucet to help his brother fill up the
bath and pulling out a change of underwear from the suitcase. The pyjamas were placed on
a hanger in the bathroom and he also changed the towels. Lou Wushuang had a slight
cleanliness obsession and always used his own toiletries instead of the hotel supplies.
Zhang Shaohui arranged things and tested the temperature of the water. Then he went
back and called Lou Wushuang. “Brother, the water is ready for you. Go and wash.”
Lou Wushuang looked coldly at him from behind the lens and asked, “Aren’t you going?”
Zhang Shaohui replied with a smile, “You go bathe first. I will wait for after dinner.”
Lou Wushuang suggested, “Let’s go together and we can save some water.”
He headed to the bathroom with a cold expression, leaving Zhang Shaohui standing in
place. Lou Wushuang stood at the bathroom door and glanced at his brother. “I told you to
wash up together. Why are you dawdling?”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head. “This… cough, Brother, don’t you think it is strange for
two men to take a bath together?”
Lou Wushuang frowned. “Didn’t we bathe when we were young?”
Zhang Shaohui sighed and quietly retorted, “That’s when we were children. How old were
we when we were kids? Cough, now I am so tall. Won’t I squash you if we take a bath
Lou Wushuang replied, “Don’t you see grandfathers sharing a bath in the public baths? So
what about our age? The bathtub here is large enough.” He glanced at the bathtub in the
bathroom, the size not disappointing him.
“Hurry up, the water is going to cool down.” Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and said
Zhang Shaohui had to take a change of clothes and enter the bathroom with Lou Wushuang.
Lou Wushuang calmly removed his clothes and then placed his glasses next to him. His skin
was white and under the light of the bathroom, his smooth back was like good jade. His
spine was straight and slightly sunken in at the waist, forming a beautiful curve.
He looked very thin but his figure was good, especially the long legs that had the proportion
of a model.
Zhang Shaohui was a straightforward person and couldn’t help expressing his admiration,
“Your figure is very good.”
Lou Wushuang kept his back to his brother. His face was slightly red but his tone was calm.
“Is it? I’m not as strong as you.”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “A strong man doesn’t always look good. Nowadays, girls like the
lean type. I’m different. People always say that my limbs are developed but my mind is
Lou Wushuang thought to himself, ‘At least you don’t have a simple mind and weakly
developed limbs.’
He looked back and found that Zhang Shaohui had also removed his clothes. Unlike the lean
Lou Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui had buff chest muscles and an eight pack. The muscles on
his arms were strong and beautiful. He looked manly.
Lou Wushuang calmly extended his hand and touched the strong chest muscles. His heart
was beating as quickly as a drum but he pretended to be calm on the surface. “Your figure is
really good.”
Zhang Shaohui was happy about being praised. “Hehe. Brother, I will help you rub your
His parents died and he was taken in by distant relatives. Due to his young age, Lou
Wushuang’s mother wasn’t comfortable with XIao Shaohui living alone and had the two
boys share a room.
There was also a large bathtub in that room and the two boys often took a bath together.
Zhang Shaohui would offer to rub his brother’s back every day so his words were very
However, Lou Wushuang’s back was obviously stiff. After a moment of silence, he nodded.
The two people sat next to each other in the bathtub. Lou Wushuang felt uncontrollable and
his mind was full with various types of animations…
Zhang Shaohui had an honest face. He was afraid of squeezing Lou Wushuang and
deliberately moved to the side, leaning against the edge of the bathtub. He relaxed with his
arm behind his head and said, “Hey, this bath is very comfortable! Once I have enough
money, I will install a bit bathtub at home.”
Lou Wushuang asked, “Where are you going to buy a house in the future?”
Zhang Shaohui thought about it for a moment. “I will go back to Guangzhou. After all, it is
where I grew up. The prices might be high but I can buy a big house in a good suburb.”
Lou Wushuang told him, “Then I’ll go back to Guangzhou as well.”
Zhang Shaohui actively suggested, “Why don’t we buy it together? Two sets with connected
doors can be discounted if they are bought together.”
“…” Lou Wushuang was speechless. His intention was to live with his brother in the future.
They could save money, buy a bigger house and achieve his dream of installing a large
It was just that Zhang Shaohui was still oblivious about the situation and didn’t understand.
He looked over at Zhang Shaohui. Lou Wushuang had removed his glasses so the facial
features of the person in front of him weren’t particularly clear, but the familiar smell of his
body made Lou Wushuang feel at ease.
What would Zhang Shaohui’s reaction be when he learnt that his brother had special
feelings towards him?
Lou Wushuang’s mood was complicated when he thought about it…
Suddenly, a warm hand touched his waist and Zhang Shaohui’s voice was heard. “Turn
over. I will help you wash your back.”
Lou Wushuang turned stiffly and Zhang Shaohui started to actively wash his back.
Zhang Shaohui’s technique wasn’t bad and the strength of his fingers was good.
During their school years, they often used to rub each other’s back. At this time, Lou
Wushuang’s thoughts were simple and he only considered Zhang Shaohui a companion. It
was better than staying home alone.
When did Lou Wushuang start having a different mind? He wasn’t sure. He only knew that
these feelings had become deeper and deeper over the years. If he couldn’t see Zhang
Shaohui for a few days, his heart was uncomfortable, as if it was being hollowed out.
As the big hands slowly rubbed his back, Lou Wushuang’s cheeks gradually reddened. He
breathed deeply and control his body, preventing any embarrassing reactions.
Zhang Shaohui noticed that Lou Wushuang’s back was tight and decreased his strength. He
said, “Relax Brother, I won’t hurt you.”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
This sentence was easy to make people think crooked thoughts. A hint of red filled Lou
Wushuang’s cheeks.
Zhang Shaohui helped massage the muscles of his shoulders and said, “I checked the
weather forecast. It has been raining recently so you must cover yourself with the quilt.
Don’t kick off the quilt again. You have loved to kick your quilt since you were young. This
habit is really bad.”
‘If you hold me while sleeping, I won’t kick the quilt…’
Lou Wushuang wanted to say this but forcibly suppressed it.
Zhang Shaohui finished rubbing his brother’s back and retracted his hands. “Okay! Take a
shower. There is an hour until dinner. Get some sleep first if you want.”
Lou Wushuang got up from the bathtub. Zhang Shaohui saw his red face and reached out to
touch his forehead. “Is the fever back?’
“…I’m warm.” Lou Wushuang shook off the hand, wrapped the towel around his body,
walked out of the bathroom and lay down on the bed.
When would this person open up? Did he have to confess his feelings?

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GLS: Chapter 242

Chapter 242 – Hot Springs Hotel (3)
After Li Cangyu returned to his room, he was busy on Q, adding friends and pulling
everyone into the national team group. There weren’t many people who responded.
Obviously most people hadn’t logged into their Q account yet.
Ling Xuefeng saw him working diligently and walked over. “Is it hard being the captain?”
“I’m fine.” Li Cangyu smiled. “These small things are nothing.”
“Do you want me to share some of it?”
“Okay, help me sort out the contents of tomorrow’s meeting.” Li Cangyu handed over a
stack of information. “I will start training in groups tomorrow. I have drawn up a
preliminary training plan. Look at it and mark any places that need to be modified. We will
discuss and finalize it.”
“No problem.” Ling Xuefeng moved a chair and sat next to him.
Ling Xuefeng’s efficiency was very high. He made several suggestions for revisions in just
10 minutes. He had Li Cangyu look at it and after thinking for a while, Li Cangyu felt the
revisions were reasonable. He nodded in agreement.
“Are you going to take a bath?” Ling Xuefeng glanced at the time. “There is still an hour until
“No, I will come back at night and take a bath. I still have some things to sort out here.” Li
Cangyu’s eyes were still on the computer. “You can go first if you want to take a bath.”
Ling Xuefeng saw his serious working face and thought that Li Cangyu was particularly
The captain of the national team was really responsible. The training started tomorrow and
many players were relaxing tonight. However, Li Cangyu couldn’t do that. The training
program had to be settled as soon as possible and the map proposal sent by the chairman
also needed to be discussed and confirmed.
“Don’t work too hard.” Ling Xuefeng gently touched Li Cangyu’s shoulder. “You spent the
morning flying and then the afternoon on the bus. Take a bath first to relax. After dinner, I
will help you sort through them.”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. “Will you also take a bath?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng glanced at the bathtub and said, “This hotel bathtub is really big.
According to the size of our bodies, we can crowd together. Do you want to share a bath or
take one alone…”
Li Cangyu saw Ling Xuefeng say these provocative words with his usual abstinent
expression. Suddenly, he stood up and hugged Ling Xuefeng. “I want to bathe with you…”
The straightforward action made Ling Xuefeng forcible suppress his urge to kiss the other
person. Ling Xuefeng patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder and spoke in a hoarse voice, “Then I will
go fill up the water.”
Both of them were resolute types. As Ling Xuefeng filled up the water, Li Cangyu quickly
pulled out a change of clothes, not hiding the expectation on his face.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help smiling as they headed towards the bathroom together.
The two people first briefly rinsed before sitting in the bathtub.
Both of them were over 1.8 meters tall so it was slightly crowded when they sat side by
side. Their legs touched but Li Cangyu didn’t mind. Instead, he placed his legs over Ling
Xuefeng’s legs and laughed. “It is strange to take a bath with someone else for the first
Ling Xuefeng gazed at him with deep eyes and pinched his waist. “You will adapt after a few
more times.”
Li Cangyu was ticklish after being pinched and moved away. He glanced into Ling Xuefeng’s
eyes and couldn’t help leaning over to lightly kiss the other person. “During these days of
training, we will bathe together every day.”
He let go of Ling Xuefeng after he finished but the latter obviously wasn’t satisfied. The
back of Li Cangyu’s head was held and he was deeply kissed.
The two men had been leading their team in the competition for over a month. Whenever
they met, it was with the identity of an opponent. They hadn’t had such close contact in a
long time.
The kiss instantly ignited the flames inside them and the kiss became more intense.
Ling Xuefeng’s kiss was overbearing and strong. Li Cangyu was also enthusiastic and
straightforward. The temperature of the bathroom slowly increased. Once they were
breathless, they reluctantly let go of each other.
Their intense heartbeats echoed in their ears and both of them had the feeling of ‘I’m really
lucky to fall in love with him’.
To be able to meet a lover who knew him and could stand side by side with him in the vast
sea of people, wasn’t this great luck?
After the short exchange, Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved as he extended his arm and let Li
Cangyu rest on his shoulder. He said softly, “It has been a tiring day. Bathe a bit longer.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu sat with him in the bath, playing with his slender fingers.
Ling Xuefeng’s hands were very beautiful. Every finger was like the creator had carefully
crafted them. The bones were distinct and clearly very powerful.
They were the pair of hands that could move at extremely high speeds to destroy the gods
of countless teams.
“Your hands are really beautiful.” Li Cangyu praised. “These hands are priceless treasures
and must be well protected. I can’t wait for you to use these hands to abuse the world’s top
Ling Xuefeng grabbed his fingers and replied, “You are the same.”
Li Cangyu smiled happily. “We are actually a good match!”
Ling Xuefeng asked, “You only found out now?”
Li Cangyu faked a sad expression. “Yes, I found out a bit late. If I knew, I would’ve caught
you when I was 18 years old.”
Ling Xuefeng gently touched Li Cangyu’s hair. “It isn’t too late.”
Anyone else who dared to touch Li Cangyu’s head would be greeted with a fist to their face.
However, Ling Xuefeng was different. The touch was filled with great affection. Li Cangyu
rubbed Ling Xuefeng’s shoulders and said, “I will wash your hair for you.”
“Okay.” Ling Xuefeng lowered his arms and sat down in the bathtub.
Li Cangyu immediately rose to his knees, took the shampoo from the rack, poured it into his
hands and carefully applied it onto the other person’s hair.
Compared to the super-hand speed used to kill opponents on the field, his fingers
movements were slightly clumsy. It was obviously his first time doing this but he was very
Ling Xuefeng’s heart softened and he gently hugged Li Cangyu’s waist.
Li Cangyu’s body was actually well-proportioned. It wasn’t too fat or too thin, he had a long
pair of legs and his body’s curvature was very beautiful. Ling Xuefeng held him and didn’t
want to let go.
Li Cangyu was hugged and Ling Xuefeng’s hair touched his face. He spoke with
dissatisfaction, “Don’t make trouble. I haven’t finished washing your hair yet.”
Then he continued washing Ling Xuefeng’s hair. Ling Xuefeng had to close his eyes and wait
for it to be done.
A man’s hair was short and could be washed quickly. After taking care of all the hair, Li
Cangyu grabbed the nozzle and washed off the shampoo. Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help
thinking that if he hadn’t bent Li Cangyu then Li Cangyu would be a super good husband for
a woman.
Now such a good person was monopolized by him alone.
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved and he made Li Cangyu sit back down in the bathtub. “I will also
help you wash your hair.”
Li Cangyu was very happy. “Good!”
The two people washed each other’s hair and exchanged loving smiles.
Li Cangyu felt that if it continued like this, he would probably shoot his load. He had to train
tomorrow and couldn’t let the players see… as he thought this, he jumped out of the
bathtub and rubbed his body with a towel. Then he said simply, “Time is almost up. Let’s go
to dinner first.”
Ling Xuefeng hadn’t gotten up yet. Li Cangyu looked back and saw Ling Xuefeng’s soft face
under the lights. He couldn’t help kissing the other person’s forehead. “I gave you a kiss.
Now it is time to get out.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
He really liked this straightforward and enthusiastic person!

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GLS: Chapter 243

Chapter 242 – Hot Springs Hotel (4)

Xiao Han stayed with Qin Mo in order to learn Chinese. They entered the room and Qin Mo
carefully observed the bathroom. Then he turned back to Xiao Han and asked, “The shower
room and bathtub are separate. Do you want to take a shower or a bath?”
“Can I only choose between a shower or a bath?” Xiao Han looked doubtfully at the other
“Uh… you can choose both. Wash yourself with the shower first and then soak in the
bathtub.” Qin Mo pulled him into the bathroom and patiently explained it. “This is the
switch for the shower head. The hot water is on this side and the cold water is here. The
faucet for the bathtub is here. Are you going to wash up now? I will help you fill it up.”
Xiao Han glanced at him. “Thank you.”
Qin Mo smiled. “You’re welcome. You are unfamiliar with life here and Master asked me to
take care of you.”
Xiao Han hurriedly asked, “What does it mean to be unfamiliar with life here?”
Qin Mo patiently explained, “In other words, you aren’t familiar with the people and things
here. It generally describes how a person feels when they first arrive somewhere new.”
Xiao Han nodded thoughtfully, “Then in a known place, people are ‘familiar with cultivated
Qin Mo almost spat out his saliva. Xiao Han, his strange brain circuits always created some
inexplicable words. What was familiar with cultivated land? It wasn’t so messy!
Qin Mo had a headache at Xiao Han’s series eyes. He simple explained, “There is no such
Xiao Han asked, “Then what is the opposite of unfamiliar with life?”
“That…” Qin Mo grabbed his hair. He wanted to call his middle school language teacher and
invite him over. Whenever Qin Mo met Xiao Han, he always felt that his vocabulary was far
from enough to answer this person’s strange questions!
“You take a shower first. There isn’t much time. Take a shower and go to eat dinner.” Qin
Mo smartly changed the topic and Xiao Han didn’t keep up the pestering. He grabbed his
pyjamas and brought them into the bathroom.
Qin Mo consciously looked around the room as he listened to the sound of water in the
shower room. His heart was a bit messy. Then he looked back and almost coughed up
blood. ‘Young man, could you lower the roller blinds when taking a shower?’
It was probably the first time Xiao Han had stayed in this type of hotel. He didn’t notice
there was a roller blind behind the transparent glass. He took off his clothes to shower, not
knowing he was clearly seen by Qin Mo outside the bathroom.
Qin Mo glanced away with embarrassment. A few moments later, he turned back curiously.
After all, Xiao Han hadn’t lowered the roller blinds so this couldn’t be counted as peeking,
Qin Mo thought this and watched Xiao Han washing up.
Xiao Han was a mixed-race child with white skin. His delicate collarbone was like carefully
carved white jade. His golden hair was wet and fell softly over his ears. His eyelashes were
also very long. Water fell from the nozzle and looked like diamonds on his eyelashes.
Compared to his usual cold self, the teenager taking a shower with his eyes closed looked a
bit sexy. It was a special sexiness that came from being between a teenager and an adult.
Bright water drops slid down the young man’s slender body, making people unable to look
Qin Mo saw him washing from outside the bathroom and thought that this mixed-raced
child was really beautiful! The curly golden hair and long eyelashes made him look like a
doll carefully crafted by the creator!
Xiao Han quickly took a shower, washed away the shower gel, wiped his body with a towel
and wanted to go into the bathtub to soak in the hot springs water. As a result, he happened
to meet Qin Mo’s eyes.
Xiao Han, “…”
Qin Mo, “…”
Two pairs of eyes met. Xiao Han was obviously startled while Qin Mo moved his gaze with
an embarrassed expression.
Xiao Han wrapped himself up in a bathrobe and asked doubtfully, “Do you have something
to say to me?”
Qin Mo stuttered, “N-No…”
“Then why were you looking at me?”
Qin Mo subconsciously replied, “Because you look good.” Then he realized he was like an
idiot and changed his words. “I haven’t seen a mixed-race person shower before so I was
Xiao Han replied, “Oh. Then continue to watch. This mixed-race is going to take a bath.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Sure enough, Xiao Han went to the bathroom, lay down in the bathtub and comfortably
took a bath. He was saying, ‘I don’t mind if you look.’
Qin Mo didn’t look, didn’t look. Finally, he went to the bathroom and pretended to calmly
ask, “Cough, tomorrow your master will definitely have everyone train in a group. Do you
think he will let us be in the same group?”
His mouth was saying serious things but his eyes couldn’t help looking at Xiao Han soaking
in the water.
Xiao Han didn’t notice the other person’s gaze and replied, “He should. After all, you are my
sparring partner.”
Qin Mo endured the urge to cough up blood. “Do you have to keep mentioning sparring
Xiao Han said, “Well, you are my good friend.”
“…That is almost the same.” Qin Mo smiled with pleasure and said, “There are too many
gods in the national team and we still have a lot to learn. Your master might have you train
in a group with Captain Lou and Vice-Captain Zhang. After all, you re a killer and will need
to cooperate with their assassination tactics.”
“I like Captain Lou.” Xiao Han suddenly said. “It is good to train with him.”
“Oh? Why do you like Captain Lou? Don’t you like the vice-captain?” Qin Mo was very
curious about this. Xiao Han explained bluntly, “It is because Vice-Captain Zhang looks a bit
“…” Qin Mo smiled. “His mind might be simple and he isn’t careful enough. However, on the
field, Zhang Shaohui’s intuition is quite keen and his moves are very decisive.”
“That’s true.” Xiao Han nodded seriously., “Which player do you like the most?”
“It is naturally my master.” Qin Mo answered without hesitation. My master is calm and his
hands are super fast. He often crushes his opponent in the arena, he is handsome and his
popularity is first in the league.”
Qin Mo’s expression was full of pride but Xiao Han’s words pierced it. “However, my master
won against him.”
“…” Old blood choked Qin Mo’s chest and it felt like he was going to have a heart attack. He
suddenly discovered that not only was Xiao Han’s Chinese terrible, his ability to exasperate
others was absolutely first-class.
He really didn’t want to debate on the issue of whose master was stronger. Qin Mo swept
over Xiao Han in the bathtub and he uneasily changed the topic. “By the way, how tall are
Xiao Han replied, “I’m 176 cm.”
Qin Mo was happy. “I’m taller than you. I’m 178 cm.”
Xiao Han glanced at him with a puzzled expression, “You didn’t already know? Didn’t you
realize you were taller than me whenever we stood next to each other?”
It was rare to hear Xiao Han say such a long sentence without any grammatical errors. Qin
Mo coughed with embarrassment. “I knew… i just wanted something to talk about.”
Xiao Han’s lips curved at the remark. “Oh. If you want to talk, why not talk about how you
entered the Wind Colour team?”
Qin Mo sat down next to the bathtub and seriously recalled it. “I used to be in the Wind
Colour guild in the online game. I played with the guild masters every week in the legion
defense. The president thought my level was good and called Captain Ling to come and see.
I didn’t know it at the time and PKed with my master. I was abused by him…”
Xiao Han glanced sympathetically at Qin Mo. “I was also abused by my master in the online
The two people looked at each other and wanted to hold each other while crying. However,
one person was sitting outside the bathtub and one person was bathing inside. It wasn’t
convenient and they could only pat each other’s shoulders in encouragement.
“Then you joined Wind Colour?”
“I first joined the training camp to practice my foundations for a month. Later, Master felt
that my talent was good and accepted me as his apprentice.” Speaking of which, Qin Mo had
travelled a bit further than a lot of other players. He was discovered by the Wind Colour
guild in the online game, joined the Wind Colour training camp, became LIng Xuefeng’s
apprentice and then debuted.
Of course, he also made some mistakes when he first debuted last year. In particular, he
almost lost his mind after being abused by Cat God in the online game. Fortunately, he
adjusted in time and his mentality matured a lot.
Xiao Han kept asking curiously, “I heard that the vice-captain of Wind Colour is very good-
Qin Mo nodded. “Yes, like your Vice-Captain Bai, Vice-Captain Yan is a very kind person. My
master usually only manages the tactical arrangements of the team while Vice-Captain Yan
is responsible for the daily training.”
Xiao Han felt thoughtful. “It seems that Wind Colour and Canglan have a lot in common.”
Qin Mo smiled. “Yes, our captains are both summoners and the vice-captains are gentle
characters. There is also a little prince.”
Xiao Han added, “The uniform looks like a couples outfit.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Xiao Han turned his head and spoke seriously, “Thus, after a long time, we might become
the strongest opponents like our masters.”
After seeing the clear and bright eyes under the thick eyelashes, Qin Mo couldn’t help
reaching out and touching the wet blond hair. “To become the strongest opponent, you
should first become better is Chinese.”
Xiao Han wasn’t convinced. “Your English is worse than my Chinese.”
Qin Mo retorted, “I don’t have to speak English here!”
“However, you won’t understand anything when you go to the United States.”
Qin Mo was stunned because he suddenly felt that Xiao Han’s words made sense! The
World Competition was held in the United States. He wouldn’t be able to understand a
word when he went abroad. If he got lost then he wouldn’t know how to return…
He would have to hug Xiao Han’s thighs.
Qin Mo immediately smiled at Xiao Han. “Then we will learn from each other. I will teach
you Chinese and you teach me English. I won’t charge you tuition fees!”
He generously said he wouldn’t charge tuition fees and wisely didn’t mention that his
master helped pay Xiao Han’s tuition fees. Xiao Han felt this exchange was fair and said,
“No problem.” (Eng)
Qin Mo looked dull. “Ah?”
“It means no problem.” Xiao Han asked him seriously, “Qin Mo, did you graduate from your
English primary school?”
“…” Qin Mo coughed and exclaimed, “I suddenly remembered something. You continue to
take a bath. I am busy!”
Xiao Han watched Qin Mo’s back and felt pleased. He had previously been slandered about
having rotten Chinese and now he could say that Qin Mo’s English was rotten.
What was this called? Evil has its retribution? Karmic retribution? Karma?
Xiao Han thought about it but couldn’t find the right answer. He kept thinking about it as he
lay in the comfortable bath.
Outside the bathroom, the beautiful sight of the mixed-race Xiao Han bathing was still in
Qin Mo’s head. He took a deep breath to calm down his confused thoughts. Then he opened
his phone and logged into this Q account, receiving a message: [Old Cat has invited you to
join the Miracle National Team Q group.
Qin Mo immediately agreed and found there were already many people in the group. Li
Cangyu saw him enter and asked, [Where is Xiao Han? Isn’t he logging into Q?]
[He is in the bath.]
[Tell him to add the group later. Also, don’t forget the dinner time.] This was from Ling
[I know Master.] Qin Mo replied.
[Everyone get ready for dinner. The time is approaching and it isn’t good to eat too late.] Li
Cangyu issued a reminder to @all members and immediately got their responses.
Qin Mo turned to call Xiao Han, “Eat dinne…”
He hadn’t finished his words when he happened to meet Xiao Han coming out of the
Xiao Han was walking with his head down and his head hit Qin Mo’s chest. He stumbled in a
dizzy manner and Qin Mo hurried to grab him, helping Xiao Han rub his head. “Sorry, I
didn’t see you… is it painful?”
Xiao Han shook his head. “There’s no pain. I just have slightly low blood pressure.”
“Then sit down and take a break.” Qin Mo took him to the sofa, handing him a glass of water
and a few delicately wrapped candy. “Drink some water and eat some chocolate. After you
rest for a bit, we will go eat dinner.”
“Yes.” Xiao Han sipped the water and saw Qin Mo’s worried expression. He couldn’t help
laughing, “Don’t worry. I just took too long in the bath and my blood pressure was a bit low
when I suddenly stood up. I will be fine after a while.”
Qin Mo saw this laugh and felt his heart beat become faster. This youth always had a cold
face so when he smiled, it made people’s heart melt.

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GLS: Chapter 244

Extra ko-fi chapter.

Chapter 244 – Hot Springs Hotel (5)

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng headed to the restaurant on the third floor of the hotel. They
found that Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were already sitting there to eat. Ling Xuefeng
went to grab plates for them and Li Cangyu moved forward to say hello. “You came so
early? You didn’t take a bath?”
Su Guangmo replied with a smile, “There is no rush. We plan to go swimming at night.”
Li Cangyu was a bit surprised. “You can swim?”
Su Guangmo looked at his younger brother. “Xiao Yu can’t so I am going to teach him.”
The four females living on the seventh floor, Liu Xiang, Yang Muzi, Meng Jie and Zhao Yue
also arrived. They saw Li Cangyu and came over to say hello.
Yang Muzi asked curiously, “Captain, have you eaten?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Not yet. Xuefeng is helping me by getting some food.”
Everyone had ‘how can this be?’ expressions on their faces.
It was hard to imagine that a man with such a serious and abstinent face would actually do
something like ‘help people get food’. Then Ling Xuefeng came back with two places and
calmly placed one plate in front of Li Cangyu. Everyone watched with shocked eyes before
pretending not to see anything.
The four females turned to grab food. Su Yu had finished eating and left first. Then Tan
Shitian, Cheng Wei and the Lou Zhang brothers arrived.
Lou Wushuang nodded at everyone but didn’t like a lively atmosphere. He looked for a
double table to sit at while Zhang Shaohui eagerly ran to get food for his brother. Lou
Wushuang sat there coldly and waited for his brother.
Cheng Wei excitedly rushed over to Cat God and asked, “Have you used the hotel bathtub?
It is super big!”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes, the bathtub is very big and it isn’t too crowded for two people to
bathe together.” He realized his words were wrong and corrected himself, “I mean, it is
very big. There is no problem accommodating two people. It is too spacious for one
Ling Xuefeng gave him a look and didn’t speak. Tan Shitian pretended not to understand
and went to get some food. Cheng Wei’s IQ wasn’t online and didn’t realize the meaning
behind Li Cangyu’s words. “Yes, it is an oversized bathtub!” Then he asked curiously. “I
have a question. Is the water in the bathtub really from a hot springs?”
Li Cangyu replied, “That’s what it says in the advertisements.”
Cheng Wei was happy. “It is really comfortable. I can soak in it every day.” Then he saw Tan
Shitian coming with food and stood up. “I will also get some food!”
Tan Shitian put a plate in front of him and smiled. “I grabbed this for you. They are all
dishes that you love.”
Cheng Wei glanced at the plate and sure enough, he loved eating all of them. Cheng Wei’s
cheeks slightly reddened at the gentle gaze and he said awkwardly, “Thank you…”
Tan Shitian rubbed his head. “You are hungry. Eat first before talking.”
Then he turned to grab his own dinner. Cheng Wei’s cheeks were red at the action and he
always felt like he was a pet raised be Captain Tan. Wasn’t this too shameful in front of Cat
He sneaked a peek and saw that Li Cangyu was eating with Ling Xuefeng and didn’t notice
what happened here. Cheng Wei couldn’t help sighing with relief.
A moment later, Qin Mo and Xiao Han also arrived. Xiao Han had apparently just taken a
shower because his wet hair was hanging over his ears. He wore a simple white t-shirt and
the beautiful mixed-race youth attracted people’s attention.
Li Cangyu beckoned for him to come over and Xiao Han sat down at their table. “Master.”
“Why didn’t you blow your hair dry before coming?” Li Cangyu looked at his wet head and
Xiao Han replied bluntly, “I’m hungry.”
Li Cangyu almost spat out his rice. He coughed twice and waved his hand. “Go and get food.”
The two little princes walked to grab food. At this time, Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan also
arrived. Bai Xuan smiled and said hello to everyone. “Everyone is so active at dinner time?”
Li Cangyu told him, “They would be even more active if you were the one cooking.”
“I haven’t cooked for a long time. If I have the opportunity then I will do it later. Then I’m
going to get food first.”
He turned around and walked away. Xie Shurong immediately followed him and asked,
“Vice-Captain Bai, what do you want to eat? I’ll get it for you… do you want beef? I
remember that you love to eat this garlic dish. Isn’t it your favourite?”
Bai Xuan saw him grabbing some food and helplessly blocked his hand. “I will do it myself.”
The rejected Xie Shurong showed a sad expression and whispered, “Oh, then you should eat
a bit more.”
Bai Xuan thought that he might be pretending but still found Xie Shurong’s depressed
expression unbearable… Still, feelings couldn’t be forced. How could he accept a person he
didn’t like because of his soft heart?
Bai Xuan didn’t like Xie Shurong, a young and cheerful man. He liked mature and steady
men. The half-year deadline that he originally agreed to was approaching and he only
hoped that they could solve this matter peacefully. The best situation was for Ah Shu to
become aware of the difficulties and retreat.
Bai Xuan put away his complicated thoughts and headed to the table next to Li Cangyu with
his plate.
People started coming one after another to the restaurant. Li Cangyu saw Zhuo Hang and
waved him over. Then he asked, “Have you become used to staying with Captain Jiang?”
Zhuo Hang smiled. “Captain Jiang is very good. We have no problems with communicating.”
Li Cangyu let go of his worries. “Jiang Xu is the best hunter. If you don’t understand
anything then you can ask him directly. As a newcomer, do it humbly.”
Zhuo Hang nodded seriously. “I know.”
“Did Xiaojiang contact you?”
“Yes, he went back this holiday to help with his cousin’s Internet store.”
“Xiaojiang is really serious.” Li Cangyu smiled slightly. “Tell him that when the World
Competition starts in October, he will go with Xiao Gu and Old Zhang overseas to watch.
The round-trip tickets, food and accommodation will be paid for with the team’s funds.”
Zhuo Hang was shocked. “Really?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “We won and received the prize money. In addition, there are the
bonuses allocated to the players. Xiaojiang might not be selected for the national team but
going abroad to see the World Competition is also an experience. Have them hand over
their information to the Dragon Song team leader and he will help them with them visas.”
Zhuo Hang was excited, “Xiaojiang will be very happy.”
Xiaojiang, Xiao Gu and Old Zhang might not be selected for the national team but they
would definitely be happy at the opportunity to go abroad and watch the World
Competition. Once Xiao Gu found out, he might crazily run two laps up and down the stairs.
The dinner ended and Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng returned directly to their room. As the
captain and vice-captain of the national team, they had a lot of overtime work to do. Ling
Xuefeng voluntarily helped Li Cangyu organize the materials. The two of them discussed
and quickly decided on the arrangements for the national team’s training plan.
Tan Shitian called Zhuo Hang to the hotel’s basketball court to play. Cheng Wei sat to the
side, drinking milk as he walked them play basketball. Without Cat God, he didn’t have the
motivation to cheer for people.
In the open-air swimming pool next door, Su Guangmo was teaching Yu Pingsheng how to
Vice-Captain Yu stood beside the pool in his swimming trunks and refused to enter. Su
Guangmo coaxed him, “Take a deep breath and enter the water. I am here and won’t let
anything happen.”
Yu Pingsheng thought for a long time before finally saying, “The water is cold.”
Cheng Wei directly spat out his milk, coughed a few times and couldn’t help interjecting.
“Vice-Captain Yu, how can there be hot water in the swimming pool?”
Su Guangmo gave him a ‘nosy’ look and Yu Pingsheng replied seriously, “I won’t swim.”
“Didn’t you ask me to teach you?” Su Guangmo looked at him helplessly.
Yu Pingsheng lowered his head. “I regret it.”
“…” Su Guangmo really wanted to throw him into the pool!
Cheng Wei suppressed his laughter so much that he got an internal injury. Su Guangmo had
no way to force Vice-Captain Yu. Yu Pingsheng took a long time to reply but his words were
very powerful. As a coach, Su Guangmo probably wanted to cough up blood.
After a while, Su Guangmo jumped into the pool and started swimming. He had obviously
given up on teaching Yu Pingsheng.
Yu Pingsheng sat down next to Cheng Wei and seriously explained, “In fact, I am afraid of
Cheng Wei asked curiously, “You are afraid of water? I can’t swim but I’m not afraid of
Yu Pingsheng was silent for a moment. “I almost drowned when I was a child.”
Cheng Wei suddenly realized. No wonder why Yu Pingsheng stood next to the pool and
refused to enter. He had this reason. Cheng Wei patted his shoulder in a comforting manner
and said, “Then move away from the water. There is no need to worry about swimming. Be
a dry duck!”
Yu Pingsheng glanced at the pool. There weren’t many people swimming in the open-air
pool. Su Guangmo happily moved back and forth, his slender limbs moving through the
swimming pool. He was able to move a large distance with one stroke, looking strong and
His brother’s favourite sport after basketball was swimming. Yu Pingsheng’s physical
fitness wasn’t good and his level in basketball was so bad he couldn’t bear to look. He also
couldn’t enter the pool because he was afraid of water… His brother was so good to him but
he couldn’t do anything with his brother apart from the e-sports competition. Yu Pingsheng
thought with some regret.

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GLS: Chapter 245
Chapter 245 – Hot Springs Hotel (6)

Lu Xiao of the Time team followed the photographer Zhou Yang to study the usage of the
SLR camera. The four girls met to go to the nearby flower market. Chu Yan, Zhu Qingyue,
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan also came to the open-air swimming pool and the four people
played poker at a table. Jiang Xu and Bai Xuan came over to chat with Cheng Wei.
Meanwhile, Xie Shurong joined Zhuo Hang and Tan Shitian in the basketball game.
Night here was particularly cool and sitting next to the pool while playing cards was very
pleasant. It would be perfect with a few bottles of beer but Captain Li Cangyu had
completely prohibited alcohol. Everyone knew that top-ranking experts from various
countries were waiting for them at the World Competition and didn’t dare drink alcohol.
This was the last relaxing night before the training started.
Bai Xuan saw Cheng Wei’s listless face and couldn’t help smiling. “Xiao Wei, are you
thinking about Cat God?”
Cheng Wei yawned and said, “Cat God is still the most handsome basketball player.”
Bai Xuan joked, “Your Captain Tan will be hurt once he hears this.”
At this moment, Tan Shitian suddenly turned around and smiled at Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei
thought of the scene where he had been kissed in the hotel and his cheeks turned red. He
immediately shifted the direction of his gaze.
The three men playing basketball came over and sat down. Cheng Wei saw Tan Shitian
sitting next to him and immediately jumped up. “I will go back first. There are many
mosquitoes here!”
Then he ran away like his butt was on fire.
Tan Shitian, “…”
Bai Xuan looked at the back that disappeared as fast as the wind and couldn’t help saying,
“Xiao Wei seems to still have a child’s heart.”
Tan Shitian smiled. “He only knows how to play games and watch games. He almost never
communicates with the outside world. Nothing can be done without any experience. Still, I
think he has a good personality.”
The two of them were chatting when Xie Shurong suddenly opened his white vest and
revealed the back of his waist to Bai Xuan. “Vice-Captain Bai, i was just bitten by a
mosquito. It is so big…”
Bai Xuan had a headache as he looked at Xie Shurong’s wait. “Aren’t you wearing clothes?
How did it bite your waist? A mosquito finding such a place…”
Xie Shurong replied innocently, “Perhaps the mosquitoes think the meat at my waist is
Bai Xuan looked at the idiot. “Mosquitoes suck blood, not meat.”
“I know, it was a mistake.” Xie Shurong frowned slightly. “It is really itchy to be bitten by
such a big mosquito.”
Bai Xuan told him, “Go back and place oil on it. Then it won’t itch.”
Everyone stayed at the pool and talked until 10 o’clock. Once Xie Shurong returned to his
room, he went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then he wrapped a towel around
himself, brought out a bottle of oil essence and presented his back to Bai Xuan. “Vice-
Captain Bai, help me. I can’t see the position of the bite.”
Bai Xuan saw the big bite on his waist and carefully applied the oil.
Xie Shurong felt Bai Xuan’s fingers gently moving across his skin. He couldn’t help feeling
something down there and once the other person finished, he immediately turned to face
Bai Xuan, his eyes shining. “Thank you.”
The result of this movement caused the towel to fall to the ground. Bai Xuan was surprised
to see that Xie Shurong wasn’t wearing anything underneath!
Bai Xuan looked away with embarrassment. “Why didn’t you wear something before
coming out?”
Xie Shurong smiled shamelessly. “I just wanted you to look at my body to earn more
His thick skin was unmatched. Before Bai Xuan could say anything to him, Xie Shurong took
one step forward. Bai Xuan had to move back. As a result, he stumbled against the bed and
was forced to sit down on it.
Xie Shurong took the opponent to place his arms on the bed, encircling Bai Xuan. He
whispered, “I have a really good figure. You can take a look and come to a conclusion.”
Bai Xuan’s face reddened and he reached out to push Ah Shu away. “Don’t mess around.”
As a result, his fingers touched strong muscles. Due to his shower, the water vapor on his
skin made his chest look extraordinarily smooth…
Bai Xuan took back his hand like it was burnt but Xie Shurong gently grabbed his hand.
“Bai Xuan, I really like you.” Xie Shurong stared into his eyes and spoke earnestly. “I know
I’m not your type and I can’t change my personality for you. However, emotional things are
never certain. Why do you have to look for the mature type? Why don’t you try another
type? I will be a good boyfriend…”
Bai Xuan sat stiffly upright. Ah Shu was younger than him and his posture made Bai Xuan
embarrassed. Bai Xuan’s cheeks became hotter.
He tried to push the other person away, only for Xie Shurong to put out his tongue and lick
Bai Xuan’s ear. “Why won’t you try it? You don’t hate me…”
Bai Xuan was about to say, ‘How can this thing be tried casually?’ only for his lips to become
warm. Xie Shurong actually kissed me!
It was a feather soft touch of a kiss.
He was robbed of his first kiss by a guy younger than him! Bai Xuan’s entire face turned red
and he pushed away the other person. The always good-natured person exclaimed with
wide eyes, “What are you doing?”
“I like you and want to kiss you.” XIe Shurong said. “You don’t feel sick, right?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
He really wasn’t sick from the kiss. Ah Shu just lightly touched his lips and the kiss gave off
a youthful and sunny feeling.
However, the thought of falling in love with someone younger than him made Bai Xuan’s
mind hurt.
He raised his head to refute the other person, only to meet serious eyes. “I have said it
many times but I still want to say it. I like you. I’m serious.”
“I have never liked a person like this.”
“I am younger than you. There is no way to change this but I will take care of you and strive
to become a gentle and reliable boyfriend.”
“How do you know I can’t do it if you don’t give me a chance?”
“The six months agreement is coming to an end soon. I can only hope that you will give me
a chance, as if receiving a free sample. If it doesn’t suit, you can return it at any time.” Ah
Shu gently hugged Bai Xuan’s waist and placed his head on Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “If you
want to break up with me, I will stop pestering you.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
The sentences that came one after another made it really hard for him to refuse. He knew it
was normal for people to fall in love and break up in a few years. Love at first sight was rare
and most partners had to develop their feelings.
However, if they really broke up, wouldn’t the damage to the other person be bigger?
Bai Xuan was confused and Xie Shurong told him, “You can rest assured that as long as you
give me the opportunity, I will hold it firmly. If you really can’t like me after we get
together, I won’t complain anymore.”
“Give me a chance, okay?” Xie Shurong’s voice was extraordinarily gentle.
After a long silence, Bai Xuan sighed. “Fine… I will give you another six months. Let’s try it.”
Xie Shurong excitedly stretched out his arms and hugged Bai Xuan. He picked up Bai Xuan
and turned him around twice. “Great! This is great! Starting from today, I am Bai Xuan’s
“Keep your voice down! The captain is just opposite from here!” Bai Xuan hurriedly
covered Ah Shu’s mouth. He suddenly regretted his decision just now. If he actually fell in
love with the childish Ah Shu, wouldn’t his IQ be pulled lower?

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GLS: Chapter 246

Chapter 246 -Training Group

The next morning, the members of the national team gathered on time at the meeting room
on the 10th floor of the hotel. Once everyone arrived at the meeting room, Li Cangyu
connected the projector equipment while Ling Xuefeng helped him organize the materials.
Since the daily training of e-sports professional players was inseparable from the
computer, Chairman Nan carefully placed 22 notebook computers in the conference room.
They were naturally the highest configuration gaming computers that the sponsors
provided to players free of charge.
Li Cangyu told them, “Everyone find your positions.”
The name of each person was next to the laptop. Everyone found their place and sat down.
The projection on the big screen finally worked and Li Cangyu said, “Hand me that USB.”
People were wondering who he was talking to, only to see Ling Xuefeng hand Li Cangyu a
USB drive.
Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan and Qin Mo of the Wind Colour team saw this scene and felt very
awkward. Who would dare talk to Captain Ling in this manner? Cat God made Captain Ling
do things to make the meeting smoother and Captain Ling seemed willing to do so.
Li Cangyu took the USB drive and opened the slides. His eyes swept through the meeting
room and he asked, “Is everyone here?”
“Not yet, I just arrived!” Cheng Wei walked in while running his eyes and Tan Shitian was
behind him. Tan Shitian saw that everyone was already here and smiled apologetically.
“Are we late?” Blame Xiao Wei for holding into the quilt for so long in the morning. He had a
hard time waking up this lazy cat and had to wait for breakfast, making them a few minutes
Li Cangyu looked down at his watch. “You’re not late. Go and sit down.”
The two people found their positions. Cheng Wei was surprised to find that Tan Shitian was
sitting with Red Fox’s Yang Muzi instead of him. Perhaps the captain arranged them by the
same class?
He smiled at Yang Muzi, scratched his head and sat down.
Everyone had arrived so Li Cangyu turned off the lights in the meeting room, making them
focus on the projection screen. “The meeting before the first team training has officially
started. I will announce something to everyone. The league has approved Su Guangmo, Tan
Shitian, Lou Wushuang, Chu Yan and Jiang Xu acting as tactical conductors. The five of you
should be prepared to personally command a team battle in the future.”
Everyone was surprised by this result, especially Tan Shitian who hadn’t been a captain for
a long time. He thought that the national team would be directed by Cat God and Captain
Li Cangyu added, “We selected so many mobile commanders because the system of the
World Competition is different from the domestic league. Every game is three rounds and
the players in the three games can’t be repeated. I can’t take care of all aspects with
Xuefeng. Thus, the team command will be handed over to you when necessary. Do you have
any questions?”
Su Guangmo replied simple, “I have no problems.”
Other people didn’t raise any objections but Tan Shitian smiled and said, “Letting me
command so many great gods, I don’t have much confidence…”
Su Guangmo patted him on the shoulder. “You are too humble. You are definitely the best
when it comes to kiting tactics.”
Chu Yan added. “The chairman’s arrangement should be in order to send a more extreme
tactical lineup against specific countries right? Like the assassination tactics of Captain Lou
or the trap flow of Captain Jiang.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “You have the right idea. The national team has many players but they
can’t be repeated in the three games. This limits the number of tactical implementation. We
need time to consider different formations for the pairs arena, economic war and death
The great gods gathered in the national team were great. There were two general
commanders and five mobile commanders. The various domestic tactical styles had
different masters. Everyone couldn’t help feeling excited at the upcoming World
Li Cangyu went on to say, “I have compiled information on all the players in the national
team. Before we start training, we should first have a comprehensive understanding of the
national team as a whole.”
He pressed the mouse and the PPT turned over a page. The information of the 22 team
members were listed on a simple background with cool animation effects. The few
members of Wind Colour had complicated expressions. This PPT was also made by Captain
“The national team has 22 players, including three summoners, three assassins, two
hunters, two black magicians, two white magicians, two swordsmen, two berserkers, two
archers, two psychics and two healers.”
“Our national team is lacking two classes, which are the paladins and sacrifices. It isn’t
because there are no good paladins and sacrifices in the country. We just have a limited
quota and have no choice.”
“Without a paladin, the front row will have slightly weaker pressure resistance. However,
the current team is very fast. It is likely that the opponents will be defeated in one wave.
The berserkers can protect their teammates in the front row while also showing fierce
attacks. I feel that the lack of a paladin won’t be a disadvantage.”
“In addition, the sacrifice is about control and is suitable for teams who use negative
statues as the main method of attack. The national team might not have a sacrifice but the
two healers selected are very powerful. You don’t have to worry about the amount of
“Our team is very large. When divided into three games, there will be countless
combinations. Before the start of the World Competition, we need to practice and
familiarize ourselves with these combinations. Once we come up with a plan, we need to
keep up with the rhythm.”
Li Cangyu turned a page and started to introduce several lineups. “The first is the
assassination flow. The three assassins, Lou, Zhang and Xiao will be the main output. They
were bring several other players with them. The specific players will be handed over to
Captain Lou to select and train.”
“The kite flow lineup will be dominated by Tan, Cheng and Lu of the Time team. The other
candidates and training will be handled by Captain Tan…”
“The trap flow will have Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang as the main players. Captain Jiang is
responsible for…”
“The melee flow will have Su, Yu and Shu as the main force and Captain Su is responsible
for it.”
“We aren’t good at the illusion flow. Chu Yan is an expert in this area and it will be handed
over to him.”
“Finally, there is the summoner tactics that I am good at with Xuefeng. The blood kin
summoner Qin Mo will train with us. I will arrange other players…”
Li Cangyu quickly set up several main lineups and selected their respective leaders. If he
managed more than 20 players by himself, it wouldn’t necessarily be effective. This type of
training division would give him twice the results with half the effort!
The other leaders would be more motivated and wonder which gods to pull into the teams
they were responsible for.
Li Cangyu arranged the lineup commanders and followed up with the arrangements for the
single person training. “The training schedule for the national team has been placed on the
table of each player. You can open it and take a look.”
“From today, you will spend one hour in the morning doing basic training to maintain your
good hand speed and state. From 10 to 12 o’clock, we will practice the pairs arena. A room
with a password will be built in the arena. Everyone will open their sides accounts and test
all types of combinations.”
“The afternoon is the team tactical training time. You will go to the arena to build a free
room and choose a seven star difficulty map announced by the World League. Play matches
against different genre lineups in the form of an elimination battle.”
“After dinner, your time is free for you to arrange. You can play the game solo, play against
designated players or learn from seniors in the national team. Everyone should look at
their own requirements.”
Li Cangyu explained things clearly and turned off the projector. “We will start training now.
The training software are installed on the computer and you are free to use them.”
The group immediately opened the software that suited their needs.
The national team was different from Canglan and Li Cangyu was unlikely to stipulate their
training content too much. For example, telling Tan Shitian to go practice his movement, Su
Guangmo to practice his attack and Lou Wushuang to practice his speed was completely
unnecessary! It would only make them feel restrained.
The great gods usually had their own training methods. As the captain, Li Cangyu only
needed to grasp the overall direction and tactical thinking of the national team. Too much
control would make people feel sick and annoyed. Li Cangyu focused on the overall
arrangement while the details were very free. The great gods of many teams were
The sound of tapping on the keyboard was soon heard in the meeting room.
Li Cangyu glanced around the room and observed everyone’s training method. Su Guangmo
was using a black axis mechanical keyboard. His fingers pressed against the keyboard with
extra force, making a very loud sound. This echoed his heroic and violent swordsman style.
In contrast, Yu Pingsheng sitting next to him was much quieter.
Tan Shitian should be using a green axis. It was very crisp and rhythmic when pressed. His
operations were very flexible, with his slender fingertips quickly pressed the keys, his
hands dancing across the keyboard.
Chu Yan’s hand speed was relatively slow and he also took a long time to press the keys. As
an auxiliary, he didn’t need high hand speed. He only needed to be precise when using
skills. Obviously, Chu Yan’s grasp of various arrays had reached a superb state.
Lou Wushuang was as cold as a statue. It might just be daily training but his eyes were
extremely sharp as he stared at the computer screen, not missing any details.
Cheng Wei was energetic as he tapped on the keyboard, almost smashing the keys with
bright eyes. He had panda eyes when walking into the meeting room and now he was so
Of course, the most handsome one was Ling Xuefeng. Every key press was stable and his
fingers were slender and powerful. Watching him train was simply a visual and auditory
Li Cangyu turned around and sat next to Ling Xuefeng, also opening the training software.
As the captain, he must lead by example. They might already be at the top of the Miracle
Professional League but basic training was a daily routine that every e-sports professional
couldn’t ignore.

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GLS: Chapter 247
Chapter 247 – Doubles Partner

Perhaps it was because there were great gods around but everyone was very serious with
training. There were players like Captain Ling and Cat God practicing seriously, how could
other people be so lazy?
One hour of basic training passed quickly. Next was time for the arena. Li Cangyu stood up
and told them, “The fixed combinations of each team just have to maintain their
understanding. In the national team, everyone should try other combinations. The players
we meet at the World Competition will surely have a variety of players. We should play
with different partners to enrich our experience.”
“If you want to combine with someone, register the group. Once the groups have finished
being decided, we will play in the arena.”
Everyone immediately logged into the Q group and Cheng Wei came forward first. [I want
to team up with Cat God! Please satisfy the wish of your fan O(∩_∩)O.]
Li Cangyu looked at his expression of selling meng and couldn’t help smiling. [Okay, I will
fulfill your wish.]
Xie Shurong asked: [Brother, do you want to come with me? Take care of the younger
brother you’ve abandoned for all these years.]
Su Guangmo wondered, [Which brother are you calling?]
Xie Shurong: [My oldest apprentice brother.]
Su Guangmo turned to Yu Pingsheng. “Then I will try it with Ah Shu. Who do you want to
form a team with?”
Yu Pingsheng thought for a long time before finally managing to say a name. “Meng Jiejie.”
Meng Jie turned at the sound of her ID. “Did you call me?”
Yu Pingsheng smiled shyly and asked, “Team?”
Meng Jie had a decisive nature and nodded. “No problem!”
The people around them, “…”
Wasn’t this style too wrong? Meng Jie was straightforward and heroic while Vice-Captain
Yu could barely say a word…
Guo Xuan saw this and couldn’t help moving. [Sister Muzi, do you want to team up? How
about we try a black and white magician alliance?]
The lively Yang Muzi immediately agreed. [Good! I haven’t played this combination yet.]
Yan Ruiwen smiled. [Vice-Captain Bai, how about we team up? The vice-captains of Wind
Colour and Canglan haven’t cooperated yet.]
Bai Xuan easily promised: [No problem.]
Xiao Han followed up with: [The little princes of Wind Colour and Canglan should also form
a group.]
Qin Mo was excited. [Yes!]
Zhuo Hang @Jiang Xu and asked: [Senior, do you want to guide me? Shall we try the
combination of two hunters?]
Jiang Xu: [Yes.]
Time’s captain Tan Shitian invited Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang. [Captain Liu, do you want to
give me face? I also want to try the feeling of taking a milk mother with me.]
He had debuted in the same season as Liu Xiang. Among the captains present, they were the
youngest and naturally chatted together. Liu Xiang saw this and responded: [Okay Captain
Tan, I will look after your blood.]
Zhu Qingyue of Pure Cleansing saw this and couldn’t help saying weakly: [Cat God is truly
the expert at demolition. Almost all the fixed combinations in the national team have been
broken apart by you 😦 ]
Cheng Wei jumped out: [Xiao Zhu, cry to Cat God and he might change his mind!]
Zhu Qingyue sent a row of tearful expressions.
Then Chu Yan spoke: [The demolition is very good but the Ghost Spirits combination hasn’t
been torn apart yet.]
Zhang Shaohui replied: [No one wants to team up with us. Is it because assassins are harder
to team up with?]
Ling Xuefeng suddenly came up. [I will be with Captain Lou. Vice-Captain Zhang, do you
want to try it with Lu Xiao?]
Zhang Shaohui immediately agreed. [No problem!]
The demolition expert’s achievement of tearing apart all combinations was finally reached.
Li Cangyu smiled and said, [I will bring a team and Xuefeng will bring a team. Everyone is
free to join one of them. We will play the KOF style.]
People immediately selected a team.
Apart from the two auxiliary psychics of Pure Cleansing, who wouldn’t play for the time
being, the other 20 people were divided into teams of team. The five pairs on each other
would start the PK according to the KOF elimination style.
Li Cangyu built a room and selected the seven star high difficulty maps of the World
Competition, setting it to random mode.
Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei pressed ready. Their first opponents were Ling Xuefeng and Lou
Wushuang, while the others observed.
Cheng Wei was very excited at teaming up with Cat God as he waited for the map to load.
The map that appeared was the seven star map previously seen before. The deceleration
map tested the accuracy of the player’s skill release in the low-speed state.
The Cat Wei combination had been seen at the Carnival while the Ling Xuefeng and Lou
Wushuang combination was fresh. Many great gods watched this game from a spectator’s
Ling Xuefeng and Lou Wushuang were both cool-type players and didn’t communicate
much. As soon as they appeared on the map, Lou Wushuang used the normal stealth skill of
a blood kin player. He quickly lurked behind Cheng Wei while Ling Xuefeng would use his
skeleton infantry to control Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu’s instincts were very keen. He saw Ling Xuefeng coming over and immediately
used Flying Feather Steps to slide away a few metres. Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng used
Cover the Sky at this moment!
The black crows flew in their faces and Cheng Wei’s screen was blacked out. However, Li
Cangyu wasn’t affected because he avoided it in time.
Lou Wushuang took advantage of this and struck Cheng Wei with Pain Blade. Still, Cheng
Wei wasn’t silly. The moment he became blind, he jumped a few steps forward and directly
avoided Lou Wushuang’s control.
Su Guangmo joked on the public channel: [Did Xiao Wei’s hand slip and he pressed the
wrong key?]
Tan Shitian retorted: [Don’t underestimate our vice-captain. How can his awareness not
sense this?]
Cheng Wei couldn’t see the words on the public channel. At this time, his screen was still
black. He just guessed that Lou Wushuang would definitely take the time to attack him so
he blindly jumped forward and happened to dodge this skill.
A moment later, his vision was restored and Cheng Wei used the previous prepared God’s
Seal to control Ling Xuefeng in front. The other party had long guessed this and summoned
a skeleton in front of him, accurately blocking Cheng Wei’s sealing skill.
Both sides avoided the control. It was as good as an official match!
The people watching couldn’t help sighing with admiration. They didn’t expect that the
national team’s casual game could be at the same level as the season’s finals. It could be
seen that everyone was particularly serious about this training.
Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu privately had a honey-like relationship but they didn’t have the
name of the ‘strongest opponent’ for nothing. In the blink of an eye, the two people used
their big moves. Ling Xuefeng used the demon god to smash Li Cangyu’s health down to
50% and Li Cangyu ruthlessly used the fire spirit and thunder spirit to smash Ling Xuefeng.
At a critical moment, Lou Wushuang suddenly became invisible and moved to Cheng Wei at
the fastest speed. He unleashed a series of combos and directly took Cheng Wei’s head!
Captain Lou’s fierce and calm attacks made everyone’s backs cold.
It was the first captain of Ghost Spirits who created the ‘assassination style but the one who
was widely recognized for it and won the championship in front of everyone was his
apprentice Lou Wushuang.
This man had a calmness that was beyond ordinary people and his eyes were like a cold
snake. His body temperature was lower than normal people and he could only say that his
personality was a perfect fit for this ‘assassin’ class.
Previously, he was sick and eliminated from the national team’s trials but fortunately, he
survived the danger. Today’s arena game proved Lou Wushuang’s strength. He was
definitely the best assassin of the league.
Cheng Wei was a bit depressed but the arena was like this. He accidentally let the other
person seize an opportunity and was killed by Lou Wushuang. He had nothing to complain
[Cat God, come on!] Cheng Wei typed on the public channel.
Li Cangyu had no time to pay attention to anyone else. Previously, Lou Wushuang had been
beaten to residual blood by Cheng Wei and it wasn’t difficult to kill the other person.
However, Ling Xuefeng had three types of pets and Li Cangyu’s thunder and wind spirit’s
moves had been used.
The desperate Li Cangyu had to call the water spirit and wanted to rely on it to slowly grind
Ling Xuefeng.
However, Ling Xuefeng was very smart his time. He wasn’t killed by Li Cangyu as he was in
the seventh season’s finals. The moment that the other person summoned the water spirit,
he immediately realized what Li Cangyu was doing and used Witch Demon’s Curse to
forcibly bring Li Cangyu forward!
This reaction speed made the onlookers feel amazed.
Li Cangyu was pulled over and couldn’t escape. Ling Xuefeng summoned the skeleton
infantry and used continuous Skeleton Explosions to clear the other person’s blood.
This time Ling Xuefeng won against Li Cangyu, which could be considered making up for
the loss in the finals.
Li Cangyu didn’t mind. He smiled and sent a row of thumbs up. [Your reactions are fast!]
Ling Xuefeng asked: [Did you want to use the same method a second time?]
Li Cangyu: [I can only use it on you once but I can try it again on foreigners.]
Ling Xuefeng agreed. [That is fine.]
Everyone, “…”
The captain and vice-captain were chatting? They were waiting for the game to continue!

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GLS: Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei went down and the Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong combination
The apprentice brothers had fought side by side in the Flying Feathers team. Later, due to
young impulses, the brothers broke the connection. Now they were once again standing
next to each other in the national team and seemed to have recovered the tacit
understanding of the Three Musketeers.
Su Guangmo had the violent style while Xie Shurong was best at fast breaks. Under the joint
attacks of the two people, Ling Xuefeng didn’t last long and was sent off.
The second lineup sent by that team was Bai Xuan and Yan Ruiwen.
Xie Shurong smiled and typed on the public channel: [Vice-Captain Bai, show mercy!]
Bai Xuan: […I’m not the one hitting you.]
The group laughed. What did he mean by having a healer show mercy? Don’t add blood to
Xie Shurong continued typing: [I am used to you giving me blood. I can’t bear to cut you. I
will target Vice-Captain Yan.]
Yan Ruiwen smiled. [Okay.]
Su Guangmo couldn’t bear it and typed: [Ah Shu, can’t you be serious?]
Xie Shurong replied: [I am very serious. Can’t you see it?]
There was no way to handle this guy and Su Guangmo directly ignored him. The two
opponents appeared in front of him and he immediately used Light and Shadow Rotation.
At the same time, Xie Shurong also used Light and Shadow Rotation. His technique was
extremely skillful and he avoided Bai Xuan, only hitting Yan Ruiwen. Yan Ruiwen was really
in pain. He was hit by two swords at the same time and his fragile body couldn’t stand it!
Fortunately, there was a strong milk dad by his side.
Bai Xuan’s blood adding technique was very fast. In the face of such a violent attack, he
carried Yan Ruiwen’s blood to the 60% safety line.
However, the combination of Yan Ruiwen and Bai Xuan couldn’t show any advantages.
Tan Shitian shouldn’t help typing: [This map isn’t good for Yan Bai to fight on. There are no
obstacles for Vice-Captain Yan to move around and once a swordsman gets close, his skills
are always interrupted.]
Cheng Wei also typed: [It is very annoying to be interrupted by a swordsman.]
Many ranged classes jumped out to agree.
At this moment, Yan Ruiwen suddenly moved behind Bai Xuan and managed to hide from
Xie Shurong’s attack. Then he used Dark Fear and affected both Su Guangmo and Xie
He took advantage of this chance to open a wave of black magic combos. Death Mantra,
Shadow Winding, Hell Flames!
Black mist scattered from his hand, forching Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong to be affected by
the negative black magic. Yan Ruiwen’s grasp of the timing was quite accurate.
Yan Ruiwen unleashed a wave but it was difficult for Yan Bai to take back the situation.
Once the control effect of Dar Fear was over, Su Guangmo’s Spirit Lock set Bai Xuan in
place. He followed up by teleporting to Yan Ruiwen and used Breaking Bone Sword and
Soul Sword.
Xie Shurong also cooperated with his brother’s offensive rhythm and used the
swordsman’s sharp attacks to forcibly empty Yan Ruiwen’s blood.
[Ah Shu has killed Undying Gratitude!]
Yan Ruiwen was helpless when he fell while Bai Xuan smiled apologetically. [I couldn’t add
Xie Shurong was happy at the through. The Shu Bai combination was the best. If he was Bai
Xuan’s partner, he would definitely reduce Bai Xuan’s burden.
Everyone found that the black magician and priest were really different and it was too
strange to mix them together. The only chance was if there was a map with many obstacles,
allowing them to slowly delay the time and apply negative states. Otherwise, the two
people together were easily destroyed once controlled.
The combination of the vice-captains ended in failure. Yan Ruiwen typed on the public
channel: [It seems i don’t fit with Vice-Captain Bai.]
Xie Shurong immediately jumped out. [Of course, I am a perfect match for Vice-Captain
Bai Xuan, “…”
He looked at the words ‘perfect match’ and remembered Xie Shurong’s gentle kiss. Bai
Xuan’s cheeks suddenly became hot. He ignored this sentence and continued to watch.
The next appearance was the combination of Zhang Shaohui and Lu Xiao. Don’t look at
Zhang Shaohui’s developed limbs and simple brains. He might be emotionally slow but in
Miracle, he was quite proficient from a young age. His keen senses and decisive judgment
on the field made him a top assassin in the Miracle League who could stand next to Lou
A swordsman and assassin had an equal winning rate but in a two player battle, the
assassin was definitely a bit more dominant. As long as the stealth skill was used well, it
was enough to give the other side a headache.
Zhang Shaohui’s stealth skill was used to sneak behind Xie Shurong. Pain Blade was used to
freeze the other person and Lu Xiao immediately used Death Arrow Rain, turning Xie
Shurong into a hedgehog.
Lu Xiao’s awareness wasn’t much worse than Tan Shitian and his playing was very stable.
This might be his first time cooperating with Vice-Captain Zhang but the two of them were
tacit about their choice of target.
Xie Shurong, who just typed on the public channel, was killed. Su Guangmo gloated in his
misfortune. [It is true that those who speak a lot of words are the first to die.]
Xie Shurong rudely told him: [You’re going to die soon.]
Su Guangmo lasted for a minute. His swordsman had higher defense than Ah Shu due to the
way they added their points. The archer’s attack distance was too far and he couldn’t reach.
He could only target Zhang Shaohui.
Zhang Shaohui’s assassin style wasn’t as cool and sharp as his brother but it was a bit
annoying. Still, today’s map meant there was no place to hide. Su Guangmo chased him and
Zhang Shaohui was forced to fight hard.
Fortunately, his attacks could suck up blood and by the time he killed Su Guangmo, he had
60% blood left.
Here, Qin Mo and Xiao Han appeared in the arena.
Just now, the vice-captains of Wind Colour and Canglan ended up failing. How would the
little princes go? Everyone was looking forward to it.
As a blood kin assassin, Xiao Han was best at grasping opportunities. He wasn’t as cool and
sharp as Captain Lou, nor did he have wretched sneak attacks like Zhang Shaohui. His style
of play was smart and flexible, his brain circuits different from ordinary players.
He targeted the ace archer Lu Xiao, quietly moving around to the back and then staying still.
Qin Mo summoned a blood spider and blood snake in front, letting his blood spider chase
after Zhang Shaohui.
Everyone thought Qin Mo and Xiao Han had split up to fight when Xiao Han suddenly typed
on the team channel. Then everyone was surprised to see the wonderful cooperation
between the two teenagers.
Xiao Han suddenly broke out with Pain Blade, interrupting Lu Xiao’s cold arrows and
stunning him. At the same time, Qin Mo’s blood snake suddenly shifted directions and bit
Lu Xiao!
On the sidelines, Su Guangmo sighed with admiration. [A double line operation! Good
This was a beautiful double-line manipulation.
Qin Mo had his blood spider fix Zhang Shaohui in place while his blood snake cooperated
with Xiao Han to fight Lu Xiao in the distance. The positioning of the two pets was very
precise and the timing was also great. He was truly Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice!
Xiao Han naturally couldn’t drop the ball. After Pain Blade stunned the opponent, he
immediately released Back Stab, Soul Stab and Death Strangulation!
Qin Mo used the blood snake to quickly apply three layers of bleeding and then opened the
big move, Blood Bat Festival!
The cooperation of the two teenagers was very smooth and the tacit understanding didn’t
lose to long-term partners!
Cheng Wei sent a row of thumbs up to express his admiration. [Qin Mo is worthy of being
Xiao Han’s sparring partner. This understanding should be developed from long-term
Tan Shitian sent a laughing expression. [Xiao Wei, you shouldn’t be too direct or you will
make Xiao Qin sad.]
Cheng Wei laughed. [I am telling the truth.]
The two people in the arena couldn’t see the messages on the public channel because they
were concentrated on the game. Lu Xiao and Zhang Shaohui’s control effect would soon be
At this moment, Qin Mo typed in the team channel. [222.]
Then everyone saw a magical picture. It was like Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s brain waves were
synchronized as they entered stealth at the same time.
Stealth was the common skill of the blood kin race. The control effect of Zhang Shaohui and
Lu Xiao had ended and they were thinking about counterattacking. As a result, the two
young teenagers in front of them used Combat Stealth at the same time. Zhang Shaohui and
Lu Xiao lost their goal in an instant!
Cheng Wei typed on the public channel: [Two little princes, 666666!]
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other and saw a satisfied look in the other
person’s eyes.
They didn’t expect that Qin Mo and Xiao Han could work together to actually fight the big
gods like Zhang Shaohui and Lu Xiao. The two teenagers who won the Best Newcomer
Award in the sixth and seventh seasons had really grown into excellent players.
Perhaps their combination could be sent to the arena in the World Competition?
Li Cangyu asked Ling Xuefeng. Ling Xuefeng seemed to know his question and nodded in
The tacit understanding between the masters seemed to have affected the apprentices. On
the field, Qin Mo and Xiao Han teamed up to kill Zhang Shaohui!
[Shepherd has killed Shadow!]
Qin Mo was really excited when he saw this message. The feeling of being able to fight with
Xiao Han was better than imagined. His long time spent as a sparring partner and Chinese
teacher wasn’t wasted!

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GLS: Chapter 249

Chapter 249

The many gods watching from the sidelines didn’t expect Qin Mo and Xiao Han to have such
a tacit understanding and strong attack power. Zhang Shaohui and Lu Xiao were
successively sent off, Qin Mo taking the double kill with Xiao Han’s help.
This was even more powerful than many of the fixed partners.
The killed Lu Xiao wrote on the public channel: [The two little princes are well matched.]
Zhang Shaohui agreed. [Their tacit understanding is more than ours!]
Cheng Wei followed up with: [Qin Mo accompanied Xiao Han to train for so long. Your
understanding must be cultivated in the process of sparring.]
Qin Mo noticed the messages on the screen and chose to ignore the word ‘sparring.’
He was quite surprised that he could kill two great gods along with Xiao Han. Today, many
combinations were temporarily set up for the arena. It seemed their understanding wasn’t
as good as him and Xiao Han.
Su Guangmo said: [The two newcomers are very big.]
Xiao Han typed on the public screen: [Thank you Captain Su. You are also very big.]
Su Guangmo, “…”
The group laughed. Xiao Han’s Chinese standard was still at the level of ‘copying slavishly.’
He didn’t understand the essence of Chinese and returned other people’s praise. It was
estimated that only Xiao Han could do this.
Cheng Wei actively came forward. [Who is the next group? Who hasn’t fought?]
[Me.] This was said by Tan Shitian’s side account, followed by a row of smiling expressions.
[Xiao Wei isn’t cheering for me?]
Cheng Wei didn’t hesitate. [No.]
Tan Shitian asked: [Don’t you have any team love?]
Cheng Wei: [No.]
Tan Shitian smiled helplessly and got ready with Liu Xiang’s side account.
At this time, Xiao Han and Qin Mo had less than half their blood left. Once Tan Shitian
appeared, he used the big move, Death Arrow Rain.
The bow fired the overwhelming arrows and Qin Mo immediately flashed to the left. Xiao
Han turned to the right and the two people moved so that Tan Shitian’s group attack
couldn’t reach both of them at the same time.
The stealth skill was on cooldown and Xiao Han couldn’t go around to interfere with Tan
Shitian. Tan Shitian was the furthest attacker in the league. Thanks to the advantage of his
long range, he constantly used cold arrows to interfere with the two.
In just one minute, Xiao Han was hit to 10% of his blood.
Xiao Han would die if he was hit by one more arrow. At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly
summoned his blood knight right in front of Xiao Han. Everyone saw Tan Shitian’s Death
Shot hit the night, allowing Xiao Han to avoid the move!
The cooldown of the stealth skill finished at this and once again, the two men pressed the
key simultaneously, becoming invisible in front of everyone.
Xiao Han quickly circled behind Tan Shitian and used his final blue to hit Tan Shitian with a
series of crits. Qin Mo also used all his pet skills.
The two men joined forces and Tan Shitian’s blood rapidly dropped. Fortunately, Liu Xiang
didn’t stay still. She used a small healing skill and stacked up Healing Language to soon fill
Tan Shitian’s blood.
Tan Shitian no longer hesitated. He used Flying Feather Steps to move quickly and used
Quenching Arrow to shoot Xiao Han. This was a skill for archers to slow down the opponent
and it was Tan Shitian’s signature during his kiting tactics.
Xiao Han couldn’t catch up with him. Tan Shitian used the advantage of his long attack
range to easily take care of the two little princes.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were sent off but Tan Shitian couldn’t help sighing. The cooperation
between these two little guys was really wonderful!
Qin Mo used a skill to protect Xiao Han and Xiao Han seized the opportunity to cooperate
with Qin Mo. They entered stealth and attacked at the same time, like their brain waves
were synchronized. It was worthy of long-term partners, not teammates but better than
Fortunately, the two little guys weren’t in the same team or the MIracle League might
become their world in the future. Many great gods thought this.
The masters Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu also exchanged a tacit look.
According to Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s performance today, they should keep cooperating in
the arena. Then Li Cangyu could safely let them appear in the arena at the World
Tan Shitian’s blood was filled by Liu Xiang but killing the two teenagers cost him a lot of
Next up was the berserker combination of Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie.
Meng Jie had the nickname of Meng Jiejie (Sister Meng) in the league. She was one year
older than the Red Fox captain Liu Xiang. She had the character of a northeast sister and
have a lively manner of speaking. Her style when playing a berserker could be described in
one word—fierce!
Yu Pingsheng was gentle and quiet as a ghost. A person with a communication disorder
seemed a far cry from the berserker class but his berserker was fierce!
Two fierce berserkers acted together, it was simple the peak of the melee flow. As soon as
they met the opponents, they would chase to cut them!
Tan Shitian was chased by the two players and his scalp was numb. Liu Xiang was also
under great pressure.
This might be the first time Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie were cooperating but players of the
same class were familiar with each other’s skills. The two people also had similar styles so
it was easy to keep up with the rhythm of the other party.
Yu Pingsheng used Mountain Chop the moment Tan Shitian stepped back. Then Meng Jie
followed up with Splitting Bone Chop to freeze Liu Xiang in place. The two people chased
Tan Shitian with their axes and the group watching had shocked expressions.
[The two berserkers are terrible!]
[The nightmare of fragile remotes!]
[The two of them are really fierce. So many pits have been smashed into the ground…]
[Lighting a candle for Captain Tan.]
Tan Shitian was very helpless. The most annoying thing for a ranged class was to be tangled
up with a melee, especially when they were two fierce berserkers. His fragile defense
couldn’t stand it and Liu Xiang’s blood adding could only delay things.
In the final, Yu Pingsheng emptied Tan Shitian’s blood and Liu Xiang was killed by the sister
of the same team.
Liu Xiang typed on the public screen: [Meng Jie isn’t showing me any affection?]
Meng Jie said: [It is hard to kill you so I must seize the opportunity, haha!]
Yang Muzi jumped forward and agreed. [Yes!]
Liu Xiang, “…”
Weren’t they supposed to be good sisters for the rest of their lives?
Li Cangyu looked at the cooperation between Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie and whispered in
Ling Xuefeng’s ears, “What do you think of letting them partner up in the arena?”
Ling Xuefeng shook his head and replied in a low voice that only the two of them could
hear. “Two berserkers move slowly and are easily controlled if they aren’t careful. If they
encounter a magician or summoner, they can’t play at all. The Su Yu combination has more
guarantees. We can considered putting Meng Jie in the melee flow team battles.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “I think so as well. They both look very fierce because they encountered
an archer and a healer, a combination without many control skills. They must kneel down if
they meet magicians. We can’t send them to the arena.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
Yan Ruiwen sat next to them and automatically moved away. He looked straight ahead and
pretended not to see anything. The two commanders whispering through the whole
process and exchanging a tacit understanding, couldn’t they consider the feelings of the
single dog sitting next to them?
Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang were eliminated and they were followed by the double hunters
combination of Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu.
As Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng just analyzed, the shortcomings of the Yu Pingsheng and
Meng Jie combination were exposed at this time. They encountered a class with many
control skills and simply couldn’t move.
Zhuo Hang placed the traps at a fast speed while Jiang Xu was a professional hunter. He
placed traps one after another to make it difficult for Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie. The two
berserkers acted fiercely but they could only be controlled by the traps.
Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang’s chain traps exploded and quickly sent the two berserkers away. It
was followed by the last pair of partners, Guo Xuan and Yang Muzi.
This combination seemed a big nondescript, the black magician and white magician
combination not appearing in the regular season. To everyone’s surprise, the effect of the
black magician and white magician wasn’t bad. The white magician was the main control
while the black magician was the violent output. This had an advantage against middle-
range players like Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu.
Still, this combination didn’t have the force of two white magicians or two black magicians.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng soon passed it. It wasn’t desirable to send such a combination
to the arena.
The first round of the arena lasted for nearly an hour and everyone wasn’t tired at all.
Instead, they became more and more excited.
In the national team, everyone could try a variety of novel combinations in the arena, which
wasn’t possible in their own team. The reason why Li Cangyu did this was to see if they
could form a stronger partnership than the fixed domestic lineup.
Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang’s double hunters fit Li Cangyu’s plan, Xiao Han and Qin Mo’s
partnership was an unexpected gain and they could consider Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong
for a fast break. In addition, the combination of Yan Ruiwen and Bai Xuan, Guo Xuan and
Yang Muzi, Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie were all nagated. They weren’t suitable for the
World Competition.
Next, Li Cangyu had everyone continue with the reorganization. This training mode made
many people feel excited and not tired at all. At lunch time, they were even reluctant to
leave the training room. They only reluctantly went to the hotel’s dining room under Li
Cangyu’s urging.
Ling Xuefeng saw the excited expressions on everyone’s face and couldn’t help saying, “It
seems that your training method is useful and everyone likes it.”
Li Cangyu replied, “They are also tired from always fighting with the same partner.
Changing the taste can mobilize people’s enthusiasm.”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng nodded. “A variety of strong combinations appeared in this morning’s
arena but there is a very strong combination that didn’t appear.”
Li Cangyu was puzzled. “Who?”
Ling Xuefeng pointed to the other person and then himself. “Us.”
Li Cangyu was stunned before immediately smiling. He whispered in Ling Xuefeng’s ear,
“The two of us must be the finale… do we need to practice?”
A soft look appeared in Ling Xuefeng’s indifferent eyes. “No.”
The understanding between them was better than Qin Mo and Xiao Han. They didn’t need
to deliberately train, as long as they practiced their hand speed and tactics before a game.
Both people believed that the final lineup of two summoners would bring a surprise to
everyone in the World Competition.

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GLS: Chapter 250

Chapter 250 – Tactical Reorganization

After eating at noon, the other players returned to their rooms to rest. Li Cangyu privately
called Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian, Lou Wushuang, Chu Yan and Jiang Xu to meet in room 601.
As soon as they entered the room, they saw Ling Xuefeng’s black suitcase and LI Cangyu’s
white suitcase placed side by side. The two people’s clothes were neatly hung in the closest
and even the two laptops were next to each other. Obviously, the captain and vice-captain
of the national team often discussed issues together.
Tan Shitian touched his nose, pretended not to see anything and quietly found a place to sit
Li Cangyu poured everyone a cup of tea. As he was pouring, he said, “This is the bamboo
green leaves brought by Ling Xuefeng. Everyone should try it. We don’t have to be too
serious in private meetings. If you have anything to say, feel free to say it.”
Su Guangmo drank the cup of tea and actively asked, “Captain called us over. Is it to discuss
the tactical groupings?”
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu got straight to the point. “In the three games of the World
Competition, players can’t be repeated. Thus, when arranging the lineup, try to avoid
repeating personnel as much as possible.”
Ling Xuefeng had sorted the information and handed it to everyone. “This is the list of
partners that our national team can currently send. After today’s practice, the Jiang Zhuo
hunter combination, the Su Xie swordsman combination, the Xiao Qin combination and my
double summoner combination with Cat have been added.”
Everyone read the material and Chu Yan was surprised. “So many?”
There were many combinations on the list.
For example, there was the Yan Gou black magician combination, the Tan Cheng kiting
combination, the Shu Bai consumption battle combination, the Lou Zhang assassin
combination, the Su Yu melee combination etc. These were the old partnerships from the
major teams, as well as the several new combinations today. In the World Competition, the
Chinese team could have hundreds of arrangements for players in the arena.
The national team’s lineup was so luxurious that Su Guangmo couldn’t help laughing. “Thus,
we have a lot of room too choose, even if the players can’t be repeated.”
Jiang Xu nodded. “Yes, as long as there are six people for the arena and the economic
warfare and death racing uses different tactical schemes, the number of people is more
than enough.”
Li Cangyu said, “I called everyone because of this. The death racing mode can’t be decided
but we must handle the group battle mode. Everyone should first pick out their lineup and
we will carry out the team tactical training in the afternoon.”
Su Guangmo thought about it and said, “For the melee flow, the three brothers plus Meng
Jie will mean a very stable front row defense. The attack is also enough. The other two
players can be arranged according to the arena. It is best to arrange a protective healing
class and a hunter is also a good choice.”
Li Cangyu quickly typed on his laptop while listening.
Lou Wushuang followed closely, “I want Yu and Meng in the front row to let them attract
firepower. The remaining three assassins can safely complete the joint assassination
tactics. The healer should be Vice-Captain Bai since his emergency response is relatively
Chu Yan said, “There are four psychics in Pure Cleansing but only two in the national team.
It is difficult to play the pure illusion style. Today’s cooperation between Guo Xuan and
Yang Muzi gave me some inspiration. I want two black magicians and a white magician to
fill the lack of control.”
Li Cangyu carefully wrote it down and then asked, “Captain Tan and Captain Jiang? What
are your thoughts?”
Tan Shitian said, “Add two magicians so the control and output are more flexible.”
Jiang Xu replied, “Qin Mo and Xiao Han can join the lineup for the trap flow if they don’t
play in the arena. Or it can be two black magicians and a berserker. It will be relatively easy
to play with them.”
Li Cangyu carefully sorted it and said, “The commanders can easily adjust the lineup but the
problem is that we only have two healers. Bai Xuan and Liu Xiang will have to rotate or it
might be hard on them. Each lineup has to adapt.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement. “This is the case. If one healer has any problems, we
can’t let our tactics be ruined.”
Li Cangyu followed, “Considering the pressure of the team battle, we will try not to send Bai
Xuan to the arena.”
Everyone agreed with this decision.
The lunch break passed quickly and everyone was filled with great energy as they came to
the training room.
The afternoon’s training was the team tactics and took the form of a rotating battle, just like
the morning’s arena.
In order to save time, LI Cangyu built a multi-person room in the arena, allowing the two
sides to fight directly. Otherwise, playing the economic warfare, ice dragon and pushing to
the crystal would take at least 30 minutes and the rhythm was too slow.
The specific economic warfare tactics were naturally in the hands of the commanders, The
key was how the team cooperated during a wave of combat. It was necessary to cultivate
the understanding between the great gods as soon as possible. Everyone agreed with LI
Cangyu’s multi-person PK model.
The first to appear was the melee stream lineup, consisting of Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng,
Meng Jie, Xie Shurong, Zhuo Hang and Bai Xuan. They were fighting the kiting lineup that
consisted of Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, Lu Xiao, Yang Muzi, Yan Ruiwen and Liu Xiang.
Both sides were a collection of great gods but one side had many melee and the other side
was mainly remotes. Based on the lineup, there were advantages and disadvantages.
The first game was chosen by Tan Shitian. He cleverly selected a desert map, which was a
seven star status map selected for the World Competition. The flying sand in the air had a
great influence on players.
Once a melee had their visibility lowered, their movements would naturally be restricted.
Archers were different. They could stand at a distance for a group attack. As long as they
grasped the direction, they could place a lot of psychological pressure on the other side.
Sure enough, at the beginning of the battle, the balance of victory tilted towards Tan
Shitian. He and Lu Xiao cooperated with the group attack Death Arrow Rain to suppress the
blood volume of the opponents, then controlled them with the deceleration skill Quenching
It was difficult for melee classes to get close to them but Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong both
had teleportation skills. The brothers seized the opportunity and jumped towards Tan
Shitian and Cheng Wei, unceremoniously using Light and Shadow Rotation to interrupt the
remote classes and decreasing blood.
At the same time, Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie opened a horizontal ditch with their giant
axes, blocking a movement route.
Zhuo Hang was the mobile team member of this lineup and took full advantage of an elf’s
quick movements, placing a lot of traps under the opponent’s feet. The series of Trap Blasts
cooperated with Su and Shu’s attacks, causing an amazing effect.
In the end, this game was won by Tan Shitian. The key lay in the combination of Cheng Wei
and Yang Muzi’s big white magic control, which sealed the front row in place. Then Tan
Shitian, Lu Xiao and Yan Ruiwen simultaneously unleashed a big group attack and smashed
the other side.
The second game was Su Guangmo’s turn and he chose a forest with extremely dense trees.
The arrows of the archers were mostly straight-line attacks and they only had one skill to
penetrate obstacles. The blockage of a large number of trees would definitely limit Tan and
Facts proved it. Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong cooperated with their rapid advancement
while Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie cooperated to intercept the other side. The team led by
Tan Shitian were surrounded and stepped into Zhuo Hang’s traps.
The cooperation between the Su, Yu and Shu brothers quickly cleared the blood of the
fragile remotes. Su Guangmo moved back the playing field in this game and the two sides
were 1:1.
Li Cangyu saw this and looked over at Ling Xuefeng. “This group is really good.”
Due to the joining of Zhuo Hang and Meng Jie, the strength of the melee flow increased a lot.
The addition of the black and white magicians to the kiting flow also gave the team many
control skills.
Ling Xuefeng whispered, “If these players were gathered in the Time team then they would
definitely win the championship. The same is true for Flying Feathers.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “The strength of the national team is twice as strong as the domestic
It was because every player who joined the national team was one of the best in the world.
Everyone’s awareness wasn’t bad and if they cooperated well, the overall strength of the
team would naturally be enhanced.
Li Cangyu typed on the public channel: [Change to the next group.]
Next was the confrontation between the assassins and the trap flow. The two sides played
very fiercely, with Lou Wushuang and Jiang Xu each winning a game. In fact, the strength of
both sides was similar. The key to winning or losing was the impact of the map.
Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought about it. In the World Competition, the map
seemed to be a very important factor!

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GLS: Chapter 251

Chapter 251 – Map Scheme

One day of practice passed in an orderly manner. The various tactical genres fought against
each other and the performance was no less than the finals of the seventh season. Still, this
was the internal training of the national team and needed absolute confidentiality. The
team reporter Zhao Yue knew this rule and rushed to the training room for an interview.
After obtaining Li Cangyu’s consent, she took the time to do an interview with each player,
asking them some questions and letting them express their feelings on joining the national
team. Then she published a special feature on the Internet.
In less than a day, the number of hits for the special interview broke through seven figures!
It was clear that Miracle fans were very concerned about the training of the national team.
Li Cangyu also made a statement as the captain of the national team. “Rest assured that we
are training intensively. We are preparing for the world competition and no one is being
The Weibo had many photos of players tapping the keyboard, showing that the
environment of the training room wasn’t bad. Everyone sat side by side, their hands on the
keyboard and their expressions serious.
Of course, the contents of the computer were blocked, showing how skilled the one taking
the photo was.
Many of the netizens were clamouring to know the tactical arrangements and training
methods of the national team but this was ignored by Li Cangyu. After all, before the official
start of the game, these contents were tactical secrets!
After training for a few days, the national team’s training base had several guests visiting.
Apart from Chairman Nan Jiangang, there were several strange faces.
Li Cangyu asked everyone in the team to continue training. He and Ling Xuefeng
temporarily left the training room and headed to the room next door. They asked,
“Chairman, you suddenly came to visit. Is it to inspect the training situation? Our players
are particularly serious.”
Nan Jiangang smiled, “I know, I saw the Weibo post.”
Li Cangyu asked, “Are there other important arrangements?”
Nan Jiangang nodded. “The design of the map came out. I brought the designers over for
you to confirm it yourself.”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other and were very surprised. The efficiency
of the league was too fast. It had only been a week and the maps were completed?
Chairman Nan saw their surprised expressions and couldn’t help smiling. “This time I
called many masters in the league, even Wu Zewen of Dragon Song. Everyone worked
overtime for a few days to finish it. I brought the first draft for you to look. If there isn’t a
problem, I will put it into production. The artists will also work overtime and you should be
able to see the finished product next week.” He spoke while spreading out five plans on the
The first one was a garden style pattern proposed by Su Guangmo. There were many
pavilions, trees and ponds, with roads criss-crossing between them. It seems simple but it
was much more complicated than the current seven star maps, especially the second storey
attic building suitable for ambushes.
Li Cangyu looked at the plan and nodded. “This design should be very interesting. It is just
that the distance between the pond and the attic is too far. I think it should be closer so
players can jump from the attic to the water to escape.”
Chairman Nan’s eyes brightened. “Sure enough, your strategies are more professional!” He
turned back to the designer and said, “Everyone, remember this and change it as soon as
we go back.”
This was followed by the second map. It was the five elements eight-trigram array that Chu
Yan proposed. This image told… how great Chu Yan’s imagination was! He was good at
illusionary arrays and the map he came up with was a large collection of them.
The effects of the five elements reflected their nature, giving buffs or debuffs. This design
was very novel and the maze in the centre… it was estimated that foreigners would
probably want to commit suicide when walking on this map?
Ling Xuefeng said, “This overall setting of this map is very reasonable. The entrance angle
of the labyrinth should be slightly adjusted. The drop in blood should be switched with the
drop in blue and the labyrinth entrance placed in the middle.” He pointed to a position on
the map while speaking.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help patting him on the shoulder. “You are more wicked than Chu Yan.
Foreigners who don’t know the truth will walk into the labyrinth to avoid the drop in blue
and then they will cry.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly. “The maps submitted by the other countries must have many
unknown traps. We must take advantage of this rare opportunity.”
Li Cangyu nodded in agreement. “It makes sense.”
This was followed by Lou Wushuang’s proposal of a reality map. The chairman explained,
“After we communicated with the designers, we felt that it was most appropriate to use the
steep Mount Huangshan to make a death map.”
Li Cangyu asked, “Isn’t that too thrilling?”
Nan Jiangang smiled. “It should be possible. The World League doesn’t limit the types of
maps and a death map itself is within the scope of the league maps.”
Ling Xuefeng questioned, “What else?”
“There is the trap map you suggested and we have prepared two types.” Chairman Nan
pointed to a map on the table and carefully introduced it. “This is the underground palace
type trap map. It is similar to the tombs in tomb novels. Stepping on different machinery
will have different effects. There is also a forest trap map. There are many traps on the
ground covered in grass. After stepping on it, players will fall into the trap. Isn’t this more
suitable for the trap flow tactic?”
Li Cangyu was surprised. “Chairman, you even thought about the trap flow tactic?”
“Of course, isn’t that why you chose two hunters for the national team?” Chairman Nan was
also a Miracle enthusiast and had a good understanding of various tactics.
Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng and asked, “Do you think these five maps are feasible?”
Ling Xuefeng thought about it before nodding. “Yes. The death map, status map, obstacle
map, trap map and mechanical map are all suitable. I’m just worried that in the World
Competition, all opponents will ban the maps submitted by the Chinese team.”
Li Cangyu laughed. “That is extremely likely! At the very least, once the five elements map
appeared, it will definitely be the first one disabled by the commanders of other countries!
This type of relationship between the five elements, can foreigners understand it?”
The surrounding map designers also laughed. “The Mount Huangshan map is also terrible.
This thrilling map will absolutely kill all the current seven star death maps. I think once the
World League sees this map, they will have to raise the rating to eight stars.”
“Isn’t the underground palace map also very hard? The upper and lower levels creates a
three dimensional design. The players who fall to the lower level must be dazed and can’t
find their way back.”
The more they talked, the more excited they became. It seemed everyone was looking
forward to the ‘expressions’ of the other countries when they faced the Chinese team’s
The chairman confirmed the map modifications with the designers and then sent it back to
headquarters to complete the production. Meanwhile, another designer took out the plans
for the national team’s uniforms.
Li Cangyu suggested, “Everyone has different aesthetics. It isn’t good for us to privately
decide the uniform so the players should vote.”
The two men copied the designs provided onto a USB drive and showed in on the
projection screen of the training room. Li Cangyu clapped and told the players, “We will
pause for a moment. These are the designs for the uniform that the chairman just brought
us. There are four styles, A, B, C and D. Took a close look and we will vote in 10 minutes.”
Cheng Wei immediately said, “Design C looks good!”
C was the typical tomato scrambled egg, red with yellow. Everyone around Cheng Wei
expressed condolences for his sense of aesthetics.
The rest of the designs were quite beautiful but everyone’s views were different. Some
people thought that B looked good while others thought D showed more personality. In the
end, Su Guangmo proposed, “I think that when it comes to choosing clothes… we should
listen to the opinions of the players from Red Fox. The eyes of females are definitely better
than the rest of us.”
This sentence immediately got everyone’s approval.
After all, it was indeed worrying to choose clothes based on the aesthetics of the men here.
Putting aside the incurable Cheng Wei, most of the male players present had no idea if the
clothes looked good or not.
Liu Xiang smiled. “Since Captain Su trusts our eyes so much, let me first express what I
think. The pattern for A is too complicated and will hurt the eyes after a while. The colour
selection for B is a bit rustic. Once everyone gathers together to play games, we will look
like a travel agency group. As for C… it is the tomato scrambled egg that Vice-Captain Bai
mentioned previously.”
Cheng Wei immediately turned red and lowered his head in an embarrassed manner.
“D is really simply and good looking. White and red is a versatile colour combination, so I
would recommend D.” Yang Muzi immediately agreed. “I think that the uniform should be
simple. If it is too complicated then it will feel messy! The white background is relatively
safe and the red pattern includes representative elements of Miracle. The position of the
flag is also conspicuous enough. We should use this one.”
The group of big men listened and voted for D.
Li Cangyu gave the feedback to the chairman and the chairman asked the uniform designer
to come and measure the players’ sizes.
The time until the World Competition was running out. The maps and uniforms would soon
be finished products, making Li Cangyu feel a bit of pressure.
The training intensity increased and everyone worked very hard during this time. Still, it
was rewarding. The newcomers made remarkable progress and the understanding
between the old players was growing.
Now he had enough confidence to go with Ling Xuefeng and take this huge team to the
stage of the world.
He also believed that the Chinese team’s players would definitely do their best in the future
world competition!

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GLS: Chapter 252

Chapter 252 – End of Training

The half a month of training was coming to and end. Before leaving this peaceful place, Li
Cangyu summoned the players to check the results. In addition of the sufficient
understanding between the various partners, the tactical genres’ performance also made Li
Cangyu feel satisfied. The awareness of the great gods wasn’t bad and they adapted quickly.
On September 15th, Li Cangyu flew to Beijing with the national team.
Chairman Nan’s assistant sent a special car to the airport and it brought everyone to the
league designated hotel. Chairman Nan personally attended the meeting and told everyone
the good news. “The national team’s uniforms have been made according to everyone’s
sizes. I will give it to you!”
Warm applause filled the meeting room at the chairman’s words.
A moment later, several people came in carrying large boxes. They opened them, revealing
the neatly placed uniforms with the names of the players.
The staff handed the uniforms to everyone. Cheng Wei put on the long-sleeved jacket, his
tone full of excitement. “There is a new team uniform to wear. Hahaha, wearing the
national team’s uniform is definitely different! It seems that my standard has improved!”
Xiao Han and Qin Mo also put on the jackets to try. They glanced at each other in the same
clothes, their moods somewhat subtle.
The team had short-sleeved shirts and matching long sleeved jackets. It was summer and
the long sleeves basically weren’t needed, but there was a chance the air conditioning at the
game venue would be too low. This jacket meant the players wouldn’t freeze or have stiff
Everyone carefully collected their uniforms and Chairman Nan told them, “I have more
good news for everyone. The map designers and illustrators have worked day and night
and the maps submitted to the World Competition have been completed. Once you go back,
log into your league account and you can try out the maps!”
Compared to the uniforms, the news about the maps made the players very excited. They
had previously discussed the map plans and everyone was looking forward to it. Now that
the maps were finished, they couldn’t wait to open their computers and experience it.
After returning to his hotel room, Li Cangyu logged into his Q and told everyone to gather in
the league server.
The league’s game server was generally closed during the offseason. This time, in
preparation for the World Competition, the operators extended the opening hours at
Chairman Nan’s request. The professional players selected for the national team were free
to log into it.
Li Cangyu @all members. In less than 10 minutes, the 22 members of the national team
were gathered in the server.
[Let’s start with an observation trip.] Li Cangyu quickly typed. [There is no limit on the
number of people in a map. Everyone is free to team up. I will take 11 on this side and
Xuefeng will take 11 on the other side. Move from the two refresh points to the middle.]
The players quickly divided into teams and Li Cangyu chose the first map from the gallery,
the five elements eight-trigram array.
The thumbnail for this map on the selection panel was very beautiful. There was an eight-
trigram array in the middle surrounded by five coloured squares, representing the five
elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.
The foreigners who didn’t know the truth were likely to be confused when seeing this
Cheng Wei couldn’t help typing on the public channel: [I think this map will kill players
from other countries?]
Zhang Shaohui also said: [That is absolutely right!]
The group entered the map and in less than five minutes, the public channel was filled with
[Where is the exit?]
[Have you found the entrance yet?]
[I have. The red area is blood DOT, the blue area causes blue to drop and the middle is the
entrance to the maze!]
Everyone, “…”
Don’t talk about foreigners, their own people were being pitted…
Li Cangyu was more sensitive to directions and after entering the eight-trigram array
labyrinth, it wasn’t long before he arrived at the central area and saw Ling Xuefeng.
Both of them had red names and should’ve started fighting as they were enemies. Instead,
they started chatting on the area channel.
[This eight trigrams maze is a bit complicated. There are too many roads and the
surrounding walls are exactly the same. It is easy to get lost in the middle.] Ling Xuefeng
[Yes, there are too many escape routes. I think this map is suitable for the death racing
mode. It definitely won’t work in an economic battle since the wild areas can’t be divided.]
Li Cangyu typed.
It didn’t take long for everyone else to find the entrance and gathered in the central area.
The centre of the array was a wide ground, suitable for large group battles. A beautiful
image of the light goddess was drawn on the ground, which was consistent with the Miracle
game style. This was obviously to make it easier for the World League to review.
The players who reached the centre of the maze couldn’t help saying: [The outside is full of
negative states and the inside is a major maze. The foreigners who walk into this place will
probably show no love on their face?]
[Haha, they will definitely be like ‘What?’]
[I estimate that at the beginning of the World Competition, the first report from the media
will be: What is the Chinese team’s maps?]
The people talked like they were sightseeing. They rapidly moved through the five maps
and Li Cangyu asked: [Did you find any bugs on the map? For example, a dead corner where
skills can’t be used?]
The attentive Tan Shitian replied: [The lower left fork of the eight-trigram array, the arrow
will directly penetrate through the wall after being shot. It should be a bug in the terrain
Lou Wushuang wondered: [Is Mount Huangshan a death map? You will die if you fall off.]
Zhang Shaohui asked curiously: [Brother, did you jump down to see?]
Lou Wushuang: [Yes.]
Everyone, “…”
If Cheng Wei said this then everyone would laugh at him. However, the one who said it was
Lou Wushuang. Everyone felt that Captain Lou was really serious and careful!
Cheng Wei’s heart was hurt by the crit attack.
That evening, all players actively spent time in the five maps, testing each step and using
skills to see if there were any bugs.
The test lasted a few hours until the players had found all dead corners of the five maps. Li
Cangyu submitted the bugs found by the players to Chairman Nan.
At the same time, the chairman sent a detailed three-dimensional diagram of the maps to
let everyone study.
The three dimensional maps should be done by the Dragon Song master, Wu Zewen
because every coordinate was precisely marked. Thanks to this three dimensional
perspective, they could find the positions of opponents and arrange some clever ambush
tactics according to the map.
The next day, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng met with the five mobile commanders to make
some preliminary tactical plans. Then they convened the players to start training.
The previous training at the secret base meant the team members had enough
understanding. The tactical training at this time was for the maps and the effect was very
After practicing on these five maps, everyone couldn’t help looking forward to the next
World Competition. They wanted to immediately jump to October to go to the United States
and challenge the world’s masters.
Within a few days, the national team’s visas were successfully completed. Chairman Nan
personally acted as team leader and book tickets to New York for everyone.
Before their departure, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng once again accepted an interview on
behalf of the national team.
A reporter asked, “I heard that the national team has set up several tactical commanders? Is
this Cat God’s idea?”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu nodded. “The three games in the World Competition might have different
commanders. We have many tactical plans and you can look forward to the performance of
the national team.”
“What about the maps submitted by the national team? Can you tell us anything about
“I can only say that the maps submitted have obvious Chinese elements. The designers have
worked hard and made the maps very beautiful. Please wait for the World Competition
where they will certainly be announced.”
“What about the training rules? Can Cat God give us a brief description? Everyone is very
concerned about the status of the national team.”
“Please rest assured that after more than half a month of training, the expected results have
been achieved and everyone is very stable.”
“For the World Competition, are the two of you confident as the captain and vice-captain?”
A reporter stood up and asked.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other. “Of course, there is confidence.”
“How far can the Chinese team go?”
“It is hard to say at the moment but I can guarantee that we will definitely try and compete
for the championship trophy!” Li Cangyu’s words were very powerful and many reporters
A team who didn’t want to win the championship wasn’t a good team. With the strength of
the Chinese team, they truly had a chance of competing for the championship!

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GLS: Chapter 253

Chapter 253 – Miracle Village
The league gave the members of the national team three days off, allowing them to go back
and say goodbye to their loved ones. After all, they would be spending the next few weeks
For many people, this was their first time going abroad. Their parents naturally weren’t
very comfortable with them going so far away. Then they thought of their children
participating in the national team and representing the country, causing them to be filled
with pride!
“I heard your son is going to the United States to play the game?”
“Yes, he will leave in two days. I’m not too sure. This is the first time he is going so far!”
“What’s the game?”
“It is a competitive game!”
“Competitive game?”
“I don’t know much about it. It is… using the keyboard to play the game?”
Many people didn’t understand what ‘e-sports’ was. However, the Miracle League’s
advertisement of the national team was amazing. The Internet was full of news about the
World Competition and many friends and relatives cheered for them in their circles. For a
time, the term e-sports quickly spread.
In the past, parents saw e-sports as just ‘playing around’. Once they saw this World
Competition, they no longer strongly opposed the children who had talent for games and
wanted to be e-sports players.
In the training camps of the major teams, the number of newcomers who rushed to sign up
broke a record high.
Of course, there was no time for the national team’s members to pay attention to this. They
were making final preparations to leave the country.
Li Cangyu provided small tips in the chat group. [Bring a few sets of clothes to change into,
shampoo and shower gel can’t be brought, the hotel will provide them. Everyone should
bring their own water bottle and don’t forget an umbrella…]
The captain was like a big housekeeper as he worried about the team members. The vice-
captain Ling Xuefeng was responsible for contacting people at headquarters in the United
States. His English was very good and he could communicate with the person directly in
In the blink of an eye, September 25th arrived and all members of the national team came
to Beijing Capital International Airport with Chairman Nan Jiangang and took a flight to
New York.
The flight that spanned almost half the earth lasted for more than 10 hours. At first,
everyone was quite excited and talked about going abroad. Later, the lights turned off and
everyone gradually became sleepy, falling asleep one by one.
It was afternoon when they arrived in New York. The Miracle League headquarters sent
people to pick them up. The huge pick-up sign with English and Chinese characters that
said ‘Miracle League’ was particularly conspicuous.
Ling Xuefeng stepped forward and exchanged a few words with the girl who picked them
up. She was Chinese and her Chinese was also very good. She had already arranged the
vehicle and once everyone got their checked baggage, they followed her to the officially
arranged accommodations.
They had slept on the plane for two long. Now everyone was awake and extraordinarily
lively when looking at the buildings outside the window.
Cheng Wei asked excitedly, “I wonder what hotel the league arranged? I hope it is a single
This was immediately denied by Tan Shitian. “The possibility of a single room isn’t big.
There are 22 contestants from each country, as well as the team leaders, assistants,
photographers, etc. The 16 countries can add up to over 400 people. Will they be able to
arrange more than 400 single rooms?”
Cheng Wei glared at him. “If it is a double room, this time I want to stay with Cat God…”
Tan Shitian rudely ruined his dream. “Do you want to die? Cat God will definitely live with
Captain Ling to discuss tactics every day. How can he stay with you?”
Cheng Wei felt a bit lost and muttered, “I don’t want to stay with you.”
Tan Shitian whispered in his ears, “Why?”
Cheng Wei didn’t speak. Tan Shitian smiled slightly and spoke in a voice that only he could
hear. “Are you afraid of kissing me?”
“…” The distance was too close and heat touched his sensitive ears. Cheng Wei’s face turned
red as he yelled, “Tan Shitian, get out of here!”
The group looked back with expressions asking, ‘What happened?’ Li Cangyu was the only
one who was different, his eyes saying, ‘Don’t be too emotional in public.’
Cheng Wei angrily stared at Tan Shitian, his round eyes looking particularly cute.
Tan Shitian reached out and gently patted him on the head. “Don’t be angry. I’m joking.”
Cheng Wei twisted his head and ignored him.
Su Guangmo asked the female guide, “Where is the hotel arranged by the hotel? Is it going
to take a long time?”
The Chinese girl smiled. “Yes Captain Su, in order to avoid being disturbed by crazy fans,
the players’ residence has been arranged in a quieter suburb.”
Su Guangmo was surprised. “Eh, you know that I am Captain Su?”
The girl winked at him. “Of course, I have watched the Chinese league. Didn’t you also
participate in the Carnival?”
Su Guangmo smiled. “Yes, I came to New York last year for the Carnival and stayed at a
“This time, the number of players from the various countries is very high and arranging
hotels are too hard. The league has arranged a residence for everyone to stay. Hey, we are
here!” The Chinese girl was very cheerful and she pointed to a group of buildings outside.
“It is there!”
The group looked outside and sure enough, they saw a row of neatly arranged buildings.
Behind the row of buildings was a small playground with a standard rubber track, a variety
of fitness equipment and an open-air swimming pool. It was obvious that in order to
prepare for the first World Competition, the league worked hard to transform the residence
of the players.
The vehicle stopped at an open space in front of the buildings and everyone got off it. Once
they got off the bus, they saw a row of spectacular sculptures in front of them. It was
actually sculptures of the six races of Miracle!
Large maps in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French and other languages were placed
to one side of the sculptures. Everyone gathered and looked at the map. The labels were
very clear, stating things like dormitory, dining room, activities area, supermarket etc. Even
if they didn’t know English, they wouldn’t get lost. The Miracle League in the US was quite
Under the leadership of the female guide, the members dragged their luggage to the
Chinese team’s dormitory.
There were traces of the Miracle game along the way. The street lights were made into the
shape of a priest’s staff, the signs were full of the various Miracle classes and even the trash
cans were made in the shape of the elf summoner’s four water, fire, wind and thunder
Li Cangyu pointed to a water spirit trash can and asked, “Do you like this type of trash can?”
Of course, he was talking to Ling Xuefeng and everyone was aware of this. Ling Xuefeng
look at the lovely water spirit trash can and said, “I don’t want to throw rubbish into it.”
Li Cangyu agreed. “Yes, I want to take one back as a commemoration.”
Everyone walked through the village and despite being in a foreign country, they felt
intimate and warm because the place was full of Miracle elements.
Qin Mo secretly pulled Xiao Han and whispered as he pointed to the sign in front of him.
“What does Miracle Village (Eng) mean?”
Xiao Han replied, “It can be understood as a small village dedicated to MIracle.”
Qin Mo muttered, “…Oh.”
Once he arrived in the United States, he firmly hugged Xiao Han’s thigh. From today on,
Xiao Han was his English teacher!
The World League had specifically built a Miracle Village to host the annual World
Competition. This intimate design proved their far vision and sincerity towards the World
The main office’s sincerity could be seen from these details.
They might be players from different countries, they might have different religious beliefs
and customs, but there was one thing they had in common—they were all e-sports players
who loved Miracle.
In the Miracle field, all players were equal and every opponent was worthy of respect.
It didn’t matter if they didn’t have a shared language. They would use their skills to speak!
The Chinese girl took everyone to the third building. Then she said to Ling Xuefeng, “There
are a total of 14 room on the 3rd and 4th floors that belong to the Chinese team. The flag of
the Chinese team is hung next to the rooms. The captain should arrange for everyone to
check in.”
She thought Ling Xuefeng was the captain and spoke facing Ling Xuefeng.
It was natural since the person who always contacted the league headquarters was Ling
Xuefeng. Li Cangyu didn’t mind since they were inseparable…
For the accommodation arrangements, Ling Xuefeng asked, “Shall we continue to follow the
arrangements from the secret base training?”
The group immediately agreed.
The lone Cheng Wei couldn’t object and he could only follow Tan Shitian in a dejected
That night, everyone took a shower and went to the dining room to have dinner. On the
food side, the United States didn’t have as much variety as domestically. Many people
wisely brought snacks and didn’t go hungry.
After dinner, Li Cangyu took everyone to the hall arranged by the league to register.
The World Competition would use a new server since there were new maps decided by the
World League and the submitted maps from each country. The players’ information must
be re-registered and their IDs couldn’t have complex symbols such as Chinese, Japanese
and Korean characters. Only numbers and English letters could be displayed during the
All players needed to submit their ID card and national team invitation letter. Li Cangyu
and LIng Xuefeng went to the reception and discussed it with each other. “What ID do you
plan to use?”
Ling Xuefeng said, “LXF, just like my previous Carnival pinyin abbreviation.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Then I will use Old Cat.”
“Yes, just use this.”
Tan Shitian used his old Tenday, Cheng Wei had no idea and directly used his name in
pinyin, ChengWei. Then he looked at the registration ID of the other players.
Su Guangmo used MOMO to sell meng, Yu Pingsheng followed him with YUYU and Xie
Shurong followed the brothers with XIEXIE. Bai Xuan couldn’t help spitting out, “Thank
you, you really want to take advantage of people.”
Xie Shurong smiled innocently. “Thank you! How about you use XuanXuan?”
Bai Xuan didn’t do this to avoid his IQ being pulled down. He used the more distinctive
White Fox. Look at the white fox that got up and smashed Xie Shurong ten streets away.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui used a pair of brother IDs—Killer Lou and Killer Zhang
to indicate the Lou Zhang brothers.
Xiao Han directly used his English name Xavier.
Qin Mo’s English was too rotten and he asked Xiao Han to give him an English name. Xiao
Han thought about it and had him register as Adrian. Qin Mo couldn’t read this world but
looking at the shape, it seemed to match Xiao Han. The name was quite good? Thus, he
happily registered the ID.
Zhuo Hang registered Navigator, which was consistent with his domestic ID.
The three sisters of Red Fox used their surnames of Liu, Yang and Meng as their IDs. This
inspired the other players who weren’t good at English. Thus, Chu Yan, Zhu Qingyue, Yan
Ruiwen, Guo Xuan, etc all used their surnames as the ID. At this point, everyone discovered
that there was no repeated surnames in the national team!
It took an hour for everyone to confirm their information and successfully create their
Previously, they were worried about the visa or something going wrong on the road. Now
that they successfully arrived at the Miracle Village and registered their information, the
stone in everyone’s heart was finally let go.
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GLS: Chapter 254

Chapter 254 – Fight in the Carnival Again

That evening, Li Cangyu called everyone together for a small meeting. The league made
sure to arrange a meeting room for each floor, allowing the players to meet and discuss
This meeting wasn’t about the World Competition. It was for the upcoming appetizer—the
2nd World Carnival.
The players who participated in the first Carnival were voted by the domestic audiences.
However, this year was more exciting and intense due to the World Competition following
the Carnival event. Thus, the league announced a new regulation. Every country’s Carnival
players should be directly selected from the national team by the captain.
In other words, this time the Carnival had no voting. The national team’s captain would
directly send people.
Li Cangyu had many benefits but it wasn’t good for him to make private decisions. He called
everyone to discuss the Carnival participants. “The Carnival is just an entertainment
project, with events like basketball, racing, etc. My suggestion is that the participants of the
first Carnival should give the opportunity to others. What do you think?”
Su Guangmo readily said, “I have no opinion. I have already played last time. Do you want
to go this time?” He was looking at Yu Pingsheng. The latter smiled shyly before finally
managing to say, “Ah Shu should go.”
Xie Shurong replied, “I don’t have much interest in this type of entertainment. I will keep
Li Cangyu asked, “Who especially wants to go?”
Cheng Wei raised his hand. “I want to try!”
Lou Wushuang looked over at Zhang Shaohui. “Last time, you helped me get votes. This
time you should go and play.”
Zhang Shaohui was excited. “Okay, I’ll go as well!”
Chu Yan and Liu Xiang participated last time. Li Cangyu asked, “Captain Jiang, do you want
to go? You can look at the hunters from other countries.”
Jiang Xu nodded. “No problem.”
Red Fox’s Meng Jie asked said bluntly, “Is there still room? I want to see it!”
Yan Ruiwen followed up. “Can I go?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes. Then the temporary participants this time are Cheng Wei, Zhang
Shaohui, Jiang Xu, Meng Jie, Yan Ruiwen and me. This Carnival will be led by me while
Xuefeng will stay behind to arrange everyone’s training. Players who can’t go to the
Carnival shouldn’t feel too lost. After all, it is only an entertainment project. The key is the
World Competition.”
“The main purpose of the Carnival is to meet the players of other countries. For the
arrangement of these six places, everyone can directly give their opinions.”
The few newcomers actually wanted to go but Xiao Han and Qin Mo’s qualifications were
too shallow to rob the places of the great gods. It also wasn’t good for the players who
participated last time to go again.
The opportunity was limited and first come, first served. Everyone had no opinions and Li
Cangyu finalized the list.
The list of Carnival participants was released and many domestic netizens questioned it.
[Captain Ling, Su and Tan aren’t going! Isn’t the lineup a lot worse than last year?]
[How was this selected? The lineup is too poor…]
However, there were many sensible people.
[It is probably to hide the great gods. Too much exposure isn’t good for the World
[I have discovered that the five tactical commanders didn’t go. This is the right choice. The
Carnival runs for two days and it is better to study tactics during this time.]
[The World Competition is about to start and the players’ energy is limited. It is correct that
the tactical commanders don’t participate in an entertainment project!]
Regardless of the Internet, Li Cangyu had a decisive nature and wouldn’t change his mind
once he made it.
He submitted the list to the World Carnival and didn’t carefully arrange any tactics. The
first day of the entertainment project didn’t need any arrangements because it was just
playing basketball, racing, etc.
His focus was still on the World Competition.
Through the window, he could see that another country’s team had just arrived in the
Miracle Village. It was only one week away from the World Competition and it was almost
impossible to find out the tactical ideas of each country in such a short period of time.
Therefore, each step must be cautious. He couldn’t be too careless!
At noon the next day, the second Miracle World Carnival finally opened to the expectations
of the Miracle fans!
The opening ceremony of the Carnival was still as grand as it was last year. However, this
year’s entertainment project had been replaced by new events. The first day basketball
game was changed to beach volleyball, a two person match that was decided by drawing
Zhang Shaohui drew the American team’s Thomas and almost coughed up blood. This
madman always threw the ball in the wrong basket last time. This time, he put the
volleyball on his own side. He was truly a pig teammate!
Cheng Wei drew a female Korean called Kim Yoonhee. She had handsome short hair and
was a very popular bard who had debuted for a long time. Her reputation in the world was
a lot bigger than Tan Shitian.
She was obviously a very beautiful sister but Cheng Wei was uncomfortable working with
her and felt Captain Tan was better. Her aggressiveness was too strong and always made
him feel embarrassed, not knowing where to place his feet…
Li Cangyu didn’t participate in the entertainment projects and waited for the 3v3.
For this year’s 3v3, China still sent two teams. Li Cangyu, Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui
were one team while Jiang Xu, Meng Jie and Yan Ruiwen were the other team. One group
took the assassination route while the second group took the negative states and trap
This team, there were 16 countries participating and the other captains had the same
thoughts, sending two groups to the 3v3 project. This led to the emergence of 32 teams in
the 3v3 project. They were divided into 8 groups of four and played at the same time.
Sending so many teams was just to learn more about the players of other countries.
Li Cangyu’s team was assigned to Group A. The other countries in this group were Sweden,
Australia and the United Kingdom.
In the first game against Australia, Cheng Wei’s white magician was the main control, Li
Cangyu’s summoner burst out and Zhang Shaohui looked for an opportunity for a sneak
attack. The trio won relatively easily.
The other tactical commanders watched from below the stage and kept their eyes on
players from other countries. Ling Xuefeng even took notes.
Australia’s overall strength was low among this year’s participating countries and Li
Cangyu’s win was expected. The following Swedish and British teams didn’t cause too many
obstacles for Li Cangyu and they successfully entered the round of 16.
From the round of 16, it was a knockout match. Li Cangyu went all the way to the finals and
once again met the three people of the United States!
This time, the US team’s lineup was different from before. Last time it was Jack Josh’s
summoner, Thomas’s bard and Edmund’s assassin. Li Cangyu was the behind the scenes
strategist, provided Ling Xuefeng with a novel tactic that allowed them to violently
counterattack and win the 3v3 championship.
For this year’s Carnival, the American star summoner Jack Josh didn’t come. The 3v3 lineup
only had the blood kin assassin Edmund, while the other two were new faces. They were
the terran swordsman Angus and the angel healer Winfrey.
Winfrey was one of the few female players in the Miracle circle and had the title of ‘world-
class god milk.’
She was a typical Caucasian, with long curly blond hair, a fair complexion and eyes as blue
as the sky. This image almost perfectly coincided with the image of the angel priest in the
Miracle game. As a result, she had a large number of fans around the world and her
reputation was higher than Bai Xuan and Liu Xiang.
She was the vice-captain of the American national team. She was said to be very calm and
good at grasping opportunities. The captain of the US team didn’t come, sending the vice-
captain to observe the players from other countries.
She didn’t have a deep impression of the name Old Cat.
She liked cats and had a beautiful Persian cat at home.
There weren’t many Miracle players with the word ‘Cat’ in their ID. She would’ve had an
impression if she met this player before.The strange thing was that she didn’t have the
slightest impression of this ID.
She just heard that this player was the captain of the championship team in the seventh
season and became the captain of the national team. She was more familiar with the vice-
captain Ling Xuefeng and saw his wonderful commanding at the previous Carnival. She
knew that Ling Xuefeng was a summoner on the same level as Jack.
This elf summoner in front of her… she had never heard of him before in the world’s
Miracle circle.
Was this a dark horse who suddenly emerged or a newcomer who won the championship
through luck?
Winfrey was a bit confused but her keen instincts as a professional player allowed her to
calm down. She quickly issued an order on the voice channel. “Kill the summoner first!”

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GLS: Chapter 255

Chapter 255 – 3v3 Finals (1)

Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi were also in New York, USA. The league officially arranged live
broadcasts for the media of various countries. For the two people, this was the first time
going overseas for a Miracle competition.
Kou Hongyi found it hard to hide his excitement. “I will introduce the domestic audiences to
the three players of the US team. Winfrey is the chief healer of the US Miracle League. She is
in the world rankings and is also the vice-captain of the US national team.”
“Angus is only 17 years old and a talented player of the ICE Club. He won the Best
Newcomer Award and defeated the original swordsman king, becoming the strongest
swordsman in the United States.”
“There is also the blood kin assassin Edmund. His style is more unrestrained and his
attacks are very fierce. He is at the forefront of the world assassin rankings and almost at
the same level as our Lou Wushuang.”
Yu Bing saw him introduce the other players and followed. “For the three Chinese team
members, Captain Old Cat, Chengwei and Killer Zhang, I believe I don’t need to introduce
them. You can distinguish them by ID.”
Once the player ID were introduced, the domestic live broadcast channel was filled with
comments like: [I’m hurt at everyone’s English level!] [It is a bunch of Chinese-style English.
Tan Shitian’s Tenday is the pinnacle of Chinese-style English!] [It is estimated that
foreigners are wondering why it is Old Cat, not Young Cat. Obviously he looks very young
In the commentary room, Kou Hongyi turned back and asked, “Sister Bing, who do you
think will win?”
“It should be a 50:50 chance.” Yu Bing replied calmly. “The other side has a god milk but we
have a god cat. Winfrey’s blood supply is big but our Cat God’s instantaneous power will be
enough to make her hands and feet useless.”
Everyone knew that Yu Bing was Cat God’s fan. It was understandable that she praised Cat
God during the explanation. Many domestic Cat God fans cheered him on in the live
broadcast room, but many people were still worried about this game. After all, the three
players of the US team weren’t bad.
The commentators on the American side were full of confidence in their own team
members. “It is Winfrey! The 3v3 team is led by our vice-captain. I believe that no one will
doubt her tactical level! On the opposite side… ah, this strange elf summoner, I have never
heard of him.”
“It is said that he is the captain of the Chinese team?”
“Then he must have really good luck!”
A player they had never heard of before actually won the season’s championship and took
over as captain of the national team. To the foreign commentators, this was definitely
because of luck. They didn’t believe that Li Cangyu’s strength was better than Ling Xuefeng.
In their view, the only Chinese players worth paying attention to were Ling Xuefeng and Su
Where did this Old Cat come from? Every country was very confused about this.
No one thought that the handsome young man sitting calmly in the soundproof room was
the one who let the Chinese team beat the US in last year’s 3v3 event!
The game was about to begin and the randomly selected map appeared on the big screen.
The maps in the world competitions were all seven star difficulty maps. The one that was
selected for the 3v3 finals was a map with one of the more complicated terrains, Moonlight
In the Miracle game, this was the birthplace of the elves. The silver plants and spores
floating in the air made a beautiful scenery. The competition map made some changes to
the actual landscape, completely disrupting the order of the trees and creating a lot of blind
spots using the principle of light refraction.
This seemingly bright map was actually full of danger!
As soon as Winfrey appeared on the map, she called her two teammates to the middle of
the map. She quickly tapped the keyboard while issuing orders on the voice channel.
“Edmund, go invisible and check in front. Angus, keep a good distance. We will first set fire
to the summoner!”
The trio moved forward in a triangular formation which allowed them to mutually respond
to each other.
Li Cangyu’s side was also in a triangular formation. Zhang Shaohui was invisible in the front
while Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei were to the left and right, keeping a certain distance from
each other.
The two sides soon met in the middle of the map. Once Winfrey saw the name Old Cat, she
immediately ordered, “Go and kill him!”
Edmund had already long been aiming for Li Cangyu’s position. He heard this and
immediately used Pain Blade. The swordsman Angus also rushed in front of Li Cangyu and
used Breaking Bone Sword!
According to their thoughts, after Pain Blade and Breaking Bone Sword hit, at least 30% of
the opponent’s blood would be gone. The assassin would follow up with Back Stab and
Death Strangulation, while the swordsman would use Light and Shadow Rotation. It was
enough to kill the extremely vulnerable summoner.
The reality was… they thought too much!
The moment that Edmund and Angus acted, Li Cangyu seemed to realize the danger. He
suddenly swayed and the audience members lost track of him!
Edmund, “???”
Angus, “???”
The two moves were wasted and question marks appeared above their heads. Could the elf
summoner become invisible? Why couldn’t he be seen all of a sudden?
The domestic audiences were familiar with Li Cangyu’s fascinating movement skills. At this
time, they excitedly filled the screen. [Cat God 6666! It is an explosion of 6!] [It is Flying
Feather Steps again! Cat God’s amazing Flying Feather Steps!]
Yes, Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps at that moment.
Of course, foreign players knew the effect of Flying Feather Steps. The elf players would use
this skill to move very quickly.
However, they had never seen it so fast!
It was almost a flash as they lost track of the summoner. It was like teleportation!
Winfrey was standing in the back and saw Li Cangyu’s operation. An alarm ran in her heart
and she tried to move backwards. Unfortunately, it was too late. Li Cangyu called a water
spirit to her side and used the simplest technique to freeze her in place.
At the same time, the waiting Zhang Shaohui emerged behind her and unceremoniously
attacked the beautiful girl with—Back Stab, Soul Stab and Death Strangulation!
The distant Cheng Wei also started casting white magic at Winfrey—Voice of Combat and
God’s Light!
Both of them were high damage single attack skills. Cheng Wei was smart and didn’t waste
any group attacks.
After Li Cangyu controlled Winfrey with the water spirit, he followed by summoning the
fire spirit and hitting Winfrey with the simplest Fireball attack.
The American commentator Anne, who had always been known for her humour, was
shocked. Once she recovered, she barely managed to say, “The goal of the Chinese team is
Winfrey! Are they going to set fire to kill the healer?”
“Still… that summoner is just too fast! I found that his Fireball casting time was very short.
It is almost half the time of a normal summoner!”
“Did he take the full agility route?”
“Yes! Otherwise his speed can’t be so fast when he used Flying Feather Steps!”
“Full agility, this completely abandons attack and defense. A summoner’s defense is already
very weak so once caught, it will be easy to die!”
—First, they had to catch him.
The two commentators from the United States didn’t seem to have reacted to this point yet.
Li Cangyu’s gameplay was extremely rare. It was the extreme agility flow, which increased
movement speed while reducing the skill release time and cooldown time. His defense
might be greatly reduced and his attack wasn’t as good as other summoners, but there was
only one word to describe him—fast.
For Li Cangyu, fast was enough.
It was because he had a very high hand speed. For a hand-speed genius like himself, he
could use this fast style to push the opponents to the extreme.
On the field, Winfrey was hit by three outputs at the same time and her blood volume
instantly fell to a dangerous state of 40%. She had no choice but to add to her blood the
moment the control on her ended.
Fortunately, Angus and Edmund weren’t idiots. They immediately turned to rescue the
Angus directly opened the big move Light and Shadow Rotation while Edmund ran over to
interrupt Li Cangyu’s casting. At this moment, Li Cangyu suddenly ordered, “Scatter!”
It was only one word but the teammates acted according to previous arrangements and
quickly spread out in three directions.
As a result, the audience saw a ridiculous scene. Angus’ Light and Shadow Rotation was
completely wasted and didn’t hit a single person, while Edmund couldn’t catch up with the
completely escaping Li Cangyu.
Winfrey’s chest suddenly felt tight with irritation and she wanted to vomit blood!
She had reacted the way they wanted. The elf summoner acted as bait to make the two
melees hit him. Then he used the flexible Flying Feather Steps and accurate prediction of
skills to ensure that the two melees’ initial moves were wasted. Then the elf summoner
controlled the healer and cooperated with his teammates to give the strong illusion of
killing the healer, successfully forcing out the healer’s single target skill.
Her teammates though she was going to be killed and rushed back to rescue her. However,
the opponents didn’t fight and instantly spread out in three directions, once again making
Edmund and Angus’ big moves miss.
The Chinese trio used only the simplest attack moves to force the American team to waste
so many big moves. This was simply crushing their IQ!

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GLS: Chapter 256

Chapter 256 – 3v3 Finals (2)

The domestic audience were very happy at the sight. The witty Cat God told them to run
and the three people scattered. The US team must be losing their temper. Who said they
wanted to kill the healer?
Li Cangyu’s wave of smoke bombs and acting was very successful. 99% of commanders
would be fooled. Perhaps only Ling Xuefeng would know he was acting? You see, he didn’t
even use the thunder spirit or wind spirit. How could he actually want to kill the healer? It
was just to frighten Winfrey!
Unfortunately, Winfrey’s understanding of Li Cangyu wasn’t as deep as Ling Xuefeng. As the
healer and commander of the Carnival team, she was the first to be controlled and set fire
to. Her first thought was ‘the other side wants to kill me’ and completely didn’t expect Li
Cangyu to be acting.
She was cheated by a bunch of moves and endured the urge to vomit out blood. She took a
deep breath and calmed down. “Stay steady. We have encountered a rare tactical master!”
Yu Bing watched Li Cangyu’s group split into three directions and explained, “After careful
observation, you can find that Cat God’s positioning is very skillful. He had already
prepared a back road and even calculated the attack range of Light and Shadow Rotation.
That’s how he could escape when the other party came over!”
Li, Cheng and Zhang were all full of blood at this moment. The American team was also full
of blood because of Winfrey but many of their big skills were on cooldown.
The cooldown of key skills would affect their burst output ability and the single target
healing skill had a 45 second cooldown. If Winfrey was controlled again during this time, it
would be very dangerous.
Winfrey kept this in mind and made a sensible decision. “Withdraw!”
The two people had other ideas but they had to listen to the commander in the game. They
helplessly had to protect the healer by temporary withdrawing.
The map of Moonlight Forest wasn’t small and it was good to hide and wait for an
opportunity. Winfrey’s decisiveness in crucial moments was indeed the consciousness of
first-class players.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t give them such an opportunity. Once Winfrey and Angus’ skill
cooldowns were over, the opportunity created just now would be wasted.
Winfrey was retreating to the rear. This was the most normal reaction when withdrawing.
Yet today, she met an opponent who didn’t follow common sense!
The moment Li Cangyu scattered, he had flown to the back of the American team. He found
an area where the light was extremely dazzling, almost forming a pure silver. Thus, when
Winfrey turned to retreat, she didn’t discover Li Cangyu hiding here.
The three people approached and Li Cangyu summoned the wind spirit.
—Storm Fury!
This was the domestic audience’s favourite trick from Cat God and it was also Li Cangyu’s
best pet skill. A gust of wind blew from the silver-white area and instantly knocked
Winfrey, Angus and Edmund back five metres!
The trio retreated, only to be blown back by the wind spirit’s big move. Forget Winfrey,
even Angus and Edmund wanted to vomit out blood!
In addition, this move blew the three people into the range of Cheng Wei’s attack.
Cheng Wei was extremely excited!
This was the first time he cooperated with Cat God in such a major event. During the pre-
match tactical exchange, Cat God told them to pay attention to the colour instructions on
the small map. Li Cangyu had just made a blue mark before acting. This was a sign for the
big control that they arranged in advance.
At this time, Cheng Wei couldn’t see Li Cangyu and could only see the backs of the three
American players. They were outside his range and no skills would reach.
Still, he believed in Cat God’s judgment!
Cheng Wei saw the blue mark on the map and immediately cast a skill.
—Holy Seal!
This was the ultimate white magic control skill. It consumed a lot of blue and the cooldown
time was huge. It was only one word different from God’s Seal but the effect was completely
different. God’s Seal could only control one person while Holy Seal was a ranged group
Cheng Wei rarely used this skill but today, he didn’t hesitate to use it. The result also
surprised the audience!
They saw Li Cangyu blowing the three members of the US team back five metres. At the
same time, countless white halos fell from the sky, as if they had been there for a long time.
They sealed all three people in place!
“This is a very beautiful skills connection!” Yu Bing cried out excitedly. “The cooperation
between Cat God and Xiao Wei is perfect and the grasp of the attack distance is quite subtle.
The three members of the US team are sealed by the white magic and can’t move at all!”
If it was a remote class, they didn’t need to worry too much about being sealed since they
could still release skills.
The melee was different. Once a melee was fixed in place, they could only be helplessly
beaten. In particular, Edmund and Angus had just used their teleportation skills to save the
healer. They had no way to get out of this trouble…
This seemed to be a chain trap?
Winfrey’s brow furrowed tightly.
Once the three of them were fixed in place, Cheng Wei started to cast a group attack, God’s
The visual effect of the white magic was gorgeous and the damage caused by it very
impressive. White light spread from the staff in his hand. After the group attack, the three
frozen people lost 30% of their blood.
Li Cangyu also wasn’t far behind and released two big group attack skills, Thunder’s Wrath!
Raging Prairie Fire!
The summoner’s thunder spirit and fire spirit’s attacks fell. Purple thunder descended from
the sky and red flames rose from their feet. Even worse, the two moves were both crits…
Full agility increase the speed of attack. Li Cangyu’s attack foundation wasn’t as good as
other summoners but once it was a crit attack, the damage would be terrible.
Winfrey had never felt such a strong pressure since she debuted.
In the US league, she was the captain of an ace team and led the players in an invincible
manner. Her healing ability couldn’t be compared to anyone. No matter how cruel the
situation, she could use comfortably and methodically cope with big moves.
However, today she couldn’t keep up!
The opponents’ attacks were too fast and the explosive power too strong. While retreating,
they were blown back by the elf summoner and given to the white magician. Her spirit had
just returned when three big moves fell from the sky.
One move after another, the precise layout almost made her breathless.
Sweat dripped down Winfrey’s back. In desperation, she had to use two group skills, Great
Healing and Desperate Prayer to forcibly fill up her teammates’ blood.
This was necessary. Li Cangyu’s two big moves were a crit and the three players’ blood was
below 30%. If she didn’t forcibly increase the blood line, they would be wiped out!
At this time, the camera was showing a bird’s eye view. The audience was surprised to find
that Li Cangyu, Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui were in a triangular position, surrounding
the three people of the US team. It was obvious that when Li Cangyu arranged this strategy,
he also calculated the position of his teammates in advance, allowing this wave of
cooperation to flow smoothly.
Bai Xuan was full of sympathy. “Her blood-adding technique is good but unfortunately, she
fell into Cat God’s trap from the beginning.”
Xie Shurong gloated, “Angus, that little boy actually entered the national team. He played
too impulsively. There was no need to open Light and Shadow Rotation when turning back.
Of course, I understand that young people want to look cool in a world event. The result is
that he directly wasted a big move. This is really cool.”
Tan Shitian added,”Winfrey was too careless and she is probably crying right now. Look at
her blue…”
The group looked at the data on the big screen. Thanks to using skills that added a lot of
blood, Winfrey had only 30% blue left.
Li Cangyu and Cheng Wei still had above 50% blue while Zhang Shaohui was in excellent
condition. He didn’t participate in this wave of combat and watched the drama from a
distance, so as to not get within Angus and Edmund’s range.
The American audience were feeling anxious at this time. Winfrey used the priest’s big
move, Desperate Prayer. The blood of the three people were lifted and they were immune
to any control for a short time but… the moment this skill was used, the Chinese team
retreated again.
A number of America spectators were scolded her. [What the hell is this fight?]
The domestic audiences were happily giving Li Cangyu flowers. [Consume your resources,
release a wave of attacks and then run. In any case, you can’t catch me!] [Cat God is
awesome. He will kill them with anger!] [I think Sister Winfrey won’t want to raise a cat
[She must’ve never seen such a nasty cat. Scratching hard enough to make you bleed and
then running away, hahaha!]
Indeed, Winfrey’s heart was in a state of collapse at this time.
She was fond of the word ‘cat’ because she was a cat person. She loved to be close to cats
since she was a child. The Persian cat raised in her house was particularly obedient, soft
and cute. The cat was like a small heater in her arms and the world always made her smile.
But today, she really wanted to climb into the computer screen and smash the man called
These tactics were too irritating!
After glancing at the skills bar, Winfrey’s eyes became cold and she no longer hesitated.
“Full attack! Kill the magician!”
The US team could use their big skills again. Angus and Edmund had long become impatient
after being controlled. They heard the command and were like beasts released from the
cage. They used the teleport skill to move to the nearest Cheng Wei.
The summoner could run fast but couldn’t they catch the white magician?
Winfrey changed the target and the short-legged Cheng Wei was caught off guard.
Moreover, Edmund’s Pain Blade stunned him and he couldn’t release any skills.
Cheng Wei ate this wave of damage and fell to residual blood. It was enough to see that the
US team wasn’t weak. The output of the swordsman and assassin was quite terrible.
Li Cangyu saw that Cheng Wei was going to die and rushed over, using Frost Heart!
The water spirit’s big move was opened and an overwhelming ice and snow filled the area,
freezing the three opponents directly in place.
Cheng Wei immediately turned to run and Zhang Shaohui, who had been waiting for this
opportunity, finally joined the battle.

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GLS: Chapter 257

Chapter 257 – 3v3 Finals (3)

Zhang Shaohui was extremely quick. He hadn’t cooperated many times with Li Cangyu but
his judgment of the field was excellent. His long-term tactical awareness developed from
having Lou Wushuang as a partner also wasn’t bad. Once he saw Cat God summon the
water spirit to use a big move, he immediately headed towards the three American players.
Sure enough, the moment he moved behind them, Li Cangyu’s Frost Heart froze all three
Zhang Shaohui didn’t hesitate to open a set of moves, all of them towards the healer
Winfrey. Li Cangyu stayed in the distance and used Fireball on the healer. Cheng Wei, who
managed to keep his life in a thrilling manner, also stayed in the distance and used white
magic single attack skills on Winfrey!
Winfrey had a good temper but at this moment, her heart was extremely anxious.
It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen the healer consumption tactic before. On the contrary, her IT
team was good at this war of attrition. Compared to a face to face fight, buying time would
make the opponent more annoyed.
Now the person being consumed was her…
She quickly refilled her blood after the control ended but Winfrey felt that the situation was
getting worse. The other side had three outputs and their combined output power was
higher than the US team. Edmund and Angus weren’t able to take Cheng Wei’s life, the US
team losing their best chance.
Winfrey was very clear that in a 3v3 small battle where the opposite side had three
outputs, if her healing was disturbed then the situation was very unfavourable… They were
likely to lose.
She regretted her hasty decision to kill the summoner first. However, she couldn’t reverse
time and now it was impossible to change such a disadvantage.
Once she stepped into the other party’s trap, every step she took was wrong!
Winfrey actually hit a state where she was empty of blue and felt incredulous.
For a god level healer like her, controlling the blue was the most basic professional quality.
Today, the blood pressure meant she had no way to control her amount of blue.
The eruption of the opposite side’s summoner was too terrible. The attack speed was very
fast and the skill cooldown was short. She carefully calculated it and found that his output
in half a minute was more terrible than an attack-focused summoner.
How high was his hand speed?
Winfrey was frightened at the thought. She couldn’t make any more contributions to the
team and had to say helplessly. “Don’t worry about me. Kill the residual blood white
The other two members didn’t care about her.
The surprising thing was that Li Cangyu also ignored her…
He had always been aiming for her and the moment her blue was empty, Li Cangyu
decisively stopped and started attacking the other two players.
He seemed to be saying, ‘Sister, you are useless. Just wait and watch the game!’
Winfrey’s face was red after she realized this and her fists clenched tightly.
Then she felt depressed again because she really couldn’t do anything. A healer without any
blue was just a waste!
The domestic live broadcast was filled with many comments. [Cat God is bullying a foreign
girl!] [No wonder Cat God is single. He is so cruel to the woman who is recognized as the big
beauty of the Miracle League!] [The poor sister’s confidence will be hit…]
In fact, Winfrey’s psychological state wasn’t so fragile. Li Cangyu’s tactics didn’t make her
uncomfortable but it wasn’t hard to understand. Rather than wasting moves on a blue
empty healer, it was better to take care of the other two attackers as soon as possible.
Winfrey’s healing ability was gone and the result of the remaining 3v2 wasn’t difficult to
speculate. The residual blood Cheng Wei was killed but Zhang Shaohui was in excellent
condition and cooperated with Li Cangyu. Their firepower exploded and the American
team’s Angus quickly couldn’t stand it.
The remaining Edmund didn’t last for long. Once Zhang Shaohui was beaten to 10% blood,
Edmund regretfully fell.
Zhang Shaohui and Li Cangyu dealt with the healer with no blue. Winfrey directly typed GG
and took the initiative to admit defeat.
“The Chinese team has won!” Kou Hongyi almost pulled off his headset from the
excitement. “We won the last 3v3 championship and this year’s championship still belongs
to us!”
“Congratulations to the Chinese team for their victory in the Carnival!” At the same time, Yu
Bing didn’t forget to boast about her idol. “In fact, the decision maker for the two
consecutive 3v3 finals is our Cat God! Last time he assisted behind the scenes to help
Captain Ling win. This time, he carefully arranged a trap and directly smashed the
American team’s god level healer, Winfrey!”
Many domestic Cat God fans wanted to cry. This late player, today on the Miracle world
stage, he finally let everyone who knew Miracle remember his name—Old Cat!
His name might be ‘cat’ but he wasn’t a soft cat. He was a sharp cat with sharp eyes and
claws, who could kill his opponent in one breath!
It was the moment when people around the world following Miracle knew about the
terrible Chinese team’s captain!
The British media: [A full agility elf summoner, not only did he bring a surprise to the US
team, he scared them to death!]
The Japanese media: [The Chinese team’s Old Cat is good. The summoner rankings are
about to reshuffle!]
The South Korean media: [Deeply excavating the history of the Chinese Miracle player, Li
Reporters from various countries started to dig at Li Cangyu’s background. Many sunspots
in China indicated that they wanted to become Cat God’s fan. Li Cangyu’s popularity shot up
and stood side by side with LIng Xuefeng, who had occupied number one on the domestic
popularity list for many years.
Li Cangyu didn’t know about the media madness. After the game, he smiled and patted
Cheng Wei’s head, encouraging the brainless fan.
Cheng Wei was very happy instead of depressed. He was killed by the other side but had
nothing to complain about. His sacrifice was worth it if it allowed Cat God and Zhang
Shaohui the opportunity to attack and win!
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “The American team’s sister probably wants to cough up blood…”
As he spoke, Winfrey brought her two teammates over to shake hands politely. She came to
Li Cangyu and found that this player was very handsome. She smiled sincerely. This person
seemed to be a straightforward guy. How could he make such unpredictable tactics? Sure
enough, she shouldn’t look at the face.
Winfrey shook hands with him and congratulated him. Before leaving, she declared, “The
winner of the World Competition will be us!”
Li Cangyu smiled graciously and didn’t reply.
This indifferent attitude made Winfrey feel a bit stupid and she had to turn away.
A moment later, Li Cangyu, Cheng Wei and Zhang Shaohui came up to the big stage.
The host cried out excitedly, “Congratulations to the winners of the 3v3 event, Old Cat,
Chengwei and Killer Zhang!”
The audience members warmly clapped.
Unlike the previous year where China won both the championship and were the runners
up, this year Chinese’s second team met the South Korean team one in the quarter-finals.
This team consisted of great gods. There as the well-known archer Kim Yoonhee and the
ace of the South Korean team, Kim Changmin. This brother and sister pair were extremely
aggressive. They broke through the trap flow tactics and blocked the Chinese team two
from moving forward.
Jiang Xu, Yan Ruiwen and Meng Jie calmly accepted this result. After all, there were as many
masters as there were clouds. It was very difficult for the Chinese team to win double
prizes for two consecutive years.
Everyone was happy that Cat God won the championship. In particularly, the tactical
deployment that hit the three US team members really gave the Chinese team face.
The players in the stands clapped wildly.
Once the commemorative trophy was presented, the host smiled and said, “According to
the convention of the Carnival, in addition to the trophy, everyone can choose a world only
commemorative model figure.”
Cheng Wei excitedly chose the white magician and Zhang Shaohui naturally chose the blood
kin assassin. Unexpectedly, Li Cangyu chose the demon summoner instead of the elf
The Chinese audience looked like they had been struck by lightning. [Oh my god, he chose
the demon summoner? Is this going to be for Captain Ling?] [I remember that last year,
Captain Ling chose an elf summoner when he won…]
The host asked suspiciously, “Why didn’t you choose the elf?”
Li Cangyu replied with a smile. “I want to give it a very important friend.”
The host felt like gossiping. “Oh, a demon summoner, is it the Chinese team’s vice-captain,
Ling Xuefeng?”
Li Cangyu nodded calmly. “Yes.”
Everyone, “…”
The national team members looked over at Ling Xuefeng. He had a rare smile on his face.
He remembered the promise made at the Carnival last year.
One day, they would stand side by side on the stage of the World Competition.
This promise had finally come true!

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GLS: Chapter 258

Chapter 258 – Competition Grouping

After the prize presentation, Li Cangyu accepted the interviews of domestic media
reporters. Apart from the tactics, the thing they were most curious about was his decision
to pick the demon summoner commemorative model figure. Such souvenirs were unique in
the world and the craftsmanship was exquisite. It also had the gold-plated seal of the
Carnival on the base.
“Cat God, did you choose the demon summoner to give to Captain Ling?” A reporter asked
“Yes.” Li Cangyu said earnestly. “He won me a model figure last year and I always wanted to
return the gift.”
“Did Captain Ling give you the elf summoner model figure?” The gossip soul of the
reporters was instantly ignited.
The bombshell that Cat God took the initiative to release made everyone stunned. The
reason why Captain Ling selected the elf summoner at last year’s Carnival was to give to
Cat God?
“At that time, my team had just disbanded and I was visiting another country with Bai
Xuan. The Canglan team hadn’t been formally built yet. Ling Xuefeng gave me the model
figure to encourage me.” Li Cangyu said with a smile. “Thus, I chose the demon summoner
to return to him.”
The reporters, “…”
How did it feel like an exchange of tokens?
Many domestic audience members were moved by the deep ‘friendship’ of the two men.
[The feelings between Ling Cat are really great] [As a Cat God fan and Captain Ling black
fan, I don’t want to say anything at this time!] [Running to a world event to win prizes for
the other party, this is simple a good friend of China!]
Although some people suspected that the feelings between the two people weren’t very
ordinary, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were very honest. They admitted there was a deep
‘friendship’ between the two people and both of them seemed too upright. Everyone was
embarrassed to say anything.
Li Cangyu returned to the dormitory and gave the exquisite demon summoner to Ling
Xuefeng. He took the model, placed it to the side and pulled Li Cangyu into his arms,
whispering, “Thank you.”
“Why are you so polite?”
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved and he gently kissed the other person’s forehead. “Today’s
tactical layout is really wonderful but there is a problem. You exposed your strength and
the players from other countries will do detailed research on you. It will be hard to win the
same way in the next game.”
Li Cangyu didn’t care about this and replied with great confidence, “It doesn’t matter. As
long as I go out, my play style will definitely be exposed. There are so many games in the
group stage and the level of players in each country is clear.”
His words weren’t wrong. Before the World Competition officially started, the commanders
of other countries would definitely download the league videos from the Internet to study
the strength and characteristics of players in the national team. The Internet had developed
to this point and it was simple to watch the Chinese Miracle League games. As long as they
watched a few videos, they would know Li Cangyu’s style.
It didn’t matter if he exposed his personal strength. Even if everyone in the world knew
how Li Cangyu played, there weren’t many people who could guess his tactical ideas!
Ling Xuefeng saw his self-confidence and couldn’t help agreeing. “You’re right. We aren’t
afraid of exposure because we have actual strength.”
“Yes, I hope that tomorrow’s group drawing will be better.” Li Cangyu sat down next to him,
opened the laptop and logged into the US Miracle League’s official website.
He scrolled down a bit and saw the eye-catching Miracle First World Competition
propaganda poster. The 16 participating countries were listed. They were: the US, France,
Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Canada, Australia, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Mexico.
The time until the official competition project opened wasn’t long. The popularity of the
game in Africa wasn’t high and most of the countries participating in this World
Competition came from the Americas, Europe and Asia. Their e-sports events were
relatively mature and there were many e-sports professional players.
However, when it came to traditional e-sports powers, the United States, South Korea and
China won the most awards in the world.
Li Cangyu’s gaze quickly swept over the list of flags and he said, “It is best to not draw the
same group as the United States and South Korea.”
Ling Xuefeng told him, “Our luck shouldn’t be so bad? Still, both of them have the strength
to enter the finals. If we all draw the same group, it will become the real group of death.”
Li Cangyu immediately made a zipper gesture. “Don’t have a crow’s mouth. I’m afraid that
the Dragon Song boss’ stench would be transmitted. Cough… will you go to draw it
Liu Chuan, the owner of the Dragon Song Club who was always known for his ‘smelly luck’,
suddenly sneezed at the hotel. “Achoo! Is someone talking about me behind my back?”
Wu Zewen seriously replied, “It must be Cat God talking about you. He is afraid your smelly
hands will affect the national team’s draw.”
Liu Chuan made a wronged expression. “My hands might stink but I am lucky. Every time I
meet a big boss, I can eventually win.” Then he changed his mind. “Still, it is better not to
draw the US team in the group stage…”
They weren’t afraid of the US team but the Chinese team were playing abroad. The climate
was different and the terrain was unfamiliar. They needed to adapt to the new stage. If they
might a boss directly in the group stage, they might not play to their actual level and be
Liu Chuan’s thoughts were also Chairman Nan Jiangang’s biggest worries. The draw to
decide the groups would be done tomorrow and his worries were endless. He couldn’t help
whispering to the captain, “Have you decided who will go tomorrow to draw the lottery?”
Li Cangyu pointed to the man next to him, “Xuefeng will do it.”
Nan Jiangang nodded calmly and smiled. “It doesn’t matter, don’t feel pressure. No matter
which opponents we get, we must fight seriously.”
Ling Xuefeng’s expression was serious. “Rest assured Chairman, the strength of the national
team is higher than you think. There is no need to be afraid even if we draw a boss. We will
be ready.”
Ling Xuefeng’s words pulled the chairman’s heart back up from his stomach!
Once the chairman left, Gu Siming typed in the Canglan group chat. [Cat God, we have just
arrived with the boss in New York. Good luck when drawing lots tomorrow!]
Li Cangyu smiled and asked: [All of you have come?]
Li Xiaojiang typed: [Yes.]
Zhang Jueming: [We’re all here! I am staying with Xiao Gu and Xiao Li in a triple room. We
wanted to see you but were afraid it would affect your training. We will go straight to the
venue to cheer for everyone.]
Li Cangyu: [It doesn’t matter. Once the drawing of lots is over, you can come to the Miracle
Gu Siming was excited: [Really? Great!]
Li Xiaojiang was also very happy. This was his first trip abroad and there was a big
difference from China. The streets were filled with foreigners speaking fluent English. He
couldn’t understand English and stuttered in Chinese. He could only be a small follower
behind XIao Gu and Old Zhang.
For today’s Carnival, he came to the venue with Liu Chuan and saw the three gods killing
the American team. He suddenly felt his blood boiling.
Being able to see the game abroad was a dream for Li Xiaojiang!
Li Cangyu arranged a time to meet with his teammates and then went offline to sleep. He
needed to go to the drawing tomorrow at 8 a.m. to decide the grouping for the World
Competition. He needed to maintain a good mental state.
At 8 o’clock the next morning, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng headed to the conference centre
of the Miracle World Competition.
This meeting only invited the captains and vice-captains of the 16 participating countries.
The main purpose was to issue the rules and information manuals of the World
Competition, as well as decide the groupings for the group stage.
Apart from the US team’s Winfrey, who they saw yesterday, everyone else was a stranger.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were wearing the Chinese team’s uniform and were tall and
handsome. They looked very attractive walking together. It was just that the temperament
of these two people were different. LIng Xuefeng was serious, mature and steady. There
was a type of cold abstinence about him. Li Cangyu was more casual and the smile on his
face was very sunny. However, his performance in the 3v3 event yesterday made many
people feel cold.
This cat couldn’t be provoked!
Li Cangyu sat next to Winfrey with a smile and greeted her. “Hello.”
Winfrey also smiled at him with great grace and introduced him to someone. “This is Noah,
the captain of the US team.”
Li Cangyu wasn’t good at English but he could understand 70~80% of the basic daily
conversation. Today’s meeting only invited the captains and vice-captains of the national
teams so he quickly judged that the blond man in front of him was the very famous black
magician in the Miracle circle.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Noah took the initiative to shake hands with Li Cangyu.
This man was very young, approximately 20 years old. He looked very gentle and his smile
was gentlemanly. His blond hair was slightly long and his eyes were as deep as the
mysterious sea. His manners were impeccable.
Whether it was the value of his face or his elegance, everything was perfect.
This man really wasn’t simple. After the American team lost face to Li Cangyu yesterday, he
could still say hello to his opponent gracefully, compared to Winfrey. He was able to hold it
in and not expose his emotions at all.
This was the typical gentle and graceful outward appearance, while the insides were deep
and filled with pits.
Such a captain was the most terrible existence in the American team.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other, exchanging a tacit understanding. The
most famous American was the blood kin summoner, Jack Josh. Still, Jack was like a
tyrannosaurus and his style was quite violent. Captain Noah was part of a different team
and their styles were also the opposite.
Noah’s reputation might not be as high as Jack but Li Cangyu knew this smiling blond man
would be the most powerful resistance for the Chinese team.
The meeting soon started. The person who presided over it was the chairman of the
American Miracle League. The meeting was in English but it was equipped with
simultaneous translation. The words were translated into Chinese and came through Li
Cangyu’s headphones.
The meeting announced the detailed competition mode, the rules for the points, the rules
for the players, etc. Then they issued corresponding information manuals.
This was followed by the intense lot drawing. As the US was the host, Noah was the first to
pick. He pulled out an envelope from the box and showed it to the media reporters—Group
The other countries prayed silently in their hearts, ‘Don’t pick Group A.’
This was followed by the Chinese team. Ling Xuefeng picked and the result was—Group B!
Then the South Korean team drew Group C!
This result made the media reporters from the three countries very excited and they
immediately wrote a press release. The teams that had the highest chances of winning the
championship were divided into different groups. This was definitely the best result.
However, the other weaker countries were somewhat depressed. No matter which group
they drew, a boss would be blocking the road and the chance of qualifying would become
much more difficult.
Soon, the drawing results were over and the league’s official website released the grouping.
Group A: United States, Japan, Canada, Netherlands.
Group B: China, Australia, Spain, Italy.
Group C: Korea, Sweden, Mexico, Portugal.
Group D: Britain, France, Germany, Russia.
The World Competition would officially start on October 3rd. There were only three days
left to rest and adjust.

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GLS: Chapter 259
Chapter 259 – Strange Invitation

It was lunchtime when Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng returned to the Miracle Village. They
saw Xiao Gu and the other members of Canglan at the door. Gu Siming saw Li Cangyu and
rushed over to hug him. “Cat God, I haven’t seen you in a long time!”
“…Your idol is here.” Li Cangyu pointed towards Ling Xuefeng. Gu Siming let go of him and
looked over at Captain Ling with a smile. “I have already received Captain Ling’s signature.”
Ling Xuefeng had nothing to say to the black fan who ‘I like you and want to kill you.’ He
nodded calmly at Gu Siming.
On the other side, Zhang Jueming’s face was excited. “This Miracle Village is really
interesting! There are so many Miracle sculptures, the street lamps are in the shape of a
staff and various characters from Miracle are painted on the ground.”
Li Cangyu told him, “The World Miracle League is very attentive to this World Competition.
Once you go to the dining room, you will see Miracle images on top of the lunch boxes.”
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes were wide as he looked around. He seemed full of curiosity about
everything here. The group arrived at the dining room and saw a few Chinese team
members eating. Everyone moved to greet each other.
Zhuo Hang saw a small snail following behind everyone else and immediately ran over in
an excited manner, firmly hugging Li Xiaojiang. “You came! You should’ve told me in
advance. I would’ve gone to pick you up.”
Li Xiaojiang’s face was red as he stuttered, “I, I was afraid to disturb, disturb your
Zhuo Hang rubbed his head. “No way! We don’t train 24 hours a day. We are idle at night.”
Li Xiaojiang made an ‘oh’ sound. They hadn’t seen each other for a long time and Zhuo Hang
seemed to be taller. Li Xiaojiang was also a bit happy at being able to see his teammate.
Bai Xuan, Ah Shu, Qin Mo and Xiao Han also came over. They gathered at the long table to
eat and Bai Xuan asked with a smile, “Which hotel are you staying in? Are you used to it?”
Xiao Gu replied positively, “The boss booked us a hotel close to the competition venue. We
can go to watch every match at the venue!”
Li Cangyu thought for a moment and suddenly said, “Old Zhang, can you do me a favour?”
Zhang Jueming readily replied, “Captain, if you have something then tell me, there is no
need to be polite.”
Li Cangyu said, “In three days, the World Competition will begin. I will be training with
Xuefeng at the Miracle Village and it is impossible to watch every match. We will be
focusing on the opponents of Group B. Since you are going to watch the game, can you
summarize the key players and tactical features of the other teams?”
This was for future considerations. In the current group stage, the Chinese team had only
three opponents: Australia, Spain and Italy. They had to concentrate on dealing with these
three countries. For the time being, they didn’t have time to watch the matches of other
teams. Zhang Jueming’s tactical awareness was quite good. He was going to watch the other
matches anyway. Now he could take notes so that Li Cangyu had something to work on in
the later periods.
Zhang Jueming understood this and instantly agreed. “No problem!”
Xiao Gu said, “I will also help watch. My tactical level isn’t high but I have some experience
in the front row!”
Li Xiaojiang blushed and also said, “I-I will also help to record.”
Li Cangyu patted the shoulders of the two teenagers with relief. “Very good. While watching
the matches and recording, you can learn from the world’s masters, which is good for both
of you.”
The two teenagers nodded seriously.
Xiao Han asked, “Master, our first opponent is Australia? What are their standards?”
Li Cangyu habitually ignored Xiao Han’s grammar mistakes and said, “It should be among
the bottom of the countries. After all, the country is small and the population is limited.
There isn’t a high number of e-sports players…”
Bai Xuan added, “As fair as I know, the 22 players sent by Australia are the top four players
from the different teams. No domestic trials were held and it wasn’t as troublesome as us.”
Everyone listened attentively.
In the Chinese Miracle league, masters were as numerous as clouds. There were eight
giants in the first division and a large number of reserve troops in the second division. The
overall strength of their e-sports was indeed incomparable to the small countries.
However, a small country that chose more than 20 people to join the World Competition
wouldn’t be the champions. The key was the participation! They just wanted to express
their love of e-sports. This courage was worthy of respect.
Li Cangyu didn’t look down on the Australian team, regardless of whether their actual
strength was weak or strong.
“That’s right.” Li Cangyu suddenly remembered one thing. He took a stack of documents
from his briefcase and handed it to Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong. “Ah Shu played in the United
States for several years. Bai Xuan, your major is English. The two of you are idle in the
afternoon. Can you translate the information booklet sent by the league and carefully
translate it to avoid any mistakes.”
It was enough to sense Li Cangyu’s careful nature. The rules of the competition must be
translated, verbatim, sentence by sentence. Otherwise, there was a chance some players
wouldn’t understand the rules and would commit a foul.
The afternoon was a rare free time. Zhuo Hang took Xiaojiang, Xiao Gu and Old Zhang
around the Miracle Village. Xiao Han was learning grammar from Qin Mo while Bai Xuan
and Xie Shurong carefully checked the rules handbook.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were surfing the Internet in their dormitory when they heard a
knock on the door. They thought members of the national team were coming to find them.
As a result, they were shocked when they opened the door.
A man and a woman was standing at the door. The boy had long hair braided in the back
and seemed a bit decadent. The woman had handsome short hair and bright eyes.
“Hello.” The female spoke in slightly less fluent English. “I am Kim Yoonhee, the vice-
captain of the South Korean team. This is my brother Kim Changmin. We would like to
invite the Chinese team to play a friendly match this afternoon to become more familiar
with the World Competition mode.”
She showed a very polite attitude but Li Cangyu smiled without talking. It was because he
only half-understood and was feeling really anxious!
The English level of the Koreans obviously wasn’t the same.
Fortunately, Ling Xuefeng was of a high standard. He could understand the English and
whispered in Li Cangyu’s ears, “The South Korean team came because they want to play a
friendly match.”
Li Cangyu thought about it. “Let’s accept. In any case, there is nothing to do in the
Ling Xuefeng replied in English, “Okay, set the time and the number of people.”
Kim Yoonhee said, “The death racing mode. We have built a room in the server. It is room
11 and the password is 89510. The time is 3 o’clock in the afternoon.”
It looked like this two people came prepared. LI Cangyu could understand this sentence
and nodded. “No problem.”
The brother and sister turned to leave. Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng and asked, “Is it
really just a friendly match?”
Ling Xuefeng told him, “Your appearance in the 3v3 event yesterday surprised many
people. I estimate that they are trying to test the waters to look at the actual strength of the
Chinese team.”
Li Cangyu thought about it. “Then should we continue?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Call a few juniors to go. Let us look at the strength of the Korean

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GLS: Chapter 260

Chapter 260 – Death Racing

Li Cangyu sent a message to the national team. [@all members, please pay attention. The
South Korean team’s vice-captain came to our door and said they wanted to play a friendly
match with us. The time is 3 in the afternoon. Anyone interested can sign up.]
The news immediately blew up the group.
Cheng Wei was the most lively one and he actively asked: [Is the vice-captain of the South
Korean team the archer called Kim Yoonhee?]
He had teamed up with Kim Yoonhee at the Carnival for a game of beach volleyball and was
very impressed with this short-haired girl.
Li Cangyu replied: [It is her.]
Zhang Shaohui jumped forward and said: [Is there a conspiracy behind the Korean team
suddenly finding us?]
This guess was quietly denied by Lou Wushuang. [Don’t talk about a conspiracy. In the
group stage, they are in Group C and we are in Group B. We won’t meet at all. Even if we
enter the quarter-finals, it will be the first place team of Group A fighting the second place
team of Group C, the first place team of Group B fighting the second place team of Group D
and so on. Thus, it isn’t possible to meet until the semi-finals.]
Zhang Shaohui thought about it and changed his words: [Is it a pure friendly match?]
Su Guangmo also came out. [It is estimated that they want to practice the mode and explore
our strength.]
Tan Shitian agreed with this. [Captain Su’s analysis is reasonable. At present, they don’t
need to worry about meeting the Chinese team. It is no problem finding a similar opponent
to play a practice game. It will also help familiarize them with the rules of the World
Cheng Wei asked: [Do they want an economic battle or fight in the pairs arena?]
Ling Xuefeng replied: [Death racing.]
People were surprised but soon understood. The death racing mode was only available on
the web server of the Miracle Village. This was a new mode for the World Competition and
everyone wasn’t very familiar with it. This was different from the pairs arena and economic
war that they had been studying for a whole season.
Chu Yan said: [A psychic isn’t very useful in the death racing mode. I won’t participate.]
Zhu Qingyue also typed: [+1, I will watch the fun with Master.]
[Since the Korean team is trying to test our standards, let’s send a few juniors to fight with
them.] Li Cangyu typed a few names on the keyboard. [Zhuo Hang, Qin Mo, Xiao Han should
go. For the other two names, who is interested?]
Cheng Wei immediately raised a hand. [Me, me, me!]
Zhang Shaohui also volunteered. [Me as well!]
Li Cangyu smiled. [Very good, this is it! The five of you will play and everyone else will
watch from the sidelines.]
Letting the two ‘silly’ people of the league bring three newcomers to test the level of the
Korean team, this wasn’t bad!
3 o’clock soon arrived. All the members of the Chinese team and the Korean team gathered
in the 11th room of the network server. It was a group of messy English and digital IDs.
Apart from a few well-known names, the others were completely confused about who was
On the Chinese side, Zhang Shaohui, Cheng Wei, Qin Mo, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang entered
the room and pressed the ready button.
The Korean side’s lineup was an archer, a black magician, a white magician, an assassin and
a swordsman. As for the IDs that were a string of letters and numbers, Li Cangyu couldn’t
match them at all.
It could only be analyzed according to the operation of the character and the class. Li
Cangyu looked down and thought about it while Ling Xuefeng said, “This archer might be
Kim Yoonhee. We have to pay attention.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
The game soon began. The system randomly selected a map while the five players on both
sides waited.
The random map was Dark Reef. This was a very difficult obstacles map. Based on the map
name, there was obviously a beach with countless reefs to block people’s vision.
The map could be used for both death racing and the pairs arena. It was abandoned for the
economic league because there was no way to split it into wilderness areas. The tactics of
lurking and sneak attacks made this map very interesting to play for death racing and the
The two sides appeared at 10 refresh points on the map after 10 seconds.
This was the interesting part about death racing. At the beginning, the mini-map was
covered in fog. Players could see their position and the position of their teammates, but
they couldn’t see where the opponents were.
Of course, a strong commander would find the best meeting place based on the players’
During this period of training, the Chinese team members had also practiced the death
racing mode. Generally, the key point of death racing was to gather together at the fastest
It was because in a situation where a smaller group encountered a larger group, it was easy
to die and give a head to the other side. The death racing mode was based on who won the
most heads. It was safer to gather as five and act together.
How to gather together was the biggest problem.
At this time, LI Cangyu adjusted his view to Cheng Wei’s main view and temporarily served
as the commander on the Chinese team’s voice channel. “Everyone, quickly gather at the
southeast corner of the dark reef map!”
This was the fastest assembly point based on where everyone refreshed.
The group immediately rushed to the southeast corner. Fortunately, there were no road
idiots here or they wouldn’t be able to tell where the southeast corner was.
Cheng Wei had just walked a few metres when he suddenly saw a black magician in the
corner. He reflexively used God’s Seal to fix them in place and then typed at an extremely
fast speed: [1 black demon!]
He meant that he had discovered a black magician. However, at this time, his teammates
were too far away to help him.
Still, Cheng Wei wasn’t afraid. Who would be afraid of meeting a single opponent in the
After the sealing skill controlled the opponent, he followed with two single target skills—
God’s Light and Voice of Combat!
The two moves decreased the opponent’s blood to 60%. Then the black magician was
released from the seal and Cheng Wei immediately hid behind a reef.
The black magician pursued decisively and Cheng Wei emerged from the other side of the
reef. He used Voice of Combat and decreased the other person’s blood by another 20%!
He quickly reduced the person’s blood to below 50%. Cheng Wei didn’t have time to feel
happy when there was a cold flash behind him—Pain Blade!
The Korean team happened to have two players refresh in the vicinity and Cheng Wei was
unlucky enough to encounter them!
The trapped Cheng Wei’s blood volume quickly fell as he was brutally beaten.
In the death racing mode, once you fell into a disadvantageous situation, the most
important thing was survival!
It was because the number of heads was the key to determining the outcome. As long as
they survived and didn’t give points to the other side, they could wait for the rest of the
team and fight back.
Cheng Wei thought this and immediately used a key white magician skill, Purification!
This was a long cooldown skill that allowed him to be free from control for three seconds.
After Cheng Wei resolved the dizziness of Pain Blade, he immediately walked around the
reef. This technique while moving was quite slippery and was worthy of being the handed-
down teachings of his idol cat god.
Li Cangyu was just watching from Cheng Wei’s perspective and couldn’t help feeling
admiration. “Xiao Wei is good. Run!”
Cheng Wei ran really quickly and suddenly encountered a person. It was his team’s QIn Mo.
They had a companion and the two people acted more boldly. Qin Mo consciously protected
the residual blood Cheng Wei.
The distribution of the reef was extremely chaotic. They just turned a corner when they
encountered the two men of the Korean team, a swordsman and white magician!
2v2 met on a narrow road. After seeing Cheng Wei’s blood, the two of them ran over to kill
Cheng Wei. The opposite side’s white magician used Voice of Combat on Cheng Wei,
causing poor Cheng Wei to fall to 5% blood.
Li Cangyu said, “Zhuo Hang, save them!”
He had a grasp of the positions of the five players and had the nearby Zhuo Hang go to save
[I understand.] Zhuo Hang hurriedly typed.
The South Korean team was attacking Cheng Wei with full force. At this moment, an elf
hunter appeared behind them and placed a row of traps at a very fast speed. The Stop Trap!
It was the most elementary trap but it played a key role!
At the same time, Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui heard the sound of combat and rushed over.
Li Cangyu saw the five people run over and immediately ordered, “Fight!”
The five people combined. Cheng Wei remained in the back and used a white magic spell!
The others also released their output at the fastest speed. By the time two more players of
the Korean team caught up, the 5v2 situation had already collected two heads.
On the data panel showing the Chinese team VS the Korean team, the score was 2:0.
Kim Yoonhee frowned.
The strength of the Chinese team was more than she imagined. She just observed this white
magician called ChengWei. If she remembered correctly, this should be Cheng Wei who
fought at the Carnival. In a 1v2 situation, he quickly used Purification and then movements
skills to escape. Both his awareness and positioning were up to standards.
It seemed that the Chinese team didn’t only have Li Cangyu. They also needed a good
understanding of the strength of the other players.

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GLS: Chapter 261

Chapter 261 – Death Racing (2)
After two people in the Korean team accidentally died, the five players on the Chinese team
had already gathered at the seaside on the southeast corner of the map. Apart from Cheng
Wei, the others were full of blood. If the South Korean team came at this time, three against
five naturally wouldn’t be an advantage. Kim Yoonhee made a rational decision. “Everyone
gather at the red resurrection point.”
There was a red and blue resurrection point in the death racing mode. The swordsman and
white magician who just died in the Korean team chose the red resurrection point. The
other players rushed to meet them according to the command.
In the training room, a handsome young man suddenly opened his mouth and said,
“Yoocheol, you didn’t try your best just now.”
The named swordsman shrugged helplessly. “Captain, aren’t we just testing them. I just
casually hit and didn’t expect the opposite side to gather so fast…”
Kim Yoonhee looked over at the man and asked, “Captain, do you want to command? I think
there must be a master sitting there, otherwise they couldn’t gather so quickly. The hunter
saved them too quickly…”
“Don’t worry.” The handsome man smiled slightly. “It doesn’t matter if we win or lose. It is
just training.”
He stood in a position where he could see the computer screens of the five members in the
team. However, it was led by Vice-Captain Kim Yoonhee and he never spoke a word until
the two Korean members died.
The man standing next to him touched his chin and muttered, “On the Chinese side, the
terran emperor Su Guangmo, the famous killer Lou Wushuang and the super popular
summoner Ling Xuefeng isn’t present. They sent a bunch of unknown names. Are they
looking down on us?”
The captain shook his head and smiled. “It is training, just like us. There is no need to think
too much.”
South Korea’s captain Park Joonseo looked rather feminine but he was the well-deserved
king of Korean tactics. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be captain of the national team at such a
young age.
He played the summoner class and was in the World Miracle rankings along with Jack Josh,
Ling Xuefeng and others. His registration ID in the Korean League and World Competition
was Austra, the goddess of light. This was consistent with his class.
He played the rare angel summoner!
In the Chinese team’s training room, Zhang Shaohui asked, “The South Korean team
suddenly disappeared. Is it to the resurrection point?”
Lou Wushuang spoke calmly, “The possibility of the red resurrection point is greater.”
Zhang Shaohui saw the location of the red resurrection point on the small map and agreed.
“Yes, the distance is relatively close and it is more convenient to assemble.”
The watching Chu Yan couldn’t help saying, “It would be good if we could discuss like this
in an official game!”
At this time, the 22 members of the national team were gathered in the training room.
Apart from the five people sitting in front of the computer, the other 17 people stood
behind them.
Cheng Wei heard Chu Yan say this and wanted to turn around to chat with him. As a result,
Cheng Wei saw Yu Pingsheng silently standing behind him, staring seriously at the
computer screen…
Cheng Wei was frightened. “Vice-Captain Yu, how can you not even breathe! You scared
Yu Pingsheng glanced at him innocently. “I am breathing.”
Everyone, “…”
Su Guangmo pulled his younger brother to his side and whispered, “Don’t get so close.
Come here and watch. It has a better view.”
“Oh.” Yu Pingsheng walked over and stood with his brother. He found that this angle
allowed him to see the screens of the five people at the same time and nodded with
The atmosphere of this game was relatively relaxed and everyone chatted while playing.
Li Cangyu’s judgment was the same as Lou Wushuang. The five people of the South Korean
team should be gathered at the red resurrection point. He thought about it and made a
decision. “Go to the red resurrection point and hit them.”
Cheng Wei might have only 5% blood left but under the command of Cat God, he was a
brave fighting cat. He closely followed the footsteps of his team members and didn’t show
any obvious cowardice.
Li Cangyu glanced at Cheng Wei’s blood volume and said, “After meeting, they will
definitely try to kill the residual blood Cheng Wei. We will use Cheng Wei as bait to lay an
ambush. Xiao Zhuo will lay traps while Xiao Han and Vice-Captain Zhang investigate in
stealth. Qin Mo, be ready with your big moves. Wait for them to come over and immediately
try to kill them. We will also look at their level.”
As it happened, none of the five people sent from the Chinese team were commanders. Li
Cangyu had to help them from the sidelines. In any case, this was a friendly game and the
South Korean side must also have many people gathered together.
Sure enough, the five people arrived near the red resurrection point and Xiao Han
discovered the large South Korean group. He immediately typed a ‘1’ on the team channel.
Zhuo Hang reacted extremely quickly, placing a circle of traps around Cheng Wei. Qin Mo
summoned the blood spider and blood snake, ready to control the key figures on the other
The first one to appear was the Korean team’s melee swordsman. He stepped into Zhuo
Hang’s trap and was set in place! The blood kin assassin hiding nearby also stepped into
Zhuo Hang’s trap. This was because Zhuo Hang skillfully used the terrain when laying traps.
All the traps cleverly surrounded the reefs, meaning they would be fixed in place no matter
where they walked.
The moment the two melees were set in place, Kim Yoonhee immediately responded,
“There is an ambush! Hold the front row and kill the hunter first!”
She didn’t choose to kill the bloody Cheng Wei because she judged that the other side had
formed a circle with Cheng Wei in the centre. They would step into traps if they wanted to
kill Cheng Wei.
On the contrary, Zhuo Hang’s hunter must be removed because he had the strongest
interference ability!
The three ranged players of the Korean team fired at the same time. The white magician
used God’s Seal to fix Zhuo Hang in place while the black magician and archer attacked. For
a time, lights from various skill effects surrounded Zhuo Hang. Zhuo Hang’s blood fell to
50% in three seconds!
It could be seen that the Korean team’s instantaneous explosive ability was also quite
strong, especially Kim Yoonhee. She was one of the most popular bard players in the world.
She debuted earlier than Tan Shitian and became more famous than him.
This girl was different from the cute and lively girls in Korean drama. She was very
handsome and her control was skillful. She could accurately target the opponent on a map
with many obstacles. Now she used Precise Aim and Shock Shot!
The sharp arrows piercing through the air made a sharp scream. The two moves were crits
and Zhuo Hang’s blood directly fell to 20%!
After seeing that Zhuo Hang was about to die, the invisible Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang moved
to support. The two people scattered to the left and right, Zhang Shaohui using Pain Blade
to control the black magician and Xiao Han controlled the archer with the same Pain Blade!
The outbreak of the South Korean team was interrupted. Zhuo Hang’s life was saved in a
thrilling manner and he immediately used Flying Feather Steps to retreat. At the same time,
he exploded all his traps. The serial traps exploded together, causing the blood of the two
Korean melees to drop.
Qin Mo didn’t hesitate to open the big move, Blood Bat Festival!
Cheng Wei also used God’s Belief.
The two group attacks pressed the Korean team’s melee swordsman and assassin to 30%
of their blood. Qin Mo also used the blood spider and blood snake to add five layers of
Then the Korean team’s terran swordsman suddenly moved. He instantly leapt behind
Cheng Wei and used the most labour-saving attack skill to accurately stab Cheng Wei’s
chest, taking the head of the 5% blood Cheng Wei!
Then he used the big move Light and Shadow Rotation to hit Zhuo Hang and Qin Mo!
This response was quite sharp and the operation extremely smooth. The movements of
Light and Shadow Rotation were quite accurate. Xie Shurong instantly said, “It is a master.
This should be Shim Yoocheol, the ace of the Korean team.”
“Shim Yoocheol?” Bai Xuan hadn’t heard of this name before and asked, “Do you know
Xie Shurong explained, “When I used to play at the American ICE Club, I saw Jack fighting
against a Korean in the singles world arena. The opponent was the Korean swordsman,
Shim Yoocheol.”
Su Guangmo asked curiously, “Who finally won?”
“They each won one game and halfway through the third game, Shim Yoocheol suddenly
said he was going to eat cold noodles. Then he went offline. Jack was furious and since that
day, he hates the Korean cold noodles.”
Everyone, “…”
Jack’s hot temper gave him the nickname of ‘Little Tyrannosaurus’. He had been playing
against Shim Yoocheol, only for the opponent to suddenly leave the computer and run to
eat cold noodles. It could be seen that this person was very arbitrary and freely did
whatever he wanted, not taking the American master seriously.
Su Guangmo touched his chin with interest. “This swordsman was a bit interesting. In the
Miracle circle, one of the swordsmen mentioned most is him. His popularity is barely able
to keep up with me.”
Xie Shurong glanced at him. “Should you be speaking like this? Don’t you understand
Su Guangmo looked at him with amazement. “You are mentioning humility to me?”
The two brothers started to argue. Yu Pingsheng looked silently at Bai Xuan and Bai Xuan
helplessly smiled. The two of them suddenly felt like powerless parents watching their
children argue…
As they discussed Shim Yoocheol, the situation on the field had changed. Shim Yoocheol
saw that Cheng Wei was killed and turned to crush Qin Mo and Zhuo Hang. Qin Mo used
Combat Stealth at the critical moment but the originally controlled Zhuo Hang was killed by
Shim Yoocheol.
This wave of double kills by Shim Yoocheol turned the heads ratio on the data panel to 2:2.

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GLS: Chapter 262

Chapter 262 – Death Racing (3)

In the Korean team’s training room, Captain Park Joonseo smiled in encouragement. “Good,
you are acting seriously.
Shim Yoocheol tapped the keyboard and said, “I don’t want us to be killed anymore. This
might be a friendly game but it will be humiliating if we lose too badly.”
Once he became serious, the few new people around him started acting. Big moves filled
the sky and aimed at Xiao Han. As a result, Xiao Han used Combat Stealth like Qin Mo and
all the skills missed!
“Kill the archer!” Li Cangyu reminded them.
At this time, Zhang Shaohui was already behind the archer and killed her!
The head ratio became 3:2 again and Kim Yoonhee shouted, “Watch out for the snake…”
Before she could finish, she saw the blood snake that Qin Mo placed under the remote’s feet
suddenly twist its body and wrap around the white magician—Blood Snake’s Spit!
This was the big move of the blood snake. The person tangled up in the snake couldn’t
move, they would lose a lot of blood and three layers of bleeding would apply. This skill
caused the white magician’s blood to fall to 30%…
The black magician had a blood spider at his feet. The spider made him unable to move and
he also had three layers of bleeding applied to him.
Shim Yoocheol looked back to see that the four people who survived in the South Korean
team didn’t have much blood left. The even worst thing was that all fall people had three
layers of bleeding on them. The blood lost in 10 seconds wasn’t a joke!
The players watching the game couldn’t help saying, “This summoner’s awareness is
South Korea’s captain Park Joonseo smiled and commented, “The two line operation is very
skilled. He should be Ling Xuefeng’s apprentice, the talented newcomer Qin Mo.”
“This style is calm, completely different from the American team’s Jack.”
“He applied a bleeding state to everyone’s body, making it convenient for his teammates to
find opportunities to take heads. It seems that the Chinese team has thoroughly studied the
death racing mode.”
As the group of people discussed it, the two sides exchanged a wave of skills. Zhang
Shaohui lurked behind the white magician after killing the archers. The black magician
used Dark Fear on Zhang Shaohui and the four Korean members joined forces to kill Zhang
Xiao Han and Qin Mo didn’t have much blood left and it would be hard for them to face four
people, but Li Cangyu ordered, “Continue to fight!”
He had them continue to test how the two little princes would cooperate in the
disadvantageous situation.
Facts proved that the two small apprentices were just as connected as their masters. In the
face of a 2v4 situation, they weren’t afraid. It was because the four people of the South
Korean team were in a residual blood state, especially the white magician Zhang Shaohui
had just attacked. It would be a waste if they didn’t take his head.
However, they must be careful not to be controlled by the other side at the same time.
Otherwise, the terrible attack power of the other side was likely to take their lives in one
Qin Mo cleverly stood in place and used the death knight to interfere with the other side,
while Xiao Han moved flexibly around him!
From the perspective of looking down from a high point, Qin Mo was like a fixed point
while Xiao Han was a fast-swinging pointer. The two people moved quietly in a formation
that was like a ‘clock.’ Qin Mo referred to where Xiao Han was and they moved lightning
Xiao Han first aimed his dagger at the white magician, successfully killing the bloody white
magician. Then he detoured around the black magician and used the violent combo of Back
Stab and Death Strangulation!
The remaining three members of the Korean team were blinded by these actions but Shim
Yoocheol wasn’t a rookie. After seeing the cooperation between the two of them, he rushed
towards Qin Mo and killed the death knight.
At this time, Xiao Han unleashed a set of crits on the other side’s black magician.
Qin Mo flashed behind a reef and decisively used Blood Bat Festival!
The bats flew towards the black magician and the black magician disabled by Xiao Han had
his blood emptied.
Shim Yoocheol took care of Qin Mo and turned to kill Xiao Han, only to find that the other
person had disappeared into the chaotic reefs and could no longer be found!
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other, appreciation in their eyes.
Despite the extreme disadvantage of 2v4, they could think of the ‘clock walking’ formation
that relied on Qin Mo’s remote control and Xiao Han’s assassination to successfully kill two
residual blood opponents. The Xiao Han could escape with Qin Mo’s help. The cooperation
between the two little guys was becoming higher and higher.
Xiao Han might’ve managed to kill the white magician because Zhang Shaohui removed
most of the other person’s blood but Qin Mo’s grasp of the overall situation and Xiao Han’s
decisiveness and senses made Li Cangyu feel appreciation.
After this exchange, the headcount ratio of China VS South Korea became 5:4.
Kim Yoonhee of the Korean team saw this and couldn’t help saying, “This assassin’s ability
to seize opportunities is very strong. Is he Li Cangyu’s apprentice?”
Shim Yoocheol shrugged helplessly. “It seems that the Chinese team has an apprentice
group as well as the masters! They aren’t easy to deal with!”
The other three newcomers didn’t dare speak. Today, the lineup of the South Korean team
consisted of two great gods, Shim Yoocheol and Kim Yoonhee bringing three talented
newcomers who just debuted this season. They assembled the lineup and didn’t consider
any special tactics. The gap between heads had been narrowed but they might not
necessarily win.
The captain Park Joonseo made a sensible judgment. The blood kin assassin and summoner
should be fixed partners.
If they weren’t fixed partners, it would be impossible to use the clock coordination.
The performance of the two teenagers surprised him. This degree of surprise was no less
than when he saw the elf summoner Li Cangyu at the Carnival yesterday. It seemed that the
Chinese team was a strong team of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. At least 70% to 80%
of the American team’s strength could be inferred. However, there were many players on
the Chinese team hadn’t been heard of, making him feel unfathomable…
Park Joonseo bowed his head and thought for a moment before saying, “Yoonhee, make a
quick decision.”
Kim Yoonhee heard this and nodded decisively. “Concentrate on the red resurrection point
and directly open a group battle!”
The resurrection points in death racing were also recovery points. Bloody players could be
restored to their initial state of full blood at the resurrection point. The Korean team
members had just returned to the resurrection point when they saw… the Chinese team’s
players waiting there!
Kim Yoonhee felt bad but it was too late to withdraw!
Cheng Wei was killed first. After resurrecting, he waited for Cat God’s instructions. He had
long prepared his big move and the moment the Korean team arrived, he cast a skill to
control them—Holy Seal!
The three people of the South Korean team were set in place and were helplessly hit by a
wave of big skills!
The three players who just died needed 10 seconds to resurrect. Once they resurrected
after 10 seconds, the two players who came to support them had already died.
If the residual blood members continued to choose this resurrection point, they still needed
to wait 10 seconds.
This was a beautiful time difference battle!
The commander of the opposite side had obviously calculated the resurrection time of each
Korean member. In addition, the disappeared Xiao Han came to the resurrection point in
advance and waited for an opportunity. The South Korean team chose this resurrection
point and completely fell into Li Cangyu’s trap.
Kim Yoonhee used Death Arrow Rain to successfully remove the residual blood Xiao Han
but the gap between heads could no longer be overcome…
The Chinese team finally won the death racing game with a 10:8 score!
The captain of the Korean team gracefully gave a row of thumbs up.
Li Cangyu returned the thumbs up.
For the two captains who weren’t good at English, expressing their emotions with emojis
was also a method!
The game ended and the training room filled with cheers. Cheng Wei stood up excitedly,
“Hahaha, we won! We won against the Korean team!”
Lou Wushuang watched Cheng Wei and said lightly, “The tactical level of the other side’s
woman isn’t very good.”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and admitted, “Well, we have the captain sitting here. It
would definitely be different.”
“This game is just a mutual exploration. There is no need to worry about it.” Li Cangyu
spoke calmly. “The commander of the Korean team isn’t Kim Yoonhee. There is no need to
feel proud about winning in this game. We have to keep preparing for the group stage
match against Australia.”
Everyone agreed with the captain’s statement. In this game, no one played to their true
level. This was a casual game and there was no need to care about winning or losing.
The excited Cheng Wei calmed down. He stood next to Tan Shitian but kept looking at Li
Li Cangyu kept on speaking. “Since everyone has come to the training room, let’s discuss
the first opponent and see how the match will be played.”
He took out a long-prepared USB flash drive and turned on the projection. “I will introduce
you to the style of the Australian team.”
Yan Ruiwen was speechless. This PPT was made by Captain Ling!

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GLS: Chapter 263

Chapter 263 – Opening of the Group Stage

During the training at the hot springs hotel, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had carefully
studied the key players at this World Competition. They had long been familiar with the
style and characteristics of most players. However, the players from many countries in the
World Competition changed their IDs when they registered, making it harder.
Still, they had a clear idea of the professional configuration and key players of the national
teams. LIng Xuefeng was a master of PPT production and specifically made introduction
materials on the players from each country for Li Cangyu’s future use. As Li Cangyu said, he
was simply very intimate with Xuefeng.
The Australian team was indeed a weak team in the current World Competition but they
had four players with very high personal standards. They were the bard William, the
swordsman James, the blood kin assassin Riley and the black magician Matthew. Among
them, the bard William was ranked high in the world and he was also the captain of the
current Australian team.
As far as Li Cangyu was concerned, Tan Shitian’s personal strength wasn’t much worse than
William’s. However, Tan Shitian’s debut was relatively late. As a young captain, most of his
energy was invested into the management of the Time team. The rest of his time was on
Weibo, writing stories and drawing comics. This was very popular and his fans weren’t
obsessed with the rankings. They would rather see his small paragraphs.
This created a strange phenomenon. Tan Shitian’s popularity in China was so high that he
was affectionately called the Storytelling God, while his international popularity was very
In the world’s Miracle circle, the elf bard was also known as the archer class. The number of
masters was particularly large and the rankings changed every year. For example, there
was Kim Yoonhee of South Korea, William of Australia, Thomas of the United States, etc.
However, very few people had heard of Tan Shitian of China.
Most of the people who knew Tan Shitian were from the World Carnival last year. Tan
Shitian’s performance in the 3v3 project wasn’t bad but everyone’s impression of him was
just that. On the other hand, Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang had higher recognition in the
world and they had more fans.
Tan Shitian was a bit invisible in comparison.
He didn’t mind this. He smiled and bickered with Cheng Wei all day and was very polite to
his seniors. As the best-tempered captain in the Chinese Miracle League, there were no
signs of a god on his body.
Still, Li Cangyu knew this young man wasn’t simple.
Among the new generation captains, Tan Shitian was the most powerful one. It was just
that he always loved bullying Cheng Wei and his teasing of Cheng Wei made people feel he
wasn’t stable. They didn’t realize he had never dropped the ball on the field.
After introducing the ace Australian players, Li Cangyu said very simply, “I have studied it
with Xuefeng. In this economic battle, Tan Shitian will command and select the people.”
Tan Shitian was startled. “Me?”
There were so many captains present. He didn’t expect that in the first match, Cat God
would hand over the heavy responsibility of commander to him.
Li Cangyu glanced over at him. “Captain Tan, are you questioning your own strength?”
“That’s not it.” Tan Shitian touched his nose and smiled. “I thought Captain Su or Captain
Lou would command. I am new…”
Su Guangmo patted him on the shoulder and directly interrupted. “Don’t pretend. You
might be the youngest captain here but you have debuted for at least three years.”
Li Cangyu added, “Captain Tan doesn’t have to be modest. Although the strength of the first
opponent isn’t too high, many of us are abroad for the first time. We are still adapting to the
environment here. Some people still have jet lag and might not necessarily play as well as
they did in the domestic league. It is most crucial to stabilize our state in this game.”
Tan Shitian listened to Cat God and was no longer polite. He knew that his responsibility
was great and put away his smile. “Okay, I will try it.” He looked around and easily named
people. “I will command using the kite flow tactics. Lu Xiao, Cheng Wei, Liu Xiang, Yang
Muzi and Meng Jie will fight with me.”
This decisiveness was worthy of the handsome Time team’s captain.
The named people raised their hands to express their understanding while Li Cangyu
looked at them with appreciation.
“Next up is the death racing mode.” Li Cangyu continued. “The rhythm of death racing is
very fast. I suggest that you take a healer to stabilize the situation. This will be commanded
by Captain Su.”
Su Guangmo nodded, looked at the remaining people and soon decided the lineup. “Xiao Yu,
Ah Shu, Daddy Bai and Vice-Captain Yan will fight with me.”
Three melee attackers were sufficient. Bai Xuan’s survivability was guaranteed and Yan
Ruiwen’s black magician could play a controlling role. The lineup selected by Su Guangmo
was quite balanced and stable. In the first match, adopting this stable and winning lineup
was the most rational arrangement.
Li Cangyu looked over the remaining players. “I will arrange the arena using the rest of the
He clearly understood the national team and didn’t need Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo to
repeat their lineups. He directly named people. “Zhuo Hang and Captain Jiang, the two
hunters will be responsible for the opening.”
Jiang Xu had always been a stable person and he nodded to express his understanding.
Zhuo Hang looked a bit excited as he cried out, “No problem!”
Li Cangyu went on to say, “Xiao Han and Qin Mo will play the second round.”
This arrangement surprised many people, especially the named Xiao Han and Qin Mo. Qin
Mo hadn’t expected that they would be allowed to play as partners in the first match of the
World Competition.
“What is it?” Li Cangyu saw that the two of them didn’t speak and asked, “Is there a
Qin Mo’s spirit returned and he replied with firm eyes, “No problem!”
Xiao Han also said, “I also have no problem. I am just very extremely surprised.”
What was with the very extremely surprised? Young man, isn’t your Chinese becoming
more ridiculous?
Li Cangyu was forced to ignore his apprentice’s mistake and continued, “The Lou Zhang
combination will be responsible for the ending.”
Zhang Shaohui revealed a bright smile. “No problem! Give it to me and my brother!”
Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and nodded at Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu quickly typed on the keyboard and placed the lineup on the big screen, so that
everyone could check it. The 17 people who could play were very happy. For the rest, Chu
Yan and Zhu Qingyue were psychics and their compatibility with other classes was
relatively low. They were very clear that the main reason why they joined the national
team was to deal with the illusion flow genre of the European teams.
Guo Xuan’s fixed partner Yan Ruiwen was transferred to Su Guangmo’s death racing team
so he had no complaints.
The eyes of the group focused on Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng.
Cheng Wei couldn’t help asking, “What about Cat God?”
“Me? Isn’t everything already arranged?”
“…” Cheng Wei’s eyes widened. “You mean, you aren’t playing?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I have other tasks to do with Xuefeng. We have to study the situation of
the other two countries in Group B. Italy and Spain are both strong and we can’t make
Cheng Wei looked at him with confusion. “Is that so?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng’s cold voice was heard from the side, apparently to help Cat God.
Captain Ling’s tone was very clear. The word might be simple but it was convincing.
“…” Everyone had to stop asking questions.
The mobile commanders, Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo knew that the combination of Ling
Cat was as terrible as a biochemical weapon. It couldn’t be exposed in advance. To be
honest, using the best matchup in the group stage was just stupid. There was no need for
the Ling Cat combination to deal with Australia. Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo could handle
In the evening, Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong gave the translated rules to everyone.
Dressing neatly, not insulting opponents, no typing on the public screen during the game
etc. The rules were the same as China.
However, some of the rules of the World Competition created a heated discussion.
“When randomly selecting maps, maps freely submitted by the countries can’t have two
disabled at the same time. Does this mean that if two of the maps submitted by China
appear in the same match, the other side can only ban one?” The first to speak was the
always lively Cheng Wei.
“According to this rule, I guess that the World League has adjusted the probability of the
random maps.” Tan Shitian carefully analyzed. “The possibility of the country maps
appearing in the match is very large. Otherwise, there are so many maps and they won’t
easily appear. If the map is banned as a result, the submission of maps by the countries will
be in vain.”
Zhang Shaohui jumped forward in agreement. “This is nice if it is the case! Then our
designers didn’t waste time creating the five pitfalls!”
“I wish Australia would encounter the eight-trigram array. Wouldn’t they directly
“I’m curious about the map submitted by Australia. Won’t it be full of kangaroos?”
The crowd was so excited that they almost couldn’t sleep.
Three days passed quickly. The first Miracle World Competition finally officially opened at
8 o’clock on the morning of October 3rd.

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GLS: Chapter 264

Bonus ko-fi chapter
Chapter 264 – China VS Australia (Mysterious Map)

The schedule of the World Competition stated that the matches for Groups A and B would
be held in the morning while Groups C and D would be played in the afternoon. Due to the
12 hours time difference between New York and Beijing, this arrangement was just right
for the Chinese audience. Everyone could watch the live broadcast from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.!
Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi had already arrived at the live broadcast hall. On the third floor of
the stadium, there was a small live broadcast room for the media. The soundproof window
of the room allowed them to see the game.
It was currently 8 o’clock in New York and the venue could accommodate hundreds of
thousands of people. Miracle fans from all over the world brought posters to support the
players of their country and Chinese fans also had many flags. The fluorescent cheering
cards made it look very lively.
The host was holding a lottery interactive event before the start of the competition.
Backstage, players on both sides were preparing for the match.
In the competition, the soundproof rooms were divided into the players’ seats and the rest
area. There were seven computers in the players’ area. One of the computers was used for
the commander to connect to the referee’s command channel. The remaining six computers
were used for the arena, the economic battle and the death racing mode.
There would be 10 minutes of rest between different modes. If they wanted to change their
keyboard and mouse, they could use this time to debug the equipment.
This time, the national team was equipped with a mechanical mouse and keyboard
provided by sponsors. The national team’s logo was printed on the upper left corner of the
keyboard and the Miracle logo was on the mouse.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng set up the keyboards and mouse of the players and quickly
tapped the keys to check the sensitivity of the buttons.. The sight of the two men testing the
keyboards caused the domestic audience’s blood to boil. Their fingers were strong and
slender, the action of tapping on the keyboard dazzling. They could only think of one word
when the camera zoomed in—handsome!
The two people finished testing the keyboards and Li Cangyu told the players in a simple
manner, “Don’t be too nervous. There is no pressure in the first game. We just need to
stabilize our state and play to our own standards! Come on—Chinese team, refuel!”
Everyone placed their hands together and shouted this sentence.
They couldn’t help feeling heated up as they did this. They were representing their country
on the world stage. It was an unforgettable experience that everyone would remember for
the rest of their lives. This type of rare opportunity must be done well. They couldn’t
humiliate China’s Miracle League!
A moment later, the national team sat down while LI Cangyu walked to the command post
with a smile. He looked very confident, making the domestic audience members feel
Yu Bing was introducing the Australian ace players at the fastest speed. Once Li Cangyu sat
down, she changed her words and said, “Audience members, Cat God is sitting down at the
command post. The match will soon begin. Now we need to explain the different map
selection rules for the World Competition!”
Kou Hongyi followed for. “The World Competition states that seven maps will be randomly
select for each match. The captains have an opportunity to disable two maps each and the
remaining three will be used as maps for the three games. The rules manual we received
has placed a special addition. If there are maps submitted by a country, only one can be
“That’s right.” Yu Bing nodded and explained, “In other words, if there are two maps
submitted by the Chinese team among the seven maps, the Australian team can’t disable
both. They must release one. This is to ensure that the maps submitted by the countries can
be seen on the stage of the competition!”
The simple explanation allowed everyone to understand and they commented:
[I heard that our maps are very powerful! The league especially invited the 3D master of
the Dragon Song Club, Wu Zewen to help. It will definitely be a three-dimensional map!] [I
think there should be a big maze?] [I hope to see a map with Chinese elements!] [I wonder
what the Australian maps are like?]
There was only half a minute left before the official start of the map and Yu Bing said, “You
can see the rest area in the soundproof rooms on both sides of the big stage. It is separated
by the players’ seats with a glass wall, which cuts off sound. There are many players in the
World Competition and this design is to prevent players watching from the god’s
perspective and giving ideas to their teammates playing.”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “This means that the players in the game are separated from those not
playing. The players in the rest area can’t give any hints.”
Then the big screen in the middle of the stage finally lit up and the audience clapped.
Kou Hongyi’s voice immediately rose an octave. “Good evening to the domestic audience
members, the first match of Group B in the World Competition, China VS Australia is about
to begin! Let us focus our eyes on the big screen!”
The director cut to the big screen. The audience could see that after the referee announced
the start of the game, the captains on both sides drew lots on the computer. The influence
of luck was inevitable. The World Competition used the random system mode. The Chinese
and Australian flags scrolled through the screen until the referee pressed the pause button
and the picture finally froze.
The Australian team was first and the Chinese team would act second.
Li Cangyu’s expression didn’t change at all.
Going first didn’t make much of a difference in the World Competition. The mode of the
three games were different and the lineup of both sides were submitted at the same time,
being a targeted deployment couldn’t be achieved. The only difference was the selection
stage, where the first team could pick first what maps they wanted to ban.
Soon, images appeared on the big screen. Hundreds of colourful thumbnails flashed
through seven boxes, causing the audience to be dazzled. The captain of the Australian
team pressed the pause button and the first two maps were finally settled—Sydney Opera
House and Mount Huangshan Plank Road!
The audience was shocked. Even those who didn’t know the history of these two countries
could see from the flag mark on the lower left corner of the map that these were the
submitted maps of the two countries. The maps weren’t present in the online Miracle game.
Immediately afterwards, the maps in the five remaining boxes started scrolling quickly. Li
Cangyu pressed the pause button and the third and fourth maps were selected—Dark Reef
and Endless Sea!
The audience members were more familiar with these maps. They were the seven star high
difficulty maps seen in the various leagues.
There were three maps left and the audience stared at the big screen until it was settled—
The Mechanical City, Koala Garden and Frost Temple!
Apart from Frost Temple, which was a representative Miracle map that everyone was
familiar with, the Chinese team logo at the lower left of the Mechanical City and the
Australian flag at the lower left of Koala Garden showed they were two maps submitted by
both sides.
The domestic audience members were very excited. [It probably isn’t a coincidence that
there are so many country map submissions, right? Isn’t it a question of system
probability?] [Based on today’s selection, the probability of the maps submitted by the two
countries appearing is over 50%!] [Is the Mechanical City and Mount Huangshan Plank
Road made by the Chinese team?] [Koalas are Australia’s national treasure? They actually
made a koala garden. Shall we make a cute panda garden to beat them?]
The discussion in the live broadcast room was very lively. In the soundproof room, Su
Guangmo patted Tan Shitian’s shoulder and said, “There are four country submitted maps
out of seven. It seems that you didn’t guess wrong. The league really adjusted the
Cheng Wei was excited. “Mount Huangshan Plank Road and the Mechanical City are super
difficult to fight in. They can only ban one at most. The Australia captain is probably dying
from a headache, hahaha!”
The camera switched back to the two captains. The Australian captain, William looked at
the seven maps and frowned slightly.
He could ban two maps first but due to the new regulations, he could only ban one of the
Mechanical City or Mount Huangshan Plank Road since they were both Chinese maps.
Which one was better?
Based on the name and thumbnail, Mount Huangshan Plank Road seemed to be a cliff and
air battle? This was too difficult and should be banned.
William clicked the mouse on Mount Huangshan Plank Road and a red X symbol appeared
in the corresponding square, indicating that this map was disabled.
There were three maps from the Miracle gallery—Endless Sea, Dark Reef and Frost Temple.
William thought about it and banned Endless Sea. This was a sea map and the sea was full
of magma that caused death when falling in. This would be harder to fight.
William finished banning the maps and next was Li Cangyu’s turn.
Li Cangyu glanced at the remaining four maps and didn’t hesitate to move the mouse. He
banned both Dark Reef and Frost Temple, the Miracle maps. This meant that he released
the Australian maps, Sydney Opera House and Koala Garden!
The domestic audience was shocked. [Oh my god! Cat God released both of Australia’s
maps!] [Isn’t Cat God too confident?] [The maps of the other side were all released? Was
there a mistake?] [Our Cat God is too handsome!]
The expression on Li Cangyu’s face was very calm.
He released the other side’s maps because he was confident about the Chinese team’s
players. Not to mention… Australia’s own maps might not necessarily be more difficult than
Dark Reef and Endless Sea!

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GLS: Chapter 265

Chapter 265 – China VS Australia (Sydney Opera House)
The two sides finished choosing and the screen showed the remaining three maps—Sydney
Opera House, Koala Garden and the Mechanical City. The first two were Australian
submitted maps while the last one was China’s submitted map. The three maps would be
randomly assigned to the three game modes.
Li Cangyu followed up with the lineup submission and calmly returned to the rest area.
Ling Xuefeng glanced at him and whispered, “It is necessary to release both maps from the
other side?”
“I just want to let Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian perform well.” Li Cangyu spoke into his ears.
“In the group stage, it is better to have more combat experience with unfamiliar maps. This
will be good for the later knockout rounds.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement. “Yes, that is true.”
The two people quietly whispered together while Yan Ruiwen was forced to look straight
ahead from where he was sitting next to them.
The game soon began. First was the pairs arena and the Chinese team sent the Zhuo Hang
and Jiang Xu double hunters combination. The players from Australia were a swordsman
and assassin.
Yu Bing saw the names and immediately said, “The two hunters are double melee and the
lineup on our side won’t suffer. Speaking of which, the two players sent by Australia aren’t
very famous but the map for this game is the Sydney Opera House. Perhaps they can play
well on this map.”
The map for the arena was Sydney Opera House. This was a map developed independently
by Australia and it was the first time world audiences had seen it.
Anyone who knew some things about Australia would know this was an iconic building in
Sydney, Australia. It looked like stacked sails and was very unique. With Sydney Harbour as
the background, the entire opera house seemed like a giant ship at sea that could set sail at
any time.
The interior of the opera house was chosen for the competition and this was known as soon
as the map was loaded.
In front of Zhuo Hang, there were rows of seats in the opera house. They could walk
through the aisles between the seats and a curtain on the large stage in front obscured the
view of the sides of the curtain.
According to the thumbnail terrain on the mini-map, it could be judged that this big stage
was the centre of the map. In other words, the two Chinese players refreshed on this side of
the map and the Australian players should be on the other side of the curtain.
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu exchanged information on the team channel and rushed to the big
Li Cangyu looked at the map and spoke doubtfully, “If the opera house’s curtain separates
the front and rear while the seats are the obstacles, isn’t this too simple?”
A Miracle barrier map was harder than this. In addition, the obstacles on the Sydney Opera
House map were the seats. The biggest feature of seating was its neatness and regularity!
Such neat obstacles didn’t exist in the eyes of professional players. Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu
quickly walked around them.
Ling Xuefeng stared thoughtfully at the map and said, “Perhaps the main event is on the big
Cheng Wei interjected, “Is there a mechanism on the big stage? For example, a hole that the
feet would fall into?”
Li Cangyu helplessly patted him on the head. “You are thinking too much.”
A mechanical traps map would be stated in advance and there would be signs in the places
where there was a mechanism. It was impossible to step on flat ground and suddenly fall
into a pit. This was too unfair to the other team. Cheng Wei looked over at Li Cangyu and
asked curiously, “What else can there be on the big stage? Are there other curtains?”
He just finished speaking when Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu came to the centre of the big stage.
The two of them separated and started to quickly lay traps on the ground. The traps had
only been halfway placed when the swordsman suddenly used a big move from behind the
curtain—Spirit Lock! Light and Shadow Rotation!
This sudden attack caused Zhuo Hang to be set in place and he was hit by the big move. In
the blink of an eye, he lost 30% blood.
Even so, he wasn’t anxious. As soon as the control was over, he moved back into the curtain
using Flying Feather Steps. This made the audience feel dumbfounded.
Behind the curtain was another curtain.
The layered curtains turned this into a colourful maze made of curtains!
Tan Shitian saw this and couldn’t help smiling. “It seems that the Australian designers have
put a lot of thought into this. The Sydney Opera House actually have two curtains. One of
them is composed of reds, yellows and pinks and is called the sun. The other is composed of
blues, greens and browns and is called the moon curtain. The used the sun and moon
curtains as inspiration to make a big curtain maze.”
Cheng Wei was attracted by his comments and listened carefully. Then he couldn’t help
praising Tan Shitian. “You know a lot!”
Tan Shitian told him, “I have been to the Sydney Opera House to watch a show.’
He really liked literary and artistic things and was said to have written lyrics while reading
books. Cheng Wei scratched his head and thought that Tan Shitian was really
knowledgeable, as well as talented. However, this person always tried to make him angry.
Cheng Wei admired him quite a bit but never wanted to praise him.
Li Cangyu heard Tan Shitian’s explanation and agreed. “The creativity of the curtain maze is
really good. It will be difficult for Xiao Zhuo if he wants to find the opponents in this
colourful maze.”
Ling Xuefeng added, “It doesn’t matter. They just needed to be as familiar with the map as
possible. There are other teammates after them who can find ways to move back the
This was the reason why the World Competition dared to let countries do their own maps.
A commander should have the ability to analyze the terrain. For a really strong team, even
if the first batch of players was killed by the opponents on a strange map, the second batch
of players could grasp the key points of the map and fight back.
On the strange map, Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu played the testing role. Thus, Zhuo Hang didn’t
worry about his lost blood. He moved behind the curtain and quickly adjusted his view to
find the swordsman.
At this time, Jiang Xu suddenly typed a ‘2’ on the team channel. This meant that there were
two people on his side and he was suffering from an encirclement!
The Australian team was obviously familiar with the map and they circumvented the big
stage to find Jiang Xu’s position. They released a series of attacks, wanting to kill Jiang Xu in
Still, how could the captain of the Cheetah team be killed so easily?
The two men took advantage of the time when he was stunned to beat him to half blood.
The moment the stun was over, Jiang Xu moved behind a curtain with Flying Feather Steps.
As he retreated, he also placed a row of Stop Traps!
Then Zhuo Hang also came over to support and arranged the traps at a very fast speed.
The two chasing opponents stepped into Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu’s traps!
There was successive explosion sounds as the hunter’s chain traps blew the two opponents
to half blood!
Yu Bing spoke with relief, “The reaction rate of Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang is very fast. The
curtains of the Sydney Opera House are very special. The different colours will make the
opponents dazzled and chaotic. In fact, this maze isn’t that complicated.”
Kou Hongyi was puzzled. “Sister Bing, how can you say this? I’m dizzy just looking at the
Yu Bing used to be an e-sports player and had a lot of experience with labyrinth maps.
“There is a limit to labyrinth maps in the game. There should be no more than four forks at
each road. This is to prevent the two sides from taking too long to find each other. It isn’t
difficult to find the right path as long as the player’s memory is good enough.”
“It was like this!” Kou Hongyi nodded. “In other words, Zhuo Hang remembered the path he
just walked and ruled out most of the dead ends. That’s how he came to Jiang Xu’s position
to support his teammate in time?”
“Yes, on top of them, Zhuo Hang purposefully went around the big stage. This is to give his
teammates behind the scenes a chance to see the map layout from a god’s perspective.”
The audience realized after hearing Yu Bing’s explanation.
It was no wonder why Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu split up in the maze. In addition to avoiding
having both of them controlled by the other side at the same time, they also showed this
unknown map to the greatest extent possible. This would increase the advantages of the
teammates who came out next.
Li Cangyu also praised this action. “Xiao Zhuo is growing up!”
Su Guangmo and Tan Shitian glanced at each other with relief and thought, ‘At least my
family’s child isn’t shameful.’
At this time, Zhuo Hang had already gone through the majority of the map with Flying
Feather Steps. He successfully came to support Jiang Xu in time and the two of them teamed
up to set traps, hitting the fragile assassin down to 10% blood.
The assassin was forced to enter stealth to survive.
The opposite side’s swordsman played fiercely. He rushed over and stabbed Jiang Xu. The
originally residual blood Jiang Xu was directly killed.
On the screen, Jiang Xu was killed. The hunter netizens who liked him were somewhat
depressed and complained in the comments: [This strange map is too pitted! Captain Jiang
was besieged by two people. The start is too inferior!] [He could escape from the two
people and fight back. He played very well!] [Xiao Zhuo should show some strength. He
should at least kill one person on the other side!]
Zhuo Hang lived up to their expectations. The assassin had escaped into the maze and Zhuo
Hang was too lazy to chase. He chased targets and set down three Stop Traps and one
Death Trap around the swordsman.
The audience saw the young hunter flying around the swordsman like a gust of wind,
followed by four traps simultaneously exploding. There was a loud bang and the other
side’s swordsman immediately fell to the ground!
Just then, the invisible assassin emerged from the curtain behind Zhuo Hang and used Pain
Blade to set Zhuo Hang in place. Then he took Zhuo Hang’s life in a single breath!
At the end of the first stage, the Chinese members were killed while the Australian team
had a 10% blood assassin left.
On the surface, it seemed that the Chinese team was losing. In fact, Li Cangyu was very
satisfied with the result. After all, they were playing on a strange map but could quickly
familiarize themselves with the map and kill the other person. Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu had
successfully completed their task.
Li Cangyu looked at the two teenagers next to him and asked, “Did you clearly see the
Xiao Han nodded seriously. “It is almost completely clear.”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the head. “Then I will give it to you. Go and move back
the situation!”
Qin Mo and Xiao Han glanced at each other. The two teenagers lightly bumped fists and
opened the soundproof glass door, walking side by side to the players’ seats.

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GLS: Chapter 266

Chapter 266 – China VS Australia (Young Combination)

Canglan’s little prince and Wind Colour’s little prince!

The appearance of the two teenagers made many Canglan fans and Wind Colour fans
excitedly send flowers!
The fans had often confronted each other in the domestic league but now the war between
both sides had subsided. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng often attended press conferences
together as leaders of the national team. Now the two little princes had joined forces to
fight the opponents. The fans wouldn’t be giving the players any face if they kept fighting.
The two sides crazily cheered for their little princes. For a time, the live broadcast room
was filled with ‘little prince.’
Qin Mo and Xiao Han sat in the seats and logged into their accounts. The blood kin assassin
Xavier and the blood kin summoner Adrian appeared on the map at the same time. Many
domestic audience members couldn’t help saying: [Xiao Han definitely gave Qin Mo the
English ID!] [After coming to the United States, Qin Mo is looking for Xiao Han to learn
Their masters were the strongest opponents while the two apprentices seemed to have
become friends. ‘You teach me Chinese, I teach you English. It is quite fair.’
Yu Bing spoke with some surprise, “There is no chance of seeing the combination of Qin Mo
and Xiao Han in China. I didn’t expect them to join forces in the World Competition.”
Kou Hongyi continued, “Previously, Wind Colour sent the double blood kin summoner
combination and the effect was quite strong. I wonder what the standard of Qin Mo and
Xiao Han’s blood kin combination will be? I think the audience is very much looking
forward to it!”
At this time, Xiao Han and Qin Mo were quickly moving through the curtain map. The two
of them didn’t seem close but Xiao Han’s position was always within Qin Mo’s attack range.
In other words, they could take care of each other. At this distance, Qin Mo could
immediately come to help if Xiao Han was attacked.
The invisible Australian assassin didn’t have much blood left and he acted carefully. He
relied on his familiarity with the map to move in a big circle and came behind Qin Mo. Then
he used Back Stab and Death Strangulation!
Qin Mo had nearly 30% of his blood knocked out from this sudden attack. He immediately
summoned the blood snake and used the simplest bite to apply three layers of bleeding on
the opponent. Then he used the summoner’s basic attack to kill the other person.
The style of Wind Colour’s little prince was fast and flexible. The other person’s head was
taken away in an instant and he relied on the attack to suck back 10% blood, keeping his
blood volume at 80%.
Xiao Han didn’t come to support at all. He was obviously confident that Qin Mo could take
care of the residual blood opponent.
The Australian team sent their second combination—the black magician Matthew and the
white magician Daniel!
The black and white magician combination was considered a signature of Australia. The
two players were from the same team and were very familiar with each other. In addition,
the black magician Matthew was an ace player that Li Cangyu emphasized in the previous
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were shocked and they entered stealth.
A moment later, Matthew and Daniel refreshed onto the map and came to the big stage.
This was a map developed by Australia but the two players of the Chinese team were
invisible. Finding two invisible players in a maze map wasn’t that easy!
Matthew stared at the computer screen along with his partner Daniel. As he moved, he
quickly turned and checked the area around him, lest he encounter an ambush.
The thing that made the audience speechless as that the two invisible little princes were
followed behind the Australian members, as if there was a tacit understanding.
Yu Bing was amused by the sight and couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Han and Qin Mo entered
stealth and are secretly following the opponents. Did they learn this from Vice-Captain Yu?
Two ghosts!”
Kou Hongyi added, “Hiding behind the other side, this type of play is very cunning and is
suited for Cat God!”
The two commentators blackened Yu Pingsheng and Li Cangyu and the audience was
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were actually looking for an opportunity. The reason why they didn’t
rush was because the distance between curtains was relatively narrow. It didn’t matter to
Xiao Han’s assassin but Qin Mo was a summoner and had many pets. This narrow terrain
wasn’t ideal for him.
Xiao Han patiently followed in order to cooperate with Qin Mo.
The two of them walked through the maze when Qin Mo typed a ‘1’ on the team channel.
Xiao Han’s speed was amazing. As soon as the ‘1’ popped up, he raised the dagger in his
hand and decisively stabbed the black magician Matthew with Pain Blade!
Qin Mo also called a blood spider and set the white magician Daniel in place!
Daniel turned back, wanting to hit the opponents. He was shocked to find that he had no
vision and couldn’t see the two enemies!
The camera showed a bird’s eye view. The audience realized that the location chosen by
Qin Mo was at a corner where two curtains met. Daniel and Matthew were moving forward
one after another. The moment Daniel turned the corner, Xiao Han suddenly acted! Thus,
Matthew was dizzy while Daniel was fixed in place and couldn’t see anything!
Qin Mo was very clever about the timing. The blood kin pets automatically chased the
opponents in range, perfectly freezing Daniel at a place where he couldn’t see. This was
enough to prove his thorough understanding of the summoner class.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help giving praise, “Xiao Qin is becoming smarter.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement.
The simple control of the two teenagers cut off the two opponents from each other!
The thing that made Daniel want to cough up blood was that Qin Mo’s blood spider was
chasing him. Daniel was fixed in place and had three layers of bleeding applied to him. The
blood was then sent to Qin Mo… this feeling was particularly frustrating. He couldn’t see
the opponent but lost 20% of his blood.
Qin Mo once again did a beautiful two-line operation. He released the blood spider to bite
Daniel while the blood snake madly attacked the stunned Matthew!
Xiao Han also unleashed the big moves—Back Stab, Soul Stab and Death Strangulation!
Canglan’s little prince had a strong explosive power and combined with Qin Mo’s blood
snake, the two teenagers worked together to force Matthew’s blood to 40%!
The control on the two men was finally over and Matthew immediately used Dark Fear!
This was a big black magic spell. As long as it hit, it would make Xiao Han and Qin Mo feel
fear. However, at this moment, Xiao Han and Qin Mo tacitly opened Combat Stealth.
The big move was wasted as the two people went invisible at the same time. Matthew
really wanted to cough up blood and dye the curtain in front of him red.
It was harder than he thought to deal with the double blood kin combination who were like
The desperate Matthew had to use the black magic group attack, Hell Flames!
The range of this move was wide. The black flames hit Xiao Han who was ready to escape
but it missed Qin Mo, who was originally far away.
At the corner, Daniel released God’s Seal to fix Xiao Han in place.
The black magician and white magician used their big moves to force Xiao Han’s blood
below 50%.
“Go around and hit them.” Xiao Han said on the voice channel.
“Understood.” Qin Mo replied.
He operated his blood kin summoner to the corner on the other side at the fastest speed.
Then he directly opened the big group attack, Blood Bat Festival!
The black and white magicians of Australia had been desperately attacking Xiao Han when
the bats flew over. Their blood dropped while Xiao Han took the time to move behind the
Matthew wanted to chase Xiao Han but he ran without leaving any shadows behind. There
was also the blood snake released by Qin Mo. Matthew turned to kill Qin Mo, only to find
that Qin Mo had summoned the annoying death knight to block the two people’s retreat!
Qin Mo moved around the complicated maze to the back of the opponent in just 10 seconds,
rescued Xiao Han and escaped into the narrow passages of the maze.
Xiao Han was temporarily safe and Qin Mo had no worries. He immediately released his
highest hand speed, summoning the blood snake and blood spider to attack. The residual
blood Matthew didn’t persist for long. He was given five layers of bleeding and eventually
Daniel wanted to kill Qin Mo when Xiao Han appeared and used Pain Blade!
It turned out that Xiao Han had run to the side and waited for this skill to cooldown. The
moment it was available, he ran back to help Qin Mo. The stunned Daniel was about to
collapse. Were the brainwaves of these two people synchronized?
He had such doubts as he fell on the arena of the World Competition.
Despite the disadvantage from the map, Qin Mo and Xiao Han appeared and completed the
double kill!
The wonderful use of the terrain made many spectators feel admiration, as well as the
mutual rescue and support. The domestic live broadcast room was filled with ‘Little Prince
Qin Mo and Xiao Han successfully moved back the advantage and bumped fists to
encourage each other before exchanging smiles.
If Qin Mo hadn’t kept up then Xiao Han might’ve died. if Xiao Han hadn’t returned to hit the
white magician in time, Qin Mo’s skills were on cooldown and he might’ve been countered.
Their understanding at the key moments allowed them to successfully reverse the
Both of them felt warm in their hearts.
There was another small partner who grew up with them. They progressed together, learnt
grammar from each other and could stand on the stage of the World Competition together.
This type of feeling really wasn’t bad!

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GLS: Chapter 267
Chapter 267 – China VS Australia (Lou Zhang Brothers)

Qin Mo and Xiao Han successfully completed their task. Matthew and Daniel were sent off
and the Australian guard combination were forced to play in advance. Their IDs appeared
on the big screen. They were the blood kin assassin Riley and the black magician Isaac!
Li Cangyu sat in the rest area and couldn’t help saying, “Their signature combination has
finally come out.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and said, “The strength of this combination isn’t bad.”
After carefully studying the Australian team’s lineup, the two of them found that the
Australian competitors were more polarizing. The famous players were particularly
powerful and were ranked in the world, while the others were relatively mediocre.
For the next two players, the blood kin assassin Riley was the vice-captain of the Australian
national team and on the world’s assassin rankings. The black magician Isaac was his fixed
partner from the same team. These two people rarely lost against any players in the
Australian domestic league. One was responsible for the remote control while the other
looked for opportunities to attack.
They put this ace combination in the guard stage to win five points.
It was a pity that they would encounter the ace combination of the Chinese team, the Lou
Zhang brothers.
Li Cangyu looked at the two people who were ready. Lou Wushuang’s face was still cold but
Zhang Shaohui said with excitement, “Brother, let’s kill the magician first when we play!”
Lou Wushuang hummed in agreement.
He saw Li Cangyu watching him and gave the captain a ‘reliable’ look.
The Australian team’s Riley and Isaac were fixed partners. Once they came on stage, they
quickly arrived at the centre of the stage. The black magician Isaac moved through the
curtains and took control of Xiao Han from behind.
Xiao Han immediately spoke in the team channel. “Run!”
Qin Mo decisively turned and hid behind a curtain. He moved flexible and his traces were
lost in the blink of an eye.
The reason why he didn’t go back to rescue was because he knew it was absolutely
unnecessary to save Xiao Han at this time. The bloody Xiao Han met the other two’s
combined attacks and certainly couldn’t last for five seconds. It was better for Qin Mo to
hide and wait for an opportunity. He had to strive and create some advantages for his next
Sure enough, the prompt that Xiao Han was killed appeared in the middle of the big screen.
By this time, Qin Mo had already reached the depths of the curtain maze. The two
Australian players started to look for him in the maze. They had just walked around a
corner when a wave of bats flew towards the two people. It was the blood kin summoner’s
big move, Blood Bat Festival!
The cooldown of Qin Mo’s big move had just ended. He opened it at this time and decreased
the other side’s blood by 30%, as well as sucking up a lot of blood.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have much blue left. He wouldn’t last long but it was cost-effective
if he could consume his opponent’s skills.
Qin Mo thought this and summoned the blood knight to delay the battle.
The other side’s assassin didn’t want to drag things out. He killed the blood knight and
worked together to kill Qin Mo.
Once Xiao Han and Qin Mo left the players’ seats, the live broadcast room was filled with
flowers and applause. Yu Bing couldn’t help praising them, “The two princes grew very
quickly. It is worthy of their famous teachers!”
Kou Hongyi also sighed. “I used to think that they are very talented newcomers in the
domestic league but today’s performance made me discover that they have become
excellent professional players. Whether it is their calm judgment at a crucial moment or
their tacit cooperation, it is hard to believe that they are still under 18 years old!”
Yu Bing added, “The two of them are young rookies and their future is immeasurable.”
Kou Hongyi said, “Then let’s see who the Chinese team will send to the guard stage? Our
country has so many partners. Which pairing will Cat God send?”
As he spoke, the pair that the Chinese team sent as the guard appeared—Lou Wushuang
and Zhang Shaohui.
Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “It is the Lou Zhang brothers!”
Once the IDs of Killer Lou and Killer Zhang appeared on the screen, the fans of the Ghost
Spirits team screamed uncontrollably. The Lou Zhang combination! The most tacit killers,
who secretly killed numerous gods in the Chinese league, were now holding hands to
appear on the arena of the World Competition.!
[Captain Lou, marry me!] [Captain Lou is so handsome. His blank expression is still
handsome!] [Pushing the Lou Zhang combination for a lifetime!] [Lou Zhang brothers,
The various messages filled the screen, showing how powerful the Lou Zhang brothers
were domestically.
Australia’s Riley felt a big depressed. In fact, he had confidence fighting against Lou
Wushuang. After all, their ranking in the world’s assassin circle wasn’t much different.
The problem was that the Chinese team’s young combination was too powerful. They
moved back the weak advantage created by Australia in the first stage and then the big bat
move decreased Riley and Isaac’ blood by 30%!
Riley later relied on his attacks to suck blood and restore it to 80%, but his teammate’s
situation wasn’t so good. If they had to fight against the Lou Zhang brothers in these
circumstances, the chance of victory wasn’t high.
They could only rely on the map to gamble.
Riley’s eyes narrowed and he placed a blue mark on the small map. Isaac agreed and
immediately moved to wait near the marker.
The viewers had a god’s perspective and found that the mark he played was the only way
for the Chinese team to go to the big stage after refreshing. However, due to the stage
curtains and the dead angle, the Chinese team wouldn’t be able to see the Australian
players when they came over.
In other words, this was a blind spot known only to the Australian team members. Relying
on the blind spot to unleash an ambush, this was the advantage of the self-submitted map.
After seeing that Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were getting closer to Isaac’s hiding
place, the audience couldn’t help sweating for the Lou Zhang brothers.
—Dark Fear!
The black magician’s control skill suddenly opened and Zhang Shaohui was fixed in place
since he was in front!
To Isaac’s surprise, Lou Wushuang’s response was almost instantaneous. The moment the
black magic skill was released, he decisively accelerated and hid from the control!
This was a little trick to how the Lou Zhang brothers walked. They didn’t go side by side.
Zhang Shaohui walked in front of his brother a few metres every time, keeping his brother
behind him. If they encountered a trap or ambush, Lou Wushuang could instantly get away.
Lou Wushuang’s reaction rate didn’t disappoint the domestic fans. He jumped a few metres
forward to hide from the opponent’s control and rushed behind the black magician like a
Isaac was about to cast a spell but was countered by Lou Wushuang’s Pain Blade and set in
—Back Stab, Death Strangulation!
Captain Lou was hot and his moves fast and violent!
Zhang Shaohui saw his brother attacking the black magician. He was used to it but he still
couldn’t help sighing. His brother looked as cold as an iceberg but he was extremely fierce
when playing the game. It was estimated that his opponent would have a cold back!
This type of brother was so cool!
Zhang Shaohui never said anything but he worshipped Lou Wushuang and wanted to
protect him. Since childhood, Lou Wushuang’s performance had always been better than
him and his brother’s IQ was particularly high. Lou Wushuang even played Miracle for a
shorter time than Zhang Shaohui but he was better.
Someone else might be jealous of Lou Wushuang but Zhang Shaohui was lacking in this. He
wasn’t jealous of his brother and instead felt admiration, appreciation and worship.
Now he watched Lou Wushuang making the black magician unable to fight back and Zhang
Shaohui thought proudly—this is his brother! His brother was so cool!
At this time, Isaac wanted to cough up blood. Most of the black magician skills required a
casting time. His Dark Fear didn’t control the opposite assassin and he failed to release his
Fortunately, his teammate Riley arrived in time!
Riley was in the vicinity and he slammed his dagger down against Lou Wushuang’s neck.
However, it was like Lou Wushuang had eyes behind him. He suddenly moved sideways,
just managing to avoid this control skill.
The control technique, Pain Blade was wasted?
Riley found it hard to believe. He was the ace of the Australian team and never missed a
skill when he was behind an opponent! Did Lou Wushuang really have eyes in the back of
his head?
Lou Wushuang didn’t have eyes behind him but Zhang Shaohui had eyes!
The two long-time brothers had nurtured a tacit understanding. Zhang Shaohui would stare
at the area behind his brother while Lou Wushuang would notice if there was anyone
nearby to disturb his brother. The reason why the brothers were so powerful was because
not only could they see in front of them, they could share what they saw through various
After successfully hiding from Riley’s control skill, Lou Wushuang didn’t pay attention to
him and kept attacking the black magician in front of him.
Riley went crazy and used all the assassin’s explosive moves—Back Stab, Soul Stab, Death
Strangulation, Blood Blade!
They hit Killer Lou one after another, so that Lou Wushuang’s blood quickly flew away…
However, Lou Wushuang was hitting the black magician’s body at the same time, relying on
the blood-sucking advantage to restore half the lost blood.
The moment that Isaac’s control was lifted, the audience found that he had 45% blood left
while Lou Wushuang had 65% left.
This was a precise calculation of blood. Captain Lou could calmly do it despite being hit
from behind.
Zhang Shaohui finally moved at his moment. He quickly came behind Isaac and a surprising
scene occurred. The audience saw Lou Wushuang use Combat Stealth and became invisible,
while Zhang Shaohui also opened Combat Stealth and hid!
Why did they do it at the same time?
What did they want to do by using the Combat Stealth which had a long cooldown time?
Riley of the Australian team was a bit confused. As soon as he recovered, he immediately
shouted in the team channel, “Isaac, get out!”
However, it wasn’t possible. The Lou Zhang brothers seemed to have become one person.
They approached Isaac at a very fast speed, one to the left and one to the right, tacitly
raising the dagger in their hands—Death Mark, Back Stab, Soul Kill!
Once the assassin used Death Mark on a target, if they attacked the target from behind
within three seconds then there was a 100% chance of a crit being activated.
This was used by Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui.
The moment Zhang Shaohui was released from the control, the two of them didn’t need to
say a word. They reached a silent consensus to kill the black magician!
Thus, they didn’t hesitate to use Combat Stealth at the same time. They stared at Isaac and
released their moves at the same time, the sharp blade in their hands piercing Isaac’s back.
Isaac was killed!
It seemed like Zhang Shaohui and Lou Wushuang had become one person and there was no
need to talk about the operation of the two blood kin assassins. They were almost no
difference in their moves and it was like a special copying effect!
Many spectators were gobsmacked and Riley felt his neck become cold.
These assassins were so terrible. He felt a bit of envy in the midst of his shock. How good
would it be if he had such an assassin partner?
Unfortunately, in the whole Miracle circle, it was estimated that there wasn’t another pair
like the Lou Zhang brothers.
The younger brother could completely copy his older brother’s operation. The joint force
and the frightening crit attack, this move directly took away the black magician and turned
it into a 2v1 situation…
Riley used all the strength in his body and used the map to follow the two opponents. In the
end, he couldn’t hold on for even half a minute. The moment the cooldown of Zhang
Shaohui and Lou Wushuang’s skills were over, the two of them joined forces again to kill
The Chinese team was victorious!
The Chinese team took the lead in gaining 5 points. Zhang Shaohui dropped his keyboard,
excitedly spread his arms and dragged his cold-faced brother into a hug. “Brother, we won!
You are really handsome!”
The scene of the two people cooperating to kill the ace of the other team wasn’t new to Lou
Wushuang but it was the first time killing an opponent in the World Competition. It was
indeed worthy of commemorating.
Lou Wushuang was tightly hugged and leaned his cheek against his brother’s powerful
At this moment, he really wanted to tell Zhang Shaohui that their Lou Zhang combination
could never be separated.
Still, he forcibly resisted this impulse and pretended to be an older brother. He extended
his arms and hugged his brother, a soft expression on his always cold face. “Yes, we won.”
The audience cheered. The first 5 points won by the Chinese team in the group stage of the
World Competition was due to the combined efforts of Zhuo Hang, Jiang Xu, Qin Mo, Xiao
Han and the Lou Zhang brothers!

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GLS: Chapter 268

Chapter 268 – China VS Australia (Koala Garden)

The first arena game was successfully won and the second game was the economic war.
Li Cangyu arranged for Tan Shitian to command. He and Ling Xuefeng only needed sit to the
side and watch. Out of the two remaining maps, one was Koala Garden and the other was
the Mechanical City. Due to too many traps, the Mechanical City wasn’t suitable for an
economic war. In accordance with the rules of the World League, the map selected should
be Koala Garden.
Sure enough, it was as Li Cangyu expected. Before the second game started, the big screen
released the concept of the Koala Garden map.
This was a new rule of the World Competition. Before the start of the team economic battle,
a 3D map would be put on the big screen from a god’s perspective. This was to let players
have a general understanding of the map, so they wouldn’t be directly ambushed and
From the concept map, it could be seen that the Koala Garden map was a square map and
the crystals in the centre would determine the outcome. The map was still divided into the
southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest areas by roads, in the form of the ‘ 田’ shape.
The refresh points of the ice dragon and fire dragon were also fixed.
The special thing was that the mobs on this map were the Australian national treasures, the
koalas. There were many eucalyptus trees in the wild area. The koalas all refreshed on the
trees, their big ears looking cute.
Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying, “Is the Australian map selling meng?”
Tan Shitian smiled, “There can’t be too many tricks on the economic war map. After all, the
division of the four wild areas and the refresh points of the ice and fire dragon are
stipulated by the league. They are hard standards that can’t be randomly changed. There
can only be small changes to the mobs and environment. If I had to guess, the koalas might
be ranked mobs, making them more difficult to fight.”
Cheng Wei looked at the koala in his tree and scratched his head. “It makes sense.”
Tan Shitian gathered the teammates together and quickly explained, “The splitting method
is still according to our previous arrangement. The start should be stable. In particular,
Meng Jie, don’t rush forward.”
The named Meng Jie immediately promised. “I know. Captain Liu will watch me.”
Liu Xiang smiled. “Captain Tan, don’t worry. We’ll all listen to you.”
Tan Shitian reached out his hand, “Everyone, refuel!”
The 10 minute break soon passed and the economic war began. The list of players on both
sides appeared on the screen at the same time. The Chinese team consisted of Ten Day,
ChengWei, LuXiao, Liu, Meng, and Yang. The domestic audience was very unkind when they
saw these IDs. Kou Hongyi also laughed. “The Chinese players are very straightforward.
The IDs are all pinyin translations. The three sisters of Red Fox were too lazy and directly
registered with their surnames.”
Yu Bing showed some surprise. “Cat God and Captain Ling aren’t appearing in the economic
war. It seems they have fully handed it over to Tan Shitian.”
Kou Hongyi continued, “Coincidentally, the three males of the Time team have joined with
the three females of the Red Fox team, Liu, Meng and Yang. Male and females working
together, it isn’t tiring at all!”
Yu Bing’s analysis was simple. “There are the double archers in Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao, the
double white magicians in Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi, plus the healer Liu Xiang and
berserker Meng Jie. This is a typical kite flow lineup.”
This was the style that Tan Shitian was best at. As long as the front row could withstand the
firepower, the back row could quickly attack. Combined with Cheng Wei’s control, this play
style was quite flexible.
Yu Bing observed the Australian lineup and carefully said, “Coincidentally, Australia’s six
players are similar to us. There is a front row paladin, a priest, two black magicians and two
archers. The commander must be William, the captain of the Australian national team. His
ranking the world is much higher than Tan Shitian.”
Kou Hongyi said, “There are many bard players in the world. Our Captain Tan didn’t
participate in the world rankings. This is because during last year’s rankings, he was busy
playing cats and dogs on Weibo and missed out on registering!”
The audience was speechless. Tan Shitian didn’t really care about things like fame and
fortune. He was constantly improving his Weibo posts. His writing became more
professional and his cartoon drawing was constantly improving…
Yu Bing said, “The strength of Captain Tan isn’t much worse than William. The important
thing is that the overall strength of the Chinese players is much stronger than that of
Australia. Liu Xiang’s healing ability is stable and there is no one Meng Jie doesn’t dare to
fight. Cheng Wei’s personal style is distinct and the white magician Yang Muzi and archer
Lu Xiao aren’t weak.”
Kou Hongyi was excited. “Then according to Sister Bing, the chance of us winning is very
high! I just don’t know if there are any mysteries in this Koala Garden map.”
According to the map seen on the big screen, Koala Garden had no complicated settings
such as traps or a maze. Only the trees in the wild area and the lovely koalas made the
audience feel refreshed.
The game soon began. Tan Shitian arranged how they split up according to what was
previously agreed. He and Cheng Wei kept the middle, Lu Xiao and Yang Muzi went to the
northwest while Liu Xiang and Meng Jie went down south.
Once the first wave of mobs refreshed, everyone discovered the special features of this
map. The cute koalas stayed in the trees and constantly threw leaves towards the
surroundings. Players touched by the leaves would be set in place for two seconds.
Tan Shitian guessed correctly. Not only were they ranged mobs, they used leaves with
special effects!
Due to the close distance, Meng Jie was hit by the leaves of a koala and it was impossible to
move. The two black magicians of Australia read spells from a distance, wanting to kill her.
Fortunately, Liu Xiang reacted extremely quickly. She used Holy Light Surge to restore
Meng Jie’s blood and then added five layers of Healing Language.
There was a strong healer for personal protection. It would be hard for the two Australian
players to kill Meng Jie. Meng Jie used Mountain Chop on the battlefield and returned to the
nurse’s side. Then she typed on the team channel: [Everyone be careful. The leaves of the
koala can fix you in place!]
Tan Shitian stood far away and already used Flying Feather Steps to quickly escape the
attack of the leaves. However, Cheng Wei reacted slowly. By the time he saw this line, the
leaves had already touched his body.
The sound of the arrow piercing through the sky was heard. Cheng Wei was hit with Seize
Life Shot and his blood dropped by 30%. This was from Australia’s captain, William!
Tan Shitian saw that Xiao Wei was being beaten and didn’t become angry. He kept attacking
with Accurate Aim and Shock Shot!
He pre-judged William’s position in advance and once he fired the arrow, 30% of the
opponent’s blood was knocked out!
“Xiao Wei, come to me.” Tan Shitian spoke on the voice channel.
Two seconds later, Cheng Wei ran to Tan Shitian and spoke in a dissatisfied manner. “It is
too pitted. The leaves can actually set you in place!”
Tan Shitian spoke in a low voice. “Pay attention not to be set in place.”
“Understood!” After knowing that the leaves thrown by the small mobs would set them in
place, Cheng Wei wasn’t stupid enough to be hit by the leaves. He learned his walking
techniques from Cat God and easily avoided the leaves.
The ranged mobs on the trees weren’t as easy to kill as the ones on the ground. Fortunately,
Tan Shitian’s grasp of the angle was quite accurate. He narrowed his eyes at the cute koalas
and easily took care of them.
William was on the move. It seemed he wanted to first suppress Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian aimed at the mobs and attacked quickly. He kept paying attention to William
from the corner of his eyes. William obviously wanted to find a chance to kill him. In
William’s opinion, this young player who wasn’t famous in the world rankings couldn’t
confront him head on.
Perhaps it was due to the explosion of self-confidence but William played very fiercely. He
used his arrows to clear up the mobs in the range of Tan Shitian’s attack. This was a clear
Tan Shitian was suppressed in a passive manner until a minute later, he suddenly made a
He carefully kept a distance with the other side but in order to grab a blue mob, he actually
entered William’s attack range!
William felt happy and immediately fired Quenching Arrow, setting Tan Shitian accurately
in place!
This was the captain of the Australian national team. The precision of the skill caused the
audience to let out a burst of applause.
The domestic audience members were nervous but Tan Shitian’s expression was calm.
He was set in place and forced to 45% blood. After seeing that William was releasing the
ultimate force to kill Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei finally started to act.
—Holy Seal!
The white magician cast the big move, setting William and the healer priest in place at the
same time!
At this time, Tan Shitian released Death Arrow Rain and turned the two opponents into
Cheng Wei kept up with the white magic outbreak—God’s Belief!
The white halo fell from the sky. The white magician and archer’s group attacks cooperated
with each other, directly pressing the blood of the other two people to below 50%!
The other priest was forced to help, using the Purification skill to resolve the control!
However, Tan Shitian had long expected this. The moment the priest used Purification, he
used an ice arrow to set the priest in place again!
The healer couldn’t add blood before he was controlled by Tan Shitian!
Cheng Wei wisely continued to fight William. He used God’s Light and Voice of Combat. The
two single target white magician skills were released, cruelly hitting William.
Tan Shitian turned back and fired Seize Life Shot, directly killing William!
William stared at the grey computer screen after being killed by Captain Tan. He wanted to
kill the person and ended up being killed. This feeling was really hard to understand!
Tan Shitian smiled and spoke encouraging words in the voice channel. “Xiao Wei is good.”
Cheng Wei laughed excitedly.
They might always bicker but the Tan Cheng combination was one of the best in the
country. They had been teammates for many years in the Time team and their tacit
understanding in key moments formed a conditioned reflex.
Tan Shitian hadn’t made a mistake. He deliberately did it to lure William in and typed ‘1’ in
the team channel to remind Cheng Wei. William had belittled Tan Shitian and thought the
other side made a mistake. He immediately opened a big move to kill Tan Shitian but ended
up killed by Tan Cheng…
Tan Shitian smoothly took first blood! The domestic audience cheered excitedly. William
took a healer but Tan Shitian cooperated with Cheng Wei to kill him. This was proof of his
Bai Xuan smiled from where he was sitting and said, “She used Purification too late. She
should’ve done it when William was attacked.” This crucial moment was enough to judge
the other side’s healer.
Xie Shurong wrapped an arm around Bai Xuan’s shoulder and said with great confidence,
“If the healer was you, I believe that absolutely no one can kill me under your eyes.”
Bai Xuan replied, “Of course!”
His voice was warm and strong while filled with great confidence.
A healer must be decisive in key moments!
The Australia team’s healer felt some guilt. The skills connection of Tan Cheng were almost
seamless. He was being controlled before his brain could react…
Fortunately, the captain didn’t say anything to him. After he was resurrected, he called his
teammates to prepare for the ice dragon.
On the field data panel, Tan Shitian took the first head and got most of the mobs in the
middle. He bought his favourite necklace, Elf’s Covenant and was very well-off.
This was a necklace that increased attack distance and was one of the best equipment for
kite flow tactics. An archer’s original attack distance was 18 metres and it reached 19
minutes after wearing this necklace.
It might just be a gap of one metre but this was enough to cause a headache in a team
The ice dragon refreshed and the two archers of the Australian team started attacking the
front row of the Chinese team, trying to break through.
Meng Jie was a famous tomboy. She carried the huge axe on her shoulders and wasn’t afraid
when facing the enemy’s firepower. She directly used her axe to smash a large pit, blocking
the road ahead. In addition, there was the strong nurse Liu Xiang covering her. She didn’t
need to worry about dying.
The thing that made the Australian team upset was that Tan Shitian stood in the distance
and relied on his long range. He cooperated with Lu Xiao and used the simplest arrows to
completely damage the Australian team’s back row!
William felt great pressure.
He had never encountered such shocking kite flow tactics in the league!
On the Chinese team, the fierce berserker withstood the pressure in the front row, the
healer looked after her blood and the remaining four people moved at a very fast speed,
dazzling the people. In particular, the archer Tan Shitian used Flying Feather Steps to move
like the wind. He constantly fired cold arrows and each shot was extremely accurate!
He could still grasp the direction so well while running and shooting. Not a single arrow
missed. With these skills, why wasn’t he on the world rankings? Wasn’t this level
comparable to Kim Yoonhee of the Korean team?
William was full of surprise but as the captain and commander, he immediately stabilized
his mind and ordered, “Use a group control!”
If this consumption continued, it would become more and more difficult for them to fight.
They must find a breakthrough!
A black magician in the Australian team immediately used Death Fear to control the front
row Meng Jie. The other black magicians walked forward and used fear on Liu Xiang in the
back row!
Everyone gathered to set fire to Meng Jie. The front row had thick skin but after being hit
by four outputs, she fell to residual blood.
At this time, Yang Muzi opened the big group attack skill, Holy Seal!
She moved with Tan Shitian and Tan Shitian took her to the side of the Australian team. She
wasn’t Tan Shitian’s fixed partner but the vice-captain of Red Fox wasn’t weak. If she didn’t
know what to do then her ID could commit suicide!
This angle was just right to open a group attack.
Yang Muzi controlled the back row. The Australian team’s players were scattered but this
group control skill was just right to control the healer and two archers!
—Death Arrow Rain!
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao’s group attack skill continued to fall continuously while Cheng Wei
and Yang Muzi weren’t far behind with God’s Belief!
The four big moves fell down and the two fragile archers of the Australian team instantly
fell to the ground!
On the Chinese side, Meng Jie was also killed but Liu Xiang added a big healing skill to
herself and saved her life.
In this wave, the Chinese team killed two archers, including the Australian team’s captain
William, and took the ice dragon in one breath. This could be called a huge advantage.
In addition, the two dead people were killed by Tan Shitian…
Yu Bing explained with a smile, “Tan Shitian has three heads and combined with the ice
dragon’s economy bonus, he will soon become a small boss. If he buys the weapon Frost
Bow, he will show what a real kite flow is!”
Frost Bow, this bow and arrow caused a 10% deceleration.
Elves already moved very fast and once the opponents were slowed down by this bow, Tan
Shitian would become a terrible mobile fort! He could attack the opponent with long-range
archery and now they could never catch up with him!
In the next battle, Tan Shitian taught them the meaning of the kite flow.
He slowed down all six opponents with a very fast hand speed. Then he stood in the
distance and attacked wildly with Lu Xiao!
The arrows formed an impenetrable rain of arrows, shooting all opponents into residual
Cheng Wei once again wisely sealed the captain William and Tan Shitian naturally wouldn’t
drop the chain. He fired Seize Life Shot and took William’s head again!
The Australian team was defeated and the six members of the Chinese team destroyed the
crystal under Tan Shitian’s leadership!
The Chinese team was victorious in the economic war!
Cheng Wei happily jumped from his seat and hugged Lu Xiao sitting next to him. “We won,
hahaha! We won again!”
Tan Shitian thought, ‘How much better would it be if he turned and hugged me?’
Cheng Wei seemed to hear his resentful thoughts. After hugging Lu Xiao, he turned back
and hugged to Tan Shitian. “Captain Tan, we won!”
Tan Shitian finally smiled with satisfaction and hugged him back. Tan Shitian reached out
and rubbed his head.
Cheng Wei seemed to be aware that he was too unrestrained and blushed as he let go of the
other person. He remembered when he was previously kissed and his ears couldn’t help
turning hot.
Tan Shitian was calm and took his teammates out of the soundproof room. He gave the
captain a smile that said ‘I completed the task’ and this happened to be shown on the big
screen, making the various reporters go crazy!
The media from all over the world exploded. [The Chinese team’s young archer
continuously killed the Australian ace, Captain William!] [Will Tan Shitian surpass Kim
Yoonhee and Thomas to become the world’s first bard?]
The overwhelming smile accompanied by Tan Shitian’s signature smile swept through the
e-sports websites of countries around the world. The domestic audience happily
commented on Tan Shitian’s Weibo: [Captain Tan, you are popular!]

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GLS: Chapter 269

Bonus ko-fi chapter. In addition, I have a sudden work conference I have to go to so don’t
expect chapters until Monday.

Chapter 269 – China VS Australia (The Mechanical City)

The Chinese team consecutively won the pairs arena and the economic battle and the score
on the big screen became 10:0. The domestic audience was very excited. Many people
cheered for the players on the live broadcast screen. [Refuel for the final game] [Three wins
will be a perfect start!] [Continue to kill them with the Mechanical City in the third game!]
The players of the national team certainly knew that winning all three games could really
improve the morale of the team.
There was only one map left for the final game—the Mechanical City.
The idea of this map was proposed by Li Cangyu and it was independently developed by
the Chinese Miracle designers. In the process of research and development, many foreign
aids were also invited to help. This was the only three-dimensional map among the five
maps submitted by the Chinese team.
The five members who participated in death racing were those with a better grasp of
direction and a sharper response—Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng, Xie Shurong, Bai Xuan and
Yan Ruiwen. There were three melee, one milk dad and a remote end. The attack ability,
explosive ability and survival ability could effectively be guaranteed.
Li Cangyu had great trust in Su Guangmo and fully handed over the third game to him.
However, this map was his creative idea and he knew the most about the Mechanical City.
In the rest time, Li Cangyu walked over and said, “The Mechanical City is a two-level
structure. The position where everyone refreshes will be randomly generated. Remember
to gather at the fastest speed.”
Everyone nodded to show their understanding.
Su Guangmo smiled. “Rest assured Captain. This is our own map and I definitely won’t
His words were very bold and an extremely calm and confident attitude could be seen. He
was a player standing at the top of the pyramid in China and wasn’t nervous about the
World Competition.
Li Cangyu smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Then I will wait for you to gain another
five points!”
Before the start of the game, the map was released on the big screen.
It was a live 3D projection of the map so that all viewers and contestants could observe it
from a god’s perspective.
After seeing the complicated upper and lower space composition, the domestic audience
expressed amazement. “Is this playing at tomb robbing? There are traps all over the place!]
[A three dimensional space map with an upper and lower floor and it is full of mechanisms!
The people who designed it have big heads!] [Light candles for the kangaroo country!]
[ [Light Candle][Light Candle] ]
At the same time, the Australian team’s captain, William sat in the soundproof room and
couldn’t bear it anymore when he saw the map. He let out a swear word. The other players
had stunned expressions.
A two-storey place filled with traps, could the Chinese team be more pitted?
William felt regret. “I knew I should’ve banned the Mechanical City!]
Vice-Captain Riley patted him on the shoulder and said helplessly, “It is useless to feel
regret now. This map looks very hard to play. The structure is an upper floor and lower
floor, there are many traps…”
William took a deep breath and calmly told his teammates, “It doesn’t matter. Everyone,
let’s do our best!”
There were 10 minutes of rest time and then the third game, the death racing officially
The players participating in the World Competition practiced this every day in the Miracle
Village. They had long become familiar with death racing but for the audiences around the
world, this mode was still quite strange.
The mode that was exclusive for the World Competition caused many people to feel excited
and fix their eyes to the TV. They wanted to see what the so-called ‘death racing’ was about.
The IDs of the Chinese team were soon seen—MOMO, YUYU, XIEXIE, White Fox and Yan.
The domestic audience couldn’t help spitting out: [Momo, Yuyu and Xiexie, what the hell is
this?] [Did the three brothers run to the World Competition to sell meng?] [The apprentice
brothers are really brothers. Their IDs are the same!] [Ah Shu is so cunning. Isn’t the ID of
XIEXIE too cheap for the foreign commentators?] [The strength of the Chinese team’s
English is really distressing!]
Only Bai Xuan’s name was slightly normal. White Fox was a direct translation of his name.
As for Yan Ruiwen, he seemed influenced by the sisters of Red Fox and registered directly
with his surname.
The five people had already sat down in front of the computer while the Australian players
were also ready.
Among the five contestants sent by the Australian team, the swordsman James was the
leader. This player was in the top five of the world’s swordsmen rankings.
The other four were all output classes. There were a white magician, a berserker and two
demon summoners.
The Australian team didn’t have any blood kin, elf or angel summoners. There were only
two demon summoners. The two of them were from the same team. Captain William
probably placed the two of them in the death racing to let their cooperation trouble the
opponent. The other ace players had already appeared in the arena and the economic war.
The remaining famous player in death racing was only the swordsman James, who would
obviously serve as the commander for this game.
10 seconds later, both teams refreshed on the Mechanical City map.
The big screen in the middle adopted a god’s perspective, which allowed the audience to
see the 10 players at the same time. Meanwhile, the small screens to the side showed the
perspective of each other. The audience in the live broadcast room could freely choose
which perspective to watch if they clicked their mouse.
From a god’s perspective on the big screen, they could find that the structure of the upper
and lower floors was very different.
There were two rows of six small rooms on the upper level. 1,3 and 5 were on the left while
2, 4 and 6 were on the right. Each room had a front door and two side doors. The front door
connected to a wide corridor in the middle and the side doors connected to the rooms next
to them.
There would be various mechanisms in each other. At present, they could only analyze the
signs of the mechanisms on the ground and didn’t know what effect touching them would
A wide staircase could be seen in the middle of the corridor. This was the passage
connecting the upper and lower floors.
The structure of the lower floor was different. There were no small rooms. There were four
closed passages to the east, west, south and north. The passages came out to a wide array of
floor tiles. There were countless black holes between the floor tiles and these tiles were
always moving!
Many viewers immediately thought of the maddening mazes in single player games. The
person who proposed this map must’ve played too many single player games!
Playing in the lower floor was more troublesome. If they were far away from their
teammates, they had to jump through the constantly moving tiles in the middle to get to
their teammates. In the unlikely event that they stepped on air, it was unknown what
would happen.
William watched the map from below the stage and kept regretting it. Why didn’t he ban
this map at the time? Why?
The death racing game officially began.
The Australian team’s luck wasn’t bad. Four of the five players refreshed on the top floor.
The two demon summoners refreshed in the 3rd and 4th rooms on the left and right sides
of the upper hallway. They could meet each other as soon as they came out the door. The
swordsman James refreshed in the 2nd room and the white magician in the 5th room. Only
the berserker refreshed in the lower hallway.
The five players of the Chinese team were relatively far away from each other. Among
them, Bai Xuan was in the 1st room in the upper hallway and Xie Shurong was in the 6th
room at the end. The other three were on the lower corridor.
The audience could see that it was four Australian players versus two Chinese players on
the upper floor while the lower floor was three Chinese players versus one Australian
However, the players didn’t know the circumstances of the other team. They could only see
the coordinates of their own people. Su Guangmo judged the position of his teammates on
the small map and made a decision. “Gather on the lower floor!”
This was the most common strategy for death racing. Gather in the place where there were
more people.
The Chinese team had three people on the lower floor. Su Guangmo making Bai Shu join
them was the most reasonable decision.
However, the moment Bai Xuan walked out of the room, he encountered two black
magicians and the swordsman of the Australian team!
It turned out that James had given the order to gather at the stairs!
There were four people on the upper floor who were divided into four small rooms. The
role of the mechanisms weren’t clear so the most sensible decision was to gather at the
The two black magicians and James came out of their rooms and saw Bai Xuan walking
Bai Xuan, “…”
He just walked out the door to see three people. The pressure on Milk Dad Bai was very big!
White Fox? This ID was strange and had never been seen on the world’s healer rankings.
The other sides healer happened to meet three people on the Australian team. This was
simply a sheep running into a tiger’s mouth!
James was happy and he immediately ordered, “Kill him!”
The two friends were very quick. The black magician used Death Fear to set Bai Xuan in
place. Bai Xuan’s hand speed was also amazing. He didn’t hesitate to use Purification and
instantly returned to the room!
If he was set in place while surrounded by three people, he would die here. He wanted to
live a bit longer.
The team channel showed that Bai Xuan was attacked. Su Guangmo looked at Bai Xuan’s
coordinates and quickly reacted to Bai Xuan’s encirclement. He instantly ordered, “Ah Shu,
save him!”
Xie Shurong thought, ‘Do you still need to teach me this? My wife is being beaten. Of course
I’m going to run over to save him!’
Then once Xie Shurong went outside, he saw the Australian white magician coming from
the opposite room. The other person was a bit surprised but Xie Shurong’s reaction was
extremely fast. Spirit Lock set the white magician in place and then he used the
swordsman’s movement skill to fly to the 1st room.
Inside the 1st room, Bai Xuan retreated into the corner while the three Australian players
stepped forward.
He just used Purification on himself and quickly added five layers of Healing Language.
However, Purification could only solve the control once. The other side had two white
magicians and a swordsman. They had many control skills!
As soon as James entered, he decisively struck Bai Xuan. He wanted to use Spirit Lock to set
Bai Xuan in place but Bai Xuan was first-rate and knew a swordsman very well. He flexibly
moved to the side and avoided this control!
James was a bit surprised at the reaction of the other party. He had no time to carefully
analyze it and had to say, “Control him!”
A black magician released the group control skill, Dark Fear!
This ranged control technique couldn’t be avoided by Bai Xuan and he was set in place.
The trio immediately worked together to kill Bai Xuan. The many skill light effects caused
chaos and forced Bai Xuan’s blood to below 50%. If Bai Xuan hadn’t given himself five
layers of healing in advance, he probably would’ve died from this wave of attacks!
On the mini-map, the blue dot representing a teammate was approaching quickly. Xie
Shurong was running over to support him.
Sure enough, the door opened and after seeing the three players of the Australian team, Xie
Shurong unceremoniously rushed forward and used the big move Light and Shadow
The swordsman’s big move formed a dense white light with shadows, interrupting the
black magicians’ skills. At the same time, he held the sword in his hand and moved to block
the front of James!
James’ Breaking Bone Sword that was aimed at Bai Xuan was successfully blocked by Xie
Bai Xuan gave a small smile. Ah Shu was quite reliable in key moments. The fast rescue
speed showed he had run over and he wasn’t afraid when facing three people. His moves
were decisive and his sword sharp. He even used his body to block James’ deadly blow,
making Bai Xuan feel very comfortable and stable.
Thanks to this person, he probably wouldn’t die for a while.
Of course, with Bai Xuan present, there was no way Ah Shu would die.
What was 2v3? Did the Shu Bai combination have to feel afraid?

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GLS: Chapter 270

Chapter 270 – China VS Australia (Complex Mechanisms)

Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan were originally fixed partners and there was a tacit
understanding between them. The big move Light and Shadow Rotation decreased the
blood of the three opponents and Bai Xuan’s control finally ended. He immediately used Big
Healing Array and filled up Xie Shurong’s blood.
James’ face was a bit green. They had fought for so long only for the two opponents to be
full of blood again!
If they couldn’t successfully kill the other side, it was equivalent to wasting their control
skills and blood. James thought this and decisively ordered, “Jamie, summon the crows and
then get rid of them!”
The demon summoner Jamie called the demon crows and released the signature skill,
Cover the Sky!
The overwhelming black crows screamed as they attacked Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong,
trying to black out their vision. At this moment, Bai Xuan suddenly stepped on a red floor
tile in the corner and the whole room suddenly shook like there was an earthquake.
James, “????”
There was a loud band and everyone in the room fell down to the lower floor.
The three men of the Australian team were shocked. They realized that Bai Xuan had
stepped on a mechanism that directly collapsed the room and moved everyone down to the
lower floor. The Chinese team’s map designers were really too bad!
By the time the three fallen people managed to stand up, they found that Bai Xuan and Xie
Shurong had disappeared.
James endured the urge to slam against the keyboard and took a deep breath to calm down.
According to the map observation before the game, he remembered that there were four
corridors in the east, south, west and north with each corridor having a gate.
Once going out from the gate, there was a large block of floor tiles, with an abyss between
the scattered tiles. The tiles on the ground were constantly moving.
James ordered in a low voice, “The three of us will stay here. Ron and Bruno, quickly come
to the lower floor!”
The named Ron was the white magician who was set in place by Xie Shurong when he came
out of the room. He wanted to rush to the 1st room to help but as soon as he walked
through the door, he saw the inside shaking and collapsing. It was a horrifying scene and he
froze for a moment.
He recovered the moment he heard the command and jumped straight out of the collapsed
Bruno, who refreshed alone in the lower level from the beginning, was in the east corridor
while his teammates who fell from upstairs were in the west corridor.
From east to west was just a straight line.
The problem was that the middle contained moving floor tiles, not flat land. If they directly
stepped onto empty air, they might fall directly to death. Bruno thought it would be safer to
go through the hallway but he made a big mistake. The Chinese players were also in the
Bruno had just walked through the corner on the southeast side when he saw the five
players of the Chinese team in the south corridor. His heart rang with a warning and he
immediately retreated, but it was too late!
Yan Ruiwen was much faster than the Australian black magician. The moment he saw the
enemy, he cast the black magic big control, Dark Fear!
Bruno was precisely set in place.
Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong also acted at the same time. The three brothers
had once led the Flying Feathers team to win the championship. They were separated for
various reasons but the tacit understanding between them was still there!
Su Guangmo started with the swordsman’s big single attack, Breaking Bone Sword!
The giant sword fell straight down and created a shocking visual effect. The thick-skinned
berserker lost 20% of his blood from this attack.
Xie Shurong’s style was completely different from his older apprentice brother. He quickly
circumvented to the other side and didn’t use any skills. Instead, he dazzled the other side
with ordinary attacks. The higher the number of combos, the more damage there would be.
This practice of quick and continuous attacks was Xie Shurong’s characteristic play.
Yu Pingsheng looked gentle but he was very violent when attacking. One move was to cut
off the other party’s retreat with the heavy axe in his hand. The skills of a berserker were
smoothly released—Breaking Soul Chop and Breaking Wind Chop!
Yan Ruiwen stood in the distance and wasn’t idle. The spells in his hand kept coming out as
black mist that entangled around Bruno. Death Mantra instantly overlapped in three layers.
Bruno’s health fell to 10% from combos of the four people! He called for help on the team
channel. By the time James and his teammates quickly jumped over the tiles, they saw
Bruno being killed by XIEXIE!
His head was taken by Xie Shurong!
In just five seconds, his combo broke through ten times. The damage caused by an ordinary
attack was no worse than a swordsman’s skills. It could be seen that Xie Shurong’s
explosive speed was this powerful.
The head was 1:0.
The Australian team had four people left and there were five people left in the Chinese
team. This was a disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, there was no other way. If
the Australian team retreated now, there would be no chance!
At the very least, Xie Shurong, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng’s skills were on cooldown
while Yan Ruiwen’s control skills had been used. For the Chinese team, they were currently
in a vacuum period regarding their skills.
That’s why Australia had a chance to win, even if it was 4v5!
James’ head worked quickly and he ordered, “Summoner, cover them!”
The Australian team had two demon summoners. Jamie had used Cover the Sky in the
upper room but there was still the summoner called Ethan.
He heard James’ instructions and instantly summoned the black crows, casting Cover the
A large group of black crows rushed in the direction of the Chinese team, causing many
domestic audience members to be nervous.
From a god’s perspective, it could be seen that the Chinese team were standing at the
junction of the south and east corridors. This was a dead end. They might’ve succeeded in
killing the Australian team’s Bruno but this dead corner meant they would fall to the black
crows’ vision control.
It would be trouble if everyone in the group was affected, because Su, Yu, Shu and Yan’s
many skills were on cooldown.
Then Bai Xuan raised the white staff in his hand and a white light fell from the sky. This was
just enough to cover the position of the Chinese team.
—Desperate Prayer!
This was the priest’s ultimate move. The group skill added a lot of blood and made the
party immune to any control for three seconds.
The group control skill released by the Australian team’s demon summoner met the white
light and disappeared without a trace.
The domestic audience members wanted to scream and many people were crazy in the live
broadcast room. [Vice-Captain Bai is handsome!] [Daddy Bai, marry me!] [The milk dad’s
big move is really powerful!] [No control. He freed them from control at the crucial
The commentator Yu Bing couldn’t help being excited as while. “Vice-Captain Bai is really
decisive. This move completely ruined the Australian team’s plan to control the Chinese
team and then kill them during the vacuum period.”
Kou Hongyi was also very impressed. “Our god milk has strength! He might have no fame in
the world rankings but today Bai Xuan told the Australian team members with practical
actions—there is a god milk! If you want to kill my teammates then you have to get through
Ah Shu’s hand speed was very fast. The moment that Bai Xuan opened the big move, he
didn’t forget to send a row of thumbs up on the team channel.
Then he turned and walked outside the corridor, jumping onto the tiles at a very fast speed.
The other teammates also quickly jumped out of the dead corner. The five players of the
Chinese team were like a fan that exploded in an instant, quickly dispersing.
The tiles moving in the middle didn’t affect everyone’s position. James looked at the five
Chinese players jumping flexibly between tiles and suddenly wanted to cough up blood.
It was too much of a scam! The Chinese team was too much!

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GLS: Chapter 271

Chapter 270 – China VS Australia (The Mechanical City End)

Bai Xuan’s big move at a key moment allowed the players to take advantage of the three
seconds of no control and they quickly escaped. The members of the Australian team had to
chase after them. If they didn’t chase, it would be harder to play after the cooldown time.
Everyone aimed at the black magician Yan Ruiwen, who was furthest away from the milk
dad. The summoner Jamie released a banshee, wanting to pull Yan Ruiwen over. However,
Yan Ruiwen had long been partnered up with the world’s best demon summoner, Ling
Xuefeng. How could it be that easy for him to be hit by a banshee’s Charm?
He jumped flexibly to the side and cleverly dodged the skill. The desperate James had to go
close and used Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to slash Yan Ruiwen into
residual blood!
Bai Xuan wanted to save him but Su Guangmo decisively said, “No, Vice-Captain Yan will
wait for us at the upper blue resurrection point.”
His teammates understood this decision. After all, many of their skills were on cooldown. If
Bai Xuan was caught by the control of the other side, the Chinese team’s situation wouldn’t
be good. It was better to let Yan Ruiwen consume their big moves and then resurrect.
Yan Ruiwen didn’t mind the command to give up on rescuing him. Rather, he admired Su
Guangmo’s calmness and decisiveness.
While being attacked by the four enemies, Yan Ruiwen showed the tenaciousness of the
vice-captain of Wind Colour. He relied on moving around to consume many of the
opponents’ skills. Before he died, he used his final blue to cast a black magic curse. After a
black magician died, they could use powerful black magic to hit their enemies.
This was the legendary ‘drag you with me when dying’…
James was hit by this black magic curse and fell to residual blood. Xie Shurong was nearby
and used Breaking Bone Sword to take away his head!
The heads changed to 2:1.
James looked at the grey screen and thought for a moment. “We will gather at the upper red
resurrection point. The mechanisms in the corridor should transfer us to the upper floor.
Jamie, try and step on one!”
Jamie went over and stepped on it. A bunch of arrows were fired from the wall, turning him
into a hedgehog.
James, “…”
Why didn’t the Chinese team play according to common sense?
Why could the upper mechanisms transfer people while the lower floors fired a bunch of
Jack was turned into a hedgehog and laughed. He was inexplicably beaten to 10% of his
blood and frightened to death by the arrows that suddenly fired. It seemed that the
mechanism in the Mechanical City couldn’t be casually touched!
“Gather in the middle of the stairs!” James was forced to have everyone change their route.
At this time, the four Chinese players came up to the upper level.
The berserker Bruno was the first to die and he had just resurrected. He took the axe to the
centre of the stairs to protect his other three teammates. Yu Pingsheng also walked in front
to protect the other players. The two sides gathered at the red and blue resurrection points.
The five second cooldown soon ended. Yan Ruiwen and James were resurrected one after
another. The other players also recovered their blood and blue at the resurrection point.
The five people gathered together.
This time the group battle was in the middle of the upper corridor. It wasn’t the deliberate
choice of both sides but they happened to meet here.
As a melee in the front row, Yu Pingsheng didn’t hesitate to use Mountain Chop the moment
he saw the other side.
The big axe directly stunned the berserker Bruno in the front row!
They were both berserkers but Yu Pingsheng’s reaction speed was much faster than Bruno.
Even so, the Australian players weren’t discouraged at all. After all, they had four outputs
and the control skills of the two demon summoners.
Jamie immediately called his banshee and used the big move—Witch Demon’s Curse!
The big move finally hit!
After several consecutive control skills missed, he felt a bit relieved for one to finally hit…
Then he wanted to cry in his heart.
The Witch Demon’s Curse happened to bring MOMO, YUYU and XIEXIE to the front row of
the Australian team!
Xie Shurong really wanted to thank the summoner at this time. Pulling with the banshee
saved him from running forward. Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng also had the same mind.
After being pulled over, Su Yu joined hands to open the group attack—Light and Shadow
Rotation and World Without Justice!
Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation covered the area with a white light and the
bloody demon summoner and white magician started to fall down.
Yu Pingsheng’s big move ‘World Without Justice’ was one where the axe in his hand swept
360 degrees. The golden light and shadow instantly covered the top of their heads!
The power of Su Yu’s joint outbreak was quite shocking. Meanwhile, Xie Shurong controlled
the white magician in the back who was trying to cast a skill.
The understanding between the two people was high. The two older brothers joined forces
to attack while the younger brother was responsible for interrupting and controlling.
Australia’s back row was beaten and they had no way to read the skills.
The resurrected Yan Ruiwen also used a black magic spell, Hell Flames!
Black flames appeared under their feet. The Australian team stood in the middle of the
move and only had 30% residual blood left!
James was desperately trying to use big moves on the Chinese team but due to the
existence of Bai Xuan, everyone’s blood volume actually remained above 80%.
Bai Xuan added blood in an orderly manner. The healing buff, Healing Language was
constantly applied to his teammates. Whoever lost health would receive a single target
healing skill. If the group lost blood then he would open a healing array. This milk dad
seemed to have no sense of existence but in the chaos of combat, he moved around and
took care of the blood of all his teammates.
James was astonished. This blood-adding technique didn’t lose to the US team’s vice-
captain, Winfrey?
Winfrey was a famous name in the world’s Miracle Circle and she had fans all over the
world. She was called a world-class god milk but he had never heard of the player called
White Fox before.
As if responding to James’ doubts, Bai Xuan immediately released a healing chain—Holy
The white light chain flashed to the side and front with the priest as the centre. It managed
to add blood to the distant Xie Shurong and Su Guangmo, restoring their original 80%
blood to full blood.
James, “…”
He could actually predict this teammate’s position to increase blood. This dad was too
Australia had five outputs while the Chinese team only had four. The Australian team
should be dominant in terms of output. However, reality was the opposite. The two demon
summoners were repeatedly interrupted and couldn’t use their skills!
James was going crazy. Once the team battle actually started, he discovered that the
Australian team’s fierce attacks were being covered by the milk dad on the other side. The
front row defense had been charged through since the beginning. The rear white magician’s
skills couldn’t be cast. The remaining summoners were also being beaten!
This map was a pit and the game was too hard!
James had never felt so tired. It had been simple to play in Australia. Why did he feel his
brain wasn’t enough to fight the Chinese team?
Australia was completely defeated in this wave and the five people destroyed!
The Australian team tried their best to kill Yan Ruiwen and take another head. In the end,
the Su, Yu and Shu trio joined forces and quickly cut into their back row, killing both
summoners and the white magician.
The Chinese team took the lead in getting 10 heads and won death racing!
Xie Shurong dropped the keyboard with excitement and directly hugged Bai Xuan next to
him. “You really give me strength! Playing with you here is just like a team battle!”
Bai Xuan wasn’t comfortable but Ah Shu’s embrace wasn’t particularly tight and had a
warm sensation.
In any case, it was a winning celebration and Bai Xuan didn’t think too much. He smiled and
said, “You are also very powerful. You killed three people in this game.”
Xie Shurong laughed and said, “Of course, how can your boyfriend not be good? I’m
amazing in every way.”
Bai Xuan’s face turned red. “…Shut up!”
Next, Su Guangmo stood up and smiled at the teammates around him. “Everyone has
worked hard and won all three games. We lived up to this pitted map!”
Yu Pingsheng thought for a long time before nodding. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo looked at his appearance which was different from the berserker on the field.
He couldn’t help hugging his little brother. “The opening is very good. It is worthy of our
Yu Pingsheng thought about it and said, “Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled and touched his head. “You still aren’t talking. Look at you!”
Yu Pingsheng didn’t speak and silently followed behind his brothers.
The five players emerged from the soundproof room and received warm applause from the
others. Tan Shitian, Li Cangyu and the others stood up and clapped to celebrate them
winning the third game.
This game was really smooth. It was the first match of the World Competition and they
even won all three games. It was the perfect opening for the Chinese team!

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GLS: Chapter 272

Chapter 272 – Post-Match Interview

In accordance with the usual practice of competitive gaming, the players on both sides had
to shake hands to show their friendship. However, the number of people in the national
team was too high and 44 people couldn’t be squeezed into one soundproof room. Li
Cangyu had to call Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang to go to the
Australian team and shake hands.
Captain William of the Australian team felt a bit complicated. From the people who came
over to shake hands, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng hadn’t played today. The Chinese team
really did seem like a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. They had as many masters as clouds!
William couldn’t help looking at Tan Shitian a bit more while shaking hands. The smiling
young man in front of him was very handsome and seemed easy to get along with. Yet on
the field, this person was a terrible mobile fort. The kite flow tactics he came up with also
opened William’s eyes.
“I’ll remember you,” William spoke in English.
“I will as well.” Tan Shitian replied in fluent English. “Your bard played well. I hope we have
a chance to communicate again.”
William thought that this person would’ve ridiculed him with a few words. He didn’t expect
Tan Shitian to be so graceful. His heart wasn’t convinced but William’s impression of Tan
Shitian was quite good. He asked in a confused manner, “Why isn’t your name in the
world’s bard rankings?”
Tan Shitian smiled and replied calmly, “I forgot to sign up.”
William, “…”
William had worked hard to squeeze into the world rankings so now he wanted to cough
up blood. Forgot to sign up? Was this okay? Then did the captain of the Chinese team, the
elf summoner, and the excellent healer who played just now also forget to register?
Couldn’t the players of their country be more reliable?
William looked at the backs of the commanders who were leaving and felt a sense of
It seemed that the world rankings had no value to the Chinese team. Today’s bard Tenday
and the healer White Fox were players who couldn’t be seen on the leaderboard at all.
However, their performance was surprising.
Still, William was very clear about the strength of the Australian team. He hadn’t held too
much hope and there was nothing unacceptable about losing three games to the Chinese
He thought in a gloating manner, ‘Of the four teams in group B, the Chinese team will
definitely be the most difficult boss to deal with. Spain and Italy, wait to be abused!’
After the match, the Chinese team packed up their equipment and headed backstage. There
would be an interview and the national team had a huge lineup. It was impossible for 22
people to attend. Li Cangyu only took the vice-captain Ling Xuefeng, Su Guangmo and Tan
Shitian to the interview with media reporters, while the remaining players temporarily
waited backstage.
There was a thrilled voice outside the corridor. “Great, three wins!”
It was the little madman of the Canglan team, Gu Siming. Li Xiaojiang and Zhang Jueming
were also close behind.
The three of them had sat in the VIP stands and witness the wonderful performance of the
Chinese team. Xiao Gu couldn’t help feeling excited. Once the match ended, Old Zhang and
Xiaojiang ran backstage to congratulate everyone.
“Congratulations to everyone for winning. 15 points are really handsome!” Xiao Gu ran
over and exclaimed excitedly.
Bai Xuan smiled and greeted him. “Did you come to watch?”
“Of course!” Zhang Jueming replied with a smile, “There are two matches in Group B today.
I took notes on the match between Italy and Spain.” He looked around at the players and
found that many of them looked tired. He spoke lightly, “Will you go back first to rest?”
Bai Xuan told him, “The intensity of the game is too great. Many people are tired so we will
go back to rest once the interview is over.”
Zhang Jueming nodded at the clarification. “That’s right, everyone should take a break and
There were so many great gods here that Li Xiaojiang didn’t dare to speak. He just stood
there quietly. Zhuo Hang smiled and placed an arm around his shoulder, whispering to him,
“How does it feel watching the game from below the stage?”
Li Xiaojiang stuttered, “It, it, it is very exciting.”
Zhuo Hang asked seriously, “Do you think I was handsome?”
“Very, very, very handsome.”
Zhuo Hang heard this familiar stuttering and couldn’t help smiling slightly. He reached out
and gently patted Li Xiaojiang’s head. He felt some regret that Li Xiaojiang couldn’t go to the
World Competition with him but it was still worthwhile to have Xiaojiang watch him win.
“In a foreign country, you should stay with Uncle Zhang. Don’t run around.” Zhuo Hang
patiently said.
“Yes, I know.” They were the same age but Zhuo Hang always took the attitude of a brother,
which made Li Xiaojiang felt a bit awkward. He looked up at Zhuo Hang and saw the
concerned eyes. Li Xiaojiang’s heart slightly warmed and he pulled Zhuo Hang’s hand.
“Zhuo Hang, continue to refuel. I will cheer for you from the audience.”
“Naturally.” Zhuo Hang smiled with firm eyes. “I won’t disgrace our Canglan team!”
Li Xiaojiang nodded happily. “Yes!”
As a person who grew up in a remote mountain village, he was already very content at
becoming an e-sports player, winning the championship, following the team abroad and
being able to watch the wonderful performance of his teammates in the World
In the interview room next door, the tactical commanders received a bombardment of
camera flashes. The reporters gave everyone warm applause. Then someone stood up and
asked, “Cat God, I think many people have a question. Why did you and Captain Ling sit on
the side and act as soy sauce?”
Li Cangyu replied honestly, “It is because I didn’t think it was necessary for us to play.”
“Does this mean the Australian team wasn’t strong enough for you to act?”
Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng and the latter replied lightly, “It is due to the tactical
arrangements. The economic war used the kite flow method and Captain Su had command
of death racing. It is enough for me to watch with Cat God.”
This was a modest statement. In fact, everyone understood that they were holding back
some tactics and mysterious cards for future matches. They couldn’t let the other teams
fully understand the Chinese team.
The reporter turned to Tan Shitian. “Captain Tan, William is ranked fifth among the world’s
bards. Today you cooperated with Cheng Wei to kill him. How do you feel?”
Tan Shitian was puzzled. “I don’t care about the world rankings. William is ranked fifth?”
The reporters, “…”
Don’t you remember to pay cats and dogs all day? Can’t you give us a snack?
As the reporters stared at him, Tan Shitian touched his nose and smiled. “Sorry, I’m a
homebody and rarely go to the Miracle world forums. For me, it doesn’t matter if he is
number one in the world or not. As long as they stand on the field and become my
opponent, I will go all-out. This is respect to my fellow e-sports players.”
The reporters, “…”
That’s why he killed William with all his strength? William was likely to cry even more if he
heard this interview.
A reporter changed the topic. “Captain Tan perfectly displayed your kite flow tactics today.
It is your first time in the World Competition and there are so many great gods on the team.
Were you nervous?”
Tan Shitian answered honestly, “To tell the truth, I was a bit nervous when Cat God
assigned me to be the commander. I was afraid I might make a mistake in the game.
However, Xiao Wei and Lu Xiao are members of the Time team. I am familiar with Liu
Xiang, Yang Muzi and Meng Jie. We cooperated well and I didn’t feel nervous when entering
the game.
“I heard that the relationship between the Red Fox team and the Time team is quite good?”
“Yes. Liu Xiang and I debuted at the same time and the time when we took over as captain
was also similar. We are both captains with relatively junior qualifications and there was
no pressure when chatting.” Tan Shitian kept answering the question. “I appreciate female
players like Meng Jie and Yang Muzi. Xiao Wei and Yang Muzi are both white magicians and
their relationship is good. We usually play some friendly games in private.”
There had long been rumours that Red Fox and Time had a good relationship and Tan
Shitian finally admitted it to the public.
There was a gossip reporter. “You have a excellent friendship with Red Fox. Captain Tan,
have you ever thought of further private development with Captain Liu?”
Tan Shitian glanced at the reporter. “Liu Xiang was one said to be Cat God’s girlfriend. At
the time, Cat God stood up and clarified. Now it is my turn. She will soon become a person
unjustly implicated in the Miracle circle. We should let her go.”
The reporters burst out laughing. Tan Shitian’s response was so calm that everyone was
embarrassed to speculate on their relationship.
Liu Xiang watched the live broadcast backstage and smiled helplessly. As the person who
was always implicated in the Miracle circle, it wasn’t easy for her. Every day, she was fed
dog food by this group of people and was also regarded as cannon fodder by the reporters…
After asking Tan Shitian questions, the microphone was handed to Su Guangmo. “Captain
Su was the commander for death racing. What do you think about joining forces with your
younger brother and Xie Shurong again?”
“In the past, Xiao Yu played a swordsman and now he is a berserker. Ah Shu’s style has
become more mature and the damage from his combo attacks is quite high. The power of
our joint efforts is much stronger than it was in the past.” Su Guangmo said with a smile,
“Fortunately, the tacit understanding between the three of us is still good.”
The reporter asked, “We noticed that when Vice-Captain Yan was besieged, you gave up on
rescuing him. Are you afraid Vice-Captain Yan will have opinions on this?”
Su Guangmo replied simply, “Vice-Captain Yan is also a first-rate player. I believe that he
won’t be so stingy. Besides, since the command has been handed over to me, no matter who
it is, they must listen to my command.”
Captain Su had always been bold and he disliked worrying about small things like this the
most. He had the nickname of ‘emperor’ for a reason. His command style was decisive and
There was another round of applause.
This was followed by another person asking, “The Chinese team beat Australia in three
games. This can be called a perfect victory! The next match is against the Spanish team. Cat
God, do you still think you can get a score of 3:0?”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng exchanged looks before replying modestly, “The actual
strength of the Spanish team isn’t weak. After our match with Australia, they will certainly
study us to target the players and make the appropriate deployment. The next match will
be harder than this one and I can’t guarantee a 3:0 victory.”
The reporters thought he would say that they wouldn’t necessarily win. As a result, Li
Cangyu smiled at them. “At the very least, we can win two games.”
“…” Winning two games was winning the match! It looked like Cat God was still confident.
The reporters were relieved while some people were curious, “Will Cat God and Captain
Ling play next time?”
Ling Xuefeng spoke without any expression. “It is temporarily inconvenient to reveal
tactics. Everyone will know it at the time.”
On the way backstage, Ling Xuefeng gently pulled Li Cangyu’s arm and asked quietly, “What
is your plan for the next game?”
Li Cangyu glanced over at him. “Do you want to go?”
Ling Xuefeng replied decisively, “You are the captain and have the final say.”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder. “I think your hands must be
itching. I will give you the chance. For the next match, you will be in charge of death racing.”
“No problem.”
After a break, it was time for him to act. Otherwise, the domestic audience would definitely
have opinions about him and Li Cangyu going to another country only to act as a soy sauce!

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GLS: Chapter 273

Chapter 273 – Accident

Everyone went back by car and headed to the restaurant of the Miracle Village for lunch.
The restaurant at the Miracle Village offered buffet meals but since most of the chefs were
from the United States, there was definitely no Chinese food. The breakfast here were
mostly omelettes, milk and bread. The Chinese members mostly ate steak, toast, fruit salad
and pastries.
People who liked to eat sweets like Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian were very happy. As soon as
they arrived at the restaurant, they grabbed plates to find things like matcha cake, black
forest cake, strawberry cake etc. They ate cake all day and weren’t tired of it. They also
didn’t get fat. This made the three sisters of Red Fox feel envious.
In fact, Tan Shitian didn’t love to eat sweets. He just saw that Cheng Wei loved them and
wanted to accompany him to eat.
Zhang Shaohui really liked steak and loved meat since he was a child. In the Ghost Spirits
team, he always had meat. The form might’ve changed once he went abroad but he
wouldn’t refuse as long as it was meat. He could eat two big steaks in one meal.
Others lacked interest in Western food and some frowned and soon as they walked into the
It had been a few days of eating the same food in the Miracle Village and the people not
used to it wanted to vomit. However, the World League was relatively strict. During the
competition, players weren’t allowed to go out at will. They were unfamiliar with this place
and if they received food poisoning from eating something unclean, the league couldn’t
afford to bear the responsibility.
It was a foreign country so the players’ requests couldn’t be too high. They ate enough to fill
their stomachs.
Today, the steak in the restaurant was 70% cooked. Xie Shurong brought over to plates and
handed one to Bai Xuan. He sat down and complained, “I want to eat your sweet and sour
ribs, cola chicken wings, braised eggplant, steamed bass…”
He drooled as he mentioned the names of the dishes.
Bai Xuan saw his greedy appearance and couldn’t help smiling. “Endure it for a few days.
Once we return home, I will make them for you.”
“Okay, I will be sure to eat your cooking when we go back to the country!” Xie Shurong gave
Bai Xuan a plate of fruit salad. “These fruits are quite fresh. You should eat some more.”
Cheng Wei was eating cake with relish next to them. He glanced at Ah Shu and Bai Xuan and
asked, “Should I get a few cakes for you to try?”
Bai Xuan told him, “I’m not hungry. I will eat anything.”
He didn’t have an appetite. After finishing his lunch, he headed back to the dormitory with
Once they reached the stairs, Li Cangyu told them, “Have a good rest to raise your energy
for the afternoon. At three in the afternoon, we will meet in the meeting room.”
Everyone dispersed and went back to their rooms to have a nap.
Xie Shurong soon fell asleep. In his dream, he was holding a naked Bai Xuan in his arms. Bai
Xuan was red-faced and completely didn’t resist. Xie Shurong was quite cheap and couldn’t
help smiling slightly.
He didn’t wake up from the dream until his alarm clock rang at 2:30.
Xie Shurong sat up in a contented manner and turned his head. He found that Bai Xuan
wasn’t in bed. His quilt was quite messy, as if he had just emerged from it.
The light in the bathroom was on and Xie Shurong walked over doubtfully. He opened and
saw Bai Xuan crouching beside the toilet. His face was pale and bloodless as he vomited.
This made Xie Shurong’s heart jump up!
“Are you okay?” Xie Shurong rushed to Bai Xuan’s side. One hand was placed around the
waist while the other hand patted Bai Xuan’s back in a worried manner. “Did you eat
something bad? Is your stomach uncomfortable?”
“Yes…” Bai Xuan nodded and forced out a reluctant smile. “It might be because the steak
and fruits were digested after eating. My stomach is a bit uncomfortable…”
After seeing the pale face that was trying to be relaxed, Xie Shurong felt both distressed and
angry, “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I didn’t call you after seeing that you were sleeping.” Bai Xuan softly explained while
holding Xie Shurong’s arm and standing up. “Don’t worry. My stomach disease won’t last
more than a day or two. Perhaps it is because I have been eating cold things these days and
they haven’t digested. After eating lunch, I wasn’t very comfortable…”
Xie Shurong lifted him up and whispered, “Is it still uncomfortable? I brought some
stomach medicine. I’ll find something for you to take.”
As he spoke, he gently stretched out his arms and carried Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan was shocked and asked, “What are you doing? Put me down.”
“Look at how uncomfortable you are. What do you expect me to do?” Xie Shurong gave him
a reproachful look. “I am your boyfriend, not someone else. Do you see me as an outsider?”
“…” These words made Bai Xuan speechless.
Yes, boyfriend, he promised to be Xie Shurong’s boyfriend of his own accord!
Bai Xuan felt a bit awkward when he saw Xie Shurong’s serious expression. He also couldn’t
help feeling a bit of warmth.
Yes, there was no need to hide in front of his boyfriend. Bai Xuan thought this and held his
shoulder with a frown. “I have a bad stomach. You should take it lightly.”
“Yes.” Xie Shurong’s movements were very careful, as if he was holding a valuable treasure
in his arms.
He gently placed Bai Xuan down on the bed, carefully covered him with a quilt and then
quickly turned to find the medicine in his suitcase.
Bai Xuan felt somewhat surprised. He didn’t expect Xie Shurong to have brought more
medicine than him…
“Why did you bring so much medicine?” Bai Xuan asked with a complicated expression.
Xie Shurong replied while pouring water. “Yes, I was afraid your stomach wouldn’t be
comfortable and that you would get a fever. I brought all types of medicines to prevent
problems before they happen.”
He tasted the warm water. Once he determined it wasn’t too hot, he came over to give Bai
Xuan the medicine.
Bai Xuan was a bit embarrassed about being helped. It was obvious that this person was
younger than him and had the ‘I will take care of you’ gesture. His movements were very
convenient and he was a strong boyfriend.
It was the first time he was taken care of like this and Bai Xuan accidentally discovered—it
felt really good?
Ah Shu had the consciousness of being a boyfriend…
He just thought this when Ah Shu got into bed and hugged Bai Xuan gently in his arms. “If it
is difficult then tell me. I will take you to hospital if things become worse. Don’t just endure
it, understand?”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan responded awkwardly.
Xie Shurong kissed his forehead and said, “I will learn to cook. Every day I will give you
light and digestible things to eat. Your stomach disease should be slowly adjusted. This
time you went abroad and couldn’t adapt to eating these things.”
Bai Xuan was surprised. “You want to learn how to cook?”
Xie Shurong stared seriously at him. “Of course, it is natural to cook for my wife.”
Bai Xuan’s face reddened and a fist slammed into Xie Shurong’s stomach, “Who is your
wife? Don’t you have any shame?”
“I can’t have any shame. Otherwise, who could I catch you?” Xie Shurong grabbed Bai
Xuan’s hand, pulled his clothes and directly placed Bai Xuan’s hand on his muscles. He said
proudly, “Come touch my abs. It is an eight pack.”
Bai Xuan was forced to touch the abs and his fingertips felt the young man’s strong and
powerful muscles. He thought of how Xie Shurong said, “Your boyfriend is very good in all
aspects’ and evil pictures filled Bai Xuan’s mind. His face couldn’t help turning red and he
had to retract his hand.
Xie Shurong saw his blush, let go of his hand and gently hugged him.”Bai Xuan, your illness
might not be serious but you must pay attention when eating or you will become sick. I will
be distressed…”
As he said this, he touched Bai Xuan’s back in a straightforward and gentle manner.
He made such a fuss that Bai Xuan’s mood improved a lot. Warmth from his heart slowly
flowed through his blood vessels and his cold stomach gradually warmed up.
Bai Xuan didn’t reach out to hold him, instead saying in an exhausted manner, “Don’t talk. I
want to sleep for a while…”
Xie Shurong immediately said, “Sleep, I will watch from next to you.”
The simple words made Bai Xuan feel particularly at ease. He smiled as he closed his eyes.
Xie Shurong’s body had the same warmth as the sun. He was young and his method of
expressing his feelings was very straightforward. He was a bit cheeky but he was very
This person wasn’t as mature and stable as Bai Xuan’s ideal type but Ah Shu never dropped
the chain at critical moments.
Maybe it was right to choose him as a boyfriend?
Bai Xuan thought this way and fell asleep in Xie Shurong’s arms.
In fact, it was almost 3 in the afternoon, which was the time Li Cangyu said to meet.
Bai Xuan felt uncomfortable since noon and now he was sleeping. Xie Shurong sent a text
message to Li Cangyu: [Captain, please let me and Bai Xuan take the afternoon meeting off.
His stomach is making him feel uncomfortable. I will take care of him.”
Li Cangyu was concerned. [How is Xiao Bai’s situation, is it serious?”
Xie Shurong told him: [It shouldn’t be serious. He is just sleeping after taking medicine.]
Li Cangyu let go of his worries. [If he is uncomfortable, I will arrange for him to not play in
the next match. Let him have a good rest. You stay in your room and take care of him. I’ll
see you later.]
Xie Shurong quickly replied: [I understand, Captain.]
Xie Shurong looked at the man sleeping quietly in his arms and his heart softened. He
couldn’t help kissing Bai Xuan’s forehead.
The gentle Vice-Captain Bai always took care of others. Let Ah Shu take care of you in the
future, okay?

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GLS: Chapter 274

Chapter 274 – Japanese Team’s Challenge

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the team members gathered in the conference room on time.
The sharp-eyed Cheng Wei found that two people were missing and instantly asked,
“Where are Ah Shu and Vice-Captain Bai?”
Li Cangyu explained, “Bai Xuan is sick and taking time off. I won’t arrange any tasks for
them in the next match.”
Cheng Wei was surprised and worried. “Vice-Captain Bai is sick? Is it serious?”
“According to Ah Shu, it shouldn’t be serious. He always had stomach problems and hasn’t
accustomed to the food for the past few days.” Li Cangyu paused and glanced in Liu Xiang’s
direction. “Captain Liu, Bai Xuan might not be able to recover in these two days. You will be
the healer for the next economic battle and there will be no healer for death racing.”
Liu Xiang nodded easily. “No problem.”
Li Cangyu followed up with introducing the Spanish team on the big screen. This PPT was
undoubtedly made by Ling Xuefeng. Yan Ruiwen had long been used to this and no longer
They were just going to analyze the lineup of the other side when there was a knock on the
door. The nearest Cheng Wei ran to open the door and saw a beautiful long-haired girl.
The surprised Cheng Wei asked, “Who are you looking for?”
Tan Shitian pulled his collar from behind. “Fool, can she understand you when you are
speaking in Chinese?’
Cheng Wei’s spirit returned and he shook his head. “However, I can’t speak English. How do
I say ‘who are you looking for’ in English?”
Then he heard the other side say in non-fluent Chinese. “I can understand Chinese. Hello,
Captain Tan, I am the vice-captain of the Japanese team, Fujita Rika.”
Everyone, “…”
The group of people had expressions of ‘crap!’
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other and guessed the reason for the ‘uninvited
guest.’ Li Cangyu stared at Ling Xuefeng and Ling Xuefeng walked towards the door. He
asked coldly, “Miss Fujita, are you looking for us for a game?”
Sure enough, Fujita Rika smiled politely at Ling Xuefeng. She smiled and said, “We want to
play a friendly match with the Chinese team in death racing mode. The map used will be the
Mechanical City submitted by the Chinese team.”
Ling Xuefeng frowned, “Is this what your captain wants?”
Fujita Rika told him, “It is the intentions of all our team members. We have seen the replay
of the Chinese team and the Australian team’s match. We are very interested in the
Mechanical City map so we want to play a friendly match game with the Chinese team. We
aren’t in the same group and don’t have to worry about exposing the tactics of both sides in
a friendly game.”
These words weren’t wrong. The Japanese team was assigned to Group A and the Chinese
team to Group B. It was impossible for them to meet unless it was the finals. Playing a
friendly game against each other would certainly have no effect.
Ling Xuefeng looked back at Li Cangyu, who nodded and stood up. “It is a friendly game? No
Fujita Rika glanced at the captain of the Chinese team and said, “Thank you, Cat God.”
Everyone, “…”
She knew that Li Cangyu was called Cat God in China?
The Chinese team members glanced at each other. Once Fujita Rika left, Cheng Wei spoke in
an admiring manner, “She is beautiful and her voice is very soft. Are all Japanese girls so
Tan Shitian wondered, “Do you like this type?”
Cheng Wei looked into his deep eyes and immediately said guiltily, “Cough, how can I like
Japanese girls? Liu Xiang of our team is much prettier than her.”
Zhang Shaohui agreed. “I also think Sister Liu Xiang is better than this Fujita! Our Chinese
team’s sisters are beautiful! The Japanese girls have a thick layer of makeup.”
Lou Wushuang stared coldly at him and Zhang Shaohui shrank back. “Brother, did I say
something wrong?”
Liu Xiang, “…”
These two league idiots, could they stop dragging her out as cannon fodder? She truly was
someone who as unjustly implicated!
Liu Xiang saw this and was helplessly forced to stand up and calm down the battle.
“Everyone’s focus is on the wrong thing. Shouldn’t we discuss Fujita Rika? I remember that
she is a very famous female swordsman of the Japanese team. Her ranking is similar to
Captain Su?”
Su Guangmo nodded. “Fujita Rika looks very gentle but her style of play is fierce. I used to
talk to her in the swordsman section of the Miracle forum. I also played against her in the
Japanese server and won half the time. This was last year.”
Yu Pingsheng glanced curiously at his brother. “You know her?”
Su Guangmo told him, “Don’t think too much.” Then he explained to everyone, “This girl is
particularly belligerent and took the initiative to challenge me. In addition, she knows the
Chinese team very well. She is very clear about Cat God’s deeds in Miracle. As far as I know,
many players on the Japanese team are aggressive and the captain is the same.”
Li Cangyu thought for a moment and stated, “It seems that the Japanese team isn’t just
looking for a friendly match?” He looked at Ling Xuefeng while talking.
Ling Xuefeng spoke in a direct manner, “Can the Japanese players have a ‘friendly’ match
with the Chinese players? The Chinese, Japanese and Korean countries in Asia were fiercely
competitive in various areas. The Japanese e-sports circle can’t beat China and South Korea.
They are obviously eyeing the Chinese team, unlike the Korean side who sent some
newcomers as a test. If I haven’t guessed wrongly, Japan should send out all the great gods
to destroy our prestige in the name of a friendly match.”
Ling Xuefeng’s analysis was reasonable and everyone nodded in agreement.
South Korea and China were both e-sports players. They have played many times in
previous e-sports projects and both sides have won and lost against each other. A few days
ago, the South Korean team offered to play a friendly match. Their attitude was modest and
cautious. It was indeed a ‘friendly’ exchange.
However, the Japanese side was different. Their e-sports strength was worse than China
and South Korea and they had been holding back for a long time. In this World Competition,
Japan was divided into Group A while China and South Korea were divided into Groups B
and C. They weren’t destined to meet in the group stage so they intended to play a private
It was easy to make a fuss in a friendly match. If the Japanese team won, they could say that
the Japanese team overpowered the Chinese team. If they lost, they could say that they
didn’t use all their strength. The Japanese team’s tricks could be guessed.
Since the other side came to the door to provoke them, the Chinese team couldn’t shrink
back. Li Cangyu thought for a moment before saying, “Since they want to destroy the
Chinese team’s prestige, we won’t give them face…”
He kept thinking before making a decision. “Is it the death racing mode? I will go with
Captain Ling, Captain Su, Captain Tan and Captain Lou.”
Everyone, “…”
Cat God, did you have to be so serious? Directly sending five captains? Wasn’t he afraid of
scaring the Japanese team?
Li Cangyu smiled, “I am just using the Japanese team as practice before facing Spain. I just
named a few people. Is there a problem?”
Ling Xuefeng’s face was blank. “No problem.”
Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang naturally had no opinions. Their hands were
itching to punish those who came to provoke them.
The five people sat down in front of their respective computers and quickly logged into the
Internet of Miracle Village.
Cheng Wei was very excited. “Such a luxurious lineup might not necessarily appear even in
the finals!”
This sentence was correct. There would be several rounds of games in the finals that must
be led by different tactical commanders. Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang were
unlikely to appear in the same team.
Sending five tactical commanders to directly confront the Japanese team was really rare!
It seemed that Cat God was really serious this time!
The group of people couldn’t help lighting a row of candles for the Japanese team in their

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GLS: Chapter 275

Chapter 275 – Ace Lineup

Li Cangyu’s understanding of the Japanese team wasn’t as deep as that of Su Guangmo.

There was still a bit of time before the official start of the friendly game and he let Su
Guangmo give a brief introduction of the Japanese team players.
Among the Japanese team’s players, the vice-captain Fujita Rika was the most popular. In
addition to her good looks and figure, she was best known for her aggressiveness. She
looked very well-behaved but she had a strong personality that was particularly
competitive. She often visited the World Swordsman Forum and challenged swordsmen
from many different countries.
Su Guangmo received her invitation and had a ‘try it out’ attitude as he went to the
Japanese server with a side account to PK against her. The two of them won one game each
and Su Guangmo’s deepest impression of her was that she was a very aggressive
She hardly wasted any seconds. As long as she had a skill, she would continue to constantly
attack the opponent. She used offense as a defense and her play was quite fierce.
At the time, Su Guangmo felt that this girl’s style was a bit like Brother Yu and stopped after
a draw. It was due to Fujita Rika’s challenge that Su Guangmo’s account in the Japanese
server wasn’t deleted.
He played for a period of time in the Japanese server and met some professional Japanese
players while qualifying for the arena, including the captain of the Japanese team Sato
Sato Takashi was a black magician whose attack power was stronger than Fujita Rika. He
was just relatively low-key and wasn’t as well known as Fujita Rika. However, Sato Takashi
occupied an important seat in the world’s black magician rankings while the Chinese
team’s Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan combination weren’t ranked.
Li Cangyu’s knowledge was similar to that described by Su Guangmo. After hearing this, he
asked, “Apart from Fujita Rika and Sato Takashi, do you know the other outstanding layers
of the Japanese team?”
Su Guangmo thought for a moment. “There are several more famous people in Japan. There
is the elf summoner Ida Takuya, the blood kin assassin Itoh Sawa and the healer Yamaguchi
Ryuzaki. There are the top candidates.” Everyone looked at him with expressions of
worship. Captain Su must be very powerful to say all these tongue twisters!
Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying, “It is so hard to remember the names of the Japanese
players. I only know Yamekuchi and…”
Tan Shitian suppressed a smile and rubbed Cheng Wei’s head. “Go to the side and don’t
cause chaos.”
Cheng Wei smiled and walked away. Zhang Shaohui also said, “I don’t remember a single
name that Captain Su said. Ito, Sato, they give me a headache.”
Lou Wushuang stared at him coldly. “If you have a headache, go to the side to rest.”
The two idiots were kicked to the side and everyone else continued discussing the topic.
“As Captain Su said, the Japanese team should send out these high-profile players.” Li
Cangyu thoughtfully touched his chin. “Once we gather, we will directly abuse them using
the mechanisms.”
The members participating in the friendly match said they understood.
The others weren’t participating but they excitedly sat in front of the computer to watch.
The room in the Miracle Village’s server was quickly created. The Japanese team sent an
invitation to Li Cangyu. Once Li Cangyu entered the room, he also pulled in Ling Xuefeng, Su
Guangmo, Tan Shitian and Lou Wushuang.
Everyone looked at the display panel. The players sent by the Japanese team were really
the black magician Sato Takashi, the terran swordsman Fujita Rika, the elf summoner Ida
Takuya, the healer Yamaguchi Ryuzaki and the blood kin assassin Itoh Sawa.
They were exactly the top five members in Su Guangmo’s ranking.
They really sent out the aces to destroy the Chinese team?
Many people sneered in their hearts.
Li Cangyu politely typed on the public channel: [Shall we start?]
Fujita Rika replied: [Start.]
They quickly pressed the ready button. The owner of the room was the captain of the
Japanese team, Sato Takashi. He selected the Mechanical City map as they arranged.
The maps submitted to the World Competition were kept secret before the competition.
This map had already been used during the China VS Australia game this morning.
Therefore, the Miracle Village updated it for all countries to try. Mount Huangshan Plank
Road was still in an invisible state due to being banned by the Australian team.
The map loaded and the friendly game officially began.
The positions that players on both sides appeared in were random. The Chinese team
members were still scattered but the Japanese team also didn’t have good luck.
Since the friendly game didn’t have the referee channel and the god’s perspective, the other
players of the team only saw the refresh positions of their team members and weren’t
aware of the other side.
Cheng Wei chose the best place to watch. Due to his small size, he moved a small stool over
and stood on it. He placed a hand on Zhang Shaohui’s shoulder as support and stared at
everyone’s screens.
Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng and Tan Shitian refreshed in the 1st room, 3rd room and 6th room
on the upper floor. Lou Wushuang and Su Guangmo were in the east and west corridors on
the lower floor.
The commander of this game was naturally the national team’s captain, Li Cangyu. He
glanced at everyone’s positions and instantly ordered, “Gather in the upper 3rd room.
People on the lower floor should come up as quickly as possible.”
The left side contained rooms 1, 3 and 5, the right side contained rooms 2, 4, and 6 while
there was a middle aisle between them.
The rooms had side doors connected to each other. Therefore, Li Cangyu in the 1st room
went directly through a side door to the 3rd room and reached Ling Xuefeng. The two of
them were close to each other and gathered in less than 5 seconds after refreshing on the
Tan Shitian was in an even number room. If he wanted to come over, he needed to go
through the middle passage.
As soon as he went out, he saw three people from the Japanese team coming from the 5th,
2nd and 4th rooms. The Japanese team also had three people on the upper level!
Tan Shitian’s memory was really good and he soon remembered the players that Su
Guangmo introduced. The female swordsman with the big sword was obviously the
aggressive female player Fujita Rika. The black magician was the Japanese team’s captain
Sato Takashi and Ida Takuya was an elf summoner like Cat God.
They met 1v3 in a narrow corridor and Tan Shitian naturally couldn’t win!
Even so, he knew that Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu were nearby so he wasn’t afraid.
He quickly typed a ‘3’ on the team channel before using a big move, Death Arrow Rain!
It was the archer’s most powerful attack skill. It was instantly released, the cooldown was
long and the consumption of blue was large but the far attack distance caused many
professionals to get a headache. Tan Shitian took advantage of his long range and attacked
the three people in the passage.
The dense arrow rain arrow and the blood of the Japanese team members suddenly
dropped to 75%!
Sato Takashi was very calm. He saw the other team’s archer and didn’t hurry to attack. He
had analyzed the Chinese team’s Mechanical City map. Six people should appear in the six
rooms upstairs. This meant there were still Chinese players upstairs and it was likely to
turn into a group battle.
This type of judgment was correct but once Tan Shitian used Death Arrow Rain, they were
naturally unwilling to stay still.
At this moment, their teammates gave feedback on the team channel: [It is 2v2 downstairs.]
These words were simple but it was enough to let Sato Takashi know the current situation.
He hadn’t rushed to attack because he was afraid the other two people of the Chinese team
would come up from the stairs as support. Now that both sides downstairs had met, there
would be no chance for the two Chinese players to withdraw and act as reinforcements.
The Japanese team had a healer to add blood and it wasn’t easy for them to die in 2v2.
Upstairs, they could gain an advantage if they killed the lone archer first.
Sato Takeshi thought this and immediately ordered, “Kill the archer before his support
The aggressive Fujita Rika had long been impatient. She heard this order and didn’t
hesitate to rush forward. The sword in her hand stabbed straight forward and the skill
Spirit Lock was unleashed!
Tan Shitian wisely used Flying Feather Steps to subtly move one metre, avoiding the skill in
a thrilling manner. At the same time, he fired the bow in his hand and Shock Shot hit Fujita
Rika’s chest!
Due to the short distance, this move only caused her to lose 10% blood. However, Fujita
Rika felt very defiant after being hit twice by him and she turned to chase Tan Shitian.
Breaking Bone Sword, Devouring Soul Sword!
The two big moves hit and the fragile Tan Shitian’s blood started to plummet.
The elf summoner instantly summoned the water spirit to freeze Tan Shitian in place. At
the same time, he operated the fire spirit to throw Fireball. Tan Shitian was hit to half blood
but he felt lucky. It was fortunate that the elf summoner wasn’t Cat God or he would have
no life left!
[The two of you, don’t just watch!] The frozen Tan Shitian couldn’t help typing on the team
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were hiding in the 3rd room at this time. They couldn’t see the
situation outside but the news that Tan Shitian had been attacked had long appeared on the
system channel. According to the current analysis of the map, Li Cangyu judged that Tan
Shitian was currently facing the three people of the Japanese team while on the lower floor,
Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang were facing the Japanese team’s assassin and priest.
Yet he wasn’t in a hurry and gave the Japanese team time to play?
Once he saw that Tan Shitian’s blood had fallen below 40% and estimated that the Japanese
team had used most of their big moves, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng finally came out of the
3rd room.
Banshee Summoning, Witch Demon’s Curse!
Ling Xuefeng used the big group pull skill!
He called the banshee in a clever position. He had the banshee stand in the middle of the
Japanese team and strongly pulled them to the banshee’s side.
Li Cangyu had pre-determined the location in advance and used the big move, Thunder’s
Purple thunder fell from the sky and struck the three people.
Sato Takashi felt uncomfortable when he saw the two summoners in front of him and
ordered, “Retreat!”
However, Li Cangyu didn’t give him the chance to retreat.
Ling Xuefeng released his hand speed and summoned four skeleton infantry to the east,
south, west and north. They surrounded the three people of the Japanese team, not
allowing them to run away!
Then Li Cangyu cast another big move, Frost Heart!
The water spirit’s big move froze the other side while causing a lot of damage. The result
was the imprisonment effect of the skeletons had just ended when the water spirit’s ice
The blood volume of the three Japanese members dropped like an avalanche!
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng joined forces and impeccably linked skills. Control was
followed by a group attack and then another control, not giving them any chance to
All three Japanese players were beaten to 20% blood.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng used their big moves while Tan Shitian stood in the distance
and happily harvested heads. the archer moved with light footsteps while shooting, his
movements flexible and his arrows accurate.
—Barrage Shot!
—Seize Life Shot!
—Shock Shot!
The archer’s skill casting time was fast and their attack distance was long. The three
members of the Japanese team couldn’t run away.
Tan Shitian fired three arrows and directly took three kills!
Behind them, the watching Chinese members cheered. Cheng Wei was very happy and
shouted while clapping, “You are bursting with handsomeness!”
The three people of the Japanese team, “…”
The combination of the two summoners made them dazed. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng
were too fast and their cooperation was perfect. Their explosive power was terrible!
Combined with the rapid shooting of the archers, they successfully killed three people in
this wave.
Sato Takeshi couldn’t believe it. Then he recovered and frowned. “Gather at the blue
resurrection point!”

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GLS: Chapter 276

Chapter 276 – The Real Mechanical City
After watching the game between China VS Australia, Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika
specifically studied the map of the city and according to the 3D map released by the league,
they inferred that there were six mechanisms in the upstairs and downstairs levels.
Everyone saw the effect of the 1st room. It caused the room to collapse and for players to
directly transfer to the lower floor. The lower floor’s mechanism fired arrows at the
players. The effects of the other rooms and corridors were currently unknown.
The three people who died were concentrated at the blue recovery point, waiting to fight
again after their resurrection.
The remaining two were delayed for a while and jumped directly into the gap between
tiles. According to the rules of the league’s death racing mode, suicide deaths weren’t
counted as a head for the opponent.
The two of them wanted to commit suicide to meet their teammates. The surprising thing
was that after jumping into the dark abyss between the floor tiles, they didn’t die. Instead,
they were transmitted to the 5th room on the upper floor.
Japanese team members, “…”
Wasn’t this map too pitted? Jumping into a dark hole actually transmitted them? The
Chinese designers were too cunning!
The assassin and priest of the Japanese team looked at each other and didn’t know what to
do. As a result, Ling, Tan and Cat sneaked in from the aisle while Su Guangmo and Lou
Wushuang also jumped into the abyss and were teleported upstairs. In the blink of an eye,
the five people gathered in the 5th room.
The netizens would probably be spitting if they saw this setting.
The moving floor tiles looked very dangerous. According to general logic, they should fall
down when stepping on air. Who would think they would instantly move upstairs? Could it
be more pitted?
The two players of the Japanese team were surrounded by five people and wanted to cough
up blood.
In the 2v2 battle downstairs, they had to deal with Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang’s
outbreak. As the priest, Yamaguchi Ryuzaki had to crazily press the buttons and his fingers
were sore. Now he had to face five people and he had the feeling of ‘nothing left to live for.’
Su Guangmo and Lou Wushuang had obviously only wanted to consume his skills. After all,
it was hard to directly kill a healer in a 2v2 fight. Now it was different. After meeting his
teammates, Su Guangmo didn’t say anything and rushed forward with the sword,
accurately using the move Spirit Lock. He stabbed the chest of the priest before using Light
and Shadow Rotation.
The colourful sword directly cut the blood of the priest and assassin to 70%.
Lou Wushuang calmly moved behind the priest and stunned him with Pain Blade. He
followed up by moving to the assassin, the knife in his hand cold and fierce—Back Stab,
Soul Stab, Death Strangulation!
His intention to kill the assassin was obvious. The other team members started
cooperating. Tan Shitian fired his arrows, Ling Xuefeng’s skeletons surrounded the
opponents and Li Cangyu’s fire spirit continued to throw Fireballs.
Su Guangmo was handling the priest, lest he add blood to his teammate.
Under the bombardment of the four people, the assassin of the Japanese team quickly lost
blood and the heads ratio became 4:0!
The Chinese team cheered again.
Then Li Cangyu suddenly ordered, “The lower floor!”
His voice was clear and allowed everyone to hear it. The training room became quiet and
Ling Xuefeng instantly stepped on a mechanism.
The three members of the Japanese team rushed over to rescue their teammates and saw
this image—the 5th room shaking like there was an earthquake and the floor collapsing.
Dust flew around and the Chinese team’s five members were collectively sent downstairs.
Japanese team members, “…”
These guys could really play!
Sato’s eyes were cold as he ordered, “Chase them!”
It might be 4v5 but the Japanese team was actually in a good position.
First of all, they just came from the resurrection point and everyone was full of blood.
Second, the death racing mode refreshed everything after resurrection. In other words,
their current skill cooldown time was reset and all their big moves were available.
On the other hand, the Chinese team won four heads and the big moves of the summoners,
archer, swordsman and assassin were on cooldown. The remaining small skills wouldn’t
pose too much of a threat.
If the Japanese team caught up at this time, they were likely to kill the other party!
Sato Takashi and his teammates instantly jumped into the pit after the 5th room was
destroyed and landed in the lower west corridor.
The Chinese team had left the corridor by this time and spread out on the floor tiles. Sato
Takashi chose Tan Shitian, who had the least blood. “Kill the archer!”
Fujita Rika had long wanted to get revenge for the arrows. Once she saw the archer, she
jumped forward and chased Tan Shitian. She decisively used Spirit Lock to set Tan Shitian
in place and then used Light and Shadow Rotation!
This girl’s style of play was really fierce and her positioning was very sharp. Her strength
was among the top swordsmen in the world but… she was a bit worse than Captain Su.
Tan Shitian evaluated her in his heart. She was fierce but lacked some calm.
After using Spirit Lock, she could just use Breaking Bone Sword and two general attacks to
kill him. There was no need to waste big moves.
However, Fujita Rika was too aggressive and wanted to kill Tan Shitian at the fastest speed.
Thus, she didn’t hesitate to use a big move. Of course, her actions were incorrect. Who
knew when the Chinese team members would come over to interfere?
The thing that surprised her was that Li Cangyu didn’t care about Tan Shitian being hit.
As Fujita Rika pursued Tan Shitian, the black magician Sato Takashi, the elf summoner Ida
Takuya and the assassin Itoh Sawa surrounded Li Cangyu and started to kill him.
Li Cangyu relied on his rapid movements to avoid the siege of the three people but this
time, Sato Takeshi’s encirclement was very tight and they surrounded him from three
Nearby, Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo wanted to come to the rescue. Li Cangyu guessed
the thoughts of his teammates and immediately typed on the team channel: [Don’t save me.
Gather at the red dot.]
Ling Xuefeng understood his thoughts and decisively turned towards the stairs.
The Japanese team successfully killed Li Cangyu and Sato Takashi’s heart felt more
comfortable. The score of 4:2 was better. At least they had some room to fight.
Then he was surprised when he looked around. He found that there were no Chinese
members left on the lower floor.
It seemed that Tan Shitian and Li Cangyu deliberately delayed the time to let their
teammates escape?
Sato frowned at this thought and ordered, “Gather upstairs!”
He was smart this time and directly jumped into the gap between tiles with his teammates.
Sure enough, this seemingly dark abyss was actually a teleport point to go upstairs. The
coordinates for this location corresponded to the 6th room on the upper floor. All Japanese
team members were sent to the 6th room.
There was no one else and this was normal.
The Chinese team chose to run up the stairs instead of using the teleport.
A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Sato’s heart.
This was clearly a shortcut. Why did they use the stairs instead?
He was thinking when a rumbling sound entered his ears. Sato Takashi wondered if the
room was going to collapse again. Were they having fun with this?
However, it turned out that the Mechanical City had more surprises for him.
This time the room didn’t collapse. Instead, a huge iron cage dropped from the sky. Like
prisoners, all four of them were stuck in the cage.

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GLS: Chapter 277

Chapter 277 – Crushing Strength

Sato, who was locked up in the cage, wanted to vomit blood. A cage could drop from the
roof to trap people? Was it like the Chinese martial arts movies where the bad people were
Such a disgusting map, the designers of the Chinese team were too good!
He had vaguely guessed the secrets of the Mechanical City. According to the rules of the
league, the effects of a self-made map couldn’t exceed four. The Chinese team collapsed the
1st and 5th rooms. The downstairs corridor caused a rain of arrows and the abyss was a
teleport point. Since the 6th room had the cage, it was likely that the 1/3/5th rooms
collapsed while the 2/4/6th rooms contained cages.
It was no wonder why the Chinese team didn’t jump into the black hole! The location
corresponded to a room with a cage and it was useless to directly teleport there. Instead,
they waited for the Japanese team to go up and then used the mechanism to trap them.
The feeling of being locked up wasn’t pleasant. The four people in the cage glanced at each
They were somewhat puzzled about why the Chinese team didn’t come and hit them.
Fortunately, the careful healer pointed the mouse at the iron cage and looked at the
attributes. He immediately said, “The cage can’t be moved but it also can’t be attacked.”
It dawned on Sato. If the opponent was locked up in the cage, it was too unfair if the remote
classes used their skills. The Chinese team who submitted the map could completely kill the
opponents within the iron cage. Even if the other side was strong, they could be completely
destroyed by the map. This was too unfair.
The designers probably considered the balance and review of the league. The iron cage had
the effect of ‘you can’t come out but I can’t hit you.’ The four people of the Japanese team
were trapped by the iron cage but this ensured that they were temporarily safe. The healer
wisely filled up everyone’s blood.
However, the one person who was tragic…
The assassin Itoh Sawa resurrected at the blue point and had his skills refreshed. In order
to avoid the siege of the Chinese team, he cleverly lurked with his stealth skill and searched
for his teammates using the mini-map.
He froze as soon as he entered the 6th room.
His four teammates were trapped in an iron cage. What was going on here?
They stared at each other through the cage and Sato Takashi immediately said, “You must
withdraw first. Don’t stay here!”
It was too late.
Lou Wushuang had long expected that the resurrected Japanese member would come find
his teammates and had been lurking invisibly in the 6th room. He saw the healer in the cage
step forward and knew that the team member must’ve come!
He typed a signal on the team channel and the people on standby in the 5th room
immediately came through the side door.
—Death Arrow Rain!
Tan Shitian was resurrected and his big moves refreshed. The distance was very far and the
range very wide. It instantly hit the Japanese team’s invisible assassin! Lou Wushuang had
been waiting here and after seeing the assassin emerge, he used Pain Blade to set the other
person in place.
Next was a combination of gorgeous and flashy skills. The five members of the Chinese
team combined to kill the Japanese team’s assassin.
The four people in the cage could only watch their teammates die in front of themselves.
Sato felt a chill go down his back…
In the match against Australia, only one-sixth of the mechanisms of the Mechanical City
were used.
He finally realized the full picture of the Mechanical City in today’s friendly game!
It had to be said that the Chinese people can’t be underestimated.
They could create such a complex map despite the World League explicitly stating that
there couldn’t be more than four effects on a map. Many of the mechanisms were based on
tactical designs.
For example, this prison cage. It looked very simple but the usage was actually large. This
cage was a barrier to isolate the battlefield and the four members of the Japanese team
were confined inside. This left one person outside who could only be killed!
Moreover, while the Japanese team members were trapped in a cage, the Chinese team’s
players could go and restore their blood and blue while waiting for their dead teammates
to resurrect.
Yes, Li Cangyu and Tan Shitian who died had been resurrected in full blood.
The effect of the cage would soon be lifted. The four people of the Japanese team would face
the siege of the five Chinese members.
Sato’s guess wasn’t wrong.
Once the time came, the cage broke apart like a sword was taken to it. The Japanese team’s
imprisonment was lifted but they also lost their ‘not attackable’ state.
At that moment, Ling Xuefeng summoned black crows and used Cover the Sky!
Large crows flew to where the Japanese team was standing and they lost their vision.
The Japanese team’s healer wasn’t stupid. He decisively used Purification to resolve the
negative state of his teammates. The next moment, Su Guangmo quickly moved and used
Spirit Lock!
The frozen healer couldn’t add blood and could only watch.
Lou Wushuang took advantage of this time by moving behind the black magician Sato
Takashi. Sato Takashi just wanted to cast a big move to control the Chinese team but he
was interrupted by Lou Wushuang!
The two melee of the Chinese team, Su and Lu became a nightmare for the Japanese team!
The priest was fixed in place and the black magician interrupted. Su and Lou wanted to
grab the head first? There was no way!
Sato Takashi was annoyed as he kept being interrupted. He wanted to destroy Su Guangmo
and Lou Wushuang in one breath but their flexible movement made him feel helpless!
In addition, the size of the room was limited and there was no way to retreat further.
Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation was opened again, cruelly cutting everyone’s
blood. Lou Wushuang cleverly exchanged positions with him and stared at the priest’s
casting bar.
The two of them cooperated with each other so there was always one person close to the
The healer of the Japanese team wanted to cry. From the beginning, he released only one
big group skill while the rest of his skills were continuously interrupted…
The assassin and swordsman took turns staring at him, making him want to smash the
Ling Xuefeng constantly summoned and interfered with the four Japanese members and
the damage caused by Skeleton Explosion was considerable.
However, Li Cangyu stood in the distance and didn’t attack them. He was doing a gorgeous
operation at an extremely fast pace.
He quickly summoned the water elf, fire elf, thunder elf and wind elf. The Chinese team’s
players watching from behind guessed what he wanted to do and held their breaths
nervously. The Japanese team’s Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika realized it too late.
—Banshee Summoning, Witch Demon’s Curse!
Ling Xuefeng knew what Cat God wanted to do and cooperated with the banshee to pull the
four members of the Japanese team to the right position. It was like gathering the mobs in
an instance to the right position, providing Li Cangyu with the best output space.
Li Cangyu decisively pressed the T key that was rarely used on his keyboard.
—Elf Cataclysm!
There was a huge bang as the water, fire, thunder and wind spirits exploded together. The
blue, red, green and purple mixed in a raging tide that washed over the four people of the
Japanese team!
Four kills!
This move directly collected the heads of the four residual blood members!
The number of heads changed to 9:2!
The crowd watching behind the Chinese team clapped excitedly.
“The captain is too handsome!”
“Cat God is too powerful!”
“Everybody is awesome!”
Li Cangyu also had a smile on his face. Xuefeng’s tacit understanding pulled the four
Japanese people into a group and his Cataclysm directly smashed all four people. In one
word, it was cool!
Sato Takashi’s face was almost green and Fujita Rika was gritting her teeth. The
expressions of the other three members were somewhat frustrated.
9:2, this score was really embarrassing.
They came to the Chinese team’s door for a friendly match and sent their strongest five
players. The result was that they were completely abused by the Chinese team’s Mechanical
City. This was simply a disgrace.
The players watching behind them couldn’t help saying, “It’s all because of the map. This
map is too perverted.”
“That’s it!”
“The map is too much!”
The healer Yamaguchi Ryuzaki coughed and smiled. “There is no need to be too serious
with a friendly game…”
Neither the captain or vice-captain spoke. It was because Sato Takashi and Fujita Rika were
people who had seen too many world masters. They both knew it wasn’t only the problem
of the map but…
The Chinese team were too powerful!
There was no need to mention the demon summoner Ling Xuefeng and terran swordsman
Su Guangmo, they were high-ranking players in the world. The assassin Lou Wushuang was
also famous in the assassin circle. However, Li Cangyu’s summoner and Tan Shitian’s
archer were people who had never been seen on the world’s leaderboard!
What was the result?
Tan Shitian killed three of them in one breath. Li Cangyu killed four people in one breath!
The thing that Sato Takashi couldn’t accept was that even if it wasn’t the Mechanical City
and they were facing each other on a flat and unobstructed map, the Japanese team still
couldn’t beat the Chinese team!
After seeing that the Japanese team was quiet and refused to come out from the
resurrection point, Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling and typed on the public channel:
[Captain Sato, this is the Chinese team’s map and it is too unfair for you. Don’t you have to
train this afternoon? Why don’t we call it here. We can’t delay the formal matches.]
Fujita Rika had a good understanding of Chinese and translated these words for the
captain. Sato Takashi’s face was as dark as a pot!
It was obvious since the Japanese team didn’t leave the resurrection point. The other side
already saw that the Japanese team didn’t want to play and let him step down.
In fact, this was a slap to the face that made him feel ashamed.
On the other hand, it made the Chinese team seem quite gracious…
Sato’s ears were red as the five players directly exited the room.
Li Cangyu didn’t ridicule the Japanese team. As the captain of the national team, he must
maintain his grace in front of foreign teams. The Japanese team took the initiative to come
to the door and challenge them but Li Cangyu let the other side take a step back. This
directly smashed Captain Sato!
Regardless of whether it was the map, strength, tactics or demeanour, Li Cangyu ruined the
Japanese team’s provocation.
The Chinese team members were so handsome!

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GLS: Chapter 278

Chapter 278 – Scene that Shouldn’t Be Seen

The reason why Fujita Rika took the initiative to challenge the Chinese team was really to
challenge the Chinese team’s prestige. As a result, their masters were wiped out and the
Japanese team was embarrassed.
Captain Sato’s face was as dark as a pot. This time they sent all their great gods while
thinking the Chinese team would send a few newcomers. If they could win this friendly
match, it would give the players some confidence. The result was that they were beaten 9:2.
It was too far-fetched to be explained as just the map advantage.
Sato Takashi was thinking about how to spin this when Fujita Rika took the initiative to
break the awkward atmosphere. She looked back at Sato Takashi and said, “Captain, many
of the Chinese members participating in the World Competition can’t be found in the world
rankings, indicating that they deliberately hid their strength.”
“That’s right.” There was immediate agreement. “The archer Tenday and the elf summoner
Old Cat have never been heard of before and we were too careless.”
Fujita Rika nodded. “According to my investigation, the elf summoner called Old Cat is an
old player who debuted in the first season of the Chinese Miracle League. He has been
unknown for a few years because he ran to another game to play.”
“He ran to another game?” Sato was a bit surprised. “No wonder why I’ve never heard of
There were also players who changed games on the Japanese side but they normally
weren’t great players. Therefore, Fujita Rika initially thought that Li Cangyu was at a
normal level and changed games when he didn’t succeed. Now it seemed that things
weren’t as simple as she imagined.
Everyone was silent for a moment before Sato Takashi said seriously, “Today’s game
against the Chinese team, I hope that everyone can keep it a secret and not mention it to
Being beaten 9:2 was too shameful to say and the Chinese team was assigned to Group B
while the Japanese team was in Group A. Exposing the Chinese team’s strength wasn’t good
for the Japanese team. The World Competition was highly competitive. Since the Chinese
team was a dark horse, they would definitely destroy the teams of other countries. Sato
Takashi was happy to see it.
“Everybody, get ready for the next match.” Vice-Captain Fujita Rika changed the topic. “Our
next match is against the US team. They are the team with the highest chance of winning
the World Competition. We must be careful when dealing with them!”
At this time, Bai Xuan was having a dream. He was in the game and all his teammates had
residual blood. He needed to explode his hand speed and brush up everyone’s blood as
quickly as possible.
Bai Xuan felt a bit anxious. He took Xie Shurong’s hand as the keyboard and pressed hard,
his mouth saying, “Big Healing.”
“…” Xie Shurong gently grasped the slender fingers and sent him a funny look. He
whispered in Bai Xuan’s ears, “You are a competent milk dad. Are you still adding blood to
people in your dream?”
Bai Xuan’s fingers were caught and the keyboard in his dream seemed broken. He couldn’t
press it and couldn’t help frowning.
Xie Shurong raised the fingers to his lips and gently kissed them. Bai Xuan felt itchy and
doubtfully opened his eyes. He saw Xie Shurong holding his hand and smiling at him.
Bai Xuan’s face became hot and he wanted to pull his hand back, but it was held tighter by
Xie Shurong.
“These hands are so beautiful.” Xie Shurong kissed the fingertips before stretching out his
tongue to lick them. He looked at Bai Xuan with a burning gaze. “The blood-adding
technique of your hands is incredible. I always feel that as long as you are present, I won’t
die no matter how many enemies there are.”
His fingers were wet with a young man’s saliva and Bai Xuan’s face was red. He pulled his
hand back and wiped it, quietly asking, “What time is it?” As he spoke, he sat up, grabbed
his phone from the bedside table and looked at the time. Then he turned back with
surprise, “Why didn’t you wake me at 3 o’clock?”
Xie Shurong asked him, “Is your stomach better?”
Bai Xuan slept for a while and his stomach wasn’t as uncomfortable as it was at noon.
However, the food still wasn’t fully digested and felt like a cold stone in his stomach.
Still, there was the next match…
Xie Shurong seemed to read his thoughts and held Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I
asked Cat God for a break. Cat God said that if you aren’t comfortable, you can rest and not
play in the next match.”
“Don’t be strong.” Xie Shurong interrupted him. “There are still many matches to follow. It
isn’t a big deal to take a break. Liu Xiang can play if you aren’t there. It is enough to only
have a healer in the team economic battle.”
Bai Xuan still wanted to argue but was interrupted by the other person again. “Besides, if
you are in a bad state during the game then you won’t be able to keep up with the rhythm
and it will affect your teammates. It is better to raise your spirits before playing the game,
don’t you think?”
Bai Xuan didn’t expect this guy’s mouth to be so slick. His words really made sense…
Bai Xuan had to lose the battle. “Okay. My stomach is still uncomfortable. Once I am
completely fine, I will tell Old Cat to send me to play. Liu Xiang’s blood adding technique
isn’t worse than mine. There should be no problem.”
Xie Shurong sighed with relief and kissed Bai Xuan’s forehead. “Let’s have a good rest.”
Bai Xuan helplessly couldn’t move during the kiss. He was held in Ah Shu’s arms and felt
particularly warm. It was probably because Bai Xuan’s body temperature was high and the
whole bed was warm, making people not want to get out at all. Bai Xuan closed his eyes and
kept leaning on him.
There was a pounding heartbeat coming from the chest. Under the strong muscles, the
young heart was pounding fiercely. It jumped so fast that it almost broke the eardrums.
Bai Xuan didn’t want to listen to it. He couldn’t help turning his head and saying, “Your
heart is beating so fast…”
Xie Shurong smiled very brightly. “I am holding you, my heartbeat will naturally become
Bai Xuan was embarrassed by his bluntness and wanted to turn his head. However, his jaw
was raised and a gentle kiss imprinted on Bai Xuan’s lips.
Xie Shurong finished the kiss and asked seriously, “Is your heart beating faster?”
Bai Xuan, “…”
He wanted to kick this guy out of bed! Even so, his heartbeat really did become faster after
he was kissed…
He looked up and saw Xie Shurong’s bright eyes starting softly. They were clearly filled
with a desire for an answer. Bai Xuan’s heart softened and he said with a red face, “Don’t
make trouble. I will lie down for a while.”
Then he took the initiative to lie down on Xie Shurong’s chest.
The excited Xie Shurong immediately reached out and hugged him. His right hand was on
Bai Xuan’s chest, as if trying to test the other person’s heartbeat. “Your heartbeat is faster,
right? Are you tempted by me? Hey, it is really faster!”
Bai Xuan slapped his hand away. “Shut up, you’re noisy.”
Xie Shurong immediately closed his mouth. He saw Bai Xuan’s red face and his mouth rose
The two people lay together while listening to each other’s heartbeats. Suddenly, the sound
of the doorbell ringing was heard. Xie Shurong got out of bed and opened the door with a
dark face. He unexpectedly saw Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng standing next to each other
while Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were behind them.
“Is Xiao Bai okay?” Li Cangyu had a straightforward personality and he directly bypassed
Xie Shurong to enter the room.
Bai Xuan was busy tidying his clothes. He had just slept in Xie Shurong’s arms and his
clothes became a mess. Moreover, Xie Shurong had lifted up his pyjamas while trying to feel
Bai Xuan’s heartbeat.
This awkward look was seen by everyone entering the room.
Bai Xuan wanted to grab Xie Shurong and remove him!
Tan Shitian coughed and smartly dragged away the curious Cheng Wei. Ling Xuefeng
glanced at Xie Shurong while frowning slightly.
However, Li Cangyu had thick nerves and didn’t seem to notice anything strange. He
walked over and sat next to Bai Xuan, placing a hand on Bai Xuan’s forehead. “Your face is
so red. Do you have a fever?”
Bai Xuan gave an embarrassed smile. “No, my stomach isn’t very comfortable.”
Li Cangyu was very clear about the physical condition of his old partner. He had given Bai
Xuan some Chinese medicine half a year before and Bai Xuan’s stomach problem wasn’t as
serious as it was in the beginning. Still, a stomach illness wasn’t something that could be
healed in a day or two. This time, he went aboard and ate things he wasn’t accustomed to.
Li Cangyu thought this and had Bai Xuan lie down, placing the quilt over him. His voice was
also very gentle. “Since your stomach isn’t comfortable, you should keep resting. I won’t
send you in the next game.”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Yes. I will improve my spirits and be on standby for the next match.”
Li Cangyu gently patted his shoulder. “There are many players in the national team and
there is always an appropriate lineup. Don’t feel too much pressure and rest peacefully.”
Cheng Wei saw this scene from where he was standing beside the door and couldn’t help
saying, “Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai’s feelings are really good!”
At these words, Ling Xuefeng and Xie Shurong’s cold eyes shot towards him at the same
time. Cheng Wei made a confused expression while Tan Shitian reluctantly pulled him
away. “Let’s go to the training room first. We can’t help here!”
Although Ling Xuefeng knew that Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were partners for many years
and their relationship was good, he couldn’t help feeling unhappy when he saw this scene.
Xie Shurong naturally wasn’t happy. The vinegar smell in the air almost drowned the two
Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan didn’t detect this at all as they kept speaking on the bed.
“Is the lineup for Spain set?” Bai Xuan asked.
“It isn’t decided yet.”
Bai Xuan was a bit surprised. “Didn’t you decide at the 3 o’clock meeting?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It was originally planned but the Japanese team suddenly came to the
door to provoke us. We had a friendly game against the Japanese team and the meeting was
delayed. I was worried and came to see you first.”
“It was like this.” Bai Xuan touched his chin and mused, “I remember that the Japanese team
has the pretty good Fujita Rika? What was the outcome of the friendly game?”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly. “It was death racing mode and the score was 9:2. The Japanese
team was wiped out by us.”
The stunned Bai Xuan quickly understood. “Did you go out personally?”
Li Cangyu quietly replied, “Yes.”
Bai Xuan couldn’t help laughing. “No wonder. I guess that they probably have a
psychological shadow.”
After seeing that the two people hadn’t finished talking, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help walking
to the bed and stared at Bai Xuan. “Your body isn’t comfortable and you should rest. We
will go back to the meeting.” He wanted to drag Li Cangyu away.
Xie Shurong also followed Ling Xuefeng’s cue with a smile. “I will take care of Vice-Captain
Bai. You go ahead.”
Li Cangyu stood up and shook Bai Xuan’s hand. “Have a good rest.”
Then he turned and walked away with Ling Xuefeng.
Bai Xuan relaxed. He always felt that while Cat God was present, a certain someone’s eyes
were staring a hole in him.

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GLS: Chapter 279

Chapter 279 – Spain

After returning to the meeting room, Li Cangyu opened the PPT they he had been halfway
through and discussed the tactics for the next game.
It was determined that Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong would be absent from the next match.
This meant he needed to abandon the Shu Bai combination in any tactics. Li Cangyu first
carefully introduced Spain’s lineup.
The Spanish team was slightly stronger than the Australian team but they were a bit worse
than Italy. Among the three opponents in Group B, Spain was of a medium standard.
The illusion style had recently became popular in the European countries but Spain was a
special case.
Spain’s bullfighting was world famous and Spanish men seemed to have wildness in their
bones. The Spanish dance costumes were distinctive. The women’s large skirts and fiery
dances also represented the enthusiasm and unrestrained nature of the country.
This type of style wasn’t consistent with the illusion flow.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng used to study the playing characteristics of each country after
bathing during the secluded training. Spain was a country they studied since they were
unique among European countries. They were best at the wild and tense melee play!
The captain of the Spanish national team was the terran swordsman Rodriguez, who was
on the list of world swordsmen masters like Su Guangmo. His style of play was similar to
the Japanese team’s Fujita Rika. He was an extremely fierce player who used offense as
defense. He was a highly aggressive player. However, he was much calmer than Fujita Rika.
In battle, he could carefully calculate the skill damage and blood volume. This was the
scariest thing about him.
Vice-Captain Sobrino was in the top three of the world’s paladin rankings. There was also
the female player Isabel, who was a very good paladin.
Female paladins were extremely rare, not to mention she had made it into the world
rankings. It was said that she was particularly enthusiastic and bold. She actively pursued
the captain of her own team, the archer Flores. Incredibly, she succeeded in winning the
captain and this gossip spread through the Spanish Miracle circle.
In this year’s World Competition, the couple Isabel and Flores were also selected for the
national team.
In addition to these players, the Spanish team had many excellent melee players who were
mainly swordsmen and berserkers. It was obvious that the style of the team was bloody
and violent.
After introducing these players, Li Cangyu summed it up simply. “The Spanish team has two
very strong paladins and our team is lacking a paladin. In a group battle, the paladin must
resist the pressure and also protect their teammates, providing the best output
environment for their teammates. It can be expected that the front row of the Spanish team
will be extremely difficult to break through.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement. “The Flying Feathers team in the Chinese Professional
League also uses the melee style. We can think of the Spanish team as the Flying Feathers
team that has tripled in size. In addition, due to the existence of two world-class paladins,
the front row’s defense will be stronger. What does Captain Su think?”
He turned towards Su Guangmo sitting next to him. The latter replied honestly, “The overall
strength of the Spanish national team’s melee players is much higher than our Flying
Feathers team, especially Sobrino and Isabel. The two world-class paladins will make their
front row an impossible wall and it will definitely be a hard fight.”
Yu Pingsheng sat down and didn’t talk. He just nodded in agreement when he heard this.
Su Guangmo glanced at him and said, “To tell the truth, among the domestic teams, Flying
Feathers finds it hardest to face the Time team and then Wind Colour. The nemesis of the
melee flow is the kite flow and control flow. A melee’s defense is strong and the attack is
also sufficient. The biggest disadvantage is our short arms and legs. As long as our side has
multiple controls, it will be impossible for them to move! It doesn’t matter if the defense is
strong. If they can’t keep up with the attack, they can only wait for death.”
The captain of Flying Feathers was most familiar with the melee style. Everyone listened to
Su Guangmo and agreed.
Li Cangyu also praised Su Guangmo’s view before saying, “Since they are afraid of control
then death racing will be led by Xuefeng. What do you think?”
This had been decided as early as the interview. Ling Xuefeng naturally had no opinion on
this arrangement and the other captains didn’t oppose Cat God’s suggestion.
Li Cangyu made a firm decision. “The third game will be played by Xuefeng. You should first
choose the people.”
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes scanned the room and he quickly made a decision. “Yan Ruiwen, Guo
Xuan, Qin Mo and Yang Muzi, you will fight in the death racing with me.”
This decision made many people feel surprised. This was a full ranged, fragile defense
Then they thought about it and felt it was very reasonable. Ling Xuefeng directly selected
the three people of the Wind Colour. The Yan Guo combination was originally a weapon to
deal with melee classes while Qin Mo’s pets could match with Ling Xuefeng’s pets. Yang
Muzi was also a white magician with a very strong level of control. Thus, this lineup had a
considerable number of control skills.
In fact, if this lineup had Li Cangyu’s summoner added then the Spanish team could only
However, Ling Xuefeng didn’t bring Li Cangyu.
It was because he didn’t think it was necessary against Spain. Once the tactics were
exposed, it would be more difficult against the Korean team and the US team.
He intended to hide Cat God. Li Cangyu understood this very quickly. He typed down the
named players and then said, “The players for death racing are determined. Next is the
economic war.”
The economic war could continue the kite flow but LI Cangyu was worried that after Tan
Shitian used this against the Australian team, the Spanish team would definitely conduct a
targeted study of Tan Shitian. If it was a Spanish home map, the kite flow tactics might not
be as useful as the previous game.
Li Cangyu thought for a moment and made a decision. “Captain Jiang, how about you be the
commander of the economic war?”
The named Jiang Xu raised his head with surprise. Li Cangyu gave him an encouraging look
and said, “The trap flow style can also be used against a melee team. Captain Jiang, do you
want to try?”
Jiang Xu felt a bit complicated at this time.
The Cheetah team was at the bottom of the top 8 teams. Their performance this season was
relatively mediocre. In the selection trials for the World Competition, the vice-captain Chen
Anran was defeated by the rookie Zhuo Hang. Only he managed to join the national team.
The number of great gods was like clouds. Jiang Xu was more invisible than Captain Su and
Captain Tan.
He originally thought that he would only be a substitute in the arena or team battle. He
didn’t expect that Li Cangyu would hand over command of the economic war directly to
The always calm Jiang Xu couldn’t help feeling excitement. Determination filled his eyes as
he replied, “Since Cat God believes in me, I will do my best.”
Li Cangyu smiled and nodded. “Choose people.”
Jiang Xu’s eyes swept over the players. Cheetah’s trap flow style actually needed four
hunters. In a team battle, the traps everywhere would cause a dilemma. Then he would use
the trap’s serial explosions to force the opponent’s blood down and achieve victory.
Obviously, the national team didn’t have many hunters and the real trap flow couldn’t be
Jiang Xu thought about it for a moment before saying, “Then Liu Xiang and Meng Jie of Red
Fox will join the team battle. Liu Xiang will add blood while Meng Jie is responsible for
cutting the battlefield and control displacement. Can you do it?”
Liu Xiang smiled. “Captain Jiang doesn’t need to be so cautious. You are the commander of
this game and we will listen to your arrangements.”
Liu Xiang seemed gentle but she wasn’t a weak girl. Instead, she was kind and clever. She
knew that Jiang Xu wasn’t confident in front of so many gods and encouraged him with a
few words.
Jiang Xu smiled at her and said, “I also want to ask Tan Cheng to join.”
This sentence caused many people to glance at Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei in a strange
manner. Cheng Wei directly asked, “Isn’t this the kite flow?”
Tan Shitian quickly understood the idea of the other person. He smiled and wondered,
“Captain Jiang, are you trying to confuse the opponent?”
Jiang Xu nodded and felt relief that ‘heroes could see the same thing.’ He explained, “In the
last match, Captain Tan commanded the kite flow tactics. If you continue to play in the
economic war this time, it will be easy for the other side to misunderstand and think we are
still playing the kite mode. In fact, our strategy is actually based on traps. The Spanish
team’s commander won’t be able to distinguish the core composition on our side.”
It dawned on everyone at once!
A double core taunting lineup, this was actually a very high-end style.
The team had two core combinations, the Jiang Zhuo trap combination and the Tan Cheng
kite combination. This would cause confusion to the other side’s commander. Which
combination was the key point? Should they set fire to kill Tan Shitian or Jiang Xu first?
The opponents wouldn’t be able to accurately determine the target at a crucial moment.
This would allow the six members of the Chinese team more opportunities.
The former Cheetah team didn’t have so many masters. Forget the double mocking style,
even the single trap stream was difficult. The national team was different. There were as
many masters as clouds and Jiang Xu could finally realize his tactical ideas.
The thing that worried him was if Captain Tan would be willing to listen to a more invisible
It turned out that Tan Shitian was very good at talking. He smiled and said, “No problem. I
will join with Xiao Wei in the economic war and follow Captain Jiang’s arrangements.”
Cheng Wei was still pondering on the tactic. Once he heard Tan Shitian answer, he also said,
“Yes, I will listen to the commander.
Jiang Xu felt relieved. It felt like a dream that he could command popular captains like Liu
Xiang and Tan Shitian. However, he couldn’t mess up or he would be killed by the domestic
Once the death racing and economic war were decided, Li Cangyu started to arrange the
The Shu Bai combination was resting. Among the remaining players, there were the two
ace combinations of Su Yu and Lou Zhang. There was also the archer Lu Xiao, the psychics
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue, Xiao Han and Li Cangyu left.
If he let Su Yu open the game, Lou Zhang play in the second stage and him and Xiao Han in
the guard stage, their possibility of winning would be the biggest.
Then Li Cangyu had a thought about the next match that would bring a greater profit.
Italy was the team with the most illusionary style among the European teams. It was best
for the Chinese team to send psychics to face them. Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue had always
been in the training room since coming to the United States.
A player who sat on the bench for a long time would more easily make mistakes when
playing. That’s why many sports stars often participated in big and small games to maintain
their shape.
Li Cangyu was very confident in Chu Yan. He wasn’t called the best auxiliary of the league
for nothing.
But Xiao Zhu… he was still young and had been acting as a soy sauce the whole time. Once
he had to face the high-level Italian team, he might find it hard to keep up with the rhythm.
Li Cangyu thought of this and said, “I will take Xiao Zhu to open the area. Lou Zhang will
play the second stage and Su Yu will end it.”
This decision surprised many people. Zhu Qingyue didn’t even react until his master Chu
Yan poked him in the arm and he realized that ‘Xiao Zhu’ was referring to him.
Zhu Qingyue’s eyes widened with surprise. “Eh? I will play in the arena?”
Li Cangyu smiled at him. “This time you can’t cry. If you cry in the World Competition then
you will become a world-grade crybaby.”
The group laughed. The little crybaby who was abused by Cat God was a known dark
history in the league. Everyone used to tease him about the matter.
Zhu Qingyue’s temper was good and he didn’t become angry. He looked seriously at Li
Cangyu and replied firmly, “I will work hard!”
Cat God had once made him cry and now he was partnering with Cat God. Zhu Qingyue’s
fists clenched as he thought, ‘I must cherish this opportunity and let Cat God be impressed
by the small crybaby!’

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GLS: Chapter 280
Chapter 280 – Map Choice

The Chinese team’s lineup against the Spanish team was finally confirmed after an hour of
discussion. The arena would be Li Cangyu, Zhu Qingyue, the Lou Zhang combination and
the Su Yu combination. The economic war would use the trap flow style led by Jiang Xu.
Death racing would be controlled by Ling Xuefeng’s field control tactics.
This arrangement could be described as very comprehensive. Li Cangyu’s efficiency as a
captain was very high and convincing.
Next, everyone started training extensively.
The people teamed up with their commanders and played against the most difficult man
against machine mode to improve their understanding. The arena combinations were free
to train as they liked. LI Cangyu called Zhu Qingyue to his side and cooperated with him in
the arena.
This was the first time Zhu Qingyue paired up with Cat God. There was some excitement in
his heart and also a bit of tension.
The previous time when he cried after being abused, he was only 16 years old and was too
young. His psychological quality in the game was too fragile. After being killed five times by
Li Cangyu, Zhu Qingyue started crying. Li Cangyu came over to shook hands and found the
youngster of Pure Cleansing crying. He was suddenly at a loss.
“I will invite you to eat fish so please don’t cry!” Li Cangyu coaxed him helplessly.
Zhu Qingyue tried to stop crying but the tears kept falling. He stared up at Li Cangyu, big
tears dripped down. This caused Li Cangyu to feel pained. In the end, Chu Yan helplessly
dragged him backstage and educated him.
Zhu Qingyue crying after losing the match was photographed and from that day on, the
Internet was full of negative comments about him. The overwhelming resistance and
ridicule meant that Zhu Qingyue didn’t dare go outside for a while.
He managed to survive the season and then took over as the captain of Pure Cleansing.
His personality might be shy and he didn’t speak much, but he was no longer afraid when
he faced the reporters.
Up to now, Zhu Qingyue still had the most sunspots in the domestic professional league.
However, Li Cangyu felt this child was very cute. A 16 year old crying when he was
uncomfortable was because he didn’t know how to disguise his emotions. Was it worthy of
gaining a large number of sunspots? The reporters’ demands for e-sports players were too
In the circumstances, Zhu Qingyue could ignore the ridiculing voices and abuse from all
sides, even learning to use the nickname of ‘crybaby. This showed how much Zhu Qingyue
had grown.
Li Cangyu looked at the teenager sitting at the computer and staring at it seriously and
couldn’t help touching Zhu Qingyue’s head. He said, “Xiao Zhu, come to the arena with me.
Remember to not feel any pressure. We have the Su Yu and Lou Zhang combinations
behind us. Even if there is a disadvantage in the beginning, it doesn’t matter. Relax and try
to find the right state in the game. Do you understand?”
Zhu Qingyue nodded. “Yes, I know!”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Then let’s start the training!”
The afternoon passed quickly. At almost 5 o’clock, Li Cangyu suddenly received a phone call
from Zhang Jueming.
The phone connected and Old Zhang’s energetic voice was heard in his ears. “Captain, I
watched the match between Spain and Italy carefully. Italy won 2:1! However, Spain’s
strength isn’t weak. I have summed up the key points of the game and took a video. Should I
send it to your mailbox?”
Old Zhang was really reliable. Li Cangyu was immediately gratified. “Great, send it over
A moment later, Li Cangyu opened the email and showed Old Zhang’s summary and video
to everyone. His ability to summarize the main points was also quite admirable.
Li Cangyu watched the video several times with everyone and then let them go back to rest.
The match was in one day. Everyone would seize every minute and every second to train.
In the blink of an eye, the third day of the World Competition begun. The match between
the Chinese team and the Spanish team was arranged for the morning.
The commentator Kou Hongyi exclaimed excitedly, “Hello everyone, we meet again! After
the last victory against Australia, there is only one day of rest before the Chinese team faces
the next opponent in the group stage, Spain!”
Yu Bing explained the characteristics of the Chinese team. Then the two commanders sat
down and the match officially began.
The referee chose who would go first and this time, the Chinese team was still second. The
captain of the Spanish team, Rodriguez had the privilege of banning two maps first.
Mount Huangshan Plank Road and the Mechanical City!
These two maps emerged!
Rodriguez didn’t even think about it and directly banned the Mechanical City.
He had seen the match between China and Australia and knew the Mechanical City was a
giant trap! Since only one map submitted by a country could be banned, Rodriguez
definitely had to ban the Mechanical City.
The moment he banned the Mechanical City, Rodriguez felt some relief in his heart.
Fortunately, Australia had played China first. Otherwise, he would accidentally ban the
wrong map and Spain would be the one who fell into the pit!
As for Mount Huangshan Plank Road…
Surely it wasn’t as bad as the Mechanical City?

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GLS: Chapter 281

Chapter 281 – Mount Huangshan Plank Road

Spain had only won death racing in the first match against Italy. They lost to Italy 1:2. If
they lost to the Chinese team, they would definitely have no hope of reaching the next
stage. Thus, in these two days, Rodriguez carefully studied the lineup of the Chinese team.
The Mechanical City was chosen for China’s match against Australia. The Spanish team
naturally went to the Intranet to practice and found that the Mechanical City was too
complicated. The Spanish team divided into two groups to play the death racing mode. It
took only a few hours for them to understand the upper and lower floors. As the
commander, Rodriguez felt his brain bursting from pain.
What the hell were these messy mechanisms?
The Mechanical City absolutely must be banned. Competing with the Chinese team on such
a complicated map was simply asking to lose!
This was common knowledge among all members of the Spanish team.
This was why Rodriguez decisively banned the Mechanical City in the selection stage.
Mount Huangshan Plank Road might be a strange map but at least there were nos strange
mechanisms. It was just a death map! A death map wasn’t uncommon in Miracle and it
should be much better than the Mechanical City.
There were six maps left. Mount Huangshan Plank Road couldn’t be banned and the
remaining five maps were Las Ventas Bullring, Madrid Palace and Demon Forest, Frost
Temple and Endless Sea provided by the official Miracle database.
Rodriguez considered for a moment and banned Endless Sea. There were too many
variables if there were two death maps. Mount Huangshan Plank Road was already enough
for their heads to ache.
After the Spanish team banned the map, it was time for the captain of the Chinese team, Li
There were five maps left. Which three were he going to leave behind?
Kou Hongyi said, “In the last game against Australia, Cat God left both of Australia’s maps in
a handsome manner. Will he release the Spanish bullring and Madrid Palace?”
Yu Bing calmly analyzed, “The bullring map appeared in Spain’s last map against Italy. This
map was selected for the economic battle.”
As commentators, the two of them paid attention to the matches of other countries. Kou
Hongyi heard this and smiled. “It seems the possibility of Cat God leaving the bullring
behind is fairly high. After all, this map has already appeared and the Chinese team
members have probably practiced it on the Intranet.”
“Yes, it isn’t difficult to fight an economic battle on the bullring map.” Yu Bing continued,
“The other map, Madrid Palace is a famous attraction in Spain. From the thumbnail shown,
the designers should’ve preserved the shape of the palace and transformed it internally. If I
guessed correctly, this might be a complicated labyrinth map. Will Cat God leave it?”
As they spoke, Li Cangyu decisively banned Demon Forest and Frost Temple. He once again
disabled the official Miracle maps and released the two maps submitted by Spain!
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help giving a thumbs up. “I suddenly found that Cat God really seems
like a general sitting there! He continues to release the maps submitted by the enemies.
This is proper confidence!”
Yu Bing also couldn’t suppress her smile. “It seems that we guessed it correctly. Cat God
dared to release the two Spanish maps. At the very least, he is very confident about the
bullring map that already appeared. As long as China can win two games, there is no
pressure on them qualifying in the group stage.”
The Chinese team won against Australia. If they won against Spain, they would definitely
move onto the next round.
Everyone was more concerned about whether the Chinese team could qualify as first in the
group stage, so that they could face the second place team in Group D.
The two captains finished making their choices and the big screen zoomed in on the three
maps selected for the match—Mount Huangshan Plank Road, Las Ventas Bullring and
Madrid Royal Palace.
Next was the first game in arena mode and the system randomly arrived on the Mount
Huangshan Plank Road map!
The domestic audience cheered in the comments: [Mount Huangshan Plank Road, it is very
thrilling at first glance!] [I think the captain of the Spanish team will surely regret this
decision!] [Was there a saying? A trip to China’s Five Sacred Mountains makes seeing other
mountains unnecessary, a trip to Mount Huangshan makes seeing the Five Sacred
Mountains unnecessary. Mount Huangshan is a very dangerous mountain!] [I’ve climbed
Mount Huangshan and stood at the highest road. Once I stood at the top, my legs were
Most of the domestic audience members were gloating and many lit candles for the Spanish
The Spanish captain Rodriguez wasn’t familiar with Chinese geography. He sat in the rest
area and saw the landscape map that was released on the screen.
The map projection on the screen using the 3d god’s perspective, which was more
comprehensive and wider than the map perspective that players saw in the game.
Therefore, the Spanish team could see the full majestic of Mount Huangshan as well as the
thrill and stimulation of the airwalk.
The Spanish players, “…”
Everyone made stunned expressions while Rodriguez stared with surprise. He had long
guessed that Mount Huangshan Plank Road was a death map and also guessed that it
should be related to air combat. He didn’t expect the plank roads to be so narrow. If they
carelessly fell off, there was only a cliff below them and they would fall to the death!
A player with a fear of heights would definitely get soft legs on this map!
Even if there wasn’t a fear of heights, walking on a plank road with a width of less than one
metre was too easy to slip off!
In addition, most of the Spanish players were melee and had short legs.
Rodriguez felt unbearable.
He thought it would’ve been better to choose the Mechanical City. There might be many
traps but at least it wouldn’t be as frightening!
Inside the Chinese team’s soundproof room, Li Cangyu looked at Mount Huangshan Plank
Road and chattered with Ling Xuefeng next to him. “Have you ever been to Mount
Huangshan? Looking down from a god’s point of view, the land is really dangerous!”
Ling Xuefeng replied, “I have never been there.”
Li Cangyu said, “There will be opportunities to mountain climb together in the future.”
Cheng Wei actively raised his hand. “I want to go too! Bring me with you!”
Tan Shitian turned back to him and said, “Can you climb?’
Cheng Wei smiled and replied, “If I can’t climb then I can move using the cable car!”
The group discussed the issue of climbing Mount Huangshan and there were no traces of
nervousness on their faces.
They had practiced on this map countless times during domestic training. At the beginning,
everyone felt their airs rising just standing on the road. There was a cliff to the right and
the abyss to the left. The width of the plank road was only around one metre. If they looked
forward, there were clouds like a wonderland and faint green hills behind the clouds.
Poor with poor psychologically quality would definitely be affected by such a map.
Some of the national team members with a mild fear of heights hated this map. After many
training sessions, they gradually overcame the psychological obstacles. Now that they were
at the World Competition and looking at the Mount Huangshan Plank Road map, everyone
felt a type of pride.
The panoramic display of the map soon finished and the found game officially began.
The lineup for both sides appeared on the big screen at the same time. The first stage of the
Spanish team was the combination of two swordsmen. The first stage for the Chinese team
was played by Old Cat and Zhu—it was the Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue combination!
The audience was very curious about this fresh combination. [Little crybaby and Cat God!]
[A psychic isn’t very useful in the arena. What does it mean for Cat God to play with a small
crybaby?] [The little crybaby no longer cries. Don’t blacken him!]
The domestic audience directly called him ‘little crybaby’ instead of Zhu Qingyue.
In the soundproof room, Zhu Qingyue and Li Cangyu walked to the players’ seat from now.
The expression on Zhu Qingyue’s face was very relaxed. Li Cangyu whispered a few words
to him. He nodded seriously and then placed his fingers on the keyboard.
After seeing this scene, Yu Bing couldn’t help saying, “This is the first time we are seeing the
partnership of Cat God and Xiao Zhu. A summoner and a psychic… in fact, this isn’t a very
good combination. Cat God must’ve brought Xiao Zhu to play in order to let him adapt to
the atmosphere of the World Competition. This way he will be in a good state for the next
game against the Italian team.”
Kou Hongyi agreed., “Sister Bing’s analysis makes sense. Perhaps Cat God knows his
partnership with Xiao Zhu isn’t stable, which is why he played in the first stage. There is no
need to worry since there will definitely be an ace combination in the guard stage!”
The players on both sides were ready and the map of Mount Huangshan Plank Road started
to load.
Then the four people refreshed on the map at the same time. Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue
were in the lower parts of the plank road while the Spanish members were in the upper
parts of the plank road. Mount Huangshan Plank Road had a very thrilling slope. The slope
was more than 45 degrees and the narrow passage made it more difficult for people to play
underneath. Still, this was good for Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue.
The two members of the Spanish team glanced at the abyss next to them. Their backs were
cold but they still quickly headed down.
The two sides met in the middle of the plank road. The Spanish swordsman immediately
used Spirit Lock on the psychic Zhu Qingyue! The other swordsman also used the Spirit
Lock skill at the summoner Li Cangyu!
The two people divided the labour and their cooperation was extremely tacit. This was
because they were actually from the same team.
After seeing that Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue were about to be controlled, it was fortunate
that Li Cangyu responded with great speed. He summoned the fire spirit in front of Xiao
Zhu and the swordsman’s control skill was successfully blocked. Li Cangyu sacrificed the
fire spirit to save Zhu Qingyue.
Then he cleverly moved to the side with Flying Feather Steps to escape the skill in a
thrilling manner!
The audience found that Li Cangyu had stepped on the edge of the cliff. He was only 10
centimeters away from falling but after avoiding the control skill, he once again cleverly
swung around and returned to the middle of the plank road.
Cat God used precise positioning on the edge of the cliff, causing even the two
commentators to be shocked and speechless. The domestic audience members were even
more gobsmacked. After a few seconds of sluggishness, a large number of flowers
frantically filled the live broadcast room.
This was the captain of the national team!
On the thrilling Mount Huangshan Plank Road, he was able to achieve such precise and
accurate positioning.
The even more frightening thing was while hiding from the opponent’s control, he could
also summon the fire spirit to help Xiao Zhu with Spirit Lock. The audience really had to
admire it!
“Xiao Zhu, walk carefully.” Li Cangyu spoke on the voice channel. “Go behind me.”
Zhu Qingyue’s palms were sweating. He expected Cat God to fall and the result was that Cat
God completed a wonderful Z-shaped movement on the plank road!
After seeing Cat God actively go in front of him, Zhu Qingyue returned to his senses and
cautiously followed behind Li Cangyu.
The World Competition was different from the Chinese league. The Spanish players were
top-notch in strength. They played actively despite the strange map. Zhu Qingyu couldn’t
drag Cat God down!
Zhu Qingyue took a deep breath to calm himself. Then he stared at the other side’s position
and quickly pressed keys on the keyboard.

TL: For those interested in what Mount Huangshan Plank Road looks like, you can search
up images on google or check out the link below as an example:

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GLS: Chapter 282

Chapter 282 – Psychic Array

Ranged players had an advantage against melee players in this type of high-altitude death
map. However, if the opposite side played fiercely, it would be quite troublesome for a
ranged class to have their casting interrupted.
The style of the Spanish team was really fierce. In the face of such a dangerous map, the two
swordsmen actually rushed straight forward, making Li Cangyu feel somewhat surprised.
The fire spirit was used to protect Zhu Qingyue but the two swordsmen on the other side
cooperated quite well. They didn’t say anything and opened Light and Shadow Rotation at
the same time!
Using such a big move when meeting!
The fans of the Spanish team started cheering excitedly, waiting for the two swordsmen to
cut the fragile Chinese team to residual blood.
Then their cheers got stuck in their throats…
The moment that the two Spanish members opened the group attacks, Zhu Qingyue hid
behind Cat God and cast a two second big move.
Psychic Array, Phantom Without a Trace!
Two identical phantoms appeared in Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue’s position while the real Li
Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue were brought to the highest point of the plank road by the psychic
Zhu Qingyue’s clever psychic array allowed the two people to complete a wonderful
teleportation at a crucial moment.
The two Spanish swordsmen failed in their big moves and Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to
summon his wind spirit and use Wind and Clouds Destruction.
A violent gust of wind blew and the Spanish swordsman standing near the abyss fell down
with a scream.
The fans of the Spanish team stopped clapping and almost vomited up blood.
Meanwhile, the nervous fans of the Chinese team started to clap and scream. “Cat God is too
handsome!” “The favourite wind spirit of Cat God!” “Blowing people off the cliff is so cool!”
The other Spanish swordsman escaped this move but his face was blackened like a pot.
Before the start of the arena game, their captain had specifically explained to them,
“Beware of the elf summoner’s wind spirit and the demon summoner’s banshee.”
The Spanish team didn’t have an excellent summoner but Rodriguez carefully studied the
Chinese team and judged that the Chinese team’s captain and vice-captain were world-class
summoners. Among them, Li Cangyu’s wind spirit blowing move and Ling Xuefeng’s
banshee strong pull were their signature moves. Players must be extra careful, especially
when encountering them on a death map.
That’s why the two swordsmen quickly used a big move as soon as they started.
If they couldn’t reach the summoner in the distance, it would be easier to be controlled by
the other party. If they moved closer and interrupted the summoner, they could prevent
skills from being used and also cooperate with each other to kill the Chinese players.
Facts proved that they thought too simply of Li Cangyu!
Their control skills couldn’t control the opponents at all. Then the psychic’s big move
teleported them, letting Li Cangyu attack from behind with the wind spirit, directly killing
the swordsman!
The swordsman Enoch was left, making it a 1v3 fight!
He couldn’t hit Li Cangyu and started wildly attacking Zhu Qingyue. Breaking Bone Sword,
Devouring Soul Sword and Blood-sucking Sword!
The swordsman’s three moves were extremely powerful and Zhu Qingyue’s blood directly
fell to 30%!
Nevertheless, Xiao Zhu wasn’t an idiot who would stand in the same place. As Li Cangyu
summoned the thunder spirit in the distance, he took a few steps back and started to cast
another auxiliary move.
—Desperate Cage!
The effect of this array was very beautiful. The soft purple light spread at the designated
position, forming a six-pointed star. Once the array was released, the soft light would rise
rapidly and become a transparent cage, locking the opponent inside the array!
The swordsman was trapped in the array and Li Cangyu’s Thunder’s Wrath fell on him!
The purple thunder fell straight down and knocked out a large amount of blood. The
swordsman desperately had to break through in a desire to chase Zhu Qingyue.
However, Xiao Zhu had already wisely ran to the highest point of the plank road. The staff
in his hand was raised high as he read a large-scale array.
Time and Space Illusion!
The skill effect for this array was even more gorgeous. Red, yellow, blue and green colours
suddenly spread from the staff in Zhu Qingyue’s hand, forming a pattern like a four-leaf
clover in the designated position. The fast moving Enoch was once again trapped in place.
This was the most powerful illusionary array of a psychic and it was popular among the
European teams. Enoch was very familiar with it but at this moment, he was trapped and
wanted to smash his keyboard!
This illusion array had a characteristic. The people inside the array could move and attack
but everything they saw was a distorted illusion, meaning the position of the opponent
couldn’t be seen.
For example, at this time Enoch was seeing a distorted version of Mount Huangshan Plank
Road. His swordsman was suspended in the sky and an invisible abyss was below his feet.
This type of floating in the air was too strange and he didn’t want to look at the computer
Li Cangyu took advantage of this opportunity to use the summoner’s ordinary attack to
decrease the other person’s blood. Once the illusion ended, Enoch was surprised to find
that he only had 30% blood left.
Enoch didn’t hesitate to move and interrupt Zhu Qingyue’s skill. He unleashed a burst of
hand speed and released three continuous skills, taking away the bloody Zhu Qingyue’s life
in one breath!
However, Li Cangyu kept attacking from the distance and Enoch couldn’t hold on for long
before he fell.
The audience clapped warmly. In the first stage, the Chinese team exchanged one head for
Zhu Qingyue might’ve died but he smiled happily.
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder. “Xiao Zhu, you played well.”
Zhu Qingyue had only released three auxiliary arrays from beginning to end but the timing
of each array was very clever, making it more convenient for Li Cangyu to attack.
A good assistant needed to observe the situation and assist in the game. They shouldn’t
show off and should find ways to provide the best output environment for their partner.
Xiao Zhu had learnt the essence of playing an auxiliary. His years as the captain of Pure
Cleansing wasn’t a waste.
Moreover, this teenager smiled very cutely.
The director switched the camera to Zhu Qingyue and his slightly shy smile was magnified
on the live broadcast screen. The domestic audience members saw this and couldn’t help
saying: [The little crybaby is very cute when smiling!] [I don’t think he is ugly when crying!]
[What to do? I think I have to become a fan of Zhu Qingyue!]
Zhu Qingyue didn’t know that many sunspots in the country had changed their minds about
him. He only knew that in the World Competition, he didn’t let down his partner as an
assistant. This was enough!
“Cat God, refuel.” Zhu Qingyue stared seriously at the captain next to him. “I believe that
you can kill another person.”
“Yes, I will try my best.” Li Cangyu showed a straightforward and confident smile.

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GLS: Chapter 283

Chapter 283 – Triple Arena Kills

Li Cangyu’s current state was actually very good. He was full of blood and had half his blue
He used Wind and Clouds Destruction to directly kill one of the Spanish swordsmen. Then
he killed the other swordsman with the help of Xiao Zhu’s arrays and hadn’t consumed too
much blue.
In the second stage, the Spanish team sent the female players Benita and Karona, a
swordsman and berserker combination. Li Cangyu had carefully studied the Spanish team’s
lineup and knew about this pair of sisters. The berserker played very calmly. The
swordsman’s hand speed was extremely fast and her general style was a bit similar to Xie
It was 2v1 against a summoner. The two sisters of the Spanish team were confident.
At the beginning, Benita carried her giant axe and walked to the middle of the plank road.
Karona didn’t fall and followed behind her teammate. The narrow terrain didn’t affect them
and it was enough to see their tacit understanding.
Li Cangyu wasn’t in a hurry. His wind spirit’s cooldown time had ended. It was best if he
could find a chance to use the map to kill one of them. If he couldn’t, he would lower the
opponent’s blood as much as possible so that the next Su Yu combination could play more
He didn’t hesitate to summon the water spirit. The moment the other party was about to
catch up with him, the water spirit’s Water Ball struck, slowing down their speed. Then he
used Flying Feather Steps to move back.
Due to the elf’s fast speed, the berserker and swordsman couldn’t catch up with him for a
while. Karona couldn’t bear it anymore. She directly rushed towards Li Cangyu and used
Spirit Lock!
At the same time, the berserker Benita used a teleport skill to jump behind Li Cangyu and
used Mountain Chop to make a huge hole in the plank road, blocking the road behind him.
Li Cangyu was faced with a front and back pincer attack. He was simultaneously hit by
Light and Shadow Rotation and Benita’s Cut Through Thorns!
Karona was just using Breaking Bone Sword to take away his life when Li Cangyu suddenly
moved, crossing Karona and reaching the bottom of the plank road!
Karona only felt that there was a flower in front of her eyes. Despite there being only half a
metre of space next to her, a figure actually flashed past like a gust of wind!
The audience was almost speechless by the bold operation of Cat God on the plank road!
He almost hung out by one foot yet he could run so quickly on the edge of the cliff!
Ling Xuefeng watched the battle in the rest area and couldn’t help smiling. “His positioning
is truly amazing.”
There was a clear appreciation and pride in his tone.
The brainless fan Cheng Wei sitting next to him immediately agreed. “Yes! I think that if
Miracle was to hold a match in the sky then our Cat God would definitely take the
Kou Hongyi praised in the commentator’s room. “The two players of the Spanish team must
want to vomit blood! They just surrounded Cat God to prevent him from running away.
They even deliberately stood on the edge of the cliff to block him. They didn’t expect… Cat
God can cleverly move past them even with the smallest bit of distance!”
“They were hit in the face by Cat God’s movements.” Yu Bing spoke calmly.
This felt like the two people were just about to catch a cat only for the cat to sneak out of a
crack like a gust of wind…
Karona and Benita were stunned and immediately turned around.
They were greeted by overwhelming ice and snow. The water spirit’s Frost Heart!
This was the big move of the water spirit. Li Cangyu had kept it, waiting for a key moment
to control the opponents.
He moved to the bottom of the plank road to escape the two people’s pincer attack. Then he
followed up with the water spirit’s big move. It was too late by the time the opponents
turned back. They were directly frozen in place by the ice and snow!
The thing that made Li Cangyu feel regret was that the wind spirit’s Wind and Clouds
Destruction couldn’t blow the other side off the cliff. This was because the point where the
two opponents were frozen was a corner of the plank road with guardrails.
It didn’t matter. He might not be able to use the wind spirit to kill people but his fire spirit’s
cooldown was over.
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to summon the fire spirit.
He didn’t use the fire spirit’s big move, Raging Prairie Fire. This skill could greatly reduce
the blood volume of the two people but the consumption of blue was too much. If released,
the remaining blue might not be able to kill one of them.
Li Cangyu calmly used the fire spirit’s single target skill Fireball to hit the swordsman
standing in front.
The dazzling little fireballs were like fireworks hitting Karona’s body and forcing her blood
to fall to 60% in the blink of an eye!
The summoner’s terrible hand speed made Karona feel frightened. Once the control effect
of Frost Heart was over, she immediately rushed forward and wanted to use her sword to
interrupt the opponent’s casting.
At this time, Li Cangyu’s water spirit used an accurate Water Ball to freeze Karona in place!
The berserker Benita felt depressed. She wanted to catch up and block the opponent, but
her teammate was frozen on the plank road and turned into a natural ice sculpture. This
became an obstacle that blocked Benita’s way!
Kou Hongyi saw the scene where the sisters were blocked on the narrow plank road and
couldn’t help laughing, “Hahaha, Cat God is too witty! The frozen effect will form an ice
sculpture. Karona is frozen on a corner of the plank road and this blocks her sister from
coming forward! Only one person is frozen but both people are controlled at the same
Li Cangyu used the terrain in a precise and ingenious manner.
Mount Huangshan Plank Road wasn’t a straight path. It was a road suspended at the edge
of the cliff and the corners were carefully fenced so that the competitors wouldn’t fall when
their visual field was blocked by the cliff. Still, once a person at the corner was frozen, the
people behind them couldn’t move past.
This was the same as a traffic jam. If there was a car accident at a corner of the road, the left
and right sides wouldn’t be able to pass!
Li Cangyu happily continued using Fireball on Karona and her blood fell to 40%!
Karona of Spain was a top master and a first-class player.
She had never met such a strong summoner when playing the league at home but from this
moment on, the summoner rose to become her most hated class!
It was unbelievable that she was beaten to residual blood by a simple Fireball.
Time proved that even if Li Cangyu didn’t use any big moves, he could use the simplest
attack skills to cause serious damage in a short amount of time.
The freezing effect was finally lifted. The two players seemed crazy as they didn’t hesitate
to rush down. Their imposing appearance seemed like they would tear the fragile
summoner in front of them to pieces!
Li Cangyu was very calm. He still had 25% blue, which was why he had economically used
Fireball to attack the opponent. At this time, he could no longer save his blue and Li Cangyu
summoned the public pet, Departed Spirit! (TL: This was previously known as demon and
the skill was demon possession. The author calls it Departed Spirit from now on so I’m
going to change it to this).
After seeing the departed spirit appear, many domestic Cat God fans started to light candles
for Karona.
The rapidly descending Karona wasn’t aware of this because Cat God’s speed was too fast.
He called the departed spirit and it attached itself to her back in almost one second!
She was originally rushing down. As a result, the departed spirit attached to her and she
suddenly abruptly slowed. It was like a high-speed car suddenly stopping. Due to inertia,
Karona directly fell face-first onto the plank road!
Benita, who was rushing behind her, couldn’t put on the brakes in time and fell to the
ground because of her teammate!
The audience, “…”
Cat God, aren’t you really good to the Spanish females?
Li Cangyu’s expression remained calm. After using the departed spirit to slow down the
opponent, he retreated into the distance and cast the thunder spirit’s big move, Thunder’s
A big move was worthy of being a big move. He might only have 5% blue left but it forced
Karona’s blood down to 10%.
“Cat God only has 5% blue left!” Kou Hongyi was a bit nervous. “He can still release a
Fireball! However, one Fireball isn’t enough to kill Karona. Perhaps he can use his ordinary
Yu Bing cried out, “Too late!”
The berserker wasn’t affected by the departed spirit and swung her giant axe at Li Cangyu!
At this key moment, Li Cangyu made a fine operation that many people couldn’t see clearly.
Karona was trying to move forward to use a big move and kill this annoying summoner.
However, the sword in her hand abruptly stopped as she was lifted into the air.
A small fireball exploded against her chest, leaving her bloody on the ground.
Karona stared at the grey screen in front of her as she wondered if something was wrong.
How could a small fireball kill a swordsman who still had 10% blood left?
She was surprised and opened the system’s combat panel, looking at the replay of the
information. Then her face turned as pale as paper.
Li Cangyu recalled the departed spirit.
Recalling the departed spirit was actively killing the pet but a full agility summoner had a
special feature. Once a pet was recalled, there was a chance of increasing the crit rate of the
next attack.
Li Cangyu used this feature by recalling the departed spirit at the crucial moment and then
using Fireball. This Fireball did critical damage and took away the bloody terran
swordsman in one breath!
Such sophisticated calculations, meticulous operations and absolute calm in crucial
Was this person still human?
Karona stared at the computer screen in a complicated mood and was really convinced.
The Spanish team had very good players but the captain of the Chinese team, the
summoner who never appeared in the world rankings—today he slapped the faces of those
watching the World Competition!
“Three kills, my god! Cat God completed three kills in the arena!” Kou Hongyi jumped up
excitedly. “The first person might’ve died because of the wind spirit’s control but the next
two were killed using a precise layout and clever moves!”
“Cat God really surprised us!” Yu Bing was also excited. “The ID of Old Cat, from today on, it
is no longer an unknown elf summoner. The world’s Miracle fans will know that his name is
Li Cangyu, the captain of our Chinese Miracle national team!”
Yu Bing’s words caused the domestic live broadcast room to be filled with flowers and
In the Canglan Support Group, several administrators were crying.
From the young man who lost many battles in his youth to the captain of the national team
at the World Competition, this man suffered so much pressure but he never forgot his
initial heart.
He didn’t feel discouraged or become arrogant.
His face was still calm despite killing three opponents.
This was the captain of their national team, Li Cangyu!
Under his leadership, who would doubt that the Chinese team couldn’t win the World
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GLS: Chapter 284

Chapter 284 – Guard Couple

After killing Karona, Li Cangyu finally ran out of blue. His blood volume wasn’t too low but
a summoner without blue didn’t have a chance to survive a berserker.
Benita was probably enraged by the other party and slashed out with her axe. In less than a
minute, Li Cangyu’s blood was cut to 10% and his blood gauge started to flash red.
The skill Mountain Chop was just about to kill the elf summoner when Li Cangyu suddenly
jumped to the left side of the plank road and plunged into the abyss.
Benita, “…”
Benita almost coughed up blood as she looked at the opponent who committed suicide at
the last moment.
In the VIP stands, Liu Chuan sighed and said, “Cat God is worthy of our Dragon Song Club.
He actually learnt the essence of ‘suicide to infuriate the enemy’!”
Wu Zewen, who was sitting next to him, glanced at his laughing appearance and couldn’t
help saying, “Cat God learnt this from you after joining Dragon Song. Are you proud of
Liu Chuan exclaimed, OF course, there is nothing bad about a real god!”
“…” Wu Zewen thought it was better not to talk to him.
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Won’t the Spanish sister by mad? She worked hard to beat the
opponent to residual blood. She just used a big move only for Cat God to jump off the cliff,
Li Xiaojiang was a bit embarrassed. In his mind, Li Cangyu was a very honest person. How
could he learn this type of thing? Sure enough, was there a problem with the atmosphere of
the Dragon Song Club?
Gu Siming excitedly said, “This arena game should have no suspense! Cat God directly killed
three members of the Spanish team and the berserker has killed a lot of blue. If the Tan
Cheng or Su Yu combinations come out then the Spanish team must kneel down!”
Li Xiaojiang stammered, “Yes, this, this game will definitely be won.”
The boss of the Dragon Song Club was very cordial and powerful. He sat with everyone to
watch the game and chatted to them. In the past few days, Xiao Gu, Xiaojiang and Old Zhang
had become very familiar with Liu Chuan. Old Zhang also made an appointment for them to
drink together once they returned to China.
Liu Chuan agreed that there should be no suspense in the arena. He happily said, “There is
really no problem in winning the arena. The key is to watch the second and third games.
They are both Spain’s maps.”
Wu Zewen stared at the big screen and thoughtfully wondered, “The bullring should be the
map for the economic battle and Madrid Palace looks like a labyrinth. It is suitable for death
racing. Do you know who Cat God will send to command these two teams?’
Liu Chuan smiled. “Don’t guess. We can’t guess Cat God’s mind and can only watch.”
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu and Zhu Qingyue waked back to the rest area and many
players stood up to clap. Chu Yan touched his apprentice’s head in a relieved manner and
smiled. “The small crybaby performed well.”
Zhu Qingyue nodded happily. “Yes!”
Cheng Wei excitedly rushed over and hugged Li Cangyu. “Cat God, your three kills were
really handsome!”
Li Cangyu patted his shoulder, pushed Cheng Wei away and walked over to Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefeng stood up and hugged Li Cangyu, whispering, “This stage is very wonderful.
You will surely become famous after this game.”
Li Cangyu didn’t care about this and smiled. “I just took advantage of the map.”
“Is this false humility?”
Li Cangyu replied bluntly, “Yes, I was very powerful. This isn’t the first day that you realized
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved slightly and he pulled Li Cangyu to sit down, handing him a
bottle of water. “Drink some water and rest. Your burst of hand speed was so high that you
must be tired.”
“Yes.” Li Cangyu drank some water and looked back to find Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng
walking towards the players’ seats.
The swordsman MOMO and berserker YUYU.
The domestic Flying Feathers fans were excited. [The Su Yu combination is going onto the
arena!] [The brothers’ IDs are selling to much meng. Captain Su, is it okay for you to give
yourself such an ID?] [The female Spanish berserker isn’t as good as you. She might as well
surrender directly!]
The captain of the Spanish team couldn’t help frowning when he saw these two IDs.
The ID MOMO, he naturally knew that it was the Chinese team’s terran swordsman Su
Guangmo. He had the nickname of Terran Emperor in China and was the strongest terran
Su Guangmo was always ranked in the top three on the world’s swordsmen list. The
Oriental man had a handsome face, a bold personality and his style of play was very calm
and strong. Not only was he popular in the Chinese Miracle circle, he also had many fans
around the world.
Rodriguez was someone who also played the terran swordsman and he naturally had an
idea of Su Guangmo’s level. If it was a solo match, his winning percentage against Su
Guangmo should be around 45%. If it was a pairs match agaisnt the Su Yu combination, this
percentage would be lower.
He had long heard about the pair of brothers. The younger brother YUYU might not be
world famous but his cooperation with Su Guangmo was extremely tacit. The combination
of swordsman and berserker was simply a terrible melee bulldozer that could sweep away
the opponent with one sword and one axe. The violence of this combination was at the
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng refreshed on the plank road and didn’t hesitate to walk
towards the centre. At this time, the Spanish berserker Benita had around 80% blood left
but her blue consumption was 50%. She had almost no chance of winning against two
Benita had an unyielding personality that didn’t want to admit defeat. She wanted to use
her remaining blue to decrease the opponent’s blood as much as possible. However, it
turned out that she was thinking too much. Yu Pingsheng wouldn’t give her such a chance!
The giant axe in Yu Pingsheng’s hand fell straight down and the skill Mountain Chop split
the plank road into two halves!
The audience exclaimed and many people with a fear of heights even closed their eyes!
From the perspective of a god, this angle was quite thrilling. Yu Pingsheng hit the plank
road with an axe and it broke to pieces. The wooden pieces made a noise as it fell down.
Benita looked back and immediately put on the brakes.
The road was cut off and she was forced to fight back.
Cut Through Thorns, Splitting Mountain and Seas!
The giant axe in the female berserker’s hand was raised high and swept around 360
degrees. She wanted to lower Su Guangmo’s blood volume but Yu Pingsheng didn’t give her
a chance to attack his brother. YUYU stepped in front of Su Guangmo and the axe in his
hand was plugged into the ground as he forcibly blocked her attack using his body.
A berserker had thick skin and he lost only 30% of his health from this move.
The Flying Feathers fans saw this scene and were touched. Vice-Captain Yu was as quiet as
a ghost. In reality, Su Guangmo always protected him. However, once he arrived on the
field, he was the only who always protected Su Guangmo.
Su Guangmo couldn’t help smiling slightly after being guarded by his younger brother. The
sword in his hand was raised and he used the swordsman’s most beautiful move, Light and
Shadow Rotation!
Benita had nowhere to retreat and was hit to half blood by this move.
She had just found an opportunity to escape from the pincer attack when Yu Pingsheng
used the big moves Splitting Bone Chop and Storm Strike!
The heavy axe fell and caused a large amount of damage. In the blink of an eye, her blood
became 15%.
Then Su Guangmo quickly used Devouring Soul Sword to take away her life.
After the battle, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng retreated to the bottom of the plank road.
Yu Pingsheng still had 70% of his blood while Su Guangmo was full of blood. Both of them
had more than 60% blue left. The Chinese team had only sent their second combination
while the Spanish team had to send the final guard combination.
Kou Hongyi spoke excitedly, “The Su Yu combination is in a good state. They should be able
to consume Spain’s guard combination to below half blood. The strength of the Chinese
team’s guard combination certainly won’t be weak. As long as there is no accident, there
should be no suspense in this arena game!”
Yu Bing’s statement was more conservative. “We can’t ignore the unexpected factors of the
death map. If the Spanish team sends a class with displacement control, they can look for
an opportunity to push the opponent off the cliff and the advantage will be instantly
In Miracle, only the summoners and psychics had displacement control. The summoner
could use their pets to blow, pull or displace the opponent in other ways. The psychic could
use an array to instantly move their allies or enemies.
The Spanish team didn’t have a summoner in the lineup but as the illusion flow was
popular among European teams, they had a very good psychic.
Yu Bing’s argument wasn’t unreasonable. If the psychic used an array to directly transfer
Su Guangmo and Yu Bing off the cliff, Spain might reverse the situation in an instant despite
the Chinese team’s early advantage.
Kou Hongyi was concerned. “Sister Bing is right. If Spain sends a psychic to the arena then
there might be a chance to turn over the situation. Let’s see who they sent as the guards.”
He just finished speaking when the IDs of two players appeared on the big screen.
The female player Isabel, one of the three three female paladins on the world’s rankings!
The male player Flores, one of the 10 top in the world’s bard rankings, the captain of the
famous TE team in Spain and Isabel’s boyfriend.
Kou Hongyi sighed with relief after seeing this. “Spain didn’t send a psychic to the arena. It
seems that the psychic was left for the economic war or death racing. Of course, the
combination that Spain sent as their guard are ace partners! Moreover, the relationship
between the two players is somewhat special.”
Yu Bing wasn’t interested in gossip and didn’t know the relationship between the two of
them. She couldn’t help wondering, “Are they brother and sister?”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “No, they are a couple! I would like to tell the domestic audience that
Isabel’s character is very bold. She actively pursued Captain Flores and took the initiative
to start the relationship with Flores. The shy Flores couldn’t withstand her pursuit and
finally agreed to marry… no, to take her as a wife!”
Yu Bing, “…”
The domestic audience members wrote a silent row of ellipses but many people also
appreciated the unrestrained Isabel. An otaku said: [Will there be a sister who takes the
initiative to propose to me? Please give me one!}
Kou Hongyi said, “It is said that the two players just recently got engaged and this is their
sweetest time. The Spanish team sending this couple to fight in the arena is just feeding dog
food to the world.”
He paused before continuing, “Even so, I think Spain’s lovers will feed us less dog food than
Su Yu. Our team’s Su Yu are players who grew up together and their feelings are very good.
They are usually inseparable in the team and they are a couple, no, better than a couple!
Flying Feathers fans, “…”
Kou Hongyi, this was enough!
Previously, he said that the uniforms of Canglan and Wind Colour looked like a couples
outfit and now he said that their captain and vice-captain was better than a couple. This
type of unobstructed commentary, why wasn’t anyone sewing his big mouth shut?
No one knew that Kou Hongyi’s big mouth was actually telling the truth.
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GLS: Chapter 285

Chapter 285 – Su Yu Partners

Everyone in the league knew that the relationship between Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng
were better than that of brothers.
To what extent was it?
Su Guangmo loved to travelled but he didn’t like the attractions of cities. He loved the vast
world of deserts and grasslands. In the break given to Miracle players every year, he would
drive his black Land Rover to explore various places.
He didn’t bring much luggage with him but he took Yu Pingsheng every time.
Yu Pingsheng might only stay and rest in the hotel instead of accompanying Su Guangmo to
play but Su Guangmo still brought this younger brother with him. Many people in the
Flying Feathers team quietly said that Vice-Captain Yu was probably the most important
luggage for Captain Su.
Yu Pingsheng was a person with a communication disorder. He didn’t like talking with
people and was as quiet as a ghost every day. Still, he would say a few words in front of Su
Guangmo and sometimes even smile. Whenever his brother played and he didn’t play, Yu
Pingsheng would sit next to his brother and be a spectator.
Su Guangmo protected him like a younger brother. In the Flying Feathers team, it didn’t
matter who provoked the captain. However, if someone made the vice-captain angry then
Su Guangmo will definitely tear off his skin.
The two people had been inseparable for years and their feelings were great.
Thus, Kou Hongyi’s words were actually true. If the Spanish team’s couple wanted to give
Su Yu dog food, it definitely wouldn’t work!
Su Guangmo had long known about the couple from Spain. He originally thought that Isabel
and Flores would play in the economic battle. After all, the protection of the paladin was
much stronger in a group battle. Unexpectedly, the Spanish captain sent the two players to
the arena. He obviously wanted to win this game and sent an ace combination as the guard.
The combination of paladin and archer was very powerful. As long as the paladin acted as
protection in the front row, the archer could constantly fire cold arrows from the distance
to quickly lower the opponent’s blood and then find a chance to kill.
Su Guangmo understood the other side’s ideas and ordered in the voice channel, “I will
stare at the paladin. You go and play the archer.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded to show his understanding.
The two Spanish players refreshed on Mount Huangshan Plank Road.
Previously, Yu Pingsheng and his axe had split the plank road in two. The originally
dangerous Mount Huangshan Plank Road had a hole in the middle and looked even more
Nevertheless, Isabel was a woman who could hold flowers to propose to a man.
She wasn’t afraid of this type of terrain at all. On the contrary, her favourite thing to do was
bungee jumping. Therefore, Isabel was very calm on the dangerous map and quickly
walked forward as usual. Once she reached the crack in the road, she flexibly jumped
towards the lower section of the plank road.
Her boyfriend Flores followed in the distance and stopped at the crack in the plank road.
Mount Huangshan Plank Road might have some corners but the middle part was a straight
road that sloped 45 degrees. The views of both sides were very clear. Flores looked down
and could see the location of the melee.
“Hit them!” Isabel spoke on the voice channel.
Flores didn’t hesitate and directly used Death Arrow Rain!
The bow and arrows created a dense rain of arrows that shot from top to bottom. This
visual effect was quite shocking and Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were flooded with
arrows. Yu Pingsheng’s blood fell to 55% and Su Guangmo’s fell to 75%.
It was impossible for a melee to do anything. Su Guangmo wasn’t anxious and said calmly,
“Wait three seconds. I will control her!”
Yu Pingsheng silently counted the time while following his brother.
Sure enough, the moment the three seconds countdown ended, Su Guangmo jumped in
front of Isabel and his sword stabbed straight out. It was the swordsman’s control skill,
Spirit Lock!
Isabel was set in place by this sudden attack. Yu Pingsheng took the opportunity to bypass
her and jumped up towards the plank road, attacking the archer in an imposing manner!
Flores was a bit surprised. He thought the paladin in front of him could block the two men.
He didn’t expect Su Yu’s cooperation to be so good. The moment the swordsman controlled
the opponent, the berserker leapt forward over the crack and successfully divided the
battlefield in two!
Once the battlefield was split into 1v1, the couple definitely didn’t have the advantage.
Flores quickly calmed down and pulled up his longbow. He used Quenching Arrow to slow
down Yu Pingsheng. Unexpectedly, Yu Pingsheng suddenly moved to the side and avoided
this arrow!
The audience members were sweating for him.
The berserker was a beast and his body was the strongest among the six races. The
berserker walking on the plank road always gave off the feeling that the road would
collapse yet he exquisitely made a half step at the crucial moment…
Vice-Captain Yu’s berserker might be violent but his mind was extremely delicate!
This operation proved it.
Flores’ ice arrow deceleration plan failed and he was forced to continue shooting in an
attempt to lower the other side’s blood as soon as possible.
—Precise Shot and Shock Shot!
The archer attacked from the distance and Yu Pingsheng hadn’t caught up with him yet.
Thus, he was forced to be hit by these two moves.
Fortunately, a berserker had thick skin and these two arrows only decreased Yu
Pingsheng’s blood to 25%!
Yu Pingsheng finally reached Flores and swung the axe in his hand towards the archer—
Storm Strike!
The huge axe dance was really amazing!
Flores had played against a number of berserkers in the Spanish national team but to his
surprise, this YUYU’s attack was the most violent one he had ever seen! It was also the most
delicate he had ever seen!
It wasn’t easy to combine the wild violence of the berserker with this finesse!
Flores felt admiration in his heart but his hands weren’t slow. He used Flying Feather Steps
to fly away from the other person. An archer’s defense was really low and being slashed by
the berserker hurt.
Flores was very clever. He didn’t go backwards and instead used Flying Feather Steps to
quickly bypass Yu Pingsheng. Only then could he receive the protection of his girlfriend
Sure enough, as soon as he entered into range, Isabel opened the paladin’s protection skill,
Guardian’s Shield!
The dazzling golden light formed a shield around the archer. All attacks were absorbed by
the light shield. YU Pingsheng no longer chased the other person and chased him to the
break in the plank road.
Su Guangmo and Isabel were facing each other. The audience discovered at this time that
the extremely defensive Isabel had been beaten down to 65% by Su Guangmo’s explosive
A paladin was truly difficult to kill but it was also hard for her attack skills to kill the
opponent. The two people here were in a deadlock. Now Flores rushed over and accurately
fired at Su Guangmo.
—Shock Shot!
This was a skill that dealt a relatively large amount of damage to a single target. Su
Guangmo had been fighting with Isabel and had 55% blood. After being hit by the archer’s
Shock Shot, his blood abruptly dropped to 35%!
At this time, Su Guangmo placed a blue symbol on the mini-map.
Yu Pingsheng nodded and placed a finger on a key.
The next moment, the audience saw a very beautiful scene—
Yu Pingsheng, who was on the above plank road, suddenly jumped down and fell behind
Isabel. The giant axe swept out and the most violent skill of a berseker was used—Cut
Through Thorns!
Su Guangmo had a tacit understanding and used the swordsman’s most powerful move,
Light and Shadow Rotation!
In an instant, the white sword and giant axe intertwined, all attacks directed at the paladin
Isabel. The highly defensive paladin couldn’t withstand the joint explosion of these two
people and her health fell to 30%!
In the distance, Flores’ heart was cold and he immediately fired arrows at Su Guangmo. The
second consecutive Shock Shot took Su Guangmo’s life!
The remaining Yu Pingsheng didn’t have much blood left but his defense was higher than a
swordsman. Shock Shot couldn’t kill him and Flores had to consume a larger amount of
blue to use Seize Life Shot!
He had killed Su Yu at a very fast speed but there was no joy on the faces of the Spanish
audience members.
The previous scene was just too shocking.
Yu Pingsheng and Su Guangmo suddenly merged and launched a big outburst at the same
time. Even a top three paladin in the world couldn’t endure it. It was obvious how fierce
their attack power was when they joined hands.
Isabel had been saved by her boyfriend but her heart was still pounding.
She knew that Su Guangmo’s level was very high but she hadn’t expected his partner Yu
Pingsheng to be so powerful. In addition, the tacit understanding between the two brothers
was no worse than her and Flores!
Flores couldn’t help exclaiming, “That berserker is a master! His style seems violent but it
is actually very meticulous and delicate.”
The use of ‘meticulous and delicate’ to describe Yu Pingsheng were truly the most
appropriate words.
Isabel took a deep breath and said, “There is still one more group of partners. Be careful!”
Then two IDs appeared on the big screen.
Killer Lou, Killer Zhang.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help laughing. “Hahaha, Spain’s couple must want to cry right now?
They can’t send dog food to the Chinese team and are fed dog food instead! The Su Yu
combination is no worse than a couple. Meanwhile, the Lou Zhang combination have been
brothers for more than 10 years!”
In the live broadcast room, the domestic audience was also gloating. [The public display of
affection should quickly die! Sending a couple to abuse single dogs, the Spanish captain is
thinking too much!] [I’m strongly distressed for the Spanish couple. They will be stunned
by Su Yu and Lou Zhang!] [They want to feed us dog food only to be fed dog food
themselves. Kou Hongyi’s summary is brilliant!]
Isabel saw these two IDs and felt a desire to jump from the cliff!
It wasn’t good to face this pair of assassin brothers!

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GLS: Chapter 286
Chapter 286 – Lou Zhang Combination

Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng weren’t able to kill the couple from Spain but they were
cruel to the two players. In particular, the last joint attack forced Isabel down to 30% blood.
This state of residual blood made perfect conditions for their teammates who would play
They came down from the players’ seats and Su Guangmo nodded to Lou Wushuang, saying
simply, “I will give it to you.”
Yu Pingsheng learnt from his brother and nodded at Lou Zhang.
Lou Wushuang pushed the glasses up his nose and said, “Don’t worry.”
Then he took his brother Zhang Shaohui through the glass soundproof door towards the
players’ seats.
The key confrontation in the guard stage finally began!
The Spanish team’s paladin Isabel had only 30% of her blood left and her blue was around
60%. On the other hand, the archer Flores had consumed too many skills killing the Su Yu
combination. He might have 70% blood but he only had 40% blue.
Kou Hongyi was excited. “The Lou Zhang combination has appeared! They are the strongest
killer brothers in China! In a full blood and blue state against the residual blood players of
Spain, there is almost no suspense.”
Yu Bing spoke quietly, “The paladin doesn’t have much blood left but she has many life
saving skills that she hasn’t used. It won’t be easy to kill Isabel. My guess is that Lou Zhang
should set fire to kill the archer first.”
Sure enough, the moment that Lou Zhang refreshed on the map, they entered stealth and
quietly lurked. Their target was the archer Flores.
The use of the stealth skill on such a cliff and air map would indeed make the opponents
afraid. The viewers found that both Isabel and Flores were adjusting their perspective to
observe the situation around them.
Flores seemed to realize something and he suddenly turned to fire an arrow. It might be the
lowest blue consumption attack skill but it hit the hiding Zhang Shaohui and succeeded in
revealing him. This was the Spanish team’s ace. His prejudgment ability was quite accurate!
Flores wanted to use a cold arrow to slow down the opponent. As a result, someone flash
behind him and Lou Wushuang’s dagger pierced the archer’s back. Pain Blade!
Flores instantly became dizzy.
“…” Nobody could blame him for his miscalculation. Who would think another assassin was
hiding behind him!
The domestic audience was familiar with this scene. The Lou Zhang brothers often adopted
a double insurance practice. Even if the younger brother was hit, the other brother could
still control the opponent.
Lou Wushuang controlled Flores and both assassins released a violent set of combos—Back
Stab, Fatal Blow, Blood Blade!
For a time, two silver coloured daggers quickly stabbed Flores. Blood fell from the broken
archer onto the plank road like an avalanche. Flores’ blood directly fell to 30%.
At this critical moment, Isabel opened the paladin’s big moves—Steel Battle Soul,
A golden light spread from her feet and formed a wide array. Any allies inside the array
would be invincible and all damage would be rebounded for three seconds!
The paladin used these skills and Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui immediately stopped.
Flores flew to the top of the plank road with Flying Feather Steps and used Quenching
Arrow. This had a certain chance of triggering the freezing effect and Zhang Shaohui was
frozen in place!
Flores quickly fired many arrows at Zhang Shaohui and he was beaten to half blood.
Lou Wushuang naturally didn’t sit idly by while his brother was beaten. He decisively
chased the archer. The paladin’s move might bounce back all attacks but there was always
a time limit for a big move.
The moment the effect of Steel Battle Soul was over, the dagger in Lou Wushuang’s hand
stabbed Flores!
Death Strangulation!
This single target skill caused Flores’ blood to drop to 10% and his health gauge started to
flash red.
Isabel was in a hurry as she picked up her shield and rushed over to protect her teammates.
As a result, the unfrozen Zhang Shaohui moved and used Pain Blade to set her in place!
Lou Wushuang was relieved by his younger brother’s sensitive response and he decisively
used Fatal Blow!
Blood flashed and the archer died.
Isabel wanted to cough up blood. The Su Yu combination in the last stage was enough to
surprise her and now the killer brothers in the guard stage were too strong. How could the
Chinese team’s partners have such tacit understanding?
Lou Zhang cooperated to kill Flores and they took no more than three minutes!
Lou Wushuang’s fierce style caused her to feel admiration.
The Spanish team’s arena players died in succession and only the paladin Isabel was left
facing the Lou Zhang brothers alone. The result was easy to predict.
The thick-skinned paladin couldn’t last long under the siege of the Lou Zhang brothers.
News of Isabel’s death soon appeared on the big screen and the Chinese team won five
points for the arena!
“Brother, we won!” Zhang Shaohui excitedly stood up and hugged his brother. “We were
the guard two times in a row. It is really cool to see the ‘Winner’ pop up on the screen every
Lou Wushuang quietly adjusted his glasses and said, “This is due to Cat God and Captain Su.
They played too smoothly. We were only responsible for cleaning things up.”
Zhang Shaohui instantly nodded in an earnest manner. “Yes, that’s for sure! By the time we
appeared on the scene, both Spanish players were brutally beaten. I didn’t mean to take Cat
God’s credit…” Zhang Shaohui grabbed his hair and thought about it before coming up with
a more appropriate description. “I just think that it is great to fight with you and win the
Lou Wushuang heard this and was slightly startled. “Is it different from partnering with
other people?”
Zhang Shaohui replied without hesitation, “Of course, you are my brother!”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
He didn’t want to talk to this person and turned away.
Zhang Shaohui followed while looking doubtfully at Lou Wushuang’s back. It was strange.
They obviously won the game so why did his brother seem to be in a bad mood.
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and decided not to provoke the other person. He went to
Li Cangyu and smiled. “Cat God, we have successfully won this game. As long as we win
another game, the group stage should have no suspense right?”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes. Still, I would prefer that we qualify as first in the group.”
His words were very calm, as if he was saying, “Today we will eat rice.”
The captain said this and the blood of the people around him was instantly mobilized. Jiang
Xu, the commander of the next battle, came over and said, “Captain, rest assured. We will
do our best.”
Li Cangyu patted Jiang Xu’s shoulder in an encouraging manner. “I will watch you.”
The author has something to say:
Isabel: How can the Chinese team’s partners be more tacit than us? We are engaged!
Flores: Yes, it is weird.
Kou Hongyi: Hehe.

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GLS: Chapter 287

Chapter 287 – Las Ventas Bullring

The loss in the first game didn’t make the Spanish captain, Rodriguez lose confidence. He
already knew that the Chinese team had many strong partners and Spain only sent the ace
combination of Isabel and Flores in the arena. More masters from the Spanish team would
appear in the next team battle and the next two maps were those submitted by Spain. Their
familiarity with the map was definitely much higher than the Chinese team.
Rodriguez gathered the players and spoke in a low voice, “This game is very important to
us! We have lost to Italy and if we lose to the Chinese team, the group stage will be
completely hopeless. Therefore, everyone must do their best to win the economic war.”
The players participating in the economic war put their hands together and encouraged
each other.
Before the start of the game, the 3D image of the map was shown on the big screen as usual.
Las Ventas Bullring was the most famous bullring in Spain. It was located in the capital city,
Madrid. It was said that only bullfighters who won here were real bullfighters and only
bulls who died here could regain their freedom.
The Las Ventas Bullring had a special significance for Spaniards. In reality, it was a circular
building but an economic warfare map must be symmetrical. The Spanish designers had to
transform it.
The MIracle bullring became a square and was transformed into the typical ‘ 田’ structure.
The areas were divided into southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest. The centre of
the map contained the crystal that was most important for the economic warfare.
The structure of the economic warfare map was stipulated by the league. There weren’t
many changes to the terrain but the mobs on this map were very Spanish. They were all
wild bulls.
The Australian koala bears became remote mobs who sold meng. This was very novel for
the domestic audiences. Now they saw the strong bulls on Spain’s map and couldn’t help
commenting: [Next is fighting bulls?] [These bulls look terrible!] [It must be exciting to be
surrounded by a bunch of crazy bulls!]
The commentators had previously seen the Spain and Italy match and Las Ventas Bullring
was also used as the economic warfare map. Kou Hongyi took the initiative to explain to the
audience. “You can see that Spanish bulls will continue to refresh on the wild areas of this
map. These bulls are all aggressive!]
Aggressive monsters were more dangerous because they would actively attack players who
entered their range. In particular, the Spanish bulls were thick-skinned wild monsters with
powerful attacks. They were difficult to kill.
It would be an embarrassing scene if the Chinese players with weak defense were chased
by the bulls.
Yu Bing looked at the situation in the soundproof room and found that Tan Shitian, Cheng
Wei and Jiang Xu were gathered to discuss something. She guessed, “It seems that this
economic war will be commanded by Captain Tan?”
“It’s possible.” Kou Hongyi agreed. “Tan Shitian won the economic war against the
Australian. It is reasonable for Cat God to let him continue. Moreover, the main force from
Spain consists of swordsmen and berserkers. It is a wise choice to use the kite flow against
melee classes.”
The two of them had just finished saying this when the next lineup appeared on the big
The Chinese players participating in the economic war were Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, Jiang
Xu, Zhuo Hang, Liu Xiang and Meng Jie.
Spain’s lineup was also gorgeous. Captain Rodriguez and Vice-Captain Sobrino actually
appeared in the economic war. The rest of the players were also top players from Spain.
Kou Hongyi was surprised. “The captain and vice-captain appeared. It seems that Spain is
bound to win the economic war?”
“The Spanish team sent a very strong lineup.” Yu Bing calmly analyzed. “Rodriguez’
swordsman, Sobrino’s paladin and Othello’s berserker are called the Iron Triangle. The
front row’s defense and offensive abilities are excellent. The healer Brianna is also a
sensitive player.”
Kou Hongyi continued, “The other two swordsmen are from the same team. Victoria and
Adela are fixed partners. Their level isn’t as strong as the captain but they have been old
partners for many years and their cooperation is tacit.”
The audience felt dizzy at all the names quickly mentioned.
The names of foreigners were really hard to remember!
According to Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing, everyone could see that Spain had sent an ace lineup
this game.
The swordsman captain, the paladin vice-captain and a berserker were known as the Iron
Triangle. The remaining two swordsmen were tacit partners while the healer was also
powerful. The overall strength was significantly improved compared to the arena.
Five melee plus a healer, this was obviously the violent melee style.
Meanwhile, the Chinese team had only one front row, Meng Jie of Red Fox!
The domestic audience couldn’t help worrying. [Can Meng Jiejie hold out against so many
swordsmen and berserker?] [There is only one person in the front row. It is very
dangerous! Once the front row is broken, the remaining Chinese players all have low
defense!] [The healing pressure on Captain Liu will be quite large. Why didn’t Dad Bai
There were many questions in the live broadcast room. Yu Bing seemed to guess their
thoughts and explained, “Bai Xuan isn’t playing because his body isn’t very comfortable. He
temporarily took this match off. However, the healing level of Red Fox’s captain Liu Xiang
isn’t weak. We must have more confidence in the female players Liu Xiang and Meng Jie.”
As the former captain of Red Fox, Yu Bing naturally had to speak for the female players of
Red Fox.
Kou Hongyi immediately agreed. “Sister Bing is right. Captain Liu’s group healing skills are
very strong. The Chinese team’s lineup consists of hunters, a white magician and an archer.
Even if they can’t kite, they can rely on traps and create countless troubles for the melee
classes of Spain. I am very optimistic that the Chinese team can win this game!”
Yu Bing nodded. “The game is about to begin. Please focus on the big screen.”
On the screen, both teams refreshed in the lower left corner and upper right corner of the
At the beginning of the game, Tan Cheng walked down one road while Zhuo Hang and Meng
Jie took the other road. Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang held the middle which was their home base.
This type of splitting made Yu Bing feel surprised.
It was reasonable to say that based on the lineup, the two hunters should be together while
Meng Jie and Liu Xiang should be together. Why was this arrangement disrupted? If they
wanted to focus the resources of the wild area on a certain player, shouldn’t Tan Shitian go
with a healer to earn more money in the beginning?
Yu Bing was once a female captain with a high tactical literacy. She thought for a moment
before crying out in a shocked manner, “Is Tan Shitian not the commander of this game?”
Kou Hongyi still hadn’t realized the situation and turned doubtfully at these words, “Ah?
Why is Sister Bing saying this?”
Yu Bing explained, “In the economic war, the number of mobs in each wild area is limited. If
two people go together, the resources are generally divided equally. Usually a healer
doesn’t kill the mobs. In other words, the person who the healer accompanies is generally
the one the resources will be concentrated on.”
This was the general rule of the economic warfare. For example, the mobs in one wild area
would give 1,000 gold coins. Two outputs equalled to 500 gold coins per person. If there
was a healer, the other person would swallow up the economy of 1,000 coins and they
were able to buy more advanced equipment in the early stages.
In general, the team commander would take care of the core players when splitting the
team, so that the resources were concentrated on the core player.
“Looking at the current situation, Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang are together. Then the initial
economic focus should be on Jiang Xu, not Tan Shitian.” Yu Bing patiently explained.
Kou Hongyi suddenly realized. “In this case, the core might not be Tan Shitian’s kite flow?”
“It could be the trap stream.” Yu Bing looked thoughtfully at the screen.
The first wave of mobs soon appeared on the map.
The Spanish bulls were extremely aggressive. Once they appeared on the map, they aimed
their horns at the nearest player. Even the thick-skinned Meng Jie lost 10% of her blood
and became dizzy.
Zhuo Hang and Meng Jie happened to meet the Spanish double swordsmen combination.
After seeing that Meng Jie was fixed in place, the other party instantly rushed up. They
joined hands and used Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to force Meng Jie’s
blood to 60%.
Zhuo Hang’s reaction speed was extremely fast. He placed a series of traps around Meng Jie
and bought the two of them time. Meng Jie escaped the trouble and used Mountain Chop to
create a deep gully in the ground, blocking the other party’s pursuit.
This small encounter only forced Meng Jie to drop some blood and they didn’t give away a
head. Zhuo Hang sighed and used the traps to take care of the mad bulls. He said in the
voice channel, “Senior, the bulls will make ranged classes lose 20% blood and cause
He inferred the bull’s attack power according to Meng Jie’s blood loss. If a fragile player like
Tan Shitian had been hit then the blood loss should be 20%.
Jiang Xu said, “I understand. Everyone be careful.”
He praised Zhuo Hang in his heart. This person had followed him to learn the hunter’s
gameplay and his attitude was very respectful. There wasn’t the rumoured arrogance and
conceit. His reaction speed in the game was also quite sharp. He was worthy of being a
player trained by Li Cangyu.
In the middle, Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang encountered the Spanish berserker and healer
Both sides took a healer who couldn’t kill and gave up on the idea of a conflict. They killed
mobs to earn money and looked peaceful.
The other road was particularly intense because it had the Spanish captain and vice-
Rodriguez and Sobrino, a swordsman and paladin, both of whom were Spain’s aces.
In particular, the captain Rodriguez had a very violent and radical style of play. The
moment he saw the Tan Cheng combination, he rushed towards Cheng Wei and used Spirit
Lock to set him in place. Then he followed with Breaking Bone Sword Devouring Soul
Sword to force Cheng Wei’s blood to 4%!
This terrible attack speed and explosiveness was really shocking!
Tan Shitian naturally couldn’t stand by while Cheng Wei was beaten. He stood in the
distance and fired his longbow, accurately using Shock Shot!
The arrow hit Rodriguez’ chest and forced his blood down to 70%!
Tan Shitian followed up with Seize Life Shot only to see Vice-Captain Sobrino pick up a
shield and rush in front to protect the captain from this attack.
The big move hit the thick-skinned paladin and the other person only lost 15% blood.
Fortunately, Cheng Wei’s control effect ended and he used God’s Seal to trap the bull next
to him. Then he turned and ran back to Tan Shitian.
The two sides had a fierce exchange of skills and couldn’t kill anyone.
Tan Shitian no longer fought with the Spanish pair. He fired a few arrows to kill the bull
that Cheng Wei controlled and the prompt +100 coins appeared above his head.
Another bull rushed over from the left. Cheng Wei ran away while casting a skill and used
white magic to beat it to residual blood. Then Tan Shitian fired and killed the bull again.
Yu Bing was startled and said, “I must’ve guessed wrong. The resources on the road are
being concentrated on Tan Shitian while Cheng Wei is giving him assistance.”
Tan Cheng’s cooperation was extremely tacit. In the blink of an eye, Tan Shitian killed the
mobs in the wild area and Cheng Wei also robbed two mobs from Rodriguez’ side.
Rodriguez was very angry but he had no way. After all, the opponents were two outputs
and their speed of killing was definitely faster. His partner was a paladin with few output
He had to swallow the small loss. However, he didn’t exact the commander of the Chinese
team to constantly accumulate economic benefits!
The first wave of mobs finished and everyone returned to the city to update their
equipment. On the economic panel, Tan Shitian was the largest tyrant with 1,200 gold
coins, followed by Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang with 1,000 gold coins.
Tan Shitian once again brought the Elf’s tears which increased attack distance while Jiang
Xu and Zhuo Hang chose rings to reduce the cooldown of their skills.
Li Xiaojiang watched the game from the VIP stands and said seriously, “Zhuo, Zhuo Hang
rarely chooses this ring. He mainly chooses rings that increase the duration of traps or
enhance the trap damage.”
Gu Siming wasn’t good at tactics and turned to ask Zhang Jueming, “Uncle, is this the trap
stream style?”
Zhang Jueming nodded. “Yes, Jiang Xu and Chen Anran like to use this ring. The two of them
always buy cooldown reduction equipment to seamlessly connect their traps. They will
quickly release traps to trap the opponent and then explode the traps to kill the opponents.
This is the Cheetah team’s trap flow.”
Chen Anran hadn’t joined the national team because he was eliminated by Zhuo Hang in the
trials. Today Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu bought the same equipment, apparently to cooperate
with each other using the trap flow style.
Li Xiaojiang thought carefully and asked, “But, but the Cheetah team’s trap stream requires
the cooperation of four hunters to achieve a seamless connection. There are only two
hunters. Won’t it be easy for the opponents to break through?”
The serious Xiaojiang raised a key point and the silently listening Liu Chuan interjected,
“This isn’t just the trap steam. It is the taunting style.” Li Xiaojiang looked over and saw Liu
Chuan touching his chin. “The combination of traps and kiting, there are two cores at the
same time. This means the opponents will have difficulty selecting the core tactic during
the battle. It is impossible to determine the target to attack first. In other words, the two
tactics are combined to form a double taunting and insurance.” Wu Zewen glanced at him.
“Do you know so much about Miracle?”
Liu Chuan replied, “The principles of e-sports competitions is similar. If I’m not guessing
wrong, the commander today should be Jiang Xu. His tactical level isn’t bad. It is a pity he is
buried in the Cheetah team. Should I dig him out after going back?”
Everyone, “…”
‘Boss, you are too much. You want to dig the captain of another team? Aren’t you afraid of
being beaten up?’

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GLS: Chapter 288

Hey guys,
Sorry, I live a few hours away from my family for work. Today I drove back to visit them for
a few days and forgot my laptop charger. Expect a few days of no chapters before there is a
mini mass release thus/fri depending on how tired I am from the drive.

Chapter 288 – The Double Taunting Lineup

Liu Chuan was a former e-sports king. He might’ve never played Miracle but he could still
see the tactical ideas adopted by the Chinese team’s lineup.
The principle of the double taunting was actually very simple but it was hard to deal with.
After all, Spain’s Captain Rodriguez was a world-class player. He quickly reacted to the
strangeness of the Chinese team. Still, wouldn’t the combination of traps and kiting be
Reality proved that Jiang Xu’s commanding ideas were very meticulous. There was no
messiness despite the two styles combining and the rhythm of the team was very unified.
After updating their equipment, everyone gathered at the ice dragon’s refresh point. The
six members of the Spanish team also came here. The blue field boss was quietly resting in
its cave. This was different from the aggressiveness of the fire dragon. The ice dragon was
relatively mild and wouldn’t actively attack the players.
Once the melee players of the Spanish team saw the six members of the Chinese team, they
didn’t hesitate to rush over. The melee style under the leadership of Rodriguez was fierce
and best at fighting hard against others.
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu had already placed a row of traps to prevent the opponent from
approaching. However, the Spanish team’s paladin Sobrino suddenly released Steel Battle
The golden light spread out from the paladin and all members of the Spanish team got the
‘rebound’ status. The damage of the traps were rebounded to the Chinese team.
The Spanish team’s melee started to sprint forward under the protection of this big move.
The paladin was in front with the three swordsmen and berserker behind him. The priest
was at the end and the group of people rushed towards the Chinese team like a tiger.
Meng Jie was in the front row and her pressure when facing the five melee classes of Spain
was huge. She cleverly avoided the giant axe aimed at her waist but the next swordsman
used Spirit Lock to set her in place.
The domestic audience thought that the other side would gather to kill Meng Jie. As a result,
the Spanish team bypassed Meng Jie and rushed towards the fragile hunter Jiang Xu in the
back row. Rodriguez obviously chose the first target to be Jiang Xu because he guessed that
Jiang Xu was the commander of the game.
Jiang Xu placed traps quickly but the map was too flat. He couldn’t use the terrain to
arrange his traps and they were all destroyed by the paladin in the front row.
The paladin was thick-skinned and the damage from the traps only tickled him. Under the
protection of the paladin, the melee in the back pressed hard and in the blink of an eye,
Jiang Xu was forced to retreat.
—Breaking Bone Sword, Broken Sword, Light and Shadow Rotation!
The three swordsmen teamed up to open many explosive skills in order to kill Jiang Xu.
Jiang Xu was beaten to 15% blood and was about to die. Fortunately, Liu Xiang reacted
quickly. The moment Jiang Xu was attacked, the priest decisively used a big move.
—Desperate Prayer!
The soft light descended from the sky and Jiang Xu’s blood was instantly pulled back. At the
same time, the whole group was immune to all control for three seconds and Jiang Xu was
The moment that Liu Xiang was protecting Jiang Xu, the players Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei and
Zhuo Hang were doing something else.
As early as when the Spanish team rushed to kill Jiang Xu, Zhuo Hang had wisely used
Flying Feather Steps to fly around while Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei followed.
The three people joined forces to attack the healer.
Cheng Wei used God’s Seal to seal the other healer and Tan Shitian immediately followed
up with Precise Shot and Shock Shot. Zhuo Hang used Flying Feather Steps to move around
the healer at a very fast speed, putting down a Stop Trap and Death Trap.
There was a loud explosive sound and the hunter’s chain traps exploded. Combined with
Tan Shitian’s arrows, the Spanish priest Brianna’s health dropped to 50%!
Brianna had to instantly use Purification to relieve the negative state on her body. Then she
used Holy Light Surge to directly fill up her blood.
Then Zhuo Hang’s Silence Trap once again controlled her!
Cheng Wei followed up by casting God’s Light and Voice of Combat. Tan Shitian then fired
Death Shot and the two people joined forces to once again press the priest’s blood to 50%.
Brianna wanted to cry and once the control skill was over, she was forced to use Desperate
The three seconds free of control gave her time to breath but it was also enough time for
Zhuo Hang to once again set chain traps around her…
Tan, Cheng and Zhuo set fire to kill her and she simply couldn’t add blood.
Rodriguez noticed that the healer was being beaten and couldn’t help frowning. The
Chinese team obviously wanted to kill the healer. If they gave up on killing Jiang Xu and
returned to rescue the healer, it would just be wasting everything they did so far. It was
better to quickly kill the hunter.
Rodriguez thought this and quickly ordered, “Kill the hunter!”
The members of the Spanish team joined up to kill the weak defense Jiang Xu. Rodriguez
thought that the healer of the Chinese team would continue to protect the hunter.
Unexpectedly, she decisively abandoned Jiang Xu and left the combat area.
Jiang Xu died.
Rodriguez didn’t have time to be happy because he received news that his healer had died.
Both sides exchanged one head and there wasn’t a numbers disadvantage.
However, Yu Bing quietly stated, “Rodriguez fell into the Chinese team’s trap. The real trap
of the Chinese team isn’t the Stop Trap or the Death Trap. It is… Jiang Xu himself.”
These words caused the domestic live broadcast room to explode.
Jiang Xu smiled after falling to the ground.
Yes, the real trap weren’t the taps laid on the ground. It was himself.
He was a weak defense hunter who relied on his flexible movements and cooperation with
Liu Xiang to force out the other four melee. Next, Tan Shitian was in excellent condition and
would complete the battlefield harvest.
This was the double taunting tactic.
The lineup had two core styles. No matter which side Spain killed first, the Chinese team’s
tactics wouldn’t collapse.

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GLS: Chapter 289

Chapter 289 -Broken Crystal

Jiang Xu and Brianna died in succession and the ground battle became a 5v5 situation.
At this time, the Spanish team’s disadvantage wasn’t obvious. Everyone’s blood was above
80%. As long as the paladin protected them well, the other four outputs would join forces
to kill one person from the Chinese team.
Unfortunately, the ranged classes of the Chinese team wouldn’t give them a chance to catch
While the Spanish players worked together to kill Jiang Xu, Liu Xiang managed to retreat.
Then Meng Jie’s Mountain Chop created a huge pit in the ground that hindered
displacement skills. Once they Spanish team bypassed the giant pit to chase the opponents,
they found that the ground had already been filled with Zhuo Hang’s traps.
—Stop Trap!
This was a hunter’s basic skill but it was enough to set the short-legged melee in place.
Rodriguez just managed to break out of it when he stepped into the next trap, the Silence
The audience was a bit surprised. They didn’t expect that Zhuo Hang’s traps could play a
role here.
Everyone knew that Zhuo Hang was good at using the terrain but the Spanish bullring was
a map with very flat terrain. The advantage of Zhuo Hang’s terrain traps seemed to be
greatly weakened.
However, everyone was ignoring Meng Jie’s berserker!
The berserker could use skills to divide the battlefield. The map might originally be flat but
Meng Jie’s axe continued to smash down and created numerous obstacles.
Zhuo Hang wisely cooperated with Meng Jie to lay a variety of traps besides the big holes
created by the axe.
The Spanish team might be fierce but facing the ground that was full of pits and traps, they
were like a lion with one foot cut off. There was no way for them to catch up with the
Thus, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei could comfortably cast their skills in the distance.
The moment Jiang Xu died, the Chinese team’s tactics shifted to the kite flow. Zhuo Hang
and Meng Jie controlled the displacement of the other side while Tan Cheng were
responsible for attacking. Gradually, they placed pressure on the Spanish team’s blood.
The Spanish team had no healer and could only be beaten. Due to the interference of the
hunter’s traps, they couldn’t break through. Rodriguez was a bit annoyed. It felt like he was
slamming his fists into a mass of cotton.
“Do a good job of protection and unleash a strong wave!” Rodriguez gave an order.
The paladin Sobrino immediately used Unbreakable to increase the defense of the whole
group and then placed Guardian Shield on the captain to absorb the damage.
Rodriguez stormed towards Zhuo Hang and everyone gathered to kill Zhuo Hang. Then
they encountered Tan Shitian’s Death Arrow Rain waiting for them. By the time the Spanish
team exhausted their strength and killed Zhuo Hang, Tan Shitian had taken the heads of
two swordsmen.
One for two, it was a big loss in this wave of combat!
Rodriguez had a headache and ordered, “Retreat!”
3v4 while the other side had a healer. They certainly couldn’t win and Rodriguez wisely
gave up on the ice dragon.
Jiang Xu looked at the game time and said, “Go kill the ice dragon. I will go with Xiao Zhuo
to the fire dragon.”
Tan Shitian understood the meaning. “I understand.”
This round of combat took too long and the fire dragon also refreshed in the top left of the
map. Jiang Xu made a judgment and thought that the Spanish team might be desperate
enough to steal the fire dragon after giving up on the ice dragon.
The Spanish team’s healer had just been resurrected and the two swordsmen would
resurrect in 10 seconds.
Rodriguez returned to the resurrection point to refresh their resources and meet the
resurrected teammates.
It would take at least half a minute for the Chinese team to kill the ice dragon. Spain could
use this time difference to kill the fire dragon and then use the fire dragon’s bonuses to
push towards the crystal.
—He was thinking too beautifully!
Jiang Xu’s eyes were cold. He waited for Zhuo Hang to resurrect and instantly used Flying
Feather Steps to move to the refresh point of the fire dragon. The six members of the
Spanish team were killing the dragon in the cave.
The fire dragon’s attack power was very fierce. It breathed out fire and the damage caused
was amazing.
Nevertheless, Spain had a world-class paladin. Under the protection of Sobrino’s Guardian
Shield and the rapid healing from Brianna, the other people exploded their hand speed and
things were smooth.
Jiang Xu lurked and waited for an opportunity.
Once the fire dragon was beaten to 30% blood and the healer’s big move was on cooldown,
he jumped into the cave and laid a trap at a very fast speed.
Zhuo Hang followed and traps were set one after another.
—Jiang Xu’s Stop Trap!
—Zhuo Hang’s Silence Trap!
The hunter’s two simplest traps worked together and the result was that the six Spanish
players were collective set in place and unable to use any skills from the silence.
At this time, the fire dragon breathed out blood and the blood volume of the Spanish
players started to fall.
The initiators Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang wisely used Flying Feather Steps to escape.
Rodriguez was frozen in the pit and wanted to cough up blood!
By the time the trap’s effect ended, the Spanish team had fallen to half blood. Brianna was
frightened and rushed to fill up their blood. Rodriguez saw that the fire dragon only had
30% health left and said, “Quickly slay the dragon!”
If they gave up then they wouldn’t be able to reverse the situation!
Then Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang returned, once again setting traps in the cave.
Why were these two hunters so annoying?
Rodriguez wanted to tear these two hunters to shreds but as the captain, he had to make a
more rational decision. “The berserker will drive them away. Everyone else will continue to
fight the dragon.”
The berserker received the order and used Mountain Chop to separate Jiang Xu and Zhuo
Hang from the surrounding area while the fire dragon’s blood was reduced to 10%. At this
critical moment, a dense arrow rain fell from the sky.
Following the arrow rain was a pure white light—God’s Belief!
Tan Cheng had arrived!
The domestic audience started to cheer excitedly!
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei rushed to the city to recover their blood and blue after killing
the ice dragon. Then the headed towards the fire dragon at the fastest speed. They used
two big moves to say hello to the residual blood Spanish members.
Rodriguez ordered, “Ignore them and kill the dragon!”
The dragon only had 10% blood left and it was impossible to give up at this time. The
members released their skills and the dragon was killed.
[The Spanish team has killed the fire dragon.]
The prompt that appeared on the screen increased the morale of the Spanish team and the
bonuses also made them confident. It seemed that victory was in sight.
However, once they came out of the dragon cave, they once again suffered from Jiang Xu
and Zhuo Hang’s serial traps.
The Spanish team had just finished killing the boss and their blood was very low. Brianna
was about to use a big skill but Cheng Wei quickly used God’s Seal to control her!
She resolved it using Purification and Tan Shitian followed with Quenching Arrow to
trigger the freezing effect, turning her into an ice sculpture!
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu joined forces to control the berserker and paladin in the front row
with the Stop Trap and Silence Trap.
Without the support of the paladin and healer, the residual blood Spanish swordsmen were
in danger.
The female berserker Meng Jie rushed to the front and the axe in her hand waved
aggressively—Cut Through Thorns, World Without Justice!
After controlling the healer, Cheng Wei cast Voice of Combat while Tan Shitian’s arrows
followed closely with Barrage Shot and Rapid Shooting. Rodriguez’s life was directly taken
The Spanish captain was killed and Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang’s traps exploded, killing the
remaining two swordsmen.
The remaining three members collapsed and were destroyed in an instant!
Rodriguez looked at the grey screen and felt particularly heavy.
The game was very confusing and he suddenly had a sense of powerlessness. The two
hunters of the Chinese team didn’t look great but they smashed the Spanish team’s plan to
kill the dragon and break the crystal as soon as possible.
The Spanish team had still won the fire dragon in the end but… what was the use? The
other Chinese members arrived and took advantage of the opportunity to kill the six
residual blood Spanish players.
The second resurrection time was 20 seconds and it would take 10 seconds to reach the
central crystal area…
This half a minute was enough for the Chinese team to break the crystal.
Once this line popped up on the screen, all six Chinese players showed smiles on their faces.
Tan Shitian took the initiative to walk over and hug Jiang Xu. “Captain Jiang’s tactics are
Liu Xiang also smiled and said, “Yes, the Spanish team messed up by hitting the back row.”
Jiang Xu’s actual game performance today wasn’t brilliant. He was killed by the other side
just after starting but his tactical arrangement allowed the Chinese team to successfully
win the economic war.
A precise layout and judgment, he wasn’t Chinese’s best hunter for nothing.
When necessary, he even used himself as a trap to successfully complete the tactical
transfer of the Chinese team.
Jiang Xu wasn’t proud at receiving praise from great gods. He just felt relieved.
He could finally fulfill his tactical designers on the world stage and tell the people of the
world that China’s hunters weren’t weak!
Perhaps the 16 year old Chen Anran would see this game in China and become more
determined to play a hunter. Zhuo Hang, who had just won the rookie prize, would gain
more insight and growth after this competition.
Jiang Xu’s career wasn’t brilliant but in the future Miracle League, there would surely be a
stronger hunter than him.
He always believed this.

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GLS: Chapter 290

Chapter 290 – Death Racing

Jiang Xu returned to the resting place and Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder with a
smile. “Your command was excellent!”
Su Su Guangmo also praised him, “Captain Jiang’s double taunting idea is really novel but
only the national team can form such a luxurious lineup, right?”
Zhang Shaohui added, “The double taunting style is too hard! Captain Jiang should lead
another group battle!”
Jiang Xu was very excited about being praised by such great gods. In the domestic league,
the Cheetah team often lost to the other teams and came in last. Today, he led the national
team’s players to win in the World Competition and also achieved his dream.
Perhaps his teammates from the Cheetah team were watching the live broadcast?
At this time, a message suddenly popped up on Jiang Xu’s phone from Chen Anran. [Master
is handsome!]
This 16 year old boy was ashamed of his personality. He always blushed and hid behind
teammates when meeting reporters. However, Jiang Xu knew that this boy had a strong
gaming talent and would one day make everyone look at the Cheetah team.
Jiang Xu thought this and replied: [Next year’s World Competition, I hope that you will have
a place in the team. Can you do it?]
Chen Anran immediately replied: [Yes, I will refuel!]
Jiang Xu smiled and put away his phone.
The strength of the Chinese Miracle League would only become stronger and stronger
because there were too many outstanding players growing quickly!
The domestic broadcast room was overwhelmed with flowers and clapping at this time.
The Chinese team had won three games against Australia. Now they won the arena and
economic battle. Each game gave five points and the total score of the Chinese team had
reached 25 points, making them ranked first in Group B.
Italy lost one game in the match against Spain. Even if they played 3:0 in the afternoon
match against Australia, they could only get 25 points.
In other words, regardless of the outcome, the Chinese team had already locked in a
qualifying quota in the group stage.
The audience was naturally very excited but some people were concerned: [I still hope we
qualify as first in Group B so that the next opponent will be the second place from Group
According to the rules of the AB and CD group cross matches, the quarter finals would be
the first place of Group B against the second place of Group D. The quarter finals was an
elimination stage and the slightest mistake would knock them out of the competition. Thus,
coming first in the group was more advantageous.
Li Cangyu naturally thought this as well.
The next game was death racing and the commander was Ling Xuefeng.
Li Cangyu looked at Ling Xuefeng in the eyes and patted his shoulder in encouragement.
Ling Xuefeng nodded firmly and whispered, “Rest assured.”
The two words were simple but there was a strangely reassuring power about them.
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. “Then I will wait for another five points.”
Since Ling Xuefeng was the commander, Li Cangyu had absolute confidence that they would
gain these five points!
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing used the rest time to briefly analyze the situation of Group B.
Kou Hongyi brought up the World Competition’s current rankings and was excited. “At
present, the Chinese team is ranked first in the group with 25 points. There is also a match
between Italy and Australia this afternoon. The standings will change but we can be certain
that China will qualify.”
“I believe that the players of the national team will want to qualify as the first team. This
means the next game will be crucial.” Yu Bing explained calmly, “The death racing game will
be played on the map submitted by Spain. This will make it more difficult to play.”
“Who will be the commander of the next game?” Kou Hongyi asked.
“It should be Ling Xuefeng.” Yu Bing easily answered. “Cat God, Captain Lou and Captain Su
have already appeared in the arena. Jiang Xu and Tan Shitian appeared in the economic
battle. The only commanders left in the national team are Chu Yan and Ling Xuefeng. A
psychic isn’t suitable for playing against Spain and the other psychic, Zhu Qingyue has
already appeared in the arena. Thus, the commander can’t be Chu Yan and Captain Ling is
the only one remaining.”
Yu Bing’s analysis made sense and the domestic audience became heated up. [Asking
Captain Ling to crush them!] [Captain Ling has been acting as a soy sauce for so long and
he’s finally appearing?] [Captain Ling, I will give you a waist pendant!]
Ling Xuefeng’s popularity in China was very high and his fans instantly drowned the live
broadcast room with comments.
In the soundproof room, Ling Xuefeng brought together the people participating in death
racing to watch the map before the game.
The map chosen for this game was Madrid Palace, submitted by Spain.
On the big screen, the 3D god’s perspective revealed the map. It could be seen that the royal
palace was quite magnificent. The palace was entirely white in colour. The palace in front of
the Plaza de la Armeria had French-style buildings while the interior of the palace
contained the Italian style popular at the time. There were countless small houses and the
interior furnishings were quite luxurious.
There were more than 2,000 houses in the real Madrid Palace. It was impossible to move
the entire palace into the game. The designers transformed the interior of the palace,
leaving only a few dozen rooms. Each room had four doors connected to the front, back, left
and right rooms. The passages inside were complex and it was obviously an indoor
Ling Xuefeng looked thoughtfully at the map and said, “The refresh points of death racing
should be inside the room. There are so many rooms that it is had to judge.” He paused and
looked at the teammates next to him. “Take a closer look at the map and imprint an
impression of the structure of the maze. I will directly mark where we should gather later.”
The rooms in the closed labyrinth were square shaped and the surrounding walls were
exactly the same. It would be easy to get lost once inside. The league had regulations for
this type of maze. There must be a direction marker or the players would end up playing
hide and seek and the game couldn’t finish in an hour.
There was a compass on the mini-map of Madrid Palace. They could judge the direction
according to the compass.
Everyone followed Ling Xuefeng’s instructions and watched the map again and again. Then
once the rest time ended, they pushed open the soundproof glass door and went to the
players’ seats.
The list of participants from both sides immediately appeared on the big screen.
The Chinese side had the demon summoner Ling Xuefeng, the blood kin summoner Qin Mo,
the black magicians Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan and the white magician Yang Muzi. This was
a pure weak defense, ranged lineup.
The Spanish team was a pure melee lineup with two berserkers, two assassins and a
Spain’s ace players had already appeared in the economic war but the death racing
participants were all fixed partners on their teams and had a high understanding.
Kou Hongyi specialized in supplementing the information of the Spanish team and instantly
explained, “The two berserkers are from the Spanish TEG team while the two assassins are
from the Spanish LC team. The remaining swordsman is also good.”
Yu Bing frowned. “This lineup is actually very strong in the labyrinth of the palace because
the two assassins can hide in the maze, looking for opportunities to catch the opponents
and cooperating with teammates to break the opposite side apart.”
“The Chinese team’s defense is weak and it will be easy to die if ambushed by the other
side.” Kou Hongyi was worried but then he changed his words after seeing Ling Xuefeng’s
calm expression in the soundproof room. “However, I think the winning rate is still high
with Captain Ling personally directing! In addition, four people are members of the Wind
Colour team and their understanding doesn’t lose to the Spanish team’s fixed partners!”
The Wind Colour fans saw this scene and were excited. Their captain, the Yan Guo
combination, the little prince as well as the addition of Red Fox’s Yang Muzi, how could
they not win?
The game soon began and the 10 players refreshed on the map.
Sure enough, as Ling Xuefeng expected, the five Chinese players refreshed in five rooms in
the labyrinth. Based on the mini-map, the five people were more scattered.
Ling Xuefeng’s excellent memory allowed him to recall the god’s perspective of the map in
his mind. This labyrinth was similar to a ‘hive.’ The small rooms were connected to each
other because of the four doors in the room. Once a person went in the wrong direction, it
would be hard to find a way back.
Ling Xuefeng quickly made a decision based on the refresh points of the five people. “Qin
Mo, don’t move. Everyone else, go to Qin Mo’s coordinates.”
Qin Mo had refreshed in the middle of the maze. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were relatively
close to him. Meanwhile, Yang Muzi and Ling Xuefeng refreshed in the upper left corner
and lower right corner. They would have to pass through at least ten rooms to gather with
their teammates.
Ling Xuefeng went out the left door of the room and quickly shuttled through the maze.
At this time, the audience with a god’s perspective found that the Spanish players had
refreshed closer together and they were very familiar with the maze. Three members had
gathered together and were waiting for the other two assassin teammates.
In order to get to Qin Mo, Ling Xuefeng had to go through the room where they were
The audience started sweating as they found Ling Xuefeng getting closer and closer to this
Yu Bing nervously said, “The death racing mode doesn’t allow you to see the opponent’s
position. Captain Ling doesn’t know that there are three people from Spain in front of him.
1v3 is quite dangerous.”
Kou Hongyi also stared at the screen. “Captain Ling doesn’t seem to be changing his route…
this is bad! He entered the room!”
On the big screen, Ling Xuefeng pushed open the left door to the next room and
unexpectedly saw the three members of the Spanish team waiting here. There were two
berserkers and a swordsman.
The three players were stunned but quickly reacted.
The berserker raised the axe and aimed Mountain Chop towards the other side. However,
Ling Xuefeng’s reaction was faster. He didn’t hesitate to withdraw from the door and
escaped the skill in a thrilling manner.
The three players of Spain naturally wouldn’t let him go and chased. They had just opened
the door when they saw black crows rushing towards them. Three screens suddenly turned
black and they collectively lost their vision.
Ling Xuefeng calmly went out a side door, showing a handsome back to the audience.
The domestic audience, “…”
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing were a bit embarrassed. They had been worried and nervously
explained to the audience. They were afraid that in a 1v3 situation, Ling Xuefeng would be
killed by the other side. As a result, Ling Xuefeng decisively stepped back, used the black
crows to blacken the other side and calmly escaped from the three people.
There was no need to worry at all!
After a moment of silence, the domestic audience recovered and they started writing
mocking comments. [The Spanish team must be pained. Captain Ling simply ignored them
and calmly left.] [Captain Ling said: Three people want to kill me? Oh, let’s talk after you
regain your vision.]
Li Cangyu watched the game and couldn’t help smiling.
The black crows’ Cover the Sky was one of his most hated skills.
Every time he fought with Ling Xuefeng, the other side would summon the black crows and
Li Cangyu wanted to find something that also afflicted Ling Xuefeng’s eyes to let him feel
the taste of being blinded. At this moment, Li Cangyu watched Ling Xuefeng use this skill to
smash the Spanish players and had one thought—Really handsome! Nice job!

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GLS: Chapter 291

Chapter 291 – Counter-Ambush

An average player who encountered three enemies might be tense and not play properly.
However, Ling Xuefeng had a calmness that was beyond ordinary people. He directly used
the crows to block the opponent’s field of view and then turned calmly away from the
This shot was saved by many reporters’ screenshots and became one of the classic shots of
the World Competition.
Qin Mo saw that his master was attacked and wanted to run over to support. As a result, he
found that his master calmly left the three people and walked around. Qin Mo abandoned
the idea of support and kept waiting for his teammates to meet.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were close together and soon merged with Qin Mo. Ling Xuefeng
also rushed towards the central area where Qin Mo was at the fastest speed.
The downside was that Yang Muzi’s refresh position was close to the two assassins of
Spain. She pushed open a door in front of her and was instantly surrounded by the two
From a player’s perspective, the room was empty. It was because the two assassins were
The two of them were smart and didn’t hurry to move. They just continued hiding behind
Yang Muzi.
According to the gathering spot designated by Ling Xuefeng, Yang Muzi had a great
possibility of passing through the room that contained the Spanish trio.
Yu Bing was a bit nervous. “Yang Muzi is a white magician and her survivability isn’t as
strong as a demon summoner. In addition, two assassins are already staring at her. If she
accidentally walks into the room just now, she will likely be targeted by the five
At this time, the audience saw Ling Xuefeng place a warning sign on the mini-map.
Yang Muzi’s footsteps immediately stopped.
“Yang Muzi, you should be careful. There are three Spanish players in the second room to
the east. You should detour around it.” Ling Xuefeng stated calmly.
He had just been there and judged that Yang MUzi should be closer to that room. Thus, he
immediately gave a warning on the voice channel.
All rooms in the maze were connected to each other. Yang Muzi had originally been heading
east but she changed her direction to the north door after hearing Captain Ling’s words.
The two assassins of the Spanish team followed while speaking to their teammates on the
voice channel. “The white magician has gone north. Quickly come together.”
These two assassins were very calm. The reason they hadn’t acted to kill Yang Muzi was
because they were afraid the Chinese team was nearby. It wouldn’t be worth it if they were
surrounded by three or even four people.
The best method was to kill the white magician after their teammates gathered. As long as
the five members of Spain met, there was nothing to be afraid of even if they were
surrounded by the Chinese team.
The other three people were nearby and shifted north the moment they heard their
teammates’ words.
The audience discovered that the Spanish team was quickly rushing towards Yang Muzi.
From their understanding of the map, they found the fastest shortcut. In less than five
seconds, the team’s berserkers and swordsman came from a side door in the east!
Yang Muzi was psychologically prepared but she didn’t expect there to be two assassins
behind her!
—Pain Blade!
One of the assassins suddenly appeared and stunned her from behind.
The five people of Spain immediately unleashed their skills.
For a time, all types of skill effects dazzled people. Yang Muzi was a weak defense magician
and she was surrounded by so many people. Her blood volume fell to the dangerous state
of 30%!
Fortunately, the control effect of Pain Blade ended. The other swordsman wanted to use
Spirit Lock to continue to stun her but Yang Muzi didn’t hesitate to purify herself of this
control, using Light God’s Blessing!
A pure white light suddenly fell room the sky. A bright goddess of light with white wings
appeared and a soft white light spread around her.
This was one of the few instant skills of an angel white magician. It consumed a lot of blue
but the effect was obvious. The white magician was immune of any control for three
seconds and all enemies within range would be weakened for three seconds.
Yang Muzi released a key escape skill and took advantage of the three seconds free of
control to push through the door in the north towards the next room.
The five Spanish players naturally pursued!
They might be weakened and had their attack and defense reduced by half but it was still
easy for five people to kill the 30% blood Yang Muzi!
Just as they pushed through the door in the north to chase Yang Muzi, they were greeted by
a demon banshee.
—Witch Demon’s Curse!
Ling Xuefeng had long been waiting there and pulled the five Spanish members to the side
of the female demon. This was followed by the skeleton infantry’s Death Imprisonment!
The two pet skills were seamlessly connected at an extremely fast pace, setting the five
melee of Spain one by one.
Qin Mo, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan certainly weren’t standing by and waiting. As Ling
Xuefeng controlled the other side, the three people opened their big moves. The gorgeous
skill effect filled the screen in a dazzling manner.
—Bat Blood Festival!
—Shadow Winding!
—Hell Flames!
The blood kin summoner and black magicians originally had a strong attack power, not to
mention the Spanish members were in a weakened state at the time and their defense was
greatly reduced. The trio teamed up with their big moves and the five Spanish players were
collectively beaten to residual blood.
Ling Xuefeng followed up with Skeleton Explosion!
In the blink of an eye, the Spanish team’s swordsman and assassins fell to 10% blood while
the thick-skinned berserkers only had 20% blood left. In addition to the explosiveness of
the four Wind Colour players, the key was that Yang Muzi had reduced the defense of the
five Spanish players. Ling Xuefeng’s big move could incredibly knock out 35% of their
blood at once.
The Spanish commander Trinidad finally realized that they had been fooled.
Obviously, Yang Muzi’s escape direction was instructed by Ling Xuefeng and she fled to the
nearest room to the Chinese team. It seemed that she was rushing to escape but she was
introducing the prey into the encirclement of the Chinese team!
They shouldn’t have tried to chase in their weakened state.
Still, it was too late to regret it now.
Ling Xuefeng summoned the demon god.
This was his most aggressive pet. The demon god released the curse in his hands and the
black flames of his soul. The five people of the Spanish team were overwhelmed by the
thick black fog and kill prompts were continuously displayed!
—First Blood! One kill.
—Double Kill! Another kill!
—Triple Kill! A third kill!
—Quadra Kill! Four kills!
—Penta Kill! Five kills!
The Spanish team were beaten by China’s counter-ambush!
Ling Xuefeng looked at the five people who had fallen to the ground, quietly recalled his
demon god and said, “Return to the resurrection point to recover.”
The domestic audience, “…”
Captain Ling, was it good for you to be so domineering? This was simply a double crushing
with strength and IQ!
More chapters coming soon.
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GLS: Chapter 292

Chapter 292 – Crushing Game

The commentator Kou Hongyi roared excitedly, “Captain Ling is so handsome, I can’t find
any adjective for it!” The appearance of this brainless fan made many Captain Ling fans
On the other hand, Yu Bing controlled her emotions and spoke calmly, “Once Captain Ling
was surrounded by three Spanish players, he calmly blackened their vision and turned
away. Then he let Yang Muzi be bait for an ambush counterattack. These tactics are really
beautiful! There are no doubts about his personal strength. The use of Witch Demon’s
Curse and Death Imprisonment were very smooth and the explosive power of the demon
god is strong enough. He is worthy of being the top male god of our league.”
Kou Hongyi suddenly smiled. “I always think that Captain Ling and Cat God are competing
in the World Competition. Just now, Cat God won three kills while Captain Ling took five
kills in one breath. The two strongest rivals are still competing with each other in the
World Competition. Their feelings are really good.”
This time, Cat God’s fans were disgusted with him.
Li Cangyu smiled happily as he watched Ling Xuefeng’s precise layout beat the Spanish
team. He felt very proud in his heart. This was Xuefeng in the World Competition. Could he
be more handsome? Li Cangyu would be sure to reward him well later.
The death racing wasn’t over yet but Li Cangyu already determined that the Chinese team
had won.
The facts proved that Ling Xuefeng would never give the Spanish team a chance to reverse
the situation.
The previous wave of combat had consumed too many skills. Thus, Ling Xuefeng made the
timely decision to let his teammates return to the red resurrection point to add blood and
The red resurrection point was in the upper left corner of the maze map. It was very far
from here but the rule of death racing was that as long as the player returned to the
resurrection point, their blood and blue would be automatically filled and the skill
cooldown reset.
It was very cost-effective to fill up their resources. Thus, the Chinese team would be ready
for another wave once the Spanish team resurrected.
The thing that surprised Ling Xuefeng was that the Spanish team actually chose the red
resurrection point!
They had just resurrected full of blood and blue when the Chinese team arrived. The five
people of the Spanish team aimed at the 30% blood Yang Muzi. The two assassins quickly
closed in and used Back Stab and Fatal Blow as starting moves!
The weak defense Yang Muzi couldn’t resist and instantly fell to the ground.
Ling Xuefeng immediately ordered, “Yang Muzi, resurrect at the red point while the others
should restore their blood and blue as soon as possible.”
The remaining four people of the Chinese team took advantage of the time when the
Spanish team were attacking Yang Muzi to quickly step into the red resurrection point, fully
restoring their blood, blue and skills.
In the case of 4v5, the Chinese team was at the disadvantage but Ling Xuefeng had the type
of ‘I can kill you with less’ atmosphere!
The moment that Yang Muzi died, Ling Xuefeng used Cover the Sky!
The release position of the black crows’ group attack was quite clever. It directly confused
the opposite side and the five members of the Spanish team wanted to cough up blood.
The two assassins were forced to restore their vision by entering Combat Stealth and
quickly circled behind Ling Xuefeng.
However, Yan Ruiwen didn’t stay still. As the vice-captain of Wind Colour, he had
cooperated with Ling Xuefeng for many years. The moment Captain Ling used a group
attack, he also followed with the group attack, Hell Flames!
The large black-red flames rose from the ground and struck the hidden assassins of the
Spanish team.
—Pain Blade!
The Spanish assassin wanted to control Ling Xuefeng but it seemed like Ling Xuefeng had
eyes in the back of his head. He summoned a skeleton behind his body to directly block this
attack and turned around. Three skeletons followed and circled the assassins, controlling
them in a neat manner!
The Spanish assassin wanted to cry.
He had never seen such a fast demon summoner. The skeleton infantry emerged one after
another, making the hairs on his back rise.
The assassin who wanted to attack Ling Xuefeng was controlled and Yan Ruiwen and Guo
Xuan went to attack him.
What about Qin Mo?
The witty Qin Mo had set the other assassin in place the moment the two assassins were
The four people of Wind Colour controlled the two assassins but the Spanish berserkers
and swordsman weren’t still. Once the black crows’ vision control was over, the berserkers
used a combination of Cut Through Thorns and Strong Storm and Rain!
The golden light effect from the giant axes filled the room and the blood of Yan Ruiwen and
Guo Xuan lowered.
The swordsman followed up with Light and Shadow Rotation.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s blood fell below 30%.
Ling Xuefeng ordered, “Ignore them and kill the assassins first!”
Yan Guo understood. Guo Xuan moved in front as protection and blocked the control of the
other side’s melee, while Yan Ruiwen moved back and used Dark Fear!
This control skill instantly neutralized the attack power of the berserkers and swordsman!
Yan Ruiwen decisively turned back and stacked Death Mantra on the two assassins. Guo
Xuan was the same.
Qin Mo’s positioning was very flexible. The Spanish team were busy killing the Yan Guo
combination and no one was in charge of him. He quickly ran around the whole field and
released the blood snakes and blood spiders on the Spanish team.
This approach seemed a bit messy but it was very effective and applied three layers of
bleeding on the Spanish team!
Xiao Han couldn’t help praising from the rest area, “Qin Mo’s approach is really very good.”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted his apprentice’s head. IT had been a long time since he heard
Xiao Han’s signature praise!
He also thought that Qin Mo was clever with the use of the blood kin pets. As long as he
applied three layers of bleeding to the Spanish team, it would be easy for Ling Xuefeng to
finish the harvest.
The control effect of the Spanish team’s melee ended and the swordsman decisively used
Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to kill Guo Xuan!
Yan Ruiwen was attacked by the two assassins. He didn’t have much blood left and would
soon fall.
To the relief of the Chinese audience, Yang Muzi was resurrected at this time!
Yang Muzi chose the red resurrection point after dying and once resurrected, she
immediately used the white magician’s big move, Holy Seal!
This was the white magician’s group control skill. The white light collectively set the five
people of the Spanish team in place.
The Spanish commander Trinidad was surprised to find that at this time, the two assassins
were already at 30% residual blood and the two berserkers and one swordsman had three
layers of bleeding on them!
At almost the same time, Qin Mo used the big move of the blood kin summoner, Blood Bat
This skill not only lowered the blood volume of the other party, but it also upgraded the
three layers of bleeding to four layers.
Yang Muzi followed up with God’s Belief!
The two assassins with only a bit of blood left were instantly killed.
Yang Muzi killed the other side’s assassins and got rid of the threat of their stealth!
The head ratio became 7:3 and the Spanish team’s three melee didn’t have much blood left.
Ling Xuefeng’s demon god finally came out again.
The black demon released the curse from his hand and the dog scattered. Like a beast in the
dark, it instantly swallowed up the three people of Spain!
—Killing Spree! Special slaughter!
The Spanish team’s swordsman was killed by Ling Xuefeng. Combined with the five kills
from before, his six kills caused the ‘killing spree’ prompt to appear on the big screen.
Ling Xuefeng followed up by summoning the skeleton infantry to surround the berserkers
trying to flee. His finger quickly pressed the keyboard and the attack skill Skeleton
Explosion was used. There was a loud noise and a residual blood berserker also died.
—Dominating! Dominating the game!
A player who killed seven people would become ‘dominating,’ meaning they could
dominate a game.
There was still one person left!
The Spanish team’s last surviving berserker wanted to use this opportunity to escape
through a side door. However, Qin Mo had already chased him and used the blood spider to
set him in place.
Ling Xuefeng followed closely and once again called out his skeletons.
The two skeletons surrounded the berserker on the left and right and exploded. Ling
Xuefeng’s operation was so fast that it was almost like Skeleton Summoning and Skeleton
Explosion were one skill!
This was the demon summoner’s most commonly used attack and control skill. Ling
Xuefeng used it in a masterly manner and the Skeleton Explosion successfully removed the
head of the Spanish berserker!
—Legendary! Super god!
If a player didn’t die and took eight heads in the death racing mode, they would get the
achievement of ‘super god.’
Once this line of English words appeared on the big screen, the domestic audiences boiled
Since the start of the World Competition, there had been many death racing games. Ling
Xuefeng was the first player to win eight heads and be announced as a ‘super god.’
This was Ling Xuefeng! These days, he had accompanied Cat God to act as a soy sauce. As a
result, the world was shocked when he came out!
Cat God’s three kills and Captain Ling’s eight kills, the China VS Spain match ended with this
successful result.
Ling Xuefeng calmly walked back to the rest area and Li Cangyu greeted him with a smile
and a pat on the shoulder. “Xuefeng, you are too amazing. Is the death racing actually your
exhibition game?”
Ling Xuefeng looked at the other person with warm and firm eyes. “I have to keep up with
your footsteps don’t I?”
‘Only then can I stand side by side with you. I will lead the national team with you and
embark towards the peak of the world!

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GLS: Chapter 293

Chapter 293 – Post-Match Interview

The Chinese team won against Spain 3:0 and ranked first in their group with 30 points. Ling
Xuefeng won the super god achievement by killing eight people and became the world’s
first player to gain this achievement!
This news set off an uproar in the domestic e-sports circle.
All domestic e-sports sites scrambled to report the good news. The comments for the
Miracle League’s official Weibo post broke through seven figures in an instant while other
countries’ e-sports reporters expressed surprised at the Chinese team’s record. They
defeated Australia and then Spain with a score of 3:0 and the Chinese team seemed to have
an unstoppable momentum in the World Competition.
Li Cangyu’s three kills in the arena and Ling Xuefeng’s super god in death racing announced
to the world’s MIracle fans that the Chinese team was strong!
The Spanish captain Rodriguez stated in an interview after the game, “The captain of the
Chinese team is a very resourceful player. In addition, I advise the captains of other
countries to try and ban the Chinese team’s maps or they will definitely suffer!”
It was obvious that Rodriguez had a psychological shadow regarding Mount Huangshan
Plank Road.
The Spanish vice-captain Sobrino told the reporters, “Many players on the Chines team
haven’t appeared in the world rankings but their strength is world-class. We were too
Spain had lost two games and were destined to miss out on the quarter-finals. Their
emotions weren’t great and after the interview, they returned to the Miracle Village in
Next was the interview with the winners, the Chinese team.
Li Cangyu wanted to bring Jiang Xu but Jiang Xu didn’t want to appear in front of the
reporters. He always kept a low profile and declined to attend the interview. Other players
also said they didn’t want to accept the baptism of camera flashes and Li Cangyu was forced
to appear with Ling Xuefeng.
As soon as the captain and vice-captain of the national team appeared, they received warm
applause from e-sports reporters from all over the world!
The two people were equally tall and handsome. Ling Xuefeng looked cold while Li Cangyu
smiled brightly. He was obviously in a very good mood.
The reporters instantly handed the microphone over to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, your three
kills were really handsome!”
Li Cangyu nodded to the reporter. “Thank you.”
“I want to ask, who arranges the tactics for every match?”
Li Cangyu glanced at the man next to him and smiled. “I usually discuss it with Xuefeng.”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t speak but he looked at Li Cangyu and nodded in agreement.
The reporter asked curiously, “How are the overall tactics formulated?”
Li Cangyu patiently explained, “We will set the core tactics and corresponding commander
in response to the characteristics of players from different countries. For example, in the
previous match against Australia, I decided to let Tan Shitian take charge of the economic
warfare after discussing it with Xuefeng while Su Guangmo was responsible for death
racing. In this match against Spain, Jiang Xu was responsible for the economic battle while
Xuefeng was responsible for death racing.”
“Every person is responsible for a different style. For example, Tan Shitian’s kite flow can
deal with the Australian lineup. In order to avoid out tactics being guessed early on by
Spain, I let Jiang Xu use the double taunting method.”
“After setting the core tactics and corresponding commander, we let the commander
personally select the teammates. There will be six people for the economic war and five
people for death racing. Then I will arrange the arena combinations from the remaining
A reporter couldn’t help being surprised after hearing this. “The commander of the
economic battle was Jiang Xu?” Obviously, people who didn’t know much about tactics
misunderstood that the commander was Tan Shitian.
Li Cangyu felt it was necessary to give credit to Jiang Xu. “It is truly Captain Jiang. Tan
Shitian and Liu Xiang fit his style of play and the national team doesn’t have many hunters.
We can use the pure trap flow so Jiang Xu proposed the double taunting idea. The effect
worked better than we thought.”
The reporters suddenly realized. Jiang Xu had always been invisible in China and the
performance of the Cheetah team wasn’t great. He had the title of best hunter but he was
always ridiculed by netizens as not having enough strength. This time he proved himself in
the World Competition. He might not have Li Cangyu’s strength and hand speed but he was
still an excellent player.
“I want to ask Cat God. The national team has 22 players and you can choose from many
combinations and team lineups. Isn’t it chaotic before every match?”
“That’s why I will arrange the tactical commanders and let them choose their teammates.”
Li Cangyu smiled and replied. “This way, people will have a chance to lead a team in every
match and the pressure on me and Xuefeng will be much smaller.”
Li Cangyu was always serious every time he answered questions relating to the game. The
reporters quickly wrote it down while sighing at Cat God’s strength. To be able to manage
more than 20 people and not have ever match be chaotic, this showed that Li Cangyu was
truly a rare genius.
Another person asked, “According to Cat God, the commanders and tactics will change in
the next match against Italy?”
“Naturally, although I can’t disclose who they are.”
At this moment, a blonde foreign female reporter with blue eyes stood up and asked a few
questions in English.
Li Cangyu listened politely but only half understood. Once she finished her questions, Li
Cangyu turned to Ling Xuefeng for him and Ling Xuefeng immediately whispered a
translation in his ears.
The reporter’s question was, “Li Cangyu’s elf summoner is very strong. Do you have the
confidence to defeat the American team’s Jack and South Korea’s Captain Park, who are top
three players in the world.”
Li Cangyu listened to Ling Xuefeng’s translation and replied, “The rankings based on a
player’s popularity and data aren’t necessarily accurate. Is a summoner with a winning
percentage of 53% stronger than one with a winning percentage of 51%? Not necessarily.
In my opinion, two people should at least fight against each other first before determining
who is strong and who is weak. I haven’t played with Jack and Park and can’t answer this
question. The certain thing is that they are very good players. If there is a chance to fight
against them, I will let the audience judge who is stronger.”
His answer was very generous and the turned to Ling Xuefeng after finishing. The latter
acted as his interpreted and repeated it in fluent English.
The reporters, “…”
Captain Ling, where was your coldness? Why do you seem so happy to translate for Cat
Moreover, Ling Xuefeng’s memory was really amazed. He remembered such a long passage
and translated it without missing anything. Or perhaps he had a connection with Cat God
and already guessed how Cat God would answer?
The American reporter heard Ling Xuefeng’s translation and sat down with satisfaction.
Li Cangyu smiled at the man and said, “Your English is really good. It was the correct
decision to take you to the interview.”
Ling Xuefeng was calm. “There are still many questions. Drink plenty of water and answer
He handed the water bottle over to the other party and Li Cangyu drank it in a natural
The reporters, “…”
The two men whispered together and handed each other water. It was simply treating the
reporters as air!
A reporter stood up and questioned, “Captain Ling, today’s death racing was almost the
Chinese team’s exhibition game. You were really handsome when killing eight people. What
did you think at the time?”
“The super god was just a coincidence.” Ling Xuefeng answered calmly. “My teammates
worked well together. Yang Muzi’s control was very timely, the output of Yan Guo was
stable and Qin Mo used his blood kin pets to bit the opponents. This created the most
favourable conditions for me to kill the Spanish players. At the time, I didn’t think too
much. I just used the moment to take away the heads of the residual blood opponents.”
The reporters, “…”
They listened to his composed answer and felt admiration. If he got the super god
achievement through a coincidence, did it mean he could kill 10 people if he deliberately
Compared to the flexible, quick and varied Cat God, Ling Xuefeng’s style could be described
with one word—domineering!
Both of them were summoners but their styles were very different.
The strange thing was that when they sat together, they always gave people a feeling of
harmony. They were the strongest opponents in China and killed all the way to the finals. It
was either ‘you die or I die.’ However in the international competition, they were the
captain and vice-captain of the national team. The two of them were complementary and
showed a tacit understanding that was higher than any fixed partners.
Even in the interview, they were constantly making eye contact and whispering from time
to time…
Perhaps he was aware of the eyes of the reporters. Li Cangyu finally stopped whispering to
Ling Xuefeng and told the reporters, “If you have any more questions, please ask.”
A reporter’s spirit returned and he immediately stood up. “I heard Sister Bing say that Bai
Xuan’s body was uncomfortable and he asked for leave today? There are many milk dad
fans in China who are worrying right now. Cat God, can you tell us anything about how he is
“Everyone can rest assured. Xiao Bai just hadn’t adapted to the food after going abroad and
his stomach isn’t comfortable. I will let him rest for two days and he should return for the
next match.”
“We found that Ah Shu also isn’t in the match today. Is he sick as well?”
“Oh, he stayed back to take care of Vice-Captain Bai. The Shu Bai combination will rest
together.” Li Cangyu explained.
“Are there any other players of the national team who haven’t adapted after coming
abroad.” The reporters heard that Bai Xuan had eaten bad things and were worried.
“Fortunately, other players aren’t showing any reactions to the meals and they are getting
plenty of sleep. You don’t have to worry.”
“I have a personal question for Cat God. Who are you sharing a room with during the World
Competition?” A young girl suddenly stood up. “There are quite a few fans in China who are
concerned about this. Please introduce your roommate to us.”
Li Cangyu glanced over at LIng Xuefeng. “Do you want to say a few words?”
Ling Xuefeng replied lightly, “I am his roommate. Cat God fans, do you have any opinions on
Cat God fans, “…”
This was like ‘I alone have your Cat God. Do you have any opinions?’
The Cat God fans really wanted to kill him!
Li Cangyu smiled happily and nodded. “I am living with Xuefeng for the convenience of
discussing match tactics. You don’t have to worry too much about us. We both have no bad
habits like snoring or strange dreams.”
The reporter continued to want gossip. “How is Captain Ling’s sleeping position?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “It is like how you imagine the male god. He frowns in bad and had the
expression of ‘anyone who disturbs me will die’.”
Ling Xuefeng looked over at him. “Is that so?”
“Yes, if you don’t believe it then I will take a photo and show you.”
Ling Xuefeng coughed and changed the topic. “Are the questions finished? We will go back
to rest.”
The reporters saw Captain Ling’s cold eyes and didn’t dare ask anymore questions. They
immediately shrank back and watched them leave.
On the way back, Li Cangyu saw his stern expression and couldn’t help whispered, “Are you
Ling Xuefeng told him, “I’m not that stingy.”
Li Cangyu came over, hugged him and looked at the other person gently.
This close distance meant he could clearly see Ling Xuefeng’s handsome facial features and
his own reflection in Ling Xuefeng’s eyes. Li Cangyu wanted to kiss him. Their lips were just
about to touch when a puzzled voice was heard from the side, “Cat God?”
It was Cheng Wei and Tan Shitian.
Li Cangyu pushed Ling Xuefeng away and pretending to be calm as he faced Cheng Wei’s
curious eyes. “Why are you here?”
Cheng Wei still seemed surprised. “I’m coming back from the bathroom. What are you
“…” Ling Xuefeng wanted to destroy Cat God’s brainless fan and Li Cangyu also wanted to
block the mouth of this silly person.
Didn’t he know that some questions shouldn’t be asked?
Tan Shitian made an awkward expression and coughed. “Cough, isn’t it time to go back? Is
the interview over?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes, let’s go.”
Li Cangyu turned away with Ling Xuefeng and Cheng Wei was left scratching his head.
Just now, Ling Xuefeng was holding Cat God. What did he want to do?
Tan Shitian saw that Cheng Wei was still thinking about this problem and was forced to
pull him away. This EQ was low enough to kill him!

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GLS: Chapter 294

Chapter 294 – Door to a New World

Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei took the car back with everyone. On the way back to the Miracle
Village, Cheng Wei was the only one who was unhappy. His IQ might be low but he wasn’t a
fool. In the hallway, he saw Cat God and Ling Xuefeng hugging each other closely. They
were only five centimeters apart and Captain Ling could directly reach Cat God’s lips.
What was going on?
Had Cat God slipped and was supported by Captain Ling?
Based on that posture, wasn’t it Cat God who took the initiative to hold onto the other
Cheng Wei only felt confused as the scene from before flashed through his mind.
Tan Shitian saw that he was in a daze and didn’t take the initiative to provoke him. Once
everyone arrived at the restaurant of the Miracle Village, Tan Shitian thoughtfully gave
Cheng Wei a large dish of sweets.
The matcha cake and white chocolate cake were his favourites. In the past, he could eat 10
pieces in one breath. Today, he stared hesitantly at the plate before putting it down with a
lack of interest.
“I won’t eat. I want to go back and sleep.” Cheng stated as he got up.
Zhang Shaohui was sitting next to him and expressed some doubts. “Is there a problem
with Xiao Wei’s stomach as well? How can he eat so little today?”
Cheng Wei hung his head and replied, “I have no appetite.”
Zhang Shaohui still wanted to ask but he heard Lou Wushuang’s cold voice stating, “Eat and
don’t ask too much.”
“Oh.” Zhang Shaohui had to give up his intention to keep inquiring. Moreover, Cheng Wei
ignored him and directly turned to leave.
Cheng Wei returned to his room and directly lay on the bed to sleep. Tan Shitian looked at
the lump on the bed in a funny manner and walked over. “What’s wrong with you.”
Cheng Wei turned over. “I’m thinking about a problem. Don’t talk to him.”
Tan Shitian teased him, “Your brain capacity isn’t big enough, just like a computer without
enough memory to play a game. What’s the problem? Should I help you think about it?’
These words made Cheng Wei open the quilt and sit up angrily. “Tan Shitian, what
metaphor are you using? My brain capacity isn’t big enough. Does that mean I am dumber
than you?”
Tan Shitian just smiled and Cheng Wei realized that it was an attempt to stimulate him. He
soon became depressed again and wanted to continue thinking. As a result, Tan Shitian
pulled him over and asked softly, “Are you wondering about that scene you saw in the
hallway today?”
Cheng Wei frowned. “Yes.”
His face was wrinkled like a steamed bun and he looked so cute. Tan Shitian endured the
urge to reach out and pinch his face. “Cat God and Captain Ling were hugging in the
hallway. Do you think there is a problem?”
Cheng Wei scratched his head. “I just feel… it is a bit strange?”
“Where is it strange?”
Cheng Wei thought for a moment before explaining, “I just think… the movements of the
two of them are like… they were going for a kiss.”
Tan Shitian, “…”
This guy caught the key point in a critical moment!
It was just that his brain capacity wasn’t enough and he couldn’t understand the complex
reality. Of course, don’t blame Cheng Wei. What average person would think that Li Cangyu
and Ling Xuefeng’s relationship would be like this? Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were
handsome and the type that was popular with girls.
Tan Shitian knew the truth and felt a bit complicated.
He looked at Cheng Wei’s worried appearance and couldn’t bear to let Cheng Wei face such
a big impact. After all, Li Cangyu was Cheng Wei’s idol. If the brainless fan knew that Cat
God was taken by Captain Ling, he might take a knife to chope at Ling Xuefeng.
Cough, it was better to let Cheng Wei be in the dark.
Tan Shitian thought this and immediately said with a straight face, “How can you think that
of them? Captain Ling and Cat God are the leaders of the national team. Every day, they are
busy with the game tactics. They just had an interview with reporters and were obviously
whispering in the hallway when we saw them.” He paused before adding seriously, “Cat
God is your idol. Do you think he would like a person like Ling Xuefeng?”
Cheng Wei heard Tan Shitian’s words and blushed. “I am wrong! Ling Xuefeng, this cold and
haughty person, is definitely a person who wants to defeat Cat God!” Cheng Wei was finally
happy. “It seems that I was thinking too much. Cat God definitely isn’t that type of person!”
Tan Shitian, “…”
Tan Shitian felt guilty at distorting the truth for Cheng Wei. However, he saw Cheng Wei’s
good mood and didn’t regret his decision.
Today, he noticed that things between Ling and Cat weren’t quite right. It was an
opportunity to test Cheng Wei’s attitude on this matter.
Tan Shitian suddenly held Cheng Wei’s shoulder and asked seriously, “Xiao Wei, do you
hate the thought of two men being together?”
Cheng Wei was startled and answered, “Isn’t it strange for two men to be together?”
Tan Shitian wondered, “Were you surprised when I kissed you?”
Cheng Wei thought of the scene where he was kissed. A string in his mind was touched and
the sensations he felt at that time appeared clearly. Cheng Wei turned red and immediately
pushed Tan Shitian away. “Don’t talk nonsense! I’m going to sleep now.”
He had just buried himself in the quilt when Tan Shitian opened the quilt, raised Cheng
Wei’s jaw with his fingers and followed with warm lips.
“Oh…” Cheng Wei’s eyes widened from shock.
However, Tan Shitian was pressed against him and he couldn’t resist. The flexible tongue
opened his teeth and dove straight in. The familiar taste of Tan Shitian filled his mouth.
“Oh… um…”
Cheng Wei stretched out his hands and struggled. Tan Shitian pulled the hands behind his
head, making the kiss deeper so that Cheng Wei could barely breathe.
A strange feeling shot to his mind along the contact areas. His body tingled like there was
electricity. It was strange but it made him excited, like the door to a new world had been
Cheng Wei no longer resisted and passively accepted Tan Shitian’s kiss. His cheeks were so
red it was like blood could be squeezed from them.
At the end of the kiss, Tan Shitian’s face was flushed and his voice was low and hoarse. “Do
you hate me?”
Cheng Wei’s spirit returned and he punched Tan Shitian, only for his fist to be caught.
Tan Shitian continued to ask softly, “Do you hate it?”
Cheng Wei’s eyes were big and fierce as he tried to kill Tan Shitian with his eyes. However,
he only met a gentle gaze and became stunned. Once his first was let go, he turned his head
and spoke in a depressed manner, “Tan Shitian, stop playing tricks on me. I don’t want to
play this game with you…”
Then he covered himself with the quilt.
Inside the enclosed nest, he could hear his loud heart pounding and pounding, almost
jumping out from his chest.
He didn’t dare answer the question just now.
It was because he didn’t hate Tan Shitian’s kiss. He enjoyed it and even felt some
Tan Shitian might be playing a trick on him but he was addicted to the strange and exciting
Cheng Wei felt somewhat disgusted with himself and rubbed hard at his lips in a self-
destructive manner before closing his eyes.
Then he seemed to hear a soft sigh from outside the quilt. “I’m not playing games with you.
In fact, I…”
The voice stopped here. Cheng Wei’s ears pricked as he wanted to keep listening, only to
hear Tan Shitian moving away.

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GLS: Chapter 295

Chapter 295 – Belonging

Li Cangyu and his teammates finished lunch in the restaurant and the others went back to
rest. Meanwhile, he and Ling Xuefeng went to Bai Xuan’s room to visit the patient.
The two people entered and saw Bai Xuan apparently having lunch. There was a bowl of
rice porridge on the table next to the bed that was cooling down. Li Cangyu saw Bai Xuan
lying in bed and couldn’t help asking, “Was this porridge brought by Ah Shu?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “Yes, he bought takeaway.”
Li Cangyu patted Xie Shurong on the shoulder and praised him. “You have grown. Now you
know how to take care of patients.”
Xie Shurong proudly replied, “Of course, everything he ate in the last two days were
personally picked by me. His stomach is almost better.”
Li Cangyu looked at Bai Xuan with concern. “Is it really better?”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan nodded and said, “In fact, my stomach didn’t hurt yesterday. I originally
wanted to go to the venue to watch the match but Ah Shu refused to let me go. He wanted
me to rest for another day so I had to watch live on the TV.” He paused and looked at LI
Cangyu with smiling eyes. “The match was amazing.”
Li Cangyu saw the familiar, gentle smile and couldn’t help softening as he patted Bai Xuan
on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about the game every day. Rest your body and I will think
about sending you to play.”
Bai Xuan told him seriously, “I am already well-rested.”
Li Cangyu didn’t believe it. “You love to act strong. Who knows if what you said is true?”
Bai Xuan glanced at him. “I’m really good. Would I lie to you? Let me play in the next game.
Today, I saw all of you playing so handsomely and I want to knock on the keyboard.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Every time Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan were together, the other two would be treated as air.
Xie Shurong was extremely depressed but with his current identity, he couldn’t drive out
the captain. Fortunately, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t resist the intimate atmosphere and took the
initiative to come forward. “Bai Xuan still needs to rest. We shouldn’t bother him.”
Li Cangyu felt this was reasonable and stood up. “Then you rest for half a day. If there are
no problems tomorrow morning, come to the meeting room at 8 o’clock.”
The two people walked out.
Once the door closed, Xie Shurong instantly rushed to the bed and hugged Bai Xuan. He
didn’t say anything and directly kissed the other person.
“Oh…” Bai Xuan was caught off guard by this suddenly sticky person and pushed him. Xie
Shurong just clasped the back of Bai Xuan’s head and his teeth moved more deeply.
Unlike the warm and gentle kisses of the past, this kiss contained a strong possessive
desire. The tongue eagerly swept through the mouth without letting go of one inch. Bai
Xuan was almost suffocated before Xie Shurong reluctantly let him go.
Bai Xuan opened his mouth and gasped. Once his breathing was restored, he stared at Xie
Shurong and asked, “Why are you suddenly acting like this.”
“I’m your boyfriend.” He extended his arms to hug Bai Xuan, placing his chin on Bai Xuan’s
shoulder. “But your eyes are full of Cat God.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
Was this idiot jealous? Sure enough, his IQ had regressed to the kindergarten level and he
still wanted to be spoiled?
Such a big person acting like this, wasn’t it shameful?
Bai Xuan looked at the young man hugging him with a wronged expression and felt like he
had become a kindergarten teacher. He had no choice but to touch Xie Shurong’s head. “I
grew up with Cat God and have been partners for seven years. He and I… there is nothing
like that between us.”
Ah Shu actually knew this very well.
Still, he couldn’t help feeling jealous when he saw Bai Xuan and Li Cangyu acting intimately.
It was probably because he cared too much about this person?
He was worried that he wouldn’t be worthy and paid special attention to Bai Xuan’s
relationship with others.
Xie Shurong hated his petty self and couldn’t help tightening his grip on Bai Xuan, afraid the
other person would leave. He whispered, “Bai Xuan, do you think that I am very immature?”
Bai Xuan thought, ‘You are really self-aware!’
In order to avoid hitting him, Bai Xuan didn’t say anything and patiently patted his
Xie Shurong continued in a low voice, “I know that I’m very immature and shouldn’t eat
vinegar regarding you and Cat God. Still, I can’t help it. I care too much about you and I’m
afraid that you will like others.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
This was clearly a childish notion but it made Bai Xuan feel soft.
This guy really wasn’t mature enough and also inexplicably became jealous, but Bai Xuan
could feel his sincere heart.
Maybe he minded so much because he cared so deeply for one person?
Bai Xuan couldn’t help inwardly sighing and his voice was soft. “Okay, I won’t like Li Cangyu
and I won’t like others. Don’t think too much.”
Xie Shurong was immediately excited and kissed Bai Xuan again.
“Oh…” Bai Xuan was helpless against this guy and had to open his mouth again.
Ah Shu had been particularly careful the past two days and took care of him all night. His
boyfriend was full of strength.
Xie Shurong might be childish but this was his true self. He didn’t deliberately pretend to be
mature and steady. If there was anything in his heart, he would bluntly say it. It was
actually very easy to get along with such people.
Bai Xuan thought this and couldn’t help smiling slightly before he closed his eyes and
accepted Xie Shurong’s kiss.
In the next room, Li Cangyu entered the bathroom and took a bath.
Ling Xuefeng’s vinegar was quickly suppressed. After all, he wasn’t the spoiled Xie Shurong
who tried to sell meng. He could rationally control his emotions.
However, once Li Cangyu came out of the bathroom, he still pulled the other person into his
Li Cangyu was caught off guard and his mind became blank.
The kiss was extraordinarily long and Ling Xuefeng’s tongue swept madly across the other
person’s mouth, as if to declare ownership. There was a type of strength that couldn’t be
After a long time, Li Cangyu’s spirit returned and he noticed he was kissed. He didn’t push
the other person away and actively kissed back.
Ling Xuefeng’s soft ribs were hit at once.
Li Cangyu could always make him feel like this and the previous vinegar had long been
thrown away. Ling Xuefeng stretched out his arms and gently hugged his passionate lover,
the kiss becoming gentle.
The two people exchanged a long kiss before reluctantly letting go.
Li Cangyu stuck out his tongue and rubbed the other person’s lips. He held Ling Xuefeng’s
waist and smiled. “Are you so active today?”
Ling Xuefeng looked at him gently. “Aren’t you active as well?”
Li Cangyu told him, “I am rewarding you. The super god is too handsome and you took
responsibility for translating for me.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and pulled him closer, whispering, “Actually, I was a bit jealous.”
Li Cangyu glanced up at him with surprise. “Were you? Why didn’t I see it?”
“It is because I held back.”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling. “What vinegar are you eating?” Me and Bai Xuan? Don’t
joke around. After so many years of brotherhood, I only look at him as a relative. I will
never be tempted by him.”
Then he kissed Ling Xuefeng’s lips and stated seriously, “I’m yours. Never doubt this.”
I’m yours.
These words instantly penetrated through all of Ling Xuefeng’s defenses.
This was more touching than any vows.
Ling Xuefeng tightly hugged Li Cangyu like he was holding the most precious baby.
‘I am also yours. We only belong together, there is no doubt.’

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GLS: Chapter 296

Chapter 296 – Tactical Arrangement

After a good night’s sleep, Li Cangyu called all the national team members to open the live
broadcast of the Italian match. There was a group match between Italy and Australia this
afternoon. Everyone sat in front of the computer to watch the match. The match hadn’t
started yet so people discussed the lineup of their team.
[Isn’t the captain of Italy a psychic?] Pure Cleansing’s vice-captain, Chu Yan asked through
the Q group.
[Yes, the captain’s name is Alberto and he is one of the top three psychic auxiliaries in the
world.] Zhang Shaohui quickly answered. [I just checked the information of the Italian
players. They have four psychics who are all strong. This is natural since Italy is a European
team that loves the illusionary flow tactics.]
[Do we have to use the illusionary flow to stop it?”] Red Fox’s Meng Jie had a
straightforward personality and quickly expressed her doubts. “Are there other methods to
crack it?”
Li Cangyu came out and said, [Let’s watch this match before discussing it.]
The match was just about to begin. Everyone cut back to the live broadcast and stared
seriously at the screen.
This match was still being explained by Yu Bing and Kou Hongyi. Yu Bing briefly introduced
the players of both sides before the map selection started. The two sides banned each
other’s maps and left the official map Dark Reef.
Due to the fact that the Australian team was the overall weakest of the group, the first
arena game was easily taken by Italy. There was also no suspense in the economic war and
death racing. Italy won three straight games and scored 15 points in one breath.
This way, Group B’s current ranking was the Chinese team first with 30 points and Italy
second with 25 points. Spain and Australia were destined to be eliminated while China and
Italy had successfully won the qualifying spots.
Yu Bing was relieved. “China and Italy have already qualified for the group stage. The match
in two days will just decide the ranking of the group.”
Kou Hongyi opened the World League’s rankings table and said, “According to the league’s
competition system, the teams in Group B will play in the quarter-finals against Group D. I
just received news that the third round in Group D is over and Germany, England and
France are very close together. We need to wait until every match is decided to see who
comes first and who comes second.”
Yu Bing nodded. “In other words, if the Chines team beats Italy to enter the quarter-finals
as the group’s first ranked team, their next opponent could be England, Germany or
Li Cangyu heard up to here before closing the live broadcast and asking in the group chat,
[What do you think of the match just now?]
Zhang Shaohui actively expressed his opinion. [Italy’s illusion flow is really strong but the
World Competition has three rounds. They could use the illusion flow in the arena and we
can definitely win five points.]
Lou Wushuang added calmly, [It is best if we can win all three rounds and take the points.]
Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling when he saw these words.
Captain Lou looked cold but he was a fighter to the bones. He actually wanted to win the
record group score?
Of course, Li Cangyu also hoped that the Chinese team could enter the quarter-finals will an
all victory record.
However, Italy was indeed much stronger than Spain and Australia. It wouldn’t be easy to
win three games in a row. It was necessary to plan well.
He thought this and couldn’t help looking over at Ling Xuefeng. “Xuefeng, do you have any
Ling Xuefeng was staring thoughtfully at the information of the Italian players. His side
profile was as handsome as a statue. He was probably thinking too hard and didn’t hear Li
Cangyu’s question.
Li Cangyu pinched his face and repeated, “I asked you, what do you think?”
In all of the league and the whole world, he was the only one who dared to pinch Ling
Xuefeng’s face!
Even so, Ling Xuefeng didn’t mind. His expression was calm as he grasped Li Cangyu’s hand
and replied seriously, “The Italian team has four psychics. I found that in today’s match
against Australia, one psychic was sent in the economic war and one in death racing. The
other two psychics played soy sauce under the stage.”
Li Cangyu instantly grasped his thoughts. “You mean, they are likely to send all four
psychics out against the Chinese team, scattered across the two team battles in order to
achieve the ultimate effect of the illusion flow and went two consecutive games?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded while feeling very pleased in his heart. Having such a connected
partner made it really easy to communicate. He looked at the other side and continued,
“When playing against Spain and Australia, they only sent two psychics. This is because the
two teams weren’t enough to force their strong lineup. On the other hand, the Chinese team
is ranked first in the group. After a few games, they should’ve realized the strength of our
team and certainly won’t hide their strength.”
The result of the group stage would determine the opponents in the quarter-finals.
The strongest team in Group D was the French team. The level of Germany and the United
Kingdom was almost the same. Italy obviously didn’t want to meet France in a knockout
stage. If they qualified in first place, their opponent would be the relatively weaker UK or
Germany and their chances of reaching the semi-finals would be higher.
Li Cangyu strongly agreed with Ling Xuefeng’s thoughts and then said, “It seems we also
can’t hide our side. I will personally command a team battle. The arena… how about I hand
it to you?”
“No problem.”
Li Cangyu touched his chest and muttered, “The death racing mode is definitely the most
complicated and difficult to fight. Let me take it. In the case of the economic battle, if Italy
wants to take a psychic to kill us then we will let Captain Chu teach them a lesson. The
specific lineup will be handed over to Chu Yan to decide. Do you think it is appropriate?”
His ideas were very thoughtful. There was Ling Xuefeng in the arena and gaining five points
would be very stable. He would personally lead the most difficult death racing mode. With
his ability to adapt and rich experience, he would be able to quickly think of a response no
matter what type of map was encountered. In contrast, the map changes for the economic
war wouldn’t be so big and Chu Yan would feel more confident as the commander.
Ling Xuefeng looked at the other person with eyes full of praise. “Just do as you said.”
Li Cangyu was affirmed by him and felt very happy. He couldn’t help hugging Ling Xuefeng
and patted him on the shoulder. “Let’s strive for victory.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and exclaimed in an emphatic manner, “No problem!”
The next moment, the entire national team came to the meeting room, energized after the
Xie Shurong looked refreshed and Bai Xuan also seemed much better. Once the two people
walked into the conference room, many people paid attention to Bai Xuan.
Su Guangmo stepped forward first. “Vice-Captain Bai, do you feel better? Did Ah Shu take
good care of you?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “Of course, my care was absolutely meticulous and comprehensive,
right Vice-Captain Bai?”
Bai Xuan smiled calmly and replied, “Yes, Ah Shu’s care was good.’ He felt a bit awkward in
his heart. Only the two of them knew how this person took ‘care’ of him.
He was afraid of being seen by others and immediately headed towards Li Cangyu.
“Captain, I have come to report.”
Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder. “If your body is fine, sit down first. I will talk about
the arrangements later.”
Ah Shu and Bai Xuan went to sit at their spots. At this time, Tan Shitian also came in, Cheng
Wei following behind him with a listless expression. Li Cangyu saw Cheng Wei’s dark
circles and couldn’t help asking, “Xiao Wei, what happened? Didn’t you sleep well?”
Cheng Wei’s face was slightly red as he stammered, “I…well… I had a nightmare!”
Li Cangyu told him, “Did you watch the match between Australia and Italy yesterday?”
Cheng Wei looked at him with guilt. “I-I watched! Of course I did!”
This guy turned red when he lied. It couldn’t be more obvious.
Li Cangyu smiled and patted his head. “You have an emotional nature. If you watched the
match then the national team’s group will be filled with all the comments you sent. I didn’t
see you in the group yesterday afternoon. Why didn’t you go?”
Cheng Wei hung his head and replied honestly, “I’m sorry, I overslept…”
Li Cangyu didn’t blame him and spoke gentle, “Never mind. Go back and review the match
Cheng Wei was very happy and nodded hard. “I know!”
Li Cangyu signalled him to sit down. Once everyone arrived, Ling Xuefeng took the initiative
to go to the projector and open the PPT in advance. As Yan Ruiwen said, their captain had
become a full-time PPT producer and English interpreter for Cat God!
Still, Ling Xuefeng’s PPTs were accurate. The information listed was simple and clear, not
making people feel bored. The effects of the slides weren’t gorgeous but they could
instantly attract people’s attention.
Li Cangyu pointed to the screen with a laser pen and quickly gave an introduction. “The
biggest feature of the Italian team is that their ranged output and auxiliary players are very
strong. They have the world’s strongest psychic and a number of excellent black and white
magicians while they are best at using the illusion flow.
The information of the four psychics appeared on the screen. “For an extreme illusion flow,
you need at least two psychics to form a seamless connection and cooperation. If I guessed
correctly, they are likely to send two psychics to death racing and two to the economic war
in order to win the team battles and get 10 points.”
Speaking of which, a confident smile appeared on Li Cangyu’s face. “However, they are
thinking too beautifully! I will never let them take two games, maybe not even one game!”
This sentence made many players clap with excitement. The captain of the national team
should have such force!
Wanting to take two games from them? Don’t tease. We won’t even give one game away!
The applause subsided and Li Cangyu continued, “The death racing will be personally
commanded by me. I will first determine the players involved in death racing.”
His eyes swept over the group and he soon called a few names. “The Lou Wushuang and
Zhang Shaohui combination, Qin Mo and Xiao Han, the four of you will go with me to death
Xiao Han and Qin Mo glanced at each other and naturally didn’t have any opinions about
Cat God’s arrangement.
Lou Wushuang soon understood the tactical thinking and nodded in acknowledged.
However, Zhang Shaohui was one of the two fools and couldn’t help expression his doubts,
“Cat God, our team seems to have low defense?”
Li Cangyu patiently explained, “There are four blood kin players with many stealth skills.
Italy’s illusion play won’t be as effective.”
Zhang Shaohui discovered the key point of this lineup and his eyes brightened. “Yes! I am
with my brother while there is Qin Mo and Xiao Han. All of us are blood kin players and can
go invisible!”
Li Cangyu asked, “Do you have any other doubts?”
“No, it’s gone!” Zhang Shaohui smiled. “This lineup will definitely kill the Italian
commander. There is only Cat God on the map and no one else can be seen!”
The other players couldn’t help laughing at the scene described by Zhang Shaohui. Cat
God’s trap level was too strong. A total of five players participated in the team battle while
four were invisible and the other was the witty and quick summoner. The Italian team
would definitely be full of questions.
Where were the people? Where was everyone going? Should they attack the summoner?
In order to fight against Cat God, the other commander must lose countless brain cells.
Everyone wanted to light a candle for the commander in advance.
Next was the arrangement of the economic war. Li Cangyu looked in the direction of the
Pure Cleansing pair and directly said, “The economic war will be handed over to Pure
Cleansing’s master and apprentice pair. I think your psychic combination should go against
the other one.”
Chu Yan smiled cheerfully, “No problem!”
Li Cangyu glanced at the small crybaby and asked, “What about Xiao Zhu?”
Zhu Qingyue scratched his head and answered seriously, “After playing with Cat God, I have
already found the feeling.”
Li Cangyu was reassured. “Chu Yan, please choose the people.”
Chu Yan gazed at the remaining players and soon called out, “Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan, Cheng
Wei and Yang Muzi, please join me in the economic war.”
He wanted two black magicians, two white magicians, plus his and Zhu Qingyue’s psychics.
This was obviously a pure remote magic and illusion style. The Chinese team would face
the Italian team’s illusion flow head on!
Chu Yan choosing this lineup showed that he had confidence.
There were already eleven great gods in the death racing and economic war but the
number of gods in the national team was like clouds. Li Cangyu looked at the man next to
him and said, “The rest is up to you.”
Ling Xuefeng had long been aware of this and simply said, “The Su Yu combination will go
first, the Shu Bai combination will be in the middle and I will be with Xiao Zhuo.”
Su Yu and Shu Bai were fixed partners and no one had any opinions about them appearing.
However, Ling Xuefeng was personally taking care of Zhuo Hang, making many people look
at the Canglan teenager with surprise.
Zhuo Hang was also very shocked and expressed his doubts, “Captain Jiang is stronger than
me. Wouldn’t the victory rate be higher if you pair up with him?”
Zhuo Hang was very excited about being chosen by Ling Xuefeng but this involved the
interests of the national team. The teenager under 18 years old quickly calmed down and
raised his doubts.
They were both hunters and Jiang Xu’s personal strength was indeed stronger than Zhuo
Hang. If Ling Xuefeng and Jiang Xu paired up, the winning percentage would certainly be
higher. Zhuo Hang wasn’t been falsely humble. He was telling the truth.
Li Cangyu was very pleased when he heard this. Zhuo Hang had truly grown and could
focus on the overall situation, regardless of his own interests. This showed that his vision
had taken a qualitative leap.
Ling Xuefeng explained, “Captain Jiang’s strength truly isn’t weak but I’m worried that the
trap map submitted by the Chinese team will be chosen. Your ability to use the map in
conjunction with traps is very good and I want to give you this opportunity.”
Jiang Xu patted Zhuo Hang on the shoulder. “Don’t be modest. Captain Ling specifically
asked you to be his partner and naturally has his own reasons. I believe that you can
cooperate with him as a hunter.”
They had been sharing a room and exchanging tips as hunters. The two of them weren’t on
the same team but Jiang Xu appreciated Zhuo Hang and encouraged him with a few words.
Zhuo Hang no longer pushed and just smiled. “Okay, since the seniors trust me so much, I
will do many best!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded with satisfaction. “We haven’t cooperated a lot. In these two days of
training, you should try to keep up with my rhythm!”
“I understand, Captain Ling!”
“The tactical arrangement is like this. People who need to play will have time to train.” Li
Cangyu ended the meeting and turned off the PPT. Then he paused and turned back. “By
the way, Tan Shitian, Lu Xiao, Liu Xiang, Jiang Xu and Meng Jie, how about you give the
players some competition?”
He was in a hurry and directly called their names. It wasn’t a problem since Li Cangyu was
the oldest big god in the national team!
Tan Shitian heard Cat God call his name and smiled. “Okay, no problem.”
Tan Shitian took the lead and the others easily agreed. They would rotate in groups to act
as sparring partners for the other players.

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GLS: Chapter 297

Chapter 297 – Training

After a long day of practice, Zhuo Hang could finally keep up with Ling Xuefeng’s rhythm.
He couldn’t help sighing in admiration at Captain Ling’s violence. It was so terrible as his
partner. What about his opponent?
In the past, Zhuo Hang hadn’t dealt directly with Ling Xuefeng. He just felt that the other
person’s style was aggressive from the perspective of a watcher. Today, Zhuo Hang stood
by his side and felt a huge pressure!
Captain Ling was not only fast, he was quite decisive. Attacking the enemy with a wave of
skills in seconds was the play he was best at. Zhuo Hang was busy setting up traps and
always felt that eight hands weren’t enough!
After returning to the room in the evening, Zhuo Hang couldn’t help telling Li Xiaojiang on
WeChat: [Xiaojiang, I am partnering with Captain Ling and I always feel that I don’t have
enough fingers. His play is too violent…]
Li Xiaojiang was surprised. “Hey? You, you are partnering with Captain Ling? Is it for the
next match against Italy?”
The voice coming through the phone seemed to be softer. Zhuo Hang listened to the
stuttering and his mood became better. He held the record button and continued, “yes, I
didn’t expect Captain Ling to call me to go to the arena with him. This is my first time
partnering with him and I feel good.”
Li Xiaojiang listened to the voice and immediately changed to typing: [The tactics of the
national team, you can’t reveal it in advance!”
He naturally didn’t stutter when he typed. His sentence was very fluent and seemed to have
a hint of criticism. Zhuo Hang saw the serious line of words and couldn’t help smiling. [Do I
have to conceal it from you? Will you go out and say it?]
Li Xiaojiang: [Of course not!]
Zhuo Hang: [Then why does it matter? I’m just telling you and you are my most trusted
Li Xiaojiang saw this and couldn’t help feeling moved. The tactics of the next match in the
National Competition could be called the biggest secret. The players had to keep it a secret.
Zhuo Hang took the initiative to tell Li Xiaojiang that he was partnering with Captain Ling
in the arena. This showed his absolute trust in Li Xiaojiang. He was very happy about being
trusted by Zhuo Hang.
Even so, Li Xiaojiang still replied sensibly: [Don’t tell me other tactics. This isn’t very good.
Cat God will be angry if he knows.]
Zhuo Hang inexplicable felt some loss when he saw this and quickly typed: [I just wanted to
share my excitement with you. It is the first time partnering with Captain Ling and it feels
very different. I just wanted to tell you this. Don’t think too much.”
After typing it out, he felt it was too immature and immediately deleted it, changing to
another reply: [I know. I will pay attention and not tell anyone the tactical secrets.]
Li Xiaojiang: [That’s good.]
Zhuo Hang still felt a bit depressed. He wanted to share a secret with his friend and ended
up being scolded by his friend. ‘You can’t tell the secret. It isn’t right.’
It felt like being splashed with cold water.
However, Zhuo Hang saw him seriously considering the national team and couldn’t be
Xiaojiang was indeed more sensible than him. Tactical secrets shouldn’t be leaked. This was
the morality of a professional player. He couldn’t say it even to his best friend. For example,
Cat God had a good relationship with Captain Ling but in the domestic league, he didn’t
mention any tactical arrangements.
This wasn’t just responsibility to his teammates but also respect for the other side.
Zhuo Hang thought this and sent another message to Xiaojiang: [You are really smart. I
hadn’t thought of this problem. Thank you for reminding me! There will be a few days of
rest after this match. I’ll take you to eat something delicious!]
Li Xiaojiang instantly replied: [I don’t want to eat. You should train well in the national
team and don’t think about running out.]
Zhuo Hang, “…”
How did he have the tendency to be controlled by Li Xiaojiang?
Zhuo Hang scratched his head in a confused manner but the feeling of being taken seriously
by the small snail wasn’t bad.

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GLS: Chapter 298

Chapter 298 – China VS Italy

Two days passed quickly and all members of the national team once again took the
arranged bus to the venue of the World Competition. There was no doubt that this match
was packed. The Italian team and Chinese team had very high popularity and many fans
came here to cheer for their country.
Li Cangyu took the players through the verification process and went directly to the
backstage lounge.
This morning there had been a match between Group D’s French team and the British team.
They happened to meet the French team in the backstage corridor. Captain Stein took the
initiative to come over and shake Ling Xuefeng’s hand. “Today we unexpectedly met in the
corridor. I hope we don’t meet in the quarter finals.”
Ling Xuefeng replied lightly, “Then you have to defeat the British team.”
Captain Stein was the face of the national team. He had the typical blond hair and blue eyes.
His nose was high, his facial features handsome and he had the sculptural silhouette of a
European man. This appearance was definitely enough to captivate thousands of girls.
In addition, he had the romantic cells of a Frenchmen. It was said that during the training
period, he often bought flowers for the training room. He said it was to adjust the air and
make the training full full of a sweet fragrance.
Stein had many fans in France and many people liked his face and personality.
He heard Ling Xuefeng’s words and smiled slightly. “I hope we can all hear!”
He turned away while everyone in the Chinese team were in a daze. Cheng Wei had a
worshipful expression. “Captain Ling can speak French?”
Xie Shurong went to Bai Xuan and asked, “Did you understand?”
“I don’t understand. My second foreign language is Portuguese.”
Li Cangyu glanced over at Ling Xuefeng and his eyes obviously said, ‘Give me an honest
Ling Xuefeng explained, “Didn’t I play in the US server for a while before returning home?
At the time, many world servers weren’t opened. People in many countries used proxy
servers to make an account in the American server. Stein was one of them and we added
each other as friends on the Internet. We have been familiar since then.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Oh, you have a good friend whom you know longer than me?”
Ling Xuefeng was busy clarifying. “We are just acquaintances. I had very few contact with
him after I returned to China. I only knew that he established a team in France. Now that I
think about it, his age is similar to us.”
Li Cangyu asked lightly, “Is it? he was able to recognize you after a few years?”
The rest of the team were standing to the side in an embarrassed manner, collectively
frozen. Why did it feel like Cat God was questioning Captain Ling’s feelings? Everyone was
too afraid to come out. If they died, they would probably be killed by these two men.
Ling Xuefeng reluctantly explained, “I’m not even friends with him.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment, somewhat unsure until he lowered his voice and
asked, “Are you jealous?”
Li Cangyu quietly replied to him, “There is a match. Let’s not discuss this now.”
He was laughing in his heart. It was rare for this anxious expression to appear on Ling
Xuefeng’s abstinent face. Looking at his attempt to clarify, Li Cangyu already softened. The
fact that he could make such a strong man lower his head showed that Ling Xuefeng really
cared about him!
Li Cangyu naturally wouldn’t be small-minded enough to eat this type of vinegar.
When he first met Ling Xuefeng in the online game, Ling Xuefeng was a master who had
come back from abroad. He had played on the US server for more than a year and naturally
knew players from other countries on the US server. This was normal and there was
nothing to care about.
All he cared about was that the person called Stein looked dangerous and was one of the
world’s top three bard players. It was best for the Chinese team to not compete with the
French team in the quarter-finals!
The match would soon begin. The Chinese team walked into the soundproof room while
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing introduced the players on both sides. Yu Bing specifically
emphasized, “The maps for this match are likely to be changed. According to the matches of
other groups, the probability of repeating previously used maps is very low.”
Kou Hongyi explained, “In other words, the Chinese team previously played on Mechanical
City and Mount Huangshan Plank Road. These maps shouldn’t come out again and there
should be new maps. The same thing will be applied to the Italian team. It seems that the
league has adjusted the odds to deliberately let new maps appear.”
The audience heard the explanation and were excited.
Countless comments appeared in the live broadcast room. [Seeking the country’s national
treasure, the pandas! Did they submit a panda map?] [Australia has koalas, Spain has bulls
so we should have pandas!] [I think monkeys are more reliable. Monkeys can directly pull
players into trees!]
The netizens racked their brains to guess the map of the national team. The players in both
soundproof rooms quickly debugged the keyboard, mouse and other equipment.
The Chinese captain Li Cangyu and Italian captain Alberto were sitting at the command
The referee announced the start of the match and triggered the random lottery program.
The audience stared nervously at the big screen. Finally, it stopped and the system chose
the order of the game. The Chinese team was first and Italy second.
Li Cangyu calmly pressed a button on the screen and soon two maps appeared—Venice and
The audience became excited and in particular, the fans of Italy burst out screaming.
The two maps weren’t present in previous matches. Based on the name of the maps and the
logo on the left corner, they knew these maps were those submitted by Italy.
A moment later, the Italian captain also pressed the button and the big screen showed—
Bamboo Sea, Suzhou Gardens.
The two maps were both garden maps. Bamboo Sea’s thumbnail showed a large number of
bamboo pillars while Suzhou Gardens looked more complicated.
After the captains had randomly chosen, the remaining three maps were Space-Time
Illusion, Blood Castle and Wilderness Tribe!
These three were official Miracle maps. Space-Time Illusion was a maze and Blood Castle
was a death map. Wilderness Tribe seemed simple but it was the hardest to fight due to the
wind and sand.
At this time, Li Cangyu was first and had the privilege of disabling two maps.
Out of the Italian maps, Venice was probably a water battle map while Florence was unable
to be judged. Based on the thumbnail, it should have a complex terrain with traps.
Li Cangyu thought for a moment and disabled Florence.
In the previous Australia and Spain matches, he released both maps of the other side
because he was confident he could beat both teams. However, this game was absolutely
important in determining the Chinese team’s rank in the quarter finals.
Of the remaining three maps, Li Cangyu directly banned Space-Time Illusion.
Kou Hongyi was surprised by this. “He didn’t ban Wilderness Tribe! Why didn’t Cat God ban
the most difficult map?”
Yu Bing calmly analyzed, “The accident factors in this map is too big. The wind and sand
can change the field and there are too many barriers. It is very unfavorable to the illusion
flow. Cat God did this to force Italy to ban the map.”
Kou Hongyi suddenly realized. “Yes! Cat God is really witty!”
In the map selection section, it wasn’t necessary to ban the map they weren’t good in. Li
Cangyu banned the Space-Time Illusion map that the other side was relatively good in,
forcing the other party to ban the Wilderness Tribe. In the end, only the death map Blood
Castle would be left of the Miracle official maps.
This move by Li Cangyu forced the Italian captain into a bit of a dilemma.
He could only ban Wilderness Tribe since this map was truly too difficult to fight on.
However, he didn’t want Blood Castle!
The problem was that out of the Chinese team’s two maps, he could only choose one to ban.
The Italian captain suddenly felt that he didn’t have enough brain cells.
In the previous two matches, the Chinese team was always second and Li Cangyu
continuously released the two maps of the opposite side.
In this game, he had the lead and Alberto felt pressure from the selection stage alone. The
Chinese captain’s thinking truly wasn’t simple and forced Alberto to ban the map he
wanted to ban. Really too tricky!
After some deliberation, Alberto had to point his map and ban Wilderness Tribe and
Suzhou Gardens!
Li Cangyu saw this and his lips slightly curved.
Things had developed as he expected.
The last three maps left were Bamboo Sea, Venice and Blood Castle.
However, did they think that Bamboo Sea was simple enough to only have bamboos? They
were too naive!

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GLS: Chapter 299

Chapter 299 – China VS Italy (Unexpected Situation)

After the two captains chose the maps, the system judged it. In the end, Blood Castle was
chosen for the arena, Bamboo Sea was used for the economic war and Venice was chosen
for death racing.
As usual, the maps were shown before the game. From a god’s perspective, Blood Castle
was a very dangerous death map. The castle towered into the clouds, the terrain inside was
complex and there were many scary blood pools. Players had to fight on a narrow road. As
long as they placed one step into the blood pools, not even their bones would be left.
This map was released in the sixth season of the Miracle Professional League and
professional players all over the world were familiar with it. This map looked dangerous in
appearance but it was less difficult than the disabled Space-Time Illusion and Wilderness
The map finished showing and the names of the players on both sides appeared on the big
The Chinese team sent Su Yu in the first stage of the elimination game while the Italian
team sent an archer and white magician.
The Italian team’s melee strength was average but the level of their ranged players was
very strong. These two players weren’t as famous as their captain but they were very
popular gods in Italy.
Su Guangmo took Yu Pingsheng to the players’ seats and sat down with a relaxed
expression. “Brother, please protect me later.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded earnestly. “Yes.”
There were no humour cells in this guy’s body. Every time Su Guangmo smiled at him, Yu
Pingsheng would just stare with wide eyes before saying ‘yes’, indicating that he heard.
Su Guangmo looked at him in a joking mood and lightly patted his hand. “Refuel.”
The man stared at the computer screen in a serious manner. His eyelashes were long and
thick while his beautiful jawline looked extraordinarily soft under the illuminated lights.
In every match, Su Guangmo would never feel nervous as long as the quiet as a ghost Yu
Pingsheng was sitting next to him.
Su Guangmo smiled at the thought and placed his hands on the keyboard.
The opposite side was ready and the countdown to the map loading appeared on the
screen. Both sides soon refreshed in two corners of Blood Castle.
The roads of Blood Castle were extremely narrow but Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were
very familiar with this map. They quickly crossed the castle, completely ignoring the
surrounding blood pools.
The two players of the Italian team also reached the centre of the castle at an extremely fast
pace, both sides meeting at the central square.
There were five scattered fountains in the central square of Blood Castle. Unlike other
squares, the water in the fountains was red and had the same effect as the surrounding
blood pools. Once they accidentally stepped in, they would be forced to scream.
The Italian archer saw the two opponents and immediately fired the bow as he used
Quenching Arrow!
Quenching Arrow was one of the archer’s few control techniques. It had a certain
probability of activating the frozen effect and the other side would be frozen.
Yu Pingsheng saw the sharp ice arrow approaching him and his finger pressed on the
keyboard. The berserker on the screen took a step to the right and avoided the control skill
in a thrilling manner.
The opposite side’s white magician followed with God’s Seal!
This control skill was still aimed at Yu Pingsheng. As a result, Yu Pingsheng flexibly moved
left and once again evaded the white magician’s sealing skill!
In just three seconds, he relied on his flexible walking to avoid two skills in a row. Even Su
Guangmo couldn’t help feeling admiration. This operation was too delicate!
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help exclaiming, “Vice-Captain Yu is a very strange berserker. He is
very wild and heated up when attacking but he is very careful when defending. Don’t look
at the huge and awkward appearance of the beast berserker. Our Vice-Captain Yu can
repeatedly moved his berserker in a flexible manner to avoid the opponents’ skills!”
He just said this when the large axe in Yu Pingsheng’s split apart the ground. It was
Mountain Chop!
The image flashed green and a straight ditch extended to the red central fountain, blocking
the displacement route of the archer.
The Italian archer had to move to the left side. Meanwhile, the white magician’s knowledge
was very good. He saw that God’s Seal was wasted and directly used the skill Holy Seal!
A single control skill was directional and didn’t lock onto the target. This made it easy to be
avoided. However, a group control skill had a wide range and was difficult to avoid. Sure
enough, this skill accurately set Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng in place. The white magician
was happy and moved around the blood pool, casting the big group attack God’s Belief!
The archer also followed up with Death Arrow Rain!
The two big moves fell and Su Guangmo lost half his blood while Yu Pingsheng had higher
defense and only lost 35% blood.
The two men stood in place and were beaten, making the domestic audience members feel
distraught. [What the hell is going on today? Captain Su is just standing there and not
acting!] [Captain Su’s usual style of play is very active. Today he is being passively beaten
behind Vice-Captain Yu. Does he have a bad stomach like Daddy Bai?]
On the screen, Su Guangmo was beaten to half blood by this wave. At this moment, the big
screen suddenly paused and the referee turned on a red light, signalling that something
was wrong with the game.
Kou Hongyi wondered, “Surely he wasn’t disconnected?”
He just finished speaking when he was sent a message. There was a problem with Su
Guangmo’s computer. He pressed the keys but there was no response.
Yu Bing frowned. “No wonder why Captain Su didn’t move for a few seconds. It was a
network fault and he couldn’t operate his character. Everyone should be patient and wait
for the referee’s result.”
The screen moved to the Chinese team’s soundproof room. They could see Captain Li
Cangyu and Vice-Captain Ling Xuefeng walking over to Su Guangmo. Ling Xuefeng was
negotiating with the referee in English.
According to the rules, if an official failure affected the game then the captain could apply
for a replay. However, it was a bit of a nuisance to start again from the selection stage since
it would once again be a random selection.
The choices in this match had advantages for the Chinese team.
However, it was true that the network fault directly knocked out half of Su Guangmo’s
Ling Xuefeng looked over at Li Cangyu. “What do you think? Do you want to restart?”
Li Cangyu touched his chin and thought for a moment before making a decision. “It is best
not to replay. It is half blood but I believe the players afterward can catch up. Captain Su,
what do you think?”
Su Guangmo replied, “No problem.”
“Then it’s decided. We will continue the game.”
He and Ling Xuefeng went back while the referee motioned for the game to continue.
Kou Hongyi was very surprised. “This… if we keep playing, the network failure will
obviously make our players suffer!”
Yu Bing was also a bit unhappy. “The US Internet can actually fail?”
The Chinese audiences sent out a row of disdainful expressions but they saw the green light
and could only swallow their words.
Su Guangmo was finally moving!
The network fault was resolved and the terran swordsman immediately forcibly removed
the seal control. He bypassed two or three fountain pools and jumped to the other side of
the white magician, using the gorgeous Light and Shadow Rotation!
The big move used by Su Guangmo always gave people a feeling of tyranny. He was a well-
known unrestrained player of China. Whenever he cooperated with Yu Pingsheng, he could
play his style to the extreme.
The weak white magician lost 30% blood from this big move and his casting was
repeatedly interrupted.
He just wanted to turn away when he was controlled with Spirit Lock!
Su Guangmo set him in place and then left him, turning to chase the archer. He used
Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword to hit the archer to half blood.
He seemed to be telling people all over the world about his power. If it wasn’t for the
network failure, how could he so easily drop to half blood? The Chinese gods were the
strongest champions and could catch up in seconds!
The previous blood gap was narrowed in an instant and both of Italy’s players were
frightened by Su Guangmo.
However, Su Guangmo could only explode this wave. After all, the duration of his
movement skill was limited. Once it ended, he was hard for him to catch up with the ranged
archer and white magician.
The two people of Italy took advantage of this opportunity and attacked Su Guangmo from
the other side of a blood pool.
—Voice of Combat, God’s Light!
—Precise Shot and Seize Life Shot!
Their skills hit one after another and Su Guangmo was beaten to residual blood in one
Yu Pingsheng saw his brother’s blood gauge flashing red in warning and immediately
turned to block in front of him. He used the berserker’s thick skin to block the key Shock
However, Italy’s white magician and archer also had a very tacit cooperation. The archer
kept attacking from a distance while the white magician moved around the fountain and
used Tidal Surge!
He killed the residual blood Su Guangmo.
Yu Pingsheng raised the giant axe and released two big moves, World Without Justice and
Cut Through Thorns.
The murderous berserker rushed to the other side of the fountain and hit the white
magician and archer to residual blood.
The white magician looked for a chance to cast God’s Seal to control him. Then the archer
took advantage of this time and kept firing at Yu Pingsheng to kill him.
The battle was fought quickly. The Chinese team’s Su Yu combination was beaten but no
one blamed them. Instead, they started to collectively bombard the network of the arena.
[The game network must be a poor quality brand. How can it fail?] [The staff didn’t do a
good job investigating. We suffered from this!] [What are you afraid of? There are other
great gods. We can still win after even this loss.]
Kou Hongyi was indignant. “Captain Su couldn’t move at the beginning. He was at half blood
but managed to recover so much of the blood volume. If it hadn’t been for the network
failure, we would’ve won!”
Yu Bing was very calm. “We don’t have to be anxious. Since Cat God sent Su Yu first, there
might be a big god in the guard stage. In any case, Su Yu have already hit the Italian archer
and white magician to 30% residual blood. This gap isn’t difficult to reverse.”
Kou Hongyi also calmed down. “Sister Bing’s words aren’t wrong. If we still win the arena
after being defeated at the start, it will demonstrate the strength of the Chinese team even
more! The pressure might be bigger for the players who play later. I hope they will refuel
and recover from the disadvantage.”
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were very calm when the walked back to the rest of the
team. This wasn’t the first time they faced failure. It was just that they felt somewhat
reluctant about this defeat.
Still, there would always be various situations in the game. Now wasn’t the time to be
emotional. Su Guangmo gently patted Xie Shurong’s shoulder and said, “Ah Shu, I will give it
to you.”
Xie Shurong stood up from his seat, a rotten smile on his face. “Rest assured Brother.”
‘Two brothers, you suffered in the game. I will personally get it back for you!’

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GLS: Chapter 300

Chapter 300 – China VS Italy (Shu Bai Combination)

Due to the unexpected situation in the opening stage, the Su YU combination left early. This
made the Chinese team send their second stage partners in advance—XIEXIE and White
The two IDs appeared on the big screen and the emotions of the domestic Canglan fans and
the milk dad fans instantly ignited.
[Shu Bai!] [Previously in the Canglan team, no matter how bad the situation, the Shu Bai
combination in the middle will always stabilize things!] [I hope that Shu Bai can show their
force! Dad Bai refuel, Ah Shu Refuel!]
Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan took their seats.
At this point, Italy’s archer still had 30% blood and 30% blue left while the white magician
had 25% blood and 40% blue. This state couldn’t be called good but as long as the two of
them grasped an opportunity, a wave of attacks would be enough to hit the opponents to
residual blood.
Xie Shurong rushed towards the fountain. He didn’t use any big moves but instead used the
simplest ordinary attack to stab the white magician’s chest.
The sword was sharp and swift, so that the white magicians of Italy couldn’t keep up with
the rhythm!
The speed of this terran swordsman was too fast. he was like a gust of wind!
In the blink of an eye, Xie Shurong reached three combos and his attack power directly
The white magician was beaten to 10% blood. He desperately had to use the instant skill
God’s Light on Xie Shurong before hitting him with a few general attacks.
However, this wasn’t useful because Xie Shurong was someone who brought a dad with
Bai Xuan used a small healing skill and Xie Shurong returned to full blood. The white
magician of Italy was then killed by Xie Shurong.
The archer in the distance continued to attack Xie Shurong. Bai Xuan quickly placed five
layers of Healing Language on Ah Shu and then he was too lazy to add blood. He knew that
the other archer only had a bit of blue left. Even if a big move was used, Xie Shurong had
the buff on his body and wouldn’t die for a while.
With Bai Xuan was cover, Xie Shurong was even more unscrupulous.
He killed the white magician and turned towards the archer. Then he unleashed a gorgeous
Kou Hongyi said, “Ah Shu’s style isn’t as fierce as his brother but his quick attack isn’t
something that others can imitate! Attack four times in a row, five times in a row! The
damage of the general attack has tripled!]
The attack power of a swordman’s general attack was actually very small but once a combo
was formed, the damage would increase.
The so-called combo couldn’t have a 0.2 second gap between attacks and the target of the
attack must be the same person. Every time Xie Shurong hit a combo, his hand speed would
burst to the highest speed. The slender fingertips danced on the keyboard, dazzling
people’s eyes!
In the blink of an eye, Xie Shurong took care of the residual blood Xie Shurong.
The Italian archer also pushed Xie Shurong’s blood to 40% but Xie Shurong brought his
milk dad. Bai Xuan used Holy Light Surge and directly filled up his blood.
The two of them solved the problem. They used ordinary attacks and didn’t consume much
blue. Xie Shurong was still full of blood and blue. Bai Xuan only used three skills and his
blue was also above 80%.
Yu Bing’s mood finally improved and she smiled. “It seems that the combination of Shu Bai
is truly safe. The disadvantage of the previous round has slowly been recovered by them.”
Kou Hongyi nodded. “It is thanks to Xie Shurong’s style of play. The swordsman’s quick
attack combo and his extremely fast Light and Shadow Rotation are features that other
people can’t imitate. He is a sharp player but Dad Bai… everyone knows that Bai Xuan is
one of the gentlest people in the league. The effect of these two people together is
unexpectedly good!”
Sharp and gentle, this combination was very harmonious. Bai Xuan could help Xie Shurong
stabilize the situation and Xie Shurong had Bai Xuan’s care, allowing him to play his fast
style to the highest level.
Shu Bai were worthy of being Canglan’s ace!
Now the Shu Bai combination had become the trump card of the national team!
In China, many spectators commented: [Shu Bai 6666!] [The Shu Bai combination is good!
Flipping over the situation!]
The expressions on Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong’s faces were very relaxed. In fact, in the
domestic league, Cat God often sent several youngsters in the first stage of the arena to
train them. The Shu Bai combination often faced a disadvantageous situation when going
into battle. They were used to this and performed quite calmly.
This might be the World Competition but there was nothing to worry about.
Xie Shurong looked over at Bai Xuan and saw him staring at the computer screen. Xie
Shurong smiled handsomely and said, “I always think that playing with you is a pleasure.”
Bai Xuan glared at him. “Stop the nonsense or I will hit you.”
Xie Shurong shrugged. “The players on the other side haven’t come out yet.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
In this tense and exciting game, probably only the shameless Ah Shu would take advantage
of this chance to talk?
Xie Shurong went on to say, “They are likely to send someone to take care of you. You have
to be careful because I might not be able to protect you.”
Bai Xuan listened to him talk about the game and became serious. “Yes, I know.”
“I want to take care of the opposite people as soon as possible. Then the pressure on our
following teammates will be relieved.” Xie Shurong put away his smile and spoke in a rare
serious manner. “If necessary, I might give up on you. Can you understand this?”
“How can it not be understood? The role of a healer in the arena is to protect his teammate,
not drag down his teammates. If they set fire to kill me, I will delay the time. You don’t need
to worry about me. Hit them with your strongest attack and kill one if you can.”
Xie Shurong gently took his hand. “You are the most considerate person.”
Bai Xuan glared at him and removed the hand. “Get ready for the game.”
Xie Shurong smiled happily. He always felt that Bai Xuan’s expression was particularly
interesting. It was more beautiful than his usual warm smile.
On the big screen, the IDs of the two Italian players were revealed and Shu Bai instantly
became ready.
His words just now weren’t a joke.
The facts proved that his guess was correct. The players sent by Italy were the two black
magicians with the most explosive skills!
A black magician was more aggressive than a white magician. It was absolutely feasible for
two black magicians to join hands to kill a healer.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan were a black magicians combination in the domestic league and
they could definitely kill first-class gods in the league. In addition, the two black magicians
of the Italian team were the signature combination of the championship team!
Xie Shurong’s eyes were cold as he instantly rushed to a black magician.
The two opponents obviously weren’t stupid. They didn’t want to attack Xie Shurong only
for Bai Xuan to add blood. Their goal was the healer Bai Xuan!
The Shu Bai combination always had Xie Shurong as the main output while Bai Xuan was
the assistance in the rear. In fact, everyone who really understood this combination knew
that Bai Xuan was the core of the Shu Bai combination and was Xie Shurong’s most
powerful backing.
As long as there was no milk dad, Xie Shurong would definitely fall.
A black magician directly used Dark Fear on Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan didn’t use a cleansing skill because he knew there were two white magicians and
there was another Dark Fear available!
The two Italian opponents took advantage of the control team to break out their skills. All
types of attack skills headed towards Bai Xuan. Death Mantra overlapped three times and
soon destroyed 60% of Bai Xuan’s blood!
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GLS: Chapter 301

Chapter 301 – China VS Italy (Sacrifice and Redemption)

Xie Shurong stood on the other side of the fountain and wasn’t affected by Dark Fear. The
moment Bai Xuan was hit, he immediately used the big move Light and Shadow Rotation.
His positioning was very clever. He circumvented the water fountain and his big move
precisely hit the two black magicians, destroying 20% of their blood.
The two black magicians of Italy ignored him and continued to attack Bai Xuan. They used
black magic spells to pressure Bai Xuan’s blood line.
Kou Hongyi saw this scene and couldn’t help worrying. “It seems that they are trying to kill
the healer!”
Yu Bing said, “In order to deal with the Shu Bai combination, the best way is to quickly
handle the healer. Otherwise, Xie Shurong’s blood will keep being filled by Bai Xuan. Ah
Shu’s attack power is very fierce and the Shu Bai combination will become harder to fight.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “It seems that the two Italian players delayed for half a
minute because they were discussing a strategy. The captain also gave them some
Yu Bing said, “This idea isn’t wrong but Bai Xuan isn’t so easy to kill.”
She just finished speaking when Bai Xuan suddenly used a small healing skill and filled up
his blood volume in a precise manner.
The black magician had two styles of play. One was to attack the opponent using big moves
that had relatively long casting times. For example, Canglan’s Li Xiaojiang relied on these
big moves to win. The other style consisted of spells being stacked on top of each other,
which required two black magicians to work together.
There were many black magic skills with negative effects such as Death Mantra and
Shadow Winding. Their casting time was very short and two people working together could
quickly stack them. After seeing that Bai Xuan had five layers of Death Mantra stacked on
him, Xie Shurong frowned and he decisively used Spirit Lock to set one black magician in
Bai Xuan finally had the opportunity to take a breath. He immediately went to hide behind
Xie Shurong and filled his blood with three consecutive small healing skills.
Xie Shurong continued to explode, using the swordsman’s combo to decrease the stunned
black magician’s blood volume to 70%!
Ah Shu was extremely ferocious when he broke out. Ordinary attacks could deal as much
damage as a big move. However, the black magician of Italy wasn’t an idiot. After the
control effect of Spirit Lock ended, he fled Xie Shurong’s attack range and used Dark Fear to
control the two people!
The positioning of this group control skill was extremely skilled and covered both Bai Xuan
and Xie Shurong.
Fortunately, Bai Xuan still kept the skill Purification from before. He no longer hesitated
and opened it to get rid of Dark Fear!
Xie Shurong gained his freedom and chased after the swordsman. Breaking Bone Sword,
Devouring Soul Sword, Storm Sword! The three consecutive skills were smoothly released,
directly making the other side fall to 20% residual blood.
This set of explosions was really frightening and was no worse than his brother, Su
It was obvious that Xie Shurong wanted to kill one of them so that the favourable situation
of two against one could be formed.
The two black magicians of Italy continued to target Bai Xuan. They no longer hesitated to
use their big moves and Shadow Winding and Hell Flames came one after another. The
whole Blood Castle was filled with dark energy and Bai Xuan’s blood fell to 10% and
started to flash red.
He saw that a crit could take his life. As a result, Bai Xuan walked around the fountain and
added blood. He cast five layers of Healing Language on him at a very fast speed, followed
by a big healing skill. Incredibly, his blood once again became full.
The two Italians, “…”
This was simply a small cockroach that couldn’t be killed!
The two of them couldn’t help feeling annoyed. The Chinese team’s milk dad had extremely
strong survivability. He was definitely the most difficult out of all the healers they had seen
so far!
“Pretend to kill the swordsman, forcing him to save the person at the fountain. Once he
retreats, we will set fire to kill him again!”
“Good idea!”
The two people immediately agreed on their next plan over the voice channel.
The fountain in the centre of the square was a restricted area that couldn’t be stepped on.
Bai Xuan’s current position was just around the fountain while Xie Shurong was standing
between two fountains so he could only go back if he was attacked. If he retreated, Bai Xuan
would have to go around the fountain to add blood to him.
The two black magicians had the same mind and they turned to attack Xie Shurong!
Xie Shurong had previously been filled with blood by Bai Xuan and he generally used
ordinary attacks to deal with the enemy. He hadn’t used many big moves and he had
around 70% blood left. This state could be called very good.
The two black magicians acted quickly. The joined hands to stack Death Mantra and
Shadow Winding. Within five seconds, the negative state on Xie Shurong was stacked to the
fifth layer!
—Death Mantra! Shadow Winding!
This was the black magician’s most typical negative effects stacking.
Players hit by Shadow Winding would have a black mist around them and they would lose
1% blood per second. If there was also the skill Death Mantra, the blood loss would double.
These two states could be overlapped up to five layers.
In other words, once Death Mantra and Shadow Winding were stacked to the fifth layer, Xie
Shurong would lose 10% blood per second!
Losing all blood within 10 seconds, it could be seen how terrible the black magician’s
negative effects were!
Yan Ruiwen saw this and couldn’t help saying, “The two black magicians of Italy are very
Guo Xuan agreed. “Their technique is really fast.”
Li Cangyu listened to their discussion with a calm expression. He believed that Bai Xuan
could solve this problem.
Bai Xuan’s Purification skill was on cooldown and he had no way to lift the negative states
from Ah Shu. However, he still had big moves left!
—Holy Light Surge!
A white light covered Xie Shurong’s body. It was the priest’s longest-lasting first aid skill.
Bai Xuan didn’t care about his blue as he forcibly used the big move, leting Ah Shu recover
his blood.
Xie Shurong fled and soon retreated to a corner of the square. Bai Xuan also came over to
add blood to Xie Shurong.
From a god’s perspective, the audience found that the two of them were just behind a death
fountain. The water inside was constantly ejected, forming a bloody fog in the sunlight and
dyeing Blood Castle with a trace of horror.
Bai Xuan had consumed a lot of blood filling up his own blood. At this time, he used a big
move to restore Xie Shurong’s blood. Now he only had around 30% blue left.
The two Italian players looked at each other and immediately transferred targets to Bai
—Death Mantra! Shadow Winding!
The negative states on Bai Xuan’s body were stacked up to the fifth layer in the blink of an
eye and he lost 10% blood per second. At this time, he could save his life using small
healing skills but he didn’t have much blue left. Once it was consumed, he could only wait to
Bai Xuan calmly glanced at the blood on the other side.
Of the two black magicians, the one targeted by Xie Shurong had 20% residual blood left.
The other had only been hit by Ah Shu’s big move and still had 70% blood. Both of them
had around 50% blue left and their attack power was still quite strong. Bai Xuan’s own blue
would only allow him to hold on for 10 seconds. Once he died, Ah Shu would find it difficult
to win against two opponents.
Moreover, according to the time calculated, the other side’s Dark Fear will soon have its
cooldown finished. Once Dark Fear could be used again, Ah Shu could only be killed by the
two of them…
Could Ah Shu’s explosive ability take care of the other side?
Bai Xuan decided to believe in this young man.
In this critical moment, Bai Xuan’s brain worked quickly and then he did something that
shocked many people.
He quickly hid behind Xie Shurong and ignored his own blood, adding five layers of Healing
Language onto Xie Shurong. Then he raised his staff up high and started to cast a rarely
seen skill.
The audience was shocked once the skill casting ended.
It was because the priest on the big screen directly fell to the ground while his soul
shrouded his partner Xie Shurong in a white light.
Kou Hongyi’s mouth dropped open from shock. “B-Bai Xuan is making a desperate gamble!”
Yu Bing also felt admiration. “He is truly decisive!”
The audience was impressed with Bai Xuan. In the Canglan VS Wind Colour finals, the
priest used the Energy Infusion skill to transfer his blue to Cat God before he died.
Today, Bai Xuan made another choice.
Redemption was a skill that an angel priest rarely used. At the expense of his own blood
and mana, he transferred his desperate will to his teammate so that his teammate’s skill
damage would double for the next 10 seconds!
It was a cruel assistance technique that allowed a teammate to break out.
No priest on the battlefield would choose to do this because in most people’s mind, the
survival of a priest guaranteed the team survival. Bai Xuan’s thoughts were different. In his
opinion, a healer should live and delay the time, but once dead, they should die decisively
and not drag down their teammates.
Now was the time when he should take the initiative to die.
Last time, he transferred his blue to Li Cangyu because he believed that Li Cangyu could
break out and collect the other person’s head. This time, he directly sacrificed himself to
double Ah Shu’s skill damage. Did this mean he shared the same trust in Xie Shurong?
Xie Shurong was obviously stunned by this scene but he quickly reacted. The excitement
made his fingers tremble slightly as they hit the keyboard violently at a dazzling speed!
The tapping sound almost broke the keyboard as the swordsman on the screen suddenly
rushed towards a black magician and took away the 20% blood!
This terrible attack power caused the eyes of the audience to widen.
Ah Shu with his attack doubled was simply a big killer!
After killing one person, he saw the other black magician casting Dark Fear. The handsome
Ah Shu quickly teleported over and used a general attack to interrupt the opponent. Then
he followed with three consecutive moves. Breaking Bone Sword! Devouring Soul Sword!
Storm Sword!
The swordsman’s signature three moves and the double attack directly forced the
opponent to residual blood.
The black magician’s spirit hadn’t returned when Xie Shurong followed up with three
combos, his sharp sword hitting the other person’s chest and the blood black magician also
“???” Both of Italy’s black magicians were in a stunned state.
Things happened too suddenly. They didn’t expect the other side’s priest to do a suicide
On the Chinese side, Xie Shurong dropped his keyboard and stood up. He excitedly turned
and hugged Bai Xuan, speaking in a hoarse voice, “You, you trusted me! What if I couldn’t
react and kill the two of them?”
Bai Xuan saw this youth’s excited and incoherent appearance and patted his head with a
gentle smile. “Didn’t you prove through practical actions that my choice wasn’t wrong?”
Xie Shurong immediately tightened his arms.
Yes, his choice wasn’t wrong.
Ah Shu would never let him down, whether it was on the field or emotionally!

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GLS: Chapter 302

Chapter 300 – China VS Italy (End of the Arena)

Bai Xuan’s sacrifice at the crucial moment combined with Xie Shurong’s short-term
extreme outbreak actually killed the two black magicians of Italy.
The sudden change stunned the Italian team. Captain Alberto directly stood up from his
seat with a shocked expression. He obviously hadn’t expected the Chinese team’s healer to
come up with such a trick!
The domestic audience through the computer screen couldn’t regain their spirits for a
while. Even Li Cangyu was a bit surprised before he quickly smiled and praised, “I knew
Xiao Bai would be able to think of a way.”
There was pride in his words. Bai Xuan was his old partner for many years and his
awareness was absolutely first-class.
Liu Xiang’s tone was also full of admiration. “Bai Xuan’s understanding of a healer is truly
not comparable to ordinary people. I have never tried such a desperate play.”
The female players of Red Fox didn’t have such explosive power. Xie Shurong was too
powerful. Even if Liu Xiang used Redemption and sacrificed herself to increase her
teammate’s attack power for 10 seconds, her teammate might not be able to successfully
kill two people. Only explosive players like Li Cangyu and Xie Shurong could perfectly
realize Bai Xuan’s ideals.
Bai Xuan was truly a very good healer but if Xie Shurong’s attack power wasn’t strong
enough then the Chinese team couldn’t complete the reversal. The combination of Shu Bai
had the same spirit and complemented each other. No one else could show such power. The
fact that Li Cangyu joined Shu Bai together as partners was enough to show his vision and
Liu Xiang might be a captain but at this moment, she felt that she was too far away
compared to a captain like Li Cangyu. Among the current captains of the Chinese Miracle
League, it was probably only Ling Xuefeng who could really compete with Li Cangyu?
Liu Xiang thought this and couldn’t help looking over at Ling Xuefeng. This man always had
a cold expression on his face and he had called Zhuo Hang to his side, obviously prepared to
go out for the guard stage.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi saw the scene of Shu Bai hugging and he couldn’t
help praising, “Shu Bai is worthy of being the Canglan team’s ace combination! In the
beginning, Su Yu ate a loss due to the network failure. After Xie Shurong appeared, he killed
the archer, white magician and two black magicians in turn. He killed four people and
found face for his two senior brothers!”
Yu Bing added, “Ah Shu still has the effect of double attack power but the Italian guard
combination can drag out those seconds. Ah Shu doesn’t have much blue left.”
“However, his style is quick. In many cases, he doesn’t need blue!” Kou Hongyi stated. “With
his personality, he will definitely try to consume the other side and lay out a bigger
advantage for his teammates playing next.”
Yu Bing nodded in agreement. “Bai Xuan filled Ah Shu’s blood before his sacrifice with this
intention. He wanted Ah Shu to continue to consume the opponent.”
In the soundproof room, Bai Xuan gently pushed Ah Shu away and smiled. “Continue the
Xie Shurong stared at him seriously. “Rest assured, I won’t disappoint you.”
This sentence seemed casual but Bai Xuan saw his serious eyes and was suddenly moved.
He couldn’t help reaching out to pat Xie Shurong’s hand. “Come on, I believe in you.”
‘I believe in you!’
These simple four words were undoubtedly a great encouragement to Xie Shurong.
He shook Bai Xuan’s hand and then turned to sit down, placing his hands on the keyboard
again and staring brightly at the computer screen.
As Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing stated, he used Breaking Bone Sword, Devouring Soul Sword
and Storm Sword to kill the two black magicians of Italy. At this time, his blue was almost
empty. However, his greatest advantage was that he could still cause considerable damage
using the swordsman’s general attack, even if he had no blue.
In fact, Xie Shurong was a very flexible player. His style wasn’t sharp but not radical. Once
he started chasing the enemy, he was simply a sword that couldn’t be avoided. This was
why Bai Xuan particularly hated him.
Now watching him chase the enemy as a teammate, Bai Xuan thought that this guy was
quite handsome!
The Italian team soon sent their guard combination, an archer and berserker. It was a
typical melee and ranged combination. The berserker was responsible for protection and
penetration while the archer attacked from a distance. The berserker’s defense was strong
and the archer’s attack power was strong so this combination was very strong in the arena.
Xie Shurong couldn’t win against the two enemies. He only needed to consume the
opponent as much as possible to lay out the advantage for the next combination playing.
Xie Shurong understood this point and fully exerted the characteristics of a cockroach. He
repeatedly moved around the fountains in the central square, flexible avoiding the enemy’s
Once the cooldown for his rushing skill was over, he immediately moved towards the
berserker and unleashed a swordsman’s combo at a dazzling speed.
The number of combos on the big screen quickly increased and damage rose by five times.
Even a thick-skinned berserker lost 15% blood from this combo.
Daring to fight head on with the berserker, Ah Shu was truly fierce!
The domestic audience members were desperately praising him. [Ah Shu is still lacking a
waist pendant!] [Ah Shu, teach me to use the combo!] [This is the youngest brother of
Captain Su. He might not be as domineering as his older brother but he is a pure man!] [Ah
Shu, good power! As a Flying Feathers fan, I won’t blacken you later!]
Su Guangmo saw this scene and couldn’t help smiling. “Our younger brother grew up!”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo spoke emotionally, “He used to bicker with me every day. He was quick to
point to me and scold me. His voice was so loud that it seemed like he would raise the roof.
Now he isn’t in the Flying Feathers and there is no one who dares to quarrel with me. I
suddenly feel a bit lonely.”
Yu Pingsheng thought of the days when Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong, the two
temperamental teenagers argued with each other constantly and he had a headache. Was it
good for a scene like that to be reproduced? It would be difficult for him as someone in the
Su Guangmo was silent for a moment before he suddenly held Yu Pingsheng’s hand. “It’s
okay, I have you.”
Yu Pingsheng looked over doubtfully but only saw the handsome face of his smiling
The feeling of his hand being held was strange. Yu Pingsheng wanted to pull away but he
was gently held. Yu Pingsheng no longer struggled and quietly let him hold it.
Perhaps his brother felt somewhat emotional after recalling past events?
The three brothers of Flying Feathers and their master ‘Sword God’ Song Yang might bicker
all the time but those were precious memories of their youth.
At this time, the venue filled with a burst of applause. Yu Pingsheng looked up and saw Xie
Shurong unleash a beautiful combo, directly decreasing the berserker to half blood!
The berserker and archer of Italy cooperated to finally kill Xie Shurong but Xie Shurong
completed his task. Not only did he move back the Chinese team’s disadvantage, he also
completely reversed the situation. This allowed his teammates enter the guard stage with a
half blood advantage.
Xie Shurong returned with Bai Xuan and the rest of the national team warmly applauded
Su Guangmo stood up and patted his younger brother’s shoulder. “Good, you have fought
well for your brothers! You should go back to Kunming for a few days and I will take you to
see Master.”
Xie Shurong smiled. “Good! I heard that Master opened a grilled fish shop?”
Li Cangyu heard the keyword ‘fish’ and immediately turned around with bright eyes.
“Grilled fish shop? Where is it?”
Su Guangmo, “…”
Xie Shurong, “…”
Could Cat God be like this? The calm of the national team’s captain was completely
abandoned after hearing ‘fish’?
Bai Xuan was helpless. “Can you discuss the issue of grilled fish later? The arena isn’t over
Li Cangyu was calm. “Xuefeng will definitely win. What is there to worry about?”
Everyone, “…”
His trust in Ling Xuefeng was simple and didn’t require a reason.
However, Cat God had a point. Ling Xuefeng was the guard. Was there still any suspense in
the arena?
Everyone calmed down once they realized this and continued to discuss the issue of the
grilled fish store.
Bai Xuan asked curiously, “Where is your Master’s shop?’
Su Guangmo told him, “After we return to China, we can go visit. My master’s shop is called
‘Sword God Grilled Fish Shop.’”
Li Cangyu touched his nose. “I didn’t expect Song Yang to be so narcissistic…”
Of the Five Gods of Miracle, the first captain of Ghost Spirits, Mo Quan had already
disappeared. Tan Shitian’s master Xu Luo settled overseas. Song Yang, the master of Flying
Feathers three brothers had opened a grilled fish shop. Only Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng
were still left in the league. Li Cangyu felt very amiable when thinking about this old friend.
Sword God Grilled Fish Shop, how did he come up with this?
However, this provided Li Cangyu with new ideas. Perhaps he could open several fish
stores after he retired. Pickled fish, sweet and sour fish, steamed bass…
He didn’t want to drool so let’s watch the game first.
Li Cangyu retracted his thoughts and looked back, only to see Ling Xuefeng standing next to
him with no expression. Li Cangyu couldn’t help feeling surprised. “You haven’t gone yet?”
Ling Xuefeng told him, “I’m waiting for you. Do you have anything to explain?”
Li Cangyu smiled and hugged him. “The only thing I have to say is that I am waiting for you
to win this game.”
“No problem.” Ling Xuefeng nodded and left with Zhuo Hang.
Yan Ruiwen wanted to see the black crows of a demon summoner in front of his eyes. He
wanted Cover the Sky to blind him!
Since joining the national team and fighting with Cat God, Captain Ling wasn’t right. Yan
Ruiwen thought about gossip every day and painfully endured it.
Li Cangyu saw Yan Ruiwen’s twisted face and couldn’t help feeling worried. “Vice-Captain
Yan, are you uncomfortable?”
Yan Ruiwen immediately smiled. “Ah, no! I just suddenly thought of a tactical problem and
was worrying over it.”
He successfully fooled Cat God and Yan Ruiwen focused his attention on the big screen.
On the big screen, the Chinese’s players IDs finally appeared. LXF and Navigator!
LXF was undoubtedly Ling Xuefeng’s initials while Navigator matched Zhuo Hang’s Chinese
The combination made the always calm Yu Bing look surprised. “Captain Ling and Zhuo
Hang are together?”
“This combination is really novel!” Kou Hongyi exclaimed. “If Captain Ling wants to pair up
with a hunter, he could’ve taken Captain Jiang. It is estimated that he is trying to give more
opportunities to the newcomer!”
Regardless of Ling Xuefeng’s thinking, his combination with Zhuo Hang was a foregone
On the VIP stands, Li Xiaojiang quietly formed fists and cheered on his partner in his heart.
‘Zhuo Hang, you must keep up with Captain Ling’s rhythm!’

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GLS: Chapter 303

Chapter 303 – China VS Italy (Ling Zhuo Combination)

Ling Xuefeng was undoubtedly the top god in the China Miracle League and don’t think it
would be easy to partner with a great god. During the two days of training, Zhuo Hang had
felt suffocated. Ling Xuefeng’s quickly, decisively and violence wasn’t something that an
average person could keep up with. In many cases, Zhuo Hang couldn’t respond to what
happened and just lay down.
This feeling wasn’t good. He always felt that he was dragging Ling Xuefeng down.
Fortunately, Ling Xuefeng took care of Zhuo Hang by slowing down his rhythm. After two
days of intensive training, Zhuo Hang finally became familiar with Captain Ling’s style.
Once the two of them appeared on the map, the Italian berserker only had half blood left
while the archer was full of blood. However, he had consumed many skills in order to kill
Xie Shurong.
This was a death map. As long as they entered a fountain, they would be corroded by the
blood and die.
A demon summoner had two signature skills. One was the banshee’s Charm that pulled one
person and the group pull Witch Demon’s Curse. Ling Xuefeng’s use of these two skills was
superb. The two Italians had long heard the name Ling Xuefeng and were naturally very
careful when confronting him.
The two of them reached a tacit agreement: Kill Zhuo Hang first.
After all, Zhuo Hang was a newcomer with no fame. If they killed Zhuo Hang, they would
have a chance to win against Ling Xuefeng since it would be 2v1.
The berserker approached to suppress Zhuo Hang. He used Mountain Chop to push Zhuo
Hang into a corner while the archer fired a cold arrow from a distance. Zhuo Hang was
attacked by the two people and felt great pressure.
A hunter’s defense wasn’t high but fortunately, their skills didn’t have a casting time. Zhuo
Hang withstood the pressure and quickly moved using Flying Feather Steps to set four
traps around the berserker. Then he escaped the berserker’s attack range at an extremely
fast speed.
The berserker was set in place and Ling Xuefeng immediately summoned four skeleton
infantry to surround him.
There was a bang as the skeleton infantry exploded and forced the berserker down to 30%
residual blood. At the same time, Zhuo Hang exploded his traps and forced the blood down
to 15%.
Li Xiaojiang was relieved from where he was watching. He thought that Zhuo Hang
wouldn’t be able to keep up with Captain Ling. Now it seemed that he had been thinking too
small. This guy’s reaction in the arena was really fast.
It seemed that Li Xiaojiang’s evaluation was confirmed. Zhuo Hang exploded the traps and
turned using Flying Feather Steps towards the archer.
Zhuo Hang played very hard today. He might’ve been initially suppressed by the two
opponents and turned into a half blood state in an instant but he wasn’t afraid at all. He
used Flying Feather Steps to move as fast as the wind.
The Italian archer saw that the hunter was coming to kill him and instantly escaped with
Flying Feather Steps.
On the other side, Ling Xuefeng saw that the berserker’s blood was down to 15% after
exploding the skeleton infantry and didn’t hesitate to try and kill the berserker.
However, the berserker’s defense was very high. He raised the axe and used blocking skills
to prevent Ling Xuefeng’s attack. Then he went back to cooperate with his teammate to kill
Zhuo Hang.
There are five large death fountains in the central square. The audience found that Zhuo
Hang was chasing the archer and the berserker was chasing Zhuo Hang. Gradually, the
three people approached the narrow boundary between two fountains. Ling Xuefeng
remained calm from beginning to end and didn’t chase. Instead, he diverted behind another
The two people of the Italian team thought that Ling Xuefeng couldn’t come to rescue
straight away and was happy. They immediately surrounded Zhuo Hang and used skills.
—Cut Through Thorns!
—Death Arrow Rain!
The two people’s big moves fell and the screen shone brightly. The weak Zhuo Hang was hit
by these two skills and fell to 10% residual blood. His blood gauge started to flash red in
He was about to be killed only for Ling Xuefeng to suddenly emerge from behind a fountain.
The Italian archer sensed something was wrong and turned to run with Flying Feather
Unfortunately, it was too late for him to escape.
Zhuo Hang had been passively beaten up. At this moment, he suddenly reversed his hand
and used a precise Stop Trap to fix the escaping archer in place.
Ling Xuefeng quickly summoned the banshee, placed the banshee in the fountain and then
used a precise Charm to pull the archer!
The audience saw that both the banshee and archer were corroded by the blood!
The effect of the Miracle death map didn’t exceed one second and the summoner’s pets
were naturally affected by the map. Ling Xuefeng’s banshee would definitely have no bones
left after standing in the pool for one second.
However, Ling Xuefeng’s quick operation scared people.
The timing and positioning when summoning the banshee were quite accurate. After
summoning, he instantly used the Charm skill and pulled the Italian archer, not taking
longer than one second. The audience couldn’t see what happened and only understood
after the slow-motion replay.
Everything thought there was a flower in front of them. The banshee appeared, almost
instantly pulled the archer into the fountain and then met the same end as the archer…
Captain Ling’s style was so simple and strong. He used one second to kill the opponent and
was too lazy to waste time.
The domestic audience couldn’t help feeling sympathetic and lit a row of candles for the
Italian archer.
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi laughed. “Captain Ling is really different! If you
look carefully, you will find that Xiao Zhuo was very smart. He knew that the other two
wanted to kill him and deliberately led them to a dead corner of the map.”
Yu Bing nodded and praised, “The cooperation between Zhuo Hang and Captain Ling is very
clever. Once he saw Captain Ling emerge, he immediately stopped the opponent with a trap
and allowed Captain Ling to accurately pull the opponent. This type of awareness is really
Li Xiaojiang saw the scene and couldn’t help stuttering, “He, he is progressing really
Gu Siming exclaimed, “Yes! He is our Canglan teammate!”
After killing the Italian archer in one second, Ling Xuefeng’s expression was still calm and
didn’t change. His fingers quickly tapped the keyboard and he summoned four skeleton
The Italian berserker had only 15% blood left and there was no possibility of him winning.
He wanted to go back and kill Zhuo Hang to get at least one person, but Ling Xuefeng
wouldn’t give him a chance.
The man’s eyes were cold as his slender fingers pressed on the keyboard. On the big screen,
the four skeletons moved at a very fast speed towards the berserker and exploded. There
was black smoke and the berserker was directly blown up!
Victory belonged to the Chinese team!
Ling Xuefeng stood up from his seat while Zhuo Hang jumped up excitedly. “Captain Ling
played really well!”
“You weren’t bad.” Ling Xuefeng patted the teenager’s shoulder as encouragement. Then he
lowered his voice and said, “The future Canglan will be handed over to the youngsters.
Don’t let him down.”
The sentence made Zhuo Hang freeze up but he quickly reacted. The ‘he’ that Ling Xuefeng
mentioned was naturally Cat God.
Then today Captain Ling partnered up with him to teach him something? He was helping
Cat God train the newcomers?
Zhuo Hang felt a bit complicated at this time.
He didn’t think that the relationship between Captain Ling and Cat God was good enough
for Captain Ling to care about the newcomers.
After a moment of silence, Zhuo Hang looked up and met Ling Xuefeng’s eyes seriously.
“Don’t worry Captain Ling. We will work harder in the future and definitely live up to Cat
God’s training!”
Ling Xuefeng nodded with relief. “That’s good.”
The two people returned to the rest area. Li Cangyu looked at Ling Xuefeng and said, “I
knew there would be no problems. You really won this game.”
Ling Xuefeng’s serious face showed a rare smile. “Well, there are still two games left.”
Li Cangyu heard this and gathered his teammates around him. “Everyone should refuel.
There are two games left and we can achieve the victory record!”
These words immediately increased the spirits of the national team.
The commander of the next game, Chu Yan stood up and gathered the players involved in
the economic war. He smiled confidently and declared, “Let’s show them China’s illusion

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GLS: Chapter 304

Chapter 304 – China VS Italy (Bamboo Sea)

Based on the system’s choice, the map for the economic war was Bamboo Sea.
There were five maps submitted by the Chinese team. Putting aside the Mechanical City and
Mount Huangshan Plank Road, the ones left were Bamboo Sea, Suzhou Gardens and Eight-
Trigram Array.
The Bamboo Sea map looked very simple, especially in the thumbnails. It was a lush sea of
bamboo plants.
In fact, the difficulty was no less than the Mechanical City.
The Mechanical City was a three-dimensional map with an upper and lower structure.
Bamboo Sea was a flat map but it was filled with traps.
If the map was chosen for death racing then players who didn’t understand the map could
easily walk into traps. If selected for the economic war, the number of traps would be
reduced but there would be the map NPCs, the pandas.
Australia had koalas while Spain had bulls. The maps submitted by various countries fully
reflected the characteristics of each other. China’s national treasure was naturally
Before the start of the game, the 3d god’s perspective was shown as usual. The Italian team
members saw the round, chubby pandas and their expressions became complicated.
“The wild area mobs are special. Black and white, what is this?” Someone who had never
seen such an animal asked curiously.
“They are pandas. They are China’s national treasure and have dark circles and a chubby
black and white body!”
A female player couldn’t help saying, “So cute!”
“Do they have bamboo in their hands?”
“If we attack the pandas, will they use bamboo as a weapon to attack us?”
The group of people had holes in their brains as they started talking.
Fortunately, the captain Alberto brought back the topic. “The first person to be attacked
will immediately explain the situation on the voice channel. If my prediction is correct, they
should be a melee type mob that bites people.”
“I know, Captain!”
“It seems that this map isn’t too difficult!” Someone commented.
Alberto immediately denied it. “Impossible. There isn’t any Chinese map that isn’t difficult.”
Everyone, “…”
This was the truth.
Bamboo Sea didn’t seem difficult but this was abnormal when considering the Mechanical
City and Mount Huangshan Plank Road maps selected in the previous matches. Could the
Chinese team make a panda and bamboo forest map to sell cuteness?
There was definitely something hidden!
The Italian players stared at the screen with wide eyes. Sure enough, the lens moved deep
into the bamboo forest and a leaf suddenly fell to the ground. There was a loud noise and a
big pit appeared. It was like a pit dug by a hunter when capturing animals in the mountains.
The bottom couldn’t be seen at all!
The Italian players got chills.
“A trap map!” Someone exclaimed. “The Chinese team’s maps truly are difficult!”
At the same time, the domestic comments were filled with large flowers and hugging
[Cute panda, I want to hold one!] [Can this map be released in the online game? I want to
see the pandas!] [So cute, I can’t bear to fight it!] [How can you fight pandas! Putting pandas
in the economic war isn’t scientific at all!]
A group of people were arguing over this problem until the trap appeared and the style of
the comments changed. [It is really a trap, hahaha!] [The foreigners say that the Chinese
team’s maps are too hard!] [Trap map, I like it!]
The maps submitted by each country were unknown. In order to avoid the other side from
suffering too much, the entire map would be shown before the game.
The Italian players quickly learnt the characteristics of the Bamboo Sea map. The pandas
were the wild area mobs while there were large and small traps in the bamboo forest.
According to the map, players would automatically be transmitted to the return point after
falling into the trap.
Italy’s captain Alberto summed up the map features and convened the players participating
to prepare them.
The map finished showing and the names of the players on both sides appeared on the big
The Italian team sent out their signature psychic combination with Captain Alberto
personally serving as the commander of the game. The remaining four players included
two black magicians and two archers.
The Chinese team’s lineup consisted of Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue. The black magicians Yan
Ruiwen and Guo Xuan and the white magicians Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi also participated.
Yu Bing saw this and immediately explained, “The lineup of both sides is consistent with
using psychics as the core. In order words, two psychics cooperate to complete their
teleportation. They will flash around the field to control and kill the opponents. Because the
movement of the whole group is too fast and they disappear and appear instantly, it is
called the illusion flow.”
Kou Hongyi wondered, “Then this game is directed by Chu Yan?”
“Yes. In fact, Chu Yan’s command level isn’t weak. Pure Cleansing’s performance in the
domestic league isn’t very good but it is because their players can’t keep up with the
psychic’s play. Their cooperation isn’t strong and it is easy for them to be targeted,
especially in away games.” Yu Bing paused and added, “However, today is different. The
teammates he brought are the strongest black magicians and white magicians in the
domestic league. The team’s strength is raised by a notch.”
“Today’s illusion flow will be sure to make us feel refreshed.” Kou Hongyi was excited. “This
map is also quite distinctive. The national treasure has finally appeared!”
The players on both sides were ready in front of the computer and the map loaded.
In the previous panoramic view of the map, the pandas were shrunk and didn’t feel very
real. Now they were immersed in the bamboo forest from a first-person perspective and
found the round pandas in the bamboo forest. They were too cute! The eyes of the Chinese
audience immediately focused on the pandas.
The Chinese team split so that Chu Yan and Cheng Wei took one road, Yang Muzi and Zhu
Qingyue took the other road while the two black magicians were in the middle. The
splitting pattern of the Italian side was similar. The two psychics would split up to develop
their economy separately. It was obvious that both sides wanted to play safely in the
The captain of the Italian team, Alberto, headed down one road with an archer and
happened to meet the Chu Yan and Cheng Wei pair
At this time, a panda just refreshed. Alberto had his teammate try to attack it. The archer
aimed Shock Shot at the giant panda only to see the chubby panda suddenly roll over and
cleverly avoided the skill!
The two Italians, “…”
Too much! The mobs actually had a hiding skill. Chinese team, do you have to dig so many
Cheng Wei saw the national treasure rolling slowly on the ground and laughed. “So cute, I
can’t bear to fight it!”
Chu Yan also smiled. “We can’t fight the pandas directly. We have to use bamboo to catch
them. It is estimated that the Italian people haven’t caught on yet.”
It seemed they would have to give a demonstration to the opposite side. Chu Yan took the
initiative to pick up a piece of bamboo on the ground and placed it in front of the fat panda.
The panda rolling on the ground immediately rushed over and grabbed it, eating the
bamboo happily.
A +100 gold coin tip appeared above Chu Yan’s head.
The Italian players felt chaotic!
The wild mobs couldn’t be fought. They had to be fed directly to get gold coins? The pandas
of the Chinese team actually ate goods?
The e-sports reporters and spectators of other countries were speechless and expressed
their doubts on the Internet. [Is it possible to set up a map like this?] [The league didn’t
dismiss the map of the Chinese team?]
However, some people praised it. [The Chinese map designers are very creative. It is too
boring to kill the mobs in the economic war. Thus, they designed a map full of props to trap
the mobs. It is very novel!]
Alberto watched Chu Yan feed a panda and successfully get gold coins. His face was dark as
he spoke in the voice channel, “Grab bamboo to feed the pandas. Hurry up and grab the
gold coins!”
Thus, there was a weird image in the World Competition.
Pandas refreshed one after another in the bamboo forest. If they were attacked, they would
cleverly roll a few laps. It was only when they were fed with bamboo that they would give
the players gold coins. The pandas that became full would lie flat on the ground. If they
weren’t full, they would roll around for food.
The Italian players all had dark expressions.
They always felt that the maps of the World Competition would be broken by these Chinese

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GLS: Chapter 305

Chapter 305 – China VS Italy (Cooperative Killing)

The wild panda on the Bamboo Sea map couldn’t be attacked using any skills. Instead, they
needed to be trapped with bamboo. According to the map setting, the player who first fed
the panda would receive 100 gold coins. One panda could only be fed once. After eating,
they would lie flat and no longer accept the feeding of other people, indicating they were
also principled about food.
This setting was consistent with the rules of the economic war set by the Miracle League.
Very soon, the Italian captain Alberto found a problem. In other economic warfare maps,
the wild mobs could be killed and would disappear after being killed. However, the
monsters on the Chinese team’s bamboo map couldn’t be killed. This meant the pandas in
the wild areas increased more and more!
Less than half a minute after the start of the game, the wild areas were packed with pandas!
This group of chubby animals looked particularly cute but they filled the area, giving
players nowhere to go!
The Italian captain found that a panda refreshed not far away, just outside his attack range.
He immediately took two steps forward and picked up the bamboo on the ground to feed it.
He had just walked past a panda lying flat on the ground when the panda suddenly rose and
slammed forward, throwing him directly to the ground.
Alberto who was thrown down by the panda, “…”
He had never experienced such a shameful moment since he became a professional player!
The audience laughed as they saw the Italian captain being pressed to the ground.
Alberto’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot and he immediately cautioned on the
voice channel, “Be careful! The pandas will take the initiative to throw people around. Don’t
come near them. Don’t come near! Once again, don’t come near!”
The three times repetition was enough to prove how it mentally affected the Italian captain.
The animals that looked cute were extremely aggressive. It caused a 15% drop in blood
with a single attack.
Alberto had just gotten up when he was set in place by Cheng Wei’s God’s Seal!
Cheng Wei’s ability to adapt to the game was very strong. He naturally wouldn’t let go of
this opportunity created with the panda’s help. Once the opponent was set in place, he
burst out with God’s Light and Voice of Combat.
The two single target attack skills fell and Alberto turned into a half blood state.
His partner happened to be an archer. Due to Italy’s illusion flow, the key players in the
early stages were the psychics. The archer had been consciously standing at a distance in
order to not steal his captain’s economy. As soon as the captain was hit, the archer
immediately reacted. He shot Quenching Arrow at Cheng Wei in order to freeze the other
However, the archer class was the class that Cheng Wei knew the best apart from the white
magician. It was because his partner Tan Shitian was China’s best archer!
Cheng Wei saw the opponent’s pre-action and could predict what he wanted to do. The
other side drew his bow while Cheng Wei quickly jumped behind a panda.
The sharp arrow that crossed the distance hit the panda. The panda rolled across the
ground and cleverly hid. On the other hand, Cheng Wei used the panda as a cover to
successfully avoid the archer’s skill.
The audience couldn’t help laughing. “Xiao Cheng and the panda can still cooperate!”
Tan Shitian couldn’t help smiling when he saw this scene. No one was around but Cheng
Wei was still playing cleverly. He was becoming more and more like a great god.
Cheng Wei was very excited after hiding from the control and used Tidal Surge.
The white wave rushed towards the two players of Italy, drowning them in an instant!
The damage caused by this group attack was very impressive. The Italian captain’s blood
dropped directly to 30% while the archer also fell to 70%.
Fortunately, the control effect on Alberto ended and he instantly stepped back, leaving the
scope of Cheng Wei’s attack.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help sighing with admiration. “Xiao Wei is very fierce today!”
Yu Bing added, “In previous matches with the Tan Cheng combination, Tan Shitian will be
in charge of attacking while Cheng Wei handles control. Today Captain Tan isn’t present so
Cheng Wei chose to attack. His awareness is also very good.”
Kou Hongyi nodded. “Yes, that’s right. This set of moves directly beat the two players of the
Italian team.”
Cheng Wei was really aggressive today. He was active but not radical. He looked very smart.
The audience found that due to Cheng Wei’s wave of control and attacks, the two Italian
players had to retreat five metres, causing Chu Yan’s range of activity to expand by five
Therefore, all pandas who refreshed in this range were given to Chu Yan.
Cheng Wei didn’t want to kill the two Italian players. After all, it was difficult for him to kill
two opponents as a white magician. He just wanted to repel the two opponents and create
some opportunities for Captain Yan to increase gold and buy equipment.
Chu Yan was very appreciative of this and couldn’t help praising him. “Xiao Wei is excellent.
Take a few steps back and be careful of counterattacks!”
“Yes!” Cheng Wei obediently returned.
At this time, Italy’s captain only had 30% blood left. He naturally didn’t dare rush forward
to give away a head. He had to shrink back and continue to feed the pandas. The archer was
keen to strike at Cheng Wei but unfortunately, the bamboo forest had pandas everywhere
and many of his attacks would be blocked by the pandas.
In other words, after being fed, the pandas became an obstacle that hindered the route of
the players as well as blocked the release of skills.
The ground contained traps while there were obstacles that could move. This map was
much more complicated than they thought.
Alberto quickly made a decision and spoke in the voice channel, “Everyone, gain as much
economy as possible before going back to the city!”
It had been three minutes since the start of the game and pandas were still appearing in the
wild. At present, the one on the Chinese team with the most money was Chu Yan, followed
by the black magician Yan Ruiwen and Zhu Qingyue. On the Italian team, Alberto was
suppressed by Cheng Wei and his money was much worse than other people.
In the early stages of the economic war, Italy’s disadvantage wasn’t that bad.
At this moment, a 2v2 team battle broke up in the middle road!
It was due to a blue mob appearing in the wild area. The blue mobs in the bamboo forest
were also pandas but unlike other pandas, this one had a cute blue hat on its head.
The players on both sides quickly reacted. This was a blue monster that gave addition blue
and they went forward to compete over it.
The middle of the road happened to contain the double black magicians of Italy and China.
It could be called an even match up.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan quickly stacked Death Mantra on the other two. The black
magicians of Italy weren’t weak and directly used the big moves, Shadow Winding and Hell
The black magicians used powerful moves. The black and red flames rising from the ground
were shocking. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan fell to half blood from the group attack and
immediately retreated.
To the shock of the audience, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan weren’t careful when they stepped
back. They actually stepped into a trap and the two men fell down in one swoop!
The domestic audience, “…”
The Italian audience members were excited. “Hahaha, China’s own players were pitted by
the map!” “They always want to kill someone with these pits but today they killed their
own people!”
Kou Hongyi was a bit embarrassed. “This… Vice-Captain Yan shouldn’t make such a low-
level mistake?”
Yu Bing stared at the big screen without saying anything.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan had fallen into a trap in the bamboo forest. The two Italian
players moved to kill them but once they approached the trap, they discovered that Yan
Guo had returned to the city.
Those who fell into the map would be returned to the city. This was explained when the
map was shown before the game.
The two Chinese players were caught by their own trap and the black magicians of Italy
were happy. They immediately started to clean up the pandas in the wild area and caught
up with the economy.
However, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan made another choice after returning to the city.
They actually went to another section of the road!
Yu Bing immediately reacted. “The two of them falling into the trap might be to blind
people’s eyes! The real purpose of Yan Guo is to go join up with Chu Yan and Cheng Wei to
kill the captain of the Italian team!”
On the opposite side, it was difficult to kill the two Italian players thanks to the archer’s
ranged interference. Now Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan played a big drama in the middle
road, pretending to fall into the trap and quickly returning to the city.
At this time, the first wave of mobs was about to end and the two Italian players were
preparing to retreat.
Cheng Wei suddenly circumvented around a few pandas and used Holy Seal to control the
two retreating players!
Italy’s captain Alberto didn’t mind. He knew that the white magician’s attack power
wouldn’t be able to kill him before the control ended.
The shocking thing was that the moment Cheng Wei controlled him, black and red flames
emerged from the ground and there was a black fog. The black magicians had arrived!
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan cooperated very well. Guo Xuan suppressed the blood of the
archer while Yan Ruiwen stacked several layers of Death Mantra on Alberto’s body. Then
he aimed for the archer.
In the blink of an eye, the blood volume of the two Italian players had become precarious.
Chu Yan, who had been on the sidelines, finally acted.
—Psychic Strangulation!
This was one of the psychic’s few attack skills and it was also a group attack.
A huge red spiral mark rotated on the ground at a very fast speed, spreading out and
strangling all enemies within range.
The bloody psychic and archer of the Italian team instantly fell to the ground and Chu Yan
successfully won the double kill.
The first wave of mobs finished. Chu Yan smiled and ordered, “Go back to the city!”
The audience’s minds finally returned and they commented: [66666!] [The Chinese team’s
players are really worthy of being a movie emperor!] [Yan Guo’s acting is first class!] [It is
Captain Chu’s commanding!]
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s actions were indeed Chu Yan’s intentions.
The first wave of mobs would soon be over and Chu Yan was stuck. He had Yan Ruiwen and
Guo Xuan come to join him to launch a storm of attacks against the two retreating Italians.
The four people successfully killed the other side and Chu Yan won two heads, becoming
the biggest local tyrant.
The best auxiliary of China wasn’t just simple support.
In many cases, Chu Yan could also become the core of a game.
Li Cangyu saw this scene and couldn’t help smiling. He turned towards Ling Xuefeng and
exclaimed, “Chu Yan’s performance is finally about to begin!”

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GLS: Chapter 306

Chapter 306 – China VS Italy (Real Illusion Flow)

The six people of the Chinese team returned to the city and opened the equipment library
to update their equipment. Chu Yan got two heads and didn’t hesitate to choose from the
psychic equipment library. He chose a ring that reduced cooldown and a necklace to
increase the release distance of an array.
The role of the ring was self-evident. It reduced the cooldown time of all psychic skills. This
was in line with the illusion flow, especially when two psychics cooperated. The shorter
cooldown would allow many large-scale formations to seamlessly connect.
Zhu Qingyue’s economy wasn’t as high as his master. He only bought one ring but it was
enough to form a perfect match with his teacher.
After updating the equipment, the six Chinese players went to the refresh point of the ice
The ice dragon’s refresh point was consistent with the map coordinates of other economic
warfare maps. The six Chinese players rushed to the ice dragon’s refresh point and the six
Italian players also arrived.
Both sides started the first wave of combat.
The white magicians, black magicians and psychics of the Chinese team were all ranged
classes with weak defense. The Italian team also had a six member ranged lineup. The
difference was that the Italian had two archers with a bigger attack range. They took
advantage of this and the two Italian archers used the big move, Death Arrow Rain!
The arrows fell down like a rainstorm and instantly covered the Chinese team. If these two
big moves hit, the six players of the Chinese team were like to fall to half-blood in an
At this moment, Zhu Qingyue made a big move.
—Psychic Array, Time and Space Illusion!
This big move allowed the players of the Chinese team to teleport away.
Time and Space Illusion was one of the most commonly used arrays for a psychic. It could
transfer teammates to a designated position. The teleportation at the key moment made
the six Chinese players disappear from their spot. The big moves from the Italian archers
were completely wasted. After the arrow rain passed, the Italian players saw the Chinese
team appear right in front of the ice dragon cave.
Zhu Qingyue pre-judged the skills of the archers in advance and casted the big illusion
array. This made the audience warmly applaud him.
Many domestic viewers watching the live broadcast said: [The little crybaby is really
Since being forced to take over as captain of Pure Cleansing, the crybaby gradually became
stronger and stronger. He no longer had a look of grievance when he faced the media
reporters. Today, he was standing in the World Competition and could calmly handle the
two archers of the Italian team. His growth was obvious to everyone!
The opening teleportation directly got rid of the two big moves of the Italian archers. This
made the captain Alberto feel reluctant and he also used Time and Space Illusion to teleport
the six Italian players.
The audience saw a flash in front of them and the six Italian players had caught up.
Six people instantly disappeared and reappeared in another place. This type of place was
strange and exciting, which was why it was called the illusion flow.
The illusion flow was first popular in Europe and Italy was the leader in it. As more and
more players chose a psychic, the tactic was popularized all over the world with the Pure
Cleansing team as a representative.
The Italian team’s illusion flow was really strong and aggressive. They used the illusions of
two psychics to directly kill the Spanish and Australian team in the group stage!
This time they were against the Chinese team and their play was still fierce. Alberto used
Time and Space Illusion to send his teammates to the left side of the Chinese team and
followed with the black magician’s group control skill, Dark Fear.
At this moment, Chu Yan also opened the big psychic move. Time and Space Illusion!
The red, yellow, blue and green light appeared at their feet and the six Chinese players
disappeared again, reappearing in the left side of the ice dragon’s cave.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help spitting out, “The two sides are playing a teleportation battle!”
This sentence described the situation very well.
Within half a minute, the Italian captain Alberto had completed one teleportation while the
Chinese team relied on the cooperation between Zhu Qingyue and Chu Yan for two
successive teleportations.
However, it could be found that the Italian team’s teleportation was for attack while the
Chinese team was mainly defensive.
Sure enough, after the captain Alberto used teleportation, the other psychic Fabio also
opened the psychic array to chase the Chinese team. Both sides appeared to the left of the
ice dragon cave and the Italian black magician once again opened Dark Fear!
The domestic audience members were nervous. Now the Chinese team’s two psychics were
on cooldown. What would happen when the group control skill hit?
The scene that occurred next surprised everyone.
Yang Muzi suddenly opened the white magician’s group control skill, Holy Seal!
On the big screen, the Italian black magician’s Dark Fear and the Chinese white magician’s
Holy Seal collided. One was black and the other white. The two clusters of light met in the
air and the result was that the whole Chinese team was affected by Dark Fear while the
Italian players were controlled by the seal!
The control skills of the black and white magician were released at almost the same time,
causing the 12 people to be fully controlled. This image was very strange.
The control effect lasted only three seconds.
It depended on who could grab the first move once these three seconds were over.
Chu Yan pressed a finger against the keyboard, counting down the time in his heart. At the
same time, he gave his apprentice Zhu Qingyue a ‘1’ prompt on the team channel.
The three seconds ended and the master and apprentice immediately joined forces.
—Six-Pointed Star Array! Chain Illusion!
—Maze! Poison Array!
The green six-pointed star, purple array, white array and black poison quickly appeared on
the map at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. The audience saw that
skills burst one after another and four colours were opened.
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue’s equipment finally showed its effect. The cooldown was reduced
and their casting time was also greatly reduced. The two people cooperated and read four
large arrays in three seconds!
This was the indispensable core of the psychic illusion flow method, a seamless connection.
The Six-Pointed Star Array confined everyone to the range of the six-pointed star. They
couldn’t leave before the array was released. Chain Illusion made illusions appear in front
of the opponents and they couldn’t see where they were. Maze would greatly reduce the
opponent’s movement speed and defense while Poison Array placed the opponents in a
‘poisoned state.’ Their blood and blue would fall every second.
The four big arrays were released and the entire Italian team became blind!
In particular, the Chain Illusion skill.
This skill created an illusion in front of the opponents’ eyes and the illusions were closely
related to the map scene. For example, today’s map was Bamboo Sea and the Italian players
saw cute pandas hugging their thighs while wanting bamboo…
The Italian captain Alberto was going to collapse!
He clearly knew that he was attacked by an illusion but in front of this weird scene, he
really wanted to fly to China and strangle the Chinese map designers!
The audience saw this scene while the Chinese players worked together to attack Italy.
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue cooperated with the auxiliary chain array, which greatly reduced
the defense of the Italian team players. This was the best time to release their skills.
At this time, the cooldown for Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan’s big moves were over. The two
men tacitly used Shadow Winding and Hell Flames!
Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi also weren’t idle. They followed up with the white magician
skills, God’s Belief and Tidal Surge!
Black and white magic could restrain each other but once they cooperated, their group
attack skills were very powerful. The four big moves hit and the six people of the Italian
team fell to residual blood.
Alberto had an ugly expression and ordered, “Withdraw!”
It wasn’t until this moment that he discovered he was fooled.
In fact, the Chinese team’s psychic starting with the teleportation wasn’t because they were
afraid of the Italian team. It was because their big moves had been on cooldown. Zhu
Qingyue sending the team away was actually waiting for these skills. Once the cooldown for
everyone’s skills were over, Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue started to fight back.
The Chinese team’s counterattack was terrible. The auxiliary chain of arrays plus the four
group attacks disabled the Italian team. It was likely they would be wiped out if they stayed
Alberto’s decision to withdraw was very calm.
The six Italian players were very strong. Once their captain gave instructions, they
immediately pulled back. Alberto was clever enough to leave a Six-Pointed Star Array in the
field to hinder the Chinese team’s pursuit.
However, the Chinese team didn’t chase them at all.
Chu Yan was very decisive and ordered, “Ignore them and kill the ice dragon!”
Many viewers wondered why they didn’t chase after victory.
Yu Bing explained, “This is related to the commander’s personal style. If it was changed to
Captain Ling, he would likely choose to chase the opponent and destroy them. On the other
hand, Chu Yan is a relatively warm and moderate person. His style is to win in a stable
manner. The Italian team has successfully retreated so there is no need to rush to grab
their heads.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “Sister Bing is right. They should take down the ice
dragon first! The initial economic gap is so big that I don’t believe the Italian team can catch

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GLS: Chapter 307
Chapter 307 – China VS Italy (Role of a Psychic)

The Chinese team won the ice dragon’s economic bonus. Everyone returned to the birth
point and updated their equipment. The psychic’s weapon was a type of crystal ball that
changed between the four colours of red, yellow, blue and green. Chu Yan sold his necklace
and ring to obtain the psychic’s characteristic weapon, Illusion Crystal Ball!
The characteristics of this weapon were very clear. In addition to increasing the effect of
the cooldown reduction, the array duration would be extended by 0.5 seconds.
0.5 seconds sounded very short but it was definitely enough time to change the situation
for profession players.
In addition, the duration of all arrays would be extended!
The Illusion Crystal Ball was Chu Yan’s favourite weapon. Once he obtained this weapon,
the expression on his face became much more relaxed.
The others didn’t have enough money to buy weapons but the ice dragon’s economic bonus
meant that everyone bought their favourite jewellery and their attack power increased
The Chinese team had killed the ice dragon very quickly so the fire dragon still hadn’t
refreshed. The second wave of mobs had just appeared in the wild area.
Chu Yan looked at the time when the fire dragon would refresh and ordered, “Everyone will
go on the road!”
This command surprised his teammates but everyone cooperated with him to go on the
In the middle road, they saw two familiar figures. The captain of the Italian team, Alberto
and the archer Zucker were on the road to increase their money. The two people had just
picked up a bamboo and fed it to a giant panda when they saw the six people of the Chinese
“Retreat! Quickly retreated!” Alberto’s expression changed and he immediately retrated.
However, Chu Yan was prepared when coming to the road. He used a precise Six-Pointed
Star Array to set them in place, followed by Chain Illusion.
Alberto once again saw the image of a panda holding his thigh to eat bamboo and wanted to
climb into the game, cut all the surrounding bamboo and hand it to the pandas. Please,
could they sleep quietly and not bother him?
The result of the six against two battle couldn’t be doubted.
Once the Chinese team succeeded in controlling the two opponents, the other outputs
broke out and quickly cleared the blood of the Italian team’s Alberto and Zucker.
—Three kills!
—Four kills!
Everyone still tacitly gave the heads to Chu Yan.
A normal captain might rely on this advantage to directly kill the fire dragon and then push
to the crystal.
On the other hand, Chu Yan was a cautious and calm commander. Killing the fire dragon at
this time actually carried a lot of risks. The key was that everyone’s group attacks were on
cooldown. They might be defeated if they were ambushed by Italy.
In order to be stable, they should go back to the city to replenish their resources and wait
for the skills to be available again.
Chu Yan thought this and gave an order in the voice channel, “Jump into the trap to return
to the city.”
The Chinese team jumped into the trap one after another.
Kou Hongyi, “…The traps originally have this effect!”
Yu Bing praised it. “The designers’ thinking is indeed extraordinary. The traps could deal
with enemies while also allowing you to quickly return to the city. It is much faster than
other methods to return to the city.”
They collectively returned to the city. Chu Yan didn’t change his equipment but instead
bought many lights to control their vision.
By the time the Chinese team came to the fire dragon again, the Italian team had also
Italy didn’t dare let go of this dragon.
The Chinese team already had the advantage in equipment. If they won the fire dragon and
received its attack and defense buff then it would be absolutely impossible for Italy to
reverse the situation.
Killing the fire dragon was a must for Alberto. He arrived at the cave and immediately said,
“Be prepared to attack!”
He had just spoken when Chu Yan used Time and Space Illusion!
There were two uses for Time and Space Illusion. The most commonly used one was to
teleport all teammates within range to a specified location. The second usage wasn’t as
common but could be quite effective. It teleported all enemies within range to a specified
Of course, a skill that moved the enemy away had a relatively close range of 10 metres.
The captain of the Italian team had obviously wanted to win this wave of team battle and
his position happened to be relatively close to the Chinese team. Chu Yan’s trick hit and the
result was that he directly fell into a trap.
Zhu Qingyue had the same heart and used the same move. He used the black magician
closest to himself and used Time and Space Illusion to move the black magician into a trap!
Those who fell into the trap would be automatically sent back to the recovery point…
Alberto didn’t die but it was worse than death!
Chu Yan’s move was equivalent to forcibly separating him from the battle. Originally the
Chinese team and Italian team were in a 6v6 battle but now it became 6v4.
The Italian team’s combat hadn’t even begun and two people were forcibly sent away. How
could they keep playing?
The other psychic of Italy wanted to cough up blood.
He wanted to copy the Chinese team’s move and send someone away when Cheng Wei
decisively used Holy Seal to collectively set them in place.
The Italian players wanted to cry…
Four against six, they had half lost before even starting!
Alberto and the black magician were sent back to the refresh point and it was too late even
if they returned at their fastest speed.
It took 10 seconds to get to the fire dragon from the birth point. This was enough time for
the Chinese team to resolve the battle.
Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan, Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi were the strongest black and white
magicians in the Chinese Miracle League. How could they miss such a great opportunity?
Death Mantra and Shadow Winding were instantly stacked up to five layers.
The white magician’s group attack skill Tidal Surge struck.
The explosive power of the two black magicians was very high and combined with the
group attack of the two white magicians. There were also the negative effects of ‘lower
defense’ and ‘illusions’ that the psychics created. The four people of Italy fell to residual
blood in 10 seconds.
Their blood flashed red and Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue completed the harvest.
The cooldown reduction effect of Chu Yan’s weapon reached the limit and his skill release
was extremely fast.
Once Alberto arrived, he saw the scene of the crystal ball in one of the Chinese team’s
psychics flashing with various colours. Arrays appeared on the ground one after another, to
the point where the ground was constantly shining with colour!
This was the stage of the psychic.
In the World Competition, the stage of the psychic belonged to Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue.
As a psychic, Alberto hadn’t paid much attention to Chu Yan before. In last year’s World
Carnival, Chu Yan was able to win the 3v3 team championship trophy because his team was
composed of Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo. The two great gods were the light of the team.
This was what Alberto always thought.
Chu Yan was just an old auxiliary player who didn’t have many achievements. His team’s
performance wasn’t good and he was too far away from the top psychics in the world.
However, today he was thoroughly impressed by Chu Yan!
This stable and steady pushing was like a snowball effect that made the Chinese team’s
advantage bigger and bigger.
In the early stages, he arranged for his teammates to come support him on the road. He
took two heads and relied on the economic advantage to buy more equipment. The ice
dragon opened the gap and he went to the road to kill the Italian team’s core players before
returning to the city. Then he killed the fire dragon and used the traps to forcibly send his
opponents away…
There were too many wonderful command points in this game.
Alberto was very depressed but he was convinced.
Chu Yan was an excellent and steady captain. He might be different and seem mild
compared to Ling Xuefeng’s violent crushing and Su Guangmo’s frontal struggle but he hid
needles in his gentleness, not allowing the opponents any chance to counterattack!
The previous victory in the 3v3 World Carnival project was because Chu Yan had the strong
personal ability to keep up with Ling Xuefeng and Su Guangmo’s rhythm, eventually
defeating the US team!
By the time Alberto’s spirit returned, the Chinese team had killed the four players of Italy
and joined forces to kill the dragon.
The Chinese players’ current equipment was enough to endure the damage of the fire
dragon and their output was also enough. Moreover, Chu Yan sent Cheng Wei to defend the
perimetre. Once an Italian player got close, he would immediately open an array to let
everyone counterattack.
It was impossible for Alberto to steal the dragon.
The Chinese team successfully killed the fire dragon and the outcome of this game had no
The moment the central crystal was broken, Chu Yan finally smiled. “We won!”
Zhu Qingyue stood up and hugged the master next to him.
His eyes were wet again but they were no longer the tears of grievances when he was
young and ignorant. They were tears of excitement from winning!
Chu Yan proved today that the illusion flow didn’t only belong to the European team and
the role of the psychic wasn’t just an aid!
An excellent psychic was enough to create victory in a game!

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GLS: Chapter 309

TL Note: Chapter 308 is just a data set chapter with stuff like character information and
skill information. I’m skipping it and keeping the chapter numbering so it doesn’t mess up
the rest of my chapter numbering.

Chapter 309 – China VS Italy (Cooperative Killing)

The Chinese team won the arena and economic war. The current score was ranked first in
their group. Italy had previously lost one game to Spain and now lost two games to China.
Meanwhile, the Chinese team had the record of all wins. In other words, even if the next
game was lost, the Chinese team was already destined to qualify as first in the group.
Kou Hongyi excitedly exclaimed, “The Chinese team’s current score is 40 points and we will
enter the quarter-finals as first in Group B! There is still the death racing game left. There
will be no impact on the result, regardless of whether we win or lose! We can celebrate the
Chinese team advancing as first in the group!”
The domestic live broadcast was immediately filled with flowers and many people’s
computers froze.
In the soundproof room, Chu Yan returned with his teammates to the rest area. Li Cangyu
stood up and patted Chu Yan’s shoulder. “You were great!”
Chu Yan smiled. “It is fortunate. At present, out team should be firmly first in the standings.
What is Cat God’s plan next?”
“Since we have already taken first place, we can take the full victory.”
Everyone, “…”
His words were like, ‘We should eat rice at noon today.’ Everyone around him looked at
each other while Ling Xuefeng came to his side and whispered, “All wins? This is a good
Li Cangyu readily smiled. “I also think it is better to win another game.”
Everyone, “…”
Did the two of them want the Italian players to live? Wouldn’t they have a psychological
shadow after this match?
However, the Chinese team’s leaders were decisive. Once the two men determined the goal
of ‘full victory’, Li Cangyu called the players who would be participating in death racing.
In this death racing game, he brought four blood kin players with him. The Lou Wushuang
and Zhang Shaohui brothers, Xiao Han’s blood kin assassin and Qin Mo’s blood kin
The map for death racing was Venice. Before the start of the game, the league routinely
broadcasted the map from the god’s perspective. Li Cangyu carefully examined the map and
found some unique boats on the water that acted as footholds for the players. The
buildings on the waterfront were transformed into the real scenery of Venice. It was
beautiful and pleasant. However, according to the map, players couldn’t go a short and
could only fight on the water.
In other words, this Venice map was a pure water battle map.
Water combat was much more difficult than land combat. The speed of players moving
through the water were greatly slowed and the release of skills were naturally slower.
Many newcomers couldn’t adapt to this sluggish rhythm and some people didn’t know
about the breathing gauge in the water and directly drowned.
It was impossible for professional players to have these problems. Their daily training
included practicing on water maps.
Li Cangyu carefully watched the map and had an idea. He took his teammates, “The blood
kin players can become invisible. We will quickly gather in the water and them clear the
field after gathering.”
His words raised the morale of the team.
Qin Mo was very excited. He always had a hunch that by playing with Cat God, he just had
to follow the powerful commands to crush the opponents.
In Italy’s soundproof room, Captain Alberto whispered, “This water map is submitted by
our country and must be won!”
The commander responsible for death racing, Vice-Captain Villedo was also a very
powerful psychic. He listened to the captain and nodded solemnly. “Captain, rest assured. I
will definitely win this water battle!”
It was too shameful to lose three consecutive games.
The Italian players were provoked by their captain and wanted to take something back
from the Chinese team. They put their hands together and shouted, “Come on! Win!”
The two sides were ready and the list of contestants appeared on the screen.
The Chinese side had Li Cangyu, Xiao Han, Lou Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui and Qin Mo. Li
Cangyu was obviously the commander.
The Italian lineup for death racing had the combination of two psychics, Villedo and
Sandro. They were fixed partners in an Italian team. The other three included the archer
Veneto, the white magician Angela and the black magician Monica.
This pure ranged team was the same as the economic war just now and also had the
illusion flow core.
Kou Hongyi saw this lineup and couldn’t help worrying. “The Italian team is a pure remote
illusion flow lineup. You must know that when fighting in the water, a ranged class is
superior to a melee. After all, a remote class has a long range and attack the opponent
across the water. The melee class must swim over to make a move and the speed of
movement in the water is very slow. If they want to swim then they will waste a lot of
Yu Bing added, “The fortunate thing is that the Chinese team’s melee players are blood kin
assassins. Lou, Zhang and Xiao can hide in the water so the opponents can’t find them. If the
underwater assassination can be matched well then it is actually a very scary strategic
Kou Hongyi scratched his head and thought for a moment. “Based on this lineup, Cat God
should be the commander. If the double summoners and triple blood kin assassins
cooperate, they could like up destroy the other group in a matter of seconds.”
Yu Bing covered her excitement and pretended in a quiet voice, “We can look forward to
Cat God’s command. Since the start of the World Competition, this is the first time our
captain has appeared as the commander of a team battle!”
The lineup of both sides was introduced and the game finally started.
The players couldn’t go onto the shores of Venice and 90% of the map area was water. The
boats on the water were the refresh points for the players.
Due to the large water surface area, the positions of players on both sides were relatively
scattered and they couldn’t see the other side for the moment.
Li Cangyu was to the west of the map, Xiao Han was relatively close to him while the other
three were in the east. Li Cangyu glanced at everyone’s position and made a decision.
“Gather with Xiao Han as the centre.”
The three people in the east entered stealth and jumped into the water, swimming towards
Xiao Han’s position. Li Cangyu also travelled to Xiao Han’s location.
The speed underwater was very slow but Li Cangyu had full agility and he made an extreme
choice. He actually used Flying Feather Steps underwater!
Compared to the relative slowness of other people, Li Cangyu swam through the water like
a fish and arrived at his apprentice Xiao Han in the blink of an eye.
Many viewers were surprised by this. Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “Cat God is very fast
in the water. No wonder why he eats so many fish.”
Yu Bing, “…”
Many viewers commented: [Cat God swims so fast!] [Should he change his name to Fish
God?] [The man who loves to eat fish will be as flexible as a fish after entering the water!]
Someone asked curiously: [Can Cat God’s fire spirit be summoned in the water?] [Cat God’s
power in the water definitely isn’t as good as it is on the ground!]
There was a time limit to how long they could spend underwater. Once the breathing gauge
ran out, players would be drowned. Li Cangyu swiftly moved out of the water after arriving
at his destination and jumped on Xiao Han’s boat.
Ripples formed on the surface of the water due to Li Cangyu’s actions. They subsided after a
few seconds but then there were huge ripples, like an atomic bomb had been set off.
It was the Italian team!
According to the refresh coordinates, the audience saw that three Italian players were on a
boat near Xiao Han and they happened to see Li Cangyu.
Since Xiao Han was invisible, the Italian players thought that only Li Cangyu was on the
The Italian team’s commander, Villedo immediately issued an order. “Kill him!”
The teammates around him happened to be a black magician and white magician. Along
with his psychic help, their explosive power was definitely sufficient. The lone Cat God
wouldn’t be able to kill them and after killing him, they could increase the morale of the
team. Three people could definitely resolve one opponent within 10 seconds.
The three Italians successfully landed on a nearby boat. Villedo used Six-Pointed Star Array
and a soft green light drew a six-pointed star on the boat, setting Li Cangyu in place!
The black magician quickly released Shadow Winding while the white magician used God’s
Light and Voice of Combat. Li Cangyu’s blood dropped to half blood in just three seconds!
The black magician was about to release Hell Flames when the control effect ended. Li
Cangyu suddenly jumped directly into the water.
The three Italian players naturally wouldn’t let him go and followed.
The moment they jumped into the water, an assassin moved and a dagger aimed at
Villedo’s back.
—Pain Blade!
It was Xiao Han hiding in the water!
The extremely accurate control skill stunned the other party. Xiao Han wasn’t satisfied with
controlling him and released Back stab, Fatal Blow and Death Strangulation!
This combo caused Villedo’s blood to directly fall by 40%.
The black magician and white magician were shocked by the assassin lurking in the water
but soon reacted. The white magician opened God’s Seal to control Xiao Han. Like a flexible
fish, Xiao Han suddenly jumped onto the boat and hid from the control.
Li Cangyu summoned a water spirit at this time and used the simplest freezing skill to
freeze the white magician.
In fact, Xiao Han jumped out because his breathing gauge was nearing the end and he
would’ve drowned. He didn’t expect this jump to allow him to escape from the other
person’s control. Xiao Han was stunned and looked at the water. At first glance, his master
had successfully controlled the other party’s white magician. Xiao Han waited until his
breathing gauge was restored and jumped into the water without any hesitation.
Li Cangyu’s hand speed was extremely fast. He couldn’t summon the fire spirit in the water
but he relied on the summoner’s ordinary attack and water elf’s attack skills to make
Villedo’s blood fall to 15%.
Villedo was about to be killed when the other psychic and archer of Italy finally arrived as
The psychic Sandro used Chain Illusion to control Li Cangyu and Xiao Han while the archer
released Death Arrow Rain.
The two of them stood on the boat and the archer fired into the water. It was just enough to
cover the underwater Li Cangyu and Xiao Han.
The five Italians faced the two Chinese players and the situation was extraordinarily tense.
In a few more seconds, perhaps Cat God and Xiao Han would be killed by the five Italian
The Chinese audience held their breaths.
The next moment, there was a big cheer from the audience.
It was because the Chinese team’s reinforcements were here!
Zhang Shaohui, Lou Wushuang and Qin Mo had refreshed to the east of the map and rushed
over at a very fast speed. They were invisible so the Italian commander didn’t notice the
proximity of the Chinese player.
“Disperse the control!” Li Cangyu only gave this order.
The three people who just arrived immediately scattered. Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui jumped out of the water at the same time and their daggers cut at the backs of two
people. Lou Wushuang’s sharp Pain Blade stunned the psychic while Zhang Shaohui also
used Pain Blade to control the archer.
The two brothers were like twins. They acted at the same time and instantly neutralized
the attack power of the two Italians.
Qin Mo stood on a distant boat and summoned a blood spider to hold the black magician in
the water.
By the time the illusion effect on Li Cangyu and Xiao Han had ended, their teammates who
came to support them had completed the counter control at an extremely fast speed.
Next was the moment when LI Cangyu broke out.
Cat God, who had been beaten into residual blood in the water, suddenly jumped onto the
boat next to Qin Mo and summoned his thunder spirit at a dazzling speed.
—Thunder’s Wrath!
Purple thunder descended from the sky and the commander of the Italian team, Villedo was
directly killed!
The range of this group attack covered several other people as well. The blood of the four
Italians was reduced to 75%.
Since the fire spirit couldn’t be summoned underwater, Li Cangyu called it onto the boat.
Then he quickly fired three fireballs at the Italian psychic and archer at a very fast speed.
Meanwhile, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui cooperated with each other to release an
explosive set of skills towards the psychic and archer on the boat.
The big move Death Strangulation hit and the blood of the two Italians dropped to 30%.
The control effect ended and they wanted to jump into the water. As a result, Li Cangyu
quickly used the fire spirit’s explosive skill, Raging Prairie Fire.
The raging fire almost burned the boat to ashes and the blood of the two players was
instantly emptied by this wave!
Kou Hongyi was excited. “Cat God completed three kills in one breath! This wave of
underwater lurking is quite beautiful!”
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu’s expression was composed despite the three kills.
Three people from Italy died while the remaining black and white magician were pursued
by Qin Mo and Xiao Han.
The two teenagers had grown up together and had a tacit understanding. Xiao Han targeted
the white magician while Qin Mo used the blood spider and blood snake to control the
black magician.
Apart from the bats which had to fly in the sky, the rest of Qin Mo’s pets could swim in the
water, giving him a big convenience. In the blink of an eye, his pets applied five layers of
bleeding on the black magician.
Xiao Han wasn’t to be undone and his set of combos suppressed the blood of the white
magician to 30%.
By the time Li Cangyu entered the water, the black and white magician were in a residual
blood state. He summoned the water elf and threw water balls at them.
Venice was a water map and the attack speed of Li Cangyu’s water spirit wasn’t affected by
the water. His hand speed was extremely fast and his slender and beautiful fingers quickly
tapped the keyboard. His fingers pressed one key after another and the water balls flew
again and again. In the blink of an eye, he reduced the blood of the two opponents.
The two Italian players wanted to escape when Li Cangyu used the water spirit’s big move,
Frost Heart!
The two people were frozen in place and Li Cangyu followed with a summoner’s ordinary
attack to empty the last of their blood.
—Five kills!
The domestic audience was boiling!
Yu Bing was also shaking with excitement. “Cat God took five kills in one breath! Really
handsome! This is the captain of our national team!”
Kou Hongyi suddenly interjected, “In the last match, Captain Ling won the super god
achievement with eight gods. Is Cat God playing with him? I have a hunch that Cat God will
take eight kills and the achievement of super god. They are really good friends!”
The commentator inadvertently spoke the truth again.

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GLS: Chapter 310

Chapter 310 – China VS Italy (The Power of Cat God)

The death racing speed mode was actually very unstable.

The positions where players refreshed at the beginning of the game were random and it
was easy to get caught in a situation where there was a numbers disadvantage.In
particular, the home team would take advantage of the familiar map to surrounded the
other side.
Today, the Chinese team played a beautiful underwater sneak attack in an away position
and eliminated the five players of Italy!
Li Cangyu didn’t have the idea of matching heads with Ling Xuefeng. He was just too good
at grasping opportunities and his hand speed was fast. He naturally took the head of the
bloody players and unexpectedly gained five kills.
Cheng Wei watched from the rest area and stood up. “Cat God is too handsome!”
The group around him looked at him strangely, as if to say, ‘We know you are Cat God’s
brainless fan. There is no need to shout in a loud voice.’
Cheng Wei couldn’t help blushing at their looks. He scratched his head, sat down and fixed
his eyes on the screen again.
The perfect underwater lurking allowed the Chinese team to harvest five heads but death
racing judged victory as gaining ten heads. The Chinese team must win another wave of
team combat.
Li Cangyu thought this and immediately made a decision. “Gather at the blue resurrection
The red and blue resurrection points weren’t far away. The blue recovery point was to the
east side of Venice. The shape of the boat was more complicated than other boats and the
area was larger than other boats. In order to distinguish it from other boats, even the deck
was blue.
The five Chinese players came here to restore their blood and blue while waiting for their
cooldown to end.
Unexpected, the five people from Italy were also here!
Death racing had two resurrection points, red or blue. The probability of the two sides
meeting at the same resurrection point was 50% but they actually encountered the Italian
team at the blue resurrection point. This was a relatively bad situation but the Chinese
team had a five head advantage. Even if they were destroyed in this wave, they could
quickly move back the situation.
Moreover, with the strength of the Lou Zhang brothers and the keen reaction speed of Qin
Mo and Xiao Han, it was impossible for the entire group to be destroyed.
The Italian team had just resurrected and were about to rush to the middle of the map
when they saw the Chinese team heading towards the resurrection point. As soon as both
sides met, Commander Villedo quickly responded. “Set fire to the summoner!”
Previously, they had hit Li Cangyu to half blood but couldn’t kill him. Now the Italian
players were full of blood and blue. The moment they heard the comment, everyone
instantly used their strongest single target skill. The skills with a white, green or black light
effect smashed towards Li Cangyu’s location. The moment, the big moves were about to hit
him, Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps and moved like a gust of wind towards the blue
resurrection point.
The elf summoner was instantly full of blood!
All five people from Italy wanted to vomit out blood.
Li Cangyu spoke in a low face, “Everyone go invisible first. Restore your resources and then
The four people quickly used Combat Stealth and ran as fast as they could towards the blue
resurrection point.
The five Italian players looked slightly baffled.
The captain of the Chinese team was full of blood and they lost track of the four other blood
kin players!
The Italian commander Villedo quickly judged that the other side had gone to the recovery
point and used Illusion Maze!
The illusion was like white fog and spread rapidly within the range he specified. It had the
negative effect of decreasing the defense of all opponents within range while also turning
off stealth.
The array hit Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui while Lou Wushuang and Qin Mo weren’t
affected because of their remote position.
The Italian players let out a burst of skills to kill Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui.
At this time, Villedo was surprised to find that he hadn’t seen the two remaining blood kin
players of the Chinese team as well as losing the captain Li Cangyu. He searched the ship
and didn’t see their traces. However, there were ripples in the water around the boat.
“They’re in the water!” The white magician Angela cautioned.
“I will force them out with Death Arrow Rain!” The archer Veneto cried out while drawing
his bow. He wanted to use the big move to force the Chinese team out of the water.
Meanwhile, the audience had a god’s perspective and knew that Lou Wushuang was
actually hiding beneath the blue ship. The Italian player would be able to hit him at all
unless they followed into the water.
Fortunately, the commander was relatively calm and quickly made a decision. “Don’t chase!
Get rid of the two people who will resurrect first!”
The group listened to the order and returned to the ship.
According to the rules of the death competitive speed model, the first death of the choice of
the time to live only five seconds, at this moment, the countdown is over, just hung up the
Shohan and Zhang Hui has been resurrected.
Five against two, the Italian team had the absolute advantage. Especially when their
auxiliaries, magicians and archer still had big moves left.
The moment the Chinese players were resurrected, Villedo cast the Six-Pointed Star Array
that he had prepared.
The array happened to set Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui in place.
Then the other psychic Sandro opened another auxiliary array— Maze, Poison Array!
Maze greatly reduced the opponent’s defense while Poison Array decreased blood and blue.
The two auxiliary arrays were released and the three outputs of Italy unleashed their group
—Hell Flames!
—Tidal Surge!
—Death Arrow Rain!
The big moves of the black magician, white magician and archer combined along with the
psychic’s decrease in defense. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui’s blood
fell below 40%.
After seeing that a few more group skills could take away their heads, the hiding Li Cangyu
suddenly jumped onto the ship and did something unexpected.
—Wind Spirit Summoning, Wind and Clouds Destruction!
The two skills were linked smoothly. At almost the same moment that the wind spirit
appeared, Wind and Clouds Destruction was used and the five people of the Italian team
were blown into the water.
The Italian players, “…”
The wind spirit could be used like this!
Villedo was confused for a moment about being blown into the water but then he quickly
reacted and became alert. “Beware the two underwater blood kin players!”
However, it was too late by the time he finished this sentence.
In the water, Qin Mo used a blood spider to control the black magician while Lou Wushuang
rushed towards the white magician and used Pain Blade to make the other person dizzy.
Both magicians were controlled and the Italian team’s combat power decreased.
To make matters worse, Xiao Han and Zhang Shaohui also entered the water and quickly
controlled the two psychics.
Li Cangyu stood on the boat and summoned his thunder spirit.
—Thunder’s Wrath!
Purple thunder fell from the sky and accurately covered the five Italian players in the
This was followed by Frost Heart and the Italian players were collectively frozen.
The other four players from China started to wildly attack in the water. In the blink of an
eye, the five Italian players were beaten to 30% blood.
Villedo didn’t feel good and the moment the control ended, he didn’t hesitate to use Time
and Space Illusion!
A vortex appeared in the water and the five Italian players teleported onto the boat behind
Li Cangyu.
Villedo ordered excitedly, “Kill him!”
This instantaneous movement really surprised Li Cangyu.
The commander awareness of the Italian team’s psychic wasn’t bad but Li Cangyu’s
reaction speed was faster than him. The moment the other party used teleport, Li Cangyu
knew that the Italian players would definitely appear on the boat.
He instantly pressed the keyboard and summoned a pet that rarely appeared.
The Guardian!
This was a universal pet that could be summoned by the summoners of all races. The
amount of blue consumed was large and the cooldown time was extremely long, but it was
especially useful in critical moments.
It had only one skill: take damage for its master!
The moment that Li Cangyu summoned the Guardian, the players of the Italian team used
various big moves—Seize Life Shot! —Death Mantra! —Voice of Combat! —Poison Array!
The black magic, white magician, sharp arrow and psychic array all hit the guardian.
Villedo, “…”
The Italian commander felt their hairs on his back rising.
The awareness of the Chinese captain was obviously far above him. All his actions seemed
to have been guessed by the other party. The other party could always think about a
strategy in advance and this feeling was really bad!
However, Villedo didn’t have a better method. This wave of attacks dropped the guardian
but wanting to kill the other person wasn’t easy.
Sure enough, Li Cangyu used the guardian to block the opponents’ attacks at a crucial
moment and then summoned his fire spirit to use Raging Prairie Fire!
This group attack caused the five people of Italy to fall to residual blood!
Villedo’s heart jumped as he saw his blood gauge flashing red and he hurriedly ordered,
“Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!”
Unfortunately, the Italian players failed to withdraw despite it being repeated three times.
It was because Li Cangyu’s hand speed was faster than their retreat.
He used Flying Feather Steps to quickly chase the other side while using the water spirit’s
Water Ball. In the blink of an eye, the archer was successfully killed by Li Cangyu.
—Six kills!
Li Cangyu once again took a head and was two kills away from the super god achievement!
The audience in the live broadcast room became excited. [Cat God, refuel! Kill two more
and you’ll be a super god!] [Captain Ling has won the super god, how can the captain not
take it as well?] [Yes, as Ling Xuefeng’s strongest opponent, you can’t lose to him!} [Is Cat
God going to become super god as well? I always feel that he is playing against Ling Xuefeng
instead of the Italian team…”
In fact, the Italian players in the death race were no match for the Chinese team. In
addition, Li Cangyu had selected four blood kin players as his teammates. They
assassinated the opponents underwater and the Italian team members were losing their
After killing the archer, Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps and kept chasing.
The remaining four players of Italy fled in different directions after entering the water but
they were the four Chinese players waiting for them.
Qin Mo set the black magician in place using the blood spider and Li Cangyu took his head
with a Water Ball.
—Seven kills!
Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to catch up to the nearby white magician and used
another Water Ball to instantly empty the opponent’s 5% blood.
—Eight kills!
He got the heads of eight people and the ‘super god’ achievement appeared on the big
At the same time, the two brothers were chasing the two psychics and stabbed them,
collecting the last two heads.
10 people died and the Chinese team won!
The domestic audience was so excited that they were tearful!
In the last death racing game, Ling Xuefeng led the team to win super god. In this death
racing game, Li Cangyu didn’t lag behind and also took the super god!
The captain and vice-captain of the national team were so handsome!
The commentator Kou Hongyi said, “Audience friends, our Cat God has taken the super god
achievement. The Chinese team has a shocking record of all wins in the Group B stage!”
Yu Bing’s voice was also shaking with excitement. “Yes, it is a complete victory! We entered
the quarter-finals with a full victory!”
Many viewers wanted to cry when they saw this scene.
Li Cangyu in the soundproof room was very calm. The camera aimed at him and he seemed
to know that the audience was watching the live broadcast. He waved at everyone and
showed a smile to the camera.
The smile was very calm and handsome while his eyes were full of confidence. He seemed
to be telling everyone, ‘There is me. What are you so worried about? Isn’t it natural for
China to cleanly sweep through the group stage?’
The audience wanted to kneel before him and many people shouted in the comments, “Cat
God, are you still lacking a faeces shoveller?] [Cat God, I will give you fish every day for free.
Can I be your babysitter?] [Is Cat God still missing leg pendants? The waist is also fine!]
Ling Xuefeng saw this and couldn’t help smiling.
This was the person who stood side by side with him.
He took the super god achievement in death racing first and then Li Cangyu took it again
today. He proved with his actions that the Chinese elf summoner was qualified to stand at
the peak of the World Competition.

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GLS: Chapter 311

Chapter 311 – Post-Match Interview

The Chinese team beat three teams in the group stage and finally won the group stage with
all wins. Some reporters interviewed players from Australia, Spain and Italy and asked
them how they felt about losing to the Chinese team. Many players expressed a
psychological shadow towards the Chinese team’s maps.
Italy’s vice-captain, Villedo said, “China is a team without many masters on the world
rankings. There are also several players who don’t play according to common sense. We are
convinced about our loss to the Chinese team and will continue to work hard…”
On the surface, the national team’s vice-captain was calm but many people in the Italian
team were frustrated. In the World Competition, they entered the quarter-finals as second
in the group. However, they were clear in their hearts. If the next knockout game was
against France, they didn’t have much hope of winning.
In the post-match interview, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng appeared in the interview room
with Tan Shitian, Su Guangmo, Lou Wushuang, Jiang Xu and Chu Yan. The media reporters
were immediately excited and stood up to applaud the Chinese team’s victory record.
“Congratulations to the Chinese team for qualifying with all wins! I want to ask you, what
are you feeling at this time? Can you give a brief summary of the group stage?” A reporter
stood up and looked at the commanders before finally selecting Tan Shitian. “Would
Captain Tan like to speak first?”
Tan Shitian glanced at Li Cangyu. “Should the captain speak first?”
Li Cangyu told him, “It doesn’t matter if you are first. My final summary will be the same.”
Tan Shitian said, “Then I’ll speak first. Cough, I’m really happy that the national team can
win with all victories. In the three matches of the group stage, we chose different tactics for
different countries. The final result shows that Cat God’s decision is correct. The command
in each game was very strong and the players were also excellent.”
The reporter couldn’t pick any faults with Tan Shitian’s answer and handed the
microphone to Chu Yan. “What do you think?”
Chu Yan replied, “I am very pleased that the illusion flow tactic can be seen in the World
Competition. My wish has been half completed.”
“What is the other half?”
“It is naturally to follow the national team to win the prize!”
There was warm applause at this answer.
“What does Captain Jiang have to say?”
Jiang Xu smiled and spoke in a calm tone, “I am very happy that my double taunting lineup
can be recognized by all of you in this World Competition. I am thankful to the players of
the national team. Their standards are very strong and my ideas were realized in the field. I
am very pleased.”
Chu Yan and Jiang Xu’s team scores in the domestic league weren’t excellent but their
personal standards and commanding abilities couldn’t be denied. Li Cangyu was quite bold
to use them.
Su Guangmo picked up the microphone and spoke aggressively, “I found a problem in the
group stage. The captains of many countries use the world rankings as the standard for
judging a player. This is actually very unreliable! In recent years, many newcomers have
emerged in China and they hadn’t had time to participate in the world rankings. Returning
players like Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai also didn’t participate in the rankings last year.
Too many people are missing from the rankings and they should be reshuffled after this
He always had a straightforward personality and wasn’t afraid of criticizing the world
rankings. Then he turned to Tan Shitian and polite wondered, “Captain Tan, can you go
back and write a paragraph about this point?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “I only write about cats and dogs.”
Su Guangmo sincerely suggested, “This time you can write about Australian koalas, Spanish
bulls and Chinese pandas.”
Tan Shitian coughed. “Captain Su shouldn’t take this topic too far!”
Zhuo Hang, “…”
Zhuo Hang watched the interview backstage and couldn’t help laughing. The two of them
were his uncle and his cousin. Their private relationship was really good but in front of the
reporters, they were like, “What a coincidence to see Captain Tan here” and “Hello Captain
Su, nice to meet you.” Thus, Zhuo Hang was worried for both of them.
Li Cangyu knew the truth and didn’t say anything. He just looked at the two men. Su and
Tan were known to be close friends in private but they had similar first-class acting in front
of reporters. They could be actors if they stopped being e-sports players.
At this time, the microphone ended up in the hands of the cold king, Lou Wushuang. Lou
Wushuang was like a natural air conditioner as he sat there. The eyes behind his glasses
were cold and didn’t contain any emotion. His eyes swept over the reporters and he spoke
indifferently, “I am very happy that the national team can win with an all victories record.”
The audience, “…” We really can’t see that you are happy!
He spoke a simple sentence and handed the microphone to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu took the
microphone and said, “Then I will summarize it. Our complete victory in the group stage is
due to the contribution of the 22 members of the national team. The several commanders
present here are even more important. I believe that the strength of the national team and
the maps designed by the Chinese map designers are very distinctive. It isn’t an accident
that we could achieve a complete victory.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement. “Yes, the map advantage in the group stage is really
great. However, this advantage will be weakened in the knockout rounds. We will also be
facing stronger opponents in the knockouts.”
A reporter asked, “The national team has many commanders and everyone has different
ideas. Has there been an inconsistencies in the command during the group stage?”
Li Cangyu replied, “So far, there hasn’t been many arguments because every game is
handled by different commanders and the national team is very harmonious. Still, there is
no denying that this might happen in future games. Different people have different tactics.
You can rest assured that even if there is an argument, I will do a good job adjusting it with
The reporter received a satisfactory reply and sat down. Someone next to him stood up and
asked, “Cat God said that the maps designed by the Chinese team are very distinctive. We
can see that the Mechanical City, Mount Huangshan Plank Road and Bamboo Sea have
Chinese elements and their design ideas are very innovative. We didn’t get to see the full
image of Suzhou Gardens, which was banned in the previous match, and there is also a map
that hasn’t shown up at all. Will it appear in the knockout stages?”
Li Cangyu nodded with a smile. “It is for certain. The World Competition has adjusted the
probability and it is highly likely that maps that haven’t been played will emerge later. You
will definitely meet these two maps in the later stages.”
The reporter then asked, “It is said that the system is slightly adjusted for the knockout
stages. Can Cat God explain it in detail?”
“No problem.” Li Cangyu patiently explained. “There are still three types of mode, the arena,
death racing and economic war. The group stage was a B03 three games, two victories
system. The knockouts are a B05 five games three victories system. This is to minimize any
unexpected factors.”
“The specific adjusted rules are similar to our domestic playoffs. The home team can choose
the map and mode while the away team can send players to target them. The home and
away teams will swap with every game. If each team achieves two victories, a final random
tiebreaker will be selected.”
Li Cangyu was afraid people wouldn’t understand and gave an example, “If the Chinese
team meets France in the quarter-finals, the captains of the two teams will decide who goes
first with a draw. If I get the first move, I will play at home and decide the mode and map.
The French team will wait for us to send our players before sending a targeted lineup. After
the first game, the home team is swapped. France will decide the map and mode while the
Chinese team will send people. If it is a 2:2 draw after four games, the fifth game will be a
random mode and random map.”
Some reporters asked curiously, “If you choose a map, is it a fixed map?”
Li Cangyu shook his head. “The domestic league is a fixed map but the World Competition is
different. You can choose three maps from the Miracle gallery and those submitted. The
opponent has the right to disable two maps and leave one to play the game. The map that
has been used can’t be chosen again in the next game.”
The reporters figured it out. It was impossible to use the same map to trap others twice. In
addition, the map with the most pits was likely to be banned by the opponent.
They had asked up to here when a reporter excitedly stood up and exclaimed, “Cat God!
Your words came true. The Chinese team’s opponent in the quarter-finals is France!”
HIs words shocked those present.
Li Cangyu had an expression of ‘What?’ It seemed even he didn’t think he would have a
crow’s mouth and his words would become true…
Ling Xuefeng looked at him helplessly. Li Cangyu touched his nose and smiled innocently. “I
was just talking casually.”
This was really surprising. The French team’s performance in Group D had been very good
and it was reasonable for them to be ranked first. Thus, they should avoid the quarter-
finals with the Chinese team. Since the reporter said that France was China’s opponent, it
meant the French team won second place in Group D.
Sure enough, the reporter followed up with, “The match just ended. The British team
defeated France in the economic war and death racing. Originally, the two countries had
similar points. After the match, the British team won first in Group D and France qualified
in second place. They will meet the Chinese team in the quarter-finals!”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Oh, it was like this…”
The reporters were worried. “The overall strength of the French team is actually very
strong. It is likely that some of the players were ill today. If Cat God encounters them in the
quarter-finals, what are your plans?’
Li Cangyu looked over at Ling Xuefeng and whispered into his ears, “If I remember
correctly, the captain of the French team is an old friend of yours?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng answered very calmly. “I explained it to your before. I only knew him
when playing the online game on the US server. I haven’t seen him in many years and don’t
have much contact with him. Don’t think too much.”
Li Cangyu replied lightly, “I’m not thinking too much.”
In fact, he was thinking, ‘How good is it that I can abuse the captain of the French team? He
seemed to be very arrogant when I met him that day in the hallway?’

The author has something to say:

Cat God running to abuse Ling Xuefeng’s buddy.
Xuefeng: You can eat fish. Don’t be jealous.
Li Cangyu: I’m not jealous. My hands are just itching.
Captain of the French team: I suddenly feel a killing energy QAQ.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
You can also join my discord channel to chat with fellow readers about the novels;

GLS: Chapter 312

Chapter 312 – China VS France (Official Opening)

The interview ended and Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng returned to the hotel together. As
soon as they entered the room, Ling Xuefeng reached out to hug the other person and
whispered, “Do you mind that I knew Stein earlier than you?”
Li Cangyu pretended not to understand. “Who is Stein?”
“…” Ling Xuefeng helplessly replied, “The captain of the French team.”
Li Cangyu spoke calmly, “Oh, I can’t remember the name of foreigners.
Ling Xuefeng had an expression that said, ‘Don’t hide, I know you’re jealous.”
Li Cangyu smiled and confessed. “In fact, I’m not happy with him because he is arrogant.
When you met in the hallway, didn’t he say that he didn’t want to meet you in the
knockouts? It’s as if our Chinese team will lose if we meet France in the knockouts.”
Ling Xuefeng remembered the conversation and couldn’t help frowning.
Based on his memories, Stein was indeed very confident. When he was playing the online
game on the US server, Stein had a tyrannical style. Every time he PKed, he had an ‘I am the
strongest, you are all weak trash’ impression. Of course, Stein was 16 or 17 years old at that
time. He was a rebellious boy who wasn’t in a good state. He was too arrogant and was
taught several times in the online game.
Later, Ling Xuefeng returned to China to prepare for the formation of the Wind Colour team
and Stein went to France to join a giant club. The two men agreed to set up teams in
different countries and left their contact information. They occasionally contacted each
other to exchange the team formation progress and league situation.
He didn’t expect them to have another chance to meet at the World Competition. The thing
that made Ling Xuefeng even more unexpected was that the arrogant Stein actually became
the captain of the French team.
Li Cangyu saw that Ling Xuefeng was silently thinking and couldn’t help pinching his chin.
“Are you thinking about your old friend again?”
Ling Xuefeng’s mouth was pulled by the pinch and he said, “Your hands are so strong.
Aren’t you afraid my face will be deformed?”
Li Cangyu dared to pinch Ling Xuefeng’s face while others didn’t even dare touch him.
He thought of this and Li Cangyu’s mood improved. He gently touched the sore chin and
said, “Well, tell me honestly. That Stein…”
Ling Xuefeng rushed to explain, “He is an ordinary friend I only contact once or twice a
“What are you so worried about? I wasn’t asking about that.” Li Cangyu smiled before
becoming serious. “I want you to tell me his weaknesses. I heard he is very strong but you
definitely know him better. For example, is there a class he fears most?”
They were talking about tactical issues so Ling Xuefeng thought about it seriously. “He
hates a summoner the most.”
Li Cangyu was pleased. “That’s just right. I will personally deal with him!”
Ling Xuefeng looked at Li Cangyu’s eyes that wanted to abuse people and couldn’t help
feeling sympathy for Stein. Wouldn’t he die very badly under the hands of Cat God?
That evening, the World League’s official website announced the points of all countries and
those who qualified from the group stage.
The teams that eventually entered the quarter-finals were Japan and USA from Group A,
China and Italy from Group B, South Korea and Sweden from Group C and the United
Kingdom and France from Group D.
According to the Group A and Group C, Group B and Group D matchup, the Chinese team’s
next opponent was France. The game was scheduled for three days later in the afternoon.
The next morning, Li Cangyu summoned all members of the Chinese team for a meeting
and continued to use the PPT that Ling Xuefeng stayed up late making, briefly giving a
lecture on the lineup and characteristics of the French team.
“It was an accident that the French team lost against the British team in the last game. The
French team had two main players who were sick and played abnormally on the field. This
gave the British team a chance to counterattack. Objectively speaking, France’s overall
strength is very high and their lineup is comprehensive, somewhat similar to our team.
“France has many world-renowned players. Their captain is one of the world’s top three
archers while the vice-captain is a world famous swordsman. There are several top-ranked
magicians, assassins and summoners among their main players. Their lineup is quite rich.
In order to play against such a strong team, we must be extra cautious and be fully
Li Cangyu glanced at Ling Xuefeng. “Xuefeng, tell them about the results of our discussion
last night.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded and spoke seriously. “The quarter-finals has a five games, three wins
system while the national team has 22 people. There is a chance for everyone to play. What
Cat and I mean is that if we are the home team, we will try to choose the arena because we
have many powerful combinations such as Tan Cheng, Lou Zhang, Su Yu, Qin Xiao, etc.
There are also fewer uncontrollable factors in the arena and our winning rate is relatively
high.” Ling Xuefeng paused before continuing, “In a home game, we will first pick the arena.
The second home game depends on the score. If we lose the arena, we might change it to
death racing for the second home game.”
“Does anyone have any suggestions about this point?” Li Cangyu asked.
After all, the national team wasn’t a one person show. The two of them had discussed it for
a long time last night and felt it was reasonable to start with the arena but they couldn’t
completely decide. They would properly listen to other people’s suggestions.
Su Guangmo spoke straight away, “The chances of winning the arena isn’t necessarily high.
After we select the map and mode, the other side can send people in a targeted manner. For
example, if I play with Yu Pingsheng, they are likely to send a ranged combination of
archers or black magicians to target it. Doesn’t this mean it won’t be easy to win?”
Li Cangyu explained, “It is relative. Compared to the arena, death racing is more unstable
because the refresh locations are too random. At least the arena is well controlled. We will
indeed be targeted but there is always a chance for the later combinations to be adjusted.
For example, the opening combination might be at a disadvantage. We can send a
transitional lineup such as Shu Bai to slowly move back the disadvantage.”
Su Guangmo nodded. “That is reasonable. What do other people think?”
Tan Shitian said, “I personally feel that the second game at home would be better to choose
death racing. If we choose three maps, two of them can be maps submitted by the Chinese
team. According to the rules of the World Competition, they can only ban on Chinese map at
most and one will stay. On our own map, the chances of winning death racing are actually
quite high.”
Chu Yan agreed. “Yes! Our Suzhou Gardens and Eight-Trigram Array have never appeared!
We are free to choose these two maps in the quarter-finals, right?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I don’t want to expose our ace Eight-Trigram Array too early. Others like
the Mechanical City, Mount Huangshan Plank Road, Suzhou Gardens and Bamboo Sea can
be used in the knockouts. The next game is against France. If it is the arena, I plan to choose
Mount Huangshan Plank Road and Suzhou Gardens. They are likely to ban Mount
Huangshan Plank Road and keep Suzhou Gardens. Then our advantage is obvious.”
Chu Yan praised him, “Very witty!”
Cheng Wei had a look of adoration. “Cat God is too bad! Previously, we used Mount
Huangshan Plank Road against Spain in a thrilling manner. The French team is likely to ban
Mount Huangshan Plank Road and we can use Suzhou Gardens to kill them!”
The players’ faces were filled with enthusiasm as they discussed tactics.
Lou Wushuang was cold from beginning to end. People who didn’t know him would think
he wasn’t happy. People familiar with him would know that the captain was listening
carefully to everyone.
Li Cangyu looked at Lou Wushuang and found he didn’t seem to want to talk. Thus, he
turned to Zhang Shaohui and asked, “Vice-Captain Zhang, what do you think?”
Zhang Shaohui readily smiled. “Me? I have no opinions. I will follow the arrangements!”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Then for the arena, the fixed combinations of Tan Cheng, Lou Zhang, Su
Yu, Jiang Zhuo, Yan Guo and Shu Bai will be ready to play at any time. Xiao Han, you should
also be prepared to come out with Qin Mo.”
The group immediately exclaimed, “Yes!”
Ling Xuefeng opened his mouth. “In regards to the group battle, the commanders will pick
people in advance and they will practice cooperating. The economic war will be controlled
by either Captain Tan or Captain Yu, with the focus on kite flow or melee flow. Death racing
will be the responsibility of Captain Lou and Captain Chu. It might be the assassination flow
or illusion flow. We will decide according to the lineup sent by France and the scores.”
Li Cangyu followed up with, “In short, everyone must go all out! The quarter-finals is a
knockout system. We will have to go home if we make any mistakes. Our national team
must not disappoint our country’s supporters by stopping at the quarter-finals!”
The passionate words ignited the bones of everyone present.
Far across the ocean, there were many fans, friends and family members in China who were
concerned about this World Competition. How could the Chinese team be eliminated in the
quarter-finals? They would feel too sorry for the domestic supporters. Besides, it was hard
to go all the way to the United States to play the game. They wouldn’t be able to explain it to
themselves if they were knocked out in the quarter-finals.
Thus, they had to win this match against France.
Three days passed in the blink of an eye and the quarter-finals of China against France
finally started.
As the players arrived at the venue, it was filled with people and the seats were full. Kou
Hongyi and Yu Bing excitedly explained the characteristics of the French team and the
match officially started.
The Chinese captain Li Cangyu and the French captain Stein sat down at the command post
where French drew the home team first!
The captain started to select the map and game mode before submitting the lineup. Stein
had long done the arrangements and quickly submitted the information to the referee.
The maps selected: Notre Dame de Paris, the Eiffel Tower and Frost Temple.
There were two maps submitted by France and one official Miracle map. This was also part
of the league’s rules. They didn’t allow three country submitted maps or three official maps.
Stein chose the arena for the map mode!
The lineup: Archer of the French team, Captain Stein and archer for the French team, Ono!
These two men were teammates from the same team in the French league and partners for
many years.
This was obviously a double bard kite flow tactic!
Li Cangyu smiled and quickly banned Notre Dame de Paris and Frost Temple, leaving the
Eiffel Tower. Then he submitted the Chinese team’s players, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan!
‘You take your old partner and I’ll bring my old partner.’
The domestic audience was in a daze. [Cat God is going against Stein! It started with such a
big smell of gunpowder?]

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GLS: Chapter 313

Chapter 313 – China VS France (Eiffel Tower)

The list of players for both sides appeared on the big screen and it was customary to play
according to the map chosen.
Before choosing the map, Li Cangyu guessed that Notre Dame de Paris was a labyrinth
while the Eiffel Tower was an air battle. He banned the maze because he didn’t want the
French team to take advantage of their familiarity with the terrain. In addition, the Chinese
team had never been afraid of air combat maps. In particular, Li Cangyu quite liked air
combat since he had the wind spirit and could use the opportunity to blow people down.
The Eiffel Tower map was thrilling. The Eiffel Tower had been transformed to make many
iron plates at different levels of the tower for players to stand on. The width of these plates
could accommodate two people at the same time.
This high-altitude combat map was similar to the Chinese team’s Mount Huangshan Plank
Road. The difference was that Mount Huangshan Plank Road was a death map. Players who
fell down would be directly killed. The Eiffel Tower wasn’t a death map. If they fell from the
tower, they would lose a certain amount of blood but could climb up the stairs again.
After learning the characteristics of the map, Li Cangyu calmly got up and walked through
the soundproof glass door with his old partner Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan spoke while walking, “This map isn’t very good for us to play. The other side has
two archers with difficult long-ranged shooting. If I can’t add blood…”
Li Cangyu patted his shoulder. “Don’t be humble. I believe in you.”
Bai Xuan smiled and quickly followed.
It really was difficult to add blood in an air combat map but Bai Xuan’s treatment level was
world-class and his reaction ability was enough to cope with various emergencies. Besides,
the two of them had been working together for many years and Bai Xuan believed that Li
Cangyu would protect him.
They sat down in front of a computer and Bai Xuan couldn’t help being excited.
He remembered that when he first sat in front of a computer and played games with Li
Cangyu, both of them had been younger than 18 and were full of expectations for the
future. Seven years passed in the blink of an eye and many things happened. Now they
were no longer year but they joined hands and stood together in the World Competition.
Today they would personally prove how strong the Old Cat and White Fox missing from the
world rankings were!
Bai Xuan gently rubbed his hands and placed his long white fingers on the keyboard in
preparation for the game.
On the French side, Captain Stein and his old partner Ono were also having a short
exchange before the game.
There was a confident smile on Stein’s face but his eyes were sharp. He stared at the
computer in front of him and spoke at a very fast speed. “The Chinese captain’s reputation
isn’t as big as Ling Xuefeng but his strength is the same. In particular, be careful of his wind
“I know.” Ono looked over at the captain. “By the way, he came out in the opening. Is he
going against you?”
“Obviously.” Stein didn’t know why Li Cangyu was against him but he simply shrugged.
“Don’t be afraid of him! If we start out well then the morale of the next pair will be boosted.
We have to win this game!”
Ono shook his fist. “Understood!”
The map loaded finished and both players refreshed on the Eiffel Tower map.
The Eiffel Tower was divided into three platforms. The bottom was supported by four giant
sloping columns. There were four curved columns between the first and second platforms.
Then there were stairs on top of these columns and contestants could climb up the stairs.
Further up, the columns would become almost vertical spirits with a third platform that
barely supported four people.
France’s Stein and Ono had refreshed on the third platform at the top while Li Cangyu and
Bai Xuan refreshed on the first floor. The French players were obviously lucky. As long as
they occupied the heights on this air combat map, they could suppress the opponents by
shooting from top to bottom.
Stein saw the current terrain and was in a good mood. He didn’t hesitate to say in the first
channel, “Open your big moves!”
Ono instantly pressed the R key which contained the shortcut for his big move.
—Death Arrow Rain!
The two archers opened the big move simultaneously and the silver-white arrows shot
down from the heights, like a heavy rain.
However, Li Cangyu wasn’t hit by this wave of arrows. He seemed to have expected it and
the moment he saw his refresh position, he decisively summoned the guardian.
The public pet had few chances to appear but he caused the opponent to vomit blood every
time he was called. The big moves of Stein and Ono were blocked by the guardian, which
was equivalent to wasting them!
The guardian abolished two big moves. It might consume more blue but it was quite cost-
Li Cangyu calmly escaped the arrow rain and used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move up.
Bai Xuan followed him.
Stein couldn’t watch them climb up. He narrowed his eyes at the screen and pulled the
longbow in his hand. It was the archer’s control move, Quenching Arrow!
This skill was actually more threatening than the Death Arrow Rain just now.
Death Arrow Rain might cause great damage but Li Cangyu brought a daddy with him and
his blood could be restored. Quenching Arrow triggered the freezing effect. Once frozen, Bai
Xuan couldn’t add blood to Li Cangyu and he would be easily killed by the other side.
The hearts of the audience members were in their throats but sank back down to their
stomachs the next moment. It was because Li Cangyu moved sideways while climbing up
and escaped Stein’s control in a thrilling manner!
This aerial displacement technique convinced many viewers!
Even Stein was a bit surprised. He had seen many good players but suddenly jumping to the
side to hide from a skill without falling off was a god’s operation that ordinary people
couldn’t do.
Stein became more excited at the thought. It was rare for him to encounter masters. Today
would be a good competition. Quenching Arrow failed and he followed up with the
combination of Precise Aim, Shock Shot and Seize Life Shot!
He was ranked in the top three of the world’s bard rankings. Last year, he came first with
his strength. His biggest feature was his extremely fast attack speed. Three arrows were
continuously shot and Li Cangyu’s blood fell to half blood in an instant!
However, Bai Xuan didn’t stay still. Hiding behind Li Cangyu and adding blood to his old
partner was something he had long been used to. He saw Li Cangyu’s blood loss and quickly
used a small healing skill to fill up the other person’s blood first. Then he unleashed his
hand speed and added five layers of Healing Language on Cat God.
Li Cangyu saw his blood was full and continued to climb up the stairs.
Stein’s arrows hadn’t stopped and he cooperated with Ono. The joint firepower of the two
archers was enough to turn any average person into a hedgehog. The thing that gave
people a headache was that Li Cangyu took Bai Xuan with him. In particular, Bai Xuan was
cleverly hiding behind Li Cangyu and the arrows that Stein shot couldn’t hit Bai Xuan. It
was naturally impossible to interrupt his casting.
Regardless of how much Stein and Ono attacked Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan would always refill it.
This type of consumption battle made Stein feel terrible. It was because he realized that Li
Cangyu hadn’t used any big moves yet!
Li Cangyu’s positioning was very flexible. He avoided the key control skills and quickly
climbed to the third platform with Flying Feather Steps!
Kou Hongyi saw this scene and couldn’t help exclaiming excitedly, “Oh my god! Cat God
actually climbed up!”
Yu Bing added, “He is fearless despite being suppressed by the opponent’s firepower!”
“Yes, his movements are too fast. It took less than half a minute to climb from the first
platform to the third platform.”
“He hasn’t used any pets and has kept all his skills. This is the moment when Cat God will
The air staircase was quite thrilling in the audience’s eyes. One careless mistake could
cause a player to fall off and undo all their work. Still, it was clear that Li Cangyu wouldn’t
make such a low-level mistake. He quickly climbed to the third platform and stood side by
side with Stein and Ono.
Archers had the advantage of being able to attack from a long distance. This advantage was
gone once the summoner appeared at close range.
Li Cangyu reached the third floor and no longer hide his pets. He decisively summoned the
water spirit and used a group attack to freeze them in place. Then he summoned the
thunder spirit and Thunder’s Wrath was used. Finally, the fire elf was summoned to use the
group attack.
—Frost Heart, Thunder’s Wrath and Raging Prairie Fire!
The three gorgeous moves from the elf pets dazzled the eyes of the domestic audience.
The full agility summoner attacked extremely quickly and after three consecutive moves,
Stein and Ono fell to 50% blood.
The freezing effect lifted and Stein used Barrage Shot.
This was a very flexible skill for an archer. The arrow would fly like a bullet. If it was
straight line, it would damage all enemies in the way. If it was a curve shot, it would be a
fan-shaped group attack.
Stein’s operation was really exquisite. He quickly moved the mouse and the arrow in his
hand shot one after another. The arrows swept out like a fan and Li Cangyu’s water,
thunder and fire spirits were killed!
Kou Hongyi was a bit nervous. “All of Cat God’s pets have been killed! Stein seems to have
experience against summoners.”
Yu Bing agreed. “Yes. If you can control a summoner’s pets then a summoner without any
pets will be extremely weak.” She paused before adding, “However, not all of Cat God’s pets
were destroyed. He still has…”
Yu Bing’s words hadn’t finished when she saw Li Cangyu summoning his last elf pet.
The wind spirit.
Stein’s back was cold and he wanted to kill the wind spirit but it was too late!
Bai Xuan’s reaction speed was very fast. At this moment, he suddenly used Holy Light
This skill restored a lot of blood to a given teammate while having the effect of letting their
teammate’s next skill be released instantly.
Li Cangyu’s reactions were extremely fast. In the cast where his water, fire and thunder
spirits were dead, he didn’t hesitate to call the wind spirit. Once Bai Xuan’s skill was in
place, he used the wind spirit’s big move, Wind and Clouds Destruction!
The skill that originally required some casting time became instant due to the effect of the
healing skill. As a result, a gust of wind blew at the top of the Eiffel Tower and Stein and
Ono were blown towards the ground.
The summoner standing high on the tower poked out his head and looked down. Stein
suddenly wanted to swear, ‘What are you looking at? You must be very happy that I fell
badly, right?’
Li Cangyu was naturally very happy.
In particular, he wanted to laugh when he saw the graceful and arrogant Captain Stein fall
off the tower in such a manner.
‘I’m sorry, my hands are itching to abuse people. I couldn’t help calling the wind spirit to
blow you down. Are you going to climb up slowly again?’

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GLS: Chapter 314

Chapter 314 – China VS France (Killing Gods in the Arena)

France’s captain, Stein had only one choice at this time: slowly climb up.
Stein and Ono had refreshed at the top of Eiffel Tower in the beginning. He had looked
down at Li Cangyu and felt very proud. He wanted to kill the summoner climbing up in
The result was that he didn’t kill the opponent in seconds but was blown down by the wind
spirit’s wind!
He had long know that the elf summoner’s wind spirit wasn’t easy to deal with and was
always on the defense. He just didn’t expect the healer to use Holy Light Surge on Li Cangyu
at the crucial moment, allowing him to instantly release Wind and Clouds Destruction…
The tacit understanding between Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan made Stein feel fear and he
decided to change his strategy. Stein thought about it before telling his teammate, “We will
work together to suppress the healer. Drain his blue as soon as possible!”
Ono nodded to show his understanding.
As elves, Stein and Ono also had the common racial skill Flying Feather Steps. The two of
them used Flying Feather Steps to climb up the tower. One was to the left and the other to
the right, their speed as fast as a phantom. It could be seen that they had trained on this
map for a long time as they were very familiar with the positions and angle of the stairs.
In the blink of an eye, the two of them climbed to the first platform. The distance between
the first and third platform was within the archer’s attack range but the summoner’s pets
couldn’t reach them.
Stein took advantage of this distance and fired Barrage Shot above him.
He was worthy of being the world’s first ranked bard. This Barrage Shot was quite subtle
and the fan-shaped arrows made Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan lose 30% blood at the same time!
Bai Xuan used a group healing skill to restore the blood but Stein didn’t stop. He aimed at
Bai Xuan and used Seize Life Shot!
The archer’s single target attack skill was released and Bai Xuan’s blood dropped again.
Ono cooperated with the captain to lower the blood of the healer Bai Xuan. For a time, all of
their skillful moves greeted Bai Xuan and the overwhelming arrows shot towards the top
so quickly that Bai Xuan didn’t have time to breathe.
Li Cangyu quickly spoke on the voice channel, “You hide behind me. I will go down and deal
with them!”
He jumped using Flying Feather Steps and landed on the second platform. This action on
the big screen was very handsome. It seemed like he had wings as he fell in an
incomparably light manner.
The two French players finally entered the range of the summoner’s attack. Li Cangyu
summoned the water spirit and greeted one person with a Water Ball!
Stein’s reaction speed was extremely fast. He saw the summoner jump down and
immediately turned sideways to hide from this skill. However, Ono’s reactions didn’t keep
up and he was frozen in place.
Bai Xuan finally got a chance to breathe. He filled up his blood and added five layers of
Healing Language to Li Cangyu.
Stein suddenly found that this old pair of partners was really hard to deal with!
The healer’s response speed was quick and his blood-adding technique was also flexible. It
was basically impossible to kill a person in one wave. In addition, the two of them
protected each other. It was even harder to isolate one person to kill the other!
At the very least, Li Cangyu jumping down gave an opportunity to Stein. He quickly
ordered, “You try to drag out the summoner. I will deal with the healer!”
Then he climbed up the stairs to the third platform.
Yu Bing saw this and couldn’t help frowning. “Stein wants to split up the Cat Bai
combination to form a 1v1 situation. He wants to suppress the healer and then deal with
Cat God?”
“Well, this is the most sensible way to handle the Cat Bai combination. It is impossible to
kill Cat God with Bai Xuan adding blood. There is nothing wrong with him dealing with Bai
Xuan first.” Kou Hongyi looked at the big screen with some concern. “Stein is a very fast
attacking player. It will be troublesome for a healer to be targeted by him in close combat!”
Sure enough, Stein arrived on the third platform and started attacking Bai Xuan without
Precise Aim, Shock Shot, Barrage Shot and Seize Life Shot!
One after another, the archer skills cooperated with the quick ordinary attacks. For a time,
his arrows formed a seamless storm as they covered the place where Bai Xuan was
Bai Xuan’s blood volume plummeted. He saw that it reached 10% and directly opened the
instant group healing skill, Divine Blessing!
A white glow shrouded the Eiffel Tower and Bai Xuan’s blood recovered by 40%. On the
second platform, Li Cangyu’s blood was also restored by 40% due to the group skill.
Then Stein’s next round of arrows appeared again and Bai Xuan’s blood fell to 15% in the
blink of an eye.
It was obvious that Stein was very good at dealing with healers.
Bai Xuan was targeted by him and many skills were interrupted. It was very difficult to add
After seeing that Bai Xuan’s blood was decreasing, Li Cangyu suddenly summoned the
public pet ‘destruction demon’ that rarely appeared. The huge axe in the demon’s hand cut
down horizontally and a precise ‘block’ was made. Stein’s big move was stopped and Bai
Xuan took the initiative to jump down the tower!
This exquisite cooperation made the audience clap.
Kou Hongyi was excited. “Cat God and Vice-Captain Bai are worthy of being old partners!
Just now, Vice-Captain Bai was really in danger. Fortunately, Cat God was watching the
above situation and rescued his teammate at the crucial moment. Vice-Captain Bai is also
witty. He will lose blood from jumping down but Stein won’t be able to hit him!”
Yu Bing finally stopped frowning. “This isn’t a death map. Vice-Captain Bai using the terrain
to open the distance from Stein is a very flexible idea.”
“Cat God was entangled with the French team’s Ono but he could still focus on Vice-Captain
Bai’s situation. Very powerful!” Kou Hongyi praised Li Cangyu’s performance before
pausing for a moment. “Vice-Captain Bai jumping down allowed them to temporarily
escape from danger but Cat God will be caught by the other two.”
In the game, Bai Xuan quickly filled his blood to the 80% safety line and then stacked five
layers of the Healing Language buff on him. His health slowly recovered as he started
climbing up.
Li Cangyu had to face the attack of two players but Bai Xuan had absolute confidence in his
old partner. Cat God wasn’t so easy to kill.
Stein was startled by Bai Xuan’s direct jump but quickly reacted. He couldn’t help rejoicing
as he exclaimed, “Quickly kill the summoner!”
The healer would take a while to climb up the tower. As long as the two of them joined
forces to kill LI Cangyu before the healer arrived, the game would be won without any
Ono also knew this and followed the captain’s instructions to release all types of skills
towards Li Cangyu!
The two French players joined up and the dense arrow rain drowned Li Cangyu.
The water spirit was killed and Li Cangyu could no longer rely on the water spirit to control
the opponent. The wind spirit was summoned onto to be killed. It was apparent that Stein
had taken precautions and wouldn’t be hit by the same thing twice.
In an instant, Li Cangyu’s blood fell to 30% while Bai Xuan had just climbed to the first
The domestic audience was going crazy. They wanted to give Vice-Captain Bai a pair of
wings so he could fly directly to Cat God to add blood.
However, Li Cangyu’s face in the soundproof room was still composed. He was in a residual
blood state but he wasn’t in a hurry. Once the wind spirit was killed, he jumped to hide and
successfully escaped Stein’s Seize Life Shot. Then he summoned the thunder spirit and used
Thunder’s Wrath!
Previously, he had been fighting on the second platform with the French player Ono. Since
he used two public pets in the early stages, the blue consumption was too big. He had tried
to save skills by hitting the opponent with a summoner’s general attack.
Ono’s blood had been consumed down to 35%. Now the thunder spirit’s big move was used
and Ono suddenly fell to a 10% bloody state!
His teammate’s blood started to flash red and Stein didn’t have time to hesitate. If Bai Xuan
came up and added blood to Li Cangyu, their previous suppression would be in vain.
The cooldown of his big moves was already fine. Stein decisively pulled the longbow and
used Death Arrow Rain. Ono had cooperated with Stein for many years and instantly
understood the captain’s intention. He triggered Death Arrow Rain at the same time!
The dense silver arrows descended from the sky and Li Cangyu was in the centre of it.
Li Cangyu’s flexible movements allowed him to hide from single target skills but he couldn’t
avoid such a dense group of arrows.
He would definitely die if these two big moves hit. The domestic audience held their
breaths nervously.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t fall when the two big moves ended. He stood on the tower with a
calm expression while it was Ono who fell down first!
Kou Hongyi was a bit stunned and hurriedly had the director open a playback.
Then the audience figured out that just before the two big moves hit, Bai Xuan finally
arrived and cast the healer’s big move, Desperate Prayer!
His skill was faster than the opponents’ Death Arrow Rain. In other words, just before
Stein’s big move hit Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan used the healing skill to return Li Cangyu’s blood to
more than 80% blood, allowing him to survive this wave.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help sighing. “Vice-Captain Bai is truly someone who provides help in
the hour of need!”
Li Cangyu also smiled and spoke on the voice channel. “Xiao Bai is good.”
Bai Xuan replied helplessly, “Can you not call me Xiao Bai?”
They had a familiar conversation seven years ago when they first became teammates. Now
they stood on the world stage as old players and reproduced the familiar dialogue. Their
dream hadn’t changed and the tacit understanding was still there, but they had become
Bai Xuan released his hand speed to cast several single target healing skills, directly
restoring Li Cangyu’s blood to 100%.
Stein suddenly felt despair.
After playing so long, the other party had returned to full blood. This was a great blow to
his confidence!
Li Cangyu was no longer polite. He summoned the first spirit and quickly smashed the
other side with the simplest Fireball, taking away the blood Stein.
Double kill!
The first stage of the arena ended with Cat God’s double kill!
Deafening applause filled the venue. Ling Xuefeng, Xie Shurong and the others watching the
battle under the stage also stood up and clapped for Cat and Bai.
In the soundproof room, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan smiled at each other, not saying anything.
—I have experienced thousands of sails but you are still there.
—My best partner, from young to now, thank you for never abandoning me.

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GLS: Chapter 315

Chapter 315 – China VS France (Arena Stage Two)

Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan successfully defeated the French team’s Stein and Ono
combination, gaining a great advantage in the quarter-finals. Nevertheless, Li Cangyu
wasn’t satisfied with this. His blood had been restored by Bai Xuan and he could still fight!
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi couldn’t help praising them. “The Cat Bai
combination can still fight! Cat God is now full of blood and will continue to face the next
combination from the French team. They might not have much blue left and many skills are
on cooldown but I absolutely believe that the Cat Bai combination can create a bigger
advantage in the arena!”
Yu Bing strongly agreed. “Cat and Bai are old partners who walked next to each other for a
full seven years. If they can increase the opening advantage, the Chinese team can win this
game without a doubt!”
With Li Cangyu’s strength, killing the next combination wasn’t impossible.
As the captain of the national team, he previously had the outstanding achievement of three
kills in the arena and became super god in death racing. Now he brought his old partner Bai
Xuan with him. The audience was naturally looking forward to their next play.
Facts proved that Li Cangyu would never disappoint the domestic audience.
At this critical moment, two stealth killers were dispatched. The French captain’s intention
was very obvious. Kill the other side as quickly as possible to prevent the gap between the
two sides from widening!
The two French killers followed the captain’s instructions and entered stealth as soon as
they started. They quickly climbed to the second floor and lurked behind Bai Xuan, using
Pain Blade to contorl Bai Xuan!
The two killers’ explosive ability was very strong. They jointly opened a big move and Bai
Xuan’s blood fell to 30%.
Bai Xuan’s reaction speed wasn’t slow. As soon as the control effect ended, he used two
small skills to return his blood to 80%. Then he added five layers of Healing Language to
It was really annoying to fight a healer who wouldn’t die. The two assassins no longer
hesitated and used the big move, Chain Strangulation!
Bai Xuan was beaten to 10% blood by these set of moves and he was about to die, only to
use Holy Light Surge at a critical moment.
He instantly added a lot of blood and returned to over 50%!
The two French players were going crazy while many domestic audience members couldn’t
help commenting: [Daddy Bai 6666!] [The milk dad is a small cockroach that can’t die!] [”I
don’t want to give up healing. I can still save myself,” said the daddy.] [Vice-Captain Bai’s
survival ability is really strong and can’t be evaluated!]
In this regard, Kou Hongyi couldn’t think of a suitable adjective and scratched his head.
“Vice-Captain Bai is a very comprehensive healer. After this game, I think that many foreign
healers won’t look down on him again.”
He survived Captain Stein’s attack and now stood strong in the face of the two assassins. He
truly had the most powerful survival ability in the Chinese Miracle League, this couldn’t be
Bai Xuan wasn’t a god. The result of his rapid filling of blood meant his blue was becoming
smaller and the connection of skills was problematic. It was clear that he wouldn’t last long.
Fortunately, Li Cangyu’s hand speed was extremely fast. During the time when Bai Xuan
was being attacked, Li Cangyu cast Fireballs and dealt a lot of damage.
The moment that Bai Xuan was killed, the two assassins were shocked that their blood had
fallen to 70%! They had been concentrating all their efforts on killing the healer, who
dragged things out for a few seconds. They didn’t expect Li Cangyu’s bursting ability to be
so strong. In just 10 seconds, he used the simplest Fireball to decrease the two people’s
blood by 30%!
Li Cangyu’s Fireball didn’t aim at a single person but was split between them. The fact that
both assassins had fallen to 0% was obviously to lay the groundwork for the players who
would come afterwards.
After seeing that Bai Xuan was killed, Li Cangyu no longer hesitated and summoned his
water spirit. He froze one assassin and combined the water and fire attacks while using
Flying Feather Steps to climb up to the third platform. He kited the opponents while
walking up the tower!
To be able to kite the players while climbing the steep Eiffel Tower showed that his
movements couldn’t be evaluated. Even the French captain couldn’t help sighing. Wasn’t
this summoner’s hands too fast?
The French assassins were in a half blood state due to this ranged kiting. They finally
became angry and entered Combat Stealth. The two men reached the third platform and
joined forces to suppress Li Cangyu’s blood.
He was just about to die when his next actions stunned the French players. He actually
jumped off the tower again!
The French players had the urge to cough up blood as they saw the elf summoner jump to
the ground and look up at them.
Stein also felt like collapsing. This map was made into an air battle. The designer’s original
intention as that Stein could use the archer’s advantage to occupy the high points on the
map to quickly kill the opponent. The result was reversed by the Chinese team and jumping
down the tower was used to open the distance. They should’ve made it a death map so he
was jumping to his death!
Unfortunately, it was too late to feel regret. Li Cangyu used jumping down the tower to
delay the time by more than 10 seconds. The moment the cooldown of his thunder spirit’s
big move ended, he used his final blue to open Thunder’s Wrath!
Purple thunder descended from the sky and the blood of the two assassins fell below half
The two people jumped off the tower and joined forces to kill the summoner but their
mood wasn’t pleasant. They had been delayed by the Chinese team’s Cat Bai combination
and their blood was below 50%. Forget recovering from the disadvantage, they actually
increased the disadvantage!
Li Cangyu smiled as he completed his task and left the players’ seats with Bai Xuan.
The soundproof door to the rest area was opened and the national team members stood up
to applaud their wonderful performance. Ling Xuefeng actively welcomed Li Cangyu as he
asked, “Do you feel better?”
Li Cangyu pretended not to understand. “What do you mean? I just played normally.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and hugged him. He whispered in the other person’s ears,
“How can Stein compare to our Cat God? In my heart, you are the world’s number one.”
Li Cangyu asked, “What about you?”
Ling Xuefeng thought for a moment. “We are joint first place?”
Li Cangyu couldn’t help laughing. He patted Ling Xuefeng on the shoulder and lowered his
voice. “If other people heard this, it is estimated that we will gain the hatred of people
around the world. Be more low-key.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Okay, I will only say it to you in private.”
Next to him was Xie Shurong who learnt from Ling Xuefeng’s appearance. He hugged Bai
Xuan and smiled, “I suddenly feel that joining Canglan was the best decision of my life. It is
really great that I can get to know you.”
Bai Xuan blushed at his corny lines and pushed him away. “Don’t have a poor mouth and
stand up!”
“Yes, yes!” Xie Shurong immediately stood upright but his arms were always around Bai
Xuan’s shoulder out of fear that other people would steal him.
Li Cangyu was still chatting happily with Ling Xuefeng and this made other people feel
anxious. Cheng Wei couldn’t help saying, “Captain, captain! Who is going to play next? We
can’t relax until the arena is finished!”
Li Cangyu looked over and replied, “If we lost the game after such a big advantage, we
should collective commit suicide with our characters.” His eyes swept over the players
present and he ordered simply, “The Lou Zhang combination, give me victory in the arena!”
Zhang Shaohui stood up excitedly and patted his chest, “Rest assured!”
Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses with a cold expression and nodded at Li Cangyu. Then
he walked to the players’ seats with his brother.
Cheng Wei was still worried. “The Lou Zhang combination is only the second group. Who
will be third?”
Tan Shitian helplessly rubbed his head. “Do you still not understand Cat God’s meaning? He
told the Lou Zhang combination to give him victory in the arena. In other words… the third
group won’t play and it will end directly with the second group.”
Cheng Wei immediately ran to Li Cangyu with shiny eyes. “Two groups beating three
Li Cangyu smiled. “The French team selecting the Eiffel Tower is actually giving us an
opportunity. The thing we are least afraid of is air maps. I believe that the Lou Zhang
brothers can win!”
In order to prepare for the World Competition, the national team’s players had repeatedly
practiced on Mount Huangshan Plank Road during the secret training period. To tell the
truth, the thrill of the Eiffel Tower map was really small compared to Mount Huangshan
Plank Road. They experienced the tempering of Mount Huangshan Plank Road and now air
maps were a piece of cake for the top players of the national team.
Moreover, Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan had created such a big advantage in the opening stage.
The two assassins of the French team were in a residual blood state and the Lou Zhang
brothers could easily take care of them.
Sure enough, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui used stealth to come behind the
opponents. They each stared at one person and used Pain Blade to control the other side,
followed by a set of assassin combos to directly kill the two residual blood players.
The French team were forced to send their guard combination.
The guard combination of each team was definitely very strong. The French team’s players
were really famous. The white magician Angel and the black magician Lina were fixed
partners from the same team.
The combination of black and white magician wasn’t common internationally because the
effect of two black magicians and two white magicians was better. Black and white
magician together needed a stronger tacit understanding since the release of their spells
couldn’t affect the rhythm of their teammate.
Yang Muzi was a white magician and couldn’t help commenting, “This Angel, I used to play
with her in the US server. She has a very good grasp of control skills.”
Cheng Wei curiously came over. “Is that so? I also want to go against her if I have a chance.”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Wait for the next game. There will be no chance in this game since Lou
Zhang will end it directly.”
Cheng Wei wasn’t convinced. “Do you have such confidence in the Lou Zhang brothers?”
Tan Shitian patiently analyzed, “My confidence isn’t blind. A magician is better at attacking
on obstacle maps since they can kite the opponent from a distance. An air combat map has
very high demands on positioning. Once the control fails, the close range assassin will keep
interrupting the magician’s skills and many of them can’t be cast. The Lou Zhang
combination is first-class and their assassination techniques are excellent. Once hit by the
assassins, the two magicians will be very passive on this map.”
Cheng Wei found that Tan Shitian’s words were very reasonable and he had no way to
refute it. However, his reflexes meant he always wanted to refute Tan Shitian’s words. He
scratched his head and thought about it before giving up in frustration.
Tan Shitian saw that Cheng Wei was frozen and couldn’t endure the cute appearance. He
smiled and said, “Don’t think about it. Just watch the game.”
‘Your brain capacity originally isn’t enough. Thinking about it will cause you to become
Of course, Tan Shitian didn’t dare to say this in case Cheng Wei’s hackles raised on the spot.
Cheng Wei couldn’t refute Tan Shitian’s words and had to concentrate on the screen.
Angel and Lina refreshed on the map and the third stage of the arena officially started!

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GLS: Chapter 316

Chapter 316 – China VS France (Lou Zhang Combination)

The French team’s Angel and Lina were in the best full blood state but Lou Wushuang and
Zhang Shaohui’s status wasn’t bad. They had lurked behind the enemies and took care of
the two assassins in the quickest manner. At present, both of them were full of blood and
their blue was around 80%.
A black and white magician VS two assassins, it was hard to tell the outcome but the
Chinese team thought that victory was a foregone conclusion.
Kou Hongyi was very happy and opened his mouth, “Our Lou Zhang combination took care
of the French team’s assassins in less than half a minute during the second stage. Now they
are taking on the French team’s guard combination! The current status of the Lou Zhang
brothers is still good. Even if they can’t win this stage, the Chinese team still has their guard
Then he casually counted the Chinese team’s combinations. “For example, there are the Su
Yu melee, the Tan Cheng kiting and the Yan Guo black magic. There is no suspense in
gaining 5 points from this game!”
Yu Bing calmly said, “There are many variables on the field. The advantage from the early
stage might be great but the players can’t be too careless.” It meant not to talk too big and
lose his reputation!
Kou Hongyi obviously didn’t grasp Yu Bing’s implication and laughed. “Careless? It depends
on who the players are! Maybe Xiao Cheng might play sloppily and make a mistake but the
team Cat God sent at this stage… I’ve never seen Lou Wushuang make a mistake!”
He might not be modest but Kou Hongyi’s words were an ironclad fact.
The coolest player in the Chinese Miracle League, apart from Ling Xuefeng, was Lou
Lou Wushuang was cold since his debut and no matter how fierce the battle or how inferior
or superior the Ghost Spirits team, he always maintained absolute calm and made no
Zhang Shaohui might have a careless personality and lack emotional intelligence but on the
field, he developed a fierce style along with his cousin. He was very careless in life but could
be sharp in the game. His keen senses and fast reaction speed allowed him to form the
perfect partnership with Lou Wushuang.
The scary thing about the Lou Zhang combination wasn’t just their sharp and chilling
assassination style. It was also their low error rate.
Players with a low error rate were harder to deal with and the Lou Zhang combination was
very stable. This was the reason why Li Cangyu sent the Lou Zhang brothers under the
premise of winning the game. He wanted to let the Chinese team make a great start in the
knockouts and raise the morale of the team.
The always stable Lou Zhang combination wouldn’t let everyone down in this game!
The two magicians of France refreshed on the platform at the highest level of the Eiffel
Tower. The white magician Angel started with the group control skill Holy Seal and
controlled the two brothers. The black magician Lina continued with the group attacks
Shadow Winding and Hell Flames, suppressing the blood of the Lou Zhang brothers to
France got the advantage at first but the French audience members weren’t happy for long.
The Lou Zhang climbed up to the third floor in one breath the moment the control effect
The blood kin assassin’s agility was only second to the elves and this speed was really
shocking. It was clear that Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s movement ability was first
class and it seemed like the tower was a flat passage!
After arriving at the third platform, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui had a tacit
Lou Wushuang moved to the white magician Angel and used Back Stab to interrupt and
control her, following up with Fatal Blow and Death Strangulation. The fragile Angel fell
directly to 60% blood.
Then due to the characteristic of the blood kin assassin, the original half blood Lou
Wushuang’s blood returned to 70%. He instantly reversed the situation!
Next to him, Zhang Shaohui was the same. He also used Back Stab to interrupt the black
magician’s Dark Fear and followed up with several big moves. He sucked up blood while
reducing the opponent’s blood and completed the reversal!
The wonderful cooperation between the Lou Zhang combination caused a burst of
The two magicians saw that the situation wasn’t good and Angel ordered on the voice
channel, “Jump down!”
Jumping down the tower to open the distance was a tactic repeatedly used by Li Cangyu in
the early stages. The two female players reacted very quickly. Once the assassins closed in,
they jumped to the second platform without hesitation.
Lina landed and instantly used the group control skill Dark Fear to set the two opponents
in place. Angel followed up with the group attack God’s Belief and Tidal Surge!
The cooperation between the two sisters was indeed tacit and the Red Fox captain Liu
Xiang couldn’t help commenting, “Their skills connection is very smooth. They should be
partners for a long time.”
Yang Muzi nodded in agreement. “Yes, I heard that the two of them are very popular in the
French Miracle League and they are regarded as goddesses by otakus. A black and white
magician walking together is really eye-catching.”
On the screen, the black magician Lina wore the robes of a black magician and the curses in
her hands exuded a thick arrogance. Meanwhile, Angel’s white magician robes made her
look very holy. The visual effect of the black and white magic combining was very shocking.
The two of them had a good strength and high understanding. It was no wonder they were
placed as the guard by the French captain.
Ling Xuefeng whispered into Li Cangyu’s ears, “Do you think Lou Zhang can take it? Do you
want to consider the guard combination in advance?”
Li Cangyu touched his chin and replied, “They should win, I believe in their strength. If they
can’t take it, let the Xiao Zhuo combination go to finish it. The players in the previous game
can’t be repeated in the next game. I want to try avoiding the use of the Su Yu and Tan
Cheng combinations.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
Li Cangyu had always been far-sighted. Sending out Lou Zhang to resolve the battle was
obvious to consider the candidates in the later games. Looking back at the big screen, the
blood of Lou Zhang had been forced to a 30% danger level by the French team’s players. At
this time, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui disappeared simultaneously. It was Combat
Angel of the French team cried out, “They are invisible, be careful!”
Both of them had used key group attacks in order to suppress the opponent’s blood. The
Lou Zhang brothers took advantage of this opponent to enter stealth and quickly come
behind the French players.
“We will control one each and fight!” Lou Wushuang ordered simply and Zhang Shaohui
instantly understood what to do.
The two men were like twins as they took out cold daggers and accurately aimed Pain
Blade that had just finished cooling down at the necks of the two French magicians.
Angel and Lina were simultaneously dizzy and the black magician didn’t have any skills to
resolve her problem. She was controlled by Zhang Shaohui on the second platform and
Zhang Shaohui’s fast outbreak reduced her blood in the blink of an eye. She fell to 30%
residual blood while he sucked back blood.
After Angel was dizzy, she used Purification to resolve Lou Wushuang’s control and jumped
down the tower again.
Her reaction was fast but Lou Wushuang was faster.
He saw her jump down and didn’t hesitate to jump after her. He used a simple Fatal Blow to
interrupt his white magic control skill and then used the big move Chain Strangulation!
Angel was unable to use any skills and could only rely on a small number of instant skills to
fight back. However, Lou Wushuang was extremely fast and he sucked back more blood
than she could decrease.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s practice of dividing the battlefield 1v1 was quite
sensible. As long as the black and white magicians were cut off and their casting
interrupted, it would be hard for them to play…
Angel was on the ground while Lina was on the second platform. They could still take care
of each other but both of them had an assassin following them. They couldn’t use any big
moves and became very passive.
Angel tried her best to get rid of Lou Wushuang but his pursuit and assassination skills
were the best. He was a player that Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were wary of and he
wouldn’t give his opponent a chance to escape!
Angel simply couldn’t get rid of Lou Wushuang!
On the second floor platform, Lina relied on a brief opportunity to release Death Mantra
and Shadow Winding. Zhang Shaohui fell to residual blood but then he used Soul Stab and
Chain Strangulation to suck back blood.
Then there was the news that Lou Wushuang killed Angel…
Lina lost confidence and her reaction speed was a bit slow, giving Zhang Shaohui the
opportunity to use a big move!
Victory belonged to the Chinese team!
To the surprise of many viewers, the Chinese team used only four people to kill six people
on the French team!
The Chinese team’s guard combination didn’t even play. They only used two groups of old
partners to directly win the arena!
Many foreign reporters were stunned.
—Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan created a huge advantage and the Lou Zhang brothers came to
directly clear the stage!
—The Chinese team’s arena is so strong? Four people beat six people and the French team
had no power to fight back?!
—The Chinese team swept through the group stage. Will they also sweep through the
knockout stage?
—In the end, who can stop the Chinese team?
The foreign reporters wrote about the overwhelming game while Li Cangyu remained calm.
He looked over at Ling Xuefeng and said, “This game was won too beautifully. It is
estimated that the countries we meet in the future will be afraid to choose the arena. In
fact, our economic war and death racing are also very strong!”
The captain of the national team was so confident and straightforward. He was never
deliberately humble but all his words were the truth.
Ling Xuefeng looked at Li Cangyu and calmly told him, “Then we have to be strong to the
end and convince all countries.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
This domineering remark made Li Cangyu very convinced.
Good, this was also what he thought!

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GLS: Chapter 317

Extra ko-fi chapter

Chapter 317 – China VS France (Second Round)

In the first game with the French team at home, Stein chose the arena and submitted the
French maps, Notre Dame de Paris and the Eiffel Tower. Such a start should’ve given the
French team the advantage. However, Li Cangyu took advantage of being able to target
people to wipe out the French team’s three pairs of partners in one breath.
The Chinese team was simply too strong in the arena, making Stein’s pressure double. It
was because they were going to face the Chinese team’s home game next and Li Cangyu
was likely to continue choosing the arena!
Stein gathered the players together and used the short break to nervously arrange things.
In the opposite soundproof room, Li Cangyu didn’t call everyone for a meeting. The game
mode had already been decided with Ling Xuefeng before the map. The Chinese team must
definitely choose the arena first because it was a lot easier for them to fight.
It was just that according to the rules, the players in the knockout stage couldn’t play in two
consecutive games. Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and the Lou Zhang brothers had appeared in the
first game and had to rest in the second game.
Fortunately, the Chinese team had many pairings. Li Cangyu glanced around and quickly
decided. “We will continue with the arena in the second game and I will hand it over to the
Tan Cheng pair first, the Su Yu pair in the middle and the guard… Xuefeng, do you want to
“No problem.” Ling Xuefeng nodded and looked over at his little apprentice. “Qin Mo, come
Qin Mo immediately moved to his master’s side and cried out respectfully, “Master!”
Ling Xuefeng told him, “You will come with me.”
“Okay!” Qin Mo was very excited. His eyes lit up while Xiao Han next to him took the
initiative to hold his hand and say, “Refuel.”
“Yes, I will.” Ling Xuefeng sat down and Qin Mo instantly followed, listening to his master’s
warnings on what to pay attention to.
Tan Cheng were responsible for the opening of the game. There was no need to talk about
Tan Shitian’s strength but Li Cangyu wasn’t reassured about Cheng Wei. He patted Cheng
Wei on the shoulder and whispered, “Xiao Wei, this is the World Competition, not the
domestic league. The French team isn’t weak. You have to be stable and cooperate with
Captain Tan. Don’t be impulsive.”
Cheng Wei scratched his head and smiled. “I know, Cat God can rest assured!”
The break time ended. Li Cangyu headed to the command post to choose the mode and map
for the game.
Kou Hongyi guessed, “The Chinese team played very well in the first game. Will Cat God
continue to choose the arena?”
Yu Bing replied, “There is this possibility.”
She just finished speaking when the competition mode submitted by LI Cangyu appeared
on the big screen—the arena!
Kou Hongyi was very pleased. “I finally guessed correctly. I wasn’t hit in the face by Cat
The map selection immediately followed. Li Cangyu chose Mount Huangshan Plank Road,
Suzhou Gardens and the Miracle official map Frost Temple.
The appearance of these three maps caused a sensation in the live broadcast room.
Many viewers praised Cat God’s wit. [This is forcing the French team to choose Suzhou
Gardens!] [Mount Huangshan Plank Road is an air battle death map. The French team just
lost in an air combat map. They definitely won’t choose it! According to the rules of the
league, two country submitted maps can’t be disabled at the same time. If Stein wants to
disable Mount Huangshan Plank Road then he can only leave Suzhou Gardens!] [The map of
Cat God’s choice will surely be filled with pits!]
Stein’s brow furrowed. He had obviously noticed that Li Cangyu was forcing him to choose
Suzhou Gardens.
But what could he do?
They had just lost on the Eiffel Tower and Mount Huangshan Plank Road was harder than
the Eiffel Tower since it was a death map and one developed by the Chinese team. If he
chose the air combat map, the mental state of the French players might not be able to
adjust. According to the rules of the league, if he disabled Mount Huangshan Plank Road
then he could only leave Suzhou Gardens.
Stein thought for a moment before reluctantly banning Mount Huangshan Plank Road and
Frost Temple, leaving Suzhou Gardens.
Li Cangyu’s lips curved slightly and this expression was captured by the cameraman. The
confidence and lightness overflowed from the computer screen.
The domestic audience saw their captain’s confidence appearance and couldn’t help being
full of confidence about this game!
Kou Hongyi smiled. “I always feel like this game will be an absolute crushing. Suzhou
Gardens hasn’t been used in previous games but based on the name, this map must be very
Sure enough, the moment the map appeared on the screen, the French captain Stein felt
regret. It was better to choose Mount Huangshan Plank Road!
Suzhou Gardens was very beautiful with the carved beams, pavilions, bridges and antique
Chinese style buildings. However, a closer look revealed that the structure of this map was
very complicated. The pavilions were all two-storey buildings and there were ponds,
bridges, trees and other areas. In other words, it was a comprehensive map with air
combat, land combat and water combat!
Stein hurriedly said, “Everyone concentrate on the map. Hurry and remember the structure
so you don’t get lost later!”
The French team stared at the map with blank expressions.
This was definitely the most difficult and complex map they had seen since becoming
professional players.
The map preview ended and the list of Chinese players appeared on the screen. Their IDs
were Ten Day and Chengwei, this was clearly the signature Tan Cheng combination of the
Time team!
Stein previously didn’t know Tan Shitian but he had devoted himself to studying the group
stage videos of the Chinese team in the last few days. He knew that this archer wasn’t
simple and could be ranked among the top five archers in the world.
As for Cheng Wei, his performances in previous games had been good and he had a high
understanding with Tan Shitian.
The best solution against the ranged kiting combination of an archer and white magician
was to send an assassin with fast movements and flexible attacks who could lurk behind
players. Fortunately, the French team had an excellent assassin combination. Stein no
longer hesitated and directly submitted the French team’s players, Shire and Lord.
The blood kin assassins were regular partners in a strong French team and their fame and
power weren’t worse than China’s Lou Zhang brothers. Stein patted their shoulders and
said, “Come on, take them down!”
Shire and Lord high-fived to encourage each other before walking to their seats.
The map loading ended and the game officially began!
The middle of Suzhou Gardens was a bridge over a pond. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei
refreshed to the east side of the bridge while Shire and Lord were to the west.
The moment the two assassins appeared, they sneaked behind the Tan Cheng combination.
They wanted to use control skills to control the other side and unleash a wave of crits but it
was like Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei had eyes in the back of their heads. The moment the
two assassins got close, they jumped into the pond!
The two French players were stunned before chasing after them.
Jumping into the pond would make it a water battle and their movement and attack speeds
would be affected. Nevertheless, they weren’t afraid of this. As professional players, they
were no strangers to water combat, not to mention they were still in the stealth state and
could control the other side.
Shire and Lord quickly swam behind Cheng Wei.
They had seen previous games with the Tan Cheng combination and knew that Tan Shitian
was the main output while Cheng Wei was the auxiliary control. As long as they killed the
white magician, it would be easy to handle the remaining archer.
The two men tacitly decided to set fire to kill Cheng Wei first.
Shire used Pain Blade to stun Cheng Wei while Lord followed closely with Back Stab and
Fatal Blow. Shire also used Death Speed and Cheng Wei’s blood fell to 50%.
Just then, Tan Shitian suddenly jumped out of the pond and fired Death Arrow Rain!
Under the group attack, Shire and Lord’s blood also dropped to 75%!
Tan Shitian followed with Quenching Arrow. The ice arrow smashed through the pond and
struck Shire’s chest, triggering the freezing effect in the water.
Lord saw this and quickly used Pain Blade to continue controlling Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei released the angel’s Purification and released the control. Then he used God’s
Seal to set the opposite person in place!
At this time, Tan Shitian was steadily moving on the shore. He aimed his arrows at the
water and his fingers quickly tapped the keyboard. The archer’s Shock Shot and Seize Life
Shot came one after another!
Cheng Wei also aimed at Shire, activated the attack skills God’s Light, Voice of Combat!
Shire’s blood fell to 30% under the Tan Cheng combination. He tried to go to shore when
his control effect ended, only for Cheng Wei to seal him in place using Holy Seal!
At this critical junction, Shire and Lord were forced to use Combat Stealth to hide and avoid
the subsequent damage!
Tan Cheng’s counterattack made Shire and Lord very passive from the beginning.
They originally wanted to kill Cheng Wei under the water but Tan Shitian protecting Cheng
Wei from a distance meant they couldn’t kill Cheng Wei.
Shire decided to change strategies. “Hit on the shore!”
The two people moved onto land and wanted to take advantage of the stealth to launch a
wave of sneak attacks, only to find…
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei were gone!
It could be seen from the water traces on the ground that they had entered the woods.
Shire, “…”
Could the Chinese team’s map be more pitted?
From the bridge to the water, they hadn’t finished playing in the water when they ran to
the woods. These Chinese people could really play around!

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GLS: Chapter 318

Chapter 318 – China VS France (Tan Cheng Combination)

Tan Shitian was obviously the commander of this game. Cheng Wei wasn’t well versed in
tactics but he worked with Tan Shitian for many years and formed the habit of ‘keeping up
with Captain Tan.’ Tan Shitian marked a location on the mini-map and Cheng Wei
consciously followed, actively playing the role of ‘follower’ as he ran into the woods to hide.
The two assassins from France had just used Combat Stealth. Unlike the non-combat stealth
which could last for several minutes, Combat Stealth lasted up to 10 seconds. Tan Shitian
choosing to enter the woods at this time was very clever. He could use the terrain to drag
out the duration of the stealth.
It was necessary to be wary of a hidden assassin but there was no need to be so afraid
when the whereabouts of the assassin was known.
Sure enough, the two assassins moved through the woods for a while before their stealth
effect ended. They couldn’t unleash any more sneak attacks and could only find a way to
rush to the other side to deal a set of crits.
At this time, Cheng Wei was at half blood and Tan Shitian was still full of blood.
The French team’s Lord had 75% blood while Shire had only 30% blood. It was necessary
to recover this gap as soon as possible!
Tan Shitian’s elf had Flying Feather Steps and along with his ranged attack, it would be
hard for them to catch up to the archer. However, Cheng Wei was at half blood and there
was hope to kill him.
Shire thought this and immediately ordered, “Surround him on the left and right and the
The two men quickly dispersed, one to the left and one to the right as they rushed to Cheng
Wei’s position. The level of the two assassins wasn’t weak and their Z shaped movement in
the woods was very flexible. It wasn’t easy for Cheng Wei to control them from a distance.
In the blink of an eye, Shire and Lord came to Cheng Wei’s side.
—Death Strangulation!
—Chain Strangulation!
The two people opened big moves at the same time and Cheng Wei was directly beaten to
5% blood.
Fortunately, Cheng Wei reacted quickly. He only had a trace of blood left as he moved
behind a big tree and flexibly avoided the other side’s dagger. Then he cast the big move,
Tidal Surge!
The white glow converged on the opponents like a tide, causing a lot of damage and
slowing down their movement speed.
Cheng Wei took the opportunity to run towards Tan Shitian.
A white magician with 5% blood was close at hand and the two assassins didn’t give up.
They might be slowed down but they didn’t hesitate to chase.
Tan Shitian looked after Cheng Wei from a distance as he fired Barrage Shot accurately
towards Shire and Lord.
The French captain Stein was shocked. Wasn’t this his style of playing?
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “Tan Shitian’s learning ability is very good. In the past, he
fired this skill in a straight line to achieve the maximum damage effect. But today, he
obviously learned from the French captain’s play, shooting Barrage Shot in a fan-shaped
group attack.”
Yu Bing said calmly, “Using the French captain’s style against the French assassins, Tan
Shitian is very promising!”
The domestic Captain Tan fans cheered excitedly. [The Storytelling God’s learning ability is
the best!] [The captain of the French team probably wants to vomit blood. His signature
skill was learnt by a young man?] [Stein’s expression is really saying ‘What?’]
The domestic audience’s gloating wasn’t unreasonable. Stein’s face was really ugly after he
saw it.
Tan Shitian’s talent in e-sports was obviously stronger than he imagined. Tan Shitian’s
ability to learn was excellent. He used the fan-shaped group attack to suppress the blood of
the two assassins while covering the escaping Cheng Wei.
The two assassins were suppressed by this wave of Barrage Shot and their blood fell again.
Shire’s blood was at only 20% while Lord was at 65%.
In addition, Tan Shitian was still full of blood!
If they didn’t kill Cheng Wei and make it a 1v2 situation then the game was likely to be won
by the Chinese team!
Shire’s eyes became cold and he immediately used the assassin’s Phantom Rush skill!
This skill allowed the blood kin assassin to momentarily move like a phantom, similar to a
swordsman’s movement skill. Phantom Rush burst out at a critical moment and Shire
suddenly arrived at Cheng Wei’s back. The dagger in his hand flashed with a cold light as he
used Back Stab.
This was a small skill but Cheng Wei only had 5% blood left. As long as it hit successfully,
Cheng Wei would definitely die.
At this critical moment, Tan Shitian seemed to have expected it and used Quenching Arrow!
The cold arrow hit Shire’s chest, triggering the freezing effect and making Shire freeze in
place. The Back Stab skill failed to be used.
Cheng Wei’s life was saved in a thrilling manner. He turned around and used God’s Seal on
Lord not far away.
Using these few seconds of control, Cheng Wei raced behind Tan Shitian and finally
“Phew, it was too dangerous!” Cheng Wei gasped and looked over at Tan Shitian, only to see
a small smile on Tan Shitian’s face. His low voice was extraordinarily gentle, “What are you
afraid of? There is me.”
“…” Cheng Wei’s heart was moved and he didn’t know what to say. He quickly focused his
attention on the game.
Tan Shitian’s eyes narrowed and he aimed his bow at Shire. He used a precise Seize Life
—First Blood!
This activated a crit and completely wiped out Shire’s blood!
Then came Tan Shitian’s performance.
France’s Lord only had 65% blood left. In the complex woody terrain, it was almost
impossible for him to catch the archer using Flying Feather Steps.
Tan Shitian relied on his attack range and released his hand speed, playing a beautiful
—Precise Aim! Shock Shot! Barrage Shot!
The arrows hit accurately and Lord’s blood kept falling.
Lord quickly fell to 30% residual blood while Tan Shitian was still full of blood. The French
team would fall into a complete disadvantage again like the first game.
He could no longer be so passive. He had to kill at least one person! The white magician had
only 5% blood left and could be killed with a simple skill.
At this time, Combat Stealth had just finished its cooldown. Lord immediately used it and
moved towards Cheng Wei to kill him.
Tan Shitian saw that the assassin had disappeared and warned on the voice channel, “Xiao
Wei, come over.”
Cheng Wei also realized that the other side wanted to kill him and consciously came
towards Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian judged the area around him and then the game time bar. He estimated the time
before suddenly turning around and firing Death Arrow Rain in the open space!
The dense arrow rain descended from the sky and the group attack skill with the widest
range actually hit the French assassin, forcing him out of stealth.
“Beautiful!” Kou Hongyi hit the table with excitement. “Tan Shitian’s prejudgment is too
godly! He guessed that the French player would kill Cheng Wei and used a big move to
force the French assassin out!”
Yu Bing nodded and commented, “It seems that Captain Tan doesn’t want to let Cheng Wei
die and is protecting him.”
Kou Hongyi laughed, “This is true love!”
The audience, “…”
[This big mouth is talking nonsense again. Xiao Cheng’s true love is clearly Cat God!]
[Captain Tan’s true love isn’t the stupid Xiao Wei. How can he see Cheng Wei? Stupid face!]
[A smart person with a silly person is actually quite complementary!]
Tan Shitian really didn’t want to let Cheng Wei die. He always thought that this guy with a
layer of blood trying to escape was quite cute. Besides, Cheng Wei’s existence meant the
other side would always try to kill Cheng Wei. Tan Shitian could guess their position and
the bloody Cheng Wei was simply a living bait.
Of course, the most important reason was…
He wanted to stand next to Cheng Wei on the field at the moment of victory.
The archer actually blindly fired Death Arrow Rain into the open space. Lord hadn’t
expected this and after being revealed, he simply opened the assassin’s rushing skill to
teleport to Cheng Wei.
To his surprise, his move was successful but he ended up hitting Tan Shitian.
The audience didn’t think that Tan Shitian would use Flying Feather Steps to come behind
Cheng Wei, using his body to block the attack.
Cheng Wei was also obviously stunned. However, he might be stupid but his awareness
wasn’t bad. He used this opportunity to cast Voice of Combat and directly killed the bloody
The French team’s assassins were killed in succession. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei both
survived and entered the second stage.
The 5% blood Cheng Wei actually lived to the end…
Cheng Wei glanced over at Tan Shitian and smiled happily. “Thank you for helping me block
the dagger!”
Tan Shitian reached out and patted his head. “Don’t be polite. It is what I should do.”
Cheng Wei moved his head along with Tan Shitian’s movements, clearly used to it. He used
to think this person was bullying him but at this time, Cheng Wei felt particularly happy
and his heartbeat accelerated.
Over the years, Tan Shitian had always been calm on the field. He had saved Cheng Wei
countless times and unconsciously, Cheng Wei had become used to being protected by him.
In his subconscious, Cheng Wei thought that as long as Tan Shitian was present, they would
definitely win.
This time, they still won.
Perhaps he would win many games with Tan Shitian in the future.
The Tan Cheng combination would never be abandoned.

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GLS: Chapter 319

Chapter 319 – China VS France (Second Stage)

France’s captain, Stein didn’t expect that the two assassins that he sent out to target the
Chinese team were actually double killed by Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei survived with 5% blood but Tan Shitian still had more than 80% blood…
This type of opening reminded him of the situation in the previous game with Li Cangyu
and Bai Xuan.
An ominous premonition filled Stein’s heart but he quickly adjusted his mind and looked
back at his teammates. “It isn’t important. Annie and Holder, it is your turn to go on. Send
them away as soon as possible and move back the disadvantage!”
The two named people immediately stepped forward.
Annie replied firmly, “Captain, rest assured!”
“The white magician has only one layer of blood left and can easily be solved with one
move.” Holder shrugged. “As for the archer, he doesn’t have much blue left and most of his
skills are on cooldown. It isn’t difficult to kill him!”
Holder’s words were true but the bad feeling lingered in Stein’s heart.
He always felt that the Chinese team’s players weren’t easy to kill even if they didn’t have
much blood left…
Of course, he was the captain and couldn’t express this frustration in case he lowered the
players’ confidence. Stein took a deep breath and pretended to smile easily. He patted their
shoulders and said, “Come on, I’ll leave it to you!”
The short break ended and the French players appeared.
It was Annie’s dark magician and Holder’s summoner. This was a typical combination of
control and output. They were also well known in France, with Holder’s demon summoner
ranked in the top 10 of the world.
Li Cangyu saw this lineup and glanced over at Ling Xuefeng. “Have you played against
“No.” Ling Xuefeng paused before adding, “However, he has a winning percentage of less
than 40% against Jack.”
Jack Josh was the blood kin summoner of the American team and was as skilled as Ling
This meant that Holder’s level was a lot worse than Ling Xuefeng.
Tan Shitian didn’t have much blue and skills remaining but Li Cangyu believed that this
talented player could increase the advantage on the field.
Sure enough, Tan Shitian knew he couldn’t survive long and didn’t hesitate to use Death
Arrow Rain as soon as he saw the two opponents.
Annie’s black magician fell to 75% blood but Holder reacted very quickly. He used the
public pet, the guardian to block this wave and then summoned the black crows, opening
Cover the Sky!
The dense black crows covered the vision of Tan Cheng and then Holder summoned four
skeleton infantry, manipulating them to rush at Tan Shitian!
Cheng Wei was Annie’s focus.
Annie quickly moved forward and used two layers of Shadow Winding on Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei only had 5% blood left and this negative state was enough to make him lose
blood and die.
However, Cheng Wei didn’t die in vain. He predicted that the other party’s black magician
had entered his attack range and used the last bit of blue to use Tidal Surge!
In the case where his field of view was covered, the blind usage of the big move relied on
memory and actually hit the two opponents. The unexpected operation caused the live
broadcast room to be filled with: [Cheng Wei 6666!] [He is infected by Captain Tan and has
become smart. It is really touching!]
Kou Hongyi also exclaimed, “I found that Cheng Wei is making rapid progress in this World
Competition. He opened up the skill blindly and it precisely hit, indicating that he is very
familiar with this map.”
Yu Bing agreed. “Cheng Wei used the big move Tidal Surge before he died. The two French
players must be very depressed.”
Annie was really angry. She hadn’t expected this 5% blood guy to be able to use a big move
at the last moment. Tidal Surge not only decreased their health by 15%, it added the deadly
deceleration effect!
Tan Shitian saw this and couldn’t help praising, “Xiao Wei is good!”
Cheng Wei was in a great mood after being praised. He might’ve cursed by Annie’s black
magic but he helped Tan Shitian before he died, allowing Tan Shitian the opportunity to
Tan Shitian didn’t disappoint Cheng Wei. He used Flying Feather Steps to run deeper into
the woods. The moment his vision was restored, Tan Shitian used Precise Aim and Shock
Shot to force Annie’s blood to 40%!
Holder’s skeletons finally caught up with him. They exploded and combined with Annie’s
black magic, Tan Shitian’s blood fell to the dangerous 10% state.
Nevertheless, Tan Shitian didn’t give up. He used Flying Feather Steps to move through the
woods and grasped the timing to fire Quenching Arrow. The freezing effect froze Annie and
he followed up with several ordinary arrows, using these ordinary attacks to force Annie’s
blood to 30%.
The survival ability of the Chinese team was so tenacious? Still refusing to die even with a
bit of blood left?
Holder couldn’t bear it anymore and directly summoned the banshee to pull Tan Shitian
over. Then he used the skeleton infantry to kill him.
Tan Shitian smiled as he looked over at Cheng Wei. He stood up and declared, “Our mission
is complete. We will leave it for the players after us.”
“Yes!” Cheng Wei happily followed him. “The early advantage we created is quite big. There
is the Su Yu combination and then Captain Ling behind us. We will definitely win this
The two of them walked back to the rest area. Once they encountered the Su Yu
combination, Tan Shitian took the initiative to pat Su Guangmo’s shoulder. “Captain Su, I’ll
hand it over to you.”
Su Guangmo declared boldly, “No problem, just watch me!”
The short substitution period ended and the Chinese team’s second stage combination
MOMO and YUYU, the two IDs that deliberately sold meng belonged to the captain and vice-
captain of the Flying Feathers team, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng!
Kou Hongyi exclaimed, “The Su Yu combination, it has been a while since we’ve seen them
in the arena!”
Yu Bing added, “Two melees playing against a magician and summoner is actually not very
good but Captain Su’s ability to advance is quite strong. In addition, Annie was consumed
by Tan Shitian to 30% blood. The Su Yu combination should win as long as there are no
Kou Hongyi suddenly found a new world and his eyes shone. “I suddenly found that Cat
God’s lineup against the French team is particularly strong! In the group stage, he often
sent Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang to practice. Today, from opening to present, the players were
Cat Bai, Lou Zhang, Tan Cheng and Su Yu. All of them are combinations consisting of great
gods!” Kou Hongyi paused and added, “It seems that Cat God is really going all out against
the French team.”
“After all, it is a knockout match and there is nothing wrong with it. Sending the ace
combinations can ensure victory.” Yu Bing thought about it. “In fact, the French team’s
overall strength is a bit worse than the Chinese team. It is currently the quarter-finals and if
we win this match, we can advance to the semi-finals.”
Kou Hongyi’s expression became serious when he heard this. “Sister Bing’s words are right.
The e-sports team that can compete with us in the World Competition are South Korea and
the United States. It will be hard to fight if we meet South Korea or the United States! This
match against the French team, from beginning to the present, the advantage is actually
very obvious.”
The Su Yu combination going against two ranged classes shouldn’t have an advantage but
the other side’s black magician was at 30% blood. It shouldn’t be difficult to take care of
Su Guangmo was a very fierce melee player who often rushed towards the opponent’s face
with his big sword. This time, he still showed his tough style and directly rushed to Holder.
He used Light and Shadow Rotation to directly kill Holder’s skeleton infantry and banshee.
This action surprised many viewers. Annie was in a residual blood state and the average
person would kill her first. On the other hand, Su Guangmo attacked the full of blood demon
summoner and killed his pets.
Annie quickly used Dark Fear to control Su Guangmo but this didn’t pose much threat to
him. It was because Holder’s pet skeletons and banshees were killed. He could at best
summon the demon god. The demon god’s explosive ability wasn’t strong if it was alone.
The demon god’s group attack combined with the black magician’s Hell Flames and Death
Mantra forced Su Guangmo’s blood to 60%.
Yu Pingsheng saw that his brother was being beaten and directly rushed to Annie. He used
Mountain Chop followed by Splitting Bone Chop and World Without Justice.
The golden light effect enveloped Annie’s body and the huge axe swept in a 360 degree
range, lowering the fragile black magician’s blood to the bottom!
Annie was killed.
At this time, SU Guangmo lifted the negative fear state and turned to join his younger
brother. The two men moved forward and surrounded the demon summoner Holder. Su
Guangmo’s hands were precise and unpredictable. He stunned the other side with Spirit
Lock and followed up with Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword. Yu Pingsheng
wasn’t idle and cooperated with his brother.
Being close to two melees at the same time was definitely a nightmare for a ranged class.
Su Yu’s play was quite violent and it was similar to cutting vegetables.
The sword and axe had incomparable understanding.
The silver sword and golden axe intertwined in a gorgeous light and shadow effect, cutting
Holder’s blood to 15% at a dazzling speed.
Holder had only a trace of blood left and became very anxious, but most of his pets were on
cooldown. He found it hard to wait until the skeleton infantry’s cooldown was over and
then immediately summoned four of them, trapping Su Yu in place and taking the
opportunity to break away from their encirclement.
This set of moves was wonderful but unfortunately, it was too late.
Su Guangmo was imprisoned by the skeletons and decisively broke out to kill them. Then
he raised the giant sword and chased Holder’s back with a fierce Storm Sword!
The bloody Holder was directly stabbed to death…
The domestic audience went crazy. [Captain Su is so handsome!] [Our Captain Su is so
handsome and directly rushes to your face. He doesn’t try to reason with you. This is
worthy of our Terran Emperor!]
Su Guangmo killed his opponent and turned back to his younger brother with a handsome
smile. “It was a bit easy to win.”
Yu Pingsheng thought about it seriously and said, “Yes.”
Su Guangmo knew his brother didn’t like to talk and didn’t say anything else. He continued
staring at the computer screen to prepare for the next stage.
He had actually been prepared for a few minutes of fierce fighting when preparing for the
second stage. Unexpectedly, the French team’s black magician and summoner made some
small mistakes.
For example, the black magician Annie should’ve opened the distance instead of rushing to
control him with Dark Fear. She wasn’t cautious about her position, allowing Yu Pingsheng
to counterattack and kill her in seconds.
For example, Holder used too many skills against Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei and it was
hard to pose a threat as soon as his pets died.
The French team’s combination suffered a great loss and this was clearly related to their
6v4 defeat in the first game. Six people couldn’t win against four people. This definitely
dealt a big blow to the players’ confidence.
Cat God’s tactical arrangement was truly very frightening and directly collapsed the French
team. The French team’s players were psychologically affected and the pressure on them
was relatively high. Once Tan Shitian created the advantage again, they couldn’t remain
calm. Even good players were prone to mistakes when they were under great psychological
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng were both excellent at catching the opponents’ mistakes
and decisively seized the opportunity to kill the other side.
Su Guangmo’s thoughts were also Ling Xuefeng’s thoughts.
Ling Xuefeng saw this and couldn’t help saying to Li Cangyu, “Holder only played at 70% of
his level and was obviously too impetuous. The French team seems unstable. Is it because
you were too fierce in the first game?”
Li Cangyu calmly replied, “I have to be serious in the knockouts.”
Ling Xuefeng helplessly told him, “If you are even more serious then they will crash.”
Li Cangyu smiled and didn’t say anything else.
In fact, he didn’t need to send the luxurious lineup of Cat Bai, Lou Zhang, Tan Cheng and Su
Yu to the arena against the French team. He could let the rookies Xiao Han and Xiao Zhuo
continue practicing.
However, Captain Stein’s arrogant words when they meet backstage made Li Cangyu
somewhat uncomfortable?
What did he mean by it was better to not meet in the knockouts? His eyes were looking
above and the Chinese team would lose if they met?
The unhappy Li Cangyu didn’t want to be polite with the French team and directly used an
all-star lineup to teach France a little lesson.
People who were arrogant in front of Cat God would never have a good end!

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GLS: Chapter 320
Chapter 320 – China VS France (End of the Arena)

The moment the second combination of Annie and Holder died, Stein determined that this
arena game would be lost and the unpredictable hunch in his heart came true. The strength
of the Chinese team was stronger than he imagined. The more terrifying thing was that
regardless of whether they were Cat Bai, Lou Zhang, Tan Cheng or Su Yu, all combinations
players quite well in today’s match and there were no obvious mistakes.
This low error rate made the French team’s idea of turning over the disadvantage became a
luxury that couldn’t be achieved at all.
In any case, Stein couldn’t take the initiative to surrender and could only send the French
team’s third pair.
On the big screen, the guard combination appeared. The team’s vice-captain, swordsman
Lemande and the black magician Jacob. This was one of the most powerful combinations in
the French team and Stein placing them in the guard position showed his trust in them.
The French audience was still expecting the two of them to reverse the situation but Stein
had lost confidence in this game. Unless the Chinese team deliberately threw the game or
suddenly dropped the chain, there was no way the Chinese team could lose with such a
great advantage.
Facts proved that Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng couldn’t throw the game.
After taking care of the second combination, Su Guangmo still had half blood left while Yu
Pingsheng’s blood was above 80%. The berseker had high defense and his high blood
would make it harder to fight.
The third stage started. Yu Pingsheng took the initiative to protect his brother. The moment
the other swordsman came close, he didn’t hesitate to raise his knife and use Mountain
This skill made a deep gully in the ground and isolated the French team’s swordsman from
the black magician. Yu Pingsheng left the swordsman for his brother and quickly rushed to
the black magician.
Yu Bing explained, “Vice-Captain Yu is obviously separating the two French players to
maintain the advantage. Captain Su is ranked higher in the world than the French
swordsman Lemande and isn’t afraid of him in 1v1. Meanwhile, Vice-Captain Yu has
extremely high defense and can drag things out a while against the black magician.”
Kou Hongyi was excited. “Vice-Captain Yu is actually very smart! Ignore the fact that he
doesn’t like to talk. On the field, his carefulness, sensitivity and excellent tactical awareness
are no worse than Su Guangmo’s!”
Yu Pingsheng’s practice of splitting the battlefield coincided with Su Guangmo’s thoughts.
The brothers shared a heart and split the French team up into 1v1.
Su Guangmo aimed for the French team’s vice-captain, Lemande and his swordsmanship
dazzled the eyes.
The gorgeous swordsmanship collided with each other and the skill life effect blinded
people. Su Guangmo replied on his flexible movements to avoid Lemande’s key control. He
used Light and Shadow Rotation before folow up with three moves to force Lemande down
to half blood.
Next to him, Yu Pingsheng wasn’t willing to show any weakness. He might’ve lost a lot of
blood due to the black magician but he used a key opportunity to open a big move. He
jumped in front of the black magician and the axe in his hand moved decisively. The
magician’s skills were interrupted and he followed with Cut Through Thorns, Breaking
Bone and Spitting Wind Chop to cut the opponent’s blood in half!
The Su Yu combination’s fierce play really surprised the two players of the French team.
In the domestic live broadcast room, fans of Flying Feathers were crazily commenting to
encourage the Su Yu combination.
[Captain Su is teaching the French team’s Lemande how to be a man!] [They are both
swordsmen. Why is the gap so big?] [Vice-Captain Yu is domineering and mighty. The black
magician can’t take care of his health!]
The Su Yu combination had always been tough. They weren’t afraid even when their blood
was behind the other side and would rush to the other side to play a beautiful combo.
The Chinese team’s advantage in the arena was further expanded.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “Surely this game won’t be another four against six? It
would be too humiliating for the French team…”
Yu Bing calmly told him, “The possibility isn’t big since Su Yu don’t have much blue left.”
Kou Hongyi looked closely at their remaining blue and agreed. “You’re right. Lemande also
hasn’t opened his big moves yet. It is estimated that Captain Su won’t last much longer.”
Captain Su might not have much blue left but he still had his ordinary attacks.
Using ordinary attacks to create combos was the signature style of his younger brother, Xie
Shurong. The effect when Su Guangmo used it wasn’t bad. He waved the sword in his hand
and achieved five consecutive combos, lowering Lemande’s blood to 30%.
Lemande was almost breathless under the attack from the other side.
This was the pressure from the world’s strongest swordsman!
Finally, Su Guangmo’s swordsmanship stagnated and Lemande found an opportunity. He
unleashed a wave of counterattacks to kill the bloody Su Guangmo.
Unfortunately, it was too late…
It was almost impossible for the French team to make a comeback in this residual blood
Lemande looked at the situation of his teammate and felt even more desperate. Yu
Pingsheng’s berserker had half his blood left while the black magician fell from full blood to
half blood.
Yu Pingsheng saw that his brother was killed and didn’t hesitate to use his last big move,
World Without Justice!
The ultimate move of the berserker consumed all his remaining blue but it also caused
considerable damage. The black magician’s health was cut to 25% from this move!
Lemande no longer hesitated. He moved closer and released a set of moves to reduce Yu
Pingsheng to residual blood. Jacob also used Death Mantra and Shadow Winding to curse
Yu Pingsheng to death!
The Su Yu combination was sent off while the domestic audience wrote ‘6666’ to cheer for
Their performance was truly very powerful. Not only did they successfully kill the French
team’s second combination, they forced the guard combination to a bloody state. This laid a
solid foundation for the Chinese team’s victory.
The Chinese team’s guard combination would determine the outcome of the game. As long
as the Chinese team didn’t make any catastrophic mistakes, they would definitely win this
The audience started speculating. [Who will be the guard? Could it be the Yan Guo double
magicians?] [Not necessarily, it could be the Jiang Zhou double hunters!] [No matter who
you are, don’t throw the game! Win well, thank you!]
The moment the IDs of the Chinese team’s guard combination appeared on the screen, the
audience let out a serious of ellipses.
—Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo!
Out of the 22 members of the national team, even if everyone else’s IQ dropped, Ling
Xuefeng absolutely couldn’t make mistakes. The rigorous and calm man never made two
mistakes in a game since he debuted. On the contrary, he led Wind Colour to victory many
times. He wouldn’t give any opportunities to the opponents and would seize advantage of
the opponent’s gaps to deal a fatal blow!
Ling Xuefeng was sent as a guard and it could be seen that Li Cangyu thought this arena
was inevitable.
The live broadcast room celebrated the Chinese team’s victory in advance. [Congratulations
on the Chinese team for winning two games!] “[Congratulations to the national team for
winning two arena games!] [Congratulations to a good start!] [Congratulations to Captain
Ling for holding the arena!]
This arena game had no results yet but the audience was celebrating. It was clear that in
everyone’s mind, there was absolutely no suspense once Ling Xuefeng appeared as the
The always calm Yu Bing said, “We can celebrate the victory of this game in advance. Cat
God is obviously trying to get rid of the French team today. He sent a luxurious lineup to
both arena games!”
“The French team’s confidence will probably collapse after this game.” Kou Hongyi gloated.
“Captain Ling can directly collect heads while Qin Mo can act as soy sauce and watch the
fun next to his master.”
It turned out that Qin Mo didn’t play as a soy sauce.
In the final round, Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo refreshed outside the woods. Ling Xuefeng
looked at the position of the French team on the map and ordered simply, “Enter stealth
and kill them.”
Qin Mo nodded. “Yes!”
Wind Colour’s little prince quickly lurked through the woods. Ling Xuefeng didn’t follow
and moved his own way forward.
The audience thought that the teacher and apprentice would act from the left and right.
However, Ling Xuefeng didn’t do anything when Qin Mo moved behind the swordsman and
broke out.
He was standing and watching the excitement?
Compared with Ling Xuefeng’s calm, Qin Mo was very active. As soon as he reached the
swordsman, he summoned a blood spider to set the other person in place, followed by the
blood spider.
In any case, the other swordsman wasn’t a rookie. He immediately broke out but could only
escape from the blood spider’s control. He had already been bitten to three layers of
bleeding by the blood snake.
The black magician in the distance didn’t react slowly. He turned to throw Death Mantra,
Shadow Winding and Hell Flames at Qin Mo. The swordsman also used Light and Shadow
Rotation and Qin Mo was jointly besieged by the two people. His blood fell to 50%.
Ling Xuefeng still didn’t act.
The domestic audience was dying. [Captain Ling is just watching the fun?] [Isn’t he going to
help his apprentice?] [Captain Ling, wake up! Can you play soy sauce in the World
No matter how anxious the audience became, Ling Xuefeng maintained his ‘not blinking an
eye at Mr. Tai collapsing’ attitude. He stood calmly as a spectator while guiding his
apprentice on the voice channel. “Pay attention to your position and find a way to kill
“Yes!” Qin Mo knew his master was giving him a chance at 1v2 and his expression became
serious, his eyes staring sharply at the dark screen. At this time, the black magician cast
Dark Fear to cause Qin Mo to feel fear. The swordsman would also follow up with a control
skill. Then Qin Mo would face the attacks of the two people and was likely to be beaten.
Qin Mo no longer hesitated and used Combat Stealth, forcibly avoiding this wave of control.
He quickly walked behind a big tree and used Blood Bat Festival!
The angle of release for this skill was very clever and just covered both players of the
French team.
The vampire bats’ big move caused the French team’s swordsman and black magician to
fall to 10% while Qin Mo sucked up blood and his blood returned to 70%.
Ling Xuefeng praised him. “Very good.”
Qin Mo was so excited that his fingers were hot. In the World Competition, his master
actually stood by and watched the battle, letting him face the opposite side. It could be said
that his master was too bold or perhaps too trusting in Qin Mo?
In any case, Master valued him and gave him this rare opportunity. Qin Mo was very moved
and he was determined not to disappoint his master.
Qin Mo grabbed his mouse and the blood kin summoner on the screen made a beautiful S-
shaped displacement. He successfully escaped the swordsman’s Breaking Bone Sword and
called the blood kin knight, defeating the black magician with a wave of damage.
These series of moves could really be called ‘flowing water!’
A young player under 18 could do such a smooth operation in the World Competition,
making the domestic audience full of confidence for the future of the Chinese Miracle
[The little prince’s positioning is 666, it is literally 6!] [Captain Ling is too much. Taking the
World Competition as training?] [Captain Ling said, “I will watch you quietly.”] [The French
players were in a residual blood state and Captain Ling said, “I won’t bother with two
residual blood players!”] [Captain Ling didn’t act but he still crushed them in strength!]
The audience watching the game praised Ling Xuefeng. Li Cangyu couldn’t help smiling at
the sight and said, “Xiao Qin played very well and could resist the pressure of 1v2.”
Xiao Han nodded seriously. “Yes, he’s making great progress really very quickly.”
Li Cangyu hadn’t heard his apprentice make a grammatical error in a while. He couldn’t
help touching Xiao Han’s head and told him, “If there is a chance later, I will also take you to
Xiao Han’s eyes brightened and he immediately nodded. “Yes! Master, I will go back and
On the field, Ling Xuefeng still didn’t act. Qin Mo had decreased the French players’ blood to
10%. His blood snake and blood spider were on cooldown but he still had the knight. He
relied on the protection of the knight and his flexible positioning to drag things on for half a
minute until the cooldown of his blood snake ended.
Qin Mo summoned the blood snake and had it bite the black magician, applying three layers
of bleeding. Then he summoned the blood spider and set the swordsman Lemande in place!
The bleeding state caused a large loss of blood and the black magician directly bled to
Qin Mo followed with two ordinary attacks and took care of the bloody swordsman fixed in
Double kill!
Deafening screams and applause filled the venue. No one thought that the 18 year old
summoner of the Chinese team could complete a double kill in the World Competition.
The opponents might be in a residual blood state but Qin Mo could stabilize his mentality in
a 1v2 situation. The connection of skills was smooth and the timing was just right. This type
of strength was enough for the world Miracle fans to remember Qin Mo’s name.
Qin Mo was very excited. He released his mouse and looked at his master. “Master, I won!”
Ling Xuefeng smiled as he stood up and patted Qin Mo’s shoulder in encouragement. “You
played well.”
Ling Xuefeng didn’t shoot from beginning to end yet he and Qin Mo still won the game.
This was the highest level of world-class players. He didn’t need to act at all. His apprentice
could easily abuse them!

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GLS: Chapter 321
Chapter 321 – China VS France (First Command)

In the China VS France match, the first game was won by the Chinese team 4v6 and the
second game had Ling Xuefeng let his apprentice single-handedly fight the opponent’s
guard combination, killing both! This wonderful performance made the domestic audience
feel particularly satisfied and more convinced about Li Cangyu’s lineup.
The two consecutive victories raised the Chinese team’s morale while the French team had
been disrupted and many players lost confidence. The third game might be France’s home
game but if they wanted to win the quarter-finals, they would have to win three straight
games. This was theoretically possible but the actual operation was difficult.
Stein frowned and thought about the deployment of the third game.
This game was China’s match point. If the Chinese team won, the French team would be
No one wanted to be eliminated in the quarter-finals but facing the Chinese team that was
as fierce as a tiger, Stein suddenly felt that things wouldn’t work out well. He had developed
a good strategy before the match but didn’t know if he should temporarily change it. They
had trained in this strategy many times. Perhaps they could get one game back by relying
on the map proficiency?
Stein thought this and sat down to submit the mode and maps for the third game.
“Stein chose death racing!” Kou Hongyi cried out as he watched the big screem. The maps
submitted are Notre Dame de Paris and the Louvre, which were developed by the French
team, and the official map Dark Reef. According to the rules for disabling maps, China must
choose between Notre Dame de Paris or the Louvre!”
Yu Bing commented, “The Chinese team is now at match point. Can they grasp the match
point and directly win the match? I’m looking forward to seeing Cat God’s strategy.”
Only one French map could be banned and Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to ban the Louvre.
Cheng Wei asked curiously, “Why did Cat God choose Notre Dame de Paris?”
Tan Shitian explained, “Notre Dame de Paris appeared in a previous game but was banned
by Cat God. The Louvre has never appeared before and should be more difficult than Notre
Dame de Paris and more suitable for death racing.”
Cheng Wei didn’t agree with his reasoning and retorted, “Not necessarily? Notre Dame de
Paris has appeared before. Perhaps Stein is doing the opposite and tricking us into picking
the difficult map.”
Tan Shitian was silent for a moment. “You have a point.”
Cheng Wei was stunned. He usually bickered with Tan Shitian and hadn’t expected the
other person to agree with him. This made Cheng Wei feel flattered and he didn’t know
how to answer.
Tan Shitian saw his expression and couldn’t help patting his head with a smile. “Don’t
worry too much over this. Let’s see what lineup Cat God will send.”
The game mode and map had been confirmed and the god’s perspective of the map
appeared on the screen.
Notre Dame de Paris was one of the most famous churches in France. It had a towering and
magnificent appearance with a typical Gothic style architecture. The doors, windows and
cloisters were carved with exquisite patterns and there were many precious treasures and
cultural relics inside.
In the game, Notre Dame de Paris retained its realistic shape while making some changes to
the interior. In addition to making the corridors criss-cross in a labyrinth style, there were
many statues places between corridors. These statues would block the opposite side’s
vision and cast a shadow on the ground for players to hide in.
Li Cangyu’s previous conjecture wasn’t wrong. Notre Dame de Paris was really a
complicated labyrinth.
If a labyrinth map was used to play death racing, the advantage to the home team was
obvious. The French team could use familiarity with the labyrinth to male various strategic
deployments such as ambushes and sneak attacks.
Notre Dame de Paris’ labyrinth was new to the Chinese player so people sensitive to maps
must participate in the team battle.
In the national team, the best player at using maps was Zhuo Hang.
Zhuo Hang studied under the Dragon Song captain Wu Zewen every day at the Dragon Song
Club. He was half Wu Zewen’s apprentice and his combination of maps and traps had
reached the realm of perfection.
Regardless of how difficult the map, Xiao Zhuo could always interpret the map and form a
clear idea of how to use the map to lay traps. There was nothing wrong with this in a team
The death racing mode required five people. If Zhuo Hang’s hunter played then Jiang Xu’s
hunter should also play. The double hunters could form a trap control and cooperate to
attack. The other three players should be high output classes. Tan Cheng, Su Yu and Ling
Qin had all played in the arena. He could only choose among the rest.
Li Cangyu was pondering on his plan when the French team’s lineup finally emerged.
Stein clearly wanted to try his best to win the game. All the players sent were the top
players. There was no need to mention his combination with his old partner Ono. In
addition, he sent two high-output black magicians and a flexible assassin.
He was going to use the intricate maze to kite the opponents.
The long-distance consumption of the two archers, the negative states stacking of the two
black magicians and the flexibility of the assassin, this lineup would be very powerful in a
map maze.
Li Cangyu thought about it carefully and soon submitted the Chinese team’s lineup—the
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu double hunters, the Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui double
assassins and the healer Liu Xiang.
The double hunters could rely on the elf’s agility advantage to use traps to control the
opponents. The double assassins were good at dealing with ranged classes and the healer
Liu Xiang was to ensure the survival of the lineup.
Li Cangyu submitted the list before walking back to the rest area and patting Lou
Wushuang’s shoulder. “Captain Lou, I’ll hand over the command to you.”
Lou Wushuang met his eyes and spoke calmly, “I understand.”
There was no expression on his face but there was a hint of courage and firmness in his
sharp eyes. Lou Wushuang had played many times in the World Competition but he never
served as a commander. This game used a combination of assassins and traps and Li
Cangyu believed that he would definitely be able to cope.
Li Cangyu confidently sat in his seat and handed the game to Lou Wushuang.
The five people pushed open the soundproof door and sat in the seats. The players on both
sides were ready and the game officially started!
The internal map of Notre Dame de Paris was very large. The narrow corridors criss-
crossed and the positions of the 10 players were relatively scattered. Lou Wushuang
glanced at the coordinates of his teammates on the map and gave instructions. “Jiang Xu
and Liu Xiang will centre on Zhuo Hang. The three of you, try to ensure your survival. Ah
Hui, use stealth and enter the maze with me to catch people alone!”
This assassin-centred lineup had been used in the domestic league. The effect wasn’t bad so
everyone had no objection to his instructions.
Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang respectively refreshed in the northwest and northeast of the
labyrinth. Zhuo Hang was in the north so Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang closed in on Zhuo Hang at a
very fast speed.
Lou Wushuang appeared on the southeast side of the map and Zhang Shaohui was in the
southwest. He quickly rushed to the southeast in accordance with his brother’s
Of the five French players, Captain Stein was in the centre of the map. HIs partner Ono was
near him and the two of them met in 10 seconds. The assassin refreshed near Zhuo Hang
and instantly entered stealth. The French assassin Sid found Zhuo Hang first and made a
signal on the map.
Stein wasn’t in a hurry and ordered in a deep voice, “Don’t move, wait for us to come over!”
Him and his partner relied on the familiarity with the map to quickly move towards the
The three of them soon met but the other two black magicians refreshed far away. One was
in the southwest and one in the southwest, close to the Lou Zhang brothers!
Stein discovered that only Zhuo Hang was in the maze and quickly decided. “Hit him!”
However, the moment the stealth assassin turned the corner into the corridor, he stepped
in the traps that Zhuo Hang arranged. The traps were actually placed in the shadow cast by
the shadow, allowing the French assassin to be caught!
Stein didn’t change his mind. He might be missing the assassin’s output but it wasn’t
difficult for two archers to take care of a hunter. The two archers worked tacitly, with Stein
using Quenching Arrow to freeze Zhuo Hang while his partner continuously attacked with
Precise Aim, Barrage Shot and Shock Shot!
The arrows kept hitting Zhuo Hang and dropped his blood to 40% in an instant. Stein and
Ono followed up with the single attack skill, Seize Life Shot!
The expected killing prompt didn’t appear on the screen. Zhuo Hang had a softly white light
around his body and his blood didn’t drop. It was Liu Xiang’s Holy Light Surge!
The timely arrival of the nurse allowed Zhuo Hang to escape the disaster. Holy Light Surge
had the effect of causing skills to be cast instantly. Thus, Zhuo Hang didn’t hesitate to use
Flying Feather Steps to move to the opponent and placed a string of Silence Traps.
Then Jiang Xu also arrived and he teamed up with Zhuo Hang to block all the roads for the
three French players!
A 3v3 meant there wasn’t an explosion of heads. The French team had two archers and an
assassin. The Chinese team’s double archers output couldn’t keep up but Liu Xiang’s
presence gave Stein a headache. No matter how strong their output, the presence of Liu
Xiang adding blood meant the Chinese team’s hunters wouldn’t die!
It would be easier if there was another teammate to focus on Liu Xiang.
Stein looked at the coordinates on the mini-map and ordered, “The two of you, quickly
come to support!”
The two black magicians rushed towards the marked point at a very fast speed. Florent
from the southeast quickly arrived at Zhuo Hang’s coordinates but the other black
magician, Fernando was halfway there when he encountered a sneak attack from an
invisible assassin!
—Pain Blade!
Zhang Shaohui was going to meet his brother when he saw Fernando. He immediately
broke out and the dagger in his hand stabbed the other person’s neck, setting him in place.
Lou Wushuang saw the mark on the map and rushed over. He joined hands with his
brother to decrease the blood of the other black magician.
Fernando shouted on the voice channel, “There are two assassins here!”
Stein rejoiced. “Florent, quickly come over and we will hit them 4v3!”
Fernando was being attacked by two assassins on the south side of the map. This meant
that on the north side, the French team would have a 4 against 3 advantage. If they killed
three people, it wouldn’t matter if the Lou Zhang brothers killed Fernando. France would
receive three heads in exchange for one head. This was quite profitable!
The atmosphere became tense as the players met each other on the narrow road. Kou
Hongyi clenched his fists and said, “I hope that the Chinese team’s trio can hold on!
Otherwise, this wave of killing would be too much of a loss.”

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GLS: Chapter 322

Chapter 322 – China VS France (Fast Support)
Ku Hongyi’s statement was also the audience’s biggest concern. It was easy to lose when
there were less players. The double hunter’s output ability was also inferior to the double
archers. In addition, the French side had an assassin and black magician so the Chinese
team’s north battle wasn’t optimistic.
In the south, the Lou Zhang brothers’ output was extremely fierce. They opened their skills
and the black magician Fernando fell to 30% blood in the blink of an eye.
Fernando faced the Lou Zhang brothers and could barely fight back. He finally found the
opportunity to use the map to move behind a statue and hide from Fatal Blow. He cast Dark
Fear to counter the opponent. As a result, Lou Wushuang unceremoniously used Combat
Stealth to go invisible, bypassing the statue at a very fast speed and using Fatal Blow!
Fatal Blow dealt a critical hit and Fernando’s blood dropped directly to 5%. Lou
Wushuang’s nect move was a simple attack and he decisively took Fernando’s head.
Fernando was killed and Captain Lou successfully won the first person!
The French captain Stein saw the death prompt on the big screen and couldn’t help feeling
surprised. He instantly ordered, “Quickly kill the healer.”
The set fire to the healer and Liu Xiang’s skills were repeatedly interrupted. The face that it
was four outputs meant Liu Xiang’s blood was instantly damaged.
Fortunately, Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu reacted quickly enough. They used Flying Feather
Steps to quickly set up traps in the maze. The narrow corridors provided them with great
convenience. Zhuo Hang’s four Silence Traps blasted the French team and they fell into a
state there they couldn’t use skills!
The teenager’s ability to use the terrain seemed to have improved again. This burst of traps
was just ‘like the wind.’
Liu Xiang got a chance to take a breath and immediately cast a ‘big healing skill.’ Her blood
was restored to 60% and the addition of the five layered Healing Language meant she was
temporarily out of danger.
Jiang Xu wasn’t idle while Zhuo Hang controlled the opponent. He placed a row of Death
Traps and exploded them, forcing the blood of the four opponents to 80%.
However, the silence control couldn’t last long. The moment it ended, the French team’s
black magician Florent used Dark Fear.
This narrow corridor meant the group control skill accurately hit the three Chinese players.
For a time, Zhuo Hang, Jiang Xu and Liu Xiang were affected by the fear state and couldn’t
release skills.
Stein instantly ordered, “Open big!”
He used Death Arrow Rain as he spoke and his old partner cooperated with him by also
using Death Arrow Rain. The black magician Florent released the group attack skill, Hell
The three group attacks pushed the blood of the Chinese team to 30%.
Meanwhile, the assassin took advantage of this opportunity to move behind Liu Xiang and a
simple Back Stab forced Liu Xiang to a 5% bloody state.
The hearts of the audience members were in their throats as the three Chinese players
were about to die. At this moment, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s reinforcements
finally arrived!
Lou Wushuang chose the best angle to enter the battle. He used Pain Blade to control the
French captain Stein while Zhang Shaohui used a skill to decrease the black magician’s
blood by 20% while interrupting his big move at the same time!
“Kill the healer, quickly kill the healer!” Stein anxiously pressed on his keyboard.
Fortunately, Ono wasn’t controlled and fired a simple arrow to successfully kill the 5%
health Liu Xiang.
However, Liu Xiang’s death didn’t have much impact on the situation. It became a 4v4 team
battle and the brothers who just arrived were full of blood!
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu’s control effect finally ended. Once the Lou Zhang brothers came
over, the two of them joined forces to place a row of Death Traps under the feet of the three
ranged French players. The great damage caused by Trap Blast forced the three ranged
players to fall below 30% blood.
Lou Wushuang decisively used Chain Strangulation and Zhang Shaohui followed with the
same move.
Chain Strangulation was on of the few group attack skills for an assassin. The dagger would
form a chain effect on the surrounding enemies. The first one to be attacked received the
most damage while the damage gradually decreased as the number of targets increased.
However, the Lou Zhang brothers had extremely tacit cooperation. Lou Wushuang aimed
for the left side Stein as the first target while Zhang Shaohui aimed for the right side Florent
as the first target. One Chain Strangulation moved from the left to right while the other
moved from right to left. The result of the double damage meant the four players of the
French team directly fell to 5% blood!
Lou Wushuang’s eyes were cold and sharp. Once all four players were caught, his fingers
quickly tapped the keyboard and he used the simplest dagger strike to kill the French
players one by one!
France was extinguished in the first wave of combat!
Lou Wushuang’s extreme speed meant the audience’s spirit didn’t return until the death
prompts for the French team popped up. Kou Hongyi excitedly exclaimed, “Truly worthy of
Lou Wushuang! His support speed is too fast while the Chinese trio successfully delayed the
French team’s four players. Once the Lou Zhang brothers came, the situation instantly
Yu Bing also praised them. “Liu Xiang withstood the firepower of the other side and
sacrificed himself for the Chinese team’s five heads. Originally it was an absolute
disadvantage but the Chinese team showed extreme tenacity!”
This wave of five kills boosted the Chinese team’s morale. Liu Xiang might’ve died but she
delayed things until the Lou Zhang brothers came as support. As a healer, she accomplished
her task well.
Zhuo Hang and Jiang Xu also performed well. Their various trap layouts meant the French
team couldn’t kill the three people quickly.
Five heads, this was already halfway to victory.
Of course, they couldn’t be relaxed because the other side had the map advantage. Lou
Wushuang looked at the game time and calmly asked, “Captain Liu, is there anyone at the
resurrection point?”
Liu Xiang replied, “There is no one at the blue resurrection point. They should’ve chosen
the red point.”
Lou Wushuang ordered, “Go to the blue point to restore out status. We will play as you did
just now. The three of you go forward and delay the battle while Ah Hui and I will follow to
harvest the heads.”
Jiang Xu smiled. “Understood.”
Lou Wushuang was worthy of the Ghost Spirits’ assassination characteristics. In the
opening, he used the advantage of the assassin’s stealth to split the French team into two
small battles and directly took five kills!
The next tactical arrangement was for his teammates to make the first wave while the
assassins would enter later to harvest the remnants.
The Lou Zhang brother’s ability to harvest heads was quite good. The assassins were
flexible with positioning and a few blows could definitely kill the French team!
The facts proved Jiang Xu correct.
The Lou Zhang brothers first sneaked behind while the other three took the lead. Once they
encountered the five players of the French team, the battle ignited and the two sides had an
exchange of skills.
Liu Xiang was in a perfect state after resurrecting and tenaciously resisted the pressure,
opening the big move Desperate Prayer!
This skill restored a large amount of blood while allowing her teammates to be immune to
any control for a certain period of time. Being free of control for a few seconds gave Zhuo
Hang and Jiang Xu the best space for output. The two hunters used the terrain to lay a
dense series of traps before exploding them to collectively reduce the blood of the five
French players.
Once the effect of the control immunity ended, the French players set fire to kill the healer,
followed by killing Jiang Xu. However, the wave of Silence Traps Jiang Xu set before he died
meant they couldn’t use any skills!
At this time, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui finally appeared.
They were ‘reapers’ and directly cut into the battle from the sides.
The Lou Zhang brothers broke out and used Back Stab and Fatal Blow to quickly kill the
French team’s archers. Then they used Pain Blade to control the two black magicians.
The French team was silenced and couldn’t release skills. In addition, they were in a state of
residual blood from the battle. In no more than 10 seconds, Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui were like the wind blowing the leaves as they killed all five people!
The prompt appeared on the screen and the audience stood up to clap excitedly. The
domestic live broadcast room was also full of flowers and applause.
Kou Hongyi’s mood was excellent as he smiled brightly at the camera. “The Chinese team
won again! Today’s match was played beautifully and we won 3:0!”
Yu Bing added, “Congratulations to the national team for successfully advancing to the
semi-finals of the World Competition.”
Kou Hongyi continued, “We will briefly review this map. The first game was a four against
six victory in the arena. It was simply crushing the opponents! In the second arena game,
Tan Cheng, Su Yu and Qin Mo played well. Of course, Captain Ling played as a domineering
soy sauce. In the third game of death racing, Captain Lou’s command was very flexible. The
small battles and assassins’ explosive power prove that Lou Wushuang is still the strongest
assassin in our Miracle League!”
Yu Bing agreed. “Today the players of the national team seemed to be injected with chicken
blood but this is also related to Cat God’s arrangements. He sent a lot of ace players and
obviously didn’t want to play with the French team. He directly won the match with a score
of 3:0 so they can go back earlier to rest.”
Kou Hongyi smiled. “Yes, I heard that today’s Miracle Village’s restaurant has Cat God’s
favourite fish dish!”
As the two commentators spoke, the big screen replayed great shots. In the soundproof
room, Lou Wushuang calmly stood up with Zhang Shaohui draped over his shoulder.
“Brother, you are too handsome!”
Lou Wushuang glanced at him. “You say this every time. Can’t you change the adjective?”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “You are really very good.”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
Idiot! Who told you to learn Xiao Han’s half Chinese? Xiao Han sounded cute when he said it
but this person just sounded idiotic!
Still, he saw his younger brother’s bright smile and couldn’t help his lips curving. “It is just
the top four, don’t be too excited. If we couldn’t take this game, we wouldn’t be able to
explain it.”
Zhang Shaohui nodded in agreement. “It makes sense!”
They returned to the rest area and Li Cangyu smiled at Lou Wushuang. “Captain Lou, you
were calm and played excellently! Everyone worked hard!” There was excited applause. Li
Cangyu waited a moment before speaking seriously, “We smoothly entered the semi-finals
but don’t be too excited. For our team, now is the real start.”
Everyone, “…”
Cat God, if you say this then Australia, Spain, Italy and France will be mad enough to vomit
blood! It seemed like Cat God wasn’t taking their teams seriously at all.
However, on reflection, the strength of the Chinese team meant they really didn’t need to
fear those countries.
Three wins in the group stage and the 3:0 sweep of France in the quarter-finals was a
natural result.
The goal of the Chinese team had always been one thing—the world champions!

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GLS: Chapter 323

Chapter 323 – Post-Match Interview

Stein spoke harshly to the Chinese team before the game but was thoroughly hit in the face
by Li Cangyu with a score of 3:0. In the post-match interview, France’s captain was
surrounded by reporters.
“Before the start of the match, you said you were very confident. The French team’s hopes
of entering the semi-finals were very big but today we saw a complete rout! What is Mr.
Stein’s explanation for this?”
“The French team sent six people to the arena but couldn’t beat China’s four people. Does
this mean the overall level of the French Miracle League is far worse than China’s league?”
“You lost this match 0:3. What do you have to say to the audience members at home?”
Stein led the national team and lost. In the group stage of the World Competition, France
qualified but accidentally lost the last match against the United Kingdom. He also didn’t
expect to encounter China in the quarter-finals and to lose so badly.
After hearing the reporters’ questions, the always graceful smile on Stein’s face couldn’t be
Fortunately, Vice-Captain Lemande took the initiative to come forward. “Cough, our team
members tried their best in today’s match but the Chinese team has many excellent players.
Their tactical arrangements are also worthy of studying. We will learn from this failure and
strive for better results in next year’s World Competition.”
Stein finally calmed down and barely squeezed out a smile. “Yes, we will continue to work
Stein’s expression was very ugly in the interview. To make matters worse, he happened to
meet the Chinese team’s Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng in the corridor.
The last time they met backstage, Stein had arrogantly told Li Cangyu that they shouldn’t
meet in the knockouts. Now he saw Li Cangyu and couldn’t wait to dig a hole to bury
himself in.
This was simply a strong punch in the face and his face would become swollen!
Li Cangyu smiled gracefully at him. Of course, it was filled with naked ridicule from Stein’s
point of view.
Ling Xuefeng nodded to him as a greeting before saying in French, “Have strength.”
Stein, “…”
The French team had lost and could only roll home, what was the point of strength? Ling
Xuefeng’s words were simply sprinkling salt on the wound and Stein suddenly felt a pain in
his chest.
The two people, Ling Li left side by side. Stein watched their backs and couldn’t help
frowning. He had a hunch that the Chinese team’s Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu would bring
the Miracle fans more surprises in the next match.
The semi-finals and finals would definitely have a good show.
The reporters gave Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng a standing ovation when they entered the
interview room.
The national team’s reporter Zhao Yue, who was always very positive in each interview,
once again stood up and said, “Congratulations to the national team for smoothly entering
the top four! Cat God, are you satisfied with the performance of the players in this game?”
“I am very satisfied and I believe the audience members watching were also satisfied.” Li
Cangyu replied without any modesty. “Winning 3:0 is enough to prove the strength of our
national team.”
This sentence caused everyone to clap. They liked the unpretentious Cat God since he was
Another reporter stood up and asked, “We found that in this game, Cat God sent almost all
the ace partners. Is there a special reason for doing this?”
Li Cangyu looked at Ling Xuefeng and smiled. “There is no special reason. I arranged it like
this because I wanted to come with our highest strength.”
The latter part of the sentence was omitted by him— in order to kill the French team.
A male reporter suddenly stood up excitedly. “Cat God, I just received news that South
Korea advanced with a score of 3:0. According to the schedule, China’s opponents in the
semi-finals will be the strong Korean team. Does Cat God have the confidence in defeating
the South Korean team?”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help glancing at each other.
After the quarter-finals, the team that could enter the semi-finals was definitely a team
with a very strong overall strength. Li Cangyu hadn’t wanted to meet South Korea in the
semi-finals. China and South Korea had been competing in many e-sports projects. The
Chinese team participated in international competitions many times and also lost to South
Korea many times.
South Korea started a Miracle League for a full seven years and the Korean Miracle League
was very mature. In the major clubs, many outstanding players had emerged.
Objectively speaking, the level of the Korean players wasn’t weaker than China.
Li Cangyu wasn’t confident about winning this match but it wasn’t good to say this to the
reporters. He thought for a moment before simply replying, “I can’t guarantee the results of
the semi-finals but I can guarantee that we will try our best to fight for victory.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement and spoke softly, “There are many unexpected factors
on the field. It is difficult to predict the results before the game but rest assured, since we
have reached this stage, we won’t give up easily.”
The two of them didn’t say ‘we will definitely win’ or ‘we will kill South Korea.’ These
words sounded hot but were actually quite exaggerated. No one could guarantee victory in
a match. The captain and vice-captain of the national team were very calm when facing the
enemy, which in turn made the domestic e-sports reporters feel at ease.
It was better to face the match in a stable state of mind than be full of words before the
match, only to be punched in the face.
In order to save time, Li Cangyu only attended the interview with Ling Xuefeng. The other
great gods didn’t come and the reporters ended the interview as soon as possible.
After returning to the Miracle Village, Li Cangyu strode straight to the restaurant. The
reason was simple: there was fish to eat today.
The Miracle Village released the daily dinner menu in advance. Li Cangyu had long known
there would be fish tonight and was eager to go to the restaurant. Everyone understood
very well. After all, Cat hadn’t eaten fish for a long time after coming to the United States. It
was normal to feel greedy.
Ling Xuefeng looked somewhat helpless but consciously helped Li Cangyu get two more
plates of grilled fish. Li Cangyu ended up eating three in a row.
It was obvious that fish was a staple food for him after seeing him quickly eat three plates
of grilled fish. Everyone was full of admiration.
Cheng Wei couldn’t help wondering, “If the Miracle Village has fish every day, will Cat God’s
fighting power double?”
Su Guangmo also joked, “Cat God must be really hungry after going abroad, right?”
Li Cangyu wiped his mouth and smiled with satisfaction. “Okay, I have fully recovered after
eating three fish. It is better to strike while the iron is hot. Everyone, let’s go to the
conference room for a meeting.
Everyone, “…”
After his vitality was restored, Cat God’s combat power was really tough!
At 8 o’clock in the evening, the national team gathered in the meeting room. Li Cangyu first
replayed the wonderful scenes of the match between China and France. He briefly summed
it up before switching to the video of South Korea’s quarter-finals match.
This afternoon, South Korea and Sweden of Group C faced Japan and the United States of
Group A. The US team swept up the Swedish team 3:0 while the South Korean team swept
up Japan 3:0. From this score, it was obvious that the level of Japan’s e-sports had many
gaps compared to South Korea.
The South Korean team drew the first hand and chose the arena. In the second game, Japan
chose the economic war to reverse the situation but were defeated by the Korean kite flow
tactics. In the third game, South Korea chose death racing and relied on the home map
advantage to quickly win and seal the victory.
After seriously watching the complete match, LI Cangyu stated, “It can be seen that the
overall level of the South Korean team is very strong. Regardless of whether it is the arena,
the economic war or death racing, they all have masters available. The next match will
certainly be very difficult to play.
This was the difference between a strong team and a weak team. The teams they met in the
group stage were only strong in one mode and would easily collapse in the other modes
without a great god participating. However, the South Korean team was different. The
overall strength of their players was very high and they had core gods in death racing, the
economic war and the arena. They had the possibility of winning every mode. Such
opponents were really difficult to face.
Ling Xuefeng plugged in a USB drive and opened a PPT. This PPT was obviously made by
Ling Xuefeng and had the information of the 22 South Korean players in great detail.
Li Cangyu looked at the big screen and pointed to the man standing in the middle with a
laser pen. “This is South Korea’s captain, Park Joonseo, who ranks in the top three of the
world’s summoners list along with Xuefeng and Jack Josh of the United States. Park Joonseo
is very famous, his personal strength is strong and his tactical literacy is very high. The
angel summoner can be played to the highest level in his hands.”
The angel summoner, this was as rare as the elf summoner.
In the World Miracle Professional League, the most common summoners were the demon
and blood kin summoners. It was because they had strong survivability, attack and control.
They were suitable for cooperating with teammates in group battles.
The elf summoner required Li Cangyu’s extreme speed and flexibility movements to play a
role. Thus, not many players could control the elf summoner and it was naturally rare.
Similarly, the angel summoner prevented many players from picking it due to the
particularity of the pets.
The Miracle summoners had three public pets. The departed spirit which slowed down the
opponent after possession, the guardian which took damage for the owner and the
destruction demon that destroyed the environment.
These three public pets consumed a lot of blue and had a long cooldown. It wasn’t cost-
effective to summon them for high-intensity games. Therefore, in most cases, the
summoners would rely on their racial pets to fight.
For example, the elf summoner’s fire, water, thunder and wind spirits, the demon
summoner’s demon god, banshee, black crows and skeleton infantry and the blood kin
summoner’s blood snake, blood spider, death knight and vampire bats. Most of these pets
had the ability to attack and control.
However, the angel summoner was very different.
The angels were a peace-loving race. Therefore, the pets summoned by the angel
summoner weren’t aggressive and acted as support—the ice woman, the snow bird, the
light god and the six-winged angel.
Li Cangyu looked at the man on the big screen. “Park Joonseo players a summoner but he
isn’t aggressive. On the contrary, he is the strongest aid in the Miracle Professional League.
The ice woman’s control, the snow bird’s healing, the light god’s strengthening of the team
and the status release of the six-winged angel. It could be said that the angel summoner
was a very strong auxiliary profession but due to the large number of pets and the
complicated operations, it was difficult to play well.
Park Joonseo was very familiar with the angel summoner.
In the World Miracle League, he was a talented player who chose a rare class like Li Cangyu
and could reach the top.
The man in the image was very handsome with a slight leaning towards femininity. It was
the pretty face type of appearance that some girls preferred. Don’t think that he was weak.
Anyone who watched the Korean Miracle League knew how terrible Park Joonseo’s
assistance was. As long as he was there, the attack power of his teammates could double in
an instant.
It could be imagined that such a great auxiliary would greatly improve the overall combat
effectiveness of the team.
“In order to win against the Korean team, we must first recognize their strength.” Li Cangyu
glanced at the audience and stated calmly. “The semi-finals will be cruller and more
difficult than the previous matches. Everyone needs to be well prepared. Don’t think about
winning or losing. Face this game with a normal heart and play to your own standards.
Don’t leave any regrets.”
He paused and glanced after at Ling Xuefeng before continuing with firm eyes, “Tonight,
everyone will take a closer look at the Korean team’s video. Tomorrow, Ling Xuefeng and I
will reconvene everyone to discuss the tactical arrangements.”
Ling Xuefeng saw Li Cangyu’s firm eyes and also nodded decisively. “Please be assured that
we will make every effort to find a solution to deal with South Korea.”
The next match might be extremely difficult but Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s confidence
and decisiveness instilled confidence in the national team.
South Korea might be strong but their Chinese players were never weak!

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GLS: Chapter 324

Chapter 324 – Unexpected Map Selection

They probably realized that the next match would be very difficult to play. In the past few
days, the players of the national team were very serious in their training. They didn’t need
Li Cangyu’s order as everyone consciously came to the training room at 8 in the morning.
Even the usual lively Cheng Wei sat quietly in front of his computer, familiarizing himself
with the South Korea maps already published.
After the quarter-finals, most of the maps independently developed by various countries
had been published on the Miracle Village’s Intranet. Four South Korean maps had been
released and one was banned in the last game. The Chinese team only had the Eight-
Trigram Array that hadn’t been revealed.
In order to give the players enough time to prepare for the semi-finals, the organizers
specifically gave everyone a two day holiday. The Chinese and Korean match would start at
9 o’clock the day after tomorrow while the semi-finals between the United States and the
United Kingdom would be at 3 p.m. on the same day. Staring from this stage, the e-sports
channels from every country would be live broadcasting the match.
The teams entering the semi-finals would already receive high prizes from the organizing
committed. Thus, the rules for the semi-finals were more stringent than the quarter-finals.
In particular, in the selection phase, each country developed map could only be selected
once and wasn’t reusable. Moreover, once the selection party submitted a freely developed
map, the away country couldn’t disable it.
This rule was to let the weaker countries have the opportunity to use their maps to reverse
the situation and not have a sweeping 3:0 score. The higher the level of excellence, the
higher the ratings would be and the league’s advertising revenue would naturally be more
Such a rule was also fair because each country developed their own maps and could use the
maps to beat the opponent. However, the top leaders of the league always believed that
players and teams with real strength wouldn’t be affected by the map.
Time passed quickly and it was the match day.
Early in the morning, the Chinese team gathered together. They were having breakfast in
the restaurant when they meet the South Korean team. The Koreans were dressed nearly in
the uniforms and very recognizable. Several South Korean players walked and talked while
holding plates. Cheng Wei heard a bunch of Korean words and grabbed his head. “Are they
talking about us?”
Tan Shitian replied, “Sure, there is a female player over there looking at you.”
Cheng Wei followed his gaze and sure enough, there was a girl looking at him. He asked
doubtfully, “Why is she looking at me?”
“She is a very popular white magician of the South Korean team and the first beauty of the
Korean Miracle League, called Hwa Jeongyong. Tan Shitian explained. “Don’t you think she
is looking at you with curiosity?”
“Is that so?” Cheng Wei’s face was dazed. “I don’t remember her and… is she really the first
beauty of the Korean team? She doesn’t look as good as Yang Muzi.”
Yang Muzi heard this and immediately came over to ask, “Cheng Wei, do you think I look
Cheng Wei’s face instantly turned red and he stuttered, “A-Ah, I’m hungry. I’ll go eat
breakfast first.”
Tan Shitian looked at the guy running away and spoke helplessly, “You shouldn’t tease
Yang Muzi poked out her tongue before going back to the topic. I’ve heard of this Hwa
Jeongyong. Her way of playing is very cool. The one next to her is… Shim Yoocheol right? He
once sparred with Jack of the United States only to leave halfway to eat cold noodles.”
Tan Shitian smiled. “Yes, I heard he is obsessed with cold noodles.”
At this time, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng walked over and listened to the conversation. Li
Cangyu couldn’t help interjecting, “Shim Yoocheol’s swordsman is very flexible. the
combination and him and Park Joonseo is the ace of the South Korean team. You will
definitely see it later on the field.”
Tan Shitian listened to him and couldn’t help joking, “Cat God looks very calm. Do you have
a card up your sleeve?”
“Of course.”
He had just spoken when several people wearing the Korean team uniforms came to this
side with their plates. The one in the front had handsome short hair and Li Cangyu had
seen her before. She was the vice-captain of the South Korean team, the archer Kim
She also saw Li Cangyu and took the initiative to say hello in less fluent Chinese. “Hello,
Captain Li.”
Li Cangyu smiled at her and replied politely, “Hello, I good luck with the game.”
Kim Yoonhee was surprised for a moment. She didn’t think the other person would actually
cheer for her. Then she quickly adjusted her expression and said gracefully, “I also wish you
good luck.”
Once she left, Ling Xuefeng whispered, “Will cheering for the opponent form a curse effect?”
Li Cangyu replied bluntly, “Yes, you discovered it!”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly, “Eat quickly. They have your favourite fish porridge.”
Li Cangyu’s eyes shone. “Why didn’t I know about this…”
“I’ll get it for you.”
The two people quickly ate breakfast and then sat on the bus to go to the competition
The venue was already packed. It was early in the morning but the mood of the supporters
on both sides was very high. Many people brought their national flags to the venue and
their cheers were almost enough to knock out the roof of the venue.
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing were already in the commentators’ room. At this moment, there
was deafening applause and Kou Hongyi quickly said, “Hello everyone, the match will start
soon. Thank you for watching this match of China against South Korea! I am Kou Hongyi
and I will be explaining this game.”
Yu Bing nodded graciously at the camera and spoke briefly, “Hello everyone, I am Yu Bing.”
“This match is definitely a match between a strong team and a strong team. It won’t be as
easy as the previous matches!” Kou Hongyi spoke quickly. “South Korea has always been an
e-sports powerhouse. They are world champions in many projects and the level of their
Miracle League players isn’t weak. For example, there is the captain Park Joonseo and the
vice-captain Kim Yoonhee. The players Shim Yoocheol, Hwa Jeongyong and Bae Jeongho
are also very famous in the World’s Miracle League. In terms of popularity, many of the
Korean players are more famous than our Chinese players.”
“However, we have several Chinese players who haven’t participated in the world rankings.
For example, Cat God and Bai Xuan just returned to the league this year. Tan Shitian is busy
writing small paragraphs and forgot to participate in the rankings. Yu Pingsheng’s
introverted personality means he never players in the international servers and Xiao Han,
Qin Mo and Zhuo Hang are young players who are progressing very quickly. The overall
strength of the Chinese team doesn’t lose to South Korea. Yu Bing calmly analyzed. “From
the perspective of the comprehensive lineup, both sides are relatively balanced in teams of
race and class and many sets of tactics can be produced. This is also the characteristic of a
strong team.”
“Sister Bing is right. The key is to look at the arrangements of the game.” Kou Hongyi
opened a web page which contained the World Miracle League’s voting page. “From the
perspective of the support rate, the Western media almost one-sidedly believe that South
Korea can sweep up the Chinese team. After all, South Korea has a higher winning
percentage in other e-sports projects.”
“Still, this is the first year for the World MIracle Competition and it is also the first time
China and South Korea are facing each other. The team that wins can’t be inferred from the
normal winning rate.” Yu Bing changed the topic as she declared decisively., “I believe that
the Chinese team will hit the Western media in the face!”
This sentence caused the blood of the domestic audience to boil as they commented: [Sister
Bing is right!]
What was Cat God best it? It was hitting the other side in the face! Just look at the French
captain’s swollen face!
The match started quickly. Li Cangyu and Park Joonseo walked to the command post and
pressed the confirmation button.
The referee started to draw lots. On the big screen, the flags of China and South Korea
started to roll. Finally, there was the familiar system sound and the Korean team’s flag was
frozen in the centre of the screen.
“The South Korea team will go first!” Kou Hongyi spoke nervously. “What mode will Park
Joonseo choose?”
Park Joonseo didn’t hesitate as he submitted the mode and maps in 10 seconds.
Match mode: Death racing.
Maps: Dark Reef, Frost Temple, Time and Space Illusion.
The audience was shocked. All three maps submitted by Park Joonseo were official Miracle
maps and there was no map freely developed by the Korean team!
Taking the initiative to give up the map advantage, was Park Joonseo that confident?
The foreign e-sports reporters started speculating about Park Joonseo’s intentions.
However, Li Cangyu understood Park Joonseo’s intentions the moment he saw the three
Before the World Competition started, South Korea’s vice-captain Kim Yoonhee took the
initiative to invite the Chinese team to play a friendly game. The mode chosen at that time
was death racing and the map was Dark Reef.
In the game, Li Cangyu let Xiao Han go to practice and they beat the newcomers sent by the
Korean team.
Now in the semi-finals, Park Joonseo once again selected death racing and the Dark Reef
map, obviously wanting to have a formal game against the Chinese team on the same map.
Li Cangyu smiled and decisively banned Frost Temple and Time and Space Illusion, leaving
Dark Reef.
He knew that the South Korean team must’ve carried out special exercises on this map but
since the other party sacrificed their map advantage, he had to take this confrontation.
Go forward into danger.
The Chinese team couldn’t lose momentum at the start!

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GLS: Chapter 325

Chapter 325 – China VS South Korea (Death Racing)

Li Cangyu eventually left behind Dark Reef, a choice that Kou Hongyi didn’t understand. Yu
Bing was also confused. It was because Dark Reef was the hardest of the three maps.
There are countless black reefs that blocked the vision of the players and it was a difficult
labyrinth of obstacles. Death racing refreshed the players at random spots, greatly
increasing the difficulty of the game.
Li Cangyu selected the map and Captain Park Joonseo followed up with the list of players.
The list appeared and the audience clapped in a thunderous manner.
The lineup was too luxurious!
Park Joonseo’s angel summoner, Shim Yoocheol’s terran swordsman, Kim Yoonhee’s elf
archer, Hwa Jeongyong’s angel white magician and Kim Changmin’s blood kin assassin!
The five players were all famous players on the world rankings.
Maybe it was because the previous friendly game that they lost to the Chinese team on
Dark Reef caused many Korean players to be stunned. Park Joonseo directly sent an ace
lineup to the semi-final stage against the Chinese team to gain back a bit of face. Still,
sending such a luxurious lineup greatly surprised Li Cangyu.
The knockouts adopted the BO5 five games, three win system. If the strength of both sides
was equal, they were likely to play five rounds. The number of national team members
wasn’t enough to play five rounds so the league stipulated that all players could appear up
to two times in the knockout stages, but they couldn’t play consecutively. There must be a
game between them.
Park Joonseo sending such a strong lineup in the first game meant the five players could no
longer play in the second game.
Despite this, the South Korean team had many masters. Apart from the five players, there
were still several trump cards in the team. Park Joonseo’s move was understandable since
it helped improve the morale of the whole team.
How should the Chinese team respond?
Should they also send an ace lineup to fight them head on? Or avoid it to lay the foundation
for the next game?
Li Cangyu lowered his head and thought carefully.
He thought for a long time and the domestic audience rushed him. The live broadcast
comments were going crazy. [What will Cat God choose?] [Fight with them head on!] [We
should also send many great gods to kill the South Korean team!]
There were thousands of comments in the blink of an eye and with 10 seconds left on the
countdown, Li Cangyu still hadn’t submitted the list.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help feeling anxious. “Cat God submitted the lineup very fast in
previous games but he is taking a long time today. It is obviously because the lineup sent by
Park Joonseo was too unexpected. Still, the countdown is almost over. Cat God hasn’t
decided yet?”
He just said this when the list submitted by Li Cangyu finally appeared on the big screen.
The domestic audience was almost scared to death by him.
If the commander was too slow to submit the lineup and exceeded the specified time, the
system would randomly select players to participate in the game. Li Cangyu submitted the
list at almost the same time the countdown ended. It was simply frightening since the
players were almost randomly selected!
However, many viewers couldn’t understand the list he submitted after careful
—Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, Zhuo Hang, Xiao Han and Qin Mo.
The youngest captain in the MIracle League brought four players who were less than 20
years old to face five super-powerful gods of the South Korean team. As soon as the lineup
was released, the domestic audience widely wrote ellipsis.
[What does Cat God mean by this?] [Sending a weak horse to hit the strong one?] [Who said
that our Captain Tan is weak? Captain Tan is the strongest among the younger generation
of the league!] [Xiao Han, Qin Mo and Zhuo Hang are newcomers!]
The audience was worried and Kou Hongyi also didn’t understand. “Cough, objectively
speaking, we don’t have an advantage with the lineup sent by Cat God.”
Yu Bing was very calm. “No one can guess Cat God’s thoughts until the last moment. I
believe that he must have his reasons. We might be feeling restless but we should watch the
There were a number of viewers who questioned the lineup but Li Cangyu had led the
Chinese team all the way here and gained countless true love fans. Everyone decided to
take a ‘believe in his decision’ attitude.
As Yu Bing said, It was hard to say if Li Cangyu’s decision was right or wrong since they
never understood his tactical ideas. Five games might be played in the knockouts and there
were restrictions on the number of times players could appear. Keeping people back was
The commander on the Chinese side was naturally Tan Shitian. He might be carrying three
newcomers under the age of 20 but his expression was very relaxed. He smiled and said,
“Don’t be stressed. This is a rare opportunity to fight against world-class masters. Play well
and cherish the opportunity given to you by Cat God.”
He patted Zhuo Hang’s shoulder and the latter nodded earnestly. “Rest assured!”
Qin Mo and Xiao Han glanced at each other before following Tan Shitian.
Cheng Wei sat in front of a computer and quickly tapped the keyboard. He said with
excitement, “What are you afraid of? Isn’t Park Joonseo the best assistant? We’ll set fire and
kill him later!”
The map countdown ended and both sides refreshed on the Dark Reef.
The game was from the player’s first perspective and this was a labyrinth of reefs, so the
images in front of them were almost the same. The high black reefs blocked their view and
it was difficult to determine where they were.
Fortunately, professional players could judge their position and their teammates’ position
according to the coordinates of the mini-map. Tan Shitian glanced at the mini-map and
made a decision. “Xiao Wei and Zhuo Hang come to meet me. Qin Mo and Xiao Han will
enter stealth to find the other side.”
From a god’s perspective, the five Chinese players had refreshed in a quite scattered
manner. Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei and Zhuo Hang were close in the southwest while Qin Mo
and Xiao Han had refreshed in the northeast. Tan Shitian selected the nearest gathering
location in order to avoid a single player being caught by the Korean team.
The Korean team was also very scattered and their distribution of people was exactly the
opposite of the Chinese team. There were three people on the northeast and two in the
Park Joonseo also adopted a split-gathering approach. The audience saw players moving
quickly and within half a minute, three people from the South Korean team gathered.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were in an invisible state at this time. The two of them circumvented
a huge reef only to see three players of the South Korean team—the angel summoner Park
Joonseo, the terran swordsman Shim Yoocheol and the white magician Hwa Jeongyong.
Qin Mo instantly marked a location on the mini-map and typed on the team channel: [Three
this way!]
Tan Shitian told them, “Understood. Don’t start first.”
Two against three was obviously unwise. Qin Mo and Xiao Han hadn’t planned to do
anything but the surprising thing was that Park Joonseo suddenly cast a skill, Summon the
Light God!
White light spread around his staff and a light goddess wearing a white angel costume
appeared in the sky. As the goddess opened her eyes, the surrounding area became bright
and white. Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s whereabouts were shown under the influence of the light
“Not good! Quickly retreat!” Qin Mo anxiously placed the retreat symbol. He rarely saw
angel summoners in the domestic league and had ignored the fact that Park Joonseo
summoning the light god could illuminate the surrounding area. This skill was very easy to
use in a group battle. As long as the light god appeared, they would have no need to fear
invisible enemies.
Park Joonseo summoned the light god to bright the area. Once Qin Mo and Xiao Han were
revealed, Hwa Jeongyong immediately released the control skill, Holy Seal!
The female player was very aware and her reaction speed extremely fast. The moment the
captain revealed the opponent’s position, she followed with the group control and almost
seamlessly sealed Qin Mo and Xiao Han in place.
Park Joonseo followed with releasing the pet auxiliary skill, Light God’s Blessing!
The blessing instantly doubled the attack power of all teammates surrounded by the halo!
Shim Yoocheol and Hwa Jeongyong were no longer polite. The hand speed burst quickly
and then instantly turned Qin Mo to a residual blood state.
Qin Mo crazily gave the retreat signal on the map. “Xiao Han, run!”
The meaning was quite obvious. He was going to sacrifice himself to let Xiao Han run away.
Xiao Han understood his intentions and was no longer polite. He immediately opened
Combat Stealth and flexibly bypassed a reef. His traces were lost in seconds and this escape
speed was worthy of his master Li Cangyu.
—First Blood!
The death prompt appeared on the big screen after Shim Yoocheol decisively killed QIn Mo
with Breaking Bone Sword.
Xiao Han succeeded in escaping. He quickly circled to the other side of the map and avoided
the range of Park Joonseo’s light god.
The Chinese team lost one head first and Xiao Han ran away thanks to Qin Mo. The result of
the 2v3 northeast situation was decided while a 3v2 situation in the southwest reef was
Zhuo Hang placed traps around the reef and revealed the invisible assassin of the Korean
“HIt them!” Tan Shitian unceremoniously ordered.
Cheng Wei used God’s Light and Voice of Combat, hitting the assassin Kim Changmin to half
Kim Yoonhee saw her brother was hit and that the other side had three people. She didn’t
hesitate to turn around and ran away with Flying Feather Steps.
Tan Shitian definitely wouldn’t let her go and chased her with Flying Feather Steps.
Kim Yoonhee was ranked in the top three on the world’s archers list while Tan Shitian was
never on the list. The fact that he dared to chase Kim Yoonhee alone surprised many
Kou Hongyi wondered, “Captain Tan is very fierce. Does he want to kill Kim Yoonhee
Yu Bing declared calmly, “It is hard.”
Players of the same class would find it hard to kill each other solo unless the level gap
between both sides was too wide. Tan Shitian killing Kim Yoonhee alone was almost
impossible to accomplish. What did he mean by following Kim Yoonhee? It was better to
stay and take care of the assassin first.
Many viewers expressed doubts but Tan Shitian confidently handed the assassin to Zhuo
Hang and Cheng Wei to solve.
Zhuo Hang’s traps made it impossible for the assassin to escape and Cheng Wei’s various
control skills meant it wasn’t difficult to kill the opponent. Sure enough, as Tan Shitian
expected, the assassin faced Zhuo Hang and Cheng Wei and his blood plummeted. His life
was soon extinguished.
The ratio of heads on both sides became 1:1.
Kim Yoonhee used Flying Feather Steps through the labyrinth and Tan Shitian chased her.
Finally, Kim Yoonhee was just bypassing a reef when Tan Shitian found a chance. He aimed
Quenching Arrow at her back!
The freezing effect triggered and Kim Yoonhee was frozen in place.
Tan Shitian decisively pulled the longbow and fired Shock Shot and Seize Life Shot!
Kim Yoonhee was hit to half blood before the frozen effect ended. She immediately
returned tit for tat by firing Quenching Arrow and freezing Tan Shitian in place. Then she
also hit Tan Shitian to half blood!
Kou Hongyi was excited. “This is really worthy of the top archers. They aren’t worse than
the other person and even the amount of damage is almost the same!”
Kim Yoonhee saw that Tan Shitian’s freezing effect was lifted and used Flying Feather Steps
around a reef. She obviously didn’t want to fight Tan Shitian but wanted to join her
teammates as soon as possible.
The surprising thing was that the moment she passed a reef, she was greeted by the blood
kin assassin’s cold blade.
It was Xiao Han!
The domestic audience finally realized that Tan Shitian chasing Kim Yoonhee was to force
her to this corner of the reefs in order to let Xiao Han complete the kill!
Tan Shitian, the young captain’s foresight convinced the audience at this moment!

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GLS: Chapter 326
Chapter 326 – China VS South Korea (Five Person Team Battle)

Kim Yoonhee was killed and the Chinese team had the temporary lead with a 2:1
advantage. This didn’t mean that the Chinese team had a huge advantage because Tan
Shitian and Xiao Han were currently at half blood and the South Korean trio were still full
of blood.
Qin Mo had resurrected and Tan Shitian ordered, “Gather at the blue resurrection point.”
Cheng Wei and Zhuo Hang were closer to the blue resurrection point. Upon hearing the
orders, they immediately rushed to meet up with Qin Mo. Tan Shitian and Xiao Han also
wanted to meet their teammates but the moment they moved around a reef, they suddenly
encountered the interception of the South Korean team!
The moment that Kim Yoonhee was attacked, Park Joonseo rushed over to support his
teammate. He might’ve failed to save Kim Yoonhee but he successfully stopped Tan Shitian
and Xiao Han.
Park Joonseo decisively summoned the ice woman and used Soul of Ice!
The pet made of ice crystals was the strongest control pet of the angel summoner. The
group of ice souls froze, leaving Tan Shitian and Xiao Han frozen in place.
The white magician Hwa Jeongyong instantly followed her captain’s rhythm. She used Tidal
Surge to attack the two people while Shim Yoocheol rushed over and used Light and
Shadow Rotation. The swordsman’s gorgeous big move was exquisite and did high damage,
emptying Tan Shitian and Xiao Han’s blood!
Shim Yoocheol took the double kill, the number of heads on the big screen became 2:3 and
the South Korean team took the lead.
The audience nervously held their breaths when they saw this scene.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help saying, “Today’s death racing is very fierce. Four small-scale
fights broke out in the first round and the number of heads is matching each other.
In previous death racing games, the Chinese team generally crushed the opponents with a
score of 8:2 or 7:3. Today they encountered the strong South Korean team and everyone
had to try their best to fight for heads.
He might’ve been killed but Tan Shitian’s expression didn’t change much. He looked at the
coordinates on the mini-map and said calmly, “Wait for Xiao Han and I to resurrect.
Five seconds later, Tan Shitian and Xiao Han were resurrected at the blue point and met
their other three teammates.
The brother and sister Kim Yoonhee and Kim Changmin also resurrected. The South
Korean team had obviously gone to the red resurrection point to recover. The next thing
would be a large-scale team battle between both sides.
In a 5v5 frontal battle, they would win five heads if they wiped out the opponents. There
was also a situation where people would kill each other while others survived. Every head
in death racing was extremely precious so they had to be extra cautious in this wave of
Tan Shitian thought for a moment and marked a coordinate on the mini-map.
His teammates knew what he meant and quickly moved towards the location.
This lineup didn’t have any front row classes to resist pressure but Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s
stealth skills had already refreshed. The two invisible players walked in front to investigate
the enemy’s movements while the other three remained a certain distance behind them.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han went to investigate and Qin Mo soon found the other side’s
whereabouts. He quickly typed: [There are four Korean players here. I can’t see the
assassin so he is probably in stealth!]
Tan Shitian ordered, “Go around behind them!”
Based on their previous experience, Qin Mo and Xiao Han stepped a few steps away from
Park Joonseo, out of the range of his light god. Then everyone followed Tan Shitian to the
rear of the reef. Cheng Wei saw the backs of the opponents and instantly cast the white
magic spell, Holy Seal!
The group control sealed the four Korean players in place.
Tan Shitian followed with the big move, Death Arrow Rain!
The dense arrows are fired towards the other side and the blood of the four players fell to
Qin Mo wasn’t far behind as he summoned the vampire bats to use Blood Bat Festival. Xiao
Han also triggered the group attack Chain Strangulation while Zhuo Hang placed a large
number of traps on the ground and exploded them.
The Chinese players suddenly attacked from behind and the South Korean team was caught
off guard. Everyone used their big moves and the South Korean team’s blood fell to below
However, Park Joonseo reacted very quickly. He first resolved the sealing state on his body
using the angel Purification class skill. Then he summoned the angel pet, six-winged angel!
The beautiful angel gently flicked her white wings and formed a soft white halo around the
Korean team. The six-winged angel provided a protective barrier to allies. All teammates in
the barrier were immune to all damage and control for five seconds.
After all his teammates were protected, Park Joonseo followed with the snow bird. The
snow bird hovered over their heads and continuously restored blood.
The four people with residual blood had their blood filled up by him…
Then Park Joonseo called the light god and used Light God’s Blessing so the fighting power
of his teammates greatly improved.
The watching Li Cangyu couldn’t help commenting, “Park Joonseo’s reaction speed is really
fast. It seems that in order to deal with Park Joonseo, we must find a way to kill him quickly.
If we can’t kill him in seconds, it will be difficult to fight because he always has the means to
restore his teammates’ blood.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded in agreement. “There is no doubt that he deserves to be the best aid.”
Li Cangyu looked over at Bai Xuan. “How is his healing level?”
Bai Xuan replied, “The angel summoner only has the snow bird as a healer. The healing
amounts aren’t as stable as a healer and will stop if the snow bird is killed. However, the
six-winged angel’s protection barrier is tricky.”
The South Korean team had a protective barrier and rushed over like tigers.
Shim Yoocheol started with Light and Shadow Rotation, Hwa Jeongyong cast white magic in
the distance while Kim Yoonhee also used Death Arrow Rain!
There were only three outputs but Park Joonseo’s pet had greatly improved their output.
The wave of counterattacks by the Korean team turned the Chinese team to a residual
blood state.
The missing South Korean assassin Kim Changmin also came around the side. He lurked
behind Cheng Wei and used Pain Blade!
Cheng Wei was interrupted as he was reading a spell. The moment he was stunned by the
assassin’s control skill, he reacted quickly with Purification and jumped to hide behind a
reef. However, Kim Changmin obviously wouldn’t let him go and chased him.
Tan Shitian naturally wouldn’t watch Cheng Wei being beaten and fired Quenching Arrow
to freeze Kim Changmin.
The 5v5 team battle was particularly fierce as the two sides exchanged skills. Dark Reef
was illuminated by the light effects of various skills.
Fortunately, Park Joonseo’s barrier and output enhancement effect finally ended. The
Chinese team struggled to resist this wave of outbreak and had low blood. It was unlikely
the other side would let them go.
Tan Shitian made a sensible decision. “Everyone spread out! Xiao Han, focus on
interrupting Park Joonseo’s blood!”
The Tan Cheng combination worked together with deal with the assassin interfering in the
back row. They were worthy of being old partners for many years and cooperated with
each other to quickly kill the assassin.
The ratio of heads became 3:3.
Tan Shitian looked around and saw that Xiao Han, Zhuo Hang and Qin Mo only had a trace
of blood left.
Shim Yoocheol was worthy of being a world-class swordsman. He rushed into the Chinese
team’s lineup to disrupt the rear formation. Zhuo Hang’s hand speed might be fast but it
was difficult to control him with the traps.
Qin Mo and Xiao Han were forced to open Combat Stealth again.
Xiao Han quickly rushed forward and used an ordinary attack to interrupt Park Joonseo’s
summoning of the ice woman. He followed up with Pain Blade while Qin Mo cooperated
with Xiao Han to quickly kill Park Joonseo’s snow bird and light god!
The two teenagers attacked the captain of the South Korean team and for a time, they
actually suppressed Park Joonseo so he couldn’t summon any pets!
This performance surprised Li Cangyu. “I didn’t think they would play so actively.”
They were fearless when facing strong enemies. Li Cangyu was very pleased with the two
apprentices’ cooperation.
Ling Xuefeng also praised them. “They played well.”
Tan Shitian seized the opportunity and ordered, “Kill Shim Yoocheol!”
Zhuo Hang immediately placed a Stop Trap to fix Shim Yoocheol in place while Tan Shitian
and Cheng Wei broke out, dropping Shim Yoocheol in one breath!
The Chinese-Korean kill ration became 4:3.
Just then, Kim Yoonhee seized the opportunity to fire Seize Life Shot at Zhuo Hang!
Zhuo Hang’s blood was taken away in an instant and the heads ration became 4:4.
Kou Hongyi nervously formed fists. “Both sides are now in a state of residual blood! Captain
Park Joonseo’s snow bird was killed and he can’t return blood to his teammates for a while.
The Chinese team must take advantage of this opportunity to kill them as soon as possible.
Otherwise, the pet cooldown will end and he will restore blood again.”
Tan Shitian naturally understood this trust. He worked with Cheng Wei as their output
reached the maximum and they threw all types of skills at the white magician standing in
the distance, Hwa Jeongyong!

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GLS: Chapter 327

Chapter 327 – China VS South Korea (Heads Scramble)

Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei actually didn’t have much blood left at this time.
Just now, the wave of South Korean attacks caused the Chinese players to collectively fall to
residual blood. However, the two players had a tacit understanding for many years. Despite
being separated by a reef, they could accurately match each other to hit Hwa Jeongyong’s
The South Korean team still had three people left. This number might be smaller than the
Chinese team but they were in good shape with their blood above 70%. Park Joonseo was
controlled by Xiao Han and Qin Mo and couldn’t summon pets for the time being. Kim
Yoonhee made a quick decision, “Kill the assassin first!”
Xiao Han’s interruption of Park Joonseo was indeed troublesome and the blood kin
assassin’s attacks could suck up blood. In the blink of an eye, the originally residual blood
Xiao Han was restored to 35% blood. Kim Yoonhee decisively used Quenching Arrow to
freeze Xiao Han.
Qin Mo summoned the blood spider and blood snake to quickly bit the three Korean
players. All three of them had three layers of bleeding and then Qin Mo summoned the
death knight. Kim Yoonhee fired Seize Life Shot at Xiao Han only to be blocked by Qin Mo’s
death knight!
The domestic live broadcast room was instantly filled with: [Little Prince 6666!] [Qin Mo is
literally 6!]
Xiao Han’s life was saved in a thrilling manner and he continued to hit Park Joonseo, using
Death Strangulation!
The big move allowed his blood to be restored to 45% while Park Joonseo fell to 60%. Kim
Yoonhee felt a bit anxious and fired two arrows to kill the blood kin summoner’s knight.
She then accurately fired Barrage Shot to kill the blood Qin Mo!
The score became 5:4 with South Korea in the lead.
Xiao Han’s heart was touched after seeing that Qin Mo was killed. In today’s group battle,
Qin Mo had helped him many times. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have lived to the present. Since
QIn Mo sacrificed his life, Xiao Han wouldn’t let him down!
Xiao Han’s eyes became cold as he thought of this and he used Back Stab and Fatal Blow on
Kim Yoonhee.
Park Joonseo was greatly affected by the assassin. In desperation, he had to summon the
public pet, the guardian to offset the damage. Then he quickly retreated behind a reef and
took the opportunity to summon the ice woman!
His snow bird, light god and six-winged angel had been killed by Qin Xiao and he only had
the ice woman left.
After successfully summoning the pet, he had her used the big move, Soul of Ice!
Xiao Han was frozen in place and couldn’t move. Kim Yoonhee took the opportunity to
decrease his blood.
However, the white magician Hwa Jeongyong wasn’t in a very good state. Under the siege of
Tan Cheng, she only had a bit of blood left. It didn’t take look for Hwa Jeongyong to be killed
by Tan Shitian’s Seize Life Shot.
At almost the same time, Xiao Han was killed by Kim Yoonhee and Park Joonseo.
The score became 6:5 with South Korea in the lead.
The Chinese team only had Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei while the South Korean team had
Park Joonseo and Kim Yoonhee. Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei only had 15% blood left while
Park Joonseo still had 60% blood. Fortunately, Xiao Han had released a last minute
outbreak and forced Kim Yoonhee to residual blood.
In a situation where they weren’t dominant, Tan Shitian calmly thought about it and
ordered, “Xiao Wei, cover me!”
“Yes!” Cheng Wei took the initiative to walk in front of Tan Shitian.
Kim Yoonhee’s Shock Shot had just hit Cheng Wei who stood in front of him. It was
equivalent to Cheng Wei using his body to help Tan Shitian block the move.
Tan Shitian used the opportunity to use Quenching Arrow! Seize Life Shot!
From a god’s perspective, Tan Shitian’s angle of the shot was blocked by Cheng Wei. The
surprising thing was that Cheng Wei suddenly moved to the left, allowing Tan Shitian’s
arrows to just fly past his body!
Kim Yoonhee had her vision obstructed and couldn’t defend herself. She was frozen in
place and then hit by Seize Life Shot. Her blood instantly fell to a precarious state!
Tan Shitian followed with Barrage Shot!
Just then, Park Joonseo’s ice woman suddenly used a big move, World of Ice and Snow.
In addition to the group control of Soul of Ice, the ice woman had the World of Ice and Snow
group attack. This was the only attack skill of the angel summoner and consumed a lot of
However, death racing was about speed and this skill was really critical.
The group attack directly killed the Tan Cheng pair!
At almost the same time, Kim Yoonhee was hit by Tan Shitian’s arrow and died.
The heads on the big screen changed to 8:6!
The fierce frontal battle was finally over. All five Chinese players were killed while the
South Korean team had the captain Park Joonseo survive. South Korea was ahead by one
head at the start and now they led by two heads after this wave.
Kou Hongyi was nervous. “The Chinese players must find a way to play in the next wave or
the South Korea team just needs to take two heads to win!”
Tan Shitian saw this and ordered, “Gather at the resurrection point!”
There was a benefit to all five people dying. They could quickly gather for a team battle
while South Korea’s Park Joonseo wasn’t dead and had to walk back to meet up with his
Walking wasn’t as fast as resurrection and they had to grasp this time difference.
The time of resurrection after the second death was 10 seconds.
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei waited for 10 seconds to pass and then quickly rushed to the
red resurrection point with their teammates.
Due to familiarity with the map, Tan Shitian led the team through shortcuts and
deliberately avoided the position of the previous group battle to avoid meeting Park
They quickly came to the red resurrection point and saw the four members of the Korean
“Set fire to the swordsman!” Tan Shitian unceremoniously aimed Quenching Arrow at Shim
Yoocheol. Cheng Wei, Zhuo Hang, Qin Mo and Xiao Han closely followed. The South Korea
team apparently hadn’t expected the Chinese team to come over so fast. They were waiting
for their captain only to be hit by China!
The newly resurrected Shim Yoocheol was directly killed by the joint efforts of the five
Shim Yoocheol, “…”
His luck was so bad. It must be because he didn’t eat cold noodles for breakfast this
Still, it was enough to see how powerful China’s five outputs were.
Since the captain was absent, Kim Yoonhee immediately acted as commander. “Quickly kill
the hunter! We will win if we take two heads!”
Her brother Kim Yoonhee lurked behind Zhuo Hang and used Pain Blade to control Zhuo
Hang. Kim Yoonhee followed with Seize Life Shot and Hwa Jeongyong wasn’t far behind
with God’s Light and Voice of Combat!
South Korea’s three outputs teaming up to kill Zhuo Hang was naturally slower than the
time it took China’s five outputs.
By the time Zhuo Hang died, the three of them were beaten to half blood by Tan Shitian and
the others.
Fortunately, the South Korean team already had nine heads. They just needed to kill one
more person and they would directly gain victory.
Which one should they kill? She was hesitating when the captain’s low voice was heard in
her ears. “Kill the white magician.”
Kim Yoonhee exclaimed, “Understood!”
The Chinese side had harvested seven heads. They just needed to kill everyone here to win.
The situation reached the critical moment and Tan Shitian clenched his mouse. “Open your
group attacks!”
It was obviously too late to kill them one by one. It was only by opening the big moves that
they could quickly kill the three opponents. They immediately used group attacks
according to his orders but the three South Korean players weren’t outdone. They threw
their most explosive moves towards only one individual. In the blink of an eye, Cheng Wei
fell to 15% blood!
Tan Shitian ordered, “Xiao Wei, quickly withdraw!”
Cheng Wei instantly turned to run. As the last head, he couldn’t let the Korean team get it
for a cheap price!
The assassin saw him escape and didn’t hesitate to chase him!
Qin Mo and Xiao Han continued to attack and Kim Yoonhee and Hwa Jeongyong were hit to
residual blood. Tan Shitian clenched his mouse and shook it slightly. His Barrage Shot was
released and the group attack allowed him to take two kills in one breath!
The Chinese team got nine heads and it was time to finally decide the outcome.
However, at this critical moment, Cheng Wei had fled the resurrection point to the east and
was unlucky enough to meet Park Joonseo, who came from the distance. The South Korean
captain instantly made a mark on the map and blocked the narrow road so Cheng Wei
couldn’t go forward. The assassin chasing Cheng Wei found him thanks to the captain’s
—Fatal Blow!
The assassin’s most commonly used single attack skill was released and Cheng Wei fell
The South Korean team took the lead in gaining 10 heads.
The word ‘Failure’ popped up on the big screen. This was the first time the Chinese team
had seen it in the World Competition.
Cheng Wei hung his head and his expression looked like he was going to cry. Tan Shitian
was very calm as he moved his hands away from the keyboard and patted Cheng Wei’s
head. “This isn’t your fault. Our luck this time wasn’t very good.”
Cheng Wei still wasn’t happy. After all, he was the last head for the South Korean team. If he
had just ran in the other direction or got rid of the assassin, the end result would be
Nevertheless, there were no ‘ifs’ on the field.
Cheng Wei stared at the computer screen in front of him and muttered, “The domestic
audience must be scolding me…”
Tan Shitian helped tidy up his hair and spoke softly, “Don’t mind it. No matter how strong a
player, they will all lose eventually. I was the commander of the game and it was also my
order for you to retreat. I bear the responsibility.”
His tone was gentle but contained decisiveness and determination. It was as if there was
nothing to fear with him there.
Cheng Wei saw the encouraging gaze and couldn’t help feeling moved.
He used to think that the always smiling Tan Shitian was never serious and always bickered
with him.
Then today in the World Competition, Cat God sent Tan Shitian out to open the match. As
the youngest captain in the professional league, Tan Shitian withstood the huge pressure
and achieved a score of 9:10 against the South Korean team, which wasn’t easy.
This man was more powerful than Cheng Wei thought.
At a young age, he could face winning and losing in the World Competition so easily.
Despite going against South Korea’s ace captain, Park Joonseo, his mental state was steady
and he calmly commanded the game. This alone was enough to make Cheng Wei feel
Cheng Wei couldn’t help admiring such a Tan Shitian. Cheng Wei might feel that Tan
Shitian didn’t seem reliable but Tan Shitian was particularly responsible in critical
Cheng Wei returned with the rest of his teammates and Li Cangyu didn’t blame them.
Instead, he smiled and said, “You did a lot better than I expected.”
Tan Shitian smiled with some regret. “Unfortunately, I lost in the end.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him. “It is good
to fight 9:10 with so many newcomers. Your strength is obvious.”
Tan Shitian nodded. “What’s next?”
Li Cangyu gathered the players and spoke simple, “We don’t need to mind the first game.
Adjust your mentality and prepare for the next game. A good show is still ahead!”

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GLS: Chapter 328

Chapter 328 – China VS South Korea (Second Round)

The defeat in the first game made many domestic audience members feel sorry but Yu Bing
had an objective evaluation of this game. “In our lineup, Qin Mo, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang
are newcomers. Qin Mo only has two years of experience while the others only debuted this
year. Tan Shitian is also the youngest captain in the Miracle League. We should be happy
that they can compete with the great gods of South Korea with a score of 9:10.”
Kou Hongyi sighed. “That’s right! I think that the captain of the South Korean team must not
be happy at this time. They might’ve won but it was very difficult for them. This is enough
to prove the strength of the Chinese team!”
The camera cut to the soundproof room of the South Korean team and Park Joonseo’s
expression truly didn’t look good.
The two commentators spoke and the wind in the live broadcasting room started to
The first game had been played and many of the national team’s great gods hadn’t
appeared. Everyone believed that the Chinese team could definitely move back the
situation. The audience enthusiastically cheered for the players of the national team. Some
people wanted to take advantage of this to blacken Cheng Wei but they were overwhelmed
by all the cheers.
After the break, the second game officially began and Li Cangyu sat in the command post
The Chinese team had the home advantage this time. Li Cangyu resolutely submitted the
game mode—death racing!
The venue filled with loud applause. It was apparent that losing the previous death racing
game didn’t affect Li Cangyu’s mentality. The choice of death racing at home was enough to
show Cat God’s confidence.
Next, Li Cangyu quickly submitted three maps— Suzhou Gardens and the Mechanical City
were maps submitted by the Chinese designers and one was the official Miracle map, Frost
According to the principles of the choose two, ban one country map, Park Joonseo could
only ban one of Suzhou Gardens or the Mechanical City. He had to ban the official Miracle
Suzhou Gardens and the Mechanical City had appeared in previous matches. Park Joonseo
had taken the team to repeatedly practice on these maps. The upper and lower structure of
the Mechanical City was very difficult to play while the complex terrain of Suzhou Gardens
was also hard.
At least Suzhou Gardens didn’t have as many traps as the Mechanical City.
Park Joonseo thought this and decisively banned the Mechanical City and then the
Mechanical City.
This meant only Suzhou Gardens was left.
It appeared in the quarter-finals against France but the strength of China and France was
very different. The Chinese team only used half this map to win.
Now the same map was being used for the strong South Korean team and the audience was
full of expectations for the game.
The other side confirmed the selection and Li Cangyu submitted the players’ list.
Killer Lou, Killer Zhang, MOMO, YUYU, Old Cat.
In other words, Lou Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui, Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Li Cangyu.
The domestic audience, “…”
Everyone suddenly wanted to light a row of candles for the South Korean team.
Kou Hongyi saw the lineup and burst out laughing. “My god! I feel like the Korean team is
going to kneel down before them!”
Yu Bing also couldn’t help smiling, “Cat God was really holding back. The first game was a
tentative one and now this game is real!”
Kou Hongyi was suddenly worried, “However, he sent so many great gods in the second
game. This will greatly restrict the lineup for the three games. These five people can no
longer play in the third game and the assassination flow and melee flow can’t be achieved.
“We still have Ling Xuefeng.” Yu Bing was very confident in the national team. “Captain Ling
can play as a commander in the third game. The Yan Guo combination also hasn’t played
while Tan Cheng can be used again in the third game. There are still many available tactics
and we don’t need to worry too much.”
“That’s true!” Kou Hongyi turned his gaze to the arena and found that Park Joonseo had
been thinking for a long time.
Li Cangyu sent two assassins, a swordsman and a berserker to create a super output lineup
with the summoner, making it difficult for Park Joonseo to cope.
In complex terrain, assassins had an advantage. In order to deal with the assassins, it was
necessary to send a class with more control skills as well as a high-output occupation to
cooperate with them.
After thinking for a moment, Park Joonseo immediately submitted the list of players, the
paladin Bae Jeongho, the black summoner Choi Sooeun. the white magician Shin Chimin,
the demon summoner Im Sanghun and the blood kin summoner Song Bin.
This lineup wasn’t as luxurious as the first set of gods but the paladin Bae Jeongho was a
front row with a very strong anti-stress ability while the other four were part of a giant
Korean club, the IT team.
Among them, the demon summoner Im Sanghun was the captain of the IT team. In this
year’s Miracle League, the IT team lost to the GOD team led by Park Joonseo and became
runner-up. Their strength wasn’t much worse than the championship team.
These people were long-term partners with a high understanding and their output was
strong enough. As long as Bae Jeongho resisted the firepower in the front row, the others
would find a way to control the opponents and win.
Kou Hongyi saw this lineup and objectively commented, “In the case of the lineup, both
sides have a chance of winning. One side has more melee while the other side has more
ranged players. It depends on who can find the first hand and seize the opportunity. On the
South Korean side, the four outputs are from the IT team and the configuration is similar to
the Wind Colour team. Their reputation might not be as big as Park Joonseo but their
strength can’t be underestimated.”
Yu Bing continued, “It seems this game is commanded by the IT captain, Im Sanghun. The
Chinese team wants to win but must be cautious when dealing with them.”
Her mouth said this but she was inwardly thinking that Cat God definitely wouldn’t lose.
The domestic audience obviously didn’t care about the Korean team. They were all busy
praising their favourite players.
[Captain Lou, Captain Su, Cat God, so many handsome guys, please crush the opposite side!]
[Sending so many captains, who will be in command?] [Captain Su and Lou can command
but a mountain can’t accommodate two tigers. This game is directed by our Cat God!] [Cat
God is the biggest tiger in the national team!] [I heard that Cat God drank a bowl of fish
porridge this morning. His combat effectiveness has reached the peak!]
The audience happily chatted.
At the scene of the match, the two sides confirmed the lineup and there was the standard
map viewing. Ling Xuefeng didn’t seriously look because this map was familiar to him. He
instead glanced at Li Cangyu and asked, “Do you have the confidence to win this game?’
Li Cangyu nodded calmly. “Of course.”
Ling Xuefeng gently held his shoulder and whispered, “You should win or we will lose two
games. The South Korean team will be at match point and the pressure in the next game
will be very high.”
Li Cangyu smiled and squeezed his palm. “Yes, I won’t transfer the pressure to you.”
Ling Xuefeng saw his confident smile and suppressed the urge to kiss him. He whispered,
“Come on.”
There was no need to speak many words between them since there was a tacit agreement.
In this game, Li Cangyu would personally go to fight while the next game would have Ling
Xuefeng as the commander. No matter what mode South Korea chose, Ling Xuefeng would
be there and Li Cangyu could feel at ease.
Ling Xuefeng was right. If the second game was lost, the third game would be South Korea’s
match point and the pressure on the Chinese side couldn’t be imagined. Li Cangyu wouldn’t
let such a heavy pressure fall on Ling Xuefeng’s body. Thus, he sent the double insurance of
Lou Zhang and Su Yu while personally acting as commander. He had to win this game!
Soon, the map preview finished and the contestants on both sides went to their seats.
Li Cangyu sat in the middle with Lou Zhang to his left and Su Yu to his right. The domestic
audience joked: [Lou Zhang and Su Yu might be ace gods but Cat sits in the middle and it
feels like he is the real king!]
Many viewers agreed with these words.
Among the great gods of the national team, only Li and Ling Xuefeng could suppress such
The great gods of other teams also respected and admired the two most experienced
players. Thus, there was no trouble with so many great gods gathered. Instead, they got
along happily and this proved the leadership ability of Ling Li.
The map loading countdown ended and both sides refreshed.
Li Cangyu’s eyes swept over the coordinates on the mini-map and he quickly made a
decision. “Lou Zhang go to the southeast to scout while Su Yu will go to the west. I’ll go the
north. Gather close to the pond within one minute.”
His orders were concise but precisely covered the most complex situation of the Suzhou
Gardens map.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui refreshed to the east side of the map. They heard the
instructions and entered stealth before heading southeast.
This place was a small courtyard where players could refresh. Since no one in the Chinese
team was here, it proved a South Korean player must’ve refreshed in this place.
Sure enough, the two of them sure the South Korean paladin carefully turning his camera
Lou Wushuang typed on the team channel: [Found the paladin.]
Li Cangyu replied: [Tail him.]
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui didn’t act and quietly followed behind the paladin,
making marks on the mini-map.
On such a large map with complicated terrain, it would be hard for the Chinese team to find
the other side. Since the Korean team would definitely want to gather quickly, using the
paladin to find South Korea’s large force was the easier and quickest method.
Follow the vine to get the melon, grab the urn first.
Whenever Li Cangyu commanded a team battle, his thoughts were always clear.

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GLS: Chapter 329

Chapter 329 – China VS South Korea (Trap)

Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui followed the Korean team’s Bae Jeongho and soon saw
him meet his nearby teammates.
South Korea’s luck wasn’t bad and the positions of the players were relatively close. The
paladin refreshed in the courtyard while the black and white magician refreshed in the
nearby woods. Meanwhile, one of the summoners appeared next to the pond while the
other one was in a hallway.
South Korea’s commander was obviously familiar with the map and soon chose a good
meeting place based on everyone’s refresh location.
The Lou Zhang combination had been tracking them invisibly. After seeing the five people
meet, they instantly made a mark on the map.
Li Cangyu looked at the position and ordered, “Go into the water!”
Su Guangmo wanted to laugh. Cat God was really full of bad moves. This type of sinister
underwater sneak attack was truly something that only he could think of!
However, Li Cangyu’s idea was indeed very sensible. The Su Yu pair had just come to the
bridge. If they walked along the bridge, they would enter the Korean players’ field of view.
On the other hand, they wouldn’t be caught underwater and the other side would be off
Yu Pingsheng had never been fond of talking and had an invisible air. He was used to
listening to people. Even if the commander of the game was Cat God instead of his brother,
he carefully executed the order and instantly entered the pond.
Su Guangmo saw his younger brother quickly diving into the water and smiled slightly
before following closely.
The pair swam quickly in the water but it took them some time to reach the location of the
Korean team due to the large size of the pond. Yu Pingsheng cleverly hid under a lotus leaf.
Su Guangmo saw the lotus laugh on his brother’s head and this picture was so beautiful
that he couldn’t help laughing.
Of course, he didn’t laugh out loud but he was smiling and seemed to be in a good mood.
Li Cangyu was using Flying Feather Steps to move his elf summoner forward. He saw Su
Guangmo’s smile from the corner of his eyes and couldn’t help giving a reminder, “Take this
seriously, it is the World Competition!”
“Yes.” Su Guangmo removed his smile and asked, “Cat God, are you going to act again?”
Li Cangyu replied calmly, “Well, I should lead them into the urn.”
The Lou Zhang brothers had long been standing behind the South Korean team while Su Yu
were underwater and waiting for a command. Li Cangyu saw they were ready and walked
on the road.
As he advanced quickly, he rotated his field of view with great care, pretending he was
looking for his teammates.
The five players of South Korea were wondering why they couldn’t see anyone from the
Chinese team when they saw the elf summoner coming alone.
“Why is he the only one?” The cautious black magician Choi Sooeun couldn’t help feeling
puzzled. “What about the other four?”
Im Sanghun, the demon summoner in charge of commander this game said, “They are
further away in the distance and haven’t gathered yet. Kill the summoner first!”
Don’t blame Im Sanghun for making a mistake. It was because Li Cangyu was acting too
Ling Xuefeng sat in the rest area and couldn’t help smiling. If the World Competition had
the best performance award, Li Cangyu was simply worthy of being the movie emperor!
A good professional player could judge the opponent’s intentions from their subtle actions.
Li Cangyu’s performance took care of these details, showing his absolute understanding of
the Miracle game.
He pretended that he was rushing to find his teammates. The frequent adjustment of his
angle of view meant the summoner’s head always turned to the left and right while the use
of Flying Feather Steps showed the defensive action of ‘avoiding enemy forces.’
Su Guangmo sent a row of thumbs up on the team channel. [Cat God has good acting.]
Zhang Shaohui also typed: [If I couldn’t see the coordinates of my teammates then I
would’ve believed your acting!]
Li Cangyu smiled. He operated his summoner while also typing: [Wait for me to signal
before acting.]
Everyone typed ‘1’ show their understanding.
Li Cangyu walked around a corner and was finally completely exposed to the South Korean
team. He seemed stunned as his movements suddenly stopped. Then he summoned the
water spirit and used Frost Heart!
This big move could collectively freeze the opponents. He obviously wanted to rely on it to
However, the South Korean players had long been ready and wouldn’t give him such an
opportunity. The paladin Bae Jeongho rushed to him and used Fighting Howl to interrupt
his casting!
Li Cangyu’s water spirit skill couldn’t be released and he was counter-controlled by the
other side’s paladin.
The South Korean team started their full-scale attack and didn’t hesitate to use all types of
high damage skills. They instantly pressed Li Cangyu’s blood down to 20% and obviously
wanted to kill him directly.
Li Cangyu shouted, “Do it!”
He just finished speaking when Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng suddenly shot out of the
The South Korean players were shocked and didn’t respond. Li Cangyu took advantage of
this to use Flying Feather Steps and retreated three metres. At the same time, Yu Pingsheng
raised the ace on his shoulder and used Mountain Chop to create a deep gully in the
Li Cangyu was isolated on the other side of the gully and the paladin couldn’t hit him.
The speed at which he used Flying Feather Steps to escape stunned the audience. Everyone
felt like there was a flower in front of their eyes as Li Cangyu seemed to teleport to the edge
of the pond, accurately escaping the other side’s attack range.
The South Korean commander realized the plan but it was already too late to withdraw!
Yu Pingsheng fought the other paladin while Su Guangmo bypassed the paladin and
directly hit the back row of the South Korean team with Light and Shadow Rotation!
The black magician recovered his spirit and wanted to use the control skill Dark Fear, only
for an assassin to appear behind him and stun him with Pain Blade.
The demon summoner summoned the black crows and wanted to use Cover the Sky to
blacken the other side’s vision. As a result, the skill hadn’t been released yet when an
assassin emerged behind him and stunned him using the same trick.
The Lou Zhang brothers would never drop the chain and their shots were quite decisive. In
the blink of an eye, the powerful group control of the opponents were neutralized and Su
Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation was fully played.
In the back row, Su Guangmo completely broke the formation of the South Korean team. Li
Cangyu was protected by Yu Pingsheng and summoned the thunder spirit and fire spirit at
an extremely fast speed. Then he released two group attack skills, Thunder’s Wrath and
Raging Prairie Fire!
Purple thunder fell from the sky while fire rose from the ground. The entire South Korean
team was beaten into residual blood by this wave!
Fortunately, the control skill ended. The Korean team’s paladin immediately used Steel Will
and a layer of golden shields rose around the players. The South Korea team would be
immune to all damage and control in the next five seconds.
“Retreat!” Im Sanghun wasn’t a coward but it was obviously unwise to struggle in a head on
fight at the moment. They had fallen into the Chinese team’s trap the moment they went
after Li Cangyu. If they didn’t take the opportunity to retreat, they would likely be
destroyed in this wave of combat.
The paladin Bae Jeongho protected them in the front row while the other four remotes of
the Korean team immediately retreated.
Unfortunately, the paladin’s shield only made the teammates invincible for five seconds.
At the end of the five seconds, the Korean team found that Li Cangyu had already wandered
to the other side of the pond like he knew they would retreat here…
Everyone hadn’t recovered from seeing Li Cangyu when Li Cangyu gave them a gift.
—Wind Spirit Summoning, Wind and Clouds Destruction!
The powerful wind blew the four ranged classes that were about to escape into the pond.
The domestic live broadcast room was filled with ‘Cat God 6666!’ and many people even
wanted to climb into the screen to hug Li Cangyu’s thigh. How could he judge so accurately?
How could he prejudge the Korean team’s escape direction and wait in advance? This was
simply a god-like consciousness!
The four ranged Korean players fell into the water and were extremely confused. The white
magician Choi Sooeun used Holy Seal to freeze Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng but Lou
Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui had steathily lurked in the water while the South Korean
team was retreating. Li Cangyu blowing the four opponents into the water was simply
sending sheep into a tiger’s mouth.
It was impossible for Lou Wushuang to let go of such an opportunity. The man in front of
the computer hit the keyboard with cold eyes and aimed a fierce set of moves at the bloody
black magician, Back Stab, Fatal Blow!
This set of moves was slowed by the water but Lou Wushuang’s angle was impeccable. It
was a critical hit and he instantly accepted the other person’s blood.
—First blood!
The Chinese team took the first head in the game!
His brother was so decisive and Zhang Shaohui naturally wasn’t far behind. He aimed at the
white magician next to him and copied his brother with Back Stab and Fatal Blow!
—Second blood!
The two brothers glanced at each other before chasing after the Korean summoners who
were fleeing.
The demon summoner Im Sanghun wanted to cry.
He could summon the banshee, skeleton infantry and demon god but he couldn’t summon
the black crows underwater.
The crows’ vision control was in the sky. Since Li Cangyu blew him into the water, he
couldn’t call out the crows. This was enough to see Li Cangyu’s understanding and targeting
of the demon summoner!
In fact, Im Sanghun hadn’t guessed wrong. The class that Li Cangyu was most familiar with
was the demon summoner. In addition, his Ling Xuefeng was the world’s best demon
summoner while the Cover the Sky was his most hated skill. He naturally had a lot of
experience with it.
The fact that he neutralized Im Sanghun’s skill allowed the Lou Zhang brothers to complete
the harvest underwater.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui naturally didn’t let Li Cangyu down.
After killing the two magicians of South Korea, they immediately caught up with the two
summoners. Im Sanghun summoned the guardian to resist this wave of damage but the
blood kin summoner next to him was significantly slower. Lou Wushuang instantly took his
head with Death Strangulation.
—Third blood!
Im Sanghun took the opportunity to escape but the brothers chased after him. Zhang
Shaohui ruthlessly killed his guard in one go and Lou Wushuang kept up the violent output.
The bloody Im Sanghun eventually gave his life.
Underwater, the Lou Zhang brothers cooperated with each other to complete a gorgeous
On the shore, the paladin Bae Jeongho was attacked by Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng. He
might have thick skin and a high defense but it was difficult to escape from his doom. Su
Guangmo’s Breaking Bone Sword successfully collected his head.
This unexpected underwater sneak attack directly wiped out the South Korean team.
The faces of the South Korean team members didn’t look very good. As the commander, Im
Sanghun’s expression was even heavier. In this wave of group battle, they were suppressed
in technique as well as IQ.
Li Cangyu’s acting was too realistic and his grasp of the timing, terrain and overall tactics
was perfect!
The assassins’ harvesting ability was terrible and they killed four people underwater with
their sharp blades!
Meanwhile, the Su Yu anti-pressure front row and ability to break into the back row was
Im Sanghun wasn’t a person who easily lost confidence. In South Korea, he led the IT team
to the finals and was the runner-up in the seventh season of the professional league. This
was comparable to the championship team led by Park Joonseo.
Today, he suddenly got a chill down his spine.
Li Cangyu, this person seemed straightforward but he was actually terrible!

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GLS: Chapter 330

Chapter 330 – China VS South Korea (Attic Air Battle)

The Chinese team won five heads in the first wave and gained a considerable advantage in
death racing. If South Korean wanted to reverse this situation, they would have to wipe out
the Chinese team in the next wave of combat. However, Suzhou Gardens was a map
submitted by the Chinese team and Li Cangyu knew it well. It wouldn’t be easy for the
Korean team to recover these five heads.
Im Sanghun was well aware of this and had to be extra cautious with every step.
After the death of the five people, they chose the red resurrection point. None of the
Chinese players could be seen here and they had obviously chosen the blue resurrection
point near the pond to restore their state.
Im Sanghun carefully recalled the terrain of this map and made a decision. “Go to the attic.”
They just encountered an underwater attack at the pond and couldn’t enter the pond to die.
Im Sanghun thought about an ambush from the attic.
The red resurrection point was relatively close to the attic. They could use the advantage of
distance to occupy the heights first then attack when the Chinese team passed by.
The Chinese team quickly returned to a full state. Li Cangyu looked at the surrounding
terrain and ordered, “Lou Zhang, enter stealth and investigate the attic.”
Su Guangmo wondered, “Will the South Korean team set up an ambush at the attic?”
Li Cangyu nodded, “There is the possibility. After all, the red resurrection point is very close
to the attic. If they occupy the second floor attic, it is easy to control us when we’re passing
by below.”
High places had the advantage in vision. The South Korean team was full of black magician
and summoners which were ranged classes and they could launch attacks towards the
ground from the attic.
The black magician’s Death Fear, the white magician’s Holy Seal and the demon
summoner’s Cover the Sky were all group control skills. As long as the South Korean team
occupied the high place and took the lead in controlling the Chinese team, the Chinese
players would have to be very passive.
Fortunately, the Chinese team had two assassins who could go invisible.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui went to investigate and saw that the South Korean team
were truly at the second floor attic. Im Sanghun seemed aware that their whereabouts
might be exposed by the opposite side’s assassins and summoned his banshee.
—Witch Demon’s Curse!
The banshee’s group pull skill actually pulled Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui!
This marvellous operation received warm applause from the audience. Kou Hongyi couldn’t
help praising, “Im Sanghun calculated that the Chinese team might send assassins to the
attic to investigate and calculated the time and distance to use the banshee’s group pull
skill on the Lou Zhang brothers. This awareness isn’t bad!”
The moment Im Sanghun pulled the two enemies, the white magician Shin Chimin used the
group control skill, Holy Seal!
The white halo was placed on Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s bodies and they were
fixed in place.
Im Sanghun ordered, “Kill them!”
The South Korean team was currently behind in the number of heads. It was necessary to
seize the current 5v2 opportunity. Before the other three Chinese players came over, they
had to resolve this problem as soon as possible and create an advantage in numbers.
The outputs of the Korean team immediately cast their big moves.
—Tidal Surge, Shadow Winding, Blood Bat Festival, Demon God’s Descent!
The four group attack skills were activated and Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui instantly
fell to residual blood.
Even so, the two people didn’t sit still. Lou Wushuang typed ‘1’ on the team channel and
Zhang Shaohui immediately used Combat Stealth simultaneously. They quickly rushed
behind the two summoners and used Pain Blade to set them in place, closely followed by
Back Stab, Fatal Blow and Chain Strangulation!
The sharp dagger drew a bloody light in the air.
The outbreak of the Lou Zhang brothers caused the two Korean summoners to fall to
residual blood.
The Korean black magician Choi Sooeun reacted very quickly. The moment her teammates
were attacked, she adjusted her vision and raised her hand, casting the control skill Dark
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were affected by Dark Fear and couldn’t use skills. Choi
Sooeun continued with the group attack skill, Hell Flames!
Flames rose from the ground and swallowed up Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui.
Double kill!
The South Korean team finally got two heads and the control on the two summoners were
However, the commander Im Sanghun wasn’t happy for too long. When he adjusted his
perspective and looked back, he was surprised to find that Li Cangyu had reached the attic
at an unknown time and was standing on the stairs.
In the fierce battle just now, everyone was focused on the Lou Zhang brothers and Li
Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps. His speed was too fast and he was a phantom flashing
past. Thus, none of the Korean players noticed him.
Only the audience saw how he flew to the attic and silently climbed up the stairs.
Im Sanghun suddenly saw the elf summoner standing on the staircase and wanted to
summon the skeleton infantry to control him. Unfortunately, he had just summoned his
skeletons and couldn’t use a skill when Li Cangyu preemptively used the wind spirit skill,
Wind and Clouds Destruction!
The wind blew and the five Korean players were directly blown out the window, falling
down like dumplings.
The domestic broadcast room was once again filled with ‘Cat God 6666.’
Kou Hongyi fought back a smile and quickly said, “I think the South Korean team will have a
psychological shadow towards Cat God’s wind spirit after this game! They were just blown
into the water by the gust of wind and now they are blown out of the attic! The Korean
players’ psychological shadow area should be larger than the pond!”
Yu Bing had long been immune to his cold humour and still maintained her cold tone. “The
South Korean team wanted to seize the heights for an ambush but it is hard to prevent Cat
God’s wind spirit from blowing them down. Cat God succeeding in occupying the high
As Yu Bing said, LI Cangyu alone grabbed the second floor attic. Once the Korean team were
blown down, they fell into the encirclement of Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng.
It was 5v3 and South Korea seemed like they had the advantage. However, Yu Pingsheng
and Su Guangmo were already prepared. Yu Pingsheng used Cut Through Thorns to
cooperate with Su Guangmo’s Light and Shadow Rotation. They successfully destroyed a lot
of blood from the ranged classes and also interrupted their casting.
Li Cangyu stood alone upstairs with no one to interfere and his output environment was
quite comfortable.
How terrible was Cat God’s output with no one disturbing him?
Bai Xuan had been his partner for many years. Once he saw this, Bai Xuan couldn’t help
smiling. “This game is settled.”
Xie Shurong wrapped an arm around his shoulder and asked with a smile, “What do you
think the final heads score will be?”
Bai Xuan thought about it. “It might be around 10:5?”
Xie Shurong added, “It seems that South Korea was too badly hurt in the first wave. It is
impossible for them to chase back the advantage.”
Bai Xuan smiled and nodded. “Yes, Cat God won’t give them an opportunity to counter-
On the field, the South Korean team’s Im Sanghun was already injured. Now Su Guangmo
and Yu Pingsheng joined forces to suppress him and he had to summon the public pet, the
guardian to resist this wave of damage, followed by the black crows.
—Cover the Sky!
The skill was finally released.
This was the first time he had been suppressed so badly that he couldn’t even release his
The effect of Cover the Sky was really powerful. The black crows screamed and flew
through the air, darkening the vision of the Chinese players.
The South Korean team used this time to complete a counterattack.
The blood kin summoner’s Blood Bat Festival, the demon summoner’s Skeleton Explosion,
the black magician’s Shadow Winding and the white magician’s Voice of Combat directly
smashed into Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng.
Unfortunately, Li Cangyu in the attic wasn’t affected.
The moment the black crows blocked his vision, he moved behind a pillar and the Korean
team’s view was blocked by the pillar, meaning he couldn’t be hit at all.
Su Yu fell to residual blood. The moment their vision was restored, Su Guangmo rushed
into the back row and used Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword!
The South Korean summoners had been hit by Lou Zhang and the demon summoner Im
Sanghun finally fell under Su Guangmo’s sword.
Yu Pingsheng also took the opportunity to sneak into the back row with his brother and
used Splitting Bone Chop and Splitting Wind Chop to hit the blood kin summoner who had
sucked a bit of blood back.
After seeing that his teammate was attacked by the berserker, the paladin Bae Jeongho
rushed forward and used Fighting Howl to block Yu Pingsheng. The white magician
followed with God’s Seal and a wave of attacks finally killed Yu Pingsheng.
The number of heads was 6:4. One South Korean player had died while four Chinese
players were killed!
The audience couldn’t help feeling anxious. Would the heads ratio end up being tied?
At this time, Yu Bing was very calm. She looked at Li Cangyu hiding behind the pillar and
explained, “You don’t have to worry. There are four people remaining on the Korean team
but they are in a residual blood state, while one of them only has a trace of blood left. There
is no combat effectiveness. Our Cat God is currently full of blood and I believe he can
complete the harvest.”
Yu Bing’s confidence in Li Cangyu came from watching him fight back in desperate
situations years ago.
Since the second season when she met Li Cangyu, she knew that his man would never give
up no matter how difficult the situation.
It was 1v4 and many Korean viewers wanted to celebrate victory in this wave of combat in
However, Yu Bing firmly believed that letting Li Cangyu survive with full blood was the
Korean team’s biggest mistake!

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GLS: Chapter 331

Chapter 331 – China VS South Korea (Deadly Counterattack)

In the miracle arena, it wasn’t uncommon to win the battle by counterattacking. The
advantage in numbers wasn’t necessarily directly converted into victory. It was necessary
to comprehensively consider the skills cooldown, the state of the players and the remaining
blood and blue. If there was a person full of blood and blue encountered five residual blood
opponents, it was likely they would take away the other side’s heads in a single attack.
The Chinese team had very clear thinking in this wave of combat.
The Lou Zhang brothers being intercepted by Im Sanghun during their scouting was
unexpected for Li Cangyu. Fortunately, the two of them reacted very quickly. They resisted
the skills from the other side and tacitly used their big moves on the two most threatening
summoners from the Korean team before dying.
Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng also cooperated very well. They joined forces to lower the
blood of the Korean team.
All this was laying the groundwork for Li Cangyu’s final harvest.
The remaining four Korean players found Li Cangyu standing alone in the attic and
instantly reacted. The paladin turned and rushed towards the attic only for Li Cangyu to
use the water spirit group control skill, Frost Heart!
The overwhelming ice and snow rushed from the attic like a blizzard.
The four Korean players were frozen in place. Li Cangyu took this opportunity to summon
the thunder spirit and use the group attack, Thunder’s Wrath!
Purple thunder fell from the sky and directly killed the blood kin summoner.
The other three lost a lot of blood from this group attack. Apart from the thick-skinned
paladin who still had half blood left, the black magician and white magician had
approximately 30% of their blood left.
The freezing effect ended and the white magician aimed God’s Seal at the attic!
The white halo flew towards where Li Cangyu was standing. However, Li Cangyu seemed to
have expected it and his body moved behind a pillar, successfully allowing him to escape
from this skill.
The white magician of the Korean team wanted to cough up blood.
This was the moment when the audience realized how important it was to occupy the
height advantage of the attic.
The view from the attic was very wide and showed the opponents on the ground. On the
other hand, it was tough for the people on the ground to look up and attack Li Cangyu. In
addition, there were many pillars next to the attic window. LI Cangyu sometimes hid
behind these pillars, causing the skills of the Korean players to empty out.
After seeing that his teammates’ control skills were wasted, Im Sanghun ordered, “Go
upstairs and hit him!”
The three remaining players quickly moved upstairs but at this moment, Li Cangyu
emerged from behind the pillar and pressed the keyboard at a very fast speed. The water
spirit continuously released three Water Balls and the audience saw them accurately hit
the Korean team!
“Beautiful!” Kou Hongyi praised. “Cat God is so handsome. The Korean players were
standing in three different directions yet he hit all three with a Water Ball!”
The speed was fast and the accuracy high. A ranged class reaching this level caused people
to feel admiration!
The damage caused by the Water Balls wasn’t big but it could trigger the ‘deceleration’
effect. This was the key to the elf summoner’s kiting. Li Cangyu once used this kiting
method to kill Ling Xuefeng in the domestic league.
Everyone was reminded of that scene and many people secretly observed Ling Xuefeng.
They found that the man was showing a hint of a smile and seemed very satisfied with Li
Cangyu’s performance.
The slow-moving South Korean team couldn’t climb the attic for a while and Li Cangyu took
advantage of the high field of view to summon the fire spirit and use Raging Prairie Fire!
Fire burned on the ground and the blood of the South Korean players fell again.
The paladin had 35% blood left while the black magician and white magician only had 10%
Li Cangyu aimed a small Fireball at the white magician. It fell from the sky and the blood of
the white magician was instantly wiped out.
The other black magician rushed into the attic but Li Cangyu was waiting on the stairs. The
moment the opponent entered the door, the same Fireball took away the black magician’s
It was 9:4!
Li Cangyu alone faced the four members of the South Korean team and won three kills!
The domestic audience was boiling while Im Sanghun’s face was ashy.
“Withdraw!” He anxiously issued an order. The paladin was unwilling but still retreated
after using Guardian’s Power.
However, Li Cangyu didn’t easily let him go.
The Chinese team already had nine heads and would win the game as long as the paladin
was killed. If the paladin escaped, they would have to fight another group battle and Li
Cangyu didn’t want to waste time.
He decisively summoned the departed spirit public pet to possess the paladin.
The departed spirit slowed the movement of the possessed opponent, similar to the water
spirit. The public pet consumed a lot of blue but the duration was much longer than the
water spirit’s Water Ball.
Li Cangyu had just broken out to kill three people and his blue was almost empty. After
summoning the departed spirit, he barely had any blue left. The paladin’s 35% blood didn’t
look like much but it was the most defensive class in Miracle and it would naturally take
three times the output to kill the thick-skinned paladin.
“Cat God is out of blue and obviously can’t kill the paladin.” Kou Hongyi was anxious. “We
saw that the four members of South Korea have chosen the red resurrection point. The
paladin Bae Jeongho is desperately moving to the red resurrection point and if Cat God
chases the paladin, he will have to face the full Korean team!”
“That depends on whether Bae Jeongho has enough health to reach the resurrection point.”
Yu Bing suddenly inserted a cold sentence.
Kou Hongyi was stunned before immediately reacting, “Yes! Cat God might have no way to
kill the paladin but our Lou Zhang brothers have long been resurrected!”
On the map, the long-resurrected Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were rushing to Li
Cangyu’s coordinates.
Suzhou Gardens’ terrain was complex with bridges, the woods, ponds, attics and courtyards
which covered land, water and air warfare in Miracle. Nevertheless, this was a map
developed by Chinese developers. The Chinese players were familiar with it like it was
their back garden and Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui took a shortcut.
In order to rush from the blue resurrection point to Li Cangyu’s location, they needed to
pass through the pond and woods and it was obviously too slow by the main road. Thus,
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui chose to go straight over the wall.
The screen cut to the perspective of the Lou Zhang brothers. The two invisible assassins
were flying over high walls, shocking many players.
At this time, everyone understood while Li Cangyu used his last amount of blue to summon
the departed spirit and slow down the opponent.
He slowed down the paladin in order to win time for the Lou Zhang brothers. The two
people were rushing to kill the bloody paladin as soon as possible.
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were quickly moving through the shortcut while the
South Korean paladin was dragging heavy feet towards where his side had resurrected.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t reached the resurrection point when he was struck by Pain Blade!
He finally desperately discovered that the two assassins of the Chinese team had already
rushed over!
Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui cooperated with each other to attack. They dealt critical
hits and only blood appeared in front of Bae Jeongho’s eyes.
He used the Indestructible skill to turn himself into a 5 second invincible state in order to
buy some time but… in the end, he failed o wait for his teammates to rescue him.
By the time Im Sanghun rushed over with the other members, he saw this picture—
The dagger in Lou Wushuang’s hand was raised high and struck the back of the paladin Bae
Jeongho, neatly killing him!
The tall and powerful paladin fell to the ground while blood kin assassins were standing
behind him like twins. They wore the same black equipment with bloody daggers in their
hands. The captain of the Chinese team, Li Cangyu was standing quietly in the distance with
his water spirit, as if this had been long under his control.
10 people died and the Chinese team won!
Im Sanghun felt very reluctant and also full of helplessness.
In this game, the South Korean team were unable to show their true strength.
Li Cangyu’s first underwater ambush caught them off guard and their whole team was
wiped out. If they hadn’t fallen into such a huge disadvantage at the beginning then they
wouldn’t have lost so quickly.
In fact, the South Korean team was powerful in a frontal battle. They had succeeded in
gaining four Chinese heads and if they were given a chance to fight again, they might’ve
been able to catch up.
Unfortunately, there was no what ifs in a game. Losing was losing.
Im Sanghun had a chagrined expression as he returned to his teammates. Park Joonseo
patted him on the shoulder and said, “Never mind, this is only the second game. The score
is 1:1 and we still have a chance.”
The five Chinese players returned to their seats. Everyone immediately stood up and
clapped, especially the brainless fan. Cheng Wei rushed to Li Cangyu and exclaimed, “Cat
God is so handsome! You could take three kills in a 1v4 situation!”
Li Cangyu smiled and rubbed the head of the brainless fan. “It was Captain Lou and Captain
Su who laid the groundwork. The merit isn’t on me alone.”
Su Guangmo told him, “Don’t be humble. Cat God commanded well.”
Zhang Shaohui hurriedly agreed. “Yes! I was really fooled by Cat God’s acting. Right,
The always cold and indifferent Lou Wushuang heard his brother’s question and
cooperated with him by nodding. “Yes.”
Zhang Shaohui happily wrapped an arm around his brother’s shoulder. “Great! We only lost
by one head in the last game and this game we won 10:4, showing our strength!”
Everyone was happy with this result.
Many people were worried when they lost the first game. Then in this game, Li Cangyu was
surrounded by four people yet managed to kill three members of the other side…
The captain’s handsome three kills increased the Chinese team’s morale and reassured
Ling Xuefeng stood up and walked to Li Cangyu, whispering, “Your tactics were great.”
“This game was a comfortable one. I will be relying on you for the next one.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly. “Rest assured.”
Li Cangyu stretched out his arms and hugged him. “Come on, I’ll wait for you to win another
Ling Xuefeng only nodded in reply.
The two of them were equals.
Li Cangyu could resist the pressure at the critical moment and return the momentum to
their side. Ling Xuefeng naturally wouldn’t let everyone down!

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GLS: Chapter 332

Chapter 332 – China VS South Korea (Third Game)

The Chinese team’s counterattack in the second game succeeded in equalizing the score.
The next game was the Korean team’s home advantage and it was crucial for both China
and South Korea. Whoever won this game would get match point.
The rest time soon came and the captains sat at the command post again. Park Joonseo
didn’t hesitate to submit the game mode—economic war!
The economic war was more stable than the uncertainty of death racing. The two death
racing games had a score of 1:1 and it was changed to an economic war in the key game. It
could be seen that Park Joonseo was full of confidence when it came to the Korean team’s
economic war.
In addition to the official Miracle map, Park Joonseo submitted the Korean maps Jeju Island
and Gangwon-d0. The two maps hadn’t appeared in previous matches and the thumbnails
were similar.
The map had little impact in an economic war. No matter how the map changed, it would be
divided into four areas, the southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest. At most, it
would have an effect on the wild mobs.
Li Cangyu didn’t think too much and eventually left the Jeju Island map.
The map was confirmed and Park Joonseo submitted his lineup.
The angel summoner Park Joonseo, the terran swordsman Shim Yoocheol, the elf archer
Kim Yoonhee, the blood kin assassin Kim Changmin, the white magician Shin Chimin and
the angel healer Bae Eunki.
A careful check revealed this was very similar to the Korean team’s all-star lineup in the
first game. However, an economic war required six people and they added a priest to the
Li Cangyu had learnt about the configuration of the Korean team before the game. Bae
Eunki was an excellent healer of the South Korean championship team led by Park Joonseo.
Once again, a lineup full of great gods was sent. It seemed that Park Joonseo was
determined to win this game.
Li Cangyu pondered for a moment before submitting the lineup.
The demon summoner Ling Xuefeng, the blood kin summoner Qin Mo, the black magician
Yan Ruiwen, the black magician Guo Xuan, the terran swordsman Xie Shurong and the
anger healer Bai Xuan!
As soon as the lineup was released, the live broadcast room was filled with comments:
[This is the combination of Wind Colour and Canglan!] [Yes, the four people of Wind Colour
plus the two people of Canglan. Isn’t this also a luxurious lineup?]
Li Cangyu naturally had a reason for sending such people. Ling Xuefeng was most used to
commanding two summoners and two black magicians. This national team happened to
have four members of Wind Colour selected and if all of them were sent, LIng Xuefeng
would naturally feel more comfortable commanding.
Meanwhile, the Shu Bai combination had the strongest survivability of the league. Under
the care of Bai Xuan, Xie Shurong could fully act as the front row of this lineup. As long as
Shu Bai resisted the pressure, the four people of Wind Colour in the rear could burst out
and deal a considerable amount of damage.
Ling Xuefeng saw this and couldn’t help admiring Li Cangyu’s thoughtfulness and
meticulous nature.
The four members of Wind Colour had a long-term understanding while Shu Bai had first-
class senses. This lineup had been temporarily set up by Li Cangyu before the match and
after several days of training, a perfect tactical system had formed.
The domestic audience was right. This was the combination of Canglan and Wind Colour.
Wind Colour’s strongest control and output combined with the strongest swordsman and
healer combination. This was almost an upgraded version of the two teams and had
significantly higher strength than Canglan and Wind Colour.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help feeling excited when he saw this. “The four members of Wind
Colour are all on while the Shu Bai combination is added. This is the first time this lineup
has appeared!”
“Cat God can always come up with a variety of novel combinations.” Yu Bing couldn’t help
praising. “In theory, the strength of this lineup doesn’t lose to the Korean team’s great gods.
The key is to see Captain Ling’s command.”
“If we can win the third game when South Korean has the home advantage then the Chinese
team will take the lead in grabbing match point. The fourth game is our home game and the
advantage will be big!”
“Yes, I hope Captain Ling can withstand the pressure.”
On the big screen, the game map was shown. Jeju Island was one of the most famous
locations in South Korea. The land here was very strange. Jeju Island was once full of
magma but over time, it became a holiday destination filled with trees.
The competition map took a section of Jeju Island and scaled it down. The audience could
see that the map was surrounded by vast waters while the island area was divided into the
‘田’ field. This was the standard map in the MIracle economic war. The middle of the map
was high ground while the crystal there radiated light.
Ling Xuefeng stared sharply at the screen. Based on the map panorama, there were no
traps on Jeju Island. However, the setting of the wild monsters was a bit interesting. They
were groups of magpies.
Cheng Wei couldn’t help whispering, “Why magpies? Isn’t the meaning of magpies to be
messengers? Wouldn’t it be humiliating to lose? It would be better to pick crows.”
Tan Shitian explained, “The magpie is the national bird of South Korea.”
Cheng Wei was stunned and looked over at him. “The national bird? There was such a
Tan Shitian nodded. “Yes.”
Cheng Wei scratched his head. “You know so much.”
Tan Shitian smiled and joked, “I have great talent and have as much knowledge as five
carloads of books.”
“…” Cheng Wei made a disgusted spitting action and Tan Shitian gently patted him on the
back. “Why are you spitting? Are you happen?”
Cheng Wei couldn’t bear it and formed a fist to punch him. Tan Shitian flexibly evaded and
Cheng Wei couldn’t stop. He happened to hit Li Cangyu’s shoulder, who was sitting next to
Tan Shitian.
Li Cangyu turned back doubtfully. “Why are you hitting me?”
Cheng Wei blushed and immediately retracted his hand. “N-Nothing…”
Li Cangyu stared at Tan Shitian who was trying hard to suppress his smile. Tan Shitian put
away his smile and continued to watch the screen.
The map preview finished and the players sat in front of the computer. Ling Xuefeng took
advantage of the map loading tie to quickly say, “Shu Bai will go in the middle, Yan Guo will
go up and I will go down with Qin Mo.”
Everyone typed ‘1’ to show their understanding.
The South Korean team’s splitting method was also conventional. Park Joonseo and his old
partner Shim Yoocheol were in the middle. Kim Yoonhee and Kim Changmin were in the
north while Shin Chimin and the healer Bae Eunki went down.
Park Joonseo’s angel summoner played an auxiliary role in the team battle. Combined with
the healer, the Korean team’s lineup was quite defensive. When necessary, there could be
two healers and it was suitable for dragging out a team battle.
The Chinese side was mainly based on output. Xie Shurong might be the anti-pressure front
row but he also had a strong output capacity.
A strong output team met a strong defensive team, just like a spear and sword colliding. In
the end, either the shield or the spear breaking depended on the performance of the
players. Their mental state was very crucial.
However, from the opening, both sides seemed to have no intention of starting a battle.
30 seconds after the start of the game, the mobs refreshed on time.
The magpie should be a ranged mob and might deal negative states. It just wasn’t sure what
the negative effect was.
Ling Xuefeng told them, “Wait.” Then he used the banshee to pull one of the magpies and
quickly killed it with an ordinary attack.
The slain magpie suddenly screamed and just before it died, its wings fluttered and
countless feathers filled the air with a golden glow around them. Ling Xuefeng immediately
looked at the banshee’s negative state to judge that it was the ‘dizzy’ effect.
Many Miracle bosses had a form of ‘self-detonation’ where they dealt damage to the players
as they died. The wild mobs on this map were obviously inspired by those bosses.
Unfortunately, the Chinese team didn’t fall into the trap.
Ling Xuefeng was cautious enough to use his pets to test it and understood the magpies’
skill for his teammates.
“The magpie will blow up when they die. This will release the dizzy effect and the range is 1
metre in diameter.” Ling Xuefeng spoke in the voice channel. “Everyone should take care to
avoid it, especially Ah Shu.”
Xie Shurong instantly typed: [Understood.]
The four ranged outputs could stand in the distance and weren’t affected by the magpie’s
dizziness. However, Xie Shurong was a melee and it was easy to be caught if his reaction
speed wasn’t fast.
Thanks to Ling Xuefeng’s tip, Xie Shurong was naturally more cautious when playing
against the mobs.
He would jump over and stab the magpie with a simple attack. Then he would immediately
jump back to Bai Xuan’s side to escape the magpie’s skill.
This flowing operation caused Shim Yoocheol to feel admiration.
Perhaps it was God’s care for the Chinese team. The splitting method of this game
coincidentally had the Xie Shurong and Bai Xuan combination in the same area as Shim
Yoocheol and Park Joonseo. A swordsman with a healer against a swordsman with an
auxiliary reduced Xie Shurong’s pressure by half.
If the opponents were ranged classes then it would be very hard for Xie Shurong to kill
these self-destructive mobs.
Now he was facing Shim Yoocheol and the two short-ranged swordsman couldn’t control
each other.
At the start, Shim Yoocheol would occasionally rush to cut at Xie Shurong. As a result, Bai
Xuan would give a small healing skill to fill up Xie Shurong’s blood. Shim Yoocheol seemed
to feel this was boring and ignored Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong also didn’t want to hit him since Park Joonseo had the ability to heal. Instead of
wasting his energy, he also killed the magpies.
The two sides reached a consensus and in the initial stage of killing mobs, the middle area
was peaceful and the two sides regarded each other as air.
To the north, the Yan Guo double magicians met the Kim Yoonhee and Kim Changmin
combination of archer and assassin. They couldn’t beat each other. After exchanging one
wave of attacks, they ignored each other and peacefully made money.
However, the situation to the south was particularly fierce.
The white magician Shin Chimin and the healer Bae Eunki, the two female players
happened to encounter Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo.
Ling Xuefeng definitely wouldn’t be polite to them!

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GLS: Chapter 333

Chapter 333 – China VS South Korea (Demon King Ling Xuefeng)
It had been three minutes since the game started and the first wave of mobs had refreshed.
The two South Korean players watched Ling Xuefeng and thought he would peacefully kill
monsters to make money.
Unexpectedly, Ling Xuefeng suddenly summoned the crows and decisively released Cover
the Sky!
A large group of black crows screamed and flew towards the Korean team members,
instantly blocking their vision.
The Korean healer Bae Eunki reacted very quickly. After her vision darkened because of the
crow, she realized the other person might break out their skills and used Purification to get
rid of the negative state.
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were cold as he ordered on the voice channel, “Strike!”
Qin Mo had studied with Ling Xuefeng for two seasons and was used to his master’s
rhythm. He instantly summoned the blood spider and blood snake, applying three layers of
bleeding to the opponents before opening the pet skill, Blood Snake Winding!
The flexible blood snake tangled up around the priest’s feet and the bleeding state
increased to four layers, causing 15% blood damage!
Bae Eunki used Holy Light Surge and filled up her own blood.
Then the next moment, Ling Xuefeng summoned the banshee and used Witch Demon’s
Curse to pull the two of them under the tree before summoning four skeleton infantry and
using Skeleton Explosion!
The blood of the two people fell to 70%. The truly depressing thing was that this group
attack killed the magpies that refreshed on the trees. The magpies exploded and caused the
South Korean players to be hit by the dizziness effect.
Kou Hongyi hit the table and laughed wildly, “Hahaha, is this what it means to lift a stone
and hit your own feet? The South Korean team’s map actually pitted the South Korean
There was a small smile on Yu Bing’s cold face. “Captain Ling used the map environment by
having the banshee pull them into the range of the magpies. This allowed the magpies’
dizziness to control the two of them.”
As the two opponents were being controlled, Qin Mo used the big move Blood Bat Festival!
Ling Xuefeng also followed with the demon summoner’s big move, Demon God’s Descent!
The two big moves hit and the blood of the two opponents plummeted to 30%.
The dizziness effect was finally over. Bae Eunki quickly pressed the shortcut key in order to
open the group healing skill, otherwise, they would both die…
Divine Blessing!
The instant skill added blood and restored the two people’s blood to 50%.
However, Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo suddenly switched targets from the healer towards the
white magician Shin Chimin.
Bae Eunki was stunned and wanted to add blood to her teammate, but it was too late.
It was unknown when Ling Xuefeng’s banshee had moved to another tree and the banshee
used Charm to pull Bae Eunki to the tree. There was a blood spider next to the banshee and
the silk net bound her in place!
It didn’t matter if the healer’s body was fixed in place since she could still add blood.
The key point was that Ling Xuefeng’s positioning was very accurate. He pulled her with
the banshee so that her teammate was just out of her maximum healing range.
Bae Eunki could only watch worriedly as Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo released their skills and
killed Shin Chimin.
—First blood!
Despite the other side having a healer, Ling Xuefeng used the exquisite operation of
switching targets, displacement, calculating the healing range and other sophisticated
operations to successfully kill the white magician of the Korean team.
The audience had to admire Captain Ling’s strong senses and skills.
In particular, many fans wanted to shake the screen with excitement when they saw the
handsome and indifferent male god on the screen.
Even Li Cangyu couldn’t help admiring this man.
Ling Xuefeng always played with a violent suppression style on the field. The South Korean
team’s two female players were too careless. They actually thought Ling Xuefeng would
make money peacefully? Too naive! He was just waiting for a more appropriate
Seizing the opportunity to kill the opponents in seconds, this was Ling Xuefeng’s style of
playing the game.

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GLS: Chapter 334

Chapter 334 – China VS South Korea (Tearing Through the Defense)

It was unexpected for the white magician to be killed by Ling Xuefeng. Park Joonseo was
very surprised and couldn’t help asking, “What happened?”
Bae Eunki wanted to cry. “Ling Xuefeng pulled me away with the banshee at a crucial
moment and I couldn’t add blood.”
Park Joonseo couldn’t help frowning. He already heard that Ling Xuefeng’s banshee play
was superb and the use of the single and group pull skills were definitely a weapon that
could cut into the opposing lineup. Just now, Ling Xuefeng had accurately calculated the
distance, took the healer away at a crucial moment and killed the white magician instantly.
“It doesn’t matter. You should withdraw first and don’t give them your head.” Park Joonseo
took a deep breath and maintained his composure. He placed a retreat mark on the map
and Bae Eunki instantly turned to run.
Ling Xuefeng collected a head and didn’t pursue the healer. He just stayed in place and kept
killing the magpies.
Everyone finished killing the first wave of mobs and went home to buy equipment. Ling
Xuefeng used his economic advantage to buy the demon summoner necklace, Witch’s
This was the main necklace of the demon summoner and the effect of wearing it was to
‘increase the crit rate’. Ling Xuefeng usually liked to buy this piece of equipment during the
game since it made up for the lack of equipment with crits on his body.
Bai Xuan gave all his resources to Xie Shurong so he had the money to buy a ring that
increased physical attacks.
“Captain Ling bought a crit necklace, Ah Shu bought a ring with physical attack and Yan
Ruiwen bought a ring with magic attack. It seems that the Chinese team is taking the pure
output route. Kou Hongyi spoke while looking at the equipment panel. “The next wave of
group combat will be the key to this game. It depends on who takes the lead in stealing the
ice dragon!”
The contestants on both sides moved in unison towards the ice dragon.
The South Korea team’s Shin Chimin might’ve been killed by Ling Xuefeng and had her
economy greatly affected but the players on the other roads were in good condition and
bought equipment suitable for them.
Both sides met near the ice dragon’s cave but the commanders on both sides were calm and
not in a hurry to start.
After a moment of standoff near the cave, Ling Xuefeng finally found the entry point for the
team combat. “Hit them!”
At the commander’s order, Yan Ruiwen used the control skill Dark Fear. However, Park
Joonseo’s reaction was extremely fast. The moment he saw Yan Ruiwen casting, he
summoned the angel pet, the six-winged angel.
—Angel’s Light!
The soft white halo instantly enveloped the members of the Korean team. The angel’s big
move allowed all teammates within the barrier to be immune to all damage and control for
five seconds.
Yan Ruiwen’s control move was neutralized and Guo Xuan’s Shadow Winding was also
This protection skill was opened just right and the passive Korean team successfully took
the initiative. Park Joonseo summoned the light god and opened the skill Light God’s
Blessing, doubling the attack power of the whole group!
The Korean players had a status bonus and released their attack skills towards the Chinese
team without hesitation. Tidal Surge, Death Arrow Rain, Hell Flames!
The light effect flashed on the screen and the Chinese team fell below half blood. The
audience started sweating at the sight.
Fortunately, Bai Xuan quickly cast a healing array and then used the healing chain Holy Star
to return blood to his teammates.
However, group healing skills had a long cooldown time. It would be quite hard for the
South Korean team if so many group attacks were released again.
Ling Xuefeng definitely knew this. He quickly issued instructions on the voice channel. “Ah
Shu, break into the back row. Qin Mo, cooperate with him while the others spread out!”
The group immediately dispersed according to his instructions.
After five seconds, the Korean team’s invincible state ended. Qin Mo instantly summoned
the blood snake and blood spider to let his pets bite the opponents. The Korean players
couldn’t stand in place to let the blood kin pets bite them. Everyone started to escape and
hide. Bai Xuan released his hand speed to add five layers of Healing Language on Xie
Shurong and Xie Shurong took the opportunity to bypass the front row players and broke
into the back row!
“Open big!” Ling Xuefeng sent a command and summoned the demon god.
The dark god emerged from the ground and raised a death curse. Dark fog spread from
him, causing a lot of damage to the enemies who came into contact with this dark fog.
The demon god’s group attack had the strongest damage and widest range of all the demon
summoner’s skills.
Park Joonseo summoned the snow bird.
The snow bird hovered in the air and gave a healing aura to all teammates, adding blood.
However, the moment Park Joonseo summoned the snow bird, Xie Shurong opened the big
move Light and Shadow Rotation!
The quickly moving sword was like an impenetrable silver net that killed the snow bird in
Xie Shurong’s decisive attack directly abolished Park Joonseo’s blood-adding petand caused
a lot of damage to all Korean players in range.
However, the South Korean team had a double healer lineup. Park Joonseo’s snow bird
might be killed but there was the priest Bae Eunki.
Bae Eunki immediately cast a large healing skill to return blood to her teammates before
stacking up Healing Language.
The two sides exchanged a wave of skills but not one person died. Kou Hongyi couldn’t help
saying, “This is a strong team vs strong team! The Korean team’s defense ability is truly
very strong. Park Joonseo’s pets can give his teammates a barrier while Bae Eunki’s healing
level isn’t weak. If the Chinese team wants to find a breakthrough, it depends on Xie
He had just said this when Xie Shurong shifted targets and used Spirit Lock to stun Bae
Previously, Ling Xuefeng had suddenly changed targets to kill the white magician and Bae
Eunki was psychologically prepared for this practice. The moment she became dizzy, she
used Purification to solve the problem and walked to the side to move away from Xie
As it turned out, it wasn’t that easy to escape from a sticky swordsman!
The little brother of the Flying Feathers team’s three swordsmen was very experienced in
killing healers. In the past, Bai Xuan had been killed 10 times by Xie Shurong in one game
and received a psychological shadow.
Bae Eunki had never faced Xie Shurong and she greatly underestimated the level of Xie
Shurong’s stickiness!
She had just run to the side to avoid the swordsman’s attack and didn’t expect that in the
next second, Xie Shurong actually came from behind her and used a simple move to
interrupt her blood adding skill. Bae Eunki was a bit upset and evaded in the other
direction. As a result, Xie Shurong kept catching up and interrupting her skills.
Bae Eunki, “…”
Was this swordsman made of sugar?
The South Korean players found that their healer was chased by the other side’s
swordsman and turned back to deal with Xie Shurong. At this moment, Ling Xuefeng
suddenly used Cover the Sky!
The group of crows swirled in the sky and completely blacked out the vision of the South
Korean team.
“So beautiful!” The just interrupted Kou Hongyi immediately spoke again, “The timing of
Captain Ling’s move was just right! If you closely observe the positions in the game, you
will find that while Ah Shu went into the back row to interfere with the healer, the Chinese
players scattered and the South Korean players became more concentrated!”
“It was a trap.” Yu Bing continued calmly. “Captain Ling had Ah Shu enter the back row to
interfere with the healer and this distracted the South Korean team. In fact, the most
important part of a team battle is that everyone’s ideas should be synchronized and the
firepower concentrated. Once distracted, it is easy for the other party to seize the
Xie Shurong’s positioning was very flexible and the speed of his ordinary attacks dazzling.
In the fierce battle, he suddenly smashed into the back row and easily disturbed the other
side’s formation. Ling Xuefeng seized this opportunity to completely blind them using the
The thing that made the audience laugh was that Bae Eunki opened the instant big move,
Divine Blessing because she was too nervous.
This was a healer’s big group healing skill and the effect was quite powerful. The white
light would quickly spread to the surrounding teammates and return a large amount of
In fact, Ling Xuefeng used the crows to black out the vision of the South Korean team and
didn’t rush to attack. Instead, he used the banshee to pull Bae Eunki to the side, directly
wasting her big move!
After losing her vision, Bae Eunki blindly opened the group healing skill. It was because she
previously had her healing interrupted by Xie Shurong. In the state of blindness, her
teammates would be easily killed if she couldn’t add blood.
Apparently, she underestimated Ling Xuefeng’s foresight. Ling Xuefeng’s distance
calculation was so accurate that he once again used the banshee to pull her away and her
skill only restored Park Joonseo’s blood!
“Release your skills and kill the priest first!” Ling Xuefeng ordered calmly.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan had been working with him for a long time and were familiar
with the captain’s rhythm. The two of them aimed at the priest Bae Eunki and quickly
stacked five layers of Death Mantra on her. At the same time, they applied the negative
state Soul Curse.
Qin Mo wasn’t far away and had the blood snake bite Bae Eunki to apply three layers of
bleeding. Ling Xuefeng also summoned four skeleton infantry and exploded them. Not to
mention Xie Shurong had been staring at the healer and slashed at her, not allowing her to
release any blood adding skills.
Bae Eunki used the instant skill Holy Light Surge to restore her blood but it unfortunately
wasn’t enough against the Chinese team’s full outbreak.
There was a loud bang and Bae Eunki fell to the ground.
The South Korean players finally regained their vision only to see their healer being killed.
The Chinese team finally seized the opportunity and was the first to tear through the South
Korean team’s defense.

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GLS: Chapter 335

Chapter 335 – China VS South Korea (Match Point Scramble)

The South Korean healer died and Park Joonseo instantly realized the seriousness of the
situation. The Chinese team’s practice of dividing the battlefield greatly weakened the
Korean team’s defense while Xie Shurong’s experience in dealing with healers was quite
rich. His close proximity was simply a nightmare for healers.
He could no longer let Xie Shurong interfere with the South Korean team’s back row. Park
Joonseo decisively changed strategies. “Kill the swordsman first!”
The South Korean swordsman and assassin heard this and turned back to Xie Shurong. The
white magician and archer acted as remote output assistance and for a moment, all skills
were directed at Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong’s blood started to drop dramatically and he fell to 25% residual blood in the
blink of an eye.
Bai Xuan certainly wouldn’t watch Ah Shu be killed. He took a few steps forward and used
Holy Light Surge to instantly restore Xie Shurong’s blood.
Originally, this move could restore 50% of his teammates blood but the audience found
that Bai Xuan’s skill only added 20%.
“Park Joonseo used the skill of the six-winged angel to greatly reduce the effectiveness of
healing skills!” Kou Hongyi explained.
The six-winged angel was a very useful auxiliary pet for an angel summoner. It had two
skills. One was Angel’s Light, which gave a barrier all teammates within range, allowing
them to be immune to damage and control for five seconds. The other was Angel’s Wings,
which greatly reduced the defense of the target as well as the healing effect on the target.
Park Joonseo placed this skill on Xie Shurong and Ah Shu’s defense was greatly reduced as
well as Bai Xuan’s blood-adding skill. This meant the Korean team could kill Xie Shurong
with less effort.
Xie Shurong also knew this and typed on the team channel: [Don’t save me!]
He was telling Bai Xuan to give up and not save him.
Bai Xuan saw these worlds and immediately stopped adding blood to Ah Shu. As a healer,
he had to calmly judge the situation on the field and abandon certain teammates when
Ah Shu took the initiative to give up on himself and this made Bai Xuan feel better. He
clearly realized that Xie Shurong was an outstanding player who knew the big picture. At
the critical moment, there would be no gains unless there was a sacrifice.
Xie Shurong only had a trace of blood left and was about to die. Then he suddenly moved to
the archer Kim Yoonhee and released all his available skills—Breaking Bone Sword,
Devouring Soul Sword and Blood-sucking Sword!
The extremely fast release of three skills combined with two general attacks created a
dazzling and sharp play. Kim Yoonhee’s blood was directly cut to 25% residual blood!
Xie Shurong was killed but he once again made a breakthrough for the Chinese team.
This breakthrough was the Korean team’s vice-captain, Kim Yoonhee.
An archer had very weak defense. After being beaten, Kim Yoonhee used Flying Feather
Steps to run but Ling Xuefeng wouldn’t give her a chance to escape. It was impossible to let
Ah Shu’s breakthrough be wasted.
He summoned four skeleton infantry and surrounded her on all sides before exploding
He had long been familiar with the operation of the demon pets. Kim Yoonhee didn’t have
time to run away before being killed by Ling Xuefeng!
The South Korean team now only had one white magician, one assassin and one auxiliary.
The Chinese team had Ah Shu killed while the two black magicians and two summoners
survived. Moreover, Ah Shu had played his role before dying by laying the foundation for
his teammates.
Next was the big explosive moment after Ling Xuefeng’s command!
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan used the group attack skills they had been saving, Shadow
Winding and Hell Flames!
Qin Mo’s blood kin pet followed up with Blood Bat Festival!
The big moves hit in succession and the South Korean team were beaten to residual blood.
Of course, Shim Yoocheol couldn’t let the black magicians keep casting. He turned and used
Light and Shadow Rotation to interrupt the opponent’s casting, causing a lot of damage to
two black magicians.
However, the Chinese team had Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan used a handy healing array and filled up
their blood.
Qin Mo and Ling Xuefeng started to move quickly. The blood kin pets and demon pets
attacked the Korean team and their bodies were covered with a negative state.
The South Korean swordsman Shim Yoocheol and assassin Kim Changmin jointly killed the
black magician Guo Xuan while Ling Xuefeng killed Shin Chimin.
The two South Korean melee worked together. One controlled the healer while the other
killed Yan Ruiwen. It was a pity that they had just killed Yan Ruiwen when the news of Park
Joonseo’s death appeared on the screen.
Ling Xuefeng was still the recipient of the harvest.
Shim Yoocheol and Kim Changmin didn’t have much blood left at this time. The
consequences would be unthinkable if Ling Xuefeng took another head!
Park Joonseo hurriedly said, “Don’t fight. Withdraw!”
Unfortunately, it was too late to withdraw.
Qin Mo had been assisting his master by having the blood snakes bite people. Shim and
Kim’s bodies already had five layers of bleeding on them. After seeing that the other side
was going to withdraw, Qin Mo used the blood spider to fix them in place. Ling Xuefeng
followed by exploding the skeletons and killed two people in one breath!
The cooperation between mentor and apprentice was quite tacit. The South Korean team
killed three members of the Chinese team but were entirely wiped out. The most
frightening thing was that all the heads went to Ling Xuefeng!
[Ling Xuefeng has become a great god!]
The message on the screen was a blow that made Park Joonseo instantly wake up. The
always calm South Korean captain now showed an anxious look.
Ling Xuefeng, Qin Mo and Bai Xuan stayed in place to kill the ice dragon. The small boss
didn’t have high attack and it was relatively easy to kill. The three of them successfully
killed the ice dragon and returned to join their teammates.
The whole group obtained the ice dragon’s economic bonus and their money was abundant.
In particular, Ling Xuefeng killed so many people and the amount of money on his body
made the crowd drool.
He directly bought his favourite weapon, Demon God’s Curse.
The shape of the staff was very special and the top had a skeleton-like shape. The skeleton’s
eyes glowed with black flames which looked frightening. However, Ling Xuefeng’s fans
believed that their male god holding the staff with his summoner’s costume was too cool.
The effect of the staff was to increase the damage of Skeleton Explosion as well as the
summoning distance and casting distance of the banshee. Ling Xuefeng was especially good
at using the banshee to control the field. With this weapon, the operation of his banshee
would be more varied. Skeleton Explosion was the most commonly used attack skill of the
demon summoner and this weapon could greatly enhance Ling Xuefeng’s output ability.
Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan didn’t gain any heads but both of them bought rings with extra
attack power. Qin Mo bought the Blood Duke’s Ring to increase the control time. Bai Xuan
and Xie Shurong bought lamps to widen their field of view.
The speed of professional players was very fast. Everyone finished buying their equipment
and props in just a few seconds. Ling Xuefeng looked at the map and ordered decisively,
“Go directly to the crystal!”
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi found it hard to hide his expectations. He quickly
said, “Captain Ling has gained his weapon and nearly doubled his attack power! All
members of the Chinese team have supplemented their equipment and their advantage
against the fire dragon is very obvious!” As he spoke, Ling Xuefeng didn’t lead the team to
fight the dragon. Instead, he went straight to the middle crystal. Kou Hongyi immediately
stopped talking and his voice became shocked. “They are going directly to the crystal!”
Yu Bing nodded. “It seems like it.”
Generally speaking, it was necessary to accumulate enough equipment in an economic war.
After killing the fire dragon, they would rely on the buff to push towards the crystal.
Sometimes, one party would get a large number of heads in the early stages. If the
advantage was obvious, they would choose to push directly to the crystal.
However, there was a prerequisite for directly pushing to the crystal. There needed to be a
time difference or the confidence to win against the opposite side.
This time, players on both sides died and the resurrection time was similar. It was
impossible for there to be a time difference.
Ling Xuefeng dared to lead the team to directly push to the crystal, proving that he had
enough confidence to stop the Korean team’s interference.
The Chinese team arrived at the central highlands. QIn Mo’s blood knight acted as a
guardian in front. The others quickly killed the beasts and opened the channel to the
Ling Xuefeng calmly said, “Qin Mo, Yan Guo and Bai Xuan will guard the exit. Ah Shu, follow
He left three ranged players and a healer to guard the door while taking Xie Shurong to play
the crystal. This was because Ah Shu’s attack speed was extremely fast and he could greatly
speed up the destruction of the crystal.
Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng and Xie Shurong arrived at the crystal and Xie Shurong
immediately attacked crazily.
The thing he was best at was ordinary attack combos. He could often make combos against
moving opponents. Then what about a static crystal?
At this moment, Xie Shurong released his full hand speed and actually hit the crystal 10
times in five seconds!
The damage kept doubling and the crystal’s blood was dropping swiftly.
Ling Xuefeng had luxurious equipment and kept summoning skeletons to explode them.
The two people joined hands and removed one-third of the crystal’s blood in an instant.
The South Korean players rushed over in a hurry.
They had just guessed wrong. They thought the Chinese team would kill the fire dragon and
set up an ambush there. It wasn’t until the crystal was being attacked prompt appeared on
the screen that they rushed over. However, their rhythm was significantly slower by one
Yan Ruiwen was waiting in ambush at the highlands. He immediately used Dark Fear to set
all of the Korean team in place.
The healer Bae Eunki used Purification to help her teammates but Guo Xuan followed with
another Dark Fear. The control skills of the two black magicians were almost seamless.
The urgent South Korean team was forced to wait for the control to end. Once the three-
second control effect ended, Park Joonseo opened the six-winged angel’s barrier to make
his teammates immune to all control and injuries.
They turned towards the highlands but they arrived at the entrance only to find that Qin
Mo had placed his death knight to block the narrow entrance!
The death knight was the bodyguard of the blood kin summoner and its thick skin didn’t
lose to the paladin. Even so, it was a pet and the blood volume was slightly lower. Generally
speaking, it wasn’t difficult to kill.
However, today there was a healer next to it!
Bai Xuan hid behind the knight and quickly added five layers of Healing Language on the
knight. The Korean team gathered to kill the death knight and Bai Xuan quickly added
blood to it.
The South Korean audience was having a bit of a meltdown. There were so many gods only
to be blocked by a blood kin pet. They wouldn’t have believed it if they weren’t seeing it
with their eyes.
Bai Xuan’s healing ability was really strong and methodically added blood. Qin Mo’s pet
was maintained at a half blood state in his car. Park Joonseo frowned before using the Light
God’s Blessing to improve the attack power of the whole group. This wave of explosions
killed Qin Mo’s pet knight.
Shim Yoocheol’s swordsman took the lead in breaking through the narrow channel. Once
he saw the crystal’s blood, his heart fell to the keyboard. In the blink of an eye, the crystal’s
blood was only 30%!
Park Joonseo saw this and ordered, “Go and interrupt them!”
Shim Yoocheol and Kim Changmin quickly moved only for Ling Xuefeng to summon the
banshee and used Witch Demon’s Curse.
The demon beauty put her hands together and pulled the South Korean players to her side.
Due to the weapon’s increased distance bonus, Ling Xuefeng’s banshee was summoned far
below the highlands. The South Korean team had just rushed up only to be pulled down by
the banshee. It was equivalent to wasting time.
They tried to rush over again only to find that Yan Ruiwen, Guo Xuan, Qin Mo and Bai Xuan
were blocking the entrance. This was an ‘unless you step on our bodies, don’t think about
going to the highlands’ momentum!
The six players of the South Korean team naturally weren’t afraid of the four Chinese
players but Bai Xuan’s healing was enough to delay the time.
They couldn’t afford this because the crystal was going to break!
Park Joonseo directly used the ice woman’s Frost Soul to freeze all four Chinese people and
then said, “Quickly kill them!”
Kim Changmin used the assassin’s stealth to penetrate through the obstacles and
successfully bypassed the Chinese team, quickly arriving at the crystal.
The thing that made him feel desperate was that he only saw the crystal breaking.
There was a loud band and crystal fragments flew through the air, shining under the
The word ‘Failure’ popped up on the big screen and the Korean team failed to save the
On the Chinese side, there was the golden ‘Victory’ on the screen.
The third game was won and the score became 2:1. The Chinese team took the lead in
gaining match point!

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GLS: Chapter 336

Chapter 336 – China VS South Korea (Fourth Game)

The third game was successfully won and the Chinese team got match point first. Li Cangyu
came forward to hug Ling Xuefeng, stating, “You played well.” This was Ling Xuefeng’s
usual line and Li Cangyu borrowed it to praise him.
Ling Xuefeng’s lips curved slightly and he whispered, “Will you go on in the next round?”
“Yes, I want to take this match point instead of dragging it out to the decider.” Li Cangyu’s
eyes were firm as he looked back at his teammates. “Captain Tan, Xiao Wei, prepare to
Cheng Wei shot up excitedly. “Is it the arena?”
Since Cat God only called out two names, Cheng Wei wasn’t stupid and understood that the
fourth game was the arena.
Li Cangyu nodded. “The advantage of the arena in a home game is greater. We will try to
take this game.”
The atmosphere of the South Korean side was tense. They were down 1:2 and it would be
1:3 if they lost the fourth game, meaning they would be eliminated. This match point was
If they won the fourth game, it would be a 2:@ draw and they were likely to win the fifth
random tiebreaker.
Park Joonseo summoned the players together and seriously told them, “In this game,
everyone must go all out! Pay attention to your positions and don’t be caught by the
opposite side! Li Cangyu will definitely play and be careful of his wind elf’s control…”
The intermission time ended and both captains sat back at the command post.
This game was the Chinese team’s home advantage. Li Cangyu immediately submitted the
arena as the game mode and the three maps were Mount Huangshan Plank Road, Bamboo
Sea and Dark Reef.
Mount Huangshan Plank Road and Bamboo Sea were the Chinese team’s map, which meant
Park Joonseo had to pick one of the two.
Park Joonseo considered it for a while before eventually banning Mount Huangshan Plank
Road. After all, there were too many uncertain factors in this air combat map. The
advantage of Li Cangyu’s wind spirit in an air combat map was obvious and fighting on
Mount Huangshan Plank Road would be very unfavourable for the South Korean team.
Bamboo Sea was used in the economic war in the group stage and Park Joonseo was
impressed by the pandas. In the arena, it was still a trap map but it was naturally easier
than air combat.
After selecting the map, Li Cangyu followed up with the first pair: Tenday and Chengwei.
This was the famous kite flow Tan Cheng combination.
In the first death racing game, Park Joonseo defeated the five Chinese players commanded
by Tan Shitian. However, he knew that Tan Shitian’s level wasn’t bad. The reason for the
loss was because LI Cangyu sent too many newcomers in the first game as a test.
In the pairs arena, the Tan Cheng combination were partners for many years and their tacit
understanding was high. In order for South Korea to deal with their kite flow, it was
necessary to send a stronger kiting lineup or an assassin lineup.
The national team’s stronger kiting player, Kim Yoonhee had played in the last round. The
national team had two assassins and Kim Changmin had played in the last round. The Kim
brothers and sisters couldn’t play in this arena so he had to make another choice.
Park Joonseo thought this and also submitted the lineup. Bae Jeongho’s paladin and Im
Suyeon’s blood kin assassin.
Compared to the double assassins lineup, the paladin was more stable than the assassin.
The thick-skinned paladin would provide protection to his teammate while attracting the
other side’s firepower. Thus, his teammate could take the opportunity to lurk past and kill
the opposite side.
The two captains turned back to the rest area and Cheng Wei took advantage of the time
the map was being shown to whisper to Tan Shitian, “The assassin is the female player Im
He had seen the list of South Korean team members before the game and knew there were
only two assassins, Kim Changmin and Im Suyeon. Kim Changmin had played in the last
game and couldn’t play in this one. Thus, the assassin was Im Suyeon who was known for
being very cold. Bae Jeongho was a well-known paladin on the world rankings. His defense
and protection capabilities were world-class.
Park Joonseo sending these two people could be considered a strong shield and sharp blade
combination that wasn’t easy to defeat.
Tan Shitian touched his chin and thought, “Remember to keep your control skills for a
while. Leave Im Suyeon to me.”
Cheng Wei earnestly replied, “Yes, I understand. I will protect you.”
Tan Shitian heard this and couldn’t help feeling a bit warm. Xiao Cheng might be stupid but
he was very serious when playing the game. After so many years of being partners, Tan
Shitian was very clear about Cheng Wei’s keen sense of smell on the field. His tactical
awareness wasn’t strong but his reaction rate on the spot was very fast and he was very
flexible when playing the game. It was enough if he could follow Tan Shitian’s thoughts.
Tan Shitian looked back at Cheng Wei’s bright eyes and smiled gently. “Then please protect
me. If you let Im Suyeon finish me off, see how I will scold you when we go back.”
Originally, it was a very normal joke. However, Cheng Wei heard the words and an image of
being kissed by Cheng Wei entered his mind. His cheeks were hot and he instantly shifted
his gaze. “Take a good look at the map!”
Tan Shitian no longer teased him and looked back at the map.
They had practiced on this map countless times in training and Tan Shitian knew every
corner of this map. He was very confident about playing the arena on it.
The map finished being shown and the players on both sides opened the soundproof glass
door to sit at the computer.
The characters of the four players entered the competition room in turn and the fourth
game officially began once the map counted down.
In the economic war, Bamboo Sea would have giant pandas refreshing on it and players
could get gold coins by feeding them. Once the map was played for the area, the pandas
disappeared. The domestic audience suddenly missed it. [I’m not happy about no giant
pandas!] [This map is better in the economic war!] [Not necessarily. Cat God chose this map
so it must be an advantage for the Chinese team!”
The audience wasn’t quite sure of Li Cangyu’s intentions but because on the selections in
his previous game, it was possible to infer that he had deliberately released Bamboo Sea for
the match point. It definitely wasn’t casual and should be related to the lineup
The four people refreshed on the map and the green bamboo was like a green ocean.
It was obvious when looking at the map that there were many traps in the bamboo forest.
However, for professional players, it wasn’t difficult to avoid the traps. The South Korean
players avoided the traps while quickly moving forward.
The paladin Bae Jeongho walked in front while the assassin Im Suyeon opened stealth
while maintaining a certain distance with him. The two men dispersed in order to avoid
group skills from hitting both of them.
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei also rushed to the middle of the map. They saw the paladin
coming over and Tan Shitian aimed at the other side’s chest. The skill Quenching Arrow
was fired and successfully froze him in place!
—Shock Shot, Rapid Shot and Seize Life Shot!
Tan Shitian used the three moves and they all accurately hit the paladin’s chest. The crit
effect was triggered and the most defensive paladin lost 30% blood.
“Beautiful! Captain Tan is trying to kill the paladin!” Kou Hongyi exclaimed. “The paladin
has the highest defense and is the most difficult class to kill in Miracle. However, Captain
Tan has a fast hand and a high attack. If he can shoot the same spot every time and trigger
the crit effect, it won’t be hard to kill the paladin.”
Kou Hongyi’s claim was theoretically possible but it could be difficult in practice for each
arrow to hit the same spot. Tan Shitian could only do it because the other side was fixed in
place. If the other party moved, it would be impossible to hit a series of crits.
Sure enough, Bae Jeongho’s frozen effect ended and he used Iron Will to enhance his
defense, moving forward despite Tan Shitian’s suppression fire.
Im Suyeon took the opportunity to move to the side and quietly lurked behind Tan Shitian.
—Pain Blade!
The female assassin’s decisive and simple assassination technique succeeded in stunning
Tan Shitian.
—Back Stab, Fatal Blow and Death Strangulation!
Im Suyeon’s attack speed was fast. The last move was a crit and Tan Shitian’s blood was
reduced to 40%.
Cheng Wei turned back and used God’s Seal to set Im Suyeon in place. The next moment, Im
Suyeon opened Combat Stealth to not only avoid the attack but also remove all control
Tan Shitian used Flying Feather Steps to escape and Im Suyeon chased after him. Then
Cheng Wei opened the white magic group attack skill Tidal Surge in the direction of the
invisible Im Suyeon.
The white glow covered Im Suyeon like a tide.
The invisible assassin was hurt but the white magic and affected by the deceleration state
that came with Tidal Surge.
Im Suyeon was slowed down while Tan Shitian ran using Flying Feather Steps. She
obviously couldn’t catch up with Tan Shitian. Just as the paladin rushed in front of Cheng
Wei, Im Suyeon had to change her strategy. “First kill the white magician!”
Cheng Wei was very clever. he saw that the two people were going to attack him and
deliberately placed his back to a trap. This meant that Im Suyeon couldn’t attack him from
behind because she would fall into a trap!
Many of the assassin’s skills were meant for the back and a frontal offense was less
His simple positioning meant almost half of Im Suyeon’s attack power was gone. However,
the Korean team’s paladin wasn’t stupid. He directly used Fighting Howl, which was the
paladin’s best skill when pulling a boss. In PK, this skill could pull the opponent in front of
the user.
The moment that Fighting Howl was used, Cheng Wei suddenly took a step to the side and
avoided the other side’s strong pull. This clever positioning allowed the onlookers to
comment: [Cheng Wei has been around Captain Tan for a long time and became smarter!]
[Cheng Wei is also smart?] [Is there any player in the league dumber than Cheng Wei?]
[Cough, he isn’t stupid when playing the game. He becomes stupid the second he steps off
the field…]
Cheng Wei didn’t know that the domestic audience was talking about him. He stared at the
computer screen seriously and after avoiding the paladin’s strong pull, he turned and used
Holy Seal to set the paladin and assassin in place!
In the distance, Tan Shitian immediately used Death Arrow Rain!
The group attack hit and the paladin’s blood fell to 50% while the blood kin assassin
reached 65%.
Tan Shitian aimed at the paladin’s chest and fired another set of Shock Shot, Rapid Shot and
Seize Life Shot!
This set hit and the paladin was actually beaten to 20% residual blood!
The audience was stunned. It could be seen from the game’s data statistics panel that Tan
Shitian’s hit rate outpaced that of South Korea’s ace archer, Kim Yoonhee.
Kim Yoonhee watched the game and couldn’t help saying, “His explosive ability is too
strong. The paladin will die in seconds if it is like this!”
Fortunately, Bae Jeongho also realized this and used the shield, Guardian’s Power on
himself while placing the ‘Impenetrable’ immune damage shield on his teammate.
The two people stormed towards Cheng Wei and Im Suyeon released a set of moves that
forced Cheng Wei to half blood. Cheng Wei’s skill casting was interrupted and he had
almost nowhere to escape from the two melees.
Cheng Wei’s blood fell to 20% while Im Suyeon’s 5 seconds invincible shield finally
disappeared. Cheng Wei’s reaction was extremely fast and he used God’s Light on Im
Suyeon’s defenseless body.
This was the only instant skill of the white magician. It had a long cooldown but the amount
of damage was very impressive.
Im Suyeon’s blood was still at 65% and now it dropped to 35%.
At almost the same time, Tan Shitian used Barrage Shot and the arrows scattered in a fan
shape to accurately hit the paladin and assassin!
The paladin had only 10% blood left and Im Suyeon was also hit to 15% residual blood!
Im Suyeon frowned and used Chain Strangulation to kill Cheng Wei, the blood assassin
relying on the attack to suck her blood back to 25%. The moment she killed Cheng Wei, Tan
Shitian used Seize Life Shot to directly kill the paladin!
Im Suyeon was very clear that Cheng Wei just attracted her attention to let Tan Shitian
escpe. However, she couldn’t catch up with Tan Shitian. She could only kill Cheng Wei first.
As long as she could quickly handle Cheng Wei, she could join forces with her teammate to
kill Tan Shitian.
Unfortunately, the time spent killing Cheng Wei was too long. By the time Cheng Wei died,
both of them were at residual blood.
Tan Shitian used the advantage of his distance to kill the paladin and it turned into a 1v1
situation. Im Suyeon didn’t have time to turn when she was hit with Quenching Arrow to
freeze her in place.
—Shock Shot! Rapid Shot!
The archer’s most common attack skill followed Quenching Arrow. Tan Shitian’s damage
calculation was very accurate and the two moves forced Im Suyeon to fall to the ground.
[Captain Tan 6666! [Captain Tan is too handsome!] [Poor Cheng Wei attracted firepower as
a cannon fodder. Captain Tan, quickly touch Cheng Wei’s head!]
The audience started to comment. Tan Shitian didn’t touch Cheng Wei’s head. Instead, he
gently grasped Cheng Wei’s hand on the keyboard and smiled. “You worked hard.”
Cheng Wei’s face turned slightly red and he instantly pulled back his hand, stammering,
“You, you, you are welcome.”
The cooperation between them had Tan Shitian as the main attacker while Cheng Wei
assisted. Only the former Cheng Wei wasn’t very sensible and would try to steal the
spotlight. This season, he understood his role and knew that being Tan Shitian’s assistant
was nothing as long as he could win the game.
Cheng Wei looked at the South Korean paladin and assassin who fell to the ground and
scratched his head. “You played well.”
Cheng Wei’s appreciation was from the heart. To be able to hit the same spots in a row to
create crits, Tan Shitian was becoming stronger. Cheng Wei should be happy with such a
He was really happy. As to whether the happiness was because he won the Korean team’s
combination or because he could play with Tan Shitian, it wasn’t clear. In any case, he was

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GLS: Chapter 337

Chapter 337 – China VS South Korea (Trap Map)

Park Joonseo originally sent this combination for the blood kin assassin to kill Tan Shitian
as quickly as possible under the paladin’s protection. As a result, the paladin and assassin
died while Tan Shitian was still alive. This was undoubtedly a start that Park Joonseo didn’t
want to see and had to make up for it as soon as possible. Park Joonseo frowned and
thought for a moment before submitting the next Korean lineup.
The black magician Choi Sooeun and white magician Shin Chimin.
The two players were regular partners in a giant Korean e-sports club. They had
cooperated with each other for three seasons and had a high understanding. Park Joonseo
sent them to reverse the disadvantage as soon as possible.
They knew this arena was disadvantageous so the two female players fought very hard. The
white magician Shin Chimin wanted to use God’s Seal on Tan Shitian but he used Flying
Feather Steps to escape. Then he used the fan-shaped Barrage Shot to hit both people’s
blood down to 20%.
The black magician followed with the negative state of Shadow Winding and then used Soul
Curse to send off Tan Shitian. Tan Shitian successfully completed his mission and returned
to the rest area with Cheng Wei.
Li Cangyu patted his shoulder to show appreciation and then submitted the second Chinese
Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang!
Many domestic viewers thought they saw wrong when they saw this combination on the
screen. They had expected Li Cangyu to send Lou Zhang or Su YU. They didn’t expect the
Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang double hunters combination.
Yu Bing instantly explained, “Cat God should be trying to use the traps on the terrain to kill
the opponents.”
Bamboo Sea had traps all over the place. Combined withthe traps of Zhuo Hang and Jiang
Xu, the Korean team would find it hard to move.
Facts proved that Li Cangyu’s arrangement wasn’t wrong. Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang refeshed
on the map and relied on Flying Feather Steps to quickly move around the positions of the
two Korean members.
Stop Trap, Death Trap!
Zhuo Hang quickly filled the rear, left and right of the black magician Choi Sooeun with
traps. Jiang Xu aimed at the white magician Shin Chimin. She had a map trap in front of her
and Jiang Xu’s traps behind her.
Map traps could be distinguished according to the environment but the traps placed by the
hunters were invisible. The two members of Sout hKorea were forced to retreat and they
stepped into the hunters’ traps.
Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang decisively used Trap Blast!
The amount of damage caused by the two people’s serial traps was equivalent to two big
group attacks. The black and white magicians of the Korean team fell to 40%.
Choi Sooeun turned and used Dark Fear on Jiang Zhuo. Then she cooperated with her
teammate to release a series of skills that suppressed the opponents’ blood to 50%.
There was an intense wave of skill exchanges between the two sides and blood dropped
Zhuo Hang always used the map. For example, once Dark Fear ended, he used Flying
Feather Steps to dodge and placed a series of Silence Traps between the two magicians. The
South Korean team wanted to avoid the group traps and had to step into Zhuo Hang’s traps.
At this time, the audience understood that the trap map Bamboo Sea was really suitable for
Xiao Zhuo’s play!
It was no wonder why Li Cangyu placed Zhuo Hang on the field. The strengths of the Lou
Zhang and Su Yu combination were very strong but it was clear that Jiang Xu and Zhuo
Hang could better show the advantage of a hunter on this map.
There were traps everywhere and the two female players of the Korean team were
They tried their best but they were caught by various traps at their feet. They couldn’t
complete the operation and their blood plummeted.
After seeing that she only had a trace of blood left, Choi Sooeun couldn’t bear it anymore
and directly used Hell Flames while Shin Chimin used Tidal Surge.
The two group attacks hit Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang to residual blood but the next Trap Blast
directly moved their heads.
The South Korean team failed to move back the situation in the second round.
At a crucial moment, Li Cangyu sent the double hunters on the trap map to successfully
block the Korean team’s pursuit.
The Chinese team entered the guard stage with a narrow advantage!
Park Joonseo gently formed a fist at the command post. Next, he had to send a very strong
combination. They needed to kill the Chinese team’s Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang as well as the
guard combination. In other words, South Korea’s guard team had to be prepared to kill
four people.
Who had such a level?
Names quickly flashed through Park Joonseo’s mind and then he thought of a person, Im
They weren’t members of the same team but Im Sanghun’s IT team was the runner-up of
this year’s Korean League. Im Sanghun’s operating level and commanding ability had long
been recognized by domestic players and he was the only one who could take on this
responsibility at a critical juncture.
Park Joonseo no longer hesitated and submitted the last group of Korean players, Im
Sanghun and Song Bin.
It was the combination of the demon summoner and blood kin summoner.
Li Cangyu saw this scene and couldn’t help smiling. He leaned towards Ling Xuefeng and
said, “This combination is very similar to you and Qin Mo.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
Li Cangyu continued. “My favourite opponent is the demon summoner.”
Ling Xuefeng, “…”
Qin Mo eavesdropping next to him, “…”
The class Cat God was most familiar with was the demon summoner. He had many years of
experience in facing the demon summoner. Qin Mo didn’t know whether to sympathize
with his master or the Korean team!

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GLS: Chapter 338

Chapter 338 – China VS South Korea (Summoner Duel)

Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang were in a state of residual blood but had to lay a solid foundation
for their teammates behind them. They knew it would certainly be foolproof with Cat God
as the guard but Jiang Xu and Zhuo Hang weren’t careless. They emptied all their blood
before dying.
In particular, Zhuo Hang was quite clever in a critical moment. He used a series of Stop
Traps’ to force out the blood kin pets and used Trap Blast to send off the blood kin
summoner’s defense pet, the death knight.
This was equivalent to abolishing the most important life-saving skill of the blood kin
Li Cangyu smiled with relief and calmly submitted the Chinese team’s guard list. Then he
took Xiao Han to play with him.
It was the combination of the Li Cangyu and Xiao Han master apprentice combination.
In the most critical guard stage of the semi-finals, Li Cangyu took the young rookie Xiao Han
whom he personally trained, moving many Canglan fans.
Xiao Han only debuted this season and it was like everyone had watched a child grow up.
From the original ignorant teenager to the sharp assassin standing alongside his master on
the World Competition stage, the mixed-raced Xiao Han made amazing progress this
season. Combined with the tempering of the World Competition, everyone had reason to
believe that Xiao Han would definitely become a first-class god of the Miracle League.
Xiao Han was very excited at the thought of playing with his master but his face was still
cold. Qin Mo knew that this guy actually wasn’t cold but his Chinese level was too bad and
he was laughed at whenever he talked. Thus, he pretended to be cold.
After seeing the two people sitting in front of the computer, Qin Mo asked softly, “They will
win, right?”
Ling Xuefeng replied lightly, “Of course.”
He had absolute confidence in Li Cangyu and his tone was unusually firm. Qin Mo looked
back and his master and scratched his head with a smile. “I also believe they can win.”
Park Joonseo’s thoughts regarding this combination weren’t wrong. After all, Im Sanghun
and Song Bin were first-tier players of the South Korean team, with Im Sanghun famous as
a commanding god. However, Park Joonseo didn’t expect that Li Cangyu had the most
experience in dealing with this combination. It was because Ling and Qin were a
combination of demon summoner and blood kin summoner!
Li Cangyu often PKed with Ling Xuefeng while he also let Xiao Han and Qin Mo PK each
other. He had reached the level where he could prejudge the opponent’s next skill based on
the motion.
When Li Cangyu and Xiao Han came to the middle of the map, the South Korean team’s Im
Sanghun and Song Bin had 80% blood and 90% blue. The blood and blue gap wasn’t that
big in a showdown between masters. One or two skills would equal it out. It was just that
Zhuo Hang had got rid of the blood kin summoner’s death knight in advance, which was
very unfavourable for the Korean team’s blood kin summoner.
The soft persimmon should be picked. Li Cangyu immediately aimed at the blood kin
“Xiao Han, go around. I will kill the blood kin summoner first.” Li Cangyu spoke on the voice
channel while quickly summoning his water spirit and using a small Water Ball to attack
the demon summoner.
Xiao Han knew this was his master’s blind eye method. He didn’t lurk behind the demon
summoner but moved to the blood kin summoner in accordance with his master’s
Song Bin saw that Li Cangyu was attacking Im Sanghun and thought that the target was Im
Sanghun. He summoned a blood snake to bite Li Cangyu and apply three layers of bleeding
to Li Cangyu.
At this moment, there was a cold flash behind his back and he was hit with Pain Blade!
Xiao Han’s knife fell and controlled the summoner.
Li Cangyu immediately shifted targets and aimed the big move, Raging Prairie Fire at Song
Red flames rose from the feet and Xiao Han followed with the release of Back Stab, causing
Song Bin’s blood to immediately fall to 50%!
The opposite side’s demon summoner reacted extremely quickly. He aimed at Li Cangyu
and Xiao Han’s direction as he summoned the black crows’ big move, Cover the Sky.
This was one of Li Cangyu’s most hated skills and he thought of countless ways to deal with
His attack target was Song Bin but he had been looking in Im Sanghun’s direction. The
moment Im Sanghun started casting, he judged the other person was going to open big and
summoned the thunder spirit to use Thunder’s Wrath.
The audience saw a bizarre picture. Im Sanghun had just summoned the crows that headed
towards Li Cangyu and Xiao Han when purple thunder fell from the sky, directly wiping out
the black crows!
“Great!” Kou Hongyi exclaimed. “Cat God predicted Im Sanghun’s big move in advance and
used lightning to kill all the crows. Im Sanghun’s blind control failed! I think that Cat God
PKs privately with Captain Ling every day. It is no wonder he can kill the demon
The netizens agreed with Kou Hongyi’s comment for once. [The one you have the highest
understanding of is your strongest opponent. Cat God knows the demon summoner as well
as Captain Ling.] [Does Cat God really regularly PK with Captain Ling?] [It is highly possible.
After all, the captain and vice-captain live together in the national team.] [Then Captain
Ling is Cat God’s biggest chaperone?]
On the field, Li Cangyu neutralized the demon summoner’s vision control and called the
public pet, the departed spirit.
The audience was confused until they saw Im Sanghun summoning the banshee and using
Witch Demon’s Curse.
Then banshee’s group pull skill pulled Xiao Hanw hile also pulling the departed spirit pet
that Li Cangyu had just summoned. Li Cangyu pressed the skill of the departed spirit and
Im Sanghun was possessed by it!
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help laughing. “This is lifting a rock and hitting your own feet!
Originally, it was troublesome for Cat God to control the departed spirit to avoid the traps.
As a result, Im Sanghun pulled the spirit over and saved Cat God a lot of effort!”
Yu Bing was calm. “Cat God made a pre-judgment about Im Sanghun’s banshee skill. He
summoned the departed spirit in front of himself and blocked the banshee’s strong pull. It
is enough to see that Cat God is looking at the big picture.”
It was no wonder that the two commentators desperately praised Li Cangyu. HIs operation
was really quite subtle. After the departed spirit possession, Im Sanghun’s movement speed
was greatly slowed. Combined with the map traps around him, it was almost impossible to
come over and interfere with the situation.
Xiao Han might’ve been pulled but he had a strong adaptive ability and wouldn’t easily die.
This gave Li Cangyu a great opportunity to single out the blood kin summoner.
Li Cangyu turned back to the blood kin summoner and threw small fireballs. The fireballs
rushed one after the other and the blood of the blood kin summoner plummeted to 30% in
the blink of an eye!
Song Bin was forced to enter Combat Stealth.
However, the bamboo forest was full of traps. It wasn’t easy for him to bypass the traps and
rush in front of Li Cangyu. He had just moved past a trap when Li Cangyu used a group
attack, Frost Heart.
The water elf’s group attack skill froze all enemies in range, including Song Bin.
Li Cangyu followed with the fireballs to keep decreasing blood.
The fire spirit was his most commonly used attack pet. His full agility meant his skills had
an extremely short cooldown time and combined with his fast hand speed, the damage in a
short period of time didn’t lose to any big move!
Song Bin regretted so much that his intestines were green!
He had summoned the death knight to defend himself from the hunter’s traps. He didn’t
expect Zhuo Hang to kill the knight and now he was in a critical situation without the
protection of the knight, greatly reducing his ability to survive.
The next moment, the slowed Im Sanghun finally bypassed the traps. He quickly summoned
four skeleton infantry to interfere with Li Cangyu. As a result, Xiao Han was fast and rushed
in front to stop the skeletons He used Chain Strangulation and then Soul Stab to kill all four
Xiao Han’s approach caused the domestic audience to warmly applaud him.
The mixed-race teenager was sharp and aggressive, the dagger in his hand letting off a cold
light. He seemed to be saying, ‘I won’t let you interfere with my master!’
The skeletons were the demon summoner’s most commonly used attack pet with the
shortest cooldown time. The four skeletons were killed but Im Sanghun soon summoned
four more to imprison Xiao Han. As a result, Xiao Han used Combat Stealth and raised the
dagger. He was saying, ‘You summon a few, I will kill a few. I won’t be polite with you!’
At this time, a kill prompt appeared on the screen.
Li Cangyu finally killed Song Bin using the most common Fireball skill.
Im Sanghun felt despair.
He played many games but today’s game felt particularly suffocating. It felt like the other
person had entered his head and guessed everything he was thinking…
The black crows’ control skill was neutralized, the banshee group pull was scrapped and
even the operation of the most commonly used skeletons was several times more difficult
than usual.
If it was just a simple trap map, Im Sanghun wouldn’t worry. It wasn’t difficult to operate
the skeletons on a map full of traps at his level. However, it was hard for him after meeting
Li Cangyu and Xiao Han today.
These two people had an excellent understanding of a demon summoner. Li Cangyu’s pre-
judgment was terrible and accurate. Xiao Han’s style was also very simple. He killed
skeletons and didn’t have much of an impact on Im Sanghun’s blood, but it completely
disrupted Im Sanghun’s attack rhythm.
Li Cangyu killed the blood kin summoner and turned towards Im Sanghun.
Now Xiao Han’s strategy changed. The teenager flexibly bypassed the traps, quickly moved
behind Im Sanghun and then used the Pain Blade control skill!
Im Sanghun knew this skill’s cooldown was over. He saw Xiao Han go behind and moved
sideways, avoiding this control in a thrilling manner.
The South Korean audience wanted to cheer for him when the next second, Li Cangyu
called the wind spirit and used Wind and Clouds Destruction.
The wind spirit blew Im Sanghun directly into the bit pit next to him.
Im Sanghun fell into the Bamboo Sea trap!
The audience, “…”
Many viewers expressed sympathy for him while others gloated. [Cat God 6666!]
[Cat God’s wind spirit is simply against the sky!] [First blowing into the lake, blowing down
from the attic and then finally blowing it into the trap. The Korean team is really perfect
today. Praise the Korean team!]
This final review perfectly summed up the conditions of the two games by Li Cangyu today.
They expressed sympathy for the South Korean players blown into the water, downstairs
and finally in a pit.
Im Sanghun fell into the trap and encountered the joint attacks of the mentor and
apprentice. His blood plummeted and he was eventually killed by Xiao Han.
The golden words popped up on the big screen and many audience members stood up
excitedly and cheered!
The match point was successfully won and the Chinese team entered the finals!
Many viewers were so excited that they shed tears. Even Xiao Han’s eyes were hot. Li
Cangyu stood up calmly and patted his apprentice’s shoulder. He encouraged, “You played
well. I didn’t give you orders but you knew what to do. Your awareness is very good.”
Xiao Han nodded happily and returned to the rest area with his master. The two of them
received warm applause from the national team.
Cheng Wei wanted to pounce and praise his idol but Ling Xuefeng preempted him.
Ling Xuefeng hurried forward and pulled Li Cangyu into his arms. He whispered, “I knew
you would have no problem playing this game. We won 3:1.”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly, his voice slightly choked from excitement. “Okay, we’re in the
The year he left Miracle, he didn’t expect to return here one day or become the captain of
the national team. He led the team to kill together in the World Competition along with Ling
The grand finals.
The Chinese team successfully advanced to the finals of the World Competition!
It was the day they had been waiting for. They stood side by side together at the peak of the
world stage!

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GLS: Chapter 339

Chapter 339 – Eve of the Finals

In the post-match interview, only Captain Park Joonseo and Vice-Captain Kim Yoonhee
appeared for the South Korean team. Park Joonseo has always been a good person and was
polite when answering the reporters’ questions. However, there was a clear look of regret
on his face after the South Korean team failed to reach the finals. “The result of this match
was beyond my expectations. I can only say that our preparations before the match wasn’t
enough. After returning home, we will carefully summarize the lessons learnt. The players
of our country will strive to win the World Competition next year!”
A reporter asked, “Captain Park, what do you think about the strength of the Chinese team’s
captain, LI Cangyu?”
Park Joonseo thought about it before replying, “Li Cangyu is a very admirable player. I’ve
heard his story and it isn’t easy to persist for so many years. His personal level and
commanding ability are first-class.”
Backstage, the brainless fan Cheng Wei watched the interview and immediately nodded in
agreement. “Park Joonseo has a bit of vision. He knows how amazing our Cat God is?”
Ling Xuefeng gently wrapped an arm around Li Cangyu’s shoulder. “It is difficult to gain the
recognition of an opponent.”
Li Cangyu smiled at him. “Yes.”
In fact, he didn’t care about other people’s evaluations. He had received all types of
criticisms when he first left Miracle and then when he returned. He wouldn’t be able to
persist if he cared too much about other people’s opinions.
However, Park Joonseo was one of the world’s top three summoners. Li Cangyu’s mood was
clear after being acknowledged by such a strong opponent. It was as clear as the sun being
revealed after a storm.
On the other hand, Park Joonseo could barely maintain the smile on his face.
Many reporters from South Korea asked sharp questions in a rude and harsh tone.
After all, South Korean often won against China in other e-sports competitions. They
couldn’t accept that in the first Miracle World Competition, South Korea actually lost to
The reporters’ questions smashed the captain and vice-captain one after another. Vice-
Captain Kim Yoonhee was a female player but her character was very straightforward. She
was impatient with the reporters and her expression quickly sank. Park Joonseo still
maintained his smile. He was obviously used to putting on a disguise in front of the
Li Cangyu suddenly felt sympathy for the two people.
If the Chinese team had lost, perhaps he and Ling Xuefeng would be the ones facing the
reporters’ bombardment?
He looked over at Ling Xuefeng and met his eyes. Ling Xuefeng seemed to have guessed Li
Cangyu’s thoughts and his hand on Li Cangyu’s shoulder tightened slightly like silent
The Chinese team brought more people to the interview. In addition to Li Cangyu and Ling
Xuefeng, there were several other gods who played an important role in today’s
competition, Tan Shitian, Su Guangmo, Lou Wushuang and Jiang Xu.
Li Cangyu brought all these people in order to give the reporters a chance for a
comprehensive interview before the finals.
The domestic reporters were so excited that they immediately rushed to ask questions.
“Captain Tan, were you under a lot of pressure when you lost today’s first game?”
“To tell you the truth?” Tan Shitian smiled and glanced at Li Cangyu. “Cat God had me open
the match but I didn’t feel too much psychological pressure. It is because I knew there were
many great gods behind me and had confidence in them.”
“We saw you comforting Vice-Captain Cheng after the first game. How is he feeling now?”
“Cheng Wei is a single-celled animal. His emotions come and go quickly.” Tan Shitian’s
smile became gentler as he talked about Cheng Wei. “Once the first game was lost, his face
fell like the sky. The moment the second game was won, he immediately came alive again.
He had completely forgotten about the first game by the time the fourth game arrived.”
Everyone, “…”
Then Cheng Wei’s memory was less than 10 minutes?
Cheng Wei was watching the live broadcast and was unconvinced. “Can Tan Shitian stop
blackening me in every interview?”
The Time team’s Lu Xiao whispered, “Is he blackening you? He keeps spoiling you.”
Cheng Wei looked at him with confusion. “Lu Xiao, what are you whispering about?”
Lu Xiao immediately waved his hand. “Nothing! Hahaha, I am reviewing this game!”
Cheng Wei ignored him and continued to watch the screen.
In today’s 3:1 match, the lost game was directed by Tan Shitian but he didn’t seem to mind
at all. In the interview, he was outspoken about the losing game and very graceful. His face
was handsome, especially the enlarged version on the big screen. He was handsome and
had an affable smile.
Cheng Wei didn’t realize that his gaze had been on someone’s face for more than 10
seconds without moving away.
“Losing one or two games doesn’t really matter. We can learn from the lost games and find
out what we’re missing. In fact, I lost the game I commanded today but I gained a lot from
it. I believe that Cat God used this system to show you the strength of the new generation in
the Chinese Miracle League.” Tan Shitian answered with a smile. “Xiao Han, Zhuo Hang and
Qin Mo are the future of our Miracle League.”
These words were endorsed by Li Cangyu. “Captain Tan is excellent. The lineup of the first
game was based on temptation. My style is different from Captain Park and is more suitable
for a steady play. Thus, I didn’t send the strongest lineup in the first game. Captain Tan took
some newcomers and got a score of 9:10. This is already great. If this lineup appears next
year, I believe there will be a different ending!”
These words received warm applause from the reporters.
It could be seen that Li Cangyu’s eyes weren’t only on the World Competition but on the
future of the Miracle League.
Xiao Han, Qin Mo and Zhuo Hang were players less than 18 years old. One day, they would
become the pillars of the Miracle League and the national team would depend on them.
Thus, it was a reasonable choice to give them more opportunities in the First World
After interviewing Tan Shitian, a reporter asked Su Guangmo a question. “Captain Su didn’t
personally direct any of today’s games but participated in a team battle as Cat God’s
teammate. Do you want to be a commander in the finals?”
“It depends on the captain’s arrangement.” Su Guangmo readily smiled. “The goal of all our
national team’s players is the same. The commander doesn’t matter as long as we can win!”
“Captain Lou played beautifully in today’s underwater assassination and your cooperation
with Vice-Captain Zhang has become more tacit. Many foreign reporters have given you the
nickname of ‘Cold Killer’. What do you think about this nickname?” The reporter shifted the
question to Lou Wushuang.
“Well, it’s good.” Lou Wushuang replied while pushing up his glasses.
“…” Interviewing the cold king was a very difficult matter. The reporter was choked up for a
while before asking, “What does Captain Lou want to say to the domestic audience?”
“See you in the finals.” Lou Wushuang replied in a calm tone that didn’t fluctuate.
“…” The reporters decided to give up on interviewing him and turned to Jiang Xu. “Captain
Jiang and Zhuo Hang are partners from different teams. Based on today’s semi-finals, your
cooperation is excellent. Was it hard during the training to form a partnership with a
“Fortunately, Zhuo Hang and I spent a lot of time in the arena on our side accounts. I don’t
feel that it is tiring and it is instead very interesting. The two of us might come from
different teams but there is no sense of estrangement. This is because Zhuo Hang’s level is
very high and he immediately understands anything I say.” Jiang Xu’s tone was full of
admiration for Zhuo Hang.
Backstage, Zhuo Hang immediately took out his phone and sent a message. [Senior praised
Li Xiaojiang quickly replied: [I’m watching the live broadcast.]
Zhuo Hang: [You must come watch the finals, you hear me?]
[Yes, I’ll come and cheer for you!]
Zhuo Hang put away his phone with a hint of a smile on his face. He didn’t know if he would
have a chance to play in the finals but Li Xiaojiang was his fixed partner. They should be in
the same arena to witness it.
The reporters took turns interviewing and Ling Xuefeng received many questions, which
was enough to show the popularity of Captain Ling.
He replied in a very serious tone. The questions he didn’t like then he would directly skip.
The reporters were used to this man’s tough style and naturally didn’t dare keep asking.
A reporter suddenly asked boldly, “Captain Ling, there is something I have always been
curious about. In the World Competition so far, the commander is often changed depending
on the lineup of the group battle. However, we have never seen you appear with Cat God in
the same team battle. If you one day appear in the same battle as Cat God, who will be the
The question stunned many journalists and viewers.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were the captain and vice-captain of the national team. As long
as one of them played, the hearts of the audience members were particularly solid. Thus,
almost everyone ignored this question. What if both of them played at the same time? What
type of image would appear?
The reporter’s question ignited the curiosity of the crowd.
Another reporter stood up and asked, “Why don’t we have Cat God answer this question?”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other before replying simultaneously, “He will
Everyone, “…”
Then who the hell would command?
They didn’t expect the connection to be to this degree. Ling Xuefeng gave a rare smile to the
camera and said, “We usually discuss tactical issues and will negotiate to resolve any
Li Cangyu nodded and continued, “However, a game is different. The situation on the field
changes rapidly and the opponent won’t give us the opportunity to discuss it slowly. If
there is one day where both of us appears in the group battle, one person must be the
commander and the other person must absolutely obey orders.”
Ling Xuefeng spoke decisively, “If there are differences on the field, I will listen to him
because I believe in him.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
This simple sentence moved Li Cangyu’s heart. To have a person who knew him, trusted
him, supported him and was willing to join hands with him was God’s greatest gift to him.
The reporter asked excitedly, “Then the last commander will be Cat God?”
Li Cangyu was no longer polite and smiled. “We don’t have to worry too much about this
matter. IN fact, if Xuefeng and I play the game, there is no need to give commands. With the
tacit understanding between us, eye contact is enough. Of course, I will be in charge when
necessary. Since Xuefeng said he would listen to me, shouldn’t I give him some face?”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes.”
Everyone, “…”
Cat God said this but Captain Ling was still so cooperative. This scene was really rare!
Li Cangyu joked before saying, “Many people are concerned about who can win the
championship. I want to see, the Chinese team will win!”
The captain’s declaration caused the reporters to clap loudly.
From the beginning, everyone had been aiming for the championship. They swept through
the group stage with a victory record and they shockingly took down the South Korean
rival team 3:1 in the semi-finals. Now that they had reached the finals and the
championship trophy was right in front of them, everyone would definitely try their best to
win the highest honour.
The interview ended and they returned backstage. The players watching the live broadcast
were thrilled by Li Cangyu’s last sentence. Everyone put their hands together and shouted,
“Refuel!” They excitedly rode back to the Miracle Village.
After returning to their room that evening, Li Cangyu sat on the sofa and closed his eyes
His expression was calm in front of the reporters and he pretended to be relaxed in front of
the players. Now he no longer needed to disguise himself. He didn’t know how many brain
cells he lost in the match today. He was actually very tired and didn’t want to open his eyes.
Ling Xuefeng looked at his ‘collapsed on the sofa’ posture and suppressed his smile. He sat
next to Li Cangyu and helped massage his shoulder. His shoulder muscles were stiff from
sitting in front of a computer for several hours. He felt very comfortable as they were
massaged and pointed to his right shoulder. “This side as well.”
He wasn’t polite at all. LIng Xuefeng pressed on the left and right shoulder, his voice low
and gentle, “Have a good rest tonight. The tactics for the finals can be discussed another
day. No matter the outcome of the finals, I will face it with you.”
Li Cangyu heard this and suddenly opened his eyes.
He was lying on the sofa and his angle of looking up was just right. The light was behind
Ling Xuefeng and his face wasn’t very clear, but his eyes were particularly deep and bright.
Li Cangyu’s heart jerked and he took the initiative to extend his arms and hug the other
person’s neck, pulling this person towards himself. Ling Xuefeng followed and planted a
gentle kiss on Li Cangyu’s lips.
‘No matter the result, you are with me.’
This sentence was the most long-lasting confession of life between them.

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GLS: Chapter 340

Bonus ko-fi chapter
Chapter 340 – China VS USA (Best Wishes Before the Game)

The finals of the World Competition would be held at 10 a.m. on October 12th. There were
three days left before the final battle.
The players of the national team rushed to the training room early the next morning. Once
the door opened, Li Cangyu was sitting down and looking at the data while Ling Xuefeng
turned on the projector and inserted the USB flash drive into the laptop he brought with
Once all the players arrived, Li Cangyu put down the data and swept over the people
present. “The finals is three days away. How do you feel? Are you nervous?”
Cheng Wei excitedly raised his hands first,. “I’m a bit nervous but also excited!”
Tan Shitian smiled slightly and said, “You were really excited. You dreamt of playing the
game last night and said a bunch of things like you want to abuse the American team.”
Cheng Wei’s face was red with embarrassment as he grabbed his head. “There was
something like that?”
Tan Shitian nodded. “Yes.”
He also punched the pillow for a way, wanting to fight the US team in his dream.
“Don’t mention it Xiao Wei, I am also very excited. I dreamt that we won the championship
last night.” Li Cangyu stated.
“No wonder why you’re in such a good mood today. It turned out to be a good dream.” Ling
Xuefeng looked over at him. “I have a hunch that your dream will come true.”
“I think so too.” Li Cangyu smiled. “It wasn’t easy for us to kill all the way to the finals. In the
last game, I hope that everyone can adjust their mentality, play well and play to our true
standards. Don’t leave regrets in the World Competition.”
“I understand!” Everyone nodded to show their understanding.
The finals would have tremendous pressure, especially since this was the United States’
home. Putting aside the benefits of the location, any players with a poor psychological
quality could easily make mistakes.
Li Cangyu was right. This competition didn’t require everyone to play in an extraordinary
manner. It was enough to stabilize their mentality and play to their usual level.
The PPT made by Ling Xuefeng was still simple and clear. Li Cangyu opened the file and
gave the overall introduction and tactical analysis.
“The captain of the US team, Noah is currently the number one black magician in the world.
The vice-captain Winfrey is regarded as a goddess by the American netizens and is an
excellent healer. There are also the blood kin summoner Jack Josh, the archer Thomas, the
assassin Edmund and the swordsman Benjamin. Everyone one of them is world-class
“In terms of lineup configuration, the US team is very comprehensive. They have several
styles of play that they are good at, such as the assassination stream with Edmund as the
core, the summoner stream with Jack as the core and the black magician play with Noah as
the core. Their strength is equal to our national team.” Li Cangyu paused and said, “It isn’t
easy to win against the US team. Everyone needs to prepare for a tough five games.”
It was a competition involving masters. The difference between winning and losing was
one thought. Li Cangyu couldn’t guarantee that the Chinese team would win but at the very
least, they should try their best in every game.
Moreover, the lineup when facing a very strong team was critical. The Chinese team had to
carefully consider the deployment of personnel and be fully ready to play five games. If all
the gods were sent in the beginning and couldn’t be sent in the next game, the other side
could counterattack.
South Korea made this mistake in the semi-finals. Park Joonseo was too anxious and sent
many star players in the opening in order to kill the Chinese team in one breath. The result
was that the Chinese team sent stronger players in the later stages and killed the Korean
team. Being too confident wasn’t a good thing and they should maintain a stable game.
Next, Li Cangyu chose several countermeasures for the various lineups of the US team, had
the leaders choose fixed teammates and let everyone fight each other.
Everyone started to train carefully and none of them dared slack off.
Time passed extremely quickly. Three days later, the Chinese team had breakfast at the
restaurant and met the US team. Like the last time he met the Korean team, Li Cangyu took
the initiative to say to the US team’s vice-captain Winfrey. “I’m cheering for you.”
His English wasn’t very good but daily communication wasn’t a problem.
Winfrey heard this sentence and wasn’t very surprised. She replied, “I heard that you
cheered on the Korean team before the game. The result was that the Korean team lost?”
Li Cangyu replied in a straightforward manner. “Yes, today the US team might also lose. It is
because my cheering contains a very strong negative state. Under this state, you will make
a mistake.”
Winfrey smiled. “Is this the mysterious Oriental force?”
Li Cangyu joked, “Yes, we call it poison milk. It is toxic milk powder and eating it will force
people into a bad state.”
Winfrey questioned, “Poisonous milk powder?”
Li Cangyu demonstrated it with gestures. Winfrey obviously failed to understand what
poisonous milk powder meant and looked at Li Cangyu with a puzzled expression.
Ling Xuefeng saw him and the big beauty of the US team talking and laughing and finally
couldn’t help walking over to say hello to Winfrey. Then he placed an arm around Li
Cangyu’s shoulder and dragged him away. “I grabbed you a plate of grilled fish. Go to eat it.”
Li Cangyu heard fish and immediately treated the beauty Winfrey as air. He turned to eat
fish with Ling Xuefeng.
WInfrey was confused and after a moment of thinking, she smiled. “The captain of the
Chinese team is really interesting.”
In the group stage and semi-finals, she just smiled and passed by when meeting the
captains of other captains yet Li Cangyu could speak a few words to her. He might be an
opponent but he didn’t seem very resistant to the American team. His expression was very
relaxed when chatting, which showed he was actually very confident.
Only those who weren’t afraid of their opponents could talk to their opponents.
Li Cangyu could do this, showing that his mental strength was extremely strong.
Such a person wasn’t easy to deal with. It seemed they had to be more careful in today’s
match. Winfrey looked thoughtfully at the backs of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu and
frowned slightly before turning to join her American teammates.
At 9 o’clock in the morning, the venue was already filled with spectators.
Since the game was held in the US and the US team had entered the finals, more than 80%
of the audience were Americans. Everyone wore the uniform of the national team and
many people raised the flags to cheer for their team.
From a distance, the venue was a sea of stars and stripes.
There were very few Chinese people on the scene. There were overseas Chinese holding
the national flag to cheer and some diehard fans who specifically flew abroad to watch the
match. In the ocean surrounded by American audiences, these forces seemed small and
insignificant but they tried their best to support the national team.
On the way backstage, the Chinese team could see the situation at the venue. The
proportion of the American audience was terrible. The US team would definitely get a cheer
if they played well.
Li Cangyu looked back at everyone and patiently told them, “Today we are an away game.
Everyone has seen it. The playing field isn’t very favourable to us. However, we don’t have
to care about the reaction of the audience. Once the game starts, just keep an eye on the
computer. Don’t be distracted or think too much.”
He spoke while walking backstage with his teammates. Unexpectedly, Liu Chuan the owner
of the Dragon Song Club actually came backstage with other members of the team.
Gu Siming rushed over excitedly at the sight of Li Cangyu. “Cat God, are you ready?”
Li Cangyu hadn’t seen him for a long time and this little guy was still crazy. He smiled and
patted Gu Siming on the shoulder. “I’m ready.”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “Haha, I believe in Cat God’s level. We will be waiting to celebrate
you winning the championship!”
Li Xiaojiang stood behind them and didn’t dare to speak. Zhuo Hang took the initiative to go
over and rub the head of the small snail. “This year, you cam as an audience member. Next
year, you will be selected for the national team and personally participate in the World
Li Xiaojiang’s eyes brightened but he still wasn’t very confident. “R-Really?”
Zhuo Hang’s eyes were firm. “Yes, I believe in you.”
This year, there were too many great gods in the national team. Uncle Zhang wasn’t
allowed because of the age problem but Xiaojiang and Xiao Gu’s level wasn’t bad. It was
because of the fierce competition that they failed to get tickets to the national team.
Zhuo Hang believed that in the next World Competition, the little madman and little snail
would no longer be sitting in the audience but would be the best masters of the national
Liu Chuan ran backstage as a representative of the e-sports league to cheer for the national
team. He also brought a large package of snacks for Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu touched his nose
and wondered, “What is the meaning of sending snacks before the match?”
“This isn’t what I sent.” Liu Chuan smiled. “Someone commissioned me to bring it.”
Li Cangyu took a look. The big box contained a postcard with a few lines of clear small
words. The writing was beautiful and pleasing. It should be a girl’s handwriting.
[Hello Cat God, this is from the fans of Canglan. We can’t go to the other side of the Earth to
personally watch but we will be cheering for you.”
[I entrusted God Chuan to bring you a few packets of dried fish as a snack. I hope it will give
you energy :)]
[In seven years, I haven’t forgotten my first heart. No matter the outcome of today’s match,
you will always be our pride.]
Li Cangyu had experienced countless lows in recent years. He never cried when losing
many matches but his eyes now felt feverish. His didn’t have the most fans but they were
the most intimate and moving. Perhaps it was because he had experienced too much wind
and rain that the people who stayed in the end really understood him and were deeply
[In seven years, I haven’t forgotten my first heart.]
Today he finally stood on the highest stage of the world and he wouldn’t let down people’s
expectations of him.
Li Cangyu put away the snacks box and smiled. “The match is about to begin. We should go
to the bathroom quickly and then prepare to face the US team!”

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GLS: Chapter 341

Bonus ko-fi chapter. Chapters remaining: 3

Chapter 341 – China VS USA (Start)

At 10 o’clock in the morning, the match finally started.

It was the first time explaining the finals of the World Competition. Kou Hongyi’s voice was
trembling from excitement. “Audience members, this is the first finals of the Miracle World
Competition! It is 10 in the morning US team and it is evening in China. I believe that many
audience friends are sitting in front of the computer to watch this match live! Everyone
should be as excited as I am at this time. I won’t speak much nonsense. The match has
started and the captains have entered the draw stage!”
The Chinese team’s captain Li Cangyu and the US team’s captain Noah sat in the command
position and waited for the referee to start the draw. The images on the screen rolled
quickly and the result emerged after 10 seconds.
The US team was first and the Chinese team would act second.
There was a burst of applause from the American audience at the venue. It could be seen
that those who came to watch the match today were enthusiastic.
Noah’s personality was calmer and he remained stoic after the draw. He soon submitted
the mode of the game, death racing.
The game map was the American team’s home maps of Doomsday Crisis and Hollywood
Universal Studios and the official map Frost Temple.
Neither map had appeared in previous matches and it was clear that the US team had been
confident of reaching the grand final, hiding their ace maps until the end.
According to the map names, the Doomsday Crisis map would be darker and there would
be more traps or obstacles. Hollywood Universal Studios was likely to be a maze, or a
complex map with many changes. Li Cangyu carefully considered for a moment and
thought that the probability of Universal Studios being a pit was too great. He banned
Universal Studios and left Doomsday Crisis.
Captain Noah’s expression didn’t change as he submitted the participants list.
The game was played by a paladin, two blood kin summoners and two blood kin assassins.
Li Cangyu was slightly stunned. Not bad, Noah sent a pure blood kin lineup showing that
the Doomsday Crisis map was more complicated than Li Cangyu thought.
“The American team sent people after Cat God picked the map. It is obvious that his lineup
is tailored to this map! How should Cat God respond to crack it?” Kou Hongyi couldn’t help
being a bit anxious.
“We should be able to send a targeted team.” Yu Bing thought about it. “For example,
sending the same assassination squad by letting Captain Lou, Vice-Captain Zhang, Xiao Han
and Qin Mo play. But in this case… both sides are invisible and their familiarity with the
map is higher than us. In fact, we have no advantage.”
“Kite flow doesn’t seem to work. After all, archers and magicians have weak defense and
the four blood kin assassins can kill them in seconds. A kite flow simply can’t fight against
“Let’s wait for Cat God’s choice.” Yu Bing decided to give up on speculation. After all, Li
Cangyu would have a more comprehensive idea and perhaps also wanted to take into
account the next few rounds. He would definitely choose the most suitable system.
Li Cangyu thought for a long time and didn’t submit the list until the countdown was almost
—Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng, Meng Jie, Liu Xiang and Jiang Xu.
“This lineup is relatively biased and has never appeared in previous matches. In terms of
configuration, it is feasible in dealing with the pure blood kin assassination route. Yu Bing
stated calmly. “In death racing, the Red Fox captain Liu Xiang will serve as the healer to
ensure the team’s survival. Even if they are hit by a first wave of attacks, the second wave
can recover some gaps.”
Kou Hongyi nodded in agreement. “A hunter can restrain the blood kin race. As long as
Jiang Xu places a pile of traps on the road, the blood kin’s stealth will be neutralized. Yu
Pingsheng and Meng Jie are defensive warriors were high defense and won’t be easy to kill
in seconds. The US team’s breakthrough in this lineup should be Captain Su. Relatively
speaking, Captan Su’s defense is inferior to a berserker and will be easier to kill.”
Yu Bing added, “The key depends on the location where the players refresh on the map. If
Captain Su is alone, it will indeed be very unfavourable. On the other hand, if he and Vice-
Captain Yu are close together, he won’t be afraid of even four blood kin players.”
The two commentators analyzed the lineup and the venue started to show the map.
Doomsday Crisis was as dark as Li Cangyu expected.
The Americans were fond of doomsday sci-fi movies. This map was the same with a grey
sky, desolate streets, abandoned factories, collapsed buildings… and zombies!
The moment the zombies were scene, the Chinese team’s players showed an expression of
disgust. Other countries had the Australian koalas, the Spanish bulls, the South Korean
magpies and the Chinese pandas. They weren’t visually disgusting and the pandas and
koalas were especially cute.
Now the US team added a bunch of zombies to their map!
Were they so addicted to making movies that they added it to a map?
Li Cangyu returned to the rest area and shrugged helplessly. “I thought Universal Studios
would be more pitted and chose this. However, this doomsday map doesn’t seem very good
to play. After all, the United States is the official location of the Miracle League and the level
of the map designers is very high. The most difficult official Miracle maps were designed by
Su Guangmo touched his chin and pondered the map. “Based on the map, these zombies are
aggressive. According to the skill colours of Miracle, the black fog causes negative effects.
People who encounter zombies will lose a lot of blood.”
Liu Xiang frowned. “I hate doomsday movies.”
The manly Meng Jie was full of excitement. “It looks very interesting!”
Jiang Xu spoke calmly, “The key is that we don’t know where the zombies will refresh. Just
like in doomsday adventure movies, the US team is equivalent to native humans while
we’re outsiders unfamiliar with the environment. In the event where a battle hasn’t
occurred yet, we will be affected by the zombies’ negative states and will suffer from the
Li Cangyu nodded in agreement. “Thus, you must be careful when moving forward and
don’t be hit by zombies.”
This was really a doomsday adventure game!
Cheng Wei wasn’t playing but he was very excited by this image. “Can these zombies be
killed? Like killing the mobs, can you directly kill it with a group attack?”
Tan Shitian thought for a moment before replying, “No more information is available at the
moment but these zombies should be classified as active environmental barriers. Since
there is a blood gauge above their heads, it should be possible to kill them.”
Cheng Wei looked closely and found that sure enough, all the zombies had a blood gauge
above their heads. In other words, there were two ways to deal with the zombies. One was
to avoid them and the other was to kill them. According to the map designer’s pit levels, the
zombies might release more annoying negative states after being killed, such as self-
The US team’s lineup also had masters present. Edmund was even higher in the assassin
rankings than Lou Wushuang while the blood kin summoner Jack Josh was a great god like
Ling Xuefeng.
Xie Shurong took the initiative to come to his brother Su Guangmo. “Edmund is low-key but
he was the team captain of this year’s runner-up team in the US League. Jack’s style is
violent but he is very grumpy and has never acted as a commander in the ICE team, only an
attacker. Edmund should be the commander of this game.”
Ah Shu had played in the US for three years and naturally knew a lot about the American
Miracle League.
Su Guangmo nodded. “I understand.”
The map finished being shown. Su Guangmo remembered the terrain of the map and tidied
it up in his mind. Then he took the players to the computer and sat down.
The players on both sides quickly refreshed on the map. DUe to the random refresh
position of death racing, Su Guangmo could only use the mini-map to judge the positions of
his teammates while the five people of the US were unknown.
Unfortunately, he appeared along in an abandoned factory in the upper left corner of the
map. Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie refreshed in a collapsed building in the lower right corner,
Liu Xiang was in the open street while Jiang Xu was the most tragic and directly refreshed
in a parking lot at the bottom of the map.
According to the panoramic view of the map just now, the parking lot was the place with
the most zombies!
Su Guangmo immediately ordered, “Captain Jiang, be careful. Go around the side to meet
the healer. The two berserkers, come over as soon as possible to protect them.”
Jiang Xu’s refresh position was tragic but the good thing was that he and Liu Xiang were
relatively close. Even if the zombies had poison, Liu Xiang could resolve it.
It was Su Guangmo who was far from his teammates.
According to the death racing settings, the map refresh positions should be uniform with a
total of 10 set refresh points. The Chinese team had three people in the lower half, one in
the middle and one in the upper half. This meant the US team should be the opposite. One
person was in the lower half, one in the middle and three in the upper half.
In other words, Su Guangmo was likely to have three people of the US team around him.
At this time, Su Guangmo could see a pile of scrap metal and a few zombies moving slowly.
He couldn’t see anyone else.
Were the players of the American team all invisible?
Su Guangmo moved forward while changing his angle of view to observe the environment.
He had just taken two steps when there was a cold flash behind him.
—Pain Blade!
The American team’s assassin, Edmund finally showed his figure from the darkness.

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GLS: Chapter 342

Chapter 342 – China VS USA (Opening)

Edmund released a skill from behind. Pain Blade stunned Su Guangmo and the blood kin
summoners Revis and Jack also appeared nearby, summoning their blood kin pets to bite
Su Guangmo still maintained his calm in front of the siege of the three people.
His blood fell quickly and it was almost impossible to escape the three masters. He could
only delay the battle as much as possible and wait for his teammates to get together.
At this time, the dizziness effect of Pain Blade ended. The blood kin summoner Revis
followed with his spider at almost the same time that Su Guangmo pressed a skill. The
swordsman on the screen flashed and directly moved to the two summoners, opening the
big move Light and Shadow Rotation!
The white sword light killed all of Jack and Revis’ pets while knocking out 25% of their
Jack reacted quickly and operated his summoner back. Su Guangmo’s Spirit Lock stunned
the blood kin summoner Revis in front of him and he used the big move Breaking Bone
Sword and Devouring Soul Sword, pressing Revis’ blood to 30%.
Edmund followed by releasing the moves Back Stab, Fatal Blow and Death Strangulation!
Su Guangmo was hit into residual blood and retreated into the distance while Jack finally
opened his big move, Blood Bat Festival!
The United States won the first head and the audience present clapped.
Su Guangmo had to return to the resurrection point. He looked at the mini-map and found
that the other four players of the Chinese team hadn’t yet smoothly met. They weren’t far
away from each other so their lack of convergence showed they encountered too many
obstacles on the road.
“What happened?” Su Guangmo asked.
“There are too many zombies here!” Jiang Xu replied helplessly.
At this point, Jiang Xu was detouring around the zombies in the parking lot. The zombies
here were very dense. There was one almost every two metres apart and the zombies were
active monsters. They would immediately surround a player if they smelt them.
From a god’s perspective, it could be seen that there were a large number of zombies to the
front and rare of Jiang Xu that were slowly moving towards him. This visual effect was
really like the protagonist of a doomsday movie straying into a zombie lair.
Jiang Xu had been turning his lens quickly to look at movements to the front, rear, left and
right. Whenever the zombies were too much, he used the Stop Trap to set them in place and
then used Flying Feather Steps to escape through the gap.
It was literally a maze.
In the collapsed building, Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie had quickly met and then went to Liu
Xiang together. The number of zombies in the building area wasn’t as many as the parking
lots but they were relatively hidden. They would only expose themselves after players
passed by.
On the way down the stairs, they encountered a zombie blocking the way. Yu Pingsheng
decisively used Mountain Chop on the zombies. The zombie that died blew itself up,
releasing a wide range poison. Fortunately, both players had thick skin and the amount of
blood loss wasn’t serious for a berserker.
Su Guangmo saw the negative status on both players on the players list and immediately
said, “Everybody be careful! Don’t be infected by the poison! There are too many zombies
here and the negative effects are likely to stack up.”
There was nothing wrong with his guess.
Jiang Xu was surrounded by groups of zombies. He avoided the left by couldn’t avoid the
right. As a result, the poison was stacked up to two layers and the blood lost every second
doubled from 1,000 points to 2,000 points.
Most of the outputs in Miracle had around 40,000 health while a berserker had 80,000.
According to the blood loss of 2,000 points per second, Jiang Xu would die in 20 seconds if
he didn’t find a healer.
Liu Xiang took the initiative to head in Jiang Xu’s direction and Su Guangmo was relieved as
he saw the two people getting closer and closer.
Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie walked through the door on the first floor. Suddenly, a group of
zombies emerged from the left and right rooms. Gu Siming watched from the stands and
couldn’t help crying out, “My god, there are zombies blocking people and zombies blocking
the door in front. This US map is really disgusting!”
Zhang Jueming added helplessly, “The home side advantage of this map is very large. You
see, the US player who refreshed in this building didn’t go this way but headed towards the
roof. There is a step on the roof that will allow you to directly jump towards the street.”
The moment he finished speaking, he saw the two remaining players of the US team, the
paladin Barrett and the blood kin assassin Abel suddenly jump from the rooftop of the
building. The paladin used Fighting Howl to pull Liu Xiang over!
The invisible assassin Abel followed with a burst of skills, wanting to take advantage of the
Chinese team’s absence to kill the healer. However, Liu Xiang wasn’t easy to kill. Her
survival ability was tough and after seeing her blood fall below 50%, she used Holy Light
Surge to fill up her blood.
Jiang Xu had broken out from the zombies and Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie also rushed over
after getting through the zombies blocking the door. The three people had more than two
layers of poison on their body. Liu Xiang quickly used the group Purification to resolve the
negative state and used a large healing array to return blood to her teammates. The four
Chinese players finally broke through this shocking zombie siege.
In the commentators’ room, Yu Bing couldn’t help praising, “It seems that Cat God is very
prescient. If he hadn’t sent a healer in this game, the players of the Chinese team wouldn’t
be able to fight back after being infected.”
The USA team hadn’t brought a healer because they were so familiar with the map that they
could detour around gaps in the zombies. They definitely knew some shortcuts that
ensured they wouldn’t be affected by the poison.
The Chinese away team could only observe the map for one minute during the panoramic
playback. The zombies hidden in the rooms and cars were invisible to everyone and the
strangeness of the map made it easy for the Chinese team’s players to be surrounded when
they moved forward.
Fortunately, there was Liu Xiang to help everyone.
At this time, the other three players of the US team rushed over to the group battle. Liu
Xiang took a quick look and found that the blood kin summoner had only 30% blood left. It
was obviously from Su Guangmo’s outbreak.
The other players also noticed this point. Jiang Xu moved forward with Flying Feather Steps
and used the Stop Trap on all three blood kin summoners. The Chinese team’s three
outputs joined hands to take care of the residual blood Revis.
Yu Pingsheng used Splitting Bone Chop to kill Revis but the other side’s awareness wasn’t
bad. The moment he was targeted, he summoned the death knight to let the pet take the
damage. Then he used the group attack skill Blood Bat Festival to suck back some blood!
The originally 30% blood returned to 40%.
However, the Chinese team’s players wouldn’t let him go.
Meng Jie used Meng Jie and then Jiang Xu used Trap Blast to kill the blood kin pet. Then Yu
Pingsheng followed with Splitting Bone Chop to take away Revis!
“Beautiful! A head was gained in an instant! Captain Su’s attack on Revis created some
advantages for this team battle. Kou Hongyi was excited. Then he said, “However, the
situation of the Chinese team is still very serious. Everyone used too many skills to kill this
summoner and the United States’ remaining three blood kin players have once again
entered stealth!”
The audience found that as the Chinese team were setting fire to kill the summoner Revis,
the other three blood kin players on the US team used Combat Stealth. This was because
the commander Edmund had ordered, “Control the healer and kill the hunter!”
The hunter’s traps had a great influence on their offensive rhythm. It was Edmund’s most
sensible judgment to kill Jiang Xu first.
The three blood kin players went around to attack Jiang Xu while the task of controlling the
healer was handed over to the paladin in the team.
The paladin used Fighting Howl to forcibly pull Liu Xiang. The skill of pulling a boss in the
instance was quite useful in a group battle. After pulling Liu Xiang over, he followed with
Steel Will. This skill enhanced the defense of his teammates for 10 seconds but also dealt
five seconds of dizziness when aimed at an opponent!
The blood kin players all entered stealth, Liu Xiang was dizzy and Jiang Xu immediately
became alert. He placed several Stop Traps around his body and sure enough, the three
blood kin players were caught in the trap. It was a pity that it was too late for Jiang Xu to
—Pain Blade!
The assassin Abel had been keeping his control skills and directly controlled Jiang Xu.
The assassin Edmund followed with Chain Strangulation while the blood kin summoner
summoned the blood snake and blood spider to apply five layers of bleeding to Jiang Xu.
Jack’s style of play was quite violent and Qin Mo couldn’t help saying, “He has a strong
ability to explode.”
Xie Shurong nodded in agreement. “He is the ICE Club’s most talented player and his style
has always been violent. No matter the situation, he will play particularly fiercely. Of
course, sometimes this allows him to be targeted by the opponent.”
Xie Shurong had been on a team with Jack Josh and knew this player very well. Jack’s hand
speed didn’t lose to Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng. Combined with the blood sucking ability of
the blood kin race, his survival ability was much stronger than the elf summoner Li Cangyu.
It was just that he wasn’t calm enough in big games. He was just like a little Tyrannosaurus
that only knew how to rush forward.
Of course, his momentum could drive his teammates forward and his partner was the best
assassin of the United States, Edmund. Edmund’s calm command allowed Jack to make the
most accurate judgment in critical moments.
Jiang Xu was targeted and released many traps to deal a lot of damage to the three blood
kin players of the United States. However, he didn’t survive the siege of the three people
and soon fell to the ground.
Liu Xiang was controlled by the paladin throughout and the situation was very bad for the
Chinese team.
At this moment, Yu Pingsheng suddenly opened the big move World Without Justice and
Meng Jie followed with Cut Through Thorns. The two berserkers rushed directly to the
blood kin players and a golden light enveloped the three players, forcing their blood below
Yu Pingsheng was also a fierce player but he was calmer than Jack. Liu Xiang was holding
back the paladin so he took Meng Jie to fight 2v3 against the blood kin players. He wanted
to resolve them as soon as possible to form a 2v2 situation.
Sure enough, the US team’s formation was swept away as soon as the berserker rushed
However, Jack Josh had a first-class awareness. He saw them coming and summoned the
death knight in front of himself. The paladin Barrett no longer hesitated and used the
protection skill Steel Battle Soul!
The golden glow appeared and all teammates gained the effect of bouncing back all damage
for three seconds.
The counterattack shield at a critical moment scrapped Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie’s idea of
killing one person in seconds.
The damage reflection for three seconds meant Yu Pingsheng had to stop and the US team
took this opportunity to disperse.
Once the rebound effect was over, Yu Pingsheng and Meng Jie pursued the assassin Abel
and killed him. On the other hand, Edmund and Jack retreated quickly and avoided the
wave of attack by relying on their superb movements.
Jack fixed Meng Jie in place with a spider and used the big move Blood Snake Winding. The
bleeding states on the two Chinese players stacked to five layers and Jack also relied on this
skill to absorb a lot of blood.
Meng Jie didn’t last long because Jack’s ability to explode was really too strong.
He remotely manipulated his pets and Yu Pingsheng had a heart time catching up with him.
Thus, Yu Pingsheng had to aim for the assassin Edmund and the berserker killed the other
The moment Yu Pingsheng killed Edmund, he was killed by Jack in the distance.
In the other, only Liu Xiang survived. The paladin’s pulling skill was on cooldown so she
turned to run into a zombie pile. Jack wanted to continue chasing but Edmund calmly told
him, “Don’t chase. Gather at the resurrection point.”
Jack stopped and turned away with the paladin.
The first wave of combat was 4:3 and the US team gained a narrow advantage.
However, everyone watching knew that the next wave of combat was very bad for the
Chinese team. It was because the moment Su Guangmo resurrected, they found that the
room near the red resurrection point was full of zombies.

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access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 343

Chapter 343 – China VS USA (Zombie Tide)

Liu Xiang was chased by zombies and only had a trace of blood left when she arrived at the
red resurrection point. Fortunately, the Healing Language buff on her body meant she
wasn’t killed by the zombies.
The resurrection point on the American side was the same, with a large number of zombies
around it. This was because death racing had two resurrection points. The Miracle League
stipulated that the environmental gap shouldn’t be too large or it would be unfair to the
away team.
However, the US team still had an advantage due to the presence of the paladin.
The paladin used Guardian’s Power to place defense shields on the five US players, meaning
they wouldn’t be disturbed by the zombies. Moreover, the zombies moved slowly and it
wasn’t difficult to bypass the zombie herd.
The two sides met in the middle of the street and large-scale combat broke out again.
Edmund and Jack were nowhere to be seen. The four blood kin players had dispersed while
in stealth so Yu Pingsheng’s big move and Jiang Xu’s trap only revealed two of them.
Viewers found that the remaining two were walking in the room next to them and were
coming to the rear of the Chinese team.
The paladin drove into the Chinese team’s lineup, the Indestructible move on his body to
attrack firepower while placing the defensive shield Iron Will on his teammates.
Su Guangmo and Jiang Xu worked together to kill the revealed blood kin summoner.
Then Su Guangmo did an unexpected operation. He suddenly opened Light and Shadow
Rotation and hit all the surrounding zombies.
The zombies exploded and released poison, affecting the three US players in front of them.
Three layers of poison were applied and the US players lost 3,000 blood every second.
Su Guangmo and Jiang Xu were also poisoned by they had a healer to help take care of
The Chinese team actually used the doomsday environment to create advantages, the
approach making Edmund somewhat unprepared. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and
ordered, “Set fire to kill the healer!”
Both Jack and Edmund were world-class players and didn’t panic.
The two people lurked behind Liu Xiang and Edmund used Pain Blade to make Liu Xiang
dizzy. Jack followed with an outbreak and Liu Xiang had five layers of bleeding applied.
Liu Xiang’s Purification had just been used to save Su and Jiang and she couldn’t resolve her
bleeding state. The five layers of bleeding were terrible and there was also the dizzy effect.
She used the instant skill Holy Light Surge to fill up her blood but she couldn’t keep up with
the output of the four US players.
Under Edmund’s command, the two assassins and two summoners of the US set fire to Liu
Xiang and incredibly took away her life in one breath.
The situation was 4v5 and it seemed that the Chinese team had the disadvantage, but the
US team was affected by the bleeding and three players had their health fall below 40%.
Su Guangmo worked with Yu Pingsheng, Meng Jie and Jiang Xu to release a fierce outbreak.
The two sides collectively opened big moves and blood splashed on the doomsday map.
The paladin of the US relied on Steel Battle Soul to endure but eventually fell under Su
Guangmo’s sword. Jiang Xu became the target of Jack and Edmund and soon fell down.
This wave of combat was extremely fast. The three poisoned US players were quickly taken
down by Su Guangmo but they killed Yu Pingsheng before they died. Yu Pingsheng once
again gave Jack a head.
The Chinese team was left with Meng Jie and Su Guangmo while the US had Edmund and
Jack left. In this situation, it was hard for Su Guangmo to win because Jack and Edmund
could rely on their blood-sucking. In addition, Edmund’s close interference and Jack’s
output distance was very good. He could completely use his pets to attack Su Guangmo and
Meng Jie.
The Chinese team couldn’t let them get any more heads!
Su Guangmo thought this and ordered on the voice channel, “Meng Jie, kill the zombies!”
Once the battle was delayed, the two of them were sure to fall into a disadvantage.
The blood kin players could slowly restore their blood by attacking. Since there were so
many zombies around, it was better to die together!
Su Guangmo’s approach was simple and rough. Meng Jie was targeted by Jack and Edmund
and couldn’t release any skills. Su Guangmo suddenly rushed forward and used Spirit Lock
on Edmund to rescue Meng Jie. Meng Jie followed by using Cut Through Thorns!
The golden axe waved through the air and killed all the zombies around her in seconds!
The large range corpse poison affected the four people and even Jack in the distance didn’t
survive. The rapidly stacked up poison caused the blood of the four people to die and their
death news appeared on the big screen.
Both sides were wiped out!
The US audience members were very unhappy. After all, Jack had been full of blood just
Originally, it should be possible for Jack and Edmund to slowly grind Su Guangmo and
Meng Jie to death. The result was that Su Guangmo directly killed them all and this wave of
combat ended.
The thrilled Kou Hongyi’s voice was hoarse. “This round of combat was too fast and many
small skills couldn’t be seen clearly! Captain Su’s style at the last minute was really rough
and handsome. He noticed that he and Meng Jie were in a disadvantageous situation and
were directly killed by the zombies, not giving any side a head!”
“The battle between both sides was very fierce. This wave was 5:5 and the current heads
ration is 9:8. The Chinese team has to kill two people if they want to win while the US team
only needs to kill one.” A bad feeling suddenly filled Yu Bing’s heart but she didn’t dare to
speak. After all, it wasn’t good to have a crow’s mouth by saying the Chinese team would
In fact, the current situation was really bad for the Chinese team.
One head was very simple for the American team because they had four blood kin players.
As long as all four blood kin players went invisible and aimed at one person, their violent
output could easily kill a person.
Sure enough, as she expected, the US team chose the red resurrection point this time. After
the full resurrection, the four blood kin players entered stealth and disappeared from the
red resurrection point.
The Chinese players were extra careful, especially Jiang Xu who always set traps every step
of the way. However, one person’s defense ability was limited and he couldn’t set traps in
every direction.
Just then, the US assassin Abel suddenly appeared at the rear of the Chinese team,
apparently revealed by Jiang Xu’s trap. Su Guangmo turned with Yu Pingsheng and rushed
to kill the blood kin assassin!
The paladin also appeared and used Steel Battle Soul to save his teammate.
The other three blood kin players of the US appeared at the same time. The paladin stunned
Liu Xiang while the others tried their best to kill the weakest defense Jiang Xu. His blood fell
to below 50% in the blink of an eye!
Liu Xiang used Purification to remove his dizziness and aimed a big move at Jiang Xu to
restore his blood to more than 80%. The next moment, she was controlled by the assassin
Chain Strangulation, Blood Bat Festival!
The American team’s double assassins and double summoners opened big at the same
time. Jiang Xu was disabled and Jack stacked five layers of bleeding on him. The speed of his
blood loss was fast enough to be dazzling.
Edmund took the opportunity to use Combat Stealth and everyone lost sight of him. He was
behind Jiang Xu and the dagger in his hand fell to kill the residual blood Jiang Xu.
At almost the same time, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng took the life of the assassin Abel. It
was a pity that death racing judged victory as the team that won 10 heads first. The US
team took the lead to win 10 heads and this game ended.
The applause at the scene was so warm that it almost overturned the roof. Jack’s face
showed a confident smile and Edmund was calm, stating, “This is a lot harder to play than I
Jack shrugged. “We won so they can only do so much.”
Edmund was too lazy to talk to this single-celled animal. He just felt that if Su Guangmo
hadn’t been unlucky enough to refresh alone at the upper part of the map, the result was
likely to be different.
They killed the lone Su Guangmo at the beginning and gained the advantage of a head and
in the group combat after that, both sides were extinguished. If they had given Su Guangmo
some time, perhaps the situation would’ve reversed.
Edmund thought for a moment and took everyone back to the rest area, carefully
explaining his thoughts to Captain Noah.
On the Chinese team, Jiang Xu stared at his grey screen and spoke helplessly. “Sorry.”
Su Guangmo patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “Don’t blame yourself. It isn’t your
They had lost the game but Su Guangmo was still stoic. This sentiment affected the
teammates around him and everyone walked back in a calmer state.
After all, this game had two world-class masters in Jack Josh and Edmund while it was their
home doomsday map. The Chinese players did their best.
After seeing them come over, Li Cangyu stood up and comforted them. “Never mind, there
is still a chance afterwards. We can’t win 3:0 against the US and there will always be a loss.
We should still be relaxed.”
“I hope it is 3:1 and we can win three games in a row,” Cheng Wei laughed.
This was definitely the expectations of many people but it wasn’t easy to achieve.
It was because the captain of the US team and the world’s number one magician Noah, the
vice-captain and goddess healer Winfrey, the talented swordsman Angus and the archer
Thomas hadn’t yet appeared.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 344

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 344 – China VS USA (Second Round)

Before the game, LI Cangyu and the other six commanders had carefully discussed possible
situations in the finals and were prepared for a loss. Thus, the loss in the first game didn’t
have much impact on his mood. It was just that there was only a five minute break between
the two rounds and he had to think of a method as soon as possible.
Ling Xuefeng bowed his head and thought about it. A moment later, Li Cangyu turned to
him and asked, “What do you think about the second game?”
“Have you thought of a way?”
The two men opened their mouths at almost the same time and then smiled.
Li Cangyu looked at him and said, “The thing I’m more worried about is the third game. The
US team hid their maps too deeply in the previous rounds. There are actually two maps that
haven’t been used. In the first game, I banned Universal Studios and if he releases it in the
third game, I can no longer ban it.”
According to the rules, the map of a country could only be banned once per match. The
same map couldn’t be disabled twice, nor could it be selected twice.
In other words, Li Cangyu chose to ban Universal Studios in the first game and chose
Doomsday Crisis. In the third game, the US team could no longer choose Doomsday Crisis
because it had been used once. Li Cangyu also couldn’t ban Universal Studios because he
banned it once before. This was the non-repeatable nature of maps in the same match.
According to the US team’s map tactics, Li Cangyu just banned Universal Studios so Noah
would definitely release Universal Studios in the third game to force Li Cangyu to choose it.
The Doomsday Crisis map was too pitted and it was impossible for the Universal Studios
map left behind by the US team to be simple.
This was what Li Cangyu was worried about. If too many gods played in the second round,
it would be tough to deal with the US team at home in the third game. Regardless of the
score of the first two games, the third game was crucial for both sides. Losing it would
seriously affect the morale of the whole team.
Ling Xuefeng obviously knew this as well. There was a moment of silence before he said,
“Why don’t you take the second game and I take the third game?”
Li Cangyu shook his head. “This tactical system might not necessarily win against the US
team.” He touched his chin and thought carefully before calling Tan Shitian over. “Captain
Tan, how about you lead this game?”
Tan Shitian was startled. “Me?”
He was the youngest captain of the national team and Li Cangyu sending him despite the
first loss was enough to prove Li Cangyu’s absolute trust in him. Tan Shitian couldn’t help
feeling moved and he nodded seriously, “I will try my best.”
“Yes, don’t think too much and play well.” Li Cangyu patted him on the shoulder and
encouraged him. “There are many opportunities for you to participate in the World
Competition in the future. Just think of it as practice.”
Tan Shitian immediately understood Li Cangyu’s meaning. As the youngest captain in the
league, he had the opportunity to participate in the World Competition in the next few
years. For Li Cangyu, the next season might not necessarily… Thoughts flashed in Tan
Shitian’s head but it wasn’t appropriate to ask them at this time. He forced back his doubts
and nodded with a smile. “I understand.”
After the break, Li Cangyu got up and went to the command post.
This game was the Chinese team’s home game. They had the map advantage but the
problem was that the US team could disable the Chinese team’s map. Four of the five
Chinese maps had been revealed in the previous gap. The Eight-Trigram Array was the only
one that hadn’t been revealed and it was likely to be directly banned by Noah. If this was
the case, the advantage would be lost because the away team could send a targeted lineup.
Li Cangyu chose the economic warfare mode that Tan Shitian was excellent at. The maps
shown were the Mechanical City, the Eight-Trigram Array and Frost Temple.
Noah didn’t hesitate to ban the Eight-Trigram Array that hadn’t appeared before, leaving
the Mechanical City.
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help feeling some regret. “The new map was banned. It seems that the
US team left a lot of trump cards to play in the finals, leaving two maps to force us to play
both. It was truly far-sighted.”
Yu Bing stated calmly, “This can’t be blamed on us. After all, we met the Korean team in the
semi-finals. If we held back too many cards, it was likely that we would’ve been eliminated
by the South Korean team.”
“In other words, the US team’s opponents were much weaker so they could hide many
maps. According to the rules, Cat God has to choose the previously banned Universal
Studios in the third game. However, if Eight-Trigram Array appears in the fourth game, the
US team can’t disable it anymore.”
Kou Hongyi explained.
“The map is just one factor that affects the game but it isn’t the decisive factor. If you are
lucky, you can win in away games. In the last game, our luck was really bad. Captain Su
refreshed alone in the upper half and was killed by the other three. Otherwise, we could’ve
fought the US team head on.”
As Yu Bing spoke, Li Cangyu submitted the game’s lineup— Tan Shitian, Lu Xiao, Cheng
Wei, Yang Muzi, Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan.
Many viewers couldn’t understand it but it wasn’t difficult when analyzing it carefully. Tan
Shitian and Lu Xiao were the main output archers of the Time team, Yan Guo were black
magician partners in the Wind Colour team while Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi were white
magicians with different styles. In other words, this was a pure output lineup.
“It is an economic war without a healer?” Yu Bing frowned slightly.
“Even so, the explosive power of this lineup is very strong. The two white magicians can
join hands to control the opponent while the double archers and black magicians can open
up their attacks at the same time. If the opposite side doesn’t have a good defense, they
might be destroyed.” Kou Hongyi really liked this lineup. “There is no problem with the
system. An economic war can also be quick and this system is suitable for a quick fight.”
“The US team should send a targeted lineup.” Yu Bing’s voice had just finished when the
captain of the US team, Noah submitted the lineup. Sure enough, it targeted the Chinese
team. There was one paladin, two berserkers, two swordsmen and one healer.
Noah’s intentions were obvious. ‘You want to kill us in seconds? Then I’ll send a pile of
thick-skinned blood cows.’
Li Cangyu saw this lineup and appreciated Noah’s layout. He hadn’t dealt head on with the
US captain but this person had a deep heart and meticulous tactics.
After returning from the command post, Li Cangyu went to Xie Shurong and asked,
“According to your opinion, how likely is it that Captain Tan will win?”
Xie Shurong thought about it before replying, “Around 5:5. The two swordsmen are fixed
partners of the ICE team. Angus was the best newcomer last season and Benjamin’s level is
similar to my brother. The two berserkers are old partners of the TP team. One is very
fierce and the other is very stable. Winfrey’s healing level is also very high.”
Li Cangyu did his homework before the game and naturally knew the strength of the
players. He nodded and asked, “There are many captains in this game but the commander
should be Benjamin, right?”
“Yes, after all, he was the captain of last year’s championship team.”
After Xie Shurong left, the ICE team didn’t win the title this year and the championship was
taken away by the TP team led by Noah. However, Captain Benjamin of the ICE team, Vice-
Captain Jack Josh and the best newcomer Angus, the strength of these three players
couldn’t be underestimated.
China’s Mechanical City had already been revealed and must’ve been studied by the US
team. The map advantage wasn’t great.
The Mechanical City had a structure of two floors and had been modified accordingly to suit
the economic warfare. The lower level was the refresh points of the mobs and it was
divided into the ‘田’ four fields. There was a staircase leading to the upper floor protected
by guardian beasts. After climbing up the stairs, there would be a high platform with the
crystal in the middle.
In other words, the upper level was almost useless in the economic war. It was only at the
end where they would climb up the stairs to hit the crystal. All previous battles would be on
the lower floor.
According to the panoramic view of the map, it could be seen that the mobs on this map
were all mechanisms that fired arrows to cause a lot of damage.
Noah saw this and spoke in a low voice, “Our lineup has many melee classes. Be careful
when facing the wild monsters. Even if you have to give up the money of a few mobs, don’t
task risks for greed. Try not to be too greedy in the early stages. Don’t give the Chinese
team any heads, especially Tan Shitian. You absolutely can’t let him get a head.”
Perhaps Tan Shitian might be a bit happy if he heard this? After all, being warned by the
captain of the US team showed that Noah was very certain of Tan Shitian’s personal level.
The map loading ended and the game officially began!
The players on both sides refreshed on the map. Tan Shitian immediately arranged the
splitting method. He and Cheng Wei were in the middle road, Lu Xiao and Yang Muzi would
go to the top while Yan Guo would go down.
The arrangement on the US side didn’t follow the fixed partners. The paladin took a
swordsman to the top road, the healer took a swordsman in the middle and the remaining
two berserkers went down.
In other words, the economy of the upper and middle roads would focus on the
swordsman. The US team would obviously use the double swordsmen combination of the
ICE team as the main attack point in the group battle.
In the domestic league, the most annoying thing for Tan Shitian was to meet the
swordsman Su Guangmo. It was because the swordsman’s ability to advance was a great
threat to the archers. The US team sent two swordsmen to clearly aim for him.
However, as Li Cangyu said, he didn’t need to think too much. He only needed to carefully
command this game.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 345

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 345 – China VS USA (Economic War)

The Mechanical City’s mobs were remote damage dealers and released arrows 360 degrees
around them. The US players weren’t accustomed to such a rhythm and were injured by the
arrows. Nevertheless, they were all first-class professional players and quickly understood
the rotation of the mechanisms. They rapidly moved around them and hitting the
mechanisms wasn’t difficult.
Captain Noah had told them to be steady in the early stages and don’t let the Chinese team
take any heads. Thus, the US team was very careful when playing against the mobs.
There was the protection of a paladin on the road and Angus was relatively safe. Lu Xiao
and Yang Muzi failed to find a chance to kill the other side and both sides steadily killed the
mobs to make money.
The two berserkers were thick-skinned. Yan Ruiwen took the initiative to hit them with
black magic but only beat them to half blood. The output of the two black magicians wasn’t
enough to kill the high defense berserker.
In the middle, the Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei combination faced the US team’s Benjamin
and Winfrey. There was a healer and wanting to kill Benjamin was almost impossible. Tan
Shitian was too lazy and concentrated on clearing the mobs.
After the first round of mobs was over, neither side had got a head and they calmly
returned to the city to update their equipment. Yu Bing saw this and couldn’t help saying,
“It seems that both sides are playing stably in the early stages. They will wait for the ice
dragon before fighting.”
This was a chance for both sides in a frontal confrontation. Kou Hongyi stated, “The output
of the Chinese team is terrible but Winfrey of the US team is called a milk god. It will be
difficult to kill the opponents with her presence. The key is how Captain Tan handles the
Yu Bing agreed. “In my opinion, it is better for the Chinese team to send two people to
interfere with the healer while the other four act as output. It isn’t easy to deal with a
healer alone and there is also the protection of the paladin.”
As Yu Bing stated, Tan Shitian definitely took this into consideration.
Once the two sides met at the ice dragon, he and Lu Xiao didn’t stand together as usual.
They distance to the left and right with Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi standing next to them
respectively. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan stood in the middle and were prepared to use their
black magic control at any time.
As soon as the American team appeared, Guo Xuan immediately used the big move Dark
This group control skill successfully hit but the other side’s paladin responded quickly. He
used Iron Will to make his teammates immune to control and all attacks for five seconds.
The American team pounced like tigers towards Tan Cheng. Since the couldn’t be
controlled, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei had to quickly turn to escape. Benjamin used Soul
Lock on Tan Shitian but at this moment, Cheng Wei came behind Tan Shitian and used his
body to help Captain Tan block the skill!
Many viewers were surprised by Cheng Wei’s actions. Tan Shitian also didn’t expect it and
he found that Cheng Wei looked very serious. Tan Shitian’s heart warmed and he instantly
used Flying Feather Steps to run.
Cheng Wei used Purification to get rid of the control and placed a protection halo around
Tan Shitian’s archer was a high damage class and Flying Feather Steps allowed him to
complete his flexible long-range kiting style. However, his shortcomings were also obvious.
He had weak defense and no active control removal skills.
Compared to the archer, a white magician’s survival ability was much stronger. That’s why
Cheng Wei ran to save Tan Shitian. He knew that once Tan Shitian was controlled by the
swordsman, the combination of the two swordsmen and berserkers was likely to kill Tan
Shitian in seconds.
The white magician wasn’t easily killed. At the very least, he could resolve the control and
protect himself with white magic.
Cheng Wei’s support allowed Tan Shitian to run very far with Flying Feather Steps. The US
team couldn’t catch up with him and everyone transferred targets to Cheng Wei. The US
team had five seconds of damage immunity and Cheng Wei hitting them was useless. He
had to find a way to escape.
The paladin used Fighting Howl to pull Cheng Wei to him while the other swordsman
closely followed with Spirit Lock. Meanwhile, the berserker used Mountain Chop to create a
deep gully that blocked Cheng Wei’s escape route.
The two swordsmen and berserkers unleashed a violent wave and in five seconds, Cheng
Wei was beaten to 10% residual blood!
This was the case where the white magician’s guardian aura that increased defense existed.
If the person had been Tan Shitian then he would’ve died a long time ago, Cheng Wei
thankfully thought.
The ability of the American team to set fire to a person was really strong. After five seconds,
Cheng Wei’s blood was in jeopardy but it was difficult for him to escape. Still, he made a
fine operation. On the screen, the white magician suddenly jumped forward to the rear of a
pillar and quickly cast God’s Seal!
It was the fastest control skill and accurately fell on the body of the healer Winfrey.
Cheng Wei followed up with Tidal Surge.
It dealt a large amount of group damage and had a deceleration effect.
After three seconds, the four outputs of the US team rushed to kill Cheng Wei and Benjamin
got the head.
The domestic audience felt pained for Cheng Wei. They didn’t expect him to save Tan
Shitian at the critical moment. Of course, his choice was undoubtedly sensible. Thanks to
him, Tan Shitian could play his kite flow tactics.
Li Cangyu watched the game and gave a relieved smile. “Xiao Wei has become really smart
and he isn’t as impulsive as before.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “His sacrifice was worth it.”
The key skill God’s Seal controlled the healer and then Tidal Surge decelerated the other
side. Cheng Wei laid a great groundwork for the next kite flow before his death.
Previously, the US team had the immunity shield and Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan couldn’t
attack. They quickly moved into position and waited for an opportunity. The moment they
found an opportunity, Yan Ruiwen used the group control Dark Fear and Yang Muzi used
Tidal Surge!
The Tidal Surge of the two white magicians overlapped to form a double deceleration
At this time, Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao had met in the distance and they raised the bows in
their hands. A large number of arrows fell towards the US team. It was Death Arrow Rain!
This wave of attacks caused the entire US team to lose a large amount of blood. Winfrey
helplessly had to open the healing array and healing chain to return blood to her
teammates while the paladin used Steel Battle Soul, which bounced back all damage for
three seconds!
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao immediately stopped and the US outputs took advantage of this
opportunity to break through to Yang Muzi. They wanted to kill Yang Muzi but she ran
while using God’s Light and Voice of Combat to attack
Unfortunately, the existence of Winfrey meant her attacks didn’t have much of an effect.
The consecutive healing chain refilled blood and the US team were back to full blood.
Instead, Yang Muzi was chased by the other swordsman and soon killed.
Less than half a minute after the start of the battle, the two white magicians on the Chinese
side had died. The situation was grim and many Chinese viewers were anxiously clenching
their fists and writing comments.
Tan Shitian’s expression was very calm at this time. Once the three seconds of damage
reflection was over, he and Lu Xiao once again opened a strong wave of attacks with Rapid
Shot, Shock Shot, Barrage Shot and Seize Life Shot!
The archers were an extremely aggressive remote class and the further away they were,
the more likely it was for them to strike successfully.
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao took advantage of Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi drawing the firepower
to run to a distant place. The two people’s output environment was excellent and almost
every shot was a critical hit!
The result was that the US team’s healer Winfrey was killed by the two of them in seconds!
The healer had died and Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan immediately used the advantages of
black magic. They used Death Mantra and Shadow Winding to lay negative states on the
enemies, causing the US players to lose blood every second.
Without a healer, the loss of blood couldn’t be stopped and the US team also had to face the
remote archers…
Benjamin and Angus used their ‘Quick Pace’ skill to catch up with the Yan Guo combination
and killed Guo Xuan. However, before Guo Xuan’s death, he used the big move Hell Flames
to hit them.
In the distance, Tan Shitian fired two arrows while Yan Ruiwen used the Shadow Wrath
group attack. The result was that the moment Guo Xuan died, Yan Ruiwen directly took two
The US team’s melee classes were decelerated by Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi and couldn’t
catch up with Tan Shitian. Thus, Tan Shitian’s kite flow was played to the fullest. The
moment Yan Ruiwen killed the two swordsmen, Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao cooperated to
wipe out the entire US team!
The Chinese viewers regained their strength and desperately filled the screen with flowers.
Even so, Tan Shitian didn’t forget to give credit to Cheng Wei. He gently touched the back of
Cheng Wei’s hand and stated, “Your protection was excellent.”
Cheng Wei smiled proudly, “Of course!”
The reason why Tan Shitian could freely chat with Cheng Wei was because he and Lu Xiao
couldn’t kill the ice dragon. The high intensity guerrilla warfare had completely consumed
their blue.
“Go back to the town.” Tan Shitian helplessly headed back to the town with Lu Xiao.
The two archers lost all their blue in the first wave, showing how difficult it was to deal
with the US team. The group of thick-skinned paladin and berserkers along with the healer
was too difficult to kill.
The good thing was that the Chinese team gained the advantage in the first wave.
Tan Shitian had killed four people while Yan Ruiwen got the double kill. The two
swordsmen of the US team also got two heads and would need to be carefully handed in the
next wave of team combat.
The most comforting thing for Tan Shitian was that Cheng Wei had grown in this World
Competition. His reaction in the critical moment just now was particularly sensible.
He was no longer the impulsive fighting cat and now had the good sense to fight alongside
Tan Shitian.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 346
Last bonus ko-fi chapter. All cleared for now

Chapter 346 – China VS USA (Economic War)

After the first wave, Tan Shitian and Yan Ruiwen supplemented their equipment. Tan
Shitian bought a weapon that slowed down the opponent by 50% for five seconds when the
arrow hit the opponent.
This weapon with a deceleration effect would allow Tan Shitian to better play his kite flow.
In particular, his Death Arrow Rain would cause all enemies in range to be decelerated. He
could freely attack in the distance and the opponent could never catch up to him.
Yan Ruiwen bought a ring and necklace which both increased the crit rate of black magic.
The two people replaced their equipment and the entire team’s output capacity improved
by one grade.
In the same way, the US team’s Benjamin and Angus also gained a lot of money and
changed their gear. They had a chance to go head on against the Chinese team.
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao had run out of blue so the ice dragon hadn’t been killed. After
seeing that everyone had resurrected, Tan Shitian made a mark on the mini-map and
ordered, “Kill the ice dragon.”
The group quickly followed him to the refresh point of the ice dragon.
To Tan Shitian’s surprise, he didn’t see the American team when he arrived at the ice
Yan Ruiwen asked doubtfully, “The US team didn’t come to play the ice dragon? Or are they
lying in wait in the area?”
Tan Shitian thought for a moment before his expression suddenly changed, “Not good. They
might’ve gone to kill the fire dragon!”
The ice dragon and fire dragon refreshed at fixed times. In past economic wars, they would
first kill the ice dragon and then kill some small mobs to gain enough equipment to kill the
However, today’s economic war obviously wasn’t quite the same. The first wave of combat
was too intense and Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao failed to kill the ice dragon because they ran
out of blue. By the time everyone resurrected and rushed over to the ice dragon, the fire
dragon had appeared in the upper half of the map.
At this time, the commander was faced with two choices. Continue to fight the ice dragon
and win the economy. If they beat the other side here, it would lay the foundation to win
the game. The second way was to risk killing the fire dragon with relatively poor
equipment but the fire dragon would give an attack and defense buff.
The first choice was clearly more secure and was the choice that Tan Shitian had made.
The second approach was very risky. If it failed, it would be benevolent for the other side!
Tan Shitian ordered, “Kill the ice dragon as soon as possible!”
The location of the two bosses was very far away and it would be too late if they headed to
the fire dragon. They could only kill the ice dragon at the fastest speed before heading to
the crystal.
Benjamin’s bold decision was very unexpected for the two commentators. Kou Hongyi
marvelled, “Fighting the fire dragon with poor equipment, he has too much courage! But…
the US team has a paladin and this lineup can resist the dragon’s damage.”
Yu Bing nodded. “Benjamin’s choice is very adventurous. However, if he doesn’t take the
risk to kill the fire dragon and instead headed to the ice dragon, the US team wouldn’t have
an advantage because Tan Shitian bought the deceleration weapon.”
Xie Shurong sat with the rest of the team and couldn’t help saying, “Benjamin’s command
level is excellent. He clearly saw Tan Shitian’s weapon and took the players to fight the fire
dragon. If they win the fire dragon, the later wave of combat will be bad for the Chinese
The ICE team’s captain was truly worthy of his reputation. Li Cangyu thoughtfully touched
his chin. “In fact, Benjamin’s strength isn’t worse than Jack Josh of the same team? Even so,
his popularity isn’t very high.”
“It is because he isn’t as handsome as Jack. The Americans look at the face and Jack’s
popularity surpasses him by 10 times.” Xie Shurong explained, “I spent 2.5 years in the ICE
team and the core of this team has always been Benjamin. Jack is the most popular and he
is hot-tempered, but he is a well-behaved sheep in front of the captain.”
To be able to make Jack such a popular god, this handsome man must have a real ability.
Based on today’s command, he was very decisive and simple in key moments.
The Chinese team all had ranged, weak defense classes and they couldn’t endure the
firepower of the fire dragon. There was a great possibility that Tan Shitian would go to the
ice dragon so Benjamin diverted the team to kill the fire dragon. This made Li Cangyu feel
admiration for his choice.
The ice dragon didn’t have much attack power and its defense was also relatively weak.
The Chinese team took half a minute to kill the ice dragon and received the economic
Tan Shitian ordered, “Go back to the city and then the fire dragon’s cave!”
The group immediately returned to the city to replace their equipment. At this time, the fire
dragon had 30% blood left.
The paladin received the damage in the front row while the healer restored blood from the
rear. The remaining two swordsmen and berserkers were releasing their highest hand
speed to kill the dragon.
From time to time, the dragon would roar and breathe out fire. This dealt a lot of damage to
the players but the paladin’s shield and the priest’s healing meant the blood of the US team
remained above 80%.
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao used Flying Feather Steps to quickly reach the fire dragon’s cave
where they saw that the blood of the dragon was rapidly declining.
The game had reached a critical moment and the viewers stared anxiously at the big screen.
By the time Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao arrived, the US team’s Benjamin had just stabbed the
dragon’s chest and it fell to the ground with a bang.
The paladin saw that the Chinese team had rushed over and opened Guardian’s Power and
Iron Will to protect his teammates from damage and control.
Benjamin didn’t hesitate. “Go to the second floor!”
The rest of the American team followed him to the second floor where there were two
guardian beasts on the stairs. Compared to the dragon, the guardian beasts were relatively
easy to easy. The US team had two thick-skinned berserkers. They pulled a beast each and
the swordsmen attacked to quickly kill the beasts.
“This attack power is too terrible!” Kou Hongyi was anxious. The US team has won an
attack and defense buff from killing the fire dragon and this is more than the effect of
“Yes, it usually takes at least 10 seconds to kill the beasts but the US team took only eight
seconds.” Yu Bing stared at the big screen and spoke quickly. “The fire dragon’s buff is only
30 seconds. The Chinese team must survive these 30 seconds and prevent the US team
from destroying the crystal!”
“This is hard because the two berserkers of the US team are guarding the stairwell!” Kou
Hongyi exclaimed.
On the screen, the two berserkers of the US team killed the guardian beasts and used their
huge bodies to interfere with the Chinese team on the stairs. Winfrey hid behind them and
gave them several layers of Healing Language.
Benjamin and Angus had gained an attack buff and quickly attacked the crystal, not
hesitating to pour out all their skills.
People couldn’t help thinking of the previous game between China and South Korea.
In the same economic battle, the commander was Ling Xuefeng and he had Qin Mo, Yan
Ruiwen and Guo Xuan stand at the entrance to the highlands to obstruct the Korean team.
Bai Xuan was responsible for adding blood while Ling Xuefeng and Xie Shurong released
the highest hand speed to attack the crystal.
By the time the South Korean team broke through the obstruction, they saw the image of
the crystal being shattered.
Now the US team used a similar tactic. The two berserkers were on the stairs and the
healer was behind them while the high output swordsmen attacked the crystal with the
fastest speed.
Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao were blocked by the paladin. They didn’t pay attention to him and
used Flying Feather Steps to circumvent around him. They came to the second floor
stairwell only to see the two bersekers of the US team.
The stairwell was very narrow. If they wanted to pass, they had to kill the two berserkers.
However, the berserkers had thick skin and high defense. Combined with the defense
bonus from the fire dragon, the berserkers were like a bronze wall. Tan Shitian and Lu Xiao
fired consecutive Barrage Shots and Seize Life Shots and only knocked out 20% of their
The hiding Winfrey used a healing chain and the other side’s blood was back to 100%.
Tan Shitian helplessly ordered, “Control them!”
The other players didn’t have the speed of the elf species and only just arrived at the scene.
Cheng Wei immediately used the group control Holy Seal and made Winfrey temporarily
unable to release blood. This was followed by Shadow Winding, Hell Flames, Tidal Surge
and Death Arrow Rain!
The light effect of various skills shrouded the stairwell and the thick-skinned berserkers
were finally suppressed to 30% blood!
At this time, the seal ended and the paladin came from behind. He used Steel Battle Soul to
rebound any damage done to his teammates and Winfrey took the opportunity to cast the
healer’s big move, Desperate Prayer!
A white glow fell from the sky and the blood of the berserkers was restored.
The audience, “…”
Kou Hongyi couldn’t help spitting out, “The berserkers and paladin are too thick-skinned.
In addition, there is the defense bonus after killing the boss. We simply can’t kill them!”
Yu Bing frowned. “The 30 second bonus is ending soon but the crystal doesn’t have much
blood left…”
The camera cut to the crystal and the crystal only had 15% blood left.
At this time, the bonus of the fire dragon finally ended. Cheng Wei used the single control
skill on Winfrey and the Chinese team opened all types of big moves to hit the four US
players blocking the road. The two berserkers finally fell to residual blood.
Winfrey’s sealing effect was ending and Yang Muzi immediately placed a seal on her so she
couldn’t add blood. Yan Ruiwen and Guo Xuan placed five layers of Death Curse while Tan
Shitian and Lu Xiao fired their arrows to finally kill a residual blood berserker!
The Chinese team quickly killed the other berserker but by the time Tan Shitian and Lu
Xiao used Flying Feather Steps to move to the crystal, there was only 5% blood left on the
Benjamin and Angus both opened up Light and Shadow Rotation and a dazzling white light
surrounded the crystal. Every ray of light directly smashed the middle of the crystal.
The release of the swordsman’s big move caused the sound of the crystal breaking to enter
their ears.
The US team took the victory in a thrilling manner.
Tan Shitian helplessly removed his hands from the keyboard.
It was only a few seconds of blocking the other side but the game was too exciting. No one
could tell what would happen until the last moment.
In this game, the Chinese team had the advantage in the early stages and were dominant
with the economy. However, the US team’s killing of the fire dragon at a critical moment
was perfect.
In a battle between the strong, there were always winners and losers. He was used to losing
but once the grey screen appeared, Tan Shitian couldn’t help feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Cheng Wei’s expression was very depressed but he quickly adjusted. He gently patted Tan
Shitian on the hand and said, “Don’t be sad. This isn’t your fault. No one couldn’t expected
that to happen. We did the best we could.”
Tan Shitian saw his earnest eyes and couldn’t help smiling. “Have you also learnt to comfort
Cheng Wei scratched his head and whispered, “Cat God said to truly be strong
psychologically, the first step is to calmly face failure.” He paused and looked at Tan Shitian,
asking seriously, “After this loss, my mood is actually calmer than the semi-finals. Is my
psychological quality much better than before?”
This guy’s clumsy way of comforting caused Tan Shitian’s heart to soften. He gently held
Cheng Wei’s hand and said, “We have done our best and have a clear conscience. Next, we
will give it to Cat God.”
Cheng Wei’s fists clenched and there was a hint of firmness in his eyes. “Yes! Cat God will
surely win!”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 347

Chapter 347 – China VS USA (Crucial Match Point)

Everyone returned to the rest area and Li Cangyu took the initiative to welcome them. Tan
Shitian spoke seriously, “Sorry Captain, I failed to win this game. Now all the pressure is
transferred to you.”
Li Cangyu smiled and patted his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter. You tried your best. Take a
break first.”
Tan Shitian took his teammates to the side to rest and Li Cangyu turned back to Ling
Xuefeng. “It seems we can only win the third game. We can’t lose.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “It is the American team’s match point and we can’t let them do as
they wish.”
At this time, media reporters from all over the world were madly reporting on the finals.
[The US team took the home game and defeated the Chinese team in the away game. They
are the first to get the match point!]
[The US team might beat China by 3:0 to become world champions?]
[The Chinese team’s always strong home game was actually countered by the US team!]
[The Chinese team that had a smooth journey in the World Competition finally tasted
bitterness from the host country!]
The reports from various countries obviously had some elements of ‘gloating’. After all,
teams like Australia, Spain and Italy were crushed 3:0 by the Chinese team while the South
Korean team was eliminated 3:1. The Chinese team’s performance was too dazzling and
long attracted the attention of everyone.
In particular, Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Tan Shitian had no fame in the world rankings and
suddenly made a splash in the World Competition. Many people were convinced about
The strong team finally collapsed and the reporters’ gloating reports naturally attracted the
attention of the audience.
In the domestic live broadcast room, many sunspots took the chance to splash dirty water.
[They crushed all the way through the group stage only to become paralyzed in the finals!]
[Li Cangyu played against weak trash in the group stage only to be completely abused by a
strong team!]
Of course, these negative comments were quickly countered by the loyal Cat God fans. [It is
only the second game. Why so anxious? Don’t you understand the concept of lose two,
chase back three?] [The score is 0:2. Cat God, wake up. Are you still not going?] [Captain
Ling hasn’t played yet!] [Captain Lou hasn’t played yet!] [There is still hope!]
The first two games were lost but fortunately, it wasn’t an ugly loss.
In the first game, Su Guangmo’s commanding didn’t have any problems and he played an
excellent wave of combat between both sides. He finally lost because of the zombies on the
Doomsday map.
In the second game, Tan Shitian’s play was also very stable. They defeated the US in the
initial group combat and even had the deceleration weapon. However, Benjamin’s stealing
of the fire dragon at a crucial moment caught the Chinese team off guard.
Even if the team lost, it wasn’t a dejected loss but a justified one.
Everyone on the national team played very well. The audience saw the first Miracle Chinese
team as a vigorous, positive and cohesive team.
Therefore, some sensible audience members still had strong confidence in the national
team. The first two games might’ve been lost but they were looking forward to pulling
things back in the next three games.
In the international arena, the classic sight of losing two and chasing back three hadn’t
appeared. At this time, the mentality of the players was crucial. They must be steady and
absolutely couldn’t be sloppy!
In the commentators’ room, Kou Hongyi was anxious as he stared at the soundproof room.
“Cat God should go on, he can no longer sit still! Nevertheless, we can’t guess what type of
lineup he will send in the third game!”
“If Cat God is the commander, there is still a lot of room for choice. For example, there is
Shu Bai and his familiar partner Xiao Han, etc.” Yu Bing suddenly thought of something. “Of
course, there is a possibility… he will go on with Captain Ling!”
Kou Hongyi made a surprised expression. “Is that possible? I’m guessing that Cat God will
appear in the third game and Captain Ling will appear in the fourth game.”
Yu Bing didn’t explain it. She just had a strong hunch.
The third game had to be foolproof!
If the third game was lost, the US team will win directly with 3:0 and the Chinese team
would completely miss the championship.
Kou Hongyi’s mention of Cat God in the third game and Captain Ling in the fourth game was
a double insurance arrangement. However, Li Cangyu alone was less insurance than Ling
Cat together.
The third game was the home game of the US team. It could be seen from the Doomsday
Crisis map that the maps the US team left for the finals were very difficult.
Yu Bing knew Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng for many years and understood the extent of
their connection. At this moment, she hoped the two of them could join forces in the World
The five minutes of intermission ended and the captains sat at the command post again.
This was the US team’s home game and the mode submitted by Noah was still death racing.
He didn’t hesitate when submitting the maps because he clearly had a plan.
Hollywood Universal Studios, New York Time Square, Frost Temple.
The three maps appeared on the big screen at the same time.
Times Square had appeared in the previous group stage. Li Cangyu had repeatedly
practiced it during the last few days and it wasn’t difficult to fight. The problem was that
when the Hollywood Universal Studios map appeared in the first game, LI Cangyu banned it
and it could no longer be banned a second time.
Noah might’ve submitted three maps but according to the competition rules of ‘two
country submitted maps can’t be banned at the same time’ and ‘the same map can’t be
banned twice’, Li Cangyu was forced to choose Universal Studios.
In other words, Noah was forcing Li Cangyu to choose the map he wanted the Chinese team
to choose.
This meant the difficulty of Universal Studios didn’t lose to Doomsday Crisis!
It could be seen from this that the US team were well prepared for the finals. The pit left by
the maps was much better than the previous Korean team.
In any case, he could only choose this. Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate and banned the other two.
Noah then submitted the lineup— Noah (black magician), Alyssa (white magician), Thomas
(archer), Jack Josh (blood kin summoner), Edmund (blood kin assassin).
Among them, Edmund and Jack had played in the first game but could plan in this game due
to the interval of one game.
Noah’s lineup could be called the American team’s all-star lineup. Every player had a high
popularity and him sending them showed he obviously wanted to win match point without
giving the Chinese team a chance for a comeback.
How would Li Cangyu respond?
The domestic audience was going crazy and many people were cheering for the national
[This match pint must be endured!] [Cat God, have strength!] [The lineup of the US team
seems very complicated. In fact, it is comprehensive and every player is a world-class
master!] [This map definitely isn’t simple. Cat God, endure it!]
Everyone was anxious commenting while Li Cangyu finally submitted the Chinese team’s
—LI Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng, Qin Mo, Xiao Han and Bai Xuan.
Kou Hongyi was so excited he almost ate his microphone. “My god! Cat God and Captain
Ling actually went out together!”
Yu Bing smiled. As she expected, the Ling Cat combination showed up in the key game!
There was an uproar in the domestic live broadcast room. [Ling Cat 6666!] [It is the
combination of Wind Colour and Canglan!] [This is a biological weapon!] [Ling Cat is too
handsome!] The video couldn’t be seen clearly due to the barrage of comments.
Canglan’s master and apprentice and Wind Colour’s master and apprentice. The three
summoners were combined with a mobile assassin for a violent output. Then their survival
ability was enhanced by the cockroach God Milk Bai Xuan. LI Cangyu’s confident eyes
seemed to be telling the US team, ‘Don’t be happy too soon!’

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 348

Chapter 348 – China VS USA (Summoning Flow)
Li Cangyu submitted the lineup and the map of Universal Studios was shown on the screen.
As he expected, this map wasn’t easier than Doomsday Crisis.
Universal Studios had three regions, all of which were themed areas styled after world-
renowned Oscar winning movies. For example, the Titanic theme area was a huge ship that
sunk into the sea. Players could only stand on the submerged ship and it was a pure water
combat area. The theme area of Inception was a large labyrinth mixed with illusions while
the Lord of the Rings area was an elf forest and could be used as a venue for guerrilla
The Miracle League had certain restrictions on the size of the game map. The American
designers made these three areas according to the specified map size. The complexity
dazzled the audience and it could be seen that the American designers placed a lot of effort
into the design of this map.
In fact, this map was similar to China’s Suzhou Gardens. The comprehensive map had many
changing factors and the combat environment was complicated. The home team naturally
had the advantage due to their comprehensive understanding of the map.
Fortunately, Li Cangyu’s ability to interpret the map was extremely strong. He watched the
panoramic view of the map and had a clear impression of it in his mind.
He glanced over at Ling Xuefeng and saw him staring at the screen. After becoming aware
of Li Cangyu’s gaze, LIng Xuefeng whispered, “Our lineup isn’t suitable for a pure water
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Ordinary Miracle water maps had footholds for players to stand on to release their skills.
However, the Titanic shipwreck was at the bottom of the sea and players directly refreshed
in the water. Li Cangyu’s fire spirit, Ling Xuefeng’s black crows and Qin Mo’s vampire bats
couldn’t be summoned in the water. This greatly weakened the Chinese team’s combat
Kou Hongyi saw the map and couldn’t help saying, “I didn’t expect the US team to make a
100% pure water battle area. This is obviously aimed at our summoners, right? Everyone
knows that Cat God’s most commonly used attack pet is the fire spirit and the fire spirit
can’t survive in the water. This means that Cat God’s attack power will be greatly reduced.”
“Captain Ling’s black crows and Qin Mo’s bats also can’t be summoned under the water.” Yu
Bing had some concerns. “It seems that the US team has investigated the situation of the
Chinese players. When designing their maps, they targeted the more powerful summoners
on our side.”
The shipwreck battle was equivalent to abolishing Ling Xuefeng’s vision control, LI
Cangyu’s fire spirit attacks and Qin Mo’s blood-sucking big move. However, the other two
regions had little effect on the summoner.
Everyone could only silently pray that Captain Ling, Cat God or Qin Mo didn’t refresh on the
sunken boat at the bottom of the water.
The map view was over and players of both sides sat in front of the computers.
The US team’s captain, Noah spoke firmly. “The third game is our match point. We must
surely win it!”
The archer Thomas excitedly rubbed his hands together. “Captain, rest assured. We will
surely win this game! They have sent three summoners but didn’t expect for our map to
have a pure water combat area. This is simply sending us a chance!”
Jack was also confident. “The blood kin summoner is more capable of surviving underwater
than the elf or demon summoner. As long as their summoners refresh at the bottom of the
water, our advantage is very large.”
The players of the US team were clearly full of confidence because it was their home map.
On the Chinese side, LI Cangyu didn’t talk too much about tactics. Instead, he joked, “If I
send instructions at the same time as Xuefeng, who will you listen to? Vote quickly.”
Bai Xuan laughed. “I will naturally listen to Cat God.”
Xiao Han didn’t hesitate. “I will listen to Master.”
Ling Xuefeng glanced at him and replied softly, “I’ll listen to you.”
“I will listen to Master…” Qin Mo had just said this when he heard his master say he would
listen to Li Cangyu. Qin Mo wittily changed his words. “Cough, I will also listen to Cat God!”
The bottom of the food chain had no say. Since his master said this, how could he hesitate
to listen to Cat God?
Li Cangyu won all votes and smiled with satisfaction. “That’s good. Let’s play it easily. If
necessary, I will give orders on the voice channel. In order to avoid distraction, Xuefeng will
make eye contact or mark it directly on the map.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “I know.”
The five players could smash the American team with their tacit understanding.
There was no need to talk about the tacit understanding between Ling Xuefeng and LI
Cangyu. Bai Xuan had been partners with Li Cangyu for seven years while Xiao Han was Li
Cangyu’s apprentice. Qin Mo had also grown up watching Li Cangyu. Playing with these
four people, Li Cangyu was very relaxed despite it being the US team’s match point.
It was like he was traveling with friends and family and didn’t feel the ‘tremendous
pressure’ that reporters thought.
This game might be difficult but Li Cangyu was confident.
Today’s god of luck obviously didn’t take care of the Chinese team. After loading the map,
the players of both sides appeared in Universal Studios at the same time and the audience
almost vomited blood. LI Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng actually refreshed together on the
Titanic shipwreck, directly wasting their fire spirit and black crows!
Qin Mo and Xiao Han appeared in the Lord of the Rings forest area while Bai Xuan was
alone in the Inception labyrinth.
The audience had the god’s perspective and could see that the black magician Noah and the
white magician Alyssa refreshed in the water area battle like Ling Cat. The blood kin
summoner Jack and the blood kin assassin Edmund appeared in the forest area with Xiao
Han and Qin Mo while the archer Thomas was alone in the labyrinth.
In other words, there were four people in the water combat zone, four people in the forest
area and two in the labyrinth.
This was clearly intentionally designed by the American designers.
The black and white magician’s ability to fight underwater was higher than the two
summoners. The forest area had a combination of assassin and summoner. Edmund and
Jack’s fame was much higher than Xiao Han and Qin Mo.
Fortunately, the Chinese team had the milk dad Bai Xuan refresh in the maze. Thomas
might now the map but it was impossible to kill the healer through ambush in the maze.
Bai Xuan’s survival ability had no problems but the labyrinth would greatly affect the speed
of his support. It would be hard for him to leave the labyrinth to help his teammates.
Based on the refresh positions, the Chinese team was absolutely in the worst situation.
Kou Hongyi’s tone was a bit annoyed, “It seems that our team’s luck today is very poor. The
refresh locations of the two death racing games are particularly bad. LIng Cat directly
appeared in the water and abolished two pets. They can’t summon the fire spirit or black
Yu Bing frowned. “Noah and Alyssa are the captain and vice-captain of the American
championship team. The combination of black and white magician is the classic partnership
of the US team. In a 2v2 situation where Captain Ling and Cat God have the disadvantage in
skills, it will be difficult to win. We can only watch and see if they can think of another way.”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 349
Chapter 349 – China VS USA (Perfect Understanding)

Compared to the anxious commentators and audience members, Ling Cat were very calm
after refreshing in the water.
Li Cangyu looked at the distribution of his teammates on the map and opened his mouth,
“Qin Mo and Xiao Han, become invisible. Milk Dad, go to the labyrinth’s exit as soon as
possible and don’t rush to fight.”
The two little ones typed a 1 on the team channel to make it clear.
Li Cangyu wasn’t able to see the refresh point of the American team but he sensed
something. According to the relative balance of how players refreshed in death racing, the
number of people who refreshed underwater, in the forest and in the labyrinth should be
Bai Xuan wasn’t easy to kill so the most appropriate decision was for the two little guys to
go to the dad.
As for him and Ling Xuefeng, they couldn’t swim for a while and could only watch the
situation underwater.
In the Lord of the Rings forest area, Xiao Han and Qin Mo were invisible per Li Cangyu’s
order. Edmund and Jack of the American team were also lurking in stealth.
The two great gods of the US team were the world’s top players while Qin Mo and Xiao Han
weren’t famous newcomers. If they faced each other, the possibility of Edmund and Jack
winning was greater.
The problem was that the blood kin race could go invisible. Qin Mo and Xiao Han were
hidden and the US players couldn’t find them!
Universal Studios had three themed areas so the forest map of Lord of the Rings wasn’t
large compared to a pure forest map. Qin Mo and Xiao Han quickly rushed to the Inception
labyrinth area.
Jack and Edmund searched the forest for a long time and didn’t find anything. Edmund
spoke in the voice channel, “It is likely that the two blood kin players refreshed in the
Noah said, “They must’ve gone to join their teammates. Quickly head to the labyrinth.
In the labyrinth of Inception, Bai Xuan was moving cautiously on his own. In contrast, the
American team’s Thomas was boldly moving through the labyrinth. After all, he was
familiar with the terrain and an elf moved quickly. It didn’t take long before he found the
Chinese player in the maze.
It was a healer!
Thomas had a straightforward personality which applied to the game. The moment he saw
the healer, he fired Seize Life Shot at Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan was calm and immediately placed
the Healing Language buff on his body before continuing to move forward.
Thomash chased him and shot another arrow but Bai Xuan didn’t care. He just gave himself
a small healing magic.
—Shock Shot!
There was another arrow and Bai Xuan was too lazy to add blood. It wasn’t until Thomas
fired Rapid Shot that Bai Xuan healed himself and returned to full blood.
This image made many people cry from laughter and the domestic audience even ridiculed
Thomas. [It is like Vice-Captain Bai is teasing a child!] [Thomas looks fierce but for our dad,
it hurts like a tickle!] [Vice-Captain Bai can endure for a long time under the firepower of
three great gods. Wake up if you want to kill our dad alone!]
Thomas was a US player with a black history of throwing the ball in the wrong side at the
previous Carnival. Thus, the domestic audience was familiar with him. This guy’s personal
explosiveness was very strong but his tactics were awful. Without Noah, he was a wild
However, he wasn’t stupid. Continuing to fight Bai Xuan was just a trick. After fighting a
while and discovering that Bai Xuan was still full of blood, he gave up the plan to kill this
person in the labyrinth. He told his captain, “The labyrinth contains a priest.”
Noah’s heart was happy. “It seems that both summoners refreshed in the water. Alyssa, get
“Yes Captain!”
The shipwreck at the bottom of the water had an upper and lower floor structure. Li
Cangyu refreshed in the lower level while Ling Xuefeng was on the upper level. The
shipwreck was customized according to the Titanic stimulation and the area was so large
that it wasn’t simple for the two people to meet.
Fortunately, they had a tacit understanding and didn’t need to talk to know how to find
each other.
Li Cangyu quickly swam out of the room. The interior of the ship was very messy and there
were many obstacles in the corridor. Li Cangyu swam along the corridor to the exit.
However, he hadn’t climbed up the stairs when he saw two figures in front of him. They
were Noah and Eliza!
Due to familiarity with the shipwreck, the two US players joined together and blocked Li
Cangyu at the exit.
—Shadow Winding! God’s Seal!
Noah and Alyssa’s skills hit at the same time, setting Li Cangyu in place while applying a
negative state to him.
—Death Curse, God’s Light, Voice of Combat!
The black magic and white magic hit over and over. The elf summoner was very weak in
defense and was beaten to half blood by this wave of skills. There was also the blood loss
from the negative state!
“Cat God’s situation is very bad. He happened to be ambushed by the two American players
and blocked underwater. The terrain is also unfavourable for him since the narrow
corridor makes it hard to control his pets. He must climb to the deck as soon as possible!”
Kou Hongyi spoke quickly. “Fortunately, Captain Ling has realized this point and rushed
over to support!”
Ling Xuefeng reacted quickly. He turned when he saw the team panel showing Li Cangyu’s
blood loss and went through the exit, swimming to the lower floor.
Li Cangyu was blocked by the two US players at the stairway. There were five layers of
negative black magic on his body and the white magic attacks continued. HIs blood had
fallen to the dangerous state of 15%.
Just then, his eyes lit up. Ling Xuefeng had arrived!
He couldn’t see Ling Xuefeng in his vision but he knew that the other person had come
because the blue dot representing Ling Xuefeng on the small map had reached his
The audience had the god’s perspective and found that Ling Xuefeng was hiding behind a
cargo stacking box. The two US players were attacking Li Cangyu with full force and
couldn’t see him.
Ling Xuefeng quickly summoned the banshee and used Witch Demon’s Curse.
A violent force came from behind and the caught off guard American players were pulled
directly to the bottom of the ship by the banshee.
The shipwreck was approximately 10 metres high and this was just in the range that the
banshee could be summoned. He summoned the banshee under the ship and forcibly
pulled Noah and Alyssa away.
The group pull successfully saved Li Cangyu from death!
He finally got a chance to catch his breath. Li Cangyu quickly swam up and retreated under
Ling Xuefeng’s cover. Then he summoned the water spirit and thunder spirit at a very fast
The two US players were pulled to the bottom of the ship and took some time to come back
up. Ling Xuefeng took the chance to summon his demon god, placing the demon god on the
bow and pulling out the group attack, Demon God’s Descent!
Black smoke scattered from the demon god. This was followed by the summoning of four
skeleton infantry to confine the two opponents.
The demon god hit perfectly and the other side’s blood fell to 70%. Ling Xuefeng
immediately exploded the skeletons and pressed them to 50% half blood.
Of course, Noah wasn’t to be outdone. He was at the bottom of the water but he cast the
group control skill, Dark Fear.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t avoid this skill and Noah immediately placed five layers of Death
Curse on him. Alyssa followed with God’s Belief and Voice of Combat. The fierce black and
white magic also hit Ling Xuefeng’s blood to 50%.
The skeleton confinement was lifted and Noah and Alyssa finally climbed onto the deck.
Noah was trying to cast a black magic spell to force Ling Xuefeng’s blood down. At this
moment, a large wave of hail rolled in and froze the two people in place.
It was Li Cangyu’s water spirit!
They didn’t’ have to look back to judge that Li Cangyu was nearby.
“Alyssa, go kill him!” Noah immediately ordered. Alyssa paid attention and used
Purification to remove the ice. Then she quickly caught up with Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu only had 15% blood left. She could take his head with a simple spell.
However, it wasn’t that easy to chase an elf!
Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to escape and it was still effective underwater. The elf
who used Flying Feather Steps was like a flexible fish in the water. His swimming speed
was fast and he could also swing to the left and right. Alyssa couldn’t hit him with any skills.
Fortunately, her targeted skill God’s Light would soon be available.
A targeted skill meant she could hit the locked target as long as they were within range.
Alyssa calculated the cooldown time and pressed her finger against the shortcut key in
Countdown 3, 2, 1, cooldown was over!
God’s Light!
The white magician’s targeted skill immediately opened but she heard a system prompt:
[The other party isn’t in range.]
Alyssa was stunned. Once she took a closer look, she discovered that the moment her
cooldown had ended, Ling Xuefeng dragged her back a few metres using the banshee’s
strong pull. The result was that she couldn’t hit Li Cangyu!
Seeing the elf summoner with only a bit of blood still alive in front of her, Alyssa really
wanted to vomit out blood.
Ling Xuefeng’s banshee was too annoying. Every time they were about to kill Li Cangyu,
Ling Xuefeng would drag them away with the banshee. She was also forced to acknowledge
the understanding between them.
In the distance, Li Cangyu was out of danger and turned to use the group attack, Thunder’s
Ling Xuefeng’s pulling skill was quite skillful. He just placed Alyssa in a place where she
couldn’t hit Li Cangyu but Li Cangyu’s pet could hit her.
This was the classic summoner, pet and opponent triangular positioning.
This time, the triangle wasn’t completed by Li Cangyu independently controlling the pet but
was helped by Ling Xuefeng. It was as if Ling Xuefeng entered Li Cangyu’s mind and clearly
knew what he wanted to do next, meaning he was ready to help in advance.
The two people cooperated perfectly and used the thunder spirit’s big move to drop
Alyssa’s blood to 25%!
Noah rushed to support but was imprisoned by Ling Xuefeng’s skeletons.
Li Cangyu took advantage of the water spirit’s Water Ball to quickly attack Alyssa. His
hands were fast and the Water Ball was released continuously. They smashed Alyssa and
looked quite gorgeous underwater.
The damage that burst out in a few seconds completely emptied out Alyssa’s blood.
—First blood!
The bloody elf summoner escaped and counterattacked to complete the kill!
Under Ling Xuefeng’s strong protection and assistance, Li Cangyu actually won the first
This was absolutely uplifting!
Ling Xuefeng opened his mouth and gave rare praise. “Beautiful.”
His tone was calm but Li Cangyu still smiled.
The attack power of the US team’s two magicians was truly amazing and worthy of being
world-class level. Under the water, Li Cangyu was almost caught by the two of them. If it
wasn’t for Ling Xuefeng using the banshee twice at key moments, perhaps Li Cangyu
would’ve already fallen down and it would’ve been impossible for him to kill Alyssa.
This was the importance of having a strong partner!
As he played the game today, Li Cangyu always felt that all his thoughts were read by Ling
Xuefeng in advance. Moreover, Ling Xuefeng always made the most suitable operation for
Li Cangyu. The angle and position of every skill release was just right. It was like the brain
waves of the two people were completely synchronized.
‘You gave exactly what I need most!’
This was the unparalleled understanding between Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu on the field!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 350

Chapter 350 – China VS USA (Resurrection Point)

The residual blood Li Cangyu escaping and killing the US team’s white magician created a
favourable start in a disadvantageous situation, surpising the US captain Noah. However, he
didn’t have time to think about this because he was going to face the siege of Ling Xuefeng
and Li Cangyu.
At this time, Ling Xuefeng only had 50% blood left while Li Cangyu had only a trace of blood
left. The status of these two people weren’t great but Noah was very clear about one thing.
It was likely that their tacit understanding was high enough to kill him. In addition, he was
just hit by Ling Xuefeng’s demon god pet and had only half his blood left.
Both Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had skills to control people. The water elf slowed people
down while the banshee pulled people. Two summoners had so many control skills that it
would be hard for Noah to escape. He calmly analyzed the situation and ordered, “Jack,
Edmund, come over to the shipwreck as quickly as possible!”
Originally, Jack and Edmund had been going to the labyrinth to meet the archer Thomas.
Halfway there, they heard their captain’s instructions and immediately turned towards the
Li Cangyu killed Alyssa and hid behind an obstacle on the shipwreck. He had only a trace of
blood left and would probably die if he was hit by Noah. Thus, he cleverly hid. He would
give the frontal battle to Ling Xuefeng and find a chance to strike.
Ling Xuefeng also used his body to block Li Cangyu and summoned four skeletons,
sweeping them towards Noah.
Noah naturally wouldn’t wait to die. After falling to 30% blood, he cast Death Curse and
Shadow Winding on Ling Xuefeng’s body, stacking the negative effects up to five layers.
Then Noah used Shadow Wrath’s to let all the negative states take effect. The audience saw
that Ling Xuefeng’s blood instantly fell to 25%.
The two people had flexible positioning and mutually threw skills at each other, causing
both to fall to residual blood in the blink of an eye.
Ling Xuefeng’s pets had been killed and were on cooldown. Noah seized this opportunity to
start casting Hell Flames.
However, just as Noah thought he could take away Ling Xuefeng’s head, Li Cangyu suddenly
emerged from behind and used Water Ball to directly empty Noah’s blood!
Noah, “…”
This Li Cangyu was too annoying. The hiding elf summoner was too difficult to defend
Noah’s face was a bit ugly as he urged on the voice channel, “Jack, the two of you quickly
come over. They are both bloody.”
Ling Xuefeng sent a thumbs up on the team channel, clearly extremely appreciative of Li
Cangyu’s approach. He guessed that the hiding Li Cangyu would definitely seize the most
suitable opportunity to attack Noah. Therefore, he didn’t have much psychological pressure
when playing against Noah because he knew that Li Cangyu was behind him.
The two men cooperated and killed Noah.
The Chinese team’s opening double kill swept away the haze of the first two losses from the
domestic audience. Everyone cheered in the comments and even Kou Hongyi couldn’t help
clapping. “Great! The terrain was obviously unfavourable but in these circumstances,
Captain Ling and Cat God teamed up for a beautiful double kill. Cat God took the lead to win
two heads for the Chinese team!”
Yu Bing was also very happy but she maintained her calm tone. “Successfully killing the
black and white magician is indeed worth celebrating but Noah has obviously changed his
strategy. Jack and Edmund are coming over to the shipwreck and Ling Cat are now bloody.
If they encounter the blood kin killer and summoner from the US team, their heads are
likely to be directly taken!”
Li Cangyu also realized this situation. They were both in a blood state and in the middle of
water. No matter which players from the US team they encountered, they were likely to be
killed. In particular, the hidden blood kin players of the US team were harder to block.
Li Cangyu thought this and spoke on the voice channel, “Report on the situation in the
Bai Xuan was chased by Thomas in the labyrinth. Just two seconds ago, Thomas stopped
chasing him and headed in the opposite direction. Once he heard Li Cangyu’s question, Bai
Xuan replied, “Thomas headed deeper into the maze and I’m at the exit.”
At this time, Xiao Han and Qin Mo arrived at the exit of the labyrinth and saw Bai Xuan
coming out. They joined him and typed a ‘1’ on the team channel to show it.
Li Cangyu thought about it and decisively ordered, “Go into the maze and find Thomas. Kill
him at the fastest speed and then go to the blue resurrection point to wait for Xuefeng and
Bai Xuan showed his understanding.
Thomas ran into the depths of the maze because the captain has Edmund and Jack go to the
shipwreck area.
Originally, Jack and Edmund were going to meet him in the labyrinth. Now that they were
transferred, he was left alone in the labyrinth and was likely to face the Chinese team.
Three against one and the other side had a healer. There was absolutely no chance for him
to win.
Thus, he turned and ran, wanting to rely on his familiarity with the labyrinth to delay the
time until rescuers arrived.
The Inception labyrinth was truly complicated. It had many small rooms and each room
was a dream scene. Some scenes would repeat and if a person walked too much, they
would be dazzled and completely confused.
Even so, there was a trick to this labyrinth. Rely on the map compass to determine your
Bai Xuan’s ability to interpret the map had already reached an unforgettable level under Li
Cangyu’s training. He had just walked from the labyrinth centre to the exit. Now that he
was walking back, he didn’t hesitate as he led Qin Mo and Xiao Han and soon found
Thomas’ trail.
Qin Mo took the left side maze room to bypass Thomas while Xiao Han took the right room
to move behind Thomas.
Thomas saw Bai Xuan and immediately retreated in an alert manner. He didn’t expect for
the two teenagers of the Chinese team to complete a left and right pincer attack in this
strange labyrinth!
—Pain Blade!
—Blood Snakes Entanglement!
Xiao Han and Qin Mo acted at almost the same time. Thomas was set in place and allowed
Qin Mo’s blood snake to bite him, gaining three layers of bleeding in the blink of an eye.
Xiao Han raised his dagger without hesitation and slashed at Thomas’ back.
—Back Stab, Fatal Blow, Chain Strangulation, Death Strangulation!
The teenager’s hand speed was extremely fast. The cold dagger moved through the air and
the weak archer instantly lost half his blood!
“Xiao Han’s explosive ability is terrible!” Kou Hongyi was surprised. “He is fast and accurate
and almost all his hits are a crit!”
Qin Mo’s output also wasn’t weak but he was more willing to cooperate with Xiao Han. He
acted as the control to assist Xiao Han. The moment Thomas’s dizziness due to Pain Blade
ended, Qin Mo had already summoned the blood spider.
—Spider Set Body.
Thomas just got rid of his dizziness only to be set in place.
The two people tacitly completed the joint control and Xiao Han’s attacks didn’t stop while
Qin Mo’s blood snake bit at the other person. Once the control ended, Thomas fired his bow
but the opposite side had a healer.
Bai Xuan used a healing array and returned blood to Qin Mo and Xiao Han.
One person couldn’t win against three. Thomas was anxious but he had no way. His
teammates’ support was delayed and he could only watch as his blood plummeted.
In less than half a minute, Thomas fell to the ground and his head was taken by Xiao Han.
Xiao Han and Qin Mo were very happy at killing the world famous archer. The two of them
joined forces with the milk dad and three against one might be bullying but… the death
racing mode was like this. They had to use all means to win a head!
The Chinese team harvested three heads in a row. The domestic spectators were so excited
that they almost jumped up.
Then two more messages appeared on the screen. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had died.
As the battle in the labyrinth started, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng were still on the deck of
the shipwreck. The two blood kin players of the US team sneaked into the water. Edmund
came behind Li Cangyu and hit him with Pain Blade, directly taking away his life. Then Jack
used his snake to bite Ling Xuefeng and kill him.
The sneak attack of the two blood kin players of the US team was really unstoppable. Li
Cangyu had long been prepared for this. He and Ling Xuefeng died at almost the same time
and tacitly resurrected at the blue resurrection point.
However, at the moment of resurrection, Li Cangyu unexpectedly saw Noah, Alyssa and
Thomas who had just resurrected.
What a coincidence! The US team also chose the blue resurrection point!
Death racing had two resurrection points. In most cases, the two sides would choose on
each and after reorganization, they would come back for a wave of team combat.
However, there were coincidences like today where the captains of both sides chose the
same resurrection point.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 351

Chapter 351 – China VS USA (Full Tacit Understanding)

Players had five seconds of invincible protection after resurrecting at the resurrection
point. Li Cangyu saw the other three people and immediately used Flying Feather Steps to
run. Ling Xuefeng followed while calling four skeletons to help delay the time.
They might have a tacit understanding but two against three was definitely
disadvantageous. In particular, Thomas’ ranged arrows interference would kill their pets in
The most sensible decision was to make use of the five seconds of invincibility to run.
Nevertheless, it was impossible for Noah to let go of such an opportunity. Thomas also used
Flying Feather Steps to chase.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng tacitly separated at a fork in the road. Splitting up would
distract the enemy and both of them wouldn’t be hit.
Noah thought about it and made a decision. “Follow Ling Xuefeng!”
After all, Ling Xuefeng was a demon summoner and didn’t have the movement speed bonus
of Flying Feather Steps. Thomas was an elf archer and it would be relatively easy for him to
catch up with Ling Xuefeng.
The facts proved that his choice was correct. It didn’t take long for Ling Xuefeng’s back to
appear in view and Thomas fired Quenching Arrow to slow down the opponent. However,
it was like Ling Xuefeng had eyes in the back of his head as he summoned a skeleton to
block Quenching Arrow.
Thomas endured the urge to cough up blood and opened up Barrage Shot!
Ling Xuefeng’s skeletons were hit and the white magician Alyssa followed up with God’s
Seal to set Ling Xuefeng in place. Then Noah and Thomas immediately started to attack.
—Seize Life Shot! Rapid Shot! Death Curse! Shadow Wrath! God’s Light! Voice of Combat!
The black and white magic and arrows smashed towards Ling Xuefeng’s body and he fell to
25% residual blood. It could be seen that the first-class players of the US team were really
capable of unleashing firepower.
In this way, Captain Ling would soon die.
The hearts of the domestic audience were in their throats because they saw that after Li
Cangyu split up from Ling Xuefeng, he made a big circle and came behind Ling Xuefeng.
Bai Xuan, Xiao Han and Qin Mo were also coming this way.
Just then, Ling Xuefeng called out the guardian. The public pet cost him a lot of blue but he
wasn’t stingy. The guardian blocked the next wave of attacks from the US team.
Then Ling Xuefeng summoned his most powerful pet, the demon god!
A thick black fog spread and all enemies in range were affected, causing their blood to
rapidly fall.
In the blink of an eye, the three American players fell to 75% blood.
Ling Xuefeng used the guardian to resist one wave of attacks but couldn’t withstand Noah’s
next moves. The black magic stacked on his body was detonated by Noah and the archer in
the distance followed with Precise Shot. The bloody Ling Xuefeng finally fell to the ground.
However, his sacrifice wasn’t in vain. The next moment, Li Cangyu had successfully merged
with Bai Xuan, Qin Mo and Xiao Han!
Qin Mo started with the blood kin summoner’s big move, Blood Bat Festival!
Xiao Han also rushed forward and used the group attack, Chain Strangulation!
The two teenagers took the lead and disrupted the formation of the American trio. Li
Cangyu’s output environment was very comfortable and he summoned his main attack pet,
the fire elf and used Raging Prairie Fire.
The three group attacks ruthlessly smashed into them and the blood of the three US players
fell to 15%.
The three US players weren’t to be outdone and they aimed their big moves at the two
blood kin teenagers. The wave of eruptions decreased their blood but Bai Xuan used a
healing array to restore Qin Mo and Xiao Han’s blood. Then he gave them the Healing
Language buff.
Li Cangyu followed by summoning the thunder spirit and used Thunder’s Wrath to receive
the heads of the three opponents.
The Chinese audience at the venue screamed with excitement and clapped desperately, not
noticing that their palms were swollen.
It wasn’t until now that they understood that Ling Xuefeng’s escape route was in fact Li
Cangyu’s trap. Ling Xuefeng’s sacrifice allowed Li Cangyu to take three kills!
From the start to present, the Chinese team won six heads while the US team only got three
Li Cangyu looked at the time and ordered, “Return to the red resurrection point!”
Li Cangyu’s state was actually quite good but Bai Xuan, Qin Mo and Xiao Han couldn’t
support the next wave of group combat.
The two teenagers had just killed Thomas and now the three members of the US team.
Their skills were on cooldown and they were almost out of blue. Their combat power was
less than 10%.
Bai Xuan’s blue consumption was also serious and most of his group healing skills were on
On the US side, Jack and Edmund were full of blood and their blue was over 80%. They
would soon come over to support. In addition, the blue resurrection point was close to
here. The three US players who just died would soon resurrect and as long as all five of
them met up, the Chinese team was likely to be defeated!
Li Cangyu’s expectations were correct. Jack and Edmund came over very quickly and
arrived at the labyrinth in the blink of an eye. Li Cangyu’s reaction speed was fast and he
used Frost Heart to freeze them, making it convenient for the two teenagers to run.
Then Xiao Han said, “You run first!”
He entered stealth and moved behind Jack, hitting him with Pain Blade the moment Jack’s
freezing effect ended.
This was the only skill that could be released with his remaining blue and he won Li Cangyu
and Qin Mo three seconds.
Li Cangyu’s mood was a bit complicated. He didn’t expect for the young Xiao Han to make
such a calm decision at a crucial moment. As a result, Jack wasn’t about to catch up with Li
Cangyu and Qin Mo.
Bai Xuan sensed Xiao Han’s intentions and used his remaining blue to stack Healing
Language on Xiao Han.
The two people took the initiative to stay as cannon fodder. Li Cangyu immediately took
Qin Mo and retreated.
Bai Xuan didn’t have much blood left but he was a powerful milk dad while Xiao Han’s
attacks could suck back blood. The two of them cooperated to delay Jack and Edmund for a
full 10 seconds.
By the time Xiao Han and Bai Xuan were killed, Qin Mo and Li Cangyu had disappeared.
Jack was annoyed. “I thought we could kill four in this wave!”
Edmund was calm. “They sacrificed themselves. The healer and assassin stayed as cannon
fodder to protect the other two summoners. The Chinese team’s three summoners will
soon meet.”
Jack saw the 6:5 heads ratio and was grumpy. “Let’s quickly met up to kill them!”
Noah also had this idea.
The US team only had to win one game. They could wipe out the Chinese team in one wave
to win the game as well as the world championship.
Nevertheless, his intuition told him the next wave of group combat wouldn’t be that simple.
Li Cangyu and Qin Mo rushed to the red resurrection point at the fastest speed. They had
just left the labyrinth when they received news that Bai Xuan and Xiao Han were killed. Li
Cangyu placed the [=] symbol on the team channel.
This meant for everyone to wait at the red resurrection point.
Ling Xuefeng was already resurrected and Bai Xuan and Xiao Han would resurrect after 10
Li Cangyu and Qin Mo quickly passed through the dense forest to the red resurrection
point. The other three were already waiting for them. The two people stood at the
resurrection point to refill their blood and blue while also refreshing the cooldown of their
The five Chinese players were full of blood. Similarly, Jack and Edmund would definitely go
to the resurrection point to recover. The next wave of team combat would be a 5v5 frontal
“Go to the entrance of the forest!” Li Cangyu ordered and they rushed to the forest
entrance, while the five Americans also came this way.
Half a minute later, the two sides met at the entrance of the forest.
Qin Mo, Xiao Han, Jack and Edmund were all invisible. Edmund found Bai Xuan and tried to
use a control skill on him. However, Bai Xuan reflexively read the priest’s ultimate move,
Desperate Prayer!
This returned a lot of blood to all teammates in range while also making them immune to
any control for 5 seconds.
At this time, everyone was full of blood and Bai Xuan’s ultimate goal was the ‘free of control
for 5 seconds’ effect attached to the skill.
Edmund’s Pain Blade and Jack’s spider were neutralized…
Bai Xuan’s pre-judgment at the crucial moment just abolished the control skills of the two
blood kin opponents.
What could be done in five seconds?
Ling Xuefeng called his skeleton infantry, the banshee, the black crows and the demon god.
Li Cangyu summoned his water spirit, fire spirit, wind spirit and thunder spirit. Qin Mo also
summoned his blood spider, blood snake, death knight and vampire bats at a very fast
Then the three people pressed the R key on the keyboard almost in sync.
—Demon God’s Rage!
—Corpse Mountain Blood Sea!
The elf summoner’s four pets died, the demon summoner’s four pets died and the blood kin
summoner’s four pets also died!
The summoner’s ‘exploding pets’ ultimate move was generally difficult to open but with Bai
Xuan’s help, Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo actually released it within five seconds!
The green elf, black demon and red blood kin skill effects mixed together and created a
shock wave that was like a nuclear bomb exploding!
The five players of the US team were instantly overwhelmed by the powerful shock wave!
It was like their blood crashed as the number fell from 100% to 10%!
This terrible damage was almost comparable to a biochemical weapon…
Kou Hongyi and Yu Bing were stunned while the domestic audience and reporters from all
over the world were frozen.
Three summoners opening the ultimate big move at the same time, this was the first time it
had been seen since the Miracle League started!
Moments later, Kou Hongyi returned to his senses and trembled. “My god! Three
summoners can do something like this, it is the first time I’ve seen it! This is really a
biochemical weapon. The US team was directly beaten to 10% residual blood!”
Yu Bing endured the urge to cry as she choked out, “This is a really rare picture! It takes
five seconds to complete these operations and it is impossible to achieve if the hand speed
and reaction speed can’t keep up. Moreover, there must be a strong understanding between
the three people since the summoned pets can’t interfere with each other!”
After a pause, Yu Bing took a deep breath and recovered her calm. She carefully analyzed,
“The damage is very strong but it also puts the summoner into a very weak situation. For
the next period of time, none of them can call any pets and the American team might
complete the counter kill.”
“However, we still have Xiao Han!” Kou Hongyi was excited. “Xiao Han is acting!”
The five seconds free of control ended and the three summoners became the target of the
US team. The five US players might be in residual blood but the three players of the
Chinese team couldn’t use any skills. It was simply a state of being slaughtered!
Bai Xuan’s big no-control move was gone and Noah decisively used Dark Fear on the
Chinese team. Then he and his teammates started to crazily release group attacks.
Still, it was as Kou Hongyi said. They still had Xiao Han!
Xiao Han had been hiding behind the American team and wasn’t affected by the Dark Fear
group control. At this time, he grasped the opportunity to show up and used Back Stab to
kill the weak archer!
He followed up by using Fatal Blow to kill the nearby white magician.
The shocked Noah wanted to turn around and control him but Xiao Han used Chain
The dagger in his hand was thrown forward and became a chain that accurately hit Noah
and Jack in front of him.
—Double kill!
Xiao Han completed the harvest and killed four American players who had 10% residual
The Chinese team took the lead in getting 10 heads and won the third game in a thrilling
Many spectators shed tears of excitement.
Even Li Cangyu’s eyes were hot. At the crucial match point, he withstood the pressure and
gave some relief to the national team that lost the first two games.
It was thanks to the excellent teammates beside him…
Li Cangyu stood up with a smile and tightly hugged his teammates.
This game all depended on their tacit understanding.
If Bai Xuan’s move to free them from control had been slightly slow, if Qin Mo and Ling
Xuefeng couldn’t keep up with the ultimate move or if Xiao Han’s harvesting skills were
wrong, the Chinese team might’ve been the ones wiped out.
However, they ended up winning.
Li Cangyu believed in the people around him and they believed in him.
They used an extraordinary tacit understanding to show a tacit that had never appeared
since the start of the Miracle League, the three summoner’s explosive destructive style!
It was believed that for a long time, the image of the three summoners simultaneously
opening their ultimate moves and the assassin’s classic harvest would be widely spread
among the Miracle fans around the world.
Cataclysm, Demon God’s Rage and Corpse Mountain Blood Sea!
The power of these three moves at the same time was enough to shock the entire Miracle

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access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 352

Chapter 352 – China VS USA (Fourth Game)

Li Cangyu, Ling Xuefeng and Qin Mo cooperated in the team battle to complete the outbreak
of the summoners. The power was amazing and all opponents were disabled in one breath,
causing the domestic audience feel excited. The live broadcast room was filled with ‘666’
and Kou Hongyi spoke excitedly, “The lineup of three summoners is really strong. They
broke out at the same time and directly wiped out 90% of the opponents’ blood!”
Yu Bing also calmed down and carefully analyzed, “In principle, the three summoners have
both control and outbreak. The combination is really strong but there are preconditions.
The three people must have enough understanding since their summoned pets can easily
influence each other. If the location where the pets are summoned isn’t good, it will block
the eyes of the teammates and become a liability.”
Kou Hongyi agreed. “There are so many pets that it can become chaotic! Today this lineup
could be seen in the World Competition but I don’t think any team in the domestic Miracle
League can come up with it.”
Yu Bing glanced at the big screen where the score had become 2:1. She confidently said,
“The national team’s captain and vice-captain have pulled together the third game. The
fourth game is the Chinese team’s home advantage and they can certainly hold it!”
At present, the US team lost the third game but they still had the big advantage of two
points. The next game was still their match point. If the next game was won, the US team
could win the championships with a score of 3:1.
Thus, the fourth game was crucial!
If the Chinese team could withstand the pressure in the fourth game, the score would be
equalized and the two sides would enter the final decisive stage. On the contrary, if the
Chinese team lost in the fourth game, all efforts in the previous period would be wasted.
Both Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had played the last game and the players who would be
sent in the fourth game became the focus of the domestic audience.
Li Cangyu returned to the rest of the team and they took the initiative to clap. Su Guangmo
smiled boldly, “Three summoners are terrible. We should be glad that Cat God and Captain
Ling aren’t teammates!”
Tan Shitian joked, “If Cat God teams up with Captain Ling, should we join the rest of the
Zhang Shaohui raised his hand in agreement. “Yes!”
“Rest assured, we will only be opponents in the domestic league. Right, Xuefeng?” Li
Cangyu glanced over at Ling Xuefeng and happened to see his smile. The two people smiled
at each other and Ling Xuefeng patted Li Cangyu’s shoulder. Then he raised a serious topic,
“Who will be going in the fourth round?”
Li Cangyu stopped smiling and replied, “The fourth game is our home game and there is no
doubt that the map will be the Eight-Trigram Array. The key is who will be the
commander…” After a moment of thought, Li Cangyu stated, “Captain Lou.”
The cold-looking man immediately stood up. “Yes.”
Li Cangyu smiled and said, “You will be the commander.”
Lou Wushuang didn’t hesitate and simply nodded. “Good.”
His personality had always been like this and his way of speaking was often concise. His
expression was cold and he never laughed when others were joking. He had an indifferent
attitude whenever encountering anything.
Li Cangyu felt that at the crucial moment, only Lou Wushuang could turn the tide.
Su Guangmo was fierce and violent while Tan Shitian was resourceful. These two people
could serve as commanders in key games but their tactical style wasn’t suitable for the
Eight-Trigram Array map. Meanwhile, Lou Wushuang’s assassination could play an effect in
the maze.
Captain Lou was named and Zhang Shaohui consciously ran to his brother’s side and smiled
at Li Cangyu. “Cat God, since my brother is the commander, I’m also playing right?”
“Of course.”
The Lou Zhang combination couldn’t be torn down, especially in a key match. The tacit
understanding between the two brothers would be a weapon to attack the US team. As for
the remaining candidates, Li Cangyu pondered for a moment before finally naming, “Chu
Yan, Zhu Qingyue, Yu Pingsheng, you three go.”
The lineup for the fourth game was completed. Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue’s psychics, the
Lou Zhang assassins and then the berserker Yu Pingsheng who was very strong in defense.
The concept of the Eight-Trigram Array map was originally proposed by Chu Yan and he
was the best psychic auxiliary in the country. He was sensitive to various stats and once
accompanied by his apprentice, he could use the map against the US team.
Li Cangyu laid out the lineup and then patted Lou Wushuang on the shoulder. “I’ll leave it to
These words were simply but were actually incredibly heavy. This game couldn’t be lost or
their previous efforts would be undone. The pressure on Lou Wushuang’s shoulder
definitely wasn’t lower than Li Cangyu in the previous game.
In fact, Lou Wushuang and Li Cangyu were the same type of people. This was why Li
Cangyu chose him at the key point.
Su Guangmo, Xie Shurong, Cheng Wei and the others debuted at the same time but Lou
Wushuang was two years behind them.
During the time when Su Guangmo led the Flying Feathers team to win the championship,
when Cheng Wei won the Best Newcomer Award and when the rookie Tan Shitian debuted
and led the Time team to the top of the league, Lou Wushuang was still unknown.
The Ghost Spirits team made a late effort and won the championship in the fifth season.
Every step of the Lou Zhang combination was very solid.
Lou Wushuang’s heart was definitely the most tenacious among the young captains.
He led the Ghost Spirits team step by step to today, from an invisible person to the first
assassin of the league. He had long been accustomed to a variety of headwinds and
developed. Regardless of any disadvantages, he could calmly deal with it with a tough
At the crucial moment, Li Cangyu sent him as the commander, showing Li Cangyu’s
appreciation and trust in him.
Lou Wushuang didn’t say much. After taking on the command, he sat quietly in his seat and
continued to wait.
After the intermission, Li Cangyu and Noah went back to the computer. The fourth game
was the Chinese team’s home game and Li Cangyu resolutely submitted the game mode,
death racing.
This choice was expected by many viewers. Death racing reflected the advantages of the
home court more than an economic war and it wasn’t as easy to be targeted as the arena.
Li Cangyu followed up by submitting the maps: Suzhou Gardens, Eight-Trigram Array and
Dark Reef.
The US team’s captain, Noah couldn’t help frowning. In the last game, he forced Li Cangyu
to choose Universal Studios. In this game, Li Cangyu forced him to choose the Eight-
Trigram Array.
According to the principle of ‘a map that has been disabled once can’t be disabled again’, he
disabled the Eight-Trigram Array map in the second game and could no longer disable it.
Noah reluctantly banned Suzhou Gardens and Dark Reef, leaving behind Eight-Trigram
Array. The audience was excited since the Eight-Trigram Array was finally used, The efforts
of the Chinese team’s designers wouldn’t be wasted!
Looking at the thumbnail, the map was a circular icon that was rich in colour. At first
glance, it looked like a maze. However, the domestic audience members had often
encountered the five elements and they started to recall their tragic experiences. Many
people said that this map would pit foreigners.
Li Cangyu saw the other side selecting the map and then submitted the list of players— Lou
Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui, Chu Yan, Zhu Qingyue and Yu Pingsheng.
This lineup had never appeared before. Yu Bing said, “According to the lineup, this map is
likely to have status effects or traps. The role of the two psychics is displacement control
while the berserker will protect the teammates. Lou Zhang is responsible for the output.”
Kou Hongyi said, “The US team can send people afterwards and can target our lineup.
However, our lineup doesn’t have any obvious weakness. Noah should send more pressure-
resistant classes to prevent the instant kill of the double assassins.”
He just finished speaking when Noah submitted his lineup— the paladin Barrett, the
berserker Madison, the healer Winfrey, the archer Aldridge and the black magician Daisy.
There were a paladin, berserker and healer, which was a very pressure resistant lineup.
It was the most sensible thing to send a strong defense when the enemy map was unclear.
The captains of both sides finished their selection and it was time for the map preview.
The panoramic map of the Eight-Trigram Array started to play on the big screen and the
American players collectively showed blank expressions.
What the hell was this?
The map was divided into five small squares of gold, green, blue, red and brown. The
middle of the small square was a white area which was obviously a labyrinth with a
complicated route. The five-coloured area had entrances to the labyrinth and the five roads
eventually lead to the middle disc.
The puzzling thing was that the five colour blocks weren’t static but rotated clockwise
every 30 seconds.
Winfrey looked at the captain with confusion. “The white area is obviously a maze but what
are the rotating colour blocks?”
“I don’t understand it either.” Noah rubbed his temples to ease his headache. “It’s more
complicated than our Universal Studios.”
Thomas was straightforward. “The colours of this map is very beautiful. Did they make so
many coloured areas for colour matching? The colour blocks will turn, just like the
turntable used in the raffle!”
Jack stared blankly at him and stated, “The coloured areas are likely to be traps.”
Noah felt it was reasonable and stared at the map for a moment before making an accurate
judgment. “Traps will be marked and these coloured areas obviously have no traps.
However, the Chinese team wouldn’t divide the map into five colours for the sake of looks.
The different colours must have different meanings.” Noah paused and continuing, “If my
guess is correct, this should be a status map.”
The captain’s words woke them up and everyone stared at the big screen, not daring to
miss a single detail.
A status map with five colours, meaning there should be five different effects. This was
much more complicated than Universal Studios!

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GLS: Chapter 353

Chapter 353 – China VS USA (Eight-Trigram Array)

The domestic audience understood the Chinese five elements and quickly knew the
principles of this map. The middle white area was the eight-trigram array and the roads
inside were a large labyrinth according to the principle of yin and yang. The five colours
around it symbolized the five elements. Gold was for metal, green was for wood, blue for
water, red for fire and brown for earth.
As for the corresponding statuses, it was necessary to understand it in actual combat.
Once the map preview was over, the players quickly came to the computers and sat down.
The outcome of this game would affect the final result. Therefore, the expressions of
players on both sides were extraordinarily serious. Even Zhang Shaohui, who usually loved
laughing and joking, was very calm at this time as he quickly tapped on the keyboard as a
The map loaded and both sides simultaneously refreshed on the Eight-Trigram Array map.
To the surprise of the US team, there was only one refresh point in the maze and four
around it.
The Universal Studios map also had one refresh point in the maze. It was clear that the
Chinese team’s map designers thought of using the maze as a pit. However, the US team’s
luck wasn’t bad. The one who appeared in the maze was the paladin with the highest
defense while the Chinese player was the assassin Lou Wushuang.
All other players refreshed in the surrounding coloured areas and their positions were
relatively scattered.
The moment Winfrey refreshed, she saw the deceleration effect on her body. She
immediately spoke on the voice channel, “The blue area is deceleration!”
As the commander of this game, Winfrey was under great pressure. Even so, she was the
vice-captain of the US team and had to remain absolutely calm. She glanced at the mini-map
and immediately ordered, “Report your respective status!”
The berserker Madison refreshed in the metal area. “The gold is a 50% attack bonus!”
The archer Aldridge stated, “Brown is 50% more defense!”
The last one, the black magician Daisy refreshed in the wood property area and said, “I’m in
green but I don’t have a state on my body.”
Winfrey had an excellent memory and immediately typed a summary in the team channel.
“Gold is bonus attack, brown is bonus defense, blue is deceleration and green is no status.
There is still red so be careful later!”
The American players said this but their thoughts were going in a circle.
The messy colours and variety of statuses, the Chinese team’s designers could really play!
In fact, it was especially easy for the Chinese players to remember this.
According to the principle of the five elements, gold represented weapons and sharpness so
the gold area increased attack. Earth represented steadiness and thickness so the brown
area increased defense. Water was slow so the blue area would cause deceleration. Fire
was burning and the red area caused blood loss. The wood property was a sign of recovery
so the green area had a purification effect (clear all negative states).
The Chinese team refreshed and quickly searched for their teammates in the five coloured
area while gaining statuses.
Zhang Shaohui didn’t hesitate to come to the metal area to get the attack bonus. Chu Yan
appeared in the fire attribute area and his blood loss was serious but he quickly came to the
wood attribute area to eliminate the negative effect. Zhu Qingyue was in the water attribute
area and was slowed but he also ran to the wood area to remove it. Yu Pingsheng refreshed
in the brown earth area and gained the defense bonus.
This map was actually very simple and interesting. The coloured areas were arranged in
the clockwise direction of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Metal and earth enhanced
attack and defense while water and fired decelerated and caused blood loss. If there was an
adverse effect at the start, they could go to the wood area to remove it and then gain a
status that was good for them.
Since the five areas were in a circle, they could move clockwise or counterclockwise to get
to the purifying wood area while trying to avoid the water and fire adverse areas as much
as possible.
In other words, among the five coloured areas, only red and blue were unfavourable. Green
was purification while gold and brown were status additions.
It was already an obvious hint that the person who refreshed in the green area didn’t gain
anything. In addition, green was usually used for skills such as resurrection and
purification in the Miracle game. However, the American players didn’t think of this. They
simply thought of green as stateless and didn’t reason out that green had a ‘purification’
Winfrey refreshed in the water attribute area and quickly gained three layers of
deceleration. Her left was red and the right was green. None of her teammates refreshed in
red and she didn’t dare rush there. Thus, she had to move at a slow pace towards the green
next door.
Miraculously, the deceleration effect on her body disappeared!
Winfrey reacted with pleasant surprise, “Green can purify. Everyone, come here to meet
It had to be said that the US team’s luck was really good and Winfrey happened to
encounter purification.
The four US players quickly came to the green area while the Chinese players came to the
gold area.
It had been nearly 30 seconds since the game started so the five discs would rotate
By the time Winfrey realized this, it was too late!
The five colour blocks started to rotate like a turntable.
It was originally in the order of gold, green, blue, red and brown. The US players were in
the harmless green but once the blocks turned, the four players of the US team were moved
to the blue deceleration zone next door!
Winfrey ordered with a bloody face, “Go back!”
The deceleration effect rapidly stacked on their bodies and the four people moved like a
snail. The four members of the Chinese team would never let go of such an opportunity!
After getting the golden attack bonus, Zhang Shaohui and Yu Pingsheng acted. Yu
Pingsheng used Mountain Chop to block the US team’s road, properly separating the healer
from her teammates. Then Zhang Shaohui followed up by using Pain Blade on the healer!
Was this wanting to kill the healer?
The audience was a bit shocked. After all, it was difficult for an assassin to kill a healer
unless the healer was a rookie.
Winfrey used the priest’s skill to purify her dizziness and found that the deceleration effect
of the map wasn’t resolved. The map statuses obviously weren’t affected by skills.
Zhang Shaohui and Yu Pingsheng continued to chase her and she used the Healing
Language buff to save her life.
At this moment, an assassin lurked behind her and used Pain Blade to make Winfrey dizzy
It was Lou Wushuang!
Lou Wushuang used his familiarity with the maze to rush towards the group battle and
stun the healer while the US team’s paladin was still in the maze.
Zhang Shaohui was happy at his brother appearing and followed up.
—Back Stab, Fatal Blow and Death Strangulation!
The brothers were almost identical in their movements. The set of moves hit and Winfrey’s
blood fell to 30%!
However, she could quickly wake up. After the stun cooldown was over, Winfrey sighed
with relief and used Holy Light Surge to restore her blood to 80%.
The US team started the counterattack as the black magician’s Dark Fear hit. The archer
also opened up Death Arrow Rain.
The moment their big moves were about to hit, they were surprised to find their targets
were out of range!
This was the psychic’s illusion!
“Not good!” Winfrey was instantly alert but it was too late!
Chu Yan had been preparing to cast a spell. The moment the other party used the black
magic group control, he released the psychic array.
—Psychic Array, Time and Space Illusion!
This big move teleported the American team’s black magician and archer away!
Time and Space Illusion was the core of the psychic illusion flow method. It could transfer
allies or enemies within range to the designated location but the transmission distance
couldn’t exceed 20 metres. The American team’s archer and black magician were just 20
metres away from the red fire attribute next door so Chu Yan decisively moved them there.
The transmission at the critical moment directly transferred the two US players to the fire
attribute area and they started to lose a lot of blood.
At the same time, Zhu Qingyue also used a psychic array.
—Desperate Cage!
A soft light spread at the specified position to form a six-pointed star. Once the array was
completed, the soft light formed a cage and the opponent was confined inside.
The American team’s archer and black magician were trapped in the fire attribute area and
their blood started to fall. Winfrey wanted to add blood to them only to find that her
deceleration effect made her almost unable to move.
In addition, behind her were the terrible Lou Zhang brothers and the fierce berserker, Yu
Yu Pingsheng used Cut Through Thorns to block her way.
The American team’s berserker wanted to run over to help but was trapped in place by Chu
Yan’s Desperate Cage. Lou Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui and Yu Pingsheng broke out and
directly emptied Winfrey’s blood!
At the same time, the death of the archer and black magician appeared on the big screen.
In death racing, the deaths caused by the map environment didn’t count as a head. Only
Winfrey’s head was counted by the system and the Chinese team’s score became 1:0.
However, three US players were killed at the beginning of the game, with one of them being
the healer. This was definitely a heavy blow to their morale.
Winfrey gritted her teeth as she waited to be resurrected.
She had never seen such a tricky map. The various states were complicated and difficult to
remember and this map also rotated. She was always calm but she suddenly had a
headache as she looked at the colourful map in front of her.
How to fight next? Was the paladin still in the maze? Could the Chinese team’s map be more

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 354

Chapter 354 – China VS USA (Assassination)

The two resurrection points of the Eight-Trigram Array map were in the middle of the
labyrinth. The three dead players of the US team chose the red resurrection point according
to Winfrey’s instructions.
At this time, the remaining berserker was surrounded by the Chinese team’s five players.
Chu Yan had used Desperate Cage at the critical moment to control the berserker. Once the
Lou Zhang brothers and Yu Pingsheng worked together to kill Winfrey, they turned
towards the berserker.
At this time, the surrounding five blocks started to rotate clockwise again. The people in the
water attribute area were moved to the fire attribute area and everyone received a
‘bleeding’ negative state in addition to ‘deceleration.’
The berserker might have thick skin but she couldn’t withstand the massive blood loss that
came with the map. In addition, Lou Wushuang, Zhang Shaohui and Yu Pingsheng had
terrible attack power. Within 10 seconds, the berserker Madison helplessly fell to the
The Chinese team directly won two heads to ensure the home court advantage. The US
players in the five elements section were returned to the resurrection point and the
Chinese audience let out excited tears.
Captain Lou’s style was so straightforward and neat!
However, the Chinese team was facing another problem at this time. Everyone in the fire
attribute area were affected by the ‘bleeding’ state and five layers quickly stacked up.
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue’s formation transmission happened to be on cooldown. They
could go to the wood attribute area to purify the bleeding states but at that time, everyone
would only have a hint of blood left.
Lou Wushuang calmly made a decision. “Directly die and choose the blue resurrection
The group gave up the struggle and stayed where they were, collectively dying in the fire
attribute area before resurrecting in the maze.
They were likely to encounter the attack of the US team if they slowly ran back to the
resurrection point and it would be easy to be counter-killed by the US team in a residual
blood state. Rather than giving heads to the other side, it was better to suicide using the
Deaths caused by the map negative states weren’t counted in the number of kills. Lou
Wushuang used this rule to have everyone suicide and return to the resurrection point.
This was much faster!
The audience saw that when the five members of the US resurrected and gathered, the five
Chinese players also gathered at the resurrection point.
Both sides were full of blood and the initial early two heads were gained by China.
The American team’s paladin was lost in the maze for a long time and finally met up with
his teammates. Winfrey helplessly asked him, “Do you remember the route?”
The paladin Barrett was as big as a cow. “This maze is too complicated and I only just
figured out the route. Do we want to go out or go in?”
The eight trigram array part of the maze had five exits that corresponded to the
surrounding five coloured area. The coloured areas weren’t static and rotated clockwise
every 30 seconds. If they went outside the maze, they couldn’t determine which coloured
area they would go into. It would be troublesome if they ran into the red bleeding area.
Winfrey analyzed the current situation and ordered, “Go to the middle of the maze. They
must also be in the maze!”
The news that the five Chinese people had been killed had appeared in the middle of the
screen. Winfrey judged that they were killed by the map’s bleeding effect. The Chinese team
wasn’t stupid enough to be pitted by their own trap so this was obviously intentional. They
collectively died and gathered at the resurrection point.
“Everybody stay close together. The paladin will go ahead and the berserker will be at the
end. Be careful not to let the formation be broken!” Winfrey had her two defensive
teammates open the road while protecting the middle outputs and healer.
The five members of the US team marched cautiously through the maze. At this point, the
audience saw an image and started crying. The Lou Zhang brothers were invisibly trailing
After Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui resurrected, they took a shortcut to the red
resurrection point chosen by the US team. They saw the five people walking forward and
weren’t in a hurry. Lou Wushuang gave the ‘follow’ signal. Zhang Shaohui understood and
hid behind the US team with his brother.
This way, Yu Pingsheng, Chy Yan and Zhu Qingyue knew the position of the US team thanks
to the coordinates of their teammates on the mini-map. The trio quickly moved through the
maze towards Lou Wushuang.
Lou Wushuang stared carefully at the maze route and suddenly ordered, “Be ready at the
front fork. Captain Chu, open the transmission!”
He judged from the coordinates of the mini-map that the trio had entered the vicinity and
they fork in front of them was very narrow. If the five members of the US team wanted to
pass, they had to go through it one by one.
The paladin passed through first, followed by the healer, the archer and the black magician.
As the berserker in the rear was about to squeeze through the narrow intersection, Lou
Wushuang suddenly broke out and hit Pain Blade!
The berserker was dizzy and Zhang Shaohui followed up with subsequent damage. The two
people released their hand speed at the same time to cut the berserker’s blood to less than
Winfrey saw her teammate had encountered a sneak attack and rushed back to add blood.
She had just walked forward when the waiting Chu Yan cast the psychic skill, Time and
Space Illusion!
The large transmission array moved Winfrey and the paladin Barrett directly to the other
side of the fork!
The scene in front of her quickly changed and Winfrey was forcibly moved. She struggled to
find her way back to the paladin and as a result, she saw news of the berserker’s death on
the screen…
The assassination ability of Lou Zhang was really first-class. Even a thick-skinned berserker
couldn’t last for 15 seconds under the blades of the two brothers.
The Chinese team got three heads.
Winfrey was anxious at this time. If the Chinese team equalized the score to 2:2 and they
entered the deciding game, the US team’s advantage from the first two games would be
“First kill the other side’s berserker and then the psychic!” Winfrey calmly ordered. She and
the paladin finally returned through the maze and joined the archer and black magician.
The paladin used Fighting Howl to pull Yu Pingsheng to him and the black magician closely
followed with Fear Fea. The archer let out a series of skills to beat Yu Pingsheng’s blood to
50% in one breath.
At this time, the waiting Zhu Qingyue suddenly read the formation Desperate Cage!
A transparent cage surrounded Yu Pingsheng, neutralizing all attacks aimed towards him.
The psychic’s Desperate Cage was very flexible. If applied to the enemy, it would keep the
enemy locked in place and unable to move. If applied to a teammate, the teammate
wouldn’t be able to move but the cage would act as a shield to protect the teammate. This
skill was no worse than the paladin’s shield!
The US team’s plan to kill Yu Pingsheng instantly was ruined and Winfrey changed targets.
“Kill the psychic!”
The paladin Barrett pulled Zhu Qingyue to the front and Xiao Zhu was attacked by the other
side, falling to the ground in the blink of an eye.
The domestic audience immediately commented: [Xiao Zhu, don’t cry!] [By saving the front
row, the crybaby is a good aid!] [Touch the small crybaby’s head!]
Zhu Qingyue wouldn’t cry like he did in the past. He had grown into an excellent auxiliary
and protected Yu Pingsheng at the crucial moment in consideration of the Chinese team’s
front line.
If Yu Pingsheng died, the rest of the Chinese team had weak defense and it was easy for the
other paladin to control them. Zhu Qingyue saving Yu Pingsheng provided an excellent
output environment for the Lou Zhang brothers.
At this time, the Lou Zhang brothers also turned the fork.
Chu Yan opened the psychic’s array to control the archer and black magician while the Lou
Zhang brothers broke out and attacked the weak archer. Meanwhile, Yu Pingsheng used Cut
Through Thorns to interrupt Winfrey’s healing.
The American team’s archer quickly lost blood and the Lou Zhang brother’s fierce offensive
frightened Winfrey.
She took advantage of the gap between Yu Pingsheng’s skills to open the instant skill Holy
Light Surge to raise her teammate’s blood while using Purification to remove their status.
The awakened black magician and archer joined together to kill Chu Yan and he died in the
blink of an eye!
However, the existence of Yu Pingsheng was a great deal of trouble to the US. He carried the
huge axe close to the healer and smashed a huge pit in the ground, causing Winfrey to have
a headache.
There was a burly paladin in front of him and Yu Pingsheng didn’t have the slightest bit of
timidity. He directly rushed into the front row of the US team!
Winfrey’s healing was broken and the Lou Zhang brothers quickly killed the archer.
Yu Pingsheng was slowly grinded to death by the negative states of the other side’s black
magician but Winfrey found that she had lost track of the Chinese team’s Lou Zhang
In this wave of fighting, the US team harvested three heads and the Chinese team got two.
On the surface, the US team recovered some of the gap but Winfrey was depressed.
The Lou Zhang brothers were evidently good at retreating. The moment Yu Pingsheng died,
they entered Combat Stealth and hid. The US team had a paladin and a healer and it wasn’t
good to drag on the fight. Lou Wushuang’s play was very calm.
At present, the head ratio was 5:3 and the Chinese team still had an advantage. The key
depended on the next wave of team combat.
Lou Wushuang ordered, “Resurrect at the red point!”
He suddenly changed the choice of resurrection points. The American team’s berserker and
archer had resurrected at the red point and were just moving forward when the three
Chinese players resurrected behind them.
The two US players were suddenly surrounded!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 355
Chapter 355 – China VS USA (Thrilling Moment)

The choice of resurrection point would generally be the same. In particular, the maze
meant the US team was familiar with the red point route and Winfrey wouldn’t change to
the strange blue point.
Lou Wushuang grasped her psychology and changed the Chinese team’s resurrection point.
In this way, Chu Yan, Zhu Qingyue and Yu Pingsheng resurrected in the same place as the
US team’s archer and berserker.
The support speed of the US team naturally wasn’t as fast as the Chinese team. The Lou
Zhang combination quickly arrived at the red point while Winfrey and her teammates
moved in a circle through the maze.
Yu Pingsheng started with Mountain Chop to isolte the other berserker and then followed
with World Without Justice and Cut Through Thorns to smash the archer.
The archer used Flying Feather Steps to try and escape. The elf’s fast movement really
allowed him to escape a certain distance. Unfortunately, he just turned the corner when he
met the incoming Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui.
There were strong enemies in front and pursuers in the rear. The archer of the US team
couldn’t run anywhere.
Lou Wushuang decisively used Fatal Blow to take away his head.
Winfrey saw the kill prompt on the screen and immediately stopped. She noticed that Lou
Wushuang was playing with a time difference. Thanks to the advantage of being more
familiar with the home map, the Chinese team could move in front of the US team and the
US team reversing the game was almost impossible.
She thought this and made a bold decision. “Resurrect at the blue point and go to the
Rushing to support her teammates was meaningless because Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui were close enough to the resurrection point to restore their blood and blue. The
US team’s archer had died and their output wasn’t enough. 4v5 was simply giving heads to
Transferring positions was also helpless.
However, her choice left the berserker surrounded by enemies.
The newly resurrected berserker was attacked by the five Chinese players and soon fell,
causing the heads ratio to become 7:3!
In order to recover from such a gap, the US team had to win two group battles!
Winfrey firmly grasped her mouse, almost crushing it.
Once they gathered at the blue resurrection point, she took everyone to the surrounding
colourful area.
After such a long battle, she figured out the meaning of the status areas. Gold and brown
were attack and defense bonuses, green was purification while blue and red were
deceleration and bleeding.
As long as she cleverly used the map, there was a chance of turning over the situation.
Winfrey took a deep breath and spoke quickly on the voice channel, “The paladin will pull
all of them into the red area with a group pull skill. The berserker is responsible for
interrupting the psychic’s array. Once the bleeding effect overlaps, the archer and black
magician will take advantage of their residual blood and use the group attack skills to
harvest heads!”
This approach was indeed worth a try. People killed by the map environment didn’t count
in the number of heads. After all, it was the game that killed the players. This didn’t mean
she couldn’t take advantage of the map environment.
She would use the map environment to force the Chinese players into residual blood and
then the US team would open the group attacks to take away the heads, giving them a
chance of five kills!
Winfrey’s idea was really beautiful. She took her teammates to the five elements area,
gaining the gold attack buff and the brown defense buff before patiently waiting in the
wood area.
The Chinese team didn’t find them in the maze and reacted by chasing them outside.
The moment the Chinese team emerged, the paladin Barrett used the large group pull skill,
Knight’s Roar!
The golden lightly directly pulled Yu Pingsheng, Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue into the fire
attribute area and the berserker Madison used the skill Cut Through Thorns to interrupt
Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue’s transmission.
The fire attribute’s negative state stacked up rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Yu, Chu and Zhu
gained five layers of bleeding. The two US players were also affected by the bleeding but
Winfrey stood next to them and ensured their blood remained above 50%. Meanwhile, the
Chinese team didn’t have a healer and would be damaged by the blood loss.
Winfrey just regretted that the paladin’s group pull didn’t get all five Chinese players. The
Lou Zhang combination were still missing, causing her to feel fear.
At this moment, Zhang Shaohui suddenly appeared!
He appeared behind Winfrey and used Pain Blade to make her dizzy. Lou Wushuang was
affected by the bleeding but he used Chain Strangulation to hit the other side’s paladin and
The US team’s archer was very far from here and at almost the same time, he used the big
move Death Arrow Rain!
The residual blood Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue were killed in seconds. Yu Pingsheng’s skin
was thicker and was left with 10% blood left. Before he died, he used Cut Through Thorns
to hit the other paladin and berserker to residual blood.
Winfrey was distraught but as long as she cast a healing array, her two teammates wouldn’t
The problem was that Zhang Shaohui’s close presence kept interrupting her skills over and
over again!
Now the fire attribute area because Lou Wushuang’s unmatched stage.
He waved the cold dagger in his hand and used Back Stab, Fatal Blow, Chain Strangulation,
Soul Stab, Death Strangulation…
His hand speed was extremely fast and he dealt extremely high damage.
He was also affected by the bleeding and his blood was falling non-stop, but he relied on the
blood-sucking effect of his attacks to save his life. He took advantage of the time the healer
was controlled to cripple the paladin and berserker!
At this time, the black magician in the distance used Hell Flames to kill the bloody Yu
Pingsheng while Lou Wushuang only had 5% blood left. The black magician used Soul
Curse to remove Lou Wushuang’s head.
Winfrey was relieved and was ready to open a big move to return blood to her teammates
when Zhang Shaohui suddenly leapt and used Chain Strangulation to kill the residual blood
paladin and berserker. Then he used Combat Stealth to disappear!
Winfrey, “…”
In the end, she failed to save her teammates’ lives.
This wave of group combat was carried out according to her vision but the result
completely deviated from her expectations.
The US team ambushed the Chinese team in the red fire attribute area and used the
negative effect of the map to harvest a wave of heads. The surprising thing was that the Lou
Zhang brothers rushed into the fire area to kill two people from the US!
Lou Wushuang had five layers of bleeding but he relied on his hand speed to suck back
blood to maintain his life. He forced the thick-skinned paladin and berserker to a barely
living state and…
This terrible explosive force was worthy of being the best assassin of China!
His cooperation with his brother Zhang Shaohui was also quite tacit. Zhang Shaohui first
interrupted the healer and the moment his brother died, he moved to successfully kill the
two residual blood players.
After the fierce group battle, the US team killed four Chinese players and the ratio turned to
Winfrey looked at the number of heads on the screen and suddenly got a bad feeling.
Lou Wushuang’s mathematics was obviously very good. Killing the two US players created
a good gap. The Chinese team had gained nine heads and could win if they got one more!
Lou Wushuang chose the blue resurrection point while the US team’s paladin and berserker
also chose the blue resurrection point.
Winfrey wanted to cry. Had this man studied psychology? Why could he guess what she
was thinking every time? Last time they met at the red resurrection point and this time
they met at the blue point?
The two resurrected US players wanted to rip apart their keyboard. It was 2v4 at the
resurrection point and the result was obvious.
The paladin and berserker might be thick-skinned but they couldn’t last long in front of the
four Chinese players. The paladin opened Steel Battle Soul and Iron Will to free them of
control and created a 10 seconds rebound shield but they couldn’t last until their
teammates arrived.
The maze was too big to get to the resurrection point in 10 seconds.
The moment the 10 seconds shield ended, Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue used the Strangulation
This round formation rose like a rotating blade and caused wide range damage.
Yu Pingsheng closely followed with Splitting Bone Chop and Storm Strike at the other
Lou Wushuang aimed at the berserker’s back and used Pain Blade and Death Strangulation.
The berserker Madison helplessly fell to the ground and the Chinese team took the lead in
gaining 10 heads.
The word popped up on the big screen and the audience wanted to cry. The depression of
losing two games was replaced with the excitement and joy of winning two games in a row.
The great gods of the national team really didn’t let the audience down!
Lou Wushuang’s expression was still cold but Zhang Shaohui suddenly got up and hugged
him tightly.
“Brother, we won! We won!” Zhang Shaohui’s voice was slightly choked up while Chu Yan
and Zhu Qingyue glanced at each other with slightly sour noses.
Yes, they won! They stabilized the crucial fourth game.
Lou Wushuang gently patted his brother’s shoulder and calmly told him, “You played very
In the last wave of group combat, Lou Wushuang had taken a great risk. If Zhang Shaohui
couldn’t control the healer then the Chinese team might’ve been the ones to lose.
It turned out that his younger brother was excellent at a critical moment.
The moment Lou Wushuang died, Zhang Shaohui teleported and killed the two US players.
Lou Wushuang couldn’t help slightly smiling.
The seemingly cool Lou Wushuang sometimes made risky tactical arrangements when
playing but Zhang Shaohui supported his decision every time. It was due to his younger
brother’s unconditional support that the Ghost Spirits team could reach today’s state.
In the fourth game, the map factors naturally had the largest impact. However, the US
team’s ability to interpret the map wasn’t weak. Winfrey had clearly gained the knack of
the Eight-Trigram Array map and cleverly used it for a counterattack…
In the end, the Chinese team still won the game.
They relied on Lou Wushuang’s calm mind, decisive command and everyone’s trust and
understanding of each other.
They steadied the situation and took the fourth game.
In a situation where the US team won the first two games, the Chinese team actually took
two games in a row and adjusted the score to 2:2.
The faces of the reporters who mocked the Chinese team were swollen and the cheering
American audience members had ugly expressions.
In the rest area, Li Cangyu finally smiled as he glanced over at Ling Xuefeng. “It was a good
Ling Xuefeng gently patted his shoulder. “We finally won.”
Everyone’s hearts were in their throats but the final result let them put down their worries.
Lou Wushuang really didn’t let everyone down.
It was dangerous but they got through the daunting experience without mishap.
The Chinese team tried their best to win two games and finally reached the last battle of the
World Competition’s finals!
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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 356

Chapter 356 – China VS USA (Decisive Match)

The score on the big screen turned to 2:2, meaning both sides had to play the fifth
tiebreaker game.
According to the rules of the league, the game mode and map would be randomly selected
by the system. There was no distinction between home and away, which also guaranteed
the absolute fairness of the game.
The five minute intermission passed quickly and Li Cangyu and Noah headed to the
command seats again. The referee pressed the random generator button and the mode and
maps started to scroll quickly on the big screen.
The audience held their breath nervously. After 10 seconds of counting down, the
randomly selected game mode and map finally settled in the middle of the screen.
-The arena, Moonlight Forest!
This result surprised the domestic audience. In the previous four games, there were three
death racing and one economic warfare. The probability of the system’s choice was related
to this and the final decider was an arena game.
The Moonlight Forest map had a special meaning for many people. This was the name of
the new district opened all over the world last year.
It was the opening of the Moonlight Forest district that brought the First World
Competition into everyone’s eyes. Li Cangyu took advantage of this situation to return and
met strong teammates such as Xiao Han, Zhang Jueming, Zhuo Hang, Xiao Han and Li
Xiaojiang in the new district. The Canglan team completed the reorganization and won the
seventh season, become the domestic champions.
Now the World Competition’s deciding game randomly became the Moonlight Forest map.
It seemed like a coincidence and like destiny. The story started with Moonlight Forest and
ended in Moonlight Forest.
Moonlight Forest was the birthplace of the elves in the Miracle game. The plants in the
forest were silver and the tall trees and leaves blended together, while many silver-white
sports flew through the air. The colour of the map was very bright but it had the cleanliness
and tranquility of paradise.
This map wasn’t very difficult and often appeared in leagues around the world. The
netizens were very familiar with it. The map was square and the refresh points of both
sides were diagonal in the upper left and lower right corners. The distance to the middle of
the map was exactly equal.
The simple map removed environmental factors and allowed both sides to go head to head,
showing the real strength of a team.
In the deciding game, the panoramic view of the map was shown before the lineup
selection. This allowed both parties time to think. After the map finished showing, both
captains had to submit the lineup list at the same time.
This was a great test of the commander’s tactical arrangements. In addition to ensuring
their own lineup was foolproof, they had to beware of the targeted lineup the other side
might send.
Li Cangyu and Noah thought for a long time. Once the map preview finished, the two sides
didn’t move. It was only after the countdown was approximately one minute that the two
captains submitted the list of players to the referee.
The commanders returned and the referee showed the first pairing on the big screen.
The American team sent the archer Thomas and the black magician Noah.
The Chinese team sent the archer Tan Shitian and the hunter Zhuo Hang!
This combination completely confused the domestic audience. Cat God was known as the
‘combination demolisher’ in the domestic league, often forcing other teams to split apart
their key combination. Now in the World Competition, he still wanted to break apart a
combination? He sent Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang instead of Tan Cheng?
In this regard, Kou Hongyi smiled and explained, “In fact, Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang have
known each other for a while and often privately partner together. Their relationship is
very good! Their understanding is high! Their relationship is actually…” Kou Hongyi’s
careless spilling of the truth was stopped by Yu Bing’s expression and he immediately
coughed to stop the topic.
Yu Bing calmly said, “The first pair from the US team is the archer and black magician. This
is obviously aiming at the Tan Cheng combination. Cat God sent the flexible Zhuo Hang
with Tan Shitian for a forest map and naturally had his reasons.
Many viewers were interested in Kou Hongyi’s unfinished sentence and started to
speculate. [Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang have a good personal relationship? I can’t see it.]
[Time’s captain and Canglan’s newcomer can’t play together. How can there be a personal
relationship? What exactly is the relationship between them?] [Are they cousins or
something?] [It doesn’t look like it at all!]
The audience’s gossip soul was burning but no one guessed that Zhuo Hang was actually
related to Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo. He was the real lowest generation of the league.
Cheng Wei was a bit unhappy about not playing and hung his head without talking. Tan
Shitian whispered into his ears, “I would like to partner with you but we have been
working with each other for so long and our style has been studied by the US team. Cat God
is doing this to ruin the US team’s plan.”
Cheng Wei understood these truths and there was no need for an explanation. However, he
felt warm after hearing Tan Shitian’s words and quickly recovered his good mood. He
smiled and scratched his head, “I’m not so stingy. I don’t own you and you don’t need to ask
me to partner with someone else. Take your nephew and play!”
Tan Shitian thought in his heart, ‘I don’t own you? I am afraid you are uncomfortable which
was why I wanted to explain.’
Even so, he saw Cheng Wei’s happy appearance and Tan Shitian knew this heartless guy
didn’t think so much. He smiled and patted Cheng Wei’s hand before calling Zhuo Hang,
“Xiao Zhuo, let’s go.”
“Yes!” Zhuo Hang followed Tan Shitian while smiling at Cheng Wei in a friendly manner,
seemingly saying, ‘Rest assured, I won’t rob your partner. We are only a temporary
Cheng Wei saw Zhuo Hang’s eyes and his cheeks inexplicable became hot. He had to
remove his gaze and ran to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, do you think they can win?”
Li Cangyu replied calmly, “Not necessarily but at least they won’t be targeted too badly.
Noah probably thought I would send the Tan Cheng combination in the beginning so he
sent an archer and black magician.”
Noah’s fixed partner was actually a white magician but now he paired up with the archer
Thomas. He broke up the main partnerships of the US team to target the Tan Cheng
Black and white magician restrained each other and Noah’s black magician would have a
great advantage against the white magician. It wasn’t necessarily the same against a hunter.
Zhuo Hang was very good at using the terrain to place traps and as a newcomer, Tan
Shitian often guided him. He could be considered a part of Zhuo Hang’s growth and their
tacit understanding wasn’t bad.
The contestants of both sides sat in their seats and the map countdown ended. Tan Zhuo
refreshed in the upper left corner of the map while the US players appeared in the lower
right corner. The four of them quickly moved towards the middle of the map.
There was an open space in the middle of Moonlight Forest which was surrounded by eight
towering trees. The branches and leaves of the trees intertwined, forming an octagonal
Attacking the opponent while detouring between the big trees would test a player’s
reaction speed and skills.
Hunters were the most flexible class in Miracle. They could use traps to attack the
opponent in close proximity while controlling long-distance opponents with traps. Their
closer and far range attacks meant a hunter can act alone in the wild. However, the elves
generally had weak defenses and in a group battle with more than two people, they could
be easily killed if they didn’t have strong teammates.
The combination of Zhuo Hang and Tan Shitian was absolutely first-class in terms of
flexibility. Both of them were elves and could use Flying Feather Steps to move fast. Less
than half a minute after the game started, they arrived in the middle region.
Zhuo Hang hid behind a tree and laid traps around him while Tan Shitian stood in front.
Within a few seconds, the two US players also arrived.
Thomas saw Tan Shitian and unceremoniously used Seize Life Shot. Tan Shitian used Flying
Feather Steps to evade and Thomas hurriedly chased him. Another Rapid Shot struck Tan
Shitian’s back but this time Tan Shitian didn’t hide. His blood suddenly dropped to 80%.
Compared to Thomas’ straightforward nature, the US captain Noah was very calm. He saw
that the hunter wasn’t there and didn’t hurry to start. Instead, he moved around the trees
and looked for Zhuo Hang.
As a result, he just moved around the tree and stepped into Zhuo Hang’s trap.
Zhuo Hang was very clever. He guessed that the other party was coming to him and
arranged a bunch of traps in advance. The moment Noah moved, Zhuo Hang used the big
move Trap Blast!
There were several consecutive loud bangs and Zhuo Hang’s chain traps exploded. The
scene was particularly spectacular.
The smoke in the air dissipated and Noah lost 60% blood in one breath!
Yu Bing praised, “The technique in Zhuo Hang’s trap layout is becoming more skilled. This
wave of explosions is really beautiful.”
Kou Hongyi laughed. “Noah literally stepped into a minefield!”
Noah was a bit surprised. He didn’t expect the young player of the Chinese team to use the
terrain trap layout method so cleverly. He accidentally fell into it once but this didn’t mean
he would fall for it a second time.
After receiving the wave of trap damage, Noah’s expression was still calm as he used Dark
Zhuo Hang wanted to open the distance using Flying Feather Steps but Noah’s reaction was
very fast and he was controlled by the group control skill. Then Noah followed up with five
layers of Death Curse and Shadow Winding.
The negative states were enough to make Zhuo Hang lose a lot of blood and the amount of
damage wasn’t lower than the big trap outbreak. Noah, the captain of the US team,
experienced many major competitions and could handle all types of situations without
At the end of the fear time, Zhuo Hang used Flying Feather Steps to bypass the big tree in
front of him. In his vision, he could see a fierce battle between Thomas and Tan Shitian and
Zhuo Hang immediately used the Silence Trap.
He had the terrible attacker Noah behind him but he still took the time to cooperate with
Tan Shitian.
This practice warmed Li Cangyu’s heart. An excellent professional player didn’t only care
about themselves. They watched the paths around them and protected themselves while
helping their teammates.
The free Xiao Zhuo helped Tan Shitian while being chased by a world-class master. This
proved that the young boy under the age of 18 had enough courage and confidence to stand
with Tan Shitian and Su Guangmo, whom he always admired, in the deciding game of the
World Competition!

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 357

Chapter 357 – China VS USA (Elf Combination)

Zhuo Hang’s sudden Silence Trap caught Thomas off guard.

Thomas’ style of play had always been radical and hot-blooded. He had just chased Tan
Shitian around three big trees and constantly fired the bow in his hand. The US team
evaluated him as a mobile fortress.
Fast-moving combat was Thomas’ best way of playing. In the process of detouring and
moving, he could shoot with more than 70% accuracy.
Tan Shitian had been beaten to half-blood while Thomas had 80% blood left, showing their
two different styles. Tan Shitian didn’t like blind shooting and he was better at seizing
opportunities to kill.
Zhuo Hang’s trap control gave him this opportunity.
Tan Shitian decisively used Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Seize Life Shot!
Three skills were successively fired and each arrow accurately hit Thomas’ chest. Shooting
the same spot triggered the shock effect and made Thomas’ blood fall down to 35% in one
This crisp return terrified Thomas!
Thomas was currently in the top three of the world’s archer rankings and had a large
number of archer fans who embraced his signature crazy style.
His style was undoubtedly bloody and gorgeous but the young person in front of him was
obviously much calmer than him.
Perhaps in the eyes of the audience, Thomas had been chasing and suppressing Tan Shitian.
However, Tan Shitian was very good at grasping opportunities and his arrows were almost
never wasted.
Thomas was hit by this storm of attacks and the blood gap was chased back. Once the
Silence Trap ended, he made a big move towards Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang—Death
Arrow Rain!
Just then, Noah rushed over and Hell Flames also hit.
Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang were hit by both moves and fell to a 35% residual blood state.
At this time, Thomas had 35% blood left while Noah had 60% remaining and his amount of
blue was sufficient. His overall state was better than the other three.
Tan Shitian ordered, “Detour and kite them!”
Zhuo Hang stared at the screen and nodded seriously. “Understood!”
A demon race had higher defense than the elf, which was why Noah had more blood at this
time. However, the elves had the fastest movement speed and it was really hard for a
demon to catch up with them.
Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang didn’t have much blood left. If the other side broke out, it was
likely that both of them would die. Thus, Tan Shitian wanted to take advantage of the elf’s
movement speed to open the distance with the US team and deal with them.
The release of Zhuo Hang’s traps was the key. If the traps were wasted and didn’t control
people, the elf Thomas could catch up with them.
Nevertheless, Tan Shitian believed that the teenager next to him could do it!
Tan Shitian used Flying Feather Steps to quickly move around a big tree wile Zhuo Hang
turned and went around another tree. They didn’t move in the same direction but split
their actions.
—Quenching Arrow!
A blow arrow was fired from behind a tree. Noah’s foot was hit by the arrow and his
movement speed immediately slowed down.
At almost the same time, Thomas stepped in Tan Shitian’s direction. Then he heard a bang
in his ears. He had stepped on the hunter’s Stop Trap.
Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang tacitly split to control different people before spreading out in
Moonlight Forest.
Flying Feather Steps allowed both players to act like the wind. Tan Shitian moved behind
Thomas and fired Shock Shot at his back!
Thomas’s blood hit directly fell to 15%!
He turned his camera around to try and kill Tan Shitian. As a result, Tan Shitian dodged and
hit behind a tree, meaning Thomas couldn’t see his figure.
Thomas quickly moved sideways, only to find that a trap had been placed by Zhuo Hang to
his side.
This time it was a Death Trap.
There was a loud bang and black smoke rose from the feet. Thomas accidentally stepped
into the hunter’s Death Trap and directly fell to the ground!
“Fuck!” Thomas was cranky and dropped the keyboard.
He didn’t expect the little fellow of the Chinese team to predict his position!
In fact, this was an understanding that Zhuo Hang developed after following Tan Shitian for
many years. He knew that Tan Shitian liked to hide behind trees and knew that Thomas
would definitely move sideways because he couldn’t see Tan Shitian. Thus, Zhuo Hang
placed a Death Trap to the left and right of Thomas. No matter how Thomas moved, he was
bound to step on it unless he gave up on chasing Tan Shitian.
Still, how could the hot-blooded Thomas give up on pursuing the residual blood opponent?
There was no way!
Cheng Wei clapped excitedly when he saw Thomas fall to the ground. “Xiao Zhuo is
awesome and can prejudge the opponent’s position!”
Li Cangyu looked back at him. “Did you call him Xiao Zhuo?”
Cheng Wei explained, “He is Tan Shitian’s nephew so he is my nephew. Why can’t I call him
Xiao Zhuo?”
Li Cangyu was even more puzzled. “Why is Tan Shitian’s nephew your nephew?”
Cheng Wei realized he said the wrong words and he immediately blushed. “Ah, I mean… I
mean… In any case, I am Tan Shitian’s partner and good friend. Zhuo Hang is his nephew
and is my younger generation…”
His blush became darker. Cheng Wei decided to give up on the explanation and changed the
topic. “Cough, they cooperate well, right?”
Li Cangyu saw his red ears and didn’t ask anything else. He continued to focus on the game
screen and spoke to Ling Xuefeng, “Xiao Zhuo played smartly.”
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Yes, but Noah is in good shape right now. It won’t be easy to deal
with him.”
As soon as he spoke, he saw the slowed Noah suddenly move behind a tree and appear as a
shadow behind Zhuo Hang. He apparently judged Zhuo Hang’s hiding position according to
the situation on the field and shifted direction to find him.
—Death Curse, Shadow Wrath!
The curse skill enhanced black magic damage and then he used the big move to attack Zhuo
Zhuo Hang didn’t have much blood left and this hit caused his blood gauge to flash red!
Noah directly placed Shadow Winding on him and turned to leave.
This confident approach made the American audience cheer loudly. The captain’s
calculation of the damage was quite accurate. He knew the negative blood loss effect was
enough to kill Zhuo Hang and turned away before Zhuo Hang’s death prompt appeared.
Sure enough, three seconds later, Zhuo Hang only had a bit of blood left and the blood loss
caused it to fall to 0.
One player on both sides was killed, leaving only Tan Shitian and Noah.
Tan Shitian had 35% blood left at this time while Noah had 60%!
There might be some gap in blood but Tan Shitian’s key skill, Quenching Arrow had come
back. He decisively fired the bow and Quenching Arrow shot to Noah.
Quenching Arrow had a 90% chance of triggering the deceleration effect but only a crit
would trigger the frozen effect. The precondition was to hit a key the moment the critical
hit was dealt.
The arrow struck the black magician’s chest and successfully triggered, freezing the other
Tan Shitian didn’t have much blue left at this time. He didn’t hurry to attack but quickly
used Flying Feather Steps to move behind a tree.
The moment the three seconds of freezing ended, he had already gone behind Noah.
—Shock Shot!
This Shock Shot didn’t produce the fan-shaped ranged shot but three sharps arrows headed
in a straight line towards the centre of Noah’s back.
—Violent Provocative Shot!
Noah’s blood fell to 25% in one shot but his reaction speed was extremely fast. He adjusted
his field of view to find Tan Shitian’s position and stacked five layers of Death Curse and
Shadow Winding on the other person.
Tan Shitian quickly moved around a tree and Noah did the same.
Moonlight Forest was a map that tested positioning and it allowed the audience to
appreciate the techniques of world-class masters. Flying around the big tree would make
ordinary online players dizzy but Tan Shitian and Noah could judge the position of the
opponent and release skills while moving.
Tan Shitian fired another Seize Life Shot and Noah’s blood fell to 5%!
Noah followed with Shadow Wrath and detonated all the negative effects, causing Tan
Shitian’s blood to fall to 5%!
Both of them had their blood gauge at the bottom and the hearts of the audience members
were in their throats.
Tan Shitian was almost out of blue while Noah could still release several skills. It was a
situation where Tan Shitian was bound to die.
Cheng Wei anxiously clenched his fists and cheered for Tan Shitian in his heart.
Just then, Tan Shitian made a clever operation. He used Flying Feather Steps and moved
behind a tree, letting the tree block Noah’s vision. Noah thought Tan Shitian was going to
sneak behind for an attack only for him to suddenly emerge in front of Noah and fire
another arrow!
The archer’s ordinary attack wasn’t very damaging but it was enough to empty the 5%
Tan Shitian had been playing a guerrilla warfare all the way only to suddenly come in front
of him, shooting him in the chest. Forget Noah, even the knowledgeable players of the
Chinese team might not be able to react.
The unprepared Noah fell to the ground!
Tan Shitian struggled to the end with 5% blood and 0% blue.
Cheng Wei was so excited that he jumped straight out of his seat. “Tan Shitian is so
handsome! How can he be so handsome? He was able to kill the American team’s captain
with a bit of blood left! Beautiful!”
Li Cangyu, “…”
The idol of the brainless fan seemed to be changing?
Li Cangyu looked at the guy jumping excitedly and couldn’t help smiling.
Tan Shitian was definitely brilliant.
Many people who played the game for a long time were stuck in their styles and had rigid
thinking. Thus, it was easy for the opponent to grasp their weaknesses. However, Tan
Shitian was young and flexible. He always dared to try novel tactical ideas and this was
where Li Cangyu appreciated him the most.
That’s why Tan Shitian’s loss in the semi-finals against the South Korean team and in the
finals didn’t affect his position in Li Cangyu’s heart.
Li Cangyu didn’t hesitate to send him out in the deciding match.
In Li Cangyu’s view, the youngest captain of the Miracle League was part of a new
generation of Miracle superstars who would play a major role in the future.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 358

Chapter 358 – China VS USA (Phase Two)

Tan Shitian only had 5% blood and 0% blue left, which wasn’t a big threat to the players
that came next. However, the US team’s Thomas and Noah were world-class masters. The
fact that Tan Shitian could send off two great gods meant he had completed his task in a
satisfactory manner.
On the big screen, the list of the next US players was shown. It was the terran swordsman
Benjamin and the terran swordsman Angus.
Both men were players of the ICE team. Benjamin was the captain and Angus won the best
rookie award last season.
The two players loaded and moved quickly to the middle of the map. Angus only used two
simple combo strikes to take away the life of the bloody Tan Shitian, letting the arena enter
the second phase.
Tan Shitian and Zhuo Hang walked back to the rest area. Cheng Wei wanted to run to Tan
Shitian to say a few words but he had just got up when he saw Liu Xiang also standing up.
Tan Shitian talked to Liu Xiang with a smile and Cheng Wei had to sit back down.
A moment later, Tan Shitian returned to his seat and sat down. He found that Cheng Wei’s
head was hanging down and he seemed to be thinking about something. Tan Shitian
couldn’t help bending towards his ears and asking, “What’s the matter? Are you unhappy?”
Cheng Wei shook his head. “No, you had a good game with Zhuo Hang. I was just thinking
about a problem.”
Tan Shitian was puzzled. “What problem are you thinking about?”
Cheng Wei didn’t answer. He just scratched his head with embarrassment and seemed a bit
upset. He didn’t know why he was caring more and more about Tan Shitian and in order to
avoid any more fantasies, Cheng Wei raised his head to focus on the game.
The list of players sent by the Chinese team to the second phase soon appeared on the big
screen— the swordsman Su Guangmo and swordsman Xie Shurong.
The names of the two men appeared and the audience exclaimed.
Cat God was truly a combination demolisher. He once again tore apart a fixed combination.
He didn’t let Shu Bai or Su Yu to the field but instead arranged the apprentice brothers, Su
Guangmo and Xie Shurong.
This way, the two sides entered the second phase and it became a double swordsmen VS
double swordsmen situation.
The lineup for the deciding game had been submitted before the game. In other words,
when Li Cangyu submitted the list, he didn’t know the players and the order of the US team.
He only guessed that the other party would send a swordsman master and made such an
Benjamin was the captain of the ICE team and in the American Miracle League, he was
considered an older god with strong personal standards and commanding ability. Noah had
no reason not to put him on in the deciding game. Once he appeared in the arena, there
would only be two choices for his partner. One was the team’s genius summoner Jack Josh
and the other was the team’s rookie swordsman, Angus.
In either case, sending Shu Bai to play was inappropriate. Benjamin’s level was similar to
Su Guangmo. If he brought the strong Jack or Angus as a partner, it was likely that he could
control the Chinese players and send them off in one wave.
Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong could delay the battle but their output wasn’t enough. It would
be difficult for Ah Shu to kill two gods of the ICE team alone. After all, he had played in the
ICE team for a long time and their players were knowledgable about him.
Thus, Li Cangyu changed tactics and removed the Shu Bai combination that was good at a
war of attrition. Instead, he formed a partnership between Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong.
The two swordsmen teaming up could play quickly and could recklessly fight against the
US team.
As it happened the US team also sent a double swordsmen lineup.
Su Guangmo patted Xie Shurong’s shoulder and said, “These are your old teammates.”
Xie Shurong smiled back. “Rest assured, I won’t be polite to them.
Before Xie Shurong’s contract with the ICE Club expired, he was actually ostracized by the
In the second half of the season, Captain Benjamin placed Xie Shurong on the bench and Xie
Shurong didn’t play for two consecutive months. Therefore, he had time to run to the online
game’s new district and unexpectedly met Li Cangyu and Bai Xuan.
The rise of the swordsman rookie Angus was a challenge to Xie Shurong’s status. The
captain use of Angus was clearly to train another team member who could replace Xie
Shurong. The members of the ICE team were well aware of this.
Under the captain’s leadership, Angus grew quickly and won the Best Newcomer Award in
the blink of an eye.
Xie Shurong definitely agreed with this boy’s talent but he didn’t like Angus’ arrogant
Of course, Xie Shurong was too lazy to care about a child. At the time, his attention had been
on the dishes made by Bai Xuan. Every day, he looked forward to finding Cat God and Bai
Xuan. After the termination, Xie Shurong broke contact with the ICE members. He never
thought that he would actually face them today in the World Competition.
Both sides were swordsmen and this would be a fair contest!
Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong practiced together every day during the training camp many
years ago. They were very familiar with each other’s style of play and rhythm. The tacit
understanding between the apprentice brothers was still there. The two of them spread out
in the forest map to the left and right as they quickly swept towards the middle.
At this time, Benjamin and Angus were looking around vigilantly.
The remnant in the corner of his eye suddenly looked like a piece of clothing. Angus
immediately turned in that direction and rushed over, unceremoniously slamming Spirit
Lock into Xie Shurong’s back!
Xie Shurong seemed to have long guessed the other party would come over and easily
moved two steps to avoid this control. Then he counterattacked with Spirit Lock to set
Angus in place!
Angus was young and energetic. His sword was lightning fast and his style of play was
beautiful. His best means was using combos to attack the opponent and this was the same
as Xie Shurong.
However, Xie Shurong was obviously a lot calmer than him. After opposing Angus’ control,
Xie Shurong turned back and stabbed his sword in the other’s chest. His sword followed up
with a slash and a cross cut, smoothly attacking the other side and dropping Angus’ blood
to 75%. This was almost as much damage as a big move.
Kou Hongyi excitedly exclaimed, “Ah Shu just hit four strikes in two seconds. His combo
speed is really terrible!”
Yu Bing continued, “Angus was probably too impatient. He didn’t grab the first hand and
ended up being countered by Ah Shu.”
Angus wanted to grab the first hand only to be countered by Xie Shurong. The moment his
dizziness ended, Angus immediately counterattacked by opening the big move Light and
Shadow Rotation.
The gorgeous white sword light shrouded Xie Shurong in a dense net and Xie Shurong’s
blood fell to 70%. This type of tit for tat style was also in line with Angus’ personality.
Angus’ state of mind wasn’t calm towards his old teammate. He seemed to want to prove
that he was stronger than Xie Shurong. His long sword flew in his hand and decreased
blood, wanting to drop Xie Shurong in seconds.
Li Cangyu saw this and couldn’t help feeling regret. “The young man isn’t very calm.”
Bai Xuan smiled. “This can’t be blamed on him. After all, after Ah Shu left, the ICE team’s
performance wasn’t as good as before. This year, forget the championship, they couldn’t
even obtain a trophy. Many e-sports reporters in the US think that is it because Angus’ level
isn’t as good as Xie Shurong that the ICE team’s performance declined. The pressure on
Angus is actually quite big.”
Li Cangyu looked back at him doubtfully. “Who are you supporting?”
“I’m naturally supporting Ah Shu. I’m just analyzing the opponent’s psychological state.”
Bai Xuan touched his nose before speaking seriously. “The more impatient Angus is, the
more favourable it is for Ah Shu. Their style of play is similar and perhaps Angus’ hand
speed is higher than Ah Shu. However, Ah Shu can stabilize the situation at a crucial
Li Cangyu was somewhat curious. “This time you’re full of praise for Ah Shu. Didn’t you use
to dislike him?”
Bai Xuan disguised a cough and replied, “That’s because he used to chase me and created a
psychological shadow. In fact, cough, I don’t hate him very much.”
“Oh, that’s it.” Li Cangyu didn’t ask again and continued to pay attention to the game.
Angus’ style of play was very fierce and he was pressing Xie Shurong. In the blink of an eye,
half of Xie Shurong’s blood was cut.
Next to them, Benjamin and Su Guangmo were having a confrontation around a tree.
Su Guangmo’s Breaking Bone Sword hit Benjamin’s body and the latter wasn’t to be
outdone. He immediately struck back with Breaking Bone Sword and the blood of both
sides reached 50%.
Kou Hongyi opened his mouth. “The attack power of a swordsman is truly fierce. The four
swordsmen on each side are facing each other in a one-on-one fight and the rhythm of this
game is obviously much faster than the previous one!”
“The level of the four people is similar and in a frontal confrontation, the blood gap
between the two sides might not be increased.” Yu Bing was speaking only to become
stunned. “Perhaps this is what Cat God wants!”
Li Cangyu broke up the Shu Bai combination and sent the double swordsmen lineup in
order to ‘play fast.’
There was no need to play too conservatively in the second phase and delaying the time
meant things were prone to change.
Quickly attack and consume a lot of the opponents’ blood. If possible, try to remove the
heads of the other side to smoothly transition the arena to the third phase. This was the
task that Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong had to complete.
This task wasn’t difficult for them.
Both of them were explosive and fast players and they were the best at a frontal
Angus and Benjamin were also trying their best with a fast break. It seemed they wanted to
get the heads of Su and Xie as soon as possible.
The four swordsmen were too fast and only the white sword light was left on the big
screen. There was no way to clearly explain what skills they used.
Xie Shurong’s blood was decreasing the fastest and he currently had the least blood of the
On the surface, he was being passively beaten and suppressed by Angus. However, there
was a strange instinct in Bai Xuan’s heart. Angus’ death was coming soon.
Sure enough, once Xie Shurong had 15% blood left and Angus and Benjamin still had 40%
remaining, Xie Shurong suddenly walked around a tree and arrived at the place where
Benjamin and Su were fighting.
The audience saw an incredible scene. Su Guangmo suddenly jumped forward and used
Spirit Lock, directly stunning the chasing Angus .
Xie Shurong immediately launched the group attack skill, Light and Shadow Rotation!
He had been saving the big group attack all this time. Benjamin and Angus were within his
attack range. Xie Shurong moved flexibly and controlled the sword to quickly attack the
opponents. The damage of the big move was maximized under his skillful operation and
Benjamin and Angus lost 20% blood at the same time!
Su Guangmo had been recklessly attacking Benjamin and many skills were on cooldown. At
this time, he tacitly exchanged goals with Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong’s big move Light and Shadow Rotation would attack both of them and then he
followed up with Breaking Bone Sword and Devouring Soul Sword!
The sword flowed and struck!
Benjamin was actually killed by Xie Shurong in seconds!
The audience cheering for the US team were stunned.
They couldn’t seem to accept that Xie Shurong suddenly left Angus and ran behind the tree
to kill Benjamin…
What about 1v1? You suddenly joined forces with your fellow apprentice brother?
Angus was surprised and angry. He had been pressing Xie Shurong this whole time and
thought he could use a set of combos to take away Xie Shurong’s life. He didn’t expect the
other party to suddenly flee and kill Benjamin instead.
It felt like he was doing his best to kill the opponent, doing everything he could to surpass
the opponent, only for the opponent to not think about him at all.
Xie Shurong’s eyes had been on the battlefield next to him and he had been paying
attention to the situation of Su Guangmo and Benjamin.
No wonder why he resisted using any big moves. It turned out he didn’t want to suppress
Angus and was waiting for an opportunity for a one hit kill.
Angus’ face became hot at this thought. It felt like Xie Shurong had slapped him in the face
and it made him uncomfortable. He immediately raised the sword in his hand and leapt
forward, using Breaking Bone Sword on Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong responded rapidly by turning around and ‘blocking’ this attack. He followed by
using Spirit Lock to set Angus in place.
His control skill had finished its cooldown, which was why he suddenly teamed up with Su
Angus was stunned in the game and his fingers almost crushed the mouse. The duration of
the stun was only a few seconds but it was enough for Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong to join
hands to kill the residual blood swordsman.
Xie Shurong finally broke out his highest hand speed and played a beautiful five strikes in
three seconds, clearing the 15% blood of Angus.
Su Guangmo sent a row of applause on the team channel.
Xie Shurong replied back, “You worked hard.”
Su Guangmo smiled. “Why are you so polite? You reacted quickly to reverse the situation.”
Xie Shurong replied bluntly, “If I hadn’t reacted quickly, you would’ve died in seconds to
Su Guangmo expressed his dissatisfaction. [If I hadn’t settled Angus, you would’ve died to
Angus in seconds!]
Yu Pingsheng sat in the audience and scratched his head. Su Xie were talking in the
soundproof room, their lips moving quickly. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but he
could guess that they were arguing again.
Fortunately, he didn’t have to worry about mediating between them. It was a blessing…
Compared to the Chinese team’s brothers who easily won the second phase, the
atmosphere of the US team was particularly stiff.
Benjamin was actually very confident in the fight against Su Guangmo. He purposely
entangled himself in fighting Su Guangmo to smash the other side. Angus would quickly kill
Xie Shurong and form a two against one situation. However, the result surprised him.
Xie Shurong suddenly ignored Angus and came to kill him. Then he went back and killed
Angus with Su Guangmo. The cooperation between the two brothers caught Benjamin off
Angus’ expression was even uglier because he finally understood that Xie Shurong didn’t
care about him at all.
In the ICE team, he played with his teammates as the main lineup in the regular season
while Xie Shurong was placed on the cold bench. At the time, he had been happy. He
thought that he had finally replaced Xie Shurong and could finally surpass Xie Shurong.
At the time, Xie Shurong just smiled slightly and hadn’t said anything.
Today, Angus understood that Xie Shurong was actually a very open-minded person. He
didn’t care about the challenges and threats of the younger generation. So what if his
position was completely replaced in the ICE team? He freely left and found better
Now he was much better than Angus!
Angus suddenly found that he was actually a joke in Xie Shurong’s eyes.
Angus’ expression was very depressed as he returned to the rest area and Benjamin’s
expression also wasn’t great. Even so, the US team’s captain Noah was still generous and
patted their shoulders in encouragement. Then he sent the American team’s guard
As Li Cangyu expected, the genius blood kin summoner Jack Josh was placed in the key
guard position and his partner was the world’s number one killer who was always known
for his calmness, Edmund.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 359

Chapter 359 – China VS USA (Summoner’s Battle)

Jack and Edmund appeared while Su Guangmo and Xie Shurong were already in a residual
blood state. In particular, Su Guangmo had just a serious amount of blue fighting Benjamin
just now. However, Su and Xie didn’t give up. Just consuming a few of the opponents’ skills
would be beneficial for their last teammates.
Edmund was very calm since he knew that the final combination from the Chinese team
were likely to be super gods. He stopped the violent Jack and said, “Let the snake apply
layers of bleeding on them and withdraw.”
Jack nodded. “I know.”
The two of them had a similar status and popularity on the American Miracle League but
Edmund was older than Jack and had more seniority. Jack naturally controlled his hot
temper in front of his senior and followed the other person’s instructions by entering
The two people came to the middle of the map and saw the residual blood Su Guangmo, but
there were no traces of Xie Shurong.
Jack summoned the blood snake to stack five layers of bleeding on Su Guangmo before
decisively turning to flee. He only needed to wait for the bleeding effect to end and the
residual blood Su Guangmo would die.
As a result, Xie Shurong suddenly emerged from behind a tree and used Breaking Wind
Sword at Jack’s back. It turned out that he and Su Guangmo deliberately dispersed, Su
Guangmo acting as bait to force the US players to appear.
Jack was hit by this and his blood fell to 85%. Fortunately, Edmund was nearby and used
Back Stab to decisively take away Xie Shurong’s head.
Su Guangmo’s bleeding state also caused his blood to drop to 0. The second phase ended
the moment the two brothers fell and the Chinese team’s guard pair finally appeared on the
big screen.
—Elf summoner Li Cangyu and demon summoner Ling Xuefeng.
The Ling Cat partnership!
The domestic audience suddenly became excited. Everyone still remembered Ling Cat’s
counterattack against the US team in the third game. As long as these two people played,
everyone felt their chances of winning were very big, not to mention the two of them were
joining hands today!
Kou Hongyi was excited. “The guard stage is the best two summoners in our country!
Captain Ling and Cat God are once against joining hands in the World Competition against
the world’s first assassin Edmund and most famous blood kin summoner Jack!”
Yu Bing added, “Jack presently has 85% blood but the blood kin race can rely on attacking
to suck back blood. Thus, the impact of this blood gap actually isn’t big. The strength of both
sides is similar and the key depends on the tacit understanding and cooperation!”
Kou Hongyi heard this and couldn’t help laughing. “In this case, the tacit understanding
between Jack and Edmund can’t compare to our Captain Ling and Cat God. Forget wearing
the same pair of pants, Captain Ling and Cat God even share a brain!”
Yu Bing, “…”
She was very tired every time she partnered with Kou Hongyi. This person had a really big
mouth and always spoke his thoughts.
The audience thought that Kou Hongyi’s description was too exaggerated but he didn’t say
anything wrong. Jack and Edmund’s understanding couldn’t compare to Ling Xuefeng and
Li Cangyu!
Ling Cat had a connection between their hearts and could often guess the other person’s
The final phase of the arena game caused the domestic fans to be full of expectations.
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng refreshed in the lower left corner of Moonlight Forest. The two
of them dispersed and quickly rushed to the middle of the map. As a result, they didn’t see
any traces of the opponents when they arrived. This was also expected by Li Cangyu.
The two blood kin players were obviously invisible and nearby!
Li Cangyu made a warning sign on the mini-map. Ling Xuefeng understood and
immediately turned towards a tree behind him.
At almost the same time, the American team’s Edmund appeared behind Li Cangyu and
used Pain Blade to successfully stun Li Cangyu!
Jack also appeared at this time, controlling the blood snake and blood spider. In the blink of
an eye, Li Cangyu’s body had five layers of bleeding!
Edmund’s dagger moved unceremoniously as he used Back Stab and Fatal Blow!
They attacked quickly, Jack relying on this wave of attacks to directly fill up his blood.
Li Cangyu was set fire by the two men and his blood suddenly fell to half.
However, Li Cangyu wasn’t worried at all because he knew that Ling Xuefeng was behind
Forget half blood. In the previous game against the US team, Li Cangyu only had a trace of
blood left but he managed to escape and kill the opponent with Ling Xuefeng’s help.
He endured a wave of attacks from the hidden blood kin players but Li Cangyu didn’t worry
about this blood volume.
Sure enough, Ling Xuefeng quickly took action.
His response was fast and his positioning was skillful. The moment Li Cangyu gave a
warning notice, he hid behind a tree and maintained a distance from Li Cangyu while
keeping the US players in view.
At this point, he suddenly took one step away from the tree and released the big move,
Cover the Sky!
The US team were working hard to kill Li Cangyu. As a result, a group of crows flew into
their faces and covered their vision. Jack and Edmund immediately regained their vision.
Nevertheless, it was too late.
Li Cangyu had the control lifted and summoned his water spirit to use Frost Heart!
The overwhelming snow and ice caused Jack and Edmund to be frozen in place.
Ling Xuefeng followed with the demon god and used its big attack in the middle of the field.
Thick fog rose from the feet of the demon god and greatly reduced the blood of Edmund
and Jack.
Then Li Cangyu summoned the thunder spirit and used the group attack Thunder’s Wrath!
The continuous release of the group attack skills caused Jack and Edmund to fall below half
blood in one breath!
A wonderful wave of skills exploded and the venue was filled with thunderous applause!
The Chinese team lost the first two games only to gain back a tiebreaker starting from the
third game. Now Cat Ling broke out the group attacks and the US players had to face the
momentum of two great gods…
The audience felt like they were on an emotional roller coaster, from the initial frustration
to excitement and joy. The twist and turns were a test of their heart.
Previously, the American audience screamed for their national team while the Chinese
audience sighed. At this moment, they saw Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s gorgeous
explosions suppressing the opponent and everyone cheered loudly and excitedly.
The explosive power of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu was absolutely world-class. Thanks to
the tacit understanding between the two, Ling Xuefeng used the crows to control the vision
while Li Cangyu followed by freezing the opponents. They took advantage of the other
party being controlled for a few seconds to open the big moves, forcing the other party’s
blood below 50% in one breath!
It was really venting their emotions!
The audience members watching the game in front of the computer excitedly hit the table
or their thighs, stating that Ling Cat looked cool when joining forces.
The Chinese team had it rough in the early stages of the match. At the last junction, Ling
Xuefeng and Li Cangyu played in such a crushing manner that the domestic audience’s eyes
were addicted.
In any case, Jack and Edmund weren’t weak. Once their blood fell below 50%, they didn’t
hesitate to open Combat Stealth. Otherwise, Ling Xuefeng would use the banshee’s strong
pull and it would once again be disadvantageous for them.
Combat Stealth caused the opponent to lose the target and also made all control skills
invalid. Li Cangyu had an opportunity at this time to use the fire spirit’s group attack skill to
force them out but he didn’t.
His water spirit and thunder spirit’s big moves had been used. If the fire spirit’s big move
was also used in this state, it could be a waste of a skill.
Jack and Edmund’s standards of movements were world-class. It was impossible for them
to stupidly stand in the scope of Li Cangyu’s big move. Thus, it was meaningless to use it at
this time. Li Cangyu calmly stopped and quickly retreated beside Ling Xuefeng.
There was no need for words. They consciously stood back to back under the tree.
This choice was quite clever. The two of them had their backs to each other and had a 180
degree view in front of them. The wind and grass in a 360 degree angle couldn’t escape
from their eyes.
They could share what they saw with their hearts and minds.
Ling Xuefeng’s back was close to Li Cangyu so the assassin Edmund couldn’t lurk behind
anyone to use Back Stab.
An assassin attacking from behind would produce a crit. If Edmund was forced to attack
from the front, his attack power would naturally be greatly reduced.
This simple operation was enough to see Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu’s grasp of the game’s
overall situation.
However, after waiting a few seconds, the other party still didn’t appear. Li Cangyu seemed
to notice something and gave Ling Xuefeng a red warning sign. This was the secret code
agreed between them and even Yu Bing didn’t understand what it meant.
The audience saw the red warning sign flash on the team channel and the two players
immediately dispersed. Li Cangyu used Flying Feather Steps to fly into the middle of trees
while Ling Xuefeng quickly retreated behind another tree.
At almost the same time, the overwhelming red blood fog flooded like a wave towards
where the two people had just been standing.
—Corpse Mountain Blood Sea!
Jack used the five seconds of Combat Stealth so open the blood kin summoner’s big move!
However, the timely retreat of Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng meant this group attack only hit
their clothes and they only lost 20% blood.
The audience was frightened.
If Li Cangyu hadn’t noticed this in advance, perhaps Jack’s ultimate move would’ve killed
the two people.
Li Cangyu had less than 50% blood and now he only had 25% blood left. Edmund still had
around 48% while Jack relied on his attack to restore his blood to 55%.
At present, the one with the best state was Ling Xuefeng. The US players had been focused
on Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng was only hit by Jack’s big move, his blood falling to 80%.
Jack couldn’t summon any pets for a while after this big explosion and he sensibly
Edmund saw Li Cangyu’s residual blood state and naturally wouldn’t let go of such a good
He had been watching the battle in stealth. At this moment, Edmund finally jumped behind
Li Cangyu and used the fiercest assassination technique, Death Strangulation!
Li Cangyu’s blood fell to 5%!
This precarious blood volume caused the audience to hold their breaths nervously. The
moment Edmund was using Back stab to take away Li Cangyu’s life, a power emerged and
pulled him behind a tree.
The banshee’s Charm technique!
Ling Xuefeng had long summoned the banshee and had been paying attention to Li
Cangyu’s situation. The moment he saw Edmund appeared, he used the banshee’s Charm to
force the other party away.
The always calm Edmund couldn’t help feeling a bit upset at this time. He just had a bit
more to kill Li Cangyu but he always missed every time! Ling Xuefeng always rescued Li
Cangyu at the crucial moment.
Edmund fell short of taking away Li Cangyu’s life. Instead, he was pulled over by Ling
Xuefeng’s banshee and confined.
Ling Xuefeng and Edmund were in a 1v1 state and were temporarily tied up. Li Cangyu only
had a bit of blood left but he wasn’t careful. Instead, he boldly turned to chase Jack!
The domestic audience didn’t know how to evaluate him…
He had so little blood left but he didn’t hide. Rather, he played fiercely and went to chase
the opposite summoner!
This was truly Cat God, never knowing fear.
In fact, Li Cangyu dared to chase Jack because he had a clear and calm judgment on Jack’s
Jack released the summoner’s ultimate move. He obviously had wanted to use it to
complete cripple the blood Ling Cat. Then the invisible assassin Edmund would appear to
complete the harvest.
If his Corpse Mountain Blood Sea had really hit, it would’ve been excellent for the US team.
The two Chinese players would be bloody and the invisible Edmund just had to move
behind them and easily gain their heads.
However, Li Cangyu guessed Jack’s intentions and separated from Ling Xuefeng, so that the
full damage of the big move wasn’t applied. Jack’s plan to kill both of them in one wave was
ruined and he had to turn and flee.
The principles of the four races were similar. As long as the ultimate move was opened,
they wouldn’t be able to summon their racial pets for the next half a minute and could only
summon the public pets.
There were three public pets. The departed spirit’s deceleration, the guardian’s protection
and the demon’s destruction of the battlefield. The common point was that they had a long
summoning cooldown, consumed a lot of blue and had no attack ability.
In other words, Li Cangyu could chase Jack because he didn’t have to worry about the other
person killing him. Jack had no blood kin pets and could only summon the public pets that
didn’t have any attack power.
In order to attack Li Cangyu, he had to rely on the summoner’s ordinary attack. However, Li
Cangyu was using the elf’s Flying Feather Steps and it was easy for him to avoid the
ordinary attacks. Jack wanting to kill him like this was almost impossible.
The elf summoner using Flying Feather Steps quickly caught up to the fleeing Jack.
Jack was a bit embarrassed at this time. He had already consumed a lot of blue using that
explosive move. He still had enough blue to summon the public pets but if he called them,
he would have too little blue left for the follow up attacks.
Jack might be an aggressive player but he wasn’t a fool. In the guard stage, he had to
consider the overall combat power gap of both sides. Ling Xuefeng still had 80% blood left
and his state was too good, meaning Jack had to be careful.
Li Cangyu didn’t have too many scruples. Jack was running out of blue and didn’t dare to
call the public pets, while Li Cangyu hadn’t used the elves’ big move just now. His amount of
blue was relatively sufficient and he summoned the water spirit, releasing several Water
Balls. Jack was immediately affected by deceleration.
Jack used an ordinary attack and Li Cangyu cleverly slid to the side to avoid it.
Unlike the assassin and swordsman melee class, the summoner’s ordinary attack required
casting and was too obvious!
The ordinary attack failed to hit Li Cangyu and Jack became more upset. Who wouldn’t be
upset after seeing the 5% residual blood opponent swaying in front of him?!
Li Cangyu was bold in front of Jack and constantly consumed Jack with the Water Ball,
forcing his blood to less than 50%.
Meanwhile, after Ling Xuefeng trapped Edmund, he continuously used the Skeleton
Explosion skill to force Edmund’s blood down to 30%.
Li Cangyu was obviously the one in the residual blood state but the two US players had
fallen into a passive state.
Jack gritted his teeth as he waited for his pet cooldown to end. Meanwhile, Edmund was
released from the control and rushed towards Ling Xuefeng, using a fierce set of moves to
press Ling Xuefeng below half blood.
He didn’t chase Li Cangyu because Li Cangyu and Jack were more than 20 metres away. He
definitely couldn’t catch up with the summoner using Flying Feather Steps. Besides, Li
Cangyu only had 5% blood left. As long as Jack’s pet cooldown was over, Li Cangyu would
Edmund believed that Jack could kill Li Cangyu so he focused on Ling Xuefeng.
Ling Xuefengs experience in dealing with an assassin was very rich. After all, there was Lou
Wushuang domestically and he often fought against Ghost Spirits in the arena. Edmund’s
style wasn’t as sharp as Lou Wushuang. It was calmly and each angle was calculated before
the shot.
It was this steady pursuit of winning that allowed Ling Xuefeng to easily guess his next
The moment Edmund went behind him, Ling Xuefeng called out a skeleton infantry behind
him and heard Edmund’s Fatal Blow hit its body, directly killing the skeleton.
Ling Xuefeng took advantage of this moment to move to the left, quickly coming behind
another big tree.
Edmund naturally chased him. The surprising thing was that the moment he came around
the tree, he found that Ling Xuefeng could just see Li Cangyu and Jack’s position.
Not good!
Edmund was immediately alert but it was too late!
Jack’s blood had been grinded to 40% by Li Cangyu but the cooldown time of the blood kin
pets was soon over. Jack had already pressed his fingers to the keyboard and waited for the
blood snake to be good. He would directly lock onto Li Cangyu and have the snake bite him.
Li Cangyu also calculated the cooldown in his mind and at this moment, he decisively used
Flying Feather Steps to withdraw.
The direction of his retreat was exactly in Ling Xuefeng’s direction. He didn’t have eyes
behind him but he could still clearly judge Ling Xuefeng’s position. This was the wonderful
understanding between them.
Li Cangyu had retreated half the distance when Jack finally summoned the blood snake. The
blood snake could kill the bloody summoner but Ling Xuefeng decisively used the
banshee’s Charm to pull Li Cangyu to his side!
[I’m sorry, the target isn’t within range of the attack.]
Jack heard the system prompt and wanted to vomit blood!
Ling Xuefeng’s banshee was too annoying. Not only could it pull the opponents, it could also
pull teammates at the key moment!
Li Cangyu hadn’t run fast enough so Ling Xuefeng used the banshee to pull Li Cangyu. Li
Cangyu was safe after being pulled to Ling Xuefeng’s side because Jack was too far away to
hit him.
In addition, he could hit Edmund!
The moment Li Cangyu came to Ling Xuefeng’s side, he turned around and didn’t hesitate to
summon the fire spirit, throwing Raging Prairie Fire at Edmund!
Red flames lit up Moonlight Forest and Edmund was burned by it, his blood falling to 10%
in the blink of an eye!
Ling Xuefeng turned around and used Skeleton Explosion to accept Edmund’s head!
“A wonderful cooperation!” Kou Hongyi cried out. “Captain Ling detoured to save Cat God
and Cat God turned back to help Captain Ling take care of Edmund. These two people…
really have a connection between their hearts!”
Yu Bing also praised them. “Yes, they can easily judge the position of the other party
according to the mini-map and their cooperation at crucial moments is really tacit. The US
team was caught off guard!”
Jack wanted to slam his hands against the keyboard.
He didn’t expect Edmund to die first while Li Cangyu with a drop of blood tenaciously lived
to the present…
It was unbearable!
Jack quickly ran into the attack range of 20 metres and directly used the big move, Blood
Bat Festival!
This group attack skill would definitely kill Li Cangyu.
The skill hit but there was no death prompt on the screen. It was because Li Cangyu had
summoned the guardian.
He actually summoned a public pet to guard against the damage.
Forget the keyboard, Jack wanted to smash the computer. Li Cangyu’s vitality was more
terrible than a cockroach!
This time, Li Cangyu could no longer be as bold as before. Jack had the blood kin pets in his
hand and Li Cangyu was likely to be killed if he went to the other side. Therefore, Li Cangyu
used the guardian to help him take this wave of damage. Then he quickly ran to Ling
Xuefeng and hid behind him.
Ling Xuefeng consciously protected him and took the initiative to go in front to block Jack’s
Skeleton Summoning!
It wasn’t easy to bypass the demon summoner blocking the road.
In addition, this demon summoner had world-class attacking ability and movement ability.
Ling Xuefeng’s skeletons surrounded Jack and the wave of explosions pushed Jack’s blood
to 20%. Jack set the snake to bite Ling Xuefeng’s blood to below 30%.
If it was originally a 1v1, Jack also had a chance of winning. After all, he was a blood kin and
could rely on the blood-sucking from his attacks to slowly grind the opponent down. He
wasn’t afraid of Ling Xuefeng.
At this moment, Li Cangyu emerged from behind Ling Xuefeng’s back, throwing a series of
fireballs at Jack and emptying his blood!
This attack style was really irritating!
Li Cangyu seemed to be telling Jack that his existence couldn’t be ignored as long as he
wasn’t dead.
Ling Xuefeng consciously acted as Li Cangyu’s umbrella, tightly protecting him. He gave Li
Cangyu a chance to take Jack’s head. Jack was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood but
he couldn’t take on the two summoners.
It was at this moment that Jack clearly recognized…
The connection between Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu’s hearts was more terrible than he
The US team actually lost! Many US players couldn’t believe it. Then they saw the two
confident men in the Chinese team’s soundproof room and felt this outcome seemed
The Chinese audience started to cheer happily and many people at the venue even burst
into tears.
They lost two games at the start and thought there was no hope at all. As a result, the
national team pulled back three games and reversed the match, winning 3:2!
“The Chinese team won! The champions of the First World Competition belongs to the
Chinese team!” Kou Hongyi was so excited that he lost his original tone. The always calm Yu
Bing was also tearful and choked up. “Yes, winning wasn’t easy! After two hours of hard
work, the national team finally won the First World Competition with a score of 3:2!”
“Let’s congratulate the national team! The 22 players were really great!” Kou Hongyi
shouted cheerfully.
Many people at the venue were applauding and cheering.
Many people in front of the TV were excited and tearful.
In the soundproof room, the captain and vice-captain who made a great contribution to the
national team simply looked at each other and smiled.
This smile was better than a thousand words.
All the cheers and applause seemed to vanish at this moment and they only had each other
in their eyes.
‘I have long said that we will stand side by side at the peak of the World Competition.’
‘This moment with you around me is my greatest medal.’

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GLS: Chapter 360

Chapter 360 – Final Chapter: Summit of the World

Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng returned to their seats and the other players rose to greet
them. Everyone excitedly embraced each other to celebrate this rare victory. A full two
hours of hard work and losing two games only to chase back three. It wasn’t easy to win
and everyone tried their best, the final result satisfying everyone!
After a simple celebration, Li Cangyu took Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian and the others over to
the US team to shake hands in a polite and friendly gesture. Noah and Winfrey were very
gracious and expressed their congratulations towards Li Cangyu.
Jack obviously wasn’t very convinced and his face was unhappy. Such a fiery guy couldn’t
disguise himself. The moment he saw Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng, he shook hands with
them with a stinky expression and vowed, “One day, I will defeat you!”
Ling Xuefeng replied quietly, “That will only happen if you find a partner with a higher
understanding than us.”
Li Cangyu added, “It is a tacit understand that requires complete trust in each other, so that
we don’t hesitate to give our backs to the other person in key moments.”
Jack saw their two smiling faces and wanted to swear. Not only did they have a tacit
understanding in the game, they wanted to tacitly bully other people after the game? Was
there such a good partner?
Fire almost emerged from Jack’s eyes. Li Cangyu felt this guy’s personality was very
interesting and stopped bullying him. He patted Jack’s shoulder and cheered for him.
Ling Xuefeng also reached out and patted Jack’s right shoulder. “Refuel.”
Jack, “…”
The world’s best blood kin summoner was about to die of anemia.
According to international practice, the losing team must be interviewed first. The US
team’s Noah and Winfrey came to the interview room. After a bombardment of flashes, an
American reporter stood up and lost. “The US team won the first two games and gained a
stable advantage, only to lose the match. What do you think is the main reason for losing to
the Chinese team today?”
Today, 80% of the people who came to the venue were fans of the US team. Losing at home
was hard for the fans to psychologically accept.
Noah could only force himself to be calm and replied quietly, “In today’s match, our
national team played well. The first two games went very smoothly but we completely lost
the third home game at Universal Studios. The outbreak of the three summoners on the
Chinese team was very novel. Using Cataclysm, Demon God’s Rage and Corpse Mountain
Blood Sea at the same time to force us to residual blood was unexpected and we were too
late to defend.”
Winfrey’s personality was relatively gentle. She heard this and nodded in agreement. “The
loss of the third game at home really surprised us. In the fourth game, I made some
mistakes in my command. The coloured area of the Chinese team’s map was too
complicated and I couldn’t cope for a while. I am very sorry about losing the key fourth
After all, Winfrey was very beautiful and popular. The gentle girl sincerely apologized to
the reporters and the atmosphere eased a lot.
A reporter asked, “Captain, what do you think the difference between the US team and
Chinese team is in terms of strength?”
“The overall strength is actually similar but to my surprise, it is very difficult once the
Chinese team’s Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng work together. They aren’t teammates but their
tacit understanding is higher than fixed partners.”
Winfrey added, “The combination of the two summoners is really strong.”
Noah softly concluded, “We didn’t win the World Competition and many players feel sorry.
After going back, we will carefully study the Chinese team’s lineup and will absolutely hold
the championship trophy at next year’s World Competition.”
Noah’s words caused resounding applause from the reporters encouraging them. However,
it was still impossible to make a final conclusion about who would be next year’s world
champions. Noah said this to inspire hope in the fans.
No matter how unwilling, the fans of the US team had to admit that this world
championship belonged to China!
The full Chinese team attended the interview!
22 players came to the interview room, causing the reporters to feel shocked. This huge
lineup was unprecedented.
Before the World Competition, only Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng accepted brief interviews
with the media as representatives of the team. They didn’t expect for Li Cangyu to allow all
team members to meet with the reporters.
Of course, it was impossible for the reporters to interview all 22 players because there
wasn’t enough time. The reason Li Cangyu brought the full lineup was to benefit the
reporters. They could finally take a collective group photo.
The photographers set up their cameras and madly pressed the buttons, flashes going off
that were as bright as daytime. The first photo of the full Miracle national team soon
became the headline of major portal sites.
After the group photo, a reporter stood up excitedly. “First of all, congratulations to the
national team for winning the championship in this year’s World Competition! Everyone
has worked hard!”
The audience applauded and once it ended, the reporter followed up with, “I want to
interview Cat God. The lineup for today’s match, did you decide it before the match?”
“No.” Li Cangyu answered calmly. “Every game was arranged on the spot. We drafted a few
plans before the match but after all, I couldn’t guess what lineup the US team would send. I
had to make some adjustments on the spot.”
“In other words, every game was a temporary arrangement?”
“Did you think that today’s match would be a lose two, chase back three result?”
“I didn’t think it but before the match, we were ready to play all five games. After all, the US
team is very strong and the finals would’ve definitely been a hard fight.” Li Cangyu replied.
“Did you arrange the tactics and lineup with Captain LIng?”
LI Cangyu smiled. “It wasn’t just the two of us. I opened several tactical discussions before
the match and sought the views of many great gods.”
“Cat God, what do you think is the reason for losing the first two games?”
“In fact, Captain Su and Captain Tan’s commands weren’t a problem. It was just that we had
bad luck and the map refresh location was very bad.” Li Cangyu intended to help out Su
Guangmo and Tan Shitian but the reporter obviously wasn’t so foolish. He immediately
switched to Su Guangmo. “What does Captain Su think?”
Su Guangmo spoke quickly. “In the first death racing game, the refresh location was indeed
very bad. However, I am also to blame for not preparing enough for the Doomsday map.
The impact of the zombies was too big.”
Tan Shitian followed suit. “In the second game, I didn’t expect the US team to suddenly kill
the fire dragon and we lost the home game. My responsibility is the greatest.”
The two people rushing to take responsibility wasn’t good for the reporters. After all,
everyone made mistakes and no one was undefeated.
The reporters changed the topic again. “After losing the first two games, the third game was
the key to the full match. Cat God sent the relatively new lineup of three summoners in the
third game. Did you practice this type of play in private?”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng glanced at each other before smiling. “We naturally practiced it.
I usually train with Qin Mo and Xuefeng will help Xiao Han when he has time. We often fight
together and are familiar with each other’s rhythm. Bai Xuan was added to the training
lineup a few days before the match. However, his level is first-rate and we have been
partners for many years. He quickly picked up on our rhythm.”
The praised Bai Xuan spoke modestly, “It is Cat God who played well. In fact, whenever I
cooperate with them, the pressure to maintain blood isn’t great.”
The reporter suddenly realized. “No wonder all of you have such a tacit understanding!”
A male reporter who was excellent at analyzing the lineup stood up. “Cat God, I found that
some very interesting combinations were sent in today’s finals. In the first game, you sent
the Su Yu combination, Captain Liu, Meng Jie and Jiang Xu. The second game was the Time
team’s Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei, Lu Xiao, the Yan Guo combination and Yang Muzi. The third
game was Cat, Ling, Qin, Xiao and Bai. The fourth game was Lou Zhang, Chu Zhu and Vice-
Captain Yu. Finally, the fifth game was Tan Zhuo, Su Xie and Ling Cat. In the entire match, all
22 national team members got a chance to play. Is this a coincidence or was it deliberate?”
After hearing him say this, many people reacted. No wonder why today’s lineup was so
diverse and there were so many changes in the five games. It turned out that the entire
national team played!
Ling Xuefeng glanced at Li Cangyu and voluntarily answered. “He told me before the match
that he wanted to try to get everyone involved in the finals. After all, we all travelled to the
US to play the game and finally reached the finals. I believe that every player wants to
experience the atmosphere of the world finals and letting them sit on the bench isn’t
“Yes, I told Xuefeng this and in order to allow everyone to play, the two of us privately
discussed a number of programs.” Li Cangyu smiled and added. “I did this to ensure that no
one has any regrets about the World Competition. I hoped that everyone could participate
in the championship battle, regardless of outcome, as we work hard to come together.”
The reporters heard this and clapped with appreciation!
Every member of the national team was excellent and Li Cangyu would have regrets, no
matter who was left on the bench. Li Cangyu’s arrangement today took care of all aspects
and made this world championship complete.
Many players of the national team only realized the captain and vice-captain’s good
intentions now.
It was no wonder why Li Cangyu took such a long time to think whenever he sent someone.
It turned out he wanted to give everyone a chance to play as much as possible.
Everyone admired Li Cangyu.
In the case where he had to send out all players, he also needed to use lineups that
restrained the US team, stabilized the situation and won. Li Cangyu had to consider a
number of issues. Thanks to this rich experience and superb view of the overall situation,
he calmly controlled the match, strategizing and finally killing the opponents.
The 22 national team members all had the opportunity to play under Li Cangyu’s
arrangements and won the championship together. This World Competition was finally
After interviewing Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu, the reporters raised some questions with
the players they liked.
Chu Yan was first. “Chu Yan, our country’s illusion flow isn’t as good as some European
teams. As the best auxiliary in the country, do you have any thoughts?”
“I learnt a lot in this World Competition. After returning home, I will rebuild the Pure
Cleansing team.” Chu Yan smiled. “Xiao Zhu is also very good now. I want to raise a few
more disciples and slowly perfect the illusion flow style.”
Zhu Qingyue nodded in agreement.
The performance of the Pure Cleansing hadn’t been very good in the past two years but
they believed that the popular European illusionist flow was bound to have a path in China.
“In the arena today, Ah Shu and Captain Su’s understanding was very high. Are there any
thoughts about returning to Flying Feathers and restructuring the Three Musketeers?” A
reporter suddenly aimed at Xie Shurong and Xie Shurong replied honestly, “The Three
Musketeers are already a thing of the past. If I go back to Flying Feathers, my brother
definitely won’t accept me. In addition, I don’t want to leave Canglan.”
He glanced at Bai Xuan who looked away with embarrassment.
The reporter found that Xie Shurong was watching Bai Xuan and couldn’t help asking,
“What is the reason you can’t leave Canglan?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “It is because the dishes made by our Vice-Captain Bai are too
Li Cangyu nodded in agreement. “Really delicious.”
Zhuo Hang raised a hand. “Super delicious!”
Xiao Han also added, “It is unusual and very delicious.”
Everyone, “…”
Then in the Canglan food camp, Bai Xuan was the biggest boss? If someone was
disobedient, he just had to sprinkle a handful of salt into the dish and the group of people
would die!
A fan of Tan Shitian stood up and asked, “Captain Tan, you were a commander several
times in the World Competition. What are your plans after returning to China? For example,
do you intend to compete for the captain’s position of the next national team?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “I haven’t thought too much about it. As long as I can stay in the Time
team and play with my teammates, I am very satisfied.”
Here, Tan Shitian couldn’t help looking over ta Cheng Wei. The reporters followed his gaze
and handed the microphone to Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei spoke with a red face, “I… cough, I
will stay in the Time team to play. At this World Competition, I discovered that there are
too many white magician masters and I still have a lot to learn.”
A reporter wanted gossip. “When Captain Tan and Zhuo Hang cooperated in the arena, Kou
Hongyi gave something away about your private relationship. Can you tell us… what is your
Zhuo Hang smiled and pretended to be collapsed. “It isn’t so complicated. My parents know
Captain Tan’s parents and Captain Tan is a player I admire. Before I joined Canglan, I often
asked him questions…”
Su Guangmo coughed.
Zhuo Hang added, “Of course, Captain Su is also a player I admire…”
Li Cangyu looked over at him and Zhuo Hang followed up with, “Naturally, Cat God is the
player I admire most.”
The reporters were amused. It seemed that Zhuo Hang really admired many players!
The great gods weren’t too arrogant so the atmosphere of the interview was very fast. The
allocated time of 30 minutes passed quickly. The reporters were still somewhat unsatisfied
but there were so many gods present that all their questions probably couldn’t be
answered in three days and three nights.
After seeing that the time was up, the reporters were surrounded by the security guards. Li
Cangyu took the initiative to comfort them. “Don’t worry if there are still some unanswered
questions. After returning to the country, the various teams will hold press conferences and
everyone can ask questions. Or you can organize the questions and send them to the club’s
mailbox. There are still many opportunities for an exchange!”
The reporters let everyone go and Li Cangyu left the interview room with the team.
On the way back, Cheng Wei excitedly ran to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, it was my first time seeing
such a big scene. There were many foreign reporters! I sat there in front of the cameras and
almost felt that I had become a star!”
Su Guangmo smiled at him. “You really look like a star.”
Cheng Wei was excited. “Is that so? Captain Su, do you think I’m handsome?”
“Yes, a child star.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
Wasn’t this calling him naive? Cheng Wei’s face instantly reddened with anger and Zhang
Shaohui spoke up, “Don’t bully Vice-Captain Cheng, how can he be a child star?” He
carefully observed Cheng Wei before concluding, “Oh, he really looks like one!”
Cheng Wei was very depressed. He was born with a round face that was still a bit fleshy.
Many people described him as cute but he also wanted to be handsome! Was this gene so
strange to him?
Tan Shitian came forward and grabbed Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “Ignore them.”
Cheng Wei’s heart jumped and he ran away like he received an electric shock. Tan Shitian
retracted his hand and stared at Cheng Wei’s back.
Everyone returned to Miracle Village while chatting and laughing and ate a simple lunch.
The World Competition’s awards ceremony would be held tonight. Li Cangyu let everyone
go back to take a nap and as a result, almost everyone slept until dinner time. It was
because their nerves had been strained in the last few days and they didn’t get enough
sleep. They finally relaxed and slept, just like after a university entrance examination.
Ling Xuefeng got up first and used the internal telephone to wake everyone up.
After eating dinner, everyone gathered in one place and returned to the main venue of the
World Competition.
The awards ceremony and closing ceremony would start at 8 p.m.
The auditorium was already full and media from all over the world would be broadcasting
this feast.
The Chinese team’s seats were arranged in front and there were many familiar opponents
next to them.
The official closing ceremony had many things prepared, including the Miracle theme songs
being performed by famous singers, a costume show for the six races, a stage drama
involving a Miracle plot etc. Thunderous applause came one after another and pushed the
closing ceremony to the climax.
However, the most exciting event was the final awards stage.
It wasn’t until 10 o’clock that the awards ceremony officially started. The president of the
Miracle League personally presented the awards and started with the individual awards
The World Competition wasn’t like the domestic competition where the awards including
things like most popular, best newcomer, rookie with the most potential etc. It was difficult
for newcomers to be selected for the World Competition and popularity awards were hard
when it was a gathering of world-famous players. The award would be questioned by fans
of various countries.
Therefore, the World League simplified the individual awards and left only one behind. The
MVP, most valuable player award!
In the World Competition, there were many players with relatively high world rankings
who hoped to win the MVP Award such as Noah, Winfrey, Edmund, Jack of the US team,
Park Joonseo, Kim Yoonhee, Shim Yoocheol of the South Korean team, Fujita Rika of Japan,
Stein of France and the Chinese team’s Ling Xuefeng, Lou Wushuang, Su Guangmo, etc.
In the end, the name that appeared on the screen surprised many people but they didn’t
oppose it.
—Old Cat, China!
The Chinese team’s player, Li Cangyu!
Many people around him expressed their congratulations while Ling Xuefeng stood up and
directly hugged Li Cangyu in front of the world audience.
Li Cangyu smiled and hugged him back, patting his shoulder before turning to receive the
The world’s most valuable player, this was the highest degree of affirmation for a player by
the World League.
Li Cangyu used his strength and was finally recognized by the World Miracle League!
This was a supreme honour that was exciting enough for tears.
However, Li Cangyu’s expression was very calm. He took the trophy that symbolize the
highest honour and smiled as he faced the camera. He spoke in a straightforward and
enthusiastic manner, “The fact that I could come here today and win the MVP Award was
thanks to all those who helped me. I am very glad that I didn’t give up, no matter how hard
the circumstances. I am also fortunate to have met so many like-minded friends in the
Miracle League.”
He made and stared sincerely into the camera. “Thanks to the Miracle League, I gained the
opportunity to become an e-sports player. The career of an e-sports player is actually very
short but this short experience of a few years is the most precious wealth in my life.”
He spoke in standard Chinese and his words were translated into the languages of various
countries and spread widely around the world. Much later, whenever Li Cangyu was
mentioned, many e-sports players remembered his speech at the World Competition’s
awards ceremony. The career of an e-sports player was actually very short but this short
period of time was the most precious treasure.
This was what many e-sports players recognized— youth, blood, struggle and no regrets.
The e-sports circles were deep and maybe there were only a few people who could make a
difference. There were many more unknown players working hard for their dreams but as
long as they didn’t forget their initial heart, this short experience would be the most
dazzling scenery in their life’s journey.
Li Cangyu walked down the stage with the trophy and the lights on the stage converged,
causing his entire body to shine.
Such a bright man had been buried for many years.
Today, he shone on the world stage and everyone remembered his name.
—Old Cat.
Li Cangyu from China.
The individual award ended and the president of the league immediately presented the
group awards.
The third place winner in the First World Competition: South Korea.
After the 1:3 loss to China in the semi-finals and the United Kingdom losing to the US, the
third-place battle was particularly fierce. Park Joonseo sent many great gods and played
four games against the British team before finally winning 3:1 and gaining the bronze
All the Korean team members took to the stage under Park Joonseo’s leadership. They
actually felt very reluctant and wanted to change the colour of the trophy to gold. Of course,
this goal could only be achieved next year.
Next was the runner-up: the US team.
Since the US was the organizer of the competition this year, the applause at the venue was
particularly enthusiastic as Noah led his team members to the stage. The US team accepted
the silver trophy. They were sorry about not winning the championship but everyone
couldn’t help smiling when they lifted the trophy.
The last one to be awarded was the championship team of the World Competition, the
Chinese team!
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng got up at the same time and the other 20 members of the
national team walked neatly to the stage.
22 people across different teams united for the same goal. Under the leadership of Li
Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng, they merged into a powerful team to compete in the world
battlefield, sweeping through the group stage, winning a thrilling semi-finals and finally
counterattacking 3:2 in the finals to win the championship!
At this moment, the lights were focused on one place and the flag was raised high.
Many domestic audience members couldn’t help crying when they saw the national flag
being raised.
Amidst the deafening applause and cheers, the president of the Miracle League and the
hostesses walked towards the stage. The president personally picked up the golden
championship trophy and presented it to the Chinese team’s captain, Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu’s expression was still very calm, just like when he won the MVP Award. He
bowed deeply to the president and respectfully took the trophy.
The custom made gold trophy had the words ‘First Miracle World Competition’ in English
on the base. The trophy was heavy and had great texture. The production process was quite
Ling Xuefeng stood beside him and gently raised Li Cangyu’s left hand with his right hand,
the two of them looking at each other. At the same time, they raised the golden trophy
above their heads!
The overhead lights seemed to brighten, letting the golden trophy shine with a dazzling
At this moment, the eyes of the audience all over the world were focused on the stage of the
awards ceremony. The first Chinese Miracle national team’s captain Li Cangyu and vice-
captain Ling Xuefeng jointly raised the highest glory that symbolized the strength of the
Chinese team!
They still remembered that many years ago, the 17 year old Ling Xuefeng had once said to
LI Cangyu, “If you can’t be my teammate, I hope you will become my strongest opponent.”
Many years later, the 24 year old Li Cangyu returned to Miracle. Despite the many
frustrations, he was still confident and seriously told Ling Xuefeng, “The thing I’m most
looking forward to is standing with you in the World Competition.”
Seven years had passed and the teenagers in their memories had become first-rate gods
who were fearless.
They walked through a bloody road of thorns and experienced many hardships.
Now, they finally stood side by side, standing together in the place that belonged to them—
the summit of the world!
-【 The End 】-

TL: This is the end of the main story but there are still a bit over 40 chapters worth of
extras. Every arc in the extras will focus on the side CPs before eventually ending with our
main couple, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng.
I will clearly label the posts and chapters with the CP, just in case there are certain CPs that
people want to skip. Be sure to keep an eye on the main page. Even if you don’t like the side
CPs, be sure to check out Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s extra at the end because it is
extremely sweet and ends their story well. In addition, each extra has its own sex scene for
the CP involved.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 361

Extra 1: Chapter 361 – The Covenant of Time (1) – Tan Cheng’s First Encounter

Cheng Wei walked into the training room and saw several teammates talking. He rushed to
the side to listen, only to hear someone mysteriously say, “This newcomer isn’t ordinary. I
passed by the training camp and he was particularly handsome!”
“He might be handsome but he can’t rely on his face to eat!” Cheng Wei wasn’t convinced.
“What about his level?”
“It is said that his hand speed is very fast.” The man’s tone was positive.
Cheng Wei rolled his eyes while thinking in his heart, ‘His hand speed might be faster but it
can’t be faster than Cat God!’
The Time team hadn’t absorbed any fresh blood for a long time. This time, the president of
the Time Club recommended a group of qualified newcomers to interview. The captain Xu
Luo and the club manager personally checked them and it was said that some people joined
the team’s training camp through the interviews. This meant that Cheng Wei was no longer
the youngest player on the Time team.
Cheng Wei thought of this and was suddenly a bit happy.
As a newcomer who debuted in the third season, he was only 16 years old this year. Many
players on the team regarded him as a minor child. Since there were newcomers in the
training camp, wouldn’t he be a senior?
That evening, Cheng Wei happily sent a message to Li Cangyu. [Cat God, we have
This was the playoffs stage in the third season. The FTD team hadn’t disbanded but they
were facing difficulties with the team’s lack of funds and maintaining daily operations. Li
Cangyu never showed any fatigue on the surface and every game was full of energy. Thus,
many people in the league didn’t know the status of his team, including Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei sent the message and soon got a reply. [Not bad.]
Cheng Wei replied: [I heard there is one person that is particularly handsome and his hand
speed is also fast. I haven’t seen it but I think they are definitely bragging, like my age. How
can boys playing the game look particularly handsome? Cat God, you said it right? Most
otakua are acne-prone!]
Li Cangyu replied: [So curious. Won’t you know if you go to see him?]
[I don’t have time! The playoffs are so busy that I wasn’t in the mood to care about the
newcomer in the training camp!]
[Is there a good tactical layout for the next game?]
[Hey Cat God, don’t take this opportunity to ask me. I won’t tell you!]
[Yes, you’re become smarter. [Smile]]
[Good night Cat God!]
There was a match the next day so Cheng Wei went to bed after talking to Cat God. The
matter regarding the newcomer in the training camp was completely thrown away by him.
A week later, the Time team lost to Wind Colour in the semi-finals and had to compete with
Ghost Spirits for third place in the season. The finals was between Wind Colour and Flying
The third season was the most brilliant period for the Flying Feathers team. Su Guangmo,
Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong joined forces to bring the melee violent play of the Three
Musketeers to the extreme and finally won the championship in one feel swoop, creating
the myth of the Three Musketeers in the Miracle League.
The Ghost Spirits had the best assassin Mo Quan at the time. His two apprentices Lou
Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui had already debuted but their standards still needed to be
honed. Thus, Time was very relaxed taking on Ghost Spirits and won third place.
Flying Feathers, Wind and Time had each harvested the championship, second place and
third place. The season’s MVP award went to Flying Feathers captain Su Guangmo. To
everyone’s surprise, Cheng Wei actually won the Best Newcomer Award at the awards
The 16 year old Cheng Wei ran excitedly to the stage, bowing deeply to the audience as he
held his trophy. The teenager who hadn’t grown up didn’t look nervous on the stage. His
smile was honest and cute and his eyes were as bright as stars.
This newcomer award made Cheng Wei the ‘genius boy’ in the eyes of many people!
After returning to Beijing, the captain Xu Luo led the team members to a nearby KTV in
celebration. The season of competition made everyone physically and mentally exhausted.
Now that the awards ceremony was over, it was natural to relax well.
There were many strange faces in the KTV room and Cheng Wei was curious about who
they were. Xu Luo picked up the microphone and said, “Today is our first full gathering of
the Time team. The newcomers of the training camp have also come. I will take this
opportunity to introduce them to everyone.”
The old players clapped and the enthusiastic Cheng Wei took the initiative to raise his
hand. “Captain, should we have the new people sing a song? How about they give a formal
self-introduction before singing?”
This proposal immediately got Xu Luo’s approval. “Let’s do it! Who will come first?”
“You first.”
“Or you first.”
Some newcomers humbly pushed each other out and passed the microphone around, but
no one was willing to play first. Just then, a tall boy took the initiative to pick up the
microphone. “Then I’ll go first.”
His voice was somewhat unique. It seemed to be just after the changing period and the low
voice was warm and soft through the microphone. He had handsome short hair and was
wearing simple jeans and a white shirt. He had a slender figure and handsome facial
features. HIs lips were slightly curved in a warm smile and he looked like a teenager who
came out of the comics.
He gracefully went to the middle and turned to face everyone. Then he smiled and said,
“Hellow, my name is Tan Shitian and I”m a newcomer in the training camp. My class is an
archer and I will casually sing first.”
Cheng Wei sat in the corner and stared at Tan Shitian with wide eyes. Until this moment, he
hadn’t believed it but his teammate’s words were true. There was a particularly handsome
newcomer in the Time Team!
Tan Shitian’s appearance belonged to the type that easily made people feel good. In
particular, his smile gave people the feeling of a spring breeze. His smile was pure and
didn’t make people feel that he was hypocritical or pretentious. His singing was also nice.
He sang the male version of ‘I’m Willing.’ HIs singing was especially affectionate and people
couldn’t help revel in his singing…
Cheng Wei listened attentively. After listening for a while, he suddenly reacted and rubbed
his eyes. He turned back to ask the vice-captain, “Vice-Captain, how old is he this year?”
Vice-Captain Lin smiled and replied, “He seems to be the same age as you.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
They were obviously the same age but why was this person so much higher? It wasn’t
Cheng Wei was still a child in his heart and mind. He loved playing the game and eating all
day. Tan Shitian had a maturity and atmosphere that was beyond his age, making his
‘senior’ Cheng Wei feel a bit ashamed.
Tan Shitian finished the song and naturally got warm applause from the audience. He
politely thanked them.
There was a vacancy next to Cheng Wei and he naturally walked to Cheng Wei’s side. He
smiled and reached out, “Hello, are you Cheng Wei? I have seen your game videos.
Congratulations on winning the Best Newcomer Award.”
Cheng Wei sullenly replied, “Hello.”
Tan Shitian asked, “I heard that I’m the same age as you?”
Cheng Wei didn’t shake hands with him but pretended to be serious. “Age isn’t the most
important thing. I debuted earlier than you and should count as your senior.”
Tan Shitian touched his nose and coughed. “Hello, Senior.”
Cheng Wei happily shook hands with Tan Shitian and spoke seriously, “Xiao Tan, if you
don’t know anything in the future, you can ask me.”
He clearly had a lovely bun face but was pretending to be old. Thus, he was funny. Tan
Shitian resisted the urge to laugh and nodded, “Thank you, Senior.”
Cheng Wei smiled with satisfaction and patted Tan Shitian’s shoulder in encouragement.
“…” Tan Shitian was simply dumbfounded.
Everyone played all night and after returning to his room, Cheng Wei fell asleep until noon
the next day.
He had lunch and was informed that all members had a meeting. Cheng Wei rushed to the
conference room that was filled with people, many of whom were the newcomers he met
last night.
Captain Xu Luo asked everyone to find a spot to sit down and spoke calmly, “The third
season is over. Today we convened a meeting and the first step is a simple summary.”
HE opened the PPT that was written in advance and said, ”Based on the data sheet, the
Time team has performed well overall this season, especially Cheng Wei who debuted this
season. He won the Best Newcomer Award, making him the pride of our team.”
Captain Xu looked at Cheng Wei and the meeting room clapped, making Cheng Wei feel
happy and a bit embarrassed. He scratched his head and replied, “It is Captain Xu who
taught me well.”
Captain Xu smiled. “The performance of the other members is also remarkable. Our Time
team’s tactics have been almost the same after these seasons so next I have something to
announce to you. Vice-Captain Ling has decided to retire after the third season. From now
on, Cheng Wei will serve as the vice-captain of the Time team.”
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened with surprise and he didn’t seem to understand this situation.
Xu Luo explained, “Cheng Wei might be young and the time of his debut isn’t long, but his
talent for playing the game has been recognized by everyone. Letting him serve as the vice-
captain is the most appropriate thing.”
This dispelled the doubts in their hearts. Cheng Wei might be young but his achievements
were there.
“In addition, I will leave the Time team after completing the captain handover next season.”
Xu Luo spoke slowly. “I am forced to leave with Vice-Captain Lin. Due to our age, our state
has started to decline and we won’t play much of a role if we stay in the team. We have
thought about it and decided to hand Time over to the youngsters.”
Many players had red eyes after hearing this news. Cheng Wei opened his mouth but Xu
Luo waved his hand and decisively interrupted him. “A team handover is a normal
phenomenon. For example, last season Vice-Captain Yuan of Wind Colour retired and
handed over the vice-captain position to Yan Ruiwen. Su Guangmo took over as captain for
Flying Feathers this year. The scores of these two teams hasn’t declined so you don’t need
to worry too much. Even if I retire, everyone can still ask me questions.”
Captain Xu was so calm that the group of young players were embarrassed to ask him to
As a veteran of the Miracle League, Xu Luo used his gorgeous white magic since the first
season of the Miracle League. He wasn’t young and his status was declining. Choosing to
retire next season was normal…
Still, Cheng Wei couldn’t help being sad. His own white magician played a lot with Xu Luo.
He had just won the newcomer award only for Captain Xu to retire?
Cheng Wei didn’t listen to what was discussed in the second half of the meeting because his
head was a mess. On the one hand, he was dazed at taking over the vice-captain position.
He didn’t know what a vice-captain had to do. In addition, he was saddened by the news
that Xu Luo was retiring next season. He always felt that he would have no idea what to do
once Captain Xu left.
However, rain poured when a house was leaky. Once he returned to his room and turned
on the computer, he was stung by the first page news. The FTD team officially announced
their disbandment today.
This news was like thunder on a sunny day, making Cheng Wei freeze in place. He
immediately called Li Cangyu but didn’t get through. He sent a few messages on Q and
didn’t receive any replies…
Cheng Wei was distraught and frantically typed on Q. Thus, he didn’t hear the movements
in the bedroom next door.
It wasn’t until knocking was heard on the door that Cheng Wei’s soul returned and he got
up to open the door.
Tan Shitian was unable to forget the image he saw when he went to the bedroom next door
to greet Cheng Wei.
Cheng Wei was wearing short-sleeved pyjamas that revealed white arms. His hair stuck up
like weeds and his eyes were red and swollen, almost wet with tears. He looked like a kitten
abandoned by his owner.
Tan Shitian wanted to reach out and help him manage his messy hair but didn’t dare do so
thanks to Cheng Wei’s red eyes. He was worried and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Cheng Wei sniffed and choked out, “Cat God is gone.”
“…” Tan Shitian heard that Cat God was Cheng Wei’s idol and didn’t know how to comfort
Cheng Wei suddenly raised his head and stared at the other person. “Why are you here?”
Tan Shitian smiled helplessly and explained. “Captain Xu said you lived alone in this
dormitory. I haven’t been formally allocated a dormitory yet and he let me be your
teammate. Didn’t you agree?”
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened. “I agreed?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “You seemed to be thinking about it. The moment Captain Xu spoke, you
Cheng Wei recalled that there was such a thing. His head had been in such a mess that he
didn’t hear anything Captain Xu said and just nodded. However, he wasn’t in the mood to
think about this matter. He glanced at Tan Shitian and said, “Your room is next door. You
should arrange your luggage.”
Tan Shitian was going to say, “My luggage has been moved and I wanted to come over to
say hello to my roommate.” Then he saw the dejected vice-captain and took this sentence
He suddenly discovered that Cheng Wei, who won the Best Newcomer Award this year, was
only radiant in the game. He was like a little tiger with powerful claws in the game. In real
life, Cheng Wei was actually a simple and confused teenager, a kitten who hadn’t yet grown
He had long heard of Cheng Wei’s worship of Li Cangyu. Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s eyes
that were red from crying about Cat God’s departure and actually felt a bit distressed.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 362

Chapter 362 – The Covenant of Time (2): Tan Cheng’s Memories

The end of the third season was undoubtedly the most turbulent period for the Miracle
League. The FTD team disbanded, Li Cangyu led his team to transfer games, Xie Shurong
suddenly left the Flying Feathers team and his whereabouts were unknown, Ghost Spirits’
captain Mo Quan retired and Lou Wushuang took over as captain, Time’s vice-captain
retired and the newcomer Cheng Wei took over as captain…
Every team went through personnel changes and the official website of the professional
league was almost constantly refreshed by fans. However, a person who left would still go.
Cheng Wei was very clear that Li Cangyu wouldn’t change his mind because of his fans.
Since Li Cangyu had made up his mind to leave Miracle, there was no room for persuasion.
Nevertheless, Cheng Wei didn’t give up.
He sent a message to Cat God every day until he finally received a reply three days later.
[Don’t worry about me. I’m currently in the United States and after coming home, I will take
my teammates to play another game. I heard that you took over as vice-captain. Continue to
refuel and I’ll wait for you to win the MVP award.”
Cheng Wei saw the calm reply and was speechless as his eyes turned red.
These days, he had been watching the forum posts and knew how difficult it was for Li
Cangyu’s team. He was angry that Li Cangyu didn’t tell him anything but on the other hand,
he couldn’t help Li Cangyu with his ability. He didn’t understand anything or take care of
himself. How could he help Li Cangyu?
A person who cared about was in trouble but he couldn’t do anything. The deep sense of
powerlessness made Cheng Wei frustrated.
Cheng Wei made a long-distance call and choked back tears. “Cat God, after you return
home, why don’t you consider coming to the Time team? Captain Xu said he will retire next
year. Once he is gone, you can become captain!”
Li Cangyu smiled at the phone and replied, “I won’t go to the Time team.” He could feel
Cheng Wei’s concern for him but Cheng Wei hadn’t grown up and his understanding of
things wasn’t comprehensive. He naively thought that Li Cangyu could switch to being
captain of Time and didn’t understand why Li Cangyu was leaving.
Of course, Li Cangyu didn’t want to explain these complicated things to Cheng Wei. He
wanted to see this young boy grow up happily under the protection of his teammates and
“Why don’t you want to come to Time?” Cheng Wei refused to give up and anxiously tried
to persuade the other person. “If you don’t like Time, you can also go to Flying Feathers or
Wind Colour!”
“This is something you don’t need to worry about.” Li Cangyu softly interrupted him. “I
have made the arrangements so don’t worry. Even if I don’t play Miracle, we can stay in
touch… I have something to do here and have to hang up.”
“Oh… take care.”
After the call, Cheng Wei was still depressed and upset. His ability was too limited and even
if he was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot, he couldn’t think of a way to help the other
That night, Cheng Wei couldn’t sleep and woke up the next morning with dark circles.
He stumbled and pushed open the bathroom door, only to see a tall person shaving in front
of the mirror. Cheng Wei froze for a moment before remembering he had a new roommate,
the newcomer Tan Shitian.
He lowered his head around Tan Shitian and walked to the side to squeeze out toothpaste.
As result, he became dizzy and squeezed toothpaste onto his hand. Tan Shitian glanced at
him and took the initiative to help him with the toothpaste. He handed the toothbrush to
Cheng Wei and asked softly, “You didn’t sleep well last night?”
Cheng Wei whispered an agreement and took the toothbrush to brush his teeth.
Tan Shitian stood next to him and watched. Cheng Wei’s brushing action was child-like. As
he cleaned each tooth, he was obviously worried about something. His dull eyes stared at
the mirror like he was sleepwalking.
Did he have insomnia because he was reluctant about his idol leaving?
Tan Shitian didn’t expect the fierce competition of the professional league to have such
simply feelings. Only people like Cheng Wei would like a senior player so seriously. This
type of liking didn’t have any purpose and made people feel moved.
Before seeing Cheng Wei, Tan Shitian always heard that the Time team had a very talented
teenager. He had been radiant from the beginning of his debut. Tan Shitian thought that
Cheng Wei was a proud and capricious young player.
In this era, there were many children accustomed to being unruly at him. What’s more,
Cheng Wei was a talented player and the darling of the club. It was normal to be a bit
Unexpected, Cheng Wei was such a simple person, simple enough to be a bit stupid.
However, the idiot standing in front of the mirror and brushing his teeth in a daze made
Tan Shitian’s heart soften. They might be the same age but this person was a whole head
shorter than Tan Shitian and was still so simple and pure, like clean white paper. His
character would definitely suffer a big loss in the league where dragons were mixed with
At this moment, Cheng Wei was busy thinking and his right hand slipped. He suddenly
poked his chin with his toothbrush and his chin was covered in white foam. Tan Shitian
wanted to laugh but he forcibly resisted and helped bring over a towel. Cheng Wei accepted
it and wiped himself up. Unfortunately, it wasn’t clean and there were still many traces of
foam left at the corner of his mouth. He looked especially funny.
Tan Shitian smiled and reached out, using his thumb to help wipe the foam at the corner of
his mouth.
The skin that his fingers touched was warm and soft, just like touching a little animal.
Cheng Wei’s head was a mess and he didn’t notice the movement. He just felt the warmth of
his lips and looked up at Tan Shitian with a puzzled expression. Then he lowered his head
and used cold water to wash his face. After a while, he found that Tan Shitian was still
standing next to him. Cheng Wei couldn’t help looking over and asking, “Why are you still
standing here? Do you need the toilet?”
Tan Shitian discovered that he was standing in the same place and watching Cheng Wei
brush his teeth and wash his face…
Realizing that something was wrong, Tan Shitian touched his nose and turned away.
Cheng Wei finished washing his face and found breakfast already prepared on the table.
Tan Shitian smiled at him and explained, “I heard the captain say that you like to eat the
dumplings from the store across the street. I was going to buy breakfast anyway and
bought it for you.”
Cheng Wei’s spirit lifted slightly after seeing the savoury buns and he sat down. “Thank
you!” Then he smiled, picked up a bun and stuffed it into his mouth.
Cheng Wei had been very depressed these days and Tan Shitian rarely saw a smile on his
He had a chubby face and when he smiled, there were two dimples. The soft hair that
curled over his ears was particularly cute. Was this what a 16 year old boy should look like?
This was unlike Tan Shitian. From an early age, he had been trained by his parents to be
independent. He started cooking at seven years old and by the age of 10, he could go
shopping alone. This made him develop a personality that was calm and unsettled.
After seeing Cheng Wei burying himself in the buns with dark eyes, Tan Shitian couldn’t
help comforting him. “You don’t have to worry too much. Cat God definitely has his own
ideas and at his level, he won’t suffer.”
Cheng Wei’s mouth was stuffed with buns and he couldn’t speak. He just nodded in
agreement with the second part of Tan Shitian’s words.
They finished eating breakfast and headed to the training room. Cheng Wei only saw
Captain Xu and several new recruits. Xu Luo was clearly very surprised by the sight of
Cheng Wei. He came over and asked, “Didn’t you go home?”
Cheng Wei replied, “I have nothing to do when going back. I want to stay in the team and
see if I can help.”
Xu Luo smiled and patted Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “This is the awareness of a vice-captain!”
Cheng Wei scratched his head and looked serious. “What does a vice-captain do? Captain
Xu, direct me to do some tasks.”
Xu Luo thought carefully. “Well, Tan Shitian is a newcomer being trained by the team. Since
you live in the same dormitory and usually have to communicate, I will leave the task of
training him to you. Play with him every day and let him adapt to the rhythm of the game as
soon as possible. I want to take him to play next season.”
“Understood.” Since it was a task assigned by the captain, Cheng Wei didn’t shirk away
from it. He turned around to Tan Shitian and opened an arena room with him.
At this time, Tan Shitian had just entered the training camp while Cheng Wei already had a
whole season of competition experience. The two people played three games and Cheng
Wei won three consecutive victories. Tan Shitian didn’t have the power to fight back.
In order to encourage the newcomer, Cheng Wei seriously typed on the public channel: [In
a real game, the rhythm will be must faster than it is now. You have to adapt as soon as
possible since Captain Xu said you will play next season.”
Tan Shitian sent a smiling expression. [I know. Thank you, Vice-Captain Cheng.”
During the season’s holiday, Cheng Wei dutifully trained tan Shitian. He wasn’t like Li
Cangyu who developed a separate training program based on the characteristics of the
players. He only transferred what he learnt to Tan Shitian, forgetting that the tactics for a
white magician would be different from an archer. In fact, his experience wasn’t necessarily
useful for Tan Shitian. Fortunately, Tan Shitian was savvy and very talented so he didn’t
take a crooked path because of Cheng Wei.
The days passed quietly and Tan Shitian’s level leapt forward. By the time of the last
training session before the Spring Festival, he was able to tie with Cheng Wei in the arena.
Xu Luo was very satisfied with this. He smiled and patted Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “After
seeing you and Xiao Tan, I really have confidence in the future of the Time team!”
Cheng Wei didn’t understand Xu Luo’s meaning at the time. He didn’t expect that Xu Luo
would actually hand over the captain’s position to Tan Shitian.
The Spring Festival ended and the fourth season started. Cheng Wei still missed Cat God
but the increasingly heavy pressure of the matches meant he had to fully engross himself in
In the fourth season, many teams changed and there was a big shuffle in the rankings of the
league. Thanks to Xie Shurong leaving and Yu Pingsheng changing to a berserker, the third
season’s champion, Flying Feathers’ decline was particularly severe. Wind Colour was
stable and Ling Xuefeng was still one of the hardest opponents. The Lou Zhang combination
of the Ghost Spirits team weren’t as honed and weren’t too much of a threat…
The most optimistic one turned out to be the Time team.
Tan Shitian had received media attention since he debuted. HIs handsome appearance was
eye-catching. Combined with his good temper and smile on his face when answering
questions, his popularity rose quickly. He became the darling of the Time team fans, even
more than Cheng Wei in the third season.
More importantly, this handsome person wasn’t a vase. He played an archer very calmly
and could often hit a key player’s chest from a long-distance. His accuracy and attack rate
were terrible. His reaction speed might not be very fast but he was a newcomer who just
debuted. It wasn’t easy for a newcomer to do this.
It was due to Tan Shitian’s presence that the Time team had a very high winning
percentage in the regular season and consistently topped the scoreboard.
At the end of the first round of the fourth regular season, Xu Luo made the bold and
amazing decision to hand over the captain’s position to Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian was only 17 years old. It was his debut yet Xu Luo made him the captain?
Many people questioned this decision and Xu Luo’s explanation was, “I will definitely retire
at the end of the fourth season. I selected the Time team’s next captain in advance to
facilitate a smooth transition. I think Xiao Tan’s personal standards are obvious to
everyone. The thing he lacks now is commanding experience. In the second half of the
regular season, I will let him command the matches as captain.”
No matter how surprised the reporters were or how fans opposed it, Xu Luo was very firm
about his decision.
Tan Shitian became the youngest captain of the Miracle Professional League.
Cheng Wei wasn’t convinced when he heard about it.
In his view, Tan Shitian was a slightly gifted newcomer. Captain Xu handing him the
position in the middle of the season was too exaggerated and impulsive.
Besides, Tan Shitian debuted later than him. Wasn’t it more reasonable to let the vice-
captain take over as captain? Why was a newcomer selected over Cheng Wei to be captain?
Cheng Wei didn’t want to be the captain. He just thought that Tan Shitian wasn’t qualified
for the position and Captain Xu’s decision was likely to ruin the Time team. Thus, he was
full of resistance to Tan Shitian’s takeover as captain.
Sure enough, after Tan Shitian took over as captain, he lost several consecutive matches
and the Time team slipped from first place to fifth.
Cheng Wei was distraught and as a straightforward person, he ran to Xu Luo and proposed,
“Captain Xu, I think your decision is a bit impulsive! How long has it been since Tan Shitian
debuted? Only half a year! He is too junior and inexperienced. He isn’t qualified enough to
be the captain!”
Xu Luo faced the helpless Cheng Wei and helplessly said, “But Xiao Wei, apart from him,
what other player do you think can be the captain?”
Cheng Wei thought about it and replied, “How about Ah Jun? He debuted even earlier than
Xu Luo smiled and shook his head. “He is a healer and has to take care of his teammates on
the field. It is too difficult to command the game while adding blood. Ah Jun doesn’t have
the ability to look at six roads and listen to every direction.”
Cheng Wei suggested, “Then what about Brother Kai? He is an output!”
Xu Luo shook his head again. “His personal level is excellent but he doesn’t have a good
idea about the bigger picture. He is a good soldier who obeys orders but he isn’t a good
“There is still…” Cheng Wei wanted to continue but Xu Luo interrupted. “Xiao Wei, I can
understand why you aren’t convinced about Tan Shitian being the captain. After all, you
looked after him when he first came to the team. He debuted later than you and his
qualifications are lighter than you. You consider him as a junior, right?”
Cheng Wei frowned. “Isn’t this the case?”
Xu Luo smiled and patted Cheng Wei’s shoulder. “You are misjudging Tan Shitian. Age and
experience aren’t a problem. The reason I took a great risk by giving him the captain’s
position is because I like his calm personality. In addition, he is the player with the
strongest idea of the big picture and the most sensitive tactical thinking among the new
batch of players. Believe me, you and Xiao Tan will be the pillars of the Time team. As long
as the two of you work together, the Time team can stand up in the storm and won’t fall.”
Cheng Wei, “…”
Captain Xu was so certain that Cheng Wei had nothing more to say. He could only go back
to his dormitory.
Cheng Wei didn’t know that before he knocked on the door, Tan Shitian was discussing the
tactics for the next match with Xu Luo. After he came in, Tan Shitian actively avoided him
and heard all his words.
Tan Shitian knew Cheng Wei’s dissatisfaction and therefore became more motivated. He
was eager to prove his strength in front of Cheng Wei and let Cheng Wei know that Tan
Shitian was actually qualified to be the captain of the Time team.
Perhaps this was the mentality of young people who were more aggressive with their
peers. Cheng Wei’s doubts caused Tan Shitian’s pride to be hurt. From that day on, Tan
Shitian was more diligent than before. He went every night to discuss things with Xu Luo
and stayed up late in his dormitory. He often watched matches all night and studied the
tactical characteristics of every team, not wasting any minute. He was staying in a room
with Cheng Wei but because Tan Shitian went out early and came back late, the two of them
were rarely able to meet.
It was this type of effort that made Tan Shitian’s tactical ideas improve rapidly. In addition,
there was Xu Luo’s guidance and analysis. After the first few failures, the Time team’s
performance gradually improved.
The thing that stunned everyone was that in the fourth season, Tan Shitian actually led the
Time team to win the championship!
At the celebration party afterwards, Xu Luo officially announced his retirement. The Time
team opened a brand new chapter with Tan Shitian as the captain and Cheng Wei as the
Originally, it was a happy thing to be able to prove his strength in front of Cheng Wei who
looked down on him. If it was an ordinary person, he would taunt and laugh at Cheng Wei.
However, Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s red eyes and depressed expression at Xu Luo’s
departure and forgot all his previous unhappiness. Instead, his heart was soft and confused.
As Xu Luo disappeared down the corridor, he couldn’t help extending his arm and placing it
around Cheng Wei’s shoulder. He spoke softly like he was coaxing a little child. “Don’t be
sad. Captain Xu is gone but there is still me. We will work together in the future, okay?”
Cheng Wei didn’t speak and just looked up at Tan Shitian. It seemed he wasn’t very happy
to be bound to this person.
Tan Shitian smiled at his expression and gently touched his soft here. “There is no way,
unless your leave Time or I pack up and leave… otherwise, we will be the new generation of
leaders and will accompany the Time team until we retire.”
At the time, they were still young and didn’t expect this simple agreement to accompany
them for so many years.
Tan Shitian didn’t think that one day, he would like this person around him and didn’t want
to separate from him.
Later, every time he remembered these past events, he thought it was very fortunate that
he came to the Time team and became the captain.
Over the years, he met many reliable teammates and experienced the glory of winning the
championship, gaining an enviable popularity… but the rarest thing was that he met a
person who he wanted to cherish all his life. This person was called Cheng Wei.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 363
First bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 363 – The Covenant of Time (3): Travel Together

At the end of the World Competition, all members of the national team returned to China
under the leadership of Chairman Nan Jiangang. Many reporters and fans rushed to the
airport in advance in order to see these great gods. Unfortunately, in Beijing, many players
directly transferred to the city where their club was located. Su and Yu went to Kunming,
the Lou Zhang brothers flew to Shenzhen, Li Cangyu took the Canglan members back to
The reporters stared at the exit of the airport and didn’t see all the national team members
appearing together. Instead, they only saw the Time team members, Tan Shitian, Cheng Wei
and Lu Xiao coming out from the exit.
“Captain Tan, that is Captain Tan!” It was unknown who yelled from the crowd but the
reporters found their target and immediately swarmed. Captain Tan saw them coming over
and grabbed Cheng Wei’s hand as he whispered, “Run!
Cheng Wei was stunned and by the time he recovered, he found that his hand was being
tightly held by Tan Shitian while Tan Shitian’s tall back was in front of him. Behind him was
the screams of the reporters and the sound of photographers pressing the camera shutter.
It wasn’t their first time being surrounded by reporters at the airport. Almost every time,
Tan Shitian would protect Cheng Wei but the mood this time seemed different from usual.
Cheng Wei followed Tan Shitian and there was a whistling sound in his ears. He didn’t
know if it was because he was holding hands or running too fast. Cheng Wei only felt his
breathing becoming more and more urgent and his heart was pounding quickly in his chest,
almost like it would pop out.
It was hard to follow Tan Shitian all the way to the parking lot. Tan Shitian successfully
found the club car that picked them up and opened the door to the back seat, letting Cheng
Wei get on. He sat down next to Cheng Wei and closed the door. Lu Xiao got into the front
passenger seat and panted as he spoke, “Captain, you only care about the vice-captain.
What about me? Can’t you show your other teammates some love?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “A sprinter still wants me to worry about him?”
Cheng Wei’s heart was still beating quickly. In the narrow space, his violent heartbeat was
clearer. He listened to the easy conversation between Lu Xiao and Tan Shitian and turned
his head stiffly away, not daring to look at Tan Shitian’s eyes.
Tan Shitian still hadn’t let go of his hand.
There was something between the front and rear rows of the car and the driver and Lu Xiao
couldn’t see the movements of their hands. Cheng Wei had just followed Tan Shitian all the
way here and his palms were sweating. The fingers that were touching almost felt like they
were burning. Cheng Wei was a bit panicked and wanted to pull his hand back. However, if
he did, wouldn’t this show that he cared?
The car started moving and Cheng Wei’s mind was a mess. He wondered if he show pull his
hand away or not.
Tan Shitian only realized that he was still holding onto Cheng Wei’s hand after the car
reached high speed. He looked over at Cheng Wei and found that this person was thinking
about something in a distressed manner. Tan Shitian smiled slightly and crossed their
fingers together in an intimate gesture.
Cheng Wei jumped like he received an electric shock and pulled his hand back as he looked
over at Tan Shitian. “What are you doing?”
Tan Shitian whispered into his ears. “You were holding on so tightly that I thought you
wanted to hold hands with me.”
Cheng Wei’s hairs stood up and his face was red. “W-Who was holding onto you? I’m not a
Tan Shitian stared at him seriously. “Then do you think I”m a pervert?”
At these deep eyes, Cheng Wei’s heart was numb and he didn’t know how to answer the
Tan Shitian didn’t wait for his answer and withdrew his hand. He looked out the window
and the expression on his face seemed a bit lonely. Cheng Wei realized that the word
‘pervert’ was too serious and was remorseful, but he couldn’t apologize to Tan Shitian. He
only turned his head and looked out the window.
The two of them didn’t speak at all until they arrived at the club and Tan Shitian opened the
door, taking the initiative to help carry the luggage back to the dormitory.
They had lived in the dormitory for many years and were very familiar with the
From the end of the third season to the seventh season, Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei lived
next door in the same dormitory for an entire four years. Their bedrooms were separate
but the living room, kitchen and bathroom were shared. Cheng Wei often saw Tan Shitian
walking around in a vest and shorts. The two people might often quarrel about various
small things but this dormitory was still Cheng Wei’s favourite place that made him feel
relaxed and safe.
However, today was different. As Tan Shitian walked into the dormitory with his luggage,
Cheng Wei felt a bit timid. He stood at the door and was afraid to walk into this familiar
room. He stared at Tan Shitian and felt uncomfortable all over.
Once the door closed, only he and Tan Shitian would be left in this dormitory…
Would Tan Shitian do bad things? Would he press Cheng Wei into the bed again? What
would Cheng Wei do if he did?
Cheng Wei was worried for a while and froze at the door. Tan Shitian put away his luggage
and once he turned back, he found that Cheng Wei was standing dazed at the door. He
walked in front of the dazed guy and patted him on the shoulder. “What’s wrong with you?
What have you been thinking about since returning to China?”
Cheng Wei’s face reddened and he didn’t dare tell Tan Shitian that he was thinking about
being kissed. The thing that made him depressed was that every time he recalled Tan
Shitian’s kisses, he didn’t feel disgusted at all. Instead, his heartbeat accelerated and he was
even looking forward to it.
As Tan Shitian stared at him with confusion, Cheng Wei had to grab his hair and say, “I am
thinking about the news conference. If the reporter asks me a question, how should I
answer? I have to prepare the lines in advance.”
Then he talked to himself as he walked around Tan Shitian. His head was so chaotic that he
actually went to the wrong door and entered Tan Shitian’s bed. It was only after seeing that
the sheets weren’t the right colour that he turned around and ran to his bedroom.
After seeing that he was so nervous, Tan Shitian finally couldn’t help laughing. Cheng Wei
was also embarrassed about going to the wrong room and didn’t look back at Tan Shitian as
he closed the door to his room.
Since it was currently the offseason, all players except for the national team were on
holiday at home. Lu Xiao’s family was in Beijing and once he returned, he went straight
home. This left only Tan Cheng behind and it seemed a bit empty.
Cheng Wei was bored and practiced with a side account in the online game. Suddenly, there
was a knock on the door. Cheng Wei opened his door in a perturbed manner, thinking that
Tan Shitian was going to tease him with a kiss. As a result, the other person didn’t do
anything. Instead, he asked seriously, “There is still a lot of holiday time left. What are your
“I don’t know.” Cheng Wei scratched his head and replied. “My parents aren’t home and I’m
not interested in going back. I’ll just stay here and wait for the team.”
“Would you like to go out to play?” Tan Shitian looked seriously at Cheng Wei. “You have
been playing the game all season and now you are still knocking on the keyboard all day.
Don’t you feel tired? It is better to go out and relax.”
Cheng Wei felt a bit touched. “Where do you want to go?”
“How about going to Suzhou? I heard that the scenery in Jiangnan is very good and suitable
for relaxation. I booked a special hotel there and we can stay for a while, slowly exploring.”
Tan Shitian saw Cheng Wei’s eyes brighten and continued, “The cost of eating and drinking
will all come from me. I just want to go travel and I’m missing a companion. It is boring to
play alone. Do you want to go?”
Cheng Wei felt some doubts? “Paying for my food and accommodation? Is that okay?”
Tan Shitian smiled gently and harmlessly. “There is the bonus for the World Competition
and I have no place to spend it. I want to go eat Suzhou food but I can’t order too much as
one person. In any case, you are idle so why not go together?”
Cheng Wei had low EQ but he knew that ‘being particularly attentive for a wicked act or
theft.’ Tan Shitian had no reason to suddenly be good to him. What was his purpose? After
careful consideration, Cheng Wei replied, “I can go with you but I have a condition.”
Tan Shitian was in a hurry and asked, “What condition?”
Cheng Wei seriously told him, “First, I will pay for my own things. I can’t take advantage of
you. We won the World Competition and I also received the bonus. There is no reason for
you to pay alone.”
Tan Shitian saw his firm attitude and nodded. “No problem.”
Cheng Wei continued, “Go out and play. We will just look at the scenery and eat delicious
things. You can’t… can’t…”
Tan Shitian was puzzled. “I can’t?”
Cheng Wei exclaimed angrily, “You can’t tease me anymore!”
Tan Shitian smiled as he realized. “You mean, I can’t kiss you?”
The words were in a deliberately low tone that gave off an extra temptation.
Cheng Wei’s eyes widened. He never imagined that there could be anyone in the world as
shameless as Tan Shitian. He wanted to tear the other person’s mouth off but once he saw
the smile, Cheng Wei could only sigh. He hung his head and turned around. “Forget it, I
won’t go.”
“No, it is too boring alone!” Tan Shitian hurriedly reassured him. “Don’t worry, I won’t tease
you again. I was wrong before so don’t be angry. I promise that we’re only going on the trip
this time. There might be some misunderstandings between us but the Time team needs us
to manage it together. Let’s take advantage of this holiday to go out and relax for a few
days, forgetting the past. Okay?”
Tan Shitian was warm and soft and few people could refuse.
His serious eyes, soft voice and warm smile gradually lowered Cheng Wei’s defenses.
Perhaps Tan Shitian was right. No matter what contradictions they had before or how
unpleasant they were, they would play together in the future as captain and vice-captain. It
wasn’t good if their relationship was too stiff.
Cheng Wei thought this and had to promise, “Okay, I’ll go pack my bags!”
That night, Cheng Wei packed his luggage with great enthusiasm. He was full of
expectations for Jiangnan. He imagined a good mountain, beautiful water scenario,
delicious food and a fun place.
He didn’t expect that when he went out with Tan Shitian, the person pretending to be a
pure and harmless dog would gnaw at him until not every bones were left.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 364

Bonus ko-fi chapter

Chapter 364 – The Covenant of Time (4): Suddenly I Want to Kiss You

The next morning at 8 o’clock, Cheng Wei was woken up by the alarm clock. He washed his
face and came to the dining room where he found that steamed buns and soy milk had been
placed on the table. Tan Shitian still remembered that he loved the buns from the store
across the street and thoughtfully bought breakfast.
Cheng Wei ate the breakfast bought by Tan Shitian and his mood was particularly pleasant.
He ate all of it in one breath and wiped his mouth with satisfaction before bringing out his
suitcase. The moment Tan Shitian came in, Cheng Wei greeted him before asked, “Is it
necessary to go to the airport in advance? What if there is a traffic jam on the road?
Tan Shitian nodded. “Yes, it’s time to go. Let me get my luggage.”
“Is there a taxi?”
Tan Shitian smiled. “I already called for a car.”
Cheng Wei scratched his head and looked over at his luggage. He didn’t know what to say.
On the way, Cheng Wei didn’t have to worry about anything. Once they landed at the
airport, Tan Shitian had called a car in advance. At the hotel, Tan Shitian had also booked
the room in advance. He even checked the route for the place they were having dinner.
Cheng Wei just needed to follow Tan Shitian and he would eat and live well without doing
To Cheng Wei’s surprise, they were eating at a famous restaurant in Suzhou when they met
a group of acquaintances.
“Hey Captain Tan!” The person who actively rushed to say hello was the vice-captain of the
Red Fox team, Yang Muzi.
“Captain Tan, Vice-Captain Cheng, are you here for a holiday?” The Red Fox captain, Liu
Xiang also came over and she was followed by the members Meng Jie, Luo Shanshan and
others. The Red Fox team had come out to play with their captain. The female players were
dressed in casual clothes and mixed in with the crowd, not many people recognizing them.
Once Tan Shitian saw his acquaintances, he smiled and stood up. “Captain Liu, what a
Cheng Wei also smiled and waved at them. “Hello, is this a group trip?”
Yang Muzi actively ran over and sat down. “There is a month’s holiday so we went out to
eat and drink. It is such a coincidence that we also met the two of you! Do you mind sharing
a table?”
Tan Shitian replied politely, “Of course I don’t mind. This time, I’ll treat you.”
The Red Fox and Time team had a good relationship and often met in private. In particular,
Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang were players who debuted in the fourth season. They were very
familiar with each other from their time as newcomers and they stayed in touch after they
became captains of their teams. It was estimated that the players Tan Shitian had the best
relationship with were Su Guangmo and Liu Xiang.
Liu Xiang naturally sat to the right of Tan Shitian and asked in a worried manner, “Were
you blocked by reporters at the airport?”
Tan Shitian told her, “No, I ran quickly.”
Liu Xiang smiled. “That’s good. Cat God and Captain Ling accepted the interview for the
national team while we can sneak out and play.”
The two people smiled at each other as Tan Shitian said, “Yes, I hate dealing with reporters.
I have to answer the same question several times and feel that I look stupid when I smile at
the camera.”
Liu Xiang smiled. “Me too. The official words are too fake.”
Both of them were captains and had more common topics to talk about. Cheng Wei
normally didn’t care but now that he saw them smiling, he felt annoyed for some reason.
The image of the handsome man and beautiful woman was too great.
This restaurant had an extremely good environment and was arranged in the style of a
Jiangnan garden. The restaurant was very quiet and Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang spoke in low
voices, looking at each other from time to time. The handsome man and the gentle and
beautiful woman looked like a couple completely in love.
Moreover, the shape of their relationship was really a perfect match.
Liu Xiang’s personality was strong and decisive but her appearance was that of a typical
lady. She usually liked to wear simple and generous dressed. Her long hair fell to her waist
and her smile was gentle. Her aesthetics were definitely at a goddess level for men and it
was why Liu Xiang was the most popular female player in the domestic league.
Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang together were simply eye-catching and looked like a pair of
heavenly creations.
Yang Muzi joked beside him and if it was an ordinary situation, Cheng Wei and Yang Muzi
would be a team laughing together. However, today he was in a bad mood and Cheng Wei
didn’t listen to her words. The image of Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang speaking quietly together
made him confused.
It wasn’t until a special dish came to the table and Tan Shitian reminded him to eat that
Cheng Wei’s soul returned.
“This is the special squirrel mandarin fish of Suzhou. It is sour and sweet and the taste if
very fresh.” Tan Shitian placed a piece in Cheng Wei’s bowl and smiled. “Taste it. If it is
delicious then recommend it to your idol.”
Liu Xiang laughed. “Speaking of Cat God, if he was here today then we wouldn’t even get a
share of the fish.”
The Red Fox sisters laughed together and Cheng Wei smiled as he placed the piece of fish
into his mouth. The fish was really delicious but he completely lost his appetite at the image
of Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang smiling together.
This meal was naturally bought by Tan Shitian. By the time dinner ended, it was already
10:30 in the evening. Tan Shitian was worried that the female players of Red Fox wouldn’t
be safe on the road so late and personally called a car to send them back. Then he returned
to the hotel.
On the way back, Cheng Wei didn’t talk. His head hung down and there was no expression
on his face. Tan Shitian wondered, “Are you tired?”
“Yes.” Cheng Wei replied in a perfunctory manner. In fact, he wasn’t tired but was feeling
uncomfortable in his heart. It was like a heavy stone was pressing on it, making him almost
Tan Shitian say that he wasn’t in the mood and stopped talking to Cheng Wei. He simply
smiled and said, “If you’re tired, go back and sleep early.”
Back at the hotel, Cheng Wei went to the bathroom and was deep in thought as he took a
A man like Tan Shitian should be the perfect husband in girl’s hearts? His straight figure
and handsome appearance had fascinated a large number of fans. In addition, he was
young, promising, could keep calm in any situation, had a good temple, was gentle and
considerate. If Tan Shitian publicly announced that he wanted to marry, the girls lining up
to marry him would probably go all the way around Suzhou.
What did of girl did he like? Which girl would be lucky enough to become his wife?
Would it be Liu Xiang?
Liu Xiang was really beautiful and had a good personality. She didn’t have a princess
disease like some other beautiful girls nor was she pretentious. As the captain of Red Fox,
she was very generous when facing reporters and calm during a game. It was said that her
cooking skill was also great and anyone would be blessed to marry her.
Perhaps one day in the future, Tan Shitian would hug and kiss a girl, placing a ring on her
finger as he received blessings from friends and relatives. He would gently prepare
breakfast for his wife, carefully arrange trips with his wife then have a cute little baby…
Cheng Wei thought about it and became more and more irritated. He found that he couldn’t
accept that ‘Tan Shitian will get married.’
In these four years, he had been with Tan Shitian. Regardless of whether they were arguing
or cooperating in the game, he had become accustomed to Tan Shitian and was used to
seeing Tan Shitian. When he was angry, he could quarrel with Tan Shitian and when he was
happy, he could share it with Tan Shitian.
If Tan Shitian was to get married in the future, Cheng Wei could no longer get along with
Tan Shitian as he did now. There would be no one to wake up early in the morning and buy
breakfast for him. No one would comfort him when he was sad or tolerate all his problems
like Tan Shitian…
Cheng Wei stayed in the bathroom for a long time and his eyes were red when he came out.
Tan Shitian was leaning on his bed and texting. He saw that Cheng Wei was walking around
with his head hung low and seemed to be in a bad mood. Tan Shitian couldn’t help
worrying. “What’s wrong? Are you in a bad mood?”
“No, it’s nothing.” Cheng Wei didn’t dare let the other person discover his thoughts. He took
a deep breath and adjusted his emotions. Then he turned his back to Tan Shitian and lay
down, telling him, “Go and wash up.”
“Yes, then you sleep early.” Tan Shitian went to took a bath while Cheng Wei tried to sleep.
He heard the sounds coming from the bathroom and couldn’t sleep. After a while, Tan
Shitian came out and found a big bulge on the bed. It was obvious that Cheng Wei had
buried himself inside.
Tan Shitian was worried that he would suffocate himself and walked over, gently opening
the quilt. As a result, Tan Shitian saw a scene that shocked him. Cheng Wei’s eyes were red
and wet, like he was going to cry at any second.
Tan Shitian’s heart seemed to be grabbed by a pair of hands. He immediately sat on the bed
and gently touched Cheng Wei’s wet hair, asking softly, “What’s wrong? Who bullied you?”
Cheng Wei bit his lip and didn’t speak. He twisted his head and refused to look at Tan
Tan Shitian gently pinched his chin and forced his head back. “What happened?”
Cheng Wei was silent for a moment before directly asking, “Do you like Liu Xiang?”
Tan Shitian was stunned. “How can you ask this?”
“The two of you have known each other for many years and debuted together. Everyone
says that your best relationship in private is with Liu Xiang. You are also a good match
when standing together.”
Tan Shitian smiled. “I’m only friends with her.”
Cheng Wei didn’t believe it. “How is that possible? She is so beautiful. Your heart isn’t
moved at all?”
Tan Shitian reluctantly replied, “There are many beautiful girls. Liu Xiang isn’t the type I
Cheng Wei was a bit curious. “What type do you like?”
Tan Shitian smiled and leaned closer. “Your bad mood today… is it because you are
Cheng Wei was stunned before reacting. His cheeks turned red and he immediately denied
it. “Nonsense! How can I be jealous? You and I aren’t…”
Maybe it was because he was nervous but his tongue was knotted and he couldn’t complete
a sentence.
Tan Shitian saw his flustered expression and couldn’t help touching Cheng Wei’s red face. “I
promised you something before leaving Beijing but now… I might have to break my
The distance between the two of them was getting closer. Cheng Wei asked nervously, “W-
Tan Shitian smiled and lowered his voice. “I promised not to kiss you but now I suddenly
want to kiss you.”
Cheng Wei stared and didn’t know how to react as his lips were gently covered by Tan

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 365

Chapter 365 – The Covenant of Time (5): Confession

The warm of the lips caused Cheng Wei’s body to freeze. Tan Shitian took the opportunity
to open his teeth and explore with the tongue. He gently swept over the teeth and the gums.
His kiss was particularly gentle as if appeasing the other person.
His mouth was full of Tan Shitian’s familiar taste. Cheng Wei’s face became redder and
redder. Reason told him that he should immediately push this person away but in the
bottom of his heart, he had a strong attachment to Tan Shitian’s kiss. Thus, he couldn’t bear
to do the ‘push’ action…
It was unknown how long the kiss lasted but Cheng Wei was dizzy. It wasn’t until he was
about to suffocate that Tan Shitian let him go.
Cheng Wei lay on the bed with a flushed face and his wet eyes were dazed. His appearance
was tempting to the extreme. If Tan Shitian didn’t have strong self-control, he would likely
eat Cheng Wei dry right at this moment.
However, Tan Shitian saw this ignorant expression and was reluctant to hurt him. Tan
Shitian took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions. Then he smiled and wiped the liquid
on his lips before whispering, “Do you like it?”
Cheng Wei’s soul finally returned and he pushed hard at his person. He sat up on the bed
and trembled with anger. “Tan Shitian, do you think it is fun to play with me? You are a
bastard! I am your teammate, not a toy you’ve bought! Do you think this type of thing is
very fun? How can you be so shameless?”
Cheng Wei’s mouth was very fast when he was scolding people and the speed was
comparable to a machine gun. In ordinary circumstances, he could probably scold Tan
Shitian for half an hour but today he felt terrible uncomfortable. Once he said these lines,
his voice choked up and he couldn’t think of any more words. He could only stare angrily at
Tan Shitian.
Tan Shitian didn’t have any awareness of his mistake at all. He saw Cheng Wei’s big eyes
and reached out to gently patted Cheng Wei’s hair. He asked softly, “Why are you so angry?”
Cheng Wei quickly blew up and slapped Tan Shitian’s hand. Tan Shitian grabbed his finger
and asked, “Tell me, why are you angry? Is it because I kissed you?”
Cheng Wei was stunned. In fact, his anger wasn’t because Tan Shitian kissed him.
Maybe he was a bit angry when Tan Shitian first started joking about this thing. Later, he
was kissed by Tan Shitian many times and probably became used to it. He felt that kissing
Tan Shitian was particularly comfortable.
Reason told him this wasn’t right. Tan Shitian was a man and the captain of the Time team.
They could only be comrades who fought side by side. It was strange that his heart would
jump fiercely every time he was kissed and he couldn’t control himself.
Tan Shitian’s kiss was like magic, letting him indulge and forget everything. Even when he
dreamt, he remembered it repeatedly. Whenever he thought about it, his heart would beat
Was he crazy? It was obvious that Tan Shitian was just teasing him but he was confused
like an idiot.
Cheng Wei became more depressed and his original anger was replaced with sadness. He
turned his head away from Tan Shitian’s gaze and spoke softly. “I will book a ticket back to
Beijing tomorrow. There are the female members of Red Fox here and they can accompany
you to play.”
Tan Shitian gently pinched Cheng Wei’s chin and turned his head. “Are you angry today
because of Liu Xiang?”
Cheng Wei’s centre was poked and he became angry again. “Tan Shitian, why don’t you go
find a girlfriend? So many beautiful women like you, there is no need to experiment with
me. I also have self-respect…”
Before he could finish, he was forcefully hugged by Tan Shitian. “I’m not good and let you
Cheng Wei pushed him but he was held tighter by Tan Shitian. Cheng Wei was originally
small and being hugged like this, his cheek was pressed against Tan Shitian’s chest and he
could clearly hear the other person’s heartbeat.
“Xiao Wei, I have a pure friendship with Liu Xiang. I won’t go to find a girlfriend. In fact, I
have only kissed you. You are my first kiss and I’m not kissing you for experimentation…”
Tan Shitian paused before continuing softly. “I want to kiss you because I like you.”
Cheng Wei listened foolishly and was stunned by the last words.
Tan Shitian smiled and reached out to pat Cheng Wei’s hair, whispering, “From small to big,
I have never been close to anyone but you are different. Every time I see you, I want to hug
you, kiss you, hold your hand and tie you to my side all the time… this is because I like you.”
Cheng Wei’s spirit finally returned and he blushed. “I am a man. D-Don’t joke around…”
Oh my god, Tan Shitian was confessing to him? Tan Shitian said he liked him? How could
this be possible? He always thought that Tan Shitian kissed him as a joke. He didn’t expect
Tan Shitian to say that he liked Cheng Wei.
“I’m serious. I’m not joking.” Tan Shitian’s eyes were gentle and deep, his tone
extraordinarily sincere. “You just said that you are a man. If I don’t like you, would I kiss a
“…” His words seemed to make sense? Cheng Wei frowned and didn’t know what to do.
“I didn’t tell you before because I was worried about scaring you. Now I really don’t want to
endure anymore. I know that it is hard for you to accept. Don’t be afraid. I won’t force you
to do anything. I just explained it to you today to let you understand that I like your heart.”
Tan Shitian gently held Cheng Wei’s hand. “It was my fault for joking around about this type
of thing. I didn’t think about your feelings. I’m sorry and promise to respect your wishes in
the future.”
“Cheng Wei, I’m seriously asking you. Are you willing to be together with me like lovers?”
“…” Cheng Wei didn’t know how to answer this question. He was his first time being
confessed to and he felt like he had suddenly been smashed with millions of lottery tickets.
His head was completely a mess.
Cheng Wei was sitting there in a daze and it was obviously hard for him to digest. Tan
Shitian smiled gracefully and let go of Cheng Wei’s hand. “You can rest assured, I won’t
force you. Think about it and give me an answer later.”
“Yes…” Cheng Wei nodded awkwardly.
Tan Shitian arranged his hair and smiled. “Go to bed early.
His voice was so good and the gentle confession was enough to make the heart drunk.
The lights in the room turned off and it became dark. Cheng Wei lay in bed and couldn’t
Tan Shitian’s confession caused him to feel 70% shocked by the remaining 30% was an
uncontrollable joy. He found that he didn’t reject Tan Shitian’s affection. On the contrary, he
learnt that Tan Shitian wasn’t teasing him and wouldn’t look for a girlfriend and his mood
became extremely relaxed and excited.
The person Tan Shitian liked was him. Tan Shitian wasn’t planning to find a girlfriend then
couldn’t Cheng Wei always be with Tan Shitian? Tan Shitian would never leave him?
If he was angry, he could go find Tan Shitian to bicker. If he was happy then he could find
Tan Shitian to go shopping, watch movies or simply play cards. If he was hungry, Tan
Shitian would cook for him…
This life would be just as good as the past few years in the Time team. It was simple, warm
and reassuring.
In fact, Cheng Wei never thought about what he would do if he one day left the Time team
and the Miracle League. Would it be particularly boring?
However, if Tan Shitian was around, he wouldn’t be so confused about his future life.
His mouth hadn’t given a clear answer but Cheng Wei kept thinking about how good it felt
to spend time with Tan Shitian. In his heart, he had already given the answer.
Due to insomnia last night, Cheng Wei woke up when it was almost noon. Tan Shitian
wasn’t in the hotel room which made Cheng Wei feel more relaxed. At least he didn’t have
to face the other person in this embarrassing state.
He ran to the bathroom to quickly wash his face and brushed his teeth. Then he sat on the
bed and waited for Tan Shitian to come back. As if their hearts were connected, Tan Shitian
opened the door and saw Cheng Wei sitting there. He sat next to him and looked at Cheng
Wei softly. “Are you hungry? Let’s go have lunch first.”
Cheng Wei wondered, “Where did you go?”
“I want to buy tickets for a sightseeing event. We can go directly after eating.”
Cheng Wei was a bit embarrassed and scratched his head. “I overslept. Why didn’t you call
Tan Shitian replied, “You lost sleep last night and I wanted you to sleep a bit more.”
“How do you know that I didn’t sleep last night?” Cheng Wei glanced at him with surprise.
“It is because I also found it hard to sleep.” Tan Shitian replied frankly as he smiled at
Cheng Wei. “I confessed to someone for the first time and was worried about being
rejected. Thus, I didn’t sleep well.”
Cheng Wei’s heart jumped. He immediately looked away and whispered, “The things you
said last night. I don’t understand things about love. If you want, we can… try it first?”
Tan Shitian was stunned. His understood what Cheng Wei was saying and his heart felt
ecstatic. He gently held Cheng Wei’s shoulder and his voice trembled with excitement.
“Cheng Wei, do you know what you are saying?”
Cheng Wei scratched his head, his expression still a bit dazed. “I have only played games in
the past few years and don’t know what it means by liking someone. In any case, I don’t
want to see you with a girlfriend or see you kiss others. You want to be with me so let’s try
This guy didn’t know about love? He had a strong desire not to ‘see you kiss others’ and still
said he didn’t like a person?
Cheng Wei’s face showed he was troubled thinking about this complicated problem, like
encountering a mathematical problem that couldn’t be understood. He was a bit stupid but
was also straightforward and cute.
Tan Shitian knew that in apart from competitions and games, Cheng Wei was slow and
ignorant about feelings. Now Cheng Wei felt jealous because Tan Shitian walked with other
girls and his heart beat faster because of a kiss… this showed that Cheng Wei actually liked
him. However, Cheng Wei hadn’t experienced this before and couldn’t distinguish his
Tan Shitian had been waiting many years for Cheng Wei to finally open up. How could he
let go once it happened?
Tan Shitian reached out and held Cheng Wei gently. He smiled and said, “From today on, we
will be together as lovers. You promised so you can’t feel regret.”
Cheng Wei also reached out and tentatively hugged the other person. He declared seriously,
“I won’t regret it.”
Surprisingly, the feeling of holding Tan Shitian was wonderful. The refreshing and gentle
atmosphere of Tan Shitian’s body was transmitted through the nose and warmed his heart.
Tan Shitian tightened his arms and even had the urge to cry. After joining the Time team,
the most unexpected harvest was the person in his arms.
Perhaps Cheng Wei had many shortcomings but in Tan Shitian’s heart, this was the love he
wanted to protect all his life.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 366

Chapter 366 – The Covenant of Time (6)
Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei prepared to go out for lunch. As a result, Tan Shitian’s phone
suddenly rang. Cheng Wei saw that the name on the caller ID was Liu Xiang. Yesterday, he
had been depressed because Tan Shitian and Liu Xiang were too close but Tan Shitian
clearly explained things last night. Now Cheng Wei saw Liu Xiang’s name and felt somewhat
“Hello, Liu Xiang.” Tan Shitian picked up the phone calmly.
“Have you had lunch with Xiao Wei? I found a special restaurant near your hotel. You
invited us for dinner last night so I should invite you for a meal.” Yang Muzi interjected next
to her. “Tell them that the food in this restaurant is delicious! I’ve been there once!”
Tan Shitian looked at Cheng Wei and asked him what to do by mouthing it. Cheng Wei
scratched his head and whispered, “Since Captain Liu kindly invited us to eat, we should go.
It is too impolite to refuse directly.”
Tan Shitian nodded and replied on the phone. “Thank you, please send me the address and
I’ll come over with Xiao Wei.”
He hung up the phone and pinched Cheng Wei’s face, asking in a low voice, “Are you eating
Liu Xiang’s vinegar?”
Cheng Wei was embarrassed and exclaimed angrily, “Who is eating her vinegar? Don’t talk
nonsense! Captain Liu is an excellent female player. Why are you guys always dragging her
out as cannon fodder?”
Tan Shitian wanted to laugh but was afraid of Cheng Wei and forcibly held it back. He
smiled and replied, “Okay, I was wrong.”
It was the usual bickering but the air seemed filled with a sweet flavour.
Cheng Wei’s heart beat faster and he turned to change his clothes. Previously in the
dormitory, they were both boys and Cheng Wei hadn’t been uncomfortable changing
clothes in front of Tan Shitian. He took off his pyjamas and put on a simple t-shirt, not
noticing that Tan Shitian was watching behind him.
After changing his clothes, Cheng Wei turned back and wondered, “Are we going now?”
Tan Shitian took a deep breath and smiled before taking Cheng Wei’s hand. “Let’s go.”
Cheng Wei felt somewhat awkward and wanted to pull his hand back but Tan Shitian held it
tightly. Cheng Wei no longer struggled and headed to the restaurant with Tan Shitian.
After arriving at the restaurant, they found out that Liu Xiang would leave Suzhou today to
go to Hangzhou. The reason she invited Tan Cheng to lunch was also a polite farewell.
The private room had already been booked and Yang Muzi warmly invited the two people
to sit down. Tan Shitian was worried that Cheng Wei would be unhappy and deliberately
separated from Liu Xiang with an empty seat. He sat to Cheng Wei’s side and thoughtfully
passed the dishes to Cheng Wei. He even peeled crab meat and placed it on Cheng Wei’s
Liu Xiang smiled and said, “Captain Tan really takes care of people.”
Tan Shitian explained, “He doesn’t peel crabs. Previously in the Time team, he tried to eat
crabs and made a mess, but he couldn’t obtain much meat. He struggled with the crab legs
and I was almost anxious to death.”
Cheng Wei’s face turned red as he glared at Tan Shitian. “Can you not mention my black
Tan Shitian immediately made a zipping gesture at his mouth and said, “Okay, I won’t say
Liu Xiang saw this scene and couldn’t help laughing. There were rumours online that Tan
Cheng didn’t agree and often argued. Now it seemed that Tan Shitian was always protecting
Cheng Wei. Cheng Wei was more straightforward and didn’t consider the consequences
while Tan Shitian was gentle and tolerate. Their personalities actually fit well.
After lunch, Liu Xiang took the initiative to pay the bill. They separated at the restaurant
door. The female members of Red Fox headed to the station together while Tan Shitian and
Cheng Wei went to see the famous Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou Gardens.
There were many tourists. They were all strangers but it would be difficult if people
familiar with Miracle recognized the two of them. If they saw the two people holding hands,
it would be very troublesome to explain. Tan Shitian was always measured when doing
things and didn’t hold Cheng Wei’s hand in the crowd. The two men walked next to each
other like ordinary friends and took photos when they met beautiful sights.
Usually, they were facing the computer all day and it was difficult to relax. Cheng Wei was
very excited and held his phone to take photos non-stop. Tan Shitian saw his energetic
appearance and couldn’t help smiling. In fact, the actual Cheng Wei was an easy person. Just
give him something to eat and occasionally take him out to play and he would be
particularly happy.
He was easy to satisfy. He had no ambition and didn’t care about luxury. Such a person
lived simply and happily and this was the part Tan Shitian liked most about him. Tan
Shitian liked to see Cheng Wei happy. This type of Cheng Wei made Tan Shitian feel that his
mood was particularly clear, just like the blue sky above him.
The journey plan was 10 days. The two people played in Suzhou for a few days before
diverting to Yangzhou and Hangzhou to have fun.
Once the journey was over, Tan Shitian took Cheng Wei back to Beijing. For the full 10 day
trip, Cheng Wei didn’t need to worry about anything regarding tickets, hotels, attractions
and places to eat. He just needed to follow Tan Shitian.
Sitting on the plane back to Beijing, the biggest feeling in Cheng Wei’s heart was that Tan
Shitian was a very considerate person. It was really comfortable being with him!
The club was on holiday so returning to the dormitory wasn’t convenient. Tan Shitian
thought about it and suggested, “In any case, the team will start training in two weeks. Do
you want to go to my place to stay for a few days?”
Cheng Wei was a bit embarrassed. “Your place? How will I explain to your parents…”
Tan Shitian smiled. “My parents aren’t in Beijing. I live alone in my house so you don’t have
to worry.”
Cheng Wei immediately became happy after hearing this and promised, “Okay, I haven’t
been to your home yet!”
Cheng Wei followed Tan Shitian to a community with high-rise buildings that had over 30
floors. Cheng Wei might not understand Beijing’s housing prices but he could guess that a
house here wasn’t cheap. In the end, Cheng Wei didn’t ask if Tan Shitian’s parents had given
him this place or if he bought it himself. Cheng Wei just followed Tan Shitian into the
elevator to the 30th floor.
The two bedroom, one bathroom house was decorated in a very simple style. The pictures
hanging in the living room matched the surrounding furniture and was obviously chosen by
the owner. The bedroom was very comfortable and warm. Apart from the large double bed
and tailored wardrobe, there were no extra decorations. It was warm and simple.
There was also a room that was furnished as a study. The design of the study was simple
and elegant. After entering, a desk with two soft chairs could be seen. The opposite side of
the table contained a bookcase that occupied a whole wall. It was full of books and famous
titles all over the world could be seen in one glance.
After looking around the place, Cheng Wei returned to the door of the study and was
surprised. “Do you like reading books?”
Tan Shitian replied, “Yes, I usually take a look when I am free.”
Cheng Wei’s face was full of admiration. “No wonder why you know so much. I don’t like
reading books. When I was young, I fell asleep as soon as I read any books.”
Tan Shitian imagining him holding a book and dozing off and couldn’t help rubbing Cheng
Wei’s head. “You must’ve always been beaten up as a kid for being naughty, right?”
Cheng Wei was embarrassed. “How did you know?”
Tan Shitian just smiled at him. “Put away your luggage first and take a shower. I’ll go
prepare dinner.”
By the time Cheng Wei came out of the shower, a hearty meal had been set up in the dining
The two people ate facing each other and Cheng Wei was feeling particularly satisfied. He
really wanted to be together with Tan Shitian like this.
At 10 o’clock in the evening, Tan Shitian finished taking a shower and found that Cheng Wei
was wandering around the house. He asked in a puzzled manner, “What are you looking
Cheng Wei walked over. “Where will I sleep?”
Tan Shitian told him, “Sleep in the bedroom.”
“Then where will you sleep?”
Tan Shitian finally understood his thoughts and smiled. “I will also sleep in the bedroom.
The bed is big enough, don’t worry.”
Cheng Wei just nodded. “Then I’m going to sleep.”
The two of them walked into the bedroom. Cheng Wei was lying in bed and about to go to
sleep when Tan Shitian suddenly hugged him from behind.
Cheng Wei’s heart beat like a drum and he was too stiff to move.
Tan Shitian whispered, “Xiao Wei, I want to kiss you.”
This gentle voice couldn’t be refused at all. In any case, it wasn’t the first time kissing.
Cheng Wei turned around and said with a red face, “This time I will kiss you.”
He had been ‘taught’ many times and Cheng Wei was eager to take the initiative. Tan
Shitian heard this and his eyes lit up. His hands clung to Cheng Wei and he smiled. “Okay.”
Cheng Wei was excited and kissed him with a curious attitude. His movements were raw
and bit rough but this simple kiss instantly ignited Tan Shitian’s desire that he had been
suppressing for a long time.
The next part has been censored. To read the uncensored version, click the following link
Uncensored Version
Tan Shitian stared at the person sleeping in his arms and his heart filled with happiness. He
couldn’t help kissing Cheng Wei’s red lips and declared softly, “Xiao Wei, I love you.”
He finally had Cheng Wei.
In the future, he would use his full strength to protect the lover who trusted him.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 367

Extra 2 Chapter 367 – Brothers’ Feelings (1)

After the World Competition, Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui returned to Shenzhen.
Since the Ghost Spirits team was on holiday, the club only had one security guard left. Thus,
the two directly returned home with their luggage.
Both of Zhang Shaohui’s parents died at a very young age and he was taken in by a distant
cousin. He stayed in this home for more than 10 years and although his blood relationship
with his cousin was very distant, he always treated has as his aunt in his heart.
When the two people arrived home, Zhang Wen was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Zhang
Shaohui smelt the delicious fragrance and curiously asked, “A good smell. Auntie, what are
you making that is so delicious?”
Mother Lou smiled. “I am making your favourite braised pork ribs to five to the two of you.”
Lou Wushuang’s personality was cold and he rarely communicated with his parents. On the
other hand, Zhang Shaohui was enthusiastic and honest, especially with his elders. After a
long time, Zhang Shaohui was like this family’s own son.
Lou Wushuang entered the house and saw a man sitting on the sofa of the living room
while reading a newspaper. He went over and greeted the man. “Father.”
Instead of going to a university, Lou Wushuang ran to the e-sports world with his cousin.
Lou Wushuang’s father was so angry he almost got a heart attack but Lou Wushuang was
stubborn and didn’t listen to his parents’ advice. His father had been worried and had little
contact with his son in recent years. The relationship between father and son was very
It wasn’t until the Ghost Spirits won the championship under Lou Wushuang’s leadership
that his father’s thoughts gradually changed.
This time, the Lou Zhang brothers represented the national team in the World Competition.
Father Lou might not understand the game but he watched several live broadcasts with his
wife. Every time he saw the brothers playing, he couldn’t help feeling excited.
Perhaps the older generation’s thoughts were too old. He didn’t understand the e-sports
that young people played but since it received the approval of the state, it showed it wasn’t
a bad business. His son had strong opinions from a young age and he should accept it.
Thinking of this, the man’s expression softened a lot and he glanced at his son. “Put away
your luggage first and get ready to eat.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang placed his luggage in the bedroom, washed and returned to the table.
Zhang Shaohui was already helping Mother Lou set up a table full of delicacies.
The family sat down to eat. Lou Wushuang’s face was as cold as always as he ate. It was
Zhang Shaohui who excitedly told the two elders many things about the World
Competition, laughing as Mother Lou praised him.
After dinner, Zhang Shaohui went to the kitchen to help cut a plate of fruit. Lou Wushuang
headed to the living room and said, “Father, I have something to discuss with you.”
The son usually didn’t speak a lot but once he spoke seriously, it showed there was
something important to discuss.
Father Lou took it seriously and asked, “What is it?”
Lou Wushuang told him, “I and Ah Hui have grown up and it isn’t convenient to live at
home. I want to buy a house and move out.”
Zhang Shaohui heard this and immediately came over while scratching his head. “Brother,
or I will move away…”
“Don’t interrupt.” Lou Wushuang scolded him and watched his father as he continued. “Our
family’s home is too small. There are only two rooms and Ah Hui and I have been sharing a
room. Two children can squeeze into a bed to sleep but now we are so big. The two of us
can’t sleep in one bed, right?”
Mother Lou agreed. “You are right, I also think this house is too much. They are both over
20 years old and it will be difficult to live with elders when they get married.” She cut the
apples as she spoke. “Let’s say that Ah Hui wants to find a girlfriend. Who will be willing to
speak to him if they know he lives with his cousin’s family?”
Zhang Shaohui exclaimed, “It is still early. Brother should find one first…”
Lou Wushuang stared coldly at him and Zhang Shaohui immediately shut up. He sensed
that his cousin seemed a bit angry but didn’t know the reason. He had to sit next to his
cousin and stay silent.
“I have been saving up and there is enough to buy a house. I want to buy a two bedroom
place and will first move out with Ah Hui for a while. Then we will think about the future.”
Lou Wushuang’s expression was very serious and there was no way to refute his reasons.
Mother Lou expressed support. “This is good. Buying two sets at a time won’t cost as much
money. You can first buy a place to move out. In any case, the two of you are young and can
slowly earn money before changing to a bigger house.”
Zhang Shaohui glanced at Lou Wushuang and asked tentatively, “I also have some savings.
Brother… should we buy it together?”
Lou Wushuang wasn’t angry this time and nodded. “Okay.”
Three people in the family agreed and Father Lou had nothing to object to. He could only
say, “It isn’t a trivial matter to buy a house. Take a few real estate agents to take a look and
compare before making a decision.”
“Rest assured, I’ll consider it carefully.” Lou Wushuang turned to Zhang Shaohui.
“Tomorrow, go and look at houses with me. It is best to buy a place during this holiday.”
“Yes, I know!” Zhang Shaohui nodded and promised.
After taking a shower, the parents went to sleep first and Lou Wushuang and Zhang
Shaohui took successively took a bath. Zhang Shaohui found that it was really inconvenient
for everyone to live together, especially when it came to bathing at night. It felt
uncomfortable lining up with elders for the shower. At least in the Ghost Spirits team, he
shared a double dormitory with Lou Wushuang.
They had lived together in this bedroom for more than 10 years. It didn’t feel crowded
when they were young, only warm. Now the two 20 year old men really would be
uncomfortable when crammed into one bed.
Zhang Shaohui saw his brother sitting on the edge of the bed and suggested, “Brother, I will
take the floor tonight.”
“It is just a few days, Squeezing in is nothing.” Lou Wushuang pointed to the spot next to
him. “Come over, I have something to say to you.”
Zhang Shaohui immediately walked over and sat down. “Brother, tell me.”
“The reason I want to move out isn’t to abandon you. Don’t misunderstand.” Lou Wushuang
pushed up his glasses and stared seriously. “We are grown up and it is inconvenient to live
with my parents. If it is our own home, we can casually wear shorts in the summer.
However, if there are elders then we must be scrupulous in all aspects, whether it is playing
games or watching TV. I am also worried about arguing with them. Do you understand
what I mean?”
“Of course I understand!” Zhang Shaohui smiled. “I know that you wouldn’t abandon me.
You have been treating me as a younger brother since childhood. How could you do that?”
He wrapped an arm around Lou Wushuang’s shoulder to express brotherly affection.
Lou Wushuang turned a blind eye to it while thinking, ‘Who will treat you as a brother? The
blood relationship between us is distant enough to be my great-grandfather’s generation!’
The blood relationship was so distant yet Lou Wushuang’s parents took in Zhang Shaohui
to raise. In fact, it was because Lou Wushuang’s personality was too cold and he never
played with other children. His mother was worried her son would experience problems
and took in Zhang Shaohui to give him a companion.
Zhang Shaohui came home and Lou Wushuang’s personality really improved a lot. At the
very least, he would smile. Whenever the two children played together, Zhang Shaohui
would toss the toys while Lou Wushuang watched from the side but it was better than Lou
Wushuang being alone.
After growing up together, Zhang Shaohui was like a small heater. He filled Lou Wushuang’s
childhood and teenage years with sunshine and happiness, making him long inseparable
from this brother.
It was just that this strong emotion that almost burned him had always been well hidden in
his heart.
That night, Zhang Shaohui stubbornly slept on the ground. he felt that his height of 1.8
metres and his strength would definitely squeeze his brother, making Lou Wushuang’s
sleep uncomfortable.
Lou Wushuang felt helpless as he saw Zhang Shaohui lying on the floor while covered in a
blanket. Lou Wushuang really wanted to bring him up but knew this type of thing couldn’t
be forced. Otherwise, it would be counterproductive.
The next morning, they finished eating and Lou Wushuang brought Zhang Shaohui to a real
estate agency to express his ideas and requirements.
“I’d like it to be quiet. It is better if the community isn’t in the downtown area. The
environment should be better. The size of the house doesn’t need to be too large. Two
rooms sufficient for two people to live are enough.” Lou Wushuang spoke in a calm manner.
The sister assisting them asked seriously, “A place for two people to live, Mr. Lou, are you
preparing a wedding house?”
Lou Wushuang replied lightly, “Yes.”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head. His cousin was buying a house in advance for marriage?
Then Zhang Shaohui would borrow it a while and once his brother got a girlfriend, he
would move out. Zhang Shaohui thought this and felt relieved.
The agent seemed to be saying something to him. Lou Wushuang was forced to turn around
and asked, “Do you like an elevator or a staircase?”
Zhang Shaohui’s senses returned and he was startled. “Eh?” What about him? Wasn’t Lou
Woushang preparing a wedding house?
Lou Wushuang’s face was cold. “Would you like an elevator or staircase? Or do you want to
buy a villa?”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “This… Brother, you decide.” Then he went to Lou Wushuang and
whispered, “Isn’t a villa expensive? I don’t think it is necessary to buy a big wedding house.
A small house is warm and good enough.”
“I think so too.” Lou Wushuang nodded. “Then buy a place in a high-rise building. A good
community with property management is better and the facilities should be perfect. I don’t
want to pay money every month for the loan. A lump sum… how about your money?”
Zhang Shaohui immediately pulled out his bank card and handed it to Lou Wushuang. “No
problem, here’s all my money for you!”
Lou Wushuang accepted the card and a hint of a smile appeared on his cold face.
There was a saying that accounts shouldn’t be settled between brothers. However, once
Lou Wushuang asked for money, Zhang Shaohui didn’t hesitate to take out all his savings.
This wasn’t something that ordinary people could do.
Did it mean the feelings between them had already surpassed ordinary brotherhood?

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GLS: Chapter 368

Chapter 368 – Brothers’ Feelings (2)

Lou Wushuang didn’t buy a house on a whim. He had long checked a lot of information and
found a well-respected real estate agency. The agent’s work was very efficient and several
houses that met his requirements were chosen in less than three days. Lou Wushuang took
his brother to see a few properties and wasn’t very satisfied. The agent said they would
continue to check and the two brothers returned home.
A long day of running around resulted in nothing. On the way back, Lou Wushuang was
very cold. Zhang Shaohui knew he was in a bad mood and took the initiative to comfort
him. “Brother, don’t worry. There is still a lot of time left on the holiday and I will
accompany you to see and choose a good one.”
He just finished speaking when the phone rang. Zhang Shaohui picked it up and heard a
gentle female voice. “Is this Zhang Shaohui? I’m Liu Ying, the monitor of Class 37. Do you
Zhang Shaohui smiled. “Class monitor, of course I remember!”
In high school, Lou Wushuang’s performance was excellent and he was assigned to a key
class of the school. Zhang Shaohui naturally couldn’t be in the same class with his brother
and Class 37 was an ordinary class. Zhang Shaohui’s grades weren’t very good but he got
along with his class. He was on Class 37’s sports committee. He was tall, handsome, friendly
and played basketball. He often helped girls carry things to the dormitory and was
naturally very popular with girls.
It was just that Zhang Shaohui was unable of the love of the girls. Every day, he would go to
the school gates to go home with Lou Wushuang. Lou Wushuang was cold and the sharp
eyes behind the lens frightened people. Many girls wanted to express their affection to
Zhang Shaohui but didn’t dare approach him because of the natural moving ice cube
around him.
Lou Wushuang actually knew the thoughts of these girls. There were at least four girls in
Class 37 who liked Zhang Shaohui. Once he heard Zhang Shaohui called ‘class monitor’ on
the phone, his face immediately cooled down.
“Class reunion?” Zhang Shaohui was a bit surprised, “How many of them will be at this
party? Ah Niu and the others are going? Well… I am also idle these days. Send me the time
and place and I will come.”
Zhang Shaohui hung up the phone and explained to his brother, “It was my high school’s
class monitor to organize a reunion.”
Lou Wushuang asked lightly, “Do you want to go?”
“Well, I haven’t seen them for two years after graduation. The party is in Shenzhen and
quite a few people are going.” Zhang Shaohui’s tone was a bit excited. “Do you remember
Ah Nui and the others? A few of my best friends in high school are going so I should join in
the fun.”
HIs phone screen lit up. It was a text message with the time and address of the class
reunion. Zhang Shaohui replied that he received it and then there was a message stating
that the class monitor had added him to the class group on WeChat.
The class group of Class 37 had 40 people as members. There was actually so many.
“Wow, the whole class is here!” Zhang Shaohui exclaimed while typing. “Brother, do you
remember my class monitor? She was the school flower of that year.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang replied lightly but the image of the girl who secretly followed Zhang
Shaohui with a red face appeared in his mind and he couldn’t help feeling annoyed.
At the class reunion, would all the girls who secretly loved Zhang Shaohui in the past
confess to him?
Should he hurry and start? Otherwise, what if his stupid younger brother was taken away
by someone else?
Lou Wushuang frowned as he considered the timing. Zhang Shaohui was excitedly chatting
with his old classmates in the WeChat group and didn’t realize his brother’s strangeness.
At noon the next day, Lou Wushuang received news from the agent that a house owner was
going abroad and wanted to get out as soon as possible. The house type fit Lou Wushuang’s
requirements and he should take a look.
Lou Wushuang drove with his brother to check and sure enough, there were no
The house size was small but the layout was reasonable. It faced the north and south and
had plenty of natural light. The living room and dining room were very spacious. There
were two bedrooms. One was the master bedroom with a double bed and the other was a
child’s room. The bathroom was large in size and even had a large bathtub.
It could be seen that the furniture had just been moved in and was very new. The label on
the bathtub wasn’t torn and it had obviously never been used.
The agent introduced it. “Mr. Lou, this house was newly renovated for a young couple. They
originally planned to move in after getting married this month. However, due to changes in
the man’s business, the couple decided to go abroad together to develop. They don’t have
many relatives in China and it is useless to keep the house. It is too much trouble to rent so
they entrusted it to our company to sell as soon as possible.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang nodded and carefully examined the furnishings of the house.
According to the agent, the couple had to go abroad just after decorating the wedding
house. It was a wedding house so the decorating style was warm and sweet, just in line
with his heart.
He originally wanted to buy an empty place to decorate himself but the design to
construction would take at least three months. After ordinary furniture, he would have to
wait another month. Then after all the furniture was set up, he had to ventilate it. He would
only be able to move in by approximately the Spring Festival of net year. Now this
renovated wedding house in front of him was cheap and ready-made.
Lou Wushuang thought about it and asked, “What is the owner’s offer?”
The agent reported a price and explained after seeing that Lou Wushuang’s expression
didn’t change. “It is a new house with fine decorations so the price is slightly more
expensive. After all, the owners selected the furniture and the materials are a relatively
good brand. The environmental protection and quality can be assured. The house has been
installed and if you buy it, you can move in directly.”
Lou Wushuang nodded and praised, “The house is really good.”
He wasn’t good at communicating with people since he was a child, not to mention
bargaining. Zhang Shaohui was worried his brother would agree immediately and stepped
forward. “This house is good but the price is too expensive. If you talk to the owner about a
10% discount, we will consider it.”
The agent was a bit embarrassed. “10% is a bit…”
Zhang Shaohui mentioned, “They just need money for going abroad. Not to mention that
such an expensive house won’t necessarily be sold. If the price is right, we can pay it off in
one lump sum. This will also save them some trouble, right?”
The agent and Zhang Shaohui started to bargain. Lou Wushuang didn’t like to argue with
people and turned to the bedroom.
The house was located on the 26th floor. He stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows
and the view was very wide. He could imagine standing here at night and overlooking the
bustling city of lights.
Lou Wushuang really liked this place. He turned to the agent and said, “I will consider this
house. Take to the owners about my brother’s advice on the price. If appropriate, we can do
the transfer formalities in the next few days.”
It was rare to encounter such a simple buyer. The agent nodded and promised to go back to
talk to the owners.
That evening, the agent sent a message stating that the owners agreed to sell at the
discounted price. It was very difficult to find a buyer who would pay a one-time lump sum
for such an expensive house. It was clear that the owners were urgent to go abroad and
wanted to get this done. Both sides hit it off. Lou Wushuang had always been vigorous in
his work. In a few days, the real estate contract was signed and he was ready to move in.
Most of his daily necessities with Zhang Shaohui were in the dormitory of the Ghost Spirits
team. Their room at home mainly contained childhood toys, textbooks from the student era
and many things that weren’t needed at a new home. Lou Wushuang simply packed up a
few clothes, stuffed a photo album locked in his drawer into the box and moved into his
new home with Zhang Shaohui.
It happened to be night when they moved in. Zhang Shaohui saw the bustling night scene
from the windows and cried out excitedly, “Brother, you are really visionary. This house is
a bargain buy.”
Lou Wushuang replied, “It is our luck.”
“Of course, your luck has always been good!” Zhang Shaohui turned around and asked, “Are
you hungry? Let me go and cook.”
Zhang Shaohui went to the open kitchen to make dinner and Lou Wushuang took a shower
in the bathroom.
Once he came back, he found that Zhang Shaohui had cooked rice, garlic and cabbage,
braised eggplant, fried bamboo shoots and seaweed egg soup. It was very simple home
cooking. Zhang Shaohui’s cooking wasn’t the best but for Lou Wushuang, these dishes were
very appetizing.
He was able to have dinner with Zhang Shaohui in their own home. The image he imagined
for many years and repeated in his dreams had finally come true, making him
uncontrollably excited.
However, in front of Zhang Shaohui’s calm gaze, he had to suppress the strong desire in his
heart and calmly bow his head to eat.
They finished eating and Zhang Shaohui started to unpack. Lou Wushuang owned the place
and the master bedroom was naturally given to him. Zhang Shaohui was a guest and ran to
the child’s room.
He was just a bit worried…
The original owners of the house clearly planned to have a child as soon as possible after
marriage. The child’s room was very cute. The wallpaper was covered with robot cats and
the curtains filled with ABC letters. The bed in the room was also a light blue child’s bed.
The tall Zhang Shaohui couldn’t sleep in this child’s bed at all. His knees would directly
hang out and look particularly funny.
Lou Wushuang looked at him lying on the child’s bed and couldn’t help smiling. “You aren’t
a child, why are you running to the child’s room Just sleep in the master bedroom.”
Zhang Shaohui was embarrassed. Isn’t there only one bed in the master bedroom?”
Wasn’t one bed good? They could sleep together. Lou Wushuang thought this in his heart
but the surface was calm. “First squeeze in with me. The double bed is very large and we
will have no trouble speaking. Wait a few days for me to demolish the child’s room and
then I will buy you a big bed.”
His brother’s words made sense. Zhang Shaohui nodded and promised. “Okay!”
That night, Zhang Shaohui didn’t sleep on the floor and slept with Lou Wushuang in the
double bed.
There was only one quilt on the bed but the large size meant they wouldn’t be crowded
when sleeping. Zhang Shaohui was heartless and soon fell asleep. Lou Wushuang lay in bed
and couldn’t sleep at all after feeling the familiar atmosphere of the man beside him.
After a while, he noticed that Zhang Shaohui was sleeping and Lou Wushuang was bold
enough to take the initiative. The sleeping Zhang Shaohui became aware of a cold body
close to him and took the initiative to reach out and bring his brother into his arms.
Lou Wushuang was suddenly held in a warm body and couldn’t help narrowing his eyes
Lou Wushuang’s body had been cold since he was small. As a child, he used to rely on Zhang
Shaohui to warm up. After a long time, Zhang Shaohui was used to holding his brother to
sleep and conveying warmth through his body.
Zhang Shaohui subconsciously hugged Lou Wushuang in his sleep and this made Lou
Wushuang’s heartbeat speed up. He couldn’t help leaning into Zhang Shaohui’s arms and
his cold face was unusually gentle.
Lou Wushuang took a deep breath to stabilize his heartbeat. Then he reached out and
hugged his brother’s strong waist.
This was his man and no one was allowed to covet him.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 369

Chapter 369 – Brothers’ Feelings (3): Drunk

Early the next morning, Zhang Shaohui was woken up by a ringtone. He found that his
brother was sleeping very well in his arms and immediately pressed the phone, replying
shortly. “It is inconvenient to answer the phone. Say it in WeChat.”
The other side soon sent a message in WeChat. [Today’s reunion is at 5:30 in the
restaurant. I will send you the address of the restaurant. Don’t forget!”
[Rest assured, Class Monitor.] Zhang Shaohui replied only to look down and find that Lou
Wushuang had opened his eyes and was staring in confusion. His brother was frosty and
looked difficult to approach but only Zhang Shaohui knew that he would be confused for a
while every morning after waking up. His face had many interesting expressions during
this time.
“Brother, you woke up?” Zhang Shaohui noticed his brother was holding him for warmth
and asked, “Are you cold? Recently, it has started to cool down. I will turn on the heater
when going to sleep.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang finally woke up completely. His eyes restored their sense of reason
and he let go of Zhang Shaohui’s arm. As he got out of bed, he asked, “Is the class reunion
“Yes, how did you know?”
“I saw it last time Liu Ying texted you.” Lou Wushuang put on his glasses and changed
clothes. “What time is it? I’ll drive you.”
“5:30 in the evening.” Zhang Shaohui smiled. “Brother, wash your face first. I’ll get you
Lou Wushuang watched him turn towards the kitchen and clenched his fists. This younger
brother had accompanied him through childhood and adolescence and would accompany
him to the next life.
No matter how good these girls were, he would never let his brother go.
In the evening, Lou Wushuang drove Zhang Shaohui to the location of the class reunion.
A girl in a pure white dress stood at the door and saw Zhang Shaohui getting down from the
car. She greeted him warmly. “Is this Zhang Shaohui? I haven’t seen you for two years and
you’ve grown taller!”
Zhang Shaohui smiled back. “Class Monitor, you have also become more beautiful!”
The girl in front of him was really beautiful. She had been beautiful since high school and
had a cheerful personality. She was business-like when acting as the class monitor and
teachers and students were very fond of her. Lou Wushuang also had an impression of her.
Liu Ying saw the man sitting coldly in the car and asked, “That is?”
Zhang Shaohui explained, “My brother, he sent me over.”
“Oh, Lou Wushuang right? Do you want to eat together?”
Lou Wushuang replied lightly, “Okay.”
Zhang Shaohui and Liu Ying were both stunned by the words.
Anybody could tell that Liu Ying’s words were only polite. Lou Wushuang was also an
alumnus so Liu Ying had politely asked to eat together. Then he should say ‘no need.’ After
all, this was a gathering for Class 37 and it was very strange for Lou Wushuang from a
different class to enter.
Zhang Shaohui didn’t expect his brother to actually agree. His brother usually hated this
type of noisy occasion? How was he so abnormal today?
He hadn’t figured out what was going on when Lou Wushuang found a parking spot and
came to Liu Ying. “I know some students in your class. Do you mind if I eat together?”
Liu Ying immediately replied, “Of course I don’t mind! Some people brought their
boyfriends and girlfriends so today is lively!”
There were indeed people who brought their other half but Zhang Shaohui was the only
one who brought his brother!
Lou Wushuang’s appearance surprised many people but due to the large scale of the
reunion, half of Class 37 came and there were almost 30 people if their family members
were added. The class monitor booked three tables and everyone chatted while eating. The
atmosphere was fun.
A boy who had a good relationship with Zhang Shaohui in high school came over and patted
him on the shoulder. “I didn’t expect you to be so good and actually represent the country
in a world competition! I followed your Weibo two days ago and the number of fans is
really scary!”
Zhang Shaohui was embarrassed and scratched his head. “This is my luck.”
Liu Ying ran over and joked, “How about Vice-Captain Zhang give me an autograph? Your
brother happens to be here today and my boyfriend is a diehard fan of the Ghost Spirits
The students of Class 37 were particularly lively in their school days. Liu Ying took the lead
and a group of people followed suit. In particular, the boys toasted Zhang Shaohui one by
one. Zhang Shaohui’s ability to drink was good but he couldn’t cope with so many people
joining and soon became drunk.
Originally, Liu Ying’s plan was to go KTV to sing after dinner. It was rare to get together
after graduation and if they didn’t play all night, she would be sorry for the students who
rushed from far away. Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help giving everyone face and followed.
In the KTV room, those who loved singing grabbed the microphone while those who didn’t
love to sing played the turntable game. Zhang Shaohui’s luck was particularly bad today.
The turntable always stopped in front of him to punish him, letting him drink or giving him
a dare.
This time it was a dare and the classmate next to him cheered. “Casually find a person to
Zhang Shaohui was drunk and his mind was somewhat confused. He asked in a daze, “F-
Find who?”
Someone suggested, “Find the one you think looks the best!”
Lou Wushuang didn’t like this excitement and sat quietly in a corner, as if completely
isolated from the noisy scene. Class 37 loved playing but they weren’t familiar with him and
didn’t dare go to bother him.
At this time, Lou Wushuang suddenly got up and walked over. It happened just as Zhang
Shaohui was looking for the target of his dare. A familiar figure appeared in his blurred
vision and his brother’s cold breath gave his brain burned with alcohol a strange comfort.
He didn’t hesitate to hold the other person and kiss him.
The noisy KTV room became quite and the classmates were dumbfounded. They were
shocked by Zhang Shaohui kissing his brother and the atmosphere became awkward.
Zhang Shaohui was so drunk that once he felt the soft lips and the refreshing taste of the
person in his arms, he wanted to integrate with the other side.
Thus, he hugged the other person tighter and was very involved.
There was silence as the group of people staring with wide eyes didn’t know what to do.
Fortunately, there were no e-sports reporters or else Zhang Shaohui’s bold kissing of his
brother would be turned into headline news.
A moment later, Lou Wushuang with bitten lips finally pushed away Zhang Shaohui. He
turned to Liu Ying and said, “My brother is drunk and has lost his mind. I will take him back
Liu Ying quickly replied, “Yes, today he did drink too much, cough cough… you should go
back first.”
Lou Wushuang nodded and dragged his younger brother away.
After returning home, Lou Wushuang dragged Zhang Shaohui into the bathroom, took off
his clothes and turned on the shower to wash off the strong booze from Zhang Shaohui’s
body. Zhang Shaohui was smashed by the water and opened his eyes, looking at Lou
Wushuang with a wronged expression.
Lou Wushuang helplessly rubbed his head and whispered, “Who told you to drink so much?
Do you want to drown in wine?”
Compared to his complaining mouth, his hands were gentle as he took a tower and
carefully dried the other person’s body. However, as his fingers slipped to the lower body,
Lou Wushuang’s breathing suddenly became hurried…
Rest of the chapter is censored. Read the uncensored version below.
Uncensored version

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access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 370
Chapter 370 – Brothers’ Feelings (3): Care

Zhang Shaohui woke up the next morning feeling very wrong. Last night he was too drunk
and didn’t remember clearly what happened. Zhang Shaohui rubbed his pained temples
and wanted to sit up from the bed. As a result, he was shocked to find that he was holding
someone in his arms.
The man was sleeping soundly and the quilt slipped down to reveal his naked upper body.
The morning sun shone through the window and illuminated his white and smooth skin,
which was covered with green and purple hickeys. It seemed to remind Zhang Shaohui of
last night’s fierceness.
Zhang Shaohui was stunned. He noticed that both of them were naked and his scalp became
Wasn’t this a mess after drinking?
In addition, why did the person in his arms look like his brother?
Zhang Shaohui endured the urge to vomit blood and gently pushed the person in his arms.
Lou Wushuang was awakened by his movements and opened his eyes, voice hoarse.
“What’s the matter?”
“…” Zhang Shaohui felt like he was struck by a thunderbolt as his entire body stiffened.
It really was his brother.
He never expected for this type of thing to happen after becoming drunk. He saw the
hickeys on Lou Wushuang, realized he made a big mistake and suddenly became confused.
“Brother, I-I-I was drunk last night…” Zhang Shaohui almost sounded like he was crying. “I-I
don’t know what I did…”
After hearing the familiar voice in his ears, Lou Wushuang finally woke up completely. He
endured the discomfort coming from behind him, put on his glasses and said lightly, “Don’t
you remember? It’s fine, you can take it as if nothing happened.”
His tone was calm as usual but his voice was extraordinarily hoarse. His lips were red and
swollen, apparently ravaged. The act of sitting up made his body clearly, showing the
roughness he had been through last night.
Zhang Shaohui wasn’t an idiot and quickly reacted to what he had done.
If he thought carefully, the depths of his mind remembered holding and kissing a person.
Later, it seemed he did it several times. The details weren’t clear but the joy that his body
tasted remained in his mind. The feeling when he combined with the other person as like
being in heaven. He might’ve been drunk but he couldn’t forget it.
Zhang Shaohui wasn’t a person with a chaotic private life. On the contrary, he was more
honest in his respect. he had been clean in these years and wanted to leave his first time for
his future wife. He was a very responsible person and if the other party was a girl, maybe
he would kneel on the spot to propose. However, the other person was his brother. What
should he do?
He saw Lou Wushuang frowning as he endured the pain and Zhang Shaohui was distressed.
He immediately turned over and knelt down in front of Lou Wushuang, slapping his own
“Brother, I was wrong! I’m a bastard!” He cursed himself while slapping his own face. “How
can I do something like this? I’m a beast! It isn’t enough for me to die 10,000 times! Brother,
cut me directly. I have no face to see you!”
“…” This honest fool. Lou Wushuang wasn’t afraid to say that he seduced Zhang Shaohui
first but after seeing Zhang Shaohui sincerely apologizing in front of him, Lou Wushuang’s
heart was cut by a knife.
Obviously, Zhang Shaohui only regarded him as a brother. After he was drunk, he forced his
brother. In his mind, this was an unforgivable mistake so he would kneel down and admit
Lou Wushuang hoped that Zhang Shaohui would give him a kiss after waking up in the
morning and ask if he was in pain, not sincerely admit his mistake.
The more sincere his attitude, the more it proved that everything yesterday was just a
ridiculous mistake.
Lou Wushuang had long expected that it might become an irreversible situation after
waking up in the morning but once he really saw it, Lou Wushuang still felt pained.
He was also a person with self-respect. Last night, he disregarded his pride and hugged
Zhang Shaohui. Now he only ‘I’m wrong,’ No matter how sincerely Zhang Shaohui
apologized, the heartache was a type of silent irony.
Lou Wushuang was silent for a long time before finally opening his mouth. “Get up, I don’t
blame you.”
Zhang Shaohui beat himself up and his cheeks were swollen. Nevertheless, he couldn’t
relieve his guilt. In particular, he saw Lou Wushuang’s pale expression and really wanted to
keep slapping himself.
“Are you okay?” Zhang Shaohui found that Lou Wushuang wasn’t very comfortable and
stood up nervously. “I was drunk last night. Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine.” Lou Wushuang said so but he couldn’t hide the frown caused by pain.
“I’ll pour some hot water for you first.” Lou Wushuang’s voice was hoarse and his throat
was obviously sore. Zhang Shaohui immediately helped him lie down, wrapped a towel
around his body, gave him a cup of warm water and then ran to the kitchen to make
porridge to eat.
Lou Wushuang ate the porridge but he had no spirit. His exhausted body mad him want to
sleep. He ate the porridge, closed his eyes and lay down.
The stunned Zhang Shaohui sat on the bed and looked at him. They might’ve grown up as
brothers but Zhang Shaohui had never seen Lou Wushuang show such a side. The hickeys
on his body were still vivid, forming a strong visual contrast with his white skin. This made
him feel strangely sexy and beautiful to the extreme, tempting others to commit sins.
After becoming aware that he was staring at his brother, Zhang Shaohui shivered and
slapped his thighs to wake himself up. Lou Wushuang kept frowning and seemed
uncomfortable. Zhang Shaohui was worried. He reached out and touched Lou Wushuang’s
forehead, suddenly becoming shocked.
Lou Wushuang actually had a fever!
Zhang Shaohui immediate turned to find some antipyretics. He searched but there was only
daily medication in the house. Zhang Shaohui had to change clothes and went to the
pharmacy downstairs. Once he walked halfway, the phone rang. It was Liu Ying’s call.
Zhang Shaohui picked up and heard the girl in his ear ask softly, “Ah Hui, are you awake?
Are you okay after last night?”
“…” He was fine. He was just drunk and did that to his brother!
Of course, Zhang Shaohui didn’t dare say these words and replied in a perfunctory manner.
“I’m fine.”
Liu Ying seemed to sigh with relief. “That’s great. You were drunk last night and kept
holding onto your brother. He seemed angry when he left last night… did he beat you up?”
“…” Zhang Shaohui wanted to cry. He would prefer that his brother beat him up so that he
felt better. However, his brother did nothing but forgave him. Now his brother was lying in
bed with a fever.
Zhang Shaohui was ashamed and replied casually, “It’s nothing. Cough, help me talk to the
other students. I was drunk last night and my mind was clear. Let everyone laugh at me!”
Liu Ying was understanding. “Never mind, other people went crazy after drinking more
than you! You are fine. I’ll hang up first and get in touch later!”
“Goodbye, Class Monitor.” Zhang Shaohui hung up and found a roadside pharmacy,
skillfully selecting antipyretics. As he passed by the ointment area, he stopped and
hesitated for a moment. The clerk thought he couldn’t find the medicine and came over to
ask, “What do you need to buy?”
Zhang Shaohui stammered with a red face. “It’s just… well, it’s swollen and…”
The clerk nodded and gave him a box of ointment. “It’s good for external use. Apply it two
times a day.”
Zhang Shaohui picked up the ointment like it was a hot potato and turned away. The clerk
cried out to him, “Sir, you haven’t paid!”
“…” Zhang Shaohui came back and paid using a credit card in an embarrassed manner. He
quickly ran away under the clerk’s strange gaze.
Zhang Shaohui was worried about Lou Wushuang and rushed back home. He poured water
into the antipyretic and lifted the blanket to look at the wound behind Lou Wushuang.
It was really red and swollen and seemed painful. The visually striking effect made Zhang
Shaohui’s face turned red. It was hard to imagine that he actually ravaged his brother’s
body last night.
Strangely enough, he saw Lou Wushuang lying defenseless in front of him, sexy body
revealed as well as the secret areas and Zhang Shaohui’s heartbeat inexplicably increased…
He tentatively touched the place with his index finger and Lou Wushuang immediately
curled up in pain.
Zhang Shaohui felt some heartache and gently applied the ointment. He was worried that
only applying outside wouldn’t work and endured his awkward heart as he slowly
stretched his finger and carefully coated the inside.
He was unaware of how gentle his eyes were when he was staring at Lou Wushuang.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 371

Chapter 371 – Brothers’ Feelings (3): Moving

Lou Wushuang slept all day and only woke up at 7 in the evening. Once he opened his eyes,
he saw Zhang Shaohui sitting on the edge of the bed with a worried expression. Lou
Wushuang frowned and wanted to get up. Zhang Shaohui immediately reached out and
supported him, asking nervously, “Brother, do you feel better?”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang spoke with a hoarse voice. “I’m thirsty.”
“I’ll go and pour water for you.” Zhang Shaohui hurriedly poured a glass of warm water and
handed it over. Then he gently touched Lou Wushuang’s forehead with the back of his hand
and found that the fever had receded, letting him release some of his worries.
Lou Wushuang bent his head to drink the water and Zhang Shaohui didn’t know what to
say. The atmosphere was awkward and Zhang Shaohui didn’t speak again until his brother
finished the water. “Do you still want to drink? I’ll go and pour some more.”
“No.” Lou Wushuang placed the cup on the bedside table.
Zhang Shaohui saw the cold expression on his brother’s face and scratched his head,
looking a bit helpless. Lou Wushuang ordered, “Go and make me something to eat.”
“What do you want to eat?”
Lou Wushuang had almost recovered all of his physical strength but he was disheartened
by Zhang Shaohui’s apology and didn’t want to talk to this person. Apart from his hungry
stomach, the suggestion to eat was to send this person away as soon as possible, lest the
two of them remain silent and the atmosphere worsened.
Zhang Shaohui went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for a few dishes according to
the taste that his brother usually liked. After going home, he moved in the kitchen. He was
worried that his brother’s injuries wouldn’t help easily and made soup, stir-fried shrimp
and added a stew to help with digestion. Then he went to the bedroom to call Lou
Wushuang to eat.
Lou Wushuang went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He followed the
smell towards the dining room. As he walked, he touched his pained back and frowned.
Zhang Shaohui immediately reacted by actively bringing over a cushion for the chair.
Lou Wushuang felt awkward when he saw the cushion. His cheeks slightly reddened but he
pretended to sit without incident. A blush appeared on the man’s fair face and he looked
particularly charming under the warm light of the restaurant. Zhang Shaohui was so
stunned that his hands shook and he almost spilled the fish soup.
He hurriedly took a deep breath to stabilize his heartbeat before handing the bowl full of
fish soup to Lou Wushuang. “Brother, you haven’t eaten all day. Drink more soup since it
has good nutrition.”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang drank the fish soup. The soup moisturized his lips and made the
originally red and swollen lips become fuller in colour and more kissable. Behind the cold
glasses, Lou Wushuang’s eyes were slightly swollen because he obviously didn’t sleep well
last night.
This Lou Wushuang was very different from the popular captain of the Ghost Spirits team.
Zhang Shaohui suddenly wanted to take good care of him.
Zhang Shaohui felt strange. Perhaps it was due to the incident last night that surpassed
brotherhood. The intimate body connection meant he felt wrong starting from this
Previously, he only had respect for his brother when he looked at Lou Wushuang. However,
today he saw Lou Wushuang and felt this person was particularly beautiful and sexy.
It was different from the serious and cold Lou Wushuang of the past. This Lou Wushuang
made him uneasy and he couldn’t help recall holding this person last night.
Zhang Shaohui thought this and couldn’t help his body heating up. At this moment, Lou
Wushuang finished the fish soup and placed the empty bowl on the table. The slight sound
of the porcelain bowl touching the table pulled back Zhang Shaohui’s mind. He immediately
realized that he was disrespectful to his brother in his mind and this was unforgivable!
Zhang Shaohui timidly glanced at the cold Lou Wushuang across from him. He was silent
for a moment before speaking in an embarrassed manner, “Brother, I, I think I’ll move
Lou Wushuang’s hands stiffened and slightly trembled. He almost couldn’t grab the shrimp
and he had to quickly withdraw his hand to place the chopsticks on the table.
He painstakingly bought such an expensive marriage house and wanted to live with Zhang
Shaohui in this world of two people. He felt the extravagant hope that Zhang Shaohui could
live with him for a lifetime…
However, reality gave him a hard slap in the face.
After last night, Zhang Shaohui immediately apologized and wanted to move. This showed
that Zhang Shaohui didn’t have him in Zhang Shaohui’s heart at all. Zhang Shaohui only
thought of him as a brother and teammate rather than an intimate lover.
Since the other party took the initiative to move, Lou Wushuang couldn’t make him stay. He
took a deep breath and held back the bitterness in his heart as he pretended to be calm.
“Okay, it is too late today so you can move out tomorrow.”
“Yes, that’s fine.” Zhang Shaohui scratched his head, saw his brother’s pale face and wanted
to kill himself.
In fact, he wanted to move away because his heart was completely chaotic.
He didn’t know what was going on. He only knew that he couldn’t return to the calm of the
past when facing Lou Wushuang.
His eyes would uncontrollably stick to the other person and his mind couldn’t help thinking
about the fierceness of last night. He recalled the man who clung to him and groaned which
was a stake contrast to the Lou Wushuang he usually knew. Zhang Shaohui was clearly
sober but he felt like he was dreaming. This couldn’t continue!
If he went on like this, he would go out of his mind and he might do something out of the
Zhang Shaohui made the decision to move away so he could calm down.
That evening, Zhang Shaohui slept in the child’s bed. His mood was disturbed and he tossed
and turned to the early hours of the morning with images that weren’t suitable for children.
The person in his arms was very warm and he remembered that he was very cold. He had
to hold the other person many times. At the end of the dream, the person’s face clearly
appeared in front of him. It was Lou Wushuang.
Zhang Shaohui instantly woke up and was covered in a cold sweat.
He scolded himself for bullying his brother in the dream. On the other hand, he couldn’t
help remembering the deep feelings of the dream. The two contradictory emotions mixed
together, making him confused. After sitting in bed for a moment, Zhang Shaohui got up
and packed his bags.
It was slightly bright and the door to Lou Wushuang’s bedroom was closed. Zhang Shaohui
couldn’t rest assured about the food problem and went to the kitchen to give Lou
Wushuang a nutritious breakfast. He was worried that Lou Wushuang had a fever again so
he gently pushed open the door, tested the body temperature and then pulled open the
quilt to look at the wound.
The redness and swelling had subsided but it still hadn’t healed. Zhang Shaohui found the
ointment and patiently smeared it again. Once this was done, it was already 7 in the
morning. Zhang Shaohui looked at his sleeping brother and felt particularly complicated.
To be honest, he was reluctant to leave. Since Lou Wushuang’s proposal to buy a house
together, he had been looking forward to living alone with his brother. He could eat with
his brother every day, watch the game together or play games online. It was more freeing
than when they were in the team.
It was a pity that it didn’t last long. He had just moved in when he made an unforgivable
mistake due to drunkenness…
He had no face to wait any longer and didn’t dare appear in front of Lou Wushuang.
The distressed Zhang Shaohui reached out and helped tidy up his brother’s hair before
placing the quilt back on. Zhang Shaohui stared deeply at Lou Wushuang, clenched his fists
and forced himself to turn and walk away.
Lou Wushuang woke up when the sky was already bright. It was raining outside and he saw
the breakfast on the dining room table. The suitcase belonging to Zhang Shaohui was
removed from the study and Lou Wushuang could only feel sad.
He still remembered when Ah Hui first came to his house. The child had just lost his
parents but was very strong. After seeing Lou Wushuang, the child called him ‘brother’, big
eyes filled with trepidation. It seemed he was worried that Lou Wushuang wouldn’t like
him. Lou Wushuang was hit by the sincere and bright eyes and took the initiative to share
his toys.
From that day on, they became nominal brothers.
Zhang Shaohui’s personality was optimistic and he soon adapted to Lou Wushuang. The
two elders were busy at work and left the children to play together at home. Zhang Shaohui
was around Lou Wushuang all day.
Lou Wushuang had a high IQ since childhood and wasn’t interested in childish games
played by his peers. Thus, he had no friends and his childhood was very lonely. Since Zhang
Shaohui came to his house, he was always with the follower who shouted ‘Brother’ with a
big smile on his face. Zhang Shaohui showed him all types of fun things and gave him
delicious food.
He was a bit silly but Lou Wushuang couldn’t refuse the sincere smile.
Time passed and Lou Wushuang became used to the company. He even felt very warm
around Zhang Shaohui.
At the time, the conditions at home weren’t good. The two of them shared one bed in the
bedroom. Lou Wushuang was afraid of the cold and Zhang Shaohui’s body temperature was
high. Lou Wushuang happily held him as a heater and winter was no longer as cold as
This habit continued until middle school when the two people grew up quickly. However,
Lou Wushuang’s habit of holding his younger brother while sleeping didn’t change.
It wasn’t until his ignorant puberty that his brother appeared in Lou Wushuang’s dreams.
Lou Wushuang was very scared the first time the dream occurred but he gradually
accepted his own sexual orientation. However, he learnt to keep a certain distance from
Zhang Shaohui and to hide this emotion in his heart.
Later, Zhang Shaohui wasn’t admitted to a good university and was dug up by an e-sports
manager. Lou Wushuang followed him and joined the Ghost Spirits team, becoming the
terrifying Lou Zhang combination in the Miracle League. They experienced the ups and
downs of the Ghost Spirits team together and worked hard to bring the second-rate Ghost
Spirits team to the championship.
For so many years, Zhang Shaohui was literally his life.
The friendship between the two people who grew up together and the love that was deeply
hidden for many years was finally over. It felt like Lou Wushuang’s bones were breaking
and pain shot through his heart.
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 372

Chapter 372 – Brothers’ Feelings (6): He was Becoming More and More Wrong

Zhang Shaohui carried his luggage and walked along the street, unaware that his body was
being drenched.
Over the years, he had been living together with Lou Wushuang, As a child, they ate
together and went to school together. After growing up, they joined the same team. Zhang
Shaohui used to think he was very lucky to have such a brother. He never realized it until
they were separated but without Lou Wushuang, it felt like his heart had been dug up. The
bottom of his heart was empty and the strange vacancy couldn’t be filled.
Zhang Shaohui clenched his fists and walked quickly to an intersection before calling down
a taxi. The driver asked where he wanted to go and he hesitated for a moment before
telling the other person the address of the team’s club.
He didn’t have the face to go back to Lou Wushuang’s place and meet his auntie. The Ghost
Spirits team was the only place he could think of right now. Fortunately, it was the
offseason and his teammates weren’t there.
Zhang Shaohui came to the team dormitory and put down his luggage. He stared at the
familiar bedroom next door and felt uncomfortable.
In one month, the eighth season would start. Once Lou Wushuang returned to the team,
they would still live in this dormitory. How should he face his brother?
He was naturally reluctant to leave the team. After all, he was now at the peak age and
could play for several more years. Playing the game was his favourite thing. He couldn’t
reconcile giving him. If he couldn’t leave, how should he get along with Lou Wushuang in
the future? Would Lou Wushuang feel sick at the sight of him? After all… no one could
accept the person who raped them.
Zhang Shaohui lowered his head in a frustrated manner. How did he get drunk and act
worse than a beast? He really wanted to go back to that night and kill himself.
Unfortunately, there was no use regretting now…
He hadn’t been clever since he was a child and this problem was too serious. He didn’t
know what to do and after a while, Zhang Shaohui grabbed his hair and decided to think
about the solution in a few days.
For the next few days, Zhang Shaohui sat down all day. The thing that scared him most was
that Lou Wushuang always appeared in his dreams. Lou Wushuang lay on the bed, covered
in kiss marks. His lips were red and swollen and his eyes wet.
Then Zhang Shaohui woke up from the dream and his body’s fierce reaction made him
confused and embarrassed.
He couldn’t believe that he had such thoughts about his brother.
This time, the drunken mess inadvertently sparked a fire. It happened to encounter a large
piece of dry wood hidden in his heart and ignited a raging fire that couldn’t be
He always dreamt of something that wasn’t suitable for children while the target was the
brother he had respected from a young age. Zhang Shaohui simply wanted to die.
He hadn’t come close to sorting out his emotions when he got a phone call this morning.
“Hello, Vice-Captain Zhang, are you free tomorrow? Come to the team.” The manager’s
voice came from over the phone. Zhang Shaohui sorted out his expression and solemnly
replied, “I am currently at the team’s dormitory. Manager, why are you looking for me?”
“That’s just right! I called your brother and told him we got a big brand endorsement this
season. The other party asked for the captain and vice-captain to take photos together. Is
that okay?”
“Sure, no problem.” He naturally didn’t refuse the manager and immediately agreed.
“Then I’ll see you at the club 9 o’clock tomorrow morning?”
Zhang Shaohui became excited after hanging up the phone. He had left home for several
days and Lou Wushuang never sent him a message. He didn’t dare contact the other person
and this was the first time they had broken off contact for more than three days since they
were young. Zhang Shaohui was in a difficult position and felt that something important
was missing.
However, he would be able to see Lou Wushuang tomorrow!
He thought about seeing this person and his heartbeat couldn’t help accelerating.
Throughout the day, Zhang Shaohui was in a game mood. He even opened a side account to
play the game. He swept the field as a super god and won 10 games in a row. The player on
his team was asked with surprised, “Did you have hormones injected?’
Zhang Shaohui smiled and replied, “I’m happy today!”
The teammate thought this person was terrible. He won 10 games just from being happy. If
he was extremely happy, was it possible to hit the professional league in one go? Of course,
this player only thought he met a master. He didn’t know it was the Ghost Spirits’ famous
Zhang Shaohui.
The next morning, Zhang Shaohui got up early, carefully shaved his beard in the mirror,
tidied himself up and picked out a new set of clothes from the closet.
The light grey coat was bought for him by Lou Wushuang during the Spring Festival last
year. The salesperson had praised him for looking particularly handsome when he tried it
on. Once he paired it with a pair of slim pants, heads turned when he walked down the
Zhang Shaohui had no concept of dressing. Most of his clothes were bought together with
Lou Wushuang. Lou Wushuang had a high vision and good taste. Every time he picked out
clothes, others would say it looked good. Zhang Shaohui didn’t understand but he was
confident in Lou Wushuang’s selected clothes. Now that he looked, he was surprised to find
that all the clothes in his closet were actually picked by his brother.
Zhang Shaohui’s mood was somewhat complicated after realizing this. At the same time,
there was a hint of sweetness from the bottom of his heart. Lou Wushuang was so good to
him. The clothes that other people wore, Lou Wushuang was too lazy to even look at.
Zhang Shaohui was in a complicated mood until 9 o’clock when the team’s door opened and
Lou Wushuang came in. He stopped in front of Zhang Shaohui and asked with a cold
expression, “The manager hasn’t arrived yet?”
“Yes, he is probably caught in a traffic jam.” Zhang Shaohui saw the person he had thought
about for a few days and his tongue was a bit tangled. Lou Wushuang was wearing a slim
black coat and looked very thin. The black brought out his white skin and the eyes behind
the glasses were cold.
However, even if he was cold, Zhang Shaohui couldn’t help thinking of Lou Wushuang’s
body covered in hickeys that morning. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Shaohui
wouldn’t believe that the sexy and seductive Lou Wushuang and the Lou Wushuang in front
of him were the same person.
The two of them looked at each other and were a bit embarrassed for a moment.
Zhang Shaohui removed his gaze and scratched his head. He whispered, “Are you, are you
feeling better?”
“Yes.” Lou Wushuang didn’t want to say any more and bypassed the today. “Did the
manager tell you? Today is mainly about taking a few publicity shots. If the photos don’t
look good then we can take a few more shots later.”
“No, you look good and the photos will turn out great.” Zhang Shaohui subconsciously
retorted before realizing that his words weren’t appropriate. He immediately stopped and
stared at the other person awkwardly.
Lou Wushuang didn’t seem to mind and turned to pour a glass of water. Zhang Shaohui
stared at his thin back and suddenly felt pain shoot through his heart. He whispered,
“Brother, we… can we still be the same as before?”
Lou Wushuang stiffened and he looked back coldly. “The same? Do you want to continue
being brothers?”
Zhang Shaohui sadly hung his head. “Sorry Brother, I have been feeling very guilty these
days. I don’t know how to punish myself so that you feel better. I…”
“Enough.” Lou Wushuang interrupted him. “This thing shouldn’t be mentioned again. We
will just be teammates in the future.”
“Don’t call me brother.” Lou Wushuang pushed up his glasses and spoke in a stern tone.
“You and I have slept together yet you still want to continue being brothers. Zhang Shaohui,
are you that naive?”
“…” Zhang Shaohui was dumbfounded by the words.
When he was a child and did something wrong, Lou Wushuang would occasionally scold
him before hugging him and sprinkling some praise. However, today Lou Wushuangw as
particularly harsh. He directly called Zhang Shaohui by his name and his expression
showed that Lou Wushuang was truly angry.
The strange feeling of pulling away made Zhang Shaohui particularly uncomfortable.
He knew he wasn’t a child and couldn’t apologize to his brother as he used to. This was a
matter of principles. As Lou Wushuang said, they had slept together. How could they act as
brothers after this incident?
As long as a person had no problem with his mind, they couldn’t easily accept an apology.
Lou Wushuang was completely breaking away from Zhang Shaohui after so many years of
affection, what was Zhang Shaohui still asking for?
At the thought of this person getting further away from him, Zhang Shaohui became so
uncomfortable that he could hardly breathe.
“Sorry, the traffic jam was serious. You’ve both arrived!” A voice from the door broke the
awkward situation. Lou Wushuang immediately turned around and came forward.
“Manager, I just arrived. Are we going on?”
“Yes, the car is outside and is ready to go.” Manager Lin smiled. “I didn’t want to disturb you
brothers on the holidays but the sponsors especially like the both of you. They also
promised to sponsor our team for a long time. This is actually very good for the
development of the Ghost Spirits team. In any case, it is only one day and you should help.
Then the bonus of the product endorsement will be indispensable to everyone!”
“Okay.” Lou Wushuang replied lightly and got on the car with the manager.
Manager Lin got on and found that Zhang Shaohui was still standing stupidly in a daze. He
called out in a confused manner, “Zhang Shaohui!”
Zhang Shaohui’s spirit returned and he headed to the car.
This time, the Ghost Spirits won a well-known electronic products endorsement. The
company had a series of well-received product lines, including gaming computers,
mechanical keyboards, mice, headphones etc. The first batch of photos was mainly to
promote the high-end mechanical keyboards newly listed. There were several sets of plans
and the brothers would shoot them one by one.
After changing clothes, the two of them entered the studio for the photo shoot.
Lou Wushuang’s face was very cold and he didn’t smile no matter how the photographer
teased him. Finally, the plan was useless and the photographer had to take a silhouette
instead of his face.
As a result, it was hard to find a photo with Lou Wushuang alone. Once it was Zhang
Shaohui’s turn, he was still in a dazed state and his eyes completely wandered. Several
photos were taken that had dull eyes…
The photographer hesitated for a long time before picking out a few for Zhang Lou to see,
stating, “The two of you are only taking a few photos. Don’t be nervous. Captain Lou, sit at
the computer and tap on the keyboard. Vice-Captain Zhang, stay behind your brother and
keep your eyes on the computer. We want the feeling of the two of you training in the
Lou Wushuang saw with a blank face in front of the computer and placed his hands on the
keyboard. Zhang Shaohui stood hesitantly behind him and didn’t dare to touch him. The
photographer urged, “Vice-Captain Zhang, place your right hand naturally on his shoulder,
showing the intimacy between teammates.”
“Oh.” Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and carefully extended his hand to Lou Wushuang’s
shoulder. As a result, Lou Wushuang suddenly avoided it like he got an electric shock, his
body stiffening. Zhang Shaohui immediately took back his hand.
“…” The photographer had dark lines on his face. “These two handsome men, this is a
publicity photo, not a wedding photo. What are you so nervous about?”
Zhang Shaohui was embarrassed and apologized. “I’m sorry! We rarely take such photos.
Can I make a suggestion? Can you reduce the physical movements between us? Uh.. it feels
The photographer was forced to change it so there wasn’t close contact. Zhang Shaohui
finally felt relieved.
As a result, he just let go of his worries when a beautiful woman entered. The girl in charge
of the advertisement planning walked into the studio and smiled. “The effect of a beautiful
woman next to Captain Lou might be good. I called Ah Ling over to take a few shots to test it
The photographer nodded in agreement. “Let’s take a few shots to see.”
Zhang Shaohui had to go to the side. The model walked to Lou Wushuang’s side and
skillfully followed the photographer’s instructions. Zhang Shaohui watched and became
more and more irritable. He wanted to slap this woman’s hand from his brother.
The female model seemed to notice Zhang Shaohui’s gaze and smiled at him innocently.
Zhang Shaohui was stunned and violently glared at the other person before removing his
He was becoming more and more wrong. His heart had a strong sense of rejection when he
saw the big beauty taking photos with his brother. He hated that the woman could get so
close to Lou Wushuang and hated the woman’s gaze towards Lou Wushuang. He wanted to
drive the woman away and pull Lou Wushuang tightly into his arms.
He was thinking about this mess all day. Was he becoming a pervert?

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 373

Chapter 373 – Brothers’ Feelings (7): The Person He Couldn’t Lose Most was Actually Close
at Hand

They spent a whole afternoon in the studio. The two people were in a bad state so very few
photos could be selected. Fortunately, there were many good solo photos and it barely
Manager Lin politely said goodbye to the company and on the road back, he couldn’t help
expressing his doubts. “You both seem to be depressed today. Was there a family accident?”
The two men spoke in unison and then fell silent at the same time. Manager Link was even
more confused. “What happened? Isn’t your relationship normally very good. Today the
two of you stood together and it was like you were being stung…”
These two people were the pillars of the Ghost Spirits team. If there was a contradiction,
the Ghost Spirits team would be finished. Manager Lin was worried about any problems
between them and insisted, “It is normal for young people to have occasional conflicts but
the two of you have grown up together? Shouldn’t you discuss it?”
The two people were still silent and Manager Lin was forced to continue as peacemaker.
“Captain Lou, Vice-Captain Zhang is younger then you and might occasionally do something
wrong. You should be magnanimous and take care of your brother.”
This sentence poked their sore spot. Lou Wushuang’s face was pale and Zhang Shaohui
opened his mouth to clarify, “Manager, this is my fault and has nothing to do with Brother!
Leave it alone and we’ll handle it.”
Manager Lin stared at the cold Lou Wushuang in the rearview mirror and found he could
no longer say anything.
After returning to the team, Manager Lin noticed the two people were in a bad mood and
smartly drove away to let them handle it themselves. Lou Wushuang also drove over this
morning. Once the manager left, he went to the garage and opened the car door. Zhang
Shaohui suddenly grabbed the car door and wondered with red eyes, “Brother, can’t you
forgive me?”
His voice contained a hint of a whimper. The former Lou Wushuang might be soft but this
Lou Wushuang only felt cold.
He didn’t need this person’s apologies at all and didn’t want to forgive him.
The thing Lou Wushuang wanted was his love and a promise to stay with him.
However, Zhang Shaohui didn’t understand this or need it.
He was really tired. Lou Wushuang closed his eyes and rubbed his temple as he whispered,
“How can I forgive you? Pretend it never happened? But…I can’t forget.”
Lou Wushuang clearly remembered all the details of that night. He remembered how Zhang
Shaohui opened up his body and wildly demanded it. He remembered that they hugged and
kissed fiercely and Zhang Shaohui’s hot hands touched every inch of skin. He remembered
the pain and the joy, all coming from this person in front of him.
How could he easily forget?
Acting nonchalantly with Zhang Shaohui as brothers again, Lou Wushuang couldn’t do it.
In his view, if it wasn’t possible to get this person then he should force himself to let go, so
as to not end up bruised for nothing. The process of letting go might be very difficult but
letting go earlier was better than getting deeper and deeper.
Lou Wushuang took a deep breath and calmly looked up at Zhang Shaohui. “Zhang Shaohui,
don’t call me brother in the future and I won’t call you brother. I have two years left on my
contract with the Ghost Spirits team. After the two years of competition, I will withdraw
from the league. We will… have never met.”
Once he finished, he forced the door closed and stepped on the accelerator as decisively as
when he raised his dagger on the field and accepted the other person’s head.
The stunned Zhang Shaohui stared at the familiar car disappearing from his field of view.
After waiting a long time, he reached out and wiped his face. He stood there, not knowing
what to do.
He had never felt so uncomfortable before. It was like all the air in his chest was being
squeezed out and his heart was crushed by a huge stone. Every heartbeat and breathing
involved the peripheral nerves of his entire body. A tingling sensation spread over his
limbs, like a thorny whip repeatedly being wielded.
Lou Wushuang said they should never meet each other…
This sentence simply pulled Zhang Shaohui into hell.
How could they not know each other? They used to be so good, closer than brothers. For so
many years, Lou Wushuang had been a part of Zhang Shaohui’s life. He never thought about
how he would live if he was one day completely separated from this person.
The more Zhang Shaohui thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. He
crouched on the ground and forcefully struck his chest like it would make him feel better.
It turned out that the action of hitting his chest no longer relieved the pain in the depths of
his heart.
He had been stupid from a young age and couldn’t think of a solution to this problem.
All he knew was that he couldn’t lose Lou Wushuang.
After returning to the dormitory at night, Zhang Shaohui felt so sick that he desperately had
to write on an emotional forum for help under a pseudonym. He briefly stated: [I was drunk
after going to a class reunion and slept with my friend. He is very angry and wants to end
our friendship. I am particularly distressed these days and don’t know what I should do.
Someone help me!]
A few night owls jumped out excitedly and replied:
[Landlord, were you on top or below?] Zhang Shaohui replied: [I should be on top.]
[Then your friend probably wants to vomit up blood and take a knife to you!]
Zhang Shaohui told them: [I wish he would beat me up but he never used force. He just
ignored me for the past few days and said we won’t know each other in the future. My heart
is very uncomfortable.]
[Landlord, continue to make things up. This is a very interesting novel!]
Zhang Shaohui seriously said: [I’m not making it up. It is true.]
He patiently responded to every reply and was obviously a first time rookie to the forum.
The netizens rushed and started to reply with ideas. [If it was an ordinary person, even best
friends would have their relationship destroyed over this. If you can’t endure it, do you
have him in your heart?]
[Landlord, do you like him which is why you slept with him when drunk?]
[If you can’t separate, get together and come to the forum to show love!]
[Together +1]
[Together +2]…
There was a series of ‘together’ and the reply speed of the post shot up like a rocket. It
became 10 pages in an instant and the scared Zhang Shaohui had to close the page and exit
the forum, his heart extremely awkward.
In fact, the netizens were right. If this happened with his best friend in high school, he
definitely wouldn’t be able to keep being friends with the other person.
However, Lou Wushuang wasn’t the same. He couldn’t easily let go of Lou Wushuang. This
man had occupied his life for over 10 years and unconsciously became his most cherished
But being ‘together’? How was this possible?
If Lou Wushuang was a woman then Zhang Shaohui wouldn’t hesitate to propose marriage.
However, Lou Wushuang was a man. If he went to the door to propose then wouldn’t his
aunt and uncle directly drive him away with a mop? Perhaps it wasn’t a mop but a kitchen
Zhang Shaohui looked at the netizens writing several pages of ‘together’ and his heart was
suddenly moved. What would happen if he really got together with Lou Wushuang?
Could he see Lou Wushuang every day, hold him to sleep every night, kiss him like the
dream and see the sexy and seductive side he never showed in front of outsiders?
Once this idea took place in his head, it grew like a spring weed, making Zhang Shaohui a
bit excited.
Zhang Shaohui gripped his hair while worrying. He might have such crazy thoughts in his
heart but he didn’t dare put it into action. After all, he never thought about ‘turning his
brother into his wife’ before. It was ridiculous!
Time flew quickly and in the blink of an eye, the new season of the Miracle League started.
All members set out to meet the gods.
It was obvious that everyone was aware that the relationship between the captain and vice-
captain weren’t quite right. In the place, Zhang Shaohui followed everywhere Lou
Wushuang went. The two people were inseparable and Vice-Captain Zhang was simply his
brother’s stalker.
Now no matter where Lou Wushuang went, Zhang Shaohui maintained a distance but he
couldn’t help following his brother’s back with his eyes. Sometimes he stared at Lou
Wushuang’s back and looked stupid.
Zhang Shaohui was responsible for the Ghost Spirits team’s daily training while Lou
Wushuang was responsible for the tactical arrangements. The two people were cooperative
in their work and the training of the team was still good. However, the private exchanges
between Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui were pitiful. They didn’t even sit together
when eating in the canteen.
Some team members familiar with Zhang Shaohui asked him what happened but they were
all sent away with a ‘nothing.’
The Ghost Spirits team maintained this strange atmosphere until the eighth season
officially arrived.
This season had another big update and many class skills were adjusted. In the day, Lou
Wushuang opened a side account to become familiar with the skills and at night, he studied
tactics in his bedroom. He was probably overworked and his bad mood caused Lou
Wushuang to quickly lose weight.
Every time he passed by Lou Wushuang’s room and saw the warm light inside and the thin
back sitting in front of the table, Zhang Shaohui’s heart clenched like it was being grabbed
by a hand.
He wanted to go over and pour a glass of warm water for his brother, make a bowl of food
for when he stayed up late, hug his brother and tell him to rest early… now, Zhang Shaohui
could only look from a distance, not daring to do anything. He was afraid his appearance
would make Lou Wushuang more disgusted. Despite living in the same dormitory, he could
only minimize his sense of existence.
Three days later, the first game of the Ghost Spirits team would begin. The opponent was
the Time Team. On the morning of the second day, Lou Wushuang gathered everyone to
discuss coping strategies. His dark circles were very obvious and he had clearly stayed up
late last night. Zhang Shaohui was particularly distressed and was so distracted he didn’t
hear Lou Wushuang’s words.
At least, until Lou Wushuang stared coldly at him and called out, “Vice-Captain Zhang.”
Zhang Shaohui’s spirit returned and he blushed as he replied awkwardly, “I’m sorry, I was
distracted for a moment.”
Lou Wushuang repeated, “In the arena, I will open the game with Ah Rong. You and Xiao
Ling will be the guard. This way, we will bring two new people.”
He actually split apart the Lou Zhang combination? Zhang Shaohui sadly hung his head and
replied, “I know…”
Normally, there would be no objection to Lou Wushuang’s arrangement. After all, a great
god bringing a novice to the field was a method that many teams used to hone the
newcomers. It was just that Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui’s recent Cold War was
obvious. At this juncture, the ace combination of Ghost Spirits was dismantled and many
people couldn’t help thinking too much as they turned their attention to Zhang Shaohui.
Zhang Shaohui’s mood was chaotic. He looked at Lou Wushuang and felt there was a huge
dark cloud over his head, pressing down on him so he couldn’t breathe.
Three days later in Beijing, the first round of the regular season between Time and Ghost
Spirits began.
At the beginning of the game, many audience members noticed that the Ghost Spirits team
wasn’t in the right state. Lou Wushuang took a newcomer to the first stage of the arena and
the 16 year old newcomer made mistakes because of his nervousness. However, the big god
Lou Wushuang also made mistakes and this was captured by Tan Shitian.
In the Ghost Spirits’ guard stage, Zhang Shaohui’s mistake caused him to be taken away by
Cheng Wei. The Time team had also torn apart the Tan Cheng combination to bring the
newcomers. The originally equal game became more like a ‘master playing with food.’
Cheng Wei walked back to Tan Shitian’s side and spoke doubtfully, “Vice-Captain Zhang
played the game like he was sleepwalking.”
Tan Shitian patted his head and whispered, “The Ghost Spirits team might have some
internal problems. Don’t be curious and ask me again after the match.”
It turned out that Tan Shitian’s guess was correct. The second game was the Ghost Spirits’
home map. Ghost Spirits was completely defeated and Time pushed to the crystal in one
Points in the regular season weren’t as important as the playoffs but losing in the first
match caused the fans of Ghost Spirits to be worried.
The thing that increased everyone’s worries was that after the match, Lou Wushuang took
the team members to shake hands in Time’s soundproof room. As a result, he just finished
shaking hands with Cheng Wei when he suddenly fell to the ground.
This scene shocked the audience and even scared Cheng Wei. He cried out to Tan Shitian,
“Captain Lou! Captain Lou fainted!”
Tan Shitian rushed over, wanting to help. At this time, the not too distant Zhang Shaohui
rushed over like a bad beast, moving through the crowd and reaching his brother. He
carefully picked up Lou Wushuang and nervously asked, “Brother, what’s wrong with you?
His voice trembled like he was crying. The players around him were confused and didn’t
know what to do. Fortunately, Tan Shitian was calmer and told Zhang Shaohui, “Quickly
send your brother to the hospital!”
Zhang Shaohui heard this and carried his brother, running to the garage and driving
frantically to the nearest hospital.
Zhang Shaohui was distraught as he waited for the diagnosis results. He felt like he was
going crazy…
Fortunately, the doctor quickly gave the diagnosis. It was fainting caused by hypoglycemia.
“He has been suffering from a cold and fever recently. He didn’t treat it well and his
nutritional intake is insufficient. The excessive consumption of physical fitness meant his
body failed to support him. You should pay more attention if you are a family member.” The
doctor told Zhang Shaohui.
Zhang Shaohui stared at the pale man lying on the hospital bed and was stung. In the past,
they lived with each other every day and he could always detect it if there was something
unusual with Lou Wushuang. Recently, he had been hiding from Lou Wushuang and only
thought this person was thin. He didn’t expect the situation to be so serious…
Zhang Shaohui was incredibly remorseful and wanted to slap himself on the face.
The nurse entered the ward to give Lou Wushuang an IV drip and Zhang Shaohui sat by the
His WeChat ran nonstop as the managers, teammates and other players in the league
expressed concerns about Lou Wushuang’s situation. Zhang Shaohui replied before directly
issuing a Weibo post. “Captain Lou fainted because of a fever and overworking himself. The
doctor said that the problem isn’t big. Thank you for your concerns and I will take care of
Zhang Shaohui turned back to the person frowning on the bed and a strong idea that
couldn’t be ignored rose in his heart. He wanted to take good care of this person.
He wanted to stay with this person for the rest of his life and never leave.
It was because he finally discovered that the person he couldn’t lose most was actually in
front of his eyes.
Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 374

Chapter 374 – Brothers’ Feelings (8): I Want to be Together with You. Promise me?

The Ghost Spirits members came to the hospital to visit the captain but Lou Wushuang was
still asleep. They couldn’t help so Zhang Shaohui sent everyone back to the hotel, saying
that he would take care of the captain and everyone could feel reassured.
It wasn’t until late in the evening that the sleeping Lou Wushuang finally opened his eyes.
He was dizzy and confused about where he was. He was so uncomfortable that he wanted
to sit up. Zhang Shaohui immediately reached out and helped help, placing the pillow
behind him and letting him lean on Zhang Shaohui. Zhang Shaohui nervously wondered,
“You woke up. Are you feeling better?”
Lou Wushuang found his glasses and put them on. He stared at the other person before
recognizing Zhang Shaohui. Then he took a deep breath and glanced around. He finally
recovered his sense of reason and frowned. “Why am I in the hospital?”
“You passed out.” Zhang Shaohui whispered. “The doctor said you are malnourished.
Combined with the fever and exhaustion, your blood sugar level became low and you
Lou Wushuang was silent. In fact, he had been uncomfortable for a few days but the game
was imminent. He was the captain of Ghost Spirits and couldn’t take time off to see a
doctor. He also stayed up late thinking of tactics, causing him to have a headache and
lowering his physical strength. As for the lack of nutrition… he had a bad appetite recently
and felt like he was eating wave. Strictly speaking, his appetite had been terrible since his
separation from Zhang Shaohui.
He originally thought he was strong enough to face all of his calmly but it turned out, he
couldn’t achieve true calm. In the face of Zhang Shaohui, his emotions weren’t well
adjusted. Every time he saw this person, his heart ached like it was being cut by a knife.
Lou Wushuang’s thoughts were very chaotic during this time. He could only use work to
paralyze his nerves so that he didn’t think about Zhang Shaohui. The result was that he
fainted of physical exhaustion…
It was something he didn’t expect and the last result he wanted to see.
He fainted and it was unknown what the reporters would write. The Ghost Spirits fans
would also be worried and the team’s morale would be unstable, making the next game
more difficult.
Lou Wushuang looked for his phone to send a Weibo post to reassure people but his phone
wasn’t in his pocket. Zhang Shaohui knew what he was looking for and explained, “Your
phone has no more battery so I had Ah Rong bring it back to the hotel first. I just sent a
Weibo stating that the problem isn’t serious. Don’t worry about it and rest.”
He didn’t expect Zhang Shaohui tp be quite reliable at this crucial moment. Lou Wushuang
took back his hand and sat quietly on the bed.
After a while, Zhang Shaohui asked cautiously, “Brother, we… can we talk about it?”
Lou Wushuang frowned and his voice was very cold. “Talk about what? Will you apologize
to me again?”
“No, I, I want to say…” Zhang Shaohui scratched his head and carefully considered his
words before making up his mind. “Since we have already… already, I should take
responsibility for it. I, I can’t escape. Thus… I want to ask you. What exactly should I do for
you to forgive me?”
He saw Lou Wushuang’s ugly expression and Zhang Shaohui hurriedly added, “You can’t do
anything you want to me. You can get mad or hit me. No matter what you want, I will do it
right away! Brother, can you give me another chance?”
The young man stared at him with anticipation and beginning. The pathetic eyes that didn’t
want to be abandoned softened Lou Wushuang’s heart and he couldn’t say the words of
Perhaps he had been too anxious this time. The incident happened after becoming drunk
and it was normal for Zhang Shaohui to find it hard to accept. After all, he was a straight
man’s thoughts and couldn’t figure it out in two or three days.
But… restoring the brotherly relationship made Lou Wushuang feel awkward.
Perhaps a sick person was inherently softer and the other person’s expression was hard to
refuse. After hesitating for a while, Lou Wushuang whispered, “Okay, I don’t blame you and
will let it go.”
Zhang Shaohui was happy and immediately grabbed Lou Wushuang’s hand excitedly.
“That’s great!”
Lou Wushuang quietly pulled back his hand. Zhang Shaohui was a bit embarrassed but his
heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his fingers still seemed to feel the temperature of the
other party, giving Zhang Shaohui an endless aftertaste.
The two people were silent for a moment. Then the drip finished and Zhang Shaohui asked
the nurse to come over to change it. He also ran outside to buy a nutritious dinner and
came back to eat with Lou Wushuang.
The sky was dark outside and Lou Wushuang stared at the infusion bottle and asked, “How
many bottles of medicine?”
Zhang Shaohui got up to check the infusion list and replied, “There are three bottles.”
“Then you go back first.” Lou Wushuang told him lightly.
“No, I will stay here with you.” Zhang Shaohui was stubborn and Lou Wushuang didn’t
argue again. He closed his eyes and said tiredly, “Then I will sleep again.”
“Yes, go to sleep. I am guarding you.” Zhang Shaohui helped him lie down and carefully
covered him with a quilt.
After this night, the relationship between the two people obviously eased and Lou
Wushuang’s spirit and physical state also improved.
Due to various speculation outside and Manager Lin’s request, the Ghost Spirits team held a
press conference in Beijing. Lou Wushuang told the public that his body had improved and
he could cope with the next game. Zhang Shaohui also made it clear that he would help his
brother share the work of the team.
The two brothers sat in front of the reporters and the storm finally calmed down. The
Ghost Spirits fans sighed with relief.
All team members returned to Shenzhen the next day. Zhang Shaohui took the initiative to
help his brother with the luggage. He no longer deliberately avoided Lou Wushuang and
Lou Wushuang responded calmly to his questions. In the eyes of the players, the two
seemed to have returned to the past.
However, Zhang Shaohui knew that his own mood would never return to the past.
Previously, he faced his brother and only felt admiration and respect. Now when he saw
Lou Wushuang, he only thought of the scene where Lou Wushuang lay in his arms while
covered in kiss marks.
In the dormitory that evening, Lou Wushuang took a shower while Zhang Shaohui gazed at
the figure in the bathroom through the frosted glass of the bathroom. He listened to the
water sound from inside and felt something downwards.
He couldn’t help thinking of Lou Wushuang bathing. It must be a sexy and beautiful sight,
just like what he saw on the bed when he got up that morning. Lou Wushuang’s legs were
long and straight, his waist wasn’t too thin, his hips were round and his body was so good
that people couldn’t look away…
He was just thinking this when Lou Wushuang suddenly opened the door. He was wearing
a simple white bathrobe that covered most of his body but accidentally exposed the
delicate collarbone. There were crystal clear water drops…
Zhang Shaohui heard the sound of himself gulping.
Lou Wushuang gazed at him and asked, “Where’s my luggage? Help me bring it to my
“Yes.” Zhang Shaohui actively helped him drag the luggage in.
Lou Wushuang sat on the bed and wiped his hair. He rubbed for a while and found that
Zhang Shaohui was still standing there and not leaving. He lightly asked, “Do you still have
something to do?”
“Ah?” Zhang Shaohui’s senses immediately returned and he scratched his head with
embarrassment. “It’s nothing, cough. I will go back first. If you are uncomfortable,
remember to call me.”
He ran out of his brother’s bedroom and returned to his room in a restless mood. He
opened his previous post in the forum. After so many days, the post had already sunk
down. Zhang Shaohui raised his courage and posted: [I am the landlord who slept with my
friend after drinking. He has forgiven me but I am always thinking and dreaming about him,
like a demon. The relationship between us has eased. If he knows what I am thinking and
dreaming about, will he be so angry that he wants to kill me?]
The landlord who had been missing for many days came back to post, exciting the crowd.
They gave him bad ideas: [Landlord, what are you waiting for? Hurry and chase him!]
[Not yet, wait for the New Year!]
[If you keep delaying like this, you should be careful that your friend isn’t taken away!]
[If it is a man, then it is easy. Don’t muddy the waters and quickly go confess!]
Zhang Shaohui, “…”
Many netizens scolded him for not having courage. The passersby didn’t know the trust and
could take nonsense. How could he confess to his brother? Was he tired of living?
Zhang Shaohui lay in bed while thinking about Lou Wushuang accepting him. The more he
thought about it, the more he knew the possibility was 0%.
That night, Zhang Shaohui tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep. The next day, he
woke up with deep dark circles.
Like an obsessive lover, he thought about what he should do. He wanted to be more
intimate with Lou Wushuang but was worried their relationship would be ruined. This
contradictory mood made him almost go crazy.
Three days later, the Ghost Spirits played their second game in Shenzhen. It was a home
game and the opponent was a weak team. In this game, the Ghost Spirits won the arena and
team battle, finally gaining back a bit of face.
The Lou Zhang combination was still split apart. Lou Wushuang was training a newcomer
while Zhang Shaohui also took a rookie who just debuted. The effect wasn’t bad and
Manager Lin finally let go of his worries, offering to treat them to a meal.
A lovely girl came to the meal. She was Manager Lin’s daughter, Lin Xiaowan and she was
currently studying in the journalism department of Shenzhen University. She planned to be
an e-sports reporter after graduation.
She was a loyal fan of Lou Wushuang and sat beside him, asking him many questions. Lou
Wushuang gave some face to the manager and patiently answered her questions. The little
girl was excited and spread out her palm, asking Lou Wushuang to sign her hand.
The players joked, “Xiaowan, our Captain Lou’s signature is very precious. It will be washed
off is he signs it on your hand!”
Lin Xiaowan smiled. “I won’t wash my hand for a week after going back!”
This girl was very lively and generous. As a member of the journalism department, her
eloquence was excellent. Thanks to her, the meal was particularly lively.
Manager Lin brought her because he wanted her to have more opportunities to
communicate with e-sports players before her graduation. However, Zhang Shaohui was
particularly upset, especially when he saw her sit next to Lou Wushuang and talking
nonstop. He was so annoyed that he couldn’t wait to put a seal on her mouth and bring his
brother into his arms!
The sourness in Zhang Shaohui’s heart made him uncomfortable. He wanted to kill this Lin
Xiaowan with his gaze but she had strong nerves. After getting Lou Wushuang’s signature,
she ran to get Zhang Shaohui’s signature. She said with a smile, “Vice-Captain Zhang,
Captain Lou signed my left hand. Can you sign my right hand? I will take a photo to
remember it!”
Zhang Shaohui signed for her and drank two beers in a distracted manner. He couldn’t
become drunk after two glasses of beer but after returning, he deliberately pretended to be
Lou Wushuang emerged from the shower and found Zhang Shaohui lying on bed, staring up
at the ceiling with a dull gaze. He walked over and gently pushed Zhang Shaohui’s shoulder,
whispering, “Did you sleep well yesterday? How can you become drunk from a few drinks?”
Zhang Shaohui’s spirit returned and he saw Lou Wushuang’s wet skin from the shower. He
gulped and boldly placed his arms around Lou Wushuang’s waist.
Lou Wushuang was unprepared and was pulled into Zhang Shaohui’s arms. He was stunned
and his glasses almost fell off.
He struggled to get up. Zhang Shaohui tightened his arms and hugged him. He took off Lou
Wushuang’s glasses and stared into his eyes, whispering, “Brother, am I drunk? Why am I
remembering that night again? Thinking about holding you, kissing you… Don’t be so close
to those women okay? I have already embraced you, you can’t stop me…”
“Shut up!” Lou Wushuang’s face was red and he couldn’t help the trembling in his voice.
His glasses were taken off by the other person and his vision was blurry, causing the
physical touch to become extraordinarily vivid. Zhang Shaohui’s arms were strong and
powerful, making him unable to break free. The shocking thing was that he actually felt
Zhang Shaohui’s lower part standing up high and leaning against his abdomen.
Lou Wushuang instantly froze. Zhang Shaohui noticed that the other person didn’t resist
and dared to kiss Lou Wushuang. The kiss was like water. He just touched the other
person’s lips gently before letting go.
He was prepared to be slapped by Lou Wushuang. He would fall over and pretend to be
drunk. Then the next day, he would wake up and pretend not to know anything.
He didn’t expect that after kissing Lou Wushuang, this person didn’t slap him. Instead, Lou
Wushuang’s body softened and he fell into Zhang Shaohui’s arms, his body shaking slightly.
Zhang Shaohui was stunned by his and was at a bit of a loss.
A muffled voice came from his chest. “Ah Hui, are you drunk again? Will you remember
nothing after you wake up tomorrow?”
The repressed pain was clearly transferred. Lou Wushuang’s trembling voice passed to
Zhang Shaohui’s brain, every word like a sharp thorn that broke Zhang Shaohui’s heart.
Lou Wushuang originally didn’t resist his kiss?
In fact, he had long been in Lou Wushuang’s heart? That’s why he was so angry last time?
“I don’t want to go on like this anymore. I’m really tired.” Lou Wushuang pleaded softly,
“Let me go…”
Zhang Shaohui listened to the other person’s trembling voice and felt particularly
distressed. He didn’t let go and couldn’t help reaching out to stroke Lou Wushuang’s hair.
Lou Wushuang gazed at him doubtfully. After removing the glasses, his brother’s eyes
became wet and Zhang Shaohui finally couldn’t withstand the desires in his heart. He bent
his head and pressed a hard kiss against Lou Wushuang’s lips.
This time it was no longer a light touch. He boldly pried open the teeth and delved deep
into the mouth. Lou Wushuang was obviously shocked by this kiss and reflexively tried to
escape, but Zhang Shaohui kept hugging him.
Zhang Shaohui’s kiss was rough and reckless, the tongue licking the mouth with almost
zero skill. However, this simple and straightforward kiss caused Lou Wushuang’s heart to
soften in an instant.
He originally thought that he had to give up on this fruitless relationship. It turned out that
he couldn’t resist the man he had secretly been in love with for years. Zhang Shaohui’s
simple kiss was enough to rekindle the flames in his cold heart.
Even if Zhang Shaohui was drunk this time, he still couldn’t resist the warmth of his
Lou Wushuang actively moved his tongue and Zhang Shaohui immediately became excited,
kissing back deeply according to the other person’s inducement.
“Um… hmm…” Seductive sounds emerged from Lou Wushuang’s lips and Zhang Shaohui’s
body couldn’t help heating up. He flipped their position and pushed Lou Wushuang onto
the bed, kissing him even deeper.
Lou Wushuang’s vision spin and once he recovered, he found that Zhang Shaohui was
pressing on him and kissing him. Lou Wushuang’s heart rate accelerated and he nervously
held the other person’s shoulders, his mouth opening to allow his brother’s deep kiss.
“Oh… um…”
The kiss lasted a long time until Zhang Shaohui reluctantly let go of the other party, lest
they both suffocate.
Lou Wushuang’s lips were wet from the kiss and the touch of redness on his face was
particularly moving under the illumination of the lights.
Zhang Shaohui gentle stroked the red face and spoke in a hoarse voice, “Do you know? I
don’t want to call you Brother anymore. I want to kiss you, hold you, do that type of thing
with you like last time. I want you to become my person that no one else can take away.”
Lou Wushuang, “…”
He thought this person was drunk again. He didn’t expect Zhang Shaohui to speak so
clearly. Lou Wushuang stiffened and he glanced at the other person with surprise. “You…
what are you talking about?”
Zhang Shaohui clung to Lou Wushuang, rubbing his head against Lou Wushuang’s neck as
he requested seriously, “Don’t be my brother, be my wife. I will be good to you. I swear, I
will never hurt you in this life. I will love you and protect you.”
“…” Lou Wushuang couldn’t respond for a long time.
Zhang Shaohui glanced at him and boldly spoke. “If you are angry, take a knife to kill me. If
you can’t bear to kill me, promise me! I miss you so much that I dream of you every night
and I’m going crazy.”
“I have these thoughts about you. I’m a bastard and a beast…” Zhang Shaohui whispered.
“Even so, I can’t control myself. I really want to kiss you, hug you, watch you every day…”
Lou Wushuang didn’t know how he felt. The person he had been in love with for many
years suddenly confessed to him. It was like a lottery ticket worth millions of yuan
suddenly falling from the sky, so that he couldn’t believe it.
However, the burning temperature of the person holding him and the familiar voice in his
ear told Lou Wushuang that this wasn’t a dream.
“Do you promise?” Zhang Shaohui asked seriously. “I want to be together with you, okay?”
After making sure that he wasn’t drunk and talking nonsense, Lou Wushuang couldn’t help
blushing. He endured the excitement and nodded, whispering, “Okay.”
Zhang Shaohui thought he heard wrong. He raised his head and saw Lou Wushuang’s red
face underneath him. In an instant, ecstasy poured into his heart. Zhang Shaohui hugged
Lou Wushuang as hard as possible and casually kissed his face a few times, as happy as
winning the lottery. “That’s great! I won’t call you Brother in the future. Is it okay if I call
you Wushuang?”
Lou Wushuang’s blush deepened. “Yes.”
The name embarrassed him but he couldn’t ignore the hint of sweetness in his heart.
His silly younger brother finally opened up and changed their relationship. They would still
work together, supporting each other as they moved forward.
Lou Wushuang thought this and took the initiative to hold Zhang Shaohui and the other
side hugged back with more strength.
After years of secret love, he was finally able to get this fool’s response. This happiness was
very simply. Zhang Shaohui was willing to stay with him and be his lover, making Lou
Wushuang content.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 375
Chapter 375 – Brothers’ Feelings (End)

Their relationship changed from brothers to lovers and their days were much more
comfortable than before. After returning to the dormitory every night, Zhang Shaohui was
able to sleep in Lou Wushuang’s bedroom and hold him to sleep. Sometimes he could steal
a few kisses when Lou Wushuang was in a good mood.
However, that was it.
He didn’t dare to make any further moves. The drunken experience must’ve left a
psychological shadow on Lou Wushuang and Zhang Shaohui was afraid that the
relationship between the two people would be messed up because of old things.
Zhang Shaohui held his favourite person to sleep every night and endured it. He considered
Lou Wushuang’s feelings and forced himself to endure it. Besides, the season had started
and there were many things that Lou Wushuang had to deal with in the Ghost Spirits team.
Zhang Shaohui didn’t want to take up too much time.
The scene of the unconscious Lou Wushuang was still vivid in his mind. If he unknowingly
hurt Lou Wushuang and affected the team’s matches, Zhang Shaohui would definitely be
drowned by the curses of the fans.
The days passed quietly and many members of Ghost Spirits noticed a subtle change in the
relationship between the Lou Zhang brothers. In the past, Zhang Shaohui liked to follow
behind Lou Wushuang. Now it was even worse. Lou Wushuang would go to the canteen
every day at noon and Zhang Shaohui would actively prepare his favourite meal in advance.
If Lou Wushuang went to the conference room to prepare for the pre-match meeting, Zhang
Shaohui would always help him open the projection screen and connect the computer. If
Lou Wushuang was tired from training in the afternoon, Zhang Shaohui would take the
initiative to give him some coffee. Sometimes Zhang Shaohui would run downstairs in the
middle of the night, thoughtfully giving Lou Wushuang his favourite drink.
Manager Lin was relieved. “The feelings between you brothers is too good!”
Lou Wushuang’s expression was calm but Zhang Shaohui scratched his head with a red
face. “Hey, we have more than 10 years of feelings. We can’t compare to good friends!” His
tone seemed rather smug.
The newcomers secretly talked in private, “I feel like Vice-Captain Zhang is like someone
who follows the emperor in ancient times. Wherever the emperor goes, he has to arrange
everything properly.
Someone else retorted, “Vice-Captain Zhang is much more good-looking. This metaphor
isn’t appropriate!”
“They had a cold war not long ago. Vice-Captain Zhang would hide whenever he saw
Captain Lou, just like a mouse seeing a cat.”
“Yes, I really don’t understand them. After a few days of a cold war, they reconciled and are
stickier than before. It is just like glue.”
“The words ‘like glue’ seem to describe newlyweds. Is your metaphor wrong?”
“I am an e-sports player and there are no high standards for my language level…”
The several newcomers were whispering together when a cold voice was heard behind
them. “Aren’t you training today?”
Everyone immediately stiffened and sat like statues in front of the computer.
Captain Lou rarely visited the training camp. Today he suddenly came and the newcomers
were a bit flattered.
Fortunately, Zhang Shaohui smiled and helped them out. “I just organized some friendly
games for them. They worked hard for several days and I wanted them to relax today,
telling them to play casually in the online game.”
Lou Wushuang’s expression eased after hearing Zhang Shaohui’s explanation and he spoke
lightly, “You can’t be too lax. Training might be boring but people who can’t keep going will
be eliminated one day.” Then he sat down in front of a computer. “Come and play in the
arena with me. I want to see the results of your training.”
Captain Lou was too cold and rarely managed the camp. It was unknown what wind was
blowing today but the newcomers immediately rushed over to PK with Captain Lou.
Naturally, they were beaten by him one by one.
Lou Wushuang frowned. “Your actual combat awareness isn’t enough. You need more
Zhang Shaohui told him, “In the future, I will come to the training camp to supervise their
training. You have been playing all afternoon and must be tired. Do you want to go eat
dinner first?”
“Okay.” Lou Wushuang got up and let. Zhang Shaohui was following him to the door, only to
look back and say, “Tomorrow, I will develop a new training plan. You have to finish it and
don’t be lazy, do you understand?”
The group immediately responded. “We hear you, Vice-Captain Zhang!”
Zhang Shaohui instantly turned around and caught up with Lou Wushuang.
The two people returned to their dormitory after dinner. Zhang Shaohui diligently cut a
plate of fruit for his brother and asked, “Brother, are you angry about the newcomers not
training seriously.”
Zhang Shaohui scratched his head. “You can rest assured that I will look over the training
camp more in the future. When the two of us were in the training camp, Master’s
requirements were very strict. I have been too relaxed with them.”
Lou Wushuang listened to Zhang Shaohui taking the initiative to admit his mistakes and his
heart softened. “Don’t blame yourself. It is also inappropriate that I have never gone to the
training camp despite being captain. I will go over there to check when I am free, giving
more pressure to the newcomers.”
“That would be great.” Zhang Shaohui smiled and gently held Lou Wushuang’s hand. “There
are many newcomers who admire you. They will be more motivated if you come to visit.”
They also went through the tough training camp in their teenage years. The first captain of
Ghost Spirits, Mo Quan was particularly strict with his requirements. Sometimes they
wouldn’t be able to sleep when they didn’t complete a training task.
Lou Wushuang started with understanding nothing about the game and Zhang Shaohui
taught him slowly. Thus, the two teenagers couldn’t complete their master’s tasks. They
often stayed up late and night and would go out to find food when hungry.
It was a very hard but warm time. They worked hard together for their dreams, encouraged
each other and supported each other. In retrospect, Zhang Shaohui discovered that if Lou
Wushuang hadn’t accompanied him to the Ghost Spirits team then he might not be able to
persist and gain today’s achievements.
For so many years, they accompanied each other and the feelings had long surpassed
brotherhood. It was just that Zhang Shaohui was too dull and only now understood what
Lou Wushuang’s companionship meant.
Zhang Shaohui thought this and couldn’t help reaching out to hug Lou Wushuang’s waist,
placing a chin on his shoulder. Zhang Shaohui whispered, “If fact, with your results, you
might have a better development if you hadn’t become an e-sports player. You gave up so
much for me… thank you.”
Lou Wushuang became pained at these words. He did a lot for Zhang Shaohui and Zhang
Shaohui never understood it until now. Everything Lou Wushuang did wasn’t in vain.
Lou Wushuang gently hugged Zhang Shaohui and wondered, “Why are you talking like this
today? It isn’t like you.”
Zhang Shaohui smiled. “I went to the training camp with you this afternoon and suddenly
remembered the days when we were together in the training camp. Then I discovered that
I… am so stupid. You have been with me for so many years. It would’ve been nice if I
reacted earlier and made you my wife.”
Lou Wushuang’s face reddened at the word ‘wife’ and he reprimanded, “Don’t call me that.”
“Then Wushuang?” Zhang Shaohui looked up with fiery eyes, stretching out a finger to rub
against Lou Wushuang’s lips and speaking in a low voice. “Or should I continue calling you
“You… um…” Lou Wushuang’s lips were suddenly blocked by the kiss that caught him off
guard. Zhang Shaohui’s tongue went deep into his mouth and moved. Obviously, this guy’s
kissing skills had made great progress. Lou Wushuang was dizzy from the drunk and he
couldn’t help holding Zhang Shaohui’s shoulders tightly.
After a long kiss, Zhang Shaohui didn’t want to let this person go but he held back the
impulses of his body and spoke hoarsely, “Brother… um, forget it. We have to train
tomorrow so you should go sleep early.” Then he quickly rushed into the bathroom to take
a cold shower.
Lou Wushuang sat on the bed and didn’t know if he should lay or cry. He actually wanted to
say, ‘Stupid, you don’t have to be psychologically stressed. I am actually willing.’
However, Lou Wushuang always had a cold personality. How could he say these type of
He heard the sound of water in the bathroom and Lou Wushuang had to rub his temple
helplessly. Even so, he couldn’t control the sweetness in his heart. He knew that Zhang
Shaohui endured his thoughts because he respected Lou Wushuang.
There were also many inconveniences about the team training room. It was better to wait
for the off-season to return to the house. It was a small world that only belonged to them.
They didn’t have to worry about the manager, their teammates, training and the
competition. The two people could indulge themselves in desire and joy…
Lou Wushuang thought of this and couldn’t help feeling some expectations.
Time flew quickly and in the blink of an eye, it was the holiday in the middle of the regular
After the first round of the regular season, the Miracle League would give players 10 days
off. In these 10 days, some peoples would go home to visit their families while others would
go out to adjust their mood. The Ghost Spirits’ place on the rankings wasn’t bad and Lou
Wushuang let everyone relax for a few days.
The brothers returned to the house they bought in Shenzhen. The two bedroom house was
small but very warm. It was a wedding house so it was filled with a sweet taste. The first
time Zhang Shaohui came here, he wasn’t nervous at all but now he finally understood the
purpose behind Lou Wushuang buying this house.
Lou Wushuang was changing shoes at the entrance when Zhang Shaohui suddenly hugged
him from behind. “You bought this house in order to live with me? You had long planned to
use it as our wedding house, right?”
A hint of embarrassment filled Lou Wushuang’s face but it was quickly replaced by calm. “It
seems that you aren’t stupid.”
“Hey, I’ve been with you for a long time and the stupid person will slowly become smarter.”
He kissed the white neck from behind, leaving a mark on it. Then he continued, “I like this
house very much but can we change the kid’s room. Last time I argued with you and
couldn’t sleep in the room…”
Lou Wushuang listened to the complaints, thought about the man huddled on the small bed
and felt funny. He touched the other person’s head and replied, “Okay, how do you want to
change it?”
“I have a say?”
“Of course, you are also the owner of this place.”
This sentence sounded particularly pleasant and Zhang Shaohui was excited. “How about
changing it into a study? We can buy two computer tables side by side for when we want to
both play in the future.”
Lou Wushuang wondered, “Placing it against each other will save space. Why do you want
it side by side?”
Zhang Shaohui laughed. “If it is side by side then I can always pull your hand and also kiss
Lou Wushuang, “…”
This idiot was too direct!
However, Zhang Shaohui’s next actions were even more straightforward. Lou Wushuang
had just changed into slippers when Zhang Shaohui stretched out his long arms, one arm
against the armpit and the other arm around Lou Wushuang’s waist as Lou Wushuang was
picked up.
Lou Wushuang was shocked and immediately grabbed Zhang Shaohui’s shoulder. “What
are you doing?’
Zhang Shaohui smirked. “Since this is our wedding house, shouldn’t we christen it this
Lou Wushuang felt funny and rubbed hard on Zhang Shaohui’s head, speaking helplessly,
“You are thinking things unsuitable for children all day long!”
Zhang Shaohui looked innocent. “I have been enduring it for a long time. Don’t you want me
at all?”
Lou Wushuang’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.
Last time, Zhang Shaohui was drunk and his actions were too rough. There was no sense of
scale. He only cared about satisfaction and it was painful for Lou Wushuang. Now that the
two of them were in love, Lou Wushuang was looking forward to true lovemaking. No one
could bother them and Lou Wushuang didn’t want to waste this good opportunity. He
gently kissed Zhang Shaohui’s ear and whispered, “I missed you too.”
Next part has been censored. Read the uncensored part below.
Uncensored Link

Being in complete harmony with his loved one allowed the vacancy in Lou Wushuang’s
heart to finally be completely filled.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 376

Extra 3 Chapter 376 – Ghost Vice-Captain (1): Su Yu Extra

In the vening, Su Guangmo sat in front of the computer and quickly tapped the keyboard.
The side character in the game waved the giant sword in his hand, made a handsome turn
and successfully slashed at the bloody opponent. The opponent fell to the ground and Su
Guangmo placed the cigarette in his mouth in the ashtray on the table. He was heading to
the kitchen for food when he heard a knock on the door.
He opened the door and saw Captain Song Yang standing at the door. Su Guangmo
respectfully spoke, “Master, you were looking for me?”
Song Yang was the one who found his talent and was someone Su Guangmo greatly
respected. When he was young, he was too arrogant and his first interview with the Flying
Feathers team wasn’t smooth. Fortunately, Song Yang saw his talent and accepted him as
an apprentice on the spot.
After training in the Flying Feathers team for two months, Su Guangmo’s current level
could compete with the team’s first-tier players. Song Yang had decided to let him go out
next season. Recently, Flying Feathers had been busy with their matches and Song Yang
hadn’t found him for a long time. That’s why Su Guangmo was very surprised by Song Yang
appearing at the door of his dormitory today.
The even more surprising thing was Song Yang’s words. “I have received another
apprentice today and brought him to meet him. He is Yu Pingsheng and he will later be
your younger apprentice brother. I am usually busy and you should take care of him.”
Su Guangmo looked around Song Yang in a confused manner. “Younger brother? Where?”
“Here.” There was a weak voice from behind Song Yang and Yu Pingsheng emerged. Su
Guangmo discovered that this person was relatively short and thin. The tall and strong
Song Yang completely blocked his body.
Su Guangmo bowed his head and examined this person carefully. He unexpectedly found
that this younger brother was actually very good-looking. The youth’s appearance was
delicate and his black eyes were bright. His age wasn’t obvious and his face was full of
tenderness and innocence. He seemed a bit shy at Su Guangmo’s gaze and hid behind their
master again, not letting Su Guangmo see him anymore.
“Oh, my younger brother also has stealth skills.” Su Guangmo joked. “Why is he gone
Yu Pingsheng’s face was extremely red but Song Yang just smiled. “Xiao Yu’s personality
isn’t like you. He is awkward and isn’t fond of talking to people. I have arranged for him to
live with you. After becoming brothers, you have to take care of him.”
“No problem. Master, you can rest assured!” Su Guangmo patted his chest and promised.
“Then I will go first. Flying Feathers has a match in a few days and I have to prepare the
tactical arrangement. I will hold a meeting in the conference room at 8:30 in the morning.
You two, come and sit in.”
“Yes Master, go first if you’re busy!” He bid farewell to his master and Su Guangmo couldn’t
help laughing as he gazed at the dazed teenager in front of him. “Younger Brother, come in.
You will live next door to me.”
He enthusiastically helped Yu Pingsheng bring his suitcase in. He didn’t notice that Yu
Pingsheng had a stiff back and pale face when he approached.
At that time, Su Guangmo didn’t know that Yu Pingsheng was someone with a
communication disorder and it was a very serious psychological problem. He simply
thought that Yu Pingsheng’s personality was more introverted.
Su Guangmo had always been bold and this person was brought over by Master Song Yang.
He soon regarded Yu Pingsheng as a good buddy. After all, he would be teammates with Yu
Pingsheng and teammates should be in harmony. How could they play the game if they
were fighting?
At this time, Su Guangmo had a young man’s heart. His way of being good to people was
simple. He helped Yu Pingsheng place the suitcase in the bedroom and carefully washed a
plate of fruit. He peeled an orange and handed it to Yu Pingsheng. “Come, eat an orange
Yu Pingsheng gazed at the orange in front of him, face red with embarrassment. It was like
he was being forced to take medicine. After a while, he stiffly reached for the orange and
gently placed it on the table. “Thank you, I will eat it later.”
Su Guangmo was stunned. This expression obviously showed Yu Pingsheng disliked it?
He kindly gave fruit to the other person only to have cold water poured on his head. Su
Guangmo had a straightforward personality. He was somewhat unhappy and frowned, “If
you don’t like it then don’t eat. Don’t force yourself.”
“No, I don’t dislike it.” Yu Pingsheng explained shyly. He placed a peeled orange into his
mouth and slowly chewed, his expression truly showing what it meant by ‘chewing wax.’ Su
Guangmo laughed at the sight. He suddenly felt that this person was quite interesting.
Eating an orange was like tasting medicine. Yu Pingsheng obviously didn’t like it but he still
ate it silently.
Yu Pingsheng ate the orange for a full 10 minutes. Su Guangmo sat there and appreciated
his expression. After finishing, Su Guangmo wondered with a funny smile, “Is it delicious?”
“Yes, very delicious.” Yu Pingsheng gave a grudging smile.
“Then I’ll peel another one for you.” Yu Pingsheng saw Su Guangmo about to peel the
orange again and immediately became pale. His expression looked like Su Guangmo was
giving him poison.
Su Guangmo couldn’t help laughing. “Brother, you are too interesting, hahaha! If you don’t
want to eat then don’t eat. I won’t force you. Why are you making that expression?
Yu Pingsheng, “…”
It turned out he was being deliberately teased. Yu Pingsheng’s face was slightly red as he
whispered, “I-I’m not very talkative.”
Su Guangmo smiled and patted his younger brother’s shoulder. “It’s fine. E-sports players
don’t need to say much. It is enough if you play well. Let’s go, I will take you to visit the
Flying Feathers team.”
Yu Pingsheng had a psychological problem but Su Guangmo’s enthusiasm made him unable
to refuse. He had to stiffly follow behind Su Guangmo as he was introduced to the
environment of the Flying Feathers team.
The conditions of the Flying Feathers team wasn’t bad. There was a spacious and bright
training room with two rows of computers side by side. Su Guangmo took Yu Pingsheng to
the second row and explained, “This is the area for us newcomers. We usually just do
training. The front row is for the main players and we shouldn’t bother them. They are
preparing for the competition recently and their pressure is quite big. You will sit at the
computer next to me and just ask if you have any questions.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded and said, “Yes.”
Su Guangmo took him next door. “This is the conference room which can accommodate
more than 20 people. Master’s usual tactical discussion meetings are held here. Tomorrow
morning, everyone will meet here at 8:30 to discuss the next match. When you come to
listen to the tactical arrangement, it is best to prepare a book to write down some of
Master’s key contents. If you go back and think about it, this will help your tactical
Yu Pingsheng nodded again. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled at him. “Are you only going to say yes?”
Yu Pingsheng’s eyes were a bit uneasy and he hung his head like he made a mistake. “I-I’m
not very talk…”
Su Guangmo was helpless. “Okay, I know. Then keep saying ‘yes’ if you understand.”
Su Guangmo, “…”
Who was this? Even a three year old child didn’t find it so hard to express themselves?
Su Guangmo was dutifully doing his duty as the Flying Feathers guide. The result was that
Yu Pingsheng finally only said ‘Yes’ after a long time, making Su Guangmo really anxious for
him. However, he saw the uneasy Yu Pingsheng look like a small animal lost in the forest
and Su Guangmo’s heart softened. He couldn’t bear to force Yu Pingsheng to continue and
took him to the dining room.
After going around the Flying Feathers team once, Su Guangmo drew a floor plan for his
younger brother and then took him back to the dormitory, also teaching him how to use the
hot water in the bathroom.
From beginning to end, Yu Pingsheng only spoke a few words like ‘yes’, ‘okay’, ‘thank you.’
His longest sentence was ‘I’m not very talkative’. Su Guangmo resisted the urge to laugh
and arranged everything for him before turning back to the bedroom.
In fact, Yu Pingsheng wasn’t ‘not talkative’. He found it ‘repulsive’ to talk to people.
He had been diagnosed with autism as a child. Three-quarters of children with autism had
an intellectual disability but Yu Pingsheng belonged to the one-quarter that was very smart.
However, he wasn’t interested in any toys and rarely looked at people, let alone
communicate with them.
After his parents noticed the abnormality, the three year old Yu Pingsheng was taken to the
hospital. The doctor diagnosed him with autism. After a period of treatment, his situation
improved but the long-term lack of communication couldn’t be reversed. Even in his teens,
he still liked to be alone.
He never had a friend since he was a child. Every time he communicated with others, he felt
it was particularly difficult. If someone other than his parents approached him, he would be
stiff and frightened.
From a young age, his best friend was the computer.
Last year, he started playing Miracle by chance. He didn’t need to communicate with people
so he gained more and more energy from the game. His level leapt by a huge amount.
Unexpectedly, he met the president of the Flying Feathers Guild in an instance of the online
game. The president discovered his talent and invited him to the Flying Feathers team as an
e-sports player.
He was afraid to accept this invitation. How could he communicate with his teammates?
How could he play a team game?
Then his parents learnt about it and hoped he would try it. His mother gently told him that
he couldn’t go on like this. Parents would always leave first and once that happened, he
would be left alone. Did he want to die alone?
Yu Pingsheng knew that his mother’s words were very reasonable and raised the courage
to come to the Flying Feathers team.
Fortunately, Captain Song Yang had a good temper and could accommodate any player with
a flawed personality as long as their level was sufficient.
Yu Pingsheng’s level of playing the game was very high and he soon gained Song Yang’s
appreciation. Song Yang accepted him as an apprentice and handed him over to his fellow
apprentice brother, Su Guangmo.
Unlike Yu Pingsheng’s introverted self, Su Guangmo was straightforward and heart. He
might not be very old but he had a man’s pride. Despite the stiff Yu Pingsheng, Su Guangmo
took good care of him, taking him around the entire Flying Feathers team and settling him
Yu Pingsheng lay on his bed after showering. His mother sent him a message asking about
the team. Yu Pingsheng considered it for a long time before finally writing seriously, “I have
an apprentice brother called Su Guangmo. He is a very good person.”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 377
Chapter 377 – Ghost Vice-Captain (2)

The next morning, Song Yang summoned all the members of Flying Feathers to discuss the
strategic deployment for the next match against Wind Colour. Su Guangmo and Yu
Pingsheng came to the conference room to listen. Yu Pingsheng took notes according to his
brother’s instructions and after the meeting, he actually had 10 pages of notes.
Su Guangmo glanced at his neat handwriting and asked, “Do you understand what Master
His sudden closeness made Yu Pingsheng stiffen. He took a long time before finally choking
out, “I don’t understand.”
Su Guangmo blinked at him. “That means your rank is still too low.”
Yu Pingsheng replied with a red face. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled. “Don’t worry and take it slowly. When I first started meeting with
Master, I didn’t understand anything. Once you improve your level and watch more videos
of the Professional League, you will understand the professional vocabulary used by
Yu Pingsheng nodded like he gained enlightenment. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo found this enigma who only said ‘yes’ quiet interesting. Yu Pingsheng might
not speak much but his serious expression and clear eyes proved that he carefully recorded
the words in his words.
Such a sturdy younger brother made people feel good. Su Guangmo reached out and patted
his shoulder. “Improvement of tactical awareness won’t take a day or two. If you don’t
understand anything in the future, just ask me.”
Yu Pingsheng immediately shrunk back. His frightened expression made Su Guangmo
laugh. “Brother, how are you so shy?”
Yu Pingsheng, “…”
He didn’t know how to explain it to Su Guangmo. In fact, he wasn’t shy but instinctively
rejected the closeness of others. When he was touched by others, he stiffened and this was
related to his long-term autism. He had no friends since he was a child. No one had ever
cared for him like Su Guangmo before, making it difficult for him to adapt.
For Su Guangmo, caring for his younger apprentice brother was natural. After all, Song
Yang personally accepted Yu Pingsheng as an apprentice, showing that his qualifications
weren’t too bad. Flying Feathers had old and new players. In the future, the old players
would retire and new players would take over. Su Guangmo needed a trustworthy partner
to work together and improve the performance of the Flying Feathers team.
The professional league was never a one-man game. Only the team working together would
give victory and tacit teammates were crucial. Yu Pingsheng was a good seed and Su
Guangmo wanted to train him to Su Guangmo’s partner. Naturally, he showed a bit more
concern for Yu Pingsheng.
This period of time was the end of the first season and Song Yang was busy leading the
team. His second apprentice Yu Pingsheng was handed over to Su Guangmo to train.
Su Guangmo was a very conscientious brother. He first asked Yu Pingsheng to do some
basic training according to the daily training timetable of Flying Feathers, learning about
movement positions and skills release. Yu Pingsheng practiced according to his
instructions. Before dinner every day, Su Guangmo would personally come to look at the
training results.
However, Yu Pingsheng was a bit distressed. Every time his brother came to him, Su
Guangmo would always place a hand on his shoulder. This made Yu Pingsheng feel like he
was sitting on a needle and he would often make mistakes.
Su Guangmo directly pointed out, “Your hands can’t press down like this. Come over and I
will teach you.”
Then he took Yu Pingsheng’s hand and personally demonstrated the standard and most
comfortable position to press the keys.
“In the future, you will have to knock on the keyboard for a long time. If you place your
wrists like this, it will be easy to become tired after a long time. E-sports players must take
good care of their hands and develop better habits from the start.”
Su Guangmo patiently explained while holding Yu Pingsheng’s hand and teaching him the
most labour-saving method of tapping on the mechanical keyboard, how to press his five
fingers and how to find the key he needed at the fastest speed…
His hand was held by his brother and a strange burning sensation came from his fingers. Yu
Pingsheng’s face was red and he wanted to pull back his hand. However, he was afraid his
brother would be angry and sat in place, not daring to move.
Su Guangmo finally finished teaching and patted his brother’s shoulder with a smile.
“Practice well.”
Once Su Guangmo left, Yu Pingsheng was relieved and his tense mood instantly relaxed.
Looking back, he saw Su Guangmo seriously playing in the arena. The swordsman used to
big moves and cut the opponent down to the ground.
Yu Pingsheng saw the confident smile on Su Guangmo’s face and couldn’t help feeling
admiration. This brother was very powerful and understood many things. Master’s decision
to have Yu Pingsheng follow him was certainly right. As for the occasional physical contact,
Su Guangmo obviously wasn’t being malicious. Yu Pingsheng suffered from communication
problems and had to learn to slowly adapt.
However, he had closed off his heart since he was a child and rejected the contact of
outsiders. Was it that easy to change?
Perhaps it was an incident that made Yu Pingsheng really change.
That night, Song Yang returned to Kunming with the Flying Feathers. The match had been
won in a beautiful manner and Song Yang was very happy. He called the whole team out to
Yu Pingsheng was a newcomer and due to his introverted personality, he wasn’t familiar
with the other players. Song Yang wanted to use this opportunity to introduce his
apprentice to everyone.
At the dinner, Song Yang had Yu Pingsheng stand up. “This is my new apprentice Yu
Pingsheng. Xiao Yu, say hello to everyone.”
Yu Pingsheng was most afraid of crowded occasions. In a crowd, it seemed like even the
oxygen in the air became thinner and thinner, making him breathless and dizzy. Then his
master asked him to stand up and introduce himself. Yu Pingsheng helplessly stood up but
the moment he felt all the gazes, his throat seemed stuck and he couldn’t say a word.
This feeling was too terrible. Yu Pingsheng gulped and sweated anxiously, his face
becoming paler and paler.
Everyone waited for a long time but the result was that Yu Pingsheng stood there with a
white face, not saying a word. Even the good-tempered Song Yang couldn’t help being a bit
angry. He frowned and opened his mouth. “Xiao Yu, I told you to introduce yourself. Didn’t
you hear me?”
Yu Pingsheng clenched his fists tightly as he suddenly recalled his childhood when the
teacher forced him to play with other classmates. He wasn’t happy and the teacher asked
his parents to come in for a talk. The little Yu Pingsheng hid behind his mother like a small
animal that couldn’t find its direction in the forest.
This type of fear lingered in his heart. The autism had improved after years of seeing a
psychiatrist but he was still afraid to speak in a crowded environment.
Song Yang pushed him in front of everyone and it felt like his clothes had been ripped off,
exposing him to the sun. The curious eyes of the team members were a terrible torture for
The people present didn’t understand his feelings at all.
The moment that Yu Pingsheng was about to flee, his cold fingers were suddenly held by a
pair of warm hands as Su Guangmo sitting next to him stood up. He gently placed an arm
around Yu Pingsheng’s shoulder and smiled at everyone. “Ah, my brother’s personality is
really shy, please forgive him! He is called Yu Pingsheng and he is currently playing the
swordsman profession. He isn’t very talkative but he takes training seriously. He is a very
talented newcomer, right Master?”
Su Guangmo took the initiative to find a solution for both sides. Song Yang didn’t want to
refute his apprentice and smiled. “Yes, I have two apprentices. One speaks a lot while the
other doesn’t talk very often.”
The group laughed and the awkward atmosphere was swept away.
Su Guangmo sat down with Yu Pingsheng and Yu Pingsheng sent him a thankful glance. Su
Guangmo smiled and patted his shoulder. “Don’t be afraid. You have me.”
The simple words were like hot water splashing on the surface of frozen ice. There was a
slight crack in Yu Pingsheng’s deep defenses.
He had his older apprentice brother and didn’t have to be afraid of being isolated. Even if
he didn’t say anything, his brother would say it for him.
Su Guangmo’s solution meant that Yu Pingsheng wasn’t embarrassed and gave face to Song
Yang, but Song Yang’s displeasure didn’t decrease. After returning to the team, he called Su
Guangmo to his office.
“What is going on with Yu Pingsheng. I had him introduce himself yet he didn’t say a word?
You’ve been with him for a while. If he always has such a personality, how can he cooperate
with his teammates in the future?” Song Yang frowned. “Communication is essential when
fighting as a team. If he refuses to speak later in the stadium, how will his teammates know
his thoughts? How will they get along with him?”
Song Yang’s anger wasn’t unreasonable. When he accepted this apprentice, Yu Pingsheng
might be shy but he still talked to his master. Song Yang didn’t expect Yu Pingsheng’s
personality problem to be so serious that he wasn’t even capable of a simple self-
introduction. How would he be able to cooperate with his teammates?
Song Yang thought for a while before saying, “He isn’t suitable for the Flying Feathers. I
think I should send him back.”
Su Guangmo knew that his master’s concerns were correct. A person who couldn’t
communicate with his teammates was simply going to kill them!
However, he thought of the pale teenager sitting alone in the corner and training seriously.
He thought of the clear eyes and the way he hung his head while thinking for a long time
and Su Guangmo felt it was unbearable.
How sad would Yu Pingsheng be if he was driven away?
No matter what, Su Guangmo had to find a way to keep him in Flying Feathers!
Su Guangmo patted his chest and reassured the other person. “Master, don’t rush to make a
decision. Give me one month. I will have a good talk with my younger brother and see what
is going on.”
Su Guangmo returned to the dormitory and took the initiative to knock on Yu Pingsheng’s
door. Yu Pingsheng’s eyes brightened when he saw his brother and he gratefully said,
“Brother, thank you for helping me today.”
Su Guangmo was softened by his eyes and couldn’t help smiling. “Why are you so polite
with me? This is what I should do.”
Yu Pingsheng looked embarrassed but his smile was very pure and his bright eyes were full
of energy. He was obviously a very intelligent and serious person. How unfair would it be if
he was eliminated just because he wasn’t good at communication?
Su Guangmo’s expression became serious when he thought about this. He entered Yu
Pingsheng’s bedroom and faced Yu Pingsheng, asking softly, “Brother, why don’t you like to
talk to people? Isn’t it okay to tell me the reason? I promise that I am a tight-lipped person
and won’t tell your secret!”
Yu Pingsheng glanced away and Su Guangmo held his shoulder, making him stare at Su
Guangmo. “Brother, we have known each other for a while and how have I treated you?
Aren’t I worthy of your trust?”
Yu Pingsheng confronted these eyes that were as deep as the sea, with a gentleness that
seemed like it would accommodate everything…
How did Su Guangmo treat him during this time? Yu Pingsheng wasn’t a stone and how
could he not feel the care of his brother? Every morning, Su Guangmo would grab him
breakfast. Sometimes Yu Pingsheng forgot to eat while training and Su Guangmo would
take the initiative to bring dinner to the dormitory. In addition, Su Guangmo taught him
many things he didn’t understand and answered his questions patiently. Su Guangmo was a
tolerant and patient brother, leading Yu Pingsheng through this strange world of e-sports
step by step.
Yu Pingsheng was very grateful to Su Guangmo but should he tell his secret? Was Su
Guangmo really someone he could trust?
A long silence passed before Yu Pingsheng hung his head and whispered, “In fact, I… when I
was a kid, I had autism. The doctor said I have… interpersonal, communication barriers.”
The difficult to speak words shocked Su Guangmo.
He thought Yu Pingsheng was just introverted but it turned out to be a communication
disorder. This was a mental illness that couldn’t be ignored. Su Guangmo had heard that
patients with communication disorders who couldn’t control their moods might commit
Su Guangmo saw his brother’s pale face and suddenly felt very distressed.
How could such a smart guy have a psychological problem? Whether it was natural factors
or the influence of the environment he grew up with, Su Guangmo couldn’t watch Yu
Pingsheng continue like this.
He stretched out his arms and gave Yu Pingsheng a hug that was barely noticeable. Then he
spoke in a gentle and tolerant tone, “Don’t be sad. Everyone in this world is different and
you are just a bit more different from other people. If you don’t like to talk to others, try
talking to me first. During our time training, haven’t you communicated with me? If you
have any ideas in the future, you can tell me. If you don’t want to talk, type a message for
me. Don’t suppress it in your heart, okay?”
The hug was so light that Yu Pingsheng didn’t reject it. His mind gradually calmed down
under Su Guangmo’s soft comfort and Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Okay.”
Apart from his parents and psychiatrist, Su Guangmo was the first person to fully tolerate
his shortcomings.
A person who had been walking alone for many years finally met a friend he could speak to.
There was a sudden influx to his heart, making Yu Pingsheng’s body gradually warm up.
This brother was really a good person, Yu Pingsheng once again thought.
Thus, Su Guangmo received the second ‘good person’ card issued by Yu Pingsheng.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 378

Chapter 378 – Ghost Vice-Captain (3) Motivated

Since opening up and telling Su Guangmo about his mental illness, the relationship between
Yu Pingsheng and Su Guangmo obviously became closer. Yu Pingsheng still didn’t dare to
approach other members of the team but in front of his brother, Yu Pingsheng wasn’t as
shy as before. He was willing to speak to his brother, especially if there were problems with
the game. Yu Pingsheng liked to ask questions and Su Guangmo would patiently explain it
to him.
Master Song Yang was still busy with the team and only paid attention to the training of his
two apprentices when the pressure wasn’t so great. The thing that surprised Song Yang
was that Yu Pingsheng made rapid progress and gradually seemed like an e-sports player.
His foundation wasn’t as solid as Su Guangmo but the talent he showed couldn’t be ignored.
This season, Xu Luo led the Time team with his strong white magician control style and
won the championship. Flying Feathers didn’t get any trophies and Song Yang inevitably
felt a bit lost. However, he saw his two apprentices seriously training and was full of hope
for the future of the Flying Feathers team.
The holiday period soon arrived. Song Yang called everyone for a simple summary meeting
before letting them go home to rest.
That night, Yu Pingsheng was packing when Su Guangmo suddenly came to his bedroom
and asked, “What are your plans for the holiday?”
Yu Pingsheng replied, “Go home.”
Su Guangmo smiled. “Isn’t it boring to spend all day at home. Do you want to go travel with
me to play?”
Yu Pingsheng most hated lively occasions and didn’t he have to see people when travelling?
He thought of this and rejected his brother’s invitation. “I won’t go…”
Su Guangmo saw his embarrassed expression and stepped forward, wrapping an arm
around his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m taking you to a place with few people. Let’s just go
with the two of us. We don’t need to follow a tour group and will drive by ourselves.”
“Self-driving tour?” Yu Pingsheng glanced at his brother with surprise. “You can drive?”
“Yes, I got my driver’s license last year and there is a car at home. Let’s drive by ourselves.”
This proposal made Yu Pingsheng feel a bit warm. After all, he had never been to distant
places because of his personality. The books described all these great places and he also felt
yearning. It was just that he hated places with a lot of people as well as following a tour
group filled with strangers. The image was terrible. If they were driving themselves then he
didn’t need to worry about communicating with others.
Yu Pingsheng nodded and asked, “Okay. What do I need to bring?”
“It is enough to bring clothes, toiletries and your ID card.”
“Yes.” Yu Pingsheng went back to packing his suitcase. Su Guangmo saw him seriously
folding his clothes and couldn’t help smiling slightly.
Su Guangmo loved going around to travel everywhere from an early age. It was very
interesting to see the local cuisine, listen to the local dialects and look at the different
scenery. Whenever he couldn’t find a companion, he would go alone. Now he had a quiet
and obedient younger brother. He would never be bored if he brought his younger brother
with him on the road.
Moreover, Yu Pingsheng didn’t like to communicate with others. He always stayed at home
and this made him lonelier. By taking him to see the world outside, it was an opportunity to
alleviate the psychological problem.
After making a good plan, Su Guangmo went back to prepare his luggage and book the
hotels in advance.
Su Guangmo chose Inner Mongolia for the final destination of his self-driving tour. Yu
Pingsheng had been living in the coastal cities of the south and Su Guangmo wanted to take
this younger brother to see the vast prairie in the north. Sure enough, Yu Pingsheng was
very interested in the grasslands. After hearing Su Guangmo’s plan, his eyes lit up and he
was very happy to follow his brother.
They arrived at the underground garage and Su Guangmo opened the trunk of the car and
helped Yu Pingsheng with his luggage. It was a black off-road Land Rover. It was very big
and the shape was domineering. When Yu Pingsheng was bored, he also liked to look at
cars on the Internet. He knew the value of this car and couldn’t help being a bit surprised.
“Is this your car?”
Su Guangmo smiled. “It is my father’s. I tricked him to let me borrow it for a few days. Come
on, get on the car.”
Yu Pingsheng wanted to sit in the back but Su Guangmo let him sit in the passenger seat.
The two men fastened their seat belts and Su Guangmo started the car, causing the music to
turn on. The rock music with a strong rhythm shocked Yu Pingsheng. Su Guangmo glanced
over at him and asked, “Is it too noisy?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded and Su Guangmo thoughtfully changed it to a more soothing song.
The two people drove from Kunming to the expressway. After Qujing and Puan, they went
to Guiyang City. They stayed here for one night. The next day, they tasted the local cuisine
of Guiyang before driving to stay at Chongqing in the evening.
Yu Pingsheng didn’t understand anything and just followed his brother. This was the first
time he left the province and everything he saw and heard along the way felt particularly
He could walk, stop and do anything he wanted. Yu Pingsheng never thought he would
experience such a leisurely trip.
The 18 year old Su Guangmo was particularly proficient with the tour. He knew everything
from the city to stay in, the maximum speed and where to go to eat local food. Yu Pingsheng
really admired him.
Once they arrived at the hotel in the evening, his worried mother sent him a text message
asking about the journey. Yu Pingsheng replied: [I have my brother and it is very smooth.
We have already arrived in Chongqing and Brother said that we will stop in Xi’an next.]
Mother Yu was very happy that her son could go out and play. [Listen to your brother’s
words. He is more knowledgeable than you. In addition, stay close to him and don’t wander
Yu Pingsheng replied: [Don’t worry.]
Su Guangmo saw him texting and joked, “Is Auntie worried that I sold you?”
Yu Pingsheng looked up and spoke seriously, “No, I told Mother that you are very good.”
Su Guangmo smiled. “That isn’t necessarily the case. Perhaps I will take you out to do bad
Yu Pingsheng looked confused. “What bad things?”
Su Guangmo saw the clear eyes and suddenly felt that his throat was a bit dry. He coughed
and said, “It’s nothing. Let’s go to sleep.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded and lay down in bed. His breathing soon evened out as he entered his
His breathing was so shallow that Su Guangmo could hardly feel anyone around him. This
younger brother had a low sense of existence and seemed to be integrated into the air. He
was as quiet as a ghost.
He might have serious communication problems but he was smarter than the average
person and had a very high hand sped. God closed one door for him but also opened a
window for him.
This teenager was so special that Su Guangmo couldn’t ignore him. Su Guangmo
unconsciously found that he could no longer look away.
The two people finally arrived at Inner Mongolia a week later. Su Guangmo drove to Horqin
Prairie because he wanted Yu Pingsheng to experience the real grassland scenery. Yu
Pingsheng excitedly stared out the window at the vast prairie. He didn’t say anything but
the brilliance of his eyes couldn’t be concealed.
Su Guangmo smiled and asked, “Is it beautiful?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
“I’ll take you to more fun places after the holiday.”
Yu Pingsheng continued to nod. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo’s smile widened and he told Yu Pingsheng, “Tonight, I’ll take you to eat
delicious barbecue and then we will experience sleeping in a yurt on the prairie.”
His words caused surprise to appear in Yu Pingsheng’s eyes.
Su Guangmo stopped the car and took Yu Pingsheng to a tourist reception point as he
exchanged a few words with the owner. The Mongolian person was very enthusiastic and
took the two of them to eat roasted lamb. Su Guangmo also drank a bottle of the local
specialty wine. Yu Pingsheng didn’t drink the wine. He tried a mouthful, found it too spicy
and changed it for a bowl of milk tea.
After eating and drinking, the two of them strolled around the prairie before returning to
the yurt to sleep. This yurt was relatively small but it was enough for two teenagers.
There was a plastic skylight above them, allowing them to see the vast night sky of Inner
Mongolia. The two men lay side by side on the quilt. The surroundings were very quiet and
the sky studded with stars was above their heads, making it feel like there were only the
two of them in the world. Such a scene made Su Guangmo feel particularly romantic and it
was easy to think of words like ‘watch until the end of time.’
He turned his head and saw Yu Pingsheng gazing at the night sky with serious eyes. His
eyes were black, bright and contained no impurities, just like the brightest stars in the dark
sky of this grassland.
Perhaps it was because of the wine but Su Guangmo’s body suddenly felt hot. The physical
reaction of an adolescent boy was particularly fierce and he temporarily found it hard to
control himself. Su Guangmo found that he had turned over and pressed against his
younger brother. Yu Pingsheng stared at him with confusion.
Yu Pingsheng’s lips were blocked and the teenager’s kiss contained a trace of recklessness.
Yu Pingsheng’s mouth opened with surprise, allowing Su Guangmo’s tongue inside,
followed by the taste of the spicy wine.
Yu Pingsheng knew Su Guangmo had been drinking today and pushed him hard with a red
face. “Brother, let go of me… oh…”
Su Guangmo only felt that his heartbeat was as fast as a drum and Yu Pingsheng’s soft lips
fascinated him. The taste of kissing this person was better than imagined, so that he almost
couldn’t control himself.
Yu Pingsheng’s push allowed him to gain his mind. Su Guangmo let go of the other person
and pretended to be drunk as he whispered, “I want to do bad things after I drunk and I
can’t control it. What should I do?”
The just kissed Yu Pingsheng’s breathing was rough. His face was red as he gasped. This
appearance made Su Guangmo want to kiss Yu Pingsheng and have even more intimate
This was the most exciting time during puberty for the 18 year old teenager. It was difficult
to stop but Su Guangmo immediately turned away to his original position. He took Yu
Pingsheng’s hand and whispered, “I just drank too much and don’t know what I was doing.
Don’t be angry with me?”
His voice was very gentle. Yu Pingsheng was silent for a moment before nodding. “Okay.”
Su Guangmo reached out to gently hold this person, whispering, “Nights on the prairie are
very cold. I will hold you to sleep.”
Yu Pingsheng’s body was stiff but Su Guangmo’s arms were special. The warmth and gently
strokes along his back made Yu Pingsheng’s sense of rejection gradually subside. He knew
this wasn’t quite right but he never had close contact with anyone since he was a child. It
was Su Guangmo who tried to open his closed heart and he didn’t hate Su Guangmo’s touch.
On the contrary, Su Guangmo holding him made him feel safe.
Yu Pingsheng closed his eyes at this thought and quietly nestled in his brother’s arms.
Su Guangmo stared at the teenager sleeping in his arms and his heartbeat suddenly lose its
frequency. If he was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing then how should he explain
his heartbeat?
During this time, he had always protected Yu Pingsheng as his brother. It wasn’t until now
that he realized he didn’t want to protect this person as his brother. He wanted to take this
person for himself
Yu Pingsheng didn’t think too much about the kiss. He just thought that his brother was
drunk and found the wrong person. The trip made him very tired and he quickly fell asleep
in his brother’s arms.
The teenager slept very well. A layer of fog appeared on his white skin, his lips were soft
and rosy, his eyelashes were long and thick and his shallow breathing made him look
particularly docile.
Su Guangmo took a deep breath and reluctantly admitted that he was tempted by this
younger brother who was as quiet as a ghost.

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.
GLS: Chapter 379
Chapter 379 – Ghost Vice-Captain (4)

This was a fresh and exciting journey. Yu Pingsheng had never experienced such a fun
holiday since he was a child. As they left Inner Mongolia, he stared at the vast grassland
Su Guangmo turned on music in the car and smiled. “Next season’s holiday, I will take you
to Dunhuang to see the desert. In the winter, we will go to the north to see the snow. There
are many fun places in the country and I’ll take you. It is much more interesting than you
staying at home.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes, thank you Brother.”
Su Guangmo thought about ‘you are such a good person’ was probably added after this
sentence? The simple Brother Yu didn’t know that his ‘good person’ was actually moving to
monopolize his holidays.
Su Guangmo knew that he was tempted by this younger apprentice brother but he wasn’t
in a hurry. Yu Pingsheng’s psychological obstacles had only slightly improved. If he rushed
things then he was afraid Yu Pingsheng would completely close off his heart and refuse to
talk to Su Guangmo. This would be a bad thing.
This type of thing should be slow, subtle and long-term, making the feelings more secure.
They were still young and their future was very long.
The two people returned to the team around the Spring Festival. There was still a few days
until training resumed and Su Guangmo deliberately revealed that his parents were abroad
and he would be home alone. Yu Pingsheng hesitated for a moment before inviting him, “Do
you want to go back to my house for New Year?”
Su Guangmo was overjoyed and immediately agreed. “Yes!”
This younger brother with communication problems made Su Guangmo feel very
depressed. He wanted to take this opportunity to visit Yu Pingsheng’s home and look at his
parents. Perhaps the psychological problem was caused by the family environment.
Mother Yu heard her son say he would bring his brother back for New Year and was so
happy she almost sobbed. This was the first time her son was bringing back a friend! Her
son finally had a friend!
Su Guangmo drove with his younger brother to Lijiang, which was where Yu Pingsheng
grew up. However, his home wasn’t in the ancient town of Lijiang but a high-rise
community with a good environment in the new city.
The surprising thing was that the moment Su Guangmo entered the door, Mother Yu
treated him like a VIP. “Come in quickly. You are Brother Su right? My son isn’t very good at
speaking and I’m thankful for you looking after him.”
Su Guangmo was flattered and waved his hand. “Auntie, there is no need to be polite.
Taking care of my younger brother is what I should do.”
Mother Yu pulled him to sit down at the table. Father Yu placed the dishes he worked hard
to make and the table was full of New Year dishes. Yu Pingsheng saw this and eagerly sat
the table, waiting to eat.
Mother Yu scolded him. “Go get your brother chopsticks.”
“Oh.” Yu Pingsheng moved to the kitchen.
Mother YU smiled. “My son had no friends from a young age. He is very introverted, doesn’t
speak and doesn’t know the etiquette for entertaining guests. Please teach him in the
“The team doesn’t have many rules and he is very comfortable there.” Su Guangmo politely
smiled. “In fact, he is particularly clever and his progress is very fast. There is also me and
no one dares bully him. Auntie, you can rest assured.”
Mother Yu heard this and smiled. She had been afraid that her son would be bullied
outside. It was great that he had a brother to protect him. Yu Pingsheng came back with the
chopsticks and Mother Yu immediately gave Su Guangmo a dish. “Come on, eat more!”
Yu Pingsheng bent over to eat, occasionally glancing at Su Guangmo’s bowl. Su Guangmo
thought this sneak peek was cute and gave him a piece of ribs. “Eat more.”
“Yes.” Yu Pingsheng bowed his head. After hesitating for a moment, he learnt from his
mother and gave Su Guangmo a piece of shrimp, whispering, “Brother, you love to eat
Mother Yu was so moved she almost cried. She had to secretly turn away her head to wipe
at the corner of her eyes.
It was the first time she saw her son helping others.
Yu Pingsheng had been living in his own world since he was young. He regarded others as
air and was as quiet as a ghost when walking. Sometimes if he was hungry, he would
quietly walk behind people to get food and then retreat to his room to eat. Mother Yu was
often startled by her own son!
Now after training for more than one month in the Flying Feathers team, her son had
He finally had some ‘character’, making Mother Yu feel that he was no longer so cold and
far away.
This was an excellent phenomenon. According to the psychiatrist, Yu Pingsheng should try
to open his heart and not be so isolated from the world. It seemed this older brother had a
great influence on him.
After the meal, Mother Yu asked Yu Pingsheng to help his father wash the dishes. She called
Su Guangmo to the living room and said, “When he was born, he didn’t cry very much. I
didn’t mind at the time and thought he was well-behaved. By the time he was three, he
could walk. Other children would chase their parents, ask their parents to hug them and
find their parents if they are hungry. However, my son only quietly hid in the corner with
his toys. Sometimes, I would go to hug him and there was no reaction on his face. I realized
that something wasn’t right.” Mother Yu paused, her voice choked up. “When I took him to
the hospital, the doctor said he had autism and it was difficult to cure. Long-term
psychological intervention was needed. If it wasn’t handled well, he would probably
become suicidal…”
After seeing that Mother Yu was so sad she couldn’t speak, Su Guangmo patted her back.
“Auntie, it’s all passed. Brother is just a bit different from everyone else and there is no
need to put pressure on him.” Su Guangmo’s hand became firmer as he whispered, “Believe
in me. I will make him feel like the Flying Feathers team is his home.”
Mother Yu nodded gratefully.”It is great that he can have a brother like you in his life!”
Su Guangmo guiltily looked away and pretended to smile. “Auntie is too kind. He is my
younger brother and I should protect him!”
Yu Pingsheng’s house didn’t have an extra room and Mother Yu arranged for the two of
them to stay in Yu Pingsheng’s bedroom.
An average boy’s bedroom was messy but Yu Pingsheng’s room was neat and clean. Apart
from the bed, table and wardrobe, there was nothing. There were no photos of beautiful
women on the walls and even the book on the table were as neat as a bookstore.
Su Guangmo looked over the room before sitting on the bed. Yu Pingsheng seemed a bit
perturbed and Su Guangmo smiled at him. “Come over. Aren’t you going to sleep?”
Yu Pingsheng hesitated a bit before slowly walking to the bed. Su Guangmo raised the quilt
and let him lie on the bed. Then he stretched out his arms to gently hold Yu Pingsheng.
The person in his arms stiffened and Su Guangmo stroked his back. “Don’t be afraid, I just
want to hug you. Don’t feel any pressure, okay?”
Yu Pingsheng was silent before finally relaxing, his eyes staring curiously at Su Guangmo.
Su Guangmo’s heart beat faster and he suppressed the impulses of his body as he touched
Yu Pingsheng’s hair. “Is it so uncomfortable?”
Yu Pingsheng hesitated before shaking his head.
“Then contact with me isn’t annoying, right?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded seriously.
Su Guangmo was amused by Yu Pingsheng’s serious expression and his heart softened. He
suddenly felt that the person in his arms was a treasure that God gave him and had the urge
to hold Yu Pingsheng for a lifetime.
However, he couldn’t help feeling some guilt when he thought of Mother Yu’s grateful eyes.
If he and Yu Pingsheng were really only apprentice brothers, he could accept Mother Yu’s
gratitude with a clear conscience. The problem was that he liked this person and wanted
this person to be his. If Yu Pingsheng’s parents knew his mind, they wouldn’t entertain him
like a VIP and would sweep him out of the house.
Of course, these things only needed to be considered after a long time.
The current Yu Pingsheng was still young. For Su Guangmo, the first task was letting his
brother happily become a member of the Flying Feathers team and not be so closed off.
That way, Su Guangmo had the confidence to face Yu Pingsheng’s parents if he had to tell
them about the change in feelings one day. It was because he was sincere to Yu Pingsheng
and had the confidence to take care of this person for the rest of his life.
After the Spring Festival, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng returned to the Flying Feathers
team. Song Yang and the other players also arrived.
The second season of the Miracle Professional League was about to start. Song Yang
decided to let his apprentice Su Guangmo debut in advance. Su Guangmo might be a
newcomer lacking experience but his amazing talent and high tactical awareness couldn’t
be tolerated. If he joined the main lineup then he might bring a new vitality to the Flying
Feathers team.
With the support of the old members of Flying Feathers, Su Guangmo was included in the
list of main players.
The second season finally started and as a newcomer, Su Guangmo followed his master to
the professional league. The home game was naturally in Kunming but away games meant
having to travel to the venues. This meant being separated from Yu Pingsheng.
Su Guangmo was very worried about the situation of his younger brother and proposed to
his master to take Yu Pingsheng with them. Song Yang politely refused. “The leader has
already booked the hotel based on the number of contestants in the Flying Feathers team.
In addition, your younger brother isn’t solid enough right now. He will debut formally next
season and it is a waste of time for him to follow us everywhere. It is better for him to stay
in the team and train well.”
His master’s words were reasonable but Su Guangmo was worried.
Every time he followed the team, he would send a text message to chat with his brother. He
was really worried about this quiet person and wished he could make a cloth bag and tie Yu
Pingsheng to his body.
Su Guangmo remembered his younger brother in his heart but he didn’t slack off in the
game. His swordsman was radiant as soon as he debuted and he fully displayed the heroic
swordsman. He killed many ace players with the sword in his hand and his reputation grew
over time. Many people said he was the successor of Sword God Song Yang.
However, Flying Feathers’ strength this year still couldn’t match Wind Colour.
The Wind Colour had Ling Xuefeng and Yuang Shaozhe and this was the most powerful
period of the double summoners play. On the other hand, the Time team who won the
championship the first season had worse results because their captain Xu Luo’s state
wasn’t as good as before. Ghost Spirits’ assassin, Mo Quan was unpredictable and often
used the maps to invisibly kill people. The FTD team’s Li Cangyu’s tactical ideas were
superior and people couldn’t predict them. The regular season’s team rankings were
always changing and the competition was particularly fierce.
Based on a comprehensive view, the team with the overall highest strength was Wind
Colour and Flying Feathers. However, Su Guangmo had just debuted. He was still young
regarding the game and wasn’t as calm and decisive as Ling Xuefeng.
Song Yang was eager to train a few more ace players. Yu Pingsheng was a good talent but
he had difficulties communicating. Fortunately, among the people who joined the guild,
there was a teenager who caught his attention. The young boy named Xie Shurong was
different from the heroic Su Guangmo and the introverted Yu Pingsheng. Xie Shurong was
very young but he was sharp and aggressive. His style of play was particularly fierce.
Song Yang almost immediately took a fancy to the style of this boy. He recruited Xie
Shurong to the Flying Feathers team and accepted him as a disciple, so that Yu Pingsheng
could communicate with him and do the basic training first.
Su Guangmo returned after playing an away game and saw a very sunny young boy in the
training room behind Yu Pingsheng. HIs voice was crisp and clear. “Second Brother, can I
call you Brother Yu? Second Brother always reminds me of Journey to the West!”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong continued. “Brother Yu, is the food at our team’s canteen delicious?”
Yu Pingsheng was stunned, obviously not expecting to be asked this question. He hesitated
for a moment before replying uncertainly, “It should… be delicious?”
Xie Shurong was excited. “Great! I will go the canteen to find something to eat!”
Then he rushed out of the training room like the wind.
Su Guangmo rubbed his temples and asked Yu Pingsheng, “Is that Master’s new
Yu Pingsheng’s eyes brightened at the sight of Suddenly and he gave a rare smile. “Brother,
you came back.”
Su Guangmo saw the smile and the unhappiness in his heart was swept away. “Did you miss
As he spoke, a voice was suddenly heard behind him. “I heard that Big Brother came back?
Who is he?” It was obviously Xie Shurong who went halfway before hearing the players in
the training camp say that Su Guangmo was back.
Su Guangmo turned and looked at him. “It’s me. Are you Master’s new apprentice?”
Xie Shurong grinned and greeted him. “Yes! My name is Xie Shurong. Hello Older Brother!”
Su Guangmo nodded. “Today the canteen has braised pork ribs, garlic eggplant, Yuxiang
shredded pork and green pepper scrambled eggs. If you go late then the ribs will be taken.”
He just finished when Xie Shurong rushed towards the canteen without hesitation.
This energetic little brother ran away without a trace. Su Guangmo smiled slightly and said,
“Our younger apprentice brother is a foodie. He will be easy to handle If he chats to you
then I will draw him away with food.”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 380

Chapter 380 – Ghost Vice-Captain (5)

In the middle of the second season, the Flying Feathers team was ranked second in the
regular season’s standings. It seemed there was hope for the championship. However, Song
Yang’s heart was very clear. Flying Feathers was a little bit away from the championship.
At present, the main attackers in the Flying Feathers team were him and his apprentice Su
Guangmo. The level of the other players could only be considered as intermediate and the
entire team’s output, support and momentum were inferior to the Wind Colour team. The
thing that truly worried Song Yang was that his state had started to decline. His reaction
speed was far below the previous season.
As the captain, he had to think of a way out for the Flying Feathers team before retiring.
During the mid-season holiday, Su Guangmo wanted to take Yu Pingsheng for a self-driving
tour. As a result, Song Yang suddenly kept the three apprentice brothers in the team. He
had Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong practice as swordsmen, forming a three swordsmen
strong melee style.
Xie Shurong himself liked to play the swordsman and this decision was natural. He happily
agreed. Since Yu Pingsheng came to the team, he had been consolidating his basic training.
He played all six Miracle races and the more than 20 classes from start to finish. He hadn’t
yet determined his class.
He was used to playing a berserker in the online game. However, now his master proposed
the tactical idea of three swordsmen cooperating and Yu Pingsheng was too embarrassed
to refute. He nodded and agreed.
From that day onwards, Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong became the next
successors of Flying Feathers and received Song Yang’s training. Su Guangmo was the main
attacker, Xie Shurong would look for opportunities to harvest heads and Yu Pingsheng
would help from the sidelines. The three of them trained together and developed a higher
tacit understanding.
It was just that Su Guangmo often followed the team to play in the field. Whenever their
eldest apprentice brother left, Xie Shurong and Yu Pingsheng would train together. Yu
Pingsheng didn’t like to talk and always sat quietly in the corner without any sense of
existence. Xie Shurong was a sharp teenager who abused people he met in the game. He
especially loved to kill healers.
Sometimes when Xie Shurong won 10 games in a row, he could turn excitedly to report his
record with Yu Pingsheng. “Brother, I won again! It is 10 in a row!”
As a result, his older brother only blankly replied with, “Yes.”
Xie Shurong continued looking for praise. “Brother, do you think I’m good?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded calmly. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong, “…”
His excited mood was watered down by the uneventful answer.
Over time, Xie Shurong felt that chatting with this stuffy brother was boring and he no
longer looked for Yu Pingsheng. Yu Pingsheng was glad that this little brother wasn’t being
noisy and the communication between the two people during daily training was pitiful.
However, every time Su Guangmo came back, Yu Pingsheng would become different from
usual. He would look at Su Guangmo with bright eyes and ask some questions seriously.
Brother Yu’s voice was actually very good and his soft tone gave Xie Shurong extra comfort.
He couldn’t help thinking, ‘Brother Yu is so strong! He has a lot to say to Eldest Brother but
he only has one word for me.’
Every time that Yu Pingsheng asked questions, Su Guangmo would answer patiently, just
like a gentle and generous brother.
Xie Shurong envied the atmosphere of their communication. He couldn’t help finding Su
Guangmo and asking a bunch of questions. “Eldest Brother, if I meet the other side’s core
output and healer on the field, which would should I kill first?”
Su Guangmo replied, “Think for yourself.”
Xie Shurong raised his eyebrows in a disgruntled manner. “Brother Yu asked you so many
questions and you would answer patiently. I just asked one question and you told me to
think for myself. Am I a stepdaughter?”
“Su Guangmo told him, “Of course, you’re not a stepdaughter.”
Xie Shurong was happy for two seconds until Su Guangmo added, “You are charging the
“…” Xie Shurong angrily turned away.
Yu Pingsheng found that Su Guangmo loved teasing this little brother and making him
angry. Yu Pingsheng asked doubtfully, “Why do you want to make Ah Shu angry?”
Su Guangmo smiled. “He is like a little wolf who hasn’t grown up. He bares his teeth all day.
Don’t you think this is funny?”
In Su Guangmo’s view, the sharp Xie Shurong was like a wolf who hadn’t grown up. The
little wolf didn’t know how to cover up his sharp claws. Such a straightforward and lovely
teenager meant that Su Guangmo treated him as a younger brother. Thus, he would tease
Ah Shu because he knew Ah Shu wouldn’t really be angry.
Yu Pingsheng was different. Su Guangmo put him at the apex of his heart. Forget bulling Yu
Pingsheng, he just wanted to hold this person in his hands.
Xie Shurong was yelling about his eldest brother’s eccentricity but he didn’t know that Su
Guangmo wasn’t eccentric. It was just that the meaning of the two apprentice brothers was
different. A younger brother could be reprimand and argued with. However, a loved one
could only receive unlimited tolerance and warmth.
Xie Shurong said his eldest brother was eccentric but he didn’t take it to heart. After all, by
the time he came to the Flying Feathers team, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng had been
training together for half a year. Xie Shurong came late and it was natural that their
relationship wasn’t as deep as his two elder brothers. It was enough that the three people
could cooperate in the game.
Time flew by and it was the playoffs of the second season. A few games had a blowout
score, especially the semi-finals between Flying Feathers and Ghost Spirits. Song Yang
failed to keep up with Su Guangmo at a crucial moment and he was assassinated by the
hidden Ghost Spirits captain, Mo Quan. The Ghost Spirits team took the opportunity to tear
through Flying Feathers’ defense and win.
Flying Feathers, who was originally the most promising champion, lost in the semi-finals
and eventually only won third place. Song Yang directly announced his retirement
afterwards. For a player who once stood at the top of the professional league, he didn’t
want to leave this way. However, the chose to let go because he was unwilling to let his
existence become a burden on the team.
Sword God Song Yang’s retirement caused a stir. Many reporters were worried that Flying
Feathers’ results would plummet after losing Song Yang. In the midst of these doubtful
voices, the league ushered in the offseason of the second season. Su Guangmo, Yu
Pingsheng and Xie Shurong consciously didn’t go home. They stayed in the team and
trained hard over the holidays, making the cooperation between them more tacit.
Once the third season started, Song Yang brought a surprise to the Miracle League.
Flying Feathers’ new lineup of three swordsmen was like a sharp sword piercing the sky!
At the beginning of the regular season, the cooperation between the three brothers was still
slightly unpolished. Then as more matches passed, the three people’s attack power and
tactical thinking progressed rapidly. Su Xie joined forces to kill many top gods while Yu
Pingsheng protected the two attackers.
The Flying Feathers team smashed into the finals in one swoop and unexpectedly won the
At the awards ceremony after the match, Su Guangmo stood with Yu and Xie and thanked
their teacher Song Yang for his training. The three teenagers stood side by side while
holding the championship trophy. Su Guangmo’s smile was confident and suitable to be a
captain. Yu Pingsheng’s smile was quiet and his black eyes were bright. Xie Shurong’s smile
was dazzling and contained his unique youthful spirit.
This picture of Flying Feathers’ Three Musketeers became a classic scene of the Miracle
However, the good times didn’t last long. Less than a week since Song Yang left the Flying
Feathers team, there was a conflict between the three apprentices.
The cause of the conflict was Yu Pingsheng.
After a season of competition, Yu Pingsheng found himself more suitable for a berserker. In
the past, he didn’t dare oppose his master’s orders. It was only with his eldest brother that
he dared to say his thoughts.
For a person with a communication disorder, it wasn’t easy to express his thoughts. It was
definitely a deliberate decision and combined with Yu Pingsheng’s cleverness and
seriousness, Su Guangmo didn’t hesitate to agree.
Unexpectedly, Xie Shurong strongly opposed this and the brothers had a big fight.
Xie Shurong felt that his eldest brother was eccentric and impulsively left Flying Feathers.
After leaving the country, he deleted the contact information of his two older brothers. By
the time Su Guangmo calmed down and wanted to call his youngest brother back, it was too
This change became a knot in Yu Pingsheng’s heart. He always felt that he forced away Ah
Shu but he couldn’t express it and could only feel anxious.
Su Guangmo was helpless. In fact, he was the one who made the biggest mistake. He was
furious at Xie Shurong’s harsh words to Yu Pingsheng. In the final analysis, he did favour Yu
In a family disagreement on certain concepts, if the younger brother and wife were arguing,
a normal person would favour their wife and blame their younger brother. Su Guangmo
made an instinctive reaction but he hurt Xie Shurong who had no knowledge of matters.
Su Guangmo blamed himself for a few days and finally plucked up the courage to coax back
his greedy little brother. Unfortunately, he heard news that Xie Shurong had signed a
contract with the foreign ICE Club. The little wolf who hadn’t grown up was too proud to
turn back and Su Guangmo had to wish him the best from a distance.
The era of Flying Feathers’ Three Musketeers was a flash in a pan. The ending was very
Since Ah Shu left, Flying Feathers became a melee team led by Su Yu. It was no longer as
glorious as the Three Musketeers period but it was one of the most stable giants of the
Miracle League.
In the following years, Su Guangmo’s swordsman and Yu Pingsheng’s berserker cooperate
more and more tacitly, forming a characteristic combination of a fierce attacker and quiet
guardian. Su Guangmo’s powerful swordsman became popular and he was called the
‘Emperor’. Meanwhile, Yu Pingsheng became the ghost vice-captain that Flying Feathers
fans liked.
Flying Feathers’ captain and vice-captain had an excellent relationship. Su Guangmo took
Yu Pingsheng with him everywhere and Yu Pingsheng was used to following him. The two
of them were inseparable.
Su Guangmo was very clear that he did this to let Yu Pingsheng become accustomed to him.
Once Yu Pingsheng became used to him and couldn’t do without him, he would confess and
Yu Pingsheng wouldn’t resist.
In the sixth season, Su Guangmo and Yu Pingsheng met Ah Shu in the online game as he
prepared to return to China. The heart knot was finally resolved. At the end of the season,
Ah Shu returned to China to form a new team with Cat God while Su Guangmo took Yu
Pingsheng on a self-driving tour.
This time, the destination was Harbin. Su Guangmo wanted to fulfill his past promise with
his brother to take him to see the scene.
It happened to be snowing heavily when they arrived at Harbin. Yu Pingsheng looked
through the window brightly at the vast white world outside. In the distance, high-rise
buildings, street lights and trees were all covered with snow, making this northern city like
a fairy castle by with ice and snow.
Su Guangmo parked at the hotel and took Yu Pingsheng to see the snow. The outside
temperature was very low and pedestrians were wearing down jackets. Yu Pingsheng grew
up in the south and obviously hadn’t adapted to the temperature here. His frozen face was
red but it was difficult to hide the excitement in his eyes. He obviously liked this ice and
snow world.
It was just that his fingers were too cold…
He just thought this when warmth came from his hand. Yu Pingsheng turned his head and
saw Su Guangmo holding his hand and stuffing it into his pocket. “The weather is too cold
and I don’t want my hands to be frozen.”
“Yes.” Yu Pingsheng didn’t think there was anything wrong with this and let his brother
quietly lead him.
Over the years, Su Guangmo had often made physical contact with him. They held hands
and hugged and this type of action had long been taken for granted. He was no longer
repelled like when he was young. Yu Pingsheng even felt that his brother’s hands and
embrace were very warm.
The two people walked along the street like this. They gazed at the view while chatting.
Once they were hungry, they found a local specialty restaurant to eat.
It was an easy and pleasant day. Once they returned to the hotel, it was already late. The
light of the streetlights caused the snow on the ground to have a dazzling layer of silver.
Yu Pingsheng walked with his head down as he listened to the rhythmic sound of their feet
stepping on the snow.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, rolling up the snow and hitting a person’s face. Yu Pingsheng
was frozen and shrank back. Su Guangmo immediately stopped and asked, “Are you cold?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled and took Yu Pingsheng into his arms.
Yu Pingsheng nestled in his arms and eagerly drew on the temperature of his brother. The
surroundings were very quiet and he could even hear their heartbeats. Yu Pingsheng was
about to say something when Su Guangmo’s low and gentle voice was heard above his
head. “Brother, Ah Shu always said that I was eccentric. In fact, he isn’t wrong. I saw him as
a younger brother but I saw you…”
He paused and Yu Pingsheng looked up curiously. “As what?”
Su Guangmo smiled and planted a light kiss on Yu Pingsheng’s forehead. His eyes were soft
enough to melt the snow. He stared into Yu Pingsheng’s eyes and emphasized.
“As a lover.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 381

Chapter 381 – Ghost Vice-Captain (End)

‘As a lover’. These words burst in his ears like thunder. Yu Pingsheng stared at Su Guangmo
with surprise, not believing this person could actually say such words.
The man in front of him was no longer a teenager. After several years of experience, Su
Guangmo was now the second-generation captain of Flying Feathers. He was a sword god
respected and worshipped by fans.
His five senses faded away from the youthful appearance and became more handsome and
three-dimensional. At this time, Su Guangmo was looking at Yu Pingsheng tenderly and his
words didn’t seem like a joke at all.
Yu Pingsheng was silent for a long time before managing to say, “Why?”
Su Guangmo was amused by the difficult word he managed to say and smiled. He reached
out and touched Yu Pingsheng’s nose. “It is because you look too good and your personality
is special. I can’t move my eyes away from you. I like you and can’t control it at all.”
His words were very straightforward. Yu Pingsheng’s ears slightly reddened and he
thought for a while before managing to say, “I am your younger apprentice brother and a
Su Guangmo was decisive. “I like you as a person. It has nothing to do with your identity
and gender.”
Yu Pingsheng looked at his brother with distress. The words were too good but he couldn’t
say yes to the other person. After all, he always regarded Su Guangmo as his brother. He
never thought their relationship would develop into lovers.
Su Guangmo saw Yu Pingsheng’s hesitant eyes and sighed. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t force
you to make a decision. We will go back first and you can slowly think about it. Don’t
Yu Pingsheng was silent for a moment before nodding and going back to the hotel with Su
This confession was particularly calm. Yu Pingsheng didn’t react to calmly and lay in bed,
thinking silently. Su Guangmo didn’t interrupt him. He just smiled and watched the person
sitting in front of him.
When Su Guangmo was young, he liked this because Yu Pingsheng was special and could
get along with him. Then Su Guangmo found that Yu Pingsheng was the most suitable
person for him. Sometimes he would be sulky but once he returned to his dormitory and
saw Yu Pingsheng, his anger would disappear completely. No matter the difficulties he
faced, he would feel extremely stable if Yu Pingsheng was around.
Yu Pingsheng’s indifferent and peaceful temperament made Su Guangmo feel particularly
comfortable. Whenever he held this person in his arms, his heart would be filled with a
type of tranquil warmth.
This was the life that Su Guangmo wanted.
Maybe one day, he would retire like his master and stop playing Miracle. His life would lack
the excitement and emotions of the competition but as long as Yu Pingsheng could follow
him quietly, his heart would be full of warmth.
Su Guangmo would never let go of this man, the love he had identified since his youth. He
wanted to take care of this person for the rest of his life, spending time with him.
Yu Pingsheng hadn’t turned the corner yet and Su Guangmo wasn’t in a hurry to force him.
In any case, there was a long time and he could think slowly.
After discovering that this brother had fallen asleep while thinking, Su Guangmo smiled
slightly and gently covered him with the quilt.
Yu Pingsheng dreamt of Su Guangmo.
Over the years, Su Guangmo had been protecting him and infinitely tolerated him. If there
wasn’t his brother, he couldn’t be an e-sports player. It was even more impossible to walk
on the big stage, facing the glaring lights and the applause of the audience.
His parents nurtured him but Su Guangmo reinvented him.
From a boy who feared being close to and communicating with others to the vice-captain of
Flying Feathers who could calmly face reporters and fans. It was a makeover.
In the dream, there were images of training with his brother and scenes where his brother
took him out to play. They drove through mountains and past rivers, tasting the food
outside. It was a life he couldn’t think of when he was a child. The vast world outside
unfolded in front of him like a scroll and he slowly discovered how small he was.
The world was wide and life was wonderful. He shouldn’t close himself into a narrow
corner. He liked his present life and this was attributed to Su Guangmo’s patience and
Upon waking up in the morning, Yu Pingsheng recalled his dream. The dream was full of Su
Guangmo’s shadow. He was surprised to find that unconsciously, his brother had already
entered the depths of his heart.
Could this type of unrequited feeling become love? Yu Pingsheng wasn’t sure.
Su Guangmo woke up earlier than Yu Pingsheng and found that his brother had woken up
and was sitting on the bed while thinking. Su Guangmo couldn’t help going to him and
whispering, “What are you thinking about? Is it me?”
Yu Pingsheng had the middle of the matter poked and nodded with red cheeks. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo was in a great mood and smiled as he hugged this person. “You really never
lie. I like this honesty. Tell me, what are you thinking about?”
Yu Pingsheng hesitated for a moment before seriously replying, ”I was thinking that if we
become lovers, how will we get along?”
It was rare for him to say such a long sentence and Su Guangmo’s heart beat wildly. Since
Yu Pingsheng was thinking about it, this showed he had Su Guangmo in his heart. Yu
Pingsheng wasn’t thinking about refusing but was thinking about how to accept! Sure
enough, the companionship of many years had played a role.
Su Guangmo resisted the urge to hold this person down and patiently replied, “In fact, I will
still take care of you as I used to. If we aren’t lovers and are just brothers, my parents will
definitely wait for me to retire before forcing me to find a girlfriend. Then I will have no
time to accompany you. However, if you are my lover then I will spend the rest of my life
with you. After a few years, we will both retire and I will drive you everywhere to play.”
Su Guangmo paused and carefully observed his younger brother’s expression. “Do you
want me to find a girlfriend to accompany her, regardless of you? Or do you hope that I will
always be with you and accompany you in the future?”
Yu Pingsheng thought for a moment before looking up at Su Guangmo and replying quietly,
“Only accompany me.”
He wasn’t lying.
‘Only accompany me.’ These words directly poked the softest part of Su Guangmo’s heart.
Su Guangmo was very excited and tightened his grip on the person in his arms. He
whispered, “Yes, then I will only accompany you. You will be the only one in my life.”
This promise made Yu Pingsheng feel extra peace of mind and he couldn’t help returning
the other person’s embrace, nestling his head on Su Guangmo’s chest.
Yu Pingsheng didn’t respond directly but his performance showed he acquiesced to be with
Su Guangmo as ‘lovers’. However, he didn’t know the essential difference between ‘lover’
and ‘brother’. He simply thought that it was as Su Guangmo said. Lovers would always
accompany each other while brothers would be separated.
He didn’t want to be separated from his brother so he promised to be lovers.
It turned out that being a lover wasn’t as simple as he thought.
For example, after watching the snow scene in Harbin for a few days, they returned to the
hotel one night. As Yu Pingsheng took a shower and sat on the bed to sort out the photos
taken, Su Guangmo suddenly leaned over and kissed him.
The kiss caught Yu Pingsheng off guard and he forgot to resist.
Su Guangmo’s tongue took the opportunity to dive straight in and overbearingly swept
through the other person’s mouth, leaving his breath everywhere. Yu Pingsheng was kissed
and his mind was blank. Once he recovered, he gasped out, “What are you doing?”
Su Guangmo smiled and replied bluntly, “Kissing you.”
Yu Pingsheng’s face showed a hint of red and he didn’t know what to say. Su Guangmo
added, “We are already lovers and it is natural to kiss you. Other lovers did the same thing.”
Yu Pingsheng had no experience and since his brother said this, it should be right?
Thus, he nodded seriously. “Okay.”
Su Guangmo found that this person quietly didn’t resit and his heart was moved. He leaned
over and kissed Yu Pingsheng’s forehead. “Lovers will do other things. Are you willing to
try it?”
Yu Pingsheng had some doubts. “What else do you want to do?”
He didn’t like communicating with people since he was a child. After coming to the Flying
Feathers team, he only knew training every day. The players watched those movies but he
never looked at them. His physiological needs were less than the average man and he was
as simple as a blank piece of paper.
The thought of bringing this simply younger brother to the abyss, invading his body and
letting him taste the most primitive joy made Su Guangmo excited.
He gently pressed Yu Pingsheng to the bed, his voice low and gentle. “Don’t be afraid and
hand everything over to me.”
Yu Pingsheng always trusted his brother. He listened to his brother’s words and lay quietly
on the bed, his eyes seriously watching Su Guangmo.
Su Guangmo instantly hardened. The clear and bright eyes full of trust and the unprepared
gestures was tempting enough to commit crimes.
He took a deep breath and forcibly restrained his desires. Then he smiled and gave Yu
Pingsheng a gentle, sweet kiss.
Yu Pingsheng was in a daze from the kiss and his body gradually became feverish.
Meanwhile, Su Guangmo’s kiss became more enthusiastic as it moved from gentle to fierce.
The flexible tongue moved in and entangled with Yu Pingsheng’s tongue. Yu Pingsheng was
almost breathless and his cheeks were red.
After the deep kiss, Su Guangmo retreated and asked softly, “Is it annoying?”
Yu Pingsheng was silent a moment before shaking his head. “No.”
In the past, he hated being close to people. Whenever someone approached, he instinctively
rejected them like a hedgehog. However, Su Guangmo wasn’t the same. In the past few
years, the two people had lived together and was inseparable. The breath of his brother
made him feel familiar and safe. He physically and psychologically didn’t reject Su
Guangmo’s closeness.
Such a deep kiss didn’t make him feel sick. Instead, it made his heart beat faster.
Su Guangmo heard his brother’s answer and couldn’t help smiling. He leaned over and
kissed Yu Pingsheng again.
Next part has been censored. Read the uncensored link below.
Uncensored Part
Yu Pingsheng’s body ached when he woke up the next morning, especially his waist which
felt like it was going to break. Su Guangmo stared at him intently and leaned over to kiss his
forehead. “Have you woken up?”
Yu Pingsheng nodded. “Yes.”
Su Guangmo asked, “Were you comfortable last night?”
Yu Pingsheng hesitated a moment before nodding honestly. ‘Yes.”
Su Guangmo smiled and hugged the living treasure in his arms. He placed his chin on top of
Yu Pingsheng’s head and whispered, “Once the time is right, I will visit your parents and tell
them that I will treat you as the most precious lover, accompanying you for a lifetime.”
Yu Pingsheng nodded gently. “Yes.”
He woke up early in the morning and only said three ‘yes.’ He was the same as before and
still wasn’t good at expressing himself. Su Guangmo smiled and teased him. “Do you like
your brother?”
Yu Pingsheng hesitating before replying sincerely, “I like.”
Su Guangmo held his brother in a contented manner.
He had taken care of Yu Pingsheng for many years and gradually pulled Yu Pingsheng out of
his closed inner world. Now he finally turned Yu Pingsheng into his lover and Yu Pingsheng
only belonged to him.
He watched his brother’s fair body covered in the marks he made and smiled happily as he
heard Yu Pingsheng seriously say, “I like.”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 382

Extra 4 Chapter 382 – Intern Boyfriend (1): Shu Bai

The World Competition ended and Bai Xuan took advantage of the long vacation to return
to his hometown. He wanted to go back to accompany his parents but as a result, Xie
Shurong had to follow. He hugged Bai Xuan and complained, “I have to go. You can’t leave
me alone in Changsha. I will think of you every day and miss you so much that I can’t sleep
or eat…”
He was like a koala as his body hung on Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan glanced at him helplessly. “How
old are you? Can you grow up a bit?”
Xie Shurong replied earnestly, “I just turned three this year.”
Bai Xuan, “…”
The Miracle League’s Most Shameless Award would definitely be awarded to Xie Shurong,
there was no doubt. This person was obviously taller than Bai Xuan but he spoke with a
spoiled face. Bai Xuan really wanted to kick him out.
“Not this time.” Bai Xuan tried to remove the other person’s hands from his waist. “Ah Shu,
don’t make trouble. My parents might know about my sexuality but I… I’m not reader to
take you home just yet.”
Xie Shurong understood his meaning and a trace of loss flashed in his eyes. His voice was
also wronged, “Is it because I don’t meet the requirements of your parents? Or do you
mean… you don’t really like me?”
Bai Xuan sighed inwardly and didn’t know how to explain.
In fact, Bai Xuan didn’t feel anything when Ah Shu first pursued him. After all, his ideal
lover was a mature, stable and responsible man, not someone younger like Xie Shurong.
Then Ah Shu’s passionate pursuit touched him and he promised to give the two of them a
year to get along. In the blink of an eye, the one-eye contract was about to arrive. The
problem of whether to continue dating this person or not was something that Bai Xuan had
been thinking seriously about recently.
During this year, Xie Shurong’s performance wasn’t perfect but he never dropped the chain
in key moments.
In the game, Xie Shurong was a sharp sword that could attack, retreat and defend. He
played the game with sharpness, making his teammates feel he was exceptionally reliable.
In real life, Xie Shurong was spoiled, would sell men, was greedy and childish. However, he
also took care of Bai Xuan in a careful and thoughtful manner, especially when Bai Xuan
was sick.
Such a contradictory person made it difficult for Bai Xuan.
Xie Shurong was far from the mature and stable boyfriend Bai Xuan had been looking
forward to but Bai Xuan was reluctant to separate from him. Bai Xuan himself was still
unclear about his feelings towards Xie Shurong and could only take one step at a time.
After a moment of silence, Bai Xuan smiled helplessly and whispered, “I’m going home to
visit my parents and can’t take you. I’m afraid that my parents won’t accept it for a while
and want to prepare them first. You are still young and there is no need to be too anxious.”
Xie Shurong hung his head. “Then will you miss me?”
Bai Xuan’s heart softened and he reached out to touch this person’s face. “Yes.”
Xie Shurong was happy and hugged Bai Xuan hard. “I will miss you every day.”
Bai Xuan smiled and hugged him back. He patted Xie Shurong on the shoulder like a brother
and told him, “I’m going to pack before catching a plane tomorrow morning.”
Xie Shurong looked reluctant as he refused to let go of Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan helplessly ordered him, “Let go.”
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let go.”
Bai Xuan was speechless and kissed this person. As a result, Xie Shurong didn’t let go but
actively deepened the kiss.
This kiss was gentle to the extreme and the deep love and reluctance to give up were
clearly passed through the tongue.
Bai Xuan’s legs weakened from the kiss and he grabbed Xie Shurong’s arm.
At the end of the long kiss, Xie Shurong finally let go and smiled. “Go, pack your luggage and
sleep early. I will miss you.”
“Yes.” Bai Xuan was afraid to look him in the eye and almost fled.
The next morning, Bai Xuan arrived early at the airport for a security check. He boarded the
plane and had just put away his luggage when a familiar voice was heard behind him.
“Hello beauty, can I change positions with you. This is my friend.”
The lady next to him smiled and changed her position with the young man.
Bai Xuan looked back and saw the young man wearing jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt. He
was tall, upright, handsome and particularly charming when he smiled. He was a typical
sunny person. Then his gaze fell on Bai Xuan’s face and he smiled. “Hey, Vice-Captain Bai,
we are actually on the same flight.”
“…” Fart!
Bai Xuan really wanted to open the window and throw Xie Shurong outside.
What about last night’s reluctance? It was all fake!
Bai Xuan took deep breaths to stabilize his mood before frowning. “How are you here?”
Xie Shurong looked sincere. “The holiday is too long and I was bored staying at the team’s
headquarters. Thus, I want to to go Hangzhou to play for a few days.”
“Why go to Hangzhou instead of other cities?”
Xie Shurong replied, “I want to see Leifeng Tower and only Hangzhou has it.”
“Be honest.”
Xie Shurong smiled. “It is because I guessed you were going home and booked a ticket to
Hangzhou in advance.”
Bai Xuan helplessly turned a blind eye to this person, not wanting to care about him
anymore. He spoke seriously, “You are free to play wherever you like but I told you before, I
won’t let you meet my parents for the moment…”
Xie Shurong hung his head. “I know, I’m only your boyfriend and haven’t passed the
internship yet. I’m not qualified to see your parents. I still have some self-knowledge.”
Bai Xuan saw this person’s head getting lower and lower and felt a bit distressed. Did he
hurt this person? However, the relationship between the two of them wasn’t stable at
present. Bai Xuan didn’t want his parents to know about Xie Shurong too early…
“You can rest assured that I won’t rush to your house to find trouble. I’ll just live near your
house, okay? I want to see you every day…” Xie Shurong looked up at Bai Xuan, black eyes
filled with pleading. The pitiful gaze instantly hit Bai Xuan’s heart.
Bai Xuan had to lower his head and promise, “Fine, I’ll book a hotel for you.”
A bright smile immediately appeared on Xie Shurong’s face and he rushed over to kiss Bai
Xuan’s cheek. “I knew that you couldn’t bear to drive me away.”
Bai Xuan’s face turned red with embarrassment and he glanced around. Fortunately, the
passengers around him were busy sorting their luggage and didn’t notice Xie Shurong’s
bold move. Bai Xuan warned Xie Shurong and Xie Shurong immediately sat down, fastening
his seat belt and placing his hands on his knees. He seemed to be saying that he wouldn’t do
Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling at the serious sitting posture. How did he meet such a living
In the evening, the plane arrived at Hangzhou Airport. Bai Xuan took a car and went home
while dropping off Xie Shurong on the way.
Bai Xuan had chosen a hotel close to home for Xie Shurong. Once all the arrangements were
made, Bai Xuan returned home and smelt something strong when walking through the
door. Apparently, his parents had prepared a feast for him.
The family sat around the table. Bai Xuan was eating the delicious food made by his mother
but he was feeling uneasy. Ah Shu had just settled down at the hotel and hadn’t eaten
dinner. Was he eating alone right now?
He was too immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear his mother asking something until
the table was knocked on. Mother Bai’s voice entered his ears, “What are you thinking
Bai Xuan came back and smiled. “I haven’t been home for a long time and your food is
better than before.”
Mother Bai smiled. “It is useless to sweet talk me. I care more about your lifelong events.
You aren’t too young. Don’t think about playing games and winning championships all day.
You should be looking for a boyfriend.”
Bai Xuan touched his nose with embarrassment. “It is still early.”
Mother Bai spoke seriously, “It isn’t too early. I see that Li Cangyu is very good. He is
handsome, loyal and upright…”
Bai Xuan immediately coughed. “I’m only friends with him. Mother, don’t have crooked
“Then who do you like? My mind is open and you can rest assured that as long as you like
him, I will support you. You can’t always be single.”
His parents had been very worried when Bai Xuan told them about his sexuality. Bai Xuan
was gentle when he was young and Mother Bai was nervous. She didn’t want him to
commit suicide and didn’t dare exert any pressure on him.
A long time passed and the old couple had long become used to this matter. They didn’t
care as long as their son found a reliable person and was happy.
Bai Xuan was grateful to have such enlightened parents but his mother had been concerned
about his emotional matters for the past two years. From time to time, she would tell him
to find a boyfriend, making him feel helpless.
After facing his mother’s worried eyes, Bai Xuan had to vaguely say, “Cough, in fact, I
actually have a boyfriend. When the time comes, I’ll bring him to see you.”
Mother Bai was happy. “Ah, really? Then bring him home.”
“Yes…” Bai Xuan replied in a perfunctory manner before placing a rib into his mother’s
bowl, changing the topic. “Mother, you have to eat more. How have you lost weight
The meal made Bai Xuan tense and his parent’s excessive care was a pressure on him.
After dinner, Bai Xuan sat in his bedroom and sent a WeChat to Xie Shurong. “Have you
eaten dinner?”
Xie Shurong quickly replied. “I ate a bowl of instant noodles at the hotel.”
His voice sounded pitiful and Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling distressed. He quickly typed.
“What’s delicious about instant noodles? Why didn’t you go outside to eat?”
Xie Shurong sent a row of sad expressions, followed by a voice message. “I miss you.”
Bai Xuan’s ears warmed as he listened to the voice. He hesitated for a moment before
sending, “I went home and my mother asked about my feelings. In order to make her feel
relieved, I said that I have a boyfriend.”
Xie Shurong’s eyes lit up and he sat up on the bed. “Then?”
Bai Xuan felt helpless. “She wants me to bring my boyfriend to meet her.”
Xie Shurong excitedly rolled around in bed while continuing with the voice message. “No
problem, I have been waiting to meet your mother. I will definitely perform well!”
Bai Xuan was amused and there was some gentleness in his voice. “Then I will pick you up
tomorrow. Go to sleep early. There are many mosquitoes here so remember to close your
screen window.”
After turning off his phone, Bai Xuan lay in bed and thought his decision was a bit hasty.
On the other hand, emotional matters were complicated and the result couldn’t be
predicted from the beginning. As Xie Shurong said, many people set standards when
choosing a lover but the person they ended up with often didn’t necessarily meet those
For example, a girl wanted to find a boyfriend who was over 1.85 metres. Then her final
husband ended up shorter at 1.8 metres. Once fate arrived, it couldn’t be blocked.
During the time he spent with Ah Shu, Bai Xuan had been very happy overall.
Xie Shurong was a living treasure who could always make him laugh and forget his
troubles. This boyfriend might not be mature enough but he was serious and cherished
every moment of their time together. Bai Xuan couldn’t deny this relationship just because
Xie Shurong was young. Perhaps Ah Shu was the right person for him?
Bai Xuan thought this and couldn’t help blushing. He was preparing to go to bed when a
video request popped up on WeChat. He opened it and saw Xie Shurong with three sets of
clothes side by side on the hotel’s big bed. Xie Shurong pointed to the clothes and asked,
“Which one do you think I should wear? The suit looks too old and the t-shirt is too casual.
Then what about the shirt? White? Blue?”
Bai Xuan laughed. “Are you attending an interview?”
Xie Shurong was earnest. “I am going to see your parents and naturally have to dress to
make them like me. If your parents don’t like me then it will be hard for you to be caught in
the middle. I don’t want to make things difficult for you. I am still in the internship. It might
be acting but I have to achieve a full score.”
Bai Xuan watched the young man seriously picking clothes and his heart was moved.
Xie Shurong really cared for him, thus he would pay attention to Bai Xuan’s parents. The
young man in front of him didn’t meet the conditions of his ideal lover but Xie Shurong
loved him with a sincere heart.
Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Wear the light blue shirt. You look handsome in it.”
“Is that right? I think this looks good as well!” Xie Shurong immediately took off his pyjamas
and put on the shirt. He took a cool pose, raised his chin and asked, “How is it? Is your
boyfriend so handsome that people can’t look away?”
Bai Xuan almost laughed. “Can’t you have any face?”
Xie Shurong replied seriously, “If I succeed in convincing you then I can be a person who
changes my skin and bark.”
Bai Xuan, “…”

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 383

Chapter 383 – Intern Boyfriend (2): Xie Shurong Meets the Parents

The next day at noon, Bai Xuan went to the hotel to pick up Xie Shurong. He called from the
hotel lobby to have Xie Shurong come down. The next moment, a young man strode over
while wearing the blue shirt picked by Bai Xuan along with beige slim trousers. The light-
coloured clothes emphasized his body wand there was a bright smile on his face.
Despite being familiar with this person, Bai Xuan couldn’t help staring. Xie Shurong was
really handsome when dressed up. His facial features were handsome and three-
dimensional and he looked young and open. This look was completely in line with the
protagonist of an idol drama.
Bai Xuan stood in place and watched Xie Shurong walking towards him. Somehow, his
heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Before he could react, Xie Shurong hugged him and rubbed
his chin against Bai Xuan’s head like a baby. “I missed you and dreamt of you last night.”
“…” He was hugged in public and Bai Xuan’s cheeks turned hot. He gently pushed this
person away and said, “Don’t make trouble. My mother made lunch so go to my house to
“Good. Then come upstairs with me to get something.”
“What is it?” The puzzled Bai Xuan followed only to hear, “I naturally have to buy gifts for
my future parents!”
The two people arrived at the room and opened the door. Bai Xuan couldn’t help frowning.
Xie Shurong, this lazy worm, he got up in the morning and didn’t even arrange his quilt. His
bed was a mess and there were several trousers piled up. It was obvious he had woken up
early to match them with the shirt.
Bai Xuan helplessly walked into the room. “Why is it so messy?”
He moved to the bed and helped Xie Shurong clean it up. In the blink of an eye, the quilt
was neatly laid and the trousers were stacked one by one in the suitcase. Within five
minutes, the room had completely changed.
Xie Shurong looked over, gentleness almost overflowing from his eyes. Bai Xuan turned his
head and met Xie Shurong’s gentle gaze. His heart jumped and he looked around with
embarrassment. “What are you looking at?”
“You are particularly handsome.” Xie Shurong walked over with a smile and hugged Bai
Xuan’s waist in a spoiled manner. “Looking at you cleaning up and helping me stack my
clothes, I suddenly think that we’re like newlyweds…”
“Who is married to you?” Bai Xuan was furious and regretted helping this lazy worm fold
his clothes. Then Xie Shurong suddenly turned and trapped Bai Xuan between the wall and
himself. He bent his head and kissed Bai Xuan, blocking all words of rebuttal.
“Uhh…” Bai Xuan was caught off guard and tried to push this person away, only to have his
hands grabbed.
Don’t look at Xie Shurong’s usual grinning self who wasn’t serious. His strength was
surprisingly and Bai Xuan was trapped by him. He was pressed to the wall and crushed by
Xie Shurong’s pressure.
The young man’s tongue passionately licked every corner of his mouth, leaving only
warmth behind. Bai Xuan was breathless and his heart beat more fiercely.
His mouth was licked by the other side’s tongue and the sensations passed along his
sensitive peripheral nerves to his brain. Bai Xuan gradually gave up struggling and actively
hugged Xie Shurong’s neck.
“Yes… mmm…”
The kiss was gentle and sweet. By the time Xie Shurong stopped, Bai Xuan’s entire face was
red as his lips opened and he gasped.
Xie Shurong smiled and licked the liquid on his lips before whispering in Bai Xuan’s ears.
“How does it feel to be pressed against the wall by your boyfriend? This is how it is played
in TV series. If you like it then we can try many poses later?”
Bai Xuan glared at him. “Enough!”
Xie Shurong was shameless as he looked down at Bai Xuan. “It isn’t enough. If we didn’t
have to go to your parent’s house then I really want to eat you now.”
Bai Xuan reacted to his meaning and blushed shyly. He slapped at Xie Shurong’s restless
hands. “Can you show some shame? It is morning!”
Xie Shurong smiled. “I don’t care. I only want you…”
Bai Xuan was literally speechless because of this person. He simply ignored Xie Shurong
and turned around. “Where are the things to be grabbed?”
“Oh, here they are.” Xie Shurong got up and took gift boxes of various colours from the
cabinet. Bai Xuan’s eyes widened with surprise. “Aren’t you being too exaggerated? Why
did you buy so much?”
“This is my first time entering your house and I must not be empty-handed? What if Mother
and Father don’t like me? I should bribe them with presents first.” He spoke bluntly and
didn’t look embarrassed at all.
“Don’t call them Mother and Father…” Bai Xuan rubbed his temples as he felt himself
getting a headache. He looked at the other person helplessly, “You’re younger than me and
should call them Uncle and Auntie, understood?”
“It is better to call them Young Uncle and Younger Auntie since it sounds younger!”
“…Just do whatever.” Bai Xuan took half the boxes and went out. Xie Shurong immediately
grabbed the other half. The two of them left the hotel and walked a few hundred metres to
the community where Bai Xuan’s house was located.
Mother Bai was cooking in the kitchen. She asked while cutting vegetables, “What type of
boyfriend do you think our son will bring back?”
Father Bai was serious. “How can I guess? Our son likes him so don’t worry about it.”
“Yes, our son has been obedient and sensible since he was a child. He must have his own
thoughts on emotional matters. Although he can’t bring back a wife but as long as he is
happy, I can feel relieved.” Mother Bai paused before adding, “I’m just afraid his boyfriend
isn’t sincere.”
“Wait and see. Bai Xuan’s vision shouldn’t be bad.”
The two people were chatting when the sound of the key in the door was heard. Bai Xuan’s
parents rushed out of the kitchen and were stunned when they saw the person behind Bai
The man was taller than Bai Xuan. He was very handsome and had a sunny smile but he
was only in his early 20s. Was such a young and handsome guy reliable?
Before Bai Xuan could speak, Xie Shurong took the initiative to go forward and politely
bowed. “Hello, Uncle and Auntie! My name is Xie Shurong and I’m Bai Xuan’s boyfriend.
This is the first time we’re meeting and I didn’t know what to bring. Thus, I bought some
supplements. I hope that Auntie and Uncle will be in good health.”
Mother Bai was flattered as she received the many high-end gift boxes. She smiled and said,
“You are very polite. Why bring so many things? Come and sit down.”
Xie Shurong quietly walked over and Mother Bai glanced at her husband. The two people
went to the kitchen to serve the dishes and she wondered in a worried manner, “This child
is quite handsome and polite. Do you think that Bai Xuan specifically invited an actor to
reassure us?”
Father Bai frowned. “You are watching too many TV dramas! How can our son find an actor
to fool us? Don’t you know this person? He is on the same team as our son and plays the
swordsman. The one named Shu!
Mother Bai suddenly realized. “Ah, no wonder why he is so familiar. It turns out to be our
son’s partner. Then I’m relieved. At the very least, a person on the same team isn’t a lie. He
is just… a bit younger.”
Father Bai told her, “Isn’t it good to be younger? A younger person’s mind is more simple
and easily disciplined. An older and deeply experienced person might not be easily held by
our son.”
“That’s right.” Mother Bai was completely relieved.
Previously, they watched the matches and there weren’t many shots directed at the
participants. Even then, it was only side shots.
Now they saw the real person at a close distance and found this Shu was much better than
the TV. His figure was good, he was tall, handsome and he matched well with Bai Xuan.
Mother Bai was very satisfied. Once the cooked dishes were on the table, she gave a bowl of
stewed pork ribs to Xie Shurong and let him eat more.
“Too delicious!” Xie Shurong tasted a pork rib and immediately smiled. “Auntie, do you
specialize in cooking? This dish is better than the chef of a five star hotel.”
Mother Bai smiled. “You are really sweet. How can my dishes be so good?”
“Auntie, don’t be humble. It is really delicious!”
Mother Bai was very happy about being praised. The more she saw, the more she felt this
young and handsome person was very cute. She couldn’t help giving him a piece of chicken
wings. “Try this!”
Xie Shurong praised while eating, “Good, delicious!”
Bai Xuan sat next to them and couldn’t even insert himself…
Xie Shurong was a person who loved food and his mouth was sweet. Mother Bai was
quickly coaxed by him and continued to give Xie Shurong dishes. She willingly fed all the
food she made to Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong also wasn’t polite. He swept away all the food and was full of praise when
Originally it was expected that the first meeting would be awkward but Xie Shurong’s
mouth was sweet and he was extraordinarily warm, like everyone was family.
Mother Bai obviously liked him a lot and Father Bai didn’t say anything but his eyes
showed his appreciation.
Bai Xuan saw this scene and finally felt relieved. Xie Shurong was often childish and naive
but he was reliable in key moments, knowing how to curry favour with elders. In such a
short period of time, he actually got the goodwill of Bai Xuan’s parents. Bai Xuan had to say
that this guy’s mouth was very important when talking to people.
After the meal, Xie Shurong took the initiative to stand up and help Mother Bai wash the
dishes. He rolled up his sleeves and said, “Auntie, I will help you with the dishes. I am
especially talented at washing dishes. I used to wash dishes for Bai Xuan when we were
with the team.”
Bai Xuan heard this and almost slipped. In the past, every time it came to washing dishes
then a spoiled man would hold onto him, complaining, “Can I not wash the dishes? I hate
washing dishes.” As a result, today he became active in helping to wash the dishes. Black
became white. Xie Shurong, can you not have such a comic dialogue?
At Bai Xuan’s eyes, Xie Shurong just blinked in a shameless manner. He ignored Bai Xuan’s
speechless contempt and followed Mother Bai into the kitchen to wash the dishes.
Mother Bai loved the ‘hardworking’ young guy who ‘liked housework.’ She saw his hands
tidying up the dishes and laughed. “Now there are very few young people who like to do
housework. Ah Shu, you are really sensible.”
Xie Shurong smiled. “Bai Xuan’s cooking must be inherited from you? His food is especially
delicious. I can’t cook so I can only help him wash the dishes.”
“Hmm.” Mother Bai thought about it and asked, “How long have you been with Bai Xuan?”
“It’s been almost a year. I chased him at first and he didn’t like me much. I was younger
than him and not mature enough. I always felt I wasn’t worthy of him.” Xie Shurong paused
before speaking seriously, “Auntie, rest assured. I will try my best to match him. I am
younger than him but I really like him.”
Mother Bai was completely moved and patted Xie Shurong’s shoulder. “Don’t say that. Bai
Xuan was blessed to meet you.”
“Auntie, I was blessed to meet him. He has a good personality and temper. I have never
seen such a kind person. It would be nice to be with him all the time…”
Mother Bai smiled. “Yes, our Bai Xuan is single-minded when it comes to feelings. You just
have to treat him well and he will certainly treat you well.”
“I think so too!”
They finished washing the dishes and Mother Bai’s smile was brighter than before. She was
obviously very happy with Xie Shurong and took the initiative to cut an apple for him.
Know that even Bai Xuan didn’t receive this treatment at home.
She was going to have Xie Shurong stay for dinner but Bai Xuan was worried that Xie
Shurong would speak nonsense to his parents and told her, “Mother, I will take Ah Shu out
to eat tonight. He hasn’t eaten authentic Hangzhou food.”
Mother Bai immediately nodded in agreement. “Okay, take him to taste west lake vinegar
fish and dongpo meat.”
Xie Shurong stood up. “Auntie, I’ll go first. I’ll see you later!”
Mother Bai opened her mouth, “Wait, Auntie has something to give you.” She headed to the
bedroom and took out a delicate box, carefully handing it to Xie Shurong. “This is for you.
Later, you and Bai Xuan should get along well. Understood?”
Bai Xuan’s eyes were as big as a cow. “Mother, this…”
Xie Shurong realized this must be a very meaningful thing and didn’t wait for Bai Xuan to
oppose it. He immediately accepted and responded seriously, “Auntie, rest assured, I will be
good to him for the rest of my life!”
Bai Xuan, “…”
The two people left and walked side by side. Xie Shurong took out the box that Mother Bai
gave him and there was actually a valuable jade pendant inside.
Xie Shurong’s eyes lit up and he glanced over at Bai Xuan. “Is this a family heirloom?”
“Then what is it? Based on Mother’s cautious attitude, it definitely isn’t an ordinary gift.”
His way of calling Mother had become smoother. Bai Xuan was too lazy to care about it.
After a moment of silence, he touched his nose in an embarrassed manner. “Cough, this is
what my mother bought when I was born. She was going to give it to… her daughter-in-law
in the future.”
Xie Shurong glanced at the pendant with surprise. Then he reacted to what happened and
smiled brightly. He turned to hug Bai Xuan. “It seems that Mother has recognized me. Then
can I be your wife?”
Bai Xuan blushed and gently pushed him. “What wife…”
Xie Shurong brazenly kissed Bai Xuan. “Then will you be my wife?”
Bai Xuan’s face became redder and he reprimanded, “Don’t talk nonsense!”
Xie Shurong immediately changed his words. “Can I become your official boyfriend. Based
on my performance, can I get a promotion and a raise?”
Bai Xuan was helpless. “Let go first.”
“If Boss doesn’t let me obtain full status then I won’t let you go.”
“It has been almost a year since I entered the company and there are three months left on
the internship.” Xie Shurong placed his chin on Bai Xuan’s shoulder and acted petulantly. “I
want to be your official boyfriend. I don’t want to worry every day. Let me be a full time
member. I will show a good performance. Don’t wait for the year’s deadline and let’s
continue together.”
Bai Xuan was softened by him and couldn’t help saying, “That… okay.”
Xie Shurong heard this and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. They became particularly
deep and the petulant person holding Bai Xuan became a man.
He knew that Bai Xuan still wasn’t sure about their relationship and had no confidence
spending the rest of his life with Xie Shurong. Still, it didn’t matter. One day, he would let
Bai Xuan put down all the worries in his heart and really fall in love with Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong placed Mother Bai’s gift in his pocket and happily held the person in his arms.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 384

Chapter 384 – Intern Boyfriend (3): Jealous Xiao Shu

Bai Xuan took Xie Shurong to a famous restaurant nearby and ordered a few local
specialities. A plate of west lake vinegar fish was brought out and the greedy Xie Shurong
soon cleared the plate. He smiled and said, “It’s delicious but I still like your cooking.”
“Why?” Bai Xuan asked in a puzzled manner.
“Because I like you.” Xie Shurong answered like it was natural but Bai Xuan quickly became
uncomfortable and removed his gaze.
As a result, he turned his head and saw a familiar man coming to this side. The man was
obviously stunned before smiling and walking over to Bai Xuan. He gracefully reached out
and spoke, “Xiao Bai? It’s been a long time.”
Bai Xuan politely shook hands with him. “Brother, what a coincidence.”
Xie Shurong heard Bai Xuan’s words and couldn’t help looking up at the ‘senior.’ The man
looked quite handsome. He was dressed in a well-cut grey suit and the briefcase in his hand
and the shoes on his feet were from big international brands. However, they were relatively
low-key styles. Their price wasn’t obvious by looking.
A low-key, calm and elite man, it was the type that Bai Xuan liked!
Xie Shurong’s ears pricked in a vigilant manner.
After the greeting, the man asked, “Is it convenient to sit down for a while?”
Bai Xuan pointed to the seat next to him and smiled. “Sit down and eat together. This meal
is my treat.” The waiter came at the right timing and Bai Xuan softly requested, “Hello, can I
add a few more dishes here? Please give the menu.”
This brother kept staring at Bai Xuan and after the waiter left, he said, “Your temper hasn’t
changed. You are as gentle as before.”
Bai Xuan touched his nose in an embarrassed manner and didn’t know how to answer.
He knew this senior classmate from university. His dormitory was upstairs and both of
them were students of the Foreign Languages Department. They also graduated from the
same high school and their relationship was closer than other students.
During their school days, this classmate was considered to be famous. There was a time
when foreign experts came to the school and he did a simultaneous interpretation. He was
praised and entered a foreign company directly after graduation.
Bai Xuan had little contact with his former alumni after becoming an e-sports player. He
only occasionally heard news about his schoolmate. Bai Xuan didn’t think much of their
encounter today and took the initiative to use his brother to sit down and have a meal
The man was curious about Bai Xuan’s recent situation. “I heard that you went to the World
Competition and took the championship?”
Bai Xuan replied modestly, “It is because the players of the national team are excellent.”
The man smiled. “You must be good to be selected for the national team. I don’t know e-
sports but there are many people in the alumni group who have been boasting about you in
the past few days. Many girls want to find you to get your signature.”
“Is that right? So exaggerated…” Bai Xuan was too embarrassed and changed the topic. “Do
you want to order two more dishes?”
“No, you know I don’t eat much.”
The two people chatted naturally to each other while next to them, Xie Shurong was
becoming more annoyed. The west lake vinegar fish that he just ate had a sour taste in his
stomach. The elite man in front of him wasn’t pleasing to the eye. The thick wax on his hair
was particularly ugly and was inferior to Xie Shurong’s short hair. The man’s clothes were
old-fashioned and there was no fresh energy.
Xie Shurong didn’t want to see the two old schoolmates catching up and had to lower his
head. He directed his indignation at the food and quickly swept up the plates in front of
The man finally seemed to notice that someone else was sitting at the table and asked,
“This is?”
Bai Xuan introduced them. “This is Ah Shu. He is my… teammate.”
Xie Shurong obviously wasn’t very happy to hear this introduction. He glanced at Bai Xuan
grievously and seemed to be wondering ‘why didn’t you say I am your boyfriend?’ Bai Xuan
guiltily looked away and bowed his head to eat.
At the end of the meal, Bai Xuan wanted to get up and pay for the bill. The man graciously
held his arm and smiled. “I will pay. How can I let my school brother pay the bill?”
Bai Xuan refuted, “Previously, you always paid when inviting me to a meal in school. Let me
pay this time.”
“It’s fine. This should be my treat.” He turned and paid with his card. Bai Xuan had to
helplessly get up and leave with Xie Shurong.
Dinner ended and this brother drove away. Bai Xuan sent Xie Shurong back to the hotel and
wanted to separate at the entrance when Xie Shurong suddenly said, “I have something to
ask you. Go to my room and sit down.”
Bai Xuan had to go upstairs with him. As a result, Xie Shurong kissed Bai Xuan against the
door the moment they entered.
The kiss was so hot it almost melted a person. Bai Xuan was breathless as he pushed Xie
Shurong away and wondered, “What’s wrong with you?”
Xie Shurong looked wronged. “I’m not happy and want to kiss you.”
Bai Xuan was puzzled. “Why aren’t you happy? Didn’t you like the food at the restaurant?’
“Why can’t you see that I’m jealous!”
Bai Xuan was stunned. He looked at this angry appearance and couldn’t help looking.
Xie Shurong turned away. “I’m jealous. Find a way to comfort me or I won’t get up.”
Then he lay on the bed like a child, rolling around in his quilt and looking up at Bai Xuan
with a wronged expression.
Bai Xuan was simply stunned. How could such a big person be so naive?
Xie Shurong continued to call out, “I want milk dad’s hug and kiss, or I will lose blood and
“…” Bai Xuan rolled his eyes. “Then keep losing blood and died.”
He turned to walk away. Xie Shurong suddenly jumped out of bed and hugged Bai Xuan
from behind, using his hands and feet to press Bai Xuan onto the bed.
The petulant child who was acting spoiled suddenly showed such agility and decisiveness.
Bai Xuan stared up at the young man pressing on his body and couldn’t help thinking about
it. Did Xie Shurong’s body have two souls? One was a childish rascal like a puppy while the
other was decisively sharp like a fierce wolf.
Bai Xuan couldn’t break away and had to helplessly say, “You are thinking too much. I have
an ordinary relationship with that brother.”
Xie Shurong asked sharply, “Then why did he often invite you to eat?”
Bai Xuan was stunned. This sentence in the conversation had been completely remembered
by Xie Shurong.
He stretched out a hand to pinch this person’s face and smiled. “He asked me to eat a few
times because I know him and his girlfriend. I indirectly pulled the strings for him.”
Xie Shurong heard these words and his heart finally returned to normal. He bent over and
rubbed his head against Bai Xuan’s white neck. “After you saw him, you no longer looked at
me. He is the type you like and I’m… worried you won’t want me.”
Bai Xuan’s neck was very itchy but his heart softened. He patted Xie Shurong’s head and
said, “How can I not want you? The boyfriend who just got promoted, how can I dismiss
Xie Shurong continued to rub against Bai Xuan’s neck. “Is there a bonus after the
promotion? Will it be higher than the internship period?”
“What bonus?”
Xie Shurong gently pecked Bai Xuan’s lips. “For example, accompanying you to eat will be
rewarded with a hug. Making you happy will be rewarded with a kiss. It would be nice if
you could reward yourself.”
Bai Xuan was amused and hit him. “Get off.”
Instead, Xie Shurong reached out and hugged him, “I don’t want to get off. If I leave you
alone, you will be taken away.”
Then his hands and feet wrapped around Bai Xuan like a large koala.
Bai Xuan struggled but he wasn’t Xie Shurong’s opponent in physical strength. The moment
he freed his left foot, his right foot was trapped again. He kicked his right feet and Xie
Shurong’s used his feet to hold Bai Xuan.
The two people played in bed for a long time. The tired and panting Bai Xuan finally found a
chance and turned around, pressing back Xie Shurong. He was laughing and about to
announce his victory when he unexpectedly found something hard against himself.
Bai Xuan realized what it was and his face reddened and he shot off the bed like he got an
electric shock.
Xie Shurong gently pulled his hand and touched it to the part of his body reacting “If you
leave, what about my little brother?”
Bai Xuan was going to collapse. Could this person not speak so directly?

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GLS: Chapter 385

Extra 4 Chapter 385 – Intern Boyfriend (4)

Bai Xuan had never seen such a shameless person before. Xie Shurong’s shamelessness
refreshed his understanding of the word ‘cheeky’. Xie Shurong lay on bed and looked up at
Bai Xuan in a wronged manner, like Bai Xuan was bullying him. Despite knowing this
person was faking it and really wanting to leave, Bai Xuan couldn’t bear it.
He took a deep breath to calm his emotions. Finally, Bai Xuan coughed and tidied up his
clothing. “That… perhaps take a cold shower? Or you can resolve it yourself? I have guests
at home and need to be there.”
“I can’t.” Xie Shurong looked at Bai Xuan with pitiful eyes. “I have been using a cold shower
for almost a year and my right hand isn’t good these days. I’m your boyfriend and you
should help my resolve my physical problem.”
Bai Xuan was amused by him. “Xie Shurong, can you not be so shameless?”
Xie Shurong got up and hugged Bai Xuan’s waist. “I was prompted and a formal worker has
the right to make reasonable demands of the boss. We are already a couple and further
intimacy is a reasonable request…”
Bai Xuan smiled. “The boss refuses.”
Xie Shurong placed his head on the other person’s shoulder. “I like you, want to kiss you
and hug you. Let me try it once okay? I put up with it for almost a year. You should show
Bai Xuan rubbed his head. “You were only promoted yesterday yet you’re asking for a raise
today. Don’t you think the progress is too fast?”
Xie Shurong stopped his actions with a deep look in his black eyes. “Does that mean you can
promise in a few days?”
Bai Xuan coughed. “That type of thing… it is better to go with the flow.”
Xie Shurong was silent for a moment before suddenly smiling and whispering in Bai Xuan’s
ear, “Are you nervous? Is this your first time? You haven’t done anything with anyone
Bai Xuan reddened and he slapped this person’s hand. “I’m going home first. I have guests
at home tonight.”
“Don’t use that excuse to lie to me.” Xie Shurong’s voice was wronged again. “You know I
can’t bear it.”
“I’m not lying to you. My uncle said that he would come see me tonight. I haven’t seen him
for several years and it isn’t appropriate for me to be late.” Bai Xuan was forced to kiss this
person on the forehead.
“Okay, then go!” Xie Shurong showed a bright smile after being kissed, his wronged
expression swept away.
Bai Xuan really felt that this person was the best movie emperor in the Miracle circle. These
rich facial expressions could be freely switched between!
After leaving the hotel, the cool night wind blew against Bai Xuan’s face and heat gradually
subsided. Bai Xuan felt a bit guilty about leaving Ah Shu like that but on one hand, his
family actually had guests tonight. His parents knew he was going to dinner with Xie
Shurong and their thoughts wouldn’t be good if he didn’t return.
On the other hand, Bai Xuan had just decided that he wanted to continue falling in love with
Xie Shurong. It hadn’t been one day and he wasn’t mentally prepared for further intimacy.
As Xie Shurong said, this was indeed Bai Xuan’s first time. He might’ve been certain of his
sexual orientation in advance but he didn’t mess around with people. In addition, he had
been playing the game with Li Cangyu for many years and had no time to find a boyfriend.
In this regard, Bai Xuan was relatively conservative. From his point of view, two people
should love each other before engaging in physical contact, rather than a casual overnight
indulgence. He liked cleanliness and didn’t want to go to bed casually. He wanted his first
time to be with a lover who could keep up with him…
Was Xie Shurong that person? Bai Xuan didn’t have much confidence right now. Perhaps t
was because Ah Shu was young and didn’t have much experience. It was ridiculous to talk
to such a young person about ‘long-term’ topics. Ah Shu could still play for a few years and
perhaps he would become tired of Bai Xuan after a few years. After all, he didn’t like men
Bai Xuan thought this and couldn’t help feeling a bit panicked. Xie Shurong had provoked
him first but unconsciously, he had already put this person in his heart and even
considered the possibility of keeping Xie Shurong…
Bai Xuan helplessly smiled and headed back home.
That night, Xie Shurong resolved matters with cold water and sent a text message to Bai
Xuan: [Reporting to Boss, my physical needs have been solved with cold water.] This was
followed by a big smile.
At that time, Bai Xuan was eating fruit with his uncle and cousin at the dinner table. Such a
message suddenly popped on the screen and he nearly choked on his water. His face
reddened and he immediately placed the phone back in his pocket.
His cousin Bai Ning didn’t discover this and continued to speak excitedly, “Brother, I like Ah
Shu in your team the most! His swordsman is really handsome. Can you ask him to give me
a signature?”
His uncle said he was coming today to see Bai Xuan but in fact, he was taking his daughter
to chat with Bai Xuan. Bai Ning’s academic performance was relatively ordinary but she
was particularly interested in e-sports. Her family had been opposed but then Bai Xuan
won at the World Competition. Everyone’s attitude towards e-sports changed and his uncle
even wanted to let Bai Xuan train his daughter. Maybe the Bai family could have a female
Bai Xuan was an only child and his relationship with his cousin had always been good.
However, today his mood wasn’t right and he casually replied, “I will ask him for a
signature another day. If you really want to play, you should do some basic training first
before going to your favourite team for an interview.”
Then his phone made a nose again. Perhaps it was another text message from Xie Shurong.
Bai Xuan wanted to check but he was afraid of his elders discovering something and could
only endure the itchiness as he muted his phone. He never felt this way before. He only
received a text message but he was feeling restless.
HIs uncle and cousin soon left. Bai Xuan helped his mother clean the table. Then he
returned to his bedroom, locked the door and opened his phone. It was a text message sent
by Xie Shurong and there were even several of them.
[Bai Xuan, did I scare you just now? You can rest assured that I’m not a pervert. I just like
you too much and we were playing on the bed. My body naturally reacted. Don’t think too
Bai Xuan’s face couldn’t help heating up when he saw this. Ah Shu was a young man with
healthy physiological problems. It was normal to have a reaction when playing with the
person he liked on the bed. On the contrary, it was Bai Xuan who overreacted.
[If Boss disagrees next time, I won’t rush to ask for a raise.]
Bai Xuan smiled and continued to read the next one.
[It was so hard to become a formal employee and I will perform well. I will love you with all
my heart, obey all your orders and be the best boyfriend.]
[Thinking of you, Xiao Shu.]
Bai Xuan was amused by the last message. Xiao Shu? This person was 1.85 metres tall. How
could he say such words?
[Okay, go to bed early.] Bai Xuan quickly sent a message followed by another one. [I miss
you too.]
His cheeks became even hotter.
He had a mild personality and didn’t understand how to express intense emotions. He
always felt that everything should be calm. Now his fingers trembled when he sent the text
message and his heart was so fast it almost burst out of his chest. It was definitely faster
than the finals of the World Competition.
He never experienced such a fierce reaction in his life but this feeling wasn’t bad.
His whole heart was violently beating for one person. It was as if the original calm waters
were filled with a fresh vitality that disturbed the lake heart.
Xie Shurong received the text message and almost jumped from his bed with excitement.
He shamelessly replied: [Love you.]
Bai Xuan didn’t reply again but his intense heartbeat seemed to clearly tell him that his
feelings for Xie Shurong were much deeper than he imagined.
Bai Xuan’s parents went on a trip the next day, stating they would go abroad for a week to
widen their horizons.
Mother Bai was very fond of Xie Shurong but knew from her knowledge of Bai Xuan that
her son wasn’t very careful about Xie Shurong while Xie Shurong was too good to Bai Xuan.
Their feelings were unstable and it was time to cultivate them. Thus, she took her husband
to go abroad to play, deliberately giving her son time and space to get along with that
handsome person.
Before going abroad, Mother Bai sent a message to Xie Shurong. [I am going to play with
Uncle Bai from the 10th to the 17th. Bai Xuan is at home alone. If you have time, go to the
house to find him and have him take you to good places in the surrounding cities.]
[I know! Thank you Auntie! Be safe.] It was impossible for Xie Shurong to not understand
Mother Bai’s meaning. On the afternoon of the 10th, he actively carried his suitcase to Bai
Xuan, stating that he came over to stay. Bai Xuan stared at the young man with a bright
smile in front of him and got a headache. “Since when have you been so familiar with my
Xie Shurong explained, “Mother and I have a special fate. The day we washed dishes in the
kitchen, we exchanged our WeChat.
Bai Xuan, “…”
This guy’s hands were steady, touch and accurate, quickly grasping Mother Bai. That’s why
Mother Bai went abroad to give Xie Shurong a chance. She was obviously treating Xie
Shurong as family.
Xie Shurong saw Bai Xuan’s frown and reached out to pull the other person into his arms.
He placed his chin on Bai Xuan’s shoulder while taking a deep breath, eagerly taking in Bai
Xuan’s fresh scent. He whispered, “It’s great. I can finally meet you every day. You don’t
know what it’s been like the past two days, sleeping in the hotel while my brain is full of
He didn’t have a ridiculous smile and was very serious. His low voice passed into Bai Xuan’s
ears like gently flowing water that penetrated a tiny gap in Bai Xuan’s heart.
Bai Xuan’s heart was beating violently when he heard these words.
He couldn’t help reaching out to gently hug the person in front of him.
This young man was childish and over pretended to be wronged. He rolled around in bed
like a child who hadn’t grown up. However, sometimes the young man would speak
seriously and frankly confess, the few simple words easily touching Bai Xuan.
Bai Xuan took a deep breath to steady his heart and inwardly, spoke, ‘Xie Shurong, perhaps
I really want to fall head first into your hands.’’

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GLS: Chapter 386

Chapter 386 – Intern Boyfriend (End)
Bai Xuan brought Xie Shurong into his own home. Last time, the presence of the parents
meant Xie Shurong didn’t dare explore Bai Xuan’s house. Today, only Bai Xuan was at home
and Xie Shurong didn’t need to be scrupulous. He entered the house and asked with a smile,
“Which room is yours? I want to see where you live?”
“This side.” Bai Xuan opened his bedroom door. “It’s nothing special.”
Xie Shurong walked in and saw that the bedroom was as clean and tidy as he imagined. The
wallpaper and bed were a soft beige tone, so that the whole room seemed extraordinarily
warm. There was a photo frame on the table that showed Bai Xuan in his youth. His facial
features hadn’t fully developed and he looked young as he smiled at the camera.
“Do you have any photos of when you were a child? Xie Shurong looked back at Bai Xuan.
“Can you show me?”
“What’s so good about photos as a child?”
“They help me get to know you better.” Xie Shurong smiled. “If you like someone then you
want to know their past. I am especially curious about when you were young.”
“Fine.” Bai Xuan smiled helplessly and turned to get a photo album. Xie Shurong sat on Bai
Xuan’s bed and casually watched it. As a child, Bai Xuan had particularly lovely white skin
while his eyes were black and big. He was very fond of smiling. In most of the photos, he
was smiling at the camera and this made Xie Shurong want to pinch Xiao Bai’s face in the
Bai Xuan saw that this person’s smile had become darker and deeper and couldn’t help
asking, “What are you smiling at? Do I look funny when I’m a kid?”
“You were very cute, worthy of being the person I like.” Xie Shurong took the photo album
and kissed the child in the photo. Bai Xuan was embarrassed by this action and grabbed the
photo album. “You can kiss the seven year old child!”
Xie Shurong glanced at Bai Xuan. “Whether it is seven or seventy, I am willing to kiss as
long as it is you.”
His eyes were so earnest that Bai Xuan’s heartbeat sped up. He didn’t dare look at this
person for a moment and turned to look out the window. The words ‘seventy’ made Bai
Xuan imagine the two old men together. It wasn’t beautiful but it made Bai Xuan feel warm.
This type of feeling was light, like sweetened candy that seeped into the bottom of his
In the afternoon, Bai Xuan wanted to accompany Xie Shurong for a stroll. As a result, they
had just walked out the door when they saw a girl standing at the door with several books
in her arms. It was Bai Ning, Bai Xuan’s cousin.
This girl had listened to Bai Xuan’s words yesterday. She returned home and sorted out a
bunch of information about e-sports players. She wanted to ask her cousin about them only
to see a tall and handsome boy standing next to him. Bai Ning was stunned and
immediately put down the books as she threw herself at him. “Ah Shu! Are you Ah Shu? I
like you the most!”
Xie Shurong was frightened and glanced at Bai Xuan with confusion. Bai Xuan helplessly
introduced them, “This is my cousin, Bai Ning.”
Xie Shurong sighed with relief when he heard this and hugged Bai Ning. “Hello, I am Xie
Bai Ning was excited. “Looking closely, the real person is more handsome than the photo!”
Xie Shurong wasn’t modest and naturally replied, “I also think I am more handsome.”
“…” Bai Xuan was silent for a moment and glanced back at this sister. “Did you come to find
me for something?”
“Oh Brother, yesterday you said that I need the foundation if I want to be an e-sports
player. I bought some books to ask you questions.” Bai Ning smiled and handed the books
to him. “Brother, can you let Ah Shu be my teacher for a while? I also like to play a
Bai Xuan hadn’t managed to speak when Xie Shurong smiled and promised. “No problem, if
you have any questions then ask me.”
“Is it really okay?” Bai Nine glanced at him expectantly.
Xie Shurong nodded and spoke gently, “Of course, Bai Xuan’s sister is my sister.”
Bai Xuan’s ears were hot when he heart this but since his sister came, he immediately
called the two people into the house.
Xie Shurong thought that Bai Xuan’s cousin was very cute. This little girl’s character was
lively and she had a clear mention state. She was different from Bai Xuan’s gentleness and
carefulness. Xie Shurong was the only child at home and naturally treated Bai Xuan’s sister
as his own sister, patiently answering her strange questions.
For the afternoon, Xie Shurong patiently answered various strange questions and taught
her how to play the swordsman. Bai Ning’s excited laughter came from the study from time
to time, mixed with Xie Shurong’s explanations. This made Bai Xuan’s heart feel a bit funny.
He didn’t expect that this childish Ah Shu could be so good when helping Bai Xuan’s sister.
In order to reward him, Bai Xuan personally cooked a sumptuous dinner. Xie Shurong and
Bai Ning smelt it and came to the restaurant. They chatted while eating and had obviously
become very familiar during the afternoon.
Bai Ning asked curiously, “Brother Shu, do you have a girlfriend?”
“No.” Xie Shurong replied with a smile. He had a boyfriend and it was her brother.
“Then what do you like?”
“I like…” Xie Shurong wanted to saw her brother but he saw Bai Xuan’s stare and
immediately changed his words. “I like a gentle person with a good temper who is easy to
get along with.
“Oh. “Bai Ning satisfied her curiosity and turned to ask Bai Xuan, “Brother, what about you?
What type do you like? Are you too busy to fall in love?”
Bai Xuan almost choked. He coughed a few times before changing the topic. “Eat more. You
are too thin.”
Her mouth was blocked with a rib and Bai Ning stopped talking. She ate the food in the
bowl and chattered with Xie Shurong for a while before leaving in a satisfied manner.
Once she left, Xie Shurong spoke, “Your sister is very talented. I think she is a good seedling
and can perhaps become a female player later. I gave her my Q number and will teach her
in the future.”
Bai Xuan wondered, “Why are you suddenly so kind?”
Xie Shurong smiled. “Didn’t I say it? Your sister is my sister. Your family, I will treat as my
own family.”
The simply sentence moved Bai Xuan.
Bai Ning’s personality was actually a bit annoying. Generally, men couldn’t stand such girls
pestering them with questions, especially when some of the questions were quite childish.
Yet Xie Shurong patiently answered them all afternoon because of Bai Xuan.
-Your family, I will treat as my own family.
This sentence was lethal to Bai Xuan. It was actually stronger than ‘I like you.’
It was only when a person really wanted to be with someone that they would attach so
much importance to family. Falling in love wasn’t the same as getting married. Once a loved
one was brought to see the family, it meant there was a plan to live with them.
It wasn’t until this moment that Bai Xuan discovered he was deeply trying to get along with
Xie Shurong. Otherwise, who could he bring them back to meet his parents? How could he
watch his mother give the jade pendant to Xie Shurong without objection?
It turned out that unconsciously, his heart had already fallen completely.
Bai Xuan felt surprised but he was very calm.
Xie Shurong wasn’t in line with his original ideal type but what did it matter? As long as the
two of them treated each other sincerely, their days could be peaceful and beautiful.
Bai Xuan smiled softly as he watched Xie Shurong actively run to the kitchen to wash the
He finally found the person he could sincerely entrust his heart to and was very satisfied.
He decided to give Xie Shurong a promotion and salary increase this evening. As for the
specific salary increase… he would let Ah Shu be willful and make a request.
After sending away Bai Ning, Xie Shurong consciously went to the kitchen to wash dishes.
By the time he came out, Bai Xuan had already taken a shower. He was sitting at the table
and thinking carefully. Xie Shurong cheekily walked to him and hugged the other person,
placing his chin on Bai Xuan’s shoulder. “What are you thinking about? Is it me?”
Bai Xuan didn’t refute him and smiled. “Yes, I was thinking about you. You’ve been doing
well recently and as the boss, I’ve decided to give the regular employee a pay rise.”
Xie Shurong excitedly hugged him. “Really? What is the pay rise method? Is it a kiss or…”
Bai Xuan reached out and touched his chin. “Go and take a shower.”
The meaning of this sentence was obvious and Xie Shurong immediately smiled. “I
understand, Boss. I must wash myself clean.”
Bai Xuan saw him rush like the wind into the bathroom with his toiletries. Bai Xuan was
both amused and nervous at the same time.
Did he really want to extend their physical relationship? Wasn’t it a bit too soon? Then
when he thought about it carefully, they time they dated wasn’t short. From an internship
to a formal relationship, it had been almost a year…
Since it was a mutual affection, it was normal to meet each other’s physical needs. Bai Xuan
took a deep breath and sat on the bed in the bedroom, thinking about what might happen
next. He couldn’t help his cheeks heating up.
A while later, Xie Shurong came out of the shower and he was only wearing underwear.
Bai Xuan saw that this person was quite good when undressed. The muscles of his arms
and thighs were strong but didn’t look too rough. It was a well-balanced beauty. The eight
pack was very eye-catching and the young and strong body approaching him made Bai
Xuan’s heart beat faster.
Xie Shurong sat down next to him with a smile and whispered, “Is my body satisfactory?”
Bai Xuan shifted his gaze and said, “Okay.”
Xie Shurong grasped Bai Xuan’s hand, clasping their fingers together closely. He glanced
seriously at Bai Xuan. “I really want to go further with you but I don’t want to force you. If
you don’t want to…”
“I didn’t say I don’t want to.” Bai Xuan interrupted him with some embarrassment. “Let’s go
with the flow.”
“Then shall we try it tonight?”
Next part has been censored. Please read the uncensored version at the link below.

Uncensored version

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GLS: Chapter 387

Final Extra Chapter 387 – Working Together for a Lifetime (1) Ling Xuefeng & Li Cangyu

The national team won the First Miracle World Competition and many reporters wanted a
comprehensive interview with all players. However, many players weren’t willing to do
interviews since they wanted to rest for a few days. Since the players had been playing for
so long and were exhausted by the matches, Chairman Nan Jiangang declined the reporters’
request to interview everyone and found two representatives.
The representatives were naturally Captain Li Cangyu and Vice-Captain Ling Xuefeng.
Chairman Nan smiled and said, “Some players aren’t talkative in front of reporters and
some are unwilling to show up. Therefore, the difficult task of the interviews will be
handed to you and Xuefeng.”
Li Cangyu reluctantly had to promise. He turned to the hotel and sat on the sofa while
rubbing his temples. “The chairman asked us to go for an interview tomorrow. The
questions that could be answered have already been answered. I don’t know what the
reporters want us to say.”
“Who told us to be the captain and vice-captain?” Ling Xuefeng walked over and helped
massage his shoulders, whispering, “It will only be busy for the next day days. Then I will
accompany you to go on a holiday after returning to China.”
“Yes, the holiday period is relatively long and we can relax.” Li Cangyu’s modd was
obviously much better. He looked back at Ling Xuefeng and wondered, “Where do you want
to go for the holiday?”
“You decide.” Ling Xuefeng’s voice was very gentle.
He was usually cold and serious. In particular, everyone in the Wind Colour team had to
listen to their captain’s orders. As a result, in front of Li Cangyu, he always gave up on
making decisions. Maybe it was because he was a captain outside and a wife at home? Li
Cangyu had this thought and couldn’t help smiling. He questioned in a calm voice, “Xuefeng,
shall I take you on a honeymoon?”
“Good.” LIng Xuefeng’s lips curved slightly and his eyes were bright. “Where do you want to
go on the honeymoon?”
“How about going to the Maldives?” Li Cangyu opened his phone with excitement and
searched for a photo of the Maldives, pointing to the blue sky and sea in the photo. “After
all, it is a legendary honeymoon place and the scenery should be good. We are both tired
from playing the game so how about going on a romantic trip?”
Ling Xuefeng nodde.d “Yes, shall we go by ourselves?”
“Of course, I don’t want to report to a tour group. Too many light bulbs are boring.” Li
Cangyu lened over and gently kissed Ling Xuefeng. “We will go just the two of us.”
Ling Xuefeng saw the expression on this man’s face and really wanted to throw him on the
sofa. However, considering there was an interview tomorrow, Ling Xuefeng had to take a
deep breath and suppress the urges of his body. He gently touched this person’s cheek and
said, “Okay, I’ll check the route and tickets. If you are tired then sleep first. We have to
attend the press conference in the morning.”
“Yes, then I’ll sleep first.” Li Cangyu lay down on the bed and watched Ling Xuefeng sitting
in front of the laptop and carefully checking tickets, causing Li Cangyu’s heart to warm. It
was really a blessing to find such a powerful and considerate wife.
The next morning, the two people got up early and prepared for the interview with the
Ling Xuefeng usually wore a suit when attending formal events. He was tall and had long
legs. Whenever he wore a suit, he looked like a cover model in a magazine. His exquisite
facial features gave a sense of abstinence and many fans were excited just looking at his
Li Cangyu usually liked to wear loose and comfortable casual wear. However, today he
wore a suit in order to match Ling Xuefeng. Coincidentally, his clothes were the same
colour as Ling Xuefeng’s suit.
Ling Xuefeng apparently discovered this. He came over to Li Cangyu and examined it
carefully. Then he leaned over and whispered in Li Cangyu’s ears, “Did you specifically
prepare a couple’s outfit with me?”
Li Cangyu didn’t deny it and nodded calmly. “Don’t you think this is perfect?”
Ling Xuefeng smiled and hugged the straightforward big cat. “It is a perfect match.”
The two of them met Tan Shitian and Cheng Wei at the restaurant downstairs. It was only
Xiao Cheng who would run downstairs to eat breakfast so early. IT turned out that today’s
hotel buffet had many special snacks. Tan Shitian smiled and greeted them politely while
Cheng Wei put down the cake in his hand and ran to Li Cangyu. “Cat God, you’re so
handsome today! Isn’t this like going to a wedding?”
Li Cangyu, “…”
Tan Shitian immediately pulled back Cheng Wei and smiled. “Cough, Cat God and Captain
Ling are going to the press conference, right?”
Cheng Wei only just realized and grinned. “Oh, the chairman made you face the reporters
again. Cat God, refuel!”
Li Cangyu and Ling sat at the next table to eat breakfast before going to the conference
room on the third floor of the hotel.
They pushed open the door and were immediately greeted with flashing lights. The venue
was full of heads, including some foreign reporters. It was obvious that the scale of this
press conference was very large but Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had long been used to
such a scene. The two of them exchanged a look before walking forward.
Li Cangyu wore a suit and was handsome and compelling when he smiled. Ling Xuefeng
looked cold and his suit was steady and restrained. The two men with different styles stood
together and coordinated very well. In particular, today’s clothes matched each other.
The reporters saw the two people and clapped. After the warm applause, the host signalled
for the interview to start. A girl stood up excitedly and asked, “I noticed that the clothes
worn by the two great gods today are of the same style. Did you buy it together?”
Li Cangyu replied, “I bought it previously when I was in China. I rarely wear suits but
Xuefeng is so formal today that I have to cooperate with him. Otherwise, it will be too
strange when we stand together.”
Ling Xuefeng heard this and glanced over at him with a slight smile. “You are very
handsome in formal clothing.”
The brief exchange made the atmosphere warm and the reporters couldn’t help agreeing,
“Cat God is really handsome!”
”Can’t he go directly to a wedding like this?”
A photographer took a close-up photo of the two people. After a closer look, he was
surprised to find that the two men sitting together in formal clothing looked like the photo
ID of a marriage certificate. Of course, the photographer immediately got rid of the strange
idea that popped up and pointed his camera again.
The reporters’ questions also entered the right track. “Cat God, your leadership has
contributed to this national team winning the World Competition. Now that you have won,
what do you want to tell everyone?”
Li Cangyu picked up the microphone and smiled. “I am the captain and my only credit is in
arranging the lineup and organizing the tactical training. The most important thing is the
players of the national team. The players have a very high overall level and everyone
worked together to play every game. Each step was practical and we deserved to win this
World Competition. The most gratifying thing is that we lived up to the expectations of the
The people clapped warmly. Obviously, many reporters were from China and were satisfied
with Li Cangyu’s elegant answer. A male reporter stood up and questioned, “Do you think
there are any weak links in the Chinese team that needs to be improved on?”
“Of course. We aren’t as mature as the US team and South Korean team in the use of certain
tactics.” Ling Xuefeng glanced over at Li Cangyu and continued, “These questions will be
studied in detail after returning home.”
“Yes, we have already gained the referee’s perspective of every match in this World
Competition and they will be the focus of the major teams after returning home.” Li Cangyu
continued on from Ling Xuefeng.
“We might’ve won the championship but we still have to consider future competitions. We
can’t stand still.” Ling Xuefeng stated.
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.
“Do you have the confidence to win the next World Competition? Will the two of you serve
as leaders of the national team again?” This question caused many reporters’ ears to prick
LI Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng shared a tacit look. Then Ling Xuefeng picked up the
microphone and replied, “It isn’t good to talk about next year’s matters.”
“It is too early for the next World Competition and we can’t predict the future.” Li Cangyu
continued. “After returning, we will first prepare for the eighth season of the domestic
league. That is the most critical thing.”
The two people answered the reporters’ questions one by one. Whenever a foreign
reporter asked something, Ling Xuefeng would interpret for Li Cangyu. The two worked
together seamlessly and quickly answered all questions.
After nearly an hour of answering questions, their throats were a bit dry. Ling Xuefeng
opened a bottle of water and handed it to Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu naturally took it and drank
from it. At this time, someone suddenly stood up and asked, “Cat and Ling are both captains
and you’re normally busy. Do you have time to look for a girlfriend?”
Li Cangyu put down the water bottle and asked with surprise, “Can personal questions be
The host told him, “You can choose not to answer or it is fine if you are willing to answer.”
The reporter anxiously spoke, “Many fans hope that your personal matters can be resolved
well. You can’t completely ignore life events in order to play the game. Can you tell us what
type of girls you like?”
Li Cangyu smiled slightly. “In fact, I have a lover and the current progress is very smooth. I
don’t want to announce their identity for the time being because I don’t want too many
people to bother my lover. They are also an e-sports player.”
The audience exclaimed and this was followed by another bombshell.
Ling Xuefeng lightly spoke, “I also have a lover. We are very good, thank you for your
Everyone, “…”
Shortly after the press conference ended, Weibo went viral with the news that both Cat God
and Captain Ling had a lover.
Many people guessed who Li Cangyu’s girlfriend was among the e-sports players. Most of
them pointed their fingers at girls of the Red Fox team before shifting to the female players
of the Dragon Song Club. A guessing game started on Li Cangyu’s Weibo page.
Ling Xuefeng’s Weibo also had many fan questions. Many people couldn’t imagine it at all.
What type of person would be worthy for Captain Ling?
Weibo became a messy pot of porridge. Li Cangyu saw the comments on Ling Xuefeng’s
Weibo and felt some regret. “I shouldn’t have answered the reporter’s question.”
“It doesn’t matter. They will eventually know one day.” Ling Xuefeng didn’t care and gently
held Li Cangyu’s shoulder. “Are aren’t doing anything shady and besides, aren’t we a good
Li Cangyu nodded earnestly. “That’s true. In this world, only I am worthy of you.”
His confident smile was particularly dazzling and Ling Xuefeng couldn’t move his eyes
away. After watching for a while, Ling Xuefeng couldn’t hold back and leaned down to press
a kiss against this person’s lips. Then he smiled and said, “Yes, only you.”
-Only you deserve me and only you know me.
-Only I deserve you and only I really know you.
Together, they were called a match ‘made in heaven.’ Their attitude towards this
relationship was also very calm. They didn’t announce it because the timing wasn’t right.
One day, it would be announced but as long as this person was by his side, he wouldn’t be
afraid no matter how difficult.
It was because there was a person willing to share all joys with himself and was willing to
accompany him to bear the suffering.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 388

Chapter 388 – Working Together for a Lifetime (2)

Li Cangyu returned to China and separated from Ling Xuefeng at Beijing Airport. He had to
go back to Changsha with his teammates while Ling Xuefeng was going to Shanghai. The
two of them agreed to meet in Shanghai three days later.
Once in Changsha, the Canglan team organized a press conference. Li Cangyu graciously
introduced the preparations for next year and answered many questions. However, he
didn’t talk about the mysterious lover. Even if a reporter asked, he only smiled and told
them, “I will announce it once the time is ripe. It is still early.”
This attitude made his teammates very curious, especially Xie Shurong. On the way back to
the dormitory, he wrapped himself around Bai Xuan and asked, “You have know Cat God
for so many years and should be clear about what type of person he likes. Can you tell me
who his girlfriend is?”
Bai Xuan smiled. “I also don’t know.”
He always thought that Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng didn’t have an ordinary relationship
but this was just his guess. There was no evidence and Li Cangyudidn’t want to announce it.
Thus, Bai Xuan wouldn’t mention anything.
Zhuo Hang and Li Xiaojiang were also very curious about their captain’s family. They asked
Xiao Han and Xiao Han looked blank. “Master has a girlfriend? Why didn’t i know?”
Only Uncle Zhang was calm about this. He had an expression of ‘it doesn’t matter’ and ran
to his studio to process orders. He had been busy a season and wanted to relax by doing his
old work for a few days.
Li Cangyu took the attitude of ‘ignoring’ his teammates’ curious eyes. He only needed to be
a good captain and it wasn’t necessary to explain personal feelings to his teammates.
Li Cangyu was anxious to meet Ling Xuefeng so he immediately flew to Shanghai after
finishing his work in Changsha.
Ling Xuefeng drove to the airport to pick him up. Li Cangyu wore sunglasses to avoid the
paparazzi and once he entered the car, he greeted Ling Xuefeng with a sigh of relief. He
directly asked, “Did you miss me?”
Ling Xuefeng looked over in a serious manner. “I was thinking about you.”
“I’m pretty much the same.” Li Cangyu laughed.
For the past few days, reporters had been following them tightly. In order to avoid being
recognized by reporters, Ling Xuefeng deliberately rented a car that was a low-key Buick. Li
Cangyu appreciated this care.
“Can we go back to your house? There are many reporters behind us.” Li Cangyu asked as
he put on his seat belt.
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll get rid of them.” Ling Xuefeng glanced coldly in the rearview mirror
and stepped on the gas pedal, driving out of the parking lot.
His driving skills were superb and after a few turns, he left the stunned reporters behind
Li Cangyu smiled with relief. “It is like having an affair.” The car had just arrived at an
intersection and Ling Xuefeng stopped because of the red light. Li Cangyu looked at the
handsome man’s face and reached out to touch Ling Xuefeng’s fingers. “Don’t mind it. We
might have to sneak around now but one day, I will give you a name.”
Ling Xuefeng held his hand and whispered, “What is the name?”
Li Cangyu came over and spoke in the other person’s ear. “Wife.”
Ling Xeufeng couldn’t help smiling as he thought, ‘What to do? Our hearts are connected
like this. I also want to call you wife.’
The green light came on and Ling Xuefeng didn’t say anything more as he drove back home.
Once they arrived home, they started to pack for their holiday in the Maldives before
sleeping early. Of course, both of them didn’t do anything unusual and just slept in the same
The next day, they flew from Shanghai to the Maldives.
Ling Xuefeng had booked a holiday villa on the beach in advance. Li Cangyu walked around
the villa and was very satisfied. There were huge floor to ceiling windows in the living
room and bedroom, allowing them to see the sea outside. It was truly a place for a holiday
as every step was a scene. The blue sky and sea made people feel relaxed and happy.
Li Cangyu took off his shoes and lay barefoot on the sofa in the living room, squinting at the
beautiful scenery outside the window. At this time, it was near dusk and the golden light of
the setting sun shone through the large ceilings, giving warmth to the warm and Li
Cangyu’s body was coated with a soft halo.
Ling Xuefeng suddenly felt that the relaxed Li Cangyu on the soft had put away his sharp
claws and was like a big cat lazing around in the sun.
This was really sexy to the extreme.
Ling Xuefeng couldn’t help walking over and sitting down. He leaned over and kissed Li
Cangyu who responded enthusiastically.
The two people were alone in a villa abroad and didn’t have to worry about reporters or
being interrupted by teammates. Their kiss was more enthusiastic and intense.
Li Cangyu was very active in this respect while Ling Xuefeng was gentle and strong. This
kiss was like a contest on the arena. It was equally divided and they both were sweaty.
At the end of the kiss, both people were a bit breathless as they smiled at each other.
Li Cangyu whispered in Ling Xuefeng’s ear, “Go and take a bath? This holiday villa must
have a double bathroom.”
“Good.” Ling Xuefeng’s voice was a bit hoarse. He took Li Cangyu’s hand and led this person
to the bathroom.
The size of the bathroom didn’t disappoint Li Cangyu. It was a luxurious bathroom more
than 20 square metres and the bathtub was large enough for two people along with a
spacious glass shower. Ling Xuefeng filled the bathtub with water while Li Cangyu quickly
took off his clothes and went into the shower to have a quick wash.
He wasn’t shy at all about taking a shower in front of his lover.
Ling Xuefeng watched him shower through the glass. Numerous crystal clear water drops
flowed along the slender neck, smooth back and then falling along the straight hips and
His heartbeat sped up and followed the rhythm of the water. Ling Xuefeng’s body was
becoming hotter and the desire that had been long suppressed broke through its shackles.
His lower body soon hardened.
Li Cangyu finished the shower and found that Ling Xuefeng had filled up the bathtub. He
walked over and lay in the bathtub with a smile. “Do you want to take a shower first and
then come and bathe with me?”
No one could refuse such a straightforward invitation.
Ling Xuefeng immediately took off his clothes and took a shower. Li Cangyu leaned on the
bathtub and enjoyed the sight of the beautiful man washing. The more he saw, the more
pleased he became. Ling Xuefeng’s figure was really great.
Moments later, Ling Xuefeng turned off the shower and stepped into the bathtub, lying
down with Li Cangyu.
Li Cangyu smiled and touched the other person’s eight pack. “You look so slim but you have
all these muscles after undressing. How did you train this?”
Ling Xuefeng grabbed his hand and spoke in an extraordinarily low voice. “Don’t touch it.”
Li Cangyu continued to touch this person and commented, “Your body is great.”
At this moment, his finger touched a hot and hard object and there was the clear feeling of
blood pulsing. Li Cangyu immediately realized what he touched and quickly retracted his
However, Ling Xuefeng wasn’t willing to let go of the person who ignited every part of his
body. He turned Li Cangyu and pressed Li Cangyu under his body, whispering, “What did
you touch? Why don’t you continue?”
“Cough.” Li Cangyu wasn’t shy in this respect but he had no experience. It was his first time
encountering Ling Xuefeng’s thick lower body and it felt a bit strange. He originally only
thought about cultivating feelings in these few days before trying to further their physical
relationship. He didn’t expect it to happen when taking a bath together.
Ling Xuefeng usually looked very cold but once his desires were ignited, they weren’t easy
to extinguish. Li Cangyu was worrying about it when he was kissed.
Ling Xuefeng’s tongue dove straight in and the kiss was very direct. It was a declaration of
ownership as his tongue moved aggressively in Li Cangyu’s mouth. Ling Xuefeng’s breath
encroached on Li Cangyu’s mind and this feeling was very comfortable. Li Cangyu couldn’t
help reaching out to hug the other person’s waist.
After the kiss, Ling Xuefeng watched Li Cangyu with deep eyes. His eyes were particularly
deep as something suppressed was rushing out. “Cat, I want you. Can I?’
Li Cangyu was startled. However, his wife was so active. How could he retreat?
The virgin LI Cangyu was a bit nervous about joining with Ling Xuefeng. His heartbeat was
extremely fast and he took a deep breath to make himself as calm as possible. He gazed into
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes and replied, “Yes, we will try it.”
Then he turned Ling Xuefeng over and kissed Ling Xuefeng’s eyes. He was about to
continue going down when he was turned around. Ling Xuefeng had rolled them back to
the previous position.
In just half a minute, it became you press me and I press you. The water in the bathtub was
sprinkled all over the floor. Then Ling Xuefeng placed his knees between Li Cangyu’s legs so
that Li Cangyu couldn’t move.
The man stared at him gently and whispered, “Let me do the physical work.”
Ling Xuefeng smiled. “It would be nice for you to lie down and enjoy it.”
Li Cangyu thought, ‘Is he going to serve me with his mouth. My wife is really warm!”
It wasn’t until Ling Xuefeng covered his hand in shower gel and touched his back hole that
Li Cangyu woke up and grabbed this person’s wrist. “This isn’t quite right?”

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Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 389

This chapter is censored. Please read the uncensored version here.

GLS: Chapter 390

Chapter 390 – Working Together for a Lifetime (4)

When Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu arrived at the villa, they entered the bathroom without
having time to enjoy the view. Once they finished, it was already dark outside the window.
Li Cangyu’s waist was uncomfortable and his legs were hanging over the edge of the
bathtub. He took a deep breath and drew back his legs. Then he touched his stomach and
said, “I’m a bit hungry.”
He had only eaten on the plan and there was a serious physical energy consumption in the
afternoon. Li Cangyu was hungry as he got up and planned to find something to eat.
Ling Xuefeng came up to him and wrapped a towel around his body. “Be careful not to catch
a cold.”
Li Cangyu smiled and gave Ling Xuefeng a bath towel. “You as well.”
The two men looked at their lover wrapped in a white towel and were filled with a sweet
Ling Xuefeng reached out to touch Li Cangyu’s wet hair. “Go dry your hair and I’ll make
dinner.” He thoughtfully handed the hair dryer to Li Cangyu.
“Do you want to cook?” Li Cangyu stood in front of the mirror and blew his hair. He could
see the handsome man’s face in the mirror and the other person was staring at him. LI
Cangyu couldn’t help smiling, “It is too much trouble to go to the supermarket to buy
ingredients. We should change clothes and find a restaurant to eat at.”
“Okay, I’ll go to the nearby supermarket tomorrow to buy food.” Ling Xuefeng stepped
forward and gazed tenderly at his lover. He took the hair dryer and patiently helped this
person blow dry his hair.
The two men dried their hair, changed clothes and went out.
It was dark outside and the street lights in front of the villa gave a soft warmth. The two
people walked for 10 minutes before finding a restaurant on the side of the road. Based on
the facade, it was Western food and there weren’t too many customers in the restaurant.
They found a quiet corner to sit down and once the waiter came over, Ling Xuefeng used
fluent English to order.
He ordered a couple’s meal as well as an extra portion of black pepper steak and a lemon-
flavoured cold drink.
Li Cangyu laughed. “You still remember my taste?”
“Of course.” Ling Xuefeng stared at him. “I remember everything about you.”
Perhaps the lights were too warm and the music too soft. Li Cangyu suddenly felt that Ling
Xuefeng’s gentle eyes were a whirlpool, attracting him to sink in.
-I remember everything about you.
It was a simple sentence but it contained many years of hard waiting. In fact, this man
looked serious and indifferent but he was more tolerant than anyone else. It was just that
this strong tolerance was for his lover.
“Why are you looking at me?” Ling Xuefeng felt the other person staring and asked.
“It is because you are handsome.” Li Cangyu replied directly. “I feel I have very good eyes.”
“Me too.”
The two men smiled at each other before the waiter came over and placed food on the
The couple’s package was very rich and enough for two people to eat, but Ling Xuefeng was
worried it wouldn’t be enough and thoughtfully ordered the steak for Li Cangyu. Li Cangyu
was starving and cut the steak, giving half to Ling Xuefeng.
The two people quietly ate dinner. They didn’t talk much but this type of tacit
understanding allowed even the waiters at the bar to see the deep feelings between them.
It seemed there was a strange separation about them. They were in their own world and
outsiders couldn’t get involved.
After eating, Ling Xuefeng took the initiative to get up and pay. Then he asked Li Cangyu,
“Do you want to go back to rest or stroll around the beach?”
“What about you?”
“It is still early. Let’s go for a stroll around the beach?”
“Good.” Li Cangyu paused before whispering into Ling Xuefeng’s ears, “However, I can’t
walk too long. My legs are still sore.”
He spoke directly without any traces of embarrassment.
Ling Xuefeng remembered the scene where he raised this person’s legs and repeatedly
moved in and out of the body and his eyes became gentler. He asked, “Would you like me to
carry you?”
“Okay.” Li Cangyu wasn’t polite. He saw Ling Xuefeng bending down in front of him and
immediately got on this person’s back, asking, “I’m not heavy? My weight doesn’t seem to
be lighter than you.”
“It’s fine.” LIng Xuefeng’s heart was soft. He started talking as he walked. “As a child, I
always thought that when I have a lover, I would carry them on my back when walking by
the sea.”
“Is that so? Then your wish has come true.” Li Cangyu touched Ling Xuefeng’s chin and
joking, “However, when you were a child, you probably thought you would be carrying a
big beauty instead of a big man?”
“That’s true.” Ling Xuefeng honestly admitted. “Then my thoughts changed after meeting
It was dark and Ling Xuefeng carried Li Cangyu on a beach walk. The man on his back
wasn’t light but Ling Xuefeng’s pace was still stable.
The sea at night was mysterious. The faint moonlight caused a series of tiny silver ripples
on the sea and the sound of the waves hitting the beach seemed to have a strange power
that calmed down the mood.
The sea breeze was cool and mixed with the damp smell of the sea. Nevertheless, it wasn’t
too cold and made people feel refreshed.
Li Cangyu lay on Ling Xuefeng’s back and breathed in the fresh air of the beach. Once they
were a dozen metres away from the shoreline, Li Cangyu patted the other person’s
shoulder and said, “Let me down.”
Ling Xuefeng put him down and stared at him.
In the soft moonlight, a faint smile could be seen on this handsome face. His lips were red
and swollen and his neck was covered with kiss marks.
An average person would definitely find a way to cover these traces with high-necked
shirts. Some people would even be too shy to go out but Li Cangyu never knew shyness.
This man was open about everything. Once he was in love, he was straightforward and
Ling Xuefeng smiled and gently held this person’s hand.
Li Cangyu opened his mouth. “Suddenly holding my hand, are you trying to say something?”
Ling Xuefeng linked their fingers together and replied, “It is time to say something.” He
gently hugged Li Cangyu and clearly spoke in Li Cangyu’s ears, word by word. “I, love, you.”
Li Cangyu was stunned. He didn’t expect this always cold man to actually say such words.
In the past, Li Cangyu only had the game in his mind and never thought about love. Apart
from eating and sleeping, the rest of the time was spent watching videos of the game,
studying various professional features, arranging tactics and organizing his team’s training.
His entire world was completely filled with the word ‘e-sports.’
Since returning to Miracle and reuniting with Ling Xuefeng, he suddenly discovered that
there could be such a beautiful love in the world.
In these years, he had weathered hardships and drifted through many ups and downs. At
this moment, being in this man’s arms made Li Cangyu feel a type of peace.
A peace that could last a lifetime.
The feeling of falling in love with someone wasn’t bad. It wasn’t difficult to admit that he
fell in love.
Li Cangyu smiled and hugged Ling Xuefeng, replying seriously, “I love you too.”
The man’s arms suddenly tightened as if he wanted to melt Li Cangyu into his body.
Li Cangyu took a deep breath and smelt the cold and refreshing scent that belonged to Ling
Xuefeng. He also tightened his arms and hugged his person.
Their left hand and right hands were interlocked and clasped tightly to their chest.
Their right arm and left arm hugged the other person tightly, seeming to make a promise
that they would never forsake the other.
On the beach by the sea, two people embraced each other and the moonlight shone softly
on them, as if time had stopped.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 391

Chapter 391 – Working Together for a Lifetime (5)

The days spent in the Maldivers were the most leisurely days for Li Cangyu since he was
young. Every night, he would be intimate with Ling Xuefeng and then fall asleep when
exhausted. Once he woke up in the morning, there was a nutritious breakfast waiting for
him. At noon, there was the fish that Ling Xuefeng cooked. They were steamed, braised,
sweet and sour and all types of other recipes that made him full. In the afternoon, he would
go to the beach with Ling Xuefeng to enjoy the sun and listen to music…
These days were so happy that Li Cangyu was reluctant to leave.
However, the holiday period would soon be ending and they had to return home to start
preparing for the new season.
That night, Ling Xuefeng was packing up when he got a text message. [Captain Ling, are you
in the Maldives? Will you be flying home tomorrow?] The sender was the vice-captain of
the Wind Colour team, Yan Ruiwen.
Ling Xuefeng replied doubtfully: [How do you know?]
Yan Ruiwen: [Weibo exposed a photo of you on holiday with Cat God in the Maldives. The
fans are going crazy and many journalists are sniffing around the airport. If it is convenient
then I suggest you change things around.]
Ling Xuefeng opened Weibo and sure enough, a photo was being crazily spread on the
home page.
The photo contained newlyweds. The man was wearing a light blue suit and the woman
wore a dress in the same colour. They were a prefect match but the thing that stole
attention was the two men not far fro them. One was sitting up with a soft smile on his
handsome face while the other was lying down, head naturally resting on the other person.
His eyes were closed with a lazy expression.
It was a photo of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu basking in the sun on the beach.
The original owner posted this as a wedding photo on Weibo. He didn’t expect that he
inadvertently photographed two great gods of the e-sports circle. In one day, the photo was
forwarded tens of thousands of times, scaring the original owner into deleting it.
However, the photo had been saved by the reporters of the major e-sports websites. The
news of Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu’s holiday in the Maldives swept through the Miracle
League and shocked countless people.
Both of them were high-ranking veterans in the Miracle League. The active professional
players in the Miracle League weren’t willing to forward the post in this unclear situation
but many people say it and silently paid attention. Yan Ruiwen was among them. He
noticed the situation was getting out of control and immediately sent a text message to Ling
Ling Xuefeng pointed to the photo on Weibo and asked Li Cangyu, “What are your
Li Cangyu carefully examined the two people who served at the backdrop of the photo and
smiled. ”The photo is good and the scenery is beautiful. The people are very handsome.”
He was open to it and didn’t seem worried about exposure.
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly. “Aren’t you worried about our relationship being exposed?”
Li Cangyu replied honestly, “What is there to be worried about? I already told you that I
would give you a name. This is just earlier than I thought.”
“Do you want to admit it directly?” Ling Xuefeng was a bit surprised.
“Yes, otherwise the reporters will catch the wind and speculate indiscriminately.” Li
Cangyu paused, holding Ling Xuefeng’s hand as he spoke seriously, “Xuefeng, I never had
the chance to ask you. This season, we won the World Competition. What are your plans for
the next season? Will you continue to lead the WInd Colour team?”
“What about you?” Ling Xuefeng asked, “Will you continue playing with Canglan?”
Li Cangyu smiled and suggested, “We don’t we write our thoughts on our phones and see if
we have a connection?”
The pair picked up their phones and sent a message to each other’s WeChat.
There was a prompt about the message arriving and when they opened it, there was one
At this moment, Li Cangyu let go of the worries of his heart. He also felt warmth towards
Ling Xuefeng who knew him best.
He joined the Miracle league at the age of 18 and became an e-sports player. He tasted the
heartache of his team disbanding, the frustrations of trying to reach the playoffs, the
hardships of reorganization and ultimately, becoming the world champion.
For him, his career had come to a successful conclusion.
Moreover, he wasn’t young. His dream had been realized and he no longer felt regrets
about his favourite e-sports. Retiring at this time was obviously the best choice.
Ling Xuefeng had also been in the Miracle League for seven years, leading the Wind Colour
team to become a first-tier giant. In addition, he gained his cherished person and now was
the time to abdicate.
The two people glanced at each other and tacitly smiled.
Li Cangyu opened his mouth, “My idea is don’t worry about retiring immediately. Wait until
half of the next season has passed and the team’s successors are selected. Once the two
teams are stable, we will leave. What do you think?”
“Yes, that’s best.” Ling Xuefeng nodded. “What are you going to say to Canglan? The team
has just been set up and now the captain is leaving. The players might psychologically find
it hard to accept. In addition, there are so many youngsters. Are you willing to leave them
“They have probably already guessed the result.” Li Cangyu sighed. “I have limited energy
and I’m actually very tired from supporting the team for so many years. Retiring just means
I’m not playing the game. I won’t leave the Dragon Song Club and will still guide them in
daily training. I think… they should be able to understand.”
This approach as quite reasonable. It was like how Song Yang of Flying Feathers acted like a
cough while Su Guangmo, Yu Pingsheng and Xie Shurong grew up. Once Flying Feathers
won the championship, he was relieved enough to leave.
Li Cangyu naturally couldn’t just drop the Canglan team. Zhuo Hang, Xiao Han, Xiaojiang
and Xiao Gu still weren’t capable of being alone. It was necessary for him to stay in the club
and help them grow.
“It is a good choice to stay as a coach.” Ling Xuefeng wrapped an arm around Li Cangyu’s
shoulder and whispered, “But if you retired, Xiao Bai won’t continue to play, right?”
“I wouldn’t let him continue even if he wanted to.” Li Cangyu frowned with slight distress.
“In the beginning, he had a serious stomach issue and originally wanted to retire. It was due
to me that he stayed. Now that we are successful, I want him to have a good rest and
recuperate well.”
“…You really care about him.” Ling Xuefeng spoke lightly.
“Are you jealous?” Li Cangyu took Ling Xuefeng’s hand and spoke in his ear. “Don’t think
too much. Xiao Bai is a relative while you are my lover.”
“I know.” Ling Xuefeng smiled. “Once Bai Xuan retires, who will be the captain of Canglan?
Is there already a candidate in your heart?”
“I can only give it to Ah Shu first.” Li Cangyu touched his chin for a moment. “Xie Shurong is
usually not serious but he is very reliable when playing the game. He is young and in his
peak state. There is no problem playing for another two or three years. I can feel reassured
handing Canglan to him.”
“That’s true.” Ling Xuefeng paused before adding, “I hope that Liu Chuan can pick some
good seedlings from the training camp. You retiring with Bai Xuan will deal too much
damage to the overall lineup. You have to replenish your reserve force as soon as possible.”
“Well, a team always has to go through this and I think Liu Chuan is also ready for it.” Li
Cangyu smiled and continued, “He has always been looking at the long-term. When he
signed the contract with me, it was only for one year.”
“You only signed for a year?” Ling Xuefeng was a bit surprised.
This showed that Li Cangyu was only ready to play for a year. If he didn’t win the
championship then he could only retire with regret.
He gave himself one last chance and fortunately, he grasped the opportunity.
Ling Xuefeng saw his bright eyes and couldn’t help smiling. “It seems that you have long
planned everything.”
“Yes, the only variable is you.” Li Cangyu laughed. “My plan didn’t include turning Ling
Xuefeng into my wife.”
He was used to calling out ‘wife’ and Ling Xuefeng indulged him without correcting it. He
asked, “You came back to play the game, only to end up with me. Was it unexpected?”
“Yes, it was very unexpected.” Li Cangyu nodded. “However, it is an unexpected joy.”
The two people smiled as warm happiness surged in their hearts.
It was a real unexpected joy to be with this person.

Added a ko-fi for the people asking for an alternative to Patreon:
Pledge any amount to my Patreon to access to the BL google drives, where you can get early
access to any chapters I have completed.

GLS: Chapter 392

Chapter 392 – Working Together for a Lifetime (6)

That night, Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu talked a lot about future plans for their teams. No
one could lead a team the entire time. As captain, it was their duty to take care of the team’s
future before leaving.
Thanks to Yan Ruiwen’s tip, Ling Xuefeng called the airport to change their flight back to
China. They stayed in the Maldives for another day before flying back to Shanghai.
As a result, they just came out of Shanghai Airport when they were surrounded by a group
of reporters.. It seemed the perseverance of these reporters were extraordinary. Yesterday
was a waste and they willingly ran to the airport today to wait.
Ling Xuefeng saw the reporters and immediately pulled Li Cangyu towards the parking lot.
The reporters chased after them. “Captain Ling, I heard that you went to the Maldives with
Cat God. Is this true?”
“Are you worried about the photo on Weibo?”
”What is the relationship between the two of you?”
”Have you been together a long time ago?”
Ling Xuefeng calmly ignored the reporters and quickly took Li Cangyu to the parking lot.
Yan Ruiwen and Qin Mo had said they would come to the airport to pick up their captain.
They were shocked by this sight but fortunately, Yan Ruiwen responded quickly enough. He
immediately started the car and parked in front of Ling Xuefeng. Qin Mo opened the
window and called out, “Master, Cat God, get on!”
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng didn’t say anything. They just jumped into the car and closed
the door. Then the car shot out of the parking lot like an arrow.
Yan Ruiwen’s driving skills weren’t bad and he moved through the airport quickly, soon
leaving the reporters far behind.
LIng Xuefeng looked in the rearview mirror and found that cars weren’t tracking them. He
let go of his worries and asked Yan Ruiwen, “What is the trend of public opinion? Are the
Wind Colour fans reacting in a big manner?”
Yan Ruiwen glanced at Li Cangyu. His expression was a bit awkward and he hesitated to
open his mouth.
Ling Xuefeng told him, “Cat God isn’t an outsider. You can say it.”
“Yes.” Yan Ruiwen coughed and explained, “Many fans still don’t believe the two of you are
together. Most of them are in a wait and see state. Some more radical fans are filling the
Wind Colour team’s official website…”
As he said this, Yan Ruiwen stopped and glanced at Cat God’s face in the mirror. The man’s
face didn’t show the slightest embarrassment and he was very calm. He was worthy of
being the captain of the national team. He was used to big waves and this rumour didn’t
have a drastic effect on him.
During the holiday, the two people had a lot of courage because they were abroad. They
didn’t avoid the eyes of other tourists. In particularly, they did many kssing actions when
sunbathing on the beach in the afternoon. Discerning people knew they weren’t related and
most people guessed their relationship.
Li Cangyu wasn’t worried about this. He didn’t kill or set fire to anything. He didn’t do
anything wrong. He was just in a relationship with someone he loved. Besides, they weren’t
stars in the entertainment circle who relied on popularity to eat. The personal impact of
their romance being exposed wasn’t big. The key was the team.
Ling Xuefeng’s thoughts were the same. The two people exchanged a look and Ling Xuefeng
gently held Li Cangyu’s hand. “It’s fine, I will face it with you. If the reporters are too much
then we will admit it.”
Li Cangyu nodded. “Yes.”
Qin Mo’s mood was very complicated as he listened from the front seat. The holiday passed
and Master got together with Cat God? Or had they secretly been together a long time ago?
Thinking carefully, the latter was more likely. Since Cat God’s return, Master had changed.
He sent Xiao Han to Qin Mo as a sparring partner and the usually serious and tough man
would always listen to Cat God. This was the reason why Cat God stood at the top of the
food chain!
Qin Mo had a feeling of dawning realization.
He looked at the two people sitting next to each other and holding hands, only having each
other in their eyes and not caring about the two big light bulbs that were Vice-Captain Yan
and Qin Mo. Qin Mo felt a bit awkward but… the two of them really matched.
Yan Ruiwen drove Ling Xuefeng back to his home in Shanghai. This was the first time Qin
Mo came to Master’s house but Cat God was familiar with it and had clearly been here more
than once.
Ling Xuefeng invited the two men in. Yan Ruiwen seemed to have expected this while Qin
Mo was flattered. He followed Master into the living room and had just sat down when he
heard Ling Xuefeng say, “I called you in here because I have something to tell you. I plan to
officially retire next season.”
Qin Mo looked up with surprise. “Master, you want to retire?”
Yan Ruiwen was calm. “You have already thought about it, right?”
“Yes.” Ling Xuefeng explained, “I’ve thought about it for a long time and it isn’t a whim.
After this Spring Festival, I will be 26 years old and it is time to leave the league. The overall
configuration of the Wind Colour team is very mature. Even if I retire, there is the double
summoner team of Qin Mo and Xu Feifan while you and Guo Xuan are still young. The
team’s lineup doesn’t need to change very much and I am reassured that you will take care
of the Wind Colour team.”
Yan Ruiwen nodded. “I will support Captain’s decision.”
After all, Qin Mo was still young. He couldn’t accept this fact for a while and his eyes were a
bit red.
Ling Xuefeng glanced at his apprentice and spoke softly, “Qin Mo, you have been growing
up under my protection but people who depend on their masters won’t have too much to
offer. In the past, Xu Luo and Song Yang retired and there is no Tan Shitian and Su
Guangmo. Master hopes that one day, you will become a true first-class player.”
“I-I know.” Qin Mo’s voice was a bit choked up. In fact, he always had a feeling that Master
would leave after the World Competition but he didn’t think about it too carefully. He didn’t
expect this day to come so quickly and was at a bit of a loss.
Li Cangyu saw this little one’s red eyes and couldn’t help walking over to touch his head.
“Don’t be too sad. You are only 18 years old and your road is still long. Your master can’t
cover you all the time. There is a day when you will have to rely on yourself.”
Qin Mo nodded with red eyes.
“I’ll take to the manager later. Once I retire, Vice-Captain Yan will take over as captain.”
Ling Xuefeng glanced at Yan Ruiwen. “You are familiar with the captains of the major teams
and I will hand Wind Colour over to you. As for the vice-captain… Qin Mo is still young. He
can start as vice-captain and slowly learn.”
“Me?” Qin Mo was a bit surprised. He couldn’t believe that Master would make him the vice-
captain. He was a young player and Guo Xuan and Xu Feifan were obviously older and more
“Yes, it is you.” Ling Xuefeng saw his apprentice’s doubts and spoke firmly, “Your talent
hasn’t been fully awakened and your room for progress is very larger. You should learn
from your predecessors and being vice-captain is also a type of experience.”
“I know.” Qin Mo gazed at his master in a serious manner. “I will study hard.”
His master valued him so much that he naturally couldn’t let his master down.
As Cat God said, he was only 18 years old and his road was still long. He couldn’t always
hide under Master’s protection. One day, he would grow up and he needed to solve all
difficulties on his own.
Ling Xuefeng smiled slightly and patted Qin Mo’s shoulder. “Refuel.”
Compared to the calm Wind Colour team, the Canglan team was like an exploded pot.
The moment Li Cangyu returned to the club, he was stopped by Gu Siming. The boy’s eyes
were wide and curious as he asked, “Cat God, did you really go to the Maldives with Captain
“Yes.” Li Cangyu honestly admitted it. Gu Siming kept on wanting to ask questions but was
interrupted by Li Cangyu. “Call everyone to the meeting room.”
It was only after all the players were gathered that he announced his retirement.
To make matters worse, Bai Xuan also said he didn’t want to continue playing the game. Gu
Siming was crying while Li Xiaojiang lowered his head and didn’t speak. However, Zhuo
Hang and Xiao Han were calm.
Zhuo Hang was calm because he already guessed this point. Cat God’s return to Miracle was
only for one season. There weren’t many old players in the e-sports circle and Cat God
persisted until now. It wasn’t easy to lead the national team to win the World Competition
and it was the end of his career.
The reason why Xiao Han was calm was because Qin Mo had privately told him that their
two masters were leaving and he was fully prepared.
Li Cangyu asked, “What about Old Zhang?”
Zhang Jueming laughed. “I am older than the two of you. Going back to my studio is more
This was literally a blow. Three out of the eight team members were leaving at once…
Originally, Xie Shurong had been holding onto Vice-Captain Bai but now he was the oldest
on the team. It wasn’t appropriate for him to act spoiled. The teenagers didn’t speak and it
was up to Xie Shurong to break the awkward atmosphere. “It is normal for teams to change
between old and new players. Since the three of them have made plans, we shouldn’t stop
them. Don’t be too depressed. Cat God should have a plan.” He glanced back at Li Cangyu
and asked, “Cat God, I think you should have a plan for what comes next?”
“Yes, the captain will be Ah Shu. You are the oldest and have played abroad. Your
competition experience is very rich and I believe you can bring Canglan up. As for the other
players, I have already spoken to Liu Chuan and he will pick a few talented newcomers
from the training camp.”
“No problem.” Xie Shurong promised. “I will do my best to lead the team well.”
Li Cangyu nodded and patted Gu Siming and Li Xiaojiang’s head. “Don’t cry. I have retired
but that doesn’t mean I am leaving the club. I will continue to stay and watch your training.”
This reassuring sentence made them feel a lot better.
Gu Siming raised his head. “Then Cat God will stay as a coach?”
Li Xiaojiang also looked at Li Cangyu with red eyes. “Really, really continue to stay?”
“Of course,” Li Cangyu smiled.
“I will also come over often.” Zhang Jueming laughed heartily. “My studio is running
smoothly so call me whenever you need me.”
“I’ll stay as well.” Bai Xuan smiled gently. “I plan to settle in Changsha in the future. I can
come to see you at any time and will cook for you when I’m free.” In fact, he had another
reason for staying. He was reluctant to leave Xie Shurong.
Xie Shurong glanced at him and smiled, causing Bai Xuan to look away with a bit of
Li Cangyu looked at Zhuo Hang. “The vice-captain will be Zhuo Hang.”
Zhuo Hang was startled before his senses returned and he replied seriously, “Rest assured
Cat God. I will work with Brother Shu and study hard. If I don’t understand anything then I
will ask you.”
Li Cangyu smiled. “Yes, that’s good.”
This teenager still looked a bit immature but he was committed.
The reason for giving it to Zhuo Hang was because Zhuo Hang was calmer in front of his
reporters and his progress in his season was obvious to all. Xiao Han was very talented in
the game but his Chinese standards were a bit worrying. Let him adapt for a while and once
Ah Shu retired in the future, Xiao Han would directly serve as the captain.
However, Li Cangyu couldn’t predict a few years later. He could only make the best
arrangements now.
The atmosphere in the meeting room was heavy but in the afternoon, Li Cangyu brought
them good news. Liu Chuan had carefully selected three talented newcomers from the
training camp. They happened to be a summoner, healer and assistant.
Liu Chuan obviously had long-term vision and expected Li Cangyu, Bai Xuan and Zhang
Jueming to retire at the end of the season. After all, they only signed for one year. Liu Chuan
had prepared the candidates to replace them in advance.
The three teenagers were all around 18 years old. Along with Gu Siming, Xiao Han, Zhuo
Hang and Li Xiaojiang, Ah Shu would have a hard time playing with many players. However,
once they grew up, Canglan would be able to maintain the status of a strong team for a long
time in the future.
A team of all young people might lack experience but they could last for a long time.
Liu Chuan’s goal of entering Miracle had a perfect start. Li Cangyu’s dream of winning the
championship had also been fulfilled. From the time of the initial cooperation, Li Cangyu
knew they would be strong together and wouldn’t be defeated.
Li Cangyu watched the young and energetic people in the training room and smiled happily.

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GLS: Chapter 393

Chapter 393 – Working Together for a Lifetime (5)

The eighth season soon started. Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng didn’t give any response to the
Maldives incident. Both of them performed calmly like this never happened.
The gossip crowd were curious but were unsure if they were lovers or not. However, most
news on the Internet was only hot for a few days. People’s attention was quickly dispersed
and the two people’s cold treatment method calmed down the storm. The fans’ attention
turned to the upcoming eighth season of the Miracle League.
Then everyone was surprised to find that Bai Xuan and Zhang Jueming were missing from
the list of Canglan members.
Bai Xuan gently wrote on Weibo that he had decided to leave the Miracle League and had
found a translating job in Changsha. He hoped everyone could understand. This post
received many blessings and everyone could understand his decision to retire. After all, he
was in poor health.
Zhang Jueming said he would continue to operate the studio and advertised his studio,
calling on office workers who had no time to raise their characters to call his number. The
fans laughed while also feeling distressed. Zhang Jueming was 28 this year and it was a
rational choice to leave Miracle.
The departure of Vice-Captain Bai and Old Zhang made everyone feel sad but fortunately, Li
Cangyu’s name was still among the list of team members. Li Cangyu also participated in the
pre-season preparatory meeting as the captain. The new vice-captain Xiao Han, Xiao Han,
Zhuo Hang, Li Xiaojiang, Gu Siming were in the starting lineup and they also brought three
Similarly, Ling Xuefeng of Wind Colour added two newcomers to the list and was obviously
raising new people.
It seemed that the Maldives scandal didn’t affect the two great gods and the fans let go of
their worries.
This season, there were many member changes to the teams and the final winner was
However, many people thought it was impossible for Canglan to regain the championship
and many reporters raised this issue with Li Cangyu at the pre-match conference. LI
Cangyu performed very calmly. “The goal of this season isn’t to take the championship
again. It is to successfully complete the exchange of old and new.”
A reporter asked, “About the Maldives incident, Cat God and Captain Ling have chosen to be
silent. Can we understand that this silence is a default agreement?”
Li Cangyu smiled. “I won’t answer this question because I want the focus to be on the
“What if Wind Colour and Canglan fight each other. Will your state be affected because of
personal matters?”
At the same time, Ling Xuefeng was also asked this question and his answer was the same
as Li Cangyu. “No.”
Fans had confidence in the two captains. Although they didn’t personally admit or deny the
relationship, since the two people didn’t want to mention this matter, it wasn’t easy for
anyone to force them to respond.
Shortly after the opening of the season, Wind Colour and Shanghai had their first match
against each other. It was Wind Colour’s home game in Shanghai.
Strangely enough, Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng didn’t appear in the entire match. Canglan
had Xie Shurong as the commander and Wind Colour served as command.
The few newcomers in Canglan made some mistakes and the Wind Colour eventually relied
on the home map advantage to win. The reporters were very puzzled about why the two
captains didn’t appear and rushed to ask questions after the game. Li Cangyu and Ling
Xuefeng responded, “It was in order to give newcomers more opportunities.
Only Nan Jiangang, chairman of the league, knew that Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had
actually submitted their applications for retirement.
Chairman Nan felt very sorry when he saw the two applications that were handed in at the
same time but he knew that the careers of the two talented players had reached the most
successful result. The reason they applied for retirement after the start of the season was
because they wanted to raise the new players in the team as their last responsibility for the
The first round of the regular season was carried out in an orderly manner. The newcomers
in the Canglan team made rapid progress under Li Cangyu’s training. The new lineup of the
double summoners composed of Qin Mo and Xu Feifan also stabilized in the Wind Colour
In the blink of an eye, it was the mid-season holiday and Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng’s
application for retiring was approved by the league. The two people announced their
official retirement on Weibo on the same day. The captain of Wind Colour became Xie
Shurong while vice-captain was Zhuo Hang. In Wind Colour, it was Yan Ruiwen and Qin Mo.
The news made it difficult for fans to accept and they left messages trying to keep the two
great gods.
Li Cangyu patiently explained, “Retirement is a decision I made a long time ago. The reason
I have dragged it out to the present is because I was worried about the handover of the
team. Now the new generation of the team has matured and I believe Ah Shu and Zhuo
Hang can lead the new time. Retiring means I am no longer playing the game. I will
continue being a coach of Canglan.”
He explained it clearly and the last sentence made the fans feel at ease. Cat God might not
be playing the game but he was still in Canglan! After all, it was the team he had formed.
After many twists and turns, he would continue to guard the team behind the scenes. Fans
also believed that this man would never watch the team fall. As long as the teenagers could
be trained as soon as possible, Canglan was still a daunting first-class team.
Compared to this, Ling Xuefeng’s response was simple. “A seven and a half year e-sports
player has achieved all his personal goals and it is time to leave. Treasure it.”
He didn’t say he would continue as Wind Colour’s coach and it seemed he had completely
left Wind Colour. Of course, Wind Colour’s situation was different from Canglan. The lineup
didn’t change much after he left and there were many old players. He was obviously very
confident about the future of Wind Colour.
Both people had a calm attitude when retiring because they had a better plan for the future.
For them, they had spent seven and a half years as an e-sports player and experienced
bitterness and sweetness. Now they retired with no regrets. Moreover, no longer playing
the game meant they had more time to accompany each other. They could make up for the
shortcomings of not being able to meet.
They wanted to spend more time together.
For the next few days of the holidays, the screen was completely about Cat God and Captain
Ling’s retirement. The club’s door was full of reporters but the two captains weren’t seen. It
seemed they left in secret before announcing their retirement.
A reporter intercepted the new captain Xie Shurong and asked him a question.
Ah Shu smiled. “I don’t know where Cat God went. I don’t know where Captain Ling went. I
don’t even know the relationship between Cat God and Captain Ling.”
Ah Shu’s ‘I don’t know’ made the reporters very helpless. This person’s skin was too thick
and he was invulnerable. It would be difficult to interview Canglan’s new captain in the
On the Wind Colour side, Yan Ruiwen smiled in a good-natured manner. “Sorry, it is an
issue of privacy and isn’t convenient to disclose.”
The messages on Weibo broke through six figures while Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng
seemed to have evaporated from the world. There was no news everywhere.
It wasn’t until three days later that Ling Xuefeng and Li Cangyu’s Weibo finally updated.
Li Cangyu’s Weibo had a photo of a pair of rings and two marriage certificates.
It was a marriage certificate in English and the two of them overlapped. There was a
solemn and sacred church in the background.
The platinum gold men’s ring was simple and generous and were worn on the ring finger of
the two people. The two hands were slender and powerful as they held each other while
the photo was taken.
It was accompanied by a sentence: As an e-sports player, winning the championship has
already fulfilled my dream. As a man, being able to find the person you like is the best
destination. I am very happy, thank you.”
Ling Xuefeng forwarded this Weibo post in seconds and also briefly wrote: I love you and
am willing to work together with you for a lifetime. There will never be a negative phase.
If Li Cangyu’s Weibo made people unsure who he married, Ling Xuefeng publicly advertised
it by forwarding it on Weibo. This practice of ‘declaring his sovereignty’ made people
The two great gods who suddenly disappeared actually went to a foreign country to get
This wasn’t simply responding to a dead person, it was scaring them to death!
No wonder why they didn’t pay attention to the previous rumours. They had long thought
about what they should do.
There was no need to talk nonsense. The pair of rings and two marriage certificates were
enough to prove they were each other’s love.
There was nothing as persuasive as the marriage certificates that Li Cangyu posted.
This made people think of when Cat God teamed up with Captain Ling to use their big
moves in the arena. At the time, the big moves dropped their opponent in seconds. The two
people always dealt a blow like this.
Many contestants in the e-sports circle forwarded the Weibo to express congratulations.
Cheng Wei was somewhat unhappy and wrote: Cat God is actually married. You must be
good to Cat God in the future or I will go to the United States and kill you!
Tan Shitian forwarded it and said: Rest assured, Captain Ling doesn’t dare bully Cat God.
However, he has to practice his technique of cooking fish again ^_^
Su Guangmo: The two people really match [Thumbs up].
Zhang Shaohui: Hahaha, Captain Ling looks very upright. I can’t see him as a couple with
Cat God at all!
Lou Wushuang: What do you see?
Bai Xuan: Congratulations, please send candy when you come back.
Xie Shurong: Let’s line up for candy, is there a variety of flavours?
Qin Mo: Master, happy wedding.
Xiao Han: Forward Weibo, enjoy together.
Qin Mo: That’s not how you use ‘enjoy together’!
This Weibo was forwarded many times and the number of comments was comparable to
the official announcement when China won the World Competition. It could be seen that
Ling Cat publicly announcing their marriage caused a sensation in the Miracle League.
However, the owners of the incident had already put away their phones. They were
standing in front of a church on the other side of the world and staring at each other like
they only had each other.
Li Cangyu wondered, “Is there anything else you want to say?”
Ling Xuefeng’s eyes were gentle. “I have already said it when I took the oath at the church. I
love you and want to spend a lifetime with you.”
Li Cangyu sighed. “A lifetime. Ah, I don’t know how many years we can live.” He paused
before saying earnestly, “Still, I feel at ease when I think about being around you in the
Ling Xuefeng nodded. “Me too.”
The two men smiled and gently hugged each other.
Over the years, they had spent too much energy on the game and had no time to spend it
with the people around them.
Now they reached the top of the world, won the championship and made a name for
themselves. In the following days, they would spend time with the person they loved. This
was a great thing.
After the first round of the regular season in the eighth season, the captains of Wind Colour
and Canglan announced their retirement and marriage on Weibo. This news filled up the
headlines of big e-sports websites in the following period.
Then the first second round of the regular season started and the audience’s attention was
drawn to the events of the major teams.
It could be said that Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng announced their marriage at the right
timing. They chose to do it during the holiday to reduce the impact of this incident on the
Miracle League’s official events.
After a full two rounds, the rankings of the major teams fluctuated. The status of Flying
Feathers, Time and Ghost Spirits was the most stable and they won the championship,
second place and third place. The performance of Wind Colour and Canglan were affected
by their captain’s retirement but the growth of the newcomers was very fast. The fans were
looking forward to their future.
The captain of the second national team was Su Guangmo and the vice-captain was Tan
The old team members such as Lou Zhang, Yan Guo, Chu Yan, Zhu Qingyue and other
masters were successfully selected for the national team. Qin Mo, Xiao Han and Zhuo Hang,
the newcomers who participated in the previous session were undoubtedly selected.
Surprisingly, the snail Xiaojiang and the madman Gu also became members of the national
Unlike the previous veterans who played as the main force, this national team has many
new faces. The average age was three years lower than the previous year. Fans were happy
about this because it meant that the Miracle League had more broad development
Unlike the previous season, the China team didn’t play the same crushing situation in the
first group stage. It was probably because there were too many newcomers. The first group
stage match was lost and the latter two games were extremely difficult to win. They finally
won a qualifying place by placing second in the group.
In the quarter finals, they lost two and won three, making the audience nervous and almost
suffering from heart attacks.
The semi finals were a draw and the deciding game was won in a thrilling manner!
To the surprise of the domestic audience, the national team won the championship again!
Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng had led the team to win the first gold medal. Then Su Guangmo
and Tan Shitian led the team to successfully defend their title. This was the most brilliant
era of the Chinese Miracle League!
This day was a carnival for many Miracle fans. Fans who came from afar were cheering
excitedly and couldn’t bear to leave. The players of the national team were also crying with
Then the domestic audience was surprised to find that as the cameraman moved the
camera over to the audience, two long-lost gods could be seen. They were Li Cangyu and
Ling Xuefeng.
The two people were sitting together as they watched the younger generation finish
playing on the big stage. Ling Xuefeng still looked serious and his handsome face was like a
statue while Li Cangyu had a straightforward smile. Looking closer, their hands were
tightly held together.
Their presence reminded the audience of the First World Competition. In the finals, Li
Cangyu gave the opportunity to the new generation captains like Tan Shitian and Su
Guangmo while letting everyone play. At the time, many people didn’t understand their
intentions but now they did.
This man was thinking of the long future.
Perhaps from the moment Li Cangyu became the captain of the national team, he was ready
to retire. Over the course of the entire World Competition, he tried his best to give
commanding opportunities to Su, Tan and Lou. After he left, the national team would have
successors. The national team might be immature this year but Su Guangmo, Tan Shitian
and Lou Wushuang could already stand alone. It might be hard when facing the old rivals of
South Korea and the United States but they finally found surprising ways to win.
Li Cangyu had laid the most solid foundation for all of this.
Many people who weren’t fans of Cat God finally understood that even if this man retired
and married another man, he was still respected by the players in the e-sports circle.
No one said anything bad about him. Every time the players mentioned Cat God, they
expressed admiration that came from their heart. It was because he not only won a world
competition but created an era.
They might’ve already retired behind the scenes but the appearance of Li Cangyu and Ling
Xuefeng still received warm applause from the audience.
Commentator Yu Bing was so excited that she almost choked up. “We can see that Cat God
and Captain Ling came to the venue today! It has been a long time since we’ve seen them!
After the two gods retired, they must’ve been very good. Looking at Cat God’s face, he
seems a bit fatter?”
Kou Hongyi smiled. “The level of the fish cooked by Captain Ling is said to be comparable to
a five star hotel. Cat God eats fish every day and doesn’t have to work hard to lead the
game. He is a little chubbier than before but he is still very handsome!”
Since retiring, no reporters dared to interfere with their daily lives. They only occasionally
appeared at some major events and tried to keep a low profile.
For example, today after being captured by the camera, Li Cangyu just smiled before
turning away with Ling Xuefeng. It was because he didn’t want to take up too many
attention. The honor at this time should belong to the younger generation.
He left the venue with Ling Xuefeng.
There were many legends about them in the Miracle League but people only knew they
were doing very well.
In their lives, there were no shadows about the field. All that remained was the happiness
and tranquillity of working together for a lifetime.
-【 The End 】-

There is one short extra next that is amusing and is a type of promotion for the author’s
current work, which is set in an interstellar future and is about a card game. The characters
of the author’s e-sports trilogy were made into card characters. Thus, it contains slight
spoilers for books 1 & 3 in the trilogy.
As stated before this is the second book in the trilogy and my favourite. I have no intention
of translating the first and third books. Fortunately, the third book has been picked up by
someone, although there are only are a few chapters left. The third book is the story about
Qin Mo and Xiao Han and many characters from the first and second books show up,
including our Li Cangyu and Ling Xuefeng. Please check out the links below.
I am pleased to have finished translating this and hope everyone enjoyed it. The
combination of gaming, BL and Li Cangyu’s personality made this an instant favourite for
News about my next work will come out in a few days so keep an eye on the front page for
Third Novel: King’s Return
Author’s Newest Novel : Master of Star Trading Card Game

GLS: Chapter 394

If the Characters Were Made into a Card
[Star Card Master X E-Sports Gods Series Linkage]

If the characters were made into a card:

There are many distinctive characters in the e-sports trilogy, the Strongest God, God Level
Summoner and the King’s Return. If they one day became battle cards in the Star Card
Master game, what type of skills will they have.
Thus, a number of character gods were designed.
The first is naturally the biggest winner of the male gods series, Liu Chuan.
In the beginning, he led the Dragon Song team to win the championship and created the
Dragon Song e-sports club. After signing Li Cangyu, Cat God led the team to fight the great
gods in the professional league. After winning the domestic championship, they also won
the world championship. As a result, Cat God’s apprentice and Qin Mo emerged and signed
to the Dragon Song Club.
Liu Chuan smiled and said: It doesn’t matter what you do, the championship belongs to my
Everyone: Get out of here!
[Liu Chuan
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: Taunt with your face (Liu Chuan smiles and taunts all hostile targets in range to
attack himself).
Skill 2: Invincible mouth (Liu Chuan enters a rapid fire mouth gun mode, attacking enemy
players in range and causing 300% sonic damage to the targets).
Skill 3: The ultimate winner (Liu takes out the championship trophies of the three teams
Dragon Song, Canglan and Mojue. The golden light of the trophies illuminates the whole
game, improving the combat power of allies by 200% and increasing the hatred of all
enemy forces by 500%).
After the card production was finished, Liu Chuan was very confused. “I like the ultimate
winner skill but why does it increase the enemy’s hatred?”
Everyone else, “What did you say?”
Liu Chuan spoke innocently, “Perhaps my Dragon Song Club is a treasure land of feng shui.
Every team that enters or club are champions. Ah, we won too many prizes and there is
almost no place left to leave the trophies.”
Everyone, “…Join forces to destroy him!”]
Liu Chuan came out so there naturally needs to be his CP, Wu Zewen.
[Wu Zewen
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: School tyrant’s database (automatically analyze all card data on the field and
generate the best attack scenario).
Skill 2: Map expert (if the field map is complex, Wu Zewen can automatically find the best
attack location).
Skill 3: Pets with 10,000 poisons (summons snakes, spiders and other poisonous pets to
cause 300% group damage to targets within range).
Wu Zewen pushed up his glasses and said, “If you need me to design a 3D labyrinth for the
game, you can ask me to work part-time.”
The school tyrant would never refuse part-time work to make money.]
Next is the protagonist of God Level Summoner, LI Cangyu.
Cat God is an upright Cat God. He isn’t as shameless as Liu Chuan and wasn’t contaminated
by the shameless toxins of the Dragon Song Club. After experiencing a downturn in the
Wulin period, Cat God returned to Miracle to stop the gods. He used the protagonist mode
to go all the world to the World Competition, winning it.
The upright Cat God has card skills that are slightly less upright.
[Li Cangyu
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: Loves to eat fish (if there are fish on the field, Li Cangyu’s basic combat power will
increase by 300% after eating fish).
Skill 2: National team captain (Li Cangyu has an impact on all cards from the Miracle
Professional League and will absorb 10% of the attack power of the Miracle League’s
national team character cards.)
Skill 3: Cataclysm (Summons the water, fire, wind and thunder spirits and instantly explode
them, inflicting 300% group damage to all targets in range).
Li Cangyu smiled. “The skill of eating fish is designed very well. If you feed me more fish,
my combat effectiveness can double again.”
Ling Xuefeng, “Of course, I have to feed you.”]
[Ling Xuefeng
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: Fish expert (Can make steamed bass, braised fish, squirrel mandarin fish, west lake
vinegar fish and other fish dishes. If the game has the Li Cangyu card on the field, feed Li
Cangyu to increase his combat effectiveness. If there is no Li Cangyu card, throw the fish to
attack the opponent).
Skill 2: Ling Xuefeng’s gaze (if the opponent as the Qin Mo card, stare at Qin Mo and made
Qin Mo enter the ‘Master is watching me’ fear state and he will take the initiative to
surrender. If there is no Qin Mo, stare at the designated opponent and the opponent will fall
into a weakened state and be unable to attack).
Skill 3: Demon God’s rage (summon the skeleton infantry, banshee and other demon pets
and instantly explode them, causing 300% group damage to all enemies in range).
Ling Xuefeng spoke calmly, “Cat God’s fish has been contracted by me and I intend to open a
fish store for him. As for Qin Mo, don’t be afraid of me.”
Qin Mo, “…”
Being afraid of his master was a conditioned reflex and he couldn’t get rid of it.]
Finally, the protagonist of the third book, King’s Return.
[Qin Mo
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: Proud summoner (transform to the 16 year old Qin Mo and enter the proud state.
Combat power will increase by 300%, defense will be reduced by 10%. Vampire bats will
be summoned to attack all targets in range, causing blood-sucking group damage).
Skill 2: Calm swordsman (transform to the 21 year old Qin Mo. Attack and defense will be
balanced. Summon a large number of sword rain and cause physical damage to all targets
within range).
Skill 3: Top of the food chain (when encountering Xiao Han, Qin Mo is at the top of the food
chain and can give instructions to Xiao Han).
Qin Mo asked, “Can I instruct Xiao Han to block my master’s gaze?”
Xiao Han smiled. “Of course, if my wife says so.”
Qin Mo, “Don’t use words indiscriminately. Who is your wife?”
Xiao Han, “Good husband.”
Qin Mo, “…….”
Then what skills should Xiao Han’s card have?
Xiao Han
Card Level: 70
Evolution Star: ★★★★★★★
Skill 1: Mixed race child’s misunderstanding (transform into a young version of Xiao Han
and attack enemies with chaotic idioms).
Skill 2: Stealth pursuit (in an invisible state, strike the specified target with the dagger and
deal 500% critical damage).
Skill 3: Bottom of the food chain (when encountering Li Cangyu, follow Master’s
instructions. When encountering Qin Mo, follow Qin Mo’s instructions. When encountering
Ling Xuefeng, actively blocked Ling Xuefeng who is staring at Qin Mo.)
Xiao Han, “Who should I listen to at the bottom of the food chain?”
Li Cangyu asked, “If I have a dispute with Qin Mo one day, will you help Master or Xiao Mo?”
Xiao Han, “…”
This was simply a difficult question.
The mixed-race child thought for a moment before answering, “Master is God Ling’s lover
and Qin Mo is my lover. I will help Qin Mo while God Ling will help Master.”
Li Cangyu, “…”
A perfect answer!]

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